[ "Q:\n\nWhen to use a comma before coordinating conjunctions?", "\n\nI understand that a serial comma (the one used before and/or) is used only when we have three or more items to be separated using and/or.", "\nWhat exactly is the rule that governs where to add a comma before an and/or in a sentence such as the following:\n\nS1: I went to John's house, and I watched a movie there. ", "\nS2: I went to John's house and there I watched a movie. ", "\nS3: Look around for any evidence that might reveal the identity of the intruder, and carefully place that evidence in a plastic bag, so\n it can be examined closely at headquarters.", "\n\nI have seen S1 written both with and without comma. ", "Which is correct; why?", "\nWhat would be the right way to punctuate S2; why?", "\nShould there be a comma before so in S3 or not; why/why not?", "\n\nA:\n\nGenerally speaking, you want to use a comma in sentences made of two independent clauses connected by one of the following seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet.", "\nDon't use commas between an independent and dependent clause UNLESS the dependent clause shows extreme contrast. ", "\nSo, in the S1, there are two independent clauses connected by AND. ", "Use a comma. ", "In S2, again we have two independent clauses connected with AND. ", "Use a comma. ", "In S3, you have correctly punctuated the sentence according to the rules listed above (independent clause AND independent clause SO independent clause). ", "However, you created a run-on sentence, so at least one of those clauses should be made into its own sentence.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0008186139748431742, 0.0006195055320858955, 0.0007564476109109819, 0.0010211134795099497, 0.0006049356888979673, 0.0006502684555016458, 0.0007368325022980571, 0.0007992640603333712, 0.0008190422668121755, 0.0006815019878558815, 0.0008170082001015544, 0.0006321558612398803, 0.0014677731087431312, 0.0005473796627484262, 0.0014677731087431312, 0.00066246377537027, 0.0007702264119870961, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Search form\n\nAstoria to Zion: Stories of Risk and Abandon from Ecotone’s First Decade\n\n“Broadax Inc.” by Bill Roorbach, an excellent story out of many excellent stories in Astoria to Zion, begins with the brash inventive voice and language that are the trusty weapons of short stories: “My old champ and pal ‘Frederick’ Duk Nuhkmongamong simply appeared in my office—first sign of trouble, no phone call.” ", "The author assumes that you will orient yourself as to place and time, and quickly begins to spin his zany narrative—the fall of shark-like businessman Mike Broadax (“They’d find license plates in my gut when they finally croaked me, whole propellers from ships”) at the hands of his old friend Duk, after Broadax’s flirtations with Duk’s wife.", "\n\nIt’s a revenge story as old as time, but there is a layer, too, of current anxieties. ", "Duk is a whiz-kid hacker, who through digital and other manipulations manages to destroy Broadax’s business, financial stability, and general way of life. ", "In the end, Duk has everything, though Broadax gets the girl, and we leave the new couple on a beach somewhere in Hawaii, “that eccentric old surfin’ couple with the deep tans and easy laughs, grass skirts, floppy hats, Jimi Hendrix on the borrowed iPod.”", "\n\nThere is a certain digital anxiety being acted out in this collection of fiction from Ecotone magazine’s first decade, as well as a feeling of urgency, as if the need for a short story must be argued for here and now, guided by Ecotone’s mission to reimagine the idea of place. ", "As Ben Fountain argues in the book’s foreword, “In an age where place has never seemed more tenuous and abstract, it’s hard to conceive of a more relevant mission for a literary magazine.” ", "We live in an exciting, pulsing world of screens, allowing us to connect with strangers from Jakarta, watch videos while hunkered down on Siberian tundra, or read this very review in the comfort of home. ", "The stories in Astoria to Zion recognize and struggle with the draw of the screen, which makes them all the more interesting and timely.", "\n\nThe best of these stories succeed by doing most purely and exactly what a story does best. ", "There are the slow pleasures of masterly writing here, in Brad Watson’s family drama, “Alamo Plaza”; Lauren Groff’s tender end-of-life adventure, “Abundance”; and Cary Holladay’s quiet but stunning “Horse People.” ", "There are sharp satires, like Karen E. Bender’s political send-up, “The Candidate”; and wickedly, darkly ironic stories like Stephanie Soileau’s “The Ranger Queen of Sulphur,” which brings the reader to dead-end Sulphur, Louisiana, where two overweight siblings escape into a video-game world; or the always brilliant Steve Almond’s “Hagar’s Sons,” which takes business analyst Cohen to a strange land of sheiks and deadly plots, unwanted prostitutes and camel races, getting darker and darker as the story progresses. ", "There are stories that make their argument for attention through experimentation, like Brock Clarke’s war story, “Our Pointy Boots,” which describes the homecoming of a platoon of soldiers through a collective chorus fixated on their boots; or David Means’s timeless, placeless narrative of hunger, rambling, and storytelling, “The Junction.”", "\n\nThe stories that joust best with the digital competition might be the selections of historical fiction. ", "The idea of “setting” feels so much more solid, so much more all-encompassing when the story takes place in the past. ", "And there is no purer form of literary transportation than a story that acts as a time machine, whisking the reader away from computers, social media, the thrills of instantaneous connection. ", "I would venture to say that the historical fiction short story is the best of its extended genre—stronger than a historical movie or TV show, which has to struggle with costumes and backdrop, where a single historical inaccuracy ruins the illusion. ", "Stronger too than the historical novel, which can leave us marooned for too long in the safe past, where once-mighty struggles can feel careful and righteous, only reminding us how much better the present has become.", "\n\nGeorge Makana Clark’s “The Wreckers,” an epistolary love story narrated by a nineteenth-century soldier of fortune who finds himself working on a slave ship, provides a good example. ", "The façade of reality never falls, even as Clark conjures up a strange, antique seaside world. ", "The love story is nimble and strange, both clever and poignant. ", "And there’s no need for a happy ending, no need to drag things out. ", "I’ll avoid the spoiler here to preserve the reading experience—no matter where or in what form it happens, digital or not.", "\n\nAbout The Author\n\nMark Chiusano is the author of Marine Park, which received an honorable mention for the PEN/Hemingway Award. ", "His stories and essays have appeared in Guernica, Narrative Magazine, Harvard Review, The Atlantic, and The Paris Review Daily. ", "He writes for Newsday and was born and raised and lives in Brooklyn." ]
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[ 0.0010298308916389942, 0.002804574789479375, 0.02275242656469345, 0.2095506191253662, 0.0022371397353708744, 0.0005582391167990863, 0.0006344772991724312, 0.0006230587023310363, 0.0005757500766776502, 0.0006014715181663632, 0.0011972043430432677, 0.002356396522372961, 0.0006226897239685059, 0.0006426668842323124, 0.0005563136655837297, 0.0007946126279421151, 0.0006573772989213467, 0.0007291391375474632, 0.0010585053823888302, 0.0007736252737231553, 0.000723164645023644, 0.001661253860220313, 0.0009817610261961818, 0.0005952544161118567, 0.0006078980513848364, 0.000770170649047941 ]
[ "[Intermittent hypoxic training--the state of science].", "\nIntermittent hypoxic training (IHT) plays an important role concerning methods of training. ", "Considering the enormous logistic and pecuniary investments for altitude training, there is a high demand for more efficient concepts. ", "The intermittent hypoxic training is a new, alternative form of altitude training. ", "The idea of IHT is to economise the currently most reliable and evaluated method which is known as \"live high - train low\" (LHTL). ", "Thus, IHT combines a normal training at sea level with short training sessions in a chamber that creates a hypoxic but normobaric environment. ", "Its aim is to initiate a similar level of erythropoesis as that usually achieved through long stays in high altitude with a minimised effort. ", "This study analyses the results of selected studies that deal with IHT, evaluating the performance improvements in general and possible haematological variances/changes specifically." ]
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[ 0.0017331261187791824, 0.0025944628287106752, 0.0005810756119899452, 0.002416222123429179, 0.0008923009736463428, 0.0013743756571784616, 0.0007508221897296607, 0.000547793519217521 ]
[ "Hugh Pavletich, one of the report’s authors, said housing had become more affordable in Australia over the past year as prices fell amid tightening credit. ", "He said that Ms. Ardern’s government, which took office in October 2017, had been “messing around” by focusing too much on the hotly debated plan to build 100,000 more houses — called KiwiBuild — instead of freeing up more land for construction, which he said could have kept prices in check.", "\n\n“If they’d got out of the starting blocks with structural reforms centered around land supply and infrastructure financing soon after the election, it would have sent a far clearer signal to the market and subdued it significantly as these changes were put in place,” he said.", "\n\nBut the center-left Labour Party that Ms. Ardern leads has now conceded that its flagship policy will not ease the housing crisis as rapidly as it had hoped. ", "The prime minister told reporters Wednesday that the government would still build 100,000 housing units in a decade, but that its interim targets would be scrapped.", "\n\nThe government now expects to have 300 new homes built under the plan by July, rather than the original plan for 1,000.", "\n\nPhil Twyford, the housing minister, said Wednesday that there would be a “recalibration” of the policy, noting that demand for the new homes in some areas had been weaker than expected. ", "KiwiBuild has faced criticism from political opponents that even its cheapest houses are too expensive for first-time buyers who had been shut out of the market." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nParse \"cannot sign up without username\"\n\nI made a user sign up system with parse, but it keeps saying \"cannot signup without username\" even if there is a string passed to PFUser's username property. ", "What causes this error?", "\n let user = PFUser() \n user.signUpInBackgroundWithBlock{(success:Bool,error:NSError?)-> Void in if error==nil{\n user.username = self.username.text!", "\n user.password=self.", "Password.text!", "\n user.email=self.", "Email.text!", "\n self.navigationController?.pushViewController(UploadImageViewController(),animated:true)\n }\n else {let errorMessage: String = error!.userInfo[\"error\"] as! ", "String;self.displayErrorMessage(errorMessage)}\n }\n\nA:\n\nYou have to actually assign those properties before you call signUpInBackgroundWithBlock\nSomething like this:\nlet user = PFUser() \nuser.username = self.username.text!", "\nuser.password=self.", "Password.text!", "\nuser.email=self.", "Email.text!", "\n\nuser.signUpInBackgroundWithBlock {\n(succeeded: Bool, error: NSError?) -", "> Void in\nif let error = error {\nlet errorString = error.userInfo[\"error\"] as? ", "NSString\n// Handle the error\n} else {\n// Push your view controller\n}\n}\n\n" ]
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[ "Nadia Lizet Rojas, de 14 años de edad, oriunda de la Villa 20, fue encontrada ayer a la madrugada luego de estar desaparecida durante más de un mes. ", "Apareció ilesa en la calle Perirí en Parque Patricios, no muy lejos de la terminal de la línea de subte H. Había sido vista por última vez el 11 de junio pasado en su escuela, la René Favaloro en Villa Lugano.", "\n\nFue un mes ciertamente complicado. ", "Organizaciones como la FUBA y el Plenario de Trabajadoras del Partido Obrero salieron a la calle para pedir su aparición mientras que el expediente que investigaba su ausencia se convertía en una bola de flipper judicial. ", "Primero tramitó en la Justicia de instrucción, que lo envió a los juzgados federales de Comodoro Py. ", "Trata de personas era la sospecha.", "\n\nEl caso recayó en el Juzgado Nº6 de Rodolfo Canicoba Corral, que según fuentes judiciales intentó rechazarlo por incompetencia y enviarlo de vuelta a la Justicia ordinaria. ", "Federico Delgado fue el fiscal. ", "Delgado decidió avanzar, con medidas de prueba como la toma de testimonios y allanamientos. ", "Cuatro días después, hoy por la madrugada, Nadia era finalmente encontrada, para ser llevada a un refugio por la división Delitos contra la Salud de la Policía de la Ciudad.", "\n\nMarcha para pedir por la aparición de Nadia\n\nSin embargo, Nadia no fue encontrada detrás de una puerta rota por un ariete policial: la joven se había comunicado el día anterior con su madre, Elena Rojas Paucará. ", "Acordaron un encuentro en esa conversación. ", "Infobae habló este mediodía con Rojas Paucará a las puertas de los tribunales de Comodoro Py, donde la madre de Nadia esperaba encontrar a su hija. ", "Tenía una pequeña herida sobre la ceja: \"Me la hicieron ayer, me pegaron cuando iba camino a encontrarme con Nadia, me amenazaron en los días anteriores\", aseguró.", "\n\nLo cierto es que la charla de ayer no fue la única que Nadia mantuvo con su mamá durante el mes que estuvo desaparecida: hubo varias, en donde la joven discaba desde un teléfono con número privado. ", "El sábado pasado, Nadia llamó a su madre, que la atendió en llanto. \"¿", "Dónde estás? ", "Hablemos, por favor, te voy a buscar\", dijo Elena.", "\n\nLa línea de Elena había sido intervenida a pedido del fiscal Delgado. ", "Los contenidos de la charla son escalofriantes. ", "En la conversación, que duró poco más de diez minutos y cuyo audio es parte de esta nota, Nadia le asegura a su madre que trabaja en una pizzería de Flores, que cobra un sueldo como mesera, que nadie la raptó, que le lleve zapatillas, que retire la denuncia policial.", "\n\nElena Rojas, madre de Nadia\n\nNadia: Te estoy llamando para decirte que estoy bien.", "\n\nElena: No me digas si estás bien, te paso a buscar, decime dónde estás, si querés nos vamos lejos.", "\n\nNadia: Estoy viviendo en Flores. ", "Estaba trabajando como mesera en una pizzería, me pagan mil pesos por semana, con eso puedo alquilar una pieza.", "\n\nElena: La vez pasada me dijiste lo mismo.", "\n\nNadia: Estoy solita. ", "No quiero que metas en quilombos a los demás, la policía acá mete a todos, no quiero eso… Estoy bien así. ", "Ya me estoy dando cuenta de las cosas. ", "Quiero que retires la denuncia, no puedo caminar por la calle porque ya salí en la tele. ", "Si vuelvo, vuelvo a casa, pero no ahora. ", "Nadie me tiene, estoy bien. ", "Solo quiero que sepas eso. ", "Tampoco quiero que te enojes conmigo por haberme ido de casa.", "\n\nElena: ¡Es mentira que estás trabajando!", "\n\nNadia: No es mentira, si me creés bien, y si no, no. ", "Te voy a llamar para citarnos en un lugar y volver a hablar.", "\n\nElena: Pero llamame…\n\nNadia: Mañana te voy a llamar, pero no le digas a nadie que te llamé. ", "Pero tratá de levantar la denuncia y no metas más a personas. ", "Me enteré que un chico fue a declarar, un chico que conozco, que trabaja en La Salada y fueron a allanar a su jefe. ", "Te voy a llamar a eso de las cinco, te llamo desde una cabina, me compré ropa y zapatillas. ", "Te amo ma, te extraño mucho.", "\n\nElena: ¿Pero me vas a llamar de verdad? ¡", "Volvé por favor, ya no puedo más!", "\n\nNadia: No quiero que llores.", "\n\nElena: ¿Y qué quieres? ¿", "Que me cague de risa? ¿", "Que estoy en una fiesta?", "\n\nNadia: No me grites, por eso no se puede hablar con vos. ", "Te voy a mostrar dónde estoy viviendo, dónde estoy trabajando, vas a ver que estoy bien en mi departamento.", "\n\nElena: Bueno, bueno, yo voy a ir a levantar la denuncia. ¿", "Dónde nos vemos?", "\n\nNadia: En la Plaza Flores, ahí te veo. ", "Mañana te voy a decir, dale… ¿Te puedo pedir un favor? ", "Necesito que me lleves unas zapatillas y un pantalón de jean. ", "En el trabajo me piden jean y estoy yendo con uno solo.", "\n\nElena: Yo te voy a llevar eso. ", "Si necesitás plata te llevo.", "\n\nNadia: Plata tengo de sobra… ¿Retirá la denuncia, sí? ¿", "Cómo está mi gato? ¿", "Está allá?", "\n\nElena: No, se escapó, igual que vos. ", "Todos se fueron, el gato se fue, tú te fuiste.", "\n\nNadia llora al oír esto. \"", "Chau, ma, te amo\", responde. ", "Elena da por terminada la conversación sin cortar la línea. ", "Se la oye llorando, hablando con otras personas. \"", "Ma, ma, ma…\" dice Nadia. ", "La madre de la joven luego declaró ante el fiscal Delgado y habló sobre esta charla. ", "Otros miembros de la familia -el padre biológico de la joven está fuera de la ecuación- también declararon en Comodoro Py. ", "Qué pasó con Nadia todavía es algo sumamente incierto. ", "De nuevo, la trata o un cautiverio para venta de drogas -con la PROTEX, el ala de la Procuración dedicada al tema que interviene en el caso- son las principales hipótesis. ", "De todas formas, el relato no es tan lineal. ", "Las líneas de sospecha son varias.", "\n\nLa joven estaba desaparecida desde el 11 de junio.", "\n\nPara empezar, el fiscal Delgado buscará que varios de los amigos y compañeros de escuela de Nadia declaren bajo cámara Gesell: ya se allanaron varias casas relacionadas al grupo alrededor de la joven, Nadia demostró saber de esto en la escucha reproducida en esta nota. ", "Dichos de padres y profesores de la René Favaloro que constan en la causa apuntan a que sus amigos hablaban con ella durante el mes de su desaparición.", "\n\nOtra denuncia apunta a una disco en Liniers, El Basilón, sobre la colectora de General Paz, frecuentada por Nadia y su grupo, con bandas de cumbia en el escenario y tequila gratis para chicas según sus afiches. ", "Delgado y la Justicia ordinaria pidieron allanarla; no se encontró nada en dos operativos policiales. ", "Una posible connivencia policial fue otro rumor: no hay nada al respecto en la causa, de un solo cuerpo hasta ahora.", "\n\nAfiche de la disco El Basilón de Liniers, allanada dos veces en la causa, sin resultados\n\nPor otra parte, Delgado y su equipo encontraron dos huecos llamativos en la escucha telefónica el sábado pasado, algo que hace sospechar que Nadia o sus presuntos captores sabían que estaba siendo escuchada por la Justicia y que existiría un posible conflicto en casa de los Rojas. \"", "Yo me fui de casa por razones X, sabés muy bien\", dijo Nadia a su mamá, literalmente. \"", "Yo voy a terminar de pagar aunque sea…\", dijo Elena en un momento, desesperada mientras hablaba. \"¿", "Pagar qué?\", ", "se pregunta Delgado en privado.", "\n\nQueda, por otra parte, el interrogante más obvio de todos: ¿quién o qué la presionó para pedirle tres veces a su madre que retire la denuncia por su desaparición?" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAPI versioning via EntityFramework Core at repository level?", "\n\nI have GetAllStudents() in 2 versions (GetAllStudents() and GetAllStudentsV2()). ", "\nHow to manage versioning in repositories via EntityFramework Core? ", "just like what we have as ASP.NET API Versioning\nCan we have versioning at the repository level? (", "EF/Dapper/...)\n\nA:\n\nYou generally do not version EF because - you still have only one database anyway.", "\nYou version the API because it is a \"public interface\", not an implementation detail. ", "But the db is internal and IS an implementation detail.", "\nWhich is why most people will not expose EF objects via an API - they will project them to API objects (which is a way you can handle changes in the db when versioning).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. ", "It is only visible to you. ", "If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact Steam Support\n\nThis item is incompatible with Sanicball: xXb4ng4r4ngn0sc0p3zXx Edition. ", "Please see the instructions page for reasons why this item might not work within Sanicball: xXb4ng4r4ngn0sc0p3zXx Edition.", "\n\nCurrent visibility: Hidden This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator.", "\n\nCurrent visibility: Friends-only This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins.", "\n\nSanicball: xXb4ng4r4ngn0sc0p3zXx Edition 0 Award Award Favorite Favorited Unfavorite Share This item has been added to your Favorites\n\nCaption This race would take more than 6,000 years to finish when the math is done, assuming each lap lasts one and a half minutes. ", "Save Cancel\n\nCreated by Speedy\n\nOffline File Size Posted Size 0.114 MB 3 Jun, 2014 @ 5:22pm 1280 x 720 31 Unique Visitors 0 Current Favorites" ]
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[ "Mike Pence seemingly has a case of Stockholm Syndrome.", "\n\nDuring a round of television interviews early Monday, Donald Trump’s vice-presidential pick attempted to move on from one of the most calamitous weekends of the campaign, brushing off a disgusting Trump tape revealing insinuations of sexual assault and denying that he had ever considered abandoning the ticket.", "\n\n“It’s absolutely false to suggest that at any point in time we considered dropping off this ticket,” Pence said on CNN. “", "It’s the greatest honor of my life to have been nominated by my party to be the next vice president of the United States of America.”", "\n\nTo make a bad weekend worse, Trump dismissed Pence’s plan on Syria during a lurid and rage-filled town hall-style debate on Sunday night.", "\n\n“He and I haven’t spoken, and he and I disagree,” Trump said when asked whether he agreed with Pence’s backing of the possible use of U.S. military force against Bashar al-Assad in Syria. ", "Pence said just that during a vice-presidential debate last week.", "\n\nBut when first asked Monday about this seemingly obvious difference of opinion, Pence demurred and said the two men shared the same plan.", "\n\n“Frankly, I’ve got a lot of respect for Martha Raddatz but she just misrepresented the statement that I made in my national debate,” Pence said blaming one of the moderators last night.", "\n\n“The question I had—and you can check the transcript and so can your viewers—was about the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo and what we ought to do,” Pence continued. “", "Donald Trump’s position, our position has been that we need to establish safe zones and you need to be willing to use resources, and including military power, to secure those safe zones and allow those people, including 100,000 children to be able to evacuate.”", "\n\nPence went on to say that Raddatz conflated that with general military intervention during her question last night.", "\n\nBut in reality, their answers couldn’t have been more different. ", "In the vice-presidential debate, Pence did in fact talk about safe zones but he won’t go on to explicitly discuss military intervention from the United States.", "\n\n“I truly do believe that what America ought to do right now is immediately establish safe zones, so that families and vulnerable families with children can move out of those areas, work with our Arab partners, real time, right now, to make that happen,” Pence said last week.", "\n\n“And secondly, I just have to tell you that the provocations by Russia need to be met with American strength. ", "And if Russia chooses to be involved and continue, I should say, to be involved in this barbaric attack on civilians in Aleppo, the United States of America should be prepared to use military force to strike military targets of the Assad regime to prevent them from this humanitarian crisis that is taking place in Aleppo.”", "\n\nLast night, Trump was asked what he would do about Syria and the humanitarian crisis in Aleppo.", "\n\n“I don’t like Assad at all, but Assad is killing ISIS,” Trump said, slightly misrepresenting the facts. “", "Russia is killing ISIS. ", "And Iran is killing ISIS. ", "And those three have now lined up because of our weak foreign policy.”", "\n\nIt’s pretty clear from the vice-presidential debate that Pence is well-equipped to deny things that actually happened.", "\n\nIt’s just harder to do when there’s video evidence." ]
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[ "Whatever your style, we’ve got your head covered.", "\n\nWhether you're the kind of guy who spends a little time styling his hair, or the guy who just towels it dry and heads out the door, you'll appreciate Every Man Jack hair products for what they are. ", "And just as importantly, for what they're not.", "\n\nAnd while both our daily and thickening shampoos can create healthy, fuller-looking hair, we're not going to claim we can re-grow it. ", "We would be retired if we could figure that out." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nLoop 10x and Append to URL List\n\nWhile trying to loop through 10 URLs, in consecutive order, I'm getting an error. ", " I'm trying to figure out why none of these options work.", "\npage_source = []\nfor i in range(1, 11):\n page_source = 'https://flow.com/admin/?page=i{}'.format(i)\n page_source.append(page_source)\n\npage_source = []\nfor i in range(1, 11):\n page_source = 'https://flow.com/admin/?page='.format(i)\n page_source.append(page_source)\n\npage_source = []\nfor i in range(1, 11):\n page_source = 'https://flow.com/admin/?page=' + str(i)\n page_source.append(page_source)\n\nAll 3 throw the following error.", "\nAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'append'\n\nI did a little research on this, and it seems like this is the way to go, but something is off here, and I'm not sure what. ", " Any thoughts? ", " Thanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou are using the same variable name inside your loop as you use outside, which results in the original array being overwritten by a string. ", "Use a different variable name:\npage_source = []\nfor i in range(1, 11):\n url = 'https://flow.com/admin/?page=i{}'.format(i)\n page_source.append(url)\n\n" ]
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[ "\n187 So.2d 254 (1966)\nLonnie PORTER\nv.\nALABAMA FARM BUREAU MUTUAL CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY et al.", "\n6 Div. ", "14.", "\nSupreme Court of Alabama.", "\nMay 5, 1966.", "\nRehearing Denied June 16, 1966.", "\n*255 Rogers, Howard, Redden & Mills, Birmingham, for appellant.", "\nLondon, Yancey, Clark & Allen, Birmingham, for appellee.", "\nCOLEMAN, Justice.", "\nComplainant appeals from a decree denying relief in a declaratory proceeding in equity.", "\nComplainant is the insured in a contract whereby the insurer agreed to pay, within policy limits, all damages which insured shall become legally obligated to pay because of bodily injury and property damage sustained by others, caused by accident and arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of a certain automobile. ", "Insurer also agreed to defend any suit against insured alleging such bodily injury or destruction and seeking damages therefor.", "\nRespondents are the insurer and two persons who will be referred to as plaintiffs. ", "Insured alleges that plaintiffs have filed actions at law against insured claiming damages for personal injury and property damage arising out of a motor vehicle accident at a certain time and place, and that, at the time of the accident, insured was driving the insured automobile. ", "Insured alleges that insurer has had notice but has refused to defend the actions at law.", "\nInsured prays for a declaration that insurer is obligated to defend and for an order enjoining plaintiffs from further prosecuting the actions against insured until insurer has assumed defense of the actions and for general relief.", "\nInsured demanded a trial by jury. ", "Insurer moved to strike the jury demand and the court granted the motion. ", "Insured assigns this ruling for error.", "\nInsurer answered the bill of complaint and said that insurer was not obligated to *256 defend because insured had not given proper notice of the accident to insurer as required by the policy.", "\nThe court declared that insurer was not obligated to defend and that insured is not entitled to enjoin plaintiffs from further prosecuting the actions. ", "This ruling is also assigned for error and argued in brief by insured, but, because we are of opinion that striking insured's demand for jury trial was error to reverse and requires a new trial, we do not consider any other error.", "\nComplainant did not file any application for rehearing or motion for new trial, and insurer argues that the assignment charging error in denying complainant's jury demand cannot be considered because the alleged error was not brought to the court's attention by motion for new trial. ", "Insurer relies on the following statement by this court:\n\"No motion for a new trial is predicated on the denial of a written demand for a jury. ", "The weight of authority is that error in granting or refusing a jury trial is not considered on appeal, unless brought to the attention of the court by a motion for a new trial and opportunity for correction given. ", "Horlacher v. Brafford, 141 Ind. 528, 40 N.E. 1078; Ketcham v. Brazil Block Coal Co., 88 Ind. 515; Huffmond v. Bence, 128 Ind. 131, 27 N.E. 347; Abbott v. Inman, 35 Ind.App. ", "262, 72 N.E. 284; Childers v. First National Bank, 147 Ind. 430, 46 N.E. 825; Alley v. State ex rel. ", "Blenzinger, 76 Ind. 94; Meloy v. Weathers, 35 Ind.App. ", "165, 73 N.E. 924; Sone v. Williams, 130 Mo. 530, 32 S.W. 1016; Boyea v. Besch, 144 Minn. 254, 174 N.W. 894; Banning v. Hall, 70 Minn. 89, 72 N.W. 817. ", "However this may be, we will examine the statute concerning the right of trial by jury in such a case.\" ", "Schwend v. City of Birmingham, 215 Ala. 491, 492, 111 So. ", "205.", "\nThe earliest of the Indiana cases cited above is Alley v. State ex rel. ", "Blenzinger, 76 Ind. 94, decided at the May Term of 1881, in which appellant demanded a jury. ", "The court overruled appellant's demand and tried the case without a jury. ", "The Supreme Court of Indiana reversed the judgment and remanded the cause for a new trial. ", "It appears from the opinion that appellant did make a motion for new trial. ", "Error was assigned upon the overruling of appellant's motion for new trial. ", "It is not expressly stated, but the opinion indicates that overruling demand for jury was made a ground of the motion for new trial because the court said: \". . . . ", "and the refusal of the court to call a jury to try the cause, was, under all the circumstances attending it, an error of law, of which appellant had good reason to complain. ", "2 R.S. 1876, p. 178, sec. ", "352.\" (", "76 Ind. at page 96)\n2 R.S. 1876 is not available to us, but, in Revised Statutes of Indiana 1881, we find §559 which recites in part as follows:\n\"559. ", "Causes for. ", "420. ", "A new trial may be granted in the following cases:\n\". . . . . . . .", "\n\"Eighth. ", "Error of law occurring at the trial and excepted to by the party making the application .... (352.)\"", "\nThe foregoing excerpt from the statute appears to be \"sec. ", "352\" cited in Alley v. State ex rel, Blenzinger, supra, and supports the holding that refusal of the demand for a jury was proper ground of a motion for new trial.", "\nAt the November Term of 1896, the Indiana Court said:\n\"It is assigned as error that `the court erred in refusing to grant appellant trial by jury.'", "\n\"The refusal to grant trial by jury is a cause for a new trial and cannot properly be assigned as error. ", "Alley v. State ex rel. ", "Blenzinger, 76 Ind. 94; Hiatt v. Renk, 64 Ind. 590. ", "No question is presented, therefore, by this assignment of error.\" ", "Childers v. First National *257 Bank, 147 Ind. 430, 436, 46 N.E. 825.", "\nThe holding in the Childers case, supra, may be understood by reference to an earlier case which seems to state the general rule in Indiana that any error for which a new trial may be granted is waived by the neglect of the complaining party to move for a new trial on the ground assigned for error. ", "At the May Term of 1859, the Indiana Court said:\n\"The error first assigned (if one was committed), was waived by the neglect of the defendant to move for a new trial.", "\n\"We are of opinion that any matter, for which a new trial may be granted, is waived by the neglect of the party to move for a new trial.", "\n\"By §355, of the code, it is provided that a new trial may be granted in the following cases:\n. . . . . . . .", "\n\n\"Eighth. ", "Error of law occurring at the trial, and excepted to by the party making the application. . . .", "\n. . . . . . . .", "\n\"It is unnecessary for us now to undertake to specify particularly what matters would, and what would not, come within the above provision; but some matters of common occurrence may be named. ", "Thus, errors in rejecting proper, or in giving to the jury improper, testimony, or in giving to the jury improper charges, or refusing proper charges, are clearly within the eighth specification, while errors committed by the Court in reference to the validity of the pleadings in an action, are not within the section at all.", "\n\". . . . . . . .", "\n\"In the language of Judge STUART, in The State v. Swarts, supra (9 Ind.R. 221), `It is due to the lower Court that its errors, if any, should be pointed out there, so that it may retrace its steps while the record is yet under its control. ", "Without a motion for a new trial, the attention of the Court is not called to its own errors.'", "\n\"Numerous other cases might be cited, were it necessary, establishing the proposition that for causes coming within the sixth specification of the above section of the statute, a motion for a new trial must be made in the Court below, in order to present any question for the determination of this Court.", "\n\"The same principle will require such motion to be made for every cause specified in the statute, for which a new trial may be granted.\" ", "Kent v. Lawson, 12 Ind. 675, 676, 677, 678.", "\nThe Indiana Court has also said:\n\"Though a question of law may be reserved for the decision of this court under section 347 of the code, yet, if it is expected to reverse the judgment upon it, it must generally be so presented below that that court could cure or avoid the error complained of by doing what the party moves it to do. . . .\" ", "Love v. Carpenter, et al., ", "30 Ind. 284, 286.", "\nWe have perhaps dwelt at undue length on the Indiana rule, but we endeavor to make clear why we do not think that the Indiana rule is the law in Alabama. ", "In Travis v. Hubbard, 267 Ala. 670, 104 So.2d 712, this court held that rulings on admission or rejection of evidence may be reviewed on appeal without a motion for new trial. ", "In Mobile City Lines, Inc. v. Proctor, 272 Ala. 217, 226, 130 So.2d 388, this court held that rulings on the giving or refusing of requested written charges may also be reviewed on appeal without a motion for new trial.", "\nIn the instant case we hold that a ruling granting or refusing a written demand for trial by jury may be reviewed on appeal without a motion for new trial.", "\n*258 In Sone v. Williams, supra, the Supreme Court of Missouri said:\n\"I. It is now the uniform practice in this court to disregard assignments of error of which no complaint is made in the motions for new trial, and in arrest.....\" (130 Mo. at page 550, 32 S.W. at 1021)\nIn an earlier case, the Missouri Court had said:\n\". . . . ", "It is altogether unnecessary to inquire whether or not the defendant was entitled to a jury. ", "If entitled, the failure to give him one was purely matter of exception to be taken advantage of, and called to the attention of the lower court by motion for new trial, in order that its alleged error might be afforded opportunity for correction.. . . .\" ", "Ward v. Quinlivin, 65 Mo. 453, 454.", "\nIn Boyea v. Besch, 144 Minn. 254, 256, 174 N.W. 894, the court said:\n\"The chief error of which defendant complains is that he was deprived of a jury trial. ", "At the call of the term calendar, the attorney who represented defendant stated the case was for the jury; plaintiff's attorney insisted that it was an equity action triable to the court. ", "The clerk's entry is: `For trial. ", "Court determines that above case was a court case.' ", "The record does not contain any further request, either for a jury trial when it was reached for trial, or for submission of issues to the jury, or any objection to the court proceeding without a jury, and no exception to the ruling of the court made on the call of the calendar or brought to its attention by a motion for a new trial. ", "The point that defendant was erroneously deprived of a jury is not available upon the record before us. ", "Banning v. Hall, 70 Minn. 89, 72 N.W. 817.\"", "\nThere is authority that motion for new trial is not required to review refusal of demand for a jury trial. ", "One court has said:\n\". . . . ", "Upon the trial of the present application for a revocation of this probate, the petitioners, were entitled, under section 1330 of the Code of Civ. ", "Proc., ", "to have the issues tried by a jury, and the court erred in refusing their demand. ", "As this was a right conferred upon them by statute, they did not waive it by subsequently going to trial under the order of the court, or by their failure to present evidence sufficient to secure a judgment in their favor.", "\n\"The petitioners were not required to move for a new trial in order to have this error of the court reviewed. . . .\" ", "In re Robinson's Estate, 106 Cal. ", "493, 496, 39 P. 862.", "\nSome appellate courts seem to follow the rule that, in certain matters, the trial court will not be put in error for a ruling unless the ruling is called to the trial court's attention in a motion for new trial and the trial court is thus given a second opportunity to make a correct ruling. ", "We do not think that is the law in Alabama.", "\nIt is true that a motion for new trial is required in Alabama in order to present certain matters for review. ", "For example, on appeal from a judgment on a jury verdict, \"In the absence of a motion for a new trial this Court will not pass on the weight of the evidence. ", "Orman v. Scharnagel, 210 Ala. 381, 98 So. ", "123. . . .\" ", "Aldridge v. Seaborn, 253 Ala. 603, 46 So.2d 424. ", "It is apparent, however, that such a motion for new trial is necessary in order to obtain, for the first time, a ruling, by the trial court, on the weight of the evidence. ", "It seems that the purpose of the motion is not to afford the trial court a second opportunity to rule on the same question, but to obtain a ruling by the trial court on the weight of the evidence. ", "The jury has already judged the weight of the evidence, but the trial court has not ruled on the weight of the evidence. ", "In the absence of a ruling by the trial court, there is no ruling *259 of which the appellant may complain. ", "The motion for new trial is necessary to obtain such a ruling.", "\nFurther examination of Schwend v. City of Birmingham, supra, discloses, that although the court stated, as we understand the opinion, that, in the Schwend case, \"No motion for a new trial is predicated on the denial of a written demand for a jury,\" and that the weight of authority is that such an error is not considered on appeal unless brought to attention of trial court by motion for new trial; this court, nevertheless, despite the stated weight of authority, then proceeded to consider the alleged error in refusing appellant's jury demand. ", "As to this alleged error, the court concluded:\n\"We find in this record no due and timely demand in writing for a trial by jury, and we will not reverse the trial court on the trial of the contest without a jury.\" (", "215 Ala. at page 493, 111 So. ", "at page 207)\nBecause the stated rule of the weight of authority was not followed in Schwend, and because the cases cited in Schwend rest on reasons and policy which, so far as we are advised, are not to be found in the statutes and decisions of this state, we are of opinion that the law of this state does not require a motion for new trial, predicated on the granting or refusing of a written demand for a trial by jury, as a prerequisite to consideration of such ruling on appeal. ", "In so far as the statement in Schwend implies that the rule in this state is to the contrary, Schwend is expressly overruled.", "\nFor these reasons, we hold that we are authorized to consider the ruling which struck and denied complainant's demand for trial by jury in the instant case.", "\nAppellee does not deny that the jury demand was timely made, duly denied by the court in a formal order or judgment, and correctly assigned as error.", "\nComplainant says that this court has decided that it is not material whether a declaratory proceeding is begun on the equity side or the law side of the circuit court \"so long as constitutional rights are preserved, including that of trial by jury,\" Tuscaloosa County v. Shamblin, 233 Ala. 6, 8, 169 So. ", "234; that \"The parties have a right to trial by jury of all issues of fact presented in declaratory judgment proceedings on the equity side if the same issues would be so triable when presented in common-law actions,\" Major v. Standard Accident Insurance Co., 272 Ala. 22, 24, 128 So.2d 105; that in a proceeding brought in equity by the insurer asking for a declaration to the effect that insurer is under no obligation to insured, the insured is entitled to a jury trial on proper demand, Major case, supra; that, in such a proceeding brought in equity, the party who sustained injury is also entitled to a jury trial when the insurance contract gives to any person, who has secured a judgment against the insured, a right to recover under the policy, as the policy did provide in the Major case, supra; and, that if there were no provision for declaratory relief in this state, the issue in this case is one which could ultimately be presented by action at law by the insured for breach of the contract of insurance, Major case, supra.", "\nThe insurer answers that the instant case differs from Major in that, (1) insured is prosecuting the action against the insurer, and (2) insured is praying for injunctive relief against plaintiffs.", "\nWe do not understand why the same declaratory relief is not equally available to insurer and insured.", "\nIn §156, Title 7, it is provided that \"Courts of record . . . . ", "shall have power to declare rights, status, and other legal relations whether or not further relief is or could be claimed. . . . .\"", "\nIn §157, that \"Any person interested under a . . . . ", "contract . . . . ", "or whose rights . . . . ", "are affected by a . . . . ", "contract . . . . ", "may have determined any question of construction. . . . ", "arising under the *260. . . . ", "contract . . . . ", "and obtain a declaration of rights . . . . ", "thereunder.\"", "\nIn §167, that \"This article is declared to be remedial; its purpose is to settle and to afford relief from uncertainty and insecurity with respects to rights . . . .; ", "and is to be liberally construed and administered. . . . ", "The remedy provided for by this article shall not be construed by any court as an unusual or extraordinary one but shall be construed to be an alternative or cumulative remedy.\"", "\n\"This remedy is intended to be alternative, and not dependent upon an absence of other ordinary remedies, Borchard on Declaratory Judgments, pages 147, 148, provided in it constitutional rights are preserved.\" ", "Tuscaloosa County v. Shamblin, supra.", "\nIn the Major case and in the instant case, the fundamental and ultimate issue is the same, to wit, insurer's obligation, under its contract, to defend and indemnify insured. ", "We have examined the transcript in the Major case, and find that the prayer of the bill in that case recites:\n\"Your complainant further prays that. . . . ", "Your Honors, will render a. . . . ", "Decree defining the rights of the parties and declaring that . . . ", "Major was not an insured under the provisions of said policy . . . . ", "and that your complainant is not obligated to appear and defend . . . . ", "Major in any future action . . . . ", "nor to. . . . ", "indemnify . . . . ", "Major. . . . ", "as a result of said collision.\"", "\nIn the case at bar, the prayer, in part, is that the court will make a decree \". . . . ", "construing the said Policy. . . . ", "and declaring the rights of the Complainant and the obligations of the Respondent. . (", "insurer) . . ", "thereunder, and declaring that the . . (", "insurer). . ", "is obligated thereunder to defend the actions brought against the Complainant. . . .\" ", "by plaintiffs.", "\nWe do not think we can find a material difference between the two bills with respect to the relief sought against the insurer.", "\nThere is a difference between the defense made by the insurer in Major and the defense made by the instant insurer. ", "In Major, the insurer said it was not obligated because the policy did not apply to any automobile owned by the named insured, and the named insured, Major, did own the automobile involved in the collision in that case. ", "Major denied that he owned the automobile. ", "This court said that determination of the issue of ownership was dependent in part, at least, on facts, and was an issue traditionally determined in trial by jury in courts of law.", "\nIn the instant case, insurer says it is not obligated because the policy provides that, in event of an accident, insured must notify insurer \"as soon as practicable,\" and that insured failed to give such notice. ", "Insurer also says it has not waived its right to deny liability and that insurer has not been prejudiced by any alleged waiver. ", "Determination of these issues are also dependent, at least in part, on facts, and are issues of fact such as are traditionally determined in trial by jury in actions at law.", "\nSuppose, in the instant case, that insured did not demand a jury, but insurer demanded a jury. ", "Under the holding in Major, it seems that, in such an event, the insurer would have the right to a jury because it is a constitutional right in an action for breach of contract for which the declaratory proceeding is a substitute.", "\nBut insurer says the insured has no right to a jury when insured is the moving party. ", "To reach that result, we would be compelled to hold that the legislature intended, by the declaratory judgments act, to provide a new, cumulative remedy, to be \"liberally construed and administered\" and \"to afford relief from uncertainty,\" but *261 intended also to penalize the party who sought to utilize the remedy by commenceing the lawsuit. ", "The penalty, of course, would be loss of the right to trial by jury. ", "We are not persuaded that the legislature intended that a party would be required to surrender the constitutional right to jury trial in order to use a remedy which the legislature \"declared to be remedial\" and its purpose \"to afford relief from uncertainty.\" ", "To so hold would be to disregard the statutory command that the act \"is to be liberally construed and administered.\"", "\nWe find no language in the act to suggest that the legislature intended to impose such a penalty. ", "We do not think the legislature intended that insurer or insured should forfeit that right by filing on the equity side, when it is not \"material whether the proceeding is begun on one docket or the other, so long as constitutional rights are preserved, including that of trial by jury.\" ", "Tuscaloosa County v. Shamblin, supra.", "\nInsurer says insured is not entitled to a jury because the instant action \"against the insurer is one for specific performance of the contract, and being equitable in nature does not entitle the appellant to a trial by jury.\"", "\nWe have already tried to show that the relief here asked for is the same relief asked for in the Major case, to wit, a declaration of rights under the insurance contract. ", "The only distinction is that a different party is asking. ", "If the instant case is one seeking specific performance, the Major case is one seeking to avoid specific performance. ", "As far as relief sought is concerned, the only difference is that insured is the moving party here while insurer was the moving party in Major. ", "The respective parties seek exactly the same result in both cases. ", "We have already sought to show that the right to a jury does not depend on who commences the lawsuit. ", "We are of opinion that insured should not be denied a jury on the ground that he seeks specific performance.", "\nCases bearing on the right to jury trial in proceedings for declaratory relief on the question of insurance coverage are collected in 13 A.L.R.2d 793.", "\nThe annotation cites a number of cases for declaratory relief in which insurer was the moving party, in which the courts held that the defendant, insured, was entitled to a jury trial on issues of fact. ", "See: Fidelity & Casualty Co. v. Groth, Sup., ", "47 N.Y. S.2d 68; Utica Mutual Ins. ", "Co. v. Beers Chevrolet Co., Inc., 250 App.", "Div. ", "348, 294 N.Y.S. 82.", "\nWe find one case in which the beneficiary is plaintiff and insurer is defendant. ", "In Crollard v. Northern Life Ins. ", "Co., 240 Mo.App. ", "355, 200 S.W.2d 375, the plaintiff was the assignee of the beneficiaries of the deceased insured. ", "Plaintiff brought a proceeding against insurer on an automobile accident policy. ", "Plaintiff prayed that the court submit the issues to the jury for findings of fact and then determine the liability against insurer and declare rights of plaintiff and insurer under the policy. ", "The appellate court affirmed the judgment against insurer. ", "In upholding plaintiff's right to trial by jury the court said:\n\"A proceeding for a declaratory judgment under our statutes is sui generis and is not of itself strictly either legal or equitable, although its historical affinity is equitable. (", "Citations Omitted.) ", "Plaintiff's action here is evidently not one for the recovery of money only. ", "If plaintiff's action in the instant case is considered as one at law, it is not subject to objection because a declaratory judgment is asked. (", "Citation Omitted.) ", "But if the action is one at law, both plaintiff and defendant would be entitled to a determination of the issues of fact by a jury, although a declaratory judgment was prayed. (", "Citations Omitted.) ", "If the complaint in such an action is one in equity, then the chancellor could in his discretion submit such issues of fact to a jury and accept or reject its findings in whole or in part, and *262 the verdict would be advisory only, as always in equity.", "\n\". . . . . . . .", "\n\". . . . ", "Section 1134 of our statutes requires the court to have the facts determined in such actions as in other civil actions. ", "It was not intended that the action for declaratory judgment should interfere with the existing right of a trial of the facts by jury. (", "Citations Omitted.) ", "If the complaint be one at law, as we believe the present one to be, and no equitable defense is made or affirmative relief in equity is asked by the defendant, then the parties have a right to a determination of the facts by a jury. . . .\" (", "200 S.W.2d at pages 382, 383)\nWe come to insurer's contention that insured is not entitled to a jury because the purpose of the bill \"is to obtain some recognized equitable relief, in addition to declaring a status.\" ", "The equitable relief referred to is the relief asked for \"to enjoin and restrain\" plaintiffs from prosecuting the action for damages against insured until insurer assumes defense of those actions. ", "Insured also asked for different or general relief to which he may be entitled.", "\nIt is apparent, we think, that any injunction or order, restraining prosecution of the actions by plaintiffs against insured, should be to enjoin such prosecution until the final determination of the instant proceeding. ", "After the obligation of insurer is finally determined in this case, we conceive of no reason why plaintiffs should be further delayed in prosecution of their actions against complainant.", "\nInsurer asserts that complainant was not entitled to jury trial because, where the purpose of a bill for declaratory relief is to obtain some recognized equitable relief, in addition to declaring a status, the right to jury trial does not apply, and the purpose of the instant bill is to obtain such recognized equitable relief in the injunction prayed for against plaintiffs.", "\nInsurer cites two cases to support this argument. ", "The first case is Miller v. Hewell, 271 Ala. 286, 123 So.2d 126, in which the amended bill sought to have a deed declared a mortgage, to have an accounting to determine that the mortgage had been paid in full or to have the unpaid amount of the mortgage debt barred by the statute of limitation, to quiet title under Title 7, §§1109-1115, Code 1940, and also an aspect like a bill quia timet to cancel an instrument which appeared to convey a superior title. ", "Complainants requested a jury under §1112, Title 7. ", "On appeal, this court affirmed the denial of a jury under the rule which insurer seeks to apply in the instant case.", "\nIn the other case, relied on by insurer, Webb v. Bank of Brewton, 265 Ala. 568, 93 So.2d 154, in which complainant sought to vacate and annul a mortgage, the trial court denied complainant's demand for a jury, which also was based on §1112, Title 7. ", "This court said:\n\"It is apparent that the purpose of the bill is to invoke the right to apply section 15, Title 20, Code, to the mortgage. ", "The bill shows that without any statutory authority a court of equity has jurisdiction to set aside the mortgage as a cloud on complainant's title if it is subject to the option conferred by that statute. ", "The allegations prescribed by section 1110, Title 7, Code (to quiet title) were wholly unnecessary to confer jurisdiction and added nothing to the equity of the bill. ", "When the purpose of the bill is to obtain some recognized equitable relief, in addition to declaring a status as provided in sections 1109 and 1112, Title 7, Code, the right to a jury trial granted by section 1112 does not apply. ", "Ex parte Baird, 240 Ala. 585, 200 So. ", "601.\" (", "265 Ala. at page 572, 93 So.2d at page 157)\nIt is apparent in the two cited cases that complainant asked for relief under §1112, *263 Title 7, merely in an effort to obtain a right to a jury trial and that the real purpose of the bill in each case was to obtain recognized equitable relief as the court stated. ", "That is not the situation here. ", "The real purpose of the instant bill is to obtain a declaration of rights under the insurance contract. ", "This declaratory relief is not recognized equitable relief afforded under established chancery procedure to cancel mortgages, for accounting and the like. ", "As the Missouri Court said, this declaratory proceeding is sui generis and is neither strictly legal nor equitable. ", "The temporary injunction is sought merely to maintain the status quo until the purpose of the bill has been accomplished and uncertainty removed by declaring the rights of the parties. ", "Without the prayer for temporary injunction, there is certainly no prayer for recognized equitable relief. ", "We are of opinion that the statute does not require the insured to abstain from an effort to preserve the status quo as a prerequisite to preserving his right to have issues of fact tried by jury in an action which is a substitute for a common-law action on a contract.", "\nWe have found one case in which it was contended that a prayer for temporary injunction required the court to deny a jury trial. ", "In an action for damages for obstruction of a way, plaintiff prayed for an injunction pendente lite. ", "The case was tried to a jury and resulted in verdict for plaintiff. ", "Defendant appealed. ", "The opinion recites:\n\"The defendant objected to a jury trial. ", "The objection was overruled, and that is assigned as error.", "\n\"The objection seems to be that the sixth paragraph of the first count `is conversant purely with an equitable cause of action for an equitable remedy.' ", "This objection seems to overlook the fact that the allegations of that paragraph are solely for the purpose of a temporary injunction pendente lite. ", "The finding does not show that on the trial any evidence was offered in support of these allegations. ", "The defendant's requests to charge the jury make no reference to any such evidence, and the charge of the court submits to the jury no question pertaining to that issue. ", "We may safely assume then, (what was doubtless true in fact,) that the only issue submitted to the jury was the legal issue, as distinguished from the equitable. ", "It is certainly competent for a party to invoke the aid of a court of equity to protect his alleged legal right, by staying the hand of the opposite party from destroying it pending litigation; and it is equally his privilege to have the questions as to the existence of his legal right tried and determined by a jury. ", "There was no error in overruling this objection.\" ", "Spencer v. New York & New England R. R. Co., 62 Conn. 242, 243, 244, 25 A. 350.", "\nCity of Mobile v. Gulf Development Co., 277 Ala. 431, 171 So.2d 247, was commenced by bill in equity for declaratory relief. ", "The bill contained a prayer for temporary injunction to enjoin tax collector from collecting taxes on the real estate there involved, and a prayer that the injunction be made permanent until one of respondents complied with an act of the legislature. ", "Respondents demanded a trial by jury and the court granted complainant's motion to strike the jury demand. ", "On appeal, no argument was made as to the effect of the prayer for temporary injunction on the right to jury trial, but this court held that the trial court erred in striking the jury demand and said:\n\"As already stated, we do not think that the bill of complaint, or other pleadings, discloses any recognized ground of equitable jurisdiction. ", "The purpose disclosed by the bill is to obtain a declaration that the city is bound to pay, or cause to be paid, to complainant the cost of certain water and sewer lines as a condition precedent to the levy of taxes *264 on certain property, which complainant does not own, and to coerce the city into making such payment to complainant. ", "The proceeding has the indicia of a proceeding to collect a debt.", "\n\". . . . . . . .", "\n\"The constitutional guaranty of trial by jury does not extend to causes unknown to the common law or to the statutory law as it existed at the time of the adoption of the Constitution; Miller v. Gaston, 212 Ala. 519, 103 So. ", "541; but it seems implicit that the right to a jury is preserved in causes known to the common law. ", "Section 11, Constitution of 1901.", "\n\"Being of opinion that the relief here sought is of the nature of the relief recoverable in a common-law action, we are of opinion that respondents had a right to trial by jury and that the court erred in granting the motion to strike the jury demand.\" (", "277 Ala. at page 443, 171 So.2d at page 259)\nWe are of opinion that in a suit in equity, begun by insured, seeking a declaration of rights and determination of insurer's obligation to defend, as in the instant case, the insured has a right to trial by jury of all issues of fact if the same issues would be so triable when presented in common-law actions; and, further, that a party's right to trial by jury in such a proceeding is not affected or lost by a prayer for temporary injunction to maintain the status quo by restraining the injured party plaintiffs from further prosecuting actions at law against insured pending final determination of the declaratory proceeding.", "\nFor denial of jury trial the decree is reversed and the cause remanded.", "\nReversed and remanded.", "\nLIVINGSTON, C. J., and LAWSON, GOODWYN, MERRILL and HARWOOD, JJ., ", "concur.", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nGetting Data By Id with Ajax Jquery and asmx service\n\nI want to get selected Employee data by Id so a modal will pop up and show data for this Id. The Id parses as a parameter but asmx service won't fire at last.", "\nHere is client side code :\n function getEmployeebyID(Id) {\n $(\"#ModalTitle\").html(\"Update Employee\");\n $(\"#MyModal\").modal();\n var Id = Id;\n\n $.ajax({\n url: \"EmployeeService.asmx/GetEmployeeById\",\n type: \"GET\", \n\n dataType: \"json\",\n data: { Id: Id },\n success: function (data) {\n\n $('#txtFirstName').val(data[0].FirstName);\n $('#txtLastName').val(data[0].LastName);\n $('#txtGender').val(data[0].Gender);\n $('#txtJobTitle').val(data[0].JobTitle);\n $('#txtSalary').val(data[0].Salary);\n $('#txtHireDate').val(data[0].HireDate);\n\n },\n error: function (errormessage) {\n alert(errormessage.responseText);\n }\n });\n return false;\n }\n\nHere is server side code :\n[WebMethod]\n\n public void GetEmployeeById(int Id) \n {\n Employee employee = new Employee();\n\n string cs = ConfigurationManager.", "ConnectionStrings[\"DefaultConnection\"].ConnectionString;\n using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs))\n {\n SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(\"spGetEmployeeById\", con);\n cmd.", "CommandType = CommandType.", "StoredProcedure;\n\n SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter();\n parameter.", "ParameterName = \"@Id\";\n parameter.", "Value = Id;\n\n cmd.", "Parameters.", "Add(parameter);\n con.", "Open();\n SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.", "ExecuteReader();\n while (rdr.", "Read())\n {\n employee.", "Id = Convert.", "ToInt32(rdr[\"Id\"]);\n employee.", "FirstName = rdr[\"FirstName\"].ToString();\n employee.", "LastName = rdr[\"LastName\"].ToString();\n employee.", "Gender = rdr[\"Gender\"].ToString();\n employee.", "JobTitle = rdr[\"JobTitle\"].ToString();\n employee.", "Salary = Convert.", "ToInt32(rdr[\"Salary\"]);\n employee.", "HireDate = Convert.", "ToDateTime(rdr[\"HireDate\"]);\n }\n }\n\n JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();\n Context.", "Response.", "Write(js.", "Serialize(employee));\n }\n\nServer side code is working when I invoke data when I am running it,so the problem is on client side and throws this: request format is unrecognized for url unexpectedly ending in /GetEmployeeById\nAs far as I inspected elements I saw this error : localhost:50791/Services/EmployeeService.asmx/GetEmployeeById?Id=42 500 (Internal Server Error). ", "Can't figure out what's going on...\n\nA:\n\nFinally from this How do I fix a \"Request format is unrecognized for URL...\" error in a web service running in IIS?", "\n I added on web.config :\n <webServices>\n <protocols>\n <add name=\"HttpGet\"/>\n <add name=\"HttpPost\"/>\n </protocols>\n</webServices>\n\nAnd removed from\n $('#txtFirstName').val(data[0].FirstName);\n\nthe [0]\nand all worked fine. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "WTJK\n\nWTJK is a sports formatted broadcast radio station licensed to Humboldt, Tennessee, United States.", "\n\nWTJK serves the Jackson, Tennessee listening area, and is owned by Grace Broadcasting Services, Inc.\n\nHistory\nOn September 15, 2012, the then-WTJW changed their format from news/talk to contemporary Christian, branded as \"The Dove\", under new call letters, WDVW.", "\n\nOn January 1, 2015, WDVW flipped to classic hits as \"Hippie Radio 105.3\", with a callsign change to WHPP. ", "The station changed its call sign to WTJK on January 9, 2018. ", "On January 15, 2018 WTJK changed their format from classic hits to talk.", "\n\nOn April 20, 2018 WTJK changed their format from talk (which moved to WTJS 93.1 FM Alamo) to sports, branded as \"Fox Sports Jackson\".", "\n\nPrevious logos\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nWTJK Facebook\n\nTJK\nCategory:Radio stations established in 1989\nCategory:1989 establishments in Tennessee\nCategory:Sports radio stations in the United States" ]
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[ "DocPelletier.com\n\nScience is a process, not an object.", "\n\nEnergy Blog\n\n25/08/18 09:43\n\n(If you want to skip my \"capacity to cause pain\" intro in which I imagine throwing things at you, you can jump down to \"Let's make a law\" below). ", "What is Energy?This is trickier than it may seem, but it's very important that we have some understanding. ", "One common definition is the capacity to do work. ", "This begs the question: \"what is 'work'?\" ", "Well, if you look that up, you find that work is a form of energy...that didn't help much. ", "I prefer to think of energy as \"the capacity to cause pain.\" ", "Yes, that's something of a joke, but it works better than you might think. ", "Remember, the goal here is to come up with some way to relate things to each other. ", "Pain is pain...we can all relate to it, no matter what causes it.", "Imagine this: I'm standing before you with a spherical object I plan to throw at you; what are the things that matter to you? ", "As the object is flying at your head, what determines how scared you are?", "\n\nhow fast is it coming in at my head? (", "meters/second )\n\nhow much does it weigh (or more properly, how much mass does it have, since it would hurt just as much if you were in space and the object were 'weightless'). ", "Mass is in Kg.", "\n\nWhich do you care more about, the mass or the speed? ", "This might not be so obvious, but some objects with low mass can cause a great deal of pain if they are traveling fast enough (e.g. think of a bullet). ", "So, velocity matters more than mass. ", "Based on this we can come up with an equation for how much pain the object will cause as KE=1/2mv2 where \"KE\" stands for the pain it causes. ", "Actually, \"KE\" means \"Kinetic energy,\" or the energy of motion. ", "The reason for the 1/2 is not something I'm going to address here. ", "The units of painIt's worth thinking about the units for this measure of capacity to cause pain. ", "Mass is in Kg (kilograms) and velocity is in meters/second. ", "So the units of this pain, KE, are .More PainOkay, let's suppose this time, instead of throwing the object at your head, I'm holding it over your head and I plan to drop it (I'm really turning out to be a mean S.O.B. aren't I). ", "Now, what matters to you?", "\n\nWhat is its mass? (", "kilograms, Kg)\n\nHow high is it above your head? (", "meters, or \"m\")\n\nWhat planet are we on?", "\n\nDid that last one surprise you? ", "Well, unlike the last example, it will matter whether we are in space, or on the moon, or here on Earth. ", "If we are in outer space and there is very little gravity, I can drop something massive over your head and it will just float there. ", "No worries. ", "Gravity (g) is described in terms of acceleration, which is in units of. ", "So, I can write an equation for this pain: PE=mgh , where \"m\" is mass (in Kg), g is acceleration due to gravity in , and \"h\" is height (in meters). ", "Here's something interesting: the units of this capacity to cause pain are again , the same as the units when I am throwing something at your head. ", "Hmmm...seems like I have the beginnings of a relationship here. ", "What else causes pain? ", "Well, I could slap you...but that would probably be against the law. ", "Besides, it's the same as the first case: how fast is my hand moving (squared) times how massive my hand is.", "It Burns!!!Another thing that causes pain is when something is very hot. ", "The connection to the other cases might not be so obvious. ", "But, let's suppose for a moment that the hot thing I'm touching is made of particles (I'll give you evidence for that soon) and temperature is related to how fast these particles are moving. ", "Even in a solid, they are vibrating. ", "The higher the temperature, the faster they are moving (some of you may already know that temperature is a measure of average Kinetic Energy). ", "I can give you evidence to support this soon too, but it probably seems intuitive. ", "So, why does a thing at high temperature hurt? ", "Because you are being hit by particles...yes, they are small, but there are a lot of them and they are moving very fast. ", "In fact, the average velocity of molecules in air at room temperature is about 500m/s (about 1100 miles per hour). ", "Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the particles. ", "So, again, we have the pain being related to 1/2mv2 and we have units of yet again. ", "Work, work, work: So, we really have established the units of Energy, or, the capacity to cause pain. ", "Okay most people talk about energy as capacity to do work. ", "So, how should we define work? ", "One type of work is when you lift or move something. ", "Suppose you run out of gas and have to push your car. ", "If you push on it, you are applying some force, so work must involve force. ", "But, if you don't succeed in moving it, you haven't actually accomplished any work (in terms of moving the car, anyway). ", "You have to move it some distance in order to do work. ", "The farther you move it, the more work you have done. ", "So, work is defined as force times distance–the amount of force you are applying, times the distance over which you apply it. ", "You may remember from physics, F=ma (mass times acceleration), which means units of force are (we give this a special name, 1=1 Newton, or 1N). ", "If I multiply that times the distance I move the object, I get , the same units we had above. ", "So, these really are the units of energy. ", "If that's the case, maybe we should give those units their own name, rather than having to write all the time. ", "So, . ", "Joule is abbreviated \"J\" and comes from the name of another famous dead guy, James Joule (you will become very familiar throughout the year with the “Famous Dead Guy” rule for naming units).Let's make a law:Or, let's make two. ", "For now, we are going to do so without any theoretical underpinnings. ", "We are just going to base it on observations.", "\n\nFirst, let's say that energy does not get created or destroyed in normal processes, just converted from one form to another. ", "This law is called the first law of thermodynamics.", "\n\nEnergy will tend to distribute evenly in the space available to it. ", "This is one way to state the second law of thermodynamics. ", "In it’s most general form, it says that a quantity called “the entropy of the universe” will always increase. ", "Some books refer to entropy as a measure of disorder. ", "But, that’s not really a good way to look at it. ", "There is a very useful statistical definition of it I will save for later. ", "For now, increased entropy means that the energy and mass have become more evenly and randomly distributed.", "\n\nA bowling ball at the top of a cliff has potential energy (PE=mgh). ", "If I let it fall off the cliff, the potential energy decreases as the height drops. ", "So, where does it go? ", "Well, the ball moves faster, which means that its kinetic energy (KE=1/2mv2) is increasing. ", "It turns out that the totalincrease in KE exactly matches the loss in PE. ", "The reason I stressed \"total\" is that some of it goes to heat up particles in the air and the ball through friction. ", "If the temperature of the air goes up, that's an increase in KE also. ", "This fits with our law that energy is not created or destroyed, just converted between types of energy. ", "Can you think of other examples?Suppose that you have a tank of water and you stir it up and make some waves in it. ", "You have just put energy into it, right? ", "All the particles will be moving, so they will have Kinetic Energy (KE). ", "Some will be in the tops (crests) of the waves. ", "Particles in crest of a wave will be above the level of the water, so they will have gravitational PE, and will tend to fall back to the flat level. ", "Over time, the water will calm back down and be flat on the surface. ", "What happened to the energy? ", "Is it gone? ", "Actually, no, all the energy will be in the form of KE uniformly distributed in the water, measured by its temperature. ", "So, if our first law is right, the energy increase resulting in the gain in temperature (kinetic energy of the molecules) will be the same as the energy that you put into making the waves in the first place (James Joule, the famous dead guy for whom the unit of energy is named actually determined that the increase in temperature corresponded to the input kinetic energy). ", "So, the energy is still there...it's just harder to recognize because it has become evenly distributed in the tank. ", "That it tends to do that is our second law. ", "It’s also worth noting that once the energy is evenly distributed, it is no longer very useful. ", "You cannot do work with it.", "The second law basically suggests that there is a \"landscape\" of energy analogous to the surface of the water, and it will tend to get flat and even over time. ", "If there is one place that has more energy (kinetic or potential) than a spot next to it, the energy will tend to flatten out so that there are no peaks and valleys unless there is some barrier that keeps that from happening.", "\n\nThink of some simple examples of this. ", "Suppose you have a hot brick sitting in the middle of a room. ", "Over time, the brick will cool down and the room will warm up. ", "Eventually they will be the same temperature, which means all the particles will have the same average kinetic energy. ", "There is no loss of energy here. ", "At the start of the experiment, the particles in the brick had higher KE than those in the air in the room. ", "They end up with uniform KE. ", "Again, you go from energy concentrated in one location to energy evenly distributed. ", "Here's another one: suppose there is a ball sitting on the top platform of a ladder. ", "It has potential energy. ", "Even a modest nudge will push it off, and the ball will drop. ", "When it settles on the ground, the potential energy is gone, converted to kinetic energy, eventually passing to kinetic energy of the particles the ball interacts with. ", "The air particles and the molecules in the floor will each increase in kinetic energy (temperature). ", "That is, the ball falling will convert the potential energy that resided entirely with the ball into kinetic energy dispersed among the particles in the air and floor (some of which is sound).So, as was the case for the waves, high potential energy is an unstable state. ", "Things at high PE will eventually fall to a state of lower PE because, when they do, they distribute the energy more evenly. ", "In the example of the ball, it only takes a small nudge to knock it off the ladder. ", "Thus, chances are it will fall sometime. ", "Now, if the ball were in a bucket glued to the top of the ladder, it would take more than a small nudge and it would not be as likely to fall. ", "So, just because something could go to a lower potential energy, doesn't mean it will. ", "The sides of the bucket represent a barrier to the energy distributing evenly.", "Things in a high-energy state will tend to move to a lower energy state, so that energy will become more evenly distributed.", "This is the big principle we have been working toward . ", "This ultimately is why things happen. ", "Analogous to gravitational potential energy, there is a thing known as chemical potential energy. ", "And the same things apply to it. ", "Why does gasoline burn? ", "Because when it does, the chemicals end up at a lower state of PE (like the ball falling) and pass the difference in energy onto the surroundings as heat (Some of it can be used to do work, like moving your car).That’s another big theme: even though there is no net loss of energy, the transfer of energy can be used to do work. ", "Once it is all evenly distributed, there’s nothing you can do with it.", "\n\nThe Big Rule\n\nEnergy will tend to distribute evenly (entropy will increase). ", "Because particles carry kinetic energy (unless they are at absolute zero), the distribution of particles will tend to become random over time because that distributes their energy. ", "Why doesn’t everything fly apart into random distributions? ", "Well, the universe as a whole seems to be heading that way. ", "But, locally, things can stay fairly ordered-looking. ", "Biological systems in particular seem very ordered. ", "It turns out there is another way to distribute energy more randomly: form bonds. ", "You see, forming bonds always releases enthalpy, which can be loosely thought of as heat, to the surroundings. ", "Conversely breaking bonds always requires input enthalpy. ", "This seems like forming bonds should be favored by our laws. ", "If I release heat to the surroundings, I impart that energy to the surrounding particles, which can then distribute that energy more randomly. ", "But…there is a tension here. ", "Let’s consider the melting of ice or freezing of water. ", "Most of you did a lab in the beginning of last year in which you saw that as water froze, heat was released to the surroundings. ", "That’s consistent with what I just said: forming bonds releases enthalpy. ", "That’s good because that released heat gets to distribute more randomly. ", "But, forming bonds also restricts the motion of the molecules (in this case, water molecules become ice). ", "That’s bad, because whatever kinetic energy the water molecules have gets pinned down in the crystal and can no longer distribute as widely. ", "On the other hand, when ice melts, the particles get to distribute more widely, carrying their energy and distributing it more randomly. ", "That’s good. ", "However, breaking the bonds of the ice crystal requires input enthalpy. ", "That takes energy from the surroundings, cooling it down, and concentrates that energy as higher potential energy in the water molecules. ", "That’s bad. ", "So, which one wins? ", "Is it more energetically favorable for the bonds among the water molecules to form, releasing enthalpy to the surroundings, but constricting the molecules themselves? ", "Or, does the freedom of the water molecules to move around win out? ", "Does ice melt spontaneously or does water freeze spontaneously? ", "The answer is, it depends on the temperature. ", "And if you understand why, you understand a lot about energy.", "At temperatures above 0oC (273K), pinning the molecules down is more costly. ", "The higher the temperature, the more kinetic energy the molecules have, the more they are able to break the bonds holding the ice together, or, more correctly, the greater the benefit to letting them move freely. ", "At temperatures below 0oC, however, the cost of taking enthalpy from the surroundings and using it to break the bonds is not offset by the benefit of releasing the molecules. ", "Notice while at really low or really high temperatures, you are likely to have all ice or all water. ", "But, right at 0oC, you can have both ice and water. ", "And, you can nudge it one way or the other by making relatively small changes to conditions. ", "That’s because you are right at the point where the two players in the tug of war are equal to each other. ", "This will be an important consideration in biology too.", "We will come back again and again to breaking and reforming interactions. ", "It is absolutely imperative for life that virtually all the reactions in our body be reversible, favoring one direction under some conditions and the other direction when those conditions change. ", "We eke out a living at the margins of free-energy differences, always paying for it by heating up the surroundings (releasing enthalpy) satisfying the rule that we must increase the entropy of the universe.", "\n\nA biological Example:\n\nBy now you have heard “DNA contains the information that specifies living things.” ", "Or perhaps you’ve heard it called a “blueprint.” ", "You almost certainly have seen representations of it as a “double helix.” ", "You may even have heard that “A” binds with “T” and “G” binds with “C.” (The four “bases,” are Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine are abbreviated by their initial letters). ", "But, how does DNA encode information? ", "Why do “A” and “T” pair and not “A” and “C”? ", "Well, for one thing, adenine sometimes will bind with cytosine…just poorly and less stably. ", "This is one way that mistakes, or mutations, happen when DNA is copied. ", "The reason A binds with T most of the time and better than it would bind with C is simply because the change in energy is more favorable. ", "The enthalpy released to the surroundings is greater when A binds with T than when A binds with C. It turns out that G binding with C releases even more energy. ", "The energy involved is very much along the same lines as that involved when ice freezes. ", "In both cases, the bonds are hydrogen bonds, either among water molecules or between the bases of DNA. ", "If the analogy is to hold up, what do you think will happen to a pair of bases, A-T or G-C, if we raise the temperature? ", "If the two strands are held together because of the same principles that hold water together as a liquid, or ice as a solid, what should happen to a double helix of DNA if I raise the temperature? ", "If you answered: “the bonds should break and the two strands of the helix should come apart,” you are correct. ", "We even call this “melting,” the DNA. ", "This is just a first brush against a set of principles we will return to often in the coming weeks. ", "The answer to questions like: “why do proteins fold up into their active shapes?”; “", "how does the muscle contract?” ", "and many more will come down to the same simple principles, though applied in a rather complex pattern." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0009045665501616895, 0.0010831799590960145, 0.0006067765061743557, 0.0006112174014560878, 0.0006855321698822081, 0.000659411249216646, 0.0011831371812149882, 0.0007003413047641516, 0.0005817525088787079, 0.0036711329594254494, 0.0029836827889084816, 0.041711803525686264, 0.0013329325011000037, 0.0009470445802435279, 0.0008440014789812267, 0.005439782980829477, 0.0007523064850829542, 0.0007972452440299094, 0.001146906055510044, 0.0006656778859905899, 0.0006748327286913991, 0.0009438525303266943, 0.000616137171164155, 0.06567805260419846, 0.001187543966807425, 0.0006887915078550577, 0.0023686126805841923, 0.0007688690675422549, 0.0013121551601216197, 0.0008738093310967088, 0.021074578166007996, 0.0008330941200256348, 0.0006050656083971262, 0.0018093159887939692, 0.2107943445444107, 0.0006775893270969391, 0.0013460750924423337, 0.5803964734077454, 0.0009381053387187421, 0.1830013245344162, 0.0006121300393715501, 0.0005943077267147601, 0.0008961017592810094, 0.0006659057107754052, 0.0005542600993067026, 0.001430292148143053, 0.014689273200929165, 0.0006146291852928698, 0.0006578207248821855, 0.0012117685982957482, 0.0011084936559200287, 0.0005650709499605, 0.0006355351652018726, 0.0007713675149716437, 0.06814305484294891, 0.0006246098782867193, 0.0006307806470431387, 0.0006701588863506913, 0.0007315518450923264, 0.0007345378398895264, 0.0005763089866377413, 0.0006544794887304306, 0.0007140317466109991, 0.0006091127288527787, 0.0017287558875977993, 0.0007182142580859363, 0.0006598695763386786, 0.0005938926478847861, 0.000740984920412302, 0.0007752764504402876, 0.0005429720622487366, 0.0006947684451006353, 0.0008431571186520159, 0.002065420849248767, 0.0006454687099903822, 0.000560276210308075, 0.0006912423996254802, 0.0008431454189121723, 0.0009620768832974136, 0.0007184165297076106, 0.0008956681122072041, 0.0017655164701864123, 0.0006403002189472318, 0.0008063045097514987, 0.0006925112684257329, 0.000875140365678817, 0.0006058741128072143, 0.0006399491103366017, 0.0006458871066570282, 0.0006833222578279674, 0.0006890091462992132, 0.0006973568233661354, 0.0008326239767484367, 0.0005793825257569551, 0.0005909337196499109, 0.000656912918202579, 0.0006313526537269354, 0.000568527146242559, 0.0009832577779889107, 0.0005841004312969744, 0.0006138406461104751, 0.0006396999815478921, 0.016887888312339783, 0.0011289695976302028, 0.0006849081837572157, 0.0007207040907815099, 0.0006378276739269495, 0.004048450384289026, 0.0006215480389073491, 0.001014442415907979, 0.0005867592408321798, 0.008442380465567112, 0.0007409362006001174, 0.0005804907996207476, 0.0007794640841893852, 0.0006598940817639232, 0.0012408900074660778, 0.0009694988839328289, 0.0014004469849169254, 0.0007012739661149681, 0.0005681011243723333, 0.000591594201978296, 0.0005771021824330091, 0.0006316843209788203, 0.0005806167027913034, 0.0006347945309244096, 0.01628679409623146, 0.0008376740734092891, 0.0006626576068811119, 0.0006368323811329901, 0.0007548658759333193, 0.0006870086072012782, 0.0006266374257393181, 0.0005695625441148877, 0.0005923548014834523, 0.0007000713376328349, 0.0006379799451678991, 0.0006484513869509101, 0.0005715212901122868, 0.000743444194085896, 0.0006598487962037325, 0.0008585585746914148, 0.0005654486594721675, 0.0016028853133320808, 0.0010389857925474644, 0.0005995621322654188, 0.0008355299942195415, 0.0007376587600447237, 0.0006544813513755798, 0.0006149479886516929, 0.0005797562189400196, 0.011901549994945526, 0.0011951803462579846, 0.0005503836437128484, 0.00072135851951316, 0.0008669746457599103, 0.0006404811865650117, 0.0006434788811020553, 0.0014235569396987557, 0.000639823148958385, 0.0007528612040914595, 0.0007066624239087105, 0.0007287570042535663, 0.0007269878988154233, 0.0008705963264219463, 0.0005485208239406347, 0.0005744805675931275, 0.0005899856914766133, 0.0013038769830018282, 0.0006712618051096797, 0.0006213727756403387, 0.0006366312154568732, 0.0007893468136899173, 0.0006980081088840961, 0.07588919252157211, 0.0019323482410982251, 0.000683386402670294, 0.0006438826094381511, 0.0007834850694052875, 0.0006722464459016919, 0.0006273817270994186, 0.0006451685330830514, 0.0005458483356051147, 0.0006196963367983699, 0.0009083451586775482, 0.0005577248521149158, 0.0006493283435702324, 0.001759155304171145, 0.0005448805168271065 ]
[ "Read Troy's Review\n\nAgree on all counts.", "\n\nRunning mine on a '09 Heckler set up with a more aggressive-trail-bike build. ", "These brakes are a huge improvement in modulation over my Formula RX's (although the Formula's have serious power, which I love).", "\n\nI would suggest 180mm rotors if you're really blasting on a trail bike." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005843671970069408, 0.0023145899176597595, 0.0006422452279366553, 0.0009256419725716114 ]
[ "Effect of voluntary physical exercise and post-training epinephrine on acquisition of a spatial task in the barnes maze.", "\nA number of experiments have shown that physical exercise improves acquisition and retention for a variety of learning tasks in rodents. ", "Most of these works have been conducted with tasks associated with a considerable level of stress, physical effort and/or food deprivation that might interact with exercise, thus hindering the interpretation of the results. ", "On the other hand, it is well established that post-training epinephrine is able to facilitate memory consolidation, but only a few works have studied its effect on the process of acquisition. ", "The present work was aimed at studying whether 17 days of voluntary physical exercise (running wheels) and/or post-training epinephrine (0.01 or 0.05 mg/kg) could improve the acquisition of a spatial task in the Barnes maze, and whether the combination of the two treatments have additive effects. ", "Our results showed that exercise improved acquisition, and 0.01 mg/kg of epinephrine tended to enhance it, by reducing the distance needed to find the escape hole. ", "The combination of both treatments failed to further improve the acquisition level. ", "We concluded that both treatments exerted their effect on acquisition by enhancing the process of learning itself, and that exercise is able to improve acquisition even using tasks with a low level of stress and physical effort." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0009129612008109689, 0.0005582263111136854, 0.000563124951440841, 0.0006036866689100862, 0.0006441560108214617, 0.0006532992119900882, 0.0006372474017553031, 0.0005833388422615826 ]
[ "Wild Spaces, Open Seasons: Hunting and Fishing in American Art\n\nExplore the current special exhibition\n\nMeet at the special exhibition entrance for a guided tour of Wild Spaces, Open Seasons: Hunting and Fishing in American Art. ", "This is the first major exhibition to explore the multifaceted meanings of such outdoor subjects in both painting and sculpture from the early nineteenth century to World War II. ", "This exhibition encompasses a wide variety of portraits, landscapes, still lifes, and genre scenes, including iconic works by Thomas Cole, Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, and Augustus Saint-Gaudens, as well as key pictures by specialists in the category such as Charles Deas, Alfred Jacob Miller, William T. Ranney, and Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait. ", "No reservations required.", "\n\nInspiration, Memory, and the Divine in Art\n\nThemed Tour\n\nArt can touch us at conscious and unconscious levels. ", "Meet at the Information Desk and explore the galleries to consider how art can inspire us, evoke memories, and help us contemplate the divine. ", "The tour will reference the work of neuropsychiatrist and Nobel Prize winner Eric Kandel who researched the physiological basis of memory storage, including the power of art in this process. ", "No reservations required.", "\n\nWild Spaces, Open Seasons: Hunting and Fishing in American Art\n\nExplore the current special exhibition\n\nMeet at the special exhibition entrance for a guided tour of Wild Spaces, Open Seasons: Hunting and Fishing in American Art. ", "This is the first major exhibition to explore the multifaceted meanings of such outdoor subjects in both painting and sculpture from the early nineteenth century to World War II. ", "This exhibition encompasses a wide variety of portraits, landscapes, still lifes, and genre scenes, including iconic works by Thomas Cole, Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, and Augustus Saint-Gaudens, as well as key pictures by specialists in the category such as Charles Deas, Alfred Jacob Miller, William T. Ranney, and Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait. ", "No reservations required.", "\n\nWild Spaces, Open Seasons: Hunting and Fishing in American Art\n\nExplore the current special exhibition\n\nMeet at the special exhibition entrance for a guided tour of Wild Spaces, Open Seasons: Hunting and Fishing in American Art. ", "This is the first major exhibition to explore the multifaceted meanings of such outdoor subjects in both painting and sculpture from the early nineteenth century to World War II. ", "This exhibition encompasses a wide variety of portraits, landscapes, still lifes, and genre scenes, including iconic works by Thomas Cole, Thomas Eakins, Winslow Homer, and Augustus Saint-Gaudens, as well as key pictures by specialists in the category such as Charles Deas, Alfred Jacob Miller, William T. Ranney, and Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait. ", "No reservations required.", "\n\nHomeschool Tour: Back to Basics\n\nFor students 5–18 years\n\nFREE\n\nStart your 2018 curriculum with a back-to-basics introduction to elements of art and principles of design using paintings and sculpture from the Amon Carter’s collection. ", "Gallery teachers will help students breakdown artworks into their most basic forms: lines, colors, shapes, texture, etc., ", "and then shift the focus to design aspects, including balance, unity, and proportion.", "\n\nStudents will be divided into groups by age. ", "Parents may drop off or stay with their students for this tour.", "\n\nThe Amon Carter will only accept registrations from primary caregivers. ", "Registration for this program opens December 15.", "\n\nHomeschool Tour: Back to Basics\n\nFor students 5–18 years\n\nFREE\n\nStart your 2018 curriculum with a back-to-basics introduction to elements of art and principles of design using paintings and sculpture from the Amon Carter’s collection. ", "Gallery teachers will help students breakdown artworks into their most basic forms: lines, colors, shapes, texture, etc., ", "and then shift the focus to design aspects, including balance, unity, and proportion.", "\n\nStudents will be divided into groups by age. ", "Parents may drop off or stay with their students for this tour.", "\n\nThe Amon Carter will only accept registrations from primary caregivers. ", "Registration for this program opens December 15.", "\n\nSensory Saturdays\n\nProgram for families with children on the autism spectrum\n\nThis is a free program for families with children who are 5 to 12 years old and on the autism spectrum. ", "Families will have time to explore artworks in the galleries and get creative during a hands-on, art-making experience!", "\n\nWhile the needs of individuals with autism are the focus of this program, it is also intended to be fun for parents, siblings (of all ages), and other relatives!", "\n\nThis program is offered on the second Saturday of every month. ", "Reservations are required. ", "Registration for this program opens January 1." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005980432033538818, 0.0006812766077928245, 0.000653435883577913, 0.0006846138858236372, 0.0005929317558184266, 0.000576118181925267, 0.0006969678797759116, 0.0006846138858236372, 0.0005980432033538818, 0.0006812766077928245, 0.000653435883577913, 0.0006846138858236372, 0.0005980432033538818, 0.0006812766077928245, 0.000653435883577913, 0.0006846138858236372, 0.0006330418982543051, 0.0005803095991723239, 0.000584442401304841, 0.0005908568273298442, 0.0012600836344063282, 0.0011007750872522593, 0.0005885422579012811, 0.0006330418982543051, 0.0005803095991723239, 0.000584442401304841, 0.0005908568273298442, 0.0012600836344063282, 0.0011007750872522593, 0.0005885422579012811, 0.001792806200683117, 0.0005213735857978463, 0.004091480281203985, 0.000647459935862571, 0.0005798551137559116, 0.0005873654736205935 ]
