[ "<?", "php\n\nnamespace Shopsys\\FrameworkBundle\\Model\\Customer;\n\nuse Shopsys\\FrameworkBundle\\Component\\EntityExtension\\EntityNameResolver;\n\nclass DeliveryAddressFactory implements DeliveryAddressFactoryInterface\n{\n /**\n * @var \\Shopsys\\FrameworkBundle\\Component\\EntityExtension\\EntityNameResolver\n */\n protected $entityNameResolver;\n\n /**\n * @param \\Shopsys\\FrameworkBundle\\Component\\EntityExtension\\EntityNameResolver $entityNameResolver\n */\n public function __construct(EntityNameResolver $entityNameResolver)\n {\n $this->entityNameResolver = $entityNameResolver;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param \\Shopsys\\FrameworkBundle\\Model\\Customer\\DeliveryAddressData $data\n * @return \\Shopsys\\FrameworkBundle\\Model\\Customer\\DeliveryAddress|null\n */\n public function create(DeliveryAddressData $data): ?", "DeliveryAddress\n {\n if (!", "$data->addressFilled) {\n return null;\n }\n\n $classData = $this->entityNameResolver->resolve(DeliveryAddress::class);\n\n return new $classData($data);\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Tag Archive | \"Manon Rheaume\"\n\nLast year, during the Western Conference Finals, I was with a group of beer-guzzling friends, watching the Detroit Red Wings and Dallas Stars run each other through the boards in a brutal, physical game; these guys looked pissed like they hadn’t been laid in a while.", "\n\nWhen there was a break in the action, Hailey, one of the other girls in our group, threw a question out onto the table.", "\n\n“Do you think a woman will ever play in the NHL?”", "\n\nHailey’s hockey comments are usually ignored since she thinks icing is something you only find on a cake. ", "The guys feel she makes up for her lack of knowledge with those tiny denim cutoffs and extra-small tight ‘T’s she chooses to wear to some of the sporting events and ice-cold taverns.", "\n\nThis question though, got the guys riled up more than one of Hailey’s see-through shirts and the timing was perfect as a close-up shot of two Red Wings sitting on the bench came up on the giant screen. ", "Dallas Drake sporting a fresh, two-inch gash on his nose and Kris Draper slouched next to him icing a big red knot on his chin that was decorated with new stitches, compliments of a Drake shot minutes earlier that bounced off his face and into the net for a goal.", "\n\nWe stared at the image on the screen like the question had just been answered then the one-liners began to fly.", "\n\n“The helmet might give her a bad hair day.”", "\n\n“If she got run into the boards she’d be upset about breaking a nail.”", "\n\nAfter we finished our bad rendition of “Last Comic Standing” I reminded the group, ‘Don’t forget about Manon Rheaume.’", "\n\nFor those fans that were not following pro hockey in 1992, Manon Rheaume is the hot twenty-year-old goaltender best known for becoming the first woman to appear in an NHL game.", "\n\nPhil Esposito, who was running the Tampa Bay Lightning at the time, was accused of using Rheaume as a publicity stunt. ", "Maybe, but regardless this hot little babe gained a bunch of attention and was later offered to pose in a few men’s magazines.", "\n\nMarketing ploy or not, 10,000 fans packed little Expo Hall on a humid September night in Tampa to see the 5′ 6″, 125 pound Rheaume strut her stuff.", "\n\nPlaying against the St. Louis Blues and donning her idol, Patrick Roy’s #33, the French-Canadian Rheaume allowed 2 goals on 9 shots in one period that night. ", "Those aren’t the greatest numbers but nobody seemed to mind. ", "She was a chick, she looked like a model and like Hailey, people in Tampa still thought icing is something you only find on a cake.", "\n\nRheaume went on to play a few other ‘pro’ games for the Knoxville Cherokees of the ECHL and the Atlanta Knights in the IHL compiling numbers that guaranteed her a short run at the men’s level.", "\n\nOther chicks who gave it a run are Kim Martin, a Swedish goalie who was born in Stockholm and Erin Whitten who was named the top goaltender at the 1994 World Championship. ", "Whitten made pro sports history by becoming the first woman to post a goaltending win in men’s hockey. ", "On October 30, 1993 while playing for the Toledo Storm, she stopped 15 of 19 shots and defeated the Dayton Bombers, 6-5 in an ECHL game; the same league Rheaume later posted her first pro victory.", "\n\nTime will tell if these women are laying a foundation for some of us girls to make it to the pro ranks and eventually compete in the NHL. ", "But looking back to that image of Drake and Draper nursing the wounds inflicted in that brutal game, if we ever see a female make it in the NHL, odds are it will be in the goaltender position." ]
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[ "smith.jpg\n\nSuperintendent Carole Smith's latest plan for the district's $16.8 million windfall would spend $7.1 million more than her original plan.", "\n\n(Michael Lloyd/The Oregonian)\n\nPortland Public Schools Superintendent Carole Smith's revised plan for the $16.8 million surplus discovered this fall calls for spending $7.1 million more on staffing and one-time expenses such as building maintenance and classroom supplies.", "\n\nThe plan, which Smith and district staff will deliver to the Portland School Board on Tuesday, would accomplish the extra spending by reducing the amount dedicated to savings, from $10.9 million to $3.8 million.", "\n\nThe most significant change in Smith's new plan is a $5.5 million commitment to one-time purchases. ", "Smith's plan doesn't identify how the money would be spent, but presents several options, from removing lead paint in school buildings to buying modular classrooms for crowded schools.", "\n\nThe new plan also boosts hiring to a total of $3.5 million. ", "In addition to Smith’s original plan to spend $2 million to hire teachers throughout the district, the new plan adds $1.5 million for high school support staff such as librarians and bookkeepers.", "\n\nFinally, the new plan would slightly boost Smith’s allowance to accomplish her 2014-15 goals. ", "Instead of the $3.8 million originally dedicated to promoting early literacy, improving graduation rates and decreasing suspension and expulsion rates, Smith’s new plan would spend $4 million on the goals.", "\n\nThe changes come in light of a school board meeting last week, when board members were slated to vote the new money into use. ", "Instead, they worried that Smith's original plan placed too much money in savings during a time when, as board member Greg Belisle put it, \"we know our schools are still not back to whole.\"", "\n\nThe board is scheduled to vote upon Smith’s revised recommendations on Tuesday.", "\n\nIn addition to the plan outlined above, Smith will present a range of other options that dedicate more or less money to savings. ", "Smith’s original plan to place $10.9 million in reserves is the thriftiest, while the spendiest scenario places just $1.3 million in reserves.", "\n\nIf board members approve the spending plan on Tuesday, the hiring process will begin immediately. ", "Smith will report back to the board next month to discuss more specific plans for the rest of the money.", "\n\n--Kelly House" ]
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[ "/*\n * agc\n */\n\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include <math.h>\n#include \"../include/su.h\"\n\nextern char *sdoc;\nextern int xargc;\nextern char **xargv;\nextern bool verbose;\nextern bool hisout,bhout;\n\nstatic float wagc;\nstatic bool gainall;\n\nstatic char *lsdoc = \n\"suagc [OPTIONS wagc=40] <stdin >stdout\t\t\t\\n\\\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\n\\\nOPTIONS:\t\t\t\t\t\t\\n\\\n\t-m\tgain only marked traces see sumark\t\\n\\\n\t-v\tverbose\t\t\t\t\t\\n\\\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\n\\\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\n\";\n\n/* INITIALIZE SELF DOCUMENTATION */\ninitsdoc()\n{\n\t sdoc = lsdoc;\n}\n\n/* GET OPTIONS AND PARAMETERS */\noptpars()\n{\n\tint c;\n\n\t/* GET OPTIONS */\n\tverbose = false;\tbgetpar(\"v\",&verbose);\n/* \tif(option(\"v\")>0) verbose = true; */\n/* \telse verbose=false; */\n\n\tif(verbose) fprintf(stderr,\"verbose is on\\n\");\n\n\twhile( (c=getopt(xargc,xargv,\"mv\"))!=EOF) {\n\t\tswitch(c) {\n\t\tcase 'm':\n\t\t\tgainall = false;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase 'v':\n\t\t\tverbose = true;\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\tcase '?':", "\n\t\t\twarn(\"getopt returned '?'\");", "\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\n\thisout = true;\n\tbhout = true;\n\n\t/* GET PARAMETERS */\n\twagc = 0.0;\tfgetpar(\"wagc\",&wagc);\n}\n\n/* ADD HISTORY TO ASCII HEADER */\naddhis(outfd)\nint outfd;\n{\n\thislog(outfd);\n\thispr(outfd, \"\\twagc=%f\\n\", wagc);\n\thisclose(outfd);\n}\n\n/* TRACE SEQUENTIAL ROUTINE */\ntrseq(itr,atr,abh)\nint itr;\nSutrace *atr;\nSubhed *abh;\n{\n\tif( (gainall || atr->mark) ) {\n\t\tdoagc ( wagc, abh->ns, atr->data);\n\t}\n\treturn(1);\n}\n\n/* POST PROCESSING */\npostp(){}\n" ]
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[ "High Cost Of Beatles Cds Stirs Controversy\n\nNew Beatles Cds Come At Steep Price\n\nIt wasn't until a road-show version of the Broadway show \"Beatlemania\" in the early '80s that I first heard the term.", "\n\nIt was from a girl sitting behind me during the intermission, complaining of the show's song selection. \"", "They didn't play anything from the `Blue Album' yet!\" ", "she whined.", "\n\n\"Yeah, everything was from the `Red Album,' \" her friend concurred.", "\n\nThe eavesdropping mind boggled a bit. ", "Had their copies of the \"White Album\" been discolored or otherwise repainted?", "\n\nThen I remembered, vaguely, the double albums of Beatles hits, released in 1973 and divided roughly into periods.", "\n\n\"The Beatles/1962-1966\" was bordered in red; \"The Beatles/1967-1970\" was bordered in blue.", "\n\nTo firsthand Beatlemaniacs, of course, they meant nothing.", "\n\nIt was cute to see the before-and-after stairwell pictures on each volume. ", "In one, the young Beatles stare down from a shot on their first British album, \"Please Please Me\" (the U.S. version of the album, \"Introducing the Beatles\" on Vee Jay Records in 1963, had used another shot). ", "Revisiting the site, at London's EMI House just six years later, the longer haired, mustachioed and world-weary Beatles meant to use the shot to adorn their back-to-basics \"Get Back\" (but which didn't appear when it came out as the Phil Spector-remixed \"Let It Be\").", "\n\nAs for the music, anyone interested in the Beatles already had all these songs on the original albums anyway. ", "Original fans admired the fact that along with commercial endorsements, the Beatles, while they were around, didn't do greatest-hits albums.", "\n\nBut for a younger generation of rockers who found out about the Beatles sometime after their 1970 breakup, the two double-albums were their doors to the music without dropping a pile of money on the entire collection.", "\n\nLike the other eventual reissues of Beatles tunes in different configurations -- \"Love Songs,\" \"Rock 'n' Roll Music\" and \"Reel Music\" -- there's nothing surprising about the selections.", "\n\nCertainly there are no rarities or alternative tracks or other goodies that have lured fans to latter-day collections of Elvis Presley, the Beach Boys or many others.", "\n\nNone but audiophiles will notice that the red and blue albums, reissued last week, will mark the first stereo appearance on CD of the tracks \"All My Loving,\" \"Can't Buy Me Love,\" \"A Hard Day's Night,\" \"And I Love Her\" and \"Eight Days a Week.\"", "\n\nFor most people, it's fun to hear Beatles songs in a different order, but that's about the sole pleasure of this and other official posthumous compilations.", "\n\nAfter the celebrated CD re-release of the Beatles' 13 albums in their original British configurations five years ago, if a listener wanted to hear his favorite songs in different order, it was made simple through multidisc players and shuffle-play buttons.", "\n\nThe red and blue albums hit the top of the charts when they were released 20 years ago because they were the first new Beatles product since \"Let It Be\" and marked the first attempts to put out a greatest-hits collection of the group, which had surpassed all others in amassing No. ", "1 hits.", "\n\nStill, with all of its material issued separately on CD, there seemed little demand for the red and blue albums, especially after disappointing, overpriced sets such as the 15-disc \"E.P. Collection\" and the staggeringly wasteful 22-disc \"Singles Collection\" -- things specifically designed to collect and never to play.", "\n\nThe Beatles catalog represents Capitol's cash cow, though. ", "And money is what the two double-albums are all about.", "\n\nThe 26 tracks on the red \"1962-1966\" could comfortably fit on one CD, with room to spare for a few tracks from the \"1967-1970\" blue album that wouldn't fit on a single disc, which can only hold about 76 minutes.", "\n\nBut instead of splitting the albums that way, each collection remains a double-disc collection, even if it means the first CD clocks in at only 31 minutes.", "\n\nApple Corps Ltd. is said to have ordered that specific format. ", "It figures, since the only reason they give for it is so it can preserve the original Apple logos -- a full green apple on one disc, a split apple on the other.", "\n\nThe double-discs present a storage problem: the fatter plastic boxes, edged in appropriate color, are used when they could easily fit in a single disc of conventional width (after all, two discs and a thick booklet all manage to fit in the recent slim-width collection of Beatles contemporaries the Dave Clark Five).", "\n\nBut even more of a problem is the pricing. ", "Because each is a double-disc, rather than the $15.98 or $16.98 list for a single CD, each one now lists for $31.98.", "\n\nThose who wish to replace their vinyl red and blue albums with CD versions will have to shell out more than $65, including tax.", "\n\nEven the most fervent Beatles fans -- who have continued to praise every artistically questionable post-Beatles move, every Paul McCartney B-side, every Ringo Starr solo tour -- find the pricing unconscionable." ]
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[ " \r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\tOSCN Found Document:ESTABLISHMENT OF UNIFORM MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATE\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\r\n \n\n\n\nOSCN navigation\n\n\n\n\r\n Home\n\r\n Courts\n\r\n \r\n\t Court Dockets\r\n\t\t\t \n\r\n Legal Research\n\r\n Calendar\n\r\n Help\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPrevious Case\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tTop Of Index\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tThis Point in Index\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCitationize\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tNext Case\n\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPrint Only\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nESTABLISHMENT OF UNIFORM MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RATE2017 OK 6Decided: 01/23/2017THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA\r\nCite as: 2017 OK 6, __ P.3d __\n\nNOTICE: THIS OPINION HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED FOR PUBLICATION. ", "UNTIL RELEASED, IT IS SUBJECT TO REVISION OR WITHDRAWAL. ", "\n\n\n\nEstablishment of Uniform Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Expenses Paid from the Court Fund\n\n¶1 By reason of the inconsistency in mileage reimbursement rates between the State Travel Reimbursement Act, Title 74 O.S. §500.4 and the rate of reimbursement for state employees, Title 74 O.S. §85.45l, for expenses paid from the court fund, the Court directs that a uniform rate should be established for the purpose of consistency to assist the accounting and budgeting process in the district courts.", "\n¶2 Pursuant to this order all mileage which is reimbursed by the court fund, including, but not limited to jurors, interpreters and witnesses, shall be computed at the standard mileage rate prescribed by the State Travel Reimbursement Act, Title 74 O.S. §500.4.", "\n¶3 The 2017 mileage rate prescribed in the State Travel Reimbursement Act is 53.5 cents per mile.", "\n¶4 DONE BY ORDER OF THE SUPREME COURT IN CONFERENCE THIS 23RD DAY OF JANUARY, 2017.", "\n\n/S/CHIEF JUSTICE\n\n\nCombs, C.J., Gurich, V.C.J., Kauger, Watt, Winchester, Edmondson, Colbert and Reif, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n\n\n\nCitationizer© Summary of Documents Citing This Document\n\n\nCite\nName\nLevel\n\n\nNone Found.", "\n\n\nCitationizer: Table of Authority\n\n\nCite\nName\nLevel\n\n\nTitle 74. ", "State Government\n CiteNameLevel\n 74 O.S. 500.4, Mode of Travel - Approval - Rate of ReimbursementDiscussed\n 74 O.S. 85.45l, Trip Optimizer System Use RequirementsCited\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "We start with music. ", "This time will allow you to prepare for worship. ", "We will be sharing in Communion. ", "You may want to have a candle, and bread and “wine” ready.", "\n\nOrder of Service\nIncluding hymn lyrics\nClick to open PDF document to download / print.", "\n\nWe regret that we are not able to welcome anyone\ninto our church sanctuary to worship\nwith respect for everyone’s health and safety.", "\n\nMany of you have emailed to ask that you might slip into the sanctuary Easter morning for worship, but please do not. ", "We are sorry that we can’t gather together in person on this wonderful festival but, as Dr. Henry and Dr. Tam keep reminding us, we have a responsibility to each other and to the wider community not to gather—as well as for our own sake. ", "We are doing our best to offer meaningful worship and while it is not the same as being together in the Sanctuary, for this year, physical distancing is necessary.", "\n\nPermission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License #A-716713. ", "All rights reserved." ]
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[ "// Thermistor Example #3 from the Adafruit Learning System guide on Thermistors \n// https://learn.adafruit.com/thermistor/overview by Limor Fried, Adafruit Industries\n// MIT License - please keep attribution and consider buying parts from Adafruit\n\n// which analog pin to connect\n#define THERMISTORPIN A0 \n// resistance at 25 degrees C\n#define THERMISTORNOMINAL 10000 \n// temp. ", "for nominal resistance (almost always 25 C)\n#define TEMPERATURENOMINAL 25 \n// how many samples to take and average, more takes longer\n// but is more 'smooth'\n#define NUMSAMPLES 5\n// The beta coefficient of the thermistor (usually 3000-4000)\n#define BCOEFFICIENT 3950\n// the value of the 'other' resistor\n#define SERIESRESISTOR 10000 \n\nint samples[NUMSAMPLES];\n\nvoid setup(void) {\n Serial.begin(9600);\n analogReference(EXTERNAL);\n}\n\nvoid loop(void) {\n uint8_t i;\n float average;\n\n // take N samples in a row, with a slight delay\n for (i=0; i< NUMSAMPLES; i++) {\n samples[i] = analogRead(THERMISTORPIN);\n delay(10);\n }\n \n // average all the samples out\n average = 0;\n for (i=0; i< NUMSAMPLES; i++) {\n average += samples[i];\n }\n average /= NUMSAMPLES;\n\n Serial.print(\"Average analog reading \"); \n Serial.println(average);\n \n // convert the value to resistance\n average = 1023 / average - 1;\n average = SERIESRESISTOR / average;\n Serial.print(\"Thermistor resistance \"); \n Serial.println(average);\n \n float steinhart;\n steinhart = average / THERMISTORNOMINAL; // (R/Ro)\n steinhart = log(steinhart); // ln(R/Ro)\n steinhart /= BCOEFFICIENT; // 1/B * ln(R/Ro)\n steinhart += 1.0 / (TEMPERATURENOMINAL + 273.15); // + (1/To)\n steinhart = 1.0 / steinhart; // Invert\n steinhart -= 273.15; // convert to C\n \n Serial.print(\"Temperature \"); \n Serial.print(steinhart);\n Serial.println(\" *C\");\n \n delay(1000);\n}\n" ]
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[ " -139. ", "Let o(h) be the first derivative of y*h**2 + 0*h + 3 - 2/3*h**3. ", "What is the second derivative of o(w) wrt w?", "\n-4\nLet v(a) = a**3 + 7*a**2 + 7*a - 12. ", "Let f be v(-5). ", "What is the second derivative of 6*m - 6*m + 13*m**f - 13*m wrt m?", "\n78*m\nLet x(d) be the third derivative of 0*d**4 - 7/3*d**3 + 0*d + 0 + 0*d**5 + 1/12*d**6 - 7*d**2. ", "What is the derivative of x(z) wrt z?", "\n30*z**2\nLet z be (-7)/(-7) - (0 + -2). ", "Find the first derivative of 7*g**z + g + 54 - 50 - g wrt g.\n21*g**2\nLet x(z) be the first derivative of -2/3*z**6 + 0*z**4 - 8/3*z**3 + 0*z**2 + 0*z + 12 + 0*z**5. ", "What is the third derivative of x(k) wrt k?", "\n-240*k**2\nLet r(q) be the second derivative of -37*q**5/20 - 31*q**4/12 - q**2 - 64*q. ", "Find the third derivative of r(d) wrt d.\n-222\nFind the third derivative of 119*x**2 + 40*x**4 - 138*x**2 + 7*x**4 - 154*x**2 - 78*x**2 wrt x.\n1128*x\nLet o(z) = -391*z**3 + 3*z**2 - 253. ", "Let h(c) = 1954*c**3 - 16*c**2 + 1266. ", "Let p(b) = 3*h(b) + 16*o(b). ", "What is the derivative of p(q) wrt q?", "\n-1182*q**2\nFind the first derivative of -10 + 51643*b**3 + 384 - 51924*b**3 wrt b.\n-843*b**2\nSuppose -10 = -9*u + 17. ", "Find the second derivative of 2*p**2 - 6*p + 2 - p - 338*p**3 + 0*p + 327*p**u wrt p.\n-66*p + 4\nDifferentiate 33 - 218*z + 253 - 266*z + 31 + 197 wrt z.\n-484\nLet g(x) = -x + 8. ", "Let f = 18 - 12. ", "Let t be g(f). ", "What is the third derivative of -6*w**3 - 2*w**t - 3*w**2 + 4*w**3 wrt w?", "\n-12\nLet a = -9 + 75. ", "Find the first derivative of -a*c**4 - 63*c**4 - 30 + 121*c**4 wrt c.\n-32*c**3\nLet w = 39 + -31. ", "Find the second derivative of 7*t + 56*t**3 - 63*t**3 + w*t wrt t.\n-42*t\nLet a(s) = -444*s**2 + 4*s + 395. ", "Let y(o) = -4885*o**2 + 45*o + 4335. ", "Let t(g) = 45*a(g) - 4*y(g). ", "Differentiate t(b) with respect to b.\n-880*b\nLet j be ((-35)/(-14) - 4)*(-8)/6. ", "Let y(c) be the first derivative of 5/2*c**j + 0*c + 4 + 5/3*c**3. ", "What is the second derivative of y(q) wrt q?", "\n10\nSuppose -2*c + 47 = w, -w - 4*w + 5*c = -295. ", "What is the third derivative of 17*k**2 - w + 31*k**6 + 55 + k**4 wrt k?", "\n3720*k**3 + 24*k\nLet t = -50 - -19. ", "Let b = -22 - t. What is the third derivative of -17 - 6*x**2 - 2*x**4 + 8 + b wrt x?", "\n-48*x\nFind the second derivative of 23*z - 7*z**4 - 48*z**4 + 74*z - z**4 wrt z.\n-672*z**2\nLet o be (-2)/(-8) - (-185)/(-20). ", "Let y = 12 + o. What is the first derivative of -2 - 8*q**4 + y + 6 - 2 wrt q?", "\n-32*q**3\nLet a be (1 - -94)*(-2)/(-5)*1. ", "What is the second derivative of 13*b - a*b - 25*b + 62*b**2 - 19*b**2 wrt b?", "\n86\nLet r be (-2)/(1/(-8)*2). ", "Find the third derivative of -5*o**3 + 14*o**2 - 2*o**3 - r*o**2 wrt o.\n-42\nLet s(p) be the first derivative of 2*p**5/5 + 95*p**3/3 - 75*p - 134. ", "Differentiate s(i) with respect to i.\n8*i**3 + 190*i\nLet g(h) be the third derivative of 0*h**4 + 19/105*h**7 + 0 + 0*h**3 - 37/60*h**5 + 0*h - 24*h**2 + 0*h**6. ", "What is the third derivative of g(q) wrt q?", "\n912*q\nSuppose 0 = 3*h - 2*l - 30, h = 2*h - 4*l. ", "What is the second derivative of 13*s**4 - s + 3*s + 17*s**4 + h*s wrt s?", "\n360*s**2\nSuppose -s = 27 - 35. ", "Differentiate 2*y + s*y - 2 - 4*y + 3*y wrt y.\n9\nFind the second derivative of 16*n - 11*n + 35*n + 37*n**2 wrt n.\n74\nFind the second derivative of 84*t - 47*t + 57 + 62 + 247*t**2 - 11 - 40*t wrt t.\n494\nLet u(k) be the first derivative of 0*k + 24/5*k**5 - 4/3*k**3 + 0*k**4 + 14 + 0*k**2. ", "What is the third derivative of u(y) wrt y?", "\n576*y\nSuppose z = 2*z + 2*a - 4, -3*a = -4*z + 16. ", "Suppose -2*r = -5*q - 8, -r + q - 4*q + 4 = 0. ", "Find the second derivative of 5*u**z - 2*u + 14*u + 9*u**r wrt u.\n168*u**2\nLet a(j) be the second derivative of 2*j**3 + 0*j**4 + 0*j**2 + 0*j**6 + 12*j + 0 - 5/42*j**7 + 0*j**5. ", "Find the second derivative of a(u) wrt u.\n-100*u**3\nLet c(a) = -2*a + 3. ", "Let z be c(0). ", "Differentiate z*n**4 + 43 - n**4 - 9*n**4 + 6*n**4 wrt n.\n-4*n**3\nLet w(x) be the second derivative of -65*x**3/2 - 217*x**2/2 - 3*x + 2. ", "What is the first derivative of w(s) wrt s?", "\n-195\nLet b(r) = 48*r**3 + 11*r**2 - 5*r - 469. ", "Let p(m) = 25*m**3 + 6*m**2 - 3*m - 234. ", "Let s(y) = -3*b(y) + 5*p(y). ", "Differentiate s(a) wrt a.\n-57*a**2 - 6*a\nLet t(o) be the first derivative of -o**4/2 - 13*o**3 + 140*o + 216. ", "Differentiate t(x) wrt x.\n-6*x**2 - 78*x\nLet q be (-1 + 71)*(-7)/(-14). ", "Let b = -14 + q. What is the third derivative of -b*g**2 + 45*g**2 - 21*g**2 + 7*g**6 wrt g?", "\n840*g**3\nLet a(r) = -15*r - 71. ", "Let c be a(-5). ", "Suppose 2*u - 5*u = 0. ", "What is the first derivative of -c + u - v**2 + 11 - 10*v**2 wrt v?", "\n-22*v\nLet d = -8 + 14. ", "Suppose -3*f + 3*b = 3, -3*f - b = -5*b + d. What is the third derivative of -6*o**5 + 21*o**2 - 4*o**5 - 14*o**f wrt o?", "\n-600*o**2\nLet q(i) = -i + 1. ", "Let w be q(-4). ", "Find the second derivative of 3*o**w + 41*o**2 + 11*o**5 - 41*o**2 - 14*o wrt o.\n280*o**3\nLet o = 9 - 9. ", "Suppose o = -5*a + 3*a + 4. ", "Find the second derivative of a*k**5 + 20*k**3 - 20*k**3 + 8*k wrt k.\n40*k**3\nLet i = -120 + 131. ", "What is the second derivative of -913*k**2 + i*k + 913*k**2 - 3*k**3 + 5*k wrt k?", "\n-18*k\nLet k(y) = 75*y + 59. ", "Let l(d) = -5*d + 2. ", "Let f(a) = k(a) + 2*l(a). ", "Find the first derivative of f(g) wrt g.\n65\nLet t(a) be the first derivative of 0*a**4 + 0*a**3 + 11 + 0*a - 3/5*a**5 + 2*a**2. ", "What is the second derivative of t(v) wrt v?", "\n-36*v**2\nLet y(x) be the first derivative of -17*x**5/120 + 17*x**4/24 - 3*x**3 - 2. ", "Let b(q) be the third derivative of y(q). ", "Differentiate b(r) wrt r.\n-17\nLet b(n) = n**2 + 4*n - 5. ", "Let y be b(-5). ", "Let a = y + 5. ", "What is the derivative of 1 + 1 - 3 - a*x**2 - 2*x**2 wrt x?", "\n-14*x\nLet d(k) = -4*k. ", "Let b(c) = 117*c - 470. ", "Let r(i) = b(i) + 4*d(i). ", "Differentiate r(w) wrt w.\n101\nSuppose 0 = 5*l - 3*s - 10, 0 = -2*l - 2*s + 1 + 3. ", "What is the second derivative of 3*t**5 + l*t**5 + 11*t - t**5 + 4*t**5 wrt t?", "\n160*t**3\nLet x be 3 - 3/((-3)/8). ", "Suppose 4*r - q - 11 = 0, -r + 0*q + x = -3*q. ", "Find the first derivative of r*l + l + 5 - 3*l + 4*l**3 wrt l.\n12*l**2\nLet s(o) be the first derivative of -51 - 14/3*o**3 - 31/2*o**2 + 0*o - 1/4*o**4. ", "Find the second derivative of s(g) wrt g.\n-6*g - 28\nSuppose 4*c + 3*o - 24 = 0, -2*c + 9 = 5*o - 17. ", "Find the first derivative of -5*f**2 + 14*f**c + 20*f**2 - 1 - 15*f**2 wrt f.\n42*f**2\nLet b(o) be the second derivative of 489*o**5/20 - 13*o**4/2 - o**2/2 - 197*o. ", "Find the third derivative of b(n) wrt n.\n2934\nLet w(m) = 3*m + 36. ", "Let r be w(-12). ", "Let t(x) be the first derivative of r*x**2 + 0*x + 5/4*x**4 - 5 - 1/3*x**3. ", "Find the third derivative of t(y) wrt y.\n30\nSuppose 20 = -s + 2*s. ", "Suppose u + b + b - 5 = 0, 4*u - 4*b = s. Find the second derivative of 9*v**u - 9*v - 202 + 202 wrt v.\n180*v**3\nLet w(v) = v**3 + 2*v**2 - v. Let s be w(1). ", "Suppose -4*d + 6 = -d. ", "Differentiate s*o**2 - 9 + 5 + 2*o**d wrt o.\n8*o\nLet m(b) = 94*b**2 - 284*b + 6. ", "Let n(s) = -s + 2. ", "Let g(r) = m(r) - 3*n(r). ", "What is the second derivative of g(x) wrt x?", "\n188\nLet i(l) be the first derivative of -l**10/630 - l**6/30 - 4*l**3 - 9. ", "Let b(h) be the third derivative of i(h). ", "What is the third derivative of b(r) wrt r?", "\n-960*r**3\nSuppose 0 = 101*y - 86*y. ", "Let n(p) be the third derivative of -1/3*p**3 + 0*p - 7/24*p**4 - 7*p**2 + y. Differentiate n(r) wrt r.\n-7\nLet b(i) be the third derivative of 31*i**8/84 - 47*i**5/15 + 93*i**2 + i. What is the third derivative of b(r) wrt r?", "\n7440*r**2\nLet z(s) be the first derivative of 3*s**5/20 - s**4/4 - 3*s**2/2 + 7. ", "Let h(q) be the second derivative of z(q). ", "Find the second derivative of h(i) wrt i.\n18\nLet v(r) = r**3 + 13*r**2 + 10*r - 19. ", "Let a be v(-12). ", "What is the second derivative of -3*b + 2*b**a + 45*b**2 - 45*b**2 wrt b?", "\n40*b**3\nFind the second derivative of 123*n + 93*n**3 - 5*n - 232*n**3 wrt n.\n-834*n\nLet s(z) = z - 3. ", "Let x be s(8). ", "Find the second derivative of -x*v**3 - 31*v - 13*v**4 + 10*v**3 - 5*v**3 wrt v.\n-156*v**2\nLet k(g) be the first derivative of 40/3*g**3 - 19*g - 1 + 0*g**2. ", "Find the first derivative of k(x) wrt x.\n80*x\nLet q = -16 + 20. ", "Suppose -2*w + q*w = 2. ", "Differentiate 5 + w - 7*p**2 - 1 with respect to p.\n-14*p\nLet t(o) be the first derivative of 3*o**7/280 + 3*o**5/20 + 7*o**3 + 7. ", "Let v(s) be the third derivative of t(s). ", "Find the second derivative of v(p) wrt p.\n54*p\nSuppose 5*p = -5*s + 3*s - 6, s + 4*p + 9 = 0. ", "Let l = -5 + s. Find the third derivative of -16*k**l + 4*k**2 + 7*k**2 + 13*k**5 wrt k.\n780*k**" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0.0008247213554568589, 0.010295567102730274, 0.01008058525621891, 0.018533429130911827, 0.002193524967879057, 0.1116815060377121, 0.03570494055747986, 0.0014397118939086795, 0.01297847181558609, 0.016706043854355812, 0.0023711042013019323, 0.9299641847610474, 0.007677142042666674, 0.03673650696873665, 0.049293238669633865, 0.0021246750839054585, 0.011361119337379932, 0.07690362632274628, 0.0016729246126487851, 0.016410643234848976, 0.03139873966574669, 0.002789142308756709, 0.06868605315685272, 0.12455441057682037, 0.03342493623495102, 0.0664525255560875, 0.000824942602775991, 0.02061200514435768, 0.001707943039946258, 0.002017771126702428, 0.9734891057014465, 0.9824439883232117, 0.015308919362723827, 0.02931259758770466, 0.009851126000285149, 0.009494139812886715, 0.010537475347518921, 0.0015198984183371067, 0.09502843022346497, 0.012203888967633247, 0.0018681020010262728, 0.013254553079605103, 0.10499576479196548, 0.0023603958543390036, 0.8833498954772949, 0.023977983742952347, 0.004048221744596958, 0.0035803758073598146, 0.3353790044784546, 0.044147390872240067, 0.002392106456682086, 0.06259318441152573, 0.019578132778406143, 0.062169190496206284, 0.0674334168434143, 0.014036082662642002, 0.024617502465844154, 0.003290909342467785, 0.08888555318117142, 0.08683092892169952, 0.0014211018569767475, 0.021281512454152107, 0.10799054801464081, 0.00549837201833725, 0.45408445596694946, 0.06714339554309845, 0.0011387120466679335, 0.10881210118532181, 0.0030263757798820734, 0.9847449660301208, 0.984589159488678, 0.9519065618515015, 0.0032757462467998266, 0.15569670498371124, 0.026838483288884163, 0.01205830555409193, 0.010867017321288586, 0.001572630601003766, 0.09301401674747467, 0.0012850851053372025, 0.005231052171438932, 0.014470688998699188, 0.7816494703292847, 0.0020270466338843107, 0.0608903132379055, 0.008360587991774082, 0.17176242172718048, 0.04311350733041763, 0.011891528964042664, 0.07532627135515213, 0.02275475300848484, 0.9362906217575073, 0.012941202148795128, 0.0012045869370922446, 0.006241809576749802, 0.011849088594317436, 0.1080877035856247, 0.0017742306226864457, 0.2371974140405655, 0.01053426880389452, 0.25054821372032166, 0.0016748257912695408, 0.0017269455129280686, 0.0018038160633295774, 0.006893524434417486, 0.005276523996144533, 0.024927712976932526, 0.06429676711559296, 0.0013064027298241854, 0.013898993842303753, 0.0012060152366757393, 0.01663975790143013, 0.04891500249505043, 0.0017499369569122791, 0.7223438620567322, 0.002469377825036645, 0.0017636544071137905, 0.012046926654875278, 0.0033173835836350918, 0.0094192735850811, 0.9858375191688538 ]
[ "Carried away: The inside story of how the Carl Vinson's canceled port visit sparked a global crisis\n\nIn early April, officials at U.S. Pacific Command were developing plans to respond to a sharp rise in tensions with North Korea. ", "Defense Secretary James Mattis ordered PACOM Commander Adm. Harry Harris to come up with “robust and sustainable” options for North Korea if President Trump ordered a strike on the rogue regime, according to four defense officials who spoke on background.", "\n\nHarris was traveling in Washington away from his Hawaii base of operations, something that he dislikes because, in his view, something always seems to happen when he’s not in his office. ", "At one point that week, top PACOM officials called Harris to recommend that Vinson cancel its upcoming trip to Australia and make its way back to the waters near North Korea where the carrier had just been in March, thus serving as one of the responses to Mattis’s directive that they explore military options for the Trump administration.", "\n\nThe plan was to truncate a secretive exercise with the Australians near Indonesia, to cancel Vinson’s visit to Perth and then head the direction of the Korean Peninsula — meaning Vinson would be off North Korea by the end of the month." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005865725106559694, 0.0006471928209066391, 0.0006455627735704184, 0.0006305180140770972, 0.001121874083764851 ]
[ "What is the effect of obesity on piperacillin and meropenem trough concentrations in critically ill patients?", "\nThe objectives of this study were to determine the effects of obesity on unbound trough concentrations and on the achievement of pharmacokinetic (PK)/pharmacodynamic (PD) targets of piperacillin and meropenem in critically ill patients. ", "This study retrospectively analysed therapeutic-drug-monitoring data from ICU databases in Australia, Germany and Spain, as well as from a large PK study. ", "The presence of obesity was defined as a BMI ≥30 kg/m(2), and patients were also categorized based on level of renal function. ", "The presence of obesity was compared with unbound piperacillin and meropenem trough concentrations. ", "We also used logistic regression to describe factors associated with the achievement of the PK/PD targets, an unbound concentration maintained above the MIC breakpoint (100% fT>MIC and 100% fT>4×MIC) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. ", "In all, 1400 patients were eligible for inclusion in the study. ", "The median age and weight were 67 years (IQR 52-76 years) and 79 kg (69-90 kg), respectively, and 65% of participants were male. ", "Significantly lower median piperacillin trough concentrations [29.4 mg/L (IQR 17.0-58.0 mg/L)] were found in obese patients compared with non-obese patients [42.0 mg/L (21.5-73.5 mg/L)] (P = 0.001). ", "There was no difference for meropenem trough concentrations [obese 10.3 mg/L (IQR 4.8-16.0 mg/L) versus non-obese 11.0 mg/L (4.3-18.5 mg/L); P = 0.296]. ", "Using logistic regression, we found that the presence of obesity was not associated with achievement of 100% fT>MIC, but the use of prolonged infusion, a creatinine clearance ≤100 mL/min, increasing age and female gender were for various PK/PD targets for both piperacillin and meropenem (P < 0.05). ", "This large dataset has shown that the presence of obesity in critically ill patients may affect piperacillin, but not meropenem, unbound trough concentrations." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0009813645156100392, 0.0007560306694358587, 0.0005577862029895186, 0.000603182299528271, 0.000799463246949017, 0.0005991828511469066, 0.0005548722110688686, 0.0008014613413251936, 0.0011202306486666203, 0.0012624512892216444, 0.0008094990625977516, 0.0008569945930503309 ]
[ "April 27th - Opening Day. ", "We will be\nready to sell our herbs and perennials. ", "Spring is finally\nhere - time of growth. ", "During this season you will find\nwonderful plants here at the Wooden Shoe plus a shop filled\nwith interesting accent pieces for your garden, deck or\npatio. ", "We open at 10 a.m. Welcome to a new year here at\nthe farm.", "\n\nMay 11th and 12th - 10 a.m. -\n5 p.m. Spring Open House. ", "We are getting ready\nfor Mother’s Day here at the farm. ", "Come and buy\nsomething for your mom and bring a friend.", "\n\nThe Spring Open\nHouse is just in time for Mother’s Day. ", "Last year\nwe saw a lot of new customers and we are going to do it\nagain this year - our ninth annual spring open house.", "\nCome and enjoy. ", "A wreath, swag or arrangement of dried\nand preserved flowers will be a lasting gift. ", "These arrangements\nlast and last without any care. ", "Or a beautiful plant,\nlike a rosemary or a tree peony. ", "These gifts are all expressions\nof love for that special person in your life. ", "This year\nwe have added some new products to our bath and body section.", "\nWe have a wide selection of gel candles, creams, linen\nsprays and bath salts.", "\n\nJune - October - Farmers'\nMarkets at Dimondale, Allen Street and East Lansing.", "\n\nWe have been participating\nin the Mason Holiday Craft Show for over 25 years. ", "It\nis time for you to buy those Christmas gifts for teacher,\noffice workers or friends. ", "The maps will be available\nhere and will be posted on this website once we get closer\nto the actual date. ", "We have 15 houses participating with\na variety of crafts. ", "A fun time to become familiar with\nthe farm if you have never been here.", "\n\nNovember\n23rd and 24th - Christmas Open House.", "\n\nWe will have available a variety of fresh\ngreens. ", "Kissing Balls, Swags, Arrangements and Wreaths\nmade especially for the Christmas season. ", "Make it a tradition\nto stop and see what the Wooden Shoe has to offer you\nfor the holidays. ", "You will not be disappointed in the\nselection and prices.", "\n\nAdvent Wreaths\n- For the past few years, we have had an advent wreath\nclass on the Saturday before advent. ", "The advent wreath\nis an old fashioned way of celebrating advent. ", "The wreath\nis made up of juniper and herbs with four candles, three\npurple and one pink. ", "Some ornamental herbs are also used\nto give some color to the wreath. ", "Last year we again accepted\nspecial order requests. ", "Call and order your special advent\nwreath for your home or church. ", "The price is $28.", "\n\nDecember\n1st - Closed for the season.", "\n\nTALKS throughout\nthe year - I give talks to varying clubs and\norganizations. ", "If you would like me to do a presentation\nfor your club, please contact me\nfor fees, times and dates." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006594493170268834, 0.0015532552497461438, 0.0006673780153505504, 0.0005399847868829966, 0.0006947009242139757, 0.0006656020996160805, 0.004457877483218908, 0.27714356780052185, 0.0013929264387115836, 0.0005750466953031719, 0.000835297629237175, 0.0010920193744823337, 0.0009413778316229582, 0.0013863167259842157, 0.0006456126575358212, 0.0010640616528689861, 0.0006886320770718157, 0.0006438718410208821, 0.0005667066434398293, 0.0008571558864787221, 0.0005620232550427318, 0.0005444602575153112, 0.0005665940116159618, 0.0006640598876401782, 0.0005312050343491137, 0.1147441416978836, 0.0006481570308096707, 0.0005905210273340344, 0.0005988985067233443, 0.0007172576733864844, 0.0006095956778153777, 0.0005653473199345171, 0.0005271193222142756, 0.0015647702384740114, 0.0009019862627610564, 0.0006566547090187669, 0.0005050688632763922, 0.0005487292073667049 ]
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[ "FILE - In this May 31, 2017 file photo, state Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, discusses his single-payer health care bill at a Capitol news conference. ", "Lara has defeated Republican-turned-independent Steve Poizner to become the state's next insurance commissioner, according to new vote totals announced Friday Nov. 16, 2018. (", "AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, file)\n\nFILE - In this May 31, 2017 file photo, state Sen. Ricardo Lara, D-Bell Gardens, discusses his single-payer health care bill at a Capitol news conference. ", "Lara has defeated Republican-turned-independent Steve Poizner to become the state's next insurance commissioner, according to new vote totals announced Friday Nov. 16, 2018. (", "AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, file)\n\nSACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara has defeated Republican-turned-independent Steve Poizner to become the state’s next insurance commissioner, according to new vote totals Friday.", "\n\nVote counts updated since Election Day made Lara the winner with nearly 4.9 million votes, or 51.6 percent.", "\n\nLara will be California’s first openly gay statewide officeholder. ", "Poizner, a former insurance commissioner, would have been the first independent to win such an election.", "\n\nADVERTISEMENT\n\nLara, of Bell Gardens, will head the Department of Insurance, which enforces insurance laws, licenses and regulates companies and investigates fraud, now that commissioner Dave Jones is termed out of the office.", "\n\nLara previously authored a failed bill that would have provided state-run health insurance and has said that remains a top priority.", "\n\nPoizner, of Los Gatos, is a wealthy Silicon Valley technology entrepreneur who lost a bid for the GOP gubernatorial nomination in 2010. ", "He ran as an independent because he said the office should be free of politics, though both men promised not to take insurance money.", "\n\nLara’s win leaves just one statewide race too close to call.", "\n\nAssemblyman Tony Thurmond had a 74,000-vote lead over Los Angeles schools executive Marshall Tuck in the race to become the state’s top public education official. ", "Thurmond had nearly 4.3 million votes, or 50.4 percent.", "\n\nThurmond and Tuck are Democrats but the race is nonpartisan. ", "Thurmond has the backing of powerful teachers unions while Tuck is supported by wealthy charter school and education reform proponents." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n\nnamespace tests\\codeception\\common\\_support;\n\nuse Codeception\\Module;\nuse tests\\codeception\\common\\fixtures\\UserFixture;\nuse yii\\test\\FixtureTrait;\nuse yii\\test\\InitDbFixture;\n\n/**\n * This helper is used to populate the database with needed fixtures before any tests are run.", "\n * In this example, the database is populated with the demo login user, which is used in acceptance\n * and functional tests. ", " All fixtures will be loaded before the suite is started and unloaded after it\n * completes.", "\n */\nclass FixtureHelper extends Module\n{\n\n /**\n * Redeclare visibility because codeception includes all public methods that do not start with \"_\"\n * and are not excluded by module settings, in actor class.", "\n */\n use FixtureTrait {\n loadFixtures as protected;\n fixtures as protected;\n globalFixtures as protected;\n unloadFixtures as protected;\n getFixtures as protected;\n getFixture as protected;\n }\n\n /**\n * Method called before any suite tests run. ", "Loads User fixture login user\n * to use in acceptance and functional tests.", "\n * @param array $settings\n */\n public function _beforeSuite($settings = [])\n {\n $this->loadFixtures();\n }\n\n /**\n * Method is called after all suite tests run\n */\n public function _afterSuite()\n {\n $this->unloadFixtures();\n }\n\n /**\n * @inheritdoc\n */\n public function globalFixtures()\n {\n return [\n InitDbFixture::className(),\n ];\n }\n\n /**\n * @inheritdoc\n */\n public function fixtures()\n {\n return [\n 'user' => [\n 'class' => UserFixture::className(),\n 'dataFile' => '@tests/codeception/common/fixtures/data/init_login.php',\n ],\n ];\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "There was a problem with completing your request. ", "Please try again.", "\n\nIt's no surprise that this Indian Ocean island boasts some of the most amazing beaches in the world, and due to its tropical climate, you can holiday in Mauritius all year round. ", "From popular Grand Baie on the sheltered north coast to the secluded horse-shoe shaped La Cuvette or windswept Gris Gris in the south - there's a beach for sailing, snorkelling, swimming, dolphin spotting, deep sea fishing and many other aquatic pursuits.", "\n\nA Mauritius holiday would not be the same without sampling the sweet rum punch. ", "Visit Rhumerie de Chamarel in the south to see where the island's award winning oak-aged spirit is made. ", "On your way, you'll discover vast expanses of sugar cane fields, tea plantations and waterfalls. ", "The warm, welcoming people, spectacular natural beauty, delicious food and vibrant local markets make a trip to Mauritius an unforgettable experience." ]
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[ 0.0006837655091658235, 0.0006639991188421845, 0.0006119293393567204, 0.0007365022320300341, 0.0021490934304893017, 0.0005621826858259737, 0.0005807830020785332, 0.0005954680382274091 ]
[ "/* config.h. ", " Generated from config.h.in by configure. ", " */\n/* config.h.in. ", " Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. ", " */\n\n\n/* On Unix-like systems config.h.in is converted by \"configure\" into config.h.", "\nSome other environments also support the use of \"configure\". ", "PCRE is written in\nStandard C, but there are a few non-standard things it can cope with, allowing\nit to run on SunOS4 and other \"close to standard\" systems.", "\n\nIf you are going to build PCRE \"by hand\" on a system without \"configure\" you\nshould copy the distributed config.h.generic to config.h, and then set up the\nmacro definitions the way you need them. ", "You must then add -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to\nall of your compile commands, so that config.h is included at the start of\nevery source.", "\n\nAlternatively, you can avoid editing by using -D on the compiler command line\nto set the macro values. ", "In this case, you do not have to set -DHAVE_CONFIG_H.\n\nPCRE uses memmove() if HAVE_MEMMOVE is set to 1; otherwise it uses bcopy() if\nHAVE_BCOPY is set to 1. ", "If your system has neither bcopy() nor memmove(), set\nthem both to 0; an emulation function will be used. */", "\n\n/* By default, the \\R escape sequence matches any Unicode line ending\n character or sequence of characters. ", "If BSR_ANYCRLF is defined, this is\n changed so that backslash-R matches only CR, LF, or CRLF. ", "The build- time\n default can be overridden by the user of PCRE at runtime. ", "On systems that\n support it, \"configure\" can be used to override the default. */", "\n/* #undef BSR_ANYCRLF */\n\n/* If you are compiling for a system that uses EBCDIC instead of ASCII\n character codes, define this macro as 1. ", "On systems that can use\n \"configure\", this can be done via --enable-ebcdic. ", "PCRE will then assume\n that all input strings are in EBCDIC. ", "If you do not define this macro, PCRE\n will assume input strings are ASCII or UTF-8 Unicode. ", "It is not possible to\n build a version of PCRE that supports both EBCDIC and UTF-8. */", "\n/* #undef EBCDIC */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `bcopy' function. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_BCOPY\n#define HAVE_BCOPY 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <bits/type_traits.h> header file. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_BITS_TYPE_TRAITS_H */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <bzlib.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_BZLIB_H\n#define HAVE_BZLIB_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <dirent.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_DIRENT_H\n#undef HAVE_DIRENT_H\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <dlfcn.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_DLFCN_H\n#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <inttypes.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_INTTYPES_H\n#define HAVE_INTTYPES_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <limits.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_LIMITS_H\n#define HAVE_LIMITS_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `long long'. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_LONG_LONG\n#define HAVE_LONG_LONG 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `memmove' function. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE\n#define HAVE_MEMMOVE 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <memory.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_MEMORY_H\n#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <readline/history.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H\n#define HAVE_READLINE_HISTORY_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <readline/readline.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H\n#define HAVE_READLINE_READLINE_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdint.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_STDINT_H\n#define HAVE_STDINT_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <stdlib.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_STDLIB_H\n#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `strerror' function. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_STRERROR\n#define HAVE_STRERROR 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <string> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_STRING\n#define HAVE_STRING 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <strings.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_STRINGS_H\n#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <string.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_STRING_H\n#define HAVE_STRING_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtoll' function. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_STRTOLL */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `strtoq' function. */", "\n#undef HAVE_STRTOQ\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/stat.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H\n#undef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <sys/types.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H\n#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <type_traits.h> header file. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_TYPE_TRAITS_H */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <unistd.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_UNISTD_H\n#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if the system has the type `unsigned long long'. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG\n#define HAVE_UNSIGNED_LONG_LONG 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <windows.h> header file. */", "\n/* #undef HAVE_WINDOWS_H */\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the <zlib.h> header file. */", "\n#ifndef HAVE_ZLIB_H\n#define HAVE_ZLIB_H 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the `_strtoi64' function. */", "\n#define HAVE__STRTOI64 1\n\n/* The value of LINK_SIZE determines the number of bytes used to store links\n as offsets within the compiled regex. ", "The default is 2, which allows for\n compiled patterns up to 64K long. ", "This covers the vast majority of cases.", "\n However, PCRE can also be compiled to use 3 or 4 bytes instead. ", "This allows\n for longer patterns in extreme cases. ", "On systems that support it,\n \"configure\" can be used to override this default. */", "\n#ifndef LINK_SIZE\n#define LINK_SIZE 2\n#endif\n\n/* Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.", "\n */\n#ifndef LT_OBJDIR\n#define LT_OBJDIR \".libs/\"\n#endif\n\n/* The value of MATCH_LIMIT determines the default number of times the\n internal match() function can be called during a single execution of\n pcre_exec(). ", "There is a runtime interface for setting a different limit.", "\n The limit exists in order to catch runaway regular expressions that take\n for ever to determine that they do not match. ", "The default is set very large\n so that it does not accidentally catch legitimate cases. ", "On systems that\n support it, \"configure\" can be used to override this default default. */", "\n#ifndef MATCH_LIMIT\n#define MATCH_LIMIT 10000000\n#endif\n\n/* The above limit applies to all calls of match(), whether or not they\n increase the recursion depth. ", "In some environments it is desirable to limit\n the depth of recursive calls of match() more strictly, in order to restrict\n the maximum amount of stack (or heap, if NO_RECURSE is defined) that is\n used. ", "The value of MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION applies only to recursive calls of\n match(). ", "To have any useful effect, it must be less than the value of\n MATCH_LIMIT. ", "The default is to use the same value as MATCH_LIMIT. ", "There is\n a runtime method for setting a different limit. ", "On systems that support it,\n \"configure\" can be used to override the default. */", "\n#ifndef MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION\n#define MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION MATCH_LIMIT\n#endif\n\n/* This limit is parameterized just in case anybody ever wants to change it.", "\n Care must be taken if it is increased, because it guards against integer\n overflow caused by enormously large patterns. */", "\n#ifndef MAX_NAME_COUNT\n#define MAX_NAME_COUNT 10000\n#endif\n\n/* This limit is parameterized just in case anybody ever wants to change it.", "\n Care must be taken if it is increased, because it guards against integer\n overflow caused by enormously large patterns. */", "\n#ifndef MAX_NAME_SIZE\n#define MAX_NAME_SIZE 32\n#endif\n\n/* The value of NEWLINE determines the newline character sequence. ", "On systems\n that support it, \"configure\" can be used to override the default, which is\n 10. ", "The possible values are 10 (LF), 13 (CR), 3338 (CRLF), -1 (ANY), or -2\n (ANYCRLF). */", "\n#ifndef NEWLINE\n#define NEWLINE 10\n#endif\n\n/* PCRE uses recursive function calls to handle backtracking while matching.", "\n This can sometimes be a problem on systems that have stacks of limited\n size. ", "Define NO_RECURSE to get a version that doesn't use recursion in the\n match() function; instead it creates its own stack by steam using\n pcre_recurse_malloc() to obtain memory from the heap. ", "For more detail, see\n the comments and other stuff just above the match() function. ", "On systems\n that support it, \"configure\" can be used to set this in the Makefile (use\n --disable-stack-for-recursion). */", "\n/* #undef NO_RECURSE */\n\n/* Name of package */\n#define PACKAGE \"pcre\"\n\n/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */", "\n#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT \"\"\n\n/* Define to the full name of this package. */", "\n#define PACKAGE_NAME \"PCRE\"\n\n/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */", "\n#define PACKAGE_STRING \"PCRE 8.00\"\n\n/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */", "\n#define PACKAGE_TARNAME \"pcre\"\n\n/* Define to the version of this package. */", "\n#define PACKAGE_VERSION \"8.00\"\n\n\n/* If you are compiling for a system other than a Unix-like system or\n Win32, and it needs some magic to be inserted before the definition\n of a function that is exported by the library, define this macro to\n contain the relevant magic. ", "If you do not define this macro, it\n defaults to \"extern\" for a C compiler and \"extern C\" for a C++\n compiler on non-Win32 systems. ", "This macro apears at the start of\n every exported function that is part of the external API. ", "It does\n not appear on functions that are \"external\" in the C sense, but\n which are internal to the library. */", "\n/* #undef PCRE_EXP_DEFN */\n\n/* Define if linking statically (TODO: make nice with Libtool) */\n/* #undef PCRE_STATIC */\n\n/* When calling PCRE via the POSIX interface, additional working storage is\n required for holding the pointers to capturing substrings because PCRE\n requires three integers per substring, whereas the POSIX interface provides\n only two. ", "If the number of expected substrings is small, the wrapper\n function uses space on the stack, because this is faster than using\n malloc() for each call. ", "The threshold above which the stack is no longer\n used is defined by POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD. ", "On systems that support it,\n \"configure\" can be used to override this default. */", "\n#ifndef POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD\n#define POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD 10\n#endif\n\n/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */", "\n#ifndef STDC_HEADERS\n#define STDC_HEADERS 1\n#endif\n\n/* Define to allow pcregrep to be linked with libbz2, so that it is able to\n handle .bz2 files. */", "\n/* #undef SUPPORT_LIBBZ2 */\n\n/* Define to allow pcretest to be linked with libreadline. */", "\n/* #undef SUPPORT_LIBREADLINE */\n\n/* Define to allow pcregrep to be linked with libz, so that it is able to\n handle .gz files. */", "\n/* #undef SUPPORT_LIBZ */\n\n/* Define to enable support for Unicode properties */\n/* #undef SUPPORT_UCP */\n\n/* Define to enable support for the UTF-8 Unicode encoding. ", "This will work\n even in an EBCDIC environment, but it is incompatible with the EBCDIC\n macro. ", "That is, PCRE can support *either* EBCDIC code *or* ASCII/UTF-8, but\n not both at once. */", "\n#define SUPPORT_UTF8 1\n\n/* Version number of package */\n#ifndef VERSION\n#define VERSION \"8.00\"\n#endif\n\n/* Define to empty if `const' does not conform to ANSI C. */\n/* #undef const */\n\n/* Define to `unsigned int' if <sys/types.h> does not define. */", "\n/* #undef size_t */\n" ]
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[ "‘Brave’ Japanese Trailer & Poster: Dark Fairy Tale Adventure\n\nDisney has been receiving a lot of flack lately, due to what many people are saying is a mishandled marketing campaign for this week’s release of John Carter. ", "The same might be said for the manner in which the Mouse House has been selling U.S. audiences on Pixar’s latest computer-animated production, this summer’s princess fairy tale, Brave.", "\n\nPrevious trailers for Brave have highlighted the film’s impeccable animation style, but mostly focused on the family-friendly humor and the “empowered princess” aspects of Pixar’s first venture into the realm of fairy tales. ", "That changes with today’s new Japanese-dubbed trailer (with English subtitles) which features a whole lot of new footage, and dives right into the heart of the film’s darkly epic adventure storyline.", "\n\nYou can learn more about the actual plot of Brave – and the dangerous quest which the fire-haired Princess Merida (voice of Kelly Macdonald) must take on therein – by watching the Japanese trailer (followed by the poster) for Brave, below:\n\nThis Japanese promo for Brave makes it all too clear: Tangled with a bow and arrow, this ain’t. ", "If anything, this new trailer makes the movie look more like a 3D animated variation on Hayao Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke (with a Scottish flavor).", "\n\nBrave also comes off as an invigorating departure from previous Pixar titles; not only in terms of its dazzling Celtic aesthetic and Pictish design-inspired animation style, but also due to its grand-scale fable narrative which co-writer (and original director) Brenda Chapman has admitted was heavily influenced by scarier and more threatening stories set in faraway lands, as conceived by such authors as The Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Anderson.", "\n\nPrincess Merida faces a mystical challenge in 'Brave'\n\nWhile Brave - which is also Pixar’s first film with a female protagonist – doesn’t look to feature so many of the nightmare-inducing elements often found in those famous storytellers’ “children’s tales,” the movie does come off as more ominous and action-packed than any of the studio’s prior releases; still, it appears to provide entertainment for both underage and adult moviegoers alike.", "\n\nThat’s all to say: Brave both looks and sounds like a nice return-to-form for Pixar, which should help to wipe away any lingering memories of last year’s underwhelming Cars 2.", "\n\n-\n\nBrave is slated to hit 2D and 3D theaters in the U.S. on June 22nd, 2012.", "\n\n5 Comments\n\nPost a Comment\n\nWant to change your avatar?Go to Gravatar.com and upload your own (we'll wait)!", "\n\nName (required)\n\nMail (will not be published) (required)\n\nRules: No profanity or personal attacks. ", "Use a valid email address or risk being banned from commenting.", "\n\nNotify me of followup comments via e-mail\n\nIf your comment doesn't show up immediately, it may have been flagged for moderation. ", "Please try refreshing the page first, then drop us a note and we'll retrieve it.", "\n\nmotoko 2 years ago\n\nWow! ", "that Japanese trailer has a completely different feel. ", "It makes it seem far more magical and less whimsical. ", "Looks like it’s catering more to Japanese tastes and sensibilities that what a western audience would normally get from Disney/Pixar.", "\n\nAT LAST.", "\nI`ve finally found somebody else that sees the same thing in the film that I do.", "\nAfter seeing the film in the Cinema I didn`t quite get it at first but after doing some thinking realised that there was a whole second storyline running through this story which is a darker version of the main plot.", "\n\nHave`nt spotted it?", "\nWell, remember that the whole thing is based round the idea that the main character has to `mend a bond` to fix everything and this is being read as just fixing up her relations with her mother.", "\nBut there are TWO bonds broken in the story, apply the witches ryme to te other one and this is what you get,\n“Fate be Changed” In order to lift the spell from Mor`Du\n“Look inside” See the spirit of the man inside the demon bear\n“Mend the bond torn by pride” release his soul in order that he can join his brothers in the next world.", "\n\nThis is very much how witches spells work in old folk tales which always seem to end up meaning something different to what the characters think in the story but this is the first time I`ve run across one that works on most of the audience as well!", "\n\nWhy do people miss this?", "\nWell, in following the broken plot threads backwards I notice that they all seem to lead back to the `Lost Kingdom`story earlier in the film.", "\nAll we get is essentially “The old king decided to give the rule to his four sons jointly, the eldest objected and the kingdom fell”.", "\nNow, I dont know about you but when I saw that was “He murdered his brothers then, didn`t he!”.", "\n\nI think though that originally there must have been far more to this story that we need to know thats now missing from the english language cinema release but perhaps is still in the Japanese adaptation.", "\n\nDo I detect the trail of a very large black and white mouse winding through this.", "\nHopefully we might get a hint as to whats missing when the DVD comes out as there seems do be an extra `Legend of Mor`Du` short in it.", "\nCynical marketing ploy?" ]
