10 values
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Jazz influenced other types of music like the Western art music from the 1920s and 1930s. Art music composers such as George Gershwin wrote music that was influenced by jazz. Jazz music influenced pop music songs. In the 1930s and 1940s, many pop music songs began using chords or melodies from jazz songs. One of the best known jazz musicians was Louis Armstrong (1900–1971).
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 34}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
"Pop" music is a type of "popular" music that many people like to listen to. The term "pop music" can be used for all kinds of music that was written to be popular. The word "pop music" was used from about 1880 onwards, when a type of music called music was popular.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 35}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
If a player does something illegal in the game, it is called a "foul." If a player fouls someone on the other team who is shooting the basketball, the player who was fouled gets to shoot "free throws" from the "foul line." A free throw is a shot that no one is allowed to try to block. A free throw is shot from the straight line in front of the hoop. Each successful free throw is worth one point.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 12}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Modern pop music grew out of 1950's rock and roll, (for example Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley and Little Richard) and rockabilly (for example Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly). In the 1960s, The Beatles became a famous pop music group. In the 1970s, other styles of music were mixed with pop music, such as funk and soul music. Pop music generally has a heavy (strong) beat, so that it is good for dancing. Pop singers normally sing with microphones that are plugged into an amplifier and a loudspeaker.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 36}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
"Musical notation" is the way music is written down. Music needs to be written down in order to be saved and remembered for future performances. In this way composers (people who write music) can tell others how to play the musical piece as it was meant to be played.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 37}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Solfège (sometimes called solfa) is the way tones are named. It was made in order to give a name to the several tones and pitches. For example, the eight basic notes "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do" are just the names of the eight notes that confirm the major scale.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 38}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Music can be written in several ways. When it is written on a staff (like in the example shown), the pitches (tones) and their duration are represented by symbols called notes. Notes are put on the lines and in the spaces between the lines. Each position says which tone must be played. The higher the note is on the staff, the higher the pitch of the tone. The lower the notes are, the lower the pitch. The duration of the notes (how long they are played for) is shown by making the note "heads" black or white, and by giving them stems and flags.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 39}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Music can also be written with letters, naming them as in the solfa "Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do" or representing them by letters. The next table shows how each note of the solfa is represented in the Standard Notation:
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 40}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Standard Notation was made to simplify the lecture of music notes, although it is mostly used to represent chords and the names of the music scales.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 41}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
These ways to represent music ease the way a person reads music. There are more ways to write and represent music, but they are less known and may be more complicated.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 42}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
People can enjoy music by listening to it. They can go to concerts to hear musicians perform. Classical music is usually performed in concert halls, but sometimes huge festivals are organized in which it is performed outside, in a field or stadium, like pop festivals. People can listen to music on CD's, Computers, iPods, television, the radio, cassette/record-players and even mobile phones.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 43}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There is so much music today, in elevators, shopping malls, and stores, that it often becomes a background sound that we do not really hear.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 44}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
People can learn to play an instrument. Probably the most common for complete beginners is the piano or keyboard, the guitar, or the recorder (which is certainly the cheapest to buy). After they have learnt to play scales, play simple tunes and read the simplest musical notation, then they can think about which instrument for further development. They should choose an instrument that is practical for their size. For example, a very short child cannot play a full size double bass, because the double bass is over five feet high. People should choose an instrument that they enjoy playing, because playing regularly is the only way to get better. Finally, it helps to have a good teacher.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 45}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Anyone can make up their own pieces of music. It is not difficult to compose simple songs or melodies (tunes). It's easier for people who can play an instrument themselves. All it takes is experimenting with the sounds that an instrument makes. Someone can make up a piece that tells a story, or just find a nice tune and think about ways it can be changed each time it is repeated. The instrument might be someone's own voice.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 46}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Some people have wanted Turkey to join the European Union (EU) since the 1990s. Negotiations to join began in 2005.