It was 100% opposite from my first pregnancy. And I think that's what I'm going to miss. I think it's hysterical (now that I'm to the end) that a little baby girl growing inside me could COMPLETELY change me as a person. This little sweetheart has made me eat more Caramel Milky Ways than I could count, she had me eating dark chocolate dipped in vanilla frosting straight from the can. (I had to throw it away in order to stop eating it… and even that barely stopped me). She even got me to eat spicier food than I normally can. I see it as a big forecast to the
You have to be patient and explain over and over and over again that it is not okay to hit younger siblings. The trick is consistency. You need to always react in the same way until the older child gets it. As well as putting toys in a different room, sometime we used to have toys at the dining table, the baby couldn't reach them and the older child could sit at the table and play. Only works with particular types of toys though. I think it is important for kids to learn how to share. You can start with the basics by allowing them to share their food with their siblings. These simple gesture will allow them to learn the value of sharing and caring for the younger sibling. Aside from that you can use educational
The question is, does my belt need to match my shoes? Some people would just give a flat answer of "yes" and leave it at that but we'd like to go a step further. Yes, your belt and shoes should not clash but they don't have to match exactly. In fact, if they are a perfect match it might look like you're trying a bit too hard. Here's the general rule you should live by. If you're wearing brown shoes, wear a brown belt. If you're wearing black shoes, wear a black belt. The shade of brown or black that you wear
Your past mistakes don't have to define who you are now, or who you'll be tomorrow. The past does not have to equal the future. Give yourself permission to have a great future. Don't fall into the trap that you are a nothing because of the mistakes that you have made. How can you start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one. You are not your past mistakes. You are not a worthless person with no value! You are not a loser! You are special. You can change your life at a moments
Make sure that the mask you get fits your face, both so that you will be comfortable and so that it will not leak all the time, so you dont get water into the mask and then will not be able to see anything at all. A good way to tell whether or not a mask fits you is to hold it against your face and then let go to see if it stays because it has a good seal, and therefore will remain sealed underwater and not let water in, but remember too that a lot of dive shops will have very experienced divers working in them, so it is also a good idea to listen to what they have to say and to trust their judgment in many cases. When you actually get around to using the mask you should remember a simple trick that Just spit into it and rub it around, then rinse it and it should stay fog free the whole time you have it on. Finding the right snorkel for you is easier than finding a mask that fits properly, as you can just make sure that the mouthpiece is comfortable inside your mouth when you put it on, that it has a place to hook up to the mask so it stays at the right angle and so that it wont get lost when you go out in open water, and make sure that it is long enough so that it wont choke you when it gets submerged in water. You don't really need fins to go snorkeling, but you can go deeper and farther with them. If you do decide to get them then you should make sure that they fit comfortably, whether that means getting cushions so you dont get
Have you had problems with a toothache but do not go see a dentist because you are afraid of pain? Have you recently chipped a tooth and know it needs repaired but keep forgetting to make an appointment with a dentist because you fear them? Most people do not realize that because of their fear of seeing a dentist prevents them from having their teeth repaired and it can cause their teeth and gums to become worse. The longer a person waits to see a dentist can sometimes also affect their health. There is a remedy that can now help people who are afraid to go visit a dentist and that is a sleep dentist. You want to find a sleep dentist that has experience, is trustworthy and can make you comfortable during your dental procedure. When you schedule an appointment with a professional sleep dentist let them know about your
The speed at which the item was produced was excellent. I could not believe the quality when it arrived. It was great. The site was easy to use and the advice on image quality excellent. I will definitely use this company again. Thank you so much. Order cam promptly and looked as expected - thank you! To find your perfect hat size for your personalised bucket hat, use a soft tape measure or a piece of string (which can be measured afterwards). Place the measuring tape or string just above your ear, and across your forehead, wrapping round to the back of your head. Don't pull too tightly - leave the tape a little loose. If you find your size in the middle of our
Often the training provided is dull and does not do a good job of teaching the store associate what he or she needs to know to make a sale. When someone from the outside, with a background in training and a curiosity about how individuals learn, delivers the training, the associate does not question it because it has third-party credibility; they just believe it better. Training can be more effective because it can immediately be corrected, explained and rewarded. A great trainer is easily understood, is engaging, and makes the time pass quickly. Company trainers may show up to train several It is designed to change the way one person responds to another in a brick and mortar store. Many people don't get this. Product knowledge or technical training is passive and concerned with facts. The learner has to do nothing. For example, product training on a piano would involve how many keys there are, the science of a C Major scale, differences in sounding board materials, tuning requirements and the like. You would not have to actually be in front of a piano. But with behavioral training, the learner has to actively take an action and that requires practice.
Do you have a special method when you compose? Pen & paper/directly to DAW or other? I like to write the basics of a song in my head since I find it easier to hear a bigger arrangement that way. Then at a later stage I can go to an instrument and try it out. But it all depends on the type of song as well. This might sound strange, but I really don't have any favorites! For example I have many guitars, but I'm still looking to find the one to fall in love with. What I do like, though, is my studio as a whole. A place to be creative is more important than gear for me. What kind of music do you most enjoy to make? I mostly write pop, as a singer/
You will need to make sure that no food particles remain stuck in them, because over time, this can break them down much faster. To prevent this, simply remove your dental plates after every meal and run them under a tap to gently rinse them off. As was mentioned in the first point, be careful to not accidentally drop them in the sink, so either have a bowl of water or a towel under them just in case. Clean your mouth after eating – the dental plates are not the only thing you will need to clean after meals. Since food particles can still technically be stuck in your mouth, you will need to make sure that your mouth is clean as well by the time you put your dental plates back on. Keep in mind that the hard toothbrushes you used to use on your teeth are off-limits in this case This is how it should be handled so that you know what to expect of it. It would not be something you regret by any kind of choice made. So let it happen in that way so you know exactly how to take it on to the next level. This would be one of your main concerns too and you would do your best with respect to it. It would show you the results you deserve to see at all times and you would be glad of what has become of it. It is some kind of expectation becoming reality in all sorts of forms to be
If the pancakes are turning out darker than you like, or if the butter in the skillet is turning brown, turn the heat down. I usually have to turn my skillet down to medium low after the first batch. You may even need to take the skillet off of the heating element for a few minutes to let the skillet cool down. Don't worry, you'll soon get a feel for it. On the other hand, if you're not sure that the pancakes are done, just use the corner of your spatula to make a small slice in the middle of the pancake. Press down on the pancake and if you see oozing batter keep cooking. If you're having trouble with the pancakes sticking to the skillet add more butter or try another skillet. I use a Lodge Logic Cast Iron Griddle to cook pancakes. I have used non-stick
Take a good look and note any particular aspect you want to discuss in detail. Perhaps there is a career gap or they took part in an interesting project. These small "side notes" could be the most revealing parts of the interview process. All candidates have some level of nerves and stress before and during the interview. In order to get the best out of them, you must put them at ease. Make sure they have as much information as possible in advance of the interview, from how to get there and where to go when they arrive to dress codes and any question preparation they may need. This will ease any excess stress in advance. On arrival, offer a drink and ask some informal questions about their journey to break the ice. Seeking
