The panic I felt every time I saw "Breaking News" flash across the screen. Is it happening again? Will we never be the same? I don't think I will ever be completely fear-free. There are other terrible things happening in the world that cause just as much fear these days. But as I remember where I was September 10, carefree and fear-free, I also remember that even that casual strolling through life was an illusion as well. Evil has always been seeking to kill and destroy. We have just gotten better at hiding it. September 11, 2001
This pedal is confusing. It is vaguely labeled and awkwardly laid out. It is not worth the trouble. This is a potentially versatile pedal. All of its settings have a lot of promise and seem to be able to give you a nice range of sonic options. The reality is however, that most, if not all of those effects do not work very well and are not useful. Most of the effects this pedal produces speak poorly on all wind instruments. The effects are quiet, bodiless, and some seem simply not to work. Very few of this pedal's settings are actually usable. Its difficult
I wish I could say that I managed the process like a puppet master, knowing that if I do x, y, and z, I'd get the results I want. But to be completely honest, while I had done a TON of research, I still had no idea whether we would be successful or not. And beyond that, I was scared. When you stop and think about it, it's crazy for a business to be this transparent. What happens when we hit a bump in the road? What will our customers think? Our investors? Fortunately, I found a great way to
Below is the guide for making your Star Lord Costume. In the film, Peter Quill has three distinct looks. The first one is his trench-coat outfit from the beginning of the film. Later on, he puts on a shorter jacket.And then lastly, he ties it all up with a Ravager uniform. Each jacket has a distinctive look, filled with small details and markings, as well as general wear and tear, although the trench and second act jackets have a similar base design.The outfit of Peter Quill was an instant hit as soon as the movie was in the theaters. The
There are a number of stores that have the white traditional bridal gown but your gown can be of any color and pattern, it all depends on your preference. For my wedding I still prefer the traditional white wedding gown. The most important thing is to get a wedding gown that suits you, makes you happy and gorgeous on your big day. Wedding Hall: Wedding hall location is a very important factor in wedding ceremony. If you are planning for a wedding in summer, winter or autumn, make sure the wedding hall or outdoor suits the weather in the season. Your guest are as important as your wedding ceremony. Your guest should be very comfortable. Don't forget that the hall should be tastefully decorated with the
"I'm proud that I was able to overcome my past. Even though I had a rough time when I was only six months old and I was very scared for a while, I am a brave girl now. I used to run when Mommy came home, and when strangers came to the door, oh boy, did I hide! Now I greet everyone when they come to visit and welcome them to our home. I was also scared of every little noise and would run and hide in the tub or under the bed. Now I don't even pay attention to them and just keep on doing whatever I'm doing. I think I could be a role model for humans who have gone through a rough time and help them learn that letting things go from your past can help you live a happy life in the present." I think
These are things that I personally feel are lacking in the pack. Now, others may have different opinions, and that's fine. But after having the bag for a while I feel that I can offer a heads-up to people before they purchase the bag. Let's talk about the exterior material first. As I said before, the nylon fabric will hold just fine if you treat it well. However, given my past experience with this material, I feel I should warn you about how it holds up against rain. I feel that "water resistant" is an accurate description, and not waterproof. While the site doesn't claim the bag to be waterproof I always see people in the uptown If you have a rain cover, I highly recommend bringing it with you. Some people don't care to have thick padded shoulder straps, and that's fine. But for others, padded straps are crucial for comfortable wear. Without padding, it becomes almost impossible to carry the pack on your back. I know this from personal experience with other backpacks that lack padding. I can maybe wear the bag for an hour before I have to take a break. Luckily for me, I don't carry much in the Uptown and for only short periods of time. but if you're someone who is looking to carry a backpack for a long amount of time, this may not offer you enough comfort. The top handle is okay for quick grabbing, but not the most comfortable for
While I will be separating my duties across two places, it will allow me to be more focused, efficient, and present in each space. That's a good thing. Looks like you are on the right track and will enjoy more time with the children. When thinking correctly,I believe those doors needed open up and they did for you. Love your videos. Thank you for sharing your gift. I am a beginner who realizes I have a lot to learn but need my play time with my machine & the rulers are fun. Growing pains are necessary sometimes, and your solution sounds like a perfect fit for your needs! Congratulations on the ! Congratulations. And thank goodness for primer - the walls look better already! Wow! You are one busy person and I am happy for you and hope this is a great new adventure for you and your family that will actually give you more time. Amy, how wonderful! This should really help you. I'm so happy for you. When I saw that picture with the red wall, my first thought was, THAT has to go! I see you are already painting over it. Hopefully any growing pains will be short lived. Have FUN! Yeah! If it has the capacity for multiple sewing machines you could create a little income by
Revealing that she had been sick after a meet'n'greet, Colleen explained that when you're pregnant, "it can be really really scary if you actually get a sickness," and was ordered by her doctor to not hug her fans. "I love you guys, I want to hug you. If you've ever been in my meet and greet before you know that I give all of you a huge bear hug... I am doing this for the safety of my baby." Revealing that her brother is hard of hearing because their mother got sick while carrying him, Colleen got emotional as she explained, "I'm not doing this to be mean to you, I'm not doing it to be unfair to you." "This tour alone I'm meeting 5,000
The majority of players are content or best able to perform the role of a grunt. Most like to at least have their say but very few (as in life) have the ability, time or energy to become a top leader. A good leader has many strings in their bow and I want to discuss some of them and maybe comment on a few particular leaders and my thought on what makes them or made them tick. A leader has to do everything his/her people do plus have an abundance of time to fulfill their role as leader. Depending on the nature and structure of the alliance, this time can far outweigh the time spent actually playing the mechanics of the game. A well oiled experienced alliance will
In this game, personality cards represent different people in the kingdom who you need to control; personalities are the cards done up like face cards, with two close ups of a single figure. All of the other cards represent elements which you can use to control personalities. Deal five cards in a row; these represent people and events occurring around the capital city. Deal another five cards below the capital to represent resources you have at your disposal. If you turn up a personality when dealing your resources, put it in a row above the capital cards and deal another card to your resources. Repeat if the next card is a personality, and so on until you have five resources none of which are personality cards. You may exercise your resources to control a card in the capital or palace rows. In order to do so, discard one or more cards from your resource row. The cards must all share a suit with the card you are trying to control, and the total of their Note that the cards discarded from your resource row do not need to share a suit with each other, provided they share a suit with the card you are trying to control. If you control a personality, move it to the discard pile. If you control a non-personality card, move it to your resource row; you may use it later to control something else. After a play, deal cards so that the capital row has five cards. Then deal so that your resource row has five cards; put personalities in the palace row, as above. When the deck runs out, continue to play until one of the end game conditions is met. The game can end in three possible ways. One means victory, the other two mean
He is definitely doing much better. The swallowing issues are gone and thankfully there isn't too much pain. He is complaining more of a dull ache across the shoulders. We shall how tonight goes. Thank you all for keeping us in your prayers. I know it has made the all the difference in his recovery. Surgery is over and now the recovery begins. Surgery started late (of course), lasted about two and half hours. He spent about an hour in the recovery room and was moved up to a room. He should be able to come home late tomorrow afternoon,
I made it a goal to get the pictures from our weekend right into a Project Life spread. I'm so glad I did. I realized how much I miss making time to scrapbook. It's just good for my soul to sit down and get creative and think through the memories of the photos. It makes me grateful and I can be one of those people that misses the little moments because of a big to-do list on the brain. Here's are the pages I did for this weekend. I am always drawn to bright colors and my pages usually
