[ "\n76 So.3d 877 (2010)\nEX PARTE DARIUS CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON.", "\nNos. ", "1090534, (CR-08-1456).", "\nSupreme Court of Alabama.", "\nMarch 5, 2010.", "\n\nDECISION WITHOUT PUBLISHED OPINION\nCert. ", "denied.", "\n" ]
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[ "Altered expression of gelatinase and surface-associated plasminogen activator activity by trophoblast cells isolated from placentas of preeclamptic patients.", "\nThis study compared in vitro degradative properties of trophoblasts isolated from placentas of preeclamptic patients with those of trophoblasts isolated from placentas of patients with uncomplicated pregnancies. ", "Specifically, the expression of gelatinases, plasminogen activators, and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 by these cells was examined. ", "Gelatinase and plasminogen activator secretion were determined by zymography, whereas antigenic levels of urinary-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in culture-conditioned medium were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. ", "We also evaluated expression of cell-surface plasminogen activator activity with a sensitive assay that uses the fluorescent plasmin substrate H-D-Val-Leu-Lys-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin. ", "Cells from both normal and preeclamptic placentas secreted variable levels of gelatinase, of which the most predominant was matrix metalloproteinase-9 (gelatinase B). ", "In 60% of the media conditioned by preeclamptic cells the matrix metalloproteinase-9 present was exclusively of a higher molecular weight (> 92 kd) than the predominant enzyme secreted by trophoblasts isolated from normal placentas. ", "Incubation of the preeclamptic cell culture-conditioned media with p-aminophenylmercuric acetate, an activator of metalloproteinases, resulted in a decrease in the apparent molecular weight of the enzyme, indicating that most of the matrix metalloproteinase-9 contained in these samples was in the inactive form. ", "Although trophoblasts from normal and preeclamptic placentas secreted similar amounts of urinary-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, the latter cells expressed significantly less (p < 0.001) cell surface plasminogen activator activity. ", "These results suggest that abnormal uteroplacental blood flow in preeclampsia (as a result of either shallow invasiveness of the uterine arteries or excessive fibrin deposition within the intervillous spaces) might result from altered expression of active proteinases by trophoblasts." ]
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[ "OJ Simpson:A Killer in the Family\n\nWas OJ Simpson’s son Jason the true killer of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown?", "\n\nIn October 1995, OJ Simpson was acquitted in one of the most sensational murder trials of the 20th century.", "\n\nAs millions of stunned viewers watched on, the former American football star was declared not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman.", "\n\nThe trial had become a global media circus and despite much evidence indicating Simpson’s guilt, his lawyers’ accusations of evidence tampering and racism amongst the Los Angeles Police convinced the jury to acquit.", "\n\nThe general consensus regarded the verdict as a miscarriage of justice; Simpson had obviously killed his ex-wife and then bought his acquittal with an expensive all-star team of lawyers.", "\n\nThe media strongly focused on Simpson’s guilt. ", "One notorious Time magazine cover was deliberately darkened, allegedly to show Simpson in a more sinister light. ", "Few countenanced the idea that Simpson might be innocent.", "\n\nA high profile American TV show dramatized the OJ Simpson case in 2016, with actor Cuba Gooding Jr. playing OJ. ", "It followed much the same de-facto narrative about the crime as has been featured in the press since 1994.", "\n\nTime Magazine darkened Simpson’s image to emphasize his guilt.", "\n\nIn recent years, however, some investigators have challenged this widespread belief that Simpson was guilty of the murders and begun to focus on his son Jason.", "\n\nJason Simpson, the theory goes, was a deeply troubled and violent young man who did not have an alibi for the night and carried knives on his person.", "\n\nCould Jason be the true murderer of Nicole and Ron?", "\n\nEvidence for\n\nJason’s violent temper\n\nPrivate investigator Bill Dear has spent several years pursuing his theory that Jason Simpson was the real murderer, going as far as sifting through his trash in search of evidence. ", "In his book 'O.J. is Innocent and I Can Prove it', Dear cites Jason's history of violent outbursts as proof for his theory.", "\n\nDear says he found evidence Jason was diagnosed with IED - 'Intermittent Explosive Disorder’, a syndrome characterized by extreme outbursts of anger and rage over often trivial matters.", "\n\nAccording to Dear, at the time of the murders Jason was on probation after being arrested for attacking a former employer with a knife. ", "Two months earlier he violently assaulted Jennifer Green, his then girlfriend. ", "On another occasion, he attacked a former girlfriend and sliced off her hair with a knife.", "\n\nThe grisly crime scene demonstrated a great deal of violence on the part of the killer\n\nDear also found what he says are Jason's personal diaries. ", "They appear to reveal a man tormented by obsessive feelings of violence. ", "One entry reads — \"It’s the year of the knife for me. ", "I cut away my problems with a knife. ", "Anybody touches my friends — I will kill them. ", "I’m also tired of being Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.\"", "\n\nJason apparently became so terrified by what he might do during these violent rages that on one occasion he checked himself into a mental hospital. ", "In Dear's book he suggests Jason had been prescribed antipsychotic drugs for his IED but had stopped taking them shortly before the murders.", "\n\nThe murders of Nicole and Ron Goldman were particularly savage, Nicole Brown was stabbed multiple times in the head and neck, one cut so deep it almost decapitated her. ", "Ron Goldman suffered dozens of stab wounds to his head, neck and body in a prolonged fight with the murderer.", "\n\nPolice described the brutal murders as 'rage killings'. ", "Could Jason have attacked Nicole and Ron Goldman in a violent fit? ", "He certainly had the means, a 'Jekyll and Hyde' personality and, as a chef, he was known to routinely carry knives about with him.", "\n\nDear claims Jason also had a motive; on the night of the murders Nicole was reportedly due to bring the family to Jason’s restaurant where he was going to cook for them, an event he was looking forward to. ", "However, Nicole canceled the engagement at the last minute which greatly upset him.", "\n\nAs the sufferer of a mental illness that made him prone to exaggerate minor incidents, could this perceived slight have pushed Jason to murder?", "\n\nJason’s alibi\n\nJason was never considered a suspect by the police, who immediately fixated on his father. ", "He wasn't even questioned and it was always thought he was working at Jackson’s restaurant in Beverly Hills at the time the murders occurred.", "\n\nBut Dear found Jason’s time card for that night and discovered an odd irregularity. ", "Where all the other entries were printed, the time Jason clocked off on the night of the murders had been written in afterwards by hand.", "\n\nDear also interviewed workers at the restaurant and discovered Jason had actually closed the kitchen early that night because business was slow.", "\n\nIf Dear’s claims are correct, Jason not only lied about his alibi but his whereabouts at the time of the murders are unknown.", "\n\nOJ’s lack of injuries\n\nThe murder of Ron Goldman followed a prolonged struggle with his attacker. ", "Goldman, a strongly built man more than 20 years OJ’s junior was a karate black belt and there was evidence he put up a fierce defense of his life.", "\n\nGoldman's body and fists were covered in dozens of bruises, scratches and cuts, even his shoes had cuts on them, indicating he had kicked his murderer. ", "His battered knuckles showed he had repeatedly made contact not just with the assailant’s flesh but his bones.", "\n\nThe bloody glove and knit cap left at the crime scene by the murderer\n\nForensic pathologist Michael Baden estimated Goldman may have struggled with his attacker for up to 15 minutes. ", "Yet when OJ’s body was examined and photographed by the police the next day, aside from a small cut on his finger, he was entirely free of any mark or injury.", "\n\nEven this cut did not appear to be evident when OJ stopped to sign autographs on his way to catch a plane just an hour or so after the murders were supposed to have occurred. ", "This cut, much trumpeted by the prosecution, also did not match any corresponding cut in the bloody glove the attacker was thought to have worn.", "\n\nHow could OJ have brutally murdered two people with a knife and been in such a prolonged violent struggle with Goldman and not have sustained any injuries?", "\n\nForensic evidence\n\nWhilst much of the convincing forensic evidence against Simpson was undermined by allegations of sloppy handling and tampering, some evidence also exists that point to his innocence.", "\n\nBlood and skin found under Nicole’s fingernails, as well as blood splatter on her back, matched neither her, Ron Goldman or OJ Simpson and are unidentified to this day. ", "Jason was never interviewed by the police and never gave a DNA sample, was the blood his?", "\n\nThe navy blue knit cap found at the scene matched a knit cap Jason was known to wear before the murders. ", "Hair from an Afro-American male, as well as dog hairs, were found in the cap. ", "One picture showing Jason wearing an identical cap has him reclined on his bed with his dog.", "\n\nJason wearing a knit cap similar to the one found at the crime scene\n\nNo knife matching the murder weapon was ever found amongst OJ’s belongings. ", "However, a knife found amongst Jason’s belongings is consistent with the wound thought to have been inflicted with the butt of a knife on Nicole’s head.", "\n\nAll of the forensic pathologists who testified at the trial agreed the murderer must have been covered in blood after such a violent attack, yet only a small drop of it was found in the white Bronco Simpson was alleged to have fled the scene in.", "\n\nThe accused was then said to have rushed back to his home to clean up, yet the white carpet that covered the ground floor of Simpson’s Brentwood house was inexplicably free of any trace of blood.", "\n\nEvidence against\n\nThe Bronco chase\n\nWhen it became apparent Simpson was going to be arrested for the murders he left what appeared to be a suicide note with the media and took off in his white Ford Bronco.", "\n\nDriven by his old friend Al Cowlings, OJ was on the back seat of the vehicle with a gun up to his head. ", "In bizarre scenes broadcast live on TV, the Bronco could be seen in a slow speed chased followed by 20 police cars.", "\n\nThe bizarre slow-speed Bronco chase was seen as an admission of guilt to many\n\nAfter more than an hour of pleading Simpson was finally persuaded to put the gun down and he handed himself in to the authorities.", "\n\nIn the Bronco the police found $8,000 in cash, a change of clothing, a loaded .357 Magnum, a passport, family pictures, and a fake goatee and moustache.", "\n\nSimpson’s extraordinary behaviour was clearly indicative of some kind of guilt and many took it almost as a confession. ", "Would OJ really have tried to commit suicide if he was, in fact, innocent of the crimes? ", "Or did he realise he was going to take the rap for his son Jason and panic?", "\n\nIt seems at the very least OJ was present at the crime scene, but was he the murderer? ", "Or was his presence there an attempt to cover up for Jason?", "\n\nSimpson pictured at a football game wearing the Bruno Magli shoes linked to the murder scene\n\nWitnesses\n\nMultiple witnesses report seeing Simpson near the vicinity of the crime scene around the time of the murders, but none reported seeing Jason.", "\n\nLocal resident Jill Shively nearly collided with OJ’s speeding Bronco when it ran a red light close to the murder scene just minutes after the attacks were thought to have occurred.", "\n\n“O.J. was inches away from me,” she said. “", "His eyes were like a madman’s. ", "He waved his arms and screamed: ‘Move! ", "Get out of my way!’”", "\n\nNicole’s neighbour Robert Heidstra also testified seeing a white vehicle similar to Simpson’s Bronco rapidly leaving the murder scene.", "\n\nThese witnesses look bad for OJ. ", "But they are not evidence that he killed Brown and Goldman, only that he may have been present at the crime scene.", "\n\nJason’s lack of injuries\n\nUnlike OJ, Jason was never examined and photographed by police doctors. ", "But that aside, he can be seen in TV reports amongst the police, family and employees circulating around Simpson’s Rockingham home in the aftermath of the crime.", "\n\nThere has never been any suggestion, not even anecdote or rumour, that Jason showed any sign of injury during this time. ", "If he had just violently murdered two people, involving the aforementioned fight with Ron Goldman, he would surely have had visible cuts and bruises that would have aroused the suspicion of those around him." ]
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[ "Spread the love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAmidst a global media blackout of Anonymous’ ongoing worldwide attacks on the “corrupt banking cartels,” the hacking collective has now taken down some of the most prestigious institutions in global governance. ", "OpIcarus has recently taken offline the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange, five U.S. Federal Reserve Banks and the Vatican.", "\n\nAfter announcing a global call to arms against the “corrupt global banking cartel,” the hacker collective, known as Anonymous, have taken more than 30 central banks offline, including striking many targets at the heart of the Western imperialist empire.", "\n\nAn Anonymous press release explained the intention behind the operation:\n\n“The banks have been getting away with murder, fraud, conspiracy, war profiteering, money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels, have put millions of people out on the street without food or shelter and have successfully bought all our governments to help keep us silenced. ", "We represent the voice of the voiceless. ", "We are uniting to make a stand. ", "The central banks which were attacked in recent days were attacked to remind people that the biggest threat we face to an open and free society is the banks. ", "The bankers are the problem and #OpIcarus is the solution.”", "\n\nOperation Icarus was relaunched in conjunction with a video release announcing the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.” ", "Since that time, the scope and magnitude of the attacks have increased exponentially, with Anonymous, and help from Ghost Squad Hackers, a number of Sec groups and BannedOffline coordinating attacks — each focusing on separate financial institutions in an effort to maximize the number of targets hit.", "\n\nIn a previous interview with the Free Thought Project, an Anonymous representative clarified that the operation is in no way intended to impact individuals accounts held within the banks, explaining that OpIcarus is directed solely at the 1% perpetuating injustice:\n\n“We would just like to make it very clear that all targets of #OpIcarus have been Rothschild and BIS central owned banks. ", "In fact most of the targets so far such as Guernsey, Cyprus, Panama, Jordan, British Virgin Isles, etc are in the top 10 places of tax havens for the elite. ", "No on-line consumer accounts were harmed, no ATM’s were blocked and no personal client data was leaked. ", "This has been a protest against the Central Banks and the 1% — no innocent or poor people were harmed”\n\nThe operation began with an initial attack on the Central Bank of Greece and was quickly followed up with a similar DDoS attack on the Central Bank of Cyprus. ", "The hackers then targeted the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, the Dutch Central Bank, the Central Bank of Maldives, and Guernsey Financial Services Commission, according to the official @OpIcarus Twitter account, which has been taken offline — presumably by Twitter. ", "The National Bank of Panama and the Central Bank of Kenya were also reportedly targeted a day later, according to hacking news publication HackRead.", "\n\nAdditionally, reported Ghost Squad Hacker, s1ege also tweeted about taking the Central Bank of Bosnia-Herzegovina offline and provided a screenshot to verify. ", "The Twitter account @BannedOffline also reported the Central Bank of Mexico had succumbed to a DDoS attack by the hacking collective. ", "The online hacktivist groups have continued to conduct a series of high-powered distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which forced the website of Central Bank of Jordan, Central Bank of South Korea, Bank of Compagnie, Monegasque and the Central Bank of Montenegro offline.", "\n\nLast Saturday, hackers conducted a series of 250 Gbps DDoS attacks on the Bank of France, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Central Bank of Tunisia, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago and Philippine National Bank. ", "That was followed up by an attack on the Central Bank of Iraq.", "\n\nThe initial attacks were reported in global corporate media, such as Reuters, with subsequent strikes being reported by independent outlets such as the IBTimes and HackRead. ", "The most recent press release from Anonymous summarized some of the attacks of the past week, as global media has curiously stopped reporting on the attacks altogether.", "\n\nGreetings citizens of the world, we are OpIcarus a collective of citizens from around the globe working on exposing the 1% through the global banking systems. ", "The elite are responsible for the corruption currently taking place in all governments, media, drug cartels, sex trafficking and money laundering. ", "This last week we have had success in taking down the banking systems of the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank, the Vatican, Morocco, Macedonia as well as the Central Bank of Venezuela. ", "We stand with the people of Venezuela as they protest their corrupt government and all should expect our support through operations during these uprisings wherever they may arise. ", "We are the people, We stand with the people, We support the people.", "\n\nAfter announcing OpIcarus at the beginning of May, Anonymous released a list of institutions the collective plans to target, which is divided into four sections — websites associated with the U.S. Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), sites owned by the World Bank, and over 150 sites associated with national banks around the globe.", "\n\nIn just a few weeks, OpIcarus hackers have hit dozens of financial institutions listed in their online manifesto. ", "Any questions about whether the hacktivists would be able to take out some of the more high-profile institutions seem to have been answered with the recent successful attacks on the World Bank, the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks, the Bank of France and the Bank of England — the central banks of the U.K. and France – and the Vatican.", "\n\nThe attack on the Bank of England was unique from the previous attacks, as it reportedly took down the internal email server.", "\n\nWhile some have questioned the effectiveness of OpIcarus, senior director at Corero Network Security, Stephanie Weagle told Info Security magazine:\n\n“While the impact on the individual targets of the DDoS attack campaign, ‘OpIcarus’ is unclear; obstructing or eliminating the availability of email servers is significant. ", "In an online world any type of service outage is barely tolerated, especially in the banking industry where transactions and communications are often time-sensitive, and account security is of utmost importance.”", "\n\nIn the world of high finance, time is money and every minute that a bank is forced offline it is losing potential revenue, which in turn hurts the bottom line of those that support the imperial war machine. ", "Thus far, all targeted banks have refused to comment on the damage inflicted by the continuous cyber attacks.", "\n\nMake no mistake that this operation has already been extremely effective — evolving and growing rapidly. ", "The fact that global corporate media is refusing to report on these numerous high-profile attacks is indicative of the fear the 1% have of OpIcarus garnering massive public support. ", "The attempt to conceal the scope and breadth of this operation from public purview reveals the visceral fear the elite harbor toward those they prey upon. ", "It seems the only thing the ruling class can do now is attempt to conceal and suppress the information about what’s transpiring in hopes of keeping the populace ignorant.", "\n\nJay Syrmopoulos is a geopolitical analyst, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. ", "He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. ", "Jay’s work has been published on Ben Swann’s Truth in Media, Truth-Out, Raw Story, MintPress News, as well as many other sites. ", "You can follow him on Twitter Jay Syrmopoulos is a geopolitical analyst, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. ", "He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. ", "Jay’s work has been published on Ben Swann’s Truth in Media, Truth-Out, Raw Story, MintPress News, as well as many other sites. ", "You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu.", "\n\nSpread the love\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nSponsored Content:" ]
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[ "My Jealous God\n\nMy Jealous God were a British Indie music band from South London who had a recording career from 1989 to 1992, first on Rough Trade Records and then Fontana Records. ", "The founder and lead singer was Jim Melly. ", "Other band members were Danny Burke (Lead Guitar), Chris O'Donnell (Bass) and Andrew Barkley (Drums).", "\n\nThe band released three singles: \"Everything About You\" (July 1990), \"Pray\" (October 1990) and \"Easy\" (February 1992), made several live appearances, famously once supported by Release at The Venue, New Cross and recorded a session for Mark Goodier's BBC Radio 1 show, but did not release an album. ", "They did, however, record an album that was shelved before it could be released because the group had disbanded. ", "A fourth single, a re-recorded version of \"Pray\" with new lyrics was pressed but withdrawn (April 1992), although some copies have since surfaced. ", " A video was released for the original release of \"Pray\". ", "The band received some criticism for being London-based and appearing to make music similar to the 'Madchester' scene of the time.", "\n\nFounder Jim Melly became a Professor of Popular Culture and wrote a history of The Faces pop group. ", "Christopher O'Donnell is an award-winning journalist for the Tampa Bay Times.", "\n\nDiscography\n\"Pray\" (1990), Rough Trade\n\"Everything About You\" (1990), Rough Trade\n\"Easy\" (1992), Fontana\n\"Pray\" (1992), Fontana\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nBirdpoo [dead link]\n\nCategory:British indie rock groups\nCategory:Musical groups from London\nCategory:Musical groups established in 1989\nCategory:Musical groups disestablished in 1992" ]
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[ "TOKYO/LONDON (Reuters) - Japanese carrier ANA Holdings 9202.T needs to replace damaged compressor blades in the Rolls-Royce RR.L engines powering its Boeing BA.N 787s, it said on Thursday, forcing it to cancel some Dreamliner flights over the coming weeks.", "\n\nA Boeing 787-9 jet ready for delivery to ANA Holdings Ltd is seen at Boeing's delivery center in Everett, Washington, U.S. August 17, 2016. ", "The jet is the 50th 787 airplane for ANA, the first 787 customer. ", "REUTERS/Alwyn Scott\n\nThe carrier said that under certain flying conditions the compressor blades in the engine’s interior showed corrosion. ", "It said it will cancel nine domestic 787 flights on Friday, with other cancellations likely in the coming weeks.", "\n\nANA’s Dreamliners are powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines. ", "The Japanese airline is the biggest operator of the Boeing model with some 49 aircraft, or around a tenth of the global fleet. ", "Of the 445 Dreamliners in operation worldwide, 168 use the Rolls-Royce engines, according to Boeing’s website.", "\n\n“We are aware of the situation and are working with Rolls-Royce and ANA to resolve any issues impacting the airplanes in service,” a spokesman for Boeing in Tokyo said.", "\n\nRolls-Royce Holdings said in an e-mailed statement it was “working closely with ANA to minimize the effect on aircraft service disruption”.", "\n\nIt did not say whether the problem had been found in 787 engines on aircraft operated by other airlines, but when asked about any requirement to take additional action a spokesman said the issue was limited to a small proportion of the ANA fleet.", "\n\nShares in Rolls-Royce traded down 2.2 percent at 771 pence at 1505 GMT, making the company one of the biggest losers on Britain’s bluechip index.", "\n\nAirlines that order the Dreamliner can choose either the Rolls-Royce engines or General Electric Co's GE.N GEnx engines for their aircraft.", "\n\nANA said vibrations resulting from the problem with the compressor blades had occurred on a flight from Japan to Malaysia in February and on one to Vietnam in March. ", "A 787 traveling on a domestic route on Aug. 20 had also experienced trouble, it said.", "\n\nRolls-Royce is in turnaround mode after a tough 18 months after being hit by a low oil price and lower demand for servicing of some of its older engines. ", "It has a plan to cut costs by 150 million to 200 million pounds by the end of 2017.", "\n\nIn a note, Morgan Stanley analysts pointed out that a previous corrosion issue on the Trent 1000 gearbox in 2012 was quickly resolved and the then chief executive said the financial consequences were not material." ]
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[ "Many things in life are more important than money. ", "Just about all of them cost money. ", "If you want more of these things in your life than you have right now, author Frederick James offers methods to help you get there.", "\nLearn how to apply established behavioral and financial theories to improve your everyday life. ", "By taking control of your finances, you’ll be taking an important step to improve your physical health, as well.", "\nWritten by a retired doctor who now invests in real estate, this guidebook\n• introduces you to a PowerSpending system that will change your life;\n• helps you create an action plan that leads to financial success;\n• provides tips on building a healthy overall lifestyle;\n• reshapes your view of money so you can make it work for you.", "\nLearning how to live a healthy life doesn’t start and end with a trip to the doctor’s office. ", "It doesn’t come with a big payday either, but building wealth and financial security makes it easier to enjoy a healthy and successful future. ", "Learn proven principles to achieve your dreams with Spend, Don’t Save." ]
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[ "f sequence dc when two letters picked without replacement from ccyeycchfyyedycye.", "\n5/272\nWhat is prob of sequence huuh when four letters picked without replacement from uuuuhuuhuuuu?", "\n1/66\nCalculate prob of sequence ochh when four letters picked without replacement from ohmoohoohhcmo.", "\n3/715\nThree letters picked without replacement from pypkytpyppptpttt. ", "Give prob of sequence ytp.", "\n1/32\nFour letters picked without replacement from {m: 7, x: 6, w: 2, h: 3, l: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence hhmw.", "\n7/7752\nWhat is prob of sequence wdmw when four letters picked without replacement from {b: 6, d: 1, w: 2, m: 2, z: 1}?", "\n1/2970\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {j: 2, f: 2}. ", "Give prob of sequence jf.", "\n1/3\nCalculate prob of sequence bbtg when four letters picked without replacement from qejqbgtb.", "\n1/840\nCalculate prob of sequence tk when two letters picked without replacement from {m: 1, k: 1, g: 1, t: 2}.", "\n1/10\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {l: 4, d: 5, h: 10}. ", "Give prob of sequence ld.", "\n10/171\nFour letters picked without replacement from wwiiwiw. ", "Give prob of sequence iwwi.", "\n3/35\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {k: 5, v: 1, y: 4, i: 2, p: 2, w: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence yp?", "\n4/105\nWhat is prob of sequence eee when three letters picked without replacement from eededve?", "\n4/35\nWhat is prob of sequence jjd when three letters picked without replacement from dddddjjjvjjdjjjdid?", "\n14/153\nThree letters picked without replacement from {r: 2, o: 2, b: 1, u: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence orr.", "\n1/30\nThree letters picked without replacement from {s: 2, u: 2, w: 4, c: 3, l: 3, r: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence wrw?", "\n1/140\nTwo letters picked without replacement from fhjhfhowfffohj. ", "Give prob of sequence hf.", "\n10/91\nWhat is prob of sequence yh when two letters picked without replacement from yyxyh?", "\n3/20\nThree letters picked without replacement from {r: 1, y: 1, m: 1, b: 1, f: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence brm.", "\n1/60\nThree letters picked without replacement from utwutgluutluttt. ", "Give prob of sequence lgt.", "\n2/455\nCalculate prob of sequence pe when two letters picked without replacement from {e: 1, j: 1, s: 1, p: 2}.", "\n1/10\nFour letters picked without replacement from {l: 4, q: 3, c: 4, x: 1, i: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence ixql?", "\n1/1001\nWhat is prob of sequence rh when two letters picked without replacement from {r: 1, h: 18}?", "\n1/19\nWhat is prob of sequence rppp when four letters picked without replacement from {p: 3, r: 1}?", "\n1/4\nThree letters picked without replacement from {p: 5, f: 6, e: 3, z: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence zee?", "\n1/455\nThree letters picked without replacement from xlllllxl. ", "What is prob of sequence xlx?", "\n1/28\nTwo letters picked without replacement from mmmmmtmmmmmmmmtmtmmm. ", "What is prob of sequence tm?", "\n51/380\nFour letters picked without replacement from {n: 6, l: 2, e: 5, p: 2, c: 3, v: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence lepp.", "\n5/23256\nTwo letters picked without replacement from ttdvomi. ", "Give prob of sequence do.", "\n1/42\nTwo letters picked without replacement from rerrree. ", "What is prob of sequence ee?", "\n1/7\nTwo letters picked without replacement from weeweyweewe. ", "What is prob of sequence ey?", "\n3/55\nCalculate prob of sequence uu when two letters picked without replacement from {u: 5, s: 5}.", "\n2/9\nFour letters picked without replacement from {a: 8, v: 5}. ", "What is prob of sequence vvaa?", "\n28/429\nCalculate prob of sequence skap when four letters picked without replacement from kaspp.", "\n1/60\nCalculate prob of sequence nt when two letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, t: 1}.", "\n1/3\nWhat is prob of sequence hhch when four letters picked without replacement from {c: 4, h: 6}?", "\n2/21\nWhat is prob of sequence fix when three letters picked without replacement from ifffxifxxfuffffx?", "\n3/140\nWhat is prob of sequence cx when two letters picked without replacement from {x: 7, c: 1, o: 2, w: 2, p: 2, r: 1}?", "\n1/30\nWhat is prob of sequence ss when two letters picked without replacement from wswswssswss?", "\n21/55\nCalculate prob of sequence rm when two letters picked without replacement from {m: 2, p: 1, r: 1}.", "\n1/6\nCalculate prob of sequence xf when two letters picked without replacement from {n: 2, p: 5, d: 2, f: 8, c: 2, x: 1}.", "\n2/95\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {x: 7, r: 3, b: 9}. ", "What is prob of sequence br?", "\n3/38\nFour letters picked without replacement from {d: 4, h: 2, p: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence dpdh?", "\n1/35\nFour letters picked without replacement from {m: 1, g: 2, n: 1, v: 3}. ", "Give prob of sequence gnvg.", "\n1/140\nFour letters picked without replacement from nnnznznnn. ", "Give prob of sequence znnz.", "\n1/36\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {s: 2, j: 1, n: 1, k: 2}. ", "Give prob of sequence ss.", "\n1/15\nThree letters picked without replacement from {w: 5, s: 1, n: 8, z: 2, b: 3}. ", "What is prob of sequence znn?", "\n56/2907\nCalculate prob of sequence lp when two letters picked without replacement from {p: 4, k: 5, l: 8}.", "\n2/17\nCalculate prob of sequence lf when two letters picked without replacement from {y: 1, s: 2, f: 3, l: 1}.", "\n1/14\nWhat is prob of sequence uuu when three letters picked without replacement from uvvuvuuvvvuv?", "\n1/22\nCalculate prob of sequence mva when three letters picked without replacement from {a: 1, p: 1, v: 3, m: 2}.", "\n1/35\nCalculate prob of sequence rep when three letters picked without replacement from {f: 1, p: 2, i: 1, l: 3, e: 1, r: 3}.", "\n1/165\nWhat is prob of sequence cgcc when four letters picked without replacement from ggggccgc?", "\n1/56\nCalculate prob of sequence xfxx when four letters picked without replacement from fxxxxxxxxxxf.", "\n4/33\nFour letters picked without replacement from {s: 8, f: 2, r: 1, o: 1, x: 1, g: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence xrsg?", "\n1/3003\nCalculate prob of sequence ww when two letters picked without replacement from {b: 11, w: 5}.", "\n1/12\nWhat is prob of sequence ckk when three letters picked without replacement from {k: 4, c: 3, q: 3, d: 2, g: 6}?", "\n1/136\nThree letters picked without replacement from eeegeiigieeiggi. ", "What is prob of sequence ggg?", "\n4/455\nFour letters picked without replacement from {z: 3, w: 4, c: 3, a: 2, y: 3, q: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence yyca?", "\n3/3640\nCalculate prob of sequence gyg when three letters picked without replacement from {y: 2, g: 4, m: 6}.", "\n1/55\nCalculate prob of sequence qh when two letters picked without replacement from hihihhhhhihhrhhhqpqh.", "\n13/190\nTwo letters picked without replacement from dhddddddhddh. ", "Give prob of sequence hh.", "\n1/22\nWhat is prob of sequence rddd when four letters picked without replacement from ddrdr?", "\n1/10\nTwo letters picked without replacement from tffow. ", "Give prob of sequence of.", "\n1/10\nFour letters picked without replacement from qrrymmrqmymmymmmr. ", "What is prob of sequence myrm?", "\n1/85\nFour letters picked without replacement from {r: 1, o: 1, n: 2, f: 1, t: 1, c: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence rnof?", "\n1/420\nThree letters picked without replacement from {r: 2, k: 7}. ", "Give prob of sequence krr.", "\n1/36\nTwo letters picked without replacement from {y: 2, r: 4, t: 2, l: 5, s: 1}. ", "Give prob of sequence sl.", "\n5/182\nFour letters picked without replacement from {y: 1, j: 6, a: 1, k: 3, l: 1}. ", "What is prob of sequence jkkl?", "\n1/330\nCalculate prob of sequence qzqt when four letters picked without replacement from {q: 2, t: 1, z: 1}.", "\n1/12\nCalculate prob of sequence iu when two letters picked without replacement from {h: 2, i: 5, z: 3, u: 1, t: 1}.", "\n5/132\nWhat is prob of sequence hwec when four letters picked without replacement from {d: 1, w: 1, q: 1, h: 2, c: 2, e: 1}?", "\n1/420\nFour letters picked without replacement from {v: 6, t: 3, e: 2, a: 3, o: 2}. ", "What is prob of sequence evot?", "\n3/1820\nCalculate prob of sequence xzgn when four letters picked without replacement from {g: 1, x: 2, l: 1, v: 1, n: 1, z: 2}.", "\n1/420\nWhat is prob of sequence msm when three letters picked without replacement from {s: 8, m: 5, g: 3}?", "\n1/21\nWhat is prob of sequence vnc when three letters picked without replacement from nvncnnnncnnnnnnc?", "\n3/280\nThree letters picked without replacement from sssssuuusubsuususss. ", "What is prob of sequence sub?", "\n77/5814\nWhat is prob of sequence hnn when three letters picked without replacement from {n: 5, h: 7, o: 8}?", "\n7/342\nCalculate prob of sequence rvs when three letters picked without replacement from sqqggrqqrsgdvd.", "\n1/" ]
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[ "EviscapeAPI\n7 Followers\n\nQuick Links\n\nView\n\nAuthors\n(4)\n\nEviscape OAuth has adopted OAuth 1.0a. ", "We have found XSRF bug with our Authentication mechanism. ", "We have fixed it as per OAuth advisory.", "\n\nDevelopers:Now you can register your application with \"callback\" and default \"permission\" parameters, they'll be override by \"oauth_callback\" and \"perm\". ", "You may also edit your existing applications and provide this parameters. ", "In other changes, We'r now only accepting \"oauth_callback\" while asking for request token.", "\n\nUsers:We have adopted \"verifier\" mechanism which means, if there is no callback then we'll display verification code on screen which you might needed for application which made request to access you account.", "\n\nUse token and secret from above response and make an authorization call <span class=\"http-markup\"><a href=\"http://www.eviscape.com/oauth/authorize\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.eviscape.com/oauth/authorize</a></span> for write access(?perms=write) you can also make a request for read access only with your oauth token and secret which you obtained in step 3.", "\n\nFinally If User approves, then You can exchange your oauth_token with access_token which you'll be using in making authenticated API calls." ]
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[ 0.0008303994545713067, 0.0007533141179010272, 0.0006767348386347294, 0.0006195170572027564, 0.000563480076380074, 0.0005990580539219081, 0.0005635286797769368, 0.000779660593252629, 0.0006688177236355841 ]
[ "Payday loans are short-term, small-sum, high-rate, unsecured personal loans that utilize a consumer's checking account (usually through electronic access but sometimes actual checks) for repayment of the amount borrowed. ", "That means paying off your cash advance in a timely manner is crucial to saving you money long term. ", "In other words, in the unlikely event that you're able to repay your loan before the due date, many payday lenders will impose an additional fee, which effectively negates any savings you might have otherwise obtained.", "\n\nSo the shock from these numbers is, we recognize the shock here because we are used to calculating interest rates on loans but not interest rates on anything else. ", "In most cases, once you meet the eligibility requirements , you should receive a quick credit decision.", "\n\nFast Payday Loans, Inc has several convenient neighborhood locations throughout Florida, so you are never far from the cash you need. ", "However, always assume that once you are approved you will receive the money in your account the next business day. ", "If you are in need of a new loan, and have a long history of bad debt associated with your name, the best place to start searching for information on the lenders who may be willing to entertain an application would be through specialist forums.", "\n\nHowever, if you can't find a good loan from a LendKey partner, this tool could be helpful. ", "Once you received the cash you need, it's up to you to decide how to use it. ", "There are no usage restrictions with a cash loan. ", "Once you've built your credit above the 600 threshold, visit your local credit union to apply for a personal loan.", "\n\nSome research backs that claim: A Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation study of payday lending's profitability concluded that high delinquency rates and the overhead of running retail stores justified the industry's interest rates. ", "Critics say that governments at the federal and state levels are also to blame for allowing the payday practice to continue." ]
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[ 0.0008260171161964536, 0.001102473121136427, 0.000708797771949321, 0.0006764643476344645, 0.000508572265971452, 0.0007523326785303652, 0.000609074137173593, 0.0005793262389488518, 0.0005713127320632339, 0.0006940517923794687, 0.0006313996273092926, 0.0007461018394678831, 0.0006271181046031415, 0.0007647301536053419 ]
[ "Assessing on toxic potency of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at a national atmospheric background site in North China.", "\nA total of 76PM2.5 samples collected at Tuoji Island from November 2011 to January 2013 were used to analyze 15 congeners of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (∑15PAHs) and assess their toxic potency. ", "The average ∑15PAHs was 15.34±8.87ngm-3, ranging from 4.24 to 40.62ngm-3 over the sampling period. ", "BkF, BbF, Phe and BaP were dominant PAH congeners, contributing together 60.64% of the ∑15PAH concentration. ", "The highest monthly ∑15PAHs concentration was in January 2012, followed by the next January, which was closely four times greater than the lowest level occurred in July 2012. ", "Wheat straw burning was responsible for the high PAH concentrations in June 2012. ", "The averaged BaP toxicity equivalent (TEQ-BaP) concentration was 2.70±1.88ngm-3 over the sampling period. ", "BaP and DaA were the largest contributors, which contributed 58.5% and 14.7% of totals, respectively. ", "The high TEQ-BaP and TEQ-BaP value per unit of ∑15PAHs concentration (TEQ-BaP(U)) values occurred in the cold season and the low levels presented in the warm period. ", "The heaviest monthly TEQ-BaP was 5.28±2.84ngm-3, which appeared in January 2012; the lowest value was 0.86±0.33ngm-3, which occurred in July 2012. ", "The potential source contribution function (PSCF) showed the occurrence of the high health risk associated with PAHs in the middle of Liaoning and the south of Shandong Peninsula." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005883246776647866, 0.0005850325687788427, 0.0007881892379373312, 0.0013572248863056302, 0.0005858603399246931, 0.0007343888282775879, 0.0006472557433880866, 0.0006428956403397024, 0.0007031708373688161, 0.0006698507932014763, 0.000595780904404819 ]
[ "It depends on the laptops brand, but ussually you will have to press some FX key to enter to the restore menu of the laptop. ", "You can probe with different F's keys, like F8 or F12 that are usually dedicated to restore the laptop.", "\n\nIf you have system or recovery disks, place whichever into the DVD/CD Rom drive and boot from the drive allowing the system to format your hard drive.", "If you haven't, that is more difficult. ", "You must download an antivirus programme to clean your system before you can use the recovery partition on your hard drive as it will be infected.", "Hope this helps.", "\n\n1 Suggested Answer\n\nHi,\na 6ya expert can help you resolve that issue over the phone in a minute or two.", "\nbest thing about this new service is that you are never placed on hold and get to talk to real repairmen in the US.", "\nthe service is completely free and covers almost anything you can think of (from cars to computers, handyman, and even drones).", "\nclick here to download the app (for users in the US for now) and get all the help you need.goodluck!", "\n\nTell us some more! ", "Your answer needs to include more details to help people.", "You can't post answers that contain an email address.", "Please enter a valid email address.", "The email address entered is already associated to an account.", "Login to postPlease use English characters only.", "\n\nAttachments: Added items\n\nRelated Questions:\n\nHello, Factory Reset is done by turning the phone off, holding the volume up button, holding the home button and then holding the power button till the phone vibrates and you can let go of the buttons. ", "Use volume up and down to move through options and power button to select (don't have to hold, just press once). ", "Select \"wipe data\" and then \"factory reset\". ", "Select \"yes\" to delete all user data and wait for format to complete. ", "Then power off then on and it should be back to original settings. ", "Hope this helps.", "\n\nThis is the best way I have found to cure a machine infected with Viruses or malware<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">If your computer has an internet connection and you can access http://www.malwarebytes.org</span><br /><br />--download the free edition of malware bytes antimalware install and update it to the latest definitions and run a quick scan this is the best software available for free to fix infected pcs once the scan has finished and the computer restarted your virus and malware woes are over<br /><br />i<span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">f the virus or malware is blocking your internet and you are unable to access http://www.malwarebytes.org it becomes a little more complicated</span><br /><br />--you will need access to a machine that is not infected use this to download the latest version of malware bytes and place it on a usb stick<br /><br />--next download the manual update definitions from http://malwarebytes.gt500.org/ transfer these with the usb to the infected machine run the install and the updates then quick scan and your golden<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">if for some reason you cant access malwarebytes.org and you cant install software on the infected machine </span><br /><br />--this is the most difficult and not recommended if you don't know your way around a computer you will have to open up the computer<br /><br />-- once the computer is open remove the hard drive and install it as a secondary drive on a non infected machine<br /><br />--on the non infected machine install malwarebytes and update and run a quick scan it will scan the infected hdd as well and cure it take the now clean hdd out and install it in the original machine<br /><br />--boot up the original machine download malwarebytes on it and run another scan just to be sure<br /><br /><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">99% of viruses and malware can be removed from the above methods however sometimes and infection is so bad that the drive has to be wiped and the operating system reinstalled</span><br />\n\nWell, that thing's not a receiver, but here goes...LOLyour manual is here:http://www.americanmusical.com/ItemFiles/Manual/YamahaNPV60DigitalPianoManual.pdfgoing to most settings and pressing the + and - together resets the value for that parameter to factory.", "\n\nTaking the settings back to factory without wiping data uploaded from the computerhold the highest white key while powering the unit on.", "Clearing computer uploaded datahold the highest white and 3 highest black keys while powering the unit on.", "\n\nAll routers have a reset button on them that will allow you to reset the unit back to the original configuration it had when it was first turned on. ", "This will reset the password on the router back to the original factory default that will be listed in your manual. ", "This means that any changes you have made to your router will be wiped out. ", "Your router will then reboot itself and come back up with all of the original settings intact. ", "You will then have to make any changes that are necessary to make the router function in the correct way for your network. ", "All routers have menu items that allow you to back up the configuration file from the router to a place on your computer. ", "That way if you ever need to reset your router back to the factory settings you can then just reload the configuration file to set it back to your configuration settings.", "\n\nIf you have any problems in resetting your router back to factory status please repost back to us with the router brand name and model number and we can give you further assistance.", "\n\nThank you for the opportunity to assist you in resolving your issue.", "\nShould you need further information or assistance please do not hesitate\nto let us know.", "\n\non your original HDD set your jumper to the closest to the IDE ribbon connection and your new HDD set it next to the closest (that will mark your new HDD as a slave). ", "then reset your bios and resume what you were doing." ]
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[ "Novel insights into the phylogenetic relationships of the endangered marsupial genus Potorous.", "\nThe three extant potoroo species of the marsupial genus Potorous -Potorous tridactylus, P. longipes and P. gilbertii - are all of conservation concern due to introduced predators and habitat loss associated with the European settlement of Australia. ", "Robust phylogenies can be useful to inform conservation management, but past phylogenetic studies on potoroos have been unable to fully resolve relationships within the genus. ", "Here, a multi-locus approach was employed, using three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 and 12S rRNA and four nuclear DNA (nuDNA) gene regions: breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility gene, recombination activating gene-1, apolipoprotein B and omega globin. ", "This was coupled with widespread geographic sampling of the broadly distributed P. tridactylus, to investigate the phylogenetic relationships within this genus. ", "Analyses of the mtDNA identified five distinct and highly divergent lineages including, P. longipes, P. gilbertii and three distinct lineages within P. tridactylus (northern mainland, southern mainland and Tasmanian). ", "P. tridactylus was paraphyletic with the P. gilbertii lineage, suggesting that cryptic taxa may exist within P. tridactylus. ", "NuDNA sequences lacked the resolution of mtDNA. ", "Although they resolved the three currently recognised species, they were unable to differentiate lineages within P. tridactylus. ", "Current management of P. tridactylus as two sub-species (mainland and Tasmania) does not recognise the full scope of genetic diversity within this species, especially that of the mainland populations. ", "Until data from more informative nuDNA markers are available, we recommend this species be managed as the following three subspecies: Potorous tridactylus tridactylus (southern Queensland and northern New South Wales); Potorous tridactylus trisulcatus (southern New South Wales and Victoria) Potorous tridactylus apicalis (Tasmania). ", "Molecular dating estimated that divergences within Potorous occurred in the late Miocene through to the early Pliocene." ]
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[ "The present invention relates to an information storage medium, a computer terminal, and a change method.", "\nA computer terminal that allows the operator (player) to enjoy a pseudo-performance by performing a predetermined input along with the music has been known. ", "Such a computer terminal displays an instruction mark (e.g., note) that moves along a predetermined path at a predetermined moving speed, and compares the input timing of the operator with a reference timing to evaluate the input performed by the operator (see Japanese Patent No. ", "3905469).", "\nHowever, since such a computer terminal has an evaluation target in a uniform pattern, the operator may lose interest in the game." ]
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[ 0.000554984319023788, 0.0006465190090239048, 0.00063998659607023, 0.0007753436802886426, 0.0006622630171477795 ]
[ "The characterization of stem cell proteomes.", "\nStem cells represent not only a valuable research tool in cell biology, but they also bring promise for cell-based therapies in the future. ", "To enhance our knowledge of the molecular basis of stem cell self-renewal and differentiation, various experimental approaches have been applied. ", "This review will discuss recent advances in the field of proteomic research that have initiated the characterization of stem cell proteomes." ]
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[ 0.0006347800372168422, 0.0005701467161998153, 0.0005246683722361922, 0.0005633248947560787 ]
