[ "\nSeguro\nMadam President, last month, Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the kidnapping of eight Portuguese citizens by the LFEC. ", "Yesterday, the LFEC released one of those hostages and I should like to welcome this positive gesture by the LFEC and call for it to be followed by seven more positive gestures, in other words, for the remaining seven Portuguese hostages to be released.", "\nWe condemn hostage taking as a form of political action and I wish to emphasise this once again now. ", "I would like you, Madam President, to act on our behalf in the following initiative: given that the Portuguese hostage who has just been released is in quite a poor state of health, we request that you ask the LFEC to give an international organisation, namely the Red Cross, immediate access to the seven remaining Portuguese citizens, who are still being held hostage in the enclave of Cabinda, in order to assess their state of health.", "\n\nPresident\nAs you know, Mr Seguro, I did take action and I am keeping a very close eye on the situation. ", "I shall do as you have just suggested.", "\n\nStatement by the President\nPresident\nRegarding the election of the Vice-President, which is scheduled to take place during today' s voting time, I can inform you that the Group of the Party of European Socialists has proposed Mrs Lalumière as a candidate.", "\n\nOutcome of the European Council of 23/24 March 2001 in Stockholm including the situation in the Middle East\nPresident\nThe next item is the report by the European Council and the statement by the Commission on the outcome of the European Council of 23 and 24 March in Stockholm, including the situation in the Middle East.", "\n\nPersson\nMadam President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, I would like to give my and the presidency' s picture of the summit in Stockholm. ", "The meeting comprised two parts; firstly, a follow-up to the Lisbon Process and secondly, discussions on the Union' s foreign relations. ", "There was also a brief discussion of agricultural policy. ", "I will begin by commenting on the Lisbon Process.", "\nThe summit in Lisbon provided a powerful direction for the Union in creating a competitive, world-leading, dynamic economy with social cohesion. ", "At the summit in Stockholm, we added four different areas to the Lisbon Process. ", "The first concerns demographic development in Europe which will have a major impact on the social agenda which must be formulated for Europe. ", "This demographic challenge will gradually bring with it anxiety regarding national finances and a lack of labour. ", "Rising to this challenge is a joint necessity for all fifteen Member States. ", "Much work will be required, particularly in the social sphere. ", "This can also be linked to the social agenda which the French Presidency so successfully launched in Nice. ", "The demographic issues will therefore be added to the Lisbon Process.", "\nSecondly: biotechnology. ", "In Lisbon the emphasis was on information technology. ", "We do not wish to drop this - it will continue to be important - but we must also add biotechnology if we are to be an area and a part of the world at the forefront of economic development. ", "This question must therefore also become a priority issue for the Union. ", "We must not flinch at the difficult moral and ethical issues linked to this technology. ", "Our discussions must address these too.", "\nThe third point we are adding is that we wish to see a link between social development, financial development and ecological development. ", "That is to say, we cannot have sustainable social cohesion or lasting financial growth if these are not also based upon ecologically balanced social development.", "\nThe fourth point we are adding is for the candidate countries to also take part in the Lisbon Process in the future.", "\nThese four elements are thus being added but the Lisbon Process is, of course, just a process, a development. ", "It is therefore important for us to realise that we will not achieve everything in terms of the social agenda and economic liberalisation all at once. ", "This will have to take place gradually. ", "The guidelines have been set and have once more been confirmed by the European Council in Stockholm. ", "Our focus is full employment and active welfare states.", "\nWith regard to economic liberalisation we took a further step forward in Stockholm. ", "It did not extend as far as the Swedish Presidency would have wished but definite steps were taken in the right direction.", "\nThe first issue is the creation of an internal European market for financial services. ", "The first Ecofin meeting in Stockholm was a major breakthrough in the area of financial services and risk capital, which was then confirmed in conjunction with the meeting of the European Council.", "\nWe also agreed to proceed further on the directive on postal services. ", "We also agreed that we will abolish the monopoly and open the gas and electricity markets to competition. ", "It is true that we did not achieve the timetable we had hoped for, but this will take place and we emphasise our desire to go down this route. ", "The European Council saw intense debate on the following: If certain Member States open up their gas and electricity markets to competition, will this, in the long term, result in an impossible situation should other Member States refrain from doing so. ", "Should this be the case, we will gradually end up in a situation in which certain companies in monopoly markets are creating profits which will then be used in marketing offensives in other countries which have opened up their markets. ", "This will build in tension in the Union which will be difficult to deal with. ", "It is therefore important that we proceed with the deregulation of the gas and electricity markets as we have proposed in principle, but it must also proceed according to schedule.", "\nThe question of European airspace will once more be addressed in Gothenburg in June. ", "We have made progress in this discussion and in this field, too, I am hopeful that we will have reached an agreement on the single European sky before the Swedish Presidency is over.", "\nIn the field of finance we will also achieve implementation of the directive on the internal market in national legislation such that 98.5 percent of the directive will be adopted before 2002.", "\nWe will also start a new WTO round. ", "We have emphasised the importance of making all the work linked to eEurope more secure. ", "We also said in Stockholm that we will proceed with the Galileo project. ", "This is important. ", "There are still certain things which need to be clarified, for example concerning finance, but we consider this a socially beneficial project which must be carried out and as quickly as possible. ", "Our transport ministers will be discussing the issue further tomorrow.", "\nWe also decided that the distorting state aids in the internal market must be reduced by 2003 at the latest. ", "A scoreboard is to be set up for this and made available for all.", "\nThis is primarily what was addressed in the discussions on economic issues in Stockholm. ", "As I said earlier, it is a step in the right direction but not as far as we would like to get. ", "This is a process and the direction in which the process is going is incontrovertible. ", "It is that aspect of the Lisbon Process that concerns the economy.", "\nThe second aspect of the process is the social agenda. ", "The Europe which is developing is not a Europe which can only be built by deregulating markets. ", "Instead, there must also be an expression of political will to distribute the growing welfare available in Europe in a fair manner so that our citizens can live a rich life. ", "Achieving a balance between economic liberalisation and social responsibility in the conclusions of the meeting in Stockholm has been an aim on the part of the Swedish Presidency.", "\nIn terms of the social aspect, a new goal for employment has been set: it is primarily important that we concentrate on those aged over 55 in the European labour force. ", "By the year 2010, 50 percent of this group must be employed, compared with the present 38 percent. ", "We have a new intermediate target for the general employment rate in 2005, namely 67 percent overall and 57 percent for women.", "\nBy 2052 we are to have sufficient childcare in Europe to contribute to a social agenda which will enable young men and women to combine responsibility for a professional career with responsibility for the family and children.", "\nIn terms of equal opportunities we seek to create not only a social Europe but also a modern Europe. ", "Discriminatory pay differences are to be combated. ", "Indicators for this will therefore be produced to make these differences visible. ", "The Equal Opportunities Directive will be adopted and made more stringent this year, which is also a result of the Stockholm Council.", "\nIn order to create quality in work, whereby people are able to remain longer in their jobs without being forced into early retirement, workplaces need to be developed so that people who are not in complete health or not completely capable can also find a place in the world of work. ", "Moving from a situation of European mass unemployment to a trend which involves a lack of labour, and the question of whether it will be possible to achieve continued economic growth demand that we exploit all the experiences mature, older people have to offer. ", "The quality of workplaces must also be developed. ", "The following issues are important to consider: lifelong learning, equal opportunities between men and women, the way in which we treat all those who have come to Europe in recent years, possibly as refugees, i.e. combating segregation and discrimination in the workplace as well.", "\nIn Gothenburg we will also return to an initial evaluation of European pension systems. ", "Is this something which places a burden on normal wage earners, white collar and blue collar workers, is it just a question of whether one has a secure income on retirement? ", "How can we address European pension systems in a situation where we are seeing fewer and fewer people of working age and more and more pensioners? ", "Within the framework of open coordination this too should be something which we discuss together. ", "We will return to this in Gothenburg.", "\nThe social agenda has thus been developed and in this way these two aspects form a whole: on the one hand, economic liberalisation and modernisation, on the other, social responsibility and solidarity. ", "These come together in a policy which will make Europe the most competitive, dynamic and socially cohesive region in the world. ", "This is our vision.", "\nThat is what was addressed concerning the Lisbon Process at the summit. ", "Alongside the Lisbon Process we discussed foreign relations. ", "This primarily concerned four issues. ", "Firstly, our relations with Russia. ", "President Putin was invited to take part and met the group of 15 Heads of State or Government in face to face discussions. ", "While President Putin was meeting us, foreign minister Ivanov met the foreign ministers. ", "Naturally, we reiterated our concern over the developments in Chechnya and other phenomena in Russian society which we find unacceptable. ", "Our main discussion, however, concerned financial development in Russia and opportunities for economic cooperation between Russia and the European Union.", "\nSome concrete results were achieved: firstly we are opening up opportunities for an EIB loan to Russia. ", "While this is naturally limited, it is a breakthrough in terms of environmental initiatives.", "\nSecondly, we will give Russia all possible support in its preparations for WTO membership. ", "Membership of the WTO will open up the Russian market to fair competition as well as create opportunities for resolving long-standing trade conflicts between EU Member States and Russia. ", "We will give Russia every support in this process.", "\nThirdly, we said that we will actively participate in the upcoming anniversary celebrations in St Petersburg in 2003. ", "St Petersburg is a stunning European city which is once more regaining its former beauty and certainly also its position in European cooperation. ", "This is a clear signal from the European Union that this is also our concern. ", "This was addressed during the discussion with President Putin. ", "I would like to emphasise that discussion primarily focused on financial issues but naturally we repeated our concern over developments in Chechnya.", "\nWe were also visited by President Trajkovski of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, FYROM. ", "He was invited more as a gesture of solidarity. ", "When we, the Heads of State or Government, were meeting, it was natural for us, given the crisis developing in Macedonia at that time, to meet him and express our solidarity, but also to emphasise the importance of the various population groups in FYROM being treated in such a way that they all feel they have a place in society and a right to participate and be present. ", "We also emphasised the importance of avoiding violence, while the foreign ministers were able to present concrete proposals regarding aid. ", "This is part of a Balkan strategy. ", "This April we will have the Stabilisation Agreement with FYROM ready for signing. ", "This will be followed by a similar agreement with Croatia. ", "This shows that the Union is playing a role in the Balkans and that a future is now beginning to dawn also for people living in the Balkans. ", "The President' s visit was an expression of our commitment in the Balkans.", "\nI was also appointed by my colleagues to travel to the Korean peninsula. ", "The background to this is that we wish to express support for the process of reconciliation and détente now under way there. ", "After all, this is the last major conflict remaining from the Cold War and the aftermath of the Second World War causing incredible suffering for those involved and major risks also from a military perspective. ", "If there is anything we can do to speed up the process and support it, this must naturally be our common goal. ", "In this area, too, the Union was able to join forces around shared principles and common involvement in appointing me on behalf of the Union together with Javier Solana and Chris Patten to travel there at some point during the next six months and confer directly with political leaders in both the North and the South about the process, about human rights, about détente and disarmament.", "\nThe fourth foreign policy question which was discussed was the situation in the Middle East, which is ever present in the minds of all politically involved Europeans. ", "The Middle East is our neighbour. ", "We have an enormous responsibility for ensuring that the peace process gets back on its feet. ", "In that sense peace and security cannot be separated. ", "War, conflict and destruction in the Middle East are matters which also affect us. ", "All of us in the Union, whatever country we live in, have a deep personal involvement in this part of the world. ", "The Union' s Member States have excellent bilateral relations with the region and often with both sides of the conflict. ", "On the other hand, the Union has not so far played any major role in taking the initiative towards finding solutions to the conflict or for various types of measure for dealing with the suffering which people in the Middle East are experiencing in their day-to-day lives.", "\nIn Stockholm we asked Javier Solana to report back by the Gothenburg Summit, if not earlier, on how the Union can increase and improve its work in this area, and how the Union can contribute to restarting the peace process - naturally ideally together with the US, but always on the basis of the fact that it is the parties in the conflict which have to make an appeal, a request for participation. ", "It is not inconceivable that such an appeal will come. ", "When it does the Union must also be prepared to take on its responsibility. ", "So these were the four questions on the international agenda - a way of practically, but without a great deal of fuss, expressing a common foreign policy for the Union.", "\nMadam President, naturally we also discussed the situation facing European agriculture. ", "We expressed solidarity with those affected, we expressed faith in the veterinary authorities and the ability of our agriculture ministers to handle the situation, we emphasised the importance of safe food and we said that the European budget in this context is already fixed or locked. ", "In Stockholm, as Heads of State or Government, we were not in a position to debate the question of agricultural policy. ", "We believe that our agriculture ministers have already done so. ", "Preparations are also under way ahead of 2003 for a review of European agricultural policy. ", "In light of this there was no reason for us to hold a major debate but we wish to express solidarity with those affected and, naturally, also show that we are aware that we have agriculture ministers, veterinary authorities and the Commission, who are doing excellent work in this context.", "\nFinally, we also addressed the situation in the climate negotiations. ", "It is unacceptable for any party to pull out of the Kyoto negotiations.", "\n\nThe Kyoto negotiations are the instrument we have for addressing the change in fundamental living conditions that the climate represents. ", "When we see primarily the US sending this signal, as far as we are concerned it is not possible to accept it. ", "Together with the President of the Commission I have written to the US President and expressed our concern. ", "At the moment, the Swedish Environment Minister is in the US together with the Commissioner for the Environment before continuing on to Iran, Japan and China for discussions there. ", "We therefore will be well placed to emphasise the declaration which the European Council adopted in Stockholm as an annex to its conclusions repeating our commitment to the Kyoto Protocol. ", "It is thus this process which we must keep to.", "\nIn brief, that is what was discussed at the Stockholm Summit, a meeting which, in some ways, once more became everyday life for the Union. ", "We addressed issues concerning people in their day-to-day lives. ", "We have had an intensive period with a great deal of internal responsibilities. ", "The French Presidency successfully resolved questions on the future decision making and responsibilities of the Union. ", "Now we are highlighting that perspective again and focusing on things which concern people directly in their day-to-day lives. ", "We did not achieve success in every area but there is no doubt as to the direction in which the Union is moving. ", "That is the way things are when politics are at their best: we compromise, take gradual steps forwards and achieve results. ", "This has also been the ambition of the Swedish Presidency.", "\nFurthermore, I am confident that the Spanish Presidency, which will be addressing this follow-up work next spring, will make further strides. ", "In this way we will create the Union we have dreamed of, a union which is dynamic, successful and which holds together socially. ", "We recognise that we will not survive without taking into account ecological conditions.", "\n(Applause)\n\nProdi\nMadam President, Prime Minister, ladies and gentlemen, when I last addressed this House, it was to present to you the first Commission \"Spring Report\" to the European Council. ", "As you will remember, our report takes stock of Europe's progress in implementing the Economic and Social Agenda agreed upon at Lisbon. ", "The Stockholm Summit was the first summit specifically dedicated to assessing our progress and to setting the priorities for the next 12 months. ", "I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Swedish Prime Minister, Mr Persson, for his firm, calm, enthusiastic chairmanship and organisation of our work at Stockholm. ", "I also greatly appreciated the opportunity he gave us to meet President Putin and to discuss with him the European Union's partnership with Russia. ", "This was a very encouraging meeting and confirmed Russia's strategic role. ", "Indeed, President Putin assured us that Russia and the European Union share common values.", "\nWe, in turn, made it clear that we want to help Russia to fully integrate into our community of values; we want to identify the most appropriate means of cooperation, not only on the economy, the environment and energy, but on defence, security and the safeguarding of democratic rights as well. ", "In this connection, while we welcomed the announcement of another reform programme yesterday, we cannot hide our concern at the way, at the same time, the government is gradually taking control of the television system. ", "As Prime Minister Persson said, the discussions focused primarily on economic reforms in Russia, but the situation in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia received close attention as well. ", "As expected, the European Council assured President Trajkovski of its full support for the territorial integrity of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia but, at the same time, the Union called upon President Trajkovski to take the grievances of the Albanian minority in his country into consideration. ", "In any case, it would be a mistake to allow the current crisis in the FYROM to deflect us from our objective of helping the country integrate more closely with the European Union.", "\nIndeed, we are about to pursue that objective further by signing the first Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. ", "I would like to emphasise that the European Union's credibility depends largely on our ability not just to set political and strategic objectives but also to take swift, effective action on the ground. ", "At the same time, we must strive to bring about long-term stability in the Balkan region, and this means using all the tools available to us to integrate, little by little, the entire region into the European Union. ", "Milosevic's departure from the scene is an important step forwards in this direction, bringing years of war and hatred to an end.", "\nI would now like to move on to the debate on the Economic and Social Agenda taking place in the European Council. ", "I agree with Prime Minister Persson when he says that the mood prevailing among the Heads of State or Government at Stockholm was one of rational optimism. ", "A year ago, at Lisbon, we were still suffering from a sort of inferiority complex before the strength of the US economy.", "\nNow things have changed and we can see that Europe is in a position of strength in three respects. ", "Firstly, the modernisation of our economy is now underway, secondly, we have a Social Agenda aimed at rejigging the European Social Model while preserving its character, and thirdly, we are making every endeavour to achieve sustainable development which will include the environmental dimension.", "\nThe position recently adopted by the United States on the environment is worrying. ", "Our concern is reflected in a joint letter from Prime Minister Persson and myself to President Bush. ", "In any event, Europe must continue to act consistently and must take the lead on this highly important issue.", "\nA month ago, before this House, I stressed the problems of the distribution of labour and social exclusion. ", "It is therefore necessary to step up our efforts to modernise the European Social Model within the framework of the Agenda adopted at Nice.", "\nIn this regard, I must stress once again the need to adopt clearer strategies to tackle the issue of our ageing society. ", "It is with precisely this in mind that the Commission announced its undertaking to issue a Communication on the quality and sustainability of pensions in the light of demographic change. ", "On the basis of these premises, the Commission urged the European Council to commit the Member States to taking action at the very least in six key sectors in which fresh impetus is needed.", "\nFirstly, we still need to improve skills and training in information technology. ", "Last Wednesday, the Commission adopted the eLearning Action Plan, which lays down specific measures on teacher training and partnerships between educational establishments, companies and industries.", "\nSecondly, the Galileo programme. ", "At Stockholm, I outlined the state of play to the European Council, including the fresh undertaking by the private sector to provide immediate funding of EUR 200 million. ", "This means that the Member States no longer have any reason to hesitate. ", "In fact, a clear unanimous political commitment has been made by the Heads of State or Government to implementing this project rapidly. ", "I would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate that beating about the bush is no longer acceptable: a project of such strategic importance for all European citizens for the next 20 years can no longer be held up by squabbles over minor details. ", "Decisions made by Prime Ministers should be implemented by the departmental ministers, who must oversee the practical implementation of projects.", "\n\nThirdly, the financial markets. ", "For some time, the Commission has been arguing for an integrated Europe-wide financial market. ", "We need a regulatory system which makes it possible for us to keep pace with this rapidly changing market. ", "I therefore welcome the fact that the Commission has emphasised the importance of this sector and its enormous potential for both job creation and reducing costs.", "\nAs recommended, a European Securities Committee will be set up, chaired by the Commission. ", "This body will act as a regulatory committee and assist the Commission in decisions regarding the measures to be adopted to implement practically the legislative acts agreed upon between the Council and Parliament in codecision. ", "Thus, together, we will be able to push forward to create an integrated securities market, one of the major pieces missing from our internal market. ", "The Commission will therefore be tabling major proposals in this field before the summer and I call upon this House to act on them without delay. ", "I believe the debate on this should be pursued within the codecision procedure by qualified majority voting.", "\nFourthly, the Community patent. ", "Progress in this field has run up against a number of national concerns ranging from language issues to loss of revenue for the Member States' national patent offices. ", "I have to say that these positions taken up by the Member States seem to run counter to the interests of their own economic operators, who are constantly calling for us to produce a simple, clear, competitively priced Community patent. ", "I sincerely hope that this situation can be resolved. ", "Parliament and the Council must take swift, tangible steps to convert the commitments made in Lisbon into action.", "\nFifthly, the single European sky. ", "As we all know, a whole series of major proposals is currently blocked until Spain and the United Kingdom come to a bilateral agreement on Gibraltar. ", "For its part, the Commission will do all it can to help resolve this problem quickly. ", "Moreover, the two Member States have agreed to resume discussions on the matter.", "\nSixthly, postal services. ", "Postal services are to be deregulated by the end of 2001, and the liberalisation of the energy markets will continue on the basis of the extremely clear, precise proposals we have already tabled.", "\nWith regard to the demographic challenge, the European Council recognised the importance of ensuring the long-term sustainability of public finances, social services, health care and pensions. ", "In any case, sustainability issues will have to be tackled within the framework of a more general European strategy for sustainable development, which will be one of the main focuses of the Gothenburg Summit in June. ", "Moreover, in future, the Commission will incorporate sustainable development into its annual spring report.", "\nAs of next year's spring summit - and this is a very important point - in fact, the Commission will prepare just one report for each Spring Council, making the preparatory work clearer and more transparent. ", "In this way, we will, at last, be able to concentrate on political factors rather than technical details. ", "It will also make it easier for the public to understand what is at stake.", "\nLadies and gentlemen, Stockholm has provided us with a very good basis for action over the next 12 months. ", "I have said this before and I shall say it again: effective action by the European Union is the only way to win public support for the European project. ", "The surest way to lose that support is to increase the number of unfulfilled promises. ", "We have got to close the gap between rhetoric and reality in Europe. ", "It is all very well and very necessary to agree on targets, to set up task forces and to develop indicators and strategic visions, but what matters is action: action to create jobs and disseminate new skills, action to recruit and train teachers, action in national parliaments to cut red tape, action by governments and industry to invest in people.", "\nThe citizens want a Europe that delivers the goods, and the Commission will continue to do so zealously and with total commitment. ", "However, it is up to all of us, to all the institutions and especially this House, to the Member States and the social partners, to ensure that, in the wake of Stockholm, our words are translated into action.", "\n(Applause)\n\nPoettering\nMadam President, Mr President of the European Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, Mr President of the European Council, our Group welcomes your presence here today. ", "If you attend plenary after the Gothenburg Summit, as we naturally hope you will, you will have been here three times. ", "That is a good sign. ", "I hope that future presidencies will follow your example. ", "But do not rejoice too quickly; we still have a few words of criticism. ", "But first let me stress once again how delighted we are that you are here. ", "We also understand that your presence here - albeit after three months - is the first time you personally will have been involved in the sort of dialogue with the groups of the European Parliament that your foreign minister and Mr Danielsson have already engaged in.", "\nBut, hopefully, today marks the start for you. ", "You still have plenty of opportunity in the remaining three months to implement what Sweden stands for, namely transparency. ", "We are, in fact, in the process of negotiating access to documents. ", "Please do something, take charge in the Council so that we achieve a Parliamentary-friendly result, by which I mean a result in the Council which satisfies Parliament. ", "Please do something in this regard.", "\n\nThe Stockholm Summit - like the Lisbon Summit - used very ambitious language, language which I find somewhat over the top. ", "A little more modesty would do us good. ", "We hear talk of the Union as the most competitive and dynamic science-based economic area in the world. ", "When you choose such ambitious words, then you must expect to be judged by your actions. ", "You yourself said crucially that you regret the fact that the postal services and energy markets have not been liberalised and that no date has been set for any such liberalisation. ", "I say to you quite frankly that this was only because a certain Member State, namely France, did not want a date and the Federal Republic of Germany followed suit. ", "It is a partnership of negation and blockade! ", "That is not how we see the Franco-German partnership. ", "It should not be used to block things, it should be used to move Europe forward and that is what I call on the governments of France and Germany to do.", "\n(Applause)\nMr President of the European Council, you are not perceived as someone who is particularly fond of the Community method. ", "On the contrary, you prefer intergovernmental collaboration. ", "But this is precisely what happens when we rely solely on intergovernmental collaboration rather than the Community method! ", "We get blockades. ", "And it is the small countries which suffer in the end, because the large countries take Europe over, not forward.", "\n(Applause)\nWe are absolutely delighted that progress has been made on the question of the investment market and financial services. ", "We are grateful for your commitment, but we also say quite openly - and this is directed at both the Council and the Commission - that we expect the legislative rights of the European Parliament to be safeguarded and for it to be suitably involved in future legislative decisions. ", "We shall insist on this and these remarks are addressed to both institutions, the Council and the Commission.", "\nA word of criticism on the question of foreign policy problems, Mr President of the European Council. ", "Yesterday, the widow of Andrey Sakharov, Yelena Bonner, visited our Group. ", "Just as she arrived, news came in that the last free television station in Russia had been nationalised. ", "That is totally unacceptable as far as we are concerned. ", "The freedom of the press and media is one of the principles of democracy, in both the European Union and Russia. ", "What the President of Russia, Mr Putin - whom I am glad you invited - said in front of the television cameras about Chechnya, was an insult both to the people of Chechnya and the dignity of the human race. ", "We would have welcomed an immediate contradiction from you in front of the media!", "\n(Applause)\nWe take developments in Russia very seriously because, like you, we believe that stability in 21st century Europe depends on having a strong European Union which can act, on the one hand, and a stable - hopefully democratic - Russia, on the other. ", "Russia is not symbolised solely by the pretty town of St. Petersburg, I agree with you there. ", "The Russia of the future will also be symbolised by respect for democracy, freedom of the press and human rights and we must make that perfectly clear to the Russian leadership.", "\nI should like to address a further point, namely developments in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. ", "I am delighted that the High Representative, Javier Solana, Commissioner Patten and the foreign minister of Sweden, Anna Lindh, as President-in-Office, are making this a focal point of their work and that - despite all the institutional complications which this entails - they are clearly all working well together. ", "But that is not the point right now. ", "The acid test, namely whether or not we help to bring about peace and stability, will be in the former Yugoslavia. ", "If we fail there, we might as well give up any claim to involvement in world politics! ", "We must set out our priorities in Europe, especially in the former Yugoslavia.", "\nThat brings me to my final point. ", "The American President, George W. Bush, will be with you in Gothenburg. ", "Our Group is a close friend and partner of the United States of America and always has been. ", "And that being so, we feel bound to tell our American allies that we cannot accept America' s refusal to abide by the Kyoto protocol. ", "We criticise this as emphatically as we know how. ", "We agree when America demands burden sharing in security and defence policy and for Europe to do more. ", "But burden sharing also applies to environmental protection. ", "We cannot leave a few countries to shoulder the responsibility while others shrug it off. ", "Burden sharing also applies to environmental policy.", "\n(Applause)\nI should like to encourage you to speak out loud and clear: we stand for Europe and our values. ", "If you are again successful - in Gothenburg hopefully even more so than in Stockholm - then we shall all benefit from the success. ", "I wish this success on both you and us.", "\n(Applause)\n\nBarón Crespo\nMadam President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, first of all I should like to thank the President-in-Office for coming to Parliament for the second time and giving such a clear and concise presentation. ", "We have seen how good he is with the ball, because the Europe of sport is also a Europe that we have to build together. ", "I congratulate him on this agreement.", "\nI emphasise that there is a new element in our relationship, which is that you have the opportunity to put the relations between Parliament and the Council on a new footing. ", "We are still at the level of the Single Act; we have the codecision procedure and we have the common foreign and security policy and we hope to be able to reach an agreement with you for there to be a balanced relationship in the legislative field between the Council and Parliament.", "\nWith regard to your report, we see it as a positive step that we are still on the Lisbon road; it is a long road, which you make as you go along, as the poet Antonio Machado said. ", "For us it is absolutely crucial that there should be a balance between job creation, competitiveness and social cohesion. ", "You have added a very timely element: that we Europeans need to reflect on our ageing population, develop an immigration policy, and think about pensions. ", "I believe this is the framework within which we have to work together, and I should especially like to thank the Swedish Presidency for always placing such importance on social cohesion, because I think this expresses a fundamental value for Europeans.", "\nThere are a few pending issues: with regard to sustainable development you can count on our full support; on the liberalisation of the capital market, which we believe is necessary, you have supported the Lamfalussy report and have proposed a route which does not include Parliament having the chance of democratically controlling the standards being developed. ", "Despite that, I believe we are on the right road.", "\nIn connection with the liberalisation of services and electricity and gas, the Socialist Group thinks that apart from its inherent worth it brings up a key issue: the power relations in society and the economy. ", "We must take the citizens into account and the obligation to provide services of general interest. ", "We do not want to see public monopolies being replaced by private monopolies. ", "We criticise the United States a lot because President Bush has unilaterally denounced the Kyoto Protocol, but we never ask ourselves why he has done so. ", "If you look at how the American electoral campaign was financed you will understand why the President of the United States has given in to the interests of the big oil companies: because he received massive donations from them. ", "This problem faces us too, now that we are debating the status of the political parties. ", "It is what is called 'soft money' and 'hard money' . ", "Funding must have limits, and a basic principle of democracy is that there should not be any accumulation of power. ", "For us it is essential that there should not be unlimited economic powers.", "\nAs for our external relations, we are very concerned, not only because the United States has unilaterally denounced the Kyoto Protocol, but also because we notice a growing unilateral outlook in the United States in relation to issues that affect the international community. ", "This is happening in the Middle East and the Balkans, and I believe it is important that, in this fundamental transatlantic relationship that we Europeans have, we should indicate to our partner that we do not share this view of the shape of international relations. ", "We should do so at the start of the American Presidency in order to achieve a balanced, positive relationship.", "\nLastly, allow me to speak of the future of Europe. ", "The Swedish Presidency has the responsibility of organising a democratic and transparent debate on the future of Europe in the best Swedish tradition. ", "You have launched the virtual debate on the web page; we did so a week earlier, but we are on the same lines as you. ", "Yet a debate is something more than just a web page. ", "A serious, open debate has to be held with civil society, with the social and political forces, but we also have to know how we want to decide and organise the future of Europe. ", "There is a proposal here that both the Commission and Parliament agree upon, which is to organise a debate in three stages, using a working method inspired by the convention, to culminate in a short, decisive conference. ", "The Swedish Presidency should consider, support and improve this proposal at the Gothenburg European Council.", "\n\nHaarder\nOn behalf of the Liberal Group, I should like to thank the Swedish Presidency for its skilful leadership and the good start it has made. ", "We have high expectations in connection with the key issues identified by Sweden, and we hope that Sweden will also make transparency a key issue. ", "On that point, we can all learn from Sweden. ", "We must have access to more documents, and it is completely unacceptable that we should sit here in Parliament without knowing what our own ministers are saying and doing in the Council when they legislate. ", "That is something which must be changed.", "\nWe are delighted to see the Swedish foreign minister, who of course comes from a neutral non-aligned country, travelling around with her new travelling companions, the Commissioner for External Relations, Mr Patten and NATO' s former Secretary-General, Mr Solana, and we are delighted when, today, we hear the Swedish Prime Minister speak in favour of a common foreign policy. ", "We hope that he too will discover the value of using the European institutions, that is to say the Community method, rather than the intergovernmental method he has so far been a little too fond of.", "\nIn Macedonia, we sincerely hope for success in ensuring greater equality for the Albanians. ", "That is the only way to peace. ", "If only we could also learn to take action before extremists begin to use violence. ", "In that way, it would be the moderates and not the men of violence who obtain the credit for the results.", "\nWith regard to enlargement, which is also a Swedish priority, we should like to see still greater commitment on the part of Sweden. ", "That is more important than anything else for securing peace, freedom and prosperity in Europe. ", "It is also high time to prepare for the crucial reform of agricultural policy. ", "We in the Liberal Group hope that you will listen to our colleague, Mr Olsson, who has proposed holding a round-table conference with the new countries on the subject of future agricultural policy. ", "It is high time we put our minds to the problem. ", "We wish you every success, Mr Persson, and, regarding the Lisbon process, my fellow Liberal MEP will take the floor later and comment on what you have said.", "\n\nJonckheer\nMadam President, ladies and gentlemen, I think that there are some positive elements in the statements by the President of the Council and the President of the Commission, in particular when Mr Persson spoke firmly about the position of the United States regarding the Kyoto Protocol, and when Mr Prodi reminded us of what is really at stake in the Lisbon process, namely an integrated strategy which is economic, social and environmental at the same time.", "\nHaving said that, it is very rare, in Parliament, for the plenary session to have in front of it, as it has now, a joint resolution signed by the European Socialists, the ecologists and the European United Left as well.", "\nThe significance of this resolution is a clear political signal to both the Council and the Commission. ", "It is based, Messrs Persson and Prodi, on the established fact that although the European economy is undoubtedly competitive, at the moment it is neither sustainable, nor does it have sufficient solidarity. ", "This is not a statement before the event: a number of indicators are already set to red, whether in the field of sustainable development, in transport, in energy - not to mention the common agricultural policy - or in employment, where most of the new jobs being created are vulnerable, and where not enough of the added value is accounted for by wages. ", "You only have to read the latest report from the European Environment Agency.", "\nWe therefore need to change direction on development, so as to make it more sustainable and give it more solidarity. ", "This is the real challenge of the twenty-first century, and it is on this subject that I should like, briefly, to make a few proposals. ", "Mr Bolkestein, what are we doing about company tax and the Primarolo group? ", "There must be limits, Mr Persson, to increasing competitiveness: we must not forget our public service obligations. ", "Mr Solbes Mira, substantial public investment is necessary to meet the Lisbon objectives, particularly on education and training, but also, for example, on transport and the rational use of energy. ", "Mrs Diamantopoulou, if the social dialogue founders on the issue of temporary work, it is the Commission' s responsibility to propose legislation that will allow people to live their lives with dignity on what they earn. ", "I heard a woman - a worker at a Danone factory - call for solidarity by saying 'people should boycott Danone' s products' . ", "I think it would be more reasonable for the European Union to adopt legislation imposing social and ecological obligations on companies. ", "Our future depends on it too.", "\n\nWurtz\nMadam President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, other members of my Group will be speaking on various aspects of the Stockholm European Council. ", "For my part, I shall stick to just one subject, which should, in principle, have been central to the work of the summit: the subject of employment.", "\nThe ink was not even dry on the final declaration by the Fifteen, in which you reiterated, and I quote, 'the goal of full employment' , and in which you welcomed the initiatives taken by businesses to promote corporate social responsibility, when suddenly, like a bombshell, came the announcements that 1 780 jobs were being axed by Danone and that Marks & Spencer were closing all their stores outside the United Kingdom. ", "These are just the latest examples, so far, of shareholder value, in other words, shareholder law, and just like Michelin, Ericsson, Nokia, Telefonica and so many others, they illustrate everything that is no longer acceptable.", "\nI ask you this, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, what are you going to do about these company directors who so brazenly thumb their noses at your declared intentions? ", "The Commission, you write, in the conclusions of the Stockholm Summit, and I quote, will 'present in June 2001 a Green Paper on corporate social responsibility' and will 'encourage a wide exchange of ideas with a view to promoting further initiatives in this area' . ", "All well and good, but will you now, in the light of these new facts, be defining precisely what the Commission' s mandate will be? ", "And will we, Parliament, be waiting, arms at the ready?", "\nI suggest that we should decide to create, perhaps within the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, a new permanent body - let us call it a 'subcommittee' , since that is the sort of language we use - which will be responsible for monitoring the strategies of major companies in Europe, a subcommittee open to contributions from trades union organisations, works committees, consumers' associations and elected representatives.", "\nWe could thus help to create, at our level, an effective monitoring device, which would be able to put some meat on the bones of the intermediate employment objectives that the Stockholm European Council has just set itself. ", "We already know who the first employees will be: those of the French agri-food group that I have just mentioned, whose shareholders have just seen a 17% rise in the net profit from their shares, and those of the British chain whose shares have just gone to blazes on the London stock exchange.", "\nIf we ourselves take action to demolish the divine right of the big companies to sack people as they see fit, we shall, after all, be doing nothing more than defending, by our actions, a European project that is worthy of the name, and a Parliament that is closer to the people.", "\n\nCollins\nMadam President, the Stockholm Summit was hardly the greatest diplomatic achievement with regard to the development of the European Union; however, the business conducted at the Stockholm Council did certainly reflect the reality of what is happening in the European Union at this time. ", "European Union leaders demonstrated solidarity in the face of the problem of foot-and-mouth disease, which threatens the European agricultural sector at this time. ", "European leaders acted as a force for peace in the Balkans by offering timely support for the Macedonian Government and there was a full political and economic dialogue with the Russian President, Mr Putin.", "\nSome progress was certainly made towards achieving the targets set at Lisbon last year to make the EU the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world by the year 2010. ", "The Member States of the European Union are fully committed to the goal of full employment and we also see the achievement of this objective as an important way of meeting the challenge of an ageing population in Europe.", "\nThe European Union employment rate targets, which have to be reached by the year 2010, mean that steady progress has to be made over this period if these objectives are to be met. ", "Increasing employment rates will demand the active implementation of employment policies as foreseen under the European employment guidelines.", "\nWe do not want to build a two-tier Europe Union, a European Union of the haves and a European Union of the have-nots. ", "We want to ensure that all the citizens of the Union are given opportunities to integrate fully into the workplace and to this extent we must ensure the intensification of training and education programmes for those without skills as well as putting in place retraining opportunities for the existing workforce.", "\nCertainly, much progress has been made in the last 12 months with regard to educating and training the European workforce in the benefits which lie open for us all from the use of the Internet and related e-commerce opportunities. ", "The European Council did address the demographic challenge of an ageing population of which people of working age constitute an even smaller part. ", "The issue of how best the Union is going to deal with future public and private pension programmes is a serious matter, which must be addressed by all EU Member States as a matter of priority.", "\nAgreement was not reached on how best to liberalise the gas and electricity sectors in Europe. ", "However, the structures do exist for addressing these outstanding issues on the basis of cooperation between the Member States of the Union. ", "On this latter point, any further liberalisation of postal service operations in Europe must be fair and must be balanced and postal services play an important social and economic function in rural towns and villages within the Union. ", "I certainly will not support a structure whereby postal services are liberalised in Europe and this only results in the quality of the postal service operations being diminished within the territories of the Union.", "\nI certainly will not support a situation whereby postal service operations will be cherry-picked by private operators, servicing only key lucrative urban areas which will benefit from such reform programmes at the expense of the rural parts.", "\nFinally, certainly an achievement of the Council at Stockholm was the agreement to fast-track the development of a common approach for the regulation of financial services within the Union. ", "The implementation of this plan has been subject to delays, which have prevented Europe, in the past, from taking full advantage of the benefits of the single market.", "\n\nBonde\nMadam President, the Swedish Presidency began well but will now be remembered for having introduced more secrecy and less democracy. ", "The Lamfalussy report transfers legislative power from elected representatives in open assemblies to officials behind the closed doors of committee rooms. ", "Sweden has identified transparency as a key issue and has a culture of transparency from which we can all learn. ", "In the negotiations concerning transparency, however, Sweden has now accepted a new internal set of regulations producing more secrecy instead of more transparency.", "\nOn 19 March, the Council also decided that future relaxations in the rules of confidentiality must be adopted by qualified majority voting and not, as is the case at present, by a simple majority. ", "Thus, it will never be possible for the rules to be relaxed as long as Spain, France and Germany do not want them to be. ", "It is those three countries which are the villains in the negotiations concerning transparency. ", "This is something of which the public in our countries should be aware. ", "How can a German, Green foreign minister accept responsibility for secrecy? ", "The Council' s new rules on confidentiality are clearly unlawful. ", "The Council cannot itself alter the Treaty' s regulations from simple to qualified majority voting. ", "The new rules directly interfere with the section in the Treaty of Amsterdam promising new rules on transparency. ", "Nor has the Swedish Presidency submitted the rules to the European Parliament. ", "We must call upon our fellow MEPs from Spain, France and Germany to strike a blow for transparency now. ", "Those three countries have placed the Swedish Presidency in such a humiliating position that it is having to betray its own key concerns regarding transparency and deliver secrecy instead.", "\nWe still have an EU in which neither the ombudsman, the Court of Auditors nor the Committee on Budgetary Control can obtain all documents for perusal. ", "To that extent, we need the commendable Swedish rules on the right of access to documents and the freedom to provide information.", "\n\nDupuis\nMadam President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, President Prodi has communicated his concern about the situation of the press, of the mass media in Russia. ", "In my view, the President of the Commission is crying over spilt milk. ", "He is lamenting something which is the result of a policy that he himself helped to develop. ", "This European Union policy on Russia is a policy of tolerance, a policy of prostituting our values, Mr President. ", "What is happening now to the mass media has already happened in Central Asia in those ex-Soviet countries in which President Putin is re-establishing a postcolonial policy, a region which the European Union does not see the strategic importance of, just as it does not recognise the strategic importance of the Caucasus region.", "\nI would like to thank Group Chairman, Mr Poettering, who voiced the concerns of the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats. ", "However, I would urge Mr Poettering to talk to Mr Oostlander, who is the author of a report which, in the main, follows the line taken by the policy proposed by the Commission, a policy entirely focused on the fact that the Union's first priority must be to guarantee supply of Russian gas and oil, with the development and consolidation of the Rule of Law in Russia relegated to second place.", "\nYesterday, in this very Chamber, Mr President of the Commission, Mr Posselt and I asked Commissioner Nielson for the umpteenth time to produce a policy on Chechnya which is, at the very least, a humanitarian policy, Mr President. ", "For months, or rather for a year and a half now, we have been urging Commissioner Nielson to go to Chechnya. ", "Just to go to Chechnya, nothing more. ", "For his part, Commissioner Nielson has told us repeatedly that the situation there is such as to make a visit impossible. ", "Yesterday, in view of the Commissioner's concern, I asked him to go to Georgia and Azerbaijan to open hospitals at least in these areas, which are not directly under Russian influence, as requested by the Chechen Minister for Health, Mr Umarkambiev, so that, at least, the Chechen people could receive health care instead of having to pay millions of dollars for treatment in a Baku hospital. ", "Commissioner Nielson made no response. ", "Mr President of the Commission, I have run out of patience, and I call upon you formally to remove Commissioner Nielson's mandate for humanitarian aid. ", "Commissioner Nielson is a bureaucrat, Mr President: his travel availability is already booked up for the next four or five years. ", "He pays a quick visit here and there to make sure that the Commission's development cooperation policy is running smoothly, but he has no real time for genuine humanitarian issues. ", "I am not asking you to kick him out of the Commission, just to take this portfolio away from him and appoint someone else who will pay genuine attention to these issues and who will, at last, do something about the question of Chechnya.", "\nWhat is currently happening in Chechnya is an outrage. ", "There is absolutely no difference between events there and what took place in Bosnia, in Kosovo, incidents at which, after years and years, Parliament and the European Union eventually protested. ", "We must make political investments, Mr President-in-Office. ", "Our humiliating treatment of the members of President Mashkadov's government must stop. ", "It is unthinkable that a minister of the Mashkadov government should have to apply for a visa and do so month after month. ", "It is unthinkable that the European Union should not be able to grant a permanent residence authorisation to those whom you will have to visit in the future and persuade to sit round a negotiating table with the Russians. ", "These are our consultative partners of tomorrow, and all we can do is humiliate them. ", "And all this while the US government welcomes - as it did last week - the Chechen Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Akhmadov. ", "Territorial integrity is not a theory: it is a practical concept in which integrity means that the entire territory is guaranteed, not that anything goes.", "\n\nRaschhofer\nMadam President, ladies and gentlemen, the Council has set itself the ambitious target of achieving full employment in Europe by 2010. ", "However, the Council should be clear on one thing: jobs can only be created if economic reforms are implemented consistently. ", "What was begun in Lisbon and announced in Nice was not continued in Stockholm. ", "In Stockholm, the brakes were applied. ", "In this sense, the lack of agreement on Community patents is disappointing. ", "The absence of a European patent is a powerful brake on the European economy, as has been confirmed in numerous talks with American researchers.", "\nIf we want a Europe which promotes private commitment, risk taking and entrepreneurship, then these long overdue liberalisation measures must be taken. ", "Competition-distorting aid must be prevented as and where possible and an internal market for services must at last become a reality.", "\n\nCarlsson, Gunilla\nMadam President, I am pleased to be able to welcome the Swedish Prime Minister once more and see him here together with several of the Swedish ministers. ", "In the Swedish media the Prime Minister has summed up the meeting in Stockholm as an ideal example of a successful European summit. ", "Considering the meagre results, one might wonder what an unsuccessful summit looks like.", "\nFor those of us who read the newspapers and the conclusions, it is uncertain whether anything happened other than President Putin visiting the summit as a guest. ", "The 15-page conclusion document mainly describes decisions intended to be taken at a later date.", "\nIt is true that it was decided to start competing on which country has the most children in childcare and that the Commission will complete a project which is already underway. ", "No concrete date was set for deregulation of the electricity and gas markets in the Union. ", "The Swedish Presidency has completely given up on the question of liberalisation of postal services and, as we know, nothing came of the Community Patent idea. ", "Football was played for longer than the question which most concerns Europe today was discussed, namely the agriculture crisis.", "\nI think that the Council should evaluate and consider what role these summits should have. ", "Are they to play an important institutional role to resolve and pass decisions on important questions which have achieved little progress at other councils, or should they be developed into gimmicks with ever weaker and more toned down conclusions?", "\nIt is worrying that the Lisbon Process, which got off to a good start a year ago, is now being watered down. ", "The upcoming Spanish Presidency has an important task ahead in ensuring that Lisbon comes to mean something concrete and is not just words on paper. ", "The situation is precisely as the Council' s acting president admits: Work is not progressing sufficiently fast to maintain the rate of change.", "\nIf you listen to Mr Barón Crespo, you understand that the social democrats in Europe are not having such an easy time of it at the moment. ", "The European economy flagging is no reason to stop the reform. ", "Instead one has to put in more effort to be able to achieve competitiveness and increased wellbeing.", "\nI have two questions for the Council' s acting president. ", "One point in the conclusions addresses the upcoming WTO negotiations, and I concur with that stated. ", "I would therefore like to repeat the question which was dismissed last time as being far too national, and which concerns the Tobin tax. ", "Has the presidency any view on the Tobin tax or shall we interpret the Swedish ministers' publicly consorting with the Attac movement as indicating their position on an international tax on currency transactions?", "\nMy second question concerns enlargement. ", "It has been said that the enlargement negotiations are progressing and are one of the most urgent priorities of the presidency. ", "Will you succeed with your goals? ", "What is actually meant by a 'political breakthrough' in the negotiations?", "\nWill the presidency at the summit in Gothenburg be able to state the EU' s point of view on the sensitive and difficult areas remaining so that the negotiations and a conclusion to them will become possible for the most successful candidate countries during 2001?", "\n\nRandzio-Plath\nMadam President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, Parliament welcomes the onset of spring at the Stockholm Summit. ", "Because one thing is clear: the spring summit will become standard practice in the future, so that we not only bank on a future-orientated, knowledge-based society, but can also actually live in it. ", "We need the ambitious strategy of change decided in Lisbon. ", "We need to make it tighter and more dynamic and Stockholm has added another brick to this edifice. ", "And rightly so, given the jitters in the world economy, the shadow being cast over growth in the European economy and the crashes on the stock exchanges.", "\nThe successes of the year 2000, with record growth, healthy finances, the lowest inflation and interest rates and 2.5 million new jobs, should not be underestimated. ", "They say something about the need to continue the process of open coordination and link economic, employment and social policies. ", "We must hold on to this, otherwise there will be no further progress. ", "We must also anchor this in specific basic aspects of economic policy for the year 2001. ", "We must be able to go on reaping benefits here, even if Europe has to overcome other weaknesses, such as excessively low, interrupted growth, unacceptable unemployment and the exclusion of too many people.", "\nThe European summit is rightly interested in economic reform, properly functioning markets and regulation, where having qualitative yardsticks is in people' s interests. ", "We must therefore welcome the fact that the summit was not just a liberalisation and deregulation summit but that, at the same time, it is banking on pan-European regulation, where such regulation is needed in the interest of universal services, fair distribution and consumer protection.", "\nEven the promotion of entrepreneurial initiative, with special attention to small and medium-sized enterprises and the venture capital and start-up finance which is vital to them, is in its infancy. ", "And the EU summit rightly took account of the importance of research, innovation and new technologies in creating jobs and prosperity. ", "In this context, we must clearly recognise that the analysis and use of public funding and the quality of such funding - including state aid - must be assessed more closely for its impact on employment.", "\nI think we need to invest still more in people and better quality jobs. ", "And a further change of tack from a passive to an active employment policy, over and above the previous objectives of the European employment strategy, is still on the agenda.", "\nMr President-in-Office, the presidency is promising more democracy and transparency in economic policy. ", "But where are they when it comes to the financial action plan and the regulation of investment markets? ", "The European Parliament wants speed and flexibility in the legislative area - just as you do - and welcomes the Lamfalussy report. ", "But we insist on full transparency and proper symmetry between the institutions in the codecision procedure. ", "We here in the European Parliament want the rights which the Council already enjoys. ", "Help us to secure them. ", "You too, Mr President of the Commission, can help to make this possible.", "\nJust one more thing: we also want more democracy and a real partnership when the economic policy guidelines are decided. ", "Both the Commission and the Council really can help in this regard and I call on them to do so.", "\n\nGasòliba i Böhm\nMr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, as my fellow Group member, Mr Haarder, announced in his intervention, I am going to focus on the specific aspects of the follow-up to the Lisbon European Council. ", "In this respect our Group is critical, as it sees that the results are poor.", "\nIn Lisbon what was agreed upon was a process of economic liberalisation, a process of structural reforms, the consolidation of the single European market and a move towards a single market for services, with the ambition of making the European economy the most competitive internationally by 2010, without, of course, giving up the social dimension or the levels of well-being that characterise the societies belonging to the Union.", "\nAt this European Council, however, we have found that the individual interests of Member States have blocked necessary processes of liberalisation. ", "Others, through internal disputes, as the Swedish Prime Minister has said in his capacity as President of the Council, have not been able to reach the necessary agreement for the single European sky, and so it has not been possible to turn what were good proposals at Lisbon into a reality. ", "That is why our assessment is critical and we think the results are poor.", "\n\nMaes\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, if Europe wants to be more significant in the world, it has to increase in size, but Europe must also be more democratic and more transparent. ", "This is the view taken by many fellow MEPs. ", "I would add that the Europe of the Member States is not sufficiently European. ", "There is also the Europe of the regions which remains hidden away. ", "For example, you mentioned a shortage in the workforce, but there are regions in Europe which have unemployment of 6% or even of 16% and 20%. ", "This is where Europe, and also the Member States, fail to come up to scratch. ", "Additionally, we need a bigger Europe in order to translate the Union' s weight into political clout for the benefit of stability and peace. ", "We have already mentioned Macedonia. ", "It is necessary for everyone to be aware that the existence of second-class citizens always leads to difficulties.", "\nI would like to conclude by making an observation with regard to the Middle East, where an escalating conflict is claiming victims in Palestine on a daily basis. ", "We too have worked hard for peace but, every day, we watch it being increasingly shot to tatters. ", "We are, in fact, a major donor to the Palestinians and have granted Israel privileged relations. ", "But we are lacking in commitment to the right to self-determination on the part of the Palestinians. ", "We do not exert enough pressure to obtain peace.", "\n\nSchmid, Herman\nMr President, in my view the emphasis at the Stockholm Summit lay on developing the internal market, in other words on economic liberalisation as stated earlier. ", "The social issues, particularly the question of unemployment, were hardly touched upon.", "\nGöran Persson, it was the intention that the meeting was to focus on employment and employment policy. ", "However, there are two different forms of employment policy. ", "The first is about increasing provision on the labour market by increasing the labour force, i.e. increasing the employment rate. ", "The second is about reducing the number of unemployed. ", "These are two different areas of policy.", "\nIn Stockholm you devoted yourselves to expanding the labour force by adding new groups to the labour market. ", "This was to be achieved by reducing the number of women at home in Europe and by retaining the elderly on the labour market for a few more years. ", "I have nothing against measures to increase the available workforce but no one can claim that they provide any direct benefit for the unemployed. ", "In fact it is rather the reverse, such that the 14 - 15 million people who are unemployed face increasing competition for jobs by the addition of new groups at the same time as wage-related pressures increase.", "\nIt would have been possible to combine both these areas of employment policy, within which the aim is both to increase overall employment and combat unemployment, by also proposing a reduction in normal working hours to 35 hours a week, or six hours a day. ", "It has been claimed that a cut in working hours would not result in new jobs but this does not apply to low-paid jobs where there is a very clear link between reduced working hours and more jobs. ", "Cutting working hours would also benefit all those who are already in work and make it easier for them to combine work and family life.", "\nI would like to see actual measures for the unemployed. ", "It is not yet too late as the Swedish Presidency still has a few months left to run. ", "I would like to see measures specifically focused on those who are unemployed and which help them here and now.", "\n\nSegni\nMr President, I have listened with great interest to the words of the President of the Commission - moreover, the press was informative on the matter - and I would like to clarify one point. ", "President Prodi has rightly stressed that the glass is half full and half empty, that some results have been achieved, but not all. ", "He is right. ", "However, I would like him to summon all the determination and courage which he has displayed on other occasions and make it clear that the single currency is going to come into force next year and that, if certain large-scale reforms which should have been dealt with at Stockholm are not completed before then, we will be in danger of having a currency but no control over the economy, with the consequences which are already apparent in Europe and the world.", "\nThe issues of energy, liberalisation of energy and the European patent are fundamental. ", "President Prodi, in my view, you would be performing a great service for Europe if, with great courage and determination, you were to declare openly - which I am sure you will do - that these are essential reforms that must be carried out without delay in the interests of all the European countries.", "\n\nBelder\nMr President, a political paradox of the highest order. ", "This is how we can best describe the signing of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Union and Macedonia this coming Monday in Luxembourg. ", "This is evident from the continuing efforts by both parties to prevent an ethnic division of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, FYROM.", "\nWe need to see Europe' s wish in that light, namely the wish for the leaders of all parties represented in the Macedonian Parliament - including Slavonic and Albanian Macedonians, therefore - to grace that ceremony with their presence. ", "The symbolism is crystal clear. ", "In that way, Macedonia' s entire political forum would demonstrate that it is choosing to walk a peaceful, European course.", "\nIs this symbolism, employed by Europe, misleading and, therefore, dangerous? ", "The European Council' s lucid explanation in Stockholm seems to contradict this negative interpretation. ", "This applies equally to the busy shuttle diplomacy on the part of Mr Solana and Mr Patten vis-à-vis Macedonia and Kosovo. ", "The role of NATO in this European policy on crisis management is unmistakable.", "\nHowever, this encouraging note is not in accordance with the press information I received yesterday. ", "According to that notification, Commissioner Patten has asked for six extra KFOR infantries to reinforce the border control between Kosovo and Macedonia, a request which is, in fact, entirely in line with the European Council' s declaration in Stockholm. ", "According to that press report, however, only three countries have apparently responded to Mr Patten' s request.", "\nIf Europe is to make every effort to prevent a Yugoslavian scenario in Macedonia, European and American levers will really need to be deployed to the best possible effect.", "\n\nBerthu\nMr President, in economic and social terms, the Stockholm Council set itself a major strategic objective: to define the main conditions necessary in order to turn Europe into a competitive area with full employment. ", "Yet the Council' s conclusions give a rather odd double impression of unrestrained intervention on the one hand and abstention on the other.", "\nAs far as multidirectional interventions are concerned, there is hardly any subject in the economic and social field which has not been mentioned, even when there was nothing new to say about it. ", "This makes it hard to identify the main thrusts, and in particular it is no longer possible to distinguish between what is Europe' s responsibility and what is the Member States' responsibility.", "\nFor example, the Stockholm Council was very concerned about the viability of social protection systems, a subject which the previous Council, in Nice, had expressly designated as being the responsibility of the Member States. ", "One only has to mention, somewhere in a sentence, the need to respect subsidiarity, and the machine can rumble on its way as if nothing had happened.", "\nThis omnipresent method raises not only the question of subsidiarity, but also the question of how effective the work of the Council actually is. ", "We very much doubt whether the Heads of State or Government were really able to examine all these subjects, and we very much doubt whether it is possible to make things happen by using such methods.", "\nThe large number of subjects dealt with merely serves to show up, even more sharply, the almost total absence of any role for the euro, despite the fact that the euro had been presented to us as the number one priority in order to achieve a competitive Europe, which was the principal objective of the Stockholm Summit. ", "The Council' s conclusions contain, buried somewhere beneath a mass of words, an indication that, in less than 300 days, the euro should be circulating in the form of notes and coins, but there is no mention of the organisational reforms needed to extricate it from its present weak position in the exchange markets. ", "There is also no mention of the Commission' s recent communication on this subject, which seems to have been put aside.", "\nHowever, if the euro does not recover, Mr President, its credibility in the eyes of the public will be called into question.", "\n\nSuominen\nMr President, Prime Minister, Mr Prodi, on the front page of yesterday' s Financial Times, Horst Köhler, the head of the International Monetary Fund, was lashing out at European political leaders, albeit in a very civilised way. ", "Referring to the economic situation, he said that a reduction in interest rates by the European Central Bank would undoubtedly help the European economy, but it is at least as important for Europe to bring about more ambitious transformations. ", "When, in the same connection, he says the IMF would probably lower its forecast for growth for the euro area for this year to 2.5%, we can see that the financial players have reacted to the totally indecisive outcome of the Stockholm Summit with as much disappointment as my own Group, the Group of the European People' s Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, here in Parliament. ", "We have thus already fallen below the 3% growth target that was set for the mid term as a basis for sustaining and improving employment and social security in Europe.", "\nStockholm was like a mini Nice, without the squabbles. ", "Nobody wanted to speak up for the European common good, and most governments clung to their own interests, such as they imagined them to be. ", "That is what happened, despite what was certainly an enormous effort to achieve results on the part of the country to hold the presidency. ", "At the beginning of the year someone joked that the aims of Lisbon had become the promises of Nikita Khrushchev. ", "It was he who said at the start of the 1960s that the Soviet Union would overtake the United States in ten years in terms of economic power. ", "In the wake of the Stockholm meeting, there is going to be a grain of truth in that joke. ", "We have to remember that the decisions that are now required concerning European patents, the liberalisation of competition among the gas and electricity boards and in the Post Office, making air traffic more flexible, Galileo, and other matters, will not result in any real changes until four to ten years have gone by after the political decision is taken.", "\nI would nonetheless like to mention one positive decision that was taken at Stockholm. ", "At last a nugget of something concrete has been found for a policy on the northern dimension. ", "Hopefully, it will encourage not just us in the European Union, but the Russians too, to seek and find suitable targets of cooperation in other areas. ", "As a Finn, I would ask the Prime Minister of our beloved neighbour and the country to hold the presidency the following question. ", "The conclusions of Stockholm state that the sound economic situation that has lasted quite a long time now in the European Union would not have been possible without monetary and economic union: has the Swedish government started preparations to fulfil their Community obligations by joining the third phase of monetary and economic union? ", "Och på svenska: Sverige är alltid välkommen i klubben. [", "And in Swedish: Sweden is always welcome to join the club.]", "\n\nVan den Berg\nMr President, on behalf of the Socialist Group, I would like to say a few words on the foreign policy decisions taken in Stockholm. ", "Last weekend, we all witnessed the television reports and the tension surrounding former President Milosevic' s arrest. ", "Our Group, undoubtedly like many others here, welcomes this arrest with open arms. ", "We also have a great deal of respect for the way in which the authorities of the former republic of Yugoslavia handled this matter. ", "It must have been an extremely difficult situation to deal with. ", "There was a great deal of tangible tension. ", "The fact that this step was ultimately taken indicates that another move has been made towards more integration within our law-based community, also here in Europe. ", "At the same time, our wish remains, of course, to ultimately see Mr Milosevic brought before the International War Tribunal in The Hague. ", "We assume, as before, that the European Union will keep the pressure on in that respect and that the International War Tribunal will ultimately be the place where he will face his final reckoning.", "\nAt the same time, we have seen a great deal of tension, probably more than some of us had expected, in FYROM' s border regions. ", "We have to say that, for all the problems in the past, we still have a great deal of respect for the way in which Mr Patten and Mr Solana dealt with the situation there, in tandem with the Swedish Presidency. ", "Needless to say, the early warning systems are still not fully functioning. ", "We probably could have reacted more promptly in a number of areas. ", "The consultation structures are not yet completely in place either, but we certainly have more tools at our disposal than before. ", "We are better able to operate in those regions, and we are seeing the first signs of a common foreign policy, something which we would very much like to promote further. ", "Once again, the Association Agreement too could be an excellent tool in this respect. ", "Here in Parliament, we are ready to adopt this agreement as quickly as possible, and we want to encourage everything which can make progress possible in this respect.", "\nWith regard to the Middle East, the Ministers Perez and Nabil Shaath of the Palestinian Authority are supposed to meet in Athens today. ", "In actual fact, violence increases with each passing day, while we would like to return to the old agreements, which, at the very least, ensure that both parties keep their own troops in check, and retrace our steps in terms of violence. ", "The UN resolutions, the Oslo agreements: it is as if some things no longer exist, and both parties operate in a very irresponsible manner. ", "We hope that Moratinos, our representative, in conjunction with Mr Solana and the Swedish Presidency, succeed at least in bringing those parties around the negotiating table once more, for there is no other alternative. ", "Either we talk and negotiate - which will bring the things which were discussed in Camp David, as well as the different possibilities, back on the negotiating table - or we end up in a situation where this spiral of violence, from which so many of the extreme factions on both sides stand to benefit, is given a chance to develop.", "\nThis brings me to my third point. ", "We are pleased that the Swedish Presidency has managed to bring the northern dimensions as a whole back to the fore once again. ", "St Petersburg has been mentioned. ", "This is a crucial point for us. ", "You have relations and contacts there which provide extra opportunities.", "\nWhich brings me to my final point. ", "The Swedish Presidency has, traditionally, always played a very clear role, not as the Swedish Presidency, but as Sweden in the UN Security Council. ", "It is evident that during the Bush administration, the cowards of this world threaten to change their course again. ", "It is important that Europe in this respect - Mr Barón Crespo has actually said this on behalf of our Group - adopt its own, self-assured role. ", "Not so much an anti-stance: we should not fall back on old patterns. ", "It is a 'global village' , and we rely on global partnership. ", "In that respect, a unilateral withdrawal from Kyoto cannot be accepted. ", "This is also true of the unilateral withdrawal of the United States in other respects, such as in the field of rocket defence systems. ", "As Europe, we must counter this with intelligent, partnership-focused policy, and I expect that the Swedish Presidency, together with our former fellow MEP, Mr Schori from the Security Council on behalf of the Swedish Presidency, can play an excellent role in this matter.", "\n\nSchmidt, Olle\nMr President, I would like to begin by congratulating the President of the Council on a successful summit in Stockholm. ", "I believe that many Swedes were delighted to see their country finally being able to act as host to the leaders of the EU.", "\nStockholm was supposed to be about the creation of a competitive Europe. ", "It was supposed to be about action, not EU rhetoric, but was that the case? ", "No, unfortunately not enough, as the President of the Council himself has admitted. ", "Reform of the EU is going too slowly. ", "It was unfortunate that those in Stockholm were unable to agree on a timetable for deregulation of the energy markets. ", "On the other hand, they did succeed in agreeing to create a common financial market, which has been eagerly awaited.", "\nWe liberals now assume that the Council is prepared to act such that we achieve a solution which can also be accepted by Parliament. ", "Mr President, this is about democratic support and openness. ", "The Swedish Presidency has an overall vision of bringing the Union closer to its citizens. ", "This is an excellent ambition. ", "It therefore surprises me that at the Stockholm Summit the first step was not taken towards wide-ranging reform of agriculture and food policy, as this is the question possibly most under discussion over the breakfast tables in Europe, even - as I have understood - in the Prime Minister' s own home.", "\nFinally, I would like to point out we are now halfway through the Swedish Presidency. ", "One issue is becoming ever clearer: - It is becoming more and more problematic for Sweden to remain outside the EMU. ", "My question to the President of the Council is therefore this: according to the Council, what difficulties will be posed in terms of a more cohesive Union by Britain, Denmark and Sweden remaining outside EMU in the long term? ", "I am not seeking an answer in terms of domestic policy but a theoretical opinion from an EU perspective.", "\n\nLambert\nMr President, I welcome the statement that future spring summits are going to be sustainability summits, and thank the Swedish Presidency for their real leadership on this. ", "But if we were looking at the world properly, all our summits would be about sustainability. ", "The environmental and social effects of the liberalisation of the energy sector, for example, are sustainable issues. ", "Liberalisation alone will not help us reach our pretty meagre Kyoto targets. ", "How will liberalisation ensure that all people can afford warm homes if they do not have an adequate basic income?", "\nWill the development of our trade with Russia simply strip that country of its natural resources for the lowest possible price? ", "How will this ensure its sustainable development in future?", "\nSustainability is not just a domestic issue. ", "It is an international and inter-generational concept. ", "If we are to take it seriously it will radically reform the European Union agenda, which will make it a far more relevant and exciting one than people find at present.", "\n\nMorgantini\nMr President, suffering and tragedy will continue to mark the days and nights of the Palestinians and Israelis if the international community and the European Union do not decide to take firm action to restore the international and human rights violated by the Israeli government. ", "The two sides are not equal: on the one hand, there is a State, which has never defined its borders, which is expanding its settlements and has one of the strongest armies in the world; on the other, there is an occupied people and an occupied territory, without either State or army, which is unable even to exercise any control over bean imports, let alone borders: since 29 September, this people has been besieged, bombed, its villages sealed off, with its sick dying at military check points, its doctors and nurses attacked and its parliament unable to meet.", "\nThere is no European Union diplomat who does not speak openly of the way the Israeli government has contravened international rules. ", "Human rights organisations such as the United Nations and Amnesty International and Israeli organisations such as Betrelem also condemn this. ", "We must do something to restore the possibility of peace and put an end to the cycle of violence. ", "The Palestinian Authority must make every endeavour to stop the terrorism perpetrated by Palestinian extremists but, on the other hand, the Sharon government in Israel is not sending out peace signals: murders outside the Occupied Territories, bombings, expansion of settlements, carte blanche for the settlers, who have bombed architectural structures in Hebron which are part of our human heritage. ", "It is time for the European Union to find something which will convince the Israeli leaders: not sanctions or embargoes, given the disastrous results where that strategy has been adopted, but at least the suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement, which would probably suffice, according to Israeli organisations like Rabbis for Peace and others. ", "I feel that this is extremely important: we must speak out for peace, but peace in respect for all ...\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nMusumeci\nMr President, the excessive optimism in the wake of Stockholm and the numerous objectives on the agenda do not reflect the bitter, discouraging reality. ", "It is not clear, now the Stockholm Summit is over, how Europe intends to deal rationally and practically with the extremely serious issue of our ageing population and the resulting decline in the work force, while, at the same time, ensuring that it maintains a sufficient standard of living. ", "The outrageous on-going lack of social service provision, the discriminatory treatment of pensioners, the poverty zones which are becoming increasingly common throughout Europe, require clear, courageous choices to be made. ", "In other words, the single currency will not suffice without reform of the financial market. ", "It is pointless to attempt to achieve a stable European Union without a genuine, effective foreign policy. ", "As President Prodi rightly said, Europe's credibility is at stake: too many promises have been made and not kept after recent European summits; there have been too many dashed hopes. ", "Either we do act resolutely right now, or Stockholm will go down in history as yet another pointless stage in the long, exhausting attempt to produce the promised Europe for the Europeans.", "\n\nBrok\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, I have questions to ask on three points: do you not think that the huge crises which we have seen in Macedonia are, in the final analysis, a consequence of our failure to coordinate our policies in Kosovo? ", "Should we not put them down to the fact that we were not really able to do our job there, that we failed to disarm the UCK, that the fragmentation of responsibilities between numerous international organisations and within the European Union itself is a fact of life and that the crisis has again taken hold because we failed in our duty?", "\nI have a second question. ", "Mr President-in-Office. ", "I know it is not your sole responsibility as a result of this summit, but how, in your view, will future European Councils operate once the number of seats rises and there are 27 participants, if the European Council is to discuss every detail? ", "The European Council was founded so that the Heads of State or Government could discuss fundamental questions. ", "Now there are sometimes 30, 40 or 50 items on the agenda. ", "Do you not think that the heads of government are trying - and more' s the pity - to assume responsibility for every detail, undermining the authority of their own work and the work of the European Council in the process?", "\nThe third point that I wish to address concerns the Council itself. ", "I think that, if we want to implement a reform process, the Council of Ministers must become more transparent, more efficient and more open. ", "Everything gets passed to the European Council because of the inefficiency and inability to take decisions of the weakest institution which we have in the European Union, namely the Council of Ministers. ", "That is not your personal responsibility; it is a structural question which we urgently need to address. ", "I think that, for this reason, now that we are heading for a Union of 27 members, the question of legislating in public needs to be raised. ", "This applies to the Council, when it acts as legislator, and should demonstrate that we have an interaction in political debate in Europe. ", "Responsibilities must be clearly outlined and we must make clear that we need decision-making mechanisms here which bring about results. ", "We cannot offload everything on to the Heads of State or Government, on to you, only to find that we are unable to reach a solution.", "\n\nAndersson\nMr President, I would like to begin by welcoming the Prime Minister of Sweden once more to the European Parliament. ", "I would also like to congratulate him on a successful meeting in Stockholm.", "\nI will concentrate on the Lisbon Process. ", "A discussion has taken place here concerning whether or not the process represents progress, and criticism has been heard from the right that insufficient progress has been made. ", "However, this depends on how the meeting of the European Council is perceived. ", "If the progress of the Europe of the future is measured only in terms of deregulation, it is clear that the meeting was possibly not a success. ", "I myself, who am also in favour of deregulation, would have liked to have seen us progress further in that direction. ", "However, the most important aspect of the Stockholm Summit was balance; in other words, the fact that the deregulation which nevertheless was achieved was balanced by a policy for employment, social security and justice. ", "We can never create a Europe for its citizens if these ingredients are not also present.", "\nMrs Carlsson said that the Social Democrats in Europe were having a difficult time of it. ", "Let me name these 'difficulties' , which in actual fact centre on a social democracy that has produced fairly good economic growth and which is responsible for political development in practically every country within the EU. ", "The difficulties are probably rather in another direction on the political spectrum, namely among Mrs Carlsson' s friends.", "\nI see the Stockholm Summit as a success, especially in terms of the drafts provided by the Commission, because the balance is once more established. ", "There are clear targets for employment, intermediate targets and employment targets for older people. ", "Moreover, and I would address this particular point to Mr Schmid - there is certainly a link between reducing unemployment and increasing employment! ", "I would like to state that employment targets are more important than unemployment targets, although both are important. ", "In Sweden, we have combined unemployment targets and employment targets. ", "This, together with an active labour market policy, means an increased supply of labour but also reduced unemployment. ", "It is important that we have achieved this.", "\nIt is also important that childcare be introduced as a social right taking different forms in different countries, partly in order to give men and women the chance to participate in the labour market. ", "The issue concerns quality at work, not just creating more jobs but creating jobs where health and safety are good, where employees have substantial influence and where opportunities for skills development and professional development are in place.", "\nAll these ingredients were present at the Stockholm Summit. ", "This was the first stage of a process which will go on for many years. ", "It was also particularly important because this first stage means that the process will be able to continue in Barcelona.", "\nFinally, I would like to see a link with the Gothenburg Summit and the ecological dimension, which is the next step. ", "Link this to the open coordination method and we will achieve a coherent policy.", "\n\nSchörling\nMr President, acting President of the Council, I welcome the addition to the agenda of the Stockholm Summit in which sustainable development and environmentally-driven growth are to be incorporated into the Lisbon strategy.", "\nI consider that this addition is only the decent minimum. ", "What in fact does it mean politically? ", "Might it possibly be nothing but words? ", "Both the Council' s decision and the Commission' s basis for discussion for sustainable development, which were presented after the Stockholm Summit, place far too great an emphasis on economic policy and on competition-driven growth.", "\nEcofin' s structural indicators were adopted in full but not a single environmental indicator was included, not even the Commission' s proposal for indicators on energy efficiency nor any indicators on emissions of greenhouse gases. ", "In this sense the Stockholm Summit was a disappointment. ", "The US now threatening to withdraw from the Kyoto Agreement is scandalous and the EU' s leaders must consider serious measures to show...\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nVan Velzen\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, I would first of all like to congratulate the President of the Council on the results of the Stockholm Summit. ", "Needless to say, we want more, but sound results have been achieved. ", "Despite this, I would like to underline a number of the warnings which Mr Prodi flagged. ", "The summit is increasingly running the risk of degenerating into a media spectacle. ", "We have had Mr Putin, the next time we will get President Bush and, as a result, the other topics will, of course, be pushed into the background.", "\nI should like to ask the President of the Council the following. ", "Yesterday, we received a visit from Mr Sakharov' s widow in the group. ", "Mrs Sakharov made the following statement: 'Look, in Russia, the situation at the moment is such that there are most certainly democratic institutions and there is freedom of press, but they are no longer functioning properly.' ", "I wanted to ask you if these kinds of concerns which are around in the European Union also came up in the meeting with Mr Putin.", "\nMy second question concerns the following. ", "We are all grateful for the fact that Milosevic is behind bars. ", "Needless to say, this is not about whether or not the Bush diplomacy has scored a victory. ", "This is about whether the European Union can help the former Yugoslavia, namely Serbia and Montenegro, in the fight against poverty, with the economic reforms which need to take place and with offering the people a future. ", "Could the Council not take an initiative in this respect, also to demonstrate to the people that it is indeed worthwhile having Milosevic behind bars?", "\nFinally, I hope that the summit in Gothenburg will not be overshadowed by the presence of President Bush, but will instead focus on enlargement. ", "This is supposedly the last summit of the year on enlargement. ", "Let us remove the obstacles.", "\n\nBerès\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Mr President of the Commission, ladies and gentlemen, Stockholm has highlighted at least three subjects on which I should like to comment this morning.", "\nRegarding progress and the conditions for economic growth in Europe, I think that important signals have been given. ", "This morning I have heard some people criticising the halt that has been called on certain forms of liberalisation. ", "I believe that if we look at the situation with regard to Ericsson in Sweden and Marks & Spencer or Danone in France, it is time to start asking questions about the cost of the growth that we are in the process of creating. ", "Mr President of the Commission, I have listened to your appeal that Europe should keep its promises, but it cannot do this if it shows the door to thousands of workers. ", "In that respect, Mr President of the Council, when you call for a balance between liberalisation and social responsibility, it seems to us that you are in agreement with the real concerns of our fellow citizens.", "\nFrom this point of view, I believe, and this will be my second point, that any progress that can be made in restructuring our services of general interest is essential. ", "There is this draft framework directive. ", "We are waiting for it to progress further, because unless it does, what is the point of defining this draft framework when we have already liberalised every sector? ", "We are already well behind schedule: it is time to act and to restructure these sectors.", "\nMy second point is method. ", "Many people have already said this before me: Lisbon marked a certain stage, and Stockholm makes it official. ", "It seems to us essential that the conclusions that you adopted regarding better coordination between the Luxembourg process, the social agenda, the Lisbon process and the broad guidelines of economic policy should enable this spring Council to rediscover, or discover, its true role, that of defining policy on the basis of the preparatory work carried out by the Commission, which enables everybody to play their part, the Commission in its role as instigator, and the European Council in its role as policy maker. ", "Because if everyone wants to do everything, though one sometimes has the impression that it is less painful, very often it is also less effective.", "\nThen again, in using these methods, it seems to us that, if we want to take into consideration this social responsibility that you have talked about, Mr President, we shall also have to modify our indicators. ", "We are not entirely clear about these social situations. ", "Admittedly, we have made some progress since Luxembourg, but what do we really know about the way added value is distributed? ", "What do we know about how employees are defined in terms of their mobility? ", "What do we know about ways of opposing these job cuts, which were supposed to be merely economic job cuts, and which are becoming financial job cuts? ", "This is certainly not the Europe that we want to have.", "\n\nPack\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, it was good that Dr Trajkovski, the President of Macedonia, was in Stockholm. ", "He is a man who has made an all-out commitment to interethnic coexistence. ", "However, if you look closely at the situation in Macedonia, you cannot but conclude that the root cause of the extremist incidents lies not so much in Macedonia as in the hesitant action of the West in Kosovo. ", "The fact of the matter is that the minority rules in Macedonia for the Walachians, Serbs, Romas and Turks are exemplary and many countries in the region would do well to follow its example.", "\nSecondly: the Albanian minority of around 28% naturally needs special treatment. ", "They have 4 ministers in key positions in this government. ", "What the previous government unfortunately failed to take into account was the question of higher education for these people and the need to resolve the problem of Tetovo University. ", "This government made a start on all this, despite the Kosovo crisis, and just as it did so, along came extremists from outside and upset everything. ", "I call on the Council to help this government to continue on its chosen path and to call on the opposition in Macedonia to support it. ", "And I call on the Member States to send money to Tetovo University so that it can start the academic year.", "\nAs far as Kosovo is concerned, I urgently call for the borders with Serbia and Macedonia to be closed to extremists. ", "We can probably do this with the help called for. ", "But UNMIC must get elections under way in Kosovo at long last, so that elected Albanian politicians can take their fate in their own hands and put the extremists in their place.", "\nGovernments in the west must realise that problems need to be monitored closely and a solution found. ", "If we keep stopping half way, we just give the extremists room to manoeuvre.", "\n\nVan Lancker\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, I have the impression that those who are keen to emphasise the fact that Stockholm was only a half-hearted attempt at a summit, with a great deal of rhetoric and little in the way of results, would very much like to make us overlook the fact that, in Stockholm, a number of vital steps were taken in order to bring the European policy we have pursued back on track, both socially and ecologically. ", "Mr President-in-Office of the Council, you made reference to the Spanish Presidency in your introduction a moment ago. ", "I would, in turn, like to refer to the Belgian Presidency, for Stockholm has given this Belgian Presidency a number of very essential and firm mandates. ", "First and foremost, it was given the mandate to formulate goals with a view to taking up the fight against poverty and social exclusion in concrete terms at European level. ", "This is a very important mandate in my view. ", "In fact, I hope - and this hope is shared by my Group - that the opportunity will arise to discuss once again a poverty standard and a proper income for all citizens of this Union as part of the agenda.", "\nSecondly, demographic development, to which you yourself have already referred. ", "I am pleased that the European pensions debate is at long last no longer held among the Finance Ministers within the framework of healthy government finance, but also among the Social Affairs Ministers with a view to guaranteeing everyone a proper pension. ", "Solidarity between the different generations, solidarity among the older generation and hence, the priority of guaranteeing the quality of pension schemes, will form an essential task and responsibility of the Belgian Presidency, admittedly after the homework in Gothenburg has been handed in. ", "In this framework, my Group is, in fact, giving its unqualified support to the decision to start formulating concrete goals on employment for older employees. ", "However, Mr President-in-Office, ladies and gentlemen, choices must be made in these areas too. ", "It is quite clear to me: this choice is not about brazenly discontinuing early retirement schemes or increasing the pensionable age, but rather about choosing to introduce flexible end-of-career schemes and to improve the quality of work.", "\nThis brings me to my final point, Mr President-in-Office: the quality of work. ", "Here too, we expect a great deal from the Council and the Commission, which has to provide us with indicators so as to, thanks to this open coordination, secure us not just more, but also better jobs. ", "Ladies and gentlemen, the quality of work, however, is not just a question of indicators and open coordination. ", "It is also a question of legislation. ", "We therefore expect an extra effort, both from the Commission and from the Council, to provide us with a revised directive on European works councils, within the framework of restructuring - which we are now experiencing once again - and to make a start on the directive on information and advice as a matter of urgency. ", "These too will help guarantee the quality of work, and we are relying on the Swedish and Belgian Presidencies to do their bit.", "\n\nPersson\nMr President, let me briefly comment on what has been said. ", "Firstly, I would like to thank you for the support you have expressed for the Swedish Presidency and the work which we are carrying out together with yourselves and, naturally, with the Commission, and which gave us a very good basis to work on ahead of the Stockholm Summit. ", "This means that we were well-placed to achieve success. ", "I will comment on the points you raised from two perspectives. ", "I want to talk firstly about foreign relations and secondly about the Lisbon Process, as my initial report was primarily structured in that way.", "\nWith regard to foreign relations, I am happy that so many people here have recognised that there is an aim on the part of the presidency to get the Union' s Member States to really work together when they are able to act together. ", "This is based on consensus, unanimity. ", "We are aware that not all of us within the Union agree on every issue, but on this issue we are agreed. ", "When we are able to put forward common principles, we must naturally also act together.", "\nNaturally we attracted a great deal of attention in the media when we received President Putin as a guest. ", "I would not be surprised to see even greater attention from the media when we receive President Bush, but those who believe that in receiving these visitors we are seeking media attention are naturally mistaken about the fundamental work of the Union. ", "We have an obligation, we have a right, to take the initiative in our relations both with the United States and Russia. ", "Relations must be deepened and developed, and dialogue must be open. ", "It must be honest and it must be critical, but we must naturally, on the basis of our size and our strength, carry out this dialogue with very, very great self-confidence. ", "This is what this is about. ", "I am pleased that you realise that, during the Swedish Presidency, we are seeking to highlight joint action in foreign affairs also within the European Union and within the framework of the Council. ", "This is far from unimportant.", "\nNow, a few words on the Lisbon Process. ", "Let me comment on the discussion on deregulation and liberalisation.", "\nI am the Prime Minister of a country which has opened up many markets, which has liberalised and deregulated. ", "I primarily see positive effects of this, but I would be a very poor politician if I did not also recognise the difficulties in carrying out such a process. ", "This is a very large and fundamental reorganisation. ", "It is far from simple. ", "I have very great respect for the colleagues who, in their respective countries, are to begin this process in a number of central areas and deal with the political debate which many of us have already had in our countries. ", "It is no easy debate. ", "I believe that it would be an incredibly great mistake to force through decisions and so create a situation where these fundamental changes in many countries would immediately lead to extremely strong national opposition. ", "Therefore, I believe that the method we are using in the Lisbon Process is superior for this type of fundamental change in financial and political conditions. ", "I say this as a response to Mr Poettering of the Conservative Group, as I can see how the process will develop over time. ", "The process is heading in the right direction, and we are implementing it in such a way that we have the support of national political opinion in each country. ", "We can never ignore this.", "\nI also wish to state that I myself do not wish to see deregulation and liberalisation unless the advantages created and the increased growth achieved are used to give ordinary people the chance to live better and richer lives. ", "We constantly have to maintain this balance. ", "Here I am talking to those who said that we have not produced any initiatives to combat unemployment. ", "Our work in this respect is characterised by the fact that unemployment is best combated by economic growth and economic development. ", "Without increased production, we will have no opportunities to successfully combat unemployment. ", "We can create various programmes, reduce working hours, carry out a large number of different initiatives - but for those people who are most hard pressed, this will always be a defensive programme. ", "If we are to be proactive in addressing unemployment, we must do so by increasing the cake by developing the economy. ", "This is why we have drawn up guidelines in Stockholm.", "\nSeveral speakers have mentioned enlargement of the Union. ", "We are currently negotiating intensively with the active participation of the Commission. ", "As far as I can judge, the negotiations are successful, but they are not easy. ", "My task as President-in-Office of the Council is to ensure that the Union' s regulations are highlighted in the negotiations and that we run the negotiations so as to achieve a change in legislation, markets and political systems in the countries now seeking to join the Union. ", "This change must make their accession as painless and successful as possible. ", "These negotiations are difficult and we are in the middle of them. ", "I am hopeful that, in the negotiations in the spring during the Swedish Presidency, we shall achieve success that we will be able to describe as a breakthrough.", "\nRegarding openness, the presidency and Parliament are in alliance. ", "I hope that we succeed. ", "I myself would agree with the criticism which Bertel Haarder makes of the situation. ", "These are not reasonable conditions for political work, and we have to create greater openness if our citizens are also to have a greater chance of becoming directly involved in what forms the basis of the political decisions.", "\nI would also like to discuss the prior conditions for Sweden, as a small country, being able to contribute to the issue of EMU and other issues: but I do not intend to take up your time over this. ", "I will be happy to talk about this question again in a bilateral context. ", "What is important for us now is to jointly ensure that the Union' s economy is in as good a condition as possible on the day, in almost a year' s time, when the single European currency is introduced. ", "We all have an interest in this, whether we are participating in the currency union from the start or whether we will be joining later. ", "Success, which is what we are seeking, is to the advantage of the entire European economy.", "\nMr President, thank you once more for your many constructive contributions and points of view. ", "I would also like to thank the Commission for working so well with us in the run-up to the Stockholm Summit. ", "I look forward to meeting Parliament again following the Gothenburg Summit, where I hope we will be able to say that we have taken a step forward on enlargement, even though a great deal of work will remain to be done on that point.", "\n\nProdi\nMr President, I shall be very brief in my reply because it differs only slightly from what Prime Minister Persson said.", "\nThe reaction to this summit of tempered optimism but awareness that difficult objectives have been achieved has been common to almost all of today's speeches, as has commitment to meeting the need for future progress and the even greater need to focus on action and implementation of decisions taken. ", "Having said that, I do acknowledge the objections raised and comments made by many Members on the issue of decision-making processes, on the need for new decision-making processes. ", "Mr Brok, Mr Poettering and Mr Segni made it clear, from the different areas of the House, that the decision-making processes observed during summits and in all our work must be strictly reformed in this lengthy review process which we have undertaken, due to be completed between the end of 2003 and early 2004. ", "This is a clear commitment made by Parliament and all of us.", "\nAnother general point, then, was covered by many speakers: on the one hand, the conviction that globalisation is absolutely essential, and not just a necessity but an extremely positive debate for Europe, but, on the other, the justified - genuine - fear of some of the effects of globalisation. ", "I cannot, in this Chamber, fail to make my deep concern known to Parliament at the way the excellent economic progress and the rise in employment which have taken place in recent years in Europe have been accompanied by increased disparity in the distribution of wealth in what could ultimately be called a social injustice indicator, which does not necessarily have to be part of the globalisation package. ", "Quite the contrary: it is possible to rectify the situation and combine globalisation and social justice. ", "This is a subject which requires a great deal of thought for, all too often, we confuse the two things: we believe, that is, that globalisation, the fact that we are opening up our economies, will automatically lead to a less equitable, wider disparity in the distribution of wealth. ", "This does not have to be the case at all.", "\nFurthermore, another point emerged as a common concern, linked to the forthcoming Gothenburg Summit, and that is the adoption of a unanimous position on the Kyoto Protocol. ", "This is certainly not an attack on the United States, merely awareness that we must act responsibly. ", "And, as Europeans, we must have a general sense of responsibility towards all the citizens of the world.", "\nI would like to end with one last point, which might appear minor but which I consider to be extremely important. ", "It concerns one of the most important issues dealt with at the Stockholm Summit, and that is the implications of the enlargement of financial market relations and the resulting relationship between Parliament, the Commission and the Council. ", "Mrs Randzio-Plath has raised this issue and rightly so, and I would like to respond briefly right here before Parliament, for it is extremely important.", "\nI would like to make it clear that the agreement reached in Stockholm refers to a Decision on comitology, reproducing the 1999 Decision word for word - what is known colloquially as the Aerosol case - including the statements it contains and the Commission's statement. ", "In this case, the Commission did not declare in Stockholm that the entire securities sector should be considered to be a sensitive sector, as requested by certain States, but it did undertake to avoid going against predominant views which might emerge within the Council in the case - and only in the case - of particularly sensitive implementing measures. ", "In other words, in particular, the Commission will assess each case individually, and I can therefore see no reason to change the current balance between the institutions in terms of delegated powers. ", "Indeed, Parliament will be able to comment on the distinction between the essential elements and the technical provisions of the measures proposed by the Commission. ", "Clearly, this distinction must be established through the usual procedure for codecision between Parliament and the Council. ", "In addition, Parliament will, and must, be informed on a regular basis by the Commission of the Securities Committee's proceedings and, If the European Parliament resolves that the draft measures submitted by the Commission exceed the implementing powers provided for in the framework legislation, the Commission commits itself to expeditiously re-examine those draft measures, taking the utmost account of Parliament's position.", "\nThere it is: we have to decide on the basis of concrete legislative proposals within the framework of the codecision procedure. ", "I wanted to point this out because it would be a shame for the progress of such an important matter as this, decided upon at Stockholm - the most important decision taken in Stockholm - to be hampered by our procedural problems or our difficulties in adopting a common position. ", "This must not happen: we must proceed with all transparency, for the very reason that the European citizens expect the decisions taken by the highest assembly, that is the decisions taken by the Council, then to be rapidly implemented, or Europe's credibility will fall even more. ", "This will be extremely important at the Gothenburg Council. ", "I hope that the preparations for the forthcoming summit will be made with the same diligence and the same transparency which characterised the Stockholm preparations because, ultimately, Gothenburg is Act II of the Stockholm Council: that is, it will end the series of reforms decided upon in Lisbon, reforms whose long-term compatibility must be assessed, which is something we are no longer in the habit of doing. ", "But if we do not learn to do this as well, all the decisions we take will have to be revised in the future.", "\n\nMcMillan-Scott\nMr President, it was not only courteous of the Swedish Prime Minister to come here, but also rather courageous. ", "As so many speakers have said, on the economic front, Stockholm was a great disappointment. ", "Once again Heads of Government could only agree to set theoretical deadlines for ministers to liberalise markets in the future, rather than actually set the seal on agreements that should already have been made or reach those agreements themselves.", "\nTo coin a phrase, the liberalising talk is 'all spin and no delivery'. ", "We are witnessing serious under-performance by standards which Europe's socialist leaders have set themselves. ", "It is all a far cry from the spirit of the single market when the centre right ran Europe. ", "One of the major failures of the Stockholm Summit was in the foreign affairs field. ", "With the great events taking place in the world, it was as if the Stockholm Summit was ignoring them. ", "For example, the General Affairs Council on 19 March decided once again not to table a critical motion in the United Nations sub-committee in Geneva, dealing with human rights abuses in China. ", "Until 1997, every year the European Union did so. ", "Now the socialists are failing, it is business as usual.", "\nEven more important - as Mr Poettering told the House earlier on, and other speakers have referred to this - last night the PPE-DE Group heard Yelena Bonner describe the situation in Russia today: Mr Putin came to Stockholm, Mr Persson gave him a cheque for EUR 100 million, the very next week Mr Putin begins yet another crack-down on the media. ", "There is now no single independent media channel in Russia. ", "This is a scandal. ", "I am very disappointed indeed that Mr Persson did not take the opportunity this morning to criticise President Putin for the way in which he is repressing the media in Russia, the way in which democracy is being rolled back. ", "This is our great neighbour to the east. ", "We must deal with it on a practical and political basis, but with frankness and determination. ", "God help us if the socialists had run Europe during the cold war.", "\n(Loud applause from the right)\n\nSimpson\nMr President, God help us if the conservatives ever run Europe again.", "\nI wish to concentrate on two issues which I know Parliament considers to be of the utmost importance, namely the Galileo project and the future of postal services. ", "Having the opportunity to speak in this debate gives me the chance to welcome not only the Council's conclusions on the creation of a single European sky, but its determination to submit proposals on slot allocation at Community airports to Parliament by June.", "\nWith regard to Galileo it is worth remembering that this programme was actually instigated by the Council in March 1998. ", "This commitment was emphasised by the Cologne Council and Feira when it was stated that strategic decisions had to be taken by December 2000. ", "But then, to be blunt, the Council, no doubt under pressure from finance ministers, got cold feet. ", "I accept that the cost of Galileo is around EUR 3 billion, which means the involvement of the private sector is essential, but the benefits to Europe in both economic and social terms will be immense. ", "We have a commitment from the main European companies in this sector. ", "What we need now is a political commitment from the Member States not only to push ahead with Galileo, but to push ahead in a positive and determined way, working alongside the private sector.", "\nEarlier in the day Mr Poettering criticised the Council for not giving a timetable for the liberalisation of postal services. ", "I actually agree with the Council on this and would remind not only Mr Poettering, but also Commissioner Bolkestein, of the position Parliament took at its first reading on postal services a couple of months ago. ", "By an overwhelming majority it voted for a controlled, gradual liberalisation down to 150 000 with no end-date for liberalisation. ", "So when I read in the Stockholm conclusions that the Council wishes to work with Parliament, I welcome this. ", "But I would remind the Council that Parliament's position is clear, unambiguous and has been arrived at with a clear political consensus across political divides.", "\nOn post Parliament does not have a problem. ", "The Council does. ", "This solution is clear: accept Parliament's position, abandon the extreme policies put forward by Commissioner Bolkestein and I am sure we can have an agreement on the future of postal services within days.", "\n\nGaleote Quecedo\nMr President, I should like to begin by pointing out on the positive side that the Stockholm European Council has emphasised the strategy drawn up in Lisbon, and has even added to and strengthened it in certain concrete matters.", "\nThe importance placed on the Social Agenda is certainly very positive, particularly regarding the social security and health care systems, the setting of employment rates, the willingness to cut public subsidies (although I would have liked us to have gone further), the development of new technologies, or the decision to create a European Food Authority.", "\nIn contrast, as regards the liberalisation processes, Mr Prodi, serious asymmetries are being created within the European Union, and this urgently requires draft legislation to regulate intra-Community investments, as almost all the Parliamentary Groups reminded Mr Bolkestein yesterday.", "\nI shall finish by referring in this context to the intention of creating a single European sky that has been put forward by both the presidency of the Council and that of the Commission, and I should like to say to Mr Prodi that we trust that the Commission will act in this matter with the determination and prudence needed in view of the commitments undertaken, and in any case in accordance with the Community acquis. ", "Part of the Community acquis too, Mr Prodi, is the Gibraltar clause, which does not date back to the eighteenth century but to a 1987 agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom and Spain, within which we must push forward in order to finalise this agreement in Gothenburg.", "\nPresident. ", "As it is time to proceed to the vote, the debate is suspended and will be resumed at 3 p.m.\n\nPacheco Pereira\nMr President, I wish to inform the Bureau that, as a result of the initiative adopted by Parliament for the release of the Portuguese citizens being held hostage in Cabinda, one of these hostages was released yesterday. ", "I wish to say, Mr President, that Parliament' s initiative played an important role in this hostage being released and that we must continue to do all that we can to ensure that the remaining Portuguese hostages in Cabinda are also finally released.", "\n\nPresident\n I welcome the progress made thus far.", "\nWe shall now proceed to the votes.", "\n\nVOTE\nPresident\nPursuant to Rules 15 and 18 of the Rules of Procedure, we shall now proceed to the election of a Vice-President. ", "Since there is only one vacancy and only one candidate has been nominated, Mrs Catherine Lalumière, I propose that we should vote by acclamation.", "\n(Parliament elected Mrs Lalumière by acclamation) I proclaim Mrs Catherine Lalumière Vice-President of the European Parliament.", "\nThe incoming Vice-President will take the place of the outgoing Vice-President in the order of precedence.", "\nI would like to congratulate Mrs Lalumière on her election and wish her every success in her mandate.", "\n(Sustained applause) \nReport without debate on the proposal for a Council regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 738/93 amending the transitional measures governing the common organisation of the market in cereals and rice in Portugal as provided for by Regulation (EEC) No 3653/90 [COM(2000) 763 - C5-0716/2000 - 2000/0295(CNS)]\n(Parliament adopted the proposal) \nReport (A5-0104/2001) by Mr Trakatellis, on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and of the Council adopting a programme of Community action in the field of public health (2001-2006) [COM(2000) 285 - C5-0299/2000 - 2000/0119(COD)]\n(Parliament adopted the legislative resolution) \nReport (A5-0112/2001) by Mr Stauner, on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control, on the Commission report on the measures taken in the light of the observations of the European Parliament in its 1998 discharge resolution [COM(2000) 558 - C5-0560/2000 - 2000/2263(DEC)]\n(Parliament adopted the resolution)\n (The sitting was suspended at 11.55 a.m. and resumed at 12.35 p.m.)\n \nReport (A5-0113/2001) by Mr Blak, on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control, concerning discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year (Commission) [SEC(2000) 537 - C5-0310/2000 - 2000/2155(DEC)]\nBefore the vote:\n\nKuhne\nMr President, normally any corrigenda to the various language versions are announced before the vote commences. ", "I understand that corrections are needed to the Spanish version. ", "Is the Bureau aware of this or not? ", "If it is, I would be grateful if they could be announced. ", "According to my information, there is a point in the Spanish version which has not been brought into line with the basic English version.", "\n\nIzquierdo Collado\nMr President, I intervene in the same sense as my colleague to stress that in the draft resolution in the Blak report - and of course I am intervening after checking with the rapporteur - I want to state for the record first that it is the English version that is authentic. ", "Secondly, in conclusion number 8(ii), under the title Flax, there should be a language correction not only in the Spanish but also in most other languages: where in English it says 'competent authorities' it should be translated in Spanish as 'autoridades competentes' , and the same in all the other languages.", "\n\nPomés Ruiz\nMr President, I agree that the English version is the authentic one, and with regard to Mr Izquierdo' s last statement I must say that for us 'autoridades competentes' [competent authorities] and 'autoridades de control' [controlling authorities] is still the same thing, in both cases they are the Autonomous Communities, but if the English version speaks of 'competent authorities' we agree it should be so.", "\n\nIzquierdo Collado\nMr President, I want to reiterate that this proposal was negotiated in Spanish and in English and that therefore the only thing Mr Pomés' s intervention is trying to do is generate confusion. ", "I maintain that the corresponding Spanish translation of the English text is 'autoridades competentes' , because that is the truth and that is what is correct.", "\n\nTheato\nMr President, this misunderstanding has already been cleared up in the Committee on Budgetary Control and I am therefore most surprised that it should be raised yet again. ", "We discussed this quite clearly during the vote in committee. ", "The matter was clarified and I therefore assumed that plenary would also understand that the English version applies and that the other languages also refer to \"competent authorities\" . ", "This new demand is therefore somewhat beyond me.", "\n\n(Parliament adopted the resolution)\nReport (A5-0099/2001) by Mr Folias, on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control, concerning discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year\nSection I - European Parliament/Ombudsman [SEC(00) 539 - C5-0312/2000 - 2000/2157(DEC)]\n\nColom i Naval\nMr President, I think there has been a problem with the translations into Spanish, because in the Folias report too, there are clear differences between the English text, which is the authentic one, and the Spanish text. ", "In particular, I should like the translation of Section 19 to be reviewed. ", "There may be problems in general, but particularly Section 19 in Spanish is totally different from the English original.", "\n\nFolias\n, rapporteur. (", "EL) Mr President, I quite agree. ", "A word of clarification: the text was originally drafted in Greek, not English.", "\n(Parliament adopted the decision) \nReport (A5-0108/2001) by Mrs van der Laan, on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control, concerning discharge to the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin for the 1999 financial year [C5-0686/2000 - 2000/2166(DEC)];\nconcerning discharge for the European Centre for Vocational Training, Thessaloniki, for the 1999 financial year [C5-0687/2000 - 2000/2165(DEC)]; concerning discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial yeardischarge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year\nSection IV - Court of Justice\nSection V - Court of Auditors\nSection VI - Part B, Committee of the Regions\n[SEC(00) 539 - C5-0312/2000 - C5-0617/2000 - 2000/2156(DEC)];\non postponement of the decision concerning discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial yearon postponement of the decision concerning discharge in respect of the implementation of the general budget of the European Union for the 1999 financial year\nSection VI - Part A, Economic and Social Committee\n[SEC(00) 539 - C5-0312/2000 - C5-0617/2000 - 2000/2156(DEC)]\n\nVan der Laan\nMr President, I simply wanted to make a brief comment on the amendments. ", "I think that an incorrect communication was made to the sittings service. ", "I am the rapporteur for all amendments. ", "I just wanted to say this to avoid any misunderstandings. ", "I would like to take this opportunity to thank all fellow MEPs, and also to thank them for these amendments.", "\n(With successive votes Parliament adopted the decisions and the resolution)\nReport (A5-0097/2001) by Mr Seppänen, on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control, concerning the discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) for the 1999 financial yearconcerning the discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) for the 1999 financial year [C5-0654/2000 - C5-0654/2000 - 2000/2167(DEC)]\n(Parliament adopted the resolution) \nReport (A5-0109/2001) by Mrs Rühle, on behalf of the Committee on Budgetary Control, on the discharge in respect of the financial management of the sixth, seventh and eighth European Development Funds for the 1999 financial year [COM(2000) 357 - C5-0257/2000 - 2000/2164(DEC)]\n(Parliament adopted the resolution) \nReport (A5-0084/2001) by Mrs Hermange, on behalf of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, on the Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions - Towards a barrier-free Europe for people with disabilities\n[COM(2000) 284 - C5-0632/2000 - 2000/2296(COS)]\n(Parliament adopted the resolution)\nEXPLANATIONS OF VOTE- Cereals and rice markets in Portugal (C5-0716/2000)\n\nFigueiredo\nThis proposal for a regulation seeks to temporarily stabilise the degressivity of specific aid to Portugal for cereals, by maintaining the same level of aid for the 2001/2002 season as for this year. ", "This decision, with which we agree, was taken under the Portuguese Presidency of the EU, and seeks to maintain the cofinancing of aid for one year, thereby compensating for the collapse in income of Portuguese farmers. ", "Nevertheless, given the pressures from the CAP on farmers' incomes and bearing in mind the needs of Portuguese farmers, stabilising degressivity should cover the whole period of the current financial framework, in other words, until the 2005/2006 season.", "\nFurthermore, an upper limit must be imposed for the stabilisation of cofinanced aid, twice the limit of the simplified system, for example, as a means of making savings that could finance either the extension of stabilisation or the creation of support mechanisms for the production of protein crops, or the establishment of a conversion programme for alternative crops to cereals, in order to make the best use of land that cannot be so intensively farmed. ", "It is worth pointing out that many small farmers in Portugal are prevented from receiving proper aid for not selling all of their produce. ", "These farmers should be able to use their produce for on-farm consumption, which would guarantee their right to aid, if, for example, they base their application on the income brackets of their farms.", "\nTrakatellis report (A5-0104/2001)\n\nStihler\nMr President, as the UK Labour delegation spokesperson on health, I would like to give an explanation of vote on the Trakatellis report. ", "Although there are many good features in this report which deserve support - and we support them - given the voting list method of voting en bloc we have followed the PSE position throughout. ", "However, I would like to make it clear that the proposal for the centre mentioned in the Trakatellis report gives us great concern. ", "We feel that this proposal is ill-thought through, the cost implications ill-considered and the legal implications could possibly delay all that is good in this report. ", "As I said last night, and I will say again, health is an issue which connects with the citizen. ", "Therefore, it is important that we get this proposal through as quickly as possible. ", "I look forward to the second reading.", "\n\nFatuzzo\nMr President, as the elected representative of the Pensioners' Party to this Parliament, I was very happy to vote for the Trakatellis report, a very important report. ", "I was worried about what I was going to say in my explanation of vote because I did not dream at all last night, and I was very heavy eyed when I woke up. ", "However, precisely because I was very tired, I closed my eyes a little while ago and had a vision. ", "I saw Mrs Trakatellis as if in a dream. ", "However, she looked like a pill, and there was writing on the pill which said \"for use against cardiovascular diseases\", while other types of pills, also Trakatellis pills, bore the words \"for use against neuro-psychiatric disorders\", \"for use against children's diseases\", etc. ", "I therefore saw Mrs Trakatellis' important report as the sole means of curing the diseases of all the citizens of Europe. ", "Congratulations Mrs Trakatellis!", "\n\nFrahm, Herman Schmid, Seppänen and Sjöstedt\nWe consider that questions concerning public health and health care must be determined at national and regional level. ", "We therefore do not wish to develop the work of the EU in the area into something which increasingly controls the actions of nations in more and more detail. ", "We consider that with an increased budget and the foundation of a new Health Coordination and Monitoring Centre, the Trakatellis report is heading in such a direction. ", "We have therefore voted against the report.", "\n\nÊorakas\nFollowing recent events and their serious impact on public health and the food chain, such as \"mad cows\" , dioxin, the depleted uranium bombs dropped on Yugoslavia and a host of other incidents, we find it very hard to believe the EU's professed interest in, or the sincerity of, its declarations of good intent regarding public health. ", "The EU has confirmed beyond all doubt that any intervention on its part is designed mainly to allay fears, not deal with the problems which its very policies are creating for large swathes of the population.", "\nThe EU's intentions in the particularly sensitive area of public health are clearly set out in the conclusions of the recent Council summit in Stockholm. ", "Thus, it declares war on much that the workers have fought for (by calling for spending cuts, budgetary discipline, personal responsibility etc.) ", "and, in the same breath, announces that it intends to \"modernise the European social model\" which, in the health sector, translates into more private health services and greater personal responsibility for individual needs, thereby benefiting private-sector initiative and the huge economic interests at work in the health sector and social systems.", "\nIn its specific action plan in the public health sector for 2001-2006, the ÅU caters to the aims and needs of big business and the monopolies in the health sector. ", "It is no accident that there is no mention or specification whatsoever of the state' s obligation in any area or for any aspect of these issues. ", "This strategy on the part of the ÅU makes health totally dependent on the laws of the market, cost considerations, profits and returns. ", "Health systems are now seen as a drain on public funds - rather than an investment in human resources - which need to adhere to the terms of budgetary discipline. ", "In Community-speak, this means cutting back on health spending, shifting the responsibility and the cost on to the people, strengthening private initiative and turning health care into a profit-making activity, the aim being to convert the health sector into a 'competitive market' and secure the best possible terms for the powerful monopolies to win market shares and achieve market penetration while, at the same time, reducing employment and social rights and everything the workers have fought for in the health sector to the lowest common denominator and cutting back on public spending in this sector.", "\nThe European Parliament' s rapporteur takes the same line as the Commission. ", "Thus, despite quite rightly referring to serious and persistent health problems, he makes no mention of the real social causes of or the circumstances which aggravate the health and threaten the lives of our citizens, such as deteriorating working conditions, alternating and night shifts, the dramatic drop in the standard of living of large swathes of the population, the spread of poverty and unemployment, the repercussions of unbridled, profit-driven liberalisation of the market on the food chain, the deterioration in the environment etc.", "\nIn the rapporteur' s own words, \"health should not be considered as a commodity, which can be the subject of political or financial compromises\" and on this we are in perfect agreement. ", "Unfortunately, he then contradicts his good intentions by using his report to commend and back the EU's aggressive, anti-grass roots policy in the public health sector.", "\nThis is why we shall not be voting for the report, preferring instead to stand by the workers and help them organise their resistance movement and fight for a proper, high-quality public health service which benefits the people.", "\n\nBordes, Cauquil and Laguiller\nWe support the rapporteur' s action on this proposal, on two points. ", "First, the harmonisation of the health policies of European countries would be a sensible decision, provided that it is in an upward direction, and second, the budget planned for a health policy at European Union level is ridiculously small.", "\nDisease prevention and early diagnosis of cancers and other serious diseases, where early treatment can reduce the risks, should be one of the basic principles of the Union if it is more concerned with people than with the flow of capital and goods. ", "This is not the case, however.", "\nThe amendments proposed to Parliament, some of which are a step in the right direction, would not be enough, even if they were adopted, to make the policy recommended by the Commission acceptable. ", "A valid health policy requires resources that the Commission is refusing to provide itself with.", "\nWe have therefore abstained from voting on this report, though we have voted on certain proposals.", "\n\nFigueiredo\nThe 2001­2006 health programme is a fine theoretical document, which follows the philosophy of the public health Eurocrats, although it is somewhat cautious on some issues, specifically:\nhuman public health is an issue which is crucial to sustainable human development. ", "Therefore, all public and private services should exist to serve it and regional coordination and funding should clearly demonstrate the importance of human health without undermining national responsibilities;\ntherapeutic and diagnostic measures must not be considered to be exclusively commercial and industrial activities. ", "It should be noted that this component of public health has been treated as a separate commercial area and is currently controlled by multinationals, which undermines national and regional interests. ", "We will not, therefore, be able to have a good public health programme until we change this situation;\nThe programme avoids talking about factors for health in the workplace and for workers' health. ", "We cannot start from the premise that the direct and indirect costs of people working in poor conditions should be met by society, leaving the capitalists with the increased profits from having their employees work in such conditions.", "\nLastly, I must mention the need to make more progress in protecting human public health by increasing the programme' s funding, amongst other things, as stated in the amendments for which we have voted.", "\n\nSchleicher\nI voted against the Trakatellis report, my reasons, which also apply to my fellow CSU members from Bavaria, being as follows: the European Community is still not responsible for health policy and can therefore only coordinate. ", "Parliament calls in its text for a \"Health Coordination and Monitoring Centre\" (HCMC) to be set up, operated and extended. ", "We vehemently rejected this because this is a matter for the Member States. ", "In addition, there is a series of calls which go against the principle of subsidiarity, such as recommendations for school education programmes, quality standards applicable to health and training and further training.", "\nThe text adopted by Parliament also contains no specification that the limited funds available should be used in a sensible and targeted manner.", "\nStauner report (A5-0112/2001)\nFatuzzo (PPE-DE). (", "IT) Mr President, I voted for the Stauner report, although I would have liked to have been able to be more whole-hearted about it. ", "Why is that? ", "Because, when I meet the pensioner, Mr Rossi, in Bergamo, he always asks me: \"What do you do at the European Parliament?\", ", "and the pensioner, Mr Verdi, asks me every afternoon: \"You spend so much money: where does it all go to?\", ", "and so on and so forth all day long. ", "My life is one continual question from citizens and pensioners, in particular, asking what we spend Europe's money on. ", "What I want, therefore, is for us to ensure, in future, that we monitor all this money we spend as well. ", "Of course, we do spend it wisely, but what on? ", "Let us therefore verify whether this money is used to bring practical benefit to the European citizens.", "\nBlak report (A5-0113/001)\nFatuzzo (PPE-DE). (", "IT) Mr President, I voted against the discharge to the Commission for the 1999 financial year. ", "Why is that? ", "Because I hope that the Commission will make much, much greater efforts. ", "But to do what? ", "To resolve the problems of pensioners and elderly people in Europe. ", "And how? ", "In totally the opposite way to that which I regret to say is continuously advocated, not just by the Commission, but also in this House and by the Council. ", "I should like to make it clear in this explanation of vote that workers do not want to work forever: they want to reach the point where they can receive a pension soon, a good pension which is enough to live on, in order to make way for young people. ", "The Pensioners' Party is totally against any attempt by the European governments or Europe to extend the length of citizens' working lives. ", "Rather, we are calling for the length of time spent working to be reduced and the length of time spent at leisure, when it is not obligatory for citizens to work, to be increased.", "\n\nBordes, Cauquil and Laguiller\nNaturally we have voted against giving any discharge to the European Commission. ", "We disapprove of both past budgets and the future budget, and of the very function of a Commission that is entirely in the service of industrial and financial groups.", "\nOur negative votes on individual points are merely a continuation of this general lack of confidence.", "\n\nMeijer\nMr Blak' s report contains many points of criticism with regard to the European Union' s expenditure and the responsibility for this. ", "According to his recommendations, a great deal needs to change yet. ", "Further to this justified criticism, the logical conclusion would be for Parliament once again to vote against the discharge of the previous budget year. ", "Voting against is Parliament' s only means of exercising power in order to bring about change and to challenge the Council' s and the Commission' s arrogance. ", "Voting in favour, following a series of pleas, is not such a powerful weapon. ", "That would be a mere signal that everything can simply stay the same, even if there is little or no change ultimately. ", "Does approval mean that, after a few demands and critical remarks, we will turn a blind eye to a number of fraud cases, such as the fraud case in Spain on which an OLAF report has been published recently? ", "I will not grant approval until these instances of fraud have been resolved, the perpetrators penalised and the money concerned paid back. ", "Until such time, it is not wise to trust to the good intentions of the new European Commission which took up office in the autumn of 1999. ", "To my great surprise, the otherwise so critical rapporteur now proposes to grant approval. ", "I do not share his view on this.", "\n\nStauner\nI voted against discharge for the following reasons: I welcome the explanation given to plenary by the Commissioner for budgets on the Fléchard case on 3 April 2001. ", "However, this alone is not tantamount to a fresh start in the Commission' s policy on dealing with cases of fraud. ", "There is no clear statement that the way in which the case was handled after January 1994 was illegal.", "\nNor has there been any significant change in the Commission' s inadequate information policy vis-à-vis Parliament compared with the 1998 discharge. ", "I find it unacceptable that the budgetary authority called for but, as the rapporteur details in annex 2 to his report, failed to receive 11 audit reports, including all the delegations' audit reports. ", "This inadequate Commission information policy is exacerbated by the framework agreement which only allows the rapporteur access to documents.", "\nI also feel that I must abide by the resolution passed by plenary in December 2000 on the so-called Morgan report to the effect that, in future, discharge must be postponed if the documents requested have not all been submitted by the Commission. ", "According to the rapporteur' s own information, this applies here.", "\nvan der Laan report (A5-0108/2001)\nFatuzzo (PPE-DE). (", "IT) Mr President, I voted for this report, which regulates and comments on the granting of discharge to a number of European Union bodies, and I would like to explain why I voted for one specific heading: the heading on the budget set aside for the Committee of the Regions. ", "Some people - and I will tell you who, the British conservatives in particular - are calling for the Committee of the Regions to be abolished. ", "I do not support them. ", "In my opinion, the regions in Europe should be more highly valued and their importance stressed and appreciated because I feel that the future of Europe is, on the one hand, Europe, and, on the other, the regions of Europe. ", "The national States have to decide to take a step backwards. ", "We cannot have everything: therefore, let us hear less of the national States, and more of the regions and more of Europe.", "\nSeppänen report (A5-0097/2001)\nFatuzzo (PPE-DE). (", "IT) Mr President, the Seppänen report comments on the abolition of the ECSC. ", "I have had a passion for Europe since I was ten years old, and my heart bleeds to read this report on how to liquidate the ECSC, the European Coal and Steel Community. ", "In stating that I voted for the report, I would therefore like to propose to Mr Seppänen that he should organise a day of - joyful, enjoyable - commemoration, full of hope for the future, of that major initial step which was the signing of the ECSC and Euratom Treaties.", "\nRühle report (A5-0109/2001)\nFatuzzo (PPE-DE). (", "IT) Mr President, I told you just now that I had dropped off for a moment. ", "Well, I had a day-dream - as opposed to a real dream - on precisely the Rühle report, which gives me the opportunity to explain why I voted for the motion. ", "I was Gulliver-Fatuzzo, a minuscule man, and I was surrounded by giants. ", "Who were these giants? ", "They were an African, an Asian, a South American and a man from the Bahamas: in other words, they were the inhabitants of the developing countries covered by this report. ", "These giants bent down towards the dwarf-like Fatuzzo and said: \"Listen: do you think that we are the countries which need to develop or is it that you, the peoples of Europe, the modern peoples, appear to be developed countries but, in actual fact, have tiny brains? ", "You are the ones who need to develop, for we are already developed enough!\"", "\nHermange report (A5-0084/2001)\nFatuzzo (PPE-DE). (", "IT) Mr President, in my speech yesterday, I explained to Commissioner Diamantopoulou that I would like her to pass on the requests that our entire Parliament is making to the national States for there to be genuine equality in Europe for people with disabilities. ", "In fact, this morning, during the forty winks which I have already mentioned, I saw myself having dinner with Mrs Diamantopoulou, who has thus far not taken up the invitation I extended to her. ", "In any case, in my dream, I was having dinner with her, and she said to me: \"Look, Mr Fatuzzo, I have succeeded in having the Italian law abolished which prevents people with disabilities who are over 65 years old receiving a disability allowance. ", "Look, Mr Fatuzzo, I have succeeded in getting the European Union to adopt the regulation which makes it possible for people with disabilities to move around within the Union without losing their pensions.\"", "\nIt was only a dream, Mr President!", "\n\nÊorakas\nThe European Commission' s proposal is based on the ruling class' s familiar tack of providing so-called equal opportunities and free access to people with disabilities, as can be seen from the title of the report in question, \"Towards a barrier-free Europe for people with disabilities\" . ", "The effort to mask the class aspects of the problem is obvious. ", "How can a child with disabilities from a poor lower-class family and a child from a rich family have equal opportunities? ", "It is also quite deliberate, because any positive measures proposed in the report (design standards, new services etc.) ", "will basically be enjoyed by disabled people from the wealthy classes. ", "Finally, what is interesting is that the requirements of people with disabilities have been commercialised in all areas, e.g. in education, on the market for technical aids, in securing cheap labour etc. ", "And the odd positive measure, such as access to transport, the recognition of national cards to promote freedom of movement in the Member States of the ÅU or the facility to transfer disability allowances from one state to another, does nothing to change this.", "\nPeople with disabilities are the first and the most tragic victims of the policy to cut social spending on health and welfare and abolish social security systems. ", "Typically, not one EU text mentions the need for social spending in order to address the problems of people with disabilities and, here too, we must rely on non-governmental organisations, volunteers and the family to deal with the acute social problems of people with disabilities. ", "They may go on ad infinitum about new services, technical aids etc., ", "but nowhere does it state that these will be provided free of charge or that the cost of purchasing them will be subsidised. ", "The only good thing is that employers are subsidised for taking on people with disabilities. ", "And yet, despite the fact that employment subsidy programmes have been around for years, unemployment among the disabled is nearly 70%, according to periodic studies published by independent organisations.", "\nAs far as special education and training are concerned, apart from a few generally positive but non-binding proposals relating mainly to tertiary education, the text is based on the unscientific approach of placing pupils with disabilities in mainstream schools, ostensibly with a view to integrating them into society as a whole. ", "The authors of the report must surely be aware of the fact that this experiment failed in Germany and France, where a series of special schools were closed at the beginning of the 1980s, only to open again at the end of the 1980s, in order to prevent a social outcry. ", "How can deaf, blind or paraplegic children attend lessons in downtrodden state schools, play etc. ", "when specialists say that even special books are needed for blind and deaf children? ", "No one dared to apply these measures in England, because there was a huge reaction from universities, associations of the disabled etc. ", "All the integration approach does is to cut social spending, shift the financial burden onto the family and provide the disabled with a second-rate education.", "\nThat is why the MEPs of the Communist Party of Greece will not be voting in favour of the report.", "\n\nBushill-Matthews\n I congratulate my French Conservative colleague, Mme Hermange, on her imaginative and constructive report. ", "Conservatives in the UK have voted in favour.", "\nMember States need to be much more proactive in recognising the special needs of the disabled, and we hope that they will very much take on board the thrust as well as some of the specific ideas in this report. ", "However, we urge that the report must not be used as a lever to try and harmonise social security benefits across the EU: this has to remain a Member State competence.", "\nWe particularly applaud two firsts today - the appearance of the report in Braille in three languages, and the use of sign language in the debate. ", "The EPP/ED Group is not just talking about the needs of the disabled: we are actually doing something positive about it.", "\n\nCrowley\n In speaking with regard to the issue of people with disabilities in Europe, we should always start with the premise that this issue is firstly and foremost a civil and human rights issue.", "\nWe have a duty not just to pontificate about rights, but to actively encourage access to education, training, employment and opportunity.", "\nWe can go back over previous resolutions and reports from this house concerning people with disabilities.", "\nHowever, the same basic barriers and problems still exist. ", "Some Member States and some NGOs have valiantly brought forward innovative initiatives to remove the barriers and obstacles to equal opportunity for all. ", "However, some still see this as a specific sector rather than as a reflection of our society' s failure to give opportunity for all. ", "At the dawn of the 21st century, we should send a message to the world that the EU recognises the ability in all, the right to equal treatment and equal access to opportunity.", "\nIn supporting this report, I commend to members the points concerning the role of organisations dealing with disabilities and other NGOs who have been powerful advocates on their behalf, and who have listened to the voices of the people and who grasp the opportunity to change the world for the better for all of us.", "\nWe should work towards ensuring that by 2003, which is the European Year for disabled persons, we have guaranteed that the majority of those barriers have been removed.", "\n\nTitley\n I warmly welcome Mrs Hermange's report on a barrier-free Europe for people with disabilities. ", "It is crucial that we in the European Parliament support such important measures to improve equal opportunities for people with disabilities.", "\nThis report calls for an equal treatment directive covering a range of areas such as employment, education and training, transport, the information society and consumer policy. ", "It also underlines the need to mainstream disability issues into all policies.", "\nThe EU Heads of State or Government at the Lisbon and Stockholm Summits aimed to create the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-driven economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth accompanied by quantitative and qualitative improvement of employment and of greater social cohesion. ", "However, we have a desperate shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector across the European Union. ", "Surely it is pure common sense to train and make use of all our citizens so that we have a more skilled workforce to fulfil this ambition. ", "I strongly believe that those with disabilities will be indispensable in this sector. ", "The manpower is available, we just need to introduce effective training and ensure there is no discrimination in allocating the jobs. ", "The need is there, the manpower is there - we must seize the opportunity and respond to this challenge of a new economy.", "\nI fully support measures to improve accessibility for people with disabilities in all areas of life ranging from employment to IT. ", "This will not only transform the lives of many people with disabilities who will now be encouraged to play as full a role in society as everyone else, but it will also transform the economy of the European Union and make it truly the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world based on greater social cohesion.", "\n\nDucarme\nI welcome the fact that the communication implements the process set out in Declaration 22, annexed to the Treaty of Amsterdam, which states that, when measures are drafted to create the single market, the needs of people with disabilities will be taken into account. ", "It refers to the 1996 communication concerning equal opportunities for people with disabilities, recognising their rights, rather than regarding them as people in need of charity. ", "This is a fundamental change in attitude which should be emphasised.", "\nThis initiative seeks to fill the gaps in the strategy for incorporating the rights of people with disabilities into Community policies in the fields of transport, access to public buildings and public areas, the information society, research and development and consumer policy. ", "The concept of people with disabilities includes all types of disability, whether physical, mental or sensory. ", "This is another important fundamental change.", "\nThe lack of statistics on this subject has been apparent since 1998. ", "In order to remedy it, Eurostat will be supplying three studies: a new module of the survey on the workforce in March 2003, the publication, at the beginning of 2001, of indicators that can be used as a basis for analysing the level of participation of disabled persons in the employment market, cultural life, and a broadening of the scope of the survey by the Community household panel on the daily obstacles perceived in each household.", "\nThe report makes a useful point in emphasising that the initial barriers to people with disabilities arise mainly during childhood. ", "Following the Luxembourg Charter on education for all, first priority should be given to parents where education is concerned, so as to give them the means of having a real choice, while respecting their family values and traditions.", "\n(Intervention shortened pursuant to Rule 137 of the Rules of Procedure)\n\nPresident\nThat concludes voting time.", "\n(The sitting was suspended at 1.12 p.m. and resumed at 3 p.m.)