10 values
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
As for the origin and definition of the name "Rus", there is no consensus among researchers. Several versions exist:
{"url": "", "tags": ["g", "z"], "langs": 292, "title": "Ukraine", "views": 461.4303, "wiki_id": 3464, "category": 14, "paragraph_id": 22}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Below the crust is hot and almost-liquid rock which is always moving around (the Earth's mantle). Then, there is a thin liquid layer of heated rock (the outer core). This is very hot: . The middle of the inside of the Earth would be liquid as well but all the pressure of the rock above it makes it a solid. This solid middle part (the inner core) is almost all iron. It is what makes the Earth magnetic.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 18}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Earth's crust is solid but made of parts which move very slowly. The thin skin of hard rock on the outside of the Earth rests on hot liquid material below it in the deeper mantle. This liquid material moves because it gets heat from the hot center of the Earth. The slow movement of the plates is what causes earthquakes, volcanoes and large groups of mountains on the Earth.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 19}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There are three ways plates can come together. Two plates can move towards each other ("convergent" plate edges). This can form islands, volcanoes, and high mountain ranges (such as the Andes and Himalayas). Two plates can move away from each other ("divergent" plate edges). This gives the warm liquid rock inside the earth a place to come out. This makes special mountain ranges below the sea or large low lands like Africa's Great Rift Valley. Plates are able to move beside each other as well ("transform" plate edges, such as the San Andreas Fault). This makes their edges crush against each other and makes many shocks as they move.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 20}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
He won the Nobel Peace Prize for his leadership for his anti-apartheid activism in 1993. After receiving the prize he said:
{"url": "", "tags": ["b"], "langs": 214, "title": "Nelson Mandela", "views": 999.4042, "wiki_id": 8575, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 14}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The outside of the Earth is not even. There are high places called mountains, and high flat places called plateaus. There are low places called valleys and canyons. For the most part, moving air and water from the sky and seas damages rocks in high places and breaks them into small pieces. The air and water then move these pieces to lower places. Because of this, the Earth would have been very flat a long time before now. The fundamental cause of the differences in the Earth's surface is plate tectonics. The shape of the entire planet itself is not even a ball. Because of its velocity, Earth has a slight bulge at the Equator.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 21}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
All places on Earth are made of, or are on top of, rocks. The outside of the Earth is usually not uncovered rock. Over 70% of the Earth is covered by seas full of salty water. This salty water makes up about 97% of all Earth's water. The fresh water people can drink is mostly ice. Only a very small amount is in rivers and under the Earth for people to drink and use. The air above the Earth stops the water from going away into outer space. Also, much of the land on Earth is covered with plants, or with what is left from earlier living things. Places with very little rain are dry wastes called deserts. Deserts usually have few living things, but life is able to grow very quickly when these wastes have rainfall. Places with large amounts of rain may be large woods. Lately, people have changed the environment of the Earth a great deal.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 22}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
All around the Earth is the of air (the atmosphere). The mass of the Earth holds the gasses in the air down and does not let them go into outer space. The air is mostly made of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%) and there are a few other gasses as well. Most living things need the air (or parts of the air gripped in the water) to breathe and live. They use the gasses—especially oxygen and carbon dioxide—to make and use sugar and to give themselves power.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 23}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The air animals and plants use to live is only the first level of the air around the Earth (the troposphere). The day to day changes in this level of air are called weather; the larger differences between distant places and from year to year are called the climate. Rain and storms come about because this part of the air gets colder as it goes up. Cold air becomes thicker and falls, and warm air becomes thinner and goes up. The turning Earth moves the air as well and air moves north and south because the middle of the Earth generally gets more power from the Sun and is warmer than the north and south points. Air over warm water evaporates but, because cold air is not able to take in as much water, it starts to make clouds and rain as it gets colder. The way water moves around in a circle like this is called the water cycle.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 24}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Above this first level, there are four other levels. The air gets colder as it goes up in the first level; in the second level (the stratosphere), the air gets warmer as it goes up. This level has a special kind of oxygen called ozone. The ozone in this air keeps living things safe from damaging rays from the Sun. The power from these rays is what makes this level warmer and warmer. The middle level (the mesosphere) gets colder and colder with height; the fourth level (the thermosphere) gets warmer and warmer; and the last level (the exosphere) is almost outer space and has very little air at all. It reaches about half the way to the Moon. The three outer levels have a lot of electric power moving through them; this is called the ionosphere and is important for radio and other electric waves in the air. It is also where the Northern Lights are.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 25}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Tonic immobility has also been used for the paralysis that often immobilizes animals, such as rodents or birds, when they feel threatened by a predator. Tonic immobility plays a role in survival if it helps a hunted animal to blend in with its surroundings.
