[ "# ***** BEGIN GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****\n#\n# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\n# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License\n# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2\n# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.", "\n#\n# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the\n# GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.", "\n#\n# ***** END GPL LICENSE BLOCK *****\n\n# <pep8 compliant>\n\n# Global settings used by all scripts in this dir.", "\n# XXX Before any use of the tools in this dir, please make a copy of this file\n# named \"setting.py\"\n# XXX This is a template, most values should be OK, but some you’ll have to\n# edit (most probably, BLENDER_EXEC and SOURCE_DIR).", "\n\n\nimport json\nimport os\nimport sys\n\nimport bpy\n\n###############################################################################\n# MISC\n###############################################################################\n\n# The languages defined in Blender.", "\nLANGUAGES_CATEGORIES = (\n # Min completeness level, UI english label.", "\n (0.95, \"Complete\"),\n (0.33, \"In Progress\"),\n (-1.0, \"Starting\"),\n)\nLANGUAGES = (\n # ID, UI english label, ISO code.", "\n (0, \"Automatic (Automatic)\", \"DEFAULT\"),\n (1, \"English (English)\", \"en_US\"),\n (2, \"Japanese (日本語)\", \"ja_JP\"),\n (3, \"Dutch (Nederlandse taal)\", \"nl_NL\"),\n (4, \"Italian (Italiano)\", \"it_IT\"),\n (5, \"German (Deutsch)\", \"de_DE\"),\n (6, \"Finnish (Suomi)\", \"fi_FI\"),\n (7, \"Swedish (Svenska)\", \"sv_SE\"),\n (8, \"French (Français)\", \"fr_FR\"),\n (9, \"Spanish (Español)\", \"es\"),\n (10, \"Catalan (Català)\", \"ca_AD\"),\n (11, \"Czech (Český)\", \"cs_CZ\"),\n (12, \"Portuguese (Português)\", \"pt_PT\"),\n (13, \"Simplified Chinese (简体中文)\", \"zh_CN\"),\n (14, \"Traditional Chinese (繁體中文)\", \"zh_TW\"),\n (15, \"Russian (Русский)\", \"ru_RU\"),\n (16, \"Croatian (Hrvatski)\", \"hr_HR\"),\n (17, \"Serbian (Српски)\", \"sr_RS\"),\n (18, \"Ukrainian (Український)\", \"uk_UA\"),\n (19, \"Polish (Polski)\", \"pl_PL\"),\n (20, \"Romanian (Român)\", \"ro_RO\"),\n # Using the utf8 flipped form of Arabic (العربية).", "\n (21, \"Arabic (ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ)\", \"ar_EG\"),\n (22, \"Bulgarian (Български)\", \"bg_BG\"),\n (23, \"Greek (Ελληνικά)\", \"el_GR\"),\n (24, \"Korean (한국 언어)\", \"ko_KR\"),\n (25, \"Nepali (नेपाली)\", \"ne_NP\"),\n # Using the utf8 flipped form of Persian (فارسی).", "\n (26, \"Persian (ﯽﺳﺭﺎﻓ)\", \"fa_IR\"),\n (27, \"Indonesian (Bahasa indonesia)\", \"id_ID\"),\n (28, \"Serbian Latin (Srpski latinica)\", \"sr_RS@latin\"),\n (29, \"Kyrgyz (Кыргыз тили)\", \"ky_KG\"),\n (30, \"Turkish (Türkçe)\", \"tr_TR\"),\n (31, \"Hungarian (Magyar)\", \"hu_HU\"),\n (32, \"Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil)\", \"pt_BR\"),\n # Using the utf8 flipped form of Hebrew (עִבְרִית)).", "\n (33, \"Hebrew (תירִבְעִ)\", \"he_IL\"),\n (34, \"Estonian (Eestlane)\", \"et_EE\"),\n (35, \"Esperanto (Esperanto)\", \"eo\"),\n (36, \"Spanish from Spain (Español de España)\", \"es_ES\"),\n (37, \"Amharic (አማርኛ)\", \"am_ET\"),\n (38, \"Uzbek (Oʻzbek)\", \"uz_UZ\"),\n (39, \"Uzbek Cyrillic (Ўзбек)\", \"uz_UZ@cyrillic\"),\n (40, \"Hindi (मानक हिन्दी)\", \"hi_IN\"),\n (41, \"Vietnamese (tiếng Việt)\", \"vi_VN\"),\n (42, \"Basque (Euskara)\", \"eu_EU\"),\n (43, \"Hausa (Hausa)\", \"ha\"),\n (44, \"Kazakh (қазақша)\", \"kk_KZ\"),\n (45, \"Abkhaz (Аԥсуа бызшәа)\", \"ab\"),\n (46, \"Thai (ภาษาไทย)\", \"th_TH\"),\n (47, \"Slovak (Slovenčina)\", \"sk_SK\"),\n)\n\n# Default context, in py!", "\nDEFAULT_CONTEXT = bpy.app.translations.contexts.default\n\n# Name of language file used by Blender to generate translations' menu.", "\nLANGUAGES_FILE = \"languages\"\n\n# The min level of completeness for a po file to be imported from /branches into /trunk, as a percentage.", "\nIMPORT_MIN_LEVEL = 0.0\n\n# Languages in /branches we do not want to import in /trunk currently...\nIMPORT_LANGUAGES_SKIP = {\n 'am_ET', 'bg_BG', 'fi_FI', 'el_GR', 'et_EE', 'ne_NP', 'ro_RO', 'uz_UZ', 'uz_UZ@cyrillic', 'kk_KZ',\n}\n\n# Languages that need RTL pre-processing.", "\nIMPORT_LANGUAGES_RTL = {\n 'ar_EG', 'fa_IR', 'he_IL',\n}\n\n# The comment prefix used in generated messages.txt file.", "\nMSG_COMMENT_PREFIX = \"#~ \"\n\n# The comment prefix used in generated messages.txt file.", "\nMSG_CONTEXT_PREFIX = \"MSGCTXT:\"\n\n# The default comment prefix used in po's.", "\nPO_COMMENT_PREFIX = \"# \"\n\n# The comment prefix used to mark sources of msgids, in po's.", "\nPO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE = \"#: \"\n\n# The comment prefix used to mark sources of msgids, in po's.", "\nPO_COMMENT_PREFIX_SOURCE_CUSTOM = \"#. :", "src: \"\n\n# The general \"generated\" comment prefix, in po's.", "\nPO_COMMENT_PREFIX_GENERATED = \"#. \"", "\n\n# The comment prefix used to comment entries in po's.", "\nPO_COMMENT_PREFIX_MSG = \"#~ \"\n\n# The comment prefix used to mark fuzzy msgids, in po's.", "\nPO_COMMENT_FUZZY = \"#, fuzzy\"\n\n# The prefix used to define context, in po's.", "\nPO_MSGCTXT = \"msgctxt \"\n\n# The prefix used to define msgid, in po's.", "\nPO_MSGID = \"msgid \"\n\n# The prefix used to define msgstr, in po's.", "\nPO_MSGSTR = \"msgstr \"\n\n# The 'header' key of po files.", "\nPO_HEADER_KEY = (DEFAULT_CONTEXT, \"\")\n\nPO_HEADER_MSGSTR = (\n \"Project-Id-Version: {blender_ver} ({blender_hash})\\\\n\\n\"\n \"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \\\\n\\n\"\n \"POT-Creation-Date: {time}\\\\n\\n\"\n \"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\\\\n\\n\"\n \"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\\\\n\\n\"\n \"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\\\\n\\n\"\n \"Language: {uid}\\\\n\\n\"\n \"MIME-Version: 1.0\\\\n\\n\"\n \"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\\\\n\\n\"\n \"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\\n\"\n)\nPO_HEADER_COMMENT_COPYRIGHT = (\n \"# Blender's translation file (po format).\\n\"\n \"# Copyright (C) {year} The Blender Foundation.\\n\"\n \"# This file is distributed under the same license as the Blender package.\\n\"\n \"#\\n\"\n)\nPO_HEADER_COMMENT = (\n \"# FIRST AUTHOR <EMAIL@ADDRESS>, YEAR.\\n\"\n \"#\"\n)\n\nTEMPLATE_ISO_ID = \"__TEMPLATE__\"\n\n# Num buttons report their label with a trailing ': '...\nNUM_BUTTON_SUFFIX = \": \"\n\n# Undocumented operator placeholder string.", "\nUNDOC_OPS_STR = \"(undocumented operator)\"\n\n# The gettext domain.", "\nDOMAIN = \"blender\"\n\n# Our own \"gettext\" stuff.", "\n# File type (ext) to parse.", "\nPYGETTEXT_ALLOWED_EXTS = {\".c\", \".cpp\", \".cxx\", \".hpp\", \".hxx\", \".h\"}\n\n# Max number of contexts into a BLT_I18N_MSGID_MULTI_CTXT macro...\nPYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT = 16\n\n# Where to search contexts definitions, relative to SOURCE_DIR (defined below).", "\nPYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS_DEFSRC = os.path.join(\"source\", \"blender\", \"blentranslation\", \"BLT_translation.h\")\n\n# Regex to extract contexts defined in BLT_translation.h\n# XXX Not full-proof, but should be enough here!", "\nPYGETTEXT_CONTEXTS = \"#define\\\\s+(BLT_I18NCONTEXT_[A-Z_0-9]+)\\\\s+\\\"([^\\\"]*)\\\"\"\n\n# Keywords' regex.", "\n# XXX Most unfortunately, we can't use named backreferences inside character sets,\n# which makes the regexes even more twisty... :/\n_str_base = (\n # Match void string\n \"(?", "P<{_}1>[\\\"'])(?P={_}1)\" # Get opening quote (' or \"), and closing immediately.", "\n \"|\"\n # Or match non-void string\n \"(?", "P<{_}2>[\\\"'])\" # Get opening quote (' or \").", "\n \"(?{", "capt}(?:\"", "\n # This one is for crazy things like \"hi \\\\\\\\\\\" folks!\"...", "\n r\"(?:(?!<\\\\)(?:\\\\\\\\)*\\\\(?=(?P={_}2)))|\"\n # The most common case.", "\n \".(?!(?P={_}2))\"\n \")+.)\" ", " # Don't forget the last char!", "\n \"(?", "P={_}2)\" # And closing quote.", "\n)\nstr_clean_re = _str_base.format(_=\"g\", capt=\"P<clean>\")\n_inbetween_str_re = (\n # XXX Strings may have comments between their pieces too, not only spaces!", "\n r\"(?:\\s*(?:\"", "\n # A C comment\n r\"/\\*.*(?!\\*/).\\*/|\"\n # Or a C++ one!", "\n r\"//[^\\n]*\\n\"\n # And we are done!", "\n r\")?)*\"", "\n)\n# Here we have to consider two different cases (empty string and other).", "\n_str_whole_re = (\n _str_base.format(_=\"{_}1_\", capt=\":\") +\n # Optional loop start, this handles \"split\" strings...\n \"(?:(?", "<=[\\\"'])\" + _inbetween_str_re + \"(?", "=[\\\"'])(?:\"", "\n + _str_base.format(_=\"{_}2_\", capt=\":\") +\n # End of loop.", "\n \"))*\"\n)\n_ctxt_re_gen = lambda uid : r\"(?P<ctxt_raw{uid}>(?:\".format(uid=uid) + \\\n _str_whole_re.format(_=\"_ctxt{uid}\".format(uid=uid)) + \\\n r\")|(?:[A-Z_0-9]+))\"\n_ctxt_re = _ctxt_re_gen(\"\")\n_msg_re = r\"(?P<msg_raw>\" + _str_whole_re.format(_=\"_msg\") + r\")\"\nPYGETTEXT_KEYWORDS = (() +\n tuple((r\"{}\\(\\s*\" + _msg_re + r\"\\s*\\)\").format(it)\n for it in (\"IFACE_\", \"TIP_\", \"DATA_\", \"N_\")) +\n\n tuple((r\"{}\\(\\s*\" + _ctxt_re + r\"\\s*,\\s*\" + _msg_re + r\"\\s*\\)\").format(it)\n for it in (\"CTX_IFACE_\", \"CTX_TIP_\", \"CTX_DATA_\", \"CTX_N_\")) +\n\n tuple((\"{}\\\\((?:[^\\\"',]+,){{1,2}}\\\\s*\" + _msg_re + r\"\\s*(?:\\)|,)\").format(it)\n for it in (\"BKE_report\", \"BKE_reportf\", \"BKE_reports_prepend\", \"BKE_reports_prependf\",\n \"CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set\")) +\n\n tuple((\"{}\\\\((?:[^\\\"',]+,){{3}}\\\\s*\" + _msg_re + r\"\\s*\\)\").format(it)\n for it in (\"BMO_error_raise\",)) +\n\n tuple((\"{}\\\\((?:[^\\\"',]+,)\\\\s*\" + _msg_re + r\"\\s*(?:\\)|,)\").format(it)\n for it in (\"modifier_setError\",)) +\n\n tuple((r\"{}\\(\\s*\" + _msg_re + r\"\\s*,\\s*(?:\" ", "+\n r\"\\s*,\\s*)?(?:\".join(_ctxt_re_gen(i) for i in range(PYGETTEXT_MAX_MULTI_CTXT)) + r\")?\\s*\\)\").format(it)\n for it in (\"BLT_I18N_MSGID_MULTI_CTXT\",))\n)\n\n# Check printf mismatches between msgid and msgstr.", "\nCHECK_PRINTF_FORMAT = (\n r\"(?!<%)(?:%%)*%\" # Beginning, with handling for crazy things like '%%%%%s'\n r\"[-+#0]?\" ", " # Flags (note: do not add the ' ' (space) flag here, generates too much false positives!)", "\n r\"(?:\\*|[0-9]+)?\" ", " # Width\n r\"(?:\\.(?:\\*|[0-9]+))?\" ", " # Precision\n r\"(?:[hljztL]|hh|ll)?\" ", " # Length\n r\"[tldiuoxXfFeEgGaAcspn]\" # Specifiers (note we have Blender-specific %t and %l ones too)\n)\n\n# Should po parser warn when finding a first letter not capitalized?", "\nWARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED = True\n\n# Strings that should not raise above warning!", "\nWARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED_ALLOWED = {\n \"\", # Simplifies things... :p\n \"ac3\",\n \"along X\",\n \"along Y\",\n \"along Z\",\n \"along %s X\",\n \"along %s Y\",\n \"along %s Z\",\n \"along local Z\",\n \"ascii\",\n \"author\", # Addons' field. :/", "\n \"bItasc\",\n \"dbl-\", # Compacted for 'double', for keymap items.", "\n \"description\", # Addons' field. :/", "\n \"dx\",\n \"fBM\",\n \"flac\",\n \"fps: %.2f\",\n \"fps: %i\",\n \"gimbal\",\n \"global\",\n \"glTF 2.0 (.glb/.gltf)\",\n \"glTF Binary (.glb)\",\n \"glTF Embedded (.gltf)\",\n \"glTF Separate (.gltf + .bin + textures)\",\n \"invoke() needs to be called before execute()\",\n \"iScale\",\n \"iso-8859-15\",\n \"iTaSC\",\n \"iTaSC parameters\",\n \"kb\",\n \"local\",\n \"location\", # Addons' field. :/", "\n \"locking %s X\",\n \"locking %s Y\",\n \"locking %s Z\",\n \"mkv\",\n \"mm\",\n \"mp2\",\n \"mp3\",\n \"normal\",\n \"ogg\",\n \"p0\",\n \"px\",\n \"re\",\n \"res\",\n \"rv\",\n \"sin(x) / x\",\n \"sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)\",\n \"sRGB\",\n \"utf-8\",\n \"var\",\n \"vBVH\",\n \"view\",\n \"wav\",\n \"wmOwnerID '%s' not in workspace '%s'\",\n \"y\",\n # Sub-strings.", "\n \"available with\",\n \"brown fox\",\n \"can't save image while rendering\",\n \"constructive modifier\",\n \"cursor\",\n \"custom\",\n \"custom matrix\",\n \"custom orientation\",\n \"edge data\",\n \"expected a timeline/animation area to be active\",\n \"expected a view3d region\",\n \"expected a view3d region & editcurve\",\n \"expected a view3d region & editmesh\",\n \"face data\",\n \"gimbal\",\n \"global\",\n \"image file not found\",\n \"image format is read-only\",\n \"image path can't be written to\",\n \"in memory to enable editing!\",", "\n \"jumps over\",\n \"left\",\n \"local\",\n \"multi-res modifier\",\n \"non-triangle face\",\n \"normal\",\n \"right\",\n \"the lazy dog\",\n \"unable to load movie clip\",\n \"unable to load text\",\n \"unable to open the file\",\n \"unknown error reading file\",\n \"unknown error stating file\",\n \"unknown error writing file\",\n \"unsupported font format\",\n \"unsupported format\",\n \"unsupported image format\",\n \"unsupported movie clip format\",\n \"vertex data\",\n \"verts only\",\n \"view\",\n \"virtual parents\",\n}\nWARN_MSGID_NOT_CAPITALIZED_ALLOWED |= set(lng[2] for lng in LANGUAGES)\n\nWARN_MSGID_END_POINT_ALLOWED = {\n \"Circle|Alt .\",", "\n \"Float Neg. ", "Exp.\",", "\n \"Max Ext.\",", "\n \"Numpad .\",", "\n \"Pad.\",", "\n \" RNA Path: bpy.types.\",", "\n \"Temp. ", "Diff.\",", "\n \"Temperature Diff.\",", "\n}\n\nPARSER_CACHE_HASH = 'sha1'\n\nPARSER_TEMPLATE_ID = \"__POT__\"\nPARSER_PY_ID = \"__PY__\"\n\nPARSER_PY_MARKER_BEGIN = \"\\n# ##### BEGIN AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION #####\\n\"\nPARSER_PY_MARKER_END = \"\\n# ##### END AUTOGENERATED I18N SECTION #####\\n\"\n\nPARSER_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 2 ** 24 # in bytes, i.e. 16 Mb.", "\n\n###############################################################################\n# PATHS\n###############################################################################\n\n# The Python3 executable.", "You’ll likely have to edit it in your user_settings.py\n# if you’re under Windows.", "\nPYTHON3_EXEC = \"python3\"\n\n# The Blender executable!", "\n# This is just an example, you’ll have to edit it in your user_settings.py!", "\nBLENDER_EXEC = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(\"foo\", \"bar\", \"blender\"))\n# check for blender.bin\nif not os.path.exists(BLENDER_EXEC):\n if os.path.exists(BLENDER_EXEC + \".bin\"):\n BLENDER_EXEC = BLENDER_EXEC + \".bin\"\n\n# The gettext msgfmt \"compiler\". ", "You’ll likely have to edit it in your user_settings.py if you’re under Windows.", "\nGETTEXT_MSGFMT_EXECUTABLE = \"msgfmt\"\n\n# The FriBidi C compiled library (.so under Linux, .dll under windows...).", "\n# You’ll likely have to edit it in your user_settings.py if you’re under Windows., ", "e.g. using the included one:\n# FRIBIDI_LIB = os.path.join(TOOLS_DIR, \"libfribidi.dll\")\nFRIBIDI_LIB = \"libfribidi.so.0\"\n\n# The name of the (currently empty) file that must be present in a po's directory to enable rtl-preprocess.", "\nRTL_PREPROCESS_FILE = \"is_rtl\"\n\n# The Blender source root path.", "\n# This is just an example, you’ll have to override it in your user_settings.py!", "\nSOURCE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(\"blender\"))\n\n# The bf-translation repository (you'll have to override this in your user_settings.py).", "\nI18N_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(\"i18n\"))\n\n# The /branches path (relative to I18N_DIR).", "\nREL_BRANCHES_DIR = os.path.join(\"branches\")\n\n# The /trunk path (relative to I18N_DIR).", "\nREL_TRUNK_DIR = os.path.join(\"trunk\")\n\n# The /trunk/po path (relative to I18N_DIR).", "\nREL_TRUNK_PO_DIR = os.path.join(REL_TRUNK_DIR, \"po\")\n\n# The /trunk/mo path (relative to I18N_DIR).", "\nREL_TRUNK_MO_DIR = os.path.join(REL_TRUNK_DIR, \"locale\")\n\n\n# The path to the *git* translation repository (relative to SOURCE_DIR).", "\nREL_GIT_I18N_DIR = os.path.join(\"release/datafiles/locale\")\n\n\n# The /po path of the *git* translation repository (relative to REL_GIT_I18N_DIR).", "\nREL_GIT_I18N_PO_DIR = os.path.join(\"po\")\n\n\n# The Blender source path to check for i18n macros (relative to SOURCE_DIR).", "\nREL_POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR = os.path.join(\"source\")\n\n# The template messages file (relative to I18N_DIR).", "\nREL_FILE_NAME_POT = os.path.join(REL_BRANCHES_DIR, DOMAIN + \".pot\")\n\n# Mo root datapath.", "\nREL_MO_PATH_ROOT = os.path.join(REL_TRUNK_DIR, \"locale\")\n\n# Mo path generator for a given language.", "\nREL_MO_PATH_TEMPLATE = os.path.join(REL_MO_PATH_ROOT, \"{}\", \"LC_MESSAGES\")\n\n# Mo path generator for a given language (relative to any \"locale\" dir).", "\nMO_PATH_ROOT_RELATIVE = os.path.join(\"locale\")\nMO_PATH_TEMPLATE_RELATIVE = os.path.join(MO_PATH_ROOT_RELATIVE, \"{}\", \"LC_MESSAGES\")\n\n# Mo file name.", "\nMO_FILE_NAME = DOMAIN + \".mo\"\n\n# Where to search for py files that may contain ui strings (relative to one of the 'resource_path' of Blender).", "\nCUSTOM_PY_UI_FILES = [\n os.path.join(\"scripts\", \"startup\", \"bl_ui\"),\n os.path.join(\"scripts\", \"modules\", \"rna_prop_ui.py\"),\n]\n\n# An optional text file listing files to force include/exclude from py_xgettext process.", "\nSRC_POTFILES = \"\"\n\n# A cache storing validated msgids, to avoid re-spellchecking them.", "\nSPELL_CACHE = os.path.join(\"/tmp\", \".spell_cache\")\n\n# Threshold defining whether a new msgid is similar enough with an old one to reuse its translation...\nSIMILAR_MSGID_THRESHOLD = 0.75\n\n# Additional import paths to add to sys.path (';' separated)...\nINTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS = \"\"\n\n# Custom override settings must be one dir above i18n tools itself!", "\nsys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), \"..\")))\ntry:\n from bl_i18n_settings_override import *\nexcept ImportError: # If no i18n_override_settings available, it’s no error!", "\n pass\n\n# Override with custom user settings, if available.", "\ntry:\n from settings_user import *\nexcept ImportError: # If no user_settings available, it’s no error!", "\n pass\n\n\nfor p in set(INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS.split(\";\")):\n if p:\n sys.path.append(p)\n\n\n# The settings class itself!", "\ndef _do_get(ref, path):\n return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(ref, path))\n\n\ndef _do_set(ref, path):\n path = os.path.normpath(path)\n # If given path is absolute, make it relative to current ref one (else we consider it is already the case!)", "\n if os.path.isabs(path):\n # can't always find the relative path (between drive letters on windows)\n try:\n return os.path.relpath(path, ref)\n except ValueError:\n pass\n return path\n\n\ndef _gen_get_set_path(ref, name):\n def _get(self):\n return _do_get(getattr(self, ref), getattr(self, name))\n\n def _set(self, value):\n setattr(self, name, _do_set(getattr(self, ref), value))\n return _get, _set\n\n\nclass I18nSettings:\n \"\"\"\n Class allowing persistence of our settings!", "\n Saved in JSon format, so settings should be JSon'able objects!", "\n \"\"\"\n _settings = None\n\n def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):\n # Addon preferences are singleton by definition, so is this class!", "\n if not I18nSettings._settings:\n cls._settings = super(I18nSettings, cls).__new__(cls)\n cls._settings.__dict__ = {uid: data for uid, data in globals().items() if not uid.startswith(\"_\")}\n return I18nSettings._settings\n\n def from_json(self, string):\n data = dict(json.loads(string))\n # Special case... :/\n if \"INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS\" in data:\n self.", "PY_SYS_PATHS = data[\"INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS\"]\n self.__dict__.update(data)\n\n def to_json(self):\n # Only save the diff from default i18n_settings!", "\n glob = globals()\n export_dict = {uid: val for uid, val in self.__dict__.items() if glob.get(uid) !", "= val}\n return json.dumps(export_dict)\n\n def load(self, fname, reset=False):\n if reset:\n self.__dict__ = {uid: data for uid, data in globals().items() if not uid.startswith(\"_\")}\n if isinstance(fname, str):\n if not os.path.isfile(fname):\n # Assume it is already real JSon string...\n self.from_json(fname)\n return\n with open(fname) as f:\n self.from_json(f.read())\n # Else assume fname is already a file(like) object!", "\n else:\n self.from_json(fname.read())\n\n def save(self, fname):\n if isinstance(fname, str):\n with open(fname, 'w') as f:\n f.write(self.to_json())\n # Else assume fname is already a file(like) object!", "\n else:\n fname.write(self.to_json())\n\n BRANCHES_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_BRANCHES_DIR\")))\n TRUNK_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_TRUNK_DIR\")))\n TRUNK_PO_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_TRUNK_PO_DIR\")))\n TRUNK_MO_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_TRUNK_MO_DIR\")))\n GIT_I18N_ROOT = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"SOURCE_DIR\", \"REL_GIT_I18N_DIR\")))\n GIT_I18N_PO_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"GIT_I18N_ROOT\", \"REL_GIT_I18N_PO_DIR\")))\n POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"SOURCE_DIR\", \"REL_POTFILES_SOURCE_DIR\")))\n FILE_NAME_POT = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_FILE_NAME_POT\")))\n MO_PATH_ROOT = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_MO_PATH_ROOT\")))\n MO_PATH_TEMPLATE = property(*(_gen_get_set_path(\"I18N_DIR\", \"REL_MO_PATH_TEMPLATE\")))\n\n def _get_py_sys_paths(self):\n return self.", "INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS\n\n def _set_py_sys_paths(self, val):\n old_paths = set(self.", "INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS.split(\";\")) - {\"\"}\n new_paths = set(val.split(\";\")) - {\"\"}\n for p in old_paths - new_paths:\n if p in sys.path:\n sys.path.remove(p)\n for p in new_paths - old_paths:\n sys.path.append(p)\n self.", "INTERN_PY_SYS_PATHS = val\n PY_SYS_PATHS = property(_get_py_sys_paths, _set_py_sys_paths)\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.010452961672473868, 0.005291005291005291, 0.01818181818181818, 0.014084507042253521, 0.00909090909090909, 0, 0.003968253968253968, 0.0136986301369863, 0.023255813953488372, 0.006586169045005488, 0.00398406374501992, 0.007594936708860759, 0.00909090909090909, 0.015503875968992248, 0.007352941176470588, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.027777777777777776, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0.011398963730569948, 0, 0, 0, 0.008032128514056224, 0.004784688995215311, 0, 0.005494505494505495, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.03333333333333333, 0.006289308176100629, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0017667844522968198, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.022222222222222223, 0, 0, 0, 0.0033003300330033004, 0, 0, 0, 0.0027397260273972603, 0.0018050541516245488, 0, 0, 0, 0.0625, 0.0625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0, 0.012658227848101266, 0, 0, 0, 0.03125, 0, 0, 0.010526315789473684, 0.022988505747126436, 0.023809523809523808, 0.010101010101010102, 0, 0, 0.016666666666666666, 0.009708737864077669, 0, 0, 0, 0.006711409395973154, 0.006993006993006993, 0, 0, 0.005797101449275362, 0.004830917874396135, 0, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0.005555555555555556, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0.002398081534772182, 0, 0, 0.0037105751391465678, 0.003875968992248062, 0.002074688796680498, 0, 0.007272727272727273, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nChoose the kth choice of choosing n things out of m\n\nSay I have a list, L, of m things.", "\nI want to pick n things out of the total of m things in the list.", "\nSuppose there are W ways of doing this. ", "I want to choose the kth way where k is in the range 1..W.\ni.e. my function is this:\nChooseKthChoiceOf(L,n,k){\n ....\n}\n\nAny good algorithms for this?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is called unranking. ", " The combinatorial number system provides a clean solution to this particular problem.", "\nSee also https://computationalcombinatorics.wordpress.com/2012/09/10/ranking-and-unranking-of-combinations-and-permutations/ for further reading.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.01098901098901099, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00684931506849315, 0 ]
[ "Job satisfaction and trust in Health Insurance Review Agency among Korean physicians.", "\nTo measure Korean physicians' job satisfaction and to examine the relationship between trust in Health Insurance Review Agency (HIRA) and job satisfaction. ", "Stratified sampling was used. ", "The sample was representative of Korean office-based physicians; 1593 office-based physicians in Korea were surveyed by mail over a 4-week period using a self-administered questionnaire. ", "Multivariate analysis using logistic regression was performed to investigate predictors of physicians' job satisfaction and to examine whether trust in HIRA was related to job satisfaction. ", "Overall, the job satisfaction of physicians was very low. ", "The payment denial rate was not related to job satisfaction. ", "Physicians who trusted HIRA were more likely to be satisfied with their job. ", "Physicians who trusted in the HIRA were more likely to report satisfaction. ", "These results emphasize that trust in the HIRA is key to physicians' job satisfaction." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.011764705882352941, 0.006369426751592357, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "High prevalence of overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia.", "\nTo study the pattern of body weight distribution and the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabia. ", "Cross-sectional national epidemiological household survey. ", "13,177 Saudi subjects, over the age of 15 years. ", "The sample was adjusted for gender, age, regional and residency population distribution. ", "The range and mean of age was similar for male and female subjects (15-95 years, 33 years). ", "questionnaire, describing the social, educational and financial status. ", "Measurement of height, weight and calculation of body mass index (BMI). ", "WHO classification was used for defining overweight (BMI 25-30) and obesity (BMI > 30). ", "The mean BMI for female subjects was significantly higher than for male subjects, whether for all subjects or subjects of any given age group. ", "There was a progressive increase of BMI for male and female subjects with age, reaching maximum at the 5th decade. ", "The prevalence of overweight among male subjects was significantly higher than for female subjects (29% vs 27%). ", "The prevalence of obesity among female subjects was significantly higher than for male subjects (24% vs 16%). ", "There was a gender variation within each region with respect to the prevalence of overweight with higher prevalence of overweight among male subjects, throughout all the regions, except the Southern region, none of the differences, however, reached significance levels. ", "The prevalence of obesity was significantly higher among female subjects, throughout all the regions. ", "Overweight and obesity were more prevalent among illiterate, high-income subjects who were residing in urban communities. ", "This epidemiological household survey has shown high prevalence of overweight and obesity among Saudi subjects. ", "The prevalence of obesity among female Saudi subjects was among the highest reported, whether, when using the WHO criteria or the 85th percentile of US subject aged 20-29 years. ", "The increase of prevalence of such conditions among high income subjects would reflect the perception of fatness as sign of affluence among those subjects. ", "As the prevalence of obesity increases with age and considering that the majority of Saudi population are less than 30 years old at the present time, then, one would expect the magnitude of obesity to be even bigger in the near future. ", "There is a need to establish programs for promoting awareness among the population of the health hazards and means of control of obesity." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.013888888888888888, 0, 0.006993006993006993, 0.008695652173913044, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0056179775280898875, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Privacy Policy\n\nLast Updated: April 8, 2014\n\nWelcome! ", "This Privacy Policy governs the use and collection of information from you by KMOV (collectively, \"KMOV\" \"we\" or \"us\") through your use of Web sites, interactive services and mobile applications that display an authorized link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, the \"Services\"). ", "This Privacy Policy does not apply to any information you may provide to us offline or through any means other than the Services. ", "For example, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information you provide when you subscribe by postal mail or telephone to one of our stations or to information that you provide to us at a live event or when you respond by postal mail or telephone to a survey or an invitation to enter a sweepstakes or contest. ", "Please read this Privacy Policy carefully so that you understand our online privacy practices. ", "By using any of our Services, you agree that your use, and any dispute over our privacy practices, is governed by this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service. ", "Understanding that technologies are rapidly evolving, we reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time. ", "Any such changes will be promptly posted on this page, with an updated \"effective date\" posted at the beginning and/or end of this policy.", "\n\nThis Privacy Policy explains the following:\n\nWhat types of information we collect\n\nWhat cookies, scripts, and beacons are and why we use them\n\nHow we use your personal information\n\nWith whom we share your personal information\n\nOther parties that may collect information when you use our Services\n\nHow you can opt-out of sharing your personal information or receiving our promotional communications\n\nHow you can update your personal information or registration information\n\nWhat safeguards we put in place to protect your personal information\n\nWhat you should know about third-party sites and advertising\n\nWhether we knowingly collect personal information from children under 13\n\nHow you can contact us\n\nWhat you should know about \"phishing\"\n\nWhen this Privacy Policy is effective and how changes to the Privacy Policy are posted\n\nWhat Types of Information Do We Collect?", "\n\nThe information we gather falls into two categories: (1) information (for example, your name, e-mail address and mailing address) that you voluntarily supply when you register, initiate transactions, or communicate with us, and (2) information collected automatically as you navigate within our Services, or read our e-mail newsletters. ", "In some cases, it is a vendor or service provider of ours that collects the information on our behalf. ", "Third-party providers featured on or linked to by our Services also may be gathering the same kinds of information through processes that we don't control subject to their own separate privacy policies.", "\n\nRegistration and Other Personal Information\n\nWhen we use the term \"Personal Information\" in this policy, we are referring only to information that uniquely identifies a specific individual, such as an individual's name, phone number, mailing address, or e-mail address, and information about an individual's activity or characteristics that is directly linked to personally-identifying information.", "\n\nWe may ask you for Personal Information when you register for or use various aspects of our Services, including when you order products, complete a survey, enter a contest or sweepstakes, or report a problem with our Services. ", "We may also collect contact information for other individuals when you use the sharing tools available within our Services to share content or offers with your friends and associates. ", "We use this information to facilitate the communications you request. ", "Please note that if you use any \"send-to-friend\" features of our Services, your e-mail address may be included in the communication sent to your friend.", "\n\nAggregated Information\n\nMuch of the information we collect is compiled in the form of aggregated statistics, such as the traffic generated by visits on various pages within our Services, and the habits and preferences of our audience. ", "Such aggregated information does not include any information that would identify you personally and does not constitute \"Personal Information\" under this policy. ", "We may use aggregated information or other anonymous information and disclose it to third parties as we see fit.", "\n\nInformation We Collect Automatically When You Use Our Services\n\nKMOV or third-party vendors and service providers acting on our behalf may collect certain information automatically when you use our Services, including:\n\nYour Internet Protocol (IP) address (a numerical address assigned to your computer by your Internet service provider so that other computers connected to the Internet can communicate with you online) that can sometimes be used to derive your general geographic area;\n\nThe site you visited before visiting a KMOV Service and the site you visited after leaving our Service;\n\nContent and advertisements you view and links you click on while navigating within our Services;\n\nUnique identifiers, including mobile device identification numbers, that can identify the physical location of such devices in accordance with applicable law;\n\nInformation about your interactions with our video content, such as the type of content viewed on our Services;\n\nInformation about your interactions with our e-mail messages, such as the links you click on and whether you open or forward a message; and\n\nStandard server log information.", "\n\nPrecise Location-Based Information\n\nWith your consent, we may also collect information about the exact real-time location of mobile devices you use to access our Services. ", "We use this information to provide you the content and location services you request, such as location-based weather reports and traffic maps, tell you about offers we think you will value based on your location, enable you to submit user-generated content based on your location, and otherwise improve your experience using our Services. ", "You are not required to consent to our collection of precise location-based information to use our Services and you can adjust the settings of your mobile device to turn on and off our access to your precise location information.", "\n\nWhat Are Cookies, Scripts and Web Beacons and Why Do We Use Them?", "\n\nWhat are Cookies?", "\n\nCookies are alphanumeric identifiers stored within your browser. ", "Cookies are accessed and recorded by the Web sites you visit, and by the companies that deliver the advertisements you see on Web sites, so they can recognize the same browser navigating online.", "\nWe use cookies for the following general purposes:\n\nTo help us recognize your browser as a previous visitor and save and remember any preferences that may have been set while you visited one of our Web sites. ", "For example, if you register for a KMOV Service, we may save your username and password, so you do not have to re-enter them each time you visit.", "\n\nTo help control the display of advertisements and customize the content and advertisements you see while using our Services.", "\n\nTo help us measure and analyze visitor traffic and usage patterns and to improve the quality and effectiveness of our content, features, advertisements, and other communications.", "\n\nThird-party companies that provide some of the tools and features accessible through our Services and advertisers and other companies involved in the delivery of the advertisements that you see while using our Services also may place cookies within your browser. ", "We do not have access to these cookies and do not control how they may be used. ", "You can set your browser to accept or reject most cookies, or to notify you when a cookie is set. (", "Each browser is different, so check the \"Help\" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.) ", "It is up to you whether to allow us or third parties to send you or to set cookies, but if you block cookies, you may not be able to view or access some of the features of our Services. ", "Please note that certain browsers cannot be used to block or delete so-called \"Flash\" cookies, which use a feature of the Adobe Flash video player to store information on your computer. ", "For information about how to delete Flash cookies, please visit the Adobe Web site here.", "\n\nWeb Beacons, Scripts, and Other Tracking Technologies\n\nWe and our service providers and other third-party companies involved in the delivery of advertisements you see on our Services and/or while visiting other unaffiliated Web sites may use scripts, web beacons and/or similar technologies, to collect information about your use of our Services. ", "Web beacons (sometimes called \"transparent GIFs,\" \"clear GIFs,\" or \"pixel tags\") embed a small graphic image (usually invisible) on a web page or in an e-mail. ", "When your browser downloads a web beacon, the server that sends the corresponding image to your browser can recognize and store certain types of information such as cookies previously set, the time and date that you viewed the page embedded with the beacon and a description of that page. ", "We use web beacons to improve your experience using our Services, including to provide you with content, advertising and offers customized to your interests, and to understand whether our users read e-mail messages and access links contained within those messages.", "\n\nHow Do We Use Your Personal Information?", "\n\nWe believe we can enhance your experience on our Services with the information you share with us. ", "We use Personal Information to improve our advertising and marketing efforts, to statistically analyze Service usage, to improve our content and product offerings and to personalize the content, layout, and features of the Services. ", "We will use your Personal Information to respond to your comments and questions. ", "We may also use your Personal Information, such as your e-mail address, phone number or mailing address, to contact you regarding products and/or services that we think may be of interest to you, including products and services of third parties, unless you have elected not to receive these promotions and offers by modifying your profile as described below in \"How Can You Opt-Out of Sharing Your Personal Information or Receiving Our Promotional Communications?\"", "\nWe may match Personal Information we collect through our Services with other information about you supplied by third parties so that we can provide you with customized product, services, and content offerings that we believe will interest you and to otherwise improve our advertising and marketing efforts. ", "After registering on one of our Services, you may receive communications including mail, e-mail, telephone or wireless text messages from us related to products and services that we believe will interest you. ", "Although we hope you find these communications informative and useful, you can opt-out from receiving these types of communications from us by changing the privacy preferences in your member profile or by deleting your profile from our database. ", "Please refer to \"How Can You Opt-Out of Sharing Your Personal Information or Receiving Our Promotional Communications?\" ", "for additional information and instructions.", "\n\nWith Whom Do We Share Your Personal Information?", "\n\nOur Affiliated Companies\n\nWe may share any information, including Personal Information, that we collect through the Services with any company that is directly or indirectly owned, controlled or operated by KMOV so that we and they can communicate with you about products and services that we believe may be of interest to you. ", "The use and further disclosure of the information collected on our Services by our affiliated companies will be governed by this Privacy Policy, as it may be amended from time to time.", "\n\nVendors, Service Providers and Provider Partners\n\nWe have today, and will in the future have, arrangements with third-party vendors and service providers, such as credit card processors, shipping companies and fulfillment services, that assist us with the operation and development of our Services. ", "We reserve the right to share with these companies any information we collect provided that they commit not to use Personal Information collected from our users for any purpose unrelated to the services that they provide for us or our users.", "\n\nTo make our Services more valuable to our visitors, we may offer some features of our Services in conjunction with other unaffiliated companies (\"Provider Partners\") that specialize in operating such features. ", "For example, we may offer a car buying service, personalized finance and weather information services, social networking tools, sweepstakes offers or other promotions through cooperative arrangements with Provider Partners. ", "We share with our Provider Partners such information, including Personal Information, as is useful or necessary for them to provide you with the feature that they offer through our cooperative arrangement with them. ", "Some of these Provider Partners may also collect their own Personal Information in connection with providing the service. ", "Their use of such information will be subject to the terms of their respective privacy policies, which you can find on their Web sites or obtain by contacting the Provider Partners directly. ", "Please refer to \"Who is the Party Collecting Your Personal Information?\" ", "for additional information.", "\n\nOther Disclosures\n\nNotwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this policy or within our Services, we reserve the right to release Personal Information about our users when we deem such release to be appropriate to comply with law, respond to compulsory process or law enforcement requests, enforce our Terms of Service, or protect the rights, property or safety of our users, the public, KMOV, our affiliates, or any third party. ", "Over time, we may reorganize or transfer various assets and lines of business. ", "Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated herein or within our Services, we reserve the right to disclose or transfer any information we collect to third parties in connection with any proposed or actual purchase, sale, lease, merger, foreclosure, liquidation, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal, transfer, conveyance or financing of all or any portion of KMOV or our affiliates.", "\n\nWhat Other Parties Might Be Collecting Information When You Use Our Services?", "\n\nThird-Party Advertising, Data and Analytics Companies\n\nWe work with third-party advertising companies and data providers to target and serve some of the advertisements you see on our Services and on other Web sites, to send e-mails on our behalf, and to provide related analytics, forecasting and optimization services. ", "Most of the third-party advertising and data companies we work with, including DoubleClick and Google, are members of the Network Advertising Initiative (\"NAI\") and/or the Digital Advertising Alliance (\"DAA\"). ", "To learn more about the information collection practices of NAI and DAA members and your opt-out choices, please visit the NAI's Web site here, or the DAA's Web site (and opt-out mechanism) at http://www.aboutads.info. ", "Some of the ads you see in our Services may contain cookies and Web beacons that are managed by other third parties (e.g., advertisers or their advertising agencies) that we do not control. ", "If you have questions regarding the data collection practices of any of the advertisers that appear on our Services, we encourage you to contact the applicable advertiser or review its privacy policy, which should be posted on the advertiser's Web site.", "\n\nWe also engage Omniture, a third party analytics company, to track and analyze usage and browsing patterns of our users to help us improve our Services. ", "For information about Omniture's information collection practices and related opt-out choices, click here.", "\nWhen you visit our mobile Web sites or use our mobile applications, third-party mobile advertising networks in which we participate may collect certain information, including your unique device ID and information about your wireless carrier, carrier user ID, the make, model and operating system of your device, cookies stored on your mobile browser, location information, and information about how you navigate within our Services. ", "These networks may collect and track such information over time and combine it with other information collected when you access other mobile Web sites and applications that participate in the network to display advertising that is customized to your interests. ", "Our mobile advertising network relationships are subject to change but include, as of the effective date of this policy, AdMob, iAd, Jumptap, and Millennial. ", "To review their respective privacy policies and learn about any opt-out choices they offer, please visit the following webpages:\nAdMob - http://www.admob.com/home/privacy\niAd - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4228\nJumptap - http://www.jumptap.com/privacy-policy/\nMillennial - http://lp.mydas.mobi/rich/foundation/opt-out.php\n\nNews Registry\n\nWe participate in the News Registry, a service operated by the NewsRight, LLC (NR). ", "The News Registry collects content usage information and may use cookies in conjunction with this activity. ", "Your continued use of the Services means you accept the privacy policy of the NR News Registry. ", "Please refer to the NR News Registry privacy policy at http://www.newsregistry.com/privacycenter/servicepolicy.aspx for further information.", "\n\nBlogs, Discussion Forums and Community or Social Networking Areas\n\nThis Privacy Policy only addresses the use and transfer of information that we collect from you. ", "To the extent that you disclose any information to other parties, whether through interactive features, third-party services or promotions offered on or through the Services, or through other Web sites throughout the Internet, different policies will apply and KMOV will not be responsible for the use or dissemination of such information. ", "Our Services may offer social network tools, message boards, chat rooms or other forums or interactive areas you can use to communicate with other users or to submit and post your own content (such as stories, blogs, photos and videos, and the like). ", "If you disclose Personal Information in one of these forums, this information can be viewed, collected, and used by others. ", "KMOV is not responsible for the use of information you disclose in these forums or areas. ", "We encourage you to consult the forum rules and the Terms of Service regarding the policies and procedures that apply to that portion of our Services.", "\n\nCo-branded Sites and Services\n\nOur Services may operate as part of a larger group of sites and applications and may carry co-branded pages. ", "In addition, other third-party sites or applications may use KMOV's name, or the name of one of KMOV's affiliated companies or Services. ", "Since KMOV does not control the privacy policies of third parties, you are subject to the privacy policies, if any, of such third parties, and KMOV shall not be responsible for the use or dissemination of your Personal Information by such parties. ", "Therefore, we encourage you to ask questions and review those parties' privacy policies before you disclose your Personal Information to others.", "\n\nHow Can You Opt-Out of Sharing Your Personal Information or Receiving Our Promotional Communications?", "\n\nYou may choose to \"opt-out\" of sharing Personal Information in several ways. ", "When choosing to use certain features of the Services, you can choose whether to share optional Personal Information in connection with the feature. ", "If you receive e-mail, phone or mail communications from one of our Web sites that you prefer not to receive, you may opt-out from receiving these communications by modifying the contact options in your registration profile. ", "You may change your contact options at any time by following the process described in \"How Can You Update Your Personal or Registration Information?,\" ", "below.", "\nIn addition to opting-out by managing your contact preference options, you may opt-out from receiving commercial e-mail communications from any KMOV Service that contacts you by using the opt-out link or instructions included in each commercial e-mail message you receive, or by sending your request to Customer Service, or by postal mail to:\n\nKMOV\nAttn: Opt-Out Request\n1 S Memorial Drive\nSt. Louis, MO 63102\n\nPlease note that changing the contact preference options described above will not affect your receipt of any wireless text message communications you may have registered to receive. ", "To unsubscribe from wireless text communications, please send your \"opt-out\" request, including the wireless number or wireless address you wish to remove from our list to Customer Service, or by sending postal mail to:\n\nKMOV\nAttn: Opt-Out Request\n1 S Memorial Drive\nSt. Louis, MO 63102\n\nYou may \"opt-out\" altogether from providing Personal Information to us by not registering on the Services, or not registering for any KMOV-sponsored promotion, and thereby not providing Personal Information. ", "You may also choose at a later date to have your name removed from our database by deleting your registration profile. ", "To do so, please follow the process described in \"How Can You Update Your Personal or Registration Information?.\"", "\n\nHow Can You Update Your Personal Information or Registration Information?", "\n\nYou may access all of the Web site registration information that we collect from you online and maintain by using the procedure described below. ", "We use this procedure to better safeguard your Personal Information. ", "To protect your privacy and security, we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access to your profile or making changes.", "\nYou may also at any time choose to change or delete your profile from our database using this procedure. ", "You should know that if you choose to delete your profile, certain aspects of our Services may no longer be available to you.", "\n\nIf you are not already logged in to the Web site, click on \"Log-in\" on the main navigation bar.", "\n\nClick on the 'My Profile' link.", "\n\nTo change personal information click on the 'Personal Information' text.", "\n\nWhat Safeguards Do We Put in Place to Protect Your Personal Information?", "\n\nKMOV maintains reasonable safeguards to protect the security and integrity of the Personal Information that you provide to us. 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", "If you are a California resident and would like to request this information, please submit your request in an e-mail to Customer Service.", "\n\nHow Do You Contact Us?", "\n\nIf you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, please contact Customer Service.", "\n\nWhat Should You Know About \"Phishing?\"", "\n\nWhat we do NOT do: a warning about \"phishing.\"", "\nWe do not and will not, at any time, request your credit card information, login name, or password, in an unsecured or unsolicited e-mail or telephone call. ", "Identity theft and the practice currently known as \"phishing\" are of great concern to us. ", "Safeguarding information to help protect you from identity theft is our priority. ", "For more information about phishing, you may want to visit the Federal Trade Commission at http://www.ftc.gov/.\n\nWhen is this Privacy Policy Effective? ", "How Do We Post Changes to the Privacy Policy?", "\n\nThis Privacy Policy is effective as of April 8, 2014. 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[ "The Novice SorceressChapter 1\n\n'The Tri-fold law is the guiding ethos of most magical systems. ", "Simply put: Do as you please with harm to none. ", "What you sow will return three fold to the sower.'", "\n\nThis is the story of Katherine Simpson, although people who know her call her Katy. ", "This story starts on her 13th birthday. ", "The previous 13 years have little or no bearing on the rest of Katy's life.", "\n\nKaty looked down at the present she just opened. ", "She hoped Tom, her big brother, would buy her the latest Whipper music video. ", "The cover of the kiddy book shone up at Katy, \"Here's a Geas, There's a Geas, Everywhere a Geas, Geas, Geas\". ", "Filled the cover of the book, along with dozens of geese flying across it. ", "The author's name was one line across the bottom, Abrigal Silverlocks.", "\n\nHer lips pursed as she slowly looked up at her brother.", "\n\n\"A kid's book?\" ", "she asked.", "\n\n\"I'm thirteen years old!\"", "\n\nHe laughed and so did everybody else in the room.", "\n\n\"Yeah, but you look ten.\"", "\n\nThat did it. ", "Katy stood up, which was not as easy as it sounds. ", "Her feet barely reached the floor, as she was the smallest person in the family. ", "Even her ten year old sister was three inches taller than she was. ", "Walking to the doorway that led to the hall, Katy turned to face the room where everyone was looking at her.", "\n\n\"Excuse me, but it must be close to my bedtime.\"", "\n\nShe then turned and rushed up the stairs to her bedroom. ", "Slamming the door shut behind her, she dropped onto the bed. ", "The tears slipped from between her eyelids as she hugged the pillow to her.", "\n\n\"I will not cry.\" ", "She thought to herself. ", "For years, they picked on Katy as the midget of the family. ", "They did not mean to hurt her feelings, but they were just so used to doing it they did not understand that it did hurt.", "\n\nNow THIS on her 13th birthday, they give her a kiddy book! ", "As her emotions calmed down, she dozed off.", "\n\nTurning over woke Katy up, the book she was still holding to her chest gouged her. ", "Opening her eyes, she noticed the room was dark. ", "Sitting up a blanket slid off her to the floor on that side of the bed. ", "Someone, her mom, put the cover over her and turned the lights off. ", "Reaching over she turned the bedside lamp on. ", "Looking around, she saw someone brought all her presents to her room and placed them on the dresser.", "\n\nFor a moment, she wondered if any of the unopened ones had some dolls and doll clothes for her to play with.", "\n\nKaty was in the eighth grade at middle school! ", "Next year she would be a freshman in high school. ", "A straight \"A\" student in the advanced classes, she would have jumped the eighth grade and gone straight to High School this year if she was not so small.", "\n\nNot sleepy anymore, she got up and leaned against the headboard. ", "Looking at the book she was holding so tight, she opened it. ", "Katy really loved books and even if this one was for little kids, she could not help but treat it with respect.", "\n\n'Having practiced the Magical Arts for years and never finding a decent book describing the practice and learning of those Arts, I decided to write one of my own.", "\n\n'So welcome readers. ", "Within these pages you will find those things I though pertinent to a beginner to the Magical Arts.'", "\n\nKaty sat up straighter. ", "The next page was a table of contents. ", "Tri-fold law, Laws of Contagion, Laws of Similarity. ", "Protection, Health, Good Fortune, Ritual, and Ingredients were the titles of each section. ", "Katy became engrossed in the book; this did not appear to be a kiddy book after all.", "\n\nMy thanks to daves.not.here for his editing and proofing help. ", "But the final results are mine and all criticism should be loaded onto my shoulders." ]