[ "Patientendaten aus 50 Ländern waren offenbar frei zugänglich im Internet. ", "Der Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte spricht von einem „verheerenden ersten Eindruck“.", "\n\nDaten wie diese sind von Millionen Patienten weltweit frei zugänglich. (", "Foto: Imago) Röntgenbild\n\nDüsseldorf, München Sensible medizinische Daten von weltweit mehreren Millionen Patienten sind nach einem Bericht des Bayerischen Rundfunks (BR) auf offen zugänglichen Servern im Netz gelandet. ", "In Deutschland seien mehr als 13.000 Datensätze von Patienten betroffen, in mehr als der Hälfte sind auch medizinische Bilder wie Brustkrebsscreenings, Wirbelsäulenbilder und Röntgenaufnahmen enthalten.", "\n\nSie seien noch bis vergangene Woche zugänglich gewesen und stammten von mindestens fünf verschiedenen Server-Standorten. ", "Der größte Teil der Datensätze entfalle auf Patienten aus dem Raum Ingolstadt und aus Kempen in Nordrhein-Westfalen.", "\n\nDas Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) hat nach eigenen Angaben die betroffenen medizinischen Einrichtungen anhand der ihm vorliegenden IP-Adressen in Kenntnis gesetzt. ", "In drei Fällen habe das BSI die Einrichtungen direkt kontaktieren können, in 14 weiteren Fällen seien die jeweiligen Internet-Service-Provider gebeten worden, ihre Kunden anhand der IP-Adressen zu identifizieren und zu informieren.", "\n\nZudem habe das BSI 46 internationale Partnerorganisationen über den Sachverhalt informiert. ", "Das BSI darf nach derzeitiger Rechtslage diese Daten nicht abrufen oder analysieren, auch nicht um die Betreiber der ungesicherten Webserver zu identifizieren.", "\n\nNach den Recherchen des BR mit der US-Investigativplattform ProPublica lagen die Bilder und andere Patientendaten auf ungesicherten Servern. ", "Danach sollen in rund 50 Ländern von Brasilien über die Türkei bis Indien 16 Millionen Datensätze offen im Netz gestanden haben. ", "Besonders betroffen seien Patienten aus den USA. „", "Allein bei einem einzelnen Anbieter für radiologische Untersuchungen lagen nach einer Auswertung von ProPublica mehr als eine Million Datensätze von Patienten vor“, heißt es in dem Bericht weiter.", "\n\nDem Vernehmen nach hat es nicht ein einzelnes großes Datenleck gegeben, sondern es entstand durch eine Vielzahl von ungeschützten Servern. ", "Der Experte für Informationssicherheit Dirk Schrader habe weltweit mehr als 2300 Rechner gefunden, auf denen die Datensätze offen lagen.", "\n\nNach Einschätzung des BSI waren die Patientendaten zugänglich, weil einfachste IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen wie ein Zugriffsschutz durch Nutzername und Passwort oder Verschlüsselung nicht umgesetzt wurden. ", "Dem BSI lägen keine Informationen vor, dass die Patientendaten tatsächlich in krimineller Absicht abgeflossen sind.", "\n\nBei den Daten handelte es sich oft um Bilder, die von Magnetresonanztomografie(MRT)-Untersuchungen stammen. ", "In der MRT-Röhre entstehen zwei- und dreidimensionale Bilder vom Körperinneren der Patienten. ", "Diese Bilder würden von den Geräten auf einen speziellen Server geschickt, berichtete der BR. ", "Das System werde für die Bildarchivierung verwendet, ein sogenanntes „Picture Archiving and Communication System“ (PACS). ", "Auch Röntgenaufnahmen und Bilder aus der Computertomografie landeten auf diesen Servern.", "\n\n„Wenn selbst bei so sensiblen Daten wie Röntgenaufnahmen, Mammografien oder MRT-Bildern grundlegende IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen missachtet werden, zeigt das, dass IT-Sicherheit noch immer nicht den Stellenwert einnimmt, den sie verdient“, sagte BSI-Präsident Arne Schönbohm.", "\n\nDer Bundesbeauftragte für Datenschutz, Ulrich Kelber, sprach von einem „verheerenden ersten Eindruck“. ", "Nach jetzigem Kenntnisstand seien in Deutschland zwei Krankenhäuser betroffen, sagte Kelber der Nachrichtenagentur dpa. ", "Es müsse nun geklärt werden, ob möglicherweise auch Drittanbieter in der Verantwortung stehen. ", "Es sei nicht ausgeschlossen, dass es hohe Bußgelder geben werde, sagte Kelber.", "\n\nCyberkriminelle haben nach Einschätzung des russischen Antiviren-Softwareherstellers Kaspersky verstärkt die Gesundheitsbranche im Blick: „Wir gehen derzeit davon aus, dass allein im Jahr 2018 bei Organisationen aus dem medizinischen Bereich 28 Prozent der im Krankenhaus befindlichen Geräte angegriffen wurden“, sagte David Emm, Sicherheitsforscher bei Kaspersky. ", "Angriffe auf vernetzte Geräte in der medizinischen Infrastruktur könnten im schlimmsten Falle das Leben von Patienten gefährden.", "\n\nAus diesem Grund sei es wichtig, dass Anbieter aus dem Gesundheitswesen adäquate Sicherheitsmaßnahmen gewährleisten. ", "Dazu gehörten Firewalls zum Schutz von privaten oder Unternehmensnetzen gegen Angriffe aus dem Internet, verschlüsselte Datenbanken und eine spezielle Autorisierung von Personal – also die Festlegung, wer befugt ist, auf persönliche Daten von Patienten zuzugreifen.", "\n\nRobert Freudenreich, Chief Technology Officer des Augsburger Verschlüsselungssoftwareanbieters Boxcryptor, fordert eine Pflicht zur Verschlüsselung besonders schützenswerter Daten. ", "Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) biete in diesem Punkt zu viel Interpretationsspielraum. ", "Im Artikel 32 der DSGVO werde lediglich von „geeigneten technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen“ zum Schutz der Daten gesprochen. ", "Deswegen gebe es noch keine flächendeckende Verschlüsselung besonders sensibler Daten, beklagte Freudenreich.", "\n\nMit Agenturmaterial\n\nMehr: Die Anbindung der Praxen an das Gesundheitsdatennetz verläuft schleppend. ", "Doch Jens Spahn greift durch und droht unwilligen Ärzten mit Sanktionen." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n===============\n\nEating disorder (ED) is referred to as a syndrome characterized by unusual eating behavior and psychological disturbance, and accompanied with significant weight change and physiological dysfunction.^\\[[@ref1]\\]^ Currently, the main references for the diagnosis of this illness are the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10) and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth Edition (DSM-V). ", "Recently, the ICD-11 has been completed with an estimated publication date of 2018.^\\[[@ref2]\\]^ The eating disorder classifications were changed from ICD-10 to ICD-11, including adding the diagnoses of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED), and revising the diagnostic criteria for Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN).^\\[[@ref3]\\]^\n\nWhen it comes to international guides, the cross-culture validity of diagnostic criteria needs to be considered.^\\[[@ref4]\\]^ As a culture related disorder, the clinical symptoms of eastern and western patients with eating disorder are different. ", "Ever since Li and colleagues reported on Non-fat phobic anorexia nervosa (NF-AN) patients among those with eating disorders in Hong Kong,^\\[[@ref5]\\]^ a series of studies about non-western eating disorder patients have been conducted, and the questions related to whether or not NF-AN should be included in the diagnostic guide have been raised.^\\[[@ref6]\\]^\n\nIn recent studies of the diagnostic classifications of eating disorder, latent class clustering has been the most frequently-used analysis method.\\[[@ref7]\\] Latent class clustering reveals the latent classes within a group by classifying together those subjects who are highly similar. ", "The results of this statistical method can be used to validate classifications of the current diagnostic guide (ICD-11). ", "Based on the results of several international studies, the classifications include AN-like group, BN-like group and BED-like group, which provides evidence supporting AN and BN classifications in the ICD-10 and BED classification in the ICD-11.^\\[[@ref7]\\]^ Additionally, a few studies also reported the existence of a low-fat-phobic low-weight group.^\\[[@ref8],[@ref9]\\]^ However, most studies are still focused on western patients, while there is no current classification for mainland Chinese patients with eating disorder. ", "The newest classification study on eating disorder patients in Hong Kong also focused on the diagnostic problem of NF-AN patients, ^\\[[@ref10]\\]^ however there were some limitations in this study. ", "First, evaluating an individuals' fat-phobia using the difference between ideal weight and current weight (i.e. if the ideal weight is smaller than the current weight, fat-phobia opinion is present) does not apply to patients whose current weights are much smaller than the normal standard, and this result will be directly affected by patient weight changes. ", "Secondly, the morbidity of eating disorder has been steadily increasing in China over the past few decades, and the morbidities of different sub-types have been changing as well;^\\[[@ref11]\\]^ but as a retrospective study, the time span of the sample is too long (1984-2009) to present the constitution of the current eating disorder classification well.", "\n\nTherefore, the present study analyzes the classification of clinical symptoms of Chinese patients with eating disorder, discusses the clinical symptoms of different sub-types, compares the classification and diagnostic criteria of feeding and eating disorders in ICD-11, and provides evidence for these classifications in the ICD-11, as well as suggestions on how to apply ICD-11 in China.", "\n\n2. ", "Methods {#sec1-2}\n==========\n\n2.1 Participants {#sec2-1}\n----------------\n\nThe participants were recruited from eating disorder outpatients and inpatients at Shanghai Mental Health Center from 2010 to 2016. ", "Inclusion criteria: (1) patients who met the diagnostic criteria for an eating disorder according to the DSM-IV as assessed by two senior level psychiatrists; (2) age 13 and above; (3) having the ability to understand and complete the questionnaires; (4) any patients who had severe neurological disorders, medical conditions or other mental disorders and could not comprehend or complete the questionnaires were excluded. ", "A total of 379 cases were collected. ", "All participants were first-time patients at the Shanghai Mental Health Center and were in a current episode of eating disorder. ", "More details about the participants is discussed in the results section.", "\n\nThis study followed the ethical standards protocol set by the Ethics Committee of the Shanghai Mental Health Center. ", "Written informed consent was provided by participants or by the parents of those participants who were under 18.", "\n\n2.2 Assessment {#sec2-2}\n--------------\n\n### 2.2.1 General demographic questionnaire {#sec3-1}\n\nThis questionnaire was developed by the researchers, including study ID, name, gender, age, occupation, marital status, education level, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), the age of onset, the total duration of illness, triggering events for current episode, current diagnosis, and record of weight loss-causing behavior.", "\n\n### 2.2.2 Drive for Thinness (DT) of Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-I) {#sec3-2}\n\nEDI-I was written by Garner and colleagues in 1983, and it was the first self-rating eating disorder questionnaire introduced into China. ", "ED comprises 64 questions divided into 8 subscales: drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, bulimia, perfectionism, interpersonal distrust, maturity fears, introspective awareness, and ineffectiveness. ", "The drive for thinness questionnaire can indicate the prognosis for an eating disorder, and it was used to reflect the fat-phobic opinions of patients. ", "The 7 questions in this subscale are on a 6-point scale: always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, and never, with values as 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, and 0 respectively. ", "The summation of all items' scores is the total score. ", "The higher the total score is, the more likely one is to have an eating disorder.^\\[[@ref12]\\]^ Chinese researchers have adapted and translated this scale. ", "The validity and reliability of this scale has been tested among female college students in Mainland China, young Chinese women in Hong Kong and with patients with AN (with good reliability and validity). ", "^\\[[@ref13],[@ref14],[@ref15]\\]^\n\n2.3 Study process {#sec2-3}\n-----------------\n\n### 2.3.1 Diagnosis {#sec3-3}\n\nParticipants in this study were diagnosed by two senior level psychiatrists and divided into either the AN group, BN group or eating disorder Not Otherwise Specified group.", "\n\n### 2.3.2 Quantitative statistics {#sec3-4}\n\nData was analyzed using SPSS 20.0. ", "Latent profile analysis was conducted using Latent GOLD 4.5 software. ", "Data regarding age when treatment began and age of onset did not have a normal distribution therefore they were described using median. ", "BMI had a normal distribution therefore mean (SD) was used.", "\n\nBecause the above mentioned studies in China did not include latent profile analysis we chose to use exploratory latent profile analysis to further analyze the variables related to eating disorder.^\\[[@ref15]\\]^ The process of latent profiling analysis is the following: (1) estimation of the initial model (i.e., assuming only one class exists in the assumed group); (2) gradually adding the number of classes, estimating the parameters of every model, and calculating suitability; (3) comparing different models with the fitting evaluation index and selecting the most fitted one; (4) naming different classes, and organizing the results of parameter estimation.^\\[[@ref16]\\]^\n\n### 2.3.3 Model evaluation and selection {#sec3-5}\n\nThe frequently-used fitting parameters in latent profiling analysis include: Bayesian Information Criterions (BIC)\\[[@ref17]\\] and consistent Akaike Information Criterion (cAIC).^\\[[@ref18]\\]^ The smaller both of these parameters are, the more fitting the model is. ", "Most empirical studies employ BIC as the model fitness index, and select the model with the smallest BIC as the most fitting one.^\\[[@ref19]\\]^ The present study used BIC as the model fitness index, and also selected models with bivariate residual values below 3.0 to ensure the explanatory power of the model. ", "Bivariate residual value represents the relevance between two variables in one latent class; and the bigger this value is, the more relevant the two variables are. ", "Besides the indexes described above, the present study also considered the realistic meaning of the classifications and the sample size of each classification before the classification model was finalized.", "\n\n3. ", "Results {#sec1-3}\n==========\n\n3.1 Demographic data {#sec2-4}\n--------------------\n\nThere were 336 (88.7%) effective questionnaires (324 females and 12 males) out of a total of 379 participants interviewed. ", "The demographic data of the participants are displayed in [Table 1](#table001){ref-type=\"table\"}. ", "Educational level of the participants was the following: elementary school 5 (1.5%), junior high 61 (18.2%), high school 111 (33.1%), college undergraduate 146 (43.6%), and postgraduate 12 (3.6%). ", "Participants median age 16 (range: 7 -- 31). ", "The median duration of illness was 18 months (range: 1-192 months). ", "The mean (sd) for BMI was 16.45 (2.92) (range: 10.85-27.34). ", "According to the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV, there were 107 (31.8%) participants with AN (restrictive type), 101 (30.1%) participants with AN (binge eating/purging type), 92 (27.4%) participants with BN, and 36 (10.7%) participants with eating disorder Not Otherwise Specified.", "\n\n3.2 Latent profiling analysis {#sec2-5}\n-----------------------------\n\nAccording to the latent fitness indexes, BIC and cAIC values were lowest when 5 classes were kept, which supported the selection of this model. ", "This model comprised 44 parameters.", "\n\nBased on the 6 indicator variables shown in [Figure 2](#fig002){ref-type=\"fig\"} and the conditional probabilities of different variables shown in [Table 2](#table002){ref-type=\"table\"}, we named and described 5 classes as below: Low-weight fasting class (n=78, 23.1%): patients in this class had low BMI (14.64 kg/m^2^) with restrictive food intake (85%) caused by fat-phobic opinions (DT=9.25), occasionally had self-induced vomiting (23%) and laxative use (13%), but rarely had any bulimia behavior (2%).Non-fat-phobic binge/purge class (n=72, 21.54%): patients in this class barely had any fat-phobic ideas (DT=0.12), and their BMIs were close to the normal standard (17.82 kg/m^2^). ", "They had bulimia behavior (92%) and purging behavior, including self-induced vomiting (74%) and laxative use (29%). ", "The incidence of restrictive food intake (81%) was the lowest of all five classes.", "Low-fat-phobic binge class (n=65, 19.27%): BMIs of patients in this class were close to the normal standard (17.88 kg/m^2^), and bulimia behavior (92%) was present. ", "Some patients had purging behavior, including self-induced vomiting (54%) and laxative use (14%). ", "The incidence rate of restrictive food intake (92%) was the highest of all five classes. ", "The fat-phobic ideation level was low (DT=5.51)Fat-phobic binge class (n=65, 19.27%): patients in this class had close to normal BMI (17.52 kg/m^2^) Most patients had bulimia behavior (75%) and restrictive food intake (82%), while some patients had self-induced vomiting (51%) and laxative use (28%). ", "The fat-phobic level was high (DT=16.86)Non-fat-phobic low-weight class (n=56, 16.76%): patients in this class had the lowest BMI (14.28 kg/m^2^) of all five classes. ", "Most patients had restrictive food intake (89%), while only a few patients had bulimia (14%). ", "Self-induced vomiting (3%) and laxative use (4%) was rarely present. ", "Patients had almost no fat-phobic ideation (DT=0.18).", "\n\nThe results of the six variables' regression analysis in five classes (see [Table 3](#table003){ref-type=\"table\"}) indicated that BMI was 29.91% explained by five classes significantly (Wald=36.19, *p*\\<0.001), and this deviation could be explained effectively by latent classes. ", "Besides this, the deviations of Bulimia (Wald=36.19, *p*\\<0.001), Self-induced vomiting (Wald=34.42, *p*\\<0.001), Laxative use (Wald=11.13, *p*\\<0.05) and Fat-phobic ideation (DT) (Wald=932.99, *p*\\<0.001) were explained effectively by latent classes as well. ", "Results were statistically significant. ", "In contrast, the results of Restrictive food intake (Wald=2.93, *p*=0.571) was not significant, indicating that it could only be 1.34% explained by the five classes.", "\n\n4. ", "Discussion {#sec1-4}\n=============\n\n4.1 Main findings {#sec2-6}\n-----------------\n\nThe results of the present study of Chinese patients with eating disorder are in accordance with the diagnostic criteria in the new ICD-11. ", "Specifically, the first class meets the diagnostic criteria for AN (restrictive type), and the third and the fourth classes meet the diagnostic criteria for BN, or BED or AN (binge eating/purging type); and the fifth class meets the diagnostic criteria for ARFID or other feeding and eating disorder.^\\[[@ref3]\\]^\n\nThe possible reasons why the third and the fourth classes meet the diagnostic criteria of multiple disorders are listed below: Clinically speaking, BN and AN (binge eating/purging type) overlap in terms of the development and prognosis of the disease,^\\[[@ref20]\\]^ which indicates that they probably share the same psycho pathological factors.", "The critical difference between BN and AN (binge eating/purging type) is the low BMI cut-off point. ", "As stated in previous studies, the Asian population's BMI level is lower than that of western populations.^\\[[@ref21],[@ref22]\\]^ However the diagnostic guide is still using the western low weight standard (18.5 kg/m^2^) as the reference. ", "If the cut-off point was lowered according to the low BMI level of the Chinese population, the third and the forth classes would be more inclined to the diagnostic criteria of BN and BED.BED is a new independent diagnosis from DSM-V, and the results of a number of internationally published latent class studies support this classification.^\\[[@ref8],[@ref23]\\]^ Currently, there is little research on these individuals in China, and clinically it is quite rare. ", "Due to the lack of public knowledge surrounding this disorder, most patients with obesity probably seek treatment in endocrinology or digestive departments. ", "In the sample of the present study, BED was not a separate class because the number of patients in this class was too small.", "\n\nAmong the five classes, only the second class Nonfat-phobic binge/purge class does not fall in any specific classification in ICD-11, so it was classified as other feeding and eating disorder.", "\n\nHowever, if the criteria for fat-phobic ideation is relaxed, it means that any relevant behavior observed clinically (e.g. checking body shape frequently, checking weight repeatedly, or opposite behavior, such as avoidance of weighing machines, or mirrors or tight clothes) can represent patients hiding or failing to recognize their fat-phobic ideas. ", "In this case, some patients who meet this description meet the diagnostic criteria for AN and BN. ", "This modification has been shown in ICD-11. ", "As stated in ICD-11 guide, \"AN/BN patients' behaviors of losing or maintaining weight are usually driven by the drive for thinness or the strong fear of obvious weight gain. ", "These behaviors can be evaluated to make the diagnosis even when patients do not give a clear indication regarding preoccupations with weight gain and body shape.\" ", "Hence, clinical judgment regarding preoccupation with weight and body shape will decide whether patients are diagnosed with AN/BN or not.", "\n\nThis modification solves the diagnosis problem for some non-fat-phobic eating disorder patients, but it is still problematic. ", "Specifically, the judgment on whether patients possess latent fat-phobic ideation or not is affected by the doctors' clinical experience, communications with patients, cultural environment and many other factors. ", "Therefore, it can cause disagreements among evaluators, which undermines the credibility of the diagnosis.", "\n\nAdditionally, the results of the regression analysis on six clinical symptom variables demonstrate the different weights these symptoms hold in diagnostic classifications. ", "Organized from large to small, they are: BMI, bulimia, fat-phobic opinion (DT), self-induced vomiting, laxative use and restrictive food intake. ", "This order can provide references for clinical diagnostic processes. ", "Restrictive food intake not being explained by the five classifications largely indicates that the differences of this variable among patients with eating disorder are insignificant. ", "Even though restrictive food intake is an important index in eating disorder diagnosis, its value on differentiating sub-types of eating disorder is limited.", "\n\n4.2 Limitations {#sec2-7}\n---------------\n\nThe present study employed a cross-sectional retrospective design, so the data collected only reflected the situation at that moment. ", "The symptoms collected, for instance, fat-phobic opinion or BMI, only reflected the conditions patients were in when they were admitted into the hospital; but these conditions may change later on. ", "Patients may start to have fat-phobic ideas as they gained weight, or their diagnoses might change (e.g. the transformation between AN and BN), which could skew the results. ", "In this retrospective study, how patients answered the questions might affect the results as self-rating questionnaires are the main tools of data collection. ", "Additionally, lacking the objective indexes, such as biochemical variables and prognosis, the variables included are limited. ", "In the meantime, as a regional study, this one was conducted in only one mental health institution. ", "Therefore, this sample cannot represent all Chinese patients with eating disorder.", "\n\n4.3 Implications {#sec2-8}\n----------------\n\nThe present study is the first attempt to classify mainland Chinese eating disorder patients by their symptoms, and provide empirical evidence about the applicability of feeding and eating disorder in the upcoming ICD-11 guide. ", "Based on the results, we give the following recommendations:\n\nThe classifications of Chinese eating disorder patients are basically in accord with the diagnostic classifications in the new ICD-11; however the fat-phobic standard of patients with eating disorder and the low BMI standard for the Chinese population need to be improved. ", "Compared with the older version, the current description of fat-phobic opinion in ICD-11 has improved significantly. ", "Future research should focus on the relevant pathogeny to differentiate pathological and normal fat-phobic opinions. ", "As for the low BMI standard, adults and teenagers are separated in ICD-11; teenagers' low weight conditions are evaluated with BMI-for-age.^\\[[@ref3]\\]^ But this evaluation method has not been used widely in China. ", "While this evaluation method is being used in studies on teenagers, in order to ascertain specific data regarding the Chinese populaton's low BMI standard, studies should also focus on the distribution of BMI in Chinese adults.", "\n\n**Funding statement**\n\nShanghai Natural Science Fund (16ZR1430400); Medical guidance project (western medicine) of the Shanghai Science Committee (16411965200); Shanghai Psychiatry Clinical Medical Center (2014)\n\n**Conflict of interest statement**\n\nAuthors declare no conflict of interest related to this manuscript.", "\n\n**Informed consent**\n\nWritten informed consent was provided by all participants and the parents of participants below 18.", "\n\n**Ethical approval**\n\nThe present study was approved by the ethics committee of the Shanghai Mental Health Center.", "\n\n**Authors' contributions**\n\nDr. Yuchen Zheng was in charge of designing and conducting this study, including data analysis, and writing of the article. ", "Dr. Qing Kang and Jiabin Huang were responsible for collecting and entering data. ", "Dr. Wenhui Jiang, Qiang Liu, Han Chen, Qing Fan and Zhen Wang were responsible for recruiting and diagnosing patients. ", "Dr. Jue Chen recruited participants for this study and provided revision of the manuscript. ", "Professor Zeping Xiao provided input on the study design and revision of the article.", "\n\n![](", "sap-29-200-g003.gif)\n\nYuchen Zheng is currently a resident in Shanghai Mental Health Center. ", "She acquired her MD degree in 2017 after finishing the 8-year clinical medicine program (French program) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. ", "She has been studying psychosomatic disorder in the clinical psychology department under the supervision of Professor Zeping Xiao at Shanghai Mental Health Center since 2014. ", "Her main research interests include the clinical diagnosis and evaluation of eating disorders and carrying out clinical field tests for ICD-11 in China.", "\n\n![", "Flowchart of the study](sap-29-200-g001){#fig001}\n\n![", "The indicator variables among the five latent classes](sap-29-200-g002){#fig002}\n\n###### \n\nDemographic characteristics of 366 eating disorder patients at Shanghai Mental Health Center\n\n Values Number of patients (n=336)\n -------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------------------\n BMI; Mean (Standard deviation) 16.45 (2.92) \n Age of treatment; median (minimum, maximum) 19 (11, 36) \n Age at onset of illness; median (minimum, maximum) 16 (7, 31) \n The classification of diagnoses (based on DSM-IV) (n%) \n       Anorexia nervosa (restricting type) 108 (32.1%)\n       Anorexia nervosa (purging type) 100 (29.8%)\n       Bulimia nervosa 92 (27.4%)\n       Eating disorder; unspecified 36 (10.1%)\n Education level (%) \n       Elementary school 5 (1.5%)\n       Junior high 61 (18.2%)\n       High school 111 (33.1%)\n       Undergraduate 146 (43.6%)\n       Postgraduate 12 (3.6%)\n\n###### \n\nPrevalence of eating disorder symptoms among the five latent classes\n\n Low-weight fasting group Non-fat-phobic binge/purge group Low-fat-phobic binge group Fat-phobic binge group Non-fat-phobic low-weight group\n -------------------------------------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------------------\n [***BMI***]{.ul} \n M (SD) kg/m^2^ 14.64(1.94) 17.82 (2.41) 17.88 (3.30) 17.52(2.47) 14.28 (1.72)\n [***Binge eating***]{.ul} \n Not present 77(98%) 6(8%) 5(8%) 16(24%) 48 (86%)\n Present 1(2%) 66(92%) 60(92%) 49(75%) 8(14%)\n [***Restrictive food intake***]{.ul} \n Not present 12(15%) 14(19%) 5(8%) 12(18%) 6(11%)\n Present 66(85%) 58(81%) 60(92%) 53(82%) 50(89%)\n [***Self-induced vomiting***]{.ul} \n Not present 60(77%) 19(26%) 30(46%) 32(49%) 53(95%)\n Present 18(23%) 53(74%) 35(54%) 33(51%) 3(5%)\n [***Laxative use***]{.ul} \n Nor present 68(87%) 51(71%) 56(86%) 47(72%) 52(93%)\n Present 10(13%) 21(29%) 9(14%) 18(28%) 4(7%)\n [***Drive for thinness***]{.ul} \n EDI scores M(SD) 9.14 (0.93) 0.12 (0.06) 5.51 (0.77) 16.88 (0.65) 0.18 (0.09)\n\n###### \n\nRegression analysis of the correlation coefficients of the five latent classes\n\n Wald *p*-value R^[@ref2]^\n ----------------------------- -------- ------------ ------------\n **BMI** 136.11 1.9e^-28^ 0.2991\n **Bing eating** 36.19 2.6e^-7^ 0.6314\n **Restrictive food intake** 2.93 0.571 0.0134\n **Self-induced vomiting** 34.42 6.1e^-7^ 0.2246\n **Laxative use** 11.13 0.025 0.0480\n **Fat-phobic (DT)** 932.99 1.2e^-200^ 0.7762\n" ]
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[ "Among image forming apparatuses provided with developing cartridges, there is known an image forming apparatus capable of determining whether a developing cartridge is attached to the apparatus or capable of identifying specifications of the developing cartridge. ", "For example, prior art discloses an image forming apparatus includes a sensor for detecting a protrusion of a detection gear provided at a developing cartridge, and the image forming apparatus determines whether the developing cartridge is attached to the image forming apparatus or not.", "\nFurther, prior art also discloses an image-forming device including a developing electrode and a supply electrode. ", "The developing electrode is a bearing for the developing roller, and the supply electrode is a bearing for the supply roller. ", "The developing electrode and supply electrode contact corresponding electrodes in the image-forming device in the axial direction of the developing roller.", "\nFurther, prior art also discloses an image-forming apparatus including a detection gear and a developing electrode. ", "The detection gear and the developing electrode are positioned at a same side in an axial direction of a developing roller." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMeteor-how to use the blog_posts collection independent of the helpers provided by the package\n\nI am using ryw:blog package for one of my applications. ", "I know how to use the provided helpers like:\n{{> blogIndex}}\n\nand\n{{> blogShow}}\n\nBut now I want to use the collection of blog posts independently of these helpers. ", "For example, I want to show only these posts where the tag is \"meteor\". ", "I am trying to do it with a helper and\nBlog_posts.find({tags: \"meteor\"})\n\nBut it does not work. ", "I think that I make a mistake on the name of the collections on the client side. ", "If you have an idea how to find that name or how to do the whole solution....\n\nA:\n\nfrom the source code on GitHub, it seems like it is Blog.Post.find({});\nhttps://github.com/meteor-blog/meteor-blog/blob/master/server/publications.coffee\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLatex Table Text Wrapping w/ multi-column - way to maintain spacing?", "\n\nI am trying to fix the column length but then use multicolumn command in the table. ", "When I use multicolumn it looks like it overrides the column spacing.", "\nI have tried using looking at these answers Wrong column spacing due to multicolumn in latex but this is a more specific then I am looking for. ", "Looking for a more general answer. ", "Some packages can do this (i.e. tabularx) but looking for a 'base' way of doing this. ", "\n\\begin{table}[]\n\\centering\n\\begin{tabular}{|p{1cm}|p{1cm}|p{3cm}|}\n\\hline \n\\multicolumn{2}{c}{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test} & \\multicolumn{1}{c}{Test} \\\\\nTest & Test & Test \\\\\n\\hline \n 5555 & 5555 & 5555\\\\\n 5555 & 5555 & 5555 \\\\\n \\multicolumn{2}{c}{5555} & 5555 \\\\\n \\hline \n\\end{tabular}\n\\caption{Caption}\n\\label{tab:my_label}\n\\end{table}\n\nI am trying to make column 1 and 2 be 1cm in width and column 3 be cm while using multicolumn in the table. ", "Any tips or help would be appreciated. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use \\parbox{width}{text} to limit the multicolumn cell's width.", "\n\\documentclass[11pt]{article}\n\\begin{document}\n\\begin{table}[]\n \\centering\n \\begin{tabular}{|p{1cm}|p{1cm}|p{3cm}|}\n \\hline \n \\multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\\parbox{2cm}{Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test}} & \\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Test} \\\\\n Test & Test & Test \\\\\n \\hline \n 5555 & 5555 & 5555\\\\\n 5555 & 5555 & 5555 \\\\\n \\multicolumn{2}{|c}{5555} & 5555 \\\\\n \\hline \n \\end{tabular}\n \\caption{Caption}\n \\label{tab:my_label}\n\\end{table}\n\\end{document}\n\n" ]
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[ "\"[chorus sings \"Teenage Dirtbag\"]\" \"♪ Her name is Noel I had a dream about her... ♪\" \"Yup.\" \"", "You're good.\" \" ", "Cool.\" \" ", "Yup.\" \" ", "Yup...\" \"Whoa, hold up.\" \"", "ID, please?\" \" ", "Yeah, I left it in my car.\" \"", "Sorry.\" \"", "Why are you doing this to me?\" \"", "I can't let you in.\" \"[", "man] All right, I'll get it, even though you see me come through here every morning.\" \"", "Dude, this is my first day.\" \"", "So, that's the job.\" \"", "Pretty simple.\" \"", "No one gets in without an ID.\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \" ", "Keep your eye out for vagrants.\" \"", "They're gonna want to use the bathrooms, can't let them.\" \"", "You'd think it'd be easy to tell the difference between a homeless guy and an art student.\" \"", "It's not.\" \"", "Which reminds me, if you see a guy, kind of a raggedy fella with a broom around his neck, a little broom, just wave him on through.\" \"", "He's one of our deans.\" \"", "So, any questions?\" \"", "I read that after 120 days, I'm eligible for health insurance?\" \" ", "Oh, that sounds great!\" \"", "Uh-huh.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Anything else?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Seems like there's a lot of downtime.\" \"", "Can I use the computer?\" \" ", "Oh, yes.\" \"", "Knock yourself out.\" \" ", "Cool.\" \"", "No hardcore porno.\" \"", "We had to make a \"no hardcore porno\" rule, because the last guy fried the computer.\" \"", "I'm not allowed to tell you his name.\" \"", "We call it the Dave Rogers rule.\" \"", "Got it.\" \"", "No hardcore porno.\" \"[", "chuckles]\" \"So, uh, what are you working on?\" \" ", "I'm sort of starting an eBay page.\" \" ", "Ah!\" \"", "Doing the eBay thing, huh?\" \"", "Ha, ha.\" \" ", "Selling those Beanie Babies, huh?\" \" ", "Not exactly.\" \"", "Ah, people love those Beanie Babies.\" \"", "You know, I read that one sold for half a mil.\" \"", "Can you believe that?\" \"", "Man, if I got a half a million dollars in my pocket,\" \"I'd buy myself one of those big-ass jet planes.\" \" ", "I think they cost more than that.\" \" ", "Ah!\" \"", "Another dream dead.\" \"[", "chuckles]\" \"So, if I wanna buy something from you...\" \" where do I go?\" \" ", "Hmm?\" \"", "On, uh... on eBay?\" \"", "What name do I search for?\" \"[", "sighs] Yeah, I'm working on that.\" \"[", "Yelle's \"Je Veux Te Voir\" playing] [woman singing in French]\" \"[Annie] Whoo!\" \"", "Oh, hi.\" \"", "That smell.\" \"", "It's like a mix of April fresh and August stank.\" \"", "Via old clothes and definitely not because I'm pitting out like a mofo.\" \"", "All right, as requested, all the old vintage dresses I don't wear anymore.\" \"", "Probably unusable.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "Try it on.\" \"[", "sings] Shimmy, shimmy!\" \"[", "sighs] See, the lady at the shop said I could belt it.\" \"", "That lady fucking lied to me.\" \"", "Hmm...\" \"Mm...\" \"Okay.\" \"", "Ooh, all right.\" \"", "Goin' right for it.\" \"", "I don't know if the sleeves were the problem.\" \"", "Ooh...\" \"Be still, you nut.\" \"", "Whoo!\" \"", "Huh.\" \"", "Hot damn!\" \" ", "All right, looks like you can belt it.\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "I can call this Stevie Nicks stage-goddess boho duster.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \" ", "Bet I can get 200 bucks for it.\" \" ", "What?\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "Put that awesome shit online and make yourself some ka-ching, ka-ching.\" \"", "Not until I've landed on a name.\" \"", "Who cares?\" \"", "Pick one out of a hat.\" \"", "This is the most important decision of my young life.\" \"", "When you sell stuff, you're asking people to buy into you.\" \"", "And I need a name that reflects who I am.\" \"", "So, I've been going through some of these vintage names online.\" \"", "Remembrances?\" \"", "Old-Timey Treasures, Twigs and Twat.\" \"", "These all sound like songs Joni Mitchell jerks off to.\" \" [", "laughs]\" \" It's not me.\" \" ", "I'm cool.\" \" ", "You're hip.\" \"", "You're fab, you're totally gear.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "I don't know, man, why don't you just call it Sophia's Joint.\" \"", "Change it when you think of something better.\" \"", "We all know what happened to Skeleton Key when they re-launched Miss Theo Goes Vintage.\" \"", "We do?\" \"", "She lost her eBay rating and then all of her customers.\" \"", "Oof!\" \"", "That sucks.\" \"", "Well, my Sophia, I would love to stay and help you brainstorm, but I gotta go let Dax buy me dinner, because I'm totally regressive that way.\" \"", "But before I go, I'm gonna leave you with this.\" \"", "Ding Dong Monkey Song Vintage.\" \" [", "scoffs]\" \" Bye!\" \"", "Bye-bye!\" \"[", "Blood Sweat Tears' \"Spinning Wheel\" playing]\" \"Just Vintage.\" \"", "♪ What goes up must come down ♪\" \"Minty Vintage.\" \"", "♪ Spinning wheel got to go 'round... ♪\" \"Who am I?\" \"", "White... bitch.\" \"", "Party Machine!\" \"", "♪ Someone is waiting... ♪\" \"Ding Dong Monkey Song?\" \"", "What is happening right now?\" \"", "♪ Someone's waiting just for you ♪\" \"♪ Spinning wheel ♪\" \" Oh, hi.\" \" ", "I need a break.\" \" ", "Getting food.\" \"", "You want in?\" \" ", "Where are you going?\" \"", "Maybe La Taqueria.\" \"", "Hm.\" \"", "Yeah, let me think about it.\" \"[", "man speaking indistinctly on recording]\" \"What are you listening to?\" \"", "That's Lee Iacocca on management strategies.\" \"[", "Sophia] Mm.\" \"", "Dax has all of his seminars on CD for school.\" \"", "So, you just thought that you'd pop one in and chill?\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "I find his voice soothing.\" \"", "Burritos with me or grocery chicken with Iacocca?\" \"", "That's the mental calculation in your brain right now?\" \"", "Mm!\" \"", "It kicks ass, right?\" \"", "It's fine.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "Oh, I see.\" \"", "It's fine until you say \"kicks ass.\"\" \"", "I don't know.\" \"", "I just feel somewhere, the burrito got overrated.\" \"", "Mm-mm.\" \"", "Burrito is perfectly rated.\" \"", "It's cheap, portable, passably nutritious.\" \"", "What's a total racket is the fajita.\" \"", "You know, here's all the ingredients of a meal.\" \"", "We'll heat it up for you, but you're gonna put it together.\" \"", "And charge you five bucks more for the chance to get a fourth-degree burn from your plate.\" \"", "No, thank you, fajita.\" \"", "Go fuck yourself.\" \"", "Well, I don't know that I'd go that far, but yes, it is a rip-off.\" \"", "Did you get the chance to sell that dead lady's clothes?\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I can't do anything until I find the perfect name for my store.\" \" ", "That's...\" \" You.\" \"", "You are the problem.\" \"", "Another ignorant man walking around like he owns the place.\" \"", "Who the hell do you think you are?\" \" ", "Relax, he's cool.\" \" ", "I don't care what he is.\" \" ", "Let's walk this way.\" \" ", "Hold up, whitey.\" \"", "You listen to his control words.\" \"", "You think he's gonna stick by you when the bank repossesses your Miata, and they're taping up your bad checks on the wall at the 7-Eleven?\" \"", "Because he won't.\" \"", "Why's she yelling?\" \"\"", "She\"?\" \"", "You got a problem with female power words?\" \"", "Fucking hold my ovaries.\" \"", "You know what I'm saying?\" \"", "You come at me like I'm some dumb bitch...\" \"[Sophia] Shh.\" \" ", "There you go.\" \" ", "Mm.\" \" [", "Sophia] See?\" \"", "That's better.\" \" ", "Mm.\" \"", "Hope you don't mind my mouth germs.\" \"", "Oh, no, that's yours.\" \"", "You earned it.\" \"", "You're still the problem.\" \"", "Oh, God.\" \"", "Isn't this city great?\" \"", "I mean, that was awesome.\" \"", "Hmm...\" \"I don't know if that was awesome.\" \"", "I mean, I've only been here a few months, but this city is...\" \" Careful, this is my home.\" \" ", "It's expensive.\" \" ", "It's dirty.\" \" ", "Dirt don't hurt.\" \"", "Every time I go anywhere, it's full of tech assholes.\" \" ", "That's not true.\" \" ", "Well...\" \"No?\" \" ", "Can you help me?\" \" [", "man] Yeah.\" \"", "I'm looking to invest in some tech space.\" \" ", "For real?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "I work for a startup, and we're looking for seeding money.\" \"", "Doesn't sound right for me, thanks.\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \" ", "Hmm!\" \"", "So, if you hate this place so much, why are you still here?\" \"", "I followed a girl here, who is now my ex.\" \"", "What was her deal?\" \"", "Her deal?\" \"", "Well, she...\" \"You just fed her.\" \"", "Crusty.\" \" ", "Crusty?\" \" ", "Yeah, with the curly hair.\" \" ", "Oh, you and Crusty were a thing?\" \" ", "Crusty, yes.\" \"", "She seems cool.\" \"", "A little high-strung.\" \"", "She was never the same after that women's studies class.\" \"", "You haven't been here long.\" \"", "God, there's so much to explore.\" \"", "You just gotta jump on it.\" \"", "Is this your way of asking me to invest in your startup?\" \"", "Because forget what I told that guy, I don't have any money.\" \"", "Wait.\" \"", "This is good.\" \"", "Being stuck in that cramped apartment wasn't giving me what I need.\" \"", "Yeah, so instead, I'm gonna give it over to the city and let the city provide.\" \"", "And I will prove to you what I already know.\" \"", "This place is magic.\" \"", "This is the Castro.\" \"", "And that, my friend, is the Castro Theatre.\" \"", "Super-old and super-cool, and you should see it before you die.\" \"", "Ta-da!\" \"", "Shit.\" \"[", "Sophia] I know.\" \"", "Sometimes I like to come here in the summer just to kill a couple hours in the middle of the day.\" \"", "So, should we grab some seats?\" \"", "We don't have time for that nonsense.\" \"", "Take it in and let's go.\" \"", "Oh, hey.\" \"", "Over here.\" \"", "Oh, I see.\" \"", "We're in here to have sex, because you're one of those girls who can only orgasm in the face of danger.\" \"", "I've already been through that with Crusty, and I...\" \"What are you doing?\" \"", "Let's go.\" \"", "You're not gonna pay for these?\" \"", "We bought a ticket and we didn't watch a movie.\" \"", "We're even.\" \" ", "So, I put the CD in my pants.\" \" [", "chuckles]\" \"And I walked up, all stiff, and I'm sweating.\" \"", "Because again, I had never stolen anything in my life.\" \"", "The guy at the counter looked at me, probably Sam Goody himself, he was like, \"Kid, who do you think you're fooling?\"\" \"", "And I just booked it.\" \"", "And when I tell you that I cut the shit out of my scrotum...\" \"Hey.\" \"", "It's a psychic.\" \" ", "Where did I lose you, at cut scrotum?\" \" ", "We should go in there.\" \"", "Really?\" \"", "It's kind of a scam, don't you think?\" \"", "It's totally a scam.\" \"", "Okay, as long as you know.\" \"[", "Sophia] Yes.\" \"", "Okay, so, the way this works best is for you to be open to the fact that I have a gift.\" \"", "And do not look for proof or evidence that I don't.\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \" ", "Mm.\" \"", "What areas of your life are you looking to focus on today?\" \"", "Well, Sophia here wants to know if she should join the Navy.\" \"", "And I keep telling her, \"Girl, you get seasick.\"\" \"", "Oh, dear, you're not funny.\" \" ", "I know why you're here.\" \" ", "Oh, you do?\" \"", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "Yes.\" \"", "Oh.\" \"", "I'm getting a very strong feeling from you.\" \"", "You're on the precipice.\" \"", "You're feeling something, and it's...\" \"It could be big, but you're not sure what it is.\" \"", "Yes, awesome!\" \"", "Okay, is there a specific name?\" \"", "Something that describes me or my soul?\" \"", "Hopefully, one or two words that could fit into a URL?\" \"", "No, he doesn't really work in specifics like that.\" \"", "It's just more of feeling...\" \"That's true and I'm also not feeling you right now.\" \"", "And yes, I am getting...\" \"Oh, no, it's a feeling of chaos.\" \" [", "Sophia] Whoa.\" \" ", "Upheaval, even.\" \" ", "Okay, from him or me, or...?\" \" ", "It's everywhere.\" \" ", "It's all around us.\" \" ", "But is there a specific name?\" \" ", "Like he said, it's more of a feeling.\" \" ", "Police.\" \"", "Everybody down.\" \" ", "Shit, hit the deck!\" \" [", "Sophia yells] [man] Shit!\" \"[", "man 2] Put your hands up!\" \" ", "Let's get out of here.\" \" ", "But the police said...\" \"[Sophia] Fuck the police.\" \"", "Oh, my God.\" \"[", "laughing]\" \" Holy crap.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "That was crazy.\" \"", "The place was a front?\" \" ", "I can't believe we didn't shit ourselves.\" \" ", "Came close.\" \" ", "Wait, you took the wine.\" \" ", "Yeah, I had to.\" \"", "My DNA was all over it.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "Well, what next?\" \"", "You tell me.\" \"", "Try this.\" \"", "The best in the city.\" \"", "Whoa, big bite!\" \"", "You know, I thought with that weak chin, it'd be half that.\" \" ", "My chin is 90 degrees.\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \" ", "Architects stop me in the street.\" \" [", "laughs]\" \" You're ridiculous.\" \" ", "They do.\" \"", "You know what's weird?\" \"", "I don't know what you do for a living.\" \"", "That's actually not weird.\" \"", "You've yet to ask a single question about me.\" \"", "Touché, okay.\" \" ", "So, what do you do?\" \" ", "I don't like talking about myself.\" \"", "Are you being serious?\" \"", "I manage bands.\" \"", "Indie bands mostly, people you've never heard of.\" \"", "Damn, Shane!\" \"", "That sounds cool.\" \"", "You'd think, but mainly, it's answering a thousand e-mails from neurotic musicians every day who are pissed off they're not The Strokes.\" \" [", "chuckles] Okay.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "So, it's not fun?\" \"", "Honestly, it's hard, it's long hours, I'm on the road a lot.\" \"", "It's kind of the reason my relationship imploded.\" \"", "Mm.\" \" ", "Crusty don't like indie rock?\" \" ", "Oh, no.\" \"", "Crusty love indie rock.\" \"", "Katie, on the other hand, my actual ex-girlfriend, had a big problem with my job.\" \"", "Why?\" \"", "She wasn't into you being chased around by groupies all the time?\" \"", "Actually, yes.\" \"", "She was very jealous.\" \"", "Did you give her a reason to be jealous?\" \"", "Yeah.\" \" ", "Yeah, mistakes were made.\" \"", "Yeah, I mean...\" \" Yeah.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "No, that's on me.\" \"", "That sucks.\" \"", "I...\" \"Yeah.\" \"", "You know, it's none of my business, but it sounds like you... are the reason your relationship imploded.\" \"", "That's fair.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "What about you?\" \"", "You ever cheat on anybody?\" \"", "No, that's shitty.\" \"", "That's what bad people do.\" \"", "Let's get on the trolley without paying.\" \"[", "Sophia whooping]\" \" [Shane] Go?\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "Wow.\" \"", "This is the Rice-A-Roni shot.\" \"", "Come on, city...\" \"I need you.\" \"", "What do you think... this is?\" \"", "Crazy.\" \"", "Tough.\" \"", "Cool.\" \"", "Mean.\" \"", "Fun.\" \"", "Brash, spontaneous.\" \"", "Beautiful.\" \"[", "people chattering]\" \"Oh. [", "groans]\" \"Man, and a huge upset.\" \"", "My San Francisco comes back to defeat your San Francisco.\" \"", "There is one place I've always wanted to see.\" \"", "Don't say the Golden Gate Bridge.\" \"", "The Golden Gate Bridge.\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "Too cheesy?\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "It's just I don't do bridges.\" \"", "What do you mean, you don't build them?\" \"", "No, wiseass.\" \"", "I mean, I'm deathly afraid of them.\" \" ", "Really?\" \" ", "Mm-hmm.\" \"", "Yeah, I mean, haven't you ever seen footage of a bridge in an earthquake?\" \" ", "They're the first to go.\" \" ", "Sounds like you're afraid of earthquakes.\" \"", "No, because you can't fall off an earthquake and land in shark-infested waters.\" \"", "That's true.\" \"", "Yeah.\" \"", "Sophia is not going out like that.\" \"", "I decide when, where I kick the bucket.\" \"", "And how's that?\" \"", "Oh, I just live 400 more years cryogenically and then someone accidentally unplugs my head freezer and I thaw and die.\" \"", "That's how my uncle went.\" \"", "I miss you, Big Bill.\" \"", "I'll never run in the lab again.\" \"[", "Sophia laughs]\" \"All right, so, not the bridge, where are we headed?\" \"", "Duh.\" \"", "Someplace magical.\" \"", "Behold, the secret gem stashed in the touristy butthole of San Francisco...\" \"Jolly Jack.\" \"[", "chuckles] Okay.\" \"[", "laughing]\" \"I mean, I love this weird little fucker.\" \"", "You think he's done laughing and then he just keeps laughing.\" \"[", "laughing continues]\" \"This is really weird.\" \" ", "Do it again.\" \" ", "Okay, ready?\" \"", "Oh, I'm gonna get you.\" \"", "I'm gonna get you.\" \"", "I'm gonna get you.\" \"[", "laughing]\" \"That is such bullshit.\" \"[", "Shane] Mine is not registering any scores.\" \"", "You gotta hit harder!\" \" ", "Everyting I've played has been rigged.\" \" ", "Oh!\" \"[", "Sophia] I don't like your style.\" \"", "Oh, no!\" \"", "No!\" \"", "No!\" \"[", "Shane] Happiness comes out.\" \"", "There we go.\" \"", "All right.\" \"", "I'm gonna go for the red one.\" \" [", "Sophia] Okay.\" \"", "Come on, come on.\" \" [", "Shane] Here we go, here we go.\" \" [", "grunts] Yeah.\" \"", "Get ready.\" \"", "Here we go.\" \" [", "Sophia] Yes!\" \"", "Make it happen.\" \" ", "You got it!\" \"", "All right, yup, yup.\" \" ", "Wait for it.\" \" ", "Don't get too excited.\" \" ", "Sometimes it falls.\" \" ", "Here we go.\" \"", "Here we go.\" \"", "Here we go.\" \" ", "Come on.\" \"", "Drop, baby, drop.\" \"", "Yeah, man, that never happens.\" \"", "Whoo!\" \" ", "I am victorious.\" \" ", "Yes, you are.\" \" ", "Well done.\" \" [", "man] That sucks.\" \" ", "No.\" \"", "You suck, virgin.\" \" ", "You...\" \"Yeah.\" \" ", "I...\" \" Wow.\" \"", "want you to have this.\" \"", "No.\" \"", "I couldn't.\" \"", "The kid's right.\" \"", "It does suck.\" \" ", "Yeah, it's not great.\" \" ", "Heh.\" \"[", "grunts] Come on.\" \"", "Give it to me.\" \"", "I'll take it.\" \"", "A little gift.\" \"", "Holy shit!\" \"", "What?\" \" ", "This is it.\" \" ", "This is what?\" \" ", "The name of my store.\" \" ", "Keychain?\" \"", "No, no.\" \"", "Rubik's Vintage.\" \"", "Think about it.\" \"", "It's colorful and complicated, a total mindfuck to figure out.\" \"", "It's me.\" \" ", "Oh, thank you, San Francisco.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"[", "both cheering]\" \"[Shane] Rubik's Vintage.\" \"", "I'm glad that's it.\" \"", "You got it.\" \"[", "both] Yes!\" \"", "Now, we can go home.\" \"", "Okay, cool.\" \"[", "both] Rubik's Vintage.\" \" [", "Shane] Rubik's Vintage.\" \" ", "Yeah.\" \"", "See?\" \"", "You like it.\" \" ", "I like it already.\" \" ", "It's good, right?\" \"", "Rubik's.\" \"[", "Shane] You know, I never noticed how many murals this city has.\" \"", "But it is kind of nice if you pay attention.\" \"", "Shit.\" \"", "The name is wrong.\" \"", "What?\" \"", "I like Rubik's Vintage.\" \"", "It's got a nice throwback feel to it, you know?\" \"", "It's...\" \"It's not special enough.\" \"", "It has to be special.\" \"", "It has to be me.\" \" ", "Oh, God.\" \"", "This whole night was a waste.\" \" ", "What?\" \"", "But we had a really fun night tonight.\" \"", "Don't let this one thing ruin it.\" \" ", "You don't get it.\" \" ", "I guess I don't.\" \"", "Am I crazy for not wanting our date to end with you all pissed off?\" \" ", "Shane, this was never a date.\" \" ", "Okay, so, drinking stolen wine, talking about our exes, going to scenic vistas...\" \" Yeah, not a date.\" \" ", "Oh, okay.\" \"", "This is our stop.\" \" ", "Come on.\" \" ", "You go.\" \"", "I can't move.\" \"", "I can't do anything.\" \"", "You know what?\" \"", "This is bullshit.\" \"", "You slipped me a date fajita.\" \"", "Gave me all the ingredients, made me put it together and now you're burning the shit out of me.\" \" ", "I know I'm not making this up.\" \" ", "Dude.\" \"", "You were definitely feeling some Shane in that creepy museum that you...\" \"Just come on.\" \"", "This fucking girl.\" \"[", "singer performing \"Nasty Gal\"]\" \"♪ I'm gonna tell 'em why I'm gonna tell 'em why ♪\" \"♪ You used to love it ♪\" \"♪ You used to love it, ooh To ride my broom, honey ♪\" \"♪ I used to love it ♪\" \"♪ I used to love to ride the range With ya, baby ♪\" \"♪ Sing the song ♪ [singer and Sophia] ♪ I ain't nothin' but a, hey hey ♪\" \"♪ Nothin' but a ♪\" \"♪ A hey, a hey, a hey ♪\" \"♪ I said you said I turn you on I turned you inside out ♪\" \"♪ I even turned your head around now ♪\" \"♪ You said I love you every way But your way ♪\" \"♪ And my way was too dirty for you now ♪\" \"♪ But if I really did him in ♪\" \"♪ I say why he want this Nasty gal back again?\" \"", "♪\" \"♪ So you can finish what you started off And I will give it to ya you can have it ♪\" \"♪ Come on, come on, take it now ♪\" \"♪ I ain't nothin' but a nasty gal now ♪\" \"♪ You say you want me A hey hey ♪\" \"♪ A no-good dirty nasty gal now ♪ [applause]\" \"Another round of applause for Foxxy Roxy.\" \"", "And this little spitfire singing \"Nasty Gal\"\" \"by the great Betty Davis, one badass bitch and the nastiest gal around.\" \"[", "laughs and shouts]\" \"[Meritxell's \"The Man for Me\" playing]\" \"[exclaims] I have to go.\" \"", "I have to go right now.\" \"", "♪ I met a guy last week He's been my hero ♪\" \"See?\" \"", "I was right about this city.\" \"", "♪ He gives me everything I'll ever need ♪\" \"You again.\" \"", "Crusty.\" \"", "Look, what we had was real, but I've moved on.\" \"", "And I think you should, too.\" \"", "What the fuck?\" \"", "You pricks come in and you establish your patriarchy in your Elowen boots, and your Sean John jeans, and your stock options.\" \"", "You don't even think about the fact that this neighborhood belongs to the Latino people!\" \"", "You're just here smearing your feces all up and down these historic avenues!\" \"[", "Wheatus' \"Teenage Dirtbag\" playing]\" \"♪ Her name is Noel... ♪\" \" [man] Thanks.\" \" ", "Thanks.\" \" [", "woman] Hi, there.\" \" ", "Have fun today.\" \"", "Make art.\" \" ", "Oh, yeah.\" \" ", "Thank you.\" \"", "Hi.\" \"", "Eh?\" \"", "A Beanie Baby.\" \"", "For your eBay thing.\" \"", "Thanks.\" \"", "♪ Who I am And she doesn't give... ♪\" \"It's perfect.\" \"", "♪ 'Cause I'm just A teenage dirtbag, baby ♪\" \"♪ Yeah, I'm just A teenage dirtbag, baby ♪\" \"♪ Listen to Iron Maiden, baby With me ♪\" \"♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪\" \"♪ Her boyfriend's a dick He brings a gun to school ♪\" \"♪ And he'd simply kick my ass If he knew the truth ♪\" \"♪ He lives on my block And he drives an IROC ♪\" \"♪ But he doesn't know who I am ♪\" \"♪ And he doesn't give a damn about me ♪\" \"♪ Oh, yeah, dirtbag ♪\" \"♪ No, she doesn't know What she's missin' ♪\" \"♪ Oh, yeah, dirtbag ♪\" \"♪ No, she doesn't know What she's missin' ♪\"" ]
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0.022562548518180847, 0.0007711734506301582, 0.32672083377838135, 0.0007920427597127855, 0.0052141170017421246, 0.0008121627033688128, 0.0006748490268364549, 0.0007856734446249902, 0.0006447001942433417, 0.02524378150701523, 0.0006517706206068397, 0.9783570170402527, 0.0013644404243677855, 0.0009105873759835958, 0.001120661268942058, 0.0007433184655383229, 0.15576905012130737, 0.2217962145805359, 0.1192333772778511, 0.9589501023292542, 0.0006098406156525016, 0.0714011862874031, 0.0013437566813081503, 0.0012814458459615707, 0.002473187632858753, 0.001511749578639865, 0.002538693603128195, 0.0017742376076057553, 0.000629003974609077, 0.0006269478471949697, 0.0006733480840921402, 0.0013989127473905683, 0.0006457317504100502, 0.0030155431013554335, 0.0007731509977020323, 0.0006780214025638998, 0.0009806518210098147, 0.000708265695720911, 0.0008005396812222898, 0.0008330735145136714, 0.0011131734354421496, 0.0005834210896864533, 0.0007912302971817553, 0.000989240943454206, 0.0007452998543158174, 0.0006868017953820527, 0.0006868017953820527, 0.0006868017953820527, 0.002806916134431958, 0.10309527814388275, 0.00091551523655653, 0.007899530231952667, 0.0007291394867934287, 0.0019083593506366014, 0.0006038342253305018, 0.964927613735199, 0.0008443996775895357, 0.9950665235519409, 0.0014926432631909847, 0.0007472584838978946, 0.000930450449232012, 0.0008443996775895357, 0.000928062479943037, 0.0007569487788714468, 0.9490683078765869, 0.0007908432162366807, 0.0010845543583855033, 0.0008213361143134534, 0.0008246490615420043, 0.0006492655375041068, 0.0007004087092354894, 0.9797565340995789, 0.000925928121432662, 0.0009190916898660362, 0.001010172301903367, 0.0006517801666632295, 0.000938851444516331, 0.0008100696140900254, 0.0007310082437470555, 0.000786028744187206, 0.7561063170433044, 0.0008969474001787603, 0.0006374148069880903, 0.0007492846925742924, 0.0006278444197960198, 0.000704115373082459, 0.0007366833160631359, 0.0007056445465423167, 0.0010790644446387887, 0.000645747990347445, 0.000740735384169966, 0.0007986549171619117, 0.000714978261385113, 0.0007894513546489179, 0.001052422565408051, 0.0006491170497611165, 0.0005797150079160929, 0.000906490080524236, 0.0006329350871965289, 0.0005570861976593733, 0.9743034839630127, 0.0006580254412256181, 0.000925928121432662, 0.0008735715528018773, 0.0006222545052878559, 0.0009766406146809459, 0.0006342771230265498, 0.0010240672854706645, 0.004653998650610447, 0.17376075685024261, 0.000925928121432662, 0.0006361454725265503, 0.0022978493943810463, 0.0019603411201387644, 0.0008017458603717387, 0.437198281288147, 0.0017226081108674407, 0.035558637231588364, 0.0007274265517480671, 0.0009280279628001153, 0.002806916134431958, 0.0021311226300895214, 0.0009824108565226197, 0.0011072978377342224, 0.0009981028269976377, 0.9725091457366943, 0.011717152781784534, 0.9765118360519409, 0.0007383282645605505, 0.0013211859622970223, 0.011967208236455917, 0.9968417882919312, 0.42784351110458374, 0.08297224342823029, 0.9084910154342651, 0.0006518783629871905, 0.0007420352776534855, 0.0006550507969222963, 0.0006250201840884984, 0.027853166684508324, 0.00216637528501451, 0.0006329450407065451, 0.0006842518341727555, 0.9875121712684631, 0.0911925733089447, 0.002296426799148321, 0.7540456056594849, 0.024425091221928596, 0.000634305935818702, 0.0009385523153468966, 0.0007921393262222409, 0.0012068799696862698, 0.0007154584163799882, 0.0005572707741521299, 0.0007319708820432425, 0.0012023767922073603, 0.11351870000362396, 0.0006767313461750746, 0.0005748826079070568, 0.015518086962401867, 0.9491162300109863 ]
[ "Reduced female gene flow in the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis.", "\nThe geographical structure of 15 natural populations of the flat oyster (Ostrea edulis L.) was assessed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) of a 313-base-pair (bp) fragment of the mitochondrial 12S-rRNA gene. ", "Fourteen haplotypes were observed, with one being dominant in the Mediterranean samples and another one in the Atlantic populations. ", "The geographically extreme populations sampled in Norway and the Black Sea appeared differentiated by exhibiting the dominance of a third group of haplotypes. ", "The results were compared to available microsatellite data at five loci. ", "The Atlantic/Mediterranean differentiation pattern was qualitatively the same with both types of markers, confirming an isolation-by-distance pattern. ", "The average mitochondrial haplotypic diversity displayed a high among populations variance, reflecting small effective population size in some locations. ", "Additionally, a 10-fold quantitative difference was observed in Fst between the mitochondrial and the nuclear genomes, which could be due to an unbalanced sex ratio or sex-biased differential reproductive success between males and females (or both)." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0013006118824705482, 0.0005939964903518558, 0.0005531592178158462, 0.0005904405261389911, 0.0006068369257263839, 0.0005691571859642863, 0.0005849751178175211, 0.0007342306198552251 ]
[ "Here's a list of all the walking festivals and related events we know about happening during May 2020 - in fact, there's some many now, we've had to split May into two pages... so below are the festivals up to the 14th May, and festivals from the 15th May onwards are on this page.", "\n\nIf you know of a festival or event taking place we haven't got listed, please get in touch with us here.", "\n\nThe Northumberland walking festival returns. ", "We provide your gateway to Hadrian's Wall Country, Northumberland National Park and the North Pennines AONB. ", "Every day there is a longer and a shorter walk. ", "On four days there will also be a Special Interest walk.", "\n\n27th April - 6th May\n\nUlverston WalkFestSet on the fringe of the beautiful Lake District the annual Ulverston walking festival celebrates the town and surrounding area’s rich history. ", "The festival programme will offer walks for all ages and abilities including the Sir John Barrow Amble, a walk in the footsteps of the Quakers, \"Walks for Wheels\", nature walks and map reading activities.", "\n\n30th April - 6th May\n\nride2sride - The Settle-Carlisle Walking Festivalride2stride is a festival of walks, talks and music along the fabulous Settle-Carlisle railway line.", "It's a week long celebration of the wonderful landscape and culture of the western Dales and Eden Valley. ", "The festival is made up of lots of events and activities and things will be happening along the length of the line. ", "Walks will be led from stations by experienced walk leaders. ", "Speakers will share their local knowledge and love of the area, and the pubs will be buzzing with music and song.", "\n\nThe Isle of Harris Mountain Festival is a week-long celebration of the mountains of and coastline of Harris. ", "The Festival offers you the opportunity to get out and explore the unique landscapes of Harris, with its rugged hills, white sandy beaches and turquoise seas. ", "The interior of North and South Harris encompass some of the finest areas of wild land in Scotland, offering limitless possibilities for walking and exploring.", "\n\nThe city’s hugely popular, annual walking festival – Bristol Walk Fest, a celebration of walking and walks throughout the city, takes place again throughout the month of May. Now in its seventh successful year, regularly attracts over 500 walkers from across the city and beyond. ", "Each year there is a variety of walking events on offer. ", "Whether you like historical tours, nature walks, exploring street art, walking sports, or you just want to get fit and enjoy some fresh air, there is something for everyone. ", "The mostly free events are for all ages from young to old and all levels of fitness are welcome – walk distances range from less than a mile to more than ten.", "\n\nBuilding upon the success of previous year's, 2018's Alton Walking Festival is throughout the entire month of May. The Festival will also aim to encourage those who have not considered walking before to actively log their progress to being able to complete a 5 km walk by the end of the month and hopefully encourage them to continue walking as a positive step towards their health and well-being.", "\n\nThis year’s Festival will offer walkers a range of guided walks that will allow them to explore the town and surrounding countryside. ", "Whether they are looking to delve into the town’s history, enjoy the local shops, cafes and restaurants or are a keen walker looking to enjoy a day out in the East Hampshire Countryside, the programme will offer something for all ages and abilities.", "\n\nFollowing its rebirth in 2018, the Isle of Wight Walking Festival returns with local and visiting walkers of all ages and abilities setting off on trails across the Island’s picturesque landscape. ", "Walkers will get up close and personal with the best of the Island's stunning scenery, as they journey from the beautiful chalky cliffs of the west coast to the lush green rolling hills of the east.", "\n\nThe third annual Ringinglow Walks Walking Festival takes place over the May bank holiday. ", "Join walk leader Steve Murfitt on three new routes planned by him especially for the festival. ", "There's a morning walk on the Saturday, a full day's walk on Sunday, and an evening stroll on Bank Holiday Monday\n\nThis year's festival is offering 57 walks over 9 days in and around the Ironbridge Gorge. ", "There is something for all abilities from short 3 or 4 mile afternoon or evening walks to all day treks with a different walk of approximately 20 miles on 7 of the 9 days and everything in between.", "\n\nIf you have not been before you have nothing to lose (well perhaps a couple of pounds!) ", "and the opportunity to make some new friends. ", "To those who have joined us before, we look forward to welcoming you back, as friends.", "\n\nThe 7th Stevenage Walking Festival features a choice of walks, walkers can walk every day for a week, all locally on their doorstep. ", "Stevenage has some fine walking areas, both within the boundaries of the Borough, and in the surrounding countryside.", "\n\n2019 marks seven years since the launch of the Wales Coast Path and Ramblers Cymru will be celebrating with a seven day walking festival, 4 - 19 May 2019, from north to south Wales, including hidden parts of the Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire coast. ", "There will be a programme of seven walks, one in each location during May.\n\nBingley Walkers are Welcome are very pleased to announce their second one day Walking Festival to be held on Bank Holiday Monday May 6th. ", "After the success we had last year, we hope to make this one even better. ", "There will be five walks on offer – one more than last year – all starting from Market Square but at different times.", "\n\nOn the Welsh border, this Roman-age town hosts a weekend festival that includes walks that explore the history of the area.", "\n\n8th - 11th May\n\nKendal Walking FestivalThe Kendal Walking Festival offers an opportunity to explore this wonderful town, with its roots embedded so deeply in the peaceful landscapes that surround it. ", "The festival has something for everyone regardless of his or her walking capabilities, including an appearance of the town's most famous resident - the original walking writer Alfred Wainwright.", "\n\nThis is the fourth year of the Kendal Walking Festival, and there are 21 walks and events on offer throughout the three days - from a historical walk around Kendal to a 13 mile hike around the Kentmere Horseshoe.", "\n\nEnjoy the Chesterfield area on foot by taking part in this nine day walking festival. ", "With 54 walks to choose from there’s got to be one that suits you whether it’s boarding a narrowboat for a trip on the Chesterfield Canal followed by a walk back to Hollingwood Hub, a walk starting with a ride on a bus, or a walk and talk about Chesterfield’s black and white buildings.", "\n\nThe 12th Suffolk Walking Festival is going to be the largest festival to date with over 120 events spread across 3 weeks. ", "This year also sees the introduction of the first ever Fringe Festival, a series of activities that are designed to get you close to nature in the very heart of Suffolk’s countryside.", "\n\nThe Coleford area abounds in natural beauty, intriguing history and is a playground for outdoor pursuits. ", "It has been crying out for its own walking festival. ", "Coleford Area Walking Festival has been a collaborative project led by Coleford Area Partnership and Coleford Town Council and will play host to 25 walks over a 6 day period.", "\n\nBishop’s Castle is a small market town surrounded by the wonderful Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Beauty, near the Welsh border and off the beaten track. ", "It is a welcoming place. ", "The 20th walking festival offers a great choice of five walks every day, all beautiful, all guided by local people who know the area. ", "Walks vary between five and sixteen miles. ", "They take walkers over wide open hills, through winding valleys, tiny hamlets and past ancient hill forts." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005989692872390151, 0.000539088505320251, 0.0006054544937796891, 0.0008874205523170531, 0.000697920739185065, 0.0005639281589537859, 0.0006964652566239238, 0.0006298591615632176, 0.0006655171164311469, 0.0006051997770555317, 0.000573161116335541, 0.0005316021852195263, 0.0005154515965841711, 0.0005900391843169928, 0.0005268734530545771, 0.0005625297199003398, 0.0006631304859183729, 0.0005624849000014365, 0.0006944090127944946, 0.001405556919053197, 0.0005578694399446249, 0.00059828523080796, 0.0006069971714168787, 0.0005600980948656797, 0.0005467002047225833, 0.0006037620478309691, 0.0005803181556984782, 0.0006833092775195837, 0.0006245485856197774, 0.030129041522741318, 0.0006036696722730994, 0.0005537758697755635, 0.0005948979523964226, 0.0006067519425414503, 0.00058607233222574, 0.0005936006200499833, 0.0005577089032158256, 0.000571085955016315, 0.0005960214184597135, 0.0005653479020111263, 0.0005495030200108886, 0.0007017910829745233, 0.0005739671760238707, 0.0006965379579924047, 0.0005997279076837003, 0.0006099638412706554, 0.0006907139322720468, 0.0007617521332576871, 0.0006056281854398549, 0.000723105447832495, 0.0006020332803018391, 0.000521926733199507, 0.000635316304396838, 0.000723813776858151 ]