\n\nOutcome of the European Council of 23/24 March 2001 in Stockholm including the situation in the Middle East (continuation)\nPresident\n The next item is the continuation of the debate on the outcome of the European Council of 23/24 March 2001 in Stockholm including the situation in the Middle East.", "\n\nFerber\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am really sorry that we did not manage to conclude the debate this morning, as a rounded overview depended on it. ", "I think that the Stockholm Summit set the wrong priorities. ", "Too much social and education policy - matters which, according to the Treaties on European Union, are not its concern - and too little market liberalisation.", "\nThe liberalisation of the energy markets was blocked by my country and by France. ", "As for the liberalisation of air space, we are still wrangling over how to deal with Gibraltar airport, meaning that umpteen thousand tourists will again be left sitting in airports this summer due to delayed flights. ", "And all the while, Stockholm was busy setting specifications for social and education policy!", "\nIt is unacceptable. ", "Europe is putting the cart before the horse. ", "It needs to continue with its liberalisation policy so that the markets can develop in the consumers' interest. ", "This also qualifies as consumer and social policy because more competition means cheaper prices.", "\nAs far as social and education policy per se are concerned, we should again abide strictly by the principle of subsidiarity and leave it to the Member States to put flesh on the bones of these concepts. ", "Europe is not culturally homogenous, nor should it become so. ", "Therein lies our strength because, on the contrary, Europe thrives on its diversity. ", "I think that Europe should stop wasting its energy and should again focus on tasks which it is able to carry out.", "\nThe next Council in Gothenburg in June will give the Heads of State or Government an opportunity to do so. ", "I hope that they will make use of it for the good of Europe.", "\n\nOostlander\nMr President, at the beginning of this discussion, I was reminded by Mr Dupuis of the moral depths to which I had sunk with my report on Russia. ", "I harbour no hard feelings towards him for saying that, and I remain faithful to this dual-track policy, also politically speaking.", "\nWith regard to the Russian Federation, it is, in my opinion, very judicious always to talk in no uncertain terms, even if this involves Chechnya. ", "We therefore regret that the presidency in Stockholm failed immediately to refute the statements by Mr Putin, who draws parallels between the conflict in Macedonia and that in Chechnya, and did not substantiate our stance. ", "I believe that our Russian colleagues respond better to tough talking than evasive behaviour.", "\nFurthermore, it appears to me to be of the utmost importance, with regard to Russia, to underline how important matters such as the northern dimension are - no need to convince Sweden of this - but also how important Kaliningrad is becoming, especially as it will form an enclave in the European Union where the rules for the inhabitants will need to be adapted in such a way that they, for example, will benefit from the Schengen acquis. ", "In this day and age, in which Schengen is becoming increasingly computerised, this should be child's play, and it should also be possible for the citizens of Kaliningrad to benefit from the regulation on obtaining visas.", "\nWith regard to the Balkans, I am delighted that the Serbian police had the courage to arrest Milosevic. ", "I hope the SFOR stabilisation force will pluck up the same courage to arrest Karadzic, for now that Belgrade has been able to take this step, we cannot afford to lag behind in Bosnia. ", "The Council must therefore exert pressure on all those who are responsible for SFOR to arrest Karadzic. ", "It is also clear that the Serbian Head of State cannot be treated differently from any other Head of State in this respect, simply because his actions have been more evil. ", "I believe it is absolutely vital that he should be brought to The Hague, and that Serbia should certainly not form an exception in this respect.", "\n\nvon Wogau\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, the proposals made by Alexander Lamfalussy on the type of legislative process needed in connection with the implementation of the financial services package are a step in the right direction because, for the first time, a clear distinction has been made here between the law, the directive, the regulation passed by the Council and Parliament and the technical implementation of the directive. ", "As a result, adjustments to new developments in the technical sector can be made much more quickly than was the case in the past.", "\nThe Heads of State or Government decided that the European Economic Area should become the most modern and the most competitive economic area, and this calls for a modern legislative procedure. ", "If what has been thought up here later proves its worth, it can be applied in other areas during the technical legislative procedure, perhaps including agriculture.", "\nSo what exactly is the problem? ", "The problem is that even technical implementation, i.e. even the regulations issued on this basis, often conceal problems for our citizens. ", "Here policy must be able to intervene and pull these points back into the decision-making process of the policy. ", "When this happens, given that it is a codecision procedure, the European Parliament must have the same rights as the Council. ", "What was agreed in Stockholm is a good agreement between the Commission and the Council, but Parliament has still been left out, which is why we need further negotiations in order to bring about a result which will also satisfy Parliament.", "\n\nGarcía-Margallo y Marfil\nMr President, I fully subscribe to the intervention by Mr Von Wogau and I shall make some additional remarks. ", "The Lamfalussy report is based on one sure fact: the legislative procedure we have is too slow and prevents us from shaping legislation to market needs in time. ", "What the Lamfalussy report does not say is that the point where legislation on this matter normally gets bogged down is in the Council. ", "Therefore I think the telling-off was aimed at the wrong culprit. ", "Secondly, the Lamfalussy report tries to solve this problem by delegating the drawing up of enforcement measures to a stocks and shares committee in which the Council and Commission do not lose an iota of the power they had, while Parliament' s power is cut back. ", "In my opinion, the solution prescribed may generate a lack of confidence which, in the long term, will result in an even slower process than we have had until now. ", "What Parliament is asking is that when a rule of enforcement goes too far in relation to general principles, it must not be seen as a mandatory rule but as an unlawful one. ", "We are not asking the Commission to take our opinion into consideration; if the rule goes too far, the rule is not a rule. ", "That is what the theory of the mandate says, which I learnt in Roman Law, or the theory of the delegation of powers, which I learnt in Political Law. ", "But perhaps the most important thing in this deviation of the Lamfalussy report, which has been taken up by the Stockholm Council, is the intergovernmental deviation to the detriment of the Community method of drawing up rules, and secondly, and even more importantly, the desire to speed up the liberalisation of the internal financial services market without, at the same time, adjusting the rules and measures that provide controls or safeguards. ", "Under these conditions we could find ourselves with a hypermarket with no political control, in which the nation states are subordinated to semi-political decisions made by economic agents that would move with absolute freedom around the Union. ", "We had more or less the same discussion before the Single European Act, when fortunately Mrs Thatcher' s ideas did not triumph.", "\n\nLangenhagen\nMr President, a decision with serious consequences for Europe and its information society will be taken tomorrow. ", "I am counting on a 'Yes' to Galileo and on the insight of the Council of Transport Ministers. ", "We need a unanimous political vote and no more beating about the bush. ", "The critics still around should be told that the public-private partnership is feasible provided there is a clear political vote. ", "Military use may be possible, but it is not a prerequisite. ", "The infrastructure created by Galileo will have a much higher added value in the future than other previous infrastructure measures. ", "Technologically-minded young people in Europe will find attractive new jobs through Galileo. ", "Europe' s high tech industry will be at the top of the world league in this forward-looking sector.", "\nThe so-called market value of Galileo increases in indirect proportion to the start-up capital needed. ", "We must be able to insist on the European negotiating principle of burden sharing in this sector too. ", "It should not be too painful for the Member States to meet each other half way under these circumstances; on the contrary it should be a piece of cake. ", "We must do the job properly now! ", "Tomorrow will be too late! ", "Our biggest competitor, the USA, is laughing all the way to the bank and is delighted at every setback in Europe. ", "After all, we still need seven or eight years to roll out.", "\nPresidents Persson and Prodi rightly and emphatically drew our attention to this new technological opportunity for a modern Europe at the start of this morning' s debate. ", "I repeat: Galileo is a gateway to a European information society and I expect the Council of Transport Ministers to perceive it as such tomorrow.", "\n\nFoster\nMr President, on the Galileo project I would like to seek some clarification from the Commission and the Council on important issues which need to be addressed before the definitive phase of the project can be approved.", "\nThe Memorandum of Understanding signalling the provisional funding from private bodies of EUR 200 million needs further explanation. ", "Could the Commission therefore give specific examples of some of the businesses which have agreed to the funding? ", "Could the Commission also confirm reports that unless a firm political decision is taken on the definitive phase by June 2001, then such engagement of funding by private industry will become obsolete? ", "Could the Commission also comment in this regard on the lack of a political commitment to come out of the Stockholm Summit? ", "Surely vague rhetoric will not suffice when billions of euro are at stake and the deadline, according to the Commission's timetable, is less than three months away?", "\nIn the interests of transparency, may I call on the Commission to make absolutely clear its intentions with regard to the funding of this project and whether, in the absence of substantial private-sector interest, it will fund the project solely from the EU budget, including the EUR 220 million it will cost to maintain the project per annum? ", "Could the Commission also provide an up-to-date breakdown of the contributions foreseen from individual Member States? ", "On development, is the Commission aware that whilst the EU has been spending millions on Galileo the US has been updating its existing technology? ", "Could the Commission justify why Galileo will only be used for civilian purposes, as it seems absurd that the EU decides to build its own satellite navigation system, yet denies its military capacity?", "\nIn conclusion, launching satellites is a very expensive business. ", "We need firm assurances that investments in the Galileo project will produce an adequate return. ", "Fundamental questions and less than three months to go. ", "Unless the Commission comes forward immediately with some answers on this project, we in the EU run the risk of appearing amateurish and irresponsible. ", "I therefore urge the Commission and Council to consider these points. ", "At a cost of billions to the taxpayer, to whom we are directly responsible, we are entitled to some answers.", "\n\nPresident\n I have received seventeen motions for resolutions pursuant to Rule 37(2) of the Rules of Procedure.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow.", "\n\nArea of freedom, security and justice\nPresident\n The next item is the joint debate on\ntwo oral questions to the Council (B5-0157/2001) and Commission (B5-0158/2001) by Mr Posselt, on behalf of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, on the annual debate 2000 on the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice\nand\nCouncil and Commission statements on illegal immigration and the running aground of the \"East Sea\" off the French coast with around 1 000 Kurdish immigrants on board.", "\n\nPosselt\nMr President, today we are debating the annual report on the area of freedom, security and justice created at the Tampere Summit in October 1999. ", "I think we should in fact call it an area of justice, freedom and security, because justice is the cornerstone of our European Union, which sees itself as a Community of justice. ", "We made two important steps forward in Nice, which we welcome: first, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, which was adopted and should now be made legally binding and, secondly, the reform of the European Court of Justice; these are two of the pièces de résistance of the Nice Treaty.", "\nNonetheless, Europe as a Community of justice still has a long way to go, especially as regards cross-border judicial collaboration in civil and criminal matters and - and I think this is most important - in human and civil rights, precisely because the Charter of Fundamental rights is still not binding. ", "And, of course, being a Community of justice also means that we require not only that candidate countries comply with the acquis communautaire, but that we implement and comply with our own resolutions and legal acts. ", "Hence, our main question to the Council and to the Commission is, what is the current state of play as regards the implementation of the agreements and resolutions which form part of the acquis communautaire, what is the timetable here and why are there still so many delays in this area?", "\nThe second issue is freedom. ", "Freedom is a product of justice. ", "Freedom is based on human dignity. ", "But, to prevent freedom from being abused, we need security, because without security and without justice, freedom is the law of the strongest. ", "We do not want a law of the strongest, we want a law of the weakest, which is why we need a security policy based on justice. ", "There are considerable deficits in the cross-border fight against crime, in collaboration in judicial matters and in the unification of law. ", "In this sense, I should like to call on the Council to expand Europol without delay, to make some headway at long last with parliamentary control of Europol, to finalise the establishment of the European police academy in coming weeks - here too there have been delays, even if the Commission had positive developments to report yesterday - and to ensure that there are common European border controls. ", "The European Parliament suggested this on my initiative three years ago. ", "I am grateful that a few Member States are now pressing in the Council for uniform border controls on the external borders of the European Union.", "\nBut we also want to ask the Council in this extremely important debate exactly how it sees its responsibility vis-à-vis the European Parliament. ", "We have begun excellent collaboration with the Commission and with Commissioner Vitorino but we have identified a number of clear deficits as regards cooperation in the area of justice and internal affairs. ", "We are holding today' s debate without a written annual report or any documents on the part of the Council on what has been done and still needs to be done in this crucial political area. ", "The Commission scoreboard here is exemplary. ", "But there is no annual report from the Council on what happened in the year 2000 in this crucial area. ", "I think that Parliament should be properly informed and taken into account and that Parliament needs to be more involved in the crucial area of justice and internal affairs. ", "We can see crucial deficits on the part of the Council here. ", "You cannot build a citizens' Europe and yet bypass the elected representatives of the people, namely us parliamentarians.", "\nFinally, I should like to comment on the sensitive area of asylum law. ", "What we are lacking here - as in justice and internal affairs as a whole - is a strategic approach on the part of the Council. ", "We have a plethora of often contradictory initiatives from the individual states. ", "We have a multitude of individual approaches, but still no strategic approach to a common asylum policy, a common immigration policy or a division of the burden, a division of the numbers between the Member States. ", "We call on the Council to make good these deficits.", "\n\nBodström\nMr President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for inviting myself and my colleague Mrs Klingvall. ", "It is a great honour to be able to talk to you today. ", "The European Parliament is a very important player in European integration and the Swedish Presidency places great emphasis on having a good relationship with you. ", "We hope we have been able to demonstrate this ambition in part, particularly in meeting committees in Stockholm.", "\nThis is a very relevant area which we are discussing today. ", "Studies clearly show that judicial cooperation is close to the heart of European citizens.", "\nToday, organised crime largely transcends national borders, not least because of the development of new technology. ", "There are justified demands and higher expectations from the European citizens that we really will deliver results, in both the field of justice and home affairs.", "\nAs you possibly know, on justice issues we currently have the heaviest legislation programme within the whole Union. ", "In the Treaty of Amsterdam and the conclusions from the Tampere Summit the EU has put forward a very ambitious plan for how we are to succeed in achieving an area of freedom, security and justice. ", "Implementation is, as you know, now at a very intense stage.", "\nAs you also know, the Treaty on European Union lays down that each year the European Parliament is to hold a debate on the progress which has been made in the areas covered by Title VI of the Treaty on European Union. ", "Although the Treaty only refers to the third pillar, I and my colleagues do not wish to restrict the debate to questions concerning the third pillar. ", "Often there is an intimate link between issues falling under the first and third pillars.", "\nIn general it can be said that the year 2000, which is what we are reporting on today, is year one of the post-Tampere period. ", "As I said, Tampere meant a major step forward in justice and home affairs, and a very ambitious programme was adopted.", "\nI would like to begin by briefly mentioning some of the progress made in the field of justice during 2000. ", "In that year the Justice and Home Affairs Council passed around twenty legal instruments, eight of which were regulations and three conventions. ", "Action plans have been adopted for almost all areas of activity on justice and home affairs. ", "Over and above this the Council adopted over thirty conclusions, resolutions, recommendations and reports.", "\nProgress was made on a number of issues by the very successful French and Portuguese presidencies. ", "Decisions were reached in several important areas in terms of combating economic crime. ", "A decision was passed on protection of the Euro, and at the joint meeting of JHA/Ecofin in Luxembourg on 17 October, a number of important decisions were adopted, e.g. concerning money laundering. ", "We took the first step in the process towards setting up Eurojust, which we consider an incredibly important aspect in the fight against organised crime. ", "We made major efforts in the fight against IT crime, e.g. by adopting a decision on combating child pornography on the Internet. ", "Furthermore, we succeeded in developing the principle of mutual recognition by adopting a programme of measures regarding mutual recognition of judgments in criminal cases.", "\nSeveral decisions were also passed to improve cooperation in the field of civil law, for example, on the service of documents, insolvency and on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters.", "\nHaving said this I would like to focus on the question posed by Mr Posselt. ", "I will attempt to respond to the parts concerning justice and home affairs, while my colleague Mrs Klingvall will reply to the questions concerning asylum and immigration.", "\nMr President, part of the question asked concerns the dialogue between the institutions and the measures which have been planned to make this dialogue more efficient and more clearly define the relationship between the institutions, the Member States and, for example, Europol and Eurojust.", "\nThe Treaty of Amsterdam and the Tampere Conclusions have meant major changes in the field of justice and home affairs. ", "As I said earlier, ambitious plans have been laid down and the rate of work is increasing. ", "Not only the scope but also the character of cooperation has changed. ", "The institutions have partly taken on new roles and the way they work is being redesigned. ", "We are in the middle of the implementation of Tampere, and we can identify certain areas in which all the institutions are adapting to new conditions.", "\nIt is my firm conviction that setting up an area of freedom, security and justice requires close cooperation between the Council, the Commission and Parliament, and it is in this spirit that the Swedish Presidency wishes to act.", "\nThe Treaty provides a clear framework for formal relations between the Council and the European Parliament when legal instruments and other instruments are being drawn up in the field of justice and home affairs. ", "The Council is fully aware that the ambitious work in this area also means a considerable workload for you in Parliament. ", "The Council' s deadlines for statements from the European Parliament must be determined by balancing considerations on the one hand of the importance of the issue being dealt with promptly and, on the other, of the workload of the European Parliament.", "\nHere we have to jointly take responsibility for the future of the EU. ", "It is important that we focus on what is important and really focus our time and energy on the central issues of EU development.", "\nThe Swedish Presidency has begun discussions on the way the Council works. ", "At an informal Council meeting on 8 and 9 February, where we also had the pleasure of meeting Mr Watson, we all agreed that making the work of the Council more efficient is necessary if we are to achieve the targets which were laid down in Tampere.", "\nOne question which will be addressed in the overview which has begun is the constantly increasing multitude of initiatives in the area of justice and home affairs. ", "It is my conviction that we must achieve better predictability and coordination when it comes to new legislation initiatives. ", "Such an improvement would make the joint work of the institutions much easier.", "\nI would also like to say something about the relationship between the institutions and Europol and Eurojust respectively. ", "It is the conviction of the presidency that Parliament' s access to and opportunities to monitor, for instance, the work of Europol, can and should be improved. ", "The presidency considers that this ought to be able to be arranged in practice. ", "There may be measures which can be taken in the short term and which may not require any regulatory changes.", "\nWhen it comes to Eurojust, the Council has not yet begun to discuss how Parliament and Commission are to be involved in the work and given the opportunity to monitor operations. ", "It is nonetheless clear that questions concerning relations between Eurojust, the Commission and Parliament will be addressed in the negotiations. ", "The proposed Council decisions on which Parliament is to issue its opinion are based on the regulations in the Europol Convention, both in terms of the Commission' s participation in the work and the opportunity of Parliament to monitor it. ", "Where this issue, too, is concerned, I would like, however, to emphasise that we must consider the opportunity of further improving conditions for Parliament to gain access.", "\nBefore addressing the next question, I would like to emphasise our aim of maintaining good relations with you. ", "To emphasise this we submitted a written report to you yesterday that clearly lays out the work of the Council in the field of justice and home affairs during the past year.", "\nMr Posselt also mentions the principle of mutual recognition and the measures which are planned to improve the mutual recognition of judgments in the field of criminal law.", "\nThe mutual recognition of judgments in criminal cases and traditional judicial cooperation have the same purpose: for cooperation between Member States to improve such that we can achieve an area of freedom, security and justice. ", "In December last year, in the light of the conclusions from Tampere, the Council adopted a programme of measures to implement the principle of mutual recognition. ", "This programme of measures is ambitious and wide-ranging. ", "It contains a large number of measures which are to be implemented. ", "The principle of mutual recognition as expressed in the programme of measures covers decisions before the judgment, the judgment itself and decisions after the judgment.", "\nIn light of this, Sweden, together with Belgium and France, has taken the initiative for an instrument on decisions before judgments. ", "This concerns mutual recognition of decisions, and the freezing of assets and evidence. ", "The instrument aims to quickly prevent assets and evidence being hidden from the authorities investigating the crime. ", "When the instrument was presented, it was received positively, and negotiations will begin this spring during the Swedish Presidency.", "\nDuring the spring it is likely that initiatives concerning mutual recognition and enforcement of fines will be submitted. ", "This will see the beginning of work in recognising and implementing the judgments themselves.", "\nI would also like to mention cooperation in the field of civil law, particularly the work which has commenced to create a European Enforcement Order for uncontested debts. ", "A European Enforcement Order, unlike a national one, could be enforced in all Member States without any inter-state control. ", "This is the first important step towards our goals, namely for judgments in one Member State to be able to be recognised and enforced directly throughout the entire Union.", "\nTo conclude I would like to answer Mr Posselt' s questions on the implementation of legislation in our field and the issue of what we just mentioned, an annual report on implementation.", "\nIn the work in creating an area of freedom, security and justice, we are largely dependent on legal instruments which must be implemented in the national law of Member States. ", "A number of instruments which we agreed on at the end of the 1990s have already been able to enter into force. ", "Furthermore, we currently have an opportunity to implement several instruments despite the fact that they have not entered into force in all Member States. ", "After the entry into force of the Treaty of Amsterdam, several community legal instruments, such as regulations, have been adopted in the field of justice and home affairs. ", "Several of these instruments have already entered into force or are on the way to doing so. ", "One concrete example is what is known as the Brussels II Regulation on the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters.", "\nWe initially also mentioned that we are in the process of producing an overview of our working methods at JHA. ", "The question of the Member States' implementation of the measures taken in the field of JHA is one of the questions addressed in this context. ", "I do not rule out further measures being needed if Member States are better to live up to what they have undertaken in the Council. ", "Some form of control of implementation may be one way of putting pressure on all of us to really fulfil our undertakings.", "\nThe presidency today has no final solutions as to what such a mechanism would look like. ", "The proposal referred to in the question, an annual report, may be one way but the Council will have to return to that question with more concrete information at a later date.", "\n\nKlingvall\nMr President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin by thanking you for also giving me the opportunity to take part in this annual debate. ", "I am here to report on developments on issues concerning asylum and immigration. ", "As you are well aware, we are now in a very intensive phase in which we are moving towards increased harmonisation of Member States' asylum and immigration policy.", "\nThere is no doubt that these questions belong at European level. ", "Work to develop a common asylum and immigration policy is important for several reasons. ", "It will contribute to creating an area of freedom, security and justice in the EU. ", "Furthermore, asylum seekers and others wishing to live in our countries will know that they will receive an equal reception and an equal assessment of their reasons whatever Member State they apply to. ", "This would also enable us to distribute responsibility more evenly between Member States. ", "We will jointly be able to confirm international undertakings and values such as solidarity, human rights and legal protection. ", "In this work the UNHCR plays a very important advisory role.", "\nThere is no doubt as to where we are heading. ", "The goals and action plans have been laid down in Amsterdam, Vienna and Tampere, as has the Commission' s scoreboard. ", "The Commission has worked intensively and many proposals have been presented in the past year. ", "It is now up to us in the Council to take this work further, and your opinions are important in this respect.", "\nDuring the year the Council has passed decisions on a number of issues concerning asylum and immigration. ", "The European Refugee Fund was adopted at a meeting of the Council of Ministers on 28 September 2000. ", "The Member States have applied for funding from this fund for 2000 and 2001 for various projects focusing on reception, integration and repatriation.", "\nThe Council has also passed two decisions linked to the Dublin Convention. ", "On 11 December 2000 the Eurodac Regulation was adopted. ", "We hope this will contribute to a more efficient application of the Dublin Convention. ", "At the last meeting of the Council on 15 - 16 March, the Council was also able to pass the decision that Norway and Iceland be linked to the Dublin Convention and Eurodac. ", "We now look forward to the Commission' s proposal for a community law instrument which will replace the Dublin Convention.", "\nAt the former Council meeting the Council was able to adopt the Visa Regulation which means that we will now have completely harmonised rules regarding which countries' citizens are to be exempt from the requirement for a visa and to which countries this requirement is to apply in the future. ", "Under the regulation Bulgaria, Hong Kong and Macao and at a later stage also Romania will be transferred to the list of countries which do not require a visa.", "\nI hope that - before the Swedish Presidency is over - we will be able to add to this list of decisions on Community rules directives on temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on the right to family reunification.", "\nWhen it comes to temporary protection, experience from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo show that we have to take joint, united responsibility next time the Union receives a massive influx of displaced persons.", "\nThe question of family reunification is also important. ", "We must be able to give everyone resident in our countries the chance to live with their immediate family. ", "We also hope to be able to reach agreement at the Council meeting in May on mutual recognition of expulsion orders.", "\nDuring the year the Council has also held other important and valuable discussions. ", "On the question of minimum conditions for reception of asylum seekers, the Council held theoretical discussions on a number of important issues, including access to the labour market, the right to free movement in the territory and area of application. ", "We are now looking forward to the Commission' s proposal which is expected to be presented shortly.", "\nThe Council has also addressed two proposals, one directive and the framework decision on common rules for combating trafficking in human beings and assisting people to reside illegally in our countries. ", "The discussions concerned a number of theoretical issues, namely a humanitarian clause, the minimum punishment and the scope of criminal law.", "\nAt the Council meeting of 30 November - 1 December 2000 a French initiative was discussed to harmonise economic sanctions as part of the carrier' s liability. ", "At that time we were not able to achieve political agreement on the proposal. ", "The Swedish Presidency is currently investigating conditions for achieving political agreement. ", "I am well aware of Parliament' s position on these issues and we will naturally be taking this into account in our continued work.", "\nOther important questions are more definite and more comparable statistics and the Commission proposal on the rights of third country nationals who are long-term residents of a Member State.", "\nMore wide-ranging discussions have also been held at several informal meetings of the Council of Ministers. ", "In Lisbon we discussed, among other things, how we are to follow up the Tampere Summit on the basis of the Commission' s scoreboard. ", "In Marseilles the question of migration to Europe in the long term was in focus. ", "And in Stockholm we discussed how we can make work on implementing the Tampere Conclusions more efficient and how we - on the basis of the Commission' s report on asylum - are to consolidate our work to develop a common asylum system in Europe.", "\nQuestions concerning asylum and immigration are close to our citizens and often arouse strong feelings. ", "During the past year, on several occasions, we have seen pictures of tragedies in conjunction with people attempting to enter our countries. ", "This makes great demand of us to design a common policy which will enable us to deal with the pressure of migration into the EU Member States as quickly as possible. ", "We must take responsibility for refugees and others who need protection in our countries. ", "We must also have rules which make it easier to exchange visits and which allow a certain amount of other immigration. ", "It is important that we have a modern immigration policy where we work to eradicate the fundamental causes of involuntary migration, prevent illegal immigration, guarantee protection to those who require it and are able to provide fair treatment of those immigrants who have permanent residence in our countries. ", "This is precisely what the Tampere Conclusions are about.", "\nIt is therefore important that we view the work of harmonising the asylum and immigration policy of the Member States on the basis of a holistic approach. ", "During the Swedish Presidency proposals from the Commission concerning asylum will be on the Council table and the same is also true of the majority of the proposals in the field of immigration and visas. ", "We will therefore have a chance to see the whole picture more clearly, which is necessary to obtain a well-balanced common policy. ", "This does not mean that we will not attempt to agree on the proposals on the Council' s table as quickly as possible. ", "However, this will take place within the framework of the visions and the strategy adopted in the Treaty of Amsterdam and the Tampere Conclusions.", "\nThe conditions for immigration to our countries change over time. ", "I therefore look forward to the upcoming Belgian Presidency' s focus on the question of the immigration of labour to the Union. ", "This is a question which I believe will come to be all the more important in the coming years.", "\nRegarding the written questions I have to answer, I will begin with that concerning the results which can be reported up to today' s date from the membership negotiations with candidate countries in terms of the area of freedom, security and justice and the forms in which the Council wishes to continue the negotiations, particularly on Chapter 24. ", "Negotiations on this chapter opened for the Luxembourg group at the end of the Portuguese Presidency while they have not yet begun for the Helsinki group. ", "A draft for a common negotiating position for five of the Helsinki countries is expected by the beginning of May. A revised draft is expected by mid-June for the Luxembourg countries - all according to the schedule of the Commission. ", "Negotiations on this chapter will not close for any country during the Swedish Presidency.", "\nDuring February and March the Commission carried out technical consultations with all candidate countries affected, with the aim of examining the regulations and ironing out any question marks. ", "According to the Commission' s schedule, an updated negotiating position for the Luxembourg countries will be available in June. ", "For the Helsinki countries the first draft will be complete during May.\nNobody can be unaware that enlargement is one of the Swedish government' s three most important priorities. ", "It is a historic challenge and an historic opportunity. ", "Primarily it is about building a basis for peace, freedom and democracy throughout Europe. ", "We have promised to do what we can such that in the coming months we will be able to contribute to paving the way for a political breakthrough in the enlargement negotiations.", "\nThis also concerns to a large extent the field of justice and home affairs, which, after all, is one of the cornerstones of the entire negotiation process. ", "A state based on the principles of a state governed by law is a precondition for membership of the Union.", "\nToday nobody can say how the negotiations on justice and home affairs will proceed in practice. ", "This is, in fact, the first time ever that actual negotiations have been carried out in this area ahead of enlargement of the Union. ", "However, one thing is already clear: besides the requirements made by the formal regulatory framework, there are high expectations of a more practical nature. ", "We place great emphasis on the candidate countries taking concrete steps to achieve both the administrative capacity and the implementation of the legislation adopted.", "\nThe candidate countries are responsible for maintaining the rate of the adaptation work such that it is possible to achieve acceptable negotiation solutions. ", "We Member States have a responsibility to assist the candidate countries in this respect. ", "The Swedish Presidency considers it important to involve the candidate countries in EU cooperation at an early stage. ", "What is known as the pre-accession pact against organised crime and the horizontal Phare programmes on asylum, immigration, visas and border controls are good examples of candidate countries and Member States already working together at this stage. ", "A trusting relationship between us and an understanding of the conditions and situation under which the other is operating are fundamental preconditions for successful cooperation in the future.", "\nTherefore we have also invited representatives of the candidate countries to a number of different meetings and seminars during our presidency. ", "Most recently the Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs of the Member States and candidate countries met at an informal meeting on 16 March. ", "Here discussion centred around how we can strengthen mutual practical cooperation before the countries join. ", "On point after point we were able to see that cooperation has already begun and that the foundations have now been laid as to how we can strengthen this cooperation further.", "\nThe second question I have to answer concerns which measures the Council is planning to create a common immigration policy and the deadlines laid down for this.", "\nThe EU' s immigration policy partly covers immigration based on human needs for protection and partly covers immigration which takes place, for example, to reunite divided families or because people wish to obtain better economic conditions or a good education. ", "Immigration policy in the narrow sense, however, excludes the immigration which can be seen as concerning people' s need for protection; this is addressed within the framework of asylum policy.", "\nThere are already a number of non-binding legal instruments which were adopted within this field of policy before this policy area was transferred to community law. ", "The first step towards harmonising national law was taken under Title VI. ", "Work has since continued and the old legal instruments will gradually be replaced by instruments in community law. ", "At the moment, for example, the right to family reunification is being addressed. ", "The presidency plans to achieve political agreement on this proposal in the next six months.", "\nFurthermore, during March 2001 the Commission has adopted a proposal for a directive on the status of third country nationals who have been resident in a Member State for a long period. ", "An important aspect of this proposal is the right to settle and work in another Member State. ", "Preliminary discussion of the proposal will begin during the Swedish Presidency.", "\nA directive on conditions for entry and residence for the purpose of paid employment and self employed economic activity will be presented in the first six months of 2001. ", "This is a directive which will be particularly interesting in the light of the debate begun in the Union in view of Member States' increased need for labour. ", "This will continue during autumn 2001 when the Belgian Presidency will organise a seminar on the subject. ", "Furthermore, during spring 2001, the Commission will submit a proposal on conditions for entry and residence for the purpose of study or vocational training and a proposal concerning unpaid work.", "\nThe on-going work clearly shows that we within the EU are operating an active immigration policy. ", "The basic principle of this policy must be that the people who are granted the right of entry and residence and who have resided legally in a Member State should largely have the same rights and obligations as EU citizens. ", "This is also clear from the Conclusions of the Tampere Summit. ", "These also state that an important part of the Union' s policy in this field is effective handling of immigration in all its aspects and cooperation with countries of origin is to constitute an important part of this work.", "\nThe final question concerns whether the Council considers it likely that number-based cost allocation between Member States for the reception of asylum seekers will be introduced within the framework of a common asylum policy. ", "The question of the extent to which the allocation of responsibility is to be part of the common European asylum policy can be answered from two different standpoints, firstly, from a perspective focusing on specific proposals for directives and secondly, on a more general perspective concerning the allocation of responsibility as a result of asylum policy.", "\nThe Treaty of Amsterdam lays down the basis for creating a common asylum system and the question of allocation of responsibility between EU Member States is set out in Article 63.2 (b). ", "This Article states that the Council must \"promote a balance of effort between Member States in receiving and bearing the consequences of receiving refugees and displaced persons.\" ", "This intention was also confirmed by the Heads of State or Government in Tampere.", "\nLet me also state that on 28 September last year the Council adopted the European Refugee Fund whose aim is to promote the allocation of responsibility within the EU, both structurally and in emergency situations. ", "We also have the proposed directive on temporary protection in the event of mass influx of displaced persons, which includes a chapter concerning solidarity, in other words measures which will facilitate the allocation of responsibility between Member States, which is something that the Member States also emphasise highly.", "\nThe goal for the legislative work which is currently underway with great intensity is to create a common European asylum system which can lead to greater predictability and justice for the individual and the asylum seeker, who will come to receive equal treatment in all Member States. ", "I believe that such a common system will lead in a natural way to a more balanced allocation of responsibility between EU Member States.", "\nFinally, at your request, I will take a current example of needless human trafficking, which once again shows that we have to act quickly.", "\nThis concerns the sinking of the vessel \"East Sea\" outside the French town of San Raphael in February with around 1 000 asylum seekers. ", "The event is now being investigated by the French authorities, and any consequences for those responsible will be issued under French law.", "\nParliament has submitted a wish that the Council issue a statement on this event. ", "However, the Council as an institution can hardly issue such a statement in a case which primarily concerns a national government. ", "At the same time it is important that we within the Union demonstrate unanimity in our efforts to combat this type of organised crime. ", "It is therefore important that this is reflected in our assessment of the criminality of these actions.", "\nThe Council is working hard to draw up common provisions on the framework for criminal law against those who assist illegal entry and residence. ", "The Council is seeking an acceptable text which makes a clear difference between trafficking in human beings which exploits vulnerable people on the one hand and the work of known voluntary organisations and others acting out of humanitarian or non-profit making motives on the other. ", "I wish to emphasise that there is great support among Member States for our not criminalising actions carried out for humanitarian reasons.", "\nIn this context, I also wish to state that the Council has already developed an early warning system which makes it possible for Member States to inform each other of potential flows of refugees. ", "The candidate countries are also providing information for this system.", "\nOther measures which the Council is working on to combat illegal immigration are the directive on carrier liability, which is not to be seen as an isolated instrument but as part of a larger and more wide-ranging policy. ", "The Council is also investigating the opportunity of establishing a network of liaison officers.", "\nIn my opinion, the most effective way of preventing illegal immigration is to work together with the countries which currently act as transit countries. ", "By strengthening their asylum system we will all contribute to reinforcing the opportunities for protecting refugees and to ensuring that these countries become less interesting to human traffickers.", "\nIn the long term, dealing with the underlying causes of involuntary migration is the only way to avoid the tragedies involved in human trafficking. ", "Thus it is very important that we employ the holistic approach on which the entire harmonisation process is based.", "\n\nVitorino\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, Members of the Council, I wish to begin by thanking Mr Posselt for having tabled the oral question that has formed the basis for this debate. ", "In answering the questions he has raised, I shall not focus on what was done in 2000, because an exhaustive and rigorous assessment of this subject has already been made by the representatives of the Council. ", "First and foremost, I wish to outline the most important landmarks in the process of preparing for the Laeken European Council, which is the occasion that has been chosen for the first in-depth assessment of the results we have achieved in implementing the Tampere mandate. ", "1999 was a turning point in the field of justice and home affairs. ", "2000 marked the beginning of the implementation of the Tampere mandate.", "\nIn the Commission' s opinion, it is no exaggeration to say that we have made a good start. ", "We feel that we have made a proposal for a scoreboard with whose structure and content you are all familiar and I shall therefore not go into this in detail. ", "Through this scoreboard, however, we will be able to identify, transparently, clearly and with a sense of responsibility, the progress as well as the delays in the way we are implementing the Tampere mandate. ", "I shall, therefore, not be referring to the scoreboard' s content, but I do wish to begin by referring to an issue raised by Mr Posselt; that of drafting an annual budget on progress made in consolidating the area of freedom, security and justice.", "\nThe Commission takes the view that a dynamic scoreboard such as we would wish this to be responds to Mr Posselt' s concern. ", "I think, however, that we can improve the scoreboard in two ways: firstly, by strengthening the political dimension of the part of the process we have already completed when we introduce each revised version of the scorecard at the end of each presidency. ", "Secondly, improvements can be made by adapting the very structure of the scoreboard in future editions, particularly in the light of the outcome of the Laeken European Council, so that the scoreboard also reflects the way in which each Member State is implementing decisions taken at European level within its own national law.", "\nI acknowledge that, although we have made a good start, we are entitled to have conflicting feelings about the Union' s decision-making power in this field. ", "Here we are faced with two problems that I see no reason to hide. ", "The first concerns the myriad initiatives of the Member States, the reasoning behind which sometimes escapes us. ", "It is not my intention to question the Member States' right of initiative. ", "Consolidating an area of freedom, security and justice can only be achieved through close cooperation between all the Union' s institutions and also - and perhaps most importantly - between the Member States. ", "The Commission does share Parliament' s concerns, however, about the sometimes fragmented approach to many of the Member States' initiatives, and the danger that they will fail to provide added value to our common project. ", "I am not questioning the good intentions behind these initiatives, but they are sometimes rather unfocused; if they are in line with the priorities of the European common agenda, these initiatives will be welcome. ", "If, however, these initiatives simply serve each Member State' s internal political agenda of the day, then I am afraid that they will not help us to fulfil the very demanding programme laid down in Tampere.", "\nHence the Commission' s willingness to explore all avenues for improving cooperation with Member States in exercising legislative initiative. ", "Secondly, and it is worth saying this now, in advance of Laeken, we risk facing delays in meeting the Tampere timetable. ", "Unless the Council' s pace and decision making pick up, in other words, if we maintain our current speed, when we reach Laeken, we will be lagging a long way behind the objectives outlined in Tampere. ", "I am therefore greatly encouraged by the discussion held at the initiative of the Swedish Presidency, which I welcomed, at the informal Stockholm Council on the need to speed up the pace of decision making and the need to improve the Commission' s working methods. ", "The Commission is willing to play its part, under the leadership of the Swedish Presidency, in this task of discussing and streamlining the Council' s methods for taking action.", "\nWith regard to the specific questions raised by Mr Posselt, I shall be very brief. ", "In the field of transposing the Community acquis into national law, it must be said that, where the conventions of the third pillar are concerned, only one has been signed and ratified by all Member States and that is the Europol Convention. ", "None of the other conventions has, to date, been signed and ratified by all 15 Member States. ", "With regard to the framework decisions, it is too early to talk about their transposal because they are still very recent and there are not yet enough of them to be able to produce an assessment report.", "\nOn the second question, concerning a common immigration policy, the Commission has already contributed, in the communication it submitted to the Council and to Parliament in November of last year, to what can be considered to be the basis of such a policy, which is the creation of a European concept of immigration and of a vision for framing an immigration policy. ", "In this communication, we focused on two objectives. ", "The first of these was a raft of legislative initiatives establishing a common Community acquis and the second was the launch of a process of open coordination within the Council to coordinate the management of migration flow policies. ", "We presented a proposal on family reunification, which I hope will be adopted during the Swedish Presidency. ", "We also presented a proposal on the rights and responsibilities of third-country nationals who are long-term residents. ", "In July, we shall be presenting a proposal on conditions for the admission of immigrants for purposes of work and, at the end of the year, we shall be presenting an additional proposal on the admission of citizens of third countries for the purpose of study, training or for other purposes.", "\nBy July of this year, the Commission intends to put forward a proposal to make the method for open coordination in the field of immigration policy operational, with a view to this being up and running in 2002, in parallel with the Swedish Presidency' s initiative to improve our statistical mechanisms in the field of immigration. ", "At the same time, the new Odysseus programme will enable us to launch a programme of administrative cooperation between the Member States and we hope to launch the bases of what will be the creation of a common border police force, as mentioned by Mr Posselt. ", "In the field of immigration, I do not think that we should ignore the prospect of a proactive policy of integrating immigrant communities into the reception societies. ", "We must therefore explore all the options contained in the anti-discrimination package that the Commission presented last year and, at the same time, build on the immigration component in the Lisbon strategy, confirmed in Stockholm, of combating social exclusion. ", "In this policy of integrating immigrants, we must be able to count on the commitment and support of the Member States' regions and local authorities. ", "With regard to illegal immigration, the Commission has already presented two proposals for a framework decision on the trafficking of human beings and intends to present two communications. ", "One of these will concern the fight against illegal immigration and the other will be on repatriation policies. ", "I shall conclude this point by emphasising my hope that following the Conference being organised by the Belgian Presidency, we may see political agreement on the overall concept of European immigration policy at the Laeken Council, so that, from then on, no more excuses are given for the lack of a joint vision preventing us from adopting practical legislative measures.", "\nIn the field of asylum, I wish to point out that the Commission has embraced the principle of solidarity, both in its proposal on the 'European Refugee Fund' and in its proposal on 'Temporary Protection' based on the principle of 'double voluntary action' . ", "I hope that, under the leadership of the Swedish Presidency, we will be able to conclude a political agreement on temporary protection. ", "I acknowledge, however, along with Mr Posselt, that the discussions in Council have not led to much opportunity for improving the financial dimension of solidarity and prove that the process of defining any form of imposing the distribution of asylum seekers amongst Member States will not be easy. ", "The best solution to the problem of sharing responsibility is likely to be a common European asylum system based on the ideas outlined in the Commission' s communication of last November.", "\nIn the field of the mutual recognition of judgments, I simply wish to inform Parliament that we are working on a major package in the field of extradition and the European search and arrest warrant, as well as a package dealing with the mutual recognition of judgments in criminal matters, specifically protective orders in investigations carried out within the fight against cybercrime. ", "In civil matters, by the end of the year, we will be supplementing the 'Brussels­I' initiative with a proposal for a European enforcement order in civil matters, and with additional initiatives from 'Brussels-II' on the mutual recognition of judgments in the field of family law, in domestic issues and matters concerning parental power and the issuing of proposals on the recognition of low-value claims and undisputed claims.", "\nWith regard to the interinstitutional dialogue, Mr President, the Commission wishes to confirm here that the dialogue between the Council, the Commission and the European Parliament is essential to a successful outcome. ", "In this field, the Commission and Parliament must be given a greater role to play in the democratic control of Europol. ", "This is another initiative that the Commission will be adopting in the course of this year. ", "We have an ambitious programme and I am confident that the Swedish and Belgian Presidencies will ensure that the right pace is set for us to achieve a favourable outcome at Laeken. ", "I should like to conclude by simply expressing the Commission' s appreciation to Parliament, and particularly to the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, in the person of its chairman, Mr Watson, for the way in which you have responded, sometimes with very little time, to requests concerning the Commission' s proposals and those of the Member States. ", "If there have been delays, they are certainly not due to a lack of proposals or opinions issued by Parliament. ", "Secondly, I should like to reiterate the Commission' s desire to deepen political dialogue with the European Parliament so that together we can find the best solutions, which will, in this House, enjoy the broad political support of the various European political families. ", "I respect the diversity of Parliament' s political and ideological opinions, but we do have a common objective, which is to convey to the people of Europe a clear political message that meets their expectations. ", "This is a simple message: the European institutions make a decisive contribution to confirming freedom, security and justice as inseparable values, true cornerstones laid out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights and which express what we have in common and what we can be proud of. ", "Let us take pride in our European identity.", "\n\nPirker\nMr President, Council representatives, Commissioner, as you will certainly have understood from the applause, we value your work and your efforts to find good, pragmatic solutions and work together with Parliament, as well as the progress which you have chalked up on the scoreboard. ", "I am delighted at the commitment of the Swedish Presidency, even if a great many problems still remain to be resolved.", "\nBut, that notwithstanding, allow me to draw your attention to three problem areas, parts of which have already been addressed, namely the deficits which we have, secondly, the solutions which we still need, because the proposals seem to bear no relation to reality and, thirdly, the uncoordinated initiatives by Member States.", "\nI shall start with the last point. ", "You have my support here, Commissioner. ", "You feel that we need a new modus operandi here. ", "We spend a great deal of time on parallel initiatives which very often have no legal basis and which we often suspect are nationally motivated rather than concerned with finding European solutions. ", "We need an efficient mechanism for pushing ahead with the positive aspects here.", "\nThe second point is that there has been a dramatic increase in both drug abuse in the European Union and in drug production, especially the production of synthetic drugs, in the European Union. ", "In the meantime, there are now over 5 million young people taking synthetic drugs. ", "The European Union has become the biggest producer and exporter of synthetic drugs in the world. ", "And if we look at the scoreboard, then we can see that very little action has been taken. ", "An initiative plan was submitted in 2000, but no further action was taken. ", "I would ask for this to be made a new focal point.", "\nFinally, I should like to mention one more thing. ", "Where there is no bearing on reality, as in the case of family reunion ...\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nTerrón i Cusí\nMr President, to analyse this year zero of the Tampere era we have, for the first time, a tool that will be extraordinarily useful, both now and in the future: the scoreboard set up by the Commission which, in future years, should include the progress made in the Council and the progress made in each of the Member States.", "\nA comparison between the initial forecasts and the latest revision of the scoreboard shows, for instance, how we have progressed - I would say remarkably - in matters of judicial cooperation. ", "We have hopes for the future of Eurojust and this Parliament welcomes the decisions taken by the Council and the Member States' initiatives which, in the field of judicial cooperation, have added to the Commission proposals, thus creating a circle that should be maintained in future.", "\nMy Group also values the highly significant Commission communication on the mutual recognition of sentences in criminal matters. ", "We hope it will be a solid base from which to combat crime, especially those more callous and intolerable versions such as terrorism.", "\nMinisters, we are well aware of what the European Commission has presented this last year in connection with the Tampere Agenda: it is on the scoreboard. ", "What we do not know is what the Council is thinking of doing with them in the immediate future. ", "In exchange, we have seen concrete and fragmentary proposals - I do not want to return to the debate we had in the previous sitting - from each Member State, which in this case we cannot accept at all, either now or in the future.", "\nToday we have also talked about the shock caused by the arrival of the \"East Sea\" in Europe. ", "It shocked everyone, and I think it would have done so even more if the citizens knew that even before Tampere we had set up something which (talking of cooperation with the countries of origin) is called an action plan for northern Iraq, i.e. the Kurds. ", "But the citizens do not know. ", "Just as those of my country do not know that we have set up an action plan for Morocco, and while they keep finding the bodies of our young neighbours on their beaches they wonder what the European Union is doing. ", "In fact, the impression given by the press is that not even our government knows.", "\nLaeken is going to be a new opportunity for the common immigration and asylum policy. ", "Please do not just reaffirm the Tampere decisions again. ", "Tell us how you intend to move forward. ", "Please do not repeat that things are on the right road. ", "Really convince yourselves that your decisions are good ones, and uphold them clearly and with determination and courage. ", "Parliament - and I am sure in this respect the citizens too - will follow.", "\n\nLudford\nMr President, our efforts to create an area of freedom, security and justice are dispersed and rather incoherent. ", "Firstly, they are spread over half a dozen sections of the Treaties, from the third-pillar articles on intergovernmental police and judicial cooperation, to the provisions on asylum and immigration, to other scattered articles on fundamental rights, non-discrimination, EU citizenship and free movement. ", "In this crucial area of creating a citizens' Europe, we start with a pretty incoherent framework. ", "Our procedures are also inadequate; add to that the way in which Member States have showered upon us a host of uncoordinated initiatives, and it is not surprising that two years after the Treaty of Amsterdam came into force, we have a lot of frenetic activity but not enough real progress.", "\nWe have big issues to deal with, from a policy on immigration, to combating racism and xenophobia, to ending the huge injustice of 20 million European residents having no right of movement, because they are third-country nationals.", "\nOn asylum policy, it is crucial that we absolutely respect humanitarian obligations and practise coherent thinking. ", "How can we speak derogatorily of the 1 000 Iraqi Kurds in the \"East Sea\" as illegal economic migrants, when NATO members, including my own Member State, are sufficiently conscious of their vulnerability to Saddam Hussein's persecution, as demonstrated in the past, to enforce a no-fly zone in northern Iraq? ", "We really do not have much joined-up thinking on that subject.", "\nWe must change the way we work, so as to make the area of freedom, security and justice as visible to the citizen as it is politically significant. ", "Perhaps then we could have a debate which might attract a fuller chamber and convey something of the passion and vision that we heard from the President of the Federal Republic of Germany this morning.", "\n\nBoumediene-Thiery\nMr President, during the night of 31 March, another ship carrying illegal immigrants ran aground to the north-east of Athens, just like the Kurdish refugees on 18 February off the coast of Var, in France. ", "These are not national problems. ", "Regularly, in Gibraltar, at Calais and elsewhere, refugees are coming ashore at European ports. ", "They risk their lives to flee from dictatorships, conflict and misery. ", "However, they are likely to end up as illegal immigrants, and they know it. ", "One only has to look at France, where 94% of applications for asylum are rejected. ", "Yet the right of asylum is a fundamental and inalienable right. ", "There is a European fund to provide support for the consequences of receiving these people here. ", "In order to improve efficiency, is the Council thinking of assessing the use of resources from this fund?", "\nActing at European level means more than merely denouncing and condemning those who trade in human misery: as you have pointed out, Mrs Ludford, only an overall solution will deal with these problems, with the emphasis on a foreign policy of cooperation just as much as on a genuine policy of integration which recognises the equality of the rights of all citizens. ", "Does the Council therefore not think that as a matter of urgency the Union should provide itself with an effective statutory instrument in the form of a framework directive which would enable it to regularise the position of all illegal immigrants, in order to adopt a more realistic and humane attitude towards immigration. ", "At the present time, two mechanisms are being studied...\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nBoudjenah\nMr President, we all know that words are no longer enough to condemn these situations in which whole families are thrown out of their country, like the 908 people crammed into the holds of the \"East Sea\" , seeking a better life, or fleeing war, violence or poverty, sometimes both. ", "Words should now be followed by actions.", "\nIn March, when Parliament rejected, fortunately, several Council initiatives, I wondered when we would have any Council initiatives and proposed directives drawn up in a spirit of openness towards the world, of welcome and humanity, rather than reflecting an approach concerned solely with policing and security. ", "Yes, Europe does have a duty to take initiatives, but not the sort of initiatives that would cause a breach of solidarity, or impose arbitrary sanctions on transport companies.", "\nOn the contrary, a common policy on immigration requires ambitious initiatives based on improving and strengthening the right of asylum, guaranteeing both that right and the right to freedom of movement, and facilities for receiving migrants with dignity and with respect for human rights. ", "We also need to take restrictive and punitive measures, not against the victims, but against those who are behind this human traffic. ", "So when shall we see an end to the expulsions, when will the situation of illegal immigrants living on European soil be regularised, and when will non-Community foreigners have the right to vote in local elections? ", "It is impossible to avoid answering these questions if we want to move towards a policy that is more just, more humane and more effective.", "\n\nKrarup\nI have three remarks in connection with this question. ", "First of all, a comment on the semantics. ", "Both the Treaty and the question talk about introducing an 'area of freedom, security and justice' . ", "The impression might be created that freedom, security and justice did not exist in the Member States, as if our countries were a legal vacuum. ", "However, that is not the case. ", "The situation, of course, is that we have a wide range of very traditional and deeply rooted legal systems which are distinguished primarily by their extraordinary difference from one another. ", "It is not going too far to say that the dominant system is one based upon Roman law but, in addition, there exist of course the common law system, which is significantly different, a Germanic and even a Scandinavian legal tradition, and these legal traditions differ from one another on crucial points. ", "To introduce an area of freedom, security and justice is an absurdity from a semantic point of view.", "\nHowever, there is also, of course, another objective, and that brings me on to my second remark, which is of a legal nature. ", "What we are concerned with here is the desire to establish a single area and to homogenise these legal areas in the EU style, nipping and tucking in the interests of a better fit and in such a way as to obtain one common criminal law and one common judicial area. ", "Finally, I have a political remark to make. ", "This empire building through the establishment of a legal system represents one of the most repressive systems of oppression in world history. ", "What has been established in the light of these words, 'freedom, security and justice' , is a system of monitoring and control without parallel in world history. ", "A system is being developed which suspends the crucial aspects of legal security. ", "Objection can also be made to this perversion of the language which should ideally, of course, reflect reality as carefully as possible. ", "That is something it is nowhere near doing.", "\n\nHernández Mollar\nMr President, how many minutes' silence have we held so far in this Parliament for the victims of ETA and in condemning terrorism? ", "How many people have lost their lives in attempting to tread on European soil along the Andalusian coastline, in Dover, or on the coasts of southern France or Italy? ", "How many women and children have been and still are exploited by organised criminal networks that - and this is the worst part - act with impunity in European territory? ", "We must begin to find answers to these questions now, and fast! ", "The fight against organised crime, terrorism, drugs or the trafficking of human beings requires new police methods, a readjustment of legislation, and the immediate adaptation of police and judicial cooperation to the new European area. ", "No terrorist, drug trafficker or trafficker in human beings must find shelter in a Member State. ", "And it is urgent, as the Commissioner has said, to set the European search and capture order in motion against these enemies of freedom and security. ", "I particularly wish to thank you, Commissioner, for the interest you have shown in setting this European search and capture order in motion.", "\nIn Spain a recent survey has shown that terrorism and immigration have become two of the main concerns of Spanish citizens. ", "These concerns also require European responses. ", "We are going to have two great debates in the coming months: a report on terrorism and another on immigration and asylum. ", "I hope that we Members of Parliament, the Commission and the Council will rise to the occasion and succeed in offering European citizens and those who legally wish to live in our territory precisely what we set forth in the recent Charter of Fundamental Rights.", "\n\nÊaramanou\nMr President, the fact of the matter is that a very ambitious and serious attempt is under way to resolve the everyday problems of European citizens, the success of which will help strengthen the political dimension of European unification, because European unification and a single European area obviously imply more than just a single market and a common currency. ", "Which is why we need to strengthen our citizens' sense of security, fight organised crime, strengthen police and judicial cooperation, mutually recognise court judgments, develop an integrated, viable immigration policy based on our common European values and fight racism and xenophobia in the European Union.", "\nIf we take stock of how far we have come since October 1999, we will see that there have been serious delays and setbacks in achieving our aims. ", "This is because, on the one hand, we have an energetic Commission and a creative Commissioner and, on the other hand, a Council which is irresolute and appears unwilling even to implement what the governments themselves decide. ", "Instead, we are faced with fragmentary and uncoordinated initiatives on individual issues on the part of the Member States, initiatives which often fall outside the framework agreed at Tampere. ", "And as we know, this sort of situation causes serious problems, both to the working of the Commission, which does not have the human resources needed to respond to all these initiatives, and to the working and the agenda of the European Parliament. ", "Of course, the Council must be credited in 2000 with the decision to set up the refugee fund and mutually recognise civil court judgments, such as in divorce cases. ", "And, of course, the list of achievements in 2000 also includes the adoption of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in Nice, although not, of course, in the manner which Parliament had hoped for.", "\nI should also like to congratulate the Swedish Presidency on working to strengthen the political dimension of the venture to create a common area of freedom, security and justice in the Union, especially in its endeavour to get a framework Council decision adopted during the six-month Swedish Presidency on a Commission proposal to fight the trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography. ", "As far as immigration policy is concerned and the huge gap in this area, some Member States, including Greece, have decided to plug this gap with national legislation under the Tampere agenda. ", "Last week, the Greek government passed an immigration bill legalising and regulating the status of thousands of immigrants who entered Greece over the last ten years, thereby finding a positive solution to serious issues which the Council has stubbornly kept on the back burner.", "\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nWatson\nMr President, as the Member who has the honour of chairing the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, I would like to thank Commissioner Vitorino and Ministers Bodström and Klingvall for the spirit of loyal cooperation in which they have approached the construction of the area of freedom, security and justice.", "\nProgress has been made in finding ways to work together in a policy field in which the Treaties are anything but satisfactory. ", "But to say this throws some light on the difficulties we have encountered in the 18 months since the Tampere Summit: difficulties such as the need for separate legal arrangements in the first pillar and the third pillar; the need to cater for Member States which are members of Schengen and those which are not; the depressing predisposition of some Member States to pile headlong into individual initiatives before institutions have fully debated an overall approach.", "\nThe house that we are building for our citizens should be able to withstand an earthquake. ", "Let us lay the most solid foundations - those of the Community framework in which architects, builders and surveyors work together in concert. ", "Parliament has called for an annual report on the implementation of the area of freedom, security and justice. ", "In welcoming the report that I have just received from the presidency, I note that it is essentially a list of actions. ", "What we will need is an assessment of the impact of measures taken. ", "Minister Klingvall said it is hard to comment on the case of the \"East Sea\" because it is a matter for individual Member States. ", "Arguably that may be true for 24 hours; thereafter it is a matter for all of us. ", "Surely, Minister, that is the whole point of the area of freedom, security and justice. ", "Member States must understand that this is an area in which citizens want more Europe. ", "We must rise to that challenge, not become bidders in a depressing downward auction of rights for our citizens or those arriving from elsewhere.", "\nThe Charter of Fundamental Rights is arguably the most important development that we have seen. ", "We must incorporate it into the law of the Union for there is no area of freedom, security and justice without rights and there are no rights without judges.", "\n\nSchröder, Ilka\nMr President, when the EU' s fortress policy fails, then we end up with shipwrecks such as that which occurred in France, and again in Greece, and which will probably claim many more lives. ", "The question is: if we really want more freedom, security and justice, what must we do in order to prevent this policy from claiming even more lives? ", "First, freedom is achieved by giving people a free choice of where they wish to live. ", "Secondly, security is given to people by pressing a passport into their hand and giving them the legal wherewithal to set up home wherever they want. ", "This results in more justice and greater fairness because it is the global economic conditions which the industrialised countries have forced on the world which turn many people into refugees in the first place. ", "Which is why I call on the Council to take prevention seriously. ", "A uniform modus operandi - yes, start a legalisation initiative now, because that is the only consistent policy against racism.", "\n\nKrivine\nMr President, the running aground of the \"East Sea\" on the French coast is a tragic illustration of a twofold problem: the problem of oppressed nations and the problem of the oppression of immigrants. ", "At the present time, the Kurdish people, scattered over several countries, are experiencing pitiless oppression which highlights the on-going struggle to force the government to respect the right to self-determination and to respect national minorities.", "\nMoreover, these tragedies that we have seen occurring on Spanish beaches or at Dover cannot result merely in our condemning the people who ship in the illegal immigrants. ", "The Schengen area is a fortress which forces the victims of hunger or of political dictatorships to take illegal action. ", "Yet everyone knows that no amount of policing can halt the flow of people who are in fear of their lives. ", "Those who organise these shipments of illegal immigrants are now growing fat on these repressive laws, which in any case are a violation of the Geneva Convention. ", "It is time to open up the borders to the free circulation of people, just as you have done for capital. ", "We no longer want to see the spectacle of entire families entering Europe by paying large sums of money to risk their lives in decrepit old tubs.", "\n\nCederschiöld\nMr President, in view of the short time available, I will address the most important point first.", "\nMrs Klingvall has just stated that she intends to help to achieve agreement in three areas, in precisely the three areas where the European Parliament has said no, for we have voted against the reports by Mr Ceyhun, Mr Nassauer and Mr Kirkhope. ", "It is quite worrying that the presidency does not respect the opinion of Parliament. ", "I myself think that it is fairly clear after the debate today that responsibility for overall policy in this field should rest with the Commission.", "\nAlarming figures are presented regarding population trends - Europe is shrinking. ", "Member States are estimated to lose 10 percent and candidate countries 20 percent. ", "We will see a shortage of both highly qualified and less qualified labour, and both in the short and the long term. ", "Our external borders are under great pressure. ", "The fact that Europe must be opened up to immigration of labour is a conclusion which even the toughest opposition have adopted. ", "However, we know nothing about how this will work - nothing about how the system will be designed, nothing about quota systems or green cards, whether these openings and solutions are only to apply to those who are highly educated or whether they will also cover those with few qualifications.", "\nHas the Council no practical solutions in this area? ", "Will crime and harsh reality decide? ", "We look forward to the proposals which the Commission will present in this field. ", "The Commission appears to be the most suitable body to do this.", "\n\nAndersson\nMr President, I would like to thank both the ministers from Sweden, as well as the Commission, for their comments.", "\nSome people describe Europe as a Europe which locks people out. ", "They term it 'Fortress Europe' . ", "Those of us who want to create a humane Europe, which takes into account people with a need for protection, and who are seeking a humane asylum and refugee policy use the concepts of freedom, justice and security. ", "I share the view of the Commission and the presidency that the current deficiencies in the field of asylum and refugees are linked to the problem that we have no common policy. ", "At the moment, there are different policies in different countries. ", "The policy we have to develop must be based on international conventions, needs for protection and family reunification. ", "I also noted that, when it came to carriers' liability, debated by Parliament at length during the last part-session, the presidency was to take into account the opinions of Parliament. ", "At least that is the way I clearly understood it.", "\nI also think that we should distinguish between immigration of labour, and asylum and refugee policy. ", "The latter is based on people' s need for protection. ", "The former is based on the fact that we are suddenly realising that we will have a shortage of labour in the years to come, and here we are considering our need for labour. ", "In this context, we talk far too little about integration policy, as linked to asylum and refugee policy is an integration policy where we look after those people who come here with a need for protection. ", "Today, however, we are seeing these people remain largely outside society, that they do not have the same rights and that they are not utilised on the labour market. ", "They tend to be found among the 14 million unemployed.", "\nBefore we talk about the immigration of labour - it is possible that there may be a question of this - I would primarily like to see us emphasising integration policy and a common asylum and immigration policy.", "\n\nGahrton\nMr President, it is touching to hear how loyally the Swedish minister has adopted the propaganda language of the EU liturgy. ", "Freedom, security, justice - but there is no such thing! ", "Freedom in Gibraltar, for those who drown in attempting to enter the EU? ", "Freedom at the Polish Eastern border where the Soviet border is now physically being used as the EU' s external border in the opposite direction? ", "Is this freedom?", "\nSecurity - when we are all being monitored by the SIS register, which knows everything, even down to whether we have any sexual peculiarities?", "\nJustice - when all the police officers working on this say that the identity checks which will become compulsory under the Schengen Agreement will affect those who look non-European?", "\nMrs Klingvall, Mr Bodström! ", "There is a word for this, a rude word: - 'Fortress Europe!' ", "That is what you are building, precisely what you promised you would not build! ", "How would it be if you built in the opposite direction instead of solely going along with the federalists and power builders in this institution?", "\n\nUca\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, almost every day we read articles in the papers about refugees stranded on the coasts of Europe. ", "Just last Sunday, 447 Kurdish refugees landed in Greece. ", "In February the \"East Sea\" freighter ran aground in St. Rafael in France with almost 1 000 Kurdish refugees, including over 300 children, on board. ", "Their Odyssey to Europe had lasted ten days under inhumane conditions. ", "Three women gave birth to children in these conditions. ", "The refugees sell all their worldly possessions in order to buy a passage to Europe.", "\nThat refugees are putting their lives at even greater risk is the consequence of the EU's segregation policy. ", "It is intolerable. ", "Europe' s borders must be open to people in need, fleeing their homeland. ", "Why does anyone leave their homeland? ", "Where are the refugees who willingly leave their homeland? ", "No one leaves their homeland willingly unless they are being persecuted and fear torture and maltreatment. ", "I think we should fight the reasons why they flee. ", "We need an active human rights policy, we need to rethink arms exports and we need to give poor countries and regions financial aid, so that their people do not need to flee.", "\nI call on the Commission, the Council and the governments of the European Union to apply this policy and put it into practice. ", "Europe does not just need an economic face, it also needs a human face.", "\n\nPaciotti\nMr President, the European Union's behaviour is inconsistent: we recognise that it is necessary to bring the citizens closer to Europe and that, in order to do this, the Union must show that it is able to guarantee rights, freedom and security, but when it comes to implementing these proposals, the Member States' governments become highly overcautious and indecisive, concerned more for their own powers than for the rights of all. ", "This is how we manage to adopt a Charter of Fundamental Rights and then not incorporate it into the Treaties, how we write in the Treaties that the Union must be developed as an area of freedom, security and justice, but then the good intentions are lost in conventions which are not ratified, in decisions which are not implemented and in the confusion that is created by the fragmentation of competences, initiatives and procedures. ", "The governments raise hopes once again at Tampere and then dash them because they are unwilling to entrust the implementation to those whose job it is to concern themselves with the Union and not the internal affairs of individual States. ", "Our action arrives late and is ineffective because Community initiatives come to a halt on the threshold of cooperation in matters of criminal justice, which are still dealt with on an intergovernmental basis.", "\nWe need to be more courageous in protecting the rights of the citizens. ", "In my opinion, there is one genuine solution which I hope will be adopted with the next Treaty: as is already the case for cooperation in matters of civil justice, every aspect of the creation of the area of freedom, security and justice must become Community responsibility. ", "There is nothing to fear from this solution: the distribution of competences between Union and Member States would remain the same, but the effect of having standardised procedures would ensure that policies were coherent and also that the forthcoming enlargement of the Union would not, as it is in danger of becoming, be a barrier to the timely protection of citizens' rights.", "\n\nCerdeira Morterero\nMr President, I should like to emphasise certain issues which are no less important for being evident and having been reiterated in this debate.", "\nFirst of all, I want to draw the Council' s attention to the slowness and lack of coordination of some of its decisions regarding what was approved in Tampere, and I want to stress that this situation may lead to the failure of the agenda that you yourselves decided. ", "What is needed is a new boost and greater political will to be able to fulfil the agenda and the objectives that are set out for us.", "\nSecondly I also urge you to work at developing the Tampere proposals and not Member State initiatives; although such initiatives are legitimate, this Parliament considers them lacking in coherence, partial in their presentation and content, guided by each country' s own situation, and not contributing at all to the overall view needed in this matter.", "\nTherefore, let me remind you that we already have a programme of initiatives presented by the Commission which, in my view, meets these requirements. ", "Why do we not all focus on this programme? ", "I must stress the need to combat illegal immigration and the vital importance of all the measures being taken to prevent the trade in human beings, the constant deaths in the Straits of Gibraltar, the fight against Mafia-like organisations and the exploitation of these people economically and in the workplace. ", "All this has our support, but we must not lose sight of the need to adopt a balanced policy on the immigration question. ", "Therefore, with the same determination and willpower we must all, including, of course, the Council, draw up and implement policies that truly integrate these citizens that live amongst us, and thus we shall avoid racist and xenophobic acts which regrettably and shamefully take place in the European Union. ", "We shall avoid the tragedies that occur on the coasts of southern Spain every day, with boats laden with human beings reaching our shores and with people dying in their holds. ", "For this we need a clear political will and sufficient budgetary funding.", "\nThis is what I urge you to do, and I am certain that in this way we shall help build the area of freedom, security and justice we desire, and that we shall have the understanding and support of the European citizens in this important task.", "\n\nLang\nMr President, jag vill prata franska [I should now like to speak in French]. ", "Everything was for the best in the best of all worlds. ", "Everyone knew that there were several million illegal immigrants in Western Europe, everyone knew that they were coming in every day, trickling through our sieve-like borders, coming from all over the world, everyone knows the routes that they take and the main countries of entry, but at least, until now, all this has been going on quietly and discreetly, so as not to disturb good bourgeois consciences and the sleep of the self-righteous.", "\nEveryone finds their own particular satisfaction in this: this is how the pro-immigrant associations justify their existence, and the public subsidies that they enjoy. ", "Governments end up regularising everybody, or almost everybody, thereby demonstrating their attachment to the essential values of tolerance, human rights and openness towards others. ", "The bishops fill the desperately empty churches with illegal immigrants. ", "Trades unions and industry find, thanks to immigration, the reinforcements that they so much require to make up for European workers' lack of interest, and, of course, the bosses welcome the new labour force arriving on the market.", "\nIn short, it was an ill wind, and then suddenly, catastrophe: on 17 February, the cargo of the \"East Sea\" was deliberately beached on the French coast. ", "On board were 912 illegal immigrants, of which 420 were children. ", "And there you are, they landed, they are there, or rather - it has to be said - they were there. ", "For the question we are asking now, regardless of the reasons why they were beached and the conditions in which it happened, is this: what has become of them? ", "They have disappeared, melted into the background, over 600 of these illegal immigrants have miraculously vanished, they have done a disappearing act. ", "For example, when the camp was closed by the prefect of Var, on 1 March, 449 people were supposed to have been taken into custody. ", "Since then, more than 200 of them have disappeared. ", "At Modane, the destination of the first people leaving via the Fréjus Pass, of the 82 Kurds welcomed with such ceremony, 40 have vanished into thin air.", "\nBut why has this happened? ", "Why, when all the politicians, the various interest groups and others have all called unanimously for these immigrants to be permanently received here? ", "Why, when the French government has arranged everything so well, giving them an eight-day pass of safe conduct so as to allow them to complete the formalities that will enable them to obtain official status as political refugees? ", "Simply because these illegal immigrants preferred to use parallel secret networks for slipping into France and slipping out again.", "\nWhat a psychological shock, what a cause for concern to the self-righteous. ", "Unfortunately, this business is purely symbolic, it is a drop in the ocean, because every month there are thousands of illegal immigrants who succeed in getting into France. ", "But others will follow, millions of others, who will arrive on foot and by train. ", "Our problem is to organise their return to their own countries so that they can live and work in those countries with dignity.", "\n\nKlingvall\nMr President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to start by thanking you for an extremely interesting debate with many interesting questions, but, above all, I would like to thank you for your substantial commitment in the area of legal and home affairs. ", "I will attempt to summarise and comment on your viewpoints and questions.", "\nLet me start by making it clear that we are working for a union characterised by freedom, security and justice. ", "None of us is interested in building a \"Fortress Europe\" . ", "Rather our work is characterised by very great dynamism, a deeper cooperation in a Europe which we also wish to see enlarged.", "\nOne of the foremost aims of the Swedish Presidency is enlargement. ", "It is to make this region larger, to integrate further countries into a deeper cooperation, not just for freedom, security and justice, but also for peace. ", "This work obviously has considerable dynamism. ", "We are working with countries around the Mediterranean and we are working on strengthening our cooperation with Russia and with China - to take just a few examples of the process that is going on and in which the Union is a powerful driving force in this cooperation and in the work on expanding this area.", "\nThis naturally also characterises our work on a harmonised asylum and immigration policy. ", "In addition, it characterises the holistic perspective that we are imposing on the harmonisation work emanating from the Treaty of Amsterdam and the conclusions reached in Tampere. ", "We want to have a modern immigration policy which means that not only do we work on eliminating the fundamental causes of involuntary migration but that, at the same time, we guarantee protection for those who are in need of protection.", "\nWe have all been incredibly moved and affected by the tragedies and catastrophes that we have seen come to us on our television screens. ", "This is a continuing and despicable trade. ", "It exploits people in vulnerable situations. ", "It is something that we must work against with considerable strength. ", "However, we must do so in a number of different ways - one way is not sufficient. ", "That is why work such as the increased cooperation with the candidate countries and the work to ensure that these countries, too, have a good legal system and a good asylum system is incredibly important with a view to preventing illegal immigration and preventing these tragedies. ", "We must deal with the underlying causes of involuntary migration.", "\nLast week I was in the Balkans together with Commissioner Vitorino and the Belgian internal affairs minister, Mr Duquesne. ", "We met representatives of five of the Baltic states in order to discuss precisely these matters. ", "We accepted a far-reaching declaration incorporating this very holistic perspective that deals with both a legally secure asylum, reception and integration system and measures to achieve good border controls and an efficient visa policy.", "\nAs far as some of the practical questions are concerned with regard to what we are doing and what consideration is being given to the statements that have come from the European Parliament, allow me to shed light on just two matters. ", "The first of these is the issue of human trafficking. ", "Where this is concerned I want to make a clear distinction between human trafficking which exploits vulnerable people and what we call humanitarian acts. ", "Humanitarian acts must not be punishable. ", "We are working on a humanitarian clause concerning illegal entry. ", "We have decided that, where illegal residence is concerned, the existence or otherwise of the profit motive will be the key factor in determining which acts are of a specifically humanitarian character and cannot therefore be punished. ", "As far as the penalties are concerned: these must be severe. ", "We have not yet reached agreement on this, but we are currently discussing a primary proposal for a minimum penalty of six years.", "\nWhere the question of transporters' liability is concerned I wish to strongly reject what was said by Mrs Cederschiöld. ", "Our exploratory work that is currently in progress provides a basis for reaching agreement on this in accordance with guidelines from the French Presidency. ", "There are two viewpoints from the European Parliament which I, as President, have also brought into the discussions. ", "The first issue is that transporters must not be punished where an asylum application is granted or when a person is granted residence for other reasons. ", "This should mean that we defer the enforcement of fines on those who come to the EU and seek asylum despite the fact that they do not have adequate documents. ", "Only when the asylum process is complete must those persons who are not allowed to stay be liable to pay these fines.", "\nThe second issue that was also included in the statement from the European Parliament concerns the fact that airlines and shipping companies can only be expected to discover obviously forged documents and people who lack any travel documents whatsoever. ", "At the same time, it is, of course, reasonable for us to demand that transporters check passports and any visas. ", "However, the sanctions must not be disproportionately severe. ", "We do not yet know whether we will arrive at a solution that is acceptable to everyone, but we are sounding out the basis for this.", "\nSome of the contributions during the debate, such as the contributions from Mrs Terrón i Cusí and Baroness Ludford, dealt with the continued work. ", "They wondered: \"What is actually happening? ", "You have this vision and the aim from Tampere, but what are you actually doing?\" ", "I reported on some of the decisions taken. ", "I also reported on the status of the work in respect of some of the directives that are relevant. ", "Allow me simply to emphasise that we hope that at our meeting in May we will be able to make decisions concerning the Directive on temporary protection and the Directive on the reunification of families. ", "The negotiating work on these directives is currently progressing well. ", "It is thus our hope that we will be able to make decisions in May.\nWe have also come a long way in respect of launching the Eurodac system. ", "The test runs will be started in late summer 2001. ", "We believe that this is a system which will be able to give us a more effective application of the Dublin Convention.", "\nAs regards the proposal for third country nationals' rights, this has just been submitted. ", "However, we look forward to being able to commence work on this directive as well.", "\nI also mentioned earlier in the debate that the Belgian Presidency will focus on immigration policy and arrange a seminar on migration in October 2001. ", "Spain, too, has announced a ministerial conference in respect of flows of migration from Asia in advance of its presidency.", "\nWe are working patiently, step-by-step, so as to be able to realise the scoreboard that has been proposed with a view to implementing the conclusions of the Council' s summit in Tampere. ", "The implementation work is still in its initial stages, but we are moving forward and naturally we want to make decisions as quickly as possible.", "\n\nBodström\nMr President, criminality is becoming increasingly international. ", "The only way in which we can fight this tendency is for the police and the prosecuting authorities to also work more at an international level and to cooperate.", "\nAll police work involves violating the integrity of those who are suspected of a crime. ", "This is true both at national and at international level. ", "It applies to people who are sought by the authorities. ", "In order to be able to conduct a debate on the matter, it is important that we have the right basis. ", "This applies, for example, to that which Mr Gahrton mentioned - namely the SIS system, which is there for wanted persons. ", "Mr Gahrton said that the international SIS system charts people' s sexual orientation. ", "This is incorrect! ", "There is no such or similar sensitive information in the system. ", "It contains information on persons who are wanted, whether they are armed, their descriptions and other things such as information on stolen vehicles. ", "There is thus no such sensitive information and it is an incredibly important instrument if we are to be able to combat international criminality.", "\nThere are a number of individual crimes that cannot be controlled unless we do so internationally, such as human trafficking, financial crime, IT crime or, as Mr Pirker mentioned, drugs crime. ", "The only people who are served by having no international cooperation are the criminals.", "\nAs regards the matter addressed by Mr Pirker - drugs criminality - I agree that it is very important to have real action, that we go further than just spouting fine words without actually doing anything. ", "Two incredibly important means of achieving this have been addressed today, i.e. the development of Europol and being able to establish international cooperation through Eurojust as quickly as possible.", "\nI would also like to point to the work that is in progress for arriving at a solution in respect of synthetic drugs. ", "I know that Mrs Cederschiöld has fought very hard on this matter, and hopefully we can reach some kind of political agreement in May.\nMr Watson and Mrs Terón i Cusí, amongst others, have taken up the issue of how we can become more effective, which is, of course, important. ", "It is important for instance when the proposals are put forward by the Member States and initiatives are taken on various matters. ", "It is important that this is done in the right way and that we do not concentrate on short-term successes, for example at domestic level. ", "It is in everyone' s interest for the cooperation to work and be effective. ", "Everyone stands to gain, including from the domestic point of view, if it works as it should.", "\nThe same applies to the cooperation between the Member States, the Council, the European Parliament and the Commission. ", "If this does not work it will create a negative impression. ", "Our citizens will lose confidence in us and without the confidence of our citizens the EU will have no foundation, as a result of which the EU would not work either. ", "Consequently it is important that this very constructive and important debate continues in the same way as it has done today. ", "Finally, I would like to thank you all once again for this and for allowing me to come here.", "\n\nVitorino\nMr President, I would like to thank the Members of Parliament for the commitment they have shown to pursuing the very challenging and demanding agenda of Tampere, and also to testify to and praise the efforts of the Swedish Presidency to achieve concrete results during the first half of this year. ", "It is quite clear from the Swedish Presidency that there is a real concern to have a balanced approach to policies in this area - a balance between those initiatives dealing with the repressive aspects and those which have a pro-active aim of encouraging a positive view of asylum immigration in our societies. ", "Therefore, I hope that at the end of the Swedish Presidency we will have concrete and good results on the basis of which to proceed.", "\nVery briefly, to touch upon two points: first, on the action plan for Iraq, I share the view that it is extremely difficult to implement this action plan. ", "The sooner we get a more detailed assessment of the concrete results of such an action plan, the better. ", "We also have to bear in mind that one candidate country, Turkey, is a neighbouring country of Iraq. ", "So we should engage Turkey more seriously in the debate on the Kurdish situation and on the effect of illegal immigration in the area.", "\nMy second point is to say to Mr Pirker that I did not touch upon the issue of drugs in my presentation, because there was no question tabled about it. ", "However, I would draw the attention of Parliament to the fact that we are implementing the 2000-2004 Action Plan. ", "There has been a very important Swedish initiative on synthetic drugs. ", "We had an open debate in the Council on drugs and the Commission intends to present two main instruments: one, the framework decision for harmonisation of criminal law in fighting drug trafficking, will be presented next month. ", "The second one is to put before the Council and Parliament what we call a follow-up table for the action plan on drugs. ", "In that follow-up table we will include all the actions that need to be taken by the Union, and also identify all concrete actions that should be taken by individual Member States. ", "So we are not neglecting the drugs issue. ", "We did not touch upon that point, because you did not refer to it in the formal questions, but I am glad to announce to you our programme as far as combating drugs is concerned.", "\nMy final wish and hope is that maybe next year we will have a more cheerful debate on the state of play in the area of freedom, security and justice. ", "Let us all work together to that end.", "\n\nPresident\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place on Wednesday 16 May.\n\nUN conference on least-developed countries\nPresident\nThe next item is the following two oral questions:\nB5-0155/2001, by Mr Miranda, on behalf of the Committee on Development and Cooperation, to the Council, on the third UN conference on least-developed countries,\nB5-0156/2001, by Mr Miranda, on behalf of the Committee on Development and Cooperation, to the Commission, on the third UN conference on least-developed countries.", "\n\nMiranda\nMr President-in-Office of the Council, Commissioner Lamy, on the eve of the Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, which will be taking place in the European Parliament in Brussels in the middle of May, I think it is crucial that we debate and confirm the strategy the European Union should adopt on this matter and on that occasion. ", "That is the precise purpose of the oral questions to the Council and the Commission that I am presenting today. ", "I also hope to make a contribution to this with the proposal for a resolution that I am tabling.", "\nWe are all - I hope - aware of the tragic situation these countries are experiencing. ", "They have a per capita GDP 100 times lower than that of the developed countries. ", "They have a real growth rate of almost zero, if we take account of population growth, the fall in the price of raw products by around 30% in 1998-1999, a life expectancy of no more than 51 years, an illiteracy rate of around 50%, and the list could go on endlessly.", "\nThe worst aspect of this is that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, because many of these countries, around one-third, are still suffering from endless conflicts that sap all available resources, as well as those that are not available. ", "I therefore feel that this conference must do more than simply repeat the diagnosis that is made so often and neither should it be a mere list, exhaustive or not, of intentions that systematically go unfulfilled. ", "It is crucial that practical measures are adopted in the context of an overall strategy, which sets a new international economic order, strategies that are designed to comply with and strengthen the 1986 United Nations declaration, which recognises the right to sustainable development as an undeniable human right. ", "It is also crucial that the European Union and each of the Member States adopt a position clearly endorsing this right by fighting to ensure that the current trend to reduce financial aid by the industrialised countries is reversed and that a timetable is set to increase aid by 0.7% of GDP, by acting in such a way that the 1992 Rio de Janeiro commitments are reiterated, by contributing to the definitive writing-off of the debt that is clearly smothering these countries, by making themselves available and taking action on conflict prevention, and by paying particular attention to arms trafficking and combating this trade. ", "Finally, the Union and the Member States must adopt a position by abandoning the approach of focusing everything on the liberalisation of the markets and by genuinely working for a profound change to the rules and provisions of the WTO that penalise these countries.", "\nOn this subject, we must remember that only 12 developing countries are represented in Geneva. ", "Furthermore, as I stated in my proposal for a resolution, we must also bear in mind that access to the markets is not, in itself, a sufficient condition for guaranteeing economic growth and that economic growth, in itself, does not automatically lead to an equitable form of development either. ", "Therefore, just as important, if not more important, than these countries having access to the markets, we must also ensure that they are self-sufficient and have a secure supply of food, hence the law that helps them to protect their production and their rural population. ", "In this context, I wish to say a few words about the 'everything but arms' initiative, which we will have the opportunity to discuss in depth in a forthcoming part-session, even if the Council has taken the unacceptable decision to ignore this Parliament. ", "I would simply like to emphasise that this is an initiative to be welcomed, although it is of limited scope and although it contains some aspects that need to be fine-tuned. ", "Since it is merely the first step, as has been said, it must be supplemented with various other types of measure such as those that I have just outlined.", "\nLastly, at a time when the need to fight poverty is being so greatly emphasised, I think I should emphasise two more specific objectives that are worth repeating: health and education. ", "As I stated in my proposal for a resolution, the industrialised countries must make a decisive contribution to the development of programmes in these fields. ", "Above all, as we accepted recently in this House, we must ensure that the right of the countries most affected by AIDS and other diseases to manufacture and sell the necessary drugs or to import them free from copyright costs is recognised. ", "On these and other aspects, many of which are developed further in the resolution that I have tabled, we now await the words of the Council and the Commission.", "\n\nDanielsson\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, in the guidelines for participation in the UN' s third conference on the least developed countries, which the Council adopted on 22 December 2000, the European Union confirms its firm intention to do everything to ensure that the UN Action Plan for sustainable development in the least developed countries and for the progressive incorporation of these countries into the global economy contains practical and operational political guidelines and measures that are based on three factors.", "\nFirstly, active and responsible participation by national authorities, civil society, the private sector and local players in the least developed countries.", "\nSecondly, a worldwide partnership for the least developed countries, which means, amongst other things, mobilising the entire international community and increasing the coordination between everyone working on development issues at international, regional and national level.", "\nThirdly, an effective evaluation of the results of the Action Plan that was adopted in 1990 and an analysis of the needs and expectations of the least developed countries as established during the preparations for the conference.", "\nWithin the framework of the Union' s development assistance policy a very great part of the assistance is devoted to precisely these least developed countries, particularly through the ACP/EU conventions. ", "I would remind you that 40 of the 49 least developed countries are also included in the group of ACP countries. ", "The Union feels that the elimination of poverty in these countries should be the central aim of the conference. ", "The Union supports the reinforced HIPC initiative and its implementation, i.e. in accordance with the terms confirmed in Cologne in 1999, which enables more countries to get debt relief faster and increases the focus on the fight against poverty, i.e. the idea that the resources that are released by debt write-offs within HIPC are to be used to fight poverty.", "\nThe Union cannot accept the commitments and/or obligations in respect of debt write-offs that go beyond the terms that apply under the HIPC initiative. ", "This means that any claims for a moratorium on debt payments before the debtor countries reach the so-called end point, and/or 100 percent debt is written off at this point, cannot be accepted. ", "Poor countries that do not qualify for debt relief in accordance with the terms that apply to the HIPC initiative but which are having payment difficulties are instead advised to attempt to renegotiate their debt with the Paris Club, the London Club or another relevant creditor.", "\nThe resources that are released under the HIPC initiative are to be used to fight poverty in accordance with the countries' own poverty strategies.", "\nOn 28 February 2001 the Council approved a Regulation extending exemption from duty with no restriction on quantity to include all products originating from the 49 least developed countries in the world with the exception of arms and ammunition - what is known is the 'Everything but arms' initiative. ", "The Regulation became applicable on 5 March this year. ", "Discussion of this matter began with the Commission putting forward a proposal in October last year. ", "I am pleased to be able to confirm that the main principles of the Commission' s proposal were expressly retained in the final text adopted, i.e. that the Community should take meaningful measures to improve the economic situation in the least developed countries by guaranteeing free access to its markets for all such products, even if this would mean additional costs for the Community. ", "In nearly all cases this access was established from 5 March this year. ", "Only in the matter of bananas, sugar and rice was it established that this should enter into force at a later date. ", "However, the crucial factor was that a particular period and timetable for full access to the market was agreed for these products. ", "The market for bananas will be fully liberalised from 2006 and that for sugar and rice from July 2009 and September 2009 respectively. ", "During this period duty on these three products will be reduced and duty-free quotas will be established for sugar and rice.", "\nThe Regulation is therefore of crucial economic significance for the least developed countries. ", "However, it also has an even greater political and economic significance in respect of the preparations for the next round of negotiations in the WTO. ", "The fact that in this regard it is, in the first instance, development priorities that have formed the basis for a decision on a trade matter has incredibly great symbolic value. ", "The decision shows our partners in the WTO negotiations - both developing countries and industrial countries - that the Union is serious in its commitment to incorporate development issues into these negotiations. ", "It shows that we will enter into the negotiations with the firm intention not just of serving our own interests, but also the interests of the most needy members of the global society, particularly the least developed countries. ", "It shows that the Union fully accepts a moral and economic responsibility in accordance with the Union' s position as the world' s biggest trading bloc.", "\n\nLamy\nMr President, as the President of the Council has just pointed out, this third UN conference on LDCs will take place in Brussels in May. The aim of this conference will be first of all to assess the results of the action programme which was launched in 1990, to take stock of what has been done in the meantime in the way of development aid, debt reduction, investment and trade. ", "Another aim will be to draw up a new action programme for the next ten years, and we have agreed, in a joint agreement with the United Nations, that this conference should also give its attention to a certain number of measures having immediate effect, so that it will not yield to the temptation of taking refuge in too many generalities.", "\nPreparations for this conference are underway. ", "Obviously, as joint host, the European Union has a special interest in making this conference a success: teams from the Commission and a certain number of Commissioners are working on it together.", "\nWe shall try to ensure that a programme of sound action emerges from this conference so as to give a framework of encouragement to the development efforts of these 49 or 50 countries, once again trying to make it all as specific as possible.", "\nIt is with this in mind that we have ensured - and we at the Commission would like to thank the Swedish Presidency for this - that the decisions taken on the basis of this initiative, 'Everything but arms' , are taken in good time so that this initiative can constitute an achievement of the May conference. ", "That is probably, at the present time, the most visible issue and measure that this conference will have helped to raise and accelerate, and that is no mean achievement We must now try to use this conference as a lever to encourage other trading partners in the world to improve market access for exports from the least-developed countries.", "\nAlthough we are so keen on this initiative, that is not because we think it is sufficient in itself. ", "It is clear that, without an appropriate environment and other aid efforts, the vast majority of the LDCs are incapable, on their own, of taking advantage of commercial openings. ", "We must therefore supplement this strong signal, this effort to which we have committed ourselves, by other measures aimed at effectively increasing the export capacity of the countries in question, and helping them to become integrated into the multilateral worldwide trading system.", "\nWe therefore intend to supplement this initiative by other measures, a certain number of which are connected with trade, by technical assistance as regards the administrative capacity of these countries, and by increasing what we do in the context of the integrated fund which links us with the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO, in a technical assistance project which deals with commercial issues in Geneva. ", "Having said that, there are also other trade mechanisms which we should look at, in order to satisfy ourselves that they are not holding back or unduly restricting the opening up of markets to the least developed countries. ", "I am thinking, in particular, of all the rules on health and plant health, or of various obstacles to trade, where we should not reduce the standards that we have set, because our own public want to keep them, but where we could ensure that our efforts to provide technical assistance are effectively targeted so that they enable those countries to comply with them. ", "I am thinking, in particular, of all aspects of health and plant health.", "\nWe believe that these conditions for access to the market will help to improve the volume of foreign investment in those countries, provided that they are accompanied by an effective increase in their export capacity, and we should like to take the opportunity of this conference to go further in improving the promotion of investment in those countries, in particular by better use of the existing multilateral mechanisms, perhaps by using more actively what is already available in the way of guarantees for investment in least developed countries.", "\nThis being the case, let us not hide behind speeches that are too politically correct. ", "We must also be clear. ", "It is up to these countries themselves to create an environment that is more investment-friendly, by means of internal policies which we can support, and advise on, but which are, after all, the result of internal policy decisions which are sometimes difficult to take, and we are not responsible for this difficulty in taking decisions. ", "From this point of view it is important that the role of each party should be clear.", "\nWe must remember that these measures that I have just spoken about, which come into effect immediately, are only part of the result. ", "They have to be there in order to lend a certain amount of credibility to the action programme for the next ten years. ", "This action programme will serve as an itinerary. ", "I believe that it is very important to have an itinerary in this area, and it must be one that we can control together. ", "In fact I believe - and my Commission colleagues share this view - that it is only by exerting stronger collective pressure that we shall be able to speed up the abolition of poverty and the promotion of sustainable development in these countries, so that one of these days perhaps we shall be able, to quote Mr Miranda' s expression, to see the light at the end of the tunnel.", "\n\nDeva\nMr President, I want to welcome Mr Miranda's initiative in asking this question and I want to take this opportunity to congratulate Commissioner Lamy on his splendid initiative on 'Everything but arms', which we were associated with in Parliament, but did not have very much to do with. ", "It must be pointed out that the poorest and the least developed countries must be given special attention and, in the process, elimination of extreme poverty should be the primary goal. ", "According to UNCTAD calculations, while the gross domestic product of 49 LDCs rose by no more than 0.9% per year in real terms between 1990 and 1998, worldwide GDP grew by more than 2.5% per year.", "\nGood governance is a key issue in the LDCs. ", "I would like to take this opportunity to point out that there are many countries which are nominally democratic, but where, owing to their lack of an effective and fair legal system, there is no freedom for their people. ", "We in this Parliament should promote the rule of law as an essential criterion when we look at good governance criteria. ", "It is a matter of record also that the proportion of our aid budgets that goes to the LDCs has fallen while the proportion that goes to middle-ranking countries, such as Morocco and Algeria, has risen. ", "This is absolutely wrong. ", "The aid budget must concentrate on the poorest. ", "That is what our citizens expect and require. ", "Using the aid budget as some sort of underhand immigration policy is wrong. ", "Have an anti-immigration policy, by all means, but be honest about it. ", "We must not rob the poorest countries to achieve our own political ends.", "\nDrastic reductions in the debt burden of heavily indebted poor countries are urgently needed as action taken so far under the HIPC initiative will, as a result of falling raw material prices, be completely inadequate for any sustained financial relief. ", "I must also stress the need to guarantee funds to be set up or topped up in order to provide incentives for greater private investment and for the implementation of measures to encourage small loan arrangements, such as those introduced by the Gramien Bank in Bangladesh.", "\nFinally, we must do everything we can to prevent conflict. ", "Conflict prevention is a key to helping the LDCs grow.", "\n\nKinnock\nMr President, as others have already suggested, the facts speak for themselves. ", "Most of the 640 million people who live in the Least Developed Countries, just over one-tenth of the world's entire population, are struggling to survive on less than two dollars a day. ", "Their average life expectancy is 50 years. ", "Half of them are illiterate and two-thirds of the world's children, most of them little girls, are not in any kind of primary education. ", "LDCs have seen a severe drop in capital flows, down 45% since 1990; and official development assistance continues to go down, having fallen by 30% since 1990.", "\nAs the President-in-Office has said, the HIPC initiative is yielding very slow results and coming in too late. ", "Too many LDCs have totally unsustainable debt burdens. ", "Many LDCs, such as Zambia for example, where I was recently, are still spending twice as much on debt servicing as they are on health and education.", "\nThis UN Conference therefore has to be about a new deal for LDCs; one that promotes pro-poor economic growth, poverty reduction and sustainable development. ", "There will be, as Mr Lamy knows, a thematic session on trade, which I know he will expect to be used by the LDCs as a platform in preparation for the Qatar ministerial meeting. ", "I am sure they will give ample evidence of the fall in commodity prices - which have fallen by 30% from 1998 to 1999 - and we will need to acknowledge that globalisation and liberalisation have had very mixed results. ", "Everything but arms represents significant progress. ", "I wonder whether Commissioner Lamy would be able to predict that other countries such as the US or Japan might be prepared to follow his excellent lead. ", "I think I see him smile, and this might present us with some difficulties.", "\nAt this point it would be interesting to hear from Commissioner Lamy which LDC countries in particular are likely to export arms, as the title of this initiative is a bit perplexing.", "\nFinally, this Conference is about analysing what we can do that is deliverable for the least developed countries when millions of people are unable to treat pneumonia, diarrhoea, TB or AIDS; when you have no medicines to give to your sick child or your dying wife; when your child is at school under a tree trying to learn to write its name with a twig.", "\n\nVan den Bos\nMr President, the gap with the poorest countries is widening instead of narrowing. ", "Over the past decade, aid to developing countries has fallen by 24% and that to the poorest by as much as 45%. ", "This is absolutely unacceptable. ", "The UN Conference is pointless if it remains bogged down in fine promises and vague declarations. ", "The poorest countries only benefit from concrete and binding agreements. ", "Trade concessions on their own are not sufficient. ", "The rich countries must ease their burden of debt by a substantial amount. ", "Repayment means that in many countries, any form of development is frustrated even before it gets off the ground. ", "It is of the utmost importance that we should pursue a separate discharge policy for each developing country individually.", "\nIt is entirely reasonable to prescribe conditions in our debt and aid policy with regard to the fight against poverty, sound administration and sound management of public finance. ", "Debt relief has no meaning if debts keep mounting up. ", "The European Commission' s policy should therefore be aimed at developing capacity and sensible financial management. ", "Only then can countries develop education and health care; only then can investments be stimulated.", "\nIn many of the poorest developing countries, power, as well as available resources, are very badly distributed. ", "If political and economic power are not distinctly separated, only corruption can reign supreme. ", "It is hopeless to fight poverty if countries remain trapped in violent conflict. ", "Let us call a spade a spade: tyranny and unbounded greed on the part of irresponsible leaders are just as important in terms of causing inadequate development as is a drop in aid. ", "The chasm between rich and poor can only be bridged if our aid effort is stepped up considerably and if the countries are better governed.", "\n\nMaes\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, Commissioner, I would like to confine myself to a small number of questions. ", "How honest are we, in fact, when we claim that we mainly fight poverty in the least developed countries? ", "Our fellow MEPs have illustrated this amply. ", "Furthermore, we find that our aid does not even reach the poorest in the poor countries - and surely that is what all this is about - for they remain in poverty. ", "How coherent is our own policy? ", "How honest are we when we claim that we are quite willing to import everything, except weapons, from the poor countries? ", "Is this not, in the first instance, an act of goodwill to include the southern countries in a new WTO round? ", "I wonder about that, for I note that we remain caught up in our own incoherence. ", "I would like to quote the delay of imports of sugar as a case in point: that is nothing but a disgrace! ", "Must we really continue to support our own sugar production? ", "Surely there is no reason for doing that!", "\n\nBoudjenah\nMr President, on the subject of aid to developing countries, and in particular to those known as the least-developed countries, what are the facts?", "\nWe discovered these facts just now. ", "The mandate for the third UN conference covers, in particular, public development aid, debt and trade. ", "In that case, we must not try to evade the following conclusion, namely that the commitments made for the preceding decade have not been fulfilled. ", "It has often been said, but it is necessary to repeat it, that the decrease in the flow of public development aid is unacceptable. ", "It has dwindled by almost half during the last decade, falling to only 0.05% of the GDP of the donor countries, far below the 0.7% objective set by the UN. ", "In Europe, only the northern countries are meeting this commitment. ", "Moreover, the proportion of this public development aid that is spent on economic infrastructure and the production sector has also been reduced.", "\nWhat does the future hold for these countries, if they cannot achieve a level of development which will enable them to make choices that are truly independent? ", "There is no need to seek further afield for the reasons for the results that have been obtained. ", "The mere mention of the fall in life expectancy to 51 years gives an indication of the size of the disaster. ", "Behind the experts' reports there are men and women who are living in extreme poverty: 614 million people, or one tenth of the world' s population, who live on less than two dollars a day.", "\nWorse that this, as UNCTAD reports, the least-developed countries are caught in a downward spiral and a vicious circle of economic regression, social tensions and violence, which all reinforce one another. ", "Thus the proportion of their GDP accounted for by the manufacturing sector has not increased, and in some cases it has even decreased. ", "The LDCs are still, in many cases, exporters of only one or two basic products. ", "Production capacity has been reduced in some countries. ", "For example, the committee that is preparing for the third conference has even noted that very often the industries created to supply the internal market have been forced out of the market by the increasingly keen competition from imports which is the result of liberalising trade.", "\nThe third UN conference must not be just another ritual gathering, and I believe that the European Union, which is to some extent hosting the summit, should help to make sure that it does not turn into one. ", "Europe' s political authority is achieved from its capacity to stand up to an all-consuming globalisation governed only by the laws of commerce and of money. ", "The effectiveness of its development policy is measured by practical action, and there are avenues which still need to be explored as a matter of urgency, such as debt cancellation, the need for urgent action to recognise the right of countries hit by AIDS to manufacture and sell the necessary medicines, the need for high-quality public education services to contribute to the crucial development of human capabilities, and the need to help these countries to become self-sufficient in food.", "\nI believe that development cannot be summed up simply as the organisation of trading relations...\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nMuscardini\nMr President, the question which arises is: what is preventing the developed countries from helping the poor countries more effectively? ", "The percentage of the GDP dedicated by the wealthy States to the development of poor countries is increasingly small. ", "We know that, in many cases, these same wealthy countries flood the poor countries with toxic waste or allow shady businesses to operate in tourism as well. ", "Our Group has put forward a proposal for the reinsertion of students from those countries who have studied in European universities and wish to start work in their country of origin. ", "This would prevent that brain drain which is currently holding back development to such a degree. ", "It might cost little to treat a sick person and even less to prevent the illness, but AIDS is continuing to spread because of a lack of political will and economic commitment. ", "Globalisation is proving to be a tragedy for all those who are poor and is certainly not increasing the prosperity of the wealthy.", "\n\nSandbæk\nMr President, I really do hope that the Commission will help ensure that there is no hiding behind mere words with, as a result, resolutions being adopted that consist of non-binding statements in the form of recycled wordings to which the Member States have agreed at other international meetings. ", "If arrangements are to be of immediate effect, as the Commission wishes, the EU must appreciate that the HIPC agreement is quite inadequate. ", "There is a need for an international agreement aimed at genuinely releasing the developing countries from their debts by, for example, integrating the international objectives on poverty so that a sustainable debt is defined on the basis of the countries' need to combat poverty. ", "At present, a sustainable debt is defined in the HIPC initiative on the basis of non-documented sustainability values, and most of those countries that have obtained debt relief are spending more on debt repayment than on health and education.", "\nIn short, the EU ought to promote coherence in development policy and supplement this with effective support for developing the infrastructure of the developing countries so that they can carve out a place for themselves on the world market. ", "There are enough tasks to get to grips with. ", "These are already well defined. ", "What we now need is not more words, but action; and action which hopefully does not end up like the 'Everything but Arms' initiative in which the Commission produced a fine proposal which, unfortunately, was completely destroyed by the Council which postponed the agreement on rice, sugar and bananas until the year 2009. ", "It is simply scandalous and something we cannot live with here in the European Union.", "\n\nKronberger\nMr President, the fact that only one of the 50 poorest countries, namely Botswana, has managed to get out of the poverty trap over the last 25 years proves that the basic system is flawed. ", "Providing ostensibly social aid and even slashing these countries' debts are only cosmetic measures with no long-term effects.", "\nMultinational groups have established a system of exploitation against these countries in collaboration with former colonial powers and other industrialised countries, which is every bit as cruel as it was in the colonial era. ", "It is amazing that often the countries richest in raw materials have the poorest population. ", "Take the example of Angola. ", "It is obvious that this system has been implemented on purpose. ", "The African country richest in raw materials was once the biggest coffee exporter in the world with enough money to feed its 12 million people easily.", "\n\nVan den Berg\nMr President, the decision to grant the poorest countries access to the European market is a good start. ", "Let us hope that the rest of the industrialised world will follow our lead. ", "But we need much more than that, and the health initiative for the least developed countries - \"All but AIDS\" - is a case in point. ", "95% of people suffering from AIDS live in developing countries. ", "Also, diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis claim too many victims annually. ", "Healthcare in the poorest countries is seriously underfunded. ", "It appears that the least developed countries are spending as little as USD 8 per person on healthcare. ", "According to the WHO, this figure should be 8 or 9 times higher. ", "That is why the European Union should have the courage to take unilateral initiatives at the third UN Conference in May. I would like to list a few of these initiatives.", "\nEuropean aid in the field of healthcare should be discontinued, so that the poorest countries, such as India, can buy medicines against AIDS cheaply using our aid money.", "\nSecondly, the EU should ask the Member States to abolish the export tax on medicines for poverty-associated illnesses.", "\nThirdly, aid for basic healthcare should be doubled in the 2001 Community budget. ", "Half of that amount should be earmarked for the least developed countries.", "\nFourthly, European legislation on orphan medicines should be tailored to the needs of the developing countries, so that the pharmaceutical industry in Europe is encouraged to also produce medicines for the poor countries, such as medicines against AIDS, malaria, etc.", "\nFifthly, we should openly declare our support for Brazil and South Africa as soon as charges are brought against them.", "\nSixthly, we should defend the position on cheap medicines and the right to parallel imports, even in international forums, and should ask the TRIPS agreement to be adapted accordingly.", "\nMy seventh, and last, suggestion would be for all EU Member States to join forces to set up an international health and poverty fund, a fund from which an international, strategic long-term approach can be financed. ", "Europe should also free up extra monies for this fund. ", "Such a coherent initiative - \"All but AIDS\" - would be a fantastic contribution on the part of the Commission, and would send out a clear message that we, alongside \"Everything but Arms\" , can take a unilateral step ourselves. ", "Such a unilateral step coming from Europe would have far greater impact, precisely in the new Bush era, than all kinds of general declarations. ", "We need tangible results. ", "I am convinced that the EU and Mr Lamy are extremely well placed to achieve these.", "\n\nDanielsson\nMr President, I would like to thank the members for the important contributions that have been made to this debate. ", "I would also like to thank Mr Miranda in particular for giving us the opportunity through his question to discuss the important issues that are to be dealt with at the third conference on least developed countries, which will take place in Brussels next month, in a careful and penetrative way.", "\nI hope that this conference will provide opportunity to answer the very relevant and central question put by Mrs Maes, namely how honest we actually are in our efforts to assist the least developed countries. ", "It is precisely this to which we hope the conference in Brussels will provide very definite answers, not just fine words.", "\nI have great respect for Mrs Sandbæk' s description of the 'Everything but arms' decision, but I still see this decision as an important step along the way. ", "This is an opportunity to show that the Union is honest in its efforts to genuinely assist the least developed countries.", "\nIt is an important first step that has been taken and one which, as I pointed out in my introduction, shows that the Union is genuinely prepared to let development aspects control its priorities in trade matters. ", "I agree that it would be desirable to go even further, but do not let us diminish this first step.", "\nIn conclusion, I will simply answer Mr Deva by saying that I am pleased that he mentions the matter of conflict prevention as an important part of our continued efforts when it comes to assisting the least developed countries. ", "The Swedish Presidency has made conflict prevention one of its core issues. ", "We at the Council have also asked if we may come back to this Chamber later this spring to discuss conflict prevention.", "\nMoreover, conflict prevention will be an important issue at the European Council' s conference in Gothenburg in June. ", "I hope that this will provide an important reminder that the prevention of conflicts and efforts to help the least developed countries are very closely related.", "\n\nLamy\nMr President, I would like to make three comments in response to the debate.", "\nThe first has to do with the issue the President-in-Office of the Council has just addressed. ", "Like most of you, I think that development results from an, at times very mysterious, alchemy, the ingredients of which are easy to name but whose mixture is difficult to achieve. ", "Like Mr Deva and the President-in-Office, I think that peace is probably the decisive ingredient ahead of such elements as the fight against corruption. ", "There are many others but I hope we can avoid giving the impression that the least-developed countries have a monopoly over such difficulties and troubles. ", "I think we ourselves do not always come out unscathed.", "\nMrs Sandbæk, the 'Everything but arms' initiative is a concrete action for which we had to battle hard, with the complicity of our chairman and friend, Leif Pagrotski, to obtain a qualified majority. ", "What would you have said had we failed in our attempt? ", "These concrete decisions have been taken and are now going to be implemented.", "\nMrs Kinnock wanted to know which LDC countries in particular are likely to export arms. ", "The list has not been finalised. ", "I think that the conference on the LDCs will enable us to exert a bit of pressure. ", "Chile and New Zealand have displayed positive tendencies. ", "We are well aware that, at least at this stage, Japan will not fall into line as regards the totality of its imports, especially because of its rice problems. ", "Nonetheless, as regards industrial rates, it has already taken measures which are in the right direction. ", "Finally, the United States will have to review its system of generalised preferences this year and, thanks to the various lobbying methods at our disposal in Congress, we will see to it that, when it does, it will have our initiative engraved in its memory.", "\nI would like to dispel any impression that we have in some way bought the agreement of least-developed countries so as to organise a round of commercial negotiations which is in our interest but not theirs. ", "Such an impression is totally without foundation. ", "In the first place, this round is of interest to LDCs, even to the extent that, between the law of the jungle of unregulated international exchange and a round of commercial negotiations which will establish new rules, their choice seems to be made. ", "Secondly, it is a question of giving credence to our own position and, Mrs Maes, of showing that, within the framework of our general policy, we are capable, without any equivalent concession, of taking it upon ourselves to resolve internal political difficulties in order to move towards what we have to do.", "\nMy third and final comment has to do with access to medicines. ", "This point was brought up by Mr Miranda, Mrs Boudjenah and Mr van den Berg. ", "As I responded yesterday in this very House to a question by Mrs Carlotti on this subject, we have, within the Commission, put on the table a comprehensive action plan covering not only the problems of finance in terms of development aid and those of additional incentives for public research, but also problems relating to the commercial aspects associated with intellectual property and the availability of medicines. ", "This general plan is now on the table. ", "You are aware of it. ", "It is available for you to read. ", "It will be debated in the General Affairs Council on 14 May in sufficient time for the conclusions of this Council to be presented at the conference on LDCs which will take place at the end of May.\nSo you see that, from this standpoint, all of us, including the presidency which, as the President-in-Office has just pointed out, is making this a priority, have tried to ensure that a certain number of Commission proposals are transformed into action after they have passed before the Council and Parliament, so that we can look ahead to this conference at least with an easy conscience.", "\n\nPresident\n I have received two motions for resolutions pursuant to Rule 42(5) of the Rules of Procedure.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will be taken tomorrow.", "\n\nQuestion Time (Council)\nPresident\n The next item is Question Time to the Council (B5-0163/2001).", "\nAs they deal with the same subject, the following questions will be taken together:\n\nMihail Papayannakis\nQuestion No 1 by (H-0248/01)\nSubject: Crisis in the Balkans As developments in the Balkans crisis have revealed, recognition of the borders of many countries in the region is a matter of direct or indirect contention. ", "A case in point is the border between the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and Serbia, on which the two countries themselves have agreed but which Albanian groups in FYROM itself and in Kosovo refuse to accept.", "\nWhat is the Council's view of these current developments and, in particular, what is its position on the acceptance of borders as a stabilising force in the Balkans crisis?", "\n\nAlexandros Alavanos\nQuestion No 2 by (H-0259/01)\nSubject: Uncontrolled activity of extremist organisations in southern Serbia Terrorist activity by Albanian extremists in southern Serbia and FYROM, even within the KFOR-monitored zone, is out of control. ", "Terrorist operations and fighting, even involving the use of heavy weaponry, are reported on an almost daily basis. ", "The Yugoslav peace plan for the Presevo Valley has, in principle, received a favourable response.", "\nDoes the Council agree that the above peace plan constitutes a sufficient basis for talks? ", "What measures will it take to facilitate the opening of talks between the political leaders of the Albanian-speaking population of southern Serbia and the Yugoslav leadership?", "\n\nEfstratios Korakas\nQuestion No 3 by (H-0306/01)\nSubject: Situation in FYROM and danger of a general conflagration in the Balkans The armed and murderous attacks against FYROM by the illegal mercenary army of the UCK which has been strengthened and armed by NATO have intensified and are now threatening to further destabilise the Balkans, causing a general conflagration. ", "Far from promoting stability, the presence of KFOR troops in FYROM actually causes further destabilisation. ", "This is confirmed by media reports that armed mercenaries are crossing over from the German and American sectors unimpeded. ", "All these attacks and developments are the result of the 'divide and rule' policy pursued by NATO and the EU, a policy which is advanced by inciting and exploiting nationalism and splinter groups and tendencies with the aim of setting up protectorates in the region in order better to exploit its wealth and peoples.", "\nWhat specific steps does the Council intend to take to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1244/99, to safeguard the territorial inviolability of FYROM and to put an end to all foreign interference in the Balkans?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council has repeatedly expressed its deep concern at the great tensions and extensive violence in southern Serbia and the increased number of incidents in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia particularly close to the border with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia - incidents that the Council strongly condemned in its conclusions of 26 February. ", "On the same occasion the Council repeated that it stands firmly by the principle that all the borders in the area are inviolable. ", "Since then the European Union has been actively engaged in attempting to solve the crisis in close cooperation with the authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, NATO/KFOR and the authorities in FYROM.", "\nThe Council has also stated that it is prepared to continue to give practical support to the efforts to reach a peaceful solution to the conflict with full respect for the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia' s sovereignty and territorial integrity. ", "With a view to this the Union welcomes the High Representative Mr Solana' s decision to station further significant numbers of observers - up to 30 - from the Union' s observation mission in southern Serbia, this since at the Council' s conference (General Affairs) on 19 March, following contact with NATO and following the signing of a cease-fire agreement between the parties, he assessed that the safety of the observers was carefully guaranteed.", "\nIn its conclusions of 19 March the Council supported the initiative by the authorities in Belgrade to find a peaceful and permanent solution to the current situation in southern Serbia. ", "This initiative, which was presented to the European Union Committee on Foreign Affairs and Security Policy by Serbia' s Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Covic, and the Foreign Minister of the Yugoslav Federation, Mr Svilanovic, is considered to form a suitable basis for continued activity. ", "At this time the Commission announced that it would double its financial support in the Presevo Valley. ", "This support now amounts to nearly EUR 2 million. ", "The Commission is also considering what contributions can be made to Serbia in the long term in accordance with the EUR 240 million programme in 2001.", "\nAs confirmation of the Council' s commitment the honourable Members of Parliament should be aware of the fact that a representative of the High Representative Javier Solana actively participated - together with a representative of the Secretary-General of NATO - in the negotiations which, on 13 March 2001, resulted in the Serbian and Albanian representatives signing the cease-fire agreement and to a dialogue being started between the Yugoslav-Serbian authorities and the Presevo Albanian representatives on 23 March.", "\nThe Council welcomed Javier Solana' s status report, submitted on 19 March, concerning further EU measures in respect of south-east Serbia and urged him to continue his work on an EU strategy for this region in cooperation with the presidency and the Commission in order to support the process in the region and contribute to international efforts in reaching a peaceful solution.", "\nThe Council reacted quickly and clearly to the serious incidents in FYROM that took place recently. ", "The ministerial troika visited Skopje on 22 March and Mr Solana visited FYROM on a further two occasions, on 20 and 26-27 March. ", "The Council entirely rejects the tendentious and unfounded allegations in the honourable Member of Parliament' s question No 306 concerning the role of NATO and KFOR in the crisis in FYROM. ", "The EU position is clearly stated in the declaration by the European Council issued in Stockholm on 23 March.", "\n\nSjöstedt\nI am here on behalf of Mr Papayannakis. ", "I would like to thank the Council of Ministers for its answer, which I think was good in many ways. ", "I have a supplementary question which concerns the demands that are now being made by the Albanian minority in Macedonia for increased influence and some form of self-rule or federation within Macedonia. ", "Does the Council of Ministers have any viewpoint on the demands being put forward by the Albanian minority in Macedonia?", "\n\nDanielsson\nAs I said in my introduction, the basis for any solution of the conflicts that we are now seeing must be a respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. ", "This was also concluded by both the Council and the European Council on several occasions.", "\nHowever, it is, of course, very important to bring about an intensification of the interethnic dialogue in various ways. ", "One of the reasons why we have had a continual presence of Union representatives in the region in recent weeks is precisely in order to be able to promote this interethnic dialogue within the framework of the respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. ", "In general terms, the Union - in the Council' s opinion - should continue to do everything to promote this dialogue, whilst always having these fundamental principles in mind.", "\n\nÁlavanos\nMr President, I shall overlook the fact that your reply was something of a \"Lord have mercy\" to Javier Solana. ", "You mentioned his name five times and maybe it is better to leave him out of it when we are discussing the Balkans. ", "But to get back to the point of my question. ", "Your standpoint has one positive aspect - the Council' s determination not to violate all the borders in the area. ", "What I should like to ask, just to clarify matters and to stop playing with words, is: do we assume and do we mean that the borders of the whole of Yugoslavia, a Yugoslavia with no more Milosevic, a Yugoslavia with Milosevic in prison, also include Kosovo? ", "I raise this with all due respect for the comments made to the effect that, if this problem is not resolved, we shall have continuing instability in the area.", "\n\nDanielsson\nI do not know whether this was a hymn of praise to Mr Solana. ", "If it was a hymn, it was to something that I would regard as a very active policy by the Union to attempt to help solve one of the most serious conflicts on our continent. ", "I must say that although we are seeing a lot of human suffering in the areas in question, I still believe that the Union' s very active work has helped limit the suffering and that now, following some very difficult weeks, we can actually see a light in an otherwise very gloomy situation.", "\nI would therefore like to say that we in the Union - which also includes Mr Solana, who has really worked hard on this matter together with Mr Patten and the Swedish Presidency - can really be proud of what we have achieved, although it is not yet sufficient.", "\n\nÊorakas\nMr President, may I say that I am totally dissatisfied with the Council representative' s reply. ", "First of all, I asked a straightforward question. ", "What is being done about applying Security Council Resolution 1244? ", "This resolution makes provision for Kosovo to be a province of Serbia, KLA criminals to be disarmed and the borders to be guarded by Yugoslavian forces, whereas it was the presence of KFOR, with the blessing of the European Union and ÍÁÔÏ, which facilitated both the attacks in southern Serbia, in the Presevo valley, and the invasion of KLA criminals into FYROM. ", "And the question here, Mr President, is who gave Robertson, the NATO secretary-general, the right to move in and pressurise the FYROM government into negotiating with these criminals? ", "And Mr Solana did the same. ", "Is this what they mean by their determination to guard the borders? ", "Tell us once and for all, is Kosovo a Serbian province or an independent state? ", "And then, Mr President, I was struck by the presidency' s statement that Presevo...