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[ "Alfred Miller is a journalist based in New York City. ", "A recovering engineer, he writes about business and politics.", "\n\nDuring his presidential campaign, Donald Trump frequently pointed to the press corps covering his rallies and implored them to pan the audience to show the size of the crowds he was drawing. ", "When the cameras remained fixed on him, Trump labeled the news media “dishonest.”", "\n\nOne camera, however, dutifully began to pan the audience. ", "The clunky, black Panasonic PS2 belonging to Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), a year-old conservative media startup based in Alabama, made a habit of filming the teeming crowds at Trump rallies and developed a cult following in the process, with Trump supporters regularly holding up makeshift “I love RSBN” signs and seeking out the RSBN cameramen to wave. “", "The way to tell an RSBN camera is it moves,” says the company’s founder and CEO Joe Seales. “", "The rest of them stay straight.”", "\n\n\nStarting last July, RSBN started regularly sending cameramen to film Trump rallies around the country. ", "Today, the resulting videos, which streamed live on YouTube, have racked up a combined 116 million views, and RSBN’s YouTube channel—the most comprehensive collection of Trump political footage anywhere—boasts 244,000 subscribers, rivaling MSNBC’s 252,000, and CBS News’ 307,000. ", "Type “right” into YouTube’s search bar and “right side broadcasting” is one of the first automatic suggestions to appear.", "\n\nRSBN’s willingness to do Trump’s bidding—or its “positivity,” as Seales puts it—has won it more than just viewers. ", "During the campaign, the Trump team gave RSBN prime real estate in press risers at rallies and a direct line to its social media team, still active today. ", "Seales says he messages regularly with Trump’s Director of Social Media Dan Scavino (who was just named to the White House communications team), Digital Director Brad Parscale and Assistant Director of Data Analytics Avi Berkowitz, the mastermind behind the Trump campaign’s own pre- and post-debate talk show, “Trump Tower Live,” which streamed on Facebook. ", "At Berkowitz’s request, RSBN provided the manpower and streaming expertise to produce that talk show. ", "On Halloween, when the Trump press team decorated pumpkins for its traveling press corps, it gave RSBN’s logo equal footing with those of NBC, Fox, CBS, CNN and ABC. ", "And next week, RSBN cameras and reporters will be at the inauguration and inaugural balls—including the so-called “Deplora-Ball,” whose guests include far-right radio host Alex Jones and former Trump adviser Roger Stone.", "\n\nAt the same time, the openly pro-Trump RSBN—which bills itself as a “ragtag bunch of media outsiders” seeking to deliver news to the common man—has been quietly attempting to transform itself from a small live-stream operation into a major and diverse digital media outlet, just in time to cover the Trump White House. ", "Over the past eight weeks, the network has been hiring a lineup of conservative talk show hosts and television presenters, running the gamut from two preppy college students who urge young conservatives to get involved on their campuses to former Infowars reporter Joe Biggs, who heavily promoted the false Pizzagate rumors. ", "On January 16, RSBN will open an office on 2nd Street SE in Washington D.C., one block from the U.S. Capitol. ", "The network is even banking on its coziness with the Trump campaign to win it a coveted seat in the White House briefing room. “", "I have been told that we’re OK and they’ll get us in,” Seales says.", "\n\nAlready, RSBN politics reporter and on-air host Liz Willis won entry to the president-elect’s first press conference, at which Trump refused to take questions from CNN’s Jim Acosta, labeling his network “fake news.” ", "Willis was not selected for a question either, but RSBN’s live streamed video of the event has received over 750,000 views on YouTube and was one of the site’s top “Trending” videos that day. ", "This was helped, no doubt, by The Drudge Report’s linking to RSBN’s feed in its headline banner. “", "My wife is making a collage of all the Drudge headlines,” Seales says. “", "We’ve been on headline at least 30 times and on Drudge overall over 80 times. ", "One time, we got the headline in red with the siren, which is like gold.”", "\n\nIt all makes one wonder whether liberal worries that conservative Breitbart News is fast becoming “the official propaganda arm of the Trump campaign” might be a bit premature. ", "After all, it’s not Breitbart whose feed the Trump team chose to project on the jumbotron at a recent rally in Mobile, Alabama, or that received a public thank you from Trump social media director Dan Scavino on Twitter for playing “a major role in the success of @realDonaldTrump and @TeamTrump.”", "\n\n***\n\nWhen I visit Seales, 36, in early December at his east central Alabama studio, located behind a gas station on the border between Auburn and Opelika, Trump is still on his “Thank You Tour,” a circumstance that has sparked a mini-crisis in the office.", "\n\nTrump is scheduled to give a speech at the Dow Chemical Hangar in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in five minutes and Brad Savage, RSBN’s number two cameraman—RSBN only has two cameramen, and number one is currently en route to Michigan—is calling Seales to say he’s locked out of the event. ", "The Louisiana GOP doesn’t recognize Savage as a member of Trump’s traveling press corps, he explains over the phone to his boss.", "\n\nOn Halloween, when the Trump press team decorated pumpkins for its traveling press corps, it gave RSBN’s logo equal footing with those of NBC, Fox, CBS, CNN and ABC. ", "| Photo courtesy of RSBN\n\nSeales, sitting at the first of six cubicles that fill a 1,500-square-foot office adorned with framed copies of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and a “Make America Great Again” poster, consults a second smartphone that he has pulled from the back pocket of his jeans. ", "He explains to me that “Mr. Trump” is often late. ", "There’s plenty of time to get a pass for Savage, a 27-year-old North Carolina native who variously worked as a firefighter, an EMT, a tow truck driver and a driver in Trump’s motorcade before he answered Seales’ plea for cameramen on YouTube. ", "Indeed, after a few calls to the Louisiana GOP, Savage is in.", "\n\nAn hour later, Seales gets on the phone again. ", "This time it’s with Berkowitz, Trump’s data guru, as the two prepare to link up RSBN’s video feed to Trump’s Facebook page. ", "Seales is preoccupied with the poor video quality of the feed and asks his friend-turned-employee Adam Taxin, who has just walked into the studio, to lend a hand. ", "The son of a Philadelphia-area radiologist, Taxin is the proud holder of three Ivy League degrees: an AB from Harvard and a JD/MBA from Columbia. ", "Sporting a baseball cap emblazoned with the RSBN microphone logo and a tucked-in button-down shirt, he’s too busy perusing conservative news site Gateway Pundit (which he describes as “sloppy,” but reads anyway) to be of much help. (", "Taxin considers Rush Limbaugh to be the gold standard in conservative media.)", "\n\nThe RSBN operation, which now employs 14 full-time employees and three contractors, began in July 2015, when Seales, a stay-at-home father at the time, grew frustrated with the lack of raw Trump rally footage online. ", "He hired a freelancer to film what became the network’s first Trump rally broadcast and posted it on YouTube. ", "When the video quickly amassed a million views, Seales realized that there was a robust demand for pure Trump footage—a feed that wasn’t clipped or talked over by mainstream outlets. “", "Show the full context,” he says. “", "People are smart enough to make up their own mind.” ", "That was when, borrowing from a phrase he’s fond of using—“being on the right side of history”—Seales started Right Side Broadcasting Network, originally a livestream operation airing on YouTube. ", "He later added two call-in talk shows to the network’s YouTube channel, one hosted by conservative commentator Wayne Dupree, the other hosted by televangelist Pastor Mark Burns, a Trump surrogate.", "\n\nSensing that internet infrastructure would be important to his new venture, Seales moved his family from Pensacola, Florida, to Opelika, Alabama. (", "The rusting industrial town had recently spent $43 million to wire itself with super high-speed fiber optic cables.) ", "He roped his wife into running RSBN’s back office—handling taxes and “legal stuff”—and their house quickly morphed into a full-blown news studio, with newly hired producers and on-air talent often crashing there when the evening’s work was done. ", "In December, Seales opened a separate RSBN headquarters in Opelika. “", "We were growing too fast,” he says. “", "I had to get the dang thing out of my house.”", "\n\nLeft: Joe Seales, in his new Opelika offices. ", "Right: Seales and his brother Jacob prepare the chyron for Pastor Mark Burns' show. ", "| Alfred Miller\n\nThe expansion hasn’t been cheap. ", "The network’s only sources of cash are YouTube ad revenue and donations from viewers. ", "The contributions are mostly in the range of $25—though two children once sent RSBN $7 inside a handmade card that Seales considers invaluable. ", "In October, small donations totaled $40,000, allowing RSBN to travel to each rally during Trump’s frenzied run-up to Election Day as well as to open the new studio. ", "More recently, however, as Trump has scaled back his rally schedule, donations have started to run dry, and Seales has had to dip into his own savings.", "\n\nSeales, who says he felt an obligation to RSBN’s donors to continue spreading Trump’s message regardless of who became president, doesn’t think his work is done. ", "He wants RSBN to be the source conservatives can turn to for a break from the “pre-packaged narrative.” “", "We’re outsiders and we don’t know what we’re doing and to a degree that’s appealing to a lot of people who are used to stiff, scripted mainstream stuff,” he says.", "\n\nThe new D.C. office is part of this plan. ", "It’s also a sizeable expense—but one that Seales hopes will pay off. ", "Various members of Trump’s team have already promised RSBN entry to daily White House press briefings, Seales says, though he admits neither he nor Trump’s team realized how complicated fulfilling that promise actually is. (", "It would ordinarily require approval from the White House Correspondents' Association.) ", "Even if RSBN does not gain access, the CEO hopes the D.C. office will be useful for conducting interviews with members of Congress. “", "We want to have a presence there to stay relevant,” he says. “", "It’s advantageous to have a base there.”", "\n\n***\n\nAt the studio, another RSBN broadcast has just wrapped up. ", "In it, conservative commentator Dennis Michael Lynch walked breathlessly around his native Long Island neighborhood while presenting his take on the news of the day to his front-facing smartphone camera. ", "On this particular day, Lynch is upset about comments from the NAACP that proposed voter identification laws in Michigan would suppress minority votes. “", "If you can’t get yourself an ID, I don’t want your vote. ", "You shouldn’t even be allowed to vote,” he says into the camera before allowing his alter ego to respond in a calmer voice. “", "DML, you’re going off the farm.” “", "I’m not going off the farm,” Lynch No. ", "1 responds. “", "Think about this. ", "Seriously. ", "These people are claiming that they don’t have the wherewithal, they don’t have the intelligence to get an identification. ", "Seriously? ", "It’s comments like that that hold back the black community.” ", "Despite their low-budget production value, Lynch’s “Walk and Talk” videos routinely earned 100,000 views when he posted them on Facebook, but he was not able to monetize the attention there. ", "In December, he signed a deal with RSBN to allow his videos to be simulcast on RSBN’s YouTube channel for a share of any ad revenue they generate.", "\n\nThe deal with Lynch is part of Seales’ dream of turning RSBN into the 24/7 news outlet of the common man. “", "It’s normal people giving normal people the news,” Seales says. ", "When RSBN covered early reports of the Fort Lauderdale airport shooting last week, writer Steve Lookner read updates for the camera dressed in a hoodie and asked gun enthusiast Savage, dressed in a white t-shirt and winter jacket, to come out from behind the camera to give his opinions on the weapon used and the gunman’s training. ", "The video quickly racked up nearly 64,000 views on YouTube. “", "If somebody killed and injured this many people that fast, does that suggest anything about the amount of ammo that might have been in there?” ", "asks Lookner. “", "Well, there are what you would consider high capacity magazines that would hold, say, 14 rounds,” Savage responds, with the air of someone who regularly empties high capacity magazines at the shooting range.", "\n\nOther ideas in the works include a conservative alternative to Comedy Central’s The Daily Show (for which Lookner, who has a Seinfeld credit to his name, will be responsible), short documentary films glorifying small town America and cartoons about America’s Founding Fathers intended for children. “", "There's a lot of issues in the way kids are being taught history,” Seales says. “", "It’s revisionist history. ", "They have a negative view of the Founders. ", "The kids need to be told the whole story.”", "\n\nOther RSBN hosts with deals like Lynch’s revenue-sharing gig include the young conservative campus activists Kassy Dillon and Will Nardi, as well as the two originals—Burns and Dupree. ", "And more hosts are coming. ", "Former SiriusXM host Dino Costa will have a late night variety show, and former Infowars reporter Biggs is piloting a gun and outdoors show, though a recent Media Matters blog post highlighting tweets in which Biggs joked about date rape and assault may have put his chances for full-time employment at RSBN in jeopardy. “", "We’re learning as we go,” says Seales, who indicates that Biggs will be producing shows on a freelance basis.", "\n\nThere seem to be two major themes that tie the varied programming together: Patriotism and love of Trump. “", "I see an ungodly number of stories that are negative about Trump,” says Seales, gesturing to a television on which CNN is playing. “", "Why not see what Trump’s got and give him a chance?”", "\n\nIn RSBN’s office, pictures of the president-elect fill the desktop backgrounds. ", "But Seales insists the network is not a propaganda outlet and says he would risk his hypothetical White House press access to prove it. “", "It’s not like we’re Trump super-fans and we worship him,” he says, without a trace of irony. ", "The desktop backgrounds, according to Seales, were a practical joke hatched by his brother Jacob, who was until recently an Iowa-based guitar teacher before he was pulled into composing original music for RSBN’s videos. (", "The next time I visit the studio, the Trump desktop backgrounds are gone.)", "\n\n“We believe in a certain set of principles,” says Seales. ", "Those principles largely include tight borders and an insistence that immigrants be proud to assimilate into American society. ", "Seales isn’t concerned that Trump appears to be backing away from campaign promises to have Mexico pay for a border wall. ", "He explains that Trump is new to politics—that’s part of his appeal. ", "Trump may have to “change course” on some campaign promises once he’s in office and has more complete information. (", "Even so, Seales thinks Mexico will eventually pay.)", "\n\nAdam Taxin strikes a pose with his Donald Trump desktop background. ", "| Alfred Miller\n\nThat doesn’t mean RSBN considers itself part of the so-called “alt-right,” which Seales says he’s not sure how to define. “", "The white supremacists on the fringe? ", "We disavow,” he says. “", "That’s why I found moderators for the chat rooms, because they’d get in there sometimes and say things and everybody would get really upset.” ", "For a while, the sole moderator was Seales’ own mother, whose job it was to boot the foul-mouthed and racist from her son’s website and YouTube channel. ", "Today, RSBN has 25 volunteer moderators and Mother Seales receives $200 per month to supervise them.", "\n\nSeales also points to the diversity of his small team as evidence of his repudiation of the alt-right. ", "Two of his talk show hosts are black, as is a producer. ", "Kassy Dillon is a female millennial. ", "And Taxin is an Orthodox Jew. “", "Do you not realize you’re calling people neo-Nazis who are Jewish?” ", "asks Taxin, taking off his RSBN baseball cap to reveal a yarmulke. “", "Yeah, bring it on. ", "Make me the face of the alt-right.”", "\n\nDespite this diversity, ensuring that his own employees don’t tweet anything that might be considered offensive to minorities has at times been a struggle. ", "Seales recently reprimanded Savage for suggesting on Twitter that Islam is an inherently inferior religion, as evidenced by the treatment of women and homosexuals in some Muslim countries. “", "That’s not what we stand for,” says Seales. “", "That is not how we feel at all. ", "I am conservative, but I love everybody.”", "\n\nSeales will admit that Trump has faults. ", "He acknowledges the president-elect “said things that are very bad,” referring specifically to Trump’s comments about sexually assaulting women. ", "But he considers Hillary Clinton’s actions worse. “", "They weren’t getting as much time as the ‘Trump is a sexual predator and he’s going to be in the White House’ narrative,” he tells me. ", "Seales hasn’t been 100 percent satisfied with the transition so far, either. ", "The selection of Betsy DeVos as Trump’s education secretary, for example, disappointed him because of her ties to a group that supports the Common Core education standards. “", "Maybe they talked and she’s changed her mind on it, and if so, that’s fine,” he says. “", "Other than that I’m pretty happy so far, and if I am unhappy I’ll let it be known.”", "\n\nIndeed, as the network prepares to cover the inauguration and the pending Trump presidency, Seales insists that RSBN will cover Trump objectively.", "\n\n“If Trump goes back on his word,” he tells me, “we have hours and hours worth of video we can go back to if we need to keep him honest.”" ]
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[ "BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) — Peeps treats are going on hiatus for several months — another consequence of the coronavirus pandemic.", "\n\nJust Born Quality Confections said it won’t be producing the popular marshmallow sweets for Halloween, Christmas or Valentine’s Day as the Bethlehem, Pennsylvania-based company prepares for next Easter, PennLive.com reports.", "\n\nProduction of the holiday-shaped candies was suspended in the spring as the coronavirus spread across the state. ", "Limited production resumed in mid-May with protocols in place to protect employees, Just Born said.", "\n\n“This situation resulted in us having to make the difficult decision to forego production of our seasonal candies for Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Day in order to focus on meeting the expected overwhelming demand for Peeps for next Easter season, as well as our everyday candies,” the company said.", "\n\nFor confectioners, Easter is one of their biggest and busiest times of the year as children — and adults — use the holiday as an excuse to indulge in candy eggs and chocolate bunnies.", "\n\nJust Born, which has been in business since 1923, said its other seasonal confections are expected to return to store shelves by Halloween 2021." ]
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[ "What is really on those restaurant tables? ", "News reports document the presence of germs and bacteria on countertop surfaces. ", "And those white rags are used over and over, and actually spread germs from table to table!", "\n\nTable Toppers protect children from germs on restaurant table tops and provide a sanitary eating surface that sticks securely in place. ", "Parents will love the On-the-Go protection from germs, dirt & cleaning chemicals on restaurant and food court tables." ]
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[ "Rega Isis and Osiris review\n\nThe Isis CD player and Osiris integrated amplifier represent Rega's first move into the high end\n\nJump to Section:\n\nOur Verdict\n\n;;Isis; A magnificently musical CD player at a realistic price, with the addition of a USB input that many will find useful. ", "Only the remote handset gives rise to criticism ;;Osiris; Beautifully built and finished, this very solid all-round performer has massive power reserves, splendid stereo imaging and a smooth, well controlled sound\n\nFor\n\nGreat sound\n\nPrice\n\nUSB input\n\nGood build quality\n\nAgainst\n\nRemote controls\n\nRega has long been the doyen of British budget hi-fi. ", "From the early 1970s, as maker of the superb-sounding Planar series turntables, to subsequent forays into tonearms, cartridges, loudspeakers, CD players and amplifiers, its products have always been British-made, competitively priced and clearly fine 'sonic' value for money.", "\n\nRega has long been hostile towards any form of hi-fi shenanigans and is proud of the fact that it has never taken any advertising in the hi-fi press.", "\n\nThis probably explains why it has tended to operate a little outside the industry mainstream, rather keeping itself to itself while pressing on regardless and following an agenda that's often at variance with the industry as a whole.", "\n\nThere are those who would sympathise with Rega's view of the hi-fi world, but whatever one's personal opinions, there's no denying that Rega has shown impressive engineering innovation over many years and across a number of different product categories.", "\n\nHitherto, the company has always held the 'high end' in scant regard, believing very much in the law of diminishing returns and pursuing policies which place value for money high up the agenda.", "\n\nEven where a specific product did break through the £1,000 barrier, it would tend to offer performance comparable with competitors at more than twice the price.", "\n\nThe news that Rega was introducing two new products, each with pricetags close to £6,000, therefore came as quite a surprise. ", "But it's presumably a reflection of the way the market has been evolving: the traditionally youth-fuelled budget end being iPods and PCs and the mid-market shared with AV and costly flatscreen TVs.", "\n\nGood news then, that the more enthusiast-oriented upmarket sector is the healthiest right now. ", "Certainly the findings seem to fit in with current market feedback.", "\n\nAs their names suggest, Isis and Osiris are twin components: a CD player and an integrated amplifier respectively.", "Although each carries a £5,998 pricetag, a healthy £998 discount is available to anyone buying the pair together.", "\n\nAlthough that's undoubtedly very expensive by historic Rega standards, it's by no means unduly so across the world of high-end audio. ", "The question must be whether Rega actually knows how to make a high-end component.", "\n\nThe units themselves definitely have the look and feel of good-quality, high-end units. ", "The build is appropriately massive – 19 kilograms for the Isis CD player, 25.6 kilograms for the Osiris amplifier and significantly more than that when packed in their wooden shipping crates.", "\n\nPresentation is not only very substantial, it's also tasteful and interesting, yet discreet. ", "The casework is constructed from machined alloy sections, with different textures and mostly gunmetal grey, while care has been taken to smooth over any unwelcome sharp edges and corners. ", "Gloss-black sections inset into the front panels accommodate minimal controls and simple, but usefully informative, red LED displays.", "\n\nBoth have neatly disguised on/off bars; Isis has 'play' 'stop' and 'skip'; Osiris has volume and up/down input selection. ", "In practice, of course, the real controlling will be carried out on and by the remote handsets.", "\n\nIn complete contrast to the units themselves, these are rather overburdened with buttons (and small difficult-to-read legends). ", "Based on Rega's normal plastic handsets, they're nice and slim for easy one-hand operation, but cast alloy casework makes them rather thick and heavy.", "\n\nParadoxically, whereas the Osiris handset will also control basic Isis functions, the reverse isn't the case, which is a mite confusing. ", "Frankly a smaller, simpler, lighter handset able to perform just the basic functions of both would have been welcome.", "\n\nThe top-loading Isis' prime function is simply to play CDs. ", "It does have balanced XLR, as well as single-ended phono stereo audio outputs. ", "And several digital signal options are available: a USB input switches the DACs to decode computer audio, while S/PDIF (electrical) and ToSlink (optical) outputs are also provided.", "\n\nOsiris is simple too, even to the point of omitting potentially useful functions like channel balance and mono mode. ", "One balanced XLR input pair is intended for Isis connection, while seven single-ended pairs provide four regular inputs, tape in/out and a 'direct' input that feeds the power amp section directly (for use with a multichannel AV processor). ", "Stereo speakers are fed from two pairs of socket/binder terminals.", "\n\nThe Isis is essentially a 'no cost spared' development of Rega's justly popular Apollo and Saturn players. ", "It features numerous refinements, with all three models extracting the disc data via a relatively, recently developed chip set with much greater memory than its predecessors and to which Rega now has exclusive access.", "\n\nOsiris also follows established Rega practice in combining a high-gain power amp with a passive preamp section, here using an Alps Blue Velvet motorised potentiometer. ", "The power section is strictly twin-mono, even down to using two separate 400VA toroidal transformers and is strictly symmetrical in layout, too.", "\n\nHigh-quality components are used at every stage and more than ample power (2x162 watts/eight ohms, 2x250 watts/four ohms) is delivered via eight Sanken output transistors. ", "A neat touch, is that the heatsinks on both flanks are incorporated into the casework, so there are no sharp edges.", "\n\nAfter lifting the clever parallel-hinged lid, clipping a CD onto the low-inertia three-ball chuck and closing the lid, the first thing we noticed is that the Isis carried out the initialisation process much more quickly than the Saturn, so someone's clearly been busily improving the software.", "\n\nSound quality\n\nIrrespective of whether Osiris or Naim NAC552/NAP500 amplification was being used, the second thing that is very noticeable is just how un-CD-like Isis' music-making is. ", "The character of CD replay has always seemed to have a degree of largely subliminal artifice, which is why many enthusiasts have retained affection and loyalty for the vinyl medium.", "\n\nOne crucial observation is that these elements of artificiality seem somehow to have been suppressed in the Isis and the result is unusually natural and somewhat sweeter than usual. ", "Previously obscure and barely audible musical details become clear and make sense, in a way that hasn't been previously noticeable with other costly CD players, including the Naim CDS3/555PS, which was also on hand as a reference point.", "\n\nThere are a number of current contenders for the high end CD player crown, most of which haven't been tried out here and all of which cost more than the Isis – some a great deal more.", "\n\nThe Meridian 808.2 Reference was one notable example that set an enviable standard, but that was eighteen months ago, so it's impossible to make a meaningful comparison after such a long interval. ", "Certainly the Isis must be amongst the very best and that surely helps justify its substantial pricetag.", "\n\nIt wasn't possible to do much listening via the USB input, as the Isis simply refused to recognise our MacBook Pro (which normally operates happily enough into a firestone Audio USB DAC).", "\n\nLeicester dealer Cymbiosis had no such problem with its Isis/Mac interface and our Isis happily recognised and locked onto the lap-top that Rega's Paul Darwin brought along to try when he was collecting the units, so the problem remains entirely mysterious.", "\n\nThe Osiris is rather harder to evaluate, simply because comparably priced kit doesn't crop up for review everyday of the week. ", "So, in this case, our reference point is a far more elaborate four-box Naim NAC552/NAP500 pre/power combination, which was certainly superior to the Osiris – but then so it should be at five times the price!", "\n\nOsiris is certainly a lovely unit to use and like the Isis, it always sounds notably unflustered and easy on the ears, erring a little on the polite and well-mannered side for some tastes. ", "Transient dynamics might, perhaps, be a bit more obvious and assertive, but it has marvellously tight and precise image focus, giving pin-sharp central images, yet also resolving stereo depth very well.", "\n\nThis amplifier clearly has massive power reserves, even into quite difficult loads and never seems to get more than faintly warm to the touch. ", "for the most part, operation is very straightforward, though the remote volume only has a single rotational speed, which makes fine adjustment for late-night listening tricky.", "\n\nPush the 'direct' button on the handset and you access the power amp's direct input, but the only way to get back to the regular preamp inputs is by pressing the 'direct' button again – hardly intuitive and not explained in an otherwise fully comprehensive manual.", "\n\nAttempts to drive the Osiris' high-gain power amp section from a regular separate (active) pre-amplifier were frustrated, as the combination had far too much gain. ", "A similar problem might arise if the Osiris is integrated within an AV system, so anyone planning to do this should first check its compatibility with the AV processor.", "\n\nThe suspicion that the Osiris' ultimate sound quality might be mildly limited by its passive preamp arrangement is a niggle.", "\n\nBut, what we actually have here is an impressive double-act from Rega; an outstanding CD player – featuring a very useful USB input – and a partnering amplifier, which is a suitably capable performer." ]
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[ "How to make a high output subwoofer enclosure\n\nThe whole point of a high output subwoofer enclosure is that it sounds loud. ", "We don’t care about linearity, transient response or anything else. ", "The goal is to make some noise with the little that we’ve got, by making clever use of sound mechanics. ", "I will take the subwoofer which I use in my car, and put it under test. ", "It’s in a closed fiber glass box in my current setup. ", "After that, we will make a high output subwoofer enclosure for it, and we shall see how much we can squeeze out of it.", "\n\nAudio setup :\n\nMethodology\n\nThere are several steps we need to take before we get to the end result. ", "I’ll make a list with what we are about to do, so you can get an idea of what’s to come :\n\nMeasure the T/S parameters of the speaker. ", "After I measured the parameters, they were pretty much matching with what the manufacturer declared in the tech sheet. ", "Good job JL! ", "If you don’t have means of measuring, just use the parameters quoted by the manufacturer. ", "Measure the car’s transfer function and find which frequency gets the biggest boost courtesy of cabin gain. ", "Design an enclosure with a Cebyshev frequency response (high peak near resonance). ", "Tune the enclosure according to the number found at step 2. ", "Measure the high output subwoofer enclosure after it’s complete. ", "Tweak the tuning frequency if necessary.", "\n\nInitial measurements\n\nBefore we begin, I am going to measure the SPL of my sealed enclosure. ", "I know it’s not fair to compare sealed with bass reflex, but under normal circumstances, the difference should be +3 dB. So anything above +3 dB is the “high output” part. ", "Plus, having the same setup with the same volume settings, makes a very good comparison between enclosures alone. ", "The enclosure is around 20 L of volume with no stuffing inside.", "\n\nIMPORTANT! ", "How I measured the SPL\n\nBefore I show you the actual numbers, I want to be clear on how I made the measurements. ", "Excessive volume of any sort is not used, sine tones or any other speaker abuse. ", "I’m just playing the subwoofer loud, within its X max rating. ", "I’m not risking the life of my perfectly good subwoofer, just to get a high score. ", "So don’t judge the absolute values of the measurements. ", "If you do so, I’m sure many of you will say that you got a much better score. ", "The point is to compare the scores between the two enclosures. ", "The measurements were done playing Tyga – Glitta, because it hits hard on the frequency I am interested in.", "\n\nHere is the measurement of the closed enclosure :\n\nThe audio system as a whole is oriented towards sound quality, with little regard to sound pressure level. ", "While 124 dB is underwhelming, it’s pretty respectful.", "\n\nMeasure the car’s transfer function\n\nI made a whole separate article on how to do this measurement and you can check it out here. ", "But if you don’t feel like reading it, I’m going to make a brief description of the process.", "\n\nMake / borrow a sealed subwoofer with very linear response (Q tc of 0.7).", "\n\nof 0.7). ", "Take a near-field measurement, so you have an anechoic response of the subwoofer.", "\n\nPlace the subwoofer in the trunk and the measuring microphone on top of the dash.", "\n\nTake a frequency sweep measurement and scale the graph (depending how far you placed the microphone\n\nCompare the 2 graphs and see which frequency gets boosted the most.", "\n\nOn the last graph you can the see the anechoic response of the woofer (the yellow line) and the same woofer measured with the car response (the green line). ", "You can clearly see a decent bump at 34 Hz. ", "I like to call that the car resonant frequency, but it’s a little more complicated than that, since the car is made by a lot of individual objects with their own resonant frequencies. ", "Now, all we have to do is to make our high output subwoofer enclosure peak at 34 Hz.", "\n\nDesigning the box\n\nThe design of a high output subwoofer enclosure is pretty straight forward. ", "You make a box as big as you can, and then tune it to your specified frequency. ", "The tuning frequency is given by the size and length of the port. ", "The over-voluming of the box is to ensure we get a Chebyshev response. ", "This means that we will get a high peak at resonance. ", "The bigger the box, the bigger the peak. ", "On one hand, this will have disastrous effects on linearity (which we don’t care for), on the other hand, it will have a beneficial effect on efficiency.", "\n\nSince the car resonant frequency is at 34 Hz, probably your first assumption is that the enclosure should be tuned at 34 Hz as well. ", "That assumption is incorrect. ", "If you look at the response chart of a particular speaker-box system, you will notice that the resonant frequency is lower than the point where response starts to roll-off. ", "People consider that the resonant frequency coincides with the point where the response starts to roll off. ", "This is not true, especially for non linear responses, which we are discussing.", "\n\nSo, to have the maximum magnitude at 34 Hz we need to tune the box about half an octave lower than that. ", "26 Hz to be exact.", "\n\nModeling the response of our box\n\nThe box will have 98 liters of net volume. ", "I subtracted from the overall volume 3 liters for each port and 2 liters for the driver displacement. ", "Bracing has negligible volume. ", "You can be very strict with exact volumes, but it’s not that serious with these high output boxes. ", "The ports are 100 mm in diameter and 400 mm in length (flared at both ends). ", "This will give me a tuned box frequency of 32 Hz. ", "This tuning frequency is true for Q L = 7 (box losses). ", "But I know that I like to abuse the silicone sealant, and I always get a box with low losses. ", "Lower losses will pull down my resonant frequency and hopefully we will get around the 26 Hz mark. ", "You can read more about box losses here. ", "Box losses are unpredictable, but I’m feeling confident about my decision.", "\n\nAbove we have the modeled frequency response of the high output subwoofer enclosure. ", "Notice the +7 dB peak.", "\n\nThe build\n\nFor our project, I’m using 22 mm (7/8″) thick MDF, double baffle, 1 horizontal brace, and 2 ports 100 mm (4″) in diameter. ", "As for volume, i didn’t go as big as my trunk allowed, because i didn’t want to have any surprises that it doesn’t fit in the boot. ", "Pay careful attention at the height of the box. ", "Make it somewhat shorter than the trunk height. ", "Otherwise, when you slide the box in, you might get it stuck.", "\n\nHere are some pictures with the build :\n\nSince the baffle is mostly cut out (2 ports and 1 speaker), the structural integrity is severely affected. ", "The double baffle is to add more strength and the horizontal brace is to reduce flex. ", "Don’t ignore this aspect, as it’s especially important in a high output subwoofer enclosure. ", "Make sure the back of the ports are not to close to the back wall. ", "In my case there is a 15 cm (6″) clearance, which is more than decent.", "\n\nMeasuring of the box\n\nNow that the box is finished, let’s start measuring it. ", "After I did an impedance sweep, I could tell the resonant frequency of the box and could measure the box losses. ", "As I predicted, the box had a low loss figure. ", "Q L = 16 (higher number means lower losses) indicates that the resonant frequency should be lower than 32 Hz.", "\n\nResonant frequency is 28 Hz, but we were aiming for 26 Hz. ", "Let’s see the frequency response chart, and then we can make a decision if we tweak the resonant frequency or not.", "\n\nTurns out that the resonant frequency of 28 Hz is spot on. ", "We get the highest magnitude at 34 and 35 Hz. ", "This means there is no need for additional tweaking, since 34 Hz is our goal. ", "If you need to raise the resonant frequency, you can reduce the length of the ports by cutting them. ", "If you need to lower the resonant frequency, remove the rear flares, add 90 degree elbow joints and continue with PVC pipe (depending how long you need to make the ports). ", "Now let’s get to measuring the sound pressure level :\n\nWe can see an increase of 10 dB compared to the sealed enclosure. ", "As perceived loudness it’s about twice as loud. ", "You can clearly observe in the spectrum analyzer below the decibel rating, the peak at 34 Hz. ", "The peak is also present for the closed enclosure, because the cabin gain is dominating at that frequency. ", "But by matching the enclosure’s tuning frequency with the car’s cabin gain, we can get an impressive boost at that particular frequency.", "\n\nConclusion\n\nThe improvement in sound pressure was considerable. ", "However, all things being equal, a bass reflex enclosure will output an additional +3 dB, because it’s a more efficient design. ", "But, the extra +7 dB are present because we chose a non-linear design with a high peak near resonance. ", "Also, this peak was matched with the car’s transfer function to give even more output at that frequency. ", "Bear in mind that the sealed enclosure benefits from cabin gain as well. ", "While the enclosure will sound loud at 34 Hz, the linearity is severely affected and it’s not recommended for someone who is interested in high fidelity audio. ", "But we all know bass-heads are not interested in linearity and all they want is to see their car shake.", "\n\nSpecial thanks!", "\n\nSpecial thanks to Accuwave for providing the sound pressure meter, which I used for obtaining the decibel readings. ", "Dead-easy to use : stick it on your windshield, connect it to your phone, and you’re good to go. ", "If you need one, have a look here. ", "A must-have gadget for all of you bass-heads out there.", "\n\nReferences" ]
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[ "In this week’s installment of our ongoing series bringing you the history of Princeton University and its faculty, students, and alumni, the Triangle Show appears on national television, the Board of Trustees votes to establish the Graduate School, and more.", "\n\nDecember 8, 1988—The Student Friends of the Art Museum get the first look at the renovated museum’s new wing.", "\n\nDecember 9, 1947—Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, president of the World Jewish Congress and co-founder of the NAACP, speaks in McCosh 50 during Hanukkah, with celebratory words about the founding of the modern state of Israel.", "\n\nDecember 10, 1950—After suspension and flagging interest in the 1940s due to World War II, Princeton’s Triangle Show revives itself with the first of what will be many annual appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show.", "\n\nDecember 13, 1900—The Board of Trustees votes to establish a Graduate School, and appoints Andrew Fleming West, Class of 1874, its first dean.", "\n\nFor last week’s installment in this series, click here.", "\n\nFact check: We always strive for accuracy, but if you believe you see an error, please contact us.", "\n\nLike this: Like Loading..." ]
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[ "/*\n * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.", "\n *\n * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it\n * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as\n * published by the Free Software Foundation. ", " Oracle designates this\n * particular file as subject to the \"Classpath\" exception as provided\n * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.", "\n *\n * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT\n * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\n * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that\n * accompanied this code).", "\n *\n * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version\n * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,\n * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.", "\n *\n * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA\n * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any\n * questions.", "\n */\n\n/*\n *\n * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999 All Rights Reserved.", "\n * Copyright 1997 The Open Group Research Institute. ", " All rights reserved.", "\n */\n\npackage sun.security.krb5.internal;\n\nimport sun.security.krb5.*;", "\nimport sun.security.util.*;", "\nimport java.util.", "Vector;\nimport java.io.", "IOException;\nimport java.io.*;", "\n\n/**\n * Implements the ASN.1 EncTicketPart type.", "\n *\n * <pre>{@code\n * EncTicketPart ::= [APPLICATION 3] SEQUENCE {\n * flags [0] TicketFlags,\n * key [1] EncryptionKey,\n * crealm [2] Realm,\n * cname [3] PrincipalName,\n * transited [4] TransitedEncoding,\n * authtime [5] KerberosTime,\n * starttime [6] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,\n * endtime [7] KerberosTime,\n * renew-till [8] KerberosTime OPTIONAL,\n * caddr [9] HostAddresses OPTIONAL,\n * authorization-data [10] AuthorizationData OPTIONAL\n * }\n * }</pre>\n *\n * <p>\n * This definition reflects the Network Working Group RFC 4120\n * specification available at\n * <a href=\"http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4120.txt\">\n * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4120.txt</a>.", "\n */\npublic class EncTicketPart {\n\n public TicketFlags flags;\n public EncryptionKey key;\n public PrincipalName cname;\n public TransitedEncoding transited;\n public KerberosTime authtime;\n public KerberosTime starttime; //optional\n public KerberosTime endtime;\n public KerberosTime renewTill; //optional\n public HostAddresses caddr; //optional\n public AuthorizationData authorizationData; //optional\n\n public EncTicketPart(\n TicketFlags new_flags,\n EncryptionKey new_key,\n PrincipalName new_cname,\n TransitedEncoding new_transited,\n KerberosTime new_authtime,\n KerberosTime new_starttime,\n KerberosTime new_endtime,\n KerberosTime new_renewTill,\n HostAddresses new_caddr,\n AuthorizationData new_authorizationData) {\n flags = new_flags;\n key = new_key;\n cname = new_cname;\n transited = new_transited;\n authtime = new_authtime;\n starttime = new_starttime;\n endtime = new_endtime;\n renewTill = new_renewTill;\n caddr = new_caddr;\n authorizationData = new_authorizationData;\n }\n\n public EncTicketPart(byte[] data)\n throws Asn1Exception, KrbException, IOException {\n init(new DerValue(data));\n }\n\n public EncTicketPart(DerValue encoding)\n throws Asn1Exception, KrbException, IOException {\n init(encoding);\n }\n\n /**\n * Initializes an EncTicketPart object.", "\n * @param encoding a single DER-encoded value.", "\n * @exception Asn1Exception if an error occurs while decoding an ASN1 encoded data.", "\n * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading encoded data.", "\n * @exception RealmException if an error occurs while parsing a Realm object.", "\n */\n private static String getHexBytes(byte[] bytes, int len)\n throws IOException {\n\n StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();\n for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {\n\n int b1 = (bytes[i] >> 4) & 0x0f;\n int b2 = bytes[i] & 0x0f;\n\n sb.append(Integer.toHexString(b1));\n sb.append(Integer.toHexString(b2));\n sb.append(' ');\n }\n return sb.toString();\n }\n\n private void init(DerValue encoding)\n throws Asn1Exception, IOException, RealmException {\n DerValue der, subDer;\n\n renewTill = null;\n caddr = null;\n authorizationData = null;\n if (((encoding.getTag() & (byte) 0x1F) !", "= (byte) 0x03)\n || (encoding.isApplication() !", "= true)\n || (encoding.isConstructed() !", "= true)) {\n throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);\n }\n der = encoding.getData().getDerValue();\n if (der.getTag() !", "= DerValue.tag_Sequence) {\n throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);\n }\n flags = TicketFlags.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x00, false);\n key = EncryptionKey.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x01, false);\n Realm crealm = Realm.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x02, false);\n cname = PrincipalName.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x03, false, crealm);\n transited = TransitedEncoding.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x04, false);\n authtime = KerberosTime.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x05, false);\n starttime = KerberosTime.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x06, true);\n endtime = KerberosTime.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x07, false);\n if (der.getData().available() > 0) {\n renewTill = KerberosTime.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x08, true);\n }\n if (der.getData().available() > 0) {\n caddr = HostAddresses.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x09, true);\n }\n if (der.getData().available() > 0) {\n authorizationData = AuthorizationData.parse(der.getData(), (byte) 0x0A, true);\n }\n if (der.getData().available() > 0) {\n throw new Asn1Exception(Krb5.ASN1_BAD_ID);\n }\n\n }\n\n /**\n * Encodes an EncTicketPart object.", "\n * @return byte array of encoded EncTicketPart object.", "\n * @exception Asn1Exception if an error occurs while decoding an ASN1 encoded data.", "\n * @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs while reading encoded data.", "\n */\n public byte[] asn1Encode() throws Asn1Exception, IOException {\n DerOutputStream bytes = new DerOutputStream();\n DerOutputStream temp = new DerOutputStream();\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x00), flags.asn1Encode());\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x01), key.asn1Encode());\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x02), cname.getRealm().asn1Encode());\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x03), cname.asn1Encode());\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x04), transited.asn1Encode());\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x05), authtime.asn1Encode());\n if (starttime !", "= null) {\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x06), starttime.asn1Encode());\n }\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x07), endtime.asn1Encode());\n\n if (renewTill !", "= null) {\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x08), renewTill.asn1Encode());\n }\n\n if (caddr !", "= null) {\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x09), caddr.asn1Encode());\n }\n\n if (authorizationData !", "= null) {\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_CONTEXT,\n true, (byte) 0x0A), authorizationData.asn1Encode());\n }\n temp.write(DerValue.tag_Sequence, bytes);\n bytes = new DerOutputStream();\n bytes.write(DerValue.createTag(DerValue.", "TAG_APPLICATION,\n true, (byte) 0x03), temp);\n return bytes.toByteArray();\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "In the Bible, productivity is described as fruit. ", "A strong tree produces lots of fruit. ", "If it does not produce fruit, it is useless and will be cut down.", "\nWhen we accept Christ as Lord of our life and are determined to live according to His directions, we begin to receive and experience certain gifts from Him. ", "The Bible describes this as the Fruit of the Spirit.", "\n\nIn Galatians 5:22,23 we are told that the Fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.", "\n\nLetís talk about joy. ", "The Bible talks about two kinds.", "\nPsalm 4:7 speaks of God putting more joy in our hearts (Iíll call it inward joy) than the happiness that others get from great material successes (Iíll call it outward happiness.)", "\n\nOutward happiness comes from pleasant circumstances and good fortune. ", "When we get a new car or the promotion we want, happiness covers up discouragement for a short time. ", "It is temporary and unpredictable. ", "When our happiness is based on circumstance we are destined for a roller coaster ride. ", "The highs are exciting and we feel we are on top of the world, but all too soon we are falling into the depths of discouragement.", "\n\nInward joy comes from knowing and trusting God and is based on His presence within us. ", "It is steady and lasting. ", "This joy defeats discouragement.", "\n\nJesus describes inward joy in Matthew 5:3-12, a passage we call the Beatitudes (be-at-ti-toods). ", "He uses the word Ďblessedí to describe experiencing joy that is independent of outside circumstances. ", "Blessed is that calm and secure state of those who are in Godís kingdom.", "\n\nJesus says we are blessed when we are at the end of our rope, because then God can rule in our lives.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we mourn a loss because then God can comfort us.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we are content with just what we have.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we hunger and thirst for God, because He brings true satisfaction.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we care about and take care of others because then God will take care of us.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we are pure in heart. (", "This is being free of sin because we have accepted Jesusí payment for it.) ", "Then we will see God. ", "We begin to see God working in our world.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we get along with others and cooperate instead of fighting or competing because then we discover our place in Godís kingdom.", "\n\nWe are blessed when we are so committed to God that we are persecuted. ", "Persecution forces us to become closer to God.", "\n\nGet this joy by following Jesus Christ and keeping His commands. ", "Jesus told His disciples to do this so that His joy would be their joy and their joy would be complete." ]
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[ "COLA Sets Sedi Elrington in Its Crosshairs Once Again\n\nWilfred Elrington\n\nFirebrand activist Geovanni Brackett, President of Citizens Organized for Liberty Through Action, COLA, is taking aim once again at Foreign Affairs Minister Wilfred Elrington, this time for comments made about the halted FOB project in the vicinity of the Sarstoon River. ", "COLA is also taking umbrage to the notion that Belize would be proceeding to the International Court of Justice to end the longstanding territorial dispute with Guatemala short of a referendum on the matter. ", "In a release issued this morning, COLA asks whether a decision has been taken surreptitiously to forward the age-old claim to the ICJ for resolution. ", "Likewise, the organization is calling for the immediate reopening of the coast guard project on Sarstoon Island. ", "According to Brackett, the Foreign Minister has quite some explaining to do.", "\n\nGeovanni Brackett\n\nGeovanni Brackett, President, COLA\n\n“First of all, on the road to the ICJ, COLA completely denounces any notion that we are on our way unless the government has signed some secret agreement pushing us forward without our knowledge. ", "Then if that was to happen and that is why we are requesting and demanding clarity and further explanation from the minister because it leaves a vacuum now for us to believe that, one, you went and signed a compromis behind our backs. ", "We were not a part of that conversation and then now you are telling us we are on our way to the ICJ. ", "That is ridiculous and I can’t even fathom it other than to describe it as a sellout, if that is the case. ", "When we look at the actions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sedi has used no tact in his speech. ", "In colloquial terms we would say “no Vaseline.” ", "He is raw, tactless and for a post that uses the word diplomacy not only does he not use any form of diplomacy but sometimes, in the common language, he uses no sense, no common sense and that may sound bad but that’s the way he makes us feel as right-minded, thinking Belizeans. ", "And to have the prime minister endorse this minister is even further ridiculous because we have to hold the prime minister at task because the prime minister is the head of this country and if you are going to say that you are the head then those that you put around you represent who you are. ", "The prime minister said in his last press conference that he will not allow us in the media to [dump] on the head of his minister but then he has allowed the minister to [dump] on his head and the head of this nation.”", "\n\nViewers please note: This Internet newscast is a verbatim transcript of our evening television newscast. ", "Where speakers use Kriol, we attempt to faithfully reproduce the quotes using a standard spelling system.", "\n\n3 Responses for “COLA Sets Sedi Elrington in Its Crosshairs Once Again”\n\nThat’s exactly what has happened Giovanni; it’s a done deal. ", "I’ve blogged on this a couple of times in the past year. ", "I wish I had the exact dates. ", "My words; the UDP government still hasn’t told the Belizean public that we’ve lost almost all of the South, including the Ranguana Cayes to Guatemala. ", "We were made to look like fools because they had lawyers in those meetings who spoke better English and knew our own laws more than the ignorant politicians who represented us. ", "Father Murphy, who has since left the foreign affairs ministry, and Stuar Leslie were about the only two who held their own. ", "Sedi acts like he’s mentally deranged or senile. ", "I feel sorry for you people when the truth comes out." ]
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[ 0.0007314654067158699, 0.0008076409576460719, 0.0006339756073430181, 0.0006527005461975932, 0.0006424497696571052, 0.0008066215668804944, 0.0007436720188707113, 0.0010032199788838625, 0.13005571067333221, 0.0006218175985850394, 0.0006790939369238913, 0.0034922512713819742, 0.0448521189391613, 0.008982647210359573, 0.0006124131032265723, 0.0006348753231577575, 0.001128090894781053, 0.000568254035897553, 0.000590343726798892, 0.0008913411293178797, 0.3668358623981476, 0.0008497798116877675, 0.8165328502655029, 0.0005892242188565433 ]
