10 values
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The schism became "official" in 1054 when the Pope's legates notified Patriarch Michael Cerularius of Constantinople that he had been excommunicated. A few days later, he excommunicated the legates. Attempts at reconciliation were made in 1274 in Lyon and in 1439 in Basel, but in each case the eastern hierarchs who agreed to the unions were repudiated by the Orthodox as a whole. However, reconciliation was achieved between the West and what are now called the "Eastern Rite Catholic Churches". More recently, in 1965 the mutual excommunications were rescinded by the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople, though schism remains.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 23}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Both groups are descended from the Early Church, both acknowledge the apostolic succession of each other's bishops, and the validity of each other's sacraments. Though both acknowledge the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, Eastern Orthodoxy understands this as a primacy of honor with limited or no ecclesiastical authority in other dioceses.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 24}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Western Schism, or Papal Schism, was a prolonged period of crisis in Latin Christendom from 1378 to 1416, when there were two or more claimants to the See of Rome and thus it was difficult to discern who the true Pope was. The conflict was political, rather than doctrinal, in nature.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 25}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Renaissance was a period of great cultural change and achievement, marked in Italy by a classical orientation and an increase of wealth through mercantile trade. The City of Rome, the Papacy, and the Papal States were all affected by the Renaissance. On the one hand, it was a time of great artistic patronage and architectural magnificence, where the Church patroned such artists as Michelangelo, Brunelleschi, Bramante, Raphael, Fra Angelico, Donatello, and da Vinci. On the other hand, wealthy Italian families often secured episcopal offices, including the papacy, for their own members, some of whom were known for immorality, such as Alexander VI and Sixtus IV.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 26}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the early 16th century, movements were begun by two theologians, Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli, that aimed to reform the Church. Unlike earlier reformers they considered the root of corruptions to be doctrinal (rather than simply a matter of moral weakness or lack of ecclesiastical discipline) and thus they aimed to change contemporary doctrines to fit their idea of the "true gospel". The Protestant Reformation is so called because the movement's leaders "protested" against the ecclesiastical hierarchy and the pope, essentially electing to institute their reforms separately from it. The term "Protestant", however, was not originally used by these leaders; instead, they called themselves "evangelical", emphasizing the "return to the true gospel (Greek: "euangelion")".
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 27}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The beginning of the Protestant Reformation is generally identified with Martin Luther and the posting of the 95 Theses in 1517 in Wittenburg, Germany. Early protest was against corruptions such as simony, episcopal vacancies, and the sale of indulgences. The Protestant position, however, would come to incorporate doctrinal changes such as sola scriptura and sola fide. The three most important traditions to emerge directly from the Protestant Reformation were the Lutheran, Reformed (Calvinist, Presbyterian, etc.), and Anglican traditions, though the latter group identifies as both "Reformed" and "Catholic", and some subgroups reject the classification as "Protestant".
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 28}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Protestant Reformation may be divided into two distinct but basically simultaneous movements, the Magisterial Reformation and the Radical Reformation. The Magisterial Reformation involved the alliance of certain theological teachers (Latin: "magistri") such as Luther, Huldrych Zwingli, John Calvin, Cranmer, etc. with secular magistrates who cooperated in the reformation of Christendom. Radical Reformers, besides forming communities outside state sanction, often employed more extreme doctrinal change, such as the rejection of tenants of the Councils of Nicaea and Chalcedon. Often the division between magisterial and radical reformers was as or more violent than the general Catholic and Protestant hostilities.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 29}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Protestant Reformation spread almost entirely within the confines of Northern Europe, but did not take hold in certain northern areas such as Ireland and parts of Germany. By far the magisterial reformers were more successful and their changes more widespread than the radical reformers. The Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation is known as the Counter Reformation, or Catholic Reformation, which resulted in a reassertion of traditional doctrines and the emergence of new religious orders aimed at both moral reform and new missionary activity. The Counter Reformation reconverted approximately 33% of Northern Europe to Catholicism and initiated missions in South and Central America, Africa, Asia, and even China and Japan. Protestant expansion outside of Europe occurred on a smaller scale through colonization of North America and areas of Africa.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 30}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Under the ring name "Giant Singh", Dalip Singh became a pro wrestler for All Pro Wrestling in the United States. He made his first appearance in October 2000.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Z", "P"], "langs": 49, "title": "The Great Khali", "views": 161.06888, "wiki_id": 64905, "category": 5, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Martin Luther was an Augustinian friar and professor at the University of Wittenberg. In 1517, he published a list of 95 Theses, or points to be debated, concerning the illicitness of selling indulgences. Luther had a particular disdain for Aristotelian philosophy, and as he began developing his own theology, he increasingly came into conflict with other scholars. Soon, Luther began to develop his theology of justification, or how one is "made right" (righteous) in the eyes of God.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 31}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In Catholic theology, one is made righteous by a progressive infusion of grace accepted through faith and cooperated with through good works. Luther's doctrine of justification was different. He said justification meant "the declaring of one to be righteous", where God imputes the merits of Christ upon one who remains without inherent merit. In this process, good works are more of an unessential byproduct that contribute nothing to one's own state of righteousness. Conflict between Luther and leading theologians lead to his gradual rejection of authority of the Church hierarchy. In 1520, he was condemned for heresy by the papal bull "Exsurge Domine", which he burned at Wittenburg along with books of canon law.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 32}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
John Calvin was a French cleric and doctor of law turned Protestant reformer in the second generation of the Reformation. He was well known for publishing the "Institutes of the Christian Religion", in 1536 (later revised), and became a leader of the Reformed church in Geneva, which became an "unofficial capital" of Reformed Christianity in the second half of the sixteenth century. He had great authority in the city and over the city council, such that he has (rather ignominiously) been called a "Protestant pope".