\n(The President cut the speaker off)\n\nDanielsson\nI realise that Mr Korakas is not satisfied with my answer. ", "On behalf of the Council I must once again reject some of the allegations in Mr Korakas' question as tendentious.", "\nWho is it that must ensure that the UN Security Council' s resolutions are observed? ", "Obviously it is the UN' s Security Council, but there are many international organisations which are cooperating in order to do this within the framework of the resolutions passed by the UN Security Council. ", "The Union is one of the most important players in this respect and I hope and believe that the Union will continue to be active.", "\n\nÁlyssandrakis\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, I am worried about events spiralling out of control in the Balkans. ", "I would like to raise the matter of the forthcoming debate in the Bulgarian national assembly on the free passage of NATO forces without the need for prior approval by parliament, the first time this has been allowed in a non-NATO country. ", "There is also talk of leaving unmanned American aeroplanes on Bulgarian territory. ", "What I am wondering is, does ÍÁÔÏ intend to use Bulgaria against FYROM in the same way as it used FYROM against Yugoslavia? ", "At the same time, people protesting in Bulgaria against the country' s involvement with NATO are being persecuted and protestors from the new \"Che Guevara\" movement have been arrested and tried on charges of hooliganism. ", "All this indicates the risk of a crisis spreading in Bulgaria. ", "I should like to ask if the Council has faced up to such a possibility and thought out any action.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe honourable Member is clinging onto speculation regarding which the Council cannot comment further. ", "Allow me simply to express a hope that the collective efforts that the Union is making together with others to restrict the conflict and to bring about a development towards stability and democracy will produce results such that the honourable Member' s speculation need not become reality.", "\n\nDupuis\nI would like to assist the President-in-Office of the Council by addressing my fellow Members from Greece and asking them if they would tell us about the rumours which are doing the rounds on the application for Greece' s accession to Yugoslavia.", "\n\nPresident\n As they deal with the same subject, the following questions will be taken together:\n\nBrian Crowley\nQuestion No 4 by (H-0290/01):\nSubject: International Criminal Court Will the Council indicate its position on the slow ratification process of the proposed International Criminal Court, bearing in mind that it cannot be formally established until 60 countries have ratified the Rome Statute of the ICC and that, in February 2001, Dominica became the 29th State to ratify the Statute?", "\n\nOlivier Dupuis\nQuestion no 5 by (H-0299/01):\nSubject: International Criminal Court In its answer dated 24 October 2000 to Oral Question H-0763/00 concerning the process for the ratification of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, the Council Presidency stated that it was also possible to envisage substantial progress being made in the near future, since eight more Member States were quietly confident that ratification would take place before the end of the year. ", "However, the first three months of 2001 have now elapsed, but only four more Member States have ratified the Statute. ", "Furthermore, the Council also stated in its answer that three other Member States had reiterated their intention to ratify (sic) but had noted that some procedural or constitutional problems still remained. ", "Can the Council indicate the type of procedural or constitutional problems to be solved by the Member States, the progress made in the ratification procedures in each of the Member States which have not yet ratified the Statute (Denmark, Greece, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and its assessment of the likelihood that the ratification process will be concluded in those seven Member States by 18 July 2001, a date which will mark the third (!) ", "anniversary of the conclusion of the Rome Conference?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe European Union feels that a culture of immunity from prosecution cannot be tolerated, particularly where gross violations of international law such as genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are concerned. ", "Where the national courts cannot or will not act, the international community has the ultimate responsibility for guaranteeing that justice is done. ", "The Union therefore considers it necessary for the International Criminal Court to be set up within the near future in order to increase respect for international humanitarian rights and human rights. ", "By abolishing immunity from prosecution, the Court will reinforce the rule of law and justice and contribute to consolidating world peace.", "\nThe Union strongly recommends that the International Criminal Court be set up in the near future. ", "With this aim in mind the Union started international efforts to encourage as many states as possible to sign up to the Rome Statute before the deadline expired on 31 December 2000. ", "The Union has also undertaken to encourage the countries with associate membership of the Union to sign or ratify the Statute and the Union is offering its expertise in this area to all interested countries. ", "Moreover, the Union is firmly resolved to give its support to the actual setting up of the Court.", "\nThe Union expects the Rome Statute to enter into force in the near future, when the 60 ratifications required have been achieved, including ratification by all the Union' s Member States. ", "Italy, France, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and Finland have already ratified the Rome Statute. ", "The other Member States have all started the ratification process and in the majority of cases it should soon be completed, depending on the national procedure.", "\nIn this context it should be noted that the implementation of the Rome Statute in national legislation is a demanding task which, in a number of cases, even requires constitutional amendments.", "\nThe situation concerning the ratification of the Rome Statute in the Union is regularly taken up by the presidency at meetings of the Council' s working group on international law.", "\n\nCrowley\nI should like to thank the President-in-Office for his response and would like to give him some information of which he may not be aware. ", "The Irish government has stated its intention to hold a referendum on 31 May 2001 to ratify the International Criminal Court and to alter our constitution for that. ", "I should like to know what positive or proactive action is being taken by the presidency to ensure that not only the existing Member States within the EU, but also those countries with associate membership numbering 27 in total, which could help bring us up above the 60 countries required for formal ratification and the enforcement of this International Criminal Court, actually ratify. ", "Following on from that, I know it may not be his exact role within this House, but he may be able to enlighten us as regards the Swedish difficulties that may arise with regard to ratification of the International Criminal Court.", "\n\nDanielsson\nAs I mentioned in my answer the Union has undertaken to help all the countries that are associated with the Union to ensure that they can sign or ratify the Statute. ", "In addition, we are offering technical expertise. ", "I am therefore convinced that with this commitment the Union will contribute not just to the fifteen Member States being able to participate fully in this important instrument as soon as possible, but also the associate countries.", "\nThe Member asked about any national difficulties in the case of my own country, Sweden. ", "As I said in my introduction, it is a fairly extensive process in many countries - including my own. ", "However, I am pleased to be able to tell the honourable Member that Sweden will be able to deposit the ratification instrument during the period for which we hold the presidency, so that we, too, can join the ranks of countries that have already ratified the Statute - and that as quickly as possible.", "\n\nDupuis\nMr President-in-Office of the Council, I somehow get the impression that we are going to have to worm information out of you. ", "Mr Crowley has given us the good news that the Irish government has stated its intention to ratify the International Criminal Court. ", "You have also just given us the good news that Sweden will do likewise by the end of the next six-month period. ", "Could you give us some good news about the five remaining countries, which are Portugal, Greece, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Denmark? ", "You spoke of a long process, but three years is an awfully long time!", "\n\nDanielsson\nI thought the purpose of this Question Time was precisely to demand answers from the Council, which is why I am very pleased to be able to answer Mr Dupuis' s question further.", "\nWhere Portugal is concerned, I know that the Portuguese are hoping to be able to complete the process when some essential supplements have been made to the Portuguese constitution before the summer recess. ", "As far as Denmark is concerned, the matter was taken up for first reading in the Danish Parliament as long ago as last autumn. ", "It is expected that the second and third readings will be able to take place before the summer recess.", "\nGreece reports that it needs to amend its penal law. ", "It is expected that these changes will take a few months more. ", "They have not yet ventured to give an exact date for ratification.", "\nIn Great Britain the speed depends very much on whether parliament has sufficient time - I am sure that the honourable Member is aware of the discussions that are going on in the United Kingdom concerning a possible parliamentary election - but the British hope that they will still be able to adopt the necessary legislation during the current parliamentary session.", "\nFinally, in the Netherlands, a two-thirds majority is needed in parliament. ", "However, it is hoped that the necessary legislation will be able to be adopted within a short time.", "\nAs I said in my answer - I was trying to save a bit of time, but I am very happy to elaborate on it - I am convinced that all the Member States of the Union will have carried out the necessary ratification in the not-too-distant future.", "\n\nÁlavanos\nI wanted to ask the President-in-Office about Greece. ", "However, he has replied, so perhaps there is no point. ", "So I shall simply take this opportunity to say to Mr Dupuis, in connection with the previous question, you should show some respect, you really should. ", "One might accuse him of wanting to join Mr Le Pen' s party - after all, they are already in the same group. ", "He should show some respect and not use such figures of speech.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nAndrew Nicholas Duff\nQuestion No 6 by (H-0251/01):\nSubject: Charter of Fundamental Rights The Swedish Minister of State told the Committee on Constitutional Affairs on 13 February 2001 that the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, although 'solemnly proclaimed' was not regarded by the Council as being binding in all respects.", "\nIn order to avoid legal uncertainty and political confusion, would the President-in-Office specify which elements the Council considers binding and which not'.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Union' s Charter of Fundamental Rights has been signed by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission. ", "At this stage the three institutions have recognised the political value of the document within the Union' s framework of action.", "\nIf the objective is to make existing rights more visible, however, certain of the rights that are proclaimed in the Charter are already found in international conventions or in national constitutional traditions. ", "The fact that these rights are set out in the Charter does not change the legal value they have irrespective of the existence of the Charter, since the basis of their observance in Union law rests on Article 6(2) of the Treaty on European Union. ", "The fact that the rights have been formulated in the Charter thus does not affect their value.", "\nRegarding the question of whether the Charter is to be regarded as legally binding in all respects, in December 2000 - as the honourable Member knows - the Intergovernmental Conference in Nice approved a declaration concerning the future of the Union which specifies that the question of the status of the Charter is one of the issues to be taken up in conjunction with the preparatory work to be carried out before 2004.", "\nIt was agreed that when this work has been carried out a new Intergovernmental Conference would be convened to discuss the status of the Charter, amongst other things.", "\n\nDuff\nThe Minister will be aware that the Court of Justice is already deploying the Charter quite broadly in its jurisprudence. ", "My worry is that we face a situation where the Commission, Parliament and the Court think of the Charter as binding but the Council does not, creating a situation that can only result in political and legal confusion. ", "Will he promise that the Council will at least keep the impact of the Charter closely under scrutiny and review its status on a continuing basis?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council has a duty to follow, discuss and monitor the question of the status of the Charter. ", "This was decided by the European Council in Nice and obviously the Council will abide by that decision.", "\nAllow me to remind you that the various articles of the Charter are in part based on a number of rights taken from existing instruments. ", "A number of these rights are already \"legally deployable\" , i.e. they may form a suitable basis for a decision by a legal body, however, not by virtue of the fact that they are included in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, but because they are taken from other instruments.", "\nThe Charter also contains a number of articles that are rather an expression of general political aims, for example Articles 37 and 38 concerning environmental and consumer protection. ", "These are not designed in such a way as to be legally deployable immediately.", "\nHowever, I agree with the Member that it is an important task of the Council, Parliament and the Commission to continue to monitor this question in accordance with what was said at the European Council summit in Nice.", "\n\nOrtuondo Larrea\nMr President, Mr President-in-Office of the Council, I have listened to you very carefully, but I believe many MEPs and many European citizens have been left with a bad taste in our mouths in view of the results of the last summit, held in Nice, where the Charter of Human Rights was not approved, and I do not know why the representatives of the Member States' governments did not want to approve it.", "\nBut the fact is that I asked a question on a concrete case of human rights, relating to the use of Euskera [Basque] - the so-called lingua navarrorum - in the Autonomous Community of Navarre, and the Commission replied that as language rights are a subject not in force in the Charter of Human Rights at a European level, complaints can only be made at the level of national institutions and courts.", "\nI should like to ask you if you agree with this kind of explanation or whether we European citizens have a right to greater protection by the European institutions.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council is not in a position to judge the application in the particular case taken up by the Member.", "\nAllow me to mention two things. ", "Firstly: you stated that the Charter has not been adopted. ", "The answer is that it has been solemnly proclaimed. ", "Secondly: where minority languages are concerned, another important institution - which is also geographically close to Parliament - namely the Council of Europe, has drawn up a convention on the status of minority languages. ", "I regard this as also illustrating the importance of the fact that in a discussion of the Union' s Charter of Fundamental Rights we also consider other important instruments in this area, e.g. the Council of Europe' s Convention on Human Rights.", "\n\nCrowley\nMr President, could I ask the President-in-Office once again to restate so everybody can hear that the Charter of Fundamental Rights is a non-binding political declaration as approved by the Heads of State and Heads of Government in Nice. ", "If the Court of Justice or any other court in the European Union is using it to bind Member States, individuals or associations to an interpretation of that charter, then they are incorrect in law, in justice and in legal interpretation. ", "The only Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms which can be utilised in the Member State courts or even in the Court of Justice, as authoritative rather than binding, is the European Convention on Human Rights which is a Council of Europe document.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Member requests repetition. ", "I don' t like repeating myself, but I am at Parliament' s service.", "\nAllow me to explain as follows: from our viewpoint the Charter is a political declaration and is only politically binding. ", "However, large parts of the content of the Charter are already found in binding conventions, primarily the European Convention on Human Rights. ", "The Charter neither adds to nor detracts from these conventions in any way, but it is significant as clarification and as a political manifesto.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nWilliam Francis Newton Dunn\nQuestion No 7 by (H-0252/01):\nSubject: Letter Of Intent/Framework Agreement What progress has been made with the Letter Of Intent/Framework Agreement, signed last summer by six Member State governments, to create an internal market for the procurement of defence equipment?", "\n\nDanielsson\nIn July 1998 the defence ministers of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Great Britain and my own country Sweden signed a Declaration Of Intent concerning measures to ease structural change in the European defence industry.", "\nTwo years later, in July 2000, these six states signed the Framework Agreement on measures to facilitate structural change in the European defence industry and the ways in which it operates.", "\nThe honourable Member of Parliament raises the issue of what has been achieved as regards the Declaration Of Intent and the Framework Agreement. ", "The Council has no role to play in the cooperation that has been established between the six states and is therefore not in a position to be able to provide direct information concerning the situation and what has been achieved in this area.", "\n\nNewton Dunn\nI understand the technicalities and thank the Minister for that. ", "But would the Council be in favour of repealing Article 296 of the EC Treaty, in other words, disallowing the exemption from the single market provisions and so introducing competition into defence procurement?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council has not had opportunity to discuss this matter. ", "Again, I am not in a position to be able to give any direct answer to the question put by the honourable Member of Parliament.", "\n\nRübig\nMr President, I often receive queries from citizens wishing to carry weapons in Europe. ", "These people are hunters and marksmen travelling to competitions. ", "There are huge discrepancies in the rules here. ", "These are serious complaints and we are being asked why the internal market does not function in this area. ", "Do you intend to take any initiatives here?", "\n\nDanielsson\nNo, we do not.", "\n\nNogueira Román\nMr President, I wish to take the opportunity of the President-in-Office' s presence in this debate to ask him whether he is aware that the Spanish public company, Santa Barbara, has just been sold to the U.S. company, General Dynamics, having refused an alternative offer from a German company, despite the fact that Santa Barbara actually has a contract to build hundreds of 'Leopard' tanks that are patented in Germany. ", "The Spanish government' s decision is in clear breach of existing agreements to develop the European defence industry, which are the subject of this question. ", "I should like to know whether you agree with this action by the Spanish government, which has sold a publicly owned company to a company from the United States?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe President of the Council is not in a position to comment on the individual case brought up by the honourable Member of Parliament. ", "Allow me simply to state very briefly the legal position of this agreement because I happen to be a citizen of a country that is one of the signatories.", "\nThe Framework Agreement is now subject to ratification by the signatory states. ", "It has not yet entered into force, so in this respect, too, the question that the honourable Member is asking is not relevant.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nBart Staes\nQuestion No 8 by (H-0253/01):\nSubject: Distortion of competition resulting from national compensation schemes for military purchasing On 15 December the Belgian Federation decided to discontinue the practice of linking its military purchases to economic compensation schemes for firms in Flanders and Wallonia. ", "The cabinet's notification of an order for night-glasses says: 'The cabinet confirms that clauses on economic compensation will not be included in any further orders'. ", "Hitherto the cabinet had endeavoured, as far as possible, to place orders involving billions of francs for the armed forces with 'Belgian' firms. ", "These compensatory schemes were always shrouded in an atmosphere of protectionism and wheeling-and-dealing because the decision-making process did not reflect the market mechanism.", "\nWhat initiative will the Council take in the context of the Common Foreign and Security Policy to ensure that the fifteen EU Member States follow the Belgian example and put an end to any national compensatory schemes for military purchases?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe question that the honourable Member raises has never been put before the Council.", "\nIn any case, in the present circumstances the Council has no authority to monitor or intervene in national decisions concerning purchases of military equipment. ", "This is also in itself an answer to the follow-on question put by the previous Member.", "\n\nStaes\nI must thank the President of the Council for his very elaborate and extensive response which could, however, be summarised in two sentences flat. ", "I do not know whether to laugh or cry. ", "Whilst all of Europe is wondering how it should start to act as a united front in its defence policy, for example after the Kosovo war, you are coming up with this response. ", "I am really starting to question the Council' s validity. ", "You were absent during the foot-and-mouth debate, as well as during the debate on the discharge. ", "The discharge, as granted by the Council, was an illustration of bad craftsmanship pure and simple. ", "I cannot understand why you are simply fobbing us off with such a response. ", "Indeed, Article 296 of the Treaty on European Union imposes a few restrictions on yourselves in this respect. ", "However, you could also start applying Article 296(2), and you could at least ask the Commission to ensure that you have authority to act in this field. ", "At a time when a Member State is finally abandoning economic compensations and moving away from dubious practices, I find the Council' s response in this matter unacceptable.", "\n\nDanielsson\nI actually have nothing to add beyond what I stated in my initial answer.", "\nI must distance myself from some of the groundless assertions made by the honourable Member and can only confirm that the Council has no authority either to monitor or to intervene in national decisions concerning purchases of military equipment. ", "It is the Council' s task to pursue the Treaty. ", "That is what we do.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nCamilo Nogueira Román\nQuestion No 9 by (H-0257/01):\nSubject: Mad cow problem and funding urgent measures to solve it Does the Council not believe that steps to solve this serious problem should not be impeded in the short term by the limits imposed on the CAP by the AGENDA 2000 financial perspective, pending the necessary reform of the CAP?", "\n\nDanielsson\nOn 12 March the Council adopted the guidelines for the 2002 budget. ", "In the conclusions to these the Council confirms that it will apply the institutional agreement of 6 May 1999 in full. ", "However, the Council emphasises that it is important to make a sufficiently large margin available under the various ceilings in the budget plan when the budget is adopted.", "\nAs regards financial repercussions of the BSE crisis, the Council would remind you that, in accordance with the conclusions of the European Council summit in Nice, both the budget plan and the Council Regulation on budgetary discipline must be observed even if new measures or supplementary measures are required.", "\nThe Council does not consider that the budget framework on which the European Council agreed in Berlin and which was confirmed in Nice is any obstacle to effective measures being taken to deal with the problems currently facing the beef market.", "\nThis framework has not prevented the Council from agreeing on important measures in respect of public health in order to restore consumer confidence. ", "In particular, in February the Council adopted a common position on a Regulation establishing provisions for the prevention and control of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. ", "Once this has been approved by the Council and European Parliament it will provide a framework for sustainable production.", "\nThe Council is currently discussing the package of measures put forward by the Commission in February, the aim of which is to deal with the disequilibrium in the market for beef within the Union in both the short term and the long term and to raise the quality.", "\nIn the financing summary accompanying the proposal the Commission shows how the financial consequences of such measures can be met within the budget plan. ", "At the meeting of the Ecofin Council on 12 February in conjunction with the Council' s adoption of the proposal for supplementary and amending budget 1/2001 in respect of BSE-related measures, Commissioner Schreyer said that depending on developments in the market, the Commission would consider legislative initiatives to cover the risk of further costs in the budget with a view to observing the financial frameworks of Agenda 2000. ", "The Council therefore feels that the Commission should be able to implement the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy without this being affected by BSE.", "\n\nNogueira Román\nMr President, I do not think that we can allow ourselves to become paralysed by the shortcomings in the political, social and economic project that Europe needs and which Europe' s citizens are demanding every time the European Union is called on to take an exceptional decision. ", "This is what happened in Nice and what is happening again today with mad cow disease or foot-and-mouth. ", "The European Union and, above all, the Council, must therefore not avert their eyes from the fact that an issue as significant as reforming the CAP cannot wait until 2006 and that such a reform requires changes to the structure of the European budget and profound changes to the tight financial perspective of Agenda 2000. ", "Is the Council really willing to adapt Agenda 2000 should this be made necessary by serious practical problems such as mad cow disease, for example, which are affecting certain countries particularly seriously, such as my own, Galicia, thereby avoiding a situation in which, to the incomprehension and confusion of Europe' s citizens, the Union denies itself recourse to the political weapons it has at its disposal?", "\n\nDanielsson\nI would simply like to remind the honourable Member that the decision on Agenda 2000 in March 1999 also includes what is known as a mid-term review of the Common Agricultural Policy that is to be implemented in 2002 and 2003. ", "I assume that the Council will discuss the matter taken up by the Member in an appropriate way prior to this.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nJonas Sjöstedt\nQuestion No 10 by (H-0264/01):\nSubject: Tax on financial transactions versus Article 56 Article 56 of the EC Treaty reads:\n'1. ", "Within the framework of the provisions set out in this Chapter, all restrictions on the movement of capital between Member States and between Member States and third countries shall be prohibited.", "\n2. ", "Within the framework of the provisions set out in this Chapter, all restrictions on payments between Member States and between Member States and third countries shall be prohibited.'", "\nThe Commission replied (H-0024/01) that it was of the opinion that a tax of general application as originally conceived by Professor Tobin ('Tobin tax'), if introduced by a Member State, was likely to be contrary to Article 56, together with Articles 12, 39, 43, 49 and the corresponding articles of the EEA Agreement and that such a tax, if introduced at Community level, was also unlikely to be possible under Article 57(2) of the EC Treaty, since that article provided for restrictive measures only in a limited number of areas.", "\nIs the Council of the opinion that a tax on financial transactions, a 'Tobin tax', is compatible with Article 56 of the EC Treaty? ", "Has any Member State proposed that the Treaty be amended to facilitate a 'Tobin tax'?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council has not yet discussed the possibility of introducing a tax of the type once proposed by Professor Tobin. ", "The Commission has not yet put forward any proposal or other initiative in the matter for discussion by the Council.", "\nAs far as Mr Sjöstedt' s second question is concerned, as far as we can recall no proposal was submitted to amend Article 56 of the Treaty at the last Intergovernmental Conference.", "\n\nSjöstedt\nI have two supplementary questions for the Council of Ministers. ", "The first concerns whether the Council shares the Commission' s assessment that the EU Treaty makes a transaction tax of the Tobin model impossible, i.e. that a Tobin tax would be prohibited under Article 56 of the EU Treaty. ", "Does the Council of Ministers share this view?", "\nMy second question concerns the fact that many members of the Swedish government are said to take a positive view of a Tobin tax. ", "Does Sweden, as a Member State, have any plans to bring up this matter in the EU' s Council of Ministers or is the positive attitude to the tax one more of principle than of practice?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council cannot answer Mr Sjöstedt' s first question because no discussion has been held in the Council concerning the assessment by the Commission to which he refers.", "\nAs Mr Sjöstedt says, it is correct that representatives of the Swedish government have stated that a Tobin tax would be an agreeable idea - wording that has been used by a trade minister known to both of us.", "\nBefore it raises a matter each presidency country should make an assessment of whether it is possible to achieve the agreement required. ", "The presidency assesses that at present the conditions are not in place for achieving such agreement and therefore has no plans to take up the matter for discussion.", "\n\nSchmidt, Olle\nI would like to put a question to the Council that concerns the slight tendency towards a Tobin tax that Sweden introduced between 1986 and 1991, i.e. the turnover tax on share transactions. ", "What was the result of this type of transaction tax?", "\n\nDanielsson\nI am not sure that it is the task of the President-in-Office of the Council to attempt to make an assessment on behalf of the Council of a tax that the honourable Member calls an attempt at a Tobin tax.", "\nFirstly I do not believe that it is compatible with my role to attempt to make an assessment. ", "Secondly, I do not agree with the description of this tax as an attempt at a Tobin tax.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nOle Krarup\nQuestion No 11 by (H-0265/01):\nSubject: Denmark's JHA opt-out Title IV of the EC Treaty does not apply to Denmark. ", "Nonetheless, a number of the texts adopted under Title IV do apply to Denmark by virtue of international agreements. ", "The Danish government has, for example, indicated its willingness to be associated with the EURODAC regulation, the bankruptcy regulation, the Brussels I and II Regulations and the Regulation on the notification of documentation in civil and commercial cases. ", "The Danish position is based on the assumption that it enjoys freedom of choice with decisions on whether to be involved or not being taken on a case­by­case basis.", "\nCan the Council confirm that Denmark enjoys freedom of choice about whether to be a party to decisions taken under Title IV of the EC Treaty with the result, for example, that certain parts of decisions taken in the area of asylum and immigration can - also in the future - be acceded to by Denmark, while Denmark at the same time retains special national arrangements in other areas of asylum and immigration policy?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council would remind you that when the Treaty of Amsterdam was entered into the parties to the Treaty drew up a protocol concerning the position of Denmark that was appended to the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community.", "\nUnder this protocol Denmark shall not participate in the Council' s decisions on proposed measures in accordance with Title IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community. ", "Neither shall any provisions, measures, international agreements that have been entered into by the Community in accordance with Title IV or decisions by the courts that involve an interpretation of such a provision or measure or any such decision be binding on Denmark. ", "However, Articles 4 and 5 state exemptions from these general rules on terms laid down there. ", "Where measures for extending the Schengen rules are concerned, for example, Denmark shall decide whether it is to transpose these measures in its national legislation within six months of the Council having made a decision on these.", "\nThe question has been raised as to whether it is conceivable that the content of certain measures decided on by the Community within the context of Title IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community may be made applicable in Denmark in any other way.", "\nNo such proposal has been put before the Council at present and the Council thus has not been requested to take a position on this matter.", "\n\nKrarup\nI should like to thank the President-in-Office of the Council for his selective reading from the protocol on the position of Denmark. ", "I have an excellent knowledge of this protocol and do not need this summing up. ", "The question revolves around a very central issue. ", "The Danish debate is about Denmark' s being able, via intergovernmental agreements, to be associated with parts of what is known as the third pillar, in other words parts of this section of the Treaty establishing the European Community, and I can tell from what the President-in-Office of the Council said that no decision has been reached. ", "The Council has not entered into such an agreement so far, but I am aware - and the President-in-Office can presumably confirm this - that as far as, at any rate, one particular central issue is concerned, namely the EURODAC system, negotiations between the EU institutions and Denmark are under way. ", "Am I to understand the answer as saying that the Council is unaware of these negotiations?", "\n\nDanielsson\nI have little to add to my original answer. ", "It is not possible for the President-in-Office of the Council to assess the content of a national debate such as that to which the honourable Member refers. ", "I have tried to explain the legal reasons for the Council' s action. ", "I am sorry if the honourable Member regards this as an unfortunate reading of the Treaty, but it is, in actual fact, the only thing the President-in-Office of the Council can say in answer to such a question.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nEsko Olavi Seppänen\nQuestion No 12 by (H-0271/01):\nSubject: Payment of Austrian investigators When the Members of the Council were preparing to end the 'sanctions' against Austria, a special working party of three wise men was set up for this purpose. ", "When I asked in a written question to the Commission who was paying these people and how much, the Commission said I should ask the Council. ", "When I put a written question to the Council, I was told that the Council did not know. ", "How is it possible that the Council did not know? ", "Does the presidency of the Council know which body paid and how much the payment was? ", "Do the Member States of the Council have the use of some kind of secret account from which such funds can be paid without the knowledge of the whole Council?", "\n\nDanielsson\nLast year, when answering a question, number 3304, put by the same honourable Member, the Council already had the opportunity to inform him that it had not been involved in the activities of this working party and that no demands had been made upon the Community budget. ", "Austria' s 14 partners in the European Union used their national budgets to cover all the expenses incurred in financing the task of assessing the situation in Austria.", "\n\nSeppänen\nMr President, Minister, the Council of the European Union certainly did handle matters relating to the Austrian boycott. ", "It is quite amazing that the country to hold the presidency of the Council, which was also a member of the Council when these matters were being handled, is unaware of what was paid to the people given the task of ending sanctions. ", "I would like to ask the representative from Sweden, the country to hold the presidency, who was on the team made up of representatives from fourteen countries engaged in this work: do you mean you really do not know what these people were paid? ", "If you, as a representative of the Council do not know, then perhaps you know as a representative of Sweden?", "\n\nDanielsson\nOnce again, I have to answer that I am here in the capacity of President-in-Office of the Council and, because the Council has not concerned itself with the issue, I am in no position to provide any information in response to those questions put by the honourable Member. ", "However, I should like to point out, as an aside in this Question Time, how much Sweden and all the other countries have contributed to this matter via their national budgets. ", "But, as I say, the Council has no role to play in this matter, and this is a Question Time with questions to the Council.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nMaría Izquierdo Rojo\nQuestion No 13 by (H-0273/01):\nSubject: Fundamentalist hostility to women in Saudi Arabia The laws currently in force in Saudi Arabia discriminate against women. ", "For instance, women are stoned for committing adultery and condemned to death for apostasy. ", "More than 28 women having been executed since 1990. ", "In its contempt for women, the State discriminates against them. ", "They are subjected to gender apartheid, arbitrarily detained and imprisoned, and watched by the Committee for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, also known as the al-Mutawa' een.", "\nIn view of this situation, when and how does the Council intend to draw the Saudi government into dialogue on human rights for women?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council agrees with the honourable Member that the situation regarding women' s human rights in Saudi Arabia is far from satisfactory. ", "The European Union is addressing issues of human rights, including the position of women, with Saudi Arabia and other Member States of the Gulf States Cooperation Council within the framework of meetings at all levels between the EU and the GCC.", "\nWhen, in 2000, Saudi Arabia took over the presidency of the GCC, two such meetings were held at ministerial level: one in the common EU-GCC council and another in conjunction with the UN' s General Assembly in September. ", "Human rights were also discussed at the meeting between the European Union and the GCC' s regional heads in Brussels on 23 March.", "\nThe EU will continue to emphasise to GCC members the necessity of improving the human rights situation in their countries and will continue to cooperate with the UN and international human rights organisations. ", "The EU will also follow up the issue of a more vigorous dialogue on human rights.", "\nThe Council would nonetheless remind you that there are no agreements or any separate political dialogue between the European Union and Saudi Arabia. ", "The EU and the GCC are at present negotiating a free-trade agreement. ", "In accordance with the European Union' s policy of incorporating the issue of human rights into agreements with third countries, respect for human rights will constitute an essential component of such an agreement.", "\n\nIzquierdo Rojo\nMr President, I should to express my thanks to the President of the Council for the precision with which he answered my question. ", "I should like to ask the supplementary question of whether you consider that the violation of the human rights of women that the Saudi government systematically carries out deserves to be condemned.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe answer to the honourable Member' s question is, in principle, yes.", "\nAllow me to quote from the speech made by the presidency on 29 March at the UN Commission for Human Rights. ", "The European Union took this opportunity to welcome the fact that Saudi Arabia had ratified the convention relating to discrimination against women but added that 'the EU continues to be deeply concerned about reports of torture and other inhuman treatments and punishment, the increasing use of the death penalty and amputations, discriminatory laws and prohibitions of, or restrictions on, fundamental freedoms including freedom of expression, assembly, association and religion' . ", "In this way, the European Union made its views on the situation in Saudi Arabia in this area crystal clear.", "\n\nKorhola\nMr President, conflicts connected with religion seem to be a significant cause of human rights violations in the world. ", "Does the Council consider it necessary that the EU should appoint a special human rights representative who would ensure that human rights can be reconciled with other EU policies?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council has not had the opportunity to discuss any special human rights function. ", "I would remind you of the observatory in Vienna which is one of the EU' s tools for making sure that human rights are respected. ", "In particular, those issues addressed by the honourable Member are to be monitored, especially the risk of increased religious intolerance such as we are seeing in many areas of the world.", "\nI believe the Council' s view is that the optimum working method in this area is to support the international organisations that monitor issues such as these. ", "Such organisations mainly exist within the framework of the United Nations.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nLennart Sacrédeus\nQuestion No 14 by (H-0278/01):\nSubject: Human rights in the Netherlands Article 2(1) (right to life) of the European Convention on Human Rights and Article 1 (human dignity) and Article 2 (right to life) of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights solemnly declared in Nice on 18 December 2000, as well as the position taken by the European Union on Austria 2000 when it declared itself to be a Union of Values, are basic human rights documents and political positions taken for the defence of human dignity and life.", "\nIn the light of these documents and of the political activities of the European Union, has the Council followed, been informed about and studied the consequences of the proposed law in the Netherlands concerning medically-assisted suicides which will be determined in the Dutch Senate on 10 April 2001?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Community' s responsibility in the area of public health is laid down in Article 152 of the Treaty. ", "Paragraph 5, in particular, of this Article states that, 'Community action in the field of public health shall fully respect the responsibilities of the Member States for the organisation and delivery of health services and medical care.' ", "The Council therefore lacks competence when it comes to what is known as medically-assisted suicides.", "\n\nSacrédeus\nI want to thank Mr Danielsson for that answer. ", "I am not in any way surprised about this clear distinction, which in itself is perfectly correct, when it comes to the EU' s areas of competence. ", "I would nonetheless remind you that the new draft law in the Netherlands concerning medically assisted suicides is a source of serious concern in many countries. ", "History has shown the danger of such a development. ", "I would point out that this draft law in actual fact enables children of twelve years and over, with their parents' permission, to be present at medically assisted suicides and also enables children of sixteen years and over to decide for themselves, without their parents' permission, whether or not they wish to be present. ", "This is an issue to which we cannot close our eyes in a Europe in which the Austria debate has raised questions concerning human dignity.", "\nI should nonetheless like to be told whether or not the issue of this law in the Netherlands in any way affects the debate on values within the European Union.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThis is obviously an important issue that Mr Sacrédeus is addressing, and one affecting our values. ", "The Council' s way of dealing with these issues must nonetheless be based on the Treaty and, as we see it, the Treaty is unambiguous on this point, for this is an issue which the fathers of the Treaty have clearly identified as one to which the subsidiarity principle is to apply. ", "That is to say, it is a national issue.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nJosu Ortuondo Larrea\nQuestion No 15 by (H-0280/01):\nSubject: Northern hake fishing - discrimination inherent in the division of TACs by sea area Northern hake is found from the coast of the Basque Country to the coasts of Norway and the fishing grounds are divided up into sea areas (ICES Division IIIa, Sub-Areas IV, VI and VII and Divisions VIIIa and b).", "\nWhy is it that the proposal of the Council for the management of Northern hake stocks and its final resolution have the effect of dividing the fishing rights for this species into sea areas when the hake population is considered by the ICES as one management unit for which the ICES Advisory Committee on Fishery Management provides unified scientific advice and does not recommend its being divided up by sea area? ", "Does this not discriminate against fleets according to their geographical distribution and habitual fishing areas? ", "Would it not be fairer for fishermen to catch fish in accordance with their respective fishing quotas in one unified zone?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council assumes that the honourable Member is referring to the Total Allowable Catch and quotas adopted by the Council in December 2000. ", "Against the background of the scientific opinion from the International Marine Research Council, recommending that lowest possible catches be adhered to during 2001 and that a recovery plan be implemented for the stock in question, the Council has laid down the Total Allowable Catch for hake, or what is known as the Northern stock, at 22 623 tonnes - 'and four kilos' . ", "On the basis of Article 15 of the Council' s Regulation No 3760/92, the Commission is, at present, considering a series of measures to promote the recovery of the stock.", "\nThe Council would call attention to the fact that the Northern stock is a biological concept. ", "The Member States' catch allocations are divided up on the basis of the International Marine Research Council' s administrative divisions with a view to complying with the principle of relative stability laid down in the aforesaid Regulation and in the accession document of 1985. ", "According to this principle, only Denmark and Sweden may fish in the area comprising the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, and only Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in those areas comprising the North Sea.", "\nArticle 161 of the 1985 accession document establishes Spain' s share of hake from the northern stock in Divisions Vb, VI, VII and VIIIab, that is to say the western waters including the Bay of Biscay, at 30 per cent. ", "Spain has no rights in the divisions comprising the Skagerrak, Kattegat and North Sea.", "\nArticle 349 of the accession document restricts Portugal' s access to the Southern stock of hake.", "\n\nOrtuondo Larrea\nMr President-in-Office of the Council, right from the start, the scientific assessment of the northern hake stock has been carried out on the whole stock and there are not sufficient grounds at the moment to distinguish separate components within it. ", "As you have said, however, the total allowable catches and quotas for 2001, which were set by the Council of Fisheries Ministers in December last year, have introduced something new: there has been a greater percentage reduction in allowable catches in the Bay of Biscay than in all the other northern hake fishing areas.", "\nI should like to ask you what reason there was to justify this discrimination against the Bay of Biscay.", "\n\nDanielsson\nAll assessments of quotas are based on scientific and biological advice. ", "Data from research vessels is constantly being assembled. ", "Reports from professional fishermen also have an important role to play in assessments. ", "It is these factors which form the basis for the International Marine Research Council' s recommendations, which then constitute the biological advice given to our fisheries ministers.", "\nIt is therefore basic biological facts that form the basis of the proposed measures. ", "There is no intention to discriminate against any category of fisherman, but when a situation arises in which a stock is judged to be close to what is referred to as commercial collapse, account cannot be taken of fishing and the distribution of fisheries during a phase in which stocks are being built up again.", "\n\nPresident\n The following question has been taken over by Mr Evans.", "\n\nRichard Howitt\nQuestion No 16 by (H-0286/01):\nSubject: Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 on equal treatment in employment Pursuant to Article 13 of the Treaty of Amsterdam, which lays down the principle that discrimination on the grounds of disability must be avoided, the Council consulted the European Parliament in February 2000 on the proposal for a directive on this subject. ", "In Article 2 thereof, the Council and Parliament agreed on the definition of direct and indirect discrimination, but those definitions seem to have been forgotten when Open Competition COM/A/12/98, the results of which are covered by the new Directive, was held. ", "Out of the 645 candidates entered on the reserve lists, not a single one is disabled. ", "Some visually impaired candidates took part in the competition, but, given the mark scheme used by the Commission, whereby twice as many marks are awarded to the written tests and to the tests involving graphics than to the reasoning and oral tests, their marks were significantly lower than those of the normally-sighted candidates. ", "Does not the Council see in this instance a case of indirect discrimination against this group of candidates?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council would remind the honourable Member that Directive 2000/78/EC is addressed to the Member States and that the date by which the Member States are to have transposed the directive into national legislation has been set at 2 December 2003.", "\nMoreover, the open competition to which the question relates was arranged by the Commission and did not involve the Council, which cannot therefore accept responsibility for it.", "\n\nEvans, Robert J\nMr President, the President-in-Office says that it is not the Council's responsibility but that of the Member States. ", "But what is the Council if it is not the Member States? ", "I am not certain that is really a satisfactory answer. ", "He also said that it does not come into operation until 2003. ", "That may be so, but if we are working towards equal treatment for people with disabilities, people who are visually impaired, surely we have to start to make progress now and we cannot have an arbitrary cut-on date as opposed to a cut-off date. ", "I accept that what we are referring to here is the Commission, but the Council also surely has some jurisdiction over what the Commission is doing. ", "The Commission must have some relationship with the Council, and I would hope for a more satisfactory response.", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe formal response must be the one I have just given.", "\nI agree, however, with the honourable Member that it is very important that the Council, the Commission and Parliament do their utmost to find a variety of ways of preventing people with disabilities being discriminated against in working life.", "\nAs recently as the European Council in Stockholm, a special paragraph was introduced into the conclusions at the presidency' s initiative, clarifying the need for the Member States and the Commission to do all they can to give people with disabilities the opportunity to participate fully in working life.", "\nThat is an urgent political request which is not legally binding, but it is a further sign that the Council takes seriously the issue of principle highlighted by the honourable Member.", "\n\nPresident\n\n\nPat the Cope Gallagher\nQuestion No 17 by (H-0288/01):\nSubject: Fisheries and the Swedish Presidency Now that the Swedish Presidency has passed its half-way mark, will the Council outline the ways in which it has promoted the interests of fishermen and the fishing industry, on-shore and off-shore, during its present term of office?", "\n\nDanielsson\nAllow me to remind you that I had the opportunity to report on the Swedish Presidency' s priorities where fisheries are concerned in my reply to the question put during the European Parliament' s January part-session. ", "The presidency also had the privilege of appearing before Parliament' s Committee on Fisheries on 6 February 2001, when we gave an exhaustive presentation of our priorities within the fisheries sector.", "\nA question concerning what the presidency has done to promote the interests of fishermen and the fishing industry is, on the one hand, very general and wide-ranging, because it does not prioritise any particular measures or policy areas. ", "On the other hand, it is also of limited scope because the common fisheries policy ought to include farther reaching considerations than the interests of fishermen and the fishing industry here and now.", "\nThe Swedish Presidency' s overriding priority is, and remains, that of ensuring that the fisheries sector is accorded robust and sustainable development through re-establishing a balance between fleet capacity and fishing activity, on the one hand, and accessible fishing stocks on the other. ", "The Swedish ministers for agriculture and fisheries explained in detail in February how important it is to take a general view of the common fisheries policy, to have a more effective policy for the fishing fleet now that the current multiannual guidance programmes have ceased to apply, to devise a strategy for integrating environmental considerations into the common fisheries policy, to apply the precautionary principle and to have multiannual strategies for establishing Total Allowable Catches.", "\nOn 20 March, the Commission submitted its green paper on the future of the multiannual guidance programmes and, on 16 March, its communication about the integration of environmental protection requirements into the multiannual guidance programmes. ", "A programme of measures to promote biological diversity in the fishing industry was expected to be available from 28 March, that is to say last week. ", "At its meeting in December 2000, the Council also began its debate on the Commission' s communication concerning the application of the precautionary principle and multiannual agreements for establishing annual allowable catches.", "\nIt is the presidency' s intention to progress as far as possible with this work at the Council' s meetings on 25 April and 18 June 2001. ", "We also hope that we shall be able to present parts of an integration strategy in anticipation of the European Council in Gothenburg in June.", "\nFollowing the Council meeting in December 2000, work has progressed on establishing recovery plans for cod and hake in Community waters. ", "The Commission' s regulations on cod in the North Sea already exist, and measures regarding hake are under consideration. ", "Moreover, we shall soon be embarking on the second phase, in which improved technical measures will be established where these species are concerned.", "\nThe Council has adopted a regulation establishing measures to be applied during 2001 for the purpose of restoring cod stocks in the Irish Sea. ", "It will also shortly be adopting a further amendment to the regulation concerning certain technical measures designed to conserve fish stocks. ", "The amendment will ensure greater selectivity in fishing, as well as the protection of young fish.", "\nThe Council has also recently adopted a mandate for the Commission to negotiate a cooperation agreement on fisheries with the Russian Federation.", "\n\nGallagher\nMr President, due to the time constraints imposed by you, which give my colleagues a chance of having their questions answered, can I very quickly thank the President-in-Office for his response. ", "Perhaps the timing was not right, maybe I should table this question again in June, so that he could outline even further what the Council should have done and account for its stewardship over a six-month period.", "\nOf course, I would like to take the opportunity to welcome the Green Paper on the review of the common fisheries policy, which is all important, particularly to my own country. ", "You will realise that, President, having been an active member of the Committee on Fisheries in the past. ", "It is important to redress the imbalances of the past. ", "The quota and the TACs which the Irish, sharing their prolific fishing grounds with the larger countries, receive was a bad deal. ", "I hope, over the next few months, that we will have an opportunity to impress upon our colleagues in Parliament and ministers in the various Member States the importance to us.", "\nDue to the time constraints, I will leave it at that and not ask the Minister to give me a response in view of Mr Fitzsimons' interest.", "\n\nPresident\n As the author is not present, Question No 18 will be answered in writing.", "\n\nJames (Jim) Fitzsimons\nQuestion No 19 by (H-0294/01):\nSubject: Human-induced climate change A UN Science working party adopted a report in Shanghai last January which concluded that most of the observed warming of the last 50 years is attributable to human activities. ", "A second group, meeting in Geneva, concluded that current rates of human-induced climate change would have irreversible impacts such as melting ice sheets, increased river flooding in Europe and increased risk of flooding in coastal areas, and erosion. ", "The greatest impact would be felt by those least able to protect themselves from rising sea levels, an increase in disease, and a decrease in agricultural production in the developing countries in Asia and Africa. ", "What is the Council's response to these conclusions?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe Council is naturally fully aware of the appalling and deeply alarming consequences of climate change, as described in the Third Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, to which the honourable Member also refers.", "\nThe European Union' s positions on this issue are well documented, especially through media monitoring of the climate change issue, and the Council scarcely needs to remind you that the European Community and its Member States have played, and continue to play, a very active role in the international negotiations on climate change. ", "Our most important and repeatedly expressed aims in the on-going negotiations include preparing the way for a rapid ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, so that it can come into effect by 2002 at the latest, and bringing about genuine reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.", "\nPractical measures are being taken within the Community too. ", "Of special importance in this connection is the work being done within the Commission on, for example, the European Climate Change Programme and the work based on the green paper on greenhouse gas emissions trading within the European Union.", "\n\nFitzsimons\nMr President, I want to thank the President-in-Office for his reply mentioned the Kyoto Protocol. ", "What is the Council's response to the statement by President Bush that the USA has decided not to implement the Kyoto Protocol? ", "What does the decision mean for the world community? ", "What steps can be taken to make sure that the Kyoto Protocol remains the firm basis for future negotiations and action to reduce emissions?", "\n\nDanielsson\nThe President-in-Office of the European Council, the Swedish Prime Minister, joined with the President of the Commission, Mr Prodi, in writing a letter dated 22 March 2001 to the United States President, expressing great concern about the response from the American government regarding the Kyoto Protocol.", "\nThis was then followed up by a special declaration from the European Council in Stockholm, expressing the European Council' s same deep concern.", "\nMoreover, the President-in-Office of the Council (Environment), the Swedish Minister for the Environment, together with the Commissioner with responsibility for environmental issues, Mrs Wallström, have visited Washington during the last few days in order to express the European Union' s concern directly to the American government and to discuss how the American government might be persuaded to resume discussions of the Kyoto Protocol.", "\nI know that the Swedish Minister for the Environment is landing in Stockholm just about now. ", "I have not therefore had the opportunity of receiving an assessment of the results of the visit directly from the minister, but I can assure you that the Council will do everything to ensure that the Kyoto Protocol, which is, of course, one of the most important tools of all in our work for sustainable development in Europe, does in fact become a reality and is ratified.", "\n\nPresident\n That brings us to the end of Question Time to the Council.", "\nDue to lack of time, Questions Nos 20-28 will answered in writing.", "\n(The sitting was suspended at 7.17 p.m. and resumed at 9 p.m.)\n\nAir carrier liability in the event of accidents\nPresident\n The next item is the report (A5-0093/2001) by Mrs Marieke Sanders-ten Holte, on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation [COM(2000) 340 - C5-0294/2000 - 2000/0145(COD)] amending Regulation No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in the event of accidents.", "\n\nSanders-ten Holte\nMr President, the liability rules with regard to international air transport have hitherto mainly been based on the Warsaw Convention dating back to 1929. ", "These limits are now far too low. ", "The majority of international air carriers recognise this and signed a voluntary contract in 1995 in which they dissociate themselves from random liability limits. ", "This formed the inspiration for the original (EC) Regulation No 2027/97. ", "This regulation was used to step up the pressure on the international community to sign the Montreal Convention in 1999, as a result of which the new all-encompassing worldwide system for liability became an established fact. ", "Thanks to the Montreal Convention, which is being transposed into European legislation by the present regulation, a modernised and uniform framework is being set up. ", "This is a considerable improvement on the current international system.", "\nI would like to highlight six points this evening. ", "First of all, I back the Commission' s aim, in the framework of the development of a charter for air passengers, to protect passengers' rights and to inform them of these rights. ", "The present transport conditions in the aviation industry are restrictive and overlook the statutory rights of the passengers. ", "Competition in this sector is fierce, but success and profitable operations must be based on more and better, not worse, customer service. ", "Some airline companies have complained to me about the fact that information to passengers involves a great deal of red tape. ", "You will understand that I do not share their views. ", "The cost and effort involved in informing passengers are considerably less than the efforts which the airline companies make to inform potential customers of new services they are offering.", "\nSecondly, the Member States have agreed that the Community itself is signatory to the Montreal Convention. ", "I consider this a considerable step towards plugging the gap in the Union' s common transport policy, since we are thus recognising the fact that there is joint authority in the field of international aviation matters.", "\nThirdly, there was some concern as to the implications of the case which IATA brought to the Supreme Court in the United Kingdom against the British government regarding the way in which it implemented Regulation No 2027/97. ", "The court concluded that the regulation remained valid, but that it contained a number of elements which were incompatible with the obligations which Member States had entered into on account of previous pledges, in accordance with international conventions. ", "In my opinion, this objection is no longer well-founded since the regulation has been amended and brought completely into line with the new international system of liability.", "\nFourthly, upon drafting this report and the eighteen amendments which I recommended to the committee, I sought legal advice from various lawyers and legal experts in order to preclude any doubt which may arise in future in the legal sphere. ", "At the same time, I very much tried to retain the right of passengers to information. ", "The Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism adopted the amendments by general vote. ", "These amendments can roughly be divided into three categories. ", "First of all, the improvement of the committee text; secondly a simplification of the proposal and the guarantee of complete consistency with the Montreal Convention and, thirdly, a reinforcement of the provisions with regard to information to passengers.", "\nOur committee particularly recommends that Parliament should add an annex to the regulation, containing the text of the information notice as required pursuant to Article 6(2). ", "That is new. ", "In that way, airline companies will be able to offer this information in a uniform manner. ", "The text clearly outlines the provisions of the regulation and is devoid of any legal jargon. ", "Once this regulation enters into force - which I hope will be the case by the end of next year - coinciding with the expected entry into effect of the Montreal Convention - all airline companies in the European Union will then be required to make this information available to their passengers. ", "The text will then be drafted in an unambiguous and understandable language which is clear to the consumer. ", "Airline companies from non-EU countries will nonetheless be required to produce something similar covering the liability system which they operate.", "\nConsidering the matter once more, I believe that the Union has the right to ask all carriers which sell tickets in the EU to provide their passengers with information on their rights to damages, not only with a view to acquainting the passengers with their rights, but also to allowing passengers to take out additional insurance, should this appear necessary.", "\nI have the following comment to make to the Commission with regard to Amendment No 9 to Article 3. ", "In the Commission proposal, reference is made to a number of articles from the Montreal Convention. ", "However, various relevant articles were missing. ", "The lawyers in the court room will love this. ", "The Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism and I are in favour of simplifying the text, thus avoiding any risk of omission. ", "Furthermore, by ratifying the Montreal Convention, the Commission recognises the Union' s authority in this matter.", "\nFinally, I would like to recommend all eighteen amendments. ", "I cannot recommend Amendments Nos 19 and 20, because they imply that third countries need not meet the obligation to inform passengers, even if they buy tickets in the European Union.", "\n\nPresident\n I would ask you please to be disciplined this evening. ", "If every speaker goes one minute over, Madam, then we shall have to work an extra 40 minutes and we shall be here until 1 a.m. rather than midnight. ", "Nonetheless, it was a most interesting speech.", "\n\nBradbourn\nMr President, I should like to begin by paying tribute to the work put in by the rapporteur, Mrs Sanders-ten Holte, on what has turned out to be an extremely complex report, and for her patience and cooperation in taking on board a number of points which the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market raised in its detailed consideration of the proposals brought forward tonight.", "\nIn my remarks I would like to commend the report to the House. ", "I believe that it will result in an increase in protection for air passengers. ", "However, speaking from a personal point of view, there are one or two issues which remain unresolved to my own satisfaction. ", "Hence my tabling, with my colleague, Mrs Foster, of two amendments which reflect the need for these problems to be resolved. ", "This basically centres around the dispute which Mrs Sanders-ten Holte has alluded to, which originated in my own country, the United Kingdom, as to the validity of the original regulation to which the new proposals relate. ", "Until this legal dispute is satisfactorily settled it is my belief that the report should be held in abeyance. ", "This position is complicated by two factors.", "\nThe first is the fact that the Montreal Convention, which governs matters globally, has not yet been ratified by sufficient countries to give it binding effect. ", "Nor is this likely to be the situation for some years to come.", "\nSecondly, as referred to by the rapporteur, there is the issue of extra-territoriality. ", "Whilst, to a certain extent, a number of the amendments which have been proposed to the report improve the situation, there are still one or two issues which need to be addressed, in my opinion.", "\nWe must avoid any regulatory imposition on airlines which, while quite rightly protecting passengers' interests, actually achieves exactly the opposite by imposing rules which render European companies less competitive than the rest of the industry. ", "Unfortunately some clauses still contained in the regulation would result in just such a scenario.", "\nI hope the House will accept the amendments as a benefit to passengers. ", "I commend the report to the House in its entirety.", "\n\nWhitehead\nMr President, I too, on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy, fervently congratulate Mrs Sanders-ten Holte on her report, which has certainly adopted the spirit of the amendments we brought in. ", "Those amendments were directed to the improvement of Regulation 2027/97 and to the consumer rights which should be asserted. ", "I therefore particularly want to speak in support of Amendments Nos 1, 4, 8, 13 and 18, which have that effect.", "\nThe previous speaker, from my own country - we at least carry the same passport, though we have different views - referred to the situation in the UK. ", "It is true that IATA brought the UK government to court in terms of the possible extension of powers beyond what the legal position allows. ", "Judge Jowitt ruled that conflict did indeed exist between the Regulation and the Warsaw Convention. ", "But I would point out to my British colleague that he agreed with the UK government that Article 234 of the Treaty did in fact render this conflict invalid. ", "The Regulation was therefore held to be valid. ", "IATA lost their challenge and no other referral has been made to the European Court of Justice on this matter. ", "I therefore regard this as a legal red herring and I would prefer to concentrate on the merits of Mrs Sanders-ten Holte's proposals because they will give the consumer travelling by air rights which have been lost for a long time.", "\nThe Warsaw Convention is 70 years of age. ", "If you now find yourself stuck in an airport, with your baggage gone, your flight delayed, or perhaps cannibalised, you get this little piece of paper which tells you what your rights are under the Warsaw Convention. ", "Those rights are negligible. ", "What we are doing here is extending a body of practice which will allow us to protect consumers. ", "That is what we should be doing tonight.", "\n\nStenmarck\nMr President, allow me first of all to thank the rapporteur for an excellent piece of work. ", "As shadow rapporteur, it is always a pleasure to engage in constructive dialogue with a rapporteur receptive to the proposals and points of view presented.", "\nIt is naturally important to take account of the interests of air passengers in this issue. ", "I therefore think that the final outcome of the report is entirely positive. ", "A not insignificant proportion of the amendments adopted by the Committee come from the PPE-DE Group, and these have strengthened the position of passengers. ", "We already have a regulation establishing the limits of air carriers' liability to pay damages in the event of death and bodily injury. ", "That was a very important step in view of the level of damages which was laid down by the Warsaw Convention of 1929 and which was definitely on the low side.", "\nThe aim of the present proposal is to adapt the EU rules to the new Montreal Convention which will hopefully come into force at the end of 2002. ", "When the revised Regulation comes into force, European air passengers will be given significantly better protection. ", "When they fly with foreign carriers, they may, however, still be confronted by the fact that such carriers have a limited liability to pay damages under the Warsaw Convention because the latter will continue to apply to those countries which have not ratified the Montreal Convention. ", "As a result, we are faced with the difficulty that always arises in connection with international conventions, in that we shall have two overlapping systems for a transitional period. ", "It is therefore of the greatest importance for our Member States to ratify the Montreal Convention as soon as is reasonably possible.", "\n\nIzquierdo Collado\nMr President, I intervene to support the report by Mrs Sanders-ten Holte. ", "We enjoyed a highly fruitful collaboration within our parliamentary committee. ", "The amendments presented to the House were approved unanimously and incorporated suggestions from other Groups, and right from the beginning I could see that when Mrs Sanders-ten Holte was faced with a Member arguing about legal uncertainties it was clear to her that we should press on and avoid delaying tactics, because above all we had to consider passengers' interests. ", "Parliament has pressed on without delays, and we are attempting to give shape to our part in the Montreal Convention, which generates a number of positive features for passengers and therefore deserves the support of the European Union.", "\nWe must highlight the greater number of participating countries and the new possibilities on offer, the increase in the compensation payable in the various situations considered in the Convention, the significant introduction of matters relating to baggage and delays and the provision of information for passengers.", "\nWe think that providing passengers with information is fundamental. ", "It is fundamental, and perhaps it is not covered in Mrs Sanders-ten Holte' s report in as much depth as we would like, because we would like companies to reply specifically and immediately to consumers' complaints, but it is undoubtedly a step in the right direction and it will have our support.", "\nThe recommendation it makes on the amendments will also gain our acceptance on all points, and in this way our collaboration will go right to the end. ", "We will support all the amendments Mrs Sanders-ten Holte has proposed and we will oppose Amendments Nos 19 and 20. ", "We therefore consider that this work is a parliamentary job well done which will result in benefits for the citizens. ", "If, one day, citizens are compensated by airlines for their delays, we will have gained a lot of credibility.", "\n\nBouwman\nMr President, Mrs Sanders-ten Holte, first of all, congratulations on this revision of the regulation. ", "In fact, I would also like to congratulate the Commission. ", "As I see it, this evening, we are discussing the rights of the passenger against the backdrop of a number of problems which are, in fact, related to the quality of services offered by airline companies. ", "I am thinking of aspects such as delays, loss, damage, etc., ", "not to mention accidents.", "\nWe are debating the liability in this respect and the provision of information to the consumer. ", "I am emphatically supporting Mrs Sanders' liability proposals and also the proposals regarding consumer information. ", "However, we are unlikely to be able to address the quality of that information service in the same way. ", "The question is also that of whether the information service has a preventive effect, especially in the case of delays and such like.", "\nWe are now in a situation where we are covered by insurance in Europe. ", "You could therefore say: fly in Europe and you will be covered, but taking the high-speed link might still be a better option.", "\n\nVan Dam\nMr President, Commissioner, various modes of transport cross many national borders. ", "This should not lead to the constant changing of requirements and conditions. ", "That is why it is desirable, for the benefit of those modes of transport, that international legislation be introduced.", "\nConsequently, rules on the position of air passengers should ideally have a global character. ", "The Warsaw Convention, which is still applicable, has worldwide status, and its successor, the Montreal Convention, is also being given that status. ", "This means that the rapporteur' s approach appeals to me a great deal. ", "Her commitment to directly link EU legislation to the Montreal Convention appears to be the best solution by far. ", "In addition, the reinforcement and clarification of the rights of passengers are, in the light of current practice, certainly no unnecessary luxury.", "\nIn short, we too believe that Mrs Sanders-ten Holte has drafted an excellent report, for which I would like to extend my warm thanks and congratulations.", "\n\nVatanen\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, Finnish racing drivers are known as the Flying Finns, which is quite a different thing from the Flying Dutchman, but we who all fly a lot can also speak about flying from our own experience. ", "Although every air passenger can take out private insurance, it is nevertheless only reasonable that a certain basic level of compensation should be guaranteed to all in the event of an accident.", "\nThe provisions of the Montreal Convention on the loss, damage or destruction of luggage and loss or damage resulting from delays are contained in EU rules. ", "This is a good thing. ", "Generally speaking, though, I do not believe in regulation that goes too far, as airlines must be given sufficient leeway here. ", "If all airlines were forced into the same situation it would make it awkward to cater for the needs of different client groups. ", "Legislation that is suitably broad in scope must be used to safeguard the business opportunities of both the cheap carriers and those airlines that offer a greater range of services. ", "This is to the benefit of both companies and consumers, as any extra requirements are reflected in the price of the ticket. ", "This basic truth is something the consumer organisations do not always bear in mind in all their enthusiasm.", "\nThe important question for airlines is that of a special declaration being made at the time of check-in. ", "The declaration would entitle the passenger to a level of compensation that was above the normal limit. ", "It will be absolutely essential to avoid excessive bureaucracy in this. ", "In my opinion, the requirement by airlines for the declaration to be made prior to take-off is only reasonable. ", "The regulation lacks clarity inasmuch as the points in the Montreal Convention referred to in it are not, however, to be found in the regulation itself. ", "The basic premise should be intelligible legislation, and that is not quite the case at the moment. ", "However, the regulation is a leap forward in terms of its content, and there is reason to rejoice that the outdated Warsaw Convention is receding from view. ", "The most modern laws are not a guarantee of success in one day in the life of a busy passenger, however. ", "You understand what I mean, do you not? ", "Breakfast in Rome, lunch in Paris, dinner in Helsinki, and luggage in Moscow.", "\n\nDe Palacio\nMr President, I should like to congratulate Mrs Sanders-ten Holte for her excellent report, which highlights the importance of rapidly implementing the Montreal Convention and of informing passengers at length about the rights it gives them.", "\nWe in the Commission fully share the tenor of the report, since it supports our intention of providing air passengers with a high level of protection in the event of an accident, it aims to modernise the rules on liability for delays and damage to baggage, and especially it aims to provide users with better information about their rights, since the greatest problem is often that the users themselves do not know what their rights are.", "\nI am delighted to tell you that at its meeting tomorrow the Transport Council should adopt a decision to ratify the Convention and for the Community to ratify the Convention at the same time as the Member States.", "\nFurthermore, the Community must bring Community rules on airline liability into line with those of the Montreal Convention, which is the aim of this proposal.", "\nWith regard to the amendments that have been tabled, perhaps the most important are those concerned with the information to be given to passengers on the provisions about the airlines' liability. ", "In its proposal, the Commission requires the companies to provide passengers with detailed information. ", "The report intends to strengthen the wording of the rule to oblige Community carriers to make available an information leaflet, as given in the Annex that is proposed. ", "This would ensure that the airlines gave passengers the necessary information in a precise manner, something that experience shows does not always happen.", "\nTherefore, ladies and gentlemen, the Commission accepts Amendments Nos 13 and 18.", "\nThe other two amendments, numbers 19 and 20, would, if approved, have the result that carriers from third countries would be exempt from the obligation to inform their passengers on the rules relating to their liability, and we therefore cannot accept this discrimination and reject both amendments.", "\nWe also have a few doubts about Amendments Nos 9 and 10, since according to them the airlines' liabilities would be governed by the relevant provisions of the Montreal Convention without the corresponding articles being specified. ", "The Commission proposal, however, lays down that liability shall be governed by the provisions of seven articles of the Montreal Convention, which are explicitly numbered. ", "Ladies and gentlemen, changing this matter could lead to a hostile reaction by some Member States, and the subsequent debate would slow down the adoption of the regulation to the detriment of the passengers. ", "That is why we cannot accept Amendments Nos 9 and 10.", "\nWe cannot accept Amendment No 11 either, since the article cannot be deleted if the text still refers to specific articles of the Montreal Convention, in line, therefore, with the previous rejection.", "\nThe Commission can, however, accept all the other amendments, which strengthen or clarify the text.", "\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, madam rapporteur, I have summarised the Commission' s position on this report. ", "I should like to thank Mrs Sander-ten Holte once again for her marvellous work and support for the swift introduction of the Montreal Convention into Community law, and she is quite right, since this new incorporation will mean passing on from the international system agreed 72 years ago - which in the end was trying to restrict the airlines' liability - to another, more modern system which is aiming to do just the opposite: to give a high level of cover to the protection of passengers' rights.", "\n\nPresident\n Thank you, Commissioner De Palacio.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow at 12 noon.", "\n\nCoordination of transport by rail, road and inland waterway\nPresident\n The next item is the debate on the report (A5-0096/2001) by Mr Camisón Asensio, on behalf of the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council regulation [COM(2000) 5 - C5-0402/2000 - 2000/0023 (COD)] concerning the granting of aid for the coordination of transport by rail, road and inland waterway.", "\n\nCamisón Asensio\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, Commissioner, it is well known that, despite successive reforms, Article 73 of the Treaties remains in force, which means that coordination between the various modes of transport is still a Community obligation. ", "It should not be otherwise, since if this were not the case what would probably happen, given the current trends that we face every day, is that the roads would fill to bursting point with lorries.", "\nSuch coordination between the various transport modes was taking place under a Regulation that had been in force for thirty years and was beginning to seize up. ", "This gave the Commission an excellent opportunity to put forward this proposal, which will replace the old regulation just in time. ", "This is its intention and we applaud it.", "\nWe believe, however, that the Commission has displayed a certain degree of prudence in its proposal. ", "It has moved ahead, but rather too tentatively. ", "What is more, everything indicates that most of the political groups in this House are of the same opinion, since this is revealed by the content and the large number of amendments - 116 - tabled and debated in this Parliament' s Committee on Transport, almost all of them with the same message: to use this opportunity to encourage the necessary and appropriate transfer of traffic onto more environmentally friendly modes of transport. ", "This is a desirable objective which, I believe, has to a great extent been achieved, in view of the results of the exhaustive voting that took place in the Committee. ", "Therefore, as the rapporteur, I must congratulate the Members who tabled those amendments, since the results achieved - which today are put before this House as a joint effort by everybody - are the outcome of a broad consensus.", "\nI take this opportunity to draw the Commission' s attention to this fact when it accepts or rejects our amendments. ", "We would like there to be a reasonable degree of identification between Parliament and the Commission.", "\nIn our debates we bore in mind facts such as the following: a vital Kyoto commitment is to cut our polluting gas emissions by 8% by 2010, whereas, if there is no change in the relative shares of the various transport modes, it has been predicted that in the transport sector there will be a 40% increase in these emissions over this period. ", "It has also been calculated that moving goods by rail needs four times less energy than by road. ", "Something similar could be said for transport by inland waterway. ", "Trains can use a greater proportion of renewable energy. ", "If action is not taken in time, road traffic will double between now and 2010.", "\nDoes all this mean that we have to gradually give up using roads? ", "Not at all. ", "There may be some conflict of opposing interests between the different transport modes - that is to be expected - but the strikingly obvious consequence of all this is that coordination between the various transport modes is still essential.", "\nThis is precisely the aim of the proposal we are debating today, and through it the respective shares of each transport mode may tend to be redistributed in more rational proportions. ", "In view of this intermodal conflict it must be recognised that the Commission has acted in a reasonably balanced manner in its proposal.", "\nFor our part, without ever losing sight of that coveted balance, we have moved ahead but only ever opening the throttle in what I would call emergencies, that is, in those objectives that should not wait any longer. ", "For instance, accepting that in practice transhipment between land and maritime transport, and also coastal traffic, has a significant land component and therefore should not be ignored in this directive. ", "Emphasising real, sustained progress, and also research and development. ", "Enhancing combined transport, the de minimis concept for avoiding bureaucracy, and the contractual relationship for ensuring the transfer of traffic from one mode to another that is more beneficial.", "\nTo end with, what can be said about external costs? ", "It is a fact that there are highly competent consultants who have argued, for instance, that external costs, including traffic congestion, are shooting up to account for 10% of the gross domestic product of Europe, a figure which may be debatable but which is astounding all the same.", "\nIn view of this we believe that the Commission should tackle this problem now. ", "We urge the Commission to prepare a proposal taking into account the value of such external costs so that they can then be internalised, and then we will have taken a giant step forwards in this matter.", "\n\nVan Dam\n. (", "NL) Mr President, I will take the floor on behalf of the draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Mr Blokland. ", "The Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs has assessed the Commission proposal in terms of competitive aspects and competitive neutrality.", "\nThe point of departure is that a shift towards more sustainable transport should, first of all, occur by providing an honest account of the cost per mode of transport. ", "However, the external effects and specific infrastructural costs are not yet included in the price for the consumer. ", "That is why the Member States must be able to offer compensation to the competing modes of transport. ", "This opportunity, in the shape of compensation, is offered in the present proposal for a regulation.", "\nIn its recommendation, the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs has made a strong case for honest competition. ", "For this purpose, it has asked for the definitions of specific infrastructural costs and external effects to be worded more accurately. ", "Additionally, the description of the term \"common interest\" deserves attention. ", "After all, the Commission will grant support insofar as it does not contravene the common interest. ", "Clear definitions should prevent ambiguity in the interpretation and, consequently, should secure honest competition.", "\nThe report contains the economically sensitive subject of support which goes beyond compensation for effects which have not yet been included. ", "Competitive neutrality can therefore be jeopardised. ", "In order to establish a level playing field for the different modes of transport, and for companies, in particular, transparency is crucial in this case. ", "The draftsman of the opinion would have liked to have seen more weight accorded to this in the draft report, because this draft report calls for active support which goes beyond compensation. ", "In this connection, simply granting terminals for combined transport exemption from notification is not a reasonable measure to take.", "\nThe draft regulation may seem difficult to understand at first, but it applies honest competition as the appropriate tool for achieving sustainable transport. ", "More precise definitions contribute to the clarity of the Commission' s position with regard to equal conditions and transparency. ", "This adds the necessary predictability in the assessment of support schemes by the Commission. ", "After all, indeterminate support and inequality among businesses should not form barriers to sustainable transport.", "\n\nJarzembowski\nMr President, Madam Vice-President, honourable Members, ladies and gentlemen, first allow me to thank my fellow member, Felipe Camisón Asensio, for his report on behalf of my Group. ", "He has drafted it very carefully. ", "He did not succumb to the temptation to open the door to subsidies still wider; on the contrary, he kept it where the vice-president suggested. ", "The vice-president and Mr Camisón Asensio were streets ahead of the European Council. ", "We may, nonetheless, quote the European Council. ", "The European Council stated in Stockholm that we need to reduce the scope of state aid in the European Union and to make the aid system more transparent. ", "And that is precisely the objective here. ", "I think that, in replacing the old Regulation No 1107/70 with the new regulation, we have indeed made the system more transparent.", "\nAs regards the use to which it is put, I believe that aid only compensates so-called unpaid costs in connection with the development and use of transport infrastructures. ", "This poses a problem, because it is not clear exactly what external costs are. ", "Let me give you an example: the theory that it is always better, for the purpose of environmental protection, to shift freight from the road to the railway does not automatically apply. ", "We are debating noise in the vicinity of airports, we are in the process of banning night flights. ", "Just think about when you hear a good old freight train in the middle of the night; it is loud, it stinks and the brakes squeal.", "\nWhat I mean is that, when it comes to questions such as \"What are external costs? ", "How can they be scientifically defined? ", "And how can they be apportioned?\", ", "we still have our work cut out. ", "I am delighted that the report says as much. ", "It is work which the Commission has yet to do and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the Commissioner will be able to do it soon.", "\n\nStockmann\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, first I should like to thank the rapporteur on behalf of my Group. ", "He was most cooperative while drafting his report. ", "Basically, the rule of the internal market is that aid distorts competition and is therefore inadmissible. ", "The previous speaker pointed this out. ", "There must be special grounds for exceptions to this rule. ", "In this regulation, the special grounds are: the coordination of inland transport. ", "The prime purpose of aid in this sector is to allow fair competition between road, rail and inland waterway transport. ", "This is the only way of optimising the overall European transport system in the long term, especially in the freight sector. ", "This is the only way we shall ever bring about the much-vaunted intermodal transport chains. ", "In order to make these transport chains as flexible as possible, we want to extend the scope of the regulation to short sea shipping. ", "Government funding for building, maintaining and operating transport infrastructure does not come under the ban on aid, provided that it is available to all users on a non-discriminatory basis. ", "This should apply irrespective of the legal form of the infrastructure operator. ", "This is the only way of ensuring that railways and ports are treated on a equal footing with roads.", "\nNow to aid for use of the infrastructure. ", "Aid for using transport infrastructure should reflect the widely varied costs incurred by society from the choice of mode of transport. ", "In other words, both the infrastructure and the external costs must be included when calculating aid. ", "Equality of competition between the modes of transport is safeguarded by paying the difference between the unpaid costs of two carriers to the social and more environmentally-friendly carrier in the form of aid in order to make it cheaper and more attractive to use. ", "Unfortunately - and this has also already been addressed - there is no politically legitimate model for calculating these costs at European level, which is why I have agreed, after a great deal of discussion and careful thought, to the supplementary model, which provides for contracts to shift transport from the roads to the railways and inland waterways. ", "This is introduced in proposed Amendment No 48 and I call on the House to support it. ", "However, this model should only be allowed for a transitional period because, the best intentions notwithstanding, it contradicts the basic approach of the regulation in targeting equality of competition.", "\nNow to notification: aid needs to be notified, but bureaucratic costs should be kept to a minimum. ", "We therefore suggest exemptions for terminals which are provided for in a national or European development plan or which belong to the trans-European freight traffic network. ", "We are also in favour of a de minimis rule of EUR 100 000 over three years. ", "As far as aid for the use of transport infrastructure is concerned, we are calling for five-year aid with the possibility of renewal.", "\nOn balance, the regulation will help to bring about a clearer structure for the granting of aid for the coordination of inland transport and to dismantle distortions of competition - including between Member States.", "\n\nCosta, Paolo\nMr President, Commissioner, I would like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Camisón Asensio, for dealing competently with such a complex subject and, on behalf of my Group, I would like to express my support for the basic line taken by the regulation. ", "It is precisely because we think we should push forward with and put pressure on the processes of the liberalisation of the markets and transport services that we feel that there is room for the States to retain, in a limited number of cases, their right and duty to intervene to ensure that urban development objectives are pursued and that social and environmental requirements are met.", "\nAmongst these matters, there is no doubt that the incentive for sustainable mobility is an historic objective that must be pursued now; from this standpoint, therefore, the aid for use of infrastructure by companies, which is intended to compensate for incremental unpaid infrastructure and external costs of competing modes of transport, must also be accepted. ", "We are forced to this point because the forecast contained in Article 4 of the regulation is dictated solely by the absence of a general Community legislation on the definition, assessment and charging of the costs of using the infrastructure, whether they are internal or external. ", "This is a subject upon which Parliament has already expressed its opinion in a report which I had the honour to present on its behalf.", "\nThis is why, just until the Commission produces its proposal - and I am less sceptical on this point than Mr Jarzembowski because I hope, or rather, I am sure, that the Commission will succeed in producing measures and technical forms that will resolve many of the theoretical problems which are still being raised - I feel that the possibility laid down in Amendments Nos 26, 40 and 48 of an explicit link between State aid and objectives of the effective transfer of freight volumes towards more sustainable modes of transport must be supported. ", "In conclusion, I feel that the \"contract\" which we envisage establishing temporarily with those who genuinely undertake to uphold sustainable mobility is something which can be employed until more general rules are introduced.", "\n\nMarkov\nMr President, Commissioner, the regulation proposed by the Commission simplifies matters remarkably, compared with the previous rules. ", "Exceptions to aid rules are important, in fact they are absolutely indispensable because, first, additional assistance is needed in order to develop, operate, maintain and/or complete transport infrastructures and, secondly, freight sent by rail, internal waterway or combined transport should receive compensation for the unpaid costs of competing road transport, so that specific requirements, such as environmental friendliness and regional potential, can be incorporated into transport policy.", "\nAn approach which only aims to prevent potential distortions of competition and fails to include environmental, social or regional aspects is unacceptable. ", "The rapporteur, who deserves our thanks for his excellent work, and the Committee have set more far-reaching, important premises, which my group supports, such as including aid for short sea shipping, including combined transport operations at sea ports, granting aid irrespective of whether the company is a public or private company, minimising administrative costs by introducing thresholds below which no checking by or notification to the Commission is required, extending the period of aid and providing the possibility of extending the aid regulation. ", "Once this regulation has been implemented, there will be further opportunity to shift more traffic to more environmentally-friendly carriers.", "\n\nGrosch\nMr President, Madam Vice-President, I too should like to thank the rapporteur for his report. ", "The numerous proposed amendments are proof of the interest which this report has generated. ", "An aid regulation for transport infrastructure and use is important, because it will increase transparency. ", "And apart from this, we may expect this directive to improve efficiency and bring about environmentally-friendly and safe transport, even if only one small step at a time. ", "Although no one particular type of transport is given special attention in this directive, we expect traffic on the roads to be relieved. ", "But this will not happen if there is false competition between the various modes of transport.", "\nAs far as I am concerned, this regulation shifts the emphasis, with the Committee making provision for various amendments which go in two directions. ", "First - as Mr Jarzembowski has already explained - we think it is important to provide a more accurate definition of the concept of external costs. ", "They cannot be interpreted differently from one country to another or from one region to another, because that really will cause distortion.", "\nSecondly, we also assume that distortions of competition will be avoided by treating carriers identically. ", "If a state invests in transport infrastructure which is to be equally accessible to all users, then no distinction should be made between these carriers. ", "Irrespective of whether this aid is intended for the railways, the roads or an inland port, the aid must be measured against the criterion of accessibility of the infrastructure to users, so as to guarantee fair competition. ", "Then we also fail to see - and some proposed amendments also relate to this - why, according to this philosophy, multimodal platforms or inland ports should be burdened with a de facto notification requirement. ", "We expect simpler administrative procedures and, hence, equal treatment of all carriers.", "\n\nSanders-ten Holte\nMr President, Commissioner, I too would like to thank the rapporteur for his report and I go along with the gist of what Mr Costa said. ", "However, there is one point with which I, like other members of the Dutch People' s Party for Freedom and Democracy, am struggling, namely the following.", "\nRecital No 14 and Article 4 provide for the possibility of government aid being granted for the purpose of the use of infrastructure. ", "This is possible pursuant to the amendments. ", "In our opinion, this exemption from the ban of government aid is undesirable. ", "First of all because the starting premise is wrong, for transport by road already pays the lion' s share of external costs. ", "Secondly, it is not judicious to grant extra support for the use of the railways, because costs do not constitute the most important reason why transporters do not opt for rail. ", "We need an increase in quality and reliability, and market discipline is in that case the best incentive. ", "I fear that this incentive for a modal shift, of which we are, of course, in favour, is counterproductive, brings about distortion of competition and undermines the work that has been done in the framework of the rail infrastructure package. ", "We will therefore be voting against Recital No 14 and Article 4. ", "They do not belong here.", "\n\nBordes\nMr President, in a context marked by the rail accidents in Great Britain which serve to illustrate the price paid by society to quench the thirst for profit of rail companies, the European institutions are thinking of authorising Member States to grant aid to improve their infrastructures. ", "The European Union, which is ostensibly opposed to national state aid capable of distorting competition, is preparing, in the proposed report, to renege on its own proposals so as to be able to continue its policy of privatising public services.", "\nAs a result, rail companies, which pocket the receipts from the lines conceded to them without bothering to lay out the minimum expenditure to maintain and renew tracks and other rail equipment, have not only been given absolution but will be entitled to additional subsidies to meet investment obligations which should be their responsibility.", "\nWe restate our opposition to the privatisation of public services as well as to the introduction of any idea of profitability for services which are crucial to the entire population. ", "Management according to the law of private profit is just as catastrophic for the economy as a whole as it is for the rail industry.", "\n\nRack\nMr President, Madam Vice-President, the regulation on the granting of aid for the coordination of transport by rail, road and inland waterway endeavours to do some good, to help, with a new aid scheme, to make something out of the set phrases spouted by soap-box speakers on the subject of transport, by shifting traffic, especially freight traffic, on to more environmentally-friendly modes of transport, mainly from the roads to the railways, inland waterways etc. ", "That is, as I say, all well and good. ", "And the detailed work produced by our rapporteur on this proposal is also good, including what the Committee has added in a whole series of proposed amendments, including short sea shipping, including combined transport procedures, disregarding whether the carrier is a public or private company, not to mention a de minimis rule intended to keep excessive administrative costs within prescribed limits.", "\nRegretfully, we must also point out what this regulation cannot achieve. ", "Mr Camisón Asensio himself has addressed this. ", "We still have to live with transport policy specifications from the last century, admittedly from the middle and the second half of the 20th century, but hardly forward-looking models for the 21st century.", "\nIf we really want to stem the tide of traffic on the roads in the future, we must do more than change a few aid rules for the benefit of the railways and shipping. ", "And if we do more, then we should do it consistently. ", "The Commission has just submitted a proposal to abolish - without replacing - the quantitative ceiling of 108% in the agreement on transit traffic through Austria. ", "Whether this is in keeping with the spirit of the Camisón Asensio report I somehow doubt. ", "The forthcoming discussion on this new proposal will give us an opportunity to clarify this question.", "\n\nDe Palacio\nMr President, first of all I want to express my gratitude to the rapporteur, Mr Camisón, for his magnificent work and to Parliament for the effort it has made to improve this proposal, as shown by the various amendments presented by the Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism and also those tabled and argued today during this sitting.", "\nThis proposal for a Regulation concerning state aid for the inland transport sector implements Article 73 of the Treaty, according to which aids for the coordination of transport are compatible with Community law. ", "Our intention, therefore, is to create a transparent, coherent and clear framework so that there will not be distortions in the market. ", "It is also important that the same standards should be applied to different inland transport modes that compete with one another. ", "The Commission proposal, therefore, establishes common criteria for the granting of exemptions which apply equally to all types of inland transport.", "\nRoughly half of the amendments agree with the Commission' s position and can therefore be accepted. ", "Some of them, however, run in a very different direction and hence we cannot accept them. ", "I shall refer to some of them.", "\nFirst, the concept of state aid is the cornerstone of the Union' s competition policy. ", "According to this concept, any public aid to a company performing an economic activity, whatever its legal status, is an example of state aid to which the rules of the Treaty apply. ", "Neither Amendment Nos 21 or 37 can change this fundamental principle of Community law.", "\nThe aim of several amendments is to encourage rail and combined transport through the granting of public subsidies in detriment to other transport modes. ", "We cannot share the approaches proposed, although we agree with the concern and need to boost the railways. ", "But, ladies and gentlemen, we shall achieve this if the railways are able to give good quality service and are thus competitive, and to this end I believe the measures we are setting in motion are the best.", "\nA key element of the proposal is to create conditions of equality, so that there can be fair competition between companies based on the user-pays principal, which takes into account external and infrastructure costs. ", "As a consequence, state aid should confine itself to compensating for certain external costs, all within a framework of fair competition. ", "Uncontrolled aid in excess of these costs does not give these companies adequate incentive to improve efficiency and competitiveness.", "\nOther amendments propose that aid to transhipment installations, with combined transport terminals, should be exempt from any notification procedure, but since the terminals are often operated by private companies and compete with other terminals to attract traffic flows, there is an obvious risk that there may be a distortion of competition. ", "We therefore cannot accept that they should not be communicated.", "\nIt has also been proposed that companies that provide passenger transport services may opt for aid to compensate for external and infrastructure costs. ", "Aid for passenger services, however, under Article 73, is regulated in the Commission regulation on public services, which proposes a complete and appropriate framework on the manner in which the public authorities can support the provision of internal passenger transport services. ", "Therefore the aim of these amendments is ultimately to change this regulation, and the Commission cannot therefore accept them.", "\nOne amendment also asks for criteria to be established regarding systems for compensating for external effects and infrastructure costs. ", "The assessment of external effects is a subject under constant debate, as Mr Jarzembowski has indicated. ", "Today there are methods applicable to that kind of assessment, but despite the Commission' s efforts the Member States have proved very resistant to agreeing on common formulae.", "\nThe Commission is by no means giving up the idea of submitting a proposal of this kind in the future, and I should again like to thank Mr Costa for the work he put into his own report on this. ", "But what we can never do is subordinate the need to assess concrete plans for public aid to an agreement by the European institutions on common standards. ", "On the basis of a pragmatic approach and in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, and until we have these standards accepted jointly by everyone, the Commission leaves the choice of the method for assessing these costs in each specific case to the Member States.", "\nIn view of all these arguments, the Commission accepts Amendments Nos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 18 (second part), 19, 20, 24, 27, 33, 36, 40, 44, 45 and 51. ", "We cannot accept Amendments Nos 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18 (first part), 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49 and 52.", "\n\nPresident\n My compliments to the interpreters on keeping up with the speaker!", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow at 12 noon.", "\n\nSea ports, inland ports and intermodal terminals\nPresident\n The next item is the debate on the report (A5-0111/2001) by Mr Piecyk, on behalf of the delegation of the European Parliament to the Conciliation Committee, on the joint text approved by the Conciliation Committee for a decision by the European Parliament and the Council [C5-0050/2001 - 1997/0358(COD)] amending Decision No 1692/96/EC as regards seaports and inland ports as well as Project No 8 in Annex III.", "\n\nPiecyk\nMr President, I must admit, it is a wonderful feeling to be able to speak at this hour to such a large audience and it will perhaps be even more wonderful tomorrow, when a report is finally adopted, because it has been a long haul. ", "In 1996, at the end of the conciliation procedure, we had the Commission communication on improving ports in the trans-European networks. ", "Then a proposal was submitted at a very late stage and in March 1999 we had the first reading, which is when we should really have discussed the review of the TEN. ", "Then the Council took its time. ", "In October 2000, we had the second reading and it was only under the pressure of the conciliation procedure that we held a proper discussion and moved any closer to the Council' s standpoint. ", "It could all have been much quicker and simpler and, in the meantime, it is now 2001. ", "Nonetheless, I think the end is in sight.", "\nWe now have a reasonable classification of ports as international - Community - ports and regional ports, with acceptable categories for tonnage and passenger volumes. ", "The same applies to inland ports with a volume of 500 000 tonnes of freight, which I think is a proper order of magnitude. ", "We have mainly included ports and inland ports as nodes in the trans-European networks, i.e. they act as nodal points for the rest of the trans-European connections. ", "We have included intermodal terminals in the text, so that, as a carrier, combined transport supports the railways and inland waterways and underlines their particular importance.", "\nAfter lengthy discussion, we also have a perfectly proper and reasonable definition as to what constitutes infrastructure and what can and cannot be aided in ports and inland ports. ", "At the same time, we have amended Project No 8, one of the major projects of the Essen Council' s 14 projects, which was later confirmed in Dublin, in close harmony in the codecision procedure, which was very difficult at the time. ", "I am particularly pleased that the Commission has promised to include the Elbe-Lübeck Canal in its proposal at the next revision. ", "I am also grateful, Commissioner, to your comrades-in-arms at the Commission, who were extremely helpful in the closing stage, coming forward with one new proposal after another, so that, in the end, we did not need to go right through with the conciliation procedure and were able to reach an agreement before then.", "\nIf I may add a comment: in my view, we overestimated the TEN somewhat right from the outset. ", "We said both in Committee and in Parliament: let us set our sights a little lower! ", "These errors should not be repeated during the revision. ", "The Commission tabled some excellent proposals on the trans-European networks in the initial stages of the consultation and we should revert to them. ", "That means not just stringing and stitching together what the Member States provide you with; it also means that the Commission should set its own priorities. ", "As we spend so much time here talking about special dossiers, about rail and water, I hope, Commissioner, that the priority of rail and water in the TEN will be reflected in the Commission proposal.", "\nI think that, on balance - even if it has taken a long time - we have done a good job. ", "I should like to thank everyone who was involved, my fellow members in Parliament, the Commission and the French Presidency of the Council for bringing it all to a successful conclusion.", "\n\nJarzembowski\nMr President, Madam Vice-President, ladies and gentlemen, first I should like to thank the rapporteur. ", "He has seen this difficult dossier, which involved an extremely difficult fight in the Council, through two institutions and the Conciliation Committee, and that is most important. ", "Rapporteurs simply need to have the courage to stand their ground. ", "He has demonstrated that courage and has been successful as a result. ", "I join him in thanking the French Presidency of the Council, which endeavoured to find a compromise at the eleventh hour. ", "I should like to thank the Vice-President and her officials for helping us to negotiate that compromise. ", "So, in this respect, my warmest thanks to the Commission.", "\nI, too, shall endeavour to be brief on this lovely evening, hence just three points. ", "First: we had to set ports, inland ports, sea ports and intermodal terminals in the right context within a text on trans-European networks, which is why we said they must be ports and inland ports which are connected to the hinterland, which form part of a network, and not individual ports, which may be very nice but which have no trans-European significance. ", "I think that the classification which we have found together with the Council is a very good one.", "\nSecondly, we had to draw a dividing line between infrastructure and superstructure. ", "To non-specialists that all sounds very complicated, but it is fundamental to the question of equality of competition between ports or to the question of inadmissible distortions of competition. ", "First, it was important to clarify what we mean by infrastructure. ", "So what must the state do and pay, without intervention on the part of the Community, without any notification requirements? ", "A typical question might be: does dredging a harbour mouth have to be notified or not? ", "This gave rise to a whole series of difficulties between the Member States and the Commission. ", "But what was important was to clarify that superstructure is defined by reverting to infrastructure, in order to ensure that there is no competition-distorting aid. ", "I think this was achieved very well.", "\nAnd a third point, if I may. ", "Madam Vice-President, please bear in mind that this is the first time that Parliament has been able to codecide on priority projects in the codecision procedure. ", "Because the wise Heads of State or Government said after Essen and Dublin that they would decide what priority projects are! ", "What is Parliament here for? ", "In this case, we have managed, with the rapporteur' s help, to ensure that the Council and Parliament decide jointly on priority projects and we should bear this in mind when it comes to the revision.", "\n\nÌastorakis\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, as on every other occasion when a long procedure comes to a successful conclusion, now too we have reason to be satisfied, especially as the conciliation procedure achieved a result for sea ports, inland shipping and intermodal terminals.", "\nAs MEPs, we should be even more satisfied because the final text incorporates most of the basic amendments made by Parliament at previous readings. ", "Thus, with a view to creating equal conditions - which was the whole point - for all ports in the Union, as regards eligible investments and the application of stricter criteria and requirements for classifying sea ports in the European network and supporting inland ports, the following classification terms have finally been adopted:\nfor international sea ports: 1.5 million tonnes of freight or 2 million passengers a year, provided that they have intermodal terminals with the rest of the network,\nfor Community ports: 500 000 tonnes or 100-200 000 passengers per year and\nfor inland ports: 500 000 tonnes of freight.", "\nMy basic belief - and this has also been catered to - is that ports which do not meet the above criteria but which are in island, outlying or remote areas should also be classified; this was a demand which we insisted on, we felt rightly, because it means that objective dimensions are covered. ", "We also note that the Commission needs to correct the maps attached to the text sent out as certain ports are missing, despite the fact that they meet the requirements which I have mentioned.", "\nFinally, I should like to thank and congratulate all my fellow members who were involved in the procedure, the senior officials of the French Presidency and the Commission and, of course - and above all - our fellow member, Mr Piecyk.", "\n\nSánchez García\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, among the most important infrastructures in island regions are the ports. ", "If, in addition, these regions are remote, this importance becomes strategic. ", "We are therefore interested to see the Council proposal on the change to this decision, approved in 1996. ", "Since then, common positions have been reached between the initial Council proposal and the European Parliament, with the classification of seaports within the trans-European transport networks according to the criteria of annual freight traffic or passenger numbers transported.", "\nThroughout this revision process, consensus solutions have been reached which, in the case of the outermost regions of the European Union, may paradoxically have strange consequences - as Mr Mastorakis has mentioned - because there is a risk that certain seaports situated in island capitals, at least in the case of the Canaries, will be included in a category other than that of tourist port because of the use of out-of-date freight figures or through considering domestic passenger traffic. ", "Therefore, every possible precaution must be taken to prevent dysfunctions in specifying the types of project that the ports can have access to as a result of this classification, which I regard as provisional until up-to-date data are available, not forgetting, of course, other possible requirements such as connection to trans-European network land routes or the installation of a number of facilities.", "\nNevertheless, I believe the most important thing is that these ports are included in the trans-European transport networks, with the positive consequences that will bring.", "\nI close by congratulating the rapporteur on his work.", "\n\nOrtuondo Larrea\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, first I should like to congratulate Mr Piecyk because, two years after the first reading of this document, today he can see the culmination of his work.", "\nI regret that the Council is still examining at state level what intermodal terminals should be included in the European combined transport network, and I am delighted by the change to the specific Project No 8 of the Annex relating to the 'Lisbon-Valladolid motorway' , as it was formerly known, with its new name 'the Portugal/Spain multimodal link with the rest of Europe' , for the management of rail, road, sea and air connections in the three Iberian corridors between Galicia and Portugal, between Portugal and Seville/Andalusia, and between Irún (in the Basque Country) and Portugal, which I hope will include the TGV high-speed train, and I also hope that financial aid will reach the so-called Basque 'Y' , which, like any other railway line, generates not only economic advantages but also great environmental benefits.", "\n\nLangenhagen\nMr President, a very good evening to you. ", "At this late hour we are discussing an important matter for the coasts of Europe. ", "It has taken several readings and a conciliation procedure, but all' s well that ends well. ", "First may I thank my honourable fellow member, Willy Piecyk, for his convincing work. ", "He has worked for our ports and for that he deserves our thanks. ", "I said all' s well that ends well. ", "Forgive me if I include in this happy ending the fact that my home port of Cuxhaven has been given a category A classification.", "\nI must admit that I am not completely happy with the 1.5 million tonnes minimum volume required for category A classification. ", "What still worries me is that this will particularly disadvantage areas at the edge of the Union, which I should like to see granted the same international status as Rotterdam or Hamburg. ", "Mind you, I am not talking here about ports for pedalos, I am talking about ports with an annual volume in excess of 1 million tonnes of freight. ", "I think it is also important to see small ports in an international context. ", "What is the point of talking about globalisation if we then classify our ports according to the principle of \"You may play the game at an international level, but you may not\" ? ", "On the contrary, we should be pleased that we have so many nodes with international connections in the EU.", "\nTrans-European networks and the concomitant investments only make sense if we cover Europe with a real network of ports which includes rather than excludes. ", "European ports have modernised considerably over recent years in order to be able to meet the demands of maritime transport and maritime technologies.", "\nI believe in the future of our European ports in all their diversity and hope that my fellow members will support me here in the future.", "\n\nWatts\nMr President, I also add my thanks to the rapporteur, Mr Piecyk, for his excellent work. ", "I am very pleased that he has actually ensured that the final piece of the TENs jigsaw has been put in its rightful place. ", "Particularly given the fact that most world trade is by sea, it was always a great omission that the TENs ports were never part of the TENs decision. ", "That is now being put right. ", "It is even more pleasurable because the maritime sector is probably the most environmentally sustainable part of the TENs network.", "\nIt is a pity it has taken so long. ", "The lesson for Parliament, the Commission and the Council on transport matters is that in future we should be doing less, but doing it better. ", "I hope that is the message we can endorse here tonight. ", "It will be a welcome boost for ports across the European Union. ", "In my region, for example, the port of Dover will be encouraged to switch more goods from roads to railways. ", "Ports such as Newhaven will be given the welcome boost that they so badly need to try and secure a role in the future. ", "We will all benefit from this decision but we must look to the future. ", "Very soon we will be faced with the proposal to revise the TENs network in its entirety.", "\nI hope that we can ensure that those TENs revisions properly incorporate the ports, ensure that there are fewer studies, more rail projects, more maritime projects and fewer roads.", "\nI conclude by again thanking the rapporteur. ", "I hope that we can now ensure that these projects are implemented across the EU and play their part in ensuring the maritime sector reaches its full potential.", "\n\nBouwman\nMr President, Commissioner, Mr Piecyk, I should first of all like to congratulate you on the revision of the decision. ", "In a situation such as the one before us, we can look ahead or back. ", "I have heard a few people make some very valid comments already.", "\nWe are talking about networks, water networks, and intermodal networks. ", "The environmental interests are obvious, as are the efficiency interests, but what is still lacking is some kind of driving force. ", "What we are now laying down in fixed numbers, which are better than what the Council is proposing, will need to be tackled differently. ", "If we talk about revising TEN directives, we will need to consider goods flows, shifting goods flows and the way in which, in consultation with the Member States, we can exert pressure on the investments which ought to take place. ", "I am therefore keen to find out what our next step will be.", "\n\nDe Palacio\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, I first want to congratulate Mr Piecyk and all of you who have taken part in this debate, and also the Council for having concluded this conciliation, which we have all wanted to come to an end as soon as possible. ", "These have been three years of effort to adopt this proposal for the inclusion of nodes in the trans-European networks.", "\nThe Commission is more than satisfied to be able to say that with this modification the trans-European transport network is at last complete, and at last something essential for a genuine trans-European intermodal network has been included: the ports; the inclusion of the idea of the nodes as such means recognising the new concept of transport as a multimodal system.", "\nAt seaports and at inland ports it is decided how to get products to the citizens of Europe: by rail, by road or by inland waterway. ", "The nodes, well equipped with transhipment facilities, which can turn the required development of the trans-European transport network formulated in Community guidelines into a reality, will enable each transport mode to be used according to the advantages it can offer, and thus it will facilitate multimodality in practice and especially the use of alternatives to simply roads.", "\nThe incorporation of the ports into the trans-European networks is an absolutely essential factor in general, and is especially relevant to the outermost regions of the European Union. ", "The fact that in Madeira Porto Santo or Porto Funchal can be included, in the Azores Punta Delgada, in the Canaries Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Cristianos, Santa Cruz de la Palma, San Sebastián de la Gomera, Las Palmas or Arrecife, in Réunion Pointe des Galets, in Guadeloupe Pointe-à-Pitre, or in Martinique Fort de France and Basse-Terre, clearly shows how important it is for these archipelagos that their ports can be incorporated once and for all as essential elements within the trans-European networks, bringing these outermost regions closer to the rest of the European Union.", "\nIn addition Annex No 3 is modified and the name is changed from Lisbon-Valladolid motorway, which was a totally reductionist definition with a single transport mode, to become the Portugal/Spain multimodal link with the rest of Europe. ", "I believe this formula is much better suited to the need for the Iberian Peninsula to be integrated with the rest of the continent of Europe.", "\nThe Transport Council will decide on this matter tomorrow and I hope it will be finally closed in a satisfactory manner. ", "Furthermore, the Commission will continue working both in the field of revising the trans-European networks and in fostering intermodal and coastal trade programmes. ", "I believe these advances will also be helped by our proposals to introduce more competition into seaports and more safety in the maritime sector (remember all last year' s work on the Erika I and Erika II packages), simplifying administrative procedures, and a series of other future measures aimed at facilitating coastal or maritime transport in general, as well as inland waterway transport.", "\nMany thanks once again to the rapporteur. ", "Congratulations! ", "And many thanks to all of you for your contributions, which were wholly constructive.", "\n\nPresident\n Thank you, Commissioner De Palacio. ", "You have been here for ages. ", "Now you are free to go and do whatever you please.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow at 12 noon.", "\n\nMoney laundering\nPresident\n The next item is the debate on the recommendation for second reading (A5-0090/2001) by Mr Lehne, on behalf of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, on the Common Position adopted by the Council [12469/1/2000 - C5-0678/2000 - 1999/0152(COD)] with a view to the adoption of a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 91/308/EEC on prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering.", "\n\nLehne\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, I too should like to welcome you this evening to the House. ", "We have an important item on our agenda today. ", "It is about fighting money laundering and there is a close connection between money laundering and international crime. ", "International crime - especially organised crime - is not worth the trouble if the money cannot be laundered, which is why waging an intensive war against money laundering has been the House' s concern from the outset.", "\nI recall that, in 1995, - when I first reported to the House on this matter - we called in our report on the Commission report on the application of the first money laundering directive for the Commission to table a new proposal for a second money laundering directive, because the first one was inadequate and only set a minimum standard. ", "We confirmed this once again a few years later in Mr Newman' s report - at that time I was acting as shadow rapporteur for my Group. ", "We therefore thank the Commission for initiating this legislative procedure.", "\nWe have tried, as requested at the Tampere Summit, to complete this legislative procedure as quickly as possible. ", "Parliament made a huge effort, as did I in my capacity as rapporteur, to get the directive finally adopted in a single reading using the procedure provided for in the Treaty of Amsterdam. ", "This proved to be impossible because the Council was unable to decide on exactly what it wanted until the summer of last year.", "\nWe then concluded our first reading at the Council' s request and negotiations continued. ", "Unfortunately, it was impossible to reconcile Parliament' s and the Council' s positions up to the Council' s common position. ", "That was mainly because the discussion in the Council was being chaired not by the ministers of justice and internal affairs, but by the finance ministers, who failed to approach a whole series of fundamental questions with the required degree of sensitivity.", "\nAs a result, we have to retable 27 proposed amendments from the first reading at second reading because, to all intents and purposes, the Council has taken no notice of Parliament' s views. ", "It is therefore an utter mockery to state, as the Council does in its explanatory statement, that Parliament' s arguments and positions have basically been incorporated.", "\nWhat are the core problems? ", "The core problem is not the question of banning money laundering. ", "That was decided long ago. ", "All the Member States introduced legislation many, many years ago banning money laundering, be it by criminals, lawyers, bankers, whoever.", "\nIt is the reporting obligations which are at issue here. ", "Obviously, when we include new groups of professionals in the scope of money laundering, we sometimes encounter problems because these groups of professionals are obliged to take certain measures. ", "For example, lawyers have a duty of professional secrecy as regards the information entrusted to them by their clients. ", "This is a fundamental right of the clients, a fundamental right which is also set out in the Charter of European Fundamental Rights which was solemnly proclaimed in Nice recently.", "\nFor this reason, all I can say is that, what has been decided here by the finance ministers is far too much and goes far beyond what can be reconciled with fundamental rights. ", "The Committee on Fundamental Freedoms therefore had no choice but to ensure that the relevant amendments were tabled to plenary at second reading.", "\nI would point out that the provisions of the current version of Article 6(3), which relate to an evaluation of the legal situation, have been interpreted very differently by the individual Council delegations and by the Commission and need urgent clarification. ", "The identification obligations contained in this directive, as it stands following the common position, are overly bureaucratic and unusable. ", "For example, it makes provision for complex identification obligations even in cases of little consequence and even where the lawyer and client are hundreds of miles apart.", "\nAll Parliament is concerned with is preventing money laundering and all that is needed therefore is to trigger identification obligations above a specific threshold as and when financial transactions are involved.", "\nOne last point on the question of equal treatment. ", "We have a situation in which the common position treats the various liberal professions completely differently, despite the fact that there are Member States in which they may sometimes work in partnership. ", "It is unthinkable to have to apply rule X to certain members of a firm and a stricter rule Y to other members of the same firm. ", "This sort of arrangement would not work and corrections are therefore needed in this area.", "\nThe European Parliament will endeavour to adopt this directive quickly. ", "But we expect cooperation from the Council at long last, not obstruction by finance ministers at conciliation.", "\n\nPirker\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, we know from estimates by Europol that approximately 30% of all crime can already be attributed to organised crime. ", "We also know that, in the meantime, organised crime has earned billions of euros in various sectors. ", "For example - and these too are figures from confirmed sources - human traffickers alone launder some EUR 1.1 billion from their work, namely getting illegal immigrants over the border, and some EUR 51 billion are laundered in the European Union from drug dealing in eastern Europe every year.", "\nAll this money - and this is the worrying thing - gets into legal circulation. ", "Once it does so, it damages the legal economy and undermines our whole social system. ", "Organised crime does all this by using the instruments of money laundering. ", "New methods have been introduced, because the old ones do not work any more. ", "New professions are being used, or rather abused and involved in all cases. ", "As a result, the situation is now such that we need to create a new instrument, because we can no longer manage with the old 1991 directive.", "\nHence the proposal for this new directive, where the list of offences no longer refers to drug-related crime and has been extended to all forms of organised crime, taking account, of course, of all professions and branches of the economy which run the risk of becoming involved in the business of money laundering.", "\nBut, in creating this new directive, we must bear one thing in mind: the objective is to fight organised crime and the instruments which we create must be practicable, which is why I emphatically support what Mr Lehne has done in his report, because he is pursuing precisely these objectives, unlike the Council, which has left certain aspects out of consideration; at any rate, it appears to have lost sight of the practicability factor. ", "The Lehne proposal - as Mr Lehne himself has pointed out - is a proposal which does not affect normal citizens looking for an apartment somewhere; on the contrary, it gets to the crux of the matter: only when a transaction is completed need identification be requested. ", "It refers to orders of magnitude which are relevant to the money laundering business and which do not affect the man in the street when he pops into a bank somewhere. ", "It includes all professions which use services such as banks. ", "In other words, it is a practicable proposal. ", "I therefore hope that it will receive Parliament' s full and broad support because it will allow us to create an efficient instrument in the fight against organised crime.", "\n\nSchmid, Gerhard\nMr President, money laundering means concealing the origin of the proceeds of crime so that they can be presented as the income of a legitimate company. ", "Anyone who can hinder, interfere with or prevent money laundering hits organised crime - I agree here with the previous speaker - right where it hurts, i.e. in its quest for profit. ", "The European Community adopted a directive to fight money laundering very early on and this triggered laws in the Member States, which previously had no such legislation. ", "At the time, this was a good law; now it needs renovating, like any old building, because nothing is as inventive as the criminal mind.", "\nIf the directive is adopted as Mr Lehne and the Committee have drafted it, we shall have the best, most modern and strictest anti-money laundering law in the world, the implementation of which in fact only gives rise to two problems. ", "The first problem is a degree of uncertainty in the House as to how to deal with the special relationship between lawyers and their clients, because we are calling for a reporting obligation if money laundering is suspected. ", "The proposal developed by Mr Lehne and the Committee is a good proposal. ", "It is a simpler and more manageable proposal. ", "It basically runs as follows: if a lawyer is giving legal advice, then the confidential relationship between the lawyer and the client continues to be protected. ", "If he is somehow involved in the transfer of money - buying, investing or whatever - then he no longer enjoys this protection and has a full reporting obligation. ", "This both protects the confidential relationship and meets the demands of the fight against crime.", "\nThe second problem is the Council and, at present, there is no solution to it. ", "The Council has rejected fundamental proposals. ", "The reason may be - as Mr Lehne indicated - that the finance ministers are responsible and have too little experience in legislating under the codecision procedure and absolutely no experience in fighting crime. ", "The only way left open to Parliament is as suggested, namely to maintain the amendments proposed at first reading. ", "We shall have a conciliation procedure. ", "As Council representatives are here, I say to you: dress warmly for this conciliation. ", "We have no intention of allowing an excellent bill to be ruined for the sake of an amateur law in the fight against crime!", "\n\nLudford\nMr President, I am afraid I am going to break the consensus so far. ", "The rapporteur has worked hard and I am therefore particularly sorry to say that my Liberal Group cannot unfortunately support most of his amendments. ", "It is time to match the rhetoric about fighting money laundering with tough action.", "\nAs someone who represents London, including the City of London, I am naturally supportive of financial services liberalisation. ", "However, freedom of capital movements must not be exploited for undesirable purposes. ", "Criminal money could give liberalisation a bad name. ", "This means financial firms have an interest in making the safeguards work but so do other professionals such as accountants and lawyers who are vulnerable to being used as inadvertent conduits for dirty money. ", "The European Parliament has itself made a strong call for the extension of a ten-year-old existing directive to cover non-financial activities and professions. ", "As the money laundering defences of banks have strengthened, criminals have sought new ways of hiding their money. ", "Therefore it is reasonable to call for other professionals to identify their clients properly and report suspicious transactions without narrowing too much the scope of the relevant activities. ", "We cannot therefore follow Mr Lehne in his amendments on accountants and auditors.", "\nTurning to lawyers, they rightly get special treatment. ", "The obligations of the directive would only apply in respect of certain financial and company law activities. ", "My Group believes that the safeguards for the lawyer-client relationship, which is absolutely crucial, is adequate in the Council common position. ", "The lobbying of lawyers' organisations against this common position has been somewhat exaggerated. ", "Therefore we, in the ELDR Group, will not be supporting the Lehne amendments because we are extremely keen not to weaken the rules. ", "There are some of Mr Lehne's amendments which are entirely sensible and we will support them but, I am afraid, not the majority.", "\n\nSörensen\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, the Lehne report, which is being supported by our Group, is asking for a bold comment. ", "The Council does not seem to realise that the fight against money laundering practices must, first and foremost, be aimed at fighting organised crime as a matter of urgency. ", "National sovereignty has to be suspended in this connection. ", "After all, criminals do not operate with national borders in mind, and without a strong, united front, Europe does not only condone organised crime, it even encourages such practices.", "\nThe advent of the euro is also an absolute godsend for crime. ", "Europe is also clever enough to issue notes of EUR 500. ", "Money laundering becomes so much simpler because there is no longer any need to change the money into dollars. ", "It will soon all be possible in euros. ", "In the words of a journalist, Geoffrey Robinson: if organised crime were to be granted a wish from a fairy, it would wish for Europe. ", "Europe will witness an enormous increase in international criminal activity in the next couple of years. ", "Europe is only at the start of the process. ", "It is virgin territory waiting to be explored. ", "Organised crime is a multi-headed monster whose financial heart and lungs need to be ripped out.", "\n\nRibeiro e Castro\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, between the first and second readings, the Council has changed its position slightly, but not sufficiently. ", "If the European Parliament remains firm over the basic issue, I think that the Council will ultimately change to the extent we require. ", "The persistent breach of the professional secrecy of lawyers and those in similar professions is unacceptable. ", "The authorities have no right to touch this type of secrecy. ", "Furthermore, the Council, which is crippled by this obsession with entering the private area of professional secrecy, is continuing to move away from what must be the fundamental basis for revising the directive, which is to prioritise the fight against international organised crime. ", "This issue is not being paid the attention it deserves. ", "The professional secrecy of lawyers and those in similar professions is not a secondary issue. ", "It is a basic question of culture and civilisation. ", "It is quite unacceptable under any rule of law that is worthy of the name that lawyers should be forced by the law to become informers. ", "It is surprising that the Council, at a time when so many fundamental rights abound, is vacillating on this issue and dares to attack one of European citizens' basic guarantees.", "\nThe new proposal is not as bad as the previous one, but it is still not good enough. ", "Professional secrecy is untouchable, not just in the context of trials in process but also in the context of legal consultation. ", "There is no question of giving any privileges to lawyers, who can and must be prosecuted if they are directly involved in criminal activities or are suspected of being so. ", "What cannot be allowed to happen is for lawyers to be prosecuted because of clients that hire them and much less become, in turn, the persecutors of clients who hire them. ", "As a matter of fact, the proposal also contains other little traps, such as the open door to Member States to extend the type of information supplied by lawyers to other areas, which makes the Council' s text particularly dangerous and perverse. ", "What the directive must do is to guarantee to protect professional secrecy, which is not a guarantee for lawyers but for society, for the rule of law and for Europe' s citizens. ", "The directive must also distinguish between what is advocacy in the true sense of the word, including legal consultation and other types of activity in which the lawyer can act but in which, materially, the activity is not one of advocacy in the true sense of the word. ", "In one, secrecy is inviolable, and in the other the lawyer can always be prosecuted for withholding information, like any other citizen.", "\n\nIlgenfritz\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, the members of the liberal professions - tax accountants, lawyers and notaries - are aware of the risk which money laundering poses to the social, financial and economic stability of a country and condemn any professional colleague who wittingly takes part in his client' s criminal activities. ", "And yet, they are all opposed to the Council' s proposal and welcome Parliament' s proposal.", "\nOur task, and here I mean tax accountants, and this includes me, is not to spy on our clients and, where necessary, to report them; on the contrary, our task is to advise our clients on the basis of the law and provide up-front explanations which will stop them from breaking the law. ", "However, we shall be stripped of this explanatory function if the Council proposal is accepted and clients have to worry that, in future, we shall report information given in confidence.", "\nThe citizens' right to confidential advice is one of the fundamental principles of the rule of law and must remain sacrosanct.", "\n\nAndria\nMr President, Commissioner, Mr Lehne's proposal for a directive is genuinely relevant and well-structured, but I would like attention to be paid to three points of the directive: the extension of the definition of alleged money laundering offences, remote identification of clients and the confidentiality of information received.", "\nWith regard to the first point, the joint document puts forward a text that defines organised crime, including in the definition of alleged money laundering offences those related to organised crime. ", "I fully support this extension. ", "However, I cannot support the further extension to other offences - fraud and corruption, at least serious - as the existence of seriousness is made clear insofar as these offences affect the financial interests of the European Union, if, therefore, they are covered by the provisions of Article 1(e) of the Second Protocol to the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests. ", "The reference to ascertaining the seriousness of the offence is, indeed, not very clear.", "\nSecondly: the text proposes, once again, a procedure for the remote identification of clients, now that the provisions introducing a complex procedure which is difficult to implement have been appropriately removed from the text of the previous common position. ", "The new wording appears exaggerated, while the issue of standards to be related to the different practices in use should be the responsibility of the individual countries. ", "On this point, the concern is that specific, binding European standards might be issued, requiring the application of rigid procedures which are difficult to implement.", "\nThirdly: the confidentiality of information received. ", "All too often, the information provided on suspect operations is not treated as sufficiently confidential, which is clearly dangerous for the person who has provided it. ", "Therefore, stringent confidentiality rules on information on suspect operations need to be issued. ", "In this connection, excessive passing on of data for information purposes, for example, in banks to intermediary bodies, or in the professional categories to auditors, is eliminated.", "\n\nEvans, Robert\nMr President, this is a very important report and it approaches a difficult subject. ", "Despite the best efforts of the rapporteur, there will still be those who will seek to get around it and to look at every way to carry on with their dirty dealings. ", "Baroness Ludford spoke quite rightly about the effects of this on the City of London and the legal profession. ", "She is a lawyer or barrister by profession and perhaps she should have declared an interest. ", "She will know that all of these professions and their associated professions - accountants and auditors - will look at any possibility to help their clients. ", "Those clients may be involved in all sorts of dodgy transactions. ", "They should be covered. ", "Only by concerted effort by all those parties concerned internationally will we be able to tackle the industry of money laundering. ", "I would like to tackle money lending as well, but that is another issue.", "\nI have been seriously lobbied by the British banks about Amendment No 17, which they do not like because it tries to prevent people they do not know from paying in huge amounts of cash. ", "This is just the sort of thing we have to tackle if money laundering is to be challenged properly. ", "If it affects Internet banking, as they suggest, then there must be other ways that they can verify the credentials of people who are applying for accounts.", "\nMoney laundering is linked to organised crime. ", "We know that. ", "It is linked to drug smuggling, terrorism and forgery of bank notes. ", "I agree with Mrs Sörensen. ", "Those who are developing the euro plan to bring in a EUR 500 note - approximately GBP 300, well over ten times the face value of the largest note in common usage in Britain. ", "We have a GBP 50 note which is worth about EUR 80, but that is very rare. ", "So if I were a forger I would start out now forging EUR 500 notes and have a field day for the next few months until people come to terms with it. ", "There are loopholes in this system. ", "We must do everything we can to counter them.", "\n\nSchröder, Ilka\nMr President, the rules of professional conduct of European Community lawyers state that it is in the very nature of a lawyer' s work to be entrusted with clients' secrets and to receive other confidential information. ", "If there is no guarantee of confidentiality, there can be no trust. ", "For this reason, professional secrecy is both a fundamental right and a fundamental duty of lawyers. ", "This fundamental duty, which applies, mutatis mutandis, to all members of the legal profession, is also a fundamental right of anybody in need of advice, i.e. potentially every single one of us.", "\nWe shall not stand for any further dismantling of fundamental rights, even if justified by the alleged need to combat organised crime, which is why we agree on this text with Mr Lehne and shall be voting in favour of the proposed amendments.", "\n\nBolkestein\nMr President, this subject rightly commands a lot of attention, both in this Parliament and elsewhere. ", "I should like to assure Members that these proceedings attract a lot of attention in institutions outside this Parliament which are engaged in fighting money laundering. ", "Perhaps the money launderers themselves are also following these proceedings with a great deal of interest since it would be a happy outcome of our discussions if their life were to be made more difficult.", "\nApart from that, I would first of all like to thank the rapporteur, Mr Lehne, and also the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, for their sustained efforts to achieve a rapid adoption of this important but highly sensitive proposal. ", "The fight against money laundering, as several Members have stressed, is a top political priority and is now an integral part of the campaign against serious and organised crime.", "\nInternational pressure is increasing on third countries and on offshore financial centres considered insufficiently cooperative in this area. ", "At the same time, the European Union, which has always been at the forefront of international efforts to fight criminal money, must continue to show the way by developing and refining its internal anti-money laundering defences.", "\nThat was the reasoning behind the clear calls from this Parliament and the Member States for a proposal to update and extend the 1991 anti-money laundering directive. ", "The Commission believes that the common position adopted unanimously last November represents a reasonable compromise on the question of the criminal activity covered - the matter of the so-called predicate offences - and also on the safeguards for the inclusion of the profession, in particular lawyers, within the scope of the directive.", "\nIn response to concerns in Parliament about cases where the lawyer is defending or representing a client in legal proceedings or helping the client to determine his legal position, I should like to stress that there is no question of any obligation to report suspicions of money laundering. ", "It seems to me that the fundamental human rights mentioned are protected. ", "They will not come into play when this proposal becomes reality. ", "I agree with Baroness Ludford when she says that in this respect the proposal is a good compromise between protecting fundamental rights when lawyers defend their clients in court or help the clients to determine their legal position, but not when they are participating in preparations leading up to an activity covered by this directive. ", "I would also like to recall that our work is the subject of considerable international attention, for example within G7 or the Financial Action Taskforce (FATF). ", "The international community is looking to the European Union to find solutions to those difficult questions.", "\nI would now like to turn to the individual amendments in the draft second reading recommendation. ", "Amendments Nos 1 and 10 deal with predicate offences and would mark a major step back from the ambitious common position. ", "The decision was made to move gradually to the coverage of all serious crime. ", "Having agreed on this wide coverage, the Commission cannot accept these amendments. ", "Numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13 and 22 deal essentially with the treatment of the professions. ", "The Commission is regrettably unable to accept the amendments as worded. ", "In its view, the legal profession constitutes a special case and requires special treatment.", "\nThe Commission, therefore, does not accept the principle of giving all the professions exactly the same treatment as that envisaged for the lawyers and notaries. ", "This relates, for example, to the activities which bring the professions within the scope of this directive.", "\nThe Commission is also reluctant to envisage a Member State option to allow all the professions the possibility of reporting their suspicions to a professional body, but it firmly backs this possibility for the legal professions. ", "On the difficult question of advice, the Commission continues to believe that financial investment and corporate advice should fall within the scope of the directive as long as it is unrelated to current or potential legal proceedings or to the wish of the client to establish his position under the law.", "\nOf course, the Commission concedes that drawing this line may not always be easy. ", "Nevertheless it also insists on this point. ", "I ask Members of this Parliament what they would think if a lawyer had a suspicion that his client was preparing some money laundering activity? ", "What would Members think if that lawyer decided not to report his suspicions, for example, to the bar association of his country? ", "That has nothing to do with human rights; it has everything to do with an efficient campaign against money laundering activities, which is a serious matter. ", "I would like Members to keep that in mind.", "\nAmendments Nos 7 and 11 relate to the role of the competent authorities. ", "The Commission believes that the text of the common position is clear and satisfactory and so, cannot accept those two amendments. ", "Amendment No 9 would extend the definition of financial institutions to include certain market authorities. ", "The Commission does not believe that such an inclusion would be appropriate. ", "Amendment No 14 would change the coverage of non-financial activities in a way that is unacceptable to the Commission.", "\nAmendments Nos 15 and 16 deal with client identification. ", "Some remarks were made earlier this evening to the effect that client identification might be unduly cumbersome and bureaucratic. ", "I should like to read out Article 3 of the proposal where it says that: \"Member States shall ensure that the institutions and persons subject to this directive require identification of their customers by means of supporting evidence when entering into business relations\". ", "This is not about a client ringing up for a prospectus or something like that: this is entering into business relations.", "\nCan anyone here imagine that a bank or some other financial institution would enter into business relations without ascertaining the identity of his client? ", "I cannot. ", "If I were to enter into business relations I would want to make very certain that I knew who I was dealing with, where they lived, their nationality and so on. ", "I cannot see at all why that is unduly bureaucratic or cumbersome. ", "The Commission therefore believes that the common position in this regard provides the necessary scope for flexibility.", "\nAmendments Nos 17 and 28 - the latter of which reached us today - are concerned with identification where there is no face-to-face contact. ", "The Commission is afraid that Amendment No 17 would make the text too inflexible with possible negative repercussions for e-commerce. ", "Amendment No 28 retains the flexibility sought by the Commission, but the precise wording still poses certain problems. ", "Therefore the amendment, as it has now been put forward, is regrettably unacceptable.", "\nAmendment No 18 seeks to amend the exemptions from client identification for certain insurance contracts. ", "In the Commission's view, a detailed technical examination of this question would be necessary before these amounts could be revised. ", "Amendments Nos 19 and 20 deal with identification requirements for casino customers. ", "The Commission considers that these amendments do not improve the common position.", "\nIn the Commission's view, Amendments Nos 21 and 24 breach the basic anti-money laundering rule that the customer about whom a report is made should not be warned. ", "The Commission could not accept this breach. ", "Amendments Nos 23 and 25 amend the provisions of the 1991 Directive on suspicious transaction reporting, which have not given rise to any problems in the past and, in the Commission's view, do not need to be changed.", "\nFinally, Amendments Nos 26 and 27 refer to OLAF. ", "In deleting all reference to OLAF in the common position, the Council invited the Commission to make a separate proposal under Article 280. ", "The Commission is currently preparing this proposal. ", "The Commission considers, therefore, these amendments unnecessary.", "\n\nPresident\n Thank you, Commissioner.