{"url": "", "tags": ["y", "f"], "langs": 23, "title": "Tonic immobility", "views": 526.54114, "wiki_id": 413506, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Even though air seems very light, the weight of all of the air above the outside of the Earth (air pressure) is important. Generally, from sea level to the top of the outer level of the air, a space of air one cm across has a mass of about 1.03 kg and a space of air one sq in across has a weight of about 14.7 lb. Because of the air, small meteorites generally burn up long before they get to the earth.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 26}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Jules Verne wrote about many things which did not exist when he was alive. Some of these things later became real. Verne was far from being a scientist, but his passion for technology and the progress being made at the time served to introduce many of the inventions that were to come and that, over time, have ended up becoming ordinary elements of our every-day life.
{"url": "", "tags": ["F", "Q"], "langs": 119, "title": "Jules Verne", "views": 98.67715, "wiki_id": 58833, "category": 8, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
France ( or ; ), officially the French Republic (, ), is a country in Western Europe. It also includes various departments and territories of France overseas.
{"url": "", "tags": ["b", "Q", "M"], "langs": 295, "title": "France", "views": 799.4875, "wiki_id": 291, "category": 16, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The air also keeps the Earth warm, specially the half turned away from the Sun. Some gasses – especially methane and carbon dioxide – work like a blanket to keep things warm. In the past, the Earth has been much warmer and much colder than it is now. Since people have grown used to the heat we have now, though, we do not want the Earth to be too much warmer or colder. Most of the ways people create electric power use burning kinds of carbon—especially coal, oil, and natural gas. Burning these creates new carbon dioxide and can cause more warming. A large discussion is going on now about what people should do about the Earth's latest warming, which has gone on for about 150 years. So far, this warming has been acceptable: plants have grown better. The weather has been better than when it was colder. Bad things may happen if the warming goes on.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 27}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
About eight billion people live on Earth. They live in about 200 different lands called countries. Some, for example, Russia, are large with many large cities. Others, for example, Vatican City, are small. The seven countries with the most people are China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil and Nigeria. About 90% of people live in the northern hemisphere of the world, which has most of the land. Human beings originally came from Africa. Now, 70% of all people do not live in Africa but in Europe and Asia.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 28}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
People change the Earth in many ways. They have been able to grow plants for food and clothes for about ten thousand years. When there was enough food, they were able to build towns and cities. Near these places, men and women were able to change rivers, bring water to farms, and stop floods (rising water) from coming over their land. People found useful animals and bred them so they were easier to keep.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 29}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born on (14 April 1891 – 6 December 1956), popularly known as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer. He inspired the Dalit Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), and also supported the rights of women and labour. He was independent India's first law minister, the principal architect of the Constitution of India.
{"url": "", "tags": ["L", "X", "B"], "langs": 122, "title": "B. R. Ambedkar", "views": 818.2829, "wiki_id": 627002, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1956, in Deekshabhoomi, he initiated a mass conversion of Dalits, converting to Buddhism with 600,000 supporters. He revived Buddhism in India. Ambedkar is regarded as a bodhisattva, and the Maitreya, among the Navayana Buddhists.
{"url": "", "tags": ["L", "X", "B"], "langs": 122, "title": "B. R. Ambedkar", "views": 818.2829, "wiki_id": 627002, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1990, the Bharat Ratna, India's highest civilian award, was posthumously conferred upon Ambedkar. Ambedkar's legacy includes numerous memorials and depictions in popular culture. Ambedkar's legacy as a socio-political reformer had a deep effect on modern India.
{"url": "", "tags": ["L", "X", "B"], "langs": 122, "title": "B. R. Ambedkar", "views": 818.2829, "wiki_id": 627002, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Ambedkar was voted "the Greatest Indian" in 2012 by a poll organised by History TV18 and CNN IBN, ahead of Vallabhbhai Patel and Jawaharlal Nehru.
{"url": "", "tags": ["L", "X", "B"], "langs": 122, "title": "B. R. Ambedkar", "views": 818.2829, "wiki_id": 627002, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Ambedkar Jayanti (Ambedkar's birthday) is an annual festival celebrated on 14 April, which is celebrated not only in India but all over the world. Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated as an official public holiday throughout India. The United Nations celebrated Ambedkar Jayanti in 2016, 2017 and 2018.
