commited on
Delete data.jsonl
Browse files- data.jsonl +0 -102
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
1 |
{"prompt": "Display value", "code": "<|{value}|text|>"}
2 |
{"prompt": "Create a slider", "code": "<|{value}|slider|>"}
3 |
{"prompt": "Connect a slider to value", "code": "<|{value}|slider|>"}
4 |
{"prompt": "Control value with a slider", "code": "<|{value}|slider|>"}
5 |
{"prompt": "Display df_AAPL in a chart", "code": "<|{df_AAPL}|chart|x=DATE|y=Open|>"}
6 |
{"prompt": "Create a button to upload a file", "code": "<|{data_path}|file_selector|on_action=data_upload|>"}
7 |
{"prompt": "File upload", "code": "<|{data_path}|file_selector|on_action=data_upload|>"}
8 |
{"prompt": "Create a menu to select the city", "code": "<|{city}|selector|lov={cities}|multiple|label=Select the City|dropdown|on_change=on_filter|width=100%|>"}
9 |
{"prompt": "Create a selector for customer types", "code": "<|{customer_type}|selector|lov={types}|multiple|label=Select the Customer Type|dropdown|on_change=on_filter|width=100%|>"}
10 |
{"prompt": "Display df_selection in an expandable", "code": "<|Sales Table|expandable|expanded=False|>"}
11 |
{"prompt": "Create a Generate text button", "code": "<|Generate text|button|on_action=generate_text|label=Generate text|>"}
12 |
{"prompt": "Create a text input for the tweet", "code": "<|{tweet}|input|multiline|label=Resulting tweet|class_name=fullwidth|>"}
13 |
{"prompt": "Break line", "code": "<br/>"}
14 |
{"prompt": "Display image", "code": "<center><|{image}|image|height=400px|></center>"}
15 |
{"prompt": "Display image from path", "code": "<|{path}|image|width=500px|height=500px|class_name=img|>"}
16 |
{"prompt": "Create a slider to select iterations", "code": "<|{iterations}|slider|min=10|max=50|continuous=False|on_change=generate|>"}
17 |
{"prompt": "Slider dx_start", "code": "<|{dx_start}|slider|min=0|max=100|continuous=False|on_change=generate|>"}
18 |
{"prompt": "Create a toggle button", "code": "<|{value}|toggle|lov=Item 1;Item 2;Item 3|>"}
19 |
{"prompt": "Create a dropdown to select between A B and C", "code": "<|{value}|selector|lov=A;B;C|dropdown|>"}
20 |
{"prompt": "Create a date selector", "code": "<|{dt}|date|>"}
21 |
{"prompt": "Date selection", "code": "<|{dt}|date|>"}
22 |
{"prompt": "Create a gauge to visualize val", "code": "<|message|indicator|value={val}|min=0|max=100|>"}
23 |
{"prompt": "Slider with minimum value", "code": "<|{value}|slider|min=0|>"}
24 |
{"prompt": "Slider with maximum value", "code": "<|{value}|slider|max=100|>"}
25 |
{"prompt": "Slider with step interval", "code": "<|{value}|slider|step=5|>"}
26 |
{"prompt": "Text field with placeholder", "code": "<|{text}|input|placeholder='Enter text'|>"}
27 |
{"prompt": "Button with action", "code": "<|Click Me|button|on_action=button_click|>"}
28 |
{"prompt": "Dropdown selector", "code": "<|{option}|selector|lov=A;B;C|dropdown|>"}
29 |
{"prompt": "Toggle switch", "code": "<|{toggle}|toggle|>"}
30 |
{"prompt": "Image display with width", "code": "<|{image}|image|width=200px|>"}
31 |
{"prompt": "Image display with height", "code": "<|{image}|image|height=200px|>"}
32 |
{"prompt": "Chart with line mode", "code": "<|{data}|chart|mode=line|>"}
33 |
{"prompt": "Chart with bar mode", "code": "<|{data}|chart|mode=bar|>"}
34 |
{"prompt": "Date selector with default date", "code": "<|{date}|date|default='2023-01-01'|>"}
35 |