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[ "I was all prepared to dislike Emma Watson’s W Magazine pictorial (photographs by Michael Thompson), but I actually think it works. ", "Emma’s styled as an old-school screen siren, and while I would be rolling my eyes if the magazine tried to make her look like Marilyn Monroe, they succeeded in making her look sort of like Barbara Stanwyck or Jennifer Jones (two criminally underrated stars of Hollywood’s Golden Era). ", "Anyway, Emma is promoting The Bling Ring (which she’s currently promoting in Cannes), and you can read her full W Mag piece here. ", "Some highlights (this is most of the interview):\n\nW: What is the first movie you remember seeing?", "\nEW: Pretty Woman. ", "I was 7, which was way, way too young. ", "That was when I started loving Julia Roberts and American movies. ", "As a child, I loved being onstage. ", "I loved singing, I loved the lights, I loved the adrenaline. ", "I even loved learning lines. ", "I was completely obsessive. ", "A friend of my mother’s found a tape of me auditioning for Hermione. ", "I wanted to get really, really good at my lines. ", "There was reel after reel, take after take, of me doing the same thing over and over again.", "\n\nDid you ever feel the pressure of having to be a shining example to young girls worldwide?", "\nI was always a very serious child. ", "I remember being 13 and girls in my class saying, “So-and-so is going to kiss so-and-so on the school fields.” ", "I said, “That’s stupid. ", "They’re too young for it to matter—he doesn’t love her, and that’s just a waste of time.” ", "It’s amazing that I had any friends! [", "Laughs] So I was the right child to get cast: I loved the responsibility.", "\n\nDid you have your first kiss on camera?", "\nThankfully, no. ", "I’ve always been fascinated by Elizabeth Taylor, and I had read that her first kiss happened on a film set, which actually made me a little sad. ", "You need to have normal experiences of your own. ", "I’ve never wanted to grow up too fast: I wanted to wear a sports bra until I was 22! ", "The allure of being sexy never really held any excitement for me. ", "I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.", "\n\nAnd yet, in The Bling Ring, you are a little bit of a bad girl.", "\nWith Nicki, I was really taking on a character. ", "Some of her lines are so crazy and absurd—making sure she wasn’t a parody was a challenge.", "\n\nDid her outfits help you get into character?", "\nWho wouldn’t love to go to work in Uggs and very low-slung tracksuit bottoms? ", "The iconic detail of Nicki is her tramp stamp. ", "It’s a lotus flower, a Buddhist-like symbol just above her butt crack. ", "Really classy! [", "Laughs] And at one point I told the costume designer, “You can see my bra strap in this top; shouldn’t we pin it?” ", "And she said, “No, sweetie—Nicki is all about her bra strap showing.” ", "I was like, Right, okay, different mind-set.", "\n\nWhen did you realize you were famous?", "\nI lived in denial for as long as I possibly could. ", "Until the age of 18, I would take the Oxford Tube, which is a public bus. ", "Then it got to the point where the fact that I was on the bus would spread from one end to the other. ", "I’d think, Why am I doing this to myself? ", "Ignoring fame was my rebellion, in a funny way. ", "I was insistent on being normal and doing normal things. ", "It probably wasn’t advisable to go to college in America and room with a complete stranger. ", "And it probably wasn’t wise to share a bathroom with eight other people in a coed dorm. ", "Looking back, that was crazy.", "\n\nI’m surprised you chose to come to America.", "\nI’ve always loved America. ", "When we came here with Harry Potter, everyone was so warm. ", "Eventually, all of my friends were American, and I think that’s why I was attracted to playing Americans, even extreme ones like Nicki. ", "When I’m presented with a character, I think, Hmmm…I have not had this experience. ", "I don’t really know what this would be like. ", "I’ll have the experience through the character.", "\n\nDo you have a Hollywood crush?", "\nMy cinematic crush has been pretty much the same since I was 12: Kevin Costner. ", "I met him in an elevator the other day, and I couldn’t even speak. ", "He said hello, because he is lovely like that, and I couldn’t say anything back.", "\n\nKevin Costner is so American.", "\nOf course! ", "Kevin Costner is forever. ", "And America too!", "\n\nI think it’s sweet that she’s so enamored with America and American films. ", "I feel like there are so many British and European actors like that, actors who dream of coming to Hollywood to work in big Hollywood movies.", "\n\nI do wonder about this statement though – “I’ve never wanted to grow up too fast: I wanted to wear a sports bra until I was 22! ", "The allure of being sexy never really held any excitement for me. ", "I’ve never been in a terrible rush to be seen as a woman.” ", "Do normal 23-year-olds speak like that? ", "I think teenagers – teenage girls in particular – are always in a rush to be seen as older, to be considered women rather than girls. ", "But maybe things have changed since I was a teenager. ", "Sigh. ", "Emma makes me feel like an old fart.", "\n\nAnd I think in part she identified with playing the “brainy” girl, which few actresses can make a career out of, so why not make it last as long as possible? ", "Once you start selling sex appeal, the competition is endless.", "\n\nI hated that attention as a teenager; guys looking down my shirt and all that. ", "I’m in my late 20s and still feel awkward dressing sexy in public. ", "I didn’t get my teenage friends who waved when strangers honked their horns (“only if they were cute” – as far as they could see from a moving vehicle). ", "I was also very shy around people. ", "Not every teenager wants to be seen as a sexy adult, although I’d say most want to be treated like an adult in some way.", "\n\nI agree. ", "I never understood wanting to be thought older than you are. ", "Age comes with so much responsibility. ", "I keep telling my kid brother, adulthood is a trap. ", "now that I look a little bit older I get much older guys that hit on me and I have to remember that Im 23 and they arent old pervs. ", "Im officially “bait” lol.", "\n\nMe too, so I completely understand what Emma means when she said she wanted to wait as long as possible to become a “woman”. ", "I remember when I was 15, my best friend at the time kept pressuring me to lose my virginity because she already had and she thought it made her cool and womanly. ", "All I could think was, but you lost your virginity to some guy who treats you like crap in the backseat of his car! ", "Lol. ", "So glad I waited 7 years :O). ", "I think that if you don’t rush growing up, you actually LEARN from your experiences.", "\n\nEmma is one smart cookie and I really really like her after reading this interview. ", "It seems like she has a good head on her shoulders.", "\n\nI hate even considering dressing in a manner that will attract male attention when I am out because its annoying as hell lol I do go all out though when I am hanging with my girls I dont know why that is LOOOOL guess female attention is way more interesting to me than male…who knows anyway she looks FANTASTIC in this photo shoot and finally at home with a look for once\n\nHey Kaiser. ", "I turned twenty a few months ago (I actually had to check to make sure I wasn’t still 19!) ", "I know that the sentiment of not wanting to be seen as an adult woman is common among my friends. ", "It’s a lot of responsibility, especially in terms of how you present yourself. ", "I think this type of thinking is more common among “nerdy” people (that you don’t want to have to present yourself as ‘sexy’, poised and adult), and I think that Emma does have certain aspects of that in her personality.", "\n\nThere’s definetely truth to that. ", "I also hear that Black don’t crack (in other words they age well)and in some cases that is true. ", "Then you find people such as Emma Watson or Rachel Bilson; Bilson doesn’t look anywhere close to her 31 years of age.", "\n\nOh hell no. ", "I’m 27 and I still wear sports bras and XL t-shirts in my off time and I’m married. ", "I have to put all this damn effort in looking nice for work with make up and hair and blah. ", "Hence I just shaved all my hair off. ", "Same way in HS–I was a tomboy then and I’m a tomboy now and ironically, my husband likes it. ", "Why, I don’t know but I’ll take it!", "\n\nI’ve always thought her looks would have been right in place in the 1960s. ", "NOT the drugged-out, faux-Indian, fringe-y, bead-y hippie 60s, but the mod, gamine, Mary Quant, Twiggy, go-go boots and little round hat 60s. ", "She’s that cute. ", "And the above pics are stunning.", "\n\nI hate that magazine covers keep saying “All grown up!” ", "they’ve been doing that since she turned 18.", "\n\nI love that she wasn’t in a rush to be seen as a sexy woman, unlike Selena, Miley, LiLo, Brit, Vanessa, etc. ", "I was the same way. ", "Still am really. ", "I’m 22 turning 23 this year and while I like to be seen as sexy to my bf, I don’t really care if others see me that way. ", "The one thing growing up that I was most excited for was getting to wear the pretty lacy underwear and sexy dresses. ", "I took my time getting there and I didn’t start wearing it when I was 15-16 like many others. ", "Also, when I say sexy for the dresses I mean it in an elegant “wow she looks gorgeous” type of way not a “i’d hit it” way. ", "I’ve always liked Emma as a role model and I hope she continues on this same path.", "\n\nYeah but I’ve always felt that Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus, and others have gotten too much undeserved criticism for wanting to experiment with sexier looks and natural human eroticism. ", "They are, after all, young women and not little girls, so they have the right to wear whatever they want and should be able to exercise that right LIBERALLY without it ever being painted as some kind of ‘tragedy’. ", "There’s nothing wrong with wanting to take things slow but I also don’t think it’s fair to shame them for wanting to play with that Marilyn Monroe eroticism or Madonna rebelliousness. ", "I say to each her own.", "\n\nYeah that’s true. ", "I guess I just like how she didn’t feel the need to rush whereas the others (to me anyway) seemed to need to be sexy and seen that way as if it would make them more mature. ", "If that makes sense\n\nSo cute about her Kevin Costner fascination. ", "She comes across as so down to earth here, very likeable. ", "Also, interesting bit about her intrigue of America and American films. ", "I think Americans feel the same way about British culture…Ex: we don’t have royalty here, which is why we are so caught up on Will and Kate. ", "Kinda reminds me of the Hugh Grant speech in ‘Love Actually,’ “The land of Harry Potter…David Beckham’s right foot..David Beckham’s left foot.” ", "lol\n\nI always feel a bit dumb for saying this but I have such an emotional attachment to all things Harry Potter. ", "I remember being in a special class for reading and writing comprehension as a child and when the the first book was released my teacher used to read a chapter to our class every day. ", "I remember it was really what helped build up my fascination for stories/ reading/ writing in general. ", "I developed a confidence and a goal to set in hearing the first novel. ", "I pushed myself so I could be at a level where I could one day read them without ease.", "\n\nWhen the movies came out I always was all sentimental towards them. ", "I noticed that all my friends were too and we talked about it and realized that since we were all the exact same age as Emma Watson we felt like we were growing up with the main cast and stuff (very corny I know lol).", "\n\nBut anyways I think Emma Watson and the whole cast from Harry Potter are just lovely/ level headed people. ", "I only wish her the best of success in the future as well as everyone else (Rupert/ Daniel/Tom etc.) ", "from the franchise.", "\n\nI understand what Emma says completely when she says she never wanted to grow up too quickly. ", "I felt the same in terms of my body image. ", "Dressing sexy/ trying to be sexy in general has never worked for me. ", "And it really is taking time to figure out just what sort of woman I should be/ what is acceptable to others as well as myself. ", "Right now I just don’t have the body type to pull off anything that is sexy since I lack the bust/hips/curves etc and am a little too lanky/ skinny for my liking. ", "I am the same age as Emma and as I look back on my teenage years I am now seeing what a waste it was trying to project a particular image you are not yet ready for. ", "I think her message is very important to girls about trying to your own authentic selves and to let things fall into place naturally.", "\n\nI feel the same way about Harry Potter. ", "I’m exactly the same age as Daniel Radcliffe so I was always about the same age as Harry and his friends when I read the books for the first time and when the movies first premiered. ", "My early teenage years would be unbereable if I didn’t find the perfect getaway from reality in those books. ", "In my imagination, Hogwarts was my home. ", "I was one of the writers on a very popular (in my country) HP site. ", "I used to know every news connected to the HP world and my english got ten times better because I had to translate tons of interviews with the HP actors. ", "I quit because I was getting too old for this but I’m still nostalgic for all things Harry Potter. ", "I’m 24 now and I still feel this nice warmth inside when I see anything related to Daniel, Emma, Rupert or Tom Felton. ", "It helps that all of them, especially Daniel and Tom, seem like the nicest people you could ever meet.", "\n\n“I think teenagers – teenage girls in particular – are always in a rush to be seen as older” –\n\nNO. ", "No, no. ", "No no no. ", "I cried every birthday after my 10th because I hated growing up. ", "I wanted to stay a little kid forever, and go everywhere with my mom. ", "I had no interest in boys till at least 16-17.", "\n\nTo me growing up was ALL about the responsibility – little sister, getting superior grades, getting into college, getting a career. ", "On the one hand for me it was a bit environment-driven (total chaos of post-USSR Russia) but at the same time my sister declared at 3 years old that she ‘cannot wait to grow up and be a real woman!’", "\n\nSo yes, I can totally see Emma internalizing the responsibility of carrying a beloved character and a massive franchise. ", "She seems very self-aware and intellectual, a perfectionist. ", "For someone who was never a kid, becoming ‘more’ grown up doesnt have a lot of appeal.", "\n\nI’m turning 23 on the 25th of this month. ", "I dread this crap. ", "Every year. ", "I know I’m young, and I know I have a lot of life ahead of me. ", "But the only time I wanted to be a year older was to be 19 so I could go out with my friends instead of hanging around the dorm. ", "I’ve already got some super fun arthritis, so old age is not something I’m looking forward too in advanced.", "\n\nAnd a lot of my friends really wanted to act, and dress older than they were. ", "I never really jumped on that band wagon.", "\n\nI remember when I turned 10 (it wasn’t that kong ago), I was sad because I thought to myself, I’ll never be single digit again and how I didn’t want to be old. ", "Sure there are some birthdays to look forward to 16 (getiting your liscence) and 21 (being able to drink – legally), but really after 21, I don’t even want to acknowledge any birthdays. ", "There’s really no milestones after that. ", "I was also a very serious child (but also silly) and responsible child, who didn’t want to grow – and still doesn’t want to grow up. ", "Blame it on being a part of the Peter Pan generation. ", "It’s funny because, growing up all the adults told me that being an adult sucks and not to grow up too fast – you have your whole life to be an adult.", "\n\nLove the photos.", "\nI like her in interviews, she’s so smart and classy, and sometimes I can relate to what she says, she’s and old soul and we both love Kevin Costner..I would have had her same reaction, if not worse LOL. ", "Sigh..he’s really handsome even now.", "\n\nI’m 20. ", "My thoughts about being an adult are mixed. ", "On the one hand I love my new independence, but on the other hand there are some things about being a kid and a teen that I miss. ", "Sometimes I feel like the grown woman that I am, but in other ways I know I’m still immature.", "\n\nAs far as sexiness goes, my tastes have always varied. ", "There were some times as a teen when I just wanted to wear jeans and a sweatshirt, and there were other times when I was definitely in the mood to wear something sexy. ", "I’m still like that. ", "I’ve always felt that fashion should be fun, experimenting with different looks is cool, and a person should be free to wear whatever they were in the mood to wear.", "\n\nI imagine the comment about not wanting to be seen as grown up/woman has more to do with the fact that most hollywood actresses that transition from a young “family friendly” career do so in the sluttiest/”edgiest” way they can.", "\nPeople who notice that she’s getting older may have it in the back of their heads “what kind of nude scenes is she going to be doing to show us she’s ‘all grown up?’”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\n~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ algorithm?", "\n\nWhat is the algorithm for determining the file name in ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/ directory?", "\nI am trying to setup subversion to authenticate non-interactively and to have it use an a priori created file for authentication (as opposed to having to authenticate manually for the first time). ", "I cannot configure the server, only the client.", "\nAs an experiment, I manually authenticated to see what file is being created. ", "It is trivial for me to create the file ahead of time, but I can't find an obvious way to generate the correct file name. ", "For example:\ncat <file> | md5\ndoes not generate the file name :/. Similarly hashing the svn:realmstring or variations thereof fails to generate the correct file name.", "\nIn other words, given:\n$ cat ~/.subversion/auth/svn.simple/a67f7e17e9b4059f367743be8f30c336\n\nK 8\nusername\nV 3\njoe\nK 8\npassword\nV 4\nblah\nK 15\nsvn:realmstring\nV 45\n<https://svn.domain.com:443> Joe's repository\nEND\n\nWhat do I need to hash in order to get a67f7e17e9b4059f367743be8f30c336?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe answer is to md5 the svn:realmstring.", "\nGiven:\n<https://svn.apache.org:443> ASF Committers\n\nverify hash via (assuming that your MD5 utility is md5sum for example, on a Mac it is md5)\necho -n \"<https://svn.apache.org:443> ASF Committers\" | md5sum\n> d3c8a345b14f6a1b42251aef8027ab57\n\n" ]
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[ "Is this the future for our children?", "\n\nYour browser doesn't support the HTML audio tag. ", "You can still download the show, though!", "\n\nAccording to some estimates, since 1990 there has been a 300% increase in the use of pharmaceuticals to treat children diagnosed with ADHD.", "\n\nNow doesn’t that statement beg the question of what is wrong with our medical establishment? ", "It seems the trend is not to question why so many children (and adults) are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD), but instead to continue developing more drugs to counteract the “symptoms”.", "\n\n“Use of powerful antipsychotic medications such as Abilify and Risperdal (risperidone) to control youngsters with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other behavior problems has skyrocketed in recent years, a new study finds.”", "\n\nDr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist from Ithaca, N.Y. known for being an outspoken critic of the increased use of antipsychotic drugs in children said,\n\n“These drugs damage developing brains. ", "We have a national catastrophe.”", "\n\nHe continues, “This is a situation where we have ruined the brains of millions of children. ", "In controlling behavior, antipsychotics act on the frontal lobes of the brain — the same area of the brain targeted by a lobotomy.”", "\n\n“These are lobotomizing drugs,” he added. “", "Of course, they will reduce all behavior, including irritability.”", "\n\n“No evidence to support the use of risperidone to treat attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)…”\n\nClick to Enlarge\n\nIt has been shown that long-term use of risperidone is associated with serious side effects, including headache, uneven heartbeats, fatigue, insomnia, weight gain and increased risk for type 2 diabetes.", "\n\nGiven that these medical treatments carry such high risks, why isn’t the FDA looking into the cause of the increased diagnoses of ADHD in the US (A.D.H.D. Seen in 11% of U.S. Children as Diagnoses Rise)? ", "Logically, shouldn’t we be asking, “What has changed in our environment, our food, water and schools that could cause this degree of behavioral issues?”", "\n\nProponents of drug treatments for ADHD argue that “Back in the day, we didn’t have the medical knowledge to diagnose such conditions.” ", "Well, “back in the day” we didn’t have the pollution we have today, the onslaught of processed foods, artificial foods, and of course…GMO’s.", "\n\nWhat will the future of the US, and world for that matter, be if the FDA continues to promote this “Drugs for better Health” stance?", "\n\nIn fact, the following is the official stance of the FDA when asked if foods made with “organic” ingredients are safer than those made with ingredients from other sources.", "\n\n“No. ", "An ingredient’s source does not determine its safety. ", "For example, many plants, whether or not they are organically grown, contain substances that may be toxic.”", "\n\nWhat? ", "Seriously? ", "This is their answer? “…", "many plants, whether or not they are organically grown, contain substances that may be toxic.”", "\n\nToxic? ", "Like tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers, for example? ", "I mean we are not talking about poisonous plants here, which of course would be toxic whether organic or not!", "\n\nOr are they referring to “safer” products such as genetically modified corn, soy, yellow squash, and even papayas? (", "Did you know about papayas?) ", "And let’s not forget about the “healthy” doses of cancer-causing pesticides!", "\n\nAll FDA APPROVED!", "\n\nTo further the argument that there is a link between our environment and the increased diagnoses of ADHD, many foods dyes and additives have long been known to cause hyperactivity in children and have even been banned in other countries, including Europe. (", "ADHD Linked to Food Dyes)\n\nAnd let’s not forget about the inundation of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) that is now found in everything from kid’s cereal, bread, ice cream and canned soup, to condiments such as ketchup and barbecue sauce. ", "Wasn’t it the Department of Agriculture that not long ago suggested that we reclassify ketchup as a vegetable? (", "What REALLY Is High Fructose Corn Syrup?)", "\n\n(Side Note: I find it interesting that there are some who advocate against children eating fruit because of the high sugar content! ", "What kind of backward thinking is that? ", "Should they be eating artificial foods full of artificial sugars instead of nature’s candy? ", "Crazy I know, but I have heard this on more than one occasion!)", "\n\nInterestingly enough, we are more concerned about our dogs running off their energy at the local dog park than we are with making sure that our children get the physical activity that they need during recess and through physical education programs in schools. ", "Did you know that up to 40% of US schools have cut recess?", "\n\nIs this to say we care more about the health of dogs than our own children?", "\n\n“Researchers say that cuts in play time affect children’s health and development process.”", "\n\nWell, no kidding! ", "Did we really need “multiple studies” to tell us that?", "\n\nOf course, it doesn’t stop with recess. ", "There are many other curriculums that help to develop and spark creativity in children that are being dropped. ", "Sadly, many of the arts, including music, drama, and drawing, are now hard to find in most US schools. ", "Only adding to the problem is the modern day pastime of video gaming. ", "Is it really any wonder that ADHD is increasing exponentially?", "\n\nSo given the above arguments, is the only answer to the so-called ADHD epidemic truly medically prescribed drugs, including antipsychotics?", "\n\nis a board-certified Chiropractic Physician and Life Coach who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology, and a minor in Medical Research. ", "She is a life-long athlete who after curing herself 100% naturally from MS and anxiety, became an avid nutrition health researcher/promoter.", "\n\nShe has been featured in many Health magazines and has been a guest on radio talk shows in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. ", "She is the author of Health Freedom Revolution: Exposing the Lies, Deceit and Greed of the Medical Profession, Founder of Online Holistic Health, and a contributing writer for other popular informative health website/blogs.", "\n\nShe is the host of Holistic Health Radio – where she discusses how she recovered her health as well as other hot health topics, and she is also co-founder of Crazy Meets Common Sense! – ", "The Podcast that Makes Sense Out of the Crazy, to Help You Live a More Healthy, Fulfilling and Empowering Life!", "\n\n2 Comments\n\nJohng531 Jul 06, 2014 @\n23:24:18\n\nGood website! ", "I truly love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written. ", "I’m wondering how I could be notified whenever a new post has been made. ", "I have subscribed to your RSS feed which must do the trick! ", "Have a great day! ", "ddbeedebkeag\n\nAnd oftentimes we have to Spotlight on them whteher or not they even ask for it. ", "Xav’s mind is so busy that if I don’t give him the extra attention Lordy only knows what he’s into I often feel guilty because he seems to be so much more needy for attention than his non ADHD brother. ", "And I hate that, because I know they BOTH need the attention.", "Beckyb4s last post [type] .." ]
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[ "Pain Unstuck: The Role of Action and Motivation.", "\nWhat is it that motivates our actions? ", "As human beings, existing as part of complex societies, the actions we take are subject to multiple, often competing motives. ", "Spanning non-conscious reflexes, cognitively derived choice as well as long- and short-term goals, our actions allow us to make sense of our environment. ", "Pain disrupts action and hijacks our intentions. ", "Whilst considered adaptive when temporary, pain that persists continues to interrupt and can threaten our ability to actively investigate a changing world. ", "Drawing upon three complementary theoretical approaches to pain: an embodied framework, a motivational approach and the avoidance-endurance model, this review places the relationship between pain, motivation and action at its core, unpicking a dynamic process that can become stuck." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nKVO: How to tell observer, that self changed?", "\n\nIn a subclass, whose instance is observed by another object: How to tell the observer that this instance has changed? ", "\nWhat i am trying to do is: I want a NSArrayController to get a notification when a property of some NSManagedObject (the controller manages) has changed. ", "The controller should think the NSManagedObject has changed, but in fact one of its properties did.", "\n\nA:\n\nWhen setting the property of the managed object, use one of the property's accessor methods (e.g., myObject.foo = bar or [myObject setFoo:bar]) or use KVC ([myObject setValue:bar forKey:@\"foo\"]). ", "The latter is the only way for a plain NSManagedObject; being able to do the former is one of the advantages of subclassing NSManagedObject.", "\nYou can post KVO notifications yourself, but this is only necessary when you're assigning to instance variables (or using setPrimitiveValue:forKey:) directly, which you shouldn't be doing except in a few cases:\n\n(Ivars only) In init methods. ", "You shouldn't have any observers yet, so you shouldn't worry about posting KVO notifications.", "\n(Ivars only) In dealloc. ", "You shouldn't have any observers anymore, so you shouldn't worry about posting KVO notifications. (", "If you do still have observers at this point, that is a bug in your code.)", "\n(Both ivars and sPV:fK:) In custom accessors. ", "You don't need to post your own KVO notifications from custom accessors because KVO will do this for you. ", "It also lets you set up dependencies, so you don't need to post KVO notifications for other properties, either.", "\n\n(I've never gotten into Core Data, so I'd appreciate it if any Core Data experts could take a close look over my answer and make sure I haven't gotten anything wrong or left anything out.)", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Author: Keith I Myers\n\nI am a person who normally relies on several computers at a time on a daily basis to get stuff done. ", "I recently decided to try an experiment to see if I can use a Chromebook as my daily driver and I am actually not regretting it. ", "I have been critical of ChromeOS in the past, even to the point that I wrote a scathing blog post a few months ago pointing out that major parts of ChromeOS are simply half-baked and had several short-comings. ", "I still stand by that post however in the months since posting it, ChromeOS has evolved a bit, allow me to explain.", "\n\nIf you are a Chromebook owner who uses a VPN, you probably noticed that:\n\nChromeOS’s VPN Support Sucks\n\nSetting up a OpenVPN Connection on ChromeOS Sucks\n\nThere are of course countless VPN Solutions on the Google Play Store however if you ever tried to use one of these, you will notice that the VPN appears to be functioning correctly however only traffic from other play store applications will flow through the VPN while the main ChromeOS traffic bypasses it – Potentially exposing sensitive data. ", "I even wrote a long rant about this a few months ago. ", "Fortunately there is a simple fix. ", "Continue reading →\n\nI often have a hard time passing up odd or unusual tech when I find it. ", "While on vacation visiting family, we popped into a Wal-Mart in a small Texas City and I spotted one of the most unusual pieces of technology that I have ever seen – The Sylvania SLTDVD9220-C is a sub $100.00 portable DVD Player with a average (for a portable DVD player) 9 inch screen and a sub-par 4 hour battery. ", "Where the SLTDVD9220-C falls short, it makes up in a big and strange way – it doubles as an Android Tablet! ", "Continue reading →\n\nA few weeks ago, I posted a teaser to the Samsung DexTop and aside from a short YouTube video showing it in action, I have been pretty quiet. ", "I wanted to provide a short update on the current status of the Samsung DexTop. ", "Continue reading →\n\nWhile watching the Samsung Note 8 Announcement last month, I felt that Samsung really missed the mark when it came to promoting Dex from a cool gimmick to a truly useful tool. ", "I have owned a Dex Dock since it was released and I can really see how well it shows off the real power of the Galaxy 8 line of phones and Android as whole. ", "I really wish that Samsung announced a Motorola Atrix style Laptop Dock for Dex along with the Note 8. ", "Rather than take to the Twitterverse and complain, I decided to use my imagination and maker skills and do something about it. ", "This is the first in a series of posts that I will make on this website to document the steps I am taking to build this DexTop. ", "I will be publishing all of the steps needed and even the STL files for 3D printing as soon as I have everything done so you can build your own. ", "Continue reading →\n\nI published a video last year showing a fully functional SSH Client riding inside of my OwnCloud Install but sadly did not include any documentation on how to actually set it up. ", "There was a reason for this as the steps were very involved and required a lot of added code that would break between OwnCloud/NextCloud Updates. ", "I have had several requests over the past several months to revive the project but due to time limitations I have not been able to do it. ", "Instead I have put together a basic tutorial to get your own similar setup running that has even more features than my original demo – This tutorial will be a starting point and you will need to locate the steps for your exact server setup. ", "Continue reading →\n\nI have lived in South Florida for almost 15 years and have seen my fair share of hurricanes. ", "With the devastation that happened in Texas last week from hurricane Harvey and the imminent threat from Hurricane Irma, I wanted to do a write up on the steps I personally take to prepare for Hurricanes. ", "I perform all of these steps prior to boarding up my windows.", "\n\nIf you are a driver in the United States who wishes to get 80,000 MileUp Points which can be cashed out for $100 in eGift Cards for retailers such as Amazon, Apple iTunes, Game Stop, Walmart and Target – follow these steps to claim yours for free. ", "The entire process takes about 10 minutes and is completely free (no credit card required). ", "You are more than welcome to share this link with anyone that you know who shops at these retailers.", "\n\nAs part of the #Revolutionist76 movement announcement, System76 released a 3D printed Guy Tux Mask and shipped them to several System76 Fans all around the globe. ", "This movement is to promote the fact that people should be in control of their software, not software being in control of the people. ", "You can read more about this movement on the System76 Twitter Page. ", "Furthermore you can join in via Twitter, Reddit and other Social Media Services. ", "I have been the proud owner of the System76 Kudu Pro for almost 2 years and love it. ", "Continue reading →" ]
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[ "The challenges of governing public-private community health partnerships.", "\nThis article identifies key challenges that arise in governing public-private partnerships designed to improve community health status. ", "Using telephone interview and focus group data, we describe how the 25 public-private community health partnerships participating in the Community Care Network (CCN) Demonstration Program grapple with three interrelated clusters of governance issues: turf, community accountability, and growth and development." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0064516129032258064 ]
[ "CPT Codes-Why physicians always get screwed, thanks AMA\n\n08 Jul CPT Codes-Why physicians always get screwed, thanks AMA\n\nSet of health care procedure codes based on the American Medical Association’s Current Procedural Terminology\n\nEstablished in 1978 to provide a standardized coding system for describing specific items and services provided in delivering health care.", "\n\nDaniel Palestrant comes right back from his opening salvo of last week to continue his crusade against the AMA. ", "In another hard hitting email blast sent out to his 100,000 physician community he lays out the case of how the CPT system, maintained and propagated by the AMA, actually holds physicians hostage to the insurance cycle of care. ", "He also lays the groundwork for the new retail health care economy where CASH will be king, relationship with the provider will be DIRECT, and physicians and patients will once again re-establish a relationship built on trust, advocacy, and professionalism.", "\n\nIn the healthcare debate it is rare that we find a single issue that all parties can agree is a big part of the problem. ", "Too much paperwork and complexity in the billing process is one of those few things. ", "Lately, EMRs have been lavished much of the attention and money; however, medical records are not the problem. ", "CPT codes are.", "\n\nFor most physicians, Current Procedure Terminology or CPT codes have become a defining aspect of how we must practice medicine. ", "They have become the “currency” of healthcare, mandating all manner of payments to physicians from the most complex surgical procedures to routine office visits. ", "In the process, the CPT coding system has turned into an incredibly complex system of codes, modifiers, and exceptions. ", "Add to that the RVU formulas, and it is no wonder that most physicians are drowning in paperwork.", "\n\nPhysicians feel the impact of this system in their day-to-day practice, especially on cash flow. ", "Not only do we have to maintain an extraordinary overhead of staff to submit, resubmit and document around CPT codes, the system robs the physician of any leverage we have with payors. ", "Once we have rendered care for our patients, we must submit (and often resubmit) forms to outside parties to get paid. ", "Make no mistake, the more complex the system, the greater the opportunity payors have to delay and/or refuse payment to physicians, not to mention manipulate those reimbursements to their own advantage, as we have seen in the recent case led by the New York Attorney General against insurance companies. ", "Their profits grow at the expense of your cash flow.", "\n\nThe negative impact on physicians might be even greater when considering how handicapped physicians are in negotiating reimbursements for a given CPT code. ", "The current system allows payors to aggregate physician payment statistics, carefully playing one physician off another to negotiate down physician payments, while it is an anti-trust violation for physicians to compare data with one another, much less unionize. ", "It helps explain why physician compensation goes down every year while demand for those same services continues to explode .", "\n\nAs the national healthcare debate rages on, it is important to recognize that physicians are not the only victims of the CPT codes, the general public is too. ", "Beyond the massive administrative overhead (it is estimated that 20-50 cents of every healthcare dollar goes to administration), there is something worse, much worse. ", "The CPT system is privately owned. ", "Its use is strictly limited so that licensing fees can be obtained. ", "This has the unfortunate side effect of keeping the general public from doing easy comparisons of healthcare goods and services, also benefitting the insurance companies (who do not want those side by side comparisons because they promote competition and transparency). ", "There have been many attempts to break the CPT monopoly, most notably by Senator Lott in August of 2001. ", "Somehow they have always managed to remain in control. ", "Of course it’s a reliable revenue source.", "\n\nBeyond offering a tremendous opportunity for improving our healthcare system, one has to wonder why this issue hasn’t been a topic of more focus. ", "With so much consensus around the excessive complexity and overhead in the billing process, this is completely baffling. ", "Dentists, lawyers, plumbers pretty much every professional in this country has avoided the fate physicians now face, allowing the market forces of supply and demand to create balance. ", "Only physicians have seen third parties come between them and their patients.", "\n\nSo who do CPT codes benefit? ", "Well for starters, the AMA receives approximately $70 million in “licensing fees” from anyone who needs to use those codes. ", "Add to that insurance companies (who pay the AMA many of those millions) who can use the CPT coding system to further their own gains at the expense of the physicians, and it starts to make you realize why CPT codes have been so conveniently left out of the current debate.", "\n\nSo what’s the alternative? ", "Pretty simple. ", "Physicians have a service and people are willing to pay for it. ", "We are the single most critical part of the healthcare system. ", "We need to start acting like it. ", "We are at the dawn of a new era in the medical profession. ", "There is a New Business of Medicine upon us. ", "Sermo’s data shows that there is a trend towards alternative practice styles (fee for service being among the most prevalent) that is quickly turning mainstream. ", "To quote another Sermo member, “the new CPT: Cash Please, Thanks.”. ", "Leave the old CPT to the insurance companies.", "\n\nThe current CPT coding system represents a collusion of convenience between the business side of the AMA and the insurance companies…. ", "at the expense of physicians and patients. ", "Perhaps most galling, thousands of physicians work on the CPT codes, for which they receive no compensation, while the AMA generates millions of dollars in revenue. ", "Clearly this presents a massive conflict of interest as the AMA is supposed to be advocating for physicians, yet it receives the majority of its revenues from the very same insurance companies that the rest of the physicians increasingly find themselves facing off against in the deepening healthcare debate.", "\n\nAs overwhelmed as we are with the offers from this community for financial contributions and your willingness to volunteer on behalf of this effort, for now we’d ask that you help us in mobilizing our colleagues in this effort. ", "Remember:\n\nFocus on the things that unite us, ignore the things that divide us. ", "Concentrate on large numbers. ", "Take a stand. ", "Tie a knot.", "\n\n2 Comments\n\nIf only there was a ‘homogeneous’ physician voice; then innovation (i.e., reform) at every level of the health care delivery and financing paradigms could be re-engineered in perhaps one fiscal year budget cycle.", "\n\nYet no such single voice can be found; or is likely to emerge anytime soon, IMJ.", "\n\nWhat about the demographic tectonics of boomer docs v. those who live and breath via their digital devices and emerging technological platforms?", "\n\nMedicine is imploding by intentional yet ‘unconscious’ design; via it’s addiction to hierarchical societies that stratify, divide and ultimately dis-aggregate the profession from speaking with a single voice. ", "There is little ‘shaman energy’ in our healers today; they are too distracted and divided to reinvest shaman capital into the health care value exchange.", "\n\nYet if docs, the primary fiduciary in the patient advocacy equation can’t ‘get it together’, then we’re all doomed!", "\n\nThe private sector will fail and Government will step in and mandate, no doubt, poorly architect-ed, solutions.", "\n\nNatalie Hodge MD FAAP\n\nAhhh…. ", "private sector will fail, government will step in and doctors and patients that want direct relationships will thrive. ", "Now take direct medical practice marry it with high level web content, social media, blogging platforms for physicians, marry that with ecommerce, all run off a cloud based technology platform for PHR, EMR.", "\nNOW you’ve got something big. ", "A niche solution for any primary care physician that wants high tech high touch direct medical practice. ( ", "OB’s excepted)\n\nAs well as a tech platform for a real national health program in which a primary care physician is fairly paid for attentive care in a radius of patients. ", "NO big pharma, NO massive third party payor profit. ", "Ahh now to PROVE it. ", "Will just need a little cash, a little 10k town, 8 awesome ( mayo or otherwise) primary care docs, a wimax tower, a case of iphones and the new mac tablet pc’s coming out in september, and we’re good to go.", "\n\nOur early estimates are a reduction in health expenditures from 25 million to 10 million bucks.", "\n\nPost A Comment\n\n​Crossover Health Medical Group, which includes ​Practice, this website, and other associated services are provided, operated, and maintained by Crossover Health Medical Group, APC. (“", "Crossover Health”) on behalf of ​client employers and their member employees. ", "See links to Terms and Conditions, Website Privacy and Notice of Privacy Practices." ]
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[ "The Transportation Ministry launched Israel’s first-ever carpool lanes on Friday in a bid to reduce traffic congestion in the center of the country.", "\n\nAs of October 4, cars with more than one passenger will be allowed to use a high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane on a 22-kilometer stretch of the Ayalon Highway, and a 30-kilometer stretch on Route 2 between Tel Aviv and Netanya.", "\n\nThe HOV lane will be extended at a later date to other parts of the highway, and will only include vehicles with three or more occupants\n\nGet The Times of Israel's Daily Edition by email and never miss our top stories Free Sign Up\n\nThe new lanes are designed to reduce traffic congestion in the greater Tel Aviv area by motivating drivers to carpool with other passengers.", "\n\nAccording to Ministry of Transportation data, private vehicles in Israel carry an average of 1.2 people (driver included), while the average in other OECD countries is between 1.6 and 1.8 occupants per vehicle.", "\n\nThe ministry says that increasing vehicle occupancy will significantly reduce travel time, cost and vehicle congestion.", "\n\nHaving a dedicated lane will allow for faster and more reliable commutes while letting us utilize roads more effectively,” Transportation Minster Bezalel Smotrich said in a statement. “", "Those who would like to continue using private vehicles will have to pay a price, because their travel times increase as fewer lanes become available to them.”" ]
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[ "\nThe No More Ransom Project - esalman\nhttps://www.nomoreransom.org/\n======\nCalChris\nSo this is what a ransom note looks like:\n\n[https://d1b10bmlvqabco.cloudfront.net/attach/is23h8nx8ff3jw/...](https://d1b10bmlvqabco.cloudfront.net/attach/is23h8nx8ff3jw/hktxrml0e933lw/iuogsulv5ns4/20161024123233.jpg)\n\nShort, blunt, helpful, clear. ", "Pretty much what you'd like every memo you've\never gotten to be. ", "Me, I'm a huge fan of ransom notes and Nigerian scam\nemails. ", "We can learn a lot from them.", "\n\nI'm pretty sure that when you get one of these that you're dealing with a\nscript. ", "You pay .65880 BTC into its wallet, period. ", "There is no negotiation\nwith a script. ", "What I've also heard is that you can trust the script because\nthese guys want a good reputation. ", "If it gets out that you paid and you didn't\nget unlocked then no one would pay.", "\n\nIf you don't want to pay on the backend then you have to back up on the front\nend. ", "You should do that already. ", "You should be able to take a sledge hammer to\nyour laptop, buy another and not miss a beat. ", "If you could do that then you\ncould just reformat and reinstall.", "\n\nPrevention is worth it. ", "Protection is worth it. ", "Paying? ", "Well if you did the\nfirst two you wouldn't be asking that question. ", "But .65880 Bitcoin equals\nabout 463.97 USD. ", "So you might want to get on the prevention+protection train.", "\n\nPrevention will help you against viruses, keyloggers, etc that can cause a lot\nmore economic harm.", "\n\nProtection, backing up, will also help you in the case of theft or dropping\nyour MPB out of its sleeve when you get out the car. ", "Done both.", "\n\n~~~\nHoushalter\nThat's great until the ransomware gets clever and encrypts your backups too.", "\n\nI'm extremely skeptical of the people that say ransomware is good for the\neconomy or whatever. ", "Broken window fallacy. ", "Sure it creates an incentive to\nprotect against hackers. ", "But isn't that a bit circular? ", "Hackers are good\nbecause they create inventive to protect against hackers? ", "Ransomware is by far\nthe most economically damaging kind (and personally damaging, for all the\npeople that lose their family photos...)\n\nTheres a lot of blame to go around for this situation. ", "Shitty anti virus\ncompanies that sell a false sense of security and barely work. ", "The broken\nsecurity model of windows and most software. ", "How inconvenient and expensive it\nis to actually do backups, so because of most basic human psychology most\npeople put it off... If they are even technically minded enough to know they\nshould, and most people aren't. ", "Programs that pollute my home folder and\ndocuments with garbage that increases the space necessary to backup (OK that's\njust my personal issue.)", "\n\n~~~\nConfusion\nI saved my dad from ransomware using the Crashplan backups I set up.", "\nRansomware can't retroactively encrypt remote (incremental) backups (unless\nthey hack the service). ", "Admittedly, I now realize they could have deleted\nthem, so I need to enable the password protection in the app, so nothing can\nbe changed without the password. ", "However, I don't think it's worth it for the\nbuilders to invest in that: the number of people that could rescue themselves\nin such a way is probably negligible.", "\n\n~~~\nHoushalter\nThe problem is once enough users start using services like that, then it\nbecomes rational for them to invest in that. ", "It's sort of like security\nthrough obscurity. ", "There is no solution for the general population.", "\n\n~~~\nrini17\nIt's not so hard for backup service to ensure users can undo any changes (XX\ndays back) no matter what way files are removed/overwriten.", "\n\n------\ntoennisforst\n> When [you are infected with ransomware], you can’t get to the data unless\n> you pay a ransom. ", "However this is not guaranteed and you should never pay!", "\n\nWhat bothers me about their advice is that it is only correct\nmacroeconomically. ", "For your particular case it could be the best solution to\njust pay - as even police departments have done before.", "\n\nIt also ignores that it is in cybercriminals' best interest to let you decrypt\nafter you paid: They need their victims to trust them, and they have nothing\nto gain from keeping the files encrypted after payment.", "\n\n~~~\nhrehhf\nIn a twisted sort of way, a person could destroy trust that paying the ransom\nwill actually get your data back. ", "Someone could create ransomware that will\nnever decrypt, even after the ransom is paid. ", "Once the victims know the\ndishonest ransomware is out there, that may ruin the revenue towards the\n\"honest\" ransomware.", "\n\n~~~\nmartey\n> _Someone could create ransomware that will never decrypt, even after the\n> ransom is paid._", "\n\nThis already exists: [http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/07/posing-as-\nransomware...](http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/07/posing-as-ransomware-\nwindows-malware-just-deletes-victims-files/)\n\n> \"Once it executes it, it pops up a ransom message looking like any other\n> ransomware,\" Earl Carter, security research engineer at Cisco Talos, told\n> Ars. \"", "But then what happens is it forces a reboot, and it just deletes all\n> the files. ", "It doesn't try to encrypt anything—it just deletes them all.\"", "\n\n~~~\ndjsumdog\nMakes me wonder if it's just buggy or intentional.", "\n\n~~~\nnom\nConsidering that the operators must actively keep the backend alive and\nsupport the users, it's more likely they abandoned it for whatever reason.", "\n\n------\nmikemoka\nAbout prevention there is something more that I am not sure has been\nmentioned, some tools are taking a new, broader approach to the problem, which\nis to constantly monitor for encrypted files and stop the associated\nprocesses, this way often limiting the loss to a few files, these are the\nlinks:\n\nCriptostalker\n[https://github.com/unixist/cryptostalker](https://github.com/unixist/cryptostalker)\n\nRansomwhere (macOS) [https://objective-\nsee.com/products/ransomwhere.html](https://objective-\nsee.com/products/ransomwhere.html)\n\nSome theoretical information on this approach:\n\n[http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~traynor/papers/scaife-\nicdcs16.pdf](http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~traynor/papers/scaife-icdcs16.pdf)\n\n~~~\nHoushalter\nIn principle it's super easy to detect, encrypted files look like random data\nand it's unlikely users would be replacing every file with random data on\npurpose. ", "Its a never ending war though. ", "If you got enough users to do this,\nthe hackers would then switch to encryption that mimics what normal files look\nlike to fool the detector.", "\n\n~~~\nnoja\nMost users never start writing to all the files on their disk, why can't a\nrate limiter and warning kick in if that happens?", "\n\n------\nnoonespecial\nI've had plenty of people lose vital files on borked hard disks and pay\n_thousands_ to get those files back via drive recovery firms. ", "I've only had\none person ask me about ransomed files whom I advised to pay the $400-ish\ndemanded.", "\n\nI told him that most of my clients pay 10x as much to learn how important\nbackups are.", "\n\n _All_ data storage devices _will fail_. ", "What will you do when yours does?", "\n\n~~~\nIndianAstronaut\nThe worst place I have seen this is in scientific labs. ", "Professors and\ngraduate students are terrible about keeping backups, making data easy to\nunderstand to others, and maintaining data.", "\n\nMy old professor lost more than 2 years of work when one grad student in our\nhad a car crash and his laptop was destroyed in the crash.", "\n\n~~~\nsliverstorm\nI've observed the same. ", "It's baffling, and I don't understand why. ", "Maybe they\nare in a nasty spot of workers who are non-techie but 100% reliant on tech?", "\n\n------\nmichaelbuckbee\nThe guy that made HaveIBeenPwned.com (which I'd urge everybody to use) has a\nsolid free course on Ransomware essentials at:\n[https://www.varonis.com/learn/introduction-to-\nransomware/](https://www.varonis.com/learn/introduction-to-ransomware/)\n\nIt's not the ideal thing for people here on HN, but it's pretty much the ideal\nthing to send to your non/semi-technical boss or stakeholder at your company\nwho isn't taking ransomware seriously.", "\n\n------\nmetafunctor\nIs there any case where versioned backups wouldn't completely solve a\nransomware situation?", "\n\nAssuming, of course, that the ransomware doesn't somehow spider out and\ncompromise all your past backups as well. ", "Let's assume your past backup\nversions are safe.", "\n\n~~~\nHoushalter\nAre the versioned backups physically separated from the infected machine?", "\nOtherwise what stops it from just encrypting your backups hard drives as well,\neverytime you connect them?", "\n\n~~~\ncolejohnson66\nWhat about a versioned filesystem (like ZFS)?", "\n\n~~~\nsyrrim\nIf they had root access they could probably encrypt the whole drive,\nfilesystem and all.", "\n\n------\ntgb\nFor protection, I put all my files I care about on Dropbox. ", "Is that enough?", "\nIt's enough for backup for most things, but I worry attackers would be smart\nenough to kill it and also the old revisions that Dropbox stores.", "\n\n~~~\nvarenc\nDropbox has a help article on ransomware:\n[https://www.dropbox.com/help/8408](https://www.dropbox.com/help/8408)\n\nFor mass deletes that are cumbersome to recover using Dropbox's interface,\nthat article mentions you can contact customer support to get assistance\nrecovering from mass deletion events.", "\n\n~~~\ntgb\nGreat thank you.", "\n\n------\nhatsunearu\nI like the message but it ticked me off that the prevention methods they\nintroduce (backup to cloud and/or use physical media) is coincidentally\nsomewhat related to the sponsors: AWS and Barracuda.", "\n\n------\ntarr11\nIs using a VM to surf the web a reasonable answer? ", "Are there any VMs (for my\nMBP for example) that are reasonably fast, don't take a lot of battery, and\nnot clumsy?", "\n\nCan't this be built into the OS so I don't actually have to do it?", "\n\n~~~\ncodedokode\nSomething like this is built into Android and iPhone. ", "As all major desktop\nOSes are only good in protecting one user from another mobile OSes run every\napplication under its own user account. ", "So vulnerability in an image viewer\nwould not give an attacker access to other apps' data. ", "But the system is not\nperfect, for example the kernel can still be attacked (and as we know a lot of\nvulnerabilities were found in Linux in recent years) and on Android the files\non sdcard partition are not protected at all.", "\n\nBut desktop OSes don't do anything at all to protect the user. ", "They allow the\nuser to run a program by just clicking a link in email or web browser and this\nprogram has full access to all their data as does the PDF viewer or Java\nplugin in a browser. ", "The desktop operating systems still use security models\nfrom mainframe era.", "\n\n~~~\nndesaulniers\n> So vulnerability in an image viewer would not give an attacker access to\n> other apps' data.", "\n\nBy having separate user's per app, apps can't read each others' files by\ndefault. ", "If one app has a vulnerability that can be used to acquire root, that\napp can read all files after disabling SELinux.", "\n\n~~~\ncodedokode\n> If one app has a vulnerability that can be used to acquire root\n\nTo get root privileges you need to attack the kernel (or the application that\nhas those privileges). ", "Having a bug in an image viewer is not enough.", "\n\nYou can try to make obtaining root privileges more complicated only by\nreducing the attack surface with restricting system calls each application is\nallowed to make or with redesigning the kernel so that less code is executed\nin ring 0 (microkernel architecture).", "\n\nBut recent vulnerabilities like Dirty COW or rowhammer could work even in this\ncase.", "\n\n------\nrwallace\nRemember if your backup solution is a USB drive, you actually need at least\ntwo USB drives, with at least one of them disconnected from your computer at\nall times. ", "If you only have one, the virus will encrypt that one along with\nyour computer. ", "That needs to be spelled out, because people intuitively think\nbacking up to a single USB drive is sufficient.", "\n\n------\nPaul_S\nIf you are willing to pay the ransomware demands who are you going to pay when\nyour HDD fails? ", "I'm not saying ransomware isn't a problem in itself but from a\nuser's perspective it's indistinguishable from HDD failure and should be dealt\nwith by using backups.", "\n\n~~~\nHoushalter\nRansomware can infect your backups to though. ", "HDD failures aren't contagious.", "\n\n~~~\nrini17\nEver heard about bitrot?", "\n\n------\nedem\nHow can a ransomware infect my computer when I visit a website? ", "This site\nclaims it can happen. ", "I understand how the attachment version works but not\nthis one. ", "I'm a security newb.", "\n\n~~~\nshoghicp\nSome websites can use security vulnerabilities in different parts of the\nbrowser (rendering, image format parsers, Javascript, PDF, fonts, and\neverything else supported by the browser) to run code on your machine.", "\n\n~~~\naweinstock\nFor a concrete example of what exploitation of a JS engine bug looks like,\nPlaidCTF2016 had a challenge that allowed people to run JS in a patched\nversion of V8 that deliberately introduced a bug in array index checking, with\nthe goal being to run x86 machine code.", "\n\nThe patch to v8: [http://lpaste.net/317342](http://lpaste.net/317342)\n\nAn exploit:\n[https://gist.github.com/sroettger/d077d3907999aaa0f89d11d956...](https://gist.github.com/sroettger/d077d3907999aaa0f89d11d956b438ea)\n\nWhile this bug was artificial, there were (and can still be) bugs with similar\nconsequences in actual engines (see [https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-\nlist/vendor_id-1224...](https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-\nlist/vendor_id-1224/product_id-17734/Google-V8.html) or\n[https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-\nbin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=spidermonke...](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-\nbin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=spidermonkey) for historical examples).", "\n\nWhile a bug in most of the components you mention are bad by themselves, their\nimpact is magnified by the presence of javascript, which allows an attacker to\ninterleave calculations and interactions with the buggy components, bypassing\nmany mitigations.", "\n\n------\nhappy-go-lucky\nMy mini Ask HN:\n\nDo you trust makers of security software?", "\n\n~~~\nperlgeek\nNot the big ones that are well-known names in the PC market. ", "There are quite\nsome shady security software vendors out there, and a handful very