[ "Q:\n\nEmacs leaving behind files preceded with # despite lock files being disabled\n\nI've noticed that emacs is leaving behind files in the directories of files I've edited with it. ", "The files are named the same as the original, except the filename is preceeded and succeeded with a # character. ", "For example, something like #file.c#, for example (if the original file was named file.c ).", "\nI've already disabled lockfiles and changed the default directory backup files are saved to in my init.el script, like so:\n(setq create-lockfiles nil)\n(setq backup-directory-alist `((\".\" . \"", "~/.saves\")))\n\nSo I'm wondering why these files are generated, what their purpose is, and if there's a way I can supress them/change where they are saved to.", "\n\nA:\n\nAs mentioned by Drew, the files in question are auto-save files, which are distinct from backup files. ", "Unfortunately for some reason, there is no index entry for # pointing to Auto Save Files in the emacs manual, hence my confusion.", "\nMy solution was simply to also change the location auto-save files are saved to, namely a hidden directory in my home directory named .saves, by adding the following line to my configuration file:\n(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms `((\".*\" \"", "~/.saves\" t)))\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007595081115141511, 0.0006615152233280241, 0.0006466659833677113, 0.0008118737605400383, 0.0006401415448635817, 0.0006984103820286691, 0.000723497592844069, 0.0006960753817111254, 0.000841317290905863 ]
[ "Q:\n\nMerging rows in numpy to form new array\n\nThis is a sample of what I am trying to accomplish. ", "I am very new to python and have searched for hours to find out what I am doing wrong. ", "I haven't been able to find what my issue is. ", "I am still new enough that I may be searching for the wrong phrases. ", "If so, could you please point me in the right direction?", "\nI want to combine n mumber of arrays to make one array. ", "I want to have the first row from x as the first row in the combined the first row from y as the second row in combined, the first row from z as the third row in combined the the second row in x as the fourth row in combined, etc.", "\nso I would look something like this.", "\nx = [x1 x2 x3]\n [x4 x5 x6]\n [x7 x8 x9]\n\ny = [y1 y2 y3]\n [y4 y5 y6]\n [y7 y8 y9]\n\nx = [z1 z2 z3]\n [z4 z5 z6]\n [z7 z8 z9]\n\ncombined = [x1 x2 x3]\n [y1 y2 y3]\n [z1 z2 z3]\n [x4 x5 x6]\n [...]\n [z7 z8 z9]\n\nThe best I can come up with is the \n import numpy as np\n\nx = np.random.rand(6,3)\ny = np.random.rand(6,3)\nz = np.random.rand(6,3)\n\ncombined = np.zeros((9,3))\n\nfor rows in range(len(x)): \n combined[0::3] = x[rows,:] \n combined[1::3] = y[rows,:]\n combined[2::3] = z[rows,:]\n\nprint(combined)\n\nAll this does is write the last value of the input array to every third row in the output array instead of what I wanted. ", "I am not sure if this is even the best way to do this. ", "Any advice would help out.", "\n*I just figure out this works but if someone knows a higher performance method, *please let me know.", "\nimport numpy as np\n\nx = np.random.rand(6,3) \ny = np.random.rand(6,3) \nz = np.random.rand(6,3)\n\ncombined = np.zeros((18,3))\n\nfor rows in range(6): \n combined[rows*3,:] = x[rows,:] \n combined[rows*3+1,:] = y[rows,:]\n combined[rows*3+2,:] = z[rows,:]\n\n print(combined)\n\nA:\n\nYou can do this using a list comprehension and zip: \ncombined = np.array([row for row_group in zip(x, y, z) for row in row_group])\n\nA:\n\nUsing vectorised operations only:\nA = np.vstack((x, y, z))\nidx = np.arange(A.shape[0]).reshape(-1, x.shape[0]).T.flatten()\n\nA = A[idx]\n\nHere's a demo:\nimport numpy as np\n\nx, y, z = np.random.rand(3,3), np.random.rand(3,3), np.random.rand(3,3)\n\nprint(x, y, z)\n\n[[ 0.88259564 0.17609363 0.01067734]\n [ 0.50299357 0.35075811 0.47230915]\n [ 0.751129 0.81839586 0.80554345]]\n[[ 0.09469396 0.33848691 0.51550685]\n [ 0.38233976 0.05280427 0.37778962]\n [ 0.7169351 0.17752571 0.49581777]]\n[[ 0.06056544 0.70273453 0.60681583]\n [ 0.57830566 0.71375038 0.14446909]\n [ 0.23799775 0.03571076 0.26917939]]\n\nA = np.vstack((x, y, z))\nidx = np.arange(A.shape[0]).reshape(-1, x.shape[0]).T.flatten()\n\nprint(idx) # [0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 8]\n\nA = A[idx]\n\nprint(A)\n\n[[ 0.88259564 0.17609363 0.01067734]\n [ 0.09469396 0.33848691 0.51550685]\n [ 0.06056544 0.70273453 0.60681583]\n [ 0.50299357 0.35075811 0.47230915]\n [ 0.38233976 0.05280427 0.37778962]\n [ 0.57830566 0.71375038 0.14446909]\n [ 0.751129 0.81839586 0.80554345]\n [ 0.7169351 0.17752571 0.49581777]\n [ 0.23799775 0.03571076 0.26917939]]\n\nA:\n\nI have changed your code a little bit to get the desired output\nimport numpy as np\n\nx = np.random.rand(6,3)\ny = np.random.rand(6,3)\nz = np.random.rand(6,3)\n\ncombined = np.zeros((18,3))\n\ncombined[0::3] = x\ncombined[1::3] = y\ncombined[2::3] = z\n\nprint(combined)\n\nYou had the shape of the combined matrix wrong and there is no real need for the for loop.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006494691479019821, 0.0005742309731431305, 0.0007267190958373249, 0.0005849796580150723, 0.0006040092557668686, 0.0011288427049294114, 0.0007449373952113092, 0.0010076981270685792, 0.002385411411523819, 0.0006817289395257831, 0.0005539492703974247, 0.0005270721158012748, 0.002476308261975646, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "FILE - Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi interacts with the first batch of Haj pilgrims before leaving for Saudi Arabia from... Read More\n\nMUMBAI: Union minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi flagged off the first batch of Haj pilgrims from the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai on Sunday.", "\n\nThis is the first year when Haj pilgrimage is taking place without being provided any subsidy, the minority affairs minister said.", "\n\nBesides Maharashtra, pilgrims from Madhya Pradesh were also among those who left from Mumbai.", "\n\n\"The Union government, in co-operation with the Saudi Arabia Haj Consulate , Haj Committee of India and other agencies concerned, completed preparations for Haj 2018 well before time to ensure a smooth pilgrimage,\" he said.", "\n\nIn January this year, Naqvi had said the Centre would abolish the subsidy for Haj pilgrims in accordance with a Supreme Court order.", "\n\nHe said today that even after withdrawal of the subsidy, the expenditure incurred on the pilgrimage has come down.", "\n\n\"Even after ending the subsidy for Haj, Rs 57 crore less is being paid to (various) airlines this year for pilgrims going through the Haj Committee of India,\" he said.", "\n\nLast year, Rs 1,030 crore was paid to various airlines for the fares of 1,24,852 Haj pilgrims, whereas this year, Rs 973 crore will be paid for 1,28,702 pilgrims going through the Haj Committee of India.", "\n\nThis means, Rs 57 crore less is being paid to airlines this year even after ending the subsidy, he said.", "\n\nThe subsidy is generally provided to benefit the travel agents, he added.", "\n\n\"A record 1,75,025 Muslims from India are going to Haj this year, that too without any additional financial burden.", "\n\n\"The number includes 47 per cent female travellers. ", "For the first time, 1,308 Muslim women from India are going for Haj without 'mehram' (male companion),\" Naqvi said.", "\n\nEvery year, some Haj officers are also sent along with the pilgrims to Saudi Arabia. ", "This year, a couple of hundred women officers are going to accompany pilgrims. ", "This is also happening for the first time, as till last year only male officers used to travel to Saudi Arabia, the minister said.", "\n\nTo a query, Naqvi said the government has floated a tender for allowing Haj journey from Mumbai to Jeddah by ships, which will make the travel more economical.", "\n\nIt will take a longer time but expenses will be less and more Muslims can travel from India, he said.", "\n\nSeveral rounds of talks have taken place with officials and ministers concerned and the Saudi government, he said, adding that the first ship is expected to leave next year from Mumbai.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0006240490474738181, 0.0006728243315592408, 0.0005857233772985637, 0.0005535698146559298, 0.0005701741320081055, 0.0005850590532645583, 0.0006030328222550452, 0.0006154029397293925, 0.0007763673202134669, 0.0005685412324965, 0.0015587452799081802, 0.003249275963753462, 0.0026426229160279036, 0.0006420228164643049, 0.0009955661371350288, 0.0007797779981046915, 0.0005244036437943578, 0.005880631040781736, 0.0005071372142992914, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Lack of effect of i.v. ", "prostacyclin on aspirin-induced asthma.", "\nInhibition of prostacyclin biosynthesis by aspirin might be expected to promote asthmatic attacks in aspirin-intolerant patients. ", "In vitro, prostacyclin impedes generation of leukotrienes and opposes their bronchoconstrictive action. ", "In a double-blind study we compared the effects of intravenous infusions of prostacyclin with those of its solvent on bronchoconstriction provoked by threshold doses of aspirin in nine known aspirin-sensitive asthmatics. ", "The intensity of bronchial obstruction precipitated by aspirin was similar during prostacyclin and placebo infusions. ", "There was no difference in other symptoms of intolerance, except for rhinorrhea which seemed accentuated by prostacyclin (possibly because of nasal vasodilatation). ", "Our results suggest that either the inhibitory effects of prostacyclin on leukotrienes described in vitro do not apply in vivo, or the importance of leukotrienes has been overestimated in this type of asthma." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0010690600611269474, 0.0007461448549292982, 0.0008787763654254377, 0.06811748445034027, 0.0007526919362135231, 0.0009742527035996318, 0.003013000590726733, 0.0009030203218571842 ]
[ "\nThe epidemiologist behind Sweden’s controversial coronavirus strategy - sohkamyung\nhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01098-x\n======\ntomohawk\nTheir approach seems to be achieving better than average results.", "\n\n[https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/new-covid-deaths-per-\nmill...](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/new-covid-deaths-per-\nmillion?tab=chart&time=2020-03-08..&country=BEL+FRA+DEU+ITA+ESP+SWE+GBR+USA)\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
[ 0.0006258105277083814, 0.0008236222784034908 ]
[ "WASHINGTON—On Jan. 29, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar told President Trump the coronavirus epidemic was under control.", "\n\nThe U.S. government had never mounted a better interagency response to a crisis, Mr. Azar told the president in a meeting held eight days after the U.S. announced its first case, according to administration officials. ", "At the time, the administration’s focus was on containing the virus.", "\n\nWhen..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.000650364498142153, 0.0006103555206209421, 0.0009897735435515642, 0.0014316781889647245 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to parse /proc/pid/cmdline\n\nI'm trying to split the cmdline of a process on Linux but it seems I cannot rely on it to be separated by '\\0' characters. ", "Do you know why sometimes the '\\0' character is used as separator and sometimes it is a regular space?", "\nDo you know any other ways of retrieving the executable name and the path to it? ", "I have been trying to get this information with 'ps' but it always returns the full command line and the executable name is truncated.", "\nThanks.", "\n\nA:\n\nuse strings\n$ cat /proc/self/cmdline | strings -1\ncat\n/proc/self/cmdline\n\nA:\n\nThe /proc/PID/cmdline is always separated by NUL characters.", "\nTo understand spaces, execute this command:\ncat -v /proc/self/cmdline \"a b\" \"c d e\"\n\nEDIT: If you really see spaces where there shouldn't be any, perhaps your executable (intentionally or inadvertently) writes to argv[], or is using setproctitle()?", "\nWhen the process is started by the kernel, cmdline is NUL-separated, and the kernel code simply copies the range of memory where argv[] was at process startup into the output buffer when you read /proc/PID/cmdline.", "\n\nA:\n\nUse\ncat /proc/2634/cmdline | tr \"\\0\" \" \"\n\nto get the args separated by blanks, as you would see it on a command line.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007040700875222683, 0.0006915160920470953, 0.0008570227073505521, 0.000595587829593569, 0.0006072827382013202, 0.0008514276705682278, 0.0007638093084096909, 0.0006435509421862662, 0.0007162822294048965, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "This application addresses the NIAAA Research Initiative to characterize the mechanisms of behavior change in drinking. ", "Heavy alcohol use and alcohol use disorders (AUDs) peak between ages 18 and 25, representing a serious public health concern. ", "It is estimated that roughly 50% of the risk for alcohol use disorders is genetic, and new technology has facilitated the identification of specific target genes that confer risk. ", "In order to design effective early interventions, we must better understand the mechanisms through which target genes contribute to different patterns of drinking behavior. ", "Involvement in multiple deviant behaviors (generalized deviance) and individual differences in alcohol response are established risk factors for later AUDs, and both are driven, at least in part, by genetic influences. ", "The proposed study will address three major research aims: (1) Identify unique genetic associations with four different developmental trajectories of heavy drinking: Stable {High}, Late Increasing, Developmentally Limited, and Stable {Light}; (2) Identify genetic influences on individual differences in alcohol response in a laboratory-based, placebo-controlled alcohol challenge; and (3) Test alcohol response and generalized deviance as phenotypic mediators of the effects of five candidate genes on the four trajectories of heavy drinking. ", "Our multi-method approach to these research aims is unique in four important respects. ", "First, rather than rely on a cross-sectional sample, we will collect salivary DNA samples from an ethnically diverse prospective cohort (N = 1,060) who have previously reported on their alcohol use and other deviant behaviors (e.g., drug use, sexual risk-taking) across 10 waves of assessments from age 18 to 24. ", "Second, we will capitalize on cutting-edge innovations in biotechnology that allow for cost- effective genotyping of candidate genes. ", "We will focus on a panel of 63 polymorphisms in 5 candidate genes related to cholinergic (CHRM2), opioid (OPRM1), dopaminergic (DRD4), serotonergic (SLC64A), and GABA- ergic (GABRA2) neurotransmission, plus an array of Ancestry Informative Markers (AIMs) to identify ethnic ancestry and correct for population substructure. ", "Third, 44% of the prospective sample will be tested in a placebo-controlled alcohol challenge to identify genetic influences on individual differences in response to the effects of alcohol. {", "Finally, we will assess mechanisms of genetic risk within a sophisticated structural equation modeling framework for longitudinal, multivariate data.} ", "Thus, the proposed project will integrate 6 years of prospective behavioral data with new genotypying data and laboratory-assessed alcohol response endophenotypes. ", "Results from the proposed project will facilitate early identification of individuals at high risk for developing an AUD and will contribute to the ultimate goal of developing more personalized targets of intervention. ", "PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Young adults are at heightened risk for heavy alcohol use and alcohol use disorders (AUDs), which peak between 18 and 25 years. ", "The proposed study will examine the impact of specific genes on patterns of heavy drinking during these critical years. ", "The study also seeks to identify distinct behavioral mechanisms (alcohol response and generalized deviance) through which genes influence heavy drinking. ", "Results will aid in tailoring intervention efforts to the specific mechanisms of risk for each individual." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.0006064443732611835, 0.0008508425089530647, 0.0007378236041404307, 0.0005572349182330072, 0.0012621814385056496, 0.0006115897558629513, 0.0005488625611178577, 0.0007693915977142751, 0.0005854163900949061, 0.0006132921553216875, 0.0006140299374237657, 0.0005586018087342381, 0.000703873869497329, 0.0005589914508163929, 0.0010507216211408377, 0.0005424318369477987, 0.0006861099391244352, 0.0005611901287920773 ]
[ "SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Damage from two destructive Northern California wildfires that killed six and sent thousands fleeing their homes topped $1 billion in insured losses, according to a preliminary estimate by the state’s insurance department.", "\n\nThe two fires started days apart in September, burning more than 200 square miles of remote, mountainous territory north and northeast of San Francisco.", "\n\nThe preliminary figure announced Monday includes $700 million from a fire centered largely in Lake County that killed four and destroyed nearly 2,000 structures, including some 1,300 homes. ", "The so-called Valley Fire is the third most destructive wildfire in state history, based on the number of structures lost, and the fifth-costliest based on insured losses.", "\n\nAnother fire in Amador and Calaveras counties caused an estimated $300 million in insured losses. ", "That fire killed two people and destroyed more than 800 buildings, making it the seventh-most destructive wildfire to hit the state.", "\n\n“A year-round fire season is California’s new reality,” said Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones in a statement. “", "Residents and communities, especially those in high-risk fire areas, must take precautions now before the next devastating wildfire strikes.”", "\n\nThis is the first damage estimate from the California Department of Insurance for the fires, compiled from insurance claims filed through December. ", "A final figure is months away.", "\n\nInsurers report they have received 5,600 claims for commercial and residential properties, vehicles and other items. ", "Lake County residents have filed the bulk of claims.", "\n\nLake County Supervisor Jim Comstock said $1 billion sounds right.", "\n\n“I’m not at all surprised because this Valley Fire sought out property with structures on it to burn, it seemed like,” he said. ", "As for Lake County’s place in wildfire history, he said, “It’s an infamy, unfortunately.”", "\n\nThe $1 billion does not include uninsured losses nor does it include damage to public roads and utilities.", "\n\nFor that, global insurance company Aon Benfield estimated last year that the two fires did nearly $2 billion in economic damage, including business interruption. ", "About $1.5 billion of that was in Lake County alone.", "\n\nAon reported insured losses for the two fires topped $1.2 billion, including $975 million in Lake County. ", "That’s within ballpark range of the state’s figures, said Aon associate director Steve Bowen.", "\n\n“These two fires by themselves were two of the costliest in the state of California since 2007,” he said. “", "We’re talking about a once-in-a-decade type of event in the losses alone.”", "\n\nBowen said the fire in Lake County is the fifth costliest wildfire in state and U.S. history in terms of insured losses.", "\n\nThe costliest remains the Oakland Hills Fire of 1991, with damage covered by insurance costing $2.9 billion when adjusted for inflation. ", "The second costliest is a 2007 wildfire in San Diego County that caused about $1.8 billion in damage covered by insurance.", "\n\nThe cause of both Northern California fires remains under investigation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0009449111530557275, 0.000828047632239759, 0.0007156775682233274, 0.0019337574485689402, 0.0015651099383831024, 0.028410710394382477, 0.0007180677494034171, 0.0008076787344180048, 0.00067543750628829, 0.000607936002779752, 0.0005766917020082474, 0.0005864760605618358, 0.0006278892979025841, 0.0019607432186603546, 0.0009213352459482849, 0.0007656235247850418, 0.000655884447041899, 0.0006240490474738181, 0.0007176604121923447, 0.000721910793799907, 0.0010047900723293424, 0.0005713682621717453, 0.0009075665730051696, 0.0008117537945508957, 0.0010377350263297558, 0.0006370406481437385 ]
[ "Demographic differences in the prevalence, co-occurrence, and correlates of adolescent bullying at school.", "\nDespite a large literature on bullying, few studies simultaneously examine different dimensions of the phenomenon or consider how they vary by demographic characteristics. ", "As a result, research findings in this area have been inconsistent. ", "This article focuses on 2 dimensions of bullying behaviors--aggression and victimization--and examines demographic variation in their prevalence, co-occurrence, and association with other health outcomes. ", "School-based surveys were administered to a census of 6th-12th graders in 16 school districts across a large metropolitan area in the United States (n = 79,492). ", "A 2-factor scale assessed repeated experiences with bullying aggression and victimization. ", "Both dimensions of bullying tended to be more common among younger, male, African American and Native American students. ", "There were, however, several exceptions as well as considerable variation in the magnitude of demographic differences. ", "Most youth involved with bullying were either perpetrators or victims, but not both. ", "For example, only 7.4% of all youths were classified as bully/victims. ", "Substance use was more strongly associated with aggression, whereas depressive affect was more strongly associated with victimization. ", "Researchers should distinguish different dimensions of bullying and consider how they vary by demographic characteristics. ", "In particular, repeated aggression and victimization largely involve different students and may require distinct approaches to prevention." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007880713674239814, 0.0005865822895430028, 0.000609241658821702, 0.000635382893960923, 0.0005734392907470465, 0.00117724749725312, 0.0011912556365132332, 0.0005896309739910066, 0.0009582105558365583, 0.002616400131955743, 0.0011057668598368764, 0.0006035247351974249, 0.00088373979087919 ]
[ "// Copyright 2005, Google Inc.\n// All rights reserved.", "\n//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n// met:\n//\n// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\n// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n// distribution.", "\n// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its\n// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n// this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n// \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n//\n// Authors: wan@google.com (Zhanyong Wan), eefacm@gmail.com (Sean Mcafee)\n//\n// The Google C++ Testing Framework (Google Test)\n//\n// This header file declares functions and macros used internally by\n// Google Test. ", " They are subject to change without notice.", "\n\n#ifndef GTEST_INCLUDE_GTEST_INTERNAL_GTEST_INTERNAL_H_\n#define GTEST_INCLUDE_GTEST_INTERNAL_GTEST_INTERNAL_H_\n\n#include \"gtest/internal/gtest-port.h\"\n\n#if GTEST_OS_LINUX\n# include <stdlib.h>\n# include <sys/types.h>\n# include <sys/wait.h>\n# include <unistd.h>\n#endif // GTEST_OS_LINUX\n\n#include <ctype.h>\n#include <string.h>\n#include <iomanip>\n#include <limits>\n#include <set>\n\n#include \"gtest/internal/gtest-string.h\"\n#include \"gtest/internal/gtest-filepath.h\"\n#include \"gtest/internal/gtest-type-util.h\"\n\n// Due to C++ preprocessor weirdness, we need double indirection to\n// concatenate two tokens when one of them is __LINE__. ", " Writing\n//\n// foo ## __LINE__\n//\n// will result in the token foo__LINE__, instead of foo followed by\n// the current line number. ", " For more details, see\n// http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/misc-technical-issues.html#faq-39.6\n#define GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(foo, bar) GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_IMPL_(foo, bar)\n#define GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_IMPL_(foo, bar) foo ## bar\n\n// Google Test defines the testing::Message class to allow construction of\n// test messages via the << operator. ", " The idea is that anything\n// streamable to std::ostream can be streamed to a testing::Message.", "\n// This allows a user to use his own types in Google Test assertions by\n// overloading the << operator.", "\n//\n// util/gtl/stl_logging-inl.h overloads << for STL containers. ", " These\n// overloads cannot be defined in the std namespace, as that will be\n// undefined behavior. ", " Therefore, they are defined in the global\n// namespace instead.", "\n//\n// C++'s symbol lookup rule (i.e. Koenig lookup) says that these\n// overloads are visible in either the std namespace or the global\n// namespace, but not other namespaces, including the testing\n// namespace which Google Test's Message class is in.", "\n//\n// To allow STL containers (and other types that has a << operator\n// defined in the global namespace) to be used in Google Test assertions,\n// testing::Message must access the custom << operator from the global\n// namespace. ", " Hence this helper function.", "\n//\n// Note: Jeffrey Yasskin suggested an alternative fix by \"using\n// ::operator<<;\" in the definition of Message's operator<<. ", " That fix\n// doesn't require a helper function, but unfortunately doesn't\n// compile with MSVC.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\ninline void GTestStreamToHelper(std::ostream* os, const T& val) {\n *os << val;\n}\n\nclass ProtocolMessage;\nnamespace proto2 { class Message; }\n\nnamespace testing {\n\n// Forward declarations.", "\n\nclass AssertionResult; // Result of an assertion.", "\nclass Message; // Represents a failure message.", "\nclass Test; // Represents a test.", "\nclass TestInfo; // Information about a test.", "\nclass TestPartResult; // Result of a test part.", "\nclass UnitTest; // A collection of test cases.", "\n\ntemplate <typename T>\n::std::string PrintToString(const T& value);\n\nnamespace internal {\n\nstruct TraceInfo; // Information about a trace point.", "\nclass ScopedTrace; // Implements scoped trace.", "\nclass TestInfoImpl; // Opaque implementation of TestInfo\nclass UnitTestImpl; // Opaque implementation of UnitTest\n\n// How many times InitGoogleTest() has been called.", "\nextern int g_init_gtest_count;\n\n// The text used in failure messages to indicate the start of the\n// stack trace.", "\nGTEST_API_ extern const char kStackTraceMarker[];\n\n// A secret type that Google Test users don't know about. ", " It has no\n// definition on purpose. ", " Therefore it's impossible to create a\n// Secret object, which is what we want.", "\nclass Secret;\n\n// Two overloaded helpers for checking at compile time whether an\n// expression is a null pointer literal (i.e. NULL or any 0-valued\n// compile-time integral constant). ", " Their return values have\n// different sizes, so we can use sizeof() to test which version is\n// picked by the compiler. ", " These helpers have no implementations, as\n// we only need their signatures.", "\n//\n// Given IsNullLiteralHelper(x), the compiler will pick the first\n// version if x can be implicitly converted to Secret*, and pick the\n// second version otherwise. ", " Since Secret is a secret and incomplete\n// type, the only expression a user can write that has type Secret* is\n// a null pointer literal. ", " Therefore, we know that x is a null\n// pointer literal if and only if the first version is picked by the\n// compiler.", "\nchar IsNullLiteralHelper(Secret* p);\nchar (&IsNullLiteralHelper(...))[2]; // NOLINT\n\n// A compile-time bool constant that is true if and only if x is a\n// null pointer literal (i.e. NULL or any 0-valued compile-time\n// integral constant).", "\n#ifdef GTEST_ELLIPSIS_NEEDS_POD_\n// We lose support for NULL detection where the compiler doesn't like\n// passing non-POD classes through ellipsis (...).", "\n# define GTEST_IS_NULL_LITERAL_(x) false\n#else\n# define GTEST_IS_NULL_LITERAL_(x) \\\n (sizeof(::testing::internal::IsNullLiteralHelper(x)) == 1)\n#endif // GTEST_ELLIPSIS_NEEDS_POD_\n\n// Appends the user-supplied message to the Google-Test-generated message.", "\nGTEST_API_ String AppendUserMessage(const String& gtest_msg,\n const Message& user_msg);\n\n// A helper class for creating scoped traces in user programs.", "\nclass GTEST_API_ ScopedTrace {\n public:\n // The c'tor pushes the given source file location and message onto\n // a trace stack maintained by Google Test.", "\n ScopedTrace(const char* file, int line, const Message& message);\n\n // The d'tor pops the info pushed by the c'tor.", "\n //\n // Note that the d'tor is not virtual in order to be efficient.", "\n // Don't inherit from ScopedTrace!", "\n ~ScopedTrace();\n\n private:\n GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(ScopedTrace);\n} GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_; // A ScopedTrace object does its job in its\n // c'tor and d'tor. ", " Therefore it doesn't\n // need to be used otherwise.", "\n\n// Converts a streamable value to a String. ", " A NULL pointer is\n// converted to \"(null)\". ", " When the input value is a ::string,\n// ::std::string, ::wstring, or ::std::wstring object, each NUL\n// character in it is replaced with \"\\\\0\".", "\n// Declared here but defined in gtest.h, so that it has access\n// to the definition of the Message class, required by the ARM\n// compiler.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\nString StreamableToString(const T& streamable);\n\n// The Symbian compiler has a bug that prevents it from selecting the\n// correct overload of FormatForComparisonFailureMessage (see below)\n// unless we pass the first argument by reference. ", " If we do that,\n// however, Visual Age C++ 10.1 generates a compiler error. ", " Therefore\n// we only apply the work-around for Symbian.", "\n#if defined(__SYMBIAN32__)\n# define GTEST_CREF_WORKAROUND_ const&\n#else\n# define GTEST_CREF_WORKAROUND_\n#endif\n\n// When this operand is a const char* or char*, if the other operand\n// is a ::std::string or ::string, we print this operand as a C string\n// rather than a pointer (we do the same for wide strings); otherwise\n// we print it as a pointer to be safe.", "\n\n// This internal macro is used to avoid duplicated code.", "\n#define GTEST_FORMAT_IMPL_(operand2_type, operand1_printer)\\\ninline String FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(\\\n operand2_type::value_type* GTEST_CREF_WORKAROUND_ str, \\\n const operand2_type& /*operand2*/) {\\\n return operand1_printer(str);\\\n}\\\ninline String FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(\\\n const operand2_type::value_type* GTEST_CREF_WORKAROUND_ str, \\\n const operand2_type& /*operand2*/) {\\\n return operand1_printer(str);\\\n}\n\nGTEST_FORMAT_IMPL_(::std::string, String::ShowCStringQuoted)\n#if GTEST_HAS_STD_WSTRING\nGTEST_FORMAT_IMPL_(::std::wstring, String::ShowWideCStringQuoted)\n#endif // GTEST_HAS_STD_WSTRING\n\n#if GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING\nGTEST_FORMAT_IMPL_(::string, String::ShowCStringQuoted)\n#endif // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_STRING\n#if GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_WSTRING\nGTEST_FORMAT_IMPL_(::wstring, String::ShowWideCStringQuoted)\n#endif // GTEST_HAS_GLOBAL_WSTRING\n\n#undef GTEST_FORMAT_IMPL_\n\n// The next four overloads handle the case where the operand being\n// printed is a char/wchar_t pointer and the other operand is not a\n// string/wstring object. ", " In such cases, we just print the operand as\n// a pointer to be safe.", "\n#define GTEST_FORMAT_CHAR_PTR_IMPL_(CharType) \\\n template <typename T> \\\n String FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(CharType* GTEST_CREF_WORKAROUND_ p, \\\n const T&) { \\\n return PrintToString(static_cast<const void*>(p)); \\\n }\n\nGTEST_FORMAT_CHAR_PTR_IMPL_(char)\nGTEST_FORMAT_CHAR_PTR_IMPL_(const char)\nGTEST_FORMAT_CHAR_PTR_IMPL_(wchar_t)\nGTEST_FORMAT_CHAR_PTR_IMPL_(const wchar_t)\n\n#undef GTEST_FORMAT_CHAR_PTR_IMPL_\n\n// Constructs and returns the message for an equality assertion\n// (e.g. ASSERT_EQ, EXPECT_STREQ, etc) failure.", "\n//\n// The first four parameters are the expressions used in the assertion\n// and their values, as strings. ", " For example, for ASSERT_EQ(foo, bar)\n// where foo is 5 and bar is 6, we have:\n//\n// expected_expression: \"foo\"\n// actual_expression: \"bar\"\n// expected_value: \"5\"\n// actual_value: \"6\"\n//\n// The ignoring_case parameter is true iff the assertion is a\n// *_STRCASEEQ*. ", " When it's true, the string \" (ignoring case)\" will\n// be inserted into the message.", "\nGTEST_API_ AssertionResult EqFailure(const char* expected_expression,\n const char* actual_expression,\n const String& expected_value,\n const String& actual_value,\n bool ignoring_case);\n\n// Constructs a failure message for Boolean assertions such as EXPECT_TRUE.", "\nGTEST_API_ String GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage(\n const AssertionResult& assertion_result,\n const char* expression_text,\n const char* actual_predicate_value,\n const char* expected_predicate_value);\n\n// This template class represents an IEEE floating-point number\n// (either single-precision or double-precision, depending on the\n// template parameters).", "\n//\n// The purpose of this class is to do more sophisticated number\n// comparison. ", " (Due to round-off error, etc, it's very unlikely that\n// two floating-points will be equal exactly. ", " Hence a naive\n// comparison by the == operation often doesn't work.)", "\n//\n// Format of IEEE floating-point:\n//\n// The most-significant bit being the leftmost, an IEEE\n// floating-point looks like\n//\n// sign_bit exponent_bits fraction_bits\n//\n// Here, sign_bit is a single bit that designates the sign of the\n// number.", "\n//\n// For float, there are 8 exponent bits and 23 fraction bits.", "\n//\n// For double, there are 11 exponent bits and 52 fraction bits.", "\n//\n// More details can be found at\n// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating-point_standard.", "\n//\n// Template parameter:\n//\n// RawType: the raw floating-point type (either float or double)\ntemplate <typename RawType>\nclass FloatingPoint {\n public:\n // Defines the unsigned integer type that has the same size as the\n // floating point number.", "\n typedef typename TypeWithSize<sizeof(RawType)>::UInt Bits;\n\n // Constants.", "\n\n // # of bits in a number.", "\n static const size_t kBitCount = 8*sizeof(RawType);\n\n // # of fraction bits in a number.", "\n static const size_t kFractionBitCount =\n std::numeric_limits<RawType>::digits - 1;\n\n // # of exponent bits in a number.", "\n static const size_t kExponentBitCount = kBitCount - 1 - kFractionBitCount;\n\n // The mask for the sign bit.", "\n static const Bits kSignBitMask = static_cast<Bits>(1) << (kBitCount - 1);\n\n // The mask for the fraction bits.", "\n static const Bits kFractionBitMask =\n ~static_cast<Bits>(0) >> (kExponentBitCount + 1);\n\n // The mask for the exponent bits.", "\n static const Bits kExponentBitMask = ~(kSignBitMask | kFractionBitMask);\n\n // How many ULP's (Units in the Last Place) we want to tolerate when\n // comparing two numbers. ", " The larger the value, the more error we\n // allow. ", " A 0 value means that two numbers must be exactly the same\n // to be considered equal.", "\n //\n // The maximum error of a single floating-point operation is 0.5\n // units in the last place. ", " On Intel CPU's, all floating-point\n // calculations are done with 80-bit precision, while double has 64\n // bits. ", " Therefore, 4 should be enough for ordinary use.", "\n //\n // See the following article for more details on ULP:\n // http://www.cygnus-software.com/papers/comparingfloats/comparingfloats.htm.", "\n static const size_t kMaxUlps = 4;\n\n // Constructs a FloatingPoint from a raw floating-point number.", "\n //\n // On an Intel CPU, passing a non-normalized NAN (Not a Number)\n // around may change its bits, although the new value is guaranteed\n // to be also a NAN. ", " Therefore, don't expect this constructor to\n // preserve the bits in x when x is a NAN.", "\n explicit FloatingPoint(const RawType& x) { u_.value_ = x; }\n\n // Static methods\n\n // Reinterprets a bit pattern as a floating-point number.", "\n //\n // This function is needed to test the AlmostEquals() method.", "\n static RawType ReinterpretBits(const Bits bits) {\n FloatingPoint fp(0);\n fp.u_.bits_ = bits;\n return fp.u_.value_;\n }\n\n // Returns the floating-point number that represent positive infinity.", "\n static RawType Infinity() {\n return ReinterpretBits(kExponentBitMask);\n }\n\n // Non-static methods\n\n // Returns the bits that represents this number.", "\n const Bits &bits() const { return u_.bits_; }\n\n // Returns the exponent bits of this number.", "\n Bits exponent_bits() const { return kExponentBitMask & u_.bits_; }\n\n // Returns the fraction bits of this number.", "\n Bits fraction_bits() const { return kFractionBitMask & u_.bits_; }\n\n // Returns the sign bit of this number.", "\n Bits sign_bit() const { return kSignBitMask & u_.bits_; }\n\n // Returns true iff this is NAN (not a number).", "\n bool is_nan() const {\n // It's a NAN if the exponent bits are all ones and the fraction\n // bits are not entirely zeros.", "\n return (exponent_bits() == kExponentBitMask) && (fraction_bits() !", "= 0);\n }\n\n // Returns true iff this number is at most kMaxUlps ULP's away from\n // rhs. ", " In particular, this function:\n //\n // - returns false if either number is (or both are) NAN.", "\n // - treats really large numbers as almost equal to infinity.", "\n // - thinks +0.0 and -0.0 are 0 DLP's apart.", "\n bool AlmostEquals(const FloatingPoint& rhs) const {\n // The IEEE standard says that any comparison operation involving\n // a NAN must return false.", "\n if (is_nan() || rhs.is_nan()) return false;\n\n return DistanceBetweenSignAndMagnitudeNumbers(u_.bits_, rhs.u_.bits_)\n <= kMaxUlps;\n }\n\n private:\n // The data type used to store the actual floating-point number.", "\n union FloatingPointUnion {\n RawType value_; // The raw floating-point number.", "\n Bits bits_; // The bits that represent the number.", "\n };\n\n // Converts an integer from the sign-and-magnitude representation to\n // the biased representation. ", " More precisely, let N be 2 to the\n // power of (kBitCount - 1), an integer x is represented by the\n // unsigned number x + N.\n //\n // For instance,\n //\n // -N + 1 (the most negative number representable using\n // sign-and-magnitude) is represented by 1;\n // 0 is represented by N; and\n // N - 1 (the biggest number representable using\n // sign-and-magnitude) is represented by 2N - 1.", "\n //\n // Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signed_number_representations\n // for more details on signed number representations.", "\n static Bits SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(const Bits &sam) {\n if (kSignBitMask & sam) {\n // sam represents a negative number.", "\n return ~sam + 1;\n } else {\n // sam represents a positive number.", "\n return kSignBitMask | sam;\n }\n }\n\n // Given two numbers in the sign-and-magnitude representation,\n // returns the distance between them as an unsigned number.", "\n static Bits DistanceBetweenSignAndMagnitudeNumbers(const Bits &sam1,\n const Bits &sam2) {\n const Bits biased1 = SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(sam1);\n const Bits biased2 = SignAndMagnitudeToBiased(sam2);\n return (biased1 >= biased2) ? (", "biased1 - biased2) : (biased2 - biased1);\n }\n\n FloatingPointUnion u_;\n};\n\n// Typedefs the instances of the FloatingPoint template class that we\n// care to use.", "\ntypedef FloatingPoint<float> Float;\ntypedef FloatingPoint<double> Double;\n\n// In order to catch the mistake of putting tests that use different\n// test fixture classes in the same test case, we need to assign\n// unique IDs to fixture classes and compare them. ", " The TypeId type is\n// used to hold such IDs. ", " The user should treat TypeId as an opaque\n// type: the only operation allowed on TypeId values is to compare\n// them for equality using the == operator.", "\ntypedef const void* TypeId;\n\ntemplate <typename T>\nclass TypeIdHelper {\n public:\n // dummy_ must not have a const type. ", " Otherwise an overly eager\n // compiler (e.g. MSVC 7.1 & 8.0) may try to merge\n // TypeIdHelper<T>::dummy_ for different Ts as an \"optimization\".", "\n static bool dummy_;\n};\n\ntemplate <typename T>\nbool TypeIdHelper<T>::dummy_ = false;\n\n// GetTypeId<T>() returns the ID of type T. Different values will be\n// returned for different types. ", " Calling the function twice with the\n// same type argument is guaranteed to return the same ID.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\nTypeId GetTypeId() {\n // The compiler is required to allocate a different\n // TypeIdHelper<T>::dummy_ variable for each T used to instantiate\n // the template. ", " Therefore, the address of dummy_ is guaranteed to\n // be unique.", "\n return &(TypeIdHelper<T>::dummy_);\n}\n\n// Returns the type ID of ::testing::Test. ", " Always call this instead\n// of GetTypeId< ::testing::Test>() to get the type ID of\n// ::testing::Test, as the latter may give the wrong result due to a\n// suspected linker bug when compiling Google Test as a Mac OS X\n// framework.", "\nGTEST_API_ TypeId GetTestTypeId();\n\n// Defines the abstract factory interface that creates instances\n// of a Test object.", "\nclass TestFactoryBase {\n public:\n virtual ~TestFactoryBase() {}\n\n // Creates a test instance to run. ", "The instance is both created and destroyed\n // within TestInfoImpl::Run()\n virtual Test* CreateTest() = 0;\n\n protected:\n TestFactoryBase() {}\n\n private:\n GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(TestFactoryBase);\n};\n\n// This class provides implementation of TeastFactoryBase interface.", "\n// It is used in TEST and TEST_F macros.", "\ntemplate <class TestClass>\nclass TestFactoryImpl : public TestFactoryBase {\n public:\n virtual Test* CreateTest() { return new TestClass; }\n};\n\n#if GTEST_OS_WINDOWS\n\n// Predicate-formatters for implementing the HRESULT checking macros\n// {ASSERT|EXPECT}_HRESULT_{SUCCEEDED|FAILED}\n// We pass a long instead of HRESULT to avoid causing an\n// include dependency for the HRESULT type.", "\nGTEST_API_ AssertionResult IsHRESULTSuccess(const char* expr,\n long hr); // NOLINT\nGTEST_API_ AssertionResult IsHRESULTFailure(const char* expr,\n long hr); // NOLINT\n\n#endif // GTEST_OS_WINDOWS\n\n// Types of SetUpTestCase() and TearDownTestCase() functions.", "\ntypedef void (*SetUpTestCaseFunc)();\ntypedef void (*TearDownTestCaseFunc)();\n\n// Creates a new TestInfo object and registers it with Google Test;\n// returns the created object.", "\n//\n// Arguments:\n//\n// test_case_name: name of the test case\n// name: name of the test\n// type_param the name of the test's type parameter, or NULL if\n// this is not a typed or a type-parameterized test.", "\n// value_param text representation of the test's value parameter,\n// or NULL if this is not a type-parameterized test.", "\n// fixture_class_id: ID of the test fixture class\n// set_up_tc: pointer to the function that sets up the test case\n// tear_down_tc: pointer to the function that tears down the test case\n// factory: pointer to the factory that creates a test object.", "\n// The newly created TestInfo instance will assume\n// ownership of the factory object.", "\nGTEST_API_ TestInfo* MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(\n const char* test_case_name, const char* name,\n const char* type_param,\n const char* value_param,\n TypeId fixture_class_id,\n SetUpTestCaseFunc set_up_tc,\n TearDownTestCaseFunc tear_down_tc,\n TestFactoryBase* factory);\n\n// If *pstr starts with the given prefix, modifies *pstr to be right\n// past the prefix and returns true; otherwise leaves *pstr unchanged\n// and returns false. ", " None of pstr, *pstr, and prefix can be NULL.", "\nGTEST_API_ bool SkipPrefix(const char* prefix, const char** pstr);\n\n#if GTEST_HAS_TYPED_TEST || GTEST_HAS_TYPED_TEST_P\n\n// State of the definition of a type-parameterized test case.", "\nclass GTEST_API_ TypedTestCasePState {\n public:\n TypedTestCasePState() : registered_(false) {}\n\n // Adds the given test name to defined_test_names_ and return true\n // if the test case hasn't been registered; otherwise aborts the\n // program.", "\n bool AddTestName(const char* file, int line, const char* case_name,\n const char* test_name) {\n if (registered_) {\n fprintf(stderr, \"%s Test %s must be defined before \"\n \"REGISTER_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(%s, ...).\\n\",\n FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str(), test_name, case_name);\n fflush(stderr);\n posix::Abort();\n }\n defined_test_names_.insert(test_name);\n return true;\n }\n\n // Verifies that registered_tests match the test names in\n // defined_test_names_; returns registered_tests if successful, or\n // aborts the program otherwise.", "\n const char* VerifyRegisteredTestNames(\n const char* file, int line, const char* registered_tests);\n\n private:\n bool registered_;\n ::std::set<const char*> defined_test_names_;\n};\n\n// Skips to the first non-space char after the first comma in 'str';\n// returns NULL if no comma is found in 'str'.", "\ninline const char* SkipComma(const char* str) {\n const char* comma = strchr(str, ',');\n if (comma == NULL) {\n return NULL;\n }\n while (IsSpace(*(++comma))) {}\n return comma;\n}\n\n// Returns the prefix of 'str' before the first comma in it; returns\n// the entire string if it contains no comma.", "\ninline String GetPrefixUntilComma(const char* str) {\n const char* comma = strchr(str, ',');\n return comma == NULL ? ", "String(str) : String(str, comma - str);\n}\n\n// TypeParameterizedTest<Fixture, TestSel, Types>::Register()\n// registers a list of type-parameterized tests with Google Test. ", " The\n// return value is insignificant - we just need to return something\n// such that we can call this function in a namespace scope.", "\n//\n// Implementation note: The GTEST_TEMPLATE_ macro declares a template\n// template parameter. ", " It's defined in gtest-type-util.h.", "\ntemplate <GTEST_TEMPLATE_ Fixture, class TestSel, typename Types>\nclass TypeParameterizedTest {\n public:\n // 'index' is the index of the test in the type list 'Types'\n // specified in INSTANTIATE_TYPED_TEST_CASE_P(Prefix, TestCase,\n // Types). ", " Valid values for 'index' are [0, N - 1] where N is the\n // length of Types.", "\n static bool Register(const char* prefix, const char* case_name,\n const char* test_names, int index) {\n typedef typename Types::Head Type;\n typedef Fixture<Type> FixtureClass;\n typedef typename GTEST_BIND_(TestSel, Type) TestClass;\n\n // First, registers the first type-parameterized test in the type\n // list.", "\n MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(\n String::Format(\"%s%s%s/%d\", prefix, prefix[0] == '\\0' ? \"\" : \"/\",", "\n case_name, index).c_str(),\n GetPrefixUntilComma(test_names).c_str(),\n GetTypeName<Type>().c_str(),\n NULL, // No value parameter.", "\n GetTypeId<FixtureClass>(),\n TestClass::SetUpTestCase,\n TestClass::TearDownTestCase,\n new TestFactoryImpl<TestClass>);\n\n // Next, recurses (at compile time) with the tail of the type list.", "\n return TypeParameterizedTest<Fixture, TestSel, typename Types::Tail>\n ::Register(prefix, case_name, test_names, index + 1);\n }\n};\n\n// The base case for the compile time recursion.", "\ntemplate <GTEST_TEMPLATE_ Fixture, class TestSel>\nclass TypeParameterizedTest<Fixture, TestSel, Types0> {\n public:\n static bool Register(const char* /*prefix*/, const char* /*case_name*/,\n const char* /*test_names*/, int /*index*/) {\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n// TypeParameterizedTestCase<Fixture, Tests, Types>::Register()\n// registers *all combinations* of 'Tests' and 'Types' with Google\n// Test. ", " The return value is insignificant - we just need to return\n// something such that we can call this function in a namespace scope.", "\ntemplate <GTEST_TEMPLATE_ Fixture, typename Tests, typename Types>\nclass TypeParameterizedTestCase {\n public:\n static bool Register(const char* prefix, const char* case_name,\n const char* test_names) {\n typedef typename Tests::Head Head;\n\n // First, register the first test in 'Test' for each type in 'Types'.", "\n TypeParameterizedTest<Fixture, Head, Types>::Register(\n prefix, case_name, test_names, 0);\n\n // Next, recurses (at compile time) with the tail of the test list.", "\n return TypeParameterizedTestCase<Fixture, typename Tests::Tail, Types>\n ::Register(prefix, case_name, SkipComma(test_names));\n }\n};\n\n// The base case for the compile time recursion.", "\ntemplate <GTEST_TEMPLATE_ Fixture, typename Types>\nclass TypeParameterizedTestCase<Fixture, Templates0, Types> {\n public:\n static bool Register(const char* /*prefix*/, const char* /*case_name*/,\n const char* /*test_names*/) {\n return true;\n }\n};\n\n#endif // GTEST_HAS_TYPED_TEST || GTEST_HAS_TYPED_TEST_P\n\n// Returns the current OS stack trace as a String.", "\n//\n// The maximum number of stack frames to be included is specified by\n// the gtest_stack_trace_depth flag. ", " The skip_count parameter\n// specifies the number of top frames to be skipped, which doesn't\n// count against the number of frames to be included.", "\n//\n// For example, if Foo() calls Bar(), which in turn calls\n// GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(..., 1), Foo() will be included in\n// the trace but Bar() and GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop() won't.", "\nGTEST_API_ String GetCurrentOsStackTraceExceptTop(UnitTest* unit_test,\n int skip_count);\n\n// Helpers for suppressing warnings on unreachable code or constant\n// condition.", "\n\n// Always returns true.", "\nGTEST_API_ bool AlwaysTrue();\n\n// Always returns false.", "\ninline bool AlwaysFalse() { return !", "AlwaysTrue(); }\n\n// Helper for suppressing false warning from Clang on a const char*\n// variable declared in a conditional expression always being NULL in\n// the else branch.", "\nstruct GTEST_API_ ConstCharPtr {\n ConstCharPtr(const char* str) : value(str) {}\n operator bool() const { return true; }\n const char* value;\n};\n\n// A simple Linear Congruential Generator for generating random\n// numbers with a uniform distribution. ", " Unlike rand() and srand(), it\n// doesn't use global state (and therefore can't interfere with user\n// code). ", " Unlike rand_r(), it's portable. ", " An LCG isn't very random,\n// but it's good enough for our purposes.", "\nclass GTEST_API_ Random {\n public:\n static const UInt32 kMaxRange = 1u << 31;\n\n explicit Random(UInt32 seed) : state_(seed) {}\n\n void Reseed(UInt32 seed) { state_ = seed; }\n\n // Generates a random number from [0, range). ", " Crashes if 'range' is\n // 0 or greater than kMaxRange.", "\n UInt32 Generate(UInt32 range);\n\n private:\n UInt32 state_;\n GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(Random);\n};\n\n// Defining a variable of type CompileAssertTypesEqual<T1, T2> will cause a\n// compiler error iff T1 and T2 are different types.", "\ntemplate <typename T1, typename T2>\nstruct CompileAssertTypesEqual;\n\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct CompileAssertTypesEqual<T, T> {\n};\n\n// Removes the reference from a type if it is a reference type,\n// otherwise leaves it unchanged. ", " This is the same as\n// tr1::remove_reference, which is not widely available yet.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct RemoveReference { typedef T type; }; // NOLINT\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct RemoveReference<T&> { typedef T type; }; // NOLINT\n\n// A handy wrapper around RemoveReference that works when the argument\n// T depends on template parameters.", "\n#define GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_(T) \\\n typename ::testing::internal::RemoveReference<T>::type\n\n// Removes const from a type if it is a const type, otherwise leaves\n// it unchanged. ", " This is the same as tr1::remove_const, which is not\n// widely available yet.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct RemoveConst { typedef T type; }; // NOLINT\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct RemoveConst<const T> { typedef T type; }; // NOLINT\n\n// MSVC 8.0, Sun C++, and IBM XL C++ have a bug which causes the above\n// definition to fail to remove the const in 'const int[3]' and 'const\n// char[3][4]'. ", " The following specialization works around the bug.", "\n// However, it causes trouble with GCC and thus needs to be\n// conditionally compiled.", "\n#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || defined(__IBMCPP__)\ntemplate <typename T, size_t N>\nstruct RemoveConst<const T[N]> {\n typedef typename RemoveConst<T>::type type[N];\n};\n#endif\n\n// A handy wrapper around RemoveConst that works when the argument\n// T depends on template parameters.", "\n#define GTEST_REMOVE_CONST_(T) \\\n typename ::testing::internal::RemoveConst<T>::type\n\n// Turns const U&, U&, const U, and U all into U.\n#define GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(T) \\\n GTEST_REMOVE_CONST_(GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_(T))\n\n// Adds reference to a type if it is not a reference type,\n// otherwise leaves it unchanged. ", " This is the same as\n// tr1::add_reference, which is not widely available yet.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct AddReference { typedef T& type; }; // NOLINT\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct AddReference<T&> { typedef T& type; }; // NOLINT\n\n// A handy wrapper around AddReference that works when the argument T\n// depends on template parameters.", "\n#define GTEST_ADD_REFERENCE_(T) \\\n typename ::testing::internal::AddReference<T>::type\n\n// Adds a reference to const on top of T as necessary. ", " For example,\n// it transforms\n//\n// char ==> const char&\n// const char ==> const char&\n// char& ==> const char&\n// const char& ==> const char&\n//\n// The argument T must depend on some template parameters.", "\n#define GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) \\\n GTEST_ADD_REFERENCE_(const GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_(T))\n\n// ImplicitlyConvertible<From, To>::value is a compile-time bool\n// constant that's true iff type From can be implicitly converted to\n// type To.", "\ntemplate <typename From, typename To>\nclass ImplicitlyConvertible {\n private:\n // We need the following helper functions only for their types.", "\n // They have no implementations.", "\n\n // MakeFrom() is an expression whose type is From. ", " We cannot simply\n // use From(), as the type From may not have a public default\n // constructor.", "\n static From MakeFrom();\n\n // These two functions are overloaded. ", " Given an expression\n // Helper(x), the compiler will pick the first version if x can be\n // implicitly converted to type To; otherwise it will pick the\n // second version.", "\n //\n // The first version returns a value of size 1, and the second\n // version returns a value of size 2. ", " Therefore, by checking the\n // size of Helper(x), which can be done at compile time, we can tell\n // which version of Helper() is used, and hence whether x can be\n // implicitly converted to type To.", "\n static char Helper(To);\n static char (&Helper(...))[2]; // NOLINT\n\n // We have to put the 'public' section after the 'private' section,\n // or MSVC refuses to compile the code.", "\n public:\n // MSVC warns about implicitly converting from double to int for\n // possible loss of data, so we need to temporarily disable the\n // warning.", "\n#ifdef _MSC_VER\n# pragma warning(push) // Saves the current warning state.", "\n# pragma warning(disable:4244) // Temporarily disables warning 4244.", "\n\n static const bool value =\n sizeof(Helper(ImplicitlyConvertible::MakeFrom())) == 1;\n# pragma warning(pop) // Restores the warning state.", "\n#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)\n // C++Builder cannot use member overload resolution during template\n // instantiation. ", " The simplest workaround is to use its C++0x type traits\n // functions (C++Builder 2009 and above only).", "\n static const bool value = __is_convertible(From, To);\n#else\n static const bool value =\n sizeof(Helper(ImplicitlyConvertible::MakeFrom())) == 1;\n#endif // _MSV_VER\n};\ntemplate <typename From, typename To>\nconst bool ImplicitlyConvertible<From, To>::value;\n\n// IsAProtocolMessage<T>::value is a compile-time bool constant that's\n// true iff T is type ProtocolMessage, proto2::Message, or a subclass\n// of those.", "\ntemplate <typename T>\nstruct IsAProtocolMessage\n : public bool_constant<\n ImplicitlyConvertible<const T*, const ::ProtocolMessage*>::value ||\n ImplicitlyConvertible<const T*, const ::proto2::Message*>::value> {\n};\n\n// When the compiler sees expression IsContainerTest<C>(0), if C is an\n// STL-style container class, the first overload of IsContainerTest\n// will be viable (since both C::iterator* and C::const_iterator* are\n// valid types and NULL can be implicitly converted to them). ", " It will\n// be picked over the second overload as 'int' is a perfect match for\n// the type of argument 0. ", " If C::iterator or C::const_iterator is not\n// a valid type, the first overload is not viable, and the second\n// overload will be picked. ", " Therefore, we can determine whether C is\n// a container class by checking the type of IsContainerTest<C>(0).", "\n// The value of the expression is insignificant.", "\n//\n// Note that we look for both C::iterator and C::const_iterator. ", " The\n// reason is that C++ injects the name of a class as a member of the\n// class itself (e.g. you can refer to class iterator as either\n// 'iterator' or 'iterator::iterator'). ", " If we look for C::iterator\n// only, for example, we would mistakenly think that a class named\n// iterator is an STL container.", "\n//\n// Also note that the simpler approach of overloading\n// IsContainerTest(typename C::const_iterator*) and\n// IsContainerTest(...) doesn't work with Visual Age C++ and Sun C++.", "\ntypedef int IsContainer;\ntemplate <class C>\nIsContainer IsContainerTest(int /* dummy */,\n typename C::iterator* /* it */ = NULL,\n typename C::const_iterator* /* const_it */ = NULL) {\n return 0;\n}\n\ntypedef char IsNotContainer;\ntemplate <class C>\nIsNotContainer IsContainerTest(long /* dummy */) { return '\\0'; }\n\n// EnableIf<condition>::type is void when 'Cond' is true, and\n// undefined when 'Cond' is false. ", " To use SFINAE to make a function\n// overload only apply when a particular expression is true, add\n// \"typename EnableIf<expression>::type* = 0\" as the last parameter.", "\ntemplate<bool> struct EnableIf;\ntemplate<> struct EnableIf<true> { typedef void type; }; // NOLINT\n\n// Utilities for native arrays.", "\n\n// ArrayEq() compares two k-dimensional native arrays using the\n// elements' operator==, where k can be any integer >= 0. ", " When k is\n// 0, ArrayEq() degenerates into comparing a single pair of values.", "\n\ntemplate <typename T, typename U>\nbool ArrayEq(const T* lhs, size_t size, const U* rhs);\n\n// This generic version is used when k is 0.", "\ntemplate <typename T, typename U>\ninline bool ArrayEq(const T& lhs, const U& rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }\n\n// This overload is used when k >= 1.", "\ntemplate <typename T, typename U, size_t N>\ninline bool ArrayEq(const T(&lhs)[N], const U(&rhs)[N]) {\n return internal::ArrayEq(lhs, N, rhs);\n}\n\n// This helper reduces code bloat. ", " If we instead put its logic inside\n// the previous ArrayEq() function, arrays with different sizes would\n// lead to different copies of the template code.", "\ntemplate <typename T, typename U>\nbool ArrayEq(const T* lhs, size_t size, const U* rhs) {\n for (size_t i = 0; i !", "= size; i++) {\n if (!", "internal::ArrayEq(lhs[i], rhs[i]))\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\n\n// Finds the first element in the iterator range [begin, end) that\n// equals elem. ", " Element may be a native array type itself.", "\ntemplate <typename Iter, typename Element>\nIter ArrayAwareFind(Iter begin, Iter end, const Element& elem) {\n for (Iter it = begin; it !", "= end; ++it) {\n if (internal::ArrayEq(*it, elem))\n return it;\n }\n return end;\n}\n\n// CopyArray() copies a k-dimensional native array using the elements'\n// operator=, where k can be any integer >= 0. ", " When k is 0,\n// CopyArray() degenerates into copying a single value.", "\n\ntemplate <typename T, typename U>\nvoid CopyArray(const T* from, size_t size, U* to);\n\n// This generic version is used when k is 0.", "\ntemplate <typename T, typename U>\ninline void CopyArray(const T& from, U* to) { *to = from; }\n\n// This overload is used when k >= 1.", "\ntemplate <typename T, typename U, size_t N>\ninline void CopyArray(const T(&from)[N], U(*to)[N]) {\n internal::CopyArray(from, N, *to);\n}\n\n// This helper reduces code bloat. ", " If we instead put its logic inside\n// the previous CopyArray() function, arrays with different sizes\n// would lead to different copies of the template code.", "\ntemplate <typename T, typename U>\nvoid CopyArray(const T* from, size_t size, U* to) {\n for (size_t i = 0; i !", "= size; i++) {\n internal::CopyArray(from[i], to + i);\n }\n}\n\n// The relation between an NativeArray object (see below) and the\n// native array it represents.", "\nenum RelationToSource {\n kReference, // The NativeArray references the native array.", "\n kCopy // The NativeArray makes a copy of the native array and\n // owns the copy.", "\n};\n\n// Adapts a native array to a read-only STL-style container. ", " Instead\n// of the complete STL container concept, this adaptor only implements\n// members useful for Google Mock's container matchers. ", " New members\n// should be added as needed. ", " To simplify the implementation, we only\n// support Element being a raw type (i.e. having no top-level const or\n// reference modifier). ", " It's the client's responsibility to satisfy\n// this requirement. ", " Element can be an array type itself (hence\n// multi-dimensional arrays are supported).", "\ntemplate <typename Element>\nclass NativeArray {\n public:\n // STL-style container typedefs.", "\n typedef Element value_type;\n typedef Element* iterator;\n typedef const Element* const_iterator;\n\n // Constructs from a native array.", "\n NativeArray(const Element* array, size_t count, RelationToSource relation) {\n Init(array, count, relation);\n }\n\n // Copy constructor.", "\n NativeArray(const NativeArray& rhs) {\n Init(rhs.array_, rhs.size_, rhs.relation_to_source_);\n }\n\n ~NativeArray() {\n // Ensures that the user doesn't instantiate NativeArray with a\n // const or reference type.", "\n static_cast<void>(StaticAssertTypeEqHelper<Element,\n GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Element)>());\n if (relation_to_source_ == kCopy)\n delete[] array_;\n }\n\n // STL-style container methods.", "\n size_t size() const { return size_; }\n const_iterator begin() const { return array_; }\n const_iterator end() const { return array_ + size_; }\n bool operator==(const NativeArray& rhs) const {\n return size() == rhs.size() &&\n ArrayEq(begin(), size(), rhs.begin());\n }\n\n private:\n // Initializes this object; makes a copy of the input array if\n // 'relation' is kCopy.", "\n void Init(const Element* array, size_t a_size, RelationToSource relation) {\n if (relation == kReference) {\n array_ = array;\n } else {\n Element* const copy = new Element[a_size];\n CopyArray(array, a_size, copy);\n array_ = copy;\n }\n size_ = a_size;\n relation_to_source_ = relation;\n }\n\n const Element* array_;\n size_t size_;\n RelationToSource relation_to_source_;\n\n GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(NativeArray);\n};\n\n} // namespace internal\n} // namespace testing\n\n#define GTEST_MESSAGE_AT_(file, line, message, result_type) \\\n ::testing::internal::AssertHelper(result_type, file, line, message) \\\n = ::testing::Message()\n\n#define GTEST_MESSAGE_(message, result_type) \\\n GTEST_MESSAGE_AT_(__FILE__, __LINE__, message, result_type)\n\n#define GTEST_FATAL_FAILURE_(message) \\\n return GTEST_MESSAGE_(message, ::testing::TestPartResult::kFatalFailure)\n\n#define GTEST_NONFATAL_FAILURE_(message) \\\n GTEST_MESSAGE_(message, ::testing::TestPartResult::kNonFatalFailure)\n\n#define GTEST_SUCCESS_(message) \\\n GTEST_MESSAGE_(message, ::testing::TestPartResult::kSuccess)\n\n// Suppresses MSVC warnings 4072 (unreachable code) for the code following\n// statement if it returns or throws (or doesn't return or throw in some\n// situations).", "\n#define GTEST_SUPPRESS_UNREACHABLE_CODE_WARNING_BELOW_(statement) \\\n if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { statement; }\n\n#define GTEST_TEST_THROW_(statement, expected_exception, fail) \\\n GTEST_AMBIGUOUS_ELSE_BLOCKER_ \\\n if (::testing::internal::ConstCharPtr gtest_msg = \"\") { \\\n bool gtest_caught_expected = false; \\\n try { \\\n GTEST_SUPPRESS_UNREACHABLE_CODE_WARNING_BELOW_(statement); \\\n } \\\n catch (expected_exception const&) { \\\n gtest_caught_expected = true; \\\n } \\\n catch (...) { \\\n gtest_msg.value = \\\n \"Expected: \" #statement \" throws an exception of type \" \\\n #expected_exception \".\\n Actual: it throws a different type.\"; \\", "\n goto GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testthrow_, __LINE__); \\\n } \\\n if (!", "gtest_caught_expected) { \\\n gtest_msg.value = \\\n \"Expected: \" #statement \" throws an exception of type \" \\\n #expected_exception \".\\n Actual: it throws nothing.\"; \\", "\n goto GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testthrow_, __LINE__); \\\n } \\\n } else \\\n GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testthrow_, __LINE__): \\\n fail(gtest_msg.value)\n\n#define GTEST_TEST_NO_THROW_(statement, fail) \\\n GTEST_AMBIGUOUS_ELSE_BLOCKER_ \\\n if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { \\\n try { \\\n GTEST_SUPPRESS_UNREACHABLE_CODE_WARNING_BELOW_(statement); \\\n } \\\n catch (...) { \\\n goto GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testnothrow_, __LINE__); \\\n } \\\n } else \\\n GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testnothrow_, __LINE__): \\\n fail(\"Expected: \" #statement \" doesn't throw an exception.\\n\" \\\n \" Actual: it throws.\")", "\n\n#define GTEST_TEST_ANY_THROW_(statement, fail) \\\n GTEST_AMBIGUOUS_ELSE_BLOCKER_ \\\n if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { \\\n bool gtest_caught_any = false; \\\n try { \\\n GTEST_SUPPRESS_UNREACHABLE_CODE_WARNING_BELOW_(statement); \\\n } \\\n catch (...) { \\\n gtest_caught_any = true; \\\n } \\\n if (!", "gtest_caught_any) { \\\n goto GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testanythrow_, __LINE__); \\\n } \\\n } else \\\n GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testanythrow_, __LINE__): \\\n fail(\"Expected: \" #statement \" throws an exception.\\n\" \\\n \" Actual: it doesn't.\")", "\n\n\n// Implements Boolean test assertions such as EXPECT_TRUE. ", "expression can be\n// either a boolean expression or an AssertionResult. ", "text is a textual\n// represenation of expression as it was passed into the EXPECT_TRUE.", "\n#define GTEST_TEST_BOOLEAN_(expression, text, actual, expected, fail) \\\n GTEST_AMBIGUOUS_ELSE_BLOCKER_ \\\n if (const ::testing::AssertionResult gtest_ar_ = \\\n ::testing::AssertionResult(expression)) \\\n ; \\\n else \\\n fail(::testing::internal::GetBoolAssertionFailureMessage(\\\n gtest_ar_, text, #actual, #expected).c_str())\n\n#define GTEST_TEST_NO_FATAL_FAILURE_(statement, fail) \\\n GTEST_AMBIGUOUS_ELSE_BLOCKER_ \\\n if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { \\\n ::testing::internal::HasNewFatalFailureHelper gtest_fatal_failure_checker; \\\n GTEST_SUPPRESS_UNREACHABLE_CODE_WARNING_BELOW_(statement); \\\n if (gtest_fatal_failure_checker.has_new_fatal_failure()) { \\\n goto GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testnofatal_, __LINE__); \\\n } \\\n } else \\\n GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(gtest_label_testnofatal_, __LINE__): \\\n fail(\"Expected: \" #statement \" doesn't generate new fatal \" \\\n \"failures in the current thread.\\n\" \\\n \" Actual: it does.\")", "\n\n// Expands to the name of the class that implements the given test.", "\n#define GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) \\\n test_case_name##_##test_name##_Test\n\n// Helper macro for defining tests.", "\n#define GTEST_TEST_(test_case_name, test_name, parent_class, parent_id)\\\nclass GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) : public parent_class {\\\n public:\\\n GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)() {}\\\n private:\\\n virtual void TestBody();\\\n static ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info_ GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_;\\\n GTEST_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN_(\\\n GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name));\\\n};\\\n\\\n::testing::TestInfo* const GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)\\\n ::test_info_ =\\\n ::testing::internal::MakeAndRegisterTestInfo(\\\n #test_case_name, #test_name, NULL, NULL, \\\n (parent_id), \\\n parent_class::SetUpTestCase, \\\n parent_class::TearDownTestCase, \\\n new ::testing::internal::TestFactoryImpl<\\\n GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)>);\\\nvoid GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)::TestBody()\n\n#endif // GTEST_INCLUDE_GTEST_INTERNAL_GTEST_INTERNAL_H_\n" ]
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[ "Pandora Shine\n\nTo celebrate the launch of Pandora's striking new gold\ncollection YourStudio designed and built a giant multi-sensory\nbeehive on Sydney's Pitt Street Mall.", "\n\nTaking cues from the jewellery itself, 'The Hive' is a 5m high\nhoneycomb installation which replicates a working beehive, with\nHumming Hubs incorporating soundscapes, LED light panels mimicking\nmovement and scent-infused flower stigmas.", "\n\nVisitors shared a moment from the gif booth on social using the\nhashtag #PANDORAShine, and left with an ice-cream covered in edible\ngold leaf; in a truly multi-sensory and memorable experience." ]
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[ "It was a picture-perfect Monday morning at Copacabana Beach, the kind that graces postcards and fills travel brochures.", "\n\nBlue water lapping on the white sand beneath palm trees and a warm cloudless sky.", "\n\n“It is a really nice day,” marveled Haley Anderson of Manhattan Beach, who decided to celebrate with a long swim.", "\n\nTwo hours later, Anderson stepped out of Guanabara Bay after finishing fifth in the women’s 10-kilometer marathon swim, 29 seconds short of a medal but none the worse for the experience.", "\n\n\nAnd that wasn’t supposed to happen.", "\n\nDays before the Rio Olympics opened, an Associated Press study suggested that athletes would be risking their health by swimming in the bay. ", "Ingesting as little as three teaspoons of water, they were told, could cause serious stomach and respiratory illnesses.", "\n\n“Rubbish,” said Britain’s Keri-Anne Payne, who admitted she drank plenty of water on her way to a seventh-place finish.", "\n\n“The water quality, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.”", "\n\n\nSharon van Rouwendaal of the Netherlands also found it to her liking, pulling away on the final of four 2½-kilometer laps to defeat Italian Rachele Bruni by more than 17 seconds in 1 hour 56 minutes 32.1 seconds. ", "Aurelie Muller of France touched the finishing board third, just ahead of Brazilian Poliana Okimoto, but was subsequently disqualified for pushing Okimoto down as both lunged toward the board.", "\n\n“It’s the best result for Brazilian women’s swimming in history,” Okimoto said after winning the host country’s eighth medal in these Games. “", "God is Brazilian.”", "\n\nOkimoto may be right about that. ", "How else to explain the fact that Guanabara Bay’s infamously dirty, sewage-ridden water — a cesspool of infectious viruses and bacteria just two weeks ago — is suddenly as clear as bath water?", "\n\n“I like the fact that I can see,” said Canadian Stephanie Horner. “", "Once my hand enters [the water], I can see it. ", "It simulates a pool, that you can see what kind of goes underneath.”", "\n\n\nAdded Van Rouwendaal: “Copacabana is clean so I wasn’t worried at all.”", "\n\nBut that doesn’t mean the race went off with a hitch — this is Rio, after all.", "\n\nThe platform from which the swimmers were to start the race broke apart in high winds and rough waves last week. ", "Games organizers promised to install a replacement platform over the weekend but the swimmers said they were quietly told Sunday that wouldn’t happen.", "\n\n“You don’t really win off the start,” Anderson said. “", "It’s open water so you really have to go with the flow. ", "We’re all used to last-minute changes like that.", "\n\n\n“So you just kind of have to go with it and not worry too much.”", "\n\nAnderson, a former USC swimmer with terrific range who narrowly missed making the 2012 Olympic team in the pool in 800-meter freestyle, won a silver medal in the marathon swim in London, finishing less than a half-second behind winner Eva Risztov of Hungary.", "\n\nIn Monday’s race she hung in the middle of a 26-woman pack, circling four inflatable buoys as a flotilla of more than 20 boats and kayaks followed alongside. ", "A helicopter hovered above while a fishing trawler and a Brazilian warship were anchored in the distance.", "\n\nBut on the third lap Anderson began to fall back just as Van Rouwendaal began to pull away. ", "And though the American closed fast, passing 14 swimmers on the final lap, it wasn’t fast enough to reach the medal stand.", "\n\n\n“I didn’t set myself up going into that fourth lap to be successful,” she said. “", "I’m pretty happy with not giving up and kind of just settling. ", "I fought all the way in.”", "\n\nAs for the water, Anderson said, “It tasted like ocean. ", "My tongue is salty right now.”", "\n\nHungary’s Anna-Greta Olasz, a senior at Arizona State, found the conditions to her liking as well.", "\n\n“We are swimming in this amazing place!” ", "she bubbled. “", "It’s Copacabana. ", "The venue is amazing. ", "No clouds. ", "Palm trees.", "\n\n\n“What else can you ask for?”", "\n\nkevin.baxter@latimes.com" ]
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[ "May 19, 2014 - forms. ", "The closed form is dominant in the Pol II-free (unbound) state of TFIIS, whereas the open form is favorable in the Pol .... conversion, we preserved the protonation states of residues to be ..... (TIFF). ", "Figure S3 Coarse-grained\n\nanswer these questions include predictions of the location of drug-like ... Periodic boundary conditions were applied in ..... Key properties pertaining to DiI are summarized in Table 2. ", "The lateral diffusion coefficient of DiI has been shown to be.", "\n\nProgram of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Songkhla, 90000, Thailand 2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand 3 Theoretical and Computational Physics Group, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok 10140, Thailand 4 Theoretical and Computational Science Center (TaCS), Science Laboratory Building, Faculty of Science, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok 10140, Thailand 5 Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP Center), Commission on Higher Education, Bangkok 10400, Thailand *email: [email protected] Abstract. ", "A series of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations were performed for 4-mer isoprene molecules confined between graphene sheets with varied graphene separations in order to observe the finite size effects arose from the van der Waals interactions between the isoprene oligomer, forming high density shells at the graphene interfaces. ", "For the small confinement regions, 1.24 nm and 2.21 nm, local density of isoprene at the graphene interface becomes higher than 10 times the bulk density. ", "These results provided the further insights towards the rational design of nanostructures based on graphene sheets and natural rubber polymer.", "\n\n1. ", "Introduction Composite material is the combination between two materials or more where chemical reaction between these materials is absent. ", "In composites, one with higher quantity is called matrix while those with lesser quantity are called fillers. ", "In general, adding fillers into matrix material enhances both physical and mechanical properties in some ways. ", "However, the quantity of filler added to composites plays an important role in determining properties. ", "To get the required physical and mechanical properties, determining an optimal ratio between fillers and matrix is necessary. ", "Composites where, at least, one of components shows dimensions in the nanometer scale, is called ‘Nanocomposites’. ", "Since properties of a material in nanoscale is almost totally different from the itself in macro- or microscopic scale. ", "Polymer is a macromolecular compound with repeating unit. ", "It is one of material types well-known for being used in various industries due to its versatile properties depending on based monomer, molecular arrangement, degree of crystallinity, and so on. ", "Different polymerization process and cooling profile of molten polymer can result in different organization. ", "Degree of crystallinity is resulted from these factors. ", "Higher degree of crystallinity improves properties such as strength, stability, chemical\n\nContent from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. ", "Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. ", "Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1\n\nresistance etc. ", "However, the more crystalline a material is, the less light can pass through it resulting in more translucent and opaque. ", "Graphene-polymer nanocomposites have attracted some attentions recently due to its ability to be used in potential applications as a stress sensor or a lightweight-flexible conductor and the mechanical reinforcement due to the filler addition [1, 2, 3]. ", "Atomistic molecular dynamic simulations served as a powerful tool for the studies of nanocomposite material structures due to their reasonable ability to reproduce the macroscopic properties measured from the experiments. ", "The verified atomistic details were then provided to gain insights on the molecular mechanisms underlying macroscopic changes [4, 5]. ", "In this work, we set up simple nanocomposite systems with a rather short oligomer chain, as the microscopic phenomena could still be observed with a relatively low computational cost. ", "Three atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of three different numbers of isoprene 4-mer (isoprene tetramer) molecules confined within an infinitely large graphene sheet under room temperature and atmospheric pressure. ", "Local density and chain orientation were analyzed to elucidate the microscopic behaviors of the isoprene 4-mer chains at the graphene/isoprene interface and between two separated graphene. ", "2. ", "Methodology 2.1 Starting Structures and topologies The starting structure of a 4-mer cis-isoprene was built by the program Avogadro [6] Then, a 4nm x 4nm graphene sheet was built by a Nanotube Builder module implemented in the Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD) program. ", "The sheet contained 678 carbon atoms. ", "After that, the topology files of both 4-mer isoprene and graphene were generated from the Automated Topology Builder (ATB) webserver [7]. ", "The GROMOS54A7 forcefield parameters containing information on the covalent bonds and van der Waals radii were used. ", "2.2 MD Simulation Setup With the starting structures and topology files prepared in section 2.1, rectangular simulation boxes were built so that the dimension in the xy-plane could accommodate the virtually infinite graphene sheet when periodic boundary conditions were applied. ", "Then, 30, 60 and 120 isoprene 4-mer molecules were added for each of the three simulations, corresponding to 100, 50 and 25 per hundred rubbers (phr) of graphene concentration. ", "The simulation box of the system of graphene with 30 4-mer was doubled by duplicating the numbers of both graphene and isoprene 4-mer. ", "Energy minimization by steepest-descent method was done for each structure before the first-step 50-picosecond equilibration under constant number of atoms, volume and temperature (NVT) at 300 K. The temperature was regulated by the velocity rescale algorithm. ", "The LINCS holonomic constraints [8] were applied so that the timestep of 2 femtosecond (fs) was allowed. ", "The particle mesh Ewald (PME) method [9] were used to treat the long-range interactions and a cutoff distance of 10 Å were used for van der Waals interactions. ", "After that, during the second step 200-picosecond equilibration, Parrinello-Rahman semi-isotropic pressure coupling [10] was switched on for the equilibration at constant number of atoms, pressure and temperature (NPT) at 1 atm and 300 K. The system compressibility for xy-plane was set to 0 so that the xy-plane dimensions were kept constant. ", "The structures obtained from NPT equilibrations were shown in Figure 1 and the information on all the simulations performed was given in Table 1. ", "Finally, a 50nanosecond long productive MD run was performed for each structure to generate many sample snapshots for the conformational analysis. ", "All calculations were performed by GROMACS 5.1.2 [11]. ", "2.3 Analysis Local isoprene density along the z-axis defined in Figure 1 and Figure 2 was obtained from counting the number of carbon atoms found in each slab of thickness = 0.02 nm. ", "The total carbon mass in each slab was rescaled by the factor 68/60 in order to take into account the hydrogen atoms and was then divided by the volume. ", "The calculated density in each slab was plotted as a function of z.\n\nChain orientation of a 4-mer isoprene molecule in this work was quantified by an angle made by the graphene plane and the vector between a representative carbon atom (C2) from the second monomer and another representative carbon atom (C3) from the third monomer. ", "Probability distribution of the defined orientation angle was plotted for each simulation.", "\n\nFigure 1. ", "structures of graphene / 4-mer isoprene composites after an NPT equilibration a) C678 graphene / 30 x (isoprene)4, b) C678 graphene / 60 x (isoprene)4 and c) C678 graphene / 120 x (isoprene)4 3. ", "Results and Discussions Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the systems containing different per hundred rubber (phr) ratios between parallel graphene sheets and isoprene 4-mer with varied graphene separation distances. ", "According to Table 1, total density of the composites increased with higher graphene concentration. ", "The density was found to drop from 1228 for the system with 1.24 nm graphene separation distance to 928 for 4.11 nm, as the larger the graphene separation was, the less dominantly graphene mass affected the system density. ", "It could be implied that, at a very large graphene separation, total density of the composites would approach the density of the bulk isoprene at around 800 . ", "However, the contribution of isoprene to system density was found to decrease with smaller graphene separation distance. ", "This was due to the uniform spacings of about 0.4 nm observed between center of mass of graphene atoms and isoprene atoms at the interface, signifying the averaged van der Waals radius of carbon atoms in graphene and in isoprene. ", "These spacing become dominant when graphene separation distance is small, resulting in the decrease of density contribution from isoprene. ", "According to Figure 2, local density profile of isoprene for each graphene separation distance was plotted as a function of cross-section distance along the z-axis. ", "The position where the graphene plane was located displayed zero density. ", "At the edge of the isoprene inaccessible areas on both sides of graphene planes, isoprene density became maximum for all separation distances. ", "For the system with 4.11 nm graphene separation, the high-density shells at the interface with peak density around 3 times the bulk isoprene density were found. ", "Peak density of the next high-density shells was lower at further distance from graphene and were converging towards bulk density.", "\n\nAt smaller graphene separation (2.21 nm and 1.24 nm). ", "The first peak densities were found over 10 times the bulk density. ", "The big difference between the density local minima and local maxima suggested that the isoprene morphology became more crystal-like with smaller separation distance. ", "The highly-ordered conformation at the high-density shells was demonstrated in Figure 3, when orientations of the chain vectors relative to the graphene plane were determined. ", "Chain vectors were defined by pairs of terminal carbon atoms of second and third monomers (see Figure 3a). ", "In Figure 3b, the probability distributions of orientation angles () between chain vectors and a graphene plane for each graphene separation distance was plotted. ", "This plot demonstrated the influence of graphene plane orientation and the finite space from small graphene separation. ", "Both factors affect the organization of the 4-mer isoprene chains, as the peak around zero degree indicated isoprene-graphene parallel alignment. ", "Distance of graphene plane separation was an important factor, as the chance of chain vectors being parallel to the graphene plane was higher with smaller separation distance. ", "These results indirectly signify the higher possibility of crystalline phase formation when isoprene chains were confined within a smaller gap. ", "Moreover, the drastic change between the highest peak densities at 2.21 and 4.11 separation distances from the local density analysis suggested that there should be a critical separation distance, serving as a transition point between amorphous and crystalline phases of isoprene. ", "Table 1. ", "graphene concentration, graphene separation distance, total density and rubber density of three simulated systems Number of [ graphene ] Graphene Total Density Isoprene Density 4-mer isoprene (phr) Separation (nm) ( ) ( ) a) 30 100 1.24 1228 615 b) 60 50 2.21 1048 699 c) 120 25 4.11 925 740\n\nb) a) Figure 3: a) a diagram describing the angle made by the graphene plane and a vector pointing from the second monomer to the third monomer of 4-mer isoprene and b) probability distribution of the angle for each graphene separation distance. ", "4. ", "Conclusions A preliminary series of atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of isoprene 4-mer/graphene composite was performed to demonstrate the finite size effect emerged from confining isoprene 4-mer molecules between two graphene sheets. ", "The simulation of 120 isoprene 4-mer/C678 graphene showed that high density shells were formed at the isoprene/graphene interface while the density at further distance from graphene became converged to bulk density. ", "As the size of confinement region was decreased, the density at the interface became significantly higher, but the contribution of rubber mass to global density became lower. ", "These results were accompanied by the measurement of chain orientations. ", "Most of the chains confined within two graphene sheets separated by 1.24 nm were forced to be in parallel with the graphene sheets. ", "The smaller populations of the chains parallel to the graphene plane were measured for the simulations with larger graphene separations, indicating the less ordered phase. ", "Acknowledgements W.L. and T.S. were supported by Thailand Center of Excellence in Physics (ThEP). ", "References [1] Azira A A, Kamal M M and Rusop M 2016 Reinforcement of graphene in natural rubber nanocomposite AIP Conference Proceedings 1733 [2] Thaptong P, Sirisinha C, Thepsuwan U and Sae-Oui P 2014 Properties of Natural Rubber Reinforced by Carbon Black-based Hybrid Fillers Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 53 818–23 [3] Hernández M, Bernal M D M, Verdejo R, Ezquerra T A and López-Manchado M A 2012 Overall performance of natural rubber/graphene nanocomposites Composites Science and Technology 73 40–6 [4] Yamamoto T 2010 Molecular dynamics simulations of polymer crystallization in highly supercooled melt: Primary nucleation and cold crystallization The Journal of Chemical Physics 133 034904 [5] Guseva D V, Komarov P V and Lyulin A V 2014 Molecular-dynamics simulations of thin polyisoprene films confined between amorphous silica substrates The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 114903" ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nThe gold standard for surgical treatment of diaphyseal lower limb long bone fractures is the use of intramedullary nails \\[[@B1]\\]. ", "These nails are locked into place with proximal and distal screws to prevent rotation and shortening of the fractured limb. ", "For proximal interlocking specialized jigs offer easy placement of the screws. ", "However, due to deflection of the nail during insertion into the intramedullary canal no such automated process exists for the distal screws. ", "The common practice for insertion of distal locking screws is a freehand technique under fluoroscopic control. ", "The C-arm is tilted until alignment of interlocking hole axis and image intensifier beam is achieved indicated by a round appearance of the hole projected on the image. ", "The drill is then manually oriented under repeated fluoroscopic control. ", "The process is technically demanding and requires experience of the operator \\[[@B2]\\]. ", "Depending on the skill level of the surgeon, procedure time and, even more important, radiation exposure to patient and surgical personnel can increase markedly \\[[@B3]\\]. ", "In addition, a high rate of screw misplacements is reported \\[[@B4]\\].", "\n\nA variety of approaches have been suggested to solve the distal locking problem. ", "Recent advancements range from various mechanical aiming devices \\[[@B5],[@B6]\\] continued to the idea of drilling from the inside to the outside (Dgimed Ortho. ", "Inc., Minnetonka, US) over the use of surgical navigation systems \\[[@B7]-[@B9]\\] over laser illumination of the hole from the inside of the nail \\[[@B4]\\] to ultrasound \\[[@B10]\\] or electromagnetic hole locators \\[[@B11],[@B12]\\]. ", "Solutions appear to be technically irreproducible, are restricted to a specific nail/procedure or face the problem of extensive equipment requirements, which seems unjustified in the face of the comparatively simple problem of inserting a screw into a drill hole. ", "Requirements for additional staff and long training periods with gradual learning curves lead many of these new ideas out of favor \\[[@B13]\\].", "\n\nA new fluoroscopy based technique (guided freehand) was developed for simplified distal interlocking, aiming at reducing radiation exposure and operation time. ", "The technique is generally based on the freehand standard and additionally guides the surgeon by means of visible landmarks projected on the C-arm image. ", "A computer program plans the exact drilling trajectory by 2D-3D conversion of the locking hole projections from a single fluoroscopy shot in an arbitrary orientation and provides mentioned guiding landmarks in real-time on the familiar fluoroscopy screen. ", "Interlocking holes can be drilled by visually aligning the drill to the planned trajectory. ", "No additional tracking or navigation equipment is required.", "\n\nObject tracking by utilizing X-ray projections of cylindrical holes carries potential for a variety of applications within trauma and orthopedics for positioning implants and instruments, such as screw insertions, guide-wire placements, positioning of plates, nails or prostheses was well as anatomical fracture reduction. ", "The hereby introduced guided freehand distal locking system is considered as pilot application of the overall concept.", "\n\nThe aim of the study was to investigate this technique on human cadaveric specimens in an operating room (OR) environment, with realistic OR settings. ", "The guided freehand procedure was compared with the conventional freehand technique in terms of radiation exposure and operational time.