[ "Research Interests\n\nModern Europe and European imperialism with a particular interest in political, cultural, and social history, as well as the history of humanitarianism.", "\n\nBio\n\nJames P. Daughton's is an historian of modern Europe and European imperialism with a particular interest in political, cultural, and social history, as well as the history of humanitarianism.", "\n\nHis first book, An Empire Divided: Religion, Republicanism, and the Making of French Colonialism, 1880-1914 (Oxford University Press, 2006) tells the story of how troubled relations between Catholic missionaries and a host of republican critics shaped colonial policies, Catholic perspectives, and domestic French politics in the decades before the First World War. ", "Based on archival research from four continents, the book challenges the long-held view that French colonizing and “civilizing” goals were the product of a distinctly secular republican ideology built on Enlightenment ideals. ", "By exploring the experiences of religious workers, one of the largest groups of French men and women working abroad, the book argues that many “civilizing” policies were wrought in the fires of discord between missionaries and anti-clerical republicans – discord that indigenous communities exploited in responding to colonial rule.", "\n\nProfessor Daughton's current project, entitled Humanity So Far Away: Violence, Suffering, and Humanitarianism in the Modern French Empire, places the successes and failures of colonial “civilizing” projects within the broader context of the development of European sensibilities regarding violence, global suffering, and human rights. ", "Based on research in archives on five continents, Humanity So Far Away explores the central role human suffering played as an experience, a moral concept, and a political force in the rise and fall of French imperialism from the late 1800s to the 1960s. ", "The book also considers how colonial practices increasingly intersected with efforts to establish norms of humane behavior – efforts most often led by non-state and international bodies, especially the League of Nations and the International Labor Organization. ", "Drawing on the methods of political, cultural, and intellectual history, my research ultimately aims to explore concretely the extent to which notions about empathy and humanitarianism spread (or failed to spread) from Europe to the outermost reaches of the globe in the twentieth century." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006585976225323975, 0.0007513965829275548, 0.0006956314318813384, 0.0006029153009876609, 0.000877913145814091, 0.0006716381176374853, 0.0005977898836135864, 0.0005892787594348192, 0.000577405618969351 ]
[ "The Education Assistance Foundation for The Descendants of Hungarian Immigrants in The Performing Arts (EAFDHIPA) was established as education foundation designed to provide scholarships to junior or senior college students of hungarian of eastern european descent that have a descendant who took part in the performing arts. ", "The foundation was established in 2005, has received more than $2 Million in donations, and have only given $200,000 in only a few scholarships. ", "To make matters more interesting, when the IRS conducted an audit of the foundation, they discovered that one of few scholarships awarded were given to someone with the same last name and address as the President of the organization. ", "If this seems like something gone awry then you are not alone because the IRS felt the same way too.", "\n\nAfter conducting the audit of their 2005 tax return, the IRS concluded \"that the Foundation was created in order to avoid paying estate and generation-skipping taxes on the estate of one individual, Julius Schaller, and to finance the education of Mr. Schaller's relatives.\" ", "The estate has challenged the conclusion in tax court pending the appeal of a district court's decision this month. ", "That case dealt with the tax exemption status of the organization. ", "The IRS is claiming that Mr. Schaller's estate has committed fraud and tried to place a tax penalty on the organization." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006952794501557946, 0.0005473984056152403, 0.0005344082601368427, 0.0014619387220591307, 0.0005840534577146173, 0.0006271489546634257, 0.0005775201134383678, 0.0013396184658631682 ]
[ "Q:\n\nUse PHP to populate Bootstrap dropdown from database\n\nI know there are a ton of answered questions on this but I must be missing something because nothing is working and I'm losing my mind. ", "Admittedly I don't know what I'm doing but usually can figure it out. ", "Not this time.", "\nI have an html page using bootstrap, and a form on the page that is working fine. ", "Users enter text into the form fields, and PHP takes the form fields, inserts them into a document, and produces a DOC that the user downloads.", "\nI'm trying to put a dropdown menu in the form, and populate the options in the dropdown from a database table on my bluehost server. ", "I've tried hacking my way through 20 different variations, and either the dropdown doesn't populate (example below) or a chunk of code from the query appears surrounding the dropdown on the rendered page.", "\nThis is placed above my <!", "DOCTYPE html> at the top of the page:\n<?", "php\n\n$hostname = \"localhost\";\n$username = \"myusername\";\n$password = \"mypassword\";\n$databaseName = \"mydatabase\";\n\n$connect = mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $databaseName);\n\n$query = \"SELECT * FROM `mytablename`\";\n\n$result1 = mysqli_query($connect, $query);\n\n?", ">\n\nAnd here is the code in the form:\n<div class=\"form-group\">\n <select class=\"form-control\">\n\n <?", "php while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($result1)):;?", ">\n <option><?php echo $row1[1];?></option>\n\n <?", "php endwhile;?", ">\n\n </select>\n</div>\n\nMy database table is titled: mytablename\nThe database has 2 columns - 1) id 2) name\nThis version doesn't show any errors (unlike some other attempts I've made where parts of the search query render on the page, instead of being executed) and shows a dropdown menu but it's blank without any options.", "\nCan anyone guess where I'm going wrong?", "\n\nA:\n\nWelp, this is embarrassing, but it looks like the user I was using to connect to the database did not have sufficient permissions. ", "I thought when I created the user I set it up as having all privileges, but apparently not. ", "There goes a whole day of work.", "\nThank you to all who looked at this.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.007014235947281122, 0.0006137693417258561, 0.001000214135274291, 0.0005886494764126837, 0.0006890978547744453, 0.0006240674993023276, 0.0006223375676199794, 0.0011784755624830723, 0.0006629740819334984, 0.000835962884593755, 0.0006395732634700835, 0.0008980025886557996, 0.0008800902869552374, 0.0009702190873213112, 0.0006629611598327756, 0.000702827179338783, 0.0007399980677291751, 0.0006047886563464999, 0.0007641823613084853, 0.0005180935258977115, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIs it OK to use pedestrian phase of pedestrian crossing to join/leave the carriageway? (", "UK)\n\nIf the start of my journey is on a busy road, and there is a pedestrian crossing nearby, I often take advantage of the pedestrian phase of the crossing by mounting the bike, joining the carriageway and setting off while the lights are red for traffic already on the carriageway. (", "Making sure, of course, to take care of pedestrians and other users of the crossing.) ", "This seems to me a safe and convenient way to join a busy road.", "\nIs this common practice? ", "Is it advisable? ", "Is it Legal? ", "I don't consider it \"running a red\" as I'm already over the stop line by the time I mount my bike, but I could see how it could be construed that way.", "\nLikewise if I'm fortunate enough to \"catch a red light\" at a pedestrian crossing near the end of my journey, I might take the opportunity to dismount and enter the crossing from the carriageway, cross to the footway and finish my journey as a pedestrian. ", "Is this also advisable/safe/legal? ", "In this case I am crossing the stop line under a red light, albeit \"as a pedestrian\".", "\nIf it makes a difference to any of the legalities, I live in the UK - Scotland to be precise.", "\n\nA:\n\nI doubt the Police would stop you for doing so if you're not causing a nuisance or danger to pedestrians or other road users. ", "I've seen it done plenty of times by cyclists and done it myself.", "\nThe Highway Code rules that apply to this are: \nRule 64:\nYou MUST NOT cycle on a pavement.", "\nRule 79:\nDo not ride across equestrian crossings, as they are for horse riders only. ", "Do not ride across a pelican, puffin or zebra crossing. ", "Dismount and wheel your cycle across.", "\nAt the start you should wheel your bike on to the road and start riding. ", "If you're not on the crossing you are just taking advantage of stationary traffic.", "\nAt the end, you are allowed to get off your bike and wheel it across or onto the crossing. ", "Pedestrians regularly enter crossings from the carriageway. ", "Just make sure you have time to do so.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGeneral form of elements in $ \\mathbb{Z} [\\frac{1+\\sqrt{-3}}{2} ] $\n\nWhat is the general form of elements in $\\displaystyle \\mathbb{Z} \\left[\\frac{1+\\sqrt{-3}}{2} \\right] $?", "\nI'm getting muddled.", "\nThanks\n\nA:\n\nIn general, if $\\alpha$ is an algebraic integer (satisfies a monic polynomial with integer coefficients), and its monic irreducible is of degree $n$, then the elements of $\\mathbb{Z}[\\alpha]$ can be written uniquely as\n$$a_0 + a_1\\alpha + \\cdots + a_{n-1}\\alpha^{n-1},\\qquad a_i\\in\\mathbb{Z}.$$\n(A simple application of the remainder theorem for polynomials, and the fact that $\\mathbb{Z}[\\alpha] = {p(\\alpha)\\mid p(x)\\in\\mathbb{Z}[x]}$).", "\nSo here, the simplest is to note that $\\frac{1+\\sqrt{-3}}{2}$ satisfies a monic polynomial of degree $2$ over $\\mathbb{Z}$.\nIn this particular case, there is an alternative possible description: every element of $\\mathbb{Z}\\left[\\frac{1+\\sqrt{-3}}{2}\\right]$ can be written uniquely as\n$$\\frac{a + b\\sqrt{-3}}{2},\\qquad a,b\\in\\mathbb{Z},\\qquad a\\equiv b\\pmod{2}.$$\n\n" ]
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[ "DART PASSENGERS HAVE reported a number of incidents involving assaults, sexual harassment, racist abuse and intimidation on board services since the middle of last year.", "\n\nEarlier this month the company launched a new text alert system to tackle anti-social behaviour amid high-profile reports of such incidents and concerns for passenger safety.", "\n\nIt also announced that it will increase security patrols, install new CCTV cameras and increase co-operation with gardaí in a bid to crack down on the problem.", "\n\nHowever, complaints from before the launch of the new system to report anti-social behaviour, submitted via Irish Rail’s ‘Customer Care and Feedback’ option on the company’s website, detail the nature of anti-social incidents on board the service.", "\n\nCorrespondence from members of the public seen by TheJournal.ie also includes allegations of drunkenness, intimidation, physical threats, fighting, smoking, and drug-taking by passengers using the service.", "\n\nPoliticians, campaigners and unions have led calls for both the government and Irish Rail to tackle anti-social behaviour and increase security measures at trains and stations.", "\n\nLast week, the National Bus and Rail Union passed a motion to withdraw bus and rail services from areas considered to be ‘blackspots’ for anti-social behaviour in the run up to Halloween, and called for the establishment of a Garda Public Transport Unit.", "\n\nAsked about these claims by TheJournal.ie in an interview this week, Minister for Transport Shane Ross said that while public order incidents on public transport were “unacceptable”.", "\n\n“It’s certainly something which concerns me enormously,” he said, but added that the Department was “not inclined” to hire gardaí to police rail or bus services.", "\n\nComplaints about such behaviour on Dart services rose to 96 last year, almost double the 52 complaints Irish Rail received from users of the service in 2017.", "\n\nSince the introduction of its new text alert system, the company has received between two and five complaints daily.", "\n\nRacist and homophobic abuse\n\nSeveral complaints dating from June 2018 describe passengers being intimidated and verbally abused, including allegations of racism and homophobic abuse towards themselves and others.", "\n\nOne passenger who travelled on a southbound Dart from Killiney to Shankill told Irish Rail that they were spat on and the subject of a racial slur after asking a group of youths to stop cycling in a train carriage.", "\n\nA different passenger who boarded an afternoon train at Clongriffin said they feared for their safety after a group of men directed homophobic abuse at them, saying:\n\nThey began to cause physical damage to the train before shouting homophobic abuse to me and my partner before giving indications of beginning physical abuse.", "\n\nWe had to leave train in fear of our safety. ", "I use the train service everyday and I am disappointed that people so drunk with alcohol can get on train, but also that there is no security for passengers.", "\n\nOther complainants contacted Irish Rail to report drunk passengers, including one who claimed they were subjected to “absolutely intolerable” behaviour on board an evening Dart service from Malahide to Sydney Parade.", "\n\nThe individual contacted the company after a group of “about forty teenagers” boarded the train and played “loud expletive filled rap music” from a speaker.", "\n\nThey said:\n\nThey began chanting loudly and shouting at each other. ", "All the boys were topless and began blowing balloons around the train carriage.", "\n\nMy journey is absolutely unbearable and I wanted to report this behaviour as it is not what I am used to on Iarnród Éireann services.", "\n\nSexual harassment\n\nA number of female passengers also contacted Irish Rail after reporting being sexually harassed on board the Dart.", "\n\nIn one instance, a woman who travelled on an 11.30pm service from Dublin to Greystones complained after she claimed that “inappropriate and worrying” advances were made towards her by an older man, despite her telling him she was uncomfortable.", "\n\n“He asked me whether I was a student which makes me worried that he’s targeting young women in this way,” she said.", "\n\n“I took a picture of him to send to a friend as it got to a point where I was concerned he may get off the train at the same stop at me and I was genuinely in fear for my safety.”", "\n\nAnother woman also reported issues regarding a man on a southbound Dart from Pearse Street:\n\nI was made incredibly uncomfortable by a man on the same carriage as me who stared at me throughout the journey and proceeded to touch himself through his trousers.", "\n\nI understand that this is not the fault or the responsibility of Irish Rail but I would appreciate that the person in charge of driving the Dart check in on the CCTV occasionally as there are rarely security staff on the ground.", "\n\nAssaults and fighting\n\nSeveral instances of assaults or fighting among passengers on the Dart were also reported to the company.", "\n\nOn one occasion, a complainant asked why gardaí did not call to the scene of a fight on a train despite being contacted by passengers on board.", "\n\n“We were stuck on this train for a considerable period of time with all sorts of people who obviously had too much to drink,” the individual wrote.", "\n\n“We then got off, myself and my wife and our two children, plus a friend of theirs, and felt unsafe… I am amazed and upset that the garda did not turn up, an issue which I feel is crazy.”", "\n\nAnother passenger reported being spat on during a day out with their family, while another said that they were also spat on after stopping a woman from being attacked by youths on a Dart from Bray to Sandycove.", "\n\nOne complainant contacted Irish Rail after witnessing youths randomly attacking people on a train from Howth, including by using an aerosol as a weapon:\n\nAt one point a man was using a deodorant can and a lighter as a makeshift flamethrower either to defend himself or attack others and normal Dart customers were running over each other to get away to the next carriage.", "\n\nI saw some injured people who were limping getting off the Dart at Howth Junction and Kilbarrack stations… It was insane and people were terrified.", "\n\nUp to five daily complaints\n\nAll of the above complaints preceded the introduction of Irish Rail’s text alert system for monitoring anti-social behaviour earlier this month.", "\n\nMany were more general in nature, and included questions about why there was a lack of security presence on trains and in stations, as well as asking how gardaí were helping to tackle the problem.", "\n\n#Open journalism No news is bad news Support The Journal Your contributions will help us continue to deliver the stories that are important to you Support us now\n\nA spokesman for Irish Rail said that while it was too early for specific trends on the new system to be identified, it appeared that the service was being used responsibly by Dart users.", "\n\nA spokesman for the company also said that the company has engaged extensively with gardaí to proactively plan and reactively respond to anti-social behaviour.", "\n\nMeasures to deal with the issue include creating proactive protocols for major events, such as concerts and sporting events, and enacting a specific liaison for the summer season to cover beach activity.", "\n\n“The company has successively increased security personnel both in mobile on-board teams and static security at stations over the past 18-24 months,” the spokesman said, addressing a query about security at stations and on trains.", "\n\n“Current security patrol levels have doubled in this time, and resources will continue to be reviewed and enhanced as necessary.”", "\n\nThe company will also hire a specialised person to strengthen its management of measures to tackle anti-social behaviour.", "\n\nThe spokesman added that, as part of efforts to address anti-social behaviour, 128 Dart carriages had been fitted with CCTV, and that the process to fit CCTV in the remaining 16 carriages in the Dart fleet was currently underway.", "\n\nGarda Public Transport Unit\n\nThe spokesman also said the company regretted that the customers who highlighted these incidents were exposed to the societal issue of anti-social behaviour.", "\n\n“While the overwhelming majority of the 48 million journeys made annually on the company’ services occur without incident, it is a priority for us to reduce the number of incidents,” he said.", "\n\nSpeaking to TheJournal.ie, Minister for Transport Shane Ross said arrangements were being made to put officials on Irish Rail services in order to prevent security breaches.", "\n\n“The new staff will monitor and report on any security breaches reported. ", "We’re also working very closely and talking with the trade unions on what they say about this.”", "\n\nBut Ross said that the Department was “not inclined” to agree with requests by the NBRU to create a Garda Public Transport Unit, although he revealed that discussions on this had taken place.", "\n\nHe added that anti-social behaviour on public transport was unacceptable, and acknowledged that public transport was more vulnerable than traveling in a private car.", "\n\n“We are keeping that under review. ", "And if we get evidence that putting special staff on [public transport should be done], I think we’d encourage the companies to do that.”", "\n\nWith reporting from Christina Finn." ]
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[ "Here at Indy-Res, customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. ", "When assigned a project, no matter how big or small, we commit our 100% effort to produce the desired results. ", "We even strive to exceed our clients’ expectations. ", "We are well trained and equipped with the right tools and experience to tackle all of your exterior cleaning needs WITHOUT the use of dangerous high pressure! ", "Equipped with the right cleaning solutions and our adjustable pressure washers, we don’t simply clean your exterior surfaces, we restore them back to their original and natural state. ", "Contact us today to get a quote and high-quality services." ]
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[ "The Lombardi Cancer Center is engaged in multidisciplinary programs in basic and clinical research. ", "A salient feature of Lombardi activity is the involvement of basic and clinical scientists on the same research team. ", "Major interdisciplinary research programs in medical, gynecologic, surgical, pediatric, and radiation oncology are in operation. ", "In addition, we are conducting collaborative research programs in virology, immunology, cellular and molecular biology, and monoclonal antibody studies. ", "The Center has established clinical and basic shared core services to insure that the required resources for effective programs of research are available. ", "Cancer control efforts are an important aspect of the Lombardi Center's activities. ", "A strong educational program is present for medical students, graduate students, house officers, and practicing physicians." ]
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[ "Medals\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "An 18inch* 14k chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nLength of Medal: 27mm*\nWidth of Medal: 18mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 32mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll products are in Canadian dollars.", "\nAn adorable 14k yellow gold charm of praying hands is an expression of fidelity and loyalty to one's faith. ", "The physical ritual of putting one's hands together in prayer can help calm a busy mind to focus on the higher power. ", "An 18inch* 14k yellow gold chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nLength of Charm: 21mm*\nWidth of Charm: 25mm*\nTotal Length of Charm: 26.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll products are in Canadian dollars.", "\nAn adorable 14k yellow gold charm of praying hands is an expression of fidelity and loyalty to one's faith. ", "The physical ritual of putting one's hands together in prayer can help calm a busy mind to focus on the higher power. ", "An 18inch* 14k yellow gold chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nLength of Charm: 13mm*\nWidth of Charm: 14mm*\nTotal Length of Charm: 18 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k Jesus medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to Christ . ", "A 14k yellow gold 20inch* chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 23mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 33mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k Jesus medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to Christ . ", "A 14k 18inch* chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 19mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 28mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k St. Francis of Assisi medal would be a great gift for anyone who is devoted to the Saint or with the name Francis/Frank/Francesco/Francesca. ", "A chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 21mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 29mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 24mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 33mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k yellow gold medal has a young boy praying. ", "It was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 18 mm*\nWidth of Medal: 13.5mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 30 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k medal would be a great gift for a baby or an adult. ", "It was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 18 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 26 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k medal would be a great gift for a baby or an adult. ", "It was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 13 mm*\nWidth of Medal: 11 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 18 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k religious medal that has a crucifix on a tag. ", "A great gift to give for a religious event (baptism, communion, confirmation). ", "Made in Italy;. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 21.5mm*\nWidth of Medal: 16mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 26.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k religious medal that has a crucifix on a tag. ", "A great gift to give for a religious event (baptism, communion, confirmation). ", "Made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 21.5mm*\nWidth of Medal: 11mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 26mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k religious medal that has a crucifix on a tag. ", "A great gift to give for a religious event (baptism, communion, confirmation). ", "Made in Italy;. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 20mm*\nWidth of Medal: 15.5mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 29mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k religious medal that has a crucifix on a tag. ", "A great gift to give for a religious event (baptism, communion, confirmation). ", "Made in Italy;. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 24mm*\nWidth of Medal: 17mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 31mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k angel medal would be a great gift for anyone. ", "A guardian angel watches over the wearer of this priceless treasure. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 17mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 24mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k angel medal would be a great gift for anyone. ", "A guardian angel watches over the wearer of this priceless treasure. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 13.5mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 22mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k angel medal would be a great gift for anyone. ", "A guardian angel watches over the wearer of this priceless treasure. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 12mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 19mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k Scapular medal has Jesus on one side and the Madonna on the other. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 18mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 28mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "A 14k 18inch* chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 17.5mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 37.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 20mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 30mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 14mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 21mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 15 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 24 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k Madonna medal would be a great gift for anyone devoted to the Madonna. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 13.5mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 22.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll products are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k Padre Pio medal would be a great gift for anyone who is devoted to the Saint. ", "A 14k 18 inch* chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 18 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 27.5 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k medal that has St. Anthony on one side and St. Francis on the other. ", "This would be a great gift for anyone who is devoted to these Saints. ", "An 18 inch* 14k chain IS included but NOT shown.", "\nLength of Medal: 24.5 mm*\nWidth of Medal: 15 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 30 mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA charming 14k solid yellow gold Confiirmation charm. ", "A lovely keepsake to give to someone to remember their special day. ", "Made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 21mm*\nWidth of Medal: 16mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 28.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA charming 14k solid yellow gold Confirmation charm. ", "A lovely keepsake to give to someone to remember their special day. ", "Made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 16 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 23.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA charming 14k solid yellow gold First Holy Communion charm has a picture of a chalice and the host, two symbols of the Holy Communion. ", "A lovely keepsake to give to someone to remember their special day. ", "Made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 16 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 23.5mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA charming 14k solid yellow gold Confirmation charm. ", "A lovely keepsake to give to someone to remember their special day. ", "Made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 21mm*\nWidth of Medal: 17mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 28mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA charming 14k solid yellow gold First Holy Communion charm has a picture of a chalice and the host, two symbols of the Holy Communion. ", "A lovely keepsake to give to someone to remember their special day. ", "Made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 21mm*\nWidth of Medal: 16mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 28mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k St. Gabriel medal would be a great gift for anyone who is devoted to the Saint or with the name Gabriel. ", "A 14k 18 inch* chain is included but NOT shown.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 18 mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 25mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k St. Anthony medal would be a great gift for anyone who is devoted to the Saint or with the name Anthony. \"", "S. Antonio Prega per Noi\" is on the back which is Italian for 'St. Anthony Pray For Us'. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nLength of Medal: 28mm*\nWidth of Medal: 15mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 36mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k confirmation medal would be a great gift for any boy or girl as a keepsake for their confirmation. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "It has “Ricordo Della Cresima” on the back which is Italian for 'Confirmation Keepsake'. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 12mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 19mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k confirmation medal would be a great gift for any boy or girl as a keepsake for their confirmation. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "It has \"Ricordo Della Cresima\" on the back which is Italian for 'A Confirmation Keepsake'. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 17mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 24mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA 14k first communion medal would be a great gift for any boy or girl as a keepsake for their first communion. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "It has “Ricordo Della Prima Comunione” on the back which is Italian for ‘A First Communion Keepsake’. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 12mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 19mm*\n*all measurements are approximations.", "\n\nAll prices are in Canadian dollars.", "\nA solid 14k first communion medal would be a great gift for any boy or girl as a keepsake for their first holy communion. ", "The medal was made in Italy. ", "Chain NOT included.", "\nDiameter of Medal: 12mm*\nTotal Length of Medal: 21mm*\n*all measurements are approximations." ]
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[ 0.0006532786646857858, 0.0007607155130244792, 0.06456628441810608, 0.0006770980544388294, 0.0006381524144671857, 0.0006237764027900994, 0.0007525381515733898, 0.02797505259513855, 0.0006517627625726163, 0.0006381524144671857, 0.0006237764027900994, 0.0007525381515733898, 0.02797505259513855, 0.0006618642364628613, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0011704983189702034, 0.014467949979007244, 0.0006198587361723185, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0011704983189702034, 0.03649915009737015, 0.0006257870700210333, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006612319266423583, 0.0005983613664284348, 0.0006206913967616856, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0007607155130244792, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006209926214069128, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006394765805453062, 0.0006321522523649037, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006658127531409264, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.000842931040097028, 0.0006321522523649037, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006045005284249783, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.000842931040097028, 0.0006321522523649037, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006616539321839809, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0025515833403915167, 0.000524293165653944, 0.0006367617170326412, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006651870207861066, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0025515833403915167, 0.000524293165653944, 0.0006257595960050821, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006738969823345542, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0025515833403915167, 0.000524293165653944, 0.0006367617170326412, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006729605374857783, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0025515833403915167, 0.000524293165653944, 0.0006367617170326412, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006770729087293148, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006265058182179928, 0.014033462852239609, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006237865891307592, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006265058182179928, 0.014033462852239609, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006320179672911763, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006265058182179928, 0.014033462852239609, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006217551417648792, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0025027000810950994, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006264275871217251, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006666073459200561, 0.03649915009737015, 0.0006280987872742116, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006666073459200561, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006258675712160766, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006666073459200561, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006248566787689924, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0007607155130244792, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006069587543606758, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0007607155130244792, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006212421576492488, 0.0006381524144671857, 0.0006371909403242171, 0.0008180442382581532, 0.0006141671910881996, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.000706853752490133, 0.0005272499402053654, 0.0009467567433603108, 0.0006576849846169353, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006639158818870783, 0.0006896289996802807, 0.0006257595960050821, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006741953548043966, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0005879082018509507, 0.0006896289996802807, 0.0006257595960050821, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006298885564319789, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0005987552576698363, 0.0006896289996802807, 0.0006257595960050821, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006298885564319789, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0005879082018509507, 0.0006896289996802807, 0.0006257595960050821, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006825565360486507, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0005987552576698363, 0.0006896289996802807, 0.0006257595960050821, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006829329649917781, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0005873825866729021, 0.0008180442382581532, 0.0006169137195684016, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0006442821468226612, 0.0012789461761713028, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006830732454545796, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0008059058454819024, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0008117425022646785, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006217551417648792, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0008059058454819024, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.000692694797180593, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006237865891307592, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0007460651686415076, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0010332985548302531, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006217551417648792, 0.0006556538282893598, 0.0007332953973673284, 0.0005855084164068103, 0.0006901799933984876, 0.0006204592646099627 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNode.js request download file sometimes empty or no existing\n\nI'm writing a downloader with node.js and the request module. ", "Using the stream syntax I'm doing\nvar r = request(url).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(targetPath));\nr.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); });\nr.on('finish', cb);\n\nto download the file, save it and call the callback. ", "However, in almost 50% of the cases the file is either empty or not created at all. ", "No error event is emitted. ", "It seems like the finish event is triggered even though the file wasn't (completely) written yet.", "\nContext: The whole thing is wrapped into async.each calls.", "\nAny clues? ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou need to close the file before accessing it:\nvar file = fs.createWriteStream(targetPath);\nvar r = request(url).pipe(file);\nr.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); });\nr.on('finish', function() { file.close(cb) });\n\nIncidentally, if the url replies with any http error (such as a 404 not found), that won't trigger the 'error' event, so you should probably check that separately:\nfunction handleFailure(err) { console.log(err); };\n\nvar file = fs.createWriteStream(targetPath);\nrequest(url, function(error, response) {\n if (response.statusCode !", "= 200) {\n console.log(\"oops, got a \" + response.statusCode);\n return\n }\n // close is async, and you have to wait until close completes otherwise\n // you'll (very rarely) not be able to access the file in the callback.", "\n file.on('finish', function() { file.close(cb) });\n\n response.pipe(file).on('error', handleFailure)\n file.on('error', handleFailure)\n}).on('error', handleFailure);\n\n" ]
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[ 0.000711990927811712, 0.0008639461011625826, 0.0006917251157574356, 0.0006454388494603336, 0.0005830783629789948, 0.000598455430008471, 0.0008162747835740447, 0.0007347408682107925, 0.0009564802749082446, 0.0007951239822432399, 0.0009566023363731802 ]
[ "Tủ lạnh là thiết bị điện máy cần thiết và quan trọng trong các gia đình hiện đại. ", "Tuy nhiên sau một thời gian sử dụng thì tủ lạnh xuất hiện những vết ố và mùi hôi khó chịu. ", "Điều này sẽ làm cho chất lượng của các loại thực phẩm cất trữ bị giảm đi đáng kể.", "\n\nCách bảo quản trái cây trong tủ lạnh tươi lâu không bị hư\n\nCách vệ sinh tủ lạnh đúng cách\n\nMẹo hay bảo quản thức ăn trong tủ lạnh đúng cách\n\nĐể tủ lạnh nhà bạn luôn thoáng khí, thơm tho thì bạn cần biết cách khử mùi hôi cho tủ lạnh, trả lại hương thơm tươi mát cho chiếc tủ lạnh. ", "Một số loại thực phẩm mà bạn có thể lựa chọn để khử hết mùi hôi tủ lạnh như: chanh tươi, baking soda, cà phê hoặc trà…\n\nDưới đây là một số Cách khử mùi hôi tủ lạnh nhanh nhất mà bạn có thể tham khảo cho thiết bị nhà mình.", "\n\nSắp xếp lại đồ ăn trong tủ lạnh\n\nViệc làm đầu tiên để tránh gây ra những mùi hôi khó chịu trong tủ lạnh đó chính là bạn cần sắp xếp lại đồ ăn trong tủ lạnh một cách khoa học. ", "Với những thức ăn còn thừa, bạn phải cho vào hộp kín, đậy nắp thật cẩn thận để mùi thức ăn không thoát ra tủ lạnh.", "\n\nThực phẩm trong tủ lạnh cần sắp xếp khoa học\n\nĐặc biệt với những loại thực phẩm tươi sống bạn cần làm sạch, cho vào hộp bảo quản riêng để tránh làm lẫn mùi vào các loại thức ăn khác. ", "Với các hoa quả có mùi thơm như mít, xoài, chuối, sầu riêng,… khi bảo quản trong tủ lạnh bạn cần bọc nhiều lớp túi hoặc cho vào hộp có nắp đậy để tránh bám mùi sang thực phẩm khác.", "\n\nVới những rau củ còn ướt thì không nên cho vào tủ vì rất dễ bị hư hỏng, khiến tủ lạnh có mùi hôi khó chịu. ", "Bên cạnh đó, khi bảo quản các loại thực phẩm trong tủ bạn cũng nên thương xuyên kiểm tra để loại bỏ những thực phẩm đã hỏng, để tránh lây lan sang các thực phẩm khác và tránh gây mùi hôi tủ lạnh.", "\n\nVỏ cam, quýt\n\nTủ lạnh là nơi bảo quản rất nhiều loại thực phẩm khác nhau do đókhông thể tránh khỏi tình trạng tủ xuất hiện mùi hôi khó chịu. ", "Lúc này bạn có thể tận dụng các loại vỏ cam, quýt để loại bỏ những mùi này.", "\n\nVỏ cam, quýt có chứa những tinh dầu thơm nhẹ tự nhiên, bạn có thể lấy vỏ cam, quýt rửa sạch và lau khô, sau đó đặt vào các góc cạnh trong tủ lạnh. ", "Sau khoảng 2 đến 3 ngày thì vỏ cam quýt sẽ hút sạch mùi hôi trong tủ. ", "Bạn có thể thực hiện cách đơn giản này liên tục để cho tủ lạnh sạch được mùi hôi.", "\n\nTinh dầu từ vỏ cam sẽ giúp loại bỏ mùi hôi trong tủ lạnh\n\nChanh tươi\n\nChanh tươi là loại quả rất dễ kiếm cũng như phổ biến trong căn bếp của các gia đình. ", "Đây cũng là một lựa chọn thông dụng khi bạn muốn khử hết mùi hôi trong tủ lạnh mới. ", "Cách làm cũng rất đơn giản đó là bạn hãy cắt chanh tươi thành từng lát mỏng và đặt vào các ngăn ở tủ lạnh. ", "Mùi của tinh dầu tự nhiên trong chanh cũng sẽ giúp hút hết các mùi hôi trong tủ lạnh.", "\n\nBaking soda\n\nĐây cũng là một loại thực phẩm có tác dụng tẩy rửa và khử mùi. ", "Bạn hoàn toàn có thể sử dụng một ít baking soda để khử mùi hôi trong tủ lạnh. ", "Cách khử mùi hôi tủ lạnh như sau: Cho vài muỗng baking soda vào hộp không đậy nắp, hoặc đổ nó ra đĩa, rồi cho vào tủ lạnh để hấp thu hết mùi thức ăn bám trong tủ lanh. ", "Và cứ để hộp bột đó trong tủ đến khi mùi hôi đã bay hết.", "\n\nBí quyết từ cà phê\n\nCà phê là một nguyên liệu dễ tìm và cũng có tác dụng rất hiệu quả trong việc khửi mùi hôi tủ lạnh. ", "Một cách hay cho bạn khi muốn loại bỏ mùi hôi trong tủ lạnh đó là trộn bột cà phê xay vào hỗn hợp banking soda để đánh bại mùi khó chịu. ", "Tủ lạnh có thể sẽ bị ám mùi cà phê một chút nhưng sau thời gian ngắn mùi sẽ bay hết.", "\n\nDùng chè khô cũng là một trong những Cách khử mùi hôi tủ lạnh hiệu quả\n\nChè khô (trà)\n\nTinh chất trong chè cũng là một Cách khử mùi hôi tủ lạnh. ", "Bạn hãy lấy khoảng 50g trà ướp hoa đựng vào túi vải nhỏ cho vào các ngăn của tủ lạnh để hút sạch mùi thực phẩm trong tủ. ", "Túi chè này có thể sử dụng khoảng 1 tháng, sau đó bạn có thể lấy trà ra và phơi dưới nắng và có thể tiếp tục tái sử dụng.", "\n\nSử dụng dấm ăn\n\nDấm ăn cũng có tác dụng hút hết hết mùi hôi trong tủ mà không gây thiệt hại gì cho tủ cũng như thực phẩm. ", "Bạn cho dấm ăn vào một lọ thủy tinh, đặt lọ trong tủ lạnh và mở nắp.", "\n\nKhăn bông sạch\n\nThêm 1 Cách khử mùi hôi tủ lạnh dễ cho các chị em nội trợ là khăn bông. ", "Bạn dùng khăn bông sạch gấp gọn gàng đặt vào ngăn trên cùng của tủ lạnh. ", "Nhờ những lỗ vải nhỏ trên khăn bông mà mùi hôi trong tủ lạnh sẽ tự động biến mất. ", "Sau một thời gian bạn hãy mang khăn ra giặt sạch bằng nước ấm, phơi khô và có thể tiếp tục sử dụng.", "\n\nViệc khử mùi tủ lạnh là rất quan trọng. ", "Tuy nhiên, khi tủ lạnh có quá nhiều mùi thực phẩm thì bạn hãy tiến hành các bước vệ sinh tủ lạnh, loại bỏ những thực phẩm đã để lâu ngày, sắp xếp gọn gàng lại tủ… để đảm bảo an toàn sức khỏe cho bạn và cho cả gia đình.", "\n\nVới một số Cách khử mùi hôi tủ lạnh mà điện máy Nhà Nhà Vui chia sẻ ở trên hy vọng bạn đã tìm được cách riêng cho mình. ", "Hy vọng tủ lạnh nhà bạn sẽ luôn thơm tho để mang đến những loại thực phẩm tốt nhất." ]
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[ 0.14154869318008423, 0.6772933602333069, 0.370964378118515, 0.7590607404708862, 0.294025182723999, 0.9042391777038574, 0.36408886313438416, 0.5460535287857056, 0.34041470289230347, 0.7624331116676331, 0.8784675598144531, 0.49649500846862793, 0.31525343656539917, 0.42430686950683594, 0.2848252058029175, 0.46875154972076416, 0.6774366497993469, 0.29963091015815735, 0.5339377522468567, 0.21125584840774536, 0.05501464754343033, 0.07567761093378067, 0.12148945778608322, 0.1435660868883133, 0.7854359149932861, 0.3261788785457611, 0.6223166584968567, 0.7068011164665222, 0.6829745769500732, 0.6010115742683411, 0.9141311645507812, 0.3632105588912964, 0.481977254152298, 0.6079990863800049, 0.3041577637195587, 0.5705832839012146, 0.04470895603299141, 0.4171610474586487, 0.5204308032989502, 0.38241931796073914 ]
[ "Lack of effect of recombinant human superoxide dismutase on cold ischemia-induced arteriosclerosis in syngeneic rat aortic transplants.", "\nProlonged cold ischemia time and the generation of free oxygen radicals during reperfusion are risk factors for allograft arteriosclerosis. ", "Growth factors are the main pro-proliferative mediators of smooth muscle cells in classical and in allograft arteriosclerosis. ", "Superoxide dismutase is an enzyme that catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide anions into hydrogen peroxide. ", "This study was designed to investigate which smooth muscle cell growth factor contribute to the formation of arteriosclerosis in syngenic vascular grafts with prolonged ischemia time, and whether perioperative intravenous administration of recombinant human superoxide dismutase (rh-SOD) prevents arteriosclerosis in these grafts. ", "DA aortas were transplanted into DA recipients. ", "One group of transplants was made with a short ex vivo ischemia time (15 min), while the other group transplant grafts was stored for 24 hr in cold saline. ", "In addition to morphometric quantitation of the histological alterations, RNA isolated from grafts with short cold ischemia time in a semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction specific for various known smooth muscle cell growth factors. ", "Syngeneic grafts with prolonged cold ischemia time showed severe intimal thickening and prominent medical necrosis, which were not seen in control groups. ", "Approximately 3-fold levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 were found in ischemic syngeneic grafts compared with non-ischemic syngenic grafts, whereas epidermal growth factor levels were slightly lower. ", "No changes in other growth factor mRNAs were found. ", "Perioperative treatment with rh-SOD did not have significant effect on the extent of intimal thickening nor on the intensity of medial necrosis in grafts with prolonged ischemia time, and administration of rh-SOD did not change the expression level of insulin-like growth factor-1 in the grafts, either." ]
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[ 0.002063604537397623, 0.001288043800741434, 0.0009296988719142973, 0.001707838149741292, 0.0007659551920369267, 0.0009354932117275894, 0.000724853714928031, 0.0007428089738823473, 0.0009807845344766974, 0.000732286658603698, 0.0006153836147859693, 0.0008224776829592884 ]
[ "by Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY\n\nby Ann Oldenburg, USA TODAY\n\nGarber, 63, didn't exactly go the Jodie Foster route, but the actor is acknowledging something that people close to him have obviously known for years.", "\n\nDuring last week's Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena, Calif., blogger Greg Hernandez was determined to publicly confirm that Garber is gay after reading on Wikipedia that the actor has been quiety living with longtime partner/artist Rainer Andreesen in New York.", "\n\nHernandez says he finally was able to corner the Argo actor in a hotel lobby.", "\n\nThe two have been together for 14 years. ", "And now the attention is turning to Andreesen, a portrait artist and model born in 1963 in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, being described by Gawker as \"the hottest guy in the world.\"" ]
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[ 0.0005944439326412976, 0.02650551311671734, 0.0007114157197065651, 0.0006049838266335428, 0.0008434749324806035 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to use named Machinist blueprints in Cucumber with Pickle\n\nI noticed this little tid-bit in the readme for pickle:\n\n(The latest version of pickle supports multiple\nblueprints, for earlier versions of machinist use pickle <= 0.1.10)\n\nI'm running in to a situation where I want to create a user with admin privileges. ", "I've got two machinist blueprints:\nUser.blueprint do\n first_name\n last_name\n email\n password { \"password\" }\n password_confirmation { \"password\" }\n state \"active\"\nend\n\nUser.blueprint(:super_admin) do\n roles { [\"super-admin\", \"moderator\"] }\nend\n\nRather than creating a custom step for myself to create the super-admin user, I was wondering if there's a way to do it using Pickle.", "\nUsing the following will use the normal pickle step and reference the basic machinist User blueprint:\nGiven a user exists with first_name: \"Test\", last_name: \"Man\"\n\nThe question is, how do I say that I want a super-admin user?", "\n\nA:\n\nSo it turns out that creating named Machinist blueprints in Pickle is pretty simple:\nGiven a super admin user exists with first_name: \"Test\", last_name: \"Man\"\n\nThis line will call the same pickle step, but Pickle is intelligent enough to map the text \"super admin user\" to the User.blueprint(:super_admin) factory.", "\nIt's such an obvious method that I really should have just tried it before asking. ", "The documentation for Pickle doesn't explicitly mention the syntax for doing this anywhere, only that it's possible to do. ", "So now we know.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Various forms of exercise such as swimming, jogging, cycling and rowing have been popular. ", "An additional exercise which is rapidly gaining in popularity is climbing. ", "In fact, climbing has a number of distinct advantages over these other forms of exercise.", "\nFor example with climbing the limbs primarily involved in the exercise are used throughout a relatively large range of motion. ", "This produces greater energy expenditures for the total body.", "\nAdditionally a component of balance is included in the climbing activity. ", "This forces the antagonist (anti-gravity muscles) and stabilizing muscle groups of the upper and lower body to play a more active role in the exercise.", "\nThere are or should be no impact forces encountered of any significance which means that overuse injuries should not occur. ", "The nature of the rhythmic movement with controlled speed of stepping contributes to this. ", "An abundant amount of medical and physiological data supports the negative aspects of jogging because of the jarring effects resulting from forces being transmitted from the ground, through feet, ankles, knees, hips and low-back. ", "Joggers suffer from fallen arches, ankle sprains, shin splints, knee soreness, heel bone spurs, hip-point soreness and low back pain.", "\nIt is very difficult for the subject to rest or cheat during the climbing activity, unless it is intentional because it requires continuous coordinated movements with a metronome or rhythmic music.", "\nBecause of the relatively large vertical displacement of the body which inherently occurs in this activity, the level of intensity of exercises performed on the inventive device will generally be higher than other modes of workouts, resulting in higher overall point values.", "\nA bicycle supports the user on a seat and reduces the use of the arms. ", "This decreases the subject's energy expenditure. ", "It has been estimated through research that oxygen uptake requirements are about fourteen percent lower in cycling than treadmill running because of the decreased anti-gravity work. ", "Climbing utilizes all major muscle groups with the bench height about ten inches or a stepping rate greater than 25 steps per minute.", "\nSwimming incorporates a bouyancy factor, thus reducing the energy expenditure. ", "Climbing during the course of 25 minutes produces a greater energy expenditure than swimming for the average person, because most people cannot swim for 25 continuous minutes. ", "Also, climbing strengthens the muscles of the legs--a process missing in swimming.", "\nAlthough, as indicated above, climbing has a number of distinct advantages over other forms of exercise, there is one serious disadvantage in that it is not always convenient for someone to be able to perform the climbing exercise." ]
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[ 0.0005798584315925837, 0.0006638675113208592, 0.000623318541329354, 0.000563405454158783, 0.000618765305262059, 0.0005626455531455576, 0.0007403217605315149, 0.0008722004713490605, 0.0005696304142475128, 0.000554523547179997, 0.5902982354164124, 0.0008499199175275862, 0.0005687316879630089, 0.0006689575966447592, 0.000626032124273479, 0.0005965704331174493, 0.0006472761160694063, 0.0005859109223820269, 0.0007766333292238414, 0.0006537261651828885, 0.0005725907976739109 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWill SQL Server Service Broker be supported in SQL Azure in future?", "\n\nI found that SQL Server Service Broker is not supported in SQL Azure. ", "Service Broker is a very attractive choice for our event notification needs. ", "But before committing to it I wanted to make sure it will be supported by Microsoft in the future. ", "The fact that SQL Azure does not support Service Broker worries me. ", "Is it the first step towards retiring Service Broker? ", "We have plans to migrate our application to Azure in the future and I was trying to figure out whether Microsoft would be supporting Service Broker in the future versions of SQL Azure. ", "I tried with lot of googling but I didn't get a definitive answer. ", "Is anyone aware why Microsoft hasn't support Service Broker on SQL Azure and whether it is going to support in the future?", "\nThanks,\nSathish\n\nA:\n\nSupport for service broker in SQL Azure has some technical challenges that Microsoft hasn't resolved yet. ", " For example, service broker supports routing messages between servers. ", " Implementing that functionality may be difficult in the sql azure environment and low on the priority list. ", " Microsoft has made no indication that they are deprecating service broker, and I'd be surprised if it doesn't end up in azure eventually. ", "\nThere is the same situation for sql clr support in azure. ", " It's a great idea if you can figure out how to keep someone from causing problems with poorly written code. ", " \nMicrosoft rarely comments on when these types of features will be added, they just show up one day. ", " Also, it's important to remember that sql azure is not designed to replace all instances of SQL Server. ", " It is designed to be a simple db that has enough features to be useful to a fairly wide audience. ", " They recommend that If you require the extra functionality then run SQL Server in a VM.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006833580555394292, 0.000616291246842593, 0.0005295986193232238, 0.000565740279853344, 0.000981138669885695, 0.0006656516343355179, 0.0005375132896006107, 0.0017469273880124092, 0.0006367744645103812, 0.0005955276428721845, 0.0005877107614651322, 0.0006049289950169623, 0.0005848631262779236, 0.000633732124697417, 0.0006733615300618112, 0.0005794520839117467, 0.0006364083383232355, 0.0006468305364251137, 0.0006019888096489012, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "@charset \"UTF-8\";\n\n/// Outputs the `overflow-wrap` property and its legacy name `word-wrap` to\n/// support browsers that do not yet use `overflow-wrap`.", "\n///\n/// @argument {string} $wrap [break-word]\n/// Accepted CSS values are `normal`, `break-word`, `inherit`, `initial`,\n/// or `unset`.", "\n///\n/// @example scss\n/// .wrapper {\n/// @include overflow-wrap;\n/// }\n///\n/// // CSS Output\n/// .wrapper {\n/// word-wrap: break-word;\n/// overflow-wrap: break-word;\n/// }\n\n@mixin overflow-wrap($wrap: break-word) {\n word-wrap: $wrap;\n // stylelint-disable-next-line order/properties-alphabetical-order\n overflow-wrap: $wrap;\n}\n" ]
