They will transport you to the stage boss. This, personally, was where I really enjoyed the game. Bosses are bigger, stronger versions of some normal enemies with their own attack patterns and abilities. At some points in the fight, it looks like a bullet-hell game with the projectiles flying around. Then, the end of each fight is something special that just makes me smile every time. I have gone over what I have personally liked in The Walking Vegetables with excited glee, but, taking a step back from my excitement, I can see the other side. I can see why someone would not like this game. From a control point, you stay aiming in the last direction you pointed, regardless which way you walk. This can be Also, with so much going on at one time, it could be overwhelming for people not used to twin-stick games. Not to mention how it ramps up the concentration needed on bosses. Even I got annoyed at times with the bosses. Starting from scratch each time you die will definitely put some people off, too. The game could be a little too short for them and they may not like to replay it over and over. The music in The Walking Vegetables on Switch is at a high standard. It's a mix of playful 80's music from games of that time and full blown
It's as if they have a special mirror in their house that most people don't…like a fun house mirror. Not everyone can have a "perfect" body, but we can all be in the best shape that we can be in. We can all learn to love our bodies, curves, gray hairs and all! Once we learn that we are using these fun house mirrors, we can re-learn a more positive behavior and see things and ourselves as we really are. The major issue with these mirrors is that most people don't know they are even looking in them. It's as if we came into this world looking at a distorted image. Unfortunately, we often carry these For some, this works. For others, they take that "thumbprint" and hold it up to the "mirror" and wonder why the results are distorted and they are still not happy. At hang ten nutrition, our job is to take away the fun house mirror! We help you to figure out what it is exactly that you want! We do not set your goals for you, or measure you up against random charts that don't take the whole you into consideration. We help you discover your true intentions, which are very often not what you think they are in the beginning. True intentions
"My run journey started very young and all I can remember while growing up was running from one place to the next. I was a very hyper, misunderstood, troubled teen. One day my teacher had it with me, so to punish me, I was to run laps until 'he' was tired. I still remember to this day what he said to me when I was finally done. "I didn't think you had it in you." That was the best punishment anyone could have given me. From that moment, I joined track and cross-county and went from the principal's office to gaining focus, having an outlet and most importantly a team of people that were driven and happy and
But once the snowdrifts have been touched (or if it's one of those annoying days where the snow is thin and crunchy on the ground), then you have to go further out. There are, because this is a farm, piles of junk: sheds full of junk, piles of railroad ties, old chicken wire, parked equipment, firewood, busted parts that might be good for something someday, stuff that your parents haven't hauled to the garbage dump just yet, either because they're too busy doing something else, or because there has got to be something they can do with it. These also make for some good Or you can leap off into the snowdrifts, because haystacks collect snow like dogs collect fleas. Even if the rest of the snow has blown off across the prairie, then the hay bales will have a little bit of snow hiding around them somewhere. If the hay is in huge, sloppy stacks, then you can climb to the top of one, take a flying leap, and jump onto the next one over. (If you miss, you just slide down the side.) Sometimes you miss but you're able to shove your hands into the straw and cling onto the side, and then you have to climb up, slowly and carefully, because all If the hay is in small square bales, that is often not terribly fun, because you're always getting yelled at for breaking the twine on the bales or knocking them off the pile, or else they're so tightly packed that you can't even climb them without a bale hook, which is rusty and looks like Captain Hook's spare hand. You can drag a sled with you, and find what there is to launch it off of. You can pull your brother, although when you take turns he always says he pulls more but really pulls less than you do. You can dig holes in snowbanks–the new ones are But no actual evil, no murdering of kittens.