Invest in a good water bottle you'll love carrying with you day-to-day, and consider adding an at-home water filter so you can avoid continuously buying bottled water from the store. That's a move that does both you and the environment a favor! After that, it's as easy as making sure you're getting at least eight glasses per day! You can't control everything that comes your way, but there's plenty that does lie within your control! It's important to take stock of the situations and choices you have a say in, and do your best to make them work for you. Have trouble passing up treats in your pantry? Make a point to avoid buying it at the store! After all, if you don't bring it into your home then there won't be a midnight snack to grab! Have a bad habit of It might be helpful to switch this up every week or two so you don't get bored, so try and find a few meals to have on rotation! The gym is nice, but it can also be expensive – not to mention wasteful if you're not actually going regularly! It's a great investment if you can afford it and go frequently, but if you are one of many who sees your gym about as much as you do your taxes then it might be time to think about other options. Whether it's around your neighborhood, in your local park, or by the lake, this is a low-
Very cute, exactly the same as the photos and it is big enough to hold at least 5 sweets. Love it!!! Highly recommended . Satisfied with them. I received my dress today to check the qualify!!I think that they are very elegant and special,thank you very much!!! The dress arrived here quickly and I am very satisfied with them. Everything was packaged carefully. They are easy to put together and look really beautiful.Thank you. Oh, I like the design very much. They are very very very cute. When I first saw them, I fell in love with them immediately. I really appreciate your help. Thank you. The dress fabric quality is very nice, the whole packet was very tidy and it was exactly what I was hoping for! The dress itself is perfectly made the same as in the picture but mine was to big in the bust area
Only thing is that he drags the chairs all over the house, but other than that, we love it. We got the white one, but I love the navy too. Water Wipes. These wipes!! They are the best. They are great for diaper changes, obviously, but they are really great for little hands and faces covered in food! Excellent. We use the honest wipes that come in our bundle, but these are what I reach for most often. Gap red sneakers. Um, no words. We've had these in two sizes because we love them so much! They are just so fun and cute. the Gap +
There was no picture, but the description said it was "one of those sturdy, solid wood ones, unlike the cheap junk made today". I called and said I'd take it. Then I made the reluctant call to my husband, the kind he is finally getting used to, to tell him he needed to pick it up after work. An hour or so later, the dresser's owner called me to make sure I was serious, since her phone was ringing off the hook with eager free-furniture-seekers. That afternoon, hubby Tim pulled in with a huge purple dresser, matching
their now evaluating the ideas and narrowing them down. As you listen, answer these questions. You should write notes about what they deciding. Use these questions to help you listen for the important details. Okay, then let's try to narrow this down. This is what I want you to do. Choose your top three locations, write each one down on one of these cards. Then I want you to write down the reason why you made your choice. This should help with our discussion. >> So that's why I think South Lake Union would be a really good choice. The area's in a huge growth period. >> Yep, you're right, there are new stores opening every day. >> Okay, I see what you mean. So let's go with South Lake Union instead of
Last weekend, we read in the news that there will be a snowstorm coming so the husband had stock some food so that we don't have to go out on that weekend. So, the weekend came and the snow started coming down earlier that day. We leaked the faucet both in the bathroom and kitchen all day and night long to avoid frozen pipes. The snow wasn't that bad compared to last year's snowstorm. So, the weekend passed and we thought everything will be alright then. The husband did not leaked the faucet but when i went to bed on
Ask the spirit to leave. Who knows? Sometimes it works! Burn herbs such as sage, thyme, lavender, and cedar wood to ward off spirits like you would mosquitos. Sprinkle blessed water in your home and use oil to draw religious symbols. Throw blessed salt around your rooms. Decorate with religious symbols that you associate with. Hang a horseshoe above your door (this does double-duty, protecting against witches too). Vampires are nocturnal predators that may or may not disguise themselves as bats. You may want to start ridding yourself of the animal variety first. Vampires, like zombies, are classified as the undead, and it is unclear if they are
Many photographers talk about trying to capture the 'moments between moments' to get a true sense of a place or a subject, I am one of those photographers. I really feel that if you can capture those specific and rare snaps when your subject has let their guard down, or are unaware of your presence, or they just don't care any more, then you're on track to capturing something beautiful and honest. The problem with sports is that it's competitive and a type of performance, so in its very nature a façade or a front is put up, and it's not always easy to get around this. As well as trying to capture those 'in-between moments' I try to pick off as many details as possible, the things that give you a sense of the place even if you have never been there or experienced it yourself. Anything that
If the lovers are falling in the attraction or affection with anyone and the person who create love with our lovers then the person are unable to tell own feelings with him. But if we talk about the ordinary way or condition the person whom they love they have to tell all the feelings whatever they think to you, , they share all activities of life whether the life is spending in an easy way or whether the life is spending in hard or complex ways . If these types of problems come in the life or life phenomena then the person have to
" When you see what I do, you'll get the idea. A very wise decision, to buy an air conditioner. Will be interested to see pictures of how you mount it. Thank you for your, "A very wise decision" It looks like you purchases a window A/C. I was thinking that one of those roll-around portable A/C's would be more convenient. Roll it out of the way to store it, then roll it out and vent into a window slot when you need it. I thought so, too. Because of the A/C process of removing hot moisture out of
It all depends on how good you are at cheating. And, of course, the sources you use to cheat homework are also very important. Let's take a look at various ways of cheating and at how you can do it without getting caught. Because you know that if you get caught cheating, you will get into serious trouble. Learn how to cheat and you will be just fine. College students receive way too much homework every week. They are simply unable to finish all their school chores in time and are left with little to no time to spend with their loved ones. Many pupils don't know that much about the subject matter and their option is to cheat for homework. The alternative is a couple bad
What is the purpose of house? Protection from extreme weather. So it means when we are getting inside our house the temperature is comfortable and we are dry. No wind access. Protection from bugs, dangerous people. Emotional shelter and comfort: the idea that we have a place that belongs to us that we can close the curtains and be in complete privacy and emotional comfort. Place that we can return after very busy day. Storage of our precious belongings. You have your own section of land which you allowed to build any type of home that you want. You have your own fruit trees and greenhouses and land section which have food growing all year around. You have solar panels/water You need to be aware of all that. Think always what's the most important for you to have in this life and not for the system. So what the real freedom is? If we decide not to work, we don't for how long we want! If we want to go travelling for several years and came back to our house whenever we want to. We are free from any kind of debt/bills/rent/tax. The information we are putting into ourselves it's complete in our control. We have free time to do what we really want to do without any
The focus will be on playing a show-stopping tune learned the old fashioned way, by ear. There will be paper backup so you don't need to take notes. East Coast Swing is the most common type of swing dance. It is based on a six count basic step. We will learn a basic open position triple step basic and a closed position triple step basic, and inside turn (tuck turn) and an outside turn. This is enough to get you moving on the dance floor and enjoying the rhythm of the music. The strumming hand is most important and needs
One time they sat in the car while she quickly stopped by to check on me, as errands had brought them nearby. Another occasion they came in with her because she had forgotten a school holiday coincided on a day she would visit. Her eldest daughter has her face and eyes, but the younger girl has her mind, it was clear even at the ages of six and five. She told me afterwards that they would not tell their father because she had promised ice cream desserts for a week. But maybe I should clarify what was said moments ago: in point of fact, I actually know little about her husband. His name, Martin, they had been married about a year when we But there could be little more for her to tell me about him, if not in detail maybe in spirit. I, nevertheless, don't spend much time thinking about it. And I expect her pretty soon, actually, or should I say it would not surprise me if she stopped by. We last saw each other three or four months ago, and she has a knack for being there at the right time. Her presence leaves the impression you were always waiting for her, and it goes without saying, I will be here when she arrives. Posted in Fiction and tagged Fiction, S.R.,
However, we consider our country secular because we all live here in peace and on equal terms. We have many holidays; the New Year is very fond of young people. It is prepared in advance, all the houses are decorated with colorful lights and Christmas trees. On the night of December 31, we organize a big music festival, as well as a picnic with friends. By midnight, the picnic is over and people gather in some places to celebrate the New Year. The sky is lit by fireworks and everyone congratulate each other. Everyone pray that the New year will be much better than the old one. In