[ "\n394 F.Supp. ", "1324 (1975)\nValentine R. WINSEY, Plaintiff,\nv.\nPACE COLLEGE and Jack S. Schiff, Individually and in his capacity as Agent for Pace College, Defendants.", "\nNo. ", "74 Civ. ", "2573.", "\nUnited States District Court, S. D. New York.", "\nMay 6, 1975.", "\n*1325 Vladeck, Elias, Vladeck & Lewis, New York City, for plaintiff; Judith P. Vladeck, Deborah A. Watarz, of counsel.", "\nSimpson, Thacher & Bartlett, New York City, for defendants; Albert X. Bader, Jr., Martin H. Zuckerman, Harold S. Parsons-Lewis, of counsel.", "\n\nMEMORANDUM\nTENNEY, District Judge.", "\nDefendants, Pace College (\"Pace\") and Jack S. Schiff (\"Schiff\"), move pursuant to Rules 12(b)(1), 12(b)(6), and 56 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for an order dismissing the complaint for lack of subject matter jurisdiction or for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted or, in the alternative, granting summary judgment in favor of defendants. ", "For the reasons set forth below, the motion is granted in part and denied in part.", "\n\nFacts\nPlaintiff is Ms. Valentine R. Winsey (\"Winsey\"), a former Associate Professor at Pace. ", "Defendants are Pace, a large city university, and Schiff, the Executive Vice President of Pace.", "\nWinsey had been employed by Pace, first as a Lecturer and then as an Associate Professor from 1966-1970. ", "In February of 1970, Pace placed Winsey on a one year terminal contract of employment to cover the 1970-71 academic year. ", "On July 30, 1970, Winsey filed a complaint against Pace with the Commission on Human Rights of the City of New York (\"City Commission\") alleging that Pace had denied her a promotion and had terminated her employment based solely on her sex. ", "The City Commission reached a decision on July 3, 1972, in which it found sex discrimination as alleged and consequently ordered, inter alia, the reinstatement of Winsey. ", "This decision was brought on for review before the New York State Supreme Court. ", "On November 13, 1972, the New York State Supreme Court set aside the order of the City Commission. ", "This action was affirmed by the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, First Department, on May 14, 1974. ", "Leave to appeal to the New York State Court of Appeals was denied on July 2, 1974.", "\nIn the interim, while the above-mentioned appeals were pending, Pace advertised for teachers qualified in psychiatry and biology to teach a course entitled \"Human Sexuality\" (December of 1972). ", "Winsey applied for this position on December 19, 1972, but failed to get the job. ", "Winsey thereafter filed a complaint *1326 with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (\"EEOC\"). ", "That complaint alleged that Pace's refusal of employment in the latter instance was an act of retaliation against her for the previous action which she had initiated against Pace. ", "On March 14, 1974, Winsey received a \"Notice of Right to Sue\" from the EEOC. ", "The instant action followed, charging Pace with a violation of 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a) and charging Schiff with a tortious interference with Winsey's right to seek and secure employment.", "\n\nJurisdiction\nWinsey, in her complaint, states that jurisdiction is premised upon 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(1) and (3), and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. ", "Additionally, Winsey seeks to assert jurisdiction over the individual tort claim via the pendent jurisdiction of this Court.", "\nJurisdiction is validly invoked pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(3) which reads in pertinent part:\n\"(3) Each United States district court . . . ", "shall have jurisdiction of actions brought under this subchapter. ", "Such an action may be brought in any judicial district in the State in which the unlawful employment practice is alleged to have been committed . . ..\"", "\nThe assertions of jurisdiction under 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a) and 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(1) are irrelevant.", "\n42 U.S.C. § 1983 does not in itself confer jurisdiction on the district court to hear cases arising under the Civil Rights Statutes. ", "It is the substantive provision, and its jurisdictional counterpart is 28 U.S.C. § 1343(3). ", "The complaint simply makes the bare assertion that \"[j]urisdiction also lies under 42 USC § 1983.\" (", "Complaint ¶ 1). ", "The only fact which the Court can find in the complaint which could conceivably support this assertion is the statement that Pace \"is an educational institution duly organized under the laws of the State of New York.\" (", "Complaint ¶ 6). ", "This statement appears to be patently insufficient in the face of the command of Rule 8(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure which calls for \"a short and plain statement of the grounds upon which the court's jurisdiction depends . . ..\" ", "However,\n\"[w]here a litigant raises claims under the Civil Rights Statutes, even though a complaint appears to be insubstantial, the more judicious approach is to assume jurisdiction and then decide whether the pleading states a claim for relief.\" ", "Stambler v. Dillon, 302 F.Supp. ", "1250, 1252 (S.D. N.Y.1969).", "\nThis approach will be employed here.", "\n\nThe 42 U.S.C. § 1983 Claim\n42 U.S.C. § 1983 provides a remedy where a person suffers a deprivation of \"any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws\". ", "The act complained of, however, must be one done \"under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State\".", "\nDefendants assert that the acts complained of were private acts, and that the intrusion of the state, if any, was so minimal that it would fail to elevate essentially private acts to the level where they would be deemed acts of the state.", "\nWinsey claims that Pace did act under color of state law in denying employment to her in that \"the College receives substantial monies from governmental entities\". (", "Watarz Affid. ¶ ", "4).[1] However, since information concerning the receipt of governmental funds is in the sole possession of Pace, she requests relief under Rule 56(f) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, to deny summary *1327 judgment and to allow leave to prepare additional affidavits and to take depositions to establish state action.", "\nThe assertion by Winsey\n\"overlooks the essential point — that the state must be involved not simply with some activity of the institution alleged to have inflicted injury upon a plaintiff but with the activity that caused the injury. ", "Putting the point another way, the state action, not the private action, must be the subject of complaint.\" ", "Powe v. Miles, 407 F.2d 73, 81 (2d Cir. ", "1968).", "\nThus, if the Court were to grant relief under Rule 56(f) and it were to be established that Pace did in fact receive substantial monies from the State, this would still not suffice to show the requisite state action. ", "The amount of funding received is simply immaterial unless it can be shown to have caused the alleged injury, to wit, the retaliation.", "\nSince the Court has looked beyond the fact of the pleadings in reaching its conclusion, this motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim will be treated as a motion for summary judgment. ", "See Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 12. ", "Rule 56(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides in pertinent part that summary judgment \"shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings . . . ", "together with the affidavits . . . ", "show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.\" ", "See generally Empire Electronics Co. v. United States, 311 F.2d 175 (2d Cir. ", "1962). ", "The moving party has the burden of showing both the absence of any genuine issue of material fact and that movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. ", "Dean Construction Co. v. Simonetta Concrete Const. ", "Corp., 37 F.R. D. 242 (S.D.N.Y.1965).", "\nSince the amount of funding, even if established, has not been shown (nor have the barest allegations been made) to be the cause of the alleged injury, it is not material. ", "Therefore, Pace has carried its burden of showing the absence of any issue of material fact and that it is entitled to summary judgment. ", "A claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 must fail, as a matter of law, since state action cannot be proven.[2] Defendants' motion for summary judgment as to this claim must be granted.", "\n\nThe 12(b)(1) Claim\nDefendants next allege pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that this Court lacks jurisdiction since plaintiff has not completed the proper deferral of her charge to the appropriate state or local agency as required by Section 706(c) of the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (\"the Act\"), 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(c).[3] Plaintiff contends that there was a valid deferral.", "\nJurisdictionally, there are several prerequisites to the commencement of a Title VII action in this Court. ", "If the alleged violation occurs in a state or locality which is empowered to investigate the charge and grant relief, then relief, in the first instance, must be sought at the state or local level. ", "42 U.S.C. § *1328 2000e-5(c). ", "Once the state or local proceedings have been terminated or after the expiration of sixty days since the commencement of the state or local proceedings, the complaint may be brought on before the EEOC. ", "42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(c). ", "Upon a finding by the EEOC that there is \"reasonable cause to believe that the charge is true\", 42 U.S. C. § 2000e-5(b), the EEOC issues to the complainant a \"Notice of Right to Sue\". ", "42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(f)(1). ", "At this stage the exhaustion of administrative remedies is deemed to be complete and resort to the federal court is proper. ", "See Griffin v. Pacific Maritime Association, 478 F.2d 1118, 1120 (9th Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 414 U.S. 859, 49 S.Ct. ", "69, 38 L.Ed.2d 109 (1973); Rouse v. Gulf Oil Corporation, 350 F.Supp. ", "178, 179 (E.D.Pa.1972).", "\nThe facts relating to the alleged deferral or the lack thereof are not in dispute. ", "Winsey filed her complaint directly with the EEOC on March 14, 1973. ", "She did not seek prior relief from any state or local agency although both the City Commission and the New York State Human Rights Commission are empowered to investigate and to provide relief where retaliation is alleged. ", "See, e. g., N.Y. Executive Law §§ 296, 297 (McKinney's Consol.", "Laws, c. 18, 1972). ", "The EEOC, however, did notify the City Commission of the charge, by memorandum dated April 2, 1973.[4] The City Commission acknowledged receipt of the complaint from the EEOC in a letter dated April 4, 1973.[5] No determination had been made by the City Commission during the sixty days following the filing of the retaliation complaint with them, and on March 14, 1974, the EEOC notified Winsey of her right to sue.", "\nThe issue here, quite simply, is whether the procedure employed in the instant case was sufficiently in compliance with the dictates of the Act to defeat a motion to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(1). ", "The Court finds that it was sufficient. ", "In reaching its conclusion, the Court is mindful of both the direction of Rule 8(f) regarding the liberal construction of pleadings and the underlying spirit of the Act which has been \"continuously given a wide scope . . . ", "in order to remedy, as much as possible, the plight of persons who have suffered from discrimination in employment opportunities.\" ", "Rowe v. General Motors Corporation, 457 F.2d 348, 354 (5th Cir. ", "1972).", "\nAs defendants point out in their memorandum of law, the end sought to be achieved by Congress in enacting the deferral provision was reflected in the basic concern for the right of the states to resolve these conflicts in the first instance. (", "Defendants' Memorandum, pp. ", "13-14). ", "The legislative history of the Act lends weight to this view.", "\n\"[W]ith respect to the enforcement of the title, we undertook to keep primary, exclusive jurisdiction in the hands of the State Commissions for a sufficient period of time to let them work out their own problems at the local level.\" ", "110 Cong.", "Rec. ", "13087 (1964).", "\nSee also Abshire v. Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad Co., 352 F.Supp. ", "601, 604 (N.D.Ill.1972).", "\nIn testing compliance with the deferral provision, the cases are insightful. ", "For example, in Eleuterio v. Conley, 58 CCH Lab.", "Cas. ¶ ", "9138 (S.D.N.Y.1968), plaintiff merely made oral representations to the court that he had contacted various state agencies and that they had been unable to render assistance. ", "This was held to be an insufficient deferral.", "\nA sufficient deferral was found in the case of Love v. Pullman Co., 404 U.S. 522, 92 S.Ct. ", "616, 30 L.Ed.2d 679 (1972). ", "There petitioner had complained to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission of racial discrimination in employment. ", "Those proceedings were terminated \"without reaching a resolution of the controversy satisfactory to the petitioner.\" ", "Id. at 523, 92 S.Ct. ", "at 617. ", "Several *1329 months later petitioner filed a charge with the EEOC. ", "The EEOC then orally notified the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, but was informed that the Colorado Commission \"waived\" further action on the complaint. ", "Upon a finding of probable cause by the EEOC the petitioner was allowed to institute suit in the federal court. ", "On these facts, the United States Supreme Court found a sufficient deferral:\n\"Nothing in the Act suggests that the state proceedings may not be initiated by the EEOC acting on behalf of the complainant rather than by the complainant himself, nor is there any requirement that the complaint to the state agency be made in writing rather than by oral referral.\" ", "Id. at 525, 92 S.Ct. ", "at 618.", "\nIn commenting on the specific procedure employed, the Court stated:\n\"We see no reason why further action by the aggrieved party should be required. ", "The procedure complies with the purpose . . . ", "of § 706(b), to give state agencies a prior opportunity to consider discrimination complaints . . ..\" ", "Id. at 526, 92 S.Ct. ", "at 618.", "\nIn the instant case, the City Commission had notice in writing from the EEOC of the charge and they acknowledged in writing receipt of the complaint. ", "The City Commission had the opportunity to act in the first instance since the EEOC charge was held in abeyance pending a resolution by the City Commission. ", "The City Commission neglected to act and the EEOC automatically reactivated the complaint, found reasonable cause, and notified Winsey of her right to sue. ", "This procedure was sufficient and no further action by Winsey is required. ", "Love v. Pullman Co., supra, 404 U.S. 522, 92 S.Ct. ", "616, 30 L.Ed. ", "2d 679. ", "See also Leisner v. New York Telephone Company, 358 F.Supp. ", "359, 362 n. 1 (S.D.N.Y.1973).[6]\nAdditionally, it should be noted that there is a line of cases which holds that even where deferral is clearly lacking the district court should not dismiss. ", "In this instance the court should retain jurisdiction while the employee brings the claim before the state agency. ", "See Oubichon v. North American Rockwell Corporation, 482 F.2d 569, 571 (9th Cir. ", "1973); Parker v. General Telephone Company of the Northwest, Inc., 476 F. 2d 595, 596 (9th Cir. ", "1973); Mitchell v. Mid-Continent Spring Company of Kentucky, 466 F.2d 24, 26-27 (6th Cir. ", "1972), cert. ", "denied, 410 U.S. 928, 93 S. Ct. ", "1363, 35 L.Ed.2d 589 (1973); Motorola, Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 460 F.2d 1245, 1246 (9th Cir. ", "1972).", "\nDefendants' motion to dismiss is denied.", "\n\nThe 12(b)(6) Claim\nDefendants next contend that even if jurisdiction is present, plaintiff has failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted and that the complaint must therefore be dismissed. ", "This contention is based upon defendants' reading of Section 704(a) of Title VII, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a), which reads in pertinent part:\n\"(a) It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer to discriminate against any of his employees or applicants for employment . . . ", "because he has opposed any practice made an unlawful employment practice by this subchapter, or *1330 because he has made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this subchapter.\"", "\nThe statute proscribes retaliation in two instances: (1) where the employee has \"opposed any practice made an unlawful employment practice by this subchapter\" and (2) where the employee \"has made a charge, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this subchapter.\" ", "Plaintiff seeks to premise her retaliation charge on her opposition to practices made unlawful employment practices by this subchapter, to wit, discrimination in employment and promotion based on sex.", "\nDefendants point out that the alleged acts of discrimination which Winsey opposed occurred in 1970 and 1971. ", "Congress had seen fit during this period of time to specifically exempt from the operation of Title VII educational institutions with respect to the employment of individuals performing educational functions.[7] Since institutions such as Pace had no obligations under Title VII with respect to employees such as Winsey who were employed to perform educational functions, Pace was incapable of committing an unlawful employment practice under Title VII. ", "Defendants conclude that Winsey cannot now argue that the charge of retaliation is based on her opposition to an unlawful employment practice under this subchapter since Pace was incapable of committing the alleged unlawful employment practice.", "\nWinsey's basic allegation is that her opposition to Pace's allegedly discriminatory behavior began in 1970 and continued for many years. ", "During the interim Congress saw fit to amend Section 702 to include the previously exempted educational institutions within the coverage of Title VII.[8] This amendment became effective on March 24, 1972. ", "Winsey points out that her original complaint was still before the City Commission on March 24, 1972 and further that the City Commission did not render its decision until July 3, 1972. ", "Moreover, the appeal from that decision continued for approximately two years. ", "Thus, she concludes that her opposition was active long after the conduct in question had been made an unlawful employment practice under Title VII.", "\nThe fallacy of plaintiff's argument and her basic misunderstanding of the intention of the statute is amply illustrated by a paragraph in her memorandum wherein it is stated:\n\"In any event, even if the Court should find that, as the defendants suggest, the unlawful employment practices underlying the retaliation charge must have taken place after March 26, 1972 [sic], there is sufficient opposition occurring after that date to support the charge of retaliation.\" (", "Plaintiff's Memorandum at 14) (emphasis added).", "\nThe confusion surrounds the question of whether the effective date of the \"unlawful employment practices\" or the effective date of the \"opposition\" is critical.", "\nPlaintiff would attempt to convince the Court that the timing of the opposition is crucial and that the opposition, beginning prior to March 24, 1972 and *1331 continuing thereafter, is sufficient to support a retaliation charge. ", "This reasoning, while attractive at first blush, would give rise to certain anomalous results on varying the underlying facts. ", "For example: Assume both A and B, college professors at Pace, have identical employment discrimination complaints as of January 1, 1972. ", "Since educational institutions were exempt from Title VII coverage on that date both A and B pursue their remedies on the local level. ", "A prosecutes her claim unsuccessfully and the proceeding terminates on March 1, 1972. ", "B prosecutes her claim, also unsuccessfully, and the proceeding terminates on June 1, 1972. ", "Both later apply for reemployment at Pace in 1974, fail to secure the sought-after employment, and file second complaints against Pace alleging that the denial of employment in the second instance was an act of retaliation for their previous actions in 1972. ", "Under Winsey's theory, B would have a valid retaliation claim while A would have none. ", "The sole distinguishing factor would be merely the length of the opposition. ", "The length of opposition relates in no way to the validity of the complaint. ", "It may depend on such unrelated factors as the congestion of the court's docket. ", "If anything, this reasoning would benefit the less diligent advocate whose opposition drags on for years in spite of the merits of the claim.", "\nThe many cases cited by plaintiff amply illustrate the broad interpretation given to the term \"opposed\". ", "Opposition in the cases took a wide variety of forms, not necessarily limited to the filing of a Title VII complaint or to participation in a proceeding before the EEOC. ", "In each case, however, the opposition, in whatever form it took, was to a practice \"made an unlawful employment practice by this subchapter\". ", "No case has been cited to the Court which adopts the theory offered by the plaintiff. ", "Similarly, the legislative history of Title VII[9] and the 1972 amendments[10] lend no support to plaintiff's argument.", "\nIndeed, it is interesting to note that when Congress enacted Title VII in 1964, including Section 704 which dealt with retaliation, they made no mention of the retaliation provision's covering or relating back to previous complaints filed on the state level. ", "It would appear that they envisioned a time lag before retaliation suits were to be instituted under Title VII. ", "This is so because, before a retaliation complaint could be instituted, there would first have to be an attempt to exercise rights delineated under Title VII which would then form the basis for the retaliation charge. ", "The legislative history is silent on this point. ", "See footnote 9, supra. ", "To infer that Congress intended otherwise in 1964 would be to take an undue liberty in imputing to their actions an intention to grant rights retroactively.", "\nSimilarly, faced with a parallel situation when the 1972 amendments were enacted, Congress was again silent on the subject. ", "See footnote 10, supra. ", "Once again if we are to draw any inference, the more reasonable conclusion is that Congress meant what its words said (that opposition must be to a practice made an unlawful employment practice by this subchapter) rather than that they intended what would be, in effect, a retroactive grant of rights.", "\nThe Court must therefore conclude that the operative phrase in the statute is \"unlawful employment practices\" rather than the term \"opposition\". ", "The practice which a plaintiff opposes must be, when engaged in, unlawful under Title VII in order to support a later charge of retaliation.", "\nThis motion to dismiss or, in the alternative, for summary judgment will be treated as a motion for summary judgment since the Court has looked to materials beyond the pleadings. ", "Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. *1332 12. ", "Rule 56(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides in pertinent part that summary judgment \"shall be rendered forthwith if the pleadings . . . ", "together with the affidavits . . . ", "show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.\" ", "See generally Empire Electronics Co. v. United States, supra, 311 F.2d 175. ", "The moving party has the burden of showing both the absence of any genuine issue of material fact and that the movant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law. ", "Dean Construction Co. v. Simonetta Concrete Const. ", "Corp., supra, 37 F.R.D. 242.", "\nThe Court must conclude that defendants have carried their burden of showing the absence of any issue of material fact and that, based on the conclusions of the Court on the applicable law, they are entitled to judgment as a matter of law. ", "Therefore, defendants' motion for summary judgment as to this claim must be granted.", "\n\nThe Pendent Claims\nThe subject of pendent jurisdiction was addressed in the case of United Mine Workers of America v. Gibbs, 383 U.S. 715, 86 S.Ct. ", "1130, 16 L.Ed.2d 218 (1966). ", "The United States Supreme Court therein noted that the exercise of pendent jurisdiction is a matter of discretion. ", "Id. at 726, 86 S.Ct. ", "1130, at 1139. ", "The Court went on to state that \"if the federal claims are dismissed before trial, even though not insubstantial in a jurisdictional sense, the state claims should be dismissed as well.\" ", "Id.\nThe dismissal of the federal claims in this case dictates the dismissal of the state claims.", "\nAccordingly, defendants' motion for summary judgment as to the claim asserted under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 is granted, dismissing the complaint as to that claim. ", "Defendants' motion to dismiss pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) is denied. ", "Defendants' motion for summary judgment as to the claim asserted under 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-3(a) is also granted, dismissing the complaint as to that claim. ", "Finally, the claims against the defendant Schiff pursuant to the pendent jurisdiction of this Court are dismissed.", "\nSo ordered.", "\nNOTES\n[1] The affidavit of W. Merritt Jones, Financial Vice President of Pace, states that Pace received $825,920 from the State of New York during the fiscal year ended August 31, 1973, out of total revenues of $18,828,296. ", "In addition, Pace also accrued receivables from the state in the amount of $67,419 during the fiscal year.", "\n[2] See generally Wahba v. New York University, 492 F.2d 96 (2d Cir.), ", "cert. ", "denied, 419 U.S. 874, 95 S.Ct. ", "135, 42 L.Ed.2d 113 (1974); Grafton v. Brooklyn Law School, 478 F.2d 1137 (2d Cir. ", "1973); Powe v. Miles, 407 F.2d 73 (2d Cir. ", "1968).", "\n[3] 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(c) provides in pertinent part:\n\n\"(c) In the case of an alleged unlawful employment practice occurring in a State, or political subdivision of a State, which has a State or local law prohibiting the unlawful employment practice alleged and establishing or authorizing a State or local authority to grant or seek relief from such practice or to institute criminal proceedings with respect thereto upon receiving notice thereof, no charge may be filed under subsection (b) of this section by the person aggrieved before the expiration of sixty days after proceedings have been commenced under the State or local law, unless such proceedings have been earlier terminated . . ..\"", "\n[4] Affidavit of Deborah A. Watarz, Exhibit A.\n[5] Affidavit of Deborah A. Watarz, Exhibit B.\n[6] Wherein it was stated:\n\n\"Defendant had moved to dismiss the complaint on the grounds that: 1) plaintiffs had not properly filed their charges with the New York State Division of Human Rights as required by 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5(b)\n. ", " . ", " . ", " . ", " .", "\n\"As for the first ground, this court ruled that since the state agency had been informed by the EEOC of the plaintiffs' charges, proceedings were commenced in the state agency within the meaning of Section 2000e-5(b). ", "See Love v. Pullman Co., 404 U.S. 522, 92 S.Ct. ", "616, 30 L.Ed.2d 679 (1972).\" ", "Leisner v. New York Telephone Company, 358 F.Supp. ", "359, 362 n. 1 (S.D. N.Y.1973).", "\n[7] Prior to 1972, Section 702 read in pertinent part:\n\n\"This title shall not apply to . . . ", "an educational institution with respect to the employment of individuals to perform work connected with the educational activities of such institution.\"", "\nCongress did not merely omit educational institutions from the coverage of the Act; rather, it specifically exempted them.", "\n[8] Section 702, as amended, now states:\n\n\"This subchapter shall not apply to an employer with respect to the employment of aliens outside of any State, or to a religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such corporation, association, educational institution, or society of its activities.\"", "\n[9] U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News, 1964, p. 2355.", "\n[10] U.S.Code Cong. & ", "Admin.", "News, 1972, p. 2137.", "\n" ]
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[ "Monster Crocodiles, Part 2: Primeval\n\nThe\nreason why crocodiles are more dangerous than sharks is that we are much more\nlikely to meet them, and when we do, the crocodile is more likely to see us as\nprey than the shark.", "\n\nAccording\nto many shark experts, these fish bite people for a variety of reasons but many\nattacks seem triggered by curiosity rather than actual predatory urges. ", "Sharks\nlack hands and fingers to examine new, unknown objects. ", "They often explore\nthings by biting them. ", "This is why, even if a great white shark does not\nnecessarily want to kill a human being, an innocent exploratory bite can spell\ndoom for its victim.", "\n\nCrocodiles,\non the other hand, have always seen us as prey. ", "Unlike sharks, they coexisted\nwith us from the very beginning. ", "When our primate ancestors abandoned the\njungle and became savannah-dwellers, crocodiles of immense size populated\nrivers. ", "The fossilized remains of one of these crocodiles were found recently\nin Tanzania.", "\n\nThey came\nfrom a monster up to 7.5 meters long- larger than the largest Nile or Saltwater\ncrocodiles recorded for our times. ", "The beast had a huge, heavy skull adorned\nwith a pair of crests or \"horns\" which revealed it to be a different\nspecies from today's Nile crocodile. ", "Scientists named it Crocodylus\nanthropophagus, the \"man-eating crocodile\", as bite marks that\nmatched its teeth perfectly had been found in the bones of our hominin\nancestors. ", "An even larger species, Crocodylus\nthorbjarnarsoni, lived at about the same time in Kenya. ", "This one was 8.2\nmeters long, or as the press put it, “big enough to star in Lake Placid”.", "\n\nBecause\ncrocodiles lived in rivers, which were vital to the survival of humans, there\nwas simply no way of escaping them. ", "Other predators, like big cats, wolves and\nhyenas, could be frightened with fire and other weapons. ", "Crocodiles were\ndifferent. ", "Like sharks in horror movies, they waited under the surface,\ninvisible, and attacked by surprise; and once they had you in their clutches, they\nwere simply too powerful to be fought.", "\n\nEven the\narrival of civilization couldn´t stop crocodile attacks. ", "In Ancient Egypt, land\npredators such as lions and leopards were slowly exterminated, and attacks\nbecame a rarity. ", "Crocodiles, on the other hand, were an ever present threat\nalong the edges of the Nile. ", "The Egyptians even had a special god, the\ncrocodile-headed Sobek, to protect them from the voracious reptiles. ", "There's\neven a legend from more recent times about an archaeologist in Egypt who found\na statue of Sobek by the river; removing it, however, was a mistake, as\ncrocodile attacks became incredibly frequent, and eventually, he was forced to\nput Sobek back in his place; only then did the attacks stop.", "\n\nTo the\nGreeks and other Europeans, the crocodile was a most fascinating beast. ", "Absent\nin Europe, it was therefore little understood, and in Medieval bestiaries, it\nis often shown with a wolf or lion-like appearance, sometimes with spikes on\nits back, and more often than not, weeping over the body of a human victim. ", "For\naccording to many authors of the time, \"if the crocodile findeth a man by\nthe brim of the water or by the cliff, he slayeth him if he may, and then he\nweepeth upon him, and swalloweth him at the last\".", "\n\nThis\ntendency to shed tears during a meal eventually would make the crocodile a\nsymbol of hypocrisy, of false remorse. ", "The expression \"crocodile\ntears\" is a legacy of this legend, which has indeed a real life basis.", "\nCrocodiles do shed tears while feeding. ", "But these are not tears of remorse,\nfalse or otherwise. ", "It is simply the crocodile's way of keeping its eyes moist\nwhile out of the water, for it cannot swallow under the surface, and its eyes\neasily dry out in the air.", "\n\nIn Roman\ntimes, crocodiles were sometimes seen at the Coliseum. ", "The amphitheater was\nflooded and epic naval battles were recreated. ", "Crocodiles were released into\nthe water to devour any hapless gladiator or slave that fell from the ships.", "\n\nOther\nthan this, however, the crocodile remained more or less a fantastic animal in\nEurope for a long time. ", "Unable to survive for long in cold climate, the\ncrocodile was restricted to tropical regions. ", "But wherever it was found, it was\na constant danger along waterways, a dreaded and often revered force of nature.", "\n\nTo the\nAztec and many other Mesoamerican cultures, the Universe itself rested on the\nback of a gigantic crocodile-like beast. ", "The souls of the departed had to face\na terrible crocodile god during their journey towards Paradise.", "\n\nBut\nalthough modern day crocodiles are big, scary and deadly enough to inspire\nlegends, nightmares and B movies, the truth is we only have to deal with a\nshadow of what was once a frightening menagerie of monster crocodilians.", "\n\nWe often\nthink of crocodiles as \"living fossils\"; many people, including\ncrocodile experts, will tell you that they haven´t changed much in millions of\nyears.", "\n\nThis is\nonly half true. ", "The basic design of all modern crocodiles- the low body, short\nlegs, long flattened tail and deadly jaws that make them such perfect ambush\npredators- has indeed existed for millions of years. ", "It has even been\n\"used\" by non-crocodilian predators, including early whales and gigantic\namphibians from pre-dinosaur times.", "\n\nBut\ncrocodiles themselves are of rather recent origins, and they are only one of\nmany branches of crocodylomorphs, as scientists call them. ", "Some of these\nbranches were truly the stuff of nightmares.", "\n\n***\n\nLike\ntheir cousins the dinosaurs, crocodylomorphs started out small. ", "The first ones\nappeared in the Late Triassic, over 200 million years ago, and they coexisted\nwith the very first dinosaurs.", "\n\nThey were\nsmall, agile and completely land-based. ", "Rivers were already occupied by other\nsorts of predators—giant amphibians resembling large-headed salamanders, and\nthe fearsome phytosaurs, which looked quite a lot like crocodiles themselves.", "\nCrocodylomorphs would have to wait until these rivals disappeared to fill the\nniche of the freshwater predator themselves. ", "Meanwhile, they diversified into\nplenty of different and often bizarre breeds.", "\n\nThis\ndiversification became most extreme during the Jurassic period. ", "To avoid\ncompetition with dinosaurs, many became aquatic. ", "The most extraordinary ones\nwere the sea crocodiles.", "\n\nToday,\nthe saltwater crocodile often lives in coastal waters and may even swim long\ndistances from island to island. ", "They have been seen fighting- and devouring-\nsharks in the sea. ", "But they are still amphibious animals, and must return to\nland to rest and to lay their eggs.", "\n\nThe sea\ncrocodiles of the Jurassic were different. ", "They became so well adapted to the\nocean that if one of them appeared today, we would probably mistake it for some\nsort of bizarre mutation- a cross between a crocodile and a fish. ", "Many of them\nlost their body armor; their webbed feet turned into actual flippers, and their\ntails turned into caudal fins, very reminiscent of a shark's.", "\n\nThey\nprobably gave birth to live young, like many other sea reptiles of the time.", "\nFree from the need of returning to land, they spent their lives in open waters.", "\nMany, like Metriorhynchus, had long, slender snouts that would resemble\nsome living crocodilians, like the gharial; they were superbly adapted to\ncapture fish. ", "Usually, they measured about three meters long-- smallish compared\nto our largest crocodiles-- but they were far better swimmers.", "\n\nDakosaurus vs. the predatory marine reptiles known as Eurhinosaurs\n\nNot all\nof them were fish eaters, however. ", "In 1987, the remains of an unusual (well, especially\nunusual) four or five meter long sea crocodile were found in Argentina.", "\nInstead of a long gharial-like snout, it had a short and deep skull, very reminiscent\nof a carnivorous dinosaur's. ", "The scientists nicknamed it Godzilla for this\nreason.", "\n\nA later\nstudy found that this sea crocodile, formally known as Dakosaurus, could\nslice its prey into smaller chunks with its large, blade-like serrated teeth.", "\nThis is completely different to the teeth of modern crocodiles which are\nconical and blunt, meant to pierce and hold but completely unable to slice.", "\n\nIndeed, Dakosaurus\nwas a crocodile turned by evolution into the Jurassic equivalent of a great\nwhite shark. ", "It didn´t chase after small fish like its cousins; it went for the\ngiant ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs of the time, even those larger than itself,\nand bit off huge chunks of their flesh, killing them via blood loss. ", "With\nmonsters like Dakosaurus roaming the seas, it is little wonder that, to\nour knowledge, no dinosaurs ever managed to conquer the Jurassic oceans.", "\n\nMachimosaurus attacks Dakosaurus, to the alarm of a dinosaur called Eustreptospondylus\n\nAs if Dakosaurus\nwasn´t scary enough, the Jurassic sea would give rise to even larger\ncrocodylomorphs. ", "The largest we know of was Machimosaurus, found in\nEurope in 1837. ", "Unlike Dakosaurus, it had a crocodile-like body and\nblunt, conical crocodile teeth. ", "However, it was big enough to make a meal out\nof Dakosaurus- at least 9 meters long, making it not only the largest of\nits kind, but also one of the top predators of its days.", "\n\nAlthough\nits snout was long and slender, there's good evidence that Machimosaurus, being\nso large, could feed on anything it wanted and not just fish. ", "Its bite marks\nhave been found in the fossilized shells of sea turtles and even in the bones\nof a giant long-necked dinosaur.", "\n\nScientists\nbelieve Machimosaurus swam long distances in the open sea, but probably\nhunted near coasts, snatching any unfortunate animal that got too close.", "\n\nMachimosaurus was only the first in a long line of crocodylomorphs\n(from different families) that achieved monstrous sizes.", "\n\nDuring\nthe Cretaceous, both dinosaurs and crocs would reach their greatest diversity.", "\nThe largest carnivorous dinosaurs, such as Spinosaurus, Carcharodontosaurus,\nGiganotosaurus and of course, the iconic Tyrannosaurus rex were all\nfrom the Cretaceous. ", "The biggest of them all, Spinosaurus, could weigh\nup to 9 tons. ", "But the largest Cretaceous crocodiles dwarfed even this monster.", "\n\nSarcosuchus puts a dinosaur to flight\n\nIn 1966,\ntwo paleontologists named a new species of Cretaceous crocodile as Sarcosuchus\nimperator, the flesh-eating emperor croc. ", "Despite its awesome name, this\nbeast remained obscure until 1997, when American paleontologist Paul Sereno\nfound additional remains in Niger.", "\n\nThese new\nfinds were widely publicized and Sarcosuchus finally became famous under\nthe nickname of Super Croc. ", "It was its monstrous size that captured the\npublic's imagination; at 12 meters long, with an almost 2 meter skull and\nprobably up to 10 tons, it was claimed to be the largest crocodile of all\ntimes.", "\n\nSarcosuchus coexisted with large carnivorous dinosaurs such as Suchomimus,\nbut the general consensus is that it was the dinosaurs, rather than the\ncrocodile, who were in constant danger of being eaten. ", "After all, dinosaurs had\nto drink, and an adult Sarcosuchus was too big to survive solely on\nfish.", "\n\nAs if\nthis wasn´t bad enough for the hapless dinosaurs, they had another crocodilian\nenemy on land.", "\n\nThe\nremains of this creature were also found by Paul Sereno, and described in 2009.", "\nIt was obviously a crocodile, but unlike any other crocodile ever found. ", "It had\na pair of horn-like crests on its head, and some of its teeth jutted out of the\nmouth like enormous tusks. ", "The creature received the nickname of Boar Croc, and\nwas described as \"a sabertooth tiger clad on armor\". ", "It was not a\nwater-based ambush hunter. ", "It was a land-dwelling predator able to walk and run\nat high speed, and its enormous teeth were probably an adaptation to deal with\nlarge, thick skinned prey; a six meter long dinosaur hunter.", "\n\n5 comments:\n\nShould have mentioned that when the teeth of sebecids were first found in South America, paleontologists thought they were evidence of late survival of giant carnivorous dinosaurs into after the Cretaceous.", "\n\nI am guilty of it myself- I went out fossil hunting one day and found many small pieces of what I took to be turtle shells. ", "Imagine my surprise when I did some research and found that they were actually bits of a glyptodont's shell- basically an armadillo the size of a Volkswagen beetle.", "\n\nNow Available on Audio!", "\n\nI try to write beautifully about the darkest aspects of nature--predation, death, and other delights. ", "I love all the faces of nature, but my work is not for the squeamish or the sentimental. ", "Please sample the stories here and consider buying a book.", "\nMy history: I've written articles about wildlife and biology for magazines like The New Yorker, Harper's, and Discover. ", "My books and short pieces have appeared on best-of-the-year lists published by the Los Angeles Times, the New York Public Library, and others. ", "I have a wife, three kids, and a mind full of scorpions." ]
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[ "Multistate outbreak of Salmonella infections associated with small turtle exposure, 2007-2008.", "\nTurtle-associated salmonellosis was increasingly recognized in the United States during the 1960s, leading to a federal ban in 1975 on the sale of turtles <4 inches in carapace length (small turtles). ", "Although sporadic reports of turtle-associated Salmonella are frequent, outbreaks are rare. ", "In September 2007, several patients with Salmonella enterica serotype Paratyphi B var Java infections reported recent turtle exposure. ", "We conducted an investigation to determine the source and extent of the infections. ", "Patients with Salmonella Paratyphi B var Java infections with a specific pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pattern (outbreak strain) and illness onset between May 2007 and January 2008, were compared with healthy controls. ", "Reptile exposure and awareness of a Salmonella-reptile link were assessed. ", "Turtle size and purchase information were collected. ", "We identified 107 patients with outbreak-strain infections. ", "The median patient age was 7 years; 33% were hospitalized. ", "Forty-seven (60%) of 78 patients interviewed reported exposure to turtles during the week before illness; 41 (87%) were small turtles, and 16 (34%) were purchased in a retail pet store. ", "In the case-control study, 72% of 25 patients reported turtle exposure during the week before illness compared with 4% of 45 controls (matched odds ratio [mOR]: 40.9 [95% confidence interval (CI): 6.9-unbounded]). ", "Seven (32%) of 22 patients versus 11 (28%) of 39 controls reported knowledge of a link between reptile exposure and Salmonella infection (mOR: 1.3 [95% CI: 0.4-4.6]). ", "We observed a strong association between turtle exposure and Salmonella infections in this outbreak. ", "Small turtles continue to be sold and pose a health risk, especially to children; many people remain unaware of the link between Salmonella infection and reptile contact." ]
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[ 0.0005915778456255794, 0.0005934227374382317, 0.0006553643033839762, 0.0007896425086073577, 0.0005245301290415227, 0.0006989437388256192, 0.0007514829048886895, 0.0005448830779641867, 0.0005414124461822212, 0.0006678463541902602, 0.0007729800418019295, 0.0005765565438196063, 0.000797998858615756, 0.0005399987567216158, 0.0013093749294057488 ]
[ "melisa12\n\nWelcome to CBDProducts. ", "We offer CBD Hemp related products providing the best potencies and purity of Cannabidiol (CBD) products available nationwide. ", "Our mission is to educate and promote natural therapies as part of our approach to optimum health and wellness. ", "We have various products to suit the multiple needs and conditions of our clients.", "\n\nIn order to convince people to buy CBD oil or other products made of hemp or ... or to try an online shop that sells hemp oil or other cannabinoid-rich products?", "\n\nPure CBD Vapors is the #1 Trusted Source of Legal Hemp Derived CBD products in the U.S. Shop the largest selection of CBD Pain Relief ... CBD Oil Tinctures." ]
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[ 0.0007273194496519864, 0.0005445554270409048, 0.0006098580779507756, 0.0005933455540798604, 0.0009609757107682526, 0.000681016594171524 ]
[ "This invention relates to marine seismic prospecting and, more particularly, to a connection system for attaching equipment to and detaching equipment from marine seismic cables.", "\nA marine seismic streamer is a cable, typically several thousand meters long, that contains arrays of hydrophones and associated electronic equipment along its length. ", "One purpose of the streamer is to position the hydrophone array at a known depth and orientation relative to a towing vessel in a survey area. ", "Externally mounted equipment, such as depth controllers, called xe2x80x9cbirds,xe2x80x9d emergency recovery pods, and acoustic pods, performs the functions of positioning and controlling the cable. ", "Individual units of these kinds of external equipment are attached to the streamer at various positions along its length. ", "All of these external units should be both attached to and removed from the cable as quickly and reliably as possible. ", "Operational expenses of seismic vessels require rapid attachment and detachment of these external units. ", "Because these external units typically cost thousands of dollars, they demand the highest degree of reliability from any attachment scheme. ", "Cable attachment failures caused by connector failures or by cable accidents result in a significant financial loss both in time and in expensive equipment.", "\nToday\"\"s typical cable attachment solutions consist of a collar arrangement that relies on a hinge and latch mechanism for operation. ", "Examples of these mechanisms are described in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,507,243, xe2x80x9cConnector For Underwater Cables,xe2x80x9d Apr. 16, 1996,to Oneil J. Williams et al. ", "and in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,709,497, xe2x80x9cLatching Device,xe2x80x9d Jan. 20, 1998, to David W. Zoch et al. ", "External units attached to the collars are clamped around races on the cable as the cable is payed out from the back deck of a survey vessel. ", "The races allow the cable to rotate inside the collars while the external units do not rotate as they are towed along. ", "Conventional connector schemes usually require one operator to position and hold the awkward external unit in place while a second operator secures the manual latching collars to the cable, often while trying to maintain balance on a rolling survey vessel. ", "Requiring two operators significantly increases the cost of operation.", "\nThese conventional mechanisms also incorporate springs or pins having dissimilar metals in contact with the collar. ", "Dissimilar metals in contact in seawater corrode because of galvanic reactions. ", "While conventional hinge-and-latch collars offer quick attachment and removal when new, exposure to salt water degrades their performance and can eventually lead to their complete failure. ", "A failed collar can result in the loss of an external electronic unit or a jammed connector on the seismic cable, which costs time in removing external devices as the cable is reeled in.", "\nA thick cross section (typically of aluminum) is required to safely imbed a conventional latching mechanism within the collar. ", "Such a large cross section creates hydrodynamic noise and lateral accelerations on the seismic cable as it is towed through the water. ", "These undesirable characteristics corrupt the sensitive measurement of seismic acoustic signals by the hydrophones.", "\nClearly there is a need for an apparatus and a method for avoiding these serious shortcomings that significantly add to the cost of a seismic survey at sea.", "\nThis need is satisfied and other shortcomings are overcome by an innovative cable connection system having features of the invention. ", "The connection system includes a cuff attached to a piece of equipment to be connected to the streamer cable at a known location. ", "The C-shaped cylindrical cuff has a circular inner surface interrupted by a gap. ", "A throat is formed by the gap in the cuff extending the length of the cuff. ", "The spacing between the ends of the C across the throat defines the width of the gap. ", "The width of the gap is slightly larger than the diameter of the streamer cable so that the cuff can slip onto the cable. ", "An inner collar having a race is affixed to the cable at a known location. ", "The diameter of the race is greater than the width of the gap formed by the cuff\"\"s throat. ", "The inner surface of the cuff can be slid into position on the race of the inner collar. ", "Because the diameter of the race exceeds the width of the gap of the throat, the cuff and the attached equipment cannot disconnect radially from the inner collar. ", "Structural elements on the collar further prevent longitudinal displacement of the cuff along the inner collar. ", "In this way, equipment is connected to the cable at a known location.", "\nIn a preferred version of the system, the inner collar has a circumferential groove that admits a retractable pin extending from the external unit through an aperture in the cuff. ", "The groove constrains the pin and prevents longitudinal movement of the external unit along the cable and off the inner collar. ", "A single operator can remove the unit with the cuff from the inner collar by manually retracting the pin and sliding the cuff longitudinally off the inner collar and then radially off the cable. ", "In an alternative version, the inner collar has a raised circumferential shoulder just aft of the race to act as a precise longitudinal stop for the cuff. ", "Forward motion of the cable through the water will hold the cuff against the shoulder. ", "Preferably, the cuff itself is of unitary construction with no moving parts.", "\nThus, the novel connection system includes a cuff having no moving parts and no dissimilar metals in contact to provide a connector that is significantly more reliable, even after long exposure to seawater. ", "The connection system does not require two operators as do conventional systems. ", "One operator suffices because the connection system requires no activation of a latch for a secure attachment." ]
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[ " RECOMMENDED FOR FULL-TEXT PUBLICATION\n Pursuant to Sixth Circuit I.O.P. 32.1(b)\n File Name: 16a0200p.06\n\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE SIXTH CIRCUIT\n _________________\n\n\n ENERGY CONVERSION DEVICES LIQUIDATION TRUST, ┐\n By and Through Its Liquidating Trustee, John │\n Madden, │\n Plaintiff-Appellant, │\n │\n v. > No. ", "15-2130\n │\n TRINA SOLAR LIMITED; TRINA SOLAR (U.S.), INC.; ", " │\n YINGLI GREEN ENERGY HOLDING COMPANY │\n LIMITED; YINGLI GREEN ENERGY AMERICAS, INC.; ", " │\n SUNTECH POWER HOLDINGS CO., ", "LTD.; ", "SUNTECH │\n AMERICA, INC., ", " │\n Defendants-Appellees. ", " │\n ┘\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Eastern District of Michigan at Detroit.", "\n No. ", "2:13-cv-14241—Robert H. Cleland, District Judge.", "\n\n Argued: June 15, 2016\n\n Decided and Filed: August 18, 2016\n\n Before: SILER, ROGERS, and SUTTON, Circuit Judges.", "\n _________________\n\n COUNSEL\n\nARGUED: W. Gordon Dobie, WINSTON & STRAWN LLP, Chicago, Illinois, for Appellant.", "\nDaniel E. Laytin, P.C., KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP, Chicago, Illinois, for Appellees. ", "ON\nBRIEF: W. Gordon Dobie, William C. O’Neil, Kathryn W. Bayer, WINSTON & STRAWN\nLLP, Chicago, Illinois, for Appellant. ", "Daniel E. Laytin, P.C., Leonid Feller, James R.P.\nHileman, KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP, Chicago, Illinois, Matthew J. Reilly, Karen M. Gift,\nSIMPSON THACHER & BARTLETT LLP, Washington, D.C., Jerome S. Fortinsky,\nSHEARMAN & STERLING LLP, New York, New York, Mikael A. Abye, SHEARMAN &\nSTERLING LLP, San Francisco, California, Catherine T. Dobrowitsky, RIVENOAK LAW\nGROUP, P.C., Troy, Michigan, Jonathan C. Sanders, SIMPSON THACHER & BARTLETT\nLLP, Palo Alto, California, Patrick Seyferth, BUSH SEYFERTH & PAIGE, PLLC, Troy,\nMichigan, for Appellees.", "\n\n\n\n\n 1\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 2\n\n\n _________________\n\n OPINION\n _________________\n\n SUTTON, Circuit Judge. ", "Consumers benefit when market competition leads to lower\nprices. ", "Competitors do not. ", "Because antitrust law protects “competition, not competitors,”\nBrown Shoe Co. v. United States, 370 U.S. 294, 320 (1962), courts are leery of antitrust claims\nbrought by competitors alleging only that their rivals lowered prices and forced them out of\nbusiness.", "\n\n That is the claim Energy Conversion Devices pursues. ", "It alleges that three solar-panel\nproducers agreed to decrease prices to below-cost levels and, by doing so, drove the company\ninto bankruptcy. ", "Missing from the complaint is any allegation that the competitors not only\nagreed to lower prices but also planned to earn back what they lost—to recoup the losses by\ncharging anti-competitive prices in a cornered market. ", "In the absence of such an allegation or\nany willingness to prove a reasonable prospect of recoupment, the district court correctly rejected\nthe claim on the pleadings. ", "We affirm.", "\n\n I.\n\n As is always the case in reviewing a dismissal under Civil Rule 12(b)(6), we accept the\nfacts as Energy Conversion, the plaintiff, has pleaded them.", "\n\n Solar energy is not new. ", "Seeking to reduce dependence on fossil fuels (and in some\ninstances seeking to save money in the process), businesses and homeowners sometimes install\nsolar panels on their roofs. ", "Rooftop solar systems are not one type fits all. ", "Two technologies are\navailable for commercial and industrial purchasers. ", "The older, conventional technology uses\n“[p]olysilicon-based” “flat” panels. ", "R. 1 at 14. ", "The newer technology uses “flexible thin-film\nsilicon” panels. ", "Id. Thin-film panels produce more electricity, are easier to install, and maintain\ntheir performance longer after the sun sets or is eclipsed by clouds.", "\n\n At the time of the relevant events in this case, Suntech Power, Trina Solar, and Yingli\nGreen Energy, all based in China, produced conventional panels. ", "Energy Conversion, along with\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 3\n\n\na number of other American manufacturers, produced the newer thin-film panels. ", "The two\ntechnologies competed, each obtaining significant sales in the American market for commercial\nand industrial rooftops. ", "Suntech reported up to $750 million in annual sales in that market in\nrecent years, Trina $440 million, Yingli $340 million, and Energy Conversion over $300 million.", "\n\n In the absence of restraints on trade, competition rarely is static. ", "So too in this industry.", "\nThe Chinese producers sought greater market shares. ", "They agreed to export more products to the\nUnited States and to sell them below cost. ", "A host of entities supported their endeavor. ", "Suppliers\nprovided discounts on silicon, a trade association facilitated cooperation, and the Chinese\ngovernment provided below-cost financing. ", "Between 2008 and 2011, the average selling prices\nof Suntech, Trina, and Yingli’s panels fell over 60%.", "\n\n The agreement took a toll on some domestic producers of solar panels. ", "Struggling\nAmerican manufacturers sought refuge, turning first to the Department of Commerce and the\nInternational Trade Commission, the agencies that administer this country’s international trade\nlaws. ", "See generally 19 U.S.C. §§ 1671–1677n. ", "The agencies found that the Chinese firms had\nharmed American industry through illegal dumping. ", "See Changzhou Trina Solar Energy Co. v.\nU.S. Int’l Trade Comm’n, 100 F. Supp. ", "3d 1314, 1318–19 (Ct. ", "Int’l Trade 2015); 80 Fed. ", "Reg.", "\n40,998 (July 14, 2015); 77 Fed. ", "Reg. ", "31,309 (May 25, 2012). ", "As a result, the agencies assessed\nsubstantial tariffs on several manufacturers, including Suntech, Trina, and Yingli.", "\n\n The American solar-panel manufacturers nonetheless continued to suffer. ", "Over twenty\nfirms, including Energy Conversion, filed for bankruptcy or closed their operations. ", "R. 1 at 17–\n18. ", "As of 2012, shortly after Energy Conversion filed its Chapter 11 petition, there were still\nroughly thirty producers of solar panels in the United States. ", "See Int’l Energy Agency, National\nSurvey Report of PV Power Applications in the United States 2012, at 14 tbl.6 (2013), available\nat http://goo.gl/BJnsJq.", "\n\n Energy Conversion turned from the executive branch to the judicial branch for additional\nrelief. ", "It filed this lawsuit in the Eastern District of Michigan. ", "Invoking § 1 of the Sherman Act,\n15 U.S.C. § 1, and its Michigan equivalent, Mich. Comp. ", "Laws § 445.772, the company sought\nnearly $3 billion in treble damages. ", "Its complaint boiled down to the allegation that the three\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 4\n\n\nChinese companies had unlawfully conspired “to sell Chinese manufactured solar panels at\nunreasonably low or below cost prices . . . ", "in order to destroy an American industry.” ", "Id. at 29.", "\nBecause this allegation did not state that Suntech, Trina, and Yingli could or would recoup their\nlosses by charging monopoly prices after they drove their competitors from the field, the district\ncourt dismissed the claim with prejudice. ", "No. ", "13-14241, 2014 WL 5511517, at *3–7 (E.D.\nMich. Oct. 31, 2014). ", "And because the legal requirements of the Michigan antitrust statute\nmirror those of its federal cousin, the district court did the same for the state law claim. ", "Id. at *7.", "\n\n After the district court’s ruling, Energy Conversion asked the court for permission to\namend its complaint to add a recoupment allegation. ", "The court rejected the request.", "\n\n II.", "\n\n On appeal, Energy Conversion argues that the district court erred (1) in dismissing the\ncomplaint for failure to plead that the Chinese companies would recoup their losses and (2) in\npreventing Energy Conversion from filing an amended complaint that added this allegation.", "\n\n A.\n\n The Sherman Act contains two prohibitions. ", "Act of July 2, 1890, ch. ", "647, 26 Stat. ", "209.", "\nThe first declares illegal “[e]very contract, combination . . . , ", "or conspiracy . . . ", "in restraint of\ntrade.” ", "15 U.S.C. § 1. ", "As suggested by the words “contract,” “combination,” and “conspiracy,”\n§ 1 claims require two or more defendants. ", "Am. ", "Needle, Inc. v. Nat’l Football League, 560 U.S.\n183, 190 (2010). ", "Here are a few types of claims, for illustrative purposes, recognized under this\nprovision: “price fixing” between competitors, see United States v. Trenton Potteries Co., 273\nU.S. 392, 396–98 (1927); unreasonable “vertical” agreements between a supplier and its\ndistributors, see Leegin Creative Leather Prods., ", "Inc. v. PSKS, Inc., 551 U.S. 877, 881–82\n(2007); “boycotts” of a seller by a group of buyers, see FTC v. Superior Court Trial Lawyers\nAss’n, 493 U.S. 411, 421–24 (1990); and “predatory pricing,” Matsushita Elec. ", "Indus. ", "Co. v.\nZenith Radio Corp., 475 U.S. 574, 584 n.8, 588–93 (1986).", "\n\n The second prohibition punishes any “person who shall monopolize, or attempt to\nmonopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons, to monopolize”\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 5\n\n\ncommerce. ", "15 U.S.C. § 2. ", "As the language of this provision suggests, a plaintiff may bring a § 2\nclaim against a single monopolist (a “person who shall monopolize”) or against two or more\n(those who “combine or conspire . . . ", "to monopolize”). ", "Am. ", "Needle, 560 U.S. at 190. ", "Here are a\nfew types of claims, for illustrative purposes, recognized under this provision: exclusionary\nconduct that allows a monopoly to unfairly maintain its position, see Lorain Journal Co. v.\nUnited States, 342 U.S. 143, 153–55 (1951); “tying” products together so a monopoly in one\nmarket becomes a monopoly in two, see Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Tech. ", "Servs., ", "504 U.S.\n451, 464, 480–86 (1992); and “predatory pricing,” see Brooke Grp. ", "Ltd. v. Brown & Williamson\nTobacco Corp., 509 U.S. 209, 222 (1993).", "\n\n 1.", "\n\n It is common ground that a predatory-pricing claim under § 2 requires the plaintiff to\nplead and prove (1) that the defendants charged below-cost prices, Brooke Grp., ", "509 U.S. at 222;\nand (2) that they “had a reasonable prospect . . . ", "of recouping [their] investment in below-cost\nprices,” id. at 224. ", "Had Energy Conversion filed this claim under § 2, the parties agree that we\nwould have to dismiss it on the pleadings. ", "The complaint alleges only that the three defendants\ncharged below-cost prices, not that they had a fair prospect of recouping their investment by later\ncharging non-competitive prices.", "\n\n The question at hand is whether a § 1 predatory-pricing claim contains these same two\nrequirements. ", "Energy Conversion concedes that one requirement (below-cost prices) applies to\nboth claims but not the other (recoupment).", "\n\n Both claims—§ 1 and § 2 claims—require below-cost pricing and a reasonable prospect\nof recoupment for several reasons.", "\n\n First, the explanation for applying the two requirements to § 2 claims applies with equal\nforce to § 1 claims. ", "Predatory-pricing claims of any sort usually contain an allegation that a rival\n“reduce[d] the sale price of its product[s] . . . ", "to below cost, hoping to drive competitors out of\nbusiness.” ", "Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Ross-Simmons Hardwood Lumber Co., 549 U.S. 312, 318\n(2007). ", "The problem with that sort of allegation—by itself—is that the conduct claimed to be\nillegal looks a lot like the “robust competition” that the antitrust statutes “serve[] to promote.”", "\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 6\n\n\nN.C. State Bd. ", "of Dental Exam’rs v. FTC, 135 S. Ct. ", "1101, 1109 (2015). ", "Yes, “cutting prices in\norder to increase business” may put bottom-line pressure on competitors or indeed drive some\ncompetitors out of business; but lowering prices to increase market share, usually a zero-sum\ngame, is “the essence of competition.” ", "Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 594.", "\n\n At their core, the antitrust laws are a “consumer welfare prescription,” Robert Bork, The\nAntitrust Paradox 66 (1978), making them unconcerned with low prices (even below-cost prices)\nthat will remain low. ", "That’s why courts have “carefully limited the circumstances under which\nplaintiffs can state a Sherman Act claim by alleging that prices are too low.” ", "Pac. ", "Bell Tel. ", "Co.\nv. Linkline Commc’ns, Inc., 555 U.S. 438, 451 (2009). ", "It does not suffice for a plaintiff to allege\nonly that “the defendant has tried to knock out other businesses”; the plaintiff must show that\n“the means it has employed to that end are likely to . . . ", "injure consumers.” ", "R.J. Reynolds\nTobacco Co. v. Cigarettes Cheaper!, ", "462 F.3d 690, 696 (7th Cir. ", "2006). ", "And that requires the\nplaintiff to show below-cost prices and recoupment. ", "Brooke Grp., ", "509 U.S. at 222, 224. ", "Else,\nthe adoption of low prices leads only to more low prices—a benefit, not a burden, for consumers.", "\n\n Recoupment looks at what happens after low prices have “vanquished” the competition,\nwhen the “predator” can hope to “raise[] . . . ", "prices” to a monopoly level in order to make back\n“with interest” “the losses suffered from pricing goods below cost.” ", "Weyerhaeuser, 549 U.S. at\n318. ", "The possibility of recoupment is what makes the choice to “forgo profits” “rational,” and\nit’s what makes the battle of attrition caused by predatory pricing worth the wait and the cost.", "\nMatsushita, 475 U.S. at 588–89. ", "Unless low prices today will come with high prices tomorrow,\nonly good things happen for consumers. ", "They receive the “boon” of lower prices, “consumer\nwelfare is enhanced,” and no antitrust concerns arise. ", "Brooke Grp., ", "509 U.S. at 224. ", "The\nantitrust laws after all should not lightly be used to impose judgments that require defendants to\nincrease prices.", "\n\n There is no sound reason to impose a recoupment requirement in the context of § 2\nclaims but not § 1 claims. ", "If, as the Supreme Court has explained, a cognizable predatory-\npricing claim requires below-cost pricing and recoupment in the one setting, there is no basis for\nignoring it in the other. ", "The point of adding these requirements to the wide-textured language of\nthe Sherman Act is to screen out some claims—those that will do more harm than good for\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 7\n\n\nconsumers and those that enable “the harmful habit” of courts and law enforcement to “see[]\npredation in behavior that is actually vigorously competitive.” ", "Bork, supra, at 148. ", "If anti-\ncompetitive conduct in a low-price claim requires both elements in one setting, it requires them\nin the other.", "\n\n Second, any other approach would destroy the § 2 requirement in multi-defendant claims.", "\nWhy bring such a claim under § 2 if the plaintiff can dispense with the recoupment\nrequirement—as a matter of pleading, proof in discovery, and proof at trial—by the expedient of\nbringing a predatory-pricing claim under § 1? ", "There is no good reason. ", "The upshot of plaintiff’s\ncontrary position is to destroy the recoupment requirement in § 2.", "\n\n Nor would it make any sense to impose the requirement only in § 2 claims. ", "A predatory-\npricing scheme undertaken by a single firm, the kind actionable only under § 2, is “general[ly]\nimplausib[le].” ", "Brooke Grp., ", "509 U.S. at 227; see also Weyerhaeuser, 549 U.S. at 323. ", "A\npredatory-pricing conspiracy, actionable under either § 1 or § 2, is “incalculably more difficult to\nexecute.” ", "Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 590. ", "The alleged conspiracy not only must allocate the losses\ncaused by below-cost pricing, but it also must police against free-riding conspirators. ", "Every\nindividual conspirator wants to be around when the conspiracy succeeds, but each one has every\nreason to shirk its duty to price below cost. ", "If enough participants cheat in that way, the\nconspiracy never succeeds. ", "Id. No such problem arises with the single-firm predatory-pricing\nscheme. ", "How strange to include a recoupment requirement where it is needed least (a single-\nfirm defendant) and excuse the requirement where it is needed most (multi-firm defendants).", "\n\n Third, no Supreme Court decision supports Energy Conversion’s argument and several\nstrongly suggest, if not hold, that both requirements apply to both sections of the Sherman Act.", "\nStart with Matsushita, a case filed under § 1 and § 2 of the Sherman Act. ", " American\nmanufacturers of television sets alleged that Japanese competitors conspired to set low prices for\ntelevision sets sold in the United States. ", "475 U.S. at 577–78. ", "The Supreme Court did not draw\nany distinction between the two types of claims in establishing the prerequisites of a claim. “", "The\nsuccess of any predatory scheme,” it said, “depends on maintaining monopoly power for long\nenough both to recoup the predator’s losses and to harvest some additional gain. ", "Absent some\nassurance that the hoped-for monopoly will materialize, and that it can be sustained for a\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 8\n\n\nsignificant period of time, ‘[t]he predator must make a substantial investment with no assurance\nthat it will pay off.’ ", "For this reason, there is a consensus among commentators that predatory\npricing schemes are rarely tried, and even more rarely successful.” ", "475 U.S. at 589 (quoting\nFrank H. Easterbrook, Predatory Strategies and Counterstrategies, 48 U. Chi. ", "L. Rev. 263, 268\n(1981)). ", "A predatory-pricing scheme, the Court added, “makes sense only if petitioners can\nrecoup their losses. ", "In light of the large number of firms involved here, petitioners can achieve\nthis only by engaging in some form of price fixing after they have succeeded in driving\ncompetitors from the market.” ", "Id. at 592 n.16. ", "In all ways, Matsushita, a summary judgment\ncase, treats predatory-pricing claims under both sections of the Sherman Act the same.", "\n\n Seven years later, Brooke Group clarified that below-cost pricing and recoupment are\nelements of a § 2 claim that must be proved at trial. ", "509 U.S. at 222–27. ", "No decision of the\nSupreme Court says, or even suggests, that these requirements for a predatory-pricing claim\napply in full to a § 2 claim but in half to a § 1 claim. ", "Why a § 1 low-price claim would import\none requirement from Brooke Group but not the other, as Energy Conversion maintains, is\nbeyond us.", "\n\n Fourth, our court has followed these cues. ", " In Superior Production Partnership v.\nGordon Auto Body Parts Co., 784 F.3d 311 (6th Cir. ", "2015), we addressed a predatory-pricing\nclaim filed under § 1 and § 2. ", " “[W]e think it best,” the court said, “to infer these same\nelements”—below-cost pricing and recoupment—“in a § 1 predatory pricing claim.” ", "Id. at 320.", "\nA claimant thus “must grapple with these concepts in proving its case under § 1”—a requirement\njust as relevant at the pleading stage of a case as at the summary judgment and proof stages of a\ncase. ", "Id.\n\n Fifth, all other appellate authority points in the same direction. ", "After Brooke Group,\nevery circuit to consider the question has required the elements of § 2 predatory-pricing claims in\nsimilar claims under § 1 or (like Matsushita) has not distinguished between the two provisions.", "\nSee, e.g., Eisai, Inc. v. Sanofi Aventis U.S., LLC, 821 F.3d 394, 401–02, 408–09 (3d Cir. ", "2016);\nFelder’s Collision Parts, Inc. v. All Star Advertising Agency, Inc., 777 F.3d 756, 759–60 (5th\nCir. ", "2015); Wallace v. Int’l Bus. ", "Machines Corp., 467 F.3d 1104, 1106–08 (7th Cir. ", "2006); Rebel\nOil Co. v. Atl. ", "Richfield Co., 51 F.3d 1421, 1432–34, 1443–44 (9th Cir. ", "1995); Multistate Legal\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 9\n\n\nStudies, Inc. v. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Legal & Prof’l Publ’ns, Inc., 63 F.3d 1540, 1548–49\n(10th Cir. ", "1995). ", "The leading treatise writers have reached the same conclusion. ", "See 12 Phillip\nE. Areeda & Herbert Hovenkamp, Antitrust Law ¶ 2007b1 (Supp. ", "1999); see also William L.