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 32}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Care Bears are a very successful toy franchise from the 1980s. Over forty million of these stuffed teddy bears, made with a variety of colours, were sold from 1983 to 1987. Each Bear had a name, a job, and a symbol tied to it. For example, Funshine Bear helps people wake up, and has a sun on his stomach.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "w"], "langs": 21, "title": "Care Bears", "views": 851.3547, "wiki_id": 8617, "category": 17, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The toys were first made as characters on cards in 1981; the original artwork was done by James Lewis. Later, other toys called the Care Bear Cousins were introduced.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "w"], "langs": 21, "title": "Care Bears", "views": 851.3547, "wiki_id": 8617, "category": 17, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
They also gave way to three animated movies for the cinema in the mid-1980s. A related TV series from DIC and, later, Canada's Nelvana Limited came out at almost that same time.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "w"], "langs": 21, "title": "Care Bears", "views": 851.3547, "wiki_id": 8617, "category": 17, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Recently, Care Bear toys have been brought back in a new edition for the twenty-first century. As part of this comeback, the Bears have appeared in their first two DVD movies (both computer-animated), as well as a few video games.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "w"], "langs": 21, "title": "Care Bears", "views": 851.3547, "wiki_id": 8617, "category": 17, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the United States of America, there has usually only been two main political parties. But there are more than a 100 different varieties with varying viewpoints of the two main parties. Since the 1860s, the two main parties have been the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has the most seats in the House of Representatives while the Republicans and Democrats split the Senate at 50 Senators each. The Vice President, a Democrat, holds a tie breaking vote, in the United States Senate.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The United States has two major political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. But there are other parties that aren't as represented by the United States government and are usually highly suppressed, underfunded or misrepresented. Usually these smaller parties aren’t as well known. These major parties have a duopoly, meaning that they share almost all the political power in the country. Most constitutional republic countries have more than two parties.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The three largest parties aside from the two main political parties are the Libertarian Party, Green Party of the United States, and the Constitution party in respective order.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Democratic Party was started in 1828 as a pro-slavery party and the first President was Andrew Jackson in 1829. However, through the economic resurgence after the Great Depression in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, the Democratic party became a proponent of racial equality. Many 20th century United States Presidents such as Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and 21st century presidents such as Barack Obama and Joe Biden are Democrats. They have 48 out of 100 seats in the U.S. Senate (independents caucusing with the democratic party hold two seats in the U.S. senate) and 222 out of 435 seats in the House of Representatives. 24 out of 50 state governors are also Democrats. The party generally promotes liberalism and is often classed as a center-left to left-wing party. Currently, the party has 60 million registered voters across America.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The party's philosophy of modern liberalism advocates social and economic equality. It seeks to provide government intervention and regulation in the economy. These interventions, such as the introduction of social programs, anti-gun laws, support for labor unions, affordable college tuitions, moves toward universal health care and equal opportunity, consumer protection and environmental protection form the core of the party's economic policy.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Republican Party was started in 1854 as an anti-slavery party and its first President was Abraham Lincoln in 1861. Others include Ulysses S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump. In the Nixon years, there was a shift to appeal to the implicit racial biases of white voters that did not like the civil rights movement of the 1960's in what is called the southern strategy. This strategy created the appearance of equity while ignoring minorities in the process. 26 out of 50 states have a Republican governor. It has around 55 million registered voters across America. Currently, the Republican Party is identified as conservative.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The party philosophy centers around social and economic independence, and a capitalist economic system. It is also known for its anti-abortion efforts, pro-gun laws, anti-regulatory policy, and reduction of government intervention in the economy as well as being in support of privatized health care. The party believes in lower taxes, less social programs, and personal liberty.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There are over 420 registered political parties in the United States of America, with many different blends of political viewpoints. However, there are only two nationally recognized political parties, the Republicans and Democrats. Most of the other parties fall under those two political parties with variations, or under other ideological umbrellas, like Progressive, Libertarian, Conservative, Socialist, Communist, etc. They are either underfunded or undersupported and highly suppressed. Nearly 44% of politically active citizens prefer to identify as Independent because of this suppression. It is less common to achieve political influence in modern government functions, but some lawmakers such as Joe Lieberman may retire their parties with their careers.