Typing would mean that I could write more; for a while I kept a journal on the computer, and I think I did write more words than I do now. But for CBs I like writing slower, taking a few more minutes to reflect and really think about the words I'm writing instead of mashing them out on the keyboard. Call me weird, but I also like writing by hand, and it's something I don't get a lot of chances to do nowadays, so paper gives me that chance. As I said before, I tried keeping a journal on the computer for a while, and I was inconsistent with that because I Fortunately, it's actually really easy to estimate distances using your body: just learn a few measurements and then add and subtract them for any distance you need. Below is a table of the measurements I remember. The Accepted Estimates are surprisingly accurate in most cases (although I don't have one offhand for all these measures), but if you're going to go to the trouble of remembering values, I figure you might as well do it right and measure yourself first. I use inches because I end up using them nearly exclusively in the United States unless I'm being precise or scientific or going for an exact value on something that was originally measured in meters, and in all those cases I' If you have a ruler and a tape measure, most of these values should be pretty easy to measure for yourself, with the exception of the fathom—it's difficult to measure a distance without having room to move your arms in, and you have to stretch them all the way out. It's probably easiest if you can grab someone else to help you, but you can do it by yourself too if you need to. Find a wall or long vertical space you can write on temporarily (this can be the hardest part!) and grab a pencil and tape measure, and mark or have someone else mark both ends of your fingers against the wall (don't forget to get as flat up against the wall as you I don't want to feel like I would be lost without my phone (or even my computer, which I rely on far more). Even if nothing ever happens, I don't believe it can be good for me to put all my trust in my devices. When I don't know what to do, I don't want to just pick up my phone and start playing with it. Technology has a way of becoming the first thing people think about, and sometimes therefore the only thing we think about. That makes it more indispensable and more in control of us, rather than the other way around. It limits our ability to think for ourselves and our ability to simply sit and be bored. Personally, when I bought my The pattern is clear: when most things don't behave as we wish they would, we have several options: blame ourselves for doing something wrong (the draft in the rain), see the problem as a natural part of using that thing and try to find a way to work around it (the pen, the violin), or, when the situation is particularly bad or unusual (the fire, the mailbox), look for the cause and complain loudly about that. But when the computer doesn't work right, we stop seeking causes right at the computer and get upset at it. We say "The computer hates me," or "The computer is acting up again." It's the computer's fault The problem with that approach, at least for me, is that, while it's a little bit easier to create, you have to scan the entire thing to find what you're looking for, which takes away a good part of the efficiency (and, frankly, the fun) of using an index in the first place. An index is not a list of titles. You want to extract words or concepts from your content and provide multiple ways to access it, because that's the way your brain works. An index is not an exhaustive list of every possible word you might relate to a page in your notebook. Don't hesitate to add useful However, if you trust yourself to remember to add the missing number every time you add a page in the middle, you might be able to get away with it. Your index should go at one end of the notebook. Most books have an index in the back, but feel free to put it at the front if you prefer—that's what I usually do. Don't put it in the middle, though, because the very front and very back pages are by far the easiest to find. Then write big letters along the left side of the page (preferably in a different color than you intend to write in the index with). Some letters need more space than others. In a 240
The day is never complete without a yummy cake. If you plan to bake it at home, see that you have already got all the required ingredients. Do not leave anything for the last moment. It can be a day spoiler. On the other hand, if you gonna order it from a store, confirm your order a day before. Start decorating the Christmas tree as it is the main attraction of the day. Keep all the things that you would need for decorations at one place to enjoy a hassle-free Christmas. Sparkling decorations provide the Christmas day its real
Whatever works best for you. It may not be what you want to do from day one. After all, you'll probably be making all kinds of mistakes and lots of them. But once you feel a little comfortable with it, then this process can help. Spastic - sometimes I could tell my muscles just lost control for a moment. Reverse - this is when I simply reverse two characters. Nothing - When I failed to push the key down enough (which is related to being spastic since when it happens I can almost always tell my finger just locked up. Wrong key - This is different than just getting the wrong character. With multiple characters on one I have no good explanation for why I have trouble with those two on the right hand (usually getting the C instead of T rather that T instead of C), but I don't have that problem with the same positions on the left hand. In fact, as I was working on my skills before, I recall the right hand tended to have more issues. I did have a tiny bit of my middle finger of the right hand cut off in a machine shop accident about 46 years ago. But besides not being much, if that was causing an error, if anything I would think it would make it less likely to hit the C on the top row rather than more! I found an
We carry a full line of pet supplies for dogs, cats, birds, small animals and fish - just to name a few. We can special order just about any product you may desire. Service is where we separate ourselves from the rest. We take pride in our low prices and guarantee 100% customer satisfaction! If you are not happy we are not happy, period. We have full service Dog Grooming Salons ready to pamper your best friends at both locations. Check out our grooming page for more details. Call one of our convenient locations today! Content copyright . MILL CREEK PET FOOD CENTER. All rights
9 If all the above are done correctly, the harness should now be a comfortable but snug fit, after you have fitted it for the first time there is no need to go through the same procedure each time you put it on. Simply hold the harness in front of you, step into it and attach the waist belt to the buckle in the approved manner. TRANSITION: Are there any questions over the wearing of the sit harness? Let's talk about tying in the rope to the sit harness. 3! Pass the end of the climbing rope up through the
If you feel like you mixed the blue in too much, add a drop or two of blue on top of your ocean and use the back of a spoon to spread it. Get a heap of green icing and form into the shape of the tail, at the edge of the ocean. Add blue and red food coloring to get purple icing. Shape into shovel form. Add more red food coloring to the purple icing. This will not make it entirely red, but it will give it a reddish tinge. For a light, more pink crab, mix red food coloring into the white. Because color has a physical limit, you cannot get a perfect red by mixing red food coloring into white icing. To get a deep red, mix red food coloring into chocolate icing. For a
I plan and re-plan and change plans. If I'm your friend I will be there for you if you need me. I throw myself into everything and people always tell me to slow down. To relax. To take some time to be myself. To look after myself. But I don't. I can't. I'm terrified of not having people around me. Of solitude. Of having to face up to the demons inside of my head. Of finding the time in my life to look at what I am doing and working out where I want to be. Because, in all I seem to lurch from one thing to another. No concerted plan or design. Rolling with the onslaught of waves that never seem to stop coming. Just as I pick myself up from one thing another comes rushing up to take its place, pushing me back over, throwing me back. Like a wind whispering in my ear "know your place" forcing back. And I'm standing here drowning and everyone thinks I'm doing a great job at staying in the water. Well I'm not. I don't know how to get out. I don't know if I want to. Because getting out will mean examining all of the things that took me to this point, and I'm not sure I'm ready to do that. I'm not sure I ever will be. And so I'
I gave this as a gift and was pleased with the quality. It is sturdy and is a great gift especially for someone beginning their culinary career. I would recommend it. Just what any culinary student can ask for! Fitted all my knives and supplies for the kitchen and was worth very penny! Great bag, very tough exterior and elastic to hold knives safely. Extra slots for spoons and other utensils too. It's nice to have a knife bag that has a shoulder strap. Just make sure to measure your knives to make sure they fit in this case. Elegant, durable, and an all around quality product. Due to the way it folds I can even pack a cleaver easily, and the length leaves plenty of room for a long carving knife. You can tell it was designed by a chef, for a chef.
I'm an umpire and whenever I call a game behind the plate, I am in control. I control the flow of the game and I demand the attention of anyone involved in the game. And when I'm calling a game, I look into the stands and sometimes there's a pretty little thing sitting there, and she can't take her eyes off of me. But then, when you lose control, it's all over. When I was just starting, I would mess up a call, panic, and have to give up control to my partner. After that happened, I noticed that those same girls who couldn't keep their eyes off me had lost interest in me. The lesson is, take control, and don't be afraid to keep it.