\nGreene et al., ", "Predatory Pricing 20 (ABA Antitrust Section, Monograph No. ", "22, 1996).", "\n\n Measured by this test, Energy Conversion’s claim fails. ", "It never alleges that Suntech,\nTrina, and Yingli had a reasonable prospect of recouping their losses. ", "The most the company\nincluded in its complaint was a reference to the possibility that, at some future date, “American\nconsumers will pay more than they would in a competitive market.” ", "R. 1 at 27. ", "The complaint\ngave no further details about how this would occur, when this would occur, why this would\noccur, or whether this could occur given the ease of access (or barriers to entry) to the solar-\npanel market. ", "We thus do not know whether the Chinese companies’ conspiracy extended past\nthe point of cutting prices or how the conspiracy otherwise ensured that Suntech, Trina, and\nYingli would recover what they had lost in setting “unreasonably low and/or below-cost prices.”", "\nId. at 2. ", "The district court therefore correctly concluded that Energy Conversion had failed to\nplead recoupment adequately. ", "2014 WL 5511517, at *6–7. ", "Notably, Energy Conversion hinted\nas much during a hearing in the district court. ", "And it admitted as much at oral argument in our\ncourt, acknowledging that it had not pled recoupment and had no duty to show it would occur.", "\nThe district court properly dismissed the case.", "\n\n Energy Conversion offers several rejoinders, each unconvincing.", "\n\n It first argues that the label “predatory pricing” and the requirement of proof of\nrecoupment attached to it applies only to claims under § 2 of the Sherman Act, not § 1. ", "That is\nword play. ", "The Supreme Court has already used “predatory pricing” to describe claims in each\nsetting, whether filed under one section or the other. ", "Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 584 n.8, 588–93.", "\nAnd this court too has rejected any such distinction. ", "Superior Prod., ", "784 F.3d at 320. ", "It is also\nimpossible to square this argument with Energy Conversion’s concession that one element of\npredatory pricing does apply here, even though the primary case on which it relies discusses\nneither element. ", "See Arizona v. Maricopa Cty. ", "Med. ", "Soc’y, 457 U.S. 332, 348 (1982).", "\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 10\n\n\n It next points out that the Northern District of California concluded in parallel litigation\nthat a “claim under § 1 of the Sherman Act is [not] subject to dismissal for failing to plead a\nlikelihood of recoupment.” ", "Solyndra Residual Trust ex rel. ", "Neilson v. Suntech Power Holdings\nCo., 62 F. Supp. ", "3d 1027, 1042 (N.D. Cal. ", "2014). “", "The recoupment requirement,” the court\nconcluded (in a five-sentence analysis), “derives directly from the Supreme Court’s insistence\nthat § 2 claims be supported by a showing of monopolization or the dangerous threat of\nmonopolization.” ", "Id. The court may be right that § 2 claims always require some proof of\nmonopolization. ", "But it is not right that monopolization is the only source of the recoupment\nrequirement in predatory-pricing claims. ", "Recoupment, to repeat just one reason, ensures that any\nclaim bottomed on low prices involves an actual harm to consumers through an eventual increase\nin prices. ", "See Wallace, 467 F.3d at 1106–07. ", "Whether in a § 1 or § 2 predatory-pricing claim,\nthe recoupment requirement ensures that antitrust suits themselves do not “interfere with the\nachievement of the Sherman Act’s basic and important low price objectives.” ", "Monahan’s\nMarine, Inc. v. Bos. ", "Whaler, Inc., 866 F.2d 525, 527 (1st Cir. ", "1989) (Breyer, J.).", "\n\n Energy Conversion adds that, even if § 1 contains a recoupment requirement in\npredatory-pricing claims, all that is required in the complaint is a “plausible” showing that a\nprice-fixing conspiracy existed between Suntech, Trina, and Yingli. ", "Bell Atl. ", "Corp. v. Twombly,\n550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007). ", "Recoupment thus becomes relevant only after discovery, so the\nargument goes.", "\n\n But this position misunderstands the structure of federal civil litigation. ", "To survive a\nmotion to dismiss, a complaint must “state[] a plausible claim for relief,” Ashcroft v. Iqbal,\n556 U.S. 662, 679 (2009), which requires that the complaint “show[] that the pleader is entitled\nto relief,” Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 8(a)(2). ", "If proof of recoupment is required to succeed on the claim,\nallegations of recoupment must appear in the complaint to show an entitlement to relief. ", "During\ndiscovery, the plaintiff must show that there is factual support for each component of the claim\nor it will be rejected as a matter of law on summary judgment. ", "At trial, the jury will be\ninstructed on each component of the claim and will resolve any material factual disputes related\nto the claim. ", "Whether at the complaint stage of the case, the discovery stage, or the trial stage,\nthe plaintiff must address each aspect of the claim. ", "As the master of the complaint, the plaintiff\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 11\n\n\nmay decide what claims to bring and how to prove them. ", "But it cannot avoid responsibility for\ndealing with each aspect of the claim at each phase of the case.", "\n\n Energy Conversion insists that the alleged conspiracy is economically rational (and\nworthy of prohibition) even if the conspirators never planned to make back their losses. ", "Because\nSuntech, Trina, and Yingli are all Chinese companies and because China is a “non-market\neconomy,” the company argues, the three conspirators “had little interest in making a profit” but\ninstead priced at unprofitable levels “to eliminate American competition and maintain full\nemployment in Chinese factories.” ", " Appellant’s Br. ", "32. ", " It’s not clear that this is what’s\nhappening, given that each company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, and given that\none company has filed for bankruptcy under American law. ", "But if this is what’s happening, it’s\nnot recoupment. ", "It shows only that the Chinese companies, impervious to the profit motive, are\nhappy to maintain low prices. ", "That’s a form of charity, not a use of monopoly power to lower\nproduction and raise prices. ", "The antitrust laws, as opposed to the statutory prohibition on\ndumping, do “not pose an obstacle” to the “inept,” the happy-go-lucky, indeed the generous,\n“predat[or]” who sells below cost, benefits consumers, and finds itself unable to recoup—or\nuninterested in recouping—its losses. ", "Superior Prod., ", "784 F.3d at 324 n.5. ", "Because Energy\nConversion failed to plead recoupment in bringing this § 1 claim, the district court correctly\ndismissed the complaint.", "\n\n 2.", "\n\n Even if Energy Conversion managed to clear this hurdle, it would face another, related\nobstacle. ", "Every private antitrust plaintiff, including those challenging an agreement as unlawful\nunder § 1, must include in its complaint allegations of “antitrust injury.” ", "NicSand, Inc. v. 3M\nCo., 507 F.3d 442, 450 (6th Cir. ", "2007) (en banc); see Atl. ", "Richfield Co. v. USA Petrol. ", "Co.,\n495 U.S. 328, 339–40 (1990). ", "This requirement is not an element of a specific substantive\nprohibition such as § 1, but instead derives from the general antitrust damages right of action in\n§ 4 of the Clayton Act. ", "15 U.S.C. § 15; see Cargill, Inc. v. Monfort of Colo., Inc., 479 U.S. 104,\n109–10 (1986). ", "The requirement ensures that private plaintiffs bring claims “of the type the\nantitrust laws were intended to prevent and that flow[] from that which makes defendants’ acts\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 12\n\n\nunlawful.” ", "Brunswick Corp. v. Pueblo Bowl-O-Mat, Inc., 429 U.S. 477, 489 (1977). ", "And it\nensures the plaintiff is a “proper” enforcer of those laws. ", "Cargill, 479 U.S. at 111 n.6.", "\n\n Energy Conversion has not pleaded a cognizable antitrust injury for reasons that ought to\nbe clear by now. “[", "L]ower aggregate prices in the market” “enhance[]” “consumer welfare.”", "\nBrooke Grp., ", "509 U.S. at 224. ", "The antitrust laws are a “consumer welfare prescription,” Reiter\nv. Sonotone Corp., 442 U.S. 330, 343 (1979) (quoting Bork, supra, at 66), meaning a conspiracy\nthat drops prices, but does not intend to raise them later in order to recoup the losses, does not\ncause injury “of the type the antitrust laws were intended to prevent,” Brunswick, 429 U.S. at\n489.", "\n\n This conclusion is of a piece with decisions from this court and the Supreme Court. ", "We\nconcluded that a competitor could not show antitrust injury in a § 2 claim complaining of low\nprices without an allegation that the defendant had predatorily priced—selling “below cost” and\nhaving “the goal of recouping its losses by charging monopolistic prices later.” ", "NicSand,\n507 F.3d at 451–52. ", "Even if a supplier had agreed with its distributors to lower prices, the\nSupreme Court similarly concluded, a rival seller could not show antitrust injury in a § 1 claim\nunless the agreement “result[ed] in predatory pricing.” ", "Atl. ", "Richfield, 495 U.S. at 339. ", "In those\ncases, as in this one, antitrust injury requires not just low pricing but predatory pricing. ", "What\nmakes pricing a form of predation is not the downswing in prices but the gouging upswing in\nprices after the competition has been eliminated or disciplined. ", "Otherwise, the predator is no less\na victim, indeed more of a victim, than the target. ", "Bork, supra, at 144–59. ", "Any other approach\nruns the risk of “chill[ing] the very [price-cutting] conduct the antitrust laws are designed to\nprotect.” ", "Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 594; see Atl. ", "Richfield, 495 U.S. at 338, 340–41; NicSand, 507\nF.3d at 452.", "\n\n Energy Conversion offers a potential way around the recoupment requirement in the\nantitrust injury context, trying to create a decreased choice/less innovation alternative in its\nplace. ", "The low prices charged by Suntech, Trina, and Yingli, it contends, show antitrust injury\nbecause they hurt the American solar-panel industry, leading to “reduced consumer choice and\nloss of innovation.” ", "Appellant’s Br. ", "42.", "\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 13\n\n\n Yet recoupment is not one item on a menu of ways to show that low prices hurt\ncompetition and consumers. ", "It is the only way. “", "Low prices,” one leading author has noted, “are\na princip[al] if not the primary goal of antitrust policy.” ", "Herbert Hovenkamp, Federal Antitrust\nPolicy § 8.1 (4th ed. ", "2011). ", "Yes, low prices on their own may lead to market inefficiencies in\nsome cases. ", "But a loss of consumer choice is often anything but anti-competitive. ", "As it became\navailable and affordable, gunpowder largely put the sword industry out of business. ", "The Pony\nExpress could not have competed with Federal Express. ", "Netflix made Blockbuster less relevant.", "\nNewer, cheaper, better technology frequently makes old technology unavailable, even to\nconsumers who preferred the old ways and the old technology.", "\n\n The same reasoning applies here. ", "And that is so even if Suntech, Trina, and Yingli’s low\nprices forced “technologically superior” solar panels off the market. ", "R. 1 at 17. ", "Companies\ncompete not only over the quality of their products but also over their prices. ", "Innovation need\nnot be solely about better technology; it can also be about cost reduction. ", "In the solar-panel\nmarket, consumers apparently preferred the quality-price combination offered by the Chinese\ncompanies to the combination offered by Energy Conversion and (some of) its compatriots. ", "The\nresult, even if it came out of an agreement that harmed Energy Conversion, amounted to a\ntriumph of consumer choice, not a limitation on it. ", "Cf. ", "NicSand, 507 F.3d at 456; Re/Max Int’l,\nInc. v. Realty One, Inc., 173 F.3d 995, 1000 (6th Cir. ", "1999).", "\n\n Energy Conversion points us to caselaw saying that a reduction in consumer choice can\nshow anti-competitive harm. ", "But none of these cases concerns allegations that market prices are\ntoo low. ", "See, e.g., Blue Shield of Va. v. McCready, 457 U.S. 465, 481–84 (1982); Conwood Co.\nv. U.S. Tobacco Co., 290 F.3d 768, 789–90 (6th Cir. ", "2002). ", " Also of little help is the\ninternational trade authorities’ conclusion that the practices of these three Chinese companies\nharmed the American solar-panel industry. ", "It should come as no surprise that anti-dumping\nstatutes bar the kinds of injuries caused by dumping. ", "That conclusion, however, says nothing\nabout whether these same injuries are a concern of the antitrust laws. ", "The trade laws have a\nprotectionist focus on “injury to [domestic] industry,” which does not always square with the\nantitrust laws’ focus on consumers and “injury to competition.” ", "USX Corp. v. United States,\n682 F. Supp. ", "60, 65–67 (Ct. ", "Int’l Trade 1988); see also 19 U.S.C. § 1673; Goss Int’l Corp. v.\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 14\n\n\nMan Roland Druckmaschinen AG, 434 F.3d 1081, 1090–91 (8th Cir. ", "2006). ", "Accordingly, even\nif a § 1 predatory-pricing claim does not require recoupment, Energy Conversion still had to\nprove recoupment to show a harm protected by the antitrust laws. ", "With no allegation on that\nscore, its claim fails for this similar but independent reason.", "\n\n B.\n\n Energy Conversion separately claims that the district court erred when it dismissed the\ncase with prejudice. ", "It should have made the dismissal without prejudice and should have\nallowed the company to file an amended complaint that included a recoupment allegation.", "\n\n Under Civil Rule 15, a court must “freely give” parties leave to amend their pleadings\nbefore trial “when justice so requires.” ", "Fed. ", "R. Civ. ", "P. 15(a)(2). ", "But this permissive standard\ndoes not apply when a party seeks to amend its complaint after an adverse judgment. “", "Courts in\nthat setting must consider the competing interest of protecting the finality of judgments and the\nexpeditious termination of litigation.” ", "Leisure Caviar, LLC v. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serv.,", "\n616 F.3d 612, 615–16 (6th Cir. ", "2010) (quotation omitted). ", "A party seeking such an amendment\nthus must satisfy both the “modest requirements of Rule 15” and the “heavier burden” that\napplies to requests “for reopening a case.” ", "Id. at 616; see also Foman v. Davis, 371 U.S. 178,\n182 (1962). ", "Under Civil Rule 59, Energy Conversion could satisfy that burden in several ways,\nincluding by showing its proposed amendment “prevent[ed] manifest injustice.” ", "Intera Corp. v.\nHenderson, 428 F.3d 605, 620 (6th Cir. ", "2005). ", "Any such challenge is reviewed for abuse of\ndiscretion. ", "Leisure Caviar, 616 F.3d at 615.", "\n\n Nothing of the sort happened here. ", "Energy Conversion had ample notice of the issue. ", "Its\nlawyers were the same ones that pursued parallel litigation in the Northern District of California.", "\nIn that case, they filed a complaint that initially alleged recoupment. ", "For reasons of their own,\nthey amended the complaint and removed the allegation. ", "Compare No. ", "4:12-cv-05272-SBA, R.\n1 at 34–36 (N.D. Cal. ", "Oct. 11, 2012), with No. ", "4:12-cv-05272-SBA, R. 70 at 38–41 (N.D. Cal.", "\nFeb. 14, 2013). ", "The Supreme Court, moreover, had noted the relevance of recoupment to low-\nprice claims under § 1, had held it required in low-price claims under § 2, and numerous circuit\ncourts had, before the company filed suit, treated § 1 and § 2 predatory-pricing claims similarly.", "\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 15\n\n\nBrooke Grp., ", "509 U.S. at 224; Matsushita, 475 U.S. at 592–93; Wallace, 467 F.3d at 1106–08;\nRebel Oil, 51 F.3d at 1432–34, 1444; Multistate Legal Studies, 63 F.3d at 1548–49. ", "Even after\nSuntech, Trina, and Yingli moved to dismiss the complaint largely based on Energy\nConversion’s failure to plead recoupment, the company did not amend the complaint, even if just\nto add the allegation in the alternative. ", "It instead argued that it was “not required to plead\nrecoupment.” ", "R. 38 at 20. ", "Only after the district court rejected the argument and dismissed the\ncase under Rule 12(b)(6)—a dismissal presumptively with prejudice, Pratt v. Ventas, Inc., 365\nF.3d 514, 523 (6th Cir. ", "2004)—did it seek an amendment.", "\n\n Plaintiffs may not use Rule 59 motions to “raise arguments which could, and should,\nhave been made before judgment issued” and may not “use the court as a sounding board to\ndiscover holes in their arguments, then reopen the case by amending their complaint to take\naccount of the court’s decision.” ", "Leisure Caviar, 616 F.3d at 616 (quotations omitted). ", "The\ndistrict court was well within its “considerable discretion” in denying Energy Conversion the\nopportunity to add an allegation it should have raised earlier. ", "Id. at 615.", "\n\n This case offers a poor analogy to United States ex rel. ", "Bledsoe v. Community Health\nSystems, Inc., 342 F.3d 634 (6th Cir. ", "2003). ", "Community Health Systems concerned a situation\nwhere the plaintiff included all of the relevant elements in his complaint but lacked notice of a\nheightened pleading standard until the moment the district court dismissed the complaint. ", "Id. at\n645; see also Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund v. Standard & Poor’s Fin. ", "Servs. ", "LLC, 700 F.3d\n829, 844 (6th Cir. ", "2012). ", "That is not remotely this case.", "\n\n Energy Conversion last of all points to the district court’s failure to issue a scheduling\norder setting a deadline to “amend the pleadings,” as required by Civil Rule 16(b). ", "Without such\na deadline, says the company, a request to amend the complaint, even after judgment, should\nface minimal hurdles. ", "Energy Conversion never complained about the lack of a deadline below\nand so has failed to preserve the argument. ", "See Scottsdale Ins. ", "Co v. Flowers, 513 F.3d 546, 552\n(6th Cir. ", "2008). ", "Even if it had, this court has been abundantly clear that, once judgment issues,\nconcerns about finality dilute the otherwise permissive amendment policy of the Civil Rules.", "\nLeisure Caviar, 616 F.3d at 616. ", "The request, the district court reasonably found, came too late\nand contained too little justification.", "\n\fNo. ", "15-2130 Energy Conversion Devices v. Trina Solar Ltd., et al. ", " Page 16\n\n\n For these reasons, we affirm.", "\n\f" ]
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0.000718425028026104, 0.0007094299653545022, 0.0006781041738577187, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0006530153332278132, 0.0008415012853220105, 0.0007137474021874368, 0.0006752502522431314, 0.0006180491764098406, 0.0008347979746758938, 0.0008001530077308416, 0.0006775766960345209, 0.0006988928071223199, 0.0006896677659824491, 0.0007124178227968514, 0.0030604577623307705, 0.0011683973716571927, 0.0007997722714208066, 0.0007575281779281795, 0.0006365065928548574, 0.0007865490624681115, 0.0020307281520217657, 0.0007932315929792821, 0.0007644511642865837, 0.0007567454013042152, 0.0006287184078246355, 0.0005854300688952208, 0.0006261679227463901, 0.0006637590122409165, 0.0008544005104340613, 0.0007662051939405501, 0.0006117136217653751, 0.0008678287849761546, 0.0008883426198735833, 0.0013781859306618571, 0.0006530153332278132, 0.000544397160410881, 0.001995587022975087 ]
[ "Great Grants: Lewy Family Foundation\n\nGrantor: Lewy Family Foundation, New York CityGrantee: The S.E.E.D. SchoolWashington, D.C.Amount: $100,000\n\nNo one who follows education can fail to have noticed that the charter school movement is shaking up the assumptions of parents and school districts. ", "Some of the most exciting charter schools are those which offer kids wh they are currently trapped.", "\n\nBut what about those children for whom school is not the only failing institution? ", "Coming from a broken family is tough, but what about those kids whose families are “broken” beyond any recognition as a “family”? ", "The problems of children swirling in the vortex of familial freefall don’t start and end with the classroom bell.", "\n\nOne problem at a time, you say? ", "That’s not the way the founders of the S.E.E.D. School see it. ", "The S.E.E.D. School (that’s “Schools for Educational Evolution and Development”) in Washington, D.C., is the first charter school conceived as a boarding school—and as a pilot for a hoped-for national trend.", "\n\nRajiv “Raj” Vinnakota, a 29-year old Princeton graduate who in 1997 quit his day job as a management consultant to co-found S.E.E.D. along with colleague Eric Adler, explains that for many children from the most “difficult circumstances,” a boarding school environment is precisely what they need. ", "Why spend all your time worrying about (and attempting to remediate) the problems besetting these kids when they aren’t at school when you can create a secure and stable 24-hour-a-day learning environment.", "\n\nIt’s not for everyone. ", "Indeed, it’s not for most kids. ", "But for some kids, the soup-to-nuts boarding school approach to learning might be the single decisive choice that diverts their life from a downward spiral of ever-diminishing expectations into a life of promise and achievement.", "\n\nThis kind of intensive approach requires a demanding blend of energy, intelligence, and resourcefulness. ", "Fortunately, that’s just what the people at S.E.E.D. have in abundance. ", "They expect a lot from their students, describing the school as a college prep program, not, Vinnakota is quick to emphasize, “as a juvenile center or a foster care facility.”", "\n\nVinnakota has learned that “kids respond to structure,” even (perhaps especially) those who might not have had much structure in their lives. “", "The biggest problem isn’t the kids adapting—it’s the parents adapting.”", "\n\nEarly results are encouraging. ", "All 40 students who started the first year’s class finished out the year, a remarkable achievement considering the broad-net selection criteria the school used. ", "Vinnakota recounts the challenge of trying to accommodate students with such divergent—and in some cases only the most rudimentary—educational backgrounds: “Some of the kids would say, ‘I’m a 7th grader,’ and we’d have to say ‘No, you’re not—you’ve been lied to by the school system.’”", "\n\nThis businesslike sense of realism extends to the school’s finances. “", "Charter schools can fail in a number of ways, the first of which is fiscally.” ", "And while they have been quite successful at fundraising, garnering enthusiastic grants from local donors as well as others further afield, their ambitious plans are going to require finding some new—and generous—supporters (Vinnakota and Adler have already lobbied Congress, successfully, to change District of Columbia law to provide support for boarding charter schools).", "\n\nGlen Lewy, an investment banker and board member of the New York City-based Lewy Family Foundation, explains why he is attracted to the program: “I love the S.E.E.D. School. ", "I got involved very early—Raj was a friend of my son’s and he knew that I had been interested in education and involved in education projects. ", "Raj showed me their business plan. ", "I gave him some advice, and became a donor.”", "\n\nAdds Lewy, “I’m a venture capitalist [and] what was most appealing to me was that Raj and Eric bring to it all of the same skills that I see in the entrepreneurial world. ", "What the best entrepreneurs do today is look at a business and say ‘what is not being done here, what can be done better here?’ ", "And that’s what they’ve done. ", "They bring an entrepreneurial spirit to the nonprofit world. ", "And in the nonprofit world there are not enough people with that.”" ]
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[ 0.0006163973594084382, 0.0012514323461800814, 0.0024926448240876198, 0.0012444620952010155, 0.0011910955654457211, 0.0007777705905027688, 0.001067996839992702, 0.0006359617691487074, 0.0009127897792495787, 0.0011675512650981545, 0.0015651376452296972, 0.0034600545186549425, 0.0015603445935994387, 0.0005753194564022124, 0.0006614402518607676, 0.0006668996065855026, 0.0006984782521612942, 0.001095239189453423, 0.0005637091817334294, 0.0006521557806991041, 0.0023424068931490183, 0.0005725350929424167, 0.0008024888229556382, 0.000545308634173125, 0.0006364650325849652, 0.0005355273024179041, 0.000633531657513231, 0.0006202517542988062, 0.0007643834105692804, 0.0005786116234958172, 0.0025068686809390783, 0.0005545004969462752, 0.0007062662043608725 ]
[ "BELOTERO Balance® has now been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for injection into the mid-to-deep dermis to correct moderate-to-severe facial wrinkles and folds such as nasolabial folds. ", "BELOTERO Balance® is a hyaluronic acid-based cohesive gel dermal filler that delivers natural-looking results with little recovery time. “", "We are pleased to announce this FDA approval for BELOTERO Balance®. ", "It represents a significant milestone for Anteis and Merz Aesthetics, Inc.”, stated Gilles Bos, Chief Executive Officer of Anteis and Dennis Condon, President and CEO of Merz Aesthetics, Inc.\n\nPractitioners and patients will now have a breakthrough alternative in aesthetic medicine with BELOTERO Balance® “thanks to a successful partnership between Anteis, a Swiss leader in aesthetic dermatology, ophthalmology and orthopaedics, and Merz Aesthetics, a division of Merz Pharmaceuticals in Germany”, added Gilles Bos and Dennis Condon.", "\n\nSince 2004, this partnership has encompassed the BELOTERO Balance® range in markets such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Russia, Austria and Switzerland. ", "This medical device is currently approved for aesthetic use and distributed worldwide by Anteis under the brand name of Esthélis[TM]Basic.", "\n\nThis collaboration between Anteis and Merz Aesthetics provides new market opportunities worth an estimated $372.4 million in the North America market for dermal fillers[1]\n\n“Through our partnership with Anteis, Merz Aesthetics has been able to add a new brand to its expanding portfolio of aesthetics products in the United States”, added Dennis Condon.", "\n\n“This partnership forms an important part of our plans to become a global player in Sodium Hyaluronate-based injectable formulations and injection technologies (such as the Anteis Injection System) in dermatology, and to provide breakthrough and innovative health solutions in the fields of ophthalmology, orthopaedics and beyond. ", "With the support of our highly skilled team, and through partnerships with pharmaceutical, biotech and cosmetics companies, we will extend our reach, increase our international sales, and continue to grow in terms of new indications and a broader portfolio. ", "Our ultimate goal is for healthcare practitioners to feel confident that our products constitute best practice, and for patients to feel they are receiving optimum care,” concluded Gilles Bos.", "\n\nAbout Anteis\n\nSince it was founded in 2003, ANTEIS has become one of the leaders in the development, production and distribution of injectable medical devices. ", "The company now has an established reputation in the field of aesthetic dermatology, particularly with its line of dermal wrinkle fillers (Esthélis[TM]Basic/ BELOTERO Balance®), and continues to launch innovative products every year. ", "Thanks to its vast Research and Development programme, ANTEIS provides added value in the fields of aesthetic dermatology, ophthalmology and orthopaedics. ", "The company has received many awards for its innovations, including the Swiss Economic Award in May 2008 and the Red Dot Design Award in April 2010.", "\n\nBased in Geneva, ANTEIS employs an international team of 150 people, has operating subsidiaries in France and in Germany and a distribution network covering more than 98 countries.", "\n\nFor further information, go to: http://www.anteis.com\n\nAbout Merz Aesthetics\n\nMerz Aesthetics, Inc. is a division of the German-based company Merz Pharmaceuticals. ", "The Merz Aesthetics Business Unit has subsidiaries in 17 countries and cooperates with more than 30 distributors worldwide.", "\n\nFounded in 1908 by Friedrich Merz, the company introduced the world’s first anti-wrinkle treatment in 1953 after extensive research on the effects of revitalizing skin care essences. ", "As part of the Merz Pharma Group of companies, Merz Aesthetics leverages more than a century of Merz’s healthcare expertise with its range of products and unparalleled services in the field of aesthetic dermatology. ", "The Merz legacy continues today with Merz Aesthetics’ innovative portfolio of products which are designed to empower consumers to achieve their personalized beauty ideals.", "\n\nMerz Aesthetics’ has a balanced portfolio of products in the US which includes its flagship brand, RADIESSE® Volumizing Filler as well as other aesthetic products. ", "Outside the US, the portfolio comprises the BELOTERO® family of fillers, RADIESSE®Volumizing Filler and other product brands." ]
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[ 0.0007177619263529778, 0.0007591737085022032, 0.0005542532308027148, 0.0005838688812218606, 0.0005753652658313513, 0.0005766769172623754, 0.0005901971599087119, 0.0006259424262680113, 0.000516980595421046, 0.0005743165966123343, 0.0005611002561636269, 0.0011199237778782845, 0.0006713078473694623, 0.0005453439662232995, 0.0005583026795648038, 0.0005747259128838778, 0.0005451059550978243, 0.0010730195790529251, 0.0006638285703957081, 0.000597761943936348, 0.0005878107622265816, 0.000713133777026087 ]
[ "DAGLEY Tillie J and Jessie E\n\nDAGLEY Tillie J and Jessie E\n\nI photographed this gravestone in the Blue Bonnet Hills Cemetery, Tarrant Co., Texas. ", "Feel free to use this picture for your personal records. ", "This is one of the 228,862 cemetery photos free at http://teafor2.com .", "\n\nIf you know more about this person please reply here, instead of contacting me because this is most likely not my family." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTitan Db ignoring index\n\nI have a graph with a couple of indices. ", "They're two composite indices with label restraints. (", "both are exactly the same just on different properties/labels).", "\nOne definitely seems to work but the other doesn't. ", "I've done the following profile() to doubled check:\nOne is called KeyOnNode : property uid and label node :\ngremlin> g.V().hasLabel(\"node\").has(\"uid\", \"xxxxxxxx\").profile().cap(...)\n==>Traversal Metrics\nStep Count Traversers Time (ms) % Dur\n=============================================================================================================\nTitanGraphStep([~label.eq(node), uid.eq(dammit_... 1 1 2.565 96.84\n optimization 1.383\n backend-query 1 0.231\nSideEffectCapStep([~metrics]) 1 1 0.083 3.16\n >TOTAL - - 2.648 -\n\nThe above is perfectly acceptable and works well. ", "I'm assuming the magic line is backend-query.", "\nThe other is called NameOnSuperNode : property name and label supernode:\ngremlin> g.V().hasLabel(\"supernode\").has(\"name\", \"xxxxxxxx\").profile().cap(...)\n==>Traversal Metrics\nStep Count Traversers Time (ms) % Dur\n=============================================================================================================\nTitanGraphStep([~label.eq(supernode), name.eq(n... 1 1 5763.163 100.00\n optimization 2.261\n scan 0.000\nSideEffectCapStep([~metrics]) 1 1 0.073 0.00\n >TOTAL - - 5763.236 -\n\nHere the query takes an outrageous amount of time and we have a scan line. ", "I originally wondered if the index wasn't commit through the management system but alas the following seems to work just fine : \ngremlin> m = graphT.openManagement(); \n==>com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.management.", "ManagementSystem@73c1c105\ngremlin> index = m.getGraphIndex(\"NameOnSuperNode\")\n==>NameOnSuperNode\ngremlin> index.getFieldKeys()\n==>name\ngremlin> import static com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.types.", "TypeDefinitionCategory.*", "\n==>null\ngremlin> sv = m.getSchemaVertex(index)\n==>NameOnSuperNode\ngremlin> rel = sv.getRelated(INDEX_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT, Direction.", "OUT)\n==>com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.types.", "SchemaSource$Entry@26b2b8e2\ngremlin> sse = rel.iterator().next()\n==>com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.types.", "SchemaSource$Entry@2d39a135\ngremlin> sse.getSchemaType()\n==>supernode\n\nI can't just reset the db at this point. ", "Any help pinpointing what the issues could be would be amazing, I'm hitting a wall here.", "\nIs this a sign that I need to reindex? ", "\nINFO: Titan DB 1.1 (TP 3.1.1)\nCheers \nUPDATE : I've found that the index in question is not in a REGISTERED state:\ngremlin> :> m = graphT.openManagement(); index = m.getGraphIndex(\"NameOnSuperNode\"); pkey = index.getFieldKeys()[0]; index.getIndexStatus(pkey)\n==>INSTALLED\n\nHow do I get it to register? ", "I've tried m.updateIndex(index, SchemaAction.", "REGISTER_INDEX).get(); m.commit(); graphT.tx().commit(); but it doesn't seem to do anything\nUPDATE 2 : I've tried regitering the index in order to reindex with the following : \ngremlin> m = graphT.openManagement(); \nindex = m.getGraphIndex(\"NameOnSuperNode\") ; \nimport static com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.types.", "TypeDefinitionCategory.*; ", "\nimport com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.management.", "ManagementSystem; \nm.updateIndex(index, SchemaAction.", "REGISTER_INDEX).get();\nManagementSystem.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graphT, \"NameOnSuperNode\").status(SchemaStatus.", "REGISTERED).timeout(20, java.time.temporal.", "ChronoUnit.", "MINUTES).call();\nm.commit();\ngraphT.tx().commit()\n\nBut this isn't working. ", "I still have my index in the INSTALLED status and I'm still getting a timeout. ", "I've checked that there were no open transactions. ", " Anyone have an idea? ", "FYI the graph is running on a single server and has ~100K vertices and ~130k edges.", "\n\nA:\n\nSo there are a few things that can be happening here:\n\nIf both of those indices you describe were not created in the same transaction (and the problem index in question was created in after the name propertyKey was already defined) then you should issue a reindex, as per Titan docs:\n\nThe name of a graph index must be unique. ", "Graph indexes built against\n newly defined property keys, i.e. property keys that are defined in\n the same management transaction as the index, are immediately\n available. ", "Graph indexes built against property keys that are already\n in use require the execution of a reindex procedure to ensure that the\n index contains all previously added elements. ", "Until the reindex\n procedure has completed, the index will not be available. ", "It is\n encouraged to define graph indexes in the same transaction as the\n initial schema.", "\n\nThe index may be timing out the process that takes to move from REGISTERED to INSTALLED, in which case you want to use mgmt.awaitGraphIndexStatus(). ", "You can even specify the amount of time you are willing to wait here.", "\nMake sure there are no open transactions on your graph or the index status will indeed not change, as described here.", "\nThis is clearly not the case for you, but there is a bug in Titan (fixed in JanusGraph via this PR) such that if you create an index against a newly created propertyKey as well as a previously used propertyKey, the index will get stuck in the REGISTERED state\nIndexes will not move to REGISTERED unless every Titan/JanusGraph node in the cluster acknowledges the index creation. ", "If your indexes are getting stuck in the INSTALLED state, there is a chance that the other nodes in the system are not acknowledging the indexes existence. ", "This can be due to issues with another server in the cluster, backfill in the messaging queue Titan/JanusGraph uses to talk with each other, or most unexpectedly: the existence of phantom instances. ", "These can occur every time your server is killed through non-normal JVM shutdown processes, i.e. kill -9 the server due to it being stuck in thrash the world garbage collection. ", "If you expect backfill to be the problem, the comments in this class offer good insight to customizable configuration options that may help fix the problem. ", "To check for the existence of phantom nodes, use this function and then this function to kill the phantom instances.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "2016 World rallycross champion Ekstrom ended his DTM career at the end of 2017 to focus on his World RX programme with his Audi-backed EKS team.", "\n\nBut, following Audi’s decision in August to end its support for the Swede’s squad and focus on Formula E and DTM from 2019, Ekstrom announced after the final round of the series in South Africa last week that he would step back from racing full-time in World RX.", "\n\nThe Audi driver believes it to be unlikely that he will return to DTM in 2019.", "\n\n“The bottom line is if there is a wish you can discuss, but if there is no place there is nothing to discuss,” he told Motorsport.com.", "\n\n“I’ve also been open minded and if someone would come and say ‘hey do you want to come and drive DTM’, I’d say ‘why not, but what’s the deal?’", "\n\n\"But, that hasn’t happened so I don’t even have to consider, and I’m also not 18 where I will go and run around and beg on my knees.", "\n\n\"I’ve done it for sure, but it needs a good commitment from me and it needs a team to commit as well and as Audi had a good team for sure they have smaller reason to do changes.”", "\n\nEkstrom says he is unsure what his future holds, having curtailed his final years in DTM with his rallycross exploits before focusing on rallycross full-time in 2018.", "\n\nIt was announced earlier this weekend that Ekstrom’s EKS teammate, Andreas Bakkerud, will take part in Audi’s upcoming DTM young driver test.", "\n\n“I have been a part of a long-term process and I am also not going to go there and yell and say ‘hey give me a spot’,” said Ekstrom.", "\n\n“For me it’s all fine and I can see that they have a good base. ", "I don’t know who will drive but as far as I know today there is no change and no place free. ", "There’s no offer to say come and run.”", "\n\nHaving lost out on a third DTM title in a final round decider at Hockenheim in 2017, Ekstrom made a final guest appearance in the German series at the 2018 season-opener at the same circuit.", "\n\nWith new regulations being introduced for 2019, Ekstrom says it’s a shame he never got to race with the more powerful cars.", "\n\n“I had my amazing days but like I said when I left, I did 20 years of DTM and was yelling that the cars are under powered, now finally they got more power,\" he said.", "\n\n\"That’s the only thing that’s a bit of a pain. ", "You manage to do 18 years, nobody is listening to you that you need more power, then you say you quit then the year after they have more power.", "\n\n\"I don’t regret anything at all, but I must say it’s a bit awkward and funny that it took so long for something like that to happen.”" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nTypescript: How to add type guards for enums in union types?", "\n\nThe following code gives errors:\n\nThe left-hand side of an 'instanceof' expression must be of type 'any', an object or a type parameter.", "\nType 'E | C' is not assignable to type 'E'. ", "Type 'C' is not assignable to type 'E'.", "\n\n enum E { FIRST = 1, SECOND = 2 }; \n\n class C {\n value: E; \n\n constructor(arg: C | E) {\n if (arg instanceof C) { // 1.", "\n this.value = arg.value;\n } else {\n this.value = arg; // 2.", "\n }\n }\n }\n\n var a: C = new C(E.SECOND);\n console.log('a.value = ' + a.value);\n\n var b: C = new C(a);\n console.log('b.value = ' + b.value);\n\nDespite the errors the code seems to compile fine on TypeScript Playground and does the expected.", "\n\nA:\n\nTwo issues.", "\nThere's a bug in the compiler that instanceof isn't allowed on union types when one of its constituents isn't an object type. ", "This is being fixed (https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2775)\nThe other thing is that instanceof does not cause narrowing in the else block (https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/1719) because failing an instanceof check doesn't necessarily mean the object doesn't match the specified interface. ", "This is currently \"by design\" but I'd encourage you to leave a comment that you find this behavior surprising or undesirable (I certainly do).", "\n\nA:\n\nRyan is, of course, both eloquent and accurate, but I can offer you a temporary workaround that you may find useful. ", "Despite its possible use, please don't accept this as the answer as long-term the resolution of the issues related to type guards will be better.", "\nclass C {\n value: E; \n\n constructor(arg: C | number) {\n if(typeof arg === 'number') {\n this.value = arg;\n } else {\n this.value = arg.value;\n }\n }\n}\n\nThis rather unsavoury solution leans on the fact that enums and numbers happily play together. ", "You also benefit from the side-effect of typeof checks narrowing the else statement.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007586537976749241, 0.0008841879898682237, 0.0006492847460322082, 0.0006894003017805517, 0.005222845356911421, 0.005803291220217943, 0.0010208290768787265, 0.0006209147977642715, 0.0008082689018920064, 0.0006709298468194902, 0.00056751340162009, 0.0005437546060420573, 0.0005315035814419389, 0.0014656068524345756, 0.0007801738101989031, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Q:\n\nDisplay form result in same page with only client-side script possible?", "\n\nI have a bit of a tricky work problem I hope to get some help with. ", "\nTo handle various forms and storing entries, we use an in-house tool which I cannot modify. ", "Basically what happens is:\n\nI enter he URL the original page, and the URL of the destination page after successful submission.", "\nThe tool spits out some HTML and Javascript code, the most important of which is a unique URL, let's call it (redactedURL), that goes after the action attribute. ", "\nWhen the form is submitted, the page will refresh to one of two possible destination URLs: the one I inputted if success, or (redactedURL) if error.", "\nI can download all the entries from the tool afterward.", "\n\nThe HTML is quite simple. ", "checkform() is a simple validation script.", "\n <form action=\"(redactedURL)\" name=\"enenForm\" method=\"POST\" onSubmit=\"return checkForm()\">\n\nThe issue with this is that I can't style the (redactedURL) error page, which is quite ugly. ", "I am wondering if there is anyway I could\n\nSuspend automatic display results of form submission\nDetermine the destination URL, and based on that, write out a custom thank you/error message (since I cannot access the server-side script, this seems to be the only solution to determine if the submission is successful or not).", "\nMake sure that tool still properly stores all the entries.", "\n\nAny help would be much appreciated. ", "Thanks!", "\n\nA:\n\nDon't use a form. ", "Instead use AJAX. ", "I think this SO Question will provide a start. ", "Basically you use JavaScript to submit data to a server using XMLHttpRequest. ", "The returned HTML is a string which you could either modify or (better yet) normalize and add to the DOM.", "\nFor an advanced example jQuery-Mobile does this concept when you click a link instead it gets the HTML from the server as an AJAX request copies the HTML inside the <body> and inserts it into the DOM.", "\nSearch for tutorials about AJAX and jQuery (or your prefered JS library). ", "Like this one.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006995988078415394, 0.0006772454944439232, 0.0005678602028638124, 0.0008635567501187325, 0.0007702168077230453, 0.0006309559685178101, 0.0005526040331460536, 0.0005899615352973342, 0.0006579007022082806, 0.009231163188815117, 0.0005586108891293406, 0.0007076578331179917, 0.0005323520745150745, 0.0007347408682107925, 0.0014471426839008927, 0.0007028100662864745, 0.0005720987101085484, 0.00074543128721416, 0.0008356116595678031, 0.0006222308147698641, 0.0005911505431868136, 0.0017026356654241681, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "Rachel Hartman\n\nThis is the author page for Rachel Hartman on Bookshelves at Online Book Club.", "\n\nForum Topics About Rachel Hartman\n\nYou must log in to view the forum discussion about this author. ", "No account? ", "Sign up for free now! ", "All you have to do is choose a username and password, and then you start saving books to your own shelves. ", "It's very easy!" ]
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[ "\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\t\t\t \r\n\t\t\t\t \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\tC-Track E-Filing\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n \r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t \r\n\t\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNevada\nAppellate Courts\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAppellate Case Management System\n\n\n\n\nC-Track, the browser based CMS for Appellate Courts\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tCase Search\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\tParticipant Search\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to a process for distillatively separating a mixture containing a vinyl ether of the general formula (I)R1—O—CH═CH2   (I)and alcohol of the general formula (II)R2—OH   (II)in which R1 and R2 are each independently a saturated or unsaturated, aliphatic or cycloaliphatic radical having from 2 to 10 carbon atoms, and in which the alcohol (II) has a boiling point which is at least 1° C. higher, measured at or extrapolated to 0.1 MPa abs, than the vinyl ether (I).", "\nVinyl ethers constitute an important compound class having a wide field of use. ", "For instance, they find use, inter alia, as monomer building blocks in polymers and copolymers, in coatings, adhesives, printing inks and in radiation-curative coating materials. ", "Further fields of use are the preparation of intermediates, fragrances and flavors, and also pharmaceutical products.", "\nVinyl ethers are generally prepared industrially by reacting the appropriate alcohols with ethyne in the presence of basic catalysts (see Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 6th edition, 2000 Electronic Release, Chapter “VINYL ETHERS—Production” and W. Reppe et al., ", "Justus Liebigs Ann. ", "Chem., ", "601 (1956), pages 135 to 138). ", "In addition to the catalyst and possible by-products, the reaction mixture formed comprises mainly the vinyl ether formed and the unconverted alcohol. ", "The two latter components, apart from the C1 derivatives, methyl vinyl ether/methanol, cannot be separated by simple distillation into fractions of the desired purity as a consequence of azeotrope formation. ", "This problem has hitherto been solved by the use of extraction and extraction distillation processes, in which one or more extraneous substances are added as auxiliaries and then removed again after separation into a vinyl ether- and an alcohol-containing fraction.", "\nFor instance, EP-A 0 415 334 describes the one- or multistage extraction of a vinyl ether- and alcohol-containing mixture with an aqueous solution of a base, in which a vinyl ether phse and an aqueous alcoholic phase are obtained and the alcohol is then obtained by distillation from the aqueous alcoholic phase.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "2,779,720 describes a process for separating a mixture which comprises an aliphatic vinyl ether and an aliphatic alcohol, in which this mixture is distilled together with water and a glycol or glycol ether. ", "The top product formed in this case is an azeotropic mixture of the vinyl ether and water, from which the vinyl ether can be obtained in a further distillation. ", "The bottom product remaining is a mixture comprising the alcohol and glycol or glycol ether, from which the alcohol can be obtained by a downstream distillation.", "\nDE-A 1 000 804 discloses a process for working up a mixture which comprises a monovinyl ether of a polyhydric alcohol and a polyhydric alcohol, in which this mixture is distilled together with water in an alkaline medium or subjected to a steam distillation. ", "The top product obtained in this case is an azeotropic mixture of the vinyl ether with water, and the residue remaining in the bottom is the alcohol. ", "The top fraction obtained in the distillation may optionally be extracted with a water-immiscible solvent to transfer the vinyl ether to the organic phase, from which it can be obtained by distillation.", "\nSU 1 616 888 describes the separation of a butanol- and butyl vinyl ether-containing mixture by extractive distillation with water. ", "The azeotropic mixture formed as a top product which contains the butyl vinyl ether and water is subsequently distilled to obtain the butyl vinyl ether. ", "The butanol-containing bottom product of the first distillation is worked up in a further distillation to obtain butanol.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,878,058 describes a process for obtaining alkyl vinyl ethers from a mixture containing the alkyl vinyl ether and an aliphatic alcohol, in which this mixture is distilled together with a glycol monoether. ", "In this process, the top product removed is the alkyl vinyl ether and the bottom product obtained is an alcohol- and glycol monoether-containing mixture. ", "This is separated in a subsequent distillation into the alcohol and the glycol monoether, and the latter is recycled to the first distillation stage.", "\nA disadvantage of all of the abovementioned processes is the use of one or more extraneous substances as auxiliaries. ", "This adds new compounds to the system which subsequently have to be removed again. ", "This is associated firstly with corresponding cost and inconvenience relating to the apparatus and process, and secondly with the risk of contamination of the vinyl ether and/or of the alcohol by residual amounts of these extraneous substances. ", "In addition, as a consequence of their intrinsic volume, the extraneous substances reduce the capacity of the distillation apparatus or require the use of larger distillation apparatus." ]
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[ "Taxonomy of '<i>Euconnus</i> complex'. ", "Part XVI. ", "<i>Alloconophron</i> Franz transferred to <i>Anhoraeomorphus</i> Franz as subgenus, with notes on systematic position of <i>Noctophus</i> Casey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scydmaeninae).", "\nBased on examination of type species, Alloconophron, previously a subgenus of Euconnus, is placed as a subgenus of Anhoraeomorphus, resulting in Anhoraeomorphus (Alloconophron) grucheti (Franz) comb. ", "n. and Anhoraeomorphus (Alloconophron) impressifrons (Franz) comb. ", "n. All species of Anhoraeomorphus are known to occur in Madagascar. ", "Noctophus stat. ", "rest., ", "a North American taxon originally described as a genus and later placed as a subgenus of Euconnus, is restituted as genus and redefined. ", "Noctophus is morphologically surprisingly similar to Anhoraeomorphus, it also shares many structures with the Australo-Pacific Sciacharis. ", "As Noctophus is known from one species represented by a single female holotype only, and the maxillary palps of this specimen are missing, the proposed placement of Noctophus is tentative and requires further study based on complete male specimens." ]
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[ "Kazakhstan has a right to withdraw from the Eurasian Economic Union if its interests are infringed, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev reminded in an interview to Khabar TV Channel.", "\n\n\"If the rules set forth in the agreement are not followed, Kazakhstan has a right to withdraw from the Eurasian Economic Union. ", "I have said this before and I am saying this again. ", "Kazakhstan will not be part of organizations that pose a threat to our independence. ", "Our independence is our dearest treasure, which our grandfathers fought for. ", "First of all, we will never surrender it to someone, and secondly, we will do our best to protect it,\" the President said.", "\n\nMany say that Kazakhstan will be discriminated in the Eurasian Union, but \"that's not true. ", "When the Presidents of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus get together to make decisions, if any one of the three is against something, the decision is not made. ", "This is called consensus. ", "If I do not like their decision, I will speak up against it, and it will not be adopted. ", "This means that we all have equal rights,“ Nursultan Nazarbayev said.", "\n\n\"In the Eurasian Economic Commission, there are three representatives from each country and three Vice-Prime-Ministers. ", "They also make their decisions together. ", "The same applies to meetings of the heads of governments,\" the President concluded.", "\n\nWriting by Assel Satubaldina, editing by Tatyana Kuzmina" ]
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[ "But now, federal regulators are raising concerns about two such programs operated by AT&T and Verizon, saying that although they potentially help customers get more out of their plans, the programs pose “significant risks to consumers and competition” and may even violate a key part of the government's net neutrality rules.", "\n\nThe warning comes as part of a white paper published by the Federal Communications Commission, which finds that AT&T's Sponsored Data plan and Verizon's FreeBee Data program could choke off the rise of online video companies that are not owned by or affiliated with the telecom giants.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\n“Our concerns,” the report said of AT&T's plan, “are based in part, but not entirely, on the fact that unaffiliated mobile video service providers must pay a significant, clearly identifiable amount of money for the sponsored data needed to offer streaming video programming to … subscribers on a zero-rated basis.”", "\n\nConsumer advocates argue that zero-rating potentially advantages large, wealthy companies at the expense of smaller start-ups or small businesses that cannot hope to afford special treatment by the network operators. ", "Services such as T-Mobile's Binge On pose less of a problem, the FCC said, in part because they don't involve any fees between content companies and the Internet provider.", "\n\nBut AT&T's practice of exempting its own video service from mobile data caps is different, the FCC said. ", "Not only does AT&T charge other content companies who may want to participate in the program, but AT&T has not shown, despite its claims, that it offers the same terms to all companies, including its own, the agency said.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\n“It may be the case that it's fair, but we have no way of telling,” said an FCC official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue publicly. ", "The official added that the FCC would probably revise its report if it received further information about the deal between AT&T and its subsidiary, but that AT&T has not provided enough evidence. ", "Officials from major fixed and wireless Internet providers met with FCC staff throughout 2016 to explain their plans.", "\n\nIn a statement, AT&T questioned the FCC's objections to a practice that gives consumers the ability “to watch video without incurring any data charges. ", "This practice, which has been embraced by AT&T and other broadband providers, has enabled millions of consumers to enjoy the latest popular content and services — for free.”", "\n\nSimilarly, the FCC said Verizon's FreeBee program could give the carrier's own online video product, go90, an artificial advantage over other video providers. ", "But go90 is not as developed as DirecTV Now, it said, and is less of a direct competitor to services such as Sling TV, Hulu and Netflix.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nAspects of programs such as AT&T's may run afoul of the FCC's net neutrality rules, the FCC said, by violating the “general conduct rule” — a catchall clause designed to give regulators the ability to investigate carrier behavior if it is suspected to be anti-competitive." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nQuick Edit not allowing records in list to be edited\n\nMy SharePoint list has Quick Edit enabled. ", "But whenever I am in Quick Edit mode, nothing in the list is editable.", "\nThe view changes like it's supposed to when you initiate a Quick Edit, but the cells cannot be edited.", "\nAny help is appreciated. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nVerify whether it is happening for all columns or few of them, generally in multiline text column this problem occurs, so if there is any multiline column, verify the below steps :\n\nAccess the SharePoint List\nClick on List >> List Settings.", "\nClick on the multiline text field for which you want to change the\ntext format\nSelect the type of text as “Enhanced rich text”\n\nFor more details please click here. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Walls Come Tumbling Down!", "\n\n\"Walls Come Tumbling Down!\" ", "is a song by the English band The Style Council which was their ninth single to be released. ", "It was composed by lead singer Paul Weller, and was released in 1985. ", "It is the first single from the band's second album, Our Favourite Shop (1985). ", "Our Favourite Shop was renamed Internationalists for the U.S. market.", "\n\nThe song \"Blood Sports\", which appeared on the single, is about anti-hunting and anti-animal blood sports. ", "Its writing royalties went to the Bristol Defence Fund for two hunt saboteurs jailed for anti-blood sports activities.", "\n\nCompilation appearances\nAs well as the song's single release, it has featured on various compilation albums released by The Style Council. ", "The song was included on The Singular Adventures of The Style Council, The Complete Adventures of The Style Council, and Greatest Hits.", "\n\nTrack listing\n 12\" single (TSCX 8)\n\"Walls Come Tumbling Down!\"", "\n\"Spin' Drifting\"\n\"The Whole Point II\"\n\"Blood Sports\"\n\n 7\" single (TSCX 8)\n\"Walls Come Tumbling Down!\" - ", "3:25\n\"The Whole Point II\" - 2:50\n\"Blood Sports\" - 3:25\n\nCharts\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1985 singles\nCategory:The Style Council songs\nCategory:Songs written by Paul Weller\nCategory:1985 songs\nCategory:Polydor Records singles" ]
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[ "The nervous system is divided broadly into two categories: the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. ", "The peripheral nervous system is composed of sensory neurons and the neurons that connect them to the spinal cord and brain, which make up the central nervous system, and performs nerve conduction.", "\nThe peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system, and the somatic nervous system is divided into cranial nerves and spinal nerves. ", "Meanwhile, depending on the function thereof, the somatic nervous system is divided into afferent (or sensory) nerve fibers and efferent (or motor) nerve fibers. ", "The afferent (or sensory) nerve fibers are responsible for transmitting nerve signals derived from sensory receptors to central nerves, and the efferent (or motor) nerve fibers are responsible for performing nerve conduction from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and secretory glands.", "\nCranial nerves, peripheral nerves emerging from the brain, are organized into twelve pairs which consist of sensory, motor and mixed nerve fibers. ", "The twelve pairs of cranial nerves are olfactory nerves, optic nerves, oculomotor nerves, trochlear nerves, trigeminal nerves, abducens nerves, facial nerves, vestibulocochlear nerves, glossopharyngeal nerves, vagus nerves, accessory nerves and hypoglossal nerves.", "\nOf these, nerves composed of sensory or combined nerve fibers are olfactory nerves, optic nerves, abducens nerves, facial nerves, vestibulocochlear nerves, glossopharyngeal nerves and vagus nerves.", "\nThe spinal nerves, peripheral nerves coming out of the spinal cord, are organized into 31 pairs in the left and right sides of the body: 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 1 coccygeal. ", "The spinal nerves are all mixed nerve fibers, each of which contains both sensory nerve fibers supplied to the skin, and motor nerves supplied to the muscles.", "\nSensory nerve fibers, i.e., sensory nerves, accurately serve to transmit stimuli, e.g., light, sound, temperature or touch received by sensory acceptors such as the visual organ, auditory organ, olfactory organ, gustatory organ and the skin, to the central nervous system. ", "Then, the nerve signals are finally transmitted from the central nervous system to the sensory areas, e.g., visual and auditory areas, in the cerebral cortex, to perform normal sensation.", "\nHowever, these peripheral nerves may be injured by factors such as viral infection, tumors, cancers, ischemia, trauma, compression, pharmacotherapy or actinotherapy. ", "The injury symptoms include peripheral tingling, numbness and burning sensation, decrease in intrinsic and vibration angles of joints, and joint pain, dysesthesia, chills and burning, etc.", "\nThese peripheral nerve injuries are generally divided into traumatic peripheral nerve injuries, congenital peripheral nerve injuries, inflammatory peripheral nerve injuries, toxic peripheral nerve injuries, and other tumorous or idiopathic peripheral nerve injuries (Dyck, et al. ", "WB Sounders Co. Philadelphia. ", "Peripheral Neuropathy, 1435-1451, (1984); Brown W F. The place of Electro-myography in the analysis of Traumatic peripheral nerve lesion. ", "In (1987): Brown W F, Bolton, C F. Clinical Electromyography. ", "Butterworth, 159-175).", "\nOf these, the traumatic peripheral nerve injuries increasingly occur in more various patterns, due to increased industrial mishaps and traffic accidents, and generalized sport and leisure which are caused by the industrial development and rapid automobile popularization.", "\nIn the treatment of traumatic peripheral nerve injury caused by physical injury to nerves, symptomatic therapy is currently used for the purpose of symptom relief. ", "For example, there are operations, e.g., removal of the wound site around the injured tissue to promote regeneration of peripheral nerves (Kline D G et al. ", "Civilian gunshot wound to brachial plexus. ", "70, 166-174, (1989)), an operation to directly bind upper and lower portions of the injured site (Kline D G, Judice D J: Operative management of selected brachial plexus lesions. ", "J Neurosurg 58, 631-649, (1983)), and peripheral nerve grafting (Millesi H; Brachial plexus injuries. ", "Nerve grafting. ", "Clin Orthop 237, 36-42. (", "1988)).", "\nMeanwhile, there are several conservative therapies, e.g., electrotherapy to prevent the degeneration of neuromuscular junctions and muscular atrophy, while awaiting voluntary nerve regeneration (al-Amood W S, Lewis D M, Schmalbruch H, Effects of chronic electrical stimulation on contractile properties of long-term denervated rat skeletal muscle. ", "J Physiol (London) 441, 243-256, (1991), and exercise therapy generally-used in partial injuries, to prevent weakness and atrophy of muscular strength and promote collateral sprouting of nerves. ", "Another conservative therapy is the use of an orthotic to protect the joint and prevent muscle and ligament injury (Gravois M, Garrison S J, Hart K A, Lehmkuhl L D: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Massachusetts: Blackwell Science, 432-433, (2000)). ", "Furthermore, there is a drug therapy to relieve the pain caused by nerve injury using local anesthetics and antispasmodics.", "\nHowever, the operative therapies may induce secondary injury, and clinically useful drugs which directly act on the injured peripheral nerve system to fundamentally treat the injury are hardly known in the field of drug therapy.", "\nMeanwhile, the granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) specifically acts on neutrophil stem cells to promote the proliferation and differentiation of neutrophils and increase antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. ", "In addition, G-CSF promotes IgA-mediated phagocytosis and increases superoxide production performance. ", "Accordingly, G-CSF is known to improve reactivity to chemotactic peptides, inhibits occurrence of infectious diseases, and reduces the frequency of pyrexia.", "\nIn addition, G-CSF is believed to have little effect upon leukemic stem cells in the body, since it acts on more differentiated bone marrow cells, as compared to other CSFs such as granulocyte-macrophage CSFs (GM-CSFs). ", "Accordingly, G-CSF is widely used for anti-cancer chemotherapy, administration of a great amount of anti-cancer agent, combination therapy with radiotherapy, and a drug for promoting rehabilitation of neutrophils after bone narrow implantation (Julie M. Vores et al., ", "Clinical Applications of Hematopoietic Growth Factors, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 13, 1023-1035, (1995)).", "\nSuch G-CSF acts as a hematopoietic agent that primarily acts on the proliferation and differentiation of neutrophils, which is primarily used for the treatment of neutropenia caused by bone marrow transplantation and anti-cancer administration and is responsible for increasing neutrophils in myelodysplastic syndromes, aplastic anemia, serious chronic neutropenia (such as congenital, cyclic or idiopathic neutropenia), HIV-infected patients and preventing infectious diseases caused by decreased neutrophils.", "\nIn recent years, a great deal of research has been conducted on, in addition to clinical use of G-CSF for the neutropenia, on administration of G-CSF alone or in combination with an antibiotic for the treatment of infectious diseases, based on the expectation that G-CSF promotes neutrophil production and reinforces neutrophil performance, thus being potent for preventing and treating various infectious diseases such as pneumonia or septicemia.", "\nSeveral therapeutic agents using G-CSF, based on various physiological activities, were suggested. ", "For example, Korean Patent Application No. ", "10-2005-7019543 discloses a diabetes treatment comprising one or more stem cell-recruiting factors such as G-CSFs as active ingredients. ", "In addition, Korean Patent Application No. ", "10-2006-7008042 discloses a fibroblast-mobilizing agent using G-CSF to simply recruit fibroblasts into wounded tissues and engraft the fibroblasts in the wounded tissues, thereby healing the wounds.", "\nHowever, there is no research that recognizes the treatment of traumatic peripheral nerve injuries as a novel use of G-CSF." ]