{"url": "", "tags": ["t", "c"], "langs": 15, "title": "Political parties in the United States", "views": 848.43494, "wiki_id": 271147, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
A pentagram is a five-pointed star, with all lines the same length and all angles the same. A 'pentangle', 'star pentagon', or 'pentalpha' means the same thing. It is a type of pentagon.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The word "pentacle" originally meant 'any symbol that protects against evil spirits'. There are many of such symbols, only a few of which include a pentagram. During the modern age of Wicca, the word 'pentacle' acquired a second definition, due to sounding similar to the word 'pentagram', and the fact that wiccan pentacles use a pentagram. That second definition of 'pentacle' is 'a circumscribed pentagram', which means 'a pentagram drawn inside a circle so that the points of the pentagram touch the circle'.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In ancient times, the pentagram was used as a Christian symbol. It stood for the five wounds that Jesus Christ received during his crucifixion (the nails in each hand and foot, and the spear wound in his side).
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In Taoism, a pentagram shows how the five classical oriental elements (earth, water, wood, fire, and metal) are related.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Today, the pentacle, commonly mistaken as a pentagram, is the most commonly used symbol of Wicca. Some post-Gardnerian wiccans, imitating Taoism, associate the five points of the pentagram with the four classical Greek elements (fire, water, earth, and air) and spirit.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Some Satanists, especially members of the Church of Satan, use an upside-down pentacle as a symbol for their religion. The Church of Satan's official symbol is an upside-down pentacle with a goat head inside, called the "Sigil of Baphomet." (A 'sigil' is a symbol of a supernatural being). It was originally the influential 1800s French occultist Eliphas Levi who associated the pentagram with the goat-headed baphomet, by drawing a pentagram on the baphomet's forehead. Anton LaVey, who created the Church of Satan in 1966, took the idea from Levi.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight," a 14th century romance story, the pentagram is mentioned as a symbol for Gawain's good character and truth.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
More recently, the meaning of the pentagram was discussed in "The Da Vinci Code" by Dan Brown. According to the book, the pentagram actually belonged to the ancient religion of Pagan Sun Worship, and was tied to the female planet Venus: every 8 years Venus traces a perfect pentagram across the sky. The book says that the pentagram was a symbol for the sacred female, but was later taken by Christianity and said to mean the devil in order to destroy beliefs that females were sacred.
{"url": "", "tags": ["c", "R", "X"], "langs": 55, "title": "Pentagram", "views": 844.45825, "wiki_id": 28527, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Virat Kohli first came into the limelight in 2008, when he led the Indian U-19 cricket team to victory in 2008 U-19 Cricket World Cup He soon made his debut for the Indian team in August 2008. during a ODI match against in Sri Lanka. Virat also became one of the valuable Indian captain in Test cricket with 27 test wins, 12 overseas test wins and highest winning percentage as captain in both Tests and ODIs. Kohli was ranked eighth in ESPN's list of world's most famous sportspeople in 2016. Virat is the only current player to have a stand named after him in Delhi Firoz Shah Kotla stadium to honour his immaculate contributions to Indian cricket.
{"url": "", "tags": ["a", "D"], "langs": 45, "title": "Virat Kohli", "views": 839.5773, "wiki_id": 454146, "category": 21, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
He started dating Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma in 2013. They got married on 11 December 2017 in Florence, Italy. The couple had their first child, a daughter in January 2021.