{"url": "", "tags": ["L", "X", "B"], "langs": 122, "title": "B. R. Ambedkar", "views": 818.2829, "wiki_id": 627002, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Tonic immobility can be induced without causing any apparent stress to the animal. For example, stroking a particular area of a lobster's shell or focusing a hen's attention on a line on the ground.
{"url": "", "tags": ["y", "f"], "langs": 23, "title": "Tonic immobility", "views": 526.54114, "wiki_id": 413506, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or simply the United Kingdom (UK) is a sovereign country in Western Europe. It is a constitutional monarchy that is made up of four separate countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth, NATO, the G8, and formerly the EU. It had the sixth largest economy in the world by nominal GDP in 2019.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Around 66 million people live in the UK (2018). They can be divided into four big nationalities based on the countries where they live (or where they were born or their ancestry).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
About 95 percent of the UK's population are English speakers. 5.5 per cent of the population speak languages brought to the UK as a result of relatively recent immigration.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The UK has many cities. London is the biggest city in the UK and is the nation's capital city. There are also other big cities in England including Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol and Newcastle upon Tyne. Scotland has the big cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Cardiff and Swansea are in Wales and Derry and Belfast is in Northern Ireland.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Between the 17th and mid 20th-centuries, Britain was a world power. It became a colonial empire that controlled large areas of Africa, Asia, North America and Oceania. At its height in 1922, more than 458 million people lived in the British Empire, one-fifth of the Earth's population. Its area was 13,012,000 square miles: almost a quarter of the Earth's land area. The empire was sometimes called 'the empire on which the sun never sets', meaning it is always daytime someplace in the empire. Almost all countries left and became independent from the empire in the 20th century, although Britain keeps links with most countries of its former empire.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The "UK" is a common abbreviation of "United Kingdom", which derives from when England's multiple Kingdoms had been United.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Species of humans have lived in Britain for almost a million years. They did not live there all the time, probably because the climate was too extreme at times for people to live there.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Archaeological remains show that the first group of modern people to live in the British Isles were hunter-gatherers after the last ice age ended. The date is not known: perhaps as early as 8000 but certainly by 5000. They built mesolithic wood and stone monuments. Stonehenge was built between 3000 and 1600. Celtic tribes arrived from mainland Europe. Britain was a changing collection of tribal areas, with no overall leader. Julius Caesar tried to invade (take over) the island in 55 but was not able to do so. The Romans successfully invaded in 43.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Written history began in Britain when writing was brought to Britain by the Romans. Rome ruled in Britain from 44 to 410. They ruled the southern two-thirds of Great Britain. The Romans never took over Ireland and never fully controlled Scotland , the land north of the valleys of the River Forth and River Clyde. Their northern border varied from time to time and was marked sometimes at Hadrian's Wall (in modern England), sometimes at the Antonine Wall (in modern Scotland).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
After the Romans, waves of immigrants came to Britain. Some were German tribes: the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Others were Celts, like the Scoti, who came to Great Britain from Ireland. English and Scots are Germanic languages. They developed from Old English. This was spoken by the Anglo-Saxons in an area from the River Forth to the River Tamar.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
A later wave of immigration was that of the Vikings, during the Early Middle Ages' Viking Age. During the Viking invasion of Britain, they set up their own kingdom in north-western England, which the Anglo-Saxons named the "Danelaw", after the Danes who lived there and controlled the land. Vikings from Scandinavia also controlled most of the islands which are now part of Scotland, including the Outer Hebrides, the Inner Hebrides, and the Northern Isles (the Shetland Islands and the Orkney Islands).After a long period when Anglo-Saxon England was split into various kingdoms, it was made into one kingdom by Æthelstan (Athelstan) in 945. In the 13th century, the lands of Wales were unified by force with England by the wars of Edward I of England ("Edward Longshanks").
