Enjoying an infusion or a cup of tea, in addition to having great possibilities of becoming a daily ritual, considerably favors health. And it is that, the different variants of this drink composed of various plants, cause a series of very interesting effects for the body. The three year old tea or Kukicha, It is a tea with hardly any theine, children can even have it for breakfast if no vegetable drink suits them.Bancha tea instead it does have theine. Both provide a large amount of natural calcium that our body absorbs and fixes in the bones. It has remineralizing and alkalizing effects. The main beneficial effect of kukicha tea derives from its strong alkalizing power. This drink helps to alkalize the tissues and fluids of the body, thus balancing the acidity levels of the body and preventing multiple diseases. Include a Kukicha tea in your breakfasts and snacks, add a tablespoon of rice molasses or agave syrup and you will have a delicious and very energetic drink. Through moderate but continuous consumption, these teas, and in combination with a correct intake of foods that achieve a balanced nutritional intake, are capable of considerably helping to prevent numerous diseases, strengthen defenses, help you lose weight or even fight constipation. Properties of Kukicha tea and Bancha tea But in addition to its alkalizing power even more than any other Japanese tea, kukicha tea also has remineralizing properties. A cup of kukicha drunk hot when we wake up in the morning is a good source of calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, and fluoride. It is also rich in B vitamins, vitamins C and A, flavonoids and catechins (the polyphenols that have made green tea famous as an anti-cancer drink). There is no doubt that it is a good way to start the day. Another benefit of three-year tea is that it has practically no contraindications. You only have to consult your doctor if you are pregnant, or if you want to give it to children. You always have to take care of the number of infusions that we take. Preparation of Kukicha tea and Bancha tea In a saucepan, heat 2 liters of mineral water and a tablespoon of tea sprigs, let it boil for 2 to 3 minutes. Let it rest for 5 minutes and strain it. Add if you like a little sweet a tablespoon of agave syrup or rice molasses or stevia. Include kukicha tea or bancha tea in your breakfasts A Bancha or Kukicha tea with gluten-free teff and rice bread toasts with sugar-free blueberry jam or with olive oil or vegetable pate. We can also include it in the middle of the morning with some raw peeled almonds, providing both minerals, calcium and magnesium. What tea favors us and at what time Take Kukicha tea for breakfast and snack because of its low theine content. Elté Bancha better only at breakfast. Due to its higher content of theine, its intake in the afternoon can intervene in our sleep, just like a cup of coffee. It was the great teacher Ohsawa, the forerunner of macrobiotics, who introduced this tea to Europe and called it "three-year tea." In Japan, kukicha tea is considered the poor man's tea because it is made from the branches that are wasted, but it is actually the healthiest.This tea is more yang than bancha tea.It can relieve nausea and gastritis. It is a drink that people suffering from nephritis, bladder infection, neurasthenia, heart disease, indigestion and general fatigue, people who are intolerant to vegetable drinks, dairy products and preservatives, should incorporate into their diet. Video: Kukicha Tea Benefits (October 2020). Desperate animals in Australia's worst drought Bury an egg in your garden and see what happens a few days later
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3701-properties-of-three-year-kukicha-and-bancha-tea.html" }
Bhutan has a population of about 800,000 inhabitants and its premise is to protect the environment, being the only country in the world that absorbs three times more carbon dioxide than it produces. The local authorities, to preserve nature and prevent the advance of climate change, took measures such as controlling the logging and importation of forests, limiting the volume of tourists and developing electric transport. In 2020 they will be the first country to have organic farming by law. Biological methods will be implemented, eliminating synthetic chemicals and GMOs. It will be an agriculture that will take care of natural resources and produce food while taking care of nutritional quality. Farmers in Bhutan will only use natural organic fertilizers from livestock. The decision to convert its agriculture to a more respectful one for the environment is based on numerous studies that confirm that industrialized agriculture has a negative impact on the quality of fruits and vegetables, reducing nutritional value. In addition, it pollutes groundwater by abusing chemical nitrogen fertilizers. To guarantee a high production of food without pesticides or herbicides and at the same time guarantee the biological quality of cultivated soils, the government of Bhutan is going to increase the extensions of irrigated land, as well as the modernization of infrastructures to promote the cultivation of native varieties of fruits and vegetables that are more resistant to the pests and climate of the country. Ecological agriculture or agroecology, is a production method that, in addition to encouraging care for the environment, is a whole philosophy that offers indirect benefits on the quality of life of its practitioners. That is why it is intended to combat the recent problems of drought with sustainable agronomic methods, as well as to encourage farmers to stay on their land and not migrate to the city. We hope that this first step is the beginning of a profound process of change that can be extended to other economies in the world that revalues ​​the quality of natural and indigenous agriculture, against industrialized agriculture. Video: A sustainable future - why the world will take us kicking and screaming towards permaculture. (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3408-the-most-sustainable-country-on-earth.html" }
Sparkies chewy candies and Chips Ahoy cookies are the first GMO-labeled products found by Consumer Advocacy. Senasag will verify from June that all companies that sell these foods do so. The Law of the Community Agricultural Productive Revolution (144), of June 2011, establishes that any product that is, contains or derives from a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), also called transgenic food, must be labeled as information for the consumer, be it national or imported. The regulation has been applied since January of this year and requires that these products be marked with a distinctive yellow logo and triangular shape, visible to the consumer. “The seal is already in the national market, in some cases with a sticker and in others already printed on the container. This should not alarm the population, rather it is a good sign because companies are informing their customers about their components and people, in their free decision, will see if they consume them or not, "said Guillermo Mendoza, Vice Minister of Defense of the Consumer. The authority stressed that it is the first time that a distinctive of these characteristics has been implemented in the country that respects a fundamental principle, such as informing the consumer. He announced that the National Service for Agricultural Health and Food Safety (Senasag), responsible for labeling, will present a list of products that complied with the law. Eating genetically modified foods, many doctors say, consists of entering the bloodstream bits of genetic code that have never before been in contact with the human immune system, and could be the cause of the growing number of diseases that were not heard a decade ago: autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease or Crohn's disease. In the neighboring country Uruguay has also established at the end of 2017 a decree to label foods that contain transgenics, in addition to the percentages of sugars, fats and sodium in a plan to take care of the health of the population. Video: How to tell if your foods contain GMOs (October 2020). A better world is possible ... fantasy or feasible reality? Three-color bags to promote waste recycling Is it the end of straws, cutlery and plastic plates in Europe?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3806-a-stamp-for-products-containing-gmos.html" }
If you have a sweet palate but want to sweeten your dishes in an intelligent, conscious way and without creating any addiction, then without a doubt, one of your most precious allies is the carob. Yes, the pod of the carob tree, also calledCeratonia siliqua,linked to the Mediterranean basin and above all to animal nutrition (rural and industrial). Belonging to the legume family, these dark brown pods are toasted and then converted into a gluten-free "flour" suitable for coeliacs, also getting very similar to the cocoa powder that we all know, or also in the form of syrup, similar to a chocolate caramel, ideal for garnishing a fruit dessert, toast or crepes, to be used as a 100% natural sweetener in the kitchen. The carob, like cocoa, is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid precursor of serotonin, our hormone of well-being and happiness, hence its consumption provides us with pleasure and a comforting sensation both in the mouth and emotionally. However, unlike cocoa, carob has the advantage of not creating addiction since it does not contain theobromine (or other stimulant substances) and that is why it is recommended for both children and adults, when seeking to "disengage" from the need to take your daily chocolate dose-dependency However, both options are interesting and can be alternated if their origin is of quality and their consumption is moderate. Nutritionally, carob is low in fat (less than 2% compared to 23% in cocoa), and rich in natural sugars, which makes it an excellent source of energy for high intensity days, athletes, children and adolescents. It is also a good source of vegetable protein and, like cocoa, contains significant amounts of iron, calcium and magnesium, with the great and interesting difference of lacking oxalates, which leads to better absorption of these minerals. Another advantage of this pod is its richness in fiber, especially of the soluble type with prebiotic function thanks to its pectin and lignin content, which benefits our intestinal microbiota, the battalion that resides in our second brain, in addition to fighting constipation, regulate cholesterol and reduce inflammation of the digestive mucosa. Another aspect to assess is its contribution in tannins, phenolic compounds with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power, as well as being astringent, which also regulates diarrhea or gastroenteritis. As it is a local product, consuming it as a substitute and alternative to cocoa makes it an ecologically more ethical product since it is part of our geography. In addition, being already sweet in itself, it reduces the need to use and add more "sugars" to whatever recipe is chosen. In fact it can be made with it, multiple delicacies that can satisfy everyone at home, such as a hazelnut cream with carob, replacing cocoa for example, or carob muffins with fresh and natural fruit, or simply a cup of vegetable milk with carob, as if it were a hot or cold chocolate, useful to lift your spirits and repair fatigue after an intense day. By Mareva Gillioz, Dietitian and Nutritional Coach, specialized in Naturopathy Video: What is Carob and the Best Kind for Health Benefits? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3512-the-benefits-of-the-carob.html" }
SYDNEY: Australian Mary River tortoise, with her green Mohican-style hair and ability to breathe through her genitals, is one of the most distinctive reptiles in the world. It is also now officially among the most threatened. The 'punk turtle' was ranked 29th on the Zoological Society of London's Distinct Evolutionary and Globally Endangered list this week, prompting calls for better protection of the reptile found on a remote part of Australia's east coast. . "You have to go back about 50 million years to find closely related species," said Marilyn Connell, a researcher at Australia's Charles Darwin University. "It would be a failure if we allow this animal that walked alongside the dinosaurs to go extinct." Once a popular pet in Australia, the exact population of the Mary River tortoise, known to biologists as Elusor macrurus, is unknown, the Zoological Society of London said. Her distinctive hairstyle is actually seaweed growing on her head. Academic research was hampered in 1974 when traders refused to reveal the habitat of what was then known as "Penny Turtles" after Australia outlawed the practice of keeping them as pets. Almost 20 years later, John Cann, a Sydney-based turtle enthusiast, rediscovered the turtle in the Mary River in Queensland. It was classified as a new species. The turtle's habitat is not fully protected, Cann said, and the introduction of new species of fish into the waterway also threatened the juvenile turtles. "They survived in good numbers for millions of years," Cann said. "Then the pigs and foxes came, and on top of the predators and native people, that's what has put them in danger." Video: Alligator Snapping Turtle vs Common Snapping Turtle (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3907-australias-punk-turtle-at-risk-of-extinction.html" }
Carlsberg and Heineken are fighting to control and own the entire beer-making process - from harvest to bar. We need to increase the pressure before it! Carlsberg and Heineken are trying to take ownership of the entire beer-making process. If this happens, everyone will have to pay them a fee: the farmers, the breweries and the consumers. To achieve this, the two multinationals need a patent. And to date, the European Patent Organization is on your side. Why? Because for each new patent you get a commission [1]. Last summer we launched a campaign and also filed a collective opposition to the patent, which was made possible by thousands of people.And we got the Patent Office to promise us a hearing! However, it's been a long time since that and we still don't have a date for the hearing.It is time to let the European Patent Organization know that we are still at the bottom of the barrel. Last year we collected more than 115,000 signatures, which helped us get an audience.Can you help us double the number of signatures and pressure before they give us a date for the hearing? The patent on barley (the main ingredient in beer) that Heineken and Carlsberg want to obtain would affect the entire beer-making process, including the final product. This would mean that these brands would profit in threefold ways: from selling barley seeds to farmers, from buying their harvest at reduced prices, and from selling beer to consumers.Carlsberg and Heineken would control the entire production process: from harvest to bar. In recent years, the Patent Organization has been able to support large multinationals without raising suspicions because no one was paying attention to them. No one had ever publicly accused them ... until now [2]. Our action community has struggled to get an audience. But we want a date so we can keep up the pressure. We have already waited too long:it is time to remind the European Patent Organization that we have not forgotten their promise to grant us a hearing. If we manage to double the number of signatures on our petition, they will not be able to postpone it any longer. Let's increase the pressure! Because it is important We all know barley, beer and its production process. They are old traditions within everyone's reach. However,The European Patent Office (EPO) has granted a patent to Heineken and Carlsberg on traditionally grown barley.With the patent, these multinationals become owners of the barley, from the seed to the beer mug. What a scandal! They not only want to take over a tradition that has existed for thousands of years, but with the patent, theEPO is violating European law. What's more, every time a patent is approved, the EPO makes money. We have the opportunity to stop the barley patent and the granting of these kinds of patents. Last year, the EU already gave in to popular pressure, when more than 570,000 Europeans signed our petition, ruling that no patents can be granted for plants or animals., unless they are genetically modified. Now it is the member states of the European Patent Organization that have the power to require their Office to act in accordance with current legislation. Together with more than 30 environmental organizations, we will raise our voice to protest and file a legal objection against the barley patents granted to Carlsberg and Heineken.We will reclaim our barley and take the opportunity to call on Member States to prevent the EPO from circumventing European legislation. In recent years, the European Patent Office has continued to grant patents to food plants such as tomatoes, broccoli, cantaloupe and, more recently, barley.The scope of such patents is huge: in this case, it includes barley, the brewing process, and the beer itself.Furthermore, the patent covers all types of barley with the same characteristics, regardless of how it was grown. This means that breweries make three-fold profits: from selling barley seeds to farmers, from buying their harvest and from selling beer to consumers.They would control the whole process, from the field to the bar.At the same time, the patent entitles them to prevent other farmers from growing better quality barley and allows them to expand their dominance in the market, to the detriment of farmers, growers, consumers and other brewers. The patents granted to Carlsberg and Heineken show us how industry and EPO can take advantage of gray areas in legislation to get around bans. The EPO has annual revenues of one billion euros, from fees, and it gets money for the grant of each patent, allowing multinationals to gain ground in the market. With our objections, we are directly confronting two multinational brewers in a single case. The EPO must respond to our legal objections with a detailed reasoning justifying its decision. P.S: When our hearing is finally held, we will march to the European Patent Organization in Munich. This is the strength of our movement: we are able to appear where it is necessary because our movement is made up of thousands of people spread across the continent.Sign the petition so that our message cannot be ignored. [2] The European Union's own guidelines state that patents on plants, including barley, are illegal unless they are genetically modified. However, the European Patent Organization is not an organization of the European Union, and therefore does not have to comply with the EU guidelines. Video: Idiots Guide to Making Incredible Beer at Home (October 2020). A tree that bears fruit to make natural soap
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3615-no-to-patents-on-barley-and-beer.html" }
The buildings and monuments of the Mayan culture are deteriorating as a result of acid rain,warned Pablo Sánchez, academic at the UNAM Center for Atmospheric Sciences. What is acid rain? Is calledacid rain to which is formed when the humidity of the air combines with nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide or sulfur trioxide emitted by factories, power plants, heating boilers and vehicles that burn coal or petroleum products that contain sulfur. In interaction with rainwater, these gases form nitric acid, sulfurous acid, and sulfuric acid. Finally, these chemical substances fall to the earth accompanying the precipitation, constituting acid rain. The primary air pollutants that give rise to acid rain can travel great distances, being carried by the wind hundreds or thousands of kilometers before precipitating in the form of dew, rain, drizzle, hail, snow, fog or mist. When precipitation occurs, it can lead to deterioration in the environment. This phenomenon is the one that is destroying the cultural heritage of the Mayan civilization, warned the biologist Pablo Sánchez. Mexico about to lose its Mayan cultural heritage The material with which the ancient Mayan constructions and monuments are erected contains limestone rock, the main component of which is calcium carbonate that is solubilized in acid rain, thus degrading the inscriptions and the millenary legacy. "In a period of one hundred years all the inscriptions and writings on the stelae and columns may be lost", said the academic from the Atmospheric Sciences Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The problem is compounded, since many of the Mayan buildings are built in the open air and, therefore, very exposed to the environment and degradation. What the experts say Restoration experts still cannot find a solution to protect buildings. Already "their lintels and stelae are affected" progressively because of acid rain. The problem is that limestone rock "cannot be put on a protective layer because the rocks have to breathe, absorbing moisture and water and, if a sealing layer is put on them, what is caused is an acceleration of degradation" . That is why restorers are investigating how to put a protective film on monuments without preventing the gas exchange through the rock. Video: Top 10 Biggest Cities By 2030 Mexico City, Beijing, Tokyo (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/4012-mexicos-cultural-heritage-threatened-by-acid-rain.html" }
Based on my complaint AR-MICI004-2012 (https://www.iadb.org/es/mici) Argentina - Agrifood Health and Quality Management Program (CCLIP), which forced Senasa to update the manuals Regarding agricultural practices, to date nothing has changed with respect to Argentine regulations, much less Senasa's resolutions. The project is rude The project in a state of consultation is such rudeness, from the beginning, citing Decrees of 1996 of absolute nullity, as the same Resolution No. 167 that introduces the technological package through the window, to stay and kill everything alive, in silence , without comptroller, with provincial feudal laws and ordinances that horrify the most naive student of law. And it is rude, because it pretends that all readers are stupid or distracted, that we do not know how to distinguish when the wording is imposed and is not born from an authority with sufficient knowledge, respecting the regulations as a whole, with a scientific basis, and not a copy and sticking with other resolutions just as inefficient, just as inconsistent, just as illegal. Coming to article 4 of the project, the reading becomes an ignominy: Continue applying the acute toxicological classification established according to the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO) of 2009, after a decade of studies and scientific tests that demonstrate the toxicity of the pesticides in question, knowing that this classification is obsolete, not knowing that the WHO only suggests it as a "guide" to take into account and not as "the rule to follow." It's easier to extend your permit than to take serious action But nobody is interested in upgrading the regulations, it is easier to extend the permission to use the new DDT called glyphosate, than to accept that "In general, - as I said in my last published article - the results suggest that exposure to low doses of Chemical mixing could induce liver damage as a result of the combination of different toxic mechanisms. Something that we have been denouncing for decades in Argentina, regarding the synergy of the cocktails that are applied in the fields and that are prescribed by agronomists, ignoring their effects on human health and diversity as a whole. " (https://www.alainet.org/es/articulo/193736) “Glyphosate: cocktail of chemicals even at “safe” levels can cause liver damage“. Proof of this is that there is no doctor for epidemiological studies, for work-related illnesses and accidents, toxicologists and biochemists in any key position at Senasa, they are all either veterinarians or agronomists, neophytes in terms of synergies of the mixtures used in the Argentine countryside. For this reason, Senasa has no moral or scientific authority for any decision and / or drafting of resolutions on pesticides, biocides, poisons, toxins to which we are exposed. Nor do they ask independent scientists for help in their supine ignorance before making decisions that affect us all. Otherwise, it would be an obscenity to continue exposing human life and biodiversity, to powerful biocides, knowing their effects. Proof of this is that the bill reads: "That the Directorate of Legal Affairs of this National Service has taken the appropriate intervention, finding no legal objections to formulate." What objection can they make when they were able to add their signature to the file of Resolution No. 167 of 1996, three days after its approval, without blushing. Public consultation is only the search to legitimize decisions taken in advance that only favor one sector. Minor crops use the same herbicide, as a desiccant in food and as a pesticide in so-called major crops. What is the difference? It is the ANMAT that should worry about the foods that mostly contain chemical remains, it is Consumer Defense who should control the non-existent labels and denounce the deception to which the consumer is exposed in the gondolas. The health of all Argentines in danger We must not leave this issue where the health of Argentines is in danger, in the hands of Senasa. I demand as a citizen the elevation to the National Congress of an urgent draft of National Law and / or Framework, according to current scientific advances, long-term tests and reference to cases such as the 400 lawsuits where the case of “DeWayne Johnson vs / Monsanto Company ET AL s / Product Liability ”N ° CGC16550128 (https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/california/candce/3:2016cv01244/296571/52/) on first to be heard by a judge in San Francisco USA. There are an estimated 4000 lawsuits of that tenor, whose actors are non-Hodgkin cancer patients due to exposure to the Monsanto product, which are part of the court case (https://usrtk.org/pesticides/mdl-monsanto-glyphosate-cancer -case-key-documents-analysis /) with conclusive and unobjectionable evidence. The cases have been combined for handling as multidistrict litigation (MDL) under Judge Vince Chhabria, the lead case being 3: 16-md-02741-VC. California law allows expedited proceedings when a party faces imminent death, and that is the case with Johnson who used that law to go to trial. In 1986, voters in California, USA passed an initiative to address growing concerns about exposure to toxic chemicals. Proposition 65 requires the release of chemicals known to cause cancer or birth defects. This list must be updated once a year and has grown to 800 chemical names since 1987. Following the classification of glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the research arm of the World Organization of the Health (WHO), in May 2015 the OEHHA added the chemical to the state's Proposition 65 list.The decision was finalized in early 2017, making California the first state to take this step to protect its citizens, even their pets exposed to the same poisons applied in gardens, parks and squares. The day Senasa adheres to an identical regulation, we will begin to believe that the body really works. Should not be approved While that doesn't happen, my response to your public query is:It should not be approved. Consultation project No. 322 on minor products is sterile, futile, and unconstitutional from beginning to end (art 41 CN) It ​​has no scientific basis, it refers to analogies of other resolutions and decrees in force, with manifest legal defects and lacking in all empirical reality. Absolute current scientific ignorance and legal ignorance of comparative law and jurisprudence that leads them to the error of deceiving the public in this rude way. * Dr. Vizcay Gomez Graciela - Lawyer (UBA) -Scribana (UNR-UCA) - Zero Biocides - Buenos Aires- Argentina Video: Hippocrates Diet Lifestyle by Brian Clement (October 2020). Bayer: 150 years of crimes against humanity Are you eating too much? Measure food with your hands, with this new guide!
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3678-agrotoxics-the-health-of-all-argentines-in-danger.html" }
The socially and environmentally devastating history of monocultures is not at all recent in our America. So much so, that it has been on the continent for almost as long as its European "discoverers". Although undoubtedly the motive that led to the conquest of the American continent at first was the abundance of gold and silver, on his second voyage Columbus brought with him some sugar cane roots and planted them on an island in Central America. Bad luck for our continent, the wealth and fertility of the land caused such a coveted element to sprout and multiply rapidly. During the next three centuries, the cultivation spread like an oil slick rapidly covering other islands and landed on the mainland, taking the Peruvian coast and northeast Brazil. The preparation of the land, planting, harvesting and transportation of the sugarcane, demanded a large amount of labor that in the beginning was self-sufficient with the conquered indigenous peoples, but soon the deaths due to the subhuman living conditions that were given to them made it necessary bring slave labor from Africa. The extensive production of sugar cane ate entire forests with ravenous fires, extinguishing all existing biological diversity in its wake. Lands that for many thousands of years had been fertile and rich in minerals, became worn and semi-desert soils as the “white gold” - which meanwhile produced fabulous profits to Holland, England, France and Portugal - extended its dominions with an environmentally catastrophic march. The high price of this first experience with monocultures, even today - hundreds of years later - continues to be paid with the painful misery of the forced heirs of their fatal depredation. King Azúcar had a daughter who with perfected tyranny, knew how to adapt to modern times, uses marketing through its media and the technological advances of a subordinate science, her name is Soja. History repeats itself right under our noses and if we don't stop it, the environmental and social consequences can be even worse than with its predecessor. It is monocultures, patents, the depredation of natural resources and other issues no less important, which make the food sovereignty that we propose as necessary for our peoples. And it is these same issues that the governments of "developed" countries and multinational food companies are trying to impose ourselves through free trade agreements like the FTAA, NAFTA, NAFTA and many others. It is those things so great that we cannot see them in their full dimension, which deteriorate the present and destroy the future of our peoples. Video: Soybeans bread: fluffy and moist like youve never had before! (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3385-king-sugar-princess-soya-and-their-barren-legacy-of-m.html" }
Cosmetics and beauty products are a major source of chemical exposure for most people. The average beauty product contains dozens of harmful chemicals, many of which have not even been tested for safety in humans. Fortunately, there are natural alternatives to every beauty product, and most work better than the chemical-laden alternative. Since I make most of our beauty and personal care products, I keep many of the ingredients on hand. By buying in bulk and making your own beauty and personal care products, we can save a lot of money in one year. Natural ingredients cost more upfront but save us money in the long run because they are so versatile and can be used in multiple recipes and because it is not needed as much for natural products. I order these products once or twice a year at most and we have smooth, healthy skin all year long! Natural beauty ingredients For a quick and natural facial, give yourself a honey mask. Take a warm shower, or hold your face over a bowl of steaming water to open your pores. Rub the hot honey on your face and sit for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water and splash with cold water to close your pores. Honey also works great as a mild face wash that can be used every day. Instantly rinse and remove oils from your hair by mixing 1 part white vinegar with 5 parts distilled water and pouring it over hair after conditioning. Add 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil to make a fresh smell. I recommend lavender, lemon, orange, or mint. Depending on your hair type, you can also benefit from detoxifying your hair with healing clays and using a natural shampoo. For an intensive hair conditioner, mix avocado and coconut milk or cream in a blender and apply to dry hair. Leave on for up to 30 minutes and rinse. For oily hair, massage baking soda into hair, shampoo as usual, and rinse. This can be dry for some people and irritating to the scalp. For a gentler option, also try DIY dry shampoo for dark or light hair. Ingredients for natural beauty recipes These seven products are my natural beauty staples… these are great to have on hand and you can make many, many recipes with just these ingredients! 1. Coconut oil I order Gold Label Coconut Oil in five gallon pails from Tropical Traditions. This is by far my favorite coconut oil and I can tell the difference in taste and quality. We save a lot by buying in bulk, and since we use it in cooking, in recipes, and as a skin lotion, it never goes to waste! (It also comes in smaller quantities!) We will only use unrefined organic coconut oil in cooking, but a cheaper pressed oil could be used in skin recipes to save money (although by ordering in bulk, we still get the good for cheaper than press in the long run)! ). For those sensitive to coconut, organic grass-fed beef tallow can also be used and is great for the skin, though you'll need to add essential oils to cover the mild smell. We have our tallow in five gallon buckets here. 2. Shea butter Our most used natural beauty ingredient after coconut oil. Unrefined Organic Shea Butter has a naturally nutty and earthy smell (very mild) and is incredibly nourishing for the skin! I have heard many cases of children seeing relief from eczema using shea butter or a mixture of shea butter and coconut oil. It has natural antibacterial properties and is ideal for preventing stretch marks, for wound healing, and as an anti-aging skin treatment. It has an SPF of about 5 and can be used as a daily sunscreen. I use shea butter in my lotion, lotion bars, deodorant, face cream, baby lotion, diaper cream, and many other recipes! 3. Cocoa butter Cocoa butter is another "butter" and a great addition to natural beauty recipes. It is also an ingredient in organic homemade chocolate (recipe soon!). It has a delicate chocolate scent, and I love mixed with mint or citrus in lotion bars, lotion, or face cream. It can be used interchangeably with shea butter, although I think my favorite recipes include shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut oil. 4. Beeswax Beeswax is a great natural thickening agent, and the high-quality versions have a sweet sweet tooth. (Note: I have been told by several readers that brands ordered from other sources had a strong, unpleasant smell and that I can only vouch for this brand.) I use beeswax in lotions, lotion bars, baby care recipes, lip balm, foot cream, etc. It usually only takes a little to thicken recipes, and a pound will last us for at least six months. 5. Liquid carrier oil Recipes like gentler lotions, baby oil, balms and aftershave balms often need to be thinner than coconut oil and butters will allow. In these cases, I use a liquid carrier oil. Very often, I use olive oil, almond oil, or apricot oil (my favorite). Apricot has the mildest aroma and almond oil is also relatively unscented. Olive oil is generally the least expensive if you don't care about the olive aroma in your recipes or if you plan to top it with essential oils. 6. Arrowroot powder I keep Arrowroot on hand to thicken sauces when I cook and it is also added to many natural recipes like deodorant, baby powder, diaper cream, dry shampoo, etc. It works a lot like cornstarch, but it is not GMO like many corn products. I also use it in my homemade makeup recipes. I've only used this brand, and others have reported that brands from elsewhere are often not as finely ground and don't work as well in fur recipes. 7. Essential oils It's not technically necessary, but essential oils add great natural scents to DIY beauty recipes and can also help lift your spirits. I get mine here in 8 ounces or larger amounts and they literally last for years. Our favorites are mint, lavender, lemon, orange, and sandalwood. Other useful ingredients Some other useful ingredients that can be added to the recipes above are: Dried herbs: especially chamomile and calendula for skin recipes Zinc oxide: for diaper cream and sunscreen Sugar: not for eating, but great for sugar scrubs. Baking soda: for deodorant Salt: for exfoliating hair or exfoliating for skin Other essential oils Coconut milk: for homemade shampoo Liquid castile soap: for cleaning / washing and for homemade baby wipes. Video: 5 Minute Makeup Routine Natural Easy Makeup for Getting Out the Door FAST! (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3782-how-to-use-the-7-basic-ingredients-for-more-than-20-n.html" }
Brushing your teeth after meals, flossing and other oral hygiene practices are essential to prevent cavities and other diseases that can affect the oral cavity. Diet affects the health of your teeth It is likely that on occasion you have heard a parent say to their child "Do not eat too many sweets or you will get cavities ...", and it is true that the sugar present in these sweets so popular among children is the main enemy of good dental health , in this case that of the smallest, and can be the main cause of the appearance of cavities even in the earliest ages. But this substance is not only present here, since in many processed foods, carbonated drinks and even in industrial sauces, they usually add it, although the flavor of some of these products is salty. But the good news is that just as there are foods that are harmful to your teeth, you can also find some that will be good allies to keep your teeth and gums in good condition and will help keep them away from cavities and other diseases that affect to oral health. The foods that will promote the good health of your teeth are all those that have the virtue of neutralizing acids, those that contain minerals and vitamins that repair enamel and those that help stimulate the production of saliva, and here you have a good one sample of them: Apples Eating apples, as long as you eat them whole and with their skin on, is a great gesture to promote the health of your mouth, since by doing so you increase the production of saliva when chewing and you manage to neutralize the acids that can cause cavities or other diseases. Although eating an apple is not the same as brushing your teeth, if you do not have the opportunity to do it after eating, it can be a very beneficial alternative. Keep in mind that by biting and chewing an apple, on the one hand, you are able to stimulate the blood circulation of the gums, and on the other hand, you are able to eliminate bacterial plaque and food debris that could remain adhered to the teeth after eat, achieving an effect very similar to the one you get when you floss. Homemade yogurt Here is another good option rich in calcium and proteins that will help you keep your teeth healthy and strong. Yogurts contain probiotics that are beneficial for your gums and, like cheese, are a natural source of casein that contributes to the remineralization of your teeth. Of course, if you dare to take more yogurt in your daily diet, choose it without sugar and low in fat so as not to harm your dental health. Walnuts Walnuts are a great dried fruit that will help you take care of your teeth, as they contain a large amount of nutrients that are great allies of good oral health, such as folic acid, iron, thiamine, magnesium, niacin, vitamin E and B6, potassium and zinc. Tooth enamel, along with bones, are the hardest parts of the human body, but they are also fragile, so be careful not to try to break the shells of walnuts or any other dried fruit with your teeth. In addition, you must chew them carefully, in case any fragment of the peel remains stuck to the fruit itself. Almonds Almonds are a dried fruit that contains a large amount of calcium, so they can become great allies to help you keep your teeth healthy and free of problems. They are also a good source of protein and have low sugar levels, so it is ideal that you include about 5 almonds a day in your diet to keep your teeth healthy and strong. It is preferable that you choose them raw and without salt, especially if you have hypertension problems. Cashew nuts And here you have another very healthy dried fruit for health, and that is that in addition to its high content of minerals that are favorable for teeth, chewing them slowly will help you increase saliva production, thus keeping your mouth more hydrated and therefore decreasing the risk of tooth decay. Green Tea Green tea is another food that helps strengthen your teeth, since thanks to its richness in antioxidants such as catechins, it will help you fight gum inflammation. One cup a day of green tea is enough to fill you with antioxidants that take care of your teeth, but do not abuse it and drink more than three cups a day since due to its astringent effect, it could cause dry mouth or alter the natural white of your teeth. Dark chocolate Chocolate that is at least 70% cocoa contains tannins that help prevent enamel erosion and antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that improve gum health and reduce symptoms of gingivitis. On the other hand, it has a substance, called theobromine, that will help you to harden the enamel of your teeth, reducing tooth sensitivity. In addition, cocoa will help you reduce the formation of bacterial plaque, so you already have a few good reasons to enjoy a small portion of dark chocolate a day and get these benefits for your dental health. Water As I have already told you on some other occasion, your body needs about two liters a day of water to function properly, and this time, the amount of water you drink will allow your mouth to be well lubricated or not, which influences saliva production. People who produce too thick or too little saliva because they have a dry mouth, should drink water continuously during the day so that the oral mucosa is better lubricated. In addition, the water contains minerals such as fluoride, which helps to remineralize the teeth, making them better resist the attacks of acids that can cause cavities. Green leafy vegetables are those that are high in calcium and B vitamins, such as folic acid, which promote good oral health. On the other hand, orange vegetables such as pumpkin contain beta-carotene, a substance that your body transforms into vitamin A that is so necessary to maintain good mucosal health. In fact, there are a large number of vegetables that you can eat raw, such as celery or carrots, and they are also highly recommended to keep your teeth healthy, since chewing them will generate a large amount of saliva, better resisting the attacks of acids that cause cavities. Video: 10 Ways to Brush Your Teeth Life Hacks (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3486-foods-that-take-care-of-your-teeth.html" }
April 22 is Earth Day and one of the most influential advocates on the planet is animal conservation expert Dr. Jane Goodall, who has dedicated her life to studying and protecting our environment. Jane shares her personal message with the world on Earth Day 2018, including some of her inspiration and what we can all do to have a positive impact on our planet. HeEarth day It is a day celebrated in many countries on April 22. Its promoter, US Senator Gaylord Nelson, established this day to create a common awareness of the problems of overpopulation, the production of pollution, the conservation of biodiversity and other environmental concerns to protect the Earth. It is a day to pay tribute to our planet and recognize the Earth as our home and our mother, as different cultures have expressed throughout history, demonstrating the interdependence between its many ecosystems and the living beings that inhabit it. Video: Devin Townsend - Earth Day (October 2020). "I've never seen anything like this." The Arctic has the warmest winter on record
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3884-earth-day.html" }
This woman from Cuzco explains very clearly the whole process of wool, from its cutting, through spinning and dyeing. He tells us all the tips and curiosities of this work. It surprises us, for example, with a root with which they make a natural detergent to wash wool, which they can then use as fertilizer for plants. It also tells us about all the colors that can be obtained from nature for dyeing wool. Video: Invention Of Silk. The Dr. Binocs Show. Best Learning Video for Kids. Preschool Learning (October 2020). Climate change, Global warming. Here are the answers to all your questions Sow agribusiness, harvest flood. They are not natural catastrophes World Giraffe Day: let's act so it doesn't disappear Global concern: Microplastics found in more than 90% of bottled water. WHO launches health review
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3592-how-is-the-natural-process-of-obtaining-wool.html" }
This recipe comes from Carol Fensters' cookbook: Special Diet Solutions. 1 T gluten-free dry yeast 2/3 cup brown rice flour or bean flour ½ cup tapioca flour 2 tablespoons dry milk powder or non-dairy dry milk or sweet rice flour 2 teaspoons xanthan gum ½ teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin powder 1 teaspoon Italian herb dressing 2/3 cup warm water (40 degrees) ½ teaspoon sugar or ¼ teaspoon honey 1 teaspoon of olive oil 1 teaspoon cider vinegar or ¼ teaspoon vitamin C crystals without cooking buffer In a medium bowl with regular beaters (not in the form of dough hooks), mix the yeast, flours, powdered milk powder, xanthan gum, salt, gelatin powder, and Italian herb dressing to low speed. Add warm water, sugar (or honey), olive oil, and vinegar. Beat on high speed for 3 minutes. (If the mixer bounces around the bowl, the dough is too stiff. Add water if necessary, a tablespoon at a time, until the dough cannot resist the beaters). The dough will resemble soft bread dough. (You can also mix the bread machine in the dough setting.) Spoon mixture onto 12-inch pizza pan or baking sheet (for thin, crispy crust), 11x7-inch pan (for deep version) coated with cooking spray. Generously sprinkle the rice flour over the dough, then press the dough into the pan and continue to sprinkle the dough with flour to keep it from sticking to your hands. Make the edges slightly higher to hold the ingredients. Bake the pizza dough for 10 minutes. Remove from oven. Spread the pizza dough with sauce and toppings. Bake for another 20-25 minutes or until the top is golden brown. Video: PIZZA DOUGH 3 Best Fermentation Times 8h vs 48h vs 7days (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3988-amazing-gluten-free-pizza-recipe.html" }
Seeds are the first link in the food chain. In Argentina there is a law that regulates their production, circulation and commercialization, it also allows their collection and exchange and own use and prohibits the patenting of living matter. But find out what companies, led by Bayer (Monsanto) want to do with this law… Free seeds for free peoples… always… ecoetica seedsPubliée par Together we are a Southern Forest Mardi 13 novembre 2018Ecoportal. Seeds are the first link in the food chain. In Argentina there is a law that regulates their production, circulation and commercialization, it also allows their collection and exchange and own use and prohibits the patenting of living matter. But find out what companies, led by Bayer (Monsanto) want to do with this law… Free seeds for free peoples… always… ecoetica seedsPubliée par Together we are a Southern Forest Mardi 13 novembre 2018Ecoportal. Eruptions in Hawaii and Guatemala Where are the Ring of Fire volcanoes? Joan Martínez Alier. What do the faculties of economics hide from us?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/seeds/" }