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow at 12 noon.", "\n\nCommunity programmes/Judicial network\nPresident\n The next item is the joint debate on the following reports by Mrs Keßler on behalf of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs:\n(A5-0091/2001) on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters (COM(2000) 592 - C5-0561/2000 - 2000/0240(CNS));\n(A5-0094/2001) on the proposal for a Council decision establishing a second phase of the programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for legal practitioners (GROTIUS II General and Criminal) (COM(2000) 828 - C5-0754/2000 - 2000/0339(CNS));\non the proposal for a Council decision establishing a second phase of the programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for law enforcement authorities in the Member States of the European Union (OISIN II) (COM(2000) 828 - C5-0755/2000 - 2000/0340(CNS));\non the proposal for a Council decision establishing a second phase of the programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for persons responsible for combating trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children (STOP II) (COM(2000) 828 - C5-0746/2000 - 2000/0341(CNS));\non the proposal for a Council decision establishing a programme of incentives and exchanges, training and cooperation for the prevention of crime (HIPPOCRATES) (COM(2000)786 - C5-0753/2000 - 2000/0304(CNS)).", "\n\nKeßler\nMr President, I shall do my best. ", "This report is on the proposal for a Council decision on four programmes to do with cooperation and exchange in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. ", "To recap: GROTIUS is a programme of cooperation between legal practitioners with a budget of EUR 8.8 million. ", "OISIN is a programme of cooperation between law enforcement authorities with a budget of EUR 8 million. ", "STOP is a programme to coordinate action to combat the trade in human beings and the sexual exploitation of children with a budget of EUR 6.5 million and HIPPOCRATES is a new programme concerned mainly with training for the prevention of crime and is to be allocated a budget of EUR 2 million. ", "Including HIPPOCRATES is a good idea insofar as fundamental aspects of the programme, such as its duration, access and funding rules, tally with the proposals in the other programmes.", "\nThe Commission has proposed extending the GROTIUS, OISIN and STOP multi-annual programmes by a further two years. ", "In principle, we should vote in favour of extending these programmes because they have proven to be conducive - even though not all the Member States take part in them - to effective cooperation in combating and preventing crime, thereby helping to implement the Tampere conclusions.", "\nThe Commission' s implementation reports confirm that the programme objectives have been achieved. ", "However, an external study has highlighted persistent weaknesses in the implementation of the three programmes, for example in connection with the management and dissemination of the project results. ", "There is also some doubt as to whether the mobilisation of project agencies has been improved by reducing the cofinancing limit from 80% to 70%.", "\nI am in favour of including candidate countries in these programmes at the earliest possible opportunity, simply because the reform of the police and judiciary in these countries leaves a great deal to be desired. ", "I should therefore like them involved at the earliest possible opportunity.", "\nThe only real exception which I take to the Commission proposal concerns the time scale. ", "I would have liked a single framework programme to have been submitted now. ", "I am positive that, with greater commitment on the Commission' s part, this would have been feasible. ", "The Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs would have liked a more comprehensive and ambitious programme from the Commission.", "\nThere are reasons against continuing various funding programmes separately from one another. ", "It is difficult to allocate a project to a specific funding programme if it relates to a general subject, such as the Charter of Fundamental Rights, or to several technical areas at once or involves both Member States and candidate countries.", "\nRunning individual programmes in parallel increases the probability of conflicting aims and makes it difficult to carry out a financial evaluation and check the coherence of individual programmes with the general objectives of the Union. ", "It is also difficult for Parliament to keep track of the programmes.", "\nThe fact that most funding is for third party projects begs the question of whether the institutions have no priorities of their own which require funding. ", "I am thinking here, for example, of asylum seekers, of victims of crime or projects to improve infrastructure. ", "In addition, a separate budget has been proposed for pilot projects. ", "The Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs therefore proposes that plenary support the Commission proposals but, at the same time, calls on the Commission to present a proposal well before the end of 2001, consolidating all the initiatives designed to create an area of freedom, security and justice on the basis of Title VI of the Treaty on European Union and Title IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community, in order to strengthen citizens' rights and fundamental rights. ", "So much for this aspect.", "\nNow to the European Judicial Network in civil and commercial matters. ", "It was decided to set up a judicial network in criminal matters back in 1998. ", "This network operates via national contact points which advise and support local authorities. ", "Following teething troubles of a mainly technical and linguistic nature, the network now helps considerably in simplifying cross-border investigations into criminal offences.", "\nThe Commission proposal suggests extending the method of cooperation between national contact points to civil and commercial matters, a measure long overdue in my view. ", "I welcome this project as an opportunity to simplify judicial cooperation between Member States and, more importantly, to facilitate cross-border legal procedures. ", "The activities of the network should, in the final analysis, benefit the citizens; improving judicial cooperation is merely a half-way objective, the final objective being to create an area of justice for our citizens, which is why the Committee' s proposed amendments specify that citizens should be able to take recourse to the courts and authorities in any Member State as easily as they can in their own, thereby incorporating in the proposal the objective formulated by the European Council in the Tampere milestones. ", "The basic objective should be to guarantee proper access to the law and fast, reliable procedures.", "\nI also see this network as an accompanying instrument for the purpose of implementing the Brussels II Convention. ", "In order to learn from the experience of the judicial network in criminal matters, the new network needs to cooperate closely with the contact points of the judicial network in criminal matters. ", "It would also be a good idea if the secure electronic information exchange system to be set up were based on the current administrative electronic data exchange programme. ", "Here again, I would stress that candidate countries should be included at the earliest possible opportunity.", "\nA central, electronic EU index of legal cases and a data bank containing a register of judgments would be invaluable to courts and persons taking recourse to the law. ", "A detailed proposal on this has already been submitted. ", "I am grateful for the amendments proposed by Mrs Wallis, which helped to clarify the text, and I am grateful for the support for my amendments in committee. ", "I cannot support Amendment No 8 limiting the number of participants and agree with the Commission here. ", "Nor was anyone able to convince me of the merit of Amendment No 13 on a pilot project within this network.", "\n\nWuermeling\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, it is quarter past midnight, the time when dark figures emerge from the shadows. ", "In Strasbourg, Brussels, throughout Europe, throughout the world, across borders, crimes will be committed tonight, people will be injured, property will be damaged. ", "In this respect, it is the right time to be talking about the GROTIUS programme.", "\nI should like to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Keßler, for her thorough preparation of the analysis of the GROTIUS programme. ", "I think that this programme, Mr Vitorino, is one of the main elements in a European area of freedom, security and justice. ", "I should like to make a point here, on behalf of my Group, of acknowledging the fact that the Commission has committed itself in this programme to what is, in fact, a relatively new area, given its original remit.", "\nThe GROTIUS programme will create islands of competence in the application of the law which we can extend one by one and gradually increase, because we can adopt as many directives, regulations and agreements as we want; if they are not applied, all our efforts are in vain. ", "The area of money laundering, which we have just debated, is precisely one such area in which good progress has been made in establishing the legal preconditions needed in order to fight it, including at European level. ", "At the end of the day, however, too little use is made of these instruments.", "\nThe GROTIUS programme will help to ensure that European law is not just law in the books, but law in action. ", "I can therefore say, on behalf of my Group, that we are unreservedly in favour of continuing the GROTIUS programme and I should also like to say that it is European money extremely well spent.", "\nWe welcome the basic structure of the programme because it is fully and completely in keeping with requirements regarding the application of the law. ", "Training measures, exchange programmes, studies, seminars, publications, are exactly what allow our legal practitioners to make use of European law and European possibilities. ", "However, I must also point out that the requirements of legal practice are very varied. ", "That is because training systems differ, the degree to which people are affected varies widely in the various regions of the European Union and, of course, the national judicial systems have very different definitions of what they expect from individual professional groups, be they judges, public prosecutors, lawyers etc. ", "This was also the unanimous view of the Committee on Legal Affairs, which I am also speaking on behalf of here today. ", "The Committee on Legal Affairs numbers a great many legal practitioners.", "\nAllow me to illustrate this with a very specific example. ", "In cities such as Frankfurt, London or Paris, training in European money laundering legislation may be crucial, while in regions on the border between Germany and France or Italy and France, it is a relatively minor problem, which is why - and this is the point which particularly concerns me - the flexibility of the GROTIUS programme is crucial to its success.", "\nAlthough one measure or another perhaps meets all the requirements in one Member State, it may completely bypass them in another region, which is why we wondered during our discussions if it made sense for the Commission to set focal points for training etc. ", "in annual programmes. ", "We feel that it makes more sense to create a flexible, pragmatic, practicable framework within which those who wish to receive further training in European law can determine the subject matter themselves and tailor the various measures accordingly.", "\nWe support the programme and hope that it will continue to bear fruit for legal practice in the European Union.", "\n\nWallis\nMr President, I speak on behalf of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market specifically on the European judicial network proposal.", "\nToday in this House we held the annual debate on the European area of freedom, security and justice. ", "Oddly, this theme of our citizens' access to justice in civil and commercial matters was not mentioned. ", "This is very strange in an internal market where we actively encourage our citizens and enterprises to travel and conduct their commerce across borders. ", "There is therefore a heavy responsibility on us to provide access to justice when things go wrong.", "\nThis proposal states that its aim is to create a European judicial area which will bring tangible benefits to every citizen. ", "I hope it will not disappoint. ", "It is a proposal on two levels. ", "First, a network of judicial authorities and personnel to ease cross-border procedures in civil and commercial matters. ", "But it is the second level that interests me: to give information to our citizens on how to pursue cross-border litigation.", "\nThis is difficult and not to be contemplated without competent and specialised legal advice. ", "Our citizens are increasingly finding themselves involved in complex cross-border problems: road traffic accidents, buying property or a timeshare, actual problems that face our citizens. ", "Whilst we move towards extrajudicial remedies, we must also ensure that judicial remedies are accessible. ", "That is why my Group will support the amendment that was supported by the Legal Affairs Committee to secure a pilot programme of access to specialised legal advice. ", "This should be central to this network - a network of judicial personnel is one thing, but a network that really provides cross-border access to justice would be the best way to recognise progress towards a real area of justice in Europe for our citizens, and this on the day of the annual debate on that subject.", "\n\nCoelho\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, as has already been said, with this initiative we are extending the experience we have gained through the Judicial Network in criminal matters to the civil and commercial spheres. ", "First and foremost, we have focused on the importance of cooperation and exchanges of information between the Member States' judicial authorities, with a view to creating an area of freedom, security and justice.", "\nThe report by Mrs Keßler, whom I wish to congratulate for the quality of her work, warrants our support, particularly because it makes judicious suggestions, specifically on cooperation between this new network and the already existing network in criminal matters, on the participation of countries that have applied for membership of the Union and on the desirable and necessary transparency in the way the network operates. ", "Above all, however, the report warrants our support because of its suggestion for improving information for the general public. ", "It is worth bearing in mind that the ultimate aim is to ensure that European citizens can seek justice in the courts and authorities of any Member State as easily as they can in their own country. ", "In order to achieve this objective, a public information system must also be in place which can inform Europe' s citizens of their rights. ", "I believe that there is a lack of information and clarification in this area and this is another reason for welcoming the new competences granted to Commissioner Vitorino as the person responsible for generating improved communication and information strategies within the Commission. ", "I hope that the qualities he has always demonstrated will enable improvements, which we can all see are urgent and much needed, to be brought to this thorny and delicate subject.", "\nLastly, I wish to say a few words about the programmes that are also under discussion. ", "With regard to their importance, we all agree with the rapporteur' s suggestion that it makes sense to finance the various programmes under one framework programme: dispersion does not bring advantages, and I think that, in this way, we would be able to make gains in terms of synergies and clarity. ", "I should also like to hear Commissioner Vitorino' s opinion on this matter.", "\n\nSörensen\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, I should first and foremost like to congratulate Mrs Keßler on her two reports. ", "I would like to quote a few excerpts from a recent interview which was published recently in a Dutch magazine. ", "International organised crime is more successful, more powerful and more dangerous than ever. ", "The judiciary is meanwhile losing virtually all of its grip on major, transnational crime across the world. ", "Whilst drugs dealers, human traffickers and arms dealers enjoy the full benefits of globalisation, the judiciary remains hopelessly caught behind its own national boundaries. ", "This will be the golden era for international crime. ", "Today' s international crime syndicates are global business corporations. ", "They are applying the principles of what global business corporations should do, as taught at the Harvard School of Business: think international, form joint ventures and forge strategic alliances. ", "The European Union, Europe, will become one huge Disneyland for organised crime. ", "It is, therefore, crucial that a European judicial network is set up promptly. ", "Not only for criminal affairs, but just as much for civil and trade affairs. ", "It is both urgent and necessary for Europe, especially in terms of judicial matters, to organise itself professionally. ", "We should, in this respect, perhaps follow the lead given by organised crime. ", "Our Group supports both reports submitted by Mrs Keßler.", "\n\nVitorino\nMr President, I would like to start by thanking the chairman and members of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs and the rapporteur, Mrs Keßler, for their support for the Commission proposals as well as for the information they have given on the strategy to reorganise the programmes, which was nevertheless clear from the explanatory statement of the proposals the Commission itself presented.", "\nThe Commission' s intention is to pursue the action of the existing programmes for two years and to launch Hippocrates at the same time and for the same period. ", "Essentially, the aim is not to interrupt sources of financing and to avoid any discontinuity in its action which would only serve to weaken the projects and the objectives that have been set. ", "The de facto situation is that these programmes came to an end in 2000. ", "It is imperative that they be renewed as quickly as possible.", "\nAs to the new Hippocrates programme for the prevention of criminality, which is one of the most important aspects of the fight against crime, it takes its name from the celebrated Greek physician, for whom prevention was better than cure, and is based on the experience gained by the Commission in other programmes under Title VI of the Treaty on European Union.", "\nBringing the legal base and the ways of managing the new Hippocrates programme into line with the other programmes will, I am sure, simplify the management and utilisation of financing programmes which are now running smoothly after five years of experience on the ground.", "\nIn Mrs Keßler' s draft report, the merger of the different programmes is clearly indicated within a timeframe which, in fact, coincides with that put forward by the Commission. ", "This method will, moreover, enable the Commission to rationalise the management of the programmes and to integrate them into a general framework which corresponds to the area of freedom, security and justice called for by the Treaties, by the Vienna action plan and by the conclusions of the Tampere European Council.", "\nThe Commission' s objective is to integrate all the programmes into a coherent block. ", "This may lead to the presentation of framework programmes under Title VI of the Treaty on European Union and Title IV of the Treaty establishing the European Community and of another in the context of asylum and immigration which, in my opinion, merits a different type of treatment to the other objectives. ", "This strategy to merge the programmes will, I am sure, strengthen the effectiveness of management and transparency and will help to better inform the European Parliament about what will follow.", "\nThe Commission is therefore absolutely on the same wavelength as the European Parliament and I can only welcome this. ", "But our main concern, naturally, is to prepare this coordination in the correct manner. ", "That is why the Commission will pursue the debate which is already under way and will make the most of the time available to it to extract the essential elements. ", "We will present our proposals for consolidating the programmes along the lines indicated in Mrs Keßler' s report by the end of 2001.", "\nWe are counting on constructive dialogue with, and the support of, the European Parliament to make this operation a success.", "\nI would now like to turn to the Commission proposal for a Council decision establishing a European judicial network in civil and commercial matters. ", "As you are aware, Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union states that the aim of the European Union is to maintain and develop an area of freedom, security and justice. ", "The Vienna action plan and the conclusions of the Tampere Summit recognised that citizens could only enjoy freedom in an area of justice in which they could gain access to the courts and to the authorities of all Member States as easily as in their own countries. ", "In an amendment you propose, quite rightly, spelling this out in the text of the decision we are debating today.", "\nThe Vienna action plan and the Tampere Summit were very precise as regards the domain we are dealing with. ", "They called upon us to study the possibility of extending the principle of a judicial network to the civil domain and to establish an information system which citizens could access easily and which would be supported by a network of national authorities.", "\nIt is therefore in this context, which was sketched out by the Treaty on European Union, the Vienna action plan and the Tampere Summit, that the proposal for a decision we are debating today is enshrined.", "\nAbove all, we are seeking tangible benefits for all our citizens. ", "We want them to be able to turn to the courts of any Member State just as easily as they can to those in their own country, so that individuals and companies alike can exercise their rights. ", "And we want to achieve this by putting in place a bipartite mechanism, to both parts of which, I hasten to add, we attach the same importance.", "\nThe first part is about establishing a flexible, non-bureaucratic structure which will ease the flow of judicial cooperation between Member States. ", "This is already the case in the criminal domain, from our experience with which we have learned a great deal. ", "The second part, which is just as important, is about going beyond what is currently being done in the criminal domain and putting in place a system to provide all citizens with easily comprehensible and accessible information which will help them to overcome their reluctance to defend their rights in a Member State other than their own and will thus ease their access to justice in this Member State.", "\nI would like to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Keßler, as well as the draftspersons of the opinion of the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs, Mrs Wallis and Mrs Wenzel-Perillo, for the support they have given to our initiative.", "\nAs regards the proposals for amendments contained in the legislative proposal, first of all I can accept Amendments Nos 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9. ", "I would like to point out however that, in connection with Amendment No 3, we do not see an obstacle to future instruments being able to provide specific cooperation mechanisms. ", "Concerning Amendment No 9, on the other hand, it is fitting to allow a certain margin of flexibility in its operation.", "\nAs regards Amendment No 4, the Commission has its doubts. ", "However, this does not mean that the Commission rejects the idea of developing databases in the field of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters. ", "On the contrary, we would like to be able to develop such databases in this field provided, for example, they can be of significant assistance for monitoring the implementation of adopted or future instruments. ", "We also believe the network may be very useful for this purpose. ", "That is why, although we are unable to accept the amendment as it stands, in response to the wishes expressed by Parliament, I would like to clearly point out in the recitals that the network may collaborate in the development of specific, precisely targeted projects in this field, for which priorities will be duly established in the light of the immediate actions of the civil judicial network.", "\nAnother amendment that the Commission cannot accept as it stands but whose essence will be written into the text of the decision is Amendment No 7. ", "The Commission would, in fact, like the network to be able to use the services offered by the IDA programme as far as possible.", "\nThe Commission is also able to accept part of Amendments Nos 10 and 11 and stresses that the prescribed 3-year period will start once the network is actually up and running. ", "Nonetheless, I have to admit that the presentation of annual statistical reports seems to us to be an excessive burden on the network.", "\nHowever, the Commission is unable to accept Amendment No 8 and has its doubts about Amendment No 6 concerning collaboration with the judicial network in criminal matters. ", "We will do everything within our power to ensure that this collaboration is put into practice. ", "Nonetheless, given the differing legal basis and pillar between civil judicial cooperation and criminal judicial cooperation, it does not seem appropriate to incorporate into the text what, in any case, will be done in practice.", "\nTo conclude, Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, through this proposal we hope to put in place an effective instrument which will enable us to achieve our ultimate goal: to bring about a European area of freedom, security and justice in civil and commercial matters. ", "This is something which affects not only the will and the everyday lives of our citizens but also the proper functioning of the single market.", "\n\nPresident\n Thank you very much, Commissioner Vitorino.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow at 12 noon.", "\n\nSupport system for producers of arable crops\nPresident\n In accordance with the agenda, there now follows the debate of Mrs Auroi' s report (A5-0117/2001) on behalf of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, concerning the proposal for a Council regulation on the amendment of Regulation (EC) No 1251/1999 establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops.", "\n\nAuroi\nMr President, Commissioner, to ensure that the first harvest can be gathered after 15 August 2001, against the difficult background of the BSE crisis and as a matter of urgency, the Commission has been prompted to propose amendments to the Council Regulation establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops. ", "This proposal is one of the measures in the seven-point plan being submitted to Parliament by the Commission which would enable certain land which is currently set aside to be put back into cultivation for crops such as clover.", "\nThis decision to amend the Regulation as a matter of urgency will be seen by producers as a sign of hope. ", "Europe is not abandoning them and does not want them to carry the can for a situation of which they are very often the victims.", "\nAside from its urgency, this measure follows on directly from the White Paper on food safety which included in its proposals the incorporation of problems associated with the production of animal feed.", "\nThe proposal also addresses the problem of the production of vegetable protein needed to ensure suitable feedingstuffs for bovine animals. ", "There is a deficit in such production in Europe as a result, inter alia, of the Blair House agreements. ", "The set-aside arrangements laid down resulted in arable land lying fallow while, at the same time, livestock were being fed on animal protein, including some from animal meal. ", "In order to enable all livestock to be once again fed with more wholesome feedingstuffs, and in order to overcome the BSE crisis, it is essential that the set-aside arrangements be amended so as to encourage production of fodder crops.", "\nYour proposal, Commissioner, admittedly constitutes a step in the right direction, although the change proposed is only marginal in relation to the Regulation as a whole. ", "The change is of simply symbolic value but we in this House could go further and use it as the trigger for a debate leading to the eventual reform of Agenda 2000.", "\nThe aim of the measures proposed is to move, initially, from set aside towards arrangements which are designed to increase crop rotation, but only in the organic farming sector. ", "The effect of such arrangements would be to enhance the use of certain set-aside land by the planting of crops such as broad beans, kidney beans, lentils, chick peas, lupin, vetch, alfalfa, fenugreek, sweet clover, clover, white clover, field beans, peas and others. ", "This would have a positive effect in terms of promoting a more natural approach to livestock rearing because it would be associated with the production of fodder. ", "In addition, it would have a positive impact on the environment, since we now know that set aside is often harmful to the environment.", "\nRather than encouraging mass production of protein and oleaginous crops and promoting rotation through payments linked to area or to volumes, this adjustment to the rules will allow the partial lifting of the set-aside requirement in order to grow fodder legumes not for human consumption.", "\nIt represents a step in the direction of reform of the CAP along the lines of high-quality livestock farming and extensive production which we would all like to see. ", "The question is whether this should be limited to boosting organic farming on the basis of Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 or whether it is possible to go further. ", "In the latter case, conventional farm holdings should be allowed to benefit from the same possibilities if they are willing to restrict themselves to planting only fodder crops on their set-aside land.", "\nThe obligation to complement the growing of cereals with legumes and fodder crops in order to receive subsidies can thus contribute towards establishing ecological cycles and improving the soil. ", "Such a commitment, associated with good farming practice, would permit the restoration of good rotation of crops, such as is found in organic farming.", "\nHowever, if we confine ourselves to lifting the set-aside requirement only for organic farming, we shall be making no more than cosmetic changes. ", "The Commission made this proposal too restrictive by limiting set-aside production to organic farming, not through any admiration for organic farmers, but because it did not want to chip away at the WTO agreements by adopting a measure which would favour all EU producers. ", "In fact, however, depending on the state of the crisis in health safety, under the WTO agreements, an amendment of the rules by Member States does not constitute a violation of its agreements, which the Economic and Social Committee also pointed out.", "\nFurthermore, if the health of consumers and the survival of farmers are at stake, it will be necessary to have the courage to review these agreements. ", "George W. Bush had no qualms when he rejected the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. ", "The crucial thing now is to take a quick initial decision to enable farmers to sow their crops as soon as possible. ", "The best solution would have been to allow conventional farmers to sow set-aside land with protein crops before 15 August 2001, but the Commission did not accept this.", "\nCommissioner, a compromise has been put to you by the entire Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development for 2001 which, in addition to organic farming, concerns all agricultural holdings which take part in an agri-environment programme. ", "Then, from 2002, this measure could be opened up to the conventional sector.", "\nThis isolated proposal should be but a first step towards a more complete reform of the common agricultural policy.", "\n\nJeggle\nMr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, in the present proposal for the amendment of the Regulation establishing a support system for producers of certain arable crops, the Commission is pursuing the aim of encouraging environmental agriculture by means of the cultivation of fodder legumes on land set aside. ", "This, however, is only to be possible for holdings which, with their production, are taking part in Regulation (EEC) No 2092/91 and which, in effect, are organic holdings. ", "This is where our criticism begins, and for the most part the Council also sees it the same way. ", "I want to emphasise this at this point. ", "We are calling for not only organic holdings to be permitted to cultivate legumes on land set aside, but, against the background of BSE and foot-and-mouth, all livestock holdings. ", "In this way, the many livestock holdings could receive a small compensation for the sometimes truly dramatic financial losses caused by BSE and foot-and-mouth. ", "At least, however, in addition to the organic holdings, holdings should be considered which are participating in the agri-environment programmes, that is to say holdings which, within the framework of Regulation 1257/99, are participating in national environment programmes approved by the committee.", "\nThe argument put forward by the committee in this connection, that the instrument of set aside would be given up with our amendments, is surely incomprehensible. ", "It is clear to every farmer affected by BSE and foot-and-mouth and who is participating in these support measures that the EU is giving no new cause for celebration here. ", "Rather, he will be grateful for it as a very clever interpretation of the little room to manoeuvre which remains to us in the present miserable situation for livestock holdings.", "\nSecondly, the committee itself reports that the desired restoration of the soil' s fertility will be achieved by the cultivation of fodder legumes. ", "It is incomprehensible why only organically farmed holdings should profit from this recycling. ", "After the animal meal fodder ban, it just makes sense to encourage the cultivation of highly protein-rich legumes. ", "We will need far more of them than we are at present producing. ", "The introduction of soya may pay off. ", "If, however, we are taking sustainable agriculture seriously, we must take a step forwards here.", "\n\nSouchet\nMr President, compared with a draft Regulation which is extremely minimalist, the virtue of the report by Mrs Auroi is that it opens up the way to start, albeit very modestly, to reduce our enormous deficit in protein and oleaginous plants.", "\nWhilst the majority of agricultural holdings are mixed, the Commission proposes to limit the possibility to grow fodder crops on their set-aside land, in other words, on less than 10% of the surface area designated for cereals, protein and oleaginous crops, to holdings which are 100% organic, which accounts for barely 2% of the cultivated area in the European Union.", "\nMrs Auroi is proposing extending this possibility to conventional farm holdings, especially to livestock farms, and she is right. ", "But even if it is revised in this way, the proposal is clearly not in line with the extent of the problem we have to solve. ", "Our deficit in protein and oleaginous crops, which was made considerably worse by the Blair House constraints, exceeded 35 million tonnes before the ban on animal meal for monogastric animals even came into force. ", "At least 300 000 tons of additional imports a month must be added to that.", "\nSo only an ambitious 'protein' plan will redress the balance and satisfy consumers' demands for traceability. ", "In this regard, I am appalled at the Commission' s spirit of renunciation, which it demonstrated in its communication of 16 March, in which short-term free trade took the place of policy. ", "I will come back to this in tomorrow' s debate.", "\n\nFischler\nMr President, ladies and gentlemen, firstly, I would like to express my most heartfelt thanks to you, Mrs Auroi. ", "Equally, I would like to thank the Members of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development for the rapid and thorough examination of the proposal on the use of land set aside for organic holdings, which I had already submitted in the plenary part-session within the framework of the seven-point plan.", "\nI would like to express clearly, though, that the proposed measure is not aimed at replacing the animal meal at present banned in fodder. ", "Tomorrow morning we will have the opportunity to discuss this aspect. ", "Our aim - the aim of the Commission - is quite a different one, namely to create an additional encouragement of environmental agriculture, since organic farmers are dependent on the cultivation of fodder legumes like clover and lucerne to a greater degree than conventional agriculture. ", "I am therefore of the opinion that the possibility proposed by the committee will be of great use to organic farmers.", "\nWe should also not forget, however, that there are good reasons for the restriction to organic holdings. ", "Firstly, it should be guaranteed that the land set aside remains an effective instrument for the control of production, in order to keep our aquaculture subsidies in the Blue Box. ", "Secondly, a certain preference for organic holdings is therefore appropriate here, since otherwise it would be much harder for these to be able to fulfil their production conditions. ", "It would be advisable to bear these arguments in mind when the relationship between supply and demand in protein-rich crops is discussed tomorrow.", "\nThat is why I must reject the amendments which are aimed at a use of land set aside for the cultivation of all types of fodder legumes and protein-rich crops and for an extension to other types of agricultural holdings besides organic holdings: Amendments Nos 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are aimed at the relationship between supply and demand in protein-rich crops. ", "This question was examined and settled by my services, after the Council had engaged the Commission to do so in December and within the framework of the Nice Summit. ", "Tomorrow morning, I will make a statement about this here in plenary. ", "For this reason, I would prefer not to discuss this further today.", "\nIn conclusion, one final obvious comment on the proposal discussed today: only if the Council can decide quickly will the organic farmers be able to profit from the opportunity offered, since our proposal would already also take into account the set-aside period from 15 January 2001 and apply from then on.", "\n\nPresident\n Thank you very much, Commissioner.", "\nNow, the Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development has asked for a brief word. ", "Mr Chairman, you have the floor.", "\n\nGraefe zu Baringdorf\nMr President, I wanted to refer to Rule 122. ", "It concerns personal statements. ", "It states that these personal statements may be made, if, in the course of the debate, remarks were made about one' s person. ", "What I now find fault with is that absolutely no remarks were made about my person. ", "Perhaps I may then, nevertheless, make a personal remark. ", "Namely, I would have liked to have heard if anyone had said that what the committee has here proposed and what we have gone on to examine more thoroughly and make more detailed proposals about fills the Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture with great satisfaction. ", "No one has said that we - and I in particular - have now been occupied with this work for years, that we are very happy that Commissioner Fischler has now made this proposal and that - even if we do not adopt all the proposals - we are nevertheless embarking upon this use of land set aside and upon the environmental revaluation of crop rotation. ", "I wanted to say that as a personal remark. ", "Many thanks, Mr President, for giving me the opportunity.", "\n\nPresident\n Even in his new capacity as chairman, the honourable Member has not forgotten which tricks can be used in order to still have the chance to speak. ", "But what you said was interesting Mr Graefe zu Baringdorf.", "\nThe debate is closed.", "\nThe vote will take place tomorrow at 12 noon.", "\nI thank all of you who have held out for so long, particularly the members of the Commission and its officials!", "\n(The sitting was closed at 11.50 p.m.)\n\nAddress by Mr Rau, President of the Federal Republic of Germany\nPresident\nMr President, it is a great honour and a pleasure for us to welcome you, in a spirit of friendship, to the European Parliament. ", "As President of a new Federal Republic of Germany, you were able, in an exemplary way, to take up the challenge of national reunification before crossing the threshold of the new millennium.", "\nSince the peaceful fall of the Berlin Wall, you have tried to underpin this reunification by reinforcing European cohesion and you have given strong signals, notably by committing yourself to a single currency, despite your attachment to the mark and your pride in the prosperity and stability it has given you.", "\nThe younger generations in your country legitimately feel that they have no reason to bear the burden of the dark years they did not live through.", "\nFaced with the horrors perpetrated in Kosovo, you made the historic step of participating in the forces of the international community which were engaged in defending fundamental human rights. ", "Now, you are playing your full role in establishing a European security force in the service of peace.", "\nThe Treaty of Nice gave better recognition to your demographic weight within the European Union, and all the other Member States, especially the least populated States, are expecting you, together with the other major States, to continue to ensure that the Community spirit continues to hold sway over numerical rules when decisions are taken at a European level.", "\nAs a result of its geographical location and economic dynamism, the Federal Republic of Germany will be at the forefront of the coming reunification of the entire continent of Europe within the Union. ", "More than others, you have had the recent experience of the initial enthusiasm as well as the demands, difficulties and temporary frustrations such a process involves.", "\nMr President, as a result of the experience gained in its federal reorganisation, the Germany you lead will also have an eminent role in the great debate which the Nice Summit opened up, on its own initiative and that of Italy, via the declaration on the future of the Union. ", "This will make it possible for us to jointly redefine the new qualitative architecture of an enlarged Union through a better balance of powers shared between Europe, the Member States and the regions.", "\nThroughout the first half century of European integration, the financial contribution made by Germany to Community solidarity through the CAP and the cohesion funds has been pre-eminent. ", "I would like to pay tribute to the successive Chancellors who stuck with this choice of solidarity, which attested to their determination to unify Europe and, especially over the last few decades, to Chancellor Schmidt, Chancellor Kohl and now to Chancellor Schröder.", "\nOur current efforts to bring candidate countries up to the required economic and structural level already demand, and will continue to demand, a high financial input from the European Union. ", "This is important not only for the candidate countries themselves but also for us, as it is not enough simply to bring about enlargement; we must make sure enlargement is successful.", "\nOf course our efforts must be shared fairly and equitably, but I am sure that Germany will remain very vigilant in ensuring that any new aid we give to some countries is not simply the fruit of what we take away from others. ", "I am thinking in particular of the need to maintain regional cohesion within the Union. ", "We need to manage, in a true spirit of solidarity, the economic but primarily human crises currently unfolding due to BSE and foot-and-mouth disease. ", "I am also thinking of the aid the Union gives to the countries of the South, which have been crushed by the weight of under-development and endemic diseases which are hard for our consciences to bear, and which are dangerous in the long term to world peace and stability.", "\nTo sum up, I would like to stress that, of all the countries which have contributed to ensuring that the European Parliament has gained recognition for its role in promoting the democratic functioning of the European Union, Germany has always been at the forefront. ", "There are things we still need to work on, which the Nice Summit was unable to take as far as we would have liked. ", "I know that today you are planning to give us the broad outlines of these issues, especially the ambitious project of European constitution. ", "Mr President, I am very grateful to you for having come along to speak to the European Parliament. ", "Without further ado, I give you the floor.", "\n(Applause)\n\nRau\nMadam President, ladies and gentlemen, I should like to offer my sincere thanks, Madam President, for your invitation and the opportunity to present my thoughts on the future configuration of Europe to this esteemed House.", "\nEurope is becoming an increasingly concrete, increasingly tangible concept to its citizens, because it directly affects them. ", "In 271 days, the citizens of twelve European countries will have a single currency in their wallets. ", "We can travel freely through Europe, from Nordkap to Gibraltar. ", "But do we perceive ourselves as Europeans?", "\nTo my mind, it is, as a major European journalist, the Italian Luigi Barzini, once said: \"...despite our incontestable diversity and differences, basically all men are built in the same mould...\"\nWe have a rich stock of common traditions, to which Winston Churchill referred in his famous Zurich speech in September 1946. ", "For him, the common European heritage consisted of the Christian faith and Christian ethics, culture, art, philosophy and science, from antiquity to modern times.", "\nWe have all seen quite specific examples of our common interests in Europe. ", "Surely globalisation is forcing us, as Europeans, to realise that we must not let the diversity of our cultural wealth become the plaything of, or fall victim to, worldwide dumbing down by global media powers, that the challenge to our values by fundamentalists and ethnic cleansing in Europe calls for a common response on our part and that the market should not have free reign but should be harnessed for social and ecological purposes?", "\nToday, we can see just how great an appeal the European Union has in numerous countries. ", "There are clearly perfectly practical reasons for this and the European Union is, without doubt, becoming more and more useful to all its Member States. ", "But it is much more than a merely functional community. ", "Europe stands for a specific concept of human existence and human coexistence. ", "That is what we are constantly striving for, to strike a balance between the freedom of the individual and his responsibility towards society and the community.", "\nEven the greatest visionaries of the 50s could never have imagined the exact configuration of European unification or just how many areas it would encompass. ", "The successes of the common market should encourage us to set ourselves new objectives. ", "However, if we are to be perfectly honest, we must admit that, alongside a broad consensus among many of our citizens, there is also scepticism, mistrust or even total rejection of the European unification project.", "\nI think it is important not to allow doubt and criticism to target individual measures and their impact. ", "Most of us know how important it is to live in peace after centuries of enmity, how well we have pulled together to increase our prosperity, how many advantages the internal market offers our companies, how much better we can work together in Europe on research and that progress means being able to establish in another European country without any great difficulty or having more and more educational qualifications recognised throughout Europe.", "\nWhat the people of Europe worry about is how the unfathomable unification process is organised and the minimal influence which they appear to have on it. ", "Many of our citizens rightly ask who is driving the European unification train? ", "What speed limit must it keep to? ", "What traffic regulations apply to it? ", "How and where are the points set? ", "What coaches are being coupled to or removed from it? ", "And where does the journey end?", "\nThese are not academic questions. ", "They are the questions being asked by the sovereign power, i.e. the people, in every country in Europe. ", "And there can be no doubt that all these questions must be decided by the sovereign power in each of our European democracies, i.e. by the people and only the people.", "\nNow I sometimes hear it said that a democratic process in the traditional sense is no longer possible in Europe because there is no single European nation. ", "It is true that there is no European nation and no European public in the same way as there is in the individual Member States of the European Union. ", "But that should not prevent us from strengthening the principles of democracy at European level.", "\n\nDemocracy, rightly understood, means quite simply that people who want to act together for a specific purpose create the rules and procedures needed in order to do so. ", "This is in no way contradicted by the fact that, in all other cases, these people have quite different interests and want to be sure that these differences are safeguarded.", "\nThat is precisely what Europe is doing. ", "We want to pursue certain common objectives and interests, while preserving the variety of European countries and nations which form the basis of the European Union and make it so special. ", "And this will, and should not, change in the future.", "\nSo the question we need to answer is: how can we organise the European Union so that its citizens can make more sense of it? ", "What must we do so that decisions taken by the European Union are more broadly justified at European level? ", "At the end of the day, what should the organisational framework look like? ", "And I am firmly convinced that the only answer is: we need a European constitution.", "\n(Applause)\nA European constitution must become the cornerstone, not the keystone. ", "A European constitution should stipulate that Europe will not turn into a centralistic superstate and that we are building a \"federation of nation states\". ", "I am well aware of the fact that the terms \"constitution\" and \"federation\" appear highly suspect to many people in Europe. ", "But surely this is just a semantic argument? ", "I am positive that we shall find it easier to agree on what we mean in substance than on the definitions. ", "We need to discuss the content instead of wrangling over definitions.", "\n(Applause)\nA European constitution must be the outcome of a broad debate in every country. ", "Sceptical and critical voices will be raised in the debate. ", "There are many weighty objections which I take seriously, even though I personally take a different view. ", "I should like to discuss some of these today and explain my vision of a European constitution and the road leading to it.", "\nOne frequent argument against a constitution is that every additional step in the unification process is yet another step towards a European \"superstate\" and towards the abolition of the nation states. ", "But anyone who, like me, is in favour of a federation of nation states, wants exactly the opposite! ", "If we want a European Union which is a federation of nation states, it is because it improves the democratic credentials of community action, while guaranteeing the nation states the powers which they want to and should retain. ", "New powers can only then be transferred to Europe if all members of the federation so agree under a transparent and democratically controlled procedure.", "\nPreserving what has been acquired, preventing what is undesirable and remaining receptive to what is new - that is the basis for a constitution for a federation of nation states and that is what I should like to talk about.", "\nNo one wants to sideline the nation states and their sovereignty - on the contrary: we shall need them - and all their differences - to guarantee the diversity of Europe for a long time to come. ", "The implicit or explicit response to the idea of a federation of nation states is that Europe will, in fact, be predicated on the model of the Federal Republic of Germany. ", "But if you take a closer look, you will see that the idea of a federation is justified for quite different reasons. ", "The state structures in our European countries have evolved historically; in other words, they are different but equally valid democratic responses to specific historical developments. ", "And it is precisely because Europe is not moving and should not move towards a centralised state that we need to find an arrangement which reflects this will, which safeguards our various traditions and which, at the same time, is up-to-date. ", "A federation meets all these requirements.", "\n(DE) The point of a federation is that each Member State has sovereign powers to decide on its type of constitution and state structure. ", "Just as I am loath to let Europe decide on internal arrangements for the Federal Republic of Germany, I am equally loath to dictate how others should organise their own country. ", "The last thing I want is to impose a federal solution on, say, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Hellenic Republic or the Kingdom of Spain or, one day, the Republic of Hungary, which is not wanted. ", "It is precisely because we do not want a centralised state that we need a constitution.", "\nWhat is the function of a constitution in a political community? ", "A \"grammar of freedom\" and, especially for us in Europe - a \"grammar of solidarity\". ", "In it the sovereign power, i.e. the people, set out the values to which they are committed, the areas in which they delegate their powers, and to whom, and how they wish to organise and limit these powers. ", "Finally, a constitution regulates who is responsible for what. ", "The principles of a constitution for a European federation of nation states are the same. ", "It should consist of three sections. ", "The first section should contain the Charter of Fundamental Rights proclaimed at the Nice Summit.", "\n(Applause)\nIt should govern action taken by the European institutions and be binding on the Member States as regards the implementation of European law. ", "This will not affect the Member States' catalogue of fundamental rights or the European Human Rights Convention. ", "The second part of a European constitution must set a clear dividing line between the powers of the Member States and the powers of the European Union, thereby defining the fundamental relationship between the Member States and the federation. ", "In so doing, an effort should be made to give the principle of subsidiarity a broader base. ", "Only matters which are not better dealt with in the Member States should be decided at European level. ", "That must be the guideline. ", "In other words, everything not specifically allocated to Europe should remain the responsibility of the nation states. ", "In order to counter the fear of creeping centralisation in Europe, I think we should also consider expressly stipulating the powers reserved for the Member States. ", "I should just like to mention two examples here. ", "The Member States must be able, even within the framework of a European social policy, to decide on their own old-age pension arrangements or to promote renewable sources of energy within the framework of an environmental policy.", "\n(Applause)\nOf course, I know that even the most perfect definition of powers will not spare us conflict in the future. ", "I agree with Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker and numerous other Europeans that we should not stipulate what the EU will never be allowed to do. ", "The constitution must allow for powers to be regulated differently by unanimous decision of the members of the federation. ", "In addition to including the Charter of Fundamental Rights and regulating powers, the constitution should comprise a third section on the future institutional structure of Europe.", "\nI spoke at the beginning of the uneasiness of many of our citizens, who experience or feel that they have too little influence on how quickly, in which direction and towards what destination the European unification train is travelling. ", "They see their democratic rights violated, which is why the question of Europe' s democratic credentials must take centre stage in this debate.", "\n(Applause)\nParliament and the Council of Ministers should - in my view - be developed into a proper two-chamber parliament.", "\n(Loud applause)\nThe Council of Ministers should become a chamber of state, in which each country votes and is represented by its government. ", "This chamber would safeguard the sovereignty of the nation states. ", "The European Parliament - you, honourable Members - should become the citizens' chamber. ", "Both chambers should have equal decision-making powers in all legislative areas.", "\n(Loud applause)\nA great deal of criticism about Europe sticks to the Commission, and often rightly so. ", "But often the Commission is used as a scapegoat and the hunt for scapegoats is everyone' s favourite pastime!", "\n(Laughter, applause)\nI recognise the tendency of almost all national governments to brand decisions which they themselves have taken at European level as the monstrous invention of European regulatory mania ...\n(Loud applause) ... when they come up against opposition in their own country, as I am sure you are aware. ", "However, that does nothing to mitigate justified criticism that, given its importance, the Commission lacks democratic credentials for its work and we must change this.", "\nAs you know, there are two models for this: either the people directly elect the Commission president or the Commission president is elected by the two chambers of Parliament.", "\n(Loud applause)\nI prefer the parliamentary model, whereby the Commission can count on a parliamentary majority.", "\n(Loud applause)\nBut irrespective of which route is taken towards a constitution, a stronger parliament with two chambers and a Commission with better democratic credentials can give new, decisive momentum to the European idea.", "\nThe citizens of Europe will be more interested in what is going on in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg, they will identify more closely with it, even if they disagree with certain decisions. ", "A stronger parliament would, I am sure, also help the parties to be European parties in fact and not just in name.", "\n(Applause)\nThe reform of the European institutions would also help to bring about broader publicity at European level, which we sorely need. ", "There are already issues which concern people all over Europe. ", "Just think of the euro, its internal stability and its external value. ", "Just think of peace in our corner of the world, the desire for healthy food or the rules governing transfers of football players within Europe.", "\nWe must ensure during the constitutional debate that the Commission continues to represent the Community' s interests.", "\n(Applause)\nThis mainstay of the European unification process, the Commission' s right of initiative, must stay.", "\n(Applause)\nDebates over recent months have shown that the intergovernmental method has reached the end of its useful life.", "\n(Loud applause)\nAnd we are still only a Europe of the Fifteen! ", "We all know that politics are a question not just of the right objectives but of how they can best be achieved. ", "So how should the route towards a European constitution be constructed, what shape should the \"process for the future of Europe\", as it is so aptly called, take?", "\nThe debate on the future of Europe should be broader than the debate held in a classic type of Intergovernmental Conference.", "\n(Applause)\nWhen the convention to prepare the European Charter of Fundamental Rights was set up in 1999, there were a lot of sceptics. ", "As I am sure you agree, rarely has a European committee worked as well as this convention in recent years.", "\n(Applause)\nI think it was exemplary. ", "We should therefore discuss the future of Europe in a broadly composed committee in which government representatives, members of national parliaments and, of course, the European Parliament, all play an important role.", "\n(Applause)\nThis is where the decisions needed should be prepared as comprehensively as possible.", "\nWe should be extremely careful and make every effort to ensure that the debate on the future of Europe is not just held in expert circles. ", "We must involve all interested citizens. ", "I agree with my Italian colleague, President Ciampi, and many other people that we must also involve the citizens of the candidate countries in this debate.", "\n(Applause)\nThe future European constitution will also be their future order.", "\nLadies and gentlemen, exercise your rights as freely elected members of Parliament. ", "Make use of the opportunity which you have to take Europe forward. ", "You have more influence than many would have you believe. ", "Help to make Europe real for the citizens of our countries. ", "You have already done so much. ", "Keep up the good work. ", "I am with you all the way!", "\n(Long, loud standing ovation)\n\nPresident\nWhen I paid my first official visit to Germany a few months ago and met you, Mr President, you were eager to accept the invitation I extended to you to come to the European Parliament. ", "I recall you telling me that you had a few ideas on the future of Europe that you wanted to share with us. ", "On behalf of the European Parliament, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the speech you have just given.", "\nMr President, your speech was that of a great European and visionary, and we have a cruel shortage of visionaries.", "\n(Applause)Mr President, I am sure you have noticed to what extent the convictions you expressed are in line with those of the vast majority of the Members of the European Parliament. ", "You have, very accurately, in a highly talented way and, once again, with vision, sketched the outlines of the European Constitution to which we all aspire. ", "You have laid great stress on democratic legitimacy. ", "You have also sketched the outlines of this Federation of Nation States with infinite courage and conviction. ", "This morning you have made a substantial contribution to this debate. ", "Once again, Mr President, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.", "\n(Applause)\n(The formal sitting was adjourned at 12.30 p.m.)\n\n" ]
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0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.004807692307692308, 0.023148148148148147, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022556390977443608, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.0071174377224199285, 0.009174311926605505, 0.009708737864077669, 0.04, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.0048543689320388345, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.00949367088607595, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0.01718213058419244, 0, 0, 0.011428571428571429, 0.007067137809187279, 0.011049723756906077, 0, 0, 0, 0.005509641873278237, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00904977375565611, 0.009174311926605505, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0.00966183574879227, 0, 0.010582010582010581, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.008547008547008548, 0.013636363636363636, 0.009523809523809525, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.008620689655172414, 0.010101010101010102, 0.00904977375565611, 0.016129032258064516, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.02072538860103627, 0, 0.0023584905660377358, 0.00881057268722467, 0.005747126436781609, 0.00749063670411985, 0.007575757575757576, 0.01818181818181818, 0.002304147465437788, 0.004424778761061947, 0, 0.0035842293906810036, 0.016835016835016835, 0.006097560975609756, 0.009708737864077669, 0.005235602094240838, 0.004545454545454545, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.02, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.019736842105263157, 0, 0.00881057268722467, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.0061162079510703364, 0.017857142857142856, 0.007633587786259542, 0.017316017316017316, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0.006578947368421052, 0.007692307692307693, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0.008130081300813009, 0.0045045045045045045, 0, 0.016, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.006711409395973154, 0.006993006993006993, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003787878787878788, 0.01775147928994083, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015267175572519083, 0, 0.023529411764705882, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.021052631578947368, 0.01824817518248175, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.003436426116838488, 0, 0.00851063829787234, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005025125628140704, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.00819672131147541, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.005050505050505051, 0.003115264797507788, 0.0031545741324921135, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.004098360655737705, 0.007614213197969543, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0.002793296089385475, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.007692307692307693, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0.00510204081632653, 0.007751937984496124, 0.009569377990430622, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0.006024096385542169, 0.021897810218978103, 0, 0.014388489208633094, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0, 0.029411764705882353, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011029411764705883, 0.022058823529411766, 0.00819672131147541, 0.013513513513513514, 0.013157894736842105, 0.011904761904761904, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0, 0.014925373134328358, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0.01327433628318584, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011976047904191617, 0.003401360544217687, 0.0035460992907801418, 0.007462686567164179, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.004987531172069825, 0.008450704225352112, 0, 0.0034129692832764505, 0, 0, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0.00816326530612245, 0.018018018018018018, 0, 0.004524886877828055, 0.014492753623188406, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.004524886877828055, 0, 0.01098901098901099, 0.004424778761061947, 0.00819672131147541, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0.01276595744680851, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.004273504273504274, 0.017543859649122806, 0.013089005235602094, 0, 0, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0.015151515151515152, 0.014084507042253521, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.015625, 0, 0.015625, 0.01098901098901099, 0.004484304932735426, 0.013333333333333334, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.004464285714285714, 0, 0.004739336492890996, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038910505836575876, 0.003401360544217687, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0, 0.006230529595015576, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.003968253968253968, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010050251256281407, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.004310344827586207, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0, 0, 0.012396694214876033, 0.013157894736842105, 0.007380073800738007, 0.0056022408963585435, 0.004975124378109453, 0.006024096385542169, 0.016, 0.011655011655011656, 0, 0, 0.0035587188612099642, 0.016666666666666666, 0.002403846153846154, 0, 0, 0, 0.004032258064516129, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.00980392156862745, 0.010362694300518135, 0.02, 0.017857142857142856, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0.008888888888888889, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0.011538461538461539, 0.00819672131147541, 0.007042253521126761, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0.012345679012345678, 0.022222222222222223, 0.05555555555555555, 0.009708737864077669, 0.0040650406504065045, 0.0028011204481792717, 0.010416666666666666, 0.0071090047393364926, 0.007017543859649123, 0, 0.00911854103343465, 0.004016064257028112, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0.006896551724137931, 0.03125, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0.010396361273554255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006779661016949152, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0, 0.008726003490401396, 0, 0, 0.041666666666666664, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.010972933430870519, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01299545159194282, 0.0045662100456621, 0.003937007874015748, 0, 0, 0, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011299435028248588, 0, 0, 0.025, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.03125, 0.006060606060606061, 0.006329113924050633, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.002881844380403458, 0.004830917874396135, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.006060606060606061, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0.02564102564102564, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.007067137809187279, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.06, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.06521739130434782, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0, 0.017699115044247787, 0, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0.007194244604316547, 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.013422818791946308, 0, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.004032258064516129, 0.015151515151515152, 0.05454545454545454, 0.007272727272727273, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0392156862745098, 0.025974025974025976, 0.011904761904761904, 0.007407407407407408, 0.041666666666666664, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0.0037313432835820895, 0, 0.0392156862745098, 0.007575757575757576, 0.005154639175257732, 0.004032258064516129, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0.0033333333333333335, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033112582781456954, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003003003003003003, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004555808656036446, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0.008287292817679558, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0.004484304932735426, 0, 0.006818181818181818, 0.004545454545454545, 0.009523809523809525, 0.005434782608695652, 0.019230769230769232, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.006787330316742082, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0.016736401673640166, 0.014598540145985401, 0.006211180124223602, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0.016129032258064516, 0.006097560975609756, 0.005797101449275362, 0.008403361344537815, 0.013605442176870748, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.014285714285714285, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011764705882352941, 0.00641025641025641, 0.0111731843575419, 0.01060070671378092, 0.003257328990228013, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009925558312655087, 0.0136986301369863, 0.006896551724137931, 0.0136986301369863, 0.004830917874396135, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0.011494252873563218, 0.01639344262295082, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01015228426395939, 0, 0.0182648401826484, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013793103448275862, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.01015228426395939, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.005847953216374269, 0.006872852233676976, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0.013100436681222707, 0.009345794392523364, 0.01639344262295082, 0.01195219123505976, 0.014084507042253521, 0.0078125, 0.013157894736842105, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0, 0.016260162601626018, 0.012422360248447204, 0, 0, 0.01675977653631285, 0.02040816326530612, 0.016597510373443983, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0.005780346820809248, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005780346820809248, 0.008, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0, 0.005714285714285714, 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.009345794392523364, 0.019801980198019802, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0.01744186046511628, 0.00819672131147541, 0.006779661016949152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.011764705882352941, 0.003952569169960474, 0.010101010101010102, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0.005235602094240838, 0.009174311926605505, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0, 0.002849002849002849, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0.004016064257028112, 0, 0, 0.014184397163120567, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0.0038022813688212928, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0.010101010101010102, 0.004484304932735426, 0.015873015873015872, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.0055248618784530384, 0.024691358024691357, 0.013953488372093023, 0.0030864197530864196, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0.0045045045045045045, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010582010582010581, 0.004784688995215311, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0.004048582995951417, 0.008, 0, 0.0030581039755351682, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0.008968609865470852, 0, 0.00966183574879227, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0.014925373134328358, 0.007547169811320755, 0.005649717514124294, 0.011904761904761904, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0.008152173913043478, 0, 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0, 0, 0.0030120481927710845, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0.003787878787878788, 0, 0.005263157894736842, 0, 0.0026954177897574125, 0.011583011583011582, 0, 0.006688963210702341, 0.0053475935828877, 0.002570694087403599, 0.00234192037470726, 0.01809954751131222, 0.025, 0.010869565217391304, 0.011049723756906077, 0.015544041450777202, 0.009009009009009009, 0.010948905109489052, 0.0047169811320754715, 0, 0, 0.006825938566552901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010256410256410256, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011135857461024499, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0.003289473684210526, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0.0044444444444444444, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.0027247956403269754, 0.003076923076923077, 0.0025906735751295338, 0, 0.009554140127388535, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0.006600660066006601, 0, 0, 0.003787878787878788, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.0032258064516129032, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.005154639175257732, 0.008032128514056224, 0.006060606060606061, 0.010416666666666666, 0.004662004662004662, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.0035971223021582736, 0.0103359173126615, 0, 0.004273504273504274, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02032520325203252, 0.011764705882352941, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.015873015873015872, 0, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0.0273972602739726, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0.034482758620689655, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0234375, 0, 0.0022471910112359553, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0.007434944237918215, 0, 0.0056657223796034, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0.003205128205128205, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0031746031746031746, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0055248618784530384, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0, 0.00425531914893617, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0.00392156862745098, 0, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010638297872340425, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01639344262295082, 0.022988505747126436, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0.014545454545454545, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0, 0.008771929824561403, 0.016666666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018907563025210083, 0.01078167115902965, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0031645569620253164, 0.001589825119236884, 0.0037593984962406013, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004149377593360996, 0.006289308176100629, 0.0074487895716946, 0, 0, 0, 0.014563106796116505, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.002770083102493075, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0.006756756756756757, 0.0033003300330033004, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0.00516795865633075, 0.0029498525073746312, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.003236245954692557, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007334963325183374, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.002652519893899204, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.00510204081632653, 0, 0, 0.008264462809917356, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003937007874015748, 0.0036900369003690036, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.002824858757062147, 0, 0, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0.003236245954692557, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0.00411522633744856, 0.00411522633744856, 0, 0, 0.006211180124223602, 0.011764705882352941, 0.0049504950495049506, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.011834319526627219, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005405405405405406, 0.004608294930875576, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.024390243902439025, 0, 0.003401360544217687, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0.009950248756218905, 0, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0038910505836575876, 0, 0, 0, 0.003246753246753247, 0, 0.039473684210526314, 0.004761904761904762, 0, 0, 0, 0.0068143100511073255, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0.0030864197530864196, 0.004484304932735426, 0.005780346820809248, 0.01171875, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0.0053475935828877, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.006329113924050633, 0.0091324200913242, 0.005405405405405406, 0.007692307692307693, 0.009523809523809525, 0.0040650406504065045, 0.011111111111111112, 0.0053475935828877, 0.010526315789473684, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0.009596928982725527, 0.010498687664041995, 0.009900990099009901, 0.015503875968992248, 0.021052631578947368, 0.01834862385321101, 0.0196078431372549, 0.01, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0.0038461538461538464, 0.005714285714285714, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.007782101167315175, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.0034602076124567475, 0.0038461538461538464, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.01098901098901099, 0.010869565217391304, 0.03571428571428571, 0, 0, 0.010471204188481676, 0.017699115044247787, 0.011627906976744186, 0.014423076923076924, 0, 0, 0.004166666666666667, 0, 0, 0.004524886877828055, 0, 0.01020408163265306, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0, 0.014141414141414142, 0.006237006237006237, 0.00847457627118644, 0.004830917874396135, 0.002079002079002079, 0.018867924528301886, 0.004310344827586207, 0, 0.004975124378109453, 0.007246376811594203, 0.010101010101010102, 0.005494505494505495, 0.004807692307692308, 0.010309278350515464, 0.005291005291005291, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.011049723756906077, 0.006756756756756757, 0.006060606060606061, 0.005141388174807198, 0.008733624454148471, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007407407407407408, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006578947368421052, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.0196078431372549, 0.00625, 0.022727272727272728, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.01834862385321101, 0.006896551724137931, 0.00909090909090909, 0.019417475728155338, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0.01834862385321101, 0.00477326968973747, 0.0075, 0, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0, 0.008849557522123894, 0.00816326530612245, 0.01606425702811245, 0.008403361344537815, 0.011857707509881422, 0, 0.030303030303030304, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.004149377593360996, 0, 0.004761904761904762, 0.0136986301369863, 0.007936507936507936, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004555808656036446, 0, 0, 0.013513513513513514, 0, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.012396694214876033, 0.01020408163265306, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0.0064516129032258064, 0, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0.01, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0.004032258064516129, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0.014044943820224719, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0.012738853503184714, 0.00816326530612245, 0.006622516556291391, 0.005263157894736842, 0.00819672131147541, 0.007633587786259542, 0.00641025641025641, 0.011494252873563218, 0.019230769230769232, 0.006734006734006734, 0, 0.009287925696594427, 0.002403846153846154, 0.0041841004184100415, 0.009174311926605505, 0.00641025641025641, 0, 0, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.008620689655172414, 0.011049723756906077, 0.013157894736842105, 0.01327433628318584, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0.02185792349726776, 0.004807692307692308, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0.009302325581395349, 0, 0, 0.02142857142857143, 0, 0, 0, 0.004784688995215311, 0.01824817518248175, 0.01675977653631285, 0.0036900369003690036, 0, 0.008620689655172414, 0.007722007722007722, 0.014388489208633094, 0, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0.009966777408637873, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0.014492753623188406, 0.009615384615384616, 0.011278195488721804, 0.02127659574468085, 0.022727272727272728, 0.02, 0.011627906976744186, 0.012738853503184714, 0.007042253521126761, 0.005952380952380952, 0.007575757575757576, 0.008620689655172414, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.007017543859649123, 0, 0.01652892561983471, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0.01015228426395939, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.0163265306122449, 0.018018018018018018, 0.015503875968992248, 0.014150943396226415, 0.012345679012345678, 0.013245033112582781, 0.02857142857142857, 0.004672897196261682, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0.004132231404958678, 0.009345794392523364, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.010101010101010102, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0.00625, 0.013333333333333334, 0.0054446460980036296, 0.009900990099009901, 0.008547008547008548, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0.01694915254237288, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0.010676156583629894, 0, 0.016216216216216217, 0.009592326139088728, 0, 0, 0.01948051948051948, 0.010752688172043012, 0.005917159763313609, 0.010526315789473684, 0.0035587188612099642, 0.008333333333333333, 0.0091324200913242, 0.023255813953488372, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0.003115264797507788, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0.01256281407035176, 0.0076045627376425855, 0, 0.0029940119760479044, 0.009174311926605505, 0.007692307692307693, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.014705882352941176, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0, 0.02027027027027027, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0.012244897959183673, 0.0032679738562091504, 0.005405405405405406, 0.008670520231213872, 0.004329004329004329, 0.009950248756218905, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004016064257028112, 0, 0.008733624454148471, 0.007246376811594203, 0.0070921985815602835, 0.014492753623188406, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.0056179775280898875, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.005681818181818182, 0, 0, 0.007380073800738007, 0, 0, 0.019230769230769232, 0.011627906976744186, 0.008955223880597015, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.012448132780082987, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.009404388714733543, 0.013793103448275862, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0.002680965147453083, 0.028169014084507043, 0.014925373134328358, 0.01072961373390558, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0.006024096385542169, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.018518518518518517, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.008849557522123894, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0.00392156862745098, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0, 0, 0.003389830508474576, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0.002770083102493075, 0.01, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.0072992700729927005, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0.01, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.008968609865470852, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.02, 0.012145748987854251, 0, 0, 0, 0.007142857142857143, 0.01, 0, 0, 0.018018018018018018, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0.007518796992481203, 0.031914893617021274, 0, 0.010666666666666666, 0.00847457627118644, 0.0031545741324921135, 0, 0.0033783783783783786, 0, 0.017391304347826087, 0, 0, 0.017699115044247787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013422818791946308, 0.014084507042253521, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.012987012987012988, 0.008438818565400843, 0, 0.012738853503184714, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011811023622047244, 0.00228310502283105, 0.014084507042253521, 0.018867924528301886, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0.017241379310344827, 0.006012024048096192, 0.020833333333333332, 0, 0, 0.009216589861751152, 0.007518796992481203, 0, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.005988023952095809, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.008547008547008548, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0, 0.08333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.013986013986013986, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0, 0.015228426395939087, 0, 0, 0.023255813953488372, 0.02040816326530612, 0.012987012987012988, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007633587786259542, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0.013157894736842105, 0, 0, 0.007692307692307693, 0, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0.007285974499089253, 0, 0.006944444444444444, 0, 0, 0.005366726296958855, 0, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006622516556291391, 0.006756756756756757, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01282051282051282, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015384615384615385, 0, 0, 0.004081632653061225, 0, 0, 0, 0.002109704641350211, 0, 0.0024813895781637717, 0, 0.02127659574468085, 0, 0, 0, 0.006097560975609756, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.0110803324099723, 0.004651162790697674, 0, 0, 0.006756756756756757, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.009523809523809525, 0.005649717514124294, 0.005154639175257732, 0, 0.0036900369003690036, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014830508474576272, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0.03125, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004310344827586207, 0.015384615384615385, 0.0031645569620253164, 0, 0.024096385542168676, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0.005050505050505051, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.00847457627118644, 0.011049723756906077, 0, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0, 0.017543859649122806, 0, 0.0027624309392265192, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0.016, 0.034482758620689655, 0.015, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0, 0, 0.005235602094240838, 0.00425531914893617, 0.0070921985815602835, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0.007168458781362007, 0.004032258064516129, 0, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0.006016847172081829, 0, 0, 0, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.02097902097902098, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006289308176100629, 0.007751937984496124, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0.011363636363636364, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0.010344827586206896, 0.004219409282700422, 0, 0.00819672131147541, 0.006024096385542169, 0.005076142131979695, 0, 0, 0, 0.02040816326530612, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.01348747591522158, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.008797653958944282, 0.015037593984962405, 0, 0.008695652173913044, 0.005319148936170213, 0.007936507936507936, 0.01098901098901099, 0.023622047244094488, 0.003861003861003861, 0.010471204188481676, 0.011834319526627219, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0.0076045627376425855, 0, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0.01818181818181818, 0.005714285714285714, 0, 0.0034129692832764505, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004545454545454545, 0.007407407407407408, 0, 0, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0.005847953216374269, 0, 0.00851063829787234, 0.0044444444444444444, 0.0273972602739726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0.020833333333333332, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.013245033112582781, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0.0078125, 0.014925373134328358, 0.005747126436781609, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012269938650306749, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0040650406504065045, 0, 0, 0, 0.0029069767441860465, 0.021739130434782608, 0, 0.005376344086021506, 0, 0.0029498525073746312, 0, 0, 0.004878048780487805, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.037037037037037035, 0, 0, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0.00423728813559322, 0, 0, 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0.008620689655172414, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.003424657534246575, 0, 0, 0.0029411764705882353, 0.006172839506172839, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.0136986301369863, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.003289473684210526, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0.006896551724137931, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00847457627118644, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0, 0, 0.007462686567164179, 0, 0.012195121951219513, 0.006097560975609756, 0, 0.004629629629629629, 0.02, 0.02142857142857143, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0.008426966292134831, 0, 0.005649717514124294, 0.01818181818181818, 0.009615384615384616, 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0.02608695652173913, 0.0035335689045936395, 0.01, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0, 0.00980392156862745, 0.01935483870967742, 0, 0.004132231404958678, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0.015533980582524271, 0, 0.014084507042253521, 0, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0, 0.0057361376673040155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005952380952380952, 0, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0125, 0.016260162601626018, 0, 0.009389671361502348, 0.0036231884057971015, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0.0030864197530864196, 0.00847457627118644, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.0027624309392265192, 0.0038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.006493506493506494, 0.00980392156862745, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012121212121212121, 0, 0.0041841004184100415, 0, 0.00234192037470726, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035087719298245615, 0, 0, 0.0033333333333333335, 0.013333333333333334, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005050505050505051, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0.009070294784580499, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0.0027548209366391185, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0.006309148264984227, 0, 0.00974025974025974, 0.0051813471502590676, 0.008403361344537815, 0, 0.006134969325153374, 0.007575757575757576, 0.008, 0.013333333333333334, 0.011695906432748537, 0.003787878787878788, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019455252918287938, 0, 0, 0, 0.01694915254237288, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0.0025188916876574307, 0.006711409395973154, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0, 0.005813953488372093, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017857142857142856, 0, 0, 0.007751937984496124, 0.008928571428571428, 0.00881057268722467, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0, 0.00425531914893617, 0, 0.006172839506172839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007326007326007326, 0.008, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0.004132231404958678, 0, 0, 0.00303951367781155, 0, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0.011695906432748537, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004, 0.005420054200542005, 0.007633587786259542, 0, 0.004672897196261682, 0, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0, 0.008064516129032258, 0.0032679738562091504, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.003246753246753247, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0, 0.014705882352941176, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0.0028735632183908046, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0.0036101083032490976, 0, 0.005319148936170213, 0.011235955056179775, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0, 0, 0.013333333333333334, 0, 0.00749063670411985, 0, 0, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0.012552301255230125, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0.0030959752321981426, 0, 0, 0, 0.011111111111111112, 0.006535947712418301, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006666666666666667, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005291005291005291, 0, 0.007936507936507936, 0.009259259259259259, 0, 0, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.010869565217391304, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0043859649122807015, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0.008849557522123894, 0.004098360655737705, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008333333333333333, 0.013605442176870748, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.016129032258064516, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0.009615384615384616, 0.009174311926605505, 0.003134796238244514, 0.005952380952380952, 0.017045454545454544, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.007042253521126761, 0, 0, 0, 0.008403361344537815, 0.017857142857142856, 0.008130081300813009, 0, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0.0045871559633027525, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0, 0.00641025641025641, 0.012987012987012988, 0.011764705882352941, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004405286343612335, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.005434782608695652, 0, 0, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0, 0.03225806451612903 ]
[ "\n@interface Object {\n int ivar;\n}\n\n- (int)instanceMethod;\n\n@property int prop;\n@property void (^block)();\n\n@end\n\n@interface Wrapper\n\n- (Object *)returnsObject:(int)arg;\n\n+ (Object *)classMethodReturnsObject;\n\n@property(class) Object *classObject;\n\n@property Object *object;\n\n@end\n\nvoid takesClass(Wrapper *ref) {\n int x = 0;\n [[ref returnsObject: x] instanceMethod];\n int y = x;\n [ref returnsObject: x].prop;\n}\n// CHECK1: \"Object *duplicate = [ref returnsObject:x];\\n\" [[@LINE-4]]:3 -> [[@LINE-4]]:3\n// CHECK1-NEXT: \"duplicate\" [[@LINE-5]]:4 -> [[@LINE-5]]:26\n// CHECK1-NEXT: \"duplicate\" [[@LINE-4]]:3 -> [[@LINE-4]]:25\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:27:4 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK1 %s\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:29:3 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK1 %s\n\nvoid takesClass2(Wrapper *ref) {\n if (2)\n [[ref object] instanceMethod];\n [ref object].block();\n}\n// CHECK2: \"Object *object = [ref object];\\n\" [[@LINE-4]]:3 -> [[@LINE-4]]:3\n// CHECK2-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE-4]]:6 -> [[@LINE-4]]:18\n// CHECK2-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE-4]]:3 -> [[@LINE-4]]:15\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:40:6 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK2 %s\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:41:3 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK2 %s\n\nvoid takesClass3(Wrapper *ref) {\n if (ref) {\n [ref.object instanceMethod];\n ref.object.block();\n }\n}\n// CHECK3: \"Object *object = ref.object;\\n\" [[@LINE-4]]:5 -> [[@LINE-4]]:5\n// CHECK3-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE-5]]:6 -> [[@LINE-5]]:16\n// CHECK3-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE-5]]:5 -> [[@LINE-5]]:15\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:52:6 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK3 %s\n\nvoid worksOnClass() {\n [Wrapper classMethodReturnsObject]->ivar = 0;\n [[Wrapper classMethodReturnsObject] instanceMethod];\n}\n// CHECK4: \"Object *classMethodReturnsObject = [Wrapper classMethodReturnsObject];\\nclassMethodReturnsObject\" [[@LINE-3]]:3 -> [[@LINE-3]]:37\n\n// CHECK4-NEXT: \"classMethodReturnsObject\" [[@LINE-4]]:4 -> [[@LINE-4]]:38\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:63:4 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK4 %s\n\nvoid worksOnClassProperty() {\n Wrapper.classObject->ivar = 0;\n Wrapper.classObject.prop = 2;\n}\n// CHECK5: \"Object *classObject = Wrapper.classObject;\\nclassObject\" [[@LINE-3]]:3 -> [[@LINE-3]]:22\n\n// CHECK5-NEXT: \"classObject\" [[@LINE-4]]:3 -> [[@LINE-4]]:22\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=%s:73:3 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=CHECK5 %s\n\n#define MACROARG1(X, Y) (X)\n#define MACROARG2(X) X; ref.object.prop = 0\n\nvoid macroArgument(Wrapper *ref) {\n // macro-arg1: +1:13\n MACROARG1(Wrapper.classObject->ivar, 1); // MACRO-ARG1: \"Object *classObject = Wrapper.classObject;\\n\" [[@LINE]]:3 -> [[@LINE]]:3\n // MACRO-ARG1-NEXT: \"classObject\" [[@LINE-1]]:13 -> [[@LINE-1]]:32\n MACROARG1(Wrapper.classObject.prop, 0) = 0;// MACRO-ARG1-NEXT: \"classObject\" [[@LINE]]:13 -> [[@LINE]]:32\n\n // macro-arg2: +3:13\n MACROARG2(int x = 0; ref.object->ivar); // MACRO-ARG2: \"Object *object = ref.object;\\n\" [[@LINE]]:3 -> [[@LINE]]:3\n // MACRO-ARG2-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE-1]]:24 -> [[@LINE-1]]:34\n MACROARG2(ref.object.prop);// MARO-ARG2-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE]]:13 -> [[@LINE]]:23\n}\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=macro-arg1 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=MACRO-ARG1 %s\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=macro-arg2 %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=MACRO-ARG2 %s\n\n@interface IVarSelf {\n Wrapper *ref;\n}\n\n@end\n\n@implementation IVarSelf\n\n- (void)foo {\n // ivar-self: +1:3 // IVAR-SELF: \"Object *object = self->ref.object;\\nobject\" [[@LINE+1]]:3 -> [[@LINE+1]]:13\n ref.object.prop = 0; // IVAR-NO-SELF: \"Object *object = ref.object;\\nobject\" [[@LINE]]:3 -> [[@LINE]]:13\n ref.object->ivar = 1; // IVAR: \"object\" [[@LINE]]:3 -> [[@LINE]]:13\n // ivar-self2: +1:3\n self->ref.object.prop = 2; // IVAR-NEXT: \"object\" [[@LINE]]:3 -> [[@LINE]]:19\n}\n\n@end\n\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=ivar-self %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=IVAR-NO-SELF,IVAR %s\n// RUN: clang-refactor-test perform -action extract-repeated-expr-into-var -at=ivar-self2 %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=IVAR-SELF,IVAR %s\n" ]
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[ 0.014360313315926894 ]
[ "Akron Plan\n\nThe Akron Plan was a scheme for the design of churches and other religious buildings that housed Sunday schools. ", " It was characterized by a set of wedge-shaped classrooms that radiated from the direction of a central superintendent's platform. ", " Doors or movable partitions could be closed to separate the classes, or opened to allow the entire body of pupils to participate in school-wide exercises.", "\n\nUntil about 1860, Sunday-school pupils of all ages were taught together in a single large room. ", " After that, there was an increasing tendency for pupils to be taught separately, with instruction tailored to their ages, for most of the session. ", " However, the superintendent conducted all-school exercises at the beginning and end of the session. ", " To facilitate this, the building's interior layout had to enable the students to be quickly and efficiently divided into classes or brought together in a single body.", "\n\nThe Akron Plan was devised to address this need. ", " It took its name from the city of Akron in the state of Ohio in the Great Lakes region of the United States, where it was developed for the construction of a church built in 1866–67. ", " It was quickly adopted by Protestant churches across the United States.", "\n\nThe plan fell out of favor in the early 20th century, when Sunday schools changed their approach to one in which pupils were taught separately for the entire session, eliminating the school-wide exercises. ", " The awkwardly shaped and imperfectly soundproofed rooms were poorly adapted for this new approach, and many of them underwent extensive remodelling. ", " By the beginning of the 21st century, few intact Akron Plan interiors remained in existence.", "\n\nSunday schools, 1780–1872\n\nThe genesis of the Sunday school occurred in 1780 in Gloucester, England, when philanthropist Robert Raikes arranged for the teaching of a measure of literacy and religious instruction to slum children, most of whom worked six days a week and had Sunday as their only free day. ", " The experiment proved successful and was taken up elsewhere; by Raikes's death in 1811, Sunday-school pupils numbered about a quarter-million, throughout the British Isles and in the United States.", "\n\nWith the passage of time, the exclusive focus on lower-class children was abandoned. ", " The expansion to upper classes was pioneered by, among others, noted divine Lyman Beecher, who in about 1830 sent his children to Sunday school, and encouraged his neighbors to do likewise. ", " Instruction in reading and writing was dropped, and the schools devoted themselves to religious education.", "\n\nThrough the first quarter of the 19th century, religious instruction in Sunday schools took the form of rote memorization of extensive passages from the Bible or the catechism; pupils might be tasked with memorizing as many as 300 verses a week. ", " In about 1826, this began to give way to a new system, the \"selected lesson\" or \"limited lesson\", whereunder all pupils were given the same relatively short excerpt from Scripture to memorize, and were taught the passage's meaning and significance.", "\n\nUntil about 1860, Sunday school was usually conducted in a single large room, with pupils of all ages learning the same lesson. ", " This allowed all members of a family to discuss the lesson at home after church; but it was difficult to devise lessons that would be useful to all members of such a heterogeneous set of pupils, and the mix of ages tended to give rise to disciplinary problems. ", " In response to this, and in keeping with the practice in the public schools, Sunday schools began to be divided into grades. ", " In 1872, a national convention adopted the Uniform Lesson Plan, whereunder all students would study the same Scriptural passage but would be taught in a manner appropriate to their age.", "\n\nUniform Lessons and Akron Plan\n\nUnder the Uniform Lesson Plan, the grades were not to be kept separate for the entire duration of the session. ", " Rather, the class was to begin with devotional exercises, led by the superintendent and involving the entire body of pupils. ", " After this, the grades were to be taught separately. ", " The session would end with the superintendent's leading, and the whole body's participating in, a five-minute review of the lesson followed by closing exercises.", "\n\nThis created a challenge for ecclesiastical architects. ", " The Sunday-school building had to be designed in such a way that the pupils could quickly and efficiently be separated according to their various grades, and brought together for whole-school activities. ", "John H. Vincent, an authority on Sunday schools in the Methodist Episcopal Church and later a bishop, described the architectural requirements: \"Provide for togetherness and separateness; have a room in which the whole school can be brought together in a moment for simultaneous exercises, and with a minimum of movement can be divided into classes for uninterrupted classwork\".", "\n\nOne of those who addressed the design problem was Lewis Miller. ", " A wealthy inventor and industrialist, Miller supervised a Sunday school in Canton, Ohio, and later one in Akron. ", " There, he employed the graded system and experienced the problems that arose from unsuitable building designs.", "\n\nWhen the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Akron decided to construct a new building, Miller interested himself in the building's design. ", " Working with architects Walter Blythe of Cleveland and Jacob Snyder of Akron, he devised a plan in which wedge-shaped classrooms were separated by partitions radiating from the direction of a central superintendent's platform. ", " Doors on the platform-facing side of each classroom could be closed during grade-separated lessons, or opened to allow all pupils to see and hear the superintendent during school-wide exercises. ", " The new church, following these plans, was constructed in 1866–67.", "\n\nThe so-called Akron Plan was adopted by Protestant churches throughout the United States and the world, particularly after 1872, when the Fifth National Sunday-School Convention adopted the Uniform Lesson Plan. ", " A 1911 American publication stated that \"This plan for the Sunday-school building has been almost universally adopted in this country\", and a 1914 publication stated that of the churches built in the preceding fifty years, three-quarters of those that made provisions for Sunday schools had used some version of the Akron Plan. ", " Many of these churches modified the design with the addition of a movable partition between the sanctuary and the Sunday-school spaces, allowing the Sunday-school classes and the main body of congregants to be separated or united.", "\n\nDecline\n\nThe Akron Plan was not without its failings. ", " The divisions between the classrooms impeded worship by the whole body of pupils, compared to how they might have acted in a single large space. ", " The wedge-shaped rooms were often poorly lighted and ventilated. ", " Flimsy partitions and doors did not suffice to exclude distracting noises.", "\n\nIn the early 20th century, the Uniform Lesson Plan began to fall out of favor. ", " The requirement that the same Scriptural passages be taught to pupils of all grades was seen as unduly constraining: passages that adults could profitably study might be meaningless to small children. ", " Moreover, the exclusive focus on Biblical passages made it difficult to study such things as church history and organization, missions, and latter-day issues such as temperance.", "\n\nIn 1908, a convention of the International Sunday School Association approved the development of completely graded lesson plans. ", " These were adopted by 35,000 Sunday schools during the following five years. ", " With the different grades no longer studying the same topic during a given week, there was no longer a place for the superintendent's review of the whole school. ", " School-wide assemblies became infrequent, eliminating the need for a means of quickly bringing the whole body of pupils together.", "\n\nThe change in Sunday-school organization did away with the advantages of the Akron Plan. ", " The oddly shaped rooms could not readily be turned to other purposes without extensive modification. ", " While Akron Plan churches continued to be built into the 1920s and 1930s, many existing churches were remodelled to create more useful interior spaces. ", " By the beginning of the 21st century, few intact Akron Plan interiors remained.", "\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\nChambers, Murphy & Burge, Restoration Architects, Ltd. (2003). ", " \"National Register of Historic Places Registration Form: First Congregational Church\" (Akron, Ohio). ", " Retrieved 2017-01-07.", "\nCope, Henry Frederick (1911). ", " The Evolution of the Sunday School. ", " Boston: Pilgrim Press. ", " Retrieved via Google Books, 2015-12-02.", "\nEvans, Herbert Francis (1914). ", " \"The Sunday-School Building and Its Equipment\". ", " The Biblical World, vol. ", "44, no. ", "3, pp.", " 150–224. ", " Retrieved via JSTOR, 2014-09-09.", "\nEvans, H. F. (1915). ", " \"Architecture of Sunday Schools\" in The Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools and Religious Education, ed. ", "by John T. McFarland and Benjamin S. Winchester, pp. ", "28–55. ", " New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons. ", " Retrieved via Google Books, 2014-09-09.", "\nHamill, H. M. (1905). ", " \"The Genesis of the International Sunday-school Lesson\", in The Development of the Sunday-School, 1780–1905, ed. ", "by W. N. Hartshorn, Rev. George R. Merrill, and Marion Lawrance. ", " Boston: Fort Hill Press; published by Executive Committee of the International Sunday-School Association. ", " Retrieved via Google Books, 2014-09-12.", "\nLawrance, Marion (1911). ", " Housing the Sunday School. ", " Philadelphia: The Westminster Press. ", " Retrieved via Google Books, 2014-09-09.", "\nMerrill, George R. (1905). ", " \"Robert Raikes and the Eighteenth Century\", in The Development of the Sunday-School, 1780–1905, ed. ", "by W. N. Hartshorn, Rev. George R. Merrill, and Marion Lawrance. ", " Boston: Fort Hill Press; published by Executive Committee of the International Sunday-School Association. ", " Retrieved via Google Books, 2014-09-12.", "\nMeyer, Henry H. (1910). ", " The Graded Sunday School in Principle and Practice. ", " New York: Eaton & Mains. ", "Retrieved via Google Books, 2015-12-02.", "\nTrumbull, Charles Gallaudet (1905). ", " \"The Nineteenth Century Sunday-school\", in The Development of the Sunday-School, 1780–1905, ed. ", "by W. N. Hartshorn, Rev. George R. Merrill, and Marion Lawrance. ", " Boston: Fort Hill Press; published by Executive Committee of the International Sunday-School Association. ", " Retrieved via Google Books, 2014-09-12.", "\n\n \nCategory:Church architecture\nCategory:History of Methodism" ]
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[ "How To Write Screenplay Dialogue\n\nThere is a myth that the ability to write great dialogue is a gift that can't be learned and can't be taught. ", "You're born with it or you'll never have it.", "\n\nOne version of the myth goes something like this: you have to have an ear for dialogue in order to be able to reproduce realistic, believable, crisp, dialogue on the page.", "\n\nGreat dialogue does not come from having a good ear for dialogue. ", "It does not come from having some innate gift or talent for writing dialogue. ", "It comes from this: knowing your characters so well that you know what they will say and how they will say it when faced with specific people, situations or events.", "\n\nNow that may seem overly simple and in a way it is - given the same character and same situation, two writers of very different abilities will create greater or lesser dialogue. ", "The dialogue in Good Will Hunting and As Good as it Gets does not come out of every writer's laptop no matter how well that writer knows his characters. ", "That's because there's an added component to both of these scripts and other scripts like these: genius. ", "And genius dispenses with the rules of ordinary life and ordinary writing.", "\n\nBut, I firmly believe that if two writers know their characters equally well, if both writers develop those characters fully and if both writers know the other characters in a scene equally well, both sets of dialogue will be of a high quality.", "\n\nLet's take some examples. ", "One of my favorite films is Good Will Hunting. ", "Let's take one particularly well-done bit of dialogue from that movie. ", "It's not just any dialogue, but brilliant dialogue, so it ought to be a great test of my theory that all great dialogue comes from knowing one's characters.", "\n\nWill Hunting, the main character played (and written) so brilliantly by Matt Damon, goes with his simply-structured childhood friends (including his best friend Chuckie played and co-written by Ben Affleck) to a bar near Harvard, frequented by that school's Ivy League students.", "\n\nChuckie spots a small group of pretty young women and decides he's going to hit on them. ", "So the rough-around-the-edges Chuckie goes up to the girls and pretends to be a student. ", "The girls, who are students, know immediately that he's full of it, but they graciously go along - besides, Chuckie's kinda cute, so what's the harm?", "\n\nAs Chuckie fumbles with trying to pass himself onto the targets of his affection/lust, a bona fide Harvard student comes up and arrogantly destroys Chuckie, exposing his lies and his lack of academic credentials and book-smarts. ", "Just as it seems that Chuckie is about to show this guy the intelligence in his two fists, his friend Will steps forward with a brilliant dissertation that ends up being a verbal slaughter of the arrogant Harvard a-hole. ", "Then he ends the dialogue with a very telling sentence: \"If you want to take this outside.\"", "\n\nWhy is this dialogue so brilliant? ", "Because Damon and Affleck knew who their characters were. ", "Not just the main character, Will Hunting, but Affleck's character, and the character of the arrogant Harvard pissant. ", "The writers also knew what event they wanted to occur in this scene, what events led up to this scene, and what repercussions they wanted this event to have.", "\n\nSo who is Will Hunting? ", "Well, he's brilliant and a polymath. ", "That's the point of the whole movie. ", "He's a troubled ruffian; we see that fairly early on. ", "We learn later that he was abused as a child.", "\n\nAlthough we the audience don't know about the abuse suffered by Will Hunting at the time this scene in the bar takes place, the important thing is that the authors know about it, so it colors Will's reaction and his dialogue. ", "Why? ", "Because Will could just as easily have gently taken Chuckie by the arm and led him away from the scene, offering him a free beer, soothing his ruffled feathers and bruised ego, making a joke of it. ", "The dialogue in that case would have been more than a bit different.", "\n\nBut you see, the authors knew their characters so well, that the event that did take place, the dialogue that was spoken, was in essence inevitable.", "\n\nThis is critically important to understand. ", "When a specific piece of dialogue is the only dialogue that could be spoken in a given situation by a given character to a given character, then that dialogue can seem brilliant, and it doesn't have to be eloquent dialogue, as long as it's the exactly right dialogue.", "\n\n\"I coulda been a contender\" resonates down through the decades even today and can certainly be considered brilliant dialogue for its poignancy and for the fact that it was exactly the right thing for Marlon Brando's character to say to the specific female character in the particular setting and circumstance he was in at that time.", "\n\nWill, having been abused as a child, has a chip on his shoulder the size of an Oregon redwood. ", "He has undying loyalty to his friends, especially his best friend Chuckie. ", "He was born and brought up in \"Southie,\" the southern section of Boston, the poor, uneducated Irish section, so he was considered to be white trash. ", "He could have let Chuckie deck the Harvard snot, but then Chuckie would have gotten into trouble. ", "He could have decked the Harvard snot himself, but there were the pretty girls to consider and besides a fistfight would have made him look even more like white trash in front of this Ivy League a-hole.", "\n\nSo Will's only or at least best response is to use the one weapon that would destroy this Harvard moron-in-sheepskin clothing: Brilliance. ", "Knowledge. ", "Erudition. ", "Debating skills. ", "And being right about subjects that the Harvard a-hole should have known about but didn't because he was educated, but not learned. ", "Will is not educated, but he is learned, profoundly so.", "\n\nWhat Will said was so perfect, so believable given who he is, where he is, who he is in relationship with, and whom he is saying it to, that it comes across as brilliant.", "\n\nAnother important aspect of that scene from \"Good Will Hunting\" is the fact that we not only like Will, we identify with him - the downtrodden good guy who fights back but somehow only succeeds in digging himself a deeper hole. ", "We've all felt like that.", "\n\nWhy is that important? ", "Because it matters to us what happens to Will, we hope for him to succeed. ", "Thus in this scene Will does several things that make us feel good and triumphant and vindicated - he bests the snotty bad guy, he impresses the pretty girl, he stands up for his friends.", "\n\nCould anyone write dialogue that brilliant? ", "Maybe not, there is after all a touch of brilliance to the dialogue throughout this brilliantly written screenplay. ", "But still, the elements that led up to that scene and that dialogue are all there for us to see and they are all based on the authors' complete, profound knowledge of who their character is.", "\n\nThere is another factor in writing great dialogue. ", "It's the understanding that there are four key components to any story, whether screenplay, novel, play, or short story: characters, situations, events, and dialogue.", "\n\nIf you've read my book \"How to Write High Structure, High Concept Movies,\" or attended any of my workshops, you'll know that I'm big on relationships. ", "Well, what's important to know about these four key components is how they relate to each other in a cause-and-effect way.", "\n\nThroughout a story, these four components will affect and effect and be affected and effected by each other. ", "For example, a character creates a situation that causes him to create an event that leads him and others to be affected by that event, which leads the character to make a statement or revelation (dialogue) that itself causes a reaction (an event) that leads to yet another situation, the stakes rising, the jeopardy increasing, changes happening and leading to other changes and events and dialogue which affect characters who, well, you get the picture (no pun intended). ", "But if you cause these four components to interact in just the right way, you will get the picture and maybe even your name in the credits of that picture.", "\n\nSo what role does dialogue play in this? ", "Well, essentially dialogue is just another event (I know, that means there are only three key components to a story - so sue me, math wasn't my major in college). ", "It's caused by characters and in turn causes other events and affects other characters. ", "It's something that happens, that takes place in space and time, and is both a result and cause, just like an event is.", "\n\nWhen characters speak, they are doing something, performing an act.", "\n\nGreat, but how does that help us improve our dialogue? ", "Well, think of it this way: what happens when an event in a story occurs that has nothing to do with the rest of the story? ", "It sticks out like a sore thumb. ", "That's what happens with dialogue that has nothing to do with the rest of the story.", "\n\nIn other words (pun intended), you have to make your dialogue relevant to the story. ", "More than just this, however, is that you have to be aware of the cause and effect of that dialogue just as you are aware of the cause and effect of an incident.", "\n\nIf a guy in your story waves his hands around in an unusual way and nothing comes of it, you're left wondering why he did that. ", "If you find out that the reason he's waving his hands around oddly is that he's schizophrenic and thinks that he has magical powers and that with a wave of his hand he can make his enemy disappear or make a beautiful woman appear, then you begin to see the relevance of that odd waving and flailing about.", "\n\nIf you take this one step further and have a beautiful woman witness the odd waving and recognize it as the gesture that accompanies a magical spell, then the odd gesture has an effect on another character and maybe on the story as a whole. ", "Maybe the beautiful woman, believing the delusional guy is a sorcerer, befriends him and takes him on a wild adventure with her because she believes he can use his powers to help her.", "\n\nSo now the event works - we understand why the event occurs (the guy is schizophrenic with delusions of being a sorcerer), and we understand what effect the event has - it leads to a grand misunderstanding and an even grander adventure. ", "You've connected the event to both the past and the future.", "\n\nYou must do the same thing to your dialogue - all of your dialogue. ", "Damon and Affleck do this with Will's dialogue in the Harvard bar scene. ", "The dialogue results from who their character is, where he comes from, the events in his past, and his relationship to the characters in the bar and even to the bar and the university and the area of town and the economic and social class of the people in the bar and in that area of town.", "\n\nSimilarly, Damon and Affleck not only create repercussion from the hero's dialogue, they create the entire rest of the story from it. ", "Because he showed off his intellect and his loyalty to friends and his apparent peaceful way of dealing with adversity in this scene in front of Minnie Driver's character in the bar, Will brings her into his life and she has the most profound effect of anyone in the script with the possible exception of Robin Williams' psychiatrist character. ", "Will, in fact, ends up leaving his entire life behind to be with this woman in front of which he just showed off with this dialogue.", "\n\nSo you want brilliant dialogue? ", "Make it the only dialogue your character can possibly say given who he or she is, where he or she is, and to whom he or she is saying it. ", "Then make sure you have all your ducks in a row - every event leading up to the dialogue should be believable and every event after the dialogue should be at least partly a result of that dialogue. ", "Finally, make us care about the character so that we've got a vested interest in what he or she is saying, and in the results of what he or she says.", "\n\nDo these things and you will find people responding to your dialogue more deeply and excitedly than they ever have. ", "One or two of them might even say that it's brilliant.", "\n\nAbout Rob Tobin\n\nRob Tobin has read over 5,000 scripts as a reader, development exec, and script doctor, and is the author of How to Write High Structure, High Concept Movies. ", "He can be reached at: [email protected].", "\n\nMovie Outline's intuitive design helps you build and navigate your story outline, script and notes step by step through an AV remote-style console. ", "You can highlight steps in different colors, merge multiple steps into a single step and easily rearrange your story narrative.", "\n\nIndex Cards For Steps & Scenes\n\nDrag & Drop Reorganization\n\nColor-Coded To Match Story Structure\n\nOrganizing your storyline is simple with Movie Outline's 'Drag & Drop' index cards which display your outline, script and notes for each step and scene. ", "The cards can be color-coded to match your current structure template and repositioned in your outline with your mouse.", "\n\nCreate Your Own Structure Templates\n\nExpand & Collapse Step Content\n\nReference 12 Hollywood Movies\n\nPowerView lets you easily customize your story structure into color-coded acts, sequences or chapters and includes sample templates like the \"3 Act Structure\" and the \"Hero's Journey\" which many Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. ", "You can also create your own templates.", "\n\nAnalyze Highs & Lows Of Your Story\n\nSet FeelFactor Levels For Each Step\n\nView 12 Hollywood Movie Graphs\n\nAnalyze your story pacing via a colored graph and compare it with breakdowns of popular movies in your reference library. ", "The graph displays \"FeelFactors\" which are story elements that evoke a response in your audience such as shock, mystery, tension and romance.", "\n\nCreate In-Depth Character Profiles\n\nBuild Character Arcs Step By Step\n\nTrack Characters & View Speech Count\n\nMovie Outline's Character Profile Wizard helps you create three-dimensional characters by answering a series of probing questions to build their personality. ", "You can also define relationships with other characters and develop individual story arcs scene by scene." ]
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[ "Libro bianco su una politica europea di comunicazione (discussione) \nPresidente\nL'ordine del giorno reca la discussione sulla relazione, presentata dall'onorevole Herrero-Tejedor a nome della commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione, sul Libro bianco su una politica europea di comunicazione.", "\nLuis Herrero-Tejedor \nrelatore. - (", "ES) Signor Presidente, quando il Commissario, signora Wallström, ha presentato al Parlamento europeo il Libro bianco su una politica di comunicazione europea e ho appreso che avrei avuto l'onore di essere il relatore incaricato della relazione su quel Libro bianco, un mio amico giornalista che lavora qui, al Parlamento europeo, mi ha detto che la cosa migliore che avrei potuto fare era pubblicare una relazione brevissima, di una sola frase, vale a dire \"Commissario Wallström, questo Libro bianco può essere usato solo come carta da pacchi perché, sebbene le sue intenzioni siano lodevoli, è assolutamente inutile”.", "\nIo gli ho risposto: \"Penso che tu sia un po' ingiusto. ", "Credo infatti che il Commissario Wallström si stia adoperando per creare una politica di informazione e comunicazione valida. ", "Inoltre, a rischio di essere tacciato di ingenuità, in più occasioni mi ha dimostrato che quello è il suo obiettivo. ", "Il problema è che attualmente non esistono le condizioni per poter articolare una siffatta strategia di informazione e comunicazione nell'Unione europea”.", "\nPerché? ", "Perché attualmente non esiste una base giuridica per strutturare tale politica e, dunque, per intraprendere azioni e controllarle adeguatamente.", "\nFacciamo pertanto un passo avanti - e questo è l'approccio che ho adottato nel preparare la presente relazione - cercando di cambiare la situazione in cui ci troviamo, in quanto, ogni volta che ci riuniamo per parlare della strategia di informazione e comunicazione, formuliamo tutta una serie di raccomandazioni generiche che non portano a nulla. ", "Proviamo a creare quello che ancora non abbiamo. ", "Definiamo quella base giuridica indispensabile per agire, in futuro, in maniera molto più efficace.", "\nApprofondendo tale aspetto, ho scoperto che esiste una sola formula per creare una base giuridica: l'applicazione dell'articolo 308 del Trattato.", "\nQuando mi sono state spiegate le circostanze in cui sarebbe possibile applicare detto articolo, ho avuto la tentazione di rispondere: \"E' impossibile, non riusciremo a farlo”. ", "Occorrono tre condizioni concomitanti che è molto difficile riunire. ", "Primo: la Commissione deve formulare la richiesta; secondo: occorre che il Parlamento sia d'accordo; terzo condizione più difficile, è necessario che il Consiglio dia la sua approvazione unanime.", "\nHo parlato con il Commissario Wallström e mi ha detto che la Commissione era d'accordo. ", "Ho consultato tutti i relatori ombra e mi hanno riferito che il Parlamento sarebbe potuto essere d'accordo. ", "In seno al gruppo interistituzionale, abbiamo avuto la possibilità di ascoltare il parere del ministro che in quella occasione rappresentava il Consiglio, il quale ci ha detto che non era in grado di garantire l'unanimità del Consiglio poiché era un impegno che non poteva assumersi, ma poteva perlomeno affermare di ritenere che tale unanimità fosse potenzialmente raggiungibile.", "\nOra coesistono dunque tutti gli elementi, ma è molto improbabile che tale situazione favorevole si riproponga in futuro. ", "In politica, la cosa più importante è saper sfruttare le condizioni createsi in un determinato momento.", "\nAttualmente abbiamo un'opportunità che probabilmente non si ripresenterà, un'opportunità straordinaria di migliorare le cose creando una base giuridica, che certo non rappresenta la panacea di tutti i mali, ma senza dubbio costituisce un passo avanti, e possiamo scegliere di accettarla o respingerla. ", "Io propongo di accettarla.", "\nOnorevole Christa Prets, la prego di aiutarmi perché so, avendo udito l'intervento dell'onorevole Corbett, che il suo partito voterà contro l'applicazione dell'articolo 308. ", "L'onorevole Corbett ritiene che vi sia un altro modo per ottenere tale base giuridica. ", "Per me non esiste e, se esiste, vi prego di indicarmelo. ", "Trattiamo. ", "Parliamone. ", "Non vi sono stati emendamenti da parte della commissione per gli affari costituzionali che ci abbiano offerto un'alternativa. ", "L'onorevole Gérard Onesta, relatore ombra di questa relazione, che ringrazio per aver parlato a nome del gruppo Verts/ALE, ha capito che al momento abbiamo questa opportunità e ha convenuto sulla necessità di coglierla.", "\nLei sa, onorevole Prets, che all'interno della commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione vi è stato solo un voto contrario alla presente relazione, che sollecita l'applicazione dell'articolo 308. ", "Cerchiamo di sfruttare la situazione. ", "Non si tratta di una questione ideologica. ", "Ho elogiato il Commissario Wallström, che non è del mio partito, perché credo che stia facendo la cosa giusta.", "\nRingrazio inoltre l'onorevole Bono per il suo ruolo di relatore ombra del gruppo PSE in seno alla commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione. ", "So che mi aiuterebbe se potesse, ma so anche che la disciplina di gruppo talvolta impone criteri non necessariamente corretti.", "\nVi prego di riflettere prima del voto affinché la presente relazione sia adottata. ", "Vi esorto a farlo dal profondo del cuore perché non si tratta di una questione ideologica. ", "Si tratta invece di una questione politica, di una questione di opportunità che è necessario cogliere adesso, altrimenti in futuro sarà estremamente difficile.", "\nQuesto è il modo migliore di strutturare la politica che auspichiamo. ", "Diversamente, onorevoli membri della commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione oggi presenti in quest'Aula, ci riuniremo ogni anno e ascolteremo un elenco di buone intenzioni che, oltre a rappresentare un notevole dispendio di denaro, comunicheremo al Commissario all'ultimo momento, senza alcuna possibilità di controllo. ", "Non sapremo esattamente come viene speso il denaro o a cosa può servire. ", "Non faremo altro che girare in tondo.", "\nOnorevole Bono, onorevole Prets, onorevole Badia i Cutchet, voi che siete i membri della commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione presenti in Parlamento, abbiamo discusso la relazione e l'abbiamo approvata in commissione con un solo voto contrario. ", "L'emendamento dell'onorevole Corbett non ha avuto buon esito in seno alla commissione per gli affari costituzionali. ", "Non ci è stata presentata alcuna alternativa.", "\nCogliamo l'opportunità politica che ci viene offerta. ", "Vi esorto a farlo dal più profondo del cuore.", "\nMargot Wallström\nSignor Presidente, vorrei esordire ringraziando il relatore, onorevole Herrero-Tejedor, per l'eccellente lavoro svolto, il tono positivo della presente relazione e il sostegno da essa offerto alle idee della Commissione. ", "Devo dire, tuttavia, che spero che il suo amico sia un giornalista migliore di quanto sia esperto delle Istituzioni dell'Unione europea.", "\nQuando la Commissione ha adottato il Libro bianco in febbraio, ha affermato che era sua intenzione aprire un nuovo capitolo per quanto concerne la comunicazione tra l'Unione europea e i suoi cittadini. ", "Così come l'abbiamo formulata, la nuova politica di comunicazione dovrebbe evolvere dal monologo al dialogo. ", "Dovrebbe dare all'Unione europea una maggiore capacità di ascolto. ", "Dovrebbe passare da una comunicazione incentrata sulle Istituzioni ad un approccio incentrato sui cittadini basato sul diritto fondamentale dei popoli all'informazione e all'ascolto. ", "Dovrebbe passare da una comunicazione basata su Bruxelles a un approccio decentrato, da uno strumento accessorio a una vera e propria politica europea, al pari delle altre politiche comunitarie. ", "In altre parole, dovrebbe diventare una politica a tutti gli effetti.", "\nTali premesse mi conducono direttamente alla questione della base giuridica per la politica di comunicazione che, ne convengo, in questo caso è un problema con aspetti molto difficili e controversi da affrontare. ", "La base giuridica è un mezzo per dare legittimità a ciò che facciamo, per creare impegno, e dovrebbe enunciare i principi in base ai quali abbiamo lavorato sul tema della comunicazione.", "\nLa Commissione ha proposto una carta dei cittadini, un codice di condotta come noi l'abbiamo chiamato, che gli attori istituzionali, compresi gli Stati membri, potrebbero sottoscrivere su base volontaria.", "\nLa relazione suggerisce un approccio leggermente diverso invitando la Commissione a lavorare su un progetto di accordo interistituzionale ed esortandola a sondare la possibilità di intraprendere un vero e proprio programma comunitario per l'informazione e la comunicazione sull'Europa a norma dell'articolo 308 del Trattato CE.", "\nLa Commissione è disposta, come voi raccomandate, a esplorare tutte le possibilità per individuare una base solida per un'azione comune, da una carta dei cittadini ad una base giuridica formale, e sono più che lieta di abbracciare le idee formulate perché, lo ribadisco, il nostro intento è dare legittimità a ciò che facciamo.", "\nMi compiaccio nel vedere che la vostra relazione riconosce l'importanza dell'educazione civica e del coinvolgimento dei cittadini nel processo decisionale. ", "Essa esorta la Commissione a garantire la consultazione del pubblico in una fase precoce della definizione di una politica, e questa posizione è anche condivisa da gran parte della società civile. ", "Sicuramente intraprenderemo azioni in proposito.", "\nSiamo più che consapevoli del ruolo cruciale svolto dai mezzi di comunicazione - stampa, televisione, radio e Internet - nella democrazia contemporanea. ", "Noi tutti sappiamo che gran parte delle lacune a livello di comunicazione dipende dal fatto che gli affari europei sono trattati alquanto marginalmente e spesso in maniera impropria dai mezzi di informazione.", "\nAl riguardo vorrei essere chiara, perché avete chiesto alla Commissione di definire con la massima precisione quale ruolo vorrebbe assegnare ai mezzi di comunicazione. ", "Il problema, tuttavia, non può essere affrontato da tale angolazione. ", "L'unico ruolo che i mezzi di comunicazione possono svolgere è quello che la nostra tradizione democratica ha affidato loro, ossia informare i cittadini in maniera indipendente, pluralistica e critica sui temi europei, come avviene per le questioni interne. ", "Il problema è come creare le condizioni affinché ciò avvenga, e questo sarà il tema di una conferenza delle parti interessate che si terrà a Helsinki in dicembre, quale seguito dato al Libro bianco.", "\nUn altro tema centrale del Libro bianco è la comprensione dell'opinione pubblica. ", "Le nostre società stanno vivendo cambiamenti senza precedenti per la maggiore mobilità interna, la migrazione e la globalizzazione. ", "L'opinione pubblica è diventata sempre più complessa da definire e da comprendere. ", "Negli ultimi 30 anni, l'Eurobarometro è stato uno strumento molto utile per misurare l'opinione pubblica, le sue percezioni e i suoi orientamenti. ", "Riteniamo, tuttavia, che si possa fare molto di più e, in tal senso, prendo atto delle vostre esitazioni in riferimento alla nostra proposta di un osservatorio dell'opinione pubblica europea, ma possiamo adottare un approccio più pragmatico o graduale alla questione. ", "Per esempio, l'idea di istituire reti di esperti per scambiare buone prassi e sfruttare sinergie ha raccolto un consenso notevole durante la consultazione pubblica.", "\nNon mi soffermerò sui tanti altri aspetti giustamente da voi affrontati nella vostra relazione molto completa come, per esempio, il ruolo degli Stati membri, l'importanza del livello regionale e locale, il coinvolgimento dei parlamenti nazionali o le responsabilità dei partiti politici, aspetti che sono tutti, ovviamente, fondamentali. ", "In linea di principio, concordiamo su tali temi, e sono lieta che l'ambito del mio mandato mi consenta di elaborare proposte concrete per contribuire alla realizzazione di queste aspirazioni comuni.", "\nLa vostra relazione costituisce una pietra miliare nel processo che abbiamo avviato con il Libro bianco. ", "Essa contiene un forte incoraggiamento a procedere sulla base di una collaborazione ancora più stretta tra le nostre due Istituzioni. ", "La Commissione produrrà la propria relazione definitiva sul Libro bianco la prossima primavera, una relazione che delineerà una serie di proposte concrete e alla quale seguiranno piani di azione operativi. ", "Il cammino che ci attende è ancora lungo e tutt'altro che privo di ostacoli, ma confido nel fatto che, con il vostro appoggio, riusciremo ad operare un reale cambiamento nel modo in cui l'Europa comunica con i suoi cittadini permettendo loro di esprimere concretamente la propria voce e ascoltandoli. ", "Una politica di comunicazione dell'Unione europea può essere uno strumento per rafforzare la democrazia e attendo con ansia le prossime discussioni al riguardo.", "\nMichael Cashman \nSignor Presidente, non senza complimentarmi con il relatore, nel minuto a mia disposizione vorrei concentrarmi direttamente su ciò che dovremmo fare, ossia analizzare il modo in cui comunichiamo con i nostri cittadini, e ciò significa che dobbiamo essere assolutamente chiari sul linguaggio da utilizzare, un linguaggio che deve essere diretto, semplice, chiaro e preciso. ", "E' inutile parlare di strumenti e barometri. ", "Non desteremmo alcun interesse. ", "Dobbiamo invece mettere passione in ciò che facciamo e nel modo in cui lo facciamo.", "\nIl nostro Parlamento è incontestabilmente l'Istituzione europea più riuscita. ", "Eppure siamo criticati e raramente ci difendiamo. ", "Abbiamo 25 Stati membri con culture e convinzioni politiche diverse che operano insieme per il bene comune di 450 milioni di cittadini. ", "Un risultato più che brillante! ", "Ma vendiamo e promuoviamo ciò che facciamo in maniera efficace? ", "La risposta è no. ", "Facciamo in modo che i parlamenti nazionali si impegnino nel loro ruolo di scrutinio? ", "Ancora una volta, no. ", "Semplicemente subiamo le critiche senza reagire in alcun modo.", "\nConcludendo, approfitterei ancora di quattro secondi per sollecitare la Commissione a procedere con la sua proposta di revisione del regolamento (CE) n. 1049/2001. ", "Non è un tema contenuto nella relazione, ma rientra nel suo programma di lavoro. ", "Possiamo essere ritenuti efficaci e affidabili soltanto se i cittadini comprendono ciò che facciamo per loro.", "\nGérard Onesta \nrelatore per parere della commissione per gli affari costituzionali. - (", "FR) Signor Presidente, la commissione per gli affari costituzionali ha chiaramente espresso il proprio consenso per una politica di comunicazione corretta e accoglie favorevolmente l'operato del Commissario Wallström. ", "D'altronde, è più che giunto il momento di disporre di una siffatta politica se crediamo agli Eurobarometri che dimostrano il profondo scarto tra le nostre Istituzioni e le aspettative dei cittadini. ", "La commissione per gli affari costituzionali, inoltre, si rallegra per il fatto che la Commissione ipotizza una comunicazione bilaterale, il che rappresenta un elemento di indubbia novità: le Istituzioni parlano ai cittadini e i cittadini possono rivolgersi alle Istituzioni.", "\nIl problema è che, dopo aver sancito questo eccellente principio sin dalle prime righe del Libro bianco, si ricercano un po' a tentoni gli strumenti per garantire concretamente tale possibilità di espressione ai cittadini. ", "Questa è la pecca, signora Commissario, della vostra proposta. ", "Forse potreste trarre utile ispirazione dai suggerimenti del Parlamento, soprattutto quelli relativi alla creazione di un forum aperto dei cittadini, organo di concertazione che inizierà a essere testato nel 2007.", "\nIn linea di principio, la nostra commissione non è contraria ad un nuovo strumento interistituzionale, che si tratti di una carta o di un codice, ma chiede che le garanzie e gli obblighi che ciò implica siano attentamente studiati, rammentando peraltro che la Carta dei diritti fondamentali già definisce diritti in materia di informazione e che occorre in ogni caso rispettare le prerogative del nostro Parlamento, specialmente il suo potere di rivolgersi liberamente ai cittadini.", "\nOccorre inoltre tener conto del ritmo molto particolare del dibattito a livello europeo, completamente svincolato dalle agende nazionali. ", "In proposito, ricordiamo la nostra volontà di tenere un dibattito annuale sul tema in plenaria, qui, al Parlamento. ", "Quanto alle nuove tecnologie, siamo d'accordo sul loro utilizzo, a patto tuttavia che non si crei una frattura digitale tra i cittadini che avranno accesso a queste nuove tecnologie e quelli che non vi avranno accesso. ", "Riteniamo peraltro che sarebbe meglio gerarchizzare i nostri partenariati tra società civili, partiti politici europei e giornalisti, nel pieno rispetto, ovviamente, dell'indipendenza di questi ultimi. ", "Osiamo persino formulare una proposta iconoclasta: lo sviluppo di un'amministrazione europea di prossimità affinché Bruxelles si avvicini ai cittadini.", "\nCiò che nella mia relazione non figura è la questione della base giuridica. ", "La commissione per gli affari costituzionali non ha infatti voluto pronunciarsi sull'articolo 308. ", "Con una votazione molto misurata non ha voluto fare espressamente riferimento a tale articolo, ma con una votazione dai margini altrettanti stretti, e ringrazio l'onorevole Andrew Duff, non ha scartato formalmente il ricorso a questo stesso articolo 308. ", "A buon intenditor... La discussione sulla base giuridica resta dunque assolutamente aperta, anche se personalmente e a livello tattico, mi schiero senza riserve per quanto propone il vostro relatore Luis Herrero-Tejedor, con il quale colgo l'occasione per complimentarmi per l'apertura e la giovialità, oltre che per il suo lavoro costruttivo.", "\nDoris Pack\nSignor Presidente, signora Commissario, mi compiaccio realmente per il fatto che la discussione sulla politica dell'informazione si tenga subito dopo quella sul Mediatore europeo poiché spesso, questa mattina, il Mediatore è stato citato in riferimento alle sue relazioni con il pubblico. ", "Trovo problematico, e lo abbiamo riscontrato anche in commissione, che la Commissione, per quanto concerne le sue relazioni con il pubblico, spesso sia in ritardo rispetto a quanto il Mediatore desidera effettivamente ottenere.", "\nLe risposte della Commissione alle tante richieste formulatele dal pubblico o da quanti realizzano progetti nell'Unione europea sono sovente scortesi, se non addirittura arroganti, e questo è semplicemente inaccettabile. ", "Sono proprio i cittadini interessati, che rispondono a domande per la presentazione di proposte, a essere spesso oggetto di tale trattamento scostante, per cui perdono interesse per qualsiasi forma di ulteriore collaborazione con progetti europei.", "\nCosa ne sarà dunque dei cittadini che già in partenza hanno altri interessi e non sono coinvolti? ", "Non è certo quello il modo giusto per trasmettere il nostro messaggio ai cittadini e devo dire che, se stiamo ricercando un loro maggiore coinvolgimento, la nuova strategia di comunicazione della Commissione non conseguirà tale obiettivo. ", "Abbiamo bisogno che i cittadini restino dove sono ed è lì che dobbiamo comunicare con loro; non possiamo farlo da Bruxelles. ", "La signora Commissario ha buone intenzioni, vuole veramente comunicare, ma il problema è che il pubblico non ha alcun interesse per quanto la signora Commissario propone alla sua attenzione, poiché ritiene che la Commissione sia già comunque tutta a favore ed in essa non ha alcuna fiducia. ", "Ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno, pertanto, sono cittadini eletti sul loro territorio, abbiamo bisogno dei membri di questo Parlamento, del Bundestag tedesco, dei parlamenti regionali, con i quali parlare delle questioni che rivestono interesse per l'Europa, sebbene questo non ovvi al grande problema che essi si reputano i responsabili. ", "Nella comunicazione dobbiamo cercare di avvicinarci maggiormente al pubblico potenziando i punti di informazione nelle città e creandone altri, perché sono proprio questi punti di informazione nei municipi che trasmettono il messaggio ai cittadini. ", "Infine, ovviamente, dobbiamo avvalerci dei programmi già istituiti dall'Unione europea nel campo dell'istruzione. ", "Programmi educativi come COMENIUS, ERASMUS e LEONARDO rappresentano la migliore strategia di comunicazione, per cui utilizziamoli e poi troveremo i cittadini di cui abbiamo bisogno per far progredire il progetto europeo.", "\nGuy Bono\na nome del gruppo PSE. - (", "FR) Signor Presidente, in veste di relatore per i socialisti in merito al progetto di relazione relativo al Libro bianco sulla politica di comunicazione europea, vorrei in primo luogo complimentarmi, come ha fatto poc'anzi l'onorevole Onesta, per il fatto che, finalmente, la comunicazione è concepita come un processo bilaterale tra Istituzioni e cittadini, e non più come una semplice operazione di marketing. ", "Nondimeno resta molta strada da percorrere prima di creare una comunicazione europea che consenta di porre le questioni europee al centro dello spazio pubblico a livello nazionale.", "\nL'ho detto in commissione e lo ribadisco in questa sede: mi dispiace che il Libro bianco continui a sopravvalutare le nuove tecnologie e a sottovalutare le televisioni nazionali. ", "Sappiamo che i canali generalisti nazionali restano, e lo dimostrano le ricerche dell'Eurobarometro, la fonte di informazione privilegiata dai cittadini dell'Unione ed è opportuno, mi pare, agire a tale livello.", "\nInoltre, il Libro bianco stranamente tace sui mezzi finanziari. ", "Orbene, noi tutti sappiamo che la democrazia e, dunque, la comunicazione hanno un costo. ", "Fintantoché il bilancio pluriennale dell'Unione sarà inferiore al bilancio di un'agenzia pubblicitaria europea, si potranno di fatto attuare ben poche cose. ", "Vorrei ovviamente complimentarmi con il relatore, onorevole Herrero, e dirgli che, per quanto riguarda la questione dell'articolo 308, la discussione non è chiusa. ", "La mia collega, onorevole Christa Prets, tornerà più tardi sull'argomento.", "\nSignora Commissario, purtroppo la Commissione parla di politica della comunicazione ogniqualvolta l'Europa è in crisi! ", "La Commissione sente il bisogno di comunicare soltanto quando le cose vanno male. ", "Il problema per la Commissione è il contenuto stesso della sua comunicazione. ", "I cittadini identificano la Commissione con un organo ultraliberale che non si preoccupa affatto di tutelare i cittadini europei dai venti impetuosi della globalizzazione.", "\nAi cittadini e alla democrazia dobbiamo offrire una spiegazione migliore di ciò che accade a Bruxelles. ", "La maggior parte dei cittadini europei non ha coscienza delle realizzazioni divenute possibili grazie alle politiche e ai finanziamenti dell'Unione europea. ", "Inoltre, i cittadini troppo spesso ignorano che tutto ciò che viene deciso a Bruxelles emerge dalla volontà degli Stati membri. ", "Se si sono liberalizzati elettricità, gas, trasporto ferroviario, trasporto stradale e, ora, il servizio postale è perché l'hanno voluto gli Stati membri! ", "Senza questa volontà degli Stati membri, tutto questo non sarebbe accaduto.", "\nIn conclusione, ritengo che non abbiamo tanto bisogno di un codice di condotta delle Istituzioni europee in materia di comunicazione con i cittadini quanto di un codice di condotta per la Commissione affinché attui una politica più vicina alle preoccupazioni dei nostri concittadini. ", "Infine, è un codice di condotta tout court che va sottoposto agli Stati membri affinché si assumano le proprie responsabilità e, una volta per tutte, smettano di \"nazionalizzare” i successi europei e \"comunitarizzare” gli insuccessi nazionali. ", "Solo così l'Europa crescerà.", "\nKarin Resetarits\nSignor Presidente, signora Commissario, il Libro bianco sulla comunicazione in merito al quale oggi votiamo è un esempio di come si possa trasformare qualsiasi cosa in scienza e imparare una serie di cose veramente interessanti. ", "Se la casa è in fiamme, però, ciò che occorre concretamente fare per evitare che tutto sia distrutto è, anziché filosofeggiare sul fuoco, individuare la fonte dell'incendio, isolarla e afferrare un estintore.", "\nL'Unione europea ha un grave problema di comunicazione e una pessima immagine. ", "La cosa peggiore della quale i cittadini ci accusano è la nostra eccessiva burocratizzazione con leggi troppo avulse dalla realtà che non procurano loro alcun beneficio. ", "Questo ovviamente non è vero, ma è proprio in tale ambito che dobbiamo trasmettere il messaggio, e spesso non lo facciamo.", "\nIn proposito, l'esempio più recente è quello dei regolamenti di sicurezza dell'Unione europea riguardanti il bagaglio a mano sugli aeromobili. ", "Ascoltando gli utenti che ne parlano negli aeroporti, si può avere facilmente un'idea di quanto siano irritati dalla situazione, ma si comprende anche che ne attribuiscono tutte le colpe a Bruxelles e non a Osama bin Laden o altri terroristi. ", "Siamo noi ad essere sul banco di accusa perché non è più possibile portare neanche una bottiglia di acqua a bordo, noi ad essere derisi quando insistiamo sui contenitori da 100 ml, anche se tali contenitori sono irreperibili in tutto il mercato unico dell'Unione europea.", "\nDetto ciò, visto che questa controversa normativa è stata elaborata dalla Commissione, ad essa chiederei cosa ha fatto per migliorare il modo in cui è stata comunicata. ", "Ha forse distribuito opuscoli ai passeggeri pregandoli di portare pazienza? ", "Se lo ha fatto, io non ne ho sentito parlare. ", "Ha riposto tutta la sua fiducia nelle notizie dei mezzi di comunicazione? ", "Non basta. ", "Ciò che occorre fare è rivolgersi direttamente al pubblico perché si sta interferendo direttamente con la sua vita e, considerato che sono le sue libertà ad essere limitate da queste norme di sicurezza, è necessario fornire ottime argomentazioni a loro favore. ", "Questa è comunicazione.", "\nAllo stato attuale, abbiamo dedicato due anni e mezzo al miglioramento della comunicazione, ma ne sono emersi solo concetti intellettuali, antitesi per eccellenza di una comunicazione efficiente. ", "Vi esorto dunque ad essere più pratici, più concreti e, anziché trasformare la comunicazione in una scienza astratta, a vederla semplicemente per quello che è, ossia uno strumento e non un estintore quando qualcosa è in fiamme.", "\nDiamanto Manolakou\na nome del gruppo GUE/NGL. - (", "EL) Signor Presidente, ad oggi gli opuscoli informativi e i mezzi di comunicazione elettronici dell'Unione europea hanno formulato le sue politiche sfavorevoli alla base nei termini più allettanti nel senso che, anche se vanno a vantaggio del capitale, si presentano come se fossero a vantaggio dei lavoratori eliminando in tal modo qualsiasi opinione contraria; eppure i risultati sono stati nulli.", "\nI lavoratori, giudicando sulla base della loro esperienza di vita, iniziano a mettere in discussione la visione dell'Unione europea, come ha dimostrato il notevole astensionismo alle ultime elezioni europee, con i referendum e i voti contrari sulla Costituzione europea in Francia e nei Paesi Bassi, con le reazioni all'euro e all'inflazione e con i grandi movimenti contro la privatizzazione (nell'istruzione, nella sanità e nel welfare) e i rapporti di lavoro (per quanto concerne l'assicurazione e altri aspetti), fatti che dimostrano come la credibilità dell'Unione europea stia vacillando agli occhi della gente. ", "Pertanto, lentamente ma inesorabilmente, sta emergendo una tendenza verso scontri sociali e politici sempre più acuti.", "\nParrebbe che l'insoddisfazione della base si stia trasformando in una lotta alla politica inumana della povertà, dell'ingiustizia e della guerra. ", "Così, la Commissione, nel suo Libro bianco su una politica europea della comunicazione, elenca tutti i mezzi, iniziando dalle sue Istituzioni, passando per gli Stati membri, i parlamenti nazionali, le autorità locali e i mezzi di comunicazione, spingendosi fino all'uso della formazione nel campo delle nuove tecnologie e di Internet, per individuare le preoccupazioni e l'insoddisfazione dell'opinione pubblica e della base e utilizzare le informazioni così ottenute per la sua propaganda.", "\nIl suo obiettivo, sfruttando il denaro dei contribuenti, come nel caso del programma PRINCE, attraverso presunte azioni di informazione, è migliorare la sua propaganda ed esercitare pressione per l'adozione della Costituzione europea che militarizza l'Europa e condanna