I am a little black baby female Dane puppy looking for a forever home. I love everybody I meet and hope they play with me. I am learning how to potty outside and sleep in my crate. I think I am getting it but sometimes I don't make it, I am trying very hard to be better, I hope someone will have patience with me. I love my toys and to play with other dogs. I met the vet and the office staff and even though they pinched and poked at me, I liked them very much! I love to go for walks and rides in the car. I do have a lot to learn so I need someone willing to teach me everything I need to know. I also need a real name, they call me red collar, what kind of name is that? I hope someone will take me home soon and make me part of their family. Training agreement a condition of this Apollo does not like to have us out of his sight and will follow us from one room to the other and will lay at the foot of the stairs and whine for a bit at night. I am sure he would love to come upstairs and sleep in someone's room but we have limited him to the main floor because he his not too sure on stairs. He has learned how to navigate the few steps in and out of the house but the full flight is too much for him. So for now he sleeps with his foster brothers in the living room. He was given up reluctantly by his owner who could no longer keep him on the estate where he worked. Toby was used to running free and going everywhere with his owner. He lived on a property with chickens, rabbits and horses and was fine with all. He did not live with other dogs but seems to meet other dogs with no issues. He would do best in a home either as an only dog or with female dogs of any size. We believe he will also do fine with a neutered dog friendly male. He has no history living with small I am the sweetest, happiest guy you will ever meet!! I love to be cuddled with, and petted, and given any kind of attention. I will completely return any attention shown to me with the softest kisses. I'm not a big slobbery guy. I prefer a more subtle approach with lots of little kisses all at once. I love to play with toys, particularly rope toys. And if you throw it for me so I can chase it, even better!! I love to have the zoomies, so a fenced yard is a complete must for me. No grass is growing under my He is good on a leash but needs reminding about pulling. He is hyper focused on cats, and is very difficult to redirect. He will chase. And he will jerk the leash hard to run after a cat if he sees one. Zeus is not really food oriented, and can be picky about eating. He loves the car, and is willing to hop in at any opportunity! He meets strangers well-in his world, there are no strangers, Zeus loves everyone. He loves attention and will lean into any attention that might come his way. Update 8/22/17 - Chaos (or Klaus, the name his foster home has given him) has been having ongoing issues related to allergies that we have
Each of these mugs is one of a kind. The artist tops each cup with one of four healing stones. "These lovely minerals are smooth to the touch and can be rubbed gently to focus your mind and lift your mood as you enjoy a soothing cup of tea or your morning coffee, " reads the Uncommon Goods site. We feel relaxed already! She can take hot or iced tea on the go with this glass travel mug. Just fill one end with tea and water, shake to steep and drink out of the opposite end. Easy! Give the green thumb in your life all-new tools for her beloved garden. For the
As a student, I also feel, having the right group of friends circle is very important. We meet all kinds of people in school and college, some that influence us both in a positive and negative way. Therefore, choosing friends we can relate to, gain support and learn from is important for us all. I would like to encourage everyone to be active and work hard during their student life, and have positive competition. Being active and busy automatically makes us broadminded. It trains us to think on a higher level. I believe, the word "civilized" plays an appropriate role in our lives and is a reflection on the way we lead our lives and our time
This letter is sent to you in appreciation for the successful sale of my home. Your professional and calm manner in which you dealt with my many questions, problems and worries was so very helpful and the fact that you were always there when you said you be, was very reassuring also. From the beginning, I felt you went above and beyond all expectations starting with those wonderful pictures that you took of my home and property. You put so much time and care into that finished product. They could not have been more lovely, and I believe those pictures were a big part of our success. You proved yourself to be very innovating in using all the technology available to
bunk bed with storage steps junior pink and white twin loft bed with storage steps full loft bed with storage stairs. bunk bed with storage steps amazing of kids bunk bed with storage bunk beds with storage for kids beds home furniture design bunk bed storage stairs plan. bunk bed with storage steps smart bunk bed with storage stairs bunk beds with storage stairs australia. bunk bed with storage steps bunk beds and storage remarkable storage stairs for bunk bed and wooden bunk beds with stairs bunk bed storage stairs. bunk bed with storage steps schoolhouse collection twin twin stair bunk bed in white bunk bed with storage steps bed with steps toddler loft bed with stairs and bunk beds for kids with stairs bed bed with steps stages twin loft bed and storage steps. bunk bed with storage steps wooden bunk bed with storage stairs bunk bed with storage stairs intended for bunk bed full loft bed with storage steps. bunk bed with storage steps elegant storage steps for bunk bed and bunk bed king size bunk bed intended for storage bunk beds with storage stairs australia. bunk bed with storage steps storage stairs for a bunk of loft bed bunk bed storage stairs. bunk bed with storage steps wonderful kids bunk beds with storage gray bunk beds with stairs storage drawers and under bed storage bunk bed with storage steps
If she wanted to decorate a set of plates for household use, she might paint the household badge on the entire set of plates. Then, should she want to mark one particular plate as hers, she would have to paint either her device or her badge on the plate. Painting the badge would indicate that the plate belongs to her. Painting the device on the plate would not only indicate that the plate is hers, but that she is the person using the plate. Third, the livery colors. Livery colors are colors that you have chosen to be a part of your heraldic
Studies have found that humans can benefit from shaking after trauma just as animals do. 2. Ground yourself. Do something simple. Take a walk, watch a bird, go outside at sunrise or at twilight, plant something, hold a baby, cook a wholesome meal, gently stretch your muscles, sit down and focus on what your body feels, one part at a time: soles of the feet, backs of the legs, right up to the breeze against your cheek. This will calm your body and make breathing easier. 3. Stop listening to your own scary thoughts and question them for the truth. Can you absolutely know that you will lose your job? Or that your teenager is He used to say you must go into the deepest darkness your mind can take you, and then prepare to accept what you find there. Then, he pointed out, you are covered. You have looked the worst in the face, and have not died. You will accept it when it comes, and have some idea of how you will handle it. Now, you can forget it, and be relieved, because this moment you are in, is so much better than the worst case scenario. 6. Take constructive action. Do what you can under the circumstances, even if it's just opening the scary envelope or looking at your bank balance or getting up in the morning. Asking for help is also taking constructive action. If you don't ask, you rob others of the opportunity to live their purpose, to show compassion and to be of use in the world and you leave yourself ill- No-one can be expected to know or do everything themselves during a crisis. Others WANT to help you when you are overwhelmed. 7. Find people who give you courage and hope and who make you feel better about yourself. Now stalk them. Or at the very least, watch them closely. How would they interpret what is happening? What would they say in such circumstances? We all need a model to help us connect to our wisest self and see things from their perspective if ours is not making us happy. Surrounding yourself with people who make you feel more positive, or can even make you laugh, is healthy. in the end, but for now, don't confuse the issue by throwing in doubt about your purpose in life. The world needs you. 9. Feed your senses and expose yourself to
Immediately pour and scrape every bit of the fudge mixture into the crust or uncrusted, lined pan. Yes, you can save a bit aside for testing; again, don't feed your loved ones poisoned fudge. Testing is important. Smooth it out until it looks like a neatly frosted cake. Top immediately with marshmallows; set aside to come to room temperature, then chill overnight before serving. Bonus points: pop that into the oven at 350F for five minutes or so to brown the marshmallows. Yeah, you get the idea. S'mores. Chill again before slicing into very tiny pieces for serving. *If you want to make this dairy free, easy- Not coconut cream--that's a different thing. Cream of coconut. Helpful link to Baking Bites included with a description. This can also be made sugar free with sugar-free sweetened condensed milk and sugar free marshmallows and sugar free chocolate chips. Yes, all of those things exist. I'll even help with those links in a bit. **Hate chocolate? Use any other kind of melting chip or baking chip. Cinnamon, peanut butter, mint, white chocolate, vanilla, grape--yes, grape exists--as does orange. Yep. I might have a flavored baking chip problem. ***Miniature marshmallows are made of fun and win. If you hate them, and
Do I come across people I find physically attractive as I walk down the street? Always. Do I holler at them and try to attract their attention? No. Do I have a particular form of dress/build that intrigues me? Yes. Do I use that as an excuse to ask for said person's number? No. Listen, I'm not saying that everything that I do is right and everything I don't do is wrong because that would be both ludicrous and false. What I'm saying is if I can let someone have a peaceful walk to wherever they are going without looking to attract their attention then so can anyone else, surely? Some men just don't seem to get this at all. So the fool won't be rejected by silence. He calls me names as I walk past simply because I chose to ignore him. He becomes even more
When your phone determines that you need it, it lights up. Or hiding TVs behind a one-way mirror? Even pop-up headlights could almost fall under this; they're a useful tool for the car but hidden until required. The actual mechanism of using a liquid crystal as a blind has been around for ages- it has even been on Grand Designs years ago. And using blinds and curtains to obscure things of interest has been used as long as blinds and curtains have existed. So no novel step there. The only novel step here is "it's on a phone". Feel free to list examples then.