Here we share 50 links of complete films and documentaries of opening of conscience and Spirituality. We hope they are a contribution to personal and collective development. Nothing you read, regardless of where it is written, nothing you hear, regardless of who said it, you must accept nothing without prior discernment and you must decide its truthfulness yourself. Listen to your heart, it's never wrong. Note: We try to keep all the links working, but sometimes they change and we lose them. If you enter one that does not work please send us a message to [email protected] so that we can correct it. Thank you 1] THE CODE OF MOSES - JAMES TWYMAN [documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 52 minutes] * James Twyman * reveals for the first time the code that can be used to create miracles in your life ”and in the world! Through practicing the Moses Code, you will discover how you can integrate the most powerful tool that has manifested itself in the history of the world into your own life. At the very heart of the Moses Code lies the true function and practice of the Law of Attraction. 2] CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD. [film with audio in Spanish - 105 minutes] This movie shows us the life of the writer of the book Conversations with God Neale Donald Walsh, we can all have a conversation with God, we just need to open our hearts to feel his love and hear his voice. 3] THE 7 SPIRITUAL LAWS OF SUCCESS. Deeprak chopra[documentary film with audio in Spanish - 64 minutes] These seven laws is nothing more than the conscious connection of your inner being with the universe and creation. From her home in Malibu, having Deeprak Chopra as a guest in a very interesting talk, actress and singer Olivia Newton-John shares her experience with these 7 universal laws, as well as the experiences and testimonies of other people. 4] HIM: BEYOND THE LIGHT. René Mey[film with audio in Spanish - 94 minutes] The film of the infinite potential of the human being and his dormant capacities, whose knowledge would change our society and the world. 5] CREATE REALITY WITH YOUR MIND. Michelle Nielsen. [conference with audio in Spanish - 32 minutes] 6] WHAT DO YOU KNOW?… II.Various [Documentary film with audio in Spanish - 148 minutes] Extension of the documentary film ¿Y tu que sabe?… I.Film about quantum physics, a way of understanding the immense potentials that human beings have in life. The rest shows the discoveries modern neurology has made and why we malfunction psychologically. 7] QUANTUM REVOLUTION[documentary film with audio in Spanish - 52 minutes] Could you say what is the object of study of quantum physics or what is a quantum? ... Have you ever heard of the quantum computer? ... Possibly not, but surely you do know lasers, magnetic resonance imaging, or do you use CDs? and DVD in your everyday life. These are just some of the advances that we can enjoy today thanks to quantum physics. This groundbreaking documentary immerses you in the complex and interesting world of quantum physics thanks to great 2D and 3D animations, and a valuable selection of interviews. We will tour sixteen cities across six different countries to bring together some of the world's most brilliant minds, such as the renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, with whom we will analyze the impact that this technological revolution, in which we find ourselves today, can have have in the world of the future. 8] YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE. Louise L. Hay [Documentary film with audio in Spanish - 88 minutes] In this film Louise L. Hay describes how you can heal your life by changing the way we think using positive confirmations and loving ourselves. 9] HOW TO CREATE ABUNDANCE. Deepak Chopra. [Documentary film with audio in Spanish - 33 minutes] Dr. Deepak Chopra, a prestigious Indian doctor, based in the USA for a few years, director of the New England Hospital in Massachusetts. This is an audiobook from which I have extracted a part. 10] THE MOVIE OF CHANGE. Dr Wayne Dyer.[film with audio in Spanish - 121 minutes] The respected scientist Dr Wayne Dyer, famous writer who did not provide several books, including one that marked a change of vision called: Your wrong zones, does not count and shows us how at a certain moment of life, comes the inner change. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KggO6yJ75yA 11] CREATE THE DAY. Ramtha.[conference with audio in Spanish - 43 minutes] Only you create your day, you can create it unconsciously or consciously. 12] HOME. [documentary film with audio in Spanish - 94 minutes] We are living in a crucial period. Scientists tell us that we only have 10 years to change our ways of life, avoid depleting natural resources and prevent a catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. Each of us must participate in the collective effort, and it is to sensitize the greatest number of people. For this film to be disseminated as widely as possible, it had to be free. A patron, the PPR group, allowed it to be. Europacorp that distributes it, promised not to have any profit because HOME has no commercial interest. http://youtu.be/SWRHxh6XepM 13] ZEITGEIST I[documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 119 minutes] Documentary film about three myths that are important to human beings: religions, terrorism and the management of the economy. 14] ZEITGEIST II[documentary film subtitled in Spanish - 124 minutes] Directed by Peter Joseph, it is a documentary-type feature film which will present a case for a necessary transition out of the current socio-economic monetary paradigm that governs society around the world. This topic of discussion will transcend the questions of cultural relativism and traditional ideology and will induce to relate the nucleus, the empirical attributes "soil life" of human and social survival, extrapolating those immutable natural laws within a new sustainable paradigm called "Based Economy in Resources ”. This film will feature experts in the fields of public health, anthropology, neurobiology, economics, energy, technology, social sciences, and other relevant areas which are related to social operation and culture. The three central themes of the work are Human Behavior, Monetary Economics and Applied Science. Putting the work together creates a model of understanding of the current social paradigm; from which it is essential to come out - along with a new and radical and still practical social approach based on an advanced understanding, which would solve the current social afflictions facing the world today. 15] THE WORLD ACCORDING TO MONSANTO[Documentary film with audio in Spanish - 110 minutes] GMOs, herbicides, smuggling and death The documentary "The World According to Monsanto", broadcast on Tuesday by French / German television Arte, traces the history of the main manufacturer of genetically modified organisms (GMO ), whose soybeans, corn and cotton spread around the world despite environmental warnings, a film that denounces the GM giant. http://youtu.be/UJrd6igRn9Q 16] THE POWER OF INTENTION. Dr. Wayne Dyer[conference with Spanish subtitles - 154 minutes] I read "Your wrong zones" many years ago and today, thanks to the power of the Internet, we can continue to learn about ourselves by listening to and seeing its author. A luxury to be able to have access to this talk where Dyer accompanies us on a journey of 7 phases [Creativity, Goodness, Love, Beauty, Expansion, Receptiveness and Abundance], in which he teaches us how to transform our thoughts and desires, into something tangible, into something physical that comes from our most powerful desires. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPKcj4G5Zm4 17] YOUR LAST CALL FOR INSPIRATION. PART 1. Wayne W. Dyer[conference with Spanish subtitles - 104 minutes] Listening to Dr. Dyer is always a pleasure. In this talk he explains that each of us is capable of finding and directing his life towards inspiration, taking us by the hand to learn to live in spirit and mind, and giving us the 7 steps to surround ourselves with inspiration; based on ancient wisdom that inspiration pushes us to all levels of consciousness and unconsciousness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNkg7AlaF_U 18] YOUR LAST CALL FOR INSPIRATION. PART 2. Dyer[conference subtitled in Spanish] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6yllVUtVKs 19] THE LAST TRIP. A FILM ABOUT THE BEYOND[documentary film with audio in Spanish - 94 minutes] Is there an afterlife? What really happens when we die? ... Is there something else, or do we disappear when we leave this world, without more? ... I have always lived with the physical feeling that I am going to die. It may sound far-fetched. Not even myself know whay did I have those feelings. It was like a strong feeling that death was stalking me and I was soon to leave this world. Sometimes it was like a kind of anguish of not knowing what would await me after life and a terror was doing the unknown. At the age of 20 I discovered a spiritual path of yoga and meditation. In yoga, one of the basic teachings is about karma and reincarnation. Something that was very difficult for me to accept, despite practicing that discipline. This practice of yoga and meditation gave me states of love and good feelings that made me feel better than ever in my life. These states did not depend on anything that happened in my life but they occurred within me without an external cause. But I had no experiences of seeing my past lives, as other people I knew who also practiced these techniques, it had happened to them. A few years later my meditations deepened. He managed to enter states of silence and a total and absolute void. In those states there were no thoughts. I don't know how I could describe them. It is like a nothing. The mind stops working. It goes. And there is only consciousness that observes. It is very strange because you know that you are watching, but there are no words. There are no definitions. There is nothing but observation without judgment, without words. It is a feeling of being "beyond" 20] THE CORPORATION [documentary film with audio in Spanish - 167 minutes] The Corporation is a 2003 Canadian documentary directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott that takes an in-depth look at the world of large corporations and is based on Joel Bakan's book "The Corporation, the pathological pursuit of profit and power." In the film, multinational executives, brokers, industrial spies, as well as activists and thinkers against globalization such as Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein and Michael Moore, among others, are interviewed. The argument is based on the fact that corporations, protected by legal status, are personal entities (considered the same as a person) with rights and obligations. It analyzes the behavior, conduct and desires motivated by the search for personal benefit that leads to self-justification of their means and actions. Through a psychiatric test proposed by the World Health Organization, Joel Bakan shows that "The Corporation" responds to the profile of a psychopath, and to testify it they interview a senior FBI official specialized in Psychopaths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkr-paaAYJ8 21] DAVID ICKE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2008[conference with audio in Spanish - 112 minutes] Interesting talk, by the always controversial David Icke, which he gave at the University of Oxford in 2008. Icke controversially exposes his views on the politics and world economy of those who control and manipulate the world we live in. Many people are dedicated to criticizing him, almost in a sickly way because they warn, among other arguments, that someone who continues to speak publicly about conspiracies for so long, and who is still alive, has to work for the elite and therefore is a misinformer. The truth is that I do not consider whether or not he is a worker of the controlling elite. Much of the things he says seems quite coherent to me, although some border on the incredible. Listening to it is entertaining, entertaining and from my point of view, highly interesting. The important thing is to be open to all options, investigate, read, not believe anything, share, do not allow yourself to be manipulated and above all never lose sight that all this is nothing more than the details, and if our attention is only focused on them, to be more difficult to focus on what is really worth and is real, which is nothing else that we are all going to die, therefore we have no escape. So maybe at this point the only thing left to think is that the worst thing is not to die. Maybe the worst thing is to die an idiot. 22] SUZANNE POWELL - THE COLLECTIVE RESET AND THE ROAD TOWARDS THE AWAKENING OF HUMANITY[conference with audio in Spanish - 67 minutes] "May you be the change you want to see in the world." [Gandhi] 47 years old, native of Northern Ireland and resident in Barcelona, ​​Spain since 1987. Philosophical Psychiatrist, Specialist in Orthomolecular Nutrition and Professor of the ZEN LONGEVITY courses to control the system and to be who you really are. I think that in the video interview below there is a summary of my work and life purpose: Service with love, total dedication, inspiring others and above all living what I feel and feel what I live. I have been investigating the human being for 25 years at a holistic level, seeking solutions in order to achieve peace and harmony, physical and mental health, happiness and well-being for all. I always thought "someone should do this or that", until I realized that I was "someone" too. So I stopped standing with my arms crossed as the words "JUST DO IT !!" echoed inside me. [just DO IT!] Since then I have been in action and my life has never been the same. If I can, you can too! It is the hour of awakening, at the collective level, and only in this way can we, all together, infect each other with our joy of living, mental decoding, living the present intensely, believing in ourselves, being united from the heart and be fully aware. I invite you to enjoy 67 minutes of chip change leaving behind old patterns, fears and frustrations, and everything that prevents you from moving on the path to awakening ... in the recycle bin! 23] SUZANNE POWELL - THE KARMA Part 1[conference with audio in Spanish] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpXZglXFRiw&list=PL6936B64C0C1CD92A 24] SUZANNE POWELL - THE KARMA Part 2[conference with audio in Spanish] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG4DqyU4Njg&index=2&list=PL6936B64C0C1CD92A 25] SUZANNE POWELL - THE IMPORTANCE OF FOOD[conference with audio in Spanish - 75 minutes] Learn to eat consciously, correctly combining food [dissociated diet], in yin-yang balance, to achieve optimal digestion, effective evacuation and continuous detoxification. In this way you can maintain your line and health. Learn the importance of alkalizing the body to avoid diseases and relapses. How to prevent and treat cancer in a complementary or alternative way with holistic therapy. Know the most suitable foods for a good diet and apply good habits, in a simple and practical way. The importance of getting out of food ignorance and re-educating. Zen as a way to awaken consciousness, balance and food for the soul ... mind in peace, body in peace, spirit in peace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCAwBQmgOB8 26] SUZANNE POWELL -ENERGY GEOBIOLOGY [conference with audio in Spanish - 73 minutes] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKSDM9kd6vM 27] GEORGE KAVASSILAS IS-YOUR-GOD UNIVERSAL Part 1[conference with audio in Spanish - 61 minutes] My name is George Kavassilas and I have had an incredible variety of experiences, traveling through the dimensions of our universe in 2003 and rediscovering what life on this planet is all about. It is more important than was led to believe. It is much more important and magnificent in the grand scheme of things than you can imagine. I would like to share with you my knowledge and wisdom that I have gained during a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, including meeting and interacting with different races of ET, both benevolent and malevolent. I also have a comprehensive understanding of the ascension process, including the harmonics and timing of the two main phases of our DNA transformation is Homo Illuminous or Hu-Man. Please understand the Galactic Light Council and Spiritual Hierarchy of which I am a part is not the same as a group calling itself the Galactic Federation of Light. At that time I gave my 2004 presentation and I was also being manipulated by the Galactic Federation of Light, however most of the information provided is valid. As you read and understand my work this distinction will be important to each and every one of us. http://youtu.be/nF_Tpi13mPA 28] GEORGE KAVASSILAS IS-YOUR-UNIVERSAL GOD Part 2 [conference with audio in Spanish - 73 minutes] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Tr5k_XClTM& 29] ROB BELL EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL [conference with Spanish subtitles - 79 minutes] A captivating and even humorous look at the physical world and human existence, as well as the body and spirit. for believers and non-believers, who have doubts or interest in how science coexists with spirituality. In the Hebrew scriptures [the Bible was written in Hebrew] there is no word for the concept "spiritual." And Jesus never used the phrase "spiritual life." Why? … Because for Jesus and his tradition, all life is spiritual. But what does this really mean? ... The essence of genesis analyzed and connected to practical life and science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHP_BZVUoBc 30] DAN WINTER - FRACTAL ATTRACTION[conference with audio in Spanish - 108 minutes] Fractal Attraction: Dramatic Revolutions in the Science Behind Spirituality. When waves are arranged in the rose-like pattern we call FRACTAL, they create the origin of all centripetal forces: life force, gravity, perception, color, and ecstasy / illumination. From Feng Shui, through measuring peak experiences and even in the new energetic and biological-fractal sciences, we understand how to make a fractal electric field in 3 dimensions. This means that we can literally design sacred and healing spaces (as the ancients did), with simple principles of electrical engineering. These electric-fractal fields: generate healing, reduce pain, electrosmog or radioactivity and announce revolutionary technologies to obtain energy from hydrogen, to purify water, heal lakes or recharge crystals to heal with them. All this knowledge is based on my new equation for the structure of hydrogen ... which is, simply, like a rose! Nature made all living proteins fractals in its construction and until we learn to build houses, hospitals and cities with that electric field geometry, we will continue to make fractality bleed… which is the definition of all pain! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW3jd5RpVF0 31] THE FOURTH DIMENSION - TIME AND LIFE[documentary film with audio in Spanish - 49 minutes] We live in a world dominated by the passage of time: it shapes our life, from birth to death, but it remains one of humanity's greatest mysteries. Led by scientist Michio Kaku, the documentary addresses questions about time that different cultures have wondered about for thousands of years and that are still relevant today. We will meet the Lakota Indians of North America and the atom dismantlers of Switzerland; a gorilla from Miami with a very particular sense of time and a man from Manchester who has lost all notion of it. Kaku will conduct street experiments with passersby and travel to some of the most incredible time-dedicated monuments in the world. He will speak with leading-edge scientists investigating aging and with philosophers and artists who continue to grapple with many of these mysteries. Don't miss out on this fascinating journey that will open your mind to the fourth dimension. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us0s3MAHH3w 32] WE LIVE IN A MATRIX OF THE UNIVERSE // MORGAN FREEMAN [documentary film dubbed into Spanish] Return to the Source: Philosophy and Matrix (2004). Documentary that deals with the various philosophical influences (Socrates, Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Laplace, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Baudrillard, Nozick, etc.) and mystical-religious (Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Gnostic Christianity, etc.) ) in the famous science fiction trilogy "The Matrix" (1999-2003), a film creation by the Wachowski brothers. 33] EXPELLED: NO INTELLIGENCE ALLOWED [documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 98 minutes] Documentary that demonstrates and exposes the harassment and censorship to which those scientists who propose that life on Earth could be part of an Intelligent Design, the work of a superior being, GOD, are exposed http://youtu.be/3vaCoMfwKzE 34] THE DOCTRINE OF THE SHOCK [documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 79 minutes] Based on the book by Noami Klein: "The Doctrine of Shock", narrates the way in which the so-called "Chicago boys" by Milton Freeman, used the discovery of electroshock from psychology to erase memories and return the subject to a child state, and being able to rewrite its history, they transfer it to the socio-economic context of developing countries, to cause economic shocks (increase in taxes, elimination of subsidies and social policies, increase in prices, etc.) and thus, allow better to loot natural resources and enrich the transnationals. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nt44ivcC9rg&t=92s 35] THE PSYCHIATRY. INDUSTRY OF DEATH [documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 109 minutes] The Video features 14 documentaries with outcome statements from healthcare professionals, academics, legal and human rights experts, and victims of psychiatric brutalities ranging from electroshock and involuntary commitment to political torture, soul surgery, and the devastating effects of psychotropic drugs. The Modern Video demonstrates that psychiatry is an industry run entirely by money, and provides practical guidance for legislators, doctors, human rights defenders and citizens to take action in their own field to make psychiatry comply with the laws Presented by the Citizens Commission for Human Rights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkMyq_babbs 36] ESOTERIC AGENDA [documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 127 minutes] What if there is an explanation to all this suffering ... separation, situations, discrimination, hatred, war, poverty, fear, love, and each of the aspects of our lives that are either irrelevant or inexplicable to the work of an untouchable and all powerful God. On 03.25.2008 “talismanicidols.org” launches this compilation of information from the principals, researchers, lawyers, academics, doctors, scientists and professionals in their relative fields where they influence all of humanity and the reality that we perceive. It is probable that somewhere, everyone has reached a point in their lives where they feel that something is missing or that something is very wrong in the world. Religious scriptures feel vague and not full. Considered unpredictable science is incomplete. That politicians are not behind the protection of national heritage, but undermine the security and privacy of people. That Corporate America, now global, is shaped and compromised by some wealthy families at the top of the pyramid. That education is manufactured to disguise the true history of the planet. That the media are manufactured to disguise the current events of the planet. That Sports and Entertainment distract and influence emotions at subconscious levels with symbolism, color, sound and sacred geometry. All of these appear to be random or disconnected events or events entirely from unrelated sources. But this couldn't be further from the truth. They don't make mistakes. There is nothing left to chance. There is an order and purpose to everything that exists. Now these events are for the benefit or harm of humanity? ... The truth of the matter is that there are many changes taking place within the galaxy, in our solar system, on our planet Earth, and within ourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oMbF5siG9I 37] KYMATICA OR CIMÁTICA[documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 84 minutes] Film that like the previous one and like Zeitgeist, brings to light many truths that have been hidden from us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Sl3b30Bx0 38] MESSAGE FROM WATER - DR MASARU EMOTO [documentary film with audio in Spanish - 37 minutes] Masaru Emoto, a graduate in International Relations and later in Alternative Medicine, became interested in the healing properties of water some 15 years before the publication of this book; after 5 years he contacted a Californian researcher who was studying the subtlest vibrations of water molecules using magnetic resonance techniques… Working with this scientist, Professor Emoto asked himself the following question: would it be possible to reflect the healing qualities of different types of water in a visible and palpable way?… The 'happy idea' to carry out this study came to him when he tried to photograph the hexagonal crystals that formed different samples of water when frozen. And from the images he obtained, he confirmed his surprising hypothesis: Certain samples of running water from large cities had a very coarse crystallization structure, while samples of water from springs offered crystals of great beauty. Thus, he expanded his study area by photographing crystallizations of water from various parts of the world [glaciers, lakes, rainwater, fountains], obtaining crystals with more beautiful and surprising shapes the further they were from human endeavor. The biggest surprise came when they were able to transform irregular patterns of contaminated water into beautiful hexagonal crystals by subjecting the samples to listening to traditional songs, religious prayers or classical music. Either by transforming 'indifferent' crystals of distilled water into beautiful geometric patterns by whispering words of thanks, or on the contrary, obtaining horrifying structures by subjecting them to unpleasant phrases. What is presented in this book is a mixture of science and art. And also of spirituality! The exposition of the technical and methodological part leaves something to be desired, although it is sufficiently drawn throughout the small texts of the book, and we understand that it is exposed more extensively in other publications. In short, this is an informative book and, as the author says, more about art and beauty than about technical aspects of his work. That said, the visuals, with over 180 generous full-color images, is more than impressive on its own: dozens of ice water crystals that lead us to the book's surprising hypothesis: the messages that water can convey about its state of mind, and in turn on the health of the Planet ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUvGjcswytg 39] THE CENTUTY OF THE SELF - EL SIGLO DEL SELF[documentary film with Spanish subtitles - 235 minutes] Very interesting documentary of 4 series for the BBC that develops the rise of the almighty and consumerist Self in the 20th century. Director Adam Curtis, with "The Century of the Self" discusses the influence of Edward Bernays, Freud's nephew who invented the work of Public Relations (formerly called Propaganda) and who used his uncle's psychoanalytic knowledge of the unconscious to create for the corporations and the CIA methods of control and domination over the masses. Bernays taught the system that by linking industrial products to the unconscious desires of individuals, they could be made to do things that they initially did not want or need. In this video the 4 chapters that make up the documentary are integrated: Happiness machines The engineering of consent There is a policeman inside our minds: he must be destroyed Eight people drinking wine at Kettering To take it easy and enjoy it in parts. Highly recommended to understand the subtle forms of mass manipulation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9MLzxRGgN8 40] THE HIDDEN SECRETS OF WATER [Documentary film with audio in Spanish - 51 minutes] Not only does water have memory, everything has memory, even the smallest atom in the universe, or a quantum particle like a Quark, lepton, or even beyond a tachyon. Everything that exists It is energy embedded in a physical matrix, where tachyons form the vehicle of thought. Science says that the greatest speed is that of light; but in reality it is thought. Thought is thousands of times faster than light, and this is thanks to tachyons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gohgPDcGf8 41] 2012 – EL MUNDO NO SE ACABA, SE TRANSFORMA [película documental con audio en español – 95 minutos] Dicen los grandes seres que aquello en lo fijas tu atención, en eso te conviertes. En estos momentos en que nos estamos acercando a pasos agigantados hacía el 2012, muchas preguntas están surgiendo acerca del futuro que nos espera como humanidad. Los mayas dejaron constancia en su famoso calendario que el mundo, tal y como lo conocemos, finalizará el 21 de diciembre de 2012. Una fecha que está mucho más próxima de lo en realidad pensamos. Sharron Rose es cineasta, profesora, autora, coreógrafa y Fulbright Senior Research Scholar en la mitología del mundo, la Religión y el sagrado arte de la Danza, Música y Teatro. Ella escribió y dirigió en el 2006 este inspirador documental en el que participan entre otros Gregg Braden o el recientemente fallecido José Argüelles. En estos tiempos convulsos que vivimos y en el que cada vez más personas despertamos a la realidad de la corrupción, manipulación y control que unos cuantos ejercen sobre el planeta y sobre nosotros, creo que es necesario y de obligación saber realmente donde debemos poner el foco de nuestra atención para cambiar nuestra realidad futura. Muchas personas se empeñan en seguir ofreciendo su energía a los acontecimientos negativos que cada vez son más y de los que cada vez tenemos más conocimiento, pero creo que eso realmente no nos ayuda a realizar la elevación de conciencia imprescindible que forzosamente debemos realizar si no queremos desaparecer como especie. Dice Gregg Braden que este es el momento de elegir. Y sólo tenemos dos caminos. O bien nos resistimos a los cambios sucediendo a todos los niveles, o bien fluimos y nos armonizamos con esos cambios. Si aquello en lo que fijamos nuestra atención es aquello en lo que nos convertimos, ¿por qué no empezar a fijarla en proyectar la vida perfecta, armoniosa y de respeto hacía el planeta que en realidad todos queremos?…Ahora tenemos la gran oportunidad de cambiar nuestro destino. Realmente tenemos una gran suerte de poder vivir este momento único de transformación de la humanidad. Todos los grandes maestros nos han estado preparando para este momento histórico. Según ellos deberíamos estar agradecidos por las circunstancias que vivimos ya que ellas nos están sirviendo para realizar esos cambios positivos de conciencia. En vez de enfrentarnos una y otra vez y ponernos en contra de lo que no queremos y no gusta, podríamos elegir centrarnos en lo que sí queremos ver y nos gusta. Sólo así lograremos reflejar y manifestar en el mundo externo lo que hay en nuestro interior. Pero si seguimos dando prioridad a lo negativo que nos asedia eso será lo que seguiremos creando en nuestra vida y la de todos. Espero que el film os resulte tan enaltecedor como lo ha sido para mi. http://vimeo.com/15386378 42] LA MATRIZ DE LA VIDA [película documental Definitivamente los llamados “milagros”, son hechos que la ciencia está investigando y a los que muy probablemente podrá dar explicación en breve. A lo largo de mi vida he tenido la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano personas que han experimentado algún tipo de curación milagrosa, y desde muy jovencita me he estado preguntado qué son las enfermedades y por qué la medicina no tiene una solución efectiva y real para muchas de ellas, sobre todo para las llamadas “enfermedades extrañas”.Podría enumerar bastantes de esos llamados “milagros”, que además he tenido el gusto de conocer y presenciar en primera persona, pero tal vez lo mejor sea conocer los testimonios reales de personas que explican ese proceso de sanación ante las cámaras para el documental “La Matriz de la Vida”. Muchas veces he escuchado que para ver este tipo de informaciones uno debe desprenderse de los prejuicios, y debe ser útil hacerlo, pero realmente creo que a estas alturas de la humanidad muchos de nosotros ya hemos conocido a alguien que ha vivido alguna experiencia similar como las que aquí se mencionan. Descripción del Documental: La Matriz de la Vida es una película que presenta la nueva visión de la medicina tomando el cuenta el campo unificado, los campos morfogenéticos alrededor del cuerpo siendo invisible a nuestros sentidos regula y controla todo el organismo, siendo el campo de la CONCIENCIA. Muchos científicos comunican la falta de razonamientos para entender las veloces reacciones del sistema nervioso, y los millones de cambios metabólicos del organismo humano. El Biólogo Dr.Bruce Lipton, Fritz Popp Phd, Ruperte Sheldrake Phd. y nos hablan que la física cuántica y la génetica no explica como funciona un ser biopsiquico como lo s seres humanos. El ADN y los genes son potencialidades que se pueden modificar con las creencias y la adaptación al entorno. El campo unificado alrededor de l cuerpo y los Biofotones es lo único que explicaría la velocidad en que se rige nuestro organismo. La nueva visión de la medicina tendría que tomar en cuenta los conocimientos de la física cuántica, que lo invisible y veloz es el sistema de control de los organismos vivos. Todavia hace falta algo mas para entender a una entidad viva biopsiquica. El corazón emite sonido y ondas electromagneticas para imprimir en el campo del cuerpo la información y trasmitirla por todo el cuerpo. La coherencia de los ritmos del corazón con el cerebro explica el orden y armonia para aumentar el sistema de sanación natural. Esto representa una revolución en el campo de la medicina, donde se proponen estudiar mas como sanamos que como enfermamos, para ayudar a la auto-regeneración natural en vez de clasificar tantas variantes de las enfermedades. https://vimeo.com/37989802 43] LA CIENCIA DE LOS MILAGROS GREGG BRADEN [películas documental con subtitulado en español – 60 minutos] La Ciencia de los Milagros es un documental que nos desvela de forma científica y a través del geólogo Gregg Braden los entresijos que crean, materializan y sostienen la realidad física del mundo que vivimos. Algo que en todas las escrituras antiguas se ha expuesto, pero que por orden expreso de quienes siempre han sustentado el poder en este planeta, ha sido ocultado y silenciado. Braden trabaja en Philips Petroleum, es ingeniero y diseñador de sistemas aeroespaciales, y un científico conocido por unir el mundo de la espiritualidad con el de la Ciencia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSlo4SfQ3aE 44] MENTES BRILLANTES EN BUSCA DE LA FELICIDAD [película documental con audio en español – 93 minutos] Documental dirigido por Larry Kurnarsky que analiza la gran búsqueda de la humanidad en pos de la felicidad. Intervienen autores de Best sellers como Eckart Tolle [El poder del ahora], Mariane Williamson [Espera un milagro], Don Miguel Ruiz [Los cuatro acuerdos], Gary Renard [La desaparición del universo] y Matthew Nelly [Tú decides]. Líderes espirituales y religiosos: Nachum Shiffren [The Surfing Rabbi], Dr. Rev. Robert A. Schuller [of the Crystal Cathedral], el Venerable Lama tibetano Chodal Gyatso Nupka, Rev. Michael Bernhard Beckwith, Dr. Mary Manin Morrissey, Dr. Harry Morgan Moses. Defensores de los derechos humanos, pensadores contemporáneos, etc… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8Plug9-9tY 45] EL DESPERTAR DE LA CONSCIENCIA BIOLÓGICA – ENRIC CORBERA[conferencia con audio en español – 123 minutos] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i4TE_JxqKQ 46] 2012. CONVERGENCIA ARMÓNICA. CICLO CÓSMICO [película documental con audio en español – 34 minutos] Què soy y quièn soy, qué hago aquí. Xavier Pedro Gallego nos explica los 4 proyectos que se han desarrollado en nuestro planeta, muy distintos entre sí : 1º Lemuria. 2ª Atlantida, 3º el triangulo conformado por: Egipto-Tibet – Mayas y 4º Esenios. Nos explica las distintas fases de evolución del ser humano : 3.3 y 3.4. De la ascensión a 5ª dimensión y de los 7 mil millones de almas que estamos en búsqueda no sabiendo muy bien qué estamos buscando… Esta entrevista es una contribución a la colectividad. “La materia es un medio, no un fin”. http://youtu.be/K9YI4TMbKes 47] LA CONSCIENCIA DE SER. XAVIER PEDRO Y BLANCA [conferencia con audio en español – 48 minutos] “Somos almas [espiritus], dentro de un cuerpo físico [materia], viviendo una experiencia humana. Esa experimentación nos llevara a todos de la ignorancia a la sabiduria. Con ello nos iremos dando cuenta de lo que realmente somos y del porque estamos aquí, tomando poco a poco consciencia de nuestro Ser” http://youtu.be/kluRPJUC1ok 48] LA LLAMADA DEL DESPERTAR – MARCEL MESSING [entrevista con subtitualdo en español – 110 minutos]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAiq_JCrCyM 49] ARTESANOS [película documental con audio en español – 82 minutos] Película documental de las familia Pando, continuación de la primer película llamada: Creer es crear.Nos muestra que todos somos creadores y ser creador es que dios, fluya a través nuestro.http://vimeo.com/32631804 50] “MEAT THE TRUTH” (subtítulos en español) Meat the Truth expone una visión del calentamiento global, desde un ángulo diferente, que lo vuelve más manejable desde lo personal. Nicolaas G. Pierson Fundation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dypYT9XPuA4 Video: Jallianwala Bagh Massacre!! How The Massacre Unfolded REACTION!! (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng,spa", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3024-50-films-and-documentary-to-open-the-conscience.html" }
Why do we love domestic animals such as dogs, cats, sheep, chickens, cows so much, but we "choose" some to be eaten? Psychologist Melanie Joy, an expert in human behavior, has been trying to explain why. From a psychological point of view, how can people eat certain animals while ignoring the cruelty with which they are killed. The psychologist, who is now a vegetarian, used the concept of “carnism” in her doctoral thesis to describe “the ideology that makes us behave every day in a way that is totally contrary to what we would like, and not even, "We perceive that we have options, participating in the suffering of animals," he said in an interview with BBC News Brazil. As is known, a vegetarian is someone who does not eat animal meat and a vegan who does not eat meat or other products of animal origin. This includes eggs, honey, dairy products and, also, refraining from using products such as clothing and cosmetics, of animal origin The main reasons for the rise of both vegetarianism and veganism around the world are the cruelty that animals go through to become food and the impact of livestock on the environment, in addition to health issues. But not everything is flowers, or better, plants in that discussion. There are controversies about the validity of these reasons, as animal protein is necessary for certain organic functionalities, since its adequate replacement is not always easy to keep in check. Although there is much controversy about veganism, Joy argues that people should be as vegan as they can be, which means consuming as much plant-based foods as possible. Although in certain parts of the world stopping eating meat has economic and geographical implications (in addition to cultural ones, of course), in several others it is even easier to be vegan. VEGANISM IS RELIGION? THE ONE WHO CAN CHANGE IF JUSTICE UNDERSTANDS THAT IF “In the United States and in Berlin, for example, it is very easy to eat vegan food. I suggest that people be as vegan as possible. It doesn't mean eating lettuce forever, ”she says. “In the United States and in Berlin, for example, it is very easy to eat vegan food. It doesn't mean eating lettuce forever, ”she says. On the environmental impact of meat production, other foods have also unbalanced the environment, such as quinoa, whose production has increased so much in the Andes that in recent years it has led farmers to plant and replant without respecting the period of rest from the ground. Something that has been happening, too, in the Amazon with the soybean plantation, originating from deforestation. From the point of view of individual contribution to the environment, a recent study from the University of Oxford (England) states that reducing the consumption of meat and dairy products helps a lot. According to the survey, meat and dairy products account for 18% of the calories we consume and 37% of the protein, but they use 83% of the land used for agriculture and produce 60% of greenhouse gas emissions. . How does "carnism" work psychologically? For Joy, carnism acts in our mind, distorting our perception and our feelings, as a defense mechanism that disconnects us from empathy with critters. This makes us go against our own moral values. “We do not feel the disgust, the sadness that we would feel if we saw the animal being killed. An example of this mechanism is deindividualization: we see bugs created to be eaten as if they were all the same and had no individuality or personality. " A pig is a pig and pigs are all the same “, we think, that is not true, it is as ridiculous as saying that dogs are all the same, but if we do not recognize that they have preferences, objectifying them, seeing them as things, everything makes it more it is easy to get away from their suffering, it is an invisible ideology, you see the world through that lens. Another danger of carnism is making the vegan way of life pass as unnatural through the stereotypes created by the media, by the laws, by nutrition. What to do? Study, read, evaluate and follow your intuition and your wish. Connect with your values ​​to think if vegetarian or vegan food can be adopted in your life abruptly, or if you prefer to make conscious substitutions at your own pace. Without wanting to force the bar, to "save the planet", you can try to be less consumer, stop buying as much as possible products packaged in plastic and plastic things in general, reduce water consumption, waste zero food, use less car, etc. Now, if we are going to speak in paradoxes, the question remains, why is dog, cat, horse or rabbit more loved and less appetizing than cow, pig or wild boar? In Italy you eat horses, in India the cow is a sacred animal, in China you eat everything ... Think about that 🙂 Video: Top 10 Animals Eaten In Other Countries That Will Surprise You (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3126-the-strange-world-where-we-love-animals-but-eat-them.html" }
Nowadays, many people are medicated or self-medicate with generic drugs that, over time, have their side effects. But the same, he continues to maintain the traditions and entrust his health to natural remedies. At the Nazareth Hospital in the Sumapaz Zone in Cundinamarca, more than 2,500 patients are treated with what nature provides. This hospital is located within the Chaquén Theme Park whose objective is research on the ecosystem health of the human being and ecotherapy. The Sumapaz region is agricultural, in this town we can find one of the largest potato growing areas on the planet with about 178,000 hectares, the inhabitants have various diseases due to the use of pesticides and bone-joint pain that they get from their work, such also problems related to sun exposure. The people in charge of the Nazareth Hospital also teach their patients the importance of improving agricultural practices such as rotating crops to avoid pests and land degradation and not have to use so much agrochemicals. In the same way, they also train farmers and doctors on the use of 25 species of medicinal plants - such as papayuela, vira vira and altamisa - of the 90 approved in Colombia by the Invima Pharmaceutical Products Review Commission for the treatment of some of their diseases . According to the WHO, 40% of the population in Colombia uses traditional medicine. Peasant and indigenous communities are the ones that resort the most to it and take advantage of up to 5,000 species. Ecotherapy, as these natural treatments are called, also favor people who live in Bogotá and who suffer from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This Hospital trains and provides educational cards to the community to teach them how to properly use traditional medicine. Next we will show you some plants that they use for some human diseases. Plants used in natural remedies Digestive problems: Garlic, basil, mint, senna, linseed, aloe vera crystals, peppermint, anise, cinnamon, chamomile, boldo. Skin care:With gualanday, plantain, calendula, yerbamora. Respiratory diseases: With elderberry, ginger, totumo, rosemary, totumo, mallow. Dolores: With common nettle, oregano, willow, rue, dandelion, chuchuaza, thyme, calendula. Altered nerves: With lemon balm, passionflower, chamomile, valerian, citron, orange, apple. Urinary tract infections: With major nettle and tack tack. Video: 15 Medicinal Herbs and Their Uses for This Fall. Herb Garden Tour (October 2020). Hunger and sticks. Repression of land workers Ecocapsula is a self-sufficient mobile egg in which you will want to live
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3189-hospital-de-colombia-uses-medicinal-plants-to-treat-i.html" }
It seems that the moonlight is not the only thing that China is interested in improving. Scientists from the China Institute of Plasma Physics announced earlier this week that the university's nuclear fusion machine, officially known as the Tokamak Advanced Superconductor Experimental, or ESTE, achieved a temperature above 100 million degrees Celsius (180 million degrees Celsius). Fahrenheit degrees). That is a temperature almost seven times higher than that of the sun. It's absolutely amazing to consider, but for a short time, the EAST reactor in China was the hottest spot in our entire solar system. While just stealing the temperature records from the sun is impressive, the point behind the 360-metric-ton EAST fusion reactor is to push humanity closer and closer to a revolution in energy production. "It is certainly an important step for China's nuclear fusion program and an important development for the whole world," Associate Professor Matthew Hole from the Australian National University told ABC News Australia. "The benefit is simple because it's very large-scale [continuous] base load power production, with zero greenhouse gas emissions and no long-lasting radioactive waste." Scientists have hope The China Institute of Plasma Physics ‘Tokamak Superconductor Advanced or ESTE. Get to know the China Institute of Plasma Physics, the Advanced Superconducting Superconductor or ESTE. Unlike nuclear fission, which is based on the division of a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter nuclei, fusion rather than squeezing two light nuclei together to release large amounts of energy. It is a process that not only feeds the sun (and stars in general) but is also low in radioactive waste. In fact, the main outlet is helium, an element that the Earth is surprisingly "light" in reserves. Tokamaks like the one at the China Institute of Plasma Physics or, as shown in the 360 ​​video below, at MIT's Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), heat heavy isotopes of deuterium and tritium using electrical currents. extreme to create a charged plasma. Powerful magnets keep this superheated gas stable, allowing scientists to raise the heat to scorching levels. For now, that process is only temporary, but scientists around the world are hopeful that the end goal, a plasma burn sustained by its own fusion reaction, is achievable. According to John Wright, principal research scientist at MIT's PSFC, we are about three decades away from building a self-sustaining fusion reaction. Meanwhile, progress should be made not only in maintaining the high-energy fusion reaction, but also in reducing the construction costs of reactors. "These experiments can easily happen in 30 years," Wright told Newsweek. “With luck and social will, we will see the first electricity-generating fusion power plants before another 30 years pass. As the plasma physicist Artsimovich said: 'The merger will be ready when society needs it.' Video: Magnetized Target Fusion. Peter OShea. TEDxBrentwoodCollegeSchool (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3293-chinas-artificial-sun-was-briefly-the-hottest-spot-in.html" }
The Mexican Government issued a total of a dozen decrees to abolish existing closures in more than half of the country's hydrological basins, for this reason, researchers and academics on water and environment issues urged President Enrique Peña Nieto to repeal them, since they anticipate that the vital liquid could be delivered to different industries including mining, real estate, fracking, breweries, soft drinks, among others. To start with, what is a closed zone? According to the federal government itself, they are “specific areas of hydrological regions, hydrological basins or aquifers, in which water uses in addition to those legally established are not authorized and these are controlled through specific regulations, due to the deterioration of water in quantity or quality, due to the effect on hydrological sustainability, or due to damage to surface or underground water bodies ”. But on June 5, within the framework of World Environment Day, the Mexican president signed ten decrees to eliminate the closures of 300 basins and the action was presumed as a "water reserve for environmental use", even today, one day After national media released the news, the National Water Commission (Conagua) issued a statement in which it assured that “in no way do they grant benefits to any individual, on the contrary, they will allow to preserve the environment and guarantee water for human consumption of 18 million inhabitants who have not yet been born, in a 50-year projection ”. However, academics from the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) consulted by SinEmbargo agreed that the system of closures is an important protection mechanism for basins and when they are lifted, the vital liquid to privatization through concessions is violated. "The figure of the ban protects the aquifers from overexploitation [...] They want to gild the pill as if it were something favorable to the ecology, when rather what it does is leave the country vulnerable to a deepening of the dynamics of privatization that it has already been happening ”, stated Dr. Pedro Moctezuma Barragán, coordinator of the Research Program for Sustainability of said university. “The companies are seeking legal certainty that the water offered to them is not withdrawn. Corporations view the closures with great mistrust and are demanding that the Mexican government be lifted, as a mechanism to protect their long-term interests. The urgency of this regime that is now on its way out, for opening this up to the market, has to do with commitments with the large extractivist consortia. It is a very worrying measure and that is why we are demanding its repeal ”, he added. In addition, both the researcher Moctezuma, and the teacher Roberto Constantino Toto, professor-researcher of the Department of Economic Production of the same university, questioned that in the decrees that put an end to the closures of the Santiago River, the Ameca River, the Jalisco Coast , from Costa Grande de Guerrero, from Costa Chica de Guerrero, from San Fernando Soto la Marina, from Río Pánuco, from Río Papaloapan, from Río Actopan and Río Antigua, and Grijalva-Usumacinta, the human right to water is not taken into account , established in the Fourth Article of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States that literally says: “Everyone has the right to access, disposal and sanitation of water for personal and domestic consumption in a sufficient, healthy, acceptable and affordable way. The State will guarantee this right and the Law will define the bases, supports and modalities for the access and equitable and sustainable use of water resources, establishing the participation of the Federation, the federative entities and the municipalities, as well as the participation of the citizens to the achievement of said ends ”. In this regard, Constantino Toto declared that “behind an apparently technical and neutral decision, like this one, constitutional precepts of human rights are violated. There are also important economic implications and dispossession implications ”. For his part, Moctezuma Barragán stated that one of his concerns lies in the fact that the decrees establish national surface water reserve zones not only for domestic and environmental purposes, but also for the urban public, which, he warned, opens the door to that the governors of the different states decide to assign any use to water, including industrial use. “The Governors can assign any use [to the vital liquid], such as urban public use, even industrial use. It is a very open mechanism that does not guarantee the human right to water. The concession is opened to public-private associations as the governors who have been in privatization dynamics such as Baja California, Coahuila, Puebla, Veracruz, etc. have already been doing, ”he said. The mining, real estate, fracking industries, as well as soft drinks and breweries and all those that require large volumes of water to carry out their tasks, they said, would benefit from the dozen decrees that leave basins in all parts of the country defenseless. the Mexican Republic. Meanwhile, the Mexican population in general - in the medium term - and indigenous communities - in the near future - would be affected by the low availability of the vital liquid, the experts indicated. They also criticized that the action is carried out when the six-year term is already in its final phase, since the effects could be noticed until the next administration. “The country does not require an additional ingredient of social tension like this. It gives me the impression that it is done at the last minute so that the costs involved in such an unpopular decision fall on the next administration ”, predicted Constantino Toto. It should be noted that according to the Alliance Against Fracking, fracturing a single well requires between 9 and 29 million liters of water. The interactive portal Agua.org indicates that in the case of mining, during 2014 it consumed around 437 million cubic meters of the vital liquid. In addition, the study “Appropriation of water, environment and obesity. The impacts of the bottled beverage business in Mexico ”, from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) estimated that the conglomerate of titles that only until 2012 served the various bottling plants of Coca Cola Mexico, added a concession volume close to 33.7 million cubic meters per year. Brewers are not far behind, for example, a recent case is Constellation Brands that will require 20 million cubic meters of water annually. “This measure makes agrarian nuclei vulnerable to the dispossession of their waters and gives great power to businesses and governors to establish concessions as they have already done with companies that are predatory and that seek to make water a profit mechanism. ”, Supported Moctezuma Barragán. In the same sense, Constantino Toto remarked that there is inequality when making decisions of this caliber, since small agrarian communities do not have the same power as large corporations. “If there is an inconsiderate use of nature's heritage, the immediate losers are agrarian communities and indigenous communities. In the medium term, we are all because there could be a factious use of this type of institutional instruments that would attract corporations whose sole objective is to increase the profitability of their investments ”. commented. Against this background, Moctezuma Barragán called for a General Water Law to be discussed and approved to prevent situations such as the one that currently occurs. For this reason, he recalled that civil society is promoting an initiative in which proposals are presented to ensure that "water mismanagement is corrected" in Mexico, including: –Implement a master plan where the human right to water is guaranteed as a priority and the master plans are binding. –Elaborate protection decrees in areas of extreme water stress, in order to protect bodies of water from exploitation that goes against human right. Video: RICK RULE. On Investing in Natural Resources (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3688-mexican-government-delivers-water-to-oil-and-mining-c.html" }
Joan Martínez Alier. What do the faculties of economics hide from us? The planet is in a real emergency situation. A physicist who disseminates science, Jorge Wagensberg, and an economist, promoter of the ecological economy, Joan Martínez Alier, talk about why humanity has caused this threat and how it can act from now on to try to reverse it. For the first time in history, human activity is dangerously influencing the health of the planet. The sixth extinction is occurring in an accelerated way, at a more intense rate than in other previous extinctions, but unlike the previous ones, this time it affects the human species, called the Anthropocene era. Why is the economy inextricably linked to growth? Why should we protect biodiversity for our own interest? If the planet is finite, why do the industrial economy and consumer society, instead of imitating the strategies and tactics of nature and making efficient use of energy, totally violate the laws of physics, contradicting the first and second law of thermodynamics? And they conclude that we must introduce the scientific sphere into social and political decisions to preserve the lives of future generations. Claim science against ignorance and expand knowledge in order to collectively make decisions. Video: A Day in the Life of Cambridge Economics Students (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3395-joan-martnez-alier-what-do-economics-faculties-hide-f.html" }