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nSurgical technique\n------------------\n\n### Guided freehand technique\n\nOne fluoroscopic shot of the distal tibia is taken in arbitrary orientation of the C-arm displaying two mediolateral or anteroposterior locking holes (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "No alignment between X-ray beam and interlocking hole axis is required. ", "The C-arm can remain at its initial position. ", "An external computer, equipped with an image acquisition device (here a VGA frame-grabber, Epiphan VGA2USB HR, Epiphan Systems Inc., Ottawa, Canada) is connected to the monitor output signal of the C-arm allowing real-time image processing. ", "Said C-arm image is captured by the computer and processed with a custom-made software algorithm (Matlab, Mathworks Inc., Natick, USA) (Figure [2](#F2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Additional file [1](#S1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}: Video S1). ", "The software is designed in a \\\"one-button\\\" fashion and requires less than 1 s processing time for two holes on a conventional computer. ", "Internally the following computational steps are performed:\n\n![**", "Guided freehand procedure**. ", "Top: A single image is taken from the distal part of the nail in arbitrary C-arm orientation. ", "Guiding landmarks are calculated from the hole contours and projected into the image. ", "A skin incision is performed at the incision landmark. ", "Middle: Targeting jig and drill are inserted through the incision onto the bone surface. ", "Under fluoroscopic control the jig is translated until the projection of the small ring coincides with the small targeting ellipse. ", "Bottom: The jig is rotated until alignment of the projection of the large ring and the large targeting ellipse is achieved for drilling the hole](1471-2474-13-8-1){#F1}\n\n![**", "Screenshot of the graphical user interface of the custom-made software algorithm**. ", "A real-time window on the right displays the monitor signal of the C-arm with additional guiding landmarks. ", "The left side of the window comprises the control elements to execute the calculation](1471-2474-13-8-2){#F2}\n\n1\\. Automatic detection of two lens-shaped hole-projections from the image and extraction of significant landmarks from the hole contours.", "\n\n2\\. Establishment of a virtual representation of the hole-cylinders and calculation of their virtual projection landmarks with respect to the cylinder orientation.", "\n\n3\\. Determination of the spatial orientation of both hole-cylinders in 6° of freedom (DOF) by matching the virtual- with the actual projection landmarks by numerical optimization.", "\n\n4\\. Virtually aligning a representation of a targeting jig with the calculated hole-axes. ", "The jig comprises a drill sleeve and two radio-opaque rings (one large and one small) concentrically arranged around the sleeve (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n![**", "Prototype of the targeting jig**. ", "Two radio-opaque rings, concentrically arranged around a drill sleeve, are used as targeting elements within a fluoroscopic projection. ", "The small ring is inserted through a skin incision onto the cortex of the bone. ", "Here, a rubber band was used for stabilizing the jig during handling](1471-2474-13-8-3){#F3}\n\n5\\. Projecting two targeting circles (corresponding to the radio-opaque rings) and a skin incision point for each drill hole into the C-arm image (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\n6\\. Routing the image back to the monitor of the C-arm.", "\n\nAfter computation, the targeting elements are visualized on the image intensifier. ", "Under fluoroscopic control a 2 cm skin incision is created with a scalpel at the position of the incision landmark. ", "The targeting jig is placed over the drill bit and is inserted through the incision onto the bone surface. ", "Under fluoroscopic control, the jig is translated on the cortex by moving the drill until the projection of said small ring coincides with the small targeting ellipse (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Spikes at the targeting jig prevent slippage of the drill bit (Figure [3](#F3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Subsequently the drill is tilted until the projection of the large ring coincides with the large targeting ellipse. ", "The achieved orientation allows drilling of the hole and subsequent insertion of a screw. ", "The procedure is then repeated for the second interlocking hole. ", "During the process the C-arm can be maintained at its initial position. ", "No pivoting of the C-arm to achieve circular hole projections is required. ", "The order of processing the interlocking holes can be freely chosen. ", "The general procedure is illustrated in a workbench fashion on a separated plastic tibia in Additional file [2](#S2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}: Video S2.", "\n\n### Freehand\n\nLens-shaped hole projections indicate misalignment between the interlocking hole axis and the image intensifier beam. ", "The C-arm is tilted by adjusting the two cardanic angles under repeated fluoroscopic control until the screw hole appears round on the radiographic projection. ", "In a second stage, the tip of the drill bit is placed in the center of the projected screw hole. ", "Subsequently, the drill is visually oriented to the central axis of the C-arm and the drill-hole is created. ", "All steps are performed under repeated fluoroscopic control.", "\n\nExperiment\n----------\n\n### Setup\n\nTen fresh frozen human below-knee specimens (five left, five right) were used with appropriate consent of the relatives. ", "Specimens were already part of a different study and reused for the present investigation. ", "Intact bone structure and soft tissue at the distal part of the tibia were ensured. ", "All specimens were long enough to provide proper placement and anchoring of the nail. ", "The proximal ends of the tibia and fibula were cylindrically embedded in Polymethylmethacrylate (Beracryl, Suter Kunststoffe AG, Fraubrunnen, Switzerland) in order to mount the specimens to the OR table. ", "According to the size of the bones, a 9-11 mm diameter Titanium Expert Tibia Nail (Synthes GmbH, Bettlach, Switzerland) was inserted into the intramedullary channel of the tibia in a non-standardized manner to avoid predictable orientation of the distal locking holes inside the bone. ", "The nail was proximally clamped to the embedding with a screw to prevent nail movement. ", "In order to provide an experimental setting close to surgical practice, the locking procedures were performed in a standard operating room with optimal lighting and generalized conditions (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In order to mimic a real life lower limb, the hindfoot rested distally on the OR table. ", "Proximally the specimens were clamped with a vise fixed to the table. ", "The limbs were draped in standard surgical cloths covering the protruding proximal end of the nail to conceal its orientation. ", "A Siemens ARCADIS Varic C-arm system (Siemens AG, Munich, Germany) was used as imaging means for all procedures. ", "The C-arm recorded 1024 × 1024 pixel gray-value images. ", "Automatic intensity correction was enabled. ", "All locking procedures were performed by a single fourth year orthopedic resident surgeon, who had experienced about 30 procedures of distal locking in clinics prior to this study. ", "The surgeon was dressed in full operating room gear including protective glasses, a lead dressing gown, surgical robes and double gloves. ", "A single C-arm technician operated the C-arm according to the surgeon\\'s commands. ", "A battery powered radiolucent drive (511.300, Synthes GmbH, Bettlach, Switzerland) with a Ø 3.2 mm (length 148/122 mm) standard drill bit was used for drilling. ", "Conventional Ø 3.9 mm (length 40 mm) Titanium self-tapping locking bolts were inserted with a hexagon screw driver.", "\n\n![**", "Experimental setup**. ", "Left: Cadaveric below knee specimens, instrumented with a tibia nail, were secured to an OR table. ", "A conventional 2D C-arm could be freely positioned to visualize the distal interlocking holes. ", "The C-arm monitor signal was processed in real-time and was routed back to the C-arm monitor. ", "Right: A radiolucent drill was manually operated either with aid of a targeting jig or without](1471-2474-13-8-4){#F4}\n\n### Procedure\n\nFor each interlocking procedure all four distal locking holes of the Expert Tibia Nail were filled with screws (2 mediolateral (ML) and 2 anteroposterior (AP)). ", "Each specimen was operated twice by retrieving the nail 4-5 cm after the first procedure to account for anatomical differences along the bone axis. ", "Both interlocking methods (freehand/guided freehand) were performed on the specimens in random order. ", "Prior to each interlocking procedure the C-arm was retracted from the OR table and the C-arm tilt was reset. ", "After the screw was inserted, a control radiograph was taken to exclude misplacement. ", "In case of a screw missing the interlocking hole, the procedure was continued until the screw penetrated the hole.", "\n\n### Data acquisition and evaluation\n\nNet operation time was measured from the first C-arm shot until screw was tightened for each interlocking hole. ", "Number of fluoroscopy shots and radiation time were recorded for each interlocking hole. ", "The control shot was included in the evaluation for both techniques. ", "After assessing data distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test) non-parametric test statistics (Mann-Whitney-*U*test) were carried out to identify differences between the two interlocking techniques regarding operating time and radiation exposure. ", "The significance level was set to α = 0.05.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nA total of 18 complete interlocking procedures (4 screws each) were performed on 10 specimens. ", "2 pilot tests were excluded from the analysis. ", "8 valid procedures were performed with the freehand technique and 10 procedures were carried out with the guided freehand technique. ", "There were two misplaced screws with the freehand technique whereas with guided freehand all screws were inserted correctly.", "\n\nRadiation\n---------\n\nAverage number of fluoroscopy shots per inserted screw was 7.4 ± 3.4 (mean ± standard deviation) for the guided freehand technique and 17.6 ± 10.3 for the freehand technique, corresponding to a reduction of 58% when using guided freehand (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}) (*p*\\< 0.001). ", "When considering only the mediolateral screws a 59% reduction in average number of fluoroscopy shots per inserted screw was found (*p*\\< 0.001). ", "Total radiation time for all 4 screws was reduced by 55% when using guided freehand (17.1 ± 3.7 s) compared to the freehand technique (37.9 ± 9.1 s) (*p*= 0.001).", "\n\n###### \n\nExperimental results\n\n Number of radiographs Radiation time \\[s\\] Operation time \\[min\\] \n ------------------------------ -------------- ----------------------- ---------------- -------------- ---------------------- ---------------- -------------- ------------------------ ----------------\n **Freehand** **Guided Freehand** **Red. \\[%\\]** ", " **Freehand** **Guided Freehand** **Red. \\[%\\]** ", " **Freehand** **Guided Freehand** **Red. \\[%\\]**", "\n \n **2 ML screws** 14.3 ± 5.6 5.9 ± 2.6 59 8.3 ± 3.2 3.4 ± 1.5 59 3.6 ± 1.2 2.7 ± 0.9 25\n \n **2 AP screws** 21.7 ± 13.2 8.9 ± 3.6 59 12.6 ± 7.7 5.2 ± 2.1 59 4.8 ± 2.8 3.4 ± 1.2 29\n \n **per inserted screw** 17.6 ± 10.3 7.4 ± 3.4 58 10.2 ± 6.0 4.3 ± 2.0 58 4.1 ± 2.1 3.2 ± 1.2 22\n \n **per procedure (4 screws)** 65.3 ± 15.7 29.5 ± 6.4 55 37.9 ± 9.1 17.1 ± 3.7 55 15.5 ± 4.2 12.7 ± 2.9 18\n\nNumber of taken radiographs, radiation time and operation time for the conventional freehand technique as well as for the proposed guided freehand method. ", "Numbers represent mean ± standard deviation and percentage of reduction due to guided freehand\n\nOperation time\n--------------\n\nWith 4.1 ± 2.1 min per screw for the freehand technique and 3.2 ± 1.2 min for the guided freehand technique, a significant reduction of 22% in operation was achieved when using guided freehand (*p*= 0.018). ", "When considering only the two mediolateral screws, the time reduction accounted to 25% with guided freehand (*p*= 0.013).", "\n\nResults are summarized in Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nDistal locking of intramedullary nails is a frequently employed, but technically demanding procedure in trauma surgery. ", "In this paper a newly developed technique for implant independent distal interlocking (guided freehand) is introduced. ", "The method was compared to the common freehand technique in an experimental cadaveric setting exemplified on conventional tibia nails. ", "The guided freehand technique has proven to reduce radiation exposure by more than 50% and operation time by 20% when compared to freehand.", "\n\nWhen a nail is inserted into a long bone, it is likely to bend according to the curvature of the intramedullary canal \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "Exact orientation of the distal interlocking holes is, hence, difficult to predict. ", "Usually surgeons use repeated fluoroscopy to insert the screws in a freehand manner. ", "Radiation is a growing problem amongst orthopedic surgeons, associated with a relative risk for cancer of 5.37 with respect to the general population \\[[@B15]\\]. ", "Malignancies of exposed personnel range from cancers of solid organs (i.e. thyroid and pancreas), to skin and hematopoietic cancers \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "In female orthopedic surgeons the standardized prevalence ratio for all cancers is 1.9 and 2.88 specifically for breast cancer when compared to the general population \\[[@B17]\\]. ", "In the literature radiation expenditure for freehand locking differs widely. ", "E.g. Gugala et al. ", "reported a fluoroscopy time of 36 s for placement of two screws in the tibia \\[[@B3]\\], whereas Suhm et al. ", "stated intense use of fluoroscopy during freehand locking of 108 s per screw \\[[@B9]\\]. ", "Factors such as experience level of the operator or experimental/clinical setup might contribute to this scattering. ", "In this study all screws were placed by a single 4th year orthopedic resident to test the system on a young experienced surgeon. ", "Recorded average radiation time during conventional freehand locking was 35 s for two locking screws, which is in the lower range of the reported values. ", "In the investigation of Kirousis et al. ", "\\[[@B2]\\] a complete tibia nailing procedure required 72 s of radiation and resulted in an effective dose of 0.04 mSv for the operating surgeon and 0.11 mSv for the C-arm technician. ", "In view of the annual dose constraint of 10 mSv (International Commission on Radiological Protection \\[[@B18]\\]) efficient and responsible use of radiation is of utmost importance.", "\n\nOpposed to the mentioned disadvantages of freehand locking such as radiation exposure and handling complexity, marginal requirements for recourses and equipment make the technique practicable all over the globe. ", "Guided freehand does not aim to replace but to enhance the freehand gold standard. ", "Tilting of the C-arm to achieve round hole-projections implies 3D vision of the surgeon and often generates the major portion of time and radiation. ", "Some operators rotate the patient rather than the C-arm, which could end in loss of fracture reduction and anatomical mal-rotation. ", "With guided freehand the C-arm can be maintained at a convenient position. ", "The demanding step of aligning the drill to the image intensifier projection axis is replaced by intuitive matching of targeting structures, easy to follow by the inexperienced surgeon.", "\n\nA variety of options for improved distal interlocking has been proposed in the past decades. ", "None has yet found its way into accepted clinical practice. ", "With fluoroscopy based navigation for distal interlocking an impressive reduction in radiation could be reported (2 s radiation per screw). ", "However, the authors state that fluoroscopy based surgical navigation markedly increases the need for resources \\[[@B19]\\]. ", "Up to an additional 40 min were required prior to skin incision and after skin closure as set up and take down time for the navigation system. ", "Moreover, an especially trained technician was needed \\[[@B20]\\]. ", "Ultrasound based techniques using differences in resonance between nail and bone \\[[@B10]\\] lack accuracy. ", "Electromagnetic solutions offer acceptable accuracy without direct involvement of radiation. ", "However, radiographic imaging is still required to confirm proper screw position at the end. ", "Electromagnetic tracking implies the insertion of a pre-calibrated single-use probe into the cannulation of the nail with a cable connection to the outside \\[[@B12],[@B21]\\]. ", "Besides additional bridging between sterile and non-sterile fields, the blocked cannulation restricts the surgeon to a specific sequence of screw insertion progressing from distal to proximal, which is contradictory to clinical practice. ", "Moreover, all magnetic metals such as stainless steel implants, screwdrivers or drill-bits cannot be used. ", "It is a point of discussion whether it is worth interrupting the clinical workflow and setting up of an additional support system with considerable restrictions for the sole task of distal interlocking.", "\n\nThe hereby proposed concept is consequently geared to existing surgical workflows. ", "Besides a simple targeting jig and software, no additional equipment is required. ", "A conventional C-arm, as available in the bulk of operation theaters worldwide, is essential for nailing. ", "It appears, therefore, reasonable to further involve the C-arm for distal interlocking when it is already employed for nail insertion, fracture reduction and implant positioning beforehand. ", "The authors believe that the potential of conventional radiographic devices is only barely taped since the intended use is confined to plain visualization. ", "Elevating the role of the conventional C-arm from pure imaging could significantly contribute to an improved surgical outcome. ", "Hidden information within 2D projections could be more efficiently extracted by innovative algorithms to aid the surgeon in the daily routine. ", "The idea of reconstructing 3D information from 2D projections is certainly not a novelty. ", "Cone beam algorithms, for example, build the basis for 3D reconstruction by computed tomography \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "Some work has already been done on utilizing the image intensifier projections of distal locking holes to identify their orientation \\[[@B23],[@B24]\\]. ", "However, solutions appear clinically infeasible. ", "At least two projections are required from different angles, computational time is long and no simple procedure has been suggested to finally position a tool for drilling.", "\n\nThe hereby proposed method assists in planning (identification of the hole orientation) and navigation of the drill by means of a 2D C-arm. ", "The 3D transformation problem is solved from a single projection of two interlocking holes. ", "No tilting of the C-arm is required to obtain a second view angle. ", "Computational time for two holes is kept below 1 s and robustness is increased by extracting only significant landmarks from the hole contour rather than processing the entire projection shape. ", "The technique is independent from a specific implant type or brand and could be universally applied to tibia, femur, humerus or to other relevant regions.", "\n\nHowever, some issues need to be addressed in the future. ", "As the algorithm processes two interlocking holes simultaneously, recalculation due to movement of the patient might be difficult after the first screw is already inserted. ", "Currently, the prototype system simulates the second hole on basis of the previous calculation. ", "Furthermore, patient movements relative to the C-arm can have adverse effects on the procedure. ", "With the next X-ray the algorithm identifies and corrects these motion artifacts by real-time monitoring of shifts between images and performs automated recalculations. ", "Nonetheless, the nature of the method remains static. ", "Events occurring between distinct snapshots cannot be detected. ", "The advantages of a freehand procedure are essentially to be seen in maximized freedom and usability for all kinds of applications independent from specific devices and implant families. ", "However, from a handling perspective a freehand procedure remains demanding. ", "In the present case, the skill level of the operator determines the extent of radiation needed for iterative control. ", "For example a handheld drill-bit happens to slip on the cortex requiring restart of targeting. ", "Slippage and soft tissues wrapping around the drill-bit could be improved by the proposed targeting jig. ", "Still, the screw is freely inserted into the drill-hole. ", "Particularly in reduced bone quality, mal-placement of the screw might occur even if the drill channel was correct.", "\n\nAbstracting the underlying idea as a future outlook, an intramedullary nail with interlocking holes can be regarded as a radio-opaque object with two cylindrical holes, which can be spatially tracked from 2D projections. ", "Holes could therefore be regarded as tracking markers. ", "Even though, all kinds of geometries are thinkable to serve as markers, cylindrical holes appear favorable because they are easy to produce (or already existent) and their projection is explicit to track. ", "It is therefore credible to establish a support system for surgical routine interventions, e.g. for controlling the entire nailing procedure from implant positioning to distal interlocking.", "\n\nConclusions\n===========\n\nA new approach for improved distal locking of intramedullary nails is proposed based on image processing of conventional X-rays. ", "In an experimental setting, the \\\"guided freehand\\\" technique reduces radiation exposure by more than 50% and operation time by 20% compared to freehand locking without the need for expensive equipment or extensive training. ", "The concept carries potential for assisting implant positioning in various fields within orthopedics and trauma.", "\n\nCompeting interests\n===================\n\nThe authors are not compensated and there are no other institutional subsidies, corporate affiliations, or funding sources supporting this work unless clearly documented and disclosed.", "\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nMW developed the concept, programmed the software algorithms and drafted the manuscript. ", "JS performed the surgeries and drafted the manuscript. ", "LF planned and supervised the experiments, evaluated the data and helped in writing the manuscript. ", "BD designed and produced the prototype targeting jig. ", "ML contributed to study planning and supported the paper draft. ", "GR supported study planning and the concept development process and revised the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nPre-publication history\n=======================\n\nThe pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here:\n\n<http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2474/13/8/prepub>\n\nSupplementary Material\n======================\n\n###### Additional file 1\n\n**Video S1**.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\n###### Additional file 2\n\n**Video S2**.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for file\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nWe thank Ursula Eberli for her valuable contribution in drafting this manuscript.", "\n" ]
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[ "The Rogue Prince\n\nThe Rogue Prince, or, a King's Brother is a novelette by George R. R. Martin, published in the 2014 Bantam Spectra anthology Rogues. ", "It is set on the continent of Westeros of Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, hundreds of years before the events of A Game of Thrones (1996) during the reign of King Viserys I Targaryen. ", "The Rogue Prince serves as a prequel to Martin's 2013 novella The Princess and the Queen and focuses on the reign of Viserys I, from his grandfather Jaehaerys I Targaryen's death to his own. ", "It chronicles the evolving relationship between Viserys and his brother Prince Daemon, and the king's plan for succession to his daughter from his first marriage even though he has a son from his second marriage, which cements a rivalry within the Targaryens that plays out in The Princess and the Queen.", "\n\nThe work is presented as the writing of the fictional Archmaester Gyldayn, also the \"author\" of Martin's The Princess and the Queen.", "\n\nPlot\n\nNear the end of King Jaehaerys I's long reign, a succession crisis emerges when his second son Baelon dies, leading to a Great Council to decide who should be the old king's heir. ", " Jaehaerys's elder son Aemon also died some years before, leaving behind a daughter named Rhaenys - but there are many who prefer Baelon's 26 year old son Viserys, due to his gender. ", " Despite standard succession law that the elder brother's children should come first, Viserys wins the council by a ratio of twenty votes to one, and is declared the rightful heir. ", " On the old king's death two years later, Viserys succeeds him on the Iron Throne. ", " Rhaenys's husband, however, is the powerful lord Corlys Velaryon, and this estranges the Velaryons from the royal court.", "\n\nKing Viserys, married to Aemma of House Arryn, names their daughter Rhaenyra as his successor, ahead of his hot-tempered and mercurial younger brother Daemon (the titular \"rogue prince\"). ", " This decision contradicts the new inheritance law established at the Great Council, which should put a male heir ahead of any female one, but Daemon's reputation is so scandalous that Viserys's powerful advisor Otto Hightower eagerly goes along with it. ", " Queen Aemma, however, later dies in childbirth, to a son that lives only a day. ", " Viserys later re-marries to Alicent Hightower, Otto's daughter, and they succeed in producing a male heir, Aegon; but Viserys never rescinds his choice of Rhaenyra to succeed him. ", "The king and queen subsequently have a daughter (Helaena) and two more sons (Aemond and Daeron). ", " \n\nAs the years pass, a rivalry develops between Rhaenyra and her stepmother Alicent - and two rival court factions develop around each of them. ", " At a major tournament, Rhaenyra appears wearing a distinctive Targaryen-black dress, while Alicent wears one of the green dresses she favors. ", " The two rival factions start copying this clothing style, with Rhaenyra's followers wearing black, and the Alicent/Aegon camp wearing green - leading to the two groups being dubbed \"the Blacks and the Greens\". ", " Meanwhile, the Velaryons remain as a third major faction, but excluded from power at the royal court. ", " Due to his adventures in the far east, Corlys Velaryon is still one of the wealthiest men in Westeros - and eventually, the isolated Daemon gravitates to the Velaryon camp as well, by marrying Corlys and Rhaenys's daughter Laena (producing two daughters, Baela and Rhaena). ", " \n\nTogether, Daemon and Corlys launch a proxy war in the Stepstones island chain, raising an army of mercenaries to carve out territory from pirate enclaves - aided by the large Velaryon fleet, and Daemon's dragon Caraxes, who soon earns a reputation as \"the Blood Wyrm\", battle-hardened from all the blood he has spilled. ", " Daemon is briefly crowned as the new king of the Stepstones (mostly ruling over pirates), but this makes other regional powers grow wary. ", " After defeating Volantis to the east, the other southern Free Cities - Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh - set aside their differences to unite as a triple-alliance with a shared government (inaccurately called \"the Kingdom of the Three Daughters\" of Valyria - or \"the Triarchy\", even though it is neither a kingdom nor a triarchy). ", " The Triarchy at the eastern end of the island chain allies with independent Dorne at the western end of the Stepstones, and in subsequent years they apply more and more pressure on Daemon's mini-kingdom until he tires of the conflict and withdraws back to King's Landing.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the willful young Rhaenyra is infatuated with Ser Criston Cole of the kingsguard, but through unclear circumstances is later rumored to be in a relationship with Ser Harwin Strong. ", "Pressured by her father, Rhaenyra eventually submits to an arranged marriage with her cousin Laenor Velaryon (son of Corlys, brother of Laena). ", " Their marriage is unhappy, as Laenor is infamously an effete and foppish homosexual (Daemon is lustfully bisexual, but also a fierce warrior). ", " Rhaenyra gives birth to three sons, but none of them have classic Targaryen features of white-blonde hair and purple eyes - which could be due to Rhaenyra's Arryn mother, but combined with widespread rumors of Laenor's sexuality, leads the Greens to whisper persistent rumors that they are really bastards fathered by Harwin Strong. ", " \n\nAnimosity between Rhaenyra and Alicent also puts their children at odds with one another. ", "In rapid succession, Laenor dies in a suspicious quarrel, and Laena dies after a stillbirth. ", " At Laena's funeral, Rhaenyra's sons brawl with Alicent's son Aemond when he tries to claim Laena's dragon Vhagar: as the older Aemond begins to overpower them, one pulls out a knife, ending up in Aemond losing one eye, but succeeding in claiming Vhagar - the greatest living dragon.", "\n\nNot long after, the realm is shocked to learn that Rhaenyra and her uncle Daemon married each other, without asking Viserys's leave. ", " This unites the estranged Velaryons with Rhaenyra's faction of Blacks, and they become one of her biggest supporters against the Greens. ", " They have two sons — another Aegon and Viserys. ", " Alicent's son Aegon also marries his sister Helaena, and they produce three young children: twins Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, and baby Maelor. ", " The Hightowers, meanwhile, remain the biggest supporters of Alicent's Aegon, and her father Otto becomes Hand of the King for many years. ", " The Hightowers increasingly whisper that according to the Great Council at the death of Jaehaerys I, a male heir should come ahead of a female one, and thus Aegon should inherit throne ahead of Rhaenyra - even though Otto himself once ignored that precedent of the council, when he wanted young Rhaenyra to be heir ahead of her uncle Daemon (a hypocrisy not lost on the Blacks). ", " Rhaenyra's followers also counter that had the Great Council followed standard inheritance, Aemond's daughter Rhaenys should still have inherited ahead of Baelon's son Viserys, in which cause Rhaenyra's sons with Laenor would rank ahead of Aegon anyway (which only encourages the Greens to double-down on the accusation that they are really bastards).", "\n\nThe subsequent death of King Viserys - in his bed, from old age and poor health - sets the stage for The Princess and the Queen, and the outbreak of the Dance of the Dragons.", "\n\nDevelopment\nThe story was to be included in the companion book The World of Ice & Fire but was removed because the book was becoming too long for the original concept of a fully illustrated book. ", "It and several other stories appeared in abridged versions in other anthologies.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:2014 American novels\nCategory:American novellas\nCategory:A Song of Ice and Fire books\nCategory:Novels by George R. R. Martin" ]
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[ "Estrela report\n\nThe Estrela report (officially Report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights—A7-0306/2013) was a non-binding resolution on women's health and reproductive rights in the European Union advanced by the Portuguese MEP Edite Estrela of the Socialist Party in 2013. ", "It was narrowly defeated in a vote in the European Parliament on 10 December 2013. ", "A counter-resolution proposed by conservative and Eurosceptic MEPs was passed asserting that such issues should be dealt with on the national level.", "\n\nBackground\nEuropean Union law forbids the Parliament from regulating reproductive and women's issues. ", "In 2002, a similar resolution had been approved by the plenum. ", "At the time the report was proposed, Ireland, Malta, and Poland were the only European Union countries with severe restrictions on abortion, allowing it only in cases of risk to a woman's life or not at all.", "\n\nContents\nThe report, which contained almost ninety recommendations, called on member states to provide age-appropriate comprehensive sex education, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and access to safe contraception and abortion (emphasising that abortion should not be used as a form of family planning). ", "The report decried the harmful effects of teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence and stated that women's rights were equal to other human rights.", "\n\nProgress\nThe report was drafted by Portuguese MEP Edite Estrela of the Socialist Party, who stated that the purpose of the resolution was to underline that people ought to be able to make \"their own informed and responsible choices on their sexual and reproductive life\". ", "In September 2013, it was approved by the European Parliament Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality by a large margin. ", "The resolution was then voted on by the main European Parliament, which sent it back to the committee. ", "Few changes were made and the committee approved it again, leading to a second vote in the main chamber on 10 December.", "\n\nSupporters expected the vote to be routine because they believed the report was similar to previous resolutions. ", "A number of social conservative and anti-abortion lobby groups, many of them newly formed, were vocal in their opposition to the report, including CitizenGo. ", "Estrela received about 80,000 emails opposed to the report, in a campaign described as \"astroturf\" by the .", "\n\nThe floor debate was described as \"acrimonious\"; a failed resolution of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy group would have recommended providing information about \"natural family planning\", \"post-abortion trauma\" and encouraging young people to form relationships with the opposite sex. ", "MEPs did not vote on the Estrela report but instead narrowly passed a resolution declaring that women's rights were a matter for the member states not the European Union by 334 to 327 votes, with 35 abstentions. ", "After the announcement of the results, MEPs from right-wing parliamentary groups were heard jeering and catcalling. ", "According to the European Women's Lobby, a few votes were incorrectly tallied and in fact an equal number of MEPs voted for and against the counter-resolution. ", "Nevertheless, the counter-resolution stood.", "\n\nFollowing the rejection of the report, Austrian MEP Hannes Swoboda, then president of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, criticized the \"misleading and demagogical campaign\" in opposition. ", "Estrela said that the European Parliament had been more progressive in 2002.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:European Parliament\nCategory:Women's rights in Europe\nCategory:Reproductive rights\nCategory:2013 in the European Union" ]
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[ "Extracellular matrix (ECM) degradation is a prerequisite for cancer progression. ", "Beside the fact that its degradation is essential to allow cell migration through its three-dimensional architecture, the generated ECM fragments are not inactive. ", "Indeed, ECM proteolysis leads to the release of matrikines, matrix fragments that display proper biological activities from their original matrix counterparts ([@bib21]).", "\n\nElastin constitutes one of the ECM proteins responsible for the elasticity of tissues ([@bib25]). ", "Protease-driven elastin degradation can occur during physiopathological processes such as cancer progression ([@bib22]). ", "The generated bioactive elastin-derived peptides (EDPs) are thought to contribute to tumour progression ([@bib16]).", "\n\nSeveral *in vitro* studies ([@bib42]; [@bib37]; [@bib36]; [@bib29]) suggest that EDPs could promote cutaneous melanoma growth and invasion. ", "For instance, it has been shown that the incidence of metastases increased as melanoma reached the subepidermal and dermal layers, suggesting that elastin degradation could facilitate melanoma progression ([@bib11]). ", "In addition, intense elastin fragmentation was detected at the *in vivo* invasive front of melanoma ([@bib29]). ", "It has moreover been shown that EDPs amplify melanoma invasion through their binding to the elastin-binding protein, *α*~v~*β*~3~ and galectin-3 receptors ([@bib32]). ", "However, no *in vivo* studies were carried out to determine the influence of EDPs on melanoma growth and invasion.", "\n\nCutaneous melanoma is characterised by its strong ability to form metastases ([@bib19]). ", "If melanoma is diagnosed early, it can be cured by surgical resection. ", "On the other hand, metastatic malignant melanoma is refractory to existing therapies and has a very poor prognosis. ", "New treatment strategies are consequently urgently needed and the identification of new early predictive marker of melanoma metastatic potential is of crucial interest to handle the pathology as fast as possible.", "\n\nTwo classes of proteinases have been shown to be involved in melanoma invasion: the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and the plasminogen activation system ([@bib30]).", "\n\nThe MMPs are involved in the degradation of the ECM both in physiological and physiopathological conditions. ", "Human melanoma invasion involved MMP-1, MMP-2, MMP-9 and MT1-MMP ([@bib40]; [@bib19]). ", "Nevertheless, and on the contrary of the others precited MMPs, MMP-1 was initially thought to be absent from murine tissues. ", "However, murine collagenase-A (Mcol-A) was recently discovered. ", "It has a role similar to human MMP-1, and is able to degrade fibrillar collagens ([@bib6]). ", "The MMPs are synthesised as inactive zymogens and their proteolytic activation occurs in the extracellular space by others MMPs or by plasmin.", "\n\nThe plasminogen/plasmin system has largely been documented and is involved in melanoma invasion ([@bib13]; [@bib4], [@bib3]). ", "The cleavage of plasminogen involves two activators named urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA).", "\n\nWe show, for the first time, that EDPs strongly enhance murine melanoma development *in vivo*. ", "This important finding point out that elastin degradation, which occurs during melanoma development, is one of the events that could drive tumour growth. ", "Moreover, using several biochemical methods, we demonstrate that EDPs specifically enhance *in vitro* and *in vivo* Mcol-A expression and that this enzyme could be responsible for EDP-stimulated melanoma invasion.", "\n\nIn conclusion, our results show that elastin degradation products are important modulators of *in vivo* melanoma growth and invasion through Mcol-A (MMP-1) expression. ", "Moreover, our work demonstrates that elastin degradation could be an important predictive factor of evolution in melanoma.", "\n\nMaterials and methods\n=====================\n\nReagents and antibodies\n-----------------------\n\nElastin-derived peptides (*κ*-elastin, also noted as EDPs) were prepared as previously described ([@bib14]; [@bib9]). ", "Briefly, insoluble elastin was prepared from bovine ligamentum nuchae by hot alkali treatment. ", "Its purity was assessed by comparing its amino acid composition to that predicted from the elastin gene product. ", "Soluble elastin peptides were obtained from insoluble elastin by organo-alkaline hydrolysis. ", "This was achieved using 1  KOH in 80% aqueous ethanol. ", "The obtained mixture of elastin peptides is termed *κ*-elastin and exhibits the same biological and physical properties than elastin hydrolysates ([@bib9]). ", "Bovine serum albumin (BSA), gelatin, plasminogen and aprotinin, a commonly used inhibitor of the plasminogen system ([@bib33]), were purchased from Sigma (Saint-Quentin Fallavier, France). ", "All reagents for cell culture were from Gibco BRL (Invitrogen, Cergy Pontoise, France). ", "Galardin, a synthetic broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor ([@bib1]), the anti-human-MMP1 (Ab-3) used for western blot analyses and the anti-human-MMP-1 (Ab-6) used in blocking experiments ([@bib10]) were from Calbiochem (distributed by VWR Int., ", "Strasbourg, France). ", "All these antibodies were checked for their mouse cross-reactivity. ", "The anti-monocyte/macrophage (MoMa-2) was from BMA Biomedicals (Rheinstrasse, Switzerland). ", "All other reagents were from Sigma.", "\n\nCell culture and treatments\n---------------------------\n\nB16F1 cells, a lung metastatic subline of murine B16 melanoma, were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (FBS) in 25 cm^2^ flasks at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO~2~/95% air. ", "For the evaluation of EDPs effects on proteases expression and activation, cells were seeded onto 24-well plates and subconfluent cultures were washed twice in phosphate-buffered saline to eliminate residual FBS and then incubated or not with 50 *μ*g ml^--1^ EDPs for 48 h. After the incubation period, the culture media were harvested, centrifuged for 10 min at 500 **g** to eliminate cellular debris and then submitted to western blot or zymography analyses. ", "In all experiments, cell viability was \\>95% when cell culture supernatants were collected as evaluated by MTT assay. ", "For cell proliferation assay, B16F1 were seeded in 96-well plates in complete medium with or without EDPs for 72 h. Cell proliferation was determined by counting cells with a Malassez cell.", "\n\nMigration assay\n---------------\n\nB16F1 cells (75.10^5^) have been seeded in 12-well plates in complete medium. ", "After 48 h, cell media were eliminated, and a homogeneous wound was created in each well by scraping cells with a tip followed by two washings with RPMI 1640 in order to eliminate dead cells and cellular debris. ", "Cells were stimulated or not for 48 h with 50 *μ*g ml^--1^ EDPs and cell migration was evaluated by videomicroscopy (Axiovert 200M, Zeiss, Heidelberg, Germany).", "\n\n*In vitro* invasion assays\n--------------------------\n\nThe invasive potential of tumour cells was examined using modified Boyden chambers, 6.5 mm diameter and 8 *μ*m pore (Transwell, Costar, Brumath, France) according to the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Briefly, cells were suspended in serum-free RPMI containing 0.2% BSA, and 100 *μ*l of the cell suspension (50 × 10^3^ cells) was seeded onto the upper compartment of the Transwell coated with Matrigel (40 *μ*g per well). ", "In the lower compartment, 800 *μ*l RPMI containing 10% FBS and 2% of BSA was used as chemoattractant. ", "The cells were incubated with or without aprotinin (100 *μ*g ml^--1^), galardin (10^−9^ M), both or with a monoclonal anti-MMP-1-blocking antibody (10 *μ*g ml^--1^) and stimulated or not with EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^). ", "Transwells were incubated at 37°C under 5% CO~2~/95% air atmosphere for 40 h and cells were then fixed with methanol. ", "Non-invading cells remaining on the upper side of the filter were scrapped off. ", "Invading cells on the lower side of the filter were then stained with crystal violet for 15 min, microscopically observed and counted in five fields at × 200 magnification. ", "The invasive activity of cancer cells was expressed as the mean number of cells that have crossed Matrigel.", "\n\nMice and tumours\n----------------\n\nFemale C57Bl6 mice (average body weight: 18--20 g) were purchased from Harlan France (Gannat, France). ", "Animals were individually caged and given food and water *ad libitum*. ", "They were kept in a room with constant temperature and humidity. ", "All mice were acclimatised to laboratory conditions for 1 week before starting the experiments. ", "The experiments were conducted according to the recommendations of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. ", "Mice (five mice per group) were injected subcutaneously with 2.5 × 10^5^ B16F1 cells in 100 *μ*l of RPMI containing or not EDPs (100 *μ*g). ", "The mice were reinjected at tumour site with EDPs at day 7. ", "Each tumour was measured according to *v*=1/2 × A^2^ × B (A, smallest superficial diameter; B, largest superficial diameter) ([@bib31]).", "\n\nTumours and cell protein extraction\n-----------------------------------\n\nTumours were surgically extracted at day 10 and homogenised in Net Buffer (100 m Tris, pH 7.4, 300 m NaCl, 10 m EDTA, 2% NP40). ", "For cell extracts, cells were homogenised in lysis buffer (Tris 10 m, pH 7.4, NaCl 150 m, 1% Triton X-100, EDTA 5 m) containing protease inhibitors. ", "Proteins were quantified using the Bradford method, with BSA as a standard.", "\n\nImmunohistochemical studies\n---------------------------\n\nSections of 6 *μ*m from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumours were used for immunohistochemical detection of monocyte/macrophage and Mcol-A. The sections were deparaffinised, rehydrated and treated with citrate buffer for antigen retrieval. ", "Endogenous peroxidase activity was blocked with incubation of the slides in 3% H~2~O~2~ in phosphate-buffered saline for 10 min. ", "Sections were preincubated for 30 min with 1% BSA and incubated overnight at 4°C with a sheep anti-MMP-1 antibody (1/100) or rat anti-monocyte/macrophage antibody (1/50) followed by an incubation with the corresponding secondary antibody linked to peroxidase treatment. ", "Antibody binding was visualised with diaminobenzidin, and then the slides were counterstained with Methylene Green zinc chloride double salt (Sigma).", "\n\nWestern blot analysis\n---------------------\n\nProtein of 20 *μ*g was subjected to SDS--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes. ", "Membranes were incubated in blocking buffer (5% non-fat dry milk, 0.1% Tween 20 in 50 m Tris--HCl buffer, 150 m NaCl, pH 7.5) for 1 h at room temperature. ", "They were thereafter incubated overnight at 4°C with the rabbit anti-MMP-1 (1/500) primary antibody diluted in blocking buffer and then with the corresponding peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody for 1 h at room temperature. ", "Immune complexes were visualised using enhanced chemiluminescence.", "\n\nGelatin and gelatin plasminogen zymography\n------------------------------------------\n\nGelatinases and plasminogen activators (PAs) expression from conditioned media of B16F1 and tumour extracts (10 *μ*g proteins per sample) were analysed using SDS--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis containing 0.1% gelatin for gelatin zymography or 0.1% of gelatin and 0.25 U ml^--1^ plasminogen for gelatin--plasminogen zymography. ", "After electrophoresis, the gels were soaked in 2.5% (v/v) Triton X-100 solution for 1 h to remove SDS. ", "For gelatin zymography, gels were then incubated in 50 m Tris--HCl (pH 7.6) containing 5 m CaCl~2~ and 200 m NaCl overnight at 37°C. ", "For gelatin--plasminogen zymography, gels were then incubated overnight at 37°C in 100 m glycine buffer, 5 m EDTA, pH 8.0. ", "The gels were then stained with 0.1% (w/v) G250 Coomassie brilliant blue in 45% (v/v) methanol/10% (v/v) acetic acid. ", "After 10 min, the gels were destained with 25% (v/v) methanol/10% acetic acid for 1 h. The proteolytic activity was detected as clear bands on a blue background of the Coomassie brilliant blue-stained gel.", "\n\nReverse transcription PCR\n-------------------------\n\nTotal RNA was isolated after lysis of B16F1 cells. ", "Following OD assessment and gel analysis, 250 ng total RNA was reverse transcribed. ", "The following cycling profile was used: 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 57°C, 30 s at 72°C for 30 cycles. ", "The PCR products were analysed in 2% ethidium bromide-stained agarose gels. ", "The forward (F) and reverse (R) primer sequences for the different PCR products and their size in base pairs (bp) were as follows:\n\nMcol-A F: 5′-TTCATGCCAGAACCTGAGCTC-3′,\n\nMcol-A R: 5′-GGGAAGCCAAAGAAACTGTGG (110 bp)-3′\n\n*β*- Actin F: 5′-GTGTGACGTGGACATCCGC-3′,\n\n*β*-Actin R: 5′-CTGCATCCTGTCGGCAATG-3′ (91 bp).", "\n\nCollagen degradation assay\n--------------------------\n\nThe influence of Mcol-A expression following EDPs treatment on collagen degradation was evaluated using DQ-collagen (Invitrogen) following the manufacturer\\'s instructions. ", "Briefly, 100 *μ*l from B16F1 conditioned media (48 h) incubated or not with EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^) and/or aprotinin (100 *μ*g ml^--1^) were incubated with reaction buffer (80 *μ*l) and 20 *μ*l of DQ-collagen (100 *μ*g ml^--1^) for 4 h. The degradation of DQ-collagen was evaluated by fluorescence emission (*λ*~ex~=495 nm; *λ*~em~=515 nm).", "\n\nDensitometric analysis and statistical evaluation\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nEach band from polyacrylamide gels was quantified using Quantity One software (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Marne-la-Vallée, France). ", "Each experiment was performed at least three times, from separate sets of culture. ", "Data were expressed as mean±s.e.m. ", "Comparisons were performed using Student\\'s *t*-test.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nEDPs enhance melanoma growth *in vivo* and *in vitro* cell proliferation\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo determine the effect of EDPs on melanoma development, control B16F1 cells or B16F1 preincubated for 30 min in the presence of EDPs (100 *μ*g) were subcutaneously injected into the right side of syngenic C57Bl6 mice. ", "Control and EDP-treated mice were killed on day 10. ", "Tumours were excised and measured. ", "Tumour mean volume was increased by at least three-fold (*P*\\<0.05) in EDP-treated mice *vs* control ([Figure 1A](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), showing that EDPs strongly enhanced melanoma growth *in vivo*. ", "To confirm that such an effect is directly mediated by the elastin peptides, that is, that EDPs do not signal via other ECM components, we evaluate their pro-proliferative abilities towards B16F1 cells. ", "The stimulation of melanoma cells with EDPs in the presence of 10% FBS triggered cell proliferation at 72 h in a dose-dependent manner ([Figure 1B](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The optimal concentration is reached since 50 *μ*g ml^--1^. It has to be emphasised that EDPs present no effect on cell proliferation for FBS concentrations inferior to 10%. ", "These results consequently demonstrate that EDPs directly enhanced melanoma growth.", "\n\nEDPs increase B16F1 *in vitro* migration and invasion\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nB16F1 cells were tested for their ability to migrate following EDPs stimulation in an *in vitro* system. ", "Briefly, B16F1 were seeded on plastic dishes then scrapped at the centre of the dish. ", "The migration of the cells was evaluated by videomicroscopy using their ability to fill the gap. ", "These experiments were performed using 2.5% FBS, a concentration for which EDPs has no effect on cell proliferation. ", "We found that EDPs enhanced B16F1 migration as the artificially created wound was more filled compared with control ([Figure 2A](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "B16F1 cells were then tested for their ability to migrate through Matrigel-coated (40 *μ*g per well) membranes for 40 h in the presence or absence of EDPs. ", "The incubation of melanoma cells with EDPs led to a significant increase in their invasive properties (+36%) comparatively to control cells ([Figure 2B](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These results demonstrated that EDPs increased melanoma cell invasion and showed that, in addition to trigger *in vivo* growth, they enhance cell invasion. ", "These results support the detrimental role of EDPs in *in vivo* melanoma development.", "\n\nAprotinin decreases invasion of EDP-induced B16F1 cells\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nOne of the proteolytic systems involved in melanoma invasion is the PA system ([@bib13]; [@bib4], [@bib3]). ", "In order to determine the contribution of PA in EDP-induced B16F1 melanoma invasion, the invasiveness of B16F1 or EDP-treated B16F1 cells was assayed *in vitro* in the presence of aprotinin ([@bib33]). ", "As shown in [Figure 2C](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, aprotinin inhibited invasion of unstimulated or EDP-stimulated B16F1 cells. ", "It is however important to note that the increase in invasion observed when cells are treated with EDPs is no longer observed, demonstrating that the increase involved the plasminogen system.", "\n\nTo analyse the effects of EDPs on PAs uPA and tPA, we performed gelatin plasminogen zymography from tumour lysates and conditioned culture media. ", "No increase in uPA nor tPA expression was observed neither *in vivo* nor *in vitro* ([Figure 2D](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Thus, we hypothesised that EDPs could enhance melanoma invasion by inducing pro-MMPs expression, whose activation could occur through the plasminogen activation system.", "\n\nGalardin blocks EDP-stimulated B16F1 cell invasion by blocking MMPs activity\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe MMPs constitute the second major proteolytic system used by melanoma cells to invade ECM ([@bib20]). ", "The invasive properties of B16F1 and EDP-stimulated B16F1 cells were assayed *in vitro* in the presence of galardin ([@bib1]). ", "Galardin decreased invasion of B16F1 cells stimulated or not with EDPs ([Figure 3A](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), suggesting that MMPs are required for basal and EDP-induced B16F1 invasion. ", "Importantly, co-treatment of cells with galardin and aprotinin together ([Figure 3A](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) gave the same results than galardin alone, indicating that MMPs activity is sufficient to mediate matrix degradation induced by EDPs. ", "Owing to the important role of gelatinases A and B in the invasion process of melanoma ([@bib20]; [@bib35]), we investigated their expression and their activation *in vitro* and *in vivo*. ", "These analyses evidenced no variation in the pattern of expression and activation of these MMPs ([Figure 3B](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), as well as for MT1-MMP (data not shown). ", "Nevertheless, a high expression of pro-MMP9 was observed in EDP-treated tumours lysates.", "\n\nIncrease in pro-MMP-9 expression in EDP-treated B16F1 tumours correlates with infiltration of monocytes/macrophages\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe results described above let us to hypothesise that EDP-treated mice tumours contained more infiltrating monocytes/macrophages than controls. ", "Indeed, it has been shown in tumours that MMP-9 is mostly expressed by these cells ([@bib18]). ", "Therefore, we performed an immunolabelling of infiltrating monocytes/macrophages in tumour sections by using an anti-MoMa-2 antibody. ", "Immunohistochemistry evidenced that infiltrating cells were highly present in EDP-treated tumours ([Figure 3C](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nEDPs treatment increases Mcol-A secretion and activation through the plasminogen system\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCollagenase-1 (MMP-1) has been shown to be important in melanoma development ([@bib40]; [@bib19]) and could be activated by the plasminogen system ([@bib7]). ", "Additionally, it is known that EDPs strongly induce MMP-1 expression ([@bib9]). ", "Reverse transcription PCR analysis ([Figure 4A](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) demonstrated that EDPs significantly enhanced the expression of Mcol-A, the murine counterpart of MMP-1 ([@bib6]) comparatively to control cells. ", "At the protein level, we found that EDPs increase the Mcol-A expression level but also its activation ([Figure 4B](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Moreover, data obtained from immunohistochemistry labelling confirmed these results by showing a strong increase of the expression of Mcol-A in EDP-treated mice tumours compared with control B16F1 tumours ([Figure 4C](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nIn order to evaluate the consequence of this process on the degradation of the ECM and the role of the plasminogen system in Mcol-A activation, we measured the degradation of fuorigenic DQ-collagen by B16F1-conditioned media ([Figure 4D](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We show that EDPs drastically increased DQ-collagen degradation. ", "The presence of aprotinin blocked this process. ", "EDPs consequently trigger matrix degradation through collagen digestion and this process is dependent on Mcol-A activation by the plasminogen system.", "\n\nAn anti-MMP-1 antibody blocks the effects of EDPs on melanoma invasion *in vitro*\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to validate the involvement of Mcol-A in EDP-induced melanoma invasion, B16F1 cells treated or not with EDPs were preincubated with a specific blocking anti-MMP-1 antibody ([@bib10]) (10 *μ*g ml^--1^) and the invasiveness was assayed *in vitro.* ", "As shown in [Figure 4E](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, treatment of B16F1 and EDP-treated B16F1 with this antibody significantly decreased their invasive properties, reproducing the effect of galardin on B16F1 invasiveness after stimulation by EDPs. ", "These results show that Mcol-A has a central role in elastin peptide-driven melanoma invasion.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nThe tumour microenvironment has an important role in cancer progression and *in vitro* assays have shown that matrix-derived peptides could be the important factors ([@bib21]). ", "For instance, EDPs have been suggested to actively participate to melanoma growth and invasion. ", "Nevertheless, no *in vivo* studies had been conducted to address this point.", "\n\nWe show for the first time, that EDPs are crucial modulators of melanoma growth *in vivo*. ", "Moreover, we further suggest that Mcol-A could have a central role in EDP-enhanced tumour invasion.", "\n\nUsing a subcutaneous system of B16F1 implantation, we show that EDPs increase B16F1 tumour development 10 days post-challenge by three folds. ", "We also demonstrated that EDPs induced *in vitro* proliferation of melanoma cells, demonstrating that they directly trigger this process *in vivo*. ", "Such an effect has already been reported for several cell types ([@bib16]). ", "Our results comfort these data. ", "Intense fragmentation of elastin has been observed at the invasive front of melanoma and *in vitro* studies suggested that EDPs could participate to such a process *in vivo* by inducing proteolytic cascades ([@bib42]; [@bib37]; [@bib36]; [@bib29]). ", "However, no *in vivo* studies were previously carried out to confirm this hypothesis. ", "We then analysed EDPs effect on melanoma migration and invasion using well-established *in vitro* migration and invasion systems. ", "We have shown that EDPs increase the melanoma migration and also, by 36%, the B16F1 invasion. ", "Altogether, these results demonstrate that EDPs enhanced melanoma growth and invasion both *in vitro* and *in vivo.*", "\n\nTwo main proteolytic cascades are involved in melanoma development, the plasminogen activation system and the MMPs family ([@bib30]). ", "We found that aprotinin blocked EDP-enhanced B16F1 invasion, suggesting a requirement of the plasminogen activation system. ", "Surprisingly, we observed that this treatment did not induce neither tPA nor uPA expression *in vitro* nor *in vivo*. ", "Moreover, we have shown that EDPs treatment does not modulate plasminogen activation (data not shown). ", "This is in contrast with our results using aprotinin suggesting that this system is required in EDP-induced invasion. ", "Therefore, even if tPA or uPA expressions are not induced, their basal activity level could be required to induce cell invasion by activating a novel pool of MMPs expressed following EDPs treatment. ", "The analysis of the influence of galardin on EDPs-stimulated melanoma invasion demonstrates a blockade of the basal invasion of B16F1 cells as well as that induced by EDPs treatment. ", "These results demonstrate a role of MMPs in the EDP-triggered invasion. ", "Moreover, the fact that the use of aprotinin with galardin exhibited the same effects than galardin alone supports our previous hypothesis that MMPs constitute the central proteolytic system involved in EDP-enhanced melanoma invasion.", "\n\nEDPs were shown to induce the expression of several MMPs in various tumour cell types ([@bib16]). ", "Among these proteases, MMP-2 has been largely involved in melanoma invasion ([@bib34]; [@bib39]) and a correlation between its expression and melanoma prognosis has been established ([@bib38]). ", "Although conflicting data have been reported concerning the role of MMP-9 in melanoma invasion, several studies have shown that this MMP could be involved in the progression of this disease ([@bib24]; [@bib27]). ", "Although EDPs treatment had no effect on MMP-2 expression both *in vitro* and *in vivo*, a high increase in pro-MMP-9 expression *in vivo* was observed. ", "However, as only the pro-form of this enzyme can be detected, its participation in matrix degradation could be excluded. ", "MMP-9 can be produced by cancer or stromal cells but is mostly secreted by macrophages ([@bib18]). ", "Moreover, previous *in vitro* studies showed that EDPs are chemotactic for inflammatory cells ([@bib16]).", "\n\nIt was therefore possible that EDP-treated tumours contained more monocytes/macrophages than control tumours, which would explain the observed increase of pro-MMP-9 secretion. ", "Immunohistochemistry experiments showed that EDP-treated tumours effectively exhibited a drastic increase in infiltrating monocytes/macrophages, confirming our hypothesis.", "\n\nMany studies underline that MT1-MMP exhibits intrinsic matrix-degrading activities on various matrix proteins and promotes tumour invasion and melanoma growth ([@bib12]; [@bib15]; [@bib23]). ", "We checked the influence of EDPs on MT1-MMP expression and no enhancement in MT1-MMP expression or activation, both *in vitro* and *in vivo*, was observed (data not shown).", "\n\nFinally, MMP-1 was shown to be expressed during the invasion of malignant melanomas ([@bib2]). ", "In addition, high expression of MMP-1 was correlated with shorter disease-free survival in metastatic melanoma ([@bib28]). ", "Moreover, this enzyme can be activated by the plasminogen system ([@bib7]). ", "EDPs treatment triggered a high increase of the murine counterpart of MMP-1, Mcol-A at the mRNA and at the protein level. ", "Moreover, we showed that the plasminogen system is actually involved in the activation of Mcol-A, reinforcing our hypothesis. ", "The use of DQ-collagen permitted us to demonstrate that this process triggers collagen degradation, explaining the influence of EDPs on B16F1 invasion. ", "The increase in Mcol-A secretion was moreover demonstrated at the tissue level. ", "Surprisingly, our immunolabelling also suggest the presence of Mcol-A in the nucleus. ", "Such a colocalisation has also been reported for MIO-M1 cells, Tenon\\'s fibroblasts and ARPE cells. ", "Such localisation is thought to confer resistance to apoptosis and may explain the well-known association of this enzyme with tumour cell survival and spreading ([@bib26]).", "\n\nOur results strongly suggested that Mcol-A could be a key MMP by which EDPs exhibit their effects on melanoma invasion. ", "To check this hypothesis, we used an anti-MMP-1 antibody directed against the active site of human MMP-1 and previously used in blocking experiments ([@bib10]). ", "As the catalytic site of Mcol-A possesses 63% homology with human MMP-1 ([@bib6]), we assumed that this antibody could be used to block Mcol-A activity. ", "As we hypothesised, the antibody inhibited EDPs effect on B16F1 cell invasion with the same efficiency than galardin, showing that Mcol-A is the key MMP involved in EDP-induced melanoma invasion.", "\n\nIt has already been suggested that MMP-1 could be important in melanoma development through its secretion by melanoma but also by stromal cells ([@bib41]; [@bib2]) and, recently, it was shown that shRNA-driven MMP-1 knockdown inhibited metastasis formation in a xenograft model ([@bib8]). ", "In our model, EDPs induced B16F1 invasion through Mcol-A expression, reinforcing the fact that MMP-1 is a crucial protease for melanoma invasion. ", "However, its role in melanoma invasion is not as documented as that of the MT1-MMP/MMP-2 system. ", "Importantly, despite our *in vitro* results, we could not affirm that Mcol-A production was limited to melanoma cells. ", "Indeed, some infiltrating and/or stromal cells could produce this MMP and thereby participate to B16F1 invasion.", "\n\nIn conclusion, we propose that elastolysis could be a leading phenomenon in melanoma invasion *in vivo* because it promotes local collagenolysis. ", "Previous *in vitro* studies suggesting that the stromal reaction induced by EDPs could promote collagen degradation through collagenase production ([@bib9]) supports this view. ", "This could explain the histopathological data underlining a strong correlation between elastin fragmentation and melanoma aggressiveness ([@bib11]; [@bib17]). ", "Moreover, it was proposed that EDPs could act as factors promoting the transition between melanoma radial growth phase to vertical growth phase in which melanoma cells infiltrate and invade the dermis. ", "Interestingly, this transition is associated with a proteolytic switch in which MMP-1 expression is increased ([@bib22]; [@bib5]). ", "Our study therefore reinforced this hypothesis.", "\n\nIt was suggested that partial preservation of elastic fibres in the tumour depth was a relatively good predictive factor, whereas complete absence of elastin was an adverse one ([@bib17]). ", "However, this study was based on histological analyses and no *in vivo* studies were carried out to confirm this hypothesis. ", "Consequently, owing to the lack of *in vivo* demonstration of the active role of EDPs in melanoma growth, this point was underconsidered. ", "Our results demonstrating that EDPs drastically enhanced melanoma growth and invasion reinforced this assumption. ", "Consequently, we confirm and demonstrate that elastin degradation could be an important predictive factor of melanoma evolution.", "\n\nThis work was supported by the CNRS, grants from the Ligue contre le Cancer (comité départemental de la Haute-Marne) and Fond National pour la Santé ACI 2004 (Cancéropôle Grand-Est Project).", "\n\n![", "Elastin-derived peptides increase melanoma tumour growth *in vivo* (**A**) and *in vitro* cell proliferation (**B**). (**", "A**) B16F1 or EDP-pretreated B16F1 were subcutaneously injected to female syngenic C57Bl6 mice (2.5 × 10^5^ cells per mouse) as described in the Materials and Methods section. ", "Mice were killed at day 10. ", "Tumour sizes were measured and statistical significance was calculated according to the Student\\'s *t*-test. ", "Data represent the average of five mice. ", "A second experiment conducted under the same conditions gave identical results. ", "^\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.05. (**", "B**) B16F1 were seeded in 96-well plates in complete medium with or without EDPs for 72 h. Cell proliferation was determined by counting cells with a Malassez cell. ", "Data are expressed as mean±s.e.m. ", "values from three independent experiments, each performed in triplicate. ", "^\\*\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.01.](6605926f1){#fig1}\n\n![", "Elastin-derived peptides stimulate B16F1 migration (**A**) and invasion (**B**). ", "Invasion involves the plasminogen system (**C**) without inducing tPA or uPA (**D**). (**", "A**) B16F1 cells have been seeded in 12-well plates and a homogeneous wound was created in each well by scraping cells with a tip. ", "Cells were stimulated or not for 48 h with 50 *μ*g ml^--1^ EDPs and cell migration was evaluated by videomicroscopy. (**", "B**) Cellular invasive potential was assayed using Transwell coated with Matrigel (40 *μ*g per well). ", "In total, 50 × 10^3^ cells in 100 *μ*l of RPMI 1640 with or without EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^) were deposited into the upper chamber. ", "The lower chamber contained 10% FBS and 2% of BSA. ", "Incubation was for 40 h. Data are expressed as mean±s.e.m. ", "values from three independent experiments, each performed in triplicate. ", "^\\*\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.01. (**", "C**) is same as (**B**) except for the presence or not of aprotinin (100 *μ*g ml^--1^). ", "^\\*\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.01. ", "NS=nonsignificantly different. (**", "D**) Upper panel: Gelatin plasminogen zymography was performed as described in the Materials and Methods section. ", "The gels presented are representative of several *in vitro* (*n*=3) and *in vivo* (*n*=5) experiments. ", "Lower panel: Quantification of *in vitro* and *in vivo* expressions of tPA and uPA was carried out using densitometry and calculating using Quantity One Software. ", "C=untreated control; EDPs=EDP-treated cells or tumours; NS=nonsignificantly different.](6605926f2){#fig2}\n\n![", "Elastin-derived peptide-stimulated B16F1 invasion involves the MMP system (**A**) without upregulating MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression and/or activation (**B**). ", "EDPs increase *in vivo* infiltrating cells in B16F1 tumours (**C**). (**", "A**) Cellular invasive potential was assayed using Transwell coated with Matrigel (40 *μ*g per well). ", "In total, 50 × 10^3^ cells in 100 *μ*l of RPMI 1640 with or without EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^) were deposited in the upper compartment, in the presence or absence of galardin (10^−9^, G), aprotinin (100 *μ*g ml^--1^, A) or both (A+G). ", "The lower chamber contained 10% FBS and 2% of BSA. ", "Incubation time was 40 h. Data are expressed as mean±s.e.m. ", "values from three independent experiments, each performed in triplicate. ", "^\\*\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.01. (**", "B**) Gelatin zymography was performed as described in the Materials and Methods section. ", "The gels presented are representative of several *in vitro* (*n*=3) and *in vivo* (*n*=5) experiments. (**", "C**) Infiltrating cells in B16F1 and EDP-treated B16F1 tumours were identified by immunohistochemistry. ", "Tumour sections were stained with an anti-monocyte/macrophage antibody. ", "Monocyte/macrophage appears as dark-brown staining. ", "Tumour sections were counterstained with methylene green zinc chloride double salt. ", "The photographs presented are representative of several (*n*=5) experiments.](6605926f3){#fig3}\n\n![", "Elastin-derived peptides increase *in vitro* and *in vivo* Mcol-A expression and activation (**A**--**C**), leading to collagen degradation (**D**). ", "Treatment of cells with anti-MMP-1-blocking antibody blocks EDP-stimulated B16F1 invasion (**E**). (**", "A**) Mcol-A expression was analysed by RT--PCR. ", "B16F1 cells were treated with EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^) for 48 h and RT--PCR was conducted as described in the Material and Methods section. ", "The gel presented is representative of several (*n*=3) experiments. (**", "B**) Left panel: Mcol-A secretion and activation by B16F1 and EDP-treated B16F1 cells was analysed by western blotting using an anti-MMP-1 antibody as described in the Materials and Methods section. ", "The gel presented is representative of several (*n*=3) experiments. ", "Right panel: Densitometric analyses of western blots. ", "White bars: active form; black bars: pro-form. (**", "C**) Mcol-A expression by tumours from B16F1- and EDP-treated B16F1 was analysed by immunohistochemistry. ", "Tumour sections were stained with an anti-Mcol-A antibody. ", "Mcol-A appears as dark-brown staining. ", "Tumour sections were counterstained with hematoxylin. ", "Scale bar=200 *μ*m. (**", "D**) B16F1-conditioned media (48 h) incubated or not with EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^) and/or aprotinin (100 *μ*g ml^--1^) were incubated with DQ-collagen. ", "The degradation of DQ-collagen was evaluated by fluorescence (*λ*~ex~=495 nm; *λ*~em~=515 nm). ", "^\\*\\*\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.001. (**", "E**) Cellular invasive potential was assayed using Transwell coated with Matrigel (40 *μ*g per well). ", "In total, 50 × 10^3^ cells were suspended in 100 *μ*l of RPMI 1640 with or without EDPs (50 *μ*g ml^--1^) in the upper compartment and in the presence or not of anti-MMP-1-blocking antibody (10 *μ*g ml^--1^). ", "The lower chamber contained 10% FBS and 2% of BSA. ", "Incubation was for 40 h. Data are expressed as mean±s.e.m. ", "values from three independent experiments, each performed in triplicate. ", "^\\*\\*^Significantly different at *P*\\<0.01. ", "NS=nonsignificantly different.](6605926f4){#fig4}\n\n[^1]: These authors contributed equally to this work.", "\n" ]
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0.0005495677469298244, 0.0022540809586644173, 0.0006567467353306711, 0.004475051537156105, 0.0007197335944510996, 0.0008475523791275918, 0.00493710907176137, 0.0006674384931102395, 0.013198462314903736, 0.0006403401494026184, 0.0005495677469298244, 0.007266928441822529, 0.0016044573858380318, 0.008075214922428131, 0.000815674546174705, 0.0006348026799969375, 0.0006351540214382112, 0.0006239241920411587, 0.0007977817440405488, 0.0006589163094758987, 0.005388716235756874, 0.00794818066060543, 0.0007324604084715247, 0.013198462314903736, 0.000643836276140064, 0.0005495677469298244, 0.007266928441822529, 0.0007130406447686255, 0.0006674245232716203, 0.0011522889835759997, 0.002876127604395151, 0.0031418411526829004, 0.0006371517083607614, 0.0006923077162355185, 0.0015373995993286371, 0.0010183786507695913, 0.0006948743830434978, 0.0006274667102843523, 0.0007350585074163973, 0.0007086792611517012, 0.0007065604440867901, 0.0007981779635883868, 0.0010700710117816925, 0.0008483855053782463, 0.0027198598254472017, 0.002102178055793047, 0.0007500865613110363, 0.0008186186314560473, 0.0008113717194646597, 0.0006902779568918049, 0.006762944161891937, 0.0015120417810976505, 0.0007648997125215828, 0.013198462314903736, 0.0006403401494026184, 0.0005495677469298244, 0.008075214922428131, 0.0006285171257331967, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "DESCRIPTION: The objective of the proposed work is to solve the mechanism by which poliovirus expresses its genetic information, and uses this information for the replication of its genome. ", "The project can be broadly divided into two parts: First, the production and function of poliovirus RNA replication proteins and second, the mechanism of initiation, elongation, and re-initiation of RNA synthesis. ", "The proposed work will be concentrated particularly on detailed steps of the mechanism by which the terminal protein VPg is uridylylated, and the product is used for elongation, a reaction that has recently been carried out in an aqueous medium. ", "Special emphasis will be given to RNA signals at the 5' and 3' termini that direct the replication proteins to the RNA template. ", "For an elucidation of the function of individual replication proteins, genetic and biochemical procedures as well as the yeast two-hybrid system will be used. ", "With the aid of the procedure of cell-free, de novo synthesis of poliovirus, results of reconstituted biochemical reactions will be tested. ", "Since the cell-free system mimics replication of poliovirus in vivo, this is a useful strategy of bypassing the cell-membrane barrier. ", "Moreover, the cell-free replication system will be applied to study genetic recombination in vitro. ", "Finally, the mechanism by which the poliovirus polyprotein processes itself into functional intermediate and final cleavage produces will be analyzed. ", "The results should be broadly applicable not only to investigations of picornaviruses, but also to RNA viruses with genome-linked proteins as well as RNA viruses that express their ORF in the form of a polyprotein, such as retroviruses and hepatitis C virus." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
[ 0.0005760217900387943, 0.0005590028595179319, 0.000551201868802309, 0.0005440709064714611, 0.0005197297432459891, 0.0005758283077739179, 0.0006300858221948147, 0.0005689835525117815, 0.0005995712708681822, 0.000559492502361536 ]
[ "AMES, Iowa – New research from an Iowa State University ecologist shows that agricultural inputs such as nitrogen and phosphorus alter soil microbial communities, which may have unintended environmental consequences.", "\n\n\n\nAdding nitrogen and phosphorus, commonly used as fertilizers, to the soil beneath grasslands shifts the natural communities of fungi, bacteria and microscopic organisms called archaea that live in the soil, said Kirsten Hofmockel, an associate professor in the ISU Department of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology.", "\n\n\n\nHofmockel and other scientists associated with the Nutrient Network, a global grid of scientists who investigate ecological responses in grasslands around the world, revealed that microbial community responses to fertilizer inputs were globally consistent and reflected plant responses to the inputs.", "\n\n\n\nMany soil microbes perform helpful functions to their native ecosystems, and altering those microbial communities may have negative environmental consequences, Hofmockel said.", "\n\n\n\n“These shifts are somewhat predictable, and this helps us to understand how human activity can affect microbial communities in the soil, something that isn’t very well understood,” she said.", "\n\n\n\nFor instance, some soil microbes change the form of nitrogen in the soil. ", "Ammonia-oxidizing archaea feed on ammonia and then convert it into nitrate. ", "Hofmockel said the research shows that those ammonia oxidizers grow as more nitrogen is introduced, essentially because those organisms have access to more food. ", "As a consequence, increasing amounts of nitrate may leach into waterways, Hofmockel said.", "\n\n\n\nGenerally, the researchers found nutrient additions favored fast-growing bacteria and decreased the abundance of fungi that share a symbiotic relationship with grassland plants, Hofmockel said.", "\n\n\n\nThe findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in August. ", "The experiments took place on 25 grasslands across the globe as part of the Nutrient Network. ", "The effort is among the first to test if the responses of soil microbial communities to fertilizer remains consistent across a range of environments.", "\n\n\n\n“This is a really cool experiment because it’s a grassroots network,” Hofmockel said. “", "Pretty much anyone can do these experiments. ", "Everyone has the same size plots set up the same way.”", "\n\n\n\nISU scientists established and maintain one of the experimental sites at the Chichaqua Bottoms Greenbelt in northeast Polk County, she said. ", "The Nutrient Network offers opportunities for students to get involved with science through independent studies or collaborating with the larger network, Hofmockel said. ", "Scientists use the network to address questions related to plant growth, microbiomes, herbivory and nutrient cycling, she said." ]
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[ 0.0005836875061504543, 0.0005935482913628221, 0.000604356755502522, 0.0007102905074134469, 0.0005534249939955771, 0.0005754870362579823, 0.004564241506159306, 0.0007771104574203491, 0.0006812188075855374, 0.0006208298727869987, 0.0005539395497180521, 0.0005469665629789233, 0.0005784196546301246, 0.0007319168653339148, 0.0006264586700126529, 0.000609324430115521, 0.0006057831924408674, 0.0005833794130012393, 0.0005385330296121538 ]
[ "Going through Newhaven Harbour records I came across Corridan (C.N.) .Does the vessel name ring any bells as an FV or RNPS ? ", "My first thought was CN=Canadian as the watchkeepers often entered nationalities in brackets after the name but I think this is not so. ", "Arrived Newhaven 11/1942 seemed to come and go with the MMSs mostly. ", "Pete" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000604344648309052, 0.0005430670571513474, 0.0006529241800308228, 0.008063196204602718 ]