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[ "If you have any pain place your index finger and your thumb in a L-shape on a flat surface and rub the skin webbing with ice\n\n609 shares" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs it a bug that over/under braces vary in size for same-size expressions?", "\n\nIn this question on the Puzzling Stack Exchange, I wrote this answer with some Mathjax, but it formatted a little weirdly. ", "Here is what I wrote:\n\nSome unecessary information, blah blah blah\nThe following is another one less technical.", "\n\n$$\\underbrace{(2+0!)}_{3}\\|\\underbrace{(1+\\sqrt{9})}_{4}=34\\tag{$\\|=\\small\\rm concatenation$}$$\n\nNotice that the right underbrace is significantly larger than the left one. ", "I presume the square root and the brackets are to explain why this is the case.", "\nIs this a bug? ", "If so, should the large underbrace be fixed for smaller size?", "\nHere are some other examples:\n\n$$\\underbrace{1+1}_{2}\\quad\\underbrace{\\sqrt{1}+1}_{2}\\quad\\underbrace{1+\\sqrt{1}}_{2}\\quad\\underbrace{\\sqrt{1}+\\sqrt{1}}_{2}$$ $$\\underbrace{(1+1)}_{2}\\quad\\underbrace{(\\sqrt{1}+1)}_{2}\\quad\\underbrace{(1+\\sqrt{1})}_{2}\\quad\\underbrace{(\\sqrt{1}+\\sqrt{1})}_{2}$$\n\nThe same applies to overbraces.", "\n\n$$\\overbrace{1+1}^{2}\\quad\\overbrace{\\sqrt{1}+1}^{2}\\quad\\overbrace{1+\\sqrt{1}}^{2}\\quad\\overbrace{\\sqrt{1}+\\sqrt{1}}^{2}$$ $$\\overbrace{(1+1)}^{2}\\quad\\overbrace{(\\sqrt{1}+1)}^{2}\\quad\\overbrace{(1+\\sqrt{1})}^{2}\\quad\\overbrace{(\\sqrt{1}+\\sqrt{1})}^{2}$$\n\nOriginal screenshot:\n\nThe expressions are nearly all the same size, differing just slightly. ", "But the braces (over and under) differ significantly. ", "Apologies if the screenshot is blurry.", "\n\nNew & Improved Screenshot:\n\nThanks heaps to @Martin Sleziak for this, particularly this Meta answer!!", "\n\nA:\n\nMathJax handles stretchy characters like the over-and under-braces as follows: for smaller versions, it has several sizes to choose from in its fonts (just as TeX does), and will use one of these single-character versions when possible. ", " For larger versions, the stretchy character is made from several glyphs pieced together. ", " In your case, the transition between the single-character versions and the multi-character versions seems to occur between your third and fourth expressions.", "\nMathJax's HTML-CSS output renderer (the default used here on StackExchange) can use several different font families for its output, and it prefers to use one installed on your system rather than downloading them over the web. ", " For example, if you have the STIX fonts (version 1) installed on your system, it will used then in preference to its own TeX-based fonts. ", " In your case the fonts being used are the STIX fonts, so I assume you have those installed locally. ", " Apple has included STIX fonts in their systems for somme years now, so if you are using MacOS, you have them automatically (and I think iOS does as well).", "\nIt turns out that the single-character over and underbraces in the STIX fonts are thinner than the braces made from the multi-character pieces provided in the font. ", " That is the difference that you are seeing, here. ", " Others who are not seeing that themselves are probably seeing the MathJax TeX fonts (since they don't have STIX fonts installed).", "\nSwitching to one of the other renderers (as indicated in the link you provide) will result in the MathJax TeX fonts being used (only HTML-CSS checked for the ones available on your local system).", "\nIn any case, this is not a bug, it is a feature (based on the font in use).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "A homeowner's country view is blocked by a new house only 11 inches away\n\nLast updated at 14:14 12 November 2007\n\nA homeowner who lives in a listed building is now feeling decidedly hemmed in after a new home was built so close he can actually touch it when he opens his upstairs window.", "\n\nDan Gould is now faced by a blank wall when he looks out of his top floor window after the new property was built just 11 inches away.", "\n\nThe 30-year-old businessman says where once he enjoyed a panoramic view of Exeter in Devon now there is nothing but a close up view of bricks and mortar.", "\n\nHis detached £350,000 three-bedroom property called the Cooperage in Sivell Place, Heavitree, now has a row of five new houses in very close proximity - so close he can not even get access to his own gutter.", "\n\nMr Gould, who runs his own security firm, believes as much as £50,000 could have been knocked off the value of his home, once part of a brewery and listed as a locally important building.", "\n\nScroll down for more ...\n\nHe says the new houses were built even closer than the initial plans suggested.", "\n\nNow he's considering legal action against Exeter City Council which gave planning permission for the development - despite his and other's objections.", "\n\nMr Gould said: \"These houses have been built too close to my house but the council is saying it is acceptable.", "\n\n\"It's an absolute disgrace - I can't even get to my gutter.\"", "\n\n\"Myself and other neighbours objected at the time of the original application. ", "Then when the building was going we met enforcement officers from the council,\" he said.", "\n\n\"We told them the drawings were not correct and found their measurements were wrong. ", "But they said the building was actually further away from my house than the original drawing.\"", "\n\n\"I measured it and believe it is closer than the drawing. ", "We took a photo showing it was closer.\"", "\n\n\"I am at a loss as to how the builder can rectify this at this stage. ", "The building is complete and occupied.\"", "\n\nScroll down for more ...\n\nMr Gould said he is now considering taking legal action against the council.", "\n\nCouncillor Chris Gale, of Heavitree ward, said he was aware of the situation and was due to meet Mr Gould to discuss the situation this week.", "\n\n\"This application should go back to full planning committee. ", "I would wish that the committee looks at this again,\" Gale said.", "\n\n\"My reaction is that it is too close - it is not a situation I would enjoy. ", "I have seen it inside and out.\"", "\n\n\"If I had to look out at that I would be very disappointed. ", "I strongly believe it should go back to full planning. ", "It has gone too far outside the original plan.\"", "\n\nAn Exeter city council spokesman said: \"The development was actually built slightly further away from Mr Gould's property than the original planned development approved by the city council.", "\n\n\"Government advice is clear - that enforcement action should only be undertaken where it is expedient to do so - for example where harm exists.\"", "\n\n\"In this instance, because the building has actually been built further away from the Cooperage than the approved development there is no harm.\"", "\n\n\"Clearly we would not pursue enforcement action in this instance.\"", "\n\nBut Mr Gould was furious. \"", "It should never have been approved in the first place,\" he said.", "\n\n\"It's just a big blunder. ", "I can't even get to he outside wall between the houses to maintain it.\"", "\n\n\"And I used to have a lovely view of Exeter from my upstairs window - now all I can see is bricks.\"" ]
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[ 0.0008508959435857832, 0.0027843534480780363, 0.0006775460788048804, 0.0026320170145481825, 0.0008753617876209319, 0.0005975096137262881, 0.0009697085479274392, 0.0006295647472143173, 0.1511700302362442, 0.0005634771077893674, 0.0006039924919605255, 0.0006202360964380205, 0.0006451350054703653, 0.0005443237605504692, 0.0005573395756073296, 0.0005925515433773398, 0.0006923027685843408, 0.0007197222439572215, 0.0005976836546324193, 0.0005553700611926615, 0.000600172788836062, 0.0007787577342242002, 0.0006079713348299265, 0.0005322305951267481, 0.0005602622986771166, 0.0006912325043231249, 0.0006004954339005053, 0.0005912359920330346, 0.0005901327822357416, 0.0006032400415278971, 0.000922007136978209, 0.0006530928076244891, 0.011671840213239193, 0.001088026794604957, 0.000672054651658982 ]
[ "Last month, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit denied Samsung's petition for an en banc rehearing on the question of whether Apple could enforce payments involving (among other things) a patent--the '915 pinch-to-zoom API patent--that the USPTO has held invalid. ", "The en banc petition looked like Samsung might further appeal this matter to the Supreme Court. ", "But on Thursday afternoon local California time, Apple and Samsung filed a joint case management statement with the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, in which Samsung says it has \"has made arrangements to complete payment to Apple.\" ", "It is now waiting for Apple's original invoice, and if that payment arrives before the weekend by Korean time, it will send $548 million to Apple by December 14.", "\n\nSo, approximately four months before the fifth anniversary of its original complaint, Apple will physically receive money from Samsung. ", "After years of not getting a cent, more than half a billion dollars is significant. ", "But the case management statement (which for whatever reason I haven't been able to upload to Scribd) indicates that Samsung, while apparently not asking the Supreme Court to look at this right now, does not believe that the funds will necessarily stay on Apple's bank account forever:\n\n\"Samsung continues to reserve all rights to obtain reimbursement from Apple and/or payment by Apple of all amounts required to be paid as taxes. [...] ", "Samsung further reserves all rights to reclaim or obtain reimbursement of any judgment amounts paid by Samsung to any entity in the event the partial judgment is reversed, modified, vacated or set aside on appeal or otherwise, including as a result of any proceedings before the USPTO addressing the patents at issue or as a result of any petition for writ of certiorari filed with the Supreme Court. ", "Samsung notes that the Patent Trial and Appeal Board has issued a final decision of invalidity on the '915 Patent, and Apple filed a notice of appeal to the Federal Circuit in the USPTO last week.\"", "\n\nApple writes in its own part of the filing that it \"disputes Samsung's asserted rights to reimbursement.\"", "\n\nI tend to agree with the president of the Hispanic Leadership Fund, who wrote an op-ed for TheHill.com with the following title:\n\n\"Patent office sides with innovation, yet Apple double-downs on fool's gold patents\"\n\nThe situation surrounding the '915 patent is not the only factor of uncertainty here for Apple. ", "Samsung announced in the summer that it would file a petition for writ of certiorari (request for Supreme Court review) concerning design patent damages. ", "If the top U.S. court agreed to hear that matter and agreed with what will likely be a broad industry coalition, there would have to be a retrial.", "\n\nLest I forget, one of Apple's iPhone design patents underlying the decision is also under serious pressure as the patent office feels it shouldn't have granted that one either.", "\n\nSo this will go on for some more time, especially since the filing also notes that a settlement conference took place on November 2, 2015 and \"did not result in settlement.\"", "\n\nIf you'd like to be updated on the smartphone patent disputes and other intellectual property matters I cover, please subscribe to my RSS feed (in the right-hand column) and/or follow me on Twitter @FOSSpatents and Google+.", "\n\nFollow @FOSSpatents\n\nShare with other professionals via LinkedIn:\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007278911652974784, 0.0006668887799605727, 0.0005710921832360327, 0.0006043147295713425, 0.0006008778582327068, 0.0007098499918356538, 0.00063485954888165, 0.0006792143685743213, 0.0005785765824839473, 0.0006657238700427115, 0.000588275957852602, 0.0006814512307755649, 0.0005772009608335793, 0.000606417830567807, 0.0005597295821644366, 0.0005656305584125221, 0.0006957577425055206 ]
[ "Affordable Kuala Lumpur Motels\n\nText-only Preview\n\nAffordable Kuala Lumpur Motels\n\nNowadays individuals are traveling much more than ever before. ", "Regardless of whether it can be byair, railway or even a automobile. ", "People today wishes to go to as numerous places as you possiblycan. ", "Recently because of to excellent financial growth, Asia has become a repeated destination fortravelers. ", "Among these countries which happen to be staying visited probably the most in Asia isMalaysia and its most renowned city Kuala Lumpur. ", "This excellent city is also the money of Malaysia.", "With populace nearing two million individuals and location of 245 square kilometers the town trulyincorporates a whole lot to supply..In case you are enterprise traveler or maybe going to Kuala Lumpur along with your household - youneed a spot to remain. ", "Needless to say there are numerous lodges located throughout the town.", "Should you be looking for affordable Kuala Lumpur lodges, you can find unquestionably numerous ofthem to get uncovered within the outskirts of the city. ", "Almost all of all those small lodges arehousehold owned and operated and \"cheap\" would not imply you are heading to receive lessservices.", "One of several numerous affordable lodges to remain is the \"Hotel Istana Town Center\". ", "This can bea 4-Star lodge and spa middle for enterprise and pleasure. ", "Regardless of whether you are going tothe town as a consequence of enterprise arrangements or on getaway it is your range place to remainof affordable Kuala Lumpur lodges. ", "Although it is a 4-Star lodge, the rooms are at incredibly veryaffordable rates.", "A further put you may choose when you are around the spending budget in is Nikko Kuala LumpurLodge. ", "The lodge is located within the heart of down town and within walking distance of severalsights and transportation backlinks. ", "It can be about 9.nInety two km in the middle of Kuala Lumpurand gives incredibly comfy lodging. ", "All enterprise wants you could possibly have are supplied andwhen you are heading to get loads of enterprise conferences, the Nikko Lodge is the place to remain.", "In case you are not in the significant lodges and need to remain in a few smaller put you can findresolution to that way too. ", "Lodge Grand Continental Kuala Lumpur is where you must remain at. ", "Thelodge is 3-Star as well as close by attraction is the Putra Earth Trade Centre. ", "It is also just a coupleminutes away in the enterprise district. ", "It is possible to hire a vehicle ideal in the lodge if you wouldlike to generate around the city.", "One of several greatest affordable Kuala Lumpur Resorts is Citin Lodge Pudu Kuala Lumpur. ", "It's atwo star lodge with ninety eight rooms but with the luxurious of almost 4-Star lodges. ", "That is yourprimary place to remain specially when you are on getaway within the city. ", "Citin Lodge Pudu Lodge issituated within the heart of Kuala Lumpur and near to the St. John's Cathedral. ", "It is also withinwalking distance to searching, eating and entertainment solutions.", "Each of the above solutions are great depending in your wants and arrangements when going toKuala Lumpur. ", "Dependent around the days you are heading to remain within the city it is not going tobe considered a negative notion to switch the lodges. ", "One example is, when you are staying forseven days within the city you may go with two lodges of your respective decision. ", "When going to onenterprise, you may initially go with somewhat more costly lodge and when accomplished withenterprise assembly to move into less expensive lodge. ", "In this way you will get to remain at uniquelodges and knowledge the special expert services just about every lodge needs to give.", "\n\nBook Kuala Lumpur Hotels\n\nPublication Overview\n\nWith populace nearing two million individuals and location of 245 square kilometers.. read more" ]
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[ 0.0006043308530934155, 0.0005733132711611688, 0.0007280496647581458, 0.0005930947954766452, 0.0005264524952508509, 0.0008704714709892869, 0.0007408037781715393, 0.000560123473405838, 0.000602054235059768, 0.0013058212352916598, 0.0005600305739790201, 0.0006207656697370112, 0.0007966962293721735, 0.0006631735013797879, 0.0006261685048229992, 0.0005674814456142485, 0.000570181175135076, 0.0006568146054632962, 0.0005842181853950024, 0.0005748576950281858, 0.0006850897334516048, 0.0005775027675554156, 0.0005279487231746316, 0.0006692978204227984, 0.0006008106283843517, 0.002685520565137267, 0.0006514815031550825, 0.0005814359756186604, 0.0005201234598644078, 0.0006074081175029278, 0.0007659547263756394, 0.000599103223066777, 0.0006097816512919962, 0.000569960568100214 ]
[ "Q:\n\nSending dynamically generated textbox values to C# Controller?", "\n\nSo I have a table that works like this:\nhttps://gfycat.com/WeakBlueIslandwhistler\nGenerated by:\n<table class=\"table table-bordered table-with-button table-condensed \" id=\"hidTable\">\n <thead>\n <tr>\n <th>HID #</th>\n <th>Lines</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>\n @for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)\n {\n <tr>\n <td>\n <input class=\"form-control table-with-button\" type=\"number\" placeholder=\"HID\" id=\"hid-@j\">\n </td>\n <td>\n <input class=\"form-control table-with-button\" type=\"number\" placeholder=\"Lines\" id=\"lines-@j\">\n </td>\n </tr>\n }\n </table>\n\nNew rows and textboxes are created by calling a javascript method. ", "\nEssentially, there are an unknown number of pairs of text fields in this table, and the data pairs need to be passed to the controller... (I'm thinking storing it as an object in tempdata?) ", "\nEach textbox has a unique id (hid-1, hid-2 hid-3 and lines-1, lines-2, lines-3 respectively) \nWhat is the best way to iterate over these textboxes, save their value (I can handle validation prior to saving) and then pass it to the backend?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe MVC Modelbinder will be able to directly bind the POST data if you meet some conditions:\n\nThe name and id of the dynamically added HTML inputs conform to the naming scheme used by MVC. ", "I.e. to bind the first element of a collection, the value of the html id attribute should be {collectionName}_0 and the value of the name attribute should be {collectionName}[0]\nThe ViewModel contains collections to which the list of inputs can be bound.", "\n\nSo in your case, define a ViewModel that contains lists for HIDs and Lines\npublic class PostDataModel {\n public ICollection<int> Hids { get; set; }\n public ICollection<int> Lines { get; set; }\n}\n\nThen make sure that the javascript code that adds additional lines sets idand name correctly.", "\nThe generated inputs for the 0th line should look like this:\n<input class=\"form-control table-with-button\" type=\"number\" placeholder=\"HID\" id=\"Hids_0\" name=\"Hids[0]\">\n<input class=\"form-control table-with-button\" type=\"number\" placeholder=\"Lines\" id=\"Lines_0\" name=\"Lines[0]\">\n\nIf the User can delete any line before sumbitting, watch out for non sequential indices!", "\nThen just submit the form with a normal POST and correlate HIDs and Lines using their index.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Ultraviolet A-induced oxidation in cornea: Characterization of the early oxidation-related events.", "\nExposure to sunlight ultraviolet-A (UVA), the main component of solar UV reaching the eyes, is suspected to play an important part in the onset of ocular pathologies. ", "UVA primary biological deleterious effects arise from the photo-induction of oxidative stress in cells. ", "However, the molecular bases linking UVA-induced oxidation to UVA toxicity in eyes remain poorly understood, especially with regards to the cornea. ", "To shed some light on this issue, we have investigated the susceptibility and response potential of the different corneal cellular layers (epithelium, stroma and endothelium) to UVA-induced oxidation. ", "We have monitored UVA-induced immediate effects on cellular redox balance, on mitochondrial membrane potential, on 8-Hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) accumulation in cellular DNA and on S-glutathionylated proteins (PSSG) levels along whole rabbit corneas. ", "Higher redox imbalance was observed in the posterior part of the cornea following irradiation. ", "Conversely, UVA-altered mitochondrial membrane potentials were observed only in anterior portions of the cornea. ", "UVA-induced 8-OHdG were found in nuclear DNA of epithelia, while they were found in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA in stromal and endothelial cells. ", "Finally, significantly higher levels of cytosolic PSSG were measured in epithelia and endothelia immediately after UVA exposure, but not in stromas. ", "Taken together, our findings indicate that while corneal epithelial cells are subjected to important modifications in response to UVA exposure, they efficiently limit the early manifestations of UVA-induced toxicity. ", "On the other hand, the corneal endothelium is more susceptible to UVA-induced oxidation-related toxicity." ]
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[ 0.0005767769180238247, 0.0005605584592558444, 0.0007031664717942476, 0.0005993067170493305, 0.0005778353079222143, 0.0008740158518776298, 0.0007023477810434997, 0.000597557460423559, 0.0009399169939570129, 0.0009166048257611692, 0.0006382567225955427, 0.0013045065570622683 ]
[ "( Poem is based on Mahabharath , Amba is a princess who is chosen by the most valorous king in a contest , her lover is defeated in the contest hence he refuses to marry her. ", "Draupadi is won by Arjun a king but she is asked to bed all his 4 brothers by her mother-in law. ", "So she is an example of polyandry that was not her choice. ", "Sita spends time in her abductor’s custody without surrendering to his desire yet is suspected to be infidel and subjected to test of chastity to prove to the world she is chaste )\n\nPainting is from Albert Museum in Jaipur. ", "Draupadi’s disrobing was painted by Mughals . ", "Hence the subtitles are in Arabic. ", "As Akbar was married to a Hindu princess Jodha. ", "And founded Din Ilahi a secular religion." ]
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[ 0.001542647834867239, 0.01455990131944418, 0.0016275560483336449, 0.05572974681854248, 0.0015740576200187206, 0.0006387173780240119, 0.0009024363243952394, 0.0016538641648367047 ]
[ "Social+ Theme 4 Apex Launcher\n\n*!", "Latest version of Apex Launcher or Nova Launcher is required. ", "Install it for free from Google Play. ", "Search for Apex Launcher or Nova Launcher!*", "\n\nInspired by the colorful and spontaneous world of your communications. ", "We have developed a theme that exactly meets this demand. ", "Social + Theme 4 Apex launcher. ", "The 200 large icons for the home screen and the cirle icons in the App Drawer stand out by their purist and clear design! ", "They illustrate this claim on your individual communication - clear and easy!", "\n\nFeatures Overview:- Over 200 BIG Social+ icons- 6 HD Wallpapers- New folder interface and Dock*- Pro version of Apex Launcher is not required- Icons are compatible with Nova Launcher\n\n*Only Apex---------------------------!!!Detailed step by step guide to get the look of the Screenshots:http://themes4apex.blogspot.de/2011/12/SocialTheme-Howto.html\n\nHow to install:1. ", "Search for the latest version of Apex Launcher. ", "Install and run it2. ", "Install the Theme (Please Do Not open directly after it's installed)3. ", "Back to Apex Launcher: Apex Settings > Theme Settings.4. ", "Choose Sovial+ Theme 4 Apex Launcher5. ", "Mark Icon Pack, Font, Skin and Wallpaper6. ", "Apply.", "\n\nChange icons:Some devices may not change the icons automatically1. ", "Tab and hold an app in Home screens.(Not available in app list)2. ", "Edit > Click on the icon > Select from icon packs > Social+ Theme 4 Apex Launcher3. ", "Choose an icon and press OK" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007163268746808171, 0.00057001574896276, 0.0007553365430794656, 0.0008323545916937292, 0.0005389875150285661, 0.000556277867872268, 0.0006179628544487059, 0.0007936038891784847, 0.0007068291306495667, 0.000745531520806253, 0.0006346681038849056, 0.0022414715494960546, 0.0006045206682756543, 0.0006202656077221036, 0.0006746761500835419, 0.0006856498075649142, 0.0009962094482034445, 0.0006582399946637452, 0.000604082946665585, 0.0007840833277441561, 0.0007007609237916768 ]
[ "Densetsu no Yuusha no Konkatsu\n\nChapter 12 – Queen\n\nHey, hey! ", "It’s back! ", "Sorry for the delay, we had wanted to make a bulk release but, things happened during the holidays but no worries, it’s already been translated until chapter 15 c:\n\nAnyway~ here it is and enjoy!", "\n\nDownload and Discuss: HERE!!!", "\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ 0.0025693229399621487, 0.004960508085787296, 0.0006573826540261507, 0.0007734674727544188, 0.0009744183043949306 ]
[ "The cover photograph of the Beatles Abbey Road album is one of the most iconic images of pop history.", "\n\nTaken in 1969, it shows the group walking across a zebra crossing.", "\n\nLed by a white suited John Lennon, the Fab Four cross from left to right. ", "Paul, of course, is barefooted.", "\n\nBut there are other versions, including the group crossing the other way, and there are even shots with Paul wearing sandals.", "\n\nNow these rarely seen alternative takes are being put up for auction in New York next Thursday.", "\n\nIn all there are six photos taken by Iain Macmillan, who only ever made a handful of sets of the images.", "\n\nFor decades Macmillan, who died in 2006, just sat on the negatives, said Nigel Russell, director of photographs with Heritage Auctions, which is conducting the sale.", "\n\nThis set was given to an executive with the Capitol record company, which had the US rights to the Beatles’ music at the time.", "\n\nIt was sold onto a collector who has put them up for sale. ", "The whereabouts of the other remaining sets is unknown.", "\n\n“It doesn’t appear the rest were sold in a gallery, we think they were given away to others involved in the 1969 recording,” he said." ]
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[ "BRAD concert (Or: At the Boerderij in Zoetermeer)\n\nAs I mentioned earlier, we went to a BRAD concert on Thursday night. ", "This concert featured Stone Gossard from Pearl Jam. ", "The opening art was the New Killer Shoes (why don’t they have a Wikipedia page yet?!)", "\n\nsetting up for the opening act (New Killer Shoes)\n\nA piano solo (YouTube)- “Crown of Thorns” – from the night we went. ", "The singer/player is Shawn Smith from BRAD. ", "Much different from the rest of the songs which had the guitars and drums you would expect. ", "😉 There’s some history to the song – it used to be sung by Mother Love Bone until the frontman Andy Wood passed away. ", "Most of the band’s members went on to form Pearl Jam.", "\n\nThe crazy soundboard from the concert. ", "I never know how they know what button to tinker with. ", "Maybe they just tinker randomly to make it look like they know what they are doing. ", "😉 Oh wait. ", "That would be me.", "\n\nAnd on the way home, in the tram…\n\nDo you see the smiley face?", "\n\nTwo different designs for the check-in/out machines. ", "The one in the back has the phrase kaart hier, with a hand holding the card and two arrows pointing where the card should be placed. ", "But still, it’s easy to forget where the card goes. (", "In my defense, I haven’t had any trouble in the last 3-4 weeks.)" ]
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[ 0.0006499583250842988, 0.0007387800724245608, 0.0009277928620576859, 0.000614673481322825, 0.0006814210792072117, 0.0007558085490018129, 0.000893511576578021, 0.0009652654989622533, 0.009263797663152218, 0.008912895806133747, 0.0026582374703139067, 0.0014993243385106325, 0.0016395709244534373, 0.0017377604963257909, 0.0005610932712443173, 0.0006664885440841317, 0.0006796119268983603, 0.0006681793020106852 ]
[ "The present invention relates to a first-in first-out storage device. ", "In particular, the invention relates to a first-infirst-out storage device (FIFO) having compression and expansion functions.", "\nIn conventional first-in first-out storage devices (FIFOs), input data are stored at addresses that are determined according to the order of input of the input data. ", "Therefore, a conventional FIFO can store at most data of an amount that is equal to its capacity.", "\nJapanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. ", "2-202629 discloses a data buffer with a compression function that is improved in the above point. ", "In this data buffer, the same, consecutive data are compressed into single data and loaded into a first FIFO and the identifier of a counter that has counted the number of same, consecutive data is loaded into a second FIFO, whereby the capacity of the first FIFO is reduced.", "\nThe configuration and operation of this data buffer will be described with reference to FIG. ", "12. ", "When input data are the same, consecutive data, a loading control circuit 3 stops sending the same data to a first FIFO 1. ", "At the same time, a counter circuit 5 and a counter selection circuit 6 recognize occurrence of the same, consecutive data based on a control signal that is supplied from the loading control circuit 3 and count the number of occurrence of the same data based on the occurrence coefficient of load signals. ", "Also at the same time, a counter selection circuit 6 generates an identifier for selecting one of the counters in the counter circuit 5 and loads the identifier of the selected counter into a second FIFO 2 via an input data line. ", "At the time of unloading, the identifier of a counter that counted the number of consecutive occurrence of the same data is output from the second FIFO 2 to a output data line and unloading from the first FIFO 1 is stopped by an unloading control circuit 4 until the count value being held by the counter concerned becomes zero.", "\nHowever, this data buffer requires the counter selection circuit 6 for generating an identifier for selecting one of the counters in the counter circuit 5 and the second FIFO 2 for storing the identifier of a selected counter, and hence the circuit scale cannot be reduced sufficiently. ", "There is another problem that the unloading operation is complex and hence it is difficult to increase the speed of the reading operation.", "\nTo solve the above problems, a first-in first-out storage device according to the present invention comprises:\na memory area having a plurality of addresses and comprising a counter section and a data section corresponding to each of the addresses;\na comparison section which detects whether new input data and immediately preceding data are identical or not; and\na writing control section which performs control based on a detection result of the comparison section, so that the new input data is written into the data section of the memory at a new address when the new input data and the immediately preceding input data are different from each other, and so that a count value of the counter section of the memory area at an address where the immediately preceding input data has been stored is incremented when the new input data and the immediately preceding input data are identical.", "\nThe writing control section may perform control so that the new input data is written into the data section of the memory area at a new address when the new input data and the immediately preceding input data are identical and the count value of the counter section of the memory area at the address where the immediately preceding input data was written is equal to a maximum value.", "\nFurther, the first-in first-out storage device may further comprise a reading control section which performs control so that data stored in the data section of the memory area at a read address is read out once when the count value of the counter section of the memory area at the read address is equal to a predetermined value, and so that data stored in the data section of the memory area at a read address is repeatedly read out a number of times that is determined based on the count value when the count value of the counter section of the memory area at the read address is other than the predetermined value other than the predetermined value.", "\nThe first-in first-out storage device may further comprise a management section which outputs a signal for stopping a writing operation when data is stored in the data section of the memory area at all the addresses and the new input data and the immediately preceding data are different from each other or the count value of the counter section at a last-written address is equal to a maximum value.", "\nOn the other hand, the first-in first-out storage device may further comprise a management section which outputs a signal for stopping a reading operation when the number of data that has been read from the memory area becomes equal to the number of data that has been stored in the memory area.", "\nThe first-in first-out storage device may further comprise a management section which outputs a signal for stopping a writing operation when data that has not been read out yet are stored in the data section of the memory area at all the addresses.", "\nThe first-in first-out storage device may further comprise a management section which outputs a signal for stopping a reading operation when a last-read address of the memory area is the same as a last-written address of the memory area and the count value of the counter section is equal to the predetermined value.", "\nAccording to the above-configured first-in first-out storage device of the present invention, it is not necessary to separately provide a counter selection circuit for generating an identifier of a counter that is used conventionally and a second memory for storing the identifier. ", "By providing the counter section and the data section in a single memory so that they correspond to respective addresses, the scale of a circuit that is necessary for storing the same and consecutive data can be reduced greatly. ", "Further, the reading operation can be made faster than in the case of using two memories and identifiers." ]
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[ "Tar Heels' Berry ready for last run with reigning champions\n\nAaron Beard, Ap Basketball Writer\n\nMarch 12, 2018Updated: March 12, 2018 3:57pm\n\nPhoto: Julie Jacobson, AP\n\nImage 1of/4\n\nCaption\n\nClose\n\nImage 1 of 4\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) becomes entangled with Virginia forward Isaiah Wilkins (21) while scrambling for the ball in the first half of an NCAA college basketball game during the championship game of the Atlantic Coast Conference men's tournament Saturday, March 10, 2018, in New York. ", "less\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) becomes entangled with Virginia forward Isaiah Wilkins (21) while scrambling for the ball in the first half of an NCAA college basketball game during the championship game ... more\n\nPhoto: Julie Jacobson, AP\n\nImage 2 of 4\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) reacts during the first half of the team's NCAA college basketball game against Duke in the Atlantic Coast Conference men's tournament Friday, March 9, 2018, in New York.", "\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) reacts during the first half of the team's NCAA college basketball game against Duke in the Atlantic Coast Conference men's tournament Friday, March 9, 2018, in New York.", "\n\nPhoto: Julie Jacobson, AP\n\nImage 3 of 4\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) shoots against Virginia guard Nigel Johnson (23) and guard Devon Hall (0) in the first half of an NCAA college basketball game during the championship game of the Atlantic Coast Conference men's tournament Saturday, March 10, 2018, in New York. ", "less\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) shoots against Virginia guard Nigel Johnson (23) and guard Devon Hall (0) in the first half of an NCAA college basketball game during the championship game of the Atlantic ... more\n\nPhoto: Julie Jacobson, AP\n\nImage 4 of 4\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) drives against Virginia guard Devon Hall and center Jack Salt (33) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game for the Atlantic Coast Conference men's tournament title Saturday, March 10, 2018, in New York. ", "Virginia won 71-63. ", "less\n\nNorth Carolina guard Joel Berry II (2) drives against Virginia guard Devon Hall and center Jack Salt (33) during the second half of an NCAA college basketball game for the Atlantic Coast Conference men's ... more\n\nPhoto: Julie Jacobson, AP\n\nTar Heels' Berry ready for last run with reigning champions\n\n1 / 4\n\nBack to Gallery\n\nCHAPEL HILL, N.C. (AP) — Joel Berry II is ready to take any big shot North Carolina needs in his final NCAA Tournament.", "\n\nThe senior was last year's most outstanding player at the Final Four after helping the Tar Heels win the national championship that had painfully eluded them in 2016. ", "Now the first player in more than four decades to score 20 points in consecutive national title games wants one more deep run.", "\n\n\"I think this year for me it's just about leaving a legacy,\" Berry said in an interview with The Associated Press. \"", "I know I've done a lot for this program and I know I've put a lot into this program. ", "But I want to leave on a good note. ", "I don't want people for their last thought to be that, 'Well you know, they won the championship in 2017 . ", "and that was pretty much it.'\"", "\n\nBerry and the Tar Heels, the No. ", "2 seed in the West Region, earned a home-state NCAA opener against 15-seed Lipscomb on Friday in Charlotte. ", "They are trying to join Duke (1991-92) and Florida (2006-07) as the only repeat champions since UCLA's seven straight from 1967-73. ", "They can also become the first to reach three straight finals since Kentucky from 1996-98.", "\n\nTranslator\n\nTo read this article in one of Houston's most-spoken languages, click on the button below.", "\n\nBerry is UNC's No. ", "2 scorer (17.1 points), its toughest competitor and a Cousy Award finalist as the nation's top point guard.", "\n\nThe 6-foot native of Apopka, Florida, isn't an elite NBA prospect blessed with jump-out-of-the-gym athleticism. ", "Rather, he's a veteran floor leader who doesn't shy away from contact and ranks among tradition-rich program's top 15 in both career scoring and assists.", "\n\nMore importantly, he plays with a determined edge that UNC (25-10) needs as it leans on a small-ball lineup — though it also led to an embarrassing preseason incident when Berry broke his hand by punching a door after losing a video game.", "\n\nThat edge fuels everything he does, even launching a shot in a tight game.", "\n\n\"If I miss it, I'm going to come back and shoot that same shot every single time,\" Berry said. \"", "And if I make it, of course I'm going to come back and shoot it.", "\n\n\"There are a lot of people who think about what's going to happen if they don't hit the shot. ", "And I never think about that because there are a lot of people who would love to be in my position to take that shot. ", "A lot of people don't have the heart to be able to step up in those moments, to even try to attempt that shot.\"", "\n\nThat mentality has worked well for him twice on the game's biggest stage.", "\n\nIn 2016, he scored 20 points with four 3-pointers in the title-game loss to Villanova despite suffering a left-foot injury that had him on crutches and wearing a boot when he returned to campus the next day.", "\n\nLast April, despite playing on two sprained ankles that hindered him throughout the tournament, Berry scored 22 points and four more 3s as UNC beat Gonzaga for the title.", "\n\nThat made him only the seventh player to score at least 20 points in back-to-back NCAA title games, a list that includes San Francisco's Bill Russell (1955-56), UCLA's Lew Alcindor (1967-69) and UCLA's Bill Walton — the last before Berry in 1972-73.", "\n\n\"He is tough and he's been that way ever since I've known him,\" said senior Grayson Allen of rival Duke, a fellow Florida native who first played against Berry in the eighth grade. \"", "If you go at him, he comes right back.", "\n\n\"He's the type of guy where if he makes a mistake on the next play, he's coming at you to get it right back.\"", "\n\nBerry's edge is always there, and sometimes it rises to the surface.", "\n\nLike it did during the second half of the Tar Heels' win against Allen's Blue Devils in Friday's Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament semifinals. ", "Berry and Duke freshman Gary Trent Jr. both got their hands on a rebound and refused to let go before Trent tried to push free as referees whistled for a jumpball.", "\n\nBerry immediately turned back for a defiant staredown with Trent — who has about 6 inches and 15 pounds on Berry — and had a few words for Trent as officials stepped in.", "\n\nThere will likely be a couple more of those moments in the NCAA Tournament. ", "And Berry isn't about to back down, not with his college career down to its final games.", "\n\n\"I just hate when people count us out because we don't have the so-called NBA talent on our team,\" Berry said. \"", "And that irks me so much because it's not about having NBA talent. ", "It's about having guys who are coming together to compete to get one goal: and that's to win a national championship. ", "And if you have that, that takes care of everything else.\"", "\n\n___\n\nAP Sports Writer Mike Fitzpatrick in New York contributed to this report." ]
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[ "Dick Enberg remembered for long career and 'Oh, my!' ", "catchphrase\n\nSAN DIEGO -- Screenwriter Bobby Herbeck was watching the Golf Channel recently when some highlights from some late 1990s broadcasts came on, including a few punctuated by the trademark catchphrase of his pal Dick Enberg -- \"Oh, my!\"", "\n\n\"He's not gone. ", "He's still here,\" Herbeck told the crowd at Saturday's celebration of life service for Enberg, who died of a heart attack on Dec. 21 at 82. \"", "That's the beauty of this. ", "Olympics, baseball, Super Bowls, you name it, he did it.\"", "\n\nEnberg was fondly remembered by former broadcasting partners, athletes and friends on a drizzly morning at Petco Park, the downtown home of the San Diego Padres. ", "Enberg spent the last seven years of his long, decorated career as the TV voice of the Padres from 2010-16.", "\n\n\"He was a true sports icon,\" Padres executive chairman Ron Fowler said from the stage near second base. \"", "My view of Dick was he was truly a man for all seasons, figuratively and literally. ", "He did all sports. ", "Dick was known as a world-class sports broadcaster. ", "He was in a class by himself. ", "I followed him all the time. ", "I didn't care what he was doing.\"", "\n\nAfter retiring from broadcasting, Enberg was doing a podcast and had written a book about Ted Williams.", "\n\n\"He was at peace with his life,\" Fowler said. \"", "He had redefined his career and he went out almost on his own terms.\"", "\n\nThe two prevalent themes were baseball, which was Enberg's first love, and his fondness for summing up big moments with his call of \"Oh, my!\"", "\n\nEnberg was the voice of UCLA basketball for nine seasons, a span in which the Bruins won eight of their 10 national titles under John Wooden.", "\n\nSan Diego native Bill Walton said in a video tribute that Enberg's broadcasts were critical in him wanting to go to UCLA.", "\n\n\"Dick created this remarkable atmosphere,\" Walton said. \"", "When the game was over, we would go into a shower room to get cleaned up and we'd talk about the game, 'Hey, how many \"Oh mys\" do you think we got from Dick tonight?'\"", "\n\nAlso appearing in video tributes were former tennis stars John McEnroe, Jim Courier and Pete Sampras.", "\n\nAmong the speakers were Billy Packer, one of Enberg's former college basketball broadcast partners; and Ann Meyers Drysdale, whose late husband, Dodgers pitcher Don Drysdale, broadcast Angels games with Enberg. ", "Don Drysdale nicknamed Enberg \"The Professor\" because he had been an assistant professor and baseball coach at what would become Cal State Northridge.", "\n\nPro Football Hall of Famer Dan Fouts said he first met Enberg when the broadcaster asked if they could get together to talk about the next day's game, when Fouts' San Diego Chargers played the Raiders. ", "Fouts said Enberg knew his father, Bob Fouts, who had been a broadcaster with the San Francisco 49ers, and asked if he had any aspirations of becoming a broadcaster.", "\n\nFouts joked that the next day, as he was being pummeled by Howie Long and Lyle Alzado, he glanced up into the broadcast booth and spotted Merlin Olsen and Enberg, with his trademark red pocket square.", "\n\n\"I said to myself, 'That looks like a good gig,\" Fouts said.", "\n\nFouts later became Enberg's last NFL broadcast partner. ", "He said he was with Enberg at an NFL game when Enberg told him he was taking the job with the Padres.", "\n\n\"He was called 'The Professor' for a reason,\" Fouts said. \"", "He never made a mistake broadcasting a game, right? ", "There was this one time 'The Professor' needed some help.\"", "\n\nA clip was played of Enberg mangling Brandon Manumaleuna's name to the point that Fouts chimed in, \"I'll take it from here, Dick. ... ", "Every vowel is pronounced.\"", "\n\n\"This celebration could go on for days because there were so many people Dick touched in the broadcast booth, in education, just about everywhere,\" Fouts said. \"", "He had an amazing career because of his amazing talent, dedication and passion. ", "His willingness to tackle any assignment, his graciousness, kindness, intelligence and pure class set him apart from all others.", "\n\nABOUT COOKIES\n\nWe use cookies to help make this website better, to improve our services and for advertising purposes. ", "You can learn more about our use of cookies and change your browser settings in order to avoid cookies by clicking here. ", "Otherwise, we'll assume you are OK to continue." ]
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[ "Dead Horse State Park, Utah\n\nPhoto by Alfredo De Simone\n\nThere is more to Moab than mountain biking. ", "This small town in the heart of Canyon Country boasts a nearly endless offering of outdoor activities. ", "And it is a convenient base for families touring Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, Dead Horse Point State Park and the La Sal Mountains as well as those exploring the Colorado and Green Rivers and Native American Rock Art Sites. ", "Yet you need not be an outdoor enthusiast to enjoy nature's answer to Disneyland. ", "The area's red rock cliffs, stunning rock formations, roaring rivers and high desert are as fun to view as they are to explore. ", "Just ask the moviemakers!", "\n\nMoab, in southeast Utah, is located 120 miles (193 km) southwest of Grand Junction, Colorado and 240 miles (386 km) southeast of Salt Lake City, Utah. ", "The small Moab Airport, situated 16 miles (26 km) from downtown, has limited commercial service. ", "U.S. Airways Express offers daily service between Moab and Salt Lake City only. ", "The nearest full service airports are Grand Junction's Walker Field Airport and Salt Lake City's International Airport. ", "The nearest Amtrak stops are Grand Junction, Colorado and Green River, Utah.", "\n\nWhile shuttle services will get you to Moab and several offer transport to the river as well as trailheads, unless you partake in an organized tour, a car is required to reach neighboring National Parks, National Forests and Native American rock art sites. ", "Yet thanks to this small town's convenient location you won't be driving far. ", "What's more, no matter where you point your vehicle there are trails galore. ", "In addition to the hiking trails found at Arches and Canyonlands National Parks, there are a plethora of hiking, mountain biking and 4x4 trails less than 20 miles from downtown Moab. ", "And you need not be an enthusiast to enjoy them. ", "Area trails range from easy to extreme and many are appropriate for families traveling with kids.", "\n\nSummers are hot and dry with an average high in the mid 90s°F (35°C). ", "Winters are mild (50°F or 10°C) and snowfall is rare at lower elevations. ", "Daytime temperatures at higher elevations, including mountain valleys and mesa tops, are roughly 10 - 20°F (7-12°C) cooler. ", "Strenuous outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain biking are best in spring and fall but they are doable in summer as long as you head out early and beat the heat between 13:00-16.00. ", "River rafting is ideal from May to early September.", "\n\nThe climate in Moab is high desert and the elevation ranges from 4,000 to 6,000 ft. ", "Wear sunscreen and a hat and carry plenty of water (4 liters per person per day). ", "When hiking in the backcountry be sure to tell someone where you are hiking and when you plan to return." ]
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[ "## How to check whether it's PC's accessment in PHP [Back](./qa.md)\n\nI just show the code here:\n\n```php\n<?", "php\npublic static function validatePC()\n{\n /** contain HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE should be a mobile device */\n if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE'])) {\n return false;\n }\n\n /** contain 'wap' in HTTP_VIA should be a mobile device */\n if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'])) {\n return stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], 'wap') ? ", "false : true;\n }\n\n /** check useragent, but have compatibility problem */\n if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {\n $clientkeywords = [\n 'nokia',\n 'sony',\n 'ericsson',\n 'mot',\n 'samsung',\n 'htc',\n 'sgh',\n 'lg',\n 'sharp',\n 'sie-',\n 'philips',\n 'panasonic',\n 'alcatel',\n 'lenovo',\n 'iphone',\n 'ipod',\n 'blackberry',\n 'meizu',\n 'android',\n 'netfront',\n 'symbian',\n 'ucweb',\n 'windowsce',\n 'palm',\n 'operamini',\n 'operamobi',\n 'openwave',\n 'nexusone',\n 'cldc',\n 'midp',\n 'wap',\n 'mobile'\n ];\n\n /** preg match */\n if (preg_match(\"/(\" . ", "implode('|', $clientkeywords) . \")", "/i\", strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n /** protocol, but not accurate */\n if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])) {\n /** only support wml should be a mobile device */\n /** support both wml and html but wml is among html should be a mobile device */\n if ((strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'vnd.wap.wml') !", "== false) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'text/html') === false || (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'vnd.wap.wml') < strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'text/html')))) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\n?", ">\n```\n" ]
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[ "ANALYSIS/OPINION:\n\nFewer Americans will be returning to the work force after the traditional Labor Day holiday. ", "Labor force participation is at the lowest point since the malaise of the Carter presidency. ", "President Obama’s economic policies have guaranteed a lower standard of living for Americans.", "\n\nA recent report by Gordon Green and John Coder of Sentier Research paints the disturbing picture. ", "On the whole, we’re less well off than we were 13 years ago. ", "Our median income, currently $52,000, is 7 percent lower than it was in 2000, using constant dollars. ", "It’s an especially tough punch in the gut to our youth, who’ve seen nearly 10 percent of their income evaporate. ", "Nearly every other demographic category — married or single, man or woman — has been hit.", "\n\nThe consequences have been most dire for those who’ve lost their job in this stagnant economy. ", "If they’re lucky enough to land another gig, it can take several years to make up for lost earnings for even a short spell without a paycheck. ", "The unlucky join the ranks of the long-term unemployed, currently 4 million and growing. ", "Prospects are grim for their return to gainful employment because the economy refuses to grow under Obamanomics.", "\n\nIn a healthy economy, when someone leaves his job, it opens up a space for someone else. ", "Nowadays, full-time replacements aren’t being hired — more than two out of every three jobs created this year have been part-time. ", "That’s reflected in the dismal labor-force participation rate that’s 3 points lower than it was a decade ago. ", "That may not sound like much, but it means we have 7.3 million people who’ve gone from being productive members of society to being idle.", "\n\nA good deal of the blame for that development can be pinned on the increased costs of hiring full-time employees under Obamacare. ", "As small businesses scramble to stay alive in the face of increased tax and regulatory burdens, they need to do what it takes to keep payrolls lean, which is why households wind up earning less.", "\n\nFaced with this reality, millions are being driven toward stopgap solutions that further a national economic decline. ", "Employees who are too old to find a new job but not old enough for Social Security have taken extreme measures such as seeking disability payments to make ends meet. ", "There are now 8.8 million working-age individuals claiming federal disability benefits. ", "At the other end of the demographic scale, fewer in the millennial generation worked full time this year than in the previous three years, meaning they’re worse off than their parents had been at the same age. ", "Many of them have moved back in with mom and dad. ", "It’s a sign of the times, of the Obamanomics decline.", "\n\nSign up for Daily Opinion Newsletter Manage Newsletters\n\nCopyright © 2020 The Washington Times, LLC. ", "Click here for reprint permission." ]
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[ "“If our faith is such that it is destroyed by force of argument, then let it be destroyed; for it will have been proved that we do not possess the truth.”", "\nClement of Alexandria, late 2nd Century\n\nMonday, January 30, 2017\n\nThe gospel before the gospel\n\nI've recently read Richard Carrier's \"On the Historicity of Jesus\" (OHJ). ", "Its a big book. ", "More thoughts likely to follow in later posts. ", "But for now, this issue strikes me as important:\n\nIn Zechariah chapters 3 and 6 there is a character Carrier describes as 'Jesus Rising'. ", "That is, in an old testament book, there is a character called Jesus (=Joshua, it's the same name) who rises in some (poorly defined) way. ", "In the new testament, of course, Jesus rises from the dead.", "\n\nCarrier suggests that the Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead could, in part, derive from a pre-existing belief that someone called Jesus would rise / had risen. ", "Here's a bit of chapter 6 from the NIV:\n\n9 The word of the Lord came to me: 10 “Take silver and gold from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon. ", "Go the same day to the house of Josiah son of Zephaniah. ", "11 Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Joshua son of Jozadak. ", "12 Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is the Branch, and he will branch out from his place and build the temple of the Lord. ", "13 It is he who will build the temple of the Lord, and he will be clothed with majesty and will sit and rule on his throne. ", "And he will be a priest on his throne. ", "And there will be harmony between the two.’ ", "14 The crown will be given to Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah and Hen son of Zephaniah as a memorial in the temple of the Lord. ", "15 Those who are far away will come and help to build the temple of the Lord, and you will know that the Lord Almighty has sent me to you. ", "This will happen if you diligently obey the Lord your God.”", "\n\nErm, nothing about 'rising' there at first glance. ", "The word in question, in verse 12, is translated 'Branch' in the NIV. ", "More literal translations render this as 'sprout' rather than branch. ", "That is 'sprout' in the sense of 'sprout out of', like a budding branch, or a plant breaking out of the ground. ", "Still not 'rising'. ", "If you translate your Bible from the original Hebrew into English, then 'sprout' or 'branch', or possibly 'emanation' is the best that you can do.", "\n\nBut have a look at the Septuagint (LXX). ", "In the LXX, the word ἀνατολή (\"anatole\") is used as the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word צֶמַח (\"tsemach\"). ", "Strong's definition of tsemach (H6780) is \"sprout, growth, branch\", whereas Strong defines anatole (G395) as \"a rising (of the sun or stars)\" or \"the east (the direction of the sun's rising)\". ", "So a reader of the LXX would not understand the above passage to be referring to a 'branch' or even a 'sprout', but would only really have the image of the rising sun in mind. ", "Something like:\n\n11 Take the silver and gold and make a crown, and set it on the head of the high priest, Jesus son of Jozadak. ", "12 Tell him this is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘Here is the man whose name is Rising, and he will rise up from his place and build the temple of the Lord.", "\n\nSo if a reader of the LXX took the words in verse 12 ('here is the man') to refer to the high priest in verse 11, he would indeed think he was reading about a priest called Jesus, whose name is Rising. ", "That is \"Jesus Rising\". ", "Maybe Richard Carrier is right?", "\n\nBut. ", "Its a fairly convoluted path we've had to take to get to this point, isn't it?", "\n\nIt seems unlikely that many people would jump through all these hoops to end up with a belief that a priest called Jesus would in some (undefined) way rise up. ", "Certainly, this is far from the mainstream interpretation of these verses. ", "So is it too 'out there' to be worthy of consideration?", "\n\nI don't think so. ", "You see, nobody ever claimed that Christianity or Christian belief ever emerged from the mainstream Jewish consensus belief. ", "They started as a fringe group, with some pretty 'out there' beliefs.", "\n\nAll it really would need is someone to interpret the LXX as speaking about a character called Jesus who would in some way rise up, and then speculate about what kind of even this 'rising' might be (we've all heard of believers like that), and teach others about that speculation (we've all heard of preachers like that), and it is entirely plausible that a minority belief could arise that there would be a high priest called Jesus who would rise (or had risen) (into the sky? ", "from the dead?). ", "If that rolling stone gathered a small amount of moss, its not implausible to see how this belief could have entered proto-Christian thinking before the early 1st Century. ", "Zechariah wrote sometime BCE, possibly two or three hundred years before the emergence of Christianity. ", "It is totally plausible that this belief could have become part of Jewish belief, on the fringes of orthodoxy, in that time.", "\n\nSo we could have had a proto-gospel, decades or centuries before the gospel message we know about." ]