Can you believe that it's that time of the year again to start switching out your winter for summer clothes? I swear, the days just seem to go by faster and faster each year. Last time I checked I was a wide eye freshman moving to Richmond to attend college and here I am, ten years later (not really ten years), sending in my graduation application. It's been a very long and windy road, but I'm finally here! In four short weeks I will be taking my final exam for the rest of my life. So long number 2 I love this look because after you take pictures with the family, you can eaisly ditch the robe and head straight for the graduation parties! The last outfit is something that I have had in the back of my closet for a while now. I absolutely fell in love with this in the store, but I haven't actually worn it out in public yet. When I was pulling pieces for this photo shoot and I pulled this out, I fell in love with it all over again. I usually don't go for pieces like this, but there was something about it that when I put it on I feel like I can
When you are on a family vacation, it means boding moment with the people you love without the need to think about your work so, you need to consider some things like the available activities they are offering, the weather, and how much you should be paying if you stay at their place so that you can spend quality time with your family in the best way possible. And also, you need to make sure that the vacation destination you have chosen will offer a wide variety of activities for the whole family so that everyone will get a chance to enjoy the vacation the best way they can. There are few family vacation sites that are situated near your place which provides fun and exciting activities that everyone, regardless of the age and gender, will get to enjoy. If you are to choose for a vacation, it would be best for you to consider all
Your kitchen sink is a very helpful piece of equipment to have. But if the pipes become clogged or get a hole in them a lot can go wrong. Water can leak out and wet the floor which can cause you or someone else to slip and get hurt. Moisture causes black mold, which is also a severe problem if not caught early. Also, if you don't have a dishwasher, a clogged sink or leaking sink pipe can keep you from washing dishes or using your sink for anything else. Leaks are more difficult problems than clogs, and you will probably not want to tackle them yourself as the tools are somewhat specialized. If part of the plumbing under your sink leaks, it may be an isolated
How strange, unexpectedly, and smoothly it happens some other times! Just a year ago three of us knowing one another as nice guys to be quite keen on music jamming from time to time with the town musicians never thought we"d complete a brand new band consisting of the same three of us but now only in a span new walk of our lives. That was the start of "A-ZOOM". 2004, June to be as accurately as possible exact. A year has passed, but not just another one. That was really something! Just imagine: 2005, June again- and we are feeling out of this world glad and happy to hear our first set of three
I remember the days when I was just a wee gal and would sit out in the sun for hours getting my tan on. However, now I would rather relax in the shade. I also want to make sure my kiddos have a cool place to sit out of the sun. The grounds have many areas to find a shady little spot and most are near a picnic table. I do not like crowds. I want space to stretch my legs and my kids to run without getting in someone else's way. The Stewart Farm is mostly known for
There seems to be no end to them, and there seems to be no way to predict when it will happen. Imagine that you can't hide them from your son or daughter if you have one, because you're scared to not tell them about it. Imagine that you feel you have to expose your child to the videos, because they may not be safe if they don't know what the world is really like. Now imagine driving down the street with a broken taillight and getting pulled over by a police officer. The empathy experiment could go on, and it should, because the differences don't stop there. Add in the layers upon layers of trauma that are a part of the black experience in
I so want him to move on, and do so with me. I believe in him and do not hold his past against him. What do I do? Will he come back to me? If we really love someone, we have to be prepared to let them go and respect the choices and decisions they make, no matter how hard it is for us. I can understand your hurt and concern, but if he feels he wants to try and repair his marriage, considering he has a young child as well, let him go in order to do that. His sobriety is something no one anyone has any control over anyway, so it's impossible to say if it will be Right now, he has chosen to be with someone else, so don't make it harder for yourself by holding on and not letting go. It is painful, but that passes with time. You deserve someone who will be totally committed to you so focus on getting your life back on track and trust that everything will work out as it's meant to be. It always does. Just to say I am an 'ex wife' on the other side of this type of situation. In my case it would be very likely that you would not have been told the truth by my exhubby. Especially regarding genuine I know this as I have found him on dating sites making up stories - he too can be a wonderful man. I only write this in the hope that it may release you not to hurt you. Yes it is hard to let go of someone we love but you cannot make decisions for him. Will he start drinking again no one can answer that but if he wants to go back to his ex wife and child you need to let him go.Chances are she is not doing this because she is unhappy. As a wife of an alcoholic I almost
I will admit, I have a very calm life. There are days I can't drive so I take taxis or ask other Moms to drop me off at various places. I found a couple small local grocery stores which provide free delivery, as does my pharmacy. When I wanted to volunteer at my son's school and get out of the house, I arranged to have a couple extra Moms help me. I know it sounds odd, but these Moms understood and were very eager to assist. I have become more bold and ask people to hold doors open for me! And they
They focus on entertainment and making the customers feel like they are home. The maids treat you like you have finally found your way back home after a long, tiring trip. However, in this home, magic exists and by saying the magic words together with maids the food gets delicious and the maids stay forever young. The basic stay is one hour. However, during busy hours the service can get slower but they won't ask for any extra charge if you stay a bit longer. The focus is on giving the customer the experience they paid for. Also, feel free to talk to any of the maids that pass by your table. If you visit on your birthday or the day before or after, you will get a free performance, cake, and a
But the crucial point is if you buy a new property direct, or if you buy via an estate agent the price is exactly the same, you have absolutely nothing to lose by using an agent. We guarantee that the price you pay will be the cheapest. We do not hard sell. In fact we believe wholeheartedly that no-one can 'sell' you a property. It is you that will, or will not decide to buy a property. We guarantee that you will not be 'sold to'. There is absolutely no point in doing so, as a 'forced on you' sale will only result in the purchase falling through later. We make the experience a happy and fun experience for you. This could be one of the most crucial decisions of your life, so great a decision that you might decide to leave the
The teacher introduced me as a new student in the class and showed me my seat. I was feeling like a science model and they were going to do experiment on me. In break, I came out from my class, sitting alone in canteen and missing my Mom and Dad. Again, I went back to my class. I was feeling very lonely. Last period was a dance period. Everyone was dancing with their partners but I was sitting alone. At the end of the day, I still hated the new school, missing all my old friends. However, as time passed, I made new friends. Today, I am a brilliant student and captain of football team. A
Perhaps, I will put it off a little longer. Rest. Do nothing. Examine, once again, the card that arrived in the mail yesterday. On the front of the card is the photograph of a pig-tailed little girl with her outstretched arm on a pooch sitting next to her; both look straight ahead at a large body of water; both wear a swim ring. I receive a request for Face Time from my daughter. Seeing the youngest one in her lap, it is as if the sweetness of the photo I had just been looking at has, suddenly, come to life. I display the 3 year old's drawing I had received from him in
The strap is very supple and it fit on my wrist right away without any break in period. I really was surprised by the leather strap as it is almost too good to be true, especially at this price point. It is something that you order from a premium strap maker to whom you pay 200$ for the strap, but this strap comes on a watch that costs only 289.90$ which is a crazy good deal! Also, the tang-style buckle is very cool, it has it's own design and you really can see that marine theme in there too. The underside of the buckle has a polished finishing, but the top has a satin brushed finish. The buckle is made from tin bronze. The other strap was a blue
The camera is pretty impressive in daylight for both still capture and video, even to a point at sunset you're going to get some really good results, but as soon as it goes dark the aperture on the camera just can't adjust quickly enough to get a really good image. The reality is, however, that anyone who would be running one of these around is going to be doing it during day light hours. The issue that I faced while recording footage for this review was that I ran out of storage space several times and with only 8
Got kind of off topic there, sorry... Mind Eraser was about a five train wait and was running both trains. We rode next to the back. It was horrible, it has gotten so violent with its trains it hurt. It was one constant shimmy from start to end. It hurt pretty bad, Janis got off and said she would not ride it again. I had a chance to stay on as no one was in my row, so I did just to see if it was really "that bad" and it was... I think the trains needed some work, something needed to be tightened up and a few wheels changed. Now, finally on to Roar, which used to be one of my favorite wooden coasters, it was in my top five for years some time ago. I was lucky enough to even be in Roar's
At this moment you will do your best to keep from tearing up. As he goes through the process, he will single out a school as "the one," his favorite over all others. Although you and his counselor can add your perspectives, this is a decision that only your child can make. It is a very grown up decision for kids, the beginning of many to come that they will tackle independent of us. Your senior will hold a letter in her hand or will sit in front of the computer knowing the decision for a favorite college has been released. Deep breaths (both of you), letter open, computer button pushed. If the first few words are "Congratulations, you have been admitted," you will witness a smile that, basically,
If so, these tips are for you! Your home should be your sanctuary. If it's not, then this post is for you! Find out what the top cheap things are you can buy for the home that make your home life less stressful and more enjoyable! The summer is a great time to get outside and enjoy lots of activities. But with many activities there comes expense. In this short guide, I'll show you simple ways to save more cash over the summer so you can have more cash to do the things you enjoy! Heating your home
For example, I love this little pastry brush my Dad gave me years ago. It's made of a heat resistant material so you can use it on hot things as well as pastry. Plus you can wash it in the dishwasher. I also have a spatula made of the same material. It's wonderful. One of the best things I have found recently that helps in the kitchen are the amazing steamer bags shown below. They come in a medium and a large size and you can steam just about anything in them using the microwave - even fish! What I use them most for is steaming small quantities of vegetables, like the asparagus in this week's Recipe of the Week - Asparagus and Scallop Pesto
We know how hard it is to often find that idea family friendly activity or playful hands-on learning fun for kids, so we are so glad that you found us! Did you know that if you use Family Days Out to find that perfect experience with the family, you can also find fun things to do with kids in places that might never have thought to visit? That's right, and it's super easy to use! When you arrive on the site, just make sure that the top pull down is set to Canada. Then you're ready to search! But here, instead of typing in kid friendly activities near me, or similar, you just type in your post code or city, or even the state you want to find something fun in, press search and check out the If you are feeling adventurous of course. Whatever you want to do, Family Days Out will be there helping you find the best things to do with kids across the holidays, or weekends, or well, year round! Kids love fun and adventure, and there are so many fun places to visit with kids no matter where you live. Whether you want kids fun in the city, or family trip ideas in the country, just use that search button and start your amazing family day out adventure today! So start exploring Family Days Out, and uncover all the great activities that this great maple leaf country has to offer. You will discover areas of the country that will surprise you, as well as discover those hidden gems right around the corner. Fun Tips for Indoor Fun with Kids! Fun Christmas Activities for Kids!