{"prompt": "File selector with file types", "code": "<|{file}|file_selector|accept='.png,.jpg'|>"}
36 |
{"prompt": "Expandable section", "code": "<|Details|expandable|expanded=False|>"}
37 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with value range", "code": "<|status|indicator|value={progress}|min=0|max=100|>"}
38 |
{"prompt": "Multiline text input", "code": "<|{text}|input|multiline|>"}
39 |
{"prompt": "Chart with specific x-axis", "code": "<|{data}|chart|x='Date'|>"}
40 |
{"prompt": "Chart with specific y-axis", "code": "<|{data}|chart|y='Value'|>"}
41 |
{"prompt": "Text with specific class name", "code": "<|{text}|text|class_name='highlight'|>"}
42 |
{"prompt": "Button with custom label", "code": "<|Submit|button|label='Submit Form'|>"}
43 |
{"prompt": "Text display with specific style", "code": "<|{text}|text|style='bold'|>"}
44 |
{"prompt": "Button with specific color", "code": "<|Action|button|color='blue'|>"}
45 |
{"prompt": "Slider with custom range", "code": "<|{value}|slider|min=1|max=10|>"}
46 |
{"prompt": "Image with specific alignment", "code": "<|{image}|image|align='center'|>"}
47 |
{"prompt": "Chart with scatter mode", "code": "<|{data}|chart|mode='scatter'|>"}
48 |
{"prompt": "Date picker with min and max dates", "code": "<|{date}|date|min='2020-01-01'|max='2023-12-31'|>"}
49 |
{"prompt": "File selector with multiple file selection", "code": "<|{files}|file_selector|multiple|>"}
50 |
{"prompt": "Expandable content with title", "code": "<|Summary|expandable|title='More Details'|>"}
51 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with specific color", "code": "<|status|indicator|color='green'|>"}
52 |
{"prompt": "Multiline text input with placeholder", "code": "<|{text}|input|multiline|placeholder='Enter your text here'|>"}
53 |
{"prompt": "Chart with pie mode", "code": "<|{data}|chart|mode='pie'|>"}
54 |
{"prompt": "Text with font size", "code": "<|{text}|text|font_size='14px'|>"}
55 |
{"prompt": "Button with icon", "code": "<|Refresh|button|icon='refresh'|>"}
56 |
{"prompt": "Slider with vertical orientation", "code": "<|{value}|slider|orientation='vertical'|>"}
57 |
{"prompt": "Image with specific size", "code": "<|{image}|image|size='200x200'|>"}
58 |
{"prompt": "Dropdown selector with specific width", "code": "<|{option}|selector|lov=A;B;C|dropdown|width='150px'|>"}
59 |
{"prompt": "Toggle switch with labels", "code": "<|{toggle}|toggle|lov=On;Off|>"}
60 |
{"prompt": "File selector with specific label", "code": "<|{file}|file_selector|label='Choose a file'|>"}
61 |
{"prompt": "Expandable section with initial state", "code": "<|Details|expandable|expanded=True|>"}
62 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with dynamic range", "code": "<|status|indicator|value={progress}|min=0|max={max_value}|>"}
63 |
{"prompt": "Text display with font color", "code": "<|{text}|text|color='red'|>"}
64 |
{"prompt": "Button with size", "code": "<|Submit|button|size='large'|>"}
65 |
{"prompt": "Slider with initial value", "code": "<|{value}|slider|initial=50|>"}
66 |
{"prompt": "Image with border", "code": "<|{image}|image|border='1px solid black'|>"}
67 |
{"prompt": "Chart with bar orientation", "code": "<|{data}|chart|orientation='horizontal'|>"}
68 |
{"prompt": "Date picker with custom format", "code": "<|{date}|date|format='YYYY-MM-DD'|>"}
69 |
{"prompt": "File selector with label alignment", "code": "<|{file}|file_selector|label_align='left'|>"}