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 33}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Calvin established an eldership together with a "consistory", where pastors and the elders established matters of religious discipline for the Genevan population. Calvin's theology is best known for his doctrine of (double) predestination, which held that God had, from all eternity, providentially foreordained who would be saved (the elect) and likewise who would be damned (the reprobate). Predestination was not the dominant idea in Calvin's works, but it would seemingly become so for many of his Reformed successors.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 34}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Unlike other reform movements, the English Reformation began by royal influence. Henry VIII considered himself a thoroughly Catholic King, and in 1521 he defended the papacy against Luther in a book he commissioned entitled, "The Defense of the Seven Sacraments", for which Pope Leo X awarded him the title "Fidei Defensor" (Defender of the Faith). However, the king came into conflict with the papacy when he wished to annul his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, for which he needed papal sanction. Catherine, among many other noble relations, was the aunt of Emperor Charles V, the papacy's most significant secular supporter. The ensuing dispute eventually lead to a break from Rome and the declaration of the King of England as head of the English (Anglican) Church. England then experienced a period of frenetic and eclectic reforms, some more radical and others more traditional, under monarchs such as Edward VI and Elizabeth I, and Archbishops of Canterbury such as Thomas Cranmer and William Laud. What emerged was a state church that considered itself both "Reformed" and "Catholic" but not "Roman" (and hesitated from the title "Protestant"), and other "unofficial" more radical movements such as the Puritans.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 35}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Counter-Reformation, or Catholic Reformation, was the response of the Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation. The essence of the Counter-Reformation was a renewed conviction in traditional practices and the upholding of Catholic doctrine as the source of ecclesiastic and moral reform, and the answer to halting the spread of Protestantism. Thus it experienced the founding of new religious orders, such as the Jesuits, the establishment of seminaries for the proper training of priests, renewed worldwide missionary activity, and the development of new yet orthodox forms of spirituality, such as that of the Spanish mystics and the French school of spirituality. The entire process was spearheaded by the Council of Trent, which clarified and reasserted doctrine, issued dogmatic definitions, and produced the "Roman Catechism".
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 36}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Though Ireland, Spain, France, and elsewhere featured significantly in the Counter-Reformation, its heart was Italy and the various popes of the time, who established the "Index Librorum Prohibitorum" (the list of prohibited books) and the Roman Inquisition, a system of juridical tribunals that prosecuted heresy and related offences. The Papacy of St. Pius V (1566-1572) was known not only for its focus on halting heresy and worldly abuses within the Church, but also for its focus on improving popular piety in a determined effort to stem the appeal of Protestantism. Pius began his pontificate by giving large alms to the poor, charity, and hospitals, and the pontiff was known for consoling the poor and sick, and supporting missionaries. The activities of these pontiffs coincided with a rediscovery of the ancient Christian catacombs in Rome. As Diarmaid MacCulloch stated, "Just as these ancient martyrs were revealed once more, Catholics were beginning to be martyred afresh, both in mission fields overseas and in the struggle to win back Protestant northern Europe: the catacombs proved to be an inspiration for many to action and to heroism."
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 37}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The First Great Awakening was a wave of religious enthusiasm among Protestants in the American colonies "c". 1730-1740, emphasizing the traditional Reformed virtues of Godly preaching, rudimentary liturgy, and a deep sense of personal guilt and redemption by Christ Jesus. Historian Sydney E. Ahlstrom saw it as part of a "great international Protestant upheaval" that also created Pietism in Germany, the Evangelical Revival, and Methodism in England. It centered on reviving the spirituality of established congregations, and mostly affected Congregational, Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, German Reformed, Baptist, and Methodist churches, while also spreading within the slave population. The Second Great Awakening (1800–1830s), unlike the first, focused on the unchurched and sought to instill in them a deep sense of personal salvation as experienced in revival meetings. It also sparked the beginnings of Restorationist groups such as the Mormons and the Holiness movement. The Third Great Awakening began from 1857 and was most notable for taking the movement throughout the world, especially in English speaking countries. The final group to emerge from the "great awakenings" in North America was Pentecostalism, which had its roots in the Methodist, Wesleyan, and Holiness movements, and began in 1906 on Azusa Street, in Los Angeles. Pentecostalism would later lead to the Charismatic movement.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 38}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Restorationism refers to various unaffiliated movements that considered contemporary Christianity, in all its forms, to be a deviation from the true, original Christianity, which these groups then attempted to "Reconstruct", often using the Book of Acts as a "guidebook" or sorts. Restorationism developed out of the Second Great Awakening and is historically connected to the Protestant Reformation, but differs in that Restorationists do not usually describe themselves as "reforming" a Christian church continuously existing from the time of Jesus, but as "restoring" the Church that they believe was lost at some point. The name Restoration is also used to describe the Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and the Jehovah's Witness Movement.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 39}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Fascism describes certain related political regimes in 20th century Europe, especially Nazi Germany. When the Italian government closed Catholic youth organizations, Pope Pius XI issued the encyclical "Non Abbiamo Bisogno", saying that Fascist governments had hidden "pagan intentions" and expressed the irreconcilability of the Catholic position and Fascism, which placed the nation above God and fundamental human rights and dignity. He later signed agreements with the new rulers of Italy and Germany.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 40}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Despite gaining independence in 1971, Bangladesh is a poor country and has problems with political corruption. Presently, more than half the population can read and write.