{"url": "", "tags": ["a", "D"], "langs": 45, "title": "Virat Kohli", "views": 839.5773, "wiki_id": 454146, "category": 21, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Basketball is a team sport where one team, usually consisting of five players in each team, play against each other on a rectangular court. The objective is to get the ball through a hoop mounted high on a backboard on the opponent's side of the court, while preventing the opponent from shooting it into your team's hoop. It is a very popular sport worldwide, played with a round and usually orange(orange-brown) ball that bounces. Basketball players mainly use skills such as dribbling, shooting, running, and jumping. Each made basket is worth two points, while a basket made from beyond the three-point line is worth three points. If a player gets into too much physical contact, they may be given free throws which are worth one point each. The game typically lasts for four-quarters and the team with the most points at the end of the four-quarters win the game. If the score is tied at the end of the game, there will be additional play time, called overtime, to allow one team to win the match.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The game is played between men's teams or between women's teams. Basketball has been played in the Summer Olympic Games since 1936. The shot clock rule started in 1954 for professional basketball. The first basketball game took place in 1892, where the court was half the size of what it is today. In 1891 the game was invented by James Naismith.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Moon may have been formed after a collision between the early Earth and a smaller planet (sometimes called "Theia"). Scientists believe that parts of both planets broke off becoming (by gravity) the Moon.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In early December 1891, James Naismith (1861–1939), a Canadian physical education teacher at Springfield College in Springfield, Massachusetts, invented an indoor game called basketball. He invented the sport to keep his students from becoming bored during the winter. Naismith wrote the basic rules and then nailed a peach basket onto a 20-foot tall pole. Unlike modern basketball hoops, the bottom of the peach-basket was still there, so after a point was scored, somebody had to get the ball out of the basket with a long stick. Over time, people made a hole at the bottom of the basket so the ball could go through more easily. The first game of basketball was played at the International Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Springfield, Massachusetts. The score of the first game of basketball ever played was 1-0. There is a sculpture in Springfield, outside where the first game was held. The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame is also in Springfield.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
For that first game of basketball in 1891, Naismith used two half-bushel peach baskets as goals, which gave the sport its name. The students were enthusiastic. After much running and shooting, William R. Chase made a midcourt shot, which was the only score in that historic contest. Word spread about the newly invented game, and numerous associations wrote Naismith for a copy of the rules, which were published in the January 15, 1892, issue of the "Triangle", the YMCA Training School's campus paper.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Since the rules had not been formally written, there was no maximum number of players then, unlike today. This also meant that there were no set rules to the game; Naismith only observed how it was played and changed the rules accordingly.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The aim of basketball is to score more points than the other team, by making the ball in the basket. Players on one team try to stop players on the other team from scoring. Baskets can be worth 1, 2, or 3 points. Each normal score is worth two points; however, if a player throws the ball into the hoop from behind the large arched line on the court, called the "3-point line," the score is worth three points. You get points by "shooting" (throwing or dropping) the ball into the opponents' basket. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The ball is moved forward by shooting, passing (throwing or handing off) or dribbling it. The ball may not be carried by a player who is walking or running without dribbling it. If this rule is violated, it is called a travel.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The court, where the game is played, is a rectangle, and at both end lines there is a goal called a "hoop" in the shape of a circle basket with the bottom cut out.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
To represent numbers from 1,000 to 999,999 the same letters are reused to serve as thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of thousands. A "left keraia" (Unicode U+0375, ‘Greek Lower Numeral Sign’) is put in front of thousands to distinguish.
{"url": "", "tags": ["o", "i"], "langs": 47, "title": "Greek numerals", "views": 802.2231, "wiki_id": 121792, "category": 17, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
All the capital cities except Perth and Darwin are in the south-east of the country. There is now increasing rainfall and flooding which affects this region, which is ominous [threatening]. It is thought this is caused by climate change, and may continue to get worse. The BBC report comments: "In the past three years, record-breaking bushfire and flood events have killed more than 500 people and billions of animals. Drought, cyclones and freak tides have gripped communities". The BBC report continues: "Nowhere is this a bigger issue than in Queensland. It is home to almost 40% of the 500,000 homes projected to be effectively uninsurable". This means people can't get insurance because the risk of flooding (in one season) or fire (in another season) is too great.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H"], "langs": 285, "title": "Australia", "views": 804.19666, "wiki_id": 27, "category": 2, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Basketball is played with two teams, with 5 players from each team on the court at one time. The maximum number of players on the bench differs by the league. In international play, a maximum of 7 players is allowed on the bench, resulting in a roster of 12 players. The NBA has 13-player rosters; college and high school teams have 15-player rosters. When a player wants to substitute for another player on the court, they let the score bench know. The referees will signal for the player waiting to come into the court. The player that was in the game comes off the court and the player that was sitting on the bench goes inside the game. This is called a substitution. In regional matches, in some areas, a minimum of 3 players are required to be on the bench. In India, there might be leeway in the number depending on the category of the tournament you're playing in.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
A game of basketball is made up of four different quarters, each ten (or in the National Basketball Association, 12) minutes long. In the NCAA, or National Collegiate Athletic Association, there are 2 20 minute halves. At the start of every game the referee throws the basketball up in the air, and one player from each team tries to hit it to their teammates, that is called a "jump ball."