* Rather than being upset at things that were actually upsetting, she let us be mad at her. I don't think she was trying to be nice, but it was. Nice. Fun, actually. Which takes me back to Christmas, which is supposed to be the pinnacle of every child's year. Because presents. My parents basically suck at presents. Now that their kids are grown up, they often give gift cards and/or boxes of food, and I think they find that a relief. They often send my daughter care packages full of a) clothes and b) daily newspaper comics, and/or c) craft projects done with my nephew He knew one of mine. We went into the bathroom at the trailer house (the second one) and closed the doors. That bathroom was where all secret business occurred if you had to be in the house, as far as we were concerned: even parents would knock before walking in on you. I think we went so far as to stand in the shower. We agreed that we would tell each other what the presents were. He went first. I was getting a puzzle. This was, I felt, lame. A puzzle. Yet another thing that was not on my Christmas list, which we had both, as we did every year, painstakingly assembled from the latest Sears and Eventually I break down and agree to do what I'm supposed to do. I mentioned the trailer house next to the old teacher's house; we lived in there for just under a decade, I think. But in between moving back from the house of golden sunlit dust in Wyoming and that trailer house, we lived in another trailer house, a tiny one up on the hill as you drove the gravel road into the farm. One of the earliest stories of my childhood is that when they brought my brother Matt home from the hospital, I said, "Take him back." Yuck-yuck, laughs all around. I hated my brother and I'm a spoiled brat. * Proper winter boots are the ones from the farm store with the removable wool liners and the laces that can be jerked to seal out the snow and slush over and over again. To bust a shoelace outside in the snow means taking your gloves off. No. Just no. Socks: as many pairs as you can fit on. As many pairs as you have, because you only get new socks when school starts, and by the time late October rolls around, you have already shredded the heels. Hopefully not higher than can be concealed by your school tennis shoes, which are already falling apart at the seams as well. Socks for Christmas? Yes, please. Pants: Lady was named after Lady and the Tramp. She was a collie, not a cocker spaniel, but she was the same solid, silky brown. I forget who we got her from, but when they brought her home she was a) tiny, and b) so filthy that nobody could really tell what color she was. We still lived in the trailer house at the time. The trailer house was a single-wide and rocked in the wind; it was fastened to the tiny old house that had served as the schoolteacher's house back in the day when the county ran a country school in the front yard of the main house, complete with separate At one point she had puppies, but she was such a horrible mother that they were soon given away (or at least, that's how I remember the story going). What I personally remember was looking at the nest of puppies in the hayshed across from the chicken coop and going, They take too long to have their eyes open. If they were kittens, their eyes would be open by now. The straw around them turned golden, if you pushed the bottom edge of the shed door away from the wall. I want to say she disappeared or ran away shortly after that but I can't actually remember. There were other things going on at the time. I always felt sad for her. From her perspective, she was I can't see the doghouse anywhere. When we move to the big house, the doghouse sits next to the shed in the front yard, the one where all the yard equipment and the cut wood goes. But I can't remember, on the trailer house. It had asphalt roofing tiles that I rubbed my hands over all the time, and came up to my chest. It had clapboard sides, and a raised bottom. The raised bottom was important: it kept the doghouse warm. We may have left old blankets in there and stacked hay bales around the sides: it sounds like the kind of thing we would do. The propane burned with a steady roar that changed tone if you picked up a brand and turned it around in the flames. The edges of the brand would crackle and spark as the stuck hair burned off. The cattle were driven, one by one, into the branding chute, which had a vee of prison bars inside it, and metal panels at the bottom to keep the cattle from breaking their legs as they struggled and kicked. As soon as you were ready to deal with the animal, you pulled down a lever that tightened the vee across the animal's legs and chest,
They are extremely busy and the business is growing every day. If you are looking for a career move, one that will help you to shape a solid future and set you up for long term success in a smaller-town setting, this may be the job for you. If you enjoy a quieter atmosphere, one that is close to the big centers but not so close they wake you up at night, then this is probably the job for you. If you value good friends, outdoor living and a simpler life AND you have an eye to the future and not just today, this is definitely the job for you. This is an amazing opportunity for the right person who wants to work in the glass trade and create a very comfortable life for themselves. We thank all
Because of this fact when too much pressure built up in the train, the engineer would have to pull a level in order for it to "blow off steam" to prevent an explosion! To spill the beans. Meaning - To reveal a secret. This one takes us all the way back to ancient Greece! In order to cast a vote the people during this time would place a bean in a jar representing their vote. White usually meaning yes and black meaning no. If someone spilled the jar they would quite literally be spilling the beans and revealing the results of the vote. To bite the bullet. Meaning - To