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[ "Networked computing is becoming increasingly more important to the success of many businesses today. ", "Networked computers provide access to a wide variety of information and services ranging from games, blog sites, and merchant websites, to mission critical services. ", "Many of these networked computers involve server devices that are configured to perform a plurality of other activities along with their intended business related activity. ", "Some of these other activities may include managing data redundancy, failover services, managing connections, as well as managing security activities. ", "As the non-business related activities managed by a server device increases, the server device may become overloaded, resulting in reduced performance, effectivity, and/or throughput. ", "Therefore, it may be desirable to minimize the amount of non-business related activities performed by a server device. ", "Thus, it is with respect to these considerations, and others, that the present invention has been made." ]
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[ "Iran deal is a step toward reimagining the Middle East\n\nJuly 14, 2015The Boston Globe\n\nStephen Kinzer, visiting fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affiars, writes an op-ed about the implications of the recent deal struck with Iran announced by the United States and five other world powers. ", "The agreement focused on Iran's nuclear program, but it's true meaning is that \"It is a step toward reimagining the Middle East and America’s role there,\" Kinzer wrote." ]
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[ "Enjoy a Book\n\nWelcome to the Book Nook! ", "Whatever your reading pleasure or fancy, the\nBook Nook will bring you suggestions and reviews to spin off ideas for\nyour next book to read.", "\n\nBest Books of the Year!", "\n\nWhether a books is good is a personal call, but here are the best books of 2011 according to some well-known publications and critics. ", "You'll find fiction and nonfiction selections in these lists. ", "Any maybe you'll hook up with a good read for you!", "\n\nBlue-Ribbon Books: National Book Awards 2011\n\nLast evening, two blocks from Occupy Wall Street, authors were anxiously occupying their time at a dinner ceremony to announce the winners of the National Book Awards 2011.Jesmyn Ward’sSalvage the Bones, a 12-day account of a poor African-American family trying to weather Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi, won the National Book Award for fiction. ", "The Swerve: How the World Became Modern by Stephen Greenblatt took the top prize in the non-fiction category. ", "Visit the National Book Foundation website to find out about other winners.", "\n\nRunning the Books\n\nKathrine Switzer, the first woman to officially enter the Boston Marathon (1967), was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame on October 1, 2011. ", "She broke the gender barrier and paved the way for women in running. ", "She still runs and today and is an award-winning television commentator. ", "Her book, Marathon Woman, is available at the library as well as this 2011 selection Running for Women.", "\n\nFood Choices: Making it Easier to be Green!", "\n\nCall it being green, eco-friendly, or just plain healthy. ", "Have a look at Food Choices , a list of books about growing or finding fresh and local foods. ", "These books are available locally right at Liverpool Public Library. ", "Place holds now from the list or visit the library stacks to \"pick your own.\"" ]
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[ 0.00110588688403368, 0.0008578160195611417, 0.0008225697674788535, 0.000554569240193814, 0.0006073912372812629, 0.0009336851071566343, 0.0007160123204812407, 0.0008390744915232062, 0.000578178558498621, 0.0006793580832891166, 0.004214673303067684, 0.0008779813651926816, 0.0010116834891960025, 0.000719115138053894, 0.0007669889600947499, 0.000608961854595691, 0.0005623463657684624, 0.00126085861120373 ]
[ " FILED\n NOT FOR PUBLICATION JUN 09 2011\n\n MOLLY C. DWYER, CLERK\n UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS U .S. C O U R T OF APPE ALS\n\n\n\n\n FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT\n\n\n\nUNITED STATES OF AMERICA, No. ", "09-50232\n\n Plaintiff - Appellee, D.C. No. ", "2:08-cr-01054-GAF\n\n v.\n MEMORANDUM *\nJORGE ALBERTO CRUZ-\nARRELLANO, a.k.a. ", "Juan Jose Cruz-\nOrellana,\n\n Defendant - Appellant.", "\n\n\n\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Central District of California\n Gary A. Feess, District Judge, Presiding\n\n Submitted May 24, 2011 **\n\nBefore: PREGERSON, THOMAS, and PAEZ, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n Jorge Alberto Cruz-Arrellano appeals form his guilty-plea conviction and\n\nthe 70-month sentence for being a deported alien found in the United States, in\n\nviolation of 8 U.S.C. § 1326. ", "Pursuant to Anders v. California, 386 U.S. 738\n\n *\n This disposition is not appropriate for publication and is not precedent\nexcept as provided by 9th Cir. ", "R. 36-3.", "\n **\n The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision\nwithout oral argument. ", "See Fed. ", "R. App. ", "P. 34(a)(2).", "\n\f(1967), Cruz-Arrellano’s counsel has filed a brief stating there are no grounds for\n\nrelief, along with a motion to withdraw as counsel of record. ", "We have provided\n\nthe appellant with the opportunity to file a pro se supplemental brief. ", "No pro se\n\nsupplemental brief or answering brief has been filed.", "\n\n Our independent review of the record pursuant to Penson v. Ohio, 488 U.S.\n\n75, 80-81 (1988), discloses no arguable grounds for relief on direct appeal.", "\n\n Counsel’s motion to withdraw is GRANTED, and the district court’s\n\njudgment is AFFIRMED.", "\n\n In accordance with United States v. Rivera-Sanchez, 222 F.3d 1057, 1062\n\n(9th Cir. ", "2000), we remand the case to the district court with instructions that it\n\ndelete from the judgment the incorrect reference to 8 U.S.C. § 1326(b)(2). ", "See\n\nUnited States v. Herrera-Blanco, 232 F.3d 715, 719 (9th Cir. ", "2000) (remanding\n\nsua sponte to delete the reference to § 1326(b)).", "\n\n AFFIRMED; REMANDED to correct the judgment.", "\n\n\n\n\n 2 09-50232\n\f" ]
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[ "For indispensable reporting on the coronavirus crisis, the election, and more, subscribe to the Mother Jones Daily newsletter.", "\n\n\n\n\n\nCalifornia’s Department of Managed Health Care randomly selected 90 (of more than 1,000) cancelled individual Blue Cross plans and investigated whether the company had cause to cancel them. ", "Score: 0 for 90. ", "Blue Cross broke the rules in every single case.", "\n\nThe policies were individually purchased plans in which policy holders had become pregnant or sick, apparently triggering Blue Cross to rescind the policy. ", "Retroactively—leaving individuals, hospitals and doctors holding the bag for care already provided. ", "Policies can only be legally rescinded if the applicant lies on the application to conceal pre-existing conditions.", "\n\nIndividuals pay exorbitant premiums for coverage purchased outside of employer group plans, and are also more vulnerable to such cancellations in California law. ", "But this is bad news for everyone, not just those who have to buy individual plans. ", "Who pays when hospitals and doctors aren’t reimbursed? ", "The taxpayers do, one way or the other. ", "The taxpayers also paid for the state’s investigation, whose end result is a measly $1-million suit against Blue Cross, whose annual profit is more than three times that. ", "Blue Cross policy holders funded an entire department of the company devoted to finding reasons to cancel the policies of sick or pregnant people.", "\n\nAbout 6.5 million California residents, or about 18 percent of the population, lack health insurance." ]
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[ "A revised checklist of Nepticulidae fossils (Lepidoptera) indicates an Early Cretaceous origin.", "\nWith phylogenetic knowledge of Lepidoptera rapidly increasing, catalysed by increasingly powerful molecular techniques, the demand for fossil calibration points to estimate an evolutionary timeframe for the order is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. ", "The family Nepticulidae is a species rich, basal branch within the phylogeny of the Lepidoptera, characterized by larval leaf-mining habits, and thereby represents a potentially important lineage whose evolutionary history can be established more thoroughly with the potential use of fossil calibration points. ", "Using our experience with extant global Nepticulidae, we discuss a list of characters that may be used to assign fossil leaf mines to Nepticulidae, and suggest useful methods for classifying relevant fossil material. ", "We present a checklist of 79 records of Nepticulidae representing adult and leaf-mine fossils mentioned in literature, often with multiple exemplars constituting a single record. ", "We provide our interpretation of these fossils. ", "Two species now are included in the collective generic name Stigmellites: Stigmellites resupinata (Krassilov, 2008) comb. ", "nov. (", "from Ophiheliconoma) and Stigmellites almeidae (Martins-Neto, 1989) comb. ", "nov. (", "from Nepticula). ", "Eleven records are for the first time attributed to Nepticulidae. ", "After discarding several dubious records, including one possibly placing the family at a latest Jurassic position, we conclude that the oldest fossils likely attributable to Nepticulidae are several exemplars representing a variety of species from the Dakota Formation (USA). ", "The relevant strata containing these earliest fossils are now dated at 102 Ma (million years ago) in age, corresponding to the latest Albian Stage of the Early Cretaceous. ", "Integration of all records in the checklist shows that a continuous presence of nepticulid-like leaf mines preserved as compression-impression fossils and by amber entombment of adults have a fossil record extending to the latest Early Cretaceous." ]
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[ "Wyatt Russell in Lodge 49. ", "Photo: Michael Moriatis/AMC\n\nIn the era of Peak TV, when a powerful hook has never been more important to grabbing people’s attention, AMC’s Lodge 49 stands out by being quiet. ", "It’s a show that foregrounds mood over plot; binge-friendly story beats or artificial cliffhangers are nowhere to be found. ", "Its deliberate pacing allows not just for characters to organically develop or individual moments to cement in the imagination, but also for a feeling to take root. ", "That feeling lies at the intersection of community, long-term grief, a pervasive alienation befitting our cultural climate, and a spiritual magic that lies just out of reach. ", "Though Lodge 49 is technically a “hangout show,” that description doesn’t quite do justice to what it offers. ", "It extends a sense of belonging for those who have always had trouble finding their niche.", "\n\nThat lofty exegesis admittedly doesn’t explain what Lodge 49 is “about,” an idea that AMC has embraced in the teaser trailers for its second season, which premieres tonight. (", "Each trailer cheekily presents the show in different genres: A-Team-esque action series, one-size-fits-all medical drama, daytime soap.) ", "Set in Long Beach, California, Lodge 49 follows Sean “Dud” Dudley (Wyatt Russell), an ex-surfer suffering from a debilitating snake bite and reeling from his father’s mysterious death, as he serendipitously joins a fraternal order known as the Ancient and Benevolent Order of the Lynx. ", "He’s welcomed into the order by “Luminous Knight” and plumbing salesman Ernie Fontaine (Brent Jennings), who teaches him the traditions of the Lynx and gives him a key to Lodge 49, their meeting place. ", "Though the Lodge primarily serves as a communal space for its members, Dud connects with the order’s complex mythology, which involves alchemy and secret scrolls and centuries-old philosophy. ", "It provides him acceptance in an otherwise rudderless existence.", "\n\nSeries creator Jim Gavin and showrunner Peter Ocko describe Lodge 49 as a contemporary Arthurian fable. ", "Dud, the squire, meets Ernie, the knight, and the two of them embark on a quest to save the Lodge. ", "The analog extends to other characters in their immediate sphere: Liz (Sonya Cassidy), Dud’s sister who has been saddled with their father’s debt, is the “witch” who’s been cursed with a financial burden; Larry Loomis (Kenneth Walsh), the Lodge’s former Sovereign Protector, is the fallen king; Blaze (David Pasquesi), the resident alchemy expert, plays the Merlin role. ", "The first season was about a squire and a knight finding each other in the last days of their chosen king’s reign. ", "In the second, the wrong king — hard-ass patrol officer Scott Wright (Eric Allan Kramer) — has taken the throne, the knight has fallen off his horse, and the squire is the only one trying to make things right.", "\n\nHowever, that layer of storytelling only captures a sliver of Lodge 49’s unique soul. ", "When writing the pilot, Gavin says he began with the “image of a young man knocking on a door and an older man opening it,” and then proceeded to filter in a lifetime of private obsessions and personal experiences. ", "There’s his longstanding interest in secret societies, of course, and a litany of literary influences to that effect — the title alludes to Thomas Pynchon’s famous novella, but Gavin also cites writers Thomas De Quincy, G.K. Chesterton, Jorge Luis Borges, Evan S. Connell, and Muriel Spark, all of whom are concerned with what he calls “a world with a kind of strangeness, a world filled with libraries and mirrors.” ", "But Lodge 49 also incorporates the history of Long Beach and its declining aerospace industry, the post-recession debt crisis, the casual grifts baked into the marketing and service industries, a free-floating sense of loss (both personal and cultural), and the struggle to find meaning and stability in a late-capitalist landscape where the death of the traditional American Dream is taken as a given. ", "All of these elements derive from Gavin’s own background as a fifth-generation Long Beach resident who has drifted toward wayward turns rather than direct paths.", "\n\nBy his own admission, Jim Gavin had many failed careers that constitute a wasteland of one’s twenties. ", "He worked at a gas station through high school and college. ", "He was a sportswriter for a local paper. ", "He spent time in food service and temp jobs. ", "He worked as a plumbing salesman, like his father before him, and spent a couple years driving around Southern California selling toilets to wholesalers. ", "He was even a production assistant at Jeopardy!.", "\n\nIn his thirties, Gavin signed up for the UCLA Extension writers’ program and studied under writer and instructor Lou Mathews. ", "He eventually received Stanford University’s prestigious Stegner Fellowship in creative writing, then later landed a byline in the New Yorker on the basis of an unsolicited fiction submission, which led to him publishing a short story collection, Middle Men, in 2014. ", "Middle Men features seven stories that chronicle men in different stages of life, from adolescence to old age, as they grapple with their own limitations, the existential monotony of the daily professional grind, and a catalog of potent, yet mundane experiences.", "\n\n“When I wrote Lodge 49, I was basically struggling to find teaching work,” Gavin tells me. “", "I had this disillusion that because I published a book I would be a desirable teaching candidate, but in the end, I was just another jerk with a book.” ", "Gavin always figured that he’d eventually end up teaching high school, likely coaching a JV basketball team. ", "The shadow of television ultimately got in the way.", "\n\n“I would say that if it had been my ambition to do any of this, none of it would have happened,” Gavin notes. “", "I fell into it like an idiot and I’m very lucky I did.” ", "He credits an insanely kind universe for his good fortune and admits to feeling like it’s all going to come back to destroy him.", "\n\nThe script for Lodge 49 eventually found its way into AMC and into the hands of Ocko, a veteran TV writer and producer with over 30 years of experience. ", "Ocko ultimately helped get the series off the ground and create a space for Gavin, a TV neophyte, to flourish. “", "Peter has this amazing overall view of things, like thematically and story-wise, that I lack. ", "I’m a little better on the microscopic level.” ", "Gavin explains. “", "I’m lucky to be working with a showrunner who’s very secure in himself because he gives me a lot of freedom but he also often stops me from going over a cliff.”", "\n\nThough confident in his own abilities, Ocko says that he’s learned so much from working with Gavin. “", "I’ve never worked with someone who has such an ability to drop into a scene and speak for the characters in a way that only those characters could speak. ", "We come up with crazy stories and strange universes, and Jim will find a way to put it in the characters’ mouths so that it all seems very real. ", "It’s a beautiful thing.”", "\n\nYet, Lodge 49 poses an interesting problem in a congested media landscape. ", "How does a hyper-specific show with such a unique tone, which asks quite a bit of viewers in terms of pace and mystery, make itself known? ", "Is there an anxiety about fighting for air?", "\n\n“One thing I’ve always been confident of is that we’re making our own thing,” Gavin insists. “", "We’re not competing with any other show in terms of the story and what we’re trying to tell, it’s just we are competing with a very crowded field with lots of great stuff. ", "Like anyone else, I feel overwhelmed by it.”", "\n\nOcko insists that Lodge 49 feels at home in the current environment, especially since the advent of streaming has helped disintegrate the concept of runtime-defining genre. “", "Ten years ago, this would have been put into a half-hour format,” he says. “", "No one would have been able to see it as an hour and I think that would have changed it pretty dramatically. ", "This moment allows a show like Lodge, which definitely straddles both comedy and drama, to thrive.”", "\n\nGavin and Ocko want Lodge 49 to be like a refuge from the complexities of the real world, a show to relax with and enjoy instead of acting like a homework assignment. “", "The bar for me is I watch a lot of television with my cellphone in my hand,” Ocko continues. “", "The phone is competing with the television, which is so sad, but it’s true, and we want to make a show that makes people want to engage with it. ", "You look up not because you have to, because there’s a dead body or a gunshot, but because you want to.”", "\n\nFor a show that encompasses so many ideas, it can be difficult to pinpoint what exactly makes Lodge 49’s loyal audience “look up.” ", "I would wager that it has something to do with its commitment to real-life communities and communal spaces. ", "In the show, the Lodge is a meeting place for disparate people, often in the second acts of their personal and professional lives, to come together, drink, and commiserate. ", "But it’s also a place for people to connect with something magical, the potential for bigger-than-life coincidences. (", "As Ocko puts it, “We don’t believe in an angry God. ", "We believe in a God with great comic timing.”)", "\n\n“One thing that is missing in a lot of our lives is a sense of mystery,” Gavin argues. “", "I think everything is explained in some ways. ", "There must be a place you can go and at least pretend for a little while that there are things beyond knowing that you might have access to, or that your life might have just a sense of grandeur inside the walls of the lodge that might be missing in the daylight world.”", "\n\nGavin explains that Lodge 49 partially came out of this feeling that society has lost these communal areas somewhere down the line, likely ceding territory to virtual and online communities. “", "I would drive by these old dusty lodges just imagining what they were like filled and the type of people who were in them. ", "I think there is a difference to seeing someone face to face. ", "In some sense, that’s what makes Lodge 49 a fantasy. ", "I will admit to being someone who is solitary in a way that I had not imagined my adulthood being.”", "\n\n“It’s no accident that it’s touched a nerve in people during the era of social media,” Ocko argues. “", "I think just portraying people who show up at a place to have a beer, who are not on their phones, who occasionally help each other, or at the very least care, in person, matters.”", "\n\nGavin populates Lodge 49 with people who need that sense of community partially because they’re in dire economic straits. ", "No character in the series is financially secure. ", "Dud frequently visits a local shifty pawnbroker to hock possessions or to secure terrible loans. ", "Ernie struggles with being demoted at work after a lengthy sales career. ", "Everyone scrounges for work, often relying on the gig economy to get them through each month. ", "No other series on the air has so many scenes set in a temp agency.", "\n\nLodge 49 functions as a rebuke against a Protestant work ethic, the idea that work should be a central, dutiful force in one’s life. ", "These characters, all working-class figures on the margins of society, work to exist as opposed to existing to work. ", "Dud, in particular, views money merely as a means to an end, and doesn’t care about having a traditional career. ", "His sister Liz, on the other hand, feels the weight of lost potential and falls into an existential crisis after crawling out from a mountain of debt. “", "As kids, me and my brother would play Chutes and Ladders, and for some reason, I always thought it was more fun going down the chute than climbing the ladder even if that meant losing,” Liz explains in the season premiere, perfectly capturing the aimlessness at the heart of Lodge 49.", "\n\n“[Ocko] always says that we’re the least aspirational show on TV, and that’s really hard for some people to take in,” Gavin admits. “", "Television is so full of aspirational characters, and that’s the drive, and you’re supposed to feel happy when they achieve some end. ", "I think Dud is such a unique character because of his attitude toward money. ", "If Dud had a million dollars, he wouldn’t change a thing in his life. ", "He would probably just redistribute it. ", "That’s just natural to his character. ", "It is, on a weird, goofy level, subversive.”", "\n\nIt’s one of many ways Lodge 49 engages with the zeitgeist without being indebted to it. ", "Gavin and Ocko pride themselves on crafting the series to be somewhat timeless. ", "They point to the show’s lack of pop-culture references and its distinct soundtrack — a combination of classic/contemporary surf rock and under-the-radar indie tracks from bands like the Lilys and Broadcast, all of which you won’t hear on any other series — as examples of its everlasting quality. “", "I like the idea that our show is its own reference point,” Ocko says. “", "It could exist at different points in American history.”", "\n\nAt the same time, though, Lodge 49 absolutely captures the tenuous, isolating feeling of being alive right now. ", "Everything from Dud’s search for purpose to the snarky digs at corporate-speak infiltrating the mainstream reflects an American society fracturing in real time. ", "The series throws away more satirical insight about modern life than most other shows can muster. (", "My favorite from this season: Blaze quickly explaining away his homelessness by saying that an investment group bought up his apartment complex and tripled the rent. “", "You can’t fight progress,” he sarcastically shrugs.) ", "But it’s potent precisely because Lodge 49 incorporates it into the series infrastructure rather than putting it front and center. “", "For better or worse, catastrophe is timeless,” Gavin argues.", "\n\n“I often go back to this James Joyce line,” he muses. “", "He wrote a letter to his brother, and it said, ‘Cruelty is weakness.’ ", "And the people who have power are cruel and weak. ", "I think Lodge 49, in its own way, without talking about it, provides a repose to that.”" ]
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[ "pistol instructor training\n\nThis group of active duty Marines approached us about cooridinating an instructor class for them mostly in the evening hours. ", "Wanting to support our nation’s military, we rose to the occasion. ", "We scheduled the required…" ]
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[ "Malaysia Airlines close to receiving first A380\n\nMalaysia Airlines stated (10-May-2012) it is close to receiving its first A380 which recently returned to Toulouse following completion of interior furnishing and testing of cabin systems. ", "The aircraft is currently undergoing final system checks prior to the start of the customer acceptance and delivery process at the end of May-2012. ", "The airline plans to enter the aircraft in commercial service on its Kuala Lumpur-London Heathrow route from 01-Jul-2012. ", "Malaysia Airlines has six A380s on order which will be powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines. [", "more - original PR]\n\nYou may also be interested in the following articles...\n\nWhen CAPA – Centre for Aviation held its first conference in Iran at the end of Jan-2016 the atmosphere was primarily one of optimism. ", "Immediately preceding the conference the expectation was that Iran and the West would move to rapidly reverse decades of estrangement. ", "The first round of sanctions against Iran had come down – in line with the historic 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear agreement reached between Iran and the ‘5+1’ powers – and major airlines and aircraft manufacturers were coming to the table.", "\n\nWhile it was acknowledged that progress on major deals was not going to happen overnight, the hope was that as layers of sanctions came down, Iran would be embraced by the rest of the world. ", "In return, Iran was expected to open itself up progressively to foreign trade and investment, and to travel.", "\n\nThe road ahead was perceived to be one that was both a very different, and far easier, one than the one Iran had already travelled. ", "Aviation in particular was a sector that was expected to shine and lead the way for a new era for the country.", "\n\nMalaysia Airlines expects to incur a smaller than budgeted loss for 2016, giving the group confidence that it will meet its target of returning to profitability by 2018. ", "A rebranding is also in the cards for late 2017 or early 2018, followed by a relisting in 2019.", "\n\nThe group has significantly cut costs over the past year and has started to work on improving the revenue side through a new sales and marketing push. ", "Lower and more competitive fares are being introduced in hopes of boosting sagging load factors.", "\n\nHowever, Malaysia Airlines still needs to overcome several challenges to complete its turnaround successfully. ", "This is the sixth and final part of a comprehensive series of analysis reports on Malaysia Airlines' new business plan and outlook." ]
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[ "Mel Gibson’s new movie, Edge of Darkness, has just been released, so he’s making the media rounds. ", "But of course, a lot of reporters want to remind people what the real story about Mel Gibson is — his anti-Jewish comments while being arrested for DUI in 2006. ", "There was a great television moment during an interview with Sam Rubin that goes approximately as follows:\n\nRubin: “Some people are going to welcome you back and some people are going to say you should never come back.” ", "Gibson leans forward aggressively, and with a big smile says, “Why?” ", "Rubin: “Because of what happened before.” ", "Gibson, feigning ignorance: “Because what happened before?” ", "Rubin: “Because of the remarks that were attributed to you.” ", "Gibson: “Remarks that were attributed to me that I didn’t necessarily mean [translation: “Maybe I meant what I said and maybe I didn’t”], but I gather you have a dog in this fight.” ", "Rubin: “What?” ", "Gibson: “Do you have a dog in this fight or are you being impartial?”", "\n\nBeautiful. ", "Putting Rubin on the defensive and calling attention to his Jewish identity — as much as saying, “Of course your remarks are completely understandable because you have an ax to grind: You’re Jewish.”", "\n\nThe best defense is a good offense. ", "The LA Times described Rubin as looking “uncomfortable and, really, who could blame him? ", "Every moviegoer learned long ago that no one comes uncorked quite like Mel Gibson.” ", "I rather doubt that Gibson is going to have deal with his Jewish problem in future interviews.", "\n\nAfter the interview, Rubin beats himself up for not being more aggressive and telling Gibson that “as a Jew and a human being ” he was offended by Gibson’s remarks. ", "Rubin also says he doesn’t really think Gibson has apologized enough, nor has Gibson ever said that what he said was false. (", "For example, Gibson is reported to have said, “Fucking Jews…Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” ", "In an interview with Diane Sawyer he attributed his remarks to the situation in the Middle East and to the “brutal sort of public beating” he received from Jews in the wake of The Passion. ", "To take the most obvious recent example, if you think that the Iraq war would have happened without Jewish influence you are either seriously deluded or simply not paying attention.)", "\n\nActually, I wish Rubin had gotten more aggressive instead of going into a state of shock. ", "Gibson getting uncorked on Rubin would be a great pay-per-view event. ", "My money would definitely be on Braveheart.", "\n\nObviously, Rubin was dumbfounded when Gibson didn’t grovel. ", "There’s a lesson for all of us in that.", "\n\nIncidentally, as I noted previously, Edge of Night seems to be an entirely non-Jewish enterprise: The producer, director, the screenwriter, and the lead actors are all non-Jews. ", "It’s probably the only way Gibson could work in Hollywood as an actor apart from producing his own projects." ]
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[ "+ 13. ", "Let t be m(-11). ", "Suppose -t*o - 5 = -3*o. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of o and 1.", "\n1\nSuppose 5*h - 5*b - 115 = 0, -3*h - 2*h - 3*b = -147. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of 216 and h?", "\n27\nLet p = 7 + 8. ", "Suppose 0 = -i - 1, 3*i + 71 = 2*m - 0*i. ", "Let z = -31 + m. What is the greatest common factor of p and z?", "\n3\nSuppose -352 = -5*c + 3*c. ", "What is the highest common factor of 16 and c?", "\n16\nLet j(u) = -u**3 + 8*u**2 + 2. ", "Let y be j(8). ", "Let f(g) = 4 - 2*g**2 + 5*g**y - 4*g**2. ", "Let h be f(0). ", "What is the highest common factor of h and 4?", "\n4\nLet n = -888 - -1243. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 142 and n?", "\n71\nLet a(m) = -m**3 + m**2 - 3*m + 3. ", "Let v be a(-3). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of v and 6.", "\n6\nLet f(m) = m**3 - 5*m**2 + m - 2. ", "Let z be f(6). ", "Let h = -8 + z. Let j be 2/4*2 - -7. ", "What is the greatest common factor of j and h?", "\n8\nSuppose h - 3 = 8. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 77 and h?", "\n11\nLet f(g) = -g**3 + 6*g**2 - 5*g - 6. ", "Let m be f(5). ", "Let h(w) = 2*w - 4. ", "Let j be h(m). ", "Let x = j - -30. ", "What is the highest common divisor of x and 21?", "\n7\nLet t = -3 - -4. ", "Let l be 12*1 - (t + 0). ", "What is the highest common divisor of 22 and l?", "\n11\nLet l = 0 + 4. ", "Suppose l*j = -j. ", "Suppose -4*r - 3 + 43 = j. What is the highest common divisor of 70 and r?", "\n10\nSuppose x - 49 = -2*f, 0 = -5*f - 4*x - 7 + 131. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of f and 6.", "\n6\nLet r(b) = -b**2 - 17*b + 28. ", "Let u be r(-12). ", "Suppose 5*s - 50 = -5*a, -s + 2*s + 5*a = 6. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of u and s.\n11\nLet a(t) = 15*t + 22*t - 12*t + 7*t. ", "Let q be a(1). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 48 and q.\n16\nLet h be (-2)/(-8) - (-5)/(-20). ", "Suppose h + 4 = 2*m. ", "Suppose 3*l - 3*g - 26 = 13, -5*l = -m*g - 56. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of l and 80.", "\n10\nLet l be (2 - (-52)/(-6))*-9. ", "Let g be (-1)/1*-3*(0 - -5). ", "What is the greatest common divisor of l and g?", "\n15\nLet d = 17 + -12. ", "Suppose -32 = -d*c + 28. ", "Suppose 2*b = -b + c. What is the highest common factor of b and 44?", "\n4\nLet f be (-84)/(-9) - (-3)/(-9). ", "Let p be f/6*(-8)/(-6). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of p and 18.", "\n2\nSuppose 4*f = 54 - 22. ", "Let x be (6 + -7)/(2/(-112)). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of x and f.\n8\nLet b = -146 + 154. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 64 and b?", "\n8\nLet d be 6/(-9) - 2044/(-6). ", "Suppose v = -8*n + 4*n + 315, 4*n = 4*v + d. Calculate the greatest common factor of 32 and n.\n16\nLet l be (-10)/(64/36 - 2). ", "What is the greatest common divisor of l and 30?", "\n15\nLet y = -14 + 19. ", "Suppose -y*t = -2*v - 182, -3*t + 106 = -0*t + 2*v. ", "What is the highest common divisor of t and 54?", "\n18\nSuppose 4*l = -2*r + 210, 0*l - r = -3*l + 145. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of l and 20?", "\n10\nLet x be (-194)/8 - (-4)/16. ", "Let m = 34 + x. Calculate the highest common divisor of m and 15.", "\n5\nSuppose -4*s + v = -0*v - 68, 5*v - 51 = -3*s. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 17 and s.\n17\nSuppose 3 = f + 5*w - 3, 5*f + 3*w = 118. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 13 and f.\n13\nLet n be 10*(-3)/(-6)*-1. ", "Let j = n - -5. ", "Let z be 1 + 1 - (-19 - j). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of 168 and z.\n21\nLet y(v) = -4*v - 12. ", "Let o be y(-17). ", "What is the highest common factor of 140 and o?", "\n28\nSuppose -b = -17*b + 48. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of 1 and b?", "\n1\nLet d be (-81)/(-1)*6/9. ", "Let g(o) = o. Let r(w) = 4*w - 2. ", "Let n(k) = 3*g(k) - r(k). ", "Let y be n(-4). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of d and y.\n6\nSuppose -6*b + 5*u + 80 = -b, 0 = 2*b - 3*u - 28. ", "Let y be 23*1 + (-6 - -3). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of b and y.\n20\nLet t be (7/(-2))/(11/(-88)) + 4. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of t and 32?", "\n32\nSuppose -2*j - 23 = -83. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 45 and j?", "\n15\nLet r be 6/(-1 + (-27)/(-21)). ", "Suppose -4*b + 184 + 856 = 0. ", "Let h be b/12 - 4/6. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of h and r.\n21\nSuppose -37 = -f + 5*t, 2*t = -f - 3*f + 38. ", "Suppose -c + 60 = -0*c. ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of c and f.\n12\nLet z be (0 - -2)/((-6)/303). ", "Let o = -27 - z. Let v = o - 44. ", "What is the highest common divisor of 10 and v?", "\n10\nSuppose -1 = -3*c - 4*w + 7, -2*c - 4*w = 0. ", "Let s(k) = 8*k**3 + 88*k**2 - 3*k - 25. ", "Let d be s(-11). ", "What is the highest common factor of c and d?", "\n8\nSuppose -2*g = 27 - 135. ", "What is the highest common factor of g and 135?", "\n27\nSuppose 2*d + 8 = 4*d. ", "Suppose -d*t + 33 = 13. ", "Suppose 2*f - 53 = -l, -t*l + 198 = 5*f + 73. ", "What is the greatest common divisor of f and 14?", "\n14\nSuppose 5*q - 93 = 7. ", "Let t = -7 + 2. ", "Let p be t*(0 + -3)/3. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of p and q.\n5\nLet z(m) be the third derivative of -m**6/120 - m**5/20 + 5*m**4/12 + 2*m**3 - m**2. ", "Let y be z(-6). ", "What is the highest common factor of y and 24?", "\n12\nSuppose 15 = 4*d - 3*d. ", "Suppose -47 = -r - 3*u + 1, 3*u = -5*r + 228. ", "What is the highest common divisor of d and r?", "\n15\nLet a be (-57)/(-2)*(-7)/(84/(-8)). ", "What is the greatest common factor of 152 and a?", "\n19\nLet d be 2/4 - (-45)/(-10). ", "Let c(q) = 2*q**2 + 6*q + 6. ", "Let t be c(d). ", "What is the highest common factor of 56 and t?", "\n14\nLet u = 1 - 0. ", "Let j be 3/(30/(-4))*-15. ", "Let l be j/9*(-18)/(-12). ", "What is the greatest common factor of l and u?", "\n1\nLet t be ((-4)/3)/(4/(-6)). ", "Suppose -110 = 5*j - 5*w, -j + 5*w = -2*j + t. Let d be j/4*(-96)/18. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of d and 3.", "\n3\nLet w = 19 - 18. ", "Let l = -4 - -6. ", "Suppose 0 = 5*v - l*v - 21. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of w and v.\n1\nLet z be (-1 - (-3 - (-7)/2))*-2. ", "What is the greatest common factor of 15 and z?", "\n3\nSuppose 2*x + x = -2*u + 15, -5*u = 3*x - 24. ", "Suppose -u*f + 786 = 3*z, 1314 = 5*f + 3*z - 0*z. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of f and 24.", "\n24\nSuppose 0*f - 4*f - 44 = 0. ", "Let q = 15 + f. Suppose 3*i + q*o = 2*i - 17, -4*o - 29 = -3*i. ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 1 and i.\n1\nLet i(l) = 2*l**3 - 11*l**2 + 4*l. ", "Let t be i(7). ", "Let j = t + -79. ", "What is the highest common factor of 12 and j?", "\n12\nSuppose 0 = 5*t + 5*g - 235, 3*t - 5*g = 6*t - 135. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of t and 20.", "\n10\nSuppose 0 = -2*a + a. Let u(q) = -q**2 + q + 135. ", "Let z be u(a). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of 15 and z.\n15\nLet s(y) = 3*y - 37. ", "Let o be s(13). ", "Calculate the greatest common divisor of o and 18.", "\n2\nSuppose 31 - 1 = u. What is the greatest common factor of 10 and u?", "\n10\nLet t(d) = 2*d. ", "Let x(h) = -1. ", "Let m(p) = t(p) + 8*x(p). ", "Let q be m(8). ", "Let r(g) = g**2 - g + 56. ", "Let l be r(0). ", "What is the greatest common divisor of q and l?", "\n8\nLet f(n) = -8*n**3 - 4*n**2 + 2. ", "Let q be f(-3). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of q and 26.", "\n26\nLet b(i) = -i**3 - 2*i**2 - 2*i - 3. ", "Let y be -4 - (-4 + 2) - 0. ", "Let s = -4 - y. Let q be b(s). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 5 and q.\n1\nLet v = 61 - 53. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 36 and v.\n4\nLet t be (-20)/4*8/10. ", "Let z(m) = -2*m - 6. ", "Let f be z(t). ", "Suppose -2*x + u = -21, -f*x + 4*u + 36 = -0*x. ", "What is the highest common factor of 2 and x?", "\n2\nSuppose -2*p + 9 - 1 = 0. ", "Let k(y) = 2*y**2 + 2. ", "Let b be k(p). ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of 51 and b.\n17\nLet s be (1 - 0)*(2 + 3). ", "Suppose -s*w + 3*b + 10 = 0, -b - 3*b = -3*w - 5. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of w and 55.", "\n5\nLet p = 8 + 26. ", "Suppose 18 = 2*s + 3*y, 4*s - p = -3*y - 2*y. ", "What is the highest common factor of 30 and s?", "\n6\nSuppose 2*m + 2*m = 48. ", "What is the highest common divisor of m and 48?", "\n12\nLet m = -8 - -12. ", "Suppose 3 - 12 = -3*o, -2*d = m*o - 68. ", "What is the greatest common factor of d and 42?", "\n14\nSuppose 0 = 8*t + 10*t - 630. ", "Calculate the highest common factor of 105 and t.\n35\nSuppose -3*p = -2*x - 14, 5*p - 4*x + 8*x = 16. ", "Let g(a) = 5*a - 39. ", "Let q be g(15). ", "Calculate the greatest common factor of q and p.\n4\nSuppose 15*z - 1806 + 51 = 0. ", "Calculate the highest common divisor of z and 9.", "\n9\nLet t(d) = -d**3 + 5*d**2 + 7*d - 3. ", "Let u be t(6). ", "Let j be (36/4)/(u/(-2)). ", "Let m = j - -17. ", "What is the greatest common factor of 33 and m?", "\n11\nLet i = 44 + -10. ", "Suppose 4*y = 22 + i. Let o(r) = r**2 - 4*r - 7. ", "Let g be o(7). ", "Calculate the highest common factor of g and y.\n14\nLet a(o) be the first derivative of -o + o**2 + o**2 - 1 - 2 + 2*o**2. ", "Let g be a(1). ", "Calcu" ]
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[ "Early versus late antiepileptic drug withdrawal for people with epilepsy in remission.", "\nAntiepileptic drugs ( AEDs) are used to prevent seizures but are associated with both short and long term adverse effects. ", "When epilepsy is in remission, it may be in the patient's best interest to discontinue medication. ", "However, the optimal timing of AED discontinuation is not known. ", "To quantify seizure relapse risk after early (less than two seizure free years) versus late (more than two seizure free years) AED withdrawal in adult and pediatric epilepsy patients. ", "To assess which variables modify the risk of seizure recurrence. ", "We searched the Cochrane Epilepsy Group trials register, the Cochrane Controlled trials register (Cochrane Library Issue 4, 2000), MEDLINE (January 1996 to January 2001), EMBASE, Index Medicus, CINAHL, as well as hand-searching of journals. ", "Randomized controlled trials that evaluate withdrawal of AEDs after varying periods of seizure remission in adult and pediatric epilepsy patients with or without blinding were included. ", "Included studies compared an early versus late AED discontinuation. ", "Two reviewers independently extracted data and assessed trial quality. ", "Relative risks with 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each trial. ", "Summary relative risks and 95% confidence intervals for dichotomous data were calculated using a random effects model. ", "A test of statistical heterogeneity was conducted for each pooled relative risk calculation. ", "Seven eligible controlled trials were included in the analysis representing 924 randomized pediatric patients. ", "There were no eligible trials evaluating adult seizure free patients. ", "The pooled relative risk for seizure relapse in early versus late AED withdrawal was 1.32 (95% confidence interval 1.02 to 1.70). ", "On the basis of this estimate, the number needed to harm, that is expose an individual to a higher risk of seizure relapse because of early withdrawal of AED, is 10. ", "Early discontinuation was associated with greater relapse rates in patients with partial seizures[pooled RR = 1.52; 95% confidence interval 0.95 to 2.41] or an abnormal EEG [pooled RR=1.67; 95% confidence interval 0.93 to 3.00]. ", "There is evidence to support waiting for at least two or more seizure free years before discontinuing AEDs in children, particularly if individuals have an abnormal EEG and partial seizures. ", "There is insufficient evidence to establish when to withdraw AEDs in pediatric patients with generalized seizures. ", "There is no evidence to guide the timing of withdrawal of AEDs in adult seizure free patients. ", "Further blinded randomized controlled trials are needed to identify the optimal timing of AED withdrawal and risk factors predictive of relapse." ]
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[ 0.0013347822241485119, 0.0014133050572127104, 0.0009126132936216891, 0.000639868900179863, 0.0007729999488219619, 0.0007087859557941556, 0.0005614999099634588, 0.0006166973034851253, 0.0005796529003418982, 0.0005375517066568136, 0.0005510461051017046, 0.0005926390876993537, 0.0005968269542790949, 0.0005561090656556189, 0.0006730269524268806, 0.0006242902600206435, 0.0007372082909569144, 0.0009132822160609066, 0.0014519423712044954, 0.0007045896491035819, 0.0006947399815544486, 0.000640006095636636 ]
[ "Literary usage of Fibers\n\nBelow you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:\n\n1.Psychology: General Introduction by Charles Hubbard Judd (1907)\"The fibers represented in this figure are the association fibers connecting ...\nFrom Edinger. ", "across the cerebrum and exhibit these various types of fibers. ...\"", "\n\n2.A Text-book of physiology: For Medical Students and Physicians by William Henry Howell (1915)\"Under normal conditions the afferent fibers are stimulated only at their endings\nin the peripheral tissues, in the skin, the mucous membranes, ...\"\n\n3.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease by Philadelphia Neurological Society, American Neurological Association, Chicago Neurological Society, New York Neurological Association (1903)\"In a third series a lesion was made by cutting downward and outward through the\nHoor of the fourth ventricle, dividing both the dorsad and ventrad fibers of ...\"\n\n4.A Text-book of Physiology for Medical Students and Physicians by William Henry Howell (1905)\"The existence of definite efferent vasodilator fibers in the nerve trunks ...\nHe has shown that the fibers. ", "involved are sensory fibers from the limbs and ...\"\n\n5.Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease by American Neurological Association, Philadelphia Neurological Society, Chicago Neurological Society, New York Neurological Association, Boston Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (1916)\"The middle zone is estimated to contain 2306 fibers. ", "There is an increase of 1.5\nper cent of the proximal number as we pass from the proximal to the distal ...\"\n\n6.Monographic Medicine by William Robie Patten Emerson, Guido Guerrini, William Brown, Wendell Christopher Phillips, John Whitridge Williams, John Appleton Swett, Hans Günther, Mario Mariotti, Hugh Grant Rowell (1916)\"Lesions of the Motor Projection fibers in the Centrum semi-ovale Lesions of ...\nOwing to the fanlike convergence of the motor fibers as they run from the ...\"\n\n7.The American Journal of Psychology by Granville Stanley Hall, Edward Bradford Titchener (1892)\"Nerve cells and fibers are in reality but parts of the same structure; ...\nThere is a relation between the size of the cells and that of the fibers, ...\"" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005629786755889654, 0.000837373489048332, 0.0006388649926520884, 0.0006965083885006607, 0.0006491146050393581 ]
[ "A millwright is a high precision craftsman or tradesman who installs, dismantles,\nrepairs, reassembles, and moves machinery in factories, power plants, and\nconstruction sites. ", "As the name suggests, the original function of a millwright was\nthe construction of flour mills, sawmills, paper mills and fulling .... Low-, medium-\nand high-voltage electrical fault finding, installation, and ...\n\nOct 30, 2009 ... Rick Wright inspected the premises and determined that Douglas had not yet ...\nAt the time of the accident, RPL provided electrical service to the Thornburgs. ...", "\nThornburg and one independent contractor had used a ladder on ...\n\nJohn C. Wright joined Alterman Inc, in 1979 and is a Master Electrician for the\nstate ... such as; the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), member\nof Electri ... Mr. Padalecki also ensures that all pre-construction and project\nsupport ..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007692489889450371, 0.0006745703867636621, 0.0005905682919546962 ]
[ "Durwood Merrill\n\nEdwin Durwood Merrill (March 12, 1938 – January 11, 2003) was an American umpire in Major League Baseball (MLB) who worked in the American League for 23 seasons (1977–1999). ", "\n\nMerrill was born in Cloud Chief, Oklahoma. ", "In 1998 he wrote a collection of his experiences called You're Out and You're Ugly, Too!.", "\n\nCareer\nMerrill served as football coach and athletic director at Hooks High School until attending the Bill Kinnamon umpiring school in 1972. ", "Among his classmates that year were future MLB umpires Ed Montague, Dallas Parks and Steve Palermo. ", "He graduated third in his class and was immediately assigned to the Class-A California League for the 1972 season. ", "He quickly worked his way through the minors, officiating in the Double-A Texas League in 1973 and the Triple-A American Association in 1974, 1975 and 1976, when he also was a fill-in in the American League.", "\n\nMerrill umpired in the 1988 World Series, as well as American League Championship Series in 1981, 1983, 1987, 1992 and 1997. ", "Merrill was behind the plate in Game 2 of the 1983 ALCS when Mike Boddicker tied an LCS record with 14 strikeouts, and Game 2 of the 1988 World Series, when Orel Hershiser of the Los Angeles Dodgers fired a three-hit, 6-0 shutout vs. the Oakland Athletics, led by \"Bash Brothers\" Jose Canseco and Mark McGwire. ", "\n\nHe also officiated in the 1984 and 1995 All-Star Games, calling balls and strikes in the latter, and in the Division Series in 1996, 1998 and 1999. ", "Merrill also called balls and strikes for Jack Morris' no-hitter on April 7, 1984, and was the first base umpire for Nolan Ryan's sixth no-hitter on June 11, 1990.", "\n\nIn Game 4 of the 1997 American League Championship Series, on a wild pitch with runners dashing around the bases, when Merrill gestured to where the ball was, Fox color commentator Tim McCarver sarcastically commented that \"maybe he was trying to tell himself where the ball is!\" ", "Merrill heard about that, took offense to it, and fired back in his autobiography that he was letting the other umpires know that the situation was under control. ", "\n\nMerrill wore number 33 starting in 1980 when the AL adopted uniform numbers. ", " He came into the AL in 1977, the year that the league made all new umpires on staff wear the inside chest protector, which had been standard in the NL for over 60 years. ", "Merrill had one of the largest strike zones in baseball, and was easily recognizable when calling balls and strikes, as he crouched directly behind the catcher and often extended his arms far in front of him. ", " Most home plate umpires work in the \"slot\", which is to the inside shoulder of the catcher (the left shoulder for a right-handed batter and the right shoulder for a left-handed batter).", "\n\nMemorabilia collection\nMerrill amassed a large memorabilia collection consisting of signed baseballs, game used jerseys and bats from MLB players. ", "He displayed his collection over the years for the benefit of his charitable efforts of various causes. ", "The collection not only consisted of items he obtained, but he was also entrusted with many items from former umpire Shag Crawford.", "\n\nDeath\nMerrill suffered a heart attack in early January 2003, and died a few days later in Texarkana, Texas, at age 64.", "\n\nSee also\n\n List of Major League Baseball umpires\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n \nTexas Baseball Hall of Fame induction via Wayback Machine\nWorld Umpires Association report on Durwood Merrill's death via Wayback Machine\n\nExternal links\n Retrosheet\n BR Bullpen\n \n\nCategory:1938 births\nCategory:2003 deaths\nCategory:Continental Football League coaches\nCategory:Major League Baseball umpires\nCategory:High school football coaches in Texas\nCategory:People from Hooks, Texas\nCategory:People from Texarkana, Texas\nCategory:People from Washita County, Oklahoma" ]
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[ 0.0009600428165867925, 0.0007817068253643811, 0.7235624194145203, 0.0007757708663120866, 0.0006074190605431795, 0.0009751771576702595, 0.001166736357845366, 0.0007364380871877074, 0.0015958453295752406, 0.0009749639430083334, 0.0014019261579960585, 0.0007204005378298461, 0.0009948958177119493, 0.0006219337810762227, 0.0014624008908867836, 0.0008108040201477706, 0.0009589379769749939, 0.0006202252116054296, 0.0006561567424796522, 0.0032992500346153975, 0.002671413589268923, 0.0008462925907224417 ]
[ "Q:\n\nMove last column title name and put to be on first column on all rows\n\nWant to get the last column in the title in that example is \"db5b\", and to place in to the first column on every next row.", "\nOutput:\n Filesystem utilization for db5b\n\n/dev/hd4 3.00 2.87 5% 5728 1% /\n/dev/hd2 7.00 2.79 61% 61845 9% /usr\n/dev/hd9var 7.00 5.88 17% 861 1% /var\n/dev/hd3 3.00 2.98 1% 205 1% /tmp\n\nExpected result:\ndb5b 5% /\ndb5b 61% /usr\ndb5b 17% /var\ndb5b 1% /tmp\n\nI use that but not able to figure out how to place db5b to be on the first column:\nawk '{print $3, $7}'\n\nI guess if want to finish the result with awk to use NF but not sure how to finish the command.", "\n\nA:\n\nthis one-liner gives what you wanted:\nawk 'NR==1{t=$NF;next}$0{print t,$4,$NF}' file\n\nEDIT\nfor different titles:\nawk 'NF==4{t=$NF;next}$0{print t,$4,$NF}' file\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0009047113126143813, 0.0008991850190795958, 0.006859391462057829 ]
[ "Purification and characterization of a long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase from rat liver microsomes.", "\nA long-chain acyl-CoA hydrolase from rat liver microsomes has been purified by solvent extraction and gel chromatography to homogeneity as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and absence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. ", "The enzyme was a monomer of molecular weight 59 000. ", "In a sucrose gradient it sedimented at 4.3 S. The isoelectric point, pI was 6.9, and the Stokes radius was approx. ", "31 A. The enzyme hydrolyzed long-chain fatty acyl-CoA (C7--C18) with maximum activity for palmitoyl-CoA. Bovine serum albumin activation of the enzyme was related to the ratio acyl-CoA/bovine serum albumin, and at high ratios, acyl-CoA inhibited the enzyme activity. ", "Disregarding the substrate inhibition, an apparent Km of 65 nmol/mg protein or 1-10(-7) M and a V of 750 nmol/mg protein per min were calculated. ", "The enzyme was inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide. ", "Reactivation by means of dithiothreitol was not complete." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006468099309131503, 0.0007669141050428152, 0.0008124088053591549, 0.0006869974895380437, 0.0008172109955921769, 0.0006452592206187546, 0.001067003351636231, 0.0007691035280004144 ]
[ "Some youngsters retreat entirely, their eyes empty, bodies limp, their isolation a wall of defiance. ", "Others cannot sit still: watchful, hyperactive, ever uncertain.", "\n\nSome compulsively jump into the laps of strangers, or grab their legs and hold on for life. ", "And some children, somehow, move past a sudden separation from their parents, tapping a well of resilience.", "\n\nThe Trump administration’s policy of separating migrant children from their parents has alarmed child psychologists and experts who study human development.", "\n\nIt is not clear how long the administration plans to hold onto the 2,000 children in detention centers near the border, nor how long before they are returned to their families." ]
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[ 0.047777209430933, 0.0008172655361704528, 0.1354319155216217, 0.0006081251776777208, 0.0007488999399356544, 0.0008155769901350141 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a method of transmitting and receiving a signal, and more particularly, to a method of transmitting and receiving an acknowledgment signal in a wireless communication system.", "\n2. ", "Discussion of the Related Art\nIn the world of cellular telecommunications, those skilled in the art often use the terms 1G, 2G, and 3G. The terms refer to the generation of the cellular technology used. ", "1G refers to the first generation, 2G to the second generation, and 3G to the third generation.", "\n1G refers to the analog phone system, known as an AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone Service) phone systems. ", "2G is commonly used to refer to the digital cellular systems that are prevalent throughout the world, and include CDMAOne, Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), and Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). ", "2G systems can support a greater number of users in a dense area than can 1G systems.", "\n3G commonly refers to the digital cellular systems currently being deployed. ", "These 3G communication systems are conceptually similar to each other with some significant differences.", "\nIn a wireless communication system, it is important to devise schemes and techniques that increase the information rate and improve the robustness of a communication system under the harsh conditions of the wireless environment. ", "To combat less-than-ideal communication conditions and/or to improve communication, various methods, including reducing transmission of unnecessary data, can be used to free up resources as well as promote more effective and efficient transmission." ]
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[ 0.0009392039501108229, 0.0005628974176943302, 0.0011860732920467854, 0.0005214158445596695, 0.0007363503100350499, 0.0006398134282790124, 0.0006182259530760348, 0.0007501612999476492, 0.0005941836861893535, 0.000616468139924109, 0.0005780636565759778, 0.0006225387332960963 ]
[ "2019 Raiders Draft Prospect Profile\n\nName: Cody Thompson\n\nPosition: Wide Receiver\n\nSchool: The University of Toledo\n\nHeight: 6’1”\n\nWeight: 200 pounds\n\nDraft Projection: Day 3\n\nStats\n\nHands\n\nWhile most wideouts present their quarterback with serviceable catch radius, Thompson spins that concept forward. ", "He contorts himself to adjust to the pass. ", "Whether it is a backshoulder or contested catch, Thompson finds a way to make the catch. ", "In traffic, versus multiple defenders, he has shown the concentration to haul the ball in. ", "Although his body plays an important role in this process, Thompson only uses his hands, complete with a strong grip to secure the ball.", "\n\nSpeed\n\nAfter averaging 18 yards a catch during his career at Toledo, Thompson displays a knack for getting on top of the defense. ", "With quick strides and flexible gait, he beats corners on the outside with a fair amount of frequency. ", "More importantly, Thompson can vary his acceleration, depending on route. ", "For instance, a stutter go will be effective for him because he can explode quickly from choppy steps.", "\n\nLatest From FPC on SportsCastr\n\n\n\n\n\nRoute Running\n\nAccomplishing separation, Thompson can battle a bit versus the jam. ", "Although not overly physical, his route recovery and timing will save him. ", "However, on the underneath pattern, the internal clock needs to pick up the pace a bit.", "\n\nRoute Tree\n\nIn time, Thompson shows the ability to master a full tree. ", "Yet, he currently brings a diverse repertoire into the league. ", "Even though he profiles as a vertical threat, Thompson runs the screen with fluidity and exceptional crispness. ", "On top of that, the post and fade will see him cash in with targets.", "\n\nIntangibles\n\nIf you approach Thompson with the closed-minded narrative of appearance, you are missing out. ", "Thompson is a deep threat with the fluidity to contribute at all three levels of a passing offense. ", "In addition, his toughness places him in harm’s way. ", "He will absorb a hit to make the grab.", "\n\nRaiders Fit\n\nAgain, the lazy comparison that some will make is Jordy Nelson. ", "Yet, for the wrong reasons. ", "On a level, Nelson was more polished with route nuance coming out of Kansas State. ", "Yet, the Raiders can mold a late-round prospect like Thompson into a second or third wideout. ", "Why? ", "He possesses the skill base to learn and the coachability to excel. ", "In addition, if you add his downfield abilities, the Raiders have the perfect replace for Seth Roberts, who really has not provided the team with any semblance of consistency." ]