70 |
{"prompt": "Expandable content with custom toggle", "code": "<|Features|expandable|toggle_icon='plus'|>"}
71 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with custom width", "code": "<|status|indicator|width='100px'|>"}
72 |
{"prompt": "Multiline text input with max length", "code": "<|{text}|input|multiline|max_length=200|>"}
73 |
{"prompt": "Chart with custom axis titles", "code": "<|{data}|chart|x_title='Time'|y_title='Value'|>"}
74 |
{"prompt": "Text with background color", "code": "<|{text}|text|background_color='lightblue'|>"}
75 |
{"prompt": "Button with hover effect", "code": "<|Download|button|hover_effect='shadow'|>"}
76 |
{"prompt": "Slider with label", "code": "<|{value}|slider|label='Volume'|>"}
77 |
{"prompt": "Image with opacity", "code": "<|{image}|image|opacity=0.5|>"}
78 |
{"prompt": "Dropdown selector with default value", "code": "<|{option}|selector|lov=A;B;C|dropdown|default='B'|>"}
79 |
{"prompt": "Toggle switch with custom size", "code": "<|{toggle}|toggle|size='small'|>"}
80 |
{"prompt": "File selector with button style", "code": "<|{file}|file_selector|button_style='primary'|>"}
81 |
{"prompt": "Expandable section with custom text", "code": "<|Instructions|expandable|title='How to Use'|>"}
82 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with custom shape", "code": "<|status|indicator|shape='circle'|>"}
83 |
{"prompt": "Text display with alignment", "code": "<|{text}|text|align='center'|>"}
84 |
{"prompt": "Button with custom width", "code": "<|Submit|button|width='150px'|>"}
85 |
{"prompt": "Slider with tooltip", "code": "<|{value}|slider|tooltip=True|>"}
86 |
{"prompt": "Image with custom class", "code": "<|{image}|image|class_name='custom-img'|>"}
87 |
{"prompt": "Chart with custom height", "code": "<|{data}|chart|height='300px'|>"}
88 |
{"prompt": "Date picker with custom placeholder", "code": "<|{date}|date|placeholder='Select a date'|>"}
89 |
{"prompt": "File selector with disabled state", "code": "<|{file}|file_selector|disabled=True|>"}
90 |
{"prompt": "Expandable content with custom color", "code": "<|Overview|expandable|color='blue'|>"}
91 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with label", "code": "<|progress|indicator|label='Loading'|>"}
92 |
{"prompt": "Multiline text input with custom placeholder color", "code": "<|{text}|input|multiline|placeholder_color='grey'|>"}
93 |
{"prompt": "Chart with custom legend", "code": "<|{data}|chart|legend=True|>"}
94 |
{"prompt": "Text with underline", "code": "<|{text}|text|underline=True|>"}
95 |
{"prompt": "Button with custom font size", "code": "<|Save|button|font_size='16px'|>"}
96 |
{"prompt": "Slider with custom handle color", "code": "<|{value}|slider|handle_color='blue'|>"}
97 |
{"prompt": "Image with rounded corners", "code": "<|{image}|image|corner_radius='5px'|>"}
98 |
{"prompt": "Dropdown selector with custom height", "code": "<|{option}|selector|lov=A;B;C|dropdown|height='40px'|>"}
99 |
{"prompt": "Toggle switch with custom labels", "code": "<|{toggle}|toggle|on_label='Yes'|off_label='No'|>"}
100 |
{"prompt": "File selector with icon", "code": "<|{file}|file_selector|icon='upload'|>"}
101 |
{"prompt": "Expandable section with custom toggle color", "code": "<|Details|expandable|toggle_color='red'|>"}
102 |
{"prompt": "Indicator with custom height", "code": "<|status|indicator|height='50px'|>"}