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[ "Anti-Trump Texas faithless elector Stephen Christopher “Chris” Suprun, who wrote a widely-shared op-ed in The New York Times about his decision, joined and paid for cheating website Ashley Madison in 2012, using the same address registered to his 9/11 charity, while bankrupt, likely unemployed, and married with three young kids, after he and his working wife owed over $200,000 to multiple creditors — and that’s just the start of it.", "\n\nGotNews’ research into Suprun’s bizarre and unexplained flip-flop against President-elect Donald J. Trump turned up Ashley Madison data, damning bankruptcy records, and a series of P.O. boxes and what appears to be an association with a payday loan scam site.", "\n\nThere’s a lot to go through today, folks, but it’s good. ", "So bear with us and keep reading:\n\nEven though he used a throw-away e-mail address and changed his birth date by a few days, the Ashley Madison credit card data is unmistakably Suprun:\n\nThere’s only one Stephen Christopher Suprun, from Texas, born in March 1974, and the P.O. box is one of many P.O. boxes registered to Stephen Christopher Suprun that can be found with a quick search of any public records database.", "\n\nAll of which raises the question: is this even a real charity? ", "But back to Suprun’s cheating:\n\nAccording to the data, Suprun joined Ashley Madison in February 2012, just six months after joint-filing for bankruptcy with his wife, Dianne Michelle Suprun, in September 2011, and paid for an “affair guarantee” in September 2012.", "\n\nAn “affair guarantee”, which costs $249 today, is a discounted “package” for “credits” that allow men to chat with potential cheating partners on the website. ", "Suprun, who had three kids under the age of 10 at the time, listed himself on the site as “attached male seeking female.”", "\n\nPublic records also show that Stephen “Chris” Suprun registered 6 different P.O. boxes in 6 cities in Texas and Virginia. ", "Why does one person need so many P.O. boxes? ", "At least one of the P.O. boxes was used for Suprun’s fishy 9/11 foundation — the same P.O. box he also used to pay for his Ashley Madison “affair guarantee.”", "\n\nWhat was he using those other P.O. boxes for?", "\n\nAnd it gets even fishier:\n\nLeading public records database Nexis lists one of Chris Suprun’s websites as “one-hour-advance.com”:\n\nThat website appears to be a payday loan scam site that became defunct sometime between March 2016 and today, according to Archive.org. ", "Take a look:\n\nSearching WhoIs history of the website and any related websites always ends in a dead end — the owner of the site used domain privacy services to conceal their identity. ", "The addresses buried in the site’s privacy policy and terms of use? ", "P.O. boxes in Chicago or Miami. ", "Phone numbers are toll free, or use a Los Angeles, California area code.", "\n\nCould this really be Stephen “Chris” Suprun’s website and, presumably, source of income? ", "Or did Suprun use the site at one point because of his unemployment and bankruptcy? ", "Is he a victim of a payday loan scam site? ", "But why would someone who owns websites like “neverforget911.org” and “consurgo.org” ever list a payday loan site they used as their own website?", "\n\nIn fact, between the well-heeled PR firm, the Democratic elite’s unhinged response to President-elect Donald J. Trump’s resounding victory on November 8, and Suprun’s sudden change of heart about Trump, it even raises the question of whether or not Suprun is receiving money, favors, or other kinds of benefits in exchange for his anti-Trump cooperation!", "\n\nChris Suprun grandstands in The New York Times about his experience on 9/11, his “debt” to his children, and how he is an “elector of conscience.”", "\n\nHe doesn’t mention that he paid money to cheat on his working wife, while bankrupt and deep in debt with his 3 kids, using the same P.O. box that he used for his 9/11 charity — one of many P.O. boxes registered at one point to him in public records databases, along with what appears to be a fishy payday loan scam site.", "\n\nSuprun implies he is an “elector of conscience”, but GotNews’ research into his past casts doubt on the idea that he has a conscience at all.", "\n\nGotNews sent requests for comment on the shocking information in this article to multiple e-mail addresses listed as Suprun’s, as well as Suprun’s social justice PR firm Megaphone Strategies, that he lists in his Twitter profile. ", "GotNews has received no responses as of press time.", "\n\nGotNews also called Suprun’s Never Forget Foundation and tried to send an e-mail through the Never Forget Foundation contact form. ", "We got no response over the phone and left a message. ", "The e-mail contact form did not go through.", "\n\nStay tuned for more.", "\n\nUPDATE 12/13/2016: A reader familiar with the Nexis database listing process tells GotNews that the “one-hour-advance.com” website is the source of Suprun’s e-mail, making him almost definitively a user of what appears to be that payday loan scam site, rather than the owner. ", "This fits with Suprun’s profile as a man seeking relief from severe financial troubles." ]
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[ "Daryl Werker\n\nDaryl Werker (born 27 June 1994) is a Dutch professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Roda JC Kerkrade in the Dutch Eerste Divisie. ", "He formerly played on loan for MVV Maastricht.", "\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:1994 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Association football defenders\nCategory:Dutch footballers\nCategory:Roda JC Kerkrade players\nCategory:MVV Maastricht players\nCategory:Eredivisie players\nCategory:Eerste Divisie players\nCategory:People from Gulpen-Wittem" ]
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[ "Insights from ENCODE on Missing Proteins: Why β-Defensin Expression Is Scarcely Detected.", "\nβ-Defensins (DEFBs) have a variety of functions. ", "The majority of these proteins were not identified in a recent proteome survey. ", "Neither protein detection nor the analysis of transcriptomic data based on RNA-seq data for three liver cancer cell lines identified any expression products. ", "Extensive investigation into DEFB transcripts in over 70 cell lines offered similar results. ", "This fact naturally begs the question—Why are DEFB genes scarcely expressed? ", "After examining DEFB gene annotation and the physicochemical properties of its protein products, we postulated that regulatory elements could play a key role in the resultant poor transcription of DEFB genes. ", "Four regions containing DEFB genes and six adjacent regions on chromosomes 6, 8, and 20 were carefully investigated using The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) information, such as that of DNase I hypersensitive sites (DHSs), transcription factors (TFs), and histone modifications. ", "The results revealed that the intensities of these ENCODE features were globally weaker than those in the adjacent regions. ", "Impressively, DEFB-related regions on chromosomes 6 and 8 containing several non-DEFB genes had lower ENCODE feature intensities, indicating that the absence of DEFB mRNAs might not depend on the gene family but may be reliant upon gene location and chromatin structure." ]
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[ "A new restaurant is aiming to give a trendy makeover to that staple of the Northern Irish dinner table – the humble crisp sandwich. ", "Inspired by the ‘Cereal Cafe’ recently opened in London by two Belfast brothers, restaurateur Gavin Spleen hopes that his new venture – Simply Crispy – will attract similar success.", "\n\nSituated in Belfast’s fashionable Cathedral Quarter, Simply Crispy puts a new twist on a local favourite. ", "Diners will be able choose from a menu of gourmet crisp sandwiches, or create their own delicacy from an exciting range of breads, crisps and spreads. ", "Whether it be the staple Tayto Cheese and Onion on Sunblest sliced pan with Flora, or the more exotic Thai Sweet Chilli on Italian Granary with a splash of balsamic vinegar – the choice is almost limitless.", "\n\n“Simply Crispy will cater for all tastes, and all pockets,” explained Gavin. “", "Hungry carnivores will love our Beef Mini Chips on Medium Ormo, a bargain at £3.50 (crusts off 50p extra), while veggies might like to try Pickled Onion Space Raiders in a Belfast Bap with a Wotsit side-salad for a mere £5.95. ", "Our piece de resistance is the ‘Inner Ring’ – a slice of Nutty Krust lovingly rolled into a thin sausage then inserted delicately through a series of Tayto Onion Rings, garnished with parsley and crushed Pringles.”.", "\n\nHugo Hamilton, Restaurant Critic and Chief Hipster at Belfast style magazine – Le Ganch, says that the city is crying out for just this kind of cafe. “", "It’s bound to attract the luncheon crowd, office workers eager for somewhere new and refreshing,” says Hamilton, “and is ideal for a light bite on an evening out with friends, both bearded and otherwise. ", "It has just the right ambiance – homespun decor of old school desks and bean bag chairs, and the food is presented so delightfully on reclaimed scaffolding boards.”", "\n\nSituated in a converted public toilet on Talbot Street, as yet Simply Crispy can’t serve alcohol. “", "For the moment we’ll be serving traditional Ulster soft drinks like Sukies, Maine’s Brown Lemonade and McDaid’s Football Special, but that’ll change when we get the license,” Gavin told us, “Then we’ll do pint bottles of Harp.”", "\n\n9.96K Shares\n\nComments" ]
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[ "Berkshire East\n\nBerkshire East may refer to:\n\nEast Berkshire (UK Parliament constituency)\nBerkshire East Ski Area, a United States alpine ski area" ]
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[ "Young Smoke\n\nDescription\n\nAt just 18, Young Smoke a.k.a. ", "Chicago’s David Davis has carved out an idiosyncratic and very listenable niche within footwork. ", "Producing from a young age and coming with an intentional conceptual angle, the music on 'Space Zone' carries all the hallmarks and framework of classic footwork -heavy bass and 160bpm rhythms- but with a lightness of touch and the conceptual abstraction of space themes. ", "Where older producers reference space through typically sampling the spacey funk of the 70’s era to repetitive and aggressive effect, Young Smoke's music uses self-made samples from his arsenal of software synthesisers. ", "The result has an aquatic atmosphere that engages the listener's imagination and hints at narratives behind the music. ", "Also, rarely for footwork, he’s not afraid to inject his tracks with overt melodies." ]
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[ "«Les femmes, espèce en voie de disparition au cœur de Paris.» ", "Volontairement provocateur, l'intitulé de la pétition en ligne lancée hier par deux associations du quartier populaire la Chapelle-Pajol, dans le nord-est de la capitale, fait réagir bien au-delà du périphérique. ", "Les habitantes de la place de la Chapelle et des rues adjacentes y décrivent un secteur «abandonné aux seuls hommes» où certaines femmes «se terrent chez elles» pour éviter le harcèlement, «les insultes, les vols à la tire, l'alcoolisme de rue, les crachats».", "\n\n\n\nA LIRE AUSSI. ", "La réponse de la maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo\n\nAdressé notamment au nouveau président, Emmanuel Macron, le court texte, dont nous révélions l'existence hier, a été signé par quelque 4 000 personnes en moins de douze heures. ", "Et a entraîné une réaction conjointe de la mairie et de la préfecture de police de Paris, qui expliquent avoir identifié le problème «depuis plusieurs semaines» et se disent «déterminées à agir» pour «permettre au plus vite un retour à la normale».", "\n\nA LIRE AUSSI. ", "Des femmes victimes de harcèlement dans les rues du quartier Chapelle-Pajol\n\nUn plan contre le harcèlement de rue\n\nLors d'un rassemblement organisé hier après-midi et auquel s'est invitée la présidente (LR) de la région Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse (lire ci-dessous), les habitantes du quartier ont expliqué comment un « climat oppressant » s'est installé ces dernières semaines en raison d'une « surpopulation masculine » liée à la vente à la sauvette, au trafic de cigarettes et de drogue, aux groupes qui « tiennent les murs en attendant qu'on leur propose un boulot au black », aux « pauvres migrants qui vivent dans la rue »...\n\n«Dès 16 heures, des dizaines d'hommes de 15 à 22 ans squattent mon hall d'immeuble pour dealer et je dois baisser les yeux : c'est devenu invivable», confie Laurence, mère d'une petite de 8 ans. «", "Ma fille de 17 ans est continuellement harcelée, poursuit Nadia. ", "Dernièrement, elle s'est fait voler son portefeuille. ", "Maintenant, quand elle sort du métro, elle fait semblant de téléphoner pour éviter d'être abordée ou ne pas affronter les regards insistants.» ", "Fatima reconnaît être à bout : «Quand ma fille de 5 ans me demande de retour de l'école : Ça veut dire quoi salope ? ", "je trouve ça inacceptable.» «", "On ne va quand même pas attendre qu'il y ait un viol pour agir», s'indigne Jean-Michel.", "\n\nA l'Hôtel de Ville et à la préfecture de police, on reconnaît dans un communiqué commun «des situations de harcèlement de rue» contre lesquelles un «plan d'actions dédié» est en préparation. ", "A court terme, il se traduira par une augmentation importante des contrôles de police tout au long de la journée. «", "Notre volonté est que, dès les prochains jours, de premiers résultats soient visibles», insiste la maire (PS) de Paris, Anne Hidalgo.", "\n\nAvec @prefpolice et @EricLejoindre, nous mettons en place un plan d'actions spécifique contre les discriminations envers les femmes. #", "Pajol — Anne Hidalgo (@Anne_Hidalgo) May 19, 2017\n\nA moyen terme, les commerçants du quartier seront sensibilisés pour alerter sur tout trouble à l'ordre public et une marche sera organisée avec les riveraines pour faire émerger des solutions.", "\n\nNewsletter Paris Chaque matin, l'actualité de votre département vue par Le Parisien Chaque matin, l'actualité de votre département vue par Le Parisien Votre adresse mail est collectée par Le Parisien pour vous permettre de recevoir nos actualités et offres commerciales. ", "En savoir plus\n\nEnfin, la création d'un groupe local de traitement de la délinquance (GLTD) dédié à Pajol sera étudiée le 31 mai, lors d'une rencontre entre le procureur de la République, François Molins, et les maires d'arrondissements. « ", "Ces annonces vont dans le bon sens, saluait hier Nathalie, membre de SOS la Chapelle. ", "Mais on attend de voir, car durant des mois on a été laissées à l'abandon. »" ]
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[ "Contraception for adolescents.", "\nEnsuring that sexually active adolescents are using contraception consistently and correctly is an effective means of reducing unplanned pregnancy. ", "Use of highly effective long-acting reversible methods, such as subdermal implants, is low. ", "We need to challenge the perception that the pill and condoms, the most commonly used contraceptive methods, are always the most suitable methods for young people. ", "Changes in adolescent sexual behaviour, including increased number of sexual partners, is consistent with a rise in sexually transmitted infections. ", "No contraceptive methods, with the exception of male or female sterilisation, are contra-indicated solely on the grounds of age. ", "Young people need to be counselled about both the benefits and risks associated with each method so that they can make an informed choice. ", "Most of the clinical evidence on contraceptive use comes from studies of 'older' women, with little research identified that specifically addressed implications for adolescent contraceptive use." ]
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[ "package dapp\n\nimport (\n\t\"testing\"\n\n\t\"github.com/33cn/chain33/types\"\n\t\"github.com/33cn/chain33/util\"\n\t\"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert\"\n)\n\nfunc TestKVCreator(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tdir, ldb, kvdb := util.", "CreateTestDB()\n\tdefer util.", "CloseTestDB(dir, ldb)\n\tcreator := NewKVCreator(kvdb, []byte(\"prefix-\"), nil)\n\tcreator.", "AddKVOnly([]byte(\"a\"), []byte(\"b\"))\n\t_, err := kvdb.", "Get([]byte(\"prefix-a\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, err, types.", "ErrNotFound)\n\tcreator.", "Add([]byte(\"a\"), []byte(\"b\"))\n\tvalue, err := kvdb.", "Get([]byte(\"prefix-a\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, err, nil)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, value, []byte(\"b\"))\n\n\tcreator = NewKVCreator(kvdb, []byte(\"prefix-\"), []byte(\"rollback\"))\n\tcreator.", "Add([]byte(\"a\"), []byte(\"b\"))\n\tcreator.", "Add([]byte(\"a1\"), []byte(\"b1\"))\n\tcreator.", "AddNoPrefix([]byte(\"np\"), []byte(\"np-value\"))\n\tcreator.", "AddList([]*types.", "KeyValue{\n\t\t{Key: []byte(\"l1\"), Value: []byte(\"vl1\")},\n\t\t{Key: []byte(\"l2\"), Value: []byte(\"vl2\")},\n\t})\n\tcreator.", "AddListNoPrefix([]*types.", "KeyValue{\n\t\t{Key: []byte(\"l1\"), Value: []byte(\"vl1\")},\n\t\t{Key: []byte(\"l2\"), Value: []byte(\"vl2\")},\n\t})\n\tcreator.", "Add([]byte(\"c1\"), nil)\n\tcreator.", "Add([]byte(\"l2\"), nil)\n\tcreator.", "AddRollbackKV()\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, 9, len(creator.", "KVList()))\n\tutil.", "SaveKVList(ldb, creator.", "KVList())\n\tkvs, err := creator.", "GetRollbackKVList()\n\tassert.", "Nil(t, err)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, 8, len(kvs))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(\"b\"), kvs[7].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(nil), kvs[6].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(nil), kvs[5].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(nil), kvs[4].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(nil), kvs[3].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(nil), kvs[2].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(nil), kvs[1].Value)\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(\"vl2\"), kvs[0].Value)\n\t//current: a = b\n\t//set data:\n\t//a -> b (a -> b)\n\t//a1 -> b1 (a1 -> nil)\n\t//l1 -> vl1 (l1 -> nil)\n\t//l2 -> vl2 (l2->nil)\n\t//c1 -> nil (ignore)\n\t//l2 -> nil (l2 -> vl2)\n\t//rollback 的过程实际上是 set 的逆过程,就像时间倒流一样\n\t//save rollback kvs\n\t_, err = creator.", "Get([]byte(\"np\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, types.", "ErrNotFound, err)\n\tv, _ := creator.", "GetNoPrefix([]byte(\"np\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(\"np-value\"), v)\n\tutil.", "SaveKVList(ldb, kvs)\n\tv, _ = kvdb.", "Get([]byte(\"prefix-a\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(\"b\"), v)\n\tv, _ = creator.", "Get([]byte(\"a\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, []byte(\"b\"), v)\n\t_, err = creator.", "Get([]byte(\"a1\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, types.", "ErrNotFound, err)\n\t_, err = creator.", "Get([]byte(\"l1\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, types.", "ErrNotFound, err)\n\t_, err = creator.", "Get([]byte(\"l2\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, types.", "ErrNotFound, err)\n\t_, err = creator.", "Get([]byte(\"c1\"))\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, types.", "ErrNotFound, err)\n\n\tcreator = NewKVCreator(kvdb, []byte(\"prefix-\"), nil)\n\tcreator.", "AddKVListOnly([]*types.", "KeyValue{{Key: []byte(\"k\"), Value: []byte(\"v\")}})\n\tcreator.", "DelRollbackKV()\n\tcreator.", "AddToLogs(nil)\n\n\tcreator = NewKVCreator(kvdb, []byte(\"prefix-\"), []byte(\"emptyrollback\"))\n\tcreator.", "AddListNoPrefix(nil)\n\tcreator.", "AddRollbackKV()\n\tassert.", "Zero(t, len(creator.kvs))\n\tkvs, err = creator.", "GetRollbackKVList()\n\tassert.", "Zero(t, len(kvs))\n\tassert.", "Nil(t, err)\n\tcreator.", "DelRollbackKV()\n\tassert.", "Zero(t, len(creator.kvs))\n}\n\nfunc TestHeightIndexStr(t *testing.", "T) {\n\tassert.", "Equal(t, \"000000000000100001\", HeightIndexStr(1, 1))\n}\n" ]
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[ "Otto Boehler\n\nOtto A. Boehler (October 15, 1873 – October 15, 1910) was a United States Army private who received the Medal of Honor for actions during the Philippine–American War.", "\n\nBiography\nOtto Boehler was born October 15, 1873 in Germany.", "\n\nHe was one of Young's Scouts, who received one of 6 Medals of Honor presented for members of Young's Scouts on May 16, 1899, led that day by Captain William E. Birkhimer of the 3rd US Artillery.", "\n\nPrivate Boehler is buried in the St. Mary's Catholic Church in Breckenridge Minnesota.", "\n\nMedal of Honor citation\nRank and Organization: Private, Company I, 1st North Dakota Volunteer Infantry. ", "Place and Date: Near San Isidro, Philippine Islands, May 16, 1899. ", "Entered Service At: Wahpeton, N. Dak. ", "Birth: Germany. ", "Date of Issue: May 17, 1906.", "\n\nCitation:\n\nWith 21 other scouts charged across a burning bridge, under heavy fire, and completely routed 600 of the enemy who were entrenched in a strongly fortified position.", "\n\nSee also\n\nList of Medal of Honor recipients\nList of Philippine–American War Medal of Honor recipients\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:German-born Medal of Honor recipients\nCategory:United States Army Medal of Honor recipients\nCategory:United States Army soldiers\nCategory:German emigrants to the United States\nCategory:1873 births\nCategory:1915 deaths\nCategory:People from North Dakota\nCategory:American military personnel of the Philippine–American War\nCategory:Philippine–American War recipients of the Medal of Honor" ]
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[ "Apple’s online store has started selling refurbished iPhone 8 and 8 Plus devices, via 9to5Toys. ", "There are space gray, silver, and gold devices in the 64GB variant. ", "Prices start at $499 for the iPhone 8 and $599 for the iPhone 8 Plus.", "\n\nA brand-new iPhone 8 currently costs $599, so a refurbished iPhone 8 will save you $100. ", "It’s a pretty good deal, considering Apple’s refurbished products are pretty much as good as new, and they come tested and certified. ", "The device also comes with a brand-new battery, a one-year warranty, and original accessories as they would come in the box." ]
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[ "A log-linear multidimensional Rasch model for capture-recapture.", "\nIn this paper, a log-linear multidimensional Rasch model is proposed for capture-recapture analysis of registration data. ", "In the model, heterogeneity of capture probabilities is taken into account, and registrations are viewed as dichotomously scored indicators of one or more latent variables that can account for correlations among registrations. ", "It is shown how the probability of a generic capture profile is expressed under the log-linear multidimensional Rasch model and how the parameters of the traditional log-linear model are derived from those of the log-linear multidimensional Rasch model. ", "Finally, an application of the model to neural tube defects data is presented." ]
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[ "Dating apps are RACIST and should be redesigned without racial filters, study claims\n\nDating apps are RACIST and should be redesigned without racial filters, study claims Cornell researchers say that amid the huge rise in the ...\n\nDating apps are RACIST and should be redesigned without racial filters, study claims Cornell researchers say that amid the huge rise in the usage of dating apps. ", "the algorithms are meaning people are failing to meet diverse potential partners." ]
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[ "I’m the Fat Nike Mannequin — Wanna Race?", "\n\nThere was a time when I would have agreed with that fatphobic Telegraph column. ", "Then my fat ass started running.", "\n\nUgh, that Telegraph column. ", "That lazy and dangerously fatphobic column.", "\n\nHaven’t read it? ", "Good. ", "I’ll save you a click and give you the summary: Writer Tanya Gold saw Nike’s new fat mannequin in the company’s flagship store in London and lost her goddamn mind over the sight of a plus-size body in a sports bra and skin-tight workout pants.", "\n\nIn her column titled “Obese mannequins are selling women a dangerous lie,” Gold writes, “She is not readying herself for a run in her shiny Nike gear. ", "She cannot run. ", "She is, more likely, pre-diabetic and on her way to a hip replacement. ", "What terrible cynicism is this on the part of Nike?”", "\n\nIt gets worse! ", "Gold goes on to suggest that fat-acceptance is an “artifice of denial” and she makes the assumption that every fat person is really just a sugar addict unwilling to recognize that they “need to be saved.”", "\n\nIt’s clickbait.", "\n\nIt’s bullshit.", "\n\nAnd as much as I wanted to just respond with a dismissive Tweet and get on with my life, Gold’s words have stuck with me. ", "Not just because she’s wrong and making those sweeping generalizations about anyone’s health and capabilities is dangerous, but because there was a time not all that long ago when I felt the same way about my own body as Gold does about that mannequin.", "\n\nI’m embarrassed to admit that — ashamed, really — but it’s true.", "\n\nI loved running in my early 20s. ", "I would grab my portable CD player (I’m old!) ", "and blast shitty pop music and screamo and charge up the hills of Seattle, pushing myself to run one more block or five more minutes until my lungs and legs burned. ", "I never ran any official races, but I considered myself an athlete. ", "I was fast and strong.", "\n\nI eventually stopped running, for no extraordinary reason — I got busy with work and life, and the Pacific Northwest’s rainy months gave me an easy excuse to stay in and watch TV.", "\n\nThen I gained weight for no extraordinary reason — I fell in love, ate out at restaurants a lot, got really into experimental baking and put work before self-care.", "\n\nI’d think about running again — wistfully remembering how strong I felt, both physically and mentally — but I always talked myself out of it. ", "My body wasn’t the same, I thought — I was fat. ", "Running was for thin people, people shaped like traditional Nike mannequins.", "\n\nWorse, I believed I shouldn’t run. ", "I believed the world didn’t want to see a fat girl jogging down their streets or through their parks with, as Gold puts it, her “immense, gargantuan, vast” body “heaving with fat.”", "\n\nIn 2017 I got tired of hearing my own excuses and I started the Couch to 5K program. ", "I wanted to prove myself, and the Tanyas of the world, wrong.", "\n\nThat first run was hard. ", "The next run was even harder! (", "I cried. ", "It was ugly.) ", "But I kept going. ", "Week after week, I ran a little bit longer and got a little bit stronger. ", "In the past two years, I have run several 5Ks and trained for and completed two half-marathons. ", "I’m not pre-diabetic, I’m nowhere near needing hip replacement, and while Gold was sitting there typing “ThE oBeSe nIkE aThLeTe Is JuSt AnOtHeR LiE,” I was mapping out a training plan to reach my goal of running a 5K in 30 minutes or less by the end of the year. ", "And I am still fat.", "\n\nRunning has given me more energy, more confidence and it has helped me manage my day-to-day stress and depression. ", "I’m happier, too, making me a better partner, friend and colleague. ", "I can’t believe I denied myself all the good that comes from running for years — nearly a decade! — ", "because I bought into the toxic thinking that people like Gold have been spewing for lifetimes.", "\n\nNike isn’t selling a dangerous lie, Gold is. ", "And it breaks heart to think even one woman could read Gold’s words as confirmation that she is incapable and undeserving of attempting something that could make her feel so good.", "\n\nThe next time you want to assume another person’s health, strength or fitness level and use those misguided generalizations to hold anyone back from doing whatever the fuck they want to do with their body, Tanya, I have a better idea: Give me a call. ", "We’ll go for a run and talk it out. ", "You’ll feel better after a few quick trips around the track." ]
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[ "Animal Male Female Baby Grouping\n\nAlligator bull cow hatchling congregation, pod (of young)\n\nAntelope buck doe calf herd\n\nApe male female baby shrewdness\n\nArmadillo male female pup -\n\nBadger boar sow kit, cub cete\n\nBat male female pup colony\n\nBear boar sow cub sleuth, sloth\n\nBeaver - - pup, kitten colony\n\nBee drone queen, worker larva hive, swarm (in flight), bike, drift, grist\n\nBird cock hen hatchling, chick dissimulation (small birds only), fleet, flight, flock, parcel, pod, volery\n\nBison, Buffalo bull cow calf gang, herd\n\nBoar boar sow piglet, shoat, farrow singular, sounder\n\nButterfly male female caterpillar, larva, pupa, chrysalis swarm, rabble (group of caterpillars is an army)\n\nCamel bull cow calf flock\n\nCat tomcat queen kitten clutter, clowder, litter (young born to one female), kindle (kittens)\n\nCattle bull cow calf drift, drove, herd, mob\n\nCheetah male female cub coalition\n\nChicken rooster hen chick, pullet (young hen), cockrell (young rooster) flock, brood (of hens), clutch (of chicks), peep (of chicks)\n\nClam - - larva bed\n\nCockroach - - nymph -\n\nCodfish - - codling, hake, sprag, sprat school\n\nCoyote dog bitch pup, whelp pack, rout\n\nCrane - - chick herd, sedge, siege\n\nCrow cock hen chick murder, muster\n\nDeer buck, stag doe fawn herd, mob\n\nDinosaur bull cow hatchling, juvenile herd (of plant-eaters), pack (of meat-eaters)\n\nDog Dog bitch pup litter (pups from one mother), pack (wild), kennel\n\nDolphin bull cow pup, calf herd, pod, school\n\nDonkey jack, jackass jennet, jenny colt, foal drove, herd\n\nDove cock hen squab, chick dole, flight, piteousness\n\nDuck drake hen, duck duckling badelynge, brace, bunch, flock, paddling, raft, team\n\nEagle - - fledgling, eaglet aerie, convocation\n\nEchidna - - puggle -\n\nEel - - leptocephalus (larva), elver (juvenile) swarm\n\nElephant bull cow calf herd, parade\n\nElk bull cow calf herd, gang\n\nFalcon tercel, terzel falcon chick .", "\n\nFerret hob jill kit business, fesynes\n\nFish - - fry, fingerling draft, run, school, shoal\n\nFinch cock hen chick charm\n\nFly - - maggot cloud, swarm\n\nFox reynard vixen kit, cub, pup skulk, leash\n\nFrog - - tadpole, polliwog, froglet army, knot\n\nGerbil buck doe pup horde\n\nGiraffe bull doe calf herd, corps, tower, group\n\nGnat male female larva cloud, horde\n\nGnu bull cow calf herd\n\nGoat buck, billy doe, nanny kid, billy herd, tribe, trip\n\nGoose gander goose gosling flock, gaggle, skein (only while in flight), wedge (flying in a \"V\" formation)\n\nGorilla male female infant band\n\nGrasshopper male female nymph swarm\n\nGuinea pig boar sow pup group\n\nGull cock hen chick colony\n\nHamster buck doe pup horde\n\nHare buck doe leveret down, husk, warren\n\nHawk tiercel hen eyas aerie, cast\n\nHedgehog boar sow piglet, pup array\n\nHeron cock hen chick sedge, siege\n\nHippopotamus bull cow calf herd, bloat\n\nHornet male female larva nest\n\nHog boar sow shoat, farrow drove, herd, litter (a group of young born to one mother)\n\nHorse stallion, stud mare, dam foal, colt (male), filly (female) stable, harras, herd, team (working horses), string or field (race horses)\n\nHound dog bitch pup cry, mute, pack\n\nHuman man woman baby, infant, toddler clan (related), crowd, family (closely related), community, gang, mob, tribe, etc.", "\n\nHummingbird cock hen chick charm\n\nHyena male female cub clan\n\nJay cock hen chick band, party\n\nJellyfish - - ephyna smack\n\nKangaroo buck, boomer, jack doe, flyer, jill, roo joey troop, herd, mob\n\nKoala male female joey n/a\n\nLark cock hen chick exaltation\n\nLeopard leopard leopardess cub leap, prowl (some say it should be a spot of leopards)\n\nLion lion lioness cub pride\n\nLlama - - cria herd\n\nLocust - - - host, swarm\n\nLouse (plural lice) male female nymph colony, infestation, lice\n\nMagpie cock hen chick tiding, tribe, charm, gulp, flock, murder\n\nMallard drake duck duckling flush, sord\n\nMole male female pup labour\n\nMonkey male female infant troop, cartload\n\nMoose bull cow calf herd\n\nMosquito male female lnymph, wriggler, tumbler swarm\n\nMouse buck doe pup, pinkie, kitten horde, mischief\n\nMule jack hinney foal barren, pack, span,\n\nNightingale cock hen chick watch\n\nOpossum jack jill joey -\n\nOstrich cock hen chick flock\n\nOtter male female whelp, pup family, raft\n\nOwl - - owlet parliament\n\nOx steer, bull cow stot, calf drove, herd, yoke\n\nOyster - - spat bed\n\nPanda boar sow cub -\n\nParrot cock hen chick company, flock\n\nPeafowl peacock peahen peachick muster, ostentation\n\nPenguin male female chick rookery\n\nPheasant cock hen chick brood (a family), nye (a large group)\n\nPig boar sow piglet, shoat, farrow drove, herd, litter (of pups), sounder\n\nPigeon cock hen squab, squeaker flock, kit\n\nPlatypus - - puggle -\n\nPorpoise bull cow calf herd, pod, school\n\nPrairie dog boar sow pup coterie, town\n\nPronghorn buck doe fawn herd\n\nQuail cock hen chick bevy, covey, drift\n\nRabbit buck doe kitten, bunny, kit colony, drove, leash, nest, trace, warren\n\nRaccoon boar sow cub nursery\n\nRat buck doe pup, pinkie, kitten horde, mischief\n\nRaven - - - congress, unkindness\n\nRhinoceros bull cow calf crash\n\nSand Dollar male female larva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin) -\n\nSeal bull cow pup herd, pod, rookery, harem\n\nSeastar male female larva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin) -\n\nSea Urchin male female larva, pluteus (free-swimming stage), juvenile (young urchin) -\n\nServal male female kitten -\n\nShark bull female pup school, shiver\n\nSheep buck, ram ewe, dam lamb, lambkin, cosset drift, drove, flock,herd, mob, trip\n\nSkunk - - kit surfeit\n\nSnake male female Snakelet, neonate (a newly-born snake), hatchling (a newly-hatched snake) bed, nest, pit\n\nSpider male female spiderling -\n\nSquirrel buck doe pup, kit, kitten dray\n\nSwallow - - - flight\n\nSwan cob pen cygnet, flapper bevy, game, herd, team, wedge (flying in a \"V\" formation)\n\nTermite male female larva swarm (while flying), colony\n\nTiger tiger tigress cub, whelp ambush, streak\n\nToad male female tadpole knot\n\nTurkey tom hen poult rafter\n\nTurtle male female hatchling bale\n\nWallaby jack jill joey mob\n\nWalrus bull cow cub, pup herd, pod\n\nWasp drone queen (reproducing female)\n\nworker (non-reproducing female) larva colony\n\nWeasel dog, buck, Jack, hob bitch, doe, Jill kit gang\n\nWhale bull cow calf gam, grind, herd, pod, school\n\nWolf dog bitch pup, whelp pack, rout\n\nWombat jack jill joey mob\n\nWoodpecker male female chick descent\n\nWren cock jenny chick flock, herd\n\nYak bull cow calf herd\n\nYellow Jacket drone queen (egg-laying female)\n\nworker (non-reproducing female) larva colony" ]
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[ "/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */\n/*\n * Copyright (C) 2018 MediaTek Inc.\n *\n * Author: Sean Wang <sean.wang@mediatek.com>\n *\n */\n\n#ifndef __PINCTRL_MTK_COMMON_V2_H\n#define __PINCTRL_MTK_COMMON_V2_H\n\n#include <linux/gpio/driver.h>\n\n#define MTK_INPUT 0\n#define MTK_OUTPUT 1\n#define MTK_DISABLE 0\n#define MTK_ENABLE 1\n#define MTK_PULLDOWN 0\n#define MTK_PULLUP 1\n\n#define EINT_NA\tU16_MAX\n#define NO_EINT_SUPPORT\tEINT_NA\n\n#define PIN_FIELD_CALC(_s_pin, _e_pin, _i_base, _s_addr, _x_addrs, \\\n\t\t _s_bit, _x_bits, _sz_reg, _fixed) {\t\t\\\n\t\t.s_pin = _s_pin,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.e_pin = _e_pin,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.i_base = _i_base,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.s_addr = _s_addr,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.x_addrs = _x_addrs,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.s_bit = _s_bit,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.x_bits = _x_bits,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.sz_reg = _sz_reg,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t\t.fixed = _fixed,\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\t}\n\n#define PIN_FIELD(_s_pin, _e_pin, _s_addr, _x_addrs, _s_bit, _x_bits)\t\\\n\tPIN_FIELD_CALC(_s_pin, _e_pin, 0, _s_addr, _x_addrs, _s_bit,\t\\\n\t\t _x_bits, 32, 0)\n\n#define PINS_FIELD(_s_pin, _e_pin, _s_addr, _x_addrs, _s_bit, _x_bits)\t\\\n\tPIN_FIELD_CALC(_s_pin, _e_pin, 0, _s_addr, _x_addrs, _s_bit,\t\\\n\t\t _x_bits, 32, 1)\n\n/* List these attributes which could be modified for the pin */\nenum {\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_MODE,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DIR,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DI,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DO,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_SR,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_SMT,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_PD,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_PU,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_E4,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_E8,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_TDSEL,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_RDSEL,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DRV,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_PUPD,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_R0,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_R1,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_IES,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_PULLEN,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_PULLSEL,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DRV_EN,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DRV_E0,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_DRV_E1,\n\tPINCTRL_PIN_REG_MAX,\n};\n\n/* Group the pins by the driving current */\nenum {\n\tDRV_FIXED,\n\tDRV_GRP0,\n\tDRV_GRP1,\n\tDRV_GRP2,\n\tDRV_GRP3,\n\tDRV_GRP4,\n\tDRV_GRP_MAX,\n};\n\nstatic const char * const mtk_default_register_base_names[] = {\n\t\"base\",\n};\n\n/* struct mtk_pin_field - the structure that holds the information of the field\n *\t\t\t used to describe the attribute for the pin\n * @base:\t\tthe index pointing to the entry in base address list\n * @offset:\t\tthe register offset relative to the base address\n * @mask:\t\tthe mask used to filter out the field from the register\n * @bitpos:\t\tthe start bit relative to the register\n * @next:\t\tthe indication that the field would be extended to the\n\t\t\tnext register\n */\nstruct mtk_pin_field {\n\tu8 index;\n\tu32 offset;\n\tu32 mask;\n\tu8 bitpos;\n\tu8 next;\n};\n\n/* struct mtk_pin_field_calc - the structure that holds the range providing\n *\t\t\t the guide used to look up the relevant field\n * @s_pin:\t\tthe start pin within the range\n * @e_pin:\t\tthe end pin within the range\n * @i_base:\t\tthe index pointing to the entry in base address list\n * @s_addr:\t\tthe start address for the range\n * @x_addrs:\t\tthe address distance between two consecutive registers\n *\t\t\twithin the range\n * @s_bit:\t\tthe start bit for the first register within the range\n * @x_bits:\t\tthe bit distance between two consecutive pins within\n *\t\t\tthe range\n * @sz_reg:\t\tthe size of bits in a register\n * @fixed:\t\tthe consecutive pins share the same bits with the 1st\n *\t\t\tpin\n */\nstruct mtk_pin_field_calc {\n\tu16 s_pin;\n\tu16 e_pin;\n\tu8 i_base;\n\tu32 s_addr;\n\tu8 x_addrs;\n\tu8 s_bit;\n\tu8 x_bits;\n\tu8 sz_reg;\n\tu8 fixed;\n};\n\n/* struct mtk_pin_reg_calc - the structure that holds all ranges used to\n *\t\t\t determine which register the pin would make use of\n *\t\t\t for certain pin attribute.", "\n * @range:\t\t the start address for the range\n * @nranges:\t\t the number of items in the range\n */\nstruct mtk_pin_reg_calc {\n\tconst struct mtk_pin_field_calc *range;\n\tunsigned int nranges;\n};\n\n/**\n * struct mtk_func_desc - the structure that providing information\n *\t\t\t all the funcs for this pin\n * @name:\t\tthe name of function\n * @muxval:\t\tthe mux to the function\n */\nstruct mtk_func_desc {\n\tconst char *name;\n\tu8 muxval;\n};\n\n/**\n * struct mtk_eint_desc - the structure that providing information\n *\t\t\t for eint data per pin\n * @eint_m:\t\tthe eint mux for this pin\n * @eitn_n:\t\tthe eint number for this pin\n */\nstruct mtk_eint_desc {\n\tu16 eint_m;\n\tu16 eint_n;\n};\n\n/**\n * struct mtk_pin_desc - the structure that providing information\n *\t\t\t for each pin of chips\n * @number:\t\tunique pin number from the global pin number space\n * @name:\t\tname for this pin\n * @eint:\t\tthe eint data for this pin\n * @drv_n:\t\tthe index with the driving group\n * @funcs:\t\tall available functions for this pins (only used in\n *\t\t\tthose drivers compatible to pinctrl-mtk-common.c-like\n *\t\t\tones)\n */\nstruct mtk_pin_desc {\n\tunsigned int number;\n\tconst char *name;\n\tstruct mtk_eint_desc eint;\n\tu8 drv_n;\n\tstruct mtk_func_desc *funcs;\n};\n\nstruct mtk_pinctrl_group {\n\tconst char\t*name;\n\tunsigned long\tconfig;\n\tunsigned\tpin;\n};\n\nstruct mtk_pinctrl;\n\n/* struct mtk_pin_soc - the structure that holds SoC-specific data */\nstruct mtk_pin_soc {\n\tconst struct mtk_pin_reg_calc\t*reg_cal;\n\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc\t*pins;\n\tunsigned int\t\t\tnpins;\n\tconst struct group_desc\t\t*grps;\n\tunsigned int\t\t\tngrps;\n\tconst struct function_desc\t*funcs;\n\tunsigned int\t\t\tnfuncs;\n\tconst struct mtk_eint_regs\t*eint_regs;\n\tconst struct mtk_eint_hw\t*eint_hw;\n\n\t/* Specific parameters per SoC */\n\tu8\t\t\t\tgpio_m;\n\tbool\t\t\t\ties_present;\n\tconst char * const\t\t*base_names;\n\tunsigned int\t\t\tnbase_names;\n\n\t/* Specific pinconfig operations */\n\tint (*bias_disable_set)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc);\n\tint (*bias_disable_get)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, int *res);\n\tint (*bias_set)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup);\n\tint (*bias_get)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup, int *res);\n\n\tint (*bias_set_combo)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 pullup, u32 arg);\n\tint (*bias_get_combo)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 *pullup, u32 *arg);\n\n\tint (*drive_set)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 arg);\n\tint (*drive_get)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, int *val);\n\n\tint (*adv_pull_set)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup,\n\t\t\t u32 arg);\n\tint (*adv_pull_get)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup,\n\t\t\t u32 *val);\n\tint (*adv_drive_set)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 arg);\n\tint (*adv_drive_get)(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 *val);\n\n\t/* Specific driver data */\n\tvoid\t\t\t\t*driver_data;\n};\n\nstruct mtk_pinctrl {\n\tstruct pinctrl_dev\t\t*pctrl;\n\tvoid __iomem\t\t\t**base;\n\tu8\t\t\t\tnbase;\n\tstruct device\t\t\t*dev;\n\tstruct gpio_chip\t\tchip;\n\tconst struct mtk_pin_soc *soc;\n\tstruct mtk_eint\t\t\t*eint;\n\tstruct mtk_pinctrl_group\t*groups;\n\tconst char **grp_names;\n};\n\nvoid mtk_rmw(struct mtk_pinctrl *pctl, u8 i, u32 reg, u32 mask, u32 set);\n\nint mtk_hw_set_value(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw, const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc,\n\t\t int field, int value);\nint mtk_hw_get_value(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw, const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc,\n\t\t int field, int *value);\n\nint mtk_build_eint(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw, struct platform_device *pdev);\n\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_disable_set(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_disable_get(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, int *res);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_set(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_get(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup,\n\t\t\t int *res);\n\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_disable_set_rev1(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_disable_get_rev1(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc,\n\t\t\t\t int *res);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_set_rev1(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_get_rev1(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup,\n\t\t\t int *res);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_set_combo(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t\tconst struct mtk_pin_desc *desc,\n\t\t\t\tu32 pullup, u32 enable);\nint mtk_pinconf_bias_get_combo(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc,\n\t\t\t u32 *pullup, u32 *enable);\n\nint mtk_pinconf_drive_set(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 arg);\nint mtk_pinconf_drive_get(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, int *val);\n\nint mtk_pinconf_drive_set_rev1(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 arg);\nint mtk_pinconf_drive_get_rev1(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, int *val);\n\nint mtk_pinconf_drive_set_raw(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 arg);\nint mtk_pinconf_drive_get_raw(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, int *val);\n\nint mtk_pinconf_adv_pull_set(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup,\n\t\t\t u32 arg);\nint mtk_pinconf_adv_pull_get(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, bool pullup,\n\t\t\t u32 *val);\nint mtk_pinconf_adv_drive_set(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 arg);\nint mtk_pinconf_adv_drive_get(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw,\n\t\t\t const struct mtk_pin_desc *desc, u32 *val);\n\nbool mtk_is_virt_gpio(struct mtk_pinctrl *hw, unsigned int gpio_n);\n#endif /* __PINCTRL_MTK_COMMON_V2_H */\n" ]
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[ "5 Key Takeaways on the Road to Dominating Carpets\n\nYou are now decided to refurbish your home floors, and you have your surface choices right. ", "At the same time drawn your spending plan. ", "However, the confusion is identifying the right flooring contractor to hire for your flooring.", "\n\nMany contractors are implementing flooring projects. ", "On the contrary they lack the skills. ", "Floor carpeting is a complex job that calls for aptitudes and inventiveness. ", "Note, the final results of your flooring will be reliant on the decisions you make. ", "That is why you should take enough time to establish a flooring company that will provide you with recommendable services. ", "Check below for some factors that you should look into to assist you in choosing the appropriate implementer for your flooring works.", "\n\nAccredited and Insured\nBe sure to verify if your intended flooring company is accredited. ", "They also must be assured. ", "These are details that you can ask through the phone but have to later be verified through checking through the documents. ", "In case the contractor tells you that they are not covered or licensed, move to the next potential expert. ", "In case a contractor suggests to have been assured and approved, request to be served with the copies through fax or email. ", "Some companies would work with subcontractors, who must also have workers compensation and liability cover.", "\n\nBackup Details for Previous Related Projects\nDepending on the choice of flooring you intend installed, ask for samples of similar works that your potential contractor has done. ", "Be informed that the expertise in flooring vary and you should be careful to choose a firm in what they are good at. ", "A qualified flooring firm will be open to show you sample photos of what they have implemented in the past.", "\n\nSeek for Recommendations\nTake note, if a flooring company is reputable, they will have their customers who will be ready to affirm their services to you. ", "Enquire for the information of their past customers and take note to call the later. ", "They will assist you with information pertaining the services of the flooring firm you plan to hire.", "\n\nHave Details of the Overseer for Your Project\nIt is essential to beware of who will be working on your property. ", "Besides, the project managers contacts are necessary. ", "Choose a flooring company that is sincere enough to share details of the individual responsible for the site oversight. ", "In case of any project follow-ups or something is not right you will be well informed on who reach to first.", "\n\nMoney Should Not Be the Driving Element\nEach individual hopes to get an enticing deal. ", "But as clarified, flooring contractors have varied skills. ", "It is never wrong to seek for several bids from various flooring firms. ", "But, never be guided by the lowest quote when picking a provider. ", "Be sure to compare all other factors that have been discussed above." ]
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[ 0.0006595872691832483, 0.0009363465942442417, 0.0007033125730231404, 0.0006277670036070049, 0.0035828331019729376, 0.0008853737381286919, 0.0006865842151455581, 0.0005803359090350568, 0.000543892034329474, 0.0006029960350133479, 0.0006162986974231899, 0.000523682392667979, 0.0006137146265245974, 0.0005692688864655793, 0.0006349333561956882, 0.0005645353230647743, 0.0005287461681291461, 0.0005400895606726408, 0.0005422289250418544, 0.0007473670993931592, 0.0005618307623080909, 0.0029703460168093443, 0.0005501623381860554, 0.0006355876103043556, 0.0005596260889433324, 0.0007519295322708786, 0.0006374919321388006, 0.0005896071088500321, 0.0011438368819653988, 0.000551131961401552 ]
[ "Cameron says Miles' friendship makes LSU a perfect fit\n\nCam Cameron, LSU's new offensive coordinator, answers questions during Friday's news conference in Baton Rouge. ", "He was with the Baltimore Ravens last season.", "\n\nThe Associated Press\n\nBrett MartelThe Associated Press\n\nPublished: Friday, February 15, 2013 at 11:00 p.m.\n\nLast Modified: Friday, February 15, 2013 at 11:32 p.m.\n\nBATON ROUGE — Cam Cameron shared a cramped, windowless office with Les Miles when the two were assistant coaches at Michigan.", "\n\nThey started working together in 1987 — before texting and email were common — so when they weren't speaking to one another, they could not help but overhear each other's phone conversations with everybody else.", "\n\n\"You get to know a guy pretty darn well,\" Cameron said Friday, shortly after Miles had introduced him as LSU's new offensive coordinator. \"", "I know exactly what I have an opportunity to be a part of here.\"", "\n\nCameron, who was fired as the Baltimore Ravens offensive coordinator late in the 2012 regular season, gushed about his opportunity to not only return to the college game after 12 seasons in the NFL, but also to rejoin a longtime friend.", "\n\nHe said sees no need to overhaul the offense Miles currently has in place, but hopes to improve execution in a passing game that ranked 11th in the 14-team Southeastern Conference, and to tailor his schemes and play-calling to his players' strengths.", "\n\nCameron also rejected the notion that working for a close personal friend could get complicated if results don't come as expected or philosophies diverge at crucial junctures of a season.", "\n\n\"We know how things in football or just in general can play out, but it is an opportunity of a lifetime to work with people you care about,\" said Cameron, who stood in Miles' wedding two decades ago. \"", "There's no downside to it in my mind because the relationship still always trumps everything, and for me and my family it doesn't get any better than this.\"", "\n\nCameron said he's watched every LSU game since Miles took over eight years ago, and that the process of moving to Baton Rouge is a \"special time\" for him and his family.", "\n\nCameron's arrival comes as Miles shuffles his coaching staff on the offensive side. ", "Cameron takes over for Greg Studrawa, who stepped in unexpectedly as offensive coordinator in the summer of 2011 when Steve Kragthorpe was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.", "\n\nKragthorpe, hired as offensive coordinator months before his diagnosis, remained on staff as quarterbacks coach, but is now moving to non-coaching, administrative position in LSU's football office. ", "Studrawa remains as offensive line coach.", "\n\nMiles said Studrawa stepped up to take on more responsibility when LSU needed him, and did well. ", "But with Cameron re-entering the job market, Miles saw an opportunity to improve the offense, and said Studrawa was on board.", "\n\n\"Stud has always been a very team guy,\" Miles said. \"", "I think he was very comfortable with this move.\"", "\n\nCameron dismissed the idea that there might be tension between him and Studrawa.", "\n\n\"It's a huge advantage for us, and for me, to have a guy who's been in my shoes and a guy who brings great expertise,\" Cameron said. \"", "We'll work together. ", "That's the way it'll be. ", "I can lean on him for a variety of situations.\"", "\n\nCameron described current LSU quarterback Zach Mettenberger as a highly talented passer who's been followed by top NFL scouts for several years. ", "He said he ran into Mettenberger in the hall of LSU's football building on Thursday and told the quarterback that he is \"all ears.\"", "\n\nGiven that Mettenberger is heading into his senior season, Cameron said he wants to listen to what Mettenberger likes to do and let that become a central part of the offense.", "\n\n\"You really need his input and get feedback from him,\" Cameron said. \"", "You owe it to your offense to allow your quarterback to do things he does best.\"", "\n\nMiles and Cameron worked together from 1987-93 as assistants under Bo Schembechler and Gary Moeller at Michigan.", "\n\nCameron was head coach at Indiana from 1997-2001. ", "He never had a winning record with the Hoosiers, but his offenses with Antwaan Randle-El at quarterback were productive.", "\n\nHe then spent five seasons as offensive coordinator with the San Diego Chargers, developing a prolific offense with Drew Brees as well as with Phillip Rivers, who took over as Chargers quarterback in 2006 when Brees went to New Orleans.", "\n\nThat helped Cameron land the job as Miami Dolphins head coach in 2007, but he was fired after one 1-15 season.", "\n\nHe joined the Ravens in 2008 and helped develop quarterback Joe Flacco, who was MVP of the Super Bowl won by the Ravens in New Orleans earlier this month.", "\n\nCameron said he has already received a congratulatory text from Brees. ", "Miles, meanwhile, said Cameron's work with NFL stars will give him credibility with LSU quarterbacks and recruits.", "\n\n\"Cam is going to be a guy that walks into a home of a quarterback and says, ‘I know how to teach you the things that you are going to need to be great in college and then to demonstrate that to the NFL,'\" Miles said. \"", "That mom and that dad and that family will say, ‘I want my son to be with that guy.'\"", "\n\nHe'll even have a Super Bowl ring to show off. ", "Cameron said Ravens coach John Harbaugh has texted him, asking for his ring size.", "\n\nCameron said he loved his five years in Baltimore and would not trade it for anything.", "\n\nWhile Cameron was settling in to watch the Super Bowl with friends in San Diego, he said he received texts from Ravens players and coaches who said they were thinking of him.", "\n\nAs he watched them celebrate in the Superdome, he said he felt \"nothing but joy.\"", "\n\nHe said his ability to part ways with the Ravens gracefully after Harbaugh decided to replace him is an example of why he didn't hesitate to work for a close friend at LSU. \"", "Decisions like that don't destroy relationships,\" Cameron said. \"", "I'm not going to let that happen.\"", "\n\nReader comments posted to this article may be published in our print edition. ", "All rights reserved. ", "This copyrighted material may not be re-published without permission. ", "Links are encouraged." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nNOT IN sub-query returning no results\n\nI am trying to get a list of instructors who have never taught a course section.", "\nI first select and I get bunch of results who taught a course \nSELECT w.COURSE_NO,z.SALUTATION, z.FIRST_NAME, z.LAST_NAME,z.ZIP\nFROM INSTRUCTOR z , SECTION w\nWHERE z.INSTRUCTOR_ID = w.INSTRUCTOR_ID;\n\nbut when I do NOT IN so that I can see what instructor never taught a course section it gives me no rows. ", "\nSELECT a.SALUTATION, a.FIRST_NAME, a.LAST_NAME,a.ZIP\nFROM INSTRUCTOR a,SECTION b \nWHERE a.INSTRUCTOR_ID = b.INSTRUCTOR_ID AND b.COURSE_NO NOT IN\n(SELECT w.COURSE_NO\nFROM INSTRUCTOR z , SECTION w\nWHERE z.INSTRUCTOR_ID = w.INSTRUCTOR_ID)\nORDER BY a.SALUTATION, a.FIRST_NAME, a.LAST_NAME,a.ZIP;\n\nwhy is it giving me no rows when I am trying to select those who never a course section ?", "\n\nA:\n\nBecause you are getting only rows that are in SECTION. ", " It seems like you want:\nSELECT a.SALUTATION, a.FIRST_NAME, a.LAST_NAME,a.ZIP\nFROM INSTRUCTOR a \nWHERE a.INSTRUCTOR_ID NOT IN\n(SELECT w.INSTRUCTOR_ID \nFROM SECTION w)\nORDER BY a.SALUTATION, a.FIRST_NAME, a.LAST_NAME,a.ZIP;\n\nOr\nSELECT a.SALUTATION, a.FIRST_NAME, a.LAST_NAME,a.ZIP\nFROM INSTRUCTOR a \nLEFT JOIN SECTION w ON a.INSTRUCTOR_ID = w.INSTRUCTOR_ID\nWHERE w.INSTRUCTOR_ID IS NULL\nORDER BY a.SALUTATION, a.FIRST_NAME, a.LAST_NAME,a.ZIP;\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007000923505984247, 0.0006799530237913132, 0.0006670248112641275, 0.0008319998160004616, 0.0008220807067118585 ]
[ "[Total reconstruction of the posterior wall of the external ear canal with allogenic rib cartilage. ", "Technique and results].", "\nMiddle-ear reconstruction using a closed surgical technique has the same surgical stages as in combined-approach tympanoplasty. ", "The only special feature is the reconstruction of the posterior canal wall and scutum, an essential step. ", "This reconstruction process is carried out with allogenic costal cartilage affixed to two deep bony slots with fibrin glue. ", "In 90% of cases surgery is done in two stages." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0021150019019842148, 0.0006231807637959719, 0.0011065502185374498, 0.012407565489411354, 0.001115552382543683, 0.0006337070954032242 ]
[ "Elroy man charged with sexual assault\n\nAn Elroy man has been charged with sexual assault of a child under 16-years of age. ", "In June of 2012, 19-year old Kirkpatrick Smith allegedly had sexual intercourse with a 13-year old girl at a residence in the City of Elroy. ", "The girl apparently had 11 shots of vodka at the Tomah tractor pull. ", "She and her friends ended up at a residence in Elroy where the incident allegedly occurred. ", "Smith is summoned to appear in court on October 31st, 2012.", "\n\nThis entry was posted by WRJC News on October 2, 2012 at 12:14 pm, and is filled under Local News. ", "Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. ", "Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.", "\n\nComments are closed.", "\n\nSTREAMING LIVE 24/7\n\nYour favorite stations are now on the World Wide Web! ", "Follow the links below to access the player." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.10294263064861298, 0.1988351196050644, 0.034823670983314514, 0.0007874445873312652, 0.0005831581656821072, 0.0005783177330158651, 0.0006300233071669936, 0.0007455428130924702, 0.000686664308886975, 0.0008862772956490517, 0.0005742079229094088 ]