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
At the start of each quarter the team who has the possession arrow pointing towards their hoop gets the ball. Then the arrow is switched, and the next team gets the ball next quarter.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
When a player makes a shot, he or she scores 2 points and is then awarded a chance to score an additional 3 points by attempting a series of free-throws. If a player makes a free-throw, he or she is awarded an additional point and an additional free-throw. If a player makes three straight free-throws they are then given the ball a the top of the key and the other players may then defend.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 26}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
One special rule is that if a player gets 20 points and then misses a free-throw, or scores 17 points and then makes all three free-throws, their score is set back to 15. This is because their next basket would put them over 21 points, and the object of the game is to get exactly 21.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 27}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The game H-O-R-S-E, (pronounced horse) is played by two or more players. The player in control of the ball tries to make a shot however they want. The other player has to repeat their shot. If they miss, they get an H added, until they get enough letters to finish the word horse and they lose. If the player who has the ball missed their shot, no letter is added and control moves to the next player.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 28}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In this variation, the players are all seated in a wheelchair. This is often played by people who cannot walk or are unable to play normal basketball. The rules are altered slightly, but the game follows the same general concepts.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 29}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Parliament is where laws are made. It has three parts: the House of Commons, the House of Lords, and the King. The House of Commons is the most powerful part. It is where Members of Parliament sit. The Prime Minister sits here as well because they are a Member of Parliament.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "g", "L"], "langs": 285, "title": "United Kingdom", "views": 812.9503, "wiki_id": 856, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 23}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Modern Turkey's varied climate lets many kinds of food crops grow, and livestock and forestry are important industries. Turkey makes enough food to feed itself. Turkish manufactures include aeroplanes, electronics, cars, clothing and textiles for home and for other countries.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Vermont is a state in the United States. Its capital is the city of Montpelier, and its largest city is Burlington.
{"url": "", "tags": ["g", "K", "o"], "langs": 182, "title": "Vermont", "views": 165.40097, "wiki_id": 14851, "category": 1, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Turkey is a popular place for tourists to visit. It has hundreds of kilometres of beaches on its Aegean and Mediterranean coasts, and many important historical places.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Lionel Andrés "Leo" Messi Cuccittini (Spanish pronunciation: [ljoˈnel anˈdɾes ˈmesi]) (born 24 June 1987) is an Argentine footballer. He plays for Ligue 1 club Paris Saint-Germain and the Argentina national team as a forward.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Many experts and critics consider Messi as one of the greatest football players of all time. Some people even say he is the greatest player ever. Messi has seven Ballon d'Or awards, the most of any player, and two more than Cristiano Ronaldo. His playing style and skills are very similar to the Argentine legend Diego Maradona because of their short height. There is much competition between him and Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo because of their similar skill levels.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi was born and raised in Rosario, Argentina. Messi is the third of four children of Jorge Messi and his wife Celia Cuccittini. He has two brothers named Rodrigo and Matias and two cousins named Maximiliano and Emanuel.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi's grandmother died when he was 12, and after that he generally celebrates his goals by pointing up in the sky in tribute of his grandmother.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi began football at a young age and his potential was quickly seen by Barcelona. He left Newell's Old Boys' youth team in September 2000 and moved with his family to Europe in February 2001. He officially signed with Barcelona in December 2000 on a napkin. They moved to Spain because Barcelona offered their help to treat his growth hormone deficiency, and Newell's didn't offer any help.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The first major empire in the area was the Hittites (from the 18th century to the 13th century BCE). The Hittites, who spoke one of the Indo-European languages, developed a high culture in Central Anatolia. Their kingdom was destroyed by the Sea People in the 11th century BCE and the successor states were Lydia, Caria and Lycia.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi played his first professional match at 16 years old on 16 November 2003 against Porto. He played the 2003-04 season with the Barcelona B team. He was promoted to the A team for the 2004-05 season, and made his league debut on 16 October 2004 against Espanyol as a substitute. He made his league debut at age 17, and became the youngest player to play for Barcelona's first team in an official competition. He scored his first professional goal on 1 May 2005 against Albacete Balompie from a sublime assist by Ronaldinho. The goal made him the youngest-ever scorer for the club at that time. Barcelona won the La Liga that season for the first time in 6 years, and won the league for a second time in a row along with the Spanish Super Cup and UEFA Champions League in 2006.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