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[ "click to enlarge File: Glenn Russell\n\nSen. Bernie Sanders at a rally in Williston\n\nOn a sunny Sunday in mid-October, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ", "reflected on just how much the national policy debate has shifted in recent years.", "\n\n\"I have been through many, many states throughout this country,\" he told a couple hundred Vermonters gathered in an event barn at Williston's Isham Family Farm. \"", "And what I am enormously proud of is that many of the ideas that we led with right here in the state of Vermont — ideas that three years ago, five years ago, 10 years ago were seen to be radical and extreme — are now being adopted by cities and states and politicians all across this country.\"", "\n\nSanders ticked through the list: a $15 minimum wage, tuition-free public college and the proposal that has animated him throughout his 28 years in Congress, universal health care.", "\n\n\"Last poll that I saw,\" he said, \"70 percent of the American people support a Medicare-for-all, single-payer program.\"", "\n\nWhat Sanders didn't say — and didn't have to say to the crowd of knowing supporters — was that the senator himself has been, to a certain degree, responsible for that transformation.", "\n\n\"He's the most popular politician in America,\" said Middlebury College's Bill McKibben, an outspoken Sanders supporter. \"", "And in our legislative process, popularity is a strong currency that you can use to advance important goals.\"", "\n\nSaid Phil Fiermonte, a longtime Sanders aide who retired last year, \"He's kind of like the explainer-in-chief. ", "He can lay things out for people so they really get it.\"", "\n\nAs Sanders campaigns for a third term in the U.S. Senate, he is doing so from a position of power and influence that few anticipated when he last sought reelection in 2012, well before his improbable 2016 presidential bid.", "\n\n\"He went from being perceived by many at the national level as a bit of a gadfly to being seen as a very serious contender for the presidency,\" said veteran political operative Bill Lofy. \"", "That's a significant transformation over the course of a relatively short period of time.\"", "\n\nSanders clearly isn't ready to relinquish the national spotlight he's long craved and finally earned. ", "Looming over his Senate reelection campaign is the likelihood that he will mount a second presidential campaign in 2020 and seek the Democratic nomination to take on Republican President Donald Trump.", "\n\n\"He has not made a decision about whether he's going to run again,\" said 2016 campaign manager Jeff Weaver, who called on his boss to enter the race in his May 2018 book, How Bernie Won. ", "But, Weaver added, \"he's well-positioned\" to do so.", "\n\n\"I sure hope he does,\" Fiermonte said, noting that Sanders has taken many of the steps that a candidate-in-waiting might: \"getting around, going to key states, having a national soapbox, having Weaver on board. ", "All those things.\"", "\n\nOne challenge, Fiermonte conceded, could be Sanders' age. ", "He would be 79 on Inauguration Day — and many of the Democratic candidates he would likely face are a generation younger.", "\n\n\"But I'll tell you,\" Fiermonte said, \"Bernie runs circles around the 20-year-old interns in the office. ", "He's got stamina and energy like no one I've ever seen. ", "He's like the Energizer Bunny.\"", "\n\nSanders has been careful not to disclose his plans yet, for fear of distracting attention from what he calls \"the most important midterm election in the modern history of this country.\" ", "But his aides will be ready if he decides to pull the trigger. ", "Politico reported two weeks ago that Weaver has been talking up a \"draft Bernie\" effort that could be rolled out after the midterms.", "\n\n\"There are a number of grassroots groups and individuals who would like to start some kind of a 'draft Bernie' [entity] to encourage him to run,\" Weaver told Seven Days. \"", "I have an email inbox full of former staffers\" who would like to get involved.", "\n\nAsked Monday evening during a candidate forum in Winooski whether he would serve out his six-year term if reelected, Sanders provided an elliptical response.", "\n\n\"If you're asking me to make an absolute pledge as to whether I'll be running for president or not, I'm not going to make that pledge,\" he said. \"", "The simple truth is, I have not made that decision. ", "But I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I may not run. ", "I may. ", "But on the other hand, I may not.\"", "\n\nHe added, \"Probably impossible to be a senator and a president at the same time.\"", "\n\nSeveral of Sanders' eight opponents in the Senate race have sought to make an issue of the incumbent's presidential aspirations.", "\n\nDuring a debate earlier Monday at Vermont Public Radio's Colchester studios, Republican nominee Lawrence Zupan noted that Sanders missed nearly 71 percent of the Senate's roll-call votes when he was running for president in 2016. ", "Zupan called it a \"dereliction of duty\" and accused his opponent of putting his \"personal, political and presidential goals\" before his commitment to Vermonters.", "\n\n\"When you run for president of the United States of America, you gotta get out of Vermont, and you gotta get out of Washington,\" Sanders responded. \"", "You gotta run all over the country to talk about the need for health care for all people, for raising the minimum wage to a living wage, to deal with the issues of climate change and a woman's right to choose.\"", "\n\nVermonters, it appears, seem to agree with Sanders. ", "According to a recent VPR poll, 60 percent of likely voters support him, while only 19 percent favor Zupan. ", "Even among Republicans, Sanders was backed by 21 percent to Zupan's 50 percent. ", "State-by-state polls conducted by Morning Consult have regularly shown that Sanders is more popular in Vermont than any other senator is in his or her home state.", "\n\n\"Every now and then, you hear a few people mumbling, 'I wish he'd spend more time at home,'\" said Vermont Democratic Party chair Terje Anderson. \"", "But I think people in general are really proud of having a role in the national discussion.\"", "\n\nSanders' newfound national prominence is an asset to the Vermont organizations and causes he has long championed. ", "Those include the state's Federally Qualified Health Centers, which provide subsidized medical care to those who can't afford it.", "\n\n\"Having that national platform, Sen. Sanders has really brought to the forefront the sensibility, the critical access, the cost-effectiveness and the power of the work of FQHCs,\" said Community Health Centers of Burlington CEO Alison Calderara. \"", "And I very much appreciate that.\"", "\n\nSaid AARP Vermont state director Greg Marchildon, \"He's been a champion of entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare and a strong protector of them and a believer in them.\"", "\n\nWhile Sanders spends less time in Vermont than he used to, Sheldon dairy farmer Bill Rowell argued that the senator's field staffers have helped him keep his finger on the pulse. \"", "It works sort of like a big farm, for example,\" Rowell said. \"", "If you're a good manager, you can make it work.\"", "\n\nOver the past six years, Sanders has had limited success turning his policy proposals into law, but his allies note that few liberals have in the Trump era. ", "Republicans have controlled the House for all six years, the Senate for four and the White House for two.", "\n\nWeaver argued that many of Sanders' biggest victories, including his recent, successful effort to pressure Amazon into raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour, \"didn't happen in the halls of Congress.\" ", "Unlike some senators, who excel at \"backroom deal-making and legislative sausage-making,\" said Lofy, Sanders strives to be \"a tireless, relentless advocate and to be outspoken and serve as a voice of conscience.\"", "\n\nIn the long run, that could result in significant legislative achievements. ", "After his 2016 run, 16 fellow senators — including other White House hopefuls, such as Sens. ", "Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) — signed on to Sanders' Medicare-for-all bill. ", "Even if one of them defeats him in the 2020 primary, his agenda could still advance.", "\n\nSanders has also leveraged his popularity to support like-minded candidates across the country. ", "Soon after his appearance in Williston, the senator set off on a nine-state tour to campaign for congressional, gubernatorial and down-ballot Democrats from Wisconsin to Arizona. ", "He announced this week that he would make additional trips to Maryland, Florida and New Hampshire before Election Day.", "\n\nMedia accounts of Sanders' latest national tour described an enthusiasm that resembled the height of Sanders' 2016 campaign. \"", "He touched my hand,\" the Denver Post quoted one young woman saying at a University of Colorado rally. \"", "He touched my hand!\"", "\n\nDuring Sanders' first stop in Indiana, video went viral of him leading an impromptu march of hundreds to a Bloomington polling place. ", "Brian Peters, campaign manager for Indiana congressional candidate Liz Watson, told Seven Days that Watson had invited Sanders to the state \"to give a little boost to the students.\"", "\n\n\"We wanted to get somebody in who could really get people excited, who could get [get-out-the-vote] shifts signed up,\" Peters said.", "\n\nSanders' cross-country campaigning has also advanced his own ambitions. ", "He visited the early presidential primary states of Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada; met with delegates and interest groups; and test-drove the digital and advance teams that could serve a future presidential campaign.", "\n\nNot everyone welcomed Sanders with open arms. ", "In South Carolina, according to the Associated Press, one Democratic official called his visit \"extremely selfish,\" and another said that he should \"get lost.\" ", "In the Wisconsin congressional district represented by retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), Republican nominee Bryan Steil has tied Democratic opponent Randy Bryce to Sanders, calling him \"radical Randy.\"", "\n\nBut Bryce campaign manager David Keith told Seven Days that the move would only backfire. \"", "I think Sen. Sanders gets us votes, and Bryan Steil is foolish to think otherwise.\"", "\n\nBryce, who has said that Sanders' 2016 campaign inspired him to run for Congress, has been a major beneficiary of the senator's support. ", "The Vermonter has visited his district three times this year, most recently last week.", "\n\nTo Alison Nihart, who chairs the board of the Vermont- and New Hampshire-based advocacy group Rights & Democracy, the cross-country campaigning is evidence that Sanders is fulfilling his 2016 commitment to launch a \"political revolution\" of like-minded liberals.", "\n\n\"I think he's utilized the momentum that he gained during his presidential bid to really walk the talk,\" she said. \"", "It's not about just one person, one personality. ", "It's about a whole movement of people getting involved at the local level and pushing for policies that will benefit Americans.\"" ]
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[ "Sigma-rectum pouch (Mainz pouch II).", "\nA substantial modification of the classic technique of ureterosigmoidostomy is introduced in this article. ", "To date, this procedure has been used in 47 patients. ", "This article reviews the surgical technique of the antemesenterial splitting of the intestine at the recto-sigmoid junction which creates a pouch by subsequent side-to-side anastomosis." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to design a 500 khz sine wave generator?", "\n\nI need to design a 500 khz sine wave generator. ", "Could anyone help?", "\n\nA:\n\nIf that is the only frequency you want you could probably design one from scratch. ", "But Analog Devices offers a wide range of DDS generator chips which you can program in serial and will produce any frequency from 0Hz to 300MHz with a less that 1HZ resolution. ", " (depending on the chip). ", "\nIf you want to keep it simple you could use the AD9833, its only 10 pins and is easy to program with a PIC chip or similar. ", " \n\n" ]
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[ "Schinzinia\n\nSchinzinia is a fungal genus in the family Agaricaceae. ", "It is a monotypic genus, containing the single species Schinzinia pustulosa. ", "The genus was circumscribed by Swiss mycologist Victor Fayod in 1889.", "\n\nSee also\nList of Agaricaceae genera\nList of Agaricales genera\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Agaricaceae\nCategory:Monotypic Agaricales genera" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSearch a NSArray of ints or doubles\n\nI am searching an array of custom items using the following NSPredicate:\nNSPredicate *query = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@\"[%K contains[cd] %@\", column, searchString];\n\nThe array contains items of a custom class that has a number of variables (column specifies the one that is supposed to be searched). ", "This works great for the variables that are NSStrings, however, there are some that are ints or doubles, and this code crashes when it trys to sort these. ", "Is there any way to sort a list of ints or doubles?", "\n\nA:\n\nThis works great for the variables that are NSStrings, however, there\n are some that are ints or doubles, and this code crashes when it trys\n to sort these.", "\n\nPost the code that fills the array.", "\nPost the crash.", "\nPost how you are trying to evaluate the predicate against the array.", "\n\nIf the answer to (1) is that you are sticking ints/doubles directly into the array, that won't work; they need to be objects. ", " If the answer to (2) is an unrecognized selector sent to an NSNumber/NSValue class, then you need to convert the #s to strings for contains[cd] to work.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Four years after they debuted a tourbillon complication with the reset mechanism, the German manufactured is following up with an elegant enamel dial. ", "A nice touch by these exceptional craftsmen to contrast such a complicated mechanism with an elegantly simplified dial design. ", "Introducing the new “A. Lange & Söhne 1815 Tourbillon Enamel Dial” in a platinum case.", "\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nOriginally this timepiece was first introduced by A. Lange & Söhne back in 2014, as their entry-level tourbillon equipped timepiece. ", "At the time it was the very first watch in their catalog to be equipped with a tourbillion, split-seconds and the patented ZERO-RESET mechanism.", "\n\nIn conjunction these elements allow the “1815 Tourbillon” to be stopped, set and restarted with one-second accuracy.", "\n\nVideo courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nThe 39,5mm case is made of platinum, matching the dimension of its previous version, although a bit thicker since the height had to be risen 0.2mm from the standard model’s 11.1 to accommodate the enamel dial.", "\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nOn the flipside we find a transparent exhibition case back, which allows to view the inner workings of the mechanical movement. ", "Similar to the elegant simplicity we find on the dial, the same can be said for the posterior of this watch. ", "Several of its jewels can be seen via the case back and they’ve used blue screws to add extra color to its palette. ", "Adding to movements finesse is a diamond fixated in the fourth wheel bridge with a golden ring.", "\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nAlso on the case backs platinum rim is an engraving with the unique individual number of each of these limited edition timepieces. ", "While back on the front-side all is topped by another sapphire crystal that assists with water-resistance on this watch.", "\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nTime is exhibited on the aforementioned white enamel dial with black Arabic numerals, except for the 12 o’clock numeral that has been colored red, which is also a subtle distinction between this release and its previous edition;\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nplus for a more precise reading there is a black railroad-motif ring circling this new dial, with subtle markings for every five-minute increment. ", "Also comes equipped with blue steel central hands, reminiscent of those found on their antique pocket watches. ", "And the tourbillon has been placed at the 6 o’clock position.", "\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nAlthough previous editions of this model showcased an elaborate “Handwerkskunst” treatment with lavish decorations on its dial. ", "Obtaining this enamel dial also involves a meticulous long process fully hand made. ", "Each color seen is transfer painted with enamel paint, each fired individually. ", "During any of these firings, the enamel could develop cracks that would require the timepiece to be rejected. ", "Not much the painstaking delicacy needed d to create the opening for the tourbillion! ", "The artisans have to carefully bake in seven or more separate firings to achieve the required thickness.", "\n\nImage courtesy of: A. Lange & Söhne\n\nA. Lange & Söhne 1815 Tourbillon Enamel\n\nThe “A. Lange & Söhne 1815 Tourbillon Enamel Dial” (Ref#: 730.079F) is a hand-wound mechanical movement, caliber L102.1 with 20 jewels (including one diamond end-stone), 262 components and 21,600 Vph. ", "Power reserve on this watch can last up to 72 hours, when fully wound.", "\n\nMounted to the watch is a black hand-stitched alligator leather strap, secured to the wrist by a platinum deployant buckle. ", "This is a limited edition watch with only 100 manufactured pieces. ", "For more up to date information visit the official A. Lange & Söhne website here.", "\n\nLeave a Comment\n\nOur Mission:\n\nWelcome To The Blog Of Element iN Time NYC.", "\n\nWe created this space for the watch aficionados we call our family. ", "We will be talking watches with you with the same boldness and passion that sets us apart. ", "Be prepared to see unique timepieces, to read prominent opinions and to feel the joy of discovering others like you. ", "This space is our gift to you, feel free to share your thoughts and views, your likes and dislikes. ", "We want you to be a part. ", "Send us your Texts and Pictures. ", "Tell us about your Passions and Adventures, Share with others as others share with you." ]
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[ "Neuromagnetic evidence that the P100 component of the pattern reversal visual evoked response originates in the bottom of the calcarine fissure.", "\nVisual evoked magnetic fields due to pattern reversal stimuli were measured in 5 normal subjects using a helmet-shaped 66 channel magnetoencephalography system linked to MRI. ", "The magnetic topography of the prominent 100 ms response (P100m) evoked by fullfield visual showed a double-dipole pattern in the occipital areas of all subjects. ", "Right or left half-field stimuli and upper or lower quadrant-field stimuli evoked a single-dipole pattern in the contralateral occipital area. ", "The P100m sources were then localized using a current dipole model and superimposed on MRI images of each subject. ", "The visual cortex was morphologically variable among the subjects, but the P100m dipoles were all localized at the lateral bottom of the calcarine fissure. ", "Moreover, these P100m dipoles had similar orientations for both half-or quadrant-field stimuli. ", "These results suggest that the P100m is located in a smaller part of the striate cortex than previously reported." ]
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[ "Postfix\n\nA couple of weeks ago, I was thinking about how I may build an advanced search utility for my own email archive. ", "One way to make complex queries on the archive seemed to be to put it all into a relational database. ", "Since the Dbmail system stores email in that way, I asked its developers and Harald Reindl (an email administrator at The Lounge who already uses Dbmail: I found him in the PostFix Mailing list archives) if Dbmail could be used in that way.", "\n\nThe way email is normally used today has several serious limits that I recently explained in another article. ", "I also pointed out that one of the biggest obstacles to personal email management is lack of user demand for Virtual Personal Email Server (VPES) software and hosting packages. ", "A VPES may run into any computer in your home or in some external datacenter, but that is another issue. ", "Here I only want to look at the software side, that is to explain what are, in my opinion, the technical requirements and features of the perfect VPES. ", "You are welcome to add your own in the comments and, if you’re a hosting provider already offering VPES, to add a link to your offer in the same way." ]
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[ "【8月12日 AFP】台湾の動物園で、7歳の雄のキリンがおりに入れられ移送用トラックに載せられた後、「不安」のため死んだ。", "\n\n当局が11日に明らかにしたところでは、シャオ・チュウ(Hsiao Chiu)と名づけられたこのキリンは交配のため、台北市立動物園(Taipei Zoo)から約70キロ離れた新竹(Hsinchu)市の民間動物園に移送される予定だったが、トラックの出発を待たずにもがきだし、倒れた。", "\n\n解剖の結果、シャオ・チュウは肺炎を患った上、移送による不安が募り、それが引き金となって呼吸困難と筋損傷を起こした。死因は肺と心臓の不全だった。(c)AFP" ]
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[ "Life in the Spotlight: 3 Arts Camps for Kids\n\nDoes your child love being in the spotlight or dream of being part of a theatrical production? ", "These camps are perfect for those who have a passion for the arts. ", "Not only will children enjoy an unforgettable camp experience, but they will also benefit by learning from theater professionals and performing on a real stage.", "\n\nHarand Camp celebrates its 61st season in 2015. ", "The camp’s motto, “No Man is an Island,” personifies its belief that there’s a role for every child, regardless of skill level. ", "Each camper finds a time to shine during the camp experience. ", "Campers spend half the day in theater classes (singing, dancing and acting) and the other half of the day in electives of their choosing such as sports, art and film. ", "Evening and weekend activities may include a talent show, day at the beach or costume ball. ", "Around 150 campers stay in dormitories on the Kenosha campus of Carthage College, overlooking Lake Michigan. ", "Three- and six-week sessions are offered, and first-time campers can try out a special one-week session to get a taste of camp life. ", "Each session culminates in a large-scale performance for friends, family and alumni in a state-of-the-art theater, with past productions including “West Side Story,” “Legally Blonde” and “The Wizard of Oz.”", "\n\nWork the stage where some of comedy’s biggest stars got their start. ", "Campers hone their skills in sketch comedy and improvisation, while learning the fundamentals of comedy and developing their own self-confidence in the process. ", "At Second City Summer Comedy Camp, students are grouped by age and can choose from a variety of courses—everything from classic “Improv” to the more specialized “Creating Digital Shorts.” ", "Choose from one- or two-week long sessions, with the two-week sessions culminating in a performance for friends and family. ", "Students also enjoy a special performance by The Second City National Touring Company and an end-of-camp pizza party.", "\n\nNestled in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, Brant Lake Dance Camp was founded in 1980 by Sharon Gersten Luckman, former executive director of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. ", "Brant Lake is truly for the girl who loves to dance, and with just 50 campers, it creates an intimate environment where lasting friendships are created. ", "A camp session is four-and-a-half weeks long, and each day, professional dance instruction is paired with traditional camp activities like watersports, arts and crafts, campfires and co-ed socials with the neighboring boy’s camp. ", "Accommodations include carpeted cabins within a spacious main lodge, while dance classes take place in professional rehearsal studios. ", "Campers perform weekly on stage, in addition to a showcase performance that takes place in the last days of camp. ", "Students also experience various day trips such as an excursion to see a New York City Ballet performance or an overnight stay in Montreal.", "\n\nOver the course of two weeks, students study physical theatre (storytelling through movement) and acting, and create an original play to be performed on Lookingglass Theatre’s main stage. ", "Some of this summer’s productions will include “Peter Pan” and “Around the World in 80 Days.” ", "During a typical camp day, campers take classes in physical theatre and acting. ", "Physical theatre can include circus, tumbling, juggling, stage combat and shadow puppetry, while acting class includes ensemble-building, skill development and writing/adaptation. ", "Students write original scripts based on the session’s production and put their newly learned physical theatre skills to use during their final performance. “", "Each session accommodates up to 40 students, and with a high rate of returning families, this program almost always sells out!” ", "says Lizzie Perkins, Lookingglass Theater Company’s Director of Education.", "\n\nSome of Hollywood’s brightest stars are alumni of Stagedoor Manor (Natalie Portman, Robert Downey Jr., and Lea Michele to name a few). ", "Located in New York’s Catskill Mountains, 240 campers from all over the world participate in daily performing arts classes in addition to recreational activities. ", "Some of the unique theater classes include Audition Technique, Directing and Playwriting. ", "Students will also enjoy Master Classes taught by noted Broadway, TV, and film performers, and workshops with agents, managers and casting directors. ", "Evenings may include outdoor movies, dance parties and even an open-mic coffee house. ", "A summer at Stagedoor Manor is composed of three sessions, each three weeks long. ", "Campers stay in a former resort hotel, with three to five kids in each dorm-style room. ", "Sessions culminate with various full-scale performances in one of eight indoor and outdoor theaters.", "\n\nNearly 2,600 campers from all over the globe flock to northwest Michigan each summer to immerse themselves in performing and visual arts classes taught by industry professionals and university professors. ", "During a one-, three-, or six-week session, students choose a specific major, such as dance or music, or sign up for General Arts, which encompasses all of the fine arts. ", "In addition to their major, campers take electives to explore other areas of interest and participate in recreational activities like boating, archery or arts and crafts, as well as trips to the dunes or beach. ", "Programs end with a performance or multiple performances, while orchestra students may perform weekly." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000792020873632282, 0.000601631763856858, 0.0009606804815120995, 0.0009338172967545688, 0.0012333226623013616, 0.0005845925188623369, 0.0010422797640785575, 0.0006847254699096084, 0.0009319796226918697, 0.0006261846283450723, 0.0006934180273674428, 0.0010039566550403833, 0.00079102668678388, 0.000705515150912106, 0.0006004451424814761, 0.0005758124170824885, 0.0006844628951512277, 0.0006628669798374176, 0.0006730140885338187, 0.0005661305622197688, 0.0007612068438902497, 0.0005257664597593248, 0.0005887558218091726, 0.0007192785851657391, 0.0009486113558523357, 0.0007621794356964529, 0.0006118419114500284, 0.0006621854263357818, 0.0006094679119996727, 0.000618345569819212, 0.0007813586271367967, 0.0006045292830094695, 0.000531549914740026, 0.0005603982135653496, 0.0006290324381552637, 0.0010983083629980683, 0.0005953225190751255, 0.0007614422356709838, 0.0006210595020093024, 0.0005906195146963, 0.0006564169307239354 ]
[ "Carrier Pigeons Faster Than Internet In Rural England\n\nHere's a funny stunt: To show how slow Internet speeds are in the rural parts of the UK, a guy raced carrier pigeons carrying memory cards against a YouTube upload. ", "The carrier pigeons were faster!", "\n\nThe organizer of the stunt, Tref Davies, released two pigeons carrying a five-minute video on memory cards from a farm in Yorkshire, England. ", "They flew more than 120km, and by the time they reached their destination only 24% of the 300MB video had been uploaded to YouTube.", "\n\nAs effective as this stunt is at drawing attention to the crappiness of rural Internet connections, it seems that the problem is one of compression more than Internet speed: A 5 minute video is 300MB??? ", "Someone needs to teach those farmers about H.264. (", "Via Ars Technica)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007628418388776481, 0.0012884315801784396, 0.0006034651887603104, 0.000770757207646966, 0.12110597640275955, 0.0007445115479640663, 0.0006988930981606245 ]
[ "/** This is a test to make sure distinct always\n * returns the first of any duplicated element.", "\n */\nobject Test {\n val alphabet = 'a' to 'z' mkString \"\"\n val alphaList = ('a' to 'z').toList\n def shuffled = util.", "Random.shuffle(alphaList)\n\n def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {\n val longList = alphaList ++ (1 to 9 flatMap (_ => shuffled))\n val result = longList.distinct mkString \"\"\n\n println(result)\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ 0.0007479467312805355, 0.0008699545287527144, 0.0007675106753595173 ]
[ "Ian Broudie\n\nIan Zachary Broudie (born 4 August 1958) is an English singer-songwriter, musician and record producer from Liverpool, England. ", "After emerging from the post-punk scene in Liverpool in the late 1970s as a member of Big in Japan, Broudie went on to produce albums (sometimes under the name Kingbird) for artists including Echo & the Bunnymen, The Fall, The Coral, The Zutons, The Subways and many others.", "\n\nAround 1989, he began writing and recording under the name Lightning Seeds, releasing the album Cloudcuckooland through Rough Trade on the independent label Ghetto Records, and eventually putting together a live touring band in 1994. ", "The Lightning Seeds achieved great commercial success throughout the 1990s. ", "In 2004, Broudie released an album titled Tales Told under his own name. ", "The Lightning Seeds reformed in 2006 and released their sixth studio album Four Winds in 2009.", "\n\nEarly career\nIan Broudie played in Liverpool's fledgling punk scene in the 1970s (he was a member of the band Big in Japan, which also featured Holly Johnson and Bill Drummond). ", "He was also a founder member of John Peel favourites Original Mirrors in the early '80s, and was credited as a member of Bette Bright and the Illuminations on their lone album from 1981. ", " In 1983, he recorded and wrote tracks under the name Care with vocalist Paul Simpson; the duo released 3 singles, including the minor UK chart hit \"Flaming Sword\".", "\n\nThe Lightning Seeds\n\nBroudie began writing as The Lightning Seeds at the end of the 1980s, scoring a debut hit with the song \"Pure\". ", "To begin with, The Lightning Seeds had just one member – Ian himself.", "\n\nThe Lightning Seeds produced a selection of well-received singles and albums in the 1990s. ", "The albums Cloudcuckooland (1989) and Sense (1992) followed. ", "The latter's song \"The Life of Riley\" became the backing music for Match of the Day'''s Goal of the Month competition. ", "In 1994 Broudie created a touring band so the songs could be played live. ", "Their 1994 album Jollification is considered by many as the moment the Lightning Seeds arrived as a mainstream band. ", "During the same period, Broudie produced albums for other acts, including Northside, The Primitives, Terry Hall and Dodgy.", "\n\nThe Lightning Seeds twice took football anthem \"Three Lions\" (with comedians Frank Skinner and David Baddiel) to number one, with different lyrics for the Euro 96 and France '98 tournaments (Broudie himself is a supporter of Liverpool; Lightning Seeds album covers and inlays often contain references such as Justice for the '96 and Support the Liverpool Dockers). ", "In the years since France'98, the song has been released multiple times for football tournaments, and now has the unique distinction of being the only song in existence to have become UK #1 four separate times with the same artists: two one-week stints in 1996, three straight weeks in 1998 for the remake, and again in 2018 for the original during the World Cup held in Russia.", "\n\nOn 14 March 1997, Broudie was the guest host of Top of the Pops. ", "Later that year, the Lightning Seeds headlined the Hillsborough Justice Concert, which was held at Liverpool's Anfield stadium to raise fund for the families in their struggle for justice.", "\n\nBroudie returned with a new line-up in 2009, releasing the album Four Winds, and has extensively toured since with a line-up including old Seeds favourites Angie Pollack (piano), Martyn Campbell (guitar), and Ian's son Riley Broudie (guitar).", "\n\nProduction work\nBroudie worked as a producer with many independent labels including Factory Records, Creation Records, Zoo Records and Rough Trade, sometimes under the name 'Kingbird'.", "\n\nBroudie subsequently concentrated on production for other bands, working with the likes of The Coral, The Subways, The Zutons, French rock band Noir Desir for their first long album Veuillez rendre l'âme, The Rifles and on a handful of I Am Kloot songs.", "\n\nSolo career\nOn 11 October 2004, Broudie released his debut solo effort, Tales Told, which was embraced by critics and fans alike – despite the fact that Tales Told saw Broudie move into folk rock territory and away from the slick pop sound of The Lightning Seeds. ", "The first song on the album, \"Song for No One\", featured in the opening episode of the 3rd season of the US TV series The O.C.Solo discography\n\nAlbums and EPs\n Tales Told (2004)\n Smoke Rings EP (2005)\n\nFeatured singles\n\nPersonal life\nHe is Jewish and has a son called Riley, the subject of the song \"The Life of Riley\". ", "He lives in London but spent a substantial amount of time writing and recording in Liverpool as his studio was located there. ", "In 2018, he said he was recording in his home.", "\n\nReferences\n\n Jewish Chronicle'', 16 February 2007, p. 43: \"The life of Broudie\"\n\nExternal links\n \n \n \n\nCategory:1958 births\nCategory:English record producers\nCategory:English Jews\nCategory:English male singers\nCategory:English new wave musicians\nCategory:English male singer-songwriters\nCategory:Jewish singers\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Male new wave singers\nCategory:Musicians from Liverpool\nCategory:The Lightning Seeds members\nCategory:Big in Japan (band) members\nCategory:People educated at King David High School, Liverpool" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nIs there a method in the Windows API for firing off code when a specific application is run?", "\n\nI want to monitor the status of an application that runs in Windows. ", "What is the best method (Win32 or newer API) that I can use to watch for when a specific application is run and execute another app of my choice thereafter?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use the WMI - see this SO question and answer How to monitor process/program execution in windows?.", "\nSpecifically the Win32_ProcessStartTrace class\nThere are some other options in that thread also.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0009469907963648438, 0.0006150989211164415, 0.0005890153697691858, 0.0006395756499841809, 0.0006488891085609794, 0.001994825666770339 ]
[ "It’s all been resolved. ", "As of Saturday, July 19, federal employee Lisa Polyak, one of the leading activists pushing for Maryland’s marriage equality law, succeeded in adding her legally married spouse and partner of more than 30 years, Gita Deane, to her employee health insurance policy.", "\n\nThe approval came more than two weeks after Polyak’s request to add Deane to her health plan was denied, with a Blue Cross Blue Shield customer service representative informing her that a computer program used to process such requests would not accept same-sex spouses.", "\n\nOn July 20, Polyak, a civilian staff member with the Department of the Army in Aberdeen, Md., discovered to her delight that the quirky computer glitch that initially required Deane’s gender to be listed as “male” in order for her to be approved for Polyak’s health plan was changed to female.", "\n\n“We have been overpaying for health insurance for so long – 30 years – that we would not have cared if they listed her as a kangaroo, as long as she was covered,” Polyak quipped to the Blade.", "\n\nPolyak was referring to the fact that the couple had to pay for duplicate health insurance policies for years before states began legalizing marriage between same-sex couples. ", "Once that happened in Maryland earlier this year she still couldn’t add Deane to her health plan because the Defense of Marriage Act, or DOMA, prohibited the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.", "\n\nThat remaining impediment ended on June 26 when the U.S. Supreme Court declared DOMA unconstitutional.", "\n\nJena L. Estes, vice president of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association’s Federal Employee program, said the snafu Polyak encountered represented the rare exception in the health insurance giant’s task of changing its internal procedures to enroll same-sex spouses of federal workers just days after the Supreme Court issued its landmark decision.", "\n\n“As of today, we process probably about 40 requests a day and those are all being handled very successfully,” Estes said in describing how Blue Cross Blue Shield affiliate companies throughout the country are enrolling same-sex spouses into federal employees’ health insurance plans.", "\n\nAccording to Estes, CareFirst, the Blue Cross Blue Shield company providing health insurance in the D.C. metropolitan area, has successfully processed about 100 requests by federal employees like Polyak to add their same-sex spouse to their health plan since July 3.", "\n\nThat’s when the U.S. Office of Personnel Management issued a special guidance directing health insurance companies that provide policies to federal employees to begin enrolling same-sex spouses under the federal health benefits program. ", "The OPM guidance and directive allows federal employees to enroll their same-sex spouses for a 60-day period that ends on Aug. 26.", "\n\nIf they don’t arrange for a same-sex spouse to be enrolled by that date they must wait until Nov. 11, when the annual open enrollment period begins for the federal employee health insurance program. ", "The open enrollment period lasts until Dec. 9.", "\n\nEstes attributes the problem Polyak experienced to a short period in which some of the Blue Cross Blue Shield companies had yet to fully change their internal systems to adapt to the Supreme Court ruling. ", "She noted that the OPM guidance called for the insurance companies to begin processing same-sex spouse enrollments in the federal employee system beginning July 3, just five business days after the Supreme Court decision.", "\n\n“So once it came out we put protocols in place immediately and began working diligently to make sure that we could accommodate the requests,” Estes told the Blade in a telephone interview on Monday. “", "And I believe we’ve done that.”", "\n\nBut in Polyak’s case, those system changes apparently weren’t put in place by the CareFirst operation overseeing federal employee health plans where Polyak worked in Maryland.", "\n\n“I spoke to Blue Cross Blue Shield reps on July 1, July 8, and July 15 and they told me that they had tried and failed to add Gita as my spouse on my insurance plan,” she told the Blade. “", "I also tried to add Gita as my spouse on the website. ", "But when I identified Gita as a female…the website rejected my change and would not add her to the list of covered family members.”", "\n\nPolyak said the Blue Cross Blue Shield customer service representatives were cordial and expressed frustration that they couldn’t immediately override the computer program. ", "She said they couldn’t give her a date when the problem would be resolved.", "\n\nOn July 19, several days after the Blade began making inquiries about Polyak’s case with OPM and Blue Cross Blue Shield, she said a CareFirst official informed her that the computer program had been manually overridden and her request to include Deane on her policy was approved retroactively as of June 26. ", "However, for the time being, Polyak said, the official told her Deane would have to be listed as a male.", "\n\nThat troubled Polyak because another company representative had told her that a medical claim filed by Deane’s doctor would be rejected if the claim identified her as female while the insurance policy listed her as male.", "\n\nHowever, that problem was somehow resolved overnight, Polyak said. ", "When she checked her insurance policy online on Saturday, July 20, Deane’s gender had been changed to female.", "\n\n“That shows how quickly we respond,” Estes told the Blade. “", "But you know, we really have had maybe 15 days since OPM issued its guidance and a couple of those days were federal holidays. ", "So we’ve been working really diligently and I’m really happy it happened in less than 24 hours,” she said in referring to Polyak’s case.", "\n\nJohn O’Brien, Director of Healthcare and Insurance for OPM, said OPM has been working with health insurance companies to make sure same-sex couples obtain the benefits to which they are now entitled.", "\n\n“If a carrier is having problems — computer or otherwise — with updating a federal employee’s enrollment status, the carrier has the responsibility to correct the issues immediately,” O’Brien told the Blade in an email. “", "In addition, both the carriers and enrollees should contact OPM if problems persist.”", "\n\nLou Chibbaro Jr. has reported on the LGBT civil rights movement and the LGBT community for more than 30 years, beginning as a freelance writer and later as a staff reporter and currently as Senior News Reporter for the Washington Blade. ", "He has chronicled LGBT-related developments as they have touched on a wide range of social, religious, and governmental institutions, including the White House, Congress, the U.S. Supreme Court, the military, local and national law enforcement agencies and the Catholic Church. ", "Chibbaro has reported on LGBT issues and LGBT participation in local and national elections since 1976. ", "He has covered the AIDS epidemic since it first surfaced in the early 1980s.", "\nFollow Lou" ]
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[ "I forgot to add, the biggest feature about Multicam is the gradients, there's gradient fades in the multicam pattern. ", "the paint job on the gun is solid, so it looks a bit like woodland with different colors." ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'We investigate a sample of eleven Galactic X-ray sources recently discovered with or with the goal of identifying their optical and/or near-infrared (NIR) counterpart. ", "For this purpose new positions of nine objects are presented together with follow-up observations of all the targets in the optical and NIR. ", "For the four sources , , and , the position confirms an existing association with an optical/NIR object, while for two sources (and ) it rules out previously proposed counterparts indicating new ones. ", "In the case of , a counterpart is selected out of the several possibilities proposed in the literature and we present the first association with an optical/NIR source for and . ", "Moreover, optical/NIR observations are reported for and : we investigate the counterpart to the X-ray sources based on their positions. ", "We discuss the nature of each system considering its optical/NIR and X-ray properties.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n E.M.$\\,$Ratti$^{1}$[^1],$\\,$C.G.$\\,$Bassa$^{2}$,$\\,$M.A.P.$\\,$Torres$^{3}$,$\\,$L.$\\,$Kuiper$^{1}$,$\\,$J.C.A.$\\,$Miller-Jones$^{4}$,$\\,$P.G.$\\,$Jonker$^{1,3,5}$\\\n $^1$SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Sorbonnelaan 2, 3584 CA, Utrecht, The Netherlands\\\n $^2$Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL\\\n $^3$Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.\\\n $^4$NRAO Headquarters, 520 Edgemont Road,Charlottesville,VA 22903, USA\\\n $^5$Department of Astrophysics, IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen, PO Box 9010, NL-6500 GL Nijmegen, the Netherlands\\\nbibliography:\n- 'h1743-bib.bib'\ntitle: ' localisation and optical/NIR follow-up of Galactic X-ray sources'\n---\n\nX-rays: binaries - infrared: stars - binaries:symbiotic - binaries: eclipsing\n\nIntroduction {#intro}\n============\n\n -------- -------------- -------------- ---------- -------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------\n Source Date Instrument Exposure Counts (J2000) (J2000) [wavdetect]{} error\n\n time (s) on , (arcsec)\n\n 2008 Jan. 18 [*HRC-I*]{} 1129 1075 $16^{\\rmn{h}} $-28\\degr 07\\arcmin 40\\farcs 30$ 0.018, 0.014\n 19^{\\rmn{m}} 33\\fs30$ \n\n 2008 Jan. 24 [*ACIS-I*]{} 1135 237 $16^{\\rmn{h}} $-46\\degr 02\\arcmin 50\\farcs 94$ 0.072, 0.068\n 29^{\\rmn{m}} 12\\fs86$ \n\n 2007 Oct. 24 [*HRC-I*]{} 1174 44 $16^{\\rmn{h}} $-45\\degr 12\\arcmin 06\\farcs 74$ 0.061, 0.061\n 48^{\\rmn{m}} 06\\fs58$ \n\n 2007 Sep. 29 [*HRC-I*]{} 1150 198 $16^{\\rmn{h}} $-33\\degr 07\\arcmin 02\\farcs 28$ 0.032, 0.029\n 49^{\\rmn{m}} 55\\fs65$ \n\n 2008 Sep. 23 [*ACIS-I*]{} 1141 12 $17^{\\rmn{h}} $-38\\degr 51\\arcmin 54\\farcs 13$ 0.227, 0.256\n 15^{\\rmn{m}} 56\\fs42$ \n\n 2009 Feb. 08 [*HRC-I*]{} 1172 11 $17^{\\rmn{h}} $-36\\degr 22\\arcmin 22\\farcs 00$ 0.14, 0.043\n 43^{\\rmn{m}} 01\\fs31$ \n\n 2007 Oct. 23 [*HRC-I*]{} 1180 227 $17^{\\rmn{h}} $-22\\degr 01\\arcmin 39\\farcs 17$ 0.022, 0.022\n 59^{\\rmn{m}} 45\\fs52$ \n\n 2008 Feb. 16 [*HRC-I*]{} 1174 22 $18^{\\rmn{h}} $-00\\degr 01\\arcmin 17\\farcs 73$ 0.0432, 0.061\n 49^{\\rmn{m}} 01\\fs59$ \n\n 2007 Jul. 30 [*HRC-I*]{} 1129 26 $19^{\\rmn{h}} $+05\\degr 30\\arcmin 58\\farcs 09$ 0.061, 0.072\n 30^{\\rmn{m}} 50\\fs77$ \n -------- -------------- -------------- ---------- -------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------\n\n Source (J2000) (J2000) Uncertainty (1$\\sigma$) Instrument\n -------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------\n $17^{\\rmn{h}} 10^{\\rmn{m}} 13\\fs$ $-28\\degr 07\\arcmin 51\\farcs $ $1''$ $^{a}$\n $17^{\\rmn{h}} 25^{\\rmn{m}} 25\\fs$ $-32\\degr 57\\arcmin 15\\farcs $ $2''$ $^{b}$\n\n[$^a$ @2008yCat..34930339W. $^b$ .\\\n]{}\n\nX-ray binaries (XRBs) are binary systems where a compact object, either a black hole (BH), a neutron star (NS) or a white dwarf (WD) accretes matter from a stellar companion (the donor or secondary star). ", "In case the compact object is a WD, the XRB is called a cataclysmic variable (CV). ", "In these systems, gravitational potential energy is extracted from the matter falling onto the compact object via the accretion process, producing the observed X-ray luminosity. ", "XRBs represent a large fraction of X-ray sources in our Galaxy (see @2006csxs.book....1P for a review).", "\n\nThe majority of XRBs accreting onto a NS or BH can be grouped in two classes, defined by the mass of the secondary star: high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) and low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). ", "In HMXBs the mass of the donor is M$_\\rmn{D}\\gtrsim10$ [M$_{\\odot}$]{}; in LMXBs M$_\\rmn{D}\\lesssim1$ [M$_{\\odot}$]{}. ", "A few intermediate mass XRBs (IMXBs) are also known (see @2003astro.ph..8020C for a review).", "\n\nHMXBs are further divided into Be-XRBs and supergiant X-ray binaries (SXRBs). ", "Be-XRBs are characterized by a Be-star companion and typically have eccentric orbits: the compact object accretes in major outbursts near the periastron, when it passes through the circumstellar disk of the Be-star. ", "On the other hand, SXRBs host an early type O/B supergiant companion and are ’traditionally’ found to be persistent X-ray sources. ", "However, recent observations by the International Gamma-ray Astrophysics Laboratory () have revealed a class of fast X-ray transient sources spending most of their time at a quiescent level, that have sporadic outbursts lasting a few minutes to hours. ", "The class was named “supergiant fast X-ray transients” after follow-up optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic observations of a number of systems revealed supergiant secondary stars [@2006ESASP.604..165N]. ", "The physical origin of the fast X-ray outbursts is not yet understood (for different models see , , @2008MNRAS.391L.108B, @2010arXiv1006.3256D). ", "The satellite also discovered a population of XRBs characterized by a large amount of absorption local to the source as the accreting compact object is immersed in the dense stellar wind of a massive companion star. ", "The NIR counterparts identified for a number of sources are all consistent with supergiant stars. ", "It has been suggested that all the obscured HMXBs are hosting supergiant companions .", "\n\nLMXBs are traditionally divided into NS and BH binaries. ", "Surface phenomena occurring on the accreting object, like thermonuclear X-ray bursts or the detection of a pulsating signal are evidence for the presence of a NS. ", "Nevertheless, in the absence of such phenomena no definitive conclusion can be drawn about the nature of the compact object from X-ray observations alone (see @2006csxs.book....1P for a review). ", "Dynamical constraints on the mass of the compact object are required in order to confidently distinguish a NS from a BH. ", "These can be obtained via orbital phase-resolved spectroscopy of the optical or NIR counterpart to the X-ray source [@1995xrbi.nasa...58V].", "\n\nTwo sub-classes of LMXBs also exist that are characterised by peculiar companion stars: ultra compact X-ray binaries (UCXBs) and symbiotic X-ray binaries (SyXBs). ", "The signature of UCXBs is an orbital period of $\\sim$ 1 hour or less. ", "This implies that the orbital separation is very small and the donor must be hydrogen poor to fit in its Roche lobe . ", "SyXBs are defined by the presence of an M-type giant companion. ", "Those systems are rare, as the giant phase does not last long, and are characterised by a lack of accretion signatures in the optical spectra, since the accretion disk is out-shined by the companion star unless the X-ray luminosity is particularly high ( and references therein).", "\n\nSince the classification is based on the mass of the companion and/or of the compact object, the identification of counterparts of XRBs in optical or NIR is important. ", "In this article we present a search for the optical/NIR counterpart of a sample of 11 Galactic sources, recently discovered with or with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer ([*RXTE*]{}). ", "A classification has been proposed in the literature for all but one of the sources (IGR J16293-4603) on the basis of the X-ray behaviour alone or the spectrum of an optical/NIR candidate counterpart. ", "Nevertheless, none of the proposed counterpart identifications are conclusive due to the lack of an accurate X-ray position. ", "For the 9 sources listed in Table \\[chandra\\] we obtained observations, with the main goal of determining an accurate X-ray position. ", "Thanks to the high spatial resolution of we could verify previously proposed candidate counterparts and investigate sources for which no counterpart was known. ", "For the two sources listed in Table \\[known\\] we do not have data. ", "We have searched for their optical/NIR counterparts referring to previous observations.", "\n\nThis paper is structured as follows: sections 2 and 3 present the observations and the data reduction procedures. ", "In section 4 we provide a short introduction for each source followed by the results from our analysis. ", "All the coordinates reported in the text and tables are referred to epoch J2000.", "\n\nX-ray data: reduction and analysis {#Xray}\n==================================\n\nWe observed the sources in Table \\[chandra\\] with , using the High Resolution Camera ([*HRC-I*]{}) and the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer ([*ACIS-I*]{}). ", "We have reprocessed and analysed the data using the [ciao]{} 4.0.1 software developed by the X-ray Centre. ", "All data have been used in our analysis, as background flaring is very weak or absent.", "\n\nWe localized X-ray sources on each observation with the tool [wavdetect]{} from the total energy range of [*HRC-I*]{} and [*ACIS-I*]{}. ", "The uncertainty on the localisation on the image as given by [wavdetect]{} (Table \\[chandra\\]) is negligible with respect to the boresight uncertainty of 0.6 arcsec (90 per cent confidence, slightly dependent on the instrument[^2]) for all the sources but the weakest, and . ", "Although the centroiding uncertainty for those targets is of the same order of magnitude as the boresight uncertainty, the latter still dominates the overall X-ray positional accuracy. ", "Therefore we adopt a 90 per cent confidence uncertainty of 0.6 arcsec on the X-ray position of all the sources. ", "We extracted the source counts in a 40-pixel radius around the position from [wavdetect]{} using the tool [dmextract]{}. ", "We estimated the background in an annulus centered on the [wavdetect]{} position, with an inner and outer radius of 70 and 200 pixels. ", "We considered all the counts from [*HRC*]{}, while we select the counts in the $0.3-7~\\rmn{keV}$ energy band for [*ACIS*]{} observations. ", "The net, background subtracted counts for each source are given in Table \\[chandra\\].", "\n\nOptical and NIR data: reduction and analysis {#optical}\n============================================\n\n\\[instruments\\]\n\n -------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------------ --\n Instrument Pixel scale Binning Field of view \n ($\\rmn{arcsec}$) ($\\rmn{arcmin}$) \n [*EMMI*]{} 0.166 2$\\times$2 9.1$\\times$9.9 \n [*IMACS*]{} 0.111 2$\\times$2 15.4$\\times$15.4 \n [*LDSS3*]{} 0.189 1$\\times$1 Diameter$=$8.3 \n [*MOSAIC*]{} 0.27 1$\\times$1 36$\\times$36 \n [*PANIC*]{} 0.127 1$\\times$1 2$\\times$2 \n -------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------------ --\n\n -------- ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------\n Source Date Instrument(s) Filter(s) Exposures Seeing Photometric\n ($\\rmn{arcsec}$) calibration\n 2006Jun.24 [*MOSAICII*]{} [*r’*]{} 1$\\times$10+5$\\times$300 1.6 PG1323-086\n 2006Aug.03 [*PANIC*]{} $K_s$ 1$\\times$75 0.5 2MASS\n 2008Jun.24 [*LDSS3*]{} [*g’,r’, i’*]{} 3$\\times$180([*r’*]{})+1$\\times$180([*g’,i’*]{}) 1.1 SDSS$^{(1)}$(s82)\n 2006Jun.24 [*MOSAIC II*]{} [*i’*]{} 1$\\times$10+5$\\times$300 1.6 PG1323-086\n 2006Jun.24 [*MOSAICII*]{} [*r’*]{} 1$\\times$10+5$\\times$300 1.6 PG1323-086\n 2006Aug.03 [*PANIC*]{} $K_s$ 1$\\times$75 0.7 2MASS\n 2005May07 [*IMACS*]{} [*I*]{} 2$\\times$10+2$\\times$300 0.9 Landolt109-954\n 2009May07 [*LDSS3*]{} [*i’*]{} 2$\\times$10$\\rmn{s}$+4$\\times$300 0.75 non-photometric$^{(2)}$\n 2006Aug.03 [*PANIC*]{} [*$K_s$*]{} 1$\\times$75 0.8 2MASS\n 2007Jun.22 [*EMMI*]{} [*I*]{} 1$\\times$30+1$\\times$600 1.7 non-photometric\n 2009May.07 [*LDSS3*]{} [*i’*]{} 2$\\times$10+4$\\times$300 0.75 non-photometric$^{(2)}$\n 2007Jun.22 [*EMMI*]{} [*I*]{} 1$\\times$20+2$\\times$600 1.7 non-photometric\n 2006Jun.25 [*MOSAICII*]{} [*i’*]{} 1$\\times$10+5$\\times$300 1.1 PG1323-086\n 2009Jul.16 [*PANIC*]{} $K_s$ 1$\\times$450 0.8 2MASS\n 2006Jun.22 [*MOSAICII*]{} [*r’*]{} 1$\\times$10+5$\\times$300 1.1 PG1323-086\n -------- ------------ ----------------- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------------\n\n[$^{(1)}$ SDSS$=$Sloan Digital Sky Survey $^{(2)}$ see text (Section \\[optical\\])\\\n]{}\n\nWe performed optical and/or NIR imaging of the field of each X-ray source in our sample from various Chilean sites, with the following instruments:\n\n- the ESO Multi Mode Instrument ([*EMMI*]{}) at the 3.5 m New Technology Telescope on La Silla\n\n- the Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph ([*LDSS3*]{}), the Persson’s Auxiliary Nasmyth Infrared Camera ([*PANIC*]{}) and the Inamori Magellan Areal Camera and Spectrograph ([*IMACS*]{}) at the 6.5 m Magellan telescopes Clay and Baade on Las Campanas\n\n- the [*MOSAIC II*]{} imager at the 4 m Blanco telescope on Cerro Tololo.", "\n\nTable \\[instruments\\] reports the pixel scale and the field of view (FOV) of each instrument, together with the binning we employed. ", "A journal of the observations is presented in Table \\[log\\]. ", "All optical observations include a short (10-15 $\\rmn{s}$) exposure image for the astrometry, where bright stars do not saturate, and several deeper exposures to observe faint objects. ", "We observed four of the sources in the $K_s$ band using the PANIC camera. ", "The observations consisted of five point dither patterns with a 5s or 15s exposure repeated three times at each offset position. ", "Table  \\[log\\] gives the total time expended on source.", "\n\nOptical images have been reduced for photometry with standard routines running within [midas]{} or [iraf]{}, corrected for the bias and flat-fielded. ", "The [*PANIC*]{} NIR data were reduced through the [*PANIC*]{} software: the raw frames were first dark subtracted and flat-fielded. ", "Normalized flat-fields were made by combining twilight flat field frames scaled by their mode. ", "Next, a sky image was built by masking out stars from each set of dithered frames and was subtracted from the set of target frames. ", "Finally, a mosaic image was built by combining and averaging the sky-subtracted images.", "\n\nThe [daophot II]{} package [@1987PASP...99..191S], running inside [midas]{}, was used to determine instrumental magnitudes through a Point Spread Function (PSF) fitting technique. ", "The aperture correction was measured from aperture photometry on bright and isolated stars. ", "Unless we detect the counterpart to an X-ray source only on deep images, we preferably perform photometry on the short-exposure astrometric images, which have the advantage of being less crowded than deeper ones.", "\n\nThe last column in Table \\[log\\] lists the fields employed for photometric calibration. ", "The [*PANIC*]{} [*K*]{}$_{s}$-band images have been calibrated with respect to [*K*]{} band magnitudes of 2MASS stars in the field. ", "An accurate calibration for the LDSS3 observations of and is not possible since the observing night was not photometric. ", "Nevertheless we provide indicative magnitudes by calibrating the images with the zero point from a previous [*LDSS3*]{} observing run in November 2007, correcting for the different air mass.", "\n\nFor the astrometry, we compared the position of the stars against entries from the second USNO CCD Astrograph Catalogue (UCAC2, @2004AJ....127.3043Z) or from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS). ", "The positional accuracy of UCAC2 varies between 0.02 arcsec (for stars with magnitude $R<14$) and 0.07 arcsec ($14<R<16$); that of 2MASS is $\\sim$0.1 arcsec (for stars with magnitude $K<14$). ", "UCAC2 positions were preferably adopted, unless less than 5 stars from that catalogue overlap with stars in the field. ", "In this case we compared with the more rich but less precise 2MASS catalogue. ", "An astrometric solution was computed by fitting for the reference point position, the scale and the position angle, considering all the stars that are not saturated and appear stellar and unblended. ", "We obtain solutions with root-mean-square (rms) residuals ranging from 0.05 to 0.1 arcsec when 2MASS is used, and from 0.05 to 0.07 arcsec in case UCAC2 is used. ", "The uncertainty on the position of a star due to centroiding is negligible with respect to that of the astrometry. ", "Once astrometrically calibrated, short-exposure images have been adopted as secondary catalogues for the calibration of the longer-exposure images (see Table \\[log\\]), obtaining rms residuals negligible with respect to those of the ’primary’ solution against the standard catalogues. ", "We adopted as the accuracy on our stellar positions the quadratic sum of the residuals of the ’primary’ astrometry and the accuracy of the catalogue employed (although the latter could be a systematic error) : the resulting positional accuracy is ranging from 0.07 to 0.13 arcsec (1$\\sigma$) on both right ascension () and declination (). ", "In order to identify the optical/NIR counterpart of the X-ray sources in our sample, we plotted the 90 per cent confidence error circle around or positions on optical/NIR charts, taking into account the positional error due to our astrometry. ", "For all the targets we searched for a counterpart inside an overall 90 per cent confidence radius of $\\sim$0.7 arcsec, resulting from the combination of the 0.6 arcsec accuracy of positions with the accuracy of our astrometry. ", "The contribution of the astrometric error to the positional error (see Table \\[known\\]) is negligible.", "\n\nWhen the candidate counterpart is not saturated, we compute the probability that it falls inside the error circle by chance as the number of stars of brightness equal to or larger than that of the counterpart (considering the error on the photometry), divided by the area of the field and multiplied by the area covered by the error circle. ", "For stars that saturate even in a 10-15 seconds image we do not compute a probability, since their magnitude cannot be reliably determined.", "\n\nIndividual sources {#indsou}\n==================\n\nIGR J16194-2810: a SyXB {#uno}\n-----------------------\n\nwas discovered by [*INTEGRAL/IBIS*]{} (@2006ApJ...636..765B; @2006ApJ...636L..65B) and soon identified as the ROSAT object 1RXS J161933.0-280736 . ", "Based on its and [*ROSAT*]{} position, associated the source with the bright object USNO-A2.0 U0600\\_20227091. ", "The optical spectrum presented by the authors indicates an M2 III star, thus was classified as a SyXB .", "\n\nWe observed the field with [*Chandra/HRC-I*]{} for $\\sim1.1~\\rmn{ks}$ on 2008 Jan. 18, detecting a single, bright source (1075 counts) inside the [*ROSAT*]{} and error circles at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $19^{\\rmn{m}}$ $33\\fs42$, = $-28\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $40\\farcs 3$.\n\nNIR and optical images, collected with [*Magellan/PANIC*]{} in $K_{s}$ band on 2006 Aug. 3 and with [*Blanco/MOSAIC II*]{} in [*r’*]{} band on 2006 Jun. 24, reveal a bright source overlapping with the error circle. ", "The source is not saturated only in the 10$\\rmn{s}$-long exposure with [*MOSAIC II*]{} shown in Figure \\[first\\]. ", "It falls on the border of the 90 per cent error circle, at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $19^{\\rmn{m}}$ $33\\fs346$, = $-28\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $39\\farcs 92$ ($\\pm$0.08 arcsec on both coordinates). ", "Comparing our finding charts with those in we identify this object with the candidate counterpart proposed by the authors. ", "The position reported in the USNO-A2.0 catalogue from observations performed in 1979 is in agreement with our measurements if the strong proper motion of the source is taken into account ($1.3~\\pm~4.7~\\rmn{mars\\,yr^{-1}}$ in $~$and $-20.2~\\pm~4.7~\\rmn{mars\\,yr^{-1}}$ in , from UCAC2). ", "The magnitudes of the object from USNO-A2.0 in the [*R*]{} and [*B*]{} bands is $R=11$ and $B=13.2$. We found the source also in UCAC2 and in 2MASS, where the following magnitude are reported: $J=8.268~\\pm~0.029$, $H=7.333~\\pm~0.044$ and $K=6.984~\\pm0.016$. We measure an apparent magnitude ${r'}=10.98~\\pm~0.04$ in [*r’*]{} band. ", "The probability that such a bright star falls by chance in the Chandra error-circle is $\\sim2\\times10^{-7}$. Based on its position and proper motion we confirm the red giant USNO-A2.0 U0600\\_20227091/2MASS 16193334-2807397 (first proposed by ) as the optical and NIR counterpart to and the classification of the source as a SyXB.", "\n\nWe investigated the high proper motion of the source by calculating its peculiar velocity, i.e. the velocity with respect to the local standard of rest. ", "The distance $d$ can be estimated by comparing the apparent magnitude we measure in the [*r’*]{} band with the typical [*R*]{}-band absolute magnitude of an M2 III star ( $M_R\\sim-2$, @2000asqu.book.....C), accounting for extinction. ", "We obtain the extinction coefficient in the [*R*]{} band from that in the [*V*]{} band following the optical extinction laws in @1989ApJ...345..245C. The standard value of the extinction-law parameter $R_V$ for the diffuse interstellar medium is assumed ($R_V=3.1$). ", "We derived $A_V$ from the hydrogen column density $N_H$ in accordance with @2009MNRAS.tmp.1480G. With $N_H=(0.16\\pm0.08)\\times10^{22}~\\rmn{cm}^{-2}$ from , the distance is $d=3.0\\pm0.2~\\rmn{kpc}$, in agreement with the upper limit estimated by those authors. ", "While the systemic radial velocity, $\\gamma$, is unknown, we can use the measured proper motion and source distance to derive the three-dimensional space velocity components as a function of $\\gamma$. Using the transformations of @1987AJ.....93..864J and the standard solar motion of @1998MNRAS.298..387D we derive the space velocity components and compare with those predicted by the Galactic rotation parameters of @2009ApJ...693..397R (but note @2009MNRAS.400L.103M), obtaining the peculiar velocity as a function of $\\gamma$ (Figure \\[veloc\\]) under the asumption that the object participates in the Galactic rotation. ", "We find a minimum peculiar velocity of $280\\pm66$kms$^{-1}$, at $\\gamma=-35$kms$^{-1}$. This limit on the peculiar velocity is high, indicating that either the binary is a halo object or that it has received a kick. ", "The latter possibility is more natural in the case of a NS/BH accretor.", "\n\n![", "From top to bottom, modelled Galactocentric radial velocity and circular velocity and peculiar velocity of against systemic radial velocity: the solid line in each case shows the best fitting values while the dotted lines show the uncertainty. ", "The dashed lines show the expected values for Galactocentric radial and circular velocities for an object participating in the Galactic rotation. ", "The minimum peculiar velocity is 280$\\pm66~\\rmn{km\\,s^{-1}}$, corresponding to a systemic radial velocity of $-35~\\rmn{km\\,s^{-1}}$. []{data-label=\"veloc\"}](16194_vel.eps){width=\"9cm\"}\n\nIGR J16293-4603: a new LMXB (possibly SyXB) {#due}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe source was discovered in 2008 combining [*INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI*]{} data collected over the period from 2003 Mar. 2 to 2006 Feb. 24. ", "The discovery is reported in @2008ATel.1774....1K, together with a localisation and preliminary results regarding the optical counterpart of the source: in this paper we report the conclusive results of that analysis.", "\n\nWe observed the field of with [*Chandra/ACIS-I*]{} for $\\sim1.1~\\rmn{ks}$ on 2008 Jan. 24, detecting a single source (237 counts) inside the [*IBIS/ISGRI*]{} error circle, at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $29^{\\rmn{m}}$ $12\\fs86$, = $-28\\degr$ $02\\arcmin$ $50\\farcs 94$.