2. What's something you can't eat without salt? Do you normally salt your food a lot, a little, or not at all? I can't eat cooked vegetables without salting them, they're nasty without it. I consider myself a fairly light salt eater. 3. Sands of time, bury your head in the sand, built on sand, or draw a line in the sand…which sandy phrase could best be applied to something in your life right now? "Sands of time" best applies to me because time is passing so quickly during this phase of my life. I'm constantly aware that, one of these days, before I realize it, my hourglass will become empty. I love the song "Knee Deep" by My back seems to be s-l-o-w-l-y improving, so I'm going to give it another week, or so, before I make any decisions. 2. It's the middle of August, but I'm already seeing lots of autumn-related posts. Do you think we rush the seasons? If so, does that bother you? Yes, I do think the seasons are rushed. When Hobby Lobby puts out Christmas decorations in the middle of summer, I say that's rushing things a bit! And, yes, it does bother me when people rush the seasons. Why can't we fully enjoy one season before rushing into the next? 3. Your favorite summertime 'art' found in nature? 4. ' Agree or no? Do you define yourself based on your intentions, your actions, or something else? That's a difficult question, and I don't have an answer, today. I'm not sure how I define myself, but what's the old saying? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", so I don't put a lot of stock in those. I'm a bit slow to react in a kind of crisis of any kind, in fact I usually 'freeze' for a moment or two, which can be disastrous during a crisis. My husband, Ed, on the other hand, is quick to react, and always great in a crisis. This probably comes from years of working as an x-ray I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it or not, but I might give it a try. I enjoy coloring, I'm just not very good at it. After being 'shut in' for over a week, I was finally able to do a little shopping, yesterday. My back only 'acted up' when I'd first get out of the car, after I'd been sitting for a while. Within a few minutes I could stand up straight and walk normally. Walking wasn't painful, like before, and Ed did all of the bending for me. Folks, don't ever take your back for Now, three years later, I'm still only 85% rid of the yeast. Because of this "condition", for the sake of comfort, I've been forced to sit on my lower spine, instead of on my actual behind, most of the time. I'd be willing to bet money, that's what's happened to my back! I'm thinking that sitting incorrectly has affected my back. It's funny how one thing can lead to another, huh? Speaking of sitting incorrectly and bulging discs, my back is telling me it's time to get up and take a break from sitting. Have a great Recovering from this reminds me of recovering from surgery! It's slow going. In other news, our weekend weather was unseasonably cool. Nights and early mornings required a light jacket of some kind. This is very unusual for this time of the year. We're still trying to dry out from the six inches of rain we received last week, too. Of course, the cool, wet weather makes perfect conditions for grass to grow, and our lawn has never looked better! The garden? No so good. Some plants took a hard hit from too much water, and the grass and weeds are running
We will not have extras.) The only thing we ask you to bring is a small dish to pass as we eat while the class is going, and any items you have been working on that you would like to show the group during our Show & Share portion of the day. There will be door prizes to be given out and various ways to earn discount coupons to use for shopping. I GUARANTEE that you will be INSPIRED after you attend one of our sessions. To see our projects coming up see below and don't forget we are on Instagram too under the #
Cabin was very clean and cozy and had plenty of room for our group. We also enjoyed the hot tub, grill, and fire pit. Host communicated well and made sure we were set up for our weekend. Would love to come back and check it out again in the summer when the weather is nicer! We enjoyed our stay at the Lazy Cabin. Though it was our first time at this location,we had a great time.The mountains were breath taking.It was perfect for our Honeymoon! We love A Lazy River. This is our 4th or 5th time here. It is a nice cabin with a great location. Please be advised you have rented a
The team that got more gold pieces in the end was the winner. Useless to name all the puzzles and even more useless to try recalling each :). There were, however some that are definitely worth mentioning. Do you like playing poker on Sundays? If you do, you might be confused having seen your card deck randomly pinned up to trees around the forest with some strange numbers on each card. It may be confusing really, unless you know the rules and the goal. They were to find all the numbered cards and gather another deck we were given in the very order, the numbers on those pinned cards stated. Gathering the deck in the correct order enabled us to read the
One minute its a war book and the next the author got bored and wrote the easiest/worst ending in history. This book should be in the fantasy category. As a current military officer I find it so ridiculous that the US would throw out the constitutution, murder the president, and then murder a billion innocent people all around the world in the name of religion. If thats what you want to read about then waste your time and money on this book. This book had a lot of potential, but boring "action" scenes, too little explanation, and see it coming a mile away
A "ratchet tap wrench", How does it work? This solution is certainly the most effective and least dangerous. Try it first! No ratchet tap wrench? a wood screw could help you! Take a punch and a hammer to make a hollow in the head of the axles (threaded side). This small area will be useful to guide the drill. The hollow must be in the center of the axle. After a moment, the screw will stop ... and then it works like a ratchet tap wrench. By screwing the screw, you remove the axle! Unlike an axle with a screw, you have to drill the axle on the threaded side! And there is a work of patience and attention to detail. Another thing, whatever happens, the axle will not survive the operation! The principle: an axle that resists can be
Your own interesting help means much to me and much more to my fellow workers. Thank you; from each one of us. Thank you for all of the labor on this web site. Kim take interest in managing research and it is obvious why. We know all of the powerful mode you create informative items through your web site and as well as boost contribution from other people on that area then our simple princess is without a doubt starting to learn a lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You are doing a fabulous job. I simply wanted to appreciate you once more. I do not know the things I would' Your write up is a great example of it. Magnificent goods from you, man. I have understand your stuff previous to and you are just too excellent. I really like what you have acquired here, really like what you're saying and the way in which you say it. You make it enjoyable and you still care for to keep it wise. I can't wait to read much more from you. This is really a wonderful web site. My husband and i got quite peaceful Peter managed to finish up his web research by way of the precious recommendations he was given using your web site. It's not at all simplistic to simply continually be giving away
I want to make myself as professional as possible while on the job. It's important that I make a good impression so that they'd like to work with me again. We went through everything, step-by-step, from entering the studio to leaving. I was able to confirm proper manners with a customer-service professional. Although our lesson was focused on the areas I asked her to help me with, it was very interesting to hear about her life in Holland! I was coming off of a nasty cold and she was very patient with me. That's one of the great things about
We're looking for a word for someone who's on the other side of that. They get into things that were cool, but whose cool-time has passed. Now people think "what, someone's still into that?" ... and that's when this person gets into it in the first place. Suggest a good word for that? One of those posts that's more for me than for anyone else; I wanted to get this all written down while it's still clear in my memory. Also, a place to point people to if they want to know how Jessie cat's last week went. This is
" At once, a couple of examples of such a type of individual came to mind and I said to myself, "Aha, that sounds like ...". This type of word is useful not only for describing a certain type of individual, but as a review word. I find that for each Chinese character, I like to have several words that I review on a semi-regular basis to try to lock the characters into my memory. It helps if they are unusual in one way or another (part of the purpose of this Word-A-Day site). Words that make you stop and think seem to stick better than ho-hum, everyday, run of the mill words (my experience has been that the ho-hum words are sometimes harder to recall than the unusual words.) The character
While autism brings many differences to the table, it also brings some super exciting ways to put things into perspective. I am a parent, just like you. T goes to school, just like your kids. He might sit in a different classroom, but he is in the school. He might need encouragement finding the right word to say, but he will speak. T loves to swim, dance and be outside. He loves watching movies, going out for pizza, and has a wicked sense of humor. He laughs at a good joke and cries when he or someone he loves gets hurt. He will race you to the swings and always win, just like your kids. His differences kind of make him just like your kids. I decided that the
Life is full. Too full for writing sometimes, but knowing there are certain times for certain things is what give us space to live. This week in my little world, my eldest daughter had an "Outer Space" themed birthday party. She was so excited to paint all the planets on paper lanterns and tell me about their order as we hung them from our ceiling. How can one miniature person know so much about something so vast and seemingly out of reach? I feel small every time I think about outer space, but those thoughts help ground me to my tiny universe. In our surrounding
Our garden and the woods by our house were filled by amazing creatures I could communicate with. The Fairy Tree takes me back in time so I can live in that energy once again. It feels like coming home to a truth, a belief I forgot. I'm touched in a way I could not have imagined. Click ADD TO CART above and take yourself back to that enchanted time in your life. Every day you wait is a day you could have lived a charmed life! Focus on The Fairy Tree right now, let your mind clear and see what you feel. Has your day become brighter? Do you feel the difference in your energy? That is the fairy energy reaching out to you through a small computer image. Imagine what it would be like to have the actual pendant or print in your presence all of the time. Some say it is far beyond what they could have even imagined. This is just a little sample of how you can feel all of the time. Click ADD TO CART above and bring this energy into your life forever. The Fairy Tree is believed to be both the magical abode of fairies and the
You see, that's the core of it here. It tells us that Jesus was special. He was set apart by the Holy Spirit. He was born in a different way. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil. When you think about it, that's what sin really is, isn't it? Not, "The Devil made me do it. I can get away with it," but it's we have wanted what we wanted in spite of what God says no matter what. Ever since Eve looked at that fruit and said, "This is good to the eyes, pleasant to touch, and pleasant to eat." We want our own thing, and we're going to go for it.