The NGO World Animal Protection reveals the habits of dog owners in Latin America after a study and launches an application to help them give the best assistance to their best friends. In order to know what the bond between owners and dogs is like in the Latin American continent, the animal welfare NGO based in Costa Rica, World Animal Protection, carried out a survey with more than 10,000 owners throughout Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador and Chile. The results showed that 95% of the owners see their dogs as children or part of the family. Only 2.6% responded that they see them as pets, and a similar percentage (2.5%) that they see them as their friends. In turn, they showed that bond between humans and their dogs is present in many areas of the daily life of Latin American families: 99% say they have felt distress when their dog gets sick. 99% talk to their dog regularly. 89% include them in family activities. 76% of dogs climb onto their owners' sofa or bed. 60% sleep with their owners. 56% take them with them on vacation. "These results confirm that dogs have a very important role in people's lives, and that they are much more than man's best friend," says the doctor. Melania Gamboa, Manager of Veterinary Programs in World Animal Protection. Not everything is rosy Although the data is very comforting, it was also possible to see a reverse of the survey that alerted the organization. This is because the data revealed that many pets reach families impulsively or unplanned, without its members knowing how to distribute their care tasks, if the characteristics of the dog are compatible with those of the family or if they really have enough time to take care of it as it needs. “One in four owners, for example, assures that they acquired their dogs without preparing the house for them, without discussing the responsibility of having it, or distributing the tasks of their care among the members of the family. “This is a worrying situation, because acquiring a dog impulsively puts him at risk of neglect and abuse, especially when the family does not know how to take care of him in illness, when they do not know how to control his temper, or if they simply get bored of having a pet at home ”, reasons Gamboa. The poor preparation of owners to take care of their dogs is reflected in some data from the survey: 17% of owners have not vaccinated their dogs in the last year. 35% do not deworm it as often as recommended: every three to six months. 41% bathe them too little or too often, which can harm the health of their skin and coat. 30% take them to the vet less than once a year, only if they get sick, or never. 20% take them out for walks infrequently, less than twice a week. A new app to promote dog care In order to better inform owners and help them get the care they need for their dogs, World Animal Protection launched the Barkyard free mobile app, With lots of information for the owners! It provides articles on health, nutrition, animal behavior and how to create a positive environment for dogs. In addition, it explains how to give them first aid since very few know what to do in case of a medical emergency. The app, developed by veterinarians and experts in animal welfare, seeks to be a kind of veterinary assistant with easy access, so it includes a calendar to schedule activities related to our dogs, a trivia game with which the owners can win digital awards and learn to improve the bond with your dog, as well as reminders for vaccinations, bathing, walks and visits to the vet, among other points. Barkyard is available for download on Android and iOS mobile devices, in app stores and at barkyard.dog. Video: Runoko Rashidi. African Presence In Asia (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3793-how-do-we-latin-americans-see-our-dogs.html" }
The secret language that allows trees to create an entire ecosystem A single tree cannot make a whole forest. However, the trees together, using a secret language, are able to create ecosystems that buffer extreme heat and cold, store water and produce humid air. The answer to how they achieve this is in their roots, where they form a super structure similar to an anthill through which information is communicated about various dangers such as lack of water and nutrients and even the presence of a fire. Tree society The president of Fundación Mexicana del Arbol, Teobaldo Eguiluz, explains to EFE that the tree society is very similar to human beings, since in it each member is important to their community, has their own role and is worth keeping alive as long as possible. For example, they protect the sickest among themselves, providing them with nutrients until they are better, the same mechanism they use with the youngest specimens. “The tree is like a house, even the trees communicate by their roots with their children and with their distant or close relatives. They can feed their children through the roots when they are very young and do not reach the light and therefore cannot photosynthesize themselves ”, details the forest geneticist. Then he adds that "they also help old people who no longer have the possibility of supporting themselves." The tree also coexists with "a microfauna" composed of fungi, bacteria and viruses "that is interconnected with it." Communication Along these lines, the state manager of the National Forestry Commission (Conafor) in Mexico City, Gustavo López Mendoza, indicates to EFE that all this communication occurs because the roots of the trees live in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. “The tree uses solar energy to generate carbohydrates and sugars through chlorophyll, which is a substance that they synthesize. They do not use it, they produce it for their partner symbiotes that live underground, the fungi, since they are not exposed to light and cannot photosynthesize ”, he explains. Therefore, the tree supplies all these carbohydrates and sugars so that the fungus can bear fruit and disperse its spores. In return, he adds, "fungi, through their roots, their root hairs, supply the minerals in the soil that are essential for the tree to form wood, that is, carbon." If this exchange goes well, the mycorrhizae, hectomycorrhizae and hectoendomichorizae will provide the trees with all the chemical elements that the plant requires to grow: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron and copper. Filament network The research professor of the Forest Sciences division at the Autonomous University of Chapingo, José Armando Gil, tells EFE that in addition to breaking down organic matter, fungi develop through a network of ultra-fine filaments called hyphae. "They are so thin and thin that it helps all the trees to communicate with each other," he says. However, Gil points out that when the forest has some kind of deficiency, the parasitic fungus known as armillaria or honey fungus develops. This is responsible for "white rot", which attacks the roots of trees in forests and is distinguished from positive mycorrhizae by its parasitic nature. In 2000, the armillaria ostoyae killed 900 hectares of trees in Oregon (United States). The reason was that the extreme humidity conditions created too much shade continuously for many years and that ended up killing the entire forest. The hyphae were in charge of communicating to the trees that a negative fungus was penetrating. “When there are fires or abnormal temperatures, information is sent that something is wrong in the ecosystem, this information comes very quickly through the hyphae, which have a wide distribution within the soil and, sometimes, it is also given through receptors. chemicals, "he adds. And is that the communication between the trees not only occurs on the ground but can also be through the air, explains Eguiluz. The specialist adds that this happens "especially when there are fires, pests, storms or extreme environmental damage." This causes the trees to communicate by releasing terpene phenols, chemical compounds that are released into the air and are perceived through the stomata of the leaves. They absorb them, recognize them and detect the signals that they send them. These signals are thermodynamic and chemical reactions that they use to communicate. The expert concludes by recalling that "it should not be forgotten that trees use all possible forms of energy that we cannot use as human beings." Video: We are all connected with nature: Nixiwaka Yawanawa at TEDxHackney (October 2020). Medicinal herbs that help in menopause The most sustainable country on Earth
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3498-the-secret-language-that-allows-trees-to-create-an-en.html" }
To prevent heart disease and keep it in shape, it is very important to stay at an ideal weight, get regular exercise, and eat a healthy diet. Diet plays a very important role in the prevention of heart attacks and cardiovascular accidents, since it helps to avoid the causes and factors that predispose to their appearance, which are mainly diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and hypertension. That is why today I bring you 14 foods that you can include in your regular diet to promote the health of your heart and avoid cardiovascular accidents. Do not miss this article! Why can cardiovascular accidents happen? One of the most important organs in our body is theheart, which is responsible for pumping the blood so that it reaches all the cells in your body. If for some reason the blood supply is blocked and does not reach all sections of the heart, a heart attack occurs, also called a stroke. Heart-related ailments are one of the major causes of mortality worldwide, and although age and family history can increase the risk of suffering from them, most of the risk factors can be avoided by following a healthy lifestyle . Why are heart healthy foods necessary? In addition to avoiding being overweight, there are three rates that should be controlled to have a lower probability of suffering a heart attack, and they are: Cholesterol: it is a natural fat that is present in the cells of the body and is necessary for the body to function properly, but whose blood levels must not exceed 200 milligrams per deciliter. Although most of it is made in the liver, it can also be obtained through what you eat. Glucose: it is the main source of energy for the human body, and it is obtained through food, mainly through carbohydrates. If the levels are adequate, there is a lower risk of suffering from diabetes, which is a factor that increases the risk of suffering a cardiovascular accident. Blood pressure: The heart is the organ that pumps blood through the arteries and veins to reach all the organs and cells of the body, but when this pressure is too high, cardiovascular problems can occur. Taking care of the diet with nutrients that favor the correct functioning of the circulatory system, reduces this risk. Fortunately, these risk factors can be controlled through diet, some exercise, and sometimes with the right medication if prescribed by the doctor. Everything you eat has a significant effect on your cardiovascular health, and hence the importance of taking care of your diet. A healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, the fresher the better, cereals and whole grains, fish, lean meats such as chicken and turkey, legumes, seeds and unsaturated fats can help you maintain good cardiovascular health. Of course, reduce as much as you can the consumption of saturated fats, refined sugar, salt and alcohol, which are enemies of good cardiovascular health. What are those heart-healthy foods? In addition to a healthy diet and a little exercise, there are certain foods that have a positive effect on your cardiovascular health, and that you can include among your usual foods to benefit from all its properties, and they are the following: Olive oil Olive oil could not be missing from this list, since thanks to its high content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, it provides important benefits for cardiovascular health, since it raises good cholesterol levels, lowers bad cholesterol levels, contributes to keep blood pressure at optimal levels avoiding hypertension and preventing the onset of diabetes. For all this, it becomes the number 1 food that promotes good cardiovascular health by reducing the risk of suffering cardiovascular accidents such as thrombosis or a heart attack. Dark chocolate Cocoa is a good source of flavonoids, a substance that has a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. Flavonoids have the ability to improve your nitric oxide levels, widening the veins and allowing a decrease in blood pressure. According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, it revealed that the study subjects who drank dark chocolate for 15 days experienced both a drop in their blood pressure levels and an improvement in their glucose resistance. Remember that to benefit from these properties, chocolate must contain a minimum of 70% cocoa, since otherwise, it can contain a lot of sugar that is not convenient. So if your body asks for some dark chocolate, give yourself a break and have a few ounces. Garlic Garlic, in addition to providing a peculiar flavor to your dishes, are great allies for cardiovascular health, since they have the ability to lower blood pressure. When a garlic clove is chopped or crushed, a substance is released, allicin, which is capable of widening the blood vessels, which results in a decrease in blood pressure. Thus, cardiovascular health is favored by reducing the risk of suffering a cardiovascular accident. Don't forget to use garlic in your meals to benefit from its great properties. Walnuts Walnuts are one of the nuts that can take care of the health of your heart the most, since they have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids and have the property of reducing bad cholesterol levels as well as total cholesterol. However, do not forget that they contain a large amount of calories, so you cannot abuse them. To avoid overdoing the calories consumed, you can consume between 50 and 100 grams of walnuts about five times a week, and always within a healthy and healthy diet. Turmeric Thanks to its curcumin content, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can be a good ally to prevent cardiovascular accidents. Turmeric helps prevent platelet aggregation that can lead to blood clots and deposits from forming in the arteries, thus reducing the chances of heart failure and hypertension. You can use turmeric as a spice for your dishes or add it to your infusion or tea to benefit from all its properties. Green Tea Green tea contains flavonoids with anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the formation of plaque on the walls of the arteries, contributing to a decrease in bad cholesterol levels and a decrease in blood pressure. In addition, drinking green tea on a regular basis improves your veins' ability to respond to emotional stress and physical stress, making it a good ally for your cardiovascular health. But keep in mind that you cannot abuse it, since due to its oxalate content, it can promote the formation of stones in the kidney, so if you are prone to suffering them, you should drink it in moderation. To benefit from its properties, you can take 1 or 2 cups a day, as they will help reduce high levels of fat in the blood, preventing cardiovascular disease. Ginger Ginger also works by protecting your heart, as it can help you prevent blood clots and fight metabolic syndrome, which includes a group of diseases such as obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. The components of ginger play a fundamental role in achieving these beneficial effects. Remember that you can add a little fresh ginger to some of your dishes when you are cooking, or even to your salads to take it fresh, and thus, be able to benefit from its good properties to have good cardiovascular health. Tomato Tomatoes contain lycopene, a great antioxidant that can lower levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, while preventing blood clotting, thus reducing the risk of suffering a cardiovascular accident. Therefore, do not forget to put fresh tomato in your salads, take it in the form of juice or add it to your dishes whenever you can. You can also choose to prepare a homemade tomato sauce yourself, without as many additives as those sold commercially, which you can later add to many of your dishes, such as pasta. Strawberries Strawberries are a good source of both magnesium and potassium, two essential nutrients that will help keep your blood pressure level optimal, thus eliminating the risks associated with high blood pressure. They also have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol, thanks to their antioxidant and pectin content, which makes them a very healthy fruit for good cardiovascular health. Beet Beets are a good vegetable that can support your cardiovascular health in more ways than one. On the one hand, thanks to its high soluble fiber content, it will prevent bad cholesterol from depositing on the walls of your arteries, thus reducing the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack. On the other hand, thanks to its high content of nitrites, which are converted into nitric oxide upon reaching the body, they help blood vessels to dilate and relax, making blood circulate better and lowering blood pressure. With the consumption of beets in your regular diet, you can reduce two risk factors that are enemies of good cardiovascular health, so its consumption is highly recommended. Legumes such as lentils, aduki, chickpeas or beans, contain high-quality protein and little fat that promote good blood cholesterol levels. To benefit from its good properties, it is recommended to consume legumes two or three times a week within a healthy diet, and always better cooked with vegetables than with other foods that contain too much fat. Encourage yourself to eat healthy and your health will thank you Surely from now on you will encourage yourself to eat better and to include these foods in your usual shopping basket to benefit from all its good properties. With a healthy diet and a little exercise, you can contribute in a very positive way to having a healthy heart and avoiding or, at least reducing, the risks of suffering a cardiovascular accident. Don't wait any longer to start taking care of yourself! Video: Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Blood Pressure (October 2020). The Argentine agricultural model neglects the right to food
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3894-healthy-foods-that-lower-your-risk-of-heart-attack.html" }
Crispr-Cas9 is a new genetic engineering method that is credited with being more accurate than previous transgenics. Several recent scientific studies show the opposite: two indicated that it can cause cancer and another showed unwanted effects, among them the accidental deletion or rearrangement of long DNA sequences and the silencing or activation of genes that were not intended to be modified, all with pathogenic potential. The most recent article, from Allan Bradley's team at the Wellcome Sanger Institute in the UK, was published in the scientific journalNature Biotechnologyon July 16, 2018 (here). Crispr-Cas9 is an artificial enzymatic construct that acts like molecular scissors with GPS: it finds the place where you want to manipulate the DNA and cuts the two strands of the helix, inhibiting the expression of the intervened gene and / or inserting new genetic material, creating a transgenic organism. The study by Bradley et al., Conducted with human and mouse cells, showed that Crispr-Cas9 frequently produces additional unwanted effects, such as removing long DNA sequences (hundreds to thousands of bases) or rearranging them, but far from the site of cut. They conclude that these changes can generate some disease. Bradley stated that these types of side effects have been underestimated in previous studies, although there were indications about them probably because they did not appear in the analyzes, since in general DNA sequences close to the intervention site are reviewed with Crispr-Cas9, but the changes they are shown in distant sequences. As for removal or rearrangement, since this phenomenon is not intended, it may go unnoticed in the laboratory, but it has potentially harmful effects on humans and other organisms. Although the studies refer mainly to the use of Crispr-Cas9 in medicine, the problem also manifests itself in the handling of crops: the same effects occur in plants, leading to unforeseen impacts on the plantations and also on their consumption because the activation or deactivation of genes and the deletion or rearrangement of sequences can cause allergies and other forms of toxicity. Bradley's team's study raised the alarm created by two previous papers: one from the renowned Karolinska Institute in Sweden, which noted that Crispr-Cas9 increases the risk of cancer in patients who are inserted cells modified with this method (here). This is because the action of Crispr-Cas9 is not effective against the reaction of the p53 gene, which is a kind of first aid kit for cells, associated with the prevention of many forms of cancer. This gene tries to repair the cut produced by Crispr-Cas9, and if it fails to do so, it instructs the cell to die so as not to reproduce the abnormality. When p53 does not work, Crispr-Cas9 is much more effective, so scientists select cells where this gene does not work, but could be inserting cells that will be cancerous into organisms, like a time bomb. Consulted by the GMWatch organization, Dr. Michael Antoniu, from King's College London, explained that the reaction of repair agencies to the Crispr-Cas9 cut is a natural defense mechanism and, therefore, it is not a question of adjusting the new biotechnologies, since the mechanism will continue to act. Selecting cells where it does not work involves serious side effects, such as cancer or, in the case of plants, serious food safety problems. Antoniu also suggests that other new biotechnologies, such as Talen or single nucleotide mutagenesis, possibly generate the same effects and therefore studies should be done on these as well. It questions that other methods of mutagenesis, such as radiation, could be causing toxicity that has not been associated with them, with impacts on food safety and security (here). Timely, a few days after the publication of the aforementioned studies, the European Union court of justice ruled - after a process initiated by a legal claim from La Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth and other organizations in France - that the products of the new biotechnologies (which include mutagenesis and Crispr) are genetically modified organisms, that is, transgenic, and must pass through the risk analysis of biosafety laws and their consideration must be based on the precautionary principle. This was a victory for farmer, environmental and consumer organizations over the malicious insistence of the biotech industry that new biotechnologies do not need to undergo biosafety evaluation (here). This same absurd position of the industry is defended by Víctor Villalobos, announced secretary of agriculture of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, for whom the peasant organizations are calling for early dismissal (here). The new studies strongly deny that these new transgenics have no risks. Video: Cancer Treatment: Targeted Cancer Cell Therapy (October 2020). Delicious recipe for leftover bread. Pain lost 8 out of 10 consumers are not interested if what they buy is sustainable
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3602-new-transgenics-cancer-and-toxicity.html" }
Many animals around the world are victims of abuse, neglect and cruelty. Their lack of voice urges us to defend their rights and report these behaviors to justice. To understand why animals are sentient beings, we must first understand the concept of animal welfare. It refers to the quality of life they experience; Do they live in a clean and healthy environment where they can develop their natural behavior? Is their health good? Are their physical and mental conditions adequate or do they go through situations of abuse? According to the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code, it is defined as “the way an animal copes with the conditions in which it lives”. This concept is related to five freedoms, published in 1965, to describe the right to welfare of animals that are under human control. Free from hunger, thirst and malnutrition. Free from fear and anguish. Free from physical or thermal discomfort. Free from pain, injury or illness. Free to express one's own behavior patterns. Today the importance of experience positive emotions, since it has been proven that animals are beings with feelings, so that in order for them to live in well-being, they have to be exempt from fear, stress or psychological suffering. The reality that we face Despite the importance of these concepts, the facts do not always support the words. It is very likely that we have someone you know who has witnessed or heard about a situation of animal abuse or we could even have been the ones who saw an event of this type. In response to this, many may think: "why make a complaint if the institutions will not do anything?" or "I don't know how to proceed, I'd better let it go." However, it is important that we do not silence our voice. Animals need us because they cannot claim their rights, but we can do it for them. The institutions in charge of taking complaints and carrying out the pertinent investigations may not always carry out their work in the most “efficient” way or may take their time to carry them out. However, we must persist and enforce rights. If we remain silent "because totally nobody will do anything", animal abuse will continue to be common currency and implicitly accepted in society. Silence is acceptance. But if faced with an act of cruelty, we raise our voices and remember an existing law, we will not only be helping the animal victim of that moment, but to all the others who might come then. How to make a complaint? What happens is that each country works differently and, each state, department or province, maybe also. For this reason, it is very important to inform us about how the complaint process works in home location that belongs to us. Once we are aware, it would be good to pass the message on to our loved ones. On the other hand, when faced with an episode of violence, it is always necessary to take photographs or film what is happening to then have concrete and irrefutable evidence, and make the complaint with our name (instead of anonymous), gives more weight and seriousness to the cause. Animals provide us with love, companionship, assistance and food. Let's give them back a little of everything they give us every day. He Animal welfare is everyone's responsibility. Video: 10 Shocking Facts about Animal Cruelty You Should Know (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3998-why-should-we-speak-out-against-animal-abuse.html" }
The first two revolutionary full-time water collectors have settled in Sydney, one in Darling Harbor and one on the Parramatta River. This comes less than a year after the Seabin Project first demonstrated its ingenious floating garbage containers in Australian waters. To date, the Australian-invented Seabin has more than 435 Seabins that collect pollutants from waterways in ports, marinas and yacht clubs around the world, but did not exist in Australia so far. When put into action 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, each Seabin has the potential to prevent approximately 1.4 tons, or 3.4 kilograms per day, of marine debris from entering our oceans each year; filtering water from everything from plastic bags and beverage containers, to cigarette butts, microplastics and surface oils. Seagrasses are deployed near docks, marinas, banks and shores, to facilitate maintenance and emptying, but also at the main point of human pollution to mitigate debris reaching the wider ocean. One Seabin will be deployed to Darling Harbor at the Australian National Maritime Museum and the other to Cabarita Point on the Parramatta River. The Darling Harbor Seabin has been funded and donated to the museum by the global recycling company TOMRA, while tech giants HP have also shown their support for the cause by sponsoring the new Seabin at Cabarita Point along the Parramatta River. . Seabin Project co-founder and CEO Pete Ceglinski said the organizations' enthusiasm for supporting the initiative further supports their belief in the role Seabins can play in saving our oceans for future generations, both through action as well as awareness. “It has taken a lot of work and learning, but we are excited to finally be moving full steam ahead in Australia with our first full-time Seabins. “While ultimately the best way to decontaminate our oceans and waterways will be through awareness and prevention, getting containers in the water is definitely rowing in the right direction,” said Mr. Ceglinski. "Obviously, a concerted effort will be required, and the support of the Australian National Maritime Museum, TOMRA and HP is a great testament to the vision we have for both the Seabin Project and the future of our oceans." Emily Jateff, Curator of Ocean Science and Technology, Australian National Maritime Museum, said: “The Australian National Maritime Museum was proud to host Seabin on World Oceans Day 2018, which was such a success that The Seabin returned in August for a special two-week installation during National Science Week. ” TOMRA President Ryan Buzzell said: “We have seen first-hand the impact that an innovative approach to addressing waste can have on the environment. “In just over 12 months, more than 1.4 billion beverage containers have been recycled through our reverse vending machines in New South Wales and Queensland, so we take the opportunity to support Seabin in their attempt to clean up our oceans ”. Dan Henry, Director of Marketing for the South Pacific, said: “At HP, environmental sustainability is central to the way our products are designed, manufactured, used and recovered, but as a brand we need to do more to influence the right changes. . We know from our most recent study that ocean pollution is one of our biggest concerns as Australians. HP is always looking for ways to partner with environmentally conscious organizations like Seabin that are having a local impact here. " The launch of Darling Harbor and Cabarita Point Seabins will be followed by further installations to be announced soon, bringing the total number of Seabins worldwide to 438, and on count. Video: Seabin Project Investors Video (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3034-seabin-revolutionaries-australias-floating-dumpsters.html" }
As a rule, all schools in the province of Misiones, whether public, private, rural, urban, primary or secondary, must have an organic garden as it is considered a sustainable environmental education tool. The Provincial School Huertas Program emerged as a response to the need of the institutions, who proposed this issue as a didactic learning resource. Other activities will also be generated, such as horticulture workshops to raise environmental awareness, promote family farming, teach the right to food sovereignty, and promote economic education through agriculture. In addition, they will make excursions and visits to free trade fairs and local orchards. Marta Ferreira, secretary of Agriculture of the province, commented: “the school garden is an excellent resource to turn educational centers into places that allow students multiple experiences about their natural and rural environment, understand the relationships and dependencies that we have with him, and put into practice attitudes and habits of care and environmental responsibility ”. Joint work The Secretary of State for Family Agriculture and the Ministry of Education of Misiones will work together to implement organic school gardens. But there will also be other activities such as gardening, tree nursery, botanical park and other modalities that allow multiple experiences about the natural and rural environment where schools, colleges and institutes are inserted. Family Farming Law The Family Farming Law “defines a new model in the province. Misiones adopts a model of productive development, so I believe that all institutions have to work in that sense and the educational institution is fundamental because it is the educator of the farmers of tomorrow, ”the Secretary of Agriculture, Marta Ferreira, told local media. considered that the best way to achieve the objectives set out in the agreement between the two organizations is to "excite children, teach them that crops are not born in the supermarket, but are born in the ground and thus raise the status and recognition of our farmers who were so discredited for a long time, because for many it was an inferior category to be from the farm. At this moment in history we can argue that there is nothing better than producing food ”. An initiative that considers that the school plays a fundamental role for cities to produce food, something that will be an important issue for future generations. Video: Spring Planting Day! Organic Gardening In The Ozarks (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3199-all-schools-must-have-organic-gardens-in-misiones.html" }
More than forty organizations from different fields have presented the Defend me campaign to demand a regulatory system with the force of law that guarantees that the child population can only be exposed to advertising of healthy foods and beverages. With this alliance formed byFood Justice,the Spanish Society of Public Health (SESPAS),the Spanish Confederation of Associations of Parents of Students (CEAPA), Friends of the Earth, Medicus Mundi Y Ecologists in ActionIt seeks to protect the rights of children to health and free development of the personality, avoiding the harmful effect of advertising. The manifesto has also been supported bymore than forty member organizations, among which are: the Spanish Interdisciplinary Committee for Cardiovascular Prevention, the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG), the Spanish Association against Cancer, the Rural Platform, the Community Nursing Association, the General Council of the Psychology or the NGO Coordinator. The Director of Food Justice,Javier Guzman, has asked the public administration to change its strategy in the fight against childhood obesity and the problems of poor diet and"Assume that leaving it in the hands of the companies themselves has been a huge mistake." “We need public policies that protect children from the uncontrolled bombardment of unhealthy food advertising”, has claimed. 80% of foods and beverages advertised with positive health and nutritional claims are actually unhealthy Girls and boys: the most vulnerable population In Spain, boys and girls see 25 television advertisements for food and beverages per day, most of which are unhealthy. During childhood we are not able to identify advertising nor are we aware of its commercial or persuasive objective. Until the age of 12, human beings lack the cognitive maturity necessary to be skeptical of commercial messages, considering them true, fair and accurate when they are not always so. Children continue to choose advertised products with preference, even when they are advised by adults to choose healthier ones. Food advertising is often misleading for adults as well, as up to 80% of foods and beverages that are advertised with positive health and nutritional claims are actually unhealthy. "Families demand that health be above the economic interests of the food industry," he emphasizedLeticia Cardenal, president of CEAPA. Apply the nutritional profile marked by the WHO The vast majority of food advertising that is broadcast refers to unhealthy products, contributing to the development of obesity - 45% of the boys and girls in the State are overweight or obese - and its complications in childhood, with the consequent increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease and cancer in the future. “Advertising of unhealthy food and beverages is one of the main causes of the childhood obesity epidemic that we suffer in Spain, and this is due to the lack of effectiveness of the current regulation to protect our sons and our daughters. The proposal we make is cost-effective, promotes healthy environments, protects a vulnerable population, helping boys and girls to eat healthy, reduces social inequalities in health, increases individual freedom of choice for parents and has the support of scientists, health professionals and consumers ”, has concludedMiguel Angel Royo, representative of SESPAS. To select healthy products, the advertising of which would be permissible, it is proposed to apply the nutritional profile of the European region proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to fight obesity. The scope of the law must cover all advertising media and, in particular: television, film and radio; print media and outdoor advertising spaces (billboards, means of transport, etc.), Internet, video game applications for advertising purposes (advergames), mobile telephony and sponsorships (congresses, conferences, parties, etc.). This type of regulation already works in other countries, such as Chile, which not only covers advertising but also puts an end to confusing and misleading labeling. In Spain, children see 25 food and drink advertisements on television a day, most of which are unhealthy Self-regulation doesn't work The Code of Self-Regulation of Food Advertising Directed to Minors (PAOS) ​​regulates this matter in the Spanish State. This code, by its very nature and because it was created by the companies themselves, is incapable of protecting children from the harmful effect of food advertising. Self-regulation and co-regulation, as has been shown in many studies, tend to be ineffective in their practical application. Besides, andl PAOS Code does not regulate the nutritional profile of advertised productsnor the frequency of exposure, contrary to the recommendations of WHO expert groups and consumer organizations. Likewise, it contravenes the provisions of the Food Safety and Nutrition Law by restricting its application to children under 12 years of age in audiovisual and printed media, instead of the 15 years established by said law. Given this, to demand real limitations and defend children's health, the campaign has been launchedDefend me, in order to eliminate the advertising of foods that are bad for the health of the child population. Video: Marketing To Children (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3303-unhealthy-food-advertising-aimed-at-children.html" }
Those who are in the habit of enjoying a good glass of red wine accompanied by a piece of chocolate have good reason to celebrate. A recent study conducted by the University of Exeter in England found that both foods helpfight wrinkles and keep the skin young. Wine and chocolate fight aging To reach this conclusion, the scientists analyzed the cells in the laboratory with natural chemicals found in red wine, dark chocolate, red grapes and blueberries, and discovered that the cells exhibited positive changes. The experience was repeated several times and, in each case, the cells rejuvenated, said Eva Latorre, leader of the scientific work, who believes that the data obtained can lead to advances in therapies for slow down aging of the skin. Video: Japanese Secret To Look 10 Years Younger Than Your Age, Antiaging remedy, Remove Wrinkes u0026 Acne (October 2020). Garbage problems: causes, effects and solutions Lactose intolerance. This is what you should know Planting trees doesn't prevent climate change, but it can save us from being burned to death When are antibiotics used in farm animals and what is their effect on humans? Is it the end of straws, cutlery and plastic plates in Europe?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3698-chocolate-and-red-wine-help-fight-wrinkles-and-keep-s.html" }
This recipe for vanilla custard without egg is an easy resource if you don't want to complicate with dessert, and it is also a good option for egg intolerant. Normally most of the flans that we find in the market, contain traces of egg. Many times it is difficult for us to find vanilla puddings without this type of trace. for all those children who are allergic to eggs. 500 ml of whole milk, or half milk and half liquid cream (milk cream) 4 level tablespoons sugar 1 envelope of neutral gelatin or 6 gelatin sheets The skin of 1 orange without anything white 1 vanilla bean or a good scoop of liquid vanilla essence Liquid candy (we can use packaged candy or make it at home) We put a littlecandy in a large pan or small individual ramekins. The best are the silicone ones to remove the mold better. In acasserole Put the milk, the vanilla (if you use a pod you will have to open it and scrape the inside), the sugar and the orange peel over the fire, we leave it over low heat until it starts to bubble. We take out a saucepan and put it in a glass to dilute the gelatin. We add thejelly and we dilute it well and out of the fire we mix with everything else. Remember that if you use gelatin in daughters you will have to hydrate them for 10 minutes in water before mixing them with the hot milk. We put in the molds and leave to cool in the fridge for a few hours until completely set. Heat half a liter of the vanilla shake from the one they sell on the heat and follow the recipe. The flavor is not so natural but for egg intolerance problems it is a quick remedy to enjoy flan. Video: How to make Vegan Vanilla Custard thick, creamy u0026 Dairy free l Go Vegan Life (October 2020). High impact What is the environmental impact of our current agricultural model? All schools must have organic gardens in Misiones They present 830 works that prove the toxicity of glyphosate
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3405-vanilla-flan-without-egg.html" }
Since May 3, Hawaii's most active volcano, called Kilauea, has spewed lava and molten rock into a residential area called Leilani Estates, prompting evacuations and destroying up to 26 homes. The eruption has also provided us with some stunning and terrifying photos and videos of bright orange lava bubbling from cracks in the ground and shooting up to 100 meters into the air. The Kilauea volcano has been erupting almost without interruption since 1983, according to the United States Geological Survey. That's because it's in a hot spot in the middle of the Pacific plate with high amounts of magma reaching the surface, says Janine Krippner, a volcanologist at Concord University. "What we're seeing now is pretty normal for Kilauea activity," she says. But because the eruptions are happening where people live, it is causing a lot of destruction. "It's coming out right under these people's houses." In the last week, magma has been traveling through the East Rift Zone, an area where the rocks that make up the volcano are separated, allowing lava to spill out. Why exactly this is happening is unclear, says Krippner. But the event is "quite significant." The level of lava within one of Kilauea's craters dropped to about 721 feet (220 meters) below the crater rim, according to the USGS. That extra lava is now coming out in the East Rift Zone. Several cracks, called fissures, have been opening in the area. The cracks appear because the magma is building up a lot of pressure underground, causing the earth to fracture and lava to flow. Fortunately, lava moves quite slowly, typically less than 0.62 miles per hour (1 km per hour), says Krippner. But sometimes, it sticks out vigorously, creating fountains of lava. These eruptions occur because "lava is extremely gaseous," says Krippner. It's like shaking a Coke can before opening it: the gas will come out quickly, sounding like thunder. It's impossible to say how long this latest eruption will last, according to Krippner. It could be weeks or even months. (An eruption that started in May 2016 and gave us the spectacular “lava fire hose” early last year) ended a few days ago, says Krippner. In the meantime, here are some views of lava fountains, melted rocks that devour cars, and streets with smoking cracks. Overall, they are a fitting reminder of just how wild and powerful nature can be. If all these images and videos are not enough, and you want to see even more, the USGS also maintains some webcams on the summit of Kilauea, looking at the volcano vents and providing updates 24/7. Video: Lava continues to swallow up homes in Hawaii (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3803-lava-burns-hawaii-images-and-videos-of-the-kilauea-vo.html" }
Making painting with coffee is very easy and inexpensive since most homes have the raw material available, it is also a harmless product for health. Learn how to prepare this type of paint, its peculiarities and how to create different tones according to your needs. How to make paint with coffee Coffee powder—It can be ground or soluble coffee. Some people prefer soluble coffee because it saves time in its preparation, it does not require equipment and there is direct control over the mixture. Hot water—To dissolve soluble coffee, the water does not need to be hot, but it makes the process easier. Container container for the mixture. The only critical aspect in preparing paint with coffee is the ratio of water and coffee. The objective is to make a very strong coffee with little water in the mixture: dark, dense, elastic, with a sticky appearance. Think that you want to achieve a brown paint with the characteristics of intensity and depth of hue and tone of a brown ink. This mixture should give you the darkest and most intense tones you can get. It is easier to start with the darkest value and lighten it later than to reverse the process. How does coffee paint darken? Adding more coffee and reducing (evaporating) the water in the mixture if there is an excess of this. How do you lighten the coffee paint? Adding more water to the coffee paint. How to do it is a matter of preference. Some people prefer to have several jars prepared with different proportions of water and coffee, from darker to lighter; Others prefer to lighten the paint on the palette by adding more water with the brush. Characteristics of coffee as paint Structure—Coffee as a paint has different characteristics than other water-based media with which it is often compared, such as watercolor or ink. Its structure is more dense, elastic and sticky, which determines its reaction on the support and how to work with it. Tone and hue—Brown monochromatic works are drawn and painted with coffee. In other words, it plays with the lightness and darkness of the tone of a brown hue that can vary slightly in hue depending on the characteristics of the coffee used. To provide small variations in the hue of the color (obtain a reddish brown, greenish, etc.) or darken its tone even more, watercolor or ink can be mixed with coffee. Drying—With regard to drying, it should be noted that coffee paint, as with watercolor, becomes considerably lighter when it dries than when it is applied wet. And, like ink, the darker its hue, the brighter its surface. A coffee paint takes longer to dry than a watercolor or ink and the result is always stickier. If watercolor and ink are reputed to be mediums that allow few corrections, at least coffee is more manipulable overall and for longer. You can even correct a value that is too dark with water when the stain has already dried (although it will always be easier to do it wet). Perdurability—As with the rest of pictorial media, it is necessary to avoid direct exposure of the finished painting to sunlight so that the color does not deteriorate. Moreover, according to the testimony of several artists who have been painting with coffee for decades and the tests of the coffee painter Steven Mikel, the durability conditions of a painting made with coffee are similar to those of a watercolor. Video: Technique- Painting with Coffee Studio Art (October 2020). YPF: After an impressive oil spill in Chile, now another in Vaca Muerta These are the brands that most pollute the seas 7 great benefits of power naps (and how to achieve it) Mexico: This is the worst oil disaster you've never heard of
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3508-how-to-make-paint-with-coffee.html" }
With the news that utility bills are on the rise, experts say the technology will revolutionize consumer use and power generation. The home of the future appears to be an increasingly attractive place to live this week, after millions of households received the unpleasant news that their energy bills were on the rise again. Changing providers is a quick solution to rising bills. But in the long run, industry players say the answers may lie in the next revolution in how we use energy in our homes, turning it into mini power stations and reducing our dependence on energy companies like British Gas and EDF. For consumers, cost and convenience will be important factors. For energy companies, there is the potential to rebuild trust and transform from mere suppliers into more profitable service companies. As a report said last week, there must also be a debate about how houses can be heated in new ways that reduce their contribution to climate change. Most industry experts think future homes will consume less energy, putting the impact of electric cars aside, as appliances from fridges to furnaces become increasingly efficient. New buildings are also becoming more airtight, which the Building Research Establishment says has been largely driven by regulations. British Gas owner Centrica, the UK's largest energy provider, and Ovo, one of the biggest “defiant” firms, told the Observer that they expected domestic energy use to continue to decline. Customers will not only consume energy, they will also generate it, becoming "prosumers," "a horrible word but a useful term," says Tom Pakenham, head of electric vehicles at Ovo, which means "to generate their own energy, store it and use it wisely. " For most people, this will mean that solar panels generate electricity, which is not a new trend: more than 900,000 homes have already had solar energy, for a decade. What's new is that consumers are beginning to combine solar power with batteries, to store and use or export electricity when it makes financial sense. Such installations are not officially monitored, but the Solar Trade Association estimates that 5,000-10,000 homes in the UK now have energy storage, installed by companies like Tesla, E.ON and Nissan. Imperial College has said that cheaper household batteries will be a game changer for utilities. "The storage aspect is becoming increasingly important," said Jonathan Tudor, Centrica's director of technology and innovation strategy. But the energy stored in the home may not be automatically consumed by that home. "I can decide that I have excess energy and my personal preference may be to donate that to a vulnerable home in the future," Tudor said. Centrica has installed around 1.6 million of its Hive smart home devices, turning to tech titans like Nest, owned by Alphabet, a pioneer in smart thermostats. But the company is already looking beyond smart thermostats, lights and outlets, which its data says are reducing the average home's energy use by as much as 12%. “We are looking at how we can take this further: we hope that the adoption of the‘ Internet of things ’will make more devices smart. You can load your dishwasher and press "start" and it does a calculation: you want it ready before 7 am, let the machine decide when to start the cycle, depending not only on prices but on the efficiency of the [energy] network Tudor said. Smart meters, which the government aims to offer to all households by the end of 2020, are also seen as key to enabling much of the technology and new prices. "You can't have a smart energy system without smart meters," Pakenham said. The meters will allow for more dynamic pricing, in which billers pay less for energy at certain times of the day, to reduce costs and pressure on the electricity grid. Other digital technologies are making peer-to-peer energy trading a reality. Last week, a startup called Verv used blockchain for the first time to run a physical energy trade on a property in East London, from a rooftop solar array on one block to a resident on another block. Dermot Nolan, CEO of energy regulator Ofgem, believes that peer-to-peer trading is one of the most exciting new business models in energy. Suppliers like British Gas, rather than simply selling gas and electricity, will seek to manage how energy is used in the home and to manage its relationship with the outside world: managing commerce or managing an electric car battery to help the grid. in exchange for payments. "We say that we can make this more convenient for you," Tudor said. We may no longer buy more energy, but comfort. In a trial of nearly 100 homes conducted by the government-funded Energy Systems Catapult, people pay not for use but for temperature and the number of rooms they heat. "What we see is that companies add value to customers, rather than being someone they just have to have," said John Batterbee, chief engineer for Energy Systems Catapult. Video: Smart Homes Offer Energy Savings (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3904-homes-without-energy-bills-smart-systems-are-key.html" }