His first breakthrough season was in the 2006–07 season; he became a first team regular by scoring his first hat-trick of his career in El Clásico. On 18 April 2007, he scored a goal almost exactly identical to Maradona's "Goal of the Century" against England in the 1986 World Cup, where Maradona got the ball behind the halfway line on the right side and beat 4 defenders and the goalie to score. Messi's goal was similar to this; he received a pass from Xavi on the right side behind half-field, and then nut-megged an opponent and 4 others including the goalie before finishing off with his right foot inside the penalty box. In 2019, Barcelona fans voted it as the best goal in the club's history, receiving 45% of votes. After Ronaldinho left the club at the end of the 2007-08 season, Messi was handed the number 10 shirt. The 2008-09 season was arguably one of the most successful seasons in his stellar career. In this season, Messi scored 38 goals in all competitions, including one in the Champions League final against Manchester United that Barcelona won 2–0 as part of their treble. In the following 2009–10 season, Messi scored 47 goals in all competitions. That levelled to Ronaldo Nazario's record total for Barcelona. Messi also won his first Ballon d'Or in December 2009, and also won his second a year later. He scored again in the 2011 Champions League final against their same opponent two years earlier, Manchester United. Barcelona won 3-1. Messi won his third Ballon d'Or in a row that year.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
After a situation involving FC Barcelona and their overwhelming wage bill, Messi made the most shocking transfer to the French football club Paris-Saint Germain.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi was allowed to play for both Spain and Argentina since he had dual-nationality, but he decided to play for his home country, Argentina. He led the team to the final game of the 2005 U-20 World Cup by scoring important goals in the knockout stages. Messi scored two goals in the final against Nigeria, and Argentina won 2–1. In addition to receiving a winner's medal, Messi was also awarded the Golden Shoe for most goals scored (6), and Golden Ball for best player.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi played his first game with the senior team on 17 August 2005 against Hungary. He came on as a substitute. However, he was shown a red card 45 seconds into the game for hitting an opponent in the face on accident while Messi was trying to pull the opponent off from his shirt. Messi scored his first goal for Argentina in a friendly match against Croatia on 1 March 2006. Argentina lost the game 3-2. He was selected for the 2006 World Cup by coach José Pekerman. In Argentina's second game against Serbia, he became their youngest player to play at a World Cup. He also assisted a goal scored the last one in the 6–0 victory. That goal made him the youngest goalscorer in the 2006 World Cup.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi won the 2008 Olympics with Argentina as well, as he assisted Ángel Di Maria's goal in the final against Nigeria in Beijing. Messi was made captain of the national team in 2011. He scored his first hat-trick with the country in his 68th appearance during a 3-1 victory against Switzerland in February 2012.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
On 21 June 2016, he broke the top scoring record for Argentina by scoring his 55th goal with a gem of a free-kick against the United States in the Copa América Centenario. It was regarded as the best free-kick scored by Messi during his career. The record was previously held by Gabriel Batistuta with 54 goals.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
On 26 June, Argentina once again lost to Chile on penalties 4-2 in the Copa América Centenario final after a 0–0 tie. Messi missed his penalty in the penalty shootout. This was Messi's third consecutive defeat in a major tournament final with Argentina, and his fourth overall. A day after the match, Messi announced his retirement from international football. In an emotional interview after the game, he said he was very sad that he missed the penalty and also sad that he wasn't able to win any trophies in four finals.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 12}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
After a slow start to the 2018 FIFA World Cup, he helped Argentina qualify to the next round of the competition by scoring the first goal in the 2-1 win over Nigeria.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 13}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Jumping to 2021 with the new coach, Lionel Scaloni, Argentina won the Copa America in June. With Dimaria's goal in the 11th minute, they beat Brazil 1-0 in their home ground. Which was one of the main reasons for Messi winning the Ballon do'r for the record 7th time and counting.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 14}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the mid-year 2022 Messi and the amazing Argentina team along with Lionel Scaloni beat Italy 3-0 and won the Finalissma trophy.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 15}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Messi has three children with his wife Antonella Roccuzzo. They are named Thiago Messi, Mateo Messi and Ciro Messi. Thiago was born on 2 November 2012, Mateo was born on 11 September 2015 and Ciro was born on 10 March 2018. On the bottom of Messi's cleats is the name of his first son, Thiago.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 16}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
When not playing on the field, Messi finds time to do charity work. He started the Leo Messi Foundation in 2007 which helps children in at-risk situations. Messi also opened a kids park for children living in a hospital in Barcelona. He also donated 1 million euros for the Covid-19 virus in Barcelona.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 17}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In July 2016 he was convicted of tax fraud and sentenced to spend 21 months in prison. Messi was also fined two million Euros. Messi never went to prison, and the problem was be solved with probation. He told the court he "only played football" and didn't know anything because he left his money problems to be dealt with by his father, Jorge Messi.