Don't let your monkey master your life. Instead, master your monkey to master your life. Leave space for that voice inside that wants to see you succeed and be happy. That's the voice worth listening to. That's the voice that knows what you're truly capable of. That's the voice that will guide you right. What do you do to silence the side of yourself that wants to see you fail? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below! My inner voice is Cissy. She's afraid of everything. We're going to have some good conversations from now on. Love your advice about talking to the monkey! "Thanks for looking out for me, but don't worry. I' Thank you for your comment Ann! Maria thank you for sharing this advice. While I have been able to get the monkey off my back in recent times, I still find the chatter can be an issue. I will definitely use tip number two to try and settle this down in times of need. Thank you again for taking the time to write this piece. Ha-ha, love the monkey analogy. So true, as well. Our thoughts are truly the most powerful force in creating either the life of our dreams OR the life of our nightmares. Very cool. Most posts talk about ditching the monkey. You suggest we master it. Is it purely
To turn your compost to get to the done, or even almost done, compost, take a pitchfork and stick in down low in the bin and turn the mass over, flip it bottom to top. Keep doing that until you have access to the bulk of your bottom materials and remove. You can let the compost continue to season in a corner or your garden or yard until the consistency is that of soil. Another option is to buy a compost bin that flips over, so you can remove your compost from the bin with little effort, and less disturbance to your layers. The Urban
We make promises of things that we will change about ourselves, or we set goals for the year, tough goals, that we may or may not reach. Today, I want to focus on something much more practical. With the longer days and warmer weather, you will probably be preparing to rid your house of the clutter that has accumulated over the past year. This is a great opportunity to do the same for your small business. Small business owners should take some time to perform some spring cleaning on their businesses. What do I mean by that? Spring cleaning is all about getting rid of clutter. "Clutter" is anything that is
You have to leave plenty of space around the larger garbage container or spin off dumpster so the track may return back close to and easily understand it. Most of the people make this mistake, especially if they are doing that for the first time. Although a lot of people position the dumpster at the ideal place but they park their particular cars close to it so that it the dumpster becomes inaccessible to the pick up truck. You should fit cones or other obstacles to prevent other people from auto parking their cars and trucks around the spin off dumpster.
The water was rough and he had no interest in swimming. We then gave him a good bath which not only felt good to him, but honored his desire to always be clean and handsome as ever. For the next hour we laid with him on the floor under the dining room table - one of his favorite places. We fed him his favorite snack of cheese while sharing stories of our adventures together. Our hearts were overflowing with love yet felt so heavy at the same time. When we arrived at our appointment Phoenix put his nose in the corner of the exam room avoiding looking at
Q: What is a mesh? Mesh measurements are in a square mesh (the distance from knot to knot or one side of the mesh as shown in the diagram below). Stretched mesh is another way to measure mesh size and it is the distance from the top knot of the mesh/diamond to the bottom knot of the mesh/diamond, essentially double the length of square mesh. For example a 3/16" sq. mesh net is the same as a 3/8" stretch mesh net. They are just different ways of measuring the same thing. Whether for live bait or for live bait
Whole Foods is on a mission to help you see your makeup differently. While you're trying to eat organically and fill your body full of clean ingredients, the national grocer thinks you should be just as concerned about what you put on your skin. Whole Foods' Beauty Week sale will help you make the switch from chemical-filled staples to clean beauty, all on a discount. Anyone who has tried to buy clean beauty products knows that it's not exactly cheap. From skin care to shampoos to lipsticks, clean beauty products challenge the budget almost as much as organic fruits and veggies. While it might be hard to
On the other hand, before we discuss what shrinking wrap machine is, let us first define what shrinking is? Actually, shrinking is the other term used for shrink wrapping. Shrink wrapping is a process that requires a plastic film in order to wrap a product or products that has been already wrapped. This process takes the original shape of the product and covers it using heat which is applied together using a shrink wrapping machine. The main reason why several products undergo shrink wrapping is to protect and seal them properly. What is Shrink Wrap Machine? As what was mentioned above a shrink wrap machine is being used to apply heat to the plastic film in order to cover the product before
These men painted the signs and were on-hand to demonstrate their painting skills and sign people's purchases. But at least people will have a piece of Ed's to carry with them, or put up in their homes and offices, which is a much better place than the recycle bin. The very act of buying these signs, of lining up in the wee hours of the morning just to get them prove that Honest Ed's holds value in Torontonians' eyes, even as the store itself closes down. Honest Ed's signs are more than just branding, they're embedded into
" Some people are poor because they don't want to work. Not all poor people are lazy though. There are some who are poor because of war or some other natural disaster. And our job is to help those people. But if you are a healthy man or woman and there is work to be found, then there is no excuse to be poor. Lazy people are poor because they expect to succeed without work. But that's not the way success comes. Success doesn't come before work. It only comes before work in the dictionary. Houses and cars won't come to us unless we have money, and money won't come to us unless we work! The key to getting out of
My first week at home I had a planned recovery week which worked out well as halfway through it I also caught a cold. It is a bit odd to get sick after taking two days off, but I tend to load my recovery days up with a fair amount of non-training activities including travel. One of the home projects that I had the chance to work on has been installing new cabinet doors and hardware to give our kitchen a new and updated look. Our friend Paul built us some beautiful cabinet doors since our lower cabinets were missing theirs when we bought the house. I should really say
It was one of my favorite lunches. The cooks at my school made awesome food! Our school lunches were a lot different than they are these days. Everyday they made homemade goodies such as homemade buns, cinnamon rolls and let's not forget about those cheese wrapped hotdogs in a homemade bun, oh my goodness! I would die to have one of those again! Each one of those foods have a nostalgic memory for me, especially tomato soup! As I was coming home from church the other night, I was thinking about the tomato soup recipe I saved to make that night. I realized I
Just trading two hours a day early in the morning was icing on the cake and I love icing. This is exactly what I taught myself to do. The screen shot below is of our Supply/Demand grid. This is a service for our members where we give supply and demand levels for all the major markets around the world each day. This was a supply zone in the S&P early in the morning, around the market open. Keep in mind that when I say supply and demand levels, I mean price levels where supply and demand are out of balance in a very big way, where banks are buying and selling. I am not talking about retail supply and demand, there is a big difference. The key is knowing what that picture looks like on a price chart and that all comes down to the "
I almost wanted to be in a relationship only to have a first hand experience with romance. I wanted to apply all I saw and read and learned into real life scenarios. I wanted that perfect first kiss with one leg gently kicking back. I wanted to hear what promises are, how sweet words can be, and forever. I said forever without really knowing time. I wanted to watch sunrise, sunset, and take walks in the rain with him, just because these were classic movie scenes. Did the relationship feel right ? I didn't even know what was right, or wrong. I
If we as girls seek to please God with our whole lives, and we trust Him to be in control completely, and that He had a plan for this world, we need to apply this to our own lives. We need to focus on serving Him and not dwelling on what other have and what we don't have, and the romance of the future. A lot of romance books give you expectations and examples that are not really possible and realistic. I know you will say "I don't believe what these books are talking about, I just read them for fun. They are entertaining, I don't apply these things to my life." Well I am happy that you are aware that most of this is not real. What I will say is that you often get these things ), if there is any virtue or praise, these are the things we need to be thinking about. Romance books lead us to constantly veer toward a dreamy future when that perfect guy comes knocking at your door, asking your dad for your hand, and you guys live happily ever after. We need to have our focus on Jesus, the Perfect Man who has already given His life for you, so that you can live, and so that you can live happily ever after with Him. If you do not find your need for love fulfilled in Him, your need for security, you will never be satisfied in a human. This is why I mostly avoid romance. Never the less, there are some very fun books out there that don't focus on this, but are something I would read again and again. So thank you for reading this. If you want to see the list here is a link. That was a long post. I hope you read it all and it gave you something to think about. Wow! That was a very good post,
This custom field hockey t-shirt with a design is all yours. Are you the best at this sport or do you enjoy watching it? What better way to show your support than buy a t-shirt! You can customize this shirt any way you like, including color and style. Your shirt will truly be unique. If field hockey is one of your favorite sports, get this t-shirt to celebrate. If you know other field hockey lovers, you can never go wrong giving this shirt as a gift. It can be given for any occasion, including birthdays and holidays. This shirt is great to wear to your favorite team's games or your child's game to show your support. Available sizes include S (the smallest size) to 5