\n\nOptical images have been acquired with [*Magellan/LDSS3*]{} on 2008 Jun. 24 in the [*g’, r’*]{} and [*i’*]{} bands. ", "An object is visible in all the observed bands inside the 90 per cent error circle (see Figure \\[second\\]) at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $29^{\\rmn{m}}$ $12\\fs885$, = $-46\\degr$ $02\\arcmin$ $50\\farcs 55$ ($\\pm~0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates). ", "After absolute photometric calibration, we measure the following magnitudes: $g'=23.35~\\pm~0.07$, $r'=20.67~\\pm~0.04$ and $i'=19.12~\\pm~0.07$. In order to constrain the intrinsic colour index $(r'-i')_0$ for the counterpart to , we derived the extinction coefficients in the [*g’, r’*]{} and [*i’*]{} bands as we did for , obtaining the extinction coefficient in the [*V*]{} band, $A_V$ from the hydrogen column density $N_H$. With $N_H=(0.7~\\pm~0.5)\\times10^{22}~\\rmn{cm^{-2}}$, as measured in @2008ATel.1774....1K from the fitting of -[*ACIS*]{} spectra in the 0.3-7 $\\rmn{keV}$ range, we obtain $A_V=3~\\pm~2$ and $(r'-i')_0=0.9~\\pm~0.4$. If the counterpart we observe has no flux contribution from an accretion disk, this colour index indicates a main sequence star of K or early M spectral type or a giant [@2000asqu.book.....C]. ", "If we are observing a combination of the optical light emitted by the disc and by the companion star, the latter is even redder than $(r'-i')_0=0.9~\\pm~0.4$, since the disk is bluer than a K-type star [@1995xrb..book...58V]. ", "Therefore, is most likely not a HMXB. ", "Single stars have been observed in hard X-rays only during flares [@2007ApJ...654.1052O]: the fact that was discovered by combining multiple observations suggests that the X-rays are not due to a single active star. ", "Thus, is most likely an LMXB or a CV. ", "Moreover, Figure \\[hr\\] shows the colour-magnitude diagram of the source field, where the apparent magnitude of the stars in [*g’*]{} band is plotted versus the $(r'-i')$ colour index: the counterpart to lies on the Giant Branch of the diagram, suggesting the system has a giant companion. ", "For $N_H\\sim0.7\\times10^{22}$, the source has the $(r'-i')_0$ of a K5-M0 giant. ", "This value of $N_H$ is in the middle of the range allowed by measurements and corresponds to the Galactic value from . ", "For extreme values of the $N_H$ within the error of measurements, the companion could also be a G5-M2 giant ($N_H$ respectively lower or higher than the Galactic value). ", "The typical absolute magnitude in [*R*]{} band of an M2 giant is $M_R\\sim-1.94$; that of a G5 is $M_R\\sim0.2$ [@2000asqu.book.....C]. ", "Comparing these values with the magnitude we observe in the [*r’*]{}-band and assuming the appropriate column density in the two cases, we can estimate the distance $d$ to the source: $d\\sim28~\\rmn{kpc}$ if the donor is an [*M2-III*]{} type and $d\\sim45~\\rmn{kpc}$ if the donor is a [*G5-III*]{} type. ", "The X-ray flux from our observations is $4\\times10^{-12}~\\rmn{erg~s^{-1}~cm^{-2}}$ in the band 0.3-7 $\\rmn{keV}$, assuming a simple power-law spectrum with photon index $\\gamma=$1.0 [@2008ATel.1774....1K]. ", "This results in a luminosity of $\\sim4\\times10^{35}~\\rmn{erg~s^{-1}}$ at 28 $\\rmn{kpc}$ and $\\sim2\\times10^{36}~\\rmn{erg~s^{-1}}$ at $45~\\rmn{kpc}$. Intermediate luminosities and distances are obtained for a K-type companion. ", "All the possibilities lead to an X-ray source that is too bright for a CV, but consistent with an LMXB (although in the case of a G secondary star the source would be located very far in the halo). ", "We conclude that is an LMXB, probably with a giant companion of spectral type K, M or, less likely, a G. Since the donor can also be an M-type giant, we also indicate as a candidate SyXB.", "\n\nIGR J16479-4514: an eclipsing SFXT {#tre}\n----------------------------------\n\nwas discovered with the [*IBIS/ISGRI*]{} detector on board the observatory on 2003 Aug. 8-9 [@2003ATel..176....1M] and observed several times by the same satellite during the following years (; @2006ATel..816....1M). ", "It has been regularly monitored with from October 2007 to October 2008 (; @2008ApJ...680L.137R and @2009MNRAS.399.2021R) and observed with in 2008 [@2008MNRAS.391L.108B]. ", "The X-ray behaviour of the source is typical of SFXTs, characterized by short outbursts that have been observed with both and (@2005ATel..599....1K; @2006ApJ...646..452S; ; @2009ApJ...690..120S). ", "Evidence of possible X-ray eclipses is presented in @2008MNRAS.391L.108B on the basis of observations and has been recently confirmed by @2009MNRAS.399.2021R from the analysis of [*Swift/BAT*]{} data. ", "The orbital period obtained from the eclipses is $\\sim3.3$ days, short compared to other SFXTs. ", "Moreover, the luminosity of is $\\sim10^{34}~\\rmn{erg~s^{-1}}$ in quiescence. ", "This is the typical luminosity of the fainter persistent SXRBs and two orders of magnitude higher than typical for SFXTs. ", "This suggests that is persistently accreting at a low level, in agreement with its short orbital period. ", "Due to its quiescent luminosity level, compatible with ’canonical’ SXRBs, combined with the short outbursts typical of SFXTs, has been proposed as the missing link between the two classes (i.e. @2009MNRAS.397L..11J).", "\n\nThe 2MASS star J16480656-4512068 has been proposed as a possible counterpart to by @2005ATel..599....1K and . ", "NIR spectra of that object are presented in and , indicating an O/B supergiant. ", "This is supported by the SED in . ", "In particular, classify the source as a spectral type O9.5 Iab. ", "A second, fainter candidate counterpart is also indicated in in [*K*]{} band, inside the 4 arcsec error circle.", "\n\nIn order to select the actual counterpart to , we observed the field with [*Chandra/HRC-I*]{} for $\\sim1.2~\\rmn{ks}$ on 2007 Oct. 24. ", "A single source (44 counts) is detected in the error circle, at coordinates = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $48^{\\rmn{m}}$ $06\\fs6$, = $-45\\degr$ $12\\arcmin$ $06\\farcs 7$\n\nFollow-up observations, performed with [*Blanco/MOSAIC II*]{} in the [*i’*]{} band on 2006 June 24, revealed no candidate counterpart inside the 90 per cent confidence error circle , down to a limiting magnitude of $i'\\sim23$. We detect the object labelled [*2*]{} in at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $48^{\\rmn{m}}$ $06\\fs56$, = $-45\\degr$ $12\\arcmin$ $08\\farcs 1$ ($\\pm~0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates) inside the error circle but outside the one (see Figure \\[fifth\\]). ", "We can exclude that source as a counterpart to IGR J16479-4514. ", "We do not detect the candidate counterpart labeled [*1*]{} in in [*i’*]{} band, but this is not surprising on the basis of its NIR spectrum. ", "In order to verify its association with we compared its coordinates from 2MASS with our position, finding a separation of 0.2 arcsec ($< 1\\sigma$). ", "Based on its position, we confirm the object 2MASS J16480656-4512068 (indicated in @2005ATel..599....1K) as the counterpart of the hard X-ray source . ", "The magnitudes from 2MASS are $J=12.95\\pm0.03$, $H=10.825\\pm0.02$, $K=9.80\\pm0.02$.\n\nFigure \\[NIRcol\\] shows a comparison between the intrinsic NIR colours $(J-H)_0$ and $(H-K)_0$ of the counterpart to and the same colours for typical stars of luminosity class I, III and V and spectral type from O9 to M7 (from @2000asqu.book..143T). ", "The intrinsic NIR colours for the counterpart are obtained from the 2MASS magnitudes for different values of $A_V$. The comparison is constructed as follows: we assume $(H-K)_0$ as for the tabulated spectral types and calculate the $A_V$ that is required to obtain such an intrinsic colour from the observed $(H-K)$ ($A_V$ related to $A_J$, $A_H$ and $A_K$ as for , with the typical central wavelength of 2MASS filters from @2006AJ....131.1163S). ", "With this $A_V$, $(J-H)_0$ is derived from the observed $(J-H)$. We accounted for the difference in the photometric system employed by @2000asqu.book..143T and the 2MASS [*J,H,K*]{} [^3]. ", "Interestingly, the possible combinations of $(J-H)_0$ and $(H-K)_0$ obtained for seem not to agree with the spectral classification as a O9.5 Iab. ", "The NIR colours point instead toward a late type red giant, or a spectral type not included in the comparison such as a supergiant earlier than O9. ", "The comparison method has been tested by obtaining the NIR colours for objects with a known spectral type: we tested all the sources classified in (IGR J16465-4507, AX J1841.0-0536, 4U 1907+09, IGR J19140+0951), with IGRJ 17544-2619 and XTEJ17391-3021 [@2006ESASP.604..165N], IGRJ16207-5129 , HD 306414 [@2005ATel..470....1N] and with the sources and included in this paper (see section \\[uno\\] and \\[undici\\]). ", "The agreement is good for all the systems but the O8 Ia type XTEJ17391-3021, which is offset by $\\sim0.1~\\rmn{mag}$ from to the closest spectral type in our reference table, an O9 I object. ", "The test source 4U 1907+09 has the same spectral type (O9.5 Iab) as and indeed its NIR colours are fully consistent with the spectral classification, while those of are not. ", "This discrepancy is difficult to explain. ", "There is no indication that the 2MASS photometry is subject to additional uncertainties and it seems unlikely that the spectra are compatible with that of a late-type giant. ", "We conclude that the counterpart to is peculiar in the NIR region of the spectrum.", "\n\n![ ", "Possible $(J-H)_0$, $(H-K)_0$ combinations allowed by the 2MASS $J, H$ and $K$ magnitudes of the sources (top hatched area), (lower limit to $(J-H)_0$ indicated by the solid line and arrow) and (bottom hatched area), for different values of the absorption ($A_V$ increasing from right to left). ", "For comparison, the symbols indicate the couples $(J-H)_0$, $(H-K)_0$ for stars of different spectral type (O9 to M7) and luminosity class (I,III and V) (from @2000asqu.book..143T ): dots represent main sequence stars, empty circles are red giants and stars are supergiants. []{", "data-label=\"NIRcol\"}](colours.eps){width=\"8.7cm\"}\n\nIGR J16500-3307: an Intermediate Polar\n--------------------------------------\n\nwas discovered by [@2006ApJ...636..765B] and has been associated with the [*ROSAT*]{} bright object 1 RXS J164955-330713 . ", "It has been also observed by .", "\n\nThe USNO A2-0 object U0525-24170526 has been proposed as a possible optical counterpart to based on the X-ray position from and [*Swift/XRT*]{}. ", "An optical spectrum of this source is presented in and is compatible with being an intermediate polar (IP) CV. ", "The source is included in the study of hard X-ray detected magnetic CVs by @2010MNRAS.401.2207S.\n\nWe observed the source with for $\\sim1.2~\\rmn{ks}$ on 2007 Sept. 29, detecting a single source (198 counts) compatible with the , and [*ROSAT*]{} positions, at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $49^{\\rmn{m}}$ $55\\fs7$, = $-33\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $02\\farcs 3$.\n\nFollow-up observations, performed with [*Blanco/MOSAIC II*]{} in the [*r’*]{} band on 2006 Jun. 24 and with [*Magellan/PANIC*]{} in the $K_s$ band on 2006 Aug. 3, show a bright source inside the error circle (see Figure \\[sixth\\]), at = $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $49^{\\rmn{m}}$ $55\\fs633$, = $-33\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $02\\farcs 13$ ($\\pm~0.09$ arcsec on both coordinates). ", "This position corresponds to the previously proposed counterpart from . ", "The star is also reported in 2MASS as 16495564-3307020, with magnitude $J=14.409~\\pm~0.039$, $H=13.969~\\pm~0.044$ and $K=13.712~\\pm0.049$. After absolute photometric calibration, we measure a magnitude $K_{s}=~13.64~\\pm~0.04$ with [*PANIC*]{} and $r'=~15.94~\\pm0.04$ with [*MOSAIC II*]{}. ", "The probability that a star with that brightness falls by chance in the error circle is very low ($\\sim3\\times10^{-7}$ in [*PANIC*]{} observations). ", "Based on its position, we confirm the object USNO A2-0 U0525-24170526/2MASS 16495564-3307020 (first proposed by ) as the counterpart of the X-ray source IGR J16500-3307.", "\n\nXTE 1710-281: an eclipsing LMXB {#cinque}\n-------------------------------\n\nwas serendipitously discovered in 1998 by [*RXTE/PCA*]{} and associated with the [*ROSAT*]{} source 1RXS J171012.3-280754 [@1998IAUC.6998....2M]. ", "The source was detected by [*INTEGRAL/IBIS*]{} [@2004AstL...30..382R] and recently by (@2008yCat..34930339W; ). ", "Complete X-ray eclipses and dips have been detected in the [*RXTE/PCA*]{} light curves, indicating an orbital period of $\\sim3.28$ hours. ", "Thermonuclear type I X-ray bursts indicate the object is a NS and strongly suggest that the system is an LMXB [@1995xrbi.nasa..175L]. ", "The distance $d$ has been constrained from type I X-ray bursts: @2001AAS...199.2704M indicate $d=15-20~\\rmn{kpc}$, while @2008ApJS..179..360G obtain $d=12-16~\\rmn{kpc}$.\n\nis reported in the second serendipitous source catalog [@2008yCat..34930339W] at = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $10^{\\rmn{m}}$ $12\\fs532$, = $-28\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $50\\farcs 95$, with an accuracy of 1 arcsec at $1\\sigma$ on both coordinates. ", "Taking advantage of this recent position we performed a search for the counterpart in [*I*]{} band, observing on 2006 Aug. 3 with [*Magellan/IMACS*]{}. ", "We detect one object inside the 90 per cent confidence radius around the position (see Figure \\[seven\\]) at = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $10^{\\rmn{m}}$ $12\\fs6$, = $-28\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $51\\farcs 0$ ( $\\pm~0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates). ", "Its magnitude in [*I*]{} band is $I=19.7~\\pm~0.1$. The probability that this source falls by chance inside the error circle is $2.3\\times10^{-4}$. Since the distance of the source has been constrained, we can infer an upper and lower limit to the absolute magnitude $M_{I}$ of that candidate counterpart in [*I*]{} band. ", "We derive the absolute extinction coefficient in the [*I*]{} band similarly to what we did for (see Section \\[due\\]), assuming the $N_H$ obtained by from spectra. ", "Considering a distance $12~\\rmn{kpc}<d<20~\\rmn{kpc}$ (see above), the [*I*]{} band absolute magnitude of the counterpart to is in between $M_{I}\\sim3.43$ and $M_{I}\\sim2.32$. This is in agreement with what is expected if we are observing the disk of an high inclination LMXB [@1995xrbi.nasa...58V] and supports the association with XTE 1710-281.", "\n\nXTE J1716-389: an obscured HMXB system {#sei}\n---------------------------------------\n\nwas discovered by [*RXTE*]{} between 1996 and 1997 [@1999MmSAI..70..881R] and corresponds to the source KS1716-389 [@2006MNRAS.366..918C] detected two years before the launch of [*RXTE*]{} itself by the [*TMM/COMIS*]{} telescope on board the [*Mir-Kvant*]{} module [@1995AstL...21..431A] . ", "It is also reported in the [*EXOSAT*]{} Slew survey catalogue as EXO J1715557.7-385 and is associated with the [*ROSAT*]{} source 1RXH J171556.7-385150. ", "It has been observed with [*ASCA*]{} and detected in hard X-rays by [@2006ApJ...636..765B].", "\n\nExtensively monitored by [*RXTE*]{}, the system has shown a highly-variable persistent emission (@1999AAS...195.3912W; @2006MNRAS.366..918C). ", "It presents dips with a duration of $\\sim30$ days and a recurrence period of $\\sim100$ days, associated with sudden increases in the absorption column density $N_{H}$. Even outside the dipping phase the $N_{H}$ is high ($\\sim 10^{23}~\\rmn{cm}^{-2}$) compared to the Galactic value towards the source ($\\sim2\\times10^{22}~\\rmn{cm}^{-2}$), indicating that the system is absorbed locally. ", "The source presents remarkable similarities with the class of obscured HMXBs (@1999AAS...195.3912W; ). ", "The $\\sim100$-day recurrence of the dips is likely not associated with the system orbital period, but with a super-orbital periodicity [@1999AAS...195.3912W] as has been observed in many HMXBs with a supergiant companion.", "\n\npresent a search for an optical/NIR counterpart to based on its [*ROSAT*]{} position. ", "They indicate a candidate counterpart in optical, also reported in 2MASS and a few NIR sources inside the [*ROSAT/HRI*]{} error circle.", "\n\nWe observed with [*Chandra/ACIS*]{} for $\\sim1.1~\\rmn{ks}$ on 2008 Sep. 23 detecting one faint source (12 counts in a $0.3-7~\\rmn{keV}$ energy band) compatible with the [*ROSAT*]{} pointing from , at coordinates = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $15^{\\rmn{m}}$ $56\\fs42$, = $-38\\degr$ $51\\arcmin$ $54\\farcs 127$. This position excludes the optical counterpart proposed in , being $\\sim4.5$ arcsec (more than $10\\sigma$) far away from it.", "\n\nFollow-up optical observations in [*i’*]{} band were performed on 2009 May 7 with [*Magellan/LDSS3*]{}, showing a very faint source inside the 90 per cent confidence error circle, at = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $15^{\\rmn{m}}$ $56\\fs457$, = $-38\\degr$ $51\\arcmin$ $53\\farcs 9$ $\\pm 0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates (see Figure \\[eight\\]). ", "The probability that the source falls by chance in the error-circle is $\\sim3\\times10^{-4}$. The object is reported in the 2MASS catalogue, with magnitude $H=13.569~\\pm~0.09$, $K=12.579~\\pm~0.059$. A limit to the magnitude in [*J*]{} band is also reported, the object being fainter than $J=15.058$. We observed the source in a non photometric night: we obtain an estimate of the [*I*]{}-band magnitude $I\\sim22.7$ by calibrating our [*LDSS3*]{} observation with the zero-point from a previous observing run (see Section \\[optical\\]). ", "As for (see last paragraph in Section \\[tre\\]), the possible combinations of $(J-H)_0$ and $(H-K)_0$ allowed by the 2MASS observed colours $(J-H)$ (lower limit) and $(H-K)$ are shown in Figure \\[NIRcol\\]. ", "The colours are compatible with a star of any class, but only for an $A_V$ ranging between $\\sim8$ and $\\sim17$. Those are acceptable values for a HMXB, where the companion star can be highly obscured in the optical due to its own wind ( $A_V\\sim9-15$, i.e., for the five systems investigated in ). ", "On the other hand, a main sequence star or a red giant are unlikely since the high $A_V$ requires a dense stellar wind to be justified. ", "An even higher $A_V$ ($\\sim45$) corresponds to the $N_H$ obtained from the X-rays observations (see above). ", "This indicates that there is absorption in the surroundings of the compact object, not affecting the companion star. ", "We conclude that the source 2MASS 17155645-3851537 is most likely a massive self-absorbed star: this supports its positional association with and the classification of the latter as an obscured HMXB.", "\n\nIGR J17254-3257: a candidate UCXB\n---------------------------------\n\nwas discovered by in 2003 [@2004ATel..229....1W] and reported in various catalogues of [*INTEGRAL/IBIS*]{} sources (i.e. @2004ApJ...607L..33B). ", "It is also a [*ROSAT*]{} source (1RXS J172525.5-325717), it has been continuously detected by [*RXTE/PCA*]{} at very low count-rate since 1999 and was also observed with and [@2009AIPC.1126..104C].", "\n\nA type I X-ray burst detected on 2004 Feb. 17 [@2006ATel..778....1B] indicated that the system is an LMXB hosting a NS. ", "Moreover, a long thermonuclear burst lasting about 15 minutes was observed on 2006 October 1, placing in the small group of XRBs showing bursts very different in duration ( and references therein). ", "Based on the persistent behaviour of the source at a low accretion rate, proposed as a candidate UCXB. ", "An upper limit to the distance of 14.5 $\\rmn{kpc}$ has been estimated from the bursts .", "\n\n@2009ATel.2032....1Z reported two possible optical counterparts to that are compatible with the position.", "\n\nWe observed the field of IGRJ17254-3257 with [*Magellan/PANIC*]{} on 2006 Aug. 03 in $K_s$ band: in addiction to the two sources indicated by @2009ATel.2032....1Z (see Figure \\[ten\\]), 11 further object are resolved by our PSF photometry within the error circle.", "\n\nConsidering a maximum distance to the source of 14.5 $\\rmn{kpc}$ and with the $N_H$ from , we can set a limit to the absolute magnitude $M_K$ of the candidates, similarly to what we did for (see Section \\[cinque\\]). ", "In order to reduce the number of possible counterparts we compared those magnitudes with that of the UCXB 4U 0614+09, for which the case for an ultracompact nature is strong (@2004MNRAS.348L...7N; @2008PASP..120..848S). ", "For 4U 0614+09, $d=3.2$ $\\rmn{kpc}$ [@2009arXiv0909.3391K], $K=17.1$ and $A_V=1.41$ [@2007MNRAS.379.1108R], thus $M_K=4.46$. This is consistent with what expected for an UCXB [@1995xrbi.nasa...58V]. ", "The first candidate from @2009ATel.2032....1Z should be very close by ($d=0.6~\\rmn{kpc}$) in order to have a similar $M_K\\sim4$: this is unlikely because would than be the nearest XRB known and its X-ray luminosity during X-ray bursts would be anomalously low. ", "Beside that, unfortunately the comparison does not provide any constraint to further reduce the number of candidates in the error circle. ", "A localization of the X-ray source with is necessary to identify the actual counterpart.", "\n\nXTE J1743-363: a candidate SFXT\n-------------------------------\n\nwas discovered with in 1999 [@1999IAUC.7120....1M]. ", "The system has been detected by [*INTEGRAL/IBIS*]{} several times in 2004 at diverse flux levels (@2004AstL...30..382R; @2004ATel..332....1G). ", "It also showed a few-hour long outburst, because of which is considered a candidate SFXT [@2006ApJ...646..452S]. ", "No search for an optical or NIR counterpart is reported in the literature.", "\n\nWe observed with [*Chandra/HRC*]{} on 2008 Feb. 8 for $\\sim1.2~\\rmn{ks}$ detecting one faint source (11 counts) compatible with the position (from @2006ApJ...636..765B) at coordinates = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $43^{\\rmn{m}}$ $01\\fs3$, = $-36\\degr$ $22\\arcmin$ $22\\farcs 0$.\n\nOptical images in the [*I*]{} band, collected with [*EMMI*]{} on 2007 June 22, show a bright star lying inside the error circle (see Figure \\[eleven\\]) at = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $43^{\\rmn{m}}$ $01\\fs324$, = $-36\\degr$ $22\\arcmin$ $22\\farcs 2$ ($\\pm 0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates). ", "The position of the source is coincident within the error with the object 2MASS 17430133-3622221, for which the following magnitudes are reported in the catalogue: $J=9.616~\\pm~0.024$, $H=8.305~\\pm~0.034$, $K=7.624~\\pm~0.026$. We cannot report a magnitude in [*I*]{} band since the field was observed in a non-photometric night.", "\n\nGiven the classification as a SFXT, the companion star in is expected to be a supergiant, locally absorbed in the NIR due to its own wind (see Section \\[intro\\] and \\[sei\\]). ", "As for and , figure \\[NIRcol\\] shows the combination of $(J-H)_0$ and $(H-K)_0$ allowed by the observed 2MASS colours, for different values of the absorption. ", "The colours are compatible with a type G0-6 III ($A_V$ beween 8 and 9) or G/K I ($A_V$ between 6 and 9) and do not exclude a supergiant of spectral type earlier than O9 (see last paragraph in section \\[tre\\]) if $A_V>12$. As in the case of , a main sequence or giant star are allowed by the colours, but unlikely due to the high $A_V$.\n\nBased on its position we conclude that the object 2MASS 17155645-3851537 is most likely the NIR counterpart to . ", "The NIR colours of the counterpart are consistent with a late type supergiant and do not exclude an early O I type. ", "This is consistent with the classification of the X-ray source as a SFXT and supports the counterpart association.", "\n\nIGR J17597-220: a dipping LMXB\n------------------------------\n\nwas first detected in 2001 by [*RXTE/PCA*]{} [@2003ATel..156....1M] but it was reported for the first time in 2003 [@2003ATel..155....1L] as a new source. ", "For that reason it is usually indicated as either or XTE J1759-220. ", "Type I X-ray bursts from the source have been observed by [*INTEGRAL/JEM-X*]{}, identifying the compact object as a NS [@2007ATel.1054....1B] and the system as a probable LMXB. ", "has also shown dips of $\\sim$30 per cent with a duration of $\\sim5$ minutes, from which @2003ATel..156....1M suggested an orbital period of 1-3 $\\rmn{hours}$.\n\nobservations localised the source with a 4 arcsec accuracy . ", "identified 6 candidate counterparts consistent with the position on NIR observations in [*J*]{}, [*H*]{} and $K_{s}$ bands. ", "We detect a single [*Chandra/HRC*]{} source (227 counts) inside the error circle, at = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $59^{\\rmn{m}}$ $45\\fs52$, = $-22\\degr$ $01\\arcmin$ $39\\farcs 17$, during a $\\sim1.2~\\rmn{ks}$-long observation performed on 2007 Oct. 23.", "\n\nFollow-up observations in [*I*]{} band were performed with [*NTT/EMMI*]{} on 2006 June 22 and with [*Magellan/LDSS3*]{} in [*i’*]{} band on 2009 May 7. ", "A single, faint source lies inside the error circle in both bands, at = $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $59^{\\rmn{m}}$ $45\\fs525$, = $-22\\degr$ $01\\arcmin$ $39\\farcs 25$ ($\\pm 0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates). ", "The detection is evident in the 300 $\\rmn{s}$-long [*LDSS3*]{} images (see Figure \\[thirteen\\]), while it is less significant in the 600 $\\rmn{s}$-long [*EMMI*]{} one. ", "We consider the detection with [*EMMI*]{} as real due to its positional coincidence with that of the source in [*LDSS3*]{}. ", "The observing nights with both instruments were not photometric: we obtain an estimate of the [*I*]{}-band magnitude $I\\sim22.4$ by calibrating our [*LDSS3*]{} observation with the zero-point from a previous observing run (see Section \\[optical\\]). ", "The probability that our candidate counterpart falls by chance inside the error circle is $\\sim 1\\times10^{-4}$ and $\\sim 8\\times10^{-4}$ for [*LDSS3*]{} and [*EMMI*]{} respectively (photometry on a smaller field for [*EMMI*]{}). ", "Its position matches that of the Candidate $1$ in that we establish as the very likely optical/NIR counterpart of .", "\n\nIGR J18490-0000: a Pulsar Wind Nebula\n-------------------------------------\n\nA Pulsar Wind Nebula (PWN) is a nebula powered by the interaction of the highly relativistic particle wind formed in the magnetosphere of a pulsar with the surrounding material. ", "was discovered by in the spring of 2003, during a survey of the Sagittarius arm tangent region of the Galaxy [@2004AstL...30..534M]. ", "In the soft X-rays the source is composed of a point-like source surrounded by an extended nebula [@2008AIPC.1085..312T]. ", "Its morphology and spectral properties at X-rays are reminiscent of a PWN, although pulsations have not been detected so far [@2009AIPC.1126..259M]. ", "The association of with a PWN was further strenghtened by the discovery of a $\\rmn{TeV}$ counterpart with the High Energy Stereoscopic System [*HESS*]{} [@2008AIPC.1085..312T].", "\n\n[*Swift/XRT*]{} observations are presented in : based on the position, the object 2MASS 18490182-0001190 has been proposed as a possible NIR counterpart .", "\n\nA $\\sim$1.2 $\\rmn{ks}$-long [*Chandra/HRC*]{} observation of the field, obtained on 2008 Feb. 16, shows a single source (22 counts) inside the error circle, at = $18^{\\rmn{h}}$ $49^{\\rmn{m}}$ $01\\fs59$, = $-00\\degr$ $01\\arcmin$ $17\\farcs 73$, whose morphology is compatible with an extended nebula. ", "Those coordinates exclude the association of with the candidate counterpart proposed by , which is located at $\\sim$3.8 arcsec (over 9$\\sigma$) from the position.", "\n\nWe observed the field of with [*Blanco/MOSAIC II*]{} on 2006 June 25 in [*i’*]{} band and did not detect any optical counterpart. ", "Nevertheless, giving the low number of sources that we observe in the field and comparing the [*i’*]{} band images with 2MASS infrared ones, we consider it likely that a dark cloud is located between us and the source, obscuring the counterpart. ", "Further observations in the $K_{s}$ band, performed on 2009 Jul. 16 with [*Magellan/PANIC,*]{} revealed a faint candidate counterpart on the edge of the 90 per cent error circle (Figure \\[sixteen\\] ) at = $18^{\\rmn{h}}$ $49^{\\rmn{m}}$ $01\\fs563$, = $-00\\degr$ $01\\arcmin$ $17\\farcs 35$ ($\\pm~0.1$ arcsec on both coordinates). ", "After absolute photometric calibration, we measure a magnitude of $K_{s}=16.4~\\pm~0.1$.\n\nThe object does not look extended as one would expect for a PWN: our PSF fitting indicates a point-like source, which looks partially blended with a nearby star (Figure \\[sixteen\\]). ", "The two sources are resolved by the PSF fitting. ", "This suggests that the object is a foreground star, although its positional coincidence with within the accuracy of has a low probability of being due to chance ($\\sim1.6\\times10^{-5}$). ", "We encourage spectroscopic observations of the source in order to investigate its association with IGR J18490-0000.", "\n\nIGR J19308+0530: an L/IMXB with an F8 companion {#undici}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nwas discovered by [@2006ApJ...636..765B] and observed by in X-rays and in the UV band 170-650 $\\rmn{nm}$ .", "\n\nBased on the position, identify the star TYC 486-295-1/2MASS J19305075+0530582 as a possible counterpart. ", "This object is classified as an F8 star in the survey by @1949ApJ...109..426M. Based on the typical parameters of an F8 star, suggest is a L/IMXB in quiescence or a CV at a distance of $\\sim1$ $\\rmn{kpc}$ or lower. ", "Fitting the spectrum with a black body of temperature $kT=$0.2 $\\rmn{keV}$ the authors obtained a 2-10 $\\rmn{keV}$ luminosity of $\\sim4\\times10^{31}$ $\\rmn{erg\\,s^{-1}}$ at 1 $\\rmn{kpc}$. The corresponding luminosity in the 0.5-10 $\\rmn{keV}$ range is $\\sim4\\times10^{33}$ $\\rmn{erg\\,s^{-1}}$. The spectrum is very soft, suggesting is most likely not a CV [@2006ApJ...646L.143P] but an L/IMXB hosting a NS or a BH in quiescence. ", "This suggestion is strengthened by the fact that the spectra of NS/BH LMXBs in quiescence at a 0.5-10 $\\rmn{keV}$ luminosity level of $\\sim10^{33}$ $\\rmn{erg\\, s^{-1}}$ are expected to be dominated by the soft black-body component, as found by @2004MNRAS.354..666J and updated in @2008AIPC..983..519J.\n\nIn a $\\sim$1.1$\\rmn{ks}$-long [*Chandra/HRC*]{} observation on 2007 Jul. 30, we detected a single source (26 counts) inside the error circle, at = $19^{\\rmn{h}}$ $30^{\\rmn{m}}$ $50\\fs77$, = $05\\degr$ $30\\arcmin$ $58\\farcs 09$.\n\nWe searched for an optical counterpart with [*Blanco/MOSAIC II*]{} in [*r*]{} band, on 2006 Jun. 22: the error circle includes a very bright star that is saturated even in the 10 $\\rmn{s}$-long image (Figure \\[seventeen\\]). ", "Its position is compatible with the position of the previously proposed F8-type counterpart as reported in the Tycho catalogue, in 2MASS, in the LF Survey catalogue and also in UCAC 2 and 3, if the motion of the source since the epoch of each catalogue to that of our observations in 2006 is taken into account. ", "The object has a proper motion of -2.9$~\\pm~$0.6 $\\rmn{mars\\,yr^{-1}}$ in $~$and -10.5$\\pm$0.5 $\\rmn{mars\\,yr^{-1}}$ in $~$(from UCAC3). ", "The magnitudes reported in 2MASS are $J=9.617~\\pm~0.032$ (poor photometry) $H=9.245~\\pm~0.023$ and $K= 9.130~\\pm~0.023$. The intrinsic NIR colours (obtained with the method used for , and ) are consistent with the spectral classification. ", "Moreover, the Supplement-1 to the Tycho-2 catalogue reports $B_T=11.706$ and $V_T=10.915$. We confirm the association of with the F8 star TYC 486-295-1$/$2MASS J19305075+0530582 ( first proposed by ) and we suggest the source is most likely an L/IMXB in quiescence.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nWe have investigated a sample of 11 Galactic X-ray sources recently discovered by or . ", "For 9 of those, we presented a refined position from observations (Table \\[chandra\\]), localising the targets with a positional accuracy of 0.6 arcsec at a 90 per cent confidence level. ", "Thanks to the accurate X-ray position, we have detected a counterpart for all the sources we observed with : the previously proposed counterparts to , , and are confirmed by our observations, supporting their classification as, respectively, a SyXB, a CV, an L/IMXB and a SFXT ( altough we evidenced some peculiarity in the NIR colours of the latter). ", "The counterpart to the obscured source is consistent with it being a HMXB. ", "The NIR colours of the counterpart to the SFXT candidate indicate indeed a supergiant companion. ", "A point-like NIR source is located at the position of the PWN , although its morphology suggests a foreground star despite its positional coincidence with the nebula. ", "The photometry of the counterpart to the unclassified source indicates it is an LMXB with a giant companion star, possibly a SyXB.", "\n\nWe also presented optical/NIR observations of the two LMXBs and , searching for a counterpart based on their position. ", "We detected only one source compatible with the position of , whose magnitude is consistent with what is expected for an LMXB. ", "This supports its association with the X-ray source. ", "Twelve NIR candidates are consistent with : a position of the source is necessary to select the counterpart. ", "Table \\[results\\] summarizes the results of our counterpart search in comparison with previous results.", "\n\n -------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------\n Source Classification Counterparts New (J2000) (J2000)\n in literature counterpart \n \n \n SyXB M2 III$^{\\dag(a)}$ [*confirmed*]{} $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $19^{\\rmn{m}}$ $33\\fs348^{2MASS}$ $-28\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $39\\farcs 74^{2MASS}$\n LMXB$^{1}$ none yes: K, M or G (unlikely) III $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $29^{\\rmn{m}}$ $12\\fs9$ $\\pm~0\\farcs 1$ $-46\\degr$ $02\\arcmin$ $50\\farcs 58$ $\\pm~0\\farcs 1$\n SFXT (eclipsing) O/B I star$^{\\dag(b)}$ [*confirmed*]{} $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $48^{\\rmn{m}}$ $06\\fs56^{2MASS}$  $-45\\degr$ $12\\arcmin$ $06\\farcs 8^{2MASS}$\n CV dwarf nova$^{\\dag(c)}$ [*confirmed*]{} $16^{\\rmn{h}}$ $49^{\\rmn{m}}$ $55\\fs64^{2MASS}$ $-33\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $02\\farcs 1^{2MASS}$\n obscured HMXB in $^{(d)}$: [*excluded*]{} 2MASS J17155645-3851537 $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $15^{\\rmn{m}}$ $56\\fs46^{2MASS}$  $-38\\degr$ $51\\arcmin$ $53\\farcs 7^{2MASS}$\n SFXT none 2MASS J17430133-3622221 $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $43^{\\rmn{m}}$ $01\\fs34^{2MASS}$ $-36\\degr$ $22\\arcmin$ $22\\farcs 2^{2MASS}$\n NS LMXB (dipper) 6 NIR candidates$^{(e)}$ Select candidate 1 (see text) $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $59^{\\rmn{m}}$ $45\\fs5$ $\\pm 0.1\\farcs$ $22\\degr$ $01\\arcmin$ $39\\farcs 6$ $\\pm 0.1\\farcs$\n PWN in$^{(f)}$: [*excluded*]{} yes/tentative $18^{\\rmn{h}}$ $49^{\\rmn{m}}$ $01\\fs553$ $\\pm 0.1\\farcs$ $-00\\degr$ $01\\arcmin$ $17\\farcs 20$ $\\pm 0.1\\farcs$\n L/IMXB$^{1}$ F8 star$^{\\dag(g)}$ [*confirmed*]{} $19^{\\rmn{h}}$ $30^{\\rmn{m}}$ $50\\fs76^{2MASS}$ $+05\\degr$ $30\\arcmin$ $58\\farcs 3^{2MASS}$\n \n \n NS LMXB (eclipsing) none yes $17^{\\rmn{h}}$ $10^{\\rmn{m}}$ $12\\fs6$ $\\pm 0.1\\farcs$ $-28\\degr$ $07\\arcmin$ $51\\farcs 0$ $\\pm 0.1\\farcs$\n UCXB none 12 candidates (see text) - -\n -------- --------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------\n\n[$^{1}$: New classification]{}\n\n[$^{\\dag}$: Optical/NIR spectrum reported in the literature.]{}", "\n\n[$^{(a)}$ USNO-A2.0 U0600\\_20227091: . ", "$^{(b)}$ 2MASS J16480656-4512068; @2005ATel..599....1K; ; . ", "$^{(c)}$ USNO A2-0 U0525-24170526:. ", "$^{(d)}$ , also indicates the presence of several further NIR objects. ", "$^{(e)}~$ . ", "$^{(f)}$ 2MASS J18490182-0001190:\\\n]{}\n\n![", "image](16194_mosaic.eps){width=\"5.4\"}\n\n![", "image](16293_LDSS3i.eps){width=\"5.7\"}\n\n![", "image](16479_mosaic.eps){width=\"5.6\"}\n\n![", "image](16500_panic.eps){width=\"5.8\"}\n\n![", "image](1710_imacs.eps){width=\"5.9\"}\n\n![", "image](1716_LDSS3.eps){width=\"5.4\"}\n\n![", "image](17254_panic.eps){width=\"5.7\"}\n\n![", "image](1743_emmi.eps){width=\"5.8\"}\n\n![", "image](17597_ldss3.eps){width=\"5.9\"}\n\n![", "image](18490_panic.eps){width=\"5.6\"}\n\n![", "image](19308_mosaic.eps){width=\"5.8\"}\n\n[^1]: email: e.m.ratti@sron.nl\n\n[^2]: http://cxc.harvard.edu/cal/ASPECT/celmon/\n\n[^3]: following the transformations at http://www.astro.caltech.edu/ jmc/2mass/v3/transformations/\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow to use selenium IDE to find/check if a div object has children?", "\n\nI'm trying to automate some testing for our website using Selenium IDE. ", " I'm pretty new to Selenium IDE so please forgive me.", "\nWe're using highcharts to display some data, but I'm not sure how highcharts is doing things. ", " We have 3 div objects on the webpage for the charts. ", " However, the id for the div obj changes and I don't know how to deal with it if I'm looking for this particular element.", "\nThere's a lot of HTML to cut and paste so I'll just put the div objects, which I think are the most important part of this. ", " So the charts show up in each div object.", "\nFor example, in the HTML source, this is how the div objects look like\n<div id=\"numRecs\" data-highcharts-chart=\"3\">\n <div class=\"highcharts-container\" id=\"highcharts-6\">\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"activeStream\" data-highcharts-chart=\"1\">\n <div class=\"highcharts-container\" id=\"highcharts-2\">\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<div id=\"delay\" data-highcharts-chart=\"2\">\n <div class=\"highcharts-container\" id=\"highcharts-4\">\n </div>\n</div>\n\nSo the (div class=highcharts-container id=highcharts-4) changes each time we access the webpage. ", " One time it might be -4, next time it might be -0, etc. ", " The (data-highcharts-chart=2) also changes too but I don't think that's as important since it doesn't affect me looking for div id=delay.", "\nI've also tried right clicking on the object from the browser but it says it's css=svg > rect, which fails too. ", " How can I tell Selenium IDE to check if the parent div (div id=delay) has children? ", " I'm hoping that looking for the existence of children will solve my problem. ", " Thanks in advance for your help.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can use verifyElementPresent command to check if specific UI element exist on the page.", "\nSo to check if a parent div (with id='delay') has children div you can just put as a target //div[@id='delay']/div\nYou can read more about this in the Selenium IDE documentation: http://docs.seleniumhq.org/docs/02_selenium_ide.jsp#verifying-page-elements\n\n" ]
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[ "List of highways in Travis County, Texas\n\nThe following is a list of highways in Travis County, Texas, which are maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation. ", " All state highways in Texas are paved.", "\n\nInterstate Highways\n\nU.S. Highways\n\nState Highways\n\nState Highway Loops and Spurs\n\nToll Roads\nThe following Travis County toll roads are maintained by the Central Texas Turnpike System.", "\n\nFarm and Ranch to Market Roads\n\nAdjacent counties \n\nCaldwell County (south)\nHays County (southwest)\nBlanco County (west)\nBurnet County (northwest)\nWilliamson County (north)\nBastrop County (east)\n\nReferences\n\nRelated\n\nTravis\nHighways\nCategory:Transportation in Austin, Texas" ]
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[ "Coffee-producing countries collaborate to find a pricing solution\n\nPosted: 14 March 2019\n\nThe National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia (FNC) held its annual media briefing during last week’s National Coffee Association (NCA) Convention in Atlanta, Georgia (7-9 March). ", "The meeting typically provides an outlook on Colombia’s coffee production for the current coffee year and prospects for future production. ", "However, this year’s meeting was quite different and had a much more emotional tone.", "\n\nRoberto Velez, CEO of the FNC was again present as was Juan Esteban Orduz, president of the Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc, the North America subsidiary of the FNC, but this year, they were joined by Vanusia Nogueira, executive director of the Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA), Samuel Kamau, executive director of the African Fine Coffees Association (AFCA), Ricardo Perales, managing director, Perhusa, a Peruvian coffee exporter and via Skype, Rene Leon executive director of Promecafé. ", "Rather than speaking about Colombia’s production, the meeting focused on the critically low coffee prices and the continuing struggle of coffee farmers in all coffee-growing countries to not only produce coffee when prices are below the cost of production, but to also provide for their families.", "\n\nRoberto Velez (FNC) shared that there is enough coffee to sustain and maintain the business, but while there is growth in the production of coffee because of the demand for coffee, there has been a change in the way people buy coffee. “", "They want it cheaper,” he lamented.", "\n\n“So, while some are making a lot of money, others are starving,” said Vanusia Nogueira (BSCA).", "\n\n“Farmers are not able to produce coffee at USD $.97 per pound [where prices have been hovering], said Velez. “", "These are human beings, families. ", "Are we supposed to tell them to grow bananas instead? ", "They know where to move that is more profitable.” ", "He added that the lack of opportunities in Latin America is pushing migration to the United States, and in Africa, they are migrating to Europe. “", "We want the coffee industry to be a role model for all agroindustry’s of the world,” Velez explained. “", "We want co-responsibility throughout supply chain — we see ourselves as links of same supply chain and as such we need to address issues such as coffee prices, climate change, next gen, etc.”", "\n\nSamuel Kamau (AFCA) said the situation in Africa is similar to Latin America but the cost of production is higher because of the lack of infrastructure and inefficiencies. “", "The price of coffee not enough to meet cost of production and governments cannot keep subsidizing the costs of production.”", "\n\nRicardo Perales (Perhusa) noted that agriculture is a hugely important export industry in Peru, particularly coffee, but producers are migrating to other crops and industries, which is causing problems. “[", "Aside from crops like avocados and industries like mining] many coffee farmers are moving to crops like marijuana, coca and poppy because the legislation is not there to prevent it,” he said, adding that this is resulting in children leaving schools and child labor.", "\n\nRene Leon (Promecafé) said the situation in Central America is desperate. “", "Farms are in bad shape because farmers are neglecting them (no pest management, pruning, renovation) and abandoning them. ", "These are ideal conditions for migration to other crops and to other countries,” he said.", "\n\nNogueira, speaking with heavy emotion, said, “People think Brazil is not suffering, but we are suffering too. ", "In fall 2018, we were managing, now with prices so low, it’s difficult, we are not managing. ", "We have social and environmental problems — we must think about food, water and housing for families. ", "We need money to survive. ", "This is a situation affecting all coffee farmers.”", "\n\nNogueira shared data from the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock (CNA) in partnership with the Market Intelligence Center of the Federal University of Lavras, showing that in Arabica-producing regions in January, there was an average Total Operating Cost (TOC) of USD $0.87/lb. ", "In the same period, the average sale spot price was $0.81/lb, 7% percent lower than the TOC. ", "This has resulted in an operating profit of $0.06/lb.", "\n\n“We are looking for alternative solutions [to the low coffee prices situation] but there aren’t many,” said Velez, noting that all options are open. ", "Increasing coffee consumption in producing countries is one such strategy. “", "We must improve internal consumption. ", "Brazil is doing a great job, but in Africa and other Latin American countries, we need to do better,” he said.", "\n\nWhen a member of the media asked about the possibility of more farmers producing specialty coffee as a strategy, Nogueira responded, “if too many people are doing specialty, it won’t be specialty anymore,” adding that “if more and more producers enter the specialty market, specialty coffee prices will drop.”", "\n\nAfter the first World Coffee Producers Forum in Medellin, Colombia in 2017 where the low coffee price situation was first addressed, leaders from the major coffee-producing countries formed ad hoc group. ", "In 2018, they sent letters to coffee roasters .to commit to not paying below cost of production. “", "But six months later, prices are still below a dollar. ", "We are tired of hearing ‘the market is the market.’ “", "Producers can’t sell below cost of production, it’s simply not sustainable,” Velez stressed. ", "He said the time has come to create a list price for coffee that includes cost of production and some profit. “[", "We need to say] ‘this is what you must buy it at. ", "This is our cost of production.’”", "\n\nJuan Esteban Orduz (FNC North America) said that the members of the ad hoc group will meet in Kenya in two weeks to discuss solutions further. “", "Economic stability will be primary topic of conversation at the 2nd World Coffee Producers Forum [10-11 July in Campinas, Brazil].” ", "He added that Jeffrey Sachs, the keynote speaker from the first Forum who was also commissioned to analyze the coffee price crisis, will present a final report on how to manage the situation at the second Forum.", "\n\nThe one upside to the coffee price crisis, said Orduz, is that the producing countries are now collaborating. “", "Never before have we had group from the various producing countries working together, speaking more, and ready to take action. ", "It is similar to what the NCA does for its members… [this is a good thing.]”" ]
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[ "A network device has complex hardware and software, and there is a large quantity of demands for version replacement or upgrade. ", "Because a service interruption time caused by version replacement or upgrade is also counted in a Mean Time To Recovery (MTTR) of the device, how to reduce the service interruption time during version upgrade is a problem that needs to be resolved by each equipment vendor. ", "In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) and zero packet loss are goals constantly pursued by operators and equipment vendors.", "\nDuring a Layer 2 packet forwarding process, packet forwarding is implemented on the basis of matching with a Media Access Control (MAC) address entry. ", "When no matching MAC address entry is found, a packet is sent in a broadcast manner, and MAC address learning is performed. ", "In an existing ISSU processing process, a MAC address is basically processed in the following manner:\nDuring a period of switching from an earlier version to a new version in the ISSU, a MAC address entry of the earlier version is cleared, and packet forwarding in a broadcast manner is triggered. ", "During a process of forwarding in a broadcast manner, in the new version, MAC address re-learning is performed, and a MAC address entry is generated; then packet forwarding is performed by using the generated MAC address entry.", "\nIn the foregoing ISSU version upgrade method, the inventor finds that during a period of switching from an earlier version to a new version, a MAC address table needs to be regenerated, which may cause that packets whose matching MAC address entries cannot be found are forwarded in a broadcast manner within this period. ", "Therefore, a large quantity of broadcast packets are generated, and forwarding of the large quantity of broadcast packets may occupy excessive network bandwidth and cause network congestion." ]
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[ "755 F.2d 931\nUnpublished DispositionNOTICE: Sixth Circuit Rule 24(c) states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Sixth Circuit.", "DAVID B. BELTON, PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT,v.STATE OF TENNESSEE: WASHINGTON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: UNICOICOUNTY, TENNESSEE, DEFENDANTS-APPLLEES.", "\nNO. ", "84-5307\nUnited States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit.", "\n1/21/85\n\nORDER\nBefore: KENNEDY, MARTIN and WELLFORD, Circuit Judges.", "\n\n\n1\nThis case has been referred to a panel of the Court pursuant to Rule 9(a), Rules of the Sixth Circuit. ", " Upon examination of the briefs and record, this panel agrees unanimously that oral argument is not needed. ", " Rule 34(a), Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.", "\n\n\n2\nIn this action, plaintiff seeks federal habeas relief (under 28 U.S.C. Sec. ", "2254). ", " He also claims money damages because of his incarceration. ", " The District Court dismissed the cause in toto, finding plaintiff's failure to exhaust available state remedies fatal to the entire action. ", " A timely appeal followed.", "\n\n\n3\nIt is clear that plaintiff has not exhausted state. ", " remedies. ", "The addition in the claim for relief of a request for money damages does not transform the complaint into an action under 42 U.S.C. Sec. ", "1983. ", " Petitioner's only factual allegation is that he was charged with the same or similar offenses in both state and federal courts and that he has pled guilty to the federal charges but is still required to answer to the state charges.", "\n\n\n4\nThe complaint can only be characterized as one for habeas corpus. ", " Accordingly, the judgment of the District Court is affirmed.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Shannon E. Hengen\n\nShannon E. Hengen, Ph.D., is a literary critic and professor of Canadian and women's literature at Laurentian University, Ontario, Canada where she formerly served as chairperson for the Department of English. ", "Her specialities include dramatic comedy, aboriginal theatre, contemporary feminist writing, and Margaret Atwood. ", "The theory that most informs her work involves performance, carnival, and gender. ", "The aspect of literary style that most concerns her is voice, and the theme that most intrigues her at present is marriage. ", "She has written or edited numerous books.", "\n\nIn 2007, Laurentian University's Presidential Advisory Committee on the Status of Women honoured her during its annual awards ceremony to celebrate International Women's Day, for her championing of women's literature.", "\n\nRepresentative publications\nComedy's Edge. ", "Vol. ", "1 Toronto: Playwrights Union of Canada, 1999. ", "77 pp. ", "\nComedy's Edge. ", "Vol. ", "2 Toronto: Playwrights Union of Canada, 1999. ", "77 pp. ", "\n\"Margaret Atwood's Power: Mirrors, Reflections, and Images\" in Select Fiction and Poetry. ", "Toronto: Second Story, 1993.", "\n\nBooks edited\nFriedman, T.; Hengen, Shannon and Wilson, Sharon (eds); Approaches to Teaching Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale and Other Works. ", "New York: Modern Language Association, 1996.", "\nHengen, Shannon (Ed.); ", "Performing Gender and Comedy: Theories, Texts, and Contexts. ", "Amsterdam: Gordon and Breach, 1998. ", "279 pp.", "\n\nChapters in academic books\n\"Strange Visions: Atwood’s Interlunar and Technopoetics.\" ", "Margaret Atwood’s Textual Assassinations: Recent Poetry and Fiction. ", "Ed. ", "Sharon Rose Wilson. ", "Columbus: The Ohio State UP, 2003. ", "42-53. ", "\n\"Margaret Atwood's Nature.\" ", "the Handmaid's Tale, Roman protéen. ", "Ed. ", "Jean- Michel Lacroix, Jacques Leclaire, et jack Warwick. ", "Publications de l'Université de Rouen, France, 1999. ", "77-84. ", "\n\"Dialogic Time and The Handmaid's Tale.\" ", "The Handmaid's Tale: Margaret Atwood. ", "Ed. ", "Marta Dvorak. ", "Paris: Ellipses, 1998 144-8. ", "\n\"Unofficial Lives: Performance of Self and Others in Women's Comic Monologues.\" ", "La Création biographique/Biographical Creation. ", "Ed. ", "Marta Dvorak. ", "Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 1997. ", "59-65. ", "\n\"Zenia's Foreignness.\" ", "Various Atwoods: Essays on the Later Poems, Short Fiction, and Novels. ", "Ed. ", "Lorraine M. York. ", "Toronto: House of Anansi Press, 1995, 271-286.", "\n\nArticles (in refereed journals)\n\"The De-ba-jeh-mu-jig Method: Making Stories.\" ", "Canadian Theatre Review 115 (Summer 2003): 35-8. ", "\n\"An Interview with Garry Hynes,\" Canadian Journal of Irish Studies 26.2 (Fall 2000)/27.1 (Spring 2001): 74-83. ", "\n\"First Tellers of Tales.\" ", "Canadian Theatre Review 106 (Spring 2001): 35-8. ", "\n\"Towards a Feminist Comedy.\" ", "Canadian Literature 146 (Autumn 1995): 97-109. ", "\n \"Theatre du Nouvel-Ontario and Francophone Culture in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada.\" ", "The American Review of Canadian Studies 21.1 (1991): 55-69. ", "\n \"'Metaphysical Romance'\" Atwood's PhD Thesis and The Handmaid's Tale.\" ", "Science-Fiction Studies 18 (1991): 142-144.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Laurentian University faculty\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Year of birth missing (living people)" ]
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[ "Eagle, West Virginia\n\nEagle is an unincorporated community in Fayette County, West Virginia.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in West Virginia\nCategory:Unincorporated communities in Fayette County, West Virginia\nCategory:Coal towns in West Virginia\nCategory:Populated places on the Kanawha River" ]