{"url": "", "tags": ["e"], "langs": 262, "title": "Bangladesh", "views": 722.8726, "wiki_id": 15790, "category": 15, "paragraph_id": 13}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Many Catholic priests and monastics were persecuted under the Nazi regime, such as the concentration camp victims Maximilian Kolbe and Edith Stein (Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross). Furthermore, many Catholic laypeople and clergy helped in sheltering Jews during the Holocaust, including Pope Pius XII. Various incidents, such as giving aid to downed Allied airmen, nearly caused Nazi Germany to invade the Vatican before the liberation of Rome in 1944.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 41}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The relationship between Nazism and Protestantism, especially the German Lutheran Church, is complex. Though the majority of Protestant church leaders in Germany made little comment on the Nazis' growing anti-Jewish activities, some, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer (a Lutheran pastor) were strongly opposed to the Nazis. Bonhoeffer was later found guilty in the conspiracy to assassinate Hitler and executed.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 42}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Fundamentalist Christianity, is a movement that arose mainly within British and American Protestantism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in reaction to modernism and certain liberal Protestant groups that denied doctrines considered fundamental to Christianity yet still called themselves "Christian". Thus, fundamentalism sought to reestablish tenants that could not be denied without relinquishing a Christian identity, the "fundamentals": the Bible as God`s word, viewed as the sole source of authority, the virgin birth of Christ, the doctrine of atonement through Jesus, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and the imminent return of Christ.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 43}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Ecumenism broadly refers to movements between Christian groups to establish a degree of unity through dialogue. ""Ecumenism"" is derived from Greek "" (oikoumene), which means "the inhabited world", but more figuratively something like "universal oneness". The movement can be distinguished into Catholic and Protestant movements, with the latter characterized by a redefined ecclesiology of "denominationalism" (which the Catholic Church, among others, rejects).
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 44}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Concerning the Greek Orthodox Church, steady movement was made to reconcile the East-West Schism. On 30 November 1894, Pope Leo XIII publishes the Apostolic Letter "Orientalium Dignitas" (On the Churches of the East) safeguarding the importance and continuance of the Eastern traditions for the whole Church. On 7 December 1965, a Joint Catholic-Orthodox Declaration of His Holiness Pope Paul VI and the Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I was issued lifting the mutual excommunications of 1054.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 45}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Concerning Catholic relations with Protestant communities, certain commissions were established to foster dialogue and documents have been produced aimed at identifying points of doctrinal unity, such as the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification produced with the Lutheran World Federation in 1999.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 46}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Ecumenical movements within Protestantism have focused on determining a list of doctrines and practices essential to being Christian and thus extending to all groups which fulfill these basic criteria a (more or less) equal status, with perhaps one's own group still retaining a "first among equal" standing. This process involved a redefinition of the idea of "the Church" from traditional theology. This ecclesiology, known as denominationalism, contends that each group (which fulfills the essential criteria of "being Christian") is a sub-group of a greater "Christian Church", itself a purely abstract concept with no direct representation, i.e. no group, or "denomination", claims to be "the Church". Obviously, this ecclesiology it at variance with other groups that indeed consider themselves to be "the Church". But moreover, because the "essential criteria" generally consist of belief in the holy Trinity, it has resulted in strife between these Protestant ecumenical movements and non-Trinitarian groups such as Latter-day Saints (Mormons) and Jehovah's Witnesses, which are not often not regarded as Christian by these ecumenical groups.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 47}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The following link provides quantitative data related to Christianity and other major religions, including rates of adherence at different points in time:
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 49, "title": "History of Christianity", "views": 918.4816, "wiki_id": 54463, "category": 13, "paragraph_id": 48}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Tense is the form of a verb that shows the time something happened, or is going to happen. There are three main tenses:
{"url": "", "tags": ["H", "w", "i"], "langs": 65, "title": "Tense (grammar)", "views": 907.29474, "wiki_id": 28055, "category": 5, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Tense can be shown by changing the spelling of a verb. For example, "be" can become "am", "is", and "are" in present tense, and "was" and "were" in past tense. In English, future tense is shown by adding "will" before the verb. For example, "be" becomes "will be" in future tense.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H", "w", "i"], "langs": 65, "title": "Tense (grammar)", "views": 907.29474, "wiki_id": 28055, "category": 5, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In addition to tense, verbs can also indicate the completion, progress, or duration of an action. This is done by adding "helping words" or "auxiliary words", such as "be" and "have", before the verb. For example, "I give", "I have given", "I am giving", and "I have been giving" are all in present tense, but have different meanings"." This is called aspect.