[ "Antipyretic drugs in patients with fever and infection: literature review.", "\nantipyretic drugs are routinely administered to febrile patients with infection in secondary care. ", "However, the use of antipyretics to suppress fever during infection remains a controversial topic within the literature. ", "It is argued that fever suppression may interfere with the body's natural defence mechanisms, and may worsen patient outcomes. ", "a literature review was undertaken to determine whether the administration of antipyretic drugs to adult patients with infection and fever, in secondary care, improves or worsens patient outcomes. ", "contrasting results were reported; two studies demonstrated improved patient outcomes following antipyretic administration, while several studies demonstrated increased mortality risk associated with antipyretics and/or demonstrated fever's benefits during infection. ", "Results also demonstrated that health professionals continue to view fever as deleterious. ", "the evidence does not currently support routine antipyretic administration. ", "Considering patients' comorbidities and symptoms of their underlying illness will promote safe, evidence-based and appropriate administration of antipyretics." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000942772370763123, 0.0014447062276303768, 0.0007395891007035971, 0.0006757507799193263, 0.0006858406122773886, 0.0006306550349108875, 0.000696781266015023, 0.0006787296733818948, 0.0006381010171025991 ]
[ "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// ssgui: a Java GUI interface for viewing, selecting, and downloading matrices\n// from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. ", " To compile this program, type the\n// following in your OS command window:\n//\n// javac ssgui.java\n// jar cfe ssgui.jar ssgui *.class sshelp.html\n//\n// You can then delete the *.class files. ", " To run the program, type:\n// \n// java -jar ssgui.jar\n//\n// In all platforms except Windows (Mac, Linux, Solaris, ...) compile with:\n//\n// make\n//\n// and run with\n//\n// make run\n//\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Changing the default parameters for ssgui:\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// The following parameters of ssgui can be changed by editing this file and\n// recompiling (see the comments \"default settings\" below in the code).", "\n// Each setting is a string:\n//\n// sssite: URL for the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection\n// default is sssite = \"https://sparse.tamu.edu\" ;\n//\n// ssarchive: directory containing your copy of the collection.", "\n// If blank, then it defaults to the directory containing ssgui.", "\n//\n// refresh: refresh time, in days, for updating the index. ", " use INF to\n// never refresh\n//\n// proxy_server: HTTP proxy server. ", "If none (default), then leave blank.", "\n//\n// proxy port: default is 80 if left blank\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2009-2019, Timothy A. Davis. ", " See sshelp.html for the license,\n// and for help on how to use this program, or click \"Help\" in the GUI.", "\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nimport java.io.* ;", "\nimport java.util.* ;", "\nimport java.text.* ;", "\nimport java.net.* ;", "\nimport javax.swing.* ;", "\nimport javax.swing.table.* ;", "\nimport javax.swing.event.* ;", "\nimport java.awt.* ;", "\nimport java.awt.event.* ;", "\n\npublic class ssgui extends JFrame\n{\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // private variables, accessible to all methods in this class\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static final String\n ssstats = \"files/ssstats.csv\",\n ssindex = \"files/ss_index.mat\",\n all_kinds = \"(all kinds)\", all_groups = \"(all groups)\" ;\n private static final int K = 1024, M = K*K, buffersize = K,\n MSEC_PER_DAY = 86400000 ;\n\n private static long INF = Long.", "MAX_VALUE ;\n\n private long refresh ;\n private int nselected ;\n private int [ ] download_ids = null ;\n private boolean gui_ready, downloading, cancel, get_icons ;\n private boolean debug = false ;\n\n private matrix_Table_Model matrix_model = null ;\n\n private File mat, MM, RB, iconDir ;\n private String [ ] Kinds, Groups ;\n private Object [ ][ ] Stats ;\n\n private Date today, last_download ;\n\n // files and input/output streams\n private static String ftemp_name = null ;\n private static BufferedOutputStream ftemp_out = null ;\n private static BufferedInputStream url_in = null ;\n private static BufferedReader in_reader = null ;\n private static PrintWriter print_out = null ;\n private static String sssite, ssarchive, proxy_server, proxy_port ;\n\n // Java Swing components available to all methods in this class:\n private JTable matrix_Table ;\n private JButton download_Button, cancel_Button ;\n private JTextField minrow_Field, maxrow_Field, mincol_Field, maxcol_Field,\n minnentries_Field, maxnentries_Field, minpsym_Field, maxpsym_Field,\n minnsym_Field, maxnsym_Field ;\n private JRadioButton posdef_yes_Button, posdef_no_Button,\n posdef_either_Button, nd_yes_Button, nd_no_Button, nd_either_Button,\n real_yes_Button, real_no_Button, real_either_Button,\n shape_square_Button, shape_rect_Button, shape_either_Button ;\n private JLabel nselected_Label, progress_size_Label, icon_Label ;\n private JCheckBox format_mat_Button, format_mm_Button, format_rb_Button ;\n private JProgressBar progress1_Bar, progress2_Bar ;\n private JFileChooser chooser ;\n private JList Group_List, Kind_List ;\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // create the GUI\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private ssgui ( )\n {\n gui_ready = false ;\n downloading = false ;\n cancel = false ;\n final Font plain_Font = new Font (\"SansSerif\", Font.", "PLAIN, 12) ;\n final Font small_Font = new Font (\"SansSerif\", Font.", "PLAIN, 10) ;\n today = new Date ( ) ;\n last_download = new Date ( ) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // default settings. ", " Edit this file and recompile to change them.", "\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n // If ssarchive is blank, then it defaults to the current directory.", "\n ssarchive = \"\" ;\n\n // URL for the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection\n sssite = \"https://sparse.tamu.edu\" ;\n\n // refresh time, in days. ", " use INF to never refresh\n refresh = 30 ; \n\n // HTTP proxy server. ", "If none (default), then leave blank.", "\n proxy_server = \"\" ;\n\n // proxy port (default is 80 if left blank)\n proxy_port = \"\" ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n // set up the HTTP proxy\n if (proxy_server.length ( ) > 0)\n {\n if (proxy_port.length ( ) == 0)\n {\n proxy_port = \"80\" ;\n }\n // set the proxy server and port\n System.setProperty (\"proxySet\", \"true\" ) ;\n System.setProperty (\"http.proxyHost\", proxy_server) ;\n System.setProperty (\"http.proxyPort\", proxy_port) ;\n }\n\n // ssarchive defaults to current working directory, if empty\n if (ssarchive.length ( ) == 0)\n {\n ssarchive = System.getProperty (\"user.dir\") ;\n }\n ssarchive = ssarchive.replace ('\\\\', File.separatorChar) ;\n ssarchive = ssarchive.replace ('/', File.separatorChar) ;\n char c = ssarchive.charAt (ssarchive.length ( ) - 1) ;\n if (c !", "= File.separatorChar)\n {\n ssarchive += File.separatorChar ;\n }\n\n if (debug)\n {\n System.out.println (\"\") ;\n System.out.println (\"ssgui, debugging enabled.\") ;", "\n System.out.println (\"local archive: [\" + ssarchive + \"]\") ;\n System.out.println (\"ss url: [\" + sssite + \"]\") ;\n System.out.println (\"refresh: [\" + refresh + \"]\") ;\n System.out.println (\"proxy server: [\" + proxy_server + \"]\") ;\n System.out.println (\"proxy port: [\" + proxy_port + \"]\") ;\n }\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // make sure the top-level directories exist\n\n mat = CheckDir (\"mat\") ;\n MM = CheckDir (\"MM\") ;\n RB = CheckDir (\"RB\") ;\n iconDir = CheckDir (\"files\") ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // read in the matrix statistics\n\n Stats = load_ssstats ( ) ;\n\n if (Stats == null ||\n ((today.getTime ( ) - last_download.getTime ( )) / MSEC_PER_DAY\n > refresh))\n {\n // ssstats file is missing, or old. ", " Download both\n // files/ssstats.csv and mat/ss_index.mat.", "\n Stats = download_matrix_stats ( ) ;\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"downloading new ssstats.csv file\") ;\n }\n\n if (Stats == null)\n {\n // display error dialog and quit\n JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this,\n \"Download of matrix statistics file failed.\",", "\n \"Error\", JOptionPane.", "ERROR_MESSAGE) ;\n System.exit (-1) ;\n }\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // set the title, and close on [x]\n\n setTitle (\"ssgui: SuiteSparse Matrix Collection\") ;\n setDefaultCloseOperation (WindowConstants.", "EXIT_ON_CLOSE) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // selection buttons\n\n JPanel select_Button_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n\n JButton select_Button = new JButton (\"Select\") ;\n JButton unselect_Button = new JButton (\"Deselect\") ;\n JButton reset_Button = new JButton (\"Reset criteria\") ;\n JButton clear_Button = new JButton (\"Clear selections\") ;\n JButton help_Button = new JButton (\"Help\") ;\n\n select_Button_Panel.add (select_Button) ;\n select_Button_Panel.add (unselect_Button) ;\n select_Button_Panel.add (reset_Button) ;\n select_Button_Panel.add (clear_Button) ;\n select_Button_Panel.add (help_Button) ;\n\n select_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Click to add matrices that fit the criteria to your selection.\") ;", "\n unselect_Button.setToolTipText (\"Click to remove matrices \" +\n \"that fit the criteria from your selection.\") ;", "\n reset_Button.setToolTipText (\"Click to reset criteria, above. ", " \" +\n \"Prior selections, below, are not cleared.\") ;", "\n clear_Button.setToolTipText (\"Click to clear selections, below. ", " \" +\n \"Criteria, above, is not reset).\") ;", "\n help_Button.setToolTipText (\"For help, click here\") ;\n\n select_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n make_selection (true) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n unselect_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n make_selection (false) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n reset_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n reset_Button_action (e) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n clear_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n clear_Button_action (e) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n help_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n help_Button_action (e) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // download button and format options\n\n JPanel format_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n\n format_mat_Button = new JCheckBox (\"MATLAB (mat)\") ;\n format_mm_Button = new JCheckBox (\"Matrix Market (MM)\") ;\n format_rb_Button = new JCheckBox (\"Rutherford/Boeing (RB) \") ;\n\n format_mat_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n\n format_mat_Button.setToolTipText (\"Download in MATLAB *.mat format.\") ;", "\n format_mm_Button.setToolTipText (\"Download in Matrix Market.\") ;", "\n format_rb_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Download in Rutherford/Boeing format.\") ;", "\n\n nselected = 0 ;\n nselected_Label = new JLabel ( ) ;\n download_Button = new JButton (\"Download\") ;\n\n format_Panel.add (download_Button) ;\n format_Panel.add (format_mat_Button) ;\n format_Panel.add (format_mm_Button) ;\n format_Panel.add (format_rb_Button) ;\n format_Panel.add (nselected_Label) ;\n format_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n\n // progress bar and cancel button\n FlowLayout progress_Layout = new FlowLayout (FlowLayout.", "LEADING) ;\n JPanel progress_Panel = new JPanel (progress_Layout) ;\n\n cancel_Button = new JButton (\"Cancel\") ;\n cancel_Button.setEnabled (false) ;\n progress1_Bar = new JProgressBar ( ) ;\n progress2_Bar = new JProgressBar ( ) ;\n progress_size_Label = new JLabel (\"\") ;\n progress1_Bar.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (200,16)) ;\n progress2_Bar.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (200,16)) ;\n progress_Panel.add (cancel_Button) ;\n progress_Panel.add (new JLabel (\" Overall progress:\")) ;\n progress_Panel.add (progress1_Bar) ;\n progress_Panel.add (new JLabel (\" Current file:\")) ;\n progress_Panel.add (progress2_Bar) ;\n progress_Panel.add (progress_size_Label) ;\n progress_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n cancel_Button.setToolTipText (\"No downloads in progress.\") ;", "\n\n download_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n download_Button_action (e) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n cancel_Button.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n cancel_Button_action (e) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n JPanel download_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout3 = new GroupLayout (download_Panel) ;\n download_Panel.setLayout (layout3) ;\n\n layout3.setAutoCreateGaps (true) ;\n layout3.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n\n layout3.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout3.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (format_Panel)\n .addComponent (progress_Panel)\n ) ;\n\n layout3.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout3.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addComponent (format_Panel)\n .addComponent (progress_Panel)\n ) ;\n\n download_Panel.setBorder\n (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (\"download\")) ;\n download_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // panel for m, n, nentries, psym, and nsym\n\n // # of rows\n minrow_Field = new JTextField (\"\") ;\n JLabel rowlabel = new JLabel (\" \\u2264 number of rows \\u2264 \") ;\n maxrow_Field = new JTextField (\"\") ;\n minrow_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxrow_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n minrow_Field.setToolTipText (\"Leave blank for 'zero'.\") ;", "\n maxrow_Field.setToolTipText (\"Leave blank for 'infinite'.\") ;", "\n minrow_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n maxrow_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n\n // # of columns\n mincol_Field = new JTextField (\"\") ;\n JLabel collabel = new JLabel (\" \\u2264 number of columns \\u2264 \") ;\n maxcol_Field = new JTextField (\"\") ;\n mincol_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxcol_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n mincol_Field.setToolTipText (\"Leave blank for 'zero'.\") ;", "\n maxcol_Field.setToolTipText (\"Leave blank for 'infinite'.\") ;", "\n mincol_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n maxcol_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n\n // # of entries\n minnentries_Field = new JTextField (\"\") ;\n JLabel nentrieslabel = new JLabel (\" \\u2264 number of entries \\u2264 \");\n maxnentries_Field = new JTextField (\"\") ;\n minnentries_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxnentries_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n minnentries_Field.setToolTipText (\"Leave blank for 'zero'.\") ;", "\n maxnentries_Field.setToolTipText (\"Leave blank for 'infinite'.\") ;", "\n minnentries_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n maxnentries_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n\n // pattern symmetry\n minpsym_Field = new JTextField (\"0.0\") ;\n JLabel psymlabel = new JLabel (\" \\u2264 pattern symmetry \\u2264 \") ;\n maxpsym_Field = new JTextField (\"1.0\") ;\n minpsym_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxpsym_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxpsym_Field.setToolTipText (\n \"Refers to position of entries, not their values.\\n\" +\n \"1 = perfectly symmetric pattern, 0 = perfectly unsymmetric pattern.\") ;", "\n minpsym_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n maxpsym_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n\n // numerical symmetry\n minnsym_Field = new JTextField (\"0.0\") ;\n JLabel nsymlabel = new JLabel (\" \\u2264 numerical symmetry \\u2264 \") ;\n maxnsym_Field = new JTextField (\"1.0\") ;\n minnsym_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxnsym_Field.setColumns (16) ;\n maxnsym_Field.setToolTipText (\n \"1 means A=A', 0 means no nonzero entry A(i,j) = A(j,i).\") ;", "\n minnsym_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n maxnsym_Field.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (120,0)) ;\n\n JPanel range_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout5 = new GroupLayout (range_Panel) ;\n range_Panel.setLayout (layout5) ;\n layout5.setAutoCreateGaps (false) ;\n layout5.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n\n layout5.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout5.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (minrow_Field)\n .addComponent (mincol_Field)\n .addComponent (minnentries_Field)\n .addComponent (minpsym_Field)\n .addComponent (minnsym_Field)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (rowlabel)\n .addComponent (collabel)\n .addComponent (nentrieslabel)\n .addComponent (psymlabel)\n .addComponent (nsymlabel)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (maxrow_Field)\n .addComponent (maxcol_Field)\n .addComponent (maxnentries_Field)\n .addComponent (maxpsym_Field)\n .addComponent (maxnsym_Field)\n )\n ) ;\n\n layout5.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout5.createSequentialGroup ( )\n\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (minrow_Field)\n .addComponent (rowlabel)\n .addComponent (maxrow_Field)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (mincol_Field)\n .addComponent (collabel)\n .addComponent (maxcol_Field)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (minnentries_Field)\n .addComponent (nentrieslabel)\n .addComponent (maxnentries_Field)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (minpsym_Field)\n .addComponent (psymlabel)\n .addComponent (maxpsym_Field)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout5.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (minnsym_Field)\n .addComponent (nsymlabel)\n .addComponent (maxnsym_Field)\n )\n\n ) ;\n\n range_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n // range_Panel.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (\"range\")) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // checkbox panel for posdef, ND, real, and format\n\n // square or rectangular\n JLabel shape_label = new JLabel (\"shape \") ;\n shape_square_Button = new JRadioButton (\"square \") ;\n shape_rect_Button = new JRadioButton (\"rectangular \") ;\n shape_either_Button = new JRadioButton (\"either \") ;\n shape_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n ButtonGroup shape_group = new ButtonGroup ( ) ;\n shape_group.add (shape_square_Button) ;\n shape_group.add (shape_rect_Button) ;\n shape_group.add (shape_either_Button) ;\n shape_square_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'yes' for square matrices.\") ;", "\n shape_rect_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'no' for rectangular matrices only.\") ;", "\n shape_either_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'either' for any matrix.\") ;", "\n\n // positive definite\n JLabel posdef_label = new JLabel (\"positive definite? \") ;", "\n posdef_yes_Button = new JRadioButton (\"yes\") ;\n posdef_no_Button = new JRadioButton (\"no\") ;\n posdef_either_Button = new JRadioButton (\"either\") ;\n posdef_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n ButtonGroup posdef_group = new ButtonGroup ( ) ;\n posdef_group.add (posdef_yes_Button) ;\n posdef_group.add (posdef_no_Button) ;\n posdef_group.add (posdef_either_Button) ;\n\n posdef_yes_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'yes' for symmetric positive definite matrices only.\") ;", "\n posdef_no_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'no' for non-positive definite matrices only.\") ;", "\n posdef_either_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'either' for any matrix.\") ;", "\n\n // 2D/3D\n JLabel nd_label = new JLabel (\"2D/3D discretization? ", " \") ;\n nd_yes_Button = new JRadioButton (\"yes\") ;\n nd_no_Button = new JRadioButton (\"no\") ;\n nd_either_Button = new JRadioButton (\"either\") ;\n nd_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n ButtonGroup nd_group = new ButtonGroup ( ) ;\n nd_group.add (nd_yes_Button) ;\n nd_group.add (nd_no_Button) ;\n nd_group.add (nd_either_Button) ;\n\n nd_yes_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'yes' for matrices \" +\n \"arising from 2D or 3D discretizations only.\") ;", "\n nd_no_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'no' to exclude matrices \" +\n \"arising from 2D or 3D discretizations.\") ;", "\n nd_either_Button.setToolTipText (\"Select 'either' for any matrix.\") ;", "\n\n // real or complex\n JLabel real_label = new JLabel (\"real or complex? \") ;", "\n real_yes_Button = new JRadioButton (\"real\") ;\n real_no_Button = new JRadioButton (\"complex\") ;\n real_either_Button = new JRadioButton (\"either\") ;\n real_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n ButtonGroup real_group = new ButtonGroup ( ) ;\n real_group.add (real_yes_Button) ;\n real_group.add (real_no_Button) ;\n real_group.add (real_either_Button) ;\n\n real_yes_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'real' for real matrices only (includes integer and binary).\") ;", "\n real_no_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'complex' for complex matrices only.\") ;", "\n real_either_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Select 'either' for any matrix.\") ;", "\n\n JPanel check_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout4 = new GroupLayout (check_Panel) ;\n check_Panel.setLayout (layout4) ;\n layout4.setAutoCreateGaps (false) ;\n layout4.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n\n layout4.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout4.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (shape_label)\n .addComponent (posdef_label)\n .addComponent (nd_label)\n .addComponent (real_label)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (shape_square_Button)\n .addComponent (posdef_yes_Button)\n .addComponent (nd_yes_Button)\n .addComponent (real_yes_Button)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (shape_rect_Button)\n .addComponent (posdef_no_Button)\n .addComponent (nd_no_Button)\n .addComponent (real_no_Button)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (shape_either_Button)\n .addComponent (posdef_either_Button)\n .addComponent (nd_either_Button)\n .addComponent (real_either_Button)\n )\n ) ;\n\n layout4.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout4.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (shape_label)\n .addComponent (shape_square_Button)\n .addComponent (shape_rect_Button)\n .addComponent (shape_either_Button)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (posdef_label)\n .addComponent (posdef_yes_Button)\n .addComponent (posdef_no_Button)\n .addComponent (posdef_either_Button)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (nd_label)\n .addComponent (nd_yes_Button)\n .addComponent (nd_no_Button)\n .addComponent (nd_either_Button)\n )\n .addGroup\n (\n layout4.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (real_label)\n .addComponent (real_yes_Button)\n .addComponent (real_no_Button)\n .addComponent (real_either_Button)\n )\n ) ;\n\n check_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // Group and Kind lists\n\n Kinds = FindKinds ( ) ;\n Groups = FindGroups ( ) ;\n\n // Group_List = new JList ((Object [ ]) Groups) ;\n // Kind_List = new JList ((Object [ ]) Kinds) ;\n Group_List = new JList<String> (Groups) ;\n Kind_List = new JList<String> (Kinds) ;\n\n JScrollPane Group_Pane = new JScrollPane (Group_List) ;\n JScrollPane Kind_Pane = new JScrollPane (Kind_List) ;\n\n Kind_Pane.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (\"kind\")) ;\n Group_Pane.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (\"group\")) ;\n\n Group_List.setFont (plain_Font) ;\n Kind_List.setFont (plain_Font) ;\n\n Group_Pane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy\n (ScrollPaneConstants.", "VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) ;\n Kind_Pane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy\n (ScrollPaneConstants.", "VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS) ;\n\n Group_List.setVisibleRowCount (5) ;\n Kind_List.setVisibleRowCount (5) ;\n\n JPanel list_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout9 = new GroupLayout (list_Panel) ;\n list_Panel.setLayout (layout9) ;\n\n layout9.setAutoCreateGaps (true) ;\n layout9.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n\n layout9.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout9.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addComponent (Group_Pane)\n .addComponent (Kind_Pane)\n ) ;\n\n layout9.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout9.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (Group_Pane)\n .addComponent (Kind_Pane)\n ) ;\n\n list_Panel.setMinimumSize (new Dimension (450,150)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // selection panel\n JPanel selection_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout2 = new GroupLayout (selection_Panel) ;\n selection_Panel.setLayout (layout2) ;\n layout2.setAutoCreateGaps (true) ;\n layout2.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n layout2.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout2.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (range_Panel)\n .addComponent (check_Panel)\n .addComponent (list_Panel)\n .addComponent (select_Button_Panel)\n ) ;\n layout2.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout2.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addComponent (range_Panel)\n .addComponent (check_Panel)\n .addComponent (list_Panel)\n .addComponent (select_Button_Panel)\n ) ;\n selection_Panel.setBorder\n (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (\"selection criteria\")) ;\n selection_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // create the table of matrices\n\n matrix_model = new matrix_Table_Model ( ) ;\n matrix_Table = new JTable (matrix_model)\n {\n // table header tool tips\n protected JTableHeader createDefaultTableHeader ( )\n {\n return new JTableHeader (columnModel)\n {\n public String getToolTipText (MouseEvent e)\n {\n String tip = null ;\n java.awt.", "Point p = e.getPoint ( ) ;\n int i = columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX (p.x) ;\n int j = columnModel.getColumn (i).getModelIndex ( ) ;\n return matrix_column_tooltips [j] ;\n }\n } ;\n }\n } ;\n\n JTableHeader header = matrix_Table.getTableHeader ( ) ;\n final TableCellRenderer hr = header.getDefaultRenderer ( ) ;\n header.setDefaultRenderer\n (\n new TableCellRenderer ( )\n {\n public Component getTableCellRendererComponent (JTable table,\n Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus,\n int row, int column)\n {\n Component co = hr.getTableCellRendererComponent (\n table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column) ;\n co.setFont (small_Font) ;\n return (co) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n matrix_model.load_data (Stats) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // popup menu for the table\n\n JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu ( ) ;\n\n JMenuItem select_menuItem =\n new JMenuItem (\"Select highlighted matrices\") ;\n select_menuItem.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n popup_action (e, true) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n JMenuItem unselect_menuItem =\n new JMenuItem (\"Deselect highlighted matrices\") ;\n unselect_menuItem.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n popup_action (e, false) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n JMenuItem exportcsv_menuItem =\n new JMenuItem (\"Export selected matrices as CSV file\") ;\n exportcsv_menuItem.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n export_list_action (e, true) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n JMenuItem exportm_menuItem =\n new JMenuItem (\"Export selected matrices as MATLAB *.m file\") ;\n exportm_menuItem.addActionListener\n (\n new ActionListener ( )\n {\n public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)\n {\n export_list_action (e, false) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n popup.add (select_menuItem) ;\n popup.add (unselect_menuItem) ;\n popup.add (exportcsv_menuItem) ;\n popup.add (exportm_menuItem) ;\n\n // Add listener to components that can bring up popup menus.", "\n matrix_Table.addMouseListener (new matrix_Table_PopupListener (popup)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // set default column widths\n\n int [ ] columnwidth = {\n 40, // 0:select\n 30, // 1:mat\n 25, // 2:MM\n 25, // 3:RB\n 38, // 4:id\n 110, // 5:Group\n 150, // 6:Name\n 70, // 7:nrows\n 70, // 8:ncols\n 70, // 9:nentries\n 40, // 10:isReal\n 40, // 11:isBinary\n 40, // 12:isND\n 40, // 13:posdef\n 50, // 14:psym\n 50, // 15:nsym\n 200 } ; // 16:kind\n\n TableColumn column = null ;\n for (int col = 0 ; col < 17 ; col++)\n {\n column = matrix_Table.getColumnModel ( ).getColumn (col) ;\n column.setPreferredWidth (columnwidth [col]) ;\n }\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // set the view size, sort by id, and add the table to a scroll pane\n\n matrix_Table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize\n (new Dimension (500,70)) ;\n matrix_Table.setFillsViewportHeight (true) ;\n matrix_Table.setAutoCreateRowSorter (true) ;\n\n matrix_Table.getSelectionModel ( )\n .addListSelectionListener (new matrix_Table_RowListener ( )) ;\n\n // sort by id\n java.util.", "List <RowSorter.", "SortKey> sortKeys =\n new ArrayList<RowSorter.", "SortKey> ( ) ;\n sortKeys.add (new RowSorter.", "SortKey (4, SortOrder.", "ASCENDING)) ;\n (matrix_Table.getRowSorter ( )).setSortKeys (sortKeys) ; \n\n matrix_Table.getTableHeader ( ).setReorderingAllowed (false) ;\n JScrollPane scroll_Pane = new JScrollPane (matrix_Table) ;\n scroll_Pane.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (ssarchive)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // create the icon and display the default matrix\n\n icon_Label = new JLabel ( ) ;\n icon_Label.setFont (plain_Font) ;\n icon_Label.setVerticalTextPosition (JLabel.", "BOTTOM) ;\n icon_Label.setHorizontalTextPosition (JLabel.", "CENTER) ;\n icon_Label.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder (\"matrix icon\"));\n update_icon (\"HB/west0479\") ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // create the top panel (selection panel and icon)\n\n JPanel top_Panel = new JPanel ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout8 = new GroupLayout (top_Panel) ;\n top_Panel.setLayout (layout8) ;\n\n layout8.setAutoCreateGaps (true) ;\n layout8.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n\n layout8.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout8.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addComponent (selection_Panel)\n .addComponent (icon_Label)\n ) ;\n\n layout8.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout8.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (selection_Panel)\n .addComponent (icon_Label)\n ) ;\n\n top_Panel.setMaximumSize (new Dimension (0,0)) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // create the root layout manager\n\n Container pane = getContentPane ( ) ;\n GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout (pane) ;\n pane.setLayout (layout) ;\n layout.setAutoCreateGaps (true) ;\n layout.setAutoCreateContainerGaps (false) ;\n\n layout.setHorizontalGroup\n (\n layout.createParallelGroup (GroupLayout.", "Alignment.", "LEADING)\n .addComponent (top_Panel)\n .addComponent (scroll_Pane)\n .addComponent (download_Panel)\n ) ;\n\n layout.setVerticalGroup\n (\n layout.createSequentialGroup ( )\n .addComponent (top_Panel)\n .addComponent (scroll_Pane)\n .addComponent (download_Panel)\n ) ;\n\n setSize (1100,750) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // create the file chooser; not shown until \"export\" is chosen\n\n chooser = new JFileChooser ( ) ;\n chooser.setFileSelectionMode (JFileChooser.", "FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES) ;\n\n gui_ready = true ;\n set_selected_label (true) ;\n\n //----------------------------------------------------------------------\n // start a thread to download any icons not present\n\n get_all_icons ( ) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // yes/no/unknown\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private String yes_no (int k)\n {\n if (k < 0)\n {\n return (\"?\") ;", "\n }\n else if (k == 0)\n {\n return (\"no\") ;\n }\n else\n {\n return (\"yes\") ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // ternary\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private int ternary (String s)\n {\n long k = Long.parseLong (s) ;\n if (k < 0)\n {\n return (-1) ;\n }\n else if (k == 0)\n {\n return (0) ;\n }\n else\n {\n return (1) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // read the ssstats file\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private Object [ ][ ] load_ssstats ( )\n {\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"reading ssstats.csv file\") ;\n Object [ ][ ] S = null ;\n int nmatrices = 0 ;\n in_reader = null ;\n try\n {\n // get the number of matrices in the ss Sparse Matrix Collection\n in_reader = new BufferedReader (new FileReader\n (fix_name (ssstats))) ;\n nmatrices = Integer.parseInt (in_reader.readLine ( )) ;\n // skip past the creation date and time\n String ignore = in_reader.readLine ( ) ;\n // get the time of last download from the file modification time\n last_download =\n new Date (new File (fix_name (ssstats)).lastModified ( )) ;\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n // this is OK, for now, since we can try to download a new one\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"reading ssstats.csv file failed\") ;\n return (null) ;\n }\n try\n {\n // read the rest of the file\n S = new Object [nmatrices][13] ;\n for (int id = 1 ; id <= nmatrices ; id++)\n {\n // split the tokens by comma\n String [ ] r = (in_reader.readLine ( )).split (\",\") ;\n S [id-1][0] = id ; // id\n S [id-1][1] = r [0] ; // Group\n S [id-1][2] = r [1] ; // Name\n S [id-1][3] = Long.parseLong (r [2]) ; // nrows\n S [id-1][4] = Long.parseLong (r [3]) ; // ncols\n // NOTE: r [4] = nnz is now ignored, and r [12] used instead\n S [id-1][5] = Long.parseLong (r [12]) ; // nentries\n\n S [id-1][6] = ternary (r [5]) ; // isReal\n S [id-1][7] = ternary (r [6]) ; // isBinary\n S [id-1][8] = ternary (r [7]) ; // isND\n S [id-1][9] = ternary (r [8]) ; // posdef\n\n S [id-1][10] = Double.parseDouble (r [9]) ; // psym\n S [id-1][11] = Double.parseDouble (r [10]) ; // nsym\n S [id-1][12] = r [11] ; // kind\n }\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n // this is OK, for now, since we can try to download a new one\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"reading ssstats.csv file failed\") ;\n return (null) ;\n }\n finally\n {\n close_reader (in_reader) ;\n }\n return (S) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // tool tips for each column of the matrix table\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n protected String [ ] matrix_column_tooltips =\n {\n // 0:select:\n \"Click to select a matrix. ", " This is the only column you can edit.\",", "\n \"'x' if MAT format already downloaded\", // 1:mat\n \"'x' if MM format already downloaded\", // 2:MM\n \"'x' if RB format already downloaded\", // 3:MM\n \"matrix id\", // 4:id\n \"matrix group (typically a person or organization)\",// 5:Group\n \"matrix name (full name is Group/Name)\", // 6:Name\n \"# of rows in the matrix\", // 7:nrows\n \"# of columns in the matrix\", // 8:ncols\n \"# of entries in the matrix (both nonzeros and explicit zeros)\",\n // 9:nentries\n \"if the matrix is real (not complex)\", // 10:isReal\n \"if the matrix is binary\", // 11:isBinary\n \"if the matrix arises from a 2D/3D discretization\", // 12:isND\n \"if the matrix is symmetric positive definite\", // 13:posdef\n // 14:psym:\n \"symmetry of pattern (0: none, 1: pattern(A)=pattern(A')\",\n \"symmetry of nonzero values (0: none, 1: A=A'\", // 15:nsym\n // 16:kind:\n \"the matrix 'kind' is the problem domain from which it arises\" \n } ;\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // control whether changes to the table cause updates to fire\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n public boolean fire_status = true ;\n\n public void fire_updates (boolean fire)\n {\n fire_status = fire ;\n if (fire)\n {\n // touch the table to force a fire\n set_table_value (get_table_value (1, 0), 1, 0) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // table of matrix statistics\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n class matrix_Table_Model extends AbstractTableModel\n {\n private String [ ] columnNames =\n {\n \"select\", \"mat\", \"MM\", \"RB\",\n \"id\", \"Group\", \"Name\", \"# rows\", \"# cols\", \"# entries\", \"real\",\n \"binary\", \"2D/3D\", \"posdef\", \"psym\", \"nsym\", \"kind\" } ;\n\n private Object [ ][ ] data = null ;\n\n public int getColumnCount ( )\n {\n return (columnNames.length) ;\n }\n\n public int getRowCount ( )\n {\n return (data.length) ;\n }\n\n public String getColumnName (int col)\n {\n return (columnNames [col]) ;\n }\n\n public Object getValueAt (int row, int col)\n {\n return (data [row][col]) ;\n }\n\n public boolean isCellEditable (int row, int col)\n {\n // only the \"select\" column is edittable\n return (col == 0) ;\n }\n\n public void setValueAt (Object value, int row, int col)\n {\n if (col == 0 && gui_ready && ((Boolean) data [row][0]) !", "= value)\n {\n if ((Boolean) value == false)\n {\n // changing from selected to unselected\n nselected-- ;\n }\n else\n {\n // changing from unselected to selected\n nselected++ ;\n }\n set_selected_label (download_Button.isEnabled ( )) ;\n }\n data [row][col] = value ;\n if (fire_status) fireTableDataChanged ( ) ;\n }\n\n public Class getColumnClass (int col)\n {\n return (getValueAt (0, col).getClass ( )) ;\n }\n\n public void load_data (Object [ ][ ] newstats)\n {\n // load the matrix table with all matrix statistics\n data = new Object [newstats.length][17] ;\n nselected = 0 ;\n for (int i = 0 ; i < newstats.length ; i++)\n {\n // i and j are in terms of the view, but the table is not yet\n // sorted because it is not yet visible\n data [i][0] = false ; // select column is false\n for (int j = 1 ; j < 4 ; j++)\n {\n // mat, MM, and RB, which can change later:\n data [i][j] = \"-\" ;\n }\n for (int j = 0 ; j < 13 ; j++)\n {\n // matrix stats, which do not change:\n // 4:id, 5:Group, 6:Name, 7:nrows, 8:ncols, 9:nentries,\n // 10:isreal, 11:isBinary, 12:isND, 13:posdef, 14: psym,\n // 15:nsym, 16:kind\n if (j >= 6 && j <= 9)\n {\n int k = (Integer) newstats [i][j] ;\n if (k < 0)\n {\n data [i][j+4] = \" ?\" ;", "\n }\n else if (k == 0)\n {\n data [i][j+4] = \" no\" ;\n }\n else\n {\n data [i][j+4] = \" yes\" ;\n }\n }\n else\n {\n data [i][j+4] = newstats [i][j] ;\n }\n }\n }\n fireTableDataChanged ( ) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get a value from the matrix table\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private Object get_table_value (int id, int j)\n {\n // id is in the range 1 to Stats.length. ", " The model index is id-1.", "\n // Convert this to the row index of the view and then get the data.", "\n // j is in the range 0 to 16, and is the same in the view and the\n // model, since column rearranging is never done.", "\n\n int i = matrix_Table.convertRowIndexToView (id-1) ;\n return (matrix_Table.getValueAt (i, j)) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // set a value in the matrix table\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void set_table_value (Object value, int id, int j)\n {\n // just like get_table_value, setting the data instead of getting it\n\n int i = matrix_Table.convertRowIndexToView (id-1) ;\n matrix_Table.setValueAt (value, i, j) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get ids of highlighted matrices\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private int [ ] get_highlighted_ids ( )\n {\n // return a list of highlighted matrix id's\n\n // get the highlighted row indices in the current view\n int [ ] highlighted = matrix_Table.getSelectedRows ( ) ;\n // convert the row view indices to matrix id's\n for (int k = 0 ; k < highlighted.length ; k++)\n {\n int i = highlighted [k] ;\n int id = 1 + matrix_Table.convertRowIndexToModel (i) ;\n highlighted [k] = id ;\n }\n return (highlighted) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get ids of matrices selected for download\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private int [ ] get_download_ids ( )\n {\n // get the list of ids to download, in view order\n nselected = 0 ;\n for (int i = 0 ; i < Stats.length ; i++)\n {\n if ((Boolean) matrix_Table.getValueAt (i, 0))\n {\n nselected++ ;\n }\n }\n int [ ] downloads = new int [nselected] ;\n int k = 0 ;\n for (int i = 0 ; i < Stats.length ; i++)\n {\n if ((Boolean) matrix_Table.getValueAt (i, 0))\n {\n int id = 1 + matrix_Table.convertRowIndexToModel (i) ;\n downloads [k++] = id ;\n }\n }\n return (downloads) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // set \"Matrices selected:\" label and download tool tip\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void set_selected_label (boolean enabled)\n {\n if (gui_ready)\n {\n nselected_Label.setText\n (\" Matrices selected: \" + nselected + \" \") ;\n download_Button.setEnabled (enabled) ;\n if (enabled)\n {\n if (nselected == 0)\n {\n download_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"No matrices have been selected for download\") ;\n }\n else if (nselected == 1)\n {\n download_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Click to download the single selected matrix\") ;\n }\n else\n {\n download_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Click to download the \" + nselected +\n \" selected matrices\") ;\n }\n }\n else\n {\n download_Button.setToolTipText (\"Download in progress.\") ;", "\n }\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // show matrix icon\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void show_highlighted_icon ( )\n {\n // show icon of last entry in the highlighted list\n int [ ] highlighted = get_highlighted_ids ( ) ;\n int n = highlighted.length ;\n if (n > 0)\n {\n int id = highlighted [n-1] ;\n String Group = (String) Stats [id-1][1] ;\n String Name = (String) Stats [id-1][2] ;\n update_icon (Group + \"/\" + Name) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // matrix table popup listener\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private class matrix_Table_PopupListener extends MouseAdapter\n {\n JPopupMenu pop ;\n\n matrix_Table_PopupListener (JPopupMenu popupMenu)\n {\n pop = popupMenu ;\n }\n\n public void mousePressed (MouseEvent e)\n {\n maybeShowPopup (e) ;\n }\n\n public void mouseReleased (MouseEvent e)\n {\n maybeShowPopup (e) ;\n }\n\n private void maybeShowPopup (MouseEvent e)\n {\n if (e.isPopupTrigger ( ))\n {\n pop.show (e.getComponent ( ), e.getX ( ), e.getY ( )) ;\n }\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // matrix table row listener\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private class matrix_Table_RowListener implements ListSelectionListener\n {\n public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent event)\n {\n if (event.getValueIsAdjusting ( ))\n {\n return ;\n }\n show_highlighted_icon ( ) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // FindKinds: determine the set of all Problem kinds\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private String [ ] FindKinds ( )\n {\n Set<String> KindSet = new TreeSet<String> ( ) ;\n KindSet.add (all_kinds) ;\n for (int id = 1 ; id <= Stats.length ; id++)\n {\n KindSet.add (SimplifyKind ((String) Stats [id-1][12])) ;\n }\n return ((String [ ]) KindSet.toArray (new String [0])) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // FindGroups: determine the set of all groups\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private String [ ] FindGroups ( )\n {\n Set<String> GroupSet = new TreeSet<String> ( ) ;\n GroupSet.add (all_groups) ;\n for (int id = 1 ; id <= Stats.length ; id++)\n {\n GroupSet.add ((String) Stats [id-1][1]) ;\n }\n return ((String [ ]) GroupSet.toArray (new String [0])) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // SimplifyKind: remove extranneous terms from a string\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private String SimplifyKind (String kind)\n {\n // remove terms from a matrix-kind string\n String result = null ;\n String [ ] token = kind.split (\" \") ;\n for (int i = 0 ; i < token.length ; i++)\n {\n if (! (", "token [i].equals (\"subsequent\")\n || token [i].equals (\"sequence\")\n || token [i].equals (\"problem\")\n || token [i].equals (\"duplicate\")))\n {\n if (result == null)\n {\n result = token [i] ;\n }\n else\n {\n result = result + \" \" + token [i] ;\n }\n }\n }\n return (result) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // CheckDir: return a directory, creating it if it doesn't exist\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private File CheckDir (String directory_name)\n {\n File dir = new File (fix_name (directory_name)) ;\n if (!", "dir.isDirectory ( ))\n {\n dir.mkdirs ( ) ;\n }\n return (dir) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // CheckExistence: determine which files exist in the local file system\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void CheckExistence ( )\n {\n // check the existence all matrices in all 3 formats\n fire_updates (false) ;\n for (int id = 1 ; id <= Stats.length ; id++)\n {\n CheckExistence (id) ;\n }\n fire_updates (true) ;\n }\n\n private boolean [ ] CheckExistence (int id)\n {\n // check the existence of a single file (in all 3 formats)\n boolean [ ] exists = new boolean [4] ;\n boolean [ ] etable = new boolean [3] ;\n\n String Group = (String) Stats [id-1][1] ;\n String Name = (String) Stats [id-1][2] ;\n\n for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)\n {\n etable [j] = (((String) get_table_value (id, j+1)).charAt (0) == 'x') ;\n }\n\n for (int j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++)\n {\n exists [j] = false ;\n }\n\n // check for mat/HB/west0067.mat\n File G = new File (mat, Group) ;\n if (G.isDirectory ( ) && (new File (G, Name + \".mat\")).exists ( ))\n {\n exists [0] = true ;\n }\n\n // check for MM/HB/west0067.tar.gz\n G = new File (MM, Group) ;\n if (G.isDirectory ( ) && (new File (G, Name + \".tar.gz\")).exists ( ))\n {\n exists [1] = true ;\n }\n\n // check for MM/HB/west0067.tar.gz\n G = new File (RB, Group) ;\n if (G.isDirectory ( ) && (new File (G, Name + \".tar.gz\")).exists ( ))\n {\n exists [2] = true ;\n }\n\n // check for files/HB/west0067.png\n G = new File (iconDir, Group) ;\n if (G.isDirectory ( ) && (new File (G, Name + \".png\")).exists ( ))\n {\n exists [3] = true ;\n }\n\n // update the matrix table (mat, MM, and RB columns)\n for (int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++)\n {\n if (etable [j] !", "= exists [j])\n {\n // only update the table if the existence status has changed\n set_table_value (exists [j] ? \"", "x\" : \"-\", id, j+1) ;\n }\n }\n return (exists) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get long from JTextField\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private long getLong (JTextField tfield, long Default)\n {\n String s = tfield.getText ( ) ;\n long result = Default ;\n if (s.length ( ) > 0)\n {\n try\n {\n result = Long.parseLong (s) ;\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n }\n }\n return (result) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get double from JTextField\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private double getDouble (JTextField tfield, double Default)\n {\n String s = tfield.getText ( ) ;\n double result = Default ;\n if (s.length ( ) > 0)\n {\n try\n {\n result = Double.parseDouble (s) ;\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n }\n }\n return (result) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // change to a wait cursor\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void please_wait ( )\n {\n this.setCursor (Cursor.getPredefinedCursor (Cursor.", "WAIT_CURSOR)) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // change to a normal cursor\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void the_long_wait_is_over ( )\n {\n this.setCursor (Cursor.getDefaultCursor ( )) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // make or clear a selection\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void make_selection (boolean action)\n {\n // set selections according to controls\n please_wait ( ) ;\n fire_updates (false) ;\n\n long minrow = getLong (minrow_Field, 0) ;\n long maxrow = getLong (maxrow_Field, INF) ;\n\n long mincol = getLong (mincol_Field, 0) ;\n long maxcol = getLong (maxcol_Field, INF) ;\n\n long minnentries = getLong (minnentries_Field, 0) ;\n long maxnentries = getLong (maxnentries_Field, INF) ;\n\n double minpsym = getDouble (minpsym_Field, 0) ;\n double maxpsym = getDouble (maxpsym_Field, 1.0) ;\n\n double minnsym = getDouble (minnsym_Field, 0) ;\n double maxnsym = getDouble (maxnsym_Field, 1.0) ;\n\n boolean shape_square = shape_square_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean shape_rect = shape_rect_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean shape_either = shape_either_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n\n boolean posdef_yes = posdef_yes_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean posdef_no = posdef_no_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean posdef_either = posdef_either_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n\n boolean nd_yes = nd_yes_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean nd_no = nd_no_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean nd_either = nd_either_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n\n boolean real_yes = real_yes_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean real_no = real_no_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean real_either = real_either_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n\n // create HashSet for the selected groups\n Set<String> Gset = null ;\n Object [ ] Gsel = Group_List.getSelectedValuesList ( ).toArray ( ) ;\n int ngroups = Gsel.length ;\n if (ngroups > 0)\n {\n for (int i = 0 ; i < ngroups ; i++)\n {\n if (((String) Gsel [i]).equals (all_groups)) ngroups = 0 ;\n }\n Gset = new HashSet<String> ( ) ;\n for (int i = 0 ; i < ngroups ; i++)\n {\n Gset.add ((String) Gsel [i]) ;\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"Group: \" + (String) Gsel [i]) ;\n }\n }\n\n // create HashSet for the selected kinds\n Set<String> Kset = null ;\n Object [ ] Ksel = Kind_List.getSelectedValuesList ( ).toArray ( ) ;\n int nkinds = Ksel.length ;\n if (nkinds > 0)\n {\n for (int i = 0 ; i < nkinds ; i++)\n {\n if (((String) Ksel [i]).equals (all_kinds)) nkinds = 0 ;\n }\n Kset = new HashSet<String> ( ) ;\n for (int i = 0 ; i < nkinds ; i++)\n {\n Kset.add ((String) Ksel [i]) ;\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"Kind: \" + ((String) Ksel [i])) ;\n }\n }\n\n for (int id = 1 ; id <= Stats.length ; id++)\n {\n\n // look at the matrix properties to see if it fits the selection\n long nrows = (Long) Stats [id-1][3] ;\n long ncols = (Long) Stats [id-1][4] ;\n long nentries = (Long) Stats [id-1][5] ;\n\n int isReal = (Integer) Stats [id-1][6] ;\n int isBinary = (Integer) Stats [id-1][7] ;\n int isND = (Integer) Stats [id-1][8] ;\n int posdef = (Integer) Stats [id-1][9] ;\n\n double psym = (Double) Stats [id-1][10] ;\n double nsym = (Double) Stats [id-1][11] ;\n\n boolean choose_group = true ;\n if (ngroups > 0)\n {\n String group = (String) Stats [id-1][1] ;\n choose_group = Gset.contains (group) ;\n }\n\n boolean choose_kind = true ;\n if (nkinds > 0)\n {\n String kind = SimplifyKind ((String) Stats [id-1][12]) ;\n choose_kind = Kset.contains (kind) ;\n }\n\n if ((minrow <= nrows && nrows <= maxrow) &&\n (mincol <= ncols && ncols <= maxcol) &&\n (minnentries <= nentries && nentries <= maxnentries) &&\n (minpsym <= psym && psym <= maxpsym) &&\n (minnsym <= nsym && nsym <= maxnsym) &&\n (posdef_either ||\n (posdef_yes && posdef == 1) ||\n (posdef_no && posdef == 0)) &&\n (nd_either ||\n (nd_yes && isND == 1) ||\n (nd_no && isND == 0)) &&\n (real_either ||\n (real_yes && isReal == 1) ||\n (real_no && isReal == 0)) &&\n (shape_either ||\n (shape_square && nrows == ncols) ||\n (shape_rect && nrows !", "= ncols)) &&\n choose_group && choose_kind)\n {\n // change the selection box for this matrix id\n set_table_value (action, id, 0) ;\n }\n }\n fire_updates (true) ;\n progress1_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n progress2_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n the_long_wait_is_over ( ) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // reset button\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void reset_Button_action (ActionEvent e)\n {\n // reset the selection criteria to the defaults\n minrow_Field.setText (\"\") ;\n maxrow_Field.setText (\"\") ;\n\n mincol_Field.setText (\"\") ;\n maxcol_Field.setText (\"\") ;\n\n minnentries_Field.setText (\"\") ;\n maxnentries_Field.setText (\"\") ;\n\n minpsym_Field.setText (\"0.0\") ;\n maxpsym_Field.setText (\"1.0\") ;\n\n minnsym_Field.setText (\"0.0\") ;\n maxnsym_Field.setText (\"1.0\") ;\n\n shape_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n posdef_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n nd_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n real_either_Button.setSelected (true) ;\n\n Group_List.clearSelection ( ) ;\n Kind_List.clearSelection ( ) ;\n\n progress1_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n progress2_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // clear button\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void clear_Button_action (ActionEvent e)\n {\n // set selections according to controls\n please_wait ( ) ;\n fire_updates (false) ;\n\n for (int id = 1 ; id <= Stats.length ; id++)\n {\n // clear the selection box for this matrix id\n set_table_value (false, id, 0) ;\n }\n fire_updates (true) ;\n progress1_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n progress2_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n the_long_wait_is_over ( ) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // select popup menu item\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void popup_action (ActionEvent e, boolean action)\n {\n // select or deselect the highlight matrices\n please_wait ( ) ;\n int [ ] highlighted = get_highlighted_ids ( ) ;\n int n = highlighted.length ;\n for (int k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)\n {\n set_table_value (action, highlighted [k], 0) ;\n }\n the_long_wait_is_over ( ) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // export popup menu item\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void export_list_action (ActionEvent e, boolean csv)\n {\n // export the list in the order of the current view\n if (chooser.showSaveDialog (ssgui.this) == JFileChooser.", "APPROVE_OPTION)\n {\n please_wait ( ) ;\n print_out = null ;\n try\n {\n print_out = new PrintWriter (chooser.getSelectedFile ( )) ;\n int [ ] ids = get_download_ids ( ) ;\n int n = ids.length ;\n\n // print the header\n if (csv)\n {\n print_out.println (\"mat, MM, RB, id, Group, Name, rows, \" +\n \"cols, entries, real, binary, 2D/3D, posdef, psym, \" +\n \"nsym, kind\") ;\n }\n else\n {\n print_out.println (\"%% Matrices selected from ssgui:\") ;\n print_out.println (\"% Example usage:\") ;\n print_out.println (\"% for k = 1:length(ids)\") ;\n print_out.println (\"% Problem = ssget (ids (k))\") ;\n print_out.println (\"% end\") ;\n print_out.println (\"ids = [\") ;\n }\n\n for (int k = 0 ; k < n ; k++)\n {\n // get the matrix id and stats\n int id = ids [k] ;\n boolean [ ] exists = CheckExistence (id) ;\n String Group = (String) Stats [id-1][1] ;\n String Name = (String) Stats [id-1][2] ;\n long nrows = (Long) Stats [id-1][3] ;\n long ncols = (Long) Stats [id-1][4] ;\n long nentries = (Long) Stats [id-1][5] ;\n int isReal = (Integer) Stats [id-1][6] ;\n int isBinary = (Integer) Stats [id-1][7] ;\n int isND = (Integer) Stats [id-1][8] ;\n int posdef = (Integer) Stats [id-1][9] ;\n double psym = (Double) Stats [id-1][10] ;\n double nsym = (Double) Stats [id-1][11] ;\n String kind = (String) Stats [id-1][12] ;\n\n if (csv)\n {\n // print the matrix stats in a single CSV line of text\n print_out.println (\n exists [0] + \", \" + exists [1] + \", \" +\n exists [2] + \", \" + id + \", \" + Group + \", \" +\n Name + \", \" + nrows + \", \" + ncols + \", \" +\n nentries + \", \" + isReal + \", \" + isBinary + \", \" +\n isND + \", \" + posdef + \", \" + psym + \", \" +\n nsym + \", \" + kind) ;\n }\n else\n {\n // print the matrix id, with a comment for the name\n print_out.println (id + \" % \" + Group + \"/\" + Name) ;\n }\n }\n if (!", "csv)\n {\n print_out.println (\"] ;\") ;\n }\n }\n catch (Exception err)\n {\n // display warning dialog\n JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, \"Export failed.\",", "\n \"Warning\", JOptionPane.", "WARNING_MESSAGE) ;\n }\n finally\n {\n close_printer_stream (print_out) ;\n }\n the_long_wait_is_over ( ) ;\n }\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // help button\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void help_Button_action (ActionEvent e)\n {\n // create the Help window\n please_wait ( ) ;\n JFrame help_Frame = new JFrame (\"Help: SuiteSparse Matrix Collection\") ;\n\n // open the HTML help file and put it in an editor pane\n JEditorPane editorPane = new JEditorPane ( ) ;\n editorPane.setEditable (false) ;\n URL helpURL = ssgui.class.getResource (\"sshelp.html\") ;\n if (helpURL !", "= null)\n {\n try\n {\n editorPane.setPage (helpURL) ;\n }\n catch (IOException error)\n {\n // display warning dialog\n JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this,\n \"Sorry, Help document sshelp.html not found.\",", "\n \"Warning\", JOptionPane.", "WARNING_MESSAGE) ;\n }\n }\n\n // Put the editor pane in a scroll pane.", "\n JScrollPane editorScrollPane = new JScrollPane (editorPane) ;\n\n // Add the scroll pane to the Help window\n help_Frame.getContentPane ( ).add (editorScrollPane) ;\n help_Frame.setSize (800,600) ;\n help_Frame.setVisible (true) ;\n\n the_long_wait_is_over ( ) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get the icon filename\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private String icon_file (String fullname)\n {\n return (\"files/\" + fullname + \".png\") ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // update the icon\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void update_icon (String fullname)\n {\n // fullname is of the form Group/Name (HB/west0479, for example)\n icon_Label.setText (fullname) ;\n ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon (fix_name (icon_file (fullname))) ;\n if (icon.getIconWidth ( ) < 0)\n {\n // icon image failed to load; get the image from the web\n icon = new ImageIcon (get_url (sssite +\"/\"+ icon_file (fullname))) ;\n }\n icon_Label.setIcon (icon) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // cancel button\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void cancel_Button_action (ActionEvent e)\n {\n if (downloading && !", "cancel)\n {\n cancel = true ;\n cancel_Button.setEnabled (false) ;\n cancel_Button.setToolTipText (\"canceling...\") ;\n }\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get all icons\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void get_all_icons ( )\n {\n // get all icons\n start_download_thread (0) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // download button\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void download_Button_action (ActionEvent e)\n {\n // get the selected matrices\n start_download_thread (2) ;\n }\n\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // start the downloader thread\n //-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void start_download_thread (int what)\n {\n if (!", "downloading)\n {\n // only allow one active download at a time\n downloading = true ;\n cancel = false ;\n\n if (gui_ready)\n {\n cancel_Button.setEnabled (true) ;\n cancel_Button.setToolTipText\n (\"Click to cancel the current download.