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There were hundreds of years of fighting between both kingdoms of Great Britain. In 1603, when Queen Elizabeth I of England died, her closest relative was King James VI of Scotland. He became king of England and Ireland as well as the king of Scotland. The kingdoms of England, Ireland, and Scotland had the same monarch ever since. James VI and I was the first to be named "King of Great Britain", and he ordered the design of the Union Jack. The Union Jack has been the British national flag ever since.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1707, the Parliaments of England and Scotland agreed on the Treaty of Union, which joined the two countries into one country called the "United Kingdom of Great Britain" under Queen Anne with the Acts of Union 1707. This union merged Scotland and England into one kingdom. England and Scotland kept their own laws, with English law in England and Wales and Scots law in Scotland. The division between the Church of Scotland and the Church of England continued. Ireland and Great Britain continued to have the same king, but Ireland did not become part of the new kingdom in 1707.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 12}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Scotland and England had already independently had much influence over Ireland since 1200. In 1800 laws were passed in the parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland to merge the two kingdoms and their two parliaments. The country was then called the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland". The Union Jack was changed so that the flag of Saint Patrick (a red saltire) shows Ireland to be a part of the country.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 13}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1922 much of Ireland became independent from the United Kingdom as the Irish Free State (now called Ireland). However, six northern counties (called Northern Ireland) are part of the United Kingdom. The country was renamed the "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" in 1927.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 14}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The new Parliament of Northern Ireland set up in the 1920s stopped working in the 1970s, because of The Troubles. However, devolution started again with the Northern Ireland Assembly after the Belfast Agreement (the "Good Friday Agreement") in 1998. Devolution in Scotland and Wales started the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh Parliament the same year.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 15}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United Kingdom was a member state of the European Union (EU) and an older organization, the European Economic Community (EEC), from 1973 until Brexit in 2020.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 16}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The UK is northwest off the coast of mainland Europe. Around the UK are the North Sea, the English Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. The UK also rules, usually indirectly, a number of smaller places (mostly islands) around the world, which are known as British Overseas Territories. They were once part of the British Empire. Examples are Gibraltar (on the Iberian Peninsula next to the Strait of Gibraltar) and the Falkland Islands (in the south Atlantic Ocean).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 17}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the British Isles, the UK is made up of four different countries: Wales, England and Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capital city of Wales is Cardiff. The capital city of England is London. The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh and the capital city of Northern Ireland is Belfast. Other large cities in the UK are Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle upon Tyne, Leeds, Sheffield, Glasgow, Southampton, Leicester, Coventry, Bradford and Nottingham.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 18}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The physical geography of the UK varies greatly. England consists of mostly lowland terrain, with upland or mountainous terrain only found north-west of the River Tees-River Exe line. The upland areas include the Lake District, the Pennines, the North York Moors, Exmoor, and Dartmoor. The lowland areas are typically traversed by ranges of low hills, frequently composed of chalk, and flat plains. Scotland is the most mountainous country in the UK and its physical geography is distinguished by the Highland Boundary Fault which goes across the Scottish mainland from Helensburgh to Stonehaven. The Royal Observatory, Greenwich is the defining point of the Prime Meridian.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 19}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The weather of the United Kingdom is changeable and unpredictable. Summers are moderately warm, winters are cool to cold. Rain falls throughout the year, and more on the west than the east because of its northerly latitude and the warm water from the Atlantic Ocean's Gulf Stream. The usually moderate prevailing winds from the Atlantic may be interrupted by Arctic air from the northeast or hot air from the Sahara.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 20}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United Kingdom is reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It has met some Kyoto Protocol targets. It has signed the Paris Agreement. The British government want the UK to be carbon neutral by the year 2050.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 21}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy based on a constitutional monarchy. The people of the United Kingdom vote for a members of Parliament to speak for them and to make laws for them. King Charles III is the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and is the head of state. The government, led by the Prime Minister, governs the country and appoints cabinet ministers. Today, the Prime Minister is Rishi Sunak, who is the leader of the centre-right Conservative Party.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 22}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The New York Times estimated that over 570 people died in the Erzincan earthquake of 13 March 1992. The earthquake was a 6.8 on the Richter Scale.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 34}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", Captain Nemo and his electric submarine were a modern marvel. Electricity was very new at the time, and had never been used to power an underwater ship.