{"url": "", "tags": ["H", "w", "i"], "langs": 65, "title": "Tense (grammar)", "views": 907.29474, "wiki_id": 28055, "category": 5, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
An order of magnitude describes the link between two amounts. The difference between each step is usually 10, with each order being either 10 times greater or 10 times smaller than the next amount. This makes the scale easy to manipulate using logarithms. For time, the difference between the smallest limit of time, the Planck time, and the next order of magnitude is larger than 10.
{"url": "", "tags": ["V", "w"], "langs": 15, "title": "Orders of magnitude (time)", "views": 904.17755, "wiki_id": 171281, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Chinese characters are symbols used to write the Chinese and Japanese languages. In the past, other languages like Korean and Vietnamese also used them. The beginning of these characters was at least 3000 years ago, making them one of the oldest writing systems in the world that is still used today. In Chinese they are called "hanzi" (), which means "Han character". In Japanese they are called "kanji," "hanja" in Korean, and "chữ Hán" in Vietnamese.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Chinese characters are an important part of East Asian culture. The art of writing Chinese characters is called calligraphy.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Chinese characters are a type of logogram, which are written symbols that represent words instead of sounds. Most earlier Chinese characters were pictographs, which are simple pictures used to mean some kind of thing or idea. Today, very few modern Chinese characters are pure pictographs, but are a combination of two or more simple characters, also known as radicals. While many radicals and characters show a word's meaning, some give hints of the word's pronunciation instead.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
To better explain the different purposes and types of Chinese characters that exist, Chinese scholars have divided Chinese characters into six categories known as "liushu" (六书 / 六書), literally translated as the "Six Books". The six types of Chinese characters are:
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Common examples of words using phonetic characters are the names of countries, such as Canada, which is pronounced "Jiānádà" (加拿大) in Chinese. While the third character 大 "dà", which has the meaning "big/large/great", seems to describe Canada well, since it is a big country, the first two characters 加 "jiā", meaning "to add", and 拿 "ná", meaning "to take", have no obvious relation to Canada. Therefore, it is safe to say that these characters were chosen only because the pronunciation of each character sounds similar to the syllables of the English name of the country.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Nobody knows exactly how many Chinese characters there are, but the biggest Chinese dictionaries list about fifty thousand characters, even though most of them are only variants of other characters seen in very old texts. For example, the character 回 (huí) has also been written as the variant characters 迴,廻,囬,逥,廽,and 囘, although most Chinese people only know and use the variant 回. Studies in China show that normally three to four thousand characters are used in daily life, so it is safe to say that someone needs to know three to four thousand characters to be functionally literate in Chinese, or be able to read everyday writing without serious problems.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Characters are a kind of graphic language, much different from languages that use an alphabet such as English. The correct way to tell between them is to remember the structure and meaning of every character, not pronunciation, because there is a very close relationship between meaning and structure of characters. Example: 房(house)=户+方. 房 is a shape-pronunciation character. 户 is for shape and 方 is for pronunciation. 户 means 'door'. 房 means 'A person lives behind a door'. 方 pronunciation is "fang" and tone is 1, and with the tone mark it is written as "fāng". 房 pronunciation is also "fang", but tone is 2, with the tone mark it is written as "fáng".
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There are still many Chinese characters that are used in Japanese and Korean. Generally the educational level of a Japanese person is decided by the number of Chinese characters understood by this person. While Koreans nowadays mostly write in hangul, the native Korean alphabet, people have found that some meanings cannot be expressed clearly by just hangul, so people need to use Chinese characters as a note with a bracket. Before 1446, Korean people only used Chinese characters.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In Japanese, characters that are borrowed from the Chinese language are called kanji. Kanji can be used to write both native Japanese words and Chinese loanwords. Japanese writing uses a mix of kanji and two kana systems. Kanji is mostly used to show a word's meaning, while hiragana and katakana are syllabaries that show the pronunciation of Japanese words. Both writing systems are used often when writing Japanese.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In Korean, they are called hanja. Throughout most of Korean history, hanja was the only writing system most literate Koreans knew. Even though hangul was invented in 1446, it was only used by commoners and not the government until Korea gained independence from Japan. Nowadays, most Koreans write mostly in hangul. In North Korea, people write almost completely in hangul since Kim Il-sung abolished hanja from Korean. In South Korea, people mostly write in hangul, and they sometimes write hanja. Native Korean words are almost always written in hangul. Hanja are usually only used to write words that are borrowed from the Chinese language, and are usually only used when the word's meaning isn't obvious based on the context.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In Vietnamese, they are called chữ Nôm. Many Chinese loanwords were used in Vietnamese, especially in old Vietnamese literature. While Vietnamese used many Chinese characters, they also invented tens of thousands of their own characters to write Vietnamese words. The radicals used in chữ Nôm were usually a mix of the words' meanings and pronunciations.