{"url": "", "tags": ["f"], "langs": 157, "title": "Lionel Messi", "views": 832.8158, "wiki_id": 183331, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 18}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The 1999 İzmit earthquake was an approximately 7.4 magnitude earthquake that struck northwestern Turkey on 17 August 1999, at about 3:02 am local time. 18.000 people died in the earthquake.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 33}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
From 1950 BCE, Armenians and Assyrians inhabited parts of southeastern Turkey. The Assyrian capital was named Tushhan (900-600 BCE). The Assyrians ruled over southeastern Turkey until their empire was conquered by Babylonia in 612 BCE. Then Anatolia became home for various kingdoms including the Achaemenid Empire, Hellenistic kingdoms, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire), Seljuk Empire, and Mongol Empire.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The word "cosmetics" comes from the Greek κοσμητικός ("kosmētikos"), "skilled in ordering or arranging".
{"url": "", "tags": ["h", "T", "d"], "langs": 82, "title": "Cosmetics", "views": 89.34925, "wiki_id": 29335, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the only planet known to have life on it. The Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago. It is one of four rocky planets on the inner side of the Solar System. The other three are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The large mass of the Sun keeps the Earth in orbit through the force of gravity. Earth also turns around in space, so that different parts face the Sun at different times. Earth goes around the Sun once (one year) for every 365 times it turns around (one day).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth is the only planet in the Solar System that has a large amount of liquid water on its surface. About 74% of the surface of Earth is covered by liquid or frozen water. Because of this, people sometimes call it the blue planet.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Because of its water, Earth is home to millions of species of plants and animals which need water to survive. The things that live on Earth have changed its surface greatly. For example, early cyanobacteria changed the air and gave it oxygen. The living part of Earth's surface is called the "biosphere".
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth is one of the eight planets in the Solar System. There are also thousands of small bodies which move around the Sun. The Solar System is moving through the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, and will be for about the next 10,000 years.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth is about away from the Sun (this distance is called an "Astronomical Unit"). It moves on its orbit at an average speed of about . Earth turns all the way around about 365 times in the time it takes for Earth to go all the way around the Sun. To make up this extra bit of a day every year, an additional day is used every four years. This is named a "leap year".