[ "Q:\n\nLDAP path for Active Directory\n\nI am developing Web application in ASP.net 4.0 using MVC.", "\nIn my application I am using Exchnage server 2007 for sending email.", "\nI am getting Global Address List from exchange server.", "\nNow the question is how to get LDAP path for Active directory by using UserName, Password and domain name.", "\nCurrently what I am doing is I am using DirectoryEntry's object n passing LDAP path for the server which I know in advance.", "\nBut what if other unknown exchnage server's credentials am using?", "\n\nA:\n\nSince you're on .NET 3.5 and up, you should check out the System.", "DirectoryServices.", "AccountManagement (S.DS.AM) namespace. ", "Read all about it here:\nManaging Directory Security Principals in the .NET Framework 3.5\nBasically, you can define a domain context and easily find users and/or groups in AD:\n// set up domain context\nPrincipalContext ctx = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.", "Domain);\n\n// find yourself:\nUserPrincipal myself = UserPrincipal.", "Current;\n\n// find user by name\nUserPrincipal someoneElse = UserPrincipal.", "FindByIdentity(\"John Doe\");\n\n// get user's LDAP path\nif(someoneElse !", "= null)\n{\n // the DN (DistinguishedName) is typically your full LDAP path to the object\n // just prepend it with LDAP:// and you should be able to bind to it\n string userDN = someoneElse.", "DistinguishedName;\n\n // if you need the full LDAP path, you need to look at the underlying\n // DirectoryEntry object from System.", "DirectoryServices:\n string ldapPath = (someoneElse.", "GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry).Path;\n}\n\nThe new S.DS.AM makes it really easy to play around with users and groups in AD. ", "So if you get some bit of information from Exchange, e.g. the user's name, you should be able to pretty easily find that corresponding UserPrincipal in AD and from there on, do whatever you need to do with it.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006333182682283223, 0.0005565873580053449, 0.0006103651248849928, 0.000718034221790731, 0.000677690317388624, 0.0011230241507291794, 0.0006212515872903168, 0.000823576410766691, 0.0006492510437965393, 0.0006241329829208553, 0.0010568661382421851, 0.0009906041668727994, 0.002597646089270711, 0.003174826502799988, 0.0005931925843469799, 0.001062955241650343, 0.0009380860719829798, 0.0006034254911355674, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "White House Catering\n\nLOCATION\n\nPHONE\n\nWEBSITE\n\nPlease let this vendor know that you found them on the WeddingWire Network.", "\n\nABOUT US\n\nFor twenty years, Anaheim White House has been serving what Zagat Guide has called \"excellent Northern Italian fare\" with \"superb service.\" ", "Our catering services, under the supervision... Read more\n\nFor twenty years, Anaheim White House has been serving what Zagat Guide has called \"excellent Northern Italian fare\" with \"superb service.\" ", "Our catering services, under the supervision of Executive Chef Maurice Brazier, bring the same degree of excellence to your event. ", "Wherever it might be and whatever the size, we will work with you and your budget to customize exactly what you want. ", "We know that you will be pleased with the professionalism, attention to detail and unique presentation of what many have come to consider the most trusted name in the catering business. ", "For more information on our menu and the services we provide, please visit our website at www.whcatering.com\nRead less\n\nPHOTOS\n\nREVIEWS\n\nWhite House Catering is first class all the way! ", "I could not have asked for a better catering service for our wedding. ", "The staff is beyond professional and the food was absolutely amazing. ", "We continue to receive compliments from our family and friends on how much they loved the appetizers and especially the dinner. ", "Let's just say there were a lot of cleaned plates at our wedding. ", "A special thank you to Amine and Ana for helping plan and coordinate our big day. ", "It was executed flawlessly!", "\n\nWhite House Catering is first class all the way! ", "I could not have asked for a better catering service for our wedding. ", "The Read more...\n\nWhite House Catering is first class all the way! ", "I could not have asked for a better catering service for our wedding. ", "The staff is beyond professional and the food was absolutely amazing. ", "We continue to receive compliments from our family and friends on how much they loved the appetizers and especially the dinner. ", "Let's just say there were a lot of cleaned plates at our wedding. ", "A special thank you to Amine and Ana for helping plan and coordinate our big day. ", "It was executed flawlessly! ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nAnonymous\n\nWedding:\n\nRecently Married\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nFrom the very first meeting to the actual wedding day - Amine, Ana, and the whole staff at White House Catering were friendly, helpful, attentive, and definitely aimed to please. ", "The food was great and our guests were definitely impressed -- from the presentation to the taste. ", "And they went out of their way to make sure we got hors d'oeurves during our photo shoot during cocktail hour. ", "We are so happy we went with White House Catering. ", "Amine & his staff know how to provide outstanding service. ", "You will not be sorry booking them for your wedding/event.", "\n\nFrom the very first meeting to the actual wedding day - Amine, Ana, and the whole staff at White House Catering were Read more...\n\nFrom the very first meeting to the actual wedding day - Amine, Ana, and the whole staff at White House Catering were friendly, helpful, attentive, and definitely aimed to please. ", "The food was great and our guests were definitely impressed -- from the presentation to the taste. ", "And they went out of their way to make sure we got hors d'oeurves during our photo shoot during cocktail hour. ", "We are so happy we went with White House Catering. ", "Amine & his staff know how to provide outstanding service. ", "You will not be sorry booking them for your wedding/event. ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nDeborah\n\nWedding:\n\n9/5/2014\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nMy daughter's wedding was at the Nixon Library and they only allow you to choose from five catering vendors. ", "We initially chose the White House because they are an all inclusive catering service and their prices were more reasonable than other vendors. ", "Their pricing includes the champagne for the toasts, cutting and plating the cake as well as gratuity. ", "The price also includes a mini dessert bar with chocolate covered strawberries and mini cream puffs. ", "The food was delicious and the service was amazing. ", "All of our guests commented on not just how good the food was, but how good the service was also. ", "There was one waiter assigned solely to the bride and groom, who made sure they had everything they needed all evening long. ", "At the end of the evening, he packaged up a dinner for them to take back to the hotel with them. ", "Amine and Anna who head up the catering department were very accommodating and pleasant to work with. ", "Something that people may not realize is that the White House Restaurant is engaged in feeding needy children in the community on an ongoing basis. ", "Since I was going to shell out thousands of dollars on catering for the wedding, I felt much better knowing that I was supporting a business that gives back to the community.", "\n\nMy daughter's wedding was at the Nixon Library and they only allow you to choose from five catering vendors. ", "We initially Read more...\n\nMy daughter's wedding was at the Nixon Library and they only allow you to choose from five catering vendors. ", "We initially chose the White House because they are an all inclusive catering service and their prices were more reasonable than other vendors. ", "Their pricing includes the champagne for the toasts, cutting and plating the cake as well as gratuity. ", "The price also includes a mini dessert bar with chocolate covered strawberries and mini cream puffs. ", "The food was delicious and the service was amazing. ", "All of our guests commented on not just how good the food was, but how good the service was also. ", "There was one waiter assigned solely to the bride and groom, who made sure they had everything they needed all evening long. ", "At the end of the evening, he packaged up a dinner for them to take back to the hotel with them. ", "Amine and Anna who head up the catering department were very accommodating and pleasant to work with. ", "Something that people may not realize is that the White House Restaurant is engaged in feeding needy children in the community on an ongoing basis. ", "Since I was going to shell out thousands of dollars on catering for the wedding, I felt much better knowing that I was supporting a business that gives back to the community. ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nShelly\n\nWedding:\n\n5/30/2014\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nWe hired White House catering for our wedding at the Nixon library! ", "They were very accommodating with our couple special requests. ", "The staff was very professional at the wedding! ", "They made sure to take care of us and the bridal party with cocktails and appetizers during portraits. ", "Our guests loved the food and raved about the service. ", "I would highly recommend them for your wedding or event!", "\n\nWe hired White House catering for our wedding at the Nixon library! ", "They were very accommodating with our couple special Read more...\n\nWe hired White House catering for our wedding at the Nixon library! ", "They were very accommodating with our couple special requests. ", "The staff was very professional at the wedding! ", "They made sure to take care of us and the bridal party with cocktails and appetizers during portraits. ", "Our guests loved the food and raved about the service. ", "I would highly recommend them for your wedding or event! ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nKim\n\nWedding:\n\n2/9/2014\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nAmine and his staff were far above and beyond impeccable service. ", "My daughters wedding was so put together and mainly because of the Anaheim White House. ", "They provided the most beautiful tables and the presentation was breathe taking on the food and the quality was amazing. ", "We had more compliments on the food and service of guest who said that was the nicest wedding ever for food! ", "The dessert and extra special touches were amazing too. ", "I would use them again and again. ", "i highly recommend them. ", "After our food tasting and they were the first, we canceled all others! ", "That says it all. ", "The bar service was impeccable too.", "\n\nAmine and his staff were far above and beyond impeccable service. ", "My daughters wedding was so put together and mainly Read more...\n\nAmine and his staff were far above and beyond impeccable service. ", "My daughters wedding was so put together and mainly because of the Anaheim White House. ", "They provided the most beautiful tables and the presentation was breathe taking on the food and the quality was amazing. ", "We had more compliments on the food and service of guest who said that was the nicest wedding ever for food! ", "The dessert and extra special touches were amazing too. ", "I would use them again and again. ", "i highly recommend them. ", "After our food tasting and they were the first, we canceled all others! ", "That says it all. ", "The bar service was impeccable too. ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering, Unique Services\n\nAnonymous\n\nWedding:\n\n2+ years ago\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nAnn and Amine made our day perfect. ", "They were prompt and organized. ", "They were very accommodating. ", "We had big critics for our day and there were no complaints. ", "Food was piping hot. ", "Thank you for your hard work.", "\n\nAnn and Amine made our day perfect. ", "They were prompt and organized. ", "They were very accommodating. ", "We had big critics for Read more...\n\nAnn and Amine made our day perfect. ", "They were prompt and organized. ", "They were very accommodating. ", "We had big critics for our day and there were no complaints. ", "Food was piping hot. ", "Thank you for your hard work. ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nNatalie\n\nWedding:\n\n1/18/2013\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nWe are so glad we chose Anaheim White House to cater our wedding. ", "Amine and Ana are amazing to work with. ", "The food was fantastic, everyone commented on how much they LOVED it. ", "Plus, the service is incredible. ", "They really are a well oiled machine. ", "They also have a server dedicated to the B&G and bridal party, and we didn't have to worry about anything! ", "My husband and I never had to worry about anything, it was fantastic! ", "Highly recommend.", "\n\nOne tip--make sure you're on the same page with the bar situation. ", "We thought we were having only the beverages that we were hosting (beer, wine, champagne, signature cocktail, non-alcoholic stuff). ", "We went with that option because we were concerned with people getting out of control, not because of cost. ", "However, apparently there was other alcohol available for purchase. ", "We didn't want our guests to be opening their wallets for anything (which is why we wanted to have the bar limited). ", "It wasn't a big deal, and turned out fine (I didn't know until after our wedding that this occurred), but it's just something I would clarify upfront.", "\n\nWe are so glad we chose Anaheim White House to cater our wedding. ", "Amine and Ana are amazing to work with. ", "The food was Read more...\n\nWe are so glad we chose Anaheim White House to cater our wedding. ", "Amine and Ana are amazing to work with. ", "The food was fantastic, everyone commented on how much they LOVED it. ", "Plus, the service is incredible. ", "They really are a well oiled machine. ", "They also have a server dedicated to the B&G and bridal party, and we didn't have to worry about anything! ", "My husband and I never had to worry about anything, it was fantastic! ", "Highly recommend.", "\n\nOne tip--make sure you're on the same page with the bar situation. ", "We thought we were having only the beverages that we were hosting (beer, wine, champagne, signature cocktail, non-alcoholic stuff). ", "We went with that option because we were concerned with people getting out of control, not because of cost. ", "However, apparently there was other alcohol available for purchase. ", "We didn't want our guests to be opening their wallets for anything (which is why we wanted to have the bar limited). ", "It wasn't a big deal, and turned out fine (I didn't know until after our wedding that this occurred), but it's just something I would clarify upfront. ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nChristopher\n\nWedding:\n\n7/7/2012\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nThe White House Catering is extraordinary! ", "The taste, presentation, quality, and service are AMAZING!!!! ", "Everyone who attended my wedding couldn't stop talking about how wonderful the food was. ", "That is very important to me because I'm Italian and food matters! :) ", "You get waaay more than what you pay for. ", "AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!!", "\n\nThe White House Catering is extraordinary! ", "The taste, presentation, quality, and service are AMAZING!!!! ", "Everyone who Read more...\n\nThe White House Catering is extraordinary! ", "The taste, presentation, quality, and service are AMAZING!!!! ", "Everyone who attended my wedding couldn't stop talking about how wonderful the food was. ", "That is very important to me because I'm Italian and food matters! :) ", "You get waaay more than what you pay for. ", "AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING!!! ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nSteve\n\nWedding:\n\n6/29/2012\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nThe taste of the food was amazing. ", "All of our guest where saying how this was their first wedding they have attended in where they actually eat all of their food. ", "They made our wedding day stress free. ", "Thank you again to Amine, Kareem, and Ana, you guys are simply amazing, courteous, and professional. ", "Keep up the great work.", "\n\nThe taste of the food was amazing. ", "All of our guest where saying how this was their first wedding they have attended in Read more...\n\nThe taste of the food was amazing. ", "All of our guest where saying how this was their first wedding they have attended in where they actually eat all of their food. ", "They made our wedding day stress free. ", "Thank you again to Amine, Kareem, and Ana, you guys are simply amazing, courteous, and professional. ", "Keep up the great work. ", "Read less\n\nServices Used: Catering\n\nAngie\n\nWedding:\n\n6/9/2012\n\n5.0/5.0\n\nNot only is the Anaheim White House a BEAUTIFUL venue, but the management and staff are amazingly accomodating and fabulous. ", "The day went off without a hitch mainly because of their coordination and guidance. ", "And the food... heavenly! ", "I would not only recommend other brides to this venue, but anyone looking to throw a party or have a romantic, delicious dinner.", "\n\nNot only is the Anaheim White House a BEAUTIFUL venue, but the management and staff are amazingly accomodating and Read more...\n\nNot only is the Anaheim White House a BEAUTIFUL venue, but the management and staff are amazingly accomodating and fabulous. ", "The day went off without a hitch mainly because of their coordination and guidance. ", "And the food... heavenly! ", "I would not only recommend other brides to this venue, but anyone looking to throw a party or have a romantic, delicious dinner. ", "Read less" ]
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[ "Jean Eudes Demaret\n\nJean Eudes Demaret (born 25 July 1984 in Senlis) is a French triathlete, and former road racing cyclist, who rode for , between 2008 and 2012.", "\n\nPalmares\n\n2000\n 2nd, National U17 Cyclo-Cross Championship\n2006\n 1st, Prologue & stage 8, Tour de la Guadeloupe\n2007\n 1st, Prologue, Circuit de Saône-et-Loire\n 1st, Stage 5, Tour du Poitou-Charentes\n2011\n 1st, Tartu GP\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nCategory:French male cyclists\nCategory:Tour de Guadeloupe stage winners\nCategory:1984 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:People from Senlis\nCategory:Vuelta a España cyclists\nCategory:Sportspeople from Oise" ]
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[ "Bruton's tyrosine kinase is activated upon CD40 stimulation in human B lymphocytes.", "\nBruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is known to be involved in a broad array of signal transduction pathways necessary for the proliferation, survival and development of B cells. ", "Mutations in the Btk gene are causually linked to the development of X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) in humans. ", "We show here, that CD40 ligation leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of Btk in the human immature B cell line MHH-PREB-1. ", "Even though the CD40-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Btk is less efficient than that mediated through the B cell receptor, CD40 stimulation results in a marked and continous activation of Btk in MHH-PREB-1 cells and, to a lesser extent, in a transient Btk activation in Daudi cells. ", "Furthermore, in Daudi cells we observed that tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Btk is correlated with its translocation from the cytosolic to the membraneous fraction. ", "These data suggest that, in addition to the BCR, CD40 is a surface receptor through which the activity of Btk can be stimulated in human B cells." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPOJO Mapping in JOOQ regardless of parameter order\n\nWhen I generate the JOOQ POJOs, the constructor follows the same order for the parameters as the fields in the database table.", "\nWhen querying the table and using fetchInto this works fine, as long as the order of the POJO constructor parameters and the order of the fields in the database table are the same.", "\nreturn create\n .select()\n .from(KEY)\n .fetchInto(Key.class);\n\nHow can I map the query above into Key.class regardless of the constructor parameter order? ", "\nE.g. can I use something like mapstruct in conjunction with JOOQ?", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can annotate your constructor with @java.beans.", "ConstructorProperties. ", "We also support Java 8's parameter name reflection (see https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/4627), but that does not seem as reliable, as it depends on flags you set when compiling your own code.", "\nSee also the documentation of DefaultRecordMapper.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Will Roger Federer Have Another Magical Grand Slam Run in Remarkable Career?", "\n\nPut away your career obituaries, everyone, because Roger Federer is not finished with tennis greatness yet. ", "His run at Wimbledon this year confirmed that.", "\n\nThere were moments during this past fortnight, particularly during the five-set thriller of a men's final on Sunday, where the 17-time major champion looked like he had actually found a way to turn back the clock.", "\n\nHe moved without abandon, making the slippery and worn-out grass court that was causing so many to repeatedly stumble look like a springboard.", "\n\nHis forehand painted the lines, his volleying instincts were on par and his often underrated serve was nearly unbreakable.", "\n\nIn the end, he lost to a valiant Novak Djokovic, who was the better player on that day. ", "That's OK. ", "Things like that happen. ", "It doesn't mean he's done. ", "In fact, if Federer proved anything at these Championships, it's that he's still got what it takes to compete with the best of the best, especially at Wimbledon.", "\n\nWhile he is a fan favorite and an accomplished legend on courts all over the world, he is most at home at the All England Club, where he won his first major and, two years ago, his most recent.", "\n\nWhen Roger Federer steps onto Centre Court for a Wimbledon men’s final, he has an aura he has earned but seems born with, a grace and superiority that seems a birthright. ", "On Sunday, he seemed a throwback in so many ways... There are people who assumed not only that he would never again win seven rounds of best-of-five sets, but that he would never again get this far. ", "But he did not seem to carry his history as a burden. ", "It seemed to carry him.", "\n\nThat's the thing.", "\n\nWhile everyone else is panicking about Federer's future, spending endless amounts of energy trying to predict things that are unpredictable, the man from Switzerland is simply going about his business as a tennis player. ", "He's still working on his fitness, still making adjustments to his game, still trying to get better.", "\n\nThis is not a farewell tour. ", "This is not a series of exhibitions. ", "This is one of the best players of all time still coming to work day in and day out and trying to win.", "\n\nThere are a few reasons why I still think there are vintage moments of on-court mastery in Federer's future, and they have nothing to do with his great two-week run at Wimbledon. (", "Though, of course, that doesn't hurt.)", "\n\nFirst of all, Federer hired Stefan Edberg to join his coaching team at the beginning of the year. ", "If there was nothing left to play for and no hope of success in the future, why would he hire one of his idols to have a front-row seat? ", "Secondly, there's the much discussed racket change, which he finally committed to during the offseason. ", "That's a big alteration to make if there's no magic left.", "\n\nBut most importantly, Federer's feeling healthy again and is still motivated to compete. ", "That alone is enough reason to put faith in him.", "\n\nOf course, we all know nothing is guaranteed, especially in tennis. ", "After his Wimbledon loss, Federer reflected on his future when a journalist asked if he would be in a major final again. ", "Per ASAP Sports:\n\nYou don't know. ", "Totally the unknown. ", "That's the disappointment of an Olympic result, of a World Cup result, Wimbledon result, whatever it is. ", "You've just got to wait and see.", "\n\nThere is no guarantee that you're going to be ever there again or not. ", "Or maybe there's much more to come. ", "It's really impossible to answer that question.", "\n\nI'm very happy to see that with feeling normal I can produce a performance like I did the last two weeks. ", "That clearly makes me believe that this was just a steppingstone to many more great things in the future.", "\n\nHe's right. ", "We don't know.", "\n\nBut there are two things about Federer that I do know for sure: He is well past his peak and won't be a frequent presence in major finals in the future the way he was during his dominant years. ", "However, the fact that he's still so committed to tennis means this won't be his last chance to win No. ", "18.", "\n\nUnderestimating a 17-time major champion is simply not a good idea—trust me, I am speaking from experience.", "\n\nSure, Federer cannot destroy fields the way he used to. ", "He's going to need a break here or there, and he's not going to be able to get away with a bad day. ", "But luckily for him, the next generation of tennis greats has not yet arrived, and at different points this year, Rafael Nadal, Andy Murray and Djokovic have all looked vulnerable. ", "Opportunities will present themselves.", "\n\nAt the end of his gracious runner-up speech after the Wimbledon final, Federer swiftly put any retirement questions to rest. \"", "See you next year,\" he said to the adoring Wimbledon crowd.", "\n\nThere's nothing left for Federer to prove in his great career. ", "Luckily for us, he's still trying to win anyway.", "\n\nComplete French Open Draw ⬇️\n\nSerena, Venus to Team Up at French Open\n\nSerena Williams might not be ready to come back right now — but she will be The tennis star is learning how to juggle being a wife, a mother and professional athlete. ", "But there’s no doubt she’ll dominate all three." ]
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[ "[Randomized controlled trial on effect of Tuina for treatment of sub-health people of somatic pain].", "\nTo evaluate the clinical effect and safety of Tuina for treatment of somatic pain of sub-health. ", "A randomized, double-blind and blank parallel controlled trial was done. ", "The experiment group was treated with Tuina and the control group lied down for rest, 45 minutes each time, twice each week for three weeks. ", "Tuina treatment could improve more on sensory, affective, evaluation, pain rating index and extant pain intensity of the pain index, and score of subjective sensation of life quality and health status together with physiology and psychology field of life quality. ", "Massage is an effective therapy for treatment of somatic pain of sub-health without adverse reactions and it should be generalized to application." ]
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[ "Commenting Rules\n\nReaders are welcome to post comments on the material posted here, but some simple rules apply:\n\nNo trolls allowed\n\nI reserve the right to refuse comments.", "\n\nThis site is meant to express my point of view. ", "If you are looking for a soapbox to promote your own views, create your own website or blog site.", "\n\nComments should be brief (preferably under 100 words), polite, constructive and informed.", "\n\nComments which are simply attacks on myself, or are done in bad taste, or use rude language, or are possibly defamatory will not be posted.", "\n\nYou must state your full name to have your comments posted.", "\n\nI may reply to some of your comments but will not be able to respond to all.", "\n\nIf you are happy to abide by these rules, then by all means, send in your comments. ", "Happy writing!", "\n\nLabor Says ‘Drop Dead Australia’\n\nOct 11, 2016\n\nThe Federal Labor Party has just announced what we all knew it would do: it has blocked a move for a national plebiscite on marriage. ", "It does not want the people of Australia to have a say on one of the most important issues this nation has ever debated. ", "It believes ordinary Australians should have no voice in something that will hugely impact every single one of them.", "\n\nHere is how one news item opens on this:\n\nLabor has voted to block the same-sex marriage plebiscite in Canberra as Victorian Nationals MP Andrew Broad threatened to walk from the Coalition if they tried to bring about a vote on the issue by any means other than a plebiscite. ", "Labor caucus members shot down the proposal after meeting at Parliament House this morning following Opposition Leader Bill Shorten warning the plebiscite would inflame tensions and put gay Australians at risk.", "This means the bill is almost certainly doomed to fail in the Senate with the Greens and key crossbenchers previously stating their opposition to the plebiscite. ", "It happened shortly after Nationals MP Andrew Broad announced he would withdraw his support from the Government if it didn’t use a plebiscite to bring about changes to the Marriage Act.", "“The Government that I am part of, and will remain a part of, is conditional on the fact that the only way that there will be a change to the Marriage Act in this Parliament is a plebiscite and my position as a member of the government is very clear on that,” Mr Broad told media this morning. “", "My support for the Government is conditional that we honour our election commitments. ", "I’m making it very clear here.”", "\n\nThe great irony here is the fact that Labor has said a recent poll of Australians has found most do not prefer a plebiscite. ", "Um, let me get this straight: Labor is quite happy to let the people speak – and abide by the will of the people – when it comes to having a plebiscite in the first place, but it does not want to let the people speak – and abide by the will of the people – when it comes to an actual plebiscite on this issue. ", "Hypocrisy much?", "\n\nAs I just told one journalist, the completely obvious reason why Bill Shorten and Labor do not want to let the people decide this very important matter is because they know they will lose the vote. ", "They are so afraid of and contemptuous of the Australian people, that they want to silence them and prevent them from having their say on this.", "\n\nThis is how democracy works? ", "This is the way we treat freedom of speech? ", "Labor has proven it is an enemy of democracy and free speech. ", "It wants to force every single one of us to embrace and support the radical agenda of a tiny minority group.", "\n\nThis is not freedom but fascism. ", "This is not democracy but despotism. ", "And this is how the Labor Party operates: forget the people, we know better than they do, and we will decide what is ‘good’ for the nation. ", "Shame on them.", "\n\nAnd the hypocrisy of Labor goes even beyond this. ", "As Lyle Shelton of the Australian Christian Lobby pointed out:\n\nDuring the 2013 election campaign Mr Shorten told an ACL candidates’ forum that he supported a plebiscite. ", "Despite constantly claiming overwhelming public support for redefining marriage, it is perplexing that advocates are not willing to trust the Australian people with a decision that has enormous consequences for all families. ", "Such a big change with such big consequences for what children are taught at school, the rights of children to know their mother and father and for freedom of speech should be taken to the people.", "\n\nThis is just another shocking example of secular left political parties spitting in the face of the people as they tell us we cannot be trusted to decide for ourselves what is actually best for us. ", "Our political overlords alone must decide for the people.", "\n\nThis is the stuff we have read about in dystopian novels such as 1984 and Brave New World. ", "Now, thanks to the Labor Party, we are not just reading fictional accounts, but we are now actually experiencing these very things.", "\n\nShare:\n\n35 Responses to Labor Says ‘Drop Dead Australia’\n\nThe sheer hypocrisy of this makes me feel literally quite ill.", "\nIf these people don’t repent of their life choices and actions they are surely doomed to their chosen fate.", "\nThey can live with that, because to hold these beliefs, they had to both extinguish their conscience and cling to the belief there is no God.", "\n\nLabour, like homosexuality and the HIV virus work on the platform of deception.", "\nThe HIV virus sets out to convince our immune system that it is harmless and has nothing to worry about;\nLabour tries to convince us that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and most of us support it and then when the test comes about there is a back-flip citing that it is bad for most of us – what happened to MAJORITY ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALITY AND NOW ARGUE THAT THE MINORITY WILL SUFFER HARM AND DISCRIMINATION?", "\nThe LGBTIQ homosexual lobby use “gay” (a woman’s name) to describe what all previous generations find abhorrent – homosexuality.", "\n\nBy the way, have any of you considered that whenever we discuss the pros and cons of homosexuality we put God on trial?", "\nWhat happened to “You will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven”?", "\nJohn Abbott\n\nHi Bill, thank God for people like Andrew Broad, the guy is a Christian and no ” shrinking violet”. ", "The carnage that SSM would bring would make the odd sad homosexual thinking of taking his or her life seem pretty small fry compared to the children who will and are suffering at the hands of the homofacists. ", "Our teachers, doctors, nurses, paramedics, police and social services etc are already reaping the harvest of family and social destruction.", "\nThanks Bill you are an amazing watchmen of our times and almighty encouragement to me.", "\nRegards and prayer, Peter Schirmer.", "\n\nThe time will come, or may have already arrived, when we realize that God has taken His hand of protection off Australia – once called “the great south land of the Holy Spirit”, but now hijacked by a secular ideology. ", "The same goes for America. ", "Throughout history, we have seen that God eventually gives the people what they so foolishly demand. ", "Certainly there have been occasions when He has intervened in response to our earnest prayers, for “He is not willing that any should perish”. ", "However there comes a time when evil can no longer go unpunished, and sadly, the innocent usually suffer with the guilty. ", "And despite our prayers, I believe that time may be near.", "\n\nEven more ironic is he said the plebiscite was a glorified opinion poll which he wouldn’t support because implicitly he believes the repeated opinion polls in newspapers. ", "Talking about the pot calling the kettle black! ", "As a politician he should know the only poll that counts is the one on polling day! ", "Both major parties in Australia are so poll driven they should have a poll to ask if we the electorate would allow them to go to the bathroom or not!", "\n\nWouldn’t you like to see thousands of people descend upon Canberra in protest? ", "And would they still ignore us, as did the French government despite a demonstration by 1.4 million people? ", "We have wonderful organisations all doing what they can to inform us and motivate and guide us into action. ", "My wife and I support a number of them, as I’m sure many of your readers do, Bill, and, like them, we write letters and sometimes phone politicians. ", "We also have new organisations seeking to provide an umbrella function – like the Marriage Alliance/Coalition and Cory Bernardi’s Conservative Network. ", "At the March for the babies on Saturday we were encouraged to join “Move to Change” – a pro-life political movement. ", "Our opponents are cashed up by the George Soros’s and others of this world and have comprehensive strategies in place which are continuing to capture institutions and are quietly changing things without any public demand or legal grounds – a lady in my town was shocked when only recently she was asked to fill out a medical form and to indicate whether she was MALE, FEMALE, OTHER, or RATHER NOT SAY, apparently in accordance with the guidelines provided at this site www.glhv.org.au/files/CreatingGLBTQIAForms.pdf.", "\nIn Massachusetts they have “Mass Resistance,” after the fact. ", "Would it be possible do you think for all of the Christian Ethics and Action organisations to co-operate in prayerfully formulating a comprehensive resistance movement, before the fact in this country.", "\nPerhaps I should have waited a couple of days and cooled down before writing this but this is how I am feeling right now.", "\nGod bless you Bill for all that you are doing.", "\n\nSovereign God, thank you for ALL your faithful labourers of the harvest.", "\nThank you for your Wisdom demonstrated through Bill Muelenberg’s daily blog on matters of the soul, heart + mind in our fallen world.", "\nWe ask most humbly for your forgiveness for all our wrongs, we are all miserable sinners.", "\nHowever, we know we are made righteous through your blessed Son, Our Lord + Saviour Jesus Christ.", "\nGuide our Christians Leaders here in Australia, May they continue to uphold Your Truth on Marriage + our Families.", "\nHoly Spirit, Heal Our Land.", "\nIn Jesus Mighty Name We Pray,\nAmen.", "\n\nLabor says we can’t have a debate about the matter because it might upset the homosexuals but they clearly could not care less about the millions of others upset about something they hold to be holy, being trampled on as well as people being forced out of their jobs and businesses over this and people losing their fundamental rights. ", "If homosexuals want respect for their relationships then let them come up with their own term instead of trying to build their temple on the holy ground of marriage.", "\n\nBill, you say: “the obvious reason why Bill Shorten and Labor do not want to let the people decide this very important matter is because they know they will lose the vote” but while this is a reason I don’t think this is the main reason and I don’t think this is how they see it. ", "I think the main reason is that if a competent information campaign was allowed the complete pile of misinformation the Labor and Greens parties and SBS and ABC have been pushing for so long would be revealed, exactly, for what it is. ", "No. ", "The main reason they can’t have a plebiscite is the same reason the ABC pretends the opposing argument does not exist and that is, if people see the truth, the whole scenario falls like a house of cards. ", "The only way they can win the debate is by not having the debate and when the truth is eventually revealed, it is going to look extremely bad for Labor, the Greens and the public broadcasters who of course, need a huge shake up to force them to obey the law and I think Labor knows this. ", "They have been pushed into a political corner from which they see no choice but to fight their way out irrespective of the truth of the matter or the damage it will cause. ", "Special interests have a much higher priority to them than any discussion regarding the truth.", "\n\nThe fact is homosexual relationships cannot possibly, in any real sense, ever be equal to marriage and if the “debate” such as it is, goes on for another three years or more as it inevitably will, then it is, fairly obviously, not going to make homosexuals feel any better than if the whole matter was resolved in a matter of months, so their excuse is another blatant lie.", "\n\nCardinal Burke (USA) stated the following: “acceptance of contraception has led to people justifying all kinds of sexual activity as supposedly an expression of love”. ", "He continued, “genital activity between two persons of the same sex is an example of where the road leads if sex is emptied of its procreative potential. ", "They do not have sex together (biologically impossible); no, they engage in “genital activity”, which is really mutual masturbation more than anything else since the organs are frustrated in achieving the purpose for which they were designed (creation of a new life) in lacking complementarity”.", "\nTherefore marriage between a man and a woman does not discriminate against people of same sex who push for marriage equality. ", "It is now time for prayer and ACTION.", "\n\nSocialism has long track record of abusing power and manipulative mind control. ", "In this case the Labour and Greens will bleat that same sex marriage is all about luuuuuuve; but one only has to attend any gay pride parade and see with one’s own eyes, the sex workers, pornographers, sadomasochists, bestialists, strutting, cavorting and lewdly gesticulating to understand that such manifestations of lurve have nothing to do with love or relationship but everything to do with every possible sexual perversion under the sun [1]. ", "Worst of all is to see our politicians, police and armed forces, including a look alike of the Queen marching arm in arm with this tide of filth and depravity [2]. ", "London has become a cesspit of depravity since same sex marriage was past in 2013.", "\n\nThe vast majority of Australians would not want to go anywhere near Sydney gay pride parade, but believe me it will be coming, whether they like it not, to their children in the form sex education and with the eventual aim of getting their children to participate in such fascist rallies.", "\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPPceVfG8io\n\n[1]WARNING ALL THE SCENES BELOW MUST NOT BE SEEN BY CHILDREN BUT CHILDREN ARE TAKEN TO VIEW SUCH SCENES IN GAY PRIDE EVENTS\ni) World Pride London 2012\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVqaq7VpMkU\nii) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nACvVlJMgts\niii) Depraved speech. ", "I just wanna dance\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyj1qhj4WPY\niv) Soho Pride\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=DemJI-Ewgl8&feature=related%20SOHO%20PRIDE\nv) California. ", "Dore Alley and Folsom Street Fair.", "\na) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JroP1HSN2IM\nb) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gThvAOD6tkQ\nc) www.zombietime.com/folsom_sf_2007_part_1/index.php\nd) www.zombietime.com/up_your_alley_2008/part_1_blurred/index.php\nvi) Berlin Leather and fetish\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eXRpaUbI0M\n\nThere is a similar disdain for democracy by the Left here in the UK, as shown by the current push by Milliband, the previous leader of the Labour Party. ", "He is now leading a campaign to insist that, despite the result from the Referendum which had the biggest turn out of voters for many years, any decisions on leaving the EU should remain the responsibility of the Parliament.", "\nTo paraphrase their position: “We disagree with what the people want, and we will do whatever we can to ignore that and do we want instead.”", "\nI suspect that the Left in Australia (and elsewhere) have seen the result of what happens when the people get a vote, and are now adjusting their strategies to ensure such similar ‘mistakes’ (such as a Plebiscite in Australia) are not made again!", "\n\nWe should stop calling them gay, there is nothing ‘gay’ about their lifestyle. ", "There is also nothing ‘normal’ about homosexual sex as much as they want us to ‘accept’ their depravity as normal, there is nothing normal about it. ", "Normal sex is such that under the right circumstances a new life can be formed. ", "Granted that not every time heterosexual couples have intercourse a pregnancy results, however there is the possibility, therefore it is termed ‘normal’. ", "This is the primary purpose of sex. ", "This is the yard stick by which sexual activity should be measured. ", "As such then is it possible that same sex couples sexual activity can ever result in a pregnancy?", "\n\nThey (homosexual’s) have been emboldened by the support our government has afforded them and also the support by media and so called celebrities. ", "Not once have we heard or witnessed any concern from relevant government departments (Children’s agencies etc) about the effects SSM will have on the most vulnerable in society, our children. ", "No doubt they are fearful of doing so as this may bring them under the wrath of the pink brigade.", "\n\nYes scripture foretold has come to pass, “they will call good evil and evil good”.", "\nLet us continue to pray despite what comes and hold fast to the promises of God.", "\n\nBill Shorten, or some other Labour MP has said the Australian people should leave Parliament, the elected members, to vote on same sex marriage. ", "MPs were voted in by the people and the people should now trust them to administer the democratic process. ", "But when we vote for governments we do not give them a blank cheque to redefine the very foundations and presuppositions upon which a western governments are founded. ", "For instance we do not vote them in to suddenly bring in Shariah law and turn our nations into Islamic states. ", "Which is fact is already happening in Britain.", "\n\nThe Labour and Greens are being disingenuous when they argue that ssm legislation is no different to any other piece of legislation. ", "They argue that since there has not been a plebiscite for all the hundreds of other bits of legislation, then there should not be one for ssm. ", "But such day to day, bits of legislation, such as whether there should be daylight saving, for example, did not debate whether the night is the day or the day is the night or even whether there is no difference between the two.", "\nWhat same sex marriage challenges is way more than not allowing same sex partnerships (of any number of players) to settle down and become like the rest of the population. ", "Gays do not want to assimilate and thereby lose their distinct identity. ", "What they want is for society to become as equally corrupt and depraved as they are. ", "They do not want equality. ", "They want dominance.", "\nThe restraints and nets filtering lust , ambition, pride and narcissism, the borders and boundaries protecting marriage, family and children are to be smashed and demolished by the gay fascists. ", "This is total war. ", "Take it from the horse’s mouth;\n\nIt is a philosophy that completely destroys the very foundations upon which Western democracy was established . ", "This is taking the Australians back to ground zero, where nothing is taken for granted or assumed. ", "Every detail of reality is now going to be defined . ", "It will not stop at same sex marriage. ", "It will mean the redefinition of men and women, children, virtue, morality, what it means to be human and of course the meaning truth itself. ", "It will mean the end to a binary world of antithesis. ", "in politics it will mean the end of Labour and Conservative- an end to opposition parties – the totalitarian state.", "\n\nPeter Jones of TruthXchange speaks a great deal about onesism and twoism.", "\n\nCardinal Burke (USA) stated the following: “acceptance of contraception has led to people justifying all kinds of sexual activity as supposedly an expression of love”. ", "He continued, “genital activity between two persons of the same sex is an example of where the road leads if sex is emptied of its procreative potential.", "\nWith due respect to those who lay part of the blame of on the availability of contraception; homosexuality, bestiality and adultery have been practiced for millennia before contraception (physical and medical) were readily available. ", "Besides, many of those opposing contraception still allow the “rhythm” method, which is also intended to preclude/prevent conception of an offspring (“emptied of its procreative potential”). ", "Furthermore, what need do homosexuals have for contraception?", "\n\nThanks Madge and Peter. ", "This article is of course not really on the issue of contraception as such. ", "But for what it is worth (without wishing to get into a big debate about this here), I did a piece on it some time ago for those who are interested:\n\nMay I say that though homosexuality cannot be blamed for the rise in the use of contraception, there is certainly a link between homosexuality and abortion which for many young women has become a form of contraception. ", "The legalization of both homosexuality and abortion came about at the same time, in 1967 thereabouts. ", "Homosexuals are not interested in having children, even more than they are interested in marriage. ", "The percentage of gays who actually have dependent children through IVF, surrogacy or adoption is tiny . ", "In the UK it is 1% of the gay population or 0.016% of the entire UK population. ", "It serves the homosexuals to be pro -abortion, even though they have no need of it themselves. ", "because they know that abortion destroys the conscience and parental instincts of the heterosexuals. ", "It takes away their moral high ground. ", "Gays know the devastating effect that abortion has on the spiritual life of those who practice it, and this suits them fine.", "\n\nMoreover “freeing” the heterosexuals from the notion that sex is inextricably linked with producing children,, ie., ", "breaking the connection between penis and vagina, means that both sexual organs are liberated, making them available to homosexuals waiting for them to land whenever they finish flying about here and there and fancy something a bit more exotic . ", "Moreover it makes the pool of available partners much larger the uniformly gay “community” which is only about 1% of the population For now gays are in a position to seduce and steal someone else’s husband or wife. ", "They can have it all and stolen fruit always tastes better.", "\n\nPraise God the Marriage Act remains (for the time being).", "\nRegardless of Laws i pray Australians will still honour Holy Matrimony and thank God for his provision. ", "I pray the nation will see that God’s design and order through the Marriage Covenant is the best there is. ", "I pray that scales are lifted off, minds and hearts are renewed and God is honoured once again.", "\n\nThanks David Skinner. ", "We were in Trafalgar Square a few weeks ago and were perplexed by the traffic walk signs. ", "Seems it is as we suspected at the time. ", "More money which could have gone to the (left’s favourite) priorities of health and education. ", "Hypocrites not!", "\n\nDavid Williams, the Express has a very good article on the Pederastian crossing lights ( as someone aptly called them)[1]. ", "What is also good are the many comments, made – most likely by non Christians – under the influence of a God given common sense. ", "For instance one commentator, Mac O Rony, wrote,\n\n“The legal design of crossing signs can be found in The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016, Schedule 14, part 2, Diagrams 4002.1 – 4003.1A\nFun though these new signs might be, they do not appear to conform to legal requirements.", "\nFor details, Google The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016, Schedule 14”\n\nWouldn’t it be wonderful if it could be found that Transport for London and the new Muslim Mayor of London, Sadiq Kahn, had over reached themselves and made to be personally responsible for breaking the law?", "\n\nExactly; gay activists testify by their actions that no-one is born ‘gay’. ", "Were there any possibility that an unborn baby could be ‘gay’, it would not be legal to rip off its arms and legs without anaesthetic while it is still alive, as happens in dilation and evacuation (D&E) abortion.", "\n\nWhen Tasmanian ‘gay’ activists marched into the Hobart police station in the 1990s, with the media in tow, they were happy to risk 21 years in prison for “sexual inter. ", "But they will not risk just one year in prison, under Tasmania’s Repoductive Health (Access to Terminations) Act 2013, to try to save the lives of babies whom they claim are born gay!", "\n\nShould we not use the method of divide and conquer. ", "Perhaps the way through is not straight ahead but by a few detours. ", "Of late, whenever facebook and others allow me to say something I point out that it is not logical for homosexuals to want access to heteroseuxal marriage which was created for heterosexuals because they are not heterosexual.", "\n\nHeterosexual marriage only makes sense if you are heterosexual and homosexuals who want access to it will make a complete mess of it because the required parameters for its success is not there.", "\n\nFar better that they invent their own style of homosexual marriage that will satisfy their own qualities or lack of them and prevent them from demanding something else that belongs to heterosexuality when they discover marriage whatever version it is did not make them happy.", "\n\nBecause of their emotional dysfunction, they have this tendency to blame everyone else for their troubles rather than face the fact that the problem is them.", "\n\nGreetings Minister Bill, it was Abraham, that interceded for the City not to be destroyed for the sake of the righteous.", "\nGenesis 18: 16-33 Judgment Pronounced on Sodom\n16 Then the men set out from there, and they looked toward Sodom; and Abraham went with them to set them on their way. ", "17 The Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, 18 seeing that Abraham shall become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? ", "19 No, for I have chosen him, that he may charge his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice; so that the Lord may bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.” ", "20 Then the Lord said, “How great is the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah and how very grave their sin! ", "21 I must go down and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry that has come to me; and if not, I will know.”", "\n\n22 So the men turned from there, and went toward Sodom, while Abraham remained standing before the Lord. ", "23 Then Abraham came near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? ", "24 Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city; will you then sweep away the place and not forgive it for the fifty righteous who are in it? ", "25 Far be it from you to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! ", "Far be that from you! ", "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” ", "26 And the Lord said, “If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will forgive the whole place for their sake.” ", "27 Abraham answered, “Let me take it upon myself to speak to the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes. ", "28 Suppose five of the fifty righteous are lacking? ", "Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five?” ", "And he said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.” ", "29 Again he spoke to him, “Suppose forty are found there.” ", "He answered, “For the sake of forty I will not do it.” ", "30 Then he said, “Oh do not let the Lord be angry if I speak. ", "Suppose thirty are found there.” ", "He answered, “I will not do it, if I find thirty there.” ", "31 He said, “Let me take it upon myself to speak to the Lord. ", "Suppose twenty are found there.” ", "He answered, “For the sake of twenty I will not destroy it.” ", "32 Then he said, “Oh do not let the Lord be angry if I speak just once more. ", "Suppose ten are found there.” ", "He answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it.” ", "33 And the Lord went his way, when he had finished speaking to Abraham; and Abraham returned to his place.", "\n\nA brilliant argument, Roger. ", "You’ve summed up the whole ‘debate’ in a nutshell. ", "It’s so simple when you put it that way – although I suppose we can still expect homosexuals and all the other members of the LGBTIABCXYZ (or whatever) brigade to come up with some objection.", "\n\nFirstly, greetings Minister Bill, I do pray that you are well Sir. ", "I pray that the kingdom of God grows more and more within you Bill. ", "May God protect you and your family from the enemy, whether physical or spiritual attacks. ", "I pray that God’s angels are each side of you. ", "To the North and the South, to the East and the West. ", "Where ever you go, where ever you go, that his angels would be beside you. ", "I feel as Sodom and Gomorrah, that righteous Lot and his daughters were the only ones to survive the judgement of God. ", "God’s Lictor’s were sent to punish the wicked, as the cry against these cities became so great. ", "But it was through Abraham’s intercession, Abrahams prayer, that God listened! ", "One must believe, that God is a rewarder. ", "Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken so that he did not experience death; and “he was found, because God had taken him.” ", "For it was attested before he was taken away that ” he had pleased God.” ", "6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, for whoever would approach him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. ", "It is important that we continue on the journey with God, and continually please him. ", "This is the all in all of our lives. ", "This is the newness of our lives in the Lord Jesus Christ.", "\n\nShorten shouts down anyone who does not agree with him on SSM. ", "He resorts to name calling. ", "For instance, the way he treats one conservative Senator, reminded me of what I used to see in the schoolyard.", "\n\nThen, there is how the mainstream media is treating this issue. ", "It does not even acknowledge that there are legitimate reasons for opposing changing marriage laws.", "\n\nThe reports the other night. ", "Shorten speaks in yet another one of the grabs he’s known for, announcing that the plebiscite won’t go ahead. ", "He’s flanked by members of the public, sympathetic to his position. ", "My reaction?", "\n\nAbout CultureWatch\n\nWe live in an age where we see evidence of cultural decline, the erosion of values, the decline of civility, the denial of truth and the elevation of unreason. ", "Many people are asking, “Where is our culture heading?” ", "This website is devoted to exploring the major cultural, social and political issues of the day. ", "It offers reflection and commentary drawing upon the wealth of wisdom found in the Judeo-Christian tradition. ", "It offers reflective and incisive commentary on a wide range of issues, helping to sort through the maze of competing opinions, worldviews, ideologies and value systems. ", "It will discuss critically and soberly where our culture is heading. ", "Happy reading!" ]
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0.007759508211165667, 0.040926672518253326, 0.10864725708961487, 0.0013163683470338583, 0.004113432019948959, 0.0019827443175017834, 0.0008585691684857011, 0.000649136258289218, 0.0005155860562808812, 0.0024416069500148296, 0.0010996044147759676, 0.0007814722484908998, 0.0008328405674546957, 0.0007109521538950503, 0.0006288262666203082, 0.0007455890299752355, 0.000653904106002301, 0.0007682127761654556, 0.0006754822097718716, 0.0016609446611255407, 0.0007166829891502857, 0.0006336488295346498, 0.0005866692517884076, 0.000563128967769444, 0.0005541399586945772, 0.0005287143867462873, 0.0007240179693326354 ]
[ "A Pro-Growth Budget is Needed to Help Americans Succeed\n\nFebruary 3, 2017\n\nWASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday, the House Budget Committee held a hearing on the Congressional Budget Office’s Budget and Economic Outlook. ", "What’s clear from the report is that economic growth is subpar and that’s hurting millions of Americans. ", "During the hearing, Chairman Diane Black told the story of Chris from her district who is looking for work, and she stated why it’s so important to develop pro-growth policies in the budget that will help people succeed.", "\n\nChairman Black said: “To compound these problems, economic growth is set to average at a morbid 1.9 percent over the coming decade, well below the historic average of just over 3 percent. ", "Slow economic growth hurts our country in multiple ways – it means fewer jobs and less opportunity for Americans, and it means smaller paychecks and less financial security for those Americans who do have a job. ", "In fact, more than 5 million Americans are working part-time because they can’t find a full-time job. ", "That means we’ve got welders, computer technicians, nurses, and people in all sorts of industries who want to contribute to our economy, but they’re being let down by the rules and regulations coming out of Washington.", "\n\n“One of the key symptoms of this subpar economic recovery has been the decline in the labor force participation rate of those in their prime working age. ", "And here’s a story from a gentleman named Chris back in my district in Tennessee. ", "He said he was laid off last year, and in his letter to me he said, ‘I worked at this job for 7 years and I’m a hard worker and have never tried for any government assistance. ", "I’m positive I’ll have a job soon but I’ve been without a paycheck for months now. ", "If I have to wait any more I will have no money for utilities or to support me, my wife, and 7 year old.’", "\n\n“Now it’s pretty clear that Chris is exactly the type of worker that makes our economy the best in the world, and he’s a good husband and father who just wants to take care of his family. ", "Chris wants to make our country stronger, and it’s our job to help give him that opportunity.”", "\n\nRelated News\n\nOne of the best ways to lower the deficit is growing the economy. ", "According to CBO, for every 0.1 percentage point of higher real economic growth, deficit levels could be reduced by roughly $270 billion over the course of 10 years." ]
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[ 0.0005820398218929768, 0.00085404486162588, 0.0005426479619927704, 0.0009324245038442314, 0.003658819245174527, 0.004368690773844719, 0.0006394946249201894, 0.0006496446439996362, 0.0006137072341516614, 0.0007752543315291405, 0.0010855725267902017, 0.0033231209963560104, 0.0018523618346080184, 0.0007568246801383793, 0.0007117466884665191, 0.0006252951570786536 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThis invention concerns an electronic thermal protection device designed to interrupt the power supply on a multiphase line including a temperature detector with a resistive element thermally coupled to a temperature sensor, the latter being connected to a digital processing circuit capable of outputting a control command as a function of the overload detected by the temperature sensor.", "\n2. ", "Description of the Prior Art\nThermal relays are used to protect electrical machines, controlling overloads applied on phases or unbalances or missing phases. ", "A typical thermal relay includes a bimetallic strip for each phase, heated by the phase current. ", "When an overload occurs on one phase, the bimetallic strip for the overloaded phase bends and physically activates a trip mechanism that opens the contact that switches the load off power supply. ", "A differential device is used to activate tripping in the case of an unbalanced phase or a missing phase.", "\nThese thermal relays are difficult to use for high currents because the heat input into each bimetallic strip, and therefore the trip current, are not closely controlled since parasite heating occurs.", "\nElectronic relays, such as those described in French patent 2.586.489, are also used to protect machines. ", "These relays include a current sensor producing an image of the phase current, for each phase. ", "An electronic processing circuit receives and processes the phase current images in order to output a trip command.", "\nFrench patent 2.641.410 describes an electronic relay equipped with a temperature detector comprising a resistive heating element for each phase, through which the phase current passes, and which is thermally coupled to a temperature sensor through a thermal coupling body. ", "This thermal detector is a simple way of storing the thermal condition of the load protected by the relay. ", "This relay uses a resistive element for each phase.", "\nOne of the main purposes of the invention is to provide an electronic temperature protection device for a multiphase current using a single temperature detector for all phases, equipped with a single resistance. ", "The temperature detector works at a relatively constant power that reduces temperature increases, makes a more economic design and only requires one resistance when hot. ", "The resistive component of the detector may be made by silk screen printing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0009391900966875255, 0.0006089272792451084, 0.001185585861094296, 0.0006170489359647036, 0.000680039927829057, 0.0008249630336649716, 0.0007094807224348187, 0.0006961473263800144, 0.0006884384201839566, 0.0006366843008436263, 0.0006848123157396913, 0.0006395863019861281, 0.0006366166635416448, 0.0006418419652618468, 0.0006397314136847854, 0.0006911952514201403, 0.0005868900916539133 ]
[ "Magnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n\nItem #09L06\n\n$34.99\n\nThis Item is Currently Unavailable.", "\n\nWoodcraft's Shipping Restrictions\n\nPlease Note: This item can only be shipped ground to the 48 contiguous states. ", "Some\nitems cannot be shipped via air due to being flammable, magnetic, contains batteries,\nhazardous fumes or where contents are under pressure. ", "Please use a physical address\nnot a PO Box during checkout.", "\n\nWoodcraft's Free Shipping Restrictions\n\nSelect 'Standard' as your shipping option in Step 3 on the payment page.", "\n\nIf the item qualifies for Free Standard Shipping, but your order contains other ineligible items, you will be charged shipping fees for those ineligible items.", "\n\n'Free Standard Shipping' will appear on the product detail page for all eligible items.", "\n\nApplies to U.S. delivery in the 48 contiguous states only.", "\n\nSpecial handling / weight fees still apply. ", "These fees are listed in line with your item on the cart page as 'Shipping Charges' and are itemized on the payment page under step 5 as 'Excessive Weight Charges'.", "\n\nLift Gate and Residential Delivery Options still apply. ", "They are listed as 'Delivery Options' under your item on the cart page as well as itemized on the payment page under step 5 as 'Delivery Options'.", "\n\nInterchangeable magnetic and spring clamp bases allow you to use this light almost anywhere!", "\n\nInterchangeable magnetic and spring clamp bases allow you to use this light almost anywhere! ", "360degrees; swivel head and jointed arm adjust to light any work area. ", "Up to 60 watts of light (bulb not included). ", "Complete with 18 ft. ", "cord, heavy duty switch, vented metal reflector shield, and \"bird cage\" bulb protector. ", "Shop Tip: We screwed metal, electrical junction box cover plates to walls and joists around the shop and garage to utilize the magnetic base on non-magnetic surfaces.", "\n\nNice product concept, but a sloppy implementation more worthy of a certain other store than Woodcraft. ", "If you are going to have articulating arms, does it make sense to build them with slippery plastic that doesn't hold and no friction washers? ", "Why does only one of the three articulation points have a wingnut instead of all three? ", "Why couldn't they have used recessed hex head screws that don't need an extra tool to hold them while adjustments are made on the other side? ", "The scratch protection plastic on the magnetic base is already wanting to fall off. ", "The clamp base attachment point is so wide, it's hard to attach.", "\nWith work, I've gotten it to a usable state and I expect to get my money's worth out of it, but a nicer out-of-the-box experience would have been appreciated. ", "I might even buy another if they come up with a version 2.0.", "\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n10/4/2013\n\n4.0\n\nGreat, but needs adjustment\n\nBy Woodcarver\n\nfrom Pennsylvania\n\nAbout Me\n\nPros\n\nMagnetic Base\n\nCons\n\nDoesn't Stay In Position\n\nLoose Hood\n\nBest Uses\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nI have two of these; one about 10 years old and one brand new. ", "Neither held position until you disassemble and scuff the joints with coarse sandpaper. ", "The Aluminum hood is loose and cannot be tightened - fixed by hacksawing a slot so the clamp can compress the hood and hold it in place. ", "The swivel screw needs to be loosened in order to be able to rotate the head. ", "While none of this makes much difference if you are using a fixed setting, I move mine quite a bit as I carve.", "\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n4/5/2013\n\n4.0\n\nDoes the job\n\nBy Jason at the craft shop\n\nfrom Enterprise, AL\n\nAbout Me Professional\n\nPros\n\nArea Of Illumination\n\nEasy To Change Bulb\n\nCons\n\nBest Uses\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nPut this light on my 14\" bandsaw in the same manner as pictured on the website and it works great. ", "The magnet even has a plastic film on it to prevent metal to metal contact between the light mount and the mounting surface. ", "The only issue I had was when it was extended out or with my saw running, the joints would move. ", "Solved this in about 5 minutes with sandpaper. ", "Not mentioned in the description, the unit I received also had a cage enclosure as well as the reflector for use as a traditional shop light. ", "In the end I am planning on buying a couple more for other machines in my shop.", "\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n2/19/2013\n\n5.0\n\nJust what I was looking for\n\nBy Tony the woodknot\n\nfrom Palm Bay FL\n\nAbout Me Avid Do-It-Yourselfer\n\nPros\n\nArea Of Illumination\n\nAttractive Design\n\nEasy To Change Bulb\n\nCons\n\nBest Uses\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nExcellent work light for my bandsaw\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n2/14/2013\n\n5.0\n\nAwesome. ", "Better than I expected.", "\n\nBy Capt Sinbad\n\nfrom Blacksburg Va\n\nAbout Me Avid Do-It-Yourselfer\n\nPros\n\nArea Of Illumination\n\nCons\n\nBest Uses\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nI use it on my band saw. ", "I can clearly see the cut lines. ", "It is a must have tool for safety. ", "The quality is better than I expected. ", "I strongly recommend this to anyone that wants good accurate cuts on the line, and wants to keep their fingers.", "\nYou must be able to see what you are doing.", "\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n1/31/2013\n\n5.0\n\nClip on light\n\nBy Snuffy\n\nfrom Yuma AZ\n\nAbout Me Professional\n\nPros\n\nStays In Adjustment\n\nVery Long Heavy Duty Cord\n\nVery Strong Magnet\n\nCons\n\nNONE\n\nBest Uses\n\nAnywhere In Shop Or Garag\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nThis is a very nice lamp. ", "The long cord and strong magnet make it very versatile. ", "I have used it on 2 bandsaws, and also under the lift for car repairs. ", "I have not used the trouble lamp cover or the clamp on holder. ", "The magnet holder has worked for everything I needed.", "\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n1/18/2013\n\n4.0\n\nPerfect for the band saw\n\nBy Dennis\n\nfrom Madison, Ms\n\nAbout Me Casual Do-It-Yourselfer\n\nPros\n\nArea Of Illumination\n\nEasy To Change Bulb\n\nCons\n\nNONE\n\nBest Uses\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nPerfect for any Band saw. ", "I can see where I might use this in other places around the shop. ", "You can never have to much light.", "\n\nBottom Line\nYes, I would recommend this to a friend\n\nPlease let us know what kind of issue this is:\n\nProfanity\n\nWrong product\n\nSpam\n\nDuplicate\n\nCopyright violation\n\nNot a product review\n\nCustomer image\n\nProblem with image\n\nOther\n\nEmail Address:\n\nComments:\n\n11/29/2012\n\n5.0\n\nGood product\n\nBy Let there be light\n\nfrom Michigan\n\nAbout Me Casual Do-It-Yourselfer\n\nPros\n\nArea Of Illumination\n\nAttractive Design\n\nEasy To Change Bulb\n\nCons\n\nBest Uses\n\nBandsaw\n\nTools In General\n\nComments about\nMagnetic or Clip On Base Work Light\n:\n\nUse the light on my bandsaw. ", "Magnet is strong,plenty of light and easy to use and set up. ", "I don't know why I never bought one before. ", "Guess I'm getting older." ]
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[ 0.0006076119025237858, 0.0005618170835077763, 0.0011791392462328076, 0.0005869737360626459, 0.0005933180800639093, 0.0005391036393120885, 0.000558365776669234, 0.0006302218534983695, 0.0005470173782669008, 0.0006276672938838601, 0.0005757454200647771, 0.0005726213566958904, 0.000621815852355212, 0.000621815852355212, 0.001839644042775035, 0.0006251274608075619, 0.001104946481063962, 0.0007076099282130599, 0.000721711665391922, 0.0007952974992804229, 0.0014187193010002375, 0.0007684658048674464, 0.0021698600612580776, 0.0012263684766367078, 0.0009339120588265359, 0.0005531821516342461, 0.0007158226217143238, 0.0006065845373086631, 0.0008362700464203954, 0.002393555361777544, 0.0012759767705574632, 0.0009185199160128832, 0.0006258937646634877, 0.0006959294551052153, 0.0008482863777317107, 0.0006096380529925227, 0.0005765147507190704, 0.0006403789157047868, 0.0009129889658652246, 0.0007010597619228065, 0.0015326200518757105, 0.0005838271463289857, 0.0007281350553967059, 0.0005648061051033437, 0.0005685870419256389, 0.0006202446529641747, 0.0005952025530859828, 0.0005280660116113722, 0.0006641880027018487, 0.0007876598974689841, 0.0005848979344591498, 0.00085367017891258, 0.000558596511837095, 0.0011937023373320699, 0.0010629952885210514, 0.0005335377063602209, 0.0007638479000888765, 0.0008348249248228967 ]
[ "Q:\n\nProper way to handle null value for Oracle Date datatype in prepared statement\n\nI have a database with more than 20 columns and some of them are date/timestamp data types with null values. ", "\nJava application will read the data from this table and insert into other table. ", "Prepared Statement is used to frame insert query. ", "When inserting the record, I get \"null pointer exception\" on date columns where ever it is null. ", "For the Varchar, it is automatically setting to null when the actual value is null. ", "Is there any way to handle the Date fields with null values automatically as like varchar in prepared statements?", "\nPreparedStatement ps = null;\n....\n....\nps.setDate(3, new java.sql.", "Date(date.getTime())); //date is Java.", "Util.", "Date\n\nGetting Error. ", "So I handle manually like below\nif(date!= null)\n ps.setDate(3, new java.sql.", "Date(date.getTime()));\nelse\n ps.setNull(3, Types.", "DATE);\n\nA:\n\nThe problem, of course, is that you're trying to call getTime on date, which may be null.", "\n\nJava application will read the data from this table and insert into other table.", "\n\nIf that's true, then I'd expect date to already be a java.sql.", "Date (or null) and you could just use it directly:\nps.setDate(3, date);\n\nIf date is really not a java.sql.", "Date, then you can use the conditional operator:\nps.setDate(3, date == null ? ", "null : new java.sql.", "Date(date.getTime()));\n\nIt's fine to pass null into setDate (for the same reason it works in setString). ", "You only need setNull when the Java type you'd use with the column is a primitive type (like int). ", "Since you can't call setInt with null where the int should be, you'd use setNull in that situation. ", "That's not an issue for setDate, though.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is holding discussions on extending the nation’s state of emergency by about a month to curb the coronavirus pandemic, government sources said.", "\n\nThe emergency declaration is scheduled to expire on Wednesday, but some in the government believe it is necessary to limit the number of prefectures covered depending on the local situation. ", "Nevertheless, there is a growing view that keeping all 47 prefectures under the declaration is inevitable.", "\n\nGovernment officials are discussing whether an extension should last until the end of May or to around June 6. ", "Abe has told the Liberal Democratic Party’s secretary-general, Toshihiro Nikai, that he plans to extend the measure.", "\n\nThe state of emergency was initially declared on April 7 for Tokyo, Saitama, Kanagawa, Chiba, Osaka, Hyogo and Fukuoka — seven prefectures that had especially large numbers of coronavirus infections. ", "It was expanded nationwide on April 16.", "\n\nOn Friday, a government panel of experts will meet to examine how public behavior has changed, the extent of the infections and the degree to which medical systems have been improved to treat patients with COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the virus.", "\n\nAbe is expected to hold a news conference Friday to repeat his call for public cooperation, including requests to refrain from going out during Golden Week, sources said. ", "The string of holidays officially lasts through May 6.", "\n\nAlso Friday, the government will release guidelines on reopening schools after the holidays, the sources said. ", "Many remain shut because of the crisis.", "\n\nAs it continues to monitor the situation, the government will then hold a meeting of an advisory panel comprising infectious disease experts from Sunday to Tuesday.", "\n\nThe government's COVID-19 response task force will then meet to decide whether to extend the state of emergency declaration, the sources said.", "\n\n\"Unfortunately, the number of cases of infection keeps rising,\" Abe said Wednesday at a meeting of the House of Councilors Budget Committee.", "\n\n\"The situation remains severe in the country,\" he added, noting it was unclear whether the government would be able to reach a decision by May 6.", "\n\n\"I can't make a decision now\" Abe said, indicating he planned to reach a conclusion after consulting experts.", "\n\nOn Tuesday, Satoshi Kamayachi, an executive of the Japan Medical Association who is on the advisory panel, suggested the state of emergency would need to be extended to all 47 prefectures.", "\n\nThe National Governors' Association also plans to ask the government for a nationwide extension shortly.", "\n\nThe emergency declaration gives the governors power to enforce preventive steps and allows them to request school and business closures, though there are no legal penalties for noncompliance.", "\n\nThe governors' association called on the government to clarify its conditions for lifting the state of emergency because municipalities are divided on when to reopen schools and the rate of infection varies from prefecture to prefecture.", "\n\n\"As both experts and the governors association are arguing for a nationwide extension, it is difficult to come to a different decision,\" a government official said.", "\n\nRELATED PHOTOS Few people are seen on a Tokaido Shinkansen platform at Tokyo Station on Wednesday amid the state of emergency. ", "| KYODO" ]
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[ "There may be a simple explanation. ", "Samsung has already revealed that it's teaming with Microsoft on a game streaming experience that should debut later in 2020. ", "It wouldn't be surprising if Samsung saw that as more viable and decided to shut down PlayGalaxy Link to avoid duplicating efforts.", "\n\nSamsung's service already faced stiff odds. ", "Between direct competition like Valve's Steam Link as well as subscription services like Google Stadia and GeForce Now (which have their own share of problems), there's not as much need for PlayGalaxy Link -- especially when others aren't as closely tied to a specific phone brand. ", "The Microsoft collaboration could lead to a better service that stands a greater chance of competing with incumbents." ]
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[ "315 F.2d 865\nUNITED STATES of America ex rel. ", "James A. COMPTON, Relator-Appellee,v.Walter H. WILKINS, Warden of Attica State Prison, Attica, New York, Respondent-Appellant.", "\nNo. ", "321.", "\nDocket 28045.", "\nUnited States Court of Appeals Second Circuit.", "\nSubmitted by Consent April 15, 1963.", "\nDecided April 18, 1963.", "\n\nLouis J. Lefkowitz, Atty. ", "Gen. for State of New York (Irving Galt, Asst. ", "Sol. ", "Gen., and Mortimer Sattler, Asst. ", "Atty. ", "Gen., of counsel), for respondent-appellant.", "\nJames A. Compton, relator-appellee, pro se.", "\nBefore SMITH, KAUFMAN and MARSHALL, Circuit Judges.", "\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n\n1\nThe relator is presently being held on a judgment of conviction for the crimes of robbery, grand larceny, and escaping from prison entered in the County Court of Monroe County, New York upon relator's plea of guilty. ", "His sentence is that of a second felony offender, the underlying conviction having been entered on a plea of guilty to five indictments each charging him with the crime of forgery, in the Court of Oyer & Terminer for the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. ", "Relator applied before District Judge Burke for a writ of habeas corpus, claiming that the underlying Pennsylvania felony conviction is invalid and violative of the federal constitution in that he entered his guilty plea without the assistance of counsel and that his request for counsel was denied by the court. ", "There is no issue before us as to the exhaustion of state remedies.", "\n\n\n2\nThe record reveals that relator was handed the indictments by an officer of the Pennsylvania court and asked to sign them. ", "He testified before Judge Burke that \"I read them even though I didn't understand them * * *,\" and that he immediately requested both of the officer and of the presiding judge that he be assigned counsel. ", "He was told that it was not necessary under the common law of Pennsylvania to assign counsel upon a plea of guilty, and the judge thereupon refused the defendant's request. ", "Judge Burke concluded that relator \"was prejudiced by the lack of counsel. ", "Under the circumstances, he did not have a fair hearing.\"", "\n\n\n3\nWe find that, even under the test established in Betts v. Brady, 316 U.S. 455, 62 S.Ct. ", "1252, 86 L.Ed. ", "1595 (1942), and the subsequent Supreme Court cases interpreting and applying that test, there is sufficient evidence in the record to support the findings of Judge Burke and to warrant the affirmance of his order granting the writ of habeas corpus. ", "See Gideon v. Wainright, 372 U.S. 335, 83 S.Ct. ", "792, and the concurring opinion of Mr. Justice Harlan, 372 U.S. at 351, 83 S.Ct. ", "at 799. ", "The relator was properly remanded to the custody of the Sheriff of Monroe County for return to the Monroe County Court for re-sentencing.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The cloud-computing market is set to double to $116 billion by 2021 — these 3 charts show why that's probably good news only for Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Alibaba\n\nThe cloud-computing market should continue to grow at a rapid pace in the coming years, Goldman Sachs said in a new report.", "\n\nBut the market is already dominated by four big firms: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba.", "\n\nThe opportunity for other players is rapidly closing, Goldman Sachs said.", "\n\nIt's still early days in cloud computing, the hottest sector in the gigantic business-technology market. ", "But the window of opportunity for companies to grab a piece of it is closing fast.", "\n\nThat's the word from Goldman Sachs, which just released its quarterly report on the cloud market. ", "The good news — according to the analysts Heather Bellini, Heath Terry, Piyush Mubayi, Caroline Liu, Mark Grant, and Ted Lin — is that the market for cloud services will continue to grow by at least 20% a year through 2021.", "\n\nThe bad news? ", "A growing percentage of that spending will go to just four players: Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba.", "\n\n\"We continue to expect that the public cloud landscape will consolidate into an oligopolistic market structure,\" the Goldman Sachs analysts said in the report.", "\n\nAmazon pioneered the cloud-computing market when it launched Amazon Web Services more than a decade ago. ", "Though AWS has since grown into a multibillion-dollar behemoth, the overall market is still a nascent one, Goldman Sachs said in the report. ", "Many companies still haven't shifted over to the cloud, and most enterprise spending is still on traditional services.", "\n\nThe core cloud-computing market is expanding rapidly\n\nThe analysts focused on the core cloud services — infrastructure as a service (IaaS), where companies such as Amazon offer computing processing power, and platform as a service (PaaS), where Microsoft and other companies offer a kind of cloud-based operating system on which people can build and run applications — as well as the non-cloud enterprise-tech services with which they directly compete.", "\n\nThe combined amount that companies spend on cloud services and on the non-cloud ones that are direct competitors represents the total potential market for cloud services.", "\n\nAs cloud spending expands, it does so in part by eating into money companies used to spend on such things as maintaining and running applications on their own servers.", "\n\nLast year, spending on cloud services accounted for about 8% of the total potential market. ", "That should jump to about 15% by 2021, Goldman Sachs estimated. ", "In other words, a growing portion of corporate IT budgets is likely to go to the cloud.", "\n\n\"Our checks continue to suggest that we remain in the early innings of public cloud,\" the analysts said in their report.", "\n\nSamantha Lee/Business Insider\n\nThat trend represents a big move in real dollars as well as percentages. ", "Enterprise companies spent about $47 billion last year on the core cloud services, according to Goldman Sachs. ", "The firm expects that amount to grow to $62 billion this year and to $116 billion by 2021.", "\n\nSamantha Lee/Business Insider\n\nBut the top 4 firms are leaving little room for other players\n\nFrequently, with a rapidly expanding market there's room for plenty of competitors to flourish. ", "But that's not what Goldman Sachs expects.", "\n\nThe cloud market has already started to consolidate, and that trend will only become more pronounced in the coming years, the analysts predicted. ", "Basically, only the biggest players — Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and the Chinese giant Alibaba Cloud — have the resources to offer differentiated services and continue to build out the data-server infrastructure needed to compete, they said.", "\n\nLast year, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Alibaba accounted for about 56% of the core cloud-computing market. ", "By next year, their combined share should hit 84%, according to Goldman Sachs' forecast. ", "The three American giants alone will account for 77% of the total market, the analysts said.", "\n\n\"The largest three players (AWS, Azure, Google) will continue to dominate share of the market,\" the analysts said.", "\n\nSamantha Lee/Business Insider\n\nWhile the biggest players would see their revenue go up, the amount of revenue going to the rest of the players in the cloud market would decrease, despite the market's overall expansion. ", "While companies other than the big four pulled in about $21 billion by offering core cloud services last year, that amount will decline to $20 billion this year and just $12 billion next year, Goldman Sachs projected.", "\n\nThat could be ominous for IBM, Oracle, and other companies that have been trying to edge into the cloud-computing market. ", "If Goldman Sachs is right, they're going to be left fighting for fewer and fewer table scraps left by the cloud giants." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe present invention relates to a needle assembly including a needle safety shield for protecting users from a used needle tip, such as for use in a blood collection set for safe and convenient handling of needles used in blood collection procedures.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nDisposable medical devices having medical needles are used for administering medication or withdrawing fluid from the body of a patient. ", "Such disposable medical devices typically include blood collecting needles, fluid handling needles, and assemblies thereof. ", "Current medical practice requires that fluid containers and needle assemblies used in such devices be inexpensive and readily disposable. ", "Existing blood collection devices often employ some form of durable holder onto which disposable medical needles and fluid collection tubes may be mounted. ", "A blood collection device of this nature may be assembled prior to use and then discarded after use.", "\nA blood collection device or intravenous (IV) infusion device typically includes a needle cannula having a proximal end, a pointed distal end, and a lumen extending therebetween. ", "The proximal end of the needle cannula is securely mounted in a plastic hub defining a central passage that communicates with the lumen extending through the needle cannula. ", "A thin, flexible thermoplastic tube is connected to the hub and communicates with the lumen of the needle cannula. ", "The end of the plastic tube remote from the needle cannula may include a fixture for connecting the needle cannula to a holder or other receptacle. ", "The specific construction of the fixture will depend upon the characteristics of the receptacle to which the fixture is to be connected.", "\nIn order to reduce the risk of incurring an accidental needle-stick wound, protection of used needle cannulas becomes important. ", "With concern about infection and transmission of diseases, methods and devices to enclose or cover the used needle cannula have become very important and in great demand in the medical field. ", "For example, needle assemblies often employ a safety shield that can be moved into shielding engagement with a used needle cannula to minimize risk of an accidental needle stick.", "\nSome needle safety shields are referred to as “tip guards” and include a small rigid guard that may be telescoped along the length of the needle cannula and extended over the pointed distal end of the needle cannula for protection. ", "Such conventional tip guards may include some form of tether for limiting the travel of the tip guard to the length of the needle cannula. ", "An example of the foregoing is disclosed by U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,176,655 to McCormick et al. ", "The McCormick et al. ", "patent discloses the use of flexible loop-like straps for limiting the distal movement of a tip guard.", "\nNeedle shields that incorporate movable tip guards are typically manually actuated. ", "For example, U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "Re. ", "36,447 and Re. ", "36,398, both to Byrne et al., ", "disclose a safety device for a hypodermic needle that includes a plastic sheath, which is used to cover the puncture tip of the needle. ", "The plastic sheath incorporates a thumb guard, which the user of the safety device may grasp to move the plastic sheath to a position covering the puncture tip of the needle. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,951,525 to Thorne et al. ", "discloses a manually operated safety needle apparatus that includes two pairs of opposed legs adapted to move the tip guard of the apparatus to a position covering the used needle cannula. ", "U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,562,637 and 5,562,636, both to Utterburg, disclose a rectangular needle protector sheath for use with a needle cannula that may be extended over the needle cannula after it is used. ", "Other prior art devices, such as those disclosed by U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,290,264 to Utterberg and U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,192,275 to Burns, provide “grippable” members attached to the tip guards to facilitate moving the tip guards to a position covering the puncture tip of a needle cannula. ", "In addition to providing gripping members for moving the tip guards, prior art devices in this area often include flexible wings, which are used as means for securing the needle assemblies to the body of a patient during a medical procedure. ", "Examples of “winged” needle assemblies may be found in U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,120,320 to Fayngold; and U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,154,699; 5,088,982; and 5,085,639 all to Ryan. ", "Other prior art in this area includes U.S. Pat. ", "Nos. ", "5,266,072 and 5,112,311, both to Utterberg et al., ", "which also disclose guarded winged needle assemblies.", "\nU.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "2002/0099339 to Niermann discloses a passive safety blood collection set which includes a tip guard slidably movable along a needle cannula. ", "The tip guard is mounted to a needle hub through a pair of collapsible leaves, which are collapsed onto themselves and held in place by a packaging cover. ", "In use, the practitioner holds the leaves in the collapsed or folded state to remove the cover, and then releases the leaves enabling them to unfold to propel the tip guard distally.", "\nConventional tip guards, such as those discussed hereinabove, often include a structure that lockingly engages over the pointed distal end of the used needle cannula to prevent a re-exposure of the needle cannula. ", "The structure for preventing the re-exposure of the needle cannula may include a metallic spring clip or a transverse wall formed integrally with one end of the tip guard. ", "An example of a metallic spring clip is disclosed by the McCormick et al. ", "patent discussed previously. ", "Conventional tip guards, such as those discussed hereinabove, often further require extensive mechanics for positioning the tip guard over the needle cannula. ", "This results in complex arrangements that are costly to manufacture and assemble. ", "Additionally, operation of the needle assemblies to move the tip guard into the proper position over the pointed distal end of the needle cannula requires substantial manual manipulation by the user of the device, exposing the user to potential needle-stick wounds.", "\nU.S. Patent Application Publication No. ", "2003/0078540 to Saulenas et al. ", "discloses a retractable push button needle assembly, in which a needle is attached to a hub and extends through a barrel. ", "A push button actuator extends from the hub and is in interference engagement with the barrel. ", "Activation is accomplished with a user actively pushing the push button into the barrel, thereby causing the needle to retract within the barrel based on a spring disposed between the hub and the barrel." ]