{"url": "", "tags": ["E", "c"], "langs": 127, "title": "Chinese characters", "views": 894.8844, "wiki_id": 29156, "category": 6, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
This alphabetic system operates on the additive principle in which the numeric values of the letters are added together to form the total. For example, 241 is represented as ΣΜΑʹ (200 + 40 + 1).
{"url": "", "tags": ["o", "i"], "langs": 47, "title": "Greek numerals", "views": 802.2231, "wiki_id": 121792, "category": 17, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Spice Girls are a British girl group. The group formed in 1994. The group has five members. Each member uses a nickname initially given to them: Melanie Chisholm ("Sporty Spice"), Emma Bunton ("Baby Spice"), Melanie Brown ("Scary Spice"), Victoria Beckham (née Adams) ("Posh Spice"), and Geri Halliwell ("Ginger Spice") . They were signed to Virgin Records. The Spice Girls released their debut single, "Wannabe" in 1996. It hit number-one in more than 30 countries. The song helped make the group as a global phenomenon. The group is credited for starting the trend of commercial success of teen pop in the late 1990s. Their debut album, "Spice", sold more than 28 million copies worldwide. It is the best-selling album by a female group in music history. They have sold over 75 million records worldwide. This makes them the best-selling female group of all time. It also makes them the most successful British band since the Beatles.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q", "G", "R"], "langs": 67, "title": "Spice Girls", "views": 894.09906, "wiki_id": 23597, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The members reunited in 2007. They released a "Greatest Hits" album in November and said a world tour would start in December. On 1 February 2008, the group said that they would be ending the tour early.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q", "G", "R"], "langs": 67, "title": "Spice Girls", "views": 894.09906, "wiki_id": 23597, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 2012, they reunited again to perform at the closing ceremonies of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q", "G", "R"], "langs": 67, "title": "Spice Girls", "views": 894.09906, "wiki_id": 23597, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The hexadecimal numeral system, often shortened to "hex", is a numeral system made up of 16 symbols (base 16). The standard numeral system is called decimal (base 10) and uses ten symbols: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Hexadecimal uses the decimal numbers and six extra symbols. There are no numerical symbols that represent values greater than nine, so letters taken from the English alphabet are used, specifically A, B, C, D, E and F. Hexadecimal A = decimal 10, and hexadecimal F = decimal 15.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Humans mostly use the decimal (base 10) system where each digit can have one of ten values between zero and ten. This is probably because humans have ten fingers on their hands. Computers generally represent numbers in binary (base 2). In binary, each "binary digit" is called a bit and can only have one of two values: one or zero. Since a single bit's two possible values represents one fifth the information potentially conveyed by of decimal digit's ten possible values, binary representations of integer values can require many more (binary) bits than decimal digits.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
For example, the three digit decimal value 219 requires eight bits to be represented in binary (11011011). Humans find reading, remembering, and typing long strings of bits inconvenient. Hexadecimal allows groups of four bits to be more conveniently represented by a single "hex" digit, so the eight bit binary value 11011011 only requires two hexadecimal digits "DB."
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Computer memory is organized as an array of strings of bits called bytes. On modern computers, each byte generally contains eight bits, which can be conveniently be represented as two hexadecimal digits. Engineers and computer scientists frequently refer to each of these four-bit values as a nibble (sometimes spelled nybble, see computer jargon).
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
To avoid confusion with decimal, octal or other numbering systems, hexadecimal numbers are sometimes written with a "h" after or "0x" before the number. For example, 63h and 0x63 mean 63 hexadecimal.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Unlike modern computers, many early computers had six-bit bytes. Programmers of those systems typically used an alternate bit grouping scheme called octal. Each octal digit efficiently represents three bits, and a six-bit byte can be represented as two octal digits. Three bits, each being on or off, can represent the eight numbers from 0 to 7: 000 = 0; 001 = 1; 010 = 2; 011 = 3; 100 = 4; 101 = 5; 110 = 6 and 111 = 7.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the decimal system, the first digit is the "one's" place, the next digit to the left is the "ten's" place, the next is the "hundred's" place, etc. In hexadecimal, each digit can be 16 values, not 10. This means the digits have the "one's" place, the "sixteen's" place, and the next one is the "256's" place. So 1h = 1 decimal, 10h = 16 decimal, and 100h = 256 in decimal.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Changing a number from binary to hex uses a grouping method. The binary number is separated into groups of four digits starting from the right. These groups are then converted to hexadecimal digits as shown in the chart above for the hexadecimal numbers 0 through F. To change from hexadecimal, the reverse is done. The hex digits are each changed to binary and the grouping is usually removed.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
When the quantity of bits in a binary numbers is not a multiple of 4, it is padded with zeros to make it so. Examples:
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The next method is more commonly done when converting a number in software. It does not need to know how many digits the number has before it starts, and it never multiplies by more than 16, but it looks longer on paper.