\") ;", "\n }\n\n if (what == 0)\n {\n // get all the icons\n get_icons = true ;\n download_ids = null ;\n }\n else\n {\n // download one or more matrices\n get_icons = false ;\n download_ids = get_download_ids ( ) ;\n }\n set_selected_label (false) ;\n // start the downloader thread\n ssdownload tt = new ssdownload ( ) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // downloader thread\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private class ssdownload implements Runnable\n {\n\n // constructor starts the downloader thread\n public ssdownload ( )\n {\n Thread thread = new Thread (this) ;\n thread.start ( ) ;\n }\n\n // thread.start calls the run method\n public void run ( )\n {\n\n if (get_icons)\n {\n // get all missing icons\n progress1_Bar.setValue (1) ;\n progress1_Bar.setMaximum (Stats.length) ;\n icon_Label.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder\n (\"checking for new matrix icons\")) ;\n for (int id = 1 ; !", "cancel && id <= Stats.length ; id++)\n {\n boolean [ ] exists = CheckExistence (id) ;\n if (!", "exists [3])\n {\n icon_Label.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder\n (\"downloading new matrix icons\")) ;\n String Group = (String) Stats [id-1][1] ;\n String Name = (String) Stats [id-1][2] ;\n String fullname = Group + \"/\" + Name ;\n CheckDir (\"files/\" + Group) ;\n download_file (icon_file (fullname)) ;\n update_icon (fullname) ;\n }\n progress1_Bar.setValue (id+2) ;\n }\n progress1_Bar.setValue (Stats.length) ;\n icon_Label.setBorder (BorderFactory.createTitledBorder\n (\"matrix icon\")) ;\n }\n\n if (download_ids !", "= null && download_ids.length > 0)\n {\n // download all selected matrices in the requested formats\n\n // determine which formats to download\n int barmax = download_ids.length + 2 ;\n\n boolean format_mat = format_mat_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean format_mm = format_mm_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n boolean format_rb = format_rb_Button.isSelected ( ) ;\n\n // start the overall progress bar\n progress1_Bar.setValue (1) ;\n progress1_Bar.setMaximum (barmax) ;\n\n // download all the files\n for (int k = 0 ; !", "cancel && k < download_ids.length ; k++)\n {\n int id = download_ids [k] ;\n\n // get matrxx\n String Group = (String) Stats [id-1][1] ;\n String Name = (String) Stats [id-1][2] ;\n String fullname = Group + \"/\" + Name ;\n\n // recheck to see if the matrix exists in the 4 formats\n boolean [ ] exists = CheckExistence (id) ;\n\n if (!", "exists [3])\n {\n // always download the matrix icon if it doesn't exist\n CheckDir (\"files/\" + Group) ;\n download_file (icon_file (fullname)) ;\n update_icon (fullname) ;\n }\n\n if (!", "exists [0] && format_mat)\n {\n // download the matrix in MATLAB format\n update_icon (fullname) ;\n CheckDir (\"mat/\" + Group) ;\n download_file (\"mat/\" + fullname + \".mat\") ;\n }\n\n if (!", "exists [1] && format_mm)\n {\n // download the matrix in Matrix Market format\n update_icon (fullname) ;\n CheckDir (\"MM/\" + Group) ;\n download_file (\"MM/\" + fullname + \".tar.gz\") ;\n }\n\n if (!", "exists [2] && format_rb)\n {\n // download the matrix in Rutherford/Boeing format\n update_icon (fullname) ;\n CheckDir (\"RB/\" + Group) ;\n download_file (\"RB/\" + fullname + \".tar.gz\") ;\n }\n\n progress1_Bar.setValue (k+2) ;\n }\n\n // update the mat/MM/RB check boxes\n for (int k = 0 ; k < download_ids.length ; k++)\n {\n int id = download_ids [k] ;\n CheckExistence (id) ;\n }\n\n // finish the overall progress bar\n progress1_Bar.setValue (barmax) ;\n }\n\n cancel_Button.setEnabled (false) ;\n cancel_Button.setToolTipText (\"No downloads in progress.\") ;", "\n\n set_selected_label (true) ;\n cancel = false ;\n downloading = false ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // get a URL\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private URL get_url (String urlstring)\n {\n try\n {\n return (new URL (urlstring)) ;\n }\n catch (MalformedURLException e)\n {\n // display warning dialog\n JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, \"Invalid URL: \"\n + urlstring, \"Warning\", JOptionPane.", "WARNING_MESSAGE) ;\n return (null) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // download a file\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private void download_file (String filename)\n {\n boolean ok = true ;\n if (cancel) return ;\n String urlstring = sssite + \"/\" + filename ;\n if (debug) System.out.println (\"downloading: \" + urlstring) ;\n\n // create the URL\n URL url = get_url (urlstring) ;\n if (url == null) return ;\n\n // download the file\n url_in = null ;\n ftemp_out = null ;\n ftemp_name = filename + \"_IN_PROGREss\" ;\n int barmax = 1 ;\n\n try\n {\n // Follow redirects manually\n int max_redirects = 5;\n HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();\n\n for(int redirect_count = 0; redirect_count < max_redirects; redirect_count++)\n {\n int status = conn.getResponseCode();\n if (status >= 300 && status <= 308)\n {\n // Redirecting\n String loc = conn.getHeaderField(\"Location\");\n url = new URL(loc);\n conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();\n }\n else\n {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n // determine the file size (fails for files > 2GB)\n int len = conn.getContentLength();\n\n // start the progress bar\n if (gui_ready)\n {\n if (len < 0)\n {\n progress2_Bar.setIndeterminate (true) ;\n progress_size_Label.setText (\"\") ;\n }\n else\n {\n progress2_Bar.setValue (0) ;\n // display the filesize to the right of the progress bar\n if (len < M)\n {\n barmax = 1 + len / K ;\n progress_size_Label.setText (((len+K/2) / K) + \" KB\") ;\n }\n else\n {\n barmax = 1 + len / M ;\n progress_size_Label.setText (((len+M/2) / M) + \" MB\") ;\n }\n }\n progress2_Bar.setMaximum (barmax) ;\n }\n\n // open the source and destination files\n //url_in = new BufferedInputStream (url.openStream ( )) ;\n url_in = new BufferedInputStream (conn.getInputStream()) ;\n ftemp_out = new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream\n (fix_name (ftemp_name)), buffersize) ;\n\n // transfer the data\n byte buffer [ ] = new byte [buffersize] ;\n long bytes_read = 0 ;\n int count = 0 ;\n while (!", "cancel && (count = url_in.read (buffer, 0, buffersize)) >= 0)\n {\n if (ftemp_out !", "= null) ftemp_out.write (buffer, 0, count) ;\n bytes_read += count ;\n if (gui_ready && len > 0)\n {\n if (len < M)\n {\n progress2_Bar.setValue ((int) (bytes_read / K)) ;\n }\n else\n {\n progress2_Bar.setValue ((int) (bytes_read / M)) ;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n if (debug)\n {\n System.out.println(\"Download failed: \" + urlstring);\n }\n ok = false ;\n }\n\n if (gui_ready)\n {\n progress2_Bar.setIndeterminate (false) ;\n progress2_Bar.setValue (barmax) ;\n progress_size_Label.setText (\"\") ;\n }\n\n // wrap-up\n if (ok && !", "cancel)\n {\n // success: rename the temp file to the permanent filename\n cleanup (false) ;\n File fsrc = new File (fix_name (ftemp_name)) ;\n File fdst = new File (fix_name (filename)) ;\n fsrc.renameTo (fdst) ;\n }\n else\n {\n // cancelled, or something failed: delete the files if they exist\n cleanup (true) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // download the latest matrix stats\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private Object [ ][ ] download_matrix_stats ( )\n {\n download_file (ssindex) ; // download files/ss_index.mat\n download_file (ssstats) ; // download files/ssstats.csv\n return (load_ssstats ( )) ; // load the ssstats.csv file\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // prepend the ss rchive directory and replace '/' with the file separator\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static String fix_name (String s)\n {\n // file separator is '/' on Unix/Solaris/Linux/Mac, and '\\' on Windows\n String r = ssarchive ;\n if (s !", "= null)\n {\n r = r + s ;\n }\n return (r.replace ('/', File.separatorChar)) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // close an output stream\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static void close_output (OutputStream out)\n {\n try\n {\n if (out !", "= null) out.close ( ) ;\n }\n catch (IOException e)\n {\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // close an input stream\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static void close_reader (Reader in)\n {\n try\n {\n if (in !", "= null) in.close ( ) ;\n }\n catch (IOException e)\n {\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // close a printer stream\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static void close_printer_stream (PrintWriter out)\n {\n if (out !", "= null) out.close ( ) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // delete a file\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static void delete_file (String filename)\n {\n if (filename !", "= null)\n {\n File ff = new File (fix_name (filename)) ;\n if (ff.exists ( )) ff.delete ( ) ;\n }\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // cleanup\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n private static void cleanup (boolean delete)\n {\n // close input streams, if any\n try\n {\n if (url_in !", "= null) url_in.close ( ) ;\n }\n catch (IOException e)\n {\n }\n url_in = null ;\n\n // close temporary file\n close_output (ftemp_out) ;\n ftemp_out = null ; \n\n if (delete)\n {\n // delete temporary file\n delete_file (ftemp_name) ;\n ftemp_name = null ;\n }\n\n // close the printer stream, if any\n close_printer_stream (print_out) ;\n \n // close the reader stream, if any\n close_reader (in_reader) ;\n }\n\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n // main method\n //--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n public static void main (String args [ ])\n {\n // register a shutdown hook\n Runtime.getRuntime ( ).addShutdownHook\n (\n new Thread ( )\n {\n public void run ( )\n {\n // delete any temporary files when the ssgui shuts down,\n // and close any files\n cleanup (true) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n\n // start the GUI in its own thread\n EventQueue.invokeLater\n (\n new Runnable ( )\n {\n public void run ( )\n {\n new ssgui ( ).setVisible (true) ;\n }\n }\n ) ;\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Q:\n\njava.lang.", "Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.", "Double\n\ni am getting a weird error in which android is not allowing me assign an item from a ArrayList because it detects it as integer \nthis happens only when the item at the position is a whole number like 12 instead of 12.0\nMy code\npublic class CategoryAdapter extends BaseAdapter {\nprivate final Context context;\nprivate ArrayList<Category> categories ;\nprivate final ArrayList<Double> items;\n\npublic CategoryAdapter(Context context, ArrayList<Double> i) {\n this.context = context;\n categories = Category.getActiveCategories();\n if(i.size()==0)\n {\n Double [] ar = new Double[]{0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};\n items = new ArrayList<Double>(Arrays.asList(ar));\n }\n else\n {\n items = i;\n }\n}\n\n@Override\npublic int getCount() {\n return items.size();\n}\n\n@Override\npublic Double getItem(int position) {\n return items.get(position);\n}\n\n@Override\npublic long getItemId(int position) {\n // TODO implement own logic with ID\n return 0;\n}\n\n@Override\npublic View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {\n LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.", "LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);\n View rowView;\n if (convertView == null) {\n rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_ais_category_list, parent, false);\n }\n else {\n rowView = convertView;\n }\n\n TextView category = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.tv_ais_category_item);\n TextView tvThreatLevel = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.tv_ais_threat_level_item);\n View circle = rowView.findViewById(R.id.v_ais_circle);\n\n category.setText(categories.get(position).name);\n double threatlevel = 0;\n try {\n threatlevel = (double) items.get(position);\n }\n catch (Exception e)\n {\n e.printStackTrace();\n Log.d(\"array\",items.toString());\n Log.d(\"count\",Integer.toString(position));\n }\n if(threatlevel<=10d) {\n tvThreatLevel.setText(\"Safe\");\n tvThreatLevel.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(R.color.alert_low));\n }\n else if(threatlevel>10d&&threatlevel<=20d) {\n tvThreatLevel.setText(\"Low\");\n tvThreatLevel.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(R.color.alert_low));\n }\n else if(threatlevel >20d &&threatlevel<=40d)\n {\n tvThreatLevel.setText(\"Medium\");\n tvThreatLevel.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(R.color.alert_med));\n }\n else\n {\n tvThreatLevel.setText(\"High\");\n tvThreatLevel.setTextColor(context.getResources().getColor(R.color.alert_high));\n }\n GradientDrawable bg = (GradientDrawable)circle.getBackground();\n int color = Color.parseColor(categories.get(position).color);\n bg.setColor(color);\n return rowView;\n}\n}\n\nand this is the stack trace of the error\n 06-18 00:52:24.324 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: java.lang.", "ClassCastException: java.lang.", "Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.", "Double\n 06-18 00:52:24.325 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at com.flagaspot.flagger.", "Utilities.", "CategoryAdapter$override.getView(CategoryAdapter.java:76)\n 06-18 00:52:24.325 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at com.flagaspot.flagger.", "Utilities.", "CategoryAdapter$override.access$dispatch(CategoryAdapter.java)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at com.flagaspot.flagger.", "Utilities.", "CategoryAdapter.getView(CategoryAdapter.java:0)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "AbsListView.obtainView(AbsListView.java:2346)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "ListView.makeAndAddView(ListView.java:1876)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "ListView.fillDown(ListView.java:702)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "ListView.fillFromTop(ListView.java:763)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "ListView.layoutChildren(ListView.java:1685)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "AbsListView.onLayout(AbsListView.java:2148)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1743)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1586)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1495)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.326 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:336)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:273)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:336)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:273)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1743)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1586)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1495)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.327 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.support.v4.widget.", "DrawerLayout.onLayout(DrawerLayout.java:1187)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:336)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:273)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1743)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1586)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1495)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:336)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:273)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.328 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1743)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:1586)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:1495)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.layoutChildren(FrameLayout.java:336)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.widget.", "FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:273)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at com.android.internal.policy.", "PhoneWindow$DecorView.onLayout(PhoneWindow.java:2934)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "View.layout(View.java:16639)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewGroup.layout(ViewGroup.java:5437)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewRootImpl.performLayout(ViewRootImpl.java:2171)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewRootImpl.performTraversals(ViewRootImpl.java:1931)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewRootImpl.doTraversal(ViewRootImpl.java:1107)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "ViewRootImpl$TraversalRunnable.run(ViewRootImpl.java:6013)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "Choreographer$CallbackRecord.run(Choreographer.java:858)\n 06-18 00:52:24.329 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "Choreographer.doCallbacks(Choreographer.java:670)\n 06-18 00:52:24.330 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "Choreographer.doFrame(Choreographer.java:606)\n 06-18 00:52:24.330 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.view.", "Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.run(Choreographer.java:844)\n 06-18 00:52:24.330 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.os.", "Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)\n 06-18 00:52:24.330 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.os.", "Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)\n 06-18 00:52:24.331 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.os.", "Looper.loop(Looper.java:148)\n 06-18 00:52:24.331 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at android.app.", "ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5456)\n 06-18 00:52:24.331 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at java.lang.reflect.", "Method.invoke(Native Method)\n 06-18 00:52:24.331 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at com.android.internal.os.", "ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:726)\n 06-18 00:52:24.331 14845-14845/com.example.pulkitjuneja.flag_a_spot W/System.err: at com.android.internal.os.", "ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:616\n\nFor example if the array is \n[251.03, 1086.97, 891.53, 615]\n\nthe error occurs at position 3 \nam i doing something wrong or is there any work around through this \nThanks in advance\n\nA:\n\nthe error is on line. ", "threatlevel = (double) items.get(position);\n\nThe issue seems to be that it doesn't want to cast and autobox at the same time. ", "Since both Double and Integer extend Number, you can use:\nthreatlevel = items.get(position).doubleValue();\n\n" ]
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[ "I took a guy to the hospital today who was having pain from an injury due to a recent fall. ", "He has vicodin prescribed to him but can't take it because his family hid it because he might get addicted, according to the massive television and radio commercial campaign going on right no, so....fark those assholes.", "\n\nHere in Ohio the baggie the weed is in is now considered drug paraphernalia (4th degree misdemeanor). ", "Possession of marijuana (or, as it is on my record from like 10 years ago, \"possession of a controlled substance\" which can be anything) up to 99 grams in the same container is a minor misdemeanor.", "\n\nI wonder what would happen if you got caught with a couple of buds free-floating in your pocket? ", "Would the police make you take them off so they could keep them as evidence?", "\n\nI mean, I know that plastic baggies, if let loose upon the world, can be choking hazards for stray cats or whatever but it's weird that the actual drug itself is considered less of a charge than the container.", "\n\nI wonder what would happen if the cops caught you with some weed rolled up in a Bob Marley poster?", "\n\nMarijuana is a gateway drug, and should be controlled as such. ", "If the government has to \"pile on\" the charges, then it is for the best if it saves innocent kids from being tempted into a world of ruin.", "\n\ncretinbob:I took a guy to the hospital today who was having pain from an injury due to a recent fall. ", "He has vicodin prescribed to him but can't take it because his family hid it because he might get addicted, according to the massive television and radio commercial campaign going on right no, so....fark those assholes.", "\n\nMy girlfriend was afraid to take morphine in the hospital because she was afraid of narcotics.", "\n\nIf there's anybody that's a low-risk to get addicted to opiates, it's somebody who is afraid to take them because of some commercials she saw...yet, here we are.", "\n\nIf pictures are going to start counting as drug paraphernalia, how long until the cops start counting pictures of you and your friends and paraphernalia after they have searched you? ", "Are they automatically guilty? ", "How many degrees does this go?", "\n\nWhat can I say? ", "There was a sale on Ziplocks, and I need a place to keep my cheese (if you know what I mean).", "\n\nLOLThe kid's school is \"litterless lunch\" so we have all manner of containers and every fark-n size of zippy they make... *protip* you may get a couple of weeks out of the freezer bags versus just a few days with the regular ones.", "\n\nIf you don't think drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor, go home and take all your albums, tapes, cds...and burn them. ", "Cause, you know what, all those musicians who made that great music that has enhanced your lives throughout the years...real farking high on drugs.", "\n\ncretinbob:I took a guy to the hospital today who was having pain from an injury due to a recent fall. ", "He has vicodin prescribed to him but can't take it because his family hid it because he might get addicted, according to the massive television and radio commercial campaign going on right no, so....fark those assholes.", "\n\nWhen my grandpa was [literally] on his death bed, he resisted taking pain meds \" because I don't want to get addicted to...oh. ", "Right. ", "Not much chance of that. ", "So 1 every 4 hours and see how that goes?\"", "\n\nLucky LaRue:Marijuana is a gateway drug, and should be controlled as such.", "\n\nGateway... right. ", "So it should only route outgoing packets and anything incoming that is related to an established connection... drop all new incoming connections. ", "Maybe forward all outgoing connections from a few certain addresses to a proxy or something.", "\n\nI have Bob Marley music on my hard drive, just bought Ziplocs from Costco last week, and a postal scale in my home office.", "You can also find Bic lighters and incense if you look around.", "Should I just report to prison now?", "\n\nCalling Bob Marley posters drug paraphenalia seems pretty reasonable to me. ", "I cant say I ever knew anyone who liked Bob Marley, other than pot heads. ", "And this case certainly supports that idea. ", "They were after all growing large amounts of that crap. ", "If classifying Bob Marley posters at drug paraphenalia will get them more time then I am all for it. ", "The last thing we need is more druggies selling their poison in our neighborhoods.", "\n\nIma4nic8or:Calling Bob Marley posters drug paraphenalia seems pretty reasonable to me. ", "I cant say I ever knew anyone who liked Bob Marley, other than pot heads. ", "And this case certainly supports that idea. ", "They were after all growing large amounts of that crap. ", "If classifying Bob Marley posters at drug paraphenalia will get them more time then I am all for it. ", "The last thing we need is more druggies selling their poison in our neighborhoods.", "\n\nFirst you are no mike lol... Second just think of the blunt you could roll with a Bob Marley poster...especially the long way.", "\n\n\".....Bob Marley, a marijuana user.", "\"Well, not any more.", "I almost never leave the house without an engraved picture of a pot farmer. ", "Called himself George Washington. ", "Guess I should watch my back around these cops.", "\n\nIma4nic8or:Calling Bob Marley posters drug paraphenalia seems pretty reasonable to me. ", "I cant say I ever knew anyone who liked Bob Marley, other than pot heads. ", "And this case certainly supports that idea. ", "They were after all growing large amounts of that crap. ", "If classifying Bob Marley posters at drug paraphenalia will get them more time then I am all for it. ", "The last thing we need is more druggies selling their poison in our neighborhoods.", "\n\nThe paraphernalia charges are likely to run concurrently. ", "So no. ", "Just typical asshole cop crap.", "\n\nI know wearing a Bob Marley t-shirt is just asking for it, but can they get you on a charge if they give you the shirt back when you leave the jail? ", "Maybe go that route.", "\n\ncretinbob:I took a guy to the hospital today who was having pain from an injury due to a recent fall. ", "He has vicodin prescribed to him but can't take it because his family hid it because he might get addicted, according to the massive television and radio commercial campaign going on right no, so....fark those assholes.", "\n\nI'll take \"Ignorance on how narcotic and addiction works\" for the family, combined with the fact that Pot does shiat for somatic pain by itself. ", "It's the same idea as giving someone who has a long bone fracture a tylenol.", "\n\nPrimitive Screwhead:If you don't think drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor, go home and take all your albums, tapes, cds...and burn them. ", "Cause, you know what, all those musicians who made that great music that has enhanced your lives throughout the years...real farking high on drugs.", "\n\nLucky LaRue:Marijuana is a gateway drug, and should be controlled as such. ", "If the government has to \"pile on\" the charges, then it is for the best if it saves innocent kids from being tempted into a world of ruin.", "\n\nLucky LaRue:Marijuana is a gateway drug, and should be controlled as such. ", "If the government has to \"pile on\" the charges, then it is for the best if it saves innocent kids from being tempted into a world of ruin.", "\n\nLegally a stupid reason/defense but reality and life experience tell me that if you are white and have pics of Bob Marley around your home you smoke pot without question. ", "If you are black it's still 90%. ", "Of course I don't really believe that marijuana possession/use is important. ", "I find it about as criminal as jaywalking so I think these cops should've been doing more important things but still if you are going to bother going after pot smokers, guys with Bob Marley posters are fair game.", "\n\nIma4nic8or:Calling Bob Marley posters drug paraphenalia seems pretty reasonable to me. ", "I cant say I ever knew anyone who liked Bob Marley, other than pot heads. ", "And this case certainly supports that idea. ", "They were after all growing large amounts of that crap. ", "If classifying Bob Marley posters at drug paraphenalia will get them more time then I am all for it. ", "The last thing we need is more druggies selling their poison in our neighborhoods.", "\n\nCame here to say this, without intent to troll.", "\n\nRTFA and you find the guy was busted with 25 plants and a scale.", "\n\nHow many straight people have 2 Bob Marley posters anyway? ", "People who simply like reggae music but don't smoke weed?", "\n\nI bought a bottle of 99% isopropyl alcohol and a box of Q-Tips with wooden sticks at the local pharmacy one day and got a very funny look from the lady at the counter. ", "I needed to clean the fans and circuit boards in my computers. ", "Found out later that free-basers use that stuff. ", "I'm sure the woman at the counter thought I was a drug addict. ", "In her mind I have a much more interesting life.", "\n\nGyrfalcon:SundaesChild: This affirms my belief that my small collection of true crime nonfiction books will be used as evidence against me if anyone around me ever dies and I am wrongly accused of murder.", "\n\nChrist, that's going to make me into the reincarnation of Mao, Stalin and Adolf Hitler. ", "And possibly Osama bin Laden and Dick Cheney.", "\n\nI am sure you have a ways to go on the Scale of Evil before you reach Dick Cheney." ]
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[ "Blastobasis mpala\n\nBlastobasis mpala is a moth in the family Blastobasidae. ", "It is found in Kenya, where it is known from savanna habitat in the central highlands.", "\n\nThe length of the forewings is 7.1–8.2 mm. ", "The forewings are pale yellowish brown intermixed with pale brown scales and a few brown scales. ", "The hindwings are pale brown.", "\n\nEtymology\nThe species is named in honour of the Mpala Research Centre.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Moths described in 2010\nCategory:Blastobasis\nCategory:Moths of Africa" ]
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[ "1.14.2008\n\nFD Guest Lecture: Spit Shine My Mirror\n\nIn the fall, while he was doing the pub grind for his new shoes, I spoke with Ben Wallace for a while about the importance, style, meaning—name your clichéd descriptor—of his new shoes. ", "Wallace grew up dirt poor, in Alabama, and amidst the typical spiel, his sincerity was clearly evident when he said that it would have made a difference to “me and my ma” when he was a kid if there were $15 shoes around … as in, the kind you could wear and not get laughed at. ", "Any kid who’s rocked the NikeNoAir’s while others wore Penny’s can feel this.", "\n\nAnyway, in the spring, Wallace had signed to join Stephon Marbury to pimp the Steve and Barry’s “Good Deeds” line in what might have been more of a coup for S&B if one guy didn’t spend his summer damn near bragging about his taste for too-young poon and showing off his religious affiliation to general misogyny, then followed it up with a season that makes people wonder if that’s peat moss they smell in the Garden; and the other didn’t go from a “good signing” to a Hollinger panic attack. ", "If for whom the bell tolled got a buck for every point and board, on average, he still couldn’t score a pair of his own shoes. ", "Regardless of the state of the cheap kick campaign, Wallace still felt he had to do this, for selfish reasons too. “", "Your name is a brand. ", "That’s something I’ve learned,” he told me. “", "It’s important what you get involved with.”", "\n\nThis is, of course, is something of a copout. ", "I’ve rarely heard of a case of athletes turning down gigs or goods that pay. ", "No. ", "23—the apparent, not the heir—might be a symbol, but he also put his name on everything from batteries to bright whites, wieners to sugar water. ", "His godlike status is ours, David Falk’s and Phil Knight’s creation, not merely his own. ", "But I wonder, could it ever be the same if the marketing machine didn’t run so in step with MJ’s greatness? ", "What if, in a media sense and in a commercial sense, you could stand to stand for nothing? ", "What if you were associated with nothing? ", "What if, in the age of image-shaping from the inside, you could foment a nihilistic approach to all but the game? ", "And don’t say Timmmay; incapable isn’t a proxy for won’t.", "\n\nI concluded with Wallace, and told him, ultimately, that there was some good here. “", "Nobody will get killed for these,” I wrote. “", "And that’s a good thing.” ", "But I also thought later, what if someone got killed for shoes with my name on them? ", "For you to not be named Wilhelm Maybach or Gottlieb Daimler, or someone of that ilk, and have that happen, is it not just the height of sick satisfaction? ", "The point is, guys are more clear than ever about what they are associated with, because they’re being sold by the league as “people you can relate to,” which made MJ awesome, in a way, because if you tried to craft an ethos for him, he sold Hanes, and made you wince. ", "You were never sure with him.", "\n\nI called Nike headquarters the other day—where Mars Blackman is an accountant, and Chris Webber is athletic, and they hijacked the Force and bottle it—as a reporter with a query. ", "In the history of the Jordan symbol, that majestic, suspended, tongue-wagging shadow, how many have been produced, I asked? ", "Eyeball it, I said. ", "How many Jordan symbols have been stitched, screen-printed, molded, burned, or transposed in some manner, into existence? ", "A hundred million? ", "That may encompass only the shoes. ", "Twice that? ", "Maybe it covers the t-shirts too. ", "Key chains? ", "Headbands? ", "Boxer briefs? ", "Bumper stickers? ", "A billion? ", "The people there seemed equally confused. ", "I could imagine them handing the phone off: “Who is it? ", "He wants to know what? ", "Fuck it. ", "You take this one.”", "\n\nAnd on this matter, they’ll, “have to get back to me.” ", "I’m still waiting. ", "I wanted to know because when I watch shows on the subject of archaeology, I’m stunned by how many surviving items seem to involve worship. ", "Buffaloes on cave walls? ", "They considered them sacred, we’ll hear. ", "Pyramids? ", "Ancient burial chambers and idols to the gods, they explain. ", "Sure, there’s plenty that isn’t, but it’s amazing how much of it is. ", "I wonder: From an interpretive standpoint, do we have a tendency to assume something is sacred because it really was, or is it sacred because it still exists, and it comforts us to think the things that survived somehow bore some timeless value? (", "There could also be the truthier notion that ancient societies were extremely focused on worship and the next life, what with their short life expectancies.)", "\n\nAnd I wonder, will they in the lost future believe we worshipped the jumping man? ", "Carbon plastic shoes are better suited to survive than holy leather-bound books with flimsy cellulose-based pages. ", "And I know they will find how this symbol exists on every continent—wherever they may have drifted—whereas true religious symbols seem, comparatively, extremely geo-specific. ", "Sure, you see patches of Bibles and crosses in China. ", "Some Korans here and there in what used to be North America. ", "A pile of Mormon lit in the Congo. ", "He could be a retired basketball player now, but to them, MJ’s churches were huge arenas, bigger than our places of worship, and his symbol is everywhere. ", "There he is, jumping through the air. ", "Was he an instrument of a God, leaping over a streaming river of flame, escaping the fiery earth as God reached down to pull him up, grasping the outstretched arm from heaven?", "\n\nThe ease of information, and dissenting opinion, may have moved us past the point of myth-building. ", "That we can’t agree on a religion that unites the Earth is matter of many issues, save for the religion of self-preservation, but it is certainly a problem of transcription. ", "God—regardless of your version—has never really had decent access to word processing. ", "Be it stone-carving, papyrus, quills and scrolls, the backs of envelopes, longhand, right on through a steady electric typewriter, and on to your current mode, it’s been a puzzling affair. ", "Godhood is a tough racket. ", "You rely on folks constantly claiming to be speaking on your behalf. ", "Did anybody give you a seat on the canon committee? ", "No, they just shouted out to you, assumed their inspiration, and crafted the book the say “You would have wanted.” ", "Hell, they even say you wrote it, speaking through them. ", "If only the paper survives, if what flashes through the series of tubes ultimately dies, we'll have written a million pages for our athletic gods, far more than all the guidebooks on the god of your choice combined.", "\n\nLast week an email came in from some PR flak representing a new initiative by the Utah Jazz. ", "The team was setting up, through a profile/chat/MySpace/Facebook/ I'm14WithTitsSoLeerAtMe service, a way to connect with their players, \"...like never before!\" ", "Connect with a member of the Jazz. ", "This might be tight if I was in Utah, living it up minus caffeine, not allowed to come out and play on Sundays, styling may hair to mimic my Adam Keefe poster, but what the hell is the NBA thinking? ", "The truth is they are mired in the false belief that to love our stars is to know them. ", "David Stern and the like believe that created a personalized NBA, we can create a personalized experience, and for a society that is so disturbingly over-communicated (remember when you couldn't text about nothing ... all the time?), ", "communicative actions with stars is a good thing.", "\n\nIt's not. ", "I don't care if Tim Duncan turns the corner as a talker and gets hired by Galoob, it's not good. ", "I don't care if Ron Artest finally fills the void left by Fred Rogers. ", "Don't they know it was better for the league when he made it scary to sit in the front row? ", "Recently, the Sonics hired away from the Seattle Post-Intelligencer the sports editor to work on their media. ", "The guy who was supposed to be on the other side, to direct the critiques, the reportage, the scrutiny, and help us build the myth, is now on the inside, creating the image. ", "Free Darko works because more and more, distance is pristine. ", "Sports media is so fawning, so a part of sport, that as much as it gives, it takes away the imagination.", "\n\nSure, there are moments where you want to know an answer, and the answer is a nugget, but to stare at the stars is to imagine other worlds, to look at them through the telescope is to know that a distant planet that could have maintained life is a coarse, lifeless rock. ", "The league and the players in it are going, in some cases, to such great lengths to show you who they are, that they’re forgetting the distance is part of what drove our fascination. ", "We can see their exploits; it’s more fun for the fan to construct their personalities. ", "Instead, your imagination is broken because Gil ain't a feminist, he just stumbled across the Cliff's Notes for Madame Bovary. ", "Keep us away. ", "Let us interpret. ", "Quit being so image-conscious and so communication-addicted that a mute Kirk Hinrich feels forced to talk to me after a game when he really wants to sneak away into the dark tunnels. ", "He doesn't have a mystique, but maybe the distance would let us create it for him.", "\n\nMJ never blogged. ", "Even his best attempts at personhood just came off like a trip on Haley's Comet to give us the occasional view, before he flew off back into his celestial orbit of the basketball universe. ", "The good gods are the ones who let us tell their tales. ", "The other ones just look pushy.", "\n\nBut isn't it fair of stars to try to write their own story? ", "It's certainly not fair to ask them to \"keep us away, let us interpret.\" ", "For instance, Peyton Manning throws 5 INTs in a Conference title game, starts the ball rolling on the \"Peyton is a choking baby\" train, then spends the off season in every commercial possible trying to prove that he is \"personable\" and \"fun loving\" (the new Favre).", "\n\nNow, I would certainly agree that his \"story\" didn't get edited until he actually played that way and then won a title, which falls in line with the piece. ", "But can we really fault him for trying to reach out to the fans? ", "I don't think so.", "\n\nAs it was once said on this very site: \"Mars Blackmon made Jordan human.\" ", "I think that agrees with what you say about MJ. ", "At times, MJ would come down from his planet, connect with the common folk for a minute, and shoot back up. ", "Now, everyone is constantly trying to connect, and I agree that is bad. ", "But that is done merely for money (cynical maybe) and commercial appeal--to appeal to those who may like the NBA but would be bored within 2 minutes of an FD post.", "\n\nThe same way that you can't learn shit about the league by watching Heat-Bulls in prime time on ESPN, you can't learn shit about Stephon Marbury by watching him hawk cheap shoes (don't get me wrong, it is an admirable thing he does) on Oprah. ", "Unfortunately, the general viewing public doesn't give a shit.", "\n\nWhat about the fact that a behind-the-scenes MJ definitely existed, though? ", "MJ was a facade - a nearly impenetrable one, particularly in that era of (relative) micromedia. ", "I wonder how of the Jordan Myth rests upon a hypercompetitive, callow, and fundamentally *interesting* pillar. ", "Tim Duncan can't ever capture the imagination because, no matter what face he presents to the world, behind it all he's still a pretty boring guy.", "\n\nTim Duncan can't ever capture the imagination because . . . ", "behind it all he's still a pretty boring guy.", "\n\nBut that's kinda the point, isn't it? ", "If Duncan presents the face, it's going to be boring, constructed, cheap. ", "But if we the public come up with the face, it's going to be a reflection of our own needs and obsessions, and therefore inherently interesting. ", "The blanker the canvas (i.e., Duncan) the clearer the projection.", "\n\nLook, here's a newsflash: world-class athletes are inherently boring people. ", "Moreover, the better they are, the more boring they are, in general. ", "The amount of time and effort required to raise even a phenomenally gifted athlete to world-class status is so daunting, so obsessive, that actual personality, interests, or opinions cannot be developed. ", "Interesting is only what they seem. ", "Once in awhile, there is someone who is glib enough to pass as interesting or informed (Charles Barkley), or weird enough to pass as iconoclastic (Rodman), or pretty/handsome enough to otherwise engage our interest (Sharapova). ", "Sometimes, there is an athlete who plays long enough that he or she develops interesting qualities or opinions (Agassi -- but note how his later persona differed from his first impression). ", "But for the most part, greatness comes in inverse proportion to interestingness.", "\n\nI forget who it was -- but I think it was Flaubert -- who said something to the effect of \"an artist must be conservative in his life, that he might be revolutionary in his work.\" ", "Everyone watching Tom Brady, Tim Duncan, Roger Federer, or Tiger Woods needs to come to grips with this.", "\n\nCollin - I don't disagree with you. ", "Having spoken with hundreds of them, I would never disagree with your assessment regarding the \"interesting\" quotient of pro athletes, particularly as it relates to the degree their craft has taken time from, say, their ability to read up on and jot even serviceable FD posts. ", "I just lament all the shaping they, their PR team, and whoever else deems is necessary for them to truly cash in on this moment. ", "This also goes for us writing (and editing) stiffs. ", "As Peter Devries said, \"That's the problem with all the good young writers. ", "They're all in their sixties.\"", "\n\nMCW - Fair. ", "Though I love Keefe. ", "Best Pac-10 red head since Walton, and I say that even in the midst of the Aron Baynes era...\n\nI was actually trying to agree with you wholeheartedly with my comment. ", "I was disagreeing --- or at least taking some issue with --- the comment by Sweat of Ewing. ", "I absolutely agree that the way that PR flaks go about their business is lamentable. ", "In fact, you could even say it's counterproductive. ", "Case in point: Andre Agassi, who I mentioned in my comment. ", "Agassi at 17 is a nice Christian kid from the desert who rarely cusses or throws his racket. ", "He gets packaged and sold as a rebel. ", "Wears ridiculous clothes. ", "Makes stupid commercials. ", "Doesn't win much -- but hey, Sampras is winning everything in sight, so it's not like he's alone in losing.", "\n\nThen, later in his career, Andre reinvents himself. ", "No . . . ", "he gives us the chance to reinvent him for ourselves. ", "The shaved head becomes the actual blank canvas. ", "Shorn, we finally get the chance to see the decent kid that was always there. ", "Now, describing that guy is boring --- decent Christian kid from the desert, doesn't cuss or bitch --- but when we start projecting stuff on him, that innate decency becomes the raw material we work with to shape the guy to our own needs. ", "And isn't it easier to make money -- and more of it -- off of American Hero than it is to make money off of Preening Pseudo-Rebel?", "\n\nNow, I know that the dilemma of the PR flak is that you don't know, at age 17, that Agassi is going to be the champion he becomes. ", "And you've gotta sell what you got right now. ", "And right now -- in the early 90's -- is a long haired kid with an earring. ", "Rebel! ", "Sell it! ", "You can't sell American Hero when the guy hasn't won anything. ", "But you can fashion the canvas. ", "You can prime the pump. ", "You can look at that naive 17-year-old in your office and say honestly to him \"look, kid, I'm not gonna make you do anything you have to explain with a red face later on.\" ", "If that kid is Agassi, you probably end up making a lot more money in the long run.", "\n\nGreat point. ", "Ideal for the topic. ", "Peculiar thing about Agassi, which somewhat goes without saying, but I will for the sake of discourse here: as he was working so hard to project an image of almost insolence in the face of \"old tennis\" authority--remember when he wouldn't play Wimbledon due to the all-white's rule ... clothes, not race--he was considered a disappointment on the court. ", "When he finally won a slam, at Wimbledon, oddly, he still had the long hair, but his fake angst had been tempered, and his humility and wisdom seemed to be seaping forth some. ", "From there, when he truly revolutionized the game, it was within a bland, balding persona. ", "Think of that: mens tennis is almost unrecognizable compared to the game Agassi entered, but he had to bring his spiced up image (which \"is everything\", we were told) back into the bland realm that permeates the game. ", "Imagine that, the bland Agassi added color to the court, like a painter mixing a streak of red into a tub of white, as his faux-attitude persona dissipated into nothingness. ", "In the great SI profile of the rivalry with Sampras from the mid-90's, it was Pistol Pete who came off like the cranky, cussing type. ", "Professionalism somehow got to Agassi, and made him markedly more interesting, in my opinion.", "\n\nI think this is part of what I lament in my piece. ", "Make your game worthy of our interest, and we'll be thrilled, as you say, to utilize the blank canvas of your limited persona to craft the star we want.", "\n\nI forget who it was -- but I think it was Flaubert -- who said something to the effect of \"an artist must be conservative in his life, that he might be revolutionary in his work.\"", "\n\nMy bet is Proust.", "\n\nAnd from what I understand, Timmy D is actually a much more interesting person off the court (the whole Spurs team is really--in that professorly \"I've been to Europe and not just the Eiffel Tower for photos\" kinda way) and a well-loved teammate. ", "Jordan was always just considered hyper-competitve. ", "I mean really, Jordan always just seemed like some cocky athelete to me--and I never found anything \"real\" in all that Space Jam nonsense. ", "You could have put Vince Carter in that role and the movie would be exactly the same.", "\n\nJordan's commercials are almost always pushy in the sense that they try to demystify him (he wears underwear, just like you!) ", "but just end up making him seem like someone who scores even lower on the Wunderlic than Vince Young and can't be trusted to deliver even the simplest of lines. ", "Have you ever noticed how little they give him to say and how much he's supposed to convey with that non-plussed shrug? ", "It's like the Philip Morris agency got their memos crossed and the one that said \"Under no circumstances let Arnold Schwarzeneggar deliver dialogue\" got sent to Jordan's handlers.", "\n\nNot to completely hijack this thread into an Agassi-love-fest, but the strongest memory I have of the guy as a kid was when he was facing Jimmy Connors in the quarters or semis of the U.S. Open. ", "Hadn't won a slam at that point -- maybe 18 years old, or 19.", "\n\nAnyway, it's a tight match, but Connors is on the ropes a bit, and Agassi is about to break. ", "Connors bouncing the ball, it's real quiet . . . ", "and someone shouts from the crowd: \"He's a punk, you're a legend, Jimmy!\"", "\n\nConnors tries to ignore it for a second. ", "He holds the ball. ", "Then, he starts to giggle and has to step back. ", "Which of course gets the whole crowd going. ", "Laughing. ", "At Andre.", "\n\nAnd the camera cut to Andre for a moment -- to the long-haired, earring-wearing \"rebel\", the \"punk\" -- and the guy was just an open wound of pain. ", "You could see it in his eyes. ", "He was about to cry. ", "He hated being called a punk in that context. ", "He hated being on the other side of any spectrum from Connors. ", "All he wanted was to be Connors. ", "The legend. ", "Not the punk. ", "He ended up winning, of course, but it had to cut deep.", "\n\nHere's the thing: the only reason Agassi got called out like that was because he'd been mishandled, mispackaged, sold as something he wasn't. ", "He had the long hair, but so did everyone else at that time. ", "His heart wasn't with the image, and the image burned him. ", "It didn't have to be that way. ", "He didn't have to be set up to fail his own image like that.", "\n\nI didn't become an Agassi fan at that point, but it was the moment where I stopped hating him and wishing him (professional) ill. ", "Last year, watching Andre put up one last ghost of a fight against Nadal, I found myself yelling at my screen as he was bouncing the ball, about to get broken, about to lose -- \"HE'S A PUNK! ", "YOU'RE A LEGEND, ANDRE!\"", "\n\nAllow me to recant a bit, because I'll admit the Duncan analogy is a bit too easy and flawed. ", "My point, though, is that Jordan's image is and always was hiding something. ", "He is an interesting character because he is a particularly flawed one, no matter how pristine the numbers 2 and 3 are, and because it has always seemed to me as if his entire life is spent in service to that same flaw (ego, primarily). ", "Meaning that Jordan would never give the public as much of his personality as the sports media would like, because he couldn't: if the truth was that MJ was almost pathologically unable to cede superiority, and would do most anything to avoid that, would he have been such a folk hero? (", "I'll admit, perhaps I have this wrong, because a great deal of my argument hinges on this point) To me, that's a truth that has always seemed particularly ugly rather than one to be worshiped. ", "That bland image was deliberate, crafted almost to the point of deceit, and in his case that's why it worked so well.", "\n\nAgassi I see as a somewhat different case, akin to the Reggie Millers and Jerome Bettises of the world (although on a vastly larger emotional and, more importantly, successful scale). ", "You stick around long enough, you become the elder and the legend. ", "Obviously you need to win for this to happen to the extent it did with Agassi. ", "Hhe was never an icon like Jordan - this is tennis, after all, so that's understandable - but Agassi seems like a profoundly likable guy who quieted down as he got older. ", "It's late so I'm drawing a blank - are there examples of this in other sports?", "\n\nAs I read this post, I kept thinking about how about a month ago, I saw Cliff Robinson dancing like he wasn't Cliff Robinson. ", "This was at a Portland club where patrons are mostly under 25 and Asian, so he was sticking out a little. ", "He danced on the floor amongst the people all night, got drunk, and whenever they threw on an old beat he recognized, he broke out the air-bass. ", "Somehow, I left loving him more.", "\n\nThe whole idea of athletes having personalities is preposterous to me. ", "Frankly, I don't give a damn that Peyton Manning is a surprisingly good SNL host or that Tim Duncan is super funny if you get to know him! ", "or any of that nonsense. ", "What I care about is what I see on the court.", "\n\nTake Sean Taylor. ", "All the obits said he was a decent family man and a caring father in the months before he was killed. ", "That's irrelevant to me, at least in the context that matters when it comes to Sean Taylor. ", "All I need to know about him is he will knock a motherfucker out if he can, be it Week 7 against the Vikings or a punter in the Pro Bowl.", "\n\n\"The blanker the canvas (i.e., Duncan) the clearer the projection. \"", "That's a nice metaphor, but it's a little to facile. ", "There's just nothing to project on the pristine canvas of The Big Fundamental - his game is simply too vanilla. ", "Look at the players who we mythologize - Jordan, Rodman, J.R. Smith, Allen Iverson, etc. ", "They all have remarkable, expressive games. ", "Jordan was capable of feats past description, the kind of shit you had to see yourself to even comprehend, so we made... I dunno, the fundamental attribution error and assumed that man who's so gifted must be interesting.", "\n\nBut Duncan doesn't have that. ", "He's got angles and putbacks and not much else. ", "Myth's make mortals im-, but there has to be something there to start with. ", "Duncan's way too prosaic to support any kind of mythology.", "\n\nI don't know who I'm even talking to at this point, but I want to say there's been a ton of on-point stuff here. ", "I especially like Jordan as Haley's comet, and as a Chicagoan raised in Church of Jordan, let me say that those sometimes awkward commercials really hammered home the point: This man is not human. ", "He was made to play basketball.", "\n\nI'd like to hear what you guys think about LeBron in regards to this topic. ", "He's always been so careful to present a corporate-friendly, sanitized image to the public, but here we see him ogling some tits with his kid in tow, or pretty much laughing in the face of the reporter who asks him about his speeding ticket.", "\n\n2. ", "The problem with athletes and personalizing them is that by nature, to the average person, they are superhuman.", "\n\nThe marketing machine rarely reminds many of us that, in our youth we could actually dunk a basketball fairly easily. ", "It also rarely reminds us that we recently got owned by a 15 year old in a pick-up game at our local court. ", "Our own personal experiences with basketball are irrelevant. ", "The purity of The Game is what they push.", "\n\nThe Game is not our game, and likely never will be nor could have been. ", "Leave that to the pros. ", "Worship them.", "\n\nThis deification by proxy precludes humanizing our heroes. ", "When a bit of humanity shines through, it is almost always negative. ", "The fact that Marcus Camby reads to children is inevitably subjugated by the fact that JR Smith sprays champagne all over girls in clubs.", "\n\nEven the postgame interviews merit awkward uncertainty about the human ability to connect. ", "Kobe once stated after a game: \"I felt like Geppetto out there.\" ", "He did not mean this in any sort of Dadaist way. ", "He was trying to make an allusion that was dead before it had a chance to live. ", "As an intellectual, Kobe when sober ranks lower than most of my friends after 4 40s of Steel Reserve.", "\n\nThis I can only assess because postgame interviews give players a chance to be human, which most pass on. ", "Most favor old stalwarts about giving 110% and things of that nature. ", "These hackneyed lines preserve the facelessness of The Game, while still allowing for a face to worship." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Introduction {#sec1-1}\n============\n\nCervical root syndrome problems, such as cervical disc herniation and spondylosis including OPLL, often occur as one of the causes of cervical myelopathy. ", "Because the result of conservative treatment in OPLL is unpromising, surgical treatment is selected in most cases \\[[@ref1]\\]. ", "The surgical management of OPLL is still in debate, whether it is better dealt with the anterior approach, posterior approach, or the combination of both.", "\n\nIt was agreed among experts that for a single-level spinal OPLL without canal stenosis, the anterior procedure is a better option, while in multi-level canal stenosis OPLL laminoplasty procedure can further facilitate the use of adequate decompression \\[[@ref2]\\], \\[[@ref3]\\], \\[[@ref4]\\]. ", "We reported a case of a patient who was successfully treated by open-door basket laminoplasty devices.", "\n\nCase Presentation {#sec1-2}\n=================\n\nA 65 years-old male presented with a history of weakness and numbness that were started from the legs. ", "He also complained about stiffness and pain in his neck for two years. ", "They were followed by arm weakness, especially at the left side. ", "Sagittal and axial T2WI MRI revealed edema of the spinal cord and hyperintensity changes on C4-6 due to spinal canal compression by OPLL ([Figure 1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "On myelogram, there was a blockage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flowed at the level C4-6 ([Figure 2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "MRT2WI shows significant cord compression and intramedullary hyperintensity changes](OAMJMS-7-603-g001){#F1}\n\n![", "MR myelogram showed CSF blockage from C4-6 levels](OAMJMS-7-603-g002){#F2}\n\nFurther neurological findings were grade I-III tetraparesis and hypoesthesia of the arms and legs with increased deep reflexes. ", "No history of trauma was documented. ", "He received conservative management from a neurologist, but he considered himself not improved. ", "He was then planned for a surgical decompression by the laminoplasty procedure.", "\n\nA cervical midline skin incision was made from C2 spinous processes until C7. ", "After the automatic retractor was placed, we discovered hypertrophic facet joints on C4-6, and C3-C7 lamina was exposed. ", "The bone gutter of the medial border of the facets was made from C4-C6 both sides by using a high-speed drill.", "\n\nBy preserving the inner cortex of the lamina, we opened the lamina door gently from C4-C6 and basket laminoplasty devices were placed to maintain the door opening about 10 mm with titanium screws (1.5 mm in diameter, and 5 mm length) on the facet and lamina side ([Figure 3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "At this stage, the dural pulsation was observed, and after completing homeostasis a drainage tube size 10.0 was placed, an osteoligament reconstruction was done, and fascia-skin was closed by sutures. ", "The patient was bed-rested for 3 days after the procedure, and with gradual ambulation, he was started mobilisation using a collar brace for 3 months.", "\n\n![", "Intraoperative view of basket laminoplasty devices (arrow)](OAMJMS-7-603-g003){#F3}\n\nThe patient made a good recovery. ", "Motor paralysis improved remarkably, and gait disturbances were reduced. ", "Upon discharge, the patient was able to sit using a wheel-chair and move all extremities against gravitational force. ", "He continued the rehabilitation program for 6 months where he managed to get a partial resolution of his neurological deficits. ", "A follow-up CT Scan was taken one month after the surgery, that revealed satisfactory implants position and sagittal balance of the neck segments ([Figure 4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![", "CT Scan revealed acceptable space for the cord and neck spine alignment](OAMJMS-7-603-g004){#F4}\n\nDiscussion {#sec1-3}\n==========\n\nHirabayashi first described a technique of expansive open-door laminoplasty in 1991 \\[[@ref3]\\]. ", "In the beginning, a thread was used to hold the lamina of the spinous processes. ", "But lately, various forms of spacers were available, although some surgeons still not confident to use them and some still use autograft \\[[@ref4]\\], \\[[@ref5]\\], \\[[@ref6]\\], \\[[@ref8]\\]. ", "The tendency to use mini-plates or hydroxyapatite spacer to maintain the opened side have emerged, with 53.1% of the studies reported the use of mini-plates or hydroxyapatite spacer. ", "The use of this hardware did not give a negative effect on the outcomes (*p* = 0.196) \\[[@ref5]\\], \\[[@ref7]\\]. ", "Most of the previous studies failed to present sufficient data to conclude the pre and postoperative occurrence of post-laminoplasty kyphosis.^7-10^ The use of spacers or miniplate does not affect significantly (p = 0.889) in spinal deformities or the neurological outcomes \\[[@ref5]\\], \\[[@ref6]\\].", "\n\nSurgeons are still faced with some options regarding this procedure: using mini-plate without material for bone fusion, using materials such as hydroxyapatite bone-fusion, or using autograft with or without miniplate \\[[@ref6]\\], \\[[@ref8]\\]. ", "Because of these choices, it is necessary to choose one device that is capable of carrying all the advantages stated above, easy to install, affordable, not adding foreign substances to the patient, ensuring bone fusion, sufficient to stabilise, not causing deformities, and does not cause neurologic deficits.", "\n\nBasket system allows for the bone graft to be held in place, which maximises the speed of bone fusion. ", "Screw placement is simpler than conventional miniplate because the basket is holding the lamina during the procedure. ", "The results of pure titanium are faster osseointegration and lower artefacts. ", "The unique shape of the laminoplasty basket is holding lamina properly and prevent itself from falling into the spinal canal.", "\n\nIn short, the device can provide all of the conditions stated above. ", "Now the device has been used widely especially in Japan which does have many cases of cervical OPLL. ", "To our best knowledge, our case was the first case outside Japan where this device was used. ", "In terms of placing the device, we found it fairly easy in installation with no additional tools needed to place it.", "\n\nIn conclusion, basket laminoplasty device is an excellent choice for cervical OPLL. ", "We believe the use of this device is very favourable for long-term patient outcome.", "\n\n**Funding:** This research did not receive any financial support\n\n**Competing Interests:** The authors have declared that no competing interests exist\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