Want to be able to do that without breaking the bank? Why do we care so much about Valentine's Day? Arriving very soon after Christmas and as a welcome relief for many restaurant owners, St Valentine's day is a time for young (and old) love to flourish with the exchange of anonymous cards and the eating of way to many chocolates. But why do we care so much? Ignoring the history of the day, it seems that there are many reasons people might take this day seriously, especially in our busy lives where everything seems to be a rush. Maybe it's just the focus some people need and a reminder that it's not all about us " Random Acts of kindness - The chance to walk again.. This week we want to really inspire you with some examples of Random Acts of Kindness that will hopefully give you some ideas of things you can do to help others. They say if you don't ask, you don't get. But usually this age-old advice is only dealt out when discussing a pay rise or a flight upgrade to first class. Seldom, in fact, is the idea of putting your neck on the line used for anything other than our own material gain and for the greater good. That's where The Kindness Offensive comes in. The London-based initiative is one of the largest random acts of kindness in the world and is giving back to communities and people in need... but on an
). (If you only have two tins, you could either make two larger layers, or bake two cakes first then clean and re-line one of the tins to bake the third). In a large bowl, combine the dry ingredients (flour, caster sugar and baking powder). In a jug, mix the wet ingredients (milk, oil and cooled coffee mixture), then add these to the dry ingredients. Mix until just combined, then bang the bowl on the work surface to stop the raising agents getting to work too soon. Stir in the chopped walnuts, then divide the mixture evenly between the three tins. Tap each tin firmly on the work surface, then bake for 18-22
You may even realize that there's an excessive amount of to perform, and that is a great dilemma to have. So whatever form of vacation you are searching for you will definitely determine what you're trying to find within the city. Just come here and you will find what you would like. So you must turn this dream in a reality. Many people never experienced their dream vacation since they never begin. They never solidified their dreams with the date that they know that they will carry on vacation. Everything is just a dream to them, something to share although not something they really do. Hopefully you simply will not be that kind of person and you will probably actually arrive at experience your ideal vacation. Hopefully you have been planning all of this this time. Or even hopefully today will be the day which you put a date to
The formal exchanging of the two parts of the contract when the seller and buyer become legally bound to complete on an agreed date and, in the case of the seller, to move out of the property. A standard form where the seller sets out all those items in the property which they have agreed to leave as part of the sale price and which is attached to the contract. The legal word for the ownership of land and usually the property that stands on it where both belong to the owner with no time limit. The seller of a property must state the guarantee they are prepared to give. Full Title Guarantee is the best guarantee given by the seller that they have the right to sell the land. This is
Summer is here! And with summer also those nasty insects that bother us no matter what our activities are: playing, sleeping, reading, eating. And which is the one insect that leaves red, itching marks on our skin? The mosquitoes, of course. Even though you installed mosquitoes nest to your doors and windows and even use different sprays to get rid of them, the final result was not good. This is when nature comes to our help. Use mosquito repellent plants to get rid of mosquitoes. Discover a few examples of plants that you can grow around your home or just purchase. Keep all those mosquitoes away using lavender plants. It will give an amazing smell to your garden and home and will also keep mosquitoes away from your skin. Geraniums is a colorful plant that will help you also to keep all those mosquitoes away. You can plant them in your garden or pots and keep them close to your windows and doors. Add garlic in flower pots on your windows and I can assure you that you won't have trouble with those nasty insects. Marigolds flowers are the main ingredient in different medical
Hard brown sugar can be a real pain, especially if you need some immediately for cooking or baking. Brown sugar has a tendency to harden easily because each individual grain is coated with molasses. This is a very, very thin layer that causes the crystals of sugar to glide against each other easily, so they feel nice and soft. But being exposed to open air can result in the moisture within those molasses evaporating, removing all of the films between the sugar grains until they start to stick to each other. If this has happened to your sugar supply, here's how to soften hard brown sugar! Believe it or not, despite the sad state of a bunch of brown sugar that's become a
This also happened with the special edition of Devil May Cry 4, so I guess there's proof that this works out, but that's more in the case of the developer. For a portion of the player base, this is a slap in the face. The reason given is that microtransactions will give players options. If they want, they can increase the rate of their progress by spending real life money. There is nothing novel about that explanation, and it is a practice that we are all accustomed to in games. While it may speed up a game like Devil May Cry 5, it is usually as a result of slowing down the rest of it. The excuse rings hollow. Devil May Cry
You need to keep it in your mind that the contractor you end up with will give you either the best or the worst looking kitchen you have ever seen. You need to exercise caution while selecting among them for the right contractor. You only need to have certain points in mind as you go about the selection process. You need to be keen on the kind of experience the contractor has. It is through their excellent work that they must have made it this far. If they are good, you will hear about it. Experience will have earned them greater performance, strategy,
Torrential rain followed. And thunder and lightning. Wind circled around and first I was making sure all screens and doors were closed on one side of the house and then it was coming from a different direction and I ran to check the other side. Trees creaked and cracked. Limbs broke. And with one of those strikes that make you jump out of your skin, the lightning hit nearby. That's when I checked my phone to see how much battery life was left. I saw two messages. One was an emergency weather alert: Tornado Watch. Huh? The other was from a friend warning me that there was a tornado watch for our area. Not sure what to do, I stood between the kitchen door and the downstairs bathroom, where a
After the war he had to take up his practice and make a living that way. I see. He had not been practicing then when you were growing up? Off and on. Do you recall where he went to medical school? Where he studied? In Munich. How large was your family? Did you have siblings? Yes, I have three sisters. Younger or older than you? One is just a little bit older and two are a good bit younger. In this period of time when you were growing up you say your father was practicing on and off. Was it necessary for him to practice for a living as such? We moved back and forth between They just looked for people who might be available. But you were approached with a position of substantial responsibility. Yes. I was a fairly well-established physicist. I would expect, in looking for a physics director for a new project that they would have tried to get somebody who was already in the project, rather than going outside. How did they represent what it was you were to be doing, when they first talked to you? I was not yet appointed the director of the physics division, but as a senior theoretical physicist or principal physicist in charge of the It is, of course, closely linked with the population problem, about which I personally don't think I can do anything. In energy, I am an expert in physics, particularly nuclear energy, and know what it is. I can understand when people talk about solar energy and so on, and have a fairly good idea what can be achieved on these lines. To get a long-range solution, one has to follow a definite path, which is very difficult. One has to see the problems and so on. For the short range, one has to take energy anywhere you can get it. And there are several things [President] Carters program is less than even that. It's
There is a saying "Let us cross the bridge when we get there," but I would advise that this is not the type of bridge that you will enjoy when you get there unprepared. You should think of where you will be placing the cart? What would be the appearance of your business area, should you have some repairs or construction to do? What is the spending power of your target market of your chosen location? Who will operate the cart and how much will you pay them? What other products will you are selling to add to your daily sales? These and
Right at the start, we see Trinity fighting her way out of a building, running to a phone booth, which is then crushed by a big truck. At that point, we do not yet know who she is, whether she is good or bad. We do not know that she got there on time. We do not know why she was running to the booth. All we know is that she is no longer there. We do remember that opening scene every time anyone is trying to get to the right phone. We now know that it is possible for them to reach the phone (if we did not, we would assume the person looking for the phone was not going to make it). We also know that the
You can share your location! Share your location in the middle of the conversation! "Where are you right now?" Answer this question more clearly than ever, with a map showing your location. You can also share your whereabouts with people you choose for an hour, until the end of the day, / indefinitely & you can see people in the message thread on a map if they have shared their locations. Tap to choose how long you would like to share your location. So that is where everyone is. When your friends choose to share their locations, you see them all on one map.