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[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nMany people (including students of sociology) often wonder about the relevance of sociology to health issues. ", "In general, it is often a challenge to discuss the nexus between social science and health. ", "Why medical sociology? ", "What does sociology have to do with medicine or health? ", "These are some of the pressing questions that require explanations. ", "The fundamental problem starts with a lack of deeper knowledge of the meaning and focus of sociology. ", "Therefore, it is necessary to proceed by defining sociology and briefly explaining some of its foundational focus. ", "After this, its relevance to health will be explained.", "\n\nSociology has been variously defined since Auguste Comte coined the term in 1838. ", "Simply, sociology is the study of human society and social problems. ", "Sociology is the scientific study of social relations, institutions, and society (Smelser [@CR45]) . ", "In addition, sociology can be defined as the scientific study of the dynamics of society and their intricate connection to patterns of behaviour. ", "It focuses on social structure and how the structures interact to modify human behaviour, actions, opportunities, and how the patterns of social existence engender social problems. ", "Social institutions include kinship, economic, political, education, and religious institutions. ", "The institutions are like pillars that hold up society because they are the constituent parts of the social system (society). ", "These parts are interdependent and interrelated with specialised functions towards the survival of the society. ", "This is why the human society is often referred to as a social system. ", "Every institution fulfils some functional imperatives. ", "The family institution supports the procreation and socialisation of new members of society while the economic institution deals with the production and exchange of goods. ", "The economic institution employs people from the family institutions, and the family in turn needs the goods and services produced by the economic institution. ", "The health institutions are organised to cater to the well-being and survival of human beings.", "\n\nGenerally, sociology employs scientific approach to study and develops generalisations about human patterns, groupings, and behaviour. ", "In a more concise definition, the American Sociological Association (ASA) defined sociology \"as the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behaviour\". ", "Social life is the most central part of the focus of sociology; it implies the connection which an individual holds with others in the society. ", "To sociologists, social life or interaction is the essence of human existence. ", "The process of social interaction itself may put individuals at risk of some communicable disease such as tuberculosis (TB) , severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) , and measles. ", "In terms of communicable diseases, mere contact with an infected person (in the process of social interaction) can normally put others at risk. ", "The investigation of social \"causes\" and consequences is basic in sociological research. ", "There is often a problem of biomedical reductionism , assuming \"only the germ causes the disease\" without an interrogation of the social conditions enabling vulnerability to diseases. ", "For instance, commercial sex work puts an individual more at risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) than many other occupation groups: that is a kind of occupational condition, which is a risk factor for HIV.", "\n\nHealth Problems as Social Problems {#Sec2}\n==================================\n\nThe historical focus of sociology is on social problems in human society. ", "Social problems include health problems, crime , deviance, violence , poverty , inequality, population problems, delinquency, and institutional instability. ", "Social forces such as modernisation and industrialisation marked the beginning of unprecedented social alteration, especially since the beginning of the eighteenth century. ", "This social change led to a number of problems as a result of changes in the relations of production. ", "The industrial revolution led to new forms of production systems, community relations, migration , urbanisation , and especially new forms of employer-employee relations. ", "Industrialisation marked the overthrow of the family as an economic unit. ", "This was a tremendous change in the social system with resultant consequences, hence emerging social problems such as unemployment, poverty, child labour , gender discrimination, crime, and health problems. ", "This is not to argue that all these problems only emerged during the industrial revolution , but they rapidly multiplied during that period. ", "Social problems are conceived as strains within the system, seen as the product of certain objective conditions within the society, which is inimical or detrimental to the realisation of some norms or values for members of the society (Lyman et al. [", "@CR38], p. 474) . ", "Any issue that threatens the well-being or survival of the society is regarded as a social problem. ", "Weber ([@CR52], p. 9) defined social problems \"as a social phenomenon that is damaging to the society or its members, is perceived as such, and is socially remediable.\"", "\n\nIt is important to note that just as crime is damaging to the society or individual, so is any health problem. ", "Apart from this fact, a social problem can be identified through the following characteristics, which include:\n\n**It is an objective condition.** ", "This implies that it can be empirically defined. ", "A social problem exists as a condition that can be verified. ", "Even when subjective interpretation may be required, a social problem is an *evidence-based* problem, not just mere perception of an individual but a general knowledge that is usually definite. ", "This represents a utilitarian view, which holds that social problems are objective things, or what Durkheim regarded as social facts (Smelser [@CR46]) . ", "Smelser observed that the assertion is like the medical model which views social problems as a form of disease with an identifiable cause, definite symptoms, and calls for a cure.**It has social aetiology or could be linked to it.** ", "This implies that a social problem emanates from the pattern of social interaction, organisation, association, or simply is engendered by social conditions. ", "This point should be noted as a relevant perspective in explanation of human health/diseases and not an absolute explanation. ", "For instance, Wellcome ([@CR53], p. 30), summarising Day Karen's research report, observed that \"... Falciparum parasite \\[malaria\\] we see today arose about 3200--7000 years ago---an era that coincides with the dawn of agriculture in Africa . ", "This was a time of massive ecological change, when humans began to live in large communities and the rainforest was being cut down for slash-and-burn agriculture... there was also a major change in the mosquito vector at that time, when it began biting humans instead of animals... \" It is further observed that P.*falciparum* migrated with Africans to other parts of the world. ", "This means that the process of migration aids the spread of malaria . ", "This is why Smelser ([@CR46]) also observed that the increasing world traffic of people would internationalise many health problems. ", "It is for this reason that HIV, first diagnosed in the United States in the early 1980s (Jackson [@CR30]) , is now a global problem. ", "Moreover, some diseases are rooted in genetics or heredity, thereby multiplying through marriage patterns or human relationships. ", "Holtz et al. ([", "@CR26], p. 1665) observed that it is impossible to understand population health without considering the social origins of diseases---\"the risk of exposure, host susceptibility, course of disease, and disease outcome; each is shaped by the social matrix... \" Social conditions are now invoked as fundamental causes of diseases in human society because such conditions affect exposure to diseases, as well as course and outcomes of diseases (see Chap.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_4 for social determinants of health, Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_6\\#Sec5 for fundamental cause theory).**It poses social damage.** ", "A social problem often incapacitates the individuals in a society. ", "As poverty prevents individuals from satisfying basic needs, so, too, health problems prevent individuals from functioning effectively as members of society. ", "A health problem may reduce the functionality of an individual within the social system . ", "Invariably, a social problem is inconsistent with the normative value of the society. ", "Society wants its members to be healthy, and the unattainability of this desire shows a discrepancy between social value and reality. ", "Such a discrepancy represents a social problem.**It affects the collectivity.** ", "A social problem is different from a personal problem in that the former affects a substantial number of people in the social system (see Harris [@CR27]) . ", "Health problems are ubiquitous like other problems such as crime and poverty. ", "There may be a geographical variation in the magnitude or frequency, but most social problems are a pandemic. ", "It is thus a problem when a significant number of people believe that a certain condition is, in fact, a problem (Kerbo and Coleman [@CR34]) , and it constitute a problem to their social existence or wellbeing.**It requires social action.** ", "Social problems require collective action. ", "The solution to any social problem does not reside in just any individual; it requires the majority to act in order to ameliorate the problem. ", "It may necessitate institutional or community approaches. ", "Health problems also require collective action. ", "This is why there has been a lot of implementation of research and policy engagement to improve the health of the people. ", "This is also why health issues often appear in development agendas.", "\n\nThe aforementioned attributes qualify health problems as social problems. ", "This is separate from the social dimensions of health problems, which will be examined later in this book. ", "Health problems can also come with other dimensions apart from the aforementioned attributes. ", "It may not only be socially damaging but also biologically damaging. ", "Often, a health problem may move from being biological pathology to social pathology or vice versa. ", "Whichever form it takes, it constitutes a pathology that must be remedied by the society. ", "Sociology has been relevant ever since Comte conceived it as a science that would provide *salvation* from all the social problems confronting the world. ", "Improved relevance of sociology in human society will alleviate human suffering and provide equitable well-being. ", "Therefore, the application of sociological methods and perspective and attention to the social dimensions of disease should provide a vital step forward in disease control.", "\n\nApart from the fact that health problems constitute a major social problem, it is important to further stress the relevance of sociology to health. ", "First, in this case, it is human health. ", "It is about the people, community, and society. ", "The health of the society cannot be grasped without understanding the intricacies of the community or society itself. ", "George Simmel conceived of human society as an intricate web of multiple relations---of people in constant interaction with one another (Coser [@CR10]) , of people who are bound with common fate, norms, values, socio-spatial conditions, exposures, and opportunities. ", "It is about the health of people who build and share similar health institutions or who live, for instance, in an African rainforest where they are exposed to mosquito bites every day. ", "It is also about the health of the community that has access or otherwise to simple preventive measures for malaria or diarrhoea. ", "Health is about the society where there is self-accountability to take up smoking and bear the associated health risks. ", "As mentioned earlier, any issue concerning the social collectivity is of enormous interest to sociology. ", "Simply, health is one such issue of interest because it concerns the people and also affects the patterns of social interaction.", "\n\nApart from focusing on the people, health is intrinsic to human functioning or existence. ", "It confers a form of capacity on the individual to perform social functions in human society. ", "Human value or existence is enhanced by good health. ", "Good health is instrumental to human survival and is required to strive for the basic necessities of life. ", "As a contributing member of the social systems , one needs good health, and lack of this threatens the pattern of social interaction with other members in the social system. ", "Health indicators have been used to assess the level of development in a society. ", "It is also used as a measure of chance of survival in human societies. ", "This is why health is a social value both at the individual and collective levels.", "\n\nMedical Sociology Defined {#Sec3}\n=========================\n\nMedical sociology is simply the application of sociological perspectives and methods in the study of health issues in human societies with a skewed focus on the sociocultural milieu that accounts for human health and illness. ", "These perspectives include sociological theories and tools, which can be applied in the analysis of human health. ", "In this case, the individual is examined as a member of the society, who partakes in the day-to-day functioning of the social system. ", "The pre-comprehension is that humans exist within a socio-spatial milieu, which often affects their health. ", "Such social conditions and the nature of human interaction are instrumental to the well-being of every individual in society. ", "It is also assumed that the nature of social interaction and networking is a part of the determinants of human health. ", "Sociologists are interested in issues regarding human health and employ systematic procedures to examine social phenomena. ", "They have relied on quantitative and qualitative techniques to establish universal laws governing human societies. ", "The essence of the methods is to look at the social links that can explain sociocultural linkages to health issues. ", "In any case, medical sociology is the application of sociological theories, knowledge, and concepts to issues of health and illness (Hafferty and Castellani [@CR26]) .", "\n\nMedical sociology can also be defined as the scientific study of the social patterning of health. ", "In this case, it is a study of how social factors (e.g., class, race, gender, religion , ethnicity, kinship network, marriage, educational status, age, place , and cultural practices) influence human health. ", "The idea of social patterning indicates that these social factors could be the determinants of human health status (see Chap.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_4). ", "It is in this sense that some diseases may be referred to as diseases of poverty (e.g., malaria and TB) because they are much more prevalent in poor regions or among the poor. ", "For example, a person residing in a slum is at a higher risk of being exposed to certain diseases which a person in affluent area may have lower risk of being exposed to. ", "Medical sociology is distinct in its approach because it considers the \"import that social and structural factors have on the disease and illness processes as well as on the organisation and delivery of health care\" (Hafferty and Castellani [@CR26], p. 334) . ", "Hafferty and Castellani further observed that these factors also include culture (e.g., values, beliefs, normative expectations), organisational processes (e.g., hospital setting), politics (e.g., health care policy, health budget, political ideology), economic system (e.g., capitalism , the costs of health care), and microlevel processes such as socialisation and identity formation.", "\n\nApart from pure research, medical sociologists are also interested in implementation or applied research. ", "This involves the implementation of interventions to improve the health of the population through community engagement and participation in policy formulation and implementation. ", "As Kaminskas and Darulis ([@CR33]) noted, medical sociologists utilise applied sociological methods---such as needs assessment, social impact assessment, and case management options---in health care settings using evaluation research methods. ", "This area of applied research has attracted a lot of grants and promoted collaboration with others in the medical field through a multidisciplinary approach to health management .", "\n\nCockerham ([@CR9]) further observed that medical sociology has actually established itself as a strong subfield of sociology and removed itself from being a subordinate of medicine. ", "He provided four major reasons for the strong academic locus of the subfield. ", "First, the extension of focus from acute to chronic diseases strengthens the relevance of sociology to medicine because of the key roles of social condition and social behaviour in the prevention, onset, and management of chronic disorders. ", "Medical sociologists are more relevant in the analysis of social conditions of health than physicians. ", "Second, medical sociology has focused extensively on issues relating to clinical medicine and health policy . ", "Third, success over the years in medical sociological research has promoted the professional status of medical sociologists in the analysis of the social patterning of health. ", "Fourth, medical sociologists have studied medical practice and policies---at times with a critical stance to expose some blind spots .", "\n\nA Brief History of Medical Sociology {#Sec4}\n====================================\n\nMedical sociology has become a substantive subfield of sociology . ", "It can be argued that medical sociology began with the conception of sociology by August Comte ([@CR7]) through his concept of organismic analogy . ", "This can be a deductive argument since Comte did not intend to establish medical sociology as a subfield and did not attach the importance of sociocultural issues in health. ", "Comte, and later Herbert Spencer ([@CR47], [@CR48]) , extensively compared human society to a biological being. ", "Spencer observed that the universe consists of organic (living), inorganic (nonliving) and super-organic (society) entities. ", "The idea of organismic analogy is that the human society has similar characteristics as that of the biological organism. ", "The similarities include growth and development, differentiation of parts, specialisation of functions, interrelatedness, and interdependence of parts. ", "The parts of the society include the social institutions, which work harmoniously for the survival of the society. ", "The argument further relates that if one part is damaged, it will adversely affect other parts of the society. ", "Health institution may be affected if the political institution is corrupt or not responsive to aspirations of the citizens. ", "This is part of the reasons why strong political will is required in implementation of health programs.", "\n\nThe theory of Marx and Engels explains that economic infrastructure is the foundation on which other superstructures of the society rely. ", "Inequalities in income translate to other forms of inequalities in human society, including health inequalities . ", "This is why Marx's proposition has been widely applied in all facets of life including health inequalities, accessibility to health care and allocation and distribution of health resources and infrastructures (see Sects.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_6\\#Sec2 and 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_6\\#Sec3 for further elaboration). ", "Another major landmark is the work of Emile Durkheim ([@CR12]) on suicide . ", "This is directly related to medical sociology since it is about the issue of death. ", "Durkheimian perspective on suicide will be explained in detail later (see Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_5\\#Sec6 for further elaboration). ", "The perspective examines the influence of social factors in self-termination of life. ", "Durkheim identifies two major factors, which fluctuate to increase or decrease propensity to suicide. ", "These factors are social regulation and integration. ", "This has been a major sociological perspective in the analysis of suicide because it was a theory derived from empirical investigations. ", "The works of Max Weber on bureaucratic rationality and social action have also been substantially applied in medical sociology to explain the organisation of health care institutions and why and how people care for others (see Sects.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_7\\#Sec4 and 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_7\\#Sec9 for further elaboration) .", "\n\nAt the time these classical sociological scholars (August Comte, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx) were writing, they did not have medical sociology in mind; however, their works provided the landmark for the development of a subfield of sociology called medical sociology. ", "The works created the foundation for the emergence of sociological perspectives and methods that can be applied in the study of social patterning of health.", "\n\nIn 1848 Rudolf Virchow (a German physician) laid the foundation of social medicine (Holtz et al. [", "@CR28]) by advocating for the relevance and consideration of social factors in human health and disease. ", "While this set a new agenda for medicine, it opened a wide passage for the social sciences involvement in the understanding of human health. ", "The early 1900s marked the beginning in the study of sociological dimension of medicine, especially with the works of Charles McIntire (\"The Importance of the Study of Medical Sociology,\" published in 1894), along with other scholarly works of that period including the book by Elizabeth Blackwell ([@CR100]) and another by James P. Warbasse ([@CR101]), both on medical sociology (Bloom [@CR3]; Hafferty and Castellani [@CR26], p. 332) .", "\n\nIn the 1950s, Talcott Parsons ([@CR42]) published a groundbreaking work with a section on the application of functionalism in medical sociology. ", "He dedicated a substantial part of his work to the elaboration of the sick role , explaining the social trajectories of the sick within the social system and how the health institutions can support individuals to return to normal roles in the society (see Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_5\\#Sec4 for further elaboration). ", "Parsons recognised the relevance of medicine for the society and drew attention to illness as a form of social deviance and the importance of sick role as a mechanism of social control (Freidson [@CR16]; Stacey and Homans [@CR49]). ", "This is the first conscious application of sociological theory in the understanding of human illness. ", "The sick role concept facilitated the expansion of other areas of research including the patient-physician relationship, illness behaviour, medicalisation of deviance, and medical professionalism (Hafferty and Castellani [@CR26]) . ", "The works of Freidson ([@CR16], [@CR17]) and Mechanic ([@CR39], [@CR40]) also promoted the relevance and understanding of medical sociology.", "\n\nConrad ([@CR8]) described Eliot Freidson's works as revolutionary in medical sociology. ", "Freidson (1961, [@CR18], [@CR20]) devoted his time to the study of professionalism and professionalisation in medicine which presents a comprehensive view of the social and professional dynamics of medicine with a particular reference to how disease and illness are constructed, power relations between the physician and patients, division of labour, ethical conducts, increasing commercialism, and bureaucratic control in medical practice. ", "Freidson's works were landmarks in the development of medical sociology. ", "He practically demonstrated the relevance of sociology in medicine and health studies in general by situating his studies within applied domains .", "\n\nDuring the same period, Glaser and Strauss ([@CR22], [@CR23]) also examined the social process of death and dying, and Erving Goffman ([@CR24], [@CR25]) released a masterpiece, *Asylums* , which introduced the concept of stigma and total institution (see Sects.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_8\\#Sec6 and 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_8\\#Sec11 for further elaboration). ", "The *Asylums* focused mainly on the study of mental health patients and health care institutions. ", "It was a remarkable breakthrough in the application of medical sociology to the study of health care institutions. ", "The work of Goffman has been one of the most successful sociological pieces in the management of patients and health care institutions. ", "The concern of this subsection is to trace the development of medical sociology: Chapters 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_5, 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_6, 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_7, and 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_8 will expand some of the substantive theories of medical sociology.", "\n\nThe development of academic journals (e.g., *Journal of Health and Social Behaviour*; *Social Science and Medicine*; *Sociology of Health and Illness* in 1979) in the discipline, especially in the 1960s, also aided the development of the discipline (Hafferty and Castellani [@CR26]) ; and now there are many other dedicated and related journals including *Health and Place*,*Health Affairs*,*Women and Health*,*Reproductive Health Matters*,*Social Theory and Health*,*Medical Anthropology*,*The Lancet*,*Social History of Medicine*, and many others .", "\n\nFurthermore, not only do medical sociologists proclaim self-relevance to medicine but medical scientists have increasingly come to the realisation that a number of significant health care issues are outside the walls of the hospitals, pharmaceutical and medical laboratories. ", "Clausen ([@CR5], p. 1) observed that it has become apparent that \"the understanding of health and disease requires a holistic approach in which the social and cultural aspects of human behaviour are appropriately related to the biological nature of every human being and the physical environment in which he\\[/she\\] lives.\" ", "Clausen further observed that the emphasis upon the holistic approach to medical science and comprehensive health care has moved medicine to seek the services of social scientists, notably in connection with public health , preventive medicine, and psychiatry. ", "In short, there is an unprecedented *sociolisation* of medicine, a term used by Barbour ([@CR2]) to describe how sociology has come to shape the profession of medicine, and to add to it, how sociology shapes the understanding of health and illness in the society.", "\n\nFrom the 1960s onwards, there has been increasing popularisation of medical sociology with many departments of sociology now having specialisation in medical sociology as an option, especially for graduate programs. ", "Cockerham has observed that medical sociology comprises one of the largest and most active sociological specialties in the developed world and the subdiscipline is expanding in Asia, Africa , Latin America, and other regions. ", "Specifically, Africa has not been left out in this development as medical sociology is now recognised as a subfield of sociology. ", "Medical sociology is growing in strength and importance in South Africa (Gilbert [@CR21]) like in other African countries. ", "There is a growing realisation that social issues are relevant and significant in explaining population health in Africa and elsewhere. ", "The study of sexual behaviour and other social aspects of HIV/AIDS seemingly demonstrate the sociological milieu in the understanding of health. ", "The first crops of medical sociologists in Africa were trained in western societies, specifically in the United Kingdom and United States . ", "Now, the number of those trained in Africa is increasing, coupled with a demand for medical sociologists in health intervention in Africa.", "\n\nMany medical sociologists from Africa now partner with their counterparts from other continents in addressing international health. ", "Medical sociologists also collaborate with non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to address social determinants of health in communities. ", "Likewise, there are many social science institutes in Africa (e.g., the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa \\[CODESRIA\\]), which have incorporated health discourse as a priority. ", "The introduction of the Health Institute by CODESRIA to train and offer small grants to young social scientists interested in health issues is part of this brilliant effort .", "\n\nTopical Description of Medical Sociology {#Sec5}\n========================================\n\nMany scholars have described medical sociology in various ways: sociology of health and illness or health sociology. \"", "Medical sociology\" is more encompassing to describe the broad aspect of sociology dealing with medicine and health in general. ", "One particular description is that of Straus ([@CR50]) , who averred that medical sociology consists of sociology of medicine and sociology in medicine . ", "Straus ([@CR50], p. 203) observed that \"\\[s\\]tudies of the profession (of medicine) and those dealing with the organization of health resources are primarily in the sociology of medicine \\[while\\] teaching activities and research in which the sociologist is collaborating with the physician in studying a disease process or factors influencing the patient's response to illness are primarily sociology in medicine.\" ", "Straus made the distinction as a result of activities and affiliations of 110 medical sociologists.", "\n\nStraus ([@CR51], p. 109) further reiterated that sociology in medicine involves \"activities that were associated with achieving the educational, research, or clinical goals of medicine. ", "These were often collaborative with health professionals and occurred within health or medical institutions. ", "They were carried out most frequently by sociologists who held appointments in health professional-schools, hospitals, or other health-care organisations.\" ", "On the other hand, sociology of medicine is close to what could be described as sociology of health and illness. ", "It involves the study of social factors in disease aetiology, incidence, prevalence, distribution, social response to health and illness, therapeutic process, and community health needs .", "\n\nInitially, Straus ([@CR50]) thought it was not feasible for a sociologist to engage in the sociology in and of medicine together; however, later he ([@CR51]) observed that because of crosscutting intellectual development, it is now feasible. ", "Therefore, the distinction \"of and in\" is merely the distinction of activities, not that of persons involved. ", "Medical sociology has now grown into a full subdiscipline of sociology with more diverged activities as a result of intellectual and research domains. ", "It is now possible to present a topical description of medical sociology without a topical differentiation between that of sociology in or of medicine. ", "Therefore, another major concern of students of sociology or professional is a clear topical description of medical sociology. ", "It is imperative to explain the intellectual domain of medical sociology. ", "The first major attempt at this was by David Mechanic ([@CR40]) , who highlighted a number of intellectual domains of medical sociology. ", "Apart from the fact that there are still some new developments, a re-explanation of some of the domains in line with currents trends is necessary.", "\n\nSocial Aetiology of Disease {#Sec6}\n---------------------------\n\nMedical sociology primarily focuses on the social causes of disease. ", "Social causationism entails direct and indirect (social) exposure to diseases. ", "While a medical doctor will simply note that a patient has HIV, a sociologist is more interested in the sexual network of the patient since HIV can be acquired through the process of sexual interaction with others in the society. ", "This pattern of sexual relation is a social determinant. ", "Another explanation is that the decision to engage in protective sex is entirely that of the parties involved. ", "A medical sociologist is more interested in the \"push\" factors that expose individuals to any disease. ", "Another example is the high prevalence of vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) . ", "There are many social issues that expose women to the risk of VVF, which include age at marriage, access to maternal care, maternal education, and gender inequality , which prevent many women from obtaining permission for their partners to attend health facilities. ", "Some of these issues are sociocultural issues, which need to be addressed in order to reduce the incidence of VVF in SSA.", "\n\nThe notion of social aetiology is embedded in risk factors, most of which occur at the individual or societal level (see Chap.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_4 on social determinants of health) ; however, some risks have to do with the norms and values of the societies. ", "For instance, a culture which promotes gender inequality or male hegemony puts women at a risk of gender violence including sexual abuse and female infanticide . ", "The assertion that lifestyle and living conditions could expose individuals to diseases is not new and has been a major focal point in preventive medicine. ", "Particularly in the developing world, vulnerability to disease often has less to do with germs than with the so-called social causes---factors such as income, education, gender, occupation , housing , and access to health services. ", "Social deprivation is a key predictor of distribution of diseases and life expectancy . ", "The social causes also include poor sanitation, nutritional deficiencies, poor infrastructures (e.g., water supply), lack of safety at work, overcrowded or poorly maintained housing , environmental pollution, stress, and lack of exercise due to a sedentary lifestyle. ", "The social causes can also be explained in terms of the lack of education on preventive measures or appropriate health behaviour.", "\n\nThese social causes often found in the social condition of the individuals or societies constitute the primary crux of medical sociology. ", "The relevance of medical sociology can be assessed based on the efforts in addressing these social causes.", "\n\nCultural Beliefs and Social Response to Illness {#Sec7}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nCultural beliefs and responses have direct consequences for both preventive measures and cure-seeking behaviour. ", "Illness perception is usually conceived in terms of local definition of the illness---its perceived cause(s), vulnerability, severity, and perceived modes of transmission. ", "This illness perception or local understanding and cultural beliefs also constitute a part of the core focus of medical sociology. ", "There is a cultural repertoire for recognising, diagnosing, or defining the illness condition (Alubo [@CR1]; Erinosho [@CR13]) . ", "Illness is a deviation from societal norms and values, usually manifested through failure of an individual to perform his/her normal roles in the society. ", "The course of illness is determined not merely by biomedical factors but also by the way the patients define and respond to the illness.", "\n\nThe response to illness often reflects a society's medical beliefs about the causes of health problems, choices of treatment options, and other health-related concerns. ", "Feyisetan et al. ([", "@CR14]) noted that certain disease-specific and non-disease-specific cultural beliefs may influence people's health and health-seeking behaviour. ", "This is why it is important to consider cultural beliefs and practices of the people when designing measures and programs aimed at improving their health (Comoro et al. [", "@CR6]; Feyisetan and Adeokan [@CR15]; Jegede [@CR31]). ", "It is further noted that the adoption of both preventive and curative methods may also depend on people's conception of the causes of illness and on their level of conviction about the efficacy of the preventive and curative methods (Feyisetan et al. [", "@CR14]) .", "\n\nFor instance, at the beginning of the HIV crisis in Africa , the problem was about people's belief in the reality of the disease. ", "For several years, the \"HIV is real\" campaign was widespread. ", "The response then was very weak. ", "In general, people who doubt the reality of a disease would not adopt any preventive measure. ", "By the time the reality of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) was incontrovertible (at least to the general majority), the havoc had already been caused---HIV has eaten deep into all fabrics of the society and thousands of people are losing their lives daily. ", "Additionally, there were a lot of causal misconceptions surrounding HIV/AIDS at the societal level, which also stymies adoption of both preventive and treatment options.", "\n\nSociology of Medical Care and Hospital {#Sec8}\n--------------------------------------\n\nThe concerns of this aspect are on the sociocultural aspects of medical care and hospital as a (social) institution. ", "There are often options in medical care, especially traditional and modern approaches (Alubo [@CR1]) . ", "This interaction of plural systems of health care may be complementary, competitive, or even conflicting. ", "Choice is usually modified by the cultural belief system in the community. ", "Another main issue is the cost of seeking medical care in relation to affordability and quality of services from medical institutions. ", "These are interwoven issues that have constituted focal points in medical care. ", "Another significant issue is the gender context of medical care and hospital. ", "Analysis of gender issues in terms of care providers and receivers is vital in medical care. ", "At times, experts analyse the importance of cultural competence in health care delivery and desirability of gender concordance (patient-practitioner) in health care .", "\n\nThere is also a significant focus on the hospital as a social or total institution , a small society or a home of the vulnerable population. ", "This aspect also attempts to explain the competing interests for managing the patients in the hospital environment, and consider how these interests or influences manifest, and are resolved in the delivery of care. ", "The experiences of patients and quality of service delivery (especially patients' satisfaction with care) are also part of the focus. ", "This aspect also attempts to examine perceptions of and social relations within health care institutions---the patient-practitioner, practitioner-practitioner relationships, work-related difficulties and adjustments, and the role of health professionals in society.", "\n\nSociologists also tend to unravel the bureaucratic structures in medical care or hospitals and how such structures influence health care delivery systems. ", "What is the impact of *red tapism* on service delivery? ", "How do standardisation or organisation hierarchies pattern the service delivery system? ", "How are the health professionals responding to the changing bureaucracy in the medical setting? ", "How are or can health workers be motivated to achieve the goals of health organisation or policies? ", "All of these questions constitute parts of the research focus of medical sociologists.", "\n\nIn addition, power relations within the hospital management are also part of sociological research. ", "There are resultant power scuffles that often affect health care delivery systems. ", "The constituent units in the hospital (medical doctors \\[including various specialists\\], pharmacists, nurses, administrative staff \\[e.g., ", "accountants and personnel officers\\], laboratory professionals, and other cadre employees \\[down to the lowest cadre such as cleaners\\]) have sometimes been in conflict as a result of power relations in work contacts. ", "Conflict often arises as a result of interrelated and interdependent tasks and, in some cases, unclear definition and demarcation of tasks, especially among related professionals (e.g., physicians and physiotherapists in the management of a fracture). ", "These power relations have been a core part of medical sociological research.", "\n\nSociology of Psychiatry or Social Psychiatry {#Sec9}\n--------------------------------------------\n\nPsychiatry is a medical subdiscipline that works most closely with the social sciences , especially sociology. ", "The thrust of social psychiatry is on the social and cultural context of mental health and illness. ", "Social psychiatry is concerned with the cultural and social factors that engender, precipitate, intensify, or prolong maladaptive behaviour and complicate the management of mental disorders. ", "It is also defined as a field of psychiatry based on the study of sociocultural and ecologic influences on the development and course/trajectory of mental diseases . ", "Because of evidence-based social aspects of mental health, social psychiatry is perhaps the most visible aspect of mental health management. ", "It also leads to the emergence of subprofessionals in psychiatry, known as social psychiatrists. ", "Mental health has much to do with lifestyles and social conditions. ", "In fact, most manifestations of mental disorders depict the contravention of normal standards of behaviour in the society. ", "This implies that in most cases, a mental disorder is recognised through excessive abnormal behaviour within the social system . ", "Hence, there was a shift in psychiatric ideology to the patient's behaviour and social relationships (Pilgrim and Rogers [@CR44]) .", "\n\nCommunity psychiatry approach has been a major management approach in psychiatric treatment. ", "This approach takes cognisant of the socio-spatial environment and the roles of significant others in the rehabilitation and re-integration of those with mental disorders. ", "Positive support from such links will facilitate the rehabilitation and re-integration of the patients. ", "Medical sociologists have been actively involved in the management of the patients and implementation of research necessary to improve patient management styles. ", "There is also a growing body of research on the handling of patients in psychiatric hospitals, focusing on the use of physical and medical restraints and violence .", "\n\nSocial stigmatisation of the mentally ill is also part of the research focus in medical sociology (see Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_8\\#Sec5 on labelling and mental illness). ", "Stigmatisation prevents proper re-integration of the patients and may lead to relapse of the mental health condition following a worsening social condition of the patients. ", "This is why medical sociologists often prioritise how to reduce social stigmatisation among all categories of patients. ", "Most importantly, the works of Erving Goffman ([@CR24], [@CR25]) on total institution (see Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_8\\#Sec11) and stigma (see Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_8\\#Sec6 ) have been the major guiding theoretical underpinnings in social psychiatry and social reaction to illness/diseases. ", "More often, community psychiatry depicts the de-institutionisation approach advocated by the *Goffmanians* in order to minimise alienating experiences and estrangement of the patients. ", "The aforementioned issues constitute some of the areas of involvement of medical sociology in psychiatry.", "\n\nSocial Transition and Heath Care {#Sec10}\n--------------------------------\n\nThere are dual aspects of social transition as it relates to health care---a change in both the society and health care itself. ", "Change in the society might inform change in health care and there could also be meaningful development in health care as a result of improved technology. ", "Medical sociologists are interested in both. ", "They are riveted in social dynamics and responses of various facets of social organisation. ", "Social change is constant; hence, human society is constantly undergoing numerous forms of social transition. ", "The health care institutions have continuously been responding to changes in all sectors of the society. ", "As a result of changes in the economic systems, for instance, some societies practise a capitalist health system , while others adopt a socialised health care system with embedded variations in how the systems are implemented. ", "Medical sociologists are interested in how social transitions, whether political or economic, affect health care systems. ", "They are interested in the course, causes, and consequences of such social transitions in the health care sector.", "\n\nApart from the institutional focus regarding social change, medical sociologists also study how such changes affect health and illness behaviour of the individuals. ", "Both the individual and the institution often respond to change. ", "In this regard, it is important to document what social change means for the health of the community. ", "Social change may also affect vulnerability to different forms of diseases. ", "Modern inventions create possibilities in health care systems and also raise copious sociocultural apprehensions. ", "The advancement in information and communication technology makes telemedicine possible and improves diagnosis and treatment of patients. ", "The Human Genome Project (HGP) continues to create more possibilities in health care systems. ", "We are now living in a world with assisted reproductive technology , stem cell research , and nanotechnology. ", "Many individuals now desire to enhance their bodies instead of treating disabilities. ", "The possibility of transplantation leads to a proliferation of organ markets. ", "These are some typical examples of issues generating new research directions in the sociological study of health and change.", "\n\nTraditional Medicine/Complementary and Alternative Medicine {#Sec11}\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nEthno-medicine , or traditional medicine (TM) , has been one of the major focal points of sociological research (see Sect.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_10\\#Sec2 for further elaboration) . ", "The utilisation of TM in the prevention and treatment of diseases has been intensively researched by sociologists in an attempt to understand the sociocultural context associated with the continuous patronage of TM. ", "What informs the choice of TM? ", "How prevalent is the use of TM? ", "Are patients getting results from TM? ", "What is the cultural basis of the belief in TM? ", "Are there diseases that are only amenable to TM? ", "How does TM differ from the biomedical norm in the definition of disease, perception of symptoms, and treatment? ", "How can TM be recognised and incorporated into the general health care system? ", "How is TM itself organised as a health care alternative? ", "What is the place of TM in health care policy? ", "Is TM complementary or alternative to modern medicine? ", "What are the limitations of TM in health care? ", "These are some of the questions that sociologists want to answer.", "\n\nIn some countries, there is constant tension between traditional and modern medicine, especially as an alternative health care system. ", "Unfortunately, most of the practices of TM are not amenable to science and are grossly less advanced than modern medicine. ", "But the incessant reliance in some communities on TM informs its recognition as part of health care institutions. ", "Such recognition is also necessary as most of such societies have limited access to modern health care . ", "In addition, TM seems to be the closest health care system to underserved communities. ", "More importantly, there is an argument that it conforms to the belief system of the community. ", "It is because of these aforementioned reasons that sociologists are concerned about the developments in TM .", "\n\nSociology of Bioethics {#Sec12}\n----------------------\n\nThere is now sociology's engagement with bioethics, a field of growing interest that is defined by its concern with moral questions in biomedicine (De Vries [@CR11]; Petersen [@CR43]) , whether it is called sociology in bioethics or sociology of bioethics (see Chap.", " 10.1007/978-3-319-03986-2_11 for further elaboration) . ", "The field of medical ethics or bioethics in general is multidisciplinary because the ethical dilemma in health care requires the inputs and understanding of various professionals. ", "Some of these moral perplexities are part of societal concerns for equity, equality, and justice in health care. ", "A majority of these issues are sociocultural issues and general ethical or moral standards of behaviour in the society. ", "This is why sociological insights are necessary if the ethical conundrums presented by medicine are to be successfully resolved in practice. ", "The most vital tool in medicine is the \"human body.\" ", "The body is a place where medical practices and interventions are exercised. ", "The human and his/her body have a significant place in sociological impetus. ", "Sociologists collaborate in resolving moral challenges in health care practice and research. ", "Humphreys ([@CR29], p. 51) observed that the sociological approach has brought out some interesting perspectives, especially unintended consequences of behaviours that bioethics (and research ethics) may not have anticipated.", "\n\nWhile the field of sociology of biomedical ethics is still emerging, especially in SSA, a number of medical sociologists hold interest in it. ", "In developed countries, there is a growing relevance of bioethicists in health care regulations and practices. ", "Sociologists generally want to understand how ethical challenges can be resolved within the limits of societal conscience and how moral values and ethical behaviours are embodied and lived by social agents. ", "How do ethical resolutions conform to the cultural milieu of the society? ", "How are resolutions in the best interest of the individual? ", "What are the future implications of ethical resolutions? ", "How do medical practices incline with the norms and values of the society? ", "How can we structure the development of new technology and its application within the moral values of the society? ", "Sociologists have often challenged bioethics to look beyond principlism (Petersen [@CR43]) . ", "Humphreys ([@CR29]) noted that sociology of bioethics has concentrated on social processes within bioethical debate, on role relationships, and on the norms, values, and beliefs of those engaged in the bioethical endeavour. ", "Invariably, sociology now has keen interest in the relevance of social processes in the understanding of moral uneasiness posed by some advancement in biomedical sciences such as biobanks, stem cell research , biotechnology, nanotechnologies, genetic testing , clinical trials , transplantation , and medical enhancement .", "\n\nHeath Policy and Politics {#Sec13}\n-------------------------\n\nOne major factor that greatly influences the health of the society, beyond the handling of a stethoscope or syringe in the hospital, is *health policy and politics*. ", "Health politics is about who gets what health resources, why and when. ", "Such politics involves the creation of medical schools; construction of health facilities; recruitment and deployment of health personnel; determination of health workers' benefits and their motivation, procurement, and provision of equipment; appointment of health care administrators; and initiation, formulation, and implementation of national, regional, or community health care policies. ", "These issues are really crucial and are usually not under the control of the physicians, but rather the politicians or political leaders. ", "This further signifies that a number of fundamental issues are beyond the confines of the hospital walls that must be properly considered in order to improve the health of the people.", "\n\nMedical sociologists in particular are interested in the community or societal processes in the formulation of health policy . ", "Most sociological questions include, among others: What are the social consequences of health care policy on the health of the community? ", "Which policy is working, which is not, and why? ", "How does health policy affect access to health care? ", "What are the attitudes towards health policy? ", "Who benefits from a particular policy and why? ", "How can policies be modified to get better results? ", "How are health facilities distributed and why? ", "How adequate are health personnel and are they properly motivated to deliver national health policies? ", "What is the influence of political will or political agenda on health care prioritisation? ", "All of these questions are often treated using sociological perspectives and methods.", "\n\nThe intricacies involved in health care politics are often overwhelming and often require unparalleled attention if population health must be improved. ", "In most SSA countries, there is paltry health political will, which accounts for poor health care facilities and, hence, high prevalence of health problems. ", "There is often an insufficient budget and diminutive political will to implement the best practices, which explain the high rate of mortality from preventable diseases each year. ", "The meagre foreign aid is mismanaged and good health policies often turn ineffective. ", "There are critical issues for health policy and politics, which, if addressed, could improve population health in many countries. ", "This is why medical sociologists consider health politics a part of the crux of the discipline .", "\n\nSocial Epidemiology {#Sec14}\n-------------------\n\nThis is the study of the sociocultural factors in the distribution, incidence, and prevalence of health problems in human society. ", "Jegede ([@CR32]) defined social epidemiology as the study of the disease process; its occurrence in population groups; those social and cultural factors that affect their incidence, prevalence, and distribution; and the host response in disease prevention and control in human population. ", "Social epidemiology often focuses on what Krieger ([@CR35], 2001) described as the multifactorial aetiology or web of causation---an array of social determinants of health distribution, an interplay of host, agent, and environment. ", "There are numerous interconnected risk factors in the social system , which exposes individuals to the agents of diseases. ", "These multifactorial links constitute the focus of social epidemiologists. ", "It is through the understanding of the multicausality of disease that the differential distribution of diseases can be explained. ", "One fundamental principle in social epidemiology is that humans are embodied agents (both socially and biologically). ", "The interplay of these embodiments plays significant roles in risk exposure and susceptibility. ", "Social epidemiology is a marriage of sociological frameworks to epidemiological studies (Krieger [@CR36]) , which represent a holistic approach.", "\n\nSociology of Dying and Death {#Sec15}\n----------------------------\n\nMedical sociologists are also interested in patterns of mortality in human society. ", "The major focus is on the social factors responsible for differential mortality rates in different social groups and societies in general. ", "Issues such as income, gender , race, education, marital status, and occupation are associated with death rates. ", "Sociologists study the interplay of these factors with risk exposures. ", "Life expectancy in various nations is also unconnected with social conditions. ", "There is strong relevance of sociological frameworks in the analysis of death in human society.", "\n\nApart from this, death is also a biosocial issue. ", "It is biological because of the failure of biological organ(s) in the body, which often signifies death. ", "Certification of death is thus a biomedical necessity. ", "Social death could, however, occur before (biological) death. ", "The inability to be a functioning member of the society due to total social incapacitation, and signals the expectation of (biological) death. ", "Apart from this, death itself is a form of social transition; a new form of being that creates a vacuum, which often signifies emptiness of social roles. ", "This implies that death has significant social repercussions for the affected individuals and the society at large. ", "Hence, society often prepares to cater for the social blankness created by death. ", "Bryant ([@CR4]) observed that society shapes social structure to constrain and contain the disruptive effects of death.", "\n\nFurthermore, one of the primary interests is on the causes of death in human society---especially those causes that have links with sociocultural issues. ", "Such causes are usually studied sociologically and historically. ", "This will expose the social patterns of death: which group dies more from what ailment and why. ", "What are the sociological explanations of the exposure of the group to a particular ailment in the society? ", "More so, sociologists are also interested in passage rite for the dead. ", "Different societies respond and receive death in various ways. ", "Other issues of interest include notions of good and bad death , death and social institution, social responses to death, political economy of death, death and religion , death after life, life after death, and increasing versus decreasing life expectancy across the globe.", "\n\nMedical Education {#Sec16}\n-----------------\n\nThe bedrock of sociology of medical education is the prioritisation of health and social origin of medical education, which has profound implications for knowledge orientation and dissemination, organisational arrangements, and access to such education . ", "It focuses on current issues affecting medical students, the profession, faculty members, and the impact of medical education on the society at large. ", "Light ([@CR37], p. 307) also observed that \"the changing locus of medical education in the matrix of social, cultural, political, and organizational forces exhibited by the health care system calls for the attention of medical sociologists.\" ", "A number of research priorities in sociology of medical education include: how social changes affect delivery and content of medical education; access to medical education among various social groups; orientation of medical education; outcomes of medical education; and health policy and medical education. ", "Mechanic ([@CR41]) averred that focus of this area also includes how to improve medical curricula, cultural competence in medical education, and ethical behaviour of medical professionals as well as the study of the pattern and context of professional socialisation .", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUnderstanding a circuit for reading current passing through human bodies\n\nI found on Instructables this circuit that is used to detect when two conductive pads are touched at the same time by a person (or, in that particular example, a chain of people).", "\n\nUsed in conjunction with this Arduino sketch it works perfectly, producing a stable value when the two pads are not being touched and different values proportional to the amount of contact when being touched:\nvoid setup() {\n Serial.begin(9600);\n}\n\nvoid loop() {\n int r = analogRead(A0);\n Serial.println(r);\n delay(200);\n}\n\nIt works perfectly for me but I don't understand what is the principle behind it and the article doesn't explain it. ", "\nNormally I would expect to have a voltage source present on one pad, and pull down resistor on the other pad, and the person completing the circuit.", "\nHowever in this case there's no voltage source and one of the pads is connected to the analog reference pin instead.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe basic principle is this:\nHere, from an engineering perspective, is a human - \n\nThe value of a human is much easier to measure or estimate for this model. ", "Hopes and dreams do not enter the equation, instead it's just the sweatiness of their skin. ", "The value of a human can range from 1kΩ to 100kΩ. \nWe have a sweaty human, they are 5kΩ.\nWhen we add a human to the circuit you provided - \n\nsimulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab\nOur human creates a voltage divider with R1. ", "The circuit designer modeled their average human resistor as 39kΩ. We can infer this because the maximum change in a voltage divider is when the resistors are equal. ", "Thus, to maximize the change in the signal being measured they set R1 to 39kΩ. \nWith no human the voltage on \\$A0\\$ will simply be equal to AREF and the capacitor will be charged to the same. ", "When the human is added and the circuit is complete, the voltage is now:\n$$ A0 = AREF * \\frac{(Human + 1kΩ)\\;\\|\\;1kΩ}{39kΩ + ((Human + 1kΩ)\\;\\|\\;1kΩ)} $$\nThe capacitor is there too, but if we consider it to have infinite DC resistance then it won't enter the equation. ", "It's there to smooth out the change in voltage.", "\nYou may have not immediately recognized this as a voltage divider because of the series 1kΩ resistors. ", "Those are there to provide isolation to the human and, along with the capacitor, as a debounce circuit. ", "Additionally the AREF for the 'supply' voltage. ", "We're making an analog measurement so the analog reference (AREF) voltage is a good choice. ", "Very little current is required to charge the capacitor in sufficient time.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt relies on the conductivity of the human body allowing a small current to pass via R1, thru the body then thru R3 to ground. ", "This creates a change in voltage on the input to the ADC. ", "This, presumably is measured by the MCU and some form of visual or audible feedback is given to you, the operator of the MCU.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "ABSTRACT: Objective. ", "Vascular mild cognitive impairment (VaMCI) is differentiated from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) by the presence of vascular events such as stroke or small vessel disease. ", "Typically, MCI and VaMCI patients present with subjective complaints regarding cognition; however, little is known about the specific nature of these complaints. ", "We aimed to create a profile of subjective cognitive complaints in MCI and VaMCI patients with similar levels of objective cognitive performance. ", "Methods. ", "Twenty MCI and twenty VaMCI patients were recruited from a Memory Disorders Clinic in Toronto. ", "Subjective cognitive complaints were assessed and categorized using the Neuropsychological Impairment Scale. ", "Results. ", "MCI and VaMCI patients achieved similar scores on measures of objective cognitive function ( ). ", "However, the VaMCI group had more subjective complaints than the MCI group ( ), particularly in the critical items, cognitive efficiency, memory, and verbal learning domains of the Neuropsychological Impairment Scale. ", "Conclusions. ", "Our findings support the idea that VaMCI and MCI differ in their clinical profiles, independent of neuroimaging. ", "VaMCI patients have significantly more subjective cognitive complaints and may be exhibiting particular deficits in memory, verbal learning, and cognitive efficiency. ", "Our findings promote the need for further research into VaMCI-specific cognitive deficits. ", "1. ", "Introduction As adults age, it is common for cognitive problems to arise. ", "Subjective cognitive complaints (SCC) are quite prevalent among older adults, with some estimates suggesting that between 25% and 50% of all older adults have self-perceived memory impairment [1, 2]. ", "In clinical practice, it is often difficult to assess the veracity and severity of subjective cognitive complaints, primarily because such complaints vary widely from individual to individual. ", "As a result, clinicians and caregivers perhaps do not consider subjective complaints to have the same weight as objective findings. ", "However, studies have shown that subjective complaints may be valid indicators of current and future cognitive impairment. ", "A recent study by Amariglio and colleagues showed that certain subjective complaints, such as “I have trouble finding my way around familiar streets,” are correlated with impairment in delayed recall, naming, and semantic fluency [3]. ", "A review conducted by Jonker and colleagues showed that memory complaints may be predictive of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease onset within two to four years, especially in individuals with a diagnosis of mild cognitive" ]
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[ 0.000664813444018364, 0.000956652918830514, 0.0006199825438670814, 0.0005825026892125607, 0.0007068695849739015, 0.0006880045402795076, 0.0008734609000384808, 0.0006590041448362172, 0.0006090242532081902, 0.0007578086806461215, 0.0006833157385699451, 0.0007946467376314104, 0.0008334804442711174, 0.0006007656920701265, 0.0009393597138114274, 0.000740686955396086, 0.0008412291062995791, 0.0005657511064782739, 0.0007361482130363584, 0.0006261682137846947, 0.0006544467760249972, 0.0007128273136913776 ]
[ "Crisis Management Plan\n\nThe University of Tulsa (TU) is subject to emergencies or disasters which result from major incidents or natural phenomena. ", "TU’s has an Emergency and Disaster Plan along with other information which provides guidance and procedures to enable the University to effectively respond to and recover from these types of situations or other emergencies on the campus.", "\n\nResponse must be timely, vigorous, and directed toward containing the situation, minimizing the loss of life and property, averting undue hardship or suffering, and maintaining the maximum operational capabilities of the University. ", "It is the responsibility of the University to protect life and property from the effects of hazardous events (emergencies and/or disasters) within its own confines.", "\n\nTU has the primary responsibility of initial emergency management activities. ", "The guidelines and protocols in place are based upon the emergency management functions of various organizations involved in emergency management which will generally parallel normal day-to-day functions or operations. ", "Day-to-day functions that do not contribute directly to the emergency may be suspended for the duration of any emergency.", "\n\nThe efforts that would normally be required for those functions will be redirected to the accomplishment of emergency tasks by the department(s), division(s), or agency(ies) concerned.", "\n\nThe University is exposed to many hazards, some of which have the potential for disrupting the campus community and causing widespread damage and casualties. ", "Possible hazards include, but are not limited to: Tornadoes, fires, winter storms, threat of terrorism related activities associated with biological, nuclear, incendiary, chemical, and explosive weapons. ", "Other disaster situations could develop from a hazardous materials incident, major transportation accident, civil disobedience, disease or other unknown or unpredictable occurrences.", "\n\nThe President may declare a campus state of disaster or emergency. ", "The effect of the declaration is to activate the recovery and rehabilitation aspects of the plan and to authorize furnishing aid and assistance. ", "When the needs for the emergency exceed local capability to respond, outside assistance will be required from neighboring jurisdictions and/or the local or state government.", "\n\nEach of these items has a link to access the information. ", "We hope you find this information useful. ", "All plans are reviewed annually will be updated, as necessary, if applicable regulations are revised, the plan failed during an emergency, facility operations have changed in a way that affects the plan, the roster of emergency personnel has changed, or if the emergency equipment listed has been altered; but at least annually, by Wayne Paulison, Associate V.P. of Human Resources & Risk Management." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe invention relates to an ankle brace system to be worn on the outside of a shoe.", "\n2. ", "Brief Description of the Background of the Invention Including Prior Art\nA foot and especially an ankle of a human being is a complex structure and at the same time an essential member used in many sporting activities. ", "A foot can experience a variety of injuries such as strains, sprains, and fractures. ", "In order to reduce the number of foot injuries, athletes attempt to protect the ankle, for example, by strengthening the ankle with tape. ", "However, tape is inconvenient in certain aspects, since it is a cumbersome procedure to place and to remove the tape, since it takes time and patience to tape the foot, since the applied tape may shift after application of the tape, and since the fastening of the tape might not hold. ", "In addition, the amount of tape required and thus the weight added to the foot and ankle can be substantial based on the overlapping of several layers of tape since one single layer of tape would not provide enough support to the ankle based on the relatively large elasticity of the tape. ", "The removal of the tape and the therewith associated rolling up of the tape also requires time and patience.", "\nL. H. Shaw in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "958,896 teaches a method of making rands and of producing rand strips.", "\nTweedie in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "1,153,977 teaches a boot top where a strap of patent leather or other suitable material connects the lower edges of the quarters across the arch of the foot.", "\nPetri in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "1,546,551 teaches an ankle brace, where forward-meeting edges of the casing are provided with straps and buckles to allow proper adjustment of the device. ", "A similar strap and buckle extends from one side of the casing across to the other at its lower extremity.", "\nWharton in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "1,730,400 teaches a stocking and shoe protector, where a cross-strap is adapted to extend across the shank portion of the shoe sole.", "\nCramer in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,313,433 teaches an ankle stabilizer comprising a flexible jacket, a first strap, a second strap, a first fastener member associated with the first strap and a second fastener member associated with the second strap.", "\nVogelbach in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,844,058 teaches a biomechanical ankle brace for treating an ankle. ", "The brace has an elastic sleeve with a plurality of elastic strips secured to the sleeve. ", "The sleeve is attached to a patient's ankle, and the elastic strips are wrapped around the ankle. ", "The reference employs strips which are attached with hook and loop tape, such as Velcro.", "\nHoyt, Jr. in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "4,908,960 teaches an overshoe which includes a sole section, a shoe section, and an ankle cover section having a flap. ", "The flap is detachably secured in position by a fastener.", "\nKrahenbuhl in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,016,623 teaches an ankle support for use by persons recovering from an ankle injury. ", "The ankle support includes a flexible heel foot support or shoe for fitting around the foot and ankle. ", "A non-stretchable strap is fitted through a sleeve to pass over the outer ankle bone.", "\nCooper in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,050,620 teaches an ankle brace with a stretchable, padded underliner which is open at the front to receive a wearer's foot and close therearound.", "\nHely in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,067,486 teaches an ankle stabilizing appliance including a boot-like body member, and a pair of stabilizing straps which extend in opposite directions from the rear edge portions of the body member. ", "The stabilizing straps are adapted to extend across and under the foot of the wearer, and then upwardly to a releasable attachment point on the side of the body member." ]
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