Have you ever walked barefoot on the warm sand of the beach? Or have you kicked off your shoes in the morning and run your toes in the dew-covered grass? There is something inherently rewarding about feeling your skin in direct contact with the soil - for example, putting your bare hands in the soil while gardening. This satisfying feeling is not just a fluke; Rather, it is the result of your body's contact with the Earth's surface, through which electricity is conducted - a phenomenon known as grounding or earthing. The Earth carries a huge negative charge. It is always rich in electrons and can be useful as a powerful and abundant source of antioxidant electrons that scavenge free radicals. Your body is delicately tuned to "work" with the earth, in the sense that there is a constant flow of energy between the two. When you put your feet on the ground, you absorb large amounts of negative electrons through the soles of your feet. The effect is enough to keep your body at the same negative electrical potential as Earth. The simple process of grounding is one of the most powerful antioxidants we know of. Grounding has been shown to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, increase well-being, and much, much more. Unfortunately, many of the people who live in developed countries rarely connect with the earth today. Dr. James Oschman, an expert in the field of energy medicine with a BA in biophysics and a Ph.D. in biology from the University of Pittsburgh, stated: “In the publications and practices of various cultures around the world, subjective reports can be found indicating that walking barefoot on the Earth improves health and provides a sense of well-being. For a variety of reasons, many people are reluctant to walk barefoot outside unless they are on a beach vacation. " More than a dozen studies confirm the psychological effects of Grounding Dr. Oschman, in conjunction with a dozen other researchers, has conducted research on the psychological effects of grounding. More than a dozen studies have been published in peer-reviewed journals showing its benefits for inflammation, immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases. According to an analysis published inJournal of Inflammation Research: “Grounding reduces or even prevents the cardinal signs of inflammation caused by injuries: redness, heat, swelling, pain and loss of function… Rapid resolution of painful chronic inflammation was confirmed in 20 case studies, in which infrared scanning was used ... Our main hypothesis is that connecting the body to the Earth allows the free electrons on its surface to enter and distribute in the body, where they can have antioxidant effects. Specifically, we suggest that the mobile electrons generate an antioxidant microenvironment around the wound repair field, which prevents reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated in the oxidative burst, from causing 'collateral damage' to healthy tissue, and prevents or it reduces the formation of the so-called "inflammatory response". We also assume that electrons from Earth can prevent or resolve so-called "silent" or "latent" inflammation. Interestingly, grounding research has found that if you place your feet on the ground after an injury (or on a sheet that has grounded or if you place grounding patches on the metatarsals), electrons will migrate into your body and will be distributed in your tissues. Any free radicals that seep into healthy tissue will immediately be electrically neutralized. This happens because electrons are negative, while free radicals are positive, so they cancel each other out. Grounding May Improve Sleep, Reduce Pain, Support Heart Health, and More In a summary of the discoveries made to date, Dr. Oschman and his colleagues state that grounding appears to have a variety of beneficial health effects, including: Improve sleep Normalize the night-day rhythm of cortisol Reduce pain Reduce stress Shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic activation Increase heart rate variability Accelerate wound healing Reduce the viscosity of the blood The grounding concept was initially developed by Clint Ober. In a study Ober conducted in 2000, some people with chronic muscle and joint pain and sleep disorders were randomly divided into sleeping grounded or "falsely" grounded. Most of the connected sleepers reported symptomatic improvement in sleep and pain, and some also reported significant relief from their asthmatic and respiratory conditions, rheumatoid arthritis, PMS, sleep apnea, and hypertension. According toJournal of Environmental and Public Health: "These results indicated that the effects of earthing go beyond reducing pain and improving sleep." Even another study found that making contact with the ground during a single night of sleep caused significant changes in the concentration of minerals and electrolytes in the participants' blood, and connecting for 72 hours caused a decrease in fasting glucose in people with diabetes In addition, making contact while sleeping was also determined to be the first known intervention to accelerate recovery from late-onset muscle pain (DMAT), that is, pain and stiffness that appear hours or days after strenuous exercise.7 Reduction of inflammation and stress as a result of grounding has also been documented. According to prominent cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, inflammation develops when blood is thick and under high stress due to free radicals and many positive charges in the body. Making contact with the ground effectively relieves inflammation as this thins the blood and fills your body with negatively charged ions through the soles of your feet. Grounding for anti-aging One of the dominant theories about aging is that of free radicals, which indicates that aging occurs due to cumulative damage to the body caused by free radicals. Free radicals are obtained through wounds or chronic inflammation, breathing, and the food you eat, among other things. While the ideal is not to eliminate ALL free radicals, the healthy balance of antioxidant electrons in the body should be maintained to ensure that the damage caused by free radicals does not get out of control. Earthing can achieve this delicate balance, as its effects on inflammation are evidenced. Infrared medical scan shows that inflammation begins to subside within 30 minutes of being grounded. At the same time, metabolic activity increases, as well as oxygen consumption, pulse rate and respiration, and oxygenation of the blood decreases after 40 minutes. The researchers refer to this as "filling" the negative charge reservoirs, which, once saturated, can distribute antioxidant electrons to injured areas. According toJournal of Inflammation Research: “These considerations also imply anti-aging effects of earthing or grounding, since the dominant theory on aging emphasizes the cumulative damage caused by ROS produced during normal metabolism or in response to pollutants, poisons or injuries. We assume that there is an anti-aging effect of grounding that is based on a living matrix that reaches every part of the body and that is capable of carrying antioxidant electrons to the parts where the integrity of the tissue could be compromised, due to reactive oxidants from any source. ”. ‘An Essential Element in the Formula of Health’ Simply by going outside, being barefoot, touching the ground, and allowing your body's excess load to release onto the ground, you can alleviate some of the stress that continually hits your system. Walking barefoot can help you recover from the constant assault of electromagnetic fields and other radiation from cell phones, computers, and Wi-Fi. Grounding is also believed to help facilitate the formation of structured water in the body. Additionally, grounding also calms the sympathetic nervous system, which supports cardiac index variability. When cardiac index variability is maintained, homeostasis, balance, in the autonomic nervous system is promoted. This is important, because when the variability of the cardiac index improves, the entire organism and all its functions improve. If you want to know more, watch the documentaryGrounded (in which I appear). You'll hear first-hand reports from Haines, Alaska residents who have overcome chronic pain, sleep apnea, and more, simply by connecting to the ground. According toJournal of Environmental and Public Health, grounding is truly an essential element for human health: “Research, observations, and related theories about earthing raise an intriguing possibility about electrons on the Earth's surface as an unused health resource - Earth as a 'global bed' for therapy. Emerging evidence shows that contact with the Earth - whether by walking barefoot outside or by connecting indoors to conductive grounding systems - can be a simple, natural, and deeply effective environmental strategy against chronic stress, ANS dysfunction. , inflammation, pain, poor quality sleep, HRV disturbances, hypercoagulable blood, and many health disorders, such as cardiovascular disease. Research to date supports the concept that connecting the human body to the earth can be an essential element in the formula for health, in conjunction with sunlight, clean air and water, nutritious food and activity. physical". Simple ways to connect to Earth Many people in the United States spend most of their waking time wearing shoes with rubber or plastic soles. These materials are very effective insulators, precisely for which they are used to insulate electrical cables. However, they also effectively disconnect it from Earth's natural flow of electrons. Wearing shoes with leather soles will allow you to stay grounded, just as you will walk barefoot, although you will need to do so on the proper surface. The surfaces where it can be grounded are: Sand beach) Grass (preferably wet) Earth Concrete and brick (as long as it is not painted or sealed) Ceramic tile As I mentioned, simply taking your shoes off as much as possible when outside will help you take advantage of natural grounding opportunities. When you're indoors, using a grounding pad or sheet is a great way to stay grounded while working or sleeping. For people who travel frequently, I even generally bring a pad with me to make contact with the ground when I fly, although Dr. Sinatra claims that just taking off your shoes and placing your feet (barefoot or with socks) on the metal strut will achieve the effect. According toJournal of Environmental and Public Health: “From a practical point of view, doctors could recommend to patients 'shoeless sessions' outside, when weather and conditions allow. In general, it has been observed that just going barefoot for 30 to 40 minutes a day can significantly reduce pain and stress… Obviously, connecting barefoot to Earth is free. However, the use of conductive systems when sleeping, working or relaxing indoors provides a more convenient strategy that makes it easier for you to continue with your routine ”. Video: What is GroundingEarthing? 5 Amazing Benefits of Grounding (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3612-what-is-grounding-and-how-does-it-affect-your-health.html" }
065. “… To dance is to pray, to pray is to heal, to heal is to give, to give is to live, to live, is to dance…”. 064. “… May the stars take your sadness away. / May the flowers fill your heart with beauty. / May hope always dry your tears. / And, above all, that silence makes you strong… ”. Chief dan george 063. “… In the Circle, we are all the same. / There is no one in front of you and there is no one behind you. / Nobody is above you. No one is beneath you. / The Circle is Sacred because it is designed to create Unity… ”. Lakota Wisdom 062. “… He who believes believes; / He who creates does; / He who makes transforms himself and the society in which he lives… ”. Mayan proverb 061. “… We are all flowers in the garden of the Great Spirit. / We share a common root, and the root is Mother Earth. / The garden is beautiful, because it has different colors in it, / and the colors represent the different traditions and cultures… ”. Grandfather David Monongye, of the Hopi people. 060. “… Our way of life is not hard as stone. / It is like the penetrating sight in a glass that penetrates. / So are our brothers and so are our children. / The stability of a pitchfork does not last. / But the goodness and warmth of the sun does last, / because we have its crystal in our being… ”. Desana mythology 059. “… Certain things can catch your eye. / But follow only those who can capture your heart… ”. Sioux Proverb 058. “… With this sacred pipe you will walk on earth; because the earth is your Grandmother and Mother, and it is sacred. Every step that is taken on Her should be like a prayer. The bowl of this pipe is made of red stone; it is the Earth… The barrel of the pipe is made of wood, and it represents everything that grows on Earth… all things in the universe are united to you who smoke the pipe; all send their voice to Wakán Tanka, the Great Mystery. When you pray with this pipe, you pray for everything and with everything… ”. Black Elk, Sioux Oglala 057. “… Many of the white man's ways are beyond our comprehension. Behind anything, there is always a role. Whites must think that paper has a mysterious power to help them in the world. The Indian does not need the writings, the words sink deep into his heart, where they remain. He never forgets them. On the other hand, if the white man loses his papers, he is helpless. I heard one of your preachers say that no white man was admitted to heaven, unless there were written about him in a great book!… ”. Four Guns - Oglala Sioux 056. “… Every step you take should be a prayer. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always walk in a sacred way… ”. Oglala Sioux Holy Man 055. “… Once in Victoria, I saw a very large house. They told me it was a bank and that white men put their money there to be cared for, and that they got it back with interest. We are Indians and we do not have such a bank; But when we have a lot of blankets, we give them to bosses and people, and little by little they give them back to us with interests, humility, a smile and a song to Mother Earth, that is what interests are and our heart feels good , because as children we were taught the joy of giving what we most wanted without expecting anything in return. Our way of giving is our bank… ”. Chief Machinist 054. “… The Native American was a religious man from the womb of his mother. The religion of the American Indians is the last thing that the man of another race will understand. There were no temples or shrines among us except those of nature . Nature was our link with the Great Spirit, through which the mystery of silence, the sacred ... was manifested. Charles Eastman, Ohiyesa - Dakota Sioux Santee 052. “… The Native American has been generally despised by his white conquerors for his poverty and simplicity. They forget, perhaps, that their religion denied the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of luxury. A religion born of silence that gave the understanding of humility. In addition, it was the rule of his life, to share the fruits of his ability and success, with his less fortunate brothers. Thus he kept his spirit free from the obstruction of pride, greed or envy, and carried out, as he believed, the decree of divine matter, deeply important to him… ”. 051. "... You already have everything you need to become great ...". Proverb Crow 050. “… Changes in the laws of man, with his understanding of man. Only the laws of the Spirit remain the same… ”. Proverb Crow 049. "... The only things that need the protection of men, are the things of men, not the things of the spirit ...". Proverb Crow 048. "... We will be known forever by the footprints we leave ...". Dakota Proverb 047. "... There is no death, only a change of worlds ...". Chief Seattle - Duwamish 046. "... The rain falls on the just and the unjust ...". Hopi proverb 045. "... All dreams are threads that come out of the same Network ...". Hopi proverb 044. "... He who tells the stories rules the world ...". Hopi proverb 042. "... The supreme law of the Earth, is the law of the Great Spirit, not the law of man ...". Hopi proverb 040. "... A brave man dies only once, a coward many ...". Iowa Proverb 039. "... The greatest strength is temperance ...". Kiowa proverb 038. “… Seek wisdom, not knowledge. Knowledge is from the past, wisdom from the present… ”. Lumbee Proverb 037. "... Pray to understand what man has forgotten ...". Lumbee Proverb 036. "... The soul would not have a rainbow, if the eyes did not have tears ...". Minquass proverb 034. “… You cannot wake up a person pretending to be asleep…”. Navajo proverb 033. “… I have been to the confines of the earth, / I have been to the confines of the waters, / I have been to the confines of the heavens, / I have been to the confines of the mountains, / I have not found any, who don't be my friend… ”. Navajo proverb 032. “… Thoughts are like arrows: Once released, they hit their target. Keep them well, or one day you can be your own victim… ”. Navajo proverb 031. “… Judge not with your eyes, but with your heart…”. Cheyenne Proverb 030. "... The first and last teacher is our own heart ...". Cheyenne proverb 029. "... Take only what you need and leave the land as you found it ...". Arapaho Proverb 028. “… When we show our respect for other living beings, they respond with respect towards us…”. Arapaho Proverb 027. "... Ask questions from your heart, and they will be answered from the heart ...". Omaha Proverb 026. "... When a fox walks lame, the old rabbit jumps ...". Oklahoma Proverb 025. “… The man who keeps his being always calm and imperturbable despite the storms of existence (without not a leaf, as it were, shaking on the tree; not a ripple on the surface of the luminous pool) , that man, in the opinion of the illiterate sage, has the ideal attitude and conduct in life. If you ask him what silence is, he will answer: “It is the Great Mystery! The sacred silence is his voice! ”. If you ask him what the fruits of silence are, he will tell you: “Self-control, true courage or endurance, patience, dignity, and reverence. Silence is the cornerstone of character… ”. Charles Eastman, Ohiyesa - Dakota Sioux Santee, 1902. 024. "... Guard your tongue in youth," said old Chief Wabashaw, "and in old age you may mature a thought that will be of use to your people." Charles Eastman, Ohiyesa - Dakota Sioux Santee, 1902. 023. “… Why do you take from us by force what you can achieve with love? Why do you destroy us who provide you with food? What can you achieve with war? We are unarmed and ready to give you what you ask if you come as friends ... I am not so simple as not to know that it is better to eat good meat, sleep comfortably, live quietly with my wives and my children, laugh and enjoy with the English and be their friend, trade with them for copper and axes, than to escape from them ... Put down the shotguns and swords, the cause of all our envy, or you can die in the same way… ”. Wahunsonacock - Powathan Confederacy, 1609. 022. “… You say that you have been sent to teach us to worship the Great Spirit according to his will and that if we do not accept your religion that you white people teach, we will be unhappy later. You say that you are right and that we are wrong. How do we know that this is true? We know that your religion is written in a book. If it had been intended for us as it was for you, why hasn't the Great Spirit given it to us? Brother, you say there is only one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is only one religion, why do you disagree so much? If you can all read the book, why don't you all agree? We don't understand these things brother. We too have a religion that our ancestors received and that we, their children, have inherited. We worship that way. It teaches us to be grateful for all the favors received; to love each other and to be united. We never quarrel over religion… ”. Red coat to a Christian missionary, Seneca, 1805. 021. “… We believe that the spirit pervades all creation and that all creatures possess a soul to some degree, although not necessarily a self-conscious soul. The tree, the waterfall, the gray bear, each one of them is an incarnate Force and, as such, an object of reverence… ”. Charles Eastman, Ohiyesa - Dakota Sioux Santee, 1902. 020. "... The more you know, the greater your confidence and the lower your fear ...". Prayer Medewiwin, Ojibway 019. "... To touch the earth, you have to have harmony with nature ...". Sioux Oglala Proverb 018. “… Talk to your children while they are eating; what you say will stand even after they are gone… ”. Nez Perce Proverb 017. “… Go ahead boldly: When in doubt, stand still, don't move, and wait. When doubt no longer exists for you, then go ahead boldly. As long as the fogs around you are gone, then keep going. Continue until the Light of the Sun penetrates through the mists and dispels them. As he surely will, since his stillness has made it possible, he will then act with courage… ”. White Eagle - Ponca 016. “… Clinging: / Clinging to what is good, / Even if it is a handful of dirt. / Hold on to what you believe in, / Even if it is a tree that stands on its own. / Hang on to what you have to do, / Even if it's a long way from here. / Hold on to life, / Even if it's easier to let go. / Hold on to my hand, / Even if someday I have to go away from you… ”. Prayer Indians Pueblo 015. “… And while I was there, I saw more than I can say, and I understood more than I saw; because I was seeing in a sacred way, the forms of all things in the spirit, and the form of all forms, since they must live together as one being… ”. Black Elk - Sioux Oglala 014. “… They come on the path of the song, / Without leaving traces there, / On the Rainbow Bridge / On the mountain step. / They come on the path of song, / Gods of the Navajo, / Out of Heaven and Earth / And the five worlds below… ”. Navajo Poem We return thanks to the Rivers and Streams, which provide us with water. We return thanks to all the Herbs, which provide medicines for the cure of our diseases. We return thanks to the Moon and the Stars, who gave us their light when the sun had gone. We return thanks to the Sun, which observes the earth with a beneficent look. Finally, we give thanks to the Great Spirit, in whom all good things are embodied, and who directs all things for the good of his children… ”. Iroquois Prayer 012. “… As silently as the little rabbit's feet, the Glory of the morning Sun comes to greet you. The Red Man adores him in his own way. For this, ask the Spirit every day; Before judging my friend, let me wear his loafers for two weeks, and share the path I was going to take with them; then, I will understand him and I will not condemn him ”. Lakota prayer 011. "... We are a child turning through Mother Sky ...". Shawnee proverb 009. "... Show respect for all men, but not crawl before any ...". Shawnee Proverb 008. "... We are made of Mother Earth and we return to Mother Earth ...". Shenandoah Proverb 007. “… I don't think the measure of a civilization is measured by the height of its concrete buildings. But rather, because of how people have learned to relate to their environment and their peers… ”. Gheezis Mokwa, Sun Bear / Solar Bear - Chippewa 006. “… Everything on Earth has its purpose, every disease has its herb that cures it, and each person has his mission. This is the Indian theory of existence… ”. Humishuma, Morning Pigeon - Salish 005. "... Like the grass, that shows its tender faces to each other, so we must do, that was the wish of the Grandparents of the World ...". Black Elk - Oglala 004. - Oh, Great Spirit! "... Help me always to speak the truth in stillness, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that is found in silence ...". Cherokee Prayer 003. “… The track of the sun / across the luminous sky / leaves its bright message, / illuminating, / strengthening, / warming the Earth, / to those of us who are here, / it shows us that we are not alone, / that we are still alive ! / And this fire …… / Our fire… .. / It will not die… ”. Path to the Sun - Choctaw Poem 002. “… You are part of me now / Now that you have touched me, / with your goodness and love / I am delighted. / Your soft lips are kind. / Your eyes light up with life. / I'm glad you touched me, / You are part of me now… ”. You Are Part of Me - Cherokee Poem 001. “… May the warm wind from the sky / Blow gently on your house. / May the Great Spirit bless all who enter it. / May your Moccasins make happy roads in many snows. / And may the Rainbow always touch your shoulder… ”. Cherokee Prayer ______________________________________________________________________ Extracted from: The wall of Maximilian Laplace Cortés on Facebook / from: www.grandes-voces.blogspot.com - and from: Joseph Bruchac, anthology of "The wisdom of the American Indian", José J. de Olañeta, Editor, 2001. [FD, 07/16/2006] - www.filosofiadigital.com/?p=535, and other sources. Video: Take Action BEFORE graduating in Biomedical Science. Biomed Master (October 2020). "Cooperative supermarkets are one of the solutions to achieve sustainability"
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/4009-the-wisdom-of-the-indigenous-peoples-65-quotes-that-y.html" }
The organization Pueblos Catamarqueños en Resistencia y Autodeterminación (Pucará, which brings together assemblies in the province) called and organized the First Water Summit. The headquarters was the National University of Catamarca. With the auditorium full, Marcos Pastrana, a reference for the Diaguita People and a pioneer in the fight against mega-mining, made a historical journey from the indigenous perspective of the looting of the northern countries on Latin America. “If they kill the water they kill the culture and the life of the people. There are no human rights if nature is not respected ”, stated Pastrana. He questioned that the promoters and legitimators of the extractive model put aside the knowledge of the people and privilege the power of money. "The mining companies buy rulers, they buy judges and journalists, but the consciences of those who fight in defense of the territory will not be able to," he warned. He recalled that another way of life is possible, the "sumaj Kawsay", a Quechua term that refers to the "good living" of native peoples, without predating nature, without consumerism. Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Nobel Peace Prize and head of the Peace and Justice Service (Serpaj) gave a reading in Latin American terms, “these are difficult moments” and with the right wing in advance. “We are not here just for the water. We are to confront the domination of capital over the peoples. When territories are handed over to multinationals, sovereignty is being lost ”, he clarified. He defined mega-mining as "colonial looting." “The right of the peoples to self-determination, a healthy environment, development, and sovereignty must be fulfilled. We have the right to live with dignity. If these rights are violated, it ceases to be a democracy, ”said Pérez Esquivel. The meeting was carried out in a self-managed way, and summoned activists and researchers from Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Uruguay, among other countries. The situation of the GMO and agro-toxic agribusiness, the contamination and violation of the rights of the oil companies in Neuquén and Mendoza, the dams that flood territories and evict thousands of people (the most worrying is the Garabí project in Misiones), the expansion of the urban frontier, lithium mining and scientific complicity, nuclear energy and its consequences. The work in commissions was then put in common, debated and consensus was sought in plenary sessions on Sunday. From there a final document emerged that will be made public this morning and it will also be announced where the second water summit will be held. One aspect of the daily agenda in the socio-environmental assemblies, especially after 2001, is the questioning of delegative-representative democracy, the “conservative limits of current democracy”, voting only every two years and that those representatives believe they have rights to decide extractive activities in territories far from the center of political power. On the other hand, the votes of Esquel and Loncopué (against mega-mining), in Misiones (1996 and 2014) are examples of direct democracy over territories, where the affected populations decide which activities they privilege. Another axis is to frame extractivism as a systematic violation of human rights and not limit it to the environment (as political and media sectors do). A whole message that Pérez Esquivel and Nora Cortiñas, one of the few figures who unite the complaint against the last dictatorship and support for the territorial struggles of the present, have been at the opening of the summit. The summit was broadcast live on community radio FM Estación Sur and the National Alternative Media Network (RNMA). During the two days it was evident the need to articulate struggles, sustain the resistance with joy and the construction outside the political parties. "We put catharsis aside and take note of our strengths, to stop being on the defensive and go on the offensive, to dispute from the street, with our capacity for organization, territorial work, with scientists and enforcing our rights", warned Cristina Arnulphi, an assembly member from Córdoba. Nora Cortiñas, from Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Línea Fundadora was also at the opening day. “We are not afraid (to fight). Water is worth more than gold ”, he began his speech and already started a wave of applause and shouts of approval. With the emblematic white scarf and the green one on his left wrist, he remembered Santiago Maldonado, Rafael Nahuel "and all the dead that do not appear in the newspapers." He vindicated the struggle of the native peoples, regretted that in Argentina “many find out late” about the violation of rights suffered by indigenous communities and stressed that many of the current struggles are for land. It united concepts, actors and actions that make up the same model: extractivism, loss of sovereignty, imperialism, multinationals, foreign debt. In the end, fist raised, he called to "transform the protest and proposal" and "never leave the streets." The audience responded standing up, fists raised, with endless applause. Defend life "It is not for sale, the water defends itself", was one of the main songs of the two days. There was rock and folklore, painted a dozen murals distributed throughout the city and specific activities for children. In terms of purpose, we worked on agroecology (healthy food, without pesticides), food sovereignty and fair trade. “We fight to leave a better world for our children and grandchildren, we want participatory democracy. Let governments and transnational companies know that we will continue to defend water as a common good, of all, and not as a commercialized natural resource. We will continue defending life, "said Sergio Martínez, from the El Algarrobo Assembly of Andalgalá and Pucará. By Darío Aranda. Full version of the article published in the newspaper Página12 on September 17, 2018. Video: Nestlé Doesnt Think Water Is A Human Right - Bill Burr @ Conan 2015 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3513-water-as-a-human-right.html" }
In recent years it has been discovered that the synthetic microfibers that come off when we wash our clothes are polluting the water in our oceans, in addition to being assimilated by aquatic organisms. The alarm has been triggered when a study carried out by the University of California has been published, in which it can be read thaton average 1.7 grams of microfibers are released in each wash. These fibers travel through the drainage system to reach rivers, lakes and oceans. Themicrofibers Synthetics are very dangerous since they contain toxic substances that are assimilated by animals and bioaccumulate along the trophic chain. Some textile industries have started manufacturing new fabrics using recycled plastic bottles, which at first glance seems like a great solution. However, in its elaboration the bottles are transformed into millions ofmicrofibers to make garments. The scientific community questions this strategy since this solution is more polluting than leaving the bottle without doing anything. Themicrofibers They are not only a problem that affects the oceans but also inland waters, according to Abigail Barrows, principal investigator of the Global Microplastics Initiative, which belongs to the Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation group. He has made statements, in which he affirms that in more than2,000 samples analyzed from fresh and marine water, in 90% of them microfibers are present. In another study, this time by Chelsea Rochman from the University of California, it has shown that fibers from plastic contaminate most of the food we eat daily. Rochman in his work, has analyzed the fish and shellfish that are sold in the markets of Indonesia and the United States.The results indicate that fish from Indonesia contain traces of plastics and those from the United States mostly contain fibers. Rochman explains that his data reflects that the use of the washing machine is not as common in Indonesia as in the United States as well as the industries that work with synthetic fabrics. The University of Plymouth also conducted its studies and concluded that more than 700,000 microscopic plastic fibers are released in each washing machine wash cycle, and many of them bypass the scrubbers and reach rivers and oceans. The research team studied what happens when different synthetic materials are washed in domestic washing machines, with different combinations of detergents. The results show that acrylic fabrics are the most polluting, since in each wash they release almost 730,000 particles, five times more than mixed polyester and cotton fabrics and 1.5 times more than polyester. According to Plymouth research leader Richard Thompson, more work is needed to understand the effect of other factors, such as the duration of washes, the design of the filters in the washing machines or the speed of the spin. Either way, he also states that "the industry needs to think about fabric design to ensure that emissions are minimized." The harmful effects that microfibers cause are numerous, so it is time for governments and industries to come together to solve the problem and reduce the most abundant waste on the planet. For this, several solutions are being proposed, such as making a washing machine that washes without water, instead using pressurized carbon dioxide or using a ball that is inserted inside the washing machine to attract and capture the fibers that come off the clothes. Always the best solution is to stop using garments made with synthetic fabrics and opt for natural fabrics, in addition to minimizing the use of products made with plastic. Video: Is Your Fleece Jacket Polluting The Oceans? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3908-microfibers-from-our-clothes-pollute-the-sea.html" }
When you clean your bathroom, in addition to cleaning the sanitary ware you use daily, the floor and even the walls, it is also important to clean the shower or bath screen that protects from splashes and spills of water when you shower or bathe. How can I clean the bathroom screen? The bathroom screen is an element that, in addition to fulfilling the mission of preventing water from spilling out of the shower or bathtub when you are showering, has a decorative function since it can be the brightest element in the bathroom and sometimes the protagonist. But this element can lose all its charm if it is not completely clean becausecan collect dirt very easily. After each shower, they arelime residue found in the water,soap residue and other chemicals or evenmold that gradually stick to the surface giving it a dull and neglected appearance. If your bathroom has a window, you will likely leave it open a few minutes after taking a shower so that theexcess moisture evaporate. If you are not so lucky to have a window in this room of the house, you should dry the screen every day after wetting it to prevent the stains that we have mentioned from remaining. In both cases, it is most likely thatyour screen needs to be cleaned frequently, and although you can find specific products to clean it, today I am going to tell you how you can do it withwater and vinegar, so that with little effort, it is impeccable. Clean your screen with water and vinegar If your screen is made of glass, the easiest way to clean it is water and white vinegar, preferably the cleaning one, since you will getdescale the lime at the same time that you will clean it properly. 1 spray bottle. 1/2 cup of vinegar. 1/2 cup of water 1 spray bottle. 1 sponge. 1 cotton lint-free cloth. 1 rubber scraper or spatula. First, you have to mix in the spray bottlewater and vinegar in equal parts. Next, you have to spray the part inside the screen well, which is the one that usually stains the most, with this solution, and leave it to act for about five minutes. Then take the sponge and rub the solution well to remove the lime and soap residues that remain adhered to the glass. If your screen has sliding doors,don't forget the lane, since that is where more dirt and lime can accumulate because it is not a surface that is sometimes so accessible. Perhaps in this case, after applying the water with the vinegar with the sprayer, you can help yourself with a toothbrush that you no longer use to rub that area well and leave it very clean. When you have already suitably rubbed the entire surface andwell removed the traces of lime or moldYou can rinse with the shower tap and then pass the dry cloth to dry well or the rubber scraper from top to bottom to remove excess water, whichever you prefer. For the outside of the screen, just spray the water and vinegar solution and then rub with a dry, lint-free cotton cloth. In this case, as it will not have so much lime residue, it usually works well with this step alone, without the need to rinse with the shower tap. Remember that if your screen has aluminum or steel finishes, be careful to do a small test on a non-visible part of these parts before cleaning all that surface, in case they deteriorate with this solution. Video: How to Clean a Bathtub! Easy Bathtub Cleaning Routine (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3045-how-to-clean-your-bathroom-naturally.html" }
Lucía Muñoz, a contributor to Pikara Magazine, has interviewed the Indian activist Vandana Shiva. If there is life on earth… It is because the earth has been created for millions of years so that we can live on it. The fact that there is life only in it has only been possible thanks to the women who have fought for the community, for society and for the new generations…. Video: Dr Vandana Shiva - Decoding PM Modis visit to the US (October 2020). Children should have the right to access nature Solar storm will affect the Earth in the coming days
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3210-interview-with-vandana-shiva-ecofeminism-vs-capitali.html" }
Vegan-Peruvian Chef Born in Lima and now based in Los Angeles, Antoanet Aburto, also known as “Chef Toni,” is a classically trained chef who offers exciting twists on traditional favorites. Toni shared her Papa Rellena recipe with us. 1 kg. Potatoes (white ones, waxy), washed Vegetable oil, for frying. 1 small sweet onion, diced 1 garlic clove, minced 250 gr. small assorted mushrooms, diced or 1 cup ground beef-style faux beef 1 tomato, peeled, seeded, and diced. Salt to taste Pepper to taste Oregano, to taste Paprika (paprika), to taste. 1/3 cup flour 4 botija olives, chopped or 1 handful of raisins or currants Creole sarsa, to decorate. Lime wedges, to decorate. Instructions: Cook the potatoes in salted water until tender enough to puree. Let cool. Coat the bottom of a skillet with vegetable oil and sauté the onions and garlic over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and let rest (DO NOT touch or stir!) Until bottoms are golden brown, about 1 minute, then flip or stir. Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, and paprika and sauté for an additional 30 seconds. Set aside. Season the cooled mashed potatoes with salt and pepper, then divide into 4 servings. (For smaller potato balls, divide into 6 to 8 servings.) Lather up your hands as well as a flat surface or mixing bowl. Take a portion of the mashed potatoes and form a bowl. Fill with the cooked mushrooms and some diced olives, then close the ends of the bowl and seal the inner filling. (Traditionally in Peru, we create an oblong shape, like a potato, for larger portions, but personally I prefer the spherical shape of the ball for a finer presentation.) Rinse the balls, then fry them in very hot oil until all sides are golden brown. Let dry on a paper towel. Garnish with Creole sarsa and lime wedges and serve with white rice. Sprinkle with lemon juice while you eat! Video: Vegan in Peru (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3315-peruvian-chef-shares-his-favorite-vegan-recipe.html" }
Thermal inertia stoves -also known as thermal mass stoves or rocket stoves- are known especially in colder countries for their high energy efficiency compared to conventional fireplaces. But more and more they are an alternative in our country thanks to bio-construction and their high efficiency that allows reducing energy consumption and saving costs. But what is the key? Mateu Ortoneda, specialist and author of the manual Construction of masonry stoves, tells us: “The secret is to ensure that the smoke comes out as cold as possible to the surface and that the heat remains in the stove. Herein lies its efficiency ”. And for this, the smoke must be accompanied by a shot with special characteristics. These stoves make better use of heat because they accumulate it and spread it slowly, even if there is no longer any firewood. If it is also accompanied by materials such as clay mortars, this effect is enhanced by the thermal inertia of the clay itself and comfort is increased due to its ability to regulate the relative humidity of the environment. The image that accompanies this article corresponds to a thermal mass stove built by Mateu Ortoneda in a workshop and in which ecoclay clay mortars are used. Ortoneda points out that “clay is basic. Mortars regulate the relative humidity of the environment in the exact proportion. Thus they contribute to making homes warmer in winter and colder in summer. A house will always be more pleasant if clay plasters are used ”. And it summarizes in three the keys to bet on thermal inertia stoves: They dose the heat. The stove stores the heat and doses it. 10 kilos of oak firewood have 4,000 kilocalories, the key is to use it better than conventional stoves. They improve air quality. No positive ions are released into the atmosphere. Radiation heat. The one used in bioconstruction since with less temperature greater comfort is achieved. Thermal inertia stoves adapt to any decorative style. It must be borne in mind that a ton of material is used for its construction so they can only be installed in homes that support this weight. It is not a recommended system for a weekend home, although there are options that would allow its use. Ortoneda recommends, for example, the thermal shield or the thermal column. Video: The PAN OVEN, building the worlds most energy efficient stove top cooking system (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3710-what-are-efficient-stoves.html" }
According to the World Health Organization, 68 percent of the causes of death in the world are due to non-communicable diseases. The main diseases of this type, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and cancer of the digestive system and associated organs, are related to the consumption of industrial food. Industrial agricultural production and the use of pesticides that it implies (herbicides, pesticides and other biocides) is also the cause of the most frequent diseases of rural workers, their families and inhabitants of towns near industrial planting areas, including chronic kidney failure, poisoning and poisoning by chemicals and chemical residues in water, skin diseases, respiratory diseases and various types of cancer. According to a 2016 report from the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES Food), of the world's 7 billion people, 795 million suffer from hunger, 1.9 billion are obese and 2 billion suffer from nutritional deficiencies (lack of vitamins , minerals and other nutrients). Although the report clarifies that in some cases the numbers overlap, it still means that about 60 percent of the planet is hungry or undernourished. An absurd and unacceptable figure, which refers to global injustice, even more so due to the fact that obesity, which was once a symbol of wealth, is now an epidemic among the poor. We are invaded with food that has lost important percentages of food content due to refining and processing, vegetables that due to industrial planting have decreased their nutritional content due to the dilution effect, which implies that the nutrients are diluted with a greater volume of harvest on the same surface ( here); of foods with more and more pesticide residues and that contain many other chemicals, such as preservatives, flavorings, texturizers, colorants and other additives. Substances that, as happened with the so-called trans fats that a few decades ago were presented as healthy and are now known to be highly harmful, are gradually being revealed to have negative impacts on health. Contrary to the myth generated by industry and its allies - which many people believe due to lack of information - we do not have to tolerate this situation: the industrial system is not necessary to feed ourselves, neither now nor in the future. Currently it only reaches the equivalent of 30 percent of the world's population, although it uses more than 70 percent of the land, water and fuels used in agriculture (See ETC Group here). The myth is based on the large production volumes per hectare of industrially produced grains. But even in large quantities, the industrial food chain wastes 33 to 40 percent of what it produces. According to the FAO, 223 kilograms of food are wasted per person per year, equivalent to 1.4 billion hectares of land, 28 percent of the planet's agricultural land. To the waste in the field is added that of processing, packaging, transportation, sale in supermarkets and, finally, the food that is thrown away in homes, especially urban ones and the global north. This process of industrialization, standardization and chemicalization of agriculture is only a few decades old. Its main impulse was the so-called Green Revolution - the use of hybrid seeds, synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and machinery - promoted by the Rockefeller Foundation in the United States, starting with the hybridization of corn in Mexico and rice in the Philippines, through the centers which would later become the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). This paradigm has its maximum expression in transgenics. It was not only a technological change, it was the key tool to move from decentralized and diverse fields, based fundamentally on peasant and family work, public agronomic research and without patents, small, medium and national companies, to an immense global industrial market - since 2009 the largest global market - dominated by transnational companies that devastate soils and rivers, contaminate seeds and transport food around the planet out of season, for which chemicals and fossil fuels are essential. The aggression is not only for the control of markets and the imposition of technologies, against the health of people and nature. All diversity and local accents annoy industrialization, so it is also a continuous attack on collective and community being and doing, on the identities that local and diverse seeds and foods entail, on the act deeply rooted in the history of humanity of what and how to eat. Despite this, it is still the peasants, shepherds and artisanal fishermen, urban gardens, which feed the majority of the world's population. Defending them and affirming the diversity, production and local peasant and agro-ecological food is also defending the health and life of everyone and everything. Video: Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans. Full Documentary. Directed by Jeff Gibbs (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3416-food-or-garbage-the-disease-machine.html" }
Within the framework of World Respected Childbirth Week and under the slogan "Less interventions, more care", it is proposed to raise awareness and inform about the rights that protect mothers, fathers and children at birth. In Law 26,485 (2009) on Comprehensive Protection to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women in the areas in which their interpersonal relationships take place, in article 6 it defines Obstetric Violence as violence against women “that is exercised by the health personnel on the body and reproductive processes of women, expressed in dehumanized treatment, an abuse of medicalization and pathologization of natural processes, in accordance with Law 25,929 (2004) on Respected Childbirth ”. Law 25,929 for the Protection of Pregnancy and the Newborn, which has national application for all women and people with a pregnant capacity, speaks of the “right of women to information, to dignified and respectful and individual treatment, advocating the freedom of choice regarding the person who will accompany her during prenatal controls, labor, delivery and postpartum, putting natural delivery before invasive medication supply practices, without prejudice to the necessity and obligation of use of these practices when the state of health of the woman in labor and / or the unborn person warrants it with the mother's prior will expressly stated in writing in case it is required to commit it to any examination or intervention whose purpose is of investigation, under protocol approved by the Bioethics Committee ”. In addition, in the regulation of this law, article 2 explicitly states that the health team and the assisting institution must respect the free and informed choice of the place and the way in which the labor will go (walking, position, analgesia, accompaniment) and the route of birth, as long as it does not compromise the health of the mother-child binomial. What does this mean? First of all, our country, unlike our neighboring countries, has regulations against obstetric violence. Why? Because obstetrics is one of the most naturalized forms of violence and consists of the violation of women's rights in situations such as pre-delivery, delivery, post-delivery and abortion. And that there is legislation is the first step. Secondly, we have the right to be accompanied, to choose the position to give birth (the one that is comfortable for US), which should only be medicated when necessary and not by protocol, that we have the right to know what is happening in clear language. That we can choose if we want anesthesia, that we can choose to move freely and that for any intervention we must be consulted and we must give our consent. Among other things. A week transmitting and raising awareness of something that should be NATURALIZED without having to explain why. If there is an amparo law, it is because prior to this there was something that failed, that damaged and I need to be preserved. This is what we must understand. Video: Copy of Matthew 2:1-12 - Sunday, October 11 (October 2020). WHO warns about carcinogenic effects in Dyes used in sweets, cereals, pasta and beverages
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3814-respected-delivery-is-a-right-not-a-fashion.html" }
The World Cleanup Day will bring together millions of people in 155 countries next Saturday and aims to raise awareness about garbage and the pollution that waste causes in nature, especially in the oceans. The idea was born in Estonia in 2008, when some 50,000 people cleaned the entire country in just five days, since then the action of cleaning in a single day has spread throughout the world, creating one of the fastest grassroots movements growth of the story, according to the organizers. World Cleanup Day is a global program aimed at combating the global problem of solid waste, including the problem of marine litter. The next day of the World Cleanup Day will be carried out on September 15, 2018, beginning at 10 a.m., and covering time zones around the world, until concluding near the international date change line, in Hawaii. There are numerous organizations that facilitate and organize World Cleanup Day events around the world, such as Let’s Do It World. The pollution indexes and the amount of garbage in nature both on land and in the oceans are truly alarming, our planet needs an urgent cleaning and this Saturday, September 15, will be a good opportunity to take action on the matter. Millions of people around the planet will be summoned to unite and raise awareness among citizens. For the first time, on World Cleanup Day,World Cleanup Day in English, it will be done in a "coordinated manner throughout the world," according to Johnny Azpilicueta, national coordinator ofLet’s Do It World, organizing platform of the international event. The objective will be "to tackle the problem of waste pollution worldwide by cleaning streets, parks, beaches, forests and riverbanks," says the organization. In addition to the action of cleaning the streets, the day has a more transcendent goal, which is individual and collective awareness of the seriousness of the problem that our planet has with waste. From the organization, this day and the magnitude reached for this edition is understood as a "unique opportunity to create the spirit of collaboration at all levels." First edition coordinated around the world This initiative has been carried out in the last decade in 140 countries with the participation of 20 million people, but on different dates in each nation. “Let’s Do It World“, A non-fighting organization in which a group of people who are part of a mass movement led by citizens participate, is in charge of launching World Cleaning Day. Although there is not yet a definite figure on the number of participants, many people are joining around the world with actions, according to Azpilicueta. To be part of the initiative, which aims to be the largest civic action in the history of mankind, you can consult the profile of the movement atFacebook or on their website. What will they do in the world? At the international level, Azpilicueta has pointed out as notable cases the participation of 300 municipalities in Brazil or that of large corporations in France, contrary to what happens in the rest of the nations where it is more on the part of the citizenship itself. In Slovenia, the country where the initiative was born in 2008, and where more participation has been achieved with 14.6% of the population, it is expected to break the record in this edition, he added. In Spain, the action is supported by Greenpeace, SEO BirdLife, ZeroWaste, and a large number of companies, according to Azpilicueta. Likewise, hundreds of municipalities have joined hundreds of individuals, small businesses, city councils and associations of municipalities. Actions in this edition are expected to begin in the morning from New Zealand and end as the hours go by in Hawaii, creating a “powerful Green Wave” of cleanings. Organizations such as the United Nations, the Ocean Conservancy and large coalitions such as the Plastic Pollution Coalition have joined the initiative. Let's keep it clean Simultaneously with World Cleaning Day, the “Keep It Clean” movement is being launched, which includes a set of guidelines to preserve a clean planet, which is aimed at governments, companies, civil society and citizens. Cleaning beaches and public areas sounds like something that has been done before, but "our mission is not just to clean, but to really stop this problem once and for all." "Humans are the only species that have managed to generate materials that cannot be reused by the rest of the ecosystem," said Heidi Solba, one of the leaders of the Let’s Do It! Foundation. and part of the organizing team for World Cleaning Day. And what can you do? You can make the difference! Download the World Cleanup app and start mapping mismanaged waste, share it and join or create a cleanup event now! Bring change to your local community and map the garbage in your neighborhood. in your city, state, country or anywhere in the world while traveling, wherever you find mismanaged waste. All data collected by users around the world will be displayed on the global garbage map to kick off global cleanup events on World Cleanup Day on September 15, 2018. This is what you should do if you are interested in mapping garbage: - Download the World Cleanup app and ask your friends / colleagues to do it; - Go for a walk to find a pile of garbage, take a photo and verify that the garbage you see should not be there; - If you can clean it right there, great! Just mark the point as 'cleared' so the world knows. If you can't clean it, you can share it and ask your friends / colleagues / local council to help you. This is what you should do if you are interested in organizing the cleaning: - Download the World Cleanup app and ask your friends / colleagues to do it; - Browse the app to find existing events to join. If there are no events, you can contact your country team https://www.worldcleanupday.org/ or create your own event. - Look for garbage areas in your local neighborhood or in nearby natural places. Before creating an event, visit the area. The creator of the event is personally responsible for the safety of the participants. - Create the cleaning event and share it! Find the country team https://www.worldcleanupday.org/ World Cleanup Day - September 15, 2018 - Five hours of action with 5% of the world's population involved equals a clean planet. Use the app to join the greatest civic action in history. Take action now wherever you are! With each entry, you help your local community and make the world a cleaner place. Let's do it! The application currently runs on Android 5.0 or newer versions of the operating system version. Video: World Cleanup Day 2018 JCI (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3521-world-cleaning-day-what-will-you-do.html" }