competent\nones that I trust if I have to.", "\n\n~~~\nandrewl\nCan you expand on that? ", "Who are the good ones, and the bad ones?", "\n\n~~~\nperlgeek\nThe bad ones are typically well-known desktop anti virus scanners that try to\nscore by showing you a high number of threats they allegedly defeated. ", "If you\nlook at those threats in detail, they turn out to be browser cookies, or\nbookmarks, or something similarly trivial.", "\n\nIdentifying good vendors and products is generally harder. ", "I've heard good\nthings about canary.tools and bromium, for example. ", "Both explain what they do\nin terms that don't make a techie roll their eyes (too much at least):\n[https://canary.tools/#how-it-works](https://canary.tools/#how-it-works) and\n[https://www.bromium.com/advanced-endpoint-security/our-\ntechn...](https://www.bromium.com/advanced-endpoint-security/our-\ntechnology.html)\n\nA good (but not exhaustive) test is to look at what the vendors promise. ", "If\nthey promise you full protection of your machine or network, you know they are\nfull of shit. ", "If they talk only about one aspect (identifying attackers,\nreducing the attack surface on a browser), things start to look better.", "\n\n------\nphilfrasty\nOT question: is there no way to flag that bitcoin address in any way (so it\ngets locked / they cannot withdraw anything)?", "\n\n~~~\nbendoernberg\nThe original purpose of Bitcoin was to create digital cash. ", "It is possible to\ntrack the transaction history of funds in a bitcoin address, but there is\ncurrently no central authority who can blacklist/lock addresses, and most of\nthe major participants in the bitcoin system (users, miners, exchange\noperators, darknet drug markets) are not interested in changing that.", "\n\n------\nBWStearns\nSo a thought on why attackers make \"flawed\" ransomware. ", "They want to get paid\nas soon as possible, and a target pays a potentially heavy opportunity cost\nfor noncompliance (waiting for someone to break the rw). ", "The opt-outs are\nalready not going to be \"customers\", and the \"customers\" you do get would pay\neven if they were only going to be locked out for 3 months. ", "You get no extra\nmoney for making unbreakable ransomware\n\nEdit: this may be similar economically to the Nigerian prices' aversion to\nEnglish class.", "\n\n------\nexecutesorder66\nHow likely are you to be infected with randsomware if you run a rolling-\nrelease Linux distro and update almost daily?", "\n\nI also use uBlock Origin, but I don't disable javascript for any websites.", "\n\n------\nhaberman\nDo Google Drive / Dropbox cloud backups help in this situation? ", "Or do the\nencrypted versions propagate into the cloud and irreversibly overwrite the\nplaintext versions?", "\n\n~~~\njohannesg\nGoogle Drive keeps old versions of every file for 30 days. ", "Enough time to\nrecover the plaintext versions.", "\n\n~~~\nBJanecke\nI recently had to help someone out, and the randsomware was smart enough to be\nable to mess wit gDrive revisions :/\n\n------\nfranciscop\nI started writing about this but just a personal safeward. ", "Yesterday I dropped\nmy phone by accident, it cracked and doesn't work anymore. ", "But besides the\nmonetary loss, everything was backed-up from the day before so no problem.", "\n\n------\nshmerl\nHm. ", "I first thought it was an effort to pool resources to repeal patent\ntrolls.", "\n\n------\nhandonam\nWould a NAS like QNAP/Synology be sufficient, with proper maintenance\n(updates, antivirus scanning, credentials)? ", "Trying to think of what I could be\nmindful of here.", "\n\n------\nbenshu\nSeems more like a way for the involved parties to collect data on new\nransomware popping up on the web than a genuine effort to help victims.", "\n\n------\ndebt\nI had no idear this was such a massive problem. ", "How often are nefarious purps\nholding people's private data hostage?", "\n\nSeems overblown.", "\n\n~~~\ny80\nIt's a very big problem, Cryptolocker in 2013 was able to score it's creators\naround $27 million. ", "That was 3 years ago, it's a pretty dangerous and\npersistent threat.", "\n\n------\nnodesocket\nThis is a Windows phenomenon only right? ", "I'd just restore from Time Machine\nand go along on my way.", "\n\n~~~\nKlathmon\nI don't know of any Mac specific variants off the top of my head, but there is\nno reason why Mac would be immune to it.", "\n\nAnd the \"good\" versions of these do things like encrypt or outright delete\nthings like time machine before encrypting the rest.", "\n\n~~~\nmastax\nYou may remember an incident with Transmission recently. ", "That was a bundled\nmac ransomware.", "\n\n[https://blog.malwarebytes.com/cybercrime/2016/03/first-\nmac-r...](https://blog.malwarebytes.com/cybercrime/2016/03/first-mac-\nransomware-spotted/)\n\n------\nrhapsodic\nI'm afraid to click the link. ", "Anyone care to provide a tl;dr?", "\n\n~~~\nelorant\nAnytime you're in a similar dilemma just disable JavaScript. ", "There are even\nplugins that allow you to do that with one click.", "\n\n~~~\ngregoor\nThe better advice is imo to keep your browser up-to-date. ", "JS exploits have\nbeen come increasingly rare these days, mostly due to Chrome's excellent\nexample of patching quickly and paying good money for exploits (e.g. Pwn2Own).", "\nJS 0days are imo far too valuable now to waste them on normal users. ", "So no,\ndisabling JS wouldn't make much sense, if your have an evergreen browser.", "\nDisable Flash & Java and try to minimize downloads is the security advice I\ngive nowadays. ", "Also don't install anything unless you absolutely have to\n(there are plenty of good in-browser options for programs we used to install,\ne.g. for file conversion).", "\n\n~~~\nhhmc\nWhat do the JS 0days get used for nowadays?", "\n\n~~~\nstartling\nAttacking high-value dissidents:\n[https://blog.lookout.com/blog/2016/08/25/trident-\npegasus/](https://blog.lookout.com/blog/2016/08/25/trident-pegasus/)\n\n------\nbikamonki\nAnyone else wants to do the static-site server-less dance with me? ", "Or you\nrather keep playing cat and mouse on a broken Internet?", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Help driving in Manhattan NY\n\nHi everyone, I wasn’t sure where to reach out to for advice then I thought why not the LJ family. ", "I have been blessed with the task of taking both my Son and Daughter to Manhattan as they both found new jobs there. ", "Since I have never driven there before and I am hoping someone can give me directions and shortcuts to the city. ", "We are driving from MI to 329 East 63rd St. Manhattan. ", "We were going to rent a Uhaul but we figured my pickup would work. ", "I am also hoping to find Hotel suggestions for the area and any help. ", "I appreciate any help and advice. ", "It should be an adventure but when it comes to my kids I would move the heavens and even drive to NYC. ", "Thanks everyone and have a great night. ", "Flyboy\n\n-- 160th S.O.A.R\n\n12 replies so far\n\nDepending on the route you take, you may approach the city from the north or the west. ", "I prefer the north. ", "Just be prepared to pay lots of tolls for either the GW Bridge, Tappan Zee or through the tunnels. ", "I’d avoid the tunnels if you arrive during the day time. ", "I hate to say it, but driving in NYC is one of the most stressful things one can do, especially with a truck. ", "If you know you’ll be traveling a lot within the city (to see apartments, sights, etc), I strongly suggest parking and taking public transportation if possible. ", "If you’re going just to drop stuff off and head out, then it’s not as much of a concern. ", "In any case, there are lots of garages around 63rd… unfortunately they’re gonna cost!", "\n\nAs for the hotels, there are countless options in Midtown. ", "As long as you don’t arrive on a special weekend, the rates shouldn’t be too outrageous.", "\n\nI’ve had a lot of experience driving in Manhattan, and know a thing or two about the are (~2/3 of my life was spent in Manhattan). ", "PM me if you want some more additional info or suggestions on a route/hotel/parking/driving/site seeing tips.", "\n\nRoute – I also say it depends on the route you take, but also to plan your day according to the time you expect to enter Manhattan. ", "For weekdays, avoid 7am-10am and 3pm-8pm. ", "For weekends, most of the entrances will be fairly congested any way you approach it.", "\n\nHotel – Each general neighborhood will have their own crazy price tag. ", "I recommend staying away from any of the tourist areas for accommodations. ", "Hotels are everywhere if you look online. ", "Take a look at Hotels.com and/or Expedia and PM me if you have any specific questions about neighborhoods\n\nParking – With a truck, your best bet is to unload quickly and return it (if a rental) or find a parking lot (and prepare to pay ~$40-50+ a day). ", "There are tricks to finding street parking, but that could take anywhere from 5 minutes to 50 minutes, or hours.", "\n\nDriving – An outsider would call New York drivers aggressive, which is not a wrong way to look at it. ", "A New Yorker (that is someone from Manhattan) calls it efficient. ", "The important thing is to keep moving and to not be intimidated by the fact that everyone else is moving (and leaving no space). ", "Since you’ll be driving the bigger car, think of it as a game of chicken ;-). ", "For example, if you find yourself waiting at a light and you leave any merge space at all, other cars will inch their way in. ", "This is especially true at the tolls for any bridge or tunnel entering the city (again Manhattan). ", "The biggest car I’ve driven in NYC is a cargo van, and I won that game of chicken many times. ", "Now if you thought the drivers were crazy, the pedestrians (esp in the ethnic neighborhoods) are even crazier. ", "They’ll walk in front of your car when you have a green light and glare at you.", "\n\nNew York! ... ", "Back in 1993 I remember one cold snowy night at 10:30 looking at the reception guy with a three foot high sign right behind him ”$69.00 per nite” He charged my card $125.00 when I asked about the difference he said “Supply and demand ya stayin or not?” ", "I stayed but I will never forget.", "\n\nI’ve probably driven in most major cities in the US. ", "NYC stresses me out. ", "Streets are narrow, drivers are crazy, and where ever the phrase friendliest city in the world came from is beyond me. ", "Its even worse right now due to snow. ", "I’ve even stayed in hotels just outside and commuted in when working in Manhattan.", "\n\nI have a son that moved to Brooklyn, so I know your dilemma all to well. ", "I took my first subway ride to see him a few weeks ago. ", "Of course got on the wrong train. ", "Paid the $30 for a car ride back after finally finding my way.", "\n\nThe only time I drove there was back in ‘79. ", "I had a ‘76 Dodge Power Wagon 4 wheel drive pick-em-up truck with HUGE wheels and tires. ", "Only had one guy give me any problem and when I offered to drive over his tiny car he moved it. ", "LOL\n\nHi all, I knew I could count on some good advice from everyone. ", "My Son always used to ask me why I learned to fly. ", "I told him because while every idiot it seems can get a driver license only select idiots learn to fly hence less crowding in the air. ", "He made his first trip there several months ago and after the ” ride from hell ” in a taxi he knew exactly what I meant. ", "I have been googling Hotels and routes but I always feel that the best advice comes from those that have been there. ", "I appreciate everyones help and look forward to any more I can get. ", "Flyboy\n\nI have probably stayed at most of the Marriotts in Manhattan. ", "Other than the rooms being the size of a small walk in closet, I can’t complain. (", "and the price is double most other locations)\n\nFor other hotels, Don’t go by the online walk through. ", "I have no idea how they can actually make some of them look livable. ", "Try to stick with a reputable name or chain. ", "Some of the no names can be pretty dangerous to stay in. ", "And I’m a guy that has no problem sleeping in the woods." ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nIn the modern era of breast conservation, ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence (IBTR) represents an increasingly common clinical dilemma, occurring in 5%--20% of women with early stage breast cancer treated with breast conserving therapy.[@b1-bcbcr-1-2011-105]--[@b10-bcbcr-1-2011-105] Since some breast recurrences can confer high risk of distant metastasis and mortality,[@b11-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b12-bcbcr-1-2011-105] improved methods to differentiate prognostic subgroups are needed to individualize risk estimates and treatment decisions for patients with IBTR.", "\n\nTwo distinct entities of IBTR have been described: True Recurrence (TR) and New Primary (NP) tumors arising in the ipsilateral breast.[@b9-bcbcr-1-2011-105] TRs have been suggested to be cases of re-growth of malignant cells not completely eradicated by initial treatment. ", "This type of relapse is hypothesized to be distinct from NP tumors that arise in the ipsilateral breast away from the original breast tumor, representing de novo cancers arising from residual breast tissue. ", "This distinction suggests that an NP IBTR is independent of the primary lesion and may have different clinical features and prognosis compared to a TR.[@b9-bcbcr-1-2011-105]\n\nClinical distinctions between TR and NP IBTR are made routinely in the clinic on the basis of non-standardized criteria. ", "The varied proportions of IBTR cases classified as TR versus NP and the diverse findings in survival prognoses among prospective and retrospective studies reflect the wide variation in the classification methods used.[@b2-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b4-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b6-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b8-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b10-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b13-bcbcr-1-2011-105]--[@b19-bcbcr-1-2011-105] TRs are thought to result from a failure of initial therapy to achieve local control and often herald metastatic recurrence, warranting consideration of aggressive systemic therapy. ", "By contrast, NPs have no such implications and are often treated more conservatively.", "\n\nLocation in the vicinity of the index tumor bed has been traditionally used as one of the most important factors to define a relapse as a TR. ", "However the term \"same location\" or \"in the vicinity of the index tumor\" may be interpreted differently by different observers, and it is possible for a new primary to occur in the same vicinity. ", "Pathological parameters can also provide some measures of biological similarity between primary and recurrent tumors through assignment of histological type, grade, and estrogen receptor (ER) status. ", "However, these parameters also have significant limitations. ", "For example, most parameters have limited numbers of categories (for example, most tumors are ductal type), tumor evolution during progression and treatment can alter features such as grade, and diagnostic assays (such as for ER status) can differ over time and between institutions.", "\n\nHost immunity plays an important and complex role in the regulation of tumor progression,[@b20-bcbcr-1-2011-105] and the presence of tumor-infiltrating leukocytes (TIL) at the time of initial diagnosis is believed to reflect the host anti-tumor immune response. ", "Breast cancers are often immunogenic and drive antigen-specific lymphocyte responses.[@b21-bcbcr-1-2011-105]--[@b24-bcbcr-1-2011-105] For example, clonal expansion of B cells and tumor antigen-specific memory T cells within the tumor and bone marrow of breast cancer patients has been reported.[@b23-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b24-bcbcr-1-2011-105] Because TR and NP IBTRs are thought to have distinct origins, they could be expected to differ with respect to patterns of mutation and gene expression profiles, and by extension their spectra of tumor antigens. ", "Given the exquisite antigen specificity of adaptive immune responses, tumor-specific host immunity may represent a useful diagnostic tool for the discrimination of TR and NP IBTRs. ", "For example, if a primary tumor elicits an antigen-specific immune response with production of memory T or B lymphocytes, a subsequent TR would likely be recognized by these memory cells and their progeny. ", "In contrast, an NP lesion may not be recognized by memory cells specific to the original tumor, based on antigenic differences. ", "It is therefore plausible to consider the hypothesis that the intratumoral immune response might show reproducible patterns of change between primary tumors and relapses, and between different types of relapse, and so may represent a useful diagnostic tool for the discrimination of TR and NP type IBTRs.", "\n\nTo begin to address this possibility, this study compares distributions of TIL between primary breast tumors and matched IBTRs and evaluates the utility of several TIL phenotypes as biomarkers to differentiate clinically classified TR from NP IBTRs.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods\n=====================\n\nStudy subjects\n--------------\n\nThe British Columbia Cancer Agency (BCCA) Breast Cancer Outcomes Unit database was used to identify 289 cases of patients with an initial diagnosis of pT1--T2, N0--1, M0 breast cancer who developed pathologically confirmed IBTR, defined as the first recurrence occurring in the ipsilateral breast. ", "Clinical characteristics of the entire cohort have been previously reported.[@b25-bcbcr-1-2011-105] The current exploratory study was based on a subset (8%) of the entire case cohort that originated at two of thirty one hospital centers across British Columbia where paraffin blocks corresponding to both index and IBTR were readily accessible. ", "The exploratory study cohort details (n = 24 cases) are summarized in [Table 1](#t1-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The study was approved by the BCCA and University of British Columbia Research Ethics Board.", "\n\nClinical classification of true recurrence vs. new primary\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo classify IBTR cases as either TR or NP, we applied a consistent decision rule algorithm[@b18-bcbcr-1-2011-105] based on sequential consideration of typical features used to distinguish IBTRs in the clinic but with predefined criteria for change in histological type, grade, estrogen receptor (ER) status and tumor location ([Fig. ", "1](#f1-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In this algorithm, only a change of the Nottingham grade from III in the primary tumor to I in the IBTR was considered significant so as not to capture disease that had dedifferentiated over time. ", "Likewise, ER status was considered different if the primary tumor was ER-negative and the IBTR was ER-positive. ", "Location, determined by review of the clinical descriptions and breast imaging reports including mammography and ultrasound, was scored as different if more than 3 centimeters from the primary tumor location.", "\n\nPathology review, tissue microarray construction, and immunohistochemisty\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nEach of the 24 cases included paraffin blocks of the primary and IBTR tumors, with associated data from assessment of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) sections by a breast histopathologist (PHW). ", "All cases were re-reviewed to categorize morphological similarity and to select areas for coring of corresponding blocks. ", "To construct the tissue microarray (TMA), duplicate tissue cores (0.6 mm diameter) were taken from central cellular areas of each tumor with a tissue arrayer instrument (Beecher Instruments, Silver Spring, MD, USA). ", "Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed for markers of adaptive (CD3, CD8, CD4, CD25, FOXP3, TIA1, CD20) or innate (CD68) immune responses on deparaffinized sections from TMAs using a Ventana Discovery XT autostainer (Ventana, Tucson, AZ). ", "Information on primary antibodies is provided in [Table 2](#t2-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Ventana's standard CC1 protocol was used for antigen retrieval. ", "TMA sections were incubated with primary antibodies for 60 minutes at room temperature followed by the appropriate crossadsorbed, biotinylated secondary antibody (Jackson Immunoresearch, West Grove, PA) for 32 minutes. ", "Antibodies were detected using the DABMap kit (Ventana). ", "Slides were counterstained with hematoxylin and coverslipped manually with Cytoseal-60.", "\n\nOf the adaptive (lymphocyte) markers we assessed, CD3 identifies all T cells; CD8 and CD4 are lineage markers expressed primarily on the cytotoxic and helper T cell subsets, respectively; CD25 and FOXP3 are commonly used as markers of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells, although these markers are also expressed transiently by activated conventional T cells; TIA1 is a component of cytolytic granules and primarily identifies CD8^+^ T cells with cytotoxic potential; and CD20 is a broadly specific marker of B cells. ", "We have focused on markers of the adaptive immune system as this is more relevant to our hypothesis, based on its antigen specificity. ", "However, we also included the macrophage marker CD68 as a representative indicator of the myeloid lineage and innate compartment.", "\n\nTMA scoring and data analysis\n-----------------------------\n\nScoring was performed in a blinded fashion by an experienced breast histopathologist (PHW). ", "Immunostained TMA sections were initially scored by first assessing at low magnification and selecting the core with the highest density of positive cells. ", "The number of positively stained tumor infiltrating leukocytes within the core area was then assessed through direct counting up to 20 or by estimation when in excess of this number (IHC score, range 0--100). ", "Distributions of TIL in primary and recurrent lesions were compared using Mann-Whitney T-tests. ", "Changes in TIL status between primary and recurrent lesions were also compared by categorizing the differences between their TIL IHC scores as increased, unchanged, or decreased in the recurrent lesion, and differences were assessed by chi squared test for trend. ", "An increase or decrease in TIL between primary and recurrent lesions was assigned when there was a difference in TIL score of 50% or more in the recurrent lesion, provided at least one of each lesion pair manifested a TIL score above a minimum threshold of 5. ", "All analyses were two-sided and performed using Prism 5 software (GraphPad, La Jolla, CA).", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nClinical classification of true recurrence vs. new primary\n----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe clinical characteristics of primary tumors and IBTR lesions in the whole exploratory cohort and according to TR vs. NP classification are summarized in [Table 1](#t1-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "The distribution of characteristics and proportions of TR and NP IBTRs was similar to that seen in the entire cohort as previously reported.[@b25-bcbcr-1-2011-105] Most patients were classified as NP on the basis of a change in location and most showed similar biological features. ", "Among 12 cases classified as NP, the NP designation was made on the basis of tumor location in eight cases, change in histologic type in two cases, and change in ER status in two cases. ", "There were no NPs classified on the basis of change in grade in this cohort. ", "There were no significant differences in the distributions of histologic type, grade, ER status, lymphovascular invasion, radiotherapy use, or systemic therapy use between TR and NP cases (all *P* \\> 0.05).", "\n\nPrimary and IBTR tumors show no overall difference in immune response\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTIL markers were assessed by immunohistochemistry in the TMA constructed from primary and IBTR tumors for each study subject. ", "Representative examples of immunostaining for CD8 and CD68 in both primary and IBTR lesions are shown for two cases ([Fig. ", "2](#f2-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Primary and IBTR tumor groups showed no significant differences in mean levels of markers of adaptive (CD3, CD8, CD4, CD25, FOXP3, TIA1, CD20) or innate (CD68) responses when assessed for the entire cohort ([Fig. ", "3A](#f3-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Primary and IBTR tumor groups were then reassessed after the latter had been classified by the decision rule clinical algorithm into putative NP or TR type IBTRs. ", "Although not statistically significant, levels of CD3^+^ and CD8^+^ TIL tended to be lower in NP lesions compared to NP-associated primaries ([Fig. ", "3B](#f3-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, these cells were often more prevalent in TR lesions relative to TR-associated primaries ([Fig. ", "3C](#f3-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Compared to primary tumors, the median levels of CD8^+^ TIL were 3.3 fold lower in NP lesions and 2.5 fold higher in TR lesions.", "\n\nPrimary and IBTR tumors show different patterns of change between cases with NP and TR type recurrences\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo further explore the trends described above, the pattern of changes in TIL levels between primary and recurrent lesions within individual patients was analyzed in a categorical analysis. ", "IBTR TIL response was considered to be significantly different from the matched primary if the levels differed by 50% or more ([Table 3](#t3-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Although not all pairs were assessable due to missing cores, over half (4/7) of TR associated cases had increased CD3^+^ and CD8^+^ TIL in the recurrent lesion, while only one case had decreased levels and two cases showed no change. ", "In contrast, none of the cases involving NPs had increased levels of CD3^+^ or CD8^+^ TIL in the recurrent lesions, while up to half had decreased levels. ", "Therefore, there were significant differences in the pattern of changes in CD3^+^ (*P* = 0.0201) and CD8^+^ (*P* = 0.0339) TIL responses between primary tumors and TR or NP IBTRs.", "\n\nIBTR NP type tumors show reduced TIL compared to IBTR TR type tumors\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nConsistent with the above results, comparison of overall TIL levels between the two types of IBTR lesion ([Fig. ", "4A](#f4-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}) revealed significantly higher TIL levels in TR compared to NP type recurrences for CD3^+^ (*P* = 0.0136) and CD8^+^ (*P* = 0.0092) TIL, as well as for one other lymphocyte marker, CD25 (*P* = 0.0159). ", "The most striking difference was with respect to CD8^+^ TIL, the mean level of which was 38.7 (95% CI 9.6--67.7) in TR lesions, compared to only 3.9 (95% CI 0.3--7.5) in NP lesions. ", "When primary tumors were classified on the basis of the type of IBTR with which they were associated, no difference was seen between subgroups of primary lesions for any markers ([Fig. ", "4B](#f4-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Therefore, while all primary lesions had comparable levels of leukocyte infiltration, TIL levels in their associated recurrences differed on the basis of TR or NP classification.", "\n\nTo explore the potential diagnostic value of CD3, CD8, and CD25 for identifying TR and NP IBTRs, we constructed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for each TIL marker (data not shown). ", "CD8 was the strongest discriminator, with an AUC of 0.88 (*P* = 0.0082) and an optimal sensitivity and specificity of 100% and 78%, respectively. ", "CD3 (AUC = 0.84; *P* = 0.0128) and CD25 (AUC = 0.83; *P* = 0.0210) were also associated with significant ROC statistics. ", "Consistent with its equivalent distribution in TR and NP lesions, CD68 had no diagnostic value in ROC analysis (AUC = 0.53; *P* = 0.8099). ", "Lymphocytes expressing CD3, CD8, or CD25 may therefore be useful as diagnostic markers for distinguishing between TR and NP IBTRs.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe primary aim of this pilot study was to determine if TIL responses change with recurrence and are different between types of IBTR, and so might have potential as a clinical biomarker to identify different subtypes of IBTR. ", "We have observed that TIL responses (CD3, CD8, and CD25) are often reduced in putative NP lesions, while these same TIL responses are frequently increased in TR lesions. ", "Thus, our results suggest that the pattern of change relative to the primary tumor and the level of the TIL response has potential as an approach to distinguish TR from NP IBTRs.", "\n\nPrimary and IBTR events occur many years apart (median of 5 years in this study group) and surgery for each event often occurs at different hospital centres. ", "This contributes to significant challenges involved in conducting a study that depends on identifying patients who have had a recurrence and then obtaining archival paraffin block materials from past events. ", "Therefore, very few studies of IBTR have included analysis of tissue based biomarkers; indeed, the largest single institution based series has included blocks from only 57 cases.[@b26-bcbcr-1-2011-105] Our study here of 24 cases selected from a larger population based IBTR cohort is therefore intended as a pilot feasibility and hypothesis-generating study to justify the effort and cost involved in conducting a larger investigation.", "\n\nIt is possible that the profile of this intratumoral immune response may differ between index tumors and different IBTR events because TRs and NPs are thought to have distinct origins. ", "Limited studies of primary and concurrent metastasis have suggested that the responses seen between two lesions at two sites are typically similar.[@b26-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b27-bcbcr-1-2011-105] However, there is very little data on the actual changes observed in intratumoral immune responses between primary lesions and later relapses in solid tumors. ", "This is partly attributable to a previous lack of appropriate cohorts/samples and tools to interrogate the immune system in archival tissue samples representing primary tumors and their subsequent relapses. ", "We can speculate that, compared to primary lesions, some TRs may harbour new mutations attributable to tumor evolution or treatment effects.[@b27-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b28-bcbcr-1-2011-105] These mutations can create new immunogenic tumor-associated antigens and might increase the intratumoral adaptive immune response relative to the primary lesion. ", "Radiation therapy to the primary lesion can also influence immunogenicity (eg, through enhancement of major histocompatibility complex expression by tumor cells[@b29-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b30-bcbcr-1-2011-105]) and promote T cell homing (eg, by upregulation of chemokines and adhesion molecules[@b31-bcbcr-1-2011-105],[@b32-bcbcr-1-2011-105]). ", "By contrast, NP tumors might be expected to have evolved through developing mechanisms to escape an immune system educated to recognize the primary lesion, resulting in a reduced intratumoral immune response. ", "This would be essential for NP tumors that feature a similar spectrum of antigens to primary lesions, as these tumors would be at risk of immunologic rejection from an early stage.", "\n\nOur current study examined a limited number of immune cell markers. ", "An important point to address in future studies is the specific lymphocyte phenotype associated with increased TIL in TR lesions. ", "Tumor antigen specific memory cells are known to form in response to human breast cancer; for example, bone marrow-derived memory T cells specific to the breast cancer antigens Her2 and MUC1 were reported to reject autologous breast tumors in a xenotransplantation model.[@b21-bcbcr-1-2011-105] It is therefore possible that many of the intratumoral lymphocytes present in a TR lesion might be memory T cells initially generated in response to the primary tumor. ", "Conversely, NP tumors that bear a different suite of antigens from the primary lesion would not be expected to elicit a response from memory cells generated against the primary tumor.", "\n\nA potential caveat to our conclusions is that the approach used in this study to classify IBTRs could have potentially separated two distinct biological extremes of lesion related to tumor progression or treatment effects. ", "However, in our classification approach changes in morphological type, grade, ER status, or location between primary tumors and recurrences were considered sequentially and the majority of NP type lesions were biologically similar. ", "Indeed, most were classified as NP on the basis of distinct location alone. ", "Thus, the differences in TIL populations observed with respect to NP and TR lesions are not likely due to biases arising from the classification scheme, but rather reflect underlying biological differences between the two forms of IBTR. ", "While our observations may have promise, the data have been generated from only a small sample size and should be replicated using tissue collected from larger cohorts. ", "In addition, future studies should strive to assess a wider range of immunologic biomarkers, and identify optimal cutpoints for individual TIL markers and combinations thereof.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nAs a consequence of the increased use of breastconserving therapy in modern clinical practice, IBTR will be an important aspect of breast cancer management in the foreseeable future. ", "Accurate identification of TR and NP IBTRs is challenging, however, and classical clinical and histopathological measures have thus far proven inadequate as diagnostic criteria. ", "We have expanded on classical approaches by addressing the problem from a biological perspective through assessment of host anti-tumor immunity, and provide novel evidence that tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes have potential as diagnostic biomarkers for distinguishing NP from TR IBTRs.", "\n\nGrant funding support was from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, British Columbia Cancer Foundation, and Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. ", "NRW is supported by a US Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program predoctoral traineeship award (W81XWH-08-1-0781). ", "No funding body was directly involved in the production of this study.", "\n\n**Disclosure**\n\nThis manuscript has been read and approved by all authors. ", "This paper is unique and is not under consideration by any other publication and has not been published elsewhere. ", "The authors and peer reviewers of this paper report no conflicts of interest. ", "The authors confirm that they have permission to reproduce any copyrighted material.", "\n\nER\n\n: estrogen receptor alpha\n\nIBTR\n\n: ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence\n\nIHC\n\n: immunohistochemistry\n\nNP\n\n: new primary\n\nTIL\n\n: tumor infiltrating leukocytes\n\nTR\n\n: true recurrence.", "\n\n![", "Chart of the four-step clinical algorithm used to classify IBTRs as True Recurrence (TR) versus New Primary (NP) based on change in histology, grade, estrogen receptor status, and location.](bcbcr-1-2011-105f1){#f1-bcbcr-1-2011-105}\n\n![", "Illustrative examples of two cases of primary tumors with the corresponding IBTR tumors. ", "Cases were classified as TR IBTR (left) or NP IBTR (right). ", "Panels show H&E, CD8, and CD68 immunohistochemical staining for primary and IBTR tumors in each case (original magnification 10× for H&E and 20× for CD3 and CD68).](bcbcr-1-2011-105f2){#f2-bcbcr-1-2011-105}\n\n![", "Box and whisker plots comparing TIL levels between primary (white) and IBTR (gray) lesions for the entire cohort (**A**) or between primary and IBTR lesions for NP (**B**) and TR cases (**C**). ", "Whiskers represent minimum and maximum TIL counts.](bcbcr-1-2011-105f3){#f3-bcbcr-1-2011-105}\n\n![", "Box and whisker plots comparing TIL levels between cases associated with TR (gray) and NP (white) IBTR lesions. (**", "A**) TIL levels in TR versus NP IBTR lesions. (**", "B**) TIL levels in primary lesions associated with TR versus NP IBTRs.\\\n**Notes:** Whiskers represent minimum and maximum TIL counts. *", "P*-values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney T-test.](bcbcr-1-2011-105f4){#f4-bcbcr-1-2011-105}\n\n###### \n\nClinical characteristics of the study cohort.", "\n\n **All IBTR cases** **True recurrence[^a^](#tfn2-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}** **New primary[^a^](#tfn2-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}**\n ------------------------------------ -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------\n Median age at diagnosis (years) 53 58 52\n Median age at recurrence (years) 61 63 60\n Median time to recurrence (months) 60 49 92\n **Primary lesion** \n Histology \n   Infiltrating ductal 19 (79.2%) 10 (83.3%) 9 (75.0%)\n   Mixed ductal and lobular 2 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%)\n   Other 3 (12.5%) 1 (8.3%) 2 (16.7%)\n Grade \n   1 7 (29.2%) 4 (33.3%) 3 (25.0%)\n   2 6 (25.0%) 2 (16.7%) 4 (33.3%)\n   3 11 (45.8%) 6 (50.0%) 5 (41.7%)\n Lymphovascular invasion \n   Negative 20 (83.3%) 10 (83.3%) 10 (83.3%)\n   Positive 4 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%) 2 (16.7%)\n Estrogen receptors \n   Positive 17 (70.8%) 9 (75.0%) 8 (66.7%)\n   Negative 5 (20.8%) 3 (25.0%) 2 (16.7%)\n   Unknown 2 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (16.7%)\n Radiotherapy use \n   Yes 21 (87.5%) 0 (0%) 2 (16.7%)\n   No 3 (12.5%) 12 (100%) 10 (83.3%)\n Systemic therapy use \n   Chemotherapy 2 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%)\n   Hormone therapy 7 (29.2%) 4 (33.3%) 3 (25.0%)\n   Both 1 (4.2%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (8.3%)\n   None 14 (58.3%) 7 (58.3%) 7 (58.3%)\n **IBTR lesion** \n Grade \n   1 7 (29.2%) 4 (33.3%) 3 (25.0%)\n   2 6 (25.0%) 2 (16.7%) 4 (33.3%)\n   3 11 (45.8%) 6 (50.0%) 5 (41.7%)\n Lymphovascular invasion \n   Negative 17 (70.8%) 8 (66.7%) 9 (75.0%)\n   Positive 7 (29.2%) 4 (33.3%) 3 (25.0%)\n Estrogen receptors \n   Positive 17 (70.8%) 8 (66.7%) 9 (75.0%)\n   Negative 5 (20.8%) 2 (16.7%) 3 (25.0%)\n   Unknown 2 (8.3%) 2 (16.7%) 0 (0.0%)\n Radiotherapy use \n   Yes 2 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (16.7%)\n   No 22 (91.7%) 12 (100.0%) 10 (83.3%)\n Systemic therapy use \n   Chemotherapy 3 (12.5%) 1 (8.3%) 2 (16.7%)\n   Hormone therapy 9 (37.5%) 4 (33.3%) 5 (41.7%)\n   Both 2 (8.3%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (16.7%)\n   None 10 (41.7%) 7 (58.3%) 3 (25.0%)\n\n**Note:**\n\nChi-square comparisons between TR and NP, all *P* \\> 0.05.", "\n\n###### \n\nPrimary antibodies used for immunohistochemistry.", "\n\n **Antigen** **Clone** **Supplier** **Source** **Concentration**\n ------------- ---------------------------------- -------------- ------------ -------------------\n CD3 RM-9107 Lab vision Rabbit 1/150\n CD8 RM-9116 Lab vision Rabbit 1/100\n CD4 MS-1528 Lab vision Mouse 1/10\n FOXP3 eBio7979 eBioscience Mouse 1/50\n CD25 4C9 Lab vision Mouse 1/40\n TIA1 TIA-1 Abcam Mouse 1/50\n CD20 Polyclonal, Catalogue \\# RB-9013 Lab vision Rabbit 1/250\n CD68 PG-M1 Lab vision Mouse 1/50\n\n###### \n\nChanges in TIL levels between primary and IBTR lesions for each TIL marker assessed.[^a^](#tfn4-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}\n\n **CD3[^b^](#tfn5-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}** **CD8[^b^](#tfn5-bcbcr-1-2011-105){ref-type=\"table-fn\"}** **CD4** **CD25** **FOXP3** **TIA1** **CD20** **CD68**\n ---------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ----------\n IBTR-all Increase 4 4 3 2 3 2 2 5\n No change 6 6 11 9 7 8 12 5\n Decrease 5 4 0 3 4 4 1 3\n IBTR-TR Increase 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 4\n No change 2 2 4 3 5 4 5 1\n Decrease 1 1 0 2 1 2 1 2\n IBTR-NP Increase 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1\n No change 4 4 7 6 2 4 7 4\n Decrease 4 3 0 1 3 2 0 1\n\n**Notes:**\n\nValues indicate the number of IBTR cases with a ≥50% increase ('increase'), less than a 50% change ('no change') or a ≥50% decrease ('decrease') in TIL levels relative to matched primary lesions.", "\n\nSignificant difference between TR and NP tumors (*P* \\< 0.05) using chi^2^ test for trend.", "\n" ]
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[ "Tecmo has just released some new screenshots and concept art of Quantum Theory for your viewing pleasure. ", "There’s also some news that may cause fanboys to explode…\n\nIt’s been awhile since we’ve heard anything about Quantum Theory. ", "Tecmo’s version of Gears of War may look ugly, but who knows what fun this title may bring to PS3 owners. ", "The game features two characters, one of which is your typical buff guy on roids with a gun, and the other is a woman that is much more pleasing to the eyes. ", "It is said that the game takes place in a living tower that shifts and changes as you progress. ", "Sounds cool, right?", "\n\nIn the screenshots below, the game admittedly looks a bit better than when it was first revealed. ", "The smeared looking armor on the main character doesn’t induce vomiting anymore, so that’s a huge plus. ", "The environments do look pretty interesting as well.", "\n\nOh, and as for that big announcement. ", "Quantum Theory will be releasing in Spring 2010 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. ", "That’s right, Quantum Theory is no longer a PS3 exclusive." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.009433962264150943, 0.008, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011904761904761904, 0.017241379310344827 ]
[ "A method to assess sodium intake in populations.", "\nDietary sodium measurement in populations has severe limitations whether assessment is based on urinary excretion or on food intake methods. ", "We have validated a simple instrument to determine total dietary sodium intake of populations in a pilot study of 10 women, 20 to 36 years old. ", "Sodium intake determined by means of the sodium measurement instrument was correlated with sodium intake from food analysis, sodium intake calculated from food composition tables, and measurement of 24-hour urinary sodium excretion. ", "Sodium values obtained with the instrument are based on regression equations, which incorporate information as follows: an average measure of 7 days' actual table salt use, the average sodium contribution of 17 high-sodium foods from a food frequency checklist maintained for 7 days, a calculation of drinking water sodium, and measurements of height and weight to establish 24-hour energy needs, a surrogate estimate of sodium found in all foods not included in the food frequency checklist. ", "Participants were studied for 16 days: 7 consecutive days on either a 2,000-mg or a 3,500-mg sodium diet, 2 days' adjustment, and 7 days' crossover. ", "Participants were allowed to select foods from a diverse menu, eat at fast-food restaurants, and consume alcohol if desired. ", "Mean of 7-day sodium intake obtained with the instrument was significantly correlated with mean of 7-day sodium intake determined by food analysis (r = .80), from food composition tables (r = .62), and from urinary excretion (r = .56)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "James Holburn\n\nJames Holburn is the name of:\n\nSir James Holburn, 1st Baronet (died 1737), of the Holburn baronets\nSir James Holburn, 2nd Baronet (died 1758), of the Holburn baronets\nJames Holburn (editor), editor of The Herald\n\nSee also\nJames Holborne of Menstrie, Scottish soldier during the years of the English Civil War\nHolburn (surname)" ]
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[ "Developments in residue assay and metabolism study of growth-promoters by mass spectrometric analysis.", "\nThe French national reference laboratory, for the control of growth-promoter residues, has developed routine methods of multiresidue analysis. ", "These are mainly for the determination of beta-agonistic and steroid compounds. ", "Apart from this regulatory activity, some research into growth-premotor metabolism and assay has also been carried out. ", "This research concerns the method development of assay and metabolism studies of new compounds, including in vitro metabolism studies on cell (mainly hepatocytes) cultures, as well as studying the organic synthesis of new compounds and metabolites. ", "Three examples of the different areas of research are presented here: the metabolism study of 4-chlorotestosterone in cattle; a methodological study on beta-agonists assay by mass spectrometry; and a residue study of beta-agonists in edible tissues." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention relates to an improved support for use in solid-phase immunoassays for determining the presence and concentration of protein antigens in a liquid sample.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nIn recent years, numerous immunoassay techniques have been developed to simplify operating procedures of existing methods and to provide new methods of improved speed, sensitivity and accuracy. ", "In particular, solid-phase reactions have been especially valuable in making possible procedures that could not be performed with conventional homogenous phase reactions.", "\nA solid-phase reaction is generally carried out between one reactant, the fixed component, immobilized on the surface of an insoluble support matrix, and a second reactant, the mobile component, in solution. ", "Typically the reactants are immunological counterparts, which may be alternately disposed as either the fixed or the mobile component. ", "As used herein, the term \"immunological counterpart\" denotes either an antigen or an antibody which reacts specifically with the corresponding antibody or antigen.", "\nThe reaction may be a conventional chemical reaction, a binding of the mobile component by the fixed component as in an immunochemical reaction between an antigen and an antibody, or it may be a binding of the mobile component by the fixed component accompanied by chemical transformation of one of the components such as occurs in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction. ", "Quantitative results are obtained by measuring the formation of products or disappearance of reactants as in the case of conventional and enzyme-catalyzed reactions, and in measuring the amount of the mobile component bound or the amount of mobile component unbound, in the case of an immunochemical reaction.", "\nWhere the reaction consists of binding, in the absence of chemical change, techniques developed in the field of immunochemistry may be used to measure the extent of the reaction. ", "Solid-phase reactions are especially suited for immunochemical assays because the reactants in bound form may readily be removed from the solution by virtue of their attachment to the solid phase. ", "A variety of solid-phase supports have been developed and used in the prior art.", "\nIn solid-phase technology, the reagent or reagents used in the procedure are usually immobilized by being coated or bonded, either covalently or by adsorption to the solid-phase material, which is then immersed in the sample to be tested.", "\nExamples of commonly used solid-phase materials include, but are not limited to, glass or polymeric tubes which are coated with the reagent or reagents on their internal surfaces; coated polymeric inserts; coated polymeric sticks; micro and macro beads formed by polymers and of glass; porous matrices; coated membranes; and tablets.", "\nThe earliest solid-phase systems were test tubes coated on the inside surface. ", "Various improvements on these coated tubes resulted in tubes having a convoluted surface to increase surface area. ", "Additionally, tubes were provided with detachable lower sections which may be both coated to achieve greater uniformity from tube to tube. ", "This batch immobilization results in the outsides as well as the insides of the tubes being coated, and thereby wastes valuable immunological reagents.", "\nThe following U.S. Patents are noted to be representative of the prior art: U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,378,344, to Zahradnik et al.; ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,147,752, to Souvaniemie et al; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,210,418, to Brown et al; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,180,383, to Johnson; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,170,454 to Meriadec et al; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,280,816, to Elahi; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,225,784 to Barrett; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,826,619 to Bratu, Jr. et al; U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,793,445 to Updike et al.; ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,066,512 to Lai; and, U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,951,748 to Devlin.", "\nCurrently, solid-phase assays utilize the physical absorption of the substance to be assayed (typically, an antibody) out of solution onto the inside surface of plastic test tubes. ", "Frequently, the surface is treated or pretreated with a bifunctional coupling agent (such as glutaraldehyde) to improve the capacity and retention of the substance being assayed.", "\nThis type of immunoassay is subject to a number of disadvantages. ", "For instance, only a certain type of plastic test tube will work and there is a binding variation since the plastic composition and molding characteristics of the test tube affect the binding ability of the substance being assayed. ", "In the case where antibodies are the substance being assayed, there are the additional problems that physical absorption sometimes destroys the function of a percentage of antibody and/or may cause antibody leaching.", "\nIn addition, the tubes may not be stable for an extended period of storage, and are, in fact, frequently post-coated with a carrier protein such as bovine serum albumin or soluble gelatin for a hydrophilic protecting layer to enhance shelf-life. ", "Generally, such tubes have a finite binding capacity (usually only about 1 .mu.g of antibody can be absorbed to 1 cm.sup.2 the inside surface of a plastic test tube) which limits the use of this technology to high titer antisera. ", "Finally, the manufacture of such tubes in a consistent process requires costly equipment and much labor.", "\nVarious types of solid-phase matrices designed to be inserted into the reaction fluid have been disclosed in the prior art. ", "These include sponge matrices, microporous membranes, closely-fitting inserts which squeeze the reactions fluid into a thin layer, disc shaped inserts, micro glass beads, coated macro beads and inserts having a plurality of water-insoluble fins. ", "Many of these devices are illustrated in the U.S. Patents listed above, and to such extent, the disclosures of such patents are incorporated herein by reference.", "\nAll of the types of coated tubes and inserts suffer from two major disadvantages--excessive cost of manufacture and inconsistency between batches due to the multiple steps of manufacture. ", "A need therefore exists for the development of a solid-phase support that may be uniformly, inexpensively and reliably manufactured and used." ]
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[ "Options\n\n1. ", "Colour / Size\n\nTradition endows bamboo with characteristics such as integrity, elegance, and simplicity; who wouldn’t want these qualities in their socks?", "\n\nIf you’re not aware of your socks when you’re on the move, they’re doing their job properly; Velocity is like a chameleon in sock form. ", "Simple and light with an amazing feeling fabric, it’ll slide easily into your approach shoe, your big trekking socks, your smart work shoe or your snazzy trainer without a moment’s bother. ", "Bamboo fibres wick moisture away from your feet for freshness, and they just feel so very lovely." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.006493506493506494, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "The present invention relates to providing services and service outlets to rooms. ", "In particular, the invention relates to providing patient-related services to patient-care rooms, such as are located in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities requiring that certain services being continuously available for use in connection with patient treatment. ", "For example, a supply of gaseous oxygen and nitrogen, electrical outlets, room lighting, nurse-call intercom, patient monitoring devices and patient convenience facilities are generally required to be available adjacent the patient bed area. ", "It is customary to provide the services directly to the room wall adjacent the patient bed, or to centralize such services at headwall units which mount in the interior of a room against a room wall.", "\nWhile various attempts have been made to conveniently orient a variety of services for access by a patient or a doctor, nurse or other medical personnel, these attempts have been deficient in one or more aspects and have generally been an unsatisfactory manner of providing patient-care services. ", "Furthermore, past systems for providing patient-care services have generally resulted in dedication of a particular room or location to a specific type of patient care. ", "For example, once a patient room has been configured for general medical-surgical use, with services required for providing the normal level of medical-surgical care being located adjacent the patient bed, it has been difficult and time consuming to convert the orientation and type of patient-care services provided to allow the room or location to be employed for a different level of patient care, e.g., for progressive care, intensive or critical care, recovery or emergency use.", "\nA significant difficulty of past attempts to provide patient-care services has been the inflexibility of the systems. ", "In many instances, patient-care services have been provided at fixed locations. ", "For example, patient-care service outlets have been permanently or fixedly attached in a room wall or in a mounted headwall unit. ", "In such a system, the outlet location cannot be quickly reoriented to adjust to changing patient or hospital needs.", "\nWith past attempts to provide fixed patient-care services, if specific patient conditions or special procedures require the addition of, e.g., medical gases, or if it is necessary to relocate patient service outlets or devices to the other side of the patient bed for a particular procedure or procedures, the flexibility necessary to accomplish this is absent. ", "Further, with fixed service outlets, it may not be possible to properly engage secondary devices, e.g., secondary regulators and flow meters, employed in certain procedures in connection with particular patient-care services. ", "In addition, changes in the size and shape of various patient-care service devices employed in typical patient treatment situations will often render the fixed service outlet locations unusable and require major reconstruction of the room wall or of the headwall unit. ", "For example, newer equipment may be physically wider or taller than the original devices replaced, requiring additional spacing between outlets. ", "The fixed outlet will not accept adjacent devices, resulting in the inability to provide the necessary services to the patient.", "\nEven attempts to provide services in a more flexible manner have suffered from serious deficiencies. ", "Most notably, attempts to provide services with movable outlets, typically mounted on a horizontal rail of some design, have required substantial exposure of patient-care service conduit to the room environment. ", "Such exposure subjects both the patient and the medical personnel caring for the patient to increased risk of injury from leaking services and to increased risk of catching the patient bed, attachments to the bed, other patient-care equipment and persons themselves on the exposed service conduit. ", "Service conduit used such past attempts has typically been flexible hose which hangs down, creating a ready trap for the unwary patient or the patient who is not fully oriented and for medical personnel. ", "Exposed service conduit also increases the difficulty of quickly reorienting a particular service outlet or device or a plurality of such outlets or devices mounted on a single rail. ", "Other flexible systems have placed hoses and service outlets in awkward, out of the way locations which are not readily accessible to service and which will not provide a support surface for movable outlets and devices.", "\nNo past attempts to provide patient-care services have resulted in a system which is completely flexible and which will permit immediate changes in the required level and extent of patient care. ", "Further, no past systems have provided the flexibility required to incorporate changing levels of patient care as medical technology and research provide new and improved techniques.", "\nIt is therefore, an object of the present invention to provide a system for providing services to specific locations with substantially enhanced flexibility.", "\nAnother object of the present invention is to provide patient-care services to patient room environments with substantially greater flexibility than in the past.", "\nYet another object of the present invention is to provide a service outlet wall which permits positioning and support of at least one service outlet at different locations on the service outlet wall while simultaneously repositioning the service conduits which provide services to the service outlets, while maintaining the service conduits in a concealed and protected condition. ", "A further object of the present invention is to provide a rail system for positioning service outlets in particular locations in a room while simultaneously positioning the service conduits connected to said outlets and while concealing and protecting said service conduits during and after repositioning." ]