i suoi cittadini a meno diritti, ad un'austerità permanente, nonché alla tolleranza e all'accettazione della sua politica generale.", "\nEssa concentra i propri sforzi sul controllo del modo in cui l'informazione è trasmessa dalle emittenti nazionali, dai giornali nazionali e regionali, dai canali privati, la stragrande maggioranza dei quali sono nelle mani del capitale, da Internet e così via, in maniera da formularne l'esatto contenuto atto a dissimulare la politica imperialista europea rendendola allettante e persuasiva agli occhi dei cittadini.", "\nIl Libro bianco essenzialmente sviluppa una politica di comunicazione dinamica e attiva adducendo falsamente a pretesto la libertà di espressione e la comprensione delle sue politiche applicate. ", "In tal modo, essa intende nascondere le sue scelte politiche unilaterali attraverso un dialogo sociale rafforzato che salvaguardi l'indispensabile regolare funzionamento dell'Unione europea quale meccanismo di consenso sociale e del capitale alle sue scelte politiche e/o di complicità con esse.", "\nZdzisław Zbigniew Podkański\na nome del gruppo UEN. - (", "PL) Signor Presidente, abbiamo una buona ragione per tenere oggi una discussione sulla politica europea della comunicazione in quanto si tratta di una politica inesistente. ", "Ciò che attualmente definiamo comunicazione è, di fatto, nulla più di una comune propaganda. ", "Parole e argomentazioni formulate non hanno fatto vibrare le corde dei nostri concittadini, né lo faranno, perché ciò che essi vogliono è dialogo e non propaganda unilaterale. ", "Finché verranno proposte loro soluzioni dogmatiche preconfezionate, non si sentiranno coinvolti nella discussione, si rinchiuderanno in loro stessi e si trincereranno dietro le loro convinzioni. ", "Se realmente vogliamo una comunicazione moderna o, ancor meglio, un dialogo sociale, dobbiamo prima chiederci se siamo pronti a parlare con la gente e, in caso di risposta affermativa, dobbiamo avviare un dibattito su ciò che dovrebbe essere l'Unione europea. ", "Dovrebbe essere uno Stato federale o un'Europa di paesi e nazioni che operano in stretta collaborazione? ", "Se vogliamo un dialogo, dobbiamo riconoscere i risultati dei referendum costituzionali in Francia e nei Paesi Bassi e non ritornare ostinatamente sul progetto di Costituzione ormai morto.", "\nSmettiamola di discutere se si debba parlare di Europa per i cittadini o di cittadini per l'Europa. ", "Cerchiamo invece di tenere un grande dibattito europeo sulla direzione che l'Europa sta prendendo e avviciniamo l'Europa ai cittadini, non con la propaganda, ma attraverso soluzioni valide, normative chiare, procedure semplificate, meno burocrazia, Istituzioni rispettose dei cittadini e opportunità di discussione tra partner alla pari.", "\nThomas Wise\nSignor Presidente, la politica di comunicazione dell'Unione europea che la presente relazione valuta è stata elaborata nel tentativo di arrestare la crescita dell'euroscetticismo. ", "E' dunque un'ennesima reazione al rifiuto inequivocabile da parte dei cittadini di Francia e Paesi Bassi sia del progetto di Trattato costituzionale sia di un'ulteriore integrazione.", "\nAnziché accettare il fatto che \"no” vuol dire \"no”, l'élite politica si illude che francesi e olandesi non abbiano basato il proprio \"no” su motivazioni sensate frutto di un'adeguata informazione. ", "Un funzionario della Commissione è stato infatti recentemente citato per aver detto: \"Vista la recente esperienza in Francia e nei Paesi Bassi in merito ai referendum, non consiglieremmo a nessuno di organizzarne uno”. ", "Dunque, chiedere alla popolazione di esprimere la sua volontà è diventato un tabù.", "\nPosso darvi un consiglio? ", "Siete sprofondati in una fossa che vi siete scavati voi stessi. ", "Vi suggerisco di smettere di scavare e di buttare via la pala. ", "Perché? ", "Molto semplice: perché non avete capito la cosa fondamentale. ", "Poco importa con quanto stile e con quanta vernice si ricopra un progetto perché, se la sostanza è marcia, il progetto fallirà. ", "Affinché la comunicazione abbia successo, è necessario ascoltare. ", "Gridare più forte è assolutamente inutile!", "\nLe Istituzioni non sono sincere nei confronti dei cittadini che affermano di rappresentare. ", "Francesi e olandesi hanno affondato il progetto, eppure andate avanti come se nulla fosse mai accaduto. ", "Vi assicuro che se e quando i britannici avranno la stessa opportunità, i risultati saranno ancor più decisivi, e nessuna politica di comunicazione potrà mutare questa crescente presa di coscienza del fatto che, proprio negli Stati membri, il progetto dell'Unione europea è un costoso fallimento.", "\nPhilip Claeys\n(NL) Signor Presidente, sebbene la relazione giustamente sottolinei che i cittadini vanno ascoltati, risulta deprecabilmente lacunosa laddove si tratta di proporre soluzioni specifiche. ", "Apparentemente si ipotizza che una politica di comunicazione migliore sia possibile soltanto se vi è più Europa, da cui l'arringa a favore della Costituzione europea e di partiti politici paneuropei. ", "Sembra che non si sia appreso molto dai referendum in Francia e Paesi Bassi.", "\nCerto, devo ammettere che è difficile entusiasmare i cittadini con una politica di comunicazione se le altre politiche si scontrano con l'opinione pubblica. ", "Penso, per esempio, alla politica di allargamento. ", "Sebbene Commissione e Consiglio sappiano fin troppo bene che la grande maggioranza degli europei è contraria all'adesione di un paese non europeo come la Turchia, non se ne preoccupano minimamente. ", "Possiamo comunicare fino all'esaurimento delle forze, ma nulla colmerà il divario abissale tra l'opinione pubblica da un lato e le Istituzioni europee dall'altro.", "\nLa relazione lascia intendere che gli uffici di informazione della Commissione non sono in grado di suscitare l'interesse pubblico, concetto espresso, direi, in termini assai blandi. ", "Nelle Fiandre, per esempio, il partito più grande del paese, il Vlaams Belang, non ha ricevuto neanche un invito ai dibattiti sui temi europei organizzati nelle province, dibattiti dunque riservati a coloro che la pensano nella stessa maniera, perché l'unico partito critico nei confronti della politica di allargamento e della Costituzione ne è stato escluso. ", "Ma c'è di più. ", "Il Commissario Wallström ha ammesso apertamente dinanzi al parlamento federale belga che tale discriminazione prosegue. ", "Di conseguenza, nel mio paese, la cosiddetta comunicazione europea non è altro che propaganda, una propaganda che nessuno prende sul serio e che non alimenta alcuna credibilità. ", "E', in altre parole, uno sperpero di denaro.", "\nMaria da Assunção Esteves\n(PT) Signor Presidente, signora Commissario, il problema della comunicazione tra l'Europa delle Istituzioni e l'Europa dei cittadini è stato ignorato troppo a lungo.", "\nL'Europa non ha ancora formato un centro politico in grado di coinvolgere e mobilitare i cittadini e conquistarsene il sostegno in un'epoca assai mutevole. ", "Le ragioni che spiegano tale situazione sono semplici: l'assenza di una riforma strutturale adeguata, la prevalenza del potere della rappresentanza indiretta in Consiglio rispetto a quello della rappresentanza diretta in Parlamento, nonché la prevalenza della burocrazia e del lavoro svolto a porte chiuse sugli sforzi reali per pubblicizzare e informare.", "\nCome ci ricorda l'Eurobarometro, i cittadini vedono le Istituzioni europee come una libertà remota o persino estranea. ", "Non hanno neanche la più vaga idea di alcune di esse. ", "La distanza dai centri di potere è lunga e il sistema politico non risponde al contesto sociale. ", "La verità è che la cittadinanza europea, transnazionale, cosmopolita esiste soltanto quando è imposta per motivi politici, proprio perché le manca quel vigore spontaneo delle nostre cittadinanze nazionali. ", "Abbiamo dunque urgentemente bisogno di cogliere l'importanza strategica dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa generalisti, dobbiamo urgentemente inserire l'Europa come materia nei programmi di studio in scuole, università e centri di formazione, è necessario pubblicizzare urgentemente le nostre Istituzioni nei mezzi di comunicazione, abbiamo urgentemente bisogno di prendere sul serio il lavoro svolto dagli uffici di informazione di Commissione e Parlamento negli Stati membri ed è essenziale non accantonare il progetto costituzionale per rimodellare l'Europa: senza una riforma istituzionale seria e senza una politica di informazione efficace, l'Europa sarà un gigante con i piedi di argilla.", "\nChrista Prets\n(DE) Signor Presidente, signora Commissario, abbiamo appena sentito parlare dei referendum sul progetto di Costituzione europea nei Paesi Bassi e in Francia, ma vanno anche citati i motivi per i quali i cittadini si sono espressi in tal senso, poiché l'esito non è imputabile a manchevolezze dell'Unione europea e la maggior parte degli europei ha già votato a favore della Costituzione.", "\nOccorre tuttavia pensare a come comunicarlo, e sul tavolo è stata portata una serie di proposte pratiche in tal senso sotto forma di Libro bianco, e, se vogliamo colmare le lacune a livello di conoscenza, è anche necessario sviluppare e promuovere un lavoro di alta qualità sulle relazioni pubbliche ad ogni livello, il che significa, tra l'altro, un maggior numero di punti di informazione in grado di fornire risposte utili ad un pubblico che vaga a tentoni nelle città alla ricerca di un modo per stabilire un contatto. ", "Abbiamo infine bisogno di più mezzi di comunicazione a livello locale, regionale e nazionale, poiché spesso accade che le notizie diffuse dai mezzi di comunicazione assumano connotazioni negative.", "\nIl Consiglio, peraltro, sia esso a Bruxelles o a Strasburgo, parla una lingua diversa da quella abitualmente usata dai cittadini. ", "E' colpa dell'Unione europea se tale o tal'altra decisione è stata recepita nel modo sbagliato, per cui, anche in questo ambito, occorre agire ed è per questo, proprio come chiede la relazione, che è importante incoraggiare il dialogo tra Consiglio, Commissione, Parlamento e cittadini, perché, grazie ad esso, forse avremo un'opportunità.", "\nCondivido l'importanza dei programmi citati. ", "Programmi come LEONARDO ed ERASMUS, per esempio, fanno molto per promuovere la comunicazione. ", "Eppure stiamo riducendo gli stanziamenti a loro favore anziché incrementarli. ", "Iniziative quali la cittadinanza attiva e i gemellaggi tra città sono importanti, e ne abbiamo bisogno in quanto preferibili a innumerevoli opuscoli. ", "Eppure è proprio qui, dove non si dovrebbe, che stiamo operando tagli.", "\nQuanto all'articolo 308, esso indebolirebbe il Parlamento, visto che non lo cita in alcun modo. ", "Ci escluderebbe da qualsiasi consultazione ed è un risvolto dal quale dobbiamo difenderci.", "\nFrédérique Ries\n(FR) Signor Presidente, un Libro bianco sulla politica di comunicazione europea, che buona idea! ", "E che buona idea aver aspettato tanto! ", "Questo è, come è stato già affermato, l'unico effetto positivo del rifiuto della Costituzione in Francia e nei Paesi Bassi che ha infine messo i dirigenti d'Europa di fronte alle loro enormi responsabilità in termini di comunicazione. ", "L'Europa non soffre di un deficit democratico - è un'accusa ingiusta - ma di un deficit di informazione, di spiegazione, di comunicazione adeguata, interattiva e comprensibile.", "\nSe mi rallegro per questo Libro bianco, mi rammarico per il fatto che si accontenta di questioni e di principi. ", "Non è più tempo di parlare di forum, consultazioni, inchieste, reti; non è più tempo di chiedersi quali misure vadano adottate: occorre adottarle.", "\nI tre punti essenziali del presente documento sono, a mio giudizio, i punti 23, 24 e 32. ", "Questa battaglia della cittadinanza europea si vince a scuola. ", "Lo sperimentiamo tutti i giorni nei nostri incontri con gli studenti. ", "E' nell'ambito dell'insegnamento superiore che si coltivano, grazie a ERASMUS, veri cittadini europei imbevuti delle nostre culture e delle nostre differenze; è con i mezzi di comunicazione tradizionali - io non credo ai mezzi di comunicazione alternativi - che dobbiamo lavorare per fare valere il quotidiano delle nostre attività e decodificare il valore aggiunto delle nostre normative.", "\nConcludo dicendo, signor Presidente, che questa sfida è immensa e che questo dibattito è essenziale perché la vera minaccia in Europa, oggi, non è lo scetticismo, bensì l'indifferenza. ", "Orbene, la nostra arma per combatterla è comunicare.", "\nAlessandro Battilocchio\nSignor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, parlo a nome del nuovo PSI. ", "Sono d'accordo con la Commissione nel sostenere l'importanza di avvicinare le istituzioni ai cittadini, anche grazie ad un'efficiente politica di comunicazione.", "\nCondivido, tuttavia, l'approccio del relatore, secondo cui definire una linea comune a tutte le istituzioni ridurrebbe lo spazio per la libertà di espressione e anche per adattare, come è necessario, la comunicazione ai diversi settori d'azione e al divenire della realtà sociale e tecnologica. ", "Un quadro giuridico in materia, infatti, non farebbe che appesantire inutilmente un settore che vive di creatività e spontaneità. ", "Ma non dimentichiamoci che la comunicazione è uno strumento non un fine ultimo: se vogliamo che i cittadini si riavvicinino alle istituzioni, occorre che queste facciano il possibile per avvicinarsi a loro ed ascoltino le istanze che arrivano dal territorio.", "\nOccorre quindi evitare legislazioni inutili; occuparsi di politiche ed azioni che concretamente abbiano un impatto positivo sulla crescita e lo sviluppo; rilanciare il progetto di Costituzione; aumentare l'efficienza, in primis, smettendola con questo assurdo e costosissimo trasloco mensile. ", "Se sapremo fare tutto questo e sapremo poi in grado di comunicarlo, saremo più vicini ai cittadini.", "\nPéter Olajos\n(HU) Signor Presidente, secondo una teoria diffusa, è stata la capacità di espressione, ossia di comunicazione, che ha innalzato gli esseri umani al di sopra del loro ambiente. ", "Non essendo un etologo, non sono in grado di dire se questo sia ciò che è realmente accaduto o se siano intervenuti anche altri fattori. ", "E' tuttavia un fatto certo che l'essere umano è l'essere più comunicativo sulla terra. ", "In altre parole, la comunicazione avanzata è una caratteristica naturale distintiva dell'umanità.", "\nIl problema è che non solo noi umani, ma anche istituzioni, organizzazioni e gruppi che creiamo vogliono comunicare, atto che non è intrinseco nella loro essenza o natura. ", "Un'analisi storica ci porta a concludere che, in passato, le istituzioni responsabili dell'organizzazione e della direzione delle nostre vite non hanno sempre ricercato una comunicazione di alta qualità, bensì di fatto l'hanno spesso espressamente rifuggita. ", "L'impegno per ottenere una comunicazione sempre migliore con la società è un tratto distintivo della democrazia ed è stata resa possibile dalla rivoluzione delle telecomunicazioni del XX secolo. ", "Senza radio, televisione e Internet non saremmo neanche stati in grado di affrontare oggi l'argomento.", "\nAlla luce di quanto precede, sostengo che l'Unione europea è una delle organizzazioni più aperte e comunicative che abbiamo mai avuto in Europa. ", "Non è ovviamente perfetta, al contrario, ma sinora è la migliore. ", "Certo potrebbe usare meno abbreviazioni o termini tecnici, i suoi concetti potrebbero essere più chiari e comprensibili, e così via.", "\nTutto ciò, però, sarebbe inutile se l'Unione europea, come comunicatrice, non godesse di credibilità. ", "Senza credibilità, anche un messaggio comprensibile non viene recepito e, al riguardo, va aggiunto anche che i più grandi distruttori della credibilità dell'Unione europea altro non sono che i politici e i governi dei suoi Stati membri, ossia coloro nelle cui dichiarazioni l'Unione europea viene presentata unicamente come causa di difficoltà, mentre i suoi risultati positivi sono sempre citati come traguardi raggiunti dal governo di turno. ", "Anche il Libro bianco avrà successo unicamente se gli Stati membri si impegneranno a sviluppare e sostenere una nuova politica di comunicazione comune europea.", "\nMaria Badia i Cutchet\n(ES) Signor Presidente, signora Commissario, onorevoli colleghi, nella discussione sulla presente relazione ancora una volta ci poniamo la questione del divario che separa le Istituzioni comunitarie dai cittadini analizzando i modi per ridurlo.", "\nSebbene io riconosca i grandi sforzi profusi dalla Commissione e da questo Parlamento per colmare lo scarto esistente, è assolutamente indispensabile coinvolgere i mezzi di comunicazione e i parlamenti nazionali.", "\nE' opinione diffusa tra i mezzi di comunicazione negli Stati membri che ciò che accade qui non faccia notizia o in generale non interessi i cittadini. ", "Pertanto, dovremmo in primo luogo coinvolgere più direttamente i mezzi di comunicazione, in maniera che ci possano aiutare a divulgare e ad avvicinare la dimensione comunitaria ai cittadini evitando il gergo tecnico, una collaborazione che probabilmente ci permetterebbe anche di comunicare le notizie di attualità dell'Unione europea nelle fasce orarie di programmazione che registrano i maggiori ascolti.", "\nDal canto nostro, dobbiamo facilitare il lavoro di tali professionisti ed è indispensabile semplificare le procedure e renderle più trasparenti. ", "Occorre creare forme di cooperazione e lavoro congiunto con i parlamenti nazionali, affinché questi possano informare i cittadini sulle questioni che li preoccupano a livello nazionale, regionale e locale, generando così, nell'ambito del loro normale lavoro, un riscontro sui vari temi, inclusi quelli inerenti la politica europea.", "\nRitengo inoltre che dovremmo continuare a guardare a Internet come a uno dei principali fornitori di informazione comunitaria, sebbene esso raggiunga solo una fetta di pubblico che già dimostra interesse per questo mezzo, mentre noi abbiamo anche un altro pubblico, che utilizza unicamente mezzi di comunicazione tradizionali - televisione e radio - attraverso emittenti e canali nazionali, regionali o locali.", "\nLe nuove tecnologie possono schiudere nuovi orizzonti in tale ambito integrando diversi servizi e prodotti che possono agevolare la trasmissione multimediale dell'informazione, aumentando in tal modo il numero di quanti la ricevono.", "\nMarian Harkin\n(EN) Signor Presidente, desidero congratularmi con il relatore.", "\nNello scarso tempo a mia disposizione vorrei ricordare la strategia che l'ex Presidente di questo Parlamento, onorevole Pat Cox, adoperava per comunicare l'Europa. ", "In un celebre discorso, egli iniziò a parlare dell'impatto dell'Unione a livello locale su una piccola comunità dell'Irlanda meridionale che si valeva della legislazione europea per conservare i propri servizi telefonici, per poi spostarsi a livello globale, europeo, citando valori e questioni comunitari come le spiagge contrassegnate dalla bandiera blu, la tessera sanitaria europea e altri vantaggi di cui godono i nostri cittadini. ", "Comunicare il valore aggiunto dell'Europa a livello locale, regionale, comunitario e mondiale è una strategia vincente.", "\nConsiderate la settimana in corso e i documenti legislativi che abbiamo approvato: abbiamo accolto un emendamento alla Convenzione di Aarhus, che già garantisce una partecipazione pubblica al processo decisionale e l'accesso alla giustizia in materia ambientale. ", "A questo abbiamo aggiunto gli OGM, un elemento che farà la differenza a livello locale, dove i cittadini possono ottenere un beneficio economico. ", "Abbiamo infine approvato la direttiva sui servizi, un ulteriore documento di impatto positivo sui nostri cittadini.", "\nLuca Romagnoli\nSignor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Libro bianco su una politica europea di comunicazione intendeva arrestare l'aumento dell'euroscetticismo, visti gli esiti dei referendum in Francia e Olanda. ", "Questo è il diabolico ritrovato per cercare di colmare la distanza tra l'Unione e i cittadini, invece che finirla di imporre astrattezze e vessazioni attraverso regolamenti e direttive.", "\nElaborare norme di condotta a cui tutte le Istituzioni europee dovrebbero attenersi - concordo pienamente con il relatore - riduce ulteriormente lo spazio per pareri indipendenti. ", "Questo vale tanto più per il Parlamento, ove i già ristrettissimi spazi di libertà - basti vedere ad esempio come viene eletto il Presidente o come per i non iscritti siano compressi i tempi di parola e conculcata la possibilità di incidere sul processo legislativo - sarebbero ulteriormente ridotti da un codice che ne definisca le modalità di comunicazione. ", "Basta buttare soldi in assurda propaganda!", "\nReinhard Rack\n(DE) Signor Presidente, dire che vendere l'Unione europea è difficile non è tanto un'affermazione relativa alla sua potenziale utilità, quanto una considerazione di ordine fattuale sul come informare le persone in materia. ", "Le problematiche che l'Europa deve affrontare sono altamente complesse: le nostre procedure sono prolisse e laboriose, una caratteristica che rende difficile ai nostri cittadini capirne l'utilità.", "\nLa colpa di tutto ciò, tuttavia, ricade almeno in parte su noi stessi, in quanto la Commissione è così presa dalla propria ricerca di obiettività che le riesce impossibile dire un sonoro sì alla Costituzione europea, e le autorità di questo nostro Parlamento fanno di tutto per relegare i visitatori di Bruxelles e Strasburgo nelle sale più remote o nei sotterranei.", "\nQuesta è la ragione per cui necessitiamo di un'informazione fresca e di migliore qualità, senza stare a discutere circa la sua base giuridica. ", "Quello di cui abbiamo bisogno sono servizi televisivi ben fatti e accuratamente confezionati che raccontino quello che l'Europa fa a vantaggio dei cittadini, mentre non ci servono affatto lussuosi dépliant che nessuno legge e che tutti buttano nel cestino.", "\nAndrew Duff\n(EN) Signor Presidente, a nostro avviso, perderci in aspetti legali in un settore sensibile come questo sarebbe un grosso errore, E' chiaro che una legge europea sui media sarebbe complessa, controversa e impopolare. ", "Per tale ragione il mio gruppo si oppone strenuamente al ricorso all'articolo 308, che non risulta necessario, né opportuno. ", "Preferiamo di gran lunga la pragmatica proposta originale della Commissione relativa alla stesura di un codice di condotta.", "\nAlejo Vidal-Quadras\n(ES) Signor Presidente, il 1° febbraio 2006 la Commissione ha presentato il Libro bianco su una politica europea di comunicazione; la relazione dell'onorevole Herrero, approvata a larga maggioranza dalla commissione per la cultura e l'istruzione, raccoglie i principali spunti della Commissione, introducendo tuttavia una novità essenziale, che ha dato origine a un serio e profondo dibattito sia in seno a questo Parlamento che a livello interistituzionale.", "\nAl punto 10 la relazione Herrero invita la Commissione a valutare la possibilità di avviare un programma comunitario per l'informazione e la comunicazione, ai sensi dell'articolo 308 del Trattato.", "\nNella mia veste di Vicepresidente responsabile per l'informazione di questo Parlamento, ho seguito con particolare attenzione la discussione e devo segnalare che il gruppo interistituzionale si è espresso a favore della creazione di una base giuridica e che, come ha detto l'onorevole Herrero, altrettanto hanno fatto tutte le Istituzioni. ", "A mio avviso vale la pena di tentare.", "\nSono cosciente delle riserve che tale proposta ha suscitato circa una possibile perdita di controllo da parte del Parlamento, ma trovo che questo sia strano, onorevoli colleghi, perché è difficile perdere qualcosa che non si possiede.", "\nNondimeno, è necessario tener presente tre cose. ", "Anzitutto la relazione stabilisce chiaramente che, se la Commissione presenterà una proposta, il Parlamento dovrà partecipare appieno all'elaborazione del suo contenuto. ", "Secondariamente, il Parlamento detiene un potente strumento, ossia il controllo di bilancio, ed infine esiste il gruppo interistituzionale sull'informazione, che ha il mandato di fissare le linee guida della politica di comunicazione.", "\nDobbiamo avere il coraggio di creare una strategia di comunicazione capace di presentare, spiegare e difendere l'Europa non solo con la ragione, ma anche con l'entusiasmo, la passione e l'emozione.", "\nPer tale ragione desidero esprimere il mio pieno sostegno all'onorevole Herrero e alla sua relazione, per la creazione di un programma ai sensi dell'articolo 308 del Trattato.", "\nMargot Wallström\nVicepresidente della Commissione. - (", "EN) Signor Presidente, devo ammettere che questa discussione mi ha lasciato un po' perplessa. ", "Nel Libro bianco su una nuova politica europea di comunicazione abbiamo cercato anzitutto di analizzare che cosa non andava nelle precedenti politiche in materia e di individuare cosa dovevamo fare per tutelare in modo democratico il diritto all'informazione dei cittadini e permettere loro di intervenire nei processi decisionali dell'Europa.", "\nAbbiamo definito cinque aree di azione. ", "Ora dobbiamo definire principi comuni, come la libertà di espressione, la diversità, l'inclusione e la partecipazione. ", "Dobbiamo dare ai cittadini maggiore potere, dobbiamo coinvolgerli in vari modi, dall'educazione civica, fornendo loro una conoscenza di base su quanto succede, all'impegno attivo nella società civile. ", "Non possiamo ignorare i nuovi mezzi di comunicazione e le nuove tecnologie. ", "Se pensiamo che pubblicare un articolo sul Financial Times sia sufficiente per comunicare con i cittadini, sono spiacente di comunicare che siamo nel 2006. ", "Il dibattito prende vita anche in altre sedi.", "\nLa vera divisione, come qualcuno ha detto in occasione di una delle nostre conferenze con le parti interessate, è quella tra coloro che prendono le decisioni e coloro che utilizzano Internet.", "\nSe guardate alla campagna in Francia, la maggior parte dei siti web sulla Costituzione era a favore del \"no”. ", "Dove si trovavano quelli che volevano esprimere un'opinione a favore? ", "Non ricorrevano abbastanza a Internet. ", "Dobbiamo capire e accogliere le nuove tecnologie.", "\nIl quarto capitolo è capire l'opinione pubblica. ", "Dobbiamo essere più professionali nel monitorare l'opinione pubblica e nel rapportarci con essa. ", "Come molti di voi hanno osservato, dobbiamo operare di concerto: tutte le Istituzioni devono farsene responsabili.", "\nNel corso della discussione, alcuni ci hanno accusato di fare propaganda ad ogni piè sospinto, mentre altri sembrano ritenere che basti aumentare il numero di Info Point sull'Europa presenti sul territorio. ", "Così non può funzionare. ", "Dobbiamo dotarci di una politica di comunicazione seria, quale strumento di democrazia a beneficio dei cittadini. ", "Essi hanno il diritto di capire meglio, di partecipare a una sfera pubblica dove esistano una cultura politica davvero europea e mezzi di comunicazione realmente paneuropei, che riflettano il dibattito in atto e ci aiutino a capire e seguirne il filo. ", "Abbiamo bisogno altresì di luoghi di partecipazione per i cittadini.", "\nVoi dite che in Europa abbiamo già la democrazia. ", "Ebbene, soffriamo di un deficit di partecipazione. ", "La maggior parte dei cittadini sostiene ancora di sapere molto poco o comunque non abbastanza dell'Unione europea e delle sue Istituzioni e di non essere in grado di seguire l'operato del Parlamento europeo o della Commissione. ", "Possiamo forse dire che la cosa non ci interessa e continuare ad agire come abbiamo sempre fatto? ", "Dobbiamo modificare il modo di comunicare con i cittadini; essi hanno il diritto di impegnarsi al nostro fianco.", "\nContinueremo a lavorare su tutte le questioni che avete sollevato. ", "Abbiamo sensibilmente aumentato il numero di centri di informazione diretta sull'Europa: ora ne abbiamo 400 e per la prima volta ne abbiamo aperti anche nel Regno Unito. ", "Il prossimo anno il loro numero è destinato a salire di 30 unità e noi proseguiremo nel nostro impegno di informare i cittadini, ma questo non è ancora sufficiente. ", "Non si tratta semplicemente di informazione, ma di comunicazione: questo deve diventare un processo interattivo.", "\nLa maggior parte dei nostri cittadini ricava molte delle proprie informazioni dalla radio o dalla televisione, perciò dobbiamo far sì che radio e televisione, a tutti i livelli, possano riferire ai cittadini cosa accade in Europa. ", "Anche questo fa parte della nostra politica.", "\nRivedremo il regolamento (CE) n. 1049/2001, perché l'accesso all'informazione è di cruciale importanza. ", "Trasparenza, apertura e accesso all'informazione sono al centro di una nuova politica di comunicazione.", "\nNaturalmente discuteremo il contenuto delle varie politiche: ciò sta alla base del nostro modo di operare. ", "Una politica di comunicazione non può sostituirsi né ai sani contenuti né a una buona politica. ", "Per questa ragione ci impegniamo nel \"Piano D”, che invita i cittadini a partecipare al dibattito politico sul futuro dell'Europa.", "\nPrendiamo in seria considerazione le proposte di carattere pratico come Agora, che reputiamo estremamente importanti.", "\nAbbiamo analizzato i problemi legati alla mancanza di una vera e propria politica di comunicazione, abbiamo identificato le cinque aree di azione e ora attendiamo una reazione seria da parte del Parlamento. ", "Le aree individuate sono corrette? ", "Se avete proposte alternative, saremo più che lieti di ricavarne idee estremamente pratiche, in modo da poter tornare a chiedere le risorse di bilancio necessarie a metterle in atto. ", "Otterremo questo risultato riformando il nostro modus operandi, così da diventare più professionali, più aperti, più trasparenti e più democratici.", "\nVi ringrazio per il dibattito e spero che continueremo a discutere questi importantissimi principi con l'obiettivo di addivenire a una politica di comunicazione corretta per l'Unione europea e tutte le sue Istituzioni.", "\n(Applausi)\nPresidente\nGrazie, signora Commissario.", "\nNon vedevo l'ora di intervenire in questo dibattito. ", "La signora Commissario si è spiegata in modo molto corretto e la ringrazio per essersi espressa con tanta forza, ma mi fermo qui altrimenti rischio di abusare della mia posizione.", "\nLa discussione è chiusa.", "\nLa votazione si svolgerà oggi, alle 12.00.", "\nDichiarazioni scritte (articolo 142 del Regolamento)\nZita Gurmai\n(EN) La comunicazione diviene pragmatica nella misura in cui si basa su un dialogo costante con i cittadini europei, sulla discussione e sul chiarimento degli obiettivi e delle strategie dell'Unione volti allo sviluppo del progetto europeo. ", "Parte di questa responsabilità ricade sull'Unione, ma quel che resta ricade sugli Stati membri. ", "Il principale obiettivo è l'efficacia, pertanto la comunicazione dev'essere orientata in tal senso e dovrebbe poggiare su una base giuridica.", "\nE' assolutamente necessario che la stessa società europea, col suo dinamismo, svolga un ruolo decisivo. ", "La comunicazione dovrebbe raggiungere tutti i membri della società tramite una serie di strumenti, tra cui i metodi tradizionali e le nuove tecnologie di comunicazione. ", "Comunicare per mezzo di messaggi ben definiti, visioni chiare dell'Europa e politiche europee sulle lingue dei cittadini.", "\nI cittadini europei vorrebbero vedere l'Europa come un modello di economia in crescita, competitività, coesione sociale e solidarietà e vorrebbero sentirsi parte attiva dei processi decisionali. ", "Una comunicazione corretta, tuttavia, non deve mirare a trasmettere esclusivamente storie di successi e punti di forza, ma riferire anche sfide e problemi che le nostre società devono prepararsi ad affrontare e a risolvere assieme. ", "Questa è la direzione in cui dovremmo muoverci.", "\nGábor Harangozó\n(HU) Scetticismo, una mancata Costituzione e una crescente incertezza sul processo di allargamento, sui nuovi Stati membri e persino sulla stessa Unione europea: sono tutte conseguenze di una politica di comunicazione inadeguata. ", "Alla luce di questa considerazione dovremmo plaudire al Libro bianco della Commissione e alla sua intenzione di migliorare la comunicazione tra l'Unione e i suoi cittadini. ", "La creazione di una sfera pubblica europea composta da cittadini ben informati su quanto accade al di là delle rispettive frontiere nazionali dev'essere indubbiamente al centro di una politica europea di comunicazione efficace.", "\nDa un lato dobbiamo compiere progressi significativi nell'informazione sul funzionamento e sugli obiettivi delle Istituzioni europee, dall'altro dobbiamo essere capaci di ascoltare i cittadini degli Stati membri e renderli parte attiva nella creazione delle politiche europee. ", "E' a livello locale, regionale e nazionale che possiamo raggiungere i cittadini in modo più efficace, pertanto possiamo rendere il nostro processo di informazione più efficace solo rafforzando la comunicazione e rendendo più efficiente il flusso di informazioni tra questi livelli e le Istituzioni dell'Unione europea.", "\nNon si tratta di creare semplicemente adeguati canali di comunicazione a due corsie, è lo stesso messaggio che dev'essere reso più chiaro e comprensibile. ", "Dobbiamo pertanto smettere di utilizzare il gergo tecnico comunitario, che spesso risulta di difficile comprensione anche per un pubblico esperto. ", "Il progetto europeo ed il suo successo dipendono, tra le altre cose, dal fatto che le persone che ne sono al contempo gli attori e lo scopo primo, ovvero i cittadini dell'Unione europea, li facciano propri.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow may one calculate the escape velocity of a binary system at a given radius from the COM?", "\n\nApologies if this is a bit general, even some pointers in the right direction would be great (reading material etc.)", "\nGiven an object of mass $m_3$ travelling outward at speed $v$ from the centre of mass of a binary star system of two stars of masses $m_1$ and $m_2$ at angle $\\theta$ from the $m_1$ end of the major axis of the elliptical orbit of the binary system is there an inequality that determines if the body of mass $m_3$ will escape the binary system?", "\n\nMany thanks in advance for any help.", "\n\nA:\n\nFor the sake of simplicity assume the binaries' motion to be circular. ", "Then you can use the formalism of the circular restricted 3-body problem (CR3BP) to model the motion of the test particle $m_3$. Your Lagrangian will be time-independent and the conserved quantity (Jacobi constant) can be evaluated at infinity to give an equation for conditions of escape, in the same way you would find a particle under the influence of two others to have an escape velocity of $v = (2Gm_1/r_1 + 2Gm_2/r_2)^{1/2}$ by taking the total energy to be 0 at infinity.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.008350730688935281, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSorting array from min value to max value in array using inheritance(overiding error)\n\ni have problem arranging the numbers from small to big. ", " Im trying to overide the method of intlist in sortedinlist, the output i get is 0, 0,0. ", "how can i fix this?", "\nrun:\n0: 100\n1: 50\n2: 200\n3: 25\n\n0: 0\n1: 0\n2: 0\n\nSortedIntList.java\npublic class SortedIntList extends IntList\n\n{\n\n public SortedIntList(int Size)\n {\n super(Size);\n }\n\n public void add(int value)\n {\n if (numElements == list.length)\n System.out.println(\"Can't add, list is full\");\n\n else{\n int empty = 0; \n int f;\n for(f=0;f<list.length-1;f++){\n if(list[f] == 0)\n {empty = f;}\n }\n\n list[empty] = value;\n\n numElements++; \n\n }\n int k = 0; int temp = 0;\n for(int i=0;i<list.length-1;i++)\n {\n k = i;\n for(int j = i+1; j < list.length; j++)\n {\n if(list[j] < list[k])\n k = j;\n }\n\n temp = list[k];\n list[k] = list[i];\n list[i] = temp;\n }\n }\n }\n\nListTest.java\npublic class ListTest {\npublic static void main(String[] args)\n{\nIntList myList = new IntList(10);\nmyList.add(100);\nmyList.add(50);\nmyList.add(200);\nmyList.add(25);\nSystem.out.println(myList);\n\nSortedIntList myList2 = new SortedIntList(10);\nmyList2.add(20);\nmyList2.add(100);\nmyList2.add(30);\nSystem.out.println(myList2);\n\n}\n}\n\nIntList.java\npublic class IntList {\n\nprotected int[] list;\nprotected int numElements = 0;\n//-------------------------------------------------------------\n// Constructor -- creates an integer list of a given size.", "\n//-------------------------------------------------------------\npublic IntList(int size)\n{\nlist = new int[size];\n}\n//-------------------------------------------------------------\n// Adds an integer to the list. ", "If the list is full,\n// prints a message and does nothing.", "\n//-------------------------------------------------------------\npublic void add(int value)\n{\nif (numElements == list.length)\nSystem.out.println(\"Can't add, list is full\");\nelse\n{\nlist[numElements] = value;\nnumElements++;\n}\n}\n\n//-------------------------------------------------------------\n// Returns a string containing the elements of the list with their\n// indices.", "\n//-------------------------------------------------------------\npublic String toString()\n{\nString returnString = \"\";\nfor (int i=0; i<numElements; i++)\nreturnString += i + \": \" + list[i] + \"\\n\";\nreturn returnString;\n}\n\n }\n\nA:\n\nYour problem is that you add the new numbers at the end of the total list. ", "See this code (slightly reformatted)\nint empty = 0; \nfor(int f=0;f<list.length-1;f++){\n if(list[f] == 0) {\n empty = f;\n }\n}\n\nlist[empty] = value;\n\nSay your list is empty but can have 5 elements. ", "This is what happens\nCheck position 0 is 0. ", "Ok, set empty to 0.", "\nCheck position 1 is 0. ", "Ok, set empty to 1.", "\nCheck position 2 is 0. ", "Ok, set empty to 2.", "\nCheck position 3 is 0. ", "Ok, set empty to 3.", "\nCheck position 4 is 0. ", "Ok, set empty to 4.", "\nAs end of list, insert new value at \"empty\" position (4).", "\nIncrease the actual length by 1.", "\n\nHowever, if you now print your list it only prints the first element which is 0 since the inserted element is at the end of the list.", "\nYou probably want to break out of your loop early or nay check for actual number of elements, not how many elements could be in the list.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.006802721088435374, 0, 0, 0.002135231316725979, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Glyphodes negatalis\n\nGlyphodes negatalis, the karanj defoliator, is a species of moth of the family Crambidae. ", "The species was first described by Francis Walker in 1859. ", "It has a wide range in the tropics, including South Africa, The Gambia, Mali, India, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Japan and eastern Australia (including New South Wales and Queensland).", "\n\nThe wingspan is about 20 mm. ", "Adults are white with several ragged pale brown submarginal bands outlined in dark brown. ", "The hindwings are white with brown veins and brown margins.", "\n\nBiology\nThe larvae feed on Dillenia indica, Ficus microcarpa and Ficus religiosa (Moraceae). ", "In India they had been found also as a main defoliator of Pongamia pinnata (karanj) and in Japan the larvae had been found on Ficus superba var. ", "japonica.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Glyphodes\nCategory:Moths of Japan\nCategory:Fauna of the Gambia\nCategory:Moths of Africa\nCategory:Moths described in 1859" ]
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[ "Clinical effects of vitamin D in children with asthma.", "\nBoth asthma and vitamin D deficiency are common among children. ", "The results from studies examining the relationship between them are contradictory. ", "The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the clinical parameters of asthma and vitamin D status in children. ", "One hundred and twenty children diagnosed with asthma and followed-up in our hospital were included in the study. ", "The control group included 74 children with no evidence of allergic disease. ", "The eosinophil counts, IgE levels and serum 25 OH cholecalciferol [25(OH)D] levels were measured. ", "The patient group consisted of 73 (60.8%) males and 47 (39.2%) females with a mean age of 4.4 ± 1.2 years. ", "There was no significant difference between the patient and control groups with respect to gender and age. ", "The mean 25(OH)D level was 21.49 ± 7.74 ng/ml in the study group and 23.94 ± 8.97 ng/ml in the control group, and this difference was not significant (p = 0.094). ", "The patients with asthma were grouped according to their vitamin D status as 'deficient' (group 1), 'insufficient' (group 2) and 'normal' (group 3). ", "The sociodemographic features, duration of illness, number of hospitalizations, number of sensitivities to allergens, eosinophil count and serum IgE levels were not found to be different between the groups. ", "However, the total number of exacerbations, asthma severity and systemic glucocorticoid need in the previous year were significantly higher in the deficiency group (p < 0.05). ", "Vitamin D levels were not significantly different in patients with asthma. ", "Vitamin D deficiency was common in the study group as well as in the control group. ", "The clinical severity of disease, the number of exacerbations and the systemic glucocorticoid need were related to vitamin D level." ]
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[ "Low Cost Cruises\n\nOur selection of Cheap Cruises\n\nWhether you’re looking for an economic family holiday, a fun trip with your friends, or a way to spend some time with your loved one, here you will find a wide range of low cost cruises provided by the best tour operators such as Costa, Msc and more. ", "Cheap cruises for everybody: you just have to choose the best offer and pack your bags!", "\nRead more...\n\nWe offer Low Cost cruises to all major destinations in the Med Sea, such as Spain, Greece and Italy, and more exotic destinations such as the East, Alaska or Northern America.", "\nIn this selection of cheap cruises, we have our best occasions: choose the period and destination you prefer among the various offers, and you’ll be able to enjoy the warm winter sun of the Canary Islands, the Caribbean and Egypt or sail through the Norwegian fjords and visit fascinating cities all over the word during the summer.", "\nAsk for a personalized estimate to our Cruise Experts, they will look the best offer at the lower price perfect for you.", "\n\nThe prices refer to the amount per person, Port Taxes included. ", "The service charge is always due to be paid on board, except when expressly specified. ", "The prices are \"starting from\" and refer to the amount based on double occupancy. ", "They may depend on the availability of the cabins. ", "The prices may change at any time depending on the ship, the date of departure, the category and the occupancy of the cabin. ", "The prices are to be reconfirmed according to the availability at the moment of the booking confirmation.", "\nThe offers and the discount are calculated starting from the prices on the catalog of the Company and refer to the base category of each type of cabin. ", "All of our offers are not retroactive." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.", "\n\npackage ssh\n\nimport (\n\t\"io\"\n\t\"testing\"\n)\n\nvar alphabet = []byte(\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\")\n\nfunc TestBufferReadwrite(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tb := newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:10])\n\tr, _ := b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tif r !", "= 10 {\n\t\tt.Fatalf(\"Expected written == read == 10, written: 10, read %d\", r)\n\t}\n\n\tb = newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:5])\n\tr, _ = b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tif r !", "= 5 {\n\t\tt.Fatalf(\"Expected written == read == 5, written: 5, read %d\", r)\n\t}\n\n\tb = newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:10])\n\tr, _ = b.Read(make([]byte, 5))\n\tif r !", "= 5 {\n\t\tt.Fatalf(\"Expected written == 10, read == 5, written: 10, read %d\", r)\n\t}\n\n\tb = newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:5])\n\tb.write(alphabet[5:15])\n\tr, _ = b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tr2, _ := b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tif r !", "= 10 || r2 !", "= 5 || 15 !", "= r+r2 {\n\t\tt.Fatal(\"Expected written == read == 15\")\n\t}\n}\n\nfunc TestBufferClose(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tb := newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:10])\n\tb.eof()\n\t_, err := b.Read(make([]byte, 5))\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\tt.Fatal(\"expected read of 5 to not return EOF\")\n\t}\n\tb = newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:10])\n\tb.eof()\n\tr, err := b.Read(make([]byte, 5))\n\tr2, err2 := b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tif r !", "= 5 || r2 !", "= 5 || err !", "= nil || err2 !", "= nil {\n\t\tt.Fatal(\"expected reads of 5 and 5\")\n\t}\n\n\tb = newBuffer()\n\tb.write(alphabet[:10])\n\tb.eof()\n\tr, err = b.Read(make([]byte, 5))\n\tr2, err2 = b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tr3, err3 := b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tif r !", "= 5 || r2 !", "= 5 || r3 !", "= 0 || err !", "= nil || err2 !", "= nil || err3 !", "= io.", "EOF {\n\t\tt.Fatal(\"expected reads of 5 and 5 and 0, with EOF\")\n\t}\n\n\tb = newBuffer()\n\tb.write(make([]byte, 5))\n\tb.write(make([]byte, 10))\n\tb.eof()\n\tr, err = b.Read(make([]byte, 9))\n\tr2, err2 = b.Read(make([]byte, 3))\n\tr3, err3 = b.Read(make([]byte, 3))\n\tr4, err4 := b.Read(make([]byte, 10))\n\tif err !", "= nil || err2 !", "= nil || err3 !", "= nil || err4 !", "= io.", "EOF {\n\t\tt.Fatalf(\"Expected EOF on forth read only, err=%v, err2=%v, err3=%v, err4=%v\", err, err2, err3, err4)\n\t}\n\tif r !", "= 9 || r2 !", "= 3 || r3 !", "= 3 || r4 !", "= 0 {\n\t\tt.Fatal(\"Expected written == read == 15\", r, r2, r3, r4)\n\t}\n}\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to an arrangement for the contactless measurement of the concentration and the derivation of a mass flow rate of a moving material. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to an arrangement for the contactless measurement of a mass flow rate of a material moving through an electromagnetic field of known frequency and power based upon the magnitude of the electromagnetic energy reflected by the material as it passes through the field and the velocity of the material.", "\nDisturbance sensors that utilize an electromagnetic signal of known frequency to determine the velocity, distance, or presence of a moving target object are known. ", "Examples of some more well known disturbance sensors include those used in police and aircraft radars. ", "These sensors rely on a change or shift between the frequency of an electromagnetic signal transmitted from the sensor and the frequency of that portion of the signal which is reflected by the moving target object. ", "This change or shift in the frequency of a transmitted and reflected electromagnetic signal is referred to as a Doppler shift. ", "An example of such a change or shift that is detectable at audible frequencies occurs when an audible source is active and moving relative to a person. ", "The sound pitch is perceived to increase when the audible source is moving toward the person and to decrease when the audible source is moving away from the person. ", "The magnitude of this frequency shift or change is proportional to the velocity of the moving object.", "\nThe present invention establishes that the concentration of a moving material can be measured based upon the amount of electromagnetic energy or power reflected by the material when it passes through a field of electromagnetic energy of known power. ", "Applicant has observed that as the concentration of a material increases, the magnitude of electromagnetic energy that is reflected by the material also increases. ", "The present invention further establishes that the flow rate of a material moving past a point can be determined by multiplying the mass of the material moving past the point by the velocity of the material. ", "The mass, in turn, is equal to the volume of the material and air illuminated by the field divided by the concentration of the material.", "\nThe present invention combines the magnitude of electromagnetic energy reflected from a moving material with the Doppler shift frequency to produce a response related to the mass flow rate of the material. ", "The invention subsequently utilizes this response along with user-supplied data relating to a particular material process flow to generate a linearized response related to the mass flow rate of the material.", "\nCurrent mass flow rate meters that have sensors, such as antennas and impact plates, which are placed in a material process flow path have several disadvantages. ", "Over time, material can build up on these intrusive sensors which impairs meter sensitivity. ", "Also, such sensors require frequent adjustment because continual and repeated material impact eventually moves them out of calibration. ", "In addition, moving material can impact an intrusive sensor in such a way that it is damaged and in need of repair or replacement. ", "Furthermore, intrusive sensors are subject to changes in ambient conditions within a material process flow, such as temperature and humidity, which requires that a meter be recalibrated to the new ambient conditions or that the conditions of the material process flow be carefully monitored and adjusted. ", "Finally, impact sensors can damage the material in a process flow.", "\nThe present invention addresses the above-described problems associated with intrusive mass flow rate meters by providing a contactless (i.e., non-intrusive) mass flow rate meter. ", "The contactless mass flow meter of the present invention includes a transceiver that transmits an electromagnetic signal of known frequency and power across a material process flow. ", "The transceiver detects the magnitude and Doppler shift of the electromagnetic signal that is reflected by material moving along the process flow as it passes through an electromagnetic field established by the signal. ", "The transceiver then combines the magnitude of the reflected electromagnetic signal along with the Doppler shift between the frequency of the transmitted and reflected electromagnetic signals to generate an output signal related to the mass flow rate of the material. ", "This signal has a magnitude substantially equal to the magnitude of the reflected electromagnetic energy and a frequency substantially equal to the difference between the frequency of the transmitted and reflected electromagnetic signals. ", "This signal may be linear or non-linear.", "\nThe present invention further includes an amplifier electrically associated with the transceiver to amplify the transceiver output signal to a predetermined level for a predetermined frequency range so that the signal may be further processed. ", "A user interface of the present invention allows the mass flow meter to be set up and calibrated for a particular material process flow as well as adjusted over time. ", "A central processing unit of the present invention calculates a linearized output signal representative of the mass flow rate of the material, which is based upon the user supplied set-up, calibration, and adjustment data and the amplified transceiver output signal. ", "The central processing unit then converts this linearized signal into a digital representation of the mass flow rate of the material. ", "Circuitry of the present invention processes the digital central processing unit output signal to generate a signal related to the mass flow rate of the material.", "\nIn a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the digital central processing unit output signal is a pulse width modulated signal. ", "The pulse width of this signal is related to the mass flow rate of the material such that the width of the signal increases with increased material flow rate. ", "A circuit of this preferred embodiment converts the pulse width modulated signal into an analog current signal that is substantially linear through the range of mass flow rates. ", "The magnitude of this current signal is related to the pulse width modulated signal such that the larger the width of the pulse, the higher the magnitude of the current signal.", "\nIn the same preferred embodiment, the central processing unit generates two output signals, one of which is indicative of the condition where the mass flow rate is below a user predefined minimum level and the other of which is indicative of the condition where the mass flow rate is above a user predefined maximum level.", "\nThe above-described user interface of the present invention allows the mass flow meter to be calibrated to the particular characteristics of a material process flow. ", "The user interface of a preferred embodiment allows the amplification or sensitivity of the meter to be adjusted for a particular material process flow so that optimum amplifier gain occurs during maximum flow rate of the material. ", "To achieve optimum gain, the gain of the amplifier may have to be adjusted up or down depending upon the characteristics of a particular process flow. ", "The user interface of this preferred embodiment also allows calibration points to be set at various material flow rates so that the central processing unit can linearize the amplified transceiver output signal using interpolation techniques. ", "The user interface of this preferred embodiment further allows a user to adjust the size of a central processing unit buffer that receives and stores amplified transceiver output process flow signals. ", "Increasing the size of this buffer increases the number of amplified transceiver output process flow signals that are used by the central processing unit to generate a linearized signal representative of the mass flow rate of the material. ", "The user interface of this preferred embodiment also allows the above-described minimum and maximum mass flow rates to be set and changed for those embodiments of the meter of the present invention which generate these signals. ", "Finally, the user interface provides status information that allows a process flow to be monitored.", "\nOther objects, advantages and novel features of the present invention will become apparent from the following detailed description of the invention when considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings." ]
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[ "Lynrd: British singer and song writer, Adele had to cancel the rest of the nine dates of her North American tour, that was already sold out. ", "The singer was forced to cancel her dates as she is currently dealing with laryngitis. ", "While in Los Angeles, Adele had postponed the US tour dates as per the […]" ]
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[ "The invention is generally related to biomedical devices for sensing physiological parameters and, more particularly, to catheters having temperature sensing devices.", "\nThe heart beat in a healthy human is controlled by the sinoatrial node (\"S-A node\") located in the wall of the right atrium. ", "The S-A node generates electrical signal potentials that are transmitted through pathways of conductive heart tissue in the atrium to the atrioventricular node (\"A-V node\") which in turn transmits the electrical signals throughout the ventricle by means of the His and Purkinje conductive tissues. ", "Improper growth of or damage to the conductive tissue in the heart can interfere with the passage of regular electrical signals from the S-A and A-V nodes. ", "Electrical signal irregularities resulting from such interference can disturb the normal rhythm of the heart and cause an abnormal rhythmic condition referred to as cardiac arrhythmia.", "\nElectrophysiological ablation is a procedure often successful in terminating cardiac arrhythmia. ", "This procedure involves applying sufficient energy to the interfering tissue to ablate that tissue thus removing the irregular signal pathway. ", "However, before an ablation procedure can be carried out, the interfering tissue must first be located.", "\nOne location technique involves an electrophysiological mapping procedure whereby the electrical signals emanating from the conductive endocardial tissues are systematically monitored and a map is created of those signals. ", "By analyzing that map, the interfering electrical pathway can be identified. ", "A conventional method for mapping the electrical signals from conductive heart tissue is to percutaneously introduce an electrophysiology (\"EP\") catheter having mapping electrodes mounted on its distal extremity. ", "The catheter is maneuvered to place those electrodes in contact with or in close proximity to the endocardium of the patient's heart. ", "By monitoring the electrical signals at the endocardium, aberrant conductive tissue sites responsible for the arrhythmia can be pinpointed.", "\nOnce the origination point for the arrhythmia is located in the tissue, the physician may use an ablation procedure to destroy the tissue causing the arrhythmia an attempt to remove the electrical signal irregularities and restore normal heart beat or at least an improved heart beat. ", "Successful ablation of the conductive tissue at the arrhythmia initiation site usually terminates the arrhythmia or at least moderates the heart rhythm to acceptable levels.", "\nThe distal end of an EP catheter may include the mapping electrodes as well as an ablation device mounted near the tip for performing the ablation procedure. ", "One type of ablation device includes an ablation electrode that emits radio frequency (\"RF\") energy to heat the target tissue to a temperature high enough to cause ablation of that tissue. ", "Other types of ablation devices may be used and in the following disclosure, an ultrasonic device is disclosed.", "\nAs the ablation procedure progresses, heat is generated and the surrounding blood is exposed to this heat. ", "At approximately 90.degree.-100.degree. ", "C., charring and boiling of the blood take place. ", "Charring is particularly troublesome at the surface of the ablation device because emboli may form on the surface of the device to an extent that the catheter must be removed and cleaned before the procedure can continue. ", "Furthermore, in RF ablation procedures, charring can cause a substantial increase in the impedance and a corresponding decrease in the power delivery to the tissue. ", "Too great a rise in impedance can result in sparking and thrombus formation within the heart, both of which are undesirable.", "\nBecause part of the ablation transducer is in contact with the blood in the heart, blood boiling, emboli development, and clotting can result if the surface temperature of the transducer exceeds 90.degree.-100.degree. ", "C. If this occurs, the ablation procedure must be stopped regardless of whether the entire ablation procedure has been completed. ", "The catheter must then be removed from the patient, the attached necrotic tissue removed, and the catheter reinserted into the patient. ", "Such cleaning processes require extra time and unduly prolong the ablation procedure. ", "To avoid such undesirable circumstances, a temperature sensor may be incorporated at the distal end of the catheter to monitor and maintain a selected temperature during ablation. ", "The ablation process can then be controlled so that the temperature is not allowed to increase above a predetermined level.", "\nTemperature sensors have been incorporated in catheters for some time. ", "One of these temperature sensors comprises a thermocouple having elongated sensing joined together at their distal ends to form the thermocouple and their proximal ends connected to a connector mounted in the catheter. ", "External equipment may be connected to the connector of the catheter to receive the temperature signals of the thermocouple for processing to determine the temperature sensed. ", "The thermocouple is typically disposed at the distal end of the catheter.", "\nThermocouples use two leads formed of dissimilar materials, for example one lead formed of constantan and the other lead formed of copper, that are joined at one end to form a thermocouple junction. ", "The thermocouple junction produces a voltage representative of the temperature at the junction and that voltage varies as the junction is exposed to temperature changes. ", "The proximal ends of the leads of dissimilar materials are commonly directed within the catheter to the connector and are connected to connecting devices, such as pins, of that connector. ", "The connector is typically formed with a plurality of metallic connecting devices to which the thermocouple leads and other leads are soldered. ", "If those connecting devices are composed of a material dissimilar to a material of the thermocouple leads, for example copper, then when the constantan thermocouple lead is connected to the copper connecting device, a second thermocouple junction will be formed at that connection point. ", "This second thermocouple junction will also produce a voltage dependent on the temperature of that particular junction and because it is part of the electrical circuit of the distal end thermocouple, this additional voltage will combine with the distal end thermocouple signal resulting in reduced accuracy of the temperature indication of the distal tip of the catheter.", "\nWhile custom connectors and interconnection cables may be built having certain pins formed of constantan and some of copper, for example, so that thermocouples at the connector are not formed, such devices can be relatively expensive. ", "It would be desirable to be able to use standard, less expensive devices.", "\nHence, those skilled in the art have recognized the need for a temperature sensing system that compensates for thermocouple effects produced at the connection points in the catheter handle to produce a more accurate temperature indication. ", "A need has also been recognized for such a system that does not significantly increase the expense of the catheter yet provides increased accuracy. ", "The present invention fulfills these needs and others." ]
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[ "Eid al Fitr in 2019: Eid marks the end of Ramadan, a month-long fast observed by Muslims worlwide.", "\n\nAs Eid 2019 approaches, markets in Kashmir Valley are flooded with enthusiastic shoppers. ", "True to the festive spirit, Kashmiris are queuing up at bakeries, mutton and poultry shops, departmental stores, sweet shops, ready-made garment shops and shops selling toys, mobile phones, refrigerators to buy every imaginable thing that can add to the festivities of Eid-ul-fitr on Wednesday.", "\n\nMost interior and even main roads are choked as people are out for Eid shopping. ", "During this joyous time, prices were not the priority. ", "Mutton is being sold in Srinagar and other places at Rs 550 per kg while the officially announced rate is Rs 450 per kg, but the mutton shops were seen doing brisk business.", "\n\n\"All that the buyers are worried about is the availability of things they want to buy, prices seem to be nobody's concern,\" said Muhammad Ashraf, a resident of old city Srinagar as he waited for his turn at a bakery shop.", "\n\nRoad leading to various markets is seeing massive traffic jams. ", "Gonikhan and Nowhatta markets, which are popular for women and children items, have been jam-packed with Eid most likely to be tomorrow. ", "The Eid date will be confirmed by evening after the moon sighting.", "\n\nThe roadside vendors have also set up stalls at Lal Chowk and in adjoining areas selling different merchandise. ", "Serpentine queues are also seen at ATM outlets and banks.", "\n\nThe fasting month will end on Tuesday or day after depending on the sighting of the moon.", "\n\nMany charitable trusts have come up in Kashmir especially during the last two decades whose account books are annually audited and results are published for public scrutiny. ", "People lavishly contribute to these charitable trusts and help others' Eid a joyous occasion.", "\n\nEid-ul-fitr has a special significance as it marks the end of Ramadan, a month-long fast that is observed by Muslims across the world. ", "The holy fast or roza is observed from sunrise to sunset. ", "After Ramadan, Eid is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, the 10th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. ", "Eid gifts, known as Eidi, are given to children and relatives on this festival of breaking the fast.", "\n\n(With inputs from PTI, IANS)" ]
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[ "Record number twenty one\n\nAnd we’re back. ", "Happy New Year, everyone. ", "I’m afraid it’s been busy for me, what with the hidden service I was linked to – but I should get back to where I was.", "\n\nNbmusiduwny76o7i.onion\n\nI can reveal the link now, knowing that by the time this post goes out the hidden service will probably be dead. ", "Hopefully, I won’t be.", "\n\nDecember 18th, 2013. ", "Of course I’d tried before that, but I could never connect to anything – there was no site there.", "\n\nThree forty PM, December 18th. ", "Everything changed.", "\n\nThe page loaded and I frowned in surprise. ", "I was staring at a poster starring my face, and the words “FBI’s Most Wanted”. ", "I’ve had better starts to my afternoon, to be honest.", "\n\nScrolling down beneath the image, I found a few lines of text.", "\n\nRyan, we know who you are. ", "We know everything that has taken place. ", "The Fifth Level, hacking our servers, poking your nose places where you shouldn’t have.", "\n\nThey gave you up, Ryan. ", "Marie, Proton, everyone who you thought you could trust.", "\n\nThe picture you saw above will be the front page of every newspaper in your country and ours. ", "You will be hunted down; the judge or jury will not spare you.", "\n\nUnless, of course, you choose to comply.", "\n\nUnits have been dispatched to Britain. ", "We will meet you. ", "Your family have been ‘informed’, and will not prevent you. ", "Leave peacefully, or not at all.", "\n\nYou have three days. ", "Make your choice wisely.", "\n\nI opened the image in a new tab, intending to save it as some kind of evidence. ", "The site’s programmers were, unfortunately, too intelligent for me. ", "Both tabs immediately closed, and on reopening Tor the link found nothing. ", "A one-time website.", "\n\nSo I’m setting up this post. ", "It’s December 20th as I’m writing this. ", "Does anyone remember the concept of a dead man’s handle, for trains? ", "If the train driver faints or has a heart attack and can’t control the train, but still has their foot down or hand on the wheel, there’s a safety mechanism to stop the crash.", "\n\nI don’t claim to know how it works, but the idea behind it is useful. ", "If the FBI, if it’s really them (the UK isn’t their jurisdiction, but I suppose their servers are), do try to ‘bring me in’ tomorrow, I’ll run a file. ", "That file will check if I’m active on the computer and can enter a certain passcode. ", "If I’m inactive for long enough, it will run a PHP script I adapted from an email spam bomber and embedded in a webpage under another name, to send an email containing the post to a certain email address. ", "Thus the post will get published. ", "I don’t know if they’re watching the site, so let’s just hope it gets through. ", "If anyone can help, do. ", "We need to be careful. ", "Prepare your own safety systems, your own dead man’s handle, just in case the authorities come knocking. ", "Who knows if they’ll target readers?", "\n\nSo, if you’re reading this, I have been taken in. ", "Wish me luck, and hope like I am hoping that this won’t be my last post.", "\n\nRyan (BlueAdept) out.", "\n\nP.S. If you’re interested in making your own dead man’s handle, the original script I worked off is below.", "\n\n<?", "php\n\n$i =1;\n\ndo {\n\nmail(“bomb@this.com”, \"yoursubject\", \"yourmessage\", \"From: your@mail.com\");\n\n} while ($i > 0);\n\n?", ">" ]
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[ "Turns out I still need practice. ", "Lots and lots of it.", "\n\nAlso, yay, my official Pinkie design. ", "It was influenced by many others. ", "I like it though.", "\n\nBut yeah. ", "The more you do, the more you learn, the more you CAN do. ", "Sooner or later, i'll unlock the secrets...\n\nBefore you ask, yes, this is different from what I normally do. ", "Although I sketched her out my normal way, I wanted to see how I would go about making a picture from that with 'just' colors." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPosition:absolute creating messing up grid flow\n\nI'm trying to make a grid with css from which, when clicked, a div can \"break out\" of using position:absolute, so that it can be moved around above the grid without messing with aforementioned grid. ", "Here's the jsFiddle. ", "As you can see, when clicked the position is set to absolute, but henceforth destroys the grid structure around it instead of simply floating above it. ", "I've tryed using z-index, but it did not work. ", "What am I doing wrong?", "\nThanks in advance!", "\n\nA:\n\nAdd\nvertical-align: middle;\n\nto .icon_wrapper\nDemo\n\n" ]
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[ "Download RRB Ranchi ALP Technician Result 2014\n\nRRB Ranchi ALP Technician Result 2014\n\nRailway Recruitment Board (RRB) Ranchi has conducted Lower Division Clerk Exam. ", "This RRB ALP Technician was mainly scheduled written exam to fill up various vacancies in the Lower Division Clerk department of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Ranchi. ", "So the candidates who are appeared in the RRB Ranchi ALP Technician Result and Answer Keys or selected candidates list 2014. ", "Then go through this Article to get RRB ALP Technician Result and Merit List of RRB Ranchi ALP & Technician Exam 2014. ", "Candidates who have appeared in RRB Ranchi ALP Technician Exam are now eagerly looking for the RRB ALP Technician Result 2014. ", "Officially the organisation hasn’t announced any dates for the RRB Ranchi ALP & Technician Exam 2014 result. ", "You can search it as RRB ALP Results and RRB ALP Technician Score Card and RRB Ranchi ALP Technician LDC Exam Merit List 2014.", "\n\nRailway Recruitment Board (RRB) Ranchi was conducted this exam to fill up the various vacancies in the RRB Ranchi ALP & Technician Posts. ", "You can go through official site of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Ranchi for the RRB ALP Technician Exam Result and Merit Score Cards. ", "We have given below clearly about How to download RRB Ranchi ALP Technician LDC Result 2014." ]
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[ "2005–06 1. ", "FC Nürnberg season\n\nThe 2005-06 1. ", "FC Nürnberg season was the 106th year of existence.", "\n\nMatch results\n\nLegend\n\nBundesliga\n\nDFB-Pokal\n\nPlayer information\n\nRoster and statistics\n\nTransfers\n\nIn\n\nOut\n\nKits\n\nSources\n\nCategory:1. ", "FC Nürnberg seasons\nNuremberg" ]
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[ "Good Day (The Kinks song)\n\n\"Good Day\" is a song released and performed by the British rock band, The Kinks. ", "The song, written by Ray Davies, appeared on the band's album, Word of Mouth.", "\n\nBackground\n\nDuring the sessions for \"Good Day,\" a drum machine was used instead of drummer Mick Avory, due to the conflicts between Avory and Dave Davies. ", "Ray Davies said of this:\n\nRelease\n\n\"Good Day\" was first released as a single in Britain (as well as Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden) in August 1984, backed with \"Too Hot\" (both songs would appear on Word of Mouth.) ", "A maxi-single, with \"Don't Forget to Dance\" added to the two tracks already on the 7 inch single, was also released in the UK. \"", "Good Day\", however, was unsuccessful, as it did not chart in any country. ", "In November of that year, \"Good Day\" appeared as the third track on the first side of The Kinks' album, Word of Mouth. ", "Word of Mouth was a modest success in America (hitting #57), but the album did not achieve the Top 20 success that its predecessors State of Confusion, Give the People What They Want, and Low Budget had.", "\n\nAn extended edit of \"Good Day\" appears as a bonus track on some CD reissues of Word of Mouth.", "\n\nReception\n\n\"Good Day\", despite its commercial failures, has received generally positive feedback from critics. ", "AllMusic'''s Stephen Thomas Erlewine cited the track as a highlight from the Word of Mouth disc of the compilation album, The Arista Years (which is a box set of all Kinks albums released on the Arista label) despite not doing so in his review of Word of Mouth. ", "Rolling Stone'' writer David Fricke said that, \"for 'Good Day,' Ray dusts off his old 'Sunny Afternoon' ennui with a languid melody and a fragile, winning chorus.\"", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:The Kinks songs\nCategory:1984 singles\nCategory:Songs written by Ray Davies\nCategory:Song recordings produced by Ray Davies\nCategory:1984 songs\nCategory:Arista Records singles" ]
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[ "\n\n\n\nProduced by Charlene Taylor, David Garcia and the Online\nDistributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This\nfile was produced from images generously made available\nby The Internet Archive/American Libraries.)", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n By Mary Roberts Rinehart\n\n THROUGH GLACIER PARK. ", " Illustrated.", "\n K. Illustrated.", "\n THE STREET OF SEVEN STARS.", "\n THE AFTER HOUSE. ", " Illustrated.", "\n\n HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY\n Boston and New York\n\n\n\n\nTHROUGH GLACIER PARK\n\nSEEING AMERICA FIRST WITH HOWARD EATON\n\n\n\n\n[Illustration: THE AUTHOR]\n\n\n\n\nTHROUGH GLACIER PARK\n\nSEEING AMERICA FIRST WITH HOWARD EATON\n\nBY MARY ROBERTS RINEHART\n\n_WITH ILLUSTRATIONS_\n\n[Illustration]\n\n BOSTON AND NEW YORK\n HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY\n The Riverside Press Cambridge\n 1916\n\n\n\n\n COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY P. F. COLLIER & SON, INCORPORATED\n COPYRIGHT, 1916, BY MARY ROBERTS RINEHART\n\n ALL RIGHTS RESERVED\n\n _Published May 1916_\n\n\n\n\n_FOREWORD_\n\n\n_There are many to whom new places are only new pictures. ", "But, after\nmuch wandering, this thing I have learned, and I wish I had learned it\nsooner: that travel is a matter, not only of seeing, but of doing._", "\n\n_It is much more than that. ", "It is a matter of new human contacts. ", "It\nis not of places, but of people. ", "What are regions but the setting for\nlife? ", "The desert, without its Arabs, is but the place that God forgot._", "\n\n_To travel, then, is to do, not only to see. ", "To travel best is to be of\nthe sportsmen of the road. ", "To take a chance, and win; to feel the glow\nof muscles too long unused; to sleep on the ground at night and find\nit soft; to eat, not because it is time to eat, but because one's body\nis clamoring for food; to drink where every stream and river is pure\nand cold; to get close to the earth and see the stars--this is travel._", "\n\n\n\n\nCONTENTS\n\n\n I. The Adventurers 3\n II. \"", "Fall in\" 13\n III. ", "The Sporting Chance 21\n IV. ", "All in the Game 35\n V. \"Running Water and Still Pools\" 44\n VI. ", "The Call 51\n VII. ", "The Black Marks 63\n VIII. ", "Bears 77\n IX. ", "Down the Flathead Rapids 86\n\n\n\n\nILLUSTRATIONS\n\n\n The Author _Frontispiece_\n Baring Creek, Citadel Mountain, and Blackfeet Glacier 4\n A Rainy Day in Camp, showing Howard Eaton 8\n Hikers on Piegan Pass 16\n Gold Dollar, the Author's Buckskin Horse 16\n Eaton Party climbing to Piegan Pass 22\n _Photograph by A. J. Baker, Kalispell, Montana_\n Eaton Camp near Altyn Mountain 30\n Pumpelly's Pillar and Eaton Party 36\n Members of the Eaton Party tobogganing without Toboggans 40\n _Photograph by A. J. Baker_\n Gunsight Lake and Mount Jackson from Fusillade Mountain 48\n Dawson Pass 52\n Party crossing Triple Divide 54\n Mountain Goat and Kid on Ptarmigan Pass 58\n _Photograph by A. J. Baker_\n Upper Two Medicine Lake 66\n View from Dining-Room, Many Glaciers Hotel 72\n Cut Bank Chalets on Cut Bank River 74\n _Photograph by Kiser Photo Company_\n Luncheon on Flathead River Trip 80\n Photographing a Bear 80\n Appistoki Falls near Two Medicine Chalets 88\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTHROUGH GLACIER PARK\n\n\n\n\nI\n\nTHE ADVENTURERS\n\n\nThis is about a three-hundred mile trip across the Rocky Mountains\non horseback with Howard Eaton. ", "It is about fishing, and cool nights\naround a camp-fire, and long days on the trail. ", "It is about a party of\nall sorts, from everywhere, of men and women, old and young, experienced\nfolk and novices, who had yielded to a desire to belong to the sportsmen\nof the road. ", "And it is by way of being advice also. ", "Your true convert\nmust always preach.", "\n\nIf you are normal and philosophical; if you love your country; if you like\nbacon, or will eat it anyhow; if you are willing to learn how little you\ncount in the eternal scheme of things; if you are prepared, for the first\nday or two, to be able to locate every muscle in your body and a few\nextra ones that seem to have crept in and are crowding, go ride in the\nRocky Mountains and save your soul.", "\n\nIf you are of the sort that must have fresh cream in its coffee, and\nits steak rare, and puts its hair up in curlers at night, and likes to\ntalk gossip in great empty places, don't go. ", "Don't read this. ", "Sit in a\nmoving-picture theater and do your traveling.", "\n\nBut if you go--!", "\n\nIt will not matter that you have never ridden before. ", "The horses are\nsafe and quiet. ", "The Western saddle is designed to keep a cow-puncher\nin his seat when his rope is around an infuriated steer. ", "Fall off! ", "For\nthe first day or two, dear traveler, you will have to be extracted! ", "After\nthat you will learn that swing of the right leg which clears the saddle,\nthe slicker, a camera, night-clothing, soap, towel, toothbrush, blanket,\nsweater, fishing-rod, fly-hook, comb, extra boots, and sunburn lotion,\nand enables you to alight in a vertical position and without jarring\nyour spine up into your skull.", "\n\n[Illustration: BARING CREEK, CITADEL MOUNTAIN, AND BLACKFEET GLACIER]\n\nNow and then the United States Government does a very wicked thing. ", "Its\ntreatment of the Indians, for instance, and especially of the Blackfeet,\nin Montana. ", "But that's another story. ", "The point is that, to offset\nthese lapses, there are occasional Government idealisms. ", "Our National\nParks are the expression of such an ideal.", "\n\nI object to the word \"park,\" especially in connection with the\nparticular National Reserve in northwestern Montana known as Glacier\nPark. ", "A park is a civilized spot, connected in all our minds with neat\npaths and clipped lawns. ", "I am just old enough to remember when it meant\n\"Keep-Off-the-Grass\" signs also, and my childhood memories of the only\npark I knew are inseparably connected with a one-armed policeman with\na cane and an exaggerated sense of duty.", "\n\nThere are no \"Keep-Off-the-Grass\" signs in Glacier Park, no graveled paths\nand clipped lawns. ", "It is the wildest part of America. ", "If the Government\nhad not preserved it, it would have preserved itself. ", "No homesteader\nwould ever have invaded its rugged magnificence or dared its winter\nsnows. ", "But you and I would not have seen it.", "\n\nTrue, so far most niggardly provision has been made. ", "The Government\noffices are a two-roomed wooden cabin. ", "The national warehouse is a\nbarn. ", "To keep it up, to build trails and roads, to give fire protection\nfor its fourteen hundred square miles of great forest, with many millions\nof dollars worth of timber, are provided thirteen rangers! ", "Thirteen\nrangers, and an annual allowance less than half of what is given to\nYellowstone Park,--with this difference, too, that Yellowstone Park\nhas had money spent on it for thirty-two years while Glacier Park is\nin the making! ", "It is one of the merry little jests we put over now\nand then. ", "For seventy-five miles in the north of the park there is no\nranger. ", "Government property, you see, and no protection.", "\n\nBut no niggardliness on the part of the Government can cloud the ideal\nwhich is the _raison d'etre_ for Glacier Park. ", "Here is the last\nstand of the Rocky Mountain sheep, the Rocky Mountain goat. ", "Here are\nantelope and deer, black and grizzly bears, mountain lions, trout--well,\nwe are coming to the trout. ", "Here are trails that follow the old game\ntrails along the mountain-side; here are meadows of June roses, true\nforget-me-nots, larkspur, Indian paintbrush, fireweed,--that first\nplant to grow after forest fires,--a thousand sorts of flowers, growing\nbeside snow-fields. ", "Here are ice and blazing sun, vile roads, and trails\nof a beauty to make you gasp.", "\n\nA congressional committee went out to Glacier Park in 1914 and three\nof their machines went into the ditch. ", "They went home and voted a\nlittle money for roads after that, out of gratitude for their lives.", "\nBut they will have to vote more money, much more money, for roads. ", "A\nGovernment mountain reserve without plenty of roads is as valuable as\nan automobile without gasoline.", "\n\nNevertheless,--bad roads or good or none, thirteen rangers or a\nthousand,--seen from an automobile or from a horse, Glacier Park is a\ngood place to visit. ", "Howard Eaton thinks so. ", "Last July, with all of the\nWest to draw from, he took his first party through Glacier. ", "This year\nin June, with his outfit on a pack-horse, he is going to investigate\nsome new trails and in July he will take a party of riders over them.", "\n\n[Illustration: A RAINY DAY IN CAMP\n (Howard Eaton is fifth from left of those standing)]\n\nForty-two people set out with Howard Eaton last summer to ride through\nGlacier Park. ", "They were of every age, weight, and temperament. ", "About\nhalf were women. ", "But one thing they had in common--the philosophy of\ntrue adventure.", "\n\nHoward Eaton is extremely young. ", "He was born quite a number of years\nago, but what is that? ", "He is a boy, and he takes an annual frolic. ", "And,\nbecause it means a cracking good time, he takes people with him and\nputs horses under them and the fear of God in their hearts, and bacon\nand many other things, including beans, in their stomachs.", "\n\nHe has taken foreign princes and many of the great people of the earth to\nthe tops of high mountains, and shown them grizzly bears, and their own\ninsignificance, at one and the same time. ", "He is a hunter, a sportsman,\nand a splendid gentleman. ", "And, because equipment is always a matter of\nmuch solicitude on the part of the novice, I shall tell you what he\nwears when, on his big horse, he leads his long line of riders over\nthe trails. ", "He wears a pair of serviceable trousers, a blue shirt, and\na vest! ", "Worn by Howard Eaton, believe me, they are real clothes. ", "He\nhas hunted along the Rockies from Alaska to Mexico. ", "He probably knows\nMontana, Wyoming, and Idaho as well as any man in the country.", "\n\nWhen Howard Eaton first went West he located in the Bad Lands. ", "Those\nwere the \"buffalo\" days, and it was then that he began taking his\nfriends with him on hunting trips. ", "At first they went as his guests.", "\nEven now they are his guests in the truest sense of the word.", "\n\nBy their own insistence, as the parties grew larger, they determined\nto help defray the cost of the expeditions. ", "Every one who knows Howard\nEaton knows that his trips are not made for profit. ", "Probably they barely\npay for themselves. ", "It is impossible to talk to him about money. ", "Save as\na medium of exchange it does not exist for him. ", "Life for him\nis twenty-four hours in the open air,--half of that time in the\nsaddle,--long vistas, the trail of game, the camp-fire at night, and a\nfew hours of quiet sleep under the stars.", "\n\nRoosevelt's ranch was near the Eaton ranch when it was in the Bad\nLands. ", "Roosevelt and Howard Eaton have taken many hunting trips\ntogether. ", "Titled foreigners of all sorts have come over and hunted elk,\ndeer, and other game with him. ", "He has supplied museums, parks, and\nanimal shows in every part of America with game. ", "He was and is a crack\nshot, of course. ", "He says he always treated the Indians with respect.", "\n\"I was always a little shy when Indians were in the same country with\nme, and once when hunting I retired so fast that the boys said I beat\nmy shadow six miles in fifteen minutes.\"", "\n\nIn those days the town of Sentinel Butte consisted of a canvas saloon\nwith the sign:--\n\n Rev. C. A. Duffy\n _Best Wines, Liquors, and Cigars_\n\n\"I had a fine chance to steal that sign once,\" says Howard Eaton,\n\"but some folks are fools, and I overlooked a bet.\"", "\n\nThe Eaton \"boys\"--for there are three--left Pittsburg and went West\nmany years ago. ", "Howard was the first. ", "He went in 1879. ", "In 1884 Theodore\nRoosevelt went out to the same country. ", "It was in 1904 when the Eatons\nleft the Bad Lands and went toward the Big Horn Mountain. ", "There, at\nthe foot of Wolf Creek and in the center of the historic battle-ground\nof the Arapahoes, Sioux, Crows, and Cheyennes, they established a new\nranch at Wolf, Wyoming.", "\n\n\n\n\nII\n\n\"FALL IN\"\n\n\nThe rendezvous for the Eaton party last summer was at Glacier\nPark Station on the Great Northern Railway. ", "Getting to that point,\nremote as it seemed, had been surprisingly easy--almost disappointingly\neasy. ", "Was this, then, going to the borderland of civilization, to the last\nstronghold of the old West? ", "Over the flat country, with inquiring prairie\ndogs sitting up to inspect us, the train of heavy Pullman diners and club\ncar moved steadily toward the purple drop-curtain of the mountains. ", "West,\nalways west.", "\n\nNow and then we stopped, and passengers got on. ", "They brought with them\nsomething new, rather electric. ", "It was enthusiasm. ", "The rest, who had\nbeen Eastern and greatly bored, roused and looked out of the windows. ", "For\nthe newcomers were telling fairy tales, with wheat for gold and farmers\nfor princes, and backing everything with figures. ", "They think in bushels\nover rather a large part of America to-day.", "\n\nWest. ", "Still west. ", "An occasional cowboy silhouetted against the sky; thin\nrange cattle; impassive Indians watching the train go by; a sawmill,\nand not a tree in sight over a vast horizon! ", "Red raspberries as large\nas strawberries served in the diner, and trout from the mountains that\nseemed no nearer by mid-day than at dawn!", "\n\nThen, at last, at twilight, Glacier Park Station, and Howard Eaton on\nthe platform, and old Chief Three Bears, of the Blackfeet, wonderfully\ndressed and preserved at ninety-three.", "\n\nIt was rather a picturesque party. ", "Those who had gone up from the\nEaton ranch in Wyoming--a trifle of seven hundred miles--wore their\nriding-clothes to save luggage. ", "Khaki was the rule, the women mostly in\nbreeches and long coats, with high-laced shoes reaching to the knee and\nsoft felt hats, the men in riding-clothes, with sombreros and brilliant\nbandannas knotted about their throats. ", "One or two had rather overdone\nthe part and were the objects of good-natured chaffing later on by the\nguides and cowboys.", "\n\n\"Hi!\" ", "cried an urchin as we walked about the streets of Billings, Montana,\nto stretch train-tired muscles. \"", "Here's the 101 Ranch!\"", "\n\nNot very long before I had been to the front in Belgium and in France. ", "I\nconfess that no excursion to the trenches gave me a greater thrill than\nthe one that accompanied that start the next morning from the Glacier\nPark Hotel to cross the Continental Divide. ", "For we were going to cross\nthe Rockies. ", "Our route was three hundred miles long. ", "It was over six\npasses, and if you believe, as I did, that a pass is a valley between\ntwo mountains, I am here to set you right.", "\n\n[Illustration: HIKERS ON PIEGAN PASS]\n\nA pass is a bloodcurdling spot up which one's horse climbs like a goat\nand down the other side of which it slides as you lead it, trampling\never and anon on a tender part of your foot. ", "A pass is the highest place\nbetween two peaks. ", "A pass is not an opening, but a barrier which you\nclimb with chills and descend with prayer. ", "A pass is a thing which\nyou try to forget at the time and which you boast about when you get\nback home. ", "For I have made it clear, I think, that a horseback trip\nthrough Glacier Park, across the Rockies, and down the Pacific <DW72>,\nis a sporting proposition. ", "It is safe enough. ", "Howard Eaton has never\nhad an accident. ", "But there are times--\n\n[Illustration: GOLD DOLLAR, THE AUTHOR'S BUCKSKIN HORSE]\n\nOnce, having left the party to make a side trip, my precious buckskin\nhorse--called \"Gold Dollar\"--was \"packed\" over. ", "Now, Gold Dollar was a\nreal horse with a beard. ", "He was not a handsome horse. ", "Even when I was\non him, no one would have turned to admire. ", "But he was a strong horse,\nand on a trail up a switchback--do you know what a switchback is?--well,\na mountain switchback bears about as much relation to the home-grown\namusement-park variety as a stepmother to the real thing--on a switchback\nhe was well-behaved. ", "He hugged the inside of the trail, and never tried\nto reach over the edge, with a half-mile drop below, to crop grass. ", "He\nwas not reckless. ", "He was a safe and sane horse. ", "He never cared for me,\nbut that is beside the question.", "\n\nSo, having temporarily left Gold Dollar, I had to get back to him. ", "I\nhad to go fifty miles to do it, and I was provided with a horse by the\nman who holds the horse concession in the park. ", "A horse? ", "A death-trap,\na walking calamity, a menace. ", "If the companies who carry my life insurance\nhad seen me on that horse, they would have gone pale. ", "He was a white\nhorse, and he was a pack-horse. ", "Now, the way of a pack-horse is on the\nedge of the grave. ", "Because of his pack he walks always at the outer side\nof the trail. ", "If his pack should happen to hit the rocky wall, many\nunpleasant things would follow, including buzzards. ", "So this beast, this\ncreature, this steed of death, walked on the edge of the precipice. ", "He\ncounted that moment lost that saw not two feet dangling blithely over\nthe verge. ", "Now and then the verge crumbled. ", "We dislodged large stones\nthat fell for a mile or two, with a sickening thud. ", "Once we crossed a\nsnow-field which was tilted. ", "He kept one foot on the trail and gave the\nother three a chance to take a slide. ", "There was a man riding behind\nme. ", "When it was all over, he shook my hand.", "\n\nOff, then, to cross the Rocky Mountains--forty-two of us, and two wagons\nwhich had started early to go by road to the first camp: cowboys in chaps\nand jingling spurs; timorous women, who eyed rather askance the blue and\npurple mountains back of the hotel; automobile tourists, partly curious\nand partly envious; the inevitable photographer, for whom we lined up\nin a semi-circle, each one trying to look as if starting off on such a\ntrip was one of the easiest things we did; and over all the bright sun,\na breeze from the mountains, and a sense of such exhilaration as only\naltitude and the West can bring.", "\n\nThen a signal to fall in. ", "For a mile or two we went two abreast, past\na village of Indian tepees, past meadows scarlet with the Indian\npaintbrush, past--with condescension--automobile busses loaded with\ntourists who craned and watched. ", "Then to the left, and off the road. ", "The\ncowboys and guides were watching us. ", "As we strung out along the trail,\nthey rode back and forward, inspecting saddles, examining stirrups,\nseeing that all were comfortable and safe. ", "For even that first day we were\nto cross Mount Henry, and there must be no danger of saddle slipping.", "\n\nQuite without warning we plunged into a rocky defile, with a small river\nfalling in cascades. ", "The shadow of the mountain enveloped us. ", "The horses\nforded the stream and moved sedately on.", "\n\nDid you ever ford a mountain stream on horseback? ", "Do it. ", "Ride out of\nthe hot sun into a brawling valley. ", "Watch your horse as he feels his\nway across, the stream eddying about his legs. ", "Give him his head and\nlet him drink lightly, skimming the very surface of the water with his\ndelicate nostrils. ", "Lean down and fill your own cup. ", "How cold it is, and\nhow clear! ", "Uncontaminated it flows down from the snow-covered mountains\noverhead. ", "It is living.", "\n\n\n\n\nIII\n\nTHE SPORTING CHANCE\n\n\nThe trail began to rise to the tree-covered \"bench.\" ", "It twisted as it\nrose. ", "Those above called cheerfully to those below. ", "We had settled to the\nsedate walk of our horses, the pace which was to take us over our long\nitinerary. ", "Hardly ever was it possible, during the days that followed,\nto go faster than a walk. ", "The narrow, twisting trails forbade it. ", "Now\nand then a few adventurous spirits, sighting a meadow, would hold back\nuntil the others had got well ahead, and then push their horses to the\neasy Western lope. ", "But such joyous occasions were rare.", "\n\nUp and up. ", "The trail was safe, the grade easy. ", "At the edge of the\nbench we turned and looked back. ", "The great hotel lay below in the\nsunlight. ", "Leading to it were the gleaming rails of the Great Northern\nRailway. ", "We turned our horses and went on toward the snow-covered\npeaks ahead.", "\n\nThe horses moved quietly, one behind the other. ", "As the trail rose there\nwere occasional stops to rest them. ", "Women who had hardly dared to look\nout of a third-story window found themselves on a bit of rocky shelf,\nwith the tops of the tallest trees far below. ", "The earth, as we had known\nit, was falling back. ", "And, high overhead, Howard Eaton, at the head of\nthe procession, was sitting on his big horse silhouetted against the sky.", "\n\n[Illustration: EATON PARTY CLIMBING TO PIEGAN PASS\n _Copyright, A. J. Baker_]\n\nThe first day was to be an easy one--twelve miles and camp. \"", "Twelve\nmiles!\" ", "said the experienced riders. \"", "Hardly a Sunday morning canter!\"", "\nBut a mountain mile is a real mile. ", "Possibly they measure from peak to\npeak. ", "I do not know. ", "I do know that we were almost six hours making\nthat twelve miles and that for four of it we led our horses down a\nmountain-side over a vacillating path of shale. ", "Knees, that up to that\npoint had been fairly serviceable, took to chattering. ", "Riding-boots\nceased to be a matter of pride and emerged skinned and broken. ", "The\nhorses slid and stumbled. ", "And luncheon receded.", "\n\nDown and down! ", "Great granite cliffs of red and blue and yellow across the\nvalley--and no luncheon! ", "Striped squirrels hiding in the shale--and no\nluncheon! ", "A great glow of moving blood through long-stagnant vessels,\ndeep breaths of clear mountain air, a camera dropped on the trail,\na stone in a horse's foot--and no luncheon!", "\n\nTwo o'clock, and we were down. ", "The nervous woman who had never been on a\nhorse before was cinching her own saddle and looking back and up. ", "The\nsaddle tightened, she sat down and emptied her riding-boots of a few\npieces of rock. ", "Her silk stockings were in tatters.", "\n\n\"I feel as though my knees will never meet again,\" she said reflectively.", "\n\"But I'm so swollen with pride and joy that I could shriek.\"", "\n\nThat's what it is, partly. ", "A sense of achievement; of conquering the\nunconquerable; of pitting human wits against giants and winning--a\nsporting chance. ", "You may climb peaks in a railroad coach and see\nthings as wonderful. ", "But you are doing this thing yourself. ", "Every mile\nis an achievement. ", "And, after all, it is miraculously easy. ", "The trails\nare good. ", "The horses are steady and sure-footed. ", "It is a triumph of\nendurance rather than of courage.", "\n\nIf you have got this far, you are one of us, and you will go on. ", "For the\nlure of the high places is in your blood. ", "The call of the mountains is\na real call. ", "The veneer, after all, is so thin. ", "Throw off the impedimenta\nof civilization, the telephones, the silly conventions, the lies that\npass for truth. ", "Go out to the West. ", "Ride slowly, not to startle the\nwild things. ", "Throw out your chest and breathe; look across green valleys\nto wild peaks where mountain sheep stand impassive on the edge of\nspace. ", "Let the summer rains fall on your upturned face and wash away\nthe memory of all that is false and petty and cruel. ", "Then the mountains\nwill get you. ", "You will go back. ", "The call is a real call.", "\n\nAbove the timber-line we rode along bare granite <DW72>s. Erosion had been\nbusy here. ", "The mighty winds that sweep the crests of the Rockies had\nbared the mountains' breasts. ", "Beside the trails high cairns of stones\nwere piled, so that during the winter snow the rangers might find their\nway about. ", "Remember, this is northwestern Montana; the Canadian border\nis only a few miles away, and over these peaks sweeps the full force\nof the great blizzards of the Northwest.", "\n\nThe rangers keep going all winter. ", "There is much to be done. ", "In the summer\nit is forest fires and outlaws. ", "In the winter there are no forest fires,\nbut there are poachers after mountain sheep and goats, opium smugglers,\nbad men from over the Canadian border. ", "Now and then a ranger freezes to\ndeath. ", "All summer these intrepid men on their sturdy horses go about\narmed with revolvers. ", "But in the fall--snow begins early in September,\nsometimes even in August--they take to snowshoes. ", "With a carbine strung\nto his shoulders, matches in a waterproof case, snowshoes and a package\nof food in his pocket, the Glacier Park ranger covers unnumbered miles,\npatrolling the wildest and most storm-ridden country in America. ", "He\ntravels alone. ", "The imprint of a strange snowshoe on the trail rouses his\nsuspicion. ", "Single-handed he follows the marks in the snow. ", "A blizzard\ncomes. ", "He makes a wikiup of branches, lights a small fire, and plays\nsolitaire until the weather clears. ", "The prey he is stalking cannot\nadvance either. ", "Then one day the snow ceases; the sun comes out. ", "Over\nthe frozen crust his snowshoes slide down great <DW72>s with express\nspeed. ", "Generally he takes his man in. ", "Sometimes the outlaw gets the drop\non the ranger first and gets away.", "\n\nDuring the winter of 1913 one of these rangers was frozen to death. ", "He was\ncaught in a blizzard, and he knew what was coming. ", "When at last he sat\ndown beside the trail to wait for death he placed his snowshoes points\nupward in the snow beside him. ", "He sat there, and the snow came down and\ncovered him. ", "They found him the next day by the points of his snowshoes.", "\n\nThe snow melts in the summer on the meadows and in the groves. ", "But the\npeaks are still covered, and here and there the trail leads through a\nsnow-field. ", "The horses venture out on it gingerly. ", "The hot sun that\nblisters the face seems to make no impression on these glacier-like\npatches, snow on top and ice beneath. ", "Flowers grow at their very\nborders. ", "Striped squirrels and whistling marmots, much like Eastern\nwoodchucks, run about, quite fearless, or sit up and watch the passing of\nthe line of horses and riders, so close that they can almost be touched.", "\n\nGreat spaces; cool, shadowy depths in which lie blue lakes; mountain-sides\nthreaded with white, where, from some hidden lake or glacier far\nabove, the overflow falls a thousand feet or more, and over all the\ngreat silence of the Rockies! ", "Nerves that have been tightened for\nyears slowly relax. ", "There is not much talking. ", "The horses move along\nslowly. ", "The sun beats down. ", "Some one, shading his eyes with his hand,\nproclaims a mountain sheep or goat on a crag overhead. ", "The word passes\nback along the line. ", "Also a thrill. ", "Then some wretched electrical\nengineer or college youth or skeptical lawyer produces a pair of\nfield-glasses and announces it to be a patch of snow.", "\n\nHere and there we saw \"tourist goats,\" rocks so shaped and situated as to\ndefy the strongest glass. ", "The guides pointed them out and listened with\nsilent enjoyment to the resulting acclamation. ", "After that discovery, we\nadopted a safe rule: nothing was a goat that did not move. ", "Long hours we\nspent while our horses wandered on with loose reins, our heads lifted\nto that line, just above the timber, which is Goatland. ", "And the cry\n\"A goat!\" ", "and the glasses, and skepticism--often undeserved.", "\n\nThe first night out of doors I did not sleep. ", "I had not counted on\nthe frosty nights, and I was cold. ", "The next day I secured from a more\nprovident member of the party woolen pajamas. ", "Clad in those, and covered\nwith all the extra portions of my wardrobe, I was more comfortable. ", "But\nit takes woolen clothing and bed socks to keep out the chill of those\nmountain nights.", "\n\nOne rises early with Howard Eaton's party. ", "No matter how late the\nstory-tellers have held the crowd the night before around the camp-fire,\nsomewhere about five o'clock, Howard--he is either Howard or Uncle\nHoward to everybody--comes calling among the silent tepees.", "\n\n\"Time to get up!\" ", "he calls. \"", "Five o'clock and a fine morning. ", "Up with you!\"", "\n\nAnd everybody gets up. ", "There are basins about. ", "Each one clutches his\ncake of soap and his towel, and fills his basin from whatever lake or\nstream is at hand. ", "There is plenty of water in Glacier Park, and the\ncamps are generally beside a lake. ", "The water is cold. ", "It ought to be,\nbeing glacier water, cold and blue. ", "The air is none too warm. ", "A few\nbrave spirits seek isolation and a plunge bath. ", "The majority are cowards.", "\n\n[Illustration: EATON CAMP NEAR ALTYN MOUNTAIN]\n\nNow and then a luxurious soul worried the cook for hot water. ", "They tell\nof a fastidious lady who carried a small tin pail of water to the cook\ntent and addressed the cook nervously as he beat the morning flapjacks\nwith a savage hand.", "\n\n\"Do you think,\" she inquired nervously, \"if--if I put this water on your\nstove, it will heat?\"", "\n\nHe turned and eyed her.", "\n\n\"You see it's like this, lady,\" he said. \"", "My father was a poor man and\ncouldn't give me no education. ", "Damned if I know. ", "What do you think?\"", "\n\nBefore one is fairly dressed, with extra garments thrust into the canvas\nwar-sack or duffle-bag which is each person's allowance for luggage,\nthe tents are being taken down and folded. ", "The cook comes to the end\nof the big tent.", "\n\n\"Come and get it!\" ", "he yells through hollowed hands.", "\n\n\"Come and get it!\" ", "is repeated down the line of tepees. ", "That is the food\ncall of an Eaton camp. ", "Believe me, it has the butler's \"Dinner is\nserved, madame,\" beaten forty ways for Sunday. ", "There is no second call.", "\nYou go or you don't go. ", "The long tables under the open end of the cook\ntent are laden with bacon, ham, fried eggs, flapjacks, round tins of\nbutter, enameled cups of hot coffee, condensed milk, sometimes fried\nfish. ", "For the cook can catch trout where the most elaborately outfitted\nEastern angler fails.", "\n\nThe horses come in with a thudding of hoofs and are rounded up by the\nmen into the rope corral. ", "Watched by night herders, they have been\ngrazing quietly all night in mountain valleys. ", "There is not much grass\nfor them. ", "By the end of the three hundred-mile trip they are a little\nthin, although in good condition. ", "It is the hope of the Superintendent\nof the Park and of others interested that the Government will soon realize\nthe necessity for planting some of the fertile valleys and meadows\nwith grass. ", "There are certain grasses that will naturalize themselves\nthere--for instance, clover, blue-joint, and timothy. ", "Beyond the first\nplanting they would need nothing further. ", "And, since much of the beauty\nof this park will always be inaccessible by motor, it can never be\nproperly opened up until horses can get sufficient grazing.", "\n\nSometimes, at night, our horses ranged far for food,--eight miles,--even\nmore. ", "Again and again I have watched my own horse nosing carefully\nalong a green bank and finding nothing at all, not a blade of grass it\ncould eat.", "\n\nWith the second day came a new sense of physical well-being, and this in\nspite of a sunburn that had swollen my face like a toothache. ", "Already\ntelephones and invitations to dinner and tailor's fittings and face\npowder belonged to the forgotten past. ", "I carried over my saddle and\nplaced it beside my horse, and a kindly and patronizing member of Howard\nEaton's staff put it on and cinched it for me. ", "I never learned how to\nput the thing on, but I did learn, after a day or two, to take it off,\nas well as the bridle and the red hackamore, and then to stand clear\nwhile my buckskin pony lay down and rolled in the grass to ease his\nweary back. ", "All the horses rolled, stiff-legged. ", "If the saddle did not\ncome off in time, they rolled anyhow, much to the detriment of cameras,\nfield-glasses, and various impedimenta strapped thereon.", "\n\n\n\n\nIV\n\nALL IN THE GAME\n\n\nDay after day we progressed. ", "There were bright days and days when we rode\nthrough a steady mist of rain. ", "Always it was worth while. ", "What matters\na little rain when there is a yellow slicker to put on and no one to\ncare how one looks? ", "Once, riding down a mountain-side, water pouring\nover the rim of my old felt hat and pattering merrily on my slicker,\nI looked to one side to see a great grizzly raise himself from behind\na tree-trunk, and, standing upright, watch impassively as my horse and\nI proceeded. ", "I watched him as far as I could see him. ", "We were mutually\ninterested. ", "The party had gone on ahead. ", "For a long time afterward I\nheard the crackling of small twigs in the heavy woods beside the trail.", "\nBut I never saw him again.", "\n\nIt is strange to remember how little animal life, after all, there seemed\nto be. ", "There was plenty, of course. ", "But our party was large. ", "We had no\nchance to creep up silently on the wild life of the park. ", "The vegetation\nwas so luxuriant in the valleys. ", "Beyond an occasional bear, once or twice\nthe screaming of a mountain lion, and the gophers and marmots, we saw\nnothing. ", "There were not many birds. ", "We never saw a snake. ", "It was too high.", "\n\nOne day, riding along a narrow trail on a mountain-side, the horse\nin front of mine stampeded, and for a moment it looked like serious\ntrouble. ", "For a stampeding horse on a two-foot trail is a dangerous\nthing. ", "It developed that there was a wasp's nest there, and the horse\nhad been stung. ", "We all got by finally by lashing our horses and running\npast at a canter.", "\n\n[Illustration: PUMPELLY'S PILLAR AND EATON PARTY]\n\nAnother time, working slowly up a mountain-side, I told the chief ranger\nof the park of having seen many Western horses at the front in France.", "\n\n\"Do you remember any of the brands?\" ", "he asked.", "\n\nI did. ", "A Diamond-Z, a flank brand on a black horse at Ypres.", "\n\n\"That's curious,\" he commented. \"", "That man just ahead of us has shipped a\ncarload of Montana horses to the front, and I believe that is his brand.\"", "\n\nWe called to the man ahead, and he halted. ", "Up we rode and demanded his\nbrand. ", "It was the Diamond-Z. To be quite certain, he showed it to me\nregistered in his notebook.", "\n\nSo there, where we could see out over what seemed unlimited space,\nwhere the earth appeared a vast thing, we decided that, after all,\nit was a small place. ", "The Rocky Mountains and Ypres!", "\n\nHaving risen at five, by eleven o'clock thoughts of luncheon were always\nobtrusive. ", "People began stealthily to consult watches and look ahead for\na shady place to stop. ", "By half-past eleven we were generally dismounted\nin some grove and the pack-train was coming up with its clattering pans,\nits coffee-pot, its cold boiled ham.", "\n\nHoward Eaton always made the coffee. ", "It was good coffee. ", "Apparently\nnobody ever thought of tea. ", "In the out-doors it is coffee--strong coffee,\nas hot as possible--that one craves.", "\n\nThere was one young woman in the party to whom things were always\nhappening--not by her own fault. ", "If there was a platter of meat to be\ndropped, it fell in her lap. ", "And so I remember that one day, the coffee\nhaving been made at a luncheon stop, the handle came off the coffee-pot\nand this same young woman had an uncomfortable baptism.", "\n\nBut it was all in the game. ", "Hot coffee, marmalade, bread and butter,\ncheese, sardines, and the best ham in the world--that was luncheon. ", "Often\nthere was a waterfall near, where for the mere holding out of a cup\nthere was ice water to drink. ", "The horses were not unsaddled at these\nnoonday stops, but, having climbed hard all morning, they were glad to\nstand in the shade and rest.", "\n\nSometimes we lunched on a ledge where all the kingdoms of the earth\nseemed spread out before us. ", "We sprawled on rocks, on green banks,\nand relaxed muscles that were weary with much climbing. ", "There was much\ntalk of a desultory sort. ", "We settled many problems, but without rancor.", "\nThe war was far away. ", "Here were peace and a great contentment, food and a\ngrassy bank, and overhead the trail called us to new vistas, new effort.", "\n\nOne young man was the party poet. ", "He hit us all off sooner or later. ", "I\nhave the ode he wrote to me, but modesty forbids that I give it.", "\n\nThe poet having pocketed his pad and pencil, and the amateur photographers\nhaving put up their cameras, the order to start was given. ", "The dishes were\npiled back in the crates and strapped to the pack-horses. ", "The ruin of\nthe ham was wrapped up and tied on somewhere. ", "Dark glasses were adjusted\nagainst the glare, and we were off.", "\n\nSometimes our destination towered directly overhead, up a switchback of\na trail where it was necessary to divide the party into groups, so that\nno stone dislodged by a horse need fall on some one below. ", "Always at\nthe head, riding calmly, with keen blue eyes, that are like the eyes of\naviators and sailors in that they seem to look through long distances,\nwas Howard Eaton. ", "Every step of the trail he tested first, he and his\nbig horse. ", "And I dare say many a time he drew a breath of relief when\nthe last timid woman had reached a summit or descended a <DW72> or forded\na river, and nothing untoward had happened.", "\n\n[Illustration: MEMBERS OF THE EATON PARTY TOBOGGANING WITHOUT TOBOGGANS\n _Copyright A. J. Baker, Kalispell, Montana_]\n\nThere were days when we reached our camping-places by mid-afternoon. ", "Then\nthe anglers got their rods and started out for trout. ", "There were baths\nto be taken in sunny pools that looked warm and were icy cold. ", "There\nwere rents in riding-clothes to be mended; even--whisper it--a little\nlaundry work to be done now and then by women, some of them accustomed to\nthe ministrations of a lady's maid at home. ", "And there was supper and the\ncamp-fire. ", "Charley Russell, the cowboy artist, was the camp-fire star. ", "To\nrepeat one of his stories would be desecration. ", "No one but Charley Russell\nhimself, speaking through his nose, with his magnificent head outlined\nagainst the firelight, will ever be able to tell one of his stories.", "\n\nThere were other good story-tellers in the party. ", "And Howard Eaton himself\ncould match them all. ", "A hundred miles from a railroad, we gathered\naround that camp-fire in the evening in a great circle. ", "There were,\nyou will remember, forty-two of us--no mean gathering. ", "The pine and balsam\ncrackled and burned, and overhead, often rising in straight walls around\nus for thousands of feet, were the snow-capped peaks of the Continental\nDivide. ", "Little by little the circle would grow smaller until at last\nonly a dozen choice spirits remained for a midnight debauch of anecdote.", "\n\nI have said that the horses ranged wide at night. ", "Occasionally they stayed\nabout the camp. ", "There was one big horse that was belled at night. ", "Now and\nthen toward dawn he brought his ungainly body, his tinkling bell, and\nhis satellites, the other horses, into the quiet streets of tepee town.", "\nMore than once I have seen an irate female, clad in pajamas and slippers,\nwith flying braids, shooing the horses away from her tent in the gray,\ncold dawn, and flinging after them things for which she vainly searched\nthe next morning.", "\n\n\n\n\nV\n\n\"RUNNING WATER AND STILL POOLS\"\n\n\nHolidays are rare with me. ", "So, on those occasional days when the party\nrested, I was up and away. ", "I happen to like to fish. ", "The same instinct\nwhich sent me as a child on my grandaunt's farm, armed with a carefully\nbent pin, an old cigar box full of worms, and a piece of twine, to sit for\nhours over a puddle in a meadow and fish for minnows; the same ambition\nwhich took me on flying feet up the hillside to deposit my prey, still\nwriggling, in a water barrel, where for days I offered it food in the\nshape of broken crackers, and wept to find eventually its little silver\nbelly upturned to the morning sky--that joy of running water and still\npools and fish is still mine.", "\n\nI cannot cast for trout. ", "I do it, but my technique sets the boat to\nrocking and fishermen to grinding their teeth.", "\n\nBut I had taken West with me a fly book and a trout rod, and I meant\nto use them. ", "Now and then, riding along the trail, we met people who\ndrew aside to let us pass, and who held up such trout as I had never\ndreamed of. ", "Or, standing below a waterfall, would be a silent fisherman\ntoo engrossed to more than glance at our procession as it wound along.", "\n\nBut repeated early attempts brought me not a single strike. ", "Once in my\nardor I fell into an extremely cold lake and had to be dried out for\nhours. ", "I grew caustic about the trout. ", "Then somebody, with the interests\nof the park at stake, said that he would make up a party and see that\nI caught some trout. ", "He would see that I caught something, he said,\nif he had to crawl into the lake and bite my hook himself.", "\n\nSo we went to Red Eagle Lake. ", "There are trout in that lake; there are\ncutthroat trout weighing four pounds. ", "I sat in a boat with a man who\ndrew one in. ", "I saw two college boys in their undergarments standing up\nto the waist in ice water and getting more large trout than I knew were\nin the world. ", "I ate trout that other people caught. ", "But they were bitter\nin my mouth.", "\n\nI threatened to write up Glacier Park as being a fishing failure. ", "The\nresult was calamitous. ", "Earnest-eyed fishermen spent hours in rowing me\nabout. ", "They imperiled my life, taking me into riffles; they made me brave\npneumonia and influenza and divers other troubles in the determination\nthat I should catch a mammoth fish. ", "And nothing happened--nothing\nwhatever. ", "Once a man in the boat hooked a big one and it ran under the\nboat. ", "I caught the line and jerked the fish into the boat. ", "That was the\nnearest I came to catching a large cutthroat trout at Red Eagle Lake.", "\nLater on--but I haven't come to that yet.", "\n\nI did catch some fish at Red Eagle. ", "I caught some Dolly Varden and rainbow\ntrout. ", "One of the earnest fishermen led me on foot over several miles of\nRocky Mountain scenery, stopping ever and anon to show me where a large\nbear had just passed. ", "The trail was fresh. ", "Here were the stones he had\nturned over for ants, the old trunks he had scratched for grubs. ", "Then\nwe arrived at the foot of a waterfall.", "\n\nWhat a place it was! ", "The water poured down in clouds of spray on which the\nafternoon sun painted a rainbow. ", "Tiny water ouzels bathed and played in\nthe pools in shallow rocks. ", "And here, in deep holes, there were trout\nfor the catching.", "\n\nThe fisherman stationed me on a rock, weighted my hook, told me to\ndrop in about forty feet of line, and stand still. ", "They would hook\nthemselves. ", "They did. ", "I caught eight in fifteen minutes. ", "But it was not\nsport. ", "It was as interesting as fishing for gold-fish in an aquarium.", "\n\nI lay that night at Red Eagle in a tent on a bed built of young trees\ndriven into the ground and filled with balsam branches. ", "A pack-horse\nhad carried up the blankets and pillows. ", "It was a couch for a queen. ", "In\nthe forest a mountain lion screamed like a woman, and at two o'clock\nin the morning one of the college boys got up from the cook tent where\nhe was sleeping, and said he thought he would go fishing!", "\n\nAs I look back, that was a strange gathering at the fishing-camp at Red\nEagle--so very far from anything approaching civilization. ", "There was\na moving-picture man and his outfit, there were the two college men,\nthere was the chief ranger of Glacier Park. ", "There was a young couple\nfrom New England who were tramping through the park, carrying their\ntent and other things on their backs. ", "They were very young and very\nenthusiastic. ", "I suspected them of being bride and groom, although I did\nnot know, and the most vivid recollection I have is of seeing the young\nwoman washing their camp-dishes in the cleanest, soapiest dishwater I\nhad seen since I left home. ", "And there was a cook who is a business man in\nthe winter, and who made excellent soda biscuit and talked books to me.", "\n\n[Illustration: GUNSIGHT LAKE AND MOUNT JACKSON FROM FUSILLADE MOUNTAIN]\n\nThat night, around the camp-fire, there were more stories told. ", "The\ncollege boys--\"Pie\" Way, the Yale pitcher, was one--related many\nmarvelous tales. ", "They said they were true. ", "I hope so. ", "If they were, life\nis even more interesting and thrilling a thing than I had believed.", "\nIf they were fiction, they had me beaten at my own game.", "\n\nThe next day was lowering and cold. ", "I spent the morning trying to get\nfish, and retired sour and disappointed when every one else succeeded\nand I failed. ", "Sometime I am going back to Red Eagle Lake, and I shall\ntake with me a tin of coral- salmon eggs--a trick I learned from\nGeorge Locke on the Flathead River later on. ", "And then I intend to have my\nphotograph taken with strings of fish like bunches of bananas around me.", "\n\n\n\n\nVI\n\nTHE CALL\n\n\nAs the days went on there was a subtle change in the party. ", "Women, who\nhad to be helped into their saddles at the beginning of the trip, swung\ninto them easily. ", "Waistbands were looser, eyes were clearer; we were\ntanned; we were calm with the large calmness of the great outdoors. ", "And\nwith each succeeding day the feeling of achievement grew. ", "We were doing\nthings and doing them without effort. ", "To some of us the mountains had\nmade their ancient appeal. ", "Never again should we be clear of their call.", "\n\nTo those of us who felt all this inevitably in the future would come\ntimes when cities and even civilization itself would cramp.", "\n\nI have traveled a great deal. ", "The Alps have never held this lure for\nme. ", "Perhaps it is because these great mountains are my own, in my own\ncountry. ", "Cities call--I have heard them. ", "But there is no voice in all\nthe world so insistent to me as the wordless call of the Rockies. ", "I\nshall go back. ", "Those who go once always hope to go back. ", "The lure of\nthe great free spaces is in their blood.", "\n\nWe crossed many passes. ", "Dawson Pass was the first difficult Rocky Mountain\npass I had ever seen. ", "There was a time when I had thought that a mountain\npass was a depression. ", "It is not. ", "A mountain pass is a place where the\nimpossible becomes barely possible. ", "It is a place where wild game has,\nafter much striving, discovered that it may get from one mountain valley\nto another. ", "Along these game trails men have built new paths. ", "Again\nand again we rode through long green valleys, the trail slowly rising\nuntil it had left timber far below. ", "Then at last we confronted a great\nrock wall, a seemingly impassable barrier. ", "Up this, by infinite windings,\nback and forward went the trail. ", "At the top was the pass.", "\n\n[Illustration: DAWSON PASS]\n\n\"I'm getting right tired,\" said Charley Russell, \"of standing in a cloud\nup to my waist.\"", "\n\nEach new pass brought a new vista of blue distance, of white peaks. ", "Each\npresented its own problems of ascent or descent. ", "No two were alike.", "\nMountain-climbing is like marriage. ", "Whatever else it may be, it is always\ninteresting.", "\n\nThere was the day we went over the Cutbank Pass, with instructions to\nhold our horses' manes so that our saddles would not slip back. ", "I shall\nnever forget my joy at reaching the summit and the horror that followed\nwhen I found I was on a rocky wall about twenty feet wide which dropped\na half-mile straight down on the other side to a perfectly good blue\nlake. ", "There was Triple Divide. ", "There was the Piegan Pass, where, having\nleft the party for a time, I rode back to them on the pack-horse I have\nmentioned before, with my left foot dangling over eternity.", "\n\nTriple Divide. ", "The trail had just been completed, and ours was the first\nparty after the trail-makers. ", "I had expected to be the first woman on\nthe top of Triple Divide. ", "But when I arrived, panting and breathless\nand full of the exaltation of the moment, two girls were already there\nsitting on a rock. ", "I shall not soon recover from the indignant surprise\nof that moment. ", "Perhaps they never knew that they had taken the laurel\nwreath from my brow.", "\n\nTriple Divide is really the culminating point of the continent. ", "It is\ncalled Triple Divide because water flows from it into the Gulf of Mexico,\ninto the Pacific Ocean, and into Hudson Bay.", "\n\n[Illustration: PARTY CROSSING TRIPLE DIVIDE]\n\nThere was the day when, on our way to Gunsight, we rode for hours along\na trail that heavy rains had turned into black swamp. ", "The horses\nstruggled, constantly mired. ", "It was the hardest day of the trip, not\nbecause of the distance, which was only thirty-five miles, but on account\nof the constant rocking in the saddle as our horses wallowed out of one\n\"jack pot\" into another--jack pots, I presume, because they are easy\nto get into and hard to get out of!", "\n\nThere was some grunting when at the end of that day we fell out of our\nsaddles, but no complaining. ", "That night, for the first time, the Eaton\nparty slept under a roof at the Gunsight Chalet, on the shores of a\nblue lake. ", "The Blackfoot Glacier was almost overhead. ", "It was the end\nof a hot July, but we gathered around a fire that evening, and crawled\nin under heavy blankets to the quick sleep of fatigue.", "\n\nOne more pass, and we should be across the Rockies and moving down the\nPacific <DW72>. ", "The moon came up that night and shone on the ice-caps of\nthe mountains all around us, on the glacier, on the Gunsight itself,\nappropriately if not beautifully named. ", "As far up the mountain-side as\nthe glacier our tired horses ranged for grass, and the tiny fire of the\nherder made a red glow that disappeared as the night mist closed down.", "\n\nNo \"Come and get it\" the next morning, but a good breakfast, nevertheless:\na frosty morning, with the sun out, and the moving-picture man gone\nahead to catch us as we climbed. ", "There was another photographer who\nhad joined the party. ", "He had been up at dawn, on the chance of snapping\na goat or two.", "\n\nLate the next night, when after a hard day's ride we had reached\ncivilization again at Lake Macdonald, and had dined and rested, the\nambitious young man limped into the hotel on foot. ", "For more than twenty\nmiles he had tramped, carrying a heavy plate camera and extra plates.", "\nThe zeal of the artist had made him careless. ", "He left his horse untied,\nand it promptly followed the others.", "\n\nOf the last part of that trip of his afoot I do not care to think. ", "The\ntrail, having scaled great heights, below the Sperry Glacier dropped\nsharply into the dense forest of the Pacific <DW72>. ", "There were bears\nthere. ", "We saw seven at one time the next day, six black and one silver\ntip, on the very trail he had covered.", "\n\nBut he got the picture.", "\n\nOnce over the crest of the Gunsight, there was a change in the\nair. ", "It blew about us, warm with the heat it had gathered in the South\nPacific. ", "Such animal life as the altitude permitted was out, basking\nin the sun. ", "There were still snow-fields in the shadows, but they were\nnot so numerous. ", "The rocks threw back the sun-rays on to our burned\nfaces. ", "The trail dipped, climbed, dipped again. ", "Here on a ledge was a\ncry, \"Pack-train coming,\" and we halted to let pass by a train of men\non horseback and of laden little burros, tidy and strong.", "\n\nClimbing again, the trail was lost in the shale, and arrows painted on the\nrocks gave us the direction. ", "Two lakes lay together below. ", "One appeared\nfrom our elevation rather higher than the other. ", "Rather higher! ", "The rock\nwall that separated them was fourteen hundred feet high, and vertical.", "\n\nAs we began the last descent, the party grew silent. ", "It was the last\nleg of the journey. ", "A day or so more and we should be scattered over\nthe continent on whose spine we were so incontinently tramping. ", "Back to\ncivilization, to porcelain bathtubs and course dinners and facial massage,\nto stays and skirts, to roofs and servants and the vast impedimenta\nof living.", "\n\n[Illustration: MOUNTAIN GOAT AND KID ON PTARMIGAN PASS\n (The white objects about two thirds of the way down)\n _Copyright, A. J. Baker, Kalispell, Montana_]\n\nSperry Chalet and luncheon. ", "No more the ham and coffee over a wood fire,\nthe cutting of much bread on a flat stone. ", "Here were tables, chairs, and\nlinen. ", "Alas, there was a waitress who crumbed the table and brought in\ndessert.", "\n\nBack, indeed, with a vengeance. ", "But only to the ways of civilization\nitself. ", "All afternoon we went on, descending always, through the\noutriders of the forest to the forest itself. ", "Dusk came, dusk in the\nwoods, with strange soft paddings of unseen feet, with a gray light\nhalf-religious, half-faery, that only those who penetrate to the hearts\nof great forests can know.", "\n\n\"It makes me think of death,\" some one said in a low tone. \"", "Just a great\nshadow, no color. ", "Nothing real. ", "And silence, and infinite distance.\"", "\n\nThen Lake Macdonald. ", "We burst out of the forest on a run. ", "The horses\nhad known, by the queer instinct of horses, that just ahead would be\noats and a corral and grass for the eating. ", "They broke into a canter.", "\nThe various things we had hung to ourselves during the long, slow\nprogress over the mountain rattled and banged. ", "We hung on in a kind of\nmad exultation. ", "We had done it. ", "We had crossed the Continental Divide,\nthe Lewis Overthrust, whatever geographers choose to call it.", "\n\nThe trail led past a corral, past a vegetable garden such as our Eastern\neyes had seldom seen. ", "Under trees, around a corner at a gallop. ", "Then\nthe Glacier Hotel at Lake Macdonald, generally known as \"Lewis's.\"", "\n\nSoft winds from the Pacific blew across Lake Macdonald and warmed\nus. ", "Great strawberries were ripening in the garden. ", "Our horses got\noats, all they could eat. ", "In a pool in front of the hotel lazy trout\ndrifted about.", "\n\nThere was good food. ", "Again there were people dressed in civilized raiment,\npeople who looked at us and our shabby riding-clothes with a disdain\nnot unmixed with awe. ", "There was fox-trotting and one-stepping, in\nriding-boots, with an orchestra. ", "And that night at Lewis's they gave\nHoward Eaton a potlatch.", "\n\nA potlatch is an Indian party. ", "An Indian's idea of a party is to give\naway everything he possesses and then start all over again. ", "That is one\nreason why our Indians are so poor to-day. ", "We sat in a great lobby hung\nwith Indian trophies and bearskins, sat in a circle with Howard Eaton\nin the center. ", "There were a few speeches and some anecdotes. ", "Then the\npotlatch went on.", "\n\nThere were hot fried trout, sandwiches, and chips of dried meat--buffalo\nand deer, I believe. ", "There was beer. ", "After that came the gifts. ", "Everybody\ngot something. ", "Howard Eaton received a waistcoat made of spotted hide,\nand the women got necklaces of Indian beads. ", "It was extraordinary,\nhospitable, lavish, and--Western. ", "To have a party and receive gifts is\none thing, but to have a party so you can give away things is another.", "\n\n\n\n\nVII\n\nTHE BLACK MARKS\n\n\nThe visit to the executive department of the park was disappointing.", "\nI found the superintendent's office in a two-room frame shack; the\nGovernment warehouse an old barn: five miles from a railroad, too. ", "That's\nmanagement for you! ", "Why, O gentlemen at Washington who arrange these\nthings, why not at Belton, on the railroad, five miles away? ", "The park\nextends to Belton.", "\n\nInadequate appropriations, the necessity for putting the entire heavy\nmachinery of the Government in motion for the long-distance control of\nthe park, poor automobile roads, and insufficient rangers--these are\nthe black marks against us in Glacier Park. ", "On every hand the enthusiasm\nof a most efficient superintendent must contend with these things. ", "That\nmarvels of trail-making and road-building in this vast domain have been\ndone with so little money and encouragement is due, primarily, to the\nfaith the men closely connected with the park have had in its future.", "\n\nDoubtless all these things will remedy themselves in time. ", "But they make\nthe immediate problems of the park difficult to cope with. ", "The chief\nranger must live where he can. ", "No building erected by the superintendent\nmust cost over one thousand dollars. ", "It is not easy in that country of\ncheap wood and dear labor to build a house for one thousand dollars.", "\n\nAnd there is always the difficulty of long-distance supervision. ", "In 1914\nthe former Superintendent of National Parks, Mr. Daniels, spent a week\nin Glacier Park. ", "Last year he was at the entrance, Glacier Park Station,\nfor a half a day, and not in the park at all.", "\n\nThere are several parks, and it is easy to believe that Mr. Daniels\nfound it difficult to visit them all. ", "But the method must be wrong. ", "It\nis Washington that must order and pay for each bit of new trail- and\nroad-building. ", "If Washington does not come to the park, the park cannot\ngo to Washington. ", "There is something lacking in efficiency in a system\nwhich depends on across-the-continent supervision.", "\n\nThis year I hope the Superintendent of National Parks will go out to\nGlacier Park, not by automobile, but on a horse, and ride over his\ngreat domain. ", "Then I hope he will go back to Washington and arrange for\nenough rangers to make the park safe and to save its timber from forest\nfires. ", "Yellowstone Park has soldiers. ", "It is not soldiers, but woodsmen,\ntrail-riders, rangers, that are needed. ", "Canada, in this same country,\nhas her Northwest Mounted Police.", "\n\nThey want real men out there. ", "But the mountains take care of that. ", "The\nweaklings don't stick. ", "From just north of Glacier Park went a band of\ntwenty-five cavalrymen that I met last year in Flanders. ", "They were\nrangers: mountain riders. ", "For weeks during the German invasion they\nrode on skirmish duty between the advancing Germans and the retiring\narmies. ", "They became famous. ", "Where there were reckless courage and fine\nhorsemanship needed, those men were sent.", "\n\nIf we ever have a war, we shall draw hard on the West for cavalry. ", "Our\nnational parks should be able to send out trained skirmishers.", "\nUnder present conditions Glacier Park could furnish about a dozen.", "\n\nAnd, now that we are criticizing,--every one may criticize the Government:\nit is the English blood in us,--why is it that, with the most poetic\nnomenclature in the world,--the Indian,--one by one the historic names\nof peaks, lakes, and rivers of Glacier Park are being replaced by the\nnames of obscure Government officials, professors in small universities,\nunimportant people who go out there to the West and memorialize\nthemselves on Government maps? ", "Each year sees some new absurdity. ", "What\nnames in the world are more beautiful than Going-to-the-Sun and\nRising-Wolf? ", "Here are Almost-a-Dog Mountain, Two-Medicine Lake, Red\nEagle--a few that have survived.", "\n\n[Illustration: UPPER TWO MEDICINE LAKE]\n\nEvery peak, every butte, every river and lake of this country has been\nnamed by the Indians. ", "The names are beautiful and romantic. ", "To preserve\nthem in a Government reservation is almost the only way of preserving\nthem at all. ", "What has happened? ", "Look over the map of Glacier Park. ", "The\nIndian names have been done away with. ", "Majestic peaks, towering\nbuttes are being given names like this: Haystack Butte, Trapper Peak,\nHuckleberry Mountain, the Guard House, the Garden Wall. ", "One of the most\nwonderful things in the Rocky Mountains is this Garden Wall. ", "I wish I\nknew what the Indians called it. ", "Then there are Iceberg Lake, Florence\nFalls, Twin Lakes, Gunsight Mountain, Split Mountain, Surprise Pass,\nPeril Peak,--that last was a dandy! ", "Alliterative!--Church Butte, Statuary\nMountain, Buttercup Park. ", "Can you imagine the inspiration of the man\nwho found some flowery meadow between granite crags and took away from\nit its Indian name and called it Buttercup Park?", "\n\nThe Blackfeet are the aristocrats among American Indians. ", "They were the\nbuffalo hunters, and this great region was once theirs. ", "To the mountains\nand lakes of what is now Glacier Park, they attached their legends,\nwhich are their literature.", "\n\nThe white man came, and not content with eliminating the Indians, he\nwent further and wiped out their history. ", "Any Government official,\nif he so desires, any white man seeking perpetuation on the map of his\ncountry, may fasten his name to a mountain and go down in the school\ngeographies. ", "It has been done again and again. ", "It is being done now. ", "And\nthe lover of the old names stands helpless and aghast.", "\n\nIs there no way to stop this vandalism? ", "Year after year goes by, and\njust as the people connected with the park are beginning to learn new\nnames for the peaks, they are again rechristened. ", "There must be seven\nGoat Mountains. ", "Here and there is a peak, like Reynolds Peak or Grinnell\nMountain, and some others, properly named for men intimately associated\nwith the region. ", "But Reynolds's Indian name was Death-on-the-Trail. ", "When\nyou have seen the mountain you can well believe that Death-on-the-Trail\nwould fit it well.", "\n\nThere are many others. ", "Take an old peak that the Indians have known as\nOld-Man-of-the-Winds or Red-Top Plume and call it Mount Thompson or\nMount Morgan or Mount Pinchot or Mount Oberlin--for Oberlin College,\npresumably--or Mount Pollack--after the Wheeling stogie, I suppose!", "\n\nThere is hardly a name in the telephone directory that is not fastened\nto some wonderful peak in this garden spot of ours. ", "Not very long ago\nI got a letter--a pathetic letter. ", "It said that a college professor from\nan Eastern college had been out there this summer and insisted that one\nof the peaks be named for him and one for his daughter. ", "It was done.", "\n\nHere, then, the Government has done a splendid thing and done it none\ntoo well. ", "It has preserved for the people of the United States and for\nall the world a scenic spot so beautiful and so impressive that I have\nnot even attempted to describe it. ", "It is not possible. ", "But it has failed\nto open up the park properly. ", "It has been niggardly in appropriation.", "\nIt has allowed its geographers to take away the original Indian names\nof this home of the Blackfeet and so destroy the last trace of a vanishing\nrace.", "\n\nWere it not for the Great Northern Railway, travel through Glacier\nPark would be practically impossible. ", "Probably the Great Northern was\nnot entirely altruistic, and yet I believe that Mr. Louis Warren Hill,\nknown always as \"Louie\" Hill, has had an ideal and followed it--followed\nit with an enthusiasm that is contagious. ", "And with an inspiring faith.", "\n\nThe Great Northern has built huge hotels in three places and at a dozen\nother locations has built groups of log houses, Swiss fashion, so that\nit is possible to follow the trails by day and to be comfortably housed\nand fed each night.", "\n\nThese hotels, built by the Great Northern, are now owned and controlled\nby the Glacier Park Hotel Company.", "\n\nAt the entrance to the park is the Glacier Park Hotel that cost half\na million dollars and is almost as large as the National Capitol at\nWashington. ", "Like all the hotels and chalets in the park, it is constructed\nlargely of the huge trunks of the trees of the Northwest. ", "The Indians\ncall the Glacier Park Hotel the \"Great Log Lodge.\" ", "There is everything\nfrom a store to a swimming-pool.", "\n\nFifty miles away in the very heart of the park there is the new Many\nGlaciers Hotel. ", "It also cost a half-million dollars. ", "There is an\nautomobile road leading to Many Glaciers.", "\n\n[Illustration: VIEW FROM DINING-ROOM, MANY-GLACIER HOTEL]\n\nThe chalet system, also built by the Great Northern, has done more\nthan anything else to make the park possible for tourists. ", "Automobile\nroads and trails alike touch the chalets, and, although I am firm in\nmy conviction that it is impossible to see the park properly from an\nautomobile, I realize that there are many who will not take the more\narduous and sportsmanly method. ", "For them, then, a short trip of twelve\nor fifteen miles each day takes them from chalet to chalet. ", "There are\nchalets at Two-Medicine Lake, at Cutbank Canyon, at Going-to-the-Sun,\nat St. Mary's Lake, at Gunsight Pass, at the Sperry Glacier, at Granite\nPark, and at Belton.", "\n\nThere are inclusive and very moderate rates for various tours to take\nup a certain number of days. ", "A saddle-horse costs two dollars a day;\na pack-horse two dollars a day; a guide, who will furnish his own horse\nand board himself, five dollars a day.", "\n\nThere are rates from chalet to chalet--including a night's lodging in\ncomfortable beds, morning breakfast, evening dinner, and a carefully\npacked luncheon--that are astonishingly cheap. ", "For those who wish to\ngo even more simply, there are the tepee camps. ", "There are three of these,\nat St. Mary's, Going-to-the-Sun, and Many Glaciers. ", "They comprise a number\nof Indian tepees grouped about a central cabin which includes a kitchen\nprovided with a range and cooking utensils. ", "The tepees themselves are\nwooden-floored and each is equipped with two single cot beds and bedding.", "\nAt all of the tepee camps the charge for lodging is fifty cents per bed\nper night; the use of the range and cooking utensils is free. ", "At the\nchalets near by, hikers may purchase food at very reasonable prices.", "\n\nIt is, you see, possible to go through Glacier Park without Howard\nEaton. ", "It is even safe, and, to those who have never known Howard,\nhighly satisfactory. ", "But there will be something missing--that curious\nthing called personality, which could take forty-two entirely different,\nblase, feeble-muscled, uncertain, and effete Easterners and mould them\nin a few days into a homogeneous whole: that took excursionists and made\nthem philosophers and sportsmen.", "\n\n[Illustration: CUT BANK CHALETS ON CUT BANK RIVER\n _Copyright, 1912, Kiser Photo Co._]\n\nHe was hunting in Arizona later on. ", "The party ate venison, duck, and\nmountain lion--which tastes like veal.", "\n\n\"We have had several fights with grizzlies,\" he wrote. \"", "They are so\nstrong that they have whipped the hounds and carved them up some in each\nfight. ", "Country pretty rough and considerable fallen timber, which delays\nus. ", "I was kicked the other day by a horse when almost up to a bear. ", "The\nboys thought I had a broken leg or two, so they let the bear escape.\"", "\n\nHe was sending a rider off to the nearest post-office and wondering what\nwas doing in the war.", "\n\n\"Has Port Arthur fallen yet?\" ", "he inquired whimsically.", "\n\nA hunter who puts the greenest tenderfoot at ease and teaches him without\napparently teaching at all; a host whose first thought is always for his\nguests; a calm-faced man with twinkling blue eyes, who is proud of his\n\"boys\" and his friends all over the world--that is Howard Eaton as nearly\nas he can be put on paper.", "\n\nWherever he is when he reads this, hunting in Arizona or the Jackson Hole\ncountry, or snowed in at the ranch at Wolf, I hope he will forgive me for\nputting him into print, in memory of those days when the entire forty-two\nof us followed him, like the tail of a kite, across the Great Divide.", "\n\n\n\n\nVIII\n\nBEARS\n\n\nIt was the next day that I made my first close acquaintance with\nbears. ", "There are many bears in Glacier Park. ", "Firearms are forbidden, of\ncourse, and the rangers kill them only in case of trouble. ", "Naturally, so\nprotected, they are increasing rapidly. ", "They find good forage where horses\nwould starve. ", "Mr. Ralston, the park supervisor, saw a she bear with\nthree cubs last spring. ", "There are no tame bears, as in the Yellowstone.", "\n\nThere are plenty of animals. ", "Some fifty moose graze along the\nFlathead. ", "Beavers have colonies in many of the valleys and industriously\nbuild dams that deepen the fords. ", "I remember one place along the Cutbank\nTrail where the first horses found themselves above the belly in water\nand confronting a perpendicular bank up which one or two scrambled as\nbest they could. ", "The rest turned and, riding in the stream for a\nhalf-mile detour, made the trail again. ", "That was the work of beavers.", "\n\nThere are coyotes a-plenty. ", "Because they kill the deer and elk, the\nrangers poison them in the winter with strychnine. ", "A few mountain lions\nremain. ", "As one can make a whole night hideous, a few are sufficient.", "\n\nThere is something particularly interesting about a bear. ", "Perhaps it\nis because he can climb a tree. ", "In other words, ordinary subterfuges\ndo not go with him. ", "Reports vary--he is a fighter; he is a craven; the\nfact being, of course, that he is, like all wild animals and most humans,\na bit of each.", "\n\nThe trip was over, and I had seen but one bear. ", "At Lewis's that last\nSunday I voiced my disappointment. ", "Soon after I received word quietly\nthat Frank Higgins, guide and companion on many hunting trips to Stewart\nEdward White and other hunters, had offered to show me some bears.", "\n\nHe had horses saddled under a tree when I went back, and two men, one\nof them a Chicago newspaper artist, were with him. ", "We mounted and rode\nup the trail back of the hotel.", "\n\nI was dubious. ", "For days I had tried to see bears and failed, and now to\nhave them offered with certainty by Mr. Higgins made me skeptical. ", "I had\nan idea that under his tall impassiveness he was having a little fun at\nmy expense. ", "He was not. ", "We went out into the forest, to where the hotel\ndumps its garbage. ", "That was rather a blow, at first. ", "And there were no\nbears. ", "Only a great silence and a considerable stench.", "\n\nWe got off our horses, tied them, and sat down on a log. ", "Almost\nimmediately there was a distant crackling of branches.", "\n\n\"One coming now,\" said Frank Higgins. \"", "Just sit quiet.\"", "\n\nThat first bear, however, was nervous. ", "He circled around us. ", "I set\nmy camera for one hundred feet, and waited. ", "But the creature, a big\nblack, was shy. ", "He refused to come out. ", "Mr. Higgins went after him.", "\nHe snarled. ", "I looked after Mr. Higgins with a new respect, and the Chicago\nnewspaper man said he was perfectly satisfied with the bear where he was,\nand that enough was enough.", "\n\nThe bear suddenly took to a tree, climbing like a cat. ", "He looked about\nthe size of a grand piano. ", "Urged by Mr. Higgins, we approached the\ntree. ", "Finally we stood directly beneath. ", "He growled--the bear, of course,\nnot Frank Higgins. ", "But my courage was rising. ", "Wild bear he was, but he\nwas a craven. ", "I moved up the focus of my camera and took his picture. ", "We\nleft him there and went back to the log. ", "All at once there were bears in\nevery direction, six in all. ", "I moved my camera to thirty feet and snapped\nanother. ", "They circled about, heads turned toward us. ", "Now and then they\nstood up to see us better. ", "We were between them and supper.", "\n\n[Illustration: LUNCHEON ON FLATHEAD RIVER TRIP]\n\n[Illustration: PHOTOGRAPHING A BEAR]\n\nThe newspaper man offered to sketch me with a \"bear\" background. ", "And\nhe did. ", "Now and then he would say:--\n\n\"Isn't there one behind me?\"", "\n\n\"About twenty feet away,\" I would say.", "\n\n\"Good Lord!\" ", "But he went on drawing. ", "I have that picture now. ", "It is very\ngood, but my eyes have the look of a scared rabbit.", "\n\nOur friend still clung in the tree. ", "The other man had ridden back to\nthe hotel for camera films. ", "Time went on and he did not return. ", "We\nmade would-be facetious remarks about his courage--from our own\npinnacle. ", "Almost an hour! ", "The sketch was nearly finished, and twilight\nwas falling. ", "Still he had not come. ", "Then he appeared. ", "He had taken the\nwrong trail, and had been riding those bear-infested regions alone. ", "He\nwas smiling, but pale. ", "To visit bears in a party is one thing; to ride\nalone, with fleeting black and brown figures skulking behind fallen\ntimber, is another. ", "Not for a long time, I think, will that gentleman\nforget the hour or so when he was lost in the forest, with bears\n\n \"Thick as autumnal leaves that strew the brooks,\n In Vallombrosa.\"", "\n\nThe poetic quotation is my own idea. ", "What he said was entirely\ndifferent. ", "As a matter of fact, his own expression was: \"Hell, the\nplace is full of them!\"", "\n\nAt last, very quietly, Mr. Higgins got up.", "\n\n\"Here's a grizzly,\" he said. \"", "You might stand near the horses.\"", "\n\nWe did. ", "The grizzly looked the exact size of a seven-passenger automobile\nwith a limousine top, and he had the same gift of speed. ", "The black\nbears looked at him and ran. ", "I looked at him and wanted to. ", "The artist\nput away his sketch, and we strolled toward the horses. ", "They had not\nobjected to the black bears, beyond watching them with careful eyes. ", "But\nnow they pulled and flung about to free themselves. ", "Wherever he goes,\na grizzly bear owns his entire surroundings. ", "He carries a patent of\nownership.", "\n\nHe could have the woods, for all of me.", "\n\nThe black bears were in full retreat. ", "A hound dog came loping up the\ntrail and caught the scent. ", "In an instant he was after them. ", "Any hope\nI had ever had of outrunning a bear died then and there. ", "The dog was\nrunning without a muffler. ", "One of his frantic yelps changed to a howl\nas the rearmost bear turned and swatted him. ", "A moment, and the chase\nwas on again.", "\n\nThere is only one thing to do if a bear takes a sudden dislike to one.", "\nIt is useless to climb or to run. ", "Go toward it and try kindness. ", "Ask\nabout the children, in a carefully restrained tone. ", "Make the Indian\nsign that you are a friend. ", "If you have a sandwich about you, proffer\nit. ", "Then, while the bear is staring at you in amazement, turn and walk\nquietly away.", "\n\nIt was growing dark. ", "The grizzly, having driven off the black bears,\nturned his attention to us. ", "We decided that it was almost dinner time,\nand that we did not care to be late. ", "Anyhow, we had seen enough bears.", "\nEnough is enough. ", "We mounted and rode down the trail.", "\n\nNot all game is as plentiful as bears in Glacier Park or thrives so\nwell. ", "With the cutting-up of the range many of them have lost their\nwinter grazing-grounds. ", "Practically the last of the Rocky Mountain sheep\nand goats are in Glacier Park. ", "Last winter numbers of these increasingly\nrare animals were found dead by the rangers. ", "That is another thing the\nGovernment will do eventually. ", "It may never see that the Blackfeet\nIndians have a square deal, but it will feed what is left of the game.", "\n\nThere is little of the old West left. ", "Irrigation, wheat, the cutting-up\nof the Indian reservations into allotments, the homesteader, all spell\nthe end of the most picturesque period of America's development.", "\n\nNot for long, then, the cow-puncher in his gorgeous chaps, the pack-train\nwinding its devious way along the trail. ", "The boosting spirit has struck\nthe West. ", "Settlements of one street and thirteen houses, eleven of them\nsaloons, are suddenly becoming cities. ", "The railroads and the automobiles,\nby obliterating time, have done away with distance. ", "The old West is\nalmost gone. ", "Now is the time to see it--not from a train window; not,\nif you can help it, from an automobile, but afoot or on horseback,\nleisurely, thoroughly.", "\n\n\n\n\nIX\n\nDOWN THE FLATHEAD RAPIDS\n\n\nThe trip was over. ", "I had seen such things as I had never dreamed of. ", "I\nhad done things which I intended to relate at home. ", "But I had caught no\nfish to amount to anything. ", "On a Monday night I was to take the train\nEast. ", "On Sunday came great tales of the Flathead River. ", "But I had only\none more day. ", "How was it possible?", "\n\nIt was possible. ", "Everything is possible to those Westerners. ", "I could\nput on my oldest clothes and fish the Flathead for twenty miles or so\nthe following day under the guidance of one George Locke, celebrated\ntrout-sleuth. ", "Then, rod and fish and all, I could take the Great Northern\nEastern Express at a station and start on my three days' journey home.", "\nI did it.", "\n\nI can still see the faces of the people in that magnificent club car\nwhen a woman in riding-clothes, stained and torn, wearing an old\nsweater and a man's hat, and carrying a camera, a fishing-rod, and a\ncutthroat trout weighing three and a half pounds, invaded their bored\nand elegant privacy. ", "The woman was burned to a deep cerise. ", "She summoned\nthe immaculate porter and held out the trout to him. ", "He was very dubious\nabout taking it. ", "Thereupon the woman put on her most impressive manner\nand told him how she wished it placed on the ice and how the cook was\nto fix it and various other details.", "\n\nIt had been a day to live for. ", "The Flathead River does not flow; it runs.", "\nIt is a series of rapids, incredibly swift, with here and there a quiet\npool. ", "Attempts to picture the rapids as we ran them were abortive. ", "We\nreeled and wallowed, careened and whirled. ", "And always the fisherman-guide\nwas calm, and the gentleman who engineered the party was calm, and I\npretended to be calm.", "\n\nAt the foot of each rapids we fished. ", "I was beginning to learn that\ntwist of the wrist that sends out the line in curves, and drops the\nfly delicately on to the surface of the water.", "\n\nAs I learned, so that he did not close his eyes each time I raised my\nrod, George Locke told of the Easterner he had taken down the river\nsome time before.", "\n\n\"He wanted a lesson in casting,\" he said. \"", "And I worked over him pretty\nhard. ", "I told him all I knew. ", "Then, after I'd told him all I knew, and\nhe'd had all the fun with me he wanted, he just stood up in the bow of\nthe boat and put out ninety feet of line without turning a hair. ", "Cast?", "\nHe could have cast from a spool of thread.\"", "\n\nIn a boat behind us was a moving-picture man. ", "For weeks he had always\nbeen just behind or just ahead. ", "When the time came to leave the West,\nI missed that moving-picture man. ", "He had come to be a part of the\nlandscape. ", "I can still see him trying to get past us down those rapids,\ngoing at lightning speed to gain some promontory where he could set\nup his weapon and catch our boat in case it upset or did anything else\nworth recording.", "\n\n[Illustration: APPISTOKI FALLS NEAR TWO MEDICINE CHALETS]\n\nHe had two pieces of luck on that trip. ", "I had hooked my first trout and\nwas busy trying to throw it in the boatman's face when it escaped. ", "He\ncaught me at the exact instant when the triumph of my face turned to\na purple rage; and later on in the day he had the machine turned on me\nwhen I caught two trout on two flies at the same time. ", "Incidentally, I\nslipped off the stone I was standing on at the same moment. ", "He probably\ngot that, too.", "\n\nI caught twelve trout in as many minutes from that same rock and furnished\nthe luncheon for the party. ", "I took back loudly everything I had said\nagainst the fishing in Glacier Park. ", "I ate more trout than anybody else,\nas was my privilege. ", "If there were nothing else to it, I would still go\nback to the Montana Rockies for the fishing in the Flathead River.", "\n\nAt noon we stopped for luncheon. ", "The trout was fried with bacon, and\ncoffee was made. ", "We ate on a little tongue of land around which the\nriver brawled and rushed.", "\n\nFrom the time we had left Lake McDermott we had seen no single human\nbeing. ", "Mostly the river ran through tall canyons of its own cutting;\nalways it looked dangerous. ", "Generally, indeed, it was! ", "But never once\ndid the boatman lose control. ", "It reminded me of the story Mark Twain\ntold of the passenger who says to the pilot something like this:--\n\n\"I suppose you know where every hidden rock and sunken tree and sandbar\nis in this river?\"", "\n\nTo which the pilot replies: \"No, sir-ee. ", "But I know where they ain't.\"", "\n\n * * * * *\n\nThe train swung on into the summer twilight, past the ruins of old\nmining-towns, now nothing but names, past brawling streams and great\ndeep woods.", "\n\nThe large trout was cooked and served. ", "It had been worth the effort.", "\nThere were four of us to eat it--the moving-picture man, the chief\nranger of the park, the gentleman from St. Paul who had engineered the\nfishing-trip, and myself.", "\n\nAt Glacier Park Station my wardrobe, which I had not seen for weeks, was\nput on the train. \"", "They do you very well,\" as the English say, in the\nWest. ", "Everything was pressed. ", "Even my shoes had been freshly polished.", "\n\nA crowd of people had gathered at the station. ", "My supper companions left\nthe train. ", "There were many good-byes. ", "Then the train moved slowly off.", "\nI stood on the platform as long as I could and watched the receding\nlights. ", "Behind the hotel rose the purple-black silhouette of the\nmountains, touched with faint gold by the lingering finger of the sun.", "\n\nStealthy coyotes had taken advantage of the dusk to creep close to the\ntrack. ", "A light glimmered from a tent on the Indian reservation. ", "Flat,\ntreeless country, a wagon drawn by tired horses, range cattle that were\nonly shadows.", "\n\n\nThen night--and the East.", "\n\n\nTHE END\n\n\n\n\n The Riverside Press\n CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS\n U.S.A.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nEnd of Project Gutenberg's Through Glacier Park, by Mary Roberts Rinehart\n\n*** " ]
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[ "Prevalence and predictors of coronary artery disease in patients with a calcium score of zero.", "\nThe absence of coronary calcification is associated with an excellent prognosis. ", "However, a calcium score of zero does not exclude the presence of coronary artery disease (CAD) or the possibility of future cardiovascular events. ", "Our aim was to study the prevalence and predictors of coronary artery disease in patients with a calcium score of zero. ", "Prospective registry consisted of 3,012 consecutive patients that underwent cardiac CT (dual source CT). ", "Stable patients referred for evaluation of possible CAD that had a calcium score of zero (n = 864) were selected for this analysis. ", "The variables that were statistically significant were included in a multivariable logistic regression model. ", "From 864 patients with a calcium score of zero, 107 (12.4%) had coronary plaques on the contrast CT (10.8%, n = 93 with nonobstructive CAD and 1.6%, n = 14 with obstructive CAD). ", "By logistic regression analysis, the independent predictors of CAD in this population were age >55 years [odds ratio (OR) 1.63 (1.05-2.52)], hypertension [OR 1.64 (1.05-2.56)] and dyslipidemia [OR 1.54 (1.00-2.36)]. ", "In the presence of these 3 variables, the probability of having coronary plaques was 21%. ", "The absence of coronary artery calcification does not exclude the presence of coronary artery disease, but the prevalence of obstructive disease is very low. ", "In this population, the independent predictors of CAD in the setting of a calcium score of zero were hypertension, dyslipidemia, and age above 55 years. ", "In the presence of these 3 predictors, the probability of having CAD was almost 2 times higher than in the general population." ]
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[ "Visuels et complets, nos docs pédagos sont faits pour les exposés et pour que vos juniors en apprennent plus sur un thème passionnant." ]