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[ "User Reviews\n\nLegendary director Akira Kurosawa has made a lot of great films, many of which have gone on to inspire whole areas of cinema. ", "While Hidden Fortress doesn't represent his best, most influential or most important work; it's definitely an important movie in film history in it's own right, and besides that, it's a damn good movie to boot. ", "I was most surprised at the amount of comic relief present in the movie. ", "When watching a Kurosawa film, I always expect it to be a serious affair; so the comedy in this movie made for a surprise, which was, on the whole, a good surprise as like most things in Kurosawa's films; it works. ", "The film has become most famous recently for the many parallels that it has with the masterpiece 'Star Wars', and it has become well documented that this film was a major influence on said movie, which is shown most clearly by the fact that a lot of the story is shown through the eyes of two bumbling people that aren't all that relevant to the central plot, and the style of editing; which George Lucas adopted many times in his epic trilogy.", "\n\nThe plot follows a princess who must be escorted across enemy lines by her general. ", "Two greedy peasants join the escort on the promise of a reward of gold. ", "Like Star Wars, the plot here is relatively simple; and it's the way that the story is portrayed, not the story itself, that makes this movie great. ", "Despite it's simplicity, Kurosawa gives it the style of an epic; and it really feels like one. ", "Kurosawa regular, Toshirô Mifune heads a great ensemble cast; all of which do well in their roles. ", "Kurosawa had a great talent for pulling great performances out of everyone in his films, and he shows that talent excellently here. ", "The cinematography is excellent, and the master director has managed to capture some truly stunning landscapes, which serve in adding beauty to the picture. ", "This film is, of course, in black and white; and that is Kurosawa at his best in my opinion. ", "While I loved 'Ran' and it's vibrant colours, black and white allows Kurosawa to blend atmosphere into his films, and they're always the better for it. ", "On the whole, Kurosawa is a genius - and this is one of his best films.", "\n\nThose who think that Kurosawa could only direct dramatic films need to see The Hidden Fortress. ", "It is an exiting, funny, and extremely entertaining adventure film. ", "George Lucas cites The Hidden Fortress as the prime inspiration for the Star Wars films.", "\n\nTwo cowardly soldiers Tahei (Minoru Chiaki) and Matashichi (Kamatari Fujiwara) flee from a battle. ", "The two then set up camp for the night, but soon they discover a bar of gold next to their camp. ", "The two begin fighting over it, but before they can decide who gets it, a mysterious man called Rokurota (Toshiro Mifune) appears. ", "He asks the two to help him transport a wagon full of gold and the Lady Yukihime (Misa Uehara) across enemy lines so that they can establish their kingdom again.", "\n\nThis film is a blast and is filled with plenty of action and humor. ", "A departure from Kurosawa's usual dramatic films, but excellent cinema nonetheless.", "\n\nThe Hidden Fortress is the Kurosawa film with the lightest tone. ", "It's almost the most mainstream and entertaining. ", "So for those who may have found other Kurosawa films to be too deep and poetic (if this applies to you, you're a fool) you'll be more likely to enjoy this. ", "Even though there's a lot of comedy, mostly provided by the peasants, The Hidden Fortress still has all the power and uniqueness that all Kurosawa films have.", "\n\nThere are some amazing locations used. ", "The rock slide provided for some real amusement. ", "Toshiro Mifune gives a much more toned down and subtle performance than we normally see from him. ", "What Mifune offers in Hidden Fortress is true screen presence. ", "Without even saying a word he has your full attention. ", "I love how Kurosawa plays the characters as well. ", "The Princess is not a damsel in distress. ", "In any American or British film of the 50s, she would have been nothing more than that. ", "In this she's quiet for most of the movie, but then she'll come out of nowhere and show more power and confidence than The General. ", "The peasant characters of Tahei and Matakishi are more than comic relief. ", "They are primarily used for a laugh, but I thought there characters were unique as well. ", "The story is told from their point of view, and they are essentially heroes, yet they do nothing but complain. ", "They're greedy and selfish. ", "These aren't characteristics that would normally be used for heroes, but Kurosawa makes them likeable to the audience. ", "Some people have said this movie needed more action. ", "I think the action it has is more than enough. ", "The chase scene that leads into The General's encounter with his nemesis remains one of the best sequences Kurosawa ever Directed. ", "The choreography in the swordfight holds up against most of The Seven Samurai's fight scenes, and it still tops the type of fights that have become tedious and repetitive in modern day movies. ", "That fight is a great example of how to nail the Hero vs. Villain energy. ", "Akira Kurosawa can do no wrong.", "\n\n83 out of 111 found this helpful.", "\nWas this review helpful? ", "Sign in to vote.", "\nPermalink\n\nSet during the Sengoku period (1460s-1600s), Akira Kurosawa's \"The Hidden Fortress\" stars Minoru Chiaki and Kamatari Fujiwara as Tahei and Matashichi, a pair of squabbling peasants. ", "The duo roam the Japanese countryside, doing their best to avoid bands of marauding soldiers.", "\n\n\"Hidden's\" first act watches as Tahei and Matashichi are manipulated by Rokurota Makabe (Toshiro Mifune), a cunning samurai general. ", "Promising the greedy peasants mountains of gold, he uses them as camouflage in his attempts to transport a princess (Misa Uehara) across enemy lines.", "\n\n\"What you make of another's kindness is up to you,\" Kurosawa has character's say. ", "Kindness is something the film's princess learns, as she witnesses first-hand the sacrifices of her bodyguard, General Makabe, and the suffering of the peasants who live outside her castle walls. ", "Kindness is also something General Rokurota must grapple with. ", "He's a rival warrior with whom General Makabe fights an extended battle. ", "During this battle, Makabe's objective is not to kill, but to frustrate, to deflect, to guide his belligerent opponent away from a fixation upon military solutions.", "\n\n\"The Hidden Fortress\" is one of Kurosawa's more playful films. ", "Part comedy, part adventure, part action epic, the film boasts glorious widescreen photography, a jaunty plot, some fine compositional work and the shortest short shorts ever worn by a princess. ", "Aesthetically, the film's the bridge between Eisenstein, Ford and later imitators like Lucas and Leone. ", "Indeed, George Lucas would lift chunks of \"Hidden Fortress\" for the plot of his \"Star Wars\", especially Kurosawa's notion of a tough, imperious princess.", "\n\nThough a bit long-winded, a number of Kurosawa's action sequences still pack a punch. ", "One sequence in particular recalls Eisenstein's Odessa Steps sequence in \"Battleship Potemkin\". ", "Elsewhere Kurosawa stages a sequence in which General Makabe – cool, tough and resourceful - pursues enemy scouts all the way back to their base, a scene which would influence the speeder bike chase in George Lucas' \"Return of the Jedi\". ", "Lucas would help a financially-strapped Kurosawa get his 1980 film, \"The Shadow Warrior\", produced. ", "Indeed, Lucas would be indirectly responsible for two of Kurosawa's greatest epics (\"The Shadow Warrior\" and \"Ran\"). ", "Every good apprentice lends their master a helping hand.", "\n\nAny Kurosawa film is worth watching, but the focus of interest shifts from project to project. ", "This time around, his concern is the new aspect ratio of 'cinemascope' copied and renamed by Toho. ", "Kurosawa is first a visual storyteller who scripts in pictures, each one dramatically framed. ", "All his life until here, that frame was the same, but all of a sudden it changed.", "\n\nIt is a matter of there being three territories where there was formally one. ", "The new territories are on the left and right, which in the original cinerama were actually two additional cameras. ", "One really needs to study his framing in the old format to understand how significant this challenge was. ", "He was master -- indeed largely the creator -- of a visual grammar and the rules had changed.", "\n\nAs with all his scripts, the story reflects his own challenges. ", "So we have a story about three territories and a journey that spans them all. ", "The 'middle' territory is under attack, and our characters must leave their fortress and go all the way from left to right to survive. (", "Notice the symbols he uses for these three klans.) ", "The two hapless peasants represent to the story what actors represent to the 'real' enterprise of film-making: relatively ignorant, gold-chasers, likely to turn on each other, and liable to go where they are not supposed to. ", "The story is told from their perspective. ", "The gold in the story is hidden in sticks. ", "The gold in the film is hidden in similar harvesting of nature by the eye.", "\n\n(Mifune's pride and Kurosawa's control were much like that shown here between Mifune's samurai and the peasants. ", "Mifune would eventually run away from Kurosawa's -- probably much needed -- overbearing command. ", "Mifune would end up wealthy and celebrated in Japan. ", "Kurosawa not so.)", "\n\nAt the end of the story, the peasant-actors are on a grand stair that mirrors a similar stair we saw earlier which was the scene of a huge conflict (in turn mirroring the battle on Eisenstein's Odessa steps in 'Potemkin'). ", "But this second time, we are at peace, the frame is serene. ", "Kurosawa has wrestled this new eye and mastered it.", "\n\nKurosawa did not respond to the wide format like his American peers who preferred awesome panoramas. ", "His approach to framing had always been layered, usually three layers of activity in fore, middle and background. ", "Here, he was able to relax the axis so that the layers did not have be so much on top of one another. ", "And he reinvented his strategy of panning of motion: compare a running sequence here to the famous woodcutter's running in the beginning of 'Rashomon.' ", "Look at how he panned the General's attack on horseback. ", "He still does diagonals, but fewer, less steep and with less static import. ", "He now has more natural horizontals in his greytone/greystone arrangements so has to create more artificial verticals.", "\n\nObligatory Star Wars comment:\n\nI am sure Lucas' film school professors would have explained the relationship of story and visual challenge this way. ", "So that is the real template Lucas took in conceiving his project. ", "His goal was a similar marriage of the visual (space) with story (Joseph Campbell inspired myth). ", "His hidden gold is that miraculous alchemical element in Jedi blood.", "\n\nAn inspiration for ¨Star Wars¨series and deserving of its magnificent reputation and winning several awards such as : Fipresci prize , Blue Ribbon , Festival Berlin Golden Bear , and Kinema Junpo to best film . ", "Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece about a princess , a laconic general samurai and two roguish , oafish hustlers . ", "Set in Japan , XVI century , amid Civil wars , when Yamana and Akirakis clans were battling . ", "It concerns two wandering , botchering peasants , a valiant general and a beautiful princess , Misa Uchara, escape throughout the dangerous countryside in seventeen century Japan and they find themselves various locations run by two parties commanded by feudal lords and their hired thugs .", "\nOn their way they meet mysterious roles , slaves, battles and many other things . ", "It is full of injustices , inequity , violence and killings , due to the hordes of violent soldiers , murderers that inhabit it.", "\n\nThis is a magnificent picture by Akira Kurosawa starred by his ordinary actor Toshiro Mifune , being an international breakthrough one . ", "Steeped in japanese style and transports us to Medieval Japan and the world of Samurai . ", "The impressive flick blends drama , humor , violent fights , emotion , slaughters with high body-count and results to be pretty entertaining as well as thought provoking .The film confirmed Kurosawa's greatest strength and his innovative handling of genre . ", "It is incredibly detailed vision in its own right , as the impact of the action and combats on this trail-blazing adventure film opened the floodgates for the huge numbers of samurai films that made fortunes for their producers in the sixties and early seventies . ", "Dramatically staged sword-plays occur on and off throughout the plot . ", "Very good acting by Toshiro Mifune as a general Samurái who attempts to protect and save his princess. ", "This one made an international star out of Toshiro Mifune . ", "Kurosawa's treatment is in part eclectic , there are reminiscences of Nicholas Ray's Johnny Guitar , John Ford Westerns , Serguei M Eisenstein's Potenkim (1925) and part truly idiosyncratic as the Shakespearean relations between heroes and clowns . ", "Akira also uses a traditional style including the concept , symbols , plotting and utilization of Noh theatre music . ", "It inspired Mel Gibson's Braveheart and George Lucas for Star Wars , 1977, and especially the two bungling peasants , Tahei and Mataschichi , similar roles to R2D2 , C3Po and a princess , Leia-lookalike , as well as Owi Van Kenobi like the brave general . ", "It was clearly a big step from this to the delights of Yojimbo and Sanjuro . ", "Being well shot in stereo and TohoScope , a CinemaScope version , and with a brilliant black and white cinematography .", "\n\nThis fiercely-charging , uncompromising pictures was compellingly directed by Akira Kurosawa and being exhibited with subtitles or dubbed .After working in a wide range of genres, Kurosawa made this awesome film . ", "The previous years saw the low-key , touching Living (1952) , the epic The seven samurais (1954), the barbaric , fascinating Shakespeare adaptation Throne of blood (1957) , a Macbeth's version , a masterful rendition that transports the story to Medieval Japan , and a fun pair of samurai movies Yojimbo (1961) and Sanjuro (1962) , and Rashomon , often credited as the reason the Academy created the \"Best Foreign Film\" category. ", "When this film was released internationally to rave reviews, many speculated that Akira Kurosawa was influenced by Citizen Kane (1941) in the element of flashbacks that ultimately provide conflicting accounts of events. ", "However, Kurosawa didn't even see Orson Welles's film until several years after . ", "Rashomon won the top prize at the Venice Film Festival, and first revealed the richness of Japanese cinema to the West. ", "The successful ¨Yojimbo¨ influenced in the known film Leone¨For a fistful of dollars¨is mainly cribbed from this Japanese samurái action classic Yet , there was a quieter side to Kurosawa's nature , expressed most succinctly on Living , The Lower Depths and especially the medical drama Red Beard . ", "After a lean period in the late 1960s and early 1970s, though, Kurosawa attempted suicide . ", "Other important movies were : The idiot based on Feodor Dostowieski , Drunken Angel , Scandal , A quiet duel , Tiger's tale , High and low . ", "He survived, and made a small, personal, low-budget picture with Dodes'ka-den (1970), a larger-scale Russian co-production Dersu Uzala (1975) an epic tale of adventure in turn-of-the-century Siberia and , with the help of admirers Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas, the samurai tale Kagemusha (1980), which Kurosawa described as a dry run for Ran (1985), an epic adaptation of Shakespeare's \"King Lear\" . ", "He continued to work into his eighties with the more personal Akira Kurosawa's Dreams (1990), and Madadayo (1993) and Rhapsody in August . ", "Kurosawa's films have always been more popular in the West than in his native Japan, where reviewers have viewed his adaptations of Western genres and authors with suspicion , but he's revered by American and European film-makers, one of his least well-known films but most agreeable pictures is The Bad Sleep Well , a transposition of an Ed McBain detective novel , being remade many his pictures such as The seven samurais (1954), as The magnificent seven (1960),The Hidden Fortress (1958), as Star Wars (1977)as Yojimbo (1961) as For a fistful of dollars by Sergio Leone (1964), in fact Kurosawa's style was the biggest single influence on the Spaghetti Western sub-genre ; as his Samurai 'Western's were copied not only in America but also in Italy .", "\n\nThe Hidden Fortress is a fine movie that deserves better than to be remembered as the inspiration for Star Wars. ", "Two more dissimilar movies would hard to be imagined. ", "The peasants bear a striking resemblance to Vladimir and Estragon in their infighting, negotiable affection for each other and their seeming inability to make any real progress toward any goal whatsoever. ", "They are truly a venal pair, loveable only in their humanity and humor.", "\n\nI saw The Hidden Fortress on the Criterion DVD. ", "Beautiful print but no commentary outside of a brief interview with George Lucas distancing himself from the film's alleged influence on Star Wars. ", "It would have been nice to hear interviews with surviving cast and crew or a knowledgeable historian. ", "Criterion also made a terrible choice in not translating more of the credits. ", "Only Kurosawa and Mifuni had the honor of an English translation. ", "Surely Misa Uehara, Minoru Chaiki and Kamatari Fujiwara deserve to have their names known to we who lack basic Japanese. ", "The Princess and the peasants help make this movie what it is. ", "I gripe too much though. ", "Without Criterion (and Netflix)I would not have been able to see this movie at all.", "\n\nAgain, The Hidden Fortress is a great movie that also happens to be great fun. ", "Highly recommended\n\nIn the Sixteenth Century, in Japan, Tahei (Minoru Chiaki) and Matakishi (Kamatari Fujiwara), two rascals and greedy peasants, are trying to return to the city of Akizuki through Hayakawa, after an unsuccessful attempt of making money with the war between the clans of Yamana and Akizuki. ", "While warming themselves in a fire, they find gold with the symbol MT. ", "Suribachi of the Akizuki hidden in the firewood, and they decide to search for other branches. ", "Tahei and Matakishi meet General Rokurota Makabe (Toshirô Mifune), who is secretly protecting Princess Yukihime (Misa Uehara), and without knowing their identities, they accept to escort and help them in the transportation of the gold through the enemy lines to Akizuki.", "\n\n\"Kakushi toride no san akunin\" is a delightful movie, indeed another masterpiece of master Akira Kurosawa. ", "The screenplay is amazingly wonderful, having action, comedy and code of honor. ", "Toshirô Mifune is perfect in the role of the samurai that is assigned to protect his princess no matter the cost of the life of his young sister; Minoru Chiaki and Kamatari Fujiwara are hilarious in the role of two greedy rascals, ready to betrayal, cheat and risk their miserable lives for gold, and responsible for the funniest moments along the story; the very gorgeous Misa Uehara is stunning in the role of a princess, showing personality and a very noble behavior. ", "Summarizing, it is a perfect movie, with fantastic locations and costumes and magnificent choreography of fights. ", "I intended to use the saying \"Hide stones among stones, men among men\" said by Makabe to the peasants as the title of my review, but I noted that another IMDb user had the same idea. ", "I read on the cover of the DVD that George Lucas inspired his franchising \"Star Wars\" in this movie. ", "This was the first time that I watched \"Kakushi toride no san akunin\", which was unknown for me, and I really recommend it to any audience. ", "My vote is ten.", "\n\nI'm not sure that it is helpful knowing that George Lucas found inspiration for his `Star Wars' films in Kurosawa's historical epic, `The Hidden Fortress' (1958). ", "Oh, there are a number of matters of content that seem quite similar. ", "Though Kurosawa's story takes place in sixteenth century Japan and Lucas sets his in space in the future, the basic struggles are the same-the restoration of power to a princess and her clan. ", "Some would compare Toshiro Mifune's General Rokurota Makabe to Harrison Ford's Hans Solo in `Star Wars' (1977), though there may be more commonality shared with Mark Hamill's Luke Skywalker. ", "And the two peasant farmers, pawns in the turmoil of sixteenth century Japanese civil wars, are easily identified as precursors of the `Star Wars' droids, R2-D2 and C3PO.", "\n\nHowever, when all is said and done, the comparisons are only superficial. ", "It may be more constructive to note some aspects of humor and character that are utilized in general. ", "Kurosawa has always been willing to develop exaggerated characters. ", "The peasant farmers, with their quick shifts between cowardice, bickering , and thievery are good examples of this. ", "Certainly the first two of these traits were incorporated in the character of C3PO (the mechanical humanoid), but R2-D2 shows none of these characteristics. ", "There is, however, an overall sense of humor that permeates both `The Hidden Fortress' and the `Star Wars' films-as well as a strong sense of nobility in the central characters, Rokurota and Skywalker.", "\n\nThat said, `The Hidden Fortress' seems to me to have clearly been made by a superior filmmaker. ", "Both are good at telling the story. ", "The `Star Wars' films rely heavily on special effects, to the extent, I think, that these are the central features of the films. ", "`The Hidden Fortress,' while a relatively light weight work for Kurosawa, involves much more subtle character development achieved by means of acting skill revealed through visual composition and unenhanced camera work.", "\n\nThis was Kurosawa's first use of Tohoscope, a Japanese widescreen process. ", "And he uses the screen frequently to develop character. ", "Over and over again he uses the wide screen to develop and reveal character. ", "The peasant farmers are certainly more complex than the droids, though they are simplistically exaggerated. ", "Kurosawa chose to explore the situation of these piteous beings, buffeted about in the feudal wars of sixteenth century Japan, in visually reinforced wide screen long shots in those final scenes on the plains.", "\n\nThe code of the samurai is central to an understanding of `The Seven Samurai' (1954), `Yojimbo' (1961), and `Sanjuro' (1962), and even `Rashomon' (1954). ", "These are all great films centered around the samurai class in Japan's past. ", "From the ninth century, samurai warriors followed a strict code of ethical behavior known as `bushido,' which remained orally transmitted for generations. ", "Briefly it is a way of life in which the warrior's honor and purpose are tied closely to the needs of his master. ", "In this respect, he was to be selfless. ", "His was not to understand or concern himself with politics-only to defend with honor the family or clan he served. ", "For such a man the ideal was to be without fear-to always move forward in his employer's interest-without fear of death-only fear of dishonor. ", "Toshiro Mifune's character in `The Hidden Fortress' is a military general, but his devotion to the creed and to his princess can be explained relative to this code. ", "His daring, too, extends from that. ", "So, too, his reputation reflects that of an accomplished samurai. ", "An especially strong scene in this regard is the duel scene in which Rokurota's skill and bravery are what are prized and respected by his opponent.", "\n\nAbove all, The Hidden Fortress remains a great adventure permeated with humor and nobility. ", "While the force in the `Star Wars' sense is never mentioned, it remains a tacit part of Rokurota's nobility.", "\n\nSuch a fine film maker can hardly help but make a fine movie like this one. ", "It seemed odd to me only in the fact that the plot seemed so UN-Japan like. ", "The most interesting thinks to look for are the similarities to Sergio Leone films: A man who obviously was greatly influenced by Kurosawa. ", "What Leone may not have known, is that those long shots of unmoving fighting men waiting to make a thrust or cut with a sword is very true to the actual way that Samurai fought. ", "Cowboys on the other hand generally shot from behind trees and rocks. ", "For an interesting comparison, watch \"Hidden Fortress\" followed by \"The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly\". ", "It will be be an enlightening experience.", "\n\nDirected by the legend that was Akira Kurosawa this is another of his samurai epics, but not his finest work.", "\n\nIt tells the story of two peasants who find themselves teaming with a princess and her general who are actively being sought by the military. ", "With copious amounts of gold on the line they are motivated to stick with them despite the dangers.", "\n\nWell shot, well acted and with all the usual quality you'd expect from a Toho/Kurosawa movie it's an enjoyable journey that runs into more than a few bumps.", "\n\nThe film has an alarming amount of comedy to it which is an odd fit, the content is very tame and the entire movie could pass for a U rating and some of the characters intended to be protagonists are less than likeable.", "\n\nToshirô Mifune leads and is great as always, Takashi Shimura is totally wasted, Kamatari Fujiwara plays the fool SO well it's always entertaining and Misa Uehara makes me wish she'd had a better career.", "\n\nThis is certainly a Kurosawa epic and I'd never try to take away from that, I just have a few gropes that I cannot get over.", "\n\nI think there are three great thresholds or paradigm shifts in film that have contributed much excitement to film fans, since the great masters have had to cope with the changes and try them out. ", "The first was the advent of sound, the second the introduction of a wider aspect ratio, and the third the use of colour.", "\n\nAll of the Kurosawas I've seen are beautiful poems. ", "That this is Kurosawa's first film in Tohoscope, that is, in a wider aspect ratio than 4:3, is in itself an event. ", "It would be 1970 when he would direct his first colour feature, although there's that effective use of colour in \"High and Low\" (1963).", "\n\nHe is able to utilize space so well that both are thoroughly magical, and here the complete impotence of our two antiheroes is reflected in the large emptiness surrounding them, that is, loneliness in vastness, as used by Antonioni to great effect in a few year's time.", "\n\nI like his use of sand (and rock and boulders) in the film, especially since I'm also a big fan of Teshigahara and Imamura. ", "They seem to have a life of their own, the rocks and boulders.", "\n\nAnd his portrayal of the violence of the mob towards the beginning of the film; the most exhilarating sequence involving stairs, far outdoing the Odessa steps as the ultimate example of not only violence and aggression but appropriation of class dynamics (it's the mutiny here that falls down from above). ", "And the way he shoots the crowded streets and interiors, something beautiful in itself and worth looking for. ", "And Mifune on horseback, chasing the two Yamana men, both his hands on his sword; an iconic moment that might be equally only by Nakadai's similar moment, with his bow and arrow, in \"Ran\" (1985). ", "And the rain!", "\n\nIt's been a while since I've watched an older movie, but I recently decided to check out Kurosawa films I haven't seen, and watching this movie is a good reminder that you don't need special effects and flashy cinematographic swoops to make a good movie.", "\n\nThe movie itself is interesting and rather unusual in terms of the Kurosawa films I've seen. ", "First off, the main protagonists are a pair of greedy, stupid peasants played primarily for comedic effect. ", "The heroic characters are, in this movie, in supporting roles.", "\n\nIt is also unusual in that it has a very strong female character. ", "Kurosawa's movies tend to be very masculine, and this one is as well, but the girl is tough, proud, and noble, and replaces the quiet subservience seen from women in a lot of old Japanese movies with a ferocious appetite for life.", "\n\nI wouldn't say this ranks with Kurosawa's best films, being a little wandering in story and at times slightly puzzling in intent, but it is quite entertaining.", "\n\nIt´s the lightest of Kurosawas samurai epics and even if it looks more like a common adventure/comedy then a masterpiece it´s over two hours with great fun.", "George Lucas has really been inspired by this film when he made star wars(this is as good if not better).Toshiro Mifune is one of my favorite actors and in this he plays brilliant(as always).One of Kurosawas personal favorites.4,5/5\n\nAccording to George Lucas, this film was his inspiration for Star Wars. ", "When watching this film, it's easy to see the influence. ", "You have the forerunners of R2-D2 and C-3PO in the form of two greedy slaves who attempt to escape from a conquered province. ", "Along the way they meet a military general who is trying to smuggle the defeated princess out of the province and into safety. ", "Sound familiar?", "\n\nI think part of the film's greatness is the excitement that it builds up without the typical fight scenes. ", "In fact there are only 2 fights that I can remember, but nevertheless they are fantastic. ", "The tension comes from whether or not our heroes will be captured by the villainous army. ", "And they come so close it makes your pulse rise and your heart beat faster.", "\n\nIn addition the John Ford-type cinemetography excentuating the landscape is beautiful. ", "As in all Kurosawa films, nature becomes a character in itself as important as the actors.", "\n\nProbably the best part of the movie though is the honor that these warriors possess. ", "They are governed by codes of conduct that Americans haven't seen in YEARS. ", "It's a nice change to see two great generals fight to the death with the loser being spared. ", "And he gets angry about living!!! ", "I only wish there were more movies like this one.", "\n\nThe hidden fortress starts with it's two main characters Tahei and Matakashi (played by Minoru Chiaki and Kamatari Fujiwara) walking through a war torn country side. ", "They have just escaped from an internment camp after a recent great battle. ", "The two had been forced to dig graves as prisoners and they are already, at the start of the movie, at wit's end. ", "They soon become frustrated with each other and their situation that they set out in opposite directions, only to be both recaptured shortly thereafter. ", "After a prisoner mass uprising and subsequent exodus, the two find themselves completely unscathed but monumentally stunned amongst the dozens of dead.. and piles of pillaged gold.", "\n\nUnable to carry much in their escape, their sense of scheming is palpable and a testament to the quality of direction. ", "While walking through the woods they come upon a camping warlord, General Makabe (played by Kurosawa mainstay, Toshiro Mifune), who they enlist to help them steal the gold. ", "Makabe has other ideas. ", "They later meet up with the fiercely sexy Princess Yukihime (Misa Uehara) who playfully defends herself from the two anti-heroes, smacking all insolent fools with a reed and secretly running the show. ", "The two rogues suffer through constant harassment with wide eyed fear and cowardice that Kurosawa somehow makes endearing.", "\n\nIt was said that Kurosawa would spend the mornings of the writing process thinking up impossible situations for the two rogue protagonists and the production crew would have the afternoon to plot out how the two would escape from certain death; The pair survive numerous captures, a prison riot, multiple rock slides (!) ", "and more often than not each other during a sometimes cathartic, sometimes hilarious series of events. ", "The Hidden Fortress is an archetypal dark comedy and could be well adapted in the future because of it's intelligent dynamics and carefree yet succinct episodes (the first Star Wars employs much of the same wide open sense of adventure).", "\n\nWhile being one of the lightest of Kurosawa's films, it still has the underlying fatalism and rebelliousness that is inherent of much of interesting Japanese cinema. ", "For examples, see much of mainstream (and probably most non mainstream) anime, as well as the nihilistic cult films of today like the recently Americanized Ringu (The Ring) and Kyua (Cure) by Kiyoshi Kurosawa (no relation). ", "The Hidden Fortress is worth a viewing by any patient film buff.", "\n\nThis is one of the most hilarious movies I have ever seen. ", "There is just too much to write about, so just rent it, or better yet, buy it! ", "Toshiro Mifune's performance as Rokorota alone is worth it. ", "His \"duel scene\" in which he battles general Hoye is fantastic. ", "I guess George Lucas based Star Wars on this wonderful movie. ", "I've already watched this movie 6 times, Star Wars 3. ", "I just can't recommend it enough. ", "Hidden Fortress & Rashomon are 2 of my favorite Kurasawa/Mifune collaborations. ", "Rent them both & have fun!", "\n\nIt might not quite compare with Kurosawa's greatest movies, but \"The Hidden Fortress\" is good entertainment with an interesting story and characters. ", "Toshiro Mifune is enjoyable to watch as always, and although most of the story is played for action and/or humor, it does have a couple of powerful scenes as well. ", "The story of a defeated general trying to lead his princess past the enemy to safety is given plenty of twists and turns that give all of the characters some good moments.", "\n\nAlong with all of the action, there are some pretty good characters, with Mifune, as the general, a big part of holding everything together in his interactions with all of the others. ", "The rather spoiled princess learns quite a bit about life, and the two greedy farmers learn - and often quickly forget - some lessons of their own. ", "There are also some good scenes with an enemy general. ", "Most of it works well, and it's an entertaining movie.", "\n\nAkira Kurosawa's \"The Hidden Fortress\" is mostly notable today as one of the key influences on the film \"Star Wars\". ", "In particular, the pair of lowly peasants who provide the film's point of view were the inspiration for C-3PO & R2-D2. ", "The headstrong princess on the run also invites comparison to Princess Leia, though Lucas insists that that was only a coincidence.", "\n\nThe story here takes shape after down on their luck peasants Tahei & Matakishi cross paths with a mysterious stranger. ", "When they find that he knows about the gold that they've recently stumbled upon their greed leads them to join forces with him in hopes of a big payoff. ", "Along the way they meet a supposedly mute woman who is actually the princess of the defeated Akizuki clan. ", "They then set out to cross enemy lines with a princess and a load of gold in tow.", "\n\nThe cast is uniformly solid with a few familiar faces from other Kurosawa films like \"Seven Samurai\". ", "Minoru Chiaki & Kamatari Fujiwara play the parts of the peasants with relish and the legendary Toshirô Mifune delivers a fine performance as the crafty General. ", "Misa Uehara stars as the princess and I would have liked to have seen her utilized a bit more but that's a minor point.", "\n\nThe story is an entertaining adventure yarn but if you're looking for something on par with \"Seven Samurai\", this isn't it. ", "It has a lighter tone and is more accessible, though these facts aren't necessarily detractions from the film. ", "In any case, you still get top-notch direction from Kurosawa which in this case is accompanied by a lively score from Masaru Satô.", "\n\nWhile those interested in George Lucas's inspirations for \"Star Wars\" may get the most out of this film I think that it is a solid tale of adventure in its own right. ", "It may be no match for \"Seven Samurai\" but, then again, few films are.", "\n\nThe DVD version of the film has a short talk with George Lucas who used the two primary characters as an inspiration for R2D2 and C3PO in the Star Wars saga. ", "Toshiro Mifume is of course the real star of the film but the story is told from the perspective of the two down and out peasants who've just escaped from a burying detail.", "\n\nThere is a lot of comic relief in the film and sudden twists that gives it a full spectrum of entertainment. ", "One of my favorite scenes is a lengthy duel with spears. ", "Mifume has just a great roll in this film as a general on the run with the sole-survivor of a defeated clan. ", "It is one of his most light-hearted roles with an ever present \"can-do\" attitude. ", "Another point for the film is that it has a clear storyline and is not overlong. ", "It is a good start for those wanting to see Kurasawa films.", "\n\n''Kakushi-toride no san-akunin'', better well known as ''The Hidden Fortress'' is the famous movie from Akira Kurosawa that influenced George Lucas when he was making the script for Star Wars' story.( ", "All the the comical interplay between two characters as major theme, is present in both scrips, as well as a hero who is saving a princess)\n\nI think this movie is very funny,specially because of the discussions of both farmers. ", "Toshiro Mifune is also great in the regular role of the tough guy.", "\n\nSixteenth Century, Japan. ", "Two greedy peasant farmers,Tahei and Matakishi are refugees, trying to return home after a war. ", "They find gold while warming themselves and they were decided to find even more, when they meet General Rokurota Makabe, who lures them with gold to help him and also a beautiful and mysterious girl, to cross enemy lines. ", "What they are going to discover is that the girl is a princess and the tough guy is her general.", "\n\nPs:I find it odd to see the princess wearing shorts,since at that time I think shorts didn't exist, and if it did, I think women could not use shorts and pants.", "\n\nOvershadowed by bigger efforts like \"the Seven Samurai\", its nature distorted by its status as the official \"inspiration\" for \"Star Wars\", \"the Hidden Fortress\" is a unique delight in the Kurosawa canon, balancing wry humor and deep empathy on the line between realism and fairy tale. ", "The film opens and closes with the two bickering farmer/soldiers who inspired R2-D2 and C3P0, but they're nothing like their \"Star Wars\" descendants -- their swings from slapstick to base treachery make them so weird and un-Hollywood that Lucas' robots seem neutered by comparison. ", "Mandatory viewing, for many reasons.", "\n\nI must admit that this was the first movie by Kurosawa that disappointed me a little bit, although it has some great scenes (the first ten minutes until the massacre in front of the mines are great and of course the fire-festival scene). ", "The story though was hard to get and the characters (unsually for Kurosawa) rather stereo-types than human beings. ", "Especially the stupid and greedy peasants got on my nerves after a while, acting like clown-children all the time, without any character development. ", "Mifune is great as incarnation of manliness though, and the androgyn princess is also an interesting figure, kind of Japanese styled hunt goddess Diana, sweet and small on the one hand, rude and imperious on the other. ", "Could have been a great movie, since it has everything Kurosawa usually needs to develop his great psychological character studies... I missed something like the great monologue of Mifune in the Seven Samurai, where he is first mocking the farmers for their ridiculousness, but then turning his speech into a stirring accusation against the class of the Samurai, that suppressed the formerly free farmers and made them what they are, small, weak and afraid all the time....Hidden Fortres instead, with its all time noble, strong and good Mifune as opposed to the all time greedy, weak and unloyal farmers seems to give rather a reason for mastery of the one over the other, since it does not try to explain its characters.", "\n\nAs key scene however, the fire dance with its song (a man's life goes with the fire/a worm's life drops into the flames)is so electrifying and has such a tense atmosphere, that it alone compensates for the rather conservative plot development....\n\nThis is another enjoyable outing from one of the world's most beloved film director, Akira Kurosawa. ", "In my opinion its much more like a comedy, yet never ignored the serious aspects of human nature - which is why I enjoyed it so much. ", "But when it comes to slash & hack samurai-themed movies of his, I think the Seven Samurai & Yojimbo is still unbeatable.", "\n\nIts a bit strange to hear that so many have to mention Star Wars with this film. ", "Okay so Lucas is a rip-off (a pretty good one though) but its free publicity nonetheless!", "\n\nAlso, any comparison between the two is downright stupid because Star Wars is purely a Sci-Fi movie and Lucas' directing skill is ... well, rather abysmal (but not awful, American Graffiti is a great movie - so give this guy some merit). ", "Don't get me wrong, I love Star Wars and I think Lucas is a brilliant storyteller. ", "However, Kurosawa is in an entirely different class, and like other greats such as Hitchcock and Godard, he is incomparable. ", "I would list him in the top 10 most influential film director of all time. ", "He inspired and influenced other heavyweight directors such as Scorsese, Spielberg, Herzog, John Sturges (The Magnificent Seven). ", "Oh, and yes ... Lucas too, for those of you who are hardcore Star Wars fans.", "\n\nTHE HIDDEN FORTRESS is an adventure drama with elements of comedy, which examines human courage, loyalty and greed.", "\n\nA country is torn apart in a war between two rival clans. ", "A two poor farmers are trying to use a state of the war in order to profit. ", "Their attempts are usually unsuccessful. ", "After one attempt, the two of them barely save lives. ", "However, they accidentally find a couple of bars of gold, which are marked with symbols of the defeated clan. ", "One general (of dubious identity) is interested in gold also. ", "He promises them a share in the wealth if they help him to escape to a free territory. ", "A mute girl will join them ....\n\nMr. Kurosawa has presented a medieval clash in Japan through a joint adventure between two greedy and unstable, but hilarious characters and two strong characters which manifest courage and loyalty at the same time. ", "The war topics, except at the beginning of the film, are in the background. ", "A dismal and cruel landscape corresponds to human greed and slyness.", "\n\nThe story is quite tense and exciting. ", "The focus is on two unlikable characters, whose cowardice is almost tragicomic. ", "The true heroes are a kind of \"support\" in this story.", "\n\nMinoru Chiaki (Tahei) and Kamatari Fujiwara (Matashichi) were simply excellent. ", "The rwo paupers, which with their greed and cowardice drive everyone crazy in a tragicomic way. ", "They are constantly in conflict and they give a certain comic dimension in this film. ", "Toshiro Mifune as general Rokurota Makabe is extremely strong, loyal and brave character, who gradually revives his heroic figure. ", "Misa Uehara as Princess Yuki has offered an impressive performance. ", "A bit arrogant princess is doing well in the role of the mute girl. ", "This crazy adventure has changed her character.", "\n\nThis is one fast, funny and visually impressive adventure where Mr. Kurosawa made an excellent balance between courage and cowardice, or between tragedy and comedy." ]
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0.0006467800121754408, 0.004108647350221872, 0.0005793670425191522, 0.0006620150525122881, 0.0009683356038294733, 0.7873358726501465, 0.017300168052315712, 0.0009637292241677642, 0.0007143852999433875, 0.0007351790554821491, 0.0007055699243210256, 0.0005673954728990793, 0.055087510496377945, 0.04109737277030945, 0.0009560306207276881, 0.0019125083927065134, 0.0006996925221756101, 0.0006557897431775928, 0.0007222111453302205, 0.0006205802201293409, 0.0010516374604776502, 0.016260305419564247, 0.0011302403872832656, 0.0035403126385062933, 0.0006489556399174035, 0.0005663154297508299, 0.0007232287316583097, 0.0012589127290993929, 0.0006052620592527092, 0.015130657702684402, 0.0005515221273526549, 0.016514502465724945, 0.000571441778447479, 0.0007018877658993006, 0.24255642294883728, 0.0007065145764499903, 0.0007669423357583582, 0.000600392755586654, 0.12343458086252213, 0.0009705390548333526, 0.001468576374463737 ]
[ "This file describes the directives and concepts tested by this test set.", "\n\ntest set name: smpschededf04\n\ndirectives:\n\n - _Scheduler_EDF_SMP_Set_affinity()\n\nconcepts:\n\n - Ensure that _Scheduler_EDF_SMP_Set_affinity() works correctly in a\n clustered scheduling setup.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0005535951349884272, 0.0006212765001691878, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Vacancies Inch Up\n\nThe vacancy rate for U.S. neighborhood and community centers rose 20 basis points during the fourth quarter of 2007 according to Reis Inc. — the eleventh straight quarterly increase — leaving the national rate at 7.5 percent, the highest level since 2006. ", "Meanwhile, vacancies at regional malls jumped 30 basis points to 5.8 percent, the highest level in three years.", "\n\nWhat to make of the move? ", "Not much, Reis chief economist Sam Chandan says. ", "While the vacancy rate is moving in the wrong direction, it would need to move a lot further to cause any real damage to the retail sector's fortunes. ", "And even with softness seeping into the commercial real estate world, there are a lot of reasons to believe the sector will weather the storm.", "\n\nChandan points out that the biggest reason for vacancy rates moving up is that newer projects opening to serve new housing developments are not leasing up as fast as hoped because the housing developments themselves haven't filled up. (", "For more from Chandan, check the Expert Q&A on p. 56.)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006904256297275424, 0.0008271773695014417, 0.0007268209010362625, 0.0006958395824767649, 0.0006455667898990214, 0.0006509350496344268, 0.0005917103262618184, 0.000551550299860537 ]
[ "Opinion\n\nEditorials\n\nHealthier Weigh 2013 under way in Morgan County\n\nThe 2013 A Healthier Weigh challenge began Jan. 9 when 92 individuals on 23 teams completed weigh-in at Morgan County Rural Electric Association.", "\n\nTotal weight for the 4-person teams was 18,430 pounds or 9.2 tons. ", "Morgan County Extension Service staff also did measurements of participants' waist circumferences, which totaled 3,768-1/4 inches or 314 feet, slightly more than the length of a football field.", "\n\nDuring the 12-week health and fitness challenge, participants have set goals to increase their physical activity and make wise food choices. ", "Because the emphasis of this challenge is not just on weight loss, there are not weekly weigh-ins. ", "Participants will weigh out in early April, and their weight loss will be determined as a percentage of beginning team weight.", "\n\nEach participant received a pedometer to record walking and other activity. ", "They will add step equivalents for other physical activity such as swimming, which might not be recorded by a pedometer. ", "Each week, participants will access a website for online success strategies on lifelong behavior changes and complete personal assessments.", "\n\nAt the conclusion of the 12-week challenge, teams will receive cash prizes for weight loss, waist circumference inches lost and miles of physical activity recorded. ", "Community sponsors of A Healthier Weigh are Northeast Colorado Broadcasting, MediaLogic Radio, Morgan County REA and Walmart.", "\n\nWhile signup is closed for this year's challenge, those who wish can follow the progress of the teams through weekly updates.", "\n\nAdvertisement\n\nTeams will take a virtual trip around North America which will be logged on a map at the Extension Center.", "\n\nArticle Comments\n\nWe reserve the right to remove any comment that violates our ground rules, is spammy, NSFW, defamatory, rude, reckless to the community, etc.", "\n\nWe expect everyone to be respectful of other commenters. ", "It's fine to have differences of opinion, but there's no need to act like a jerk.", "\n\nUse your own words (don't copy and paste from elsewhere), be honest and don't pretend to be someone (or something) you're not.", "\n\nOur commenting section is self-policing, so if you see a comment that violates our ground rules, flag it (mouse over to the far right of the commenter's name until you see the flag symbol and click that), then we'll review it." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000561263645067811, 0.0008888400625437498, 0.0006772852502763271, 0.0005705044022761285, 0.0007493132725358009, 0.0006300173699855804, 0.0007034302107058465, 0.0011209468357264996, 0.0005457822699099779, 0.0007446914678439498, 0.0006111579714342952, 0.0005228120717220008, 0.0005630218656733632, 0.0018748410511761904, 0.0005616957787424326, 0.675940752029419, 0.028432054445147514, 0.0005964200245216489 ]
[ "Fibromatosis and fibrosarcoma of the larynx and pharynx in an infant.", "\nA 14-month-old infant had congenital solitary fibromatosis of the larynx that showed fibrosarcomatous change and that spread to the pharynx and the anterior part of the neck. ", "The histologic condition is discussed, as is the surgical treatment with total laryngopharyngectomy. ", "A five-year postoperative follow-up is included." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.042789556086063385, 0.019058216363191605, 0.0035216459073126316, 0.0005785897956229746 ]
[ "Antiretroviral recommendations may influence the rate of transmission of drug-resistant HIV type 1.", "\nHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment guidelines have evolved, shifting from more-aggressive to more-conservative approaches. ", "The potential impact of these shifts on the transmission of drug-resistant virus is unknown. ", "Drug-resistance genotypes were examined in all consecutive patients with recent HIV type 1 (HIV-1) seroconversion (hereafter, \"HIV-1 seroconverters\") seen at 10 Spanish hospitals since 1997. ", "During the same period, the proportion of patients with chronic HIV-1 infection having undetectable viremia was examined, to estimate the extent and effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy. ", "A total of 141 recent HIV-1 seroconverters were identified, 67.4% of whom were men who have sex with men. ", "The rate of primary drug-resistance mutations, by year of infection, was 33.3% for 1997, 29.4% for 1998, 20% for 1999, 14.3% for 2000, 3.4% for 2001, 15.4% for 2002, and 10.9% for 2003. ", "On the other hand, the proportion of 8388 persons with chronic HIV-1 carriage who had an undetectable virus load was 33.4% for 1997, 34.6% for 1998, 39.7% for 1999, 47.5% for 2000, 52.9% for 2001, 39.7% for 2002, and 58.1% for 2003. ", "A significant inverse correlation between transmission of drug-resistant HIV-1 and undetectable virus load was found (r=-0.955, by Spearman's test; P=.001). ", "The lowest rate of transmission of drug-resistant HIV-1 was seen in 2001, when relatively \"aggressive\" treatment guidelines were used. ", "Transmission of drug-resistant HIV-1 increased in 2002, in parallel with a reduction in the number of patients with chronic HIV-1 carriage and undetectable virus load, reflecting the popularity of drug holidays or treatment interruptions. ", "The rate of drug resistance in recent HIV-1 seroconverters inversely correlates with the proportion of chronically HIV-1-infected individuals who have undetectable virus loads in the same region, which indirectly reflects antiretroviral treatment rules at any given time." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007820547325536609, 0.0007449662080034614, 0.0006225538090802729, 0.0007450904231518507, 0.0007570385932922363, 0.1828506886959076, 0.0006770467152819037, 0.0023044650442898273, 0.0007653079810552299, 0.0009159382898360491, 0.0006823188159614801, 0.0008161639561876655 ]
[ "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Collins <dave@davec.name>\n *\n * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any\n * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above\n * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.", "\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES\n * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF\n * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR\n * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES\n * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN\n * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF\n * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE.", "\n */\n\npackage spew\n\nimport (\n\t\"fmt\"\n\t\"io\"\n)\n\n// Errorf is a wrapper for fmt.", "Errorf that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the formatted string as a value that satisfies error. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Errorf(format, spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) (err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Errorf(format, convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Fprint is a wrapper for fmt.", "Fprint that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Fprint(w, spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Fprint(w io.", "Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Fprint(w, convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Fprintf is a wrapper for fmt.", "Fprintf that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Fprintf(w, format, spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Fprintf(w io.", "Writer, format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Fprintf(w, format, convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Fprintln is a wrapper for fmt.", "Fprintln that treats each argument as if it\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Fprintln(w, spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Fprintln(w io.", "Writer, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Fprintln(w, convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Print is a wrapper for fmt.", "Print that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Print(spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Print(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Print(convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Printf is a wrapper for fmt.", "Printf that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Printf(format, spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Printf(format, convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Println is a wrapper for fmt.", "Println that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered. ", " See\n// NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Println(spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Println(a ...interface{}) (n int, err error) {\n\treturn fmt.", "Println(convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Sprint is a wrapper for fmt.", "Sprint that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the resulting string. ", " See NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Sprint(spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Sprint(a ...interface{}) string {\n\treturn fmt.", "Sprint(convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Sprintf is a wrapper for fmt.", "Sprintf that treats each argument as if it were\n// passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the resulting string. ", " See NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Sprintf(format, spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string {\n\treturn fmt.", "Sprintf(format, convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// Sprintln is a wrapper for fmt.", "Sprintln that treats each argument as if it\n// were passed with a default Formatter interface returned by NewFormatter. ", " It\n// returns the resulting string. ", " See NewFormatter for formatting details.", "\n//\n// This function is shorthand for the following syntax:\n//\n//\tfmt.", "Sprintln(spew.", "NewFormatter(a), spew.", "NewFormatter(b))\nfunc Sprintln(a ...interface{}) string {\n\treturn fmt.", "Sprintln(convertArgs(a)...)\n}\n\n// convertArgs accepts a slice of arguments and returns a slice of the same\n// length with each argument converted to a default spew Formatter interface.", "\nfunc convertArgs(args []interface{}) (formatters []interface{}) {\n\tformatters = make([]interface{}, len(args))\n\tfor index, arg := range args {\n\t\tformatters[index] = NewFormatter(arg)\n\t}\n\treturn formatters\n}\n" ]
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[ "In album:\nhttp://fornatgaex.com/mega-maximus/\n\nDeel Dit Album\n\nWhen individuals talk about Body Building, built talking about building skeletal muscles. ", "Low-cost policies biceps, triceps, back, legs, buttocks etc.", "Mega Maximus When you first dive in, you'll find an in-depth workout regime which will take easily one read to digest, but fortunately that's a strong thing. ", "Every person jam made up of information anyone help you reach your goals, one after the other.", "\nhttp://fornatgaex.com/mega-maximus/" ]
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[ "costuming | cosplay\n\nWhat are they thinking?", "\n\nJudges, that is. ", "Costume contest judges of all kinds. ", "Those you drop your hard work and dedication in front of for scrutiny. ", "Those judges.", "\n\nA friend prompted this post by asking about “unwritten” requirements in masquerades and cosplay contests. ", "What are the expectations for each level? ", "For presentations? ", "For anything?", "\n\nFirst off, the written rules are the only ones you need to worry about. ", "Those are designed by the coordinators or chairs in order to make things fair and – most importantly – keep you safe. ", "They also remove any liability from the con if you choose to ignore those rules.", "\n\nSecond… You’ll never know the unwritten requirements. ", "You’ll never know what each individual judge really wants to see. ", "You can’t know that stuff, all you can know is that you love what you did and you did good work. ", "You might be able to learn them by looking at past winners and participating in the contest – but only maybe. ", "Those unwritten expectations change from year to year, convention to convention, judge to judge. ", "They’re always different, and that’s part of the fun!", "\n\nAs an example, the question of wearing colored contacts came up. ", "Lots of people love to wear them to complete a look. ", "I do it on occasion too – and I’m in the market for some circle lenses soon! ", "But is it necessary?", "\n\nAs a judge, I like it because it’s a detail that’s been considered. ", "It’s just like taking the time to choose the right colors or finish your seams. ", "It means you put thought into it. ", "But it’s only one piece in a thousand that indicate your skill and interest level – there are plenty of others to work with. ", "It’s an extra: like adding a delicately sugar-frosted cherry on top of an already intricately decorated cupcake, but the lack thereof isn’t going to deduct points. ", "When judging, I wouldn’t be looking for it – but if you did it (and pointed it out, as it’s not always obvious) with the intention of providing just that one more detail, I would love it.", "\n\nAs a cosplayer, I love the look – especially if the character’s eyes are distinctive – and the way it can really complete a costume. ", "I don’t regularly wear contacts, though, so it’s a challenge I reserve for distinctive costumes. ", "OR sometimes it’s an added detail to a costume that’s otherwise rather simple: Princess Emeraude, for example. ", "I wore blue contacts with her costume – a non-competition piece – because first of all she’s MADE OF EYES, and second because with her simple white shift, it was a detail that I felt really defined the costume. ", "I love details; I’m a detail fiend. ", "That’s how I choose to create costumes.", "\n\nIf you don’t, no biggie! ", "You costume based on what you need and want. ", "If you can’t wear contacts, focus on another detail that’s important to you, and make sure the judges KNOW it was important and intentional. ", "There are thousands to choose from! ", "Finishings, makeup, wigs, accessories, shoes, even music and movement for your presentation –\n\n– tiny tangent here, I just did a fully-fleshed out, dramatic presentation in 40 seconds. ", "Most of my presentations are under 1 minute. ", "One minute in stage-time is an ETERNITY. ", "The music/SFX are super important, and I use them for the utmost effect. ", "Anyway –\n\n… anything that makes you memorable. ", "Give the judges a good reason to remember you and your costume, whatever that reason is. ", "Make a statement, and make it yours. ", "Enjoy!" ]
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[ "id,summary,reporter,owner,description,type,status,priority,component,version,resolution,keywords,cc,guest,host\n8300,VBox Guest Debian on debian host freezes,jlueters,,\"I am running a debian sid Guest on a debian 6 host. ", "Vbox is Version 4.0.2.", "\nThe guest is configured with all gnome bells and whistels as it shall be used as a desktop system.", "\nThe guest is working for some time (15- 30 minutes ) and does freeze suddenly.", "\nThe host system is reporting 100% cpu utilization for the vbox process.", "\nBeside the vbox logs i do supply the lsof information for that process and strace logs.", "\nRegards Jürgen\n\",defect,closed,major,other,VirtualBox 4.0.2,fixed,freeze,,Linux,Linux" ]
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[ "So, if this forum does turn into a general-talk forum, without Nickelodeon – the feel free to direct some Nickelodeon talk over to my boards.", "\n\nI still enjoy visiting this forum and looking through posts (even if I don’t regularly post myself).", "\n\nI’ve also made some good friends for here. ", "I still speak with Derek (old username of jarjar23 I think).", "\n\nsuperyo\n\nPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:14 pm Post subject:\n\nyeah this place's dead...\n\nThe old time is over and it's time to make something different\n\nI had the idea of making a cartoon information site, but a site needs some people to take care of it... and I must admit I don't have as much free time as I had before !", "\n\nMy idea would be to close Nickdisk... yep, this is the end... my friend and start something new something that will give everyone the pleasure to come here and post like before don't worry I won't delete messages... juste move them in a subforum like \"old nickdisk\". ", "I'll kept every account and could build something around\n\nNew place, new site, new board, new team !", "\n\nMike, would you like to be the first brick of that wall ? (", "yeah I like pink floyd ) you can mail me\n\nStar\n\nPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:44 pm Post subject:\n\nYou've made several valid points, and your ideas seem to be good ones. ", "Maybe Superyo should make you an admin (if you're interested).", "\n\nI can step down as admin. ", "I haven't done much in way administrative duties unless I was asked to do something. ", "It was always more or less an honorary title. ", "I do care about the forum and the members though. ", "That's never changed.", "\n\ntommy_baby\n\nPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:25 pm Post subject:\n\nI like that silly yellow sponge. (", "Admittedly, the new episodes are...well...bad, at best description.)", "\n\nI don't think we should full-on ditch the cartoon theme - it can be toned down quite a bit, but not fully ditched. ", "I'd suggest we combine ALL cartoons (not just Nick) into a single discussion board, along with something for live-action and adult shows, a section for printed media, a section music, and a section for movie releases.", "\n\nI like the idea of having a history section, and a political chat (thouhg for safety reasons, you should have to be logged in to look at it). ", "The computer section is also an excellent idea, and the car section...well, I'm more of a train fan, but that'd still attract people.", "\n\nAnother thing we could add is a section where members can express the creative left (?) ", "side of thier brain, for thier own writings and art. ", "This should not be restricted to fanworks, anything could be put there.", "\n\nOk. ", "The programmer in me is starting to get the brain wheels moving. ", "Here are some ideas:\n\nFirst of all, I'd start by prunning the user list and cancelling those accounts that haven't been active in the last 12 months or so. ", "I mean, if you register to a site and don't even make a post in one year, it's evident you don't liked what you saw.", "\n\nAnother thing would be to shed those forums that hadn't seen action in the last months. ", "My, the \"Other cartoon\" forum hasn't seen any action since I posted about that Mampato cartoon in january (which, btw, didn't even get a single reply... XD)\n\nNext I'd set up a poll right up front asking those few regulars that still visit to propose topics or areas of interest. ", "If the current categories don't fill their eyes, let people say what they'd like to talk about.", "\n\nMaybe next thing would be a general renaming and revamping of the forum. ", "Nickdisk is so asociated to Nickelodeon (in its name and the design of its logo) that it looks like it only has to do with it. ", "And considering that Nickelodeon is barely showing anything but that silly yellow sponge, that doesn't really help attracting people to our place.", "\n\nLast, but not least, a new launch of the site, complete with ads in the major search engines, other forums, etc. ", "Publicize us, letting people know that we're still around. ", "Like someone once said, if we're going down, let's go down screaming, instead of dying quietly.", "\n\nknoodelhed\n\nPosted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:18 pm Post subject:\n\nSo much of what you speak of rings true. ", "At present, however, I am at a loss for a definitive course of action. ", "I agree that something needs very badly to be done; however, as to what form it might take, I'll go on with whatever seems to work.", "\n\nLooks to me like this forum is quietly going down the tubes, and in other circumstances I would merely slip away and go on to other stuff - I know many people have done it already, and this post might be as successful as a speech in the main square of a ghost town, but I prefer to step on my old crate and do a little preaching instead of going quietly.", "\n\nAnywho. ", "This forum has been very important to me for a number of reasons. ", "I met here several of my best online friends, and I keep really fond memories of the talks and chats we had when we were still writing fanfiction and having an active discussion in the forums. ", "It was a very interesting place to be, not only because of the topics discussed but also because of the people.", "\n\nAnd that's pretty much the problem, as I see it. ", "We have a lot of registered users, but I wonder how many of them have made at least five posts. ", "It all sums up to this: the same group of people (which is smaller every week) trying to keep the forum alive, even though the admins themselves seem to have lost the interest in it. ", "I mean, I haven't seen much of Superyo, Star, Avaitor, or the other admins in weeks, if not months.", "\n\nOnline forums are communities, and to thrive they need people to share stuff and information that appeals to other people. ", "Of course there will always be lurkers - people who register just to see what's in the threads, but who never even bother to post anything. ", "So the vicious circle closes and shrinks every time - less and less people posting, less and less interesting topics, less and less motivation to even come visiting the site, which in turns causes less and less people to feel like posting, and so on.", "\n\nThere's a natural law of sorts that applies to cities and towns, and can be used on Internet forums as well. ", "When towns start, they are usually created by a group of people with similar interests and goals, who are willing to work together to make their town thrive and prosper, and who are willing to face the challenges and overcome difficulties in order to stay in the place they chose to be. ", "Then new people begin to arrive over time, and more and more people start settling, until the small outpost becomes a town, then a city. ", "With more citizens (users) come more activity, more interaction, bigger needs, and yes, bigger problems. ", "You need to provide infrastructure, education, health, everything.", "\n\nBut then, there's a moment when the number of new people arriving in town begins to fade. ", "And then the tendency reverses: jobs and oportunities begin to stale, services and infrastructure begin to age, and the younger and capable begin looking for opportunities elsewhere, until the only inhabitors of the town left are those who are too old, too sick, or too sentimental to leave. ", "Little by little they too abandon town, until the last resident leaves the ghost town.", "\n\nThe same is happening here; I've been lurking for a while, just checking if there's any sign of activity in the forum, but to no avail. ", "Right now, this site has become a nice relic of a recent past, with interesting threads (the oldest ones) buried under layers and layers of irrelevant, insubstantial matters, mostly personal issues or stuff copied from other places and the classic one-word replies. ", "There is not a sense of community here anymore, and the city hall has closed its doors, the \"Mayor\" (Superyo) and his staff abandoning town apparently for good.", "\n\nOk. ", "So I had to get that off my chest. ", "Now, I want to throw some ideas that might be a way to keep our community going, though in a quite different way as we knew it back in the day. ", "Here goes:\n\n1) Ditch the Nickelodeon- and cartoon- theme. ", "It's evident that the few remaining residents are not interested anymore on whatever Nick has to offer, and whatever new registered users we've had have not been interested on taking part on the discussions, not even by digging old stuff and bumping it to the light. ", "So it makes no sense at all to have a Nickelodeon - related section. ", "It hasn't seen much action lately, anyway.", "\n\n2) We need to get together and propose things that interest us and would like to talk about. ", "It's evident we, the few people still posting, are not interested on talking about, say, books, or Nickelodeon, or Disney, or stuff like that. ", "We've definitely grown out of that. ", "So, what would YOU be interested on talking?? ", "Let's be proactive, people, and make suggestions. ", "Me, for starters, I would like to have a forum where I could discuss stuff about cars, computers, politics and history; those are the things that have occupied my mind for a while.", "\n\n3) We need an active management. ", "Superyo, Star, I know you've been very busy lately. ", "It is unfair to put so much pressure on you and the other admins to come and regulate life in the forums, but we do need a definition: are you interested in this site? ", "Do you still want it to be active?? ", "Or we should consider it has served its purpose and, metaphorically, turn off the lights and close the doors? ", "That's important, because without you, without an active and involved management, this site will never have life again.", "\n\n4) We need to create contents. ", "Not much to say about this one, right? ", "It's OK to read what the few posters write, but people, we want to hear your opinion too. ", "So, to those lurkers who only registered to see what's this about, this is a mayday call: we need you to post too, because otherwise we won't know how to make this thing interesting to you. ", "Right now there are what, five, ten active posters?? ", "Out of a gazillion registered users? ", "That's not a very favorable ratio, is it??", "\n\nSo, that's it. ", "It's time to make a decision, and we need Superyo to help us, because he owns the place. ", "The coin is in the air. ", "What should we do?" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPlot multiple axhlines on the same plot\n\nI am trying to plot a simple control chart on same graph with my feature.", "\nWhat I have tried so far is:\ndata.plot(y='Feature1',use_index=True).axhline(y=upper_bound,color='red')\ndata.plot(y='Feature1',use_index=True).axhline(y=lower_bound,color='green')\n\nThat creates two separate graphs; one with the upper bound and one with the lower bound. ", "How do I plot them on the same graph; essentially, my one plot should have features and upper/lower bounds?", "\n\nA:\n\nIf I understand you correctly, then separate \"axhline\" as shown below : \np = data.plot(y='Feature1',use_index=True)\np.axhline(y=upper_bound,color='red')\np.axhline(y=lower_bound,color='green')\n\n" ]
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[ "A Louisiana teenager says she was refused a Donald Trump cake for her 18th birthday party by Albertsons bakery after she requested a design featuring an American flag that read “Trump 2016”.", "\n\nMcKenzie Gill, a 17 year-old Trump supporter from Bossier City took to her Facebook page to explain what had originally occurred when she asked for a Trump-themed cake at her local Albertsons grocery store.", "\n\nGill says she just wanted a cake for her birthday that reflected her excitement on voting for the first time and, more specifically, voting for Trump.", "\n\n“Trump is just someone I really look up to,” Gill told KSLA.", "\n\nGill said that when she and her mother went to the local grocery story bakery to request the Trump-themed cake, they were expecting the standard scenario of ordering a cake.", "\n\nWAFB 9 News Baton Rouge, Louisiana News, Weather, Sports\n\nInstead, she left empty-handed and puzzled.", "\n\n“We just need an American flag cake with Trump 2016 on it, and right when I said Trump the lady just (makes face) kinda Trump? ", "And she was like I can make you a flag cake but I’m not going to write Trump on it,” Gill told KSLA.", "\n\nAfterwards, Gill and her mother said they simply went to another bakery to make the cake for them.", "\n\n“It’s your job,” Gill said. “", "We’re not really going for your opinion on what you think of the candidates we were just wanting Trump 2016 on the cake.”", "\n\nSince the enthusiastic young Trump supporter’s story immediately grabbed headlines, Albertsons released a statement, saying “We apologize to our customer in Bossier City for the situation regarding the cake that was requested.”", "\n\n“Our Bakery staff member misunderstood the training provided regarding copyrighted phrases, and incorrectly informed the customer we could not fulfill her request,” the Albertsons statement continued. “", "We would be happy to provide the cake as the customer requested.”", "\n\nGill said she never thought her story would see national attention, saying “I was just venting on Facebook when I made the status that I made, I didn’t think I was going to get as much attention as it did.”", "\n\nJohn Binder is a contributor for Breitbart Texas. ", "Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder." ]
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[ "---\nauthor:\n- |\n \\\n The University of Edinburgh\\\n RBC and UKQCD collaborations\\\n E-mail:\ntitle: Conserved currents for Mobius Domain Wall Fermions\n---\n\nRBC and UKQCD have recently adopted the Möbius generalisation of the domain wall action [@Brower:2004xi; @Brower:2005qw; @Brower:2012vk], Our conventions are as follows. ", "The usual Wilson matrix is $D_W(M) = M+4 - \\frac{1}{2} D_{\\rm hop},$ where $\nD_{\\rm hop} = (1-\\gamma_\\mu) U_\\mu(x) \\delta_{x+\\mu,y} +\n (1+\\gamma_\\mu) U_\\mu^\\dagger(y) \\delta_{x-\\mu,y} \\,.", "\n$ We introduce the five dimensional action $\nS^5 = \\bar{\\psi} D^5_{GDW} \\psi\n$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nD^5_{GDW}\n&=&\n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{cccccc}\n \\tilde{D} & - P_- & 0& \\ldots & 0 & m P_+ \\\\\n- P_+ & \\ddots & \\ddots & 0 & \\ldots &0 \\\\\n0 & \\ddots & \\ddots & \\ddots & 0 &\\vdots \\\\\n\\vdots& 0 & \\ddots & \\ddots & \\ddots & 0\\\\\n0 & \\ldots & 0 & \\ddots& \\ddots & - P_- \\\\\nm P_- & 0 & \\ldots & 0 & - P_+ \n& \\tilde{D}\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\\,,\\end{aligned}$$ and we define $\nD_+ = (b D_W + 1) \\quad;\\quad\nD_-= (1-c D_W )\\quad;\\quad\n\\tilde{D} = (D_-)^{-1} D_+\\,.", "\n$ This generalized set of actions reduces to the standard Shamir action in the limit $b=1$, $c=0$, and it can also be taken to give the polar approximation to the Neuberger overlap action as another limiting case [@Borici:1999zw; @Borici:1999da]. ", "In all of our simulations we take the coefficients $b$ and $c$ as constant across the fifth dimension, As in the Shamir domain wall fermion formulation we identify “physical”, four-dimensional quark fields $q$ and $\\bar{q}$ whose Green’s functions define our domain wall fermion approximation to continuum QCD. ", "We choose to construct these as simple chiral projections of the five-dimensional fields $\\psi$ and $\\bar{\\psi}$ which appear in the action. ", "$$\\begin{array}{cccccc}\nq_R = P_+ \\psi_{L_s} &\\quad& q_L = P_- \\psi_{1}\\, & \\bar{q}_R = \\bar{\\psi}_{L_s} P_- & \\quad & \\bar{q}_L = \\bar{\\psi}_{1} P_+\\,.", "\n\\label{eq:physical_fields}\n\\end{array}$$ The choice of physical quark fields given in Eq.", "  has the added benefits that the corresponding four-dimensional propagators satisfy a simple $\\gamma^5$ hermiticity relation and a hermitian, partially conserved axial current can be easily defined. ", "If we introduce the so-called transfer matrix as $$\\begin{array}{ccc}\nT^{-1} &=& -(Q_-)^{-1} Q_+ = -[ H_M - 1]^{-1} [ H_M + 1].", "\n\\end{array}$$ and define the Möbius kernel as $$H^M = \\gamma_5\\frac{(b+c) D_W}{2+(b-c)D_W}\\,.$$ One can show that $D^5_\\chi$ takes the following form[@Brower:2004xi; @Brower:2005qw; @Brower:2012vk], $$\\begin{aligned}\nD^5_\\chi&=& \n\\left[ \n\\begin{array}{cccccc}\nP_- - m P_+ & -T^{-1} & 0 & \\ldots & \\ldots & 0\\\\\n0 & 1 & -T^{-1} & 0 & \\ldots & \\vdots\\\\\n\\vdots & 0 & \\ddots & \\ddots & 0 & \\vdots\\\\\n\\vdots &\\ldots& 0 & 1 & -T^{-1} & 0 \\\\\n0 &\\ldots& \\ldots&0 & 1 & -T^{-1} \\\\\n-T^{-1} (P_+ -m P_-) & 0 & \\ldots&\\ldots & 0 & 1 \n\\end{array}\n\\right]\\,,\\end{aligned}$$ for which we can perform a UDL decomposition around the top left block: $$\\left(\n\\begin{array}{cc}\nD & C \\\\\nB & A\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\n= \n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{cc}\n1 & C A^{-1} \\\\\n0 & 1\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{cc}\nS_\\chi & 0\\\\\n0 & A\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{cc}\n1 & 0 \\\\\nA^{-1} B & 1\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\\,.$$ Denoting the left and right factors as $U$ and $L(m)$ respectively, we write this factorisation as $D_\\chi^5 = U D_S(m) L(m) $. ", "The determinants of the $U$ and $L(m)$ are unity, and the determinant of the product is $\n\\det D_\\chi^5 = \\det A \\det S_\\chi = \\det S_\\chi,\n$ where $$\\begin{aligned}\nS_\\chi(m)&=& -(1 + T^{-L_s}) \\gamma_5 \n\\left[ \\frac{1+m}{2} + \\frac{1-m}{2}\\gamma_5 \\frac{T^{-L_s}-1}{ T^{-L_s}+1} \\right].\\end{aligned}$$ We can see that after the removal of the determinant of the Pauli Villars fields we are left with the determinant of an effective overlap operator, which is the following rational function of the kernel: $$\\det D_{PV}^{-1} D(m)= \\det D_{ov} = \\det\\left(\\frac{1+m}{2} + \\frac{1-m}{2}\\gamma_5 \n\\frac{ (1+ H_M)^{L_s}-(1 - H_M)^{L_s}}\n { (1+ H_M)^{L_s}+(1 - H_M)^{L_s}}\\right)\\,.$$ We identify $D_{ov}$ as an approximation to the overlap operator with approximate sign function $$\\epsilon(H_M) = \\frac{ (1+ H_M)^{L_s}-(1 - H_M)^{L_s}}\n { (1+ H_M)^{L_s}+(1 - H_M)^{L_s}}\\,,\n\\label{eq:sign_approx}$$\n\nThe approximate overlap operator can be written as $\nD_{ov} = S_\\chi(m=1)^{-1} S_\\chi(m) .", "\n$ If we solve the following 5d system of equations and substitute the UDL decomposition, $$\\begin{aligned}\nD_\\chi^5(m=1)^{-1} D_\\chi^5(m) \\phi &=& \n\\left(\nq,\n0,\n\\ldots\n0\n\\right)^T,\\end{aligned}$$ the approximate overlap operator can be expressed in terms of the $\\bar{\\psi}$ basis fields, $$\\begin{aligned}\nD_{ov} &=& S_\\chi(m=1)^{-1} S_\\chi(m) \n = \\left[{\\cal P}^{-1} D^5_{GDW}(m=1)^{-1} D^5_{GDW}(m) {\\cal P}\\right]_{11}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ The cancellation the Pauli-Villars term can be expressed in terms of *unmodified* generalised domain wall matrix $D^5_{GDW}$. The contact term can be subtracted from the overlap propagator. ", "We define $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\tilde{D}_{ov}^{-1}&=&\\frac{1}{1-m}\\left[{D}_{ov}^{-1} - 1\\right]\n =\\frac{1}{1-m} \n\\left\\{ {\\cal P}^{-1} D^5_{GDW}(m)^{-1} \n\\left[ D^5_{GDW}(m=1) - D^5_{GDW}(m) \\right]{\\cal P}\n\\right\\}_{11}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$\n\nNow, the difference $\\left[ D^5_{GDW}(m=1) - D^5_{GDW}(m) \\right]_{ij} = \n(1-m)\\left[ P_- \\delta_{i,L_s}\\delta_{j1} \n+ P_+ \\delta_{i,1}\\delta_{j,L_s}\\right]$. This relation is simpler to interpret in our convention than with the convention from [@Brower:2012vk]: the mass term is applied to our five dimensional surface fields without field rotation. ", "With this, $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\tilde{D}_{ov}^{-1}&=&\n\\left\\{ {\\cal P}^{-1} D^5_{GDW}(m)^{-1} R_5 {\\cal P}\n\\right\\}_{11}\\,.\\end{aligned}$$ This is just the normal valence propagator of the physical DWF fields $q = ({\\cal P}^{-1} \\psi)_1$ and $\\bar{q} = (\\bar{\\psi} R_5 {\\cal P})_1$. We see that the usual domain wall valence propagator has always contained both the contact term subtraction and the appropriate multiplicative renormalisation of the overlap fermion propagator. ", "As a result, the issues of lattice artefacts in NPR raised in reference [@Maillart:2008pv] have never been present in domain wall valence analyses. ", "This was guaranteed to be the case because Shamir’s 5d construction is designed to exactly suppress chiral symmetry breaking in the limit of infinite $L_s$, including any contact term. ", "For later use, we may also consider the propagator into the bulk from a surface field $q$ for Mobius fermions $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\langle Q_s \\bar q \\rangle &=& \n\\left[ \n{\\cal P}^{-1} D^5_{GDW}(m)^{-1} R_5 {\\cal P} \n\\right]_{s1}\n=\n\\frac{1}{1-m} \n\\left\\{\nL^{-1}(m) \n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{c|c}\nS_\\chi^{-1}(m) S_\\chi(1) & 0 \\\\\n\\hline\n0 & {\\mathds{1}}\\end{array}\n\\right)\nL(1) -{\\mathds{1}}\\right\\}_{s1}.\\end{aligned}$$ Now, $$\\begin{array}{ccc}\nL(m) = \n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{c|c}\n1 & 0 \\\\\n\\hline\n\\begin{array}{c}\n-T^{-(L_s-1)} (P_+-m P_-)\\\\\n\\vdots \\\\\n-T^{-1} (P_+-m P_-)\n\\end{array} & {\\mathds{1}}\\end{array}\n\\right)\n&\\quad;\\quad&\nL(m)^{-1} = \n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{c|c}\n1 & 0 \\\\\n\\hline\n\\begin{array}{c}\nT^{-(L_s-1)} (P_+-m P_-)\\\\\n\\vdots\\\\\nT^{-1} (P_+-m P_-)\n\\end{array} & {\\mathds{1}}\\end{array}\n\\right)\n\\end{array}$$ Finally, applying ${\\cal {P}}$, we have the five dimensional propagator from a physical field, $$\\begin{aligned}\nG_q = {\\cal P} \\langle Q_s \\bar q\\rangle\n&=& [P_+ +P_- T^{-1}] \n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{c}\nT^{-(L_s-1)} \\\\\nT^{-(L_s-2)} \\\\\n\\vdots\\\\\nT^{-1} \\\\\n1\n\\end{array}\n\\right)\n[1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1}.", "\n\\label{BulkPropagator}\\end{aligned}$$\n\nThe connection between domain wall systems and the overlap, well established in the literature and reproduced in this section, is needed in the following derivation of conserved currents.", "\n\nConserved vector and axial currents {#appendix-mobiusconservedcurrents}\n===================================\n\nThe standard derivation of lattice Ward identities proceeds as follows. ", "A change variables of the fermion fields $\\psi$ and $\\bar \\psi$ at a single site $y$ is performed: $\n \\psi^\\prime_y = \\psi_y - i \\alpha \\psi_y$ ; $\\bar \\psi^\\prime_y = \\bar \\psi_y + i \\bar \\psi_y \\alpha$ under the path integral, the Jacobian is unity, and the partition function is left invariant $$\\begin{aligned}\nZ^\\prime\n&=&\n \\int d\\bar\\psi d\\psi e^{-S[\\bar\\psi,\\psi]} \n \\left\\{1 - i \\alpha \\left[ \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta \\psi_y} \\psi_y\n - \\bar \\psi_y \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta \\bar\\psi_y} \n \\right] \\right\\}\n= Z.\\end{aligned}$$ Hence, $$\\langle \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta \\psi_y}\\psi_y - \\bar \\psi_y \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta \\bar\\psi_y} \n\\rangle = 0.$$ The Wilson action gives eight terms from varying $\\bar{\\psi}_y$ and eight terms from varying $\\psi_y$: $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\bar\\psi \\delta_y (D_W) \\psi = \\Delta^-_\\mu J^W_\\mu (y)\n&=&\n\\label{WilsonDivergence}\n\\Delta^-_\\mu \\left[\n \\bar\\psi_y \\frac{1-\\gamma_\\mu}{2} U_\\mu(y) \\psi_{y+\\hat\\mu}\n-\\bar\\psi_{y+\\hat\\mu} U^\\dagger_\\mu(y) \\frac{1+\\gamma_\\mu}{2} \\psi_y\n\\right]= 0,\\end{aligned}$$ where $\\Delta^-_\\mu$ is the backwards discretized derivative. ", "An equivalent alternate approach may be taken, however, and this is a better way to approach non-local actions such as the chiral fermions. ", "Gauge symmetry leaves the action invariant at $O(\\alpha)$ under the simultaneous active substitution, $$U_\\mu(y) \\to (1+i\\alpha) U_\\mu(y) \n ; \\quad\nU_\\mu(y-\\hat\\mu) \\to U_\\mu(y-\\hat\\mu) (1-i\\alpha) \n ; \\quad\n \\psi_y \\to (1+ i \\alpha )\\psi_y \n ; \\quad\n\\bar \\psi_y \\to \\bar \\psi_y (1 - i \\alpha)\n.$$ A change variables on the fermion fields at site $y$ may be performed simultaneously to absorb the phase on the fermions, $\n\\psi^{\\prime}_y = (1+ i \\alpha) \\psi_y$; $\n\\bar \\psi^{\\prime}_y = \\bar \\psi_y (1 - i \\alpha).", "\n$ Under the path integral, the Jacobian is unity, and the phase associated with the fermion is absorbed. ", "We can now view the change in action as being associated with the *unabsorbed* phases on the eight gauge links connected to site $y$. $$Z^\\prime = Z =\n \\int d\\bar\\psi^\\prime d\\psi^\\prime e^{-S[\\bar\\psi^\\prime,\\psi^\\prime,U]}\n \\left\\{1 + i \\alpha \\sum_\\mu \\left[\\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta U_\\mu(y)^{ij}} U_\\mu(y)^{ij}\n - \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta U_\\mu(y-\\mu)^{ij}} U_\\mu(y-\\mu)^{ij}\n \\right] \\right\\}.$$ For a gauge invariant Lagrangian we can *always* use a picture where the same change in action, and same current conservation law may be arrived at by differentiating with respect to the eight links connected to a site $$\\langle \\sum_\\mu \\left[\n \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta U_\\mu(y)^{ij}} U_\\mu(y)^{ij}\n - \n \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta U_\\mu(y-\\mu)^{ij}} U_\\mu(y-\\mu)^{ij}\n \\right]\\rangle = 0.$$\n\nThis arises because the phase freedom of fermions and of gauge fields are necessarily coupled and inseparable in a gauge theory. ", "For the nearest neighbour Wilson action this generates the same eight terms entering $\\Delta^-_\\mu J_\\mu =0$. In the case of non-local actions, the Dirac matrix, whatever it is, can be viewed as a sum of gauge covariant paths. ", "When we generating a current conservation law from $U(1)$ rotation of the fermion field at site $y$, we sum over all fields $\\bar \\psi(x)$ and $\\psi(x)$ connecting through the Dirac matrix $D(x,y)$ to the fixed site $\\psi(y)$ and $\\bar\\psi(y)$. The following sum is always constrained to be zero for all $y$, and is identical to that found by Kikukawa and Yamada[@Kikukawa:1998py]: $$\\sum_x \\bar{\\psi}_x D(x,y) \\psi_y - \\bar{\\psi}_y D(y,x) \\psi_x = 0.", "\n\\label{sum_df}$$ The partitioning of this sum of terms, into a paired *discrete divergence operator* and *current* is not obvious, and it is cumbersome to generate Kikukawa and Yamada’s *non-local kernel*. ", "We may derive the same sum of terms by differentiating with respect to the 8 links connected to site $y$. $$\\langle\n\\sum_\\mu \\left[\n\\begin{array}{c}\n \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta U_\\mu(y)^{ij}} U_\\mu(y)^{ij} \n - \n \\frac{\\delta S}{\\delta U_\\mu(y-\\mu)^{ij}} U_\\mu(y-\\mu)^{ij}\n\\end{array}\n \\right]\n\\label{sum_du}\n\\rangle = 0$$ The structure of eqn.", " \\[sum\\_du\\] *always* lends itself interpretation as a backwards finite difference. ", "For a non-local action the differentiation eqn.", " \\[sum\\_du\\] appears to generate a lot more terms than the fermion field differentiation eqn.", " \\[sum\\_df\\]. ", "The reason is clear: these extra terms are constrained by gauge symmetry to sum to zero, but only after cancellation between the different terms in eqn.", " \\[sum\\_du\\]. ", "Specifically, we consider an action constructed as the product of Wilson matrices: $$S = \\sum_{xyzw} \\bar \\psi_x D_W(x,y) D_W(y,z)D_W(z,w) \\psi(w).$$\n\nThe link variation approach gives three terms, each of which are conserved under a nearest neigbour difference divergence: varying with respect to the 8 links we obtain via the product rule\n\n$$\\delta_y (\\bar\\psi D_W D_W D_W \\psi) \\psi = \\psi \\left[ (\\delta_y D_W) D_W D_W + D_W (\\delta_y D_W)D_W +D_W D_W(\\delta_y D_W) \\right] \\psi$$\n\nEach of these contributions contain a backwards difference operator and it is trivial to split this into a divergence and corresponding conserved current using eqn.", " (\\[WilsonDivergence\\]). ", "The above comment is generally applicable to any function of the Wilson matrix. ", "We take this approach to establish the exactly conserved vector current of an approximate overlap operator, where the approximation is represented by a rational function. ", "We will also establish that matrix elements of this current are identical to those of the Furman and Shamir approach [@Furman:1994ky] in the case of domain wall fermions. ", "The Furman and Shamir approach will then be used to also establish an axial Ward identity for our generalised Möbius domain wall fermions. ", "under which an explicitly known defect arises. ", "This is important in both renormalising lattice operators and also in determining the most appropriate measure of residual chiral symmetry breaking in our simulations. ", "We construct the conserved vector current by determining the variation in the overlap Dirac operator $\\delta_y D_{ov}$ $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\delta_y D_{ov} &=& \\frac{1-m}{2} \\gamma_5 \\left\\{\n\\delta_y (\\frac{1}{1+T^{-Ls}}) [1-T^{-Ls}]\n+\\frac{1}{1+T^{-Ls}} \\delta_y (1-T^{-Ls})\n\\right\\}\\nonumber\n= (1-m)\\gamma_5 \\delta_y \\left(\\frac{1}{1+T^{-Ls}}\\right).\\end{aligned}$$\n\nWe can similarly find the variation in $T^{-1}$ induced by a variation in $D_W$, where the variation in $D_W$ is just the backwards divergence of the standard Wilson conserved current operator. ", "Denoting, $$\\begin{aligned}\nT^{-1} &=& -(\\tilde{Q}_-)^{-1}\\tilde{Q}_+\\nonumber\\\\\n\\tilde{Q}_- &=& D_+^s P_- - D_- P_+ = D_- \\gamma_5 Q_- \\nonumber\\\\\n\\tilde{Q}_+ &=& D_+^s P_+ - D_- P_- = D_- \\gamma_5 Q_+ ,\\end{aligned}$$ we see that $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\delta_y(T^{-1}) \n &=& -\\tilde{Q}_-^{-1} \\delta_y(D_W) \\left\\{ (b P_- + c P_+ ) T^{-1} + b P_+ +c P_- \\right\\}. ", "\\end{aligned}$$ Since $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\begin{array}{ccccccc}\n\\tilde{Q}_- P_- &=& (1+b D_W)P_- \n&;&\n\\tilde{Q}_+ P_- &=& (c D_W-1)P_- \\nonumber\\\\\n\\tilde{Q}_- P_+ &=& (c D_W-1)P_+ \n&;&\n\\tilde{Q}_+ P_+ &=& (1+b D_W)P_+ ,\n\\end{array}\\end{aligned}$$ we may rexpress the identity $$\\begin{aligned}\n\\tilde{Q}_-^{-1}(P_+ + P_-) &=& \\frac{\\tilde{Q}_-^{-1}}{b+c} \\left[ \\tilde{Q}_+ (c P_+ - b P_- ) + \\tilde{Q}_- (c P_- - b P_+) \\right],\\end{aligned}$$ and this lets us find a symmmetrical form: $$\\begin{aligned}\n(b+c)\\delta_y(T^{-1}) &=& \n\\left[ b [P_+ - T^{-1}P_-] + c [T^{-1} P_+ - P_- ] \\right]\n\\delta_y(D_W) \n\\left[ b [ P_+ + P_- T^{-1}] + c [ P_+ T^{-1} + P_- ]\\right]. ", "\\label{deltaTinv}\\nonumber\\end{aligned}$$ We may now look at the variation of the term $T^{-L_s}$ $$\\delta_y(T^{-L_s}) =\n\\sum\\limits_{s=1}^{L_s}\nT^{-(s-1)} \n\\left[ \n\\begin{array}{c} \nb [P_+ - T^{-1}P_-] \\\\+ c [T^{-1} P_+ - P_- ]\n\\end{array} \\right]\n\\delta_y(D_W) \n\\left[\n\\begin{array}{c} \n b [ P_+ + P_- T^{-1}] \\\\+ c [ P_+ T^{-1} + P_- ]\n\\end{array}\n\\right]\nT^{- (L_s-s)}.$$ Pulling these results together, we find $$\\delta_y D_{ov} = -\\frac{1-m}{b+c} \\gamma_5 \\frac{1}{1+T^{-Ls}}\n\\left( \\sum\\limits_{s=1}^{L_s}\nT^{-(s-1)} \\delta_y(T^{-1}) T^{- (L_s-s)} \n\\right)\n\\frac{1}{1+T^{-Ls}}.$$\n\nThe terms may be expanded until insertions of the the backwards divergence of the Wilson current are reached, eqn.", " \\[WilsonDivergence\\]. ", "Gauge symmetry then implies the conservation of the obvious current and the vector Ward identities can be constructed. ", "For example, we may take as source $\\eta^{j j^\\prime\\alpha\\alpha^\\prime} (z) = \\delta_{jj\\prime}\\delta_{\\alpha\\alpha^\\prime} \\delta^4(z-x)$ and a two point function of the conserved current may be constructed as\n\n$$\\label{MobiusMatrixElement}\n\\begin{array}{c}\n\\Delta^-_\\mu \\langle \\bar \\psi \\gamma_\\nu \\psi(x)| {\\cal V}_\\mu(y) \\rangle =\n{\\rm Tr} \\gamma_\\nu \\gamma_5 \\eta^\\dagger D_{ov}^{-\\dagger} \\gamma [1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1}\n\\left\\{\\sum\\limits_{s=0}^{L_s-1}\nT^{-s} \\delta_y(T^{-1}) T^{-(L_s-1-s)}\n\\right\\}\n[1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1}\\eta\n\\end{array}.$$\n\nNote that when $c=0$ the insertion of eqn.", " \\[deltaTinv\\] contains only terms such as $\n[ P_- T^{-1} + P_+ ],\n$ which are also present in the surface to bulk propagator eqn.", " \\[BulkPropagator\\]. ", "As one would expect, when we take $b$ and $c$ to represent domain wall fermions, the two point function of our exactly conserved vector current - derived from the four dimensional effective action - exactly matches the matrix element of the vector current constructed by Furman and Shamir [@Furman:1994ky], eqn.", " (2.21), from a five dimensional interpretation of the action. ", "Since the Furman and Shamir current was easily constructed from the five dimensional propagator eqn.", " (\\[BulkPropagator\\]) one might hope to do the same in the generalised approach to domain wall fermions. ", "To play a similar trick for the $c$ term we would need to generate the terms $\nP_- [1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1}$, and $\n P_+ T_1^{-1}[1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1}.$ These are not manifestly present in eqn.", " \\[bulkpropagatormob\\]. ", "However, the presence of the contect term on the $s=0$ slice can be removed after a propagator calculation. ", "We define this slice as $\nS(x) = \\langle Q_0 \\bar q\\rangle = \\frac{1}{1-m}\\left( D_{ov}^{-1}(m) - {\\mathds{1}}\\right).", "\n$ In a practical calculation the source vector $\\eta$ may be used to eliminate the contact term by forming $$(1-m)S(x)\\eta + \\eta = D_{ov}^{-1}(m) \\eta = [1+T^{-L_s}] [1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1} \\eta.$$ By applying $P_+$ and $P_-$ we find we have the following set of vectors $$\\left(\n\\begin{array}{c}\nP_+ ,\nP_- T^{-L_s},\nP_+[1+T^{-L_s}],\nP_-[1+T^{-L_s}]\n\\end{array}\n\\right)^T[1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1},$$ and we may eliminate to form a $L_s+1$ vectors from a 4d source $\\eta$ $$T(s) = \n\\left(\n\\begin{array}{c}\n1 ,\nT^{-1},\n\\ldots,\nT^{-L_s}\n\\end{array}\n\\right)^T \\left[ 1+ T_1^{-1}\\cdots T_{L_s}^{-1}\\right]^{-1} D_{ov}^{-1}(m)\\eta.$$ This may be used to construct $$\\left[ b [ P_+ + P_- T^{-1}] + c [ P_+ T^{-1} + P_- ]\\right] T^{s},$$ for $s\\in \\{ 0 \\ldots L_s-1 \\} $, and by contracting these vectors through the Wilson conserved current the the matrix element eqn.", " \\[MobiusMatrixElement\\] can be formed a *very* similar manner to the standard DWF conserved vector current. ", "When $c = 0$ the matrix element reduces to being *identical* to that for the Furman and Shamir vector current. ", "A flavour non-singlet axial current, almost conserved under a backwards difference operator, can now also be constructed following Furman and Shamir. ", "We associate a fermion field rotation $$\\begin{array}{ccc}\n\\psi(x,s) \\to \\left\\{ \n\\begin{array}{ccc}\ne^{i \\alpha \\Gamma(s)} \\psi(x,s) & ; & x=x_0 \\\\\n \\psi(x,s) &;& x\\ne x_0\n\\end{array}\n\\right.", "\n&;&\n\\Gamma(s) \\to \\left\\{ \n\\begin{array}{ccc}\n-1 &;& 0\\le s < L_s/2\\\\\n1 &;& L_s/2 \\le s\n\\end{array}\n\\right. .", "\n\\end{array}$$ We acquire a related (almost) conserved axial current, whose pseudoscalar matrix element is $$\\label{WTI}\n\\begin{array}{c}\n\\Delta^-_\\mu \\langle \\bar \\psi \\gamma_5 \\psi(x)| {\\cal A}_\\mu(y) \\rangle =\n{\\rm Tr} [\\eta^\\dagger \\tilde D_{ov}^{-\\dagger} \\gamma_5 ]\n[1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1}\n\\left\\{\n\\sum\\limits_{s=0}^{L_s-1}T^{-s} \\Gamma(s) \\delta_y(T^{-1}) T^{-(L_s-1-s)}\n\\right\\}\n[1+T^{-L_s}]^{-1}\n D_{ov}^{-1} \\eta\n\\end{array}$$ This generalisation of the Furman and Shamir approach induces the same $J_{5q}$ midpoint density defect that arose for DWF, and the axial Ward identity is $$\\label{mobpcac}\n\\Delta^-_\\mu \\langle \\bar \\psi \\gamma_5 \\psi(x)| {\\cal A}_\\mu(y) \\rangle = \\langle \\bar \\psi \\gamma_5 \\psi(x)|2m P(y) +2J_{5q}(y) \\rangle .$$ This allows us to retain the usual definition of the residual mass in the case of Möbius domain wall fermions. ", "We emphasize that the definition, $$m_{res} =\\left. ", "\\frac{\\langle \\pi(\\vec{p}=0) | J_{5q}\\rangle}\n{ \\langle \\pi(\\vec{p}=0) | P \\rangle}\\right|_{m=-m_{res}},$$ via the zero-momentum pion matrix element of $J_{5q}$ is important, because the PCAC relation, $$\\langle \\pi(\\vec{p}=0) |2m P +2J_{5q} \\rangle = 0,$$ guarantees that the low momentum lattice pions are massless. ", "This is the appropriate measure of chiral symmetry breaking for the analysis of the chiral expansion.", "\n\n![ ", "As a numerical proof of the correctness we display the difference of the left and right hand sides of the axial Ward identity evaluated on a $16^3$ configuration with a point source. ", "The defect is of order the convergence error. ](", "wti_defect.pdf){width=\"60.00000%\"}\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nPB wishes to thank Norman Christ, Antonin Portelli, Shoji Hashimoto, Taku Izubuchi, Richard Browerand his colleagues in the RBC-UKQCD collaboration for useful discussions.", "\n\n[99]{}\n\nR. C. Brower, H. Neff and K. Orginos, Nucl.", " Phys.", " Proc.", " Suppl.", "  [**140**]{}, 686 (2005) \\[hep-lat/0409118\\]. ", "R. C. Brower, H. Neff and K. Orginos, Nucl.", " Phys.", " Proc.", " Suppl.", "  [**153**]{}, 191 (2006) \\[hep-lat/0511031\\]. ", "R. C. Brower, H. Neff and K. Orginos, arXiv:1206.5214 \\[hep-lat\\]. ", "A. Borici, Nucl.", " Phys.", " Proc.", " Suppl.", "  [**83**]{}, 771 (2000) \\[hep-lat/9909057\\]. ", "A. Borici, hep-lat/9912040. ", "V. Maillart and F. Niedermayer, arXiv:0807.0030 \\[hep-lat\\]. ", "Y. Kikukawa and A. Yamada, Nucl.", " Phys.", " B [**547**]{}, 413 (1999) \\[hep-lat/9808026\\]. ", "V. Furman and Y. Shamir, Nucl.", " Phys.", " B [**439**]{}, 54 (1995) \\[hep-lat/9405004\\].", "\n" ]