[ 0.002115667099133134, 0.0006019707070663571, 0.000554087630007416, 0.0006160825141705573, 0.0005820456426590681, 0.20915183424949646, 0.0019339544232934713, 0.0022570621222257614, 0.0006220912327989936, 0.0009536129655316472, 0.0019054226577281952, 0.000998977106064558, 0.0013549750437960029, 0.0006638718768954277, 0.0012732920004054904, 0.0008368327398784459, 0.0006586672971025109, 0.0006657505291514099, 0.0008094403892755508, 0.0006035994738340378, 0.0021800915710628033, 0.0005982358707115054, 0.0019054226577281952, 0.000585727219004184, 0.000776563014369458, 0.001114656450226903, 0.0005905488505959511, 0.0008955926168709993, 0.0019054226577281952, 0.0006950264214538038, 0.0005908720195293427, 0.0007816349389031529, 0.0007188814925029874, 0.0008853935287334025, 0.0007566282292827964, 0.0008440815727226436, 0.0006488625658676028, 0.0006683891988359392, 0.0007581815007142723, 0.0006528933881781995, 0.0007284560706466436, 0.0005451776087284088, 0.0005788859562017024, 0.000545871036592871, 0.000523110618814826, 0.0006281760870479047, 0.0005222253384999931, 0.0006892948877066374 ]
[ "316 F.2d 735\nPRINCEVILLE CANNING COMPANY, Petitioner,v.NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD, Respondent.", "\nNo. ", "19290.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit.", "\nMay 17, 1963.", "\n\nPetition to Review Order of the National Labor Relations Board.", "\nFred C. Jackson, Stephen P. Dart, Kilbourne, Dart & Jackson, St. Francisville, La., for respondent, Princeville Canning Co.\nMarcel Mallet-Prevost, Asst. ", "Gen. Counsel, Dominick L. Manoli, Assoc. ", "Gen. Counsel, Melvin Pollack, Atty., ", "Stuart Rothman, Gen. Counsel, Jules H. Gordon, Atty., ", "N. L. R. B., for respondent.", "\nBefore TUTTLE, Chief Judge, JONES, Circuit Judge, and DE VANE, District Judge.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n\n1\nPrinceville Canning Company, by its petition for review, seeks to have set aside an order against it of the National Labor Relations Board. ", "133 N.L.R.B. 1232. ", "The Board, by its answer, has requested enforcement of the order. ", "A determination of the question as to whether the Board's findings are supported by substantial evidence will control our decision. ", "No need is apparent for a discussion of the evidence which was submitted in the proceedings before the Board. ", "The evidence supports the Board's findings and its order will be\n\n\n2\nEnforced.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.0007791433017700911, 0.0013787426287308335, 0.0009325249120593071, 0.0009330305620096624, 0.0007185071590356529, 0.0006783727440051734, 0.0007950447616167367, 0.0018015509704127908, 0.000735123991034925, 0.0007913029985502362, 0.0007500808569602668, 0.0007473005098290741, 0.000981742748990655, 0.0006262458045966923, 0.000901322637218982, 0.000617611687630415, 0.0005837651551701128, 0.0005743828369304538, 0.0006136464653536677, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "UPDATE: With the Xbox One, every achievement has its own unique picture. ", "Today, those unique pictures were leaked in their amazing, high-definition glory. ", "Check them out below. ", "Please note that some have yet to be revealed.", "\n\n\n\nORIGINAL: A NeoGAF user known as sangreal recently revealed the achievement list for Titanfall. ", "For those who want to avoid spoilers, please do not read on but there are no story related achievements that will spoil the story.", "\n\nIf you are unaware what achievement referring to “generation” is, you should check out the recently leaked ‘Prestige’ system for Titanfall known as “Regenerating”.", "\n\nMicrosoft recently confirmed that despite a page on Xbox.com claiming Titanfall will allow digital pre-loading, that in fact the page was put up in error and will not have digital pre-loading.", "\n\nAs always, feel free to discuss this news on our forums!", "\n\nSource: NeoGAF" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0006854159291833639, 0.0005719959735870361, 0.0006692904862575233, 0.0005456548533402383, 0.0007148238946683705, 0.0006501383613795042, 0.0005646946374326944, 0.0006935294368304312, 0.0005576634430326521, 0.00701720267534256 ]
[ "Karen Uhlenbeck has made a donation to the EDGE (Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education) Foundation which is to establish The Karen EDGE Fellowship Program. ", "This aims “to support and enhance the research programs and collaborations of mid-career mathematicians who are U.S. citizens and members of a minority group that is underrepresented in the field of mathematics”.", "\n\nThe award consists of $8,000 per year for three years including funding for visits to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. ", "Further details and how to apply are available via the EDGE website. ", "Applications are due by 1st February 2020, with three awardees announced by 1 May 2020.", "\n\nVia Association for Women in Mathematics on Twitter." ]
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[ 0.0005919568939134479, 0.0005870372406207025, 0.0005279509932734072, 0.0005567112239077687, 0.0005523715517483652, 0.0015212397556751966 ]
[ "BMW expects a hit to revenues of up to half a billion euros ($579 million) in 2019 if tariffs between the United States and China stay in place, Chief Financial Officer Nicolas Peter informed Automobilwoche magazine. ", "Tariffs between the United States and China have struck exports of sport-utility vehicles from its U.S. plant in Spartanburg,\n\nGerman automaker BMW AG prepares more deals with mining companies to secure electric vehicle battery materials, and is open to establishing alliances to share the expenses of developing autonomous-vehicle systems, the automaker’s research and development chief informed Reuters. ", "BMW management board member Klaus Froehlich stated automakers and large providers have started to discuss how to\n\nU.S. automakers are dealing with increasing pressure amid sluggish demand in the country, as Asian and European auto companies strongly increase vehicle production in North America, including a recent investment by Daimler. ", "In the recent move, Daimler prepares to invest $1 billion to broaden its Mercedes Benz assembly plant near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to provide batteries\n\nDaimler AG increased the most in three weeks after the business solidified its lead in the luxury-car market and said it’s positive of reaching this year’s hidden revenue objectives, regardless of over 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) in one-time expenses in the second quarter. ", "Changed revenues before interest and taxes increased 5.6 percent to 3.97\n\nMercedes-Benz outsold its high-end auto competitors in the United States in May, constructing its lead in a down month apparently due to ongoing need for its sport utility cars. ", "Deliveries moved 1 percent from a year earlier to 29,299, the Daimler AG system stated in a statement Wednesday. ", "Mercedes published a 64 percent advantage for\n\nThere is news that BMW is raising its sales figures for 2010 and also it’s earning forecasts for the year. ", "This has been due to the better than expected sales of its cars in China combined with the robust demand for BMW AG’s new 5 series sedan. ", "Buoyed by the good performance, the German luxury\n\nBMW AG has been reported to forecast its 2010 sales growth by not more than single digit percentage. ", "This is in spite of outperformed sales in the first five months of the year with a 14%-15% growth. ", "The projections are reported to have been set assessing the tougher comparatives and global fiscal changes. ", "At the\n\nBloomberg News in its columns has once again written about the possible sharing of parts and technology between BMW AG and Saab. ", "They claim their information to be from two authentic sources. ", "New about this joint collaboration had first been reported by the Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri. ", "The sources requested anonymity as the discussions are\n\nGerman luxury car makers Mercedes Benz, BMW AG and Audi has revealed that China continues to be the growth engine for luxury cars. ", "To back it up with real figures, Mercedes-Benz disclosed that the sale of its range of cars has recorded a 100 percent growth to 11,300 vehicles for the month of April. ", "BMW" ]
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[ 0.0006102313636802137, 0.0005310832639224827, 0.000560919230338186, 0.0005595319671556354, 0.0006343618151731789, 0.0005997147527523339, 0.0005659800372086465, 0.0005953031941317022, 0.0005892082117497921, 0.0007010317058302462, 0.000537972548045218, 0.0005378235364332795, 0.0005958591937087476, 0.0005685761570930481, 0.000538774358574301, 0.0005630463128909469, 0.0008653718396089971 ]
[ "Surgical options in postgastrectomy syndromes.", "\nThe various operations performed for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease can lead to a variety of iatrogenic disorders collectively referred to as the \"postgastrectomy syndromes.\" ", "Although the etiology of most of these disorders remains unclear, loss of vagal innervation and bypass, ablation, or destruction of the pylorus clearly are involved in the pathogenesis of most, if not all, of these disorders. ", "Unfortunately, there often is also a poorly understood psychological element involved in the pathogenesis. ", "Of all ulcer operations, proximal gastric vagotomy results in the fewest physiologic abnormalities and the mildest postoperative symptoms. ", "The continued popularity of this operation should effect a marked reduction in the incidence of disabling postgastrectomy syndromes. ", "Fortunately, symptoms severe enough to necessitate remedial operation are uncommon, and conservative medical management is always indicated and usually suffices. ", "When disabling symptoms are refractory, a thorough evaluation of the patient and an accurate classification of the syndrome are essential to guarantee a satisfactory result from surgical intervention. ", "Although numerous surgical procedures have been developed to deal with the different syndromes, with varied results, the Roux-en-Y procedure has emerged as the operation of choice for most, if not all, postgastrectomy syndromes. ", "However, the Roux-en-Y procedure has not been universally successful, and this operation can itself lead to the recently recognized postgastrectomy state of Roux-en-Y stasis syndrome. ", "Prevention therefore remains the best form of therapy, and remedial operation should not be undertaken until adequate time has elapsed since the original operation and all forms of conservative treatment have failed." ]
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[ 0.0008122911676764488, 0.001984339440241456, 0.0008623710600659251, 0.0005701803602278233, 0.10026849061250687, 0.0024128705263137817, 0.000694507674779743, 0.0005859866505488753, 0.0007351884269155562, 0.0028777746483683586, 0.0007373979897238314 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNo one will get dinged if this isn't solved, so please don't fly away!", "\n\nI found a message on a nature walk. ", "It warned me there was a wild gathering out and about. ", "But instead of saying what to be careful of, the message only gave me nine clues. ", "They said each symbol given could be combined, as type 1 but not 2 or 3, to give me the group on the loose.", "\n\nA symbol of belief\n Where to choirs some talk\n With a minor adjustment\n Of a circle on top\nI am my brother\n But my brother is not me\n If you fill me for vacation\n A new hint will you see\nA friend to ensure\n All work you have done\n You’ll find me easily\n If you fill the start of one\nGo North East\n And cross my line\n Or tilt number one\n And aim toward the sky\nA chasm you’ll find\n Between my friends\n I mark a beginning\n But also an end\nI wave at you for glory\n Or to signal defeat\n Given my color\n Your enemies might think I’m neat\nFrom late June to late July\n You may find me crabby\n For another perspective\n Tilt and arrange apostrophes\nI share a trait with the hint above\n However, I run in the fall\n Loyal and kind are some of my traits\n While shyness and worry can be my downfalls\nI bring things together\n Creating most pairs\n When things go together\n I’m usually there\n\nWhat was this message trying to say was about?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe answer is\n\nWOLF PACK\n\nThese describe\n\nWingding symbols (hence the title of 'dinging' and 'flying')\n\nSee this table for translation\n\nA symbol of belief\nWhere to choirs some talk\nWith a minor adjustment\nOf a circle on top \n\nA cross - symbol of the church - with a circle is the Celtic cross = W\n\nI am my brother\nBut my brother is not me\nIf you fill me for vacation\nA new hint will you see \n\nWhite square - a square is a rectangle but not vice versa and if you fill it then it marks a holiday check = O\n\nA friend to ensure\nAll work you have done\nYou’ll find me easily\nIf you fill the start of one \n\nIf you fill 0 (start of 1) you get a black circle = L\n\nGo North East\nAnd cross my line\nOr tilt number one\nAnd aim toward the sky\n\nSagittarius symbol = F\n\nA chasm you’ll find\nBetween my friends\nI mark a beginning\nBut also an end\n\nA space - end of one word, start of the next\n\nI wave at you for glory\nOr to signal defeat\nGiven my color\nYour enemies might think I’m neat\n\nWaving white flag is either a symbol of victory of surrender = P\n\nFrom late June to late July\nYou may find me crabby\nFor another perspective\nTilt and arrange apostrophes\n\nCancer symbol (21st June to 22nd July) = A\n\nI share a trait with the hint above\nHowever, I run in the fall\nLoyal and kind are some of my traits\nWhile shyness and worry can be my down falls \n\nVirgo zodiac sign characteristics = C\n\nI bring things together\nCreating most pairs\nWhen things go together\nI’m usually there\n\n& - 'and' symbol = K\n\nGiving \n\nWOLF PACK\n\nCertainly a 'wild gathering'\n\n" ]
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[ 0.005744878202676773, 0.0006897775456309319, 0.000948887609411031, 0.0005945155862718821, 0.0010449985275045037, 0.0009653764427639544, 0.0025333743542432785 ]
[ "Sex-specific association of RANTES gene -403 variant in Meniere's disease.", "\nSeveral studies have shown the correlation between RANTES gene and inflammatory disorders; the aim of the present study was to investigate the association between RANTES promoter gene polymorphism and Meniere's disease (MD) in an Iranian population. ", "In this study patients with MD comprising definite MD (N = 56) and probable MD (N = 15) were selected according to diagnostic criteria of AAO-HNS. ", "The control group (N = 101) were healthy normal subjects who did not have a history of ear disease and vertigo. ", "PCR-RFLP for RANTES -403G>A has been performed. ", "We found a protective role for RANTES -403A allele in male group in our population. ", "None of the male patients with MD were carrier of allele A which was significantly different from the presence of allele A in the male control group (AA+GA vs. GG: p = 0.0004, OR 0.05, 95 % CI 0.001-0.39). ", "This difference was not significant in female group. ", "There was no significant association between RANTES gene polymorphism and the level of hearing loss. ", "our results showed a sex-specific association between RANTES gene polymorphism and MD but more studies are necessary to further assess this association." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008487116429023445, 0.0005739557091146708, 0.0005735521554015577, 0.0008228621445596218, 0.0005714219296351075, 0.0008178544812835753, 0.0009109960519708693, 0.0011745721567422152, 0.0009071563254110515, 0.000569915515370667 ]
[ "Q:\n\nIf quoting only an extract of dialogue from a fiction book, do you still need to have quotes within quotes?", "\n\nI need to show kids how to write a book review. ", "I am writing a book review as an exemplar to show them how it's done. ", "However, I got stuck when it came to citing extracts of dialogue. ", "My question is in two parts.", "\n1. ", "Quoting an extract of dialogue\nIf you are quoting only an extract of dialogue, should you use quotes within quotes? ", "Here is the extract from the book. ", "The words I would like to quote are in bold.", "\n\n'You sure you can't eat it, love?' ", "said Ma. '", "You look like a match with the wood scraped off.'", "\n\nThis is how I've included the quote in the book review. (", "Note that I am using the UK style of single quotes.)", "\n\n1A. Ma describes Barbara as 'a match with the wood scraped off' (p58). ", "\n\nIs this correct? ", "Or, because I am quoting dialogue, should I use quotes within quotes:\n\n1B. Ma describes Barbara as '\"a match with the wood scraped off\"' (p58). ", "\n\n2. ", "Quoting an entire sentence of a character's dialogue\nIf you are quoting an entire sentence of a character's dialogue, do you use quotes within quotes? ", "Here is the extract from the book. ", "The words I would like to quote are in bold:\n\nBarbara caught the towel. '", "There's no such thing as women's work and men's work. ", "They should both look after the kids.' ", "\n\nThis is how the quote appears in my book review. ", "\n\n2A. Barbara expresses many modern ideas. ", "For example, she tells Elaine: 'There's no such thing as women's work and men's work' (p67).", " \n\nHave I punctuated the dialogue correctly? ", "Or should I use quotes within quotes:\n\n2B. Barbara expresses many modern ideas. ", "For example, she tells Elaine: '\"There's no such thing as women's work and men's work\"' (p67).", " \n\nAny help would be greatly appreciated! ", "Thanks so much.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn this instance Examples 1A and 2A are perfect.", "\nEven though the extracted dialogue was from a verbal conversation, it does not require a second pair of quotation marks - they would be redundant.", "\nHowever, if the conversation made reference to someone or something else saying something then you would need to surround the quote with two sets of quotation marks.", "\n\ne.g. 'Hey! ", "Look at this! ", "It says: \"~quote here~\".'", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.00066900480305776, 0.0009555065189488232, 0.0006096720462664962, 0.0005415463820099831, 0.0006759613752365112, 0.0009392039501108229, 0.000670015811920166, 0.0006391080096364021, 0.0006211473955772817, 0.0014058187371119857, 0.0010696108220145106, 0.02351139672100544, 0.0005540256388485432, 0.0006296688807196915, 0.0006108734523877501, 0.0007275257376022637, 0.0005983265582472086, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.0007622023695148528, 0.0006391080096364021, 0.0007704872987233102, 0.020123274996876717, 0.0033712745644152164, 0.0006199893541634083, 0.0006488903309218585, 0.0009374588262289762, 0.0007518338388763368, 0.0005921046831645072, 0.0008973341900855303, 0.0005636775167658925, 0.0005977064138278365, 0.0006348042516037822, 0.000612220203038305, 0.0005834972835145891, 0.0011608060449361801, 0.0021852748468518257, 0.0006685790722258389, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ " Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 1 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n\n IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT\n United States Court of Appeals\n Fifth Circuit\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521 FILED\n August 11, 2014\n Lyle W. Cayce\nCARLOS CHACON, Clerk\n\n Plaintiff – Appellee\nv.\n\nOFFICER ERIC COPELAND; OFFICER RUSSELL ROSE,\n\n Defendants – Appellants\n\n\n\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Western District of Texas\n USDC No. ", "1:12-CV-226\n\n\nBefore STEWART, Chief Judge, and GARZA and SOUTHWICK, Circuit\nJudges.", "\nPER CURIAM:*\n Officers Eric Copeland and Russell Rose sought summary judgment on\nthe basis of qualified immunity in an action brought by Carlos Chacon under\n42 U.S.C. § 1983. ", "Chacon’s suit alleges that Officers Copeland and Rose used\nexcessive force in arresting him. ", "The district court denied the officers’ motion\nfor summary judgment. ", "Officers Copeland and Rose filed an interlocutory\nappeal. ", "We AFFIRM.", "\n\n\n * Pursuant to 5TH CIR. ", "R. 47.5, the court has determined that this opinion should not\nbe published and is not precedent except under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH\nCIR. ", "R. 47.5.4.", "\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 2 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\n FACTS AND PROCEDURAL HISTORY\n Carlos Chacon, the plaintiff, testified in a deposition as to the following\nevents on April 29, 2011. ", "After working out late at a gym in Austin, Texas,\nthen cleaning up and having supper, Carlos Chacon searched for a massage\nservice on the internet. ", "Finding one, he called the telephone number and\nscheduled an appointment for that night. ", "The woman who answered the call\ntold him she was a masseuse, that a massage would cost $75, and asked\nChacon to go to her location behind a restaurant. ", "He said he thought it would\nbe a business location. ", "Once driving to where he had been directed, he saw a\nmotel but no sign of any other business. ", "Chacon called again and was told to\ngo to a specific room at the motel. ", "Though suspicious, Chacon said he was\nwilling to give the ostensible masseuse the benefit of the doubt. ", "He arrived at\nthe motel room, paid the woman $75, but she made it clear that sexual services\nwere what she planned on providing. ", "He told the woman that her behavior\nwas wrong and illegal. ", "Chacon said he would call the police to report her.", "\nDuring this discussion, a man began kicking the motel room door and yelling\nat him that the police were there and going to tow his car unless he moved it.", "\n Chacon left the room and found the motel manager and on-site security\nguard in order to tell them about the problem. ", "When they were reluctant to\nhelp him, Chacon told the two that he was going to call 911 himself and made\nhis first of two such calls. ", "Chacon testified that as he called, the man who had\nbeen kicking the door reappeared and threatened to kill him, reaching into his\nshorts as if to grab a gun. ", "Chacon then ran to his car, got inside, and began\ndriving for his own safety. ", "From his car, Chacon initiated a second 911 call to\nreport the incident.", "\n Recordings of the calls to police show that the first call was about five\nminutes long and ended abruptly. ", "The second call began with Chacon’s telling\nthe operator that his first call had been disconnected. ", "The next call also lasted\n 2\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 3 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nabout five minutes. ", "In both calls, Chacon identified himself as Carlos Chavez\nand provided the operator with his location at the motel. ", "1 He explained to the\noperator that he tried to get a massage but encountered difficulties with the\nmasseuse, another man, and the motel security officer. ", "Chacon also reported\na man was walking around the motel with a gun, that he had waved the gun\nat Chacon, and that he had tried to shoot him as Chacon drove his car in the\nmotel parking lot.", "\n During the call, Chacon described the man with the gun as an African\nAmerican male wearing a white shirt, black hat, and black shorts. ", " He\ndescribed other persons he believed were involved with the man including a\nHispanic male in an orange shirt and a woman wearing what appeared to be a\nblue security uniform, which Chacon believed to be fake. ", "Chacon indicated he\nwas driving a silver BMW around the motel parking lot.", "\n As a result of the calls, two Austin Police Department officers, Officers\nCopeland and Rose, were dispatched. ", " Because a gun had been reported,\nChacon’s call was categorized as a “hot shot” call. ", "Both officers drove to the\nscene with their lights and sirens running, which activated their dashboard\ncameras and microphones. ", "The district court found that the sound on the\nvideos from each patrol car confirmed the radio dispatcher at least twice stated\nthat the report was of an African American male in a white shirt and black\nshorts carrying a gun and the complainant was driving a silver BMW.", "\n Officer Rose arrived on the scene first and encountered a group of four\npeople near the motel manager’s office: a woman in a security uniform, a\nHispanic male in an orange shirt, a Caucasian woman, and an African\nAmerican male in black shorts and a white shirt, later identified as John\n\n\n\n 1 Chacon testified that he used the Chavez name because the operator would find it\nsimpler to spell, and he did not want to slow down the police response.", "\n 3\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 4 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nGreen. ", "Notwithstanding the reports he just received, Officer Rose, when\nflagged down by the African American male and the woman in the security\nguard uniform, asked if either had called about a gun. ", "The African American\nmale, Green, responded that no one had called about a gun and explained that\na drunk man came to his room, refused to leave, and was now circling the\nparking lot in a BMW. ", "One of the women present added that she saw the driver\non his phone and she suggested that he was the one who called about the gun.", "\nShe then claimed that Green called 911 as well. ", "Green then agreed that he\nhad called the police. ", "The district court noted that the record contains no\nevidence of calls other than the two made by Chacon.", "\n In the midst of Officer Rose’s conversation with the group, Chacon’s\nBMW came into view. ", "Green pointed it out as containing the drunk man. ", "The\ndistrict court found that as “Chacon slowly approached in his vehicle, Officer\nRose immediately drew his gun and pointed it at Chacon.” ", "The district court\nnoted that Officer Rose “never identified himself as an Austin Police\nDepartment officer or any other law enforcement official, and laced nearly\nevery statement with profanity.” ", "While pointing a flashlight as well as his\npatrol car’s headlights at Chacon, Officer Rose told Chacon to stop the car and\nshow his hands. ", "The district court found that Chacon “immediately responded,\n‘I don’t have a gun, he’s the one,’ presumably referencing Green.” ", "Officer\nCopeland, having just arrived at the scene, drew his gun and joined Officer\nRose as they approached Chacon’s car. ", "Officer Rose instructed Chacon to put\nhis hands out the window. ", "Chacon initially reached his hands out the window\nas instructed, but then withdrew them. ", "The district court found that Chacon\nput his hands back in the car “allegedly to put the car in park.”", "\n Officers Copeland and Rose grabbed Chacon as he opened his car door\nand ordered him to get out. ", "As the district court characterized the incident,\n“Chacon calmly explained, yet again, he did not have a gun, while Officer Rose\n 4\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 5 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\ncontinued to yell at him to get on the ground.” ", " Officer Rose “followed\nimmediately, before Chacon could possibly have complied, [with] a new order\nto ‘not move.’ ", "Chacon replied calmly, ‘I’m not moving.’” ", "Officer Rose looked\ninto Chacon’s car and did not see a gun. ", "When Chacon then asked Officer Rose\nif he was a police officer, Officer Rose replied, “you’re damn right I am.”", "\n Officer Rose tried to handcuff Chacon. ", "The district court determined\nthat Chacon tried to pull away from Rose, and “a scuffle broke out between the\nthree men, with both officers (who are much smaller than Chacon) struggling\nto take Chacon to the ground.” ", "The district court noted that Chacon “never\nappeared to swing at either officer, nor did he appear to be interested in\nfleeing,” but described the interaction as “a true struggle” where “Chacon spins\naround and shoves one of the officers off of him.”", "\n The district court explained what occurred next this way:\n Chacon testified he was attempting to lower himself to the\n ground slowly and safely, and was concerned the officers were\n going to throw him to the ground and injure him. ", "Once Chacon was\n down but apparently still resisting the handcuffs, Officer Copeland\n punched him twice in the face in an attempt to subdue him. ", "The\n officers continued to struggle with Chacon’s arms and at one point\n instructed Chacon not to reach for one of the officers’ weapons.", "\n\n At some point in the incident, Chacon was on his back on the ground.", "\nAfter securing a handcuff on one wrist, the officers tried to turn Chacon on his\nstomach to secure both of his hands behind his back. ", "The district court found\nthat “Chacon continued to resist, and Officer Rose fired his Taser at Chacon.”", "\nAfter only one of the two Taser probes seemed to hit Chacon, Officer Rose\n“administered two short ‘drive stuns’ from the Taser.” ", "Both officers managed\nto “shock themselves with the Taser wires in the scrum,” but the Taser also\nsubdued Chacon. ", " The district court found that Chacon “eventually\nsurrender[ed], exclaiming ‘I’m done, I’m done, I’m done.’” ", " The officers\n\n 5\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 6 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nhandcuffed him and kept him on the pavement until additional police arrived.", "\nChacon was arrested for resisting a search. ", "Following his arrest, an emergency\nmedical team arrived and treated Chacon for a cut above his eye that the\ndistrict court found was “caused by Officer Copeland’s punches.” ", "Chacon was\ntaken to the hospital where he received stitches for the cut.", "\n Chacon brought a claim alleging excessive force on the part of Officers\nCopeland and Rose under 42 U.S.C. § 1983. ", "Officers Copeland and Rose filed\na motion for summary judgment on the basis that they were entitled to\nqualified immunity from Chacon’s excessive force claim. ", "The district court\ndenied the motion. ", "It held that Chacon had presented sufficient evidence to\nraise a dispute of material fact about whether the conduct of Officers Copeland\nand Rose had violated Chacon’s constitutional rights and that such conduct\nwas objectively unreasonable in light of clearly established law.", "\n Officers Copeland and Rose filed this interlocutory appeal from the\ndistrict court’s denial of their motion for summary judgment. ", "The officers\ncontest certain aspects of the district court’s version of the events. ", "They assert\nthat the video evidence of the incident is uncontroverted and supports their\naccounts. ", "They ask this court to review the footage of their encounter with\nChacon and analyze the facts in light of the video evidence rather than the\ndistrict court’s findings.", "\n DISCUSSION\n We have jurisdiction to consider an interlocutory appeal from the denial\nof a motion for summary judgment based upon qualified immunity because “its\ndenial is a collateral order that is immediately reviewable to the extent the\ndenial was based on an issue of law.” ", "Ramirez v. Martinez, 716 F.3d 369, 373\n(5th Cir. ", "2013). ", "As to factual questions, we have no jurisdiction to review the\ndistrict court’s decision that a genuine issue of fact exists. ", "Brown v. Strain,\n663 F.3d 245, 248 (5th Cir. ", "2011). ", "We do, though, have jurisdiction to decide\n 6\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 7 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nwhether a particular factual dispute found to exist by the district court is\nlegally material. ", "See Newman v. Guedry, 703 F.3d 757, 764 (5th Cir. ", "2012).", "\nWithin these limitations, we review de novo a district court’s denial of a motion\nfor summary judgment on the basis of qualified immunity. ", " Kovacic v.\nVillarreal, 628 F.3d 209, 211 (5th Cir. ", "2010).", "\n In considering a challenge to a denial of a motion for summary judgment\non the basis of qualified immunity, we assume the validity of a plaintiff’s\nversion of facts. ", "Freeman v. Gore, 483 F.3d 404, 410 (5th Cir. ", "2007) (citation\nomitted). ", "A narrow exception to our acceptance of a plaintiff’s evidence on\nsummary judgment is if video evidence undeniably contradicts the plaintiff’s\nversion of the facts such that no reasonable jury could believe it. ", "See Scott v.\nHarris, 550 U.S. 372, 380 (2007). ", "Officers Copeland and Rose contend that\nuncontroverted video evidence shows that the actions taken against Chacon\nwere reasonable as a matter of law in light of the circumstances presented. ", "We\nconsider the available video evidence.", "\n\n\nI. Video Evidence\n Two decisions guide our consideration of the video evidence: Scott v.\nHarris, 550 U.S. 372 (2007), and Ramirez v. Martinez, 716 F.3d 369 (5th Cir.", "\n2013). ", "The Supreme Court concluded that, “[w]hen opposing parties tell two\ndifferent stories, one of which is blatantly contradicted by the record, so that\nno reasonable jury could believe it, a court should not adopt that version of the\nfacts for purposes of ruling on a motion for summary judgment.” ", "Scott, 550\nU.S. at 380. ", "We then stated only the obvious by noting that video evidence is\nnot a source of uncontroverted fact if “[t]he contents of the video are too\nuncertain to discount [the plaintiff’s] version of the events under Scott.”", "\nRamirez, 716 F.3d at 374.", "\n\n\n 7\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 8 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\n We have reviewed the videos. ", "We agree with the district court that they\ndo not clearly reveal the officers’ version of events to be correct. ", "The videos\nwere taken by dashboard-mounted cameras inside the two police cruisers. ", "The\nvideo footage began when Officer Copeland and Officer Rose each activated the\nemergency lights and sirens in their cruisers. ", "It includes Officer Rose’s arrival\nand Officer Copeland’s slightly later arrival at the motel, the discussion\nbetween Officer Rose and bystanders, the approach of Chacon’s BMW, the\ninteraction among Chacon, Officer Copeland, and Officer Rose, the later arrival\nof additional officers, and the continued work at the scene up to the departure\nof law enforcement.", "\n The vantage point of each officer’s dashboard-mounted cameras, relative\nto Chacon’s car and the interaction between the law enforcement officers and\nChacon, is too distant to depict several of the key actions with clarity. ", "The\nrecorded statements by Officers Copeland and Rose and by Chacon are\nincomplete. ", " The visual record of the interaction is equally incomplete,\nfrustrated by the dark of night, the glare of headlights, and a dropped\nflashlight’s beam that obscures the video during a significant portion of the\naltercation. ", " Combined, these limitations leave some circumstances\nambiguous, well short of the clarity necessary to conclude that Chacon’s\nallegations can be blatantly contradicted by the video evidence. ", "Some aspects\nof the fact-based disputes might still be resolved with the aid of video evidence,\nbut reliance solely on the video would be “too uncertain to discount [the\nplaintiff’s] version of the events under Scott.” ", "Ramirez, 716 F.3d at 374.", "\n\n\nII. ", "The District Court’s Denial of Qualified Immunity\n We next consider whether the district court erred in finding that Chacon\nraised a dispute of material fact as to whether the officers violated his\nconstitutional rights and that their actions were objectively unreasonable in\n 8\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 9 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nlight of clearly established law such that qualified immunity is inappropriate.", "\nAs noted already, our analysis is guided by the “axiom that in ruling on a\nmotion for summary judgment, ‘[t]he evidence of the nonmovant is to be\nbelieved, and all justifiable inferences are to be drawn in his favor.’” ", "Tolan v.\nCotton, 134 S. Ct. ", "1861, 1863 (2014).", "\n “Qualified immunity protects public officials from suit unless their\nconduct violates a clearly established constitutional right.” ", "See Brumfield v.\nHollins, 551 F. 3d 322, 326 (5th Cir. ", "2008). ", "Qualified immunity involves two\nconsiderations: (1) whether the public official’s conduct violated an actual\nconstitutional right based on the facts alleged, and (2) whether the public\nofficial’s actions were objectively unreasonable in light of clearly established\nlaw at the time of the incident. ", "Saucier v. Katz, 533 U.S. 194, 200 (2001),\noverruled on other grounds by Pearson v. Callahan, 555 U.S. 223, 232-36\n(2009). ", "Key to the second consideration is whether the law at the time of the\nincident provided “fair warning” to the officers “that their alleged [conduct]\nwas unconstitutional.” ", "Hope v. Pelzer, 536 U.S. 730, 741 (2002). ", "We analyze\nboth Saucier considerations from the perspective “of a reasonable officer on the\nscene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight . . . .” ", "Graham v. Connor,\n490 U.S. 386, 396 (1989). ", "Even so, we view all evidence “in the light most\nfavorable” to Chacon, as the nonmoving party. ", "Tolan, 134 S. Ct. ", "at 1863.", "\n In ruling on the officers’ motion for summary judgment, the district\ncourt’s task was to determine whether a dispute of material fact exists, such\nthat a grant of qualified immunity would be inappropriate. ", "At times, the\ndistrict court seemingly resolved these disputes by rendering its own factual\nfindings. ", "As we have already discussed, a court should “not make credibility\ndeterminations or weigh the evidence” in ruling on a motion for summary\njudgment. ", " Reeves v. Sanderson Plumbing Prods., ", "Inc., 530 U.S. 133, 150\n(2000). ", "Because Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 56 does not allow the district\n 9\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 10 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\ncourt to make findings of fact from disputed evidence when denying a motion\nfor summary judgment, we construe the district court’s ruling to be that, when\nviewed in a light most favorable to the nonmovant, the ultimate fact-finder\ncould make such findings. ", " Regardless, as we have stated, the factual\ncharacterizations by the district court do not affect our de novo review.", "\n On that basis, we agree with the district court’s conclusion that “Chacon\nhas produced sufficient evidence to survive the Officer Defendants’ motion for\nsummary judgment” because disputes of material fact exist. ", "Resolution of the\ndisputes is for the ultimate trier of fact.", "\n\n\n a. Violation of Chacon’s constitutional rights\n In considering whether the police violated an actual constitutional right,\nthe district court correctly considered the three factors articulated in Graham,\n490 U.S. at 396, to find a dispute of material fact. ", "These factors are “the\nseverity of the crime at issue, whether the suspect poses an immediate threat\nto the safety of the officers or others, and whether [the suspect] is actively\nresisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight . . . .” ", "Id.\n\n\n i. First Graham factor\n We first consider whether a dispute of material fact exists as to the first\nfactor in Graham, the severity of the relevant crime.", "\n Officers Copeland and Rose contend that the “district court engaged in\nimproper post-hoc scrutiny when it criticized [them] for relying on the\n‘obviously self-serving’ statement of Green” when he accused Chacon of being\n“intoxicated, involved in a disturbance at the hotel, and persistently driving\naround the area.” ", "They assert it was reasonable for them to rely on Green’s\nallegations about Chacon in forming “the suspicion that Chacon was involved\nin potentially serious criminal activity.” ", "They further claim they “did not know\n 10\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 11 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nthe identity of the caller or the precise nature of the complaint” when they\narrived at the scene, only that it was a “high priority ‘hot shot’ call.”", "\n The district court, in assessing the first Graham factor, emphasized the\ncompeting accounts before it that gave rise to a dispute of material fact. ", "The\nofficers had been given a clear description of the person alleged to have a gun\nand had been told the complainant was driving a silver BMW. ", "It has never\nbeen asserted that Green, or anyone else, accused Chacon of having a gun.", "\nFurther, it was Green, not Chacon, that matched the description the dispatcher\nprovided of the perpetrator. ", " Officer Rose, nonetheless, acted on Green’s\nassertions about Chacon by drawing his weapon, pointing it at Chacon, and\nproceeding toward Chacon’s silver BMW as Chacon approached in his vehicle.", "\n We find that the evidence relevant to the first factor in Graham, viewed\nin a light most favorable to Chacon, creates a dispute of material fact as to\nwhether the severity of the crime permitted the use of force against Chacon.", "\n\n\n ii. ", "Second Graham factor\n We next consider whether there are material facts in dispute as to the\nsecond Graham factor, whether Chacon posed an immediate threat.", "\n The officers, on appeal, assert that Chacon “posed an immediate threat\nto their safety because he repeatedly disobeyed their commands, he actively\nresisted a search and the application of handcuffs, and both of the Officers\nsuspected he was intoxicated.”", "\n Under the second Graham factor, the district court determined that the\nevidence did not clearly support that Chacon posed “an immediate threat to\nthe officers or others” such that a dispute of material fact was absent and\nqualified immunity was appropriate. ", "As the video evidence does not disclose a\ncomplete universe of facts, we agree that there is a dispute of material fact as\nto the presence of an immediate threat during the encounter.", "\n 11\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 12 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\n The district court described the sequence of events, construing facts in a\nlight most favorable to Chacon, and found that a trier of fact could conclude\nthat there was neither a justifiable fear of Chacon’s possession of a gun nor\nsuspicion that Chacon was intoxicated. ", "Chacon stopped his car, put his hands\nout the window, and stated, “I don’t have a gun.” ", "At some point, Chacon\nretracted his hands, “which he claims was to put the car in park and turn off\nthe ignition.” ", "Chacon retracted his hands only once it was clear the officers\nwanted Chacon to exit his vehicle. ", "When Chacon exited his car at Officer\nRose’s demand, Officer Rose looked into Chacon’s car and did not see a gun.", "\n Considering the events after Chacon exited his car, the district court\ncorrectly considered that a struggle broke out and that Chacon “sp[un] around\nand shove[d] one of the officers off of him.” ", "These events might more properly\nbe considered under the third Graham factor, but we will address them here.", "\nThe court noted that it was “undisputed Chacon never swung, kicked, or\nattacked the officers in any way.” ", "The seriousness of Chacon’s shove, and\nwhether a finder of fact could conclude that the shove was not active resistance,\nor was disproportionately minor in relation to the severity of force used by the\nofficers, were fact questions not resolvable by the video and properly put to a\ntrier of fact. ", "As a result, the district court did not err in concluding a dispute\nof material fact exists as to whether Chacon’s actions give rise to an immediate\nthreat such that the officers’ force was appropriate.", "\n Further, the argument that Chacon was a threat because he disobeyed\nthe officers’ orders ignores that he was issued contradictory demands, being\ntold to “not move,” to “get on the ground,” to “stop moving,” and to “turn over.”", "\nThe argument that Chacon disobeyed them could be seen by a fact-finder as\n“severely overwrought.” ", "Newman, 703 F.3d at 762.", "\n The officers also emphasize that Chacon was a “former competitive\nbodybuilder who is significantly larger” than they are. ", "While it is unclear when\n 12\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 13 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nthe officers would have become aware of Chacon’s build, both officers drew\ntheir weapons while Chacon was still in his car.", "\n We agree that there is sufficient evidence to create a factual dispute as\nto whether Chacon posed an immediate threat to the officers and others. ", "The\ndistrict court did not err in its consideration of the second Graham factor.", "\n\n\n iii. ", "Third Graham factor\n Under the third Graham factor, we must determine whether there is a\ndispute of material fact concerning whether Chacon actively resisted arrest or\nattempted to flee, so as to support the officers’ actions.", "\n The officers rely on the principle that an arrestee or suspect who refused\nto comply with officer commands had “posed an immediate threat to the safety\nof the officers and actively resist[ed] the officers' instructions, [such that] the\nuse of force was not clearly excessive.” ", "Poole v. City of Shreveport, 691 F.3d\n624, 629 (5th Cir. ", "2012) (quotation marks omitted). ", "They argue that the\nevidence proves Chacon at one point was turning over, reaching for the officers\nand their equipment, and attempting to “throw[] Rose off of him,” all of which\njustified their responses.", "\n These characterizations, not proven by uncontroverted evidence, do not\ndescribe the circumstances “in the light most favorable” to the nonmovant, the\nperspective we are required to take when considering summary judgment on\nthe basis of qualified immunity. ", "Tolan, 134 S. Ct. ", "at 1863.", "\n Like our discussion of Chacon’s showing under the second Graham\nfactor, it is unclear from the evidence before the district court that Chacon was\nactively resisting. ", "Even if some action by Chacon demonstrated resistance, the\nfact question found by the district court remains: whether, even when\nconsidering his possible resistance, shoving Chacon to the ground while he\nattempted to explain himself, punching him in the head while he was on the\n 13\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 14 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\nground, or shooting him with a Taser, constituted excessive force. ", "Police are\nentitled only to “measured and ascending responses” to the actions of a suspect,\n“calibrated to physical and verbal resistance” shown by that suspect. ", "Newman,\n703 F.3d at 767 (citation omitted).", "\n The district court did not err in concluding that a dispute of material fact\nexists as to Chacon’s resistance under the third Graham factor. ", "Such a dispute\ndoes not counsel in favor of a grant of qualified immunity.", "\n We agree with the district court that a reasonable jury could find the use\nof force by Officers Copeland and Rose excessive and that Chacon has\npresented sufficient evidence to create a factual dispute as to whether the\nofficers’ use of force violated an actual constitutional right.", "\n\n\n b. Reasonableness in light of clearly established law\n Our second consideration in analyzing qualified immunity is whether the\nofficers’ actions were unreasonable in light of clearly established law. “", "The\ncontours of the right must be sufficiently clear that a reasonable official would\nunderstand that what he is doing violates that right.” ", "Anderson v. Creighton,\n483 U.S. 635, 640 (1987). ", "As the district court correctly noted, the “central\nconcept” of this analysis is “fair warning,” which means that a reasonable\nofficial would understand the conduct in this case violated the Fourth\nAmendment. ", "Newman, 703 F.3d at 763. “", "It is beyond dispute that [Chacon’s]\nright to be free from excessive force during an investigatory stop or arrest was\nclearly established [at the time of the incident].” ", "Id. Further, the Graham\nfactors, themselves, can place an officer on notice that conduct violates clearly\nestablished law. ", "Id. at 764 (citing Brosseau v. Haugen, 543 U.S. 194, 199\n(2004)). ", "And, as the district court found and we upheld, there is a dispute of\nmaterial fact concerning whether the level of force used by Officers Copeland\nand Rose against Chacon is constitutional under Graham.", "\n 14\n\f Case: 13-50521 Document: 00512729130 Page: 15 Date Filed: 08/11/2014\n\n\n\n No. ", "13-50521\n The officers’ arguments against a finding that their actions were\nunreasonable in light of clearly established law are premised on their disputed\nconstruction of facts and reliance on the video evidence to support this position.", "\nWe have already discussed why we agree with the district court that the video\nevidence is not uncontroverted in supporting the officers’ versions of events.", "\nFrom the officers’ viewpoint, they simply applied “increasingly harsh force,\nincluding Tasers and physical strikes, when faced with struggling or resisting\nsubjects.” ", "That argument, though, is necessarily premised on a finding that\nChacon was “struggling or resisting,” a fact found in dispute by the district\ncourt and which we conclude, as a matter of law, to be material.", "\n The district court concluded that disputes of material fact preclude\nsummary judgment for Officers Copeland and Rose. ", "We AFFIRM.", "\n\n\n\n\n 15\n\f" ]
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[ "Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, who was sentenced in 2005 — as the result of a plea bargain — to two-years probation and fined $50,000 for stealing highly classified documents from the National Archives and intentionally destroying some of them, had also been functioning as a Hillary Clinton campaign adviser before his death last December.", "\n\nAccording to a recently released Hillary Clinton email, Berger who served as national security adviser to President Bill Clinton, had been advising Hillary Clinton since her days as Secretary of State for President Barack Obama. ", "His email correspondence with Clinton was stored on her private server and it’s yet to be reported whether or not he — a convicted thief of classified documents — had access to emails containing classified intelligence.", "\n\nThe release of the Clinton/Berger email was part of a batch of email messages released by the State Department. ", "In one of those emails, Berger advised Clinton to make Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political life “uneasy.”", "\n\nIn another email to Hillary Clinton he counseled her on how to deal with Netanyahu if he continued to balk at negotiating with the Palestinians, who were still firing thousands of rockets into Israel as well as attacking Jewish border police and military members. .", "\n\nHere is the full text of the email:\n\n“From: Berger, Samuel R.\n\n“To: H\n\n“Subject: Bibi/Abu Mazen\n\n“Seems the best for a bad situation.", "\n\n“Moves the public discussion from settlement freeze to final status. ", "Keeps some pressure on the parties. ", "And seems like you will play a more public role, which is good. (", "You have more credibility on both sides than anyone).", "\n\n“Going forward, if Bibi continues to be the obstacle, you will need to find the ground from which you can make his politics uneasy. ", "I think you can do that even with current concerns in Israel about US posture. ", "But it will be easier as we rebuild trust so that our future admonitions are accepted. (", "An HRC trip there to reframe perceptions?).", "\n\n“Finally, need to be mindful of Abu Mazen’s politics. ", "Taking a lot of criticism for meeting with Bibi without settlement freeze.", "\n\n“Sandy “This is written from my Blackberry.”", "\n\n\n\nIn yet another email just released, Berger again advises Hillary Clinton to put the screws to Netanyahu:\n\n“The objective is to try shift the fulcrum of our current relations with Bibi from settlements — where he thinks he has the upper hand — to ground where there is greater understanding in israel of the American position and where we can make him uneasy about incurring our displeasure…”\n\nIn the wake of the Berger/Clinton correspondence, President told the United Nations General Assembly that it was time to establish a Palestinian State alongside Israel: “The time has come — the time has come to re-launch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues: security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees, and Jerusalem. ", "And the goal is clear: Two states living side by side in peace and security — a Jewish state of Israel, with true security for all Israelis; and a viable, independent Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people. (", "Applause.)”", "\n\nDespite Hillary’s cozy relationship with Israel’s enemies, a Jewish Journal survey in the summer of 2015 under the direction of Steven M. Cohen found that by more than a 2-to-1 majority Jews expressed a preference for the Democratic side in the presidential race. ", "The pattern was most pronounced among younger, better-educated and affluent Jews, and among the non-Orthodox.", "\n\nThe Return of Sandy Berger\n\nAccording to the 2003 charges against Berger, he “knowingly removed classified documents from the National Archives… and he stored and retained such documents at places such as his private Washington, D.C. office.", "\n\nThe original reports said that Berger — during the infamous 9-11 Commission hearings — went to the National Archives supposedly to read some material from his time in the Clinton White House. ", "News reporters stated that Berger allegedly shoved documents into his pockets, inside his pants, and even inside of his socks and walked out of the Archives building.", "\n\nBerger and his supporters — including Mr. and Mrs. Clinton — conceded that he indeed took five copies of an after-action report detailing the 2000 millennium terror plot from the Archives. ", "That was the case in which a Border Patrol agent on the U.S.- Canadian border caught a suspected jihadist sneaking explosives into the United States.", "\n\nIt was part of the jihadist’s plot to detonate explosive at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). ", "While the border agent used her own initiative to detect the explosives and capture the would-be-bomber, Bill Clinton and his staff claimed it was they who alerted Border Patrol agents to be on the lookout for a bomber coming from Canada.", "\n\nSeveral law-enforcement officers believe the documents stolen told the true story about the LAX plot, but the Clintons sent their henchman Sandy Berger to get rid of the evidence.", "\n\n“The Clintons have a history of playing by their own rules which means committing acts that would get anyone else — including Berger — convicted of malfeasance,” said former police detective sergeant Walter Fendner. “", "Berger fell on his sword for the Clintons and he was rewarded with probation and a slap on the wrist,” Fendner added.", "\n\nAs luck would have it, before the FBI or Justice Department prosecutors could talk to him, Sandy Berger died on Dec. 1, 2015. ", "The cause of death was listed as cancer. ", "He was 70-years-old, said a statement by his consulting firm, the Albright Stonebridge Group." ]
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[ "Cloud Computing and Data Under Investigation\n\nI must confess, at first reading, I am appalled; but, on second thought, this was to be expected. ", "One of my posts was going to be just about this danger.", "\n\nWhen your data is “in the cloud,” there is the clear and unmistakable risk that you could be sharing resources with unethical companies, who may suddenly end up under investigation. ", "And your data may end up being seized in the course of an investigation, without your knowledge. ", "Suddenly, you lose your server, you lose your data, your website goes offline, and your lifeline is cut without notice or without reason. ", "If you are an online merchant, that is, of course, especially damaging. ", "But, in general, this is reason for great concern for everyone.", "\n\nThe investigation in question is supposedly related to the Lulz hacking group. ", "This investigation is being conducted in conjunction with European authorities. ", "So the data and servers that were confiscated could, for all we know, be on a place to Europe right now. ", "And could become part of an investigation your company has no reason to be involved with at all.", "\n\nWhen you approach the cloud, you need to think about these risks. ", "And which data you put there, where you put it, who are your neighbors and what happens to your servers and your data, are all concerns you need to consider very well before making this decision.", "\n\nThis is not the first time, by the way, that the FBI or other investigative agencies do something like this. ", "If they continue operating in this manner, with an apparent disregard for the issues caused to the other, innocent, companies hosted in the same or even adjacent servers, they may end up causing a damage to the cloud in itself, as more and more companies (already weary of data security in the cloud) reconsider their options in lieu of these episodes and probably decide that after all, hosting that server in house, albeit costly, is still the best option after all.", "\n\nWhen you consider the cloud, carefully consider where your servers are going and where your data “may” end up. ", "And if those servers are critical to your business survival, think again!" ]
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