Quinces are harvested in the southern hemisphere in April and it is a classic to prepare sweets and jellies that we can spread on toast or use in some pepa cookies or in a pastry. The difference with this recipe is that we will use muscovado sugar, which is healthier and more natural. Let us begin We wash and brush the quinces very well, they usually come with a fluff and you have to remove it. Once we clean them well, we cover them with water in a pot and bring them to a boil over medium heat. Once it boils, lower the heat and leave it for 10 more minutes. Remove from the heat, discard the water and let the quinces cool a bit. Cut into halves, remove the hard parts and their seeds (you can keep them, place them on a canvas or gauze and add them to the next preparation to add color. This is useful if you are going to do it with white sugar, with the masacabo it is not necessary because it already has color) and cut into small pieces. This is the moment when we are going to weigh it to calculate the amount of sugar we are going to need. For example, for 2 kg we add 50% muscovado sugar into a double bottom pot, also water until it covers the preparation and passes 1 finger. We place on the fire and cook until the quinces are tender, stirring from time to time with a spoon so that it does not stick to the bottom. It takes time, so don't rush your pace. Once tender we process carelessly with the mini pimer (by this I mean that there are some pieces of the quinces left, in case you don't want them, they process everything). We cook until we have the desired consistency. How do we know when the jam is ready? We take a plate, fill it with cold water and place a tablespoon of the preparation, if it does not spread out and stay in place, it is ready. How do we pack it? We take the glass jars that we have and place them with their separate lids in boiling water and leave them for a few minutes. We dry well with a clean cloth and they are ready to use. I would say that this is the first step when making the jam. Once we have the jam, we fill the jars, close tightly and leave them upside down until it cools. Ready. They made their homemade jam. How do you feel? I love it and I enjoy it a lot, I hope you do too. Clarification: Generally, jams are made 1: 1 the same amount of fruit as sugar, but being muscovado sugar that is sweeter, its flavor is similar to molasses, it has more nutrients and is healthier. If you decide to do it with white sugar, use the 1: 1 ratio for a better result. Video: Trending Dalgona Coffee using Muscovado Sugar (October 2020). Industrial agriculture hogs resources but is not the one who feeds people The world's first plastic-free supermarket
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3915-quince-sweet-with-muscovado-sugar.html" }
How should cities tackle the problem of garbage? The main thing is to set a clear objective: that a day comes when nothing is sent to final disposal or to incineration, says the world specialist on the subject, the British Paul Connett. Author of the book "Solution: Zero Waste", Connett was in Buenos Aires to disseminate his thesis on the matter, while in the Argentine capital a harsh debate on this issue is being waged. "The goal of zero waste can be achieved with a combination of factors that would allow the transition from linear to circular economy: the community must be involved and there must be industrial responsibility," Connett told IPS. Earlier, on Wednesday 18, this chemist and doctor in Toxicology, presented in a room of the Legislature (parliament) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires a 10-step strategy that excited the audience called for his conference on “Incineration; an environmental setback ”. “Society must separate its waste, which must be removed door to door. And it must say to the industry: if we cannot recycle what you make, or reuse it, or use it for composting, you must stop making it. We need better industrial design for the 21st century, "he told IPS. Connett, who grew up in England and lives in the United States, is a graduate of the British University of Cambridge who specialized in waste management for more than 20 years and has made presentations in more than 60 countries. He was invited to Argentina by Greenpeace, one of the civil society organizations that in recent months have questioned the decision made this year by the authorities of the City of Buenos Aires to re-enable the incineration of garbage, which was prohibited. The Argentine capital thus closes in a curious way a circle that began to be traced in November 2005, when the local Legislature voted the Law for the Comprehensive Management of Urban Solid Waste, considered at the time advanced and known precisely as “Zero Waste”. That rule set gradual targets to reduce the amounts of garbage that are sent to landfills on the outskirts of the metropolis, until nothing is sent in 2020. However, in the years that followed the plans to implement the separation and recycling of waste failed miserably, to the point that garbage not only did not decrease, but also grew: from 1,492,867 tons sent by Buenos Aires to landfills during 2004 it went to 2,086,740 in 2012, according to official figures. From then on, the garbage generated by the City did begin to reduce, although far from the targets set by law: 1,101,203 tons were buried in 2017, when the regulation had set a target of 373,217. Three million people live in the Argentine capital, which rises to 15 million when adding its metropolitan area, known as Greater Buenos Aires, which represents 34 percent of this South American country of 44 million inhabitants. “The City authorities have done practically nothing to reduce the amount of garbage that is sent to final disposal. If there has been a reduction in recent years, it is thanks to the work of the cartoneros, ”Leonel Mingo, Greenpeace Argentina's campaign coordinator, told IPS. As cartoneros, in Argentina, people excluded from the labor circuit are known who walk every night pushing their cars through the cities, in search of cardboard or other objects with economic value that they can find in the garbage. The autonomous government of the City of Buenos Aires formalized more than 5,000 of them, under the name of "urban recuperators", which are grouped into 12 cooperatives. Today they wear uniforms and have health coverage. Some separate their waste in the four green centers that depend on the State. However, it is estimated that cartoneros are more than double, since many did not manage to enter the official quotas and work informally. It is precisely the cartoneros who are in the first row in the fight against incineration, because they fear running out of the material that supports them. “We are an important actor and we are going to defend our rights. We are 12,000 cartoneros and we have the capacity to guarantee a sufficient recycling circuit to comply with the Zero Waste law. We are not going to allow incineration, ”one of these workers, Jacqueline Flores, told IPS. Flores, from the El Amanecer Cooperative, said that “I took the cart during the last crisis of 2001 and for years I made a living this way. Today I am part of a team of 100 colleagues who are environmental promoters and we ring the bell for the residents of Buenos Aires, asking them to deliver their waste separated to the cartoneros ”. In May, the City Legislature approved the amendment to the Zero Waste law, relaxing the waste reduction goals and enabling incineration. Mayor Horacio Rodríguez Larreta –of the Cambiemos alliance, led by President Mauricio Macri- was the one who promoted this law and said that thermo-valorization plants will be installed, which will convert garbage into energy. However, the plan is now shrouded in uncertainty, since in June a judge suspended the application of the law, accepting a joint proposal of cardboard cooperatives and environmental organizations, which indicated that the incineration will pollute the air of Buenos Aires. The judicial decision was appealed by the mayor and a definition is awaited. “Like Buenos Aires, many large Latin American cities have problems with garbage, which politicians do not know how to solve. You have to be stupid or corrupt to build an incinerator, ”Connett said. The specialist told IPS that different Latin American countries, due to their large surfaces, have great potential to reduce garbage. "The job of a big city should be to export organic waste to rural areas, where it must be turned into compost and used in agriculture," he said. "In turn, the recyclable waste must be sent from the field to the city, where they can take care of it because there are many people who can benefit from that work," added Connett. The visitor cited successful examples from the United States and Europe. One of them is that of the American city of San Francisco, which managed to reduce the waste sent to final disposal by 80 percent. One of the key factors for this was the installation 70 kilometers from the city of a composting plant that receives organic waste and turns it into fertilizers that are used by more than 200 vineyards in the area. "I am the walking circular economy," Connett said during his lecture in the Legislature, while assuring that he had paid six dollars for the jacket he was wearing, made from recycled materials. The circular economy consists, precisely, in substituting the model based on produce-consume-discard for that of produce-consume-recycle. The specialist also spoke in favor of financially punishing those who generate waste that cannot be reused or recycled. "Garbage is a human invention, which we have to 'de-invent' from a different behavior and changes in industrial design," he considered. And he closed his presentation with an appeal to citizens: "Never let the experts take away the conclusions that you arrive at with common sense." Video: I Tried to Go Zero Waste for 7 Days..Heres how it went (October 2020). At what price? killings of land defenders Respect for animals. New subject matter in schools These are the brands that most pollute the seas
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3623-can-cities-reach-the-zero-waste-goal.html" }
Biosurfactant molecules from bacteria that survive at the poles could be used to make 'green' detergents and biofuel. A new study by scientists at the German Geosciences Research Center (GFZ) has investigated the possible applications of these molecules. The research, published in the journal Cell, proposes that these bacteria could be used to makedetergents are more environmentally friendly, serve as abiodiesel additiveor helpeliminate pollution in icy seas. Amedea Perfumo, lead author of the research explains that these molecules have great potential. "Biosurfactants are safe to release into the environment and those that are produced by bacteria that live in those extreme climates have an additional characteristic, that they work at sub-zero temperatures, which gives them great stability." But what are biosurfactants? The term surfactant comes from the Englishsurfactant, which in turn comes fromSurface Active Agent. In Spanish they are also known as ‘surfactants’. These are capable of reducing the surface tension between two elements, for example between a liquid and a solid or between two liquids that are insoluble with each other. By reducing the surface tension, surfactants favor their mixing. Then, these compounds allow the detergents to mix better with the water and promote the cleaning of dirt. Without its action, the detergents would only slide on the surface to be cleaned. Surfactants have other uses, for example they are used as an ingredient in moisturizers, and also in shaving foam because they allow razors to easily remove stubble and reduce irritation. It is also added to automobile lubricants to prevent particles from adhering to engine parts, and to allow parts to move easily and the vehicle to run smoothly. Perfumo tells about its advantages: “this stability has great implications on the possible uses of these molecules. For example, they can be applied as additives in biodiesel to improve the slow flow of these fuels in cold temperatures. In detergents, they will reduce washing temperatures. And they could also be used to extract natural gas from ice crystals or to clean up oil spills in colder ocean regions. " Its impact on the environment Surfactants are not harmful to the environment. A comparative study by the Human and Environmental Risk Assessment Initiative (HERA) concludes that risk assessments show that these substances, although used in a very high volume and released in large quantities in the aquatic environment, do not have a negative impact in aquatic or sedimentary environments at current levels of use. Despite all these advantages, much work remains to be done to determine the most useful bacteria, the conditions under which they will produce the highest yields, and whether it is possible to produce biosurfactants industrially as part of the process. Perfumo believes that now is a good time to advance these biotechnological applications. “The cold regions of our planet are becoming more accessible for exploration and scientific research. Furthermore, the increasing availability of Extremophilic bacteria in culture collections has also improved this accessibility ”. Video: NATURAL LAUNDRY DETERGENT DIY (October 2020). Desperate animals in Australia's worst drought Bury an egg in your garden and see what happens a few days later
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/4021-ecological-detergents-from-bacteria.html" }
The intense conservation efforts of the Galapagos giant tortoises are paying off. After 100 years, the first offspring began to be born. "I am surprised that the turtles have given us the opportunity to correct our mistakes after so long," was the comment of researcher James Gibbs, who had the privilege of observing a small group of baby turtles on Pinzón Island, one of the Galapagos Islands. Human activity on the islands put the giant tortoises at risk of extinction, but with this news, hopes of removing them from the red list are recovered. In 1960 the group of 100 tortoises that remained on the island of Pinzón was moved to a safe area so that they could grow safely. After eradicating a plague of rats that ate the eggs in 2012, the turtles were finally born again in their habitat. Last December, researcher James Gibbs said he saw at least 300 turtles for the first time on the island, and that 10 of them were hatchlings. Also the chief of ecosystems for the Galapagos National Park of Ecuador, Danny Rueda, confirmed the birth and mentioned that it is a significant event for the future of the island's species. But the investigations carried out show the figure of 500 specimens that live on the island, after the great effort of conservation and repopulation. Hopefully this magnificent species will succeed and can repopulate the Islands. Video: GIANT GALAPAGOS TORTOISES (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3109-giant-tortoises-were-born-in-galapagos-after-100-yea.html" }
The Aztecs considered chili an aphrodisiac and invigorating. Now it is known that in adequate doses, once the pain is overcome, the spice induces the production of endorphins in the brain, related to the sensation of well-being. It also activates blood circulation, stimulates the genito-urinary tract and improves male fertility. This summer vegetable is a true champion in vitamin C, as well as a good ally for the skin and eyesight. With its color and flavor it captivates the table. Peppers were already harvested wild more than seven thousand years ago in what is now Bolivia, southern Brazil and Peru. But it was in Mexico and Central America where the Aztecs developed an authentic chili culture, to which they had also found military, economic, spiritual and, of course, medicinal applications. From there, the peppers have shown their ability to adapt to virtually any culinary preparation. The king of vitamin C It would be difficult to gain kilos from peppers, since more than 90% of their weight corresponds to water. Virtually lacking in fat, its meager calories (about 30 per 100 grams) come from a few carbohydrates and minimal protein. They provide small amounts of many minerals, with potassium leading the way. They are considered ideal for those who want to control their weight. Its reputation as indigestible is not very justified, since its compounds stimulate gastric juices and exert, when eaten raw, a cholagogue effect, that is, they facilitate the emptying of the gallbladder The nutrients that stand out among the usual vegetables in our diet are vitamins. They are the best source of vitamin C, especially the yellow ones, and the red ones when they are ripe: a single pepper - even green - more than covers the daily needs, especially if it is consumed raw. Red bell peppers also contain abundant carotenoids, such as beta-carotene or precursor of vitamin A, and another fat-soluble and antioxidant vitamin that is often scarce in low-fat vegetables: vitamin E. In addition, this antioxidant and protective cocktail is accompanied by other nutrients valuable, such as vitamin B6, folic acid, flavonoids, organic acids and salicylates with anti-inflammatory effect. For all of the above, regularly including pepper in the diet helps protect eyesight, digestive system and cardiovascular health; promotes diuresis and the elimination of toxins, and strengthens the body's antioxidant defenses, which can help prevent the onset of degenerative diseases and certain types of cancer. Spicy against pain The Aztecs considered chili an aphrodisiac and invigorating. It also activates blood circulation, stimulates the genito-urinary tract and improves male fertility. The substance responsible for the burning and spicy effect of some varieties of pepper is capsaicin, a substance that is difficult to dilute in water, so drinking hardly relieves itching. Doctors David Julius, Linda Watkins and Baruch Minke won the 2010 Prince of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research for their work on neurobiology and pain mechanisms and how capsaicin influences them. It does so without the side effects of other drugs and is reversible, that is, when the treatment is stopped, substance P accumulates again and sensitivity is restored. Versatility in the kitchen Greens are usually softer than reds. Generally those of fine meat are used raw, in quick cooking or elaborations in which delicacy, the sweet touch is sought. Those with thick meat are suitable for any technique. Purchase and conservation For your purchase, it is best to respect the natural harvest season, which runs from June to September. The rest of the year its forced cultivation produces perhaps nondescript results, lacking in flavor and nutrients. In the fridge, the vegetable drawer is the most suitable. Video: PRODUCTS WE USED TO GET PREGNANT. PRESEED, PREGNITUDE, u0026 MORE. TTC TIPS (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3055-pepper-the-king-of-vitamin-c-improves-fertility.html" }
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{ "content_languages": "eng,spa", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://www.notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/2019/03/" }
Why eating less meat is the best thing you can do for the planet in 2019 Eating meat has a huge impact on the environment by fueling climate change, polluting soils and waterways. Recycling or taking the bus instead of driving to work is important, but scientists are increasingly pointing to a more profound lifestyle change that would be the best way to help the planet: eat a lot less meat. A wealth of research launched over the past year has uncovered the strong impact that meat consumption, especially beef and pork, has on the environment by fueling climate change and polluting landscapes and waterways. Industrialized agriculture and the onset of the worst species extinction crisis since the disappearance of the dinosaurs means that livestock and humans now account for 96% of all mammals. But despite consuming the vast majority of farmland, meat and dairy products account for only 18% of all food calories and about a third of protein. The powerful footprint of farmed meat is not only inefficient. Deforestation to make way for livestock, along with methane emissions from cows and the use of fertilizers, generates as many greenhouse gas emissions as all the world's cars, trucks and planes. Meat raising practices put other animals at risk of mass extinctions, as well as generating significant pollution of streams, rivers and, ultimately, the ocean In October, scientists warned that large cuts in meat consumption are required if the world is to avoid dangerous climate change, and meat consumption in Western countries must decline by 90%, replaced by five times as many beans and legumes. . Consumption of pork, milk and eggs will also need to decline dramatically, all as the world's population increases by an additional 2 billion people by 2050. The researchers said a global shift toward a "flexitarian" diet will be necessary. to help maintain globality. A number of measures have been suggested to achieve this, ranging from a tax on red meat to feeding on seaweed to reducing the methane that escapes in your burps. Some advocates have promoted eating insects instead of pork chops and steaks. A more likely path may be the advancement of vegetarianism through lab-grown meats and the popularity of vegan substitutes like the impossible burger, which even "bleeds." Whichever way change is achieved, there is hope that 2019 will be a pivotal year in the overhaul of a bankrupt global food system. Video: Arnold Schwarzenegger Say NO To MEAT. LIVEKINDLY (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3221-why-eating-less-meat-is-the-best-thing-you-can-do-fo.html" }
More than 300 peasant, family farming, food sovereignty, trade union and human rights organizations signed in just a few hours the rejection of the plenary called by the Agriculture Commission of Deputies to discuss a new Seed Law. The signatories denounce that the project, which has not yet been made public, is tailored to the agribusiness corporations and persecutes small producers by monopolizing goods on which the world's food also depends. They denounce that, among other things, ILO Convention 169, which obliges the State to consult indigenous peoples, was not respected. How does the conflict between freedom and business work? Carlos Vicente, from GRAIN, explains to Lavaca: “This is the people's battle to control the seeds. There is a tough fight ahead so that food does not depend on the corporations ”. What is at stake. Maritsa Puma is a member of the Union of Land Workers (UTT), for hours she has been standing in front of the Annex of the National Congress selling vegetables for 10 pesos in the so-called Verdurazo called for this afternoon. He speaks very clearly: “In the farm where we work we use varieties of seeds that today try to tell us that they are not useful, because they want us to believe that theirs is better. That's a lie. We produce without pesticides, in an agroecological way, denying everything they want us to believe ”. More than 300 signatures of peasant, food sovereignty, territorial, trade union and human rights organizations came together overnight to repudiate the plenary called by the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies with the aim of obtaining an opinion and advancing with the treatment of a new Seed Law before the end of the year. The signatories underlined in a statement that, for months, agribusiness corporations have been negotiating with the State the general guidelines of a new legal framework that seeks to grant seed companies (Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta-Chemchina, Basf, among others) the possibility of ending the “right of own use” of farmers, and thus collect royalties each time a seed subject to breeder's rights is used (the companies). Who defends freedom? "The project was never made public, so we don't know what they are going to sit down to discuss," Carlos Vicente, from the GRAIN organization and Biodiversity magazine, tells Lavaca. “But, at its core, what is at stake is that, if approved, anyone who saves the seeds for planting today will have to declare how many they will save and then pay royalties. This goes against the essence of agriculture, which is the continuity of 10,000 years of seed transfer history. Now they want that, if one does not declare it, go to prison or pay tremendous fines. The organizations called a press conference in front of the Congress Annex to denounce the intent of the corporations. There, the Mother of Plaza de Mayo Line of Founder, Nora Cortiñas, participated, among others: “By defending the lands and seeds, we defend national sovereignty. These days we are going to have to fight a lot because, with the orders of the IMF, they seek to dominate us completely. We have to be on the street every day ”. It is striking that the supposed liberals, in this case, seek to concentrate monopolically with the State as guarantor of a good of nature and humanity, such as seeds. It is the organizations –mainly peasant, indigenous and producers- that are planted on this issue on the side of respect for freedom. That is why they state: “ALL the seeds that today feed humanity and that are commercialized by large corporations are the result of the collective work of the peoples for more than ten thousand years. We have the possibility of producing healthy food for all Argentines. This is being demonstrated by peasant organizations, family and indigenous producers who produce between 70 and 80% of the food consumed by those of us who live in Argentina ”. The Terminator project Vicente points out that the intention to modify the Seed Law has been going on for years, and that now they have tried to change some points to make it pass without obstacles. “A project talks about the fact that small producers are not going to have to pay. Another says they will pay for 5 years. But the risk is in the undemocratic that means, among many things, that Argentina, even subscribing to ILO Convention 169, does not comply with the obligation to consult indigenous peoples on measures that affect their natural resources. That, here, has not been done ”. Remember that, in Colombia, Congress managed to pass a seed law, but it was declared unconstitutional for not respecting that consultation. “There is resistance in many countries. In Chile it was also discussed, but the peasant mobilization was imposed with the support of the students and it was not approved. In general, the countries that approved it are those that signed the Free Trade Agreements, such as Costa Rica. There is a permanent push and pull in Latin America and around the world with many actions of resistance by the peasants ”. During the press conference in Congress, the organizations that signed the document stressed that it is not by chance that the law is being sought in the face of the G20 summit that will take place in the country. Vicente summarizes what is behind these types of projects: “We question that the corporations launched themselves 50 years ago, with the so-called 'green revolution', to dominate seeds to control food and make us have merchandise instead of food. They have come a long way down several paths: Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta handle more than 50 percent of the world's seed market. It is a tremendous concentration. They also handle the use of technology and seeds like the Terminator, a self-destructing seed. This is the battle of the peoples to control the seeds. There is a tough fight ahead so that food does not depend on the corporations ”. Sovereignty and technology The organizations synthesized the rejection in some specific points: “Because it implies the submission of producers to royalty payments for years, when they wish to save seeds to re-sow. This means the violation of a basic right, which gives meaning to agriculture. This mechanism will allow the persecution of producers, as is already happening in other countries. * Because it advances in the criminalization of native and creole seeds, preventing free exchange between family producers, peasants and peasants and native peoples. In this way, the law 27,118 (On the Historical Repair of Family Agriculture for the construction of a New Rurality in Argentina) is unknown, which, in contrast, protects these seeds and allows their free exchange and reproduction. Because the free and informed prior consultation of native peoples required by ILO Convention 169, to which Argentina is a Party, has been avoided; since it is they who have generated almost ALL the knowledge and agricultural diversity that today feeds us and who exchange seeds with other peasants and indigenous peoples. Because ALL the seeds that feed humanity today and that are commercialized by large corporations are the result of the collective work of the peoples for more than ten thousand years. This is being demonstrated by peasant organizations, family and indigenous producers who produce between 70 and 80% of the food consumed by those of us who live in Argentina. Because the project to be approved was negotiated OUTSIDE the Chamber of Deputies by the Executive, the seed companies (spokesmen for Bayer-Monsanto) and the large producers grouped in the SRA (Sociedad Rural Argentina). All the "consultation" meetings held were a "staging" to allow them to now propose a supposed "unified" project that arises from an "act of understanding" that expresses the voice of seedbeds and large producers. In this way, the project that was NEVER made public, excludes the interests of native peoples, producers of family agriculture, peasants and consumers ”. And he closes: “What is at stake is absolutely vital. In the countries where the corporations managed to impose their seed laws, totally questionable events happen: the persecution of farmers, the criminalization of seed exchanges from which we Argentines eat healthy and healthy, the destruction of crops and greater control on food and its prices, to the detriment of the food and technological sovereignty of our country ”. Video: Top 10 Freeze Dried Foods Long Term Food Storage (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3325-seed-law-between-freedom-and-corporations-the-politi.html" }
Stress is, unfortunately, an unavoidable part of life. And while everyone has their own means of coping with unsolicited anxiety, something you never thought about is instilling a sense of calm through the power of healing crystals. There are a ton of different crystals that serve different purposes, but a handful of these minerals and gems are crystals dedicated to stress relief, in particular. I know what you're thinking: how the heck is carrying a stone with me supposed to help calm me down in times of stress? As strange as it may sound initially, crystals have been used since ancient times for their important healing properties, and the energy contained in each gem can, in fact, help lift your mood in an instant. Now, I'm not saying that keeping a white quartz rock in your pocket is going to relieve all of your stress for the rest of your life. But along with utilizing other helpful coping mechanisms such as simple breathing techniques and meditation, crystals can be a great addition in managing those pesky, anxious all-consuming thoughts. Try to include any of these five peaceful gems in your day for less stress and more peace. 1. Blue lace agate 1 for clear communication If you've ever been in a situation with someone where communication was very poor and the tension was at its highest, you know how stressful that shit can be. Neither of you is able to express your feelings correctly, and eventually the disagreement gets out of hand and leads to hurt feelings at any extreme. According to online resource Crystal Vaults, blue lace agate is amazing for overcoming communication difficulties and misunderstandings - and all the anxious tension that those situations bring. Take this bad boy with you to help you get through those tough emotions, without ruining your life. 2. Amethyst for a protective energy shield Do you know those days that feel like they drag on forever, in the worst possible way? Nothing seems to be going right, and you feel like stress is literally consuming you from every angle. Amethyst is here to rescue you in those horrible days, my friend. This lovely lavender crystal dispels negativity from your body while simultaneously attracting all positive vibes. According to the Energy Muse blog, which claims to "demystify the world of crystals," amethyst crystals are extremely powerful and can literally create an "energy shield" around you to ward off stress and anxiety. Yeah, you can catch me carrying 20 of these bad boys in my pocket next week. 3. Rose Quartz for personal care Stress and anxiety are very consuming feelings, and when they strike, it can be difficult to think of anything else. However, self-care and compassion are very important during times when you feel bad, and rose quartz crystals serve as a reminder. Rose quartz is said to be the crystal of love and worship, and that can mean self-love or love for others, or both! If you're carrying one of these pale pink babies, placing one by your bedside or placing one on your desk at work, it will remind you to take a deep and full breath and immerse yourself in all the TLC and self-care. 4. White quartz any and all forms of healing Whether your stress is deeper like the accumulation of multiple problems in your life, or a more superficial feeling from a long to-do list or a frustrating day at work, clear quartz is here to help you find that one. sense of peace This crystal really does it all, and is often referred to as the "master healer." Keep a clear quartz close by and use it for anything that bothers you, because no matter what you tell it to help you, you will hear it. 5. Black tourmaline for a stress-free approach Black tourmaline is a great crystal to include in your meditation sessions due to its balancing and balancing nature. Hold one in the palm of your hand during a sitting meditation as a reminder to release the tension that you may be holding throughout your body. You can also spank this baby at work if the chatter is clouding your mind, and you want to instill a sense of focus during your daily tasks. This versatile and powerful stone may not be as colorful or shiny as the others, but you know what they say: Don't judge a black tourmaline by its covering. Video: Stones And Crystals For Anxiety And Stress - Crystals u0026 Stones For Anxiety And Stress Vol1 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3720-5-crystals-that-relieve-stress-and-restore-your-inne.html" }
A compound extracted from the 'Conus regius' snail acts by inhibiting pain through a route other than that used by opiates such as morphine. A team of Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland, led by David Craik, has discovered an analgesic that is obtained from a small protein, conotoxins, found in the venom of sea snails, with a potency one hundred times greater than that of morphine and with fewer side effects. The snails There are about 700 species of snails of the genus Conus distributed throughout the world, which have inherited a history of about 50 million years on Earth, and about 100 include poisons that are coupled with anesthetics that can be synthesized and used as drugs. A hundred species of sea snails that live in the depths are considered exceptionally dangerous, and their poison for humans can be deadly, but they have a solution for many diseases: they take away pain and are a thousand times more effective than morphine. The pharmacological components of conus magus have been approved since 2004 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States. However, medical research has had to deal with the poisonous effect of these species. Conotoxins The first anesthetic made from a synthetic version of the conotoxins known as CTX MVIIA, from the Conus magnus snail, was already approved by the FDA in 2004, and "proved to be 1000 times more potent than morphine," reports the curator. It works selectively by blocking calcium channels, deactivating the nerves that transmit pain. Currently these conotoxins are being investigated in the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and epilepsy " Opiates, their negative side The medicinal properties of opiates have been known and studied for thousands of years, but they are known to be addictive and can cause death by overdose. The discovery of an alternative to these drugs can be a great solution, although studies have yet to be completed to ensure their safety for human consumption. Nature in general and the seabed in particular are an excellent reservoir of substances with great medical properties, some already discovered and many others hidden, waiting for someone to one day realize their potential. Video: This Is What Happens to Your Brain on Opioids. Short Film Showcase (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3426-snails-as-an-alternative-to-morphine.html" }
Renewable energies employ more than 10 million people in the world With countries around the world gradually moving towards clean energy in sync with their goals under the Paris Agreement on climate change, jobs in the renewable energy sector globally crossed 10 million in 2017. All countries together had created more than half a million new jobs in the sector last year, a 5.3% increase from 2016. Although most countries are making efforts to move towards a low carbon economy, six of them - China, Brazil, the United States, India, Germany and Japan - have been consistently on the clean energy route with more than 70% of jobs worldwide in the renewable sector. The findings are part of the report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), a global intergovernmental organization, which on Tuesday released its annual report on jobs in the renewable energy sector in Abu Dhabi. Figures show that the solar photovoltaic (PV) industry remains the largest employer of all renewable energy technologies, accounting for about 3.4 million jobs worldwide, including 2.2 million jobs. in China and 1.64,000 jobs in India. Biofuels, hydropower (both small and large) and wind are the other three segments in the renewable energy sector that employ the maximum number of people worldwide. With China and India rapidly moving towards solar and wind power, 60% of all renewable energy jobs are done in Asia. "The data also underscores an increasingly regionalized picture, highlighting that in countries where attractive policies exist, the economic, social and environmental benefits of renewable energy are more apparent," said Adnan Z Amin, CEO of IRENA while underlining how carbonization of the global energy system can create up to 28 million jobs in the sector by 2050. The figures show that despite a slight drop in Japan and the United States, the two countries followed China as the largest markets for solar PV employment in the world. India and Bangladesh round out a top 5 representing around 90% of solar PV jobs. India has set a goal of installing 175 GW of renewable energy by 2022. This includes 100 GW of solar energy, 60 GW of wind energy, 10 GW of biomass and 5 GW of small hydropower. India's cumulative solar installations are 19.6 GW in December 2017. Last year, the country had added a record 9.6 GW of solar power, more than 10% of what all countries together installed (94GW) in 2017. According to Mercom Communications India, Karnataka and Telangana installed the largest amounts of utility-scale solar capacity, adding approximately 2.1 GW each, in 2017. Together, they accounted for approximately 50% of the total capacity added in India last year. . Andhra Pradesh ranked third with 1,225 MW of solar installation. The Mercom report found that, in terms of accumulated installations, Telangana became the first Indian state to surpass the 3 GW mark in 2017. However, the growth of solar power installation in India is being driven mainly by imported modules. IRENA's annual review noted that the manufacture of solar photovoltaic modules is limited in the country, given the availability of low-cost imports, mainly from China. “The market share of national companies decreased from 13% in 2014-15 to 7% in 2017-18. As of September 2017, the average price of imported modules was USD 0.39 per Watt compared to USD 1.44 per Watt for domestic products and a large part of the existing manufacturing capacity remains idle, ”said IRENA's review report. . When it comes to jobs in the wind industry, the report noted that jobs in this segment contracted slightly last year to 1.15 million worldwide. "While wind jobs are found in a relatively small number of countries, the degree of concentration is less than in the solar photovoltaic sector," he said. According to the report, China accounts for 44% of global wind employment, followed by Europe and North America with 30 and 10%, respectively. Half of the top ten countries with the largest installed wind power capacity in the world are European. Video: Ingenious Renewable Solutions To The Worlds Energy Crisis (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3825-renewable-energies-employ-more-than-10-million-peopl.html" }
Natural coconut oil is very versatile and is used to hydrate the face, hair, to use in meals to give them flavor and also to lose weight. Due to its versatility and its properties, coconut oil is easy to find in supermarkets or natural stores, and it can even be prepared at home and is used for various purposes. 1. Coconut Oil contains a unique combination of Fatty Acids that endow it with very powerful medicinal properties 2. Populations that drink a lot of coconut oil are among the healthiest on the planet 3. Coconut Oil can speed up your metabolism making you lose more fat 4. The Lauric Acid present in Coconut Oil can kill bacteria, viruses and fungi, helping to eliminate infections 5. Coconut Oil can reduce your appetite, helping you eat less without even trying 6. The fatty acids present in coconut oil are transformed into ketone bodies, which can reduce seizures 7. Coconut Oil can improve your blood cholesterol level and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. 8. Coconut Oil can protect hair from deterioration and hydrate the skin 9. The fatty acids present in coconut oil can increase brain function in Alzheimer's patients 10. Coconut Oil can make you lose fat, especially dangerous belly fat How to prepare coconut oil at home Although it takes more work, preparing coconut oil at home is cheaper. The first step to making coconut oil at home is to blend all the ingredients in the blender and strain to follow with the help of a clean cloth. Then put the liquid in a bottle and should remain in a dark place for 48 hours. At the end of this period, the bottle should be placed in a cool environment but without sun, for a further 6 hours. After 6 o'clock it is necessary to place the bottle upright in the refrigerator for 3 hours. With this, the coconut oil will solidify and to remove it from the container you must cut the bottle in the place where a separation between the water and the oil is observed, taking advantage only of the oil that must be placed in a container with a lid. Coconut oil is valid for 2 years and there is no need to store it in the refrigerator. Video: Coconut Oil and Heart Health - What Does the Science Say? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3531-10-reasons-to-consume-coconut-oil.html" }
Mexico: Biodiversity Law, activists and academics warn about the privatization of natural resources Defenders of indigenous peoples and the environment, as well as academics, warned about the privatization of natural resources in Mexico, through the approval of the General Biodiversity Law, promoted by deputies of the Green and the PRI. At a press conference, members of the Citizen Coalition for the General Biodiversity Law (LGB) demanded a public consultation before approving the bill in plenary session, which was endorsed on March 22. Adelita San Vicente, from the Semillas de Vida organization, denounced that the approval of the project “did not comply with the necessary quorum, it was held behind closed doors, without recording it and ignoring the regulatory time of 30 minutes to integrate the aforementioned quorum". Furthermore, he said, only 15 legislators out of 30 who make up the Environment and Natural Resources Commission of the Chamber of Deputies (Comarnat) arrived at the meeting, when the presence of 16 members is required by regulations. San Vicente warned that, after this bill, there would be very strong economic interests from the power generation, extractive, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries. The activist identified as one of the conglomerates involved “Grupo Salinas Pliego, which has interests not only in television stations but also in power generation, in mining companies; the Baja California mining company is being exploited by them over the defense that has been made by the population, and now they presume interests in access to genetic resources ”. He also added that the economic interests by sectors are millionaires, and listed some of them: “The pharmaceutical industry is in a market that amounts to 955 thousand 500 million dollars; cosmetics, 426 billion; food and beverages, 11.6 billion dollars, we are talking about the future of the planet's food ”. Carlos Ávila Bello, from the Universidad Veracruzana (UV), pointed out that the person who originally promoted the LGB was Senator Ninfa Salinas, "who represents particular interests of industries such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, cosmetics and industrial biotechnology." The academic pointed out that the members of the Citizen Coalition before the LGB are convinced that these business groups “want to appropriate, through this law, the energy resources that not only belong to native peoples, but also to the country; if we have already lost sovereignty with Pemex, with this we are going to lose practically everything ”. Ávila pointed out that the law is unconstitutional because “from its foundation it allows the patenting of genes, food and medicinal plants, cosmetics and indigenous knowledge that has preserved them for centuries”, and to those “700 pesos per hectare of protected area are paid to the year, and now the transnationals would do a great business ”. Óscar Vélez, from Revive México, commented that the wording of the LGB initiative allows even species that were protected, such as the sea turtle, to be hunted, so “it is a regressive law, since it repeals the Law General of Wildlife ”. Then he condemned that the LGB intended to roll back “decades of efforts to protect species such as sea turtles, leaving the use of endangered species to private discretion and allowing the legal possession of wild species as pets, which contravenes the conservation of the biodiversity ”. Gustavo Sánchez, from the Mexican Network of Forest Peasant Organizations, recalled that the unconstitutional procedure being followed in the case of the LGB is similar to that of the General Law of Sustainable Forest Development, since “both have as a common denominator that they were promoted by the PVEM, which is under review by the Senate of the Republic ”. He also highlighted that, in both cases, legislators “have systematically refused to open a broad process of social participation and to convene a consultation aimed at indigenous peoples and communities and comparable communities, despite the fact that in Mexico most of the forests are found. in the lands of this sector of the population. They have refused despite the fact that in both cases the requirements of ILO Convention 169 are met, and the request for consultation was made. Danaé Espinosa, from the Youth Movement of Latin America and the Caribbean, insisted that the LGB is regressive, since it is incompatible with the international parameters promoted by Mexico. "Mexico has been a pioneer in promoting international agreements against climate change, so it is essential that this law be rejected so that there is legislative coherence," said the defender. Espinosa recalled that, so far, 175 countries have ratified the Paris Agreement, which provides for biodiversity, while, in Mexico, “in the 2030 agenda at the national level, the participation of civil society is included to review the proposals of the environmental part ”. David Ruiz, from the National Indigenous Network, pointed out that the LGB ignores the second article of the Constitution, on the rights of indigenous peoples and communities and comparable communities, in addition to "violating basic human rights, including the use and enjoyment of biodiversity, a healthy environment, participation and food ”. In addition, he insisted that the consultation should be carried out in "the territories of indigenous peoples and rural communities, with a broad, inclusive call, in their languages ​​and open to all society." It also considered that legislation "without clarity in the proposals collected or the criteria with which the observations are incorporated or left out, cannot be considered a valid exercise." The researcher Octavio Klimek denounced that "the legislators of the PVEM and the PRI have despised the well-founded and legitimate opposition of social organizations, academics, experts and government agencies" in an effort to respond to economic interests. The environmental consultant recalled that the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio), headed by former rector José Sarukhán, and the Ministry of Agriculture (Sagarpa), have spoken out against the initiative, without the legislators del Verde and the PRI have responded to the observations. Video: These Companies Are Making Profit From Saving The Planet. Banking Nature. Spark (October 2020). Bad example: 33 thousand tons of electronic waste in Buenos Aires for 2018
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3927-mexico-biodiversity-law-activists-and-academics-warn.html" }
Before it was development, then sustainability or sustainability and sustainable / sustainable development; now many speak of agroecology. But surely not everyone is talking about the same thing. There are beginning to be "agroecologists" everywhere: in producer organizations, in unions and urban movements, in AACREA, in AAPRESID, among the members of the Argentine Movement for Organic Production-MAPO, in the Min. Of Environment and Sustainable Development, Technology and Productive Innovation and Health; in the Ministry of Agroindustry, in SENASA, in INTA some have been struggling for a long time. Also in some, the Faculties of Agrarian Sciences and the Faculty of Agronomy of the UBA is no exception. What are we talking about when we talk about "agroecology"? Without beginning to interpret what each one thinks about, it is clear that not all of us talk about the same thing: is the “agroecology” of “La Via Campesina” the same as what some referents of the CREA groups propose? Is the "agroecology" proposed by Minister Lino Barañao the same as the RED CALISAS? Is the “agroecological” flag of Eduardo Sevilla Guzmán and his disciples the same one that all or only some of INTA's referents on the subject propose to us? Is the vision of the Agroecological Movement for Latin America-MAELA similar to the AAPRESID proposal? What approach is proposed by the INTA-UNLaM "Technician in Agroecology"? Which from the Chair of Agroecology of the Fac. De Cs. Agrarian and Forest of the UNLPlata? Looking at our Faculty of Agronomy, is the “agroecology” that Ing. Jorge S. Molina made us live in General Agriculture for three decades, is it the same as the one advocated by our Cerealiculture professor Emilio Satorre? Is the "agroecology" referred to in some subjects dictated by the Department of Rural Sociology and Extension, is it similar to that of FANA students? How does the Participatory Guarantee System-SPG of FAUBA conceptualize “agroecology”? How does the “Agroecology” Area do it? We could continue to ask ourselves questions and go deeper and deeper into the debates that are beginning to emerge in our Faculty but, as often happens, it is most likely that we are ignoring all positions and all voices and, therefore, analyzing without thoroughness knowledge. However, it seems clear to us that the "civilizational crisis" that the planet is experiencing has multiple expressions in Argentina as well. The global economic-financial, energy and climate crises hit hard, even increasing a food problem that historically attacked a third of our population. The hegemonic model of extensive grain production is also under review and decisions are urgently needed. For some, it is only a matter of deepening what we have already been doing in recent decades, without modifying policies or structures; Others, on the other hand, begin to consider alternatives that also require a planned and urgent intervention. The "agroecology" for the former is reduced to good practices - and a little more corporate social responsibility - in technical-productive management. For the others, the social, environmental, cultural and political dimensions of “agroecology” must also be considered and, in this, there is much to do. Video: Living Agroecology: Growing Food, Fibre u0026 Medicine the Forest way. (October 2020). Recipe for noodles with legumes and carrots Hunger and sticks. Repression of land workers