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[ "WASHINGTON (JTA) — Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trump’s special envoy handling Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, welcomed the deployment of Palestinian Authority personnel to control crossings into the Gaza Strip.", "\n\n“The United States believes it is essential that the Palestinian Authority assume full responsibility for Gaza,” his statement said.", "\n\nHamas control of Gaza has been a major impediment to restarting Israeli-Palestinian peace talks; renewing the talks is a key foreign policy goal for Trump.", "\n\nGreenblatt’s statement Thursday, a day after the deployment, signals cautious U.S. encouragement of the bid by P.A. President Mahmoud Abbas to assume control of the Gaza Strip. ", "Because Abbas’ strategy includes a degree of accommodation with Hamas, the enterprise has aroused deep skepticism in the Israeli government.", "\n\nThe deployment Wednesday to crossings between Gaza and Israel, and Gaza and Egypt was the latest advance in the delicate negotiations between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.", "\n\nGreenblatt was careful in his statement to frame his welcoming of the development in terms that Israel demands.", "\n\n“As we’ve made clear in the past, any Palestinian government must unambiguously and explicitly commit to non-violence, recognize the state of Israel, accept previous agreements and obligations between the parties — including to disarm terrorists — and commit to a negotiated solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,” said Greenblatt’s statement, which was posted on social media.", "\n\nHamas continues to vow not to disarm. ", "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed concerns that any Palestinian Authority-Hamas unity would favor Hamas and its terrorist activities more than it would peace." ]
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[ "Monthly Archives: April 2016\n\nAlright, if you know ANYTHING about Iceland, you have probably heard of the Icelandic Horses. ", "Icelandic Horses are like the hobbits of the Equidae: Extra fuzzy, stout, and round in pretty much every way possible. ", "Simply put they are ADORABLE. ", "We learned that they’re pretty much free to own in Iceland, too! ", "Eating the poor-quality grass […]\n\nLaugavatn and the Golden Circle After the brisk adventures of Thingvellir the gang continued on to the small town of Laugavatn. ", "We stayed in the completely charming Héraðsskólinn Hostel – A converted school house and one of our favourite spots from the whole trip! ", "The hostel overlooked the Laugavatn lake and was a quick walk to the lovely Laugarvatn Fontana […]" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRetrieving XML node from a path specified in an attribute value of another node\n\nFrom this XML source :\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?", ">\n<ROOT>\n <STRUCT>\n <COL order=\"1\" nodeName=\"FOO/BAR\" colName=\"Foo Bar\" />\n <COL order=\"2\" nodeName=\"FIZZ\" colName=\"Fizz\" />\n </STRUCT>\n\n <DATASET>\n <DATA>\n <FIZZ>testFizz</FIZZ>\n <FOO>\n <BAR>testBar</BAR>\n <LIB>testLib</LIB>\n </FOO>\n </DATA>\n <DATA>\n <FIZZ>testFizz2</FIZZ>\n <FOO>\n <BAR>testBar2</BAR>\n <LIB>testLib2</LIB>\n </FOO>\n </DATA>\n </DATASET>\n</ROOT>\n\nI want to generate this HTML :\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>Test</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <table border=\"1\">\n <tr>\n <td>Foo Bar</td>\n <td>Fizz</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>testBar</td>\n <td>testFizz</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>testBar2</td>\n <td>testFizz2</td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </body>\n</html>\n\nHere is the XSLT I currently have :\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\" xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\" xmlns:msxsl=\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt\" exclude-result-prefixes=\"msxsl\">\n <xsl:output method=\"html\" indent=\"yes\"/>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"/ROOT\">\n <html>\n <head>\n <title>Test</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <table border=\"1\">\n <tr>\n <!", "--Generate the table header-->\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"STRUCT/COL\">\n <xsl:sort data-type=\"number\" select=\"@order\"/>\n </xsl:apply-templates>\n </tr>\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"DATASET/DATA\" />\n </table>\n </body>\n </html>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"COL\">\n <!", "--Template for generating the table header-->\n <td>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"@colName\"/>\n </td>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"DATA\">\n <xsl:variable name=\"pos\" select=\"position()\" />\n <tr>\n <xsl:for-each select=\"/ROOT/STRUCT/COL\">\n <xsl:sort data-type=\"number\" select=\"@order\"/>\n <xsl:variable name=\"elementName\" select=\"@nodeName\" />\n <td>\n <xsl:value-of select=\"/ROOT/DATASET/DATA[$pos]/*[name() = $elementName]\" />\n </td>\n </xsl:for-each>\n </tr>\n </xsl:template>\n\n</xsl:stylesheet>\n\nIt almost works, the problem I have is to retrieve the correct DATA node from the path specified in the \"nodeName\" attribute value of the STRUCT block.", "\n\nA:\n\nHere is a pure XSLT 1.0 solution that doesn't use any extensions:\n<xsl:stylesheet version=\"1.0\"\n xmlns:xsl=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform\">\n <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration=\"yes\" indent=\"yes\"/>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"/\">\n <html>\n <head>\n <title>Test</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <table border=\"1\">\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"*/STRUCT\"/>\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"*/DATASET/DATA\"/>\n </table>\n </body>\n </html>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"STRUCT\">\n <tr>\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"COL\"/>\n </tr>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"COL\">\n <td><xsl:value-of select=\"@colName\"/></td>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"DATA\">\n <tr>\n <xsl:apply-templates select=\"/*/STRUCT/*/@nodeName\">\n <xsl:with-param name=\"pCurrentNode\" select=\".\"/", ">\n </xsl:apply-templates>\n </tr>\n </xsl:template>\n\n <xsl:template match=\"@nodeName\" name=\"getNodeValue\">\n <xsl:param name=\"pExpression\" select=\"string(.)\"/>\n <xsl:param name=\"pCurrentNode\"/>\n\n <xsl:choose>\n <xsl:when test=\"not(contains($pExpression, '/'))\">\n <td><xsl:value-of select=\"$pCurrentNode/*[name()=$pExpression]\"/></td>\n </xsl:when>\n <xsl:otherwise>\n <xsl:call-template name=\"getNodeValue\">\n <xsl:with-param name=\"pExpression\"\n select=\"substring-after($pExpression, '/')\"/>\n <xsl:with-param name=\"pCurrentNode\" select=\n \"$pCurrentNode/*[name()=substring-before($pExpression, '/')]\"/>\n </xsl:call-template>\n </xsl:otherwise>\n </xsl:choose>\n\n </xsl:template>\n</xsl:stylesheet>\n\nwhen this transformation is applied on the provided XML document:\n<ROOT>\n <STRUCT>\n <COL order=\"1\" nodeName=\"FOO/BAR\" colName=\"Foo Bar\" />\n <COL order=\"2\" nodeName=\"FIZZ\" colName=\"Fizz\" />\n </STRUCT>\n\n <DATASET>\n <DATA>\n <FIZZ>testFizz</FIZZ>\n <FOO>\n <BAR>testBar</BAR>\n <LIB>testLib</LIB>\n </FOO>\n </DATA>\n <DATA>\n <FIZZ>testFizz2</FIZZ>\n <FOO>\n <BAR>testBar2</BAR>\n <LIB>testLib2</LIB>\n </FOO>\n </DATA>\n </DATASET>\n</ROOT>\n\nthe wanted, correct result is produced:\n<html>\n <head>\n <title>Test</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <table border=\"1\">\n <tr>\n <td>Foo Bar</td>\n <td>Fizz</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>testBar</td>\n <td>testFizz</td>\n </tr>\n <tr>\n <td>testBar2</td>\n <td>testFizz2</td>\n </tr>\n </table>\n </body>\n</html>\n\n" ]
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[ " UNPUBLISHED\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FOURTH CIRCUIT\n\n\n No. ", "98-7687\n\n\n\nANDREW BROWN,\n\n Petitioner - Appellant,\n\n versus\n\n\nMACK JARVIS,\n\n Respondent - Appellee.", "\n\n\n\nAppeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern Dis-\ntrict of North Carolina, at Raleigh. ", "James C. Fox, District Judge.", "\n(CA-97-867-5-F)\n\n\nSubmitted: May 28, 1999 Decided: September 13, 1999\n\n\nBefore NIEMEYER, HAMILTON, and MOTZ, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n\nDismissed by unpublished per curiam opinion.", "\n\n\nAndrew Brown, Appellant Pro Se. ", "Clarence Joe DelForge, III, OFFICE\nOF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NORTH CAROLINA, Raleigh, North Carolina,\nfor Appellee.", "\n\n\nUnpublished opinions are not binding precedent in this circuit.", "\nSee Local Rule 36(c).", "\n\fPER CURIAM:\n\n Andrew Brown seeks to appeal the district court’s order dis-\n\nmissing his petition filed under 28 U.S.C.A. § 2254 (West 1994 &\n\nSupp. ", "1998). ", " Brown’s case was referred to a magistrate judge pur-\n\nsuant to 28 U.S.C. § 636(b)(1)(B) (1994). ", " The magistrate judge\n\nrecommended that relief be denied and advised Brown that failure to\n\nfile timely objections to this recommendation could waive appellate\n\nreview of a district court order based upon the recommendation.", "\n\nDespite this warning, Brown failed to object to the magistrate\n\njudge’s recommendation.", "\n\n The timely filing of objections to a magistrate judge’s\n\nrecommendation is necessary to preserve appellate review of the\n\nsubstance of that recommendation when the parties have been warned\n\nthat failure to object will waive appellate review. ", " See Wright v.\n\nCollins, 766 F.2d 841, 845-46 (4th Cir. ", "1985); see generally Thomas\n\nv. Arn, 474 U.S. 140, 155 (1985). ", " Brown has waived appellate\n\nreview by failing to file objections after receiving proper notice.", "\n\nWe accordingly deny a certificate of appealability and dismiss the\n\nappeal. ", " We grant the motion to supplement the record and dispense\n\nwith oral argument because the facts and legal contentions are\n\nadequately presented in the materials before the court and argument\n\nwould not aid the decisional process.", "\n\n DISMISSED\n\n\n\n\n 2\n\f" ]
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[ "Antichymotrypsin interaction with chymotrypsin. ", "Partitioning of the complex.", "\nThe interactions of bovine pancreatic chymotrypsin (Chtr) and recombinant alpha 1-antichymotrypsin (rACT) and rACT variants were studied by kinetic and gel electrophoretic analyses, leading to the formulation of a general kinetic scheme that accounts for all known results concerning this serpin-protease pair, as well as for results obtained with other such pairs. ", "Incubation of rACT and Chtr leads rapidly to the formation of an inhibited complex, Chtr.rACT*, that is stable toward sodium dodecyl sulfate denaturation and boiling. ", "The extent of release of active Chtr from this complex increases markedly as ionic strength, mu, is raised. ", "The kinetic scheme quantitatively accounts for this effect on the basis of a partitioning of Chtr.rACT* between dissociation of the complex to yield active enzyme and cleaved rACT, and Chtr-catalyzed conversion of the complex to a form that is much more resistant to release of active enzyme. ", "Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses of reaction mixtures of rACT and Chtr are consistent with the scheme. ", "Also consistent are the results of experiments measuring the effects of 1) Chtr.rACT* concentration, 2) uncomplexed Chtr, and 3) added alpha 2-macroglobulin on active Chtr release from Chtr.rACT*. ", "Proteolysis of Chtr.rACT* to give a resistant complex is also catalyzed by human neutrophil elastase, a process with potential physiological relevance. ", "Comparison of the rates of Chtr dissociation from the complexes formed with rACT and with rACT variants mutated at the P1 site suggests that such rates are more sensitive to P1 substitution at low mu than at high mu. ", "Several equivalents of the L358R-rACT variant are required for full inhibition of Chtr. ", "This observation is also quantitatively accounted for by the proposed kinetic scheme, on the basis of another partitioning step between L358R-rACT acting as a substrate or as an inhibitor toward Chtr." ]
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[ "Resume Objective Statements Samples Medium Size Of Cover Letter\n\nResume Objective Statements Samples Medium Size Of Cover Letter was posted in August 24 2018 at 5:18 pm and has been seen by 2 users. ", "If you want to view image in full size just click image on gallery bellow." ]
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[ 0.005025125628140704, 0 ]
[ "Wednesday, 13 April 2016\n\nBaby-Toddler Girl Spring Fashion\n\nAs much as I love shopping for myself, you can’t beat a bit of baby cloths shopping. ", "the change of season and the upcoming first birthday of my little girl has lead to some purchases to restock the wardrobe. ", "With little Sophie being togged up in greys, reds and navy over winter it is time to inject some colour and I am head over heals in love with lemon - it is just so fresh and spring like. ", "Love Love Love. ", "I do love my girl in her skinny jeans which I have also bought in a dark and lighter denim as they are just so easy to wear, the knees don’t look to grubby after crawling about and you can combine with the cuties little summer tops. ", "When the real warm weather hits I can swap the jeans for some cute little bloomers.", "\n\nDungarees are a toddler staple all year round, as they are great at keeping everything 'together' for cooler spring days this floral denim ruffle bum set with white body suit will perfect for soft-play-chic and as the mercury rises the beautiful floral dungaree suit with heart detail body suit will keep your princess comfy.", "\n\nLittle play sets are just gorgeous for spring time. ", "I've just discovered Portages brand Patachou which has the most delicately patterned floral pants with a white blouse in the lightest and softest cotton. ", "If you are more into bolder kids-wear how adorable is this knitted play-set from Boden with Bunny jumper and flower knees? (", "I also love to combine the jumper with her skinnies). ", "If you love knitted leggings, you must check out Blade & Rose which have the cutest motifs on the bottom - the unicorn being a new addition for SS16 which I have teamed with a beautiful M&S pink embroidered tee." ]
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[ "Female inmates sterilized in California prisons without approval\n\nGenocide charges against California\n\nDoctors under contract with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sterilized nearly 150 female inmates from 2006 to 2010 without required state approvals, the Center for Investigative" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.006493506493506494 ]
[ "[Bone and Calcium Research Update 2015. ", "Recent advances in clinical assessment of trabecular bone architecture: trabecular bone score (TBS)].", "\nAlthough dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is regarded as the gold-standard technique for diagnosing osteoporosis, bone mineral density (BMD) alone by DXA is not sufficient for bone strength assessment. ", "Trabecular bone score (TBS) is a texture analysis parameter that evaluates pixel gray-level variations in DXA images of the lumbar spine and allows to assess bone microarchitectural status that is one of the determinants of bone strength. ", "Recent clinical evidences show that TBS is associated with fracture risk in primary and secondary osteoporosis, has a complementary role to lumbar spine BMD and responds to osteoporosis medications somewhat differently than BMD. ", "Thus TBS has the potential to become a valuable clinical tool in the diagnosis of osteoporosis and in fracture risk assessment." ]
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[ 0.025, 0, 0.009569377990430622, 0, 0.008733624454148471, 0 ]
[ "On May 10, 2016, Administrative Law Judge G.W. Chisenhall upheld a decision by the Florida State Board of Administration (Board) to strip retirement benefits from Charles G. Combs, a former major at the Florida State Prison who was arrested for buying Oxycodone from Dylan Hilliard, a guard who worked at the same facility. ", "An investigation resulted in the arrests of 10 Florida Department of Corrections employees.", "\n\nCombs, who oversaw the prison’s work camp, had been enrolled in the state’s 401(k)-style retirement plan when he pleaded no contest to two charges with adjudication withheld. ", "That allowed him to avoid a conviction record if he met specific conditions; however, the Board then notified Combs he had forfeited his state retirement benefits.", "\n\nCombs appealed, arguing that he should not lose his benefits because the charges were not related to his job and there had been no “breach of the public trust.” ", "Chisenhall disagreed, finding that “Mr. Combs defrauded the public from receiving the faithful performance of his duties as a correctional officer. ", "The public had a right to expect that one of its employees would not purchase drugs from someone he supervised. ", "The public also had a right to expect that Mr. Combs would not use his authority at Florida State Prison to facilitate Mr. Hilliard’s illegal drug sales to other DOC employees. ", "In addition, the public had a right to expect that Mr. Combs would not engage in illegal transactions on the grounds of Florida State Prison.”", "\n\nAs a result of the ruling, Combs lost all of his retirement benefits other than the funds he had personally paid into the retirement plan.", "\n\nSource: www.news4jax.com\n\nAs a digital subscriber to Prison Legal News, you can access full text and downloads for this and other premium content." ]
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[ "Gene Stratton-Porter Cabin\n\nGene Stratton Porter Cabin may refer to:\n\nGene Stratton Porter Cabin (Geneva, Indiana), listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Adams County, Indiana\nGene Stratton-Porter Cabin (Rome City, Indiana), listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Noble County, Indiana\n\nSee also\nPorter House (disambiguation)" ]
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[ "Looking for high-flying action in the farthest reaches of space? ", "Well look elsewhere because you won't find it in X: Beyond the Frontier. ", "What you will find is an almost cerebral space-exploration simulation in which players must hone their financial talent as well as their dogfighting skills--all at a pace that makes turtles seem speedy. ", "This is not to say that X is a bad game--far from it, in fact. ", "The game is designed to be played in a freeform fashion, much like the Commodore 64/Apple IIE classic Elite and the Privateer series. ", "Players begin the game in a strange new universe, marooned in space after a failed test flight of Earth's first hyperspace-capable spacecraft. ", "Alone, defenseless, and broke, players must figure out how to make money and equip themselves to fight off pirates and a warlike alien race known as the Xenon, all while exploring their new galactic surroundings. ", "The game gives a few gentle pushes and hints to get you going, but for the most part, players decide the flow of the game for themselves. ", "X can be trying for newcomers, since it moves along at a very slow pace. ", "Even simple travel from one space station to another is tedious and boring until you save enough cash to upgrade your ship with time acceleration capabilities. ", "The charm of the game lies in this pace, however, since it breaks completely from the style of Freespace 2, the Wing Commander series, and the X-Wing games from LucasArts. ", "And while you cannot dive headlong into a 30-ship dogfight in X, you can build a financial empire by purchasing space factories that supply income. ", "With the money you make, you can transform your ship into a weapons-laden flying fortress. ", "This becomes necessary as you stumble across the game's plot (there is a story--and plenty of combat--but you don't really come across it right away). ", "The graphics are a mix of staggering beauty and amateurish 3-D design. ", "While some effects--spinning planets, glowing engine coronas, slick space stations--are truly stunning, others are not so impressive. ", "The simplistic ship designs are disappointing, for one thing, and so is the heavily seamed nebula background visible in most star systems. ", "The game's biggest flaw, however, is its poor documentation, which does little to educate the player on the intricacies of the game. ", "Instead, players must discover most of the game's most important aspects on their own (how to buy and manage a factory, for example). ", "Still, X can be a very appealing game, especially for anyone looking for a break from the adrenaline-charged space shoot-'em-ups that pervade the gaming market. ", "The game's open-ended design and unique space-entrepreneur features make X a compelling alternative to the typical space combat game. ", "--Michael E. Ryan Pros: Open-ended game play Slick graphics Can purchase/run factories Cons: Open-ended game play Requires patience of a saint (especially at the beginning) Can only pilot one spacecraft Poor documentation" ]
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[ "Fei-Fei, the bad girl of EDM – the controversy.", "\n\nThis article might come out a bit late since I had to recompose myself and really think this through before I wrote something that I will regret later on. ", "So after 3 days of looking through forums, wallposts, other articles, I’ve come up with my own thoughts on this whole situation.", "\n\nI’ve been personally following DJ Fei-Fei since pretty much the beginning of her career back when her Facebook page had less than 500 likes and YouTube views were a measly 1000 or so. ", "To be honest, it was just a random click while looking for obscure talented trance artists. ", "Anyhow, she definitely intrigued me since she produced some pretty good tech trance stuff and seemed like she had what it took to make it onto the scene. ", "She’s a girl, Asian descendant, young, talented, lives in L.A. and depending on your criteria, pretty. ", "In other words, a type of character or looks that the trance community lacks and let’s face it, there are more boys than girls who listen to trance and goes raving. ", "Hence, from a purely marketing point of view, it is a gold mine. ", "And boy oh boy did she market herself. ", "Once upon liking her page, I shit you not I got updates on her page 4 times a day, pushing her own invented word “feided” at every opportunity possible and feeling extremely proud that Tiesto himself dubbed her the “Bad girl of EDM”. ", "As time went on, the dubstep movement aided strongly by Skrillex took the rise and I started noticing certain changes in her podcasts and productions. ", "Fei-Fei has made the slow transition into Dubstep thus ending pretty much my interest for her.", "\n\nA few months back, Circus afterhours booked her for a show for an all girl night event with part of the proceeds going to Breast cancer research. ", "Unfortunately, I was tied up at the time so I couldn’t make it. ", "However, a good friend of mine told me that once she hit the decks and started dropping uneven basslines and distorted highs, the floor simply cleared and almost everyone headed to the House room. ", "You see, people were expecting her to play some Trance because well, she was still producing trance tracks back at the time and they we’re pretty good! ", "But nope, she played what she wanted and if I was her; I’d feel pretty awkward playing in front of 10 people.", "\n\nSo, fast forward to the present time, or should I say 3 days ago, Fei-Fei was invited to play @ Beyond Wonderland in which ASOT is also a part of the event. ", "For those who don’t know yet, Beyond Wonderland is organized by Imsomniac, the same guys who brought to you the famous EDC, otherwise known as Electric Daisy Carnival. ", "I won’t bother explaining what she played but here is her set with all the tracklist:\n\n\n\nSo, I’ll be honest guys. ", "My first reaction was, WTF! ", "What’s happening!? ", "This must be a joke! ", "No! ", "Holy Shit! ", "Why!? ", "How!? ", "DAFUQ!? ", "Then I calmed down a bit and really sat down and analyzed the whole situation. ", "What’s my reaction now? ", "Hmmmmm…. ", "The same.", "\n\nSo here are my arguments and reasoning to what is going on within the EDM media community\n\nArty and Gareth don’t play trance either. ", "Why should Fei-Fei?", "\n\nArty and Gareth might not play much Trance anymore but they don’t play dubstep either. ", "What they play is what I call commercial “Trouse” which shares many roots with trance and doesn’t give me a headache after listening to it for 10min unlike certain other type of music.", "\n\nBeyond Wonderland is an EDM event so all types of EDM is allowed to be played.", "\n\nTrue. ", "All these huge events are not just about Trance. ", "House, Drum n Bass, Techno, Dubstep are all part of the EDM family. ", "HOWEVER, this was the “A State of TRANCE” tent. ", "I repeat, a state of T R A N C E therefore only Trance or what has become accepted by the mass as trance (even though it isn’t i.e. Trouse) should be played. ", "Dubstep is at the completely different end of the spectrum and I blame none other then Fei-Fei for playing that kind of music mostly throughout her set. ", "She knew exactly what was expected of her and if she didn’t, then she doesn’t deserve to be where she is right now. ", "She completely disrespected ASOT and the Trance community. ", "Shame on her and this is where her “Don’t give a F*ck attitude” and Bad Girl image isn’t good. ", "Great marketing on a usual basis but when it’s time to respect your peers and elders, don’t play the bitchy teenager who needs a dose of Ritalin. ", "You will get crucified.", "\n\nDon’t blame her! ", "It was Armin that booked her!", "\n\nFirst off, she could’ve have just been forced unto Armin by Insomniac since she’s originated from L.A. and she has good connections in the industry. ", "But let’s just say Armin did book her knowing she is L.A. local just like Shogun. ", "Did you really think Armin knew what he was getting himself into? ", "No. ", "I am pretty damn sure Armin had no idea and if you’ve listened to the set, whenever Armin speaks, he sounds very surprised, hesitant and I quote “I think it’s… you know…this is dubstep right?… ", "pretty interesting”. “", "Tell us what you think on Twitter”. ", "Do you expect Armin to know she changed styles and that she will play Skrillex, Tyga and Avicii/Flo Rida on ASOT? ", "Hell I’m pretty sure if you asked that question a week ago, most people wouldn’t even think that she’d be foolish enough to do it.", "\n\n“I can play whatever the fuck I want” – Fei-Fei\n\n“Don’t be a prisoner of your own style” – Armin Van Buuren\n\nReally? ", "You’re going to use this argument? ", "If everyone played “whatever the fuck they want” and ASOT has no more border limits or identity then we should just rename this radio show to ASOWTV.", "\n\nWhat has really bothered me throughout this whole fiasco is what people wrote on her FB wall. ", "From “Get off the stage!” ", "to well… much harsher comments and also rebuttals from Fei-Fei’s faithful blaming trance fans to be narrow minded and no love and respect at all for other genres.", "\n\nI believe in constructive arguments that have certain logic behind it so I do not like people blasting away at someone without explaining themselves the reasoning behind it. ", "It’s disrespectful and destructive for the EDM scene. ", "As for being Trance biased and no love and respect for other genres, I have you noted that I listen to all types of music that I find pleasing to the ears. ", "Hell, I even listen to certain dubstep artists such as Feed Me. ", "I love listening to commercial house when I am in a club and blues is just oh so awesome with a glass of whiskey after a long hard day. ", "However, I will admit there are some real stuck ups out there who think Trance is the only music available and worth listening too.", "\n\nEach event has its own right style of music and at an ASOT event; well… it’s not rocket science to know what kind of music should be played. ", "By the way… isn’t it the job of a DJ to play what the crowd wants to hear? ", "There, I’ve opened a can of worms. ", "What’s your take on this? ", "Don’t be shy, I love a good debate!", "\n\nP.S. One thing she’s got going for her is the amount of attention she got for trolling ASOT. ", "I can imagine the Dubstep community with their arms open ready to take her in… and if that was the plan all along, kudos Fei-Fei – You’ve made it. ", "Now leave us in peace before my eardrums implodes." ]
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[ "Hartley 43, North Union 0\n\nThe Hartley High School football team proved Nov. 9 in a Division IV, Region 14 semifinal at Ohio Wesleyan that it isn't one dimensional in its ability to dominate opponents.", "\n\nJARROD ULREY, ThisWeek Community News\n\nThe Hartley High School football team proved Nov. 9 in a Division IV, Region 14 semifinal at Ohio Wesleyan that it isn't one dimensional in its ability to dominate opponents.", "\n\nPlaying fourth-seeded and previously undefeated North Union at Selby Stadium, the top-seeded Hawks intercepted five passes and put on a rare aerial display during a 43-0 victory that moved them into their third consecutive regional final.", "\n\nHartley, which was a regional runner-up a year ago, improved to 12-0 and plays Ottawa-Glandorf or Genoa Area on Nov. 16 at a site to be announced. ", "North Union finished 11-1.", "\n\n\"We had five interceptions and we were able to control things offensively, defensively and on special teams,\" Hawks coach Brad Burchfield said. \"", "We wanted them to have to defend every single snap.\"", "\n\nHartley showed early that it might dig deeper into a playbook that previously had yielded just 69 passing plays.", "\n\nQuarterback Jared Brandewie hit Marcellus Calhoun for a 22-yard touchdown in the first quarter. ", "He added touchdown passes of 18 yards to Dominique Scott in the second quarter and 28 yards to Ja'Wuan Woodley in the third quarter.", "\n\nWoodley ran for a 2-yard score to give his team a 14-0 first-quarter lead.", "\n\nWoodley's touchdown run was set up by a 46-yard pass by Woodley to Jacob Matuska on a fake punt.", "\n\nHartley led 21-0 by halftime and scored the first of its three third-quarter touchdowns on a 9-yard run by Sam Mackowiak.", "\n\nThe Hawks' final score came on a 67-yard interception return by Trevonn Brown in the third quarter.", "\n\nBrown had two interceptions, and Alonzo Saxton, Matuska and Yonatan Belayneh grabbed one apiece.", "\n\n\"We just took what our coaches gave us all week and just executed,\" said Brown, who had one previous interception this season. \"", "I just saw my teammates blocking for me and it just opened up (on the touchdown). ", "It feels great.\"", "\n\nOriginal content available for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license, except where noted.", "\nThisWeek Community News ~ 5300 Crosswind Drive, Columbus, OH 43228 ~ Privacy Policy ~ Terms Of Service" ]
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[ " 1/4*r**4 + 2*r + r**3. ", "Suppose -n + 4 - 1 = 0. ", "Determine d(n).", "\n-1\nLet s be 14/5 + 1/5. ", "Let v(f) = s*f + 3 - 3 - 2. ", "Let z(k) = k + 8. ", "Let d be z(-6). ", "What is v(d)?", "\n4\nLet r(t) = -t + 7. ", "Suppose -2*x + 4*x - 18 = 2*a, -2*x - 10 = 5*a. ", "Let q be r(x). ", "Let w(s) = -s - 2*s + 2*s**2 - s**3 - 2 + 0 + 5. ", "Give w(q).", "\n-3\nLet q(n) = -n + 1. ", "Let d(b) = 3*b - 5. ", "Let j(y) = -d(y) - 4*q(y). ", "Determine j(9).", "\n10\nLet t(d) = d**3 + 5*d**2 + 2*d + 6. ", "Let o = -16 + 11. ", "Calculate t(o).", "\n-4\nSuppose -m + 3*d = -0*m - 14, 2*d + 6 = 0. ", "Let p(h) = -h**2 + 4*h + 1. ", "Give p(m).", "\n-4\nLet i(g) = -3*g**2 + g**3 + 1 - 3*g**3 + 2*g + g**2. ", "What is i(-2)?", "\n5\nLet j(m) be the third derivative of m**4/24 - m**3/6 + 2*m**2. ", "Let y(c) = -c - 5 + 1 + c**3 + 0*c**3 + 5*c**2. ", "Let b be y(-5). ", "Determine j(b).", "\n0\nLet u(a) be the second derivative of -a**4/12 + a**3/6 - 7*a**2/2 - 3*a + 25. ", "Let y be 0*(0 + 1/2). ", "Determine u(y).", "\n-7\nLet l(y) be the third derivative of y**5/60 + 5*y**4/12 - y**3/2 - 10*y**2. ", "Give l(-7).", "\n-24\nSuppose 3*k + t = -7, 1 = 4*k - 9*k + t. Let z(n) = 3 + 4*n - 6 + 1 + 3. ", "Determine z(k).", "\n-3\nLet r(t) = 2*t**3 + 16*t**2 + t - 14. ", "Let s(j) = j**3 + 8*j**2 + j - 7. ", "Let p(i) = -4*r(i) + 9*s(i). ", "Calculate p(-7).", "\n7\nLet g(k) be the first derivative of k**4/4 + 7*k**3/3 + 3*k**2 + 4*k + 15. ", "Calculate g(-6).", "\n4\nLet o be 14*((-28)/(-8))/(-7). ", "Let f(p) = p**3 + 6*p**2 - 9*p - 7. ", "Calculate f(o).", "\n7\nSuppose 5*x + 4*z - 19 = -0*x, -x + 3*z = 0. ", "Let b(j) = -7 + j**2 - j + j**2 + 3*j**2 + j**x. ", "Determine b(-5).", "\n-2\nLet v(w) = -6*w**2 + 10*w - 1. ", "Let z(i) = i**2 - i. Let b(q) = -v(q) - 5*z(q). ", "What is b(5)?", "\n1\nLet h(z) = 1 - z - 2*z + 14*z**3 + 2*z - 13*z**3 + 5*z**2. ", "Calculate h(-5).", "\n6\nLet a(x) = -x**2 - 4*x + 6. ", "Suppose -4*s = -7*s - 15. ", "Determine a(s).", "\n1\nSuppose 2*x - 5 = 3. ", "Let a(r) = 3 - 5*r + 7*r - 6*r**2 + r**3 + r**2. ", "Determine a(x).", "\n-5\nLet g = 9 + -12. ", "Let u(n) be the second derivative of n**4/12 + n**3/2 + n**2/2 - n. Determine u(g).", "\n1\nLet c(u) be the first derivative of u**2/2 + 4. ", "Let x(j) = -3*j - 1 - 5 + 5. ", "Let a(v) = -5*c(v) - 2*x(v). ", "Calculate a(3).", "\n5\nLet w(q) = 7*q**3 + q**2 - 3*q + 2. ", "Let j be w(1). ", "Let c(b) = -b**2 + 8*b - 4. ", "Calculate c(j).", "\n3\nLet a = 8 - 6. ", "Suppose a*r - 2 = 2. ", "Suppose 0 = -o + 2*k - 5, r*o - 50 = -3*o - 5*k. ", "Let g(j) = j**3 - 4*j**2 - 6*j + 6. ", "Give g(o).", "\n1\nLet u = -2 - -2. ", "Let s = 2 + 0. ", "Let h(v) = 0*v + v - 3*v**2 + 4*v**s - 4. ", "Give h(u).", "\n-4\nSuppose 11 = -x + 4*h - 2*h, -3*x - 4*h - 3 = 0. ", "Let y(t) = t. What is y(x)?", "\n-5\nLet x(c) = c**3 - 2*c**2 - 2*c + 4. ", "Let h(t) = 3*t**3 - 7*t**2 - 5*t + 11. ", "Let p = 25 - 17. ", "Let m(y) = p*x(y) - 3*h(y). ", "Calculate m(5).", "\n-6\nLet t(x) = -x**2 + 2 - x - 5*x - 7. ", "Suppose 0 = -2*j + 2*n - 48, -4*n = 2*j - j + 9. ", "Let f = j - -15. ", "Give t(f).", "\n-5\nSuppose i = 2*i + j - 1, -5*i = -4*j - 14. ", "Suppose 4 + 0 = i*t. ", "Let l(c) = -3*c + 2 + 0 - 1. ", "Determine l(t).", "\n-5\nLet k(j) = -j - 2. ", "Let h(u) = -2*u - 6. ", "Let c(f) = -h(f) + 3*k(f). ", "Calculate c(-9).", "\n9\nLet b(k) = -k**3 + 3*k**2 + 2. ", "Suppose 2*s - 4*g + 14 = 0, 5*s = 4*s - g - 1. ", "Suppose 16*c - 12*c + 24 = 0. ", "Let z = s - c. Calculate b(z).", "\n2\nLet l(z) = z + 14. ", "Let p be l(-13). ", "Let m(w) be the first derivative of -p + w + 7/2*w**2. ", "What is m(1)?", "\n8\nLet o(k) = -k**2 - 1. ", "Let i(c) = -4*c**2 - c - 4. ", "Let l(q) = -i(q) + 5*o(q). ", "Let j(s) = s. Let y be j(-8). ", "Let f = y - -6. ", "Give l(f).", "\n-7\nSuppose 5*r - 1 = 6*r. ", "Let g(w) = 7*w**3 - w**2 + w + 1. ", "What is g(r)?", "\n-8\nLet o be (2/4)/(2/4). ", "Let k(i) = 2*i**2 + 3*i + 2*i**2 + 3*i - 2*i**3 + o + i**3. ", "Let n = -2 + 7. ", "Give k(n).", "\n6\nLet x be (20/14)/(1/7). ", "Let d be (x/5)/(6/15). ", "Let i(z) = -z**3 + 4*z**2 + 8*z - 5. ", "Give i(d).", "\n10\nLet n(x) be the second derivative of x**5/20 - 5*x**4/12 - x**3/6 + 3*x**2 + 2*x. ", "Let k be ((-2)/(-2) - -4)/(-3 + 4). ", "Calculate n(k).", "\n1\nLet l(i) = 2*i**3 + 3*i**2 + 4*i + 3. ", "Suppose 5*f = 4*v - v + 2, 3*f - 3*v - 6 = 0. ", "What is l(f)?", "\n-9\nLet g(w) be the second derivative of w**5/20 + w**4/12 - 2*w**2 - 6*w. ", "Let m be g(0). ", "Let q(t) = -t**3 - 3*t**2 + 4*t - 3. ", "Calculate q(m).", "\n-3\nLet s(p) = -p**2 - 3*p - 4. ", "Let n(w) = -w**2 + 4*w. ", "Let i be n(3). ", "Let h = i - 4. ", "Let r be ((-1)/1)/h*-3. ", "Determine s(r).", "\n-4\nLet i(x) be the first derivative of -x**2/2 - 7*x - 7. ", "What is i(-6)?", "\n-1\nLet t(o) = -17*o + 1. ", "Let d(s) = s. Let r(f) = 6*d(f) + t(f). ", "Determine r(-1).", "\n12\nSuppose 3*h - 7*h - 11 = -3*p, -p + h = -3. ", "Let o(v) = 5*v**2 - v + 1. ", "What is o(p)?", "\n5\nLet a(d) = -6*d + 12. ", "Let z(r) = 4*r - 8. ", "Let q(p) = -5*a(p) - 7*z(p). ", "What is q(4)?", "\n4\nLet l(s) = -2*s**2 + s + 1. ", "Suppose y + y = 6. ", "Let h be 1/((1 + -4)/(-15)). ", "Let x = h - y. What is l(x)?", "\n-5\nLet p(v) = -7*v - 4*v + 3*v - 10. ", "Let x(h) = 3*h + 3. ", "Let g(w) = 2*p(w) + 7*x(w). ", "Let u be -5 + 6 + -3 + 0. ", "Give g(u).", "\n-9\nSuppose -19 = 3*z - 7*z - 3*j, 4*j = 3*z + 17. ", "Let o = -2 - -2. ", "Let k(y) = o*y**2 + 4*y**3 + 2*y + y**2 - 2*y**2 - 1. ", "What is k(z)?", "\n4\nLet a(n) be the second derivative of -n**4/3 + n**3/6 - n**2/2 + 7*n. ", "Determine a(1).", "\n-4\nSuppose -3 - 12 = -5*d + 5*g, g = 5*d - 15. ", "Let f(u) = -3*u - u**2 + 2 + 2 + d + 0*u**2. ", "Determine f(-5).", "\n-3\nLet t(p) = -4*p**3 - p**2 - p. Let g = 7 - 11. ", "Let j = -5 - -8. ", "Let d be (j/6)/(2/g). ", "Calculate t(d).", "\n4\nSuppose 0*t + 4*t = z - 18, -3*z = -4*t - 22. ", "Let q(m) = 1 + 2*m**2 + 2*m - 3*m - m**2. ", "Calculate q(z).", "\n3\nLet o(c) = -c + 3. ", "Let m be o(6). ", "Let s(l) = l**3 + 5*l**2 + 3*l - 2. ", "What is s(m)?", "\n7\nLet x(t) = 18 - 7 - 12 + 5*t. ", "Give x(-1).", "\n-6\nLet q(x) be the first derivative of x**3/3 - 7*x**2/2 + 5*x - 1. ", "Let o = -1 + 3. ", "Suppose -4*y = 5*i - 2 - 6, -o*y - 6 = 0. ", "Calculate q(i).", "\n-7\nLet y(b) = -b**2 - 7*b - 1. ", "Let a(h) = -2*h - 19. ", "Let w be a(-6). ", "Give y(w).", "\n-1\nLet o = -18 + 13. ", "Let q(j) = 4*j**3 + 6*j**2 + 7*j - 1. ", "Let i(u) = 7*u**3 + 12*u**2 + 13*u - 3. ", "Let l(d) = -3*i(d) + 5*q(d). ", "Determine l(o).", "\n-1\nLet r = -3 + 3. ", "Let v(y) be the second derivative of 3/2*y**2 - 1/6*y**3 + r + y. Determine v(-3).", "\n6\nLet y(p) = p**2 + 4*p + 6. ", "Let l(r) = -4*r**2 - 15*r - 24. ", "Let z(j) = 2*l(j) + 9*y(j). ", "What is z(-4)?", "\n-2\nSuppose 3*t = -3*k + 6, -5*k - 7 = t - 25. ", "Let p be ((-14)/(-4))/(t/(-4)). ", "Suppose -3*m + 4 = p, 3*g = -3*m - 9. ", "Let i(x) = x - 2. ", "Calculate i(g).", "\n-4\nLet g(p) be the third derivative of 0*p**3 - 1/24*p**4 - 2*p**2 + 0*p - 1/240*p**6 + 0 - 1/60*p**5. ", "Let h(o) be the second derivative of g(o). ", "Give h(-2).", "\n4\nLet i(j) = j**2 + 2*j - 2. ", "Let z = 21 - 24. ", "Calculate i(z).", "\n1\nLet j be 1*((3 - 2) + 6). ", "Let c = j + -12. ", "Let q(z) = 2*z + 4. ", "Calculate q(c).", "\n-6\nLet u(d) = 26 - 26 + 13*d**2 + d. Give u(-1).", "\n12\nLet x(t) = t**3 + 4*t**2 - 6*t - 6. ", "Let s = 5 + -6. ", "Let j be ((-1)/(-2))/(s/(-2)). ", "Suppose 0 = -u - 6 + j. Give x(u).", "\n-1\nSuppose y - 6*y = -15. ", "Suppose -y*a - 3*v = -v + 1, -18 = -a + 3*v. ", "Let n(q) = q + 1. ", "Calculate n(a).", "\n4\nLet s be (1/(-2))/((-7)/(-98)). ", "Let g(v) = -v**2 - 6*v + 5. ", "Determine g(s).", "\n-2\nLet w be 9 + 4/10*25/(-5). ", "Let m(a) = -a**2 + 7*a - 1. ", "Calculate m(w).", "\n-1\nLet c(v) be the first derivative of v**4/4 + 2*v**3 + v**2/2 + 3*v + 32. ", "Calculate c(-6).", "\n-3\nLet g(z) be the first derivative of -5*z**4/4 + z**3 + 3*z**2/2 + 9*z - 3. ", "Let x(q) = -9*q**3 + 6*q**2 + 6*q + 17. ", "Let c(d) = 11*g(d) - 6*x(d). ", "Determine c(-2).", "\n-1\nSuppose -3*l = -4*b - 6, 4*l - 6*b = -2*b + 8. ", "Suppose -l*a = 3*a - 5. ", "Let i(g) = g**3 - 1. ", "Give i(a).", "\n0\nLet k(y) be the third derivative of 0*y + 1/3*y**3 + 0 + 4*y**2 + 1/12*y**4. ", "Give k(2).", "\n6\nLet u be 0*2/4 + 2. ", "Let d be -2 - u*12/(-3). ", "Let a(q) = -1 - 3 + d + 3*q - 2*q. ", "Calculate a(3).", "\n5\nLet i(w) = 3*w**2 - 4. ", "Let j(n) = 2*n**2 + n - 3. ", "Let m(s) = -3*i(s) + 4*j(s). ", "What is m(5)?", "\n-5\nLet i be (6/7)/(1/14). ", "Suppose 0 = -2*h - 4*k - 24, -h - i = k - 5. ", "Let r(c) = -c**3 - 5 - c**2 - 2*c + 2 + 1. ", "Give r(h).", "\n6\nSuppose 0 = -4*l - 8 + 24. ", "Let c(j) = -2*j + 2. ", "Calculate c(l).", "\n-6\nLet f be 4*2/((-8)/(-5)). ", "Let t(n) = -n. ", "Give t(f).", "\n-5\nLet w(k) be the third derivative of -k**7/840 - k**6/90 + k**5/60 + k**4/4 - 5*k**3/6 + k**2. ", "Let i(g) be the first derivative of w(g). ", "What is i(-4)?", "\n-2\nLet h(s) = 6*s**2 - 6*s + 12. ", "Let o(r) = 5*r**2 - 5*r + 11. ", "Let l(v) = -4*h(v) + 5*o(v). ", "Give l(0).", "\n7\nLet i(t) = t**3 - t**2 + t + 5. ", "Let u(d) = d**2. ", "Let b be u(1). ", "Let j be b - (-4)/4*-1. ", "Determine i(j).", "\n5\nLet d(o) be the second derivative of o**3/6 + 5*o**2/2 + 4*o. ", "What is d(-3)?", "\n2\nLet y(o) = o**2 - 6. ", "Let n be y(0). ", "Let h(m) = -4 + m**2 + 1 + 7*m**2 - 7*m**2 + 5*m. ", "Give h(n).", "\n3\nLet m be 2" ]
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[ "Measuring and modeling the magnetic settling of superparamagnetic nanoparticle dispersions.", "\nIn this paper, we present settling experiments and mathematical modeling to study the magnetic separation of superparamagnetic iron-oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) from a brine. ", "The experiments were performed using SPIONs suspensions of concentration between 3 and 202g/L dispersed in water and separated from the liquid under the effect of a permanent magnet. ", "A 1D model was developed in the framework of the sedimentation theory with a conservation law for SPIONs and a mass flux function based on the Newton's law for motion in a magnetic field. ", "The model describes both the hindering effect of suspension concentration (n) during settling due to particle collisions and the increase in settling rate due to the attraction of the SPIONs towards the magnet. ", "The flux function was derived from the settling experiments and the numerical model validated against the analytical solution and the experimental data. ", "Suspensions of SPIONs were of 2.8cm initial height, placed on a magnet, and monitored continuously with a digital camera. ", "Applying a magnetic field of 0.5T of polarization, the SPION's velocity was of approximately 3·10(-5)m/s close to the magnet and decreases of two orders of magnitude across the domain. ", "The process was characterized initially by a classical sedimentation behavior, i.e., an upper interface between the clear water and the suspension slowly moving towards the magnet and a lower interface between the sediment layer and the suspension moving away from the magnet. ", "Subsequently, a rapid separation of nanoparticle occured suggesting a non-classical settling phenomenon induced by magnetic forces which favor particle aggregation and therefore faster settling. ", "The rate of settling decreased with n and an optimal condition for fast separation was found for an initial n of 120g/L. The model agrees well with the measurements in the early stage of the settling, but it fails to describe the upper interface movement during the later stage, probably because of particle aggregation induced by magnetization which is not accounted for in the model." ]
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[ 0, 0, 0.00546448087431694, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0025974025974025974 ]
[ "# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other\n# Spack Project Developers. ", "See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details.", "\n#\n# SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT)\n\nfrom spack import *\n\n\nclass RCrayon(RPackage):\n \"\"\"Colored terminal output on terminals that support 'ANSI' color and\n highlight codes. ", "It also works in 'Emacs' 'ESS'. '", "ANSI' color support is\n automatically detected. ", "Colors and highlighting can be combined and nested.", "\n New styles can also be created easily. ", "This package was inspired by the\n 'chalk' 'JavaScript' project.\"\"\"", "\n\n homepage = \"https://github.com/r-lib/crayon#readme\"\n url = \"https://cloud.r-project.org/src/contrib/crayon_1.3.4.tar.gz\"\n list_url = \"https://cloud.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/crayon\"\n\n version('1.3.4', sha256='fc6e9bf990e9532c4fcf1a3d2ce22d8cf12d25a95e4779adfa17713ed836fa68')\n version('1.3.2', sha256='9a6b75d63c05fe64baf222f1921330ceb727924bcc5fc2753ff0528d42555e68')\n" ]
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[ "\n96 N.H. 134 (1950)\nGEORGE T. ROGERS\nv.\nMARY FRANCES BARRY SCAGLIOTTI & a.\nNo. ", "3891.", "\nSupreme Court of New Hampshire.", "\nFebruary 7, 1950.", "\n*135 Frank W. Peyser (by brief and orally), for the plaintiff.", "\nHughes and Burns and Donald R. Bryant (Mr. Bryant orally), for the defendants.", "\nBLANDIN, J.\nWe are confronted with the familiar question of fact as to what the testator meant by what he said. ", "Our courts have held in such cases that former decisions have no binding force \"unless the language of the will and circumstances are so far identical as not to admit of a reasonable distinction.\" ", "Remick v. Merrill, 80 N. H. 225, 227; Holmes v. Alexander, 82 N. H. 380, 383. ", "See also, Belford v. Olson, 94 N. H. 278, 283. ", "An analogous principle has been applied repeatedly when the meaning of the word \"home\" was involved. ", "Day v. Towns, 76 N. H. 200. ", "See also, Hill v. Carr, 78 N. H. 458, 460, and cases cited; 101 A. L. R. 1461 n. 1487-1490. ", "No case has been called to our attention, nor do we know of any, so far identical as to be of value here as a precedent. ", "We therefore decide this case upon the facts as agreed to by the parties or found by the Trial Court.", "\nOn October 3, 1946 when the testator made his will he owned his own house and the contents thereof. ", "He was furnishing therein, free of rent, a home to Mary who had no other, and he was exercising parental supervision over her. ", "Mary was then in her teens, had not yet met her husband and there was no immediate prospect that she would leave. ", "The testator, a bachelor, was then advanced in years having retired as a railroad conductor in 1940.", "\nTo satisfy his obligation to George, both for financial aid and for personal assistance which George rendered him, the testator gave George all of his estate except for the provisions which he made for Mary to continue thereby, as nearly as possible, after his death the same situation which existed as to her at the time he made his will. ", "See Westgate v. Haverhill, 68 N. H. 593, 595. ", "George was to take his place owning the home and the contents. ", "Mary was to have, with the *136 closest relative left who could look out for her, \"a home therein so long as she pleases during her life without any rent.\" ", "When Edward made his will Mary did not have a life estate in the homestead nor did she have the right to the exclusive occupancy thereof. ", "She personally was living there, without rent and that, in our opinion, is the situation which the testator intended to perpetuate. ", "He gave Mary alone and not to her husband or their children, if any, the right to occupy and make her home in this house.", "\nTo hold that Mary had any greater right, in our opinion, would deprive George of personally enjoying any substantial benefit from the estate which the testator was leaving him in payment for what George did for him, and would destroy the main purpose of his will. ", "Remick v. Merrill, supra, 229.", "\nThis right that Mary alone has to occupy these premises is hers to exercise and enjoy \"so long as she pleases during her life.\" ", "In the event she chooses to avail herself of it at any time, if the parties cannot agree upon questions of her reasonable user, they may be determined by the Trial Court. ", "Clough v. Clough, 71 N. H. 412, 417.", "\nCase discharged.", "\nAll concurred.", "\n" ]
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[ "Ampelonas (disambiguation)\n\nAmpelonas (Greek: Αμπελώνας), may refer to several places in Greece:\n\nAmpelonas, a municipal unit in the Larissa regional unit\nAmpelonas, Elis, a village in the municipality of Pyrgos, Elis\nAmpelonas, Thesprotia, a village in the municipality of Filiates" ]
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[ "/*****************************************************************************\n\n Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or\n more contributor license agreements. ", " See the NOTICE file distributed\n with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.", "\n Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0\n (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the\n License. ", " You may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\n Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or\n implied. ", " See the License for the specific language governing\n permissions and limitations under the License.", "\n\n *****************************************************************************/\n\n/*****************************************************************************\n \n pulse.h -- Definition of the pulse generator.", "\n \n Original Author: Ali Dasdan, Synopsys, Inc.\n \n *****************************************************************************/\n\n/*****************************************************************************\n\n MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and\n changes you are making here.", "\n\n Name, Affiliation, Date:\n Description of Modification:\n\n *****************************************************************************/\n\n#ifndef PULSE_H\n#define PULSE_H\n\nSC_MODULE( gen_pulse_mod )\n{\n // Ports:\n sc_in_clk clk; // Clock for the pulse generator.", "\n sc_in<bool> start; // Becomes true if the car's started.", "\n sc_in<int> speed; // Speed of the car set by the driver.", "\n sc_out<bool> speed_pulse; // Pulses for the speedometer.", "\n sc_out<bool> dist_pulse; // Pulses for the odometers.", "\n\n // Find the pulse period to produce speed.", "\n int find_period(int speed);\n\n // Generate pulses for speedometer and odometers.", "\n void gen_pulse_proc();\n\n SC_CTOR( gen_pulse_mod )\n {\n SC_CTHREAD( gen_pulse_proc, clk.pos() );\n }\n};\n\n#endif\n\n" ]
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[ "Sleepyhead Deluxe Base Set with Drawers, Queen\n\nThis bed base offers a great way of maximising space and minimising clutter in the bedroom. ", "Generous storage makes it an ideal option for small spaces or as extra storage. ", "Made to order, refer to delivery tab below.", "\n\nDelivered to your Door\n\nOVERSIZED ITEM\n\nTransform your sleeping area with bed storage drawers. ", "Bed storage is a smart solution for keeping your bedroom tidy and organised, the drawer base lets you keep your duvets and blankets under the bed so they are out of the way but still close at hand. ", "Floor models available for viewing in selected stores. ", "Contact your local Farmers store to for a range of available floor models, so you can buy with confidence.", "\n\n20kg maximum weight loading per drawer\n\nPremium quality ball-bearing runners for easy opening and soft close\n\nThis base is available in other colours: natural, bisque, mica, mink, walnut, and graphite, please see instore for details\n\nMeasurements: 203cm x 153cm\n\nMade in New Zealand\n\nIf this item has a BUY NOW button it is available for home delivery.", "\n\nDelivery of small items:\n\nDelivery is available within New Zealand in 5 working days. ", "It may take longer for items that are dangerous to transport such as fragrances or Sodastream Gas refills, or if you live in a rural area.", "\n\nDelivery costs $7 for small items and $2 for gift cards. ", "You only pay the delivery fee for the largest item in your Shopping Bag and the full delivery cost will show at the Payment stage.", "\n\nDelivery of large items:\n\nDelivery is available within New Zealand. ", "Our delivery team in your local area will call you to arrange a time for delivery. ", "An estimated delivery date will appear at the Payment stage.", "\n\nThe delivery cost will depend on your address. ", "You only pay the delivery fee for the largest item in your Shopping Bag and the full delivery cost will show at the Payment stage.", "\n\n$65 for delivery within 50km of your nearest store\n\n$149 for delivery between 50km and 100km of your nearest store\n\n$199 for delivery over 100km from your nearest store\n\nCollect In Store:\n\nIf the item shows a Collect In Store icon it is now available for collection in store. ", "Collect In Store is available for a $5 delivery fee at selected Farmers stores and takes 3 working days.", "Find out more.", "\n\nSmall items purchased online can be returned to any of our physical stores, or you can use the returns sticker included with your order to return it by post free of charge. ", "For large items please call us on 0800 327 637.", "\n\nIf the item is faulty or damaged we will meet our obligations under the Consumer Guarantees Act. ", "If you are returning the item because you've changed your mind and the item is in its original condition then we will exchange the item (physical stores only) or give you a gift card. ", "We do not allow returns for beds, furniture, whiteware and electronics unless the goods are faulty." ]
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[ "tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-18314811683593269.post7424414326402799183..comments2017-12-13T16:09:29.595+01:00Comments on ACKCITY NEWS: Jonathan Conceded Defeat to Buhari Because of TB Joshua – Ex Presidential Aide RevealsAdminhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/14003791755510911527noreply@blogger.comBlogger2125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-18314811683593269.post-63426426870468366302016-03-02T15:44:26.010+01:002016-03-02T15:44:26.010+01:00A true man of God- TB JoshuaA true man of God- TB JoshuaAdeolanoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-18314811683593269.post-28629057913514833922016-03-02T15:38:38.865+01:002016-03-02T15:38:38.865+01:00“He told me categorically that I should go and tel...“He told me categorically that I should go and tell Mr President that it is too late, that nothing can be done, that we will lose the election but God will prevail on the peace of Nigeria,” said Horsfall, who served as a Special Assistant to Prof Rufai Alkali, the Political Advisor to former president Goodluck Jonathan. - ", "See more at: http://www.ackcitynews.com/2016/03/jonathan-conceded-defeat-to-buhari.html#sthash.UOk6KfG3.dpufConcerned Citizennoreply@blogger.com" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to create a discrete grid representation of a continuous polygon?", "\n\nI have a number of continuous 2D shapes that I would like to map onto a discrete NxM grid at some resolution to then run a path planning algorithm in the discrete space. ", "What are some methods or algorithms to do this?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt basically depends on implementation details and main scenarios.", "\n\nIn case the map is changing not very often and you would like to use it many times it would make sense to preprocess the map to fill obstacles on the grid to make the check of we could go through the cell a fast and easy task.", "\nThe counter approach is to keep obstacles separately. ", "Here you win in preprocessing time but the check for obstacles is calculation consuming (you need to check all 2D shapes to understand if you are crossing the line) and your main goal is to optimize it. ", "One of the obvious optimizations are bounding boxes (see Axis-aligned minimum bounding box https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_bounding_box) or bounding circles (see Bounding sphere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounding_sphere). ", "The idea is to check the 2DShape if only you are nearby and check easily if you are far from the obstacle. ", "In Axis-aligned bounding box you need to check both x_min <= x <= x_max and y_min <= y <= y_max in case of circles you need to check one (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2<=r^2 which is better.", "\n\nYou could try to combine both approaches by using the cache in the following way:\n\nIn case you never checked the cell if it's an obstacle or not use\nthe 2nd approach with its own optimizations. ", "Save the result in the cell cache.", "\nIn case you already checked the cell use cache value\nIn case there is a new obstacle on the map, invalidate cached values of all cells in the new 2Dshare bounding box/circle.", "\n\nYou also need to implement pathfinding algorithm using A* for example if it's part of the question (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm) and method to check if the point is inside the 2D Share (one of the options is http://alienryderflex.com/polygon/)\n\n" ]