{"url": "", "tags": ["F", "Q"], "langs": 119, "title": "Jules Verne", "views": 98.67715, "wiki_id": 58833, "category": 8, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Scotland has its own devolved Parliament with the power to make laws on things like education, health and Scottish law. Northern Ireland and Wales have their own devolved legislatures which have some powers but less than the Scottish parliament. The Parliament of the United Kingdom is sovereign and it could end the devolved administrations at any time. The UK is a unitary state and not a federation of states.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 24}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Parliament of the United Kingdom is the legislature, the political assembly that makes laws and decides tax. The British people are represented by members of parliament (MPs) in the House of Commons of the United Kingdom. MPs are chosen in elections. The MPs in the House of Commons decide who will be the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The prime minister decides who will be in the British Government (Her Majesty's Government). The government is not controlled by the king or queen, but by Parliament. In Britain, Parliament is made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 25}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Unlike the House of Commons, the people in the House of Lords are not elected. The people who sit in the House of Lords are called peers. Most peers are appointed by the government. There are some who are hereditary peers (who inherit their peerages from ancestors or other family members). Certain bishops in the established Church of England also attend the House of Lords. (The Church of England is the national church in England. The Church of Scotland does not have bishops, and neither Wales nor Northern Ireland has an established national church.) Together, the two houses make a bicameral legislature, in which the House of Commons has more power. In the past, the House of Lords had more power. Before the 20th century, the prime minister was often a member of the House of Lords. As the House of Lords lost its powers, as political reforms tried to improve democracy, the House of Commons became more powerful and the prime minister started always to be a member of the House of Commons.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 26}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
After the English Civil War during the Wars of the Three Kingdoms, Oliver Cromwell became Lord Protector, and the monarchy ended for a time. The British Isles were a republic, which Cromwell named the "Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland". Although the monarchy was restored after his death, the Crown slowly became the secondary power, and Parliament the first. Until the early twentieth century, only men who owned property could vote to choose MPs. In the nineteenth century, more people were given suffrage. In 1928, all men and women got the vote: this is called universal suffrage.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 27}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Almost all members of Parliament belong to political parties. The biggest parties are the Conservative Party, Labour Party, the Scottish National Party and the Liberal Democrats. Members of the same party agree to work together. A party with more than half the seats (a majority) forms the government. The leader of the party becomes the prime minister, who then chooses the other ministers. Because the government has a majority in Parliament, it can normally control what laws are passed.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 28}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The British parliament is in Westminster, in London, but it has power over the whole of the United Kingdom. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland each have their own parliaments as well, and these have more limited powers. (England does not have a separate parliament.) Scotland has the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood in Edinburgh. Wales has the Welsh Parliament in Cardiff. Northern Ireland has the Northern Ireland Assembly at Stormont in Belfast. There are also parliaments in the Isle of Man and in Jersey and Guernsey (the Channel Islands), which are all island states for which the UK has some responsibility in international law. Man, Jersey, and Guernsey are "crown dependencies". Some British Overseas Territories have their own legislatures.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 29}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United Kingdom has one of the most advanced militaries in the world, alongside such countries such as the USA and France, and operates a large navy (Royal Navy), a sizable army, (British Army) and an air force (Royal Air Force).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 30}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
From the 18th century to the early 20th century, the United Kingdom was one of the most powerful nations in the world, with a large and powerful navy (due to the fact it was surrounded by sea, so a large navy was the most practical option). This status has faded in recent times, but it remains a member of various military groups such as the UN Security Council and NATO. It is also still seen as a great military power.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 31}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United Kingdom is a developed country with the sixth-largest economy in the world. It was a superpower during the 18th, 19th and early 20th century and was considered since the early 1800s to be the most powerful and influential nation in the world, in politics, economics (For it was the wealthiest country at the time.) and in military strength.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 32}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1914, the First World War started in Europe. Australia joined in on the side of Britain against Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Australian soldiers were sent to Gallipoli, in the Ottoman Empire. They fought bravely, but were beaten by the Turks. Today Australia remembers this battle every year on ANZAC Day. They also fought on the Western Front. More than 60,000 Australians and New Zealanders were killed.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 33}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Britain continued to be the biggest manufacturing economy in the world until 1908 and the largest economy until the 1920s. The economic cost of two world wars and the decline of the British Empire in the 1950s and 1960s reduced its leading role in global affairs. The United Kingdom has strong economic, cultural, military and political influence and is a nuclear power. The United Kingdom holds a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, and is a member of the G8, NATO, World Trade Organization and the Commonwealth of Nations. The City of London, in the capital, is famous for being the largest centre of finance in the world.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 33}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
William Shakespeare was an English playwright. He wrote plays in the late 16th century. Some of his plays were "Romeo and Juliet" and "Macbeth". In the 19th century, Jane Austen and Charles Dickens were novelists. Twentieth-century writers include the science-fiction novelist H. G. Wells and J. R. R. Tolkien. The children's fantasy "Harry Potter" series was written by J. K. Rowling. Aldous Huxley was also from the United Kingdom.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 34}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