They won't mind going down into your basement to bring up old furniture or climbing up to the attic to bring down any other rubbish items you have in storage. Just think of how much space you open up around the house once the session is complete. Scheduling with Junk King is easy. You can set up your appointment over the phone or online. All you need to do is pick the day and two hour window of time that works best for you. If your junk is ready to go, then Junk King might even be able to swing by on the same day. The best way to take care of an old lawnmower disposal and junk clearing is to turn the job over to Junk King Columbus today. This entry was
How far in advance of my desired flight will I be able to reserve my seat? As a Member, you're able to book flights four weeks in advance or up to twenty minutes before your flight (if seats are still available). We hope to make the reservation process as simple as possible. Log in to your account on your computer or mobile device, choose your destination, and reserve. That's it. A few seconds and you're done. How many flights may I reserve? What if the flight I want to book is full? If you click on a flight that's full, you can easily add yourself to the
We certainly have a long road ahead of us and much has to be done. It is beyond doubt that improvements both within and outside COP are needed. It might feel overwhelming and frustrating, but we must not forget where we started from and where we are today. There is indeed something positive behind all the criticism. This is also why we need to measure our actions; to not only see how far we still need to go but also in order to see how far we actually have come. It is important to remember what has been achieved so far, even though rapid step-up
and until then, i have nothing more to say. but i did not. i think it is an example of how you have to think five moves ahead of all the time because it is not only about what is happening today, but the future. i learned to do that much better. painful experience, and i think, probably, everybody. >> some things people don't realize is in many ways the press secretary acts like a reporter as well. i don't know the answers to everything. i get a question. i am, like, "i do not know." i will call somebody at the national security council that i trust. i might also ask the chief of staff to make sure i got the same answer. the to me, the president received the information they did before. he decided
So much has been given to me; I have no time to ponder over that which has been denied. As a counselor, one of the most frequent questions I am asked is "People are telling me I should get rid of his/her stuff, but I don't want to. What should I do?" Soon after a death, it is common for us to want to hold on to things that remind us of our loved one. This "stuff" takes on a special meaning and in our desperate attempt to stay attached to our loved one, these things seem to help us feel close. In other words, they have become "linking objects"
Yet a tiny amount of arsenic is a stimulant. A larger dose puts one to sleep and a few grains of it are enough to kill someone. All drugs, then, have a bad effect on the body. That effect may be small or great. But there are many drugs which cause other problems as well because they have a bad effect on the mind. To understand how drugs affect the mind, you need to know something about what the mind is and how it works. The mind is not the brain. The brain is simply that part of the body inside the head that uses the nerves to send out instructions to different parts of the body. Your mind is what you use to think, remember and decide. It contains recordings of everything that has happened to you from the very beginning of your life until now. By recording we mean an exact copy of something. Your mind makes recordings of all your thoughts, Let's say that you are cleaning a floor and you are being helped by a person who has been using drugs. The drug user may be sure that he is helping you repair a floor that needs fixing. But you are cleaning the floor, not repairing it. So when you ask him to hand you the mop, he thinks you mean "hand me the hammer." So he picks up the mop, thinking it is really a hammer, and tries to give it to you. But a mop is different from a hammer. The handle is longer and its weight and shape are not the same. So he
If you look at most of these moms, they are all "wanna be's" or "wish they could have's". I watched one episode this week and this one brat in particular didn't win anything and absolutely threw a fit. I believe it's the same girl in the picture above. She's the one that just got rid of her pacifier at 5. The mother and the girl both laughed about how horrid her teeth were because of the pacifier. The mother wanted to give it back to her because it calms her down. I would never ever allow my