Sometimes working to a form can inspire ideas. Try researching different poetry forms to see which ones appeal to you. If you want to try your hand at writing poetry, you might like to try one of the ideas below. Write a poem inspired by this list of words. You can use as many or as few as your want. Feel free to add your own words to help shape the poem. If you're reading a magazine or newspaper article you find interesting, you might like to try writing a found poem. Highlight phrases that appeal to you and try rearranging these into a poem. You can find more writing tips, ideas and story
A couple of years ago, my mother damaged her antique dinning table. She forgot to blow-out the candles on her center piece after a dinner party. Forty-five minutes later she returned to the Dinning room to find the candles had burned down low enough to light the center piece ablaze. In a panic, she poured a big pot of water over it, leaving a very nasty mess in the middle of the table. After the center piece and water was cleared away, she was left with a big white circle in the middle of the table. I was able to remove the white stains by using ground
I am a recent Business Management graduate; therefore I found this as an appropriate time to search for local projects and activities that I could become involved in. I discovered The Circle through my research and felt this is an interesting and unique opportunity that immediately caught my attention. Now I am no longer committed to my studies, I feel I have a lot of spare time on my hands. I like the idea of spending my time giving back to the community by using my skills and experience, however also learning additional skills along the way. The Circle is a friendly and welcoming environment, with the aim to enhance the community and encourage
I don't (usually) remove one species in favor of another. I don't water once the plants have become established - even in drought conditions. If over time the garden composition changes, so be it. I have to plan for a garden that will receive no attention during the months of June-August and I want tough plants as a result. Every plant that I pick for a habitat is chosen not for its beauty but for its value to wildlife. If it is beautiful, great. If it is not, but is a good fit ecologically, that is great too. Here is an update on my gardens/habitats as of yesterday. Just out of curiosity, how would you plan for a garden like those that I deal with: a total budget of less than $1000 (usually much less) for all materials, planted mostly by elementary students, that will receive no water except
Now, while the right kind of feedback can help shape your company and push you in the right direction, where feedback becomes incredibly dangerous is when an artist (musician or business owner) takes criticism from the wrong person or at the wrong time. But how do you know when you're ready for feedback? And who you should seek out for the most beneficial criticism? Do you want to get feedback from your ideal customers? Absolutely. Do you want to get feedback from someone who has created something similar to what you're building? Yes, that could definitely be helpful. Do you want to get feedback from a friend, family member, or acquaintance on social media who have no experience with what you're building and won't be your potential customer? No. That is dangerous feedback. You'll never hear a musician's work before it's finished. Once you hear it, it's been through all the feedback and criticism that matters to get it to a completed (and
Be sure to consider just how much garbage you will be gathering through your task and will be needing to put in the dumpster. If you request a smaller dumpster than you need, it will need to be towed away and a new one will have to be delivered out for you to finish your task. This will increase the expense of your job! If you rent a larger dumpster than what you need, it will not cost you as much. Be certain to choose the suitable size dumpster for your job so that you can save money. By calling 1
Find your center with this cool design! About this Design As long as you do something while wearing yoga pants, it has to be good for you. Yoga class? Yeah, sounds cool, but have you ever tried just hanging out in yoga pants with some wine and Netflix? Show off your love for yoga (or for lazy day style) with this yoga t shirt, perfect for hanging out on the couch or going out with friends! As long as you do something while wearing yoga pants, it has to be good for you. Yoga class? Yeah, sounds cool, but have you ever tried just hanging out in yoga pants with some wine and
As you can see, I am not doing it because my wardrobe is bare. Few of us really NEED much clothing any more. So why are we still buying it? For me, the process of making clothes brings a sense of balance, calm, and beauty, reminding me to be grateful for what I have. Slow fashion is a rebellion against "instant everything." With online shopping and same-day delivery, every want can be delivered to your door. No wonder waste is such a problem! I feel this "instant" society is wasting not just resources but energy and time. There is so much pressure to always be available by phone,
Ultimately, this means that they will be able to complete the task at hand in a swift manner and with the minimum fuss. No matter if it is a residential or commercial property, we are here to help no matter how big or small the job may be. Also, do not worry if you believe that your request is out of the ordinary in some way as that is one area where we will excel and delivery above and beyond your expectations. Troy's Glass is perfectly placed to help you with your window replacement and repair needs no matter what it is that you are seeking. Our range of skills means we are able to
If ye are set on creating one from scratch, ye can bake one up with our basic yellow cake recipe. Bake in a pirate pan and decorate it on your own or follow the instructions to make one of our homemade pirate cake. The buckos will surely shiver th'r timbers when you serve up the sweet treasure. You can also use a Pirate Cake Pan and decorate it with decorators icing. Well...Blow Me Down! Pirate candles are HOT! Don't forget to get yer Birthday Buckaroo one so he can make himself a wish. This recipe came to us from my sister. Each year she bakes her 3) Use fruit roll up with sprinkles on it for the band. White chocolate squares for the decorations around the band. The latch and hook were made with cut out gummy candy. 4) I used decorating icing to write my grandson's name and a 7 with sprinkles on top and various candies placed coming out of chest and onto the tray. We let the kids pick three items out of the chest before we cut the pirate cake. They loved that more than eating the pirate cake. Believe it or not the boys went wild over the various necklaces. I had stand up candles (pirate theme) on the plate. My grandson was so Fold a gray pipe cleaner into a squared-off "U" shape (a rectangle with three sides) to use as a rat trap hinge. Make one for each cupcake. 2. Prepare and bake cupcakes as directed on the package. Allow to cool completely before decorating. 3. Use a rubber spatula to blend a few drops of black food coloring into the frosting container to create a dark gray color. Frost cupcakes evenly. 4. Place two red gumdrops or cherry balls on frosted cupcake tops as eyes and one chocolate chip in the center for each rat's nose. Wedge two thin mints as ears and four licorice whiskers around the nose, two on each side. Then, poke a three sided rectangle shaped pipe cleaner firmly into sides of each rat's head just below the ears and squirt red decorator frosting at the base of the rat trap hinge where it inserts into the rat. *RATS CAN BE SERVED ON A COOKIE SHEET WITH BROWN SUGAR SPRINKLED ON IT TO LOOK LIKE DIRT. IF YOU HAVE A STUFFED CAT, YOU CAN SET IT NEAR THE DISPLAY AND EVEN PUT A PIRATE EYE PATCH ON THE CAT. *WE ONLY RECOMMEND THESE CUPCAKES FOR PIRATE PARTIES WITH OLDER CHILDREN. *CONSIDER TELLING THE
Police don't always come to the scene of an accident, but if they do, the officer will probably have to make some sort of official report about the accident. The police generally come to accidents that involve injuries, but they often stop at non-injury accidents as well. If they do show up at your accident, be sure to ask the officer how to get a copy of the report once it's filed. Sometimes police officers don't show up at an accident. In places where police resources are limited, the parties often have to report the accident to the closest police station. After filing a police report,
Both can provide head and back support. Finally, the pillow is quite small so it will be easy to lose. Don't forget it on the plane or in the car. What Makes a Good Travel Pillow? Different pillows are designed to target different areas of the body. The perfect pillow is one that will target the area you have the most issues with. For example, I have problems with my neck when traveling, so I should go for a pillow that will provide comfort to my neck. Vice verse if you got back problems. No need to purchase something if it isn't going to solve any issues. Which Shapes Are Best for What? U-shaped pillows are specifically designed to go around your neck. These will be pretty much uncomfortable to use on your back or on any other part of the body but will work really well around your neck and give great comfort. Pill shaped pillows are specifically designed to support the
No but actually seriously, you'd only be able to get a bracelet from the keeper of the bracelets, and when the keeper of the bracelets gives you a bracelet, the keeper of the bracelets tells you what the bracelet is for, otherwise the keeper of the bracelets is a bad keeper of the bracelets, but if you were instructed on the purpose of the bracelet by the keeper of the bracelets but still managed to forget or something and put it on your arm, likely having seen its effect on cans many times that evening, you are not deserving of sympathy.