{"url": "", "tags": ["Q"], "langs": 78, "title": "Hexadecimal", "views": 880.2474, "wiki_id": 98537, "category": 12, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Microsoft Word or MS Word (often called Word) is a graphical word processing program that users can type with. It is made by the computer company Microsoft. Its purpose is to allow users to type and save documents.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "R", "f"], "langs": 73, "title": "Microsoft Word", "views": 864.50323, "wiki_id": 5549, "category": 24, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Many of the ideas and features in Microsoft Word came from Bravo, the first graphical writing program.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "R", "f"], "langs": 73, "title": "Microsoft Word", "views": 864.50323, "wiki_id": 5549, "category": 24, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
When it first came out, it was not very popular, and did not sell as well as other writing programs like WordPerfect.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "R", "f"], "langs": 73, "title": "Microsoft Word", "views": 864.50323, "wiki_id": 5549, "category": 24, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Although it was not very popular when it came out, it had a feature called "WYSIWYG" (What You See Is What You Get), which meant that people can change the visual style of writing (e.g. bold, italics), by selecting and formatting text, when in other programs like WordPerfect, people had to add special 'codes' to change the style of writing. "WYSIWYG" is now a common feature of all computer writing programs.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "R", "f"], "langs": 73, "title": "Microsoft Word", "views": 864.50323, "wiki_id": 5549, "category": 24, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There are versions for Microsoft Word for other operating systems as well as Microsoft Windows. New versions support fewer operating systems, although they always support Windows.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "R", "f"], "langs": 73, "title": "Microsoft Word", "views": 864.50323, "wiki_id": 5549, "category": 24, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Without configuration the program saved the document in a proprietary file format, so other programs could not open it. When the user sent his document to a friend, the friend needed a copy of Microsoft Word to read the document. Then that friend would probably also save documents in the same secret format of Word. This gave Microsoft Word a dominant position.
{"url": "", "tags": ["z", "R", "f"], "langs": 73, "title": "Microsoft Word", "views": 864.50323, "wiki_id": 5549, "category": 24, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Music is a form of art that uses sound organised in time. Music is also a form of entertainment that puts sounds together in a way that people like, find interesting or dance to. Most music includes people singing with their voices or playing musical instruments, such as the piano, guitar, drums or violin.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 0}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The word "music" comes from the Greek word ("mousike"), which means "(art) of the Muses". In Ancient Greece the Muses included the goddesses of music, poetry, art, and dance. Someone who makes music is known as a musician.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 1}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Music is sound that has been organized by using rhythm, melody or harmony. If someone bangs saucepans while cooking, it makes noise. If a person bangs saucepans or pots in a rhythmic way, they are making a simple type of music.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
There is no simple definition of music which covers all cases. It is an art form, and opinions come into play. Music is whatever people think is music. A different approach is to list the qualities music must have, such as, sound which has rhythm, melody, pitch, timbre, etc.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 3}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
These and other attempts, do not capture all aspects of music, or leave out examples which definitely are music. Music is a special shared relationship between a person, the persons behavior, and a sounding object. Musical experience and the music, together, are called phenomena, and the activity of describing phenomena is called phenomenology.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 4}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Even in the stone age people made music. The first music was probably made trying to imitate sounds and rhythms that occurred naturally. Human music may echo these phenomena using patterns, repetition and tonality. This kind of music is still here today. Shamans sometimes imitate sounds that are heard in nature. It may also serve as entertainment (games), or have practical uses, like attracting animals when hunting.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 5}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Some animals also can use music. Songbirds use song to protect their territory, or to attract a mate. Monkeys have been seen beating hollow logs. This may, of course, also serve to defend the territory.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 6}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The first musical instrument used by humans was probably the voice. The human voice can make many different kinds of sounds. The larynx (voice box) is like a wind instrument.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 7}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The oldest known Neanderthal hyoid bone with the modern human form was found in 1983, indicating that the Neanderthals had language, because the hyoid supports the voice box in the human throat.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 8}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Most likely the first rhythm instruments or percussion instruments involved the clapping of hands, stones hit together, or other things that are useful to keep a beat. There are finds of this type that date back to the paleolithic. Some of these are ambiguous, as they can be used either as a tool or a musical instrument.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 9}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The oldest flute ever discovered may be the Divje Babe flute, found in the Slovenian cave Divje Babe I in 1995. It is not certain that it is really a flute. The item in question is a piece of the femur of a young cave bear, and is about 43,000 years old. However, whether it is a musical instrument or just a bone that got chewed on is an ongoing debate.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 10}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 2008, archaeologists discovered a bone flute in the Hohle Fels cave near Ulm, Germany. The five-holed flute has a V-shaped mouthpiece and is made from a vulture wing bone. The discovery is the oldest confirmed find of any musical instrument in history. Other flutes were also found in the cave. This flute was found next to the Venus of Hohle Fels and a short distance from the oldest known human carving. When they announced their discovery in 2009, the scientists suggested that the find showed that there was a well-established musical tradition when humans colonized Europe.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The oldest known wooden pipes were discovered near Greystones, Ireland, in 2004. A wood-lined pit contained a group of six flutes made from yew wood, between 30 and 50 cm long, tapered at one end, but without any finger holes. They may once have been strapped together.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 12}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In 1986 several bone flutes were found in Jiahu in Henan Province, China. They date to about 6,000 BC. They have between 5 and 8 holes each and were made from the hollow bones of a bird, the Red-crowned Crane. At the time of the discovery, one was still playable. The bone flute plays both the five- or seven-note scale of Xia Zhi and six-note scale of Qing Shang of the ancient Chinese musical system.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 13}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