What a little fighter! Sending good thoughts your way. I'm so relieved to hear that she is on the mend. Take care of her and each other! ((((HUGS)))) and healing thoughts. Get well soon Gwendolyn! So glad to hear that things are looking up, keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers! Hoping for home later today and sending lots of love and healing prayers sweet G's way! So glad to hear she is on the mend! Hope everyone feels better soon. Glad to hear G is home and doing well! it was so helpful to read the update first!! thank you! I know these times are hardest on the two of you, but you
Now I'm not going to say that I've never bought a fancy-pants coffee, but, for me, it's more of a special occasion than an every day ritual (for the health of my body and my wallet). Making your coffee at home will save you some cash and also give you complete control over what's going into your drink. Now there are recipes out there that use a homemade syrup or some other mix-in, but today I wanted to share another alternative that involves brewing the spices right along with your grounds. It's easy and can be whipped up quickly. Perfect for those of you who need instant
I had to pray and have a huge faith! The biggest life lesson that I have learned so far is that people change, and that's okay. Because in the process, I changed too! I actually changed for the better. All I need is me and God. Loving myself has brought peace to my life. I'm not afraid of anything right now. Whatever happens, I know I will be able to walk through it, overcome it, wait it out, and hopefully enjoy it! My current goals are to become the best version of myself and to be an example for other people. If I can do this, overcome this, smile and believe the way I do – so can you! With God, I am everything. Grasp the power of being solo. Being solo is a gift. You will have to see and know these gifts because life is different when you're solo. It will give you moments you'
By now, all of you would have seen the cover of my book - Fried (sauteed) Salt Fish with Fried Bakes. If you want to make the cover and you haven't got the book, no worries! Create these fluffy bakes, sometimes called floats right in your own home. And all you lovers of salted cod, rejoice, for you can make fried salt fish and bakes over and over again to the delight of your friends and family. Follow the links above for both recipes. And if you're unsure about how to actually fry the bakes, then check out my little home video on how to do so. Enjoy!
Room / apt. 1: < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 < 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Remove unit Add new unit Category/specialization All categories Hotel 4-5
I was tired i could not stand any more so i went for sleep. For one hour. I was thinking. "I am almost there. What if something happens now? No, nothing can go wrong. I can not have so bad luck. Just now when i am on the end. And i do not care, if it has to happen. If I destroy Tereza. I do not care. I do not care if I get killed. I can not sand this any more.But it can not happen. And it will not happen." So i felt asleep. After one hour then i went back on deck. I was going faster and notice that wind was dragging me toward the land-reef. I did had that reef on my
The big freeze can bring problems inside your home and if you live in a flat it can also involve your neighbours. It is worth taking steps now to protect yourself and your home. In an emergency, do you know how to turn the water off to your home? Do you know where your water valve is? Burst pipes can happen at any time and when water is pouring into your home you need to act quickly to turn off the water at the main stop tap. You should find this under the kitchen sink or where the service pipe enters your home. Drain your system: Do this by turning on all your cold taps and do what you can to collect and manage the leak. You may see your ceilings starting to bulge. Be careful as the room may not be safe to enter. If there is a drip, armed with buckets and In very cold weather the heating will need to be on low, or set to come on a couple of times a day, especially if you're away for a day or two. If your heating thermostat has a 'frost' setting, use it while you're away. What can West Lothian Council do about it? If you are a council tenant, contact your area housing office immediately. If it is out of office hours, you will be given an emergency number. If you are affected by a leak from another property and you can't get access to it, Environmental Health can require the owner to fix the problem. If no
A month ago I wrote a post about how often I see parents looking at their phones instead of engaging with their kids at the library, especially in programs. The feedback I received from this post called me judgy, said there was no way I could know the whole story, and that most likely these kids were being engaged at home. It's true you can never know the whole story, but I still believe it's all about balance. I was inspired to write my original post because it's something I see happen a lot at the library, but it's also something very personal to me. Being glued to technology is something I see happen every day in my family. This photo is of a recent family get together. My son is just off to the right of this picture, playing with toys and hoping to catch the attention of his family. Instead, they're plugged in to their phones (and the Kids want 100% of our attention, and they know when they aren't getting it. I am so reading that book! I think that's such a great idea. You're right that kids know when they are not getting your full attention. I also think parents sometimes think that as their kids get older and can do more on their own, they don't think about engaging them as much and it's still very important! While kids can explore the library on their own, they still like attention from their parents and it's all about balance. You can do both-check your