I checked the weather for the day and booked for us to go watch the sunset on a warm summer's night. I've always wanted to go hot air ballooning and there is nobody else in the world I'd rather share that experience with. When her birthday arrived, my wife was over the moon to find out I'd booked for us to go up in the air on a ballooning adventure. It was a few more weeks until we made our trip up to the skies to watch the sunset, but it felt like years- we were both so eager to get up there and see the beautiful sights for miles around us. When the day finally came, we felt like kids on Christmas morning. We had to drive across lots of beautiful countryside
I recently took up riding motorcycles! I believe strongly in healthy living and preventive care. A healthy diet and regular exercise are important for all of us. It is my job to partner with you to keep you healthy and happy throughout your life, and I will be actively involved in helping you make your health care decisions. I wholeheartedly support Kaiser Permanente's philosophy of health in mind, body, and spirit and try to live it in my life every day. Although work-life balance is difficult in the 21st century, my family life is my major priority. Your well-being is a close second! I enjoy family
A dry lawn is best for mowing. Do not mow your grass when wet as it can result in an inconsistent cut. Also, wet clippings can up damage your lawn mower. Mow your lawn only when necessary. During springtime, mowing can be done 2x a week while during summer, every other week will do. Mow your lawn as needed according to the type of grass you have, growth pattern, growing conditions, and season. With a new lawn, wait until your grass reaches its mowing height because if you cut it right away, it can stress and shock the new grass.
You should receive your epoch and enjoy looking for your wedding dress as a result it is crucial that you start the process in fine become old to avoid feeling rude and overwhelmed. Another useful piece of advice for finding the ideal wedding dress is to attempt on many different styles of dresses. Even even if you may be clear that you desire a particular style you may find that the style that looks for that reason appealing in magazines does not warfare your body type. You may as a consequence locate that a style that you would have never have considered since can be
The meals that we have experienced and tasted together. or make you want to lose your mind. the things He wants me to do. Not easy but slowly the Lord teaches you. I pray that when my children are grown that they can be shot out of my home like strong bright arrows that don't lose their way in this world. But that means I must be involved because I'm their mother and I want them to succeed only second to their father and so I will keep on training and be with them each and every day. I pray when I take my last breath that they keep climbing and keep moving forward.What the world has to offer me does not appeal to me. Without the
Students - I am not a great gardener. I am not a good gardener. I am not a gardener at all, unless you count my weeds as flowers. But last week I looked behind the house and found these money plant stems growing as happily as could be. Instead of leaving them to be buried under snow (as I usually do), I picked them. When you look at the picture above, you can see the dried plant and two bowls. In the left bowl, you see the outer coverings of the shiny coins; each coin has a covering on each side, and the bowl is full of those. In the right bowl, you see seeds. To
t be near him because she is on a sailboat in the Pacific. She knows this is her good bye to her dad and she is crying as she tells him: ?you have managed to give me your appetite for life. I don?t know how you did it. You know? The first man in a girl?s life is her father??. She can?t finish her sentence, because she is crying, and so was I as I watched the movie. What a powerful line! The first man in a girl?s life is her dad. So true, so beautiful, so powerful, and yet so tragic for so many women out there.
When they are through with their work, they will not leave you to clean up the mess as it holds true with some of our competitors. They will clean up the work area and the surrounding areas and make sure they leave your house better than they found it. If you have ever dealt with a less professional appliance repair service provider, you probably understand the troubles one can go through. You take your appliance, they stay with it for a month or 2, and when you decide to go for it, they tell you that the damage was too huge to repair! That's not who we are. When our
When it comes to work, I think is good to have two totally different professions. In my case I am Manager and also Mountain manager. And I think both give so much good experience that is useful in the both of worlds. A combination of two good things:-). When it comes to training and outdoor life, it is two things that need each other. With a high level of strength, endurance and technique you will be able to perform better and more safety outdoor activities. But with no experience from the real outdoor, you will for sure fail. I think I have find a good combination of it. Good training and I fully outdoor life, that is great. Ice climbing, outdoor-strength-
Those are just my feelings and not excuses or blame. I take full responsibility for what I have done, and do truly want what is best for the entirety of you and the kids. You are right, I am not a child and need to act like a grown woman, and I am going to act like one and own what is mine. What I did was the dumbest and most selfish thing a person could do, and I will never do it again. These are my words, which probably don't mean much to you now, but I will show you. You will say you' Any woman would be lucky to have you, and I will be working toward deserving that once again if you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I Do Love You! I have so much to learn, I want to be a person you can trust in and find love in once again. I can't thank you enough for not giving up on me, as I have felt like a lost soul, and now I see some light. I so often have been ready to just fall into the dark pit of despair and give up, but You are more than I could have ever imagined, and I have been so blind, you were right before my eyes and I walked right through you, on you. You don't deserve that, you deserve to be equally lifted and not brought down, a hand reaching out to you saying let's walk side by side, not one in front of the other. I'm so sorry so so sorry Joe. You made the same mistake for six years! Glenna and so many others...many people have responded to you in such an ugly way. Please know that you can get through this. You can be a wonderful wife and he can be a wonderful husband despite the pain. Think of him daily as if he has He was still lying and cheating while trying to repair things. After this discovery, I knew I would never trust a word out of him again, and I haven't and won't. Your apology letter is actually going to be your actions and entire life, not a cheap set of words you throw together in an attempt to glue your family back together. The letters from my ex meant absolutely nothing, just nothing to me. Have lousy friends? Ditch them... because 'birds of a feather' has never rung so true to me until discovering who my husband really was. Stop drinking, smoking, I am not the type of person who lies. That was not someone I wanted to be. I was so certain the love of my life would leave me for what I had done to our family...and justifiably so...I was terrified!!! But he chose to stay and try to work it out. We are still trying...a year later. We are in counseling. It is so hard to see his pain...the pain that I caused. To see him struggle with his self esteem, for the first time ever, because of me. I wish I could go back and undo it all, but I cannot. I NEVER thought I was capable of something so disgusting. I partly blame the She said sorry so many times, but now she lost my trust. How can I trust her now? I asked her to give me some time to get normal while she remains calm and loving. There is hardly any talk between us. She tries to remain calm and many time questions me why I can't be normal when she became normal again. I don't understand why she is not feeling my pain? I still love her a lot, but I want her to acknowledge that she has caused damage, which she is not doing. Please suggest what to do? I don't want to lose her but at the same time my pain is not allowing me to do anything. I cheated on my
Do you feel like you have a particular calling or purpose in life? If so, what is it? And how did you figure out what it is? Have a volunteer read Acts 17:24-27. If God's only goal in saving you were to get you to heaven, then as soon as you stepped over the line of faith and received His amazing grace through Jesus he might have well have just killed you. Instead, God has a purpose for His people. He wants us to use the gifts and talents he has given us to help people find Him, to show them the Gospel of Jesus. How might God specifically be calling you to use your gifts and talents to help others find Him? This could be joining on a team at We are the body of Christ. We each play a unique role in representing Him to the world. But we're representing Him. It's not about bringing attention to ourselves. It's about pointing people to Jesus. How can you most effectively point people to Jesus? Have a volunteer read Philippians 2:3-8. That clearly flies in the face of Philippians 2. Where are you tempted to make it about yourself? Is it the volume of the music at church? Do you get worked up over who gets the credit on work projects? Are you always concerned about whether your kids like their other parent better than they like you? I am the church everyday and everywhere. Note to Leaders: You don't have to read all of those
However, by speaking to the dentist, it can be determined which filling would be best for you. In one appointment, the dentist will numb your tooth and remove the decay. Then, they will make sure the tooth is cleaned and ready for a filling. After a filling is placed, it will then be shaped and polished to get your tooth back to its original shape. Once a filling is placed, it is important to continue to practice good oral hygiene and keep up with daily brushing and flossing. This will help to keep your filling in good condition for many years.