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3633-what-agroecologies-are-we-talking-about.html" }
There are chemical cleaning products on the market to remove moisture stains from the walls, but it is not necessary to put ourselves in so many expenses and above all, expose our health or contaminate the environment. We can remove moisture stains with simple products that we have in home, more natural and harmless. Inside the house, mites accumulate, one of the oldest animals on the planet, they are tiny and can cause multiple allergies and diseases.They are animals that belong to the arachnid class and are usually parasites, they can live on the ground or in water. They feed on human or animal skin scales. There are chemical cleaning products on the market to remove moisture stains from the walls, but it is not necessary to put ourselves in so many expenses and above all, expose our health or contaminate the environment. We can remove moisture stains with simple products that we have in home, more natural and harmless. Master Recipe: Vegetarian Lasagna without Pasta
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/allergies/" }
If you are tired of leading a useless lifestyle and are determined to live a greener lifestyle this New Year, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the big changes in your life. Starting something new can be stressful when you're not sure where to start. Rest assured that you have already completed the most difficult step: deciding to make a change. Focus on the smallest changes you can easily make before tackling the more difficult steps of your green resolution. Here are some small, easy changes you can make in your daily life to help you live a greener lifestyle: Eat less meat. Believe it or not, cutting back on meat can make a huge difference to the environment. More than 30 percent of the Earth's surface is being used to raise and support livestock. According to a United Nations study, “the livestock sector accounts for 9 percent of CO2 derived from human-related activities, but produces a much higher proportion of even more harmful greenhouse gases. It generates 65 percent of man-related nitrous oxide, which has 296 times the global warming potential (GWP) of CO2. " Reducing meat consumption is an important step in reducing the overall emission of GWP gases. Less livestock also means more land that we can enjoy and use for recreation. Consider replacing some of your meals with meat and eating more seafood! 2.Use less paper and recycle more. The world we live in today is much more dependent on computers and digital technology. It's easy to go a day without using a notebook or even a piece of paper. The less paper you use, the less paper will be produced and the more trees will fill our forests. By recycling one short ton (0.91 t) of paper, you can save 17 mature trees, according to the EPA. If it is essential that you use paper at work or at school, you can still make a difference by recycling the paper you use. Today, more than 40 percent of municipal solid waste is paper and paper products. It takes less energy to create paper from recycled and used sheets than to create “virgin” paper. Recycling is easy and one of the best ways to live green. 3.Use duffel bags instead of plastic ones. Most stores offer a duffel bag alternative to their generic paper and plastic bags. Although a duffel bag may cost a small amount to purchase, they are actually much more useful than you might think. A duffel bag is stronger than a traditional plastic or paper bag and can hold more items. A duffel bag can also be used to store items or pack items when you move in, making it useful in more ways than one. Parents, if you have kids who are about to go to college, investing in a few duffel bags would be a great gift. Your kids may not know it yet, but they will be moving around a lot in the years to come and those bags will come in handy when they need to bring the books they have been accumulating from semester to semester. Even if you don't use duffel bags, reusing plastic bags is a great way to live more environmentally friendly. Just use your plastic bags in small trash cans throughout your home, or recycle your used grocery bag! Every little change can make a big difference. 4. Start a compost pile or bin. Compost bins have become a huge trend in the United States in recent years, and for good reason! Compost bins not only reduce waste by allowing you to reuse things that you would normally throw away, but they also save you money and help your plants grow better in your garden. Why go out and buy expensive compost when you could be creating your own out of things you're throwing out anyway? If you're gardening, it really doesn't make sense to NOT have a compost bin. Invest in one or DIY today! 5.Buy the correct bulb. Don't rush and replace all your bulbs even if they are still working, but the next time one of your bulbs burns out, swap it out for a greener brand. Replace your old bulb with an LED light. LED bulbs can last more than five times and consume much less electricity than normal incandescent bulbs. Plus, they are brighter, which means you may be able to use fewer lamps in your home. 6.Choose fabric over paper. Instead of running to the store and buying a dozen rolls of paper when you're ready for your spring cleaning, cut out an old T-shirt or other form of clothing and use it as a rag. You were going to throw it away anyway, why not save some money and take care of the planet at the same time? Collect all your used rags in one basket and wash them all at the same time. Use, reuse and repeat! 7.Reduce the energy in your home. There are many ways to reduce the energy you use on yourself. This will lead to smaller energy bills and more money in your pocket! That is a victory for you and a victory for Earth. Start by lowering your thermostat in the winter and raising it in the summer. Unplug appliances when not in use, wash as much clothing as possible cold (according to the Worldwatch Institute, 85 percent of the energy used to machine wash clothes goes to heating the water), and use a rack or clothesline to dry your clothes. Reducing your energy at home is literally as easy as clicking a button. Uncomfortable taking all these steps at the same time? Try one at a time until your home is completely energy efficient! 8. Borrow instead of buying. It's easy to spend money on things that you can easily borrow. Rent movies, borrow books from libraries, and buy second-hand goods when possible. By buying and using second-hand items, you reduce the items that need to be kept in a landfill and save money. Living green doesn't mean you have to settle for less - many of the items you find at a thrift store are just as good as the original. Search the web or explore your city for some nice items. 9.Reduce water waste. You can live a greener lifestyle by using less water and reducing your bottled water purchases. Take a shorter shower in the morning or install a low-flow shower head. The investment in a low-flow showerhead will pay off when you receive your next water bill, and it's significantly less than the last. Cutting back on bottled water purchases is easy. Even if you live in an area where your tap water is not the tastiest, buying a water filter will remove some of the flavor from your water and purify it to your bottled water standards. Plus, a water filter will save you money in the long run, when you don't have to go to a store for more bottled water. 10.Recycling A Car. You may not know it, but recycling your vehicle is one of the best ways to live a green lifestyle. While making your changes, you may be looking for a more fuel-friendly vehicle. If that's the case, donate your vehicle to a group like Wheels For Wishes! or someone else doing similar work in your country They will recycle your vehicle or auction it off to a new owner, with all the proceeds from your donation! The most recycled consumer product in the world today is the automobile. At least 95 percent of every unusable vehicle is recycled each year in some countries. According to the American Iron and Steel Institute, approximately 26 vehicles are recycled around the world every minute! Make this the year of positive change. Living a greener lifestyle doesn't have to be difficult. It can be as easy as turning off a light when you are no longer in a room. Plus, living green will save you money! Start living a green life today. Video: 3 Simple Ways to Live a Greener Lifestyle - Lifestyle Channel (October 2020). The Argentine agricultural model neglects the right to food
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3065-10-easy-ways-to-live-a-greener-lifestyle.html" }
On December 17, 2018, the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 73) in New York adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas. Now that the declaration is an international legal instrument, La Via Campesina (LVC) and its allies will mobilize to support regional and national organizations in their implementation processes. Today's final vote represents the culmination of a historic process for rural communities. With 121 votes in favor, 8 votes against, and 52 abstentions. The AGONU forum, representing 193 member states, ushered in a promising new chapter in the fight for the rights of peasants and other rural communities around the world. The 17-year process, initiated by the international peasant movement La Via Campesina, supported by numerous social movements and allied organizations, such as FIAN and CETIM, has been a great source of inspiration and strengthening of peasant communities in all regions of the world. Geneva: In April, after 6 years of negotiations, the 5th Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group of the Human Rights Council (HRC) concluded the discussions on the content and finalized the text. In September, the HRC (39th Session) adopted the Declaration by majority vote. Rome: In October, during the 45th Forum of the Global Committee for Food Security, La Via Campesina, together with the Civil Society Mechanism and with the support of several countries and UN institutions, organized a political event promoting the Declaration within the framework of the Decade of Family Farming. New York: In November the declaration reached the process of the General Assembly of the United Nations (AGONU). On November 19, the declaration was voted on and approved with a large majority by the third UNGA commission responsible for social, humanitarian and cultural affairs. Finally, with the plenary vote of the AGONU as of today, the adoption process was concluded. A new stage will now follow, an implementation stage; transforming the aspirations of La Via Campesina into solutions for the daily struggles of rural society. “This declaration is an important tool that should guarantee and help realize the rights of peasants and other workers in rural areas. We urge all states to implement the declaration withconscientiousness and transparency, guaranteeing peasants and rural communities access and control over land, peasant seeds, water and other natural resources. As peasants, we need protection and respect for our values ​​and our role in society to achieve food sovereignty, ”said Elizabeth Mpofu, from Zimbabwe and the General Coordinator of La Via Campesina. As peasants around the world, we will mobilize and unite in our respective countries to lobby for the goal of establishing policies and strategies that contribute to the recognition and implementation of peasant rights with accountability. Violations of our rights through land grabbing, forced evictions, gender discrimination, lack of social protection, deficient rural development policies, and criminalization can now, with the official international recognition of this Declaration, be confronted with greater legal and political weight. Video: Feature History - Chinese Civil War (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3232-historic-peasant-victory-at-the-un.html" }
The serious environmental problems that our planet suffers, caused in large part by humanity's abuse of natural resources, affect almost all of us, to a greater or lesser extent. The constant deterioration of our habitat is causing climatic changes, the disappearance of animal and plant species, a reduction in the quality and supply of fresh water, and other negative effects of all kinds. But there is a part of the world population whose “quality of life” has not only not been altered, but has on the contrary continued to increase. This group, with their lifestyle, decides every day to look the other way, ignoring the signals that the planet is giving us. Producing a deep ecological footprint, which is tried to compensate by keeping billions of people relegated to an increasingly inhuman and humiliating subsistence level. A situation that, on the other hand, also adds environmental problems. The owners of money and power do it because they only care about what serves their interests. The big capitalists need a society based on unbridled consumption and individualism, because that is what increases their wealth and power. But a large part of the people who live in a way that is not environmentally sustainable, do so because they do not know what they are doing. It is not just cruelty or selfishness, it can also be ignorance. It often happened to us when we were children and we acted incorrectly, because we did not know if what we were doing was wrong or right and we did not find out until one of our parents scolded us or explained that our behavior had not been correct. But if when we can discern on our own and know how to better differentiate what is right from what is wrong, we only see one alternative, since the others are hidden from us, if we have no choice, we are left with the only reality that we know. and we continue to act accordingly. Almost all mass media contribute greatly to the numbing of environmental awareness. The constant bombardment of advertising and the management of information, responding to the interests of large economic groups, are weapons of great caliber to which it is difficult not to surrender, their objective has long ceased to be to inform, becoming the to manage public opinion. But this is made even easier if we allow yours to be the only bell that can be heard. That is the task that the alternative media or, as they are often called, counter-information media have been carrying out. We are the other campaign, we tell the part of the story, the one that is hidden or distorted by the media allied to political and economic power, because it would affect their interests. We work with a wide disadvantage in terms of economics, which limits the possibility of accessing training, technologies and working conditions that would possibly allow us to reach more people, with more information and more services, surely of higher quality. But we have, among others, the advantage that when a person begins to walk with us this way, it is very difficult to stop doing it, moreover, it is very common for them to recommend to their acquaintances that they come to walk it as well. Supporting the alternative media is fighting for the truth, to be able to have information that is not affected by pressure from governments, or advertising or economic conditions. Because if history is written by the powerful and the victors, that only means that there is another story to tell. Video: The Half-Truth of First Mover Advantage (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3335-the-means-and-the-half-truth.html" }
‘Dark Clouds’ presents an idyllic natural landscape and the flight of a ladybug threatened by black clouds. In order not to reveal the ending, it is a parable about the negative consequences that humans cause in the environment. This short was produced and directed by Peter Szewczyk, who has worked on the visual effects of films such as Harry Potter, Star Wars or Avatar. Video: Dark Clouds Rising (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3730-dark-clouds.html" }
How to remove the musty smell from my home? It is one of the most repeated questions among our users. Here we tell you how. Musty odors in a home can be caused by a number of things, but generally speaking, mold and mildew are the main culprits. The bad smell is caused by mold and mildew releasing gases. A combination of humidity, lack of air circulation (stagnant air), and darkness will allow mold to grow and release odor. Humid air from leaky faucets or showers can cause small pools of water. Moisture, heat, areas with little or no air circulation, and darkness (such as an attic or basement) are perfect environments that are conducive to mold and mildew growth. Mold and mildew cause the familiar "old" smell, as they release a gas that enters fabrics, carpets, curtains, and furniture. Once the odor has settled in the area, it can be difficult (but not impossible) to remove. It can be very frustrating trying to pin down the source of the odor, mainly due to the many places where mold, mildew and bacteria grow. So the first thing you should do is locate the source of the problem. Finding the source of moisture First you have to find the source of the odor and take corrective action to eliminate the humidity problem at home. If you have a water leak, a cracked pipe, or a leaky roof, you may need to call in professionals to help you, otherwise you will be fighting a losing battle with moisture and odor. Once you've found the source of the problem and fixed it, then you can get down to business and eliminate the odor that has penetrated the area. If you find that you have a part of your home that stays damp or dark after cleaning, using a dehumidifier to keep the humidity level down will help keep odors and humidity in check. Get rid of odors Simply drying the musty smelling area of ​​the house may not be enough to completely eradicate the smell. If a number of mold spores remain then they will continue to spread throughout the room and around the house, turning that musty smell back. The best way to remove odors from a home is to give each affected area a good cleaning with a good cleaning product. For example the following homemade cleaning product: One part boric acid Two parts white vinegar Two parts of hydrogen peroxide Four parts of water Rub the walls, floors, furniture and other areas with the product. Make sure not to saturate items or areas that are too damp as it can aggravate the situation. Always make sure to ventilate rooms and with the use of fans and open windows completely dry all wet or damp areas. Keep your windows open for as long as possible to help get some fresh air flow throughout the house. Air fresheners and deodorants If you want to keep mold and musty odors at bay, there are a number of ways to keep a room smelling fresh. You have probably noticed that moss and fungi grow in dark areas. It's the same for mold growth. One of the best ways to reduce odor is to open your windows and let the sun shine in your home. Fresh, circulating air will go a long way in removing the odor, although unless the cause of the problem has been eliminated, the musty odor will return. Here is a list of elements that can help you remove the musty smell from your home. Zeolite Zeolite is a natural mineral that absorbs odor, has no perfume or masking agents. Non-toxic and lasts for about six months. Put the zeolite on the problem area and it will start to absorb the musty smell in no time. In addition to lasting six months, zeolite is also reusable. It is very simple to recharge this mineral. All you need to do is expose it to direct sunlight or put it in a two hundred and fifty degree oven for thirty minutes and then… voila! The zeolite will once again have the absorption capacity that it had in the beginning. Activated carbon Coal is also at the top of the list for heavy odor eliminators. In fact, it is used in many commercial odor removal products. Charcoal generally takes about a week to remove mold odors. It can't be reused again, but it's super cheap and lasts a long time. The use of activated charcoal is recommended, which is pure charcoal specially prepared to absorb impurities. You can use simple charcoal briquettes. They don't work the same, but they help. If you decide to use charcoal briquettes, don't use the kind that are pre-soaked with liquid to light the charcoal, or you will have to treat a very different (maybe worse…) smell throughout the house. Activated charcoal is very dirty, so be careful not to touch your belongings, as the stains it causes will be extremely difficult to remove. Odor neutralizers Vinegar and baking soda don't just hide bad smells. Both neutralize and stop the bad smells that are formed. They are safe for the environment easy to use. They are the most recommended first when you need to deodorize and refresh something. Besides working very well they are cheap. Normal white vinegar Vinegar is a safe, environmentally friendly alternative to some cleaning products that are marketed to remove musty odors. There are no harsh or dangerous chemicals in vinegar, so it is safe to use on clothing and around the house. Plus, it really works. If your clothes smell musty, vinegar is a wonderful solution. It is non-toxic, non-bleaching and used as an all-natural fabric softener. And for those of you who are thinking, "I'd rather my clothes smell musty than vinegar ...", don't worry, because the vinegar smell actually goes away along with the musty smell. So your clothes will have a fresh and clean scent. How to use vinegar to remove the musty smell from clothes (pants, T-shirts, towels, sheets, etc.): Pour distilled white vinegar into the washing machine with clothes that smell musty. Pour in two cups of vinegar for each load. You can use a little more or a little less, depending on how big your load of laundry is and how bad the clothes smell. Soak the clothes in hot water for at least thirty minutes with the vinegar. Hot water will kill mold and help deodorize clothing. While vinegar neutralizes most odors, hot water will help disinfect and kill any bacteria that remain. Wash clothes in cold water. Wash clothes on a fast cycle with a mild detergent. Put your clothes in the dryer. Smell your clothes, it will smell fresh and clean. Ready to use. If not, repeat steps one through five until the odor is completely removed. If you have an odor in any other area of ​​your home (for example in the kitchen, bathroom, shower, wall, etc.), vinegar is also effective. Make sure to wear rubber gloves. Fill a bucket with hot, soapy water. Fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar. Dip a stiff-bristle brush in the bucket of hot, soapy water, then begin scrubbing the infected areas with mold, bacteria, or suspicious appearance. Take the spray bottle and spray the area with vinegar. Let it air dry. Repeat if necessary. Sodium bicarbonate Baking soda is another safe and effective way to combat musty odors. Just sprinkle baking soda over the problem area. This will absorb moisture and neutralize the odor. Leave on overnight and then vacuum in the morning. It really works. Baking soda is also the home remedy of choice when it comes to getting rid of the musty smell in the fridge or refrigerator. You just have to open a box of baking soda, place it in the back of the fridge or refrigerator and you will see how the smell will disappear soon. Video: 6 Natural Ways to Remove Odors and Stains from Clothes (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3436-eliminates-musty-smell-from-clothes-and-the-house.html" }
Currently, recycling in Colombia applies only 17% of the waste generated. The government's goal is for this figure to rise to 50% by 2030. The country continues to advance in the objective of reducing the use of plastic and moving towards a path of sustainable development, with "the purpose of promoting among Colombians the adoption of consumption patterns aimed at environmental sustainability," said the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, who also hopesimprove the operating conditions of sanitary landfills and promote separation at the source, guaranteeing greater use or treatment of solid waste. Although the measure has received criticism, the truth is that it has had a positive impact on reducing the consumption of these elements whose useful life is only a few minutes, but which take hundreds of years to degrade. In the same sense goes the recent resolution of the Ministries of Housing and Environment, which establishes that as of January 1, 2019, all distributors must begin to deliver three-colored bags to customers who wish to purchase them voluntarily at payment points. : green, blue and gray, which include the following legends according to the type of color, like this: —Blue bag: "Deposit usable waste such as plastic, glass, metals and multilayer here." According to the norm, in the following years an increase in the distribution of colored bags must be guaranteed, a minimum of 2 percent over the total of bags distributed in the payment points of the immediately previous year, until reaching a minimum of 31 percent. hundred. The measure has the objective of promoting among citizens the practice of separation at the source, and thus improve the operating conditions of sanitary landfills. 83 percent of the solid household waste that is generated goes to landfills and only 17 percent is recovered by recyclers for reincorporation into the production cycle. The challenge of the National Government is to ensure that by 2020 the country recycles 20 percent of its waste until it reaches 50 percent in 2030. Video: Weld a mould to make colourful tiles from plastic waste #preciousplastic (October 2020). The Gallo Pinto. Costa Rican rice and beans recipe Repair your computer or mobile? This is what you should know What vitamins do you need in your 20s, 30s and 40s Can ditching meat and dairy open up new taste sensations? My first week as a vegan Almost three years without producing garbage, this young Mexican made it
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3835-three-color-bags-to-promote-waste-recycling.html" }
On a sheet of paper, mark horizontally one of the 4 letters of each line. You must select 1 of the 4 words with which you feel most identified. At the end you should have 40 answers. For example: if on the line 1 is identified with the letter d must put 1 = d and so on with each of the lines until the test is completed. Then add each letter and check your result. You should know that each person has a dominant temperament and a secondary one that complements it. The dominant temperament is the one in which the highest score or letters are drawn and the secondary temperament corresponds to the second highest score or letter. STRENGTHS 1 a) Animated b) Adventurer c) Analytical d) Adaptable 2. a) Playful b) Persuasive c) Persistent d) Placido 3. a) Sociable b) Determined c) Selfless d) Submissive 4. a) Compelling b) Competitive c) Considered d) Controlled 5. a) Enthusiastic b) Inventive c) Respectful d) Reserved 6. a) Energetic b) Self-sufficient c) Sensitive d) Happy 7. a) Activist b) Positive c) Planner d) Patient 8. a) Spontaneous b) Insurance c) Punctual d) Shy 9. a) Optimistic b) Open c) Sorted d) Attentive 10. a) Humorous b) Dominant c) Faithful d) Friendly 11. a) Charming b) Bold c) Retailer d) Diplomat 12. a) Cheerful b) Confident c) Worship d) Constant 13. a) Inspiring b) Independent c) Idealist d) Harmless 14. a) Warm b) Decisive c) Introspective d) Dry humor 15. a) Cordial b) Instigator c) Musician d) Conciliator 16. a) Talker b) Tenacious c) Considered d) Tolerant 17. a) Vivacious b) Leader c) Loyal d) Listen 18. a) Done b) Chief c) Organized d) Happy 19. a) Popular b) Productive c) Perfectionist d) Permissive 20. a) Jovial b) Daring c) Behaves well d) Balanced WEAKNESSES 21. a) Strident b) Bossy c) Discouraged d) Soso 22. a) undisciplined b) Unfriendly c) Without enthusiasm d) Relentless 23. a) Repeater b) Resistant c) Resentful d) Reluctant 24. a) forgetful b) Franco c) Demanding d) Fearful 25. a) Interrupt b) Impatient c) Unsafe d) Undecided 26. a) Unpredictable b) Cold c) Uncommitted d) Unpopular 27. a) Careless b) Stubborn c) Difficult to satisfy d) Hesitant 28. a) Tolerant b) Proud c) Pessimistic d) Tasteless 29. a) Angry b) Argumentor c) Without motivation d) Taciturn 30. a) Ingénuo b) Nervous c) Negative d) Detached 31. a) Egocentric b) Workaholic c) Distracted d) Anxious 32. a) Talkative b) Indiscrete c) Susceptible d) Shy 33. a) Disorganized b) Dominant c) Depressed d) Doubtful 34. a) Inconsistent b) Intolerant c) Introvert d) Indifferent 35. a) Messy b) Manipulator c) Defaulter d) Complaining 36. a) Ostentatious b) Stubborn c) Skeptic d) Slow 37. a) Emotional b) Overbearing c) Solitary d) Lazy 38. a) Foolish b) Cranky c) Suspicious d) No ambition 39. a) Restless b) Precipitate c) Vengeful d) Little will 40. a) Variable b) Cunning c) Compromising d) Critical RESULTS Each column contains the strengths and weaknesses of each temperament. The highest score in one of the letters determines the dominant temperament, the letter that follows with the highest score determines the complementary or secondary temperament it corresponds to. CHOLERICTHE EXTROVERT THE ACTIVIST THE OPTIMISTSTRENGTHS THE EMOTIONS OF THE CHOLERIC THE CHOLERIC AT WORK Born leader, dynamic and active, a compulsive need for change, acts quickly, wants to correct injustices, impassive, not easily discouraged, independent and self-sufficient, self-confident, can handle any project. He sets goals, organizes well, looks for practical solutions, acts quickly, delegates work, demands productivity, complies with what is proposed, stimulates activity, is not interested in opposition. THE CHOLERIC AS A FATHER THE CHOLERIC AS A FRIEND You exercise strong leadership, set goals, motivate your family to act, know the right answer, organize the home. Unfriendly, organizes group work, willing to lead, is almost always right, excels in emergencies. CHOLERICTHE EXTROVERT THE ACTIVIST THE OPTIMISTWEAKNESSES THE EMOTIONS OF THE CHOLERIC THE CHOLERIC AT WORK Bossy, impatient, temperamental, tense, excessively impetuous, delights in controversy, does not give up despite losing, inflexible, dislikes tears and emotions, shows no sympathy for others. Intolerant of mistakes, does not analyze details, trivialities bore him, can make reckless decisions, can be rude and tactless, manipulate people, the end justifies the means, work can become his God, demands loyalty from the party of his subordinates. THE CHOLERIC AS A FATHER THE CHOLERIC AS A FRIEND Tends to be dominant, too busy to give family time, answers too quickly, gets impatient with poor performers, prevents children from relaxing, can make children depressed. You tend to use people, you dominate others, you decide for others, you know everything, you can do everything better, too independent, possessive with friends and colleagues, you cannot say "I'm sorry" you may be right and unpopular . PHLEGMATICTHE INTROVERTED THE OBSERVER THE PESIMISTSTRENGTHS THE EMOTIONS OF THE FLEMATIC THE FLEMATIC AT WORK Calm, serene, relaxed, imperturbable, patient, balanced personality, a consistent life, quiet but in a good mood, kind and compassionate, does not show his emotions, content with life. Competent and stable, gentle and friendly, has administrative skills, mediator, avoids conflicts, works well under pressure, seeks the easy way. THE FLEMATIC AS FATHER THE FLEMATIC AS A FRIEND He is a good father, he spends time with his children, he is not eager, he is not easily upset. He is good-natured, discreet, willing to listen, enjoys observing people, has many friends, is compassionate and understanding. PHLEGMATICTHE INTROVERTED THE OBSERVER THE PESIMISTWEAKNESSES THE EMOTIONS OF THE FLEMATIC THE FLEMATIC AT WORK Apathetic, fearful and worried, indecisive, avoids taking responsibility, iron will, selfish, shy and reticent, over-committed, self-righteous. Without goals, lacking in self-motivation, it is difficult for him to stay in action, he dislikes being harassed, lazy and careless, he discourages others, he prefers to observe rather than act. THE FLEMATIC AS FATHER THE FLEMATIC AS A FRIEND Lazy in discipline, does not organize the home, takes life too easy. Prevents enthusiasm, does not get involved, impatient, indifferent to plans, judges others, sarcastic, resists changes. MELANCHOLICTHE INTROVERTED THE THINKER THE PESIMISTSTRENGTHS THE EMOTIONS OF THE MELANCHOLIC THE MELANCHOLIC AT WORK Profound and thinker, analytical, serious, determined, prone to being a genius, talented, creative, philosopher, poet, appreciates everything beautiful, sensitive to others, self-sacrificing, meticulous, idealistic. You prefer to follow a schedule, perfectionist, detailed, persistent, conscientious, of orderly habits, economical, anticipate potential problems, discover creative solutions, need to finish what you start, you love graphs, maps, lists, etc. THE MELANCHOLIC AS FATHER THE MELANCOLIC AS A FRIEND You set high standards, you want everything to be done correctly, you keep your home tidy, you clean up your children's clutter, you sacrifice for others, you encourage talent and study. He chooses his friends carefully, prefers to stay behind the scenes, avoids drawing attention, faithful, loyal, attentive to complaints, solves other people's problems, cares about others, is easily moved, looks for the ideal partner. MELANCHOLICTHE INTROVERTED THE THINKER THE PESIMISTWEAKNESSES THE EMOTIONS OF THE MELANCHOLIC THE MELANCHOLIC AT WORK He remembers the negative, mannered, depressed, he likes to be hurt, false humility, he lives in another world, he has a bad image of himself, he listens to what suits him, he concentrates on himself, he has feelings of guilt, he suffers from persecution complexes , tends to be hypochondriac. Not people oriented, depressed by imperfections, chooses difficult jobs, hesitates to start new projects, spends too much time planning, prefers to analyze rather than work, self-deprecating, difficult to please, standards too high, feels great need for approval. THE MELANCHOLIC AS FATHER THE MELANCOLIC AS A FRIEND You set goals too high, you can discourage children, you can be meticulous, you become a martyr, you blame the children, you become angry with disagreements. Lives through others, socially insecure, withdrawn and remote, criticizes others, rejects displays of affection, dislikes opposition, suspicious of people, antagonistic and vindictive, unforgiving, full of contradictions, receives compliments with exceptions. SANGUINEOTHE EXTROVERT THE SPEAKER THE OPTIMISTSTRENGTHS THE EMOTIONS OF THE BLOOD THE BLOOD AT WORK Attractive personality, talkative, anecdotal, the life of the party, good sense of humor, eyes for colors, he touches people when he speaks, enthusiastic and democratic, cheerful and bubbly, curious, good actor, naive and innocent, lives by the moment, variable character, deep down he is sincere, he is always a child. He offers to work, plans new projects, creative, has energy and enthusiasm, makes a good initial impression, inspires others, convinces others to work. THE BLOOD AS A FATHER THE BLOOD AS A FRIEND He makes life at home fun, his children's friends love him, he turns disasters into fun situations, he is the director of the circus. He makes friends easily, has a gift for people, loves compliments, seems exciting, envied by others, holds no grudges, apologizes quickly, encourages meetings, likes spontaneous activities. SANGUINEOTHE EXTROVERT THE SPEAKER THE OPTIMISTWEAKNESSES THE EMOTIONS OF THE BLOOD THE BLOOD AT WORK Compulsive talker, exaggerated, entertains in trivia, cannot remember names, scares others, too happy for others, energetic, boastful and complaining, naive, fooled, laughs and talks loudly, controlled by circumstances, he gets angry easily, to some he seems insincere, never matures. He prefers to talk, forgets his obligations, does not persist, his confidence fades quickly, undisciplined, his priorities are out of order, he makes decisions out of his feelings, he is easily distracted, he wastes time talking. THE BLOOD AS A FATHER THE BLOOD AS A FRIEND Keeps the home in a frenzy, forgets children's appointments, disorganized, does not listen to the whole thing. He hates being alone, needs to be the center of attention, wants to be popular, seeks credit for his actions, dominates the conversation, interrupts and does not listen, answers for others, forgetful, always makes excuses, repeats his stories. Video: IQ Test For Genius Only - How Smart Are You? (October 2020). Desperate animals in Australia's worst drought Bury an egg in your garden and see what happens a few days later
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3541-test-to-discover-your-temperament.html" }
The great boom experienced by organic food in recent years has awakened a wave of attacks launched from the food industry and propagated by the mainstream media. It is difficult to specify the date on which everything began, but we are going to place it in September 2012. With Txetxu, a Basque cattle farmer now retired, we would leave early to visit the farm of Txato and Iñigo Larizgoitia, two brothers who in Zeberio had transformed a monoculture with a single client, Mercabilbao, in a diversified agriculture that allowed them to fill the weekly basket of more than a hundred families from nearby towns, without intermediaries. Someone called us (at that time there was no WhatsApp): "Buy today's newspaper, you will see what a surprise." On the cover ofThe countryThis headline appeared: "If you eat organic, don't think it's healthier." Since then there have been contradictory reports in the media regarding organic food. Are they healthier, fairer? Do they prevent climate change? To try to shed light on this, it is convenient to think in a systemic way and not only look at the final product, but at its production system. “Agroecological production proposes the sustainable design and management of agroecosystems with ecological criteria through forms of collective social action and contributes to responding to the current ecological and social crisis in rural and urban areas. Agroecology is, then, a scientific discipline, a set of techniques, but also a social movement ”, explains Mª Dolores Raigón, president of the Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE). This, as we see, goes beyond the ecological seal, which focuses on compliance with a legislation that prohibits the use of chemical synthesis inputs. At least add two more ingredients: local consumption and seasonal consumption. Caring for the earth feeds better María Dolores Raigón is a professor of Agricultural Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and has been researching the differences between conventional and agro-ecological foods for 18 years. He says that to draw contrasted conclusions, comparisons must be made in similar conditions (soil, climate, varieties, races ...) and in this sense, there are many studies that show the highest concentration of nutrients in food obtained under agroecological production techniques, both vegetables and animals. "All the results indicate that conventionally produced foods are losing nutritional value, while organic ones have more protein, vitamin and mineral content, a higher level of antioxidant substances and a high organoleptic value", explains Raigón. For example, organic citrus products have between 10% and 20% more vitamin C than conventional ones. In carrots, the difference in potassium level is 35% in addition to other data such as the presence of minerals and iron. And so in many other foods studied. But ... why have conventional foods lost their nutritional value? Raigón explains that there are four fundamental factors: the loss of soil fertility and its impoverishment, the substitution of traditional varieties for hybrid or commercial varieties - improved to have more yield against other parameters such as nutritional value -, the loss of vitality due to the great distances that food usually travels and, finally, premature harvesting or ripening in the chamber. “If a tomato is harvested prematurely, it does not reach its full nutritional value, neither vitamins nor minerals. When we take a well-grown organic tomato it smells, you know… it has all the characteristics that a tomato should have ”. Science confirms something that can be easily guessed from common sense. As Bertolt Bretch says, "what times will we live in, that we must defend the obvious". A production system that takes care of the natural fertility of the earth, respects natural cycles and is based on the prevention of pests and diseases, among other practices, it seems clear that it will allow life to reproduce in better qualitative conditions. And if we need a qualifier for this form of production, which is the one that has historically existed, it is because our imaginary about agricultural production is situated in a very different place: industrial agriculture. We consider "normal" intensive production, highly dependent on oil, subsidies, technologies and chemical inputs. So, it seems irrefutable that the oranges, tomatoes or pumpkins that we have allowed to grow and ripen at their natural rate, without doping, are more nutritious, but also, as Marta Rivera, from the Vic Agroecology Chair says, “are also free from the damaging effects of some products that, euphemistically, we call phytosanitary products but whose true vocation is pest control; therefore, it is better to call them by their name, pesticides ”. Raigón gives the example of glyphosate, one of the world's best-selling herbicides: "A widely documented threat to health, the environment and biodiversity," explains the scientist. "It accumulates in the soil, in the water and in the fatty tissue of our body, hence its capacity to disrupt the endocrine system, as many studies indicate," he adds. In 2015, the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer established that "glyphosate damages DNA, causes cancer in animals and is probably carcinogenic to humans." The health controversy associated with meat is related to conventional livestock production systems and their degree of intensification. The health system of intensive livestock is based on the systematic use of antibiotics, antiparasitics or insecticides, which generate a large amount of permanent residues accumulated in meat and milk. “Medical research affirms that more than 90% of the toxins that we accumulate come from the fats of animal origin that we consume. Instead, organic farming bases its health and welfare system on holistic control and preventive medicine programs - a combination of food management and zootechnical practices - that guarantee the non-existence of chemical residues throughout the breeding cycle ”, affirms Carmelo García , of the National Veterinary Body of Toledo. Being an organic tomato Statistics, despite smear campaigns, show how organic consumption continues to increase, both globally and statewide. However, this diet carries a stigma that makes its growth not as fast as one might expect: its price. “The price is not set by the consumer or the producer, except in consumer groups where a fair price is reached. The point is not that organic food is expensive, it is that conventional food is excessively and artificially cheap, ”says Raigón. And is that industrial agriculture, as occurs in other consumer products, achieves low prices at the cost of economies of scale, labor exploitation, public subsidies and environmental pollution. The same conclusion was reached at FAO after collecting many values ​​related to the price of organic food. For every euro that is paid for a conventional food, another has to be paid to remedy the cost of environmental problems and another to meet health costs. The conventional product is then more expensive due to hidden costs. “Food and medicine are business. If we do not break the economic barriers and value the social, we will not change the dynamics, ”says Raigón. In the current market system, with economic profit as the main priority, the market niche that these products represent has not gone unnoticed. The multinationals of industrial and processed food already have their lines certified as organic. It will be easy for the minimally critical consumer to conclude that what these great brands are looking for is not social justice or caring for the environment, but to attract the pocket of the conscientious society and, as a gift, paint their image green. The assessment of the impact of what we consume resides in the critical capacity that we have as consumers, whether we think individually or also collectively. Do we only care about its effect on our health or also on society? "Being consistent implies new habits such as the season of each product, increasing consumption of fresh food or locating establishments where you can buy local food," explains Marta Rivera. Science and traditional knowledge provide us with multiple evidences about the benefits of agroecological foods, however, the corporate media will continue to repeat the messages that generate doubts in this regard. Why? Who would lose if this diet became widespread? Txetxu, that day, he already knew how to guess. Seeing that headline, with the security that reveals the intimate secrets of the land and with a half smile that he barely drew, he declared: "The food industry is afraid of common sense." Video: The TRUTH About Saturated Fat u0026 Vegetable Oil was HIDDEN for DECADES (October 2020). Electric buses, pilot plan in Costa Rica The roots of lasting peace are intertwined with the earth Rituals for using the powerful energy of the Blood Wolf Super Moon The environment creates work and minimizes environmental pollution Sow agribusiness, harvest flood. They are not natural catastrophes
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3937-the-food-industry-is-afraid-of-common-sense.html" }
The retention of rainwater that is lost in the sea could be an excellent medicine against the advance of the desert from the north to the center of Chile, but there is no political will to take the actions required to take it, according to experts and representatives of affected communities . “One of the priority works, especially in (the region of) Coquimbo, is the issue of rainwater retention. That is key because if we have eroded and degraded soil and we have eventual rains in winter, the soil is not capable of retaining more than 10 percent of the water that falls, "said Daniel Rojas, president of the agricultural community of Peña Blanca. "The rest goes to the sea," the social leader of that productive organization of 85 small farmers, located 385 kilometers north of Santiago, which has 6,587 hectares, 98 percent of them rainfed, irrigated only, added to IPS. with rain water. Rojas considered that "if we had retention works we could use between 50 and 70 percent of that water and recover our underground waters." The Coquimbo region, where Peña Blanca is located, within the municipality of Ovalle, has 90 percent of its territory eroded and degraded Between 2000 and 2016, the area of ​​fruit trees in Chile grew 50 percent, but in Coquimbo it decreased 22.9 percent, from 35,558 to 27,395 hectares. Water is vital in Chile, an agri-food powerhouse that last year sold 15,751 million dollars in food abroad and is the world's leading exporter of various fruits. According to Rojas, there is academic, social and even political consensus on a solution that emphasizes the retention of water, "but the resources are not given or the necessary laws are dictated." Pedro Castillo, mayor of the commune (municipality) of Combarbalá, agreed with Rojas. "Due to the great centralism that prevails in our country, desertification will be relevant once the desert is knocking on Santiago's doors," the highest authority in this municipality, inhabited by small farmers and goat breeders, told IPS. Castillo believes that all the projects "will only be good intentions if there is not a powerful and determined investment from the State of Chile to stop desertification." The mayor affirmed that the advance of the desert can be fought by investing in the containment of waters, through “works that are not expensive”, such as the construction of infiltration ditches and containment dikes in the streams. "With interceptor curtains it is possible to optimize (the capture of) rainwater, recharge the wells and reduce the requirement of additional water that today is delivered to the population with cistern trucks," he said. “The cost of the interceptor curtains does not exceed five million pesos (7,936 dollars) because the works use materials that exist in the place and great engineering is not required. A cistern truck that distributes water costs the State about 40 million pesos ($ 63,492) each year, ”Castillo compared. He also proposed curbing desertification by afforesting with native species the areas that agricultural communities give to the governmental National Forestry Corporation (Conaf). "In the forestations, native trees are replanted that tolerate the scarce rainfall in this semi-arid sector and also generate fodder for the peasants of the sector," he stressed. The Coquimbo region represents the southern border of the Atacama desert, the driest on earth and with the most solar reflection, with 105,000 square kilometers, distributed in six northern regions of this elongated and narrow country, between the Andes mountain range and the Pacific Ocean. This year in Peña Blanca, in the extreme south of the desert, 150 millimeters of rain have fallen, a high figure for the average of recent years. Rojas states that "there are many things to do, not to totally stop the advance of the desert, but to make it more difficult." The social leader said that in the meetings with both academics and politicians there is an agreement on what to do, "but that is not reflected when a law has to be created or resources to do these jobs." As an example of the situations that occur, he detailed the case of a novel project for the retention of rainwater underground, whose study and development obtained financing, "but not the work." " “Then it's no use. Ideas must be specified with works. The urgent thing is that, less studies and more works ”, it maintained. Rojas also criticized that the State spends "billions of pesos" in the distribution of water to rural sectors through cistern trucks. “If the amount of resources that the State puts in for the distribution of water with tank trucks were put to work to solve the problem, it would be invested only once and not every year increasing a business. Because that water distribution is a business, "he said. Geographer Nicolás Schneider, promoter of the non-governmental Fundación un Alto en el Desierto, told IPS that Chile “is not making a public policy regarding tools, specific policies and the provision of resources” so that desertification does not advance in the country. "Successful alternatives are isolated experiences that are the result of enthusiasm or group undertakings, but not of a state policy to stop this progress (of the desertification process) that is scientifically accredited," he said. He recalled the Chilean physicist Carlos Espinosa, inventor of the fog catcher, a system also known as fog catchers whose patent he donated in the 1980s to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and which consists of harvesting water from the fog. These mist catchers consist of fine mesh networks of an interweaving of wires and fibers, known as raschel, that rise up on the misty slopes to capture the suspended drops of water, which then go through small gutters to storage tanks. These systems, increasingly perfected, have been providing water for human consumption and for irrigation in general lands from 600 meters above sea level for decades. In the Cerro Grande Ecological Reserve, owned by Peña Blanca, the Fundación un Alto en el Desierto installed 24 fog catchers and a fog study center. “There the daily average of fog water is six liters per cubic meter of raschel mesh and 35 percent shade. Given that they are nine square meters in size, we have a catchment area of ​​216 meters, which gives 1,296 liters of water per day, ”said Schneider. He explained that "this water is used mainly for reforestation and ecological restoration, brewing beer, drinking water for animals and when there is severe drought for human consumption." "It is also an educational element because thousands of children have visited the fog catchers, turning them into an open-air classroom against desertification," he stressed. He added that there is a great potential for fog from Papudo, on the central Chilean coast, to Arica, in the extreme north of this country, which has not been used for the benefit of coastal communities that have access and water quality problems. Eduardo Rodríguez, Conaf regional director in Coquimbo, told IPS that all of the corporation's programs are aimed at fighting desertification, including one against forest fires, which now have better indicators. "However, we have problems in afforestation because we do not yet have a promotion instrument that allows us to increase afforestation, reforestation and revegetation of a region that was degraded almost a century and a half ago," he admitted. Video: See How Termites Inspired a Building That Can Cool Itself. Decoder (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3644-chile-has-a-medicine-against-desertification-but-doe.html" }
Eating low-fat foods doesn't mean we should lose fat completely, but we do need to educate ourselves on which fats should ideally be avoided and which ones are healthier for the heart. Let's be clear: we need fat in our diet. As the most concentrated source of calories (nine calories per gram of fat compared to four calories per gram of protein and carbohydrates), it helps supply energy. Eating low-fat foods doesn't mean we should lose fat completely, but we do need to educate ourselves on which fats should ideally be avoided and which ones are healthier for the heart. Let's be clear: we need fat in our diet. As the most concentrated source of calories (nine calories per gram of fat compared to four calories per gram of protein and carbohydrates), it helps supply energy.