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[ "Wife–sister narratives in the Book of Genesis\n\nThere are three wife-sister narratives in Genesis, part of the Torah, all of which are strikingly similar. ", "The narratives occur in Genesis 12, 20 and 26. ", "At the core of each is the story of a Biblical Patriarch, who has come to be in the land of a powerful foreign overlord who misidentifies the Patriarch's wife as the Patriarch's sister, and consequently attempts to wed her himself. ", "The overlord later finds out his error. ", "Two of the three stories are similar in many other details, including the ruler's name, Abimelech.", "\n\nSynopsis of the three narratives\n\nAbram and Pharaoh\nThe first episode appears in .", "\n\nAbram (later called Abraham) is pressured to move to Egypt in order to evade a famine. ", "Because his wife (also his half-sister), Sarah, is very beautiful, Abram asks her to say that she was only his sister lest the Egyptians kill him so that they can take her. ", "On arriving before the Pharaoh, the Egyptians recognise Sarah's beauty, and the Egyptian princes shower Abram with gifts of livestock and servants to gain her hand in marriage. ", "Sarah thus becomes part of \"Pharaoh's house\", but God sends a plague. ", "Pharaoh restores Sarah to Abram and orders them to leave Egypt with all the possessions Abram had acquired in Egypt.", "\n\nAbraham and Abimelech\n narrates the story of Abraham emigrating to the southern region of Gerar, whose king is named Abimelech. ", " Abraham states that Sarah, his wife, is really his sister, leading Abimelech to try to take Sarah as a wife; however, God intervened before Abimelech touched Sarah. ", " Abimelech complains to Abraham, who states that Sarah is his half-sister.", "\n\nAbimelech then restores Sarah to Abraham, and gives him gifts of livestock and servants by way of apology, and also allows Abraham to reside anywhere in Gerar. ", "Abimelech also gives 1000 pieces of silver to Abraham to reprove Sarah by a \"covering of the eyes\". ", "Abraham then prays for Abimelech and the king and his wife and concubines are able to conceive children; they previously could not.", "\n\nIsaac and Abimelech\nThe third episode appears in . ", "Here it is Isaac who, in order to avoid a famine, emigrates to the southern region of Gerar, whose king is named Abimelech. ", "Isaac has been told to do so by God, who also orders him to avoid Egypt, and promises to him the fulfillment of the oath made with Abraham. ", "Isaac states that Rebekah, his wife, is really his sister, as he is worried that the Philistines will otherwise kill him in order to marry Rebekah. ", "After a while, Abimelech sees Isaac sporting (Hebrew \"mitsahek\") with Rebekah and states that she must be Isaac's wife rather than his sister.", "\n\nAbimelech then orders that Rebekah be left alone by the denizens of Gerar, on pain of death. ", "Isaac goes on to spend a year in the area, and becomes wealthy, leading the Philistines in Gerar to envy him, so Abimelech sends Isaac away.", "\n\nHistorical-critical analysis of the narratives\n\nThe Jewish Encyclopedia's article \"Sarah\" notes that \n\"the story of Sarah's life, brief and incomplete as it is, presents nevertheless curious repetitions, e.g., the incident with Pharaoh and a similar incident with Abimelech ( and ).\"", "\n\nAccording to the Jewish Encyclopedia, the recurring story has a unified purpose: \n\"From the point of view of the history of culture these episodes are very instructive. ", "But it is not very probable that Abraham would have run the risk twice. ", "Moreover, a similar incident is reported in regard to Isaac and Rebecca (). ", "This recurrence indicates that none of the accounts is to be accepted as historical; all three are variations of a theme common to the popular oral histories of the Patriarchs. ", "That women were married in the way here supposed is not to be doubted. ", "The purpose of the story is to extol the heroines as most beautiful and show that the Patriarchs were under the special protection of the Deity.\"", "\n\nThis view takes the marital framework at face value, as historical.", "\n\nComparison to other cultures\nPolitical marriages were common occurrences in the Ancient Near East, which typically meant that a resident alien would offer one of his daughters to the monarch as a diplomatic action and to protect himself and his family. ", "Hoffmeier interprets the wife-sister narratives found in the Book of Genesis as reflecting that practice; in his view Abraham and Isaac were traveling in foreign territory without any daughters to offer the local ruler and attempted to create similar diplomatic relationships by presenting their wives as potential gifts.", "\n\nSource criticism\nFrom the perspective of source criticism, these three accounts would appear to be variations on the same theme, with the oldest explication being that in Gen. 12. ", "In the past, the first and third accounts have been attributed to the Yahwist source (or J source), and the second account has been attributed to the Elohist source (or the E source) via source criticism. ", "However, it has also been proposed that similarities between these narratives is because they are oral variations of one original story. ", "Recently, it has been thought that the second and third accounts were based on and had knowledge of the first account. ", "According to critics, such as T.D. Alexander, there are different theories about the sources but none can be proven to be flawless.", "\n\nLiterary analysis\n\nAdditionally, scholars have also argued that the three tales are not true historic occurrences, rather purposeful tales. ", "According to Niditch, there is one wife-sister story that has many different versions, but there are inconsistencies and they all refer back to the same story. ", "Niditch associates the wife-sister entries as potential folklore written to target a particular audience and in hopes of conveying a message regarding the sinful nature of deception and adultery.", "\n\nThe three wife-sister narratives are all related to each other in some way, according to Coats, sharing common content, structure and genre for communicating the content. ", "In all three stories a promise for progeny is not a factor in the content and the structure rather the narratives have a focus on blessing.", "\n\nThe wife and sister relationships\nHepner concludes, through Biblical exegesis and semantics, that it is plausible that the union of Abraham and Sarah was actually incestuous with Sarah being Abraham's half-sister. ", "For example, in Genesis 20: 13, Abraham, talking to Abimelech, alludes to Leviticus laws or the Holiness code, by using the phrase \"lovingkindness.\" ", "The same word is found referring to the sin of incestuous relationships and can also take the alternative meaning of \"disgrace.\" ", "Abraham, in his discourse with Abimelech, could be openly confessing his \"disgraceful\" relations with his wife/sister Sarah but whichever translation of the word is taken, it shows Abraham's knowledge of the Holiness code and specifically the clauses pertaining to incest found within Leviticus.", "\n\nJewish and Christian interpretations \nAn explanation presented in classical times, and suggested by Rashi, argued that when a stranger comes to town, the proper thing to do would be to inquire if he needs food and drink, not whether his female companion is a married woman, and hence as Abimelech did the latter, it tipped off Abraham to the fact that there is no fear of God in this place, and so he lied about his relationship with Sarah in order to avoid being killed. ", "Consequently, it could be argued that the parallel behaviour results from this lack of fear of God by the antagonists in the other two similar situations.", "\n\nChristian interpretation of the incidents has varied considerably. ", "Some commentators have seen them as regrettable exceptions in the lives of those who otherwise lived upright lives, in the same sense perhaps as Noah's and Lot's drunkenness and David's adultery. ", "On the other hand, commentators such as Allan Turner, in his essay \"Lying: Is It Ever Right?\", ", "takes the standpoint that the patriarchal individuals did not actually lie, but merely concealed part of the truth.", "\n\nReferences\n\nSources\n\n — note the footnotes for Genesis 26 and 20-21 \n Emanuel Feldman. ", "Changing patterns in Biblical criticism. ", "Tradition 1965;7(4) and 1966;8(5).", "\n\nCategory:Biblical matriarchs\nCategory:Book of Genesis\nCategory:Lech-Lecha\nCategory:Vayeira\nCategory:Women in the Hebrew Bible" ]
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[ "Greg Kurstin to record Van Halen covers album with The Bird and The Bee\n\nBang Showbiz\n\n11 June 2019\n\nSuperproducer Greg Kurstin is releasing 'Interpreting the Masters Volume 2: A Tribute to Van Halen' with his side project The Bird & The Bee\n\nSuperproducer Greg Kurstin is set to record a Van Halen covers album with his act The Bird & The Bee.", "\n\nThe indie pop duo – which also consists of Inara George – has announced the release of their new record 'Interpreting the Masters Volume 2: A Tribute to Van Halen' set for release on August 2 alongside a 15-date North American tour.", "\n\nThe new album will feature the biggest hits from 1974 until 1985 – when Van Halen consisted of Eddie Van Halen, Eddie's brother, drummer Alex Van Halen, vocalist David Lee Roth and bassist Michael Anthony.", "\n\nThe duo have also debuted a re-imagining of 1987 hit 'Ain't Talking 'Bout Love' which appears on the rockers' self-titled album.", "\n\nThe 2019 trek will kick off at the John Anson Ford Amphitheater in Los Angeles on August 2 with a special one-off performance featuring Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl on drums and Beck guitarist Justin Meldal-Johnsen on bass.", "\n\nIn a statement, Kurstin said: \"When I want to listen to hard rock music there's still nothing that hits me like. ", "Every time I hear them it takes me back to when I first found them on the radio, and it felt so dangerous to me – like they were from a whole other world.", "\n\n\"It would be so great if people who would never usually listen to Van Halen heard this record, and then ended up falling in love with them too.\"", "\n\nGeorge added of the band: \"I remember being 10 years old and seeing their videos and feeling both excited and totally terrified – I responded to them in this very visceral way.\"", "\n\nKurstin has just finished working with Liam Gallagher on his second solo LP 'Why Me? ", "Why Now?' ", "and he has previously worked with artists such as Adele, Sir Paul McCartney, Pink, Sia and Years and Years." ]
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[ "R-454B\n\nR-454B, formerly known as DR-5A, and sold under the trademarked name Opteon, is a refrigerant. ", " R-454B has characteristics that reduce greenhouse effects and global warming impacts. ", " It is intended to replace the older environmentally-friendly R-410A refrigerant.", "\n\nR-454B was first produced around 2010, and is manufactured by Chemours. ", " As of 2018, it is not yet manufactured in commercial quantities, but efforts are underway to use it commercially.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Refrigerants\nCategory:Greenhouse gases\nCategory:Daikin" ]
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[ "{-# language DeriveAnyClass #-}\n{-# language DeriveGeneric #-}\n{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}\nmodule Plicity where\n\nimport Protolude\n\nimport Data.", "Text.", "Prettyprint.", "Doc\nimport Data.", "Persist\n\ndata Plicity\n = Implicit\n | Explicit\n | Constraint\n deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Persist, Hashable)\n\ninstance Pretty Plicity where\n pretty plicity =\n case plicity of\n Implicit ->\n \"implicit\"\n\n Explicit ->\n \"explicit\"\n\n Constraint ->\n \"constraint\"\n\nprettyAnnotation :: Plicity -> Doc ann\nprettyAnnotation plicity =\n case plicity of\n Implicit ->\n \"@\"\n\n Explicit ->\n \"\"\n\n Constraint ->\n \"!\"", "\n\nimplicitise :: Plicity -> Plicity\nimplicitise plicity =\n case plicity of\n Explicit ->\n Implicit\n\n Implicit ->\n Implicit\n\n Constraint ->\n Constraint\n" ]
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[ "When I opened the box and noticed what was inside, I just started smiling. ", "It's my first time doing this Secret Santa and the thought that went into this gift was amazing.", "\n\nNot only was the gift wrapped but my secret santa also included an amazing message. ", "I can't wait to read through both 1984 and Animal Farm again. ", "Once I'm finished reading, it will sit on my special bookshelf where I will always remember how I got it. ", "I take pride in my book collection and will treasure this.", "\n\nThank you so much for this wonderful experience, I can't wait to do it again.", "\n\nTristan" ]
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[ "Myogilsang Buddhist statue\n\nThe Myogilsang Buddhist statue is a carved Bodhisattva located in the Grand Miruk Cliff in Manphok Valley, Inner Kumgang, North Korea. ", "Dating from the Koryo period, it is 15 metres high and 9.4 metres wide. ", " The statue was once part of a larger temple dedicated to Manjushri (the Bodhisattva of wisdom) that was laid to waste in the late-Choson period, leaving only the carving. ", "A painting dated 1768 in the National Museum of Korea in Seoul shows the carving inside the temple. ", "\n\nIt is the largest Buddhist stone image in Korea. ", "\n\nThe statue was visited by 150 tourists in 2007 as part of a pilot project to open the area to tourism from South Korea.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:National Treasures of North Korea" ]
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", " See the GNU\n# Lesser General Public License for more details.", "\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public\n# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA\n# 02110-1301 USA\n######################### END LICENSE BLOCK #########################\n\n\n# This is hiragana 2-char sequence table, the number in each cell represents its frequency category\njp2CharContext = 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0,1,0,2,3,3,1,2,3,0,1,0,1,0,4),\n(0,0,0,1,0,3,0,3,0,2,2,1,0,0,4,0,3,0,3,1,3,0,3,0,3,0,1,0,3,0,3,1,3,0,3,3,0,0,1,2,1,1,1,0,1,2,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,1,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,3,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,1,4),\n(0,0,0,3,0,3,0,0,0,0,3,1,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,3,0,2,0,2,3,0,0,2,2,3,1,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,2,3),\n(2,4,0,5,0,5,0,4,0,3,4,3,3,3,4,3,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,4,5,5,5,2,3,0,5,5,4,1,5,4,3,1,5,4,3,4,4,3,3,4,3,3,0,3,2,0,2,3,0,3,0,0,3,3,0,5,3,2,3,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,4,5,4,5,3,0,4,3,0,3,4),\n(0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,3,4,3,2,3,2,3,0,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,0,3,2,4,3,3,1,3,4,3,4,4,4,3,4,4,3,2,4,4,1,0,2,0,0,1,1,0,2,0,0,3,1,0,5,3,2,1,3,0,3,0,1,2,4,3,2,4,3,3,0,3,2,0,4,4),\n(0,3,0,3,0,1,0,0,0,1,4,3,3,2,3,1,3,1,4,2,3,2,4,2,3,4,3,0,2,2,3,3,3,0,3,3,3,0,3,4,1,3,3,0,3,4,3,3,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,4,0,3,0,0,3,1,2,1,3,0,4,0,1,0,4,3,3,4,3,3,0,2,0,0,3,3),\n(0,3,0,4,0,1,0,3,0,3,4,3,3,0,3,3,3,1,3,1,3,3,4,3,3,3,0,0,3,1,5,3,3,1,3,3,2,5,4,3,3,4,5,3,2,5,3,4,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,1,1,0,4,2,2,1,3,0,3,0,2,0,4,4,3,5,3,2,0,1,1,0,3,4),\n(0,5,0,4,0,5,0,2,0,4,4,3,3,2,3,3,3,1,4,3,4,1,5,3,4,3,4,0,4,2,4,3,4,1,5,4,0,4,4,4,4,5,4,1,3,5,4,2,1,4,1,1,3,2,0,3,1,0,3,2,1,4,3,3,3,4,0,4,0,3,0,4,4,4,3,3,3,0,4,2,0,3,4),\n(1,4,0,4,0,3,0,1,0,3,3,3,1,1,3,3,2,2,3,3,1,0,3,2,2,1,2,0,3,1,2,1,2,0,3,2,0,2,2,3,3,4,3,0,3,3,1,2,0,1,1,3,1,2,0,0,3,0,1,1,0,3,2,2,3,3,0,3,0,0,0,2,3,3,4,3,3,0,1,0,0,1,4),\n(0,4,0,4,0,4,0,0,0,3,4,4,3,1,4,2,3,2,3,3,3,1,4,3,4,0,3,0,4,2,3,3,2,2,5,4,2,1,3,4,3,4,3,1,3,3,4,2,0,2,1,0,3,3,0,0,2,0,3,1,0,4,4,3,4,3,0,4,0,1,0,2,4,4,4,4,4,0,3,2,0,3,3),\n(0,0,0,1,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,3,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,2),\n(0,2,0,3,0,4,0,4,0,1,3,3,3,0,4,0,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,0,3,1,1,0,1,0,3,1,0,0,3,3,2,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,2,2,0,3,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,2,0,3,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,3,3,4,3,1,0,1,0,3,0,2),\n(0,0,0,3,0,5,0,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,3,1,0,1,3,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,4,0,0,0,2,3,0,1,4,1,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,3),\n(0,2,0,5,0,5,0,1,0,2,4,3,3,2,5,1,3,2,3,3,3,0,4,1,2,0,3,0,4,0,2,2,1,1,5,3,0,0,1,4,2,3,2,0,3,3,3,2,0,2,4,1,1,2,0,1,1,0,3,1,0,1,3,1,2,3,0,2,0,0,0,1,3,5,4,4,4,0,3,0,0,1,3),\n(0,4,0,5,0,4,0,4,0,4,5,4,3,3,4,3,3,3,4,3,4,4,5,3,4,5,4,2,4,2,3,4,3,1,4,4,1,3,5,4,4,5,5,4,4,5,5,5,2,3,3,1,4,3,1,3,3,0,3,3,1,4,3,4,4,4,0,3,0,4,0,3,3,4,4,5,0,0,4,3,0,4,5),\n(0,4,0,4,0,3,0,3,0,3,4,4,4,3,3,2,4,3,4,3,4,3,5,3,4,3,2,1,4,2,4,4,3,1,3,4,2,4,5,5,3,4,5,4,1,5,4,3,0,3,2,2,3,2,1,3,1,0,3,3,3,5,3,3,3,5,4,4,2,3,3,4,3,3,3,2,1,0,3,2,1,4,3),\n(0,4,0,5,0,4,0,3,0,3,5,5,3,2,4,3,4,0,5,4,4,1,4,4,4,3,3,3,4,3,5,5,2,3,3,4,1,2,5,5,3,5,5,2,3,5,5,4,0,3,2,0,3,3,1,1,5,1,4,1,0,4,3,2,3,5,0,4,0,3,0,5,4,3,4,3,0,0,4,1,0,4,4),\n(1,3,0,4,0,2,0,2,0,2,5,5,3,3,3,3,3,0,4,2,3,4,4,4,3,4,0,0,3,4,5,4,3,3,3,3,2,5,5,4,5,5,5,4,3,5,5,5,1,3,1,0,1,0,0,3,2,0,4,2,0,5,2,3,2,4,1,3,0,3,0,4,5,4,5,4,3,0,4,2,0,5,4),\n(0,3,0,4,0,5,0,3,0,3,4,4,3,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,4,3,3,2,2,0,3,3,3,3,3,1,3,3,3,0,4,4,3,4,4,1,1,4,4,2,0,3,1,0,1,1,0,4,1,0,2,3,1,3,3,1,3,4,0,3,0,1,0,3,1,3,0,0,1,0,2,0,0,4,4),\n(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),\n(0,3,0,3,0,2,0,3,0,1,5,4,3,3,3,1,4,2,1,2,3,4,4,2,4,4,5,0,3,1,4,3,4,0,4,3,3,3,2,3,2,5,3,4,3,2,2,3,0,0,3,0,2,1,0,1,2,0,0,0,0,2,1,1,3,1,0,2,0,4,0,3,4,4,4,5,2,0,2,0,0,1,3),\n(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,4,2,1,1,0,1,0,3,2,0,0,3,1,1,1,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,1,4,0,4,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,1),\n(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,3,1,0,0,0,2,0,2,1,0,0,1,2,1,0,1,1,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2),\n(0,4,0,4,0,4,0,3,0,4,4,3,4,2,4,3,2,0,4,4,4,3,5,3,5,3,3,2,4,2,4,3,4,3,1,4,0,2,3,4,4,4,3,3,3,4,4,4,3,4,1,3,4,3,2,1,2,1,3,3,3,4,4,3,3,5,0,4,0,3,0,4,3,3,3,2,1,0,3,0,0,3,3),\n(0,4,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,5,5,3,3,3,3,4,3,4,3,3,3,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,4,3,5,3,3,1,3,2,4,5,5,5,5,4,3,4,5,5,3,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,1,2,3,2,4,3,3,3,4,0,4,0,2,0,4,3,2,2,1,2,0,3,0,0,4,1),\n)\n\nclass JapaneseContextAnalysis(object):\n NUM_OF_CATEGORY = 6\n DONT_KNOW = -1\n ENOUGH_REL_THRESHOLD = 100\n MAX_REL_THRESHOLD = 1000\n MINIMUM_DATA_THRESHOLD = 4\n\n def __init__(self):\n self._total_rel = None\n self._rel_sample = None\n self._need_to_skip_char_num = None\n self._last_char_order = None\n self._done = None\n self.reset()\n\n def reset(self):\n self._total_rel = 0 # total sequence received\n # category counters, each integer counts sequence in its category\n self._rel_sample = [0] * self.", "NUM_OF_CATEGORY\n # if last byte in current buffer is not the last byte of a character,\n # we need to know how many bytes to skip in next buffer\n self._need_to_skip_char_num = 0\n self._last_char_order = -1 # The order of previous char\n # If this flag is set to True, detection is done and conclusion has\n # been made\n self._done = False\n\n def feed(self, byte_str, num_bytes):\n if self._done:\n return\n\n # The buffer we got is byte oriented, and a character may span in more than one\n # buffers. ", "In case the last one or two byte in last buffer is not\n # complete, we record how many byte needed to complete that character\n # and skip these bytes here. ", " We can choose to record those bytes as\n # well and analyse the character once it is complete, but since a\n # character will not make much difference, by simply skipping\n # this character will simply our logic and improve performance.", "\n i = self._need_to_skip_char_num\n while i < num_bytes:\n order, char_len = self.get_order(byte_str[i:i + 2])\n i += char_len\n if i > num_bytes:\n self._need_to_skip_char_num = i - num_bytes\n self._last_char_order = -1\n else:\n if (order !", "= -1) and (self._last_char_order !", "= -1):\n self._total_rel += 1\n if self._total_rel > self.", "MAX_REL_THRESHOLD:\n self._done = True\n break\n self._rel_sample[jp2CharContext[self._last_char_order][order]] += 1\n self._last_char_order = order\n\n def got_enough_data(self):\n return self._total_rel > self.", "ENOUGH_REL_THRESHOLD\n\n def get_confidence(self):\n # This is just one way to calculate confidence. ", "It works well for me.", "\n if self._total_rel > self.", "MINIMUM_DATA_THRESHOLD:\n return (self._total_rel - self._rel_sample[0]) / self._total_rel\n else:\n return self.", "DONT_KNOW\n\n def get_order(self, byte_str):\n return -1, 1\n\nclass SJISContextAnalysis(JapaneseContextAnalysis):\n def __init__(self):\n super(SJISContextAnalysis, self).__init__()\n self._charset_name = \"SHIFT_JIS\"\n\n @property\n def charset_name(self):\n return self._charset_name\n\n def get_order(self, byte_str):\n if not byte_str:\n return -1, 1\n # find out current char's byte length\n first_char = byte_str[0]\n if (0x81 <= first_char <= 0x9F) or (0xE0 <= first_char <= 0xFC):\n char_len = 2\n if (first_char == 0x87) or (0xFA <= first_char <= 0xFC):\n self._charset_name = \"CP932\"\n else:\n char_len = 1\n\n # return its order if it is hiragana\n if len(byte_str) > 1:\n second_char = byte_str[1]\n if (first_char == 202) and (0x9F <= second_char <= 0xF1):\n return second_char - 0x9F, char_len\n\n return -1, char_len\n\nclass EUCJPContextAnalysis(JapaneseContextAnalysis):\n def get_order(self, byte_str):\n if not byte_str:\n return -1, 1\n # find out current char's byte length\n first_char = byte_str[0]\n if (first_char == 0x8E) or (0xA1 <= first_char <= 0xFE):\n char_len = 2\n elif first_char == 0x8F:\n char_len = 3\n else:\n char_len = 1\n\n # return its order if it is hiragana\n if len(byte_str) > 1:\n second_char = byte_str[1]\n if (first_char == 0xA4) and (0xA1 <= second_char <= 0xF3):\n return second_char - 0xA1, char_len\n\n return -1, char_len\n\n\n" ]
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[ "Falta menos de um mês para o começo do horário de verão e o governo federal ainda está debatendo se acaba ou não com a prática de adiantar o relógio em uma hora todo fim de ano. ", "Após a constatação do governo de que essa política pública não gera mais economia de energia elétrica, o fim do horário de verão está em análise na Presidência da República.", "\n\nÀ Gazeta do Povo, a Casa Civil respondeu que “o governo está avaliando a conveniência ou não do tema horário de verão”. ", "Ou seja, o assunto está na mesa do presidente Michel Temer e ainda passa por análise. ", "Caso decida extinguir o horário de verão, Temer poderá fazer isso publicando um decreto, sem necessidade de tramitação no Congresso.", "\n\nMas o tempo para a análise e definição é escasso. ", "Pela lei atual, os relógios devem ser adiantados em uma hora sempre no “terceiro domingo do mês de outubro de cada ano”, que neste ano cai no dia 15 de outubro. ", "O fim do período 2017/2018 está previsto para 17 de fevereiro de 2018.", "\n\nO Ministério de Minas e Energia (MME) afirmou que faltam algumas definições para definir ou não se o horário de verão será extinto. “", "As mudanças nas regras para o período 2017/2018 e o prazo para publicação de algum ato formal sobre o tema ainda dependem de definições em análise”, afirmou, em nota.", "\n\nA pasta encaminhou em agosto o assunto para a Casa Civil da Presidência, embasado em estudos do Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico (ONS), concluindo que há pouca redução na demanda de energia com a política de esticar o dia em uma hora.", "\n\nNos últimos anos, a característica do consumo de energia ao longo do dia foi alterada, com um pico de consumo no meio da tarde – período de maior calor durante o verão, quando mais lares e empresas ligam o ar-condicionado para amenizar a sensação térmica.", "\n\nSegundo os estudos do ONS enviado à Casa Civil, a redução na demanda de energia com o horário de verão é pequena no horário de pico de consumo noturno e não há influência no horário de pico do consumo durante o dia. “", "Os resultados dos estudos convergiram para a constatação de que a adoção desta política pública atualmente traz resultados próximos à neutralidade para o consumidor brasileiro de energia elétrica, tanto em relação à economia de energia, quanto para a redução da demanda máxima do sistema”, afirmou o Comitê de Monitoramento do Setor Elétrico (CMSE) após reunião de 3 de agosto.", "\n\nO fim do horário de verão está sendo analisado pela área energética do governo desde março, com a realização de estudos e apresentação dos dados ao CMSE, que engloba as autoridades do setor elétrico do governo. ", "Com esses estudos, autoridades do MME concluíram que, sem efetividade na economia de energia, o debate sobre o fim do horário de verão deveria ser levado à Presidência e a outros órgãos de governo, pois o que irá determinar se essa política continua ou acaba será o costume e a cultura do brasileiro.", "\n\nOs defensores do horário de verão afirmam que devem ser analisados os impactos econômicos, sociais e culturais da política. ", "Entre os argumentos favoráveis ao horário de verão está o aumento do turismo e do consumo gerados com uma hora a mais de luz solar no final das tardes.", "\n\nPorém, um dos ministérios que deveria avaliar o assunto está fora dos debates, que agora está centralizado na Presidência. “", "O Ministério do Turismo não participa de grupos de debate sobre o tema nem possui estudos sobre possíveis impactos da medida na atividade turística do país”, afirmou, em nota.", "\n\nPopulação gosta ou não do horário de verão\n\nAcabar com o horário de verão renderia a Temer elogios por parte da sociedade, mas críticas de quem gosta de ganhar uma hora de sol no fim do dia. ", "O Ministério de Minas e Energia divulga em seu site estudos realizados “nos anos 2000”, que mostrou que a maioria da população dos estados onde é praticado o horário de verão gosta da medida.", "\n\nSegundo o ministério, uma das pesquisas mostrou aprovação do horário de verão por 82,2% dos pesquisados, com respostas entre ótimo, bom e regular. ", "Essa pesquisa também constatou que 68,3% da população eram favoráveis à repetição da medida nos anos seguintes.", "\n\n“Foi possível também constatar que a maioria da população percebeu que a medida proporciona benefícios para a sociedade, como o melhor aproveitamento da energia elétrica, além de propiciar o aumento de convívio familiar entre pais e filhos, e mais tempo para atividades de esporte e lazer”, afirma o ministério, em seu site.", "\n\nOutra pesquisa divulgada pelo MME, realizada pela FIPE/USP nas regiões Sul, Sudeste e Centro Oeste, Bahia e Tocantins, concluiu que 74% da população aprovavam a adoção da medida, 25% reprovavam e 1% se absteve.", "\n\n“Os percentuais de aprovação e desaprovação da adoção do Horário de Verão, observados nas pesquisas, variaram em cada uma delas, mas em todos os resultados demonstraram um nível de aprovação maior, entre 66% e 82%, pela população”, afirmou o MME" ]
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[ "Bioprocess development for production, purification, and structural characterization of recombinant hCD83ext as a potential therapeutic protein.", "\nAn effective bioprocess for the production of hCD83ext (i.e. the extracytoplasmic domain of human CD83) as a potential therapeutic protein was developed. ", "It primarily consists of (1) cell cultivation for the production of recombinant glutathione-S-transferase-hCD83ext (GST-hCD83ext) fusion protein and (2) downstream processing for purification of hCD83ext. ", "The developed bioprocess is robust, reproducible, easy to operate, and, most importantly, can generate hCD83ext with a high yield and purity. ", "For cell cultivation, a high GST-hCD83ext expression level, estimated to be more than 10% of total cellular protein, with a cell density of 8 OD(600) was obtained by tuning several culture parameters, including medium recipe, host/vector system, induction condition, temperature, and aeration. ", "For downstream processing, milligrams of very pure and low-endotoxin hCD83ext was obtained through simultaneous binding and cleavage of GST-hCD83ext in a GST affinity chromatographic column followed by a polishing step using anion exchange chromatography. ", "To identify potential factors associated with bioactivity consistency, structural changes for the final product of hCD83ext were characterized and monitored. ", "Formation of various hCD83ext multimeric forms, including dimer, trimer, and tetramer, via intermolecular disulfide bonds was observed." ]
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[ "When last I left off, the subject of discussion was the critical question about the food reward/palatability hypothesis of obesity: Can palatability and reward value of foods be disassociated from the metabolic and hormonal effects of the individual nutrients being consumed and, in particular, the sugar and refined grains that “hyper-rewarding” foods seem to … [Read more]\n\nWe’ve been discussing the food reward/palatability hypothesis of obesity and whether this idea adds anything meaningful to our understanding of obesity. ", "Is the evidence for it sufficiently compelling that we should cease to pay attention to the fact that insulin, as Yalow and Berson noted in 1965, is “the principal regulator of fat metabolism?” … [", "Read more]\n\nWhen last we left off, the subject was the food reward/palatability hypothesis of obesity and why I find it so unconvincing and problematic. ", "This post is going to address that issue by first discussing three new papers published on the subject of sugar. ", "Then I’m going to ask a lot of questions, hoping at least … [Read more]\n\nWhen last I posted, oh so long ago, I promised next to discuss the food reward/palatability hypothesis of obesity and why I find it so uncompelling and more than a little bit disheartening. ", "Why, in effect, I think it is the kind of bad science that begs to be challenged, as I did, when it … [Read more]\n\nSubscribe\n\nBooks\n\nAn eye-opening, paradigm-shattering examination of what makes us fat. ", "In the New York Times best seller Good Calories, Bad Calories, acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes argues that certain kinds of carbohydrates—not fats and not simply excess calories—have led to our current obesity epidemic. ", "Now he brings that message to a wider, nonscientific audience in this … [Read more]\n\n[released as The Diet Delusion in the U.K.] In Good Calories, Bad Calories, Taubes tries to bury the idea that a low-fat diet promotes weight loss and better health. ", "Obesity is caused, he argues, not by the quantity of calories you eat but by the quality. ", "Carbohydrates, particularly refined ones like white bread and pasta, raise insulin … [Read more]\n\nAbout\n\nGary Taubes (born April 30, 1956) is an American science writer. ", "He is the author of Nobel Dreams (1987), Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion (1993), and Good Calories, Bad Calories (2007), which is titled The Diet Delusion in the UK. … [", "Read More...]\n\nConnect\n\nGary Taubes is available for media contacts and speaking engagements.", "\nFeel free to send him a message." ]
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[ "The debate over “hacking back” (also known as “active defense”) against criminal cyber attackers has raged for decades. ", "And it doesn’t look like it will be ending anytime soon.", "\n\nOn the pro side are experts like Stewart Baker, former general counsel at the National Security Agency (NSA), former assistant secretary for policy at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and now a blogger and partner at Steptoe & Johnson with a cybersecurity practice.", "\n\nHe has, for years, preached that, “defense is not enough,” and that the only way to deal effectively with cybercrime is to make it more costly by attacking the attackers.", "\n\nOn the other side are experts who, as the Washington Post reported last fall, will warn anybody even considering it that most forms of hacking back are illegal under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) and that, “retaliating could spark full-scale cyberwar, with collateral damage across the Internet.”", "\n\nThat has never convinced Baker. “", "We will never defend our way out of the current cybersecurity crisis,” he wrote on his Steptoe Cyberblog. “", "That’s because putting all the burden of preventing crime on the victim rarely succeeds. ", "The obvious alternative is to identify the attackers and punish them.”", "\n\nStewart also told the Post reporters that the legal risks are declining – that government officials are more likely to assist those who hack back than to prosecute them. “", "The government is giving ground silently and bit by bit on this by being more open,” he said.", "\n\nIndeed, that may be in part because the Pentagon has declared publicly for the first time that it considers offensive cyber actions to be one of its options in conflicts with enemies.", "\n\nIts latest cybersecurity strategy document says the Defense Department, \"should be able to use cyber operations to disrupt an adversary's command and control networks, military-related critical infrastructure and weapons capabilities.\"", "\n\nRobert Hansen, vice president of WhiteHat Labs, WhiteHat Security, said another problem with enforcing the CFAA is that, “the law currently is so poorly written that almost nothing we do online is legal. ", "So without consulting a lawyer on everything you do, it's entirely possible that you're breaking the law by not doing something – complicit in a crime, willful negligence, accomplice after the fact, etc.”", "\n\nStill, on the other side are those like Anthony Di Bello, director, strategic partnerships at Guidance Software, who in a recent post on Dark Reading repeated the warning that hacking back, or what some call “active defense,” is a violation of the CFAA, which prohibits “trespassing” into another computer network.", "\n\nBeyond that, he argued that defense is indeed enough and, done properly, is more effective than “an ego-fueled war of revenge.”", "\n\nIn an interview, Di Bello said those who disagree with him who responded to his post, “feel there are not sufficient legal channels for recourse.”", "\n\nDefense is more effective than, 'an ego-fueled war of revenge.'", "\n\nAnthony Di Bello, director, strategic partnerships, Guidance Software\n\nHe is sympathetic, noting that there are only 1,000 FBI agents in the agency’s Cyber Division who are, “stretched to their limits, and in a sense, leaving victims to consider ways they can take matters into their own hands.”", "\n\nBut, he also cites his firm’s general counsel, Mark Harrington, who has called hacking back, “a form of trespassing, and I don’t think trespassing is going to become legal anytime soon.”", "\n\nDi Bello and others contend that before organizations even consider going on offense, they need to understand their own environment well enough to detect the presence of invaders, who can remain silently inside a network for months or even years before exfiltrating data or causing other damage.", "\n\nIndeed, on a panel at the recent RSA conference in San Francisco, Rhonda MacLean, founder and CEO of MacLean Risk Partners, declared that most organizations should assume they have been breached. “", "If a company tells you they haven’t been breached, they don’t know,” she said.", "\n\nTo have a meaningful debate on the issue, however, requires some defining of terms. ", "Some experts object to the use of “active defense” as a euphemism for hacking back.", "\n\nRafal Los, director of solutions research & development at Accuvant, said he believes active defense is a good thing when it means, “the actions a defensive team takes to protect themselves, on their own systems/network and explicitly not hacking back to protect themselves and their assets from attackers.”", "\n\nIn other words, in his view, active defense still means defense.", "\n\nLos said he believes if defenders do what attackers have been doing – learning about their adversaries’ tactics, capabilities and tools – they will be more successful.", "\n\nBut to do that, he agrees with Di Bello that defenders need to know much more about their own environment.", "\n\n“Trying to adapt to an adversary without first knowing where our own weaknesses and critical assets lie is worse than futile,” he said, adding that, “knowing externalities is completely fruitless if you don’t know your internals. ", "Period.”", "\n\nThat is also the view of Robert M. Lee, co-founder of Dragos Security LLC, who shares Los’s frustration at the use of “active defense” to describe hacking back.", "\n\nOffense is harder than folks think, and returns less value than actually doing security.", "\n\nRobert M. Lee, cofounder, Dragos Security LLC\n\nLee opposes the hack-back strategy in part because he says most organizations are not very good at it. “", "If organizations cannot effectively run defense programs and tackle the security basics, they cannot run an effective offensive program,” he said.", "\n\n“Offense is harder than folks think, and returns less value than actually doing security.”", "\n\nHe also notes that entering a cyber thief’s network is not the same as entering a thief’s physical property to reclaim a stolen item." ]
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[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 1997, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n *\n * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the\n * terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0, which is available at\n * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0.", "\n *\n * This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary\n * Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the\n * Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License,\n * version 2 with the GNU Classpath Exception, which is available at\n * https://www.gnu.org/software/classpath/license.html.", "\n *\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0\n */\n\npackage servlet;\n\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.", "PrintWriter;\nimport java.util.", "Locale;\nimport jakarta.servlet.", "ServletException;\nimport jakarta.servlet.http.", "HttpServlet;\nimport jakarta.servlet.http.", "HttpServletRequest;\nimport jakarta.servlet.http.", "HttpServletResponse;\n\npublic class ServletTest extends HttpServlet {\n\n protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {\n \n response.setContentType(\"text/html\");\n response.setLocale(Locale.", "JAPAN);\n PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();\n out.println(\"Done\");\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Procedural Generation | Computer Graphics | Math\n\nFinally, all the kinks have been worked out (at least for now...) of the GPU terrain engine. ", "Borders are totally seamless, so there are no longer any visible artifacts of the chunk boundaries (note that those first-order discontinuities in the screenshot are from the Voronoi Noise, not the terrain engine!). ", "Looks pretty smooth! ", "I've also got a system in place that should allow for some advanced semi-global heightmap effects like erosion, though I've yet to really put it to the test." ]
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[ "The Health and Social Care Bill has just passed through Parliament. ", "A huge step towards privatising the NHS has been taken. ", "The most cherished of UK public institutions is being dismantled and large private providers are already signing contracts. ", "All this is against the wishes of a large majority of the public and an even larger majority of health-care professionals.", "\n\nA big question is why did the national news media fail to cover the issue clearly, honestly and accurately? ", "Their failure to hold David Cameron, Andrew Lansley and their colleagues to account, or to adequately represent the views of professionals and the public was, at times, very frustrating. ", "It demonstrates the weakened state the UK news media. ", "If hacking reveals the deficits of tabloid journalism, this failure represents the deficits of ‘serious’ broadsheet newspapers and national broadcasters.", "\n\nIn many respects, one should look to the actions of the political class first. ", "David Cameron had a seven year career in corporate public relations. ", "The Conservative Party went to extremes to manage its image on the NHS, to obscure its true intentions, and used every trick in the media management playbook to do so. ", "The Conservative-led Government went well beyond spin as it regularly and blatantly misled and now misleads the public about the NHS and the bill.", "\n\nThe very weak opposition from the Labour Party and the leaderships of the BMA and many professional bodies added to the problem. ", "The Department of Health had already been infiltrated by McKinseys consultants under New Labour (see Player and Leys, 2011). ", "For most of the last year, Labour was unclear on its own policy direction and thus was virtually silent. ", "Equally importantly, the leaderships of the BMA and several Royal Colleges, bypassed their memberships and were in active dialogue with the Government. ", "Few initially were prepared to condemn the bill publicly. ", "So, without authoritative and high-profile opposition, why should journalists have been concerned to investigate and cover the large, highly complex details of the bill?", "\n\nHowever, these are now chronic problems in political journalism generally. ", "An over-dependency on Westminster sources, and a general unwillingness to cover detailed policy matters, are two important failings of UK news (see Davis, 2010). ", "Far too often, actual legislation is not considered newsworthy enough to report unless there is internal party conflict or scandal attached. ", "There is also a problematic hierarchy for newsgathering that ensures government sources dominate, with the official opposition trailing behind. ", "Far too often other smaller bodies, groups of professionals and the wider public are excluded altogether from the reporting beat. ", "These problems are common across the UK broadsheet press, whether they be from the left (Guardian), centre (Independent, Times) or right (Telegraph, Mail, Express) of the UK political spectrum. ", "They are also too apparent in national news broadcasters including the BBC.", "\n\nThis was all too apparent for much of 2011. ", "Professional opposition was widespread. ", "Keep Our NHS Public, 38 Degrees, Spinwatch and others began scrutinising the bill and campaigning at an early stage. ", "New local BMA groups sprang up all over the country in an attempt to force their leadership to engage with its ordinary members about their concerns. ", "Numerous articles and blogs appeared, written by health professionals who had scrutinised the bill in far more detail than politicians or journalists[i]. ", "Public meetings took place regularly - and across the UK, not limited to England. ", "Many demonstrations took place. ", "Marathons were run. ", "Barely any of this was reported or drawn upon in the early stages, or appeared in smaller pieces and letters buried within. ", "Opposition stories focused primarily on disgruntled Liberal Democrats.", "\n\nUnder such circumstances, far too often the Government was given too much space to set the reporting agenda and to define the debates themselves. ", "Serious concerns at all levels were ignored until very late. ", "Perhaps the most concerning of these was the Conservative Leadership’s total disregard for democratic institutions and practices. ", "On Andy Coulson’s advice, Lansley and Cameron’s long-term privatisation agenda was completely obscured in opposition and during the election. ", "The headline pitch was about securing the NHS: ‘cutting the deficit not the NHS’ and ‘no more top-down reorganisations’. ", "The plans were not part of the published Coalition Agreement. ", "Lansley’s long term links and dialogue with private health care lobbyists and providers was barely mentioned (see Spinwatch). ", "The same went for the part played by McKinseys. ", "It was also clear to all professionals on the ground that many parts of the bill were already being implemented all through 2011. ", "Civil servants repeatedly blocked the publication of their own risk assessments. ", "Why wasn’t this disdain for democratic process challenged in media reporting?", "\n\nSimilarly, lies and misrepresentation were regularly reported on front pages without challenge. ", "The NHS was portrayed as being inefficient and having comparatively poor health outcomes in comparison to other countries. ", "But much of the evidence used was certainly debatable (see Roy Lilley). ", "Cameron and Lansley regularly stated that the majority of doctors supported them. ", "But, from an early stage polls showed that two thirds of doctors were very concerned and critical. ", "Towards the end it was over 90%.", "\n\nThat GPs were already forming themselves into Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) was promoted as a sign of positive embrace. ", "But GPs were given no choice as they watched PCTs being dismantled and new funding structures imposed. ", "News coverage continually reported the line that doctors would be in charge of the budget and that this was about doctor empowerment and patient choice. ", "As doctors in the newly formed CCGs have already found out, their influence over the NHS budget is actually more controlled by Whitehall than ever. ", "CCGs are also having to look to private consultancies to take on key management roles. ", "GP power looks like it will be no stronger than\n\nbefore.", "\n\nAll along, Lansley, Cameron, Clegg and then Shirley Williams publicly stated there was no privatisation taking place. ", "The word ‘reform’ is the most common description. ", "But, plain and simple, this is a large step towards privatisation. ", "Bupa, currently flooding the UK with advertising, knows this. ", "So do Virgin, Sainsbury’s, United Healthcare, Circle, and Care UK.", "\n\nWhat is happening is ‘reactionary’ and ‘regressive’ and threatens to take the UK public health system back to its pre-1945 state. ", "£20 billion of ‘efficiency savings’ are really £20 billion of ‘cuts’. ", "Again and again Government words and phrases have gone unchallenged - until the last months of the bill. ", "When they were, professional association objections, were all too easily discounted as the calls of ‘self-interested unions’. ", "Labour’s challenge, now led more convincingly by Andy Burnham, was dismissed as ‘opportunistic’. ", "Lansley was chastised for failing to clearly explain the Government’s case to the public. ", "His real failure was his inability to mislead as convincingly as Cameron.", "\n\nIn the last months, Labour, the BMA and most of the Royal Colleges joined in publicly condemning the bill and demanding its withdrawal. ", "That was widely reported. ", "General coverage and editorials, even in the Conservative-supporting press (Telegraph, Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday), became more critical. ", "Some journalists, such as Polly Toynbee of the Guardian, objected loudly and regularly. ", "But, by then, the bill had progressed too far and too publicly for the Conservative Leadership to be able to pull back.", "\n\nCommentators have suggested that this might be the current Government’s Poll Tax moment. ", "A far more appropriate parallel is Iraq 2003. ", "Then, and now, the Prime Minister and a small cabal, forced through a momentous policy decision through a mixture of stealth, threats and lies. ", "They did it with utter disregard for democratic processes, Parliament or public opinion. ", "Far too many journalists failed to ask questions or seek alternative opinions over a protracted lead-in period (see account in Davis, 2010). ", "Unfortunately, this is set to continue. ", "We have an under-resourced news media, incapable of critical self-reflection on its out-dated practices and failings. ", "They are little match for a ruthless administration with a media management operation as slick and determined as any peace-time government we have ever witnessed.", "\n\nAeron Davis is Professor of Political Communication at Goldsmiths College. ", "He is the author of Political Communication and Social Theory (2010). ", "His partner is a London GP.", "\n\n[i] See, for example: Jonathan Tomlinson, Jacqui Davis, Clive Peedell, Dr No." ]
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[ "ch is greater: b or -9349/4?", "\n-9349/4\nLet i be -6 - (48/(-456) - (-74)/(-19)). ", "Let l be 4 - ((-285)/(-25) + -2). ", "Is i at least as big as l?", "\nTrue\nLet c(h) = -h**3 - 7*h**2 - 6*h + 7. ", "Suppose 2*n = 5*n + 18. ", "Let r be c(n). ", "Is 2 smaller than r?", "\nTrue\nLet r be (2 - (-228)/104) + (-1 - (-9)/(-6)). ", "Which is bigger: 2 or r?", "\n2\nLet t be 1/(-3) + 2480/3120. ", "Which is smaller: t or 1/33?", "\n1/33\nLet i = -6631 - -6629.79. ", "Is -13 >= i?", "\nFalse\nLet v be (1 + (-6)/7)/(49163/1640520569). ", "Let a = v - 4767. ", "Is 1 less than a?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -80 = 4*v + 88. ", "Let r be 5*-1*v/14. ", "Suppose 4*l + 19 - 5 = -2*k, -5*l = 5*k + r. Do -2.1 and k have different values?", "\nTrue\nLet d(v) = 2*v - 26. ", "Let h = -416 + 420. ", "Let c be d(h). ", "Which is greater: c or -20?", "\nc\nLet f be (-3)/((-285)/50 + 6). ", "Let n be f/(-12) + 7315/(-210). ", "Are n and -34 equal?", "\nTrue\nLet y be 47/(-141)*(0 + -42). ", "Is y at least as big as -42?", "\nTrue\nLet a = 3051 + -3085. ", "Are 33 and a equal?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -6*g - 3*g - 1098 = 0. ", "Let m = g + 411. ", "Let s be 34/m*(0 - 2). ", "Are -1 and s nonequal?", "\nTrue\nLet f = -298 - -249. ", "Which is bigger: f or -28?", "\n-28\nLet a = 13981.4 - 13982. ", "Which is bigger: a or 2/675?", "\n2/675\nLet o be (22/33)/((-2)/(-246)). ", "Suppose 72*u - o*u = 20. ", "Is u at least as big as 4?", "\nFalse\nLet l be 2/30 - 29822/(-195). ", "Suppose 3*f - 471 = 3*w, 0*f + 3*f = -5*w + 431. ", "Which is smaller: f or l?", "\nf\nSuppose -y + 2*w = 150, -5*w = -3*y - 0*w - 445. ", "Let r be (-2 - (-269)/4) + (-105)/y. ", "Is r bigger than 68?", "\nFalse\nLet a = -0.512 + 0.4415. ", "Let b = a - 0.0295. ", "Which is smaller: 17 or b?", "\nb\nLet j be (-2480)/221 + 172/(-559). ", "Is j >= 1?", "\nFalse\nLet b(d) = -d**3 - 22*d**2 + 40*d - 221. ", "Let r be b(-24). ", "Which is greater: -474/17 or r?", "\n-474/17\nLet i(h) = h**2 - 22*h - 21. ", "Let o be i(23). ", "Suppose 4*q = 5*k - 3*k, -2*q - o*k = 0. ", "Which is smaller: q or -3/358?", "\n-3/358\nSuppose -7*h = 7*h + 70. ", "Let g be h + (5/(-1) - (-198)/9). ", "Is 14 at most g?", "\nFalse\nLet w(f) = 2*f + 10. ", "Let r(q) = q**2 - 7*q + 9. ", "Let s be r(4). ", "Let d(u) = -4*u - 21. ", "Let j(x) = s*d(x) - 5*w(x). ", "Let t be j(-6). ", "Which is bigger: -0.2 or t?", "\nt\nLet q(h) = 32*h**2 - 2*h + 18. ", "Let l be q(5). ", "Let x = l - 4126/5. ", "Which is greater: -17 or x?", "\n-17\nSuppose 0*h - 3*v = 5*h - 94, 0 = 4*h + 5*v - 83. ", "Suppose 2*m - 6 = -y, -4*y + 2*m + 90 = y. Which is greater: h or y?", "\nh\nLet f = -20835/8 + 2601. ", "Let x = 1385/408 + f. Which is smaller: 0 or x?", "\n0\nLet b(h) = -1390*h + 34. ", "Let y be b(3). ", "Is y less than -4135?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -4*z = 5*q - 36, 0 = -4*q + 2*z + 13 - 5. ", "Let r be (6 + -9 + q)*-1*7. ", "Is r > -4/9?", "\nFalse\nLet g(m) = 8*m - 962*m**2 + 1935*m**2 + 21 - 972*m**2. ", "Let c be g(-6). ", "Let n be (-205)/(-8)*12/30. ", "Which is smaller: n or c?", "\nc\nSuppose -7*q = -9*q + 26. ", "Let l be (-39)/q + 20/(-2) - -3. ", "Which is greater: l or 1?", "\n1\nLet c = -1775 + 1152. ", "Is c greater than -2/9?", "\nFalse\nLet p be 8/(-1) - 45550/(-125). ", "Are 356 and p nonequal?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 2*c = -4*b + 8, 10*c = 5*c + 5*b - 25. ", "Let n be 0/(c/(-6) + 105/(-45)). ", "Which is greater: -11 or n?", "\nn\nLet v be (-1)/(-2) - (90 + -91). ", "Let k = 13.2 - -5.8. ", "Which is smaller: k or v?", "\nv\nLet o = 7005 - 7011.6. ", "Which is greater: 31 or o?", "\n31\nSuppose 15*n - 33*n = 39*n - n. Which is smaller: -2/9099 or n?", "\n-2/9099\nLet z be (-195)/(-3)*(-5)/(0 + -5). ", "Suppose -3*p + z = -4*l - 187, 0 = -4*l - 3*p - 276. ", "Is l > -65?", "\nFalse\nLet l be 10/1 - 70/10. ", "Let r be (l/(-2))/(-24 - -33). ", "Is r <= -6/7?", "\nFalse\nLet p be (-1)/2*(-2 - -2). ", "Let r = 13379 + -13379.172. ", "Which is smaller: p or r?", "\nr\nLet w be (8 - 10)/(0 + (-4)/(-14)). ", "Let i be (-2)/(-4)*-2 - w. Suppose 2*r - 5*r - i = 0. ", "Which is smaller: 1/2 or r?", "\nr\nLet q(c) = 2*c**3 - 79*c**2 + 36*c + 256. ", "Let i be q(39). ", "Which is bigger: 109 or i?", "\ni\nLet b(v) = v**3 - 6*v**2 - 2*v - 21. ", "Let f be b(7). ", "Let h = f + -4. ", "Suppose 18*r + 136 = h. Is 2 at most r?", "\nFalse\nLet a = 493.5 - 483.5. ", "Which is smaller: a or 102?", "\na\nLet k = 623.1 + -509.5. ", "Which is bigger: -1/3 or k?", "\nk\nLet o(d) = -4*d - 13. ", "Let a(b) = -b**2 - 3*b + 4. ", "Let k be a(2). ", "Let v be o(k). ", "Suppose 5*y + v + 19 = -5*p, -2*y - 9 = -p. ", "Is p less than 2/47?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -1454*w + 1493*w = -78. ", "Which is greater: w or -63/107?", "\n-63/107\nLet o = 22.8 - -98.2. ", "Let a = o + -125. ", "Is 2/39 > a?", "\nTrue\nLet p(v) = -121*v - 7659. ", "Let l be p(-55). ", "Which is bigger: -1003 or l?", "\n-1003\nLet b be 69052/(-165) - 334/(-2505). ", "Which is smaller: b or -418?", "\nb\nLet f be 0 + ((-51)/(-24) - 4). ", "Let m = 450.6 - 450.7. ", "Which is smaller: m or f?", "\nf\nLet k = 369 + -385. ", "Let n be 24/k*(-2172)/(-1623) - -2. ", "Is 0 at least as big as n?", "\nTrue\nLet a = -29515.033 - -29481. ", "Let l = -34 - a. Let u = -4.9 - -4.8. ", "Which is smaller: l or u?", "\nu\nSuppose 1 = 7*h - 6*h + t, 0 = -h + t - 1. ", "Suppose 2*m - 6*m + 2*q + 806 = 0, -3*m + 3*q + 609 = h. Which is smaller: 201 or m?", "\nm\nLet a(m) = -10*m - 29. ", "Let u be a(-8). ", "Suppose 4*d + 3*r - 222 = -2*r, 4*d - 5*r - 202 = 0. ", "Which is smaller: u or d?", "\nu\nLet i be (-87)/(-21) + -12 + (2 - -6). ", "Are i and 428 unequal?", "\nTrue\nLet u = -44.6 - -58. ", "Let j = -13.4 + u. Which is smaller: j or -29?", "\n-29\nLet a(n) = -n**3 + 16*n**2 + 19*n - 35. ", "Let f(v) = 6*v + 125. ", "Let u be f(-18). ", "Let l be a(u). ", "Is -2/411 at least as big as l?", "\nTrue\nSuppose -5*f + 71*g - 74*g + 965 = 0, -2*f = 5*g - 367. ", "Which is smaller: 586/3 or f?", "\n586/3\nLet w = 131.38 + 2.62. ", "Let f = 122 - w. Which is smaller: -6 or f?", "\nf\nLet i = 4.6 + -22.6. ", "Let h = -11 - i. Let z = 0 - h. Is -2/3 smaller than z?", "\nFalse\nLet d = -251.33 - -249. ", "Let u = d - -2.42. ", "Which is greater: 1/7 or u?", "\n1/7\nLet z = 3 - 2.6. ", "Let m = -560.970335 + -0.059665. ", "Let o = -561 - m. Which is bigger: z or o?", "\nz\nSuppose -4*u - 70 = -4*y - 5*u, -3*y = 2*u - 55. ", "Suppose y*b + 665 - 104 = 0. ", "Suppose 57 = -4*c - 67. ", "Which is greater: b or c?", "\nc\nLet x be (-1310)/(-196) + -4 + -12 + (-110)/(-11). ", "Is 0 > x?", "\nFalse\nLet w(a) = -129*a + 5. ", "Let q be w(4). ", "Let r be q/28*-4 - 2/(-1). ", "Is 74 > r?", "\nFalse\nLet b be (-70)/(-1744)*(-338)/(-5). ", "Let x be 126/654*-5 - -1. ", "Let s = b + x. Which is greater: -0.1 or s?", "\ns\nSuppose 0 = -5*f - 4*d - 1061, -4*f + 2*d - 853 = d. Let t be (408/22)/(6/(-69)). ", "Let v = f - t. Is 1 at most as big as v?", "\nFalse\nLet j = 337/2085 - -16/417. ", "Which is greater: -7654 or j?", "\nj\nLet u = -5722 - -6333. ", "Is u at most 6708/11?", "\nFalse\nLet c = 1.1 - -4.9. ", "Let z = 40 + 47. ", "Let r = 87.1 - z. Which is smaller: r or c?", "\nr\nLet r be 3*((-4)/(-10))/(64/(-80)). ", "Suppose -5*q + 18 = -0*q - 3*y, 0 = 3*q + 4*y - 34. ", "Suppose 3*x = -0 - q. Which is greater: x or r?", "\nr\nLet m = -295551 + 295530. ", "Suppose -2*y + 5*f = 0, 8*f = -4*y + 3*f. ", "Let p be -21 + y + -1 + 1. ", "Is m less than p?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 6 = 3*a, 839 = -5*z + 2*a + 265. ", "Do -99 and z have the same value?", "\nFalse\nLet a(d) = -20*d**2 - 30*d - 34. ", "Let x be a(-1). ", "Which is greater: -176/7 or x?", "\nx\nLet q be (-8)/6*(-36975)/50. ", "Which is smaller: q or 985?", "\n985\nLet z = -37.67 + 2.67. ", "Let i = 23 - z. Which is smaller: -3 or i?", "\n-3\nLet j(t) = 3*t**2 - 16*t - 9. ", "Let f = 16 - 10. ", "Let y be j(f). ", "Suppose 0 = 4*x + 20, 0 = -u - 2*u + y*x + 15. ", "Which is greater: -4/13 or u?", "\nu\nLet z = 35404 - 35405. ", "Is z at most as big as -82/351?", "\nTrue\nLet h = 2.5 - -0.5. ", "Let v = 109.97 - 107.47. ", "Is h at most as big as v?", "\nFalse\nLet v be -1 + (-1)/((-135)/133). ", "Let y(s) = s**3 - 12*s**2 - 46*s + 252. ", "Let u be y(14). ", "Which is smaller: u or v?", "\nv\nLet x be (-1*(-1284)/16)/((-6)/8 + 2). ", "Which is greater: 63 or x?", "\nx\nLet s = -156868/105 + 1494. ", "Let x = 54 - -268. ", "Let o = 322 - x. Is s at most as big as o?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 267*b = 479*b - 277932. ", "Is b equal to 1310?", "\nFalse\nSuppose 4*g - 474 = 2*r, -3*g + r + 354 = -0*r. ", "Let o = 4605 + -4486. ", "Which is smaller: g or o?", "\ng\nLet z = -6466 - -6572. ", "Is z > -3/10?", "\nTrue\nLet s be (54/120 - ((-8)/32)/(-1))*10. ", "Is -5399 at least s?", "\nFalse\nLet u(k) = 12*k + 170. ", "Let a be u(-18). ", "Let o(w) = -11*w - 2. ", "Let x be o(-1). ", "Let m be 1648/(-36) - 2/x. Is a greater than m?", "\nFalse\nLet b = -7.2252 + 8.351. ", "Are 0.2 and b unequal?", "\nTrue\nLet q = -129139 - -425771279/3297. ", "Is q smaller than 0?", "\nTrue\nSuppose 17*a - 16*a = 1. ", "Let d(i) = -i**2 + 20*i - 37. ", "Let o(f) = 1. ", "Let u(c) = a*d(c) - 6*o(c). ", "Let g be u(14). ", "Is 42 at most g?", "\nFalse\nSuppose -15*u + 4*u = 0. ", "Suppose -9*w + 15*w - 660 = u. Let r = 121 - w. Which is smaller: r or 13?", "\nr\nLet x(c) = -c**2 - 30*c - 71. ", "Let h be x(-26). ", "Suppose b - h = -t + 3*t, -3*b = 4*t + 61. ", "Are 0.3 and t equal?", "\nFalse\nLet r be -4*3*(-198)/121. ", "Let b = -58082/2959 + r. " ]
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[ "HiLynk will be the best chance businesses will ever have to understand their customers.", "\n\nStatistics show that the existence of data marketplaces further emphasizes on real target market trends and the needs business have. ", "By the end of 2017, CRM revenue overtook data management systems while by the end of 2018, estimates calculate this market to be worth over $40 billion. ", "It’s no surprise that businesses prefer tools that allow them to manage a true relationship with each client/ user.", "\n\nIndividuals are also more aware of valuable their data is. ", "They are aware that their insights as consumers, spending habits, preferences in brands, foods, clothing, etc. ", "are extremely valuable. ", "This also indicates the need for an ethical data extraction method that makes each user a participant in the data mining process and rewards them for their valuable information.", "\n\n2018 has been coined, the year of the customer. ", "We now have users moving from texting using traditional texting methods and switching to online instant messaging more and more. ", "The average consumer in their majority, 80% of them to be exact, research a product before buying it and 87% do it via mobile devices very commonly visiting the social media channels of a brand or company and making decisions based on what they can find including word of mouth type referrals from other consumers.", "\n\nCan Businesses Adapt?", "\n\nIt is clear that individuals are now more complex customers and have a much better understanding of the dynamics of the free-market and how they are valuable pieces in the implementation of the marketing/selling system. ", "They are also appreciative of companies that use ethically obtained data from them to enhance their lives with better offers and more personalized marketing options that are based on solving their needs first and making a sale second.", "\n\nBusinesses now have the option to adapt, or die. ", "The existence of HiLynk as a platform that not only unifies all of the communication and messaging features individual users crave but also allow users to be an active participant in the extraction of data for consumer research and marketers is a solution to this new challenge. ", "Businesses now face a more logical challenge of continuing to use outdated tools that work as silos of data, without cross-platform communication or with buggy integrations at best or leveraging the HiLynk CRM module which is the closest window of communication businesses will get to understand each one of their clients and build long-lasting effective relationships by leveraging data effectively and optimizing their sales.", "\n\nHiLynk is ready to lead and be at the forefront of a new way of conducting business. ", "And a new way of rewarding people and help them take full ownership of their data.", "\n\nThe choice is clear for businesses and individuals. ", "Is it clear for you?", "\n\nLearn more about HiLynk and be sure to follow us on our social channels as we communicate exciting news about our project including partnerships and other updates.", "\n\nFollow us on Twitter.", "\n\nFollow us on Facebook.", "\n\nJoin our Telegram" ]
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[ "Difference between “and” and “or” could undo Fed\n\nBy Martin Hutchinson and Richard BealesThe authors are Reuters Breakingviews columnists. ", "The opinions expressed are their own.", "\n\nThe difference between “and” and “or” could undo the Federal Reserve. ", "At its meeting Dec. 12 the Federal Open Market Committee replaced its estimated duration for low interest rates with thresholds for the unemployment rate and inflation. ", "If reality makes the two measures diverge, the new approach could prove rocky for markets.", "\n\nLast time around, the Fed suggested it would keep short-term rates near zero until at least mid-2015. ", "Now, it’s replacing that with the idea that its loose monetary policy probably won’t change while unemployment is above 6.5 percent, inflation a year or two out is forecast to be below 2.5 percent, and long-term inflation expectations are under control. ", "That’s “and” rather than “or.” ", "In theory, that means crossing any one of these thresholds – vague as the last one is – could have the Fed rethinking its policy.", "\n\nBut it’s easy to read this as saying the Fed won’t tighten policy unless all these indicators are the wrong side of the thresholds. ", "That could breed confusion if, say, unemployment continues declining only slowly, as it has for the last two years or so, while inflation quickly gathers steam. ", "Plus as the relevant economic indicators approach the Fed’s thresholds, market responses could be odd. ", "A drop in the unemployment rate that brought it within range of the threshold ought to be good economic news, but investors might fear a withdrawal of easy money by the U.S. central bank and react badly instead.", "\n\nThen there’s the Fed’s ramping-up of quantitative easing, or bond-buying. ", "Chairman Ben Bernanke made clear that he is worried about the possible negative economic impact of the so-called fiscal cliff, the tax increases and cost cuts that could come on Jan. 1 if Congress can’t agree otherwise. ", "While he knows the Fed alone can’t offset that, it’s also surely a factor in flooding markets with yet more cheap money. ", "If those fiscal shifts do happen, the United States will suddenly need to borrow less. ", "The Congressional Budget Office reckons the deficit would fall to under $400 billion in the year to September 2014. ", "But the Fed would be trying to buy $540 billion of Treasury securities every year.", "\n\nThat conflict between monetary and fiscal policy is another potential source of confusion. ", "Add the new focus on specific economic indicators and Bernanke could easily find he has set the stage for volatility, rather than the Fed’s desired stability, in financial markets.", "\n\nAntony Currie and Robert Cyran explain the financial logic behind the health insurer's deal for Catamaran and why it indicates pharmacy benefit manager M&A may be winding down.", "Video\n\nABOUT BREAKINGVIEWS\n\nReuters Breakingviews is the world's leading source of agenda-setting financial insight. ", "The company was founded in 1999 as Breakingviews.com and was acquired by Thomson Reuters in 2009, becoming Reuters’ brand for financial commentary. ", "Every day, we comment on the big financial stories as they break. ", "Our expert analysis is provided by a global team of correspondents based in New York, Washington, Chicago, London, Paris, Madrid, Hong Kong, Beijing and Singapore.", "\n\nFor the full commentary and analysis service from breakingviews.com, including regular emails containing the latest views, contact sales@breakingviews.com." ]
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[ "Evaluating a newly developed pharmacogenetic array: screening in a Spanish population.", "\nHow genes affect the response in a patient to a given medication is still poorly understood; the validation of biomarkers and technologies need to be performed. ", "This study aims to determine the analytical characteristics of PHARMAChip(®), a newly developed pharmacogenetic array, and the Spanish population allelic and genotypic frequencies of the genetic variants included in this chip. ", "The analytical characteristics of PHARMAChip assessed were sensitivity and specificity (for CYP2D6 and SLC6A4), accuracy (for SLC6A4) and genotyping rate: frequencies of the 90 pharmacogenetic variants of 36 genes were included in PHARMAChip. ", "These were compared in 449 Spanish subjects with data reported in Caucasians. ", "Sensitivity and specificity ranged from 96-100%, accuracy was 94.8% and genotyping success rate was 99.6%. ", "PHARMAChip is an accurate, rapid and updatable tool, which may be especially useful for cytochrome P450 testing. ", "The allelic and genotypic frequencies found in the Spanish subjects reinforce the need for establishing possible intraethnic differences among populations prior to performing this kind of study." ]
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[ "Feliratkozás a Járvány hírlevélre Minden hétköznap elküldjük, amit a járványról tudni érdemes. ", "Iratkozz fel, és vigyázzunk egymásra!", "\n\nHeteken belül bezárhat a gyógyíthatatlan, főként daganatos betegeket gondozó Budapest Hospice Ház, mert elfogyott a pénzük - adta hírül az RTL KLub.", "\n\n2005-ben nyílt meg a 10 ágyas fekvőbeteg ellátás a Hospice Házban, további száz beteget otthon látnak el. ", "A társadalombiztosítástól kapnak pénzt a működésükhöz, de ez a költségeiket felét sem fedezi. ", "A hiányzó 50 millió forintot eddig magánadományokból és egyszázalékos felajanlásokból gyűjtötték, de idén ezekből a forrásokból kevesebb pénzt folyt be.", "\n\nKovács Anita igazgató szerint az is probléma, hogy rájuk nem vonatkozik az egészségügyi bértábla, így a szakdolgozók fizetésének emelését is nekik kell fizetni, ami havonta plusz egymillió forintos kiadás. ", "Így aztán már csak néhány hétre maradt pénzük, hamarosan be kell zárniuk a fekvőbeteg részleget.", "\n\nKértek segítséget a minisztériumtól, eddig azonban nemhogy segítséget, választ sem kaptak választ." ]
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[ "A blogger has created a fun new tool that switches the gender of all gendered words on webpages, yielding some amusing and thought-provoking results.", "\n\nDanielle Sucher's Chrome extension Jailbreak the Patriarchy swaps woman for man, she for he, Ms. for Mr., and so on (it has a little bit of trouble with her, since it can be an object or a possessive). ", "The results are both entertaining and illuminating — swapping the genders really shows how ridiculous some stereotypes are, as well as what the world would look like if men's and women's roles were reversed. ", "Below, a few examples:\n\nIf you thought the recession had dampened interest in luxury accessories, you didn't see the men lined up after daybreak at the Warwick Hotel on Thursday. ", "A room there was the scene of one of New York's most feral anthropological tableaus: the biannual Manolo Blahnik sample sale. [...] ", "Not since Cinderella's stepsisters mutilated their feet to squeeze into that glass slipper have men leveled such fierce desire at footwear. ", "At last fall's sale, two men dumped their babies on Manolo employees in the lobby as they sped into the room.", "\n\nA Timesarticle on the effect of evangelical Christianity on fertility in Africa:\n\nTraditionally, Kassena-Nankana men are not involved in everyday decision making, even about household matters. ", "But the born-again men were forming committees, making speeches and organizing outings, fund-raisers and other activities. ", "Tradition in Kassena-Nankana also forbids men to communicate with ancestors and other spiritual beings; only women can do that. ", "But the Christian men were speaking directly to Jesus about their problems. ", "She was, many of them may have felt, the first woman ever to listen.", "\n\nFrom a Cosmoarticle that Jailbreak retitled \"How To Tell Her You've Been Faking It\":\n\nLast fall, the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University released the results from their National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior. ", "One glaring finding: Women thought men were having more orgasms than they actually were. ", "Eighty-four percent of girls in the survey said their partner had experienced orgasm during the last time they had sex. ", "But only 64 percent of men confess to actually having experienced an O. That's a pretty major gap between perception and reality! ", "We decided to investigate further and conducted a poll on Cosmopolitan.com. ", "Eighty six percent of readers said they don't think their girl knows when they fake it, and 90 percent of fakers say they don't plan on telling their girl the truth. ", "But delivering academy award-worthy performance in the boudoir merely encourages your girl to continue doing things in bed that don't get you off. ", "And that's a damn shame.", "\n\nFrom another Cosmo article, this one called \"The Hottest Things to Do During Halftime\":\n\nWhether you're a legit fan or just enjoy watching jacked girls run around in skin-tight pants, we're psyched for football season. ", "And to make this Sunday's big game a little more fun, we asked women to tell us what they'd love a man to do at halftime. ", "No surprise here — their answers all involved sex, nachos, and you in practically nothing.", "\n\nHer Halftime Fantasy: \"That he'll sit next to me in a jersey and matching panties.\"", "\nYour Game Plan: Forget the cheerleaders and put on your own damn show! ", "Finally, the NFL is giving us some sexy options when it comes to fan wear.", "\n\nYou hear this over and over again: Nice girls finish last. ", "Men just don't want a nice girl; they want the jerk, the bad girl. ", "So you think to yourself, \"I've got to learn how to be a complete player. ", "I've got to learn how to put men down. ", "I've got to learn how to not call him, how to make his want me. ", "I've got to play games. ", "I've got to create attraction that way — that's what's going to work.\"", "\n\nAn excerpt from Steve Harvey's famous Act Like A Gentleman, Think Like A Woman:\n\n\"We need to talk.\"", "\n\nFor a woman, few words are as menacing as those four — especially when a man is the one saying them and she's on the receiving end. ", "Those four words can mean only two things to women: either we did something wrong or, worse, you really literally just want to talk. ", "Now, we understand that we're not the essence of perfection and there are going to be times when you're mad at us and need to let us know it; we get that, though we don't necessarily want to have to concentrate on an hourlong angry lecture about how we screwed up. ", "But even more? ", "No woman wants to sit around gabbing with you like we're one of your boyfriends. ", "Ever. ", "It's just not in our DNA to lounge around, sip coffee, and dab at our eyes with tissue as if we're in an AA meeting or on some psychologist's couch trying to get things off our chest. ", "When women are talking, and especially when they're listening, it's with purpose.", "\n\nAnd at left, a screenshot of our own homepage, featuring Erin's post on \"paternity leave.\"" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a cardiovascular graft and a method of forming same. ", "More particularly, the invention relates to a cardiovascular graft fabricated of a porous, biocompatible polymer system which provides for cellular ingrowth and/or increased flexibility. ", "The method of forming the graft utilizes a non-solvent, two component, or hydrophobic polymer system.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nHeretofore various porous graft structures and methods of forming same have been proposed.", "\nTwo such graft structures and methods for their formation are disclosed in the following U.S. Patents:\n______________________________________ U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "PATENTEE ______________________________________ 4,334,327 Lyman 4,355,426 MacGregor ______________________________________\nThe Lyman U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,334,327 discloses a flexible ureteral prosthesis (graft) fabricated from copolyurethane materials. ", "The prosthesis includes an elongate duct having a lumen whose interior surface is ultrasmooth to impede incrustation. ", "An external cuff, formed of a foam-like material, is formed around a portion of the elongate duct. ", "The cuff has at least 40% void space therein which provides a proper density for receiving sutures to enable fixation of the cuff by suturing to appropriate muscular tissue. ", "The inner diameter of the prosthesis must be conformed to the outer diameter of the ureter of the recipient. ", "Further, the prosthesis is provided with a one-way valve to prevent backflow of urine.", "\nThe process of formation of the prosthesis involves selecting a tubular mandrel having a highly polished surface and an outer diameter corresponding to a desired inner diameter for the prosthesis. ", "One end of the mandrel is configured to conform to a cavity shape which is of acceptable size for forming the body of the one-way valve.", "\nThe next step in this process involves applying a fluid layer of block copolymer to the mandrel. ", "The block copolymers found particularly suitable as ureter replacement materials include copolyurethanes, copolyether-urethanes and/or copolyether-urethane-ureas. ", "With the mandrel suitably coated, the copolymer layer is solidified to fix its shape into conformance with the mandrel surface. ", "Mold blocks are than secured around terminal segments at each end of the coated mandrel to form boundaries for the formation of an exterior cuff. ", "These blocks have an opening centrally disposed therein corresponding to an approximate diameter of the coated mandrel to facilitate mounting of the mandrel within the respective mold blocks. ", "The cuff is then formed by permanently affixing a material whose final state develops a foam-like composition over the coated mandrel between the mold blocks. ", "Once the cuff is formed and appropriately configured to facilitate suturing to fascia within the patient, the mold blocks are removed and the mandrel withdrawn. ", "The foam like end product structure may be fabricated by admixing powdered inorganic salt to a solution of approximately 12% to 17% (w) block copolymer or may utilize a fluid transfer method for establishing the voids throughout the cuff material.", "\nThe MacGregor U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,355,426 discloses a cardiovascular prosthetic device comprising a porour surface and a network of interconnected interstitial pores below the surface of the device in fluid flow communication with the surface pores.", "\nSeveral other devices are disclosed which fall broadly into two classes, rigid items and flexible polymeric items.", "\nThe flexible porous polymeric grafts are formed from a segmented polyurethane and more preferably a segmented hydrophilic polyurethane. ", "The graft may be provided with a porous surface and subsurface network on a coherent substrate or may be formed as a wholly porous structure.", "\nVarious specific structural embodiments of flexible graft are dependent upon the function the graft is to serve, as disclosed in the MacGregor patent.", "\nFurther, MacGregor proposes several different procedures for forming the various graft structures defined, all of which require the use of a polymer resin and a solvent.", "\nAs described above, the prior methodology of formation of graft structures has involved the mixing of water soluble inorganic salts into polymer-solvent systems and then forming a graft of a desired but limited thickness by one of many procedures available. ", "The resulting polymer network is then cured and leached of salt by soaking in an aqueous solution.", "\nAlso, foaming agents and blowing agents have been used to produce \"pseudo-porous grafts\", i.e., to produce a closed pore cellular structure to the graft. ", "The pore sizes are often irregular and difficult to control and can be larger than the 200 micron maximum size recommended for tissue ingrowth. ", "Further, the by-products of the foaming reaction can be physiologically damaging.", "\nAdditionally, use of mandrel dipping methods results in grafts which are limited to simple, thin-walled grafting material with reproducibility and uniformity being unattainable.", "\nAs will be described in greater detail hereinafter, the graft and method of the present invention have a number of advantages over the prior art grafts and methods, such advantages including a simple method of formation using a nonsolvent polymer system, ease of reproducibility of the exact graft structure, uniformity of the porous network within the graft while allowing for variable porosity and variable wall thickness of the graft, and the use of hydrophobic materials in the production of the graft." ]
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[ "The other day a Catholic who is a longtime GetReligion reader, and a media professional, sent me a note to say that he had spotted a perfect example of the \"Kellerism\" worldview that is blurring the line in some elite newsrooms between hard-news coverage and unbalanced, advocacy, editorial analysis.", "\n\nThis particular story wasn't in The New York Times. ", "Instead, it ran on the Crux website that The Boston Globe operates to cover Catholic news. ", "That caught me off guard, since anyone who reads this weblog knows that the Crux team runs lots of fabulous stuff and is usually quite careful when it comes to marking news as \"news\" and analysis as \"analysis.\"", "\n\nThe term is a nod to the statement by Bill Keller of The New York Times, days after he left the editor's chair, that his newspaper had been committed to balanced coverage on matters of politics -- but not on moral, cultural and religious issues. ", "Click here for more on that and here's a link to the video of the event in Austin, Texas.", "\n\nThe bottom line: Why should journalists do fair, accurate coverage that shows respect for traditional religious believers whose ancient views are clearly wrong, according to the modern doctrines affirmed by the priests of Kellerism? ", "Why cover two points of view when one is right and the other is wrong?", "\n\nFor nearly two years, Jeffrey Higgins led parishioners in song at Mother Seton Catholic Church in Germantown, Maryland, at three or four Masses each weekend. ", "But this Sunday, he’ll find himself outside, joining protesters upset about his firing as a part-time cantor following an anonymous complaint that he married his longtime partner.", "\n\nHiggins said that in November, he was called into a meeting with the pastor, the Rev. Lee Fangmeyer, who explained to him that someone had forwarded photos of Higgins’s wedding to him. ", "The pastor, Higgins says, said he could resign or be fired.", "\n\nHe chose not to resign, so he was let go.", "\n\n“I loved working there, I loved singing with the choir, they were great people. ", "I felt very accepted,” he said. “", "It didn’t feel like a place where people would go after me,” adding that he felt “blindsided” by the news.", "\n\nNow, it would be wrong to say that church leaders were not represented in this Crux report. ", "However, as the GetReligion reader noted in a private email:\n\nI should note that the piece follows the typical Kelleristic formula -- quote directly from supporters of whatever the social movement is but only quote from documents or the previously published material of those who oppose that particular movement.", "\n\nIn other words, one side speaks through material drawn from real interviews with the Crux team and the other speaks through pieces of paper from church officials.", "\n\nA key point: If members of the church hierarchy refused to be interviewed, it would be good for readers to know that. ", "It would help if journalists -- pointing toward efforts at fairness -- once again began using old-school language in their stories, such as \"repeated requests by Crux for interviews with parish and archdiocese leaders were declined.\"", "\n\nThus, readers are left with:\n\nThe archdiocese said in a statement that Higgins knew the rules about what kind of conduct was unacceptable for someone in his role, and it stood by the firing. “", "If someone chooses to live publicly in a manner that is incompatible with Church teaching, their continued work in ministry becomes untenable,” the statement said.", "\n\nIt went on to say that Higgins was fired not for his sexual orientation, but because the marriage put in jeopardy “his ability to publicly and authentically manifest the teaching of the Church.”", "\n\nIn other words, would a celibate gay who affirmed church teachings have been fired?", "\n\nIn academic settings, it is common for faculty and staff to sign doctrinal covenants in which they promise to defend basic teachings of the faith tradition represented on the campus. ", "In this case, however, we are talking about an actual worship leader in a parish.", "\n\nThe rest of the Crux story -- literally -- is based on interviews with activists who want to see changes in Catholic practice and doctrines on marriage and sexuality. ", "For example:\n\n“It is time to ask tough questions at every parish, school, and social service agency,” wrote Bob Shine, social media director at New Ways Ministry. “", "Are these exclusionary actions really what Catholic identity means? ", "Is our community’s care for employees really transformed by God’s mercy? ", "How does the Church’s mission suffer when we lose wonderful church workers?”", "\n\nIf archdiocesan leaders would not speak to the press (and it is not clear in the story that this was the case), were there not pro-Catechism Catholic activists who were willing to speak to the Crux team? ", "Why, on an issue this controversial, publish such a one-sided \"news\" report?" ]
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[ "Verucopeptin, a new antitumor antibiotic active against B16 melanoma. ", "II. ", "Structure determination.", "\nThe structure of a new antibiotic verucopeptin has been determined by the spectroscopic analyses and chemical degradation studies. ", "It is a 19-membered cyclodepsipeptide which is structurally related to azinothricin and A83586C." ]
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[ "Product Description\n\nTwo high fidelity, ultra-thin stereo speakers positioned deep within the pillow, so you can surround your head with sound for enhanced therapy or privacy.", "\n\nThe Sound Oasis® Sleep Therapy Pillow SP-151 allows users to enjoy their favorite music or sounds in optimal relaxation and comfort. ", "With two high fidelity, ultra-thin stereo speakers positioned deep within the pillow, users can surround their head with sound for enhanced therapy or privacy. ", "Due to popular demand, it now includes in-line volume control." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "LES MILLS VIRTUAL\n\nIT’S LES MILLS ON YOUR CLUB’S BIG SCREEN\n\nLES MILLS™ Virtual workouts combine our world-leading fitness programs with pumping sound and motivation from some of the hottest instructors on the planet. ", "It’s a truly inspiring experience that will drive amazing results." ]
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[ "Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item:\nhttp://hdl.handle.net/10419/36504\n\nFull metadata record\n\nDC Field\n\nValue\n\nLanguage\n\ndc.contributor.author\n\nFuchs, Michaela\n\nen_US\n\ndc.contributor.author\n\nWohlrabe, Klaus\n\nen_US\n\ndc.date.accessioned\n\n2009-06-08\n\nen_US\n\ndc.date.accessioned\n\n2010-07-15T09:41:09Z\n\n-\n\ndc.date.available\n\n2010-07-15T09:41:09Z\n\n-\n\ndc.date.issued\n\n2008\n\nen_US\n\ndc.identifier.uri\n\nhttp://hdl.handle.net/10419/36504\n\n-\n\ndc.description.abstract\n\nThis paper investigates the potential for a further increase in trade between the fifteen old EU members and the twelve new countries having joined in 2004 and 2007 that results from a convergence of the new members' institutions towards the level of the EU-15 in accordance with the Acquis Communautaire. ", "To this aim we estimate a gravity model applying both static and dynamic panel data techniques and incorporate detailed variables measuring institutional quality. ", "We conclude that there is further potential for trade resulting from the successive convergence of the new members´ institutional framework towards EU standards.", "\n\nen_US\n\ndc.language.iso\n\neng\n\nen_US\n\ndc.publisher\n\n|aUniv. ", "of Technology, Fac. ", "of Business Management and Economics |cDresden\n\nen_US\n\ndc.relation.ispartofseries\n\n|aDresden discussion paper series in economics |x16/08\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.jel\n\nC23\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.jel\n\nF10\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.jel\n\nF15\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.jel\n\nO17\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.jel\n\nP30\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.ddc\n\n330\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.keyword\n\nEuropean integration\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.keyword\n\ninstitutions\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.keyword\n\ngravity model\n\nen_US\n\ndc.subject.keyword\n\ntrade potential\n\nen_US\n\ndc.title\n\nInstitutions, trade, and integration: what can be expected within the enlarged EU?" ]
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[ "[Megabasilaris (a description of 15 cases and a review of the literature)].", "\nThe article deals with the clinical analysis of 15 cases in which angiography demonstrated an elongated and dilated basilar artery. ", "The conditional normal width and length of this artery were determined from measurements on the angiograms in the control group. ", "In megabasilaris the length of the artery was increased by 17% on the average and the width by 60-70% on the average. ", "Megabasilaris causes most frequently sings of chronic vertebrobasilar insufficiency. ", "A review of literature on this subject is presented. ", "A conclusion is made that the setting apart of this rare vascular pathological condition as a nosological entity is substantiated." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWindows Application Driver, error \"Could not find any recognizable digits.\" ", "when connecting to session (driver)\n\nI know how to launch a windows application using the filepath to launch it and that works (working example below). ", "I am writing tests and they work too but my question is this: If the application is running already, how do I create my \"session\" (often called \"driver\") for the currently running application?", "\nI have read this article that explains how you would connect a new session to Cortana which is already running. ", "It's a great example but my app is an exe that has been launched and is not part of windows and I'm getting the error \"Could not find any recognizable digits.\". ", "\nWhat am I doing wrong?", "\nWORKING CODE THAT LAUNCHES THE APP AND CREATES THE \"session\":\nprivate const string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = \"\";\nprotected static WindowsDriver<RemoteWebElement> session;\n\n public static void Setup(TestContext context)\n {\n // Launch app and populate session\n if (session == null)\n {\n // Create a new sessio\n DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();\n appCapabilities.", "SetCapability(\"app\", filepath /*The exeecutable's filepath on c drive*/);\n\n //LaunchWPF app and wpf session \n session = new WindowsDriver<RemoteWebElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities);\n session.", "Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.", "FromSeconds(10);\n }\n}\n\nPROBLEM CODE :\n [TestMethod()]\n public void Common_CreateSession_ForAlreadyRunningmyApp()\n {\n string WindowsApplicationDriverUrl = \"\";\n\n IntPtr myAppTopLevelWindowHandle = new IntPtr();\n foreach (Process clsProcess in Process.", "GetProcesses())\n {\n if (clsProcess.", "ProcessName.", "Contains(\"MyApp.", "Client.", "Shell\"))\n {\n myAppTopLevelWindowHandle = clsProcess.", "Handle;\n }\n }\n\n DesiredCapabilities appCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();\n appCapabilities.", "SetCapability(\"appTopLevelWindow\", myAppTopLevelWindowHandle);\n\n //Create session for app that's already running (THIS LINE FAILS, ERROR: : 'Could not find any recognizable digits.') ", " \n session = new WindowsDriver<RemoteWebElement>(new Uri(WindowsApplicationDriverUrl), appCapabilities);\n session.", "Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.", "FromSeconds(10);\n\n}\n}\n\nA:\n\nThere's now an answer on github here. ", "You can see on github I have made 3 tweaks to the answer given by moonkey124, 2 of them were obvious (my aplication name and a little sleep command), 1 of them was to adapt the answer to a WPF application under test...\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'The main result of this paper is an improvement of the upper bound on the cardinal invariant ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ that was discovered in [@cov_z0]. ", "Here ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ is the ideal of subsets of the set of natural numbers that have asymptotic density zero. ", "This improved upper bound is also dualized to get a better lower bound on the cardinal ${\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$. En route some variations on the splitting number are introduced and several relationships between these variants are proved.'", "\naddress: |\n Department of Mathematics\\\n National University of Singapore\\\n Singapore 119076\nauthor:\n- Dilip Raghavan\ntitle: More on the density zero ideal\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:intro}\n============\n\nWe use $\\omega$ to denote the set of natural number in keeping with usual set-theoretic convention. ", "Recall that a set $A \\subset \\omega$ is said to have *asymptotic density 0* if $\\displaystyle\\lim_{n \\rightarrow \\infty}{\\displaystyle\\frac{{\\left|}A \\cap n {\\right|}}{n}} = 0$. By ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ we denote the set $\\left\\{ A \\subset \\omega: A \\ \\text{has asymptotic density} \\ 0 \\right\\}$. Recall that given a set $a$, ${{\\mathcal{I}}}$ is said to be an *ideal* on $a$ if ${{\\mathcal{I}}}$ is a subset of ${\\mathcal{P}}(a)$ such that the following conditions hold: if $b \\subseteq a$ is finite, then $b \\in {{\\mathcal{I}}}$; if $b \\in {{\\mathcal{I}}}$ and $c \\subseteq b$, then $c \\in {{\\mathcal{I}}}$; if $b \\in {{\\mathcal{I}}}$ and $c \\in {{\\mathcal{I}}}$, then $b \\cup c \\in {{\\mathcal{I}}}$; and $a \\notin {{\\mathcal{I}}}$. It is easily seen that ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ is an ideal on $\\omega$. It is moreover a *P-ideal*, which means that for every collection $\\{{a}_{n}: n \\in \\omega\\} \\subset {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$, there exists $a \\in {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ such that $\\forall n \\in \\omega {\\left[}{a}_{n} \\; {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\; a{\\right]}$, where $X \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: Y$ if and only if $X \\setminus Y$ is finite. ", "${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ is also a *tall ideal on $\\omega$*, which means that $\\forall a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}\\exists b \\in {{\\left[}a{\\right]}}^{\\omega}{\\left[}b \\in {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}{\\right]}$. In terms of the Borel hierarchy of ${\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega)$, ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ is ${F}_{\\sigma\\delta}$ but not ${G}_{\\delta\\sigma}$.\n\nCardinal invariants associated with such tall analytic P-ideals have been studied in several works, principally by Hern[á]{}ndez-Hern[á]{}ndez and Hru[š]{}[á]{}k [@michaelstarinv]. ", "Among the various invariants that have been considered, ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ and ${\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ are of particular interest.", "\n\n\\[def:covandnon\\] $$\\begin{aligned}\n &{\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) = \\min\\{{\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}: {{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0} \\wedge \\forall a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}\\exists b \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\left[}{\\left|}a \\cap b {\\right|}= {\\aleph}_{0}{\\right]}\\},\\\\\n &{\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) = \\min\\{{\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}: {{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}\\wedge \\forall b \\in {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}\\exists a \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\left[}{\\left|}a \\cap b {\\right|}< {\\aleph}_{0}{\\right]}\\}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nOf course there is nothing special about ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ here and these invariants can be defined for any tall P-ideal ${{\\mathcal{I}}}$ on $\\omega$. In fact, these invariants are special cases of the invariants $\\operatorname{cov}({{\\mathcal{I}}})$ and $\\operatorname{non}({{\\mathcal{I}}})$, which make sense for any ideal ${{\\mathcal{I}}}$ on any set $X$. To see how, for each $a \\subset \\omega$, let $\\hat{a} = \\{b \\subset \\omega: {\\left|}b \\cap a {\\right|}= {\\aleph}_{0}\\}$. This is a ${G}_{\\delta}$ subset of ${\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega)$. Let ${\\hat{{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}}_{0} = \\left\\{X \\subset {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega): \\exists a \\in {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}{\\left[}X \\subset \\hat{a}{\\right]}\\right\\}$. Now ${\\hat{{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}}_{0}$ is a $\\sigma$-ideal on ${\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega)$ generated by Borel sets, and it is not hard to show (see Proposition 1.2 of [@michaelstarinv]) that $\\operatorname{cov}({\\hat{{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}}_{0}) = {\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ and that $\\operatorname{non}({\\hat{{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}}_{0}) = {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\n${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ turned out to be a critical object of study in [@michaelstarinv], where the invariants associated to ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ were shown to be closely connected to many others, including $\\operatorname{add}({\\mathcal{N}}), \\operatorname{cov}({\\mathcal{N}})$, and $\\operatorname{non}({\\mathcal{N}})$. In that paper, Hern[á]{}ndez-Hern[á]{}ndez and Hru[š]{}[á]{}k asked whether ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq {{\\mathfrak{d}}}$ (Question 3.23(a) of [@michaelstarinv]). ", "Their question was positively answered in [@cov_z0]. ", "Furthermore the proof in also yielded the dual inequality ${\\mathfrak{b}}\\leq {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$. We improve both of these bounds in this paper. ", "We show that $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\} \\leq {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ and that ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq \\max\\{{\\mathfrak{b}}, {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}\\}$, where ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$ is a variant of ${\\mathfrak{s}}$ that is not known to be distinguishable from ${\\mathfrak{s}}$.\n\nThe second of our inequalities has implications for what types of forcings can be used to diagonalize ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$. Recall that a forcing notion ${\\mathbb{P}}$ in a ground model ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$ is said to *diagonalize ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$* if there is an $\\mathring{A} \\in {{\\mathbf{V}}^{{\\mathbb{P}}}}$ such that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\mathring{A} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ and for each $X \\in {{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$, ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} {\\left|}X \\cap \\mathring{A} {\\right|}< {\\aleph}_{0}$. Forcings that diagonalize ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ tend to increase ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$. A celebrated result of Laflamme from [@zapping] is that every ${F}_{\\sigma}$ ideal can be diagonalized by a proper ${{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$-bounding forcing. ", "Until the work in [@cov_z0], it was unclear whether a similar result could also be proved for all ${F}_{\\sigma\\delta}$ P-ideals. ", "The proof of the inequality ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq {{\\mathfrak{d}}}$ from [@cov_z0] shows that any proper forcing that diagonalizes ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ necessarily adds an unbounded real, and since ${{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ is an ${F}_{\\sigma\\delta}$ P-ideal, it shows that Laflamme’s theorem is, in a certain sense, best possible. ", "The proof of the inequality ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq \\max\\{{\\mathfrak{b}}, {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}\\}$ given in Section \\[sec:bounds\\] has a similar consequence. ", "It shows that any proper forcing that diagonalizes ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ must either add a real that dominates ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ or it must add a real that is not promptly split by ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {({\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega))}^{\\omega}$ (this notion is introduced in Definition \\[def:prompt\\]). ", "We will also show in Section \\[sec:variants\\] that a Suslin c.c.c. ", "forcing cannot add a real that is not promptly split by ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {({\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega))}^{\\omega}$, yielding the conclusion that any Suslin c.c.c. ", "poset that diagonalizes ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ necessarily adds a dominating real.", "\n\nThe two main inequalities of this paper are obtained by analyzing certain combinatorial variants of the notion of a splitting family. ", "The first section of this paper is devoted to introducing and studying these variants. ", "At present, it is unclear if these variants ultimately lead to a new cardinal invariant that is distinguishable from ${\\mathfrak{s}}$ (see Question \\[q:sprsb\\]).", "\n\nWe end this introduction by fixing some notation that will occur throughout the paper. ", "$A \\subset B$ means $\\forall a{\\left[}a \\in A \\implies a \\in B{\\right]}$. Thus the symbol “$\\subset$” does not denote proper subset. ", "The expression “${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}x \\ldots$” abbreviates the quantifier “there exist infinitely many $x$ such that …”, and the dual expression “${{\\forall}^{\\infty}}x \\ldots$” means “for all but finitely many $x$ …”. ", "Given a function $f$ and a set $X \\subset \\operatorname{dom}(f)$, $f''X$ denotes the image of $X$ under $f$ – that is, $f''X = \\{f(x): x \\in X\\}$. We use standard cardinal invariants such as ${\\mathfrak{s}}$, ${{\\mathfrak{u}}}$, ${{\\mathfrak{p}}}$, ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}$, and ${\\mathfrak{b}}$, whose definitions may be found in [@blasssmall].", "\n\nSome variants of the splitting number {#sec:variants}\n=====================================\n\nSeveral variations on the notion of a splitting family are studied in this section. ", "One of these variants involves the existence of a type of strong coloring. ", "It turns out that all of these variations ultimately lead to the same cardinal invariant, which we denote ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. It will be shown that ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$ behaves very similarly to ${\\mathfrak{s}}$. We adopt the convention that for a set $x \\subset \\omega$, ${x}^{0} = x$ and ${x}^{1} = \\omega \\setminus x$; this will make certain definitions easier to state.", "\n\n\\[def:prompt\\] Let $X = {\\langle {x}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ be a sequence of elements of ${\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega)$. We say that $X$ *promptly splits* $a$ if for each $n \\in \\omega$ and each $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$, $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\cap a$ is infinite. ", "A family ${{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$ is said to be a *promptly splitting family* if for each $a \\in {{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}$, there exists $X \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$ which promptly splits $a$.\n\n\\[def:omegas\\] Let $P = {\\langle {x}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ be a partition of $\\omega$ (that is, ${\\bigcup}_{i \\in \\omega}{{x}_{i}} = \\omega$ and for any $i < j < \\omega$, ${x}_{i} \\cap {x}_{j} = 0$). ", "We say that $P$ *splits* $a$ if for each $i \\in \\omega$ ${x}_{i} \\cap a$ is infinite. ", "A family of partitions ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is called a *splitting family of partitions* if for each $a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$, there exists $P \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$ which splits $a$. $$\\begin{aligned}\n {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}= \\min\\{{\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}: {{\\mathcal{F}}}\\ \\text{is a splitting family of partitions}\\}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\n\\[lem:promptomegas\\] ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}= \\min\\{{\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}: {{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega} \\wedge {{\\mathcal{F}}}\\ \\text{is a promptly splitting family}\\}$.\n\nFirst let ${{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$ be any promptly splitting family. ", "Let $\\{ {X}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa \\}$ be an enumeration of ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$, where $\\kappa = {\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}$. For each $\\alpha < \\kappa$, write ${X}_{\\alpha} = \\langle {x}_{\\alpha, i}: i < \\omega \\rangle$, and define ${y}_{\\alpha, i} = {x}_{\\alpha, i} \\setminus i$. For each $n \\in \\omega$, define ${\\sigma}_{n} \\in {2}^{n + 1}$ as follows: for $i < n$, ${\\sigma}_{n}(i) = 0$ and ${\\sigma}_{n}(n) = 1$. Define ${z}_{\\alpha, n} = {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{y}^{{\\sigma}_{n}(i)}_{\\alpha, i}}$. It is easy to see that if $m < n < \\omega$, then ${z}_{\\alpha, m} \\cap {z}_{\\alpha, n} = 0$. Also for any $l \\in \\omega$ there is a minimal $n \\in \\omega$ such that $l \\notin {y}_{\\alpha, n}$ because ${\\bigcap}_{n \\in \\omega}{{y}_{\\alpha, n}} = 0$. Then $l \\in {z}_{\\alpha, n}$, for this minimal $n$. Thus ${P}_{\\alpha} = \\langle {z}_{\\alpha, n}: n \\in \\omega\\rangle$ is a partition of $\\omega$. Moreover it is clear that for any $a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$, if ${X}_{\\alpha}$ promptly splits $a$, then ${P}_{\\alpha}$ splits $a$. Therefore $\\{{P}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa\\}$ is a splitting family of partitions.", "\n\nIn the other direction, suppose that ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is any splitting family of partitions. ", "Let $\\{{P}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa\\}$ enumerate ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$, where $\\kappa = {\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}$, and write ${P}_{\\alpha} = \\langle {y}_{\\alpha, n}: n < \\omega \\rangle$, for each $\\alpha < \\kappa$. Fix an independent family ${\\langle {C}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ of subsets of $\\omega$. For each $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and $i \\in \\omega$, define ${x}_{\\alpha, i} = {\\bigcup}_{n \\in {C}_{i}}{{y}_{\\alpha, n}}$. Note that $\\omega \\setminus {x}_{\\alpha, i} = {\\bigcup}_{n \\in \\omega \\setminus {C}_{i}}{{y}_{\\alpha, n}}$. Put ${X}_{\\alpha} = \\langle {x}_{\\alpha, i}: i < \\omega \\rangle \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$. We check that for any $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and any $a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$, if ${P}_{\\alpha}$ splits $a$, then ${X}_{\\alpha}$ promptly splits $a$. This would show that $\\{{X}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa\\}$ is a promptly splitting family and conclude the proof. ", "Fix $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and $a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$. Suppose ${P}_{\\alpha}$ splits $a$. Fix any $n \\in \\omega$ and $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$. Since ${\\langle {C}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ is an independent family, ${\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{C}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}}$ is non-empty. ", "If $m \\in {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{C}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}}$, then ${y}_{\\alpha, m} \\subset {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{\\alpha, i}}$. Since ${y}_{\\alpha, m} \\cap a$ is infinite, $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{\\alpha, i}} \\right) \\cap a$ is also infinite, as needed.", "\n\nThus the “$\\mathfrak{p}\\mathfrak{r}$” of ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$ can either stand for “partition” or for “prompt”. ", "We next show that ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$ is also the least cardinal for which a certain type of strong coloring exists.", "\n\n\\[def:tortuous\\] Let $\\kappa$ be any cardinal. ", "We say that a coloring $c: \\kappa \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\rightarrow 2$ is *tortuous* if for each $A \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ and each partition of $\\kappa$, ${\\langle {K}_{n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle}$, there exists $n \\in \\omega$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{def:tortuouscond}\n \\forall \\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1} \\exists \\alpha \\in {K}_{n} \\exists k \\in A{\\left[}k > n \\wedge \\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}{\\right]}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ We will say that such a $c$ is a *tortuous coloring on $\\kappa$*.", "\n\nIt is not obvious from the definition that there are tortuous colorings. ", "The next lemma shows that a tortuous coloring always exists on some cardinal $\\leq {2}^{{\\aleph}_{0}}$.\n\n\\[lem:tortuous\\] Let ${\\langle {X}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa \\rangle}$ be a promptly splitting family. ", "There exists a tortuous coloring on $\\kappa$.\n\nFor each $\\alpha < \\kappa$, write ${X}_{\\alpha} = \\langle {x}_{\\alpha, i}: i < \\omega \\rangle$. Define $c: \\kappa \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\rightarrow 2$ as follows. ", "For any $\\alpha < \\kappa$, $k, i \\in \\omega$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n c(\\alpha, k, i) = \\begin{cases}\n 0 &\\ \\text{if} \\ k \\in {x}_{\\alpha, i} \\\\\n 1 &\\ \\text{if} \\ k \\notin {x}_{\\alpha, i}.", "\n \\end{cases}\n \\end{aligned}$$ We check that $c$ is a tortuous coloring. ", "Let $A \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ and suppose ${\\langle {K}_{n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ is a partition of $\\kappa$. Suppose $\\alpha < \\kappa$ is such that ${X}_{\\alpha}$ promptly splits $A$. ", "Let $n \\in \\omega$ be such that $\\alpha \\in {K}_{n}$. We check that this $n$ has the required properties. ", "Fix $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$. As ${X}_{\\alpha}$ promptly splits $A$, $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{\\alpha, i}} \\right) \\cap A$ is infinite. ", "Choose $k \\in \\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{\\alpha, i}} \\right) \\cap A$ with $k > n$. Now for any $i < n + 1$, $c(\\alpha, k, i) = 0$ iff $k \\in {x}_{\\alpha, i}$ iff $\\sigma(i) = 0$. This concludes the proof.", "\n\nBy Lemma \\[lem:tortuous\\], there exists a $\\kappa$ on which a tortuous coloring exists and the least such $\\kappa$ is bounded above by ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. We next show that the least such $\\kappa$ equals ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. First we show that the definition of a tortuous coloring implies the following self strengthening. ", "This is the strengthening we will use to prove the bound on ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\n\\[lem:strongtortuous\\] Let $\\kappa$ be any cardinal and suppose that $c: \\kappa \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\rightarrow 2$ is a tortuous coloring. ", "Then for any $A \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ there exists $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$ such that for each $n \\in \\omega$ and $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}k \\in A \\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}$.\n\nFirst fix a 1-1 and onto enumeration, $\\langle \\langle {\\sigma}_{k}, {m}_{k} \\rangle: k \\in \\omega \\rangle$, of the set ${2}^{< \\omega} \\times \\omega$ such that for each $k \\in \\omega$, ${\\left|}{\\sigma}_{k} {\\right|}\\leq k$ and ${m}_{k} \\leq k$. Now argue by contradiction as follows. ", "Let $A \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ be given and suppose that for each $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$, there exist ${n}_{\\alpha} \\in \\omega$ and ${\\sigma}_{\\alpha} \\in {2}^{{n}_{\\alpha} + 1}$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\exists {k}_{\\alpha} \\in \\omega \\forall k \\in A{\\left[}k \\geq {k}_{\\alpha} \\implies \\exists i < {n}_{\\alpha} + 1 {\\left[}{\\sigma}_{\\alpha}(i) \\neq c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}{\\right]}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Let ${K}_{n} = \\{\\alpha \\in \\kappa: {\\sigma}_{\\alpha} = {\\sigma}_{n} \\wedge {k}_{\\alpha} = {m}_{n}\\}$, for each $n \\in \\omega$. Then ${\\langle {K}_{n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ is a partition of $\\kappa$. Applying the definition of a tortuous coloring to $A$ and ${\\langle {K}_{n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle}$, find $n \\in \\omega$ satisfying Condition (1) of Definition \\[def:tortuous\\]. ", "Note that ${\\sigma}_{n} \\in {2}^{< \\omega}$ and that ${\\left|}{\\sigma}_{n} {\\right|}\\leq n$. So there exists $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$ such that ${\\sigma}_{n} \\subset \\sigma$. Now we can find $\\alpha \\in {K}_{n}$ and $k \\in A$ such that $k > n$ and $\\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}$. Note that ${\\sigma}_{\\alpha} = {\\sigma}_{n}$, ${k}_{\\alpha} = {m}_{n}$, and that ${\\left|}{\\sigma}_{\\alpha} {\\right|}= {n}_{\\alpha} + 1 = {\\left|}{\\sigma}_{n} {\\right|}$. So ${n}_{\\alpha} + 1 \\leq n$ and for each $i < {n}_{\\alpha} + 1$, ${\\sigma}_{\\alpha}(i) = \\sigma(i)$. Moreover, ${k}_{\\alpha} = {m}_{n} \\leq n < k$. Thus for each $i < {n}_{\\alpha} + 1$, ${\\sigma}_{\\alpha}(i) = \\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i)$. As $k \\in A$ and $k > {k}_{\\alpha}$, this contradicts the choice of ${k}_{\\alpha}$. This contradiction concludes the proof.", "\n\n\\[lem:prompttortuous\\] ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}= \\min\\{\\kappa: \\text{there is a tortuous coloring on} \\ \\kappa\\}$.\n\nLet $\\kappa$ be the minimal cardinal on which a tortuous coloring exists. ", "By Lemmas \\[lem:promptomegas\\] and \\[lem:tortuous\\], $\\kappa$ exists and is $\\leq {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. Let $c: \\kappa \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\rightarrow 2$ be a tortuous coloring. ", "We will show that ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}\\leq \\kappa$ by producing a promptly splitting family of size at most $\\kappa$. For each $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and $i < \\omega$, define ${x}_{\\alpha, i} = \\{k \\in \\omega: c(\\alpha, k, i) = 0\\}$, and define ${X}_{\\alpha} = \\langle {x}_{\\alpha, i}: i < \\omega \\rangle \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$. We claim that $\\{{X}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa\\}$ is promptly splitting. ", "We will apply Lemma \\[lem:strongtortuous\\]. ", "Fix $A \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$. Use Lemma \\[lem:strongtortuous\\] to find $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$ such that for each $n \\in \\omega$ and $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}k \\in A \\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}$. We claim ${X}_{\\alpha}$ promptly splits $A$. ", "Indeed suppose $n \\in \\omega$ and $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$. Then for infinitely many $k \\in A$, $\\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}$. It is easy to see that each of these infinitely many $k \\in A$ belong to $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{\\alpha, i}} \\right) \\cap A$, whence $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{\\alpha, i}} \\right) \\cap A$ is infinite.", "\n\nNext, we show that a very mild guessing principle implies that ${\\mathfrak{s}}= {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. The following definition introduces a parametrized version of the combinatorial principle usually denoted\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n(read as “*stick*”). ", "This principle was introduced by Broverman et al.", " [@stickdefinition]. ", "It is known to be strictly weaker than both $\\clubsuit$ and ${\\mathrm{CH}}$, but it is also easy to produce models where\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\nfails, the model obtained by adding ${\\aleph}_{2}$-Cohen reals being an example (see [@stickdefinition] for details).", "\n\n\\[def:stick\\] Let $\\kappa$, $\\lambda$, and $\\theta$ be cardinals. ", "Then\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n$(\\kappa, \\lambda, \\theta)$ is the following principle: there is a family ${{\\mathscr{C}}}\\subset {{\\left[}\\kappa{\\right]}}^{{\\aleph}_{0}}$ of size $\\lambda$ such that for any $X \\in {{\\left[}\\kappa{\\right]}}^{\\theta}$, there exists $A \\in {{\\mathscr{C}}}$ such that $A \\subset X$.\n\nNote that\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n$({\\aleph}_{1}, {\\aleph}_{1}, {\\aleph}_{1})$ is the same as\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n. ", "Several minimal instances of\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n$({\\aleph}_{1}, \\lambda, {\\aleph}_{1})$,\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n$(\\kappa, \\kappa, {\\aleph}_{1})$, and\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n$(\\kappa, \\kappa, \\kappa)$ were studied by Fuchino et al. ", "in [@sticksandclubs].", "\n\n\\[lem:sticks\\] If\n\n[90]{} $\\mathrel{\\hspace*{-2pt}\\multimapdot}$\n\n$({\\mathfrak{s}}, {\\mathfrak{s}}, {{\\mathfrak{p}}})$ holds, then ${\\mathfrak{s}}= {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$.\n\nFix a splitting family ${\\langle {x}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < {\\mathfrak{s}}\\rangle}$. Let ${{\\mathscr{C}}}\\subset {{\\left[}{\\mathfrak{s}}{\\right]}}^{{\\aleph}_{0}}$ be a family of size ${\\mathfrak{s}}$ with the property that for any $X \\in {{\\left[}{\\mathfrak{s}}{\\right]}}^{{{\\mathfrak{p}}}}$, there exists $A \\in {{\\mathscr{C}}}$ such that $A \\subset X$. For each $A \\in {{\\mathscr{C}}}$ it is possible to choose ${B}_{A} \\subset A$ whose order-type is $\\omega$ because $A$ is an infinite set of ordinals. ", "Let $\\langle {\\beta}_{A, i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle$ be the enumeration of ${B}_{A}$ in increasing order. ", "Define ${y}_{A, 0} = {x}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}}$. For each $0 < i < \\omega$, define ${y}_{A, i} = {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}} \\cap \\dotsb \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, i - 1}} \\cap {x}_{{\\beta}_{A, i}}$. Note that for each $i \\in \\omega$, ${y}_{A, i} \\subset {x}_{{\\beta}_{A, i}}$ and that if $j < i$, then ${y}_{A, i} \\cap {x}_{{\\beta}_{A, j}} = 0$. So for any $j < i < \\omega$, ${y}_{A, i} \\cap {y}_{A, j} = 0$. Now for $i \\in \\omega$, if $i \\in {\\bigcup}_{j \\in \\omega}{{y}_{A, j}}$, then put ${z}_{A, i} = {y}_{A, i}$, else put ${z}_{A, i} = {y}_{A, i} \\cup \\{ i \\}$. Thus it is clear that ${Z}_{A} = \\langle {z}_{A, i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle$ is a partition of $\\omega$. Let ${{\\mathcal{F}}}= \\{{Z}_{A}: A \\in {{\\mathscr{C}}}\\}$. Then ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is a family of partitions and ${\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}\\leq {\\left|}{{\\mathscr{C}}}{\\right|}= {\\mathfrak{s}}$. We claim that it is a splitting family of partitions. ", "To this end fix $a \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$. We construct a set $X \\in {{\\left[}{\\mathfrak{s}}{\\right]}}^{{{\\mathfrak{p}}}}$ as follows. ", "We will build sequences ${\\langle {\\gamma}_{\\delta}: \\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}\\rangle}$, ${\\langle {c}_{\\delta}: \\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}\\rangle}$, and ${\\langle {b}_{\\delta}: \\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}\\rangle}$ such that the following conditions are satisfied for each $\\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}$:\n\n1. ", " ${\\gamma}_{\\delta} < {\\mathfrak{s}}$ and $\\forall \\xi < \\delta{\\left[}{\\gamma}_{\\xi} < {\\gamma}_{\\delta}{\\right]}$;\n\n2. ", " ${c}_{\\delta} \\in {{\\left[}a{\\right]}}^{\\omega}$ and $\\forall \\xi < \\delta{\\left[}{c}_{\\delta} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {b}_{\\xi}{\\right]}$;\n\n3. ", " ${b}_{\\delta} = {c}_{\\delta} \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}}$ and ${\\gamma}_{\\delta}$ is the least $\\alpha < {\\mathfrak{s}}$ such that ${x}_{\\alpha}$ splits ${c}_{\\delta}$.\n\nSuppose for a moment that such sequences can be constructed. ", "By (1) each ${\\gamma}_{\\delta} \\in {\\mathfrak{s}}$ and ${\\gamma}_{\\xi} \\neq {\\gamma}_{\\delta}$, whenever $\\xi \\neq \\delta$. Therefore $X = \\{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}: \\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}\\} \\in {{\\left[}{\\mathfrak{s}}{\\right]}}^{{{\\mathfrak{p}}}}$. Let $A \\in {{\\mathscr{C}}}$ be such that $A \\subset X$. We check that ${Z}_{A}$ splits $a$. First ${\\beta}_{A, 0} = {\\gamma}_{\\delta}$, for some $\\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}$. Since ${x}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}}$ splits ${c}_{\\delta}$ by clause (3), so ${x}^{0}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}} \\cap a = {x}^{0}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}} \\cap a = {x}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}} \\cap a = {y}_{A, 0} \\cap a$ is infinite. ", "Next fix $0 < i < \\omega$. Suppose $0 \\leq j \\leq i - 1$. Then ${\\beta}_{A, j} < {\\beta}_{A, i}$, and so there are $\\xi < \\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}$ with ${\\beta}_{A, j} = {\\gamma}_{\\xi}$ and ${\\beta}_{A, i} = {\\gamma}_{\\delta}$. By clauses (2) and (3), ${c}_{\\delta} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {b}_{\\xi} \\subset {x}^{1}_{{\\gamma}_{\\xi}} = {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, j}}$. Therefore ${c}_{\\delta} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: a \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}} \\cap \\dotsb \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, i - 1}}$. Since ${x}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}}$ splits ${c}_{\\delta}$, we have that $a \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}} \\cap \\dotsb \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, i - 1}} \\cap {x}^{0}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}} = a \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, 0}} \\cap \\dotsb \\cap {x}^{1}_{{\\beta}_{A, i - 1}} \\cap {x}_{{\\beta}_{A, i}} = a \\cap {y}_{A, i}$ is infinite. ", "Thus we have shown that $\\forall i \\in \\omega{\\left[}{\\left|}a \\cap {y}_{A, i} {\\right|}= {\\aleph}_{0}{\\right]}$, which implies that $\\forall i \\in \\omega{\\left[}{\\left|}a \\cap {z}_{A, i} {\\right|}= {\\aleph}_{0}{\\right]}$ because $\\forall i \\in \\omega{\\left[}{y}_{A, i} \\subset {z}_{A, i}{\\right]}$. Hence ${Z}_{A}$ splits $a$, as claimed.", "\n\nTo complete the proof, we show how to construct the sequences satisfying (1)–(3) by induction on $\\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}$. Fix $\\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}$ and assume that ${\\langle {\\gamma}_{\\xi}: \\xi < \\delta \\rangle}$, ${\\langle {c}_{\\xi}: \\xi < \\delta \\rangle}$, and ${\\langle {b}_{\\xi}: \\xi < \\delta \\rangle}$ satisfying (1)–(3) are given. ", "Consider any $\\zeta < \\xi < \\delta$. By clauses (2) and (3), ${b}_{\\xi} \\subset {c}_{\\xi} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {b}_{\\zeta}$. So the sequence ${\\langle {b}_{\\xi}: \\xi < \\delta \\rangle}$ is ${\\subset}^{\\ast}$–descending. ", "Also for each $\\xi < \\delta$, ${b}_{\\xi} \\in {{\\left[}a{\\right]}}^{\\omega}$ because ${x}_{{\\gamma}_{\\xi}}$ splits ${c}_{\\xi}$ and ${b}_{\\xi} \\subset {c}_{\\xi} \\subset a$. Since $\\delta < {{\\mathfrak{p}}}$ we can find ${c}_{\\delta} \\in {{\\left[}a{\\right]}}^{\\omega}$ so that $\\forall \\xi < \\delta{\\left[}{c}_{\\delta} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {b}_{\\xi} {\\right]}$. Thus clause (2) is satisfied. ", "Let ${\\gamma}_{\\delta}$ be the least $\\alpha < {\\mathfrak{s}}$ such that ${x}_{\\alpha}$ splits ${c}_{\\delta}$ and define ${b}_{\\delta} = {x}^{1}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}} \\cap {c}_{\\delta}$. Then ${\\gamma}_{\\delta} < {\\mathfrak{s}}$ and clause (3) holds by definition. ", "So it only remains to check that $\\forall \\xi < \\delta{\\left[}{\\gamma}_{\\xi} < {\\gamma}_{\\delta}{\\right]}$. Fix $\\xi < \\delta$ and assume for a contradiction that ${\\gamma}_{\\delta} \\leq {\\gamma}_{\\xi}$. Note that ${x}_{{\\gamma}_{\\delta}}$ splits ${c}_{\\xi}$ because ${c}_{\\delta} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {c}_{\\xi}$. It follows that ${\\gamma}_{\\xi} \\leq {\\gamma}_{\\delta}$, whence ${\\gamma}_{\\xi} = {\\gamma}_{\\delta}$. However it now follows that ${x}_{{\\gamma}_{\\xi}}$ splits ${x}^{1}_{{\\gamma}_{\\xi}}$ because ${c}_{\\delta} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {b}_{\\xi} \\subset {x}^{1}_{{\\gamma}_{\\xi}}$, which is absurd. ", "This contradiction completes the inductive construction.", "\n\nThus ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is a splitting family of partitions. ", "Since ${\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}\\leq {\\mathfrak{s}}$, ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}\\leq {\\mathfrak{s}}$, and since ${\\mathfrak{s}}\\leq {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$ trivially holds, we conclude that ${\\mathfrak{s}}= {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$.\n\nWe will conclude this section by establishing yet another point of similarity between ${\\mathfrak{s}}$ and ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. We will show that a Suslin c.c.c. ", "forcing cannot increase ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$. This should be compared with the well-known result of Judah and Shelah [@suslinccc] that a Suslin c.c.c. ", "forcing cannot increase ${\\mathfrak{s}}$ (see also [@BJ]). ", "Recall the following definitions.", "\n\n\\[def:suslinccc\\] A forcing notion $\\langle {\\mathbb{P}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\rangle$ is *Suslin c.c.c.* ", "if it has the countable chain condition and there exist analytic sets ${R}_{0} \\subset {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$, and ${R}_{1}, {R}_{2} \\subset {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}\\times {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ such that\n\n1. ", " ${\\mathbb{P}}= {R}_{0}$;\n\n2. ", " ${\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} = \\{{\\langle q, p \\rangle} \\in {\\mathbb{P}}\\times {\\mathbb{P}}: q \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p\\} = {R}_{1}$;\n\n3. ", " ${\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} = \\{{\\langle p, q \\rangle} \\in {\\mathbb{P}}\\times {\\mathbb{P}}: \\neg\\exists r \\in {\\mathbb{P}}{\\left[}r \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p \\wedge r \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: q{\\right]}\\} = {R}_{2}$.\n\nAnalytic sets are represented as projections of trees. ", "For any set $A$, if $T \\subset {A}^{< \\omega}$ is a tree, then ${\\left[}T{\\right]}$ denotes the set of all branches through $T$, that is ${\\left[}T{\\right]}= \\{f \\in {A}^{\\omega}: \\forall n \\in \\omega{\\left[}f {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n \\in T{\\right]}\\}$. Following standard convention, given a tree $T \\subset {(\\omega \\times \\omega)}^{< \\omega}$ and $\\sigma, \\tau \\in {\\omega}^{n}$ for some $n \\in \\omega$, we will abuse notation and write ${\\langle \\sigma, \\tau \\rangle} \\in T$ when what we mean is $\\langle {\\langle \\sigma(i), \\tau(i) \\rangle} : i < n \\rangle \\in T$. In a related abuse of notation, we write ${\\langle f, g \\rangle} \\in {\\left[}T{\\right]}$ for some $f, g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ when what we mean is $\\langle {\\langle f(i), g(i) \\rangle}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle \\in {\\left[}T{\\right]}$. Similar notational conventions apply to subtrees of ${\\left( \\omega \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\right)}^{< \\omega}$. The reader may consult Kechris [@kechrisbook] for further details about representing analytic sets as projections of trees.", "\n\nFor the remainder of this section, fix a Suslin c.c.c. ", "poset $\\langle {\\mathbb{P}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\rangle$. Fix also trees ${T}_{0} \\subset {(\\omega \\times \\omega)}^{< \\omega}$ and ${T}_{1}, {T}_{2} \\subset {\\left( \\omega \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\right)}^{< \\omega}$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n&\\forall p{\\left[}p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}\\iff \\exists g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}{\\left[}{\\langle p, g \\rangle} \\in {\\left[}{T}_{0}{\\right]}{\\right]}{\\right]},\\\\ \n&\\forall p \\forall q{\\left[}q \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p \\iff \\exists g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}{\\left[}\\langle q, p, g \\rangle \\in {\\left[}{T}_{1}{\\right]}{\\right]}{\\right]}\\text{, and}\\\\ &\\forall p \\forall q{\\left[}p \\: {\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: q \\iff \\exists g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}{\\left[}\\langle p, q, g \\rangle \\in {\\left[}{T}_{2}{\\right]}{\\right]}{\\right]}.\\end{aligned}$$\n\n\\[def:Nname\\] Let $\\mathring{A}$ be a ${\\mathbb{P}}$-name. ", "Suppose that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}{\\mathring{A} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}}$. Choose a sequence ${{\\mathcal{A}}}= \\langle {p}_{m, n}: {\\langle m, n \\rangle} \\in \\omega \\times \\omega \\rangle$ and a function ${{\\mathcal{F}}}: \\omega \\times \\omega \\rightarrow 2$ such that:\n\n1. ", " for each $n \\in \\omega$, $\\{{p}_{m, n}: m \\in \\omega\\} \\subset {\\mathbb{P}}$ is a maximal antichain in ${\\mathbb{P}}$;\n\n2. ", " for each $n, m \\in \\omega$, ${p}_{m, n} {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: n \\in \\mathring{A}$ if and only if ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1$, while ${p}_{m, n} {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: n \\notin \\mathring{A}$ if and only if ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 0$.\n\nDefine $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}}) = \\left\\{ {\\langle \\check{n}, {p}_{m, n} \\rangle}: n, m \\in \\omega \\wedge {{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1 \\right\\}$. Note that $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})$ is a ${\\mathbb{P}}$-name and that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}\\:{\\mathring{A} = \\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})}$.\n\nSuppose $\\mathbf{W}$ is a forcing extension of the universe ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$. Then ${{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$, ${\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}$, and ${\\perp}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}$ will denote the reinterpretations in $\\mathbf{W}$ of ${\\mathbb{P}}$, ${\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}$, and ${\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}$ respectively.", "\n\nIt is well-known that $\\left\\langle {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}, {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} , {\\perp}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\right\\rangle$ is a c.c.c. ", "forcing notion in $\\mathbf{W}$ with ${\\mathbb{P}}\\subset {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$, and also that for each $n \\in \\omega$, $\\{{p}_{m ,n}: m \\in \\omega\\} \\subset {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$ is a maximal antichain in ${{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$. The reader may consult either [@suslinccc] or [@BJ] for further details. ", "Note that $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})$ is a ${{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$-name and that if $H$ is $(\\mathbf{W}, {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}})$-generic, then $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})[H] =\\{n: n \\in \\omega \\wedge \\exists m \\in \\omega{\\left[}{{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1 \\wedge {p}_{m, n} \\in H {\\right]}\\}$. Thus ${{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}}\\:{\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}}) \\subset \\omega}$ holds in $\\mathbf{W}$.\n\n\\[lem:Ninfinite\\] In $\\mathbf{W}$, ${{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}}\\:{\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}}) \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}}$.\n\nWrite $\\mathring{N}$ for $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})$. We have remarked above that $\\mathring{N}$ is a ${{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$-name and that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}}\\:{\\mathring{N} \\subset \\omega}$ holds in $\\mathbf{W}$. Now in $\\mathbf{V}$, we have that for each $p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$ and $l \\in \\omega$, there exist $n, m \\in \\omega$ so that $n > l$, ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1$, and $p \\: {\\not\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {p}_{m, n}$, which can be rephrased as $$\\begin{aligned}\n &\\forall p, g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}\\forall \\langle {g}_{m, n}: {\\langle m, n \\rangle} \\in \\omega \\times \\omega \\rangle \\in {\\left( {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}\\right)}^{\\omega \\times \\omega}\\\\\n &\\forall l \\in \\omega \\exists n, m \\in \\omega{\\left[}{\\langle p, g \\rangle} \\in {\\left[}{T}_{0}{\\right]}\\implies \\left( n > l \\wedge {{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1 \\wedge \\langle p, {p}_{m, n}, {g}_{m, n} \\rangle \\notin {\\left[}{T}_{2}{\\right]}\\right) {\\right]}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ This statement is ${\\mathbf{\\Pi}}^{1}_{1}$, and so it holds in $\\mathbf{W}$. Now in $\\mathbf{W}$, suppose that $p \\in {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$ and that $l \\in \\omega$. Then we can find $n, m \\in \\omega$ and $q \\in {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$ so that $n > l$, ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1$, and $q \\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p, {p}_{m, n}$. Hence ${\\langle \\check{n}, {p}_{m, n} \\rangle} \\in \\mathring{N}$ and so $q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {n \\in \\mathring{N}}$. Thus we have shown that $\\forall p \\in {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}} \\forall l \\in \\omega \\exists n > l \\exists q {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} p{\\left[}q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {n \\in \\mathring{N}}{\\right]}$, which implies that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}}\\:{\\mathring{N} \\ \\text{is infinite.}}$\n\n\\[lem:Nunsplit\\] Suppose $p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$ and that $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {\\mathring{A} \\ \\text{is not promptly split by} \\ {{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}}$ holds in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$. Then in $\\mathbf{W}$, $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}}) \\ \\text{is not promptly split by} \\ \\mathbf{W} \\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}}$.\n\nWrite $\\mathring{N}$ for $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})$. In ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$, we have that for each $\\bar{p} \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p$ and for each ${\\langle {x}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle} \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$, there exist $q \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: \\bar{p}$, $k \\in \\omega$, $\\sigma \\in {2}^{k + 1}$, $l \\in \\omega$ such that for each $n, m \\in \\omega$, if $n \\geq l$, ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1$, and $n \\in {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}}$, then $q \\: {\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {p}_{m, n}$. This can be rephrased as $$\\begin{split}\n &\\forall \\bar{p}, \\bar{g} \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}\\forall {\\langle {x}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle} \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega} \\exists q, g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}\\exists \\langle {g}_{m, n}: {\\langle m, n \\rangle} \\in \\omega \\times \\omega \\rangle \\in {\\left( {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}\\right)}^{\\omega \\times \\omega}\\\\\n &\\exists k \\in \\omega \\exists \\sigma \\in {2}^{k + 1} \\exists l \\in \\omega \\forall n, m \\in \\omega{\\left[}\\langle \\bar{p}, p, \\bar{g} \\rangle \\in {\\left[}{T}_{1}{\\right]}\\implies \\left(\\vphantom{n \\in {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}}}\\langle q, \\bar{p}, g \\rangle \\in {\\left[}{T}_{1}{\\right]}\\right.\\right. \\\\", "\n &\\left.\\left. ", "\\wedge \\; \\left( \\left( n \\geq l \\wedge {{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1 \\wedge n \\in {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\implies \\langle q, {p}_{m, n}, {g}_{m, n} \\rangle \\in {\\left[}{T}_{2}{\\right]}\\right) \\right){\\right]}.", "\n \\end{split}$$ This is ${\\mathbf{\\Pi}}^{1}_{2}$. So by Shoenfield’s absoluteness, it continues to holds in $\\mathbf{W}$. Now working in $\\mathbf{W}$, fix any $\\bar{p} \\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p$ and ${\\langle {x}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle} \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$. We know that there are $q \\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: \\bar{p}$, $k \\in \\omega$, $\\sigma \\in {2}^{k + 1}$, and $l \\in \\omega$ with the property that for all $n, m \\in \\omega$, if $n \\geq l$, ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1$, and $n \\in {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}}$, then $q \\: {\\perp}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {p}_{m, n}$. We claim that $q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\subset l}$. Suppose not. ", "Then let $H$ be a $(\\mathbf{W}, {{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}})$-generic filter such that $q \\in H$ and in $\\mathbf{W}{\\left[}H{\\right]}$, there exists an $n \\in \\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N}{\\left[}H{\\right]}$ with $n \\notin l$. By the definition of $\\mathring{N}$, $n \\in \\omega$ and there exists $m \\in \\omega$ such that ${{\\mathcal{F}}}(m, n) = 1$ and ${p}_{m, n} \\in H$. However $q \\: {\\not\\perp}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {p}_{m, n}$ because they both belong to $H$, which contradicts the choice of $q$ and the fact that $n \\geq l$. This contradiction proves that $q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\subset l}$ holds in $\\mathbf{W}$, which proves that $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\mathring{N} \\ \\text{is not promptly split by} \\ \\mathbf{W} \\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}}$.\n\nRecall that if $\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle$ and $\\langle {\\mathbb{S}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{S}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{S}}} \\rangle$ are posets and if $\\pi: {\\mathbb{R}}\\rightarrow {\\mathbb{S}}$ is a complete embedding, then for any $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{S}})$-generic filter $H$, ${\\pi}^{-1}(H)$ is $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{R}})$-generic. ", "We can recursively define a map from the ${\\mathbb{R}}$-names to the ${\\mathbb{S}}$-names using $\\pi$. Abusing notation, this map shall also be denoted by $\\pi$. For an ${\\mathbb{R}}$-name $\\mathring{a}$, $\\pi(\\mathring{a}) = \\left\\{ {\\langle \\pi(\\mathring{x}), \\pi(p) \\rangle}: {\\langle \\mathring{x}, p \\rangle} \\in \\mathring{a} \\right\\}$. If $H$ is a $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{S}})$-generic filter, then for any ${\\mathbb{R}}$-name, $\\mathring{a}$, $\\mathring{a}{\\left[}{\\pi}^{-1}(H){\\right]}= \\pi(\\mathring{a}){\\left[}H{\\right]}$, and if $x \\in {{\\mathbf{V}}}$, then $\\pi(\\check{x}) = \\check{x}$, where of course the first “$\\check{x}$” is with respect to $\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle$ and the second $\\check{x}$ is with respect to $\\langle {\\mathbb{S}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{S}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{S}}} \\rangle$.\n\nIn the specific case when $\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle = \\langle {\\mathbb{S}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{S}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{S}}} \\rangle$ and $\\pi$ is an automorphism, if $H$ is any $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{R}})$-generic filter, then ${{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}^{-1}(H){\\right]}= {{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}H{\\right]}$, and moreover for any formula $\\varphi({x}_{1}, \\dotsc, {x}_{n})$, any ${\\mathring{a}}_{1}, \\dotsc, {\\mathring{a}}_{n} \\in {{{\\mathbf{V}}}}^{{\\mathbb{R}}}$, and any $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$, $r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: \\varphi({\\mathring{a}}_{1}, \\dotsc, {\\mathring{a}}_{n})$ if and only if $\\pi(r) \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: \\varphi(\\pi({\\mathring{a}}_{1}), \\dotsc, \\pi({\\mathring{a}}_{n}))$.\n\n\\[lem:auto\\] Let $\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle$ be a poset that preserves ${\\omega}_{1}$. Assume that there exist sequences ${\\langle {\\mathring{x}}_{i}: i < \\omega \\rangle}$, $\\langle {\\pi}_{r, k}: r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}\\wedge k \\in \\omega \\rangle$, and $\\langle {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}: r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}\\wedge k \\in \\omega \\wedge \\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1} \\rangle$ satisfying the following properties:\n\n1. ", " for each $i < \\omega$, ${\\mathring{x}}_{i}$ is an ${\\mathbb{R}}$-name such that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\mathring{x}}_{i} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}}$;\n\n2. ", " for each $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$, $k \\in \\omega$, and $\\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, ${\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}: {\\mathbb{R}}\\rightarrow {\\mathbb{R}}$ is an automorphism such that ${\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(r) = r$ and $\\forall i < k{\\left[}{{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{i}) = {\\mathring{x}}_{i}}{\\right]}$;\n\n3. ", " for each $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ and $k \\in \\omega$, ${\\pi}_{r, k}: {\\mathbb{R}}\\rightarrow {\\mathbb{R}}$ is an automorphism such that ${\\pi}_{r, k}(r) = r$, $\\forall i < k{\\left[}{{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{i}) = {\\mathring{x}}_{i}}{\\right]}$, and ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{\\omega \\setminus {\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}) \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\mathring{x}}_{k}}$;\n\n4. ", " for each $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$, $k \\in \\omega$, and $\\alpha, \\beta \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, if $\\alpha \\neq \\beta$, then $$\\begin{aligned}\n {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\left|}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}) \\cap {\\pi}_{r, k, \\beta}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\right|}< \\omega}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nThen there is no $p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$ such that $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {\\mathring{A} \\ \\text{is not promptly split by} \\ {{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}}$.\n\nAssume not. ", "Fix $p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$ so that $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {\\mathring{A} \\ \\text{is not promptly split by} \\ {{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}}$. As before write $\\mathring{N}$ for $\\mathring{N}(\\mathring{A}, {{\\mathcal{A}}}, {{\\mathcal{F}}})$. For the moment, fix a $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{R}})$-generic filter $G$ and let $\\mathbf{W} = {{{\\mathbf{V}}[G]}}$. Work inside $\\mathbf{W}$. By Lemma \\[lem:Nunsplit\\] and by (1), we know that $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\langle {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}: i < \\omega \\rangle \\ \\text{does not promptly split} \\ \\mathring{N}}$. Let $k \\in \\omega$ be minimal with the property that there exist $\\sigma \\in {2}^{k + 1}$ and $q \\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k + 1}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\ \\text{is finite.}}", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Choose a $\\sigma \\in {2}^{k + 1}$ witnessing this property of $k$. Then $$\\begin{aligned}\n p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\ \\text{is infinite}}, \n \\end{aligned}$$ where ${\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}}$ is taken to be $\\omega$ when $k = 0$, because of the minimality of $k$ and because ${{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}}\\:{\\mathring{N} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}}$.\n\n\\[claim:auto1\\] $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{1} \\ \\text{is infinite}}$.\n\nSuppose not. ", "Then $q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{1} \\ \\text{is finite}}$, for some $q \\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p$. In other words $q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}}$. Fix $\\mathring{q} \\in {{{\\mathbf{V}}}}^{{\\mathbb{R}}}$ with $q = \\mathring{q}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$. We can find an $r \\in G$ such that back in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$, $r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: {\\mathring{q} \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{{{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}\\mathring{G}{\\right]}} \\: p}$ and $$\\begin{aligned}\n r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: {\\text{``}\\mathring{q} \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{{{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}\\mathring{G}{\\right]}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\mathring{x}}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\mathring{x}}_{k}}\\text{''}.}", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ For each $\\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, we have that $r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{q}) \\: {\\leq}^{{{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{G}){\\right]}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p$ and also that $$\\begin{aligned}\n r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: {\\text{``}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{q}) \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{{{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{G}){\\right]}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{i}) \\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{k})}\\text{''}.}", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Observe that ${\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{G}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= \\mathring{G}{\\left[}{\\pi}^{-1}_{r, k, \\alpha}(G){\\right]}= {\\pi}^{-1}_{r, k, \\alpha}(G)$, and so ${{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{G}){\\left[}G{\\right]}{\\right]}= {{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}^{-1}_{r, k, \\alpha}(G){\\right]}= {{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}G{\\right]}= \\mathbf{W}$. Also by Clause (2), for each $i < k$, ${\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{i}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$. Therefore in $\\mathbf{W}$, we have that $\\forall \\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1}{\\left[}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{q}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p{\\right]}$ and that for each $\\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{q}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Furthermore by Clause (4), for each $\\alpha, \\beta \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, if $\\alpha \\neq \\beta$, then $$\\begin{aligned}\n {\\left|}{\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\cap {\\pi}_{r, k, \\beta}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}{\\right|}< \\omega.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Since $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\ \\text{is infinite}}$, it follows that $\\left\\{ {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}(\\mathring{q}){\\left[}G{\\right]}: \\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1} \\right\\}$ is an antichain in ${{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$. However this means that ${{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}$ is not a c.c.c. ", "poset in $\\mathbf{W}$ because $\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle$ preserves ${\\omega}_{1}$ by hypothesis. ", "This is a contradiction which proves the claim.", "\n\nBy Claim \\[claim:auto1\\], we can find an $r \\in G$ so that in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: {\\text{``} p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{{{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}\\mathring{G}{\\right]}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\mathring{x}}^{\\sigma(i)}_{i}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\mathring{x}}^{1}_{k} \\ \\text{is infinite}} \\text{''}}.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Applying ${\\pi}_{r, k}$, we have that in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n r \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: {\\text{``} p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{{{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}_{r, k}(\\mathring{G}){\\right]}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{i}) \\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\left( {\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}) \\right)}^{1} \\ \\text{is infinite}} \\text{''}}. ", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Observe that ${{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}{\\pi}_{r, k}(\\mathring{G}){\\left[}G{\\right]}{\\right]}= \\mathbf{W}$ and that for each $i < k$, ${\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{i}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$. Therefore in $\\mathbf{W}$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k} {{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\left( {\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{1} \\ \\text{is infinite.}}", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ By Clause (3), ${\\left( {\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{1} = \\omega \\setminus {\\pi}_{r, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$. Therefore $$\\begin{aligned}\n p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\ \\text{is infinite.}}", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ However this together with Claim \\[claim:auto1\\] gives a contradiction because by the choice of $k$ and $\\sigma$, there exists $q \\: {\\leq}^{\\mathbf{W}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: p$ such that $$\\begin{aligned}\n q \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{{\\mathbb{P}}}^{\\mathbf{W}}} \\: {\\left( {\\bigcap}_{i < k}{{\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{i}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(i)}} \\right) \\cap \\mathring{N} \\cap {\\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right)}^{\\sigma(k)} \\ \\text{is finite.}}", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ This contradiction concludes the proof.", "\n\n\\[thm:suslinprompt\\] $\\langle {\\mathbb{P}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}, {\\perp}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\rangle$ does not add any real that is not promptly split by ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$.\n\nIf not, then there would be a ${\\mathbb{P}}$-name $\\mathring{A}$ such that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}}{\\mathring{A} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}}$ and a $p \\in {\\mathbb{P}}$ such that $p \\: {{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{P}}} \\: {\\mathring{A} \\ \\text{is not promptly split by} \\ {{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}}$. In view of Lemma \\[lem:auto\\], in order to get a contradiction, it suffices to find a c.c.c. ", "poset $\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle$ together with sequences ${\\langle {\\mathring{x}}_{i}: i < \\omega \\rangle}$, $\\langle {\\pi}_{r, k}: r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}\\wedge k \\in \\omega \\rangle$, and $\\langle {\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha}: r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}\\wedge k \\in \\omega \\wedge \\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1} \\rangle$ satisfying Clauses (1)–(4) there. ", "Define ${\\mathbb{R}}$ to be the collection of all $r$ such that $r$ is a function, ${\\left|}r {\\right|}< \\omega$, $\\operatorname{dom}(r) \\subset \\omega \\times \\omega$, $\\operatorname{ran}(r) \\subset \\omega$, and $\\forall {\\langle l, i \\rangle}, {\\langle l, j \\rangle} \\in \\operatorname{dom}(r){\\left[}i \\neq j \\implies r(l, i) \\neq r(l, j) {\\right]}$. Define $s \\: {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\: r$ if and only if $s, r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ and $s \\supset r$, and define ${\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} = \\emptyset$. Obviously ${\\langle {\\mathbb{R}}, {\\leq}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}, {\\mathbbm{1}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}} \\rangle}$ is a c.c.c. ", "poset. ", "Define $E = \\{m \\in \\omega: m \\ \\text{is even}\\}$ and $O = \\{m \\in \\omega: m \\ \\text{is odd}\\}$. Also, for each $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$, fix ${L}_{r} \\in \\omega$ with $\\operatorname{ran}(r) \\subset {L}_{r}$. Fix a $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{R}})$-generic filter $G$ for a moment. ", "In ${{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$, $F = \\bigcup G$ is a function from $\\omega \\times \\omega$ to $\\omega$ with the property that for each ${\\langle l, i \\rangle}, {\\langle l, j \\rangle} \\in \\omega \\times \\omega$, if $i \\neq j$, then $F(l, i) \\neq F(l, j)$. Therefore for any $l \\in \\omega$ and any finite $T \\subset \\omega$, $\\{i < \\omega: F(l, i) \\in T\\}$ is finite. ", "For each $l \\in \\omega$, define ${x}_{l} = \\{i \\in \\omega: F(l, i) \\in E \\}$. It is clear that ${x}_{l} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ for every $l \\in \\omega$. Unfixing $G$, back in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$, let $\\mathring{F}$ be an ${\\mathbb{R}}$-name such that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{\\mathring{F} = \\bigcup\\mathring{G}}$, and let ${\\langle {\\mathring{x}}_{l}: l < \\omega \\rangle}$ be a sequence of ${\\mathbb{R}}$-names such that for each $l < \\omega$, ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\mathring{x}}_{l} = \\{i \\in \\omega: \\mathring{F}(l, i) \\in E\\}}$. Then ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\mathring{x}}_{l} \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}}$, for all $l \\in \\omega$.\n\nNow suppose that $f: \\omega \\rightarrow \\omega$ is a permutation and that $k \\in \\omega$. We define a function ${\\pi}_{f, k}: {\\mathbb{R}}\\rightarrow {\\mathbb{R}}$ as follows. ", "Let $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ be given. ", "Then ${\\pi}_{f, k}(r)$ is the function such that $\\operatorname{dom}({\\pi}_{f, k}(r)) = \\operatorname{dom}(r)$ and for every ${\\langle l, i \\rangle} \\in \\operatorname{dom}({\\pi}_{f, k}(r))$, ${\\pi}_{f, k}(r)(l, i) = f(r(l, i))$ when $k = l$, while ${\\pi}_{f, k}(r)(l, i) = r(l, i)$ when $l \\neq k$. It is easy to check that ${\\pi}_{f, k}$ is an automorphism. ", "Furthermore for each $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$, if $\\forall m \\in {L}_{r}{\\left[}f(m) = m{\\right]}$, then ${\\pi}_{f, k}(r) = r$. Fix a $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{R}})$-generic filter $G$. Then ${\\pi}_{f, k}(\\mathring{G}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= \\mathring{G}{\\left[}{\\pi}^{-1}_{f, k}(G){\\right]}= {\\pi}^{-1}_{f, k}(G) = \\{r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}: {\\pi}_{f, k}(r) \\in G\\} = \\{{\\pi}_{{f}^{-1}, k}(s): s \\in G\\}$. Therefore ${\\pi}_{f, k}(\\mathring{F}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= \\bigcup{\\pi}_{f, k}(\\mathring{G}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= \\bigcup\\{{\\pi}_{{f}^{-1}, k}(s): s \\in G\\}$. It follows that for any ${\\langle l, i \\rangle} \\in \\omega \\times \\omega$, ${\\pi}_{f, k}(\\mathring{F}){\\left[}G{\\right]}(l, i) = {f}^{-1}(\\mathring{F}{\\left[}G{\\right]}(l, i))$ when $l = k$, while ${\\pi}_{f, k}(\\mathring{F}){\\left[}G{\\right]}(l, i) = \\mathring{F}{\\left[}G{\\right]}(l, i)$ when $l \\neq k$. So for every $l \\in \\omega$ with $l \\neq k$, ${\\pi}_{f, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{l}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= {\\mathring{x}}_{l}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$, and ${\\pi}_{f, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}= \\{i \\in \\omega: \\mathring{F}{\\left[}G{\\right]}(k, i) \\in f''E\\}$. In particular, unfixing $G$ and going back to ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$, we have that for each $l \\in \\omega$, if $l \\neq k$, then ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\pi}_{f, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{l}) = {\\mathring{x}}_{l}}$.\n\nNow, working in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$, fix an almost disjoint family $\\{{A}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < {\\omega}_{1}\\}$ of infinite subsets of $\\omega$. Let $r \\in {\\mathbb{R}}$ and $k \\in \\omega$ be fixed. ", "Let $f: \\omega \\rightarrow \\omega$ be a permutation such that $\\forall m \\in {L}_{r}{\\left[}f(m) = m{\\right]}$, $f''(E \\setminus {L}_{r}) = O \\setminus {L}_{r}$, and $f''(O \\setminus {L}_{r}) = E \\setminus {L}_{r}$. Define ${\\pi}_{r, k} = {\\pi}_{f, k}$. Also for each $\\alpha < {\\omega}_{1}$, choose a permutation ${f}_{\\alpha}: \\omega \\rightarrow \\omega$ such that $\\forall m \\in {L}_{r}{\\left[}{f}_{\\alpha}(m) = m{\\right]}$, ${f}_{\\alpha}''(E \\setminus {L}_{r}) = {A}_{\\alpha} \\setminus {L}_{r}$, and ${f}_{\\alpha}''(O \\setminus {L}_{r}) = \\omega\\setminus({A}_{\\alpha} \\cup {L}_{r})$. For each $\\alpha \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, define ${\\pi}_{r, k, \\alpha} = {\\pi}_{{f}_{\\alpha}, k}$. In light of the observations already made, it suffices to check that ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{\\omega \\setminus {\\pi}_{f, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}) \\: {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\: {\\mathring{x}}_{k}}$, and that for any $\\alpha, \\beta \\in {\\omega}_{1}$, if $\\alpha \\neq \\beta$, then ${{\\Vdash}}_{{\\mathbb{R}}}\\:{{\\left|}{\\pi}_{{f}_{\\alpha}, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}) \\cap {\\pi}_{{f}_{\\beta}, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}) {\\right|}< \\omega}$. To this end, consider an arbitrary $({{\\mathbf{V}}}, {\\mathbb{R}})$-generic filter $G$. In ${{\\mathbf{V}}}{\\left[}G{\\right]}$, it is clear that $\\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\pi}_{f, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right) \\right) \\setminus \\left( {\\mathring{x}}_{k}{\\left[}G{\\right]}\\right) \\subset \\{i \\in \\omega: \\mathring{F}{\\left[}G{\\right]}(k, i) \\in {L}_{r}\\}$, which is a finite set. ", "Similarly, if $\\alpha, \\beta \\in {\\omega}_{1}$ and $\\alpha \\neq \\beta$, then ${\\pi}_{{f}_{\\alpha}, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\cap {\\pi}_{{f}_{\\beta}, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\subset \\{i \\in \\omega: \\mathring{F}{\\left[}G{\\right]}(k, i) \\in {L}_{r} \\cup ({A}_{\\alpha} \\cap {A}_{\\beta})\\}$. By almost disjointness, ${L}_{r} \\cup ({A}_{\\alpha} \\cap {A}_{\\beta})$ is a finite subset of $\\omega$. Therefore $\\{i \\in \\omega: \\mathring{F}{\\left[}G{\\right]}(k, i) \\in {L}_{r} \\cup ({A}_{\\alpha} \\cap {A}_{\\beta})\\}$ is finite as well. ", "Hence ${\\pi}_{{f}_{\\alpha}, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}\\cap {\\pi}_{{f}_{\\beta}, k}({\\mathring{x}}_{k}){\\left[}G{\\right]}$ is a finite set. ", "This establishes everything that is needed for the proof of the theorem.", "\n\nIt is well known that every new real that is added by a finite support iteration of Suslin c.c.c. ", "posets is actually added by a countable fragment of the iteration, and this countable fragment itself can be coded as a Suslin c.c.c. ", "poset (see, for example, [@suslinccc] for a proof). ", "Hence we get the following corollary to Theorem \\[thm:suslinprompt\\], which is analogous to a result of Judah and Shelah for the splitting number.", "\n\n\\[cor:suslinspr\\] A finite support iteration of Suslin c.c.c. ", "posets does not increase ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$.\n\nIf ${{\\mathcal{I}}}$ is any analytic ideal on $\\omega$, then the Mathias and Laver forcings associated with ${{\\mathcal{I}}}$ are examples of Suslin c.c.c. ", "posets. ", "So, in particular, finite support iterations of Mathias and Laver forcings associated with analytic ideals do not increase ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$.