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[ "Encapsulation of poly(D,L-lactide) microparticles with polyelectrolyte multilayers for antigen delivery.", "\nPoly(D,L-lactide) (PLA) microparticles containing the ovalbumin (OVA) model antigen were prepared by the double-emulsion and solvent evaporation method, followed by encapsulation with alternating layers of the polyelectrolytes, consisting of protamine sulfate and dextran sulfate of various molecular weights. ", "The physicochemical properties, including particle size and zeta potentials, were characterised. ", "Treatment of mouse macrophages with surface-modified PLA microparticles stimulated the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as hydrogen peroxide and superoxide, which was detected by the fluorescent probes, 2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA) and hydroethidine (HE). ", "Incubation of murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) with the encapsulated PLA microparticles enhanced the presentation of OVA soluble antigens in B3Z cells, an OVA-specific CD8(+) T cell hybridoma. ", "Results obtained in this study demonstrated the potential use of polyelectrolyte-encapsulated biodegradable microparticles for delivery of soluble antigens to the antigen-presenting cells and stimulation of effective antigen presentation in the context of class I major histocompatibility complex." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy do restricted apps still use data?", "\n\nI am on Android 10 and just ditched netguard firewall to rely on the systems build in restriction options.", "\nBut despite my below setting e.g. the Amazon app is still obviously online.", "\n\nscreenshot of the app's data usage and settings (click to enlarge)\n\nA:\n\nAmazon is using data in two cases:\n\nForeground \n: App is active (foremost on screen), screen is on and user interacting with it. ", "You would have probably done that in response to a notification or ad or launched the app. ", "Even if you didn't interact with app but it is foremost on screen, it consumes data. ", "If the app was updated by Play Store, it accounts data usage to the app (UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS permission) \nBackground:\n\nAmazon uses Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) (com.amazon.mshop.pushnotification. ", "gcm. ", "MshopGCMbroadcast receiver) \nto display push notifications which you see (ads/offers /delivery tracking etc) and this uses data. ", "GCM (or FCM (Firebase Cloud messaging) is a part of Google Play Services and can't be restricted by disabling background data. ", "If you want to stop background data completely, your device needs to be rooted (I use servicely which can also do this and I got the receiver information using this app)\nIn addition apps use analytics (Fabric/Crashlytics, Facebook app events, Firebase Analytics, Google Analytic, Mixpanel, Segment) which are not always bound by background data restriction. ", "\n\nBottom line Depending on how badly you want to restrict app usage data your arsenal would need a rooted device, Firewall, means to disable services /receivers, hibernation tools, doze optimization methods etc, in addition to restricting background data. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1}\n===============\n\nThe use of naturally occurring compounds for the design of novel anticancer drugs has increased in recent years, especially owing to increasing demand for natural remedies among cancer patients \\[[@B1]--[@B4]\\]. ", "Experimental as well as clinical studies have shown that ginseng and its components are beneficial for chemotherapy since they inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in various malignancies, including ovarian cancer \\[[@B5]--[@B8]\\].", "\n\nThe roots of ginseng contain dammarane-based saponins, which are composed of 1 to 4 glycosyl moieties combined with a dammarane backbone. ", "The saponins that are present in high concentrations in ginseng are the major ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, and Re ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}) \\[[@B9], [@B10]\\]. ", "In addition, less-polar ginsenosides such as Rg3 and Rg5 can be obtained from the deglycosylation of the major ginsenosides \\[[@B11]\\]. ", "Many research studies indicate that these deglycosylated, less-polar ginsenosides have better bioactivity than the major ginsenosides \\[[@B5], [@B12], [@B13]\\]. ", "Ginsenoside Rg3 activated caspase-3 and Bax protein in human hepatocellular carcinoma cells \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "Ginsenoside Rg3 also suppressed lung cancer migration and invasion by inhibiting the transforming growth factor-beta 1-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "Ginsenoside Rg5 blocked cell cycle of hepatocellular carcinoma cells at the Gl/S transition phase by downregulating cyclin E-dependent kinase activity \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "Ginsenoside Rk1 induces apoptosis, G1 phase arrest, and autophagy in SK-HEP-1 cells \\[[@B17], [@B18]\\]. ", "Therefore, the development of ginseng extract containing an increased concentration of deglycosylated ginsenosides has been investigated.", "\n\nHeat processing and enzyme-based methods are two major techniques that can achieve deglycosylation of ginsenosides \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "The Maillard reaction of amino acids with sugars is a nonenzymatic browning reaction that takes place during the processing, cooking, and storage of foods. ", "It is well known that Maillard reaction products produced in red ginseng have antioxidant activity \\[[@B19], [@B20]\\]. ", "We have extensively studied and developed novel heat processing methods that facilitate the deglycosylation of major ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, and Re \\[[@B4], [@B10]\\]. ", "Recently, we identified the importance of the Maillard reaction in the generation of less-polar ginsenosides with a protective effect in the kidney \\[[@B21]\\]. ", "In the present study, we sought to further improve the anticancer effect of*Panax ginseng* extract via the Maillard reaction as well as elucidate its mechanism of action.", "\n\n2. ", "Materials and Methods {#sec2}\n========================\n\n2.1. ", "Chemicals and Reagents {#sec2.1}\n---------------------------\n\nGinsenoside standards Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Re, 20(S)-Rg3, 20(R)-Rg3, Rk1, and Rg5 were purchased from Ambo Institute (Seoul, Korea). ", "L-Amino acid standards alanine, arginine, glutamine, glycine, leucine, lysine, serine, trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline, and valine were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Saint Louis, MO, USA). ", "Monoclonal antibodies against cleaved caspase-8 and *β*-actin and polyclonal antibodies against cleaved caspase-3, cleaved caspase-9, BH3-interacting domain death (BID) agonist, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology, Inc. (Danvers, MA, USA).", "\n\n2.2. ", "Maillard Reaction Model Experiment Using Ginseng Extract with Amino Acids {#sec2.2}\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nFour-year-old ginseng (*P. ginseng*) was purchased from a local ginseng market in Seoul (Korea). ", "Dried ginseng was ground until it could pass through an 80-mesh sieve. ", "It was then extracted under reflux with 50% EtOH three times at 70°C for 2 h and filtered through filter paper (Advantec, Tokyo, Japan). ", "The solvent was evaporated in vacuo to give a 50% EtOH extract with a yield of about 20%, by weight, of the original ginseng powder. ", "The heat processing conditions were designed such that the total ginsenosides contained in the ginseng extract reacted with the same molar concentrations of amino acids. ", "The mixtures were steamed together at 120°C for 3 h as reported previously \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "After drying at 50°C for 3 days, the untreated and heat-processed ginseng extracts with amino acids were prepared.", "\n\n2.3. ", "Antiproliferative Effect on A2780 Ovarian Cancer Cells {#sec2.3}\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe human ovarian cancer A2780 cell line was purchased from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA). ", "The cells were grown in RPMI1640 medium (Cellgro, Manassas, VA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (Gibco BRL, Carlsbad, MD), 100 units/mL penicillin, and 100 *μ*g/mL streptomycin. ", "They were incubated at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere with 5% CO~2~. The Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8, Dojindo Laboratories, Japan) was used to determine cell proliferation according to the manufacturer\\'s recommendations. ", "Briefly, cells were seeded in 96-well plates at a density of 1 × 10^4^ cells/well and incubated for 24 h at 37°C. ", "The cells were treated with different concentrations of compounds. ", "After incubation for 24 h, 10 *μ*L of the kit reagent was added to each well, and the cells were incubated for an additional hour. ", "Cell proliferation was measured by scanning with a microplate reader at 450 nm. ", "Control cells were exposed to culture media containing 0.5% v/v dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).", "\n\n2.4. ", "Analysis and Structural Confirmation of Ginsenosides {#sec2.4}\n---------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe analytical reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system comprised a solvent degasser (Agilent, G1322A), binary pump (Agilent, G1312C), an autosampler (Agilent, G1329B), and model ZAM 3000 Evaporative Light Scattering Detector (ELSD) (Young Lin, South Korea). ", "ELSD conditions were optimized in order to achieve maximum sensitivity; the temperature of the nebulizer was set for 50°C, and N~2~ was used as the nebulizing gas at a pressure of 2.0 bar. ", "A Phenomenex Luna C18 column (150 × 4.6 mm, 5 *μ*m) was used, and the mobile phase comprised binary gradient of solvent A (acetonitrile : water : 5% acetic acid in water = 15 : 80 : 5) and solvent B (acetonitrile : water = 80 : 20) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. ", "The gradient flow program was as follows: initial 0% B; 6 min, 30% B; 18 min, 50% B; 30 min, 100% B; 37 min, 100% B; 42 min, 0% B.\n\n2.5. ", "Flow Cytometric Assay {#sec2.5}\n--------------------------\n\nTo detect changes in cell cycle distribution, the treated cells were collected, washed with cold PBS, and fixed in 70% ethanol at 4°C for 30 min. ", "The cells were then washed twice with PBS and resuspended in 500 *μ*L of a propidium iodide (PI) staining solution containing 40 *μ*g/mL PI and 20 *μ*g/mL RNase A in PBS. ", "Then, the cells were incubated at room temperature for 30 min in the dark and analyzed with a FACSCalibur flow cytometer (Becton-Dickinson, San Jose, CA, USA) and the ModFit LT version 2.0 computer program.", "\n\n2.6. ", "Western Blotting Analysis {#sec2.6}\n------------------------------\n\nCells (8 × 10^5^ cells) grown in 60 mm dishes were treated with the indicated concentration of samples for 24 h. Whole-cell extracts were then prepared according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions using RIPA buffer (Cell Signaling, MA, USA) supplemented with 1x protease inhibitor cocktail and 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "Proteins (whole-cell extracts, 30 *μ*g/lane) were separated by electrophoresis in a precast 4--15% Mini-PROTEAN TGX gel (Bio-Rad, CA, USA), blotted onto PVDF transfer membranes, and analyzed with epitope-specific primary and secondary antibodies. ", "Bound antibodies were visualized using ECL Advance Western Blotting Detection Reagents (GE Healthcare, UK) and a LAS 4000 imaging system (Fujifilm, Japan).", "\n\n2.7. ", "Statistical Analysis {#sec2.7}\n-------------------------\n\nStatistical significance was determined through analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a multiple comparison test with a Bonferroni adjustment. *", "P* values of less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.", "\n\n3. ", "Results and Discussion {#sec3}\n=========================\n\nIn the present study, we developed a novel method of converting ginsenosides, the major active components of ginseng, and enhancing the anticancer effect of ginseng by high-temperature amino acid processing.", "\n\n*P. ginseng* contains a high concentration of ginsenosides. [", "Figure 1(a)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the structure of the major ginsenosides contained in ginseng, including Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Rg3, and Re. ", "The typical ginsenosides in raw ginseng include Re, Rb1, Rc, Rb2, and Rd ([Figure 1(b)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As shown in [Figure 1(c)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, when Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Rg1, and Re are heat-processed, glucose, which is a glycoside located at position 20, may be dissociated and subsequent dehydration may occur at position 20, such that ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2, Rc, Rd, Rg1, and Re are converted into Rg3, Rg5, and Rk1 (compare Figures [1(b)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [1(c)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the present study, we further examined the effects of amino acids on the generation of these less-polar ginsenosides. ", "The effects of 9 amino acids (alanine, arginine, glutamine, glycine, leucine, lysine, serine, trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline, and valine) were tested; among them, 5 amino acids (glutamine, leucine, valine, arginine, and alanine) had a significant influence on the generation of less-polar ginsenosides during heat processing. ", "The concentration of 20(R)-Rg3 in the ginseng extract increased to more than 50 and 100% when processed with glutamine and leucine, respectively, compared to 20(R)-Rg3 concentration after normal heat processing ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In addition, the contents of the ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 decreased in the ginseng extract, while those of ginsenosides Rk1 and Rg5 increased when the extract was heat-processed with glutamine or leucine. ", "Interestingly, the concentration of 20(S)-Rg3 in the ginseng extract increased to more than 30, 20, and 20% when it is processed with valine, arginine, and alanine, respectively, compared to that obtained after normal heat processing ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "In addition, the concentration of ginsenoside 20(R)-Rg3 decreased, while those of ginsenosides Rk1 and Rg5 increased in the extract when it was heat-processed with valine, arginine, and alanine. ", "Therefore, certain amino acids were found to affect the generation of less-polar ginsenosides. ", "Among them, two representative amino acids, leucine and arginine, were selected for the evaluation of anticancer effects. ", "Figures [1(d)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [1(e)](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} show the representative HPL chromatogram of the*Panax ginseng* extract after heat processing with arginine and leucine. ", "These heat processing conditions were selected because they generated the greatest total amount of less-polar ginsenosides and were stereospecific in their generation of Rg3 epimers ([Table 1](#tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}, [Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe percent viability of A2780 ovarian cancer cells after treatment with ginseng extract (with leucine or arginine) and compounds (20(R)-Rg3 and 20(S)-Rg3) is shown in [Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "In [Figure 2(a)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, each ginseng extract inhibited A2780 cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. ", "Among them, the ginseng extract that was heat-processed with arginine exhibited the most potent inhibition. ", "Therefore, the generation of 20(S)-Rg3 was suggested to be involved in the increased anticancer effect. ", "The effect of 20(R)-Rg3 and 20(S)-Rg3 on the viability of A2780 is shown in [Figure 2(b)](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "It can be seen that 20(R)-Rg3 and 20(S)-Rg3 inhibited A2780 cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, and the inhibitory effect of 20(S)-Rg3 was significantly stronger than that of 20(R)-Rg3. ", "The effect of 20(S)-Rg3 on the cell cycle distribution at 24 h was tested using flow cytometric assay. ", "However, treatment with 20(S)-Rg3 did not affect A2780 cancer cell cycle arrest (data not shown). ", "Therefore, it might be reasonable to identify apoptosis as a mechanistic pathway of heat-processed ginseng extract with arginine or 20(S)-Rg3.", "\n\nDysregulation of apoptosis leads to various human pathologies including cancer \\[[@B24], [@B25]\\]. ", "Intrinsic apoptosis is induced through the activation of specific signaling pathways, while extrinsic apoptosis is initiated through transmembrane death receptors \\[[@B26], [@B27]\\]. ", "Initiation and execution of these processes are regulated by initiating factors, including proteases such as caspases and the Bcl-2 family of proteins \\[[@B28]\\]. ", "Caspase-8 may in turn either directly cleave effector caspases, such as caspase-3, or amplify the death signal through the translocation of Bcl-2 family member BID to the mitochondria to activate the downstream components of the mitochondria apoptotic pathway \\[[@B29], [@B30]\\]. ", "The cleavage of PARP is also an important indicator of caspase-3 activation during apoptosis \\[[@B31]\\].", "\n\n[Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows the protein expressions of cleaved caspase-3, cleaved caspase-8, cleaved caspase-9, BID, and PARP in the control and experimental groups (treatment with arginine and 20(S)-Rg3). ", "Protein expression levels of cleaved caspase-3, caspase-8, and caspase-9 in A2780 ovarian cancer cells markedly increased after 20(S)-Rg3 treatment. ", "In addition, a decrease in protein expression of BID and an increase in cleavage of PARP were noted after 20(S)-Rg3 treatment. ", "Therefore, the apoptotic effects of the products of ginseng that was heat-processed with arginine were confirmed to be mainly mediated by the generation of the less-polar ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3.", "\n\nIn conclusion, the modulation of the anticancer effect of a*P. ginseng* extract via Maillard reaction was verified and its mechanism of action was further outlined. ", "The heat-processed ginseng had abundance of ginsenosides Rg3, Rg5, and Rk1. ", "After treatment with amino acids, the ginseng had a higher concentration of 20(S)-Rg3 and 20(R)-Rg3 and thus had an increased medicinal effect. ", "We demonstrated that 20(S)-Rg3 suppressed the growth of A2780 ovarian cancer cells in vitro. ", "Therefore, heat processing by Maillard reaction is a useful method to enhance the anticancer effect of ginseng by increasing the content of 20(S)-Rg3.", "\n\nThis work was supported by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology institutional program (2Z04390). ", "This research was also conducted under the Industrial Infrastructure Program for Fundamental Technologies (N0000885) which is funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, Korea).", "\n\nConflict of Interests\n=====================\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interests in this work.", "\n\nAuthors\\' Contribution\n======================\n\nJun Yeon Park and Pilju Choi contributed equally to the content of this paper.", "\n\n![", "Changes in the concentrations of ginsenosides in*Panax ginseng* extract after heat processing with amino acids. (", "a) Structures of major and deglycosylated ginsenosides. (", "b) HPL chromatogram of*Panax ginseng* extract before heat processing. (", "c) HPL chromatogram of*Panax ginseng* extract after heat processing. (", "d) HPL chromatogram of*Panax ginseng* extract after heat processing with arginine. (", "e) HPL chromatogram of*Panax ginseng* extract after heat processing with leucine. ", "-Glc: D-glucopyranosyl, -Rha: L-rhamnopyranosyl, -Ara(f): L-arabinofuranosyl, and -Ara(p): L-arabinopyranosyl.](ECAM2016-3146402.001){#fig1}\n\n![", "Changes in the effects of*Panax ginseng* extract on A2780 cell proliferation after heat processing with or without amino acids. (", "a) Cells were treated with nontreated or heat-processed*Panax ginseng* extract with or without amino acids at different concentrations (100, 250, and 500 *μ*g/mL) for 24 h. (b) Cells were treated with ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 or ginsenoside 20(R)-Rg3 at different concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100, and 200 *μ*g/mL) for 24 h. Relative cell proliferation was measured by the CCK-8 assay. ", "Each value represents the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. ", "^*∗*^ *P* \\< 0.05 compared with nontreated value.](ECAM2016-3146402.002){#fig2}\n\n![", "Effects of*Panax ginseng* extract heat-processed with arginine and ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 on apoptosis in A2780 cells. ", "Western blotting results showing the levels of cleaved caspase-3, cleaved caspase-8, cleaved caspase-9, BID, and PARP in A2780 cells treated with heat-processed*Panax ginseng* extract with arginine (500 *μ*g/mL) and ginsenoside 20(S)-Rg3 (12.5 *μ*g/mL) for 24 h. Thirty micrograms of each protein was separated by SDS-PAGE. ", "GAPDH was used as an internal control.](ECAM2016-3146402.003){#fig3}\n\n###### \n\nChanges in contents of ginsenosides (*μ*g/mg).", "\n\n Ginsenosides Re Rb1 Rc Rb2 Rd 20(S)-Rg3 20(R)-Rg3 Rk1 Rg5\n ---------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ----------- ----------- ------ ------\n Nontreated 26.1 35.0 15.1 19.7 4.1 --- --- --- ---\n Heat 2.0 1.4 7.8 3.4 12.1 31.6 20.5 7.3 13.9\n Heat/glutamine --- --- --- --- --- 7.4 30.4 14.1 48.1\n Heat/leucine --- --- --- --- --- 1.8 42.7 11.7 35.1\n Heat/valine 4.5 5.1 2.0 8.9 1.0 41.8 10.3 8.5 18.0\n Heat/arginine --- 10.6 0.4 7.7 --- 38.5 11.0 10.4 21.3\n Heat/alanine 3.7 5.5 2.3 9.4 --- 39.0 12.7 8.2 18.0\n\n[^1]: Academic Editor: Man Hee Rhee\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0, 0.008, 0.008438818565400843, 0, 0.011695906432748537, 0.007352941176470588, 0.018633540372670808, 0.019230769230769232, 0.005780346820809248, 0.006134969325153374, 0.019230769230769232, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0.01680672268907563, 0.011494252873563218, 0.00625, 0, 0, 0, 0.005208333333333333, 0, 0.01384083044982699, 0, 0.0038314176245210726, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.011494252873563218, 0, 0, 0.00816326530612245, 0.016042780748663103, 0.009009009009009009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.004901960784313725, 0.005291005291005291, 0.003816793893129771, 0, 0.0048543689320388345, 0.023391812865497075, 0, 0, 0.004796163069544364, 0.004048582995951417, 0.01935483870967742, 0, 0.00975609756097561, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.017699115044247787, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.019801980198019802, 0.01092896174863388, 0.006134969325153374, 0.010714285714285714, 0.009615384615384616, 0.004545454545454545, 0, 0.007874015748031496, 0, 0.005988023952095809, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.009259259259259259, 0.010309278350515464, 0, 0.015748031496062992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0078125, 0, 0, 0, 0.012345679012345678, 0, 0.002355712603062426 ]
[ "Q:\n\nActive Record Query to Get Count on Relationships\n\nHow could you perform a where clause(open to other ways of solving the same problem) with active record that only returns records that have a over 10 associations.", "\nFor Example:\nI have Orders and Toys.", "\nEach order can have many toys, a 1 to many relationship.", "\nI only want orders that have at least 10 toys.", "\nWhat active record query would return to me only orders that have atleast 10 toys ?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis should do the trick:\nOrder\n .joins(:toys)\n .group('orders.id')\n .having('count(toys.*) ", "> ?', ", "10)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0045871559633027525, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to render a taxonomy field in a Views' PHP code field?", "\n\nIn Views PHP code, I could render a field by :-\n<?", "php\n print drupal_render($data->field_field_my_text); \n?", ">\n\nBut this only seems to work field with type Text. ", "I have a field which is Taxonomy (Term Reference) and I am trying to output that through the above code but it's not working.", "\nThis is what I wrote:-\n<?", "php\n print drupal_render($data->field_field_my_category); \n ?", ">\n\nUnfortunately, this is not working. ", "Any idea what I should do here?", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nI can't comment because of rep..\nUse devel module and use the dpm() function in your php for some debugging, drill down and find the value you are looking for then double click the value in the debug widget and it should tell you your field value.", "\nhere's my guess:\n$data->field_field_my_category[0]['raw']['value']; \nMight be slightly different if it's a tax term but devel is your best friend and you should use it quite frequently. ", "Stop guessing and start debuging (best advice i've ever gotten).", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.03225806451612903, 0.038461538461538464, 0, 0, 0.008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Opposition to Gandy elevated roadway rekindled\n\nThey've gathered hundreds of signatures on petitions, packed dozens of public hearings to voice their outrage and written angry letters to state transportation officials.", "\n\nNow opponents of a proposed elevated roadway over Gandy Boulevard are turning to the Tampa City Council for support. ", "They argue the project will force business owners into bankruptcy and cause property values in surrounding neighborhoods to tumble.", "\n\n\"This project will turn Gandy Boulevard into a graveyard,\" said Linda Bell, owner Triage Consignment Showcase. \"", "We didn't like the previous plans and we don't like this one.\"", "\n\nBell is one of dozens of protestors who plan to converge on council chambers Thursday to voice their concerns about the Tampa-Hillsborough Expressway Authority project to the city's seven-member governing body.", "\n\nWhile the city council doesn't have a vote on the roadway, opponents like Al Steenson, president of the Gandy Civic Association, hope to enlist their help to fight the project.", "\n\n\"We didn't elect these people to sit on their hands and remain silent,\" he said. \"", "They're supposed to be representing the community's interests, even if they can't vote on it.\"", "\n\nOpposition to the project dates back more than two decades. ", "The two-lane elevated roadway, as proposed by the expressway authority, would extend the Selmon Crosstown Expressway over to Gandy Bridge.", "\n\nThe project, which has gone through many changes over the years, is aimed at reducing rush-hour traffic on Gandy and providing another evacuation route from Pinellas County.", "\n\nThe Florida Department of Transportation has given a green light to move ahead with the project and the authority's board of directors is expected vote on it March 22.", "\n\nIf approved, the $115 million project isn't expected to break ground until 2013. ", "Funding for the project would come from bonds backed by future revenue from toll collections.", "\n\nSue Chrzan, a spokeswoman for the expressway authority, said the new proposal is less invasive than previous designs and would be done in segments to avoid disruptions.", "\n\nPrevious proposals called for destroying nearly 200 homes and businesses, she said, and expressway officials have made every attempt to incorporate the concerns of Gandy business owners and residents into the new conceptual designs for the roadway.", "\n\nThe current proposal also wouldn't displace any businesses or homes, Chrzan said.", "\n\nShe said there is still opposition to the project, but much less than in previous years.", "\n\n\"There are people in the neighborhood who just don't want anything,\" Chrzan said.", "\n\nMark Rubio, who owns several commercial and residential properties along Gandy, said after years of fighting the project, many people feel like it's \"being crammed down their throats.\"", "\n\nHe said few believe the project will alleviate traffic congestion along the boulevard, because it will mean more vehicles passing through to get to somewhere else." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0045871559633027525, 0.01680672268907563, 0, 0.02631578947368421, 0, 0.0047169811320754715, 0.011235955056179775, 0, 0, 0, 0.014492753623188406, 0.005714285714285714, 0.005917159763313609, 0, 0, 0.0058823529411764705, 0.004, 0.012048192771084338, 0, 0, 0.010752688172043012, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nThe self keyword in the context of rails associations\n\nI'm working through the rails tutorial and have come across this code. ", "I'm having trouble understanding what the self keyword in this context could be doing. ", "From what I understand the self keyword is a way to create class functions that belong to their creating object but I really don't understand what this means.", "\nThe code is below:\nclass User < ActiveRecord::Base\n\n def feed\n\n end\n\n def following?(other_user)\n self.relationships.find_by(followed_id: other_user.id)\n end\n\n def follow!(other_user)\n self.relationships.create!(followed_id: other_user.id)\n end\n\nend\n\nCan anyone give a fairly intuitive explanation of this? ", "I'm familiar with the 'this' keyword from other languages but this seems like rails magic. ", "Thank you!", "\n\nA:\n\nIf you're familiar with the 'this' keyword, well, 'self' is almost exactly the same, meaning, 'the object currently at hand'. ", "In 'normal' methods, as you show in your example, this means 'the instantiation of your class', in class methods, this means 'the class object itself'. ", "You could also read it as 'my', followed by 'relationships', so 'find in my relationships...'\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Windows Tinting Small Company\n\nSteps For Tinting Windows Using A Kit\n\nWhat Window Tinting Can Do For Your Vehicle\n\nThe main reason that people tint the windows on their vehicle is to make it look better. ", "Any vehicle will look sharper and sleeker with tinted windows. ", "Some people tint their windows for the privacy that it can provide. ", "If you do not want people seeing in your windows, a tinting kit can help with that. ", "Window tinting will also keep the sun’s harmful UV rays from fading the vehicle’s interior.", "\n\nHow To Tint a Vehicle’s Windows In a Few Easy Steps\n\nTinting your windows yourself, using a window tinting kit is not as difficult as you may think. ", "By doing it yourself, you can also save yourself a great deal of money.", "\n\n1. ", "Purchase Your Kit: The first step is to choose your window tinting kit. ", "You need to find the right kit that fits your particular vehicle, and choose the level of darkness that you want your windows to be. ", "If you are not sure of how dark your state’s regulations will allow you to go, you can contact your local police department.", "\n\n2. ", "Clean Your Windows: It is important that you clean any dirt and debris from your windows completely. ", "If there is any dirt remaining, it can create air pockets between the window and the tint, which will cause bubbles. ", "If your windows are very dirty, you may need to clean them twice to get everything off. ", "It is important to clean from top to bottom, including in the rubber gasket that holds the window in place. ", "If it is not cleaned, it will get the window dirty when it is rolled down. ", "After cleaning the window, you should use either a squeegee or paper towels to dry it. ", "You cannot apply tint to a wet window.", "\n\n3. ", "Applying the Application Solution: The good thing about using tint from a kit is that it is pre-cut. ", "This can make the application much easier. ", "Before you apply the tint, roll your window down about 2 inches. ", "Next, apply the application solution to the inside of the window. ", "Be sure to be generous with the amount that you spray, however, do not spray too much. ", "You do not want it to leak down the door panel. ", "When the solution is applied, the film liner should be peeled from the liner. ", "You should spray more of the solution until the adhesive is exposed. ", "To ensure that the film liner is attached firmly, press down hard.", "\n\n4. ", "Applying the Tint: You want to apply the tint ,while your window is still rolled down. ", "Carefully position the film, lining it up to the shape of the window. ", "No window tinting kit will match your windows exactly, however, it will be very close. ", "Next, using a squeegee, press the film onto the glass, going from the middle of the window out to the edges. ", "Be sure to place the film between the gasket as well. ", "If the film is not sticking to the glass, you may not be applying enough pressure with the squeegee. ", "It is important to push all air bubbles out. ", "Once the solution is dry, you will not be able to remove the air bubbles.", "\n\n5. ", "After Care: It is important that you leave your window rolled down in the position that it was in when you tinted it for at least 48 hours. ", "If you try to roll it down too soon, it can damage the tint.", "\n\nAfter the Tint Has Dried\n\nOnce the tint has dried, you can roll your windows up and drive around in your sharper, sleeker looking car. ", "If you did it correctly, the tint should last for many, many years.", "\n\nPeople will learn more about window tinting on this website. ", "They will also be able to get in contact with our representatives in order to learn how to complete the process of getting window tinting. ", "The people who don’t have window tinting are missing out on it in more ways than one. ", "Hopefully, after reading this website, they will understand that.", "\n\nPeople will learn more about window tinting on this website. ", "They will also be able to get in contact with our representatives in order to learn how to complete the process of getting window tinting. ", "The people who don’t have window tinting are missing out on it in more ways than one. ", "Hopefully, after reading this website, they will understand that." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.004901960784313725, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "(-)Deprenyl in Parkinson's disease: a two-year study in the different evolutive stages.", "\nSeventy-nine patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease in various phases of evolution of the clinical picture were studied. ", "All the patients, already under treatment with L-dopa + PDI, were treated with (-)deprenyl at the dose of 10 mg/day orally in two daily administrations. ", "The mean follow-up was 8.7 months (range, 1-29). ", "Overall, 47.6% of the patients improved, 27.4% showed a marked improvement, 38.1% showed evident modifications, and 27.4% worsened. ", "Sixteen patients were excluded from the study for various reasons. ", "In 53.2% of the cases it was possible to reduce the daily L-dopa dose by a mean of 30%. ", "Overall, (-)deprenyl was effective in the treatment of our parkinsonian patients in the various conditions evaluated, and thus constitutes a new therapeutic strategy for Parkinson's disease." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "KAXV\n\nKAXV may refer to:\n\n KAXV (FM), an American Family Radio affiliate (91.9 FM) licensed to serve Bastrop, Louisiana\n Neil Armstrong Airport in Wapakoneta, Ohio, United States, which is assigned ICAO code KAXV" ]
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[ "Starting at 2:00 p.m. PST today, members of the Xbox One Preview Beta and Delta Rings will begin receiving the latest 1907 Xbox One system update (Build: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_1907\\18362.5037.190619-1920).", "\n\nNew Features:\n\nThis update continues to lay the groundwork for what’s to come in 1907, so while you’ll find fixes and known issues listed below, please keep an eye out for feature announcements as they’re ready to be previewed. ", "Thanks, as always, for your passion for helping make Xbox One system updates the best they can be prior to release to GA\n\nDETAILS:\n\nOS version released: 19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_1907\\18362.5037.190619-1920\n\n19H1_RELEASE_XBOX_DEV_1907\\18362.5037.190619-1920 Available: 2:00PM PDT 6/24/19\n\n2:00PM PDT 6/24/19 Mandatory Date/Time: 3:00 AM PDT 6/24/19\n\nFixes:\n\nMy Games and Apps\n\nPerformance fixes to My Games and Apps when verifying title entitlements.", "\n\nReady to Install (RTI) in collection fixed to show new gamepass additions from E3.", "\n\nSystem\n\nFixes to address consoles shutting down while playing Mortal Kombat 11.", "\n\nFixes to Guide profile color partially updated after being signed out and back in.", "\n\nUI alignment fixes to content blocks and Home for text alignment.", "\n\nMixer twist fixes.", "\n\nNarrator fixes when searching for clubs.", "\n\nPerformance fixes to My Games and Apps.", "\n\nKnown Issues:\n\nAudio\n\nHeadsets are not being assigned to the users profiles and not working correctly.", "\n\nProfile Color" ]
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[ "\n471 F.Supp.2d 152 (2007)\nUNITED STATES of America,\nv.\nTimothy D. NAEGELE, Defendant.", "\nCriminal No. ", "05-0151 (PLF).", "\nUnited States District Court, District of Columbia.", "\nJanuary 29, 2007.", "\n*153 *154 *155 *156 Jonathan Jeffress, Michelle M. Peterson, Federal Public Defender, John Andrew Rogovin, Michael D. Snyder, Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering Hale and Darr, LLP, Washington, DC, for Defendant.", "\nJoseph A. Capone, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC, for United States of America.", "\n\nOPINION\nPAUL L. FRIEDMAN, District Judge.", "\nRule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence effectively codifies the Supreme Court's decisions in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579, 113 S.Ct. ", "2786, 125 L.Ed.2d 469 (1993), and Kumho Tire Co. v. Carmichael, 526 U.S. 137, 119 S.Ct. ", "1167, 143 L.Ed.2d 238 (1999). ", "In Daubert, the Court charged trial judges with the responsibility of acting as \"gatekeepers\" to shield unreliable or irrelevant expert testimony and evidence from the jury. ", "In Kumho the Court made clear that the gatekeeper function applies to all expert testimony, not just scientifically-based testimony. ", "Rule 702 therefore provides that if the Court finds that scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge \"will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue,\" and if the Court finds that the witness is qualified as an expert \"by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education,\" then the Court may permit the witness to testify—so long as the witness' testimony is based on \"sufficient facts or data,\" the testimony \"is the product of reliable principles and methods,\" and the witness has \"applied the principles and methodology reliably to the facts of the case.\" ", "FED.R.EVID. ", "702.", "\nAs the D.C. Circuit has explained, the twin requirements for the admissibility of expert testimony are evidentiary reliability and relevance. ", "See Ambrosini v. Labarraque, 101 F.3d 129, 133 (D.C.Cir.1996); see also United States v. Libby, 461 F.Supp.2d 3, 5-7, 2006 WL 3095680 *2-3 (D.D.C. Nov.2, 2006); McReynolds v. Sodexho, 349 *157 F.Supp.2d 30, 34-35 (D.D.C.2004); Groobert v. Georgetown College, 219 F.Supp.2d 1, 6 (D.D.C.2002). ", "With respect to evidentiary reliability, the Court's focus must be on the methodology or reasoning employed by application of the factors in Rule 702 and the non-exhaustive lists of factors set forth in Daubert and Kumho. ", "See Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. at 595, 113 S.Ct. ", "2786 (the \"focus, of course, must be solely on principles and methodology, not on the conclusions they generate\"); Ambrosini v. Labarraque, 101 F.3d 129, 140 (D.C.Cir.1996) (\"the admissibility inquiry focuses not on conclusions but on approaches\"). ", "With respect to relevance, the Court must determine whether the proffered testimony is sufficiently tied to the facts of the case and whether it will aid the jury in resolving a factual dispute. ", "Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. at 592-93, 113 S.Ct. ", "2786.", "\nIn this case, the defendant has proffered four experts, and the government has proffered one. ", "On November 8, 2006, pursuant to this Court's Scheduling Order, the defendant provided expert disclosures under Rule 16(b)(1)(C) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure for three proposed experts: Michael G. Wolff, Bruce G. Dubinsky and Mark W. Foster, as well as the \"Laboratory Report\" of his fourth proposed expert, Douglas S. Lacey. ", "On December 15, 2006, the defendant provided expert witness summaries (each five pages or less), along with the curriculum vitae for each of the same four proposed experts. ", "Similarly, the government filed its expert report under Rule 16(a)(1)(G) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure for its one proffered expert, Tamara Miles Ogier, on November 8, 2006. ", "It provided a brief witness summary for Ms. Ogier on December 15, 2006 and, pursuant to this Court's minute order of December 19, 2006, a more extensive witness summary on December 22, 2006. ", "Pursuant to the Court's Memorandum Opinion and Order of January 5, 2007, and its minute order of January 9, 2007, the defendant provided all of the underlying documents on which three of its four proffered experts relied on January 8, 2007, and did the same with respect to its fourth proffered expert, Mr. Foster, on January 16, 2007.[1] The Court conducted Daubert hearings on January 8, 2007, January 10, 2007, and January 18, 2007. ", "The Court has considered the submissions of the parties, the testimony of the witnesses at the Daubert hearings, and the arguments of counsel with respect to why the proponent believes the testimony of each proffered expert should be admitted and why the opponent believes it should not. ", "The Court's rulings follow.", "\n\nA. Douglas S. Lacey\nDouglas S. Lacey is a forensic audio/video examiner with BEK TEK LLC, a company that provides consultations, examinations, research and instruction in criminal, civil investigative and administrative matters involving laboratory analyses of audio and video recordings. ", "Mr. Lacey has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the Audio Engineering Program at the University of Miami. ", "From September 1996 through June 2003, *158 he worked as an electronics engineer at the Forensic Laboratory of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Quantico, Virginia, where he served as a forensic audio examiner. ", "Since October 1999, he has been with BEK TEK. ", "In both his government and private sector positions, Mr. Lacey has conducted forensic examinations of audio and video recordings, including the authentication of recordings, intelligibility enhancement, and identification and classification of voice and non-voice signals. ", "Over the course of his career, Mr. Lacey has conducted examinations on over 2,200 separate audio and video recordings, has testified as an expert witness, and has authored six articles in the fields of forensic audio and video analyses.", "\nIn this case, Mr. Lacey was retained by the defense to analyze the audio recording of the Creditors Meeting held on May 23, 2000 with respect to Mr. Naegele's Chapter 7 bankruptcy. ", "Count 10 of the indictment charges that the defendant made a material false statement under oath at the Creditors Meeting, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 152(2)—specifically, that he \"falsely testify[ied] under oath that he had only rental vehicles when, in truth and in fact as he then well knew, he possessed a model year 2000 Chevrolet Malibu which he had acquired on or about April 17, 2000.\" ", "The transcript of the Creditors Meeting prepared by the government includes the following exchange:\nMR. ", "MERVIS: Do you have a car sir?", "\nDEFENDANT: No. ", "Ah, I've, I've been renting a car' from National Car (UI).", "\nMR: MERVIS: In Florida and LA and here or?", "\nDEFENDANT: In LA primarily. ", "Ah, here, here, ah, ah, when I'm in Washington I often use the Metro.", "\nMR. ", "MERVIS: Do you know what your, your automobile rental payments are?", "\nDEFENDANT: They've been running about a thousand a month.", "\nGovernment's Draft Transcript, Wolff Exhibit 2, Tab 6 at 7. ", "The question that Mr. Lacey was asked to address in his expert report was whether Mr. Naegele actually said \"No\" before he said \"I've been renting a car from National Car (UI).\"", "\nAccording to Mr. Lacey's report and testimony, he analyzed that specific segment of the tape recording of the Creditors Meeting to determine whether intelligible voice information was present and could be reliably transcribed. ", "In the course of this work, he enhanced the audio recording and repeatedly listened, with the aid of head phones, to both the enhanced and unenhanced versions. ", "In addition to listening numerous times to both versions of the recording—a methodology described by Mr. Lacey as \"critical listening\"—Mr. ", "Lacey also used the methodologies of time waveform analysis and spectrographic analysis. ", "He described the former as a methodology that shows time, amplitude and volume and the latter as a methodology that shows time and (sound) frequency. ", "In the course of his spectrographic analysis, he compared the designated portion with certain other portions of the audio recording where the word \"no\" also allegedly was used. ", "In some cases, he found similar characteristics to the low level speech segment of the designated portion and therefore concluded that these portions also were unintelligible and could not be transcribed. ", "In other portions of the recording where the word \"no\" was purportedly used, he found the word to be intelligible. ", "Compare Lacey Exhibit 4 (Lacey work papers) at 4, ¶ 13, with Lacey Exhibit 4 at 4-5, ¶ 14.", "\nBased on the three methodologies he employed, Mr. Lacey concluded that \"the designated portion contains no indications of intelligible vocalizations, voice pitch, or *159 voice formant information. ", "Therefore, if any speech information exists in this portion, it cannot be transcribed.\" ", "Expert Witness Summary for Douglas Lacey, Lacey Exhibit 3 at 3. ", "Mr. Lacey testified that he has testified as an expert witness on three occasions with respect to the analysis of audio recordings and that all three centered on audio enhancements. ", "In response to a question from the Court, he stated that he has never testified concerning the intelligibility or unintelligibility of particular segments of audio recordings or their enhancements.", "\nMr. Lacey clearly is an expert in forensic audio examination and analysis. ", "He is qualified to perform all three of the tests he has performed in this case—audio enhancements of recordings, time waveform analysis, and spectrographic analysis. ", "There is nothing to suggest that any of these tests or the methodology used by Mr. Lacey in performing them is not reliable. ", "He certainly is qualified to explain any or all of these processes to the jury to the extent the Court finds his testimony regarding them relevant and helpful to the jury in performing its responsibilities to find facts and resolve factual disputes. ", "Indeed, the government has no objection to Mr. Lacey explaining the first methodology—audio enhancement—to the jury. ", "Since both sides apparently intend to offer enhancements of the audio recording of the May 23 Creditors Meeting in evidence at trial, the Court concludes that an explanation of the enhancement process by a recognized expert will be of assistance to the jury.", "\nWith respect to the time waveform analysis and spectrographic analysis, however, the Court concludes that testimony by Mr. Lacey with respect to these methodologies would be relevant and admissible only if the Court permits the jury also to hear and consider Mr. Lacey's opinion that the designated portion of the recording of the Creditors Meeting \"contains no indications of intelligible vocalizations, voice pitch, or voice formant information\" and that the speech information (if any) contained therein therefore cannot reliably be transcribed. ", "See Lacey Exhibit 3 at 3. ", "The Court will not permit Mr. Lacey to testify to this opinion at trial.", "\nIt is the jury's function to determine whether the word \"no\" was stated by Mr. Naegele at the Creditors Meeting in response to the question \"Do you have a car?\". ", "To permit Mr. Lacey to testify that he could not hear the word \"no\" at that point in the recording of the meeting would be an invasion of the jury's prerogative to find the facts in this case. ", "The jury is just as capable of listening to the enhanced and =enhanced versions of the audio recordings of the Creditors Meeting, and the jury needs no assistance in deciding what it hears. ", "See United States v. Mitchell, 49 F.3d 769, 780 (D.C.Cir.1995) (The \"district court was well within its discretion in concluding that expert testimony was unnecessary to elucidate tape recorded conversations. ", "Such material . . . ", "is squarely within the traditional province of the, jury.\"); ", "see also United States v. Libby, 461 F.Supp.2d 3, 18 (D.D.C. 2006).[2] The Court therefore will not permit *160 Mr. Lacey to testify about waveform analysis, spectrographic analysis or the conclusions he reached from engaging in these methodologies. ", "Nor will it permit him to offer an opinion that the word \"no\" was unintelligible or was not capable of being transcribed at the relevant point in the recording of the Creditors Meeting.[3]\n\nB. Tamara Miles Ogier and Michael G. Wolff\nTamara Miles Ogler and Michael Wolff are both attorneys who specialize in bankruptcy law. ", "Mr. Wolff has practiced law for 22 years, representing debtors in bankruptcy cases; he has served as a Panel Trustee over the last sixteen years. ", "He testified that he has served as a Panel Trustee in more than 10,000 Chapter 7 cases and in several thousand Chapter 11 cases. ", "He also lectures on bankruptcy law in Maryland continuing legal education programs. ", "Ms. Ogier has been an attorney for twelve years, practicing bankruptcy law, and has served as a Panel Trustee since 1998. ", "She testified that she has administered approximately 7,000 Chapter 7 bankruptcies. ", "Both were proffered as experts in bankruptcy law and bankruptcy proceedings in general and to explain the Chapter 7 bankruptcy filing process, including the key players in that process. ", "The Court agrees that both are experts and are qualified to testify about each of these matters. ", "Should the parties choose to call them as witnesses, such testimony would be helpful to the jury.", "\nThe Court will permit Mr. Wolff to testify about the bankruptcy process generally, including the process of the amendment of Schedules, and the role of the Panel Trustee. ", "As the Court indicated after hearing further testimony from Mr. Wolff during the continued Daubert hearing on January 18, 2007, however, the Court will not allow Mr. Wolff to testify regarding the specifics of Mr. Naegele's Schedules and the Creditors Meeting in Mr. Naegele's case, second-guessing the specific decisions and actions of Wendall Webster, the Panel Trustee, or of the creditors' counsel along the way. ", "For example, Mr. Wolff may not testify that based on his reading of the transcript of the Creditors' Meeting and his own experience as a Panel Trustee, Mr. Webster should have instructed Mr. Naegele to amend any particular Schedule as a result of any specific answer to a question asked at the meeting.", "\nMs. Ogier and Mr. Wolff also were both offered as experts on contingent claims in Chapter 7 proceedings, a matter relevant to Counts 5 and 8 of the Indictment.[4] Count 5 of the indictment charges Mr. Naegele with making a material false statement in his Bankruptcy Schedules in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 152(3)—specifically \"that he had no contingent claims of any nature when, in truth and in fact as he then well knew, he had contingency fee agreements with clients of his law practice,\" an item which the Indictment alleges should have been put on Bankruptcy Schedule B, Item 20. ", "Count 8 of the *161 indictment charges Mr. Naegele with falsely testifying under oath at the Creditors Meeting that \"he had listed all of his assets in his bankruptcy documents when in truth and in fact as he then well knew, he had at least one asset that he had not listed, specifically, at least one contingent claim,\" in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 152(2). ", "The issue of where a contingent fee agreement belongs on the bankruptcy forms was elevated to a matter of particular importance to the parties when the Court denied defendant's motion to dismiss Counts 5 and 8 on July 18, 2006, and his motion to reconsider on September 11, 2006. ", "The Court stated in connection with the order denying his motion to reconsider: \"The government raises an issue of fact as to whether the defendant's specific arrangement with his client was an executory contract or a contingent claim.\" ", "Minute Order of September 11, 2006; see also Memorandum Opinion and Order of July 18, 2006 (\"Because Naegele's statements are not \"indisputably true\" but rather are open to multiple interpretations, it is for the jury to decide whether they were `knowingly and fraudulently' false under 18 U.S.C. § 152.\").", "\nMr. Wolff and Ms. Ogler have diametrically opposed views as to where on the bankruptcy Schedules a lawyer-debtor's contingent fee agreement with a client belongs. ", "Schedule B is a schedule of personal property. ", "Question 20 on Schedule B asks for a listing of \"other contingent and unliquidated claims of every nature.\" ", "Ms. Ogler believes that a contingent fee agreement between a debtor-lawyer and his client belongs on Schedule B in response to Question 20 because it is a contingent claim and therefore an item of personal property in which Naegele had a legal interest. ", "Mr. Wolff, on the other hand, has opined that Mr. Naegele was not required to list his contingency fee agreement with his clients, Raymond and Deanna Albers, on Schedule B of his bankruptcy forms. ", "Mr. Wolff would' testify that the proper place for a lawyer-debtor to list a contingency fee agreement with a client, if it must be listed at all, is as an executory contract on Schedule G because a contingent fee agreement, such as the one between Mr. Naegele and the Albers, is an executory contract. ", "Schedule G is entitled \"Executory Contracts and Expired Leases\" and, Mr. Wolff points out, the instructions at the top of Schedule B expressly direct the debtor to list executory contracts on Schedule G.\nBoth Ms. Ogler and Mr. Wolff testified that their opinions with respect to this matter are based on their years of experience representing debtors and serving as Panel Trustee. ", "That experience necessarily involves their knowledge and understanding of bankruptcy law and, so far as relevant, state statutory and common law. ", "Cf. ", "Burkhart v. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, 112 F.3d 1207, 1212 (D.C.Cir.1997) (\"Of course, the line between an inadmissible legal conclusion and admissible assistance to the trier of fact in understanding the evidence or in determining a fact in issue is not always bright.\"). ", "Each of them also has reviewed the fee agreement between Mr. Naegele and the Albers (Gov't Exhibit 2) and the addendum thereto (Gov't Exhibit 2), and each is, prepared to testify how their general opinion with respect to Schedules B and G, executory contracts, and contingent fee agreements, should have applied in this case in view of the specific terms of the fee agreement and addendum.", "\nWhile the Court intends to carefully circumscribe the testimony of Ms. Ogier and Mr. Wolff to avoid either of them impinging upon the province of the jury, the Court believes that each of them is qualified to testify as an expert on these matters and that their testimony would be *162 helpful to the jury. ", "In view of the fact that the Court has concluded that the jury rather than the Court must decide as a matter of fact whether the defendant knowingly and fraudulently made false statements by failing to characterize his contingency fee arrangement with the Albers as a \"contingent claim\" on his Bankruptcy Schedules, the jury might well be confused without the aid of such experts.", "\nIn addition to these matters, Mr. Wolff also has been offered to provide his expert opinion on how debtors typically respond to the request for average monthly income posed on Schedule I, and how they respond to the question calling for a description of any anticipated increase or decrease of more than 10% in any of the categories listed in Schedule I, which are issues related to Counts 4 and 6 of the Indictment. ", "He will explain, if permitted to do so, that because Schedule I is confusing it is common practice for debtors to list net business income on Schedule I and net business income in response to Question 1 on the Statement of Financial Affairs (\"SOFA\"). ", "He will opine that this practice is likely to continue unless and until Schedule I is revised, or at least until the term \"income\" is defined in the bankruptcy forms. ", "In addition, if permitted to do so, Mr. Wolff will testify that debtors often amend their Schedules because of the confusion in the forms and the mistakes debtors initially make in preparing them. ", "In view of these facts and defendant's statements at the Creditors Meeting, Mr. Wolff will further opine, if permitted to do so, that the Panel Trustee should have instructed Mr. Naegele to amend his Schedules. ", "Mr. Wolff also would opine that \"debtors rarely respond to the question on Schedule I asking a debtor to state an anticipated 10% increase or decrease in future income. ", "This is because it is rarely the situation that a debtor has information about future income that is specific enough to make such a determination.\" ", "Expert Witness Summary for Michael Wolff, Wolff Exhibit 1 at 2-3. ", "All of these opinions are based in large part on Mr. Wolff's own experience as a Panel Trustee.", "\nEven though this proffered testimony is based on his years of experience as a bankruptcy lawyer and Panel Trustee, the Court finds that Mr. Wolff's testimony concerning net versus gross income on Schedule I and in response to Question 1 of the Statement of Financial Affairs would be speculative, as would his testimony about the 10% increase or decrease question. ", "Furthermore, in view of the instructions contained on the bankruptcy forms—forms which the jurors are capable of reading for themselves—the Court concludes that such testimony would not only confuse the jury but also invade its province. ", "Reading forms and instructions on how to complete them is a common experience in life, and no expert is needed to assist the jury in this matter. ", "See United States v. Naegele, 341 B.R. 349, 359 (D.D.C.2006) (\"Defendant is not foreclosed from arguing that he understood the form to call for a statement of his net income, but this is an issue for the jury, not for the Court.