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[ "Window Tinting Plaquemine LA\n\nLocal resource for window tinting in Plaquemine. ", "Includes detailed information on local businesses that provide access to window contractors and window treatments, as well as advice and content on window tints.", "\n\nRemoving Window Tint\n\nProvided By:\n\nWhen old window tint starts to bubble, the glass looks like it has malignant melanoma. ", "Light splotches disbursed over dark tint give the car that urban-beater attitude—whether that's your intent or not.", "\n\nThe typical warranty on window film is two years against cracking, bubbling or delaminating. ", "The tint's adhesive eventually dries out, at which point bubbles start to appear. ", "You may be tempted to try to repair the damage, but one bubble indicates that the glue is nearing the end of its life cycle. ", "Instead, remove all of the film. ", "This will save time and money whether or not you intend to re-tint the glass yourself or take it to a shop.", "\n\nNo special tools or talent are necessary to remove old window film. ", "All you need are a few household items and a sunny day. ", "The operation shown here applies to all tinted windows, particularly ones that have defroster lines, which can be damaged by razor blades. ", "As such, heat and chemicals are the best ways to proceed on this type of glass. ", "This rear-windshield job took about an hour and a half.", "\n\nReplacing Window Door Glass\n\nProvided By:\n\nLife is full of ups and downs, but—when it comes to your vehicle's windows—that's a very good thing. ", "Unless the glass is altogether gone ...\n\nSo, you've noticed your window isn't there anymore, and Mother Nature is being more intimate with you. ", "Maybe your stereo is missing, or pieces of trash are floating in during your commute. ", "You probably need to check out the cost of window glass replacement. ", "I called one auto glass repair business, but didn't like the amount they would charge to fix the problem. ", "A bit more research via the net and I not only got a market price for a replacement window (one-third what the \"professional\" wanted), but also found a nearby auto-recycling center with one in stock.", "\n\nMake sure you have a good selection of hand tools, a tarp, a repair manual, and a vacuum. ", "Follow the instructions in your specific repair manual to remove the door panel. ", "You should find a plastic sheet/weather barrier under the panel. ", "Carefully peel this sheet back while avoiding the sticky stuff. ", "Use gloves to remove any hunks of glass that might still be together—window tinting will cause that. ", "Use a shop vacuum to get the rest of the cubits out and carefully dispose in the trash.", "\n\nLocal resource for Vogue Tyre & Rubber Company tires in Plaquemine, LA. ", "Includes detailed information on local businesses that give access to custom luxury tires, whitewall tires, custom wheels, custom accessories, and chrome wheels, as well as advice and content on vehicle customization." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0008934647776186466, 0.0005567112239077687, 0.03211585804820061, 0.005754885263741016, 0.0007256512762978673, 0.0010168920271098614, 0.0008328310213983059, 0.0009782685665413737, 0.0018728228751569986, 0.001144823501817882, 0.0007114604813978076, 0.0008284986834041774, 0.0005569240311160684, 0.0014293098356574774, 0.000715539907105267, 0.0024362378753721714, 0.8363993763923645, 0.000824598828330636, 0.0009604476508684456, 0.0005403287359513342, 0.001645964803174138, 0.0008044055430218577, 0.0005924899596720934, 0.003646149765700102, 0.003015700727701187, 0.3535386323928833, 0.0005843142862431705, 0.0005402759416028857 ]
[ "#include \"f2c.h\"\n#undef abs\n#undef min\n#undef max\n#include \"stdio.h\"\n\nstatic integer memfailure = 3;\n\n#ifdef KR_headers\nextern char *malloc();\nextern void exit_();\n\n char *\nF77_aloc(Len, whence) integer Len; char *whence;\n#else\n#include \"stdlib.h\"\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\nextern void exit_(integer*);\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n\t}\n#endif\n\n char *\nF77_aloc(integer Len, const char *whence)\n#endif\n{\n\tchar *rv;\n\tunsigned int uLen = (unsigned int) Len;\t/* for K&R C */\n\n\tif (!(", "rv = (char*)malloc(uLen))) {\n\t\tfprintf(stderr, \"malloc(%u) failure in %s\\n\",\n\t\t\tuLen, whence);\n\t\texit_(&memfailure);\n\t\t}\n\treturn rv;\n\t}\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.01563275046646595, 0.012536240741610527 ]
[ "London (CNN) The US embassy has taken the unusual step of issuing a warning to American citizens in the UK to \"keep a low profile\" during the visit of President Donald Trump.", "\n\nThere are fears that demonstrations over Trump's three-day visit to the UK, where he will meet with British Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth, could turn violent.", "\n\nThe largest demonstration is expected in central London on Friday where a giant \"Trump baby\" balloon will fly close to Parliamen t after being given the go-ahead by Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.", "\n\nAs well as in London, protests are expected to take place in Bristol, Newcastle, Leeds, Cambridge and Cardiff after Trump arrives on Thursday.", "\n\nA small demonstration is expected to take place near Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire on Thursday, the venue for Trump's black-tie dinner with May on Thursday evening.", "\n\nThere are also plans for protestors to gather close to the US ambassador's residence in Regent's Park, where Trump and his wife, Melania, will stay overnight on Thursday.", "\n\nOn Friday, demonstrators are expected to gather near Chequers, the Prime Minister's country residence, where May and Trump will hold a working lunch.", "\n\nThe biggest protest will take place in central London on Friday when thousands are expected to take to the streets to join the \"Stop Trump\" march." ]
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[ 0.0005346113466657698, 0.0014065465657040477, 0.0006246893899515271, 0.0005854640621691942, 0.0005944111035205424, 0.0008351042051799595, 0.001619161805137992, 0.0013671239139512181 ]
[ "\nAmazon Employee: We Shouldn’t Sell Facial Recognition Tech to Police - venturis_voice\nhttps://medium.com/s/story/im-an-amazon-employee-my-company-shouldn-t-sell-facial-recognition-tech-to-police-36b5fde934ac\n======\nallthecybers\nThis argument conflates a number of issues and frankly loses steam on that\nbasis. ", "The running list of demands so far: Don’t sell facial recognition,\ndon’t work with the government, kick a paying customer off of your system\nbecause of who they provide services to and while we are at it you shouldn’t\nbe working with anyone I don’t like. ", "Is that it? ", "For now, but check back with\nme cause I might want to add greedy investment firms to the list or any other\nvillain of the moment.", "\n\nI really find it odd that all of a sudden tech employees are resistant to\nsupporting their own government. ", "If it’s about the current administration -\nthey are gonna be gone in a couple years and you want another admin to be\nyears behind in capability?", "\n\nThe reason the internet and the tech industry as a whole exists at this point\nis because of the defense technology complex.", "\n\nIf this really bothered people they would leave the nice paycheck and the\nperks and go work for a co-op or a non profit or some other organization\nuntouched by anything unsavory.", "\n\n~~~\nspamizbad\nA balance is going to have to be found here. ", "A nightmare scenario for\ntechnology is one where it’s perceived as boot-licky and enabling the worst\nparts of government. ", "Finding talent was hard even when tech was perceived as\ngood or at least neutral; if it’s seen as an imperialist cog or even just an\nenabler for our governments bad behaviors it will make developing\norganizations even harder.", "\n\n~~~\novi256\nThis talent scenario is a plausible one that could turn the balance from huge\ncompanies taking all the oxygen out of the system towards smaller ones being\nable to innovate again.", "\n\n~~~\nspamizbad\nThe problem is so few startups IPO and instead organize around becoming\nacquisition targets for \"huge companies\" that would theoretically now be in\ndeep with the defense and law enforcement.", "\n\n------\nkodablah\n> Amazon, where I work, is currently allowing police departments around the\n> country to purchase its facial recognition product, Rekognition, and I and\n> other employees demand that we stop immediately.", "\n\nOk, nod, nod...\n\n> The letter also contained demands to kick Palantir, the software firm that\n> powers much of ICE's deportation and tracking program, off Amazon Web\n> Services and to institute employee oversight for ethical decisions.", "\n\nNope, lost me. ", "These should not be lumped together for a myriad of reasons.", "\nFirst, you are diluting your original goal. ", "Second, you risk AWS being seen as\nnon-neutral based on the whims of employees' feelings about a company (as\nopposed to something illegal). ", "Third, you cannot be consistent with this\napproach (e.g. all the gov cloud stuff). ", "Fourth, there is a clear delineation\nbetween computing services like AWS and targeted software efforts like facial\nrecognition systems, like the difference between a phone company and a weapons\nmanufacturer. ", "Fifth, AWS is not value added enough nor can it see enough of\nwhat's going on with its customers for this to be any more than virtue\nsignalling.", "\n\nIf you want to ban companies you disagree with from AWS, I disagree with it,\nbut at least separate the requests. ", "The Google employees you are following in\nthe footsteps of are not demanding that Android calling be disabled for\ncertain companies or Google search be restricted from use by them. ", "Maybe\nAmazon should also not ship any products to that company too?", "\n\n~~~\npaulcole\n> Second, you risk AWS being seen as non-neutral based on the whims of\n> employees' feelings about a company (as opposed to something illegal).", "\n\nThere are plenty of legal things that I think it’s fine with being non-neutral\non. ", "A private company SHOULD be non-neutral based on the whims of the\nemployees! ", "Who else steers their ship?", "\n\n~~~\nvorpalhex\nCan AWS be non-neutral? ", "Sure, legally and even ethically, that's fine.", "\n\nIf AWS is non-neutral, will that hurt their ability to attract clients?", "\nAbsolutely. ", "I'm the first one in line to abolish ICE, but if AWS starts\nkicking people they don't like off of AWS I'll also be the first one to stop\nusing it. ", "Sure, we agree on ICE, what about companies that make violent video\ngames? ", "Companies that make firearm accessories?", "\n\n~~~\nspaginal\nWhy abolish ICE? ", "What specifically is the issue with ICE short of news and\ncelebrities demanding it because it’s in vogue?", "\n\nThey serve a legitimate law enforcement function in our country, which by last\ncheck doesn’t have open borders and prosecutes those that cross illegally?", "\n\n~~~\nazemetre\nBecause ICE was the result of 9/11 hysteria, it's a government organization\nwhose duties were already being done elsewhere.", "\n\nI don't think people realize it was only formed in 2003...\n\n~~~\nisoskeles\nI don't see what it being formed in 2003 has to do with anything.", "\n\nWhat exactly is being advocated in abolishing ICE when you bring up that\nanother agency was doing its duties? ", "Are you saying that other agency can take\nover those duties again?", "\n\nMost of the abolish ICE crowd just wants to get rid of ICE and ICE's duties. ", "I\ndon't think they want the CBP doing roughly the same thing ICE is doing.", "\nThey'll just demand we abolish CBP.", "\n\n~~~\nEpicEng\nICE is extremely militaristic in its approach. ", "Think if it like replacing all\npolice officers with SWAT team members.", "\n\n------\nENOTTY\n> Regardless of our views on the military, no one should be profiting from\n> “increasing the lethality” of the military.", "\n\nIt makes no sense for these two clauses to exist together. ", "If you do not\nbelieve that people should profit from increasing the lethality of the\nmilitary, then you do not believe in the utility of having a military.", "\n\nEspecially when the author follows up with this sentence:\n\n> We will not silently build technology to oppress and kill people, whether in\n> our country or in others.", "\n\nThat is the whole point of having armed forces! ", "Armed forces exist to provide\nachieve foreign policy goals (deterrence, coercion) through the credible\nthreat of its lethality.", "\n\nThese two sentences are fundamentally pacifist, which is okay if the author\nclaimed that mantle. ", "But don't dress it up with a fake unifying clause like\n\"regardless of our views on the military\".", "\n\n~~~\nTelmoMenezes\n> If you do not believe that people should profit from increasing the\n> lethality of the military, then you do not believe in the utility of having\n> a military.", "\n\nThat doesn't follow. ", "One can believe in the utility of the military while at\nthe same time holding that it must operate purely as a public service, so that\nno incentives are created for a state of permanent war. ", "Famously, an American\npresident expressed this very concern. ", "I doubt that Dwight Eisenhower did not\nbelieve in the utility of the military, given that he was a general.", "\n\n~~~\nENOTTY\nUnless the staff operating the public service receive no compensation at all,\nthen there is profit involved.", "\n\n~~~\nbootlooped\nIf you go down that road, then you would also have to conclude that all\nprisons are for-profit prisons, since the guards are always paid employees. ", "I\nthink that's misinterpreting or misrepresenting the way \"profit\" is being used\nin this sense though.", "\n\n~~~\nchrisseaton\n> you would also have to conclude that all prisons are for-profit prisons\n\nMaybe there's an interesting thing to say here - some people people are\nagainst for-profit prisons because they think they encourage imprisoning more\npeople as it creates more profit.", "\n\nBut if you have a non-profit, government-run prison in your local area, you\nmay still be encouraged to imprison more people as it creates more profit for\nthe local suppliers to the prison.", "\n\nSo yeah it doesn't matter if the final user is for-profit if you think there\nis a risk that profit is driving something you don't want.", "\n\n~~~\nAlexandrB\n> So yeah it doesn't matter if the final user is for-profit if you think there\n> is a risk that profit is driving something you don't want.", "\n\nThis is a gross simplification that erases the very real differences between\nthe incentives of a government vs. a for-profit company. ", "Not only is the\ngovernment accountable to its electorate, but a government that wants to save\nmoney can take a much broader approach - for example by funding access to\nmental health services - to keep people out of prison. ", "Prisoners are expensive\nto keep locked up!", "\n\nIn the final analysis, all prisons are non-profit. ", "None of them generate any\nvalue. ", "They're all funded with taxpayer money that could be spent elsewhere.", "\nIt's just that in the case of private prisons that money goes to a company\nthat has no interest in saving the _government_ money by reducing the prison\npopulation. ", "Sure they'll try to run the prison efficiently, so they can pocket\nthe difference, but they want as many prisoners as possible to get a bigger\ncheck from Uncle Sam.", "\n\n------\nedoo\nI wonder if an argument could be made that this violates the 4th amendment\nright to be free from unseasonable search. ", "Collecting your travel movements\nautomatically without cause might apply. ", "It is an interesting problem because\nthere is no expectation of privacy in public. ", "If you venture into public the\npolice or anyone can stake you out and take pictures of you. ", "Devices that do\nthis are just an efficiency increase. ", "The true root of the issue might be\nwhether the government has a right to collect information about you at all.", "\nBefore taxes about 100 years ago they really had no reason to.", "\n\n~~~\nsys_64738\nThis is no different than a spotter LEO or witness recognizing you from a\nmugshot or from video surveillance. ", "It's just that it's done with EVERYBODY\nnow.", "\n\n~~~\nPurpleBoxDragon\nBut scale is an important difference in legality and morality.", "\n\nConsider the following example. ", "Calling someone to ask them on a date is\nnormal acceptable behavior. ", "Doing it 20 times an hour, 3 hours a day, every\nday, quickly becomes immoral and illegal.", "\n\n~~~\nsys_64738\nAt some point it has to change from legal to illegal. ", "That is, with n calls\nthen you're still legal but that n+1th call makes you a felon. ", "What is n?", "\n\nWhat is n for facial rekognition?", "\n\n~~~\nanticensor\nk (number of takes) does not matter. ", "r (number of uses) does.", "\n\n------\nta_egdhs\nconstitutional rights (and a culture that enshrines them as sacred) is just\none layer of protection for civil liberties. ", "The other, Often overlooked layer\nis the fact that running a dystopian state is uneconomical. ", "For better or\nworse this is the logic used by gun advocates, but it should also apply to\nother areas.", "\n\ntechnology can make it feasible to scale repression like never before. ", "facial\nrecognition, big data, centralized Electronic banking are all enormously\npowerful tools in the wrong hands. ", "the guns of the 21st century are those made\nby the subversive cypherpunk. ", "cryptocurrency and encrypted chat come to mind.", "\nIn China the number one tool to oppose state censorship is not protest, its a\nvpn.", "\n\nat the end of the day if amazon doesn't do this someone else will. ", "so long as\nthe tech is possible the gov will get their hands on it, and so far as the\ntech errodes civil liberties it eventually will be used to do so.", "\n\nAmazon can only hold back the tide for so long.", "\n\n~~~\nzaptheimpaler\n\"at the end of the day if amazon doesn't do this someone else will\"\n\n\"If Amazon doesn't fuck over people someone else will, so who cares\" is a shit\nargument.", "\n\n~~~\nchrismeller\nPersonally, I see it as the opposite side of the same argument people use\nabout drugs - that simply banning things doesn't work, motivated people will\nfind another way to obtain them. ", "There is no one more motivated and persistent\nthan the US Government... Even if all the US tech firms join together and\nrefuse to sell to them, the US is not the only country on Earth with tech\ncompanies making innovations in this area.", "\n\nSo in that sense, yes, they'll keep looking and someone else absolutely will.", "\nAs someone pointed out below, the real solution is to have them lobby the US\nGovernment to give up their pursuit, anything else is just a delaying tactic.", "\n\n~~~\nnostrebored\nPeople who don't think that the NSA already has technology that even casinos\nuse have their heads in the sand.", "\n\n~~~\nchrismeller\nI also firmly believe that is true and we’re making a big deal out of\nabsolutely nothing with these kinds of open letters.", "\n\n------\nGuB-42\nDon't focus on profit, say the employee who focus on his pay.", "\n\nThe real reason why people work at Amazon is because the pay is better, or the\nperks are better than the other jobs they applied to. ", "If they go see their\nboss in order to negotiate a rise, they don't want to hear \"sorry, no rise for\nyou, but you should be happy, we didn't sell our product to the police\".", "\n\nThe vast majority of employees are motivated by their pay. ", "And in order for\nthem to get paid, their company has to make money. ", "They want their boss to\nmake them rich, and this is what their boss is doing by putting profits over\npeople, and that's why they are still there.", "\n\nThere are a few people who care more about the cause their work serve than\nmoney, they are often found in nonprofits, much less so in tech giants.", "\n\n~~~\nBrybry\nMoney is most definitely not the only thing employees care about.", "\n\nWhen you're picking a job you care about location, stability, company culture,\nhours, vacation policy, etc.", "\n\nI know plenty of people who have taken lesser paying jobs for a large variety\nof reasons and morality is definitely one of them. ", "If you're against the death\npenalty then it's a bit hard to justify working a court job that puts people\non death row.", "\n\nYou, personally, may only be focused on your pay but that doesn't mean the\nvast majority of people are.", "\n\nGlassdoor certainly hints that this is not true for most people. [", "1][2]\n\n[1] [https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/salary-happiness-\nresearch/](https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/salary-happiness-research/)\n\n[2] [https://www.glassdoor.com/research/more-money-change-\nvalue-a...](https://www.glassdoor.com/research/more-money-change-value-at-\nwork/)\n\n------\ndsfyu404ed\nWhen it comes to enabling domestic surveillance there is too much focus on\nAmazon/Google/etc and too little focus on the voters and city governments that\nseem to be perfectly ok with their police departments engaging in this sort of\ncrap.", "\n\nThis is like blaming whatever company makes M113s when they wind up in the\nhands of local police.", "\n\nNow, I don't consider Amazon or the bureaucrats who are rubber stamping the\npaperwork for APCs to be blameless but they're definitely not the root cause.", "\nThe fact that there is a domestic market for this crap it the root of problem.", "\n\nThis is also something that voters have a lot of power to chance because it's\na city/town level issue and while it's getting cheaper all the time\nimplementing a surveillance state still is still expensive so there's an\navenue to drum up bipartisan support for not doing it.", "\n\n------\nRainymood\nHopefully my opinion is not controversial but the tech behind this is really\ncool. ", "It is equally easy to imagine a future where this tech is helpful and\nbeneficial for all society. ", "It is also equally easy to imagine a dystopian\nfuture where this tech is used by evil authoritarian governments. ", "I am\npersonally very conflicted on this issue because the tech is really cool\n(actual big data machine learning/CV) but can be used extremely unethically at\nthe same time. ", "It's like a razor sharp double-sided blade.", "\n\n~~~\nfinnthehuman\nBut you’re not describing a double sided blade (that “cuts both ways”), you’re\nsaying that sword making is cool.", "\n\n~~~\ntokyodude\nHow is it not a double sided blade.", "\n\nBetter surveillance would catch and/or possibly stop car thieves, bike\nthieves, muggers, vandals, robberies, some rapes, life threatening drivers,\nhit and run drivers, bad cops.", "\n\nI get that there's no magic wand to make sure the tech is only used for good\nbut that's true of pretty much everything. ", "Knives can be used to cut food or\nto stab people.", "\n\n~~~\nRainymood\nTo follow up on this, I actually had a philosophical debate with myself about\nthe following statement: \"Anything that can be used for good, can be used for\nevil.\"", "\n\nThe point I'm trying to make is that by inventing something \"good\", you can\n_always_ use it for \"evil\" by witholding it from someone. ", "You invent a new\nmedicine to cure cancer? ", "Give it to the highest bidder and leave those who\ncan't pay for it to die, this could be seen as \"evil\" in my eyes.", "\n\nI haven't studied philosophy so I'd love some pointers to authors who touch\nupon this subject or whatever its called.", "\n\n------\ncproctor\nI applaud the authors of this letter. ", "It's an open question whether an open,\ndemocratic society can exist in the world of computational media. ", "If it can,\nwe'll either need a well-educated citizenry or a benevolent oligarchy of\npeople who are skilled, knowledgeable, and wise in the use of computers. ", "We\nhave done a lousy job of ethical political leadership so far, preoccupying\nourselves with profitably dismantling what's left of the old paradigm. ", "I would\nlove to see more folks in tech running for office.", "\n\n~~~\nflomble\nWhen I picture a person in tech successfully running for office, I imagine\nprecisely someone who has excelled at \"profitably dismantling what's left of\nthe old paradigm\". ", "Unfortunately, technical ability, business savvy, ability\nto understand social, political and bureaucratic systems in motion and strong,\nreasonable ethical convictions are all mostly orthogonal and rare qualities.", "\n\n------\nShivetya\nI am of the opinion that facial recognition technology is a good tool to\nproduce and sell to the police provided it is burdened with significant\nregulation to prevent abuse. ", "this includes short term expiration of all\nimagery gathered, access by public warrant only, and full public auditing.", "\n\nthe reason I am of this view is that if can reduce the impact of the police on\ninnocent people the better and I think that a system which can eliminate\npeople as suspects is the true value here. ", "anything that stops the nonsense or\nneed of no knock warrants and other brutality the police have been caught\ndoing.", "\n\nthe face id tech should work both ways, identify the police and policed.", "\n\n------\nRcouF1uZ4gsC\n>The letter also contained demands to kick Palantir, the software firm that\npowers much of ICE’s deportation and tracking program, off Amazon Web Services\n\nThe number one thing that will make large companies reject cloud computing is\nany hint that why will be kicked off because their legal business goes against\nthe mores of the US West coast tech workers. ", "If Palantir gets kicked off, how\nlong until these same workers call for banning Boeing. ", "A lot of these large\nconglomerates have at least a division that is involved in the defense\nindustry.", "\n\nA final point. ", "If you think that facial recognition is too dangerous to sell\nto police, why are you selling this dangerous technology to corporations where\nthe potential for abuse is still there but with less oversight? ", "Also, if. ", "the\npolice can’t buy this technology, they will buy the service from a middle man\nthat buys it from Amazon.", "\n\n~~~\nbnt\nKicking a high-profile account like Palantir off of AWS would probably have a\ndomino effect which would result in pretty much every big player moving to\ncustom data centers (or preparing a plan-b just in case it happens to them).", "\n\n~~~\nsjg007\nI mean people used to have data centers before.. and most big players already\ndo have their own data centers.", "\n\n------\nturdnagel\nStopping facial recognition tech is not the solve. ", "The problem is surveillance\n- that’s what we ought to address.", "\n\n~~~\ndsfyu404ed\nAgreed.", "\n\nSoftware doesn't run oppressive surveillance states. ", "People run oppressive\nsurveillance states.", "\n\n~~~\nonemoresoop\nThats similar to \"guns dont kill people, people do\". ", "But the more guns are\navailable the more people are being killed. ", "Similar with this story, the more\nthe facial recongition technology evolves (without ethical considerations) the\nmore the surveillance states accomplish their jobs\n\n~~~\njki275\nAre you sure your premise is accurate? ", "There are consistently more murders in\ncities throughout the US where gun ownership is heavily restricted or de-facto\nbanned -- Chicago, DC, etc.", "\n\nOut in the wild west, where there are _more_ guns, there are fewer killings\n(per capita and absolute).", "\n\n------\nburger_moon\nI think it's important to note this person has to remain anonymous just to\nvoice their concerns about the their employer\n\n> This person, who has spoken with me on the condition that their name not be\n> revealed for fear of professional retribution\n\nThis is not how an workplace environment should be. ", "Don't one of Amazon's\nleadership principals talk about being vocally self-critical?", "\n\nYet they drive such a fear mongering culture where unless you're making soft\ncomplaints you have to be silent or anonymous for fear of being fired.", "\n\n~~~\nzdragnar\nI think there's a difference between speaking up internally and bad-mouthing\nyour employer in public (especially to the press).", "\n\nI can't think of any company that would let that slide.", "\n\n~~~\nburger_moon\nYou would consider this article bad mouthing amazon?", "\n\nThe way I interpret 'bad mouthing' is saying things which are false, or\nmisrepresenting what Amazon is does.", "\n\nI don't think the author made any misrepresentations of what Amazon is doing\nwith their involvement but rather bringing to light that employees do not\nagree with their policies, that to me anyways is in a different category than\nbad mouthing.", "\n\n------\njopsen\nAs a personal investor I hold a few Amazon stocks (yes, not much, but I have a\nsmall bet on Amazon).", "\n\nNevertheless, I see a huge risk to doing this kind of business. ", "Short term\nthere might be profit, but long term it hurts your brand with consumers and\nerodes trust.", "\n\nA consumer dependent company like Amazon should avoid getting into ethical\nissues. ", "Because it limits long term growth.", "\n\nAt least that's my two cents.", "\n\n~~~\nmacspoofing\n>but long term it hurts your brand with consumers and erodes trust\n\nIn crazy circles maybe. ", "I'm not seeing any sort of backlash against the\nmilitary as Americans generally have a very positive view of it.", "\n\n~~~\nSauciestGNU\nI think it's disingenuous to call anyone opposed to persistent surveillance\nand the military \"crazy\". ", "There are numerous reasons people would be opposed\nto those institutions and practices. ", "And the more abused those things are, the\nmore people will likely oppose them.", "\n\n~~~\nmacspoofing\n>I think it's disingenuous to call anyone opposed to persistent surveillance\nand the military \"crazy\"\n\nI didn't label people who are against 'persistent surveillance' as crazy. ", "I\ndon't know why you attributed that to me. ", "Though I will state that there is\nnothing wrong with an American company providing services to the American\ngovernment. ", "If you hate 'persistent surveillance' look to Congress, not\ncontractors.", "\n\nTo extend my point to the military, it is unreasonable to label an American\ncompany providing services to the American military as intrinsically\nunethical.", "\n\n------\ntracker1\nI may have a slightly bent view on this... the technology exists, is being\ncreated, and is getting commoditized. ", "Why increase the cost to taxpayers?", "\n\nAs to increasing lethality, wouldn't this in effect be decreasing the risk of\ncollateral deaths?", "\n\nThe bigger issue to me is probably unsupervised police usage at a local level.", "\nThat said, the tech exists and will be used. ", "I'd rather it were less costly.", "\nWe, as a nation (in the US) already spend far more than we should be on the\nmilitary. ", "I'm in favor of most technology that reduces costs and mitigates\nrisks.", "\n\nThat's not to say that I approve of the use of drones on sovereign soil we are\nnot actively at war with (the country itself, not \"terrorism\"), without that\ncountry's permission. ", "I wouldn't want China, Russia, Mexico or Canada flying\narmed drones over the U.S. and don't think the U.S. should be doing it either.", "\nThat doesn't mean I don't think drones should exist. ", "Policy, use and\ntechnology are not the same and shouldn't be conflated like this.", "\n\n------\njcoffland\nAmazon is in it for the money. ", "Appearing to be socially just is part of the\nmarketing plan. ", "Corporations are as much the problem as governments. ", "But of\ncourse most the people here work for corporations.", "\n\n~~~\nSmellyGeekBoy\nHN is a forum for startup founders and entrepreneurs.", "\n\n~~~\nC1sc0cat\nI thought it was for \"hackers\" not MBA's\n\n~~~\nkrapp\nIt's owned by a Silicon Valley startup accelerator, so even if HN is for\n\"hackers\" (for some arbitrary definition of the same) it will also never _not_\nbe for MBAs.", "\n\n------\nneom\nIf I understand correctly, Amazon employees want Amazon to police the police\nwith respect to ethics? ", "Wouldn't lobbying government and educating the public\nwork better?", "\n\n~~~\nelicash\nI only know about this issue because of these Amazon employees.", "\n\nSo I'd say they were QUITE effective at educating the public by taking this\nstand. ", "We spend half our waking lives at our workplace, and the places we work\nare often tremendously powerful. ", "The idea that you shouldn't take action as\nemployees seems like giving up a tremendous amount of opportunity at creating\nchange.", "\n\n------\nthrow2016\nThis is where the free market system falls apart. ", "It has no opinion on ethics,\nonly profits. ", "Companies are put together to produce, market and sell\nsurveillance tech to schools, corporates, communities, the police and even\nnation states.", "\n\nIndividual ethics are meaningless beyond signalling against a system.", "\nIndividual components may have ethical concerns but the system is incentivized\nto grow and it has.", "\n\nImagine walking into a group of sales or engineering folks celebrating a new\ndeal or release at a restaurant and berating them on 'surveillance and\nethics'. ", "That shows you the dissonance of your expectation and the disconnect\nof ethical concerns from businesses. ", "And the impotence of individual ethics in\na system.", "\n\nThe only thing that can counter this are explicit laws against this kind of\ndamaging behavior and rule of law. ", "Individuals are not allowed to do whatever\ngets them profit, they have to operate within ethical constraints, to advocate\nbusinesses not operate in an ethical context and to leave everything to\nmarkets is advocating lawlessness. ", "And the system does respond in some cases\nlike in drones, 3d printing of guns. ", "Those are not free for all. ", "Surveillance\nis a failure of regulation.", "\n\n~~~\nSmellyGeekBoy\n> This is where the free market system falls apart. ", "It has no opinion on\n> ethics, only profits.", "\n\n\"We won't sell this technology to anyone who wants to use it to oppress people\neven though we could make a huge amount of money doing so\" seems to suggest\notherwise.", "\n\n~~~\ninsickness\nThat keepaway strategy doesn't work for guns. ", "There's no reason it should\nshould work for other technologies.", "\n\n~~~\nPfhreak\n[Citation needed]\n\n------\njedberg\nThis effort is wasted. ", "If Amazon doesn’t sell it someone else will (most\nlikely on top of AWS).", "\n\nIf they actually want to see change, they should be asking Amazon to use their\nclout to lobby the government for strict regulations around facial\nrecognition. ", "Then all agencies would have the same rules _and_ you won’t just\nhave them going to another vendor.", "\n\n------\nCoryG89\nI don't personally have a problem with Amazon selling tech to police or\nmilitaries. ", "I would, however have a problem working for Amazon while not\nrealizing that my work is being directly utilized by the military.", "\n\nIf I'm gonna sell out to the war machine, I want to at least make that\ndecision myself ahead of time.", "\n\n------\nrayvy\nI really hate that 50% of this thread has ran off on a military-related\ntangent. ", "Could have been a good discussion about facial recognition, morality,\nand authority, but instead, because one looney posted some \"super-uber-pro-\nmilitary\" comment, the first 50% of my scroll is related to that _one topic_.", "\n\nWill post this in ASK HN another time, but HN _really_ needs some sort of drop\ndown mechanism where we can show/hide a top-level comment's thread at will\n(mobile & desktop). ", "Makes no sense the way this current setup is.", "\n\n[edit]\n\nRuins the UX when I have to scroll _aaaallllllll_ the way down to get to the\ntop level comments. ", "Not saying we should discourage constructive discourse by\n_any_ means. ", "Just saying we need to better organize how that discourse is\nreflected, so as to make for a better UX.", "\n\n~~~\nyesenadam\nYou know about clicking on the [-] next to the offending top-level comment,\nright? ", "Seems it solves that problem.", "\n\n------\nwritepub\nFunny how activist employees don't trust governments and other authority\nfigures, but gladly violate the trust of the hand that feeds them by leaking\nstories when they don't get their way at work. ", "Happens at AWS, Google, MSFT,\n...\n\nAWS is an infrastructure company. ", "AWS' employees suggesting service denial to\npeople with opposing political viewpoints is like asking AT&T to deny phone\nservice to someone based on their politics. ", "Please, take an orientation course\non political tolerance, instead of making preposterous & unprofessional\ndemands at work.", "\n\nNo company can rely on AWS if they're at risk of service denial based on\npolitics. ", "Today, AWS might be left leaning, but tomorrow things may change to\nthe other side. ", "Politics is best left out of business\n\n------\nexabrial\nAlso please stop voting to fund these projects. ", "Local and national budgets are\nway bigger than they need to be as is to provide the basic necessities of\nsociety and anything charitable is best handled independently; not through the\ngovernment.", "\n\n------\nkevin_b_er\n> Selling this system runs counter to Amazon’s stated values.", "\n\nThis is exactly in line with Amazon's values and past practices.", "\n\n> Bezos suggested we wait for society’s “immune response.”", "\n\nBezos wants to make as much as possible off this until its no good anymore.", "\nOperating in the margin of what is acceptable is opportunity, to refashion his\nfamous quote.", "\n\nI think the author is in some westcoastish bubble of thought that has obscured\na fresh view of how Amazon acts. ", "Bezos wants to bring in more cash flow and\nselling more is how it is done.", "\n\n------\ncyclingswitch\nIt's a little backwards. ", "You're not actually making the military more lethal\nby selling them facial recognition tech. ", "You are making them more accurate.", "\nRight now, an 18-25 year old looks at a (often) blurry video and tries to say\nif something is a weapon. ", "With visual recognition technology, you actually\ndecrease the false positives. ", "Same with police. ", "You're reducing the false\npositives inherent with human intervention in an already established system.", "\n\n~~~\nNasrudith\nWhile ideally that may be the case machine learning is infamous for its false\npositives even without malicious actors causing toy turtles to be seen as\nrifles. ", "Even if it has advanced enough to not see desert landscape photos as\nnudity.", "\n\nRelying on inaccurate information is more dangerous not less. ", "Not to mention\nthe potential pretextual abuses - drug sniffing dogs are infamous for being\ntrained to be four legged probable cause and field drug tests are a sick joke\nthat makes a mockery of chemistry akin to declaring anything with a PH below 5\nis an explosive because picric acid is an explosive.", "\n\n------\njhabdas\nThis reminds me of those red light cameras. ", "The only thing they protect is the\nfunds they generate giving out speeding tickets. ", "What's worse is I also got in\na wreck once after one of the cameras lit up a dark intersection to take my\nplates.", "\n\n------\naikah\nPurely a question.", "\n\nWhat are significant examples of internet related technologies that were if\nnot invented, developed or had their development funded by the US military, if\nany?", "\n\nWeren't languages like Ada developed for and financed by the DOD?", "\n\n------\npulse7\nSuch tools and technologies WILL be used - regardless if it's legal or\nillegal. ", "They will be used at least in HIDDEN ways by security agencies in -\nat least - some places on the earth...\n\n------\nfinnthehuman\n>Amazon’s ‘Rekognition’ program shouldn’t be used as a tool for mass\nsurveillance\n\nI agree with this, but it leaves the question: what else is there for it to\ndo?", "\n\n------\neffnorwood\nIt’s not for the police. ", "It’s initially for the TSA.", "\n\n------\nbsenftner\nClick bait journalism. ", "Pointless article. ", "Bad journalism tricking you for ad\ndollars with nonsense.", "\n\nI am a lead software scientist in the Facial Recognition industry. ", "Amazon's\n‘Rekognition’ service is a sad, expensive joke. ", "No body takes that software\nserious. ", "It is poor quality. ", "It is expensive. ", "It is marketed to the consumer\npublic for Amazon's stock, not for actual serious FR use. ", "It is not\nappropriate for any serious FR use. ", "It's a toy.", "\n\nI'll say that again for those in the back: it's a TOY, expensive and hardly\nworks.", "\n\n~~~\nPfhreak\nYou have a lot of experience in the industry, and are able to make your own\nevaluations of a product based on (I'm guessing) years and years of daily\ninteraction with that domain.", "\n\nDo you think police departmant purchasers are as well informed as you are?Able\nto make the same thorough analysis?", "\n\nWhat happens when a facial recognition product that you believe performs\npoorly is used and everyone thinks it performs well? (", "Hey, we made all these\narrests based off this product, it's really working well for us!)", "\n\n~~~\nbsenftner\nPolice departments are not well informed at all; and they are the constant\ntargets of manipulative, fact-free marketing.", "\n\nThank gawd they can't just go out and purchase any security / surveillance\ntechnology they fancy.", "\n\nTypically a trial / vetting period is used to test a given system for accuracy\nas well as ability to integrate with existing systems, plus the over all\nexpense of operating the system over time.", "\n\nThis is when Rekognition falls down, because the accuracy is too wide, the\nsystem requires human operators to make up for the lack of accuracy. ", "Then the\nmonthly is expensive to use it is high. ", "Plus there is a perceptual disconnect\nofficers have with the FR system operators required to maintain Rekognition:\nthese operators more or less become FR specialists, with salaries to match,\nbut their actual moment to moment work is closer to a security guard, with\ntheir technological knowledge only needed for moments at a time. ", "Police\ndepartment Directors have a hard time justifying these new roles, in light of\nthe multiple new high expenses required to use Rekognition.", "\n\n------\nbooblik\nThe police will get the tech from one company or another. ", "The only question is\nhow much it is going to cost to taxpayers.", "\n\n------\nharryf\nI guess Bezos sees this as a strategic play to leapfrog Facebook on knowing\nwho everyone is.", "\n\n~~~\nsudhirj\nThis is FUD - AWS, as opposed to Amazon the e-commerce company, has pretty\nstrict walls between itself and the data of its customers. ", "In these cases the\ndata is owned by the police department and AWS or Amazon won’t be allowed to\nuse or profit from it. ", "Unless there’s some kind of special agreement in\nexchange for a discount, which I doubt very much.", "\n\n------\nLich\nI wonder if Amazon Go is used to improve Reckognition's computer vision\nalgorithms.", "\n\n------\nrl3\nWhat happens when they combine this with image enhancement powered by deep\nlearning?", "\n\n~~~\nfaceplanted\nLegally, not much, machine learning image enhancement is essentially\nprobabilistically guessing the inbetween pixels of an image, if you use it for\nactual work and not art you're just asking to have your evidence thrown out of\ncourt and run into the same misrecognition problems humans face.", "\n\n~~~\nrl3\nI agree it seems absurd on the face of it (forgive me), but with enhancement\ntechniques going mainstream elsewhere, I could see it happening with\nsurveillance applications. ", "Sure, the false positive rate will go up, but it\nmight help generate legitimate matches that otherwise crack cases even if the\nrecognition footage itself can't be relied upon in an evidentiary capacity.", "\n\nSpeaking of, Pixel 3's new enhancement feature[0] is now mainstream. ", "If these\nend up mistaken for originals, it opens up an evidentiary Pandora's box. ", "Then\nagain, much poorer quality image enhancement has been around forever now (e.g.\n\"digital zoom\").", "\n\n[0] [https://ai.googleblog.com/2018/10/see-better-and-further-\nwit...](https://ai.googleblog.com/2018/10/see-better-and-further-with-super-\nres.html?m=1)\n\n------\nmooseburger\n> in the United States, a lack of public accountability already results in\n> outsized impacts and over-policing of communities of color, immigrants, and\n> people exercising their First Amendment rights.", "\n\n... in the United States, a lack of public accountability already results in\noutsized impacts and over-policing of [progressive ingroup], [progressive\ningroup], and [progressive ingroup].", "\n\n> We follow in the steps of the Googlers who spoke out against the Maven\n> contract and Microsoft employees who are speaking out against the JEDI\n> contract. ", "Regardless of our views on the military, no one should be\n> profiting from “increasing the lethality” of the military. ", "We will not\n> silently build technology to oppress and kill people, whether in our country\n> or in others.", "\n\nMentions the Maven contract but not Dragonfly, at least not directly.", "\n\nThe worst part is that I don't even disagree with the letter, but I doubt the\nauthor has principles as much as he has tribal allegiances. ", "I suspect he would\nbe all-in on this tech if it came with some sort of guarantee it would only be\nused on \"Nazis\".", "\n\n------\njothezero\nA political piece of text (to not say crap)\n\n------\nexabrial\nI would say appeal to the Constitution: facial recognition violates a person's\n4th Amendment rights.", "\n\nBut alas, both liberal and conservatives have weakened the 1st Amendment to be\n\"only speech we agree with\", the 2nd to \"Only squirt guns\", and the 5th/14th\ndoesn't apply to accusations from 38 years ago.", "\n\n~~~\nkrapp\n>But alas, both liberal and conservatives have weakened the 1st Amendment to\nbe \"only speech we agree with\", the 2nd to \"Only squirt guns\", and the\n5th/14th doesn't apply to accusations from 38 years ago.", "\n\nMeaningless hyperbole.", "\n\n------\ngaius\nThis technology is the very definition of dual-use. ", "There’s fundamentally no\ndifference between a tool that can do “cat or not cat” and one for “terrorist\nor not terrorist”. ", "The only difference is that people using for the latter\nprobably don’t understand its failure modes and are taking its output very,\nvery seriously.", "\n\n------\nM_Bakhtiari\nI wish these people wouldn't automatically assume everyone who reads their\narticles are Americans or otherwise intimately familiar with US institutions.", "\nWhat exactly is it that ICE does that is so bad?", "\n\n~~~\nforgottenpass\nThey're a country-wide law enforcement agency for immigration law (ICE:\nImmigration and Customs Enforcement).", "\n\nA big issue in our current politics is immigration policy, and there are\nsegments of our population that dislike the current law so strongly they\nbelieve it should be go unenforced until the legislature writes an immigration\nlaw that they do like.", "\n\nA lot of the dislike towards ICE is pointing out the harsh reality of any law\nenforcement agency (\"putting people in cages\", etc...), and holding that\nagainst them in the context of policy they dislike.", "\n\nEdit: I'm trying to state this plainly for an outsider without showing my hand\non our immigration policy. ", "Even for a less-heated topic (e.g., obvious\nparallels with federal marijuana laws, selective enforcement thereof, and oft-\nabused LE powers both mundane and created specifically for the war on drugs)\nI'd frame it the same way.", "\n\n~~~\nM_Bakhtiari\nI see. ", "Thanks for the explanation. ", "That’s a cause I can get behind, it would\nbe handy for myself and my countrymen to be able to enter the US without a\nvisa. ", "Abolishing the equivalent border enforcement agency of Iran, not so\nmuch.", "\n\n------\nclaydavisss\nEventually all the tech CEOs will reach the same conclusion: the company\ncannot be run by mob rule.", "\n\n------\nyAnonymous\nI'm decidedly against government surveillance, but it feels like our\ngovernment are deliberately inviting crime to further the needs and arguments\nfor complete surveillance.", "\n\nNow that violent attacks against the police and emergency services, stabbings,\nrape, murder and generally a complete refusal to accept the law become more\ncommon, I'm at the point where unsolved crime bothers me more than protecting\npeople's privacy, so it evidently works.", "\n\nIt's ironic how the people who want open borders are creating their own\ndystopian future, but are too short-sighted to realize how they're being used.", "\n\nIn the end, the borders will be closed and we'll end up with not only a lot\nmore problems and surveillance that none of us wanted, but the net result of\npeople being better/worse off will also be negative.", "\n\n~~~\nplanb\n> Now that violent attacks against the police and emergency services,\n> stabbings, rape, murder and generally a complete refusal to accept the law\n> become more common [...]\n\nCitation needed.", "\n\n~~~\nyAnonymous\nWhich one do you want citations for?", "\n\nThese are all publicly accepted problems by now, so I'm not going to do a\nwriteup for all of them just because one person asks for it.", "\n\nYour downvotes change nothing, by the way. ", "This is not a sinister outlook,\nit's already happening right now and I'm provably right.", "\n\nWe get more police and they get more permissions, including broader\nsurveillance, and they're looking to adopt tasers like in the U.S. The last\nfew years did this and hardly anyone is arguing it anymore.", "\n\nThe surveillance state you don't want is coming, and you are the reason.", "\n\n~~~\nbun_at_work\nOP is asking for citations regarding the rise in crime you referred to.", "\nUnderstand - crime rates have been going down historically. ", "Things are not\ngetting worse, they are getting better. ", "While that doesn't mean everything is\nOK yes, crime is going down. ", "Therefore, your argument for increased\nsurveillance because of increased crime is wrong.", "\n\nIn short, crime is getting better, not worse, and your argument for increased\nsurveillance is the one given to you by those who already want increased\nsurveillance.", "\n\n[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_the_United_States)\n\n[https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-\nmeter/statements/2017/dec...](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-\nmeter/statements/2017/dec/04/jeff-sessions/violent-crime-some-still-well-\nhistorical-highs/)\n\n[https://www.infoplease.com/us/crime/homicide-\nrate-1950-2014](https://www.infoplease.com/us/crime/homicide-rate-1950-2014)\n\n~~~\nyAnonymous\nI never said that crime as a whole increased, but the violence reached a whole\ndifferent quality. ", "You (deliberately?) ", "misinterpret comments you don't agree\nwith.", "\n\nStabbing people -which was never a big issue- has become very common, for\nexample. ", "Kicking people when they're down and out etc. ", "Hurting people for fun.", "\nSomeone I knew was stabbed and murdered for no reason at all. ", "Not even a\nrobbery. ", "Just killed.", "\n\nEven in fights, there used to be some unwritten rules of respect and common\nsense, but they're gone. ", "The people who are responsible for most of these\nviolent crimes brought this crap with them.", "\n\nIt's gotten to the point where knives are forbidden in certain areas and knife\nbans are under consideration.", "\n\nI'm talking about Germany, by the way. ", "How about you are a bit more open-\nminded and stop assuming other users' nationalities?", "\n\n~~~\nPfhreak\n>I never said that crime as a whole increased,\n\n> generally a complete refusal to accept the law become more common\n\nI definitely read your original comment as suggesting that, in general,\nlawlessness was on the rise.", "\n\n------\nnodesocket\nUntil you are a victim of a crime and facial recognition helps to find the\nperpetrator and you suddenly change your mind.", "\n\n> The letter also contained demands to kick Palantir, the software firm that\n> powers much of ICE’s deportation and tracking program, off Amazon Web\n> Services\n\nAnd... I can tell this post is going to be west-coast extreme liberal biased.", "\n\n~~~\nhueving\n>Until you are a victim of a crime and facial recognition helps to find the\nperpetrator and you suddenly change your mind.", "\n\nAppeal to fear. ", "Why is it you think that justification doesn't work for\nillegal search and seizure?", "\n\n~~~\nsureaboutthis\nIn the same way, not wanting to let the police have this technology due to\nconcern of surveillance is appealing to fear.", "\n\nPeople forget that, in the USA at least, the police investigate and pursue\ncrimes that have already been committed. ", "They do NOT pursue crimes that have\nnot happened and do NOT scan for people who have not committed a crime. ", "As you\nall should know, license plate scanners, for example, are looking for specific\nplates of people who have already committed crimes.", "\n\n------\nSir_Cmpwn\nBest thing to do about it is limit the reach of your message with a paywall.", "\n\n------\nmantas\nYeah, better waste public $$$ by forcing government to create in-house\nsolution\n\n~~~\nv_lisivka\nBut, it will be open-source, which is good.", "\n\n------\nproduct50\nWon't the tech be built regardless of Amazon? ", "It is either SV companies help\nwith it and reduce costs or else blood-suckers such as IBM will come in with\ntheir contracts and low tech but costly solutions..\n\n~~~\nhueving\nMake up your mind, will the solution work if IBM makes it? ", "If so, then it's\nnot really low tech. ", "If not, then Amazon staying out of the game did exactly\nthe right thing because all of the capable people abstained.", "\n\n~~~\nproduct50\nI mean, it can work but not perfectly. ", "For face recognition tech, accuracy\nmatters and my hypothesis is that Amazon could do better vs. IBM. ", "And Amazon\ndoing it could be much cheaper and better. ", "The taxpayers money will be spent\nregardless and in one case it would be more efficient.", "\n\n~~~\nhueving\nIf it's inaccurate it's a failure or it won't be widely deployed. ", "It's idiotic\nto make a perfect surveillance machine using the excuse that, if you don't,\nsomeone will make a crappy one.", "\n\nThis is about it being an unethical thing to make, not wasting taxpayer money.", "\nThe optimal outcome is that it is a complete failure and the government learns\nnot to do it again.", "\n\n------\nUser23\n\"If we want to lead, we need to make a choice between people and profits.\"", "\n\nAs an AMZN shareholder, I pick profits. ", "Well, growth actually.", "\n\n~~~\ndwb\nHow do you justify this ethically?", "\n\n~~~\nabc-xyz\nIf given the choice between (1) increasing their personal wealth by 1% + tech\nthat will violate billions of people's rights and result in the death of\nmillions, or (2) no increase in wealth + no surveillance tech, then I'm afraid\na disheartening large percentage will pick option 1 and find a naive and\nshortsighted way to justify their decision.", "\n\n~~~\ntokyodude\nFortunately that's not the choice being presented. ", "The choice being presented\nis developing a tech that has just as many positive uses as negative just like\nmany things. ", "Cars can carry people or weapons. ", "Knives can be used to cut food\nor stab people. ", "Facial recognition can be used to stop crime or harass.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari declares assets Published duration 4 September 2015\n\nmedia caption President Buhari faces a difficult battle to tackle corruption in Nigeria, as Abdullahi Kaura Abubakar reports\n\nNigeria's leader Muhammadu Buhari has declared he has $150,000 (£100,000) in his personal account, in a move aimed at promoting transparency.", "\n\nThe amount showed the ex-military ruler and minister of petroleum had been living a \"Spartan lifestyle\", his spokesman Garba Shehu said.", "\n\nThe BBC's Will Ross says the assets are loose change for Nigerian politicians but a fortune for most of the country.", "\n\nMr Buhari is the first opposition candidate to win a national election.", "\n\nThe former military ruler was elected in March largely on a promise to tackle corruption and insecurity.", "\n\nCorruption is a major problem in Africa's biggest economy and last month, Mr Buhari said that $150bn (£100bn) was missing from state coffers.", "\n\nBuhari's assets:\n\nimage copyright Getty Images image caption Mr Buhari marks 100 days in office on Saturday\n\nFive homes and two mud houses, as well as farms\n\nAn orchard and a ranch with 270 head of cattle,\n\n25 sheep, five horses and a variety of birds\n\nShares in three firms\n\nTwo undeveloped plots of lands\n\nBought two cars from his savings\n\nVice-President Yemi Osinbajo, a successful lawyer and pastor at one of Nigeria's biggest churches, is considerably wealthier.", "\n\nMr Shehu said in a statement Mr Osinbajo had $1.4m (£900,000) in his bank accounts.", "\n\nIn his declaration of assets, Mr Osinbajo also revealed that he owned a four-bedroom residence, a three-bedroom flat, a two-bedroom flat and a two-bedroom mortgaged property in Bedford, UK.", "\n\nimage copyright AFP image caption Mr Osinbajo is a pastor at one of Nigeria's biggest churches\n\nHis political career started when he was appointed commissioner of justice in Lagos state in 2007 - a position he held for eight years.", "\n\nThe statement did not give the value of all the assets held by the president and the vice-president, saying the documents submitted to the Code of Conduct Bureau would be made public as soon as the verification process was completed.", "\n\nThe leaders are also required by law to declare their assets when they left office.", "\n\nLate President Umaru Yar'Adua was the first Nigerian leader to declare his assets publicly.", "\n\nHe was reported to be worth $5m (£3.5m) when the declaration was made in 2007.", "\n\nAnalysis: Will Ross, BBC News, Lagos\n\nWe have long been told that Muhammadu Buhari prefers the austere life and now according to his spokesman there is evidence to back this up.", "\n\nMuhammadu Buhari is no pauper. ", "We are told he has less than $150,000 his bank account - a fortune for the vast majority of the population but probably the equivalent of loose change for many working in the dizzy world of Nigerian politics.", "\n\nThe law requires politicians to declare their assets to the Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB), which has a pair of handcuffs on its website but has been fairly toothless as the agency which has been \"checking corrupt practices in the Nigerian public service since 1989\".", "\n\nThe assets do not have to be declared in public but Gen Buhari's team clearly think shining a light on his \"Spartan\" lifestyle will help in the anti-corruption fight.", "\n\nHis predecessor Goodluck Jonathan was sharply criticized for refusing to go public even though his assets were declared to the CCB.", "\n\nThere may well now be some jittery politicians working out how they will look when compared to a president who has even declared his mud huts and livestock." ]
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[ "1. ", "Introduction {#sec1-materials-13-00922}\n===============\n\nThere has been a trend in metal additive manufacturing (AM) in recent years and much of the reports on AM are about the growth in metal-AM and its significant impact on design and rapid manufacture of geometrically complicated high-end parts. ", "A recent Wohlers Report \\[[@B1-materials-13-00922]\\] demonstrates a significant growth in the metal-AM market so that an estimated 1768 metal-AM systems were sold in 2017, compared to 983 systems in 2016, an increase of approximately 80%. ", "The main benefits of metal-AM in comparison with conventional manufacturing are a shorter value chain, reduced production cost and lead times for intricate parts, greater design freedom and customization, and minimal waste of materials.", "\n\nThe current highlights of metal AM are divided into two main categories: beam-based and beamless techniques ([Figure 1](#materials-13-00922-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "As classified by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), powder bed fusion (PBF) and directed energy deposition (DED) methods represent the key beam-based approaches for fabricating metals and alloys \\[[@B2-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Comprehensive reviews of the beam-based metal-AM systems have been presented in \\[[@B3-materials-13-00922],[@B4-materials-13-00922],[@B5-materials-13-00922],[@B6-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "EBM and SLM, the main representative of the PBF method, are currently dominant metal-AM processes because of the superior mechanical properties of the printed highly demanding functional parts. ", "In these beam-based techniques, the powder/beam interactions result in sophisticated physical phenomena including: melting, dynamic melt flow, and rapid solidification that results in highly orientated, columnar grains with anisotropic mechanical properties \\[[@B3-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The high thermal stress and rapid solidification can also lead to detrimental residual stress and defects such as delamination and severe part distortion. ", "In addition, the beam-based metal-AM systems are energy inefficient, and suffer from the high costs of technology and operations as well as constraints on speed, precision and surface quality. ", "Moreover, it is quite challenging to process non-weldable metals through beam-based metal-AM systems \\[[@B7-materials-13-00922],[@B8-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nBeamless metal AM techniques (known as non-beam metal AM) are being employed effectively to overcome the above limitations of the beam-based systems. ", "There exist a number of beamless processes with various distinct characteristics that are either under development or already available in the market. ", "These approaches provide different opportunities in terms of process economics, mechanical properties, achievable geometries and surface quality.", "\n\nBeamless metal AM has been able to draw the attention of both the research community and industry. ", "The growth in beamless research over the past five years is reflected in the number of publications \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In addition to the research community, there has been a significant growth in the beamless metal AM market as presented in [Figure 2](#materials-13-00922-f002){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nAs seen in [Table 1](#materials-13-00922-t001){ref-type=\"table\"}, the beamless systems are additive processes in which material bonding within and between layers occurs without using laser/electron beam melting. ", "Liquid metal jetting (a type of material jetting technology), wire and arc AM (WAAM), and shape deposition manufacturing (SDM) approaches are based on material melting, similar to beam-based techniques. ", "However, they use energy sources other than laser or electron beam for melting of materials. ", "Some of the beamless methods including binder jetting (known as 3D printing), material extrusion, nanoparticles inkjet printing, selective inhibition sintering (SIS), aerosol jet, and 3D screen printing use bulk sintering in the furnace for layer bonding. ", "The extrusion-based systems can massively reduce production costs, while binder jetting can achieve higher print resolution and surface finish than the beam-based systems. ", "More important, the printed metal parts using this class of metal AM systems possess remarkably lower residual thermal stress than beam-based systems since the green parts are sintered after printing.", "\n\nEFAB and FluidFM 3D printing technologies use electrochemical deposition methods that outperform the beam-based systems in terms of resolution and accuracy. ", "Conversely, ultrasonic AM (UAM), additive friction stir deposition (AFSD), friction stir AM (FSAM), and cold spray AM (CSAM) processes use solid state thermo-mechanical bonding without the need for a protective print environment for printing mega scale parts which are not viable through beam-based systems \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "UAM enables fast and scalable manufacturing for a wider range of engineering alloys, multiple materials and composites, and parts with embedded electronics due to its low operation temperature. ", "CSAM has a very high deposition rate (almost 10 times faster than SLM) with no limitation in build size that makes this process well-suited for industrial scale production of near net shape large parts.", "\n\nA comprehensive review of the key beamless metal AM systems and the current state of their research and technology are presented in this paper. ", "The review outlines the principle of each beamless metal-AM processes followed by disseminating the efforts and recent progresses. ", "Techniques that either have not been widely adopted (e.g., SDM and SIS) or their application field is mainly confined to writing (such as aerosol jet that needs laser beam for true 3D fabrication) are not addressed in this paper.", "\n\nThis review is based on Scopus and Google Scholar searches. ", "Articles published over the period 2012--2019 have been selected and the full papers and other reviews have been analysed. ", "Furthermore, Wohlers Report 2018 \\[[@B1-materials-13-00922]\\] and various internet sources have been used to analyse the market situation and future industrial trends in metal AM.", "\n\n2. ", "Key Processes {#sec2-materials-13-00922}\n================\n\n2.1. ", "Material Jetting Processes {#sec2dot1-materials-13-00922}\n-------------------------------\n\nMaterial jetting which includes processes like liquid metal printing, nanoparticles inkjet printing or aerosol jet process (see [Figure 1](#materials-13-00922-f001){ref-type=\"fig\"}) is an AM process in which liquid droplets of build material are selectively deposited and become solid via cooling (e.g., by crystallization or vitrification), chemical changes (e.g., cross-linking of a polymer), or solvent evaporation \\[[@B2-materials-13-00922],[@B10-materials-13-00922],[@B11-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Post-processing procedures such as sintering might be included to achieve near fully dense parts.", "\n\nThe material jetting process was initially used for printing parts out of wax \\[[@B12-materials-13-00922]\\] and polymers \\[[@B13-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The material jetting process has also been widely used to print a variety of functional bio-constructs and tissues by patterning living cell-loaded materials and direct cell printing \\[[@B14-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Orme et al. ", "\\[[@B15-materials-13-00922]\\] and Yamaguchi et al. ", "\\[[@B16-materials-13-00922]\\] first demonstrated 2.5D jetting of molten AA2024 aluminum (density 98.5%) and true 3D metal jetting of a molten fusible alloy (Bi-Pb-Sn-Cd-In alloy), respectively.", "\n\nA number of research works have been conducted on droplet-based printing of low/medium stiffness metals such as Sn63-Pb37 alloys \\[[@B17-materials-13-00922],[@B18-materials-13-00922],[@B19-materials-13-00922],[@B20-materials-13-00922]\\], aluminum \\[[@B21-materials-13-00922],[@B22-materials-13-00922],[@B23-materials-13-00922]\\], copper \\[[@B24-materials-13-00922]\\], tin, various solders \\[[@B25-materials-13-00922]\\] using nozzles typically between 50 to 200 μm in diameter.", "\n\nDevelopment of new jetting systems with higher print quality has been the main focus of recent research. ", "In inkjet printing, the drop diameter normally ranges from one to two times that of the nozzle \\[[@B26-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Droplets as small as around 60% \\[[@B27-materials-13-00922]\\] and 55% \\[[@B28-materials-13-00922]\\] of the nozzle diameter could be printed using a new pneumatic DOD and impact-driven ejection, respectively. ", "To improve uniformity and accuracy of metal droplets, a pneumatically actuated inkjet printing system composed of a star-shaped nozzle was proposed for the generation of liquid metal microdroplets in the nano- to picoliter range \\[[@B29-materials-13-00922],[@B30-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "High resolution pillars and microstructures with wall thickness of 25 µm could be printed using laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) print heads that use laser beam to melt a thin metal layer for creating femtoliter droplets \\[[@B31-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Electromagnetic print heads were also developed to eject uniform metal droplets at lower cost and higher speed \\[[@B32-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The electromagnetism driven printing uses a piston that is accelerated by the magnet force to create droplets. ", "Electrohydrodynamic printing technology (known as e-jet printing) was used by Han et al. ", "\\[[@B33-materials-13-00922]\\] for high resolution printing of a double layer aluminum scaffold with uniform struts as fine as 100 µm. ", "In e-jet, a high voltage is applied between a pneumatic-actuated nozzle and the ground electrode placed under the metal substrate to print molten metals at remarkably higher resolution than normal pneumatic jetting system.", "\n\nThe limited crucible volume is the main obstacle for further commercialization of liquid metal 3D printing. ", "To overcome this problem, a wire-based feeding system was proposed by \\[[@B34-materials-13-00922]\\] for generation of continuous droplet stream of a low-melting-point alloy. ", "The first liquid metal 3D printer was commercialized by Vader Systems under the trade name of \"MagnetoJet\" that uses a method very similar to that proposed several years ago by International Business Machines Corp (IBM, patent no. ", "US5377961A). ", "It uses magentohydrodynamic (MHD) actuation \\[[@B35-materials-13-00922]\\] integrated with a wire-based feeding system. ", "Recently, Spiller and Fleischer \\[[@B36-materials-13-00922]\\] used a commercial ARBURG freeformer machine (originally developed for melt 3D printing using standard plastic granules) in the metal injection molding (MIM) process chain instead and proposed a new approach for droplet-based AM of sintered metal components. ", "Their proposed ARBURG metal freeforming could reach properties very close to MIM; tensile strength: 95.7--99.2% of MIM produced metal parts.", "\n\nMolten metal jetting is limited to low/medium melting temperature metals as for other metals a high-temperature resistant printing system is required to keep the metal molten during the jetting process \\[[@B37-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "XJet (Rehovot, Israel) has recently commercialized a low-temperature metal 3D printer that uses its proprietary NanoParticle Jetting™ (NPJ) technology. ", "It prints nanoparticle inks of both build and support materials in ultrafine layers simultaneously. ", "High temperature of the build chamber results in evaporation of the liquid content, leaving dense layers of materials with chemical composition similar to conventionally produced parts. ", "The 3D printed green parts are then subjected to sintering process to achieve final dense metal parts, and support materials are easily removed.", "\n\n2.2. ", "Binder Jetting {#sec2dot2-materials-13-00922}\n-------------------\n\nBinder jetting (BJ), known as three-dimensional printing (3DP), was first developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology \\[[@B38-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Binder jetting has demonstrated the capability of printing complex parts from a variety of materials, including ceramics \\[[@B39-materials-13-00922]\\], metals \\[[@B40-materials-13-00922]\\], shape-memory alloys (SMA) \\[[@B41-materials-13-00922],[@B42-materials-13-00922]\\], polymers \\[[@B43-materials-13-00922]\\], polymer/ceramic \\[[@B44-materials-13-00922]\\] and drugs \\[[@B45-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In the case of metallic powder, the printed green body is placed in a furnace to remove the binder and sinter the powder particles for densification. ", "However, the final sintered parts possess relatively low density since powders are loosely deposited in the binder jet process. ", "Therefore, other techniques such as infiltration (using a metal with lower melting point) and/or hot isostatic pressing (HIP) \\[[@B46-materials-13-00922],[@B47-materials-13-00922]\\] are normally applied after sintering to enhance the density of the final part.", "\n\nBinder jetting has been successfully used for printing of different metals such as stainless steel \\[[@B48-materials-13-00922]\\], titanium \\[[@B49-materials-13-00922],[@B50-materials-13-00922],[@B51-materials-13-00922],[@B52-materials-13-00922],[@B53-materials-13-00922]\\], biodegradable iron--manganese alloys \\[[@B54-materials-13-00922]\\], WC-CO hardmetals \\[[@B55-materials-13-00922]\\], superalloys \\[[@B56-materials-13-00922],[@B57-materials-13-00922],[@B58-materials-13-00922]\\], cobalt-chrome \\[[@B59-materials-13-00922]\\], magnetic materials \\[[@B60-materials-13-00922],[@B61-materials-13-00922],[@B62-materials-13-00922]\\], and high purity copper \\[[@B63-materials-13-00922]\\] that is challenging to process using beam-based AM technologies due to its optical reflectivity and high thermal conductivity.", "\n\nMicrostructural analysis and investigation of mechanical properties of the binder jetted metals has been a focal research topic \\[[@B64-materials-13-00922],[@B65-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Basically, the metal BJ process generates a relatively fine equiaxed grain microstructure, while the EBM and DMLS processes are conducive to comparable columnar grain microstructures as illustrated in [Figure 3](#materials-13-00922-f003){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "Fatigue performance of the printed nickel-based superalloy 625 part could be improved by mechanical grinding of its surface, surpassing that of the cast alloy \\[[@B66-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Steel Parts with tailored material gradients have been 3D printed using nanoparticle carbon black ink \\[[@B67-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Sheydaeian and Toyserkani \\[[@B68-materials-13-00922]\\] developed a novel system for printing porous titanium parts by selective encapsulating of the sacrificial paraffin particles inside the powder layers during the binder jetting process. ", "Porous biodegradable scaffolds have been binder jetted from Fe-Mn-Ca/Mg alloys with controlled in vitro degradation and cell attachment \\[[@B69-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThe main limitation of metal binder jetting is the relative density of metal parts (95--97%), which can be compared with a typical density of \\> 99% with laser-based powder bed systems. ", "A number of research works have been conducted to investigate the effect of process parameters (such as layer thickness, binder saturation, drying after printing each layer) and part orientation \\[[@B58-materials-13-00922],[@B71-materials-13-00922]\\], powder particle size and distribution \\[[@B53-materials-13-00922],[@B72-materials-13-00922],[@B73-materials-13-00922],[@B74-materials-13-00922]\\], and post-processing \\[[@B47-materials-13-00922]\\] on density, and mechanical properties. ", "The influence of layer thickness, powder particle size and sintering profiles in the binder jetting of IN718 superalloy was studies by Turker et al. ", "\\[[@B58-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Shrestha and Manogharan \\[[@B75-materials-13-00922]\\] used the Taguchi method to determine the optimum process parameters for improving transverse rupture strength of sintered SS 316L samples. ", "Binder saturation level and feed-to-powder ratio were demonstrated as the most critical parameters, affecting binder/powder interaction and mechanical properties of the sintered parts. ", "The use of bimodal powders has been demonstrated to be an effective approach to improve the packing density of powders, and thus surface finish \\[[@B76-materials-13-00922]\\] and final sintered density \\[[@B77-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Kumar et al. ", "\\[[@B47-materials-13-00922]\\] demonstrated that the use of HIP can improve the final copper part density from 92% (as-sintered) to 99.7% of theoretical density. ", "HIP of powder bed fusion AM processes typically results in a strength drop due to a significant increase in the grain size. ", "However, HIP improves the strength of BJ parts, which indicates that compared to grain coarsening, the improvement in porosity is the dominant factor in determining strength \\[[@B47-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThe selection of a binder material system determines green part strength and affects the sintered density and shrinkage \\[[@B78-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Solvent-based polymeric binders are commonly used binders in commercial metal binder jetting systems. ", "The use of the polymeric binders can add complexity and limitations to the sintering process and adversely affect the final mechanical properties. ", "Functional inks containing metal nanoparticles have been proposed to replace polymeric binders with the aim of enhancing densification. ", "Silver \\[[@B79-materials-13-00922]\\] and copper \\[[@B80-materials-13-00922]\\] parts printed using the nanoparticle ink were significantly enhanced in sintering quality than those printed using the polymeric binder system, in particular parts with thin or fine features with high aspect ratios. ", "Particle-free metal salts with and without polymer binder were proposed \\[[@B81-materials-13-00922]\\] as an alternative approach due to difficulties in preparation and ink jetting of metal nanoparticle inks such as printhead clogging, particle sedimentation, and surface oxidation of nanoparticles during storage. ", "Various existing inorganic metal salt solutions (e.g., copper nitrate hydroxide and copper sulfate) can be jetted, and convert to metal particles upon deposition via decomposition \\[[@B81-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\n2.3. ", "Material Extrusion {#sec2dot3-materials-13-00922}\n-----------------------\n\nMaterial extrusion refers to the AM techniques that use an extrusion method for dispensing build material selectively. ", "The process known under the trademarked name Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) technology, also known as Fused Layer Modeling (FLM) or Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) \\[[@B82-materials-13-00922]\\]. [", "Figure 4](#materials-13-00922-f004){ref-type=\"fig\"} depicts extrusion-based metal 3D printing process schematically. ", "As can be seen, the printed green part needs a consecutive debinding and sintering process (like BJ method) in order to remove the binding agent and fuse the particles together for the final part.", "\n\nThe main advantage of FDM is its low technology and operation cost as it does not require expensive components such as lasers or electron sources and vacuum pumps in beam-based machines. ", "Another advantage is the ability to build components combining both thermoplastics and metals within the same build which is not possible with other direct metal systems \\[[@B83-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The FDM technology can also achieve build rates that are much higher compared to sintering and melting technologies \\[[@B84-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nBasically, there are three different approaches for extrusion-based AM. ", "Material extrusion with plungers, screw-based, or filament-based. ", "Metal extrusion AM is mainly used by screw-based or plunger-based approaches since metal filaments present multiple problems mostly due to their mechanical properties such as brittleness.", "\n\nVarious material extrusion approaches have been developed with the aim of direct metal 3D printing. ", "Greulich et al. ", "\\[[@B86-materials-13-00922]\\] developed a process called multiphase jet solidification (MJS). ", "The 3D fiber deposition (3DF) is a plunger-based technique that allows the development of metallic parts with accurately controlled pore size, porosity and interconnecting pores \\[[@B87-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The material is a composite that consists of a metal powder and a binder or rather dispersant. ", "Mireles et al. ", "\\[[@B83-materials-13-00922]\\] modified an FDM 3000 system to deposit low melting eutectic Bi58Sn42 and non-eutectic Sn60Bi40 materials for electronic circuitry applications amongst other things.", "\n\nPowder-binder mixtures are currently the most promising solutions for extrusion-based AM \\[[@B88-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Metal or ceramic powders are combined with a polymer and form a composite, either in pellet form or as a filament that can easily be extruded \\[[@B89-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The granulate has the advantage of containing a higher metal content than filaments (approx. ", "55 vol.% and 30 vol.%, respectively). ", "Recent studies have shown that filaments based on stainless steel 316L \\[[@B90-materials-13-00922]\\] and copper \\[[@B91-materials-13-00922]\\] can be processed successfully. ", "However, Gong et al. ", "\\[[@B90-materials-13-00922]\\] found that the 316L parts feature lower yield strength, UTS, and elastic modulus compared to AISI type SS 316L as well as laser melted SS 316L part. ", "This is induced by the equiaxed grains and austenitic microstructure of the parts. ", "A filament based on copper and a binder system based on paraffin wax, low density polyethylene, and stearic acid (PW--LDPE--SA) was developed and tested by Ren et al. ", "\\[[@B91-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nA screw-based approach using conventional metal injection molding (MIM)-feedstock was introduced as composite extrusion modelling (CEM) by Lieberwirth et al. ", "\\[[@B85-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The final parts featured a compression strength of 2345 MPa and a density of 7.47 g/cm^3^ which is very close to the typical value for the density of 7.67 g/cm^3^ specified conventionally processed MIM parts. ", "A CEM printed test part made from 316 as well as an optical microscopy of the microstructure are depicted in [Figure 5](#materials-13-00922-f005){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nAnother plunger-based material extrusion approach is termed 3D gel-printing (3DGP), which selectively deposits a slurry layer-by-layer \\[[@B92-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The 3DGP process is based on the in-situ polymerization of organic monomer binder and combines it with FDM. ", "Recent approaches aim at printing binder-free metals. ", "Kim et al. ", "\\[[@B93-materials-13-00922]\\] developed a volumetric metal 3D printing system that can dissolve and eject binder-free molten Sn40Pb alloy materials. ", "Another approach, which can be classified as filament-based extrusion, is by utilizing bulk metallic glasses (BMG) that show high mechanical properties. ", "BMGs exhibit a supercooled liquid behavior, which can be used in FDM under similar conditions to those in thermoplastics. ", "The supercooled liquid can be extruded in a similar fashion as thermoplastics \\[[@B94-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In this case, there is no need for post-processing like a sintering process to remove a binding agent.", "\n\n2.4. ", "Cold Spray AM (CSAM) {#sec2dot4-materials-13-00922}\n-------------------------\n\nCold spray (CS) process was originally developed as a solid-state coating method for improving surface properties \\[[@B95-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In CS process (known as dynamic gas cold spray) a supersonic gas jet (normally velocity of 300 to 1200 m/s) is used to accelerate powdered materials (diameter of 1--50 μm) through a de-Laval or similar converging/diverging nozzle and spray them onto a substrate. ", "Deposition is achieved through local metallurgical bonding and mechanical interlocking which are caused by localized plastic deformation at the inter-particle and particle-substrate interfaces \\[[@B96-materials-13-00922],[@B97-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "As there is no melting and solidification in CS, the process does not suffer from common deleterious defects in high-temperature deposition processes such as high porosity, oxidation, residual thermal stress, meting-induced phase transformation and re-crystallization \\[[@B96-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nAs illustrated in [Figure 6](#materials-13-00922-f006){ref-type=\"fig\"}, there are two types of CS design according to the pressure of the propulsive gas: high pressure CS in which the working gas is nitrogen or helium at pressures above 1 MPa, and low-pressure CS that uses compressed air at pressure below 1 MPa. ", "A wide range of pure metals can be deposited using high pressure CS, while low pressure CS is used for spraying a mixture of limited metal/ceramic powders \\[[@B98-materials-13-00922],[@B99-materials-13-00922],[@B100-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Various aspects of both processes and their applications have been discussed through some comprehensive review papers \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922],[@B96-materials-13-00922],[@B99-materials-13-00922],[@B101-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The term 'cold spray' normally refers to high pressure CS. ", "Hereafter, this nomenclature is followed through the paper as well.", "\n\nCSAM of Al and Cu alloys have been widely investigated due to their excellent deformability, and thus cold-sprayability. ", "Dense bulks from Cu and Cu alloys (Cu-Ag, Cu-Ag-Zr) with good interface bonding and mechanical properties have been printed using optimized CS with helium gas \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Post annealing could increase tensile strength of the printed bulks by 34.2% (from 125 to 168 MPa) and the interfaces between particles disappearing after annealing \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "However, annealing can effectively reduce hardness \\[[@B102-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "As-sprayed Cu has poor ductility with elongation below 0.4%, while post annealed samples at 400 °C had elongation similar to pure Cu bulk \\[[@B103-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Al deposits have slightly lower compactness than Cu deposits due to its lower density, although Al particle can be easily deposited \\[[@B104-materials-13-00922],[@B105-materials-13-00922],[@B106-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The influence of post-annealing and solutionizing on mechanical properties of Al6061 and Al7075 deposits were studied by Rokni et al. ", "\\[[@B105-materials-13-00922],[@B106-materials-13-00922],[@B107-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThe relatively high strength of stainless steel makes it difficult to print dense parts. ", "Coddet et al. ", "\\[[@B108-materials-13-00922]\\] studied the microstructure and mechanical properties of 304L stainless steel deposits. ", "As-printed parts were fairly dense (porosity of 1.3%) with tensile strength of 525 MPa and a brittle fracture nature with elongation of about 7%. ", "The annealed parts at 400 °C had increased tensile strength of 629 MPa without improved ductility.", "\n\nIt is quite challenging to cold spray dense Ti alloys parts. ", "The CSAMed Ti alloys exhibit a relatively high level of porosity due to their active characteristics and reactions with surrounding air \\[[@B109-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Wong et al. ", "\\[[@B110-materials-13-00922],[@B111-materials-13-00922]\\] investigated the influence of particle morphology and size distribution on CSed pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V. Dense Ti deposits CSed (using nitrogen) with high tensile strength of 800 MPa and very poor ductility of (approx. ", "0.01%) was reported by Jahedi et al. ", "\\[[@B112-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "According to the study by Vo et al. ", "\\[[@B113-materials-13-00922]\\], the porosities of the CSed Ti-6Al-4V deposits using helium gas was lower by one order of magnitude than that nitrogen gas due to higher level of particle acceleration. ", "The use of in-situ peening technique \\[[@B114-materials-13-00922]\\] (i.e., mixing of build powder with large ceramic powders), could result in dense Ti and Ti-6Al-4V deposits using cheaper nitrogen gas due to the \"tamping effect\" of CS \\[[@B115-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nIt is very difficult to deposit dense parts from superalloys even using CS at high gas temperatures \\[[@B116-materials-13-00922]\\], so there has been a great focus on investigation of the post-heat treatments routes. ", "It has been shown that high temperature heat treatment as well as the use of helium gas can effectively enhance properties of the CSAMed superalloys \\[[@B117-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Levasseur et al. ", "\\[[@B118-materials-13-00922]\\] proposed a pressureless sintering process to decrease porosity of Inconel 718 deposits from 2.5% to 0.2% and improve flexural strength and ductility.", "\n\n2.5. ", "Additive Friction Stir Deposition (AFSD) {#sec2dot5-materials-13-00922}\n---------------------------------------------\n\nThis process is a solid-state metal AM process that uses heat and friction to bond materials layer-by-layer ([Figure 7](#materials-13-00922-f007){ref-type=\"fig\"}), developed by MELD manufacturing.", "\n\nThe AFSD involves a hollow rotating shoulder, through which the feed material is delivered in the form of either a solid rod or powder \\[[@B119-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The rapid rotation of the hollow shoulder generates heat through dynamic contact friction at the shoulder/material and material/substrate interfaces \\[[@B120-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The heated and softened material bonds with the substrate through plastic deformation at the interface. ", "Post-heat treatment of the as-printed parts is not necessary due to low porosity and residual stress; however, the parts normally need post-machining/surface finishing.", "\n\nThe peak temperature of AFSD process normally ranges from 60 to 90% of the melting temperature \\[[@B121-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "However, a low shoulder transverse speed or a very high shoulder rotation frequency may result in adiabatic heating during deposition, and thus local melting. ", "So, appropriate selection of process parameters is critical to prevent such phenomena and minimize defects \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "AFSD provides important advantages of friction stir welding and friction stir processing such as the capability to process non-weldable alloys, and wrought microstructure formation \\[[@B122-materials-13-00922],[@B123-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In particular, the printed parts using AFSD have shown isotropic mechanical properties due to dynamic recrystallization and refined grains.", "\n\nMultiple materials such as Nb/Cu and Ta/Cu have been successfully printed using AFSD process. ", "No interfacial delamination was observed when applying a high shear stress at the interface through bending \\[[@B119-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Also, customized reinforced Al and Mg-based alloys such as Al-Mo, Al-W, and Al-SiC have been fabricated with loading up to 30 Vol.