You can't paint a light switch because it is touched and pushed and moved so much that any paint or finish would quickly wear off. So we had to replace it. This post has affiliate links. For more information, click here. For the rest of the options, you can decide what you want your switch to look like and what you want it to be able to do. Switches are available in a range of colors, white, black , and almond are the standard colors, and there are paddle switches, toggle switches, and other combinations. Your light switch can include an outlet, a
Faculty and staff may want to add the groups of classes they are teaching to the personal address book. I'm an instructor and some of the students in my class do not receive the e-mails I send to the group. What could be happening? E-mail will definitely be sent to everyone in your class. Most likely your student has an old e-mail address registered with the college and their e-mail is automatically being forwarded to that address. Please ask your student to either check e-mail at the address they have provided the college. The student can then go to https://
I still remember a dream I had as a six-year old when I dreamt I woke up to a golden retriever. It was very, very realistic, it was very exciting in the dream, and it was very sad to wake up. I really hope that you don't have a nighttime dream like that. Now I am going to tell you what I hope you dream about in the daytime: making fun plans, imagining, remembering parts of movies, remembering parts of books, remembering parts of songs, thinking about what you want to say, and thinking about what you would like to be. Now I am going to tell you something that I think is stupid: road rage, and fully
These are stamp sets that I am very sad to see say goodbye. And If you don't have them yet you will want to get them now. Jolly Friends was one of my favorite sets just for the Moose. I loved it so much, he made me laugh. And, there's nothing like a set that just makes you laugh. You can pick it up now at a 20% discount here! Merry Mice was another one of those stamp sets that was a must have. I had to have it when I saw it. Everyone of the stamps in the set made me want this set. It is a great set for many differently coloring
But I guess it took saying it in that setting for it to really hit me. Those words. I am a cancer survivor. I could see the tears of everyone else looking back at me, and apparently crying is contagious, because I dissolved into a puddle at that moment. Everyone cheered for me and the spotlight was shining in my eyes and the entire thing felt like I was in some sort of dream, or playing a part in a movie. It was an amazing experience, and I'm glad I was able to do it, and hopefully did justice to the other women fighting it out with the big ugly C. Afterward, I had many Three young girls came over to me and they each hugged me, and told me I was their inspiration and hero, and because of me, they are going to do the walk next year. They had tears in their eyes and seemed genuinely moved. I turned to my sister, and we both, again, burst into tears, in reaction to the sweet sentiment of these girls. It was such a great compliment, to know I had affected them in some small way. I continue to be amazed by the power my words can have upon perfect strangers, and the power that theirs can have right back on me.
Bring fresh and bright flowers into your home this spring. They're the perfect accessories this time of the year for a coastal home. They bring life as well as a reminder that winter is behind us and summer is right around the corner. Add a vase full of colorful flowers to the dining table to give the family something to smile about or to the kitchen to bring fresh scents to the space. Open up the windows, let the sunshine in because spring is here! Greet it with beautiful, spring time flowers and enjoy their beauty! A gallery wall is a great way to display art and take full advantage of the walls in your home. There's no need for your walls to stay bare and look plain. Creating a gallery wall is an easy way to solve that problem. If you follow these 3 steps to create your gallery wall, you' Do you have the space to create an outdoor space and still haven't? If you answered yes to either of these questions, shame on you! Thankfully, we know exactly how to fix that problem! But really, why not create the perfect coastal outdoor space? If you're struggling to create a dreamy outdoor space listen up. It's as easy as this: create a space that is so comfortable you never want to leave. Seriously. We're not joking. If you design an outdoor space to be as utterly and ridiculously comfortable as an outdoor space can possibly be, you will never want to leave. You will
I was once in a coach when the driver pulled up, and entered a small house on the road side; after he had been there some time, as it was not an inn, I expressed my wonder what he was about. "I guess I can tell you," said a man who was standing by the coach, and overheard me; "there's a pretty girl in that house, and he's doing a bit of courting, I expect." Such was the fact: the passengers laughed, and waited for him very patiently. He remained about three-quarters of an hour, and then came out. The time was no doubt to him very short; but to us it appeared rather
We have trees in all shapes and sizes. From our small little olive bush right up to our gigantic mature tree, there's definitely something for everyone. Also choose between sending a standard straight stem or a more interesting twisted stem tree. To really make an impression send someone a pair of olive trees, they look stunning stood either side of patio doors or steps for a warm welcome when they come home. Olive trees are perfect for pot growing so why not add some style to your gift and pair it with one of our frost proof pots. Send a gift from Tree2mydoor, each tree is carefully packed up to
Do all of your mixing in a large bowl and put in each ingredient EXACTLY IN THE ORDER LISTED. When done mixing, form into a ball and cover bowl with a damp towel. Let rise in a room temperature place for 1- 2 hours, or until almost doubled in size. If using a bread maker, put each ingredient EXACTLY IN THE ORDER LISTED in the machine. Then just enter in "small" for the dough size and put it on the normal "dough" cycle. If you don't have a dough cycle and just a timer, let it pulse for 90
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When this sort of link is created the body will crave food everything time it is feeling sad or lonely. It is no surprise that we call it comfort food. I grew up in a wonderful family. One of the rules in the house while growing up was that we ate dinner together. Even when my parents, my siblings, and myself we involved in school, community, church, and sporting activities we ate dinner together. I am not sure what I thought about it at the time. I have a feeling I gave it little thought then. In hindsight it was a real blessing. Again, there
As a volunteer at a Fall event, you will help visitors understand and be inspired by our work and to support our mission. We are a year-round education center for people of all ages providing farm, environmental and nutrition education programs at schools, community events and at the farm. If you would like to help others to learn about food, farms and the power of nature join this team! Help with set up, flow and clean up at educational, community building and fundraising events such as Earth Day and Summer Solstice Food Truck Festival. Do you like to paint or fix things, or do you have a
Whether you stumble, fall, crash, or have a yard sale; the important thing is to not lay there in the snow. Eventually you have to pick yourself up, so don't lay there getting cold GET UP. Plus when you're skiing, you have to at least make it to the bottom of the mountain so you can go home. Deciding to NEVER call an account again, because you feel stupid. Not calling anyone for the rest of the day because the phone weighs 10,000lbs. Calling YOURSELF mean names in the car on the way home. Take a moment to remember that
My aim was to create my own fantasy world with words and transport the reader on a mad, wonderful, funny adventure full of magic, dragons, warriors, witches and other wonderful creatures. One night…. a warrior peaked at me in a dream and my story started to unfold. My characters sprang to life and took me on a wild adventure. You have a job in an agency for booking hotel trains. How do you combine your job with the writing? Is writing a kind of protection from your everyday life? I try and spend mornings in the office and then work on my writing in the afternoon, however, as it sometimes happen in life, the best of plans do not always work out. If I can't work on my novel during the day then I write in the evenings. I try and write every single day. Mrs Fischer if you have written a book to the end, what is the feeling? How does it feel when wrote the last words of the last chapter? The feeling is of