\"). ", "While admittedly not all terms are defined in the bankruptcy forms, and the instructions are not all crystal clear, the forms speak for themselves. ", "The jurors can and should read the forms, including the relevant instructions, and decide for themselves whether, in light of those forms and all of the other evidence presented at trial, the forms are ambiguous or whether Mr. Naegele (or anyone standing in a similar position) would be confused by them. ", "If the jurors find the instructions or the questions on the forms to be ambiguous or confusing or that someone in Mr. Naegele's position would have been confused, they may infer that Mr. Naegele *163 himself was confused and therefore did not have the intent to deceive or defraud his creditors. ", "The result will be that the government will not be able to persuade the jury unanimously and beyond a reasonable doubt of Mr. Naegele's guilt on Counts 4 and 6.", "\nNor may Mr. Wolff testify with respect to what other debtors commonly do when they respond to questions on Schedule I or Question 1 of the SOFA. ", "To the extent that this is another way to show that the forms are confusing, the Court already has explained that the jury is to read the forms for itself to determine whether or not they are confusing. ", "To the extent that the behavior or the common practices of other debtors is offered for any other purpose, the Court must conclude that such evidence is neither reliable nor relevant to the primary issue in this case—whether, or not Mr. Naegele, not anyone else in other situations—intendedto commit the crimes with which he is charged. ", "As the government correctly notes, such \"expert\" testimony would be no more relevant to the issues for the jury in this case than it would be to call other debtors selected by the prosecution or the defense to testify about their conduct and motivation.", "\nPresumably in response to the Court's comments in open court on January 22, 2007 regarding its preliminary views and conclusions regarding this aspect of Mr. Wolff's proposed testimony, the defense filed a notice of authority later that day, directing the Court's attention to United States v. Sobin, 56 F.3d 1423 (D.C.Cir. ", "1995). ", "In that case, the D.C. Circuit held that it was \"not an abuse of discretion warranting reversal\" for the trial court to admit the expert testimony of Assistant U.S. Trustee Dennis Early, which \"helped the jurors understand what information a bankruptcy trustee expects in response to the questions contained in the Financial Statement and why that information is important, not matters within most jurors' experience.\" ", "Id. at 1427-28.", "\nOn January 25, 2007, the government filed a response—including a sworn declaration from Mr. Early—arguing that the testimony admitted in Sobin \"is distinguishable from Mr. Wolff's proffered opinions in that Mr. Early opined upon the importance and necessity of the forms for the administration of the bankruptcy estate; not the mindset or the actions of other debtors.\" ", "United States' Response to Defendant's Notice of Authority Regarding Proposed Expert Testimony of Michael Wolff (\"Govt.", "Resp.\") ", "at 2. ", "Mr. Early declares that \"[a]t no time did I testify as to the common practice of debtors in filling out the bankruptcy schedules and the statement of financial affairs.\" ", "Declaration of Dennis J. Early, Exhibit to Govt. ", "Resp., ¶ ", "5.", "\nAlthough the Court appreciates the efforts of the government to determine the specific nature of the expert testimony in Sobin, even without such distinguishing facts the Court is not persuaded of the relevance or reliability of Mr. Wolff's proffered testimony with respect to the common practices of other debtors, or the reasons or remedies therefor. ", "Nevertheless, under Sobin, it is within the Court's discretion to permit expert testimony it thinks might be helpful to the jurors in understanding \"what information a bankruptcy trustee expects in response to the questions contained in the Financial Statement\" United States v. Sobin, 56 F.3d 1427-28. ", "The Court therefore is open to revisiting this issue at trial if the defense can explain specifically how this aspect of Mr. Wolff's testimony has become relevant—and is more reliable than it appears *164 at this point—in light of the government's case-in-chief.[5]\n\nC. Bruce Dubinsky\nBruce G. Dubinsky is a certified public accountant with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from the University of Maryland and a Master's Degree in Taxation from Georgetown University. ", "Mr. Dubinsky was a founder and, until recently, a principal in the firm of Klausner, Dubinsky & Associates where he held the position of Director of the Accounting and Dispute Analysis Department. ", "He recently founded the firm Dubinsky & Company, P.C. Mr. Dubinsky testified that he has had formal training in the bankruptcy process and the preparation of bankruptcy forms and Schedules, that he has prepared bankruptcy filings for debtors, and that he has worked on 60 to 70 bankruptcy cases in which, as a CPA, he has prepared income tax returns and filings for debtors. ", "As a forensic accountant, he has been qualified to testify as an expert in many cases, including one before this Court, with respect to the valuation of businesses, accounting and tax matters. ", "In this case, Mr. Dubinsky has reviewed Mr. Naegele's bankruptcy forms and Schedules, the fee agreements and bills between Mr. Naegele and the Albers, and Mr. Naegele's tax returns (particularly Schedule C) for the years 1994 through 1999. ", "He is proffered as an expert in financial accounting, financial projections, federal income taxation matters, federal bankruptcy accounting and reporting matters, and the general accounting and billing processes for professional services firms, including sole proprietorship law firms. ", "The Court finds that he is qualified to testify as an expert in all of these areas, with respect to the matters about which the Court will allow him to testify.[6]\nFirst, Mr. Dubinsky is proffered as an expert to testify that Mr. Naegele's estimate of $3,500 for total monthly income as reported on Bankruptcy Schedule I was reasonable, and on the related issues respecting a sole proprietorship's reporting net income as opposed to gross income oh Schedule I. For his conclusions in these areas, Mr. Dubinsky testified that he relied almost exclusively on Mr. Naegele's tax returns, particularly Schedule C, then looked at Schedules I and J of the bankruptcy filings, and did a series of calculations. ", "See, e.g., Transcript of January 10, 2007 Daubert Hearing at 22:25-25:5; see also id. at 28:25-29:18. ", "Many of the calculations that Mr. Dubinsky described in his testimony related to an analysis of Mr. Naegele's income and expenses and how they were reported on his bankruptcy forms as well as on his tax returns. ", "See, e.g., id. at 88:7-89:8. ", "The government's written objections filed with the Court relate to a lack of specificity in the written Daubert proffer. ", "See United States' Objections to Defense Expert Testimony at 16. ", "Any vagueness therein, however, was cured by Mr. Dubinsky's testimony and the production of several pages of his spreadsheets under Rule 612 of the Federal Rules of Evidence.", "\nDuring oral argument regarding Mr. Dubinsky's opinion on net versus *165 gross income, the government objected to Mr. Dubinsky's methodology because he looked only at historical trends and not also at Mr. Naegele's calendar year 2000 financial information, which could have been made available by defense counsel— that is, he did not incorporate the actual numbers from the first three months of 2000 in his analysis. ", "The Court concludes that this is not a reason to exclude Mr. Dubinsky's testimony for lack of reliability, although he certainly can be cross-examined with respect to the actual numbers at trial, as well as the methodologies he employed and the information he did and did not consider. ", "The matters as to which Mr. Dubinsky is proffered are well within his areas of expertise as listed above, and they are relevant to Count 4 of the Indictment, which charges Mr. Naegele with a false statement for stating on Schedule I that \"his total monthly income was $3,500 when, in truth and in fact as he then well knew, his total average monthly income for the year 2000 was at least $16,850 and for the year 1999 was at least $10,000.\" ", "Testimony from Mr. Dubinsky would not invade the province of the jury but, rather, would assist it in trying to evaluate and consider otherwise esoteric concepts.", "\nSecond, if permitted to do so, Mr. Dubinsky also will testify concerning the defendant's response to the question on Schedule I, asking Mr. Naegele to forecast and report any anticipated increase or decrease in income exceeding 10% for the following year.[7] He will explain the difficulties involved for a solo legal practitioner such as the defendant in forecasting future revenue and cash collections. ", "Based on a review of historical tax, accounting, and legal documentation from defendant's law practice, Mr. Dubinsky will present analysis supporting the reasonableness of defendant's response to the question asking for any anticipated 10% increase or decrease in income. ", "This is an analysis, which is certainly within one of Mr. Dubinsky's areas of expertise, as it involves straightforward financial projections—unrelated to any bankruptcy filings or issues. ", "While Mr. Dubinsky may not testify as to Mr. Nabgele's state of mind or intent, about which he has no information, Mr. Dubinsky may testify regarding Mr. Naegele's financial condition and Mr. Dubinsky's opinion about the objective reasonableness of Mr. Naegele's response to the question asking for a forecast of a 10% increase or decrease in income. ", "See United States v. Barile, 286 F.3d 749, 759-61 (4th Cir.2002).", "\nThird, Mr. Dubinsky has reviewed information provided by the defendant on his Bankruptcy Schedules and forms and statements made by him at the Creditors Meeting on May 23, 2000. ", "Based on his review of the forms and Schedules, Mr. Dubinsky would testify that it is apparent that Mr. Naegele made disclosures during the course of the bankruptcy that indicate that he had made payments to creditors in the 90 days preceding the filing of the petition for bankruptcy.[8] In Mr. Dubinsky's opinion, the Panel Trustee, Wendall Webster, therefore should have inquired further about such payments and any inconsistencies between the places Where *166 such payments were disclosed and those where they were not—particularly Questions 3a and 3b of the Statement of Financial Affairs, which the defendant checked \"None.\" ", "As to the first matter—what payments to creditors the forms and Schedules show at various places—it would be helpful to the jury for a bankruptcy expert like Mr. Wolff or Ms. Ogier to point out on the forms, and Mr. Naegele's form in particular, where such information is called for and has been recorded.[9] Mr. Dubinsky, however, is no more qualified to read the forms than the jury is. ", "As to the second matter, the Court will not allow Mr. Dubinsky to second guess the bankruptcy trustee, Mr. Webster, for the reasons previously explained. ", "See supra at 160-161. ", "Mr. Dubinsky is even less qualified to offer an opinion on this matter than Mr. Wolff, who at least himself has served as a Panel Trustee. ", "Mr. Dubinsky's proffered testimony in this area therefore is excluded.", "\nFourth, based upon his experience in asset valuation, Mr. Dubinsky is offered to testify that a lawyer's contingency fee agreement with a client is not a recordable asset under General Accepted Accounting Principles (\"GAAP\") because, under GAAP, an asset has to have value to be recordable. ", "He would testify that standard businesses are required to adhere to GAAP and that GAAP is often used in bankruptcy filings. ", "He would testify further that these principles are relevant and instructive for bankruptcy purposes as well, even if not determinative. ", "In his opinion, if contingency fee agreements are not recordable under GAAP, they need not be reported or disclosed in bankruptcy. ", "Mr. Dubinsky certainly is qualified to testify about asset valuation and GAAP. ", "His testimony on these matters would be reliable. ", "The question under Daubert is whether such testimony is relevant to any issues in this case. ", "The Court concludes that theories of recordable assets under GAAP are not directly relevant to the issues in this case, as even Mr. Dubinsky obliquely acknowledges. ", "See Transcript of January 10, 2007 Daubert Hearing at 115:4.[10] The Court is not persuaded that such testimony would be helpful to the jury and, indeed, it might be needlessly confusing. ", "It will be excluded.", "\nFinally, if permitted to do so, Mr. Dubinsky would testify that there are no accounts receivable for a law firm until an invoice is issued and that, in Mr. Naegele's case, there were no outstanding accounts receivable at the time he filed his bankruptcy petition. ", "These opinions are based upon Mr. Dubinsky's review of Mr. Naegele's legal bills to Raymond and Deanna Albers and to Roslyn Stewart, as well as on his knowledge of the professional legal billing process related to billing adjustments, write-offs, and related aspects of the billing and accounts receivable process for professional services firms such as defendant's law practice. ", "The government objects to this portion of Mr. Dubinsky's proffered testimony on the grounds that accounts receivable are not at issue in this case, as Mr. Naegele was not charged \"with making a false statement, on Schedule B, Item 15 (\"Accounts Receivable\")[.]\" *", "167 United States' Objections to Defense Expert Testimony at 19. ", "If accounts receivable are not an issue in the trial, then Mr. Dubinsky will not be permitted to testify about them. ", "If the government does raise any issues with respect to accounts receivable, or if it becomes apparent that they are relevant in view of other testimony presented by the parties—such as, for example, in the context of Ms. Ogier or Mr. Wolff's testimony about contingent fee agreements—then Mr. Dubinsky's proffered testimony will be allowed.", "\n\nD. Mark W. Foster\nMark W. Foster is an attorney who has been a partner in the firm of Zuckerman Spaeder LLP for 24 years. ", "Before that he spent four years at the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia and eight years in private practice with other firms. ", "He has served as Chair of the D.C. Court of Appeals' Board on Professional Responsibility and as Vice Chair of the D.C. Bar's Legal Ethics Committee. ", "He is a recognized expert on lawyer ethics, lawyer discipline, and the Rules of Professional Conduct. ", "As part of his practice, Mr. Foster consults regularly with law firms and law firm administrators on legal malpractice, lawyer discipline, the unauthorized practice of law, and other issues relating to professional responsibility and the law of lawyering. ", "He has experience in law firm management and law firm partnership accounting and has advised and counseled law firms with respect to law firm mergers and acquisitions. ", "He has offered testimony or sworn statements on professional responsibility, lawyers' standards of care, legal fees, and related issues in 24 state or federal cases.[11] Mr. Foster also was proffered as someone with \"significant experience with the practice of bankruptcy law[.]\" ", "Expert Witness Summary for Mark Foster, Foster Exhibit 1, Tab 1 at 2. ", "He testified at the Daubert hearing that he has worked on between 12 to 20 Chapter 11 cases for debtors and that, between 1989 and 1992, perhaps eighty percent of his practice involved such matters. ", "See Transcript of January 18, 2007 Daubert Hearing at 79:6-79:9.", "\nMr. Foster is proffered by the defense to provide his expert opinion on eight discrete matters. ", "First, he is offered to explain that a lawyer stands as a fiduciary to his client and has a duty to provide competent and diligent representation. ", "Furthermore, a lawyer practicing bankruptcy law has a duty to be familiar with a specific set of statutes, rules and forms, and with the Bankruptcy Court system. ", "Mr. Foster certainly is qualified to so testify and, should the defense raise an advice of counsel defense through fact witnesses such as Mr. Sherman or Mr. Naegele, Mr. Foster will be permitted to so testify, as his testimony then would be reliable and helpful to the jury.", "\nSecond, Mr. Foster is proffered to opine that an attorney who is represented by counsel in a particular matter is entitled to rely on that counsel to the same extent that a lay person is entitled to rely on his or her lawyer. ", "Having reviewed e-mail communications between Mr. Naegele and his lawyer, Jeffrey Sherman, Mr. Foster would testify that in the circumstances of this case Mr. Naegele was entitled to rely on Mr. Sherman to guide him through and assist him with the bankruptcy process. ", "Should the issues be presented by the prosecution in its case-in-chief or by the defendant's assertion of an advice of counsel defense through fact witnesses, *168 the Court will permit Mr. Foster to testify to these matters. ", "The Court will not, however, permit Mr. Foster to testify that in the circumstances of this case, Mr. Naegele's reliance on Mr. Sherman was \"reasonable\" or that Mr. Naegele \"reasonably relied\" on Mr. Sherman's advice. ", "Such testimony would be speculative and based on assumptions about the communications and relationship between Mr. Naegele and Mr. Sherman that are not fully reflected in the materials reviewed by Mr. Foster in forming his opinion.", "\nThird, Mr. Foster is proffered to testify that in his opinion bankruptcy counsel has an obligation to inform a debtor (and, presumably, also to assist a debtor in) how to properly complete bankruptcy forms, \"including whether the income figures requested on the forms should be stated on a net or a gross basis by a sole proprietor-debtor.\" ", "Expert Witness Summary for Mark Foster, Foster Exhibit1, Tab 1 at 3. ", "As an expert on the law of lawyering, Mr. Foster certainly is competent to testify that a lawyer holding him or herself out as a bankruptcy specialist has an obligation to advise a debtor on how to properly fill out bankruptcy forms and Schedules; and such advice presumably would include, among other things, how to report income (as net or gross). ", "Again, should the defense raise an advice of counsel defense through Mr. Sherman or Mr. Naegele's testimony, Mr. Foster will be permitted to so testify. ", "During the course of such testimony, Mr. Foster also may point out in the various e-mails between Mr. Naegele and Mr. Sherman, see Foster Exhibit 2, Tabs 23-27, where it appeared to Mr. Foster that Mr. Naegele was seeking advice with respect to such matters. ", "To permit Mr. Foster go further, however, and to testify that Mr. Naegele and Mr. Sherman \"agreed\" to file the Schedules showing net rather than gross income would be pure speculation on Mr. Foster's part. ", "As Mr. Foster conceded at the Daubert hearing, not all of the consultations, conversations and communications between Mr. Naegele and Mr. Sherman are reflected in the e-mails Mr. Foster reviewed. ", "In sum, if there is testimony from fact witnesses raising an advice of counsel defense, then Mr. Foster may testify that a competent bankruptcy lawyer would discuss with his client how to complete the forms and, among many other matters, how to report his income. ", "He may not speculate or make assumptions, however, about what transpired between Mr. Sherman and Mr. Naegele after the exchange of the e-mails and before the filing of the Schedules.", "\nFourth, Mr. Foster is offered to provide an opinion that bankruptcy counsel should take corrective actions with respect to a debtor's response to Question 3 of the State of Financial Affairs \"if the debtor's responses to other questions posed in the context of the bankruptcy are internally inconsistent with the debtor's response to Question 3 of the Statement of Financial Affairs.\" ", "Expert Witness Summary for Mark Foster, Foster Exhibit 1, Tab 1 at 4.[12] The defense apparently intends to raise a defense of good faith based on reliance on the advice of counsel. ", "Should these issues be presented by the prosecution in its case-in-chief or by the defendant's assertion of an advice of counsel defense through fact witnesses, the Court will permit Mr. Foster to testify regarding what Mr. Sherman should or should not have advised Mr. Naegele. ", "Mr. Foster may not testify, however, as to facts that *169 are not within his knowledge—for example, as stated above, that Mr. Naegele's reliance was reasonable or that Mr. Naegele and Mr. Sherman \"agreed\" on a particular course of action. ", "See supra at 168.", "\nFifth, Mr. Foster is proffered to testify that it is difficult to predict what earnings a law firm might generate in the future from particular matters, and that this difficulty is especially acute in small firms or with sole practitioners. ", "Mr. Foster is qualified to offer such an opinion, and his opinion and the bases therefor would be reliable. ", "He also is qualified to testify that it would be particularly difficult to predict the future income of a solo practitioner like Mr. Naegele who, at the time of his bankruptcy filing, had only two clients. ", "Such testimony will be permitted. ", "The Court, however, will not permit Mr. Foster to testify with the benefit of hindsight about the merits of or the likelihood of success in either the Roslyn Stewart case or the Albers case—unless, of course, the government opens the door to such testimony during its case-in-chief.", "\nSixth, and related to the issue just discussed, Mr. Foster will not be permitted to testify concerning his views about prayers for relief or ad damnum clauses in complaints in civil cases or about the overblown nature of many attorneys' fees requests—again, unless the government makes that issue relevant to the issues in this case, for example by introducing various court filings to try to show Mr. Naegele's alleged perception of the value of his agreement with the Albers, as the defense thinks the government intends to do.[13] If the government injects civil litigation practice into this trial, the defense will be entitled to have an expert explain ethical and common litigation tactics to the jury, to the extent that the Court finds that such explanation is relevant and helpful when that time comes.[14]\n*170 Seventh, Mr. Foster is proffered as an expert on contingency fee agreements between lawyers and their clients and how they should be reported in bankruptcy filings. ", "Although Mr. Foster has substantially less experience than either Ms. Ogier or Mr. Wolff in representing debtors in bankruptcy cases and no experience in Chapter 7 cases (all of his experience is in Chapter 11) or as a Panel Trustee, for the same reasons as discussed earlier with respect to Ms. Ogier and Mr. Wolff, the Court will permit Mr. Foster to testify that in his opinion it would be appropriate to list a contingency fee agreement between lawyer and client on Schedule G rather than on Schedule B and/or that it would be appropriate not to list it at all, and the bases for that opinion.[15] One of the bases for this opinion in his view is that \"in order for a lawyer to recover under a contingency fee agreement . . . ", "the lawyer must substantially perform under the agreement.\" ", "Expert Witness Summary for Mark Foster, Foster Exhibit 1, Tab 1 at 3. ", "On cross examination and in response to questions from the Court, he acknowledged that this was only one of a myriad of factors. ", "Nevertheless, Mr. Foster's testimony may be relevant and helpful to the jury in understanding Mr. Naegele's financial status. ", "During the Daubert hearings, the government elicited testimony regarding the provision in the Albers fee agreement providing that Mr. Naegele was entitled to a percentage of any recovery they achieved in their lawsuit regardless of whether Mr. Naegele continued to work on it. ", "Mr. Foster's testimony with respect to contingency fee arrangements, and the Albers' agreement in, particular would be especially relevant if the government makes contingent fee agreements an issue in its case-in-chief (as it appears that it will).", "\nFinally, Mr. Foster is offered to testify that lawyers in the private practice of law (not just bankruptcy lawyers) have ethical obligations to review the time spent on behalf of clients and to \"write down\" or \"write off\" time before sending bills to clients. ", "Furthermore, if permitted to do so, he will testify that \"there is nothing inherently wrong with an attorney-debtor writing down time before filing for bankruptcy.\" ", "As an expert in the law of lawyering, Mr. Foster is qualified and competent to offer such opinions, and his opinions are reliable. ", "To the extent that this issue does become relevant during the course of the trial, Mr. Foster will be permitted to testify concerning it. ", "As noted, supra at 166, however, the government has represented that issues relating to accounts receivable are not at issue in this case.", "\nSO ORDERED.", "\nNOTES\n[1] According to counsel for the defendant, on January 3, 2007, pursuant to an agreement between the parties, the defendant already had provided much of this material to government counsel.", "\n\nWith respect to the Court's Memorandum Opinion and Order of January 5, 2007 regarding expert witnesses, the Court notes that any concerns it expressed in that Memorandum Opinion and Order about the differences between the November 8, 2006 and December 15, 2006 expert witness summaries submitted by the defense have been alleviated and/or mooted by the Daubert hearings.", "\n[2] The Court has read the two cases provided to it by the defendant regarding spectrography. ", "The Supreme. ", "Court of Alaska upheld a trial court's decision that spectrography was generally accepted within the relevant scientific community. ", "See State v. Coon, 974 P.2d 386, 402 (Alaska 1999). ", "That says nothing, however, about the relevance or potential assistance to the jury of Mr. Lacey's specific opinion in this matter—whether or not the defendant said \"No\" in response to a specific question. ", "The court in United States v. Maivia—a decision rendered pre—Daubert when Frye v. United States, 293 F. 1013, 1014 (D.C.Cir.1923), was the law in the federal courts—permitted a spectrography expert to testify for voice identification purposes. ", "See United States v. Maivia, 728 F.Supp. ", "1471, 1478 (D.Haw.1990). ", "Again, that is a different inquiry from the issue before the jury in this case, as to which Mr. Lacey's testimony would not be helpful.", "\n[3] In view of this ruling, and as suggested at a recent status conference, the defense may decide not to call Mr. Lacey at all and instead reach a stipulation with the government with respect to tapes of the Creditors Meeting, enhancements thereof, and transcripts.", "\n[4] The government has made it plain that Ms. Ogier will be called to testify in this regard at trial only if Mr. Wolff is permitted to testify.", "\n[5] The defendant filed a reply in support of this aspect of Mr. Wolff's proffered testimony on January 26, 2007, but the Court finds that the cases cited therein are distinguishable from this case and therefore are not persuasive. ", "See, e.g., United States v. Garcia, 447 F.3d 1327, 1335 (11th Cir.2006) (expert testimony regarding drug trafficking organizations); Hangarter v. Provident Life and Accident Ins. ", "Co., 373 F.3d 998, 1016-17 (9th Cir.2004) (expert testimony regarding insurance industry norms).", "\n[6] The government does not dispute that he is an expert in the first three.", "\n[7] Based on his familiarity with Schedule I and related commentary, Mr. Dubinsky also was proffered to testify on the clarity or lack of clarity of Schedule I and its instructions. ", "Again, no expert in this case will be permitted to testify regarding the bankruptcy forms and their clarity or lack thereof. ", "The jury can read the forms and decide for itself whether they are clear or confusing. ", "See supra at 162-163.", "\n[8] Depending on the outcome of defendant's pending motion to dismiss Count 7 of the Indictment, this portion of Mr. Dubinsky's testimony may become irrelevant, in which case it will not be allowed.", "\n[9] Both Ms. Ogier and Mr. Wolff in describing bankruptcy procedure and bankruptcy forms generally may point out various boxes, questions and inquiries on the forms including the ones alluded to here.", "\n[10] The government is not saying that GAAP are never relevant to bankruptcy proceedings—just that they are not relevant to Chapter 7 proceedings of individual debtors (as opposed to Chapter 11 proceedings with respect to organizations). ", "See, e.g., Transcript of January 10, 2007 Daubert Hearing at 131:3-132:24.", "\n[11] Mr. Foster testified that three of these matters related to or touched upon bankruptcy or creditors' rights issues and vaguely recalled that perhaps another three also may have. ", "See Transcript of January 18, 2007 Daubert Hearing at 72:17-74:21.", "\n[12] Depending on the outcome of defendant's pending motion to dismiss Count 7 of the Indictment, this portion of Mr. Foster's testimony also might become irrelevant, as Question 3 of the SOFA is the subject of Count 7.", "\n[13] The Court ruled in open court on January 25, 2007 that complaints from civil lawsuits would not be allowed in evidence in this case. ", "The government still has on its exhibit list proposed trial exhibits that were not excluded by the Court at that time. ", "The nature of these exhibits, if admitted, may entitle the defense to call Mr. Foster as an expert witness to explain various aspects of civil litigation practice.", "\n[14] As with the other proposed experts in this case, an expert witness summary for Mr. Foster was filed with the Court on December 15, 2006. ", "See Expert Witness Summary for Mark Foster, Foster Exhibit 1, Tab 1. ", "In addition, defense counsel sent a letter to the government on January 17, 2007, \"to clarify the anticipated testimony of defense expert Mark W. Foster, Esq., ", "in three respects.\" ", "January 17, 2007 Letter from Jonathan Jeffress to Joseph A Capone.", "\n\nThe government objected to and orally moved on January 18, 2007, to strike this clarification and (alleged) expansion of Mr. Foster's proffered testimony on the grounds that it constitutes a Rule 16 discovery violation. ", "The government also filed a motion for leave to file supplemental objections to the proposed testimony of Mr. Foster, and filed such supplemental objections on January 21, 2007.", "\nThe government objects to \"two new areas of proposed expert testimony.\" ", "United States' Supplemental Objections to Proposed Defense Expert Mark W. Foster at 1. ", "The first is Mr. Foster's opinion regarding the status of Albers v. Brooks and Stewart v. Kaiser as of March 29, 2000. ", "The second is that \"Mr. Foster will generally testify about the nature of civil pleadings and an attorney's duties with respect to them.\" ", "Id. at 2. ", "As explained, supra, at 168-169, the Court does not intend to allow such testimony, on either point, from Mr. Foster—unless the government opens the door to such testimony during its case-in-chief. ", "The government will not be permitted to introduce court filings from civil litigation in evidence and then object to an expert testifying to help the jury understand what they may or may not mean. ", "As noted above, the Court does not intend to allow Mr. Foster to testify about what Mr. Naegele did or did not actually believe about the value of the claims of his clients. ", "Mr. Naegele's intent is a matter for the jury to decide and is not appropriate for expert testimony. ", "See supra at 165.", "\n[15] Although he does have less experience in general bankruptcy matters than Ms. Ogier or Mr. Wolff, Mr. Foster has much more experience with the law governing lawyers, and experience with respect to the responsibilities and vagaries of the lawyer as debtor.", "\n" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to updating of files on a file system. ", "More particularly, the present invention relates to distribution of updated files of a file group, via a file system, to users of the file group in a manner that ensures that the updating does not interfere with access by users of prior versions of the files of a preexisting file group. ", "For example, the present invention encompasses providing software updates to users in a manner that avoids any conflict between the software updates and prior software versions.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Related Art\nThe availability of files to end users in a network encounters increasing complexity when different versions of the files are created. ", "Unlike the relatively simple case of providing users with unique files having distinct names, the presence of different versions introduces difficulties in ensuring that the appropriate version is delivered to the user. ", "File systems, referred to as “versioning file systems”, have been developed that track different versions of a given file. ", "As described below, however, such versioning file systems are insufficient for more complex file interactions, namely managing distribution of related files within a file group, where coordination is required between the multiple files within the file group to avoid inconsistencies.", "\nOne example of managing related files within a file group involves dissemination of executable software to end users. ", "Traditional techniques for sending software to users can be categorized as one of three methods: (1) install on demand, (2) executing software from a network mapped drive, and (3) pushed package install. ", "The technique of install on demand involves copying an executable software file from a server to the user's computer each time the user wishes to execute the program, for example in the form of a web based ActiveX control. ", "The install on demand technique also has been referred to as “install from the Web”, or “just in time installation”, etc.", "\nA fundamental aspect of the install on demand technique is that the executable software file always is downloaded from a remote site and executed automatically on the user's computer; if the executable software instance is terminated, the operating system of the user's computer is unable to restart the previously downloaded software file, hence a second instance of the executable software can only be initiated by repeating the process of downloading the executable software from the remote site. ", "Hence, the install on demand technique has the advantage that software can be updated at any time after the user has received the software, without affecting existing software execution. ", "In addition, the software update can be completed simply by replacing the original software, stored on the server, with a new version. ", "However, an inherent problem with the install on demand technique is that the necessity for downloading the executable software file for each instantiation of the software requires that the size of the executable software file be limited to a relatively small size to prevent excessive delays that would otherwise be encountered in downloading large executable files.", "\nUse of a network mapped drive to provide software to users involves storing the executable software on a network mapped drive that is available to the users of a network, for example a shared file server in a local area network. ", "Each time a client computer attempts to execute the software, the client computer executes the executable software that is stored on the network mapped drive, resulting in an open connection between the client computer and the server that persists for the duration of the instance of the executable software (i.e., the application instance). ", "Use of the network mapped drive has the advantage of being stored statically on the shared file server, eliminating concerns that the executable software needs to be limited to a small size for optimized downloading; rather, the size of the executable software is not limited as in the case of the install on demand technique. ", "In addition, the executable software can be updated by replacing the single copy of the prior executable software with the newer version, but only if no users are currently executing the software stored on the network mapped drive.", "\nIn particular, if any user is accessing the executable software on the network mapped drive, a lock is imposed on the file during software execution to ensure that the file is not deleted or modified during the existence of the open connection between the client computer and the server. ", "Hence, network administrators need to notify all users to terminate execution of the software before the updated software can be added to the network, else a system crash will be encountered. ", "In addition, any loss of connectivity between the client computer and the server that stores the executable software will result in a premature termination of the open connection, causing a crash of the executable instance of the software. ", "In addition, if an optional component of the executable software file (e.g., a dynamically linked library (DLL)) is updated, the executable software file still may crash upon execution due to an incompatibility between the existing executable software file and the updated component.", "\nThe pushed package install technique involves delivering the executable software file to the user computer via some installation mechanism (e.g., accessing a download resource by selecting a hyperlink on a website or in an e-mail, compact disc, downloading installation software, etc.), ", "causing the installation (“pulling”) of the executable software file onto the user computer. ", "Hence, the installed software does not have any size limitation as encountered in the install on demand technique, and does not require connectivity with a server as required using the network mapped drive technique. ", "In addition, the executable software file may be configured for checking for updates upon startup, which may result in an updated file being downloaded and installed onto the user computer. ", "Hence, each user computer is responsible for updating its version of the executable software. ", "Consequently, a fundamental problem with the pushed package install technique is that a software developer is unable to ensure that all users have the most up-to-date version of the software.", "\nHence, the distribution of software according to the above-identified techniques has numerous tradeoffs that limit the availability to provide the most up-to-date software to all users, regardless of the size of the software files. ", "In addition, the existing versioning file systems are not designed to handle multiple related files; hence, inconsistencies may arise if different versions of a file link to a referenced file having a different version, for example in the case of linked spreadsheets or the like." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0035335689045936395, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "What if that piece of paper was a powerful warning of the justice that is sure to swiftly follow if that agreement is breached?", "\n\nStatistics show almost one in seven breaches are committed by a person who has already breached the order five times.", "\n\nWhy is bail even an option at that point? ", "When a mother is fleeing with her children and the clothes on her back she needs to know that piece of paper is enough and any tormentor who breaches it will end up behind bars with people who pack a far meaner punch.", "\n\nWith a 30% spike in local domestic violence applications - what an opportunity for our local magistrates to lead by example." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nScala weird feature with foreach. ", "expected behavior or not?", "\n\n def list = List(1,2,3,4).map(1+_).reverse.foreach((i:Int)=> println(i))\n\ncompiles correctly but doesn't print anything to the screen. ", "This was a typo on my part, but I'm suprised it compiled at all.", "\n def list = List(1,2,3,4).map(1+_).reverse.foreach((i:Int)=> println(i))\n println(\"--\")\n list\n\nshows the output as\n --\n 5\n 4\n 3\n 2\n\nSo list has become a function in this case? ", "That's what I deduce by the output it's not what I expected\n\nA:\n\nYes, list is effectively a method that takes no parameters. ", "The key difference to note between this definition and simply making it a val is that it will be evaluated every time it is used, so every time you reference list, the output will be printed.", "\nAs pointed out in the comment below, naming it list may be misleading, as foreach has return type Unit. ", "That would have been the case regardless of how you declared list, though.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0.015625, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow can I find the inverse of number using Fermat's Little Theorem or Euler's Theorem?", "\n\nSpecifically the inverse of 101 and with n = 31200. ", "\n$101^{-1} \\mod 31200 $\n\nA:\n\nBy Euler's theorem, $101^{\\phi(31200)}=101^{7680}\\equiv1\\bmod 31200$, so $101^{-1}\\equiv101^{7679}\\bmod31200$. \nThis may not be the most efficient way to find ${101}^{-1}$ though.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.03333333333333333, 0, 0.004807692307692308, 0 ]
[ "Making nursing research \"real\": an experiential approach.", "\nResearch can be a challenging subject for nursing students at all levels. ", "Although a research course was a prerequisite for admittance to our masters of science in nursing program at Viterbo University, faculty found that students had varying levels of expertise with the content as well as differing attitudes toward research in practice. ", "To initiate \"research thinking\" early in the program, 2 faculty members integrated research concepts across 2 of the core courses, one being the nursing research course. ", "Both quantitative and qualitative methods were taught using didactic and experiential methods over 2 semesters. ", "Through the combined activities in the 2 courses, many skills and a new appreciation for nursing research were instilled." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0.0037593984962406013, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Background\n==========\n\nCoronary artery disease (CAD), including its most severe complication, myocardial infarction (MI), is a complex disorder resulting from the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. ", "Despite extensive efforts using the candidate gene approach or genome-wide linkage studies, the responsible molecular and genetic determinants remain largely unidentified \\[[@B1],[@B2]\\]. ", "Recently, genome-wide association studies provided more convincing evidence for CAD-associated genomic loci, generating cautious optimism for disentangling the disease pathophysiology and defining novel targets for treatment \\[[@B3]\\].", "\n\nCAD mortality has been falling consistently in western countries, as a result of population-wide improvements in cardiovascular risk factors and modern cardiology treatments for CAD patients \\[[@B4]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, a considerable inter-individual variability in response to the various treatment modalities for CAD, both invasive and pharmacological, has been described \\[[@B5]\\]. ", "Given the large number of interventions currently available for the treatment and prevention of CAD and the large number of patients eligible to receive them, even small sources of variation in efficacy and safety have important implications for public health. ", "An important source of variability in response to treatment is attributed to the patient\\'s genetic profile \\[[@B1],[@B4],[@B5]\\].", "\n\nAmong the most studied genes for its implication in pathogenesis of CAD and related outcomes is angiotensin converting enzyme (*ACE*) gene, located on chromosome 17q23 \\[[@B6]-[@B8]\\]. ", "The genetic polymorphism in intron 16, characterized by an *insertion*(*I*) or a *deletion*(*D*) of a 287 noncoding base pair Alu repeat sequence (dbSNP rs4646994) has been correlated with the levels of circulating, intracellular and heart tissue activity of ACE \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "Apart from conferring susceptibility, the *ACE*gene has been also proposed to play a role in modifying the effect of various treatments in CAD. ", "This potential modifying role has been investigated by numerous studies on several treatment-outcome settings. ", "However, the available evidence published to date is weak, owing to sparseness of data or disagreements among studies. ", "The aim of this study is to summarize the available *ACE I/D*and response-to-treatment studies for CAD and, where applicable, to quantify the effect size of the estimated risk associated with this polymorphism by meta-analysis.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nSelection of studies\n--------------------\n\nA comprehensive search of the PubMed database from its inception through March 2008 was conducted. ", "We combined search terms for *ACE*genotype and CAD. ", "Search terms included (ACE OR angiotensin converting enzyme) AND (gene OR polymorphism OR genetic variant) AND (myocardial infarction OR coronary artery disease OR coronary heart disease OR ischemic heart disease OR myocardial ischemia OR angina OR acute coronary syndrome). ", "The retrieved studies were manually screened to assess their appropriateness for inclusion criteria. ", "All references cited in the studies were also reviewed to identify additional published articles not indexed in the PubMed database. ", "Case reports, editorials and review articles were excluded. ", "The search was restricted to English-language articles of studies in humans.", "\n\nThe review included genetic association studies fulfilling the following inclusion criteria: (1) providing cases diagnosed with CAD or cohorts followed for CAD development, (2) using guideline-incorporated primary or secondary prevention measures for CAD \\[[@B10]-[@B13]\\], (3) investigating clinical outcomes of CAD (in primary or secondary prevention studies) or surrogate outcomes predicting clinical events in CAD patients, (4) providing information on genotype frequency for *ACE I/D*polymorphism or estimated genetic effects on response to treatment, and (5) using validated molecular methods for genotyping. ", "Studies investigating susceptibility, progression, severity or survival, irrespective of treatment effect, were excluded from this review.", "\n\nData extraction\n---------------\n\nTwo investigators (GK and EZ) independently extracted data. ", "The extracted data included information about the study design characteristics, the assessed outcomes, the cohort characteristics, the intervention used and finally, the reported results. ", "Disagreements were resolved through consensus. ", "The quality of each study was also critically assessed by reporting a composite quality score to allow comparison among studies.", "\n\nData synthesis -- Statistical analysis\n--------------------------------------\n\nFor each study, the statistical significance of the main findings for each treatment-outcome group was recorded or the respective odds ratios were calculated by the extracted genotypic frequencies.", "\n\nIn the case of studies with similar outcome definition criteria, identical intervention and available genotype frequency for each group, a meta-analysis was performed (see results). ", "Three meta-analyses were performed to investigate the association between *ACE I/D*and the risk of restenosis after angioplasty for the allele contrast (*D*vs *I*), the recessive (*DD*vs. *", "ID/II*), the dominant (*DD/ID*vs. *", "II*), the additive (*DD*vs *II*) and the co-dominant (*ID*vs *DD/II*) models. ", "We calculated the overall odds ratio (OR) with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) using the fixed effects (FE) and random effects (RE; DerSimonian and Laird) models. ", "Statistical heterogeneity across the various studies was tested with the use of *Q*-statistic \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "A p value \\< 0.10 indicated a significant statistical heterogeneity across studies, allowing for the use of RE model.", "\n\nA cumulative and recursive cumulative meta-analysis was also carried out \\[[@B6],[@B14]\\]. ", "Cumulative and recursive cumulative meta-analyses provide a framework for updating a genetic effect from all studies and a measure of how much the genetic effect changes as evidence accumulates. ", "Thus, cumulative meta-analysis indicates the trend in estimated risk effect and recursive cumulative meta-analysis indicates the stability in risk effect. ", "In cumulative meta-analysis, studies were chronologically ordered by publication year, then, the pooled ORs were obtained at the end of each year, i.e. at each information step. ", "In recursive cumulative meta-analysis, the relative change in pooled OR in each information step (pooled OR in next year/pooled OR in current year) was calculated. ", "A differential magnitude of effect comparing large versus small studies for the allele contrast was verified using the Egger regression test \\[[@B15]\\].", "\n\nIn addition to the main (or overall) analysis which included all available data, a subgroup analysis for each \\\"race\\\" was also performed. ", "\\'Racial\\' descent was categorized into Caucasian descents (European and American whites), East Asian descents, mixed and populations of Turkish ancestry \\[[@B14]\\].", "\n\nThe impact of study quality was assessed by performing subgroup analysis on studies with high quality and low quality components. ", "The following parameters were considered as quality components: A. Internal validity criteria: homogeneous study group, blindness of genotyping, registration of loss to follow up, genotyping procedure (original procedure or use of Insertion-specific primers) \\[[@B16]\\], genotyping replication with another protocol, blindness and objectiveness of angiograms assessment. ", "B. Data description and analysis criteria: data by gender provided, power calculations provided, overlapping with previous studies, description of cases recruitment procedure, assessment of gene-gene interactions, control for possible clinical and other modifiers between genotypes, control of co-interventions that bear on outcome for each genotype, availability of data, appropriate statistics-description and discussion of possible genetic effects. ", "High quality studies were defined as studies that exceeded the median quality score \\[[@B6]\\].", "\n\nAnalyses were performed using StatsDirect (StatsDirect Ltd), Compaq Visual Fortran90, and GLIM3.77.44--50 \\[[@B6]\\].", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nEligible studies\n----------------\n\nThe literature search identified 759 citations. ", "All citations identified through the literature search were independently screened by two investigators (GK and EZ) according to the inclusion criteria. ", "Two hundred fifty-nine articles were retrieved and evaluated against the same criteria. ", "Data from 58 articles \\[[@B17]-[@B74]\\] that investigated the association between *ACE I/D*polymorphism and response to treatment in CAD met the inclusion criteria, and were included in the review. ", "Next, data from 28 studies \\[[@B17]-[@B26],[@B29]-[@B37],[@B42]-[@B46],[@B49]\\] met the meta-analysis eligibility criteria and were included in the context of three meta-analyses. ", "Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} presents a flow chart of retrieved studies and studies excluded, with specification of reasons.", "\n\n![**", "Flow chart of retrieved studies and studies excluded, with specification of reasons**.](1471-2350-10-50-1){#F1}\n\nSummary statistics\n------------------\n\nDetails from studies included in our database are provided in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} and Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}. ", "The interventions investigated were classified in two major categories: invasive (40 studies) and conservative (18 studies). ", "The invasive treatments included coronary revascularization by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and coronary artery by-pass grafting (CABG). ", "The conservative treatments included pharmacological interventions (16 studies) or cardiac rehabilitation procedures (two studies). ", "The investigated outcomes were classified as clinical (11 studies) or surrogate (47 studies). ", "The populations enrolled were of Caucasian (39 studies), East Asian (10 studies), mixed (six studies) or Turkish ancestry (three studies). ", "Regarding study designs, our database included 44 cohort studies, eight randomized controlled trials, five cross-sectional and one retrospective study.", "\n\n###### \n\nSummary information of studies included in the meta-analyses.", "\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n **First author, Year, Country \\[ref\\]** **Study design, duration of FU** **Cohort description \\[No of patients (M/F), Ethnicity, Mean Age (SD), inclusion criteria\\]** **Restenosis definition criteria** **Intervention** **Gene-gene interaction assessed? (", "gene)** **Quality score**\n ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------\n **Balloon angioplasty** \n\n Volzke, 2000, Germany \\[[@B17]\\] cohort\\ 511 (388/123), Caucasians, 60.6 (8.6), CAD patients undergoing elective PTCA of a previously untreated native coronary artery \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-balloon No 35\n 6 months \n\n Yoshida, 1999, Japan \\[[@B18]\\] cohort\\ 123 (nr), East Asians, 58.2 (10.2), MI patients undergoing PTCA discharged from hospital at the start of FU nr PTCA-balloon No 30\n 5.21 (3.9) years \n\n Kasi, 1996, Spain \\[[@B19]\\] cohort\\ 69 (57/12), Caucasians, 58 (9.9), UA patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-balloon No 27\n 6 months \n\n Kamitani, 1995, Japan \\[[@B20]\\] cohort\\ 103 (103/00), East Asians, 52 (1), Primary PTCA for MI patients \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-balloon No 27\n 6 months \n\n Samani, 1995, UK \\[[@B21]\\] cohort\\ 233 (194/39), nr, 56 (1), single-vessel PTCA in the Subcutaneous Heparin and Angioplasty Restenosis Prevention (SHARP) study \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-balloon No 34\n 4 months \n\n van Bockxmeer, 1995, Australia \\[[@B22]\\] cohort\\ 207 (170/37), Caucasians, 57 (9), CAD patients undergoing elective PTCA \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-balloon Yes (*APOE*) 33\n 6 months \n\n Tsukada, 1997, Japan \\[[@B23]\\] cohort\\ 96 (nr), East Asians, 60 (1.0), CAD patients undergoing elective PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-balloon No 28\n 3 months \n\n Beohar, 1995, USA \\[[@B24]\\] cohort\\ 89 (nr), Caucasians, 63.9 (10), CAD patients undergoing elective PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-balloon No 24\n 3 months \n\n Zee, 2001, Spain \\[[@B25]\\] cohort\\ 342 (305/37), Caucasians, 58.9 (9.6), CAD patients undergoing PTCA \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-balloon No 37\n 6 months \n\n Ohishi, 1993, Japan \\[[@B26]\\] cohort\\ 82 (nr), East Asians, nr, MI patients undergoing primary PTCA \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-balloon No 23\n 6 months \n\n Hamon, 1998, France \\[[@B37]\\] cohort\\ 271 (229/42), Caucasians, 60 (10), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-balloon Yes (*AGT1R*) 34\n 6 months \n\n **Angioplasty with stent deployment** \n\n Amant, 1997, France \\[[@B30]\\] cohort\\ 146 (117/29), Caucasians, 60 (10) CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT No 37\n 6 months \n\n Wijpkema, 2006, Netherlands \\[[@B29]\\] cohort\\ 2888 (2050/838), Caucasians, 62 (11), CAD patients undergoing elective PTCA death from cardiac causes, MI attributable to target vessel and target vessel revascularization PTCA-STENT Yes (*AGT, AGT1R, AGT2R, HMOX1*) 35\n 9 months \n\n Gomma, 2002, UK \\[[@B31]\\] cohort\\ 205 (155/50), Caucasians, 59.4 (9.9), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT No 27\n 6 months \n\n Ruy, 2002, Korea \\[[@B32]\\] cohort\\ 238 (178/60), East Asians, 59.5 (9.9), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT Yes (*CYP11B2, AGT*) 32\n 6 months \n\n Ribichini, 2004, Italy \\[[@B33]\\] cohort\\ 897 (160/737), Caucasians, 61 (10), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT No 33\n 6 months \n\n Taniguchi, 2001, Japan \\[[@B34]\\] cohort\\ 67 (50/17), East Asians, 65.2 (9.7), CAD patients undergoing PTCA \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-STENT No 23\n 6 months \n\n Koch, 2000, Germany \\[[@B35]\\] cohort\\ 1850 (1458/392), Caucasians, 62.9 (10), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT No 40\n 1 year \n\n Gurlek, 2000, Turkey \\[[@B36]\\] cohort\\ 132 (112/20), Turks, 53 (9), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT No 29\n 6 months \n\n Guneri, 2005, Turkey \\[[@B43]\\] cohort\\ 94 (59/35), Turks, 59.6 (9.9), CAD diabetic patients undergoing PTCA for stable angina pectoris diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT No 26\n 9 months (2.9) \n\n **Angioplasty with ACEi treatment** \n\n Ribichini, 2003, Italy \\[[@B42]\\] Cohort\\ 271 (nr), Caucasians, 61 (10), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT + ACEi No 35\n 6.3 (2.5) months \n\n Okamura, 1999, Japan \\[[@B44]\\] cohort\\ 97 (84/13), East Asians, 60 (2), CAD patients undergoing PTCA for stable angina pectoris diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-balloon + Imidapril 5 mg No 29\n 6 months \n\n Okumura, 2002, Japan \\[[@B45]\\] cohort\\ 92 (73/19), East Asians, 64.3 (8.9), CAD patients undergoing PTCA diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT + Quinapril 18 mg No 22\n 6 months \n\n Ferrari, 2002, multicenter (Europe) \\[[@B46]\\] cohort\\ 154 (119/35), Caucasians, 61 (9.9), CAD patients undergoing PTCA \\> 50% progression of the residual stenosis at FU PTCA-STENT + ACEi No 36\n 6 months \n\n Jorgensen, 2001, Netherlands \\[[@B49]\\] cohort\\ 369 (293/76), Caucasians, 59 (43--73), CAD patients undergoing PTCA for stable angina diameter stenosis \\> 50% at FU PTCA-STENT + ACEi No 40\n 6 months \n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAbbreviations: DCA: directional coronary atherectomy, FU: follow-up, UA: unstable angina, MI: myocardial infarction, RCT: randomized controlled trial, ACEi: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, nr: non-reported\n\nWe now present the results for each intervention in turn.", "\n\nInvasive treatment strategies\n-----------------------------\n\n### Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty\n\nSince the first reports of successful angioplasty of coronary atherosclerotic lesions, restenosis has been encountered as a significant limitation to the long-term efficacy of the procedure. ", "Restenosis is an angiographically-defined outcome correlated with reduction in the quality of life and increase in the morbidity or even the mortality of patients \\[[@B75]\\]. ", "Stenting has rapidly become the preferred method for PTCA, since it has distinct advantages over balloon angioplasty alone, including the reduction of the rate of restenosis from 50% to 20% \\[[@B76]\\].", "\n\nRestenosis has been fitted into the standard multifactorial model of complex disease, although classical genetic epidemiological studies (twin or extended family studies) needed to establish the heritability of the phenotype are not practical and have not been conducted. ", "Moreover, given the known importance of anatomical factors, procedural factors and diabetes in determining the risk of restenosis, any genetic effect seems *a priori*likely to be small \\[[@B77]\\]. ", "Despite the lack of high biological plausibility, several studies have examined the risk of restenosis in association with *ACE I/D*polymorphism.", "\n\nOverall 34 studies investigating restenosis were included (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"} and Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Eleven studies used PTCA with balloon angioplasty alone (PTCA-balloon) \\[[@B17]-[@B26],[@B37]\\], 12 studies used PTCA with bare-metal stent deployment (PTCA-STENT) \\[[@B29]-[@B36],[@B43],[@B45],[@B46],[@B49]\\], nine studies used PTCA and investigated the effect of concomitant administration of ACE inhibitors (ACEi) \\[[@B42]-[@B50]\\] and two studies used directional coronary atherectomy followed by PTCA \\[[@B51],[@B52]\\]. ", "The data from 28 studies \\[[@B17]-[@B26],[@B29]-[@B37],[@B42]-[@B46],[@B49]\\] meeting the meta-analysis eligibility criteria were synthesized (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Since the biological phenomena underlying restenosis after PTCA-balloon and PTCA-STENT are distinct (negative remodeling due to elastic recoil versus neointimal hyperplasia and inflammatory response, respectively) \\[[@B78]\\], separate meta-analyses for PTCA-balloon (11 studies included: \\[[@B17]-[@B26],[@B37]\\]) and PTCA-STENT (12 studies included: \\[[@B29]-[@B36],[@B43],[@B45],[@B46],[@B49]\\]) were performed. ", "Moreover, the interaction between PTCA and ACEi treatment was evaluated in the context of a third meta-analysis (five studies included: \\[[@B42],[@B44]-[@B46],[@B49]\\]). ", "The findings of the studies not-included in the meta-analysis are presented in Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\n### Main results, subgroup and sensitivity analyses\n\nTable [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"} and Figures [2a](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and [2b](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) show the results for the association between *ACE I/D*gene polymorphism and the risk of restenosis after PTCA.", "\n\n###### \n\nOdds ratios and heterogeneity results for the genetic contrasts of *ACE I/D*gene polymorphism for restenosis a) after PTCA-balloon, b) after PTCA-STENT, and c) after PTCA and treatment with ACE inhibitors.", "\n\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n a\\) \n -------------------- -------------- --------- ------------------ ------------------- ------- ----------\n Genetic contrast Population Studies Fixed effects\\ Random effects\\ I^2^\\ p-value\\\n OR(95%ci) OR(95%ci) (%) Q-test\n\n \n\n *D*vs.