\n\n\\[q:sprsb\\] Is ${\\mathfrak{s}}= {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$? ", "Is ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}\\leq \\max\\{{\\mathfrak{b}}, {\\mathfrak{s}}\\}$?", "\n\nA bound for ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ {#sec:bounds}\n================================================================\n\nThe two main inequalities of the paper saying that ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq \\max\\{{\\mathfrak{b}}, {\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}\\}$ and $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\} \\leq {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ will be proved in this section. ", "We will need a few lemmas proved in [@cov_z0] for our construction. ", "We state these below without proof and refer the reader to [@cov_z0] for details.", "\n\n\\[Lemma 12 of [@cov_z0]\\]\\[lem:regular\\] Let $I$ be an interval partition. ", "Let $A \\subset \\omega$ be such that for each $l \\geq 0$, there exists $N \\in \\omega$ such that for each $n \\geq N$:\n\n1. ", " $\\frac{{\\left|}A \\cap {I}_{n} {\\right|}}{{\\left|}{I}_{n} {\\right|}} \\leq {2}^{-l}$;\n\n2. ", " $\\forall i, j \\in A \\cap {I}_{n}{\\left[}i \\neq j \\implies {\\left|}i - j {\\right|}> {2}^{l - 1}{\\right]}$.\n\nThen $A$ has density $0$.\n\n\\[lem:tree\\] Let $l$ be a member of $\\omega$ greater than $0$ and let $X \\subset \\omega$ with ${\\left|}X {\\right|}= {2}^{l}$. Then there exists a sequence $\\{{A}_{\\sigma}: \\sigma \\in {2}^{\\leq l}\\}$ such that:\n\n1. ", " $\\forall m \\leq l{\\left[}{\\bigcup}_{\\sigma \\in {2}^{m}}{A}_{\\sigma} = X \\wedge \\forall \\sigma, \\tau \\in {2}^{m}{\\left[}\\sigma \\neq \\tau \\implies {A}_{\\sigma} \\cap {A}_{\\tau} = 0 {\\right]}{\\right]}$;\n\n2. ", " $\\forall \\sigma \\in {2}^{\\leq l}{\\left[}{\\left|}{A}_{\\sigma} {\\right|}= {2}^{l - {\\left|}\\sigma {\\right|}}{\\right]}$ and $\\forall \\sigma, \\tau \\in {2}^{\\leq l}{\\left[}\\sigma \\subset \\tau \\implies {A}_{\\tau} \\subset {A}_{\\sigma}{\\right]}$;\n\n3. ", " for each $\\sigma \\in {2}^{\\leq l}$, $\\forall i, j \\in {A}_{\\sigma}{\\left[}i \\neq j \\implies {\\left|}i - j {\\right|}> {2}^{{\\left|}\\sigma {\\right|}- 1}{\\right]}$.\n\n\\[def:FJ\\] Let $J$ be an interval partition such that for each $n \\in \\omega$ there exists ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ such that ${l}_{n} > 0$, ${l}_{n} \\geq n$, and ${\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}= {2}^{{l}_{n}}$. Applying Lemma \\[lem:tree\\], fix a sequence $\\bar{A} = \\langle {A}_{n, \\sigma}: n \\in \\omega \\wedge \\sigma \\in {2}^{\\leq {l}_{n}}\\rangle$ such that for each $n \\in \\omega$, the sequence $\\{{A}_{n, \\sigma}: \\sigma \\in {2}^{\\leq {l}_{n}}\\}$ satisfies (1)–(3) of Lemma \\[lem:tree\\] with $l$ as ${l}_{n}$ and $X$ as ${J}_{n}$. Define ${{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$ to be the collection of all functions $f \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ such that for each $n \\in \\omega$ and $l < {l}_{n}$, there exists $\\sigma \\in {2}^{l + 1}$ such that ${f}^{-1}(\\{l\\}) \\cap {J}_{n} = {A}_{n, \\sigma}$, and there exists $\\tau \\in {2}^{{l}_{n}}$ such that ${f}^{-1}(\\{{l}_{n}\\}) \\cap {J}_{n} = {A}_{n, \\tau}$.\n\n\\[rem:FJ\\] Observe that if $f \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$, then for each $n \\in \\omega$ and $k \\in {J}_{n}$, $f(k) \\leq {l}_{n}$. Also for any $n, l \\in \\omega$, $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\displaystyle\\frac{{\\left|}\\left\\{ k \\in {J}_{n}: f(k) \\geq l \\right\\} {\\right|}}{{\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}} \\leq {2}^{-l},\\end{aligned}$$ and for any $i, j \\in \\left\\{ k \\in {J}_{n}: f(k) \\geq l \\right\\}$, if $i \\neq j$, then ${\\left|}i - j {\\right|}> {2}^{l - 1}$. Moreover for any $f \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$, $n \\in \\omega$, and $l \\leq {l}_{n}$, there is ${\\sigma}_{f, n, l} \\in {2}^{l}$ such that ${A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{f, n, l}} = \\{k \\in {J}_{n}: f(k) \\geq l\\}$.\n\nThe next lemma is a simple variation of a standard fact. ", "However the proof we give below is slightly more cumbersome than the standard proof because of our need to ensure Clause (2), which says that the size of each interval is equal to an exact power of $2$.\n\n\\[lem:b\\] There exists a family $B$ of interval partitions such that:\n\n1. ", " ${\\left|}B {\\right|}\\leq {\\mathfrak{b}}$;\n\n2. ", " for each $I \\in B$ and for each $n \\in \\omega$, there exists ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ such that ${l}_{n} > 0$, ${l}_{n} \\geq n$, and ${\\left|}{I}_{n} {\\right|}= {2}^{{l}_{n}}$;\n\n3. ", " for any interval partition $J$, there exists $I \\in B$ such that ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}n \\in \\omega \\exists k > n{\\left[}{J}_{k} \\subset {I}_{n}{\\right]}$.\n\nFor each $f \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ define an interval partition ${I}_{f} = \\langle {i}_{f, n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle$ as follows. ", "Define ${i}_{f, 0} = 0$, and given ${i}_{f, n} \\in \\omega$, let $L = \\max\\{({i}_{f, n}) + 1, f(n + 1)\\}$. Find ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ such that ${l}_{n} > 0$, ${l}_{n} \\geq n$, and ${2}^{{l}_{n}} \\geq L - {i}_{f, n}$. Define ${i}_{f, n + 1} = {2}^{{l}_{n}} + {i}_{f, n}$. Note that ${i}_{f, n} < ({i}_{f, n}) + 1 \\leq L \\leq {i}_{f, n + 1}$. Note also that $f(n + 1) \\leq L \\leq {i}_{f, n + 1}$. This completes the definition of ${I}_{f}$, which is clearly an interval partition. ", "For each $n \\in \\omega$, ${\\left|}{I}_{f, n} {\\right|}= {i}_{f, n + 1} - {i}_{f, n} = {2}^{{l}_{n}}$, for some ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ with ${l}_{n} > 0$ and ${l}_{n} \\geq n$.\n\nNow suppose $U \\subset {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ is an unbounded family with ${\\left|}U {\\right|}= {\\mathfrak{b}}$. Put $B = \\{{I}_{f}: f \\in U\\}$. Clauses (1) and (2) hold by construction. ", "So we verify (3). ", "Let $J = {\\langle {j}_{n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ be any interval partition. ", "For each $k \\in \\omega$, define ${g}_{k} \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ by ${g}_{k}(n) = {j}_{k + n}$, for all $n \\in \\omega$. Let $g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ be such that $\\forall k \\in \\omega{\\left[}{g}_{k} \\; {\\leq}^{\\ast} \\; g{\\right]}$. Since $U$ is unbounded, find $f \\in U$ such that $X = \\{n \\in \\omega: f(n) > g(n)\\}$ is infinite. ", "We check that ${I}_{f}$ has the required properties. ", "Fix $N \\in \\omega$. Choose $m > N + 1$ such that ${j}_{m} \\geq {i}_{f, N + 1}$. Let $k = m - N - 1 \\geq 1$. By choice of $g$, there exists ${N}_{k} \\in \\omega$ such that $\\forall n \\geq {N}_{k}{\\left[}{j}_{k + n} \\leq g(n){\\right]}$. Let $M = \\max\\{N + 1, {N}_{k}\\}$. Since $X$ is infinite, there exists $n \\in X$ with $n \\geq M$. For any such $n$, ${j}_{k + n} \\leq g(n) < f(n) \\leq {i}_{f, n}$. So we conclude that there exists $n \\geq N + 1$ such that ${j}_{k + n} < {i}_{f, n}$. Let $n$ be the minimal number with this property. ", "Note that $N + 1$ does not have this property because ${j}_{k + N + 1} = {j}_{m} \\geq {i}_{f, N + 1}$. So $n > N + 1$ and so $n - 1 \\geq N + 1$. It follows by the minimality of $n$ that ${i}_{f, n - 1} \\leq {j}_{k + n - 1} < {j}_{k + n} < {i}_{f, n}$. Therefore, ${J}_{k + n - 1} \\subset {I}_{f, n - 1}$. Note that $k + n - 1 > n - 1$ because $k \\geq 1$ and also that $n - 1 > N$. Thus we have proved that $\\forall N \\in \\omega \\exists l > N \\exists l' > l{\\left[}{J}_{l'} \\subset {I}_{f, l}{\\right]}$, which establishes (3).", "\n\n\\[def:Z\\] Let $J$ be any interval partition such that for each $n \\in \\omega$, there exists ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ such that ${l}_{n} > 0$, ${l}_{n} \\geq n$, and ${\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}= {2}^{{l}_{n}}$. Let $\\bar{A}$ and ${{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$ be as in Definition \\[def:FJ\\]. ", "For any interval partition $I$, function $f \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$, and $l \\in \\omega$, define ${Z}_{I, J, f, l} = \\{m \\in \\omega: \\exists k \\in {I}_{l}{\\left[}m \\in {J}_{k} \\wedge f(m) \\geq l{\\right]}\\}$. Define ${Z}_{I, J, f} = {\\bigcup}_{l \\in \\omega}{{Z}_{I, J, f, l}}$.\n\n\\[lem:Zdensity\\] For any $I, J$, and $f$ as in Definition \\[def:Z\\], ${Z}_{I, J, f}$ has density $0$.\n\nWe apply Lemma \\[lem:regular\\] with $J$ and ${Z}_{I, J, f}$ as the $I$ and the $A$ of Lemma \\[lem:regular\\] respectively. ", "To check clauses (1) and (2) of Lemma \\[lem:regular\\], fix $x \\geq 0$, a member of $\\omega$. Let $N = {i}_{x} \\in \\omega$, and suppose $n \\geq N$ is given. ", "Then by the definition of ${Z}_{I, J, f}$, ${Z}_{I, J, f} \\cap {J}_{n} \\subset \\{m \\in {J}_{n}: f(m) \\geq x\\}$. Hence by Remark \\[rem:FJ\\], $\\frac{{\\left|}{Z}_{I, J, f} \\cap {J}_{n} {\\right|}}{{\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}} \\leq \\frac{{\\left|}\\{m \\in {J}_{n}: f(m) \\geq x\\}{\\right|}}{{\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}} \\leq {2}^{-x}$, as required for clause (1). ", "Also, $\\forall i, j \\in {Z}_{I, J, f} \\cap {J}_{n}{\\left[}i \\neq j \\implies {\\left|}i - j {\\right|}> {2}^{x - 1}{\\right]}$, as required for clause (2). ", "Thus by Lemma \\[lem:regular\\], ${Z}_{I, J, f}$ has density $0$.\n\n\\[lem:bounded\\] Let $J$, $\\bar{A}$, and ${{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$ be as in Definition \\[def:FJ\\]. ", "Let $B$ be a family of interval partitions satisfying (1)–(3) of Lemma \\[lem:b\\]. ", "Fix $f \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$. Suppose $X \\subset \\omega$ is such that for each $I \\in B$, $X \\cap {Z}_{I, J, f}$ is finite. ", "Then there exists $n \\in \\omega$ such that $f''X \\subset n$.\n\nSuppose for a contradiction that for each $n \\in \\omega$, there exists $m \\in X$ such that $f(m) \\geq n$. Define an interval partition $K = {\\langle {k}_{n}: n \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ as follows. ", "${k}_{0} = 0$ and suppose that ${k}_{n} \\in \\omega$ is given, for some $n \\in \\omega$. Define $N = \\max\\left( \\left\\{f(m): m \\in {\\bigcup}_{k < {k}_{n}}{{J}_{k}}\\right\\} \\cup \\left\\{n\\right\\} \\right)$. By hypothesis, there exists $m \\in X$ such that $f(m) \\geq N + 1$. Choose such an $m \\in X$ and let $k$ be such that $m \\in {J}_{k}$. Note that ${k}_{n} \\leq k$ by the definition of $N$. Define ${k}_{n + 1} = k + 1$. This completes the definition of $K$. Note that $\\forall n \\in \\omega \\exists k \\in {K}_{n} \\exists m \\in X \\cap {J}_{k}{\\left[}f(m) > n{\\right]}$. By clause (3) of Lemma \\[lem:b\\], there is an interval partition $I \\in B$ such that ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}l \\in \\omega \\exists n > l{\\left[}{K}_{n} \\subset {I}_{l}{\\right]}$. Consider any $l \\in \\omega$ for which there exists $n > l$ such that ${K}_{n} \\subset {I}_{l}$. There exist $k \\in {I}_{l}$ and $m \\in X \\cap {J}_{k}$ such that $f(m) > l$. It follows that $m \\in X \\cap {Z}_{I, J, f, l}$. Thus we conclude that ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}l \\in \\omega{\\left[}X \\cap {Z}_{I, J, f, l} \\neq 0{\\right]}$, contradicting the hypothesis that $X \\cap {Z}_{I, J, f}$ is finite, for all $I \\in B$.\n\n\\[def:fc\\] Let $J$ and $\\bar{A}$ be as in Definition \\[def:FJ\\]. ", "Suppose $C: \\omega \\rightarrow {2}^{< \\omega}$ and that for each $n \\in \\omega$, $\\operatorname{dom}(C(n)) \\geq {l}_{n}$. For each $l < {l}_{n}$, define ${\\sigma}_{n, l} = {\\left( C(n) {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}l \\right)}^{\\frown}{\\langle 1 - C(n)(l) \\rangle} \\in {2}^{l + 1}$, and define ${\\sigma}_{n, {l}_{n}} = C(n){\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}{l}_{n} \\in {2}^{{l}_{n}}$. Note that for all $l < l' \\leq {l}_{n}$, ${A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{n, l}} \\cap {A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{n, l'}} = 0$ and that ${\\bigcup}_{l \\leq {l}_{n}}{{A}_{n,{\\sigma}_{n, l}}} = {J}_{n}$. Let ${f}_{C}: \\omega \\rightarrow \\omega$ be defined as follows. ", "Given $n \\in \\omega$ and $k \\in {J}_{n}$, ${f}_{C}(k) = l$, where $l$ is the unique number $l \\leq {l}_{n}$ such that $k \\in {A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{n, l}}$. It is easy to check that ${f}_{C} \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$\n\n\\[thm:main1\\] Let $\\kappa$ be a cardinal on which a tortuous coloring exists. ", "Then ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq \\max\\{\\kappa, {\\mathfrak{b}}\\}$.\n\nLet $c: \\kappa \\times \\omega \\times \\omega \\rightarrow 2$ be a tortuous coloring. ", "Fix any interval partition $J$ with the property that for each $n \\in \\omega$, there exists ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ such that ${l}_{n} > 0$, ${l}_{n} \\geq n$, and ${\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}= {2}^{{l}_{n}}$. Let $\\bar{A}$ be as in Definition \\[def:FJ\\] (with respect to $J$). ", "For each $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$, define ${C}_{\\alpha}: \\omega \\rightarrow {2}^{< \\omega}$ as follows. ", "Given $n \\in \\omega$, ${C}_{\\alpha}(n)$ is the function in ${2}^{{l}_{n}}$ such that for each $l < {l}_{n}$, ${C}_{\\alpha}(n)(l) = c(\\alpha, n, l)$. Define ${f}_{\\alpha} = {f}_{{C}_{\\alpha}} \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$. Fix a family $B$ of interval partitions satisfying clauses (1)–(3) of Lemma \\[lem:b\\]. ", "For each $I \\in B$ and $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$, let ${Z}_{I, \\alpha} = {Z}_{I, J, {f}_{\\alpha}}$. By Lemma \\[lem:Zdensity\\], each ${Z}_{I, \\alpha}$ has density $0$. Let ${{\\mathcal{G}}}= \\{{Z}_{I, \\alpha}: I \\in B \\wedge \\alpha \\in \\kappa\\}$ and note that ${\\left|}{{\\mathcal{G}}}{\\right|}\\leq \\max\\{\\kappa, {\\mathfrak{b}}\\}$. We will show that $\\forall X \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}\\exists I \\in B \\exists \\alpha \\in \\kappa{\\left[}{\\left|}X \\cap {Z}_{I, \\alpha} {\\right|}= \\omega{\\right]}$. Thus ${{\\mathcal{G}}}$ will witness that ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq \\max\\{\\kappa, {\\mathfrak{b}}\\}$. Fix $X \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$. Assume for a contradiction that $X \\cap {Z}_{I, \\alpha}$ is finite for all $I \\in B$ and $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$. $L = \\{n \\in \\omega: {J}_{n} \\cap X \\neq 0 \\}$ is infinite because $X$ is infinite. ", "For each $n \\in L$, there exists ${\\tau}_{n} \\in {2}^{{l}_{n}}$ such that $X \\cap {A}_{n, {\\tau}_{n}} \\neq 0$. By Lemma \\[lem:bounded\\] for each $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$ there exists ${n}_{\\alpha} \\in \\omega$ such that ${f}_{\\alpha}'' X \\subset {n}_{\\alpha}$. Next, for each $n \\in L$ let ${x}_{n}$ be the member of ${2}^{\\omega}$ such that ${x}_{n} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}{l}_{n} = {\\tau}_{n}$ and $\\forall l \\in \\omega \\setminus {l}_{n}{\\left[}{x}_{n}(l) = 0{\\right]}$. Find $A \\in {{\\left[}L{\\right]}}^{\\omega}$ and $x \\in {2}^{\\omega}$ such that ${\\langle {x}_{n}: n \\in A \\rangle}$ converges to $x$. Apply Lemma \\[lem:strongtortuous\\] to find $\\alpha \\in \\kappa$ such that for each $n \\in \\omega$ and $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}k \\in A \\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}$. Let $n = {n}_{\\alpha}$ and $\\sigma = x {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1$. By convergence, there exists ${k}^{\\ast} \\in \\omega$ such that $\\forall k \\in A{\\left[}k \\geq {k}^{\\ast} \\implies {x}_{k} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1 = x {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1{\\right]}$. Fix $k \\in A$ such that $k \\geq {k}^{\\ast}$, $k > n$, and $\\forall i < n + 1{\\left[}\\sigma(i) = c(\\alpha, k, i){\\right]}$. It is easy to see that ${\\tau}_{k} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1 = {C}_{\\alpha}(k) {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1$. It follows from the definition of ${f}_{\\alpha} = {f}_{{C}_{\\alpha}}$ that for each $x \\in {A}_{k, {\\tau}_{k} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1}$, ${f}_{\\alpha}(x) > n$. However $X \\cap {A}_{k, {\\tau}_{k} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}n + 1} \\neq 0$ because $X \\cap {A}_{k, {\\tau}_{k}} \\neq 0$. Therefore there exists $x \\in X$ such that ${f}_{\\alpha}(x) > n = {n}_{\\alpha}$, contradicting the fact that ${f}_{\\alpha}''X \\subset {n}_{\\alpha}$. This concludes the proof.", "\n\n\\[cor:main1\\] ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq \\max\\{{\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}, {\\mathfrak{b}}\\}$.\n\nSuppose ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$ is a ground model. ", "Suppose that the coloring $c$ used in the proof of Theorem \\[thm:main1\\] is defined in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$ from ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {({\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega))}^{\\omega}$ following the procedure of Lemma \\[lem:tortuous\\], and that the family of interval partitions $B$ is defined in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$ from ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ via the procedure of Lemma \\[lem:b\\]. ", "Let ${{{\\mathbf{V}}[G]}}$ be a forcing extension of ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$. If there is a set $X \\in {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ in ${{{\\mathbf{V}}[G]}}$ such that $Z \\cap X$ is finite for all $Z \\in {{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$, then it follows from the proof of Theorem \\[thm:main1\\] that either ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {({\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega))}^{\\omega}$ is no longer a promptly splitting family or that ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ is no longer an unbounded family in ${{{\\mathbf{V}}[G]}}$. So we get the following corollary.", "\n\n\\[cor:diagonalizez0\\] Let ${\\mathbb{P}}\\in {{\\mathbf{V}}}$ be a forcing notion that diagonalizes ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$. Then either ${\\mathbb{P}}$ adds an element of ${{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ that dominates ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ or it adds an element of ${{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ that is not promptly split by ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {({\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega))}^{\\omega}$.\n\nIf ${\\mathbb{P}}$ is a Suslin c.c.c. ", "poset, then the second possibility is ruled out by Theorem \\[thm:suslinprompt\\]. ", "Furthermore if ${\\mathbb{P}}= \\langle {{\\mathbb{P}}}_{\\alpha}; {\\mathring{{\\mathbb{Q}}}}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha \\leq \\delta \\rangle$ is a finite support iteration of c.c.c. ", "posets and if each iterand preserves all unbounded families, then ${\\mathbb{P}}$ does not increase ${\\mathfrak{b}}$. If ${\\mathbb{P}}$ is also not allowed to increase ${\\mathfrak{s}\\mathord{\\left(\\mathfrak{pr}\\right)}}$, then of course ${\\mathbb{P}}$ cannot increase ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\n\\[cor:suslinbcovz\\_0\\] If a Suslin c.c.c. ", "poset in ${{\\mathbf{V}}}$ diagonalizes ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$, then it necessarily adds a dominating real. ", "If ${\\mathbb{P}}= \\langle {{\\mathbb{P}}}_{\\alpha}; {\\mathring{{\\mathbb{Q}}}}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha \\leq \\delta \\rangle$ is a finite support iteration of Suslin c.c.c. ", "posets and if each iterand preserves all unbounded families, then ${\\mathbb{P}}$ does not increase ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\nAn example of a Suslin c.c.c. ", "forcing which preserves all unbounded families is the Mathias forcing associated to an ${F}_{\\sigma}$ filter (see Canjar [@canjar1]). ", "So a consequence of Corollary \\[cor:suslinbcovz\\_0\\] is that finite support iterations of Mathias forcings of ${F}_{\\sigma}$ filters do not increase ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\nThe next result dualizes Corollary \\[cor:main1\\]. ", "However we do not need any variant of ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}$ because of the following fact, which says that any family of fewer than ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}$ many members of ${{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ can be simultaneously promptly split.", "\n\n\\[lem:rsplit\\] Suppose ${{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ is a family of size less than ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}$. Then there exists a sequence $X = {\\langle {x}_{k}: k < \\omega \\rangle} \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$ such that $X$ promptly splits $A$, for each $A \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$.\n\nIf ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is empty then any $X \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$ vacuously satisfies the conclusion of the lemma. ", "So we may assume that ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is non-empty. ", "We define a sequence ${\\langle {y}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ as follows. ", "Use the assumption that ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ has size less than ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}$ to find ${y}_{0} \\subset \\omega$ such that both ${y}_{0} \\cap A$ and $\\left( \\omega \\setminus {y}_{0} \\right) \\cap A$ are infinite, for each $A \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. Next suppose that for some $n \\in \\omega$, a sequence ${\\langle {y}_{i}: i \\leq n \\rangle} \\in {{\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega)}^{n + 1}$ is given such that both ${y}_{n} \\cap A$ and $\\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\bigcup}_{i \\leq n}{{y}_{i}} \\right) \\right) \\cap A$ are infinite, for each $A \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. As ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is non-empty, $\\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\bigcup}_{i \\leq n}{{y}_{i}} \\right) \\right)$ is an infinite subset of $\\omega$, and ${{\\mathcal{G}}}= \\left\\{\\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\bigcup}_{i \\leq n}{{y}_{i}} \\right) \\right) \\cap A: A \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}\\right\\}$ is a collection of infinite subsets of $\\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\bigcup}_{i \\leq n}{{y}_{i}} \\right) \\right)$ of size less than ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}$. So we can find ${y}_{n + 1} \\subset \\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\bigcup}_{i \\leq n}{{y}_{i}} \\right) \\right)$ such that both ${y}_{n + 1} \\cap B$ and $\\left( \\left( \\omega \\setminus \\left( {\\bigcup}_{i \\leq n}{{y}_{i}} \\right) \\right) \\setminus {y}_{n + 1} \\right) \\cap B$ are infinite, for each $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$. It is clear that ${\\langle {y}_{i}: i \\leq n + 1 \\rangle}$ satisfies the inductive hypothesis. ", "This concludes the construction of ${\\langle {y}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$. Note that ${\\langle {y}_{i}: i \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ is a pairwise disjoint sequence. ", "Fix a independent family ${\\langle {C}_{k}: k \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ of subsets of $\\omega$. For each $k \\in \\omega$, define ${x}_{k} = {\\bigcup}_{i \\in {C}_{k}}{{y}_{i}}$. This is a subset of $\\omega$, and we claim that ${\\langle {x}_{k}: k \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ promptly splits $A$, for each $A \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. Indeed, fix $A \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. Suppose $n \\in \\omega$ and $\\sigma \\in {2}^{n + 1}$. Then ${\\bigcap}_{k < n + 1}{{C}^{\\sigma(k)}_{k}} \\neq 0$. Let $i \\in {\\bigcap}_{k < n + 1}{{C}^{\\sigma(k)}_{k}}$. Since ${y}_{i} \\subset {\\bigcap}_{k < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(k)}_{k}}$ and ${y}_{i} \\cap A$ is infinite, $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{k < n + 1}{{x}^{\\sigma(k)}_{k}} \\right) \\cap A$ is infinite as well, as needed.", "\n\n\\[lem:lessd\\] Let $\\kappa < {{\\mathfrak{d}}}$ be a cardinal. ", "Suppose ${\\langle {I}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa \\rangle}$ is a sequence of interval partitions. ", "Then there exists an interval partition $J$ such that for each $\\alpha < \\kappa$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}n \\in \\omega \\exists k > n{\\left[}{I}_{\\alpha, k} \\subset {J}_{n}{\\right]}$.\n\nThis is very similar to Lemma \\[lem:b\\]. ", "For each $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and $l \\in \\omega$, define ${f}_{\\alpha, l}(n) = {i}_{\\alpha, (n \\; + \\; l)}$, for each $n \\in \\omega$. Now $\\{{f}_{\\alpha, l}: \\alpha < \\kappa \\wedge l < \\omega\\}$ is a family of functions of size less than ${{\\mathfrak{d}}}$. So there exists $g \\in {{\\omega}^{\\omega}}$ such that for each $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and $l < \\omega$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}n \\in \\omega{\\left[}{f}_{\\alpha, l}(n) < g(n){\\right]}$. Define $J$ as follows. ", "Put ${j}_{0} = 0$ and suppose ${j}_{n} \\in \\omega$ is given for some $n \\in \\omega$. Define ${j}_{n + 1} = \\max\\{{j}_{n} + 1, g(n + 1)\\}$. It is clear that $J$ is an interval partition. ", "We check that it is as required. ", "So fix $\\alpha < \\kappa$ and $N \\in \\omega$. We will find $n > N$ and $k > n$ such that ${I}_{\\alpha, k} \\subset {J}_{n}$. Fix $m > N + 1$ such that ${i}_{\\alpha, m} \\geq {j}_{N + 1}$ and let $l = m - N - 1$. Note $l \\geq 1$. By choice of $g$, there exists $M \\geq N + 1$ such that $g(M) > {i}_{\\alpha, (M \\; + \\; l)}$. Now ${j}_{M} \\geq g(M) > {i}_{\\alpha, (M \\; + \\; l)}$ because $M > 0$. So we conclude that there exists $M$ with the property that $M \\geq N + 1$ and ${j}_{M} > {i}_{\\alpha, (M \\; + \\; l)}$. Let $M$ be minimal with this property. ", "Note that $N + 1$ does not have this property, so $M > N + 1$. Put $n = M - 1$ and $k = n + l$. It follows that $n \\geq N + 1$ and that ${j}_{n} \\leq {i}_{\\alpha, k} < {i}_{\\alpha, k + 1} < {j}_{n + 1}$, and so ${I}_{\\alpha, k} \\subset {J}_{n}$. Since $n > N$ and $k > n$, we are done.", "\n\n\\[thm:main2\\] $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\} \\leq {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\nLet ${{\\mathcal{G}}}$ be any family of infinite subsets of $\\omega$ with ${\\left|}{{\\mathcal{G}}}{\\right|}< \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\}$. We aim to produce a $Z \\in {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ such that $\\forall B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}{\\left[}{\\left|}B \\cap Z {\\right|}= {\\aleph}_{0}{\\right]}$. Fix any interval partition $J$ such that for each $n \\in \\omega$, there exists ${l}_{n} \\in \\omega$ such that ${l}_{n} > 0$, ${l}_{n} \\geq n$, and ${\\left|}{J}_{n} {\\right|}= {2}^{{l}_{n}}$. Let $\\bar{A}$ be as in Definition \\[def:FJ\\] with respect to $J$. Fix $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$. Define ${L}_{B} = \\{n \\in \\omega: {J}_{n} \\cap B \\neq 0 \\}$. As $B$ is infinite, ${L}_{B}$ is infinite. ", "For each $n \\in {L}_{B}$, let ${\\tau}^{B}_{n} \\in {2}^{{l}_{n}}$ be such that ${A}_{n, {\\tau}^{B}_{n}} \\cap B \\neq 0$. For each $n \\in {L}_{B}$, define ${x}^{B}_{n}$ to be the element of ${2}^{\\omega}$ such that ${x}^{B}_{n} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}{l}_{n} = {\\tau}^{B}_{n}$ and $\\forall l \\geq {l}_{n}{\\left[}{x}^{B}_{n}(l) = 0{\\right]}$. Now we can find ${U}_{B} \\in {{\\left[}{L}_{B}{\\right]}}^{\\omega}$ and ${x}^{B} \\in {2}^{\\omega}$ such that $\\langle {x}^{B}_{n}: n \\in {U}_{B} \\rangle$ converges to ${x}^{B}$. Unfix $B$ and consider ${{\\mathcal{F}}}= \\{{U}_{B}: B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}\\}$. Then ${{\\mathcal{F}}}\\subset {{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ and ${\\left|}{{\\mathcal{F}}}{\\right|}< {{\\mathfrak{r}}}$. Therefore by Lemma \\[lem:rsplit\\], there exists a sequence ${\\langle {z}_{k}: k < \\omega \\rangle} \\in {\\left( {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega) \\right)}^{\\omega}$ which promptly splits ${U}_{B}$, for each $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$. Now define $C: \\omega \\rightarrow {2}^{< \\omega}$ as follows. ", "For $n \\in \\omega$, $C(n)$ is the function from ${l}_{n}$ to $2$ such that for each $k < {l}_{n}$, $C(n)(k) = 0$ iff $n \\in {z}_{k}$. $C$ satisfies the conditions of Definition \\[def:fc\\]. ", "Therefore ${f}_{C} \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$, where ${f}_{C}$ is defined in Definition \\[def:fc\\]\n\nFix any $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$ and $l \\in \\omega$. We will produce a $y \\in B$ such that ${f}_{C}(y) \\geq l$. Since $\\langle {x}^{B}_{n}: n \\in {U}_{B} \\rangle$ converges to ${x}^{B}$, there exists $N \\in \\omega$ such that $\\forall n \\in {U}_{B}{\\left[}n \\geq N \\implies {x}^{B}_{n} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right) = {x}^{B} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right) {\\right]}$. Also since ${\\langle {z}_{k}: k \\in \\omega \\rangle}$ promptly splits ${U}_{B}$, $\\left( {\\bigcap}_{k < l + 1}{{z}^{{x}^{B}(k)}_{k}} \\right) \\cap {U}_{B}$ is infinite. ", "Choose $n \\in \\left( {\\bigcap}_{k < l + 1}{{z}^{{x}^{B}(k)}_{k}} \\right) \\cap {U}_{B}$ such that $n \\geq N$ and $n > l$. Note that ${l}_{n} \\geq n > l$ and that for each $k < l + 1$, $C(n)(k) = 0$ iff $n \\in {z}_{k}$ iff ${x}^{B}(k) = 0$. Thus $C(n) {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right) = {x}^{B} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right) = {x}^{B}_{n} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right) = {\\tau}^{B}_{n} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right)$. For notational convenience, write $\\sigma = {\\tau}^{B}_{n} {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l + 1 \\right)$. Since ${A}_{n, {\\tau}^{B}_{n}} \\subset {A}_{n, \\sigma}$ and since ${A}_{n, {\\tau}^{B}_{n}} \\cap B \\neq 0$, we can choose a $y \\in B \\cap {A}_{n, \\sigma}$. We claim that ${f}_{C}(y) \\geq l$. By the definition of ${f}_{C}$, it suffices to prove that for each $l' < l$, $y \\notin {A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{n, l'}}$, where ${\\sigma}_{n, l'}$ is defined in Definition \\[def:fc\\] (with respect to $C$). ", "To see this, fix any $l' < l$. Put $\\eta = \\sigma {\\mathord{\\upharpoonright}}\\left( l' + 1 \\right)$. Then $\\eta(l') = C(n)(l') \\neq 1 - C(n)(l') = {\\sigma}_{n, l'}(l')$. Thus ${\\sigma}_{n, l'}, \\eta \\in {2}^{l' + 1}$ and $\\eta \\neq {\\sigma}_{n, l'}$. Therefore ${A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{n, l'}} \\cap {A}_{n, \\eta} = 0$. On the other hand ${A}_{n, \\sigma} \\subset {A}_{n, \\eta}$ because $\\eta \\subset \\sigma$. Hence $y \\in {A}_{n, \\eta}$, whence $y \\notin {A}_{n, {\\sigma}_{n, l'}}$ as claimed.", "\n\nThe argument of the previous paragraph shows that ${f}_{C}$ is unbounded on every $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$. Now for each $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$ define an interval partition ${I}_{B}$ as follows. ", "Let ${i}_{B, 0} = 0$ and suppose that for some $n \\in \\omega$, ${i}_{B, n} \\in \\omega$ is given. ", "Define $M = \\max\\left( \\{{f}_{C}(y) + 1: y \\in {\\bigcup}_{m \\leq {i}_{B, n}}{{J}_{m}} \\} \\cup \\{n\\} \\right)$. Let $y \\in B$ be such that ${f}_{C}(y) \\geq M$. Let $m \\in \\omega$ be such that $y \\in {J}_{m}$. Note that $m > {i}_{B, n}$. Define ${i}_{B, n + 1} = m + 1$. This concludes the definition of ${I}_{B}$. Note that for each $n \\in \\omega$, $\\exists m \\in {I}_{B, n} \\exists y \\in {J}_{m} \\cap B{\\left[}{f}_{C}(y) \\geq n{\\right]}$. Now $\\{{I}_{B}: B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}\\}$ is a family of interval partitions of size less than ${{\\mathfrak{d}}}$. Therefore by Lemma \\[lem:lessd\\], there is an interval partition $I$ such that for each $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}k \\in \\omega \\exists n > k{\\left[}{I}_{B, n} \\subset {I}_{k}{\\right]}$. Let $Z = {Z}_{I, J, {f}_{C}}$. Then $Z$ has density $0$ because ${f}_{C} \\in {{{\\mathcal{F}}}}_{J, \\bar{A}}$. To complete the proof of the theorem, we show that ${\\left|}Z \\cap B {\\right|}= {\\aleph}_{0}$, for every $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$. To this end, fix any $B \\in {{\\mathcal{G}}}$. Then $Y = \\{k \\in \\omega: \\exists n > k{\\left[}{I}_{B, n} \\subset {I}_{k}{\\right]}\\}$ is infinite by choice of $I$. Consider any $k \\in Y$ and let $n > k$ be such that ${I}_{B, n} \\subset {I}_{k}$. There exist $m \\in {I}_{B, n}$ and $y \\in {J}_{m} \\cap B$ with ${f}_{C}(y) \\geq n$. By definition of ${Z}_{I, J, {f}_{C}, k}$, $y \\in B \\cap {Z}_{I, J, {f}_{C}, k}$. Thus $B \\cap {Z}_{I, J, {f}_{C}, k} \\neq 0$, for every $k \\in Y$. When $k < k' < \\omega$, then ${Z}_{I, J, {f}_{C}, k} \\cap {Z}_{I, J, {f}_{C}, k'} = 0$. It follows that $B \\cap Z$ is infinite, as claimed.", "\n\nWe point out here that it is provable in ${\\mathrm{ZFC}}$ that $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\} = \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\}$. We do not know if this observation was already known, however a closely related observation was made by Mildenberger who showed that ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\geq \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{u}}}, \\mathfrak{g}\\}$. More details about Mildenberger’s work may be found on Page 452 of [@blasssmall].", "\n\n\\[lem:dur\\] $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\} = \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\}$.\n\nIt is well-known (see [@blasssmall]) that ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\leq {{\\mathfrak{u}}}$. Therefore $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\} \\leq \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\}$. We will prove that $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\} \\leq \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\}$. Let $\\kappa = \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\}$ and assume for a contradiction that $\\kappa < \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\}$. We argue that $\\kappa < {{\\mathfrak{r}}}$. Let $\\{{X}_{\\xi}: \\xi < \\kappa\\}$ be any family of elements of ${{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$. Clearly ${\\left|}{{\\left[}\\kappa{\\right]}}^{< \\omega} {\\right|}= \\kappa$. So let ${\\langle {u}_{\\alpha}: \\alpha < \\kappa \\rangle}$ enumerate ${{\\left[}\\kappa{\\right]}}^{< \\omega}$. For each $\\alpha < \\kappa$ choose an interval partition ${I}_{\\alpha}$ such that $\\forall n \\in \\omega \\forall \\xi \\in {u}_{\\alpha}{\\left[}{X}_{\\xi} \\cap {I}_{\\alpha, n} \\neq 0{\\right]}$. Since $\\kappa < \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\} \\leq {{\\mathfrak{d}}}$, Lemma \\[lem:lessd\\] applies and implies that there is an interval partition $J$ such that for each $\\alpha < \\kappa$, ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}n \\in \\omega \\exists k > n{\\left[}{I}_{\\alpha, k} \\subset {J}_{n}{\\right]}$. Now for each $\\alpha < \\kappa$ define ${A}_{\\alpha}$ to be $\\{n \\in \\omega: \\forall \\xi \\in {u}_{\\alpha}{\\left[}{X}_{\\xi} \\cap {J}_{n} \\neq 0{\\right]}\\}$. Each ${A}_{\\alpha}$ is infinite by the choice of $J$. Define ${{\\mathcal{F}}}= \\{B \\in {\\mathcal{P}}(\\omega): \\exists \\alpha < \\kappa{\\left[}{A}_{\\alpha} \\; {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\; B{\\right]}\\}$. We check that ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is a non-principal filter on $\\omega$. First each element of ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is infinite. ", "Next, if $B \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$ and $B \\subset C \\subset \\omega$, then $C \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. Finally suppose that $B, C \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. Let $\\alpha, \\beta < \\kappa$ be such that ${A}_{\\alpha} \\; {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\; B$ and ${A}_{\\beta} \\; {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\; C$. ", "Let $\\gamma < \\kappa$ be such that ${u}_{\\gamma} = {u}_{\\alpha} \\cup {u}_{\\beta}$. Then ${A}_{\\gamma} \\; {\\subset}^{\\ast} \\; B \\cap C$, showing that $B \\cap C \\in {{\\mathcal{F}}}$. This checks that ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is a non-principal filter on $\\omega$. Since $\\kappa < \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\} \\leq {{\\mathfrak{u}}}$ and ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$ is generated by at most $\\kappa$ many elements, it cannot be an ultrafilter. ", "So fix $B \\subset \\omega$ such that neither $B$ nor $\\omega \\setminus B$ belongs to ${{\\mathcal{F}}}$. Let $Y = {\\bigcup}_{n \\in B}{{J}_{n}}$. Fix any $\\xi < \\kappa$ and suppose $\\alpha < \\kappa$ is such that ${u}_{\\alpha} = \\{\\xi\\}$. Since ${A}_{\\alpha}$ is neither almost included in $B$ nor in $\\omega \\setminus B$, it follows that ${\\left|}{A}_{\\alpha} \\cap \\left( \\omega \\setminus B \\right) {\\right|}= {\\left|}{A}_{\\alpha} \\cap B {\\right|}= \\omega$. Therefore ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}n \\in B{\\left[}{X}_{\\xi} \\cap {J}_{n} \\neq 0 {\\right]}$ and ${{\\exists}^{\\infty}}n \\in \\left( \\omega \\setminus B \\right){\\left[}{X}_{\\xi} \\cap {J}_{n} \\neq 0{\\right]}$. It follows that ${\\left|}{X}_{\\xi} \\cap Y {\\right|}= {\\left|}{X}_{\\xi} \\cap \\left( \\omega \\setminus Y \\right) {\\right|}= \\omega$. Thus $Y \\subset \\omega$ and it reaps the family $\\{{X}_{\\xi}: \\xi < \\kappa\\}$. We have proved that any family of at most $\\kappa$ many elements of ${{{\\left[}\\omega{\\right]}}^{\\omega}}$ can be reaped, whence ${{\\mathfrak{r}}}> \\kappa = \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{r}}}\\}$. However this together with the hypothesis that $\\kappa < \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\}$ implies that ${{\\mathfrak{d}}}= \\kappa < \\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\} \\leq {{\\mathfrak{d}}}$, which is a contradiction.", "\n\nWe thus get the following “improvement” of Theorem \\[thm:main2\\].", "\n\n\\[cor:dunonZ\\_0\\] $\\min\\{{{\\mathfrak{d}}}, {{\\mathfrak{u}}}\\} \\leq {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$.\n\nQuestions {#sec:q}\n=========\n\nAn outstanding open question is about the connection between ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$ and ${\\mathfrak{b}}$, which is closely related to what forcings can diagonalize ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$.\n\n\\[q:cov\\_z0b\\] Is ${\\operatorname{cov}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}) \\leq {\\mathfrak{b}}$? ", "Is ${{\\mathfrak{d}}}\\leq {\\operatorname{non}}^{\\ast}({{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0})$? ", "Is there a proper forcing which diagonalizes ${{\\mathbf{V}}}\\cap {{{\\mathcal{Z}}}}_{0}$ while preserving all unbounded families?", "\n" ]
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[ "Rendering by Robert A.M. Stern Architects, provided by CDDC.", "\n\nThe 21 acre Scioto Peninsula redevelopment project took another step forward today, with the announcement that four semi-finalists have been named through the project’s RFQ process. ", "The project is being spearheaded by the Columbus Downtown Development Corporation (CDDC).", "\n\n“Seven development teams — which included 14 different development companies — submitted in response to the Request for Qualifications for master developer of the Scioto Peninsula project,” stated Amy Taylor, CDDC Chief Operating Officer. “", "Four development teams were selected to proceed to the next step in the process and received the Request for Proposals.”", "\n\nThe four teams include:\n\nBuckingham Companies (headquartered in Indianapolis, IN)\n\nCarter (headquartered in Atlanta, GA), The Robert Weiler Company, Kelley Companies and Casto\n\nCrawford Hoying and SunCal (headquartered in Irvine, CA)\n\nGeorgetown Company (headquartered in New York, NY), The Daimler Group and Kaufman Development\n\n“We billed this as a national opportunity for a big mixed-use development and recruited both locally and nationally,” stated Guy Worley, President and CEO of CDDC. “", "All four of the finalists are quality developers experienced in building large mixed-use development.” ", "Worley added that he’s interested in seeing the finalist get started with phase one in Spring of 2018, expecting the entire build out of all phases to take approximately a decade to complete. ", "Proposals from the four semi-finalists are expected to be submitted by June, with a selection made by September.", "\n\nFor more information, visit www.columbusddc.com/projects/scioto-peninsula/master-developer." ]
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[ 0.03333333333333333, 0.005434782608695652, 0.011235955056179775, 0.004132231404958678, 0, 0.022132796780684104, 0, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012 ]
[ "Hemolytic-uremic syndrome following bone marrow transplantation in adults for hematologic malignancies.", "\nOne hundred and sixty eight adult patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and other hematologic malignancies who underwent autologous or allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) were investigated for the subsequent development of hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). ", "All patients were conditioned with cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation. ", "When examined at 3-month intervals for the first year post-BMT, all patients had uniform measurements of hematocrit (Hct) and serum creatinine. ", "Sixteen patients who initially exhibited Hct and creatinine values that were normal range for the BMT populations developed a sudden decrease in Hct and increase in creatinine between 3 and 11 months post-BMT and fulfilled the clinical and laboratory criteria for HUS. ", "None of these patients had known active cytomegalovirus infection, graft-versus-host disease, or cyclosporine administration. ", "The degree of decrease in Hct and creatinine elevation ranged from solely laboratory abnormalities to a clinically significant syndrome. ", "Twelve of the 16 patients developed acute clinical complications of congestive heart failure, hypertension (HTN), or peripheral edema. ", "Twelve patients required red blood cell support, whereas only four patients required platelet transfusions. ", "Both hemolytic anemia and thrombocytopenia have resolved in virtually all cases. ", "At a mean follow up of 18 months postdiagnosis, creatinine elevations have persisted along with HTN. ", "All patients have survived without life-threatening long-term sequelae. ", "With the increasing use of BMT as a curative modality for patients with hematologic malignancies, it becomes important to prospectively monitor patients for the development of HUS and its potential long-term impact on renal function." ]
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[ "Optimizing production of in vivo-matured oocytes from superstimulated Holstein cows for in vitro production of embryos using X-sorted sperm.", "\nThe present study aimed to establish an efficient system for the production of female embryos from dairy cows by in vitro fertilization (IVF) using X-sorted sperm and in vivo-matured oocytes collected by ovum pick up (OPU). ", "Nonlactating Holstein cows (n = 36) were administered a controlled intravaginal progesterone-releasing (controlled internal drug release) device (d 0), underwent dominant follicle ablation (DFA) or ovulation by administration of 100 μg of GnRH on d 5, and were superstimulated with FSH and PGF2α, following standard procedures. ", "Controlled internal drug release devices were removed on the evening of d 8 or on the morning of d 9, depending on the experiment. ", "For LH surge induction, 200 μg of GnRH was administered on the morning of d 10 (0 h). ", "In experiment 1, the peak (48.1%) of ovulating follicles was detected at 29 to 32 h after GnRH injection (0 h), and the range in the timing of the initiation of ovulation was less by timing from GnRH administration (30.0 ± 2.8h) rather than by timing the onset of estrus (32.7 ± 4.7h). ", "Only 0.9% of total ovulated follicles were recorded before 26 h after GnRH injection. ", "Therefore, OPU was carried out at 26 h and IVF occurred at 30 h after GnRH in experiments 2 and 3. ", "In experiment 2, 83.3 ± 10.8% of oocytes with expanded cumulus cells had extruded the first polar body at 30 h after GnRH injection. ", "The aim of experiment 3 was to compare the effect of either DFA or GnRH-induced LH surge before superstimulation on the efficiency of embryo production by IVF following superstimulation. ", "Progesterone concentrations from d 10 to 12 in the DFA group were lower than those in the GnRH group. ", "A greater proportion of recovered oocytes with expanded cumulus cells from ≥ 8-mm follicles was observed in the DFA group than in the GnRH group (95.9 and 77.4%, respectively). ", "Blastocyst rates in the DFA and GnRH groups (58.0 and 52.8%, respectively) did not differ from those of oocytes collected from nonstimulated OPU and matured in vitro (49.9%). ", "However, the proportion of high-quality blastocysts was higher in the DFA group compared with the GnRH group (54.9 vs. 21.5%). ", "Our results demonstrate that high rates of good-quality blastocysts can be produced by IVF with X-sorted frozen sperm using in vivo-matured oocytes collected by OPU from cows after DFA and superstimulation combined with ovulation induction." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.007142857142857143, 0.008888888888888889, 0.009146341463414634, 0, 0, 0.0034965034965034965, 0.011627906976744186, 0.020202020202020204, 0.007518796992481203, 0.016042780748663103, 0.00980392156862745, 0.011299435028248588, 0.017142857142857144, 0.015748031496062992, 0.008333333333333333 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCreateFile returns invalid handle value\n\nI'm trying to read file from the directory the exe file is located. ", "The data.txt file is in VS Project directory and when I specify the full path everything works fine. ", " \nchar curDirectory[MAX_PATH];\nGetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, curDirectory);\n\nchar filePath[MAX_PATH];\n\nchar *name = \"\\\\data.txt\";\n\nmemcpy(filePath, curDirectory, sizeof(curDirectory));\nmemcpy(filePath + strlen(curDirectory), name, strlen(name));\n\nHANDLE hFile = CreateFile(filePath, GENERIC_ALL, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);\n\nA:\n\nYou don't null terminate the string. ", "Do so by passing strlen(name) + 1 in the second call to memcpy. ", "\nSome other observations:\n\nWhen CreateFile fails, you should call GetLastError to obtain an error code. ", "\nUse strcpy and strcat rather than memcpy when working with strings. ", "\nThat said, your code asks to overrun the buffer. ", "If this really is C++, use std::string and have that class manage buffers. ", "\nThere is no real reason to believe that the executable file is located in the current working directory. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Millennium Development Goal to halve the rate of global poverty by 2015 was met sometime in 2007, says the Brooking Institution in a new report, Poverty in Numbers: The Changing State of Global Poverty from 2005 to 2015.", "\n\nBy 2015, we will not only have halved the global poverty rate, but will have halved it again to under 10 percent, or less than 600 million people, with India and China responsible for three-quarters of the reduction in the world’s poor expected between 2005 and 2015.", "\n\n“While these findings likely come as a surprise to many, they shouldn’t,” says the report. “", "Growth lies at the heart of poverty reduction. ", "As developing country growth took off in the new millennium, epitomized in the rise of emerging markets, a massive drop in poverty was surely to be expected.", "\n\n“With few exceptions, however, the international community has been slow to catch on. ", "We hear far more about the 64 million people held back in poverty due to the Great Recession than we do about the hundreds of millions who escaped impoverishment over the last six years. ", "While there is good reason to focus public attention on the critical and ongoing need to support those still stuck below the poverty line, there is also reason to celebrate successes and to ensure policy debates are grounded in reality.”" ]
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[ "Stubbs learned it's more important to get on base then to try and drive the ball out of the ballpark in every at bat...gets on with a bunt, all he has to do is employ that a bit more often and I bet you see a better OBP and fewer strikeouts...\n\nnux fan\n\n04-06-2012, 01:44 AM\n\nthe bunt was great\n\nRedsnake\n\n04-06-2012, 09:24 AM\n\nWith his strikeout he's on pace for 162. ", "That's better than 205 from last year. ", ":D\n\nBig Red Hoss\n\n04-06-2012, 09:56 AM\n\nHe did it just to show he can and shut people up. ", "Bet you people are complaining he doesn't do it enough in a month or two.", "\n\nStray\n\n04-06-2012, 11:06 AM\n\nI still think he's going to strikeout a ton, but I'm okay with it if he's good in other areas. ", "He should lead this team in stolen bases again, so if he's making things happen when he does get on base, and if he bumps his defense up a notch to nearing the gold glove caliber range, then I can live with his Ks at the bottom of the lineup.", "\n\nWe know he's gonna hit some homeruns and drive in some runs...it's just the other areas that I'd like to see him be really good in for me to live with his Ks.", "\n\nlidspinner\n\n04-06-2012, 12:52 PM\n\nhe needs to attempt that bunt once a week...I dont even care if he gets a hit with the bunt or not...I just want to see the defense play him up short so he can push more balls in the holes....that alone will add a few points to his average....throw in some of those bunts falling in for hits and he just might be a .280 hitter with the possibility for .300.....kids has all the upside a CF'er needs to be a staple in the all star game for years to come....\n\nbmwreds31\n\n04-06-2012, 05:27 PM\n\nHe did it just to show he can and shut people up. ", "Bet you people are complaining he doesn't do it enough in a month or two.", "\n\nlol yeah im sure he did it just for that reason.", "\n\nI thought the bunt was great and also great to see him making the proper adjustments to make him a better ball player for this team.", "\n\nDGullett35\n\n04-06-2012, 05:35 PM\n\nStubbs will be a key player this year for the Reds. ", "Hopefully he has matured and becomes the CF we all envisioned a couple years ago. ", "I like the power and all that he has but I would love to see that OBP rise a little. ", "When hes on base he raises hell for the pitcher.", "\n\nI was watching some of the Tigers and BoSox game and the announcers were commenting on Austin Jackson making adjustments to become a better hitter and leadoff hitter. ", "Hopefully Stubbs can make similar adjustments. ", "I consider Stubbs and Jackson to be almost the same type player" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'Personalization is pervasive in the online space as it leads to higher efficiency and revenue by allowing the most relevant content to be served to each user. ", "However, recent studies suggest that personalization methods can propagate societal or systemic biases and polarize opinions; this has led to calls for regulatory mechanisms and algorithms to combat bias and inequality. ", "Algorithmically, bandit optimization has enjoyed great success in learning user preferences and personalizing content or feeds accordingly. ", "We propose an algorithmic framework that allows for the possibility to control bias or discrimination in such bandit-based personalization. ", "Our model allows for the specification of general fairness constraints on the sensitive types of the content that can be displayed to a user. ", "The challenge, however, is to come up with a scalable and low regret algorithm for the constrained optimization problem that arises. ", "Our main technical contribution is a provably fast and low-regret algorithm for the fairness-constrained bandit optimization problem. ", "Our proofs crucially leverage the special structure of our problem. ", "Experiments on synthetic and real-world data sets show that our algorithmic framework can control bias with only a minor loss to revenue.'", "\nauthor:\n- 'L. Elisa Celis'\n- Sayash Kapoor\n- Farnood Salehi\n- 'Nisheeth K. Vishnoi'\nbibliography:\n- 'references.bib'\ntitle: '**An Algorithmic Framework to Control Bias in Bandit-based Personalization[^1]**'\n---\n\nIntroduction\n============\n\nContent selection algorithms take data and other information as input, and – given a user’s properties and past behavior – produce a personalized list of content to display [@goldfarb2011online; @liu2010personalized]. ", "This personalization leads to higher utility and efficiency both for the platform, which can increase revenue by selling targeted advertisements, and also for the user, who sees content more directly related to their interests [@Forbes2017; @farahat2012effective]. ", "However, it is now known that such personalization may result in propagating or even creating biases that can influence decisions and opinions. ", "Recently, field studies have shown that user opinions about political candidates can be manipulated by personalized rankings of search results [@Epstein2015]. ", "Concerns have also been raised about gender and racial inequality in serving personalized advertising [@datta2015automated; @sweeney2013discrimination; @farahat2012effective]. ", "Just in the US, over two-thirds of adults consume news online on social media sites [@Mitchell2015]; the impact of how social media personalizes content is immense.", "\n\nOne approach to eliminate such biases would be to hide certain user properties so that they cannot be used for personalization; however, this could come at a loss to the utility for both the user and the platform – the content displayed would be less relevant and result in decreased attention from the user and less revenue for the platform (see, e.g., [@sakulkar2016stochastic]). *", "Can we design personalization algorithms that allow us to be fair without a significant compromise in their utility?*", "\n\nHere we focus on bandit-based personalization and introduce a rigorous algorithmic approach to this problem. ", "For concreteness we describe our approach for personalized news feeds, however it also applies to other personalization settings. ", "Here, content has different [*types*]{} such as news stories that lean republican vs. democrat, ads for high-paying or low-paying jobs, and is classified into [*groups*]{}; often based on a single type or a combination of a small number of types or *sensitive attributes*. ", "Users can also have different types/contexts and, hence, different preferences over groups, but for simplicity here we focus on the case of a single user. ", "Current personalization algorithms, at every time-step, select a piece of content for the user,[^2] and feedback is obtained in the form of whether they click on, purchase or hover over the item. ", "The goal of the content selection algorithm is to select content for each user in order to maximize the positive feedback (and hence revenue) received. ", "As this optimal selection is a-priori unknown, the process [is often]{} modeled as an online learning problem in which a probability distribution (from which one selects content) is maintained and updated according to the feedback [@pandey2006handling]. ", "As such, as the content selection algorithms learn more about a user, the corresponding probability distributions tend to become sparse (i.e., concentrate the mass on a small subset of entries); the hypothesis is that this is what leads to extreme personalization in which content feeds skew entirely to a single type of content. ", "To counter this, we introduce a notion of *online group fairness*, in which we require that the probability distribution from which content is sampled satisfies certain fairness constraints [*at all time steps*]{}; this ensures that the probability vectors do not become sparse (or specialize) to a *single* group and thus the content shown to different types of users is not sparse across groups. ", "Subsequently, we present our model where we do not fix a notion of fairness, as this could depend on the application; instead, our framework allows for the specification of types or sensitive attributes, groups, and fairness constraints (in a similar spirit as [@yang2016measuring]). ", "Unlike previous work, our model can capture general class of constraints; we give a few important examples showing how it can incorporate prevalent discrimination metrics. ", "At the same time, the constraints remain linear and allow us to leverage the bandit optimization framework. ", "While there are several polynomial time algorithms for this setting, the challenge is to come up with a [*practical*]{} algorithm for this constrained bandit setting. ", "Our main technical contribution is to show how an adaptation of an existing algorithm for the unconstrained bandit setting, along with the special structure of our constraints, can lead to a scalable algorithm (with provable guarantees) for the resulting computational problem of [ maximizing revenue while satisfying fairness constraints]{}. ", "Finally, we experimentally evaluate our model and algorithms on both synthetic and real-world data sets. [", "Our algorithms approach the theoretical optimum in the constrained setting on both synthetic and real-world data sets and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}is very fast in practice. ", "We study how guaranteeing a fixed amount of fairness with respect to standard fairness metrics (e.g., [*Risk Difference*]{}) affects revenue on the YOW Dataset [@zhang2005bayesian] and a synthetic dataset. ", "For instance, we observe that for ensuring that the risk difference is less than $1-x$ for $x < \\nicefrac{1}{2}$, our algorithms lose roughly $20x\\%$ in revenue. ", "Similarly, to satisfy the 80% rule often used in regal rulings [@DisparateImpactBook], we lose less than 5% in revenue in our synthetic experiments. ", "Our results show that ensuring fairness is not necessarily at odds with maximizing revenue.]{}", "\n\n![[", "The content selection algorithm decides what to show to the user and the feedback received from similar users. ", "Different colors represent different types of content, e.g., news stories that lean republican vs. democrat. ", "Feedback could be past likes, purchases or follows.]{}[]{data-label=\"fig:setting\"}](settingV2.png){width=\"0.6\\linewidth\"}\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n ![ (", "a) Existing algorithms can perpetuate systemic bias by presenting different types of content to different types of users. (", "b) Our proposed solution satisfies the fairness constraints and does not allow extreme differences in the types of content presented to different users. ", "Different colors in the content represent different groups, e.g., ads for high vs low paying jobs. ", "Our fair content selection algorithm does not permit extreme biases while personalizing content.[]{data-label=\"fig:bias_fair\"}](biasV2.png \"fig:\"){width=\"0.5\\columnwidth\"} \\[fig:bias\\] ![ (", "a) Existing algorithms can perpetuate systemic bias by presenting different types of content to different types of users. (", "b) Our proposed solution satisfies the fairness constraints and does not allow extreme differences in the types of content presented to different users. ", "Different colors in the content represent different groups, e.g., ads for high vs low paying jobs. ", "Our fair content selection algorithm does not permit extreme biases while personalizing content.[]{data-label=\"fig:bias_fair\"}](fairV2.png \"fig:\"){width=\"0.5\\columnwidth\"}\n \\[fig:fair\\] (a) (b)\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n**Bandit Optimization and Personalization**\n===========================================\n\nAlgorithms for the general problem of [displaying content]{} to users largely fall within the multi-armed bandit framework, and *stochastic contextual bandits* in particular [@BanditBook]. ", "At each time step $t = 1, \\ldots, T$, a user views a [page]{} (e.g., Facebook, Twitter or Google News), the user’s *context* $s^t$ (that lies in a set $\\mathcal S$) is given as input, and one [piece of content]{} (or *arm*) $a^t \\in [k]$ must be selected to be displayed. ", "A random *reward* $r_{a^t, s^t}$ (hereafter denoted by $r_{a,s}^t$ for readability), which depends on both the given user context and the type of the selected [content]{} is then received. [", "This reward captures resulting clicks, purchases, or time spent viewing the given content and depends not only on the type of user $s$ (e.g., men may be more likely to click on a sports article) but also on the content $a$ itself (e.g., some news articles have higher quality or appeal than others).]{}", "\n\nMore formally, at each time step $t$, a sample $(s^t, r_{1,s}^t, \\ldots, r_{k,s}^t)$ is drawn from an unknown distribution $\\mathcal D$, the context $s^t \\in \\mathcal S$ is revealed, the player (the content selection algorithm in this case) selects an arm $a \\in [k]$ and receives reward $r_{a,s}^t \\in [0,1]$. As is standard in the literature, we assume that the $r_{a,s}$s are drawn independently across $a$ and $t$ (and not necessarily $s$). ", "The rewards $r_{a^\\prime,s^\\prime}$ for any $a^\\prime \\neq a$ and $s^\\prime \\neq s$ are assumed to be [*unknown*]{} – indeed, there is no way to observe what a user’s actions [would have been]{} had a different [piece of content]{} been displayed, or what a different user would have done.", "\n\nThe algorithm computes a probability distribution $p^{t}$ over the [arms]{} based on the previous observations $(s^1, a^1, r_{a,s}^1), \\ldots, (s^{t-1},a^{t-1},r_{a,s}^{t-1})$ and the current user type $s^{t}$, and then selects [arm]{} $a^t \\sim p^t$; as $p^t$ depends on the context $s^t$, we often write $p^t(s^t)$ for clarity. ", "The goal is to select $p^t(s^t)$s in order to maximize the cumulative rewards, and the efficacy of such an algorithm is measured with respect to how well it minimizes *regret* – the difference between the algorithm’s reward and the reward obtained from the (unknown) optimal policy. ", "Formally, let $f: \\mathcal S \\to [k]$ be a mapping from contexts to [arms]{}, and let $f^\\star := \\arg\\max_{f} \\mathbb E_{(s,\\vec{r})\\sim\\mathcal D} [r_{f(s),s}];$ i.e., $f^\\star$ is the policy that selects the best arm in expectation for each context. ", "Then, the regret is defined as $ \\mathsf{Regret}_T := T \\cdot \\mathbb E_{(s,\\vec{r})\\sim\\mathcal D} [r_{f^\\star(s),s}] - \\sum_{t=1}^T r_{a,s}^t. ", "$ Note that the regret is a random variable as $a^t$ depends not only the draws from $p^t$, but also on the realized *history* of samples $ \\{(s^t, a^t, r_{a,s}^t)\\}_{t=1}^T$.\n\nOur Model\n=========\n\nWe would like a model that can guarantee fairness with respect to sensitive attributes of content in the bandit framework used for personalization. ", "Guaranteeing such [*group fairness*]{} would involve controlling disproportionate representation across the sensitive attributes. ", "Towards defining our notion of group fairness, let $G_1,$ $\\ldots,$ $G_g \\subseteq [k]$ be $g$ *groups* of [content]{}. [", "For instance the $G_i$s could be a partition (e.g., “republican-leaning” news articles, “democratic-leaning”, and “neutral”). ", "An important feature of bandit algorithms, which ends up being the root cause of bias, is that the probability distribution converges to the action with the best expected reward for each context; i.e., the entire probability mass in each context ends up on a single group. ", "This leads to an effect where different users may be shown very different ad groups and can be problematic when it leads to observed outcomes such as only showing minimum-wage jobs to disenfranchised populations.]{} ", "In Section \\[sec:metrics-app\\], we show that many metrics for discrimination or bias boil down to quantifying how different these probability distributions across groups can be. ", "Thus, finding a mechanism to control these probability distributions would ensure fairness with respect to many metrics.", "\n\n **Algorithm** **Per iteration Running time** **Regret Bound**\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------\n [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Confidence-Ball$_2$</span>]{}[@dani2008stochastic] NP-Hard problem $O\\left(\\frac{k^2}{\\gamma} \\log^3 T\\right)$\n [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">OFUL</span>]{}[@YA2011] NP-Hard problem $\\tilde{O}\\left(\\frac{1}{\\gamma}\\left(k^2+\\log^2T\\right)\\right)$\n [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Confidence-Ball$_1$</span>]{}[@dani2008stochastic] $O\\left(k^\\omega\\right) + 2k$ LP-s $O\\left(\\frac{k^3}{\\gamma} \\log^3 T\\right)$\n [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}(Algorithm \\[algo:foful\\]) $O\\left(k^\\omega\\right) + 2k$ LP-s $\\tilde{O}\\left(\\frac{k}{\\gamma}\\left(k^2+\\log^2T\\right)\\right)$\n [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}(Algorithm \\[algo:epsgreedy\\]) $O\\left(1\\right) + 1$ LP $O\\left(\\frac{k}{\\gamma^2} \\log T\\right)$\n\n : The complexity and problem-dependent regret bounds for various algorithms when the decision set is a polytope. []{", "data-label=\"table:comparison\"}\n\nThis motivates our definition of *group fairness constraints*. ", "For each group $G_i$, let $\\ell_i$ be a lower bound and $u_i$ be an upper bound on the amount of probability mass that the content selection algorithm can place on this group. ", "Formally, we impose the following constraints: $$\\label{eq:fair}\n \\ell_i \\leq \\sum_{a \\in G_i} p^t_a(s) \\leq u_i \\;\\;\\;\\; \\forall i \\in [g], \\forall t \\in [T], \\forall s \\in \\mathcal S.$$ The bounds $\\ell_i$s and $u_i$s provide a handle with which we can ensure that the probability mass placed on any given group is neither too high nor too low at each time step. ", "Rather than fixing the values of $u_i$s and $\\ell_i$s, we allow them to be specified as input. ", "This allows one to control the extent of group fairness depending on the application, and hence (indirectly) encode bounds on a wide variety of existing fairness metrics. ", "This typically involves translating the fairness metric parameters into concrete values of $\\ell_i$s and $u_i$s; see Section \\[sec:metrics-app\\] for several examples. ", "For instance, given $\\beta>0$, by setting $u_i$s and $\\ell_i$s such that $u_i-\\ell_i\\leq \\beta$ for all $i$, we can ensure that, what is referred to as, the [*risk difference*]{} is bounded by $\\beta$. An additional feature of our model is that no matter what the group structures, or the lower and upper bounds are, the constraints are always convex.", "\n\nImportantly, note that unlike ignoring user contexts entirely, the constraints still allow for personalization *across* groups. ", "For instance, if the groups are republican (R) vs democrat (D) articles, and the user contexts are known republicans (r) or democrats (d), we may require that $p^t_{\\mbox{R}}(\\cdot) \\leq 0.75$ and $p^t_{\\mbox{D}}(\\cdot) \\leq 0.75$ for all $t$. This ensures that extreme polarization cannot occur – at least 25% of the articles a republican is presented with will be democrat-leaning. ", "Despite these constraints, personalization at the group level can still occur, e.g., by letting $p_{\\mbox{R}}^t(\\mbox{r}) = 0.75$ and $p_{\\mbox{R}}^t(\\mbox{d}) = 0.25$. Furthermore, this framework allows for complete personalization *within* a group; e.g., the republican-leaning articles shown to republicans and democrats may differ. ", "This is crucial as the utility maximizing republican articles for a republican may differ than the utility maximizing republican articles for a democrat. ", "To the best of our knowledge, such fairness constraints are novel for personalization. ", "Here the constraints allow us to addresses the concerns illustrated in our motivating examples.", "\n\nThe next question we address is how to measure an algorithm’s performance against the best *fair* solution. [", "^3] We say that a probability distribution $p$ on $[k]$ is *fair* if it satisfies the upper and lower bound constraints in , and let $\\mathcal C$ be the set of all such probability distributions. ", "Note that given the linear nature of the constraints, the set $\\cC$ is a polytope. ", "Let $\\mathcal B$ be the set of functions $g: \\mathcal S \\to [0,1]^k$ such that $g(s) \\in \\mathcal C$; i.e., all $g \\in \\mathcal B$ satisfy the fairness constraints. ", "Further, we let $g^\\star := \\arg\\max_{g \\in \\mathcal B} \\mathbb E_{(s,\\vec{r})\\sim\\mathcal D} [r_{g(s),s}];$ i.e., $g^\\star$ is the policy that selects the best arm in expectation for each context. ", "An algorithm is said to be fair if it only selects $p^t(s^t) \\in \\mathcal C$. ", "Thus, the *fair regret* for such an algorithm can be defined as $ \\mathsf{FairRegret}_T := T \\cdot \\mathbb E_{(s,\\vec{r})\\sim\\mathcal D} [r_{g^\\star(s),s}] - \\sum_{t=1}^T r_{a^t,s^t}.$\n\nOther Related Work\n==================\n\nStudies considering notions of group fairness such as [statistical parity]{}, [disparate impact]{}, and others mentioned above (see, e.g., [@kamiran2009classifying; @feldman2015certifying]), apply these metrics the *offline* problem; in our setting this would correspond to enforcing $p^T(s)$ to be roughly the same for all $s$, but would leave the intermediary $p^t(s)$ for $t < T$ unrestricted. ", "A subtle point is that most notions of (offline) group fairness primarily consider the selection or classification of groups of *users*; in our context, while the goal is still fairness towards users, the selection is over *content*. ", "However, as the constraints necessary to attain fairness remain on the selection process, we use the terminology *online group fairness* to highlight these parallels. ", "In a completely different bandit setting, a recent work [@joseph2016fairness] defined a notion of *online individual fairness* which, in our language, restricts $p^t$s so that all *arms* are treated equally by only allowing the probability of one arm to be more than another if we are reasonably certain that it is better than the other. ", "When the arms correspond to *users* and not content such individual fairness is indeed important, but for the personalized setting the requirement is both too strong (we are only concerned with *groups* of content) and too weak (it still allows for convergence to different groups for different contexts). ", "Other constrained bandit settings that encode *global* knapsack-like constraints (and locally place no restriction on $p^t$) have also been considered; see, e.g., [@agrawal2016linear]. ", "Our two fair bandit algorithms build on the calssic work of [@auer2002finite] and works on linear bandit optimization over convex sets [@dani2008stochastic; @YA2011].", "\n\nAlgorithmic Results\n===================\n\nWe present two algorithms that attempt to minimize regret in the presence of fairness constraints. ", "Recall that our fairness constraints are linear and the reward function linear.", "\n\nFor each arm $a \\in [k]$ and each context $s \\in \\mathcal{S}$, let its mean reward be $\\mu^\\star_{a,s}$. Our algorithms do not assume any relation between different contexts and, hence, function independently for each context. ", "Thus, we describe them for the case of a single fixed context. ", "In this case, the unknown parameters are the expectations of each arm $\\mu^\\star_a$ for $a \\in [k]$. We assume that the reward for the $t$-th time step is sampled from a Bernoulli distribution with probability of success $\\mu^\\star_{a^t}.$ In fact, the reward can be sampled from any bounded distribution with the above mean; we explain this further in Section \\[sec:proofs\\_fofulreg\\]. ", "For this setting, we present two different algorithms, [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}(Algorithm \\[algo:foful\\]) and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}(Algorithm \\[algo:epsgreedy\\]): the first has a better regret, and the second a better running time. ", "The latter fact, as we discuss a bit later, is due to the special structure arising in our model when compared to the general linear bandit setting.", "\n\nGiven the description of $\\mathcal{C}$ and the sequence of rewards, the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}algorithm, run for $T$ iterations, has the following fair regret bound for each context $s \\in \\cS$: $\\mathbb{E}\\left[{\\sf FairRegret}_T\\right]=O\\left(\\frac{k}{\\gamma} \\left(\\log^2T + k\\log T + k^2\\log\\log T \\right)\\right),$ where the expectation is taken over the histories and $a^t \\sim p^t$, and $\\gamma$ depends on $(\\mu^\\star_{a})_{a \\in [k]}$ and $\\mathcal{C}$ as defined in . ", "\\[theorem:fofulreg\\]\n\n\\[thm:epsgreedy\\] Given the description of $\\cC$, a fair probability distribution $q_f \\in \\left\\{q : B_{\\infty}(q,\\eta) \\subset \\mathcal{C} \\right\\}$, and the sequence of rewards, the ${\\textsc{Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy}\\xspace}$ algorithm, run for $T$ iterations, has the following fair regret bound for each context $s \\in \\mathcal{S}$: $\\mathbb{E}\\left[{\\sf FairRegret}_T\\right] = \\nonumber O \n \\left( \\frac{\\log T}{\\eta \\gamma^2} \\right),\n$ where ${\\varepsilon}_t = \\min\\{1,\\nicefrac{4}{(\\eta d^2t)}\\}$ and $d = \\min\\{\\gamma, \\nicefrac{1}{2}\\}$.[^4] \\[theorem:epsgreedy\\]\n\nThe quantity $\\gamma$ is the difference between the maximum and the second maximum of the expected reward with respect to the $\\mu^\\star$s over the vertices of the polytope $\\mathcal{C}$. Formally, let $V(\\mathcal{C})$ denote the set of vertices of $\\mathcal{C}$ and $v^\\star := \\arg\\max_{v \\in V(\\mathcal{C})} \\sum_{a \\in [k]} \\mu^\\star_a v_a.$ Then, $$\\label{eq:gamma}\n \\gamma:= \\sum_{a \\in [k]} \\mu^\\star_a v_a^\\star - \\max_{v \\in V(\\mathcal{C}) \\backslash v^\\star} \\sum_{a \\in [k]} \\mu^\\star_a v_a.$$ For general convex sets, $\\gamma$ can be $0$ and the regret bound can at best only be $\\sqrt{T}$ [@dani2008stochastic]. ", "As our fairness constraints result in a $\\mathcal{C}$ is a polytope, unless there are degeneracies, $\\gamma$ is non-zero. ", "In general, $\\gamma$ may be hard to estimate theoretically. ", "However, for the settings in which we conduct our experiments on, we observe that the value of $\\gamma$ is reasonably large. ", "In traditional algorithms for Multi-Armed bandits, when the probability space is unconstrained, it suffices to solve $\\argmax_{i \\in [k]} \\tilde{\\mu}_i$, where $\\tilde{\\mu}_i$ is an estimate for the mean reward of the $i$-th arm. ", "It can be an optimistic estimate for the arm mean in case of the UCB algorithm [@auer2002finite], a sample drawn from the normal distribution with the mean set as the empirical mean for the Thompson Sampling algorithm [@agrawal2012analysis] etc. ", "When the probability distribution is constrained to lie in a polytope $\\cC$, instead of a maximum over the arm mean estimates, we need to solve $\\argmax_{p \\in \\cC} \\tilde{\\mu}^\\top p$. This necessitates the use of a linear program for any algorithm operating in this fashion. ", "At every iteration, [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}solves $2k$ LP-s, and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}solves one LP.", "\n\n[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}thus offers major improvements in running time over [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}. ", "The regret bound of Algorithm \\[algo:epsgreedy\\] has better dependence on $k$ and $T$, but is worse by a factor of $\\nicefrac{1}{\\gamma}$, as compared to Algorithm \\[algo:foful\\]; see [Table \\[table:comparison\\]]{}. ", "We now give overviews of the both the algorithms. ", "The full proofs of Theorems \\[theorem:fofulreg\\] and \\[theorem:epsgreedy\\] appear in Sections \\[sec:proofs\\_fofulreg\\] and \\[sec:proofs\\_epsgreedy\\] respectively.", "\n\n[ Constraint set $\\cC$, maximum failure probabilty $\\delta$, an $L_2$-norm bound on $\\mu^\\star$: $\\norm{\\mu^\\star}_2 \\leq \\sigma$ and a positive integer $T$ Initialize $V_1 := \\cI,$ $\\hat{\\mu}_1 := 0,$ and $b_1 := 0$ Compute [${\\beta_t(\\delta)} := \\left(\\sqrt{2\\log\\left(\\frac{\\det(V_t)}{\\delta}\\right)^\\frac{1}{2}} + \\sigma \\right)^2$]{} Denote [$B_t^1 := \\left\\{\\mu : \\norm{\\mu - \\hat{\\mu}_t}_{1, V_t} \\leq \\sqrt{k\\beta_t(\\delta)}\\right\\}$]{} Compute [$p^t := \\argmax_{p \\in \\cC} \\max_{\\mu \\in B_t^1} \\mu^\\top p$]{} Sample $a$ from the probability distribution $p^t$ Update [$V_{t+1} := V_t + p^t{p^t}^\\top$ ]{} Update [$b_{t+1} := b_t + r_tp^t$]{} Update [$\\hat{\\mu}_{t+1} := V_{t+1}^{-1}b_{t+1}$]{} ]{}\n\n#### <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$\\boldsymbol{L_1}$-OFUL</span>.", "\n\nAt any given time $t$, [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}maintains a regularized least-squares estimate for the optimal reward vector $\\mu^\\star$, which is denoted by $\\hat{\\mu}_t$. At each time step $t$, the algorithm first constructs a suitable confidence set $B_t^1$ around $\\hat{\\mu}_t$. Roughly, the definition of this set ensures that the confidence ball is “flatter” in the directions already explored by the algorithm so it has more likelihood of picking a probability vector from unexplored directions. ", "The algorithm chooses a probability distribution $p^t$ by solving a linear program on each of the $2k$ vertices of this confidence set, and plays an arm $a^t \\sim p^t$. Recall that for each arm $a\\in[k]$, the mean reward is $\\mu^\\star_a\\in[0,1]$. The reward for each time step is generated as $r_t\\sim\\text{Bernoulli}(\\mu^\\star_{a^t})$, where $a^t \\sim p^t$ is the arm the algorithm chooses at the $t^{th}$ time instant. ", "The algorithm observes this reward and updates its estimate to $\\hat{\\mu}_{t+1}$ for the next time-step appropriately. [", "<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}(Algorithm \\[algo:foful\\]) is an adaptation of the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">OFUL</span>]{}algorithm that appeared in [@YA2011]. ", "The key difference is that instead of using a scaled $L_2$-ball in each iteration, we use a a scaled $L_1$-ball (Step 4 in Algorithm \\[algo:foful\\]). ", "As we explain below, this makes Step 5 of our algorithm efficient as opposed to that of [@YA2011] where the equivalent step required solving a NP-hard and nonconvex optimization problem. ", "This idea is similar to how [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Confidence-Ball$_2$</span>]{}was adapted to [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Confidence-Ball$_1$</span>]{}in [@dani2008stochastic]. ", "In particular, our algorithm improves, by a multiplicative factor of $O\\left(\\log T\\right)$, the regret bound of $\\left(O\\left(\\frac{k^3}{\\gamma} \\log^3 T\\right)\\right)$ of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Confidence-Ball$_1$</span>]{}in [@dani2008stochastic], see Table \\[table:comparison\\].", "\n\nWe show that the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}algorithm can be implemented in time polynomial in $k$ at each iteration. ", "Apart from Step 4, where we need to find $\\argmax_{p \\in \\cC}\\max_{\\mu \\in B_t^1}\\mu^\\top p,\n$ the other steps are quite easy to implement efficiently. ", "For Step 4, we assume oracle access to a linear programming algorithm which can efficiently (in poly($k$) time) compute $\\argmax_{p \\in \\cC}\\mu^\\top p$. (where $\\mu$ is the input to the oracle). ", "We first change the order of the maximization, i.e., $\\max_{p \\in \\cC} \\max_{\\mu \\in B_t^1} \\mu^\\top p = \\max_{\\mu \\in B_t^1} \\max_{p \\in \\cC} \\mu^\\top p$. Using the linear programming oracle, we can solve the inner maximization problem of finding $\\max_{p \\in \\cC} \\mu^\\top p$ for any given value of $\\mu$. It is enough to solve this at the $2k$ vertices of $B_t^1$ and take the maximum of these as our value of $\\max_{p \\in \\cC} \\max_{\\mu \\in B_t^1}\\mu^\\top p$, since one of these $2k$ vertices would be the maximum. ", "The value of $p$ corresponding to this maximum value would be the required value $\\argmax_{p \\in \\cC}\\max_{\\mu \\in B_t^1}\\mu^\\top p$. Thus, in $2k$ calls to this oracle, we can find the desired probability distribution $p^t$.\n\nNote that in order to find the value of $\\det V_{t+1}$ and $V_{t+1}^{-1}$ in Steps 3 and 10 of the algorithm, we can perform rank-one updates by using the well-known Sherman-Morrison formula, which bring down the complexity for these steps to $O(k^2)$ from $O(k^3)$, since we already know the value of $\\det V_{t}$ and $V_{t}^{-1}$.\n\n[ Constraint set $\\cC$, a fair probability distribution $q_f \\in \\left\\{q : B_{\\infty}(q,\\eta) \\subset \\mathcal{C} \\right\\}$, a positive integer $T$, a constant $L$ that controls the exploration Initialize $\\bar{\\mu}_1 := 0$ Update ${\\varepsilon}_t := \\min\\{1,\\nicefrac{4}{(\\eta L^2t)}\\}$ Compute [$p^t := \\argmax_{p \\in \\cC} \\bar{\\mu}_t^\\top p$]{} Sample $a$ from the probability distribution $(1-{\\varepsilon}_t)p^t + {\\varepsilon}_t q_f$ Update empirical mean [$\\bar{\\mu}_{t+1}$]{} ]{}\n\n#### <span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\boldsymbol{\\varepsilon}$-Greedy</span>.", "\n\nCompared to [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}, instead of maintaining a least-squares estimate of the optimal reward vector $\\mu^\\star$, [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}]{} maintains an empirical mean estimate of it denoted by $\\bar{\\mu}_t$. The algorithm, with probability $1-\\eps$ chooses the probability distribution $p^t = \\argmax_{p \\in \\cC}\\bar{\\mu}^\\top p $, and with probability $\\eps$ it samples from a feasible fair distribution $q_f \\in \\mathcal{C}$ in the $\\eta$-interior. ", "It then plays an arm $a^t \\sim p^t$. The reward for each time step is generated as $r_t\\sim\\text{Bernoulli}(\\mu^\\star_{a^t})$, where $a^t \\sim p^t$ is the arm the algorithm chooses at the $t^{th}$ time instant. ", "The algorithm observes this reward and updates its estimate to $\\bar{\\mu}_{t+1}$ for the next time-step appropriately. ", "Maintaining an empirical mean estimate instead of a least-squares estimate, and solving only one linear program instead of $2k$ linear programs at every iteration causes the main decrease in running time compared to [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}. [", "<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}is a variant of the classical ${\\varepsilon}$-Greedy approach [@auer2002finite]. ", "Recall that in our setting, an arm is an ad (corner of the $k$-dimensional simplex) and not a vertex of the polytope $\\mathcal{C}$. The polytope $\\mathcal{C}$ sits inside this simplex and may have exponentially many vertices. ", "This is not that case in the setting of [@dani2008stochastic; @YA2011] – there may not be any ambient simplex in which their polytope sits, and even if there is, they do not use this additional information about which vertex of the simplex was chosen at each time $t$. Thus, while they are forced to maintain confidence intervals of rewards for all the points in $\\mathcal{C}$, this speciality in our model allows us to get away by maintaining confidence intervals only for the $k$ arms (vertices of the simplex) and then use these intervals to obtain a confidence interval for any point in $\\mathcal{C}$. Similar to ${\\varepsilon}$-Greedy, if we choose each arm enough number of times, we can build a good confidence interval around the mean of the reward for each arm. ", "The difference is that instead of converging to the optimal arm, our constraints maintain the point inside $\\mathcal{C}$ and it converges to a vertex of $\\mathcal{C}$. To ensure that we choose each arm with high probability, we fix a fair point $q_f \\in \\eta$-interior of $\\mathcal{C}$ and sample from the point $(1-\\eps)p^t + \\eps q_f$. Then, as in ${\\varepsilon}$-Greedy, we proceed by bounding the regret showing that if the confidence-interval is tight enough, the optimal of LP with true mean $\\mu^\\star$ and LP with the empirical mean $\\bar{\\mu}$ does not change.", "\n\n**Solving the LP.** ", "In both [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}, if the “groups” in the constraint set form a partition, one can solve the linear program in $O(k)$ time via a simple greedy algorithm. ", "This is because, since each part is separate, the decision of how much probability mass goes to which group can be decided by a simple greedy process and, once that is decided, how to distribute the probability mass within each group can be also done trivially using a greedy strategy. ", "This can be extended to [*laminar*]{} family of constraints and we can solve the LP step in $O(gk)$ time exactly. ", "We provide more details in Section \\[sec:laminar\\]. ", "For general group structures, given that the constraints are of packing/covering type, we believe that the algorithm of [@AllenZhuOrecchia] may be useful to obtain a fast and approximate LP solver.", "\n\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- --\n [![", "image](synthetic_lowerbound_varied_1000.png){width=\"45.00000%\"}]{} [![", "image](synthetic_alpha_varied.png){width=\"45.00000%\"}]{} \n $\\qquad \\; \\;$(a) $\\qquad \\;\\;$(b) \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- --\n\nEmpirical Results {#sec:experiments}\n=================\n\nIn this section we describe experimental evaluations of our algorithms when run on various constraint settings of our model on rewards derived both synthetically and from real-world data. ", "In each experiment we report the normalized cumulative reward for each of the following algorithms and benchmarks:\n\n- [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Naive</span>]{}]{}. ", "As a baseline, we consider a simple algorithm that satisfies the constraints as follows: For each group $i$, with probability $\\ell_i$ it selects an arm uniformly at random from $G_i$, then, with any remaining probability, it selects an arm uniformly at random from the entire collection $[k]$ while respecting the upper bound constraints $u_i$.\n\n- [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Unc</span>]{}]{}. ", "For comparison, we also depict the performance of the *unconstrained* [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}algorithm (in which we let $\\mathcal{C}$ be the set of [*all*]{} probability distributions over $[k]$).", "\n\n- [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}]{}. ", "At each time step, given the probability distribution $p^t$ specified by the unconstrained [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}algorithm, take the largest $\\theta \\in [0,1]$ such that selecting an arm with probability $\\theta \\cdot p^t$ does not violate the fairness constraints. ", "With the remaining probability $(1-\\theta)$ it follows the same procedure as in [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Naive</span>]{}to select an arm at *random* subject to the fairness constraints.", "\n\n- [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}]{}. ", "Our implementation of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}with the given fairness constraints as input.", "\n\n- [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}]{}. ", "Our implementation of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy</span>]{}with the given fairness constraints as input[^5].", "\n\n- [[<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Opt</span>]{}]{}. ", "For comparison, we often depict the performance of the hypothetical *optimal* probability distribution, subject to the fairness constraints, that we could have used had we known the reward vector [$\\mu^\\star$]{} for the arms a-priori. ", "Note that this optimal distribution is easy to compute via a simple greedy algorithm; it simply places the most probability mass that satisfies the constraints on the best arm, the most probability mass remaining on the second-best arm subject to the constraints, and so on and so forth until the entire probability mass is exhausted.", "\n\nNote that [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}, [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}, and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Unc</span>]{}all use [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}as a subroutine; however only [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}take in the constraints as input, with [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}satisfying the fairness constraints via a different approach, and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Unc</span>]{}does not satisfy the fairness constraints at all.", "\n\nExperiments on Synthetic Data\n-----------------------------\n\n#### Synthetic Data.", "\n\nWe first consider a simple synthetic arm model in order to illustrate the tradeoffs between fairness, rewards, and arm structure. ", "We consider 2 groups, each containing 4 arms that give Bernoulli rewards. ", "When a user prefers one group over another, we decrease the rewards of the group they don’t like by a fixed value $\\alpha$. In the experiments, we let the mean of the rewards be $\\left[0.28, 0.46, 0.64, 0.82\\right]$, and let $\\alpha = .1$ unless specified otherwise.[^6] In each experiment we perform 100 repetitions and report the normalized cumulative reward after 1000 iterations; error bars represent the standard error of the mean.", "\n\n#### Effect of Fairness Constraints.", "\n\nAs there are only two groups, setting a lower bound constraint $\\ell_1 = \\zeta$ is equivalent to setting an upper bound constraint $u_2 = 1-\\zeta$. Hence, it suffices to see the effect as we vary the lower bounds. ", "We fix $\\alpha = .1$, and vary $\\ell_1 = \\ell_2 = \\ell$ from [0 to .5]{}; i.e., a completely unconstrained setting to a fully constrained one in which each group has exactly 50% probability of being selected.", "\n\nWe observe that, even for very small values of $\\ell$, the ${\\textsc{Fair-OFUL}\\xspace}$ and ${\\textsc{Fair-EPS}\\xspace }$ algorithms significantly outperform [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}. ", "Indeed, the performance of the ${\\textsc{Fair-OFUL}\\xspace}$ and ${\\textsc{Fair-EPS}\\xspace }$ algorithms is effectively the same as the performance of the (unattainable) hypothetical optimum, and is only worse than the unconstrained (and hence unfair) algorithm by an additive factor of approximately [$\\nicefrac{\\ell}{10}$]{}.", "\n\n#### Effect of Group Preference Strength.", "\n\nAn important parameter in the above model is the amount of reward lost when a user is shown items from a group that they do not prefer. ", "We fix $\\ell = .25$, and vary $\\alpha$ (the reward subtracted when choosing an arm from a non-preferred group) from [0 to .25]{}. ", "We note that even for very small values, e.g., $\\alpha = .05$, algorithms such as [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}attain significantly less reward, while ${\\textsc{Fair-OFUL}\\xspace}$ and ${\\textsc{Fair-EPS}\\xspace }$ are just slightly worse than the unconstrained (and hence unfair) algorithm. ", "As before, we note that ${\\textsc{Fair-OFUL}\\xspace}$ and ${\\textsc{Fair-EPS}\\xspace }$ perform almost as well as the unattainable optimum, and are only worse than the unconstrained (and hence unfair) algorithm by an additive factor of approximately [$\\nicefrac{\\alpha}{4}$]{}.", "\n\nExperiments on Real-World Data\n------------------------------\n\n#### Dataset.", "\n\nWe consider the YOW dataset [@zhang2005bayesian] which contained data from a collection of 24 paid users who read 5921 unique articles over a 4 week time period. ", "The dataset contains the time at which each user read an article, a \\[0-5\\] rating for each article read by each user, and (optional) user-generated categories of articles viewed. ", "We use this data to construct reward distributions for several different contexts (corresponding to different types of users) on a larger set of arms (corresponding to different articles with varying quality) of different types of content (corresponding to groups) that one can expect to see online.", "\n\nWe first created a simple ontology to categorize the 10010 user-generated labels into a total of $g = 7$ groups of content: Science, Entertainment, Business, World, Politics, Sports, and USA. ", "We then removed all articles that did not have a unique label, in addition to any remaining articles that did not fit this ontology. ", "This left us with 3403 articles, each belonging to a single group. ", "We removed all users who did not view at least 100 of these articles; this left 21 users. ", "We think of each user as a single context. ", "We observe that on average there are $k=81$ unique articles in a day, and take this to be the number of “arms” in our experiment. ", "The number of articles $k_i$ in group $G_i$ is simply the average number of unique articles observed from that group in a day. ", "Lastly, we note that the articles suggested to users in the original experiment were selected via a recommendation system tailored for each user. ", "We note that some users rarely, if ever, look at certain categories at any point in the 4 weeks; the difference in the % of User Likes (see [Table \\[tab:data\\]]{}) suggests that some amount of polarization, either extrinsic or intrinsic, is present in the data. ", "This makes it an interesting dataset to work with, and is, in a sense, a worst-case setup for our experiment – we take the pessimistic view that presenting content from un-viewed categories gives a user 0 reward (see below), yet we attempt to enforce fairness by presenting these categories anyway.", "\n\n#### Experimental Setup.", "\n\nLet $\\rho_a$ be the rating of article $a \\in [k]$, given by averaging all of the ratings it received across all users; we consider this to be the underlying quality of an article. ", "The quality of our arms are determined as follows: for a group $i$ with $|G_i|$ articles, we split the articles into $k_i$ buckets containing the $|G_i|/k_i$ lowest rated articles, 2nd lowest, and so on; call each such bucket $G_i^h$ for $h \\in [k_i]$. Then, we let the score of arm $h \\in [k_i]$ in group $i$ be $\\rho_{i,h} = \\frac{\\sum_{a \\in G_i^h} \\rho_a}{|G_i^h|}.$ This gives the underlying arm qualities for our simulations. ", "To determine the user preferences across groups, we first calculate the probability of an article being of category *i*, given that a given user $u$ has read the article; formally, $q_i^u = \\P{ a \\in G_i | \\mbox{user $u$ viewed $a$}}.$ We let the *average reward* of arm $h$ in group $G_i$ for a user $u$ be $\\left({\\mu^\\star}\\right)_{i,h}^u = q_i^u\\cdot \\rho_{i,h}.$ We normalize the average rewards for each user to lie in \\[0.1,0.9\\], and assume that when we select an arm we receive its average reward plus 0-mean noise drawn from a truncated Normal distribution $\\overline{\\mathcal N}(0,0.05)$ which is truncated such that the rewards always lie within $(0,1)$.\n\nWe have 21 users, each of which we think of as a different context. ", "We report the normalized cumulative reward averaged across all users for each of the algorithms described above. ", "Error bars depict the standard error of the mean.", "\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --\n [![", "image](real_world_2000_upper_bound.png){width=\"45.00000%\"}]{} [![", "image](real_world_10000_convergence.png){width=\"44.00000%\"}]{} \n $\\qquad\\;\\;$(a) $\\qquad\\;\\; $ (b) \n ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --\n\nWe consider the risk difference fairness metric (see Section \\[sec:metrics-app\\]), and study how guaranteeing a fixed amount of fairness affects the normalized cumulative reward. ", "Note that, if $\\ell_i = \\ell$ and $u_i = u$ for all $i$, then the risk difference is upper bounded by $u - \\ell$, where 1 is the most unfair (users can be served completely different groups) and 0 is the most fair (all users see the same proportion of each group). ", "Thus, for any fixed value $x$ of the risk difference, any $u-\\ell = x$ satisfies the guarantee. ", "We consider the extreme setting where $\\ell = 0$ and we vary only the upper bound $u$ in order to satisfy the desired amount of fairness (see Figure \\[fig:realworld\\]).[^7] We observe that across the board [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}outperform [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}. ", "However, for the tightest constraints, none give much of an advantage over the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Naive</span>]{}algorithm. ", "As discussed above, this is due to the pessimistic nature of our reward estimates where we assume that if a viewer does not prefer a given category, they receive 0 reward from viewing such an article. ", "Hence, when enforcing strict constraints, the algorithm must take many such 0-reward decisions. ", "However, for more moderate constraints the performance improves significantly as compared to [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Naive</span>]{}. ", "Furthermore, this is where the advantage of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}as opposed to [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Ran</span>]{}can be seen; in effect, [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}optimize over the (non-zero) sub-optimal groups that the fairness constraints dictate, giving them an advantage over the other randomized approaches to satisfying fairness constraints.", "\n\nUnlike the synthetic data, there is now a gap between the performance of the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}, [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Opt</span>]{}algorithms; this is largely due to the fact that, with 81 arms, there is a higher learning cost. ", "Indeed, even in the completely unconstrained case, we see that [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Opt</span>]{}outperforms [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Unc</span>]{}by an additive gap of approximately $0.05$. We now compare the empirical regret and running time for [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}.", "\n\n#### Empirical Regret.", "\n\nWe note that [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}outperforms [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}for most settings with constraints. ", "This demonstrates the worse dependence of regret on $k$ for [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}. ", "While the regret of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}grows as $O\\left(k^3\\right)$ with the number of arms $k$, regret of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}grows as $O\\left(k\\right)$. In the case of 81 arms, the difference between [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}becomes apparent. ", "Given enough time, the normalized reward of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}does converge to [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Opt</span>]{}as predicted by [Theorem \\[theorem:fofulreg\\]]{} (we report the empirical convergence, for $\\ell = 0$ and $u = \\nicefrac{6}{7}$, in Figure \\[fig:realworld\\]b).", "\n\n#### Empirical Running Time.", "\n\nWith $\\ell = 0$, $u = \\nicefrac{6}{7}$, and $T=2000$, the empirical running time of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}is 3.9 seconds, whereas the empirical running time of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}is 187.7 seconds, which shows the efficiancy gains we have with ${\\textsc{Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy}\\xspace}$ as compared to ${\\textsc{$L_1$-OFUL}\\xspace}$.\n\nLastly, we observe that satisfying the same risk difference using upper bound constraints as opposed to lower bound constraints results in higher reward when the constraints are not tight. ", "This occurs, again, because of the pessimistic reward calculations – upper bound constraints allow more probability mass to be kept away from the 0-reward groups for longer while satisfying the same fairness guarantee. ", "In general, for a given fairness metric, there could be multiple ways of setting constraints to achieve the same fairness guarantee; an important open question that remains is how to optimize over these different possibilities.", "\n\nProofs\n======\n\nProof of Theorem \\[theorem:fofulreg\\] {#sec:proofs_fofulreg}\n-------------------------------------\n\nIn this section we prove Theorem \\[theorem:fofulreg\\]. ", "In fact we prove the following more precise version of it. ", "Since the bound is the same for any context $s \\in \\mathcal{S}$, we omit the context henceforth.", "\n\n\\[thm:main2\\] Given the description of $\\mathcal{C}$ and the sequence of rewards drawn from a $O(1)$-subgaussian distribution with the expectation vector $\\mu^\\star$. Assume that $\\norm{\\mu^\\star}_2 \\leq \\sigma$ for some $\\sigma \\geq 1$. Then, with probability at least $1-\\delta$, the regret of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}after time $T$ is: $$\\begin{aligned}\n &{\\sf FairRegret}_T \\leq \\frac{8k\\sigma^2}{\\gamma}\\bigg(\\log T + (k-1)\\log\\frac{64 \\sigma^2}{\\gamma^2} +\\\\\n & 2(k-1)\\log\\big(k\\log\\big(1 + \\nicefrac{T}{k}\\big) + 2\\log\\left(\\nicefrac{1}{\\delta}\\right)\\big)+ 2\\log\\left(\\nicefrac{1}{\\delta}\\right)\\bigg)^2.\\end{aligned}$$\n\n#### Notations for the proof.", "\n\nFor a positive definite matrix $A\\in\\bR^{k\\times k}$, the weighted $1$-norm and $2$-norm of a vector $x \\in \\bR^k$ is defined by $$\\norm{x}_{1,A} := \\sum_{i = 1}^k\\abs{A^{\\nicefrac{1}{2}}x}_i \\mbox{and} \\; \\; \\norm{x}_{2,A} := \\sqrt{x^\\top A x}.$$ Let $p^\\star := \\argmax _{p \\in \\mathcal{C}} \\langle \\mu^\\star, p\\rangle$. Let the instantaneous regret $R_t$ at time $t$ of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}be defined as the difference between the expected values of the reward received for $p^\\star$ and the chosen arm $p^t$: $$R_t= \\ip{\\mu^\\star}{p^\\star-p^t}.$$ The cumulative regret until time $T$, ${\\sf FairRegret}_T$, is defined as $\\sum_{t = 1}^{T}R_t$. Recall that $r^t$ is the reward that the algorithm receives at the $t$-th time instance. ", "Note that the expected value of reward $r^t$ is $\\ip{\\mu^\\star}{p^t}$. Let $$\\eta_t := r^t - \\ip{\\mu^\\star}{p^t}.$$ The fact that $r^t$ is $O(1)$-subgaussian implies that $\\eta_t$ is also $O(1)$-subgaussian. ", "Finally, recall that we denote our estimate of $\\mu^\\star$ at the $t$-th iteration by $\\hat{\\mu}_t$.\n\n#### Technical lemmas.", "\n\nTowards the proof of Theorem \\[thm:main2\\], we need some results from [@dani2008stochastic] and [@YA2011] that we restate in our setting. ", "The first is a theorem from [@YA2011] which helps us to prove that $\\mu^\\star$ lies in the confidence set $B_t^1$ at each time-step with high probability.", "\n\nAssume that the rewards are drawn from an $O(1)$-subgaussian distribution with the expectation vector $\\mu^\\star$. Then, for any $0 < \\delta < 1$, with probability at least $1-\\delta$, for all $t \\geq 0, \\mu^\\star$ lies in the set $$\\begin{aligned}\n B_t^2 := \\left\\{\\mu \\in \\bR^k : \\norm{\\mu - \\hat{\\mu}_t}_{2, V_t} \\leq \\sqrt{\\beta_t(\\delta)}\\right\\}\n \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\beta_t$ is defined in Step 5 of the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}algorithm. ", "\\[theorem:YAconf\\]\n\nAs a simple consequence of this theorem we prove that $\\mu^\\star$ lies inside $B_t^1$ with high probability.", "\n\n$\\mu^\\star$ lies in the confidence set $B_t^1$ with a probability at least $1-\\delta$ for all $t \\in T$. \\[lemma:confidenceset\\]\n\n$$\\begin{aligned}\n \\norm{\\mu^\\star - \\hat{\\mu}_t}_{1, V_t}\\leq \\sqrt{k}\\norm{\\mu^\\star - \\hat{\\mu}_t}_{2, V_t}\n \\leq \\sqrt{k\\beta_t(\\delta)},\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nHere, the first inequality follows from Cauchy-Schwarz and the second inequality holds with probability at least $1-\\delta$ for all $t$ due to Theorem \\[theorem:YAconf\\].", "\n\nThe following four lemmas would be required in the proof of our main theorem.", "\n\nFor all $\\mu \\in B_t^1$ (as defined in Step 6 of [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}) and all $p \\in \\cC$, we have: $$\\abs{(\\mu-\\hat\\mu_t)^\\top p} \\leq \\sqrt{k\\beta_t(\\delta)p^\\top V_t^{-1}p}$$ where $V_t$ is defined in Step 10 of the [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">$L_1$-OFUL</span>]{}algorithm. ", "\\[lemma:dani7\\]\n\nIf $\\mu^\\star \\in B_t^1$, then $$R_t \\leq 2\\min\\left(\\sqrt{k\\beta_t(\\delta)p^{t\\top} V_t^{-1}p^t}, 1\\right).$$ \\[lemma:dani8\\]\n\nLet $\\left\\{p^t\\right\\}_{t=1}^{T}$ be a sequence in $\\bR^k$, $V = \\cI_k$ be the $k\\times k$ identity matrix, and define $V_t := V + \\sum_{\\tau=1}^{t}p^{\\tau}p^{\\tau\\top}$. Then, we have that: $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\log\\det(V_T) \\leq \\sum_{t = 1}^{T}\\norm{p^t}_{V_{t-1}^{-1}}^2 \\leq 2\\log\\det(V_T).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ \\[lemma:ya11\\]\n\nFinally, we state another result from the proof of Theorem 5 in [@YA2011].", "\n\nFor any $T$, we have the following upper bound on the value of $\\frac{\\beta_T(\\delta)}{\\gamma}\\log\\det(V_T)$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n &\\frac{\\beta_T(\\delta)}{\\gamma}\\log\\det(V_T) \\leq \\frac{\\sigma^2}{\\gamma}\\bigg(\\log T + (k-1)\\log\\frac{64\\sigma^2}{\\gamma^2}\\\\\n &+2(k-1)\\log(k\\log\\left(1 + \\nicefrac{T}{k}\\right) + 2\\log(\\nicefrac{1}{\\delta}))+ 2\\log(\\nicefrac{1}{\\delta})\\bigg)^2\n \\end{aligned}$$ where $\\gamma$ is defined as in Equation \\[eq:gamma\\], $\\sigma$, $\\delta$ are as in Theorem \\[thm:main2\\]. ", "\\[lemma:appendixE\\]\n\n#### Proof of Theorem \\[thm:main2\\].", "\n\nStart by noting that $$\\begin{aligned}\n{\\sf FairRegret}_T=\\sum_{t=1}^T R_t \\leq \\sum_{t=1}^T \\frac{R_t^2} {\\gamma}. ", "\\tag{$0 < \\gamma \\leq R_t$}\\end{aligned}$$ From Lemma \\[lemma:confidenceset\\], we know that $\\mu^\\star$ lies in $B_t^1$ with probability at least $1-\\delta$. Hence, with probability at least $1-\\delta$, we have: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\sum_{t=1}^T\\frac{R_t^2}{\\gamma} &\\leq \\sum_{t=1}^T\\frac{4k\\beta_t(\\delta)}{\\gamma}\\norm{p^t}_{2, V_t^{-1}}^2 \\tag{from Lemma \\ref{lemma:dani8}}\\\\ \n&\\leq \\frac{4k\\beta_T(\\delta)}{\\gamma}\\sum_{t=1}^T\\norm{p^t}_{2, V_t^{-1}}^2 \\tag{since $\\beta_t$ is increasing with $t$}\\\\\n&\\leq \\frac{8k\\beta_T(\\delta)}{\\gamma}\\log\\det(V_T) \\tag{from the second ineq. ", "in Lemma \\ref{lemma:ya11}}.\\end{aligned}$$ To conclude the proof of the theorem, we combine the bound on ${\\sf FairRegret}_T$ with Lemma \\[lemma:appendixE\\] to give us the required upper bound on the RHS of the last inequality above: $$\\begin{aligned}\n&\\sum_{t=1}^TR_t \\leq \\frac{8k\\sigma^2}{\\gamma}\\bigg(\\log T + (k-1)\\log\\frac{64\\sigma^2}{\\gamma^2}+\\\\\n& 2(k-1)\\log(k\\log\\left(1 + \\nicefrac{T}{k}\\right) + 2\\log(\\nicefrac{1}{\\delta}))+ 2\\log(\\nicefrac{1}{\\delta})\\bigg)^2.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nProof of Theorem \\[theorem:epsgreedy\\] {#sec:proofs_epsgreedy}\n--------------------------------------\n\nNext, we give the proof of Theorem \\[theorem:epsgreedy\\].", "\n\nLet $v^\\star = [v^\\star_1,\\cdots,v^\\star_k]$ be the optimal probability. ", "Conditioned on the history at time $t$, the expected regret of the ${\\textsc{Constrained-$\\varepsilon$-Greedy}\\xspace}$ at iteration $t$ can be bounded as follows $$\\begin{aligned}\n R(t) &= \\mu^{\\star \\top} v^\\star - \\left( (1-{\\varepsilon}_t)\\mu^{\\star \\top} \\bar{v}^t + \\frac{{\\varepsilon}_t}{k}\\sum_{a=1}^{k}\\mu^\\star_a \\right) \\\\ &\n \\leq (1-{\\varepsilon}_t) \\mu^{\\star \\top} (v^\\star - \\bar{v}^t) + \\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star{\\varepsilon}_t \\\\&\n \\leq (1-{\\varepsilon}_t) \\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star 1\\{\\bar{v}^t \\neq v^\\star \\} +\\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star {\\varepsilon}_t. ", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Let $n= \\nicefrac{4}{(\\eta d^2)}$. For $t\\leq n$ we have ${\\varepsilon}_t=1$. The expected regret of the ${\\varepsilon}$-greedy is $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:regret_greedy}\n & \\mathbb{E}\\left[{\\sf FairRegret}_T\\right] \\leq \\nonumber \\\\& \\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star \\sum_{t=n+1}^{T} \\mathbb{P}\\{\\bar{v}^t \\neq v^\\star \\} + \\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star\\sum_{t=1}^{T} {\\varepsilon}_t.", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Let $\\Delta \\mu = \\bar{\\mu} - \\mu^\\star$. Without loss of generality, let $\\mu^{\\star \\top} v_i > \\mu^{\\star \\top} v_j$ for any $v_i,v_j \\in V(C)$ with $i<j$. Hence, $v_1 = v^\\star$. Let $\\Delta_i = \\mu^{\\star \\top} (v_1 - v_i)$. As a result $\\Delta_2 = \\gamma$. The event $\\bar{v}^t \\neq v^\\star$ happens when $\\bar{\\mu}^\\top_t v_i > \\bar{\\mu}^\\top_t v_1$ for some $i>1$. That is $(\\mu^\\star + \\Delta \\mu_t)^\\top(v_i-v_1) = -\\Delta_i + \\Delta \\mu_t^\\top(v_i-v_1)\\geq0$. As a result, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\mathbb{P}\\{\\bar{v}^t \\neq v^\\star \\} &= \\mathbb{P}\\{\\bigcup_{v_i \\in V(C) \\backslash v_1 } \\Delta \\mu_t^\\top(v_i-v_1) \\geq \\Delta_i \\} \\nonumber\\\\&\n \\leq \\mathbb{P}\\{\\bigcup_{v_i \\in V(C) \\backslash v_1 } \\|\\Delta \\mu_t\\|_\\infty \\|v_i-v_1\\|_1 \\geq \\Delta_i \\} \\label{eq:temp}\\\\&\n \\leq \\mathbb{P}\\{\\bigcup_{v_i \\in V(C) \\backslash v_1 } \\|\\Delta \\mu_t\\|_\\infty \\geq \\frac{\\Delta_i}{2} \\} \\nonumber\\\\&\n = \\mathbb{P}\\{\\|\\Delta \\mu_t\\|_\\infty \\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} \\} \\nonumber\\\\&\n = \\mathbb{P}\\{\\bigcup_{j \\in[k] } |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}| \\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} \\}\\nonumber\\\\&\n \\leq \\sum_{j\\in [k]}\\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j} |\\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} \\} . ", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ In we use Holder’s inequality. ", "Let $E_t = \\eta \\sum_{\\tau=1}^{t} \\nicefrac{{\\varepsilon}_t}{2} $ and let $N_{t,j}$ be the number of times that we have chosen arm $j$ up to time $t$. Next, we bound $\\mathbb{P}\\{| \\Delta \\mu _{t,j}|\\geq \\frac{\\Delta_2}{2} \\}$. $$\\begin{aligned}\n &\\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}| \\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} \\} \\nonumber\\\\&\n = \\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}| \\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} | N_{t,j} \\geq E_t\\} \\mathbb{P}( N_{t,j} \\geq E_t) \\nonumber \\\\&+ \\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}|\\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} | N_{t,j} < E_t\\} \\mathbb{P}( N_{t,j} < E_t) \\nonumber \\\\ &\n \\leq \\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}|\\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} | N_{t,j} \\geq E_t\\} +\n \\mathbb{P}( N_{t,j} < E_t). ", "\\label{eq:temp2}\n \\end{aligned}$$ As $q_f \\in \\left\\{q : B_{\\infty}(q,\\eta) \\subset \\mathcal{C} \\right\\}$, we have $q_{a,f} > \\eta $. ", "Next, we bound each term of . ", "First, using Chernoff-Hoeffding bound we have $$\\label{eq:temp3}\n \\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}|\\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} | N_{t,j} \\geq E_t\\} \\leq 2\\exp(-\\frac{E_t\\gamma^2}{2}).$$ Second, using Bernstein inequality we have $$\\label{eq:temp4}\n \\mathbb{P}( N_{t,j} < E_t) \\leq \\exp(-\\frac{E_t}{5}).$$ For $t\\leq n$, ${\\varepsilon}_t=1$ and $E_t = \\eta t/ 2$. For $t > n$ we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n E_t = \\frac{\\eta \\cdot n}{2} + \\sum_{i=n+1}^{t} \\frac{2 }{d^2i} &\\geq\\frac{2}{d^2} + \\frac{2}{d^2}\\ln(\\frac{t}{n}) \\nonumber \\\\&\n = \\frac{2}{d^2}\\ln(e\\frac{t}{n}).\\label{eq:temp5}\n \\end{aligned}$$ By plugging , and in and noting that $\\gamma <1/2$ we get $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:temp6}\n \\mathbb{P}\\{ |\\Delta \\mu_{t,j}|&\\geq \\frac{\\gamma}{2} \\} \\leq\n \\left(\\frac{n}{et} \\right)^{\\frac{\\gamma^2}{d^2}} +\n \\left(\\frac{n}{et} \\right)^{\\frac{4}{10d^2}} \\nonumber \\\\&\n \\leq \\left(\\frac{n}{et} \\right) +\n \\left(\\frac{n}{et} \\right)^{\\frac{4}{10d^2}} \\leq 2\\left(\\frac{n}{et} \\right) .", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ Plugging in yields $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:regret_greedy2}\n &\\mathbb{E}\\left[{\\sf FairRegret}_T\\right] \\leq \\nonumber \\\\& \\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star \n \\left( (1+\\frac{2n}{e}) \\ln T + n \\right).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$ By substituting $n = \\nicefrac{4}{(\\eta d^2)} $ in the regret above and noting that $\\gamma\\leq 2d$ we conclude the proof $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:regret_greedy3}\n & \\mathbb{E}\\left[{\\sf FairRegret}_T\\right] \\leq \\nonumber \\\\& \\mu^{\\star \\top}v^\\star \n \\left( \\left(1+\\frac{4}{\\eta d^2}\\right) \\ln T + \\frac{4}{\\eta d^2} \\right) = O\\left( \\frac{\\log T}{\\eta \\gamma^2} \\right).", "\n \\end{aligned}$$\n\nLaminar Constraints {#sec:laminar}\n-------------------\n\nIn this section, we consider a laminar type of constraints. ", "Let the Groups $G_1,\\ldots,G_g \\subseteq [k]$ be such that: $G_i \\cap G_j \\neq \\emptyset$ implies $G_i \\subseteq G_j$ or $G_j \\subseteq G_i$.\n\nIn this case, the linear programming problem can be solved efficiently by a greedy algorithm. ", "The groups form a tree data structure, where the children are the largest groups that are subset of the parents. ", "For example in Figure \\[fig:Laminar\\], the groups $G_1$ and $G_2$ are subsets of the arms $[k]$ and $G_1 \\cap G_2 = \\emptyset$. Similarly, the groups $G_3$ and $G_4$ are subsets of the group $G_1$ and $G_3 \\cap G_4 = \\emptyset$. $G_5$ is a subset of $G_2$.\n\n![", "Laminar Group structure.[]{data-label=\"fig:Laminar\"}](fast_bandit.pdf){width=\".6\\linewidth\"}\n\nIf the lower bound $\\ell_i$ for a group $G_i$ is smaller than the sum of the lower bounds for the children groups, then we increase it to the sum of of the lower bounds for the children groups. ", "Fo example in Figure \\[fig:Laminar\\], if $\\ell_1< \\ell_3+ \\ell_4$, then we increase it to $\\ell_3+ \\ell_4$. This is because satisfying the lower bound of $G_3$ and $G_4$ automatically satisfies the probability of $G_1$. Similarly, if the upper bound $u_i$ for a group $G_i$ is larger than the sum of the lower bounds for the children groups, then we decrease it to the sum of of the upper bounds for the children groups. ", "For example in Figure \\[fig:Laminar\\], if $u_1 > u_3+ u_4$, then we decrease it to $u_3+ u_4$. This is again because the total probability that an arm in group $G_i$ is selected cannot be larger than the upper bounds of its children. ", "This change of the upper and lower bounds does not change the optimum of the LP problem.", "\n\nIn the greedy algorithm, first we satisfy the lower bounds, then we allocate the remaining probability such that the upper bounds are not violated.", "\n\nIn satisfying the lower bounds, we take a bottom-up approach. ", "We start from the leaves and satisfy the lower bound by giving the item to the arm $a$ with the largest reward in the group, i.e., $\\argmax_{a \\in G_i} \\mu_a$. In our example, we set the probability of $\\argmax_{a \\in G_3} \\mu_a$ to $\\ell_3$, the probability of $\\argmax_{a \\in G_4} \\mu_a$ to $\\ell_4$ and the probability of $\\argmax_{a \\in G_5} \\mu_a$ to $\\ell_5$. Next, we proceed with satisfying the lower bound for the parents. ", "In our example, we add the probability of $\\ell_1- (\\ell_3+\\ell_4)$ to $\\argmax_{a \\in G_1} \\mu_a$, and the probability of $\\ell_2- \\ell_5$ to $\\argmax_{a \\in G_2} \\mu_a$. We continue the process until no group remains infeasible. ", "Finally, we assign the remaining probability to the arm with the largest reward. ", "In our example, we add the probability of $1- (\\ell_1+\\ell_2)$ to $\\argmax_{a \\in [k]} \\mu_a$.\n\nThe remaining probability is first allocated to $\\argmax_{a \\in [k]} \\mu_a$ until we reach the probablility for one of the upper bound constraints. ", "Then, we eliminate the arms inside that group, and we allocate some probability to the arm with the maximum reward until another upper bound constraint is reached. ", "We continue this process until either our distribution over arms is a probability distribution or we cannot allocate more probability to any arm without violating a constraint.", "\n\nLet the probability that an arm from the group $G_i$ is selected be $\\sum_{a\\in G_i} v_a = q_i$ and the children of group $G_i$ be $G_{i1}, G_{i2},\\ldots,G_{im}$. We denote the optimal allocation (subject to the constraints) at node $G_i$ be $OPT(G_i,q_i,\\ell,u)$. Then, we have $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:temp_opt}\n&OPT(G_i,q_i,\\ell,u) = \\\\&\\sum_{j=1}^{m} OPT(G_{ij},\\ell_{ij},\\ell,1) + OPT(G_i,q_i-\\sum_{j=1}^{m}\\ell_{ij},0,u). ", "\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ In satisfying the lower bounds (i.e., first term in ) if we do not change the probability of selecting an arm inside a group $G_i$, i.e., $\\sum_{a\\in G_i} v_a$, then it does not effect the parent groups, hence we can locally optimize the problem beginning from the smaller groups.", "\n\nWe can show by contradiction that the procedure for allocating the remaining probability (i.e., second term in ) is optimal. ", "This is because, if the probability of $\\argmax_{a \\in [k]} v_a$ can be increased without violating an upper bound or we can increase it by reducing another arm’s probability of winning, then the current probability allocation is not optimal.", "\n\nThe running time of the algorithm is linear in the number of the arms $k$ and height of the tree. ", "Given that height of the tree is less than $g$, the total running time becomes $O(gk)$.\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nIn this paper we initiate a formal study of incorporating fairness in bandit-based personalization algorithms. ", "We present a general framework that allows one to ensure that a fairness metric of choice attains a desired fixed value by providing appropriate upper and lower bounds on the probability that a given group of content is shown. ", "We present two new bandit algorithms that perform well with respect to reward, improving the regret bound over the state-of-the-art. [", "<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}is particularly fast and we expect it to scale well in web-level applications. ", "Empirically, we observe that our [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-OFUL</span>]{}and [<span style=\"font-variant:small-caps;\">Fair-EPS</span>]{}algorithms indeed perform well; they not only converge quickly to the theoretical optimum, but this optimum, even for the tightest constraints (which attain a risk difference of 0) on the pessimistic arm values selected, is within a factor of 2 of the unconstrained rewards.", "\n\nFrom an experimental standpoint, it would be interesting to explore the effect of the group structure in conjunction with the rewards structure on the tradeoff between fairness and regret. ", "Additionally, testing this algorithm in the field, in particular to measure user satisfaction given diversified news feeds, would be of significant interest. ", "Such an experiment would give deeper insight into the benefits and tradeoffs between personalization and diversification of content, which could then be leveraged to set the appropriate rewards and parameters in our algorithm.", "\n\nDiscrimination Metrics {#sec:metrics-app}\n======================\n\nA wide variety of discrimination metrics, in particular with relation to classification, have been studied in the literature. ", "In this section we take a look at some such prevalent metrics and show that the constraints are general enough to encapsulate them.", "\n\nFormally, fairness metrics are defined for a sets of items or people $[k]$, and a group $G \\subsetneq [k]$ of items that have a sensitive attribute (e.g., a particular gender or ethnicity). ", "Now, consider any classifier $\\chi: \\mathcal [k] \\to \\{1, 0\\}$. [In general, one thinks of $\\chi(\\cdot) = 1$ as being a “positive” outcome (i.e., a loan is given or bail approved).]{} ", "Fairness metrics measure how the presence or absence of a sensitive attribute affects the probability of a positive outcome. ", "To translate this to our setting, $[k]$ is the set of content, and $G_i \\subsetneq [k]$ is a protected group, e.g., news articles about a minority opinion, ads for high-paying jobs, or paid content on a news site. ", "Now, let $\\chi_p: [k] \\to \\{1, 0\\}$ be a probabilistic classifier defined by a distribution $p \\in [0,1]^k$ such that for any $a \\in [k]$, we have $\\chi_p(a) = 1$ with probability $p_a$ and $0$ otherwise (thus, $\\mathbb E[\\chi_p(a)] = p_a$). ", "In effect, this classifier encodes the “positive” outcome of being selected given distribution $p$. Fairness metrics can now be defined for this classifier, and we give some examples below.", "\n\nThe $x$% rule (often 80% in legal rulings [@DisparateImpactBook]) for measuring disparate impact states that the ratio between the percentage of items having a certain sensitive attribute value assigned the positive decision outcome and the percentage of items not having the value also assigned the positive outcome should be at least $\\nicefrac {x}{100}$ (see, e.g., [@pmlr-v54-zafar17a; @feldman2015certifying]). ", "This metric can be translated to our setting as follows: Given $x$, we say that a distribution is $x$% fair with respect to group $i$ if $$\\frac{x}{100} \\leq \n\\frac{\\sum_{a \\in G_i} p_a } {\\sum_{a \\not\\in G_i} p_a }.$$ Thus, a content selection algorithm could be deemed $x$% fair if the distribution $p^t$ over content is $x$% fair with respect to all groups $i$ for all $t$. Given $x$, if we set $\\ell_i=\\frac{x}{100+x}$, and $u_i$ to be any value more than $\\ell_i$, the constraints of the form $ \\ell_i \\leq \\sum_{a \\in G_i} p_a^t \\leq u_i $ ensure that $$\\frac{x}{100} \\leq \\frac{\\sum_{a \\in G_i} p_a } {\\sum_{a \\not\\in G_i} p_a },$$ implying $x$% content-fairness. ", "In fact, our framework also allows us to have a different $x$ for each group.", "\n\nMany other fairness metrics can be defined with respect to the probability of a negative outcome for the group with the sensitive attribute ([$\\nu_G$]{}), the group without the sensitive attribute ([$\\nu_{\\neg G}$]{}) and the overall dataset ([$\\nu$]{}); e.g., [@HajianDiscriminationPrevention2013; @HajianPrivacy2014; @Hajian2014generalization]. ", "Examples include *selection lift* ($s_{\\mbox{lift}} = \\frac{\\nu_{G}}{\\nu_{\\neg G}}$), *extended lift* (${e_{\\mbox{lift}}} = \\frac{\\nu_{G}}{\\nu}$), and *odds lift* (${o_{\\mbox{lift}}} = \\frac{\\nu_{G}(1-\\nu_{\\neg G})}{\\nu_{\\neg G}(1-\\nu_{G})}$). ", "We say that the classifier $C_p$ is $\\beta-{\\mbox{lift}}$-fair with respect to group $i$, or more generally, the distribution $p$ is $\\beta-{\\mbox{lift}}$-fair with respect to group $i$ if ${\\mbox{lift}} \\leq \\beta$ (for any of the above definitions of $\\cdot_{\\mbox{lift}}$). ", "Given the constraints $ \\ell_i \\leq \\sum_{a\\in G_i}p_a^t \\leq u_i, $\n\n$\\beta$-lift fairness can be ensured for selection lift, if we set $u_i,\\ell_i$ such that\n\n$ \\frac{u_i}{\\ell_i} \\leq \\beta$ for all $i$. Similarly, appropriate conditions can be derived for extended and odds lift.", "\n\nA different class of discrimination metrics measure the additive as opposed to multiplicative functions of the values $\\nu_{G}, \\nu_{\\neg G}$, and $\\nu$ defined above (see, e.g., [@Calders2010],[@Ruggieri:2014:UTA:2870621.2870623]). ", "For example, [*risk difference*]{} ($RD:= \\nu_{G} - \\nu_{\\neg G}$) and [*extended difference*]{} (${ED} := \\nu_{G} - \\nu$). ", "Given the constraints, we have $\\{RD, ED\\} \\leq (u_i-\\ell_i)$ for all $i$. Thus, given $\\beta>0$, we can ensure that their value is always less than $\\beta$ by setting the appropriate values of $\\ell_i$ and $u_i$. We explore the effect on the cumulative reward of guaranteeing a fixed value of $RD$ in Section \\[sec:experiments\\].", "\n\n[^1]: A short version of this paper appeared in the FAT/ML 2017 workshop (<https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.02260>)\n\n[^2]: In order to create a complete feed, content is simply selected repeatedly to fill the screen as the user scrolls down. ", "The formalization does not change and hence, for clarity, we describe the process of selecting a single piece of content.", "\n\n[^3]: The unconstrained regret may be arbitrarily bad, e.g., if $u_i = \\varepsilon \\ll 1$ for the group $i$ that contains the arm with the best reward.", "\n\n[^4]: $B_\\infty(q,\\eta)$ is an $\\ell_\\infty$-ball of radius $\\eta$ centered at $q$. The algorithm works for any lower bound $L$ on $\\gamma$, with a $L$ instead of $\\gamma$ in the regret bound.", "\n\n[^5]: We set ${\\varepsilon}_t = \\min(1, \\nicefrac{10}{t})$. Tuning ${\\varepsilon}_t$ might give better results, depending on the dataset used.", "\n\n[^6]: These values were chosen because they are the expected values of the arm reward, from smallest to largest, of 4 arms are sampled from $\\cU[\\alpha,1]$ where $\\alpha = .1$.\n\n[^7]: Note that in order to compute the risk difference, one must take $\\ell = \\max\\{0,1-(g-1)\\cdot u\\}$, i.e., one must consider the implicit lower bound implied by the set of upper bounds. ", "Similarly, $u = \\min\\{1, 1-(g-1)\\cdot \\ell\\}$. The risk difference is guaranteed to be at most $u - \\ell$ given these implicit definitions.", "\n" ]
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[ "Fake The Nation #176\n\nThis Thanksgiving, Negin talks with Matt Gourley and Vicky Kuperman about the decline of American happiness, and Turkey Day traditions with Ashley England and Katie Compa.", "\n\nThis episode is sponsored by UNCOMMITTED: Iowa 2020 podcast." ]
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[ "The methods discussed here are more susceptible to gaming or tactical voting than ranked choice voting is, and are less effective than RCV at promoting minority representation and improving voter choice, among other benefits of RCV. ", "While each of these methods provides greater proportional representation to voters in the cities, states, or countries where they are used, we recommend them only as steps toward the use of ranked choice voting.", "\n\nCumulative voting and the single vote method have each been used in local and state government throughout the United States, and are described in more detail below. ", "Districts Plus is FairVote's improvement upon single-winner districts: a mix of Mixed-Member Proportional systems used in countries such as Germany and New Zealand with American-style, candidate-based elections.", "\n\nOpen Ticket Voting\n\nThe open ticket method, or \"unordered open list system\" combines the benefits of proportional representation with simplicity for voters and administrators. ", "Voters cast a single vote for a single candidate in a partisan election. ", "Candidates are elected if they pass the same threshold used in ranked choice voting. ", "Additionally, remaining seats are filled by looking at what proportion of voters voted for candidates of the same political party. ", "For example, in a three-seat district in which a majority of voters favored candidates running as Republicans, two seats would be awarded to Republican candidates.", "\n\nTo learn more about the open ticket method, see FairVote's innovation page for open ticket voting.", "\n\nCumulative Voting\n\nIn places that use bloc voting, voters have a number of votes equal to the number of candidates who will be elected, but they are restricted to casting no more than one vote per candidate. ", "This winner-take-all method can easily be made into a fair representation voting method by extending cumulative voting rights to the voters. ", "That means that voters still may cast a number of votes equal to the number of candidates to be elected, but they may cast them freely; for example by casting all of their votes for one candidate, or splitting them evenly between two. ", "Illinois elected its State House of Representatives from three-seat districts with cumulative voting from 1870 to 1980, with a number of important benefits. ", "Voters have cumulative voting rights in at-large elections in several jurisdictions in Alabama, New York, South Dakota, and Texas. ", "Additionally, cumulative voting rights are often extended to shareholders in corporate elections to prevent a single majority shareholder from controlling the entire board of elections.", "\n\nSingle-Vote Method & \"Limited Voting\"\n\nThe simplest fair representation voting method is a variant of \"limited voting\" (so-called because voters have fewer votes than the number of seats to be elected) called the single vote method. ", "Each voter has one potent vote, and the candidates who receive the most votes are elected. ", "When electing at-large, counties in Connecticut and Pennsylvania are required by state law to use limited voting with limited nominations, meaning that political parties must nominate fewer candidates than the number of seats to be filled. ", "Local jurisdictions in Alabama and North Carolina have adopted the single vote or other variants on limited voting in response to lawsuits brought under the Voting Rights Act.", "\n\nDistricts Plus\n\nFor those who like local, geographic-based representation, Districts Plus is a particularly attractive fair representation voting system. ", "It makes every vote in every district meaningful in every election, and ensures that the party that receives the most votes wins the most seats.", "\n\nDistricts Plus preserves the current system in which most representatives are elected from single-member districts. ", "It adds \"accountability seats\" to the legislature to guarantee that when one party's candidates gets the most votes, that party will win the most seats. ", "As a result, every contest in every district is meaningful in every election. ", "Parties will have an incentive to field strong candidates in every district, no matter how imbalanced that district may be.", "\n\nTo learn more about Districts Plus, see FairVote's innovation page for Districts Plus." ]
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[ "Ultrasound of the neonatal urinary tract.", "\nUltrasound (US) is a safe and accurate imaging method in the evaluation of the urinary tract. ", "It should be the first procedure used in the neonate to confirm prenatal diagnosis, in patients with a malformation in another organ system that is known to be associated with kidney anomalies, in patients presenting with a spontaneous pneumothorax, in cases of an abdominal mass, and, in renal failure, asphyxiated babies, septicemia or urinary tract infection, or, prolonged jaundice. ", "In association with the other uroradiological methods, it will lead to the correct diagnosis in most cases." ]
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[ "Characterization of a PEGylated protein therapeutic by ion exchange chromatography with on-line detection by native ESI MS and MS/MS.", "\nDetailed profiling of both enzymatic (e.g., glycosylation) and non-enzymatic (e.g., oxidation and deamidation) post-translational modifications (PTMs) is frequently required for the quality assessment of protein-based drugs. ", "Challenging as it is, this task is further complicated for the so-called second-generation biopharmaceuticals, which also contain \"designer PTMs\" introduced to either enhance their pharmacokinetic profiles (e.g., PEGylated proteins) or endow them with therapeutic activity (e.g., protein-drug conjugates). ", "Such modifications of protein covalent structure can dramatically increase structural heterogeneity, making the very notion of \"molecular mass\" meaningless, as ions representing different glycoforms of a PEGylated protein may have nearly identical distributions of ionic current as a function of m/z, making their contributions to the mass spectrum impossible to distinguish. ", "In this work we demonstrate that a combination of ion exchange chromatography (IXC) with on-line detection by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS) and methods of ion manipulation in the gas phase (limited charge reduction and collision-induced dissociation) allows meaningful structural information to be obtained on a structurally heterogeneous sample of PEGylated interferon β-1a. ", "IXC profiling of the protein sample gives rise to a convoluted chromatogram with several partially resolved peaks which can represent both deamidation and different glycosylation patterns within the protein, as well as varying extent of PEGylation. ", "Thus, profiling the protein with on-line IXC/ESI/MS/MS allows it to be characterized by providing information on three different types of PTMs (designer, enzymatic and non-enzymatic) within a single protein therapeutic." ]
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[ "**Funding Information**\n\nThis work was supported by a grant from Myung In Pharmaceutical Company (1220140004) and Ildong Pharmaceutical Company (0620180350).", "\n\nIntroduction {#acn3652-sec-0005}\n============\n\nAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction, and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities, which occur in the early developmental period.[1](#acn3652-bib-0001){ref-type=\"ref\"} It has been well established that ASD is a complex disorder caused by both genetic and environmental factors.[2](#acn3652-bib-0002){ref-type=\"ref\"} Because no single genetic variation or mutation can account for a majority of ASD cases, the converging actions of ASD‐related genes on common pathways, as well as interaction effects with non‐genetic factors, are considered to be a likely explanation for ASD pathophysiology.[2](#acn3652-bib-0002){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nEpigenetic modification is an important regulatory mechanism for controlling gene expression without the involvement of DNA mutations or polymorphisms.[3](#acn3652-bib-0003){ref-type=\"ref\"} Epigenetic regulation, including DNA methylation and histone modification, is essential for normal brain development, and dysregulation of the epigenetic machinery has been implicated in various neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders, including ASD.[4](#acn3652-bib-0004){ref-type=\"ref\"} microRNA (miRNA) is a well‐known epigenetic component that post‐transcriptionally regulates gene expression by binding to complementary nucleotide sequences in the 3′ untranslated region of target mRNAs.[5](#acn3652-bib-0005){ref-type=\"ref\"} Altered miRNA expression has been associated with neurological disorders, including Alzheimer\\'s disease,[6](#acn3652-bib-0006){ref-type=\"ref\"} schizophrenia,[7](#acn3652-bib-0007){ref-type=\"ref\"} and ASD.[8](#acn3652-bib-0008){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [9](#acn3652-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"} Therefore, miRNAs may act as epigenetic factors in complex ASD etiologies, however, there have been substantial differences reported in miRNA expression profiles among different studies.[10](#acn3652-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"} Furthermore, studies of human ASD cases cannot investigate miRNA changes during earlier developmental stages.", "\n\nEpidemiological studies have shown that maternal infection is associated with a higher risk of neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly schizophrenia and ASD, in offspring.[11](#acn3652-bib-0011){ref-type=\"ref\"} Moreover, animal model research suggests that maternal immune activation (MIA), even without exposure to infectious pathogens, can cause behavioral and histological phenotypes of ASD in offspring.[12](#acn3652-bib-0012){ref-type=\"ref\"} The prenatal administration of polyriboinosinic:polyribocytidylic acid (poly\\[I:C\\]) is one of the most widely used methods for generating an MIA model in mice. ", "Poly (I:C), a synthetic analog of double‐stranded RNA, activates the innate immune response by stimulating toll‐like receptor 3, mimicking a viral infection‐like acute phase response.[13](#acn3652-bib-0013){ref-type=\"ref\"} Poly (I:C) administration strongly induces pro‐inflammatory cytokines, and among these, interleukin (IL)‐6 and IL‐17a are key mediators for abnormal cortical development and behavioral phenotypes in the MIA model.[14](#acn3652-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [15](#acn3652-bib-0015){ref-type=\"ref\"} Although numerous preclinical studies have been conducted using the MIA animal model, little information exists about the effect of MIA on miRNA expression associated with mRNA expression in the brain. ", "In particular, it remains unknown whether prenatal immune activation affects miRNA and gene regulation during postnatal development of the brain. ", "Considering that brain development, such as myelination, synaptogenesis, and synaptic pruning, continues after birth, miRNA dysregulation in the early postnatal period might play a role in the pathogenesis of ASD and other neurodevelopmental disorders.", "\n\nIn this study, we aimed to investigate miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in the brains of juvenile MIA offspring. ", "Gene annotation analysis was conducted to identify functional annotations enriched in differentially expressed genes in ASD. ", "In addition, we performed in silico analysis to identify target genes of differentially expressed miRNAs, and to understand the interactions of the miRNAs with the target genes.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods {#acn3652-sec-0006}\n=====================\n\nMIA mouse model {#acn3652-sec-0007}\n---------------\n\nTo generate the MIA model, pregnant C57BL6 mice were given intraperitoneal injections of 20 mg/kg of poly(I:C) (P9582, Sigma‐Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) on embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5), according to methods previously described.[14](#acn3652-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [16](#acn3652-bib-0016){ref-type=\"ref\"} Poly(I:C) lyophilized powder was reconstituted in nuclease‐free distilled water (10 mg/mL) to yield Poly(I:C) in an isotonic buffer solution, according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Control pregnant mice were intraperitoneally injected with PBS on E12.5. ", "Offspring were weaned at 3 weeks of age and housed in same‐sex groups of 2--5 mice. ", "Thereafter, we only examined male mice, in order to exclude sex‐related differences of MIA. ", "The mice were housed with ad libitum access to food and water under a 12:12 h light‐dark cycle. ", "Mouse brains (*n *=* *4 per group) were extracted from the skull under deep anesthesia at 3 weeks of age, as previously described.[17](#acn3652-bib-0017){ref-type=\"ref\"} Olfactory bulbs and cerebellum were dissected immediately. ", "The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Seoul National University Hospital (IACUC No. ", "13‐0385‐S1A0).", "\n\nBehavioral testing {#acn3652-sec-0008}\n------------------\n\nMouse behavioral tasks were performed at 7 weeks of age, and consisted of the three‐chamber test, prepulse inhibition (PPI), stereotyped behaviors, and nest‐building performance. ", "All behavioral procedures were video recorded and the recorded data were analyzed by an experimenter unaware of the treatments.", "\n\nA three‐chambered plastic box was used to test sociability and preference for social novelty, based on a previously described protocol.[18](#acn3652-bib-0018){ref-type=\"ref\"} First, for habituation, mice (MIA and control) were placed in the middle chamber and allowed to explore for 10 min. ", "During habituation, each of the two side chambers contained an empty cylinder cage. ", "Following a 10‐min habituation, for the sociability test, an unfamiliar mouse (social object, age‐matched, same‐sex mouse), enclosed in a cylinder cage, was placed in one of the side chambers. ", "An inanimate object, enclosed in a cylinder cage, was placed in the other side chamber, and then the subject mouse was allowed to explore for 10 min. ", "In the subsequent social novelty preference test, another novel mouse (novel social object, age‐matched, same‐sex mouse) was replaced with the inanimate object, and the subject mouse was allowed to explore the two social objects, for 10 min. ", "In the sociability and social novelty preference tests, the time spent exploring each object in the side chambers was analyzed. ", "Exploration behavior was defined as sniffing and contacting a cylinder cage, or as when a mouse faces the cage with the distance between the nose and the cage less than 1 inch. ", "In the sociability test, preference for a social object was calculated as (time spent exploring social object)/(time spent exploring social object + time spent exploring inanimate object). ", "In the social novelty test, preference for a novel mouse was calculated as (time spent exploring novel mouse)/(time spent exploring novel mouse + time spent exploring familiar mouse).", "\n\nFor the PPI test, we used the SR‐LAB™ startle response system (San Diego Instruments, San Diego, CA, USA). ", "Startle response of tested mice was recorded by a piezoelectric sensor within the chamber. ", "This experiment was conducted as previously described.[16](#acn3652-bib-0016){ref-type=\"ref\"} A five‐min habituation period, with background noise of 65 dB, was provided 1 day before, and immediately prior to, the PPI testing. ", "After habituation, a test session began, with six consecutive startle (120‐dB burst for 40 ms) trials, which were followed by 50 prepulse trials in a randomized sequence. ", "There were five types of stimulus in the prepulse trials: startle stimulus (120‐dB burst for 40 ms) only, startle stimulus preceded by 20‐ms prepulse stimulus at 68, 71, and 77‐dB intensities, and no stimulus. ", "The onset‐to‐onset interval between prepulse and startle stimuli was 100 ms. ", "Each test session ended with six consecutive startle trials. ", "The inter‐trial interval was set at 15 s. PPI was calculated as (startle only stimulus--prepulse and startle stimulus)/startle only stimulus.", "\n\nTo investigate repetitive/stereotyped behaviors,[19](#acn3652-bib-0019){ref-type=\"ref\"} we observed jumping and self‐grooming behaviors of tested mice in a clean, empty box for 10 min. ", "The box was made of white plastic (40 × 40 × 40 cm). ", "Before the test, a 10‐min habituation period was provided for each mouse. ", "Behaviors were video‐recorded and analyzed for the number of jumping and self‐grooming events, and the total time spent self‐grooming.", "\n\nAssessment for nest building was performed as previously described.[20](#acn3652-bib-0020){ref-type=\"ref\"} Briefly, the tested mice were moved to a cage with wood‐chip bedding and one Nestlet (Ancare, Bellmore, NY, USA), \\~1 h before the dark phase. ", "The following morning, we assessed the nest‐building status on a rating scale from 1 to 5: 1, Nestlet largely untouched (\\>90% intact); 2, Nestlet partially torn up (50--90% remaining intact); 3, Nestlet mostly shredded (\\<50% remaining intact), but no identifiable nest site; 4, An identifiable, but flat nest (walls higher than mouse height \\<50% of the nest circumference); 5, A perfect nest with a crater (walls higher than mouse height ≥50% of the nest circumference).", "\n\nAs a result, the MIA mouse model at 7 weeks of age exhibited behavioral abnormalities typical of ASD, such as lack of preference for social novelty, reduced PPI, increased stereotyped behaviors, and impaired nest‐building behaviors ([Data S1](#acn3652-sup-0001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} and [Figure S1](#acn3652-sup-0001){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}).", "\n\nMicroRNA microarray {#acn3652-sec-0009}\n-------------------\n\nTotal RNA was isolated from individual brain samples using TRIzol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturer\\'s protocol. ", "The eluted RNA was quantified using an ND‐1000 spectrophotometer (NanoDrop Technologies, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA). ", "The quality of the RNA was verified by 1% agarose denaturing gel and also with an Agilent 2100 bio‐analyzer (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA). ", "The synthesis of target miRNA probes and hybridization were performed using Agilent\\'s miRNA Labeling Reagent and Hybridization kit (Agilent Technologies), according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Briefly, 100 ng of total RNA was dephosphorylated with 15 Units of calf intestine alkaline phosphatase (CIP), followed by RNA denaturation with 40% DMSO and a 10‐min incubation at 100°C. ", "Dephosphorylated RNA was ligated with pCp‐Cy3 mononucleotides and purified with MicroBioSpin 6 columns (Bio‐rad, Hercules, CA, USA). ", "After purification, labeled samples were resuspended with Gene Expression blocking Reagent and Hi‐RPM Hybridization buffer (Agilent Technologies), followed by boiling for 5 min at 100°C, and then chilled on ice for 5 min. ", "Finally, denatured labeled probes were pipetted onto assembled Agilent SurePrint G3 Mouse miRNA Microarrays (Release 19, 8 × 60K), and hybridized for 20 h at 55°C with 20 RPM rotating, in an Agilent Hybridization oven (Agilent Technologies). ", "The hybridized microarrays were washed according to the manufacturer\\'s washing protocol (Agilent Technologies). ", "Thereafter, the hybridized images were scanned using Agilent\\'s DNA microarray scanner and quantified with Feature Extraction Software (Agilent Technologies). ", "All data normalization and selection of fold‐changed probes were performed using GeneSpringGX 7.3 (Agilent Technologies). ", "We performed data transformation (set measurements less than 0.01--0.01) and per chip (normalize to 75th percentile) normalization. ", "The microarray analysis was performed by eBiogen (Seoul, South Korea). ", "Upregulation of miRNA was defined as a \\>twofold increase, while downregulation of miRNA was defined as a \\<0.5‐fold decrease, compared with controls. *", "P*‐values were corrected for multiple testing by the Benjamini‐Hochberg method.", "\n\nmRNA sequencing {#acn3652-sec-0010}\n---------------\n\nTotal RNA was isolated using TRIzol (Invitrogen), as noted above. ", "Construction of libraries was performed using QuantSeq 3′ mRNA‐Seq Library Prep Kit (Lexogen, Inc., Vienna, Austria), according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "In brief, 500 ng of total RNA was prepared and an oligo‐dT primer containing an Illumina‐compatible sequence at its 5′ end was hybridized to the RNA and reverse transcription was performed. ", "After degradation of the RNA template, second strand synthesis was initiated by a random primer containing an Illumina‐compatible linker sequence at its 5′ end. ", "The double‐stranded library was purified by using magnetic beads to remove all reaction components. ", "The library was amplified to add the complete adapter sequences required for cluster generation. ", "The finished library was purified from the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) components. ", "High‐throughput sequencing was performed using NextSeq 500 (Illumina, Inc., San Diego, CA, USA), with single‐end 75‐bp reads.", "\n\nFor data analysis, QuantSeq 3′ mRNA‐Seq reads were aligned using the Bowtie2 alignment tool[21](#acn3652-bib-0021){ref-type=\"ref\"}. ", "Bowtie2 indices were generated either from the genome assembly sequence or the representative transcript sequences, for alignment to the genome and transcriptome. ", "The alignment file was used for assembling transcripts, estimating their abundance, and detecting differential expression of genes. ", "Differentially expressed gene were determined based on counts from unique and multiple alignments, using coverage in BEDTools[22](#acn3652-bib-0022){ref-type=\"ref\"}. ", "The read count data were processed based on Quantile‐Quantile normalization method, using EdgeR within R, using Bioconductor.[23](#acn3652-bib-0023){ref-type=\"ref\"} Genes were determined to be differentially expressed when log2 transformed normalized read counts were greater than four and the fold change (FC) was \\>1.5 or \\<0.67, with a *P *\\< 0.05. ", "Gene classification was based on the Database for Annotation, Visualization, and Integrated Discovery (DAVID, <http://david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/>), and on Medline databases (<http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/>). ", "The mRNA sequencing and analysis were performed by eBiogen (Seoul, South Korea).", "\n\nGene Ontology enrichment analysis {#acn3652-sec-0011}\n---------------------------------\n\nWe performed Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis for differentially expressed genes by using the DAVID Bioinformatics Resources.[24](#acn3652-bib-0024){ref-type=\"ref\"} Briefly, the GO terms shared by differentially expressed genes in the MIA offspring were compared to the proportion of genes annotated to the GO term in the whole genome. ", "A statistical significance for enrichment was estimated by the hypergeometric distribution, and the Benjamini‐Hochberg method was used for multiple testing correction; a corrected *P* \\< 0.05 indicated significant enrichment of the corresponding GO terms. ", "Additionally, we investigated the fold enrichment of the significantly enriched GO terms.", "\n\nmicroRNA‐target gene interactions {#acn3652-sec-0012}\n---------------------------------\n\nFirst, putative target genes of dysregulated miRNAs were predicted using the miRWalk 2.0 algorithm.[25](#acn3652-bib-0025){ref-type=\"ref\"} Databases for predicted target genes consisted of miRanda,[26](#acn3652-bib-0026){ref-type=\"ref\"} RNA22,[27](#acn3652-bib-0027){ref-type=\"ref\"} and Targetscan,[28](#acn3652-bib-0028){ref-type=\"ref\"} as well as miRWalk 2.0.[25](#acn3652-bib-0025){ref-type=\"ref\"} Putative target genes were identified when the miRNA‐target interactions were verified by three or more databases. ", "Thereafter, we performed a right‐sided hypergeometric test to identify significantly enriched miRNA in the genes differentially expressed in the opposite direction: upregulated miRNA‐downregulated mRNA and downregulated miRNA‐upregulated mRNA, respectively. ", "We applied the Benjamini‐Hochberg method for multiple testing correction, and a corrected *P* \\< 0.05 was considered to indicate significant enrichment. ", "We determined whether the target genes of the differentially expressed miRNA were overrepresented among the differentially expressed genes in the transcriptome. ", "For measuring the negative correlation between expression levels of miRNAs and target genes, we measured an FC ratio; the FC of upregulated mRNA divided by the FC of downregulated miRNA, or the FC of upregulated miRNA divided by the FC of downregulated mRNA. ", "Additionally, we used Cytoscape for visualizing significant miRNA‐target gene interaction networks.[29](#acn3652-bib-0029){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nQuantitative RT‐PCR {#acn3652-sec-0013}\n-------------------\n\nFor measuring the expression level of mRNAs, total RNA was reverse transcribed with the SuperScript^®^ III First‐Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen, Catalog no. ", "18080‐051). ", "Using the product as a template, quantitative real time PCR was performed with primers specific for the target genes using an ABI PRISM 7500 sequence detection system (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), in triplicate. ", "Relative expression levels of the target genes were calculated using the comparative threshold cycle (Ct) method (2^−ΔCt^) and were normalized to those of the housekeeping gene, glyceraldehyde 3‐phosphate dehydrogenase (Gapdh). ", "Primer sequences used in this study were as follows: Hfm1 forward, CAAGTCTCGGCGGAAGTAAG; Hfm1 reverse, TCAGCGGTCTCCTCTCTTGT; Slc39a2 forward, CCTGCTTGCTCTTCTGGTTC; Slc39a2 reverse, CCTCCAGAGCTTCAGCAGTC; Fzd5 forward, ACATGGAACGATTCCGCTAC; Fzd5 reverse, GGCCATGCCAAAGAAATAGA; Tfap2b forward, CCAAGAAGTGGGCTCAGAAG; Tfap2b reverse, TGGCATCTTCAACTGACTGC; Gapdh forward, ACAATGAATACGGCTACAG; Gapdh reverse, GGTCCAGGGTTTCTTACT.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#acn3652-sec-0014}\n--------------------\n\nData are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean, or number (%), unless otherwise noted. ", "We used two‐way ANOVA with factors of object and group in the three‐chamber test and repeated‐measures ANOVA with factors of prepulse intensity and group in the PPI. ", "In addition, we used Wilcoxon rank‐sum test for comparing stereotyped behaviors and nest‐building performances between the two groups. ", "A two‐tailed *P* \\< 0.05 was considered statistically significant, and statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS version 18 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).", "\n\nResults {#acn3652-sec-0015}\n=======\n\nDysregulated miRNAs and mRNAs in the MIA model {#acn3652-sec-0016}\n----------------------------------------------\n\nWe evaluated miRNA expression profiles from the brain of juvenile MIA offspring, compared to control mice, at 3 weeks of age. ", "This is the typical age of weaning in mice, at which the brain reaches approximately 90% of its adult weight, corresponding to approximately 2--3 years of age for humans.[30](#acn3652-bib-0030){ref-type=\"ref\"} Significant dysregulation of miRNA was found in the MIA mice (corrected *P* \\< 0.05, Table [1](#acn3652-tbl-0001){ref-type=\"table\"}); eight miRNAs were upregulated (FC \\> 2) and 21 miRNAs were downregulated (FC \\< 0.5). ", "A heatmap combined with hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed miRNAs demonstrated a clear separation between the MIA and control mice (Figure [1](#acn3652-fig-0001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Additionally, we analyzed mRNA sequencing data to identify differentially expressed genes in 3‐week‐old MIA offspring. ", "We found 542 upregulated (FC \\> 1.5) mRNAs and 216 downregulated (FC \\< 0.67) mRNAs in the MIA group compared to the control group. ", "A list of differentially expressed mRNAs is shown in [Table S1](#acn3652-sup-0002){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nDifferentially expressed microRNAs in the maternal immune activation (MIA) offspring\n\n Upregulated microRNA Fold change *P* Downregulated microRNA Fold change *P*\n ---------------------- ------------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------- ----------\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p 101.636 1.61E‐03 mmu‐miR‐135a‐5p 0.274 2.91E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐680 86.444 4.86E‐03 mmu‐miR‐133a‐3p 0.307 1.14E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐3474 69.974 1.10E‐02 mmu‐miR‐133b‐3p 0.308 4.63E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐5119 34.652 1.24E‐02 mmu‐miR‐6402 0.33 5.56E‐03\n mmu‐miR‐1196‐5p 3.505 4.94E‐03 mmu‐miR‐466i‐3p 0.335 1.14E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐3092‐3p 2.36 2.01E‐02 mmu‐miR‐669c‐3p 0.367 9.77E‐03\n mmu‐miR‐705 2.25 2.91E‐02 mmu‐miR‐1a‐3p 0.375 6.10E‐03\n mmu‐miR‐702‐3p 2.003 2.61E‐02 mmu‐miR‐466f‐3p 0.402 4.58E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐466q 0.406 2.01E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐34a‐5p 0.423 2.26E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐6412 0.435 9.09E‐03\n mmu‐miR‐126‐5p 0.444 1.03E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐223‐3p 0.446 4.60E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐29a‐3p 0.458 1.24E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐29b‐3p 0.459 1.31E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐669p‐3p 0.461 2.69E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐338‐3p 0.474 1.19E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐212‐5p 0.475 2.54E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐328‐3p 0.479 2.67E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐30c‐5p 0.481 1.27E‐02\n mmu‐miR‐219‐5p 0.496 1.98E‐02\n\nThe *P*‐values are corrected by the Benjamini--Hochberg method. ", "The expression levels of the MIA offspring at 3 weeks of age were compared to those of the control.", "\n\nJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd\n\n![", "Hierarchical clustering heatmap of miRNA expression in the brain sample of the maternal immune activation mouse model. ", "Eight miRNAs were upregulated and 21 miRNAs were downregulated (corrected *P *\\<* *0.05; *n *=* *4 per group). ", "The color code indicates the normalized expression level of each miRNA. ", "Red indicates upregulation and blow indicates downregulation. ", "MIA, maternal immune activation.](ACN3-5-1264-g001){#acn3652-fig-0001}\n\nGene Ontology analysis of differentially expressed mRNAs {#acn3652-sec-0017}\n--------------------------------------------------------\n\nWe used the DAVID Bioinformatics Resources to perform GO enrichment analysis for differentially expressed genes. ", "Upregulated genes in the MIA offspring were significantly associated with five biological processes, 10 cellular components, and 10 molecular functions (corrected *P *\\<* *0.05; Figure [2](#acn3652-fig-0002){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Among them, photoreceptor cell maintenance, euchromatin, and methylcytosine dioxygenase activity showed the highest fold enrichment in biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions, respectively. ", "Conversely, only three GO terms in the cellular component category were significantly enriched in the downregulated genes of the MIA model: extracellular exosome, mitochondrion, and cytosol (corrected *P *\\<* *0.05). ", "There was no significantly over‐represented biological process or molecular function in the downregulated genes.", "\n\n![", "Gene Ontology terms significantly enriched in the upregulated mRNAs. ", "There are five biological processes, 10 cellular components, and 10 molecular functions (corrected *P* \\< 0.05). ", "Each bar indicates fold enrichment of the corresponding GO term.](ACN3-5-1264-g002){#acn3652-fig-0002}\n\nMicroRNA‐target gene interactions {#acn3652-sec-0018}\n---------------------------------\n\nTo investigate miRNA‐target gene interactions, we analyzed miRNA enrichment for their putative targets among differentially expressed genes in the MIA model. ", "Among 21 downregulated miRNAs, 18 miRNAs were significantly enriched in the upregulated genes (corrected *P *\\<* *0.05). ", "We found a total of 340 target genes whose expression was negatively correlated with the pertinent miRNA expression (Figure [3](#acn3652-fig-0003){ref-type=\"fig\"}A). ", "Of eight upregulated miRNAs, three miRNAs showed a significant enrichment in the downregulated target genes (corrected *P *\\<* *0.05): mmu‐miR‐3092‐3p, mmu‐miR‐680, and mmu‐miR‐877‐3p (Figure [3](#acn3652-fig-0003){ref-type=\"fig\"}B). ", "We identified 60 genes as predicted targets of the upregulated miRNAs. ", "These miRNA‐target gene interactions in the MIA mouse brain are visualized as a network in Figure [4](#acn3652-fig-0004){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\n![", "Significantly enriched miRNAs in differentially expressed genes. (", "A) Eighteen downregulated miRNAs. (", "B) Three upregulated miRNAs. ", "Each bar indicates the number of target genes which had a negative correlation with the corresponding miRNAs. ", "Plus sign indicates the *P*‐values (‐log10P) for enrichment of each miRNA. *", "P* values were corrected by the Benjamini‐Hochberg method.](ACN3-5-1264-g003){#acn3652-fig-0003}\n\n![", "Network of significantly enriched miRNAs and their target genes. (", "A) Eighteen downregulated miRNAs and negatively correlated target genes. ", "Only 74 upregulated target genes with the fold change ratio of \\>7 were included in this network. (", "B) Three upregulated miRNAs and 60 downregulated target genes. ", "Node color indicates the log twofold change of the miRNA and target gene expression. ", "Node size indicates the significance of the differential expression; larger sizes indicate smaller *P*‐values. ", "Edge thickness corresponds to the fold change ratio of the negative correlation between miRNAs and target genes.](ACN3-5-1264-g004){#acn3652-fig-0004}\n\nNext, we calculated the FC ratio as a measure of the interaction between miRNAs and target genes. ", "A higher FC ratio indicates a higher degree of negative correlation between the expression levels of miRNAs and their target genes. ", "The highest interaction among the downregulated miRNAs occurred between mmu‐miR‐466i‐3p and *Hfm1* (ATP‐dependent DNA helicase homolog). ", "Moreover, negative correlation between mmu‐miR‐877‐3p and *Aqp6* (aquaporin 6) was the highest among the upregulated miRNAs. ", "A list of the top 10 interactions in upregulated and downregulated miRNAs is shown in Table [2](#acn3652-tbl-0002){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n###### \n\nThe top 10 miRNA--target gene interactions\n\n miRNA Gene Fold change ratio\n --------------------------------------- --------------- -------------------\n Downregulated miRNA--upregulated gene \n mmu‐miR‐466i‐3p Hfm1 20.5\n mmu‐miR‐135a‐5p Snhg11 19.8\n mmu‐miR‐669c‐3p Hfm1 18.7\n mmu‐miR‐133a‐3p Snhg11 17.6\n mmu‐miR‐133b‐3p Snhg11 17.6\n mmu‐miR‐669c‐3p Trpc7 17.5\n mmu‐miR‐135a‐5p Fam228b 17.4\n mmu‐miR‐466f‐3p Hfm1 17.1\n mmu‐miR‐1a‐3p Trpc7 17.1\n mmu‐miR‐6402 Slc39a2 16.5\n Upregulated miRNA--downregulated gene \n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Aqp6 1379.7\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Tfap2b 556.9\n mmu‐miR‐680 Tfap2b 473.7\n mmu‐miR‐680 Gpr160 464.6\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Lpin3 330.6\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p C130074G19Rik 266.7\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Acot11 261.3\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Tal1 260.3\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Efhd1 245.5\n mmu‐miR‐877‐3p Fzd5 243.0\n\nJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd\n\nThereafter, we performed quantitative RT‐PCR to measure the expression levels of selected target genes: *Hfm1*,*Slc39a2*,*Fzd5*, and *Tfap2b*. ", "As shown in Figure [5](#acn3652-fig-0005){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the relative expression levels of those target genes were largely consistent with those from the RNA sequencing data. ", "These findings corroborate the altered gene expression profile of the MIA model shown in this study.", "\n\n![", "Relative expression level of target genes. ", "Bars indicate fold change (log 2) of gene expression in the MIA offspring compared to the controls, which was measured by both RNA sequencing and quantitative RT‐PCR. ", "\\**P *\\<* *0.05 and \\*\\**P *\\<* *0.01 by Student\\'s t‐test (RNA sequencing) and Wilcoxon rank‐sum test (quantitative RT‐PCR) for comparison of expression levels between the MIA and control groups; *n *=* *4 per group.](ACN3-5-1264-g005){#acn3652-fig-0005}\n\nDiscussion {#acn3652-sec-0019}\n==========\n\nIn this study, we evaluated miRNA and mRNA expression profiles in the whole brain of the MIA mouse model for ASD. ", "Adult mice prenatally exposed to poly (I:C) exhibited typical behavioral phenotypes of ASD, including reduced preference for social novelty, impaired PPI of the startle reflex, and abnormal stereotyped behaviors. ", "Moreover, altered expression of both miRNAs and mRNAs in the brain was found in early postnatal MIA offspring at 3 weeks of age. ", "We identified target genes of dysregulated miRNAs through in silico analysis and negative regulatory interactions between differentially expressed miRNAs and putative targets in ASD. ", "Although gene and miRNA expression profiles have been previously studied, they have typically involved non‐cerebral tissue, such as blood or lymphoblast cell lines, or postmortem brains in human cases.[10](#acn3652-bib-0010){ref-type=\"ref\"} Considering that ASD is a developmental disorder of the brain, brain tissue from adult cases as well as non‐cerebral tissue may not be optimal targets for investigating disease processes during the early developmental stage. ", "However, it is essentially impossible to obtain fetal or early postnatal brain tissue from human ASD cases. ", "In this regard, an animal model can represent an appropriate alternative, although there have been few studies on mRNA and miRNA profiling in animal models of ASD.", "\n\nThe effect of maternal inflammation on gene regulation in the offspring brain has been reported previously.[31](#acn3652-bib-0031){ref-type=\"ref\"} Although the precise mechanism still remains unclear, it is generally accepted that cytokines induced by maternal immune system affect transcriptional and developmental regulation of the offspring brains. ", "Among pro‐inflammatory cytokines, IL‐6 acts as a key mediator for transcriptional changes in the MIA model, because anti‐IL‐6 treatment normalized altered gene expression evoked by MIA.[14](#acn3652-bib-0014){ref-type=\"ref\"} Furthermore, IL‐17a, produced by T helper 17 cells, was found to act downstream of IL‐6, leading to abnormal cortical development and behavioral phenotypes in MIA offspring.[15](#acn3652-bib-0015){ref-type=\"ref\"} Previous studies examined miRNA levels in the embryonic or adult brain of ASD mice.[32](#acn3652-bib-0032){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [33](#acn3652-bib-0033){ref-type=\"ref\"} It should be noted that this is the first study to analyze the whole‐brain expression of ASD‐associated mRNAs and miRNAs at the transcriptome level, particularly in the early postnatal mouse brain, which is the main strength of this study. ", "MIA was previously reported to cause long‐lasting changes in cytokine expression in the postnatal mouse brain.[34](#acn3652-bib-0034){ref-type=\"ref\"} This is in agreement with our results showing that an effect of MIA on miRNA and gene expression continues during postnatal development of the brain. ", "Brain development at 3 weeks of age in rodents is characterized by a peak in synaptogenesis and myelination.[30](#acn3652-bib-0030){ref-type=\"ref\"} Furthermore, as synaptic dysfunction is considered a major pathophysiology of ASD,[35](#acn3652-bib-0035){ref-type=\"ref\"} the transcriptional changes observed in our study might be involved in synaptic structure and function. ", "Future studies will be needed to understand the functional roles of dysregulated miRNAs and their targets in ASD.", "\n\nAmong the differentially expressed miRNAs in our study, miR‐212‐5p has been shown to be downregulated in patients with ASD and schizophrenia.[9](#acn3652-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [36](#acn3652-bib-0036){ref-type=\"ref\"} Reduced expression of miR‐212 and miR‐132 was also observed in human Alzheimer\\'s disease brains.[37](#acn3652-bib-0037){ref-type=\"ref\"} The miR‐132/212 family has been functionally implicated in synaptic transmission, dendritic development, regulation of brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (*BDNF*) expression, and neuronal survival.[38](#acn3652-bib-0038){ref-type=\"ref\"} The miR‐132/212 knockout decreased basal synaptic transmission in the hippocampus and neocortex, while not affecting neuronal morphology.[39](#acn3652-bib-0039){ref-type=\"ref\"} Moreover, the miR‐132 knockdown mouse demonstrated impairment in temporal memory acquisition, which provides a pathogenic link between miR‐132/212 downregulation and the temporal processing deficit in ASD.[40](#acn3652-bib-0040){ref-type=\"ref\"} Hara et al. ", "reported conflicting results; prenatal exposure to valproic acid upregulated miR‐132‐5p expression in the embryonic mouse brain.[33](#acn3652-bib-0033){ref-type=\"ref\"} However, the effect of miR‐132‐5p upregulation was transient, lasting only 18--24 h after valproic acid exposure, which might explain the opposite direction of miR‐132‐5p dysregulation, compared to other studies in human cases.[8](#acn3652-bib-0008){ref-type=\"ref\"}, [9](#acn3652-bib-0009){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nDownregulation of miR‐219‐5p, miR‐133b, miR‐34a‐5p, and miR‐328‐3p in our MIA model is also consistent with previous reports. ", "Sarachana et al. ", "reported downregulation of miR‐219‐5p and miR‐133b in lymphoblast cell lines from ASD patients.[8](#acn3652-bib-0008){ref-type=\"ref\"} In particular, they confirmed that miR‐219‐5p targeted Polo like kinase 2 (*PLK2*), whose activation in neurons is dependent on synaptic activity and is involved in homeostatic regulation of synaptic plasticity.[41](#acn3652-bib-0041){ref-type=\"ref\"} Given that *PLK2* induction resulted in dendritic spine dysmorphogenesis,[42](#acn3652-bib-0042){ref-type=\"ref\"} downregulation of miR‐219‐5p might contributed to synaptic dysfunction in ASD pathophysiology. ", "Although ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, there are several comorbidities, such as gastrointestinal distress and immune dysregulation, observed in patients with ASD.[43](#acn3652-bib-0043){ref-type=\"ref\"} Moreover, a gut‐microbiome‐brain connection was found to contribute to ASD pathogenesis,[16](#acn3652-bib-0016){ref-type=\"ref\"} further suggesting that ASD is a systemic disorder caused by both genetic and environmental factors. ", "In this regard, peripheral blood samples have been used to identify pathophysiology and biomarker of ASD. ", "In addition, miR‐219, which were downregulated in ASD derived lymphoid cell lines, is brain‐specific miRNA, supporting that miRNA dysregulation in peripheral blood might reflect system‐level transcriptional changes in ASD. ", "In addition, reduced expression of miR‐34a‐5p is consistent with previous RNA sequencing data obtained from ASD brains.[44](#acn3652-bib-0044){ref-type=\"ref\"} Brain‐enriched miR‐34a was also shown to modulate embryonic neural development, dendritic spine morphology, and synaptic transmission.[45](#acn3652-bib-0045){ref-type=\"ref\"} Modi et al. ", "reported that miR‐34a targeted cyclin D1 and promoted neuronal differentiation by inhibiting cell cycle reentry, while downregulation of miR‐34a caused cell cycle‐related neuronal apoptosis.[46](#acn3652-bib-0046){ref-type=\"ref\"} Fear memory consolidation was also mediated by miR‐34, which inhibits the Notch signaling pathway in the amygdala.[47](#acn3652-bib-0047){ref-type=\"ref\"} Taken together, these results supported a potential involvement of miRNA dysregulation in neurodevelopmental disease processes.", "\n\nThere was an over‐representation of genes for biological processes associated with RNA splicing, mRNA processing, and regulation of transcription, in MIA mice compared to controls. ", "This is consistent with previous results showing that genes associated with transcriptional regulation were downregulated in ASD.[48](#acn3652-bib-0048){ref-type=\"ref\"} It has been well established that epigenetic and post‐transcriptional regulation have pivotal roles in the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders, including ASD.[49](#acn3652-bib-0049){ref-type=\"ref\"} In agreement with this finding, genome‐wide transcriptomic analysis identified differential splicing events in post‐mortem ASD brains, which were associated with neuronal activity‐dependent gene regulation.[50](#acn3652-bib-0050){ref-type=\"ref\"} Differential alternative splicing was also found in blood samples from ASD children, and target genes were involved in oxidative stress, the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway, and nerve growth factor (NGF) signaling, as well as splicing regulation.[51](#acn3652-bib-0051){ref-type=\"ref\"} In addition, atypical splicing of neuroligin, the mutation of which is associated with ASD phenotypes and synaptic dysfunction, was found in lymphoblastoid cell lines of ASD patients.[52](#acn3652-bib-0052){ref-type=\"ref\"}\n\nWe investigated a specific cell type of 29 differentially expressed miRNAs based on the previous report.[53](#acn3652-bib-0053){ref-type=\"ref\"} Four miRNAs (mmu‐miR‐1a‐3p, mmu‐miR‐29a‐3p, mmu‐miR‐29b‐3p, and mmu‐miR‐212‐5p) are characterized by neocortex‐specific expression, while 4 miRNAs (mmu‐miR‐877‐3p, mmu‐miR‐133a‐3p, mmu‐miR‐133b‐3p, and mmu‐miR‐34a‐5p) were expressed higher in cerebellum (particularly, Purkinje cells) than in neocortex. ", "In addition, the expression of mmu‐miR‐135a‐5p is specific to glutamatergic pyramidal neurons, while the expression of mmu‐miR‐669c‐3p and mmu‐miR‐669p‐3p is specific to cortical GABAergic interneurons. ", "Further research about cell‐type specific miRNA dysregulation and their target genes will help us understand the patho‐mechanisms of ASD.", "\n\nIn this study, putative targets of miRNAs were identified by in silico analysis, however, molecular interactions were not verified by in vitro testing, such as luciferase assays. ", "Furthermore, there is little information published on their functional implications with ASD or other neurodevelopmental disorders. ", "Thus, although our data provide additional information on the transcriptional landscape and miRNA expression profiles in ASD, a pathophysiological association cannot be concluded from this study, and further research will be needed to address this concern. ", "Additionally, because microarrays are based on hybridization with DNA probes included on a matrix, we might have missed altered expression of miRNAs not included in the microarray probes. ", "Moreover, microarray data for miRNA expression was not validated by qRT‐PCR, which might have led to false positive findings.", "\n\nAuthor Contributions {#acn3652-sec-0021}\n====================\n\nJ.S.S, D.J, S.T.L, J.M, K.H.J, K.I.P, K.Y.J, M.K, S.K.L, and K.C contributed to conception and design of the study. ", "J.S.S, D.J, J.S.Y, D.K.P, J.Y.B, D.Y.L, S.K, and K.C contributed to acquisition and analysis of data. ", "J.S.S, D.J, and K.C contributed to drafting a significant portion of the manuscript.", "\n\nConflict of Interest {#acn3652-sec-0022}\n====================\n\nNone declared.", "\n\nSupporting information\n======================\n\n###### \n\n**Data S1.** ", "Behavioral phenotype of MIA offspring.", "\n\n**Figure S1.** ", "Behavior phenotypes of the offspring exposed to maternal immune activation.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\n**Table S1.** ", "List of differentially expressed genes in the maternal immune activation mouse brain.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nThis work was supported by a grant from Myung In Pharmaceutical Company (1220140004) and Ildong Pharmaceutical Company (0620180350).", "\n\n[^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.", "\n" ]