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/cholesterol/" }
Obesity is a serious problem in China. It is the country that has the most obese children and 42% of Chinese adults are overweight, double the number two decades ago, according to the latest data from the World Health Organization (WHO). A study by Susan Greenhalgh, a professor in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University, revealed that the cola giant has influenced health policies and habits in China in the last 20 years. Through a network of institutional, financial and personal networks, the firm has promoted the message that physical exercise is more important than reducing sugar in the diet. "Our research indicates that Coca-Cola has worked quietly to influence Chinese health policy for two decades for its own benefit," says the researcher. “Coca-Cola has long promoted the idea that exercise is more important than diet in solving the obesity epidemic. The emphasis of the multinational in the exercise is reflected in the indicators and objectives of the national health plans and policies ”, he details Greenhalgh. “This emphasis is also seen in some of the specific messages used in China's policies:energy balance, eat and move in balance, make exercise a part of medical care; and in the absence of measures recommended by the WHO, such as taxes on sugary drinks and the regulation of the soft drink market aimed at children ”, he adds. Network of institutional links Greenhalgh found that between 1999 and 2015 obesity-related activities organized by the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) shifted from a focus on nutrition to physical activity, in line with Coca-Cola's position that a lifestyle Active living was key to fighting obesity. It also noted that ILSI-China sponsored or co-sponsored obesity meetings were filled with presentations from experts with financial ties to Coca-Cola or ILSI. These presentations, focused on the science of physical activity rather than nutrition, also benefited the interests of the multinational. “By supporting with its resources only the science side (that of sports), and without any other party with sufficient resources to advocate more balanced solutions that include the regulation of the food industry, the company made China a safe market for Coca-Cola ”, argues Greenhalgh, pointing out that ILSI-China is financed by several dozen companies, including the soft drink brand. "There are no high-impact dietary policies recommended by the WHO, such as the 20% tax on sugary drinks and the restriction on advertising of products for children." China profits too “China benefits from the programs ofCorporate Social Responsibility of Coca-Cola, including investments in public health projects that promote exercise, ”says the researcher. Although the effect that the company has on government policy cannot be measured with precision, the researcher points out that “the finding is important for China because the issue of Coca-Cola –conflicts of interest in the financing of health research– has received very little attention in the country ”. "With no one to complain to about this corporate bias in science and policy, the size and consequences of China's obesity epidemic are likely to continue to worsen," he says. "The Chinese government needs to add this issue - corporate bias in science - to the set of ethical issues it is tackling in healthcare," Greenhalgh concludes. Greenhalgh, S. “Making China safe for Coke: how Coca-Cola shaped obesity science and policy in China”.The BMJ.Jan 10, 2019 Video: Trade War Resolution Has to Come From the Top, Says Coca-Colas Ferguson (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3173-coca-cola-influences-health-in-china.html" }
Theblock machines They are in charge of the manufacture of concrete blocks that will later be used in the construction sector for the construction of all types of infrastructures. The security of the millions of people who will enter those buildings, cross those bridges and enter those tunnels will depend on the strength of these concrete panels. Therefore, themanufacture of block making machines(https://www.rometa.es/) is a reworking of responsibility for the companies that are responsible for this task. However, not all machinery of this type has the same characteristics. There are different types designed depending on the tasks we are going to carry out. Construction works are often miracles of engineering that, depending on the design carried out by the architect, may requireconcrete blocks unimaginable shapes. Therefore, versatility and mobility are two essential requirements when acquiring theblocker ideal. Similarly, theenvironmental respect is becoming increasingly important in companies in our environment and this is a factor to take into account when commercializing the different machinery. Thus, a finite number of block making machines can be found in the market. The manufacturers often place themselves at the disposal of the constructor to develop a unique device adapted to the work that he intends to execute, without forgetting the control and reduction of the costs.pollutant particles emitted by the machinery during its operation. Bloquera Rometa 2010: It is an automatic machine capable of manufacturing 900 blocks per hour and five blocks per cycle. It has ten horsepower vibrators and includes a delivery table with a three-tray manual cart. Despite its potential and the fact that previous models were harmful to the environment, the 2010 efficiently controls its emissions. Bloquera Romera 2030: Its capacity is greater than that of the previous machinery since it can manufacture 1,400 blocks per hour and 7.5 blocks per cycle. It is capable of working two shifts a day even in hot countries, which is why it is one of the most sold machinery throughout the world. It has a large work tray and elevator and tray descender, with palletizing and automatic turning. However, its respect for the environment is impeccable since it combines high production with the minimization of polluting particles. Rometa 2050 block: Its capacity continues to grow and has been designed for large buildings. Its production is 1,800 blocks per hour and 7.5 blocks per cycle. Tray extraction can be carried out with a variable speed drive. It has a 20-tray multiforca cart and allows to manufacture from paving stones to one-meter curbs, passing through the vaults. Its productivity is very high and its emissions therefore increase exponentially. Even so, it remains one of the most environmentally responsible machines in proportion to its level of activity. Rometa 4050 Block Case: Probably the most powerful block machine on the market. It is capable of producing 3,000 blocks per hour and 15 blocks per cycle. It always works with a large work tray, automatic palletizing, travel speed control, multiforca carriage and robot. In short, it is similar to the previous one but with greater power and manufacturing capacity. Its emissions are equally high although the manufacturer has crystallized its environmental concern by reducing and controlling the polluting particles as much as possible. Video: The Hindu Analysis 7th October 2020 by Sahil Sir. Current Affairs for UPSC CSEIAS (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3075-four-block-making-machines-that-help-respect-the-env.html" }
This episode is part of “TIKITIKLIP Precolombino”, a series of 13 animated video clips to the rhythm of music. His characters are pieces from the Museum of Pre-Columbian Art in Santiago de Chile. The series invites children on a journey through Native American cultures. Credits: Production Ojitos Producciones Directed by Alejandra Egaña and Paz Puga Lyrics by Anna Witte Original story by Alejandra Egaña and Paz Puga Music by Miranda and Tobar Canta Gepe Illustrations by Vanessa Brown Archaeological Advisory of the Chilean Museum of Pre-Columbian Art Video: How To Feed HUMMINGBIRDS in the Rain-1000s come daily to Hummingbird Feeders Easy Recipe Helps Them (October 2020). Documentary "Buy, throw, buy." Consumerism and manipulation Six examples that demonstrate Gas Natural's commitment to the environment
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3137-hummingbird-and-rain.html" }
World statistics indicate that one in eight people live in precarious conditions, in the so-called marginal neighborhoods, barriadas, villas, favelas ... There is tourism for everything The practice of "slum tourism" has become a popular way for tourists to engage with poverty on a personal level. A proposal in South Africa is the Emoya Luxury Hotel and Spa, near Bloemfontein, and offers a dozen shacks made of scrap and corrugated metal that simulate a slum as an ideal setting for your next corporate retreat, wedding anniversary or clients. eccentrics ".. “Now you can experience staying in a Shanty within the safe environment of a private game reserve. This is the only Shanty City in the world equipped with underfloor heating and wireless internet access ”, details the hotel's website. They offer all the "quaint" of poverty, without the hassle of crime, disease, or poor sanitation. The cost of the rooms Rooms will cost you around $ 82 a night, which some have pointed out is a half-month salary for the average South African. Opinions on the famous accommodation page Tripadvisor were mixed. While one guest praised it as a “real experience,” and even enjoyed a barbecue under the stars at his shack, another cautioned that the slums don't offer good value: “Don't even consider staying in Shanty Town. For the price you can stay in a luxurious hotel with breakfast. Video: Gordon Ramsays WORST First Impressions on Hotel Hell (October 2020). Facebook and the dream of operating only with renewables is near
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3243-hotel-simulates-poor-neighborhood-for-luxury-clients.html" }
No to the “Bayer-Monsanto” Seed Law negotiated behind the backs of the Argentine people Faced with this new attempt to modify the seed law, a broad group of peasant organizations, family farmers, native peoples, political, social and socio-environmental; and human rights organizations convened a press conference today, TUESDAY, 11/13 at 3:00 pm at the door of Congress. The Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies convened a plenary of commissions for this Tuesday, November 13, in search of obtaining an opinion and advancing in the treatment of a new Seed Law before the end of the year. For months, agribusiness corporations have been negotiating with the Executive Power the general guidelines for a new seed law, which will be granted to seed companies, such as Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta-Chemchina, Corteva (DowDuPont), Basf and others, the possibility of ending farmers '“own use right”, and collecting royalties EACH TIME that farmers use a seed subject to breeders' rights. Thus transforming a right of all into an exception for some (registered in ad-hoc registers). This is not the first attempt to modify Argentine law in the sense that the companies propose and it is part of a worldwide offensive to put seeds under corporate control, which are at the base of all agri-food chains. The content of the text that they seek to approve was never in public debate nor was it put for consideration in the hearings that were held recently in the commission; It is the result of negotiations behind closed doors by a handful of agribusiness corporations, excluding the vast majority of the actors involved and citizens in general, which is why the maneuver they seek to carry out is profoundly undemocratic. Faced with this new attempt to modify the seed law, a broad group of peasant organizations, family farmers, indigenous peoples, political, social and socio-environmental; and human rights organizations convened a press conference todayTUESDAY 11/13 at 3:00 p.m. at the door of the Congress. We invite the press to be present. Tamara Perelmuter: 11-3778-8606 Carla Poth: 11-5029-6704 Fernando Cabaleiro: 11-3864-0522 Marcos Filardi: 11-4054-4317 Nahuel Levaggi: 11-3633-7324 Deolinda Carrizo: 11-3348-9316 Video: Money or Cyber Money - The new Tyrannosaurus Rex (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3345-no-to-the-bayer-monsanto-seed-law-negotiated-behind-t.html" }
Contrary to what is spread, the adventure of altering the DNA of our food crops through the techniques of so-called genetic engineering (GI), has not been supported in science, rather, it has been dishonored. They have also violated the standards of science. They have even concealed these infractions through deception. Furthermore, the GI process; crops in particular, it has been described in such a way that it appears more natural and accurate than it actually is, and even the most basic facts of contemporary biology have been distorted to minimize the true risks of GI-transformed crops. The GI-modified food adventure has critically depended on those hoaxes and would not have survived without them. Therefore, it is essential to expose these deceptions and that the truth is known. In my article published inThe Day On May 18, I revealed how the key hoaxes came from the US government - and how this country has promoted GM crops, seed companies through GI techniques and boosted their business in world markets. In the following paragraphs I explain how other prominent institutions have contributed to this deception. One of the biggest fictions is that there is consensus among scientific experts on the safety of transgenic crops. Therefore, the American Association for the Advancement of Science has stated that any reputable organization that has examined the scientific evidence has concluded that foods derived from these crops pose no greater risk than conventional foods. However, several reputable organizations, such as the Royal Society of Canada, the British Medical Association and the Australian Public Health Association do not share such an agreement; rather, they warn about possible risks. Furthermore, those organizations that proclaim the harmlessness of GMOs basically rely on deception. Consider the case of the unforeseen novel toxins that GI can generate. To support the argument that transgenic foods do not imply additional or novel risks, an important report from the United States National Academy of Sciences argues that with conventional genetic improvement, similar risks can also be incurred. However, the authors could only cite one case for conventional agriculture (involving potatoes), which was later shown to be false. They asserted that the new potato, obtained by conventional non-transgenic methods, contained a novel toxic molecule that was not found in any of the parents, despite the fact that they did produce it; but these types of toxic substances were found in other potatoes. The British Royal Society has also twisted the truth to make the public believe that GM crops do not present risks compared to conventional foods. For example, they argue that the latter can also produce unexpected effects. In a 2016 publication by the same organization, they show that all plant genomes frequently have insertions of viral and / or bacterial DNA - and that these insertions are similar to those generated by recombinant DNA techniques of the GI. Both assertions are false. While genes inserted into the genome via IG are always integrated into the plant genome, this rarely occurs with genes from viruses and bacteria. Furthermore, the rare insertions of viral genes into the plant genome remain inactive and are not combined with other sequences of viruses or bacteria, as is the case in recombinant IG constructs. The presence of bacterial genes is also restricted in plant genomes, and they are not active either. On the other hand, the genes and their combinations inserted through IG, in addition to impacting the phenotype in various ways, are artificially driven to hyper activity that can cause risky imbalances. The aforementioned publication has also misled the research results. It claims that there has been no evidence of damage linked to any approved transgenic crop, despite several studies published in peer-reviewed journals showing otherwise. Moreover, the same society is aware of a study that shows harm and that the Royal Society itself tried to discredit. That study, conducted at the renowned Rowett Institute, questioned the safety of GM foods, reporting that the genetic engineering process itself can cause problems. Such a breakdown encouraged the editor of the prestigious magazineThe Lancet to reject the initiative of society, calling it unusual impertinence.The Lancetconsidered the study scientifically adequate and published it. The society ignored this study and asserted that there was no research to show that the GI process itself can cause differences in transgenic crops that can lead to harm. My bookAltered genes, adulterated truth contains many examples of this type of unacceptable behavior from leading scientific journals and societies that have tried to hide or minimize the possible negative impacts of transgenic crops. Proponents of GM crops have been subverting science, while claiming to act on their behalf. Video: GMOs. Genetics. Biology. FuseSchool (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3741-hoaxes-about-transgenic-foods.html" }
According to the World Bank, by 2050, it is estimated that climate change could force more than 140 million people to displace, forcing them to migrate within or outside their own countries in different regions of the world. In the case of Central America, almost four million people will be forced to leave their homes and perhaps their country due to the rise in sea level and the decrease in agricultural production. The countries of Central America and the Caribbean are among the most affected in the last decade, since their geographical location in relation to the sun makes them more vulnerable to adverse weather conditions. Its environmental situation is critical. The Dry Corridor of Central America is the name given to the territorial strip that runs from southern Mexico to Panama and is threatened by droughts of such magnitude that the available water does not meet the needs of the population. Climate change also has the consequences of increasing poverty by reducing or altering agricultural production, and this, in turn, can generate violence. This means that Central Americans are forced to emigrate, mainly leaving the countryside to go to large cities, or to the United States. The World Bank reports that if the progress of global warming is kept within the limits set in the Paris Agreement, and people are helped to adapt, then the number of migrants in the African, Central American and Caribbean regions could be reduced to approximately 40 million people, out of the 140 expected at the current rate. Video: UPSC Prelims 2020. MCQs on Current Affairs. December 2019 Part 2 of 2. Raus IAS (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3447-140-million-displaced-people-by-2050.html" }
Lice can be removed without using toxic chemicals, and without spending a lot of money. The key is in the comb and in the tea tree oil Something that no parent likes is seeing their children's heads covered in lice. Head lice is one of the things parents fear the most. However, if you are a parent you have probably had to deal with them at least once. It is something common, every day hundreds of children return from school, from the park, from their extracurricular activities, with lice on their heads. The comb and the lice A study published recently in the British Medical Journal found that combing wet hair with a specially designed lice comb was four times more effective at removing lice than malathion, permethrin, pyrethrin, or piperyl butoxide, the chemical constituents of many shampoos to remove lice. Many lice have become resistant to the pesticides most commonly used in head lice shampoos. The ideal comb will be metal, it should have finely spaced long teeth, and the space between the handle and the teeth will be sealed, so that live lice cannot hide inside. Use clips / tweezers to divide wet hair into small sections, and work with one section at a time. Comb the scalp, depositing the lice and eggs in a bowl of soap and water. Lice and pesticide-based shampoos Increasingly, parents are finding that chemical-based lice shampoos don't work. This is why the number of parents choosing not to use pesticide-based shampoos is growing. These safety conscious parents don't want to apply a pesticide to their child's scalp that can be absorbed into the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body (the scalp is one of the most absorbent parts of the body). Perhaps they also realize that lice appear to be developing resistance to pesticides, just as many bacteria have developed resistance to antibiotics due to their use and abuse. An added benefit is that these parents are also not sending these pesticides into our wastewater and ultimately into our groundwater. Tea tree oil and lice Tea tree oil, a natural solution that kills lice immediately if you have them, and keeps them away before they can appear. If you don't want to use chemical pesticides on your child's head, consider treating with natural dewormers like tea tree oil and a fine-toothed comb - also called a nit. You can also use tea tree essential oil to prevent future head lice outbreaks. Before using tea tree oil, a small area of ​​the skin should be tested before applying it to the scalp to ensure that the user is not allergic. Do not apply tea tree oil directly to the scalp without first testing a small area to rule out possible adverse reactions. Do not apply the essential oil of the tea tree without diluting it in other oils. In case there are no adverse reactions, apply 6 drops of tea tree oil on the palms of the hands along with another 12 drops of body oil (to reduce the essential oil of the tea tree) and massage well throughout the hair. Put on a shower cap and keep the cap on for half an hour. Then wash your hair with a mixture of hair shampoo and 10-15 drops of tea tree oil. Wash the head with this mixture and leave for a few minutes. Finally, rinse the hair well. After washing the hair, it is necessary to remove the nits (lice eggs) with a special comb for this function, called a nit. It is a nuisance to get children to stay still but it is absolutely essential if we want to get rid of lice. One help is to carry out this step in front of the television, in this way they will be entertained by watching their favorite movie and we can comb them thoroughly. To ensure the total elimination of lice and nits, we must continue looking for and eliminating nits for at least 2 weeks, after each head wash with the mixture of shampoo and 6 drops of tea tree oil. Use tea tree essential oil shampoo on your children's head at least once a week after the infestation is removed as a preventive treatment. It is also very effective to add 12 drops of tea tree oil in ¼ liter of water and put it in a spray bottle. Spray in the morning before taking our children to school. All washable items, including clothing and bedding, that have touched the head should be washed in hot water and dried in a hot tumble dryer. We will also mix ten drops of essential tea tree oil in a spray bottle and spray the upholstery. Teach children to never share personal items such as towels, hairbrushes, hats, etc. This can greatly reduce the risk that your children may catch it. If you find lice in your child's hair, tea tree oil is the solution. It is a natural antiparasitic, without chemicals. Lice are not very picky, and they don't care if your hair is clean or dirty. They are looking for a host to feed on and will choose both the “rich” and the “poor”. Tea tree essential oil being a natural antiparasitic can be used safely every day, even in children. Video: Removing LICE with TEA TREE OIL? - Watch this Before You Try! (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3845-tea-tree-oil-to-eliminate-lice.html" }
A new scientific study warns that if the world continues on an "unchanged" trajectory on climate change, global ecosystems will undergo a "major transformation" over the next century. Earth's forests, deserts, landscapes and vital ecosystems are at risk of "major transformation" in the next century due to climate change, international scientists warned in the study. French news service AFP reports that some of these changes are already underway in the southwestern United States, where massive wildfires are destroying pine forests and transforming swaths of territory into bushland. In the next 100-150 years, these changes will likely spread to savannas, deserts and forests, altering ecosystems and endangering plant and animal life, particularly in areas such as Europe and the United States, the researchers warned in the journal Science. . "If we allow climate change to go unchecked, the vegetation on this planet will look completely different than it does today, and that poses a great risk to the diversity of the planet," said co-author Dr. Jonathan Overpeck, dean of the School of Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. The report is based on fossil and temperature records from a period that began 21,000 years ago, when the last Ice Age ended and the planet warmed from four to seven degrees Celsius. AFP reports that experts say their predictions are conservative, as this historic warming, caused by natural variability, took place over a much longer period, from the Maximum Glacial Maximum 21,000 years ago to the early Holocene, about 10,000 years ago. . Burning fossil fuels like oil and coal emits heat-trapping gases all over the planet. "We're talking about the same amount of change in 10 to 20 thousand years that will accumulate in a century or two," said Dr. Stephen Jackson, director of the Southwest Climate Adaptation Center at the US Geological Survey. The researchers described their work as the most comprehensive study to date, based on pollen and plant fossil records from 594 sites around the world, dating between 21,000 and 14,000 years ago. The most significant changes were seen in the mid to high latitudes of North America, Europe, and southern South America. These were the regions that became the most covered in glaciers, and which got hotter as the climate changed. The researchers calculated that if too little is done to contain current emissions, "the probability of a large-scale vegetation change is greater than 60 percent." However, if greenhouse gases are limited to the levels envisaged in the 2015 United Nations-sponsored Paris Agreement, "the probability of large-scale vegetation change is less than 45 percent." Changing landscapes would affect not only forests, but also drinking water, river flow, and aquatic recreation. And the loss of forests could trigger global warming even faster, because important carbon sinks would disappear. "Much of the carbon now locked up by vegetation around the planet could be released into the atmosphere, further amplifying the magnitude of climate change," said Dr. Overpeck. Video: The great transformation: Our future. A virtual keynote by futurist Gerd Leonhard LinkedIn Latam (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3551-study-warns-that-there-will-be-a-great-transformatio.html" }
In Jujuy, a Pilot Plant of Added Value of Quinoa and Andean Crops was inaugurated Equipped with INTA technology and knowledge for their classification, dismissal, deponification and packaging, the Pilot Plant of Added Value of Quinoa and Andean Crops was inaugurated that will benefit 200 producers from the north of the Puna Jujuy and the Quebrada de Humahuaca. Meeting in the Jujuy town of Posta de Hornillos, provincial and institutional authorities launched the Pilot Plant of Added Value of Quinoa and Andean Crops. This achievement will benefit 200 agroecological producers of quinoa in the north of the Puna Jujuy and the Quebrada de Humahuaca and will allow the grain to be conditioned so that it is suitable for human consumption. "We have an average production in the order of 800 kilos per hectare that, if we work well, we can reach two tons," said the governor, who also indicated that there are irrigation projects underway to boost quinoa production. And he added: "To the extent that we accompany infrastructure such as water wells or irrigation facilities, we will improve production, along with the price and quality of life of our producers and, consequently, their productivity." In turn, Juan Carlos Abud Robles - Minister of Economic Development and Production of Jujuy - acknowledged feeling "great satisfaction" when opening the plant, "which will allow progress on an issue that is central for us and for our province: value aggregate". "It is key to work on industrialization so that our producers can obtain a better price and, through that, they can grow, especially in the Puna." In this sense, he highlighted quinoa and considered it "a great opportunity." Regarding the growth prospects of this ancestral crop, the minister was enthusiastic about the national government's demand to boost production. "We are working on an agreement to be able to project a greater production and thus take advantage of the income that it will give us," Robles assured. Morales: "We have an average production in the order of 800 kilos per hectare that, if we work well, we can reach two tons." For his part, Héctor Daza –secretary of Popular Economy– was excited about the inauguration and considered it “one more achievement” of the Quinua Jujuy Complex. “We are launching a very important technological innovation, with which we can improve the quality of the product to be sold. With this plant we have a great challenge that adds to the efforts made so far by the provincial government ”. And, along these lines, Daza highlighted the institutional framework of achievement and decentralization work in the popular economy: "We believe that if we do not strengthen our local institutions it is impossible to give possibilities to family farming and our urban entrepreneurs." For his part, the Undersecretary of Family Agriculture and Territorial Development –Felipe Crespo– assured that together with the provincial government they are going to strengthen Andean crops in order to access better markets. "We are going to have a quality quinoa that is fractioned so that they can access the Buenos Aires markets," he said. Likewise, he underlined the impact that unfair competition generates in regional productions, for which he assured that they will strengthen the Competitiveness Table in order to expand markets. In the words of Marcelo Bosch - vice president of INTA - the inter-institutional work, interdisciplinary work, joint work and the support of different sectors of society were specified: “All this goes towards the development of the province of Jujuy, to the added value, to the generation of employment, to the search for a better quality of life and to the development of Argentina ”. In turn, Damián Alcoba - director of the IPAF NOA of INTA - considered the inauguration of the plant as "a very meaningful moment", while saying: "Today we have a model plant for its use and to be able to replicate and put at the service of other latitudes, these technologies ”. In this sense, he highlighted the participation of farmers in the region: "I have sincere gratitude to the collective work carried out together by those who make up the Quinoa Jujuy Complex, the Ministry of Production, the Ministry of Popular Economy and Productive Development , UCAR and the Secretariat of Family Agriculture ”. Numerous national, provincial, institutional and municipal authorities participated in the inauguration ceremony, among which were Estela Ríos –secretary of Productive Development–, Félix Pérez –secretary of Coordination of Development Agencies–, Hugo Cruz and Hugo Mamaní –maimará municipal commissioners. and Tumbaya, respectively, Héctor Espina –national director of INTA–, Andrea Maggio –director of CIPAF–, Jorge Griot – vice rector of the National University of Jujuy–, among others. Equipped with INTA technology and knowledge for its classification, firing, deponification and packaging, the plant will benefit 200 agroecological producers of quinoa from the north of Puna Jujuy and Quebrada de Humahuaca. In order to benefit 200 agroecological producers of quinoa from the north of the Puna Jujuy and the Quebrada de Humahuaca, the plant will have a sorter-cleaner and three scarifiers jointly designed by technicians from IPAF NOA and from the Palpal company FLAMA SRL. In addition, it has a stripper of Peruvian origin, as well as dosing and packaging machines of national manufacture. With this infrastructure, the process of beneficiation or deponification of quinoa can be developed, which allows its conditioning so that it is suitable for human consumption. In addition, to be able to automatically dose and pack pearl quinoa. Located on the IPAF NOA property and designed under the requirements of Bromatology qualification of the Jujuy province (SUNIBROM- Superior Bromatological Unit), the plant has 260 square meters, of which 152 are covered, in addition to areas conditioned for the loading and unloading of products. The project was possible thanks to funding from UCAR-PROSAP through the Cluster Development Support Initiative and the Secretariat of Popular Economy of the Jujuy government. Quinoa: as small as it is valuable As it is a native crop closely linked to the ancestral knowledge and history of the region, quinoa is a deeply rooted productive practice in the NOA with great opportunities for family farming and small production. It is an Andean grain without gluten and with high quality proteins, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. The grain is consumed in a similar way to rice or ground into flours. In addition, it has great adaptability to the environment, tolerance to water scarcity and resistance to diseases. Although, in Argentina, it is still an incipient production and self-consumption, whose management is carried out manually and with little technification, technologies and innovations such as those developed by INTA allow to promote this activity with great economic prospects. Video: The origin of quinoa (October 2020). The collapse of diesel fuel forces automakers to make drastic decisions
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3947-in-jujuy-a-pilot-plant-of-added-value-of-quinoa-and-a.html" }
This is the second part of my series of articles My Anti Cancer Recipes. In the first part I tell my story and my relationship with cancer as well as talk about anti-cancer foods and my healing plan. In today's article I'm going to talk about emotions and cancer and the relationship of cancer to stress. My story My name is Odile Fernández, I am a family doctor, I am 36 years old and two children. In 2010 I had ovarian cancer with multiple metastases and the truth is that life expectancy and life expectancy were limited. I wanted to seek something else that was not to extend my life a little but what I wanted was to heal. As a doctor, I decided to look for all the scientific bibliographic information that related cancer to diet and lifestyles. Something that I had not been taught in the Faculty but that the evidence showed me that there was this support that diet and lifestyle have to do with cancer. So, I started a change in my lifestyle: I changed the way I eat, I started to exercise, I lost weight and I changed my attitude towards illness and towards life, living in the here and now, taking advantage of every second, every moment, because life is limited. The Anticancer Mind The development of cancer depends a lot on what we eat, but it also depends on our emotions, on our way of coping with conflicts and relating to ourselves and our peers. Conflicts can be the source of cancer. To this day, science has not yet been able to identify conflict as a carcinogen, but it has shown that unresolved conflicts and stress contribute to cancer growing faster. That is why our priority must be focused on ensuring that we are happy, that we live life with joy and in a positive way. That we look for a motivation to heal and live. In my case, my motivation was my 3-year-old son. Focus on what makes you happy and what makes you enjoy. Believe in your dreams, because if you believe in dreams, dreams will be created. Stress and Cancer Stress influences cancer, so much so that it increases the risk of cancer in healthy people and reduces the survival rates of people who have already developed it. We all suffer from situations that cause us stress, but we each deal with these situations differently. The more overwhelmed and powerless we feel in the face of conflicts, the more likely we are to develop cancer. When we are subjected to chronic stress, hormones are released that activate the growth and development of cancer. When we are stressed, we release cortisol and adrenaline that stimulate the release of inflammatory substances to the sympathetic nervous system and block NK, thus favoring the appearance of cancer. Stress is inevitable, what we can do is learn to manage it. We must learn to let things slip and prevent them from affecting us. To learn how to manage and control stress, I advise you to start doing relaxation exercises and breathing aware. The meditation it is one of the most effective techniques that cancer patients can use to achieve a state of complete spiritual and mental harmony. Meditation is ideal for managing stress and learning to cope with conflict in a calm way. Meditation consists of concentrating our mind on the breath while we watch conflicts, fears and vicissitudes pass through our mind, but without paying attention to them, without wasting our time on them. You will see how the way you cope with problems improves and you get more peace and calm of mind. Practice Creative Visualization Transmit to your cells your desire to heal, for that creative visualization is very useful: Imagine cancer cells as weak, useless. They are a poorly organized army. You have an army of different types of white blood cells that can be "loaded" onto cancer cells. Image lymphocytes, Natural Killers and macrophages. They must be very strong and disciplined. Your immune system is aggressive and intelligent and is continually searching for and attacking cancer cells. Recreate the battle between the immune system and cancer. While your immune system wins the battle, visualize how the tumor shrinks until it disappears from your body. I imagined that the lymphocytes were policemen with very fierce wild dogs pounding cancer, and the NKs were ruthless Tyrannosaurus Rex that continually attacked by butchering tumor cells. After the victorious battle of our immune cells, the remains of the dead cancer cells are swept away and eliminated from the body. The areas of your body where the cancer was previously are repaired and function perfectly again as if nothing had happened. Imagine how the administered treatment (chemo, radiotherapy, feeding, reiki, acupuncture…) is strong and powerful. Once cancer is defeated, visualize yourself happy, doing what you like the most and surrounded by your loved ones. Imagine yourself full of peace and happiness. Congratulate yourself on how well you have done achieving your healing and let your loved ones congratulate you. If you have pain in any area of ​​the body, imagine how that pain decreases and disappears. Ask for help People with cancer do not usually ask others for help, they tend to want to do it all by themselves. So if you have cancer, don't be strong, ask for help! The role of family and friends during illness is crucial. It has been shown that people who have effective emotional support from their loved ones live longer and have a higher quality of life than those who experience the disease alone. In my case, my partner, my son, my parents and my friends played a very important role because of the support and love they showed me throughout the process. They were always by my side whether it rained or the sun rose. My partner and my son shaved themselves when my hair fell out due to chemotherapy to accompany me and with that simple gesture he told me YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Seek the support of your loved ones. If you do not have family or friends close, go to associations of patients with cancer where you will find physical and emotional support. My Rules To Be Happy I do not want to say goodbye without leaving you some simple rules to be happy that I try to apply in my day to day. Free your heart from hatred. Forgive old grudges and grudges from the past. Free your mind of worries. Learn to give the right importance to things, make problems "slide" you. Live humbly and unpretentious. Forget consumerism. Live with little. Give more, without the intention of receiving. The important thing is that you offer things that we believe are valuable and important. Wait less. Replace sadness and depression with joy and excitement. Always be positive. Trade fear and anxiety for peace and serenity. Trade anger, envy, and frustration for patience and love. Love intensely and then love others. Love life. Hold on to it. Take control of your life and your illness. You must be an active part of your illness. Don't just let your doctors prescribe a treatment. Ask, search, inquire. Become an active patient. Thank cancer. It sounds tremendous, but it is. Thanks to a process that convulses your life, you can turn your beliefs around and reinvent yourself. Cancer is an opportunity to change your life, reflect on the past and plan a more spiritual, conscious and harmonious present and future. Cancer helps you know who your true friends are and the people who really love you. Live in harmony with nature. Stroll through the countryside and the beach in bare feet. Feel the breeze on your face and the humidity of the soil on your feet. If you can, move to the country. Enjoy every moment that life offers you. Enjoy every touch, every smile, every hug. Travels. Discover new and positive experiences. After all, that's the only thing we take with us when we die. Trust in your power to heal. Nothing is permanent except change. Therefore, any disease is reversible. The power is in us. Learn to listen to yourself and trust your instincts. Practice laughter therapy. Laugh. Surround yourself with someone who makes you smile, not someone who makes you suffer. Learn to say No. Look for yourself first and then for others. Remember that nothing happens by chance. If this article has reached you, it is because you wanted to have this information. We tend to live thinking that life is infinite. We think that there is always tomorrow to fulfill our dreams, to say I love you or give a hug to a loved one. There are not a thousand tomorrows, we do not know when our life will end, so enjoy the moment and pursue your dreams. My Anticancer Recipes, A Book and A Story Full of Hope 4 years have passed and I am free of disease against all odds of official medicine. I have become a mother again and I overflow Energy and vitality. I have changed outside and inside. Now I am happier, more cheerful, more positive and I feel rejuvenated and more beautiful than ever. I live focused on the present, in the now. I enjoy every moment, every new day that life gives me and I give infinite thanks for this gift. My relationship with cancer was special. I got to learn from the disease and live a new life. The experience was wonderful and I have decided to share my personal experience and all the medical information that I have been collecting throughout these years in the form of a blog www.misrecetasanticancer.com and two books, My Anti-Cancer Recipes and My Anti-Cancer Cooking Recipes. My wish is to help other people with cancer to spread light and hope in their healing process. They say that what is not given is lost and I do not want my experience and knowledge to be lost if I can help other people. About the Author Odile Fernández, is a family physician and stage IV ovarian cancer survivor. She is the author of 2 books: My Anticancer Recipes Y My Anti-Cancer Cooking Recipes. You can follow his articles on his page: www.misrecetasanticancer.com. Video: Using Your Own Body To Fight Cancer. Wesley Wilson. TEDxUWA (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3655-cancer-and-emotions-the-anticancer-mind.html" }
By James Lovelock - Lynn Margulis When Lovelock published the Gaia hypothesis, it shocked many scientists, especially those with a more logical mind who hated a concept that sounded so mystical. It puzzled them, and most puzzling of all was that Lovelock was one of them. On January 26, the World Environmental Education Day is celebrated, which has its origin in 1975, the year in which the International Seminar on Environmental Education was held in Belgrade (capital of the Republic of Serbia) .As a result of this important The convention established the principles of Environmental Education within the framework of the United Nations Programs and the Belgrade Charter was published, in which the fundamental claims related to the subject are reflected. By James Lovelock - Lynn Margulis When Lovelock published the Gaia hypothesis, it shocked many scientists, especially those with a more logical mind who hated a concept that sounded so mystical. It puzzled them, and most puzzling of all was that Lovelock was one of them. Master Recipe: Vegetarian Lasagna without Pasta
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/environmental-education/" }
Friends of the Earth International's “Energy Sovereignty NOW” manifesto outlines positive steps that will accelerate the transition to a climate just world. In 2018 climate change was felt in every corner of the planet - and people are looking for solutions. Energy Sovereignty It is already the Friends of the Earth International manifesto for a just transformation of our energy system, based on 10 demands. It is the culmination of several years of dialogue, research and movement building on all continents, with our member groups and our allies and allies. It represents our renewed commitment to building the system that the peoples and the planet need. It is a testament to a world that is not only possible but is already about to come true. We are ready for a world founded on justice and sustainability. People everywhere are already building that world; Indigenous peoples and communities in resistance have long put these values ​​into practice. Now we need to build popular power, together, to change systems and make climate justice and energy sovereignty a reality. Each of these demands poses a positive measure that will accelerate the transition to a climate just world. We will use the manifesto as a mobilization tool. It will be a source of inspiration. We will present it in local meetings in communities, in our advocacy work at the national level and in global mobilizations. It will help us to take a step forward in any space where solutions are demanded, in such a way that we can guarantee that the microphone is in the hands of the communities in resistance. It will displace and silence calls for false solutions and dangerous distractions. “There are people around the world who are already living or implementing thousands of initiatives that materialize justice and question the capitalist logic. It is time to extend and multiply them. The dimension of the crises we face requires a change in the system, and this change in the system will lead to the creation of sustainable societies and new relationships between human beings, and between human beings and nature, based on equality and reciprocity. " Video: 2020 Sovereign Nations Conference: The Great Awokening (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3277-10-demands-for-an-energy-system-founded-on-justice-an.html" }
As inhabitants of this planet we have a commitment to the environment, that is why we must bet on environmental education, and that more than starting it from an early age with our children, guiding them on the path to a sustainable future, which helps them understand how our Actions have a direct impact on our environment. Shamsung the Little Skunk, is a book for young and old. It is the story of a baby skunk, who loses her family, and travels through different countries in search of her. During its tour, the exquisite landscapes, with their flora and fauna, are described, in this way, children, youth and adults, through the description, will go on a beautiful journey through various and wonderful places on the planet. Areas devastated by environmental disasters, their causes and consequences are also described. Shamsung the Little Skunk is a beautiful story of friendship, hope, courage and determination. The book written by Indira Geovana Bush Tapia was published by universe of letters publisher, and you can purchase it at the following link: Video: Samsung QD-OLED Explained + Why Samsung is Snubbing It for 2021 TV (October 2020). 5 crystals that relieve stress and restore your inner peace
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3671-shamsung-the-little-skunk-teach-them-with-a-story.html" }
At the first symptoms of illness, we ran to the doctor. We want to heal fast. We take pills, syrups, they give us injections. We just want to feel better right away. But in Scotland, things are changing, doctors can prescribe, in addition to drugs, a dose of Nature. Doctors can suggest you as a treatment for your health, a short trip, a daily walk through green spaces, wildlife watching, gardening or any other activity related to contact with Mother Earth. The goal of this new therapy is to reduce some ills that are becoming unfortunately common. For example, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, many of which are caused by the stress caused by the current pace of life. Ecotherapy: the remedy for all ills A large part of current illnesses are related to bad habits, the result of work pressures, routine stress, noise, and unhealthy environments in cities. It seems obvious, but we don't. The solution to balance ourselves by going to the extreme:more enjoyment, less stressful routines, less noise and cleaner air. Things that we can only find only in nature. Being 90 minutes a day in wooded areas reduces depression, and spending 1 day in nature on a recurring basis improves the immune system, activating anti-cancer proteins. Some of the treatments your doctor may recommend Scottish doctors have a list of recipes that can help you recontact with nature. Take walks with your dog. An excuse to get out… plus, pets promote better health and less anxiety! Bury your face in the grass or massage your hands in the dirt. If you don't want to get dirty, you can just stare at two different blades of grass for a while Prepare a meal on your patio or in the park Lie down to see the sky Feeding birds in the garden or pigeons in the park Make a windsock or pinwheel to watch the wind from time to time. This will also provide you with an excuse to do crafts, which is a form of moving meditation. It is about establishing habits and routines to get closer to nature. Without a doubt you will regain your balance, you will improve both your physical, mental and spiritual health. Maybe, even if you don't live in Scotland, you can put them into practice. This time it is worth self-medicating! Video: The Psychology of Transcendent Experiences (October 2020). Scientists predict deadly heat waves in the United States
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3085-the-most-effective-medicine-contact-with-nature.html" }
Celebrities and environmental groups are demanding that Japan reverse its decision to resume whaling, condemning the "cruel and archaic practice that has no place in the 21st century." An open letter to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe criticizes Tokyo's decision to leave the International Whaling Commission (IWC), as activists plan a peaceful protest march at the Japanese embassy in London on Saturday Actors Ricky Gervais and Joanna Lumley, announcers Stephen Fry and Ben Fogle, and naturalist Chris Packham are among the signatories. Packham said: "To the utter chagrin of the rest of the world, Japan is trying to resume whaling." We do not need statements of disgust, we need penalties that harm. If the shame doesn't change the Japanese, then the economic pain could. ' Japan faces international condemnation after confirming in December that it will resume commercial whaling in July for the first time in more than 30 years. Greenpeace has disputed Japan's view that whale populations have recovered. Japan has killed 8,201 minke whales in Antarctica since 1986, activists say. The protest march to the Japanese embassy in London is scheduled for noon on Saturday and is organized by the London Committee for the Abolition of Whaling. Fogle, a UN patron in the desert, said: “Whaling is a despicable practice that offends our most basic humanity. I ask Japan to heed the wealth of global voices calling for an end to a senseless slaughter of whales once and for all. " The open letter asks Abe to stop whaling and rejoin the IWC. “There is no human way to kill a whale. "Whales die in agony when harpooned, often taking a long time to die in bloody and painful conditions," he says. "There is really no justification or need to resume commercial whaling for cultural, commercial, scientific or ethical reasons," adds the letter, published in the Daily Telegraph. In Japan, where the amount of whale meat consumed has dropped from 233,000 tons in 1962 to 3,000 tons in 2016, "clearly there is no longer a great demand for this meat," the letter says. It adds that the protection and international ban on whaling is "critical" and that some species of whales, almost exterminated due to commercial hunting, are slowly recovering. Signatories also include primatologist Jane Goodall, Born Free Foundation actor Virginia McKenna and Will Travers, television and radio host Nicky Campbell, naturalist Steve Backshall and broadcaster Selina Scott. Video: Experience a Traditional Whale Hunt in Northern Alaska. Short Film Showcase (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3147-japan-resumes-killing-of-whales-international-condem.html" }