English language literature is written by authors from many countries. Eight people from the United Kingdom have won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Seamus Heaney is a writer who was born in Northern Ireland.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 35}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Arthur Conan Doyle from Scotland wrote the Sherlock Holmes detective novels. He was from Edinburgh. The poet Dylan Thomas brought Welsh culture to international attention.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 36}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The nature of education is a devolved matter in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. They, and England, have separate, but similar, systems of education. They all have laws that a broad education is required from ages five to eighteen, except for in Scotland where school departure is allowed from the age of sixteen. Pupils attend state funded schools (academy schools, faith schools, grammar schools, city technology colleges, studio schools) and other children attend independent schools (known as public schools).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 37}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There have been universities in Britain since the Middle Ages. The "ancient universities" started at this time and in the Renaissance. They are: the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow, the University of Aberdeen, and the University of Edinburgh. These are the oldest universities in the English-speaking world.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 38}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, and London universities (University College London, the London School of Economics, King's College London and Imperial College London) collectively form the Golden Triangle of universities in the south-east of England. A broader group of twenty universities from the Russell Group of research universities.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 39}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The BBC is an organisation in the United Kingdom. It broadcasts in the United Kingdom and other countries on television, radio and the Internet. The BBC also sells its programs to other broadcasting companies around the world. The organisation is run by a group of twelve governors who have been given the job by the Queen, on the advice of government ministers.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 40}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Road traffic in the United Kingdom drives on the left-hand side of the road (unlike the Americas and most of Europe), and the driver steers from the right-hand side of the vehicle. The road network on the island of Great Britain is extensive, with most local and rural roads having evolved from Roman and Medieval times. Major routes developed in the mid 20th Century were made to the needs of the motor car. The multi-lane high speed motorway (freeway) network was mostly built in the 1960s and 1970s. It links major towns and cities.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 41}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The system of rail transport was invented in England and Wales, so the United Kingdom has the oldest railway network in the world. It was built mostly during the Victorian era. At the heart of the network are five long-distance main lines which radiate from London to the major cities and secondary population centres with dense commuter networks in the regions. The newest part of the network connects London to the Channel Tunnel from St Pancras station.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 42}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The British Rail network is partly privatized, with privately-owned train operating companies providing service along particular lines or regions. The tracks, signals, and stations are owned by a Government controlled company called Network Rail. In Northern Ireland, the NI Railways is the national railway. The system of underground railways in London, known as the Tube, has been copied by many other cities.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 43}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The platypus and the short-beaked echidna are unique, and are two of the only five surviving monotremes. Monotremes are only found in Australia and New Guinea.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 56}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Most domestic air travel in the United Kingdom is between London and the major cities in Scotland and the North of England and Belfast. London-Heathrow is the nation’s largest airport and is one of the most important international hubs in the world. Other major airports with principal international service include London-Gatwick, Birmingham, Manchester and Glasgow. An extensive system of ferry networks operates. The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands also have domestic passenger and freight routs.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 44}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Major languages spoken in the United Kingdom other than English include Polish (500,000 approximate number of speakers in the United Kingdom), Eastern Panjabi or Punjabi (471,000), Bengali (400,000), Urdu (400,000), Cantonese (300,000), Greek (200,000), Southwestern Caribbean Creole English (170,000).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 45}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people arrived in Australia about 60,000 years ago or maybe even earlier. Until the arrival of British settlers in 1788, the Aboriginal people lived by hunting and gathering food from the land. They lived in all sorts of climates and managed the land in different ways. An example of Aboriginal land management was the Cumberland Plain where Sydney is now. Every few years the Aboriginal people would burn the grass and small trees. This meant that a lot of grass grew back, but not many big trees. Kangaroos like to live on grassy plains, but not in forests. The kangaroos that lived on the plain were a good food supply for the Aboriginal people. Sometimes, Aboriginals would name a person after an animal, and they could not eat that animal to help level out the food population.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 12}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Aboriginal people did not usually build houses, except huts of grass, leaves and bark. They did not usually build walls or fences, and there were no horses, cows or sheep in Australia that needed to be kept in pens. The only Aboriginal buildings that are known are fish-traps made from stones piled up in the river, and the remains of a few stone huts in Victoria and Tasmania. The Aboriginal people did not use metal or make pottery or use bows and arrows or weave cloth. In some parts of Australia the people used sharp flaked-stone spearheads, but most Aboriginal spears were made of sharply pointed wood. Australia has a lot of trees that have very hard wood that was good for spear making. The boomerang was used in some areas for sport and for hunting.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 13}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the 1600s, Dutch merchants traded with the islands of Batavia (now Indonesia), to the north of Australia and several different Dutch ships touched on the coast of Australia. The Dutch governor, van Diemen, sent Abel Tasman on a voyage of discovery and he found Tasmania, which he named Van Diemen's Land. Its name was later changed to honour the man who discovered it.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 15}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The British Government was sure that there must be a very large land in the south, that had not been explored. They sent Captain James Cook to the Pacific Ocean. His ship, "HMS Endeavour", carried the famous scientists, Sir Joseph Banks and Dr Solander who were going to Tahiti where they would watch the planet Venus pass in front of the Sun. Captain Cook's secret mission was to find "Terra Australis" (the Land of the South).