These folks play by what they call a "two-week rule" - any harm done to another player that heals in two weeks is okay. That's PLAYER, not character. To them, it is okay to give another player a bloody nose, or a black eye, or bash heads against walls, so long as you don't give the a concussion or break the bone. Wounds that don't need stitches are okay, too. Broken furniture is fine. If your characters fight, the players fight and punch each other, and none of it "light contact sparring" stuff. Just don't send anyone to the hospital. All in the name of "
So, as is my custom on the anniversary of Ray's arrival, I recognize the momentous occasion with a list. Below, on the left, is the list that I made on the event of Ray's first anniversary with us. Next to it is the fourth-year update. I have a great dog that makes me laugh at least once a day and makes me feel good (most of the time). No change although we get to start later in the morning now that Ray has calmed down. I have met tons and tons of people and I have a lot more fun than I used to. I love going to the dog park. I like walking dogs with the people that I have met in the neighborhood. I like playing with my dog. I enjoy watching him navigate and get into things and roll around and just have fun. The only thing that has changed here is, Ray and I no longer go to the dog park. There are two reasons for this: One was the random We have a gate across the bottom of the stairs that is attractive but useless. It only took Ray about a month to figure out how to open it and I never took it down because it is pretty. And we have a gate across the door to the laundry room where the cat boxes reside. It's not really a problem, it's easy to use, and it keeps the dog out. The gate at the bottom of the stairs has been gone awhile. The gate to the laundry room is a permanent fixture. Not because Ray gets into the cat boxes
Speedboat: The speedboat is a small engine powered vessel that can be used on rivers and small lakes. Easily built and fast, these are good along the coast only, but taking them out to sea often means disaster. They do not come with their own weapons and must have an infantry weapon equipped. Freighter: A Freighter is an old merchant vessel from before the Collapse. They require a lot of fuel capacity but have the highest transport capacity of any vehicle, being able to carry literally thousands of people and their equipment across the seas. They have no weapons, but can be
* Start with small pieces first to get the hang of fitting the stickers. * The tape can be easily formed / stretched around tight curves using a heat gun or decent hair dryer. * The adhesive is heat and pressure sensitive so the more you heat and press down on the sticker the better it will stick. * The sticker (or sheet) is easily applied either dry for small pieces or with a mix of water & 5% fairy liquid for very large pieces. * For small pieces 'roll' the sticker down into position, making sure you avoid trapping air bubbles under the tape. * For much larger pieces spray the item you are taping with water and soap, remove the sticker and apply. * You can slide the sticker around as long as you have sprayed enough liquid on the adhesive side of the tape. * When the sticker is in the correct position you can
8 -0.74 -0.66 -0.6 -0.54 -0.46 -0.4 -0.34 -0.26 -0.2 -0.14 -0.06 0 0.051961524 0.121243557 0.173205081 0.225166605 0.294448637 0.346410162 0.398371686 0.467653718 0.519615242 0.571576766 0.640858799 0.692820323 0.866025404 1.039230485 # X # G -0.35 -0.4 -0.45 -0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 -0.35 -0.4 -0.45 -0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # L # K # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 1.212435565 1.385640646 1.558845727 1.732050808 1.832050808 1.932050808 2.032050808 2.132050808 2.232050808 2.332050808 2.432050808 2.532050808 2.632050808 2.732050808 2.873472164 3.01489352 3.156314876 3.297736233 3.439157589 3.580578945 3.722000301 3.863421657 4.004843014 4.14626437 Lattice Constant
It has me spotting things, or I should say, looking at things in a new light. Like the flowers trying to spring out of the ground and the trust it must take to push through layers of soil to follow the sun. Or the winning shot at the end of a basketball game, and the trust it must take to keep pushing forward. Trust is a game of faith and hope and its the stuff dreams are made of. But without trust, I'm not sure it's possible to go after your dreams. You have to trust there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. You have to trust there will be sun after you push through the soil. And you have to trust that game-winning shot will leave your hands and fall through the hoop. Maybe that is why it is called March Madness. It's quite mad to believe in spring, that the sun will melt the snow and the flowers will come out to play. But we do. We trust it will happen. And it does. What a beautiful reminder from Mother Nature to keep the faith, Which is exactly what these ladies are all about. While I am learning there are more types of yoga than I realized, tonight I proved to myself that I can do yoga in my pajamas. Which was fine with me because it came after a good day. Good people, good times, and a good old fashioned basketball court. One of my favorites. And while I was a spectator that was perfectly pleasing, reminding me of the athlete inside of me. Maybe she will come out to play sometime this year? Until then, it's more yoga for this athlete. If you do nothing Tonight, I finally came to terms with the fact that I don't know what it means. There is probably someone somewhere deep inside of me that understands it more than I ever will. I'm not surprised that in my dream I had the perfect shoes at the exact moment I needed and not a moment before. I'm starting to believe that life just seems to go this way when I take good care of my head and my heart, my body & my soul. People, like bags, just appear in my life with exactly what I need in the moment I need it. And, just like a pair of basketball shoes, things seem to magically be within my reach even when I don't know where to look or how to find them. It's a pretty cool thing. And I'm pretty sure it's not just a dream. Over the next few days, leading up to my 37th birthday, I am reflecting and writing my younger self a few notes. What would you say to your 17-year-old self? This is going to be an amazing and
I like the look of his fireball — it's exactly what I imagine a fireball to look like if I close my eyes and had to imagine one. He's also the first character in fighting game history that I know of who has an air fireball! His Spinning Robe is definitely silly but points to the fact that World Heroes was never afraid to poke a little fun at itself. It was part of the game's charm. Finally, who could forget his classic giant yellow hand crush? That visual is seared into my memory bank even 25
This line runs a loop. Since i is zero, it runs the loop one time, where j is equal to zero, because j<=i is true, because both of them are zero. for(j=0;j<=i;j++){ This line checks whether T[i] equals T[j], which it does, because i and j are both zero, and T[0] equals T[0]. if(T[i]==T[j]) This line throws an exception. throw(0); Did you spot the bug yet? Maybe you don't want to run the loop where j is equal to i. Maybe you want to loop while j<i instead of j<=i. So if i is 5, j goes from 0
A good dentist is interested in sharing with you the tools and knowledge you need to contribute to your own dental health. The majority of dental care should take place at home. This means that a dentist who helps you determine what you are doing right and wrong, and teaches you how to improve your home dental care, is a dentist who cares for you, your health, and your wallet! The right dentist uses your mouth as a guide to your overall health. More and more, science is revealing that dentists are at the first line of general health care. A good dentist will check your mouth for signs of problems beyond gum disease and cavities. Many health issues show up in the mouth, including malnutrition, sleep
Apparently Ginger in "My Story" says that she was shocked when she was to present something to FA. Both of them were in the wings and when Gene called her name,she went on and then was about to give FA his prize as he was called on stage, when suddenly Gene took it off her and said something like "Oh, no you don't" and presented it to FA. Ginger was utterly shocked by the whole thing and FA was looking at her as if to say "I don't know whatis going on". She thought it was a very rude thing to do after coming to the ceremony specially to hand the "trophy" to her dance partner. All this can be He portrayed the sad and lonely bachelor well and the girl he fell in love with was so kind and understanding. Just an idea: How about a quiz on songs from FA films ? For instance from which film does " Change Partners" come from ? > Just an idea: How about a quiz on songs from FA > films ? For instance from which film does " Change > Partners" come from ? Here you go. Match the song with the movie: 1. A Foggy Day 2. You?d Be Hard to Replace 3. Needle in a Haystack 4. I Can?t Tell a Lie 5. All of You 6. Let?s Face the Music and Dance 7. So Near and Yet So Far 8. I Wanna Be Loved by You (partial) 9. By Myself 10. Only When You?re in My Arms A. Three Little Words B. Silk Stockings C. The Story of Sandy K > > Just an idea: How about a quiz on songs from FA > > films ? For instance from which film does " Change > > Partners" come from ? > Here you go. Match the song with the movie: > 1. A Foggy Day > 2. You?d Be Hard to Replace > 3. Needle in a Haystack > 4. I Can?t Tell a Lie > 5. All of You > 6. Let?s Face the Music and Dance > 7. So Near and Yet So Far > 8. I Wanna Be Loved by You (partial) > 9. By Myself > 10. Only When You?re in My Arms > A. Three Little Words > B. Silk Stockings > C. The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle > D. Follow the Fleet > E. A Damsel in Distress > F. The Band Wagon > G. The For a reverse situation, watch carefully during the scene in Swing Time in which Ginger and Fred walk around the wintry grounds before they sing "A Fine Romance." At first Fred's got a lit pipe, but as they converse he slips it into his pocket, evidently without putting it out! That scene with the pipe made me look more closely at all FA's films...out of sheer curiosity, you understand ! What about the one in "Top Hat" when Ginger goes up to complain about F's dancing..note that that she lifts her gown just before turning to go away and what do we see: her gown is down ! Who would have thought that viewers would one day in the future be able to have a contraption that allowed them to
If they do in private, they don't want anyone else to know that they have because it's something that is fairly unique. You may be a kind of ace in the hole or lucky charm in that regard, and not everybody should know that you can tell a guy is a snitch from his smell or something. So in practice, when two men are talking, either be someplace else, or go to the happy place in your mind. Unless they are actively including you in the conversation, tune it out. It takes some practice to learn exactly when to do this, but if you know your friends and your man fairly well, it won't take long to understand the cues. Sometimes it's a rub of the chin, or a shift in
I wrote a letter and left it on their doorstep to his wife. I then thought twice about it and asked a young woman to return it for me. She drove up in my car and he saw the car an immediately tried to ram into her over and over. He obviously thought I was in the car and now I'm scared where this might go next. I love this line: "I tried to get him to stop and told others but he didn't and finally I gave in and agreed to see him a few times after work or parking lots." How exactly did that conversation go?
I also know how to be friends. I never hesitate to admit my guilt. But I am also very demanding of myself and others. I want to live in a better world and for this, I try every day to change it. I need a man who will be my wall, behind whom I could feel comfortable and safe. I want to feel like a little flower next to my man. I want to be next to a person who will be my first thought in any life situation. He will be my superhero and I will collect all the best rewards of this world for him!