*I* All 11 1.23(1.09--1.38) 1.34(1.09--1.65) 61 \\< 0.01\n\n Caucasians 7 1.16(1.02--1.31) 1.16(1.02--1.31) 0 0.58\n\n East Asians 4 1.75(1.29--2.37) 1.85(0.90--3.83) 81 \\< 0.01\n\n High quality 6 1.13(0.99--1.28) 1.13(0.99--1.28) 0 0.46\n\n Low quality 5 1.99(1.48--2.69) 1.95(1.21--3.14) 59 0.05\n\n *DD*vs. (*", "DI+II*) All 11 1.30(1.09--1.54) 1.42(1.07--1.91) 52 0.02\n\n Caucasians 7 1.20(1.00--1.45) 1.20(1.00--1.45) 0 0.57\n\n East Asians 4 2.29(1.38--3.80) 1.88(0.65--5.45) 70 0.02\n\n High quality 6 1.17(0.96--1.41) 1.19(0.96--1.47) 14 0.32\n\n Low quality 5 2.24(1.45--3.46) 2.15(1.12--4.10) 50 0.09\n\n (*DD+ID*) vs. *II* All 11 1.32(1.08--1.61) 1.36(1.05--1.76) 27 0.19\n\n Caucasians 7 1.23(0.98--1.54) 1.23(0.96--1.57) 10 0.35\n\n East Asians 4 1.78(1.12--2.82) 1.87(0.98--3.58) 44 0.15\n\n High quality 6 1.18(0.95--1.48) 1.18(0.92--1.51) 16 0.31\n\n Low quality 5 2.27(1.38--3.72) 2.21(1.33--3.66) 0 0.62\n\n *DD*vs.*II* All 11 1.30(1.09--1.54) 1.42(1.07--1.91) 52 0.02\n\n Caucasians 7 1.20(1.00--1.45) 1.20(1.00--1.45) 0 0.57\n\n East Asians 4 2.29(1.38--3.80) 1.88(0.65--5.45) 70 0.02\n\n High quality 6 1.17(0.96--1.41) 1.19(0.96--1.47) 14 0.32\n\n Low quality 5 2.24(1.45--3.46) 2.15(1.12--4.10) 50 0.09\n\n *ID*vs. (*", "DD+II*) All 11 0.96(0.82--1.13) 0.95(0.79--1.15) 14 0.01\n\n Caucasians 7 0.97(0.81--1.15) 0.95(0.77--1.18) 21 0.27\n\n East Asians 4 0.94(0.61--1.45) 0.93(0.55--1.55) 26 0.26\n\n High quality 6 0.98(0.82--1.17) 0.97(0.78--1.21) 29 0.22\n\n Low quality 5 0.87(0.57--1.32) 0.87(0.56--1.36) 7 0.37\n\n \n\n b\\) \n\n \n\n Genetic contrast Population Studies Fixed effects\\ Random effects\\ I^2^\\ p-value\\\n OR(95%ci) OR(95%ci) (%) Q-test\n\n \n\n *D*vs. *", "I* All 11 1.03(0.94--1.12) 1.04(0.92--1.16) 25 0.21\n\n Caucasians 7 1.01(0.92--1.11) 1.01(0.92--1.11) 0 0.45\n\n East Asians 2 0.87(0.61--1.26) 0.88(0.61--1.26) na 0.61\n\n High quality 6 1.02(0.93--1.12) 1.02(0.93--1.12) 1 0.41\n\n Low quality 5 1.05(0.84--1.31) 1.07(0.77--1.49) 52 0.08\n\n *DD*vs. (*", "DI+II*) All 11 1.05(0.92--1.21) 1.07(0.92--1.24) 7 0.38\n\n Caucasians 7 1.03(0.89--1.20) 1.05(0.88--1.26) 20 0.28\n\n East Asians 2 1.18(0.61--2.27) 1.18(0.61--2.28) na 0.68\n\n High quality 6 1.04(0.89--1.21) 1.07(0.87--1.32) 32 0.20\n\n Low quality 5 1.16(0.82--1.65) 1.17(0.82--1.66) 0 0.56\n\n (*DD+ID*) vs. *II* All 12 1.01(0.87--1.16) 0.96(0.79--1.18) 30 0.16\n\n Caucasians 7 1.00(0.86--1.17) 1.00(0.86--1.16) 0 0.45\n\n East Asians 3 0.67(0.42--1.06) 0.67(0.42--1.07) 0 0.88\n\n High quality 6 1.02(0.88--1.19) 1.02(0.87--1.19) 0 0.43\n\n Low quality 6 0.93(0.67--1.30) 0.99(0.58--1.68) 51 0.07\n\n \n\n c\\) \n\n \n\n Genetic contrast Population Studies Fixed effects\\ Random effects\\ I^2^\\ p-value\\\n OR(95%ci) OR(95%ci) (%) Q-test\n\n \n\n *D*vs. *", "I* Whites 3 1.10(0.81--1.48) 1.10(0.81--1.48) 0 0.42\n\n *DD*vs. (*", "DI+II*) Whites 3 1.50(0.97--2.28) 1.74(0.78--3.87) 42.8 0.17\n\n (*DD+ID*) vs. *II* All 5 0.85(0.52--1.38) 0.86(0.43--1.74) 31.2 0.21\n\n Whites 3 0.71(0.41--1.22) 0.70(0.41--1.22) 0 0.93\n\n East Asians 2 1.64(0.57--4.74) 1.22(0.09--16.61) na 0.05\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n![**", "Random effects (RE) odds ratio (OR) estimates with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) of the allele contrast (*ACE D*vs. *", "I*) for restenosis a) after PTCA-balloon, and b) after PTCA-STENT**. ", "The OR estimate of each study is marked with a solid black square. ", "The size of the square represents the weight that the corresponding study exerts in the meta-analysis. ", "The confidence intervals of pooled estimates are displayed as a horizontal line through the diamond. ", "The horizontal axis is plotted on a log scale.](1471-2350-10-50-2){#F2}\n\nAll studies investigating restenosis after PTCA-balloon were included in the meta-analysis. ", "The main analysis for investigating the association between allele *D*and the risk of restenosis after PTCA-balloon relative to the allele *I*, revealed significant heterogeneity (p \\< 0.01) among studies and, the random effects pooled OR was significant (RE OR 1.34(1.09--1.65)). ", "The recessive and dominant models also showed significant association (RE OR = 1.42(1.07--1.91) and RE OR = 1.36(1.05--1.76), respectively). ", "The additive model produced significant association (RE OR = 1.42(1.07--1.91)) and the co-dominant model non-significant association (RE OR = 0.95(0.79--1.15)) as it was anticipated. ", "Thus, *ACE I/D*polymorphism contributes to risk of restenosis under an additive model. ", "In subgroup analysis by \\\"race\\\", Caucasians showed lack of significant heterogeneity (pQ = 0.58) and a marginal significance for the allele contrast (FE OR = 1.16(1.02--1.31)) whereas East Asians revealed significant heterogeneity among studies (pQ \\< 0.01) and non-significant association (RE OR = 1.85(0.90--3.83)).", "\n\nOn the contrary, in the meta-analyses investigating the risk of restenosis after PTCA-STENT or after PTCA and treatment with ACEi, there was non-significant heterogeneity among studies (pQ \\> 0.10) and the association was non-significant overall, for Whites and East Asians, under any genetic model.", "\n\nPotential Bias. ", "The cumulative meta-analysis of the allelic contrast for restenosis after PTCA-balloon showed a trend of association as information accumulates (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In recursive cumulative meta-analysis, the relative change in RE OR stabilized after 1996/1995 indicating that there is sufficient evidence for supporting an association (Figure [4a](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In contrast, analysis for restenosis after PTCA-STENT showed that the association remained non-significant for the whole period (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the recursive cumulative meta-analysis, the relative change in RE OR did not stabilize in a specific OR indicating the need of more evidence for investigating the association (Figure [4b](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The subgroup analysis for study quality showed lack of significant heterogeneity (pQ = 0.46) and produced non-significant association (FE OR = 1.13(0.99--1.28)) in the case of high-quality studies for PTCA-balloon. ", "In contrast, low quality studies showed significant heterogeneity (pQ = 0.05) and significant association (RE OR = 1.99(1.48--2.69)) (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "For PTCA-STENT studies, the subgroup analysis by quality did not reveal any significant associations, though significant heterogeneity across low quality studies was observed (pQ = 0.08). ", "The Egger test for the allele contrast indicated that there is differential magnitude of effect in large versus small studies (p \\< 0.08).", "\n\n![**", "Cumulative meta-analysis of the allele contrast (*ACE D*vs. *", "I*) for restenosis a) after PTCA-balloon, and b) after PTCA-STENT**. ", "The random effects pooled odds ratio (OR) with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) at the end of each year-information step is shown.](1471-2350-10-50-3){#F3}\n\n![**", "Recursive cumulative meta-analysis of the allele contrast (*ACE D*vs. *", "I*) for restenosis a) after PTCA-balloon, and b) after PTCA-STENT**. ", "The relative change in random effects pooled odds ratio (OR) in each information step (OR in next year/OR in current year) for the allele contrast is shown.](1471-2350-10-50-4){#F4}\n\n### Coronary artery by-pass grafting\n\nTwo small-scale studies \\[[@B53],[@B54]\\] investigated the risk of atherosclerotic degeneration in venous grafts in association with the *ACE I/D*polymorphism, but the reported results are discrepant (Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "In a European cohort of CAD patients treated with CABG, the *ACE*genotype was an independent predictor of total and cardiac mortality in two-year follow up, explaining 17.7% of cardiac events, although a relationship of *I/D*polymorphism with graft atherosclerosis was not investigated \\[[@B55]\\].", "\n\nConservative treatment strategies\n---------------------------------\n\nThe results are summarized in Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\n### Anti-hypertensive therapy\n\nTwo primary prevention trials of CAD assessed the effect of *ACE I/D*on anti-hypertensive therapy and reported non-significant results overall \\[[@B57],[@B58]\\]. ", "The GenHAT study \\[[@B57]\\] found no differences for the primary endpoint of fatal CAD and nonfatal MI across gene-drug strata. *", "ACE I/D*polymorphism was found to be significant only in the subgroup of women treated with lisinopril. ", "In the PROGRESS study that enrolled patients with history of cerebrovascular disease, there were no *ACE*-genotype specific benefits of perindopril administration on the outcome of fatal CAD and nonfatal MI \\[[@B58]\\]. ", "A retrospective study by Marciante et al. ", "\\[[@B59]\\] was the first study to examine the role of haplotypic variation in *ACE*gene on primary prevention of MI. ", "None of the examined *ACE*haplotypes (capturing the *I/D*polymorphism) was associated with the risk of MI in pharmacologically treated hypertensive patients.", "\n\nThe effect of *ACE I/D*polymorphism and ACEi treatment on surrogate CAD outcomes was investigated by eight studies \\[[@B60]-[@B67]\\] (Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "The reported results are diverse and inconsistent, derived mainly from underpowered or non-randomised studies.", "\n\n### Lipid lowering treatment\n\nRegarding clinical outcomes, three randomized trials failed to show any significant *ACE*genotype-statin treatment interactions in primary \\[[@B68]\\] or secondary prevention \\[[@B70],[@B71]\\] of CAD (Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "Additionally, in the observational Rotterdam study, non-significant associations were reported overall, although a significant interaction between the *ACE*gene and the use of statins was observed in male participants \\[[@B69]\\]. ", "Regarding the angiographic assessment of CAD progression or regression after statin treatment, the *ACE I/D*genotype was found to be a major modifier, with *DD*patients being more likely to have definite regression of coronary lesions, consistent with a greater reduction in low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels \\[[@B71]\\].", "\n\n### Cardiac rehabilitation\n\nTwo studies examined the role of *ACE I/D*polymorphism in modifying the response of physical training in aerobic and exercise capacity in CAD patients. ", "Defoor et al. ", "\\[[@B73]\\] found a greater beneficial effect in patients with *II*genotype than in *D*allele carriers, while Iwanaga et al. ", "\\[[@B74]\\] reported no significant findings in their smaller study.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nIn this review, we have explored a large and varied literature and have found a wide range of quality of evidence. ", "The studies reviewed offer inconclusive and in many cases contradictory results. ", "The most widely investigated outcome was the restenosis post-PTCA. ", "We conducted meta-analyses to shed some light on the contradictory results, as well as to decrease the uncertainty of the effect size of estimated risk.", "\n\nThe risk of restenosis following PTCA-balloon was consistent for the allele contrast, the recessive, the dominant and additive models, though the results showed significant heterogeneity. ", "Heterogeneity may result from differences in sample selection (e.g., in age-at-onset, gender, or diagnostic criteria), in genotyping methodology (two different genotyping procedures were used), or may be due to real differences in populations (e.g., \\'racial\\' descent) or due to interactions with other unknown risk factors \\[[@B14]\\].", "\n\nThe results of the meta-analysis were affected by population origin. ", "Caucasians showed significance under the allele contrast whereas East Asians produced non-significant results. ", "The lower frequency of the *DD*genotype in East Asian populations, coupled with the small sample size in most studies, imply that any negative conclusion could be due to low statistical power. ", "True race-specific genetic effects could explain this pattern of results, since functional analyses of variation in *ACE*gene have indicated that different loci control ACE levels in particular \\'racial\\' groups \\[[@B79]\\]. ", "Nevertheless, any inconsistencies in risk effects of *ACE I/D*on restenosis between Caucasian and East Asians might be also due to race-related anatomical differences of coronary arteries, since a smaller total vessel diameter has been described for Asian populations \\[[@B80]\\].", "\n\nThe need for cumulative and recursive cumulative meta-analyses has already been highlighted \\[[@B6]\\]. ", "The stability in the relative changes in ORs indicates that there is enough evidence to draw safe conclusions about the modifying effect of *ACE I/D*polymorphism in restenosis post-PTCA. ", "However, the results of the subgroup analysis by quality \\[[@B6],[@B81]\\] make the robustness of the main analysis questionable.", "\n\nRegarding the *ACE I/D*polymorphism and the risk of restenosis after PTCA-STENT or after PTCA and treatment with ACEi, there was non-significant heterogeneity among studies and the association was non-significant overall and for all examined subgroups, under any genetic model. ", "Despite higher biological plausibility in the context of the PTCA-STENT intervention (the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is considered to be more implicated in the inflammatory processes of neointimal growth underlying post-PTCA-STENT restenosis, rather than in elastic recoil remodeling following PTCA-balloon) \\[[@B78]\\], the *ACE*polymorphism was not associated with higher restenosis risk. ", "The instability of the RE OR in the recursive cumulative meta-analysis indicated the need of more evidence to draw safer conclusions.", "\n\nOur analysis showed a differential magnitude of effect in large versus small studies. ", "Previous meta-analyses had already highlighted that the pooled estimate based on published literature, which favoured an association, was probably distorted by publication bias toward positive results \\[[@B7],[@B8]\\]. ", "However, our analysis was based on a substantially larger number of studies (including a total of 9945 patients vs 4631 and 3150 patients that were used in previous meta-analyses \\[[@B7],[@B8]\\], respectively), which allowed investigation of *ACE I/D*and angioplasty interaction in the context of three clinically relevant distinct meta-analyses. ", "The *ACE I/D*polymorphism was associated only with restenosis post-PTCA-balloon and contrary to previous findings \\[[@B8]\\], the results for this association showed significant heterogeneity. ", "Our subgroup analysis identified ethnicity as a potential factor contributing to heterogeneity and highlighted the effect of study quality on summary estimates, which had not been previously addressed. ", "Additionally, the studies on the *ACE I/D*and restenosis following PTCA-STENT were not significantly heterogeneous, contradicting previous findings \\[[@B8]\\], although the instability of the RE OR in the recursive cumulative meta-analysis indicated that this potential association remains an unresolved issue.", "\n\nAll of the analyzed studies in the meta-analysis for PTCA-STENT involved bare metal stents. ", "Given the near-universal adoption of stenting as the default strategy for PTCA, the *ACE I/D*polymorphism can not be considered as a reliable genetic marker of restenosis after PTCA. ", "Nevertheless, in the era of drug-eluting stents \\[[@B82]\\], late stent thrombosis emerges as a clinically important outcome that probably merits at least equivalent attention to restenosis in the design of future studies.", "\n\nThe treatment modalities in which *ACE*gene has been investigated as a potential modifier gene are diverse and not linked by common molecular mechanisms, thus questioning the biological rationale underlying the selection of this candidate gene. ", "The discrepancy of the observed results regarding the clinical and surrogate outcomes of the other interventions (Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) could be due to a series of factors, including heterogeneity of enrolled cases, outcome definition variability, genotyping errors \\[[@B16]\\], limited statistical power, different study designs and variable interventions (in terms of type, dose, duration or timing). ", "Downgrading the potential significance of *ACE I/D*polymorphism in the pharmacogenetics of CAD, none of the six studies enrolling more than 1,000 individuals \\[[@B29],[@B35],[@B40],[@B57],[@B58],[@B68]\\] reported significant results on its respective outcomes.", "\n\nLarge, prospective studies with similar study designs, detailed clinical records, standardised outcome definitions, limited variability in subjects enrolled and interventions used, are needed. ", "Moreover, if researchers can make their data on individual patients readily available, adjusted estimates for the effects of modifiers (such as age or gender) can also be analyzed.", "\n\nSince the *ACE I/D*polymorphism is intronic, it is unlikely that it is functional. ", "Despite considerable effort, the precise location of the functional polymorphism, or polymorphisms, is still unknown \\[[@B83]\\]. ", "Future studies utilizing the HapMap tagging SNPs data, could provide useful insights, regarding the disease-associated gene haplotypes. ", "So far, only one study \\[[@B59]\\] used the haplotype approach reporting negative results. ", "In addition, the effect of epistatic loci interacting with *ACE I/D*remains a poorly investigated issue \\[[@B7]\\]. ", "Elucidating the modifying effect of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system on response to treatment to CAD would demand a multigene haplotype approach searching for variation throughout this pathophysiological pathway \\[[@B84]\\]. ", "With the advent of \\'agnostic\\' genome-wide association studies, novel variants of unprecedented biological suspicion can be unravelled by properly designed and well-powered pharmacogenomic studies \\[[@B85]\\].", "\n\nCost-effectiveness analyses are crucial inputs in pharmacogenetic studies prior implementation of genetic tests in clinical practice \\[[@B86]\\]. ", "Despite some promising initial pharmacoeconomic investigations \\[[@B87]\\], the *ACE I/D*genotype and treatment interactions in CAD are not reproducible and convincing enough to justify clinical implementation any time soon.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nMany studies have tried to characterize the effects of *ACE I/D*polymorphism on the response to treatment in CAD, in the context of both interventional and conservative therapeutic options for clinical and surrogate endpoints. ", "However, the reported results so far are discrepant and inconsistent. ", "In view of available evidence, genetic testing of *ACE I/D*polymorphism prior to clinical decision making is not currently justified. ", "The relation between *ACE*genetic variation and response to treatment in CAD remains an unresolved issue. ", "The results of long-term and properly designed prospective studies hold the promise for pharmacogenetically tailored therapy in CAD.", "\n\nAbbreviations\n=============\n\nAll abbreviations are defined in the text.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nGeorgios Kitsios is Pfizer-Tufts Medical Center Research Fellow in Clinical Research.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nGK and EZ designed the study and drafted the manuscript. ", "GK and EZ extracted the data and EZ analyzed the data. ", "Both authors had equal contribution to the revised manuscript.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2350/10/50/prepub>\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\n**Summary information of studies not included in the meta-analyses**. ", "The data provided represent the extracted information from studies not considered in the meta-analyses.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nScientific support for this project was provided through the Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute (Tufts CTSI) under funding from the National Institute of Health/National Center for Research Resources (UL1 RR025752). ", "Points of view or opinions in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the Tufts CTSI.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "Q:\n\nLaravel acces denied for connecting db\n\nI have started laravel recently, and I get the error \nSQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) (SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from `users` where `email` = ***)\n\non a clean freshly made project when I try to register with the default auth system. ", "php artisan migrate works well, and I can connect to the database through mysql workbrench with the same credentials as in the .env file. ", "\n DB_CONNECTION=mysql\n DB_HOST=\n DB_PORT=3306\n DB_DATABASE=udemy-cms\n DB_USERNAME=root\n DB_PASSWORD=\n\nI am using homestead with laravel, and mysql workbrench. ", "I tried php artisan config:clear but did \nnot help.", "\ndatabase.php is default\n'mysql' => [\n 'driver' => 'mysql',\n 'url' => env('DATABASE_URL'),\n 'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''),\n 'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),\n 'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', 'forge'),\n 'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', 'forge'),\n 'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', ''),\n 'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''),\n 'charset' => 'utf8mb4',\n 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',\n 'prefix' => '',\n 'prefix_indexes' => true,\n 'strict' => true,\n 'engine' => null,\n 'options' => extension_loaded('pdo_mysql') ? ", "array_filter([\n PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA => env('MYSQL_ATTR_SSL_CA'),\n ]) : [],\n\nThanks in advance for any help.", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst I would suggest to check if you can actually connect to your mysql using your current credentials. ", "You should be able to connect to it in your command line like this:\nmysql -uroot -p\n\nThis basically tries to connect to mysql using root as a user with no password. ", "If that does not work your user does not exist or your password is wrong.", "\nIf it works you should run following, to see if your database udemy-cms actually exists:\nshow databases;\n\nIf it does not show your database you need to create it.", "\nCREATE DATABASE udemy-cms;\n\nIt is also possible that your user does not have enough permissions, in this case you need to grant your current user enough permissions.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIs there a way to specify what column is updated though a trigger in mysql?", "\n\n(Setting the scene)\nSo I have a table in my database which holds the users password(Password column) which has been encrypted by MD5 via a trigger when they insert their new password. ", "This table also holds the amount of likes(Likes column) that a user has on their website posts. ", "The table also has a trigger to md5 the password when an update is made. ", "This was put in place so that when the user edits their profile they can change their password and it needs to be encrypted again. ", "\n(Main issue)\nThe issue I have is that when other users click a like button on a post it updates a users likes to add 1. ", "The problem with this is that my password column is then md5 encrypted again which I don't want to happen.", "\n(What you can do!)", "\nSo what I'm hoping for is that there's a way to specify (in mysql) what column the trigger effects. ", "When the like column updated nothing should be changed in the password column. ", "But at the moment the password keeps getting encrypted.", "\nAny help would be much appreciated!", "\nI've tried setting the password to null through php. ", "Then to get the password from the database and insert it again! ", "But it's already encrypted so that when it goes back into the database the trigger is effected the md5 command is done on a password that has already been hashed..\nThis is the only code I can show which is in the trigger box\nSET NEW.Password = MD5(NEW.Password)\n\nA:\n\nHere is a version with using CRYPT and a seed starting with $6$ makes a SHA512 with seed. ", "\nDELIMITER //\n\nCREATE TRIGGER `before_update_user` BEFORE UPDATE ON `user`\n FOR EACH ROW BEGIN\n if ( OLD.Password !", "= NEW.Password ) then\n -- password has changed, encrypt\n SET NEW.Password = ENCRYPT(NEW.Password, CONCAT('$6$', SHA2(RANDOM_BYTES(64), '256')));\n end if;\nEND\n//\n\nThe comment about not using MD5 is a good advice. ", "More on using CRYPT on security SX. ", "Be warned that Crypt is to be removed from MySQL from 8.0.3 and they have no salted versions so you need to roll your own salt and SHA2 if you want to make a save password in a trigger. ", "Thus it seems doing the hashing in PHP might be the safer option. ", " \nThere is nothing wrong with combing triggers and prepared statements. ", "I have no idea why someone would assume using triggers implies prepares statements are off the table. ", "Always use prepared statements. ", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0, 0, 0.010416666666666666, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0056022408963585435, 0.008403361344537815, 0.01293103448275862, 0.027777777777777776, 0.010752688172043012, 0.015151515151515152, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Better science with human cell-based organ and tissue models.", "\nAt present, animal-based models are the major test systems for assessing the tolerability and safety of chemical substances for regulatory purposes, and also for pivotal efficacy testing in pharmaceutical development. ", "In spite of the high genetic similarity between many laboratory animals and humans, animal models are very poor predictors of human health effects and pathophysiological processes. ", "Thus, models and testing strategies that are more relevant to human biology, are needed for these purposes. ", "The best predictability is achieved with human organotypic models that mimic the microenvironment of human tissues. ", "During their development, such models have to be characterised at the structural, genetic and functional levels, and compared to the respective human tissues. ", "Their predictivity should be confirmed by using known reference chemicals with corresponding human data. ", "The use of these methods in safety assessment and biomedical research, combined with the knowledge gained of the underlying biological processes on gene and protein expression, as well as on cellular signalling, will ultimately lead to better human science and animal welfare." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nEvolution of leukemia pluripotent short-term cells\n\nI have a problem in understanding the introduction of this paper entitled \"Stability and bifurcation in a model for the dynamics of stem-like cells in leukemia under treatment\". ", "As I have no background in biology, it's difficult for me to get the meaning of some terms like:\n\nShort-term cells\nMultipotent progenitor cells\nGoldie-Coldman Law\n\nOn the other hand, the second paragraph is completely confusing to me:\n\nLet $Q$ denote the density of stem-cells population. ", "A percentage $\\eta_1$ of these ones are supposed to undergo asymmetric division with one daughter cell identical to the mother cell and the other one committed to differentiation. ", "A percentage $\\eta_2$ of the stem-like population differentiate symmetrically and go to the line of mature cells. ", "The rest of them, a percentage $(1- \\eta_1 - \\eta_2)$ is supposed to self-renew: both cells that result from mitosis are identical to the cell that entred to the cell cycle. ", "The same duration $\\tau$ of the cell cycle is supposed for all types of division.", "\n\nIs there a charitable soul to indicate some web page or youtube video on the subject? ", " \n\nA:\n\nSome background: leukemia is an immune cancer so it comes from the hematopoietic system. ", "Thus, it would be useful to look into Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). ", "Note that, in general, the (semantic) hierarchy of stem cells goes: totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent, in order of less generality (i.e. more differentiated, or more mature as a cell in other words). ", "Maybe reading about stem cells in general would be useful too.", "\n\nHSCs have two subtypes: one which can indefinitely renew itself, and one which has a timed lifespan (i.e. it stops being capable of generating new cells of different types after awhile). ", " It is interesting to note that leukemias have an analog of these, which is what is being referenced, presumably, in the paper. ", "\nSee Normal and leukemic hematopoiesis: Are leukemias a stem cell disorder or a reacquisition of stem cell characteristics? ", "for a bit more on this.", "\nMultipotent progenitor cells (MPCs) are also capable of generating new cells, but are capable of less variety than plutipotent stem cells. ", "\nThey can \"choose\" to become a more differentiated cell (i.e. choose a lineage). ", "\nThey also cannot self-replicate (i.e. to divide and create new multipotent progenitors) indefinitely, though they can do it for some number of steps usually. ", "\nIn other words, an MPC will generate a finite number of cells, whereas a true stem cell can divide indefinitely, given the resources.", "\nThe Goldie-Coldman Law (also called hypothesis) can be summarized via:\n\nThis hypothesis predicts that the tumor cells develop resistant phenotypic variations towards chemotherapeutic agents. ", "This resistance is independent of the chemotherapeutic agent and dependent on the number of cell divisions that occur after treatment begins. ", "The larger the tumor size or the longer delay in initiating chemotherapy, the more resistant cells. ", "The implication is that a regimen of alternating cycles of two different non–cross-resistant chemotherapy medicines yields a better chance of tumor eradication.", "\n (From here).", "\n\n       In other words, it is a model for how cancers become resistant to drugs. ", "See also Improving       Cancer Treatment via Mathematical Modeling: Surmounting the Challenges is Worth the Effort.", "\n\nOk, onto the second paragraph. ", "I will be very informal here :)\n\nLet $Q$ denote the density of stem-cells population. ", "\n\nWithin a cell population (cancer or otherwise), often there is a small subpopulation of stem cells (the rest of the cells are differentiated cells). ", "So if there are $N$ cells in total, roughly $S=QN$ will be the number of stem cells present.", "\n\nA percentage $\\eta_1$ of these ones are supposed to undergo asymmetric division with one daughter cell identical to the mother cell and the other one committed to differentiation. ", "\n\nWithin the population of stem cells (which are a subpopulation of cells), there will be further subcategories with different reproductive behaviours. ", "\nNotice there are really only 3 options: a stem cell becomes (a) two stem cells, (b) two differentiated cells, and (c) one stem and one differentiated cell.", "\nThis sentence means that roughly $s_1 = \\eta_1 S$ cells will divide in the asymmetric pattern given above.", "\n\nA percentage $\\eta_2$ of the stem-like population differentiate symmetrically and go to the line of mature cells. ", "\n\nThis means the number of symmetric divider cells is roughly $s_2 = \\eta_2 S$ (both outputs will be differentiated.", "\n\nThe rest of them, a percentage $p = 1−\\eta_1−\\eta_2$ is supposed to self-renew: both cells that result from mitosis are identical to the cell that entered to the cell cycle. ", "\n\nFinally, around $s_3=pS$ cells become stem cells again, i.e. division type (a).", "\n\nThe same duration $\\tau$ of the cell cycle is supposed for all types of division.", "\n\nIn order to divide, every cell has to undergo a complex process called the cell cycle. ", "This takes time; in other words, it upper-bounds/limits the rate at which cells can divide. ", "Presumably, different cells take different lengths of times to divide. ", "This assumption above ignores this issue.", "\n\nEdit (062018): let's take a look at the equation\n$$\n\\tilde{r}(P) = r_1(P)\\frac{x_0 - R_0}{x_0^{-p+1}} \\;\\text{ with }\\;\nr_1(P) = \\frac{P^m}{P^m + P^m_0}\n$$\nwhere $Q$ is the density of the stem cell population, $P$ is the amount of plasmatic drug, $P_0$ is the half-maximum activity concentration, $m$ is the Hill coefficient, $x_0$ is the number of infected cells, $R_0$ is the number of resistant cells, $p$ is the probability of mutation, and $q=-p\\in (-1,0]$.\nFrom a high level perspective, we need to account for three effects of treatment: \n(1) the building of the cancer's resistance to that treatment, \n(2) the increase in drug effect as it gets absorbed and decrease as it is excreted, and\n(3) the effect of the drug on the target cells.", "\nFirst, notice in the differential equations:\n\\begin{align}\n\\dot{Q} = f(Q,t) - \\tilde{r}(P)Q^{q+1} \\\\\n\\dot{D} = -\\lambda_0 D + K \\\\\n\\dot{P} = -vP + \\lambda_0 D\n\\end{align}\nthat (2) is being handled in the equations for $D$ and $P$.\nDrugs start in some compartment (like the intestines when you swallow a pill) where they are not so useful against leukemia. ", "Here they start with some concentration $K$, and the amount of drug decreases with first-order kinetics, i.e. the first order linear differential equation that shows $D$ decreasing. ", "See an article on pharmacokinetics for more info on this. ", "\nOnce the drug is absorbed (i.e. contributes to $P$ instead of $D$), it enters the plasma and starts to have an effect on the leukemia cells. (", "Notice that (2) is being handled here as well, in the $-vP$ term of the differential formula for $P$, which measures how fast your body is destroying the drug.)", "\nNaturally, only the drug concentration $P$ in the blood plasma can affect the cancer cells; hence, the term for $\\tilde{r}$ only depends on $P$!", "\nNext, we can see how the model accounts for (3) in the differential equation for $Q$. Again, we have first-order kinetics of $Q$ (by the first-order linear differential relation), modulated by $r$ and $q$. Since $q + 1 > 0$ and $\\tilde{r} \\geq 0$, we know that as $\\tilde{r}$ increases, we are causing $Q$ to decrease faster, i.e. we are hurting the cancer more (good!). ", "Thus we expect that as $P$ (the drug concentration) increases, $\\tilde{r}$ should also increase. ", "\nOk, so now for (1). ", "Notice that the equation for $\\tilde{r}$ breaks into 2 terms. ", "The second term is $R_T=(x_0- R_0)/x_0^{-p+1}$. This captures the effect of resistance, as the cancer evolves via mutation to gain resistance to the drug. ", "Notice there is no dependence on the drug itself (just as described in the Goldie-Coldman hypothesis). (", "Note that this may not be realistic, since the drug will induce an (un)natural selection pressure on the cells and encourage the ones that resist the drug to proliferate more easily; however it does simplify the model).", "\nNotice that $R_T$ decreases as $R_0$ increases, meaning that as the number of resistant cells increases, the efficacy of the treatment decreases.", "\nThe first term, i.e. $r_1(P)$, describes the effectiveness of the drug as a function of its concentration via the classical Hill equation.", "\nSimplistically speaking, drugs often act via receptor molecules on the surfaces of cells; once all these receptors are saturated, the drug cannot affect the cell anymore! ", "Hence, the effect of a drug \"levels off\": as its concentration increases, it will bind more and more receptors (and thus have more and more effect, albeit at a diminishing rate), until saturation occurs and adding more drug (i.e. increasing $P$ no longer does anything). ", "You can see this in the equation for $r_1$ since $\\lim_{P\\rightarrow\\infty} r_1(P) = 1$ (though of course $\\partial_P r_1 > 0$ still). ", "The $m$ and the $P_0$ simply control this relationship: the Hill coefficient $m$ describes the \"cooperative binding\" properties of the drug (see the link above for details), i.e. whether binding accelerates further binding or not, while $P_0$ (usually denoted $K_A$, or called the dissociation constant) describes the ligand concentration at which half the target sites are occupied.", "\nHigher $P_0$ means that occupying half the receptor sites requires a higher concentration, which means you need more drug for the same effect, i.e. the efficacy of the drug is poorer; this is why $P_0$ appears on the denominator: as it increases, the effect of the drug on the cells (given by $\\tilde{r}$) will decrease.", "\nEssentially, $m$ controls how fast the drug reaches peak efficacy (how steep the curve is), while $P_0$ controls the physical properties of molecular binding (the translation component of the curve).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Stability of enalapril repackaged into monitored dosage system.", "\nA monitored dosage system (MDS) is a professionally prepared blister-type repackaging system used to improve medication adherence. ", "The objective of this study was to determine the stability of enalapril tablets, a widely prescribed drug, commonly used by the elderly but potentially unstable in MDSs. ", "No degradation of enalapril tablets repackaged into MDSs was observed during the 60 day study period." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0.007575757575757576, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nObj-C Error \"Implicit Conversion of Int to Collection * is disallowed with ARC\n\n- (void)saveCollectionMoment:(NSArray *)collectionMoments\n{\n for (NSDictionary *momentData in collectionMoments) {\n\n int mID = [[momentData objectForKey:@\"mID\"] intValue];\n\n FMDBDataAccess *db = [[FMDBDataAccess alloc] init];\n [db insertMoment:mID toCollection: cID];\n }\n}\n\nthe above is supposed to take an id provided from a JSON return and using FMDB update the SQLite database table with the mID and cID all i get though is the following errors.", "\n\nImplicit conversion of 'int' to 'Moment *' is disallowed with ARC\n\nANy help will be gratefully received.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe problem is that the insertMoment:toCollection: expects a Moment* object as its first argument, while you are trying to pass it an integer ID instead.", "\nYou should change your code to either let insertMoment:toCollection: accept an integer MomentID as its first argument, or by fetching a Moment* by its MomentID before calling the insertMoment:toCollection: method.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.005366726296958855, 0.009433962264150943, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Q:\n\nPython can't find module when running in linux\n\nWhen I go to the file path cd to the file path ~/repo/analysis_tools/fresh_sales/ and then run python3 apicall.py it runs fine but when I try and add it to cron using python3 ~/repo/analysis_tools/fresh_sales/apicall.py the python code returns the error: No module named 'utils'.", "\nMy current project structure:\nAnalysis Tools:\n- utils:\n + builders.py\n + load_config.py\n- fresh_sales:\n + apicall.py\n\nThe start of my code:\nimport sys\nimport os\n\nsys.path.append('..')\nsys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(\"..\")))\nsys.path.insert(0, '')\n\nfrom utils.load_config import load_config\nimport requests\nimport json\nfrom pandas.io.json import json_normalize\nfrom utils.builders import build_local_db_from_config\nfrom datetime import datetime\nfrom sys import exit\n\nA:\n\nYour path is never changed you should add the project root to the path:\nBASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))\nsys.path.append(BASE_DIR)\n\nYou could also try relative imports but this would be easier if you had something like main.py in the project root. ", "Calling scripts higher in the directory tree is a potential sign of incorrect structure, but not always.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Clint Johnson\n\nClint Johnson (born in Fish Branch, Florida) is an American author of nonfiction, primarily about the American Civil War. ", "He is a graduate of the University of Florida.", "\n\nFascinated with the American Civil War since childhood, Johnson has written eight books on the subject. ", "He was also coauthor of They Call Me Big House, , the autobiography of the late Clarence Gaines, one of America's best collegiate basketball coaches. ", "Johnson is also the author of two corporate biographies, and hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles on business, history and travel.", "\n\nPersonal\nJohnson lives in the mountains of North Carolina with his wife Barbara. ", "He has been featured as a guest on The Political Cesspool.", "\n\nBibliography\n\n TIN CANS & GREYHOUNDS: The Destroyers That Won World War II, 2019, Regnery History, \nA VAST AND FIENDISH PLOT: The Confederate Attack on New York City, 2010, Citadel/Kensington Press, \nPURSUIT: The Chase, Capture, Persecution and Surprising Release of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, 2008, Citadel/Kensington Publishing, \n The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South, 2007, Regnery Publishing, \n Colonial America and the American Revolution: The 25 Best Sites, 2006, Greenline Publications, \n The 25 Best Civil War Sites: The Ultimate Traveler's Guide to Battlefields, Monument & Museums, 2005, Greenline Publications, \n They Call Me Big House, 2004, John F. Blair Publisher, \n In the Footsteps of J.E.B. Stuart, 2003, John F. Blair Publisher, \n Bull's-Eyes and Misfires: 50 Obscure People Whose Efforts Shaped the American Civil War, 2002, Rutledge Hill Press, \n In the Footsteps of Stonewall Jackson, 2002, John F. Blair Publisher, \n In the Footsteps of Robert E. Lee, 2001, John F. Blair Publisher, \n Touring Virginia's and West Virginia's Civil War Sites, 1999, John F. Blair Publisher, \n Civil War Blunders, 1997, John F. Blair Publisher, \n Touring the Carolinas' Civil War Sites, 1996, John F. Blair Publisher,\n\nExternal links\n Author's website\n \"The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South\" by Clint Johnson\n \n\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Male biographers\nCategory:21st-century American historians\nCategory:American political writers\nCategory:Writers from Florida\nCategory:Writers from North Carolina\nCategory:People from DeSoto County, Florida\nCategory:Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients\nCategory:University of Florida alumni\nCategory:Historians of the American Civil War\nCategory:20th-century American biographers\nCategory:21st-century American biographers\nCategory:20th-century American male writers\nCategory:American male non-fiction writers" ]
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[ "Cutaneous reflex modulation during obstacle avoidance under conditions of normal and degraded visual input.", "\nThe nervous system integrates visual input regarding obstacles with limb-based sensory feedback to allow an individual to safely negotiate the environment. ", "This latter source can include cutaneous information from the foot, particularly in the event that limb trajectory is not sufficient and there is an unintended collision with the object. ", "However, it is not clear the extent to which cutaneous reflexes are modified based on visual input. ", "In this study, we first determined if phase-dependent modulation of these reflexes is present when stepping over an obstacle during overground walking. ", "We then tested the hypothesis that degrading the quality of visual feedback alters cutaneous reflex amplitude in this task. ", "Subjects walked and stepped over an obstacle-leading with their right foot-while we electrically stimulated the right superficial peroneal nerve at the level of the ankle at different phases. ", "Subjects performed this task with normal vision and with degraded vision. ", "We found that the amplitude of cutaneous reflexes varied based on the phase of stepping over the obstacle in all leg muscles tested. ", "With degraded visual feedback, regardless of phase, we found larger facilitation of cutaneous reflexes in the ipsilateral biceps femoris-a muscle responsible for flexing the knee to avoid the obstacle. ", "Although degrading vision caused minor changes in several other muscles, none of these differences reached the level of significance. ", "Nonetheless, our results suggest that visual feedback plays a role in altering how the nervous system uses other sensory input in a muscle-specific manner to ensure safe obstacle clearance." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCV4-682 \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN\n\n\n\n\n\nNO. ", "03-94-00682-CV\n\n\n\n\n\nJohn C. Cangelosi, Jr., Appellant\n\n\nv.\n\n\nTexas Water Commission, Appellee\n\n\n\n\n\nFROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF TRAVIS COUNTY, 201ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT\n\nNO. ", "92-03836, HONORABLE PAUL R. DAVIS, JR., ", "JUDGE PRESIDING\n\n\n\n\n\nPER CURIAM\n\n\n\n\tJohn C. Cangelosi appeals from the order of the trial court that dismissed his cause\r\nfor want of prosecution. ", " In two points of error, he contends that the trial court erred in: (1) \r\ndismissing his cause without a hearing, or, in the alternative, without notice to him; and (2)\r\noverruling his verified, uncontroverted motion to reinstate. ", " We will affirm the order.", "\n\n\nBACKGROUND\n\tThis cause arises out of an enforcement action that the Texas Water Commission (1)\r\n(the Commission) brought against appellant in connection with his acquisition of property\r\ncontaining drums of industrial waste. ", " On March 23, 1992, appellant filed a petition seeking\r\njudicial review of the agency order issued on December 23, 1991. ", " The Commission answered\r\non April 16, 1992. ", " No further activity occurred in the cause until the trial court initiated\r\ncommunication with the parties. (", "2)\n\tOn June 9, 1994, the trial court sent a letter to counsel for each side notifying\r\ncounsel that there had been \"no action in the case for a long time\" and that the case \"will be\r\ndismissed for want of prosecution\" within fifteen days unless the court received a sufficient\r\nexplanation of why the case had not been concluded and a description of what was necessary to\r\nconclude the case promptly. ", " The letter continues that if the response did not convince the court\r\nthat the case should be retained, it would be dismissed. ", " On June 22, 1994, appellant filed a\r\nmotion to retain. ", "The record does not show a request for a hearing on that motion. ", " On July 27,\r\n1994, appellant filed a motion for leave to present additional evidence at the Commission. ", " On\r\nAugust 4, 1994, the court signed an order dismissing the cause. ", " On August 17, 1994, appellant\r\nfiled a motion to reinstate. ", " After a hearing, the court overruled the motion on August 22, 1994.", "\n\n\nSTANDARD OF REVIEW\n\tThe decision to dismiss a case for want of prosecution rests within the sound\r\ndiscretion of the trial court, and can be disturbed on review only if it amounted to a clear abuse\r\nof discretion. ", " State v. Rotello, 671 S.W.2d 507, 508-9 (Tex. ", "1984). ", " A trial court abuses its\r\ndiscretion when it acts in an arbitrary and unreasonable manner, or when it acts without reference\r\nto any guiding principles. ", " Beaumont Bank, N.A. v. Buller, 806 S.W.2d 223, 226 (Tex. ", "1991);\r\nDowner v. Aquamarine Operators, Inc., 701 S.W.2d 238, 241-42 (Tex. ", "1985). ", " This Court may\r\nnot reverse for abuse of discretion merely because we disagree with the trial court's decision. ", "\r\nBuller, 806 S.W.2d at 226; Downer, 701 S.W.2d at 242.", "\n\tWhen deciding whether to dismiss a case the court may consider the amount of\r\nactivity in the case, the length of time the case was on file, requests for a trial date, and the\r\nexistence of reasonable excuses for delay. ", " Bilnoski v. Pizza Inn, Inc. 858 S.W.2d 55, 56 (Tex.", "\r\nApp.--Houston [14th Dist.] ", "1993, no writ). ", " The record in this cause does not include a statement\r\nof facts from the hearing on the motion to reinstate. ", " Absent any record of what evidence the trial\r\ncourt considered, we presume the trial court passed on any facts necessary to support its order. ", "\r\nFrenzel v. Browning-Ferris Indus., ", "780 S.W.2d 844, 846 (Tex. ", "App.--Houston [14th Dist.] ", "1989,\r\nno writ). ", " The burden of proof rests upon a litigant asserting an abuse of discretion because we\r\npresume that the trial court action was justified. ", " Hosey v. County of Victoria, 832 S.W.2d 701,\r\n704 (Tex. ", "App.--Corpus Christi 1992, no writ); Fulmer v. Barfield, 480 S.W.2d 413, 415 (Tex.", "\r\nCiv. ", "App.--Tyler 1972, writ dism'd).", "\n\n\nNO ABUSE OF DISCRETION\n\tIn his first point of error, appellant contends that the court abused its discretion by\r\ndismissing his cause without a hearing, or, in the alternative, because he received no notice of any\r\nhearing before the court dismissed his cause. ", " Appellant argues that the trial court therefore failed\r\nto comply with Rule 165a(1). ", " Tex. ", "Rule Civ. ", "P. 165a(1). ", " However, appellant's cause was not\r\ndismissed under Rule 165a(1), which governs dismissals based on a failure to appear. ", " His cause\r\nwas dismissed for want of diligent prosecution. ", " Further, the court held a hearing on his motion\r\nto reinstate, which is adequate to satisfy any due process concerns. ", " See Rotello, 671 S.W.2d at\r\n508; Frenzel, 780 S.W.2d at 846.", "\n\tHe also argues generally that his cause should not have been dismissed because he\r\nwas taking action in the cause. ", " In evaluating this cause for want of prosecution, the court was\r\nconsidering a cause in which no activity had occurred since its filing, which was more than two\r\nyears before the court's letter to the parties. ", " The cause had not been disposed of within the \r\nrecommended twelve-month time for non-jury matters in civil cases. ", " Tex. ", "R. Jud. ", "Admin.", "\r\n6(b)(2). ", " The substantive law controlling the cause, the Solid Waste Disposal Waste Act, creates\r\na presumption that the plaintiff has abandoned the cause if it is not prosecuted within one year\r\nafter filing. ", " Tex. ", "Health & Safety Code Ann. § ", "361.321(d) (West 1992).", "\n\tAppellant's proffered reason why the cause should remain on the trial court's\r\ndocket, both in the motion to retain and the motion to reinstate, was that he wanted the cause re-opened at the agency for a consideration of new evidence and a re-consideration of the exclusion\r\nof certain evidence. ", " See Tex. ", "Gov't Code Ann. § ", "2001.175(c) (West 1995). ", " He does not explain,\r\nhowever, why he never applied to the trial court for such an action until after the court's letter\r\nthreatening to dismiss the cause. ", " The court could have found the explanation inadequate. ", "\r\nConsidering all of the factors presented, we cannot say that the trial court abused its discretion\r\nin dismissing the cause. ", " We overrule point of error one.", "\n\tIn point of error two, appellant contends that the trial court erred in overruling his\r\nverified motion to reinstate because the Commission filed a controverting response, but offered\r\nno affidavit evidence. ", " Appellant provides no authority for his proposition. ", " Further, he again\r\ninvokes Rule 165a(1), governing a dismissal for failure to appear, when he states in his brief that\r\nhis motion to reinstate established that \"the failure was not intentional or the result of conscious\r\nindifference.\" ", " Further, the record contains no statement of facts showing what evidence might\r\nhave been offered by the agency and considered by the trial court at the hearing. ", " See Frenzel, 780\r\nS.W.2d at 846. ", " We presume the court found any necessary facts in support of its order. ", " We\r\noverrule point of error two.", "\n\tWe affirm the order of the trial court.", "\n\nBefore Chief Justice Carroll, Justices Powers and Kidd\nAffirmed\nFiled: July 12, 1995\nDo Not Publish\n1. ", " 1 The Texas Water Commission now has merged into the Texas Natural Resource\r\nConservation Commission.", "\r\n2. ", " 2 The Commission also apparently filed the administrative record with the trial court clerk's\r\noffice. ", " See Tex. ", "Gov't Code Ann. § ", "2001.175(b) (West 1995).", "\r\n\n" ]