It is not known what the earliest human music was like. Some architecture and paintings are thousands of years old, but old music could not survive until people learned to write it down. The only way we can guess about early music is by looking at very old paintings that show people playing musical instruments, or by finding instruments in archaeological digs (digging underground to find old things). The earliest piece of music that was ever written down and that has not been lost was discovered on a tablet written in Hurrian, a language spoken in and around northern Mesopotamia (where Iraq is today), from about 1500 BC.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 14}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Another surviving piece of early written music was a round called "Sumer Is Icumen In". It was written down by a monk around the year 1250. Much of the music in the Middle Ages (roughly 450-1420) was folk music played by working people who wanted to sing or dance. When people played instruments, they were usually playing for dancers. However, most of the music that was written down was for the Catholic church. This music was written for monks to sing in church. It is called Chant (or Gregorian chant).
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 15}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In the Renaissance (roughly 1400–1550) there was a lot of music, and many composers wrote music that has survived so that it can be performed, played or sung today. Many new types of art and music was made during this time.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 16}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
After four-quarters, the team who scores the most points wins. If the two teams score the same number of points, there is a five-minute "overtime" to see who can score more points. "Overtime" can be played over and over until one team finally scores more points.
{"url": "", "tags": ["d", "S"], "langs": 178, "title": "Basketball", "views": 837.3608, "wiki_id": 7500, "category": 0, "paragraph_id": 11}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Some music was written for use in church services (sacred music) by the Italian composer Giovanni da Palestrina (1525–1594). In Palestrina's music, many singers sing together (this is called a choir). There was also plenty of music not written for the church, such as happy dance music and romantic love songs. Popular instruments during the Renaissance included the viols (a string instrument played with a bow), lutes (a plucked stringed instrument that is a little like a guitar), and the virginal, a small, quiet keyboard instrument.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 17}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The Baroque (roughly 1600–1740) was a Western cultural era. It emphasised drama and splendor in sculpture, painting, literature, dance, and music. In music, the term 'Baroque' applies to the final period of dominance of imitative counterpoint, where different voices and instruments echo each other but at different pitches, sometimes inverting the echo, and even reversing thematic material.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 18}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The popularity and success of the Baroque style was encouraged by the Roman Catholic Church which had decided at the time of the Council of Trent that the arts should communicate religious themes in direct and emotional involvement. The upper class also saw the dramatic style of Baroque architecture and art as a means of impressing visitors and expressing triumphant power and control. Baroque palaces are built around an entrance of courts, grand staircases and reception rooms of sequentially increasing opulence. In similar profusions of detail, art, music, architecture, and literature inspired each other in the Baroque cultural movement as artists explored what they could create from repeated and varied patterns. Some traits and aspects of Baroque paintings that differentiate this style from others are the abundant amount of details, often bright polychromy, less realistic faces of subjects, and an overall sense of awe, which was one of the goals in Baroque art.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 19}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The word baroque probably derives from the ancient Portuguese noun "barroco" which is a pearl that is not round but of unpredictable and elaborate shape. Hence, in informal usage, the word baroque can simply mean that something is "elaborate", with many details, without reference to the Baroque styles of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 20}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
In western music, the classical period means music from about 1750 to 1825. It was the time of composers like Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. Orchestras became bigger, and composers often wrote longer pieces of music called symphonies that had several sections (called movements). Some movements of a symphony were loud and fast; other movements were quiet and sad. The form of a piece of music was very important at this time. Music had to have a nice 'shape'. They often used a structure which was called sonata form.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 21}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Another important type of music was the string quartet, which is a piece of music written for two violins, a viola, and a violoncello. Like symphonies, string quartet music had several sections. Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven each wrote many famous string quartets.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 22}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The piano was invented during this time. Composers liked the piano, because it could be used to play dynamics (getting louder or getting softer). Other popular instruments included the violin, the violoncello, the flute, the clarinet, and the oboe.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 23}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The 19th century is called the Romantic period. Composers were particularly interested in conveying their emotions through music. An important instrument from the Romantic period was the piano. Some composers, such as Frederic Chopin wrote subdued, expressive, quietly emotional piano pieces. Often music described a feeling or told a story using sounds. Other composers, such as Franz Schubert wrote songs for a singer and a piano player called Lied (the German word for "song"). These Lieder (plural of Lied) told stories by using the lyrics (words) of the song and by the imaginative piano accompaniments. Other composers, like Richard Strauss, and Franz Liszt created narratives and told stories using only music, which is called a tone poem. Composers, such as Franz Liszt and Johannes Brahms used the piano to play loud, dramatic, strongly emotional music.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 24}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Many composers began writing music for bigger orchestras, with as many as 100 instruments. It was the period of "Nationalism" (the feeling of being proud of one's country) when many composers made music using folksong or melodies from their country. Lots of famous composers lived at this time such as Franz Schubert, Felix Mendelssohn, Frederic Chopin, Johannes Brahms, Pyotr Tchaikovsky and Richard Wagner.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 25}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
From about 1900 onwards is called the "modern period". Many 20th century composers wanted to compose music that sounded different from the Classical and Romantic music. Modern composers searched for new ideas, such as using new instruments, different forms, different sounds, or different harmonies.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 26}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The National symbols of the Bangladesh are made of symbols to represent Bengali traditions and ideals that show the different aspects of the cultural life and history of the country.