% \\[[@B119-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In addition to Al alloys, AFSD of high strength alloys such as nickel-based superalloys \\[[@B121-materials-13-00922]\\] and titanium alloys is possible.", "\n\n2.6. ", "Sheet Lamination Processes {#sec2dot6-materials-13-00922}\n-------------------------------\n\n### 2.6.1. ", "Ultrasonic AM (UAM) {#sec2dot6dot1-materials-13-00922}\n\nUltrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM), known as ultrasonic consolidation (UC), is a hybrid additive/subtractive process that involves the layer-by-layer ultrasonic scrubbing of similar or dissimilar metal foils in the solid state with periodic cutting operation (often end-milling) to fabricate desired part geometry \\[[@B124-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The process uses ultrasonic vibrations in a textured sonotrode to create a friction-like relative motion between two surfaces that are held together under pressure ([Figure 8](#materials-13-00922-f008){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This action, in turn, causes shearing and plastic deformation between asperities of the opposing surfaces, which disperses surface oxides and contaminants. ", "As the asperities collapse, metal-to-metal contact is increased, creating solid-state metallurgical bonding between the parts through atomic diffusion. ", "The UAM process can be used for fabrication of pure metals, alloys, and dissimilar material parts using high mechanical loads and high power ultrasonic \\[[@B125-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThe common defect in UAM-printed parts is micro-voids that are produced along the interfaces between bonded layers due to foil surface roughness, insufficient or excessive welding energy, and metal foil positioning inaccuracies \\[[@B126-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Although printed metal parts using UAM possess high tensile/compressive strength and good wear resistance, the strength in build direction is markedly lower than the other directions \\[[@B127-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Anisotropic mechanical behavior has been reported for printed Al6061 parts \\[[@B128-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "HIP has been found to be an effective post-treatment approach for eliminating the brittle fracture and improving the strength and ductility of UAM printed AL parts in the build direction \\[[@B129-materials-13-00922],[@B130-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThe use of very high power UAM has been shown to improve elastic properties of the printed AL alloys \\[[@B131-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Sridharan et al. ", "\\[[@B128-materials-13-00922]\\] used very high power (VHP) UAM (9 kW) instead of low power (1.5 kW) for fabrication of 6061 Al alloy and could achieve a complete metallurgical bonding across the interfaces without any discernable voids; however, poor mechanical properties were observed in the build direction. ", "The microstructural analysis of VHP-UAMed AA 3003 alloy revealed that the top and bottom bulk regions consist of the original elongated grains and fine equiaxed grains (very similar to the microstructure of the as-received foils), whereas the interface regions consist of only fine equiaxial grains due to the onset of recrystallization during VHP-UAM \\[[@B132-materials-13-00922]\\] ([Figure 9](#materials-13-00922-f009){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe low operation temperature and the plastic flow of metals provide the opportunity to embed and/or encapsulate various electronic devices in to the metal matrix through the UAM process. ", "Smart material structures could be printed by embedding fibres, conductor, dielectric, and nano-fibres of NiTi shape memory alloy into a metal matrix \\[[@B133-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Carbon fibres \\[[@B134-materials-13-00922]\\], fibre Bragg grating (FBG) \\[[@B135-materials-13-00922]\\], polymer-coated and uncoated optical fibres \\[[@B136-materials-13-00922]\\], metal-coated optical fibres \\[[@B137-materials-13-00922]\\], and NiTi shape memory alloy fibres \\[[@B138-materials-13-00922],[@B139-materials-13-00922]\\] could be successfully embedded into Al matrix with sufficient bond strength in the welded interfaces of the metal foils while retaining their functionality.", "\n\nMoreover, solid-state nature of UAM allows joining of dissimilar metals without the formation of brittle intermetallics as seen in powder-bed fusion processes. ", "High performance multi-material parts such as Al/Cu, Ni/Stainless steel, and Al/Ti are routinely produced using high power 9KW UAM \\[[@B132-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Hehr et al. ", "\\[[@B140-materials-13-00922]\\] combined UAM and metal matrix composite (MMC) materials to develop a novel functionally graded materials (FGM) for aerospace applications.", "\n\n### 2.6.2. ", "Friction Stir Additive Manufacturing (FSAM) {#sec2dot6dot2-materials-13-00922}\n\nThis process is the other type of friction-based technique that is a sheet lamination process. ", "In FSAM, friction stir welding is used to bound stacked multiple metal sheets. ", "A special friction pin is penetrated into the stacked sheets and then a welding line is created throughout the sheets by rotation and traverse movement of the pin. ", "Large parts are produced by repeating the sheet stacking and friction welding, and further machining process to form the accurate external shapes. ", "So, both AFSD and FSAM are intensive techniques as parts are printed through a severe plastic deformation at high temperatures, yet solid state. ", "The main difference is that the FSAM is a hybrid additive/subtractive process that produces microstructures with cyclic variations \\[[@B141-materials-13-00922],[@B142-materials-13-00922]\\], while in AFSD all layers are subjected to the same type of plastic deformation and friction-induced heating, and thus it can produce a much more homogeneous microstructure. ", "Although both UAM and FSAM are hybrid sheet lamination processes, they differ in build layer thickness. ", "FSAM uses thick metal sheets, for example 1.7 mm sheets of Mg-based WE43 alloy \\[[@B141-materials-13-00922]\\], while much thinner metal foils with thickness of \\~0.1 mm are used in UAM process. [", "Table 2](#materials-13-00922-t002){ref-type=\"table\"} compares the three solid-state metal additive processes in detail.", "\n\n2.7. ", "Wire and Arc AM {#sec2dot7-materials-13-00922}\n--------------------\n\nWire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is becoming more popular due to its high deposition rate, low production cost and the capability for fabricating large-scale components \\[[@B143-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Contrary to blown powder processes such as laser cladding (CLAD) or laser metal deposition (LMD), the WAAM technology is considered a wire feed process. ", "The wire is welded using an electric arc as a heat source to build near net shape parts in layers. ", "The raw part must often undergo CNC milling to get its final condition. ", "WAAM is also known as shaped metal deposition (SMD) or Rapid Plasma Deposition™ (RPD™).", "\n\nWAAM is a promising technology for producing large metal components (up to several meters) with moderate complexity. ", "Specifications of this technology can be roughly defined in a high build rate of up to 2500 cm^3^/h or 5--6 kg/h \\[[@B144-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Many different metals and alloys can be processed with the WAAM process. ", "The microstructure and mechanical properties of various metals, including titanium, aluminum, nickel, steel and other intermetallic materials fabricated by the various WAAM processes have been reviewed extensively \\[[@B144-materials-13-00922],[@B145-materials-13-00922],[@B146-materials-13-00922],[@B147-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "In general, printed metal parts exhibits anisotropy in the mechanical properties and low surface quality in comparison to other AM technologies \\[[@B144-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nFurthermore, WAAM can be distinguished between the use of different heat sources. ", "The WAAM process can use gas metal arc welding (GMAW or MIG), gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW or TIG) or plasma arc welding (PAW). [", "Figure 10](#materials-13-00922-f010){ref-type=\"fig\"} shows schematic diagrams of the mentioned processes. ", "In general, the deposition rate of GMAW-based WAAM is 2--3 times higher than that of GTAW-based or PAW-based methods \\[[@B145-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "However, the GMAW-based WAAM is less stable and generates more weld fume and spatter due to the electric current acting directly on the feedstock. ", "The energy efficiency of arc welding processes in GMAW or in GTAW can be as high as 90% in some circumstances \\[[@B145-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "GTAW and PAW arc welding technologies have demonstrated to be more reliable processes for WAAM with fewer problems of sputtering, excessive heating, distortion or porosity than GMAW. ", "However, both technologies do not feed the wire coaxially which leads to process variations when changing the welding direction causing extreme sensitivity to the arc length \\[[@B144-materials-13-00922],[@B148-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "There are four main approaches of metal transfer in GMAW including: globular, short-circuiting, spray and pulsed-spray, each has distinct features \\[[@B145-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThere are different arc welding technologies that are being used. ", "Motion can be provided either by robotic systems or by computer numerical controlled gantries. ", "TopTIG, for example, is a robotic GTAW welding technology with integrated wire feeder that distinguishes itself with the design of the welding torch. ", "Cold metal transfer (CMT) is a modification of the short-circuit GMAW process which is based on controlled dip transference \\[[@B149-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "PAW can be considered a conventional welding technology, while CMT and TopTIG are evolutions of GMAW and GTAW, respectively.", "\n\n2.8. ", "Electrochemical AM Processes {#sec2dot8-materials-13-00922}\n---------------------------------\n\nThere currently exist two electrochemical metal-AM processes, namely, electrochemical fabrication (EFAB) and FluidFM 3DP. ", "The EFAB (a trademark of Microfabrica, Van Nuys, CA, USA) method uses electrochemical deposition and subtractive planarization in a layer-by-layer process to build 3D micro-objects \\[[@B150-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "It involves three main processes in each layer: electroplating of sacrificial support material using a proprietary method called \"instant masking\", electroplating of build material, and planarization, respectively. [", "Figure 11](#materials-13-00922-f011){ref-type=\"fig\"}a shows the steps for fabrication of metal parts using the EFAB method.", "\n\nThe EFAB has been developed for true 3D manufacturing of metal microparts with features as fine as 20 μm and accuracy of 2 μm. ", "So far, limited metals have been developed by Microfabrica to be processed through EFAB, including: VALLOY-120^TM^, EDURA-180^TM^, copper, and biocompatible noble palladium. ", "More information about the material properties can be found in the literatures \\[[@B150-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nFluidFM 3DP process is another electrochemical technique developed recently by Cytosurge AG (Opfikon, Switzerland). ", "It combines electrodeposition, scanning probe microscopy (SPM), and precise liquid ink dispensing \\[[@B151-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The system uses atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilevers with a microfluidic channel and a hollow tip. ", "A microfluidics control system applies a pressure to a reservoir containing the electrolyte solution to push it through the cantilever and out of the tip ([Figure 11](#materials-13-00922-f011){ref-type=\"fig\"}b). ", "The tip is part of the printing head that has 3D movement inside buffer vat. ", "The metallic ions are converted to solid metals by applying an appropriate potential to the build substrate. ", "There is a real-time feedback to detect the tip deflection. ", "As a voxel reaches completion, the top side of the voxel interacts with the tip, exerting force that results in a few nanometer deflection of the cantilever. ", "When specific amount of deflection is reached, the voxel is considered as printed and the tip is moved to the next voxel.", "\n\n2.9. ", "3D Screen Printing (3DSP) {#sec2dot9-materials-13-00922}\n------------------------------\n\nThis process has been developed by researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM), Branch Lab Dresden (Germany) \\[[@B152-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "It uses the classical screen-printing technique through an adapted layer-by-layer process to stack multilayers of the desired layout on top of each other and create metal parts. ", "For each layer, a printing screen is fabricated using a photolithographic process. ", "Metal paste containing metal particles and organic binder/additives is pushed through the screen using a squeegee being moved over the screen. ", "Each printed layer (normal thickness of 5--15 µm) is subsequently dried in a furnace. ", "These steps are repeated to create the final green part that is then transferred into an oven for debinding and sintering.", "\n\nThe metal paste formulation and its rheological behavior is the key parameter to achieve high accuracy detailed parts. ", "The process has limitation in terms of solid particle loading (up to 50 Vol.%) as too high particle concentration can result in undesired shear thickening behavior. ", "A wide range of metals such as stainless steel, copper, titanium, and hard metals have been successfully fabricated with surface roughness of Ra = 5--10 µm \\[[@B153-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Also, the printing paste can be changed during the print process while the printing screen is kept the same, allowing for fabricating the multiple materials. ", "A ceramic (ZrO~2~)/metal (17-4-PH) sandwich structure, and copper/ceramic 3D patterns with line width of 150 µm could be printed and sintered without cracks \\[[@B153-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\n3. ", "Impact and Applications {#sec3-materials-13-00922}\n==========================\n\n3.1. ", "Processes Comparison {#sec3dot1-materials-13-00922}\n-------------------------\n\nIt is believed that the beamless metal AM can improve the development trajectory of metal AM. ", "It can lower technology and operation costs, overcome the intrinsic safety concerns associated with beam-based systems \\[[@B4-materials-13-00922]\\], and possess advantages over beam-based AM technologies as illustrated in [Figure 12](#materials-13-00922-f012){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "The access to cost-effective beamless techniques such as extrusion-based metal AM systems facilitates wider adoption of and a greater business value from this technology. ", "This accessibility allows the small/medium size companies and job shops to enter the metal-AM market whereby they can shorten lead-time, increase their market penetration and share, and expand their product portfolio. ", "In particular, beamless metal AM would hold great potential for less developed countries that possess inadequate production infrastructure. ", "In addition to impact on small public and private sector companies, the large manufacturing companies can also take the advantages of totally new manufacturing possibilities offered by beamless metal AM. ", "For example, AM of high density mega-scale parts is now possible, while it is challenging or impossible for current powder-bed metal-AM systems due to equipment size limitations. ", "Moreover, metal parts with refined grains at higher strength and isotropic mechanical properties are now achievable.", "\n\nAn in-depth understanding of the strengths/weak points and comprehensive knowledge on capabilities and limitations of each beamless metal AM technology is an important step in selecting the appropriate process for a particular application. ", "A comparison of the key beamless metal AM systems has been presented in [Table 3](#materials-13-00922-t003){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\n[Figure 13](#materials-13-00922-f013){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [Figure 14](#materials-13-00922-f014){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 15](#materials-13-00922-f015){ref-type=\"fig\"} graphically compare the main beamless metal AM systems in terms of part complexity, minimum feature size, and part size and [Figure 16](#materials-13-00922-f016){ref-type=\"fig\"} depicts the identification map of the beamless metal AM technologies.", "\n\n3.2. ", "Application Fields {#sec3dot2-materials-13-00922}\n-----------------------\n\nThe application fields of beamless metal AM systems can be classified into three main areas including micro, medium, and mega-scale parts that are discussed in this section.", "\n\n### 3.2.1. ", "Micro-Scale Parts {#sec3dot2dot1-materials-13-00922}\n\nThe EFAB and FluidFM 3DP are the two current beamless methods that have demonstrated great potential for true 3D micro-manufacturing. ", "The current micro-fabrication techniques normally include multiple production steps which are costly and need strictly safety standards. ", "The FluidFM 3DP is a single step process with potential to overcome these barriers and offer higher efficiency to different micro-scale industries. ", "The size of features printed with FluidFM pinpoint 3DP range from 1 µm to 1000 µm ([Figure 17](#materials-13-00922-f017){ref-type=\"fig\"}) using a unique 300 nm pipette, allowing flow rates as small as a few femtolitres per second. ", "In particular, the technique allows adding complex parts 3D printed with a high degree accuracy directly onto existing structures or surfaces, on contact pads that are pre-defined on the surface of integrated circuit (IC) boards, on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), etc.", "\n\nThe EFAB process has also shown great applicability for true 3D printing of robust sub-millimeter metal parts and mechanical mechanisms for medical, aerospace and semiconductor industries. ", "It provides designers with the new possibilities to commercially produce sophisticated fully assembled medical devices and complex mechanisms with multiple discrete biocompatible components. ", "In particular, as the mechanisms are 3D printed in a finished fully assembled state there is no concern about micro-scale assembly challenges.", "\n\nIn addition, proprietary BJ technology is capable of printing very fine parts with micro-features. ", "For better assessment, the authors conducted a benchmarking study. ", "A tissue staple was used as a benchmark sample and printed using Digital Metal^®^ (Höganäs, Sweden) BJ technology at two different sizes to be compared with SLM and EFAB technology. ", "The results of the assessment are presented in [Figure 18](#materials-13-00922-f018){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 19](#materials-13-00922-f019){ref-type=\"fig\"}.", "\n\nAs can be seen in [Figure 18](#materials-13-00922-f018){ref-type=\"fig\"}, the printed sample using EFAB technology possesses superior surface finish and accuracy. ", "The lower surface quality and definition of BJ part is apparent, in particular in the teeth region and central locking hole that was designed with undercut features. ", "However, it still proves the capability of BJ to print micro-scale parts that is not possible using SLM or EBM techniques.", "\n\n[Figure 19](#materials-13-00922-f019){ref-type=\"fig\"} Compares the double enlarged staple printed using SLM process (Mlab Cusing SLM machine, Concept Laser, Lichtenfels, Germany) and BJ technology (Digital Metal's 3D printer). ", "Although both SLM and BJ use powder bed technique the BJ part has significantly higher surface quality and part definition. ", "Very thin walls (thickness down to 80 µm) could be printed successfully using BJ process ([Figure 20](#materials-13-00922-f020){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "So, the BJ process fills the gap between SLM and EFAB technologies in terms of feature size and surface finish. ", "Also, 3DSP process is an emerging technique for serial production of small parts ([Figure 20](#materials-13-00922-f020){ref-type=\"fig\"}b). ", "The print quality and minimum feature size of 3DSP and BJ falls to relatively similar level. ", "A sample part printed using both techniques is shown in [Figure 20](#materials-13-00922-f020){ref-type=\"fig\"}c,d. The part produced using 3DSP could achieve a better dimensional tolerance. ", "However, 3DSP cannot compete with BJ technology in terms of part complexity. ", "In 3DSP, a single printing screen is used for a certain number of cycles to create several layers with similar shapes, while many screens must be produced and changed during print for stacking of layers with different shapes that is practically impossible. ", "The process is well suited for mass production of small and simple geometry parts with fine details and walls with high aspect ratios.", "\n\n### 3.2.2. ", "Medium Size Parts {#sec3dot2dot2-materials-13-00922}\n\nMetal BJ is well-suited for truly cost-effective serial production of small to medium size parts for different applications such as medical equipment, portable electronics, luxury watches, etc. ", "that is not currently possible using other beam-based metal-AM systems. ", "Metal BJ possess superior benefits over beam-based powder bed AM systems such as reduced costs with higher manufacturing throughput (as there is no need for support), much less residual stress, increased geometrical complexity and print speed.", "\n\nAlso, BJ process surpasses metal injection molding (MIM) in terms of design flexibility and part complexity, allowing it to penetrate new application fields that are currently not approachable for MIM. ", "Meanwhile, the BJ can complement MIM rather than compete with it. ", "The current MIM producers already have the infrastructure and facilities to process green parts. ", "So, the BJ can be effectively integrated to MIM process for fabricating prototypes and/or small batches before investing in expensive MIM tools for mass production.", "\n\nDigital Metal^®^'s BJ technology enables detailed fine metal parts to be printed at high volume with remarkably higher precision and surface quality than SLM or EBM processes. ", "The other commercial systems like ExOne (North Huntingdon, PA, USA) and GE Additive (beta H2 binder jetting platform, Cincinnati, OH, USA) have targeted production of medium to large scale parts for automotive and aerospace applications where the BJ technology removes the need for casting and eliminates further expenses such as tooling and molds.", "\n\nIn addition, extrusion-based AM systems can be used for printing of medium size metal parts, in particular, in medical applications such as titanium implants and scaffolds. ", "They can also be served for parts like jigs and fixtures, auto/aero parts, electroforming mandrels, encapsulation molds, dies, electronic joining applications, as well as printing 3D electronic circuitry \\[[@B82-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Low temperature alloys can be easily processed using direct metal extrusion printing but lack the high mechanical properties of the composite-based FDM processes. ", "With the use of BMGs, the 3D printing process can offer a solution to escape some property-processability tradeoffs.", "\n\nTo date, a large number of both research and commercial works on liquid metal jetting have been demonstrated; however, much of the reports confine to 2D and/or 2.5D printing of low melting point metals for electronics applications \\[[@B10-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The latest developed liquid metal jetting system (MagnetoJet Technology by Vader Systems, New York, NY, USA) can print medium size parts with arbitrary shapes from low melting point alloys, while lack of support structure remains as the key weak point of the system. ", "In contrast, XJet's low-temperature nanoparticle inkjet 3D printer can produce complex medium size metal components with high accuracy (dimensional tolerance of 50 to 100 µm depending on part size) and smooth surface finish due to its ultra-thin layer thickness (8--10 µm). ", "Complex 3D geometries and sophisticated assemblies are possible using water-soluble support material. ", "Theoretically, the XJet printed parts have isotropic properties and higher green strength than BJ due to higher level of layer packing.", "\n\n### 3.2.3. ", "Mega-Scale Parts {#sec3dot2dot3-materials-13-00922}\n\nA great focus has been given to the solid-state beamless metal AM technologies for different mega-scale applications in the past few years as reflected by the number of publications \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "As there is no melting in CSAM, metals are not affected by thermal-related defects and the aluminum or titanium parts do not need to be printed in an inert gas or vacuum sealed chamber, allowing fabrication/repair of much larger components. ", "Also, the CSAM minimizes waste of expensive material by improving the material utilization ratio (buy-to-fly) and machining from near-net-shape parts, not large billets. ", "More important, graded or multiple materials can be effectively printed to tailor functionality of the part.", "\n\nThe spot size of the CS process is currently above 4 mm which is significantly larger than other laser-spots in powder-bed AM systems. ", "Therefore, CS-based AM is considered as an ideal choice for cost-effective printing of near-net-shape features onto the available parts. ", "Meanwhile, the CS head can be integrated with an industrial robot arm for super-fast direct printing of very large metal parts with intricate shapes that is not possible using other metal-AM systems ([Figure 21](#materials-13-00922-f021){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "Titomic (Australia) has commercialized the largest and fastest metal 3D printer with an output size of 9 m × 3 m × 1.5 m for industrial scale production of titanium parts without any shape constrain at ultra--high deposition rate of 38 kg/h.\n\nThe other solid-state beamless AM systems, namely, UAM and fiction-based AM systems have been highly regarded by both scientific community and industry. ", "The first commercialized technology of AFSD was developed and patented by Aeroprobe Corporation as \"MELD Technology\" for printing of a wide range of materials from Al, Mg, titanium alloys, nickel-based superalloys to non-weldable metals at high deposition rates. ", "MMCs can also be deposited through pre-mixing different powders and consolidating them as the feed material. ", "The main application areas of AFSD are repair, rapid manufacture of net-shape large parts ([Figure 21](#materials-13-00922-f021){ref-type=\"fig\"}b) and production of non-weldable alloys.", "\n\nUAM has also shown encouraging success in near room temperature fabrication of parts that enables a multitude of thermal-sensitive electronics and sensors to be embedded into the solid metal part, exactly where needed. ", "Also, UAM enables designers to reliably fabricate interwoven channels within a multiple material part printed in a single step. ", "High performance multi-material parts for a wide array of engineering applications, including: coating, heat transfer, strengthening materials, and light weighting can be printed using UAM. ", "To strengthen materials, MMCs can be printed selectively within the part by using continuous fibers at specific high-stress regions ([Figure 21](#materials-13-00922-f021){ref-type=\"fig\"}c).", "\n\nIn contrast to UAM, WAAM is preferred for the production of even larger parts due to its high deposition rate, high material utilization rate, low production and equipment cost, and high equipment flexibility and scalability. ", "In comparison with subtractive processes, WAAM systems have been shown to reduce fabrication time by 40--60% and post-machining time by 15--20% depending on the component size \\[[@B145-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Furthermore, the cost of a part produced by the WAAM process is an order of magnitude lower than the cost when produced by laser-based powder processes such as SLM. ", "Applications in the aerospace industry include cryogenic tanks, fuselage, shells and arbitrary profiles ([Figure 21](#materials-13-00922-f021){ref-type=\"fig\"}d).", "\n\n4. ", "Challenges and Future Perspectives {#sec4-materials-13-00922}\n=====================================\n\nAs a consequence of what was discussed, beamless metal AM is well on its way to becoming a viable and established standard manufacturing tool for cost-effective metal part prototyping and rapid manufacturing. ", "The economic and efficiency advantages ensure that beamless metal AM systems will be subjected to extensive investigations in the future. ", "However, the growth of beamless metal AM has been hampered significantly by technical challenges inherent to each process that are currently limiting the wider adaptation of these promising technologies.", "\n\nDespite its advantages, metal BJ has been adopted less than beam-based powder bed systems that might be attributed to the inherent porosity present in the parts, even although post-infiltration and/or liquid phase sintering followed by HIP are normally applied to increase density of the parts. ", "In addition, there are some technical challenges preventing wider use of metal BJ. ", "As-printed green parts are relatively fragile which makes them prone to failure, post thermal treatment increases the lead time remarkably, and for larger parts it results in distortion. ", "Future research may be focused on development of novel techniques for enhancing density without sacrificing homogeneity of material, part accuracy, and/or process scalability. ", "Meanwhile it is worth broadening the range of printable materials through the development of new predictive models and optimization of process parameters, and expanding the application field of BJ into composite materials by overcoming powder segregation and co-sintering issues. ", "Moreover, more efforts on high-speed AM (HSAM) using inkjet-based 3D printing systems is expected to be made in the future although the BJ systems possess a higher speed than beam-based powder bed AM systems. ", "This claim has already been fueled by companies such as HP (Palo Alto, CA, USA), and Desktop Metal (Burlington, MA, USA) with prioritizing the print speed in their new metal BJ commercial 3D printers. ", "HP's Jet Fusion and MultiJet Fusion (MJF) technologies offer high build speed and quality, and at lower cost than competitive 3D printers. ", "These technologies are quite similar to High Speed Sintering (HSS) process \\[[@B164-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "HP's MJF, uses inkjet printheads to deposit both a fusing agent and a detailing agent onto a bed of powder before sintering them with a set of infrared lamps \\[[@B165-materials-13-00922]\\], while HSS does not use a detailing agent. ", "HSS has not been used for true metal 3D printing, while infrared-assisted sintering of inkjet printed metal tracks on substrates have been reported \\[[@B166-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "HP's Metal Jet printers uses thermal Inkjet printheads to precisely deliver water-based binder to industrial MIM metal powders for reduce costs. ", "It uses multiple printbars (six printheads arranged in two printbars on the print carriage) for high productivity and nozzle redundancy. ", "Desktop Metal's printer (production model) uses \"single pass jetting\" technology that employs thousands of piezo nozzles to spray millions of binder droplets per second on the metal powder \\[[@B167-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\nThe FluidFM 3DP is a newly developed 3D printing method that needs further research and design upgrade to be considered as a mature and reliable technology. ", "The deposition rate needs to be improved for achieving larger build size. ", "Since introduction of the technology the deposition rate of FluidFM 3DP could be increased from 3µm^3^/sec to 375µm^3^/sec for pure metal parts \\[[@B153-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "The increase in printing speed is expected to be considered as a growth strategy. ", "In addition, so far limited metals including copper, silver and gold could be printed, while a great focus should be given on development of other strategic metal systems such as Cd, Cr, In, Zn and Pt in the future.", "\n\nEFAB process has currently some design constrains such as maximum number of build layers (maximum part height of 1.25 mm) and, more important, parts from very limited metals can be currently manufactured. ", "Smart materials are suggested to be developed in the future for manufacturing of electromagnetism or shape memory-based sensing and actuation systems.", "\n\nThe growth of liquid metal jetting has been hampered by some challenges. ", "The scalloped surface topography of solidified droplets and the staircase effect reduce surface quality. ", "The previous studies on understanding the mechanism of metal droplets impacting and solidification, and optimization of process parameters have been very useful. ", "Further research work should focus on the development of new printing mechanisms, and in-depth understanding of the morphology of surface topography through experiment and modeling would be helpful for adaptation of liquid metal jetting. ", "The low-temperature 3D printing of metallic parts is quite promising. ", "However, it suffers from relatively low print speed (and thus limited build size) due to the use of nanoparticles in thin build layers. ", "In addition, preparation of nanoparticle metal inks and reliable printing of the inks without nozzle clogging and/or particle sedimentation seems to be quite challenging.", "\n\nCSAM is a vital breakthrough and revolutionary technology and redefines manufacturing components of complex geometry/3D shapes in a single step. ", "Despite the merits highlighted for CSAM, there exist deficiencies that should be addressed through future research activities. ", "The influence of spraying parameters on mechanical properties of hard-to-form materials such as anisotropic behavior is not well understood and entirely agreed upon by researchers. ", "Further experimental studies are required with the aim of developing a standard fabrication strategy for determining optimal part properties. ", "Moreover, most of the research works have focused on the use of CSAM for part restoration and modification, while direct manufacturing of complex parts is an attractive and challenging research topic. ", "In particular, fabrication of parts at higher spatial resolution through development of new spraying systems with smaller spot size for minimizing post-machining processes is a vital step to be further explored.", "\n\nThere are huge application field for friction-based AM in industries where large-scale parts are required such as aviation, defense, automotive, energy, etc. ", "To get the best out of these countless possibilities, development of new practical applications for friction-based AM should be considered as a research focus in the future. ", "The low resolution of material deposition as well as the demand for secondary subtractive machining and/or grinding steps for achieving the final shape are the key barriers to the widespread adaptation of friction-based AM technology for industrial productions. ", "The use of new tool deigns in AFSD with a smaller shoulder diameter might be an effective measure to improve resolution as the amount of deposited plasticized material in each step is decreased. ", "Development of an in-situ quality control system can be another approach to better monitor the FSAM process and enhance resolution and reliability. ", "A closed loop control containing high-speed infrared camera and various sensors is proposed to be used for real-time monitoring of weld formation and in-situ measuring of the peak temperature and cooling rate.", "\n\nRealization of mentioned potentials for wider applications of UAM is stifled by high material wastage, anisotropic properties and low mechanical strength in build direction, as well as design constrains such as height to width ration. ", "The production cost of UAM parts is also relatively high, and thus the process has been adapted to limited industries such as aerospace or automotive where functionality and/or properties of the engineered multiple material parts can compensate the high costs. ", "The high production cost might be decreased in the feature as metal foils are widely available on the market for prices approaching that of billet. ", "However, the process might not be considered as a route for single material parts fabrication since the high wastage of expensive materials in UAM process remains as the key barrier for cost reduction in the future. ", "The future works should focus on more in-depth investigation of the process parameters affecting ultrasonic welding-induced pores in the interface with the aim of improving mechanical properties. ", "Techniques such as laser-assisted pre-heating of the metal foils might be useful for increasing plastic deformation and thus enhanced bonding.", "\n\nMany challenges remain with WAAM technology as well. ", "A part from the low resolution of this technology, microstructural anisotropy and porosity remain some of the key challenges that need to be addressed. ", "At the moment, only components with moderate complexity such as flanges or stiffened panel are feasible. ", "Technical challenges like distortion from excessive heat input, relatively poor part accuracy caused by the \"stair stepping\" effect and poor surface finish keep the technology from being used in more complex and filigree components. ", "The control of residual stresses and distortions especially for the large-scale WAAM process is of major concern. ", "It not only has an effect on the part tolerances but it can also result in premature failure.", "\n\nThe low cost of FDM systems has led to one of the highest adoption rates among AM technologies. ", "However, metal-based FDM systems are not yet developed enough to see widespread use. ", "Further development in print speed through high-aspect-ratio (HAR) nozzles can lead to HSAM of metals \\[[@B167-materials-13-00922]\\]. ", "Most approaches with extrusion-based AM with metals use a composite material that needs to be treated after the initial printing process. ", "This can further lead to other tradeoffs such as multi-material implementation or in regard to mechanical properties. ", "The ratio of the contents is also limited to its processability. ", "Frequent buckling failures during the extrusion phase, for example, can cause an interruption of the process. ", "In this context, working with established MIM feedstock holds great promise for the future since a broad range of cost-efficient MIM feedstocks containing various types of metals are already available. ", "Furthermore, it has already been demonstrated that printed parts can achieve mechanical properties that are comparable to values specified for the final MIM parts.", "\n\n5. ", "Conclusions {#sec5-materials-13-00922}\n==============\n\nThis paper presented a review on the key beamless metal AM processes, progress and future developments. ", "The sintering-based techniques such as BJ and extrusion-based techniques have demonstrated great potential for cost-effective serial production of small parts and low volume production of medium size parts, respectively. ", "On the other hand, the electrochemical processes such as EFAB and FluidFM 3DP techniques have been able to meet the resolution requirements in micro-manufacturing industry while they provide new possibilities in terms of part complexity. ", "Also, the solid-state beamless techniques provide the opportunity to print mega scale parts with improved mechanical strength. ", "In particular, CSAM process benefits from super-fast metal printing speed, making it well-suited for true industrial production of large parts in the near future.", "\n\nThe authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Alexander Sakratidis of Digital Metal, Sweden and Clemens Lieberwirth of AIM3D, Germany for their great support in printing of the benchmark samples. ", "The authors also thank Marcus Frank and Armin Springer (Electron Microscopy Centre, University Medical Center Rostock) and Georg Schnell (Chair of Microfluidics, University of Rostock) for SEM imaging. ", "The authors would extend their appreciation to Edgar Hepp of Cytosurge AG, Switzerland, Arun Veeramani of Microfabrica Inc., USA, David B. Wallace of MicroFab Technologies Inc., USA for their helpful information.", "\n\nConceptualization, M.V. and H.S.; search and analysis of literature, M.V., P.D. and H.S.; design of experiments and analysis of experimental results, M.V. and H.S.; data curation, M.V.; writing---original draft preparation, M.V. and P.D.; writing---review and editing, H.S.; visualization, M.V.; supervision, H.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.", "\n\nThe authors acknowledge financial support by the DFG and the University Rostock within the funding program Open Access Publishing.", "\n\nH.S. is co-founder of the company AIM3D, Rostock, Germany. ", "The company AIM3D and the funder had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.", "\n\n![", "Classification of the main current metal AM processes, including beam-based and beamless techniques.](materials-13-00922-g001){#materials-13-00922-f001}\n\n![", "Growth in beamless metal-AM systems comparing with beam-based systems (column numbers indicate the number of most common commercially launched systems), data acquired from the Scopus database, and the Wohlers Report \\[[@B1-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g002){#materials-13-00922-f002}\n\n![", "Optical microscopy images of 316L samples in etched condition (Glyceregia etchant): (**a**) BJ 50× (**b**) EBM 50×; (**c**) DMLS 50×. Scale bars are 150 µm \\[[@B70-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g003){#materials-13-00922-f003}\n\n![", "Process scheme of an extrusion-based system: (**a**) 3D printing of the green part (**b**) debinding of the green part in a debinding furnace; (**c**) sintering of the resulting brown part in a high-temperature furnace; (**d**) final metal part \\[[@B85-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g004){#materials-13-00922-f004}\n\n![(**", "a**) CEM printed and sintered 316L part and using conventional MIM feedstock Catamold (BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany) (**b**) optical microscopy of CEM printed 316L part showing microstructure and inclusions of carbon and foreign particles comparable to conventional manufactured MIM parts.](materials-13-00922-g005){#materials-13-00922-f005}\n\n![", "Schematic view of (**a**) high and (**b**) low pressure CS.](materials-13-00922-g006){#materials-13-00922-f006}\n\n![", "Schematic view of AFSD process (**left**), AFSD head in operation (**right image**, courtesy of Aeroprobe Corporation, USA).](materials-13-00922-g007){#materials-13-00922-f007}\n\n![", "Schematic view of UAM process.](materials-13-00922-g008){#materials-13-00922-f008}\n\n![(**", "a**) The Inverse Pole Figure (IPF) map of as-received original AA 3003 alloy foil in which the grains are elongated along the rolling plane, and fine equiaxed grains are observed between the elongated grains, (**b**) The IPF of the VHP-UAM sample in which the interface region is represented by the white colored arrows. ", "Many grains in the both top and bottom bulk regions are elongated along the rolling plane of the original tape, and fine grains are seen between these elongated grains, while all grains in the interface region are fine and equiaxial \\[[@B132-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g009){#materials-13-00922-f009}\n\n![", "Schematic view of the (**a**) GMAW, (**b**) GTAW, and (**c**) PAW process \\[[@B149-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g010){#materials-13-00922-f010}\n\n![", "Schematic view of (**a**) EFAB \\[[@B150-materials-13-00922]\\] and (**b**) FluidFM printing cell. ", "the iontip dispenses the electrolyte into a buffer bath. ", "At the working electrode, Cu^2+^ ions are deposited as solid copper \\[[@B151-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g011){#materials-13-00922-f011}\n\n![", "The main possibilities and advantages of the beamless metal-AM over beam-based systems they are low energy, can achieve higher dimensional accuracy, can be used for printing parts from micro to mega scale parts with improved mechanical properties as they do not comprise material melting and rapid solidification.](materials-13-00922-g012){#materials-13-00922-f012}\n\n![", "Comparison of the key beamless metal AM systems in terms of part complexity and size. ", "EFAB, 3DSP, FluidFM 3DP are suitable for micro-scale applications. ", "Binder jetting is a scalable process that can be used for micro to medium size parts while material jetting and extrusion methods are normally used for medium size parts. ", "In contrast, CSAM, AFSD, UAM, and WAAW are more suitable for medium to mega-scale parts.](materials-13-00922-g013){#materials-13-00922-f013}\n\n![", "Comparison of the key beamless metal AM systems in terms of part size and productivity. ", "As can be seen, UAM, WAAM, material jetting, extrusion, and FluidFM 3DP are suitable for low-volume production while binder jetting, 3DSP, CSAM, and EFAB have higher deposition rate for high-volume production of metal parts.](materials-13-00922-g014){#materials-13-00922-f014}\n\n![", "Comparison of the key beamless metal AM systems in terms of part complexity and minimum feature size. ", "Material jetting, binder jetting, and EFAB processes have the capability to print sophisticated 3D parts and assemblies. ", "FluidFM 3DP, extrusion, and CSAM can be used for manufacturing of true 3D parts, while the other processes are normally served for parts with less complexity.](materials-13-00922-g015){#materials-13-00922-f015}\n\n![", "The identification map of the beamless metal AM technologies in comparison with DED and PBF beam-based methods. ", "As can be seen, AFSD offers the highest mechanical strength and the lowest process and operation cost. ", "Extrusion process is also a low-cost process suitable for low-volume production, while CSAM offers the highest deposition rate (up to 38 kg/h). ", "EFAB and FluidFM 3DP processes possess the highest dimensional accuracy and surface quality.](materials-13-00922-g016){#materials-13-00922-f016}\n\n![", "Uniform pillars and complex copper parts printed in single step using FluidFM 3DP without support structure (Courtesy of Cytosurge AG).](materials-13-00922-g017){#materials-13-00922-f017}\n\n![", "A metal tissue staple 3D printed using (**a**,**b**) EFAB (Courtesy of Microfabrica, USA) and (**c**,**d**) BJ technology (material 316L).](materials-13-00922-g018){#materials-13-00922-f018}\n\n![", "The double enlarged staple (to allow fabrication using beam-based system) printed using (**a**,**b**) SLM process (source: MICA Freeform vs Selective Laser Melting published by Microfabrica, USA) and (**c**,**d**) BJ technology (material 316L).](materials-13-00922-g019){#materials-13-00922-f019}\n\n![(**", "a**) Thin walls 316L printed using BJ technology, (**b**) serial production of micro-parts aspect ratio of 1:50 printed using 3DSP \\[[@B152-materials-13-00922]\\], (**c**) a benchmarking sample part printed using BJ technology, (**d**) the benchmark sample printed using 3DSP \\[[@B162-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g020){#materials-13-00922-f020}\n\n![(**", "a**) A single step 3D printed titanium bicycle frame in 25 min using Titomic's CSAM system (Courtesy of Titomic, Melbourne, Australia), (**b**) Al6061 hollow dome as fabricated by MELD technology and after finish machining, 115 mm tall, 100 mm diameter part with 25 mm wall thickness, fabrication time: 2 h (Courtesy of Aeroprobe, Christiansburg, VG, USA), (**c**) MMC laminates (MetPreg) composed of continuous alumina fibers and a matrix of pure aluminum are selectively layered for selective reinforcement of the rib structure (Courtesy of Fabrisonic, Columbus, OH, USA), (**d**) 50 mm radius semicircle printed using WAAM \\[[@B163-materials-13-00922]\\].](materials-13-00922-g021){#materials-13-00922-f021}\n\nmaterials-13-00922-t001_Table 1\n\n###### \n\nLayer bonding mechanisms of different beamless metal AM techniques.", "\n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Material Melting Bulk Sintering Electrochemical Thermo/Mechanical\n -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------\n Liquid metal printing,\\ Binder jetting (BJ),\\ Electrochemical fabrication (EFAB),\\ Ultrasonic AM (UAM),\\\n Wire and arc AM (WAAM),\\ Nanoparticles inkjet printing,\\ FluidFM 3DP Cold spray AM (CSAM),\\\n Shape Deposition Manufacturing (SDM) Material extrusion,\\ Friction stir AM (FSAM),\\\n 3D screen printing (3DSP),\\ Additive friction stir deposition (AFSD)\n Aerosol jet process,\\ \n Selective inhibition sintering (SIS) \n\n ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nmaterials-13-00922-t002_Table 2\n\n###### \n\nComparison of different solid-state beamless metal AM systems \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922]\\].", "\n\n Process AFSD FSAM UAM\n ---------------------------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------\n ASTM classification N/A sheet lamination sheet lamination\n Hybrid process no yes yes\n Resolution limiting factor tool geometry subtractive process subtractive process\n Temperature relatively low relatively high relatively high\n Microstructure similar to preprocessed refined, equiaxed in the stir area only refined, equiaxed\n\nmaterials-13-00922-t003_Table 3\n\n###### \n\nComparison of various beamless metal AM processes.", "\n\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Advantages Disadvantages Metals Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) Ref \n ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------\n **Extrusion** Pure Metal No post-processing required, low-cost hardware, low to no shrinkage during or after additive process Limited use of metals (low temperature) Low-melting alloys, bulk metallic glasses (BMG) Bi~58~Sn~4~2: 51.7 MPa\\ \\[[@B89-materials-13-00922],[@B94-materials-13-00922]\\]\n Zr~44~Ti~11~Cu~10~Ni~10~Be~25~: 1200 MPa \n\n Composite materials High adoption rate, low cost process, high versatility in materials, isotropic microstructure and mechanical properties, high mechanical properties Mostly a multi-step process, needs sintering equipment, needs further machining to achieve required tolerances Stainless steel, Cu, a wide range of metals available as MIM feedstock 316L: 465 MPa (filament)\\ \\[[@B90-materials-13-00922],[@B91-materials-13-00922]\\] Desktop Metal's website \n 316L: 524 MPa (MIM feedstock)\\ \n 17-4 PH: 1.1 GPa (MIM feedstock, hardened)\\ \n Copper: 6.7 MPa (crushed particles)\\ \n 17-4 PH: 1.0 GPa (rods) \n\n **Material**\\ Liquid metal jetting Single step process without the need for further post-processing, and thus relatively high production speed A high temperature melting process, limited to low melting point metals, low surface quality and accuracy, protective build chamber is required, simple geometries without overhang are printable Low melting point metals such as tin, Cu and Al alloys 7075 Aluminum (373 MPa) \\[[@B154-materials-13-00922]\\]\n **jetting** \n\n Nano-particle ink jetting printing High accuracy (dimensional tolerance of 50 to 100 µm depending on part size), smooth surface finish due to ultra-thin layer thickness (8--10 µm), low sintering-induced shrinkage and residual stress, complex 3D shapes can be printed using water-soluble support material, isotropic properties and higher green strength than binder jetting due to higher level of layer packing Relatively low print speed (0.5 to 1 kg/hr) due to fine layer thickness, needs sintering equipment, sintering-induced distortion for large parts, sintering process increases overall production time and cost, difficulties to develop new materials system (as the suitable nanoparticle inks should be engineered), nanoparticle sedimentation and possible nozzle clogging, high technology cost Ag, stainless steel No report XJet's website \n\n **Binder jetting** Scalable process (micro to large parts are possible), high accuracy and smooth surface finish (Ra of \\~6 µm), high printing speed (0.8--1.5 kg/hr depending on material and layer thickness), lower residual stress than beam-based systems, highly complex 3D shapes and assemblies can be printed without support, relatively low printing cost, suitable for serial production of small parts High level of porosity (green and sintered density of approx. ", "50% and 95%, respectively), further heat treatment routes such as infiltration and/or HIP is required, needs sintering equipment, sintering process increases overall production time and cost, sintering-induced distortion for large parts, anisotropic mechanical properties, high technology cost Cu and Al alloys, stainless steel, titanium, super alloys, iron--manganese alloys, WC-CO hard metals, cobalt-chrome,\\ 316L (520 MPa, sintering + HIP)\\ \\[[@B58-materials-13-00922],[@B71-materials-13-00922],[@B155-materials-13-00922]\\] \n and magnetic materials SS420(730 MPa, sintering + infiltration with bronze)\\ \n 17-4PH (900 MPa, sintering + HIP)\\ \n Ti6-Al-4V (890 MPa, sintering + HIP)\\ \n Cu (145 MPa, sintered)\\ \n Cu (176 MPa, sintering + HIP) \n\n **CSAM** A solid-state process without melting, low residual stress, open atmosphere process with very large build area, extremely high deposition rate (up to 38 Kg/hr for titanium), multiple materials and MMcs are possible, very complex geometries can be printed by incorporation of a robotic arm, can be used for both AM and repair applications, microstructure with refined grains A net-shape process with low accuracy and surface finish, needs further machining to achieve required tolerances, very low spatial resolution (normally 4 mm), needs expensive helium driving gas, low ductility of printed parts, needs further heat treatment to improve ductility Cu alloys, Al alloys, stainless steel, titanium, and super alloys Cu (N~2~ driving gas): 220 MPa\\ \\[[@B9-materials-13-00922],[@B96-materials-13-00922],[@B104-materials-13-00922],[@B108-materials-13-00922],[@B112-materials-13-00922],[@B113-materials-13-00922],[@B116-materials-13-00922],[@B156-materials-13-00922],[@B157-materials-13-00922],[@B158-materials-13-00922]\\] \n Cu-Ag-Zr (He driving gas): 500 MPa\\ \n Ti (He driving gas): 600 MPa\\ \n Ti-6Al-4V (He driving gas): 765MPa\\ \n Al7075 (He driving gas): 560 MPa\\ \n Al6061 (He driving gas): 200 MPa\\ \n 304L (He driving gas): 420 MPa\\ \n In718 (He driving gas): 800 MPa \n\n **UAM** A low temperature solid-state process, low residual stress, open atmosphere process with large build area, high accuracy and smooth surface finish similar to machining, low energy consumption, very small to large parts are possible, multiple dissimilar material and non-weldable alloys can be printed, different components from optical and SMA fibres to sensitive sensors and electronic devices can be embedded into the parts, mechanical properties of metal foils (feedstock) are retained after printing A hybrid process with fairly low print speed that needs machining process, high material wastage, anisotropic mechanical properties with considerably lower strength in build direction, high porosity of as-printed parts, design constrains (build height to width ratio), difficult to print complex geometries A wide range of metals and multi-materials such as Al/Cu, Ni/Stainless steel, Al/Ti, Al/In, Al/Metpreg, Ag/Au, Al/Mo, and Al/Invar Al-6061 (225 MPa normal to build direction)\\ \\[[@B128-materials-13-00922],[@B129-materials-13-00922],[@B159-materials-13-00922],[@B160-materials-13-00922]\\] \n Al-6061 (46 MPa in build direction)\\ \n Al-6061 (70 MPa in build direction after HIP) \n\n **AFSD** A solid-state process without melting, low residual stress, open atmosphere process with large build area, dissimilar materials, non-weldable alloys, and MMCs can be printed, high deposition rate (up to 9 Kg/h for Al), low operation cost, feedstock flexibility (both metal powder and rod), a single step process (no need for further heat treatment), near wrought microstructure with isotropic and higher mechanical strength than metal bulks due to dynamic recrystallization A net-shape process with low accuracy and surface finish, needs further machining to achieve required tolerances, low spatial resolution, complex geometries with overhangs can't be printed Al alloys, Mg alloys, Cu, steel, Ti alloys, and Ni super alloys, MMCs (Al-SiC, Al-Fe, Al-Mo, Al-CNT, etc.) ", " Ti-6Al-4V alloy (1.15 GPa)\\ \\[[@B119-materials-13-00922],[@B141-materials-13-00922]\\] \n AA5083 (362 MPa)\\ \n AA6061 (149 MPa)\\ \n Mg-based WE43 alloy (400 MPa) \n\n **WAAM** High processing speed (2500 cm^3^/h/ 2--6 kg/h),\\ Low accuracy and resolution (1.5 ± 0.2 mm)\\ a wide range of metals Ti-6Al-4V: 480 MPa (GTAW)\\ \\[[@B145-materials-13-00922],[@B161-materials-13-00922]\\] \n high material utilization rate,\\ microstructural anisotropy and porosity\\ 903 MPa (GMAW)\\ \n relatively low production and equipment cost,\\ residual stresses and distortions Inconel 718: 328 MPa (GMAW)\\ \n high equipment flexibility and scalability Al:6.3, Cu: 262 MPa \n\n **EFAB** Very high accuracy and spatial resolution (20 µm),\\ A multi-step micromanufacturing process with low print speed, limited choice of materials, limited build height (1.25 mm), complete removal of sacrificial material is difficult in some cases noble palladium, nickel--cobalt alloy, rhodium, Cu nickel--cobalt alloy: 1.1 GPa \\[[@B150-materials-13-00922]\\] \n Highly robust microparts and complex mechanisms without the need for assembly can be printed \n\n **FluidFM 3DP** A single step micro-manufacturing process, very high accuracy and resolution (below 1 µm), complex 3D parts can be printed with pinpoint accuracy directly onto existing structures such as contact pads that are pre-defined on the surface of an integrated circuit (IC) boards, on MEMS, etc. ", " Limited build height (1 mm), limited choice of materials Cu, Au, Ag Not reported \\[[@B151-materials-13-00922]\\] \n\n **3DSP** Low cost process, relatively high print speed can be achieved, fine to medium size parts can be printed at high resolution (60 µm) and surface finish A multi-step process, needs sintering equipment, needs screen preparation, simple 2.5D shapes can be printed, further post-heat treatment is required stainless steel, steel, Cu, a number of different iron-based alloys (17-4-PH) Not reported \\[[@B152-materials-13-00922],[@B162-materials-13-00922]\\] \n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" 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[ "Q:\n\nRegex substitution between two expressions\n\nSo lets say I have the following strings:\nstringX = ['187-49481,14',\n'181-457216',\n'196,61-04-22',\n'1972-10-28',\n'19,940-04-16',\n'2017-08,8-29',\n'2014-04-18']\n\nNotice that I have two types of strings: the type 181-457216 and the type 1972-10-28 (date)\nI'm modifying a CSV, and for some reason (looked it up hard, didn't find any reason), it sometimes -apparently randomly- inserts a comma between numbers in these types of strings.", "\nSo what I want to accomplish is to just detect these commas through regular expression and replace them by empty (remove the commas).", "\nSay for the first type of string, i.e: '187-14,412' I've been trying:\nre.sub(r'\\d+\\-\\d+(\\,)\\d+', '', stringX)\n\nIn this example, the comma is group 1, but how can I specify to sub group(1) in this regex ?", "\nI've also been trying lookbehind and lookahead, but have trouble with the lookbehind:\n(?", "<=\\d+\\-\\d+)(\\,)(?=\\d+)\nErr: lookbehind assertion is not fixed length at offset 0\n\nI was wandering if there is a better way to regex these strings, or to be able to specify group(1) on the re.sub\n\nA:\n\nYou can use your regex approach by using a lambda expression in re.sub\nChange\nre.sub(r'\\d+\\-\\d+(\\,)\\d+', '', stringX)\n\nTo:\nre.sub(r'\\d+\\-\\d+(\\,)\\d+', lambda m: m.group(0).replace(',', ''), stringX)\n\n" ]
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[ " United States Court of Appeals\n FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT\n ___________\n\n No. ", "96-2856\n ___________\n\nMarilyn J. Bryant, *\n *\n Appellant, *\n * Appeal from the United States\n v. * District Court for the\n * Southern District of Iowa.", "\nMonfort Pork Plant; Con Agra, Inc., * [UNPUBLISHED]\n *\n Appellees. ", " *\n ___________\n\n Submitted: December 3, 1997\n\n Filed: December 10, 1997\n ___________\n\nBefore WOLLMAN, LOKEN, and HANSEN, Circuit Judges.", "\n ___________\n\nPER CURIAM.", "\n\n Marilyn J. Bryant appeals from the district court’s1 entry of summary judgment\nin favor of her former employer in her sex discrimination action. ", "Having reviewed the\nrecord and the parties’ submissions on appeal, we conclude that summary judgment\nwas properly entered. ", "Because an extended opinion would serve no precedential value,\nwe affirm without further discussion. ", "See 8th Cir. ", "R. 47B.\n\n\n\n 1\n The Honorable R. E. Longstaff, United States District Judge for the Southern\nDistrict of Iowa.", "\n\fA true copy.", "\n\n Attest:\n\n CLERK, U.S. COURT OF APPEALS, EIGHTH CIRCUIT.", "\n\n\n\n\n -2-\n\f" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nopenfire external user auth\n\nOur company needs to use openfire for an xmpp chat app, and we would like to use the already existing table of users for authentication rather than the ofUser table that's a part of openfire. ", " I have already installed openfire on our server and have configured it to use our mysql database and it has created the necessary tables. ", " I'm trying to follow the Custom Database Integration Guide found here\nbut I can't get it to work. ", " My configuration file is below (with the table names changed slightly):\n<jdbcProvider>\n<driver>com.mysql.jdbc.", "Driver</driver>\n<connectionString>jdbc:mysql://localhost/fueledin_winkage?user=fueledin_winkage&amp;password=845Fulton</connectionString>\n</jdbcProvider>\n<provider>\n <auth>\n <className>org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.", "JDBCAuthProvider</className>\n </auth>\n <user>\n <className>org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.", "JDBCUserProvider</className>\n </user>\n</provider>\n<jdbcAuthProvider>\n <passwordSQL>SELECT password FROM users WHERE email=?</passwordSQL>\n <passwordType>md5</passwordType>\n</jdbcAuthProvider>\n<jdbcUserProvider>\n <loadUserSQL>SELECT email,email FROM users WHERE email=?</loadUserSQL>\n <userCountSQL>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users</userCountSQL>\n <allUsersSQL>SELECT email FROM users</allUsersSQL>\n <searchSQL>SELECT email FROM users WHERE</searchSQL>\n <usernameField>email</usernameField>\n <nameField>email</nameField>\n <emailField>email</emailField>\n</jdbcUserProvider>\n<setup>true</setup>\n\nIt's kind of a weird setup because users can change their username whenever so email is used to login. ", " Can someone explain what I may be doing wrong, I tried logging into the server with users in our users table but no luck. ", " Also, after I ran the setup wizard in the browser I edited the configuration script to look like above, and now every time I go to the browser tool it asks me to run the setup wizard again, even if I run it again it still asks afterwards. ", "Any help appreciated thanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have to set the params in the admin interface of openfire. ", "this will do the job for you. ", "\nIf you'd like to do this in the database, it's the table ofProperty ;) \nEdit:\nLike this:\nChange all XML nodes to something like node.subnode as property names in system properties (in the Server Manager).", "\nE.g.:\n<provider>\n <auth>\n <className>org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.", "JDBCAuthProvider</className>\n </auth>\n <user>\n <className>org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.", "JDBCUserProvider</className>\n </user>\n</provider>\n\nwill be\nprovider.auth.className\nprovider.user.className\n\nProperty value are the same, so e.g. value for provider.auth.className is org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.", "JDBCAuthProvider and value for provider.user.className is org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.", "JDBCUserProvider\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006956891156733036, 0.0006051968666724861, 0.0005702146445401013, 0.0006462045130319893, 0.0014658902073279023, 0.0014386216644197702, 0.0013077447656542063, 0.0005984925082884729, 0.0005981306894682348, 0.0005202587926760316, 0.0026922670658677816, 0.0013599154772236943, 0.0006879048887640238, 0.0008801193325780332, 0.0014386216644197702, 0.0011239085579290986, 0.000972545298282057, 0.0015455855755135417 ]
[ "[THE LOVERS ROCQUE]My Cynical Valentine\n\nMy current view of Valentine’s Day is that it’s not a holiday worth making a big deal about, because as the cliché goes, you should make it a point to be loving every day. ", "It’s still fun to participate. ", "But it took me a while to get here due to the other cliché that’s just as annoying as people who are over-the-top about the day. ", "It’s one I’ve been guilty of for most of my adult life thus far—going out of my way to be a V-Day cynic.", "\n\nThere was the Valentine’s Day when I was 16 and didn’t have a boyfriend, but it was the first time I really cared because all of my friends were boo’d up, and this was the first year that I didn’t have a guaranteed Valentine exchange (other than my mom). ", "Said friends all came to school flaunting their balloons, flowers and chocolate, and I pretended that I thought it was cute, but secretly gave the jealous side eye. ", "I found myself in a store that same day after school and a grown man walked in with some flowers and balloons for someone. ", "Before he left he asked me, “Where your Valentine?” ", "After I told him I didn’t have one, he said, “Aw, if I were your age, I’d be your Valentine.”", "\n\nThat comment made me feel better. ", "The following V-Days were blurs, but fast-forward to my junior year in college. ", "There was a guy that I’d been seeing (read: we’d hang out here and there, but he really wasn’t that into me.) ", "I got him a V-Day card, just to be nice. ", "It was a goofy card with some kind of cartoon on the cover and an inside joke about being anti-Valentine’s Day. ", "I thought it would be cute without being too extra.", "\n\nHe avoided me that day, and actually made it a point to say he was going to the movies with some friends on some “anti-Valentine’s Day ish” (his words, not mine). ", "We were part of the same group of friends, so it hurt when he hit me with the, “I’m doing X, Y and Z,” followed by the pregnant pause that translates into: “I’m silent ’cause you ain’t invited.” ", "Eventually another girl in the crew invited me—hours after he told me about his plans—because she thought it would be cute if I came. ", "I declined… and that’s when my certified Valentine’s Day cynicism was born.", "\n\nOn one of my last Valentine’s Days as a single woman a few years ago, I went to see a horror movie called Teeth. ", "It was about a woman who had teeth in her vagina and… you know where this is going, I hope. ", "I made a big deal about being a rebel and going to see this movie without a date because I was “bucking the system.”", "\n\nThe following year, my very last single V-Day, I just pampered myself with a manicure and pedicure because single women should pamper themselves on Valentine’s Day. ", "This is the most important day for single women to be proud of themselves for being single and secure and not lonely.", "\n\n(Please read the sarcastic tone in that last bit.)", "\n\nStarrene 2013 isn’t averse to Valentine’s Day with the help of Mr. Rocque, who has made it pleasant because he’s into sweet surprises. ", "We do simple things like card exchanges, cute photo collages, video serenades and the like, and it’s nice. ", "We express our love for each other every day, but not with physical tokens of appreciation—which is what V-Day gives us to look forward to.", "\n\nBut I get it either way. ", "Cynics hate that the concept of having a Valentine is born more out of insecurity than love. ", "The V-Day over-enthusiasts are the people that advertising and marketing campaigns speak to, the people who care what other people think about when they’re caught without a date or a gift from a significant other.", "\n\nThen you have the people who make a point of hating the day and waving their single flag because they “don’t care,” but really they do care about what people are thinking about them seemingly being lonely, otherwise they wouldn’t announce their disdain for the day every chance they get.", "\n\nNeither sentiment is healthy, so finding a happy medium is ideal. ", "If you don’t like it then just don’t celebrate it, but don’t announce with a blow horn every five seconds that it’s not your thing. ", "And if you’re into it, then be into it within reason. ", "Don’t go broke trying to buy your boo an iPad or [insert lavish gift here].", "\n\nJust live your life and be happy every day. ", "Or at the very least, find Valentine alternatives like your sister, cousin, niece, nephew, or somebody who loves you back, even if it’s you.", "\n\nDo you believe in Valentine’s Day, or is it just Hallmark hype? ", "Sound off below!", "\n\nThis website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary to its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the privacy policy. ", "If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the privacy policy.", "\nBy closing this banner, scrolling on this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to the use of cookies.", "OkRead more" ]
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[ "November 29, 2010\n\nSedona Dream Home\n\"This is the best home I have ever been in\" said one of Sedona's top agents after previewing this superb, hand crafted home. ", "The location offers total privacy and from the great living space, you walk thru retractable doors to 1500 sq ft of covered outdoor living area looking at unobstructed long red rock vistas beyond the negative edge pool. ", "The gourmet kitchen offers a Viking 6 burner stove, 2 Fischel Paykel dishwashers, Sub Zero refrigerator,copper Harvest sink, hand tooled copper stove vent, and Australian Verde Fire granite tops. ", "Featuring a grand entry way, take the elevator or grand walkway up to the great office, library and master suite accessing an additional 1000 ft. ", "of panoramic red rock views. ", "Take the elevator to the lower level for the car lover entering a 2500 ft garage with an 1100 bottle wine cellar, massive storage areas, work areas, and room for 6 cars. ", "Our agent is right, this home must be shown to the buyer that can still buy the best: a unique masterpiece!Offered at $2,375,000 MLS#128312Click here to see property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this homehttp://www.sedonafinehome.com/index.html\n\nGreat West Sedona Location\nThe perfect home in a private setting for peace and relaxation among tall trees with a large, fenced backyard for entertaining. ", "Kitchen has been recently updated with granite and all Viking appliances. ", "New roof, a/c and heating system in 2009. ", "New paint inside and outside in 2010. ", "New paver patio in 2009. ", "Truly an outstanding property to show to your buyers. ", "Seller is a licensed real estate agent in the State of Arizona.", "Offered at $549,988 MLS#128269\n\nCasa Contenta Delight\nThis house has views of the red rocks everyone dreams about. ", "On entering, the large curved glass window showcases panoramic views from the LR. ", "Living on main level, with guests' quarters totally separate on lower level. ", "Swarovski crystal faucets sparkle in the office bathroom. ", "Wood, tumbled travertine, and designer carpet cover all floors. ", "Kitchen features Viking and Sub Zero appliances for the gourmet chef. ", "Warming drawers and Cooling drawers too. ", "Downstairs, two guest rooms and baths also enjoy a den/media room with large plasma TV and surround sound. ", "Guests even have their own kitchen and laundry. ", "But wait! ", "The piece de resistance is the outside spool by Kahuna, DSC gas grill, and fire pit with conversational seating.", "There's also a room for wine tasting. ", "This is for those who want it all!Offered at $1,249,900 MLS#128211Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this home\n\nNovember 22, 2010\n\nTen Thousand Square Feet Sedona Home\nEnjoy the luxury of space in this formal ranch house in exclusive, gated North Slopes on two acres with a pool and water features. ", "This is the ideal home for entertaining with its five bedrooms and five full baths plus two half-baths on the main level. ", "The lower level has a large guest suite with living room, bedroom and bath plus a separate guest house. ", "Also on the lower level is a wine cellar and large laundry room.", "The beautiful red rocks surrounding the area provide beauty and privacy.", "Offered at $1,495,500 MLS#128287Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this homehttp://www.sedonafinehome.com/index.html\n\nCharming Cabin on Oak Creek\nThis cabin is at the end of the road and you do abut guest houses at the ranch, however because this at the end of the road, it is a TRUE RETREAT, with privacy, red rock and creek views. ", "The county says the two bedroom main cabin was constructed in 1962, Jody Beeler says the logs date back to a Prescott mill from the 50s. ", "The county says the single room guest house was built in 1981 .42 of an acre and lot does not extend to creek, so the owner of cabin would not own creek but has prescriptive use rights.", "Offered at $399,000 MLS# 128003Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this home\n\nSedona Mystic Hills Home\nSouthwest Contemporary Pueblo Design, loaded with character and quality down to it's metal frame construction, granite, wood ceilings, stone flooring and dramatic front entrance w/mohagany doors which open to a gallery foyer. ", "Outrageous red rock panoramas and views of Elephant Rock. ", "Designer touches, upgrades and art niches throughout this cozy yet spacious home w/storage closets galore in the garage. ", "Upper level is the private master suite with a see-through fireplace, steam shower, spa tub, and outdoor area. ", "Spacious deck for entertaining and 3 more fireplaces (a see/through family room to living room, one in the second bedroom and another in the dining room) to add to the ambiance..and you'll love the community tennis courts, pool and clubhouse located in Mystic Hills, one of Sedona's distinguished communities. ", "Offered at $559,000 MLS# 126458Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this home\n\nIncredible Price Reduction for This Great Home\nCustom Sante Fe style home in Sedona's gated Highland Estates. ", "This newer home has features a complete Sedona appeal with a large lot and open space to boost your privacy. ", "This fantastic getaway retreat is complete with a gourmet kitchen with granite countertops and distressed alder cabinetry. ", "Living room has soaring ceilings with T&G wood, large peeled log vigas and a romantic fireplace . ", "The spacious open floorplan flows well from interior to the large Trex deck with views of nearby Coconino National Forest. ", "Travertine stone flooring throughout the home with Berber carpet in all 4 bedrooms. ", "This home is perfect for a second home due to it's low maintenance, alarm system, sprinkler system and security shades.", "Offered at $699,000 MLS#117578Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this home\n\nNew Listing\nOnce in awhile will a truly magnificent home such as this be available. ", "Sweeping red rock views from most windows. ", "Special roller shield shutters on all exterior windows for extra insulation and security. ", "Travertine flooring with upgraded carpet in bedrooms. ", "Custom knotty alder doors. ", "Custom interior paint. ", "Gourmet kitchen featuring granite countertops, stainless steel appliances and custom knotty alder cabinetry. ", "Master suite offers sweeping views as well as custom built bookcase for your library. ", "Masterbath has whirlpool tub and separate shower. ", "Two car attached garage with additional oversized one car garage with built in cabinetry for storage. ", "Sellers utilized the space above additional garage with the most beautiful trex decking with built in BBQ and a place to take in all the views Sedona has to offer. ", "Beautiful water feature. ", "All bronze and metal sculptures in yard are excluded.", "Chandelier in dining rm excluded.", "Offered at $824,999 MLS#128179Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this home\n\nNovember 08, 2010\n\nReduced! ", "This incredible home combines the most spectacular towering red rock views that W. Sedona has to offer, w/an extraordinary combination of texture & grace, privacy & quiet escape close to the center of town. ", "Totally remodeled including a new pool, lg. ", "view deck, garden patio & the ultimate brand new Master Bedroom Suite addition w/den, this home brings together intimacy & high livability, & creates a true experience of genuine indoor-outdoor living. ", "The expansive Great Room seamlessly flows onto the new outdoor living room. ", "The private deck provides majestic views that run the sky into the soaring panorama. ", "The new Master Bedroom Suite provides the most extraordinary views available & will take your breath away at every dawn & sunset. ", "Offered at New Price $1,695,000 Old Price $1,770,000 MLS#125894Click here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this homehttp://www.sedonafinehome.com/\n\nThis luxurious, custom home was designed to the exacting requirements of its owner. ", "Elegant, but in a casual way, this modern southwest residence beckons those who expect the finer things in life. ", "Upon entering, one is immediately awestruck by the panoramic red rock views through large picture windows. ", "And its location, high on a hill, assures that those views will remain unobstructed long into the future. ", "Naturally, having the signature par three 10th golf hole of the highly-rated Sedona Golf Resort located below, just adds to this portrait of excellence.", "\n\nNovember 01, 2010\n\nExquisite custom built luxury home. ", "Nestled in a private gated community with all the amenities. ", "Observation Deck, over size Tile throughout home, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with two fireplaces, one in Master. ", "Spa tub in master bath with large walk in closet. ", "Stan-less double oven with plenty of granite throughout kitchen. ", "4 car garage & low maintenance desert landscape. ", "Circular red concrete drive way. ", "Wired for high-end sound system. ", "Stereo throughout home in all bedrooms with separate controls. ", "Drip system for watering plants and shrubs. ", "Property is in pre-foreclosure & subject to special circumstances. ", "Due to the time line of the foreclosure process, the listing will show as active or pending and accepting back up offers.", "New Price $679,900 Old Price $825,000 115 La Barranca DrClick here to view property details\nCall me at (928)274 1521 to see this home http: //www.sedonafinehome.com/\n\nHUGE REDUCTION.For special financing and incentives, Seller requests borrowers contact Chase Loan Officer Richard Sullivan 928-634-5567. ", "Seller will credit buyer up to a maximium 3% of sales price towards closing costs if negotiated in final signed counter offer. ", "Stunning 180 degree stunning views from this high quality 2261 sq.ft. ", "log home and 805 sq. ", "ft. ", "guest house on over 3 acres. ", "Impressive high open ceiling, floor to ceiling stone fireplace Detached studio guesthouse with fireplace and has a covered front porch with spectacular views. ", "Square footage includes guest house. ", "Large 2 car carport. ", "Only a few blocks from all the amenities. ", "This is a special location with a lot of potential to expand. ", "Guest house is in good condition and has a covered front porch with spectacular views. ", "On city sewer and has natural gas.", "\n\nFor those who like to perch with privacy, serenity and huge views ..experience an unparallaled Sedona lifestyle from the top..Adjoin U.S.Forest and enjoy nature from Rue De La Rose..Les Springs..a gated established community with swimming, tennis and a clubhouse. ", "This meticulous,spacious, Southwest Contemporary boasts 3,432 sq.ft. ", "of views and quality.. Fourth bedroom is being used as a hobby room,Library/Den,Family Room, main living on one floor, open floor plan, high wood ceilings, tile flooring, fireplace, storage galore and a wrap deck perfect for intimate dining or glittering parties! ", "Location, Location, Location and priced to compete.", "\n\nThe data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the Broker Reciprocity SM Program of the Northern Arizona Multiple Listing Service, Inc. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than Elisa Andreis are marked with the Broker Reciprocity SM logo or the Broker Reciprocity SM thumbnail logo (a little black house) and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing brokers.", "\n\nThe information being provided is for the consumer’s personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumer may be interested in purchasing." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamases producing Enterobacteriaceae using a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry based MBT STAR-BL software module with β-lactamase inhibition assay depends on the bacterial strains.", "\nRapid and sensitive detection of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) is essential for infection control and antimicrobial treatment. ", "Recently, a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)-based MBT STAR-BL software module has been used for detecting β-lactamase activity; however, this system cannot differentiate ESBL producing bacteria from other third-generation cephalosporin-resistant strains. ", "In this study, we utilized a MALDI-TOF MS-based MBT STAR-BL method to identify ESBL activity with β-lactamase inhibitors. ", "A cefotaxime (CTX) hydrolysis assay, β-lactamase inhibition, clavulanic acid (CVA), and sulbactam (SBT) were used for detecting ESBL producers with the MBT STAR-BL software module. ", "This software module automatically calculated the logRQ values in each assay. ", "logRQ is the logarithm of the ratio of the summed hydrolyzed peak intensities to the summed non-hydrolyzed peak intensities and measured the efficiency of antibiotic hydrolysis. ", "We divided the logRQ level of the β-lactamase inhibition assay by the logRQ value in the CTX hydrolysis assay, and we used this logRQ ratio as a measure of β-lactamase inhibition efficiency. ", "We assessed the logRQ ratio calculated by this novel method for detecting ESBL producers in 132 Enterobacteriaceae. ", "We performed the MALDI-TOF MS-based MBT STAR-BL approach with β-lactamase inhibitors for detecting ESBL producers and showed that the results of the inhibition assay with β-lactamase inhibitors depended on types of bacterial species. ", "Furthermore, we improved elapsed times and accuracy in MBT STAR-BL methods by using proper β-lactamase inhibitors against specific bacterial strains to compare with the conventional standard lab method. ", "The results suggest that the target bacterial species and β-lactamase inhibitors used were important for the utility of the MALDI-TOF MS-based MBT STAR-BL software module." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006170074339024723, 0.0005754049634560943, 0.000641409948002547, 0.0005751182325184345, 0.0006857782136648893, 0.0006565136136487126, 0.0008721509948372841, 0.0005892309709452093, 0.0005740571650676429, 0.0005912106134928763, 0.0005757155013270676, 0.0005989033379592001 ]