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[ "The Kevin Durant Magic Unicorn Fairytale\n\nIn case you haven’t heard, Kevin Durant is a free agent this year.", "\n\nNow up until very recently, I had assumed that KD would stay with OKC, because that’s where his history, legacy and comfort zone are. ", "He also can get more money from OKC. ", "The Thunder were right there with the Warriors (albeit with a limited Curry) in the playoffs, so why leave a good thing?", "\n\nBut all you GSOMers just keep sucking me in and getting my hopes up. ", "There’s one factor that has swayed me to thinking there is a very real chance KD comes to GSW. ", "But before that, let’s just get the facts straight.", "\n\nWoj reports:\n\nKD meets with teams starting July 1, probably in NYC. ", "So don’t read the tea leaves before July 1 (can we agree to call it K-D-Day?).", "\n\nKD wants to decide before a trip on July 9\n\nLIkely teams meeting are GSW, OKC, SAS, BOS, LAC, MIA.", "\n\nMarc Stein reports:\n\nSources told ESPN that the list of teams that get to pitch Durant directly will grow before NBA free agency officially commences July 1 at 12:01 a.m. ET, but the list of confirmed suitors for now features the Thunder and their two main rivals in the Western Conference. ", "The Warriors and Spurs, sources say, are both already planning to load a plane full of key organizational figures -- including Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson for Golden State, and Gregg Popovich and Tim Duncan for San Antonio.", "\n\nWhy Would the W’s Want KD?", "\n\nAs for the basketball fit:\n\nPROS\n\nhe is a scoring stud\n\nhe is a great shooter, which is something that the W’s (believe it or not) lack past Splash Bros\n\nhe is a decent passer and showed a lot of excellent defense in the WCF\n\nhe would give a second shot-creator on team. ", "W’s basically can’t win with Curry out and very hard to win with subpar Curry.", "\n\nhigh character\n\nhigh IQ\n\nCONS\n\nquestions about his accepting a smaller scoring load\n\nquestions about his accepting a #2 or #1A role\n\nquestions about his reducing the amount of ISO (note his public statement defending ISOs in OKC)\n\nwhat would the Dubs have to give up to make space for KD ?", "\n\nThe great thing about the CONS is that by definition, if KD comes to the W’s he will have made peace with the Questions. ", "So the only questions are if he’ll come and how much the W’s have to give up.", "\n\nBobby Marks on very basic Warriors cap and contract information\n\nRoughly speaking, it looks like the W’s can keep Steph, Klay, Draymond, Andre and Shaun and also sign KD. ", "Basically, they would have to lose either Bogut or Andre, and I assume for KD purposes, GSW would keep Andre.", "\n\nThat is a lot of bench to be dumping, including notably Barnes and Ezeli. ", "But that bench strength looked pretty fragile in the playoffs, and all the important team culture pillars would remain, as well as all the players that KD is reportedly close with. ", "Most importantly, it was likely that the W’s were going to lose a number of these free agents anyway, and the GSW centers were exposed as a liability in the playoffs.", "\n\nSo GSW would have to fill out a roster of something like\n\nCurry / Livingston Klay / McCaw Kevin Freakin Durant / Andre / Looney Draymond / Robert Carter / cheap vet big cheap vet competent center / Damian Jones\n\nversus something like\n\nCurry / Livingston Klay / McCaw Barnes / Iguodala Draymond / Looney / Carter Bogut / Ezeli / Jones\n\nThe KD Unicorn lineup looks like a killer small lineup, but top-heavy and quite weak at traditional Center, whereas the KD-less normal Dubs look more balanced, but still with starting weak links like Barnes, and every experienced center on offense.", "\n\nIf KD Leaves OKC, Why Would KD Want to Join GSW ?", "\n\nI would be shocked if KD ended up with anyone besides OKC or GSW next year. ", "Reported likely teams meeting are GSW, OKC, SAS, BOS, LAC, MIA. ", "Woj added:\n\nBut more than any other rival suitor, the Warriors have Durant's attention, league sources said. ", "Durant’s public and private criteria for the free-agent selection process have pertained to a singular focus: the chance to win titles immediately.", "\n\nI think it’s pretty clear that of those teams, GSW and SAS are the only teams that would be a clear upgrade over OKC. ", "And SAS is going through a weird transition where LaMarcus Aldridge and Kawhi Leonard are being asked to play a lot of slow isolation ball. ", "This is already the situation he has in OKC, and SAS also has the mighty undead Big Three on the verge of retirement as usual.", "\n\nSo for sheer titles, GSW is the place. ", "Curry is a near mortal lock to re-sign forever, Klay and Draymond are locked up for three more years.", "\n\nAnd given that GSW just blew the Finals, KD won’t be seen as just riding coat-tails for a title.", "\n\nAlso, Durant is reportedly close to Andre Iguodala and Draymond Green, as well as Stephen Curry, especially with their connection as serious Christians. ", "GSW has a reputation as a fun place, it has lots of unselfish players he already likes, and Ron Adams, a former coach that he likes.", "\n\nWhy Would KD Want to Leave OKC?", "\n\n1. ", "OKC has a history of being cheap w players and trading them unceremoniously. ", "Compare James Harden and Reggie Jackson trades. ", "Also, good trade or not and whether Ibaka was an uncertainly aged malcontent or not, Serge Ibaka getting sent out is part of the pattern.", "\n\n2. ", "KD can get more money with OKC, but whatever team he chooses, he is going to sign a contract for one-year plus player option year, and he will almost surely re-sign there for the max under the new salary cap, and he will be making more money than you can spend in a lifetime.", "\n\n3. ", "KD is in a very tricky situation where he has to trust that RWB will not betray him, as explained next.", "\n\nThe One-sided Prisoner’s Dilemma\n\nKevin Durant is almost in a classical Prisoner's Dilemma (google it) with Russell Westbrook. ", "RWB himself will be a free agent next year. ", "If they both stay, that team will be a contender for as long as the two of them are playing. ", "If one leaves and one stays, the other is screwed because history tells us that OKC can’t be a contender without both of them healthy. ", "If both leave, both will do fine with their new situation. ", "So the individual calculation is to leave, UNLESS you are rock solid sure the other won't betray.", "\n\nThat’s the classical Prisoner’s Dilemma. ", "But KD is in a much worse situation. ", "Basically, he has to decide first BEFORE RWB. ", "There’s no middle ground of KD delaying the decision by signing a 1 yr contract with OKC to synchronize free agency with RWB, because this year is pretty much the only year the salary cap lets the W's take in KD.", "\n\nIf KD does not sign w GSW, the W’s will have to match Harrison Barnes and Festus Ezeli restricted free agency offers, or let them leave for nothing. (", "Now you may be a bit bitter about the playoffs, where it’s fair to say that they were both very disappointing despite the opportunity and need for them to step up in a bigger role. ", "But given the salary cap, if the two walk, there isn’t any easy way for GSW to replace them. ", "So the best chance is to arrange some kind of sign-and-trade.) ", "And any talented player that GSW brings on board will probably not be willing to come with a one year contract. ", "So this is the big year for GSW to add a free agent.", "\n\nSo, if KD does NOT leave OKC, if he re-signs with OKC then next year, he has to trust that RWB will re-sign too. ", "If RWB wants a bigger media market, a bigger brand, a chance to be the undisputed main man, then he could well leave KD holding the bag at OKC having missed his chance to go to GSW. ", "Unless he can be trusted to be a brother and have a selfless attitude.", "\n\nIf KD signs elsewhere, he controls his own destiny.", "\n\nFinal Thoughts\n\nSo, what will happen? ", "Who knows? ", "But I expect the decision will simply come down to how much KD trusts RWB. ", "GSW looks all-in on getting Durant, so If KD trusts RWB to selflessly build a contender with him, then he stays. ", "If he doesn’t, then he’ll go to GSW.", "\n\nI know I'm completely projecting my own prejudices, but RWB does not seem to be that selfless just-win guy that KD can entrust his career to. ", "Westbrook:\n\nshoots more than KD throughout games and in crunch time, even though KD is a much better shooter\n\npads his own stats to get MVPs of All-Star exhibitions\n\nacts immaturely towards the press and rarely if ever takes responsibility for his bad game decisions, and rarely gives respect to opponents\n\ncalls attention to himself via a controversial public fashion sense and look\n\nSo KD may really need to book a banana boat vacation with RWB after the free agency pitches on K-D-Day (7/1) and have the biggest heart to heart in recent NBA history..." ]
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[ "Embodiments herein generally relate to media paths within devices that use nip rollers to move sheets or webs of media, and more particularly to a pivoting nip structure that can be used, for example, in the area where an opening panel exists to keep proper pressure on the media within the nip.", "\nMost multi-function printers/multi-function devices (MFPs/MFDs) and related imaging devices, sometimes simply referred to as “printers” herein, use roller nips to move media throughout the machine. ", "Typically, a nip uses a driven shaft with multiple rollers opposed by complementary idler rollers. ", "The idler rollers are typically spring loaded to provide the nip load. ", "The driven nip roller shaft is typically stationary due to drive system connections. ", "Spring loaded idlers allow for tolerance variations in roller diameters and shaft placement and provide the nip clamping force so paper is fed without slippage. ", "An issue occurs when one side of a “subsequent” transport roller set is mounted in the printer media feed path and the other to a panel or door that moves somehow (e.g., opens to an exterior sheet feeder). ", "As media feed transfers from the pick roller to the subsequent roller set, the paper can become taut, exerting normal force against the door mounted idler rollers, which in turn causes the nip clamping force to be reduced or eliminated as the nip “opens”. ", "The nip opening does not need to be a fully open condition, the term “open” here indicates any nip gap that would cause a loss of traction. ", "The result is poor feeding or a loss of feed motion. ", "In the worst case, the customer experiences a paper jam." ]
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[ "{\n \"name\": \"unimodules-task-manager-interface\",\n \"version\": \"4.0.0\",\n \"description\": \"Universal module interface package for TaskManager\",\n \"keywords\": [\n \"unimodules\",\n \"task-manager\",\n \"task\",\n \"background\"\n ],\n \"repository\": {\n \"type\": \"git\",\n \"url\": \"https://github.com/expo/expo.git\",\n \"directory\": \"packages/unimodules-task-manager-interface\"\n },\n \"bugs\": {\n \"url\": \"https://github.com/expo/expo/issues\"\n },\n \"author\": \"650 Industries, Inc.\",\n \"license\": \"MIT\",\n \"homepage\": \"https://github.com/expo/expo/tree/master/packages/unimodules-task-manager-interface\",\n \"unimodulePeerDependencies\": {\n \"@unimodules/core\": \"*\"\n },\n \"gitHead\": \"4e13b3cb88d9205f14bee7764038ab2dd9ef1fbd\"\n}" ]
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[ "Mirror fashion overshoes are what you need to attract attention. ", "They will help create a fascinating image around you or supplement it. ", "Glass shoes are made of a durable acrylic mirror that does not break even if you stumble against a stone. ", "Thanks to this, our mirrored overshoes can be used in different conditions. ", "They are very convenient because they can be worn on any shoes. ", "Also, the broken glass shoes look great in the pictures.", "\n\n➨ What you get:● For personal use:Mirror foot wear is perfect for any of your shoes. ", "Even if your old shoes are worn out, thanks to the disco ball overshoes you can easily revive them and look impressive. ", "They are good for parties, events, fashion performance. ", "In them, you can easily even dance. ", "Silver glass overshoes will serve you for a long time because in case of breakage they can easily be repaired using our repair kit.", "\n\n● For business:The mirrored overshoes are perfectly stretched they can be put on shoes of various sizes from 9 till 10 inches. ", "It's easy to let you change the artists who will wear them. ", "They are easy to care for, which allows you to use them again and again. ", "The overshoes are compact and easily transportable. ", "Mirror shoes look great on the stage and create stunning visual effects due to the light reflected by the mirror.", "\n\n➨ Why you need exactly these overshoes:✔ High-quality acrylic mirror from ItalyThese mirrors on overshoes reflect light very well. ", "You can achieve a stunning lighting effect with the help of stage lighting equipment, laser projectors or even sunlight.", "\n\n✔ Good in any weatherIf outside there is a bad weather – rainy, windy, frosty or even snowing – you don't need to worry about this. ", "Mirror overshoes feel good in any conditions, because they won't stick off and it's really hard to break those mirrors, also you can even wash them in a washing machine.", "\n\n✔ Excellent investmentMirror glitter shoes look very impressive. ", "These mirror outfits don’t require maintenance and can wear it for a long time. ", "All this time, they will bring you money.", "\n\n✔ UniversalityOvershoes can be worn on shoes of different sizes and model types. ", "This means that they can be worn by different people!", "\n\n✔ Wide opportunities to useThese disco ball clothing are suitable for any events. ", "Mirror shoes can work day and night.", "Mirror glitter clothes are excellent for photo session.", "\n\n✔ New images and maximum comfortIf you already have favorite and comfortable shoes that are still good, but look not so bright, outworn or old fashion, so you can transform its appearance using our overshoes. ", "Increase the visual component and save comfort!", "\n\n✔ Easy to use and repairMirror overshoes completely hug your shoes, it is very comfortable to move. ", "Mirror glitter footwear very easy to repair, and everything you need can be found in Repair Kit." ]
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[ "On 2.1 i used LogoMe to change the boot screen. ", "After installing 2.2 Logo me will not work it wont download the necessary files does anyone have any idea on how to fix this or any other way i can change the boot screen to something i want? ", "Any help would be great thanks guys.......\n\nit will work in time, the jailbreak for 2.2 has only been available for 2 days now, not all developers have updated there apps, eventually this will get updated and will work just like it did before, i would say about a week or so, sit tight!", "\n\nwith winrar extract the quickpwn exe file to another folder in that package there is a file called data you can now replace the boot logos with your own file and then use the exe file within that folder (not the originaal) I know this only work wile jail breaking but it workeg great for me\n\nwith winrar extract the quickpwn exe file to another folder in that package there is a file called data you can now replace the boot logos with your own file and then use the exe file within that folder (not the originaal) I know this only work wile jail breaking but it workeg great for me\n\nAnyone to confirm this works for already jailbroken iphones (meaning doing a rerun, but only to jailbreak and change the logo)?", "\n\nAnyone to confirm this works for already jailbroken iphones (meaning doing a rerun, but only to jailbreak and change the logo)?", "\n\nThanks.", "\n\nI can't confirm because I haven't done it but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. ", "However, I wouldn't rerun QuickPwn or WinPwn just for the boot logo. ", "It's an overkill. ", "Wait for a new version of LogoMe. ", "BTW, I have never used LogoMe: can you select a picture from your own computer?", "\n\nI can't confirm because I haven't done it but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. ", "However, I wouldn't rerun QuickPwn or WinPwn just for the boot logo. ", "It's an overkill. ", "Wait for a new version of LogoMe. ", "BTW, I have never used LogoMe: can you select a picture from your own computer?", "\n\nlogo me requires you to use a web address of the picture you want to use\n\nI can't confirm because I haven't done it but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. ", "However, I wouldn't rerun QuickPwn or WinPwn just for the boot logo. ", "It's an overkill. ", "Wait for a new version of LogoMe. ", "BTW, I have never used LogoMe: can you select a picture from your own computer?", "\n\nOk, thanks. ", "Just try I guess. ", "Actually LogoMe is a bit irrritating I think. ", "You have to find the exakt correct webaddress (http:// etc) to the picture you'd like to use (example search for bootlogos in Google pictures). ", "You type in the webaddress in LogoMe and it's downloading it and putting it as your bootlogo. ", "If the pic is too large or wrong format LogoMe will let you know. ", "I guess if you can upload your pic from your computer to a website, you can set the address to that picture.", "\n\nYou will have noticed that logome not work on the new firmware 2.2, here’s the solution:\nleft on ssh / private / var / stash / Applications / LogoMe.app / PwnmetheusBundles\nyou will see the different bundles but not those relating to firmware 2.2; unpack with winrar quickpwn 2.2 and the folder data / PwnmetheusBundles take the bundles related to firmware 2.2 and copy in / private / var / stash / Applications / LogoMe.app / PwnmetheusBundles.", "\nChange the file permissions to info.plst contained in the folders and bundles, set as 755 and remove any files other than info.plst.", "\nReboot and enjoy LogoMe fully functional.", "\n\nLogome is working well on 2.2 now after recent cydia update--can now download necessary part of new firmware to flash. ", "Also, another good tip for selecting boot logos is to simply go to ipodtouched.net, find boot logo you prefer (mine is the gears of war logo with an apple logo in place of the gears skull)--you can click the pic then right click to see image properties then highlight .png title and copy it, third go to snurl.com and paste this .png location and snip it to make a much shorter url (such as Snipurl / Snurl / Snipr - Snippetty snip snip with your looong URLs! ", "--instead of such a long title to try in on the logome prompt.) ", "Enjoy, let me know if helpful to anyone, can be done in 5 mins easy." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention pertains to hydraulically-actuated and electrically-controlled downhole vibratory/impact source apparatus for generating seismic signals in conjunction with vertical seismic profiling-type logging or exploration processes.", "\n2. ", "Background\nCertain well \"logging\" and hydrocarbon exploration processes are performed utilizing what are known as vertical seismic profiling or reverse vertical seismic profiling processes. ", "In reverse vertical seismic profiling processes, a source of an impact signal is lowered into a wellbore to generate vibrations which are transmitted through the earth formation to an array of geophones located in either adjacent wellbores and/or on the earth's surface in a predetermined pattern. ", "This process is useful in obtaining information about particular formation zones of interest surrounding the wellbore.", "\nOne constraint on providing suitable vertical seismic profiling processes is the limitations on providing suitable power sources downhole to generate repeated impact or vibratory signals to the earth formation which will provide suitable readings at the receiver elements or geophones. ", "Since it is usually undesirable to damage the wellbore in which the source is disposed, explosive-type seismic sources are, in many instances, not usable. ", "Moreover, heretofore, it has been impractical to transmit or generate enough electrical power \"downhole\" to provide adequate energy for a seismic source. ", "However, with the development of combinations of tubing strings, notably coiled tubing, with electrical cable or so-called wireline-type electrical conductor arrangements for performing certain operations in a wellbore, it has been determined that it is possible to provide adequate hydraulic power through the tubing string to a downhole vibratory source as established by the embodiments of the present invention." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAngular 2 click event causing entire component to re-initialize (losing state)\n\nI'm attempting to build a simple tree-like-structure that allows data to be nested so that you can expand/collapse children of nodes and ultimately make a selection by clicking on an element.", "\nThe problem I'm having is that when I fire the click event to toggle showing/hiding of child nodes, the top-level component is being re-initialized and it resets the flag back to false and therefore doesn't show the child nodes.", "\nHere is all the relevant code involved:\nlookup-data.interface.ts:\nexport interface LookupData {\n id: string;\n label: string;\n parentId?: ", "string;\n}\n\nlookup-modal.component.ts:\nimport { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';\nimport { LookupData } from './lookup-data.interface';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'lookup-modal',\n host: {\n '(window:keydown)': 'handleKeyPress($event)'\n },\n templateUrl: '/app/shared/lookup-modal/lookup-modal.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./app/assets/css/modal.css']\n})\nexport class LookupModalComponent {\n constructor() { }\n\n @Input() label: string = '';\n @Input() data: LookupData[] = [];\n @Output() close: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();\n\n search: string = '';\n\n get topLevelData(): LookupData[] {\n return this.data.filter((item: LookupData): boolean => !", "item.parentId);\n }\n\n handleKeyPress(event: any): void {\n if (event && event.keyCode === 27) {\n this.close.emit();\n }\n }\n}\n\nlookup-modal.component.html:\n<div class=\"modal-backdrop fade in fsi-modal-backdrop\"></div>\n<div tabindex=\"-1\"\n role=\"dialog\"\n class=\"modal fade scale up in fsi-modal\">\n <div class=\"modal-dialog modal-lg fsi-modal-dialog\">\n <div class=\"modal-content fsi-modal-content\">\n <div class=\"modal-header fsi-modal-header\">\n <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" (click)=\"close.emit()\">\n <span>×</span>\n </button>\n <h4 class=\"modal-title\">{{label}}</h4>\n </div>\n <div class=\"modal-body nopad fsi-modal-body\"> \n <input type=\"search\" class=\"form-control\" [(ngModel)]=\"search\" />\n\n <div style=\"margin-top: .5rem;\">\n <div *ngFor=\"let topLevelItem of topLevelData; let i = index;\">\n <lookup-item [item]=\"topLevelItem\"\n [data]=\"data\"\n [i]=\"i\"\n [search]=\"search\"\n (selection)=\"close.emit($event)\"></lookup-item>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class=\"modal-footer fsi-modal-footer\">\n <button class=\"btn btn-danger pull-left\" type=\"button\" (click)=\"close.emit('')\">Clear</button>\n <button class=\"btn btn-default\" (click)=\"close.emit()\">Cancel</button>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nlookup-item.component.ts:\nimport { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';\nimport { LookupData } from './lookup-data.interface';\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'lookup-item',\n templateUrl: '/app/shared/lookup-modal/lookup-item.component.html'\n})\nexport class LookupItemComponent {\n constructor() { }\n @Input() item: LookupData;\n @Input() i: number;\n @Input() data: LookupData[] = [];\n @Input() search: string = '';\n @Output() selection: EventEmitter<string> = new EventEmitter<string>();\n\n showChildren: boolean = false;\n\n // temp/test, not needed\n ngOnInit() {\n if (this.item.id === '1') \n console.log(this.item.label);\n }\n\n toggleChildren(): void {\n console.log('toggle');\n this.showChildren = !", "this.showChildren;\n }\n\n get children(): LookupData[] {\n return this.data.filter((i: LookupData): boolean => i.parentId === this.item.id);\n }\n}\n\nlookup-item.component.html:\n<div class=\"row\" style=\"padding: 5px;\"\n [ngStyle]=\"{'border-top': i || item.parentId ? '", "none' : '1px solid #eee', 'border-bottom': item.parentId ? '", "none' : '1px solid #eee'}\">\n\n <div class=\"col-xs-1\" \n *ngIf=\"children.length\" \n style=\"cursor: pointer; text-align: center;\"\n (click)=\"toggleChildren()\">\n\n <span class=\"glyphicon\"\n [ngClass]=\"{'glyphicon-triangle-right': !", "showChildren, 'glyphicon-triangle-down': showChildren}\"></span>\n </div>\n\n <div class=\"col-xs-11\"\n [ngClass]=\"{'col-xs-offset-1': !", "children.length}\"\n (click)=\"selection.emit(item.id)\"\n style=\"cursor: pointer;\">\n\n {{item.label}}\n\n <div *ngIf=\"showChildren\">\n <div *ngFor=\"let child of children; let j = index;\">\n <lookup-item [item]=\"child\"\n [data]=\"data\"\n [i]=\"j\"\n [search]=\"search\"\n (selection)=\"selection.emit($event)\"></lookup-item>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\nSo my problem is, when the (click) event is fired and calls toggleChildren() in the lookup-item component, for some reason the ngOnInit() method gets run again (the whole component re-initializes itself). ", "This causes the showChildren attribute get reset to false even though the toggleChildren() method should be setting it to true, and therefor the child nodes never get shown.", "\nI have spent hours on this issue already and have tried researching but have found nothing relevant to my issue anywhere on the internet as of yet.", "\nI'm really hoping someone can point out a glaring error I've missed because I'm quite stumped at the moment.", "\nThanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nSo I just figured this out - it had to do with the way I was generating the input data (which isn't shown in the original question because I didn't think it was relevant at first) - instead of passing an actual array into it I was using a typescript getter and it was forcing it to re-initialize when I tried to make changes to the data for some reason.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Meet the Black Greeks!", "\n\nFriday, September 8, 2017 - 07:00\n\nIt’s that time of year again where the National Pan Hellenic Council (also known as the Divine 9) came together to present their sorority or fraternity in a formal presentation in their yearly event called, “Meet the Black Greeks”. ", "This involved stepping and giving the public information about the foundation of their organization. ", "The event, which took place in Jack Adams Hall on September 8, 2017, was packed with Black Greeks from the undergraduate level to those in graduate chapters as well as many students buzzing to see the show." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0, 0.0037174721189591076, 0, 0.009708737864077669 ]
[ "Terry Vaughan\n\nTerence Ronald Vaughan (born 22 April 1938) is a Welsh former professional footballer who played in the Football League for Mansfield Town.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1938 births\nCategory:living people\nCategory:Welsh footballers\nCategory:Association football forwards\nCategory:English Football League players\nCategory:Mansfield Town F.C. players" ]
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[ "About\n\nMarcus C. Blackmore AM\n\nMarcus Blackmore was born in Queensland in 1945, received his high school education at Church of England Grammar School in Brisbane, and later gained a Naturopathic Diploma from the NSW College of Naturopathic Sciences\n\nFor many years, Marcus has been involved with many charitable and business organisations and has received many awards for his contribution to industry and the community. ", "He was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1998 and an Honorary Doctor of Southern Cross University in 2006.", "\n\nMarcus started his life on the water as a deckhand and casual Master for Hayles Cruises in Brisbane in the late 60’s. ", "He has had an extensive sailing career including 13 Sydney-Hobart Races and is a past Australian Farr 40 champion.", "\n\nService\n\n1969-1971 Australian Army R.A.E. Rank 2nd Lieutenant with service in Vietnam.", "\n\nCurrent Appointments\n\nMarcus is currently Executive Director of Blackmores Ltd, a public company employing over 1,200 people in Australia, New Zealand and Asia. ", "The company markets the premium brand of vitamin and herbal products under the ‘Blackmores’ label and is widely recognised for its ethical practices and its treatment of staff.", "\n\nMarcus also holds the following positions:\n\nDirector (and Past Chairman), Young Endeavour Youth Scheme\n\nHonorary Trustee, CEDA (Committee for the Economic Development of Australia)\n\nVice Chair, Defence Reserves Support Council\n\nPrevious Appointments\n\nChairman and Board Member of the Heart Research Institute\n\nChairman and Board Member of the Southern Cross University Foundation\n\nDirector of the Australian National Maritime Museum\n\nMember, Maritime Ministerial Advisory Committee to the NSW Government\n\nAwards\n\nMember of the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) (1998) – for service to business, industry and the community\n\nNational Australia Day Council Citizen of the Year for community service in 1994.", "\n\nNFAA ‘Lady Cilento Award’ for contribution to industry, 1981\n\nNSW Government Premiers Award 1990 for community service\n\nRiverCare 2000 Gold Award in 1995 by NSW Department of Land and Water Conservation\n\nLike this:\n\n2 responses to “About”\n\nGod bless you Mr Marcus as I read your biography you are made for humanity. ", "Whole world we proud on you because you are Great personality. ", "I am praying to God for your long life and Good health and wealth.", "\nHope to see you very soon\nIt will be a God Gift for me if I could meet you.", "\nRegards\nPretpaul Siingh" ]
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[ "Visitor Information\n\nSEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium, located on the Yarra waterfront opposite the Crown Casino, is one of Victoria's leading visitor attractions and a great outing for the whole family. ", "Plan your visit ahead by checking the official site visitor info here.", "\n\nNo trip to the Melbourne is complete without visiting Melbourne Aquarium. ", "Situated on the riverside, just opposite the Crown Casino, Melbourne Aquarium is home to thousands of animals, including sharks, turtles, stingrays, sawfish, tropical fish and much, much more.", "\n\nFamily Days Out in Melbourne\n\nAs one of Victoria's leading family and tourist attractions, Melbourne Aquarium offers entertainment for young and old alike. ", "Walk underwater through the glass viewing tunnels and see Australia's marine life like never before! ", "Come within inches of huge sharks, rays and turtles and see some of the remarkable marine and freshwater animals that Australia is famous for." ]
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[ "The use of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in early renal failure.", "\nAlterations in renal calcitriol synthesis are important in the pathogenesis of secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with progressive renal failure. ", "Many of the manifestations of secondary hyperparathyroidism can be reversed by treatment with 1 alpha-hydroxylated vitamin D sterols, such as calcitriol and 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3, but some studies suggest that such treatment accelerates the rate of progression of renal disease in patients with mild to moderate renal failure. ", "Thus, calcitriol and 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 have been used infrequently in this group of patients. ", "A review of more than 20 clinical reports indicates that the use of calcitriol or 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3, in daily doses of 0.25-0.5 microgram, is rarely associated with hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, or impairment in renal function. ", "If such complications arise, they are usually reversible when treatment with vitamin D sterols is withdrawn and serum calcium levels return to pretreatment values. ", "There is evidence that calcitriol impairs creatinine secretion by the renal tubule; thus, serum creatinine levels may increase and measurements of creatinine clearance may fall during calcitriol therapy in patients with mild to moderate renal failure without any change in true glomerular filtration rate. ", "Daily oral doses of 0.25-0.50 microgram of calcitriol or 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 are well tolerated, and they can reverse the biochemical and histologic features of secondary hyperparathyroidism. ", "Calcitriol therapy may be particularly valuable in patients recognized to be at higher risk of developing progressive secondary hyperparathyroidism as their renal failure slowly advances." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
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[ "Rising CO2 has unforeseen strong impact on Arctic plant productivity\n\n21.02.2019\nScience\nLand\nPublication\nClimate\n\nFig.: ", "Probability density functions of projected increase in photosynthetic carbon fixation for a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration, comparing the conventionally used multi-model average value and the observations-based Emergent Constraint estimate.", "\n\nIn a new study, a team of researchers around Alexander Winkler and Prof Victor Brovkin from the department “The Land in the Earth system” at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) show that most Earth system models (ESM) underestimate the response of Arctic plant productivity to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. ", "These models, which serve as the scientific basis for the IPCC Assessment Reports, likely also underestimate future carbon uptake by photosynthesis - a key aspect for climate projections. ", "This is a surprising result as some previous studies suggested that ESMs overestimate the response of plants to rising CO2.", "\n\nClimate change has a strong footprint on the Earth. ", "The signal is especially visible in high northern latitudes, where amplified warming not only causes permafrost thawing, but also promotes plant growth. ", "Vegetation greening of temperature-limited ecosystems in a warming climate is a well-documented phenomenon. ", "Using the novel approach of Emergent Constraints, the researchers linked changes in high-latitude greening to changes in plant growth as projected in a higher CO2 world. ", "Satellite observations now reveal that the response to CO2 is considerably higher than the average ESM response. ", "This finding indicates that most ESMs likely overestimate future atmospheric CO2 abundance and consequential climatic changes.", "\n\nAlexander Winkler, PhD student at MPI-M and the lead author of the study, comments on the finding: “Photosynthesis provides the basis for life on Earth. ", "In recent decades, we see that this process is increasingly affected by the consequences of anthropogenic carbon emissions; we detect changes on all continents. ", "In high latitudes, our model-based analysis suggests that plant productivity increases with rising CO2 concentration due to warming and CO2 fertilization, in about equal parts. ", "Long-term satellite and ground observations confirm the tendency of model simulations, but clearly indicate, that the effects of rising CO2 on photosynthesis are more pronounced than what the models tell us.”", "\n\n“In our study led by Alexander Winkler, we were interested in the response of natural ecosystems to rising temperature and CO2 concentration and neglected human land-use changes. ", "On global scale, however, the greening trend is mainly driven by intensive land-use in the two most populous countries, China and India” says Prof Ranga Myneni, co-author of the study, winner of the prestigious Humboldt Research Award and a long-term guest at the MPI-M. Land surface greening as observed by various satellite missions is a global trend. ", "Over the last two decades, on average 310,000 square kilometers of extra green leaf area, roughly the size of Poland or Germany, appear on Earth’s land every year.", "\n\n“Arctic ecosystems are changing quickly in response to climate and CO2, affecting carbon fluxes; the land may turn from a small carbon sink to a source” says co-author Prof Victor Brovkin. ", "He adds that although greening is dominant in the region, some areas show browning, likely in response to droughts and disturbances. ", "He adds: “As climate gets warmer and growth period becomes longer, some areas are affected by too little moisture available for plants, especially in the presence of permafrost. ", "A link between hydrology and carbon in the high latitudes is a promising research topic”.", "\n\nWhere is the anthropogenic carbon?, ", "is one of the key question in climate research. ", "In their new study, the scientists shed more light on this important subject and show that the carbon sink through photosynthesis is likely stronger than expected. “", "Conclusively, predicting future climate change requires an accurate estimation of the strength of this so-called terrestrial carbon sink” adds Alexander Winkler." ]
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[ "\nAsk HN: What types of chat do you use? - ", "dharness\nFor work, or open source, or personal communications. ", "What IM (not email) app do you have open all the time (Slack, Hipchat, hangouts, Gitter, etc.)? ", "Why that one?", "\n======\nArqu\nSlack for office and some random publicly available teams FB Messenger and\nViber for day to day with friends Some friends use Hangouts so that comes in\nsometimes as well Used to have Skype and WhatsApp but Im starting to cut down\non all the attention killers. ", "Also most of the day everything is muted except\na few important channels or contacts. ", "I only answer phone calls and come back\nto messages in spare time. ", "If its important they should call me.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "In constructing a space truss structure, using a multiplicity of structure members, e.g. lengths of steel pipe, each end of the structure members is joined to the spherical node. ", "In order to radially join the structure members to nodes provided with several fastening portions, joint devices equipped with fastening bolts are commonly used. ", "In that case, however, it may frequently be impossible to firmly screw the fastening bolt into a screw hole of the node.", "\nUpon assembling all but one of the portions of the truss, the positions of the two nodes between which the final structure member is to be joined are established. ", "Under this circumstance, if the end of the fastening bolt projects too far from the joint device, the last structure member cannot be fitted into the space between the two nodes whose separation has been already defined by assembly of the other members.", "\nIn order to solve the afore-mentioned problems, the applicant proposed in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,872,779 a joint device wherein the fastening bolt can be led back into the side of the structure member. ", "Such a joint device 41 is equipped with a spring 29 generating an elastic force, as best seen in FIG. ", "11 hereof. ", "When the end of a threaded part 26a of the fastening bolt 6 comes into contact with the node (not shown), the spring 29 is automatically compressed. ", "As shown by the two-dot chain line in FIG. ", "11, the threaded part 26a is then retracted into a sleeve 21. ", "For this reason, the structure member 31 which is exactly sized to match with a designed length and the joint device 41 can be easily fitted into the space between the two nodes whose separation has been already defined.", "\nIn the joint device 41 described above, the spring 29 urges the fastening bolt 6 into a screw hole of the node. ", "When the structure member 31 is directed to be in a vertical state as shown in FIG. ", "11, only the relatively weak elastic force of the spring 29 cannot lift the fastening bolt 6 up to the node enough to commence to be engaged with the screw hole of the node. ", "For this reason, even a rotation of the sleeve 21 will not be able to facilitate an advance of the threaded part 26a toward the screw hole of the node. ", "This is because initial engagement between the fastening bolt 6 and the screw hole of the node cannot be accurately assured." ]
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[ "Less Costly, Less Invasive PONV Prevention\n\nPrevent post-op nausea and vomiting much more economically and without injection with Quease/EASE, a drug -free post-op treatment. ", "Patients simply open the inhaler pack and inhale the aromas of peppermint, spearmint, ginger and lavender oils. ", "A study done in a Maine hospital showed that the therapy relieved nausea in two thirds of patients. ", "Sample kits are available for trial." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.011428571428571429, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "Gastric injury following copper sulfate ingestion.", "\nWe report the presentation and management of a 25-month-old with copper sulfate ingestion. ", "The child suffered a gastric mucosal burn, but had no evidence of systemic copper toxicity and experienced full recovery with conservative medical management. ", "A literature review of copper sulfate poisoning is provided." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
[ "2013 BotPoints Leaders\n\ndating clone\n\nhttp://tinderboxsolutions.net/ - Featured for you is a dating clone app which is developed based on the original operating logic of the famous Tinder app but with distinct and user friendly features which sets it apart from the original app and all the other Tinder clone apps which are present in the market. ", "Whats more?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Story highlights Rob O'Neill said he fired the shot that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011\n\nHe was arrested in Butte, Montana\n\n(CNN) Rob O'Neill, the former Navy SEAL who claimed he shot and killed Osama bin Laden, was arrested early Friday in Montana and charged with driving under the influence, authorities said.", "\n\n\"At 2:20 a.m., we responded to a call about someone sleeping [in a vehicle] in the parking lot of a convenience store in Butte,\" Butte-Silver Bow Undersheriff George Skuletich told CNN. \"", "We woke him up and identified him as Rob O'Neill. ", "He failed a sobriety test and refused a breathalyzer. ", "He was cited with a DUI and has since bonded out of jail.\"", "\n\nO'Neill said he expected to be exonerated.", "\n\nJUST WATCHED Ex-SEAL describes killing bin Laden Replay More Videos ... MUST WATCH Ex-SEAL describes killing bin Laden 03:13\n\n\"The facts are that I took a prescribed sleep aid to help with long-standing severe insomnia,\" he said. \" ", "While the timing was bad and I highly regret this decision, I am innocent of the charges and have entered a plea of not guilty.", "\n\n\"I am confident I will soon be cleared of this matter. ", "I would also like to express my appreciation to the Butte Police Department for their professionalism and courtesy.\"", "\n\nRead More" ]
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[ "Lenovo wishing to spur Moto Mod development with new investment, partnerships\n\nSeveral several weeks taken off the launch from the Moto Z, Lenovo continues to be courting developers to create Moto Mods\n\nAlthough the initial wonderment from the modular Moto Z family members have worn out, Lenovo is not slowing lower its ideas on getting generation x of Moto Mods available in to the world – also it does not need to make them itself, it wants independent companies to. ", "All of this began using the launch from the Moto Mods Developer Package (MDK), and proceeds today with three new initiatives that will get more companies (and people) thinking about making Moto Mods.", "\n\nBeginning today and running with the finish of The month of january 2017, hardware developers can design their very own Moto Mod and enter to win a Moto Z. Lenovo can also be hosting Moto Mod hackathons to create hardware developers together, with the first happening in New You are able to City in December and the other in The month of january in Bay Area. ", "Winners from the Moto Mod design contest and hackathons may have the chance to satisfy the Moto Mod team of developers in Chicago, receive potential investment in the companies as well as get their Mods written by Verizon.", "\n\nDevelopers who create prototype Moto Mods may also be in a position to launch an offer on Indiegogo to boost funding to potentially allow it to be right into a consumer-ready product. ", "Indiegogo experts will offer you assist with establishing the campaign, while Moto and Verizon can help promote the very best campaigns to Moto Z proprietors who’d be potential backers from the projects.", "\n\nLenovo has partnered with well-known brands like JBL, Incipio and Hasselblad to produce Moto Mods – which is much better than LG ever did – but to ensure that the ecosystem of those swappable components to actually flourish you’ll need much more participation. ", "Along with the promise from Lenovo the Moto Mods platform is sticking around for future versions of Moto phones, these developer-focused choices of assistance, investment and structure are very important.", "\n\nWhether individuals will eventually back and fund a lot of new Moto Mods on Indiegogo is secondary – the key part may be the show of support for independent hardware devs, and becoming the MDK into as numerous hands as you possibly can." ]
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[ "Proper protocol\n\nPublication\n\nPublication\n\nTreating interaction as an explicit first-class concept, complete with its own composition operators, leads to a model of concurrency that allows direct specification and manipulation of protocols as proper mathematical objects. ", "Reo [2,5,6,8] serves as a premier example of such an interaction-centric model of concurrency. ", "In this paper, we peruse Reo and explain how its model of protocols as encapsulated, reusable constructs facilitates their fulfilling of the more prominent role slated for them in engineering of modular, verifiable, scalable concurrent software. ", "We also explore clues enlaced with some recent results of our ongoing work on compiling Reo protocol specifications into efficient executable code, which sketch a promising perspective for future work on high-level protocol specification languages." ]
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[ "We are, for the first time since 1996, we are free agents again. ", "We're without a record label. ", "So what we're kind of doing is trying to get our bearings as to what we should do next, just as a band but also as a band that is kind of off in new territory again.", "\n\nFortunately for Boyd, he's not completely unprepared for life without a label. ", "During the shakeup at Epic Records and Sony's restructuring, Incubus sort of fell between the cracks and dealt with \"a real lack of direction and leadership just when we needed it most.\" ", "Surprisingly, Boyd isn't bitter about the experience and notes that it left the band free to start exploring other options, including put more effort towards connecting directly with their fans:\n\nSo it was hard and it was frustrating but it was also very telling for us and perhaps educational. ", "Because what we were forced to do was we were forced into ingenuity. ", "And so we came up with this idea to set up shop in this art gallery in Los Angeles and do the Incubus HQ and fly listeners in from different corners of the world and do these live broadcasts on the Internet. ", "And so we started getting these ideas about subscription-based live concerts online and it ended up being a really scary and stressful project, but the fruits of it are still kind of revealing themselves.", "\n\nWe have this HQ box set that we're putting out and the DVD set comes out I think August 14 is the release date. ", "There's like the superfan all six nights on DVD mixed in 5.1 with the CDs and pieces of canvases that people were drawing on in the room while we were playing music. ", "Like I said, it's forced us to think outside of that normal music industry paradigm that we had gotten so accustomed to. ", "And so in that sense the lack of attention from our record label and the end days of our record label relationship were really good and very beneficial for us as a band because it gave us a sense of what we might be doing in the coming years.", "\n\nLiving through massive disruption turns some artists into doomsayers who demand the world repent of its \"sins\" and return to the \"Old Way.\" ", "Boyd lived through the so-called Napster years and came up with a completely different conclusion: adapt or be left behind. ", "The upside of the old way was nice:\n\nLinkin Park and Incubus were two of the very few bands who kind of like got a gust of wind out of the old paradigm of the music industry. ", "But like survived out of it. ", "There are so many bands that, bands in a traditional sense, bands who write their own music, and perform their music, that didn't survive that transition. ", "That fell by the wayside with the industry. ", "So it’s been frightening to watch something that you for a very brief moment almost learned to rely on, because we learned the ins and outs of how the industry worked, you know you poured your heart out into making an album and then the label puts the record out and you go out on tour in support of the album, and we even started doing it in the van and trailer. ", "We'd make a record and get in the van with our gear and the trailer and we'd drive ourselves around the country and sell albums and T-shirts out of the back of the trailer. ", "That was sort of our education and then once things started going really well, thankfully, we got a sense of what it looks like when all of the, when the engine is nicely greased and things are working the way they're supposed to.", "\n\nBut when that way was no longer viable, Incubus moved on, rather than hold on to the way it used to be:\n\nAnd then it's like the millennium turns and the technology changed. ", "And all of that became old. ", "It became an antiquated model. ", "And it was frightening at first but I actually have come to appreciate it. ", "I'm going to actually use the pun, a living thing. ", "It's a living system. ", "Our technologies are a living system just like we are and our communities as human beings, and for us to expect them to remain constant is really just quite foolish. ", "I mean anybody that's going to come to rely on the way that our music consumption is looking now is going to have the same hard lesson in less time than you think. ", "I think that the technology is going to shift probably sooner than any of us really realize. ", "And that's a really cool thing, because it keeps everyone on their toes. ", "It levels the playing field, too. ", "It's allowing for a really wonderful democratization of the music writing process and the music presenting and performing process. ", "So what it's doing is it's making us try harder and it's making us expect the best of ourselves and the people that we work with. ", "You know, do more with less.", "\n\nThat's the way it works now if you're going to succeed. ", "It's artists vs. limited attention and limited entertainment budgets. ", "A connection is vital and a willingness to explore every option is nearly mandatory if you're going to get anywhere.", "\n\nWhat's more amazing about these statements is there is no mention of the music industry's favorite villain, piracy. ", "Boyd sees what the real issue is: disruption. ", "And rather than wait for someone to \"fix\" the \"problem,\" he's moving as fast as he can to stay ahead of the curve. ", "He's not letting his situation be dictated by others and because of that, he's got a good chance to keep his creative career going.", "\n\nI personally, when all is said and done, I really welcome these changes. ", "And they excite me. ", "And they scare me at the same time, but I'm choosing to focus on the excitement.", "\n\nIt is a scary time to be an artist. ", "Nothing'is guaranteed. ", "But it's also a time when the field is wide open and the possibilities nearly unlimited. ", "Focusing on the wrong aspect gets you nowhere, but being willing to look past everything that seems to be going wrong and make the most of what's going right.", "\n\nIncubus has understood the realities for a while\n\nIncubus really has understood the changing music landscape for a while now. ", "It's not surprising, they're all a bunch smart and well spoken guys (Brandon here, Mike, the guitarist, just finished a music degree at harvard, etc) and they've been doing cool stuff for a while - live bootlegs in 04, direct management engagement with fans through unofficial fan forums (which helped push for a wildly successful south american tour in 2005), and direct individual band member engagement with fans for years all the way back to early myspace.", "\n\nThe were at the SF MusicTech Summit last year (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUiBb9ZVCTA) and when asked specifically about the leak of their new album they said:\n\n\"It was like, for about a day, where it felt like someone had broken into your house and had taken something you were making... kick in the balls a little bit. ", "But a day later I realized that it took away the fear that people don't want music any more. ", "That really reinforces that they really want it - they want to take it before you're even done with it.... we're in this weird middle zone, we don't get paid per record sold, out job is to make music and play concerts... we realized we're not the ones in control of it anymore... I'm just thrilled that people are not only enthusiastic about music, but love our music so much that they want to steal it\".", "\n\nincubus\n\nWhat a total moron. ", "There is no future for the music biz, as it is ion the hands of no one. ", "It's a free system with the lowest of the low muddying the waters and no one setting the bar anywhere at all, let alone low. ", "Going without a label? ", "What a concept when no label wants you, and no label means anything. ", "It's all over, music will just get worse and worse, and no one knows any better\n\nRe: incubus\n\nThe music biz will be just fine. ", "It does not need to be in anybody's hands. ", "What has happened is that the price per unit of content has fallen considerably, but the number of potential customers has gone way up, courtesy the internet. ", "That is terrific for music and terrific for those artists that adapt. ", "For old-fashioned record labels who decline to come down to where the market now is -- they get to go broke. ", "Nobody will miss them.", "\n\nThe price of something going down, is nothing unusual in economics. ", "The price of hard disk space was $19,000 per gigabyte (approx) in 1984. ", "It is now less than $0.05 per gigabyte. ", "Manufacturers who adapted, are still around today. ", "Those that did not, look them up in Wikipedia.", "\n\nThe record industry is finding out the hard way, that they are not some special little flowers, who get to be exempt from the laws of economics. ", "They should stop whining, stop bribing and get to work.", "\n\nRe: incubus\n\nBecause the label system gave us...\nRebecca Black\nJustin Beiber\nand a whole host of interchangeable pop-stars...\nThe music is all the same, and it is just was easy to imaging the song sung by any of them.", "\n\nWhen the \"artists\" are like lego you just plug in... your doing it wrong.", "\n\nDan Bull doesn't have a label, his music keeps the bar high. ", "See because he has fans, so he wants to keep the same high quality, so the fans stay with him.", "\n\nBritney Spears had a mental breakdown and the label had her churn out an album of the same crap, the only reason people cared was because of the circus her life turned into.", "\n\nSomething something fans, something something benefits.", "\n\nI am very happy to hear from an actual artist speaking in human terms.", "\n\nThey are approaching a brave new world, and they are a little afraid. ", "They are experiencing a human emotion, that all of us can relate to. ", "Rather than freak out and demand a law, they are moving forward.", "\n\nEven if they try something new and it sucks, the fans will stay with them because they will be sharing the journey with them, and most likely will have no problem saying...\n\"Well shit this idea sucked, We're sorry. ", "This is what we are going to try next.\"", "\n\nThe freedom to try and fail means they can fine tune the new model to themselves. ", "A failure is not the end, you can learn a lot from it as long as your willing to keep trying rather than throwing your hands up and demanding the world stop.", "\n\ni would think the hardest thing is to actually realise you are free to take whichever direction is thought to be worth exploring. ", "if it works, great. ", "if it fails, try a different one. ", "with no fences, moving to pastures new at least is easy\n\nRe: Re: Re: incubus\n\nWhile they did get the initial fame outside of the label system, they were picked up because they were the hot new thing, and now all produce the same sounds.", "\n\nBeiber is a hysterical example because he is famous for violating copyrights and \"stealing\" kajillions of dollars by performing others works and posting them on YouTube.", "\n\nPeople thought Beiber would never be anything, and his entire point in posting was to get discovered. ", "There wasn't a thought about him crafting a career on his own, it was about getting buzz and hoping the right person saw him, pulled the sword from the stone and knighted him pop star.", "\n\nBlack might be a bad example on my part, but she was big enough for a minute that I am sure someone wanted to sign her up until the \"problems\". ", "Black has started her own label after fighting with ARK over control, following the typical pattern we have seen over and over. ", "Hoping to generate success and I am sure if they find another act, they will try to sign them to the label and then hope they can get enough buzz to be acquired by one of the cartel.", "\n\nRe: Re: Re: incubus\n\n\"Black and Beiber aren't very good examples, since they both found their initial fame without record labels.\"", "\n\nBlack perhaps, but Beiber is definitely a product of the label system. ", "Yes, he got noticed by doing something outside of labels but before a label employee spotted him and offered him a career, he was just another teenager among many thousands posting videos of himself singing cover versions on YouTube. ", "He didn't really do anything to create his career himself beyond that.", "\n\nBut yes, they aren't necessarily good examples. ", "Pick any of the glorified karaoke singers who get record contracts by \"winning\" American Idol/X Factor, who just go on to sing the songs written by other people they're told to sing for a better example.", "\n\nRe: incubus\n\nWell, I'm at a loss, I've been waiting this musical apocalypse for a while now (home taping is killing music remember?) ", "and it only got better and more diversified. ", "I do wish the labels die faster though, should help the ecosystem and allow true enablers to take their places.", "\n\nLooking forward to...\n\nI feel like Incubus is really on the cusp of some amazing things - and has probably been working on them for quite some time. ", "I just found this video for \"Nice To Know You\" from their new DVD and it looks killer. ", "http://bit.ly/OSVzzZ. These guys are never going to stop blowing minds" ]
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