In for a penny, in for a pound... I pulled out the containers holding my 1.5" and 2.5" strips to see if I could find a few more fabrics to use for more block making. Bingo! Most of these blocks are made using strips I already had cut and stashed. The finished blocks are 3.5". Happily, progress is being made using up my red and pink scraps to sew mini heart blocks for a couple of project ideas. I'm loving scrap stash busting! Next up is deciding which projects I will make with them. I'm
So for that reason alone people are settling back into the routine and going back to school. In this case college. Mercy college campus looks bigger and brighter than ever. This year it is full of new faces, new clubs, and more people. I took time out my day to get up with some of these college students. My interview wasn't a regular interview. College was different from when your parents went to school. Today we have smart phones and computers, so not did I only do a face to face interviews I also did face time interviews, and interviews through social media. My first interview was outside main
There are still a few questions that i have about it that aren't very explicit in the videos: a) how difficult is it to press the buttons to get a response, and what's the mechanics behind them? Obviously finger pushes seem to do the job in registering the button, but light touch versus hard press can make a big difference in if someone is going to do long-term playing. The mechanics are important because it can help answer how easily the buttons can "break" (stop registering), and what happens in that case. What would be clever is if the game could figure out that a button is broken and
If your game is level based, you definitely need to add a Level selection screen. Even if the levels are connected into a single story, it's always a good idea to let the player replay the previously completed episodes. Or the player might want to show a specific level to a friend. If there's a screen with a list of levels, such an opportunity will be provided. If you measure how successful the player was at the levels, show the levels' scores at this screen. So, the player might want to increase the score at the completed levels, and we get the increase of game's replayability. Also it's a good idea to award the player with various
"She knew that she would weep again when she saw the kind, tender hands folded in death; the face that had never looked save with love upon her, fixed and gray and dead. But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. And she opened and spread her arms out to them in welcome". Mrs Mallard cannot help feeling relieved that being free from the role of a wife means a new liberty for her. Her heart has been held captive and now it is ready to breath in freedom. Soon, her husband returns
They showered their little ones in cuddles and kisses, and we captured so many beautiful moments for them to enjoy! Waiting for baby is always such a special time filled with anticipation & love. Laura joined us with her son, who is about to be a big brother! He leaned in close to listen to his baby sister, and he was just the sweetest! Plus, seriously now... how amazing does Laura look?!?! She has such a beautiful glow about her! Funny story behind this image below... So often little kids lean in for a quick peck on the cheek, and they pull back before I can click the shutter. Laura told her son to "pretend you're a zombie sucking brains out" to get him to slow down for a kiss. I doubled over laughing, so surprised at this description. But it worked! Her little boy loved being the center of attention, and jumping on the bed was definitely his favorite part! He curled right up into his mama's arms, enjoying lots of cuddles. He won't always be this small, and he won't always come looking for hugs and kisses, which is why it's so important to enjoy every single one now while you can! Heather came to our event for a three-generation session with her two little ones and her mother, and I loved capturing some sweet moments of all of them together! Plus, their outfits were beautifully coordinated with the pops of pink and teal that went so well with her
You shouldn't have to choose between the necessities of life. That's why at Boulder Dental Designs, we offer an in-office dental payment plan to our patients so they can get the care they need at a price they can afford. You can stop asking, "will my insurance cover this?" when you choose to go with an in-office dental payment plan. You and your dentist will work together to get the best treatment for your oral health at a price you can afford. No more questions. Just great dental care. Cut the third-party insurance out! If you need a specific kind of dental care, you should be able to get it, whether it be preventive, general,
I really enjoyed SCYTHE a lot more than I thought I would. The concept never really came around to feeling like it would be real or it could happen, so I never felt fully IN the story but I did really enjoy it despite that slight distance. It was an interesting concept that I did enjoy and it had a little feel like Dead Like Me (man, I need to continue that show. I think I only watched a couple episodes). Whether or not you consider the magic element, there was a lot of good character development that brought me into the book and I really connected to the characters! This book also had a really nice balance of humor and things that really made you think. This was my first WHAT? The actual concept of the disease played a lot bigger part in this book and I liked how that added to the overall series development. I was glad we got to know more about why the kids started developing abilities but I also wish that we had gotten a bit more in this book as well. We also get to know more about Reds and what happened to them, and if any of them really still exist. WHERE? A lot of this book takes place with the Children's League and their territory. There are a lot of mixed feelings about them and their cause and I felt myself going back and forth trying to pick apart the true intentions. WHEN? There's a little time after the end of THE DARKEST MINDS and we pick up with Ruby after she's been working with them for a while. WHY? This book is clearly a bridge to the finale and it did feel like a middle book. I don't really like when series separate main characters like this one did so it kind of really stuck that middle-book feel. This story was okay but I did notice myself tiring of the dystopian factor already, even before book three. I had a hard time wanting to finish the series but it was so close anyway. NEVER FADE THIS BOOK. So I started reading RED RISING and it was enjoyable but I think I lacked direction on where the series was going. GOLDEN SON was similar to RED RISING in the beginning for me, feel-wise, and then I really connected to the characters in the second half. And I actually started MORNING STAR off with that bit of feeling like I was looking for where the series would end up and OH. MY. GOD, PIERCE BROWN. Okay, so let's back up even more. I finished the book on a on a Friday and I saw Pierce Brown on the He must live for more. It's been quite a bit since I read this book and I had a hard time putting my feelings into words because Pierce Brown kind of took all my words away on this one. GOLDEN SON is definitely my favorite book out of the whole series so far (having read through all of the published works at the moment) and it really did blow my mind! I had the same sort of issue starting GOLDEN SON as I had with RED RISING where I was enjoying it but didn't quite love it, and then almost halfway through, everything snapped into place and I was in love! GOLDEN SON, unlike many other The whole cast of characters really started to shine, outside of just the main cast, and I finally felt like I had a hold on all of the character connections and the different houses. The plot also really takes off and the reader really gets a sense of the direction of the whole series. RED RISING was great but it was also a lot of world-building and set-up that had to take place before we really got to some of the good stuff in GOLDEN SON. I also think GOLDEN SON had the most twists which of course is something I treasure in books because I always love being surprised and Pierce Brown sure dropped a few bombs in here (no pun intended). I think GOLDEN SON was the strongest Red Rising novel and Pierce Brown about killed me in the end! There was so much going on, new and wonderful characters, familiar faces, and a whole lot of action! Definitely my favorite out of all of them. Left Me Wanting More: Connection in the beginning. I still had that sort of distance in the beginning but it did come around quickly! If you hated RED RISING, well, you probably won't like the rest of the books BUT if you liked it or thought it was okay, things definitely get better in GOLDEN SON so I highly recommend it! BOOKS LIKE GOLDEN SON This entry was posted in Books, Review, Sci-Fi and tagged Adult, Books, Golden Son, Pierce Brown, Red Rising, Review,
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1.442375e+18 30 70910 3 1 72340 3 1 70905 1 1 72345 4 1 70730 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 69790 10 1 0 0 0 31 1.442375e+18 31 70910 2 1 72340 3 1 70905 1 1 72345 4 1 70730 1 1 72830 1 1 70185 1 1 0 0 0 69880 10 1 0 0 0 32 1.442375e+18 32 70910 2 1 72295 4 1 70905 1 1 72340 3 1 70730 1 1 72830 1 1 70185 1 1 0 0 0 69880 10 1 0 0 0 33 1.442375e+18 33 70910 2 1 72290 1 1 70905 1 1 72295 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 2 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 34 1.442375e+18 34 70910 2 1 72290 2 1 70905 1 1 72295 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 35 1.442375e+18 35 70910 2 1 72285 4 1 70905 1 1 72290 2 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 36 1.442375e+18 36 70910 2 1 72280 1 1 70905 1 1 72285 4 1 70730 1 1 72290 1 1 70185 1 1 72340 1 1 69880 10 1 72830 1 1 37 1.442375e+18 37 70910 2 1 72280 2 1 70905 1 1 72285 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 38 1.442375e+18 38 70910 2 1 72275 4 1 70905 1 1 72280 2 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 39 1.442375e+18 39 70910 2 1 72270 1 1 70905 1 1 72275 4 1 70730 1 1 72280 1 1 70185 1 1 72340 1 1 69880 10 1 72830 1 1 40 1.442375e+18 40 70910 2 1 72270 2 1 70905 1 1 72275 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 41 1.442375e+18 41 70910 2 1 72265 4 1 70905 1 1 72270 2 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 42 1.442375e+18 42 70910 2 1 72260 1 1 70905 1 1 72265 4 1 70730 1 1 72270 1 1 70185 1 1 72340 1 1 69880 10 1 72830 1 1 43 1.442375e+18 43 70910 2 1 72260 2 1 70905 1 1 72265 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 44 1.442375e+18 44 70910 2 1 72255 4 1 70905 1 1 72260 2 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 45 1.442375e+18 45 70910 2 1 72250 1 1 70905 1 1 72255 4 1 70730 1 1 72260 1 1 70185 1 1 72340 1 1 69880 10 1 72830 1 1 46 1.442375e+18 46 70910 2 1 72250 2 1 70905 1 1 72255 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 47 1.442375e+18 47 70910 2 1 72245 4 1 70905 1 1 72250 2 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 48 1.442375e+18 48 70910 2 1 72240 1 1 70905 1 1 72245 4 1 70730 1 1 72250 1 1 70185 1 1 72340 1 1 69880 10 1 72830 1 1 49 1.442375e+18 49 70910 2 1 72240 2 1 70905 1 1 72245 4 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 50 1.442375e+18 50 70910 2 1 72235 4 1 70905 1 1 72240 2 1 70730 1 1 72340 1 1 70185 1 1 72830 1 1 69880 10 1 0 0 0 Basically, I am trying to compare each row(i) to the one before(i-1) column by column. So if a value in (i) doesn't match a value in (i-1), I want to move either j or k depending on whether the value increased or decreased. And then once it reaches the end of either j or k, increment i and start at the top. In case you have a quant background. Im trying to capture neworders/cancellations and modifications of an orderbook. That might help in understanding the question a little bit. Every row only has one change from the one from the before and I need to figure out what the change is. A: # Assuming i = 1:3, j = 1:3, k= 1:2 # Your values would increment in the order below: i j k 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 3 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 First your k loop should be completed for the current i and j, then j loop would increment and then i loop. Inside loops are incremented first, and then the outer and then the outermost.