The fighting system was completely physics based, and when two pieces came together to fight, as people mashed the controllers they would just kinda float around in circles chasing each other, never connecting. I decided to start over, which physics only for root motion and animation for all the moves. I worked on it for a few months, until I realized there was no way for me to get these systems to work together. I mean these systems *can* work together, but there's no way for *me* to get them to work together. At least not now. So I gave up. I put the game down and just took a break for a while. This is what I learned. Admitting you can't do something
Perhaps we might say that they are about how we can put God's love into action, about doing those things that will make it possible for us to have an eternal presence with God, about living out God's love for us. It takes a very different kind of courage to respond to those words spoken by Jesus on that mountainside. And you should know that there is great risk, there is always a great risk in living out God's love, because there is always those people and those temptations that will try to persuade us not to. When you think about it, how many have been
2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 Year Female Male Other Gender Start typing your address to search
Just stop till I twist up my hair." So she put her hair in order, which was all right, as she knew she was going among strangers; and then she was ready. But first she stopped down, and whispered some words close to the sea. "I'm just sending word to my father," said she to Dick, "not to be waiting breakfast for me." "Who's your father?" said Dick. "Why, he's the king of the waves, to be sure." "A king's daughter? Oh! I'm nothing else but a made man. There's plenty of money in the sea, and, to speak truth, I have nothing but a straw bed at home. But, perhaps, you've got no such things as beds with you?" "By all means," said the
It was an experience where I had to keep my eyes open, sit down, wait for the screen to brighten with some action. And despite this movie mostly taking place in one location with a somewhat limited set of characters, action there was. "Copshop" is not a movie I will be running down the streets screaming about, asking everyone to flock to the theater just to see it, but it is one that I recommend. If you like cop media, you might find this movie entertaining. If you like a blend of action and comedy, you might find this movie fun. This is a film that put me into the action and made me ask what the best move for our
Total valid votes are equal to 100000, out of which only 80% of the votes have been cast in that phase. Further, 10% of the votes cast were cast in favor of those who are not representing any of these 6 parties. Q6. Difference between highest valid votes and lowest valid votes which were cast in favor of any of these six party is what percent of average no. of valid votes which were cast in favor of A, C and E? (a) 100% (b) 120% (c) 80% (d) 135% (e) 125% Q7. Valid votes cast in favor of A & B together is what percent more or less than valid votes cast in favor of D & F together? (a) 50% (b) 80% (d) 20% (e) 70% Q8. What is the difference between no. of valid votes which were cast in favor of party A and F? (e) None of these. Q9. What is the
I am not sure if you are aware what goes on behind the scenes of an exhibition but it's quite a lot. Here is to give you an idea. Before anything can be setup, you as an artist, need to know the theme. This is important because your theme should be translated to a plan that fits the space to express the message behind the art. Once you have a theme and a space you can start thinking about how you are going to layout your pieces of art to complete your theme. My theme was clear from the beginning: BAD HAIR
Me mother-in-law told me to take a mattress cover; she saw me alright. P: You were saying you got all your bits and pieces together over the year, what sort of bits? E: Wellingtons, and clothes for the kids so they can go about "anyhow sort of thing, because it's no good putting good clothes ^on them, because while your picking hops, you took more than what you needed, like you do any other time. You made the beds up. Lit the fires up first, outside. The men usually done that. My husband used to do ours, for his mother and me. The first day you'd get yourselves all comfortable, as comfortable as you can, and you sort of adjusted it as you went along. P: Did you have to gather your own wood? E: The farmer used to deliver what they called time. Tree twigs and branches, about a yard long, all done up in a big bundle. And they used to give you so many bundles for a