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Moon goes around Earth at an average distance of . It is locked to Earth, so that it always has the same half facing Earth; the other half is called the "dark side of the moon". It takes about 27 days for the Moon to go all the way around Earth, but because Earth is moving around the Sun at the same time, it takes about 29 days for the Moon to go from dark to bright to dark again. This is where the word "month" came from, even though most months now have 30 or 31 days.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth and the other planets formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Their origin was quite different from that of the Sun. The Sun was formed almost entirely of hydrogen, while the planets were formed mostly from higher elements. The smaller "rocky" planets are made almost entirely of higher elements. The Sun must have moved through areas where supernovae had previously exploded. All the planets have higher elements which are only made in supernovae. Only the so-called "gas giants" have much hydrogen and helium.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth's water came from different places. Condensing water vapour, and comets and asteroids hitting Earth, made the oceans. Within a billion years (that is at about 3.6 billion years ago) the first life evolved, in the Archaean era. Some bacteria developed photosynthesis, which let them make food from the Sun's light and water. This released a lot of oxygen, which was first taken up by iron in solution. Eventually, free oxygen got into the atmosphere or air, making Earth's surface suitable for aerobic life (see Great Oxygenation Event). This oxygen also formed the ozone layer which protects life from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Complex life on the surface of the land did not exist before the ozone layer.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth's land and climate has been very different in the past. About 3 to 3.5 billion years ago almost all land was in one place. This is called a supercontinent. The earliest known supercontinent was called Vaalbara. Much later, there was a time (the Cryogenian) when Earth was almost entirely covered by thick ice sheets (glaciers). This is discussed as the Snowball Earth theory.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth is rocky. It is the largest of the rocky planets moving around the Sun by mass and by size. It is much smaller than the gas giants such as Jupiter.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Overall, Earth is made of iron (32.1%), oxygen (30.1%), silicon (15.1%), magnesium (13.9%), sulfur (2.9%), nickel (1.8%), calcium (1.5%), and aluminium (1.4%). The 1.2% left over is made of many different kinds of other chemicals. Some rare metals (not just gold and platinum) are very valuable. Rare Earth metals are used in all types of electronic phones and computers.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 12}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The structure of Earth changes from the inside to the outside. The center of earth (Earth's core) is mostly iron (88.8%), nickel (5.8%), sulfur (4.5%), and less than 1% other things. The Earth's crust is largely oxygen (47%). Oxygen is normally a gas but it can join with other chemicals to make compounds like water and rocks. 99.22% of rocks have oxygen in them. The most common oxygen-having rocks are silica (made with silicon), alumina (made with aluminium), rust (made with iron), lime (made with calcium), magnesia (made with magnesium), potash (made with potassium), and sodium oxide, and there are others as well.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 13}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Earth's shape is a spheroid: not quite a sphere because it is slightly squashed on the top and bottom. The shape is called an oblate spheroid. As Earth spins around itself, centrifugal force forces the equator out a little and pulls the poles in a little. The equator, around the middle of Earth's surface, is about long. The reason the Earth is roughly a sphere (and so are all planets and stars) is gravity. Meteorites, on the other hand may be any shape because, in their case, the force of gravity is too weak to change their shape.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 14}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The highest mountain above sea level—the well-known Mount Everest (which is above sea level)—is "not" actually the one that is the farthest away from the center of the Earth. Instead, the sleeping volcano Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is; it is only above sea level but it is almost at the equator. Because of this, Mount Chimborazo is from the center of the Earth, while Mount Everest is closer to it. Similarly, the lowest point below sea level that we are conscious of is the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It is about below sea level, but, again, there are probably places at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean that are nearer to the center of the Earth.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 15}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The deepest hole ever dug is only about . We know something about the inside of the Earth, though, because we can learn things from earthquakes and the times when volcanoes erupt. We are able to see how quickly the shock waves move through Earth in different places.
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 16}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The inside of Earth is very different from the outside. Almost all of Earth's liquid water is in the seas or close to the surface. The surface also has a lot of oxygen, which comes from plants. Small and simple kinds of life can live far under the surface, but animals and plants only live on the surface or in the seas. The rocks on the surface of Earth (Earth's crust) are well known. They are thicker where there is land, between thick. Under the seas they are sometimes only thick. There are three groups of rocks that make up most of the Earth's crust. Some rock is made when the hot liquid rock comes from inside the earth (igneous rocks); another type of rock is made when sediment is laid down, usually under the sea (sedimentary rocks); and a third kind of rock is made when the other two are changed by very high temperature or pressure (metamorphic rocks). A very few rocks also fall out of the sky (meteorites).
{"url": "", "tags": ["u", "b"], "langs": 293, "title": "Earth", "views": 828.125, "wiki_id": 219, "category": 19, "paragraph_id": 17}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Tonic immobility is a natural state of paralysis that animals enter, often called animal hypnosis. Its function is not certain. It may be related to mating in certain animals like sharks and mammalia. It may also be a way of avoiding or deterring predators (playing dead is called thanatosis).
{"url": "", "tags": ["y", "f"], "langs": 23, "title": "Tonic immobility", "views": 526.54114, "wiki_id": 413506, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 0}