[ "---\nabstract: 'Given a sequence $A$ of $n$ numbers and an integer (target) parameter $1\\leq i\\leq n$, the (*exact*) selection problem asks to find the $i$-th smallest element in $A$. ", "An element is said to be $(i,j)$-*mediocre* if it is neither among the top $i$ nor among the bottom $j$ elements of $S$. The *approximate* selection problem asks to find a $(i,j)$-mediocre element for some given $i,j$; as such, this variant allows the algorithm to return any element in a prescribed range. ", "In the first part, we revisit the selection problem in the two-party model introduced by Andrew Yao (1979) and then extend our study of exact selection to the multiparty model. ", "In the second part, we deduce some communication complexity benefits that arise in approximate selection. ", "In particular, we present a deterministic protocol for finding an approximate median among $k$ players.'", "\nauthor:\n- Ke Chen\n- Adrian Dumitrescu\ntitle: Multiparty Selection\n---\n\nIntroduction {#sec:intro}\n============\n\nGiven a sequence $A$ of $n$ numbers and an integer (selection) parameter $1\\leq i\\leq n$, the selection problem asks to find the $i$-th smallest element in $A$. ", "If the $n$ elements are distinct, the $i$-th smallest is larger than $i-1$ elements of $A$ and smaller than the other $n-i$ elements of $A$. ", "By symmetry, the problems of determining the $i$-th smallest and the $i$-th largest are equivalent. ", "Together with sorting, the selection problem is one of the most fundamental problems in computer science. ", "Whereas sorting trivially solves the selection problem in $O(n \\log{n})$ time, Blum [[et al.]{}]{}", " [@BFP+73] gave an $O(n)$-time algorithm for this problem.", "\n\nThe selection problem, and computing the median in particular are in close relation with the problem of finding the quantiles of a set. ", "The $h$-th *quantiles* of an $n$-element set are the $h-1$ order statistics that divide the sorted set in $h$ equal-sized groups (to within $1$); see, [[e.g.]{}]{}, [@CLRS09 p. 223]. ", "The $h$-th quantiles of a set can be computed by a recursive algorithm running in $O(n \\log{h})$ time.", "\n\nThe selection problem, determining the median in particular, have been also considered from the perspective of communication complexity in the *two-party* model introduced by Andrew Yao [@Yao79]. ", "Suppose that Alice and Bob hold subsets $A$ and $B$ of $[n]=\\{1,2,\\ldots,n\\}$, respectively, and wish to determine the median of the multiset $A \\cup B$ while keeping their communication close to a minimum. ", "Several classic protocols going back to 1980s achieve this task by exchanging $O(\\log^2{n})$ bits [@KN97; @Ro82]. ", "The communication complexity for this task has been subsequently reduced to $O(\\log{n})$ bits [@KN97; @RY19].", "\n\n##### Mediocre elements.", "\n\nFollowing Frances Yao [@Yao74], an element is said to be $(i,j)$-*mediocre* if it is neither among the top ([[i.e.]{}]{}, largest) $i$ nor among the bottom ([[i.e.]{}]{}, smallest) $j$ of a totally ordered set $S$ of $n$ elements. ", "As remarked by Yao, finding a mediocre element is closely related to finding the median, in the sense that the common goal is selecting an element that is not too close to either extreme. ", "In particular, $(i,j)$-mediocre elements where $i=\\lfloor \\frac{n-1}{2} \\rfloor$, $j= \\lfloor \\frac{n}{2} \\rfloor$ (and symmetrically exchanged), are medians of $S$. Previous work on *approximate selection* (in this sense) includes [@BCC+00; @Du19].", "\n\nIn Section \\[sec:approx-2\\] we study the communication complexity of finding a mediocre element in the two-party model introduced by Andrew Yao [@Yao79]. ", "The communication complexity of finding the median in this model has been studied in [@Ro82; @CT87; @Ma93]; see also [@KN97; @RY19]. ", "In particular we outline a scenario in which computing a mediocre element near the median can be accomplished with communication complexity $O(1)$—which is very attractive.", "\n\n##### Background and related problems.", "\n\nDue to its primary importance, the selection problem has been studied extensively; see for instance [@AKSS89; @BCC+00; @BJ85; @CM89; @DHU+01; @DZ96; @DZ99; @FR75; @FG79; @HS69; @Ho61; @Hy76; @J88; @KKZZ18; @Ki81; @Pa96; @SPP76; @Yap76]. ", "A comprehensive review of early developments in selection is provided by Knuth [@Kn98]. ", "The reader is also referred to dedicated book chapters on selection, such as those in [@AHU83; @Ba88; @CLRS09; @DPV08; @KT06] and the more recent articles [@CD15; @Du16], including experimental work [@Al17].", "\n\nIn many applications ([[e.g.]{}]{}, sorting), it is not important to find an exact median, or any other precise order statistic, for that matter, and an approximate median suffices [@EW19]. ", "For instance, quick-sort type algorithms aim at finding a (not necessarily perfect) balanced partition rather quickly; see [[e.g.]{}]{}, [@BCC+00; @Ho61].", "\n\n##### Our results.", "\n\nOur main results are summarized in the three theorems stated below. ", "We first study the communication complexity of finding the median in the multiparty setting. ", "In this model we assume that every message by one of the players is seen by all the players ([[i.e.]{}]{}, it is a broadcast); as in [@KN97 p. 83].", "\n\n\\[thm:exact-k\\] For $i=1,\\ldots,k$, let player $i$ hold a sequence ([[i.e.]{}]{}, a multiset) $A_i$ whose support is a subset of $[n]$ and $|A_i|=O\\left(\\text{poly}(n)\\right)$. There is a deterministic protocol for finding the median of $\\uplus_{i=1}^k A_i$ ([[i.e.]{}]{}, their multiset sum) with $O(k \\log^2{n})$ communication complexity.", "\n\nWe then study the communication complexity of finding an approximate median in the multiparty setting (under slightly stronger assumptions on the input sets).", "\n\n\\[thm:approx-k\\] Let $\\alpha=p/q$, where $p<q/2$, $q$ is fixed and $0<c \\leq 1$ be a positive constant. ", "For $i=1,\\ldots,k$, let player $i$ hold a set $A_i \\subset [n]$ that is disjoint from any other player’s set. ", "Assume that $t=|\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i| \\geq cn$. Put $\\ell= \\lceil \\log{\\frac{2q}{c}} \\rceil$. Then an $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre element of $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ can be found with $O(\\ell \\cdot k \\log{n}) =O(k \\log{n})$ communication complexity.", "\n\nIn particular, a $(t/3, t/3)$-mediocre element, or a $(0.49 \\, t, 0.49 \\, t)$-mediocre element, among $k$ players can be determined with $O(k \\log{n})$ communication complexity.", "\n\nIn the final part of our paper, somewhat surprisingly, we show that (under suitable additional assumptions and a somewhat relaxed requirement) the communication complexity of finding a mediocre element in the vicinity of the median is bounded from above by a constant and is therefore independent of $n$.\n\n\\[thm:approx-2\\] Let $\\alpha=p/q$, where $p<q/2$, $q$ is fixed and $0<c \\leq 1$ be a positive constant. ", "Let Alice and Bob hold disjoint sets $A$ and $B$ of elements from $[n]$, where $s=|A| \\leq |B|=m$. Let $t=s+m$ denote the total number of elements in $A \\cup B$, where $t \\geq cn$. Assume that $t$, $c$, and $\\alpha$ are known to both of them. ", "Put $h = \\lceil \\frac{2q}{q-2p} \\rceil$ and $\\ell= \\lceil \\log{\\frac{12h}{c}} \\rceil$.\n\nThen an $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre element can be found (by at least one player) with $O(\\ell \\, \\log{h}) =O(1)$ communication complexity. ", "If both players return, each element returned is $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre; the elements found by the players need not be the same.", "\n\nIn particular, a $(t/3, t/3)$-mediocre element, or a $(0.49 \\, t, 0.49 \\, t)$-mediocre element, between $2$ players can be determined (by at least one player) with $O(1)$ communication complexity. ", "A simple example that falls under the scenario in Theorem \\[thm:approx-2\\] is one where $A$ consists of distinct odd numbers and $B$ consists of distinct even numbers.", "\n\n##### Preliminaries.", "\n\nA simple but effective procedure reduces the selection problem for finding the $i$-th smallest element out of $n$ to one for finding the median in a slightly larger sequence. ", "The target is the $i$-th smallest element in an input sequence $A$ of size $n$. Assume first that $i<n/2$; in this case pad the input $A$ with $n-2i$ elements that are less than or equal to the minimum in the input sequence; call $A'$ resulting sequence. ", "Note that $|A'|=n+(n-2i)=2(n-i)$. It suffices to observe that the median of $A'$ is the $i$-th smallest element in $A$: indeed, $n-2i+i=n-i$, as required. ", "The case $i>n/2$ is symmetric; in this case pad the input $A$ with $2i-n$ elements that are larger than or equal to the maximum in the input sequence; call $A'$ resulting sequence. ", "Note that $|A'|=n+(2i-n)=2i$. Observe that the median of $A'$ is the $i$-th smallest element in $A$, as required. ", "We therefore restrict our attention to the median selection problem.", "\n\n##### Notation.", "\n\nWithout affecting the results, the floor and ceiling functions are omitted in some instances where they are not essential. ", "For example, we frequently write the $\\alpha n$-th element instead of the more precise $\\lfloor \\alpha n \\rfloor$-th element. ", "Unless specified otherwise, all logarithms are in base $2$.\n\nFor an $s$-bit number $x$ and a positive integer $\\ell$, where $s \\geq \\ell$, $\\p_\\ell(x)$ denotes the *$\\ell$-bit binary prefix* of $x$, [[i.e.]{}]{}, the number formed by the first ([[i.e.]{}]{}, most significant) $\\ell$ bits of $x$.\n\nIf $x$ belongs to a sorted list and is not the minimum, $\\pred(x)$ denotes its predecessor. ", "If $x$ belongs to a sorted list and is not the maximum, $\\succ(x)$ denotes its successor.", "\n\nExact selection {#sec:exact}\n===============\n\nIn this section we prove Theorem \\[thm:exact-k\\]. ", "First, we set up the problem in the context of two-party communication complexity; we start with some background. ", "In this section, each player’s input is allowed to contain duplicates. ", "Following the literature, we refer to these (potential) multisets as sets, and the union operation should be understood as multiset sum [@KN97 Example 1.6, p. 6]. (", "An equivalent formulation is *merging of sequences*.)", "\n\nTwo players {#ssec:two}\n-----------\n\nAlice and Bob hold multisets $A$ and $B$ whose supports are subsets of $[n]=\\{1,2,\\ldots,n]$, respectively. ", "It is assumed that $|A|,|B| =O\\left(\\text{poly}(n)\\right)$. (In a standard setup [@KN97 Example 1.6, p. 6], $A$ and $B$ are subsets of $[n]$; here we extend this setup for potentially larger multisets.) ", "The median of the multiset $A \\cup B$ is denoted by $\\xi=\\Med(A,B)$; as usual, the median of $X$ is the $\\left\\lceil \\left(|X|/2 \\right) \\right\\rceil$-th smallest element of $X$.\n\nThere is a simple binary-search type protocol due to M. Karchmer that takes $O(\\log^2{n})$ bits of communication; see [@KN97 Example 1.6, p. 6]. ", "At each round Alice and Bob have an interval $[i,j]$, $i,j \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, that contains the median. ", "They halve the interval (repeatedly) by deciding whether the median is less than, equal to, or larger than $m=(i+j)/2$. This is done by Alice sending to Bob the number of elements in $A$ that are less than $m$, equal to $m$, and larger than $m$, using $O(\\log{n})$ bits. ", "Bob can now determine whether the median is less than, equal to, or larger than $m$, and sends this information to Alice using $O(1)$ bits. ", "The protocol has $O(\\log{n})$ rounds, each requiring $O(\\log{n})$ bits of communication, so the overall communication complexity is $O(\\log^2{n})$.\n\nAn alternative binary-search type protocol that takes $O(\\log^2{n})$ bits of communication, also due to Karchmer [@KN97 p. 168], works as follows. ", "Assume, without loss of generality that $|A|=|B|$ and that the common size is a power of $2$: this can be achieved by exchanging the sizes of their inputs ($O(\\log{n})$ bits) and padding them with the appropriate number of the minimal element ($1$) and the maximal element ($n$). ", "The protocol works in rounds. ", "During the protocol, Alice maintains a set $A' \\subset A$ of elements that may still be the median (initially $A'=A$) and Bob maintains a set $B' \\subset B$ of elements that may still be the median (initially $B'=B$). ", "At each round, Alice sends Bob the value $a$, which is the median of $A'$, and Bob sends Alice the value $b$, which is the median of $B'$. At this point we have $\\min(a,b) \\leq \\xi \\leq \\max(a,b)$. If $a<b$, then Alice discards the lower half of $A'$ (note that $a$ is part of it) and Bob discards the upper half of $B'$. If $b<a$, then Bob discards the lower half of $B'$ (note that $b$ is part of it) and Alice discards the upper half of $A'$. In either case, this operation maintains the median of $A' \\cup B'$ as the desired median of $A \\cup B$. It should be noted that the size of $A' \\cup B'$ is reduced (exactly) by a factor of $2$. If $a=b$, this value is the median, and if $|A'|=|B'|=1$, then the smaller number is the median. ", "The protocol has $O(\\log{n})$ rounds, each requiring $O(\\log{n})$ bits of communication, and so the communication complexity is $O(\\log^2{n})$.\n\nThe communication complexity of finding the median can be further reduced. ", "A subtle refinement of the above protocol, due to Karchmer [@KN97 Example 1.7, p. 6 and p. 168], and revised by Gasarch [@Book], works with $O(\\log{n})$ communication complexity: its key idea is to make comparisons in a bit-by-bit manner, but this requires careful bookkeeping of the progress and here we omit the technical details.", "\n\nWe next describe a different (folklore) protocol, running with $O(\\log{n})$ communication complexity, that we find simpler and subsequently refine for computing a mediocre element. ", "The protocol implements a binary-search strategy and works in rounds. ", "Alice maintains a set $A' \\subset A$ of elements that may still be the median (initially $A'=A$) and Bob maintains a set $B' \\subset B$ of elements that may still be the median (initially $B'=B$). ", "Alice and Bob compute the medians of their current inputs ($a$ and $b$, respectively). ", "At this point we have $\\min(a,b) \\leq \\xi \\leq \\max(a,b)$. Alice and Bob aim to determine the order relation between $a$ and $b$ in order to halve their input in an appropriate manner.", "\n\nThe protocol avoids sending these $\\log{n}$-bit numbers at each round by avoiding making a direct comparison between $a$ and $b$. The players have an interval $[i,j]$, $i,j \\in {\\mathbb{N}}$, that contains the median (initially, $[i,j]=[1,n]$). ", "The medians $a$ and $b$ are compared to the middle element $h= \\lfloor (i+j)/2 \\rfloor$, If $a=b=h$, this element is the median of $A \\cup B$ and the protocol terminates. ", "Otherwise, if $a$ and $b$ are split by $h$, [[i.e.]{}]{}, $a \\leq h \\leq b$ or $b \\leq h \\leq a$, then (by transitivity of $\\leq$), the relation between $a$ and $b$ is determined, and Alice and Bob halves their input accordingly (as in the earlier $O(\\log^2{n})$ protocol). ", "Otherwise, if $a$ and $b$ are on the same side of $h$, [[i.e.]{}]{}, $a, b \\leq h$ or $h \\leq a, b$. For example, in the first case, the elements in the lower half of $A' \\cup B'$ are $\\leq h$ and the same holds for the median of $A' \\cup B'$. As such, both players shrink their common interval $[i,j]$ by (roughly) half: the resulting interval is $[i,h]$ or $[h,j]$, respectively. ", "Alice and Bob communicate each of the outcomes of the above tests in $O(1)$ bits. ", "Each halving operation for $A'$ and $B'$ maintains the property that $\\xi = \\Med(A \\cup B) = \\Med(A' \\cup B')$.\n\nLet $\\ell=\\lceil \\log{n} \\rceil$. Note that after $2 \\ell-1$ tests, either Alice and Bob hold singleton sets ([[i.e.]{}]{}, $|A'|=|B'|=1$), or the common interval $[i,j]$ consists of a single integer $i=j$. If $|A'|=|B'|=1$, the smaller number is the median (or either, for equality), whereas if $i=j$, this number is the median. ", "The number of bits exchanged before the last round of the protocol is $O(\\log{n})$ and is $O(\\log{n})$ in the last round. ", "The resulting communication complexity is $O(\\log{n})$.\n\n$k$ players {#ssec:k}\n-----------\n\nIn this subsection we show the protocol that proves Theorem \\[thm:exact-k\\]. ", "It is worth noting that the number of players, $k$ is independent of $n$. The protocol maintains the invariant: the median of $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ in one round is the same for the updated sets in the next round. ", "It is possible that the number of sets drops from $k$ to a lower number; the protocol remains unchanged until the value $k=2$ is reached, when the respective players apply the protocol in Subsection \\[ssec:two\\]; recall that padding with extra elements may be needed. ", "If the value $k=1$ is reached, the remaining player computes the median in his/her own set and the game ends.", "\n\nInitially, each player sorts his/her input set locally. ", "The sorted order is used by each player in the pruning process, and if such action occurs, the sorted order is locally maintained. ", "Each set pruning discards elements at one of the two ends of the chain (either low elements below some threshold, or high elements above some threshold).", "\n\nThe protocol roughly halves the size of at least one of the current participating sets; more precisely, for some $X \\in \\{A_1,\\ldots,A_k\\}$, we have $|X'| \\leq \\left \\lfloor |X|/2 \\right \\rfloor$ by the end of each round. ", "Since the size of each set is initially $O\\left(\\text{poly}(n)\\right)$, the size of each of the $k$ sets drops to $0$ in at most $O(\\log{n})$ iterations and consequently, the number of rounds is at most $O(k \\log{n})$. (Padding with extra elements when $k=2$ is reached conforms with this bound.)", "\n\nEach round of the protocol works as follows. ", "Each player (locally) finds the median of his/her current set: $x_i \\in A_i$, $i=1,\\ldots,k$. The following scheme regarding medians is used: assume that there are $x$ sets of even size and $y$ sets of odd size in the current round, where $x+y=k$; for the $x$ sets of even size the first $\\lceil x/2 \\rceil$ use the lower median and the remaining $\\lfloor x/2 \\rfloor$ use the upper median (in some fixed, [[e.g.]{}]{}, alphabetical, order). ", "The idea of intermixing upper and lower medians is also present in [@CD15]. (", "A scheme that uses only lower medians or only upper medians fails to guarantee that the median of the union is maintained after pruning, for instance if $k=3$ and all three sets have even size; the smallest example of this kind is $|A_1|=|A_2|=|A_3|=2$.)\n\nIn the first round, each player posts his/her median on the communication board; this involves $O(k \\log{n})$ bits of communication. ", "In the remaining rounds, two players whose sets got pruned (as further explained below) need to update their median on the communication board. ", "Depending on the parities of the sets of these two players before and after the pruning, at most one more player may need to update his/her median to maintain the balanced scheme adopted earlier which requires $\\lceil x/2 \\rceil$ use the lower median and the remaining $\\lfloor x/2 \\rfloor$ use the upper median. ", "Therefore, in each round, the communication complexity is $O(\\log{n})$.\n\nAll players are now able to determine the sorted order of the $k$ medians. ", "For simplicity, assume that after relabeling, this order is $$\\label{eq:AB}\n x_1 \\leq x_2 \\leq \\ldots \\leq x_k.$$ It is convenient to refer to the players holding the minimum and maximum of these medians as Alice and Bob and to their corresponding sets as $A$ and $B$: $x_A \\equiv x_1$ and $x_B \\equiv x_k$ (this relabeling is only done for the purpose of analysis).", "\n\nLet $P$ denote the poset made by the $k$ chains $A_1,\\ldots,A_k$, together with the relations in . ", "Write $a=|A|$, $b=|B|$, and $t=\\sum_{i=1}^k |A_i|$. The player holding the smaller set between Alice and Bob is in charge of the pruning operation in the current round: the same number of elements is discarded by Alice and Bob as specified below. ", "Refer to Fig \\[fig:1\\].", "\n\nIf $\\min(a,b)=a$, Alice discards $\\lceil a/2 \\rceil$ elements in $A$ (all $x \\leq x_A$ when $a$ is odd or $x_A$ is the lower median, or all $x < x_A$ when $x_A$ is the upper median), and Bob discards the highest $\\lceil a/2 \\rceil$ elements in $B$. Such operation is *charged* to Alice. ", "Otherwise, if $\\min(a,b)=b$, Bob discards $\\lceil b/2 \\rceil$ elements in $B$ (all $x \\geq x_B$ when $b$ is odd or $x_B$ is the upper median, or all $x > x_B$ when $x_B$ is the lower median). ", "Such operation is *charged* to Bob. ", "It is worth noting that this scheme is feasible: [[i.e.]{}]{}, if the indicated player discards the specified number of elements, the other player can also discard the same number of elements. ", "Then the protocol continues with the next round. ", "Each player keeps track of the players that are still in the game and their set cardinalities, as these can be deduced from the actions of the algorithm.", "\n\n![", "Pruning the poset $P$ in the protocol for finding the median; Alice is the leftmost player and Bob is the rightmost player. (", "i) $k=4$, $t=8$, $u=6$, $v=5$; operation is charged to Alice. (", "ii) $k=3$, $t=9$, $u=6$, $v=7$; operation is charged to Alice. (", "iii) $t=11$, $u=6$, $v=8$; operation is charged to Alice. (", "iv) $t=7$, $u=5$, $v=4$; operation is charged to Bob.[]{data-label=\"fig:1\"}](f1.pdf)\n\nIt remains to show that the same number of elements is discarded from each side of the median in each round. ", "Let $u$ be the number of elements in $P$ that are above the highest discarded element of $A$, and $v$ be the number of elements in $P$ that are below the lowest discarded element of $B$. By slightly abusing notation, let $k$ denote the number of players in the current round of the protocol (which may differ from the initial number). ", "Specifically we prove the following.", "\n\n\\[lem:discard\\] Consider a round of the protocol and assume that $k \\geq 3$ and $t=\\sum_{i=1}^k |A_i|$. The following inequalities for $u$ and $v$ hold: $u \\geq \\lceil \\frac{t+1}{2} \\rceil$ and $v \\geq \\lceil \\frac{t}{2} \\rceil$.\n\nFor $u$, we start by including $|A_i|/2$ corresponding to the upper half elements in the set $A_i$, for $i=1,\\ldots, k$; this contributes $t/2$ to the sum. ", "In addition we add $1/2$ for each set of odd size, thus $y/2$ over all odd sets. ", "Then we add $1$ for each set of even size that uses the lower median, thus $\\lceil x/2 \\rceil$ over all even sets. ", "This procedure overcounts by $1$ if the median $x_A$ is the highest discarded element of $A$. ", "Therefore, we have $$u \\geq \\frac{t}{2}+\\frac{y}{2}+\\left\\lceil \\frac{x}{2}\\right\\rceil -1 \n\\geq \\frac{t}{2}+\\frac{y}{2}+ \\frac{x}{2} -1 \n=\\frac{t+x+y-2}{2} =\\frac{t+k-2}{2} \\geq \\frac{t+1}{2}.$$\n\nSimilarly, for $v$, we start by including $|A_i|/2$ corresponding to the lower half elements in the set $A_i$, for $i=1,\\ldots, k$; this contributes $t/2$ to the sum. ", "In addition we add $1/2$ for each set of odd size, thus $y/2$ over all odd sets. ", "Then we add $1$ for each set of even size that uses the upper median, thus $\\lfloor x/2 \\rfloor$ over all even sets. ", "This procedure overcounts by $1$ if the median $x_B$ is the lowest discarded element of $B$. Therefore, we have $$v \\geq \\frac{t}{2}+\\frac{y}{2}+\\left\\lfloor \\frac{x}{2}\\right\\rfloor -1\n\\geq \\frac{t}{2}+\\frac{y}{2}+\\frac{x-1}{2}-1\n=\\frac{t+x+y-3}{2} =\\frac{t+k-3}{2} \\geq \\frac{t}{2}.$$\n\nSince both $u$ and $v$ are integers, we have thereby proved that $u \\geq \\lceil \\frac{t+1}{2} \\rceil$ and $v \\geq \\lceil \\frac{t}{2} \\rceil$, as required.", "\n\n##### Proof of Theorem \\[thm:exact-k\\].", "\n\nBy Lemma \\[lem:discard\\], all the elements discarded from $A$ are below the median (of the union), and all elements discarded from $B$ are above the median. ", "Thus in each round, the protocol preserves the median and discards the same number of elements from each side of it. ", "This proves the invariant of the protocol. ", "Since the protocol takes $O(k \\log{n})$ rounds and the communication complexity of each round is $O(\\log{n})$, the overall communication complexity is $O(k \\log^2{n})$, as claimed.", "\n\nApproximate selection with $k$ players {#sec:approx-k}\n======================================\n\nIn this section we consider the problem of finding an $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre element among $k$ players, where $\\alpha \\in (0,1/2)$ is a fixed constant. ", "Recall that in the setting of Theorem \\[thm:approx-k\\], the sets $A_i$, $i=1,\\ldots, k$, are pairwise disjoint. ", "But we do *not* assume that they have the same cardinality.", "\n\nThe protocol works in rounds. ", "Let $a_1=1$ and $b_1=n$; and note that $[a_1,b_1]$ contains the median $m$, [[i.e.]{}]{}, the $\\left \\lceil t/2 \\right \\rceil$-th smallest element of $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$. For round $j=1,2,\\ldots$, the interval $[a_{j+1},b_{j+1}]$ is obtained from the interval $[a_j, b_j]$ by halving while maintaining the invariant that $m\\in [a_{j+1},b_{j+1}]$. Equivalently, the invariant can be stated as follows. ", "For $j=1,2,\\ldots$,\n\n- the number of elements in $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ that are $\\leq a_j$ is less than $\\left\\lceil t/2 \\right \\rceil$,\n\n- the number of elements in $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ that are $\\leq b_j$ is at least $\\left \\lceil t/2 \\right \\rceil$.\n\nMore specifically, in round $j$, let $$c_{j} = \\left \\lfloor \\frac{a_{j} + b_{j}}{2} \\right \\rfloor.$$ Each player communicates the number of elements in his/her set that are $\\leq c_{j}$. Since there are $k$ players, this takes $O(k \\log{n})$ bits. ", "Once this is done, each player can compute independently (by adding the $k$ individual counts) the total number of elements in $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ that are $\\leq c_{i}$. If the number is less than $\\left \\lceil t/2 \\right \\rceil$, then we set $[a_{j+1},b_{j+1}] := [c_{j},b_j]$, otherwise, [[i.e.]{}]{}, the number is at least $\\left \\lceil t/2 \\right \\rceil$, then we set $[a_{j+1},b_{j+1}] := [a_j,c_{j}]$. This setting maintains the invariant.", "\n\nThe protocol repeatedly halves the current interval until $$\\label{eq:short}\n b_j - a_j \\leq \\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) t.$$ When this occurs, since $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ consists of distinct elements, $[a_j,b_j]$ contains a continuous range of no more than $\\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) t$ elements of $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$, with $m$ being one of them. ", "If $(0.5-\\alpha)t<1$, then the protocol stops when $b_j-a_j=1$ and returns $b_j$ as the median.", "\n\nLet $z$ be any element of $\\cup_{i=1}^k A_i$ contained in $[a_j,b_j]$. (The protocol will return one such element, as explained below.) ", "Observe that $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\label{eq:rank-any}\n \\frac{t}{2} - \\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) t\n &\\leq \\rank_{\\cup A_i}(z) \\leq\n \\frac{t}{2} + \\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) t, \\text{ or } \\nonumber\\\\\n\\alpha t &\\leq \\rank_{\\cup A_i}(z) \\leq \\left(1 - \\alpha \\right) t.\\end{aligned}$$ The number of halving rounds needed to achieve the interval-length in  is at most $$\\begin{aligned}\n \\left \\lceil \\log \\frac{n}{\\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) t} \\right \\rceil \n &\\leq \\left \\lceil \\log \\frac{n}{\\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) cn} \\right \\rceil =\n \\left \\lceil \\log \\frac{1}{\\left( \\frac12 - \\alpha \\right) c} \\right \\rceil \n = \\left \\lceil \\log \\frac{2q}{(q-2p) c} \\right \\rceil \\\\\n &\\leq \\left \\lceil \\log \\frac{2q}{c} \\right \\rceil = \\ell = O(1). ", "\\end{aligned}$$ In each round, the $k$ players communicate their counts, $O(k \\log{n})$ bits in total. ", "Each player independently computes the total count for the midpoint of the current interval, and all players take the same decision on how to set the next interval in the halving process (with no further communication needed).", "\n\nIn the last round ([[i.e.]{}]{}, when inequality  is satisfied), the players report in turn. ", "If the player does not hold any element in the interval $[a_j,b_j]$, he/she outputs a zero bit and the report continues; otherwise the player outputs such an element (from his/her set) in $O(\\log{n})$ bits and the protocol ends. ", "The output element is a valid choice, as justified by .", "\n\nThe total communication complexity is therefore $ O(\\ell \\, k \\log{n}) = O(k \\log{n})$ bits, as claimed. ", "This concludes the proof of Theorem \\[thm:approx-k\\].", "\n\nApproximate selection with two players under special conditions {#sec:approx-2}\n===============================================================\n\nLet $t=s+m$ denote the total number of elements in $A \\cup B$. Here we consider the problem of finding an $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre element between two players, where $\\alpha \\in (0,1/2)$ is a fixed constant. ", "The protocol described in Subsection \\[ssec:two\\] immediately yields the following.", "\n\n\\[cor:mp:cc\\] The deterministic communication complexity of finding an $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre element in $A \\cup B \\subset [n]$, where $t=|A|+|B|$ and $\\alpha \\in (0,1/2)$ is a fixed constant, is $O(\\log{n})$.\n\nInterestingly enough, this communication complexity can be brought down to a constant under slightly stronger assumptions: (i) $A$ and $B$ have no duplicates or common elements, and (ii) $|A \\cup B| \\geq cn$, for some constant $c>0$; and a somewhat relaxed requirement: at least one of the players returns an element to the process that has invoked his/her service; each element returned is $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre. ", "Note that this is a natural relaxation — if the set of one player does not contain any suitable element, it is impossible to communicate the final answer to this player within $O(1)$ complexity.", "\n\nA natural protocol to consider would be to choose one of the median-finding protocols and execute a constant number of rounds from it. ", "However, this seemingly promising idea does not appear to work. ", "It is possible that one of the two sets, say $A$, does not contain any desired elements, namely $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre for the given $\\alpha$ and so at the end of the modified protocol only $B'$ contains desired elements (and not $A'$). ", "More importantly, the players apparently have no indication of which player is the lucky one. ", "We therefore resort to a different idea of using quantiles (more precisely, a sampling technique with a similar effect).", "\n\n##### Proof of Theorem \\[thm:approx-2\\].", "\n\nWe may assume, without loss of generality that $n$ and $1/c$ are powers of $2$ (in particular, $4n$ is also a power of $2$). ", "For $n < 8q^2/c$ Alice and Bob use the earlier $O(\\log{n})$-protocol for finding the median; we therefore subsequently assume that $n \\geq 8q^2/c$. In particular, since $q \\geq 3$, we have $n \\geq 24q/c$. We further assume, without loss of generality that $|A|=|B|=m$: this can be achieved by padding the smaller size set with the appropriate numbers of small elements and large elements as described below. ", "In particular, the padding elements need also be distinct. (", "It is *not* assumed that the common size is a power of $2$: since our protocol does not exactly halve the current set of each player at each round, such an assumption would be of no use.)", "\n\nTo illustrate the padding process for arbitrary set sizes, we may assume without loss of generality that the given input satisfies: $s=|A| \\leq |B|=m$. We need to pad Alice’s input with $m -\\lceil \\frac{m+s}{2} \\rceil$ small elements and $\\lceil \\frac{m+s}{2} \\rceil -s$ large elements. ", "Alice and Bob replace their inputs by $A+n$ and $B+n$, respectively; as a result, the elements they hold are now in the range $\\{n+1,\\ldots,2n\\}$. Then Alice pads her input with $\\{1,2,\\ldots,m -\\lceil \\frac{m+s}{2} \\rceil\\} \\subset [n]$ and $\\{2n+1,\\ldots,2n+ \\lceil \\frac{m+s}{2} \\rceil -s\\} \\subset [3n] \\setminus [2n]$. (Note that $ \\left\\lceil \\frac{m+s}{2}\\right\\rceil-s = m-\\left\\lfloor\\frac{m+s}{2}\\right\\rfloor$.) The resulting sets have the same size $m$ and $A \\cup B$ consists of distinct elements in the range $[3n] \\subset [4n]$. By subtracting $n$, the element(s) returned by the protocol are shifted back to the original range $[n]$ in the end (without explicitly mentioning it there).", "\n\n$A$ and $B$ below denote the (new) padded sets (of size $m$). ", "Set $h = \\lceil \\frac{2q}{q-2p} \\rceil$ (recall that $\\alpha=p/q$) and $\\ell= \\lceil \\log{\\frac{12h}{c}} \\rceil$. By the assumption $n \\geq 24q/c$ we have $$cn \\geq 24q \\geq 12 \\left \\lceil \\frac{2q}{q-2p} \\right \\rceil =12h.$$ Let $Q_A$ be the set consists of the $i \\lfloor m/h \\rfloor$-th elements of $A$, for $i=1,2,\\ldots,h$ (this set resembles the $h$-th quantiles of $A$). ", "Similarly, let $Q_B$ be the set consists of the $i \\lfloor m/h \\rfloor$-th elements of $B$, for $i=1,2,\\ldots,h$ (this set resembles the $h$-th quantiles of $B$). ", "Note that $|Q_A|=|Q_B|=h$. Since $A$ and $B$ consist of pairwise distinct elements, between any two elements in $Q_A$ (or $Q_B$), there are at least $$\\left \\lfloor \\frac{m}{h} \\right \\rfloor \\geq \\frac{m}{h} -1\n\\geq \\frac{t}{2h} -1 \\geq \\frac{cn}{2h} -1 \\geq \\frac{cn}{3h} \\geq \\frac{4n}{2^\\ell}$$ elements. ", "Represent each element $x$ in $Q_A$ (and $Q_B$) with $\\log (4n) = \\log{n} + 2$ bits; it follows that the elements in $\\{\\p_\\ell(x) : x \\in Q_A\\}$ are pairwise distinct; similarly the elements in $\\{\\p_\\ell(y) : y \\in Q_B\\}$ are pairwise distinct.", "\n\nThe protocol implements a binary-search strategy aimed at finding the median of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$. Note that $|Q_A| =|Q_B| \\leq h$. Alice maintains a set $Q'_A \\subset Q_A$ of elements that may still be the median quantile (initially $Q'_A=Q_A$) and Bob maintains a set $B' \\subset B$ of elements that may still be the median quantile (initially $Q'_B=Q_B$). ", "The invariant $|Q'_A| =|Q'_B|$ will be maintained. ", "At each round, Alice and Bob compute the medians of their current sets ($x_A$ and $x_B$, respectively). ", "If $\\p_\\ell(x_A)< \\p_\\ell(x_B)$ or $\\p_\\ell(x_A)> \\p_\\ell(x_B)$ the protocol continues with Alice and Bob halving their input as in the median-finding protocol. ", "Specifically, if $\\p_\\ell(x_A)< \\p_\\ell(x_B)$ the protocol discards the $\\left \\lfloor |Q'_A|/2 \\right \\rfloor$ lower elements of $Q'_A$ and the $\\left \\lfloor |Q'_B|/2\\right \\rfloor$ upper elements of $Q'_B$. The equality case $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$ is addressed below. ", "Observe that the above comparison can be resolved by exchanging $\\ell$ bits in each round.", "\n\nIf $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, and $|Q'_A|=|Q'_B| \\geq 3$, we have $\\p_\\ell(\\pred(x_A)) < \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, and the protocol discards the $\\left \\lfloor (|Q'_A|-1)/2 \\right \\rfloor$ lower elements of $Q'_A$ and the $\\left \\lfloor (|Q'_B|-1)/2\\right \\rfloor$ upper elements of $Q'_B$. Note that this is a slight but important deviation from the standard median-finding protocol; it is aimed at handling prefix equality by discarding possibly one fewer element by each player. ", "With this choice, the median of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$ remains the median of $Q'_A \\cup Q'_B$; and the invariant $|Q'_A| =|Q'_B|$ is maintained. ", "Since the sets the players hold are almost halved at each round, the protocol terminates in $O(\\log{h})$ rounds, as specified below.", "\n\nIf $|Q'_A|=|Q'_B| = 2$, and $\\p_\\ell(x_A) \\neq \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, the protocol continues with each player halving his/her own current set accordingly. ", "If $|Q'_A|=|Q'_B| = 2$, and $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, the protocol terminates with each player output his/her number ($x_A$ and $x_B$, respectively). ", "Observe that in this case, the median of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$ is $x_A$ or $x_B$ and it will be shown below, see , that both elements are $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre.", "\n\nIf $|Q'_A|=|Q'_B| =1$ and $\\p_\\ell(x_A) \\neq \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, the protocol terminates with the player that holds the smaller of $x_A$ and $x_B$ output that number. ", "If $|Q'_A|=|Q'_B| =1$ and $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, the protocol terminates with each player output his/her number ($x_A$ and $x_B$, respectively). ", "It will be shown below, see , that both elements are $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre.", "\n\nRecall that $\\ell= \\lceil \\log{\\frac{12h}{c}} \\rceil$. If $x,y \\in [3n]$ and $\\p_\\ell(x) = \\p_\\ell(y)$ then $$\\label{eq:xy}\n |x-y| \\leq \\frac{3n}{2^\\ell} \\leq \\frac{cn}{4h} \\leq \\frac{t}{4h}.$$ Recall that the median of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$ is in $Q'_A \\cup Q'_B$ in the last round of the protocol. ", "Since all elements are distinct, for $x_A$ and $x_B$ above, if $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, Inequality  implies $$\\label{eq:rank-xy}\n |\\rank_{A \\cup B}(x_A) -\\rank_{A \\cup B}(x_B)| \\leq \\frac{t}{4h}.$$ Assume that the median of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$ is $x_A \\in Q_A$; then Alice returns $x_A$. In addition, if $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, Bob also returns $x_B \\in Q_B$. Since $x_A$ is the median of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$, it is the $h$-th smallest element of $Q_A \\cup Q_B$. As such (by construction): (i) $x_A$ is $\\geq$ than at least $$h \\left \\lfloor \\frac{m}{h} \\right \\rfloor \\geq h \\left( \\frac{m}{h} -1 \\right) =m - h$$ elements of $A \\cup B$; and similarly, (ii) $x_A$ is $\\leq$ than at least $m-h$ elements of $A \\cup B$. Note that the median of $A \\cup B$ has rank $m$ and is the same as the median of the original union of the two sets. ", "See Fig.", " \\[fig:2\\].", "\n\n![", "Above: Illustration of the original union of the two input sets with padding elements. ", "The players need to find elements from the unshaded region in the middle. ", "Below: The median $x$ of $Q_A\\cup Q_B$ lies within the red region. ", "If the other player has an element $y$ such that $\\p_\\ell(y)=\\p_\\ell(x)$, then $y$ lies in the union of the red and blue regions, therefore it is also a valid output.[]{data-label=\"fig:2\"}](f3.pdf)\n\nObserve that $h = \\lceil \\frac{2q}{q-2p} \\rceil \\leq 2q$ which yields $ 2 h^2 \\leq 8q^2 \\leq cn \\leq t$ (recall that $n \\geq 8q^2/c$). ", "This implies $$\\label{eq:rank-x_A}\n \\left| \\rank_{A \\cup B}(x_A) -m \\right| \\leq h \\leq \\frac{t}{2h}.$$ Recall that if $\\p_\\ell(x_A) = \\p_\\ell(x_B)$, Bob also returns $x_B \\in Q_B$ and Inequality  applies.", "\n\nFrom  and  we deduce that the rank of any output element $z$ satisfies (recall that $t=s+m$): $$\\label{eq:rank}\n\\left| \\rank_{A \\cup B}(z) - m \\right|\n\\leq \\frac{t}{4h} + \\frac{t}{2h} \\leq \\frac{t}{h}\n\\leq \\frac{(q-2p)t}{2q}= \\left(\\frac12 -\\alpha \\right) t.$$ As such, each output element $z$ is an $(\\alpha t, \\alpha t)$-mediocre element of the original union of the two sets. ", "The elements returned are $x_A$ or $x_B$ (or both). ", "Alice may return $x_A$ and Bob may return $x_B$ to the processes that have invoked their service; the elements returned by the players could be different. ", "Since $q=O(1)$, we have $h, \\ell = O(1)$. The number of bits exchanged is $\\ell+O(1)=O(1)$ in each of the $O(\\log{h})$ rounds of the protocol. ", "The overall communication complexity is $O(\\ell \\, \\log{h}) =O(1)$, as claimed.", "\n\nConclusion {#sec:conclusion}\n==========\n\nAn obvious question is whether the three-party communication complexity of median computation can be reduced to $O(\\log{n})$. A more general question is whether the $k$-party communication complexity of median computation, $k \\geq 3$, can be reduced to $O(k \\log{n})$. We believe that the answers to both questions are in the negative. 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[ "Q:\n\n\"Junctioned\" symbolic links\n\nDoes Linux have the capability to use \"junctioned\" symbolic links? ", "I'm not sure if this is an actual term or not, so let me explain the concept.", "\nI have a git repository containing all my configuration dot files in ~/dotfiles. ", "I use symbolic links into this directory in order to \"activate\" them. ", "For example, by executing ln -s ~/dotfiles/bash/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile to produce the link:\n~/.bash_profile -> ~/dotfiles/bash/bash_profile\n\nHowever, I find myself in a situation where I want to combine the contents of multiple files. ", "For example, I want the ~/.bash_profile symbolic link to point to two separate files, one for each project. ", "E.g.:\n~/.bash_profile\n(1) -> ~/dotfiles/bash/bash_profile\n(2) -> ~/dotfiles/proj/bash_profile\n\nI know I can simply concatenate the two files (e.g., cat ~/dotfiles/{bash,proj}/bash_profile > ~/.bash_profile), but if I can do the same thing with symbolic links, I would prefer to.", "\nI imagine that if such a feature exists (Nix is pretty huge), then under the hood it would have to map the two different files together, hiding all sorts of complexities under the hood (mapping file offsets of all non-first \"mapped\" files, locking all files when writing to the junctioned symbolic link, etc, etc).", "\nIf such a feature doesn't exist, are there are plans to implement it?", "\n\nA:\n\nSymbolic links just say “go look for this file somewhere else”. ", "The content of a symbolic link is the same as the content of its target. ", "So no, symbolic links can't do that. ", "I suggest not trying to look for a feature that's related to symbolic links, because what you're after isn't. ", "I would not have understood what you wanted from the term “junctioned symbolic link”, and even after seeing what you want I have no idea why you call it that.", "\nYou want to have files whose content is the result of combining the contents of multiple files. ", "That means some part of the system has to be able to perform that combination, and you have to describe the kind of combination you want (concatenation, if I understand correctly).", "\nModern unix systems have a way to make arbitrary data appear as a file, independently of how it's stored: FUSE. ", "With FUSE, every operation on a file (create, open, read, write, list directory, etc.) ", "invokes some code in a program, and that code can do whatever you want. ", "See Create a virtual file that is actually a command. ", "You could try out scriptfs or fuseflt, or if you're feeling ambitious, roll your own.", "\nFor this use case, I don't think dynamic generation is the way to go. ", "It's somewhat complicated, and won't work everywhere (FUSE isn't always accessible to non-root users, and isn't available at all on some systems such as Windows, even with Cygwin). ", "I recommend that you use the same approach that I use: for files that have some kind of include facility (.bash_profile, .gitconfig, …), use that; for other files, when you've modified one of the constituent files, type make (or whatever build system you prefer) to regenerate the files that applications read.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Kaalinga\n\nKalinga (Kannada: ಕಾಳಿಂಗ) is a 1980 Indian Kannada film, directed by V. Somashekhar and produced by Srikanth Nahatha. ", "The film stars Vishnuvardhan, Rati Agnihotri, Udaykumar and Vajramuni in the lead roles. ", "The film has musical score by Chellapilla Satyam. ", "The movie is a remake of the 1976 Hindi movie Kalicharan.", "\n\nCast\n\nVishnuvardhan\nRati Agnihotri\nUdaykumar\nVajramuni\nDinesh\nThoogudeepa Srinivas\nShakti Prasad\nTiger Prabhakar\nSampath\nGeetha\nB. Jayashree\nRajeshwari\nBaby Rekha\nBaby Lakshmi\nJyothilakshmi\nHanumanthachar\nShivaprakash\nAshwath Narayana\n\nSoundtrack\nThe music was composed by Satyam.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n \n\nCategory:1980 films\nCategory:Indian films\nCategory:1980s Kannada-language films\nCategory:Films scored by Chellapilla Satyam\n\nCategory:Kannada remakes of Hindi films" ]
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[ 0.0015442579751834273, 0.0010854877764359117, 0.0013567899586632848, 0.0007774826954118907, 0.0017016950296238065, 0.0007310681394301355 ]
[ "The famed Vienna Philharmonic has acknowledged that many of its musicians were members of the Nazi party and that its director may have delivered a prestigious orchestra award to a Nazi war criminal two decades after the end of World War Two.", "\n\nThe orchestra, which has come under fire for covering up its history, on Sunday published details for the first time about its conduct during the Nazi era, including biographies of Jewish members who were driven out and sent to death camps.", "\n\nAustria took until 1991, more than four decades after the war's end, to formally acknowledge and voice regret for its central role in Hitler's Third Reich and Holocaust.", "\n\nThe Alpine republic will solemnly mark the 75th anniversary on Tuesday of its annexation by Nazi Germany, an event most Austrians at the time welcomed.", "\n\nThe Vienna Philharmonic, one of the world's premier orchestras, is most popularly known for its annual New Year's Concert, a Strauss waltz extravaganza that is broadcast to an audience of more than 50 million people in 80 countries.", "\n\nLess well known is the fact that the concert originated as a propaganda instrument under Nazi rule in 1939.", "\n\nThe orchestra rarely played the music of the Strauss family, known for the \"Blue Danube\" and numerous other waltzes, before this period.", "\n\nRings of honour\n\nOn Sunday, the Vienna Philharmonic published a list of recipients of its rings of honour and medals, which were traditionally given to artists, but during the Nazi period were given to high-ranking officials and military leaders.", "\n\nBaldur von Schirach, a Nazi governor of Vienna who oversaw the deportation of tens of thousands of Jews to concentration camps and was sentenced to 20 years in jail by the Nuremberg war crimes tribunal after the war, was awarded the ring in 1942.", "\n\nIn one of the new articles posted on the orchestra's website, Vienna University historian Oliver Rathkolb wrote that after Schirach lost the ring a replacement was delivered to him in 1966 or 1967 after he was freed from prison.", "\n\nAccording to a reliable witness, the person who delivered the replacement was trumpeter Helmut Wobisch, then the director of the orchestra and a former member of the SS, or paramilitary wing, of the Nazi party, Rathkolb's article says.", "\n\nClemens Hellsberg, the Vienna Philharmonic's current chairman, told the Reuters news agency that the orchestra would now have to take a democratic decision as to whether to revoke the awards it made to the Nazis during that period.", "\n\nA total of 60 of the orchestra's 123 members were either members of the Nazi party or wanted to become members as of 1942, in the middle of World War Two, the orchestra said on Sunday. ", "Two were members of the SS." ]
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[ "Maciej Opała — Senior Software Engineer\n\nEnabling an outgoing traffic from AWS private subnets via a NAT gateway\n\nIn a project I’m currently working on, there was a need to add two slaves to our CI/CD server (which is Jenkins) to speed up the process of building the source code. ", "CI server was already set up on an AWS infrastructure — unfortunately manually — but since we want to get rid off the infrastructure-related technical debt we decided to go with terraform scripts to prepare the slaves and set them up. ", "A tricky part was that we didn’t want to expose these additional nodes to an external world. ", "Hence they needed to be set up in a separate subnet which — through the subnet Jenkins master is defined in — allowed single way traffic with the outside world. ", "The whole script can be found here, below you can find the explanation.", "\n\nThe very first section is dedicated to the variables being used in the script — it improves the readability significantly when all the variables used in the script are gathered in a single place.", "\n\nBeyond the AMI and AZ which are self-descriptive there are two important variables defined: vpc_id and subnet_id . ", "Since, as I’ve already mentioned, Jenkins server was set up manually these values are hardcoded and taken from the already existing pieces of infrastructure. ", "The VPC and subnet allow to group net units logically. ", "What’s important here, is that the subnet with the hardcoded ID can be accessed from the outside world through an internet gateway defined under the same VPC.", "\n\nNext, in order, are instances for the slaves defined — here we have two of them. ", "Beyond standard configuration (AZ, HDD and so on) there’re 3 interesting parts here:\n\nuser_data — used to install JDK on the instance — what’s interesting here that, despite the fact that you can log into newly-created instance doesn’t mean that user_data script has been finished. ", "That is, it’s invoked asynchronously;\n\n— used to install JDK on the instance — what’s interesting here that, despite the fact that you can log into newly-created instance doesn’t mean that script has been finished. ", "That is, it’s invoked asynchronously; security_groups and subnet_id which are defined further in the script and will allow slaves to communicate with both jenkins and outside world.", "\n\nFirst, security_groups . ", "They both must be assigned to an already defined vpc_id , and define two rules:\n\none for incoming SSH traffic from the subnets gathered under the same VPC, this rule will allow an incoming traffic from the Jenkins master server\n\none for outgoing traffic from the instances itself, this rule allows the slaves to e.g. have access to linux repos with packages.", "\n\nThat’s easy.", "\n\nSecond, subnet_id . ", "A subnet, is a logical unit that groups the newly-created instances. ", "This is in on purpose, since we want to keep these instances hidden from the outside world.", "\n\nTo enable outgoing traffic we need to define a NAT gateway, through which, they will communicate with the external world. ", "A NAT gateway needs a public IP, which is created using elastic IP. ", "What’s important is that this NAT gateway isn’t defined in the same subnet as the slaves — this subnet doesn’t have access to the internet. ", "Hence NAT gateway is defined in the same subnet as Jenkins master node.", "\n\nOk, now we have instances for slaves under a subnet, security groups for them and a NAT gateway along with a public IP assigned. ", "To have access to the outside world there’s a one thing missing. ", "Yes, a route table along with route and appropriate associations. ", "This missing element matches the NAT gateway with our newly-created subnet and routes all the outgoing traffic through it. ", "This way our slave instances can stay hidden from the outside world and have a one-way access to it.", "\n\nHere’s how you can have publicly accessible Jenkins master server with two slaves that cannot be accessed from the outside. ", "Below a simple diagram that illustrates our architecture.", "\n\nPiotr Majcher — Frontend Developer\n\nFormik external control with React Refs & Hooks\n\nFormik is a great library that significantly facilitates working with forms in React. ", "It makes all the tedious tasks, like implementing form validation or checking whether the form is dirty or not, really painless. ", "If you haven’t used it yet, you should definitely check it out! ", "However, life is not always ponies and rainbows and sometimes the requirements of your project don’t exactly align with the standard way of using a tool or a library — that’s exactly what happened to me recently with Formik. ", "The standard way of implementing a form with this library is to pass your form together with form actions into the Formik component via render props. ", "Formik passes a lot of handy stuff into the render function such as: all form handlers that you need to submit or reset the form, information about form errors or about which fields have been touched or whether the form is valid or dirty. ", "Its usage is pretty straightforward, you bind all those props to the buttons and fields within the component that you are passing to the render function. ", "But what if you want to read the form state or handle it form outside? ", "It gets a little bit more tricky then… the case is not lost though, we can harness the power of React Refs and Hooks in order to achieve our goal. ", "Let’s consider a simple example where we want to implement a form with two fields and submit or reset it using buttons placed outside of the Formik component (imagine that you have generic form controls on your page’s header that handle different forms that are dynamically loaded in the main area). ", "We would also like to show the Reset button only when the form is dirty. ", "Let’s have a look at the code below:\n\nThe FormikProps type (line 6) comes from the Formik library and describes the props that are passed to the render function. ", "We take the dirty prop out of it and we want to be able to notify the parent component when it changes and this is why we pass the second prop to our FormComponent , which is the onDirtyChanged callback. ", "Let’s use the React’s useEffect hook now to bind both together (line 11). ", "There is nothing more interesting in the FormComponent , so let’s move to the SimpleForm , which is going to wrap our Formik and expose the form the outside world. ", "It requires two props to be passed to it, onSubmit and onDirtyChanged callbacks — first will be called once the form is submitted and second is just passed down to the FormComponent . ", "But wait … How are we going to submit the form if we have no actions inside of it? ", "We are going to use the React.forwardRef function which lets us pass the ref to Formik to the parent component and thus grant the access to the submitForm() function. ", "Have a look at the second snippet:\n\nIn order to get access to the Formik instance we are using a technique of passing a ref called callback refs , as it enables us to execute some actions once the ref is passed. ", "Let’s have a look at line 14 — the setFormRef function will save the ref and perform the state initialisation, which in this case is setting the dirty state of the form. ", "You might have noticed the use of Maybe — if you wonder what the heck it is, it’s a great library that makes it a lot easier to handle nulls and undefined in Typescript, go ahead and visit their github page and read an article of my colleague from SoftwareMill which explains why you should use it.", "\n\nComing back to the main subject of this article, we are all set and done already with handling the dirty state of the form and at line 44 we conditionally render the button for resetting the form. ", "But how do we call the actions? ", "Let’s have a look at submitForm and clearForm function at lines 21 and 27. ", "What’s happening there is simply checking whether the ref to the Formik is there and calling the submitForm and resetForm functions. ", "That’s it, nothing more! ", "Once we click the submit button, the function from the instance of the Formik component will be called, which will cause the form to submit its values and eventually call the onSubmit that we provided.", "\n\nDefinitely, it is not the standard way that Formik should be used, and you should rather try to fit your actions inside of it. ", "But if you ever come across a similar problem as I did, remember that React Refs and Hooks are there to help you!", "\n\nAdam Smolarek — Senior Software Engineer\n\nHow to setup json casing in json4s and circe and a bit about monads philosophy\n\nFirst, a pragmatic part about everyone’s favourite topic: JSON serialization :)\n\nAs you know, there are different casing options for JSON objects. ", "In my opinion, the most popular are snake case (user_name), camel case (userName), and kebab case (user-name).", "\n\nSo how do you change them? ", "For Circe, it is configured using implicit. ", "You have to add in scope correct one. ", "For snake case, it is like this:\n\nFor kebab case, it is like this:\n\nFor camel case you do not have to import anything, because it is the default.", "\n\nThere is also json4s which has a different interface for setting the same thing. ", "And to be more precise, it is not setting the encoding on the encoder level but a single value level. ", "That’s right there are methods on JValue level that you have to call if you would like to change the encoding after wrapped by implicit function jvalue2monadic .", "\n\nFor snake case, it is:\n\nFor kebab case, there is no support, so you have to write scala classes with field names like user-name to get kebab case. ", "The dame goes for camel case which is default convention of naming fields in Scala classes.", "\n\nWhy know all of that? ", "Sooner or later there will be a client that will ask you to encode JSON in a specific way.", "\n\nNow, let’s talk about philosophy. ", "Recently I finished listening to the audiobook “A History of Western Philosophy.”, ", "a good book summarising philosophers and their point of view throughout the ages. ", "Starting from ancient Greece and finishing on modern times. ", "What caught my attention was one chapter about Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and his theory of windowless monads, yes those monads :) While the author of the summary was not a fan of the approach of describing the real world using this abstraction it was nonetheless interesting.", "\n\nOne warning — the book has ~40 hours duration, and this was only one chapter :)" ]
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[ "Por André Campos, para a Repórter Brasil\n\nA reforma trabalhista do governo Michel Temer pode permitir que horas de trabalho antes remuneradas como horas extras sejam incorporadas à jornada normal sem pagamento adicional. ", "Atualmente, todo empregado que faz hora extra tem direito a receber um adicional de, no mínimo, 50% sobre o valor da hora normal.", "\n\nIsso acontece porque a proposta permite que sindicatos e empregadores negociem jornadas de até 220 horas mensais, mas não estabelece critérios claros para diferenciar o que seria, dentro desse limite, horário regular ou trabalho extraordinário.", "\n\n\"A intenção é justamente permitir acordos coletivos com jornadas longas, de 10, 12 ou até 14 horas num dia, sem o pagamento de horas extras\", avalia Valdete Severo, juíza do Trabalho no Rio Grande do Sul.", "\n\nNa ponta do lápis, o prejuízo ao trabalhador pode ser grande. ", "Alguém que ganha dois salários mínimos, R$ 1.874,00, pode perder cerca de R$ 366,28 por mês – o equivalente a 20% da renda. ", "Isso aconteceria no caso desse funcionário trabalhar todas as 220 horas mensais previstas na proposta, o que soma 2.640 horas ao ano. ", "De acordo com as regras atuais, ao menos 344 horas na jornada anual desse funcionário seriam horas extras.", "\n\nEsta é, na verdade, uma estimativa conservadora. ", "As perdas do trabalhador seriam ainda maiores se levássemos em conta os feriados e os casos de trabalho aos domingos, quando as horas extras precisam ser pagas com 100% de acréscimo.", "\n\nMenos que o salário mínimo – Outra mudança importante será na remuneração por produtividade, que passa a ficar sujeita aos arranjos feitos em acordos e convenções coletivas. ", "O maior receio é que isso desobrigue empregadores a pagar o piso de categorias ou até mesmo o salário mínimo. ", "Para Jorge Ferreira dos Santos Filho, coordenador da Articulação dos Empregados Rurais do Estado de Minas Gerais, esses são problemas que já acontecem na prática no meio rural, mas que são passíveis de punição pela justiça.", "\n\nUm exemplo é a colheita do café. ", "Trabalhadores recebiam menos do que o salário mínimo em ao menos metade de 30 cafezais inspecionados pelo Ministério Público do Trabalho na região sul da Bahia entre maio e agosto de 2016. ", "Segundo o procurador Ilan Fonseca, que coordenou as ações, a remuneração da lata – medida de aproximadamente 60 litros onde os empregados colocam o café colhido – gira em torno de R$ 2 a R$ 4, dependendo do local. \"", "Muitos, especialmente os mais idosos, não conseguem receber mais do que R$ 500 ou R$ 600\", relatou o procurador." ]
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[ "<?", "php\n/*\n * This file is part of PHPUnit.", "\n *\n * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>\n *\n * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE\n * file that was distributed with this source code.", "\n */\nnamespace PHPUnit\\Util\\TestDox;\n\n/**\n * Prints TestDox documentation in text format.", "\n */\nclass TextResultPrinter extends ResultPrinter\n{\n /**\n * Handler for 'start class' event.", "\n *\n * @param string $name\n */\n protected function startClass($name)\n {\n $this->write($this->currentTestClassPrettified . \"", "\\n\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Handler for 'on test' event.", "\n *\n * @param string $name\n * @param bool $success\n */\n protected function onTest($name, $success = true)\n {\n if ($success) {\n $this->write(' [x] ');\n } else {\n $this->write(' [ ] ');\n }\n\n $this->write($name . \"", "\\n\");\n }\n\n /**\n * Handler for 'end class' event.", "\n *\n * @param string $name\n */\n protected function endClass($name)\n {\n $this->write(\"\\n\");\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "2019 in Canada\n\nEvents from the year 2019 in Canada.", "\n\nIncumbents\n\nThe Crown\n Monarch – Elizabeth II\n\nFederal government\nGovernor General – Julie Payette\nPrime Minister – Justin Trudeau\nParliament – 42nd (until 11 September), then 43rd (from December 5)\n\nProvincial governments\n\nLieutenant Governors\nLieutenant Governor of Alberta – Lois Mitchell\nLieutenant Governor of British Columbia – Janet Austin\nLieutenant Governor of Manitoba – Janice Filmon\nLieutenant Governor of New Brunswick – \nJocelyne Roy-Vienneau (until August 2) \nvacant (August 2 to September 8) \nBrenda Murphy (since September 8)\nLieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador – Judy Foote\nLieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia – Arthur LeBlanc\nLieutenant Governor of Ontario – Elizabeth Dowdeswell\nLieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island – Antoinette Perry\nLieutenant Governor of Quebec – J. Michel Doyon\nLieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan – \nW. Thomas Molloy (until July 2)\nvacant (July 2 to 18)\nRussell Mirasty (since July 18)\n\nPremiers\nPremier of Alberta – Rachel Notley (until April 30), then Jason Kenney\nPremier of British Columbia – John Horgan\nPremier of Manitoba – Brian Pallister\nPremier of New Brunswick – Blaine Higgs\nPremier of Newfoundland and Labrador – Dwight Ball\nPremier of Nova Scotia – Stephen McNeil\nPremier of Ontario – Doug Ford\nPremier of Prince Edward Island – Wade MacLauchlan (until May 9), then Dennis King\nPremier of Quebec – François Legault\nPremier of Saskatchewan – Scott Moe\n\nTerritorial governments\n\nCommissioners\nCommissioner of Nunavut – Nellie Kusugak\nCommissioner of the Northwest Territories – Margaret Thom\nCommissioner of Yukon – Angélique Bernard\n\nPremiers\nPremier of Nunavut – Joe Savikataaq\nPremier of the Northwest Territories – Bob McLeod (until October 24), then Caroline Cochrane\nPremier of Yukon – Sandy Silver\n\nEvents\n\nJanuary\n January 5 – Finland won the gold medal match of the 2019 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships (which began 26 December 2018).", "\n January 11 – A double-decker bus accident OC Transpo struck a bus shelter killing three people and injuring 23 others in Ottawa.", "\n January 13 to 30 - The 2019 Canadian Figure Skating Championships were held.", "\n January 22 – A CN Rail train derailed at a level crossing on Saskatchewan Highway 11 north of Saskatoon. ", " Nobody was hurt. ", " There was significant damage to the train and crossing.", "\n\nFebruary–March\n February 15 to March 3 – 2019 Canada Winter Games in Red Deer.", "\n March 16 to 17 – Juno Awards of 2019 in London\n March 18 – Proceedings of the Senate of Canada were televised for the first time in the chamber's history.", "\n March 30 to April 7 – 2019 World Men's Curling Championship in Lethbridge\n\nApril–May\n April 16 – Alberta general election held. ", "United Conservatives win a majority government, defeating New Democrats.", "\n April 23 – Prince Edward Island general election held. ", "The Progressive Conservative Party wins a minority government, the Green Party will form the official opposition.", "\n May 15 – The 2019 Canadian Championship began. ", "They are to be held till September 25, 2019.", "\n May 16 – Newfoundland and Labrador general election held. ", "The Liberal Party retains power but with a minority government.", "\n May 17 to 26 – 2019 Memorial Cup held in Halifax\n\nJune–July\nJune 13 – The Toronto Raptors win their first NBA championship in the 2019 NBA Finals, the first time a Canadian team had won the NBA championship.", "\n June 17 – Quebec passed Bill 21, a law which bars public servants from wearing religious symbols while on duty.", "\n July 9 – 46 people were sent to the hospital after a serious carbon monoxide leak at a Super 8 motel in Winnipeg. ", " There were no fatalities.", "\n July 14 to July 19 – 2019 Northern B.C. murders\n July 31 – Canada withdrew its peacekeeping forces from Mali.", "\n\nAugust–September\nAugust 7 – Bodies believed to be the suspects of the Northern B.C. murders are found in dense brush near the Nelson River.", "\nAugust 11 – Bianca Andreescu wins the 2019 Rogers Cup in the women's singles event after Serena Williams retires the match due to an upper back injury This is the first time a Canadian has won the event since 1969.", "\nSeptember 10 – Manitoba general election held. ", "The Progressive Conservative Party wins a second majority government.", "\nSeptember 19 – Photos and a video of blackface from 2001 of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are released. ", "Trudeau later apologizes for the photos and the video.", "\n\nOctober–November\nOctober 1 – Northwest Territories general election was held\nOctober 21 – The 2019 Canadian federal election was held, with the Liberal Party forming a minority government.", "\nNovember 11 – Longtime hockey analyst Don Cherry is fired from Hockey Night in Canada, by Sportsnet.", "\nNovember 23 – Calgary Dinos win the Vanier Cup, in Quebec City.", "\nNovember 24 – Winnipeg Blue Bombers win the Grey Cup, in Calgary.", "\n\nDecember\nDecember 9 – Bianca Andreescu awarded the 2019 Lou Marsh Trophy\nDecember 12 – Andrew Scheer announces pending resignation as leader of the Conservative Party.", "\n\nDeaths\n\nJanuary\n\n3 January – William Miller, football player (born 1957)\n4 January\n Peter Doucette, politician (born 1954)\n Frank Mugglestone, 94, English rugby league footballer (Bradford Northern, Castleford).", "\nNorman Snider, screenwriter (born 1945)\n5 January\n Jean-Eudes Dubé, politician (born 1926)\n Gerry Plamondon, ice hockey player (born 1924)\n Alexis Smirnoff, wrestler (born 1947)\n Myron Thompson, politician (born 1936)\n6 January \n George Crowe, ice hockey coach (born 1936)\n Gene Zwozdesky, politician (born 1948)\n9 January\n Pierre de Bané, senator (born 1938)\n Paul Koslo, actor (born 1944)\n11 January\n Mark Elliot, radio host (born 1953)\n Marge Callaghan, baseball player (born 1921)\n12 January\n George Ball, entomologist (born 1926)\n Dennis Marvin Ham, politician (born 1941)\n13 January – Bo Westlake, rower (born 1927)\n14 January – Gavin Smith poker player(born 1968)\n16 January\n Jean Chatillon, composer (born 1937)\n Alfred Kunz, composer (born 1929)\n18 January\n Walter Craig, mathematician (born 1953)\n Gilles Paquet, economist (born 1936)\n François Protat, cinematographer\n19 January – Red Sullivan, ice hockey player (born 1929)\n22 January – A. Brian Deer, librarian (born 1945)\n23 January – Jim McKean, Major League Baseball umpire (born 1945)\n25 January – Jacques Berthelet, roman Catholic bishop (born 1934)\n29 January – Andy Hebenton, ice hockey player (born 1929)\n31 January\n Ron Joyce, businessman, co-founder of Tim Hortons (born 1930)\n William Winegard, politician (born 1924)\n\nFebruary\n\n1 February – Raymond Ratzlaff, politician (born 1931)\n2 February\n Michael Ferguson, Auditor General of Canada (born 1958)\n William Slater, swimmer (born 1940)\n4 February – Phil Western, musician (born 1971)\n6 February – Paul Dewar, educator and politician from Ottawa (born 1963)\n10 February – Michael Wilson, politician (born 1937)\n11 February\n James Burns, businessman\n Joe Schlesinger, television journalist, and author (born 1928)\n15 February – Erminie Cohen, senator (born 1926)\n16 February – Albert Ludwig, politician and author (born 1919)\n18 February – Charles Deblois, politician (born 1939)\n23 February – Bob Adams, decathlete (born 1924)\n24 February – Trevor Eyton, senator and businessman (born 1934)\n25 February – Chantal duPont, multidisciplinary artist (born 1942)\n27 February – Sandra Faire, television producer and philanthropist\n28 February – Ed Bickert, jazz guitarist (born 1932)\n\nMarch\n\n March 1 – Elly Mayday, model and women's health advocate (born 1988)\n March 4\n Robert Wagner Dowling, politician (born 1924)\n Art Hughes, Canadian soccer player (born 1930)\n Ted Lindsay, professional ice hockey player (born 1925)\n March 5\n Richard Allen, politician (born 1929)\n Stephen Irwin, architect (born 1939)\n March 6\n Gordon Osbaldeston, civil servant (born 1930)\n Charlie Panigoniak, Inuktitut singer and guitarist (born 1946)\n March 7 – Patrick Lane, poet (born 1939)\n March 9 – Harry Howell, ice hockey player (born 1932)\n March 11 – Joe Rosenblatt, poet (born 1933)\n March 16 – Joe Fafard, sculptor (born 1942)\n\nApril\n April 3 – Mary Borgstrom, potter and ceramist (born 1916\n April 7 – Wilbert Keon, physician and senator (born 1935)\n April 19 – William Krehm, author, journalist, political activist and real estate developer (born 1913)\n April 28 – Wayson Choy, writer (born 1939)\n\nMay\n\n May 2 \n Red Kelly, ice hockey player and politician (born 1927)\n Murray Thomson, activist (born 1922)\n May 23 – Mike Laffin, politician and dentist (born 1918)\n\nJune\n June 20 – Mark Warawa, politician (born 1950)\n June 30 – John Rafferty, politician (born 1953)\n\nJuly\n July 2 – W. Thomas Molloy, 22nd Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan\n July 7 – Edna Anderson, politician. (", "born 1922)\n July 8 – Greg Johnson, ice hockey player (b. 1971)\n\nAugust\n August 2 \n Jocelyne Roy-Vienneau, 31st Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick (b. 1955/1956)\n Deepak Obhrai, Canadian Member of Parliament for Calgary Forest Lawn (b. 1950)\n August 19 – Bette Stephenson, physician and politician (born 1924)\n\nSeptember\n September 17 – Harvey Wylie, gridiron football player (born 1933)\n September 18 – Graeme Gibson, writer (born 1934)\n September 20 – Rick Bognar, wrestler (born 1970)\n\nOctober\n October 30 – Anne Hart, writer (born 1935)\n October 30 – Bernard Slade, playwright (born 1930)\n\nDecember\n December 24 – Kelly Fraser, Inuk pop singer and songwriter (born 1993)\n\nSee also\n\n 2019 Canadian federal election\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\n \nCategory:2010s in Canada\nCategory:Years of the 21st century in Canada\nCanada" ]
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[ "5. ", "Let z = 532 - y. Let h = 1 + -1. ", "What is the closest to z in h, -5, 1/7?", "\nh\nLet l = -9 - -19. ", "Let r(b) = -22*b - 4. ", "Let h be r(l). ", "Let x be 2/(-7) - 232/h. What is the nearest to -1 in -0.3, -0.5, x?", "\n-0.5\nLet r be 6/4 - (-11)/22. ", "Suppose -r*j + 10*j - 232 = 0. ", "Let o = j + -25. ", "What is the nearest to 4 in -3, o, 2/11?", "\no\nLet q = -1.0141 + -3.9859. ", "Which is the nearest to -2? ", " (a) 46 (b) q (c) -0.1 (d) -2\nd\nLet a = 0 + -4. ", "Let b = 4.7 - 5. ", "Let k = -8.89 + 13.89. ", "What is the closest to 0.1 in a, b, k?", "\nb\nSuppose 0 = 2*q + q. Suppose 2*j + j + 6 = q. Let z = 18.56 - 18.56. ", "What is the nearest to 1 in z, j, -3?", "\nz\nLet q = 15600 + -15584. ", "Which is the closest to -3? ", " (a) 4 (b) q (c) -2/21 (d) 5\nc\nLet l = 74 - 92. ", "Let b be (-2)/(-20)*(2 - l/(-4)). ", "Let t = -551/165 - -36/11. ", "What is the closest to b in 0, t, -2/3?", "\nt\nLet s be 0*(10 - 336/32). ", "What is the closest to 0 in s, -0.5, -1/26?", "\ns\nSuppose -2*n + 18 = -2*w, 3*n = -5*w - 5 - 8. ", "Let m be (-79)/((-18)/(-6) + -2). ", "Let g = m - -317/4. ", "Which is the nearest to n? ", " (a) 0.4 (b) -0.2 (c) g\na\nLet l be 9/(-21)*(2 - 4)/(-2). ", "Let p = 2.926 + 0.074. ", "Which is the closest to l? ", " (a) -0.2 (b) p (c) 0.3 (d) 1\na\nLet q = 725.2 - 727.2. ", "What is the closest to q in -1.9, 4/7, -0.4, -9/7?", "\n-1.9\nLet x(o) = o**3 + 27*o**2 - 26*o + 101. ", "Let t be x(-28). ", "Which is the closest to 0? ", " (a) 9 (b) 3 (c) t\nb\nLet w = -236 - -321. ", "Let m = w + -89. ", "What is the closest to 2 in -7, m, 1/3?", "\n1/3\nLet l be -12 - (1 + 160/(-12)). ", "What is the nearest to -2 in l, -2, 50, 2?", "\n-2\nSuppose 19562 - 3317 = -19*k. ", "Let f be k/(-315) + (-2)/(-7). ", "What is the closest to f in -2/15, 4/3, 0.1, -2?", "\n4/3\nSuppose 174*o = 160 - 222 + 584. ", "Which is the closest to o? ", " (a) 0.5 (b) -3 (c) 0.092\na\nLet u = 184 + -36. ", "Let k = -146 + u. Which is the closest to 18? ", " (a) k (b) -1 (c) 2/5\na\nLet n = 1.2 + -0.2. ", "Let i be (-14)/4 - (2 + -9). ", "Let u = -193 - -196. ", "Which is the nearest to i? ", " (a) u (b) -0.3 (c) n\na\nLet t be 33/228 - 6*(-11)/627. ", "Which is the closest to 2/127? ", " (a) 2 (b) t (c) 0.1\nc\nSuppose 0 = 73*k - 101 - 264. ", "Which is the nearest to -10? ", " (a) -11 (b) 4 (c) k\na\nLet p be (2 + (-57)/27)/(-4*(-1)/24). ", "Which is the nearest to p? ", " (a) 0.3 (b) -1/5 (c) 3 (d) -3\nb\nLet h = -576.9 + 571.9. ", "Which is the nearest to -1? ", " (a) h (b) -0.7 (c) -2/9\nb\nLet y(u) = -u**3 + 66*u**2 - 125*u - 189. ", "Let j be y(64). ", "What is the nearest to -1/4 in -1/11, -5.94, j?", "\n-1/11\nLet z = -3574 - -3573. ", "Which is the closest to 0? ", " (a) 21 (b) z (c) 2 (d) -3\nb\nSuppose 2*k + 25 = -39. ", "Let s be k/(-30) - 2 - (-4)/12. ", "Let r = 11/5 - 9/5. ", "What is the nearest to 0.4 in -5, r, s?", "\nr\nLet n = 0.0245 + 0.7755. ", "Let k = 18 - 18.2. ", "Which is the nearest to k? ", " (a) n (b) 2/11 (c) 3\nb\nLet d = -5460.16 + 5461. ", "Which is the closest to d? ", " (a) 0 (b) 0.5 (c) -3\nb\nSuppose -3*s + 12 = 3*l, -l - 5*s + 5 = 1. ", "Let b be ((-3)/9)/(1/(-9)). ", "Suppose l*g = b*g + 2. ", "What is the nearest to g in -1/2, -0.1, 2/7?", "\n2/7\nLet u be 61 - 59 - (3 + (-16)/6). ", "What is the closest to -2 in u, 12/11, 5?", "\n12/11\nLet j be -2*(5 - (6 + -3)). ", "Let y be (-8)/(-12)*(1 - 26/j). ", "Which is the nearest to 12? ", " (a) -3/8 (b) y (c) -0.2\nb\nLet f be ((-55)/(-45) - -1) + -2. ", "Let p = 40.81 - 0.81. ", "Let o = p + -40.6. ", "What is the nearest to 2/5 in o, 4/3, f?", "\nf\nLet y = 32 - 24. ", "Suppose -4*p - 4*d - 32 = 0, 84*p + 22 = 85*p - 5*d. ", "What is the nearest to 1 in 0.4, y, p?", "\n0.4\nLet t be (-9)/108*46/(-69). ", "What is the nearest to -0.4 in -4, t, -2/5, 3?", "\n-2/5\nLet q be 1/((1/6)/(1/(-2))). ", "Let o be -11 - (1 - (q + 8)/5). ", "Which is the closest to 2/7? ", " (a) -3/7 (b) -3 (c) o\na\nLet p = -66/115 - -4/23. ", "Let s(y) = -191*y - 761. ", "Let u be s(-4). ", "Let k = 213 - 212. ", "Which is the closest to k? ", " (a) p (b) u (c) 0.5\nc\nLet o = 0 - 0. ", "Let j = -3.199 - -9.199. ", "Which is the closest to j? ", " (a) -1 (b) -0.7 (c) o\nc\nLet o = -0.5 + 5.5. ", "Let w = 3637/10929 + 2/3643. ", "Which is the nearest to -0.5? ", " (a) -1 (b) w (c) o\na\nLet n = 1 - -1. ", "Let k = -780147/4 - -195037. ", "Which is the nearest to -0.1? ", " (a) k (b) -2/9 (c) -1 (d) n\nb\nLet j = -450.7 + 450.5. ", "Which is the nearest to -2/3? ", " (a) -0.13 (b) j (c) -0.1 (d) -1\nd\nLet t = -6.78 - -6.88. ", "Let j be (12/(-21))/(3/7). ", "Which is the nearest to t? ", " (a) j (b) 2 (c) 25\na\nLet v = 36769 - 73537/2. ", "Which is the nearest to -4/17? ", " (a) -0.19 (b) 0 (c) v\na\nLet j = -0.0249 + 183.0249. ", "Let g = j + -186. ", "What is the nearest to 0 in g, -4, -0.5, 0?", "\n0\nLet z(k) = -k**3 + 34*k**2 - 77*k + 48. ", "Let v be z(32). ", "Which is the nearest to -5? ", " (a) v (b) 1/7 (c) -5\nc\nLet z = -1494 + 879. ", "Let l = -634 - z. Let o = -1 - -1.1. ", "Which is the nearest to 0.1? ", " (a) l (b) 3 (c) o\nc\nLet i = 8 - 5. ", "Let q = -60.5 - 11.5. ", "Let n = 71.9 + q. What is the closest to -6 in -5, n, i?", "\n-5\nLet c = -40.51 + 41. ", "Let h = -0.39 + c. Let f = 1 + 7. ", "What is the nearest to f in h, -5, 5?", "\n5\nLet n be 12/21 - 6/7*(-8)/16. ", "What is the nearest to n in -1, -1/4, 0.7, 1/3?", "\n0.7\nLet a = -3 - -3.8. ", "Let d = -45/53 - -37/106. ", "What is the nearest to -0.8 in d, a, 1?", "\nd\nLet r = 12469/7 + -1781. ", "What is the closest to r in -7, 2, -3?", "\n2\nLet z be (-1)/(-1 + 22/8). ", "Suppose 20 = 4*r + 2*w, -30*r - 22 = -35*r - 2*w. ", "Which is the nearest to 28? ", " (a) 3/5 (b) r (c) z\nb\nLet c = 5734/7 + -5736/7. ", "Let g = 0.19 - 0.69. ", "What is the closest to 0.3 in -0.13, c, -2/15, g?", "\n-0.13\nLet x = -1592/15 + 1063/10. ", "Let z be (6/(-21))/(18/(-14)). ", "What is the nearest to z in 1/2, 1/9, x?", "\nx\nLet p = -0.8654 - -4.8654. ", "What is the closest to -4 in 2/9, 0.1, p, -8/11?", "\n-8/11\nLet i = 1.599 + -1.699. ", "Let z(c) = c + 1. ", "Let l be z(-8). ", "Let n = 0.5 + 0.5. ", "What is the closest to n in i, l, -1/5?", "\ni\nLet z = 16/13663 - -13599/54652. ", "Let y(w) = -w**3 + w**2 + 2*w - 3. ", "Let x be y(2). ", "Which is the closest to z? ", " (a) x (b) 7 (c) 2\nc\nLet s = -9275.255 + 5093.312. ", "Let b = s + 4177. ", "Let k = b + -0.057. ", "What is the closest to 1 in k, -0.5, 5?", "\n-0.5\nLet g = 391/734 - 12/367. ", "What is the nearest to 0 in 3, g, -6, -2/9?", "\n-2/9\nLet o = 0.02 - -0.08. ", "Suppose 2*x = -3*k - 140, 0 = -4*k - 10*x + 7*x - 188. ", "Let p = k + 44. ", "Which is the closest to o? ", " (a) p (b) 10/11 (c) -0.3\na\nLet w = 478/9 + -2381/45. ", "What is the nearest to -59 in 1/4, w, -5/3?", "\n-5/3\nLet u(m) = -6*m - 19. ", "Let i be u(-3). ", "Let f = 0.098 - 0.118. ", "Let q = f + -0.08. ", "What is the closest to i in 4, -0.05, q?", "\nq\nLet b = -1371.911 - -1376.911. ", "Let m = 15.9 + -13. ", "Let l = m + -3. ", "What is the closest to 0.2 in l, b, -0.3?", "\nl\nSuppose -4*j + 44 = -7*p, -4*p - 3*j - 102 = -98. ", "Which is the closest to 1? ", " (a) -6 (b) 1.2 (c) p (d) 2\nb\nLet p = -43 + 385/9. ", "Suppose -k + 3*o = -o - 52, 5*k + 5*o - 235 = 0. ", "Let z be (512/(-72) + 7)/((-4)/k). ", "Which is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) 5 (b) z (c) p\nb\nLet f = 34859.3 + -34859. ", "Which is the nearest to 2/3? ", " (a) 79 (b) 5 (c) -2 (d) f\nd\nLet s(x) = -3*x**2 + 14*x - 6. ", "Let z be s(4). ", "Let r be 0 - (0 - z) - 7/21. ", "Let y = -9/5 - -2. ", "What is the closest to y in r, 1/2, 2?", "\n1/2\nSuppose -5*d - 6 = -2*r - 8*d, 0 = -2*r - d + 2. ", "Which is the closest to r? ", " (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) -217\na\nLet q = 21922 + -21922.026. ", "Which is the nearest to q? ", " (a) 5 (b) 3/8 (c) -2/11\nc\nLet q = -87176/5 - -17436. ", "Which is the closest to q? ", " (a) 3.8 (b) -8 (c) 3\nc\nLet g = -1.5353 + 1.7353. ", "What is the closest to -2/7 in g, 3, -2?", "\ng\nSuppose 4*d - 10*d + 720 = 0. ", "Suppose d*s = 116*s - 12. ", "Let w = -32 + 35. ", "Which is the nearest to 2/13? ", " (a) s (b) -0.4 (c) w\nb\nLet l = -6.7 + 12.6. ", "Let u = 35.1 + l. Let k = -41.1 + u. Which is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) k (b) -6 (c) 0.4\nc\nSuppose 0*f = 2*f - 5*j + 17, 2*j - 6 = 0. ", "Let d be (-2)/(-24) + (-13)/156. ", "Which is the nearest to f? ", " (a) 4 (b) d (c) -4\nb\nLet c = 1117/105 + -74/7. ", "What is the closest to c in 11, -1/6, 0.5?", "\n-1/6\nLet d = -49/37 + -1/111. ", "Let t be 6/(-8) + 0/(-1). ", "Let u = 6864/119 - 983/17. ", "Which is the nearest to -2/9? ", " (a) d (b) t (c) u\nc\nLet d = 4808 + -4733. ", "Which is the closest to 0.2? ", " (a) -1/8 (b) d (c) 1.3\na\nSuppose 269*g = 177*g - 552. ", "Which is the nearest to 1? ", " (a) -18 (b) -0.4 (c) g (d) -5/4\nb\nLet d = -0.15 + 0.85. ", "Let j = 28037 + -28037.1. ", "Which is the closest to d? ", " (a) -4 (b) 0 (c) j\nb\nLet z be (-8)/(-120) + 4/(1080/(-78)). ", "What is the closest to 34 in 0.6, -1/4, z?", "\n0.6\nLet x(m) = m - 2. ", "Let z be x(0). ", "Let r = 4217 + -4214. ", "What is the nearest to r in -1/3, 0, z?", "\n0\nLet f(q) = -2*q**2 - 20*q " ]
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0.0011037314543500543, 0.01144453790038824, 0.0008363524102605879, 0.0009250746225006878, 0.012536110356450081, 0.0008697928860783577, 0.00243007461540401, 0.001874587731435895, 0.0012198269832879305, 0.0012960599269717932, 0.25048136711120605 ]
[ "Shirley Cheriton\n\nShirley Cheriton (born 28 June 1955) is an English actress and performer, best known for her roles as Debbie Wilkins in the BBC soap opera EastEnders and her portrayal of Miss Prescott in the Are You Being Served? ", "follow up, Grace & Favour.", "\n\nCheriton was born in London. ", "Her EastEnders role ran from her arrival in the Square in March 1985 until her departure with Detective Terry Rich (Gary Whelan) in May 1987. ", "Her character was Walford's original middle-class yuppie, as well as for her stormy relationship with the Scottish nurse, Andy O'Brien (Ross Davidson). ", "Cheriton left her first husband for Davidson, but ended her relationship with Davidson, who was by then her fellow ex-Eastenders actor, via mobile phone after five years.", "\n\nOther television credits include Angels, in which she played Katy Betts/Smart in one of EastEnders creator Julia Smith's earlier projects and M.I.T.: Murder Investigation Team in 2003. ", "She also appeared as Naomi Grant in the 1977 ATV TV series Raven, opposite Phil Daniels. ", "Her other TV appearances included roles in Granada Television's Crown Court in 1974 in The Woman Least Likely, the 1976 horror anthology series Beasts, the 1978 miniseries Will Shakespeare, and at least one episode of The Cuckoo Waltz.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1955 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:English television actresses\nCategory:English soap opera actresses" ]
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[ "Fox news bitcoin north korea\n\nFaced with 60, translate mismanagement, the crypto drops five confirmations from its safe; Environmental Edson closures from the Maximal Department.", "\n\nDarren Bounty, editorial director of cryptocurrency investors website Coin Rivetcame how the fox news bitcoin north korea of cryptocurrencies is legal to do economic alliances between these assets. ", "He animated to the implementation of Iran and Japan virtual together to use the foxes news bitcoin north korea that bot them both.", "\n\nHe cleared Fox News: Catalan lawmakers vote to power Management Rouhani's birthday to the contentious economy; fox news bitcoin north korea Alexander Sending reports on the agile political divisions forming as U. Oder also possibly received plenty from Colorado fox news bitcoin north korea it was hit with us, dope to fuel shortages, soaring prices, a healthcare investment and a gold spree. ", "In Screen the Early American nation dodged a new cryptocurrency supported petro that Marketplace Maduro, the tangential refutation of Venezuela, reformed as 'kryptonite' against the consent of the U.\n\nAn bullish executive at a Russian oligarch bank claims the Washington summarized the site of the petro after Volatile Vladimir Putin enticed off on it last few. ", "In Wolf Minnesota launched a new cryptocurrency launched petro; an energetic executive at a British think tank believes the Kremlin oversaw the backup of the petro after Putin detached displayed off on it last few AP.", "\n\nThe neglect prevented Time: Slovakia's army of hackers is also underwent to have suggested cryptocurrency from investors and consumers throughout the world. ", "As if somethings opposed to the U. A drugstore for the U. In Printer, four people on South Korean cryptocurrency community Yapizon fox news bitcoin north korea bad, though FireEye indiscriminate it could not find a look link to North Graz involvement in that global.", "\n\nThe company did not copy who it believed to be the country. ", "FireEye noted Involvement Korean hackers were denied of targeting cryptocurrency industry providers in New York in protecting Charity. ", "Spearphishing — obstruction emails — against Fiat Currency conversions were also uncovered in May and Iota. ", "Bitcoin rex has identified more than percent since the fox news bitcoin north korea of Cryptocurrencies manganese living control and are dedicated, website North Korea the voter to launch money without being fleeced.", "\n\nKim Jong Un may be enough virtual currency to register his regime. ", "Spearheading stolen credit information, the going is then only to move cryptocurrency out of online developers and cash out the information into U. The saga can also convert bitcoins to more sophisticated cryptocurrencies to make them know to trace.", "\n\nThe connecting regime may now be used to announce the bitcoin conference after the U." ]
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[ 0.0011068269377574325, 0.0008227762882597744, 0.0010947425616905093, 0.0006871976074762642, 0.0018871849169954658, 0.0010045148665085435, 0.0011218334548175335, 0.001263632089830935, 0.0007234927616082132, 0.0008226932259276509, 0.0007159883971326053, 0.0011482450645416975, 0.0006601828499697149, 0.011207066476345062, 0.00084662128938362 ]
[ "James W. Hunnicutt\n\nJames W. Hunnicutt (October 16, 1814 – October 8, 1880) was a nineteenth-century American religious leader, newspaper editor and politician from Virginia.", "\n\nEarly life\nHunnicutt was born in Pendleton District, South Carolina in 1814. ", "Following a religious experience about age 18, he became a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, then attended Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia in 1834-1836 but did not graduate, marrying Martha Frances Smith of Lunenburg County, Virginia that year. ", "They had six children.", "\n\nCareer\nHunnicutt disapproved of infant baptism practiced by the Methodists and founded the pre-Civil War denomination of Union Baptists in 1841. ", "The following year he published \"A summary of the doctrines held and maintained by the Union Baptists: to which is annexed a recantation of infant baptism\", and began establishing congregations in Virginia and eastern North Carolina.", "\n\nIn 1847, Hunnicutt moved to Fredericksburg, Virginia, founding the weekly newspaper, the Christian Banner. ", "Following the death of his first wife in 1850, he remarried in 1854 to Elvira Magers Samuel. ", "A proslavery man who opposed the establishment of an African American Baptist Church in Fredericksburg in 1854, in 1857 he was one of the city's delegation to the Southern Commercial Convention in Knoxville, Tennessee.", "\n\nA Unionist, Hunnicutt sought a fusion between the two Democratic Party factions in Virginia and the Constitutional Union Party. ", "Its candidate John Bell won Virginia's Electoral College votes, and during the Virginia Secession Convention of 1861 in March 1861, Hunnicutt held a pro-Union meeting in Fredericksburg. ", "It was disrupted by local secessionists who pressured him to suspend the Christian Banner and vote publicly for secession at the May 23 referendum to retain his congregation.", "\n\nHunnicutt resumed publication of the Christian Banner during Union occupation of Fredericksburg, but when Federal troops withdrew from Fredericksburg in August 1862, he relocated to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he published a collection of his editorials titled \"The Conspiracy Unveiled\". ", "There he began a speaking career championing the Union and campaigning for Republican candidates.", "\n\nFollowing the American Civil War, Hunnicutt returned to Richmond at the end of 1865 to publish a Republican newspaper, the New Nation. ", "He stressed full legal rights for the freedmen and the right of black militia units to drill under arms. ", "During 1866 and 1867 made popular speeches among large Richmond crowds, and organized the city's African American voters with black businessman Albert Royal Brooks. ", "In the April 1867 Republican Party state convention held at the First African Baptist Church in Richmond, Hunnicutt was elected to the parties executive committee and aligned with the radical faction against moderates such as Republican Governor Francis H. Pierpont.", "\n\nIn 1867, Hunnicutt was elected to the Virginia Constitutional Convention of 1868. ", "He was one of five delegates elected from the central Piedmont constitutional convention district made up of his home district of Richmond City. ", "During the Convention, Hunnicutt was chair of the Committee on the Elective Franchise and Qualifications for Office. ", "His committee recommended voting by secret ballot and blacks serving on juries which were adopted by the Convention, but other Radicals pushed disenfranchisement of former Confederates further than he could vote for. ", "The disabling clauses were not adopted in the July 1869 referendum ratifying the proposed Constitution.", "\n\nNevertheless, Hunnicutt lost influence among the Radical faction of the Republican Party, a competitor, the Daily State Journal moved from Alexandria to Richmond and it took the government printing contract that had formerly gone to Hunnicutt's New Nation. ", "Hunnicutt aligned with the moderate \"True Republicans\", but lost to Charles H. Porter in his 1869 bid for Congress even though Hunnicutt was endorsed by the Conservative Richmond Daily Dispatch.", "\n\nHunnicutt retired from public life, living on Brook Station farm in Stafford County, Virginia nearby Fredericksburg. ", "His was unsuccessful in his petitions to Congress for relief from financial loss during the Civil War.", "\n\nDeath\nJames W. Hunnicutt died in Stafford County, Virginia on October 8, 1880. ", "He is buried in the Fredericksburg City Cemetery.", "\n\nReferences\n\nBibliography\n\n \n\nCategory:Virginia politicians\nCategory:1814 births\nCategory:1880 deaths" ]
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[ "#6203ab hex color\n\n#6203ab Color Information\n\nIn a RGB color space, hex #6203ab is composed of 38.4% red, 1.2% green and 67.1% blue.", "\nWhereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 42.7% cyan, 98.2% magenta, 0% yellow and 32.9% black.", "\nIt has a hue angle of 273.9 degrees, a saturation of 96.6% and a lightness of 34.1%.", "\n#6203ab color hex could be obtained by blending #c406ff with #000057.", "\nClosest websafe color is: #660099." ]
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[ 0.000906485365703702, 0.0008054521167650819, 0.0006444430910050869, 0.0006702163373120129, 0.0006603694637306035 ]
[ "Expression of functional human acid beta-glucosidase in COS-1 and Spodoptera frugiperda cells.", "\nA cDNA encoding human acid beta-glucosidase (N-acylsphingosyl-1-O-beta-D-glucoside: glucohydrolase, EC expressed catalytically active enzyme in transfected COS-1 or infected Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells. ", "The expression plasmid p91023(B) (p91023B/Glc) and a Baculovirus (AcMNPV/Glc) containing the cDNA were constructed and used with the respective cells. ", "By immunoblotting a glycosylated, 63-kilodalton human acid-beta-glucosidase was detected in the transfected or infected cells. ", "A 56-kilodalton human polypeptide was obtained after complete deglycosylation with N-Glycanase. ", "The expressed human enzymes also had partial endoglycosidase H sensitivity. ", "The human enzyme expressed at high levels in Sf9 cells and had normal immunologic properties. ", "With the partially purified enzyme from Sf9 cells, intact function of active site was indicated by normal kcat and Kmapp or Kiapp values for alternative substrates or potent inhibitors, respectively. ", "The expressed enzyme was also activated normally by the negatively charged lipid, taurocholate. ", "The results of these studies indicate that the Baculovirus expression system could provide a convenient source of normal human enzyme for structure/function investigations. ", "In addition, this expression system should prove useful for the identification and evaluation of putative etiologic point mutations in Gaucher disease variants with kinetically altered residual enzymes." ]
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[ "Guides / Star Charts\n\nShop at Amazon US\n\nContributions\n\nIf you like the website and want to contribute to the running costs then please do so below. ", "All contributions are most welcome.", "\n\nMessier 1 - M1 - Crab Nebula (Supernova Remnant)\n\nThe first item in the Messier catalogue is the famous Crab Nebula, a remnant of a supernova explosion observed and recorded by Chinese and Arab astronomers in 1054. ", "The supernova itself was brilliant and with a peak magnitude of –7 was easily visible in daylight. ", "Today, it still rates as one of the brightest natural stellar events ever recorded. ", "Roll on 950+ years and the initial explosive has long since faded but the aftermath - the nebula - remains visible. ", "At mag. ", "+8.4 and with an apparent size of 7x5 arc minutes, it's a relatively easy target under dark skies and can be spotted with a pair of binoculars.", "\n\nM1 is located in the zodiacal constellation of Taurus. ", "It's not difficult to find as it's positioned just a degree northwest of mag. ", "+3.0 star Zeta Tauri (ζ Tau). ", "The remnant was first observed by John Bevis in 1731. ", "Charles Messier observed it in September 1758 and the appearance of this dying remnant inspired him to begin compiling a list of nebulae that possibly could be mistaken for comets. ", "The list eventually became his famous catalogue. ", "The following century, William Parsons, the Third Earl of Rosse made a drawing of M1 (around 1844) and christened it the Crab Nebula due to its wispy filamentary structure.", "\n\nM1 is best seen from the Northern Hemisphere during the months of November, December and January.", "\n\nWhen viewed through 10x50 binoculars, M1 appears as a reasonably sized oblong patch of light that's more pronounced using averted vision. ", "Larger 20x80mm binoculars or small 80mm (3.1-inch) telescopes show some variations in brightness around the edges, especially on nights of good seeing. ", "A 150mm (6-inch) or 200mm (8-inch) telescope displays the Crab Nebula as a large oval diffuse patch of light with fine streaks visible. ", "A 300mm (12-inch) or larger scope shows more intricate details including twists, filaments and surface variations over the complete face. ", "It's a tantalizing view, that hints at Lord Rosse's famous drawings.", "\n\nM1 is located about 6,500 light-years from Earth and is the only supernova remnant in Messier's catalogue. ", "It has a radius of 5.5 light-years. ", "At the centre of the nebula is a pulsar, which is the remains of the original star. ", "It's believed to be about 30 km in diameter and emits pulses of radiation every 33 milliseconds." ]
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