hut. P: Did you have to pay for that? E: No. That was given to you. So you lived rent free as well. P: So the farmer would also be preparing for the hop pickers? P: So when you went you were going to stay with people who knew the ropes and who knew what to do. When you were shown your hut, how many people were you going to have to share that hut with? E: There was my husband, me and the baby P: Why? What had happened? E: He'd eaten it. P: The baby!? E: Ten months old. I'm not kidding, believe me, I'm not kidding. He'd eaten it. A whole loaf. Weren't he good? Sitting in the push chair all morning. He finished up, he'd eaten the loaf, the corn beef, everything. P: Would you buy the corn beef in a slab then? E: Slices, in the farm, just like you do in a shop. The cheese was in a lump, you know. Anyway, the next morning, my mother-in- law says to me, "Give me that bag here." She says, "He's not eating that today." So she took me food with them. Course, he's looking round all the morning for food. It was funny. While he -was doing that, I was picking hops. P: So you left him? E: In the Course we never had chance to look at him, he was behaving himself so much, we didn't bother. Course when we looked round, we got nothing for dinner. P: How did you manage that day; did your mother-in-law help you out? E: We sent the kids back to the farmhouse to get some more food. P: Did you and your husband work as part of a team hop picking, or were you more part of a bigger team? E: We was on our own. He was a pole puller. What they call a pole puller. And he was at beck and call of these people to help them. He used to have to make sure all the heads was off of the tops of the
That's a good question. Interesting. So you just saw the trailer for the first time about an hour ago, and you haven't seen the movie? I got my line counts this morning. I think we're gonna be done this October, but I'm not the producer or director. We wanna promote the movie in November, and we're doing a red carpet event in L.A this December. So yeah, we haven't recorded yet. I'm working on Super every week. Actually, what is the recording schedule like for recording Dragon Ball Super every week? Well, my recording schedule for Dragon Ball Z used to be really I was in New York so I had to go on trips and work 10 days in a row and go back. Now because of that, I said I only want to do a couple days a week because it was killing my voice. Plus I do a lot of voice acting so I don't wanna ruin my voice. So right now I do one or two days a week on Dragon Ball Super. And to give you an idea of how long it takes to record a movie, depending on the length of the movie, it took me two days to record all my lines for Chris is such a trooper, man. He could literally be in the hospital for a heart transplant right now, and if I told him that if he can get to the studio and stand in front of a microphone, or if we can get him in a quiet-enough space we will record him in his hospital room. It's a tough thing as a director because, clearly, I want what he wants; but also, I don't want him to hurt himself because it's a really strenuous character. All I know is that all of the people around Chris Ayres, they'
Don't let car troubles drag your day down! With a local towing service that does more than just towing, you can get on the go again more quickly. At B&B Towing and Recovery, we offer towing services and more, so we can help you get back to your daily routine. Towing is in our name, which means it's a central part of what we do. Whether you drive a motorcycle or a semi-truck, we have the experience and equipment necessary. We also provide recovery services, so we can get your vehicle out of that tight spot or pull it up an embankment. We even have a crane, so we can turn over toppled semi-trucks with trailers or other oversized vehicles. If your car has been in an accident, and that's why you need the tow, you're probably already
If you are more of a subtle door person, how about mint green? It sounds so wrong, but looks so right on this charming rounded door. And do you see the basket next to the door? The people there actually leave it out and fill it with extra produce, in this case apples, with a sign that says take one! How adorable is that? Again with the light yellow toned stone. Sage green works perfect with it. It looks so natural with greenery near by too. And do you see the glass in the top of the door? It is called bullseye glass. I found it all over the place in the doors. It is great because it The slight arch and blocked out pattern work perfectly with the creamy old stone. Hopefully these doors inspired you as much as they have me! Stay tuned for new reveals of doors from MY house! What do you think? Does your front door make a statement? What color would you like to paint your door? Tell me about it in comments! I loved the pictures you took of the wonderful doors. They are works of art and they gave me inspiration. You are welcome Sunshine! I still haven't painted my front door from black to navy, but hopefully that update will come soon. Trying to find a paint color on a front door