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 16}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The voyage of discovery was very successful, because they found New Zealand and sailed right around it. Then they sailed westward. At last, a boy, William Hicks, who was up the mast spotted land on the horizon. Captain Cook named that bit of land Point Hicks. They sailed up the coast and Captain Cook named the land that he saw "New South Wales". At last they sailed into a large open bay which was full of fish and stingrays which the sailors speared for food. Joseph Banks and Dr. Solander went ashore and were astonished to find that they did not know what any of the plants or birds or animals that they saw were. They collected hundreds of plants to take back to England.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 17}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Captain Cook saw the Aboriginal people with their simple way of life. He saw them fishing and hunting and collecting grass seeds and fruit. But there were no houses and no fences. In most parts of the world, people put up a house and a fence or some marker to show that they own the land. But the Aboriginal people did not own the land in that way. They belonged to the land, like a baby belongs to its mother. Captain Cook went home to England and told the government that no-one owned the land. This would later cause a terrible problem for the Aboriginal people.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 18}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the 1700s, in England, laws were tough, many people were poor and gaols (jails) were full. A person could be sentenced to death for stealing a loaf of bread. Many people were hanged for small crimes. But usually they were just thrown in gaol. Often they were sent away to the British colonies in America. But by the 1770s, the colonies in America became the United States. They were free from British rule and would not take England's convicts any more, so England needed to find a new and less populated place.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 19}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
By the 1780s the gaols of England were so full that convicts were often chained up in rotting old ships. The government decided to make a settlement in New South Wales and send some of the convicts there. In 1788 the First Fleet of eleven ships set sail from Portsmouth carrying convicts, sailors, marines, a few free settlers and enough food to last for two years. Their leader was Captain Arthur Phillip. They were to make a new colony at the place that Captain Cook had discovered, named Botany Bay because of all the unknown plants found there by the two scientists.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 20}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Captain Phillip found that Botany Bay was flat and windy. There was not much fresh water. He went with two ships up the coast and sailed into a great harbour called Port Jackson, which he said was "the finest harbour in the world". There were many small bays on the harbour so he decided on one which had a good stream of fresh water and some flat shore to land on. On 26 January 1788, the flag was raised and New South Wales was claimed in the name of King George III of England, and the new settlement was called Sydney.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 21}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
For the first few years of the settlement, things were very difficult. No-one in the British Government had thought very hard about what sort of convicts should be sent to make a new colony. Nobody had chosen them carefully. There was only one man who was a farmer. There was no-one among the convicts who was a builder, a brick-maker or a blacksmith. No-one knew how to fix the tools when they broke. All of the cattle escaped. There were no cooking pots. All the plants were different so no-one knew which ones could be eaten. It was probable that everyone in the new colony would die of starvation.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 22}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The little group of tents had a hut for the Governor, Arthur Phillip, and another hut for the supply of food. Soon it grew into a small town with streets, a bridge over the stream, a windmill for grinding grain and wharves for ships. By the 1820s there was a fine brick house for the Governor. There was also a hospital and a convict barracks and a beautiful church which are still standing today. Settlements had spread out from Sydney, firstly to Norfolk Island and to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania), and also up the coast to Newcastle, where coal was discovered, and inland where the missing cattle were found to have grown to a large herd. Spanish Merino sheep had been brought to Sydney, and by 1820, farmers were raising fat lambs for meat and also sending fine wool back to the factories of England.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 23}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
While the settlement was growing in New South Wales, it was also growing in Tasmania. The climate in Tasmania was more like that in England, and farmers found it easy to grow crops there.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 24}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Because Australia is such a very large land, it was easy to think that it might be able to hold a large number of people. In the early days of the colony, a great number of explorers went out, searching for good land to settle on.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 25}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
When the settlers looked west from Sydney, they saw a range of mountains which they called the Blue Mountains. They were not very high and did not look very rugged but for many years no-one could find their way through them. In 1813 Gregory Blaxland, William Lawson and a 17-year-old called William Charles Wentworth crossed the Blue Mountains and found land on the other side which was good for farming. A road was built and the governor, Lachlan Macquarie founded the town of Bathurst on the other side, 160 km (100 miles) from Sydney. Bathurst became Australia's first inland settlement.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 26}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Some people, like Captain Charles Sturt were sure that there must be a sea in the middle of Australia and set out to find it. Many of the explorers did not prepare very well, or else they went out to explore at the hottest time of year. Some died like Burke and Wills. Ludwig Leichhardt got lost twice. The second time, he was never seen again. Major Thomas Mitchell was one of the most successful explorers. He mapped the country as he went, and his maps remained in use for more than 100 years. He travelled all the way to what is now western Victoria, and to his surprise and annoyance found that he was not the first white person there. The Henty brothers had come from Tasmania, had built themselves a house, had a successful farm and fed the Major and his men on roast lamb and wine.