{"url": "", "tags": ["e"], "langs": 262, "title": "Bangladesh", "views": 722.8726, "wiki_id": 15790, "category": 15, "paragraph_id": 31}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
The composer Arnold Schoenberg (1874–1951) wrote pieces which were atonal (meaning that they did not sound as if they were in any clear musical key). Later, Schoenberg invented a new system for writing music called twelve-tone system. Music written with the twelve-tone system sounds strange to some, but is mathematical in nature, often making sense only after careful study. Pure twelve-tone music was popular among academics in the fifties and sixties, but some composers such as Benjamin Britten use it today, when it is necessary to get a certain feel.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 27}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
One of the most important 20th-century composers, Igor Stravinsky (1882–1971), wrote music with very complicated (difficult) chords (groups of notes that are played together) and rhythms. Some composers thought music was getting too complicated and so they wrote Minimalist pieces which use very simple ideas. In the 1950s and 1960s, composers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen experimented with electronic music, using electronic circuits, amplifiers and loudspeakers. In the 1970s, composers began using electronic synthesizers and musical instruments from rock and roll music, such as the electric guitar. They used these new instruments to make new sounds.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 28}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Composers writing in the 1990s and the 2000s, such as John Adams (born 1947) and James MacMillan (born 1959) often use a mixture of all these ideas, but they like to write tonal music with easy tunes as well.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 29}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Music can be produced electronically. This is most commonly done by computers, keyboards, electric guitars and disk tables. They can mimic traditional instruments, and also produce very different sounds. 21st-century electronic music is commonly made with computer programs and hardware mixers.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 30}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Jazz is a type of music that was invented around 1900 in New Orleans in the south of the USA. There were many black musicians living there who played a style of music called blues music. Blues music was influenced by African music (because the black people in the United States had come to the United States as slaves. They were taken from Africa by force). Blues music was a music that was played by singing, using the harmonica, or the acoustic guitar. Many blues songs had sad lyrics about sad emotions (feelings) or sad experiences, such as losing a job, a family member dying, or having to go to jail (prison).
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 31}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Jazz music mixed together blues music with European music. Some black composers such as Scott Joplin were writing music called ragtime, which had a very different rhythm from standard European music, but used notes that were similar to some European music. Ragtime was a big influence on early jazz, called Dixieland jazz. Jazz musicians used instruments such as the trumpet, saxophone, and clarinet were used for the tunes (melodies), drums for percussion and plucked double bass, piano, banjo and guitar for the background rhythm (rhythmic section). Jazz is usually improvised: the players make up (invent) the music as they play. Even though jazz musicians are making up the music, jazz music still has rules; the musicians play a series of chords (groups of notes) in order.
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 32}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Many civilisations were in the area that is now Turkey, like the Hittites, the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. Many important events in the history of Christianity happened in places that are now in Turkey. Because it lies in both Europe and Asia, some people see Turkey as the "door" between them.
{"url": "", "tags": ["S"], "langs": 308, "title": "Turkey", "views": 718.6769, "wiki_id": 2860, "category": 10, "paragraph_id": 2}
2000-01-01 00:00:00+00
Jazz music has a swinging rhythm. The word "swing" is hard to explain. For a rhythm to be a "swinging rhythm" it has to feel natural and relaxed. Swing rhythm is not even like a march. There is a long-short feel instead of a same-same feel. A "swinging rhythm" also gets the people who are listening excited, because they like the sound of it. Some people say that a "swinging rhythm" happens when all the jazz musicians start to feel the same pulse and energy from the song. If a jazz band plays very well together, people will say "that is a swinging jazz band" or "that band really swings well."
{"url": "", "tags": ["w"], "langs": 224, "title": "Music", "views": 855.285, "wiki_id": 472, "category": 22, "paragraph_id": 33}