‘Sounding Nature’ is the world's largest collection of nature sounds "Human beings are a very, very noisy bunch and we're getting louder all the time," says composer Stuart Fowkes, creator of the "global collaborative sound project" Cities and Memory. Since its inception in 2014, Cities and Memory has created sound maps focused on protests, holy sites and photographs. His newest project, however, moves away from humans and instead focuses on areas where the natural world is undisturbed. Sounding Nature is the world's largest collection of nature sounds, with nearly 500 sounds from 55 countries, from jungles to glaciers to underwater shrimp recordings. The map has two parts: the field recording of the sound itself, and then the musical remix that it inspired. The Verge spoke with Fowkes about the new project and how noise pollution is disrupting the natural world. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity. Can you tell me about the origins of this project? First, we wanted to try to show what a map of the world would look like if you couldn't hear humans. That's very difficult to do because humans are a very, very loud bunch and we get louder all the time. Noise in the ocean has doubled every 10 years for the past 50 years, and the trend continues even in remote areas. The flip side is that we wanted to illuminate how the noise we make as human beings can have a serious and dramatic impact on the natural world. We are not only talking about the animals being irritated, but we are talking about changes in habitat and physiological changes. What kinds of physiological changes are we talking about? The first and most obvious is hearing loss, which we don't think about often with animals, but animals must also be able to hear to avoid predators. There are changes such as increased stress in animals. There are behavioral changes that can vary depending on the species. An example was made in tree frogs exposed to traffic noise over a period of days. In the end, they experienced a 19 percent drop in the efficiency of immune responses, which is a big deal. Where is noise pollution the biggest problem? I imagine it is linked to urban development. That would be the right thing to do. I don't think it's a huge problem in Antarctica. And if you go to New York City, you will find that noise pollution levels are so high that the animals have adapted. I think the danger is when the sound increases suddenly, like fast-growing areas. Surrounding the non-urbanization issues are drilling sites and the oil rig in remote rural areas. It's impossible to completely overstate how novel it is in a marine environment to have this sudden surge in intrusive noise. There is strong evidence that the window of time without noise pollution is closing. A friend of mine recorded the sound in Hamburg, and one of his favorite things is to record the early morning chorus, when you wake up at dawn and all the birds wake up and start singing at the same time. It is a magical sound and he found that there is a window of only about 25 minutes, after which the first flight from Hamburg approaches and ruins everything. This window is getting smaller and smaller. What are some of the sounds included in the map? The project as a whole covers 55 countries and almost 500 sounds. There are exotic sounds like hippos and hyenas, things like nightingales and robins, and the sound of the geyser in Iceland and Hurricane Harvey as it passed over Texas. It has been a privilege to be able to share the world of some field recorders who dedicate their lives to recording the sounds of nature and camping to try to capture things like baboons that freak out. Some of the more specialized recordings are, say, shrines in Senegal, but there are also sounds from urban areas that people have captured on their iPhones. The second part of the project is a remix inspired by the sound of nature, right? Yes. You hear the original recording and the recomposed version in which someone has taken the original and created some kind of artistic response. You'll find everything from full house and techno tracks to human compositions that base tracks on Shakespeare's plays. It's amazing. I can give the same sound to 10 different people and they will come back with 10 completely different artistic inspirations. It is a delight to send all these things. What's next for cities and memory? A lot of the things I've done with Cities and Memory have been around the idea of ​​what is unique, what is out there that is not like everything else. I feel like something we're interested in right now is the sounds that define a particular city. When you think of your city, what do you think? Will those sounds be heard forever, and if not, why? Video: THIS WHAT THE WORLD MAP SOUNDS LIKE ON THE PIANO (October 2020). 9 tips not to hate (so much) on Mondays The roots of lasting peace are intertwined with the earth
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3253-this-awesome-map-has-nearly-500-sounds-of-what-the-wo.html" }
‘Waste’ (Waste) highlights the main data on the environmental impact of food waste in the world and its environmental and social consequences. This short was recorded in several languages ​​and was promoted by various international institutions and NGOs, such as WWF, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) or the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Video: Aluminium Recycling - How Is Aluminium Recycled? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3356-waste-waste.html" }
On Wednesdays at noon, I look for my little granddaughters after school and bring them home to eat together. Boys and girls flock out hungry after a busy day's work. All the people who look for the children bring them some food that they devour with relish and entertain them until they get home to eat. I observe with alarm that most of the alleged foods are snack bags whose content, in addition to not having any nutritional value, contain additives intended to produce a flavor and aroma that mask this nutritional deficiency, additives that are also toxic and addictive. "Can't you just one?", Recognizes some advertising. Other supposed foods are buns and sweets that meet conditions similar to those described Below I transcribe a summary that I have taken from Dr. Mércola's page, mercola.com, in which he develops in detail the chemical and industrial process responsible for many of the conditions, ailments and diseases that the world population suffers from, particularly childhood. Animals instinctively select the foods they need to correct their nutritional deficiencies based on their reaction to taste; Humans are gifted with a similar chemical sensing ability, which is now captivated by artificially flavored foods. The taste experience requires more gray matter than any other sensory experience, and most of the human genome involves the process of creating the nose. So from an evolutionary perspective, this chemical sensing ability seems particularly important. Taste is an indicator of the nutritional density of foods. Artificial flavor technology has led to radical deterioration in food quality, as it can easily mask the taste of substandard ingredients with chemicals. By using flavored chemicals, foods can now be produced that have virtually no nutritional value; however, the excellent taste and aroma mislead consumers into thinking they are consuming a healthy food. Artificial flavors promote obesity by prompting you to eat foods that you would not normally want to eat, and in larger amounts than normal. If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you most likely will not need to take medication. Video: 5 Quick Tips: How to recognize fragrance notes! (October 2020). The seven R's of the organic consumer Lithium miners expelled by Kollas communities
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3751-pay-attention-to-the-aroma-and-taste-of-food.html" }
Dehydration is a state where the body does not have the necessary amount of water to function optimally. Poor hydration is due to increased loss of water from the body compared to intake. The body naturally loses water by sweating, urinating, and breathing. However, when such processes expel more water from the body than is consumed, the body begins to show symptoms of dehydration. Symptoms of insufficient water in the body generally range from mild, moderate, or severe. Mild and moderate symptoms of poor hydration are treated through oral fluid intake, while severe dehydration often requires intravenous fluid replacement due to the urgency of the situation. Causes of dehydration All people are susceptible to poor hydration depending on the activities one engages in, but children are often at greater risk due to the condition. Outdoor physical activities such as sports and workouts can cause increased water loss from the body through sweating along with air enhancing evaporation. Other conditions that can exacerbate dehydration include diarrhea, fever, and vomiting. Some people experience diarrhea, vomiting, and an upset stomach simultaneously, and this can lead to extremely high water loss. Also, some diseases, such as diabetes, tend to cause increased urination and this can lead to loss of water from the body. The symptoms Lethargy Low urine output. Confusion Abdominal pain Headaches Dry mouth and bad breath Extreme thirst Mild symptoms occur when one loses about 2% of the body's optimal water content. In this case, the person experiences thirst and loss of appetite. If you are physically active during this period, you will have low stamina, fatigue, hot flashes, and experience an increased heart rate. Moderate symptoms usually start with a water loss of about 5 to 6%, where you experience dizziness, headaches, tingling in the extremities, and high body temperature as the body loses its ability to cool itself through sweating. Severe symptoms arise with a loss of around 10-15% in fluids, and in this case, you could experience low or no urination, poor vision, painful urination, wrinkled skin, muscle cramps, and delirium. Symptoms that occur with a fluid loss greater than 15% often result in coma and death. In adults, dehydration levels are often progressive due to poor nutritional habits. Many people train their bodies to consume little water to avoid frequent urination at work, school, and at bedtime. Consequently, you are unlikely to experience thirst and will not know when your body needs water. This progresses to the moderate stage where you experience dry skin, and if you do not mitigate the situation, the symptoms may be aggravated. Pinch your skin Studies show that you can test for lack of water by pinching your skin. Hydrated skin returns to normal instantly after pinching, while dehydrated skin can appear carp-shaped and slowly return to normal. The color of your urine can also serve as an alarm to notify you of poor hydration. Normal urine should have a slight yellow tinge. If a person experiences poor hydration, they excrete deep yellow urine. Dry mouth and bad breath are also symptoms of poor hydration. John P. Higgins, a professor of medicine at the University of Texas, noted that bad breath occurs when you don't produce enough saliva, leading to overgrowth of bacteria in your mouth. Poor hydration: why the condition is dangerous The body experiences adverse medical conditions during dehydration, and the severity of the condition depends on the degree of poor hydration. As the body loses water, it leads to an increase in the level of salts and minerals in the body. The salts and minerals crystallize and settle in the kidney, leading to the development of kidney stones. Kidney stones can cause episodes of painful urination and severe abdominal pain. The remedy, in this case, is to consume large amounts of water to pass the stone easily. Poor hydration also inhibits the kidney's ability to pass enough wastes through urine. Hypertension Research also shows that when the body's cells do not have enough water, the brain commands increased production of vasopressin, a compound that leads to the contraction of the bile ducts in the liver, as well as the blood vessels. This contraction increases blood pressure and causes hypertension, while contraction of the bile ducts can lead to the development of gallstones. Irregular body temperature Poor hydration can also create a vicious cycle of fevers and chills. The lack of water in the body causes fevers and, subsequently, accelerates perspiration. Sweating leads to the loss of additional water and thus increases the severity of symptoms of poor hydration. Heat injuries in the form of muscle cramps can also occur when one is exercising or working outdoors during hot weather. When you sweat without replacing the water, the muscles contract frequently and painfully due to increased sensitivity. Other heat injuries include exhaustion and heat stroke, in severe cases. Additionally, it is crucial to note that you may also experience dehydration symptoms during cold weather if you do not consume enough water. Video: Dr Bitner - Dangers of Dehydration (October 2020). Impact of cigarette butts on the environment Happiness to use and throw away. Consumerism feeds on isolation
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3457-7-symptoms-of-dehydration-and-why-its-so-dangerous.html" }
The dishes are perfectly cleaned with wateralone, hot or cold, with the condition of doing it at the same time they are vacated. But then, the position in which the dishes are stored is very important. These must be in a position such that they do not form a bowl, they must be upside down or vertical. Pots and cups To store in an aerobic state they must have the handle turned upside down so that they hang. No matter how clean they are, if they are left piled up in the mouth they are forming bowls, anaerobic bacteria will be produced with their corresponding bad smell, and if the air does not move in that place it will be worse. Electric detergent If the dishes are not washed at the same time they are vacated. Then we need something else, something like electric detergent. This is formed when a thread of water runs over the plate and is crossed from side to side (at 90º) by a steel scourer. The electric and magnetic fields are always at 90 ° As the water is not distilled, the jet is a stream of ions and if at 90 ° a mass of steel moves. The effect is fed back by creating an electro-magnetic field in the first section of the jet that runs on the plate. This produces a decrease in the surface tension of the water in the first section of the jet on the plate. The decrease in surface tension is the same effect that detergents produce. The water turns into detergent for a few fractions of a second (10 cm jet) and then returns to its normal state. This is the same as making detergent at the same time it is being used. The surface tension of water is that force that surrounds the drop of water, maintaining its shape. It is also that force that causes the surface of the water to deform when we introduce or remove a rod in the water. It is difficult to wash without detergent, because the same water produces a waterproof layer of surface tension between the water and the dirt, which prevents the water from penetrating the dirt. If we lower the surface tension of the water, it gets to the bottom of the dirt and loosens it. If we add a few drops of detergent to the water, the deformation on the water surface decreases. It is difficult to sustain that electric currents and magnetic fields are produced with a jet of water and the movement of a steel wool. It is more credible to say that the total absence of these is almost impossible when non-ion-free water is displaced, perpendicular to the displacement of a mass of metal. The same when the water passes through the tap, cutting the lines of force of the magnets. Better yet with magnets If two permanent magnets are located attracting each other, in the kitchen faucet, at the moment in which the water passes through this field, the surface tension decreases. With these magnets we increase the cleaning power. When the jet falls on a clean plate, if there is surface tension (without magnets) the jet is divided into jets that run through the plate, moving away from each other. If there is not (with magnets) it is observed as a smooth mirror of water around the jet. Then the water is divided into small streams again as proof that the surface tension has returned to the water. Detergent brand "Affinity" Lowering the surface tension is an aid to soaking. But it is not everything and it is not the most important thing. Nothing removes dirt more than dirt itself. This is due to the affinity between substances. It is easy to soak and stir fat with fat, flour with flour, charcoal with charcoal, a mixture of fat and charcoal with a mixture of fat and charcoal. Do this test: To a semi-burnt roasting pan or griddle add a quantity of water equal to two large tablespoons, scrape in circles with a stainless steel pad, forming a paste with the dirt. Do not rinse, use that paste as a cleaner and you will see what a powerful detergent you have on your hands. Dirt is added to that cleaning paste out of sympathy and then rinsed off with a thread of water and steel wool. Permacultor dedicated to the design, teaching and research of permaculture since 1997. Mechanical Technician, Metallurgist since the age of 11. More than 35 years making devices, machines and projects that work well. Video: Washing Dishes Without Dish Soap?! (October 2020). The collapse of diesel fuel forces automakers to make drastic decisions
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3855-washing-dishes-without-detergents-is-possible.html" }
Monsanto Papers, Monsanto's Argentine subsidiary, also knew that Roundup was not safe How the ruling that condemned Monsanto in the United States impacts our country and the world. Why SENASA should take note and act accordingly. The emails that reveal that the company is hiding information about the toxicity of its products. The conviction of August 10, in the case of Dewayne Johnson v. Monsanto Company, marks a severe setback for the company now owned by Bayer. It is an unprecedented judicial precedent that alerts about the danger of Roundup shedding light - supported by solid evidential documents - on the way in which that company withheld information and influenced regulatory agencies to keep its product on the market. In Argentina, it is the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA) - dependent on the Agroindustry portfolio - which authorizes these chemical products, based on the safety studies of the companies that produce them. Different investigations show that these regulatory agencies act in collusion with companies and do not fulfill their role of protecting public health (see here). After the US ruling, is it valid to continue to maintain the "safety" label with which the RoundUp is marketed in our country? Argentina holds the sad record of using 350 million liters per year of this substance, which is already present in food, rivers and even rainwater. In the text of the verdict of the recent trial, Monsanto was found guilty of acting willfully or abusively in concealing the risk in the design of two of its Glyphosate-based herbicides. "The Roundup Pro® or Ranger Pro® posed potential risks that were known or could be known in light of generally accepted scientific knowledge in the scientific community at the time of their production, distribution or sale",affirmed the jury upholding its verdict in the evidence presented by the defense and supported by the internal documents of Monsanto itself (see here). Many of these tests are part of what is known as Monsanto Papers: thousands and thousands of documents obtained by the NGO USRTK, through requests for public information and by lawyers from different cases against Roundup in the more than 4000 litigation that await his turn in court. Documents that lavaca.org makes available from a site especially monsantopapers.lavaca.org for the right to information. Monsanto Argentina assures on its page"That glyphosate, when used correctly, does not present risks to human health, wildlife or the environment". After the ruling, in addition to anticipating that they would appeal the jury's decision, they once again assured the media that their products are safe. Glyphosate was classified in 2015 by the IARC (WHO International Agency for Cancer) as genotoxic, carcinogenic in animals and probably carcinogenic in humans. As documented in the monsanto papers, the EPA must explain the relationship with the company, suspicions of influencing EFSA negotiations (although the European regulatory agency denied this in a statement) and other agencies such as the Agency for Toxic Substances and the Disease Registry, ASTDR, a federal public health agency of the US Department of Health and Human Services, to prevent this new cancer hazard status from advancing elsewhere (see here). Brent Wisner, the attorney representing many of the cancer victims suing Monsanto, said the documents offer compelling evidence of inappropriate links between the EPA and the chemical company in efforts to avoid further safety reviews following the re-categorization of the IARC. "I think it's very clear that EPA officials and Monsanto employees worked together to achieve the goal of stopping an analysis at ATSDR," Wisner said. ASTDR planned to update a glyphosate safety review that was suspected to be in line with the IARC decision. The study "was drafted" after conversations by Monsanto employees and EPA employee Jess Rowland, who openly offered in an email in April 2015 his willingness to stop ATSDR's review (see here). Rowland, who retired in 2016, was the division deputy director within the health effects division of EPA's Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP). The suspicious and intimate relationship between Rowland and Monsanto has prompted an investigation by the US EPA's Office of Inspector General. Internal documents from that agency show that the EPA in March and April 2016 was “struggling” internally to gather data on ingredients that Monsanto has commonly used to formulate its herbicide products. Although Monsanto has been selling Roundup herbicides for more than 40 years, internal agency documents indicate that the EPA had loose, biased, and messy information on those formulations. The need to review with what papers and on what certifications the entry permit to our country is based is imperative. The ruling and the disclosures of the Monsanto Papers show that when Monsanto claims that its products have been licensed for 40 years as safe, it hides information. The company's own researchers admit in internal emails that they did not do enough studies to make that claim (see here). Monsanto's strategies to defend Roundup have been revealed in internal emails, presentations, and memos. Worse still, these documents suggest that the company doesn't even appear to know if Roundup is harmless to people's health. "You can't say that Roundup is not a carcinogen," Monsanto toxicologist Donna Farmer wrote in one of the emails. "We have not done the necessary tests in the formulation to make that statement." The email, sent on November 22, 2003, is one of the evidence used in the Dewayne Johnson case (see here). That same statement, that there were not enough studies to say that Roundup is not carcinogenic, was read by several employees of Monsanto Argentina, eight years ago, on December 14, 2010. The mail exchange, - in some of which it participates or it is in copy, the President of Monsanto Argentina, Juan Farinati, ends by admitting the lack of studies. In this final copy, Martín Lasarte and Diego Kavanas, among other people linked to the company, appear as recipients by the Argentine subsidiary. With the SUBJECT:Re: Response Need - Re: Glyphosate Questions (Argentina); FW: CASAFE publications, the last email answers, among others, these questions: “Why are Roundup formulas not carcinogenic? What are its most relevant metabolites and what studies show they are not (carcinogenic)? Stephen Adams, Chemistry Regulatory Affairs Manager of Monsanto Company, confirms in the response the same information as Donna Farmer (also in copy in this email): the formula of its flagship product was never tested; only its components separately but never the final formulation what is it that they sell. Textually in Spanish: "With respect to the carcinogenicity of our formulations, we have not carried out that kind of tests directly on them, but we have such tests on the glyphosate component and some extensive toxicity tests on the surfactant." Today 8 years after that email, having that information, the public discourse of the company remains the same. "Only those that were certified as safe for the environment and human health are released on the market.", It reads on the Monsanto Argentina site without informing about what the company knows according to the text of the internal email consigned above (see here ). The first statements of SENASA after the verdict, in a note published on August 17 byprofessional, they dismissed the seriousness of the conclusion that the litigation threw and that was resolved against the company (see here). “This is a trial between individuals. The user of a product goes against the company. And what happened is a first instance ruling. So far, with the documents and studies that all government agencies have, including SENASA, there are no reasons to change the glyphosate situation, ”sources from the organization informed Patricio Eleisegui, author of the aforementioned article. “For us the safety of our products is fundamental. Not a single regulatory agency considers glyphosate a carcinogen. The evaluations carried out by regulatory authorities around the world for more than 40 years confirm this ”, they assure from Monsanto in the five most common questions about Glyphosate on their website (see here). The company's own papers published in MonsantoPapers deny that claim and the statement of Donna Farmer, on the tenth day of the trial in San Francisco, which found Monsanto guilty of all charges (see here). Added to this are the proven campaigns to interfere with or discredit science that contradicts what Monsanto keeps repeating and the "scientific" toxicity studies ghostwritten by the company's own employees, which endorse safety, and are used as "independent science". All this information must be analyzed and cannot be ignored when deciding the use of these pesticides in Argentina. It is time for SENASA to take note and fulfill its role in protecting Argentine society, and guaranteeing the right to information and health. Video: Guy drinks Glyphosate. Roundup on Camera (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3561-monsanto-papers-the-argentine-subsidiary-of-monsanto.html" }
Extreme winter weather in Europe and the US is due to a hot Arctic When the Arctic is unusually warm, extreme winter weather is two to four times more likely in the eastern United States, according to new research. It is too early to tell whether warming Arctic is causing these severe cold spells, and if so, how exactly. But the study shows how global climate change can have pervasive effects locally, close to home. The researchers analyzed a variety of atmospheric data in the Arctic, as well as how severe the winter weather was in 12 cities in the US from 1950 to 2016. Since 1990, when the Arctic warmed and lost ice, extreme cold pops and Heavy snow in the winter has been two to four times more frequent in the eastern United States and in the Midwest, while in the western United States, their frequency has decreased, according to a study published today in Nature Communications. . The study, however, only shows that there could be a correlation, not a direct causal relationship, between Arctic warming and severe winters in the U.S. And it doesn't show how exactly the two are connected, so it doesn't really add much. to what scientists already knew, according to several experts. "In the real world, it's really hard to unravel cause and effect." The Arctic is warming at an unprecedented rate, and the sea ice is melting. At the same time, extremely cold pops and heavy snowfall have increased in North America, Europe, and Asia. So there is a vigorous debate in the climate science community about how, if at all, the changing Arctic may be leading to these climate extremes in the Northern Hemisphere. It's also unclear whether the increase in extreme winter weather is simply happening naturally or due to climate change. Today's document does not show that the Arctic is responsible, so it does not put the debate to rest, some experts say. "It is not the first document and it will not be the last to link the warm Arctic to cold winters, but I remain skeptical of that link," says James Screen, associate professor of climate science at the University of Exeter, who was not involved. in the study. The mechanisms at play are still a mystery, and climate models don't really support this hypothesis, he tells The Verge. “This is based solely on observations. In the real world, it's really difficult to untangle cause and effect. " Ted Shepherd, professor of climate science at the University of Reading, agrees. Observations alone are not enough to link extreme weather events to climate change, especially if they have been occurring in a regional area for a relatively short period of time. For that, you need models. "I don't think this document really helps add new evidence to the table," Shepherd tells The Verge. This year alone, the eastern US has seen record freezing temperatures, a "bomb cyclone" and three natural disasters in just 11 days, one of which brought severe flooding to Massachusetts. While the exceptional cold led some, including US President Donald Trump, to say it disproves global warming, scientists say it is exactly the kind of weather to expect in a warming world. And there are several mechanisms at play. For example, the increase in snowfall in the northeastern US and in the mid-Atlantic is due in part to warmer ocean temperatures and stronger coastal storms, which “produce heavier snowfall like we've seen this season. , with huge total snowfall, ”says Michael Mann, a climatologist and director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, in an email to The Verge. “Cold air has to go somewhere. The question is where and what is the cause ”. Today's study focuses on the Arctic as the main culprit for extreme winter weather. Previous research has suggested that warming Arctic may disrupt the polar vortex, a ring of cold air eddies that surrounds the North Pole. Think of the polar vortex as a river, says study co-author Judah Cohen, a climatologist and director of seasonal forecasts at Atmospheric and Environmental Research. The rapid flow of this river blocks cold air over the Arctic. But as the Arctic warms, especially in some areas like the Barents-Kara seas in northern Europe and Russia, a rock emerges in this river, disrupting the polar vortex and allowing frozen Arctic air to flow south, says Cohen. (These cold blasts, for example, swept across Europe last month, bringing snow to Rome for the first time in six years.) This same mechanism is what is causing extreme winter weather in the eastern U.S., according to Cohen. Today's study, however, only shows that there is a link between the changing Arctic and severe cold spells in the US, but it doesn't show that one causes the other. That link is "an obvious one," says Kevin Trenberth, a distinguished senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, who was not involved in the research. “Cold air has to go somewhere. The question is where and what is the cause. "Climate models don't confirm that Arctic warming is, in fact, driving these winter extremes in the US, so there could be some other mechanisms at play," says Screen, at the University of Exeter. "Either the models are wrong, which is possible, or the interpretation of the observed correlation is wrong," he says. Cohen agrees that the research only shows correlation, not causality, and the paper acknowledges this as well. As for the models, they are not very good at predicting winter weather in the mid-latitudes. "Just as observations are flawed, so are models," Cohen tells The Verge. The whole debate shows how much we still don't know about the complicated mechanisms by which climate change could wreak havoc on our planet. "It's unequivocal that the Arctic is warming and losing its sea ice, but people may ask, 'Why should I worry about that?'" Screen says. The goal of today's study is to show that climate systems are interrelated, so changes in the Arctic could mean side effects elsewhere. "What happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic," he says. Video: Life in a cold climate: Norway and the Arctic part 1 (October 2020). Latest report: World towards an irreversible state of ‘greenhouse’ How to cure your casseroles and clay pots Check out these mud and adobe house interiors. Clean and beautiful
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3958-extreme-winter-weather-in-europe-and-the-us-is-due-to.html" }
How to remove the musty smell from my home? It is one of the most repeated questions among our users. Here's how. Musty smells in a home can be caused by a number of things, but generally speaking, mold and mildew are the main culprits. Bad odor is caused by mold and mildew releasing gases. How to remove the musty smell from my home? It is one of the most repeated questions among our users. Here's how. Musty smells in a home can be caused by a number of things, but generally speaking, mold and mildew are the main culprits. Bad odor is caused by mold and mildew releasing gases. World Giraffe Day: let's act so it doesn't disappear Ecooblom: Fish feed the plants and the plants take care of the fish
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/mushrooms/" }
Impressive image of the nebula "Ghost of Cassiopeia" captured by the space telescope of NASA and ESA Hubble. The mysterious appearance of the nebula IC 63, which lies 550 light years from Earth, is due to ultraviolet radiation coming from the star Gamma Cassiopeiae. Hubble has captured the reddish hue of the nebula, a product of hydrogen, and blue, the result of the star's reflection on the dust particles of the "Ghost of Cassiopeia" Gamma Cassiopeiae is 19 times bigger and 65 thousand times brighter than the Sun, whose radiation affects all the structures around it, including IC 63. ESA has released a video that recreates thetrip to 'Ghost of Cassiopeia'. Video: My view of M57 The Ring Nebula last night (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3379-the-nebula-ghost-of-cassiopeia-captured-by-hubble.html" }
A new study concludes that the oldest and tallest trees resist drought in the Amazon rainforest. It is known that the Amazon rainforest regulates the global climate system, but in recent years it has suffered droughts that caused the death of its trees. A study published in the journal Nature focused on the sensitivity of photosynthesis, reveals that the oldest and tallest trees are those that have resisted the lack of water. The US Columbia University team led by Pierre Gentine concluded that trees over 30 meters tall are "three times less sensitive to drought than those shorter than 20 meters." According to the study, the highest forests in the Amazon are also the oldest, they have more biomass and a more extensive root system, this allows them to reach the deepest moisture retained in the soils during dry seasons. At the same time, these types of trees are also "more vulnerable" to the dryness of the environment and heat because their leaves have a lower water content, which makes the photosynthesis process more adaptable to the lack of water in the terrain, but more sensitive to fluctuations in water in the atmosphere. Both heat and dryness are "going to increase substantially with climate change," added Gentine, who noted that the study points out that the response of Amazonian forests to climate variability and drought is not uniform. He also explained that the research results "suggest that the height and age of forests are an important regulator of photosynthesis in response to droughts." Rainforests and the global climate system Tropical rainforests play a fundamental role in regulating the global climate system, as they represent the largest sink for CO2, and the Amazon, in particular, due to its wide geographical extension and its productivity throughout the year, is key to world cycles hydrological and carbon. The team used remote sensing observations of sun-induced fluorescence (a surrogate for photosynthesis), precipitation, vapor pressure deficit, and foliage height, as well as estimates of forest age and biomass over soil. Once the data were obtained, they applied statistical techniques to estimate how age and height could modify the sensitivity of forests to droughts. These results have implications in the capacity of younger forests compared to older ones to resist, or not, future droughts, since deforestation "could increase the fragility" of the forests in the absence of rainfall. The study “makes it clear that the height and age of a forest have a direct impact on the carbon cycle in the Amazon”, which is “especially significant given the importance of Amazonian forests in the global carbon cycle and climate ”. Video: Top 5 BIGGEST Trees on Earth (October 2020). "Whoever controls the seeds, controls the entire food chain"
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3776-tallest-and-oldest-trees-are-better-resistant-to-dro.html" }
Why is Cuba, the red one, turning green? What made it possible for the Inuit Indians in the largest country in the world to become the rightful owners of a fifth of Canadian territory? How did 130 thousand farms of organic agriculture arise in Europe? Why did poets like Octavio Paz, billionaires like Douglas Tompkins, theologians like Leonardo Boff, politicians like Misael Gorvachov, or artists like Maurice Béjart, recognize the supreme enterprise in defense of the planet? Why are the peasants of Central America or the "landless" of Brazil becoming activists of agroecology? Did anyone anticipate what some 2,000 rural communities in Mexico are doing today, architects of innovative projects of ecological inspiration? What made more than a million Argentines discard the currency and reinstall barter? These questions do not seem to have the same answer. And yet they are inertias that respond to a common impulse. Today in the world a new force (ideological? Political? Spiritual?) Unfolds as a silent and profound process, as a chain reaction against the degradation of the commodified and dehumanized world. They are the tiny but tangible expressions of a new planetary citizenship, the preludes to a qualitatively different civilization, the hopeful foundations of an "alternative modernity." Their "political philosophies" no longer seem to move within conventional left and right geometry, and since they emerge as primarily civilian experiences they are outside the complicated discussions between the apostles of the state and the market worshipers. They are, basically, reactions of the organized citizenship, in front of the perverse globalization process that the "neoliberal dream" tries to impose on all corners of the planet. It is the rebirth of utopia: the search and construction of a sustainable society. Very little has been documented about these new social movements, and much less is known about the springs that move them. Despite their enormous heterogeneity and versatility, their main feature is that they are initiatives carried out by actors endowed with a certain “species consciousness”, with a new ethic for solidarity with other human beings, with the planet and with those who inhabit it. . A consciousness that recognizes both the limits of nature and the abuses committed against it, and therefore lives concerned about the survival of humanity and its environment. And it is that today, society can no longer be thought without nature, and nature can no longer be visualized without society. The three centuries of industrialization that have preceded us have subsumed natural processes in social processes and vice versa. Today, global society is impacting and unbalancing several of the main cycles and processes of nature, and we are already facing what U. Beck (1998) has called the "risk society." The unusual climatic events of the last decade (including hurricanes, floods, droughts and wildfires), the impacts of industrial pollutants on health and food, holes in the atmosphere and new genetically modified organisms introduced into agriculture attest of it. The widening of the gap that separates rich sectors and countries from the world's marginalized and exploited conglomerates and the degradation of the most essential human values ​​are other elements that contribute to increasing the danger of today's world. But it is not only environmentalism that these new social movements are nourishing. His other great source of inspiration, explicit or not, comes from the least integrated and modern enclaves of the world, from the forgotten civilizational reserves of humanity: the Indian peoples. These indigenous cultures, speaking about 5,000 different languages, not only make up the cultural diversity of the human race, their territories are considered strategic because they coincide with the biologically richest areas of the planet (Toledo, 2000). In many cases, they are also the owners of huge tracts of forests or jungles, or of the water factories that, miles down, are used in cities and industry. His main contribution, however, is ideological and spiritual. The Indian peoples maintain a vision of the world that the rationalist and utilitarian perception that prevails in industrial spaces no longer has. For indigenous cultures, nature is not only a respectable source of production, it is the center of the universe, the nucleus of culture and the origin of ethnic identity. And in the essence of this deep bond prevails the perception that all things, living and non-living, are intrinsically linked with the human. Therefore, every day a greater number of indigenous peoples are launched to play the games of political ecology, and reciprocally more and more contingents of environmentalists, conservationists and green consumers, put their efforts in the struggles for the defense of culture , community self-management and their territories. Ecology and Indianness, far from being disparate protest movements, weave and weave the principles of the same utopia, feeding in the process the perspective of a different modernity. And not only from spirituality and reverence for tradition, memory and the natural world, these new currents are being fed. Also of a new type of scientific, technical and humanistic knowledge, more flexible, less ethereal and more earthly, much more determined by the needs of people, less conditioned by scientific elites, or as A. Koestler (1981) would say, by the "academic cavemen." 66 And it is that in the heat of social struggles, a new army of scientists (natural and social), technicians, humanists, educators, pedagogues and philosophers have burst, sometimes with epistemological violence, in the current scenario of knowledge (see Feyerabend, 1982; Thuillier, 1990; Morin, 2001; Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993; Leff, 2000). And they are the ones who are breaking the monopoly of culture, subverting the canons of theoretical and methodological orthodoxy, daring to walk along the new paths that common sense marks, denouncing the moral corruption of institutions and scientists at the service of war and the market, dirtying reflective activity in the mud of the pottery construction of a new utopia. The battle is not only epistemological, it is also one of scientific and technological policy, and ultimately of projects and institutions. If in 1992, during the "Earth Summit" in Rio de Janeiro, the world shook with the parallel presence of about 9,000 social organizations from 167 countries that brought 25,000 militants seeking an "alternative modernity to the beaches of Flamengo ”(This impulse managed to temporarily connect 17,000 organizations around the world through the internet), ten years later the World Social Forum held in Porto Alegre brought together more than 50,000 participants from all over the planet, in the search for a different society, in the construction of a new utopia. And it is that as Tomás R. Villasante (1995) affirms “… all the imperial or global systems that have existed have always incubated in their interior alternative experiences that have led them, sooner or later, to other alternatives of society.” By Víctor M. Toledo From the book ECOLOGY, SPIRITUALITY AND KNOWLEDGE -from the risk society to the sustainable society- Available in PDF format at: http://www.ambiente.gov.ar/infotecaea/descargas/toledo01.pdf Video: WHY ECOSPIRITUALITY? Vikashananda. #Manokranti. 2018 (October 2020). Documentary "Buy, throw, buy." Consumerism and manipulation Six examples that demonstrate Gas Natural's commitment to the environment
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3096-ecology-spirituality-and-knowledge.html" }
Green roof, cost and how to do it Ecooblom: Fish feed the plants and the plants take care of the fish How to best clean and lubricate racing bikes and chains: do-it-yourself and green products Ginger and lemon herbal tea, benefits and properties Sustainable Development, Poverty and Capitalism Ficus benjamin: multiplication by cutting in water or in soil. How to multiply ficus benjamina (best time, tips and tricks for easy rooting) We have already explained how to grow ficus benjamin, how to repot and the care to devote to this plant (see the guide: cultivating ficus benjamin) . Boletus mushrooms: what they are and how to recognize them Boletus mushrooms are a relatively common and easy to identify family of mushrooms, divided into smaller sub-families, such as Boletus, Leccinum and Suillus. But what are the characteristics of such mushrooms? Characteristics Boletus mushrooms Almost all members of the Boletaceae family have characteristics that make them rather simple to identify. Tomato Plant Care: Instructions to Care for Tomato Plants to Improve Harvest and Eliminate Diseases Growing Tomato Plants Is Not Just Summer: With a little extra care you can harvest tomatoes until late autumn, especially in Southern Italy where the climate is more forgiving. Domestic bunny: an overview of the care to be given to him, the type of cage most suitable and the breed (dwarf rabbit, medium size, long hair ...). The domestic bunny is the dream of many children who want a pet. Taking care of a rabbit is not difficult, however it is important to give the right care and attention to the little furry dog. Bayer, the large German pharmaceutical and agrochemical group, announced that it will abolish the Monsanto brand after the acquisition of the US giant of seeds and pesticides. On June 7, Bayer will complete the purchase of Monsanto for a value of 63,000 million dollars, for This had to sell some businesses for USD 8. What are the possible causes of itchy hands and when this symptom must be contextualized with more attention until seeking medical advice. Itchy hands is a rather common and annoying condition, which can occur in an intense or mild way, and which sometimes it can cause concern on the part of those who suffer from it, especially when it occurs at night. Rabbit breeds: characteristics, complete list and photos
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com" }
Ecocapsula is a self-sufficient mobile egg in which you will want to live Sorry campers, the Ecocapsule is the energy independent mobile home of the moment. And it looks like a fancy space age egg. “The shape, that's our favorite part,” Slovak Ecocapsule founder Sona Pohlova tells Forbes. "It's elementary, it's not complicated, it's smooth and without unnecessary ugly details," he explains. It's not just the design of the Ecocapsule that grabs the world's imagination, but the ability to take it to remote and exciting places where you can truly find peace of mind. Fancy being on a secluded beach or on a mountain headland? No problem. The Ecocapsule can collect energy from the sun and wind and collect and process rainwater to be fully self-sufficient. Live without a footprint Pohlova started Ecocapsula with co-founder Tomás Zacek in 2014, after entering a stationary egg-shaped house concept in a design competition with his studio: Nice Architects (now Nice & Wise), based in Bratislava. Although he didn't win, fans of his unusual idea started asking for an Echocapsule of their own. The founder set out to raise € 750,000 ($ 870,000) on the Slovak crowdfunding platform Crowdberry, turning his initial concept into a smart green home on wheels, complete with his own connected app. “Many people who have asked for it have a large plot of land and want a small accommodation where it is not possible or cannot be built,” Pohlova recalls. "With Ecocapsula you are living in contact with nature, but you do not cement and you do not leave a mark". If the idea of ​​standing on top of a mountain or overlooking a remote beach appeals to you, today you will have to pay a little less than € 80,000 (about $ 90,000). "You can live almost anywhere," Pohlova explains. "If you live in Australia and you have a lot of sun but not a lot of wind, just the sun will be enough, while, on the other hand, somewhere like Holland there is a lot of wind and less sun." "Above all we want you to feel connected with the beauty that surrounds you." This January an Ecocapsule was shipped to buyers in Toyko, Japan, the first in a limited line of 50 that have been previously ordered and will ship this year. Pohlova says most of the buyers have been from Australia and the United States, with Germany and Scandinavia leading the way in Europe. So far other customers have included design geeks and free-spirited explorers who love to get around but don't want to stop for basic amenities. A number of undisclosed corporate clients, including oil companies, governments and hotels, have also inquired about purchasing units to use as office spaces or guest rooms, Pohlova adds. "The good thing about Ecocapsula is that it can not only be used in nature, but also in cities, where the density of life and income is high," says the founder. "You can put them on the roof of existing buildings since you don't need a large space for it. Your own chicken coop? Today, Pohlova is focused on closing a € 2 million ($ 2.5 million) investment round to increase production - this could cause the price of each Ecocapsule to drop closer to that of a high-end caravan, wait (a new VW California starts at around € 50,000, or $ 58,000). The founder has also spent months trying Ecocapsulas, but because of her growing family she has never lived in one. This may change soon, as Pohlova is considering developing new improved spaces specifically for offices and families. And beyond that? Pohlova wants to create a range of “extreme” capsules capable of withstanding even the coldest and most frozen climates of Antarctica or the desert. Video: Life in Ecocapsule (October 2020). 5 signs of chronic vitamin deficiency in women Colombia recognizes the rights of Nature in its Amazon
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3159-ecocapsula-is-a-self-sufficient-mobile-egg-in-which-y.html" }
These organisms can treat diseases and pests, decontaminate soils and seas, and generate clean fuels. Paul Stamets is a specialist in fungi (mycologist) recognized throughout the world for his research work on the use of these living beings. He tells that there are a million and a half species of fungi and that they were the first organisms to colonize the earth 1,300 million years ago. Mushrooms are present in humus production, in cooking, in medicine, and even in hallucinogenic substances. But Stamets affirms that they can save the world, curing diseases like smallpox, flu or tuberculosis; could prevent cancer and allergies. Fungi in agriculture The use of fungi could also occur in agriculture, in the production of pesticides. Stamets, states that the fungusMetarhizium anisopliae and others of its kind, whose entomopathogenic effects (capable of killing insects) were known for a long time, couldhelp control up to 200,000 species of insects and invertebrates that are harmful to agriculture or to the integrity of our buildings without damaging the environment. The mycologist discovered that manipulating the fungi so that they did not emit spores, which repelled insects, had devastating results for the termites and ants that invaded his home and that died when ingesting the mycelium, the filaments that constitute the vegetative part of the fungus , whatreproduces inside generating lethal substances for the host. The bodies of dead insects colonized by the fungus also become emitters of spores that prevent the arrival of new invasions. It is not toxic to humans, pollinators, fish, birds, or any other non-target animals (harmful insects). This discovery is of vital importance at crucial moments on the planet where for example 700 species of American bees are on the list of endangered species. This technology has the potential to revolutionize agriculture and the way of producing food, much healthier for the environment and people. Here is his research in English: http://www.beyondpesticides.org/assets/media/documents/infoservices/pesticidesandyou/Winter06-07/fungi.pdf Mushrooms as fuels Its use could reachthe manufacture of clean and sustainable biofuels and also help to regenerate highly polluted environments by metabolizing hydrocarbons. And you can make packaging that later helps to reforest degraded land. A strain of oyster mushrooms, of the speciesPleurotus ostreatus, which Stamets helped to develop has shown tolerance to salt water - which would allow its use at sea - and achievedreduce soil hydrocarbon contamination from 10,000 parts per million to 200 in just four months. And Stamets and his research colleagues found that the mycelium of this fungus mixed with organic matter increased its effectiveness in the decontamination of soils that had suffered oil spills. And there are other applications of these beings that could be enormously beneficial to slow down the planetary environmental deterioration caused by humans: other fungi, such asMycena alkaline, they canbreak down polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), substances widely used for decades in industry that have high toxicity and can cause cancer. And some mycelia allowget ethanol from cellulose, providing a clean and renewable fuel for the automotive industry that Stamets and its partners have dubbed Econol. Mushrooms and medicine On the other hand, other species also studied by the North American mycologist have great curative properties. A huge example of this was almost a century ago the discovery of penicillin, a revolutionary antibiotic based on the fungusPenicillium rubens, by Alexander Fleming, in what was one of the greatest advances in medicine in history. In this research three varieties of the fungusFomitopsis officinalis, known by the common name of agarikon, a bulbous specimen that colonizes trunks in the humid forests of the American Northwest - it also lived in Europe but has disappeared from this continent -, have demonstrated their ability tofight the smallpox virus, and three others have shown promise to be useful against different types of flu, including avian, or tuberculosis. And they dowithout causing apparent toxicity. Fungi Perfecti The discoveries of Stamets, which has created a mushroom sales company called Fungi Perfecti (Perfect Mushrooms), have led him to be invited several times to the TED Conferences, acronym for Technology, Entertainment, Design, a non-profit organization dedicated topromote "ideas worth spreading" in the fields of science, art and design, politics, education, culture, business, global affairs, technology and development and entertainment. The video has exceeded 3.4 million visits on the internet. Perhaps in the end it will be an alternative to polluting multinationals like Bayer-Monsanto and save the world with fungi. With information from: http://www.ecoavant.com https://www.sertox.com.ar/ Video: Fungi In Our Time (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3264-these-fungi-can-replace-pesticides-efficiently.html" }