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 27}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The gold rushes of New South Wales and Victoria started in 1851 leading to large numbers of people arriving to search for gold. The population grew across south east Australia and made great wealth and industry. By 1853 the gold rushes had made some poor people very rich.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 28}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The transportation of convicts to Australia ended in the 1840s and 1850s and more changes came. The people in Australia wanted to run their own country, and not be told what to do from London. The first governments in the colonies were run by governors chosen by London. Soon the settlers wanted local government and more democracy. William Wentworth started the Australian Patriotic Association (Australia's first political party) in 1835 to demand democratic government. In 1840, the city councils started and some people could vote. New South Wales Legislative Council had its first elections in 1843, again with some limits on who could vote. In 1855, limited self-government was given by London to New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. In 1855, the right to vote was given to all men over 21 in South Australia. The other colonies soon followed. Women were given the vote in the Parliament of South Australia in 1895 and they became the first women in the world allowed to stand in elections.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 29}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Until 1901, Australia was not a nation, it was six separate colonies governed by Britain. They voted to join to form one new country, called the Commonwealth of Australia, in 1901. Australia was still part of the British Empire, and at first wanted only British or Europeans to come to Australia. But soon it had its own money, its own Army and its own Navy.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 31}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In Australia at this time, the trade unions were very strong, and they started a political party, the Australian Labor Party. Australia passed many laws to help the workers.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 32}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Australia had a really hard time in the Great Depression of the 1930s and joined Britain in a war against Nazi Germany when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939. But in 1941 lots of Australian soldiers were captured in the Fall of Singapore by Japan. Then Japan started attacking Australia and people worried about invasion. But with help from the United States Navy, the Japanese were stopped. After the war, Australia became a close friend of the United States and Japan.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 34}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
When the war ended, Australia felt that it needed many more people to fill the country up and to work. So the government said it would take in people from Europe who had lost their homes in the war. It did things like building the Snowy Mountains Scheme. Over the next 25 years, millions of people came to Australia. They came especially from Italy and Greece, other countries in Europe. Later they also came from countries like Turkey and Lebanon. An important new party, the Liberal Party of Australia was made by Robert Menzies in 1944 and it won lots of elections from 1949 until in 1972, then Gough Whitlam won for the Labor Party. Whitlam made changes, but he made the Senate unhappy and the Governor-General sacked him and forced an election in 1975. Then Malcolm Fraser won a few elections for the Liberal Party.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 35}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the 1960s many people began coming to Australia from China, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries in Asia. Australia became more multicultural. In the 1950s and 1960s Australia became one of the richest countries in the world, helped by mining and wool. Australia started trading more with America, than Japan. Australia supported the United States in wars against dictatorships in Korea and Vietnam and later Iraq. Australian soldiers also helped the United Nations in countries like East Timor in 1999.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 36}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1973, the famous Sydney Opera House opened. In the 1970s, 80s and 90s lots of Australian movies, actors and singers became famous around the world. In the year 2000, Sydney had the Summer Olympics.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 37}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the 1980s and 90s, the Labor Party under Bob Hawke and Paul Keating, then the Liberal Party under John Howard made lots of changes to the economy. Australia had a bad recession in 1991, but when other Western countries had trouble with their economies in 2008, Australia stayed strong.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 38}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Today Australia is a rich, peaceful and democratic country. But it still has problems. Around 4-5% of Australians could not get a job in 2010. A lot of land in Australia (like Uluru) has been returned to Aboriginal people, but lots of Aboriginals are still poorer than everybody else. Every year the government chooses a big number of new people from all around the world to come as immigrants to live in Australia. These people may come because they want to do business, or to live in a democracy, to join their family, or because they are refugees. Australia took 6.5 million immigrants in the 60 years after World War Two, including around 660,000 refugees.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 39}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Julia Gillard became the first woman Prime Minister of Australia in 2010 when she replaced her Labor Party colleague Kevin Rudd (who later replaced her).
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 40}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Aboriginal people did not think that the land belonged to them. They believed that they had grown from the land, so it was like their mother, and they belonged to the land.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 14}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Australia is part of the Commonwealth of Nations. Australia is made up of six states, and two mainland territories. Each state and territory has its own Parliament and makes its own local laws. The Parliament of Australia sits in Canberra and makes laws for the whole country, also known as the Commonwealth or Federation.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 41}