Here are some examples from previous Walks. Many families were truly grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Walk. For some it was about remembering their loved one; for others, it was about giving back for the care their loved one received. If you haven't been to the Walk before, read on - and if you are encouraged by these words come along and experience Walk for Love yourself. We would love to see you there. Walking for Jenny Following Jenny's passing in 2020, Anthony and his daughters made the easy decision to take part in the Walk for Love
And this year, there are only two for best song and there are only nine for best movie out of a possible 10. We have to have all those pieces ready to play at a moment's notice. Only when we hear who the winner is do we start playing that piece. That is quite complicated. That takes everybody being on their toes. So you really have to jump on that. Is your sheet music computerized? We still use paper. For best picture, there are some that are going to be more likely than others to win, so we kind of put a bit of a
" Their wedding was a very active, two day affair. When asked how they met, the groom said that they would talk on the phone for three hours a day. The bride asked him if he would make her happy, to which he said he would. She also asked if he liked her, and if he could love her. He answered yes to all of those questions. They both went through their list of questions, and once they decided that they were right for each other, they made the decision to marry right away. Their family members were shocked, thinking it must have been the
We tried for another year, and in this year one of my friends conceived on a camping trip on my birthday, my cousin had finally gotten pregnant, and right around both of them getting the good news, I had missed my period. I was late and I was sure I was pregnant too! I had a handful of tests and I took one every morning for two weeks waiting to see the two lines instead of just the one each day. Every morning was the same, only one line. I thought I just must not have enough of the pregnancy
! There are a gazillion books to choose from!! I chose the one with the star because I love the burst of red. I do like the chess one, but not as much as the star. Good luck in making a decision! I like the chess pieces button - although I think the chess pieces would stand out a bit if you add some red to them - like how the star button has the red star except make the chess piece red. The red of the star definitely pops. Is there any way you could add a chess piece next to the star one #1? That would look really cool. And then you would have both in one button. I like the chess piece because I associate chess pieces with your site more than stars (because of the chess piece
#> t y flag1 rflagn #> 1: 2022-05-18 21:47:10 12.59716 low 2 #> 2: 2022-05-18 21:47:11 27.88585 high 1 #> 3: 2022-05-18 21:47:12 15.21628 low 2 #> 4: 2022-05-18 21:47:13 15.39997 low 2 #> 5: 2022-05-18 21:47:14 10.01179 low 2 #> 6: 2022-05-18 21:47:15 18.63852 med 3 #> 7: 2022-05-18 21:47:16 18.42326 med 3 #> 8: 2022-05-18 21:47:17 16.85872 low 2 #> 9: 2022-05-18 21:47:18 19.46768 med 3 #> 10: 2022-05-18 21:47:19 22.14007 high 1 A: I got the answer in
If you are lucky, the concrete ball might move enough over a few days to settle into a better position. Digging out is likely to be a PITA, I would go for camouflage, e.g. another fence board over the gap positioned to disguise the misalignment. So, you reckon just attaching a wooden batten to the side to make it fit better would be a better solution then? Once a fence post has moved like that, there is little you can do. Over time pressure from the tree will only make things worse. I doubt if a steel wire from the base of the next post to the top of the leaning post will The alternative to replacement is to simply disguise or hide the symptom. Even after replacement, can you be confident it won't move again? Not so much a batten, if you are replacing the current fence with a close-boarded fence panel then I might fit another board to the concrete post, wide enough to overhang the panel, with a batten to close the gap. It's easy to overcome your problem if you use loose feather-edge boards on triangular rails rather than "fence panels". Assuming the post at one end is vertical, you start from the good post and fit most of the boards vertical but adjust the angle of the last few to "smear" the gap. It won't show if you do it right, because that is exactly what I had to do to conceal a
It may be quite difficult to know where to go whether you plan to adopt or buy a cat for the very first time, want to learn more about cats as well as their care or has a cat already but want to be sure that you are doing things right. Each and everyone has its unique ideas on what is the best approach to use for our furry friends so if ever you have issues in knowing what is best to do and like to be certain that the info you are getting is accurate and reliable, it will be recommended that you keep reading so you can learn more about the basics of proper cat sitting and to know where to go to
Suckas step not to the squid packing heats! are there any real live pictures of the giant squid? I need a lot of information on you for a book. Well i have a project and I need to know if anything eats it. I need the information as fast as you can. I'm doing a research project on you and I was wondering what you call the baby giant squid. I also wanted to know how you communicate. Hurry! My reports do soon! what are some rare facts about the giant squid? are you endangered if so what is being done about it? Has any one seen a live giant squid before? Those in search of information
(a) an Individual has provided his electronic contact details to a Group Company in the context of a sale of a product or service of such Group Company; (b) such contact details are used for direct marketing of such Group Company's own similar products or services; and (c) provided that an Individual clearly and distinctly has been given the opportunity to object free of charge, and in an easy manner, to such use of his electronic contact details when they are collected by the Group Company. Information to be provided in each communication 9.4 In every direct marketing communication that is made to the Individual, the Individual shall be offered the opportunity to
As important as it is to study on campus and get good grades, for me 70% of learning happens outside the classroom. If there is something that I could say to people, it's that getting involved is really important. There are really so many opportunities to get involved on campus, and I feel like a lot of people don't take them, or put them off. Don't let "you" get in the way. There's so many opportunities waiting for you, and all you need to do is take them. If you really talk to people, you can create more opportunities as well. People, like
. pas. I would like to know how to use them. So as a language learner, I would like to learn some grammars and do exercise about it so that I know how to form a sentence. I think there should be some speaking exercise: for example, repeat a word or a sentence, speak an answer to a question instead of typing. These are just my personal opinions, thanks for reading. Thanks guys, I found that R is extremely difficult to pronounce since it comes from the throat, not the mouth. I get a sore throat whenever I try to pronounce it. Any tip to pronounce it right ?
<P class="one"> This paragraph should have a thick black dotted border all the way around. </P> <P class="two"> This paragraph should have a thick black dashed border all the way around. </P> <P class="three"> This paragraph should have a thick black solid border all the way around. </P> <P class="four"> This paragraph should have a thick black double border all the way around. </P> <P class="five"> This paragraph should have a thick olive groove border all the way around. </P> <P class="six"> This paragraph should have a thick olive ridge border all the way around. </P> <P class="seven"> This paragraph should have a thick olive inset border all the way around. </P> <P class="eight"> This paragraph should have a thick olive <TD><P class="one"> This paragraph should have a thick black dotted border all the way around. </P> <P class="two"> This paragraph should have a thick black dashed border all the way around. </P> <P class="three"> This paragraph should have a thick black solid border all the way around. </P> <P class="four"> This paragraph should have a thick black double border all the way around. </P> <P class="five"> This paragraph should have a thick olive groove border all the way around. </P> <P class="six"> This paragraph should have a thick olive ridge border all the way around. </P> <P class="seven"> This paragraph should have a thick olive