I keep them on my kitchen counter top. I think folks are way too busy these days and it's frustrating. My husband and I have been talking about it quite a lot as he and his brother prepare for retiring their business. People need to slow down because you can't get your days back. I don't want to look back and regret being so busy with just...stuff. Life is short and none of us no the number of our days, so it's best to enjoy each moment. I hope you are doing well and I am praying for you always. They are great! I think we have a much easier time getting involved in many things that our parents and grandparents never had a chance to do. So many of their activities were 'work' while we get to enjoy or activities more. As always your quilt is gorgeous as well as your Brooklyn! And yes I agree, we also have studied this at church. The devil would like nothing more than to keep us busy, busy, busy with things. Don't get me wrong most are wonderful worth while things. But....ultimately they are not in God's plan for our life at this moment. Been there done that. Your Brooklyn is such a sweetie! I am sure you guys had a great time! I love that Bliss fabric! I think things just move faster now than what they used to. My parents were busy but always made time for doing family stuff everyday, not just supper together once a week! You are gal after my own heart.....twins separated at birth?....I have some of those patterns...a few of my Moms'...we used chee ....and the egg basket too...mine is old and yellow...I have quilt magazines in mine....my daughter in law snatched my other one years ago!!...with 8
" he asks mentally kicking himself for losing his control around her. "Is there anything specific you'd like me to work on today?" "Um oh, yes I have a meeting today with one of the artists we spoke with yesterday. I'd love for you to come along, if that's something your interested in?" he asks hopeful to be able to spend some time alone with her outside the office. "I would love to, yes, thank you." "Great, I figured since you were the one who she spoke with mostly, having you there would be wildly beneficial." "Sounds perfect, what time should I be ready for?" "We'll take her to coffee, so let's say around 3:30?" " "Ugh, what a loaded question. I just think there's more to the world than what we see. The feelings we feel can be instantly understood by the lyric of a song, or the stroke of color in a painting." "Amen to that." Aria says glancing over at him and smiling. "I love that you get it, most people's eyes glaze over whenever I try to explain it." "That's because there's more you need to say but you don't wanna say it. And I won't push you. But I don't think the question is so much about what you have to say, as it is about why you won't say it." "Ah your probably right about that one, love" he says laughing and looking away. "Your very wise you know that?" he says smirking at her. "Yes of course," she says
AND the people around you? I certainly have lately and it was pointed out to me by a dear friend who just happens to be a fabulous coach! She shared with me, that I have been saying the same "words" about my ex-husband for many years, and asked when I was going to be ready to drop them and move forward. I smiled, laughed out loud and said "NOW" and thanked her for being so honest with me! A kind word can lift you up or save a bad day. They can describe who we are/once were, who we are not, who we want to be. They can evoke
When a credit agreement is signed by more than one person, then all of those that signed the agreement are liable for the full amount of credit borrowed. This is usually common with husbands and wives taking out a loan together. Most people do not think both parties are liable, they assume that they can only be chased for half. If you have a credit card and you both have a card for that account, this is not a joint debt. Whoever took out the original agreement is liable for the debt, while the other is simply a cardholder. With
Sometime the only thing you can do is make the most of a tough situation. A few days later we were driving through Wyoming when the exact opposite lighting situation presented itself. In this case the storm was in front of me and the sun was low and behind me. What captured my attention were the sheets of rain that were crashing down. It looked like a waterfall in the sky. This rain served two purposes. One, it looked really cool. Two, it blocked most of the light from passing through the storm which darkened the background and allowed these sheets of water to really stand out. I'
HOLD notes don't have a release timing. You can still release after the note is done. SLIDE: These notes are similar to the HOLD notes. This is simply a HOLD note that could move either left or right. AIR: These notes have two types, an upward AIR note and a downward AIR note, the latter being exclusive to the "MASTER" difficulty. Upward AIR notes can be followed by an AIR-HOLD notes similar to regular HOLD notes where the player has to keep their hand in the air until it ends. There also exist AIR-ACTION notes where you have notes that you have to swing your hands to hit. FLICK: Exclusive to the "MASTER" difficulty and "WORLD'S END". These notes are similar to TAP notes. Tap and flick the note when it appears. DAMAGE: Exclusive to "WORLD'S END". These are notes where tapping will result in a "MISS"