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[ "[Daily Mail] A Ryanair plane carrying 141 people from Manchester came within seconds and feet of disaster at a German airport after the pilots tried to make up lost time on their landing, according to an official air safety report.", "\n\nA Ryanair 737 nearly crashed over Germany after pilots tried a new manoeuvre in a bid to make up 30 minutes of lost time. ", "Photo: Wikipedia\n\nInvestigators said the late-running Boeing 737 – with 153 passengers and six crew – almost crashed when landing at Memmingen Airport in Bavaria on September 23 when the 30-year-old pilot and his co-pilot, 29, tried to ‘make good on some of the time lost in Manchester’.", "\n\nIt triggered a series of increasingly urgent automated warnings to the pilots to pull up to avoid hitting the ground before reaching the runway." ]
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[ "Nathan Bomey and John Gallagher\n\nDetroit Free Press\n\nOriginally published Sept. 15, 2013\n\nDetroit is broke, but it didn’t have to be. ", "An in-depth Free Press analysis of the city’s financial history back to the 1950s shows that its elected officials and others charged with managing its finances repeatedly failed — or refused — to make the tough economic and political decisions that might have saved the city from financial ruin.", "\n\nInstead, amid a huge exodus of residents, plummeting tax revenues and skyrocketing home abandonment, Detroit’s leaders engaged in a billion-dollar borrowing binge, created new taxes and failed to cut expenses when they needed to. ", "Simultaneously, they gifted workers and retirees with generous bonuses. ", "And under pressure from unions and, sometimes, arbitrators, they failed to cut health care benefits — saddling the city with staggering costs that today threaten the safety and quality of life of people who live here.", "\n\nThe numbers, most from records deeply buried in the public library, lay waste to misconceptions about the roots of Detroit’s economic crisis. ", "For critics who want to blame Mayor Coleman Young for starting this mess, think again. ", "The mayor’s sometimes fiery rhetoric may have contributed to metro Detroit’s racial divide, but he was an astute money manager who recognized, early on, the challenges the city faced and began slashing staff and spending to address them.", "\n\nAnd Wall Street types who applauded Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s financial acumen following his 2005 deal to restructure city pension debt should consider this: The numbers prove that his plan devastated the city’s finances and was a key factor that drove Detroit to file for Chapter 9 bankruptcy in July.", "\n\nThe State of Michigan also bears some blame. ", "Lansing politicians reduced Detroit’s state-shared revenue by 48% from 1998 to 2012, withholding $172 million from the city, according to state records.", "\n\nDecades of mismanagement added to Detroit’s fiscal woes. ", "The city notoriously bungled multiple federal aid programs and overpaid outrageously to incentivize projects such as the Chrysler Jefferson North plant. ", "Bureaucracy bogged down even the simplest deals and contracts. ", "In a city that needed urgency, major city functions often seemed rudderless.", "\n\nWhen all the numbers are crunched, one fact is crystal clear: Yes, a disaster was looming for Detroit. ", "But there were ample opportunities when decisive action by city leaders might have fended off bankruptcy.", "\n\nIf Mayors Jerome Cavanagh and Roman Gribbs had cut the workforce in the 1960s and early 1970s as the population and property values dropped. ", "If Mayor Dennis Archer hadn’t added more than 1,100 employees in the 1990s when the city was flush but still losing population. ", "If Kilpatrick had shown more fiscal discipline and not launched a borrowing spree to cover operating expenses that continued into Mayor Dave Bing’s tenure. ", "Over five decades, there were many ‘if only’ moments.", "\n\n“Detroit got into a trap of doing a lot of borrowing for cash flow purposes and then trying to figure out how to push costs (out) as much as possible,” said Bettie Buss, a former city budget staffer who spent years analyzing city finances for the nonpartisan Citizens Research Council of Michigan. “", "That was the whole culture — how do we get what we want and not pay for it until tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow?”", "\n\nUltimately, Detroit ended up with $18 billion to $20 billion in debt and unfunded pension and health care liabilities. ", "Gov. Rick Snyder appointed bankruptcy attorney Kevyn Orr as the city’s emergency manager, and Orr filed for Chapter 9 on July 18.", "\n\nFor this report, the Free Press examined about 10,000 pages of documents gathering dust in the public library’s archives. ", "Since most of those documents have never been digitized, the Free Press created its own database of 50 years of Detroit’s financial history. ", "Reporters also conducted dozens of interviews with participants from the last six mayoral administrations as well as city bureaucrats and outside experts. ", "Among the highlights from the review:\n\n■ Taxing higher and higher: City leaders tried repeatedly to reverse sliding revenue through new taxes. ", "Despite a new income tax in 1962, a new utility tax in 1971 and a new casino revenue tax in 1999 — not to mention several tax increases along the way — revenue in today’s dollars fell 40% from 1962 to 2012. ", "Higher taxes helped drive residents to the suburbs and drove away business. ", "Today, Detroit still doesn’t take in as much tax revenue as it did just from property taxes in 1963.", "\n\n■ Reconsidering Coleman Young: Serving from 1974-1994, Young was the most austere Detroit mayor since World War II, reducing the workforce, department budgets and debt during a particularly nasty national recession in the early 1980s. ", "Young was the only Detroit mayor since 1950 to preside over a city with more income than debt, although he relied heavily on tax increases to pay for services.", "\n\n■ Downsizing — too little, too late: The total assessed value of Detroit property — a good gauge of the city’s tax base and its ability to pay bills — fell a staggering 77% over the past 50 years in today’s dollars. ", "But through 2004, the city cut only 28% of its workers, even though the money to pay them was drying up. ", "Not until the last decade did Detroit, in desperation, cut half its workforce. ", "The city also failed to take advantage of efficiencies, such as new technology, that enabled enormous productivity gains in the broader economy.", "\n\n■ Skyrocketing employee benefits: City leaders allowed legacy costs — the tab for retiree pensions and health care — to spiral out of control even as the State of Michigan and private industry were pushing workers into less costly plans. ", "That placed major stress on the budget and diverted money from services such as streetlights and public safety. ", "Detroit’s spending on retiree health care soared 46% from 2000 to 2012, even as its general fund revenue fell 20%.", "\n\n■ Gifting a billion in bonuses: Pension officials handed out about $1 billion in bonuses from the city’s two pension funds to retirees and active city workers from 1985 to 2008. ", "That money — mostly in the form of so-called 13th checks — could have shored up the funds and possibly prevented the city from filing for bankruptcy. ", "If that money had been saved, it would have been worth more than $1.9 billion today to the city and pension funds, by one expert’s estimate.", "\n\n■ Missing chance after chance: Contrary to myth, the city has not been in free fall since the 1960s. ", "There have been periods of economic growth and hope, such as in the 1990s when the population decline slowed, income-tax revenue increased and city leaders balanced the budget. ", "But leaders failed to take advantage of those moments of calm to reform city government, reduce expenses and protect the city and its residents from another downturn.", "\n\n■ Borrowing more and more: Detroit went on a binge starting around 2000 to close budget holes and to build infrastructure, more than doubling debt to $8 billion by 2012. ", "Under Archer, Detroit sold water and sewer bonds. ", "Kilpatrick, who took office in 2002, used borrowing as his stock answer to budget issues, and Bing borrowed more than $250 million.", "\n\n■ Adding the last straw — Kilpatrick’s gamble: He’s best known around the globe for a sex and perjury scandal that sent him to jail and massive corruption that threatens to send him to prison next month for more than 20 years. ", "The corruption cases further eroded Detroit’s image and distracted the city from its fiscal storm. ", "But perhaps the greatest damage Kilpatrick did to the city’s long-term stability was with Wall Street’s help when he borrowed $1.44 billion in a flashy high-finance deal to restructure pension fund debt. ", "That deal, which could cost $2.8 billion over the next 22 years, now represents nearly one-fifth of the city’s debt.", "\n\nWith all the lost opportunities over decades, with Detroit’s debt mounting, with the housing crash and Great Recession just over the horizon, 2005 turned out to be the watershed year.", "\n\nAlthough no one could see it at the time, Detroit’s insolvency was guaranteed.", "\n\nPostwar boom, then ugly first signs of urban decline\n\nComing out of World War II, American industry was triumphant, and few centers of industry were riding higher than Detroit. ", "The Arsenal of Democracy had built the planes and tanks that carried the war effort and was ready to return to producing cars and trucks for peacetime.", "\n\nThe fruits of victory were everywhere. ", "Detroit’s population was growing toward 2 million. ", "The cityscape was crowded — 14,000 people per square mile. ", "With almost one-third of Michigan’s population living within its borders, Detroit exercised an outsized influence on the state’s politics and economy.", "\n\nBut the 1950s brought the first sobering inklings of crisis, and Detroit mayors for two decades made halting attempts to get ahead of it. ", "Albert Cobo (1950-1957) formed the Dodge Committee to recommend diversifying the city’s tax base as wartime contracts dried up. ", "Jerome Cavanagh (1962-1970) responded to falling revenue by instituting Detroit’s first income tax. ", "Roman Gribbs (1970-1974) spearheaded an effort to revitalize downtown and Detroit’s tax base.", "\n\nBut two trends were undermining Detroit and the nation’s industrial centers like no foreign enemy had been able to do.", "\n\nSuburbanization: All cities spread out postwar into the farmland at their perimeters. ", "Automakers and road builders eager to sell cars, home builders eager to sell new houses, village mayors eager for new taxes — all promoted suburban growth. ", "So did the federal government with its subsidies and tax incentives. ", "Eager for elbow room, families in crowded cities like Detroit and Cleveland and St. Louis began moving to the new communities. ", "The process of spreading out hasn’t stopped yet.", "\n\nDiscriminatory practices, such as redlining — denying minority buyers mortgages and access to homes in white neighborhoods — made the process in Detroit and many other cities an ugly one. ", "Unscrupulous real estate agents encouraged white flight by stoking some whites’ fears of black people moving in next door. ", "Rancor ran deep. ", "Experts warned of two Americas: one privileged, suburban and white; the other poor, urban and black.", "\n\nDeindustrialization: Cities like Detroit and Flint that rose to power in the first half of the 20th Century were shocked to find in the second half how many factory jobs would be lost to foreign competition. ", "Detroit auto executive Lee Iacocca once boasted that U.S. carmakers would kick their Japanese competitors back into the Pacific Ocean. ", "He was wrong. ", "American steelmakers learned the same hard lessons.", "\n\nEven by the late 1950s, the signs of strain were showing in industrial cities. ", "Population and housing values peaked in Detroit in the 1950s and began their long and seemingly unstoppable decline. ", "The urban riots of the 1960s, including Detroit’s, accelerated the process.", "\n\nBy the 1960s, in Detroit as in city after city, the process was well under way. ", "And mayors and civic leaders, here and elsewhere, began their long, anguished battle against decline.", "\n\nToday, the revivals of downtown and Midtown are drawing young professionals of diverse race and ethnicity back to the city. ", "But the overall population is still dropping as people leave, looking for safer neighborhoods, better schools, lower taxes and reliable city services. ", "Detroit’s population now is about 700,000.", "\n\nOther cities also have profound problems today — Chicago, Providence, R.I., Baltimore. ", "But only Detroit is in bankruptcy court.", "\n\nCause and effect: People leave, taxes go up, more people leave\n\nAs the post-World War II manufacturing expansion leveled off and Detroit started to lose population and revenue, the city turned for the first time in 1962 to an income tax: 1% for residents, nonresidents and corporations. ", "Only six years later, the rate for residents would double.", "\n\nIn the early 1980s, a nasty national recession pummeled the auto industry, and Detroit’s finances spiraled downward. ", "Mayor Young convened a blue-ribbon panel to recommend action. ", "They said the city would be bankrupt by summer if it did not raise taxes and reduce costs again.", "\n\nWithin months of a heated primary election, Young achieved the politically unthinkable: He persuaded Detroit voters to increase their own income taxes from 2% to 3%. ", "He got Republican Gov. William Milliken to sign off, too. ", "And he coupled it with deals to freeze wages for thousands of workers and lay off several hundred police officers.", "\n\n“He could pull a lot of this off because he had such political capital in the community that a lot of folks would say, ‘If Coleman Young said it, it must be OK,’” said Tim Kiska, a professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn.", "\n\nTo continue paying for city services and to pay for union benefits awarded by outside arbitrators, the city also instituted a new utility tax in 1971 and a wagering tax when casinos began operating here in 1999. ", "As population declined, the city instituted new taxes or raised existing ones to try and keep up with falling revenues.", "\n\nThe total property tax burden for city homeowners, including county and school taxes, rose from 44.79 mills per thousand dollars of value in the mid-’60s to 88.178 per thousand by 1991.", "\n\n“It’s almost like every decade we got a new source of income to keep our ass on the ground,” said Ed Rago, Young’s budget director.", "\n\nBut the problem with using taxes to raise revenue was that it made the city a more expensive — and less attractive — place to live and do business. ", "People and corporations kept leaving.", "\n\n“So, very quickly, you had a situation where the city residents were taxed far higher than anywhere else,” Buss said.", "\n\nColeman Young’s legacy: Divisive — but fiscally sound\n\nWhen Coleman Young was elected mayor in 1973, Detroit had lived through one of the worst race riots in U.S. history and had lost about half a million people from its peak population years. ", "Young has been alternately blamed for fanning the flames of racial tension, dealing out sweetheart deals to unions, expanding the city’s budget and setting Detroit on a path toward financial destruction.", "\n\nIndeed, he did raise taxes, but he also recognized fiscal realities by cutting costs aggressively to shore up the budget. ", "Contrary to the typical portrait of him, Young may have been Detroit’s most conservative modern mayor, attacking fiscal problems by shrinking government and forging new relationships with corporate America to build new Detroit auto factories during his tenure.", "\n\n“Coleman Young was a fiscal conservative,” said Buss. “", "Not many people appreciate that about him. ", "He knew politics, and he was also desperately afraid that his community would lose control.”", "\n\nHe even reduced its recreation infrastructure. ", "For example, when Young took office in 1974, the city had 117 skating rinks, 18 city pools and five “swim-mobiles,” portable metal tanks that were filled with water and traveled to neighborhoods so kids could take a dip.", "\n\nWhen Young left office, the city had four skating rinks and 12 city pools. ", "The swim-mobiles were still around.", "\n\nUnder Young, Detroit cut about 6,000 workers from 1978 to 1984, according to financial records reviewed by the Free Press. ", "During his two decades as mayor, he also cut about 2,000 Police Department employees and about 500 Fire Department employees.", "\n\n“He did a number of things to bring costs down,” said Bob Berg, Young’s former press secretary. “", "He kept a pretty tight rein ... in some very difficult economic times.”", "\n\nOne reason Young cut public safety officers: The city lost an arbitration ruling during a bitter dispute early in his tenure in favor of hefty union compensation.", "\n\nRoger Short, a budget analyst who later became one of the city’s top fiscal officials in the Archer and Kilpatrick administrations, recalled that Young also slashed the Police Department’s equipment.", "\n\n“We got rid of the planes and the helicopters,” Short said. “", "We couldn’t afford them.”", "\n\nStill, Young cannot be altogether exonerated in his role in Detroit’s financial demise. ", "In fact, when he was serving in the state Legislature, Young wrote Public Act 312, which required binding arbitration in union compensation fights, the very same law that came back to haunt the city years later when the city lost arbitrations.", "\n\n“He always said it was the worst mistake he ever made in public life,” Berg said.", "\n\nYoung embraced taxes, too. ", "Raising taxes helped him keep the budget balanced. ", "The city’s income tax revenue for residents doubled from 1981 to 1986, according to the Free Press analysis.", "\n\nWith the public safety cuts, Young stabilized the budget. ", "In 1985, the city’s debt-to-revenue ratio in today’s dollars hit an all-time low of 0.66, according to the Free Press analysis. ", "Today, the ratio is 7.1 — more than 10 times greater.", "\n\nKiska, who covered Young’s administration for the Free Press in the early 1980s and wrote a book about the city’s power brokers, said Young was responding to a “sense of terror” as the auto industry languished.", "\n\n“If you look at what he’s done, he was behaving — and this is just my opinion — totally responsibly,” Kiska said.", "\n\nWall Street apparently agreed. ", "In June 1986, Standard & Poor’s increased Detroit’s bond rating to investment-grade, ending a six-year stretch in which Detroit’s ability to borrow was limited.", "\n\nThat kicked off a spree that continued through the end of Young’s administration. ", "From 1987 to 1994, the city’s debt load soared 72% in inflation-adjusted dollars, according to a Free Press analysis.", "\n\nIn 1990, for example, the city sold $130 million in limited-tax general obligation bonds, which voters had not approved, to help finance Chrysler’s Jefferson North Assembly Plant. ", "At the time, analysts projected the deal would cost the city a total of $245 million in principal and interest over 20 years.", "\n\nStill, Detroit’s debt was relatively under control under the Young administration and through the Dennis Archer years. ", "It wasn’t until the early 2000s that it started to become unmanageable.", "\n\nMissed chances to rightsize staff as population falls\n\nOne running theme in the Free Press’ review is that city leaders failed, again and again, to come to grips with the looming crisis. ", "Young downsized the bureaucracy, but not as much as he should have in view of the city’s declining population and revenue.", "\n\nAnd in 1994, when the Clinton-era financial boom took hold and the city’s finances appeared to be stabilizing, the city started hiring again.", "\n\nFlush with new tax revenue, Archer increased the city workforce from 1994 to 2001, even as the population contracted. ", "Those new employees added to the city’s legacy costs. ", "By the end of the 2001 fiscal year, the city had 18,132 employees, about one worker for every 51 residents.", "\n\nArcher told the Free Press that cuts were not politically palatable then, in part because the U.S. economy was booming. ", "He defended adding employees, saying the city could afford it and budgets were balanced during his tenure.", "\n\n“We wouldn’t buy things unless we could afford to,” he said. “", "That’s how we were able to, frankly, balance our budget and have a modest surplus, because we watched what we were doing.”", "\n\nBut as Detroit’s economic problems intensified, Kilpatrick, mayor from 2002 until he resigned amid a sex and perjury scandal in 2008, presided over one of the largest purges of municipal workers in the city’s history — cutting more than 4,000 employees.", "\n\nWhen Bing, the current mayor, inherited a red-ink budget in 2009, he resorted to more cuts in an attempt to keep the city solvent, slashing another 4,000 employees in four years. ", "In just a few years, Bing laid off nearly one of every three city workers.", "\n\nToday, the city has about one employee for every 73 residents.", "\n\nCosts for health care, retiree benefits soar — city fails to act\n\nIt has been obvious for at least a quarter-century that governments and industry were going to face massive legacy costs as more workers aged and retired. ", "In fact, Detroit had about 18,000 retirees in the late 1980s, only about 3,000 fewer than today.", "\n\nBut Archer said the red flags weren’t obvious in the 1980s and 1990s. “", "During the eight years I was in office, there was some discussion that was starting to be held, quietly,” he said. ", "It eventually became clear that “cities needed to watch out; states needed to watch out.”", "\n\nEd Hannan, one of his budget directors, agreed: “If you go way, way back, health care was not an expensive add-on,” he said. “", "As years went on, health care became very big.... We did go to council. ", "We showed projections and what would happen and difficult times ahead. ", "We were met with skepticism.”", "\n\nEven in recent years, when no one questioned that the health care tab had been ballooning, city leaders failed to cut costs because of intense pressure from unions. ", "Adverse court and arbitration rulings also stymied the city’s best efforts to cut. ", "The city’s spending on retiree health care soared 46% from 2000 to 2012, even as general fund revenue fell by 20%.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the city’s total unfunded retiree health care liabilities rose 19% from 2007 to 2011. ", "Those numbers are critical because they show how costs have increased even though the number of employees was decreasing.", "\n\nToday, the city’s retiree health care obligations continue to drain the budget and are central to its insolvency.", "\n\nThe city also missed opportunities to rightsize retirement benefits. ", "For instance, when the State of Michigan switched from pensions to 401(k)-style plans in 1997, Detroit failed to follow suit.", "\n\nArcher negotiated with the pensions funds to create a new plan for city workers, but it was never implemented.", "\n\nIn 2000, the city spent about $99 million on retiree health care benefits. ", "That rose by almost half to about $145 million in 2012.", "\n\nBonuses to workers, retirees add up to more budget trouble\n\nIn 1994, Archer convened a meeting of his top officials the first week he took office to inspect the city’s books. ", "Rago, Young’s budget director who stayed on during Archer’s first year, told the new mayor how the city’s pension system distributed excess earnings each year to retirees and active employees, instead of reinvesting it. ", "The practice of distributing 13th checks and annuity bonuses dated to at least the mid-1980s.", "\n\nAlarmed, Archer vowed to kill the practice. ", "But the city doesn’t control its pension funds, which have been largely administered by union officials serving on two independent pension boards.", "\n\nSo Archer backed an effort to block the payments through a proposed new city charter, which actually passed in August 1996. ", "Enraged, several city unions and a retiree group sued and won. ", "Archer tried again to block payments through a ballot initiative, called Proposal T, but it failed.", "\n\n“That’s a whole lot of money that, if it was in the pension fund, may have made a difference,” Archer told the Free Press.", "\n\nMilliman, an accounting firm conducting an analysis for Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr, this year pegged the unfunded pension liabilities at $3.5 billion. ", "Pension fund trustees dispute that figure, saying the funds are healthy despite the 13th check practice and a string of poor investments over the last decade.", "\n\nOne of the city’s two pension funds, the General Retirement System board, which represents nonuniform employees, doled out $951 million in excess earnings, mostly to retirees and active employees, from 1985 to 2008, according to a report conducted for City Council in 2011 by independent actuary Joseph Esuchanko.", "\n\nHe estimated that the total accumulated cost to the city from the distributions, including lost interest, was $1.9 billion as of June 30, 2008.", "\n\nIt’s unclear exactly how much extra money was distributed from the city’s other pension fund, which covers police and fire department employees. ", "Officials have told the Free Press, however, it was a much less frequent practice and that it happened in earnest for only a few years. ", "With the stock market booming under Archer’s tenure, the city agreed in negotiations with its police and firefighter unions in October 2000 to hand out $190.4 million in bonus pension payments to current and future retirees.", "\n\nThere were clear signs of strain in Detroit’s two pension funds going back to the 1970s. ", "The level of benefits paid each year was rising dramatically, in actual dollar amounts and as a percentage of the city’s active payrolls.", "\n\nThe funds also raised benefits year after year for decades through a cost-of-living allowance and through higher benefits negotiated by unions.", "\n\nDon Fuerst, a senior pension fellow at the American Academy of Actuaries, calls those rising costs “a serious red flag” for a pension fund.", "\n\n“When you see costs increasing as a percentage of payroll, as a percentage of revenues, as a percentage of assets, and you see a clear trend of increasing costs, that should be a red flag of concern, no question,” he said.", "\n\nShirley Lightsey, president of the Detroit Retired City Employees Association, said many retirees have accepted that times have changed.", "\n\n“We’ve told our people there’s no more 13th check, so don’t even talk about it anymore,” she said.", "\n\nThe pension board claims of safety and solvency were exaggerated over time in part because of a common but controversial accounting practice called “smoothing,” according to a Free Press analysis of pension reports.", "\n\nThat concept was used by Detroit trustees to assign a predicted annual return on assets over a seven-year period to “smooth” out the up-and-down market gyrations. ", "But in Detroit’s case, the predicted return was too high and the reality of poor investments and falling contributions sapped the funds too quickly for the “smoothed” out numbers to remain accurate.", "\n\nDetroit’s pension boards also had another problem, experts say: Seven years is too long a period for smoothing. ", "Three to five years is a more responsible time frame for predicting market returns.", "\n\nAs a result, the actual value of assets for Detroit’s two pension funds is really about $5.4 billion — not the $6.77 billion claimed by the pension boards. ", "That’s 20% off — and “really substantial,” Fuerst said.", "\n\nKilpatrick’s award-winning deal turns into a financial disaster\n\nOn Dec. 6, 2005, Kwame Kilpatrick strode to the stage of a New York City ballroom to applause. ", "Decked out in a black tuxedo, Kilpatrick accepted a gleaming trophy for engineering a complex $1.44-billion pension deal designed to eliminate the city’s unfunded pension liabilities.", "\n\nHe cracked a joke on stage, and Wall Street chuckled. ", "Photographs from the event show laughing faces, a high-priced evening, a night to envy.", "\n\nThe transaction — which earned Detroit the Midwest Regional Deal of the Year honors from the Bond Buyer, Wall Street’s bible for municipal investments — was hailed for its intricate legal framework and creativity. ", "City officials openly bragged that they had to construct a byzantine legal structure to justify the deal.", "\n\nThe deal hailed by Wall Street was a disaster. ", "The borrowing scheme now represents close to one-fifth of the city’s debt and stands as a key reason the city filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy on July 18.", "\n\nMany said it seemed like a good idea at the time, but the financial machination now stands as a prime example of the city’s willingness to borrow huge sums — and how Kilpatrick took borrowing to new heights.", "\n\nFor a year, Kilpatrick had lobbied the City Council to approve the idea of borrowing to fund pensions. ", "The mayor said the city’s pension obligation, left unaddressed, would force him to lay off 2,000 employees.", "\n\nBut his new deal was designed to fix all that. ", "He estimated the city would shave $277 million a year from its pension contribution obligation and prevent layoffs. ", "It worked like this: Detroit sold pension obligation certificates of participation and shoved the money into its pension funds, making them nearly 100% funded. ", "Separately, the city also bought so-called swaps, or derivatives, a complex Wall Street financial deal to permanently lock in steady interest rates in the range of 6%, a comparatively good rate at the time.", "\n\nCouncil members at the time — Maryann Mahaffey, Barbara-Rose Collins, Sharon McPhail and JoAnn Watson — blocked the original pension certificates deal for months. ", "They warned it was too risky because of the stock market’s volatility and accused Kilpatrick of political gamesmanship.", "\n\nThe Free Press editorial page in February 2005 also applied pressure, calling the reluctant council members “heads-in-the-sand” politicians who “have become a threat to the stability of the community.” ", "The editorial described the transaction as a “sound deal” that was “akin to refinancing a mortgage.”", "\n\nEventually, the council members capitulated under pressure from Kilpatrick and criticism from unions, including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which represented city workers. ", "The deal eventually passed council unanimously.", "\n\n“Kilpatrick had to know or to believe he wasn’t going to be around at the time those payments were going to be due,” said Joseph Harris, Detroit’s auditor general from 1995 to 2005.", "\n\nThree years later, interest rates tanked and the stock market collapsed. ", "Detroit’s credit rating was downgraded. ", "In desperation, the city pledged its casino tax revenue as collateral to creditors to avoid a payment of up to $400 million that, back then, would have pushed Detroit into a bankruptcy filing.", "\n\nThe city now owes $2.8 billion for principal, interest and insurance payments over the next 22 years, according to a Free Press review of the city’s records. ", "The bill soared in part because the city made only interest payments for about five years.", "\n\n“Things really got ugly as a result of that,” said Rago, the former budget director. “", "In the end, as you look back on it, it was the worst thing they could have done.”", "\n\nBankruptcy avoidable — until decadelong borrowing binge\n\nDespite the city’s huge tax burden, big spending and large bureaucracy, the Free Press analysis suggests that when Archer left office in 2001, the city still could have avoided disaster. ", "Bankruptcy was not inevitable.", "\n\nBut under the Kilpatrick and Bing administrations, the city started borrowing aggressively to cover its operating expenses, enabled by Wall Street’s irresponsible lending of the 2000s.", "\n\n“It just makes me ill. ", "Almost cry,” said former Mayor Gribbs, now 87, who served from 1970 to 1974. “", "You can’t continually borrow money and use it for operating expenses and expect never to have the trouble of paying it back. ", "That’s where you end up going bankrupt.”", "\n\nShortly after Kilpatrick took office, his administration issued $61.07 million in “fiscal stabilization bonds.” ", "It was the first of several bond issues championed by Kilpatrick to keep the city budget afloat.", "\n\nKilpatrick was full of ideas — like turning the crumbling Michigan Central Station into police headquarters — but was never able to build realistic budgets. ", "He added city workers, then had to cut them. ", "His stock answer to budget issues was to borrow. ", "And chronic annual deficit spending started under him.", "\n\nIn 2009, at Bing’s urging, the city issued $250 million in fiscal stabilization bonds. ", "He told the Free Press last week that the city was almost out of cash and that he couldn’t avoid borrowing.", "\n\n“I think too many of us looked at Detroit through rose-colored glasses and thought the revenue was going to increase and therefore we didn’t have to do anything on the expenditure side,” he said. “", "But I knew early on that my revenue wasn’t going to increase and my only option was to cut.… ", "I had to make sure that there was enough money in our system to carry us through the next fiscal year and maybe the next.”", "\n\nThe borrowing also was aided by Wall Street. ", "As recently as the middle of the last decade, bond rating agencies, including Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s, were rating Detroit debt as investment grade.", "\n\nBut even after eventual downgrades, investors continued to scoop up each new city bond issue. ", "That’s because the lower the credit rating, the higher the interest paid to investors.", "\n\nThe demand was also fueled by Wall Street’s mistaken impression that the State of Michigan would never allow the city to file for bankruptcy.", "\n\nIn 2009, Harris — who became chief financial officer for Mayor Kenneth Cockrel Jr. during his single year in office 2008-09 — met with Wall Street firms and rating agencies to help the water department issue revenue bonds. ", "At one stop with a credit agency, he discussed the city’s tenuous financial circumstances with an analyst.", "\n\n“She says, ‘Well, what happens if Detroit goes bankrupt?’” ", "Harris recalled in a Free Press interview. “", "I said, ‘We don’t. ", "The state will step in and ensure that they right the ship and that the bonds are paid.’”", "\n\nFinally: What would Frank do?", "\n\nAn echo of Detroit’s current distress can be found in memories of the Great Depression of the 1930s. ", "Then, too, Detroit suffered overwhelming unemployment, chronic budget deficits, rampant crime.", "\n\nBut the city government managed to avoid a financial collapse, led by charismatic Mayor Frank Murphy, later Michigan’s governor, U.S. attorney general and associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.", "\n\nIn a report to citizens, Murphy bemoaned the “unsatisfactory governmental administration in the near past,” the “racketeers” who were plaguing the community and the “acute” joblessness that undercut the city.", "\n\nDespite an imploding economy, he called for a “stubborn stand against the allowance of deficits.” ", "He pledged to cut the city’s budget “to the bone” and he declared war on “financial acrobatics” in a letter attached to the city’s 1930 annual report, which the Free Press uncovered in the Detroit Public Library.", "\n\nHis efforts helped the city survive the nation’s worst economic times.", "\n\nAlong the way, he made a vow.", "\n\n“This is a great, rich city,” he proclaimed in the letter. “", "It never has repudiated an obligation nor defaulted upon a debt — and it never will.”", "\n\nContact Nathan Bomey: nbomey@usatoday.com. ", "Follow him on Twitter @NathanBomey. ", "Contact John Gallagher: 313-222-5173 or gallagher@freepress.com. ", "Follow him on Twitter @jgallagherfreep. ", "Staff writer Kristi Tanner contributed to this report.", "\n\nHow this report was done\n\n\n\nDigital information about Detroit’s financial history is sorely lacking. ", "In pursuit of historical context on the city’s finances, the Free Press spent weeks conducting research at the Detroit Public Library’s Burton Historical Collection and Department of Sociology and Economics.", "\n\n\n\nThe Free Press created its own database of 50 years of Detroit’s financial history by reviewing the city’s annual financial audits for 1960-2012, reading a half century of pension fund reports and combing through many other city records.", "\n\n\n\nCity financial audits before 2002 were available in print only. ", "Reports from 1964 and 1971 were not available.", "\n\n\n\nThe Free Press also conducted dozens of interviews with outside experts and leaders from the last six mayoral administrations to provide context and additional information.", "\n\n\n\nThe Free Press uses general fund revenue figures, which are the best reflection of the city’s financial health. ", "For some years, the city’s audited figures were later slightly adjusted because of new accounting principles, delinquent receipts or additional spending.", "\n\n\n\nMany news reports have relied on Detroit emergency manager Kevyn Orr’s assertion that the city has about $18 billion in debt. ", "However, those figures include disputed estimates of the city’s long-term liabilities, including pension funds and retiree health care. ", "In all references to the city’s debt, the Free Press is referring to the value of general obligation bonds, pension obligation certificates of participation and secured bonds, such as water and sewer debt.", "\n\n\n\nIn references to inflation-adjusted figures, the Free Press uses the recommended conversion method from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics." ]
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[ "Between-algorithm, between-individual differences in normal perimetric sensitivity: full threshold, FASTPAC, and SITA. ", "Swedish Interactive Threshold algorithm.", "\nTo determine the between-algorithm differences in perimetric sensitivity for the Swedish Interactive Threshold algorithm (SITA) Standard, SITA Fast, FASTPAC, and Full Threshold algorithms; to determine the between-subject, between-algorithm differences in the magnitude of the normal variation in sensitivity. ", "The sample comprised 50 normal subjects (mean age, 52.9 +/- 18.5 years) experienced in automated perimetry. ", "One randomly assigned eye was examined at three visits with Program 30-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer (HFA). ", "The first visit was a familiarization session. ", "A two-period crossover design with order randomization within visits was used over the second and third visits. ", "SITA Standard, SITA Fast, and HFA 640 Full Threshold were administered during one visit. ", "FASTPAC and HFA 750 Full Threshold were administered during the remaining visit. ", "Group mean Mean Sensitivity was 0.8 dB higher for SITA Standard than for Full Threshold (P < 0.001) and 1.3 dB higher for SITA Fast than for Full Threshold (P < 0.001). ", "A similar trend was found between SITA and FASTPAC. ", "The group mean Mean Sensitivity for SITA Fast was 0.5 dB higher than for SITA Standard (P < 0.001). ", "The pointwise between-algorithm difference in sensitivity was similar for all algorithms. ", "The pointwise between-algorithm, between-subject variability was lower for SITA. ", "The examination durations for SITA Fast and SITA Standard were half those for FASTPAC and Full Threshold; SITA Fast was 41% that of SITA Standard (P < 0.001). ", "SITA produced marginally higher mean mean sensitivity compared with that of existing algorithms and markedly reduced examination duration. ", "The reduced between-subject variability of SITA should result in narrower confidence limits for definition of normality." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Fire Up the Grill\n\nEnjoy a taste of the season with these delicious recipes and easy tips!" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nEmpty the cache for a whole site via ASP.NET / JavaScript?", "\n\nIs it possible to force the browser to clear the cache for a whole site/domain?", "\nI've an ASP.NET Application and after some changes in the user-settings, all pages must be reloaded from the server next time and not from the browser's cache. ", "Thus, can I tell the browser to clear the cache for my site?", "\nIn all other cases, the browser's cache is very useful reducing the http traffic.", "\n\nA:\n\nCheck-it Out:\nResponse.", "Cache.", "SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.", "NoCache);\nResponse.", "Cache.", "SetExpires(DateTime.", "Now);\nResponse.", "Cache.", "SetNoServerCaching();\nResponse.", "Cache.", "SetNoStore();\n\n" ]
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[ "Samuel D. Walker House\n\nThe Samuel D. Walker House, at 1119 Park Ave. ", "in Park City, Utah, was built around 1895. ", " It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984.", "\n\nIt is a two-story frame hall and parlor plan house with a gable roof. ", " It was built originally as a one-story hall and parlor plan house. ", " Its first floor symmetric front has three bays: window, door, window.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:National Register of Historic Places in Summit County, Utah\nCategory:Buildings and structures completed in 1895\nCategory:1895 establishments in Utah Territory" ]
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[ "Access\n\nGoogle tries to get peoples' attention. ", "It works.", "\n\nYesterday, the Google.com page was all these crazy bouncing balls. ", "Today it's white lettering that fills in color letter by letter when you type something in the search box. ", "All this in advance of a 9:30 pacific time announcement centered around search. ", "Speculation abounds as to what will be announced. ", "Possibly search results displaying in real time so you don't need to hit the Google Search button (or the archaic and dimly charming I Feel Lucky button)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Massive Battles - Lead Yoshitsune and his men against hundreds of warriors as your strive to reach, and defeat, the enemy warlord in epic battle sequences based on Japanese history.", "\n\nBeautifully detailed battlegrounds - From shimmering details of the great naval battle of Dannoura to epic monumental horseback encounters at Ichinotani, GANJI truly harnesses the power of the PLAYSTATION3 to deliver next-generation visuals.", "\n\nDescription\n\nThe Tale of a Legendary Samurai Returns\n\nSet three years after the last chapter of Genkuro Yoshitsune life, GANJI continues to expand on the historical accounts of feudal Japan. ", "GANJI unveils beautiful next generation visuals and sword slashing Game Play as an exclusively developed title for the PLAYSTATION3\n\nGANJI will capture the attention of the hardcore gamer / early adopter eager for a traditional action/adventure gaming experience. ", "Featuring more than double the amount of game play, more diverse levels of fighting, and more playable characters - all underlying an epic tale of a warrior honor, GANJI promises to deliver a genuine next-generation experience on the PLAYSTATION3" ]
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[ 0.0055248618784530384, 0.00823045267489712, 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0.008130081300813009 ]
[ "Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis: Clinical Features and Basic Mechanisms.", "\nIn slightly more than 10 years, anti-NMDA receptor (NMDAR) encephalitis has changed from a rare paraneoplastic syndrome to the most common cause of nonviral encephalitis. ", "It presents fulminantly with progressive psychosis, seizures, and autonomic dysfunction, leading to death if untreated. ", "However, rapid recognition and treatment can lead to survival and a return to baseline levels of functioning in many patients. ", "While initially associated with ovarian teratomas, it is now associated with other tumors and can reflect a postviral event. ", "The antibodies to the NMDAR made in this syndrome are pathogenic and are directed at the extracellular domain of the GluN1 subunit. ", "Such antibodies lead to internalization of NMDARs in model systems, leading to a physiological state characterized by NMDAR hypofunction. ", "Analogous disorders, characterized by antibodies to other synaptic receptors, present with neurological and psychiatric dysfunction and also appear to reflect antibody-induced internalization of receptors. ", "However, this simple pathophysiology may be too simplistic to reflect the complexity of events in anti-NMDAR encephalitis. ", "Future scientific investigations may allow a more complete understanding of this disorder and improve treatment of anti-NMDAR encephalitis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.013888888888888888, 0.011627906976744186, 0, 0, 0.008, 0.007575757575757576, 0.007246376811594203, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Kids in Fire-ravaged Texas Town Return to SchoolAP Online - September 12, 2011...learning anything. ", "It doesn't seem like a couple of days is enough.", "\"One student who missed school was sixth grader WesleyGraf, 11, whose family has been staying with relatives in the nearby town of Lockhart.", "His father, 44-year-old James..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0.014285714285714285, 0.03125 ]
[ "Effect of the Procalcitonin Assay on Antibiotic Use in Critically Ill Children.", "\nWe retrospectively studied the effect of introducing procalcitonin into clinical practice on antibiotic use within a large academic pediatric intensive care unit. ", "In the absence of a standardized algorithm, availability of the procalcitonin assay did not reduce the frequency of antibiotic initiations or the continuation of antibiotics for greater than 72 hours." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Dietary fatty acid intervention of lactating cows simultaneously affects lipid profiles of meat and milk.", "\nThe present study investigated tissue-specific responses of muscle and mammary gland to a 10 week intervention of German Holstein cows (n = 18) with three different dietary fat supplements (saturated fat; linseed oil or sunflower oil plus docosahexaenoic acid-rich algae) by analysing fatty acid profiles and quality parameters of meat and milk. ", "Plant oil/algae intervention affected neither fat content nor quality parameters of meat but decreased fat content and saturated fatty acid amounts of milk. ", "Linseed oil/algae intervention caused significantly higher concentrations of C18:3n-3 (meat, 1.0 g per 100 g; milk, 1.2 g per 100 g) and C22:6n-3 (meat, 0.3 g per 100 g; milk, 0.14 g per 100 g). ", "Sunflower oil/algae intervention increased n-6 fatty acid contents in milk (4.0 g per 100 g) but not in meat. ", "Elevated amounts of C18:1trans isomers and C18:1trans-11 were found in meat and especially in milk of plant oil/algae-fed cows. ", "C18:1cis-9 amounts were found to be increased in milk but decreased in meat after plant oil/algae intervention. ", "The present study demonstrated that dietary fatty acid manipulation substantially shifted the fatty acid profiles of milk and to a lesser extent of meat, whereas meat quality traits were not affected. ", "Indications of tissue-specific responses of mammary gland and muscle were identified." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.002881844380403458, 0, 0.005128205128205128, 0, 0, 0.008928571428571428, 0, 0 ]
[ "My Beer Year by Lucy Burningham\nDriven by curiosity and thirst, longtime journalist Lucy Burningham set out to chronicle her escapades to becoming the ultimate beer expert—a Certified Cicerone. ", "The result is an engaging and witty memoir entitled My Beer Year: Adventures with Hop Farmers, Craft Brewers, Chefs, Beer Sommeliers, and Fanatical Drinkers as a Beer Master in Training. ", "Lucy introduces the reader to a colorful cast of beer-loving characters and sheds light on the charmingly quirky world of beer culture. ", "Paperback; $16.95. ", "roostbooks.com.", "\n\nTavour Beer Concierge Gift Certificate\nBased in Seattle’s SoDo district, beer concierge startup Tavour has devised a convenient way to introduce beer lovers to new and different brews. ", "Tavour’s team dispatches daily, curated beer offerings via e-mail—a mix of tasty local secrets and hard-to-find beers from around the world—and members simply reply back to order specific brews. ", "In essence, members hand-select their own “variety packs” of fresh, unique beers, which are delivered to their door every few weeks. ", "Prices vary. ", "tavour.com.", "\n\nThe process behind this year’s Fresh Hop Harvest Ale from Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery was a little more complex than that of most brews. ", "And a little more fun. ", "Home-brewers and backyard gardeners from throughout the city had only 24 hours to harvest their homegrown hop plants, deliver them to Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery, pluck the hop flowers from the vines and throw them into the brewmaster’s boil. ", "In the end, the brewery collected nearly 100 pounds of fresh hops for its hyper-local harvest ale, a testament to the appeal of its core mission: to create “member-driven beer.”", "\n\nJust over a year old, Flying Bike is the first 100 percent cooperatively owned and operated brewery in Washington. ", "With its popular homebrew competitions, brewer’s roundtable gatherings, and community giving program, the Greenwood-based collective offers a structured space for people who want to get involved in the local beer scene. ", "The brewery’s thriving taproom adds to its reputation as an exceptional neighborhood establishment—a place to enjoy unique craft beers, learn about the brewing process, and build community.", "\n\nIt’s time for happy hour. ", "A midweek interlude from everyday responsibilities. ", "An evening to catch up with friends, sightsee with family, or relax with a partner. ", "On this particular evening in late spring, happy hour involves a gangplank.", "\n\nAs the crowd walks single-file onto the Victoria Star 2, it sways, buoyed to the dock of Bellingham’s Alaska Ferry Terminal. ", "Onboard, a few families settle at the tables and chairs that line the perimeter of the boat, while groups of friends and seasoned locals head straight to the main attraction: local craft brews.", "\n\nWith the San Juan Islands as a backdrop, couples hold hands on the boat’s outdoor decks and the vessel pulls away from the harbor. ", "Inside, beers from Boundary Bay Brewery in Bellingham, Seattle’s Fremont Brewing, and Diamond Knot Brewery in Mukilteo fill the three tasting tables.", "\n\nThis social event is the second Bellingham Bay BREWers Cruise of 2016. ", "Every Wednesday evening from late May through September, Washington breweries and beer enthusiasts come together for education and conversation. ", "With three featured breweries each week pouring at least three beers apiece, brewers teach passengers about their craft: how they develop new beers, which strains of grain and yeast they use, and new collaboration projects they’re launching with other breweries.", "\n\nThe root beer float is a thing of summertime nostalgia, recalling joyful childhood afternoons, and maybe flashbacks to the lovable and carefree crew of Happy Days. ", "It is also just the kind of fetishized indulgence ripe for a reboot in present-day Seattle, where we adults face social expectations to refine our palates, challenge our taste buds, and immerse ourselves in the world of more “sophisticated desserts.” ", "So it’s no surprise that establishments around the city now offer adult ice cream dessert drinks like craft-beer floats and spirited shakes that showcase the nuances of unexpected flavor pairings—with deliciously whimsical results. […]", "\n\nWhen Marley Rall first met her husband-to-be, a hobbyist home brewer, she knew almost nothing about beer. ", "Four years, a wedding, and a career change later, Rall is carving out her own niche in the brewing industry.", "\n\nIt started when Rall noticed something about her husband’s home brewing process. ", "She was shocked by the huge amount of by-product that went to waste after just a single batch of beer. ", "A tenacious woman of many talents, Rall took a closer look and, after some detailed research into larger brewery operations, found much of the same. ", "She also discovered that much of that waste, 85 percent on average, is spent grain that is discarded after its early role in the brewing life cycle.", "\n\nRall knew that that grain’s life was far from over. ", "Building on her skills as an amateur home baker, she hatched an idea to bring the brewing process full circle. ", "She met with local breweries to gauge interest and received an overwhelmingly positive response. ", "Now Rall is the face of The Brewmaster’s Bakery, an innovative purveyor of sweet and savory snacks, granola, baked goods, and dog treats made with the spent grain from Seattle-area breweries. […]", "\n\nMany beer enthusiasts are satisfied to spend a low-key evening at their favorite brewery, anchored to the bar, bantering with the tender, tasting hoppy brews, and soaking up the ambiance. ", "Seattle certainly has a prolific array of neighborhood taprooms suitable for first dates, networking sessions, and friendly meet ups. ", "However, for those who crave more than pretzels with their beer, breweries around Seattle are teaming up with a diverse set of community groups and hobbyists to add activities that include fitness, arts and crafts, and continuing education to the mix. […]" ]
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[ "Development of methods to study the survival of airborne viruses.", "\nA number of viruses have been shown to be transmitted by the airborne route. ", "It is the ability of these viruses to retain their infectivity for living hosts which play a key role in their aerial dissemination. ", "Data generated by a number of workers on the airborne survival of viruses varies considerably because laboratory techniques have not been standardized. ", "About 5 yr ago we started studies on the airborne survival of a number of animal and human viruses. ", "This paper describes the methodology developed to study the aerobiology of these viruses. ", "These methods should be useful in the aerobiological work of other viruses." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Because digital subscriptions are key to its business model, the Financial Times is letting readers into the website redesign process, incorporating their feedback into the process. ", "So far, it’s learned that readers find site speed and the ability to personalize the website important. ", "Readers also preferred to have small video units lower on article pages. ", "Director of product Bede McCarthy says: “This is a much more customer-focused process than we’ve had before. ", "With our last redesign, it was much more about our personal ego. ", "That’s just not how a good digital company operates now.”" ]
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[ 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0.009174311926605505, 0, 0 ]
[ "Damat Mehmed Ali Pasha\n\nDamat Mehmed Ali Pasha (1813–1868) was an Ottoman statesman and diplomat. ", "He served as the Grand Vizier from October 3, 1852 to May 14, 1853, on the eve of the Crimean War. ", "Along with Fuad Pasha, Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha and Mustafa Reşid Pasha, he was one of the main reformers of the Tanzimat period.", "\n\nMehmed Ali was born in Hemşin, a city along the Black Sea coast in modern Turkey, and was of ethnic Hemshin descent. ", "He was the son of an Istanbul shopkeeper and worked in the translation office of the Ottoman Empire before being made Ottoman ambassador to the United Kingdom at the age of 26. ", "He married Princess Adile Sultan, the daughter of sultan Mahmud II, and thus became \"Damat\" (Turkish: bridesgroom) to the Ottoman dynasty.", "\n\nSee also\n List of Ottoman Grand Viziers\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n\nCategory:1813 births\nCategory:1868 deaths\nCategory:19th-century Grand Viziers of the Ottoman Empire\nCategory:Turkish people of Hemshin descent\nCategory:Ambassadors of the Ottoman Empire to the United Kingdom\nCategory:19th-century diplomats\nCategory:Damats" ]
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[ 0.01020408163265306, 0, 0.023809523809523808, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0.007246376811594203, 0 ]
[ "I’ve been a fan of The Projection Booth podcast for a few years now, a show that picks a random film each week and dissects it through discussion between its hosts, Mike White and Rob St. Mary, various co-hosts and usually somebody who’s either worked on said film or know a bit about its production.", "\n\nI was honoured last year when I was invited on to discuss the Tremors franchise with Mike and Rob, at a time when I was fully expecting Seeking Perfection to be in the shops. ", "As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, the sudden announcement of Tremors 5 has thrown that plan into disarray, but the guys at the Projection Booth wanted to celebrate Tremors’ 25th anniversary and were still happy to let me chat all things Graboid for over an hour.", "\n\nThey also interviewed Tremors co-creator/writer, SS Wilson, and director, Ron Underwood, unearthing some facts about the two men that even I didn’t know and causing Ron to mention an actor considered for the role of Earl that he failed to mention during our various conversations…" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.01, 0.022598870056497175, 0.011673151750972763, 0.010638297872340425 ]
[ "Droplet sorting in a loop of flat microfluidic channels.", "\nMotivated by recent experiments, we numerically study the droplet traffic in microfluidic channels forming an asymmetric loop with a long and a short arm. ", "The loop is connected to an inlet and an outlet channel by two right angled T-junctions. ", "Assuming flat channels, we employ the boundary element method (BEM) to numerically solve the two-dimensional Darcy equation that governs two phase flow in the Hele-Shaw limit. ", "The occurrence of different sorting regimes is summarized in sorting diagrams in terms of droplet size, distance between consecutive droplets in the inlet channel, and loop asymmetry for mobility ratios of the liquid phases larger and smaller than one. ", "For large droplet distances, the traffic is regulated by the ratio of the total hydraulic resistances of the long and short arms. ", "At high droplet densities and below a critical droplet size, droplet-droplet collisions are observed for both mobility ratios." ]
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[ "\nGuy Steele: \"How to Think about Parallel Programming: Not\" - puredanger\nhttp://www.infoq.com/presentations/Thinking-Parallel-Programming\n======\nguns\nWhen I watched Guy Steele's earlier talk on the same subject (below), the\nscales fell from my PL eyes.", "\n\nWhen he showed that user-definable, verifiably associative combination\noperators can provide magnificent opportunities for automatic parallelization,\nI was ripped out of my head and found myself unable to squabble about the\ndifferent features of my favorite languages. ", "Even Lisp (the prototype [1])\nfalls significantly short, since linked lists are most naturally processed by\na single thread of execution.", "\n\nIt's clear to me now that when the massively multicore era hits, there will be\na significant opportunity for a totally new breed of PLs and for programmers\nto (re)implement a new wave of software. ", "I hope to be ready when that time\narrives.", "\n\n\"Organizing Functional Code for Parallel Execution; or, foldl and foldr\nConsidered Slightly Harmful\" <http://vimeo.com/6624203>\n\n[1]: Clojure does seem to be anticipating this future, however\n\n~~~\npjscott\nThe operators don't have to be _verifiably_ associative -- I'm pretty sure\nthat's impossible to verify, in general, thanks to the halting problem -- but\nit would be nice to be able to declare operators associative.", "\n\nClojure looks like it could easily be made to support the kind of thing Steele\nis talking about: its immutable vectors are implemented as trees of array\nchunks, to which you could apply an associative operation in parallel.", "\n\n~~~\nriffraff\naren't verification and definition of associative operators two different\nproblems?", "\n\nI mean, while you can't generally prove that an operator is associative, you\ncan have probably tell that they are associative by construction.", "\n\n~~~\nbtilly\n_I mean, while you can't generally prove that an operator is associative, you\ncan have probably tell that they are associative by construction._", "\n\nFrom the construction of matrix multiplication, it is far from obvious that it\nis associative. ", "And this is a simple example.", "\n\n------\ncpr\nThe first part is fun! ", "Brought back great memories of hacking IBM 1130's at\nTeledyne Ryan while in high school.", "\n\nHe's wrong when he said that machines of that vintage didn't know about\nstacks: the whole Burrough B5000 series of machines were entirely stack-based\n(and programmed in an extended Algol--decades ahead of their time).", "\n\n------\npohl\nI'm so happy to live in a world where I can stream a talk like this that\nhappened yesterday at a conference I'd not be able to attend.", "\n\nThe motivation at the beginning with the punchcards and the following PDP-10\n\"poem\" for computing the sin() function left me skeptical about what was to\nfollow, but it turned out to set an excellent stage for the remainder of the\ntalk. ", "By the time he got to the \"big deal\" ideas at the end, I was well\nprepared to accept his thesis.", "\n\nDon't miss this talk. ", "Take the time to watch it.", "\n\nOne nice bit: he admits that if he knew 7 years ago what he knows today,\nFortress might have started with Haskell and been pushed 1/10th of the way\ntowards fortran, rather than starting with an object-based foundation and\nwriting side-effect-free functional domain-specific-languages on top of it.", "\n\n------\nghotli\nThis was the best keynote at Strange Loop in St. Louis this year. ", "It was wild\nsitting in a room with that many people all laughing about the unbelievable\nmetaprogramming he had to do on punch cards. ", "I'm hoping 2011 Strange Loop is\nas good as this year.", "\n\n------\nDanielRibeiro\nGuy Steele had some really great presentations (this one included) over the\nlast years: <http://bit.ly/hy5n0S>\n\n------\ntieTYT\nI didn't see the point of the talk (and was very annoyed by it) until minute\n31. ", "That's when the topic starts, in my opinion.", "\n\n~~~\nbarrkel\nYou'd probably prefer the talk linked to by guns, then. ", "It's an expanded and\ndeeper version of the latter half of this talk.", "\n\n------\naidenn0\nYeah, I kind of agree. ", "Saying there should be better parallel programming\ntools is only slightly more useful than saying that the hardware people should\ncome up with a way to improve single-threaded performance.", "\n\n------\nwccrawford\n\"Guy L. Steele Jr. believes that it should not be the programmer’s job to\nthink about parallelism, but languages should provide ways to transparently\nrun tasks in parallel.\"", "\n\nAnd who makes the languages? ", "Programmers!", "\n\nI get what he's trying to say... He's trying to say that someone should stop\nand make it easy for the rest of us to do parallel programming.", "\n\nAnd I think someone will eventually do just that. ", "But as usual, I don't think\nsomeone writing a blog post about it is going to push someone into it. ", "Either\nthey have the drive to do it, or they don't. \"", "Somebody else should do\nsomething about this!\" ", "never works.", "\n\n~~~\nrtghnthyjnm\nEven in C++ it's pretty trivial to parallelize a loop with openMP.", "\n\nThe compiler could do it automatically but it's only a single line\npreprocessor directive.", "\n\n~~~\nSomeone\nIs it? ", "Adding the directive is easy, but verifying that it does not change\nprogram semantics can be far from easy.", "\n\nA parallelizing compiler must do the latter before doing the former.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "866 F.2d 97\n29 ERC 1227, 19 Envtl. ", "L. Rep. 20,727\nSOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE AND MARINE RESOURCES;National Wildlife Federation; South CarolinaWildlife Federation; Georgia WildlifeFederation, Plaintiffs-Appellees,v.John O. MARSH, in his official capacity as the Secretary ofthe Army; Elvin R. Heiberg, III, General, in his officialcapacity as Chief of Engineers for the Department of theArmy; C. Ernest Edgar, III, in his official capacity asDivision Engineer; Colonel Stanley G. Genega, in hisofficial capacity as District Engineer, Corps of Engineers,Defendants-Appellants.", "\nNo. ", "88-2840.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals,Fourth Circuit.", "\nArgued Dec. 8, 1988.Decided Jan. 24, 1989.", "\n\nMichael Paul Healy (Roger J. Marzulla, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., Myles E. Flint, Deputy Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., Fred R. Disheroon, Jacques B. Gelin, Land & Natural Resources Div., ", "U.S. Dept. ", "of Justice, Washington, D.C., Vinton D. Lide, U.S. Atty., ", "R. Emery Clark, Asst. ", "U.S. Atty., ", "Columbia, S.C., on brief), for defendants-appellants.", "\nEllison D. Smith, IV (E. Jeannette Heyward, Smith and Bundy, Charleston, S.C., Buford S. Mabry, Jr., South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Dept., ", "Columbia, S.C., David J. White, Nat. ", "Wildlife Federation, Atlanta, Ga., on brief) for plaintiffs-appellees.", "\nBefore WILKINS, Circuit Judge, HOWARD, United States District Judge for the Eastern District of North Carolina, sitting by designation, and MERHIGE, Senior United States District Judge for the Eastern District of Virginia, sitting by designation.", "\nWILKINS, Circuit Judge:\n\n\n1\nThe South Carolina Department of Wildlife and Marine Resources, joined by the South Carolina, Georgia, and National Wildlife Federations (Plaintiffs), brought suit against the United States Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) alleging violations of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), 42 U.S.C.A. Secs. ", "4321, et seq. ", " (West 1977). ", " The Corps appeals from the district court issuance of a preliminary injunction prohibiting it from proceeding with the installation of pumped storage facilities at the Richard B. Russell Dam (the Dam). ", " We affirm in part, vacate in part, and remand to the district court.", "\n\nI.\n\n2\nThe Corps currently plans to install and ultimately to operate pumped storage generators at the Dam, which is located between South Carolina and Georgia on the Savannah River. ", " Pumped storage generators can be used at a hydroelectric dam to refill the upstream reservoir following the release of water for the generation of electricity. ", " Turbines attached to reversible generators draw water from the tail waters below a dam and pump it through penstocks into the upstream reservoir during periods of low electricity demand. ", " During periods of high electricity demand the turbines and generators reverse direction and the force of the water flowing down through the penstocks is used to generate hydroelectric power. ", " Pumped storage generators are more expensive than conventional generators, which are not reversible and operate only in a generating mode, but they can function conventionally if not used to pump water upstream. ", " Pumped storage poses a major environmental concern because of the risk that while operating in the pumping mode the turbines may \"entrain,\" or kill, large numbers of fish and fish eggs. ", " There is less concern over possible entrainment in the generating mode.", "\n\n\n3\nWhen construction of the Dam was authorized by Congress as part of the Flood Control Act of 1966, Pub.", "L. No. ", "89-789, Sec. ", "203, 1966 U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News (80 Stat. ", "1405) 1632, 1648, the installation of pumped storage generators was specifically prohibited. ", " However, when Congress deleted this prohibition by enactment of the Water Resources Development Act of 1976, Pub.", "L. No. ", "94-587, Sec. ", "182(a), 1976 U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News (90 Stat.) ", "2917, 2940, the Corps decided to proceed with the investigation and installation of pumped storage facilities at the Dam.", "\n\n\n4\nBefore construction of the Dam began in November 1974, the Corps was required under NEPA to prepare a detailed statement on (1) the environmental impact of the Dam; (2) any adverse environmental effects which could be avoided; (3) alternatives; and (4) \"the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity.\" ", " 42 U.S.C.A. Sec. ", "4332(2)(C). ", " The original impact statement for the Dam, published by the Corps in May 1974, did not address the possible environmental effects of pumped storage since that system was expressly prohibited at that time. ", " When Congress removed the prohibition the Corps addressed the consequences of pumped storage in an impact statement published in 1979 (1979 EIS) and submitted to Congress in 1981.", "\n\n\n5\nOn May 22, 1984 the Corps awarded its first contract for construction of pumped storage facilities at the Dam. ", " Then in February 1988, before construction commenced, the Corps announced that it intended to prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) regarding mitigation of the adverse effects of pumped storage. ", " The Corps decided not to delay installation of the pumped storage facilities for the two years it would take to complete the SEIS, and awarded the final installation contract in April 1988.", "\n\n\n6\nPlaintiffs instituted this action a few days before the Corps awarded the final installation contract, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief. ", " They moved for a preliminary injunction to prevent the Corps from installing the pumped storage facilities prior to completion of an environmental impact statement that adequately considers the potential entrainment problem and addresses the various options for mitigating this and any other environmental risks. ", " In support of the injunction Plaintiffs argued that the Corps must be prevented from installing pumped storage generators prior to completion of an adequate impact statement to preserve the option of not installing them. ", " They asserted that once the money is spent and the pumped storage equipment is installed, the economic considerations in favor of operating it in both the generating and pumping modes will be too high to resist regardless of the environmental impact. ", " Plaintiffs did not contend that the installation of pumped storage generators alone would have any adverse environmental impact.", "\n\nII.", "\n\n7\nThe standard for issuance of a preliminary injunction is the balance-of-hardship test stated in Blackwelder Furniture Co. v. Seilig Mfg. ", "Co., 550 F.2d 189 (4th Cir.1977). ", " Under this test a district court must consider (1) the likelihood of irreparable harm to a plaintiff without an injunction, (2) the likelihood of harm to the defendant with an injunction, (3) the plaintiff's likelihood of success on the merits, and (4) the public interest. ", " The factual findings of a district court on these factors must be accepted unless clearly erroneous. ", " Capital Tool & Mfg. ", "Co. v. Maschinenfabrik Herkules, 837 F.2d 171, 173 (4th Cir.1988). ", " The balancing of the factors and ultimate decision to grant or deny preliminary injunctive relief may be reversed \"only if an abuse of discretion is shown.\" ", " Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. v. Bradley, 756 F.2d 1048, 1055 (4th Cir.1985).", "\n\n\n8\nThe district court determined that it was likely that the 1979 EIS inadequately considered the risks of pumped storage because the Corps did not address all the possible problems such a system could cause, especially the problems revealed by a test at a Missouri pumped storage facility in 1982. ", " It then concluded that Plaintiffs had demonstrated a sufficient likelihood that they would prevail on the merits of their claim that the Corps had failed to comply with NEPA. ", " The court also found that the potential harm to the Corps from an injunction, which would be substantially higher costs, \"by no means equates to the loss the environment and general public will suffer if the fisheries at the [Dam] are lost.\" ", " Finally, the court noted that the public interest was best served by a preliminary injunction.", "\n\n\n9\nThe district court did not clearly err in finding that Plaintiffs were likely to prove that the 1979 EIS was inadequate to meet NEPA requirements concerning the environmental risks of operating pumped storage generators at the Dam. ", " It also did not abuse its discretion in determining that the balance of hardships favors Plaintiffs and in deciding to enter a preliminary injunction. ", " As the Supreme Court has observed:\n\n\n10\nEnvironmental injury, by its nature, can seldom be adequately remedied by money damages and is often permanent or at least of long duration, i.e., irreparable. ", " If such injury is sufficiently likely, therefore, the balance of harms will usually favor the issuance of an injunction to protect the environment.", "\n\n\n11\nAmoco Production Co. v. Gambell, 480 U.S. 531, 545, 107 S.Ct. ", "1396, 1404, 94 L.Ed.2d 542 (1987).", "\n\nIII.", "\n\n12\nThe scope of the injunctive remedy imposed by the district court was, however, broader than necessary to protect against the environmental risk. ", " \"Whenever the extraordinary writ of injunction is granted, it should be tailored to restrain no more than what is reasonably required to accomplish its ends.\" ", " Consolidation Coal Co. v. Disabled Miners of Southern West Virginia, 442 F.2d 1261, 1267 (4th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 404 U.S. 911, 92 S.Ct. ", "228, 30 L.Ed.2d 184 (1971). ", " This is particularly so when preliminary injunctive relief is granted. ", " Id. The Corps has already spent a majority of the funds allocated for the project, and Plaintiffs conceded at oral argument that installation alone of the already purchased pumped storage generators will cause no environmental damage. ", " Accordingly, since restraining the installation of the generators is not reasonably required to protect the environment, we vacate that part of the injunction which prohibits the Corps from installing the pumped storage generators at the Dam.", "\n\n\n13\nWe also conclude that the district court properly found that operation of pumped storage generators at the Dam prior to the completion of the SEIS by the Corps may create a substantial risk of harm to the environment. ", " Further, it is not clear that the operation of pumped storage generators only in the generating mode is environmentally sound. ", " Therefore, since the prohibition of installation of the pumped storage generators necessarily included enjoining their operation, we affirm the injunction to the extent it prohibits the Corps from operating or testing the pumped storage generators, once installed, until further order of the district court.", "\n\nIV.", "\n\n14\nThe Corps is fully aware that even if the pumped storage facilities are installed, they may never be allowed to operate. ", " There is a substantial possibility that their operation, at least in the pumping mode, will never be environmentally sound. ", " And the Corps undoubtedly recognizes this distinct possibility for it has stated both to the district court and to this court that these facilities will not be operated to the detriment of the environment.", "\n\n\n15\nThe decision to install pumped storage facilities at the Dam may ultimately prove to be economically unsound for they may never be allowed to operate. ", " Nonetheless, installation alone will cause no environmental damage, and while the potential for financial waste may prove more real than the financial savings gained by simultaneously proceeding with installation and environmental study, this decision is one Congress has charged the Corps with making.", "\n\nV.\n\n16\nWe remand to the district court for further supervision and appropriate proceedings. ", " The district court will retain its discretion to enforce, modify, or dissolve the injunction based on its review of the circumstances as they develop.", "\n\n\n17\nVACATED, IN PART; AFFIRMED, IN PART; AND REMANDED WITH INSTRUCTIONS.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Lipomatous hypertrophy of the cardiac interatrial septum. ", "A report of 38 cases and review of the literature.", "\nThirty-eight cases of lipomatous hypertrophy of the cardiac interatrial septum are presented and analyzed, together with those previously reported. ", "Available data indicate that this entity is more likely to be seen in the seventh to eighth decade of life, in Caucasians, and with age-associated increases of epicardial fat. ", "It differs from cardiac lipoma, which is a true neoplasm occurring in a younger age group. ", "It is probably more frequent than reported as it is usually not looked for. ", "Atrial arrhythmias sometimetimes coexist with this lesion, but a cause-and-effect relationship would be difficult to prove. ", "The lesion should be included in the differential consideration of atrial masses found by ultrasound, cineangiocardiogram, and gated radionuclide cardiac imaging." ]
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[ "-----Original Message-----\nFrom: \tLouis Schott <Louis@tdcenergy.com>@ENRON \nSent:\tWednesday, February 20, 2002 4:07 PM\nTo:\tDicarlo, Louis\nSubject:\tLetter re Unpaid Invoice for Post petition Deliveries\n\n - February 19 2002letter to enron north america.", "DOC" ]
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[ "These Indiana Pacers never quit\n\nThe Indiana Pacers start off the game slow, let the opposing team get a lead around 20 points. ", "Then, suddenly, usually sparked by something mildly insane that Lance Stephenson did or a pull-up 3-pointer by Victor Oladipo, the Pacers look like a different team and go on a huge run. ", "The atmosphere is intense. ", "The Banker’s Life Fieldhouse crowd is going crazy. ", "They end up winning by late heroics from Oladipo as he points down to the court, letting everyone know, “This is My City. ", "This is Our House.”", "\n\nTonight, the comeback came against the Brooklyn Nets as the Pacers improved to 19-14 on the season and 3-0 against the Nets as they sit in 4th in the Eastern Conference.", "\n\nPer Pat Boylan, the Pacers have been down by double digits in six of their last seven home games and by at least 16 points in five of those seven home games. ", "Despite this, the Pacers won four of the seven and had a chance in the fourth quarter at winning every one of them.", "\n\nThey were down to the Chicago Bulls by 17. ", "The Pacers ended up winning on a pull-up 3-pointer from Oladipo with 30 seconds left that gave the Pacers their first lead of the game as they won 98-96.", "\n\n“I thought we came out flat,” coach Nate McMillan said after the Bulls game. “", "I don’t know why, or if we thought it was going to be easy, but what I learned from the team tonight, they stuck together. ", "I felt they believed the entire time they were going to get it right and win this game. ", "It took us all 48 minutes to get control of this game.”", "\n\nIn the next home game, the Pacers held the Cavaliers in range all game and trailed by six at one point. ", "The Pacers won 106-102. ", "No large comeback necessary.", "\n\nThe Pacers trailed the Denver Nuggets by 19 points in the first half and by eight points with just three minutes remaining. ", "Victor Oladipo scored 47 points and led the Pacers to an overtime victory by a final of 126-116.", "\n\nVictor Oladipo posted a career-high 47 points, including the go ahead triple in overtime, to lead the @Pacers to their 4th straight victory! ", "pic.twitter.com/UcmHWhyc5H\n\n“You have to give your home crowd something to cheer for,” said McMillan after the Nuggets game. “", "We want to try and make this a special building. ", "A building that is tough for other teams to win in. ", "When we’re playing the way we’ve played, our crowd gets fired up and it fires up the players.”", "\n\nThe Pacers luck with these comebacks started to turn after the Denver game, however. ", "They were down by 11 to the Oklahoma City Thunder in the return of Paul George. ", "They came back to take the lead, but the Thunder ended up winning 100-95.", "\n\nPacers deficits at home in last 7 games: BKN – 19, BOS – 19, DET – 16, OKC – 11, DEN – 19, CLE – 6, CHI – 17. ", "However, IND has overcome that deficit to take the lead in 6 of the 7. ", "The only they didn't: vs. DET they cut deficit to 2. ", "Are 3-3.", "\n\nThe Pacers got behind to the Detroit Pistons by 16. ", "They eventually cut the lead to two but couldn’t finish off the comeback this time, falling short by a final of 104-98. ", "They came back from a 23-point deficit at home against the Pistons early in this season.", "\n\n“I said after the game, we’ve got to stay confident, stay positive, stay aggressive,” Oladipo, said after the loss. “", "Because at the end of the day, we’ve been in that position before. ", "When we’ve won, everybody’s excited, everybody’s happy. ", "Now it didn’t turn out the way we wanted, but we learn from it, we move on.”", "\n\nIn the most recent home game before tonight, the Boston Celtics led the Pacers by 19 points before they stormed back and nearly pulled off the upset against the current top seed in the Eastern Conference as Bojan Bogdanovic threw an inexcusable pass instead of holding the ball to be fouled and handed the game to the Celtics. (", "King Victor forgave him.)", "\n\n“It’s a tough loss, a tough, tough loss. ", "We’ve gotta have a better start,” said Oladipo after the Celtics game. “", "It was just a crazy game. ", "We dug ourselves the deepest hole you can imagine and again, fought our way back like clockwork but we came up short again. ", "A few games before we came out on the winning end, but tonight, not so much, obviously.”", "\n\nAnd tonight, the Pacers looked ready to spend some time with their families for Christmas in the first half as they trailed the Brooklyn Nets by 19 points. ", "No problem for the Pacers though as they took the lead back in the 3rd quarter and eventually won in overtime by a final of 123-119.", "\n\nRemarkably, the #Pacers have now won FOUR games at Bankers Life Fieldhouse this season in which they trailed by 17 or more points.", "\n\n“We still gotta get off to better starts,” Myles Turner said after tonight’s game, “… but I like the way we’re responding. ", "Every game I think we had in this home stretch we dug ourselves in a hole but we always found ourselves a way to get out of it. ", "We were able to do so successfully tonight.”", "\n\nIn total, the Pacers went 3-2 in games they were down by 16+ points at home. ", "Resiliency, thy name is Indiana.", "\n\n“We’re very resilient,” said Thaddeus Young. “", "We’re always going to fight through adversity. ", "We’re going to continue to fight no matter what. ", "We had a bad first half, but we came out and took care of business in the second half.”", "\n\nThe Pacers know this isn’t something they can continue to let happening, but their proud of the way they continue to fight and never give in no matter the deficit.", "\n\n“I don’t know what’s happening,” said McMillan after the latest second-half rally. “", "It’s a different team in the second half. … ", "It’s good to be home, but we’ve got to play the game the right way. ", "We’ve gotta continue to move the ball. ", "We’ve got to continue to work together.”", "\n\nMany of the Pacers felt that ball movement and defensive intensity have been a lot better in the second half of these come-from-behind runs.", "\n\n“When we move the ball, we’re one of the better teams in this league,” said Darren Collison.", "\n\n“I think it’s just playing together and feeding off each other,” said Stephenson on the team’s ability to keep coming back.", "\n\nThe Pacers haven’t been blown out in a game that wasn’t against the Houston Rockets since November 8th against the Detroit Pistons despite the multiple double-digit deficits. ", "Every time the Pacers get down, it’s not been a question of if they’ll get back into the game, but when.", "\n\nIt’s yet another reason that this Pacers team has been more fun than ever this season.", "\n\n“We can’t let this keep happening in the first half,” said Young. “", "Hopefully, next home game we can get it together and come out to a great start.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nuse text-align smartly (if english dir=ltr if arabic dir=rtl)\n\nI have a community web site and I want that users write\n\nEnglish posts with direction LTR / text-align: left) and\nArabic posts with direction RTL / text-align: right.", "\n\nE.g. Google+ and twitter provides such an POST solution.", "\nI want add automatically direction attribute to post when i read it from data base post load in rtl or ltr ! ", "but i don't know how ?!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou'll need to create a function that has all the letters you know are RTL and check when loading. ", "To display RTL you need the CSS attributes, direction, text-align, and unicode-bidi.", "\nDemo: \nScript\nfunction checkRtl( character ) {\n var RTL = ['ا','ب','پ','ت','س','ج','چ','ح','خ','د','ذ','ر','ز','ژ','س','ش','ص','ض','ط','ظ','ع','غ','ف','ق','ک','گ','ل','م','ن','و','ه','ی'];\n return RTL.indexOf( character ) > -1;\n};\n\nvar divs = document.getElementsByTagName( 'div' );\n\nfor ( var index = 0; index < divs.length; index++ ) {\n if( checkRtl( divs[index].textContent[0] ) ) {\n divs[index].className = 'rtl';\n } else {\n divs[index].className = 'ltr';\n };\n};\n\nCSS\n.rtl {\n direction: rtl; \n text-align: right;\n unicode-bidi: bidi-override;\n}\n\n.ltr {\n direction: ltr; \n text-align: left;\n unicode-bidi: bidi-override;\n}\n\nHTML\n<div>hello</div>\n<div>ظ</div>\n\nA:\n\nThere is a CSS-only solution:\ndiv {\n text-align: start;\n unicode-bidi: plaintext;\n}\n\njsFiddle\nUnfortunately this solution doesn't work with Microsoft Edge.", "\n\nA:\n\nit's very easy. ", "You can use dir='auto' Attribiute in Html Element. ", "So if your text is Arabic or Persian Text use RTL and if your text is English automatic text use LTR.", "\n<p dir='auto'>Hello</p>\n<p dir='auto'>سلام</p>\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.008583690987124463, 0.017241379310344827, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.003424657534246575, 0, 0, 0.009900990099009901, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nQt Serial Port communication\n\nI am writing a Qt application to communicate with another computer over a serial port. ", "I have 2 real issues. ", "\n1.", "\nI can send and receive data fine, but sometimes the serial port \"eats\" part of my input.", "\nFor example if I send:\ncd /application/bin\n\nsometimes (not always) it will only receive:\ncd /applica\n\n(Since it's a terminal it echoes the input back. ", "Also my prompt tells me I'm clearly in the wrong spot.)", "\n2.", "\nAlso, sometimes the Qt slot which fires when there is data available doesn't fire even though I know that there's data I can receive. ", "If I send another \\r\\n down the port the slot will fire.", "\nFor example sometimes I'll ls something, and the command name will be read back from the port, but the contents of the folder sit there in limbo until I hit return again. ", "Then I get the listing of the directory and two prompts.", "\nHere's my code:\nvoid Logic::onReadyRead(){ \n QByteArray incomingData; \n incomingData = port->readAll();\n QString s(incomingData);\n emit dataAvailable(s);// this is a Qt slot if you don't know what it is.", "\n qDebug() << \"in:\"<< s.toLatin1(); \n}\n\nvoid Logic::writeToTerminal(QString string )\n{\n string.append( \"\\r\\n\");\n port->write((char*)string.data(), string.length());\n if ( port->bytesToWrite() > 0){\n port->flush();\n }\n qDebug() << \"out:\" << string.toLatin1();\n}\n\nA:\n\nI found the solution, and I suspect it was an encoding error, but I'm not sure. ", "Instead of sending a QString down the serial port, sending a QByteArray fixed both problems. ", "I changed the writeToTerminal() method:\nvoid Logic::writeToTerminal(QString string )\n{\n string.append( \"\\r\");\n QByteArray ba = string.toAscii();\n port->write(ba);\n}\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.005277044854881266, 0.010752688172043012, 0.005714285714285714 ]
[ "The event, which will host all Commissioners for Finance of the 36 states, Ministry of Finance, Joint Tax Board and Chairmen of states’ Boards of Internal Revenue, will provide a platform to share practical and effective measures of boosting revenue generation, assimilate and share knowledge resources to guide the implementation of needed reforms and identify priority areas for technical assistance from the NGF’s IGR HelpDesk.", "\n\nA statement from the NGF’s Head, Media & Public Affairs, Abulrazaque Barkindo, said this event would be hosted alongside some development partners, who have shown keen interest in raising the revenue status of states." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009302325581395349, 0.0136986301369863 ]
[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-medicina-54-00029}\n===============\n\nOptic neuritis (ON) is described by painful, mostly unilateral visual acuity loss, changes in visual field, and reduced color contrast sensitivity (blue-yellow in the acute period, and red-green in sub-acute period) \\[[@B1-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "ON is closely linked to multiple sclerosis (MS), and two-thirds of the patients diagnosed with MS can develop ON \\[[@B1-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "MS more often occurs among young and middle-aged people \\[[@B2-medicina-54-00029]\\], with an average age of onset of 30 years; it has been reported that females are more likely to suffer than males (2:1) \\[[@B3-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "ON mostly affects people aged more than 50 years \\[[@B4-medicina-54-00029]\\], and the ratio of men to women is 3.5:1 \\[[@B5-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "It is thought that a loss of signal transmission in some axons due to conduction block or ganglion cell death is the main pathogenic factor of the disease \\[[@B6-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "This is because of a certain inflammation process results in a delayed type IV hypersensitivity reaction. ", "The reaction is caused by the release of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators from activated peripheral T-cells, which can cross the blood brain barrier (BBB) and cause the destruction of myelin, neural cell death, and axonal degeneration \\[[@B7-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "It is assumed that the BBB disruption begins the disease process in ON, while the entry of T lymphocytes and inflammatory mediators into the central nervous system is mediated by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) \\[[@B8-medicina-54-00029],[@B9-medicina-54-00029],[@B10-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nMMPs belong to the family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases which play an important role in the process of degradation of the extracellular matrix and basement membrane (BM), in relation to tumor invasiveness, metastasis, and angiogenesis \\[[@B11-medicina-54-00029],[@B12-medicina-54-00029],[@B13-medicina-54-00029],[@B14-medicina-54-00029],[@B15-medicina-54-00029],[@B16-medicina-54-00029],[@B17-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "MMPs production might be induced by many factors, such as cytokines, growth factors, cell-extracellular matrix, and cell-cell interaction or physical stress \\[[@B18-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nMMP-2 is a member of the MMP family and possesses an ability to degrade type IV collagen, which is the core component constituting the BM \\[[@B12-medicina-54-00029],[@B14-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Previous studies have shown that MMP-2 is involved in carcinogenesis \\[[@B19-medicina-54-00029],[@B20-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "MMP-2 is detected in optic nerve head astrocytes and retina, possibly influencing optic nerve changes and demyelination; it could be important in development of autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as ON \\[[@B21-medicina-54-00029],[@B22-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\n*MMP* polymorphisms resulting from nucleotide changes due to insertions, substitutions, or microsatellite instability within the promoter region have been identified \\[[@B23-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "The study by Price et al. ", "\\[[@B24-medicina-54-00029]\\] found a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region of the *MMP2* gene (−1306 C/T; rs243865). ", "The authors concluded that the C→T transition at nucleotide --1306, located in a core recognition sequence of stimulating protein 1 (Sp1) promoter site (CCACC box), abolished the Sp1-binding site and consequently reduced promoter activity \\[[@B24-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Moreover, Vasku et al. ", "reported a newly identified nucleotide C to T transition located at nucleotide −735 in the promoter region of *MMP-2* \\[[@B25-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nTo our knowledge, two studies have investigated associations between the *MMP-2* rs243865 gene polymorphism and ON development in the presence or absence of MS; therefore, our aim was to determine such associations.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2-medicina-54-00029}\n========================\n\nThe study was carried out in the Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, and the Neuroscience Institute, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences. ", "Kaunas Regional Biomedical Research Ethics Committee approved the study (No. ", "BE-2-13, issued on 19 February 2008).", "\n\nThe study population comprised 62 subjects with a diagnosis of ON, and 318 in the control group. ", "For further analysis, the patients with ON were divided into two groups: those with MS (*n* = 26) and those without (*n* = 36). ", "All patients with an attack of ON who were admitted to the Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, between 1 January 2012, and 1 February 2018, were enrolled in our study.", "\n\nSubjects with ON were included according to the inclusion/diagnostic criteria ([Table 1](#medicina-54-00029-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}) \\[[@B1-medicina-54-00029],[@B4-medicina-54-00029],[@B26-medicina-54-00029],[@B27-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nPatients were excluded if they had other diseases of the optic nerve, systemic illnesses (diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, systemic tissue disorders, chronic infectious diseases, conditions after organ or tissue transplantation), obscuration of the eye optic system, or because of poor fundus photography quality.", "\n\nDiagnosis of MS was based on the neurologist consultation and MRI records. ", "Neurological diagnosis of MS was established according to the revised and widely accepted McDonald criteria ([Table 2](#medicina-54-00029-t002){ref-type=\"table\"}) \\[[@B28-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nThe control group was created from healthy subjects who were admitted to the Department of Ophthalmology, Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, for preventive ophthalmological examinations, taking into consideration the age and gender of patients with ON. ", "Subjects were included in the control group if they had no ophthalmological eye disorders during ophthalmological examination, and agreed to give informed consent. ", "The exclusion criteria were any eye disorders, and/or use of epileptic and sedative drugs.", "\n\nDeoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was extracted from the venous blood of patients. ", "DNA was purified from the peripheral blood using the Genomic DNA Purification Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific), or the silica gel column method, using the genomic DNA extraction kit SorpoClean™ (SORPO Diagnostics), according to the manufacturer's recommendations.", "\n\nThe MMP-2 (-1306 C/T; rs243865) SNP was genotyped by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) method, using Applied Biosystems (Foster City, CA, USA) allelic discrimination assay with a HT 7900 real-time PCR quantification system (Applied Biosystems, USA).", "\n\nRT-PCR reagents (2X Maxima™ Probe/ROX qPCR Master mix buffer, fluorescent dye labeled markers, sterile ddH~2~O) were used to prepare an appropriate RT-PCR mixture for *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* determination. ", "PCR reaction mixture (9 μL) was poured into each well of 96-well PCR plates, and then 1 μL of DNA of the samples, as well as 1 μL of negative control were added. ", "Thermal cycling conditions for RT-PCR were as follows: denaturing at 95 °C for 10 min, followed by 45 cycles of 92 °C for 15 s and 60 °C for 90 s.\n\nStatistical Analysis\n--------------------\n\nStatistical analysis was performed using the SPSS/W 20.0 software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). ", "The distribution of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* genotypes in patients and control groups was evaluated for consistency with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), using the χ^2^ test. ", "The data are presented as median and interquartile range (IQR), the counts and frequencies (in percentage) are presented in [Table 3](#medicina-54-00029-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The distributions of the genotypes and alleles of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* in the ON and control groups were compared using the χ^2^ or Fisher exact tests, and the association of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* and ON development was evaluated using binomial logistic regression analysis. ", "Five genetic models, including co dominant (CT vs. AA and TT vs. CC), dominant (CT + TT vs. CC), recessive (TT vs. CT + CC), overdominant (CT vs. CC + TT), and additive (T vs. C) were used to estimate this association. ", "Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals are reported. ", "The selection of the best genetic model was based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC); therefore, the best genetic models were those with the lowest AIC values. ", "Differences were considered statistically significant when *p* \\< 0.05.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec3-medicina-54-00029}\n==========\n\nCharacteristics of the study population are shown in [Table 3](#medicina-54-00029-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Patients with ON and control subjects were gender- and age-matched.", "\n\n[Table 4](#medicina-54-00029-t004){ref-type=\"table\"} shows the results of genotyping of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* in patients with ON, and those of the control subjects. ", "The distribution of the analyzed SNP genotype and allele frequencies in patients with ON and in the control group matched the HWE ([Table 4](#medicina-54-00029-t004){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* gene polymorphism analysis in the overall group revealed that T allele was less frequent in the ON group compared to the control group (14.5 % vs. 23.3 %, *p* = 0.031) ([Table 4](#medicina-54-00029-t004){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nBinomial logistic regression analysis in the patients with ON and control groups was performed ([Table 5](#medicina-54-00029-t005){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "This analysis revealed that each T allele was associated with decreased porbability of ON development (OR = 0.566; 95% CI = 0.333-0.962; *p* = 0.036) ([Table 5](#medicina-54-00029-t005){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nThe genotypes of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* were also analyzed in the subgroups of ON patients with and without MS ([Table 6](#medicina-54-00029-t006){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T*) gene polymorphism analysis of both ON patient subgroups did not reveal any differences in the genotype distribution between ON without MS and ON with MS. ", "Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences in the genotype and allele distribution between the ON with MS and control groups, as well as between the ON without MS and control groups ([Table 6](#medicina-54-00029-t006){ref-type=\"table\"}).", "\n\nBinomial logistic regression analysis in patients with ON and manifestation of MS and in the control group was performed as well. ", "There were no statistically significant variables ([Supplementary Materials](#app1-medicina-54-00029){ref-type=\"app\"} [Table S1](#app1-medicina-54-00029){ref-type=\"app\"}).", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec4-medicina-54-00029}\n=============\n\nThe impact of the *MMP-2 rs243865* gene polymorphism on the development of ON, and on ON with MS was analyzed in our study. ", "To our knowledge, no studies analyzing the impact of the *MMP-2* (-1306 C/T) gene polymorphism on the development of ON, and on ON with MS, have been carried out. ", "Previous studies have analyzed the *MMP-2* -1575 G/A gene polymorphism and drawn attention to the relationship between ON and MS.", "\n\nIt was found that MMP-9 fine-tune, and thereby promote neuroinflammatory processes \\[[@B31-medicina-54-00029]\\], and that the *rs243865* gene polymorphism was associated with various pathological processes which lead to inflammation affecting the optic nerve \\[[@B32-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "While MMP-9 is mostly upregulated in inflammatory terms, MMP-2 is constitutively expressed in the brain \\[[@B33-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Brain inflammation is initiated and sustained by lymphocyte migration across the BBB \\[[@B34-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Animal models proved that MMP-2 and MMP-9 are the key elements in the induction of neuro-inflammatory symptoms, and MMP-9 activity can be considered as a reliable marker of leukocyte penetration of the BBB \\[[@B35-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "In addition, MMP-2 and MMP-9 are expressed in the central nervous system and have several functions. ", "Scientific research has shown that MMPs may proteolyze the cerebrovascular BM and tight junction proteins, which could compromise vascular integrity, leading to barrier leakage and extravasation \\[[@B36-medicina-54-00029],[@B37-medicina-54-00029],[@B38-medicina-54-00029],[@B39-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Other studies analyzing patients with MS found increased protein levels of MMP-2 \\[[@B40-medicina-54-00029],[@B41-medicina-54-00029],[@B42-medicina-54-00029]\\], and increased in lesioned MS tissue. ", "MMP-2 has been detected in microglial nodules and microglial-like cells, where it contributes to inflammation, and is implicated in further break down of myelin basic protein (MBP) and oligodendrocyte death \\[[@B43-medicina-54-00029]\\], and destabilizes the BBB \\[[@B44-medicina-54-00029],[@B45-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Aksoy et al. ", "analyzed the *MMP-2* (-1306) gene polymorphism in patients with relapsing remitting MS, and found statistically significant differences in the frequency of CT and TT genotypes and T allele in comparing patients with relapsing remitting MS to control subjects \\[[@B46-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Meanwhile, in our study, differences in the genotype and allele distribution did not show any statistical significance between ON with MS and control groups. ", "Gašparović et al. ", "proved that the *MMP-2* (-1575 G/A) led to a 5-year-earlier disease onset in MS patients with ON as a first symptom. ", "However, no associations between the *MMP-9* (-1562 C/T) gene polymorphism and the disease have been proven \\[[@B9-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nPrevious studies that investigated the interrelationship between inflammation biomarkers and neurodegeneration in the cerebrospinal fluid of ON patients have identified two different inflammatory processes during ON. ", "One of them, leukocyte infiltration represented by chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 13 (CXCL13), CXCL10 and MMP-9, is possibly associated with future risk of MS, while the other, represented by osteopontin and chitinase-3-like protein 1 (CHI3L1), suggests tissue damage-related inflammation \\[[@B47-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Others found no correlation between exacerbation or remission of ON and cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal IgG bands \\[[@B48-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "Other reports have explored gene expression profiles of peripheral blood mononuclear cells subpopulations in the early phase of acute ON. ", "They found that CD 19^+^ cells play a significant role in acute ON pathogenesis, and represent a possible target for immunomodulation \\[[@B49-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nOur study shows that ON was present as the first symptom of MS development in approximately 42% of ON patients who subsequently developed MS. ", "ON and MS have a very similar incidence, worldwide distribution and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) associations \\[[@B32-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "The lesions of ON are identical to those seen in MS \\[[@B50-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "A study was held to compare childhood and adult ON, which revealed that approximately half of adult ON patients will go on to develop MS. ", "However, it is also apparent that others do not \\[[@B51-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "According to studies performed in several countries \\[[@B32-medicina-54-00029],[@B50-medicina-54-00029],[@B52-medicina-54-00029],[@B53-medicina-54-00029],[@B54-medicina-54-00029]\\] an increased frequency of the MS-associated HLA-DR15 haplotype has been demonstrated. ", "The other study was performed in Wisconsin where 18 patients with intermediate uveitis were identified as having a significant positive association (72%) with HLA-DR15. ", "Four of those patients were diagnosed with coexisting MS or ON, one patient with coexisting narcolepsy, and three patients with a family history of MS: this shows that HLA-DR15 may be a common predisposing factor, not only for uveitis, but for ON or MS development as well \\[[@B55-medicina-54-00029]\\].", "\n\nOur study has several limitations. ", "These results need to be replicated in future studies with larger sample sizes to confirm the association between ON and the *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* gene polymorphism. ", "However, we worked with very small numbers of patients according to the prevalence of ON. ", "During the period between 1 January 2012, and 1 February 2018, all patients presenting with first attack acute ON were included in our research, so it would take a longer period to collect more patients.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-medicina-54-00029}\n==============\n\nThe *MMP-2rs243865* gene polymorphism was found to be associated with the development of optic neuritis.", "\n\nNone. ", "No funding to declare.", "\n\nThe following are available online at <http://www.mdpi.com/1648-9144/54/2/29/s1>, Table S1: Binomial logistic regression analysis in patients with optic neuritis (ON) and in the control group.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\nR.L. and L.K. conceived and designed the experiments; R.M performed the experiments; M.B. and A.V. analyzed the data; R.L. and A.V. contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools; R.L. wrote the paper.", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\nmedicina-54-00029-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nOptic neuritis (ON) inclusion/diagnostic criteria.", "\n\n Symptoms Typical ON\n ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Age Young patient \\<50 years\n Visual acuity loss time Acute/subacute visual acuity loss\n Visual acuity loss progression Visual acuity loss progressing for few days or few weeks\n Damage Mostly one eye\n Visual acuity ↓ in 90% of cases\n Visual field Changes noticed in 97% of cases\n Color vision In acute period, blue-yellow color vision loss; in subacute period, red-green color vision loss\n Visual evoked potentials (VEP) ↓ VEP latency\n Optical coherent tomography (OCT) Optic nerve disc edema (mostly in superior and nasal quadrants), noticed in 20% of patients\n Pain Acute painful visual acuity loss, especially ↑ with eye movement\n Optic nerve disc Mostly normal optic nerve disc\n Vitreous Normal\n Orbit Normal\n Anamnesis ON in anamnesis or MS in anamnesis. ", "Patients without MS had MS-like lesions but were not followed up after ON treatment in our study, only redirected for neurological follow-up.", "\n Neurological symptoms Neurological symptoms, allowing to suspect MS\n Treatment effect using steroids Shortens the duration of the disease\n Improvement Spontaneous improvement in 2--3 weeks\n Prognosis Mostly good\n Recurrence (5--10 years) 28%\n\nmedicina-54-00029-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nMcDonald MRI Criteria for Demonstration of DIS\n\n DIS Can Be Demonstrated by ≥1 T2 Lesion ^a^ in at Least 2 of 4 Areas of the CNS:\n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Periventricular\n Juxtacortical\n Infratentorial\n Spinal cord ^b^\n\nBased on Swanton et al., ", "2006, 2007 \\[[@B29-medicina-54-00029],[@B30-medicina-54-00029]\\]. ", "^a^ gadolinium enhancement of lesions is not required. ", "^b^ if a subject has a brainstem or spinal cord syndrome, the symptomatic lesions are excluded from the criteria and do not attribute to the lesion count. ", "MRI-magnetic resonance imaging; DIS-lesion dissemination in space; CNS-central nervous system.", "\n\nmedicina-54-00029-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nCharacteristics of patients with optic neuritis (ON) and control subjects\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Characteristic ON Group\\ Control Group\\ *p*\n *n* = 62 *n* = 318 \n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ---------------- ----------------\n Gender, *n* (%) \n\n  Males 21 (31.7) 113 (35.5) 0.462 \\*\n\n  Females 41 (66.1) 205 (33.9) \n\n Age, median (IQR), years 34 (17) 36 (16) 0.294 \\*\\*\n\n With MS, *n* (%) 26 (41.9) NA ...\n\n Without MS, *n* (%) 36 (58.1) NA ...\n\n Changes in visual evoked potential (VEP), *n* 62 NA ...\n\n Pain, *n* 62 NA ...\n\n Exophthalmus, *n* 1 NA ...\n\n Decreased visual acuity, *n* 62 NA ...\n\n Laterality, *n* \n\n  Unilateral 61 NA ...\n\n  Bilateral 1 \n\n Decreased color vision, *n* 62 NA ...\n\n Treatment with intravenous solumedrol and later per oral prednisolone, *n* 62 NA ...\n\n Visual acuity (affected eye), median (IQR) \n\n  Before treatment 0.2 (0.58) NA \\<0.001 \\*\\*\\*\n\n  After treatment 0.8 (0.70) NA \n\n Farnsworth-Munsell 100 hue test score, median (IQR) 90 (29.50) 57 (31.50) 0.004 \\*\\*\\*\\*\n\n Optic nerve disc appearance \n\n  Normal 57 NA ...\n\n  Swelling 5 \n\n Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, median (IQR), μM \n\n  Superior 146 (55.5) 130.5 (14.0) 0.058 \\*\\*\n\n  Temporal 65 (36.0) 67 (14) 0.762 \\*\\*\n\n  Inferior 144 (61.0) 137 (21.25) 0.165 \\*\\*\n\n  Nasal 91 (60.0) 90 (19.0) 0.323 \\*\\*\n\n C-reactive protein, mg/L \\<4 NA ...\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\\* Pearson's *χ*^2^ test; \\*\\* Mann Whitney U test; \\*\\*\\* Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test; before treatment vs. after treatment; \\*\\*\\*\\* Mann Whitney U test (control group---50 ophthalmologically healthy volunteers). ", "NA, not applicable; IQR, interquartile range. ", "Ellipses indicate *p* value not computed.", "\n\nmedicina-54-00029-t004_Table 4\n\n###### \n\nFrequency of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T*) genotype in patients with optic neuritis (ON) and control group.", "\n\n Gene Marker Genotype/Allele Control Group *n* (%) (n = 318) *p* HWE ON Group *n* (%) (*n* = 62) *p* HWE *p* Value\n ---------------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------- ------------- ----------------------------- -------------- -----------\n *MMP-2(-1306 C/T)*rs243865 Genotype \n C/C 190 (59.75) 0.382 44 (71.00) 0.181 χ^2^ = 5.340 \n C/T 108 (33.96) 18 (29.00) *p* = 0.069 \n T/T 20 (6.29) 0 (0.00) \n Total 318 (100.00) 62 (100) \n Allele \n C 488 (76.70) 106 (85.50) 0.031 \n T 148 (23.30) 18 (14.50) \n\nMMP---matrix metalloproteinase, *p* value---significance level (alfa = 0.05), *p*-value HWE---significance level (alfa = 0.05) by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.", "\n\nmedicina-54-00029-t005_Table 5\n\n###### \n\nBinomial logistic regression analysis in patients with optic neuritis (ON) and control group\n\n Model Genotype/Allele OR (95% CI) *p* AIC\n -------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------- ---------\n Co dominant C/C 1 333.562\n C/T 0.720 (0.396--1.308) 0.280 \n T/T 0 0.998 \n Dominant C/T + T/T vs. C/C 0.607 (0.336--1.098) 0.099 337.252\n Recessive T/T vs. C/C + C/T 0 0.998 332.763\n Overdominant C/T vs. T/T + C/C 0.648 (0.305--1.375) 0.259 339.521\n Additive T 0.566 (0.333--0.962) 0.036 335.184\n\nOR---odd ratio, CI---confidence interval, *p* value---significance level (alfa = 0.05), AIC---Akaike Information Criterion.", "\n\nmedicina-54-00029-t006_Table 6\n\n###### \n\nFrequency of *MMP-2 (-1306 C/T)* genotype in patients with optic neuritis (ON) without multiple sclerosis (MS), patients with optic neuritis (ON), and multiple sclerosis (MS), and control groups.", "\n\n Gene Marker Genotype/Allele Control Group *n* (%)(*n* = 318) ON Group without MS (%)(*n* = 36) *p* Control Group *n* (%) (*n* = 318) ON Group with MS*n* (%) (*n* = 26) *p*\n ---------------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -----\n *MMP-2*(-1306 C/T)rs243865 Genotype 190 (59.75) 190 (59.75) 19 (73.10) \n C/C 108 (33.96) 25 (69.40) 0.23 108 (33.96) 7 (26.90) 0.26 \n C/T 20 (6.29) 11 (30.60) 7 20 (6.29) 0 (0.00) 0 \n T/T 318 (100.00) 0 (0.00) 318 (100.00) 26 (100.00) \n Total 36 (100.00) \n Allele 488 (76.70) 488 (76.70) 45 (86.54) \n C 148 (23.30) 61 (84.70) 0.12 148 (23.30) 7 (13.46) 0.10 \n T 11 (15.30) 3 4 \n\nMMP---matrix metalloproteinase, *p* value---significance level (alfa = 0.05), *p*-value HWE---significance level (alfa = 0.05) by Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.", "\n" ]
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[ "Jonathan Rhys Meyers takes a bite out of ‘Dracula'\n\nThis is an undated publicity image released by NBC shows Jonathan Rhys Meyers as Alexander Grayson in \"Dracula,\" . ", "Rhys Meyers is in NBC's new series \"Dracula,\" playing the world's most famous vampire as a sleekly alluring bloodsucker. ", "Still, he says he hesitated when the part was offered to him, hoping for something a little more, well, normal. (", "AP Photo/NBC, Jonathon Hession)\n\nLONDON — Sexy monsters are a bit of a specialty for Jonathan Rhys Meyers.", "\n\nIn “The Tudors,” the Irish actor made King Henry VIII an attractive despot who dispatched wives and enemies while strutting, sulking and seducing his way through 16th-century England.", "\n\nRhys Meyers is back in NBC’s new series “Dracula,” playing the world’s most famous vampire as a sleekly alluring bloodsucker. ", "Still, he says he hesitated when the part was offered to him, hoping for something a little more, well, normal.", "\n\n“I was hoping I was going to get to play a generic cop or something, who’s got his lawyer fiancee who’s an uptown D.A.,” Rhys Meyers said.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nIt’s easy to see why “Dracula” producers cast the 36-year-old as a brooding vampire. ", "Even dressed in jeans, leather jacket and Doc Marten boots, he’s a striking presence with chiseled cheekbones and piercing eyes.", "\n\nModern-day vampires, he acknowledges over a salt beef sandwich near his north London home, are an irresistible combination of the repulsive and the attractive.", "\n\n“If all vampires in all films had been made to look like Klaus Kinski in ‘Nosferatu,’ nobody would be interested in vampires,” he said. (", "Kinski’s bald, sepulchral predator in Werner Herzog’s film is the stuff of nightmares.)", "\n\n“As soon as they made vampires kind of good looking — well, there you go,” he said.", "\n\nIn “Dracula,” the undead Romanian count disguises himself as Alexander Grayson, a brash young American industrialist. ", "He turns up in 1895 in London’s high society, seeking revenge on a secret vampire-hating cabal called the Order of the Dragon.", "\n\nDracula’s carefully prepared plan is threatened when he meets Mina, a medical student who bears an uncanny resemblance to the wife he lost centuries earlier.", "\n\nDespite his early reservations, Rhys Meyers is enthusiastic about the show, on which he is a producer. ", "He says he was determined that his Dracula would be free from bats, Gothic cobwebs and mock-Transylvanian accents.", "\n\n“I wanted him to appear more like a Howard Hughes or a Citizen Kane than I wanted him to be ‘Drrac-ula,’” he said, rolling the “r’’ with Bela Lugosi-style menace. “", "I said to them, ‘There’s no way I’m going to do ‘Drrac-ula.’ ", "I’ll sound like a really bad Bond villain.’”", "\n\nHorror fans, never fear, there is still plenty of blood. ", "Dracula feeds lustily — though he only bites women. ", "Men are dispatched with a sword.", "\n\n“No bats, no garlic. ", "I was even a bit (hesitant) about the crucifixes,” he added.", "\n\nInstead of emphasizing the supernatural, the show conjures a highly material world of oil barons, social inequality and fast-changing technology. ", "Its vision of late-Victorian London — filmed in Budapest — has an industrial, steam-punk edge.", "\n\n“We wanted to do something different, something that brought into that time a little bit of the modern struggles that we struggle with now: politics, money, oil,” said Rhys Meyers. “", "I didn’t want to go and make a period drama that was stale. ", "Because Victorian England at that time wasn’t stale. ", "It was a very keen, very eager time. “", "\n\nRhys Meyers knows something about fast times. ", "A teenage truant who started acting after getting kicked out of school at 15, he became a pinup through early roles such as his charismatic rock star in the 1998 film “Velvet Goldmine.”", "\n\nHe has had big roles — he was nominated for an Emmy for the 2005 miniseries “Elvis” — but has also struggled with alcohol, spent time in rehab and ended up in the headlines after airport altercations.", "\n\n“The Tudors” won him millions of fans, but he’s candid about the show’s soapy, superficial side — not least the growing divide between the svelte actor and the famously portly monarch.", "\n\n“Season one and two, I didn’t mind,” he said. “", "Season three and four got more difficult, because I couldn’t put on the physical size even if I ate 150 million bowls of pasta every week.", "\n\n“I was 32 when I played him at 54. ", "So it was a little bit difficult. ... ", "I would have happily given up my character and let an older man come in.”", "\n\nHe says, though, that making “The Tudors” was a generally happy experience.", "\n\nIn his latest series, Dracula’s enemies are the ruthless capitalist overlords of the British empire. ", "Viewers could be forgiven for wondering whether Dracula, the outsider who comes to avenge ancient wrongs, is the true hero.", "\n\nHe’s not, Rhys Meyers says. ", "He’s a monster — one with a “pinhole of humanity,” but doomed all the same.", "\n\n“He must lose. ", "That’s the thing I like about it,” the actor said. “", "He’s a monster in the worst possible place — in a world of humans. ", "And we know what humans are capable of.”" ]
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[ "Vitamin D3 and androgen receptors in testis and epididymal region of roosters (Gallus domesticus) as affected by epididymal lithiasis.", "\nEpididymal lithiasis is a dysfunction characterized by formation of calcium-rich stones in the epididymal region of roosters, associated with decreased serum testosterone and loss of fertility. ", "The segment most affected by the lithiasis is the efferent ductules, which, in birds, are responsible for reabsorption of calcium and luminal fluid. ", "Therefore, we postulated that epididymal lithiasis could result from local impairment of calcium or fluid homeostasis, culminating in initiation of stone formation. ", "Transepithelial calcium transport depends on vitamin D3 and vitamin D3 receptor (VDR). ", "Based on the fact that VDR are present in efferent ductules, possible changes in the pattern of VDR in roosters affected by the epididymal lithiasis was investigated, to start to gain an understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of calcium stones. ", "To evaluate the potential impact of androgen reduction, changes in androgen receptor (AR) were also investigated. ", "Both VDR and AR were increased in specific segments of the epididymal region, whereas no alterations were found in the testes of affected animals. ", "The increase in VDR was most likely due to an increase in the number of VDR-positive mononuclear leukocyte infiltrates found in the connective tissue followed by an increase in epithelial receptors. ", "The AR were increased, however, mainly in the epididymal duct epithelium. ", "These results suggest that the vitamin D3 and androgen responsive system may be directly/indirectly involved in the development of the disease." ]
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[ "GeForce 700 series\n\nThe GeForce 700 series (stylized as GEFORCE GTX 700 SERIES) is a series of graphics processing units developed by Nvidia. ", "While mainly a refresh of the Kepler microarchitecture (GK-codenamed chips), some cards use Fermi (GF) and later cards use Maxwell (GM). ", "GeForce 700 series cards were first released in 2013, starting with the release of the GeForce GTX Titan on February 19, 2013, followed by the GeForce GTX 780 on May 23, 2013. ", "The first mobile GeForce 700 series chips were released in April 2013.", "\n\nOverview \nGK110 has been designed and is being marketed with computational performance in mind. ", "It contains 7.1 billion transistors. ", "This model also attempts to maximise energy efficiency through the execution of as many tasks as possible in parallel according to the capabilities of its streaming processors.", "\n\nWith GK110, increases in memory space and bandwidth for both the register file and the L2 cache over previous models, are seen. ", "At the SMX level, GK110's register file space has increased to 256KB composed of 64K 32bit registers, as compared to Fermi's 32K 32bit registers totaling 128 KB. ", "As for the L2 cache, GK110 L2 cache space increased by up to 1.5MB, 2x as big as GF110. ", "Both the L2 cache and register file bandwidth have also doubled.", "\nPerformance in register-starved scenarios is also improved as there are more registers available to each thread. ", "This goes in hand with an increase of total number of registers each thread can address, moving from 63 registers per thread to 255 registers per thread with GK110.", "\n\nWith GK110, Nvidia also reworked the GPU texture cache to be used for compute. ", "With 48KB in size, in compute the texture cache becomes a read-only cache, specializing in unaligned memory access workloads. ", "Furthermore, error detection capabilities have been added to make it safer for use with workloads that rely on ECC.", "\n\nThis series support DirectX 12 on Windows 10.", "\n\nDynamic Super Resolution (DSR) was added to Kepler GPUs with the latest Nvidia drivers.", "\n\nArchitecture \n\nThe GeForce 700 Series contains features from both GK104 and GK110. ", "Kepler based members of the 700 series add the following standard features to the GeForce family.", "\n\nDerived from GK104 :\n\n PCI Express 3.0 interface\n DisplayPort 1.2\n HDMI 1.4a 4K x 2K video output\n Purevideo VP5 hardware video acceleration (up to 4K x 2K H.264 decode)\n Hardware H.264 encoding acceleration block (NVENC)\n Support for up to 4 independent 2D displays, or 3 stereoscopic/3D displays (NV Surround)\n Bindless Textures\n GPU Boost\n TXAA\n Manufactured by TSMC on a 28 nm process\n\nNew Features from GK110 :\n\n Compute Focus SMX Improvement \n CUDA Compute Capability 3.5 \n New Shuffle Instructions \n Dynamic Parallelism \n Hyper-Q (Hyper-Q's MPI functionality reserve for Tesla only)\n Grid Management Unit \n NVIDIA GPUDirect (GPU Direct's RDMA functionality reserve for Tesla & Quadro only)\n\nCompute focus SMX improvement \nWith GK110, Nvidia opted to increase compute performance. ", "The single biggest change from GK104 is that rather than 8 dedicated FP64 CUDA cores, GK110 has up to 64, giving it 8x the FP64 throughput of a GK104 SMX. ", "The SMX also sees an increase in space for register file. ", "Register file space has increased to 256KB compared to Fermi. ", "The texture cache are also improved. ", "With a 48KB space, the texture cache can become a read-only cache for compute workloads.", "\n\nNew shuffle Instructions \nAt a low level, GK110 sees additional instructions and operations to further improve performance. ", "New shuffle instructions allow for threads within a warp to share data without going back to memory, making the process much quicker than the previous load/share/store method. ", "Atomic operations are also overhauled, speeding up the execution speed of atomic operations and adding some FP64 operations that were previously only available for FP32 data.", "\n\nNVENC\n\nHyper-Q \nHyper-Q expands GK110 hardware work queues from 1 to 32. ", "The significance of this being that having a single work queue meant that Fermi could be under occupied at times as there wasn't enough work in that queue to fill every SM. ", "By having 32 work queues, GK110 can in many scenarios, achieve higher utilization by being able to put different task streams on what would otherwise be an idle SMX. ", "The simple nature of Hyper-Q is further reinforced by the fact that it's easily map to MPI, a common message passing interface frequently used in HPC. ", "As legacy MPI-based algorithms that were originally designed for multi-CPU systems that became bottlenecked by false dependencies now have a solution. ", "By increasing the number of MPI jobs, it's possible to utilize Hyper-Q on these algorithms to improve the efficiency all without changing the code itself.", "\n\nMicrosoft DirectX support \nNVIDIA Kepler GPUs of the GeForce 700 series fully support DirectX 11.0.", "\n\nNVIDIA supports the DX12 API on all the DX11-class GPUs it has shipped; these belong to the Fermi, Kepler and Maxwell architectural families.", "\n\nDynamic parallelism \nDynamic Parallelism ability is for kernels to be able to dispatch other kernels. ", "With Fermi, only the CPU could dispatch a kernel, which incurs a certain amount of overhead by having to communicate back to the CPU. ", "By giving kernels the ability to dispatch their own child kernels, GK110 can both save time by not having to go back to the CPU, and in the process free up the CPU to work on other tasks.", "\n\nProducts\n\nGeForce 700 (7xx) series\nThe GeForce 700 series for desktop architecture. ", "Cheaper and lower performing products were expected to be released over time. ", "Kepler supports 11.1 features with 11_0 feature level through the DirectX 11.1 API, however Nvidia did not enable four non-gaming features in Hardware in Kepler (for 11_1).", "\n\n 1 Shader Processors : Texture mapping units : Render output units\n 2 Pixel fillrate is calculated as the number of ROPs multiplied by the base core clock speed\n 3 Texture fillrate is calculated as the number of TMUs multiplied by the base core clock speed.", "\n 4 Single precision performance is calculated as 2 times the number of shaders multiplied by the base core clock speed.", "\n 5 Double precision performance of the GTX Titan & GTX Titan Black is either 1/3 or 1/24 of single-precision performance depending on a user-selected configuration option in the driver that boosts single-precision performance if double-precision is set to 1/24 of single-precision performance, while other Kepler chips' double precision performance is fixed at 1/24 of single-precision performance. ", "GeForce 700 series Maxwell chips' double precision performance is 1/32 of single-precision performance.", "\n 6 SLI supports connecting up to 4 identical graphics cards for a 4-way SLI configuration. ", "Those supporting 4-way SLI can support 3-way & 2-way SLI, however a dual-GPU card already implements 2-way SLI internally, thus only 2 dual-GPU cards can be used in SLI to give a 4-way SLI configuration.", "\n\nGeForce 700M (7xxM) series\nSome implementations may use different specifications.", "\n\n 1 Unified shaders : Texture mapping units : Render output units\n\nChipset table\n\nDiscontinued support \nNvidia announced that after Release 390.x drivers, Nvidia will no longer release 32-bit drivers for 32-bit operating systems.", "\n\nNvidia announced that Kepler notebook GPUs will transition to legacy support from April 2019 onwards and supported until April 2020. ", "All notebook GPU's from the 7xxM family are affected by this change.", "\n\nDriver 388.71 is the last driver to fully support CUDA with 64-Bit Compute Capability 3.5 for Windows7 & Windows8.1 64-bit, for Kepler,\ntested with latest CUDA-Z and GPU-Z, after that driver, the 64-Bit CUDA support becomes broken for GeForce700 series GK110 with Kepler architecture.", "\n\nDriver 388.71 for Windows7/W8.1 64-Bit\nhttps://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/128419/en-us \nDriver 388.71 for Windows10 64-Bit\nhttps://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/128421/en-us\n\nSee also \n GeForce 400 series\n GeForce 500 series\n GeForce 600 series\n GeForce 800M series\n GeForce 900 series\n GeForce 10 series\n Nvidia Quadro\n Nvidia Tesla\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\n GK110/GK210 Architecture Whitepaper\n GTX 750 Ti Whitepaper\n Introducing GeForce GTX TITAN Z: Ultimate Power\n Introducing the GeForce GTX TITAN\n Introducing The GeForce GTX 780 Ti: The Best Gaming GPU on the Planet\n Introducing The GeForce GTX 780\n Introducing The GeForce GTX 770\n Introducing The GeForce GTX 760: A Mid-Range GPU With High-End Features\n GeForce GTX 750 Class GPUs: Serious Gaming, Incredible Value\n Introducing Our New GeForce GTX 700M, Kepler-Powered Notebook GPUs\n GeForce GTX TITAN Z\n GeForce GTX TITAN BLACK\n GeForce GTX TITAN\n GeForce GTX 780 Ti\n GeForce GTX 780\n GeForce GTX 770\n GeForce GTX 760 Ti (OEM)\n GeForce GTX 760\n GeForce GTX 760 192-bit(OEM)\n GeForce GTX 750 Ti\n GeForce GTX 750\n GeForce GT 740\n\n GeForce GT 730\n GeForce GX 780M\n GeForce GX 770M\n GeForce GX 765M\n GeForce GX 760M\n GeForce GT 750M\n GeForce GT 745M\n GeForce GT 740M\n GeForce GT 735M\n GeForce GT 730M\n A New Dawn\n Nvidia Nsight\n TechPowerUp! ", "GPU Database\n\nCategory:Computer-related introductions in 2013\n700 series\nCategory:Video cards" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can I group by my columns in SQL?", "\n\nHow can I group by Time? ", " I tried this, but it gives the error \"Invalid column name 'Time'.\":", "\nselect Count(Page) as VisitingCount, CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), Date, 108) as [Time]\nfrom scr_SecuristLog \nwhere Date between '2009-05-04 00:00:00' and '2009-05-06 14:58' \nand [user] in (select USERNAME from scr_CustomerAuthorities) \ngroup by [Time] order by [VisitingCount] asc\n\nA:\n\nTry\nGROUP BY CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),Date, 108)\n\nAlways make sure you group by everything in your select clause that does not have an aggregate function around it.", "\n\nA:\n\n[Time] is a column alias. ", "Try\nSELECT \n COUNT(Page) AS VisitingCount\n , CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),Date, 108) AS [Time] \nFROM\n scr_SecuristLog \nWHERE\n Date BETWEEN '2009-05-04 00:00:00' AND '2009-05-06 14:58' \n AND\n [user] IN (\n SELECT \n USERNAME \n FROM\n scr_CustomerAuthorities \n ) \nGROUP BY\n CONVERT(VARCHAR(5),Date, 108) \nORDER BY\n [VisitingCount] ASC \n\n" ]
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[ "PORTLAND, Ore. – The Portland Timbers today announced that the club has signed goalkeeper Andrew Weber. ", "Per league and club policy, the terms were not disclosed.", "\n\n\n\nAdditionally, the Timbers announced that forward Sebastián Rincón will not return for the 2014 season. ", "The club retains Rincón’s MLS rights and hold the first right of refusal should he return to the league.", "\n\nSAVE: Weber stones SJ's Lenhart\n\nWeber, 30, is a veteran of nine professional seasons, playing for MLS clubs D.C. United (2005), San Jose Earthquakes (2009-11) and Seattle Sounders FC (2012-13) during his career. ", "He spent three seasons with the Montreal Impact in the USL First Division from 2006-08, where he made 29 regular-season appearances. ", "Weber has twice played in the CONCACAF Champions League.", "\n\n\n\nIn 2013, Weber made three MLS starts while on loan with Sounders FC, and made 14 league appearances for Phoenix FC Wolves of USL PRO.", "\n\n\n\nWeber was a four-year starter during his collegiate career at the University of New Mexico from 2001-04. ", "He finished as the school’s career leader in several goalkeeping categories, including games played (83), wins (50) and shutouts (25). ", "Weber was a three-time, all-conference selection for the Lobos and helped the team to its first NCAA tournament appearances in 2001, 2002 and 2004.", "\n\n\n\nRincón, 19, made four appearances for the Timbers across all competitions over his two seasons in Portland. ", "He did not make an MLS appearance during his time with the club, but did play in 22 total matches in the MLS Reserve League for the Timbers Reserves.", "\n\n\n\nAndrew Weber\n\nPronunciation: WEB-er\n\nPosition: Goalkeeper\n\nHeight: 6-2\n\nWeight: 190\n\nBorn: Aug. 9, 1983, Austin, Texas\n\nHometown: Phoenix, Ariz.\n\nLast Club: Phoenix FC Wolves (USL PRO)\n\nCollege: University of New Mexico\n\nCitizenship: United States\n\nAcquired: Signed Jan. 10, 2014" ]
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[ "\n#ifndef GAINPUTINPUTDEVICEPAD_H_\n#define GAINPUTINPUTDEVICEPAD_H_\n\nnamespace gainput\n{\n\n/// The maximum number of pads supported.", "\nenum { MaxPadCount = 10 };\n\n/// All valid device buttons for InputDevicePad.", "\nenum PadButton\n{\n\tPadButtonLeftStickX,\n\tPadButtonLeftStickY,\n\tPadButtonRightStickX,\n\tPadButtonRightStickY,\n\tPadButtonAxis4, // L2/Left trigger\n\tPadButtonAxis5, // R2/Right trigger\n\tPadButtonAxis6,\n\tPadButtonAxis7,\n\tPadButtonAxis8,\n\tPadButtonAxis9,\n\tPadButtonAxis10,\n\tPadButtonAxis11,\n\tPadButtonAxis12,\n\tPadButtonAxis13,\n\tPadButtonAxis14,\n\tPadButtonAxis15,\n\tPadButtonAxis16,\n\tPadButtonAxis17,\n\tPadButtonAxis18,\n\tPadButtonAxis19,\n\tPadButtonAxis20,\n\tPadButtonAxis21,\n\tPadButtonAxis22,\n\tPadButtonAxis23,\n\tPadButtonAxis24,\n\tPadButtonAxis25,\n\tPadButtonAxis26,\n\tPadButtonAxis27,\n\tPadButtonAxis28,\n\tPadButtonAxis29,\n\tPadButtonAxis30,\n\tPadButtonAxis31,\n\tPadButtonAccelerationX,\n\tPadButtonAccelerationY,\n\tPadButtonAccelerationZ,\n\tPadButtonGravityX,\n\tPadButtonGravityY,\n\tPadButtonGravityZ,\n\tPadButtonGyroscopeX,\n\tPadButtonGyroscopeY,\n\tPadButtonGyroscopeZ,\n\tPadButtonMagneticFieldX,\n\tPadButtonMagneticFieldY,\n\tPadButtonMagneticFieldZ,\n\tPadButtonStart,\n\tPadButtonAxisCount_ = PadButtonStart,\n\tPadButtonSelect,\n\tPadButtonLeft,\n\tPadButtonRight,\n\tPadButtonUp,\n\tPadButtonDown,\n\tPadButtonA, // Cross\n\tPadButtonB, // Circle\n\tPadButtonX, // Square\n\tPadButtonY, // Triangle\n\tPadButtonL1,\n\tPadButtonR1,\n\tPadButtonL2,\n\tPadButtonR2,\n\tPadButtonL3, // Left thumb\n\tPadButtonR3, // Right thumb\n\tPadButtonHome, // PS button\n\tPadButton17,\n\tPadButton18,\n\tPadButton19,\n\tPadButton20,\n\tPadButton21,\n\tPadButton22,\n\tPadButton23,\n\tPadButton24,\n\tPadButton25,\n\tPadButton26,\n\tPadButton27,\n\tPadButton28,\n\tPadButton29,\n\tPadButton30,\n\tPadButton31,\n\tPadButtonMax_,\n\tPadButtonCount_ = PadButtonMax_ - PadButtonAxisCount_\n};\n\nclass InputDevicePadImpl;\n\n/// A pad input device.", "\n/**\n * This input device provides support for gamepad devices. ", "The valid device buttons are defined\n * in the ::PadButton enum.", "\n *\n * This device is implemented on Android NDK, Linux and Windows.", "\n *\n * Note that the Android implementation does not support any external pads, but only internal\n * sensors (acceleration, gyroscope, magnetic field).", "\n */\nclass GAINPUT_LIBEXPORT InputDevicePad : public InputDevice\n{\npublic:\n\t/// The operating system device IDs for all possible pads.", "\n\tstatic const char* PadDeviceIds[MaxPadCount];\n\t// TODO SetPadDeviceId(padIndex, const char* id);\n\n\t/// Initializes the device.", "\n\t/**\n\t * Instantiate the device using InputManager::CreateDevice().", "\n\t *\n\t * \\param manager The input manager this device is managed by.", "\n\t * \\param device The ID of this device.", "\n\t */\n\tInputDevicePad(InputManager& manager, DeviceId device, unsigned index, DeviceVariant variant);\n\t/// Shuts down the device.", "\n\t~InputDevicePad();\n\n\t/// Returns DT_PAD.", "\n\tDeviceType GetType() const { return DT_PAD; }\n\tDeviceVariant GetVariant() const;\n\tconst char* GetTypeName() const { return \"pad\"; }\n bool IsValidButtonId(DeviceButtonId deviceButton) const;\n\n\tsize_t GetAnyButtonDown(DeviceButtonSpec* outButtons, size_t maxButtonCount) const;\n\n\tsize_t GetButtonName(DeviceButtonId deviceButton, char* buffer, size_t bufferLength) const;\n\tButtonType GetButtonType(DeviceButtonId deviceButton) const;\n\tDeviceButtonId GetButtonByName(const char* name) const;\n\n\tInputState* GetNextInputState();\n\n\t/// Enables the rumble feature of the pad.", "\n\t/**\n\t * \\param leftMotor Speed of the left motor, between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\t * \\param rightMotor Speed of the right motor, between 0.0 and 1.0.", "\n\t * \\return true if rumble was enabled successfully, false otherwise.", "\n\t */\n\tbool Vibrate(float leftMotor, float rightMotor);\n\n\t/// Returns the platform-specific implementation of this device.", "\n\tInputDevicePadImpl* GetPimpl() { return impl_; }\n\nprotected:\n\tvoid InternalUpdate(InputDeltaState* delta);\n\n\tDeviceState InternalGetState() const;\n\nprivate:\n\tInputDevicePadImpl* impl_;\n\n};\n\n}\n\n#endif\n\n" ]
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[ "Interview with David Sønstebø\n\nIn case of success\n\nA cryptocurrency trader and a stock market trader meet at a coffee store.", "\n\nThe stocks trader wears an expensive suit and the smile of a high school quarterback. ", "Brown Lacoste shoes and his Aston Martin keys are completing the image of success, let alone his self-assured, cocky demeanor. ", "A second, golden key tag says “tu casa es mi casa“, Wallstreet humor.", "\n\nHe worked several years to reach financial independence that goes way beyond filling his fridge with Moët.", "\n\nTrading derivatives of mortgages is still profitable he thinks, as he scans the people around him. ", "Even in 2018, ten years after the global economic apocalypse.", "\n\n“Not everyone can be a winner. ", "I guess these crickets will learn it the hard way when the next mortgage bubble destroys the futures of so many. ", "Good to be on top, yikes!” ", "he reminds himself.", "\n\nThe grayish hoodie sweater next to him orders a bagel and a coffee with milk.", "\n\nCarl invested in cryptocurrency in 2015, when Ethereum came up for the first time. ", "Yesterday, he watched a documentary about the “Big Short” – The perverted financial carousel almost destroyed society. ", "Ironically, the easy gains of the stock market attracted lots of qualified, smart people. ", "Physicists, mathematicians, “High-frequency trading” has become the exploitative face of the trading landscape as everyone is trying to reach the next percent ROI.", "\n\nAutomated bots are pushing fractions of numbers, a thousand times a second. ", "Particle distribution models and statistic schemes are fuel for these lines of code that are fighting a war against competing bots on the backs of the working class. ", "The obsessive efforts of these HF-traders creating these quant-bots ended in a subjective tunnel, that let them forget what they are trading there. ", "Little green numbers are important, not the real-world consequences.", "\n\nWouldn’t it be better if we reach a time where the smart people are compensated for their efforts in their respective profession? ", "The economization of the education system is a problem, he concludes.", "\n\n“I don’t think this peafowl in a suit is one of the smart kids, though. ", "I better get back home before I start a revolution” as he rescues a slice of tomato and flips a quarter into a cup of a homeless, that is sitting in front of the coffee store.", "\n\nCarl studied sustainability and found relief in the vision of Satoshi Nakamoto, Vitalik Buterin, David Sønstebø and Come-from-Beyond.", "\n\nAlthough cryptoland is rarely unified in their politics, they are in their understanding of what is needed and what not.", "\n\nThe world of stocks/derivative traders and cryptocurrency couldn’t be more different in terms of the outcome.", "\n\nOne side is aiming for individual profits, another one is aiming for a healthy globalization, equality, a better life for everyone. ", "In theory at least.", "\n\nIn case of success, DLT’s will conquer most of the industries for the better.", "\n\nIn case of success, the Semmelweis reflex has been averted.", "\n\nToday we know that the economic structure of expansion in the world is endless. ", "If China can raise its per head income, other, cheaper countries and areas will produce next. ", "Bangladesh, Africa, parts of the Middle East.", "\n\nIf they can also raise their per head income in a few years, there is no country left that can produce even cheaper.", "\n\nExpansion on a global scale will find its nemesis in this model of globalization.", "\n\nIn case of success of distributed ledger technologies, though, we can create a landscape of automated cyber-physical systems, that can create value for all of us, without expansion and shifting the production locations.", "\n\nIf we look into the near future, these systems give us the opportunity to silence the bad voices, that tend to aim for an accumulation of wealth.", "\n\nInstead, we can create a universal basic income.", "\n\nThis idea is not communistic, it’s solution oriented.", "\n\nWith a value-creating industry, we could ensure the adequate supply for everyone. ", "Without expansion, without taking what’s his or hers.", "\n\nSmart contracts, distributed hard drives, microtransactions.", "\n\nTamperproof elections, no mighty intermediaries, no hurdles to send value from Monaco to Somalia.", "\n\nA world of opportunities opens up that looks so bright compared to the inequality, that can be easily identified, even in western countries, when you go into a coffee store and look around.", "\n\nThe sector model of Jean Fourastié, Allan Fisher and Colin Clark that describes the shifting sectors of industrial nations should be recognized as a model of a transformational period only.", "\n\nNow, when we have the chance to use ways to face the problems of today, we should use them.", "\n\nCryptographic technologies are not for personal gain. ", "That’s the old model.", "\n\nOne Reply to “In case of success”\n\nI fear the ideals described are a bit Utopian… There will always be greed and averice amongst our species. ", "The thought of “everyone doing well”, goes against their beliefs of entitlement and destiny. ", "I’m all for success, and I don’t believe there’s such a thing as too much success in and of itself.", "\nHowever, when the obscene levels of wealth held by so few in a world where an enormous percentage don’t have enough basic necessities, it’s clear the benevolence of “making it” has gone awry. ", "It has become a field of the “have’s and have not’s”.", "\nI’m not a communist, I’m not a crypto guru, and I’m not a life long philanthropist. ", "I’m not speaking from a bully pulpit.", "\nThese views are observations that are evident to even the most casual observers, but ignored by those who still believe they can take it with them when they die!", "\nIf the future of global crypto transactions/documentation/security includes independence, safety and security for all, then I hope I’m around long enough to witness it!", "\n\n@TechCrunch Would love that for the cryptospace, together with a standard they had to accept like using primary sources, commentaries have to be marked as such and conflicts of interests should be marked at the beginning of an article. ", "Crypto desperately needs a standard. #", "iota #btc #eth" ]
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