That, my friends, is the question I'm trying to figure out the answer to, so let's discuss! I'm trying really hard to figure out how to organize this post but quite frankly I'm completely winging it and don't even know yet exactly what it is that I'm going to say or discuss. I'm just kind of thinking out loud (or in writing). But it seemed like the point of book covers would be a good place to start. Obviously pretty covers are helpful to books because they get our attention and draw us in. In order to get interested in a book, we have to notice it first. So it does make sense that we just tend to notice the pretty books more, and maybe that's why we read them more. But though that might explain why we end up reading a high number of them, that doesn't explain why we decide to read books we might otherwise not simply because of their covers, so I have some Or the pretty cover might have something unique or interesting on it that catches our attention and makes us curious, and so we decide to make time for that book, but not the boring-cover books, because we want to know more. It definitely makes sense to want pretty book covers if you're going to be taking photos of them! I can see why this might be some people's reason. I don't really use Instagram though, and I still like pretty covers, so that means this can't be the only reason. I'm still picky about what I read, I won't read a book just for the cover if the I really think there might be something to the first theory. I mean, it can't just be coincidence that the covers we happen to find the prettiest are usually the books in our preferred genre. Yes, I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves illustrated covers! I feel like a lot of people just don't like to see the characters period, but I love getting to see them before I start the book. And yeah, even better when it actually shows a scene or a theme or a setting or something from the story. I don't know, I guess it's not that weird that the covers influence how you remember them? Or maybe it's just that since you read the books a while ago you' And that's true, interesting is a good word to use since they just have to appeal to us but not necessarily be gorgeous. Oh I love posts about covers! I do think that there should be a relation between the cover and the story inside. So from that point of view I could argue that the goal of nice looking covers is to get us to pick up books that are right for you. Like how you recently had this post about vampire covers and all those covers just scream vampire. With vampires you add blood, teeth and darkness. While with Then again I personally also like covers without characters on them or when there is a character to not see their face or see their face form the side or a different angle. If there is a character on the cover I want it to match how the character is supposed to look like. And even if it is a stock picture with some changes you can still make them look like your character(s) instead of just a generic person. There's something to be said for artwork covers though and I think they can be very pretty, but they also don't fit every I'd never have thought of that comparison to how we're drawn to good looking people and want to get to know them, but that's a really good point. Like, if I go out and there are a bunch of men there but I can only choose one to talk to just on the basis of what I see, I'm going to pick one I'm attracted to, however superficial that might sound. Kind of like how if we go to the bookstore and have to choose a book, we choose the ones that are pretty. And you're right, I' I don't know, I think we are all a bit shallow when it comes to books. I try to ignore the cover when deciding because I have so many books with bad covers which I loved it seems unfair to let the cover influence my decision making. The cover is just the pretty packaging, like wrapping paper. It's what's inside the pages that really matters. Now it's just reminding my brain of that fact often enough for it to stick. Lol I totally get it, I like pretty things too. I'm also really tempted sometimes to take review copies or buy books that are on sale because they're covers are gorgeous even though it
The song is about an uncle of mine who passed away due to alcoholism. He would always say, "I'm hurting on the bottle," and the part where I sing, "When two become one," I got from him saying, "Look, I'm going to drink this, and that's when we bond, and we become one. I remember him asking me, "Look inside (he meant the empty bottle); is my heart still there, huh? Is it!?" I had no answer. So, I made a song about wanting to hold on to our own issue or lost love. Years later after his passing, I found out he had a true love that got away. What
It is a dish a bit like rösti but not really the same. It is made from raw grated potatoes, flour, salt and garlic, some people add some eggs or milk as well, but it is not necessary. It is not difficult to prepare at all and these are the ingredients that you always find in your pantry. It is simple but great. Why it popped into my mind right now? The reason is the garden. Spring is absolutely beautiful here in the countryside. Maybe many of you are lucky enough to enjoy it every year but for me after 15 Early in the morning it is still chilly, I would say cold because I can see my breath. I would love to sit down on the stairs under the cherry tree with my morning coffee but I keep back myself, I still need to wait a few months more. The mountains of Bakony are covered partly by layers of fog and horses are not left out yet to the hills in front of our garden. Nature changes day by day, I discover a new flower or another tree just about to bloom. At the weekend it is the first time we need to mow the lawn. They have more than they need and they would give us a bunch of them. In our village- he tells- it is a tradition that if you have some extra plants that you don't need you only put it in front of your house and the ones who need them can take them. First of course they wanted to ask us. As living in cites for a long time I am not used to this friendly kindness, the natural gesture of giving, the old instinct of "I have enough, I will give you as well". I am thinking of my
Here we answer the questions you should consider when deciding whether to buy a steamer. Here we answer the questions you should consider when deciding whether to buy a steamer. First of all, the thingy you latch onto in order to pull it out of the pot (yes, when it's hot and steamy) is smack dab in the middle of the whole thing, so you need to use a hot mitt when you pull it out of the pot. But with a price tag of around $5, you really can't expect perfection.... - 7 - HOW TO USE THE FOOD STEAMER. PROPERLY. PLEASE ALWAYS UNFROZEN THE FOOD BEFORE COOKING. 3. Place the lid on the steam bowl. Here we answer the questions you should consider when deciding whether to buy a steamer. Here we answer the questions you should consider when deciding whether to buy a steamer. First of all, the thingy you latch onto in order to pull it out of the pot (yes, when it's hot and steamy) is smack dab in the middle of the whole thing, so you need to use a hot mitt when you pull it out of the pot. But with a price tag of around $5, you really can't expect perfection. 7/04/2012 · Hi, It's just as good to use a pot with a steamer in it, thats all I use. Then i bought a hand blender and it has all different attachments for different jobs. Cooking food to perfection using a steamer takes a little practice, but it's well worth the effort. Your food will not only taste better, it will be healthier and more nutritious too. Your food will not only taste better, it will be healthier and more nutritious too. For added flavor, steam food on a bed of herbs,
Ask them if they know how they can be/do/have that. Help them research and price the cost of their savings goal. Help them come up with a savings plan for how to actually get there. Bonus: have them write their savings goal down. According to this study, 68% of kids with a written down savings goal track their spending. And tracking your spending? That's just a hop + skip away from saving enough money to get what they want. Reason #2: They Don't Believe It'll Ever Happen. Do you know how hard it is to believe that something you' If your child thinks you might end up buying them what they want to be/do/have, then there's no real reason for them to start saving money towards it, right? Once you learn what your child would like, you need to set up clear expectations for them with who is going to pay for it. Are you going to pay for part of it? Or is the whole responsibility theirs? Can they ask for it at a holiday/birthday occasion? In the future, you can help clarify things by categorizing what is their responsibility versus what is yours, such as your teenager taking over all responsibility to pay for their weekend They want to bait us all to either spend more money/take out more loans, or to stop spending so much money/save more of it. Reason #8: They Don't Have a Physical Space to Save their Money. Does your child have a physical separation between money they're going to save, and money they're going to spend? A mason jar for savings. A wallet with one slot to spend, the other to not spend today (though this is very short-term if it's as accessible as reaching into a different slot). Reason #9: They Don't Understand the Value of the Money They'