Almost three years without producing garbage, this young Mexican made it In May 2019, it will be three years of a profound change in life, for the young Mexican, Gaby Baeza. His lifestyle changed when he began to become aware of the damage caused to the environment by the consumption of this capitalist society. He even managed to shoot a video that went viral, with all the tricks that he was implementing in his new lifestyle to challenge other consumers. He called it "The Challenge" and you can see it below. Gabriela has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and since she was little she showed interest in caring for nature. In his video he highlights that to achieve The Challenge, it is necessary "Be very aware". “That is essential, that you know what happens in the seas, where your garbage ends up and all the damage it does to animals ", he assures. Switch to cloth bags and glass jars She was not alone, she made the changes with the support of her entire family and little by little they achieved new consumption habits that are more environmentally friendly. Among his actions, he stopped buying packaged food and took care of getting it in bulk in traditional markets where he brought reusable cloth bags or glass containers. "The next thing was to change everything about the toilet, my dad bought packaged soaps or everything packaged and there are places where they sell you only soap", keep going. The traditional plastic toothbrush was replaced by a bamboo-handled one, and Gaby herself made her toothpaste based on baking soda and coconut oil. "At first my family did not like it but little by little they accepted itHe commented. A faithful follower of the worldwide Zero Waste movement says that"It is also a lot to experiment with DIY (Do it yourself), do it yourself". In relation to household cleaning products, it is handled with vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. Change the disposable for the reusable To eat, he has changed the disposable for the reusable, opting for plates made of a more durable plastic that withstands many uses and washes and that, according to him, are loaned among relatives. Social life also changes by leading a planet-friendly lifestyle. Baeza, specialist in environmental and ecological economics, takes his"tools kit" everywhere. "Includes a bottle of water, my bamboo cutlery and a container for any need that may arise“For when I want to eat on the street, he details. If there was no other choice, Gaby admits that she opts for recycling."The ideal in general would be that recycling would decrease more and more, not that we depend on an economy based on recycling, since it requires a lot of energy", opines. Regarding the capitalist society that promotes the excessive consumption of plastic, he comments that he has long stopped expecting the system to make some kind of change to alleviate the environmental crisis that is being experienced. "Before I was very idealistic and I thought that the change had to come from the system, but now I realize that the change has to come from each cell that is in the system", he comments. For her "by adopting this lifestyle you contribute too much, since you have no idea, because you stop buying from the big companies and start buying from the small producers ”. The ideal in general would be that recycling would decrease more and more, not that we depend on an economy based on recycling, since it requires a lot of energy ”, he says. The case of Lauren Singer In New York, Lauren Singer is known who also discovered the Zero Waste Life philosophy, and since 2012 it does not produce waste. He has founded a company called The Simply Co., which specializes in producing sustainable detergent. This is Lauren's You Tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgjw6tZNyjR_8zIFDsIPpww/videos With information from: https://www.efeverde.com/ https://www.tribuna.com.mx/ Video: Yu-Gi-Oh! Market Watch Investments (October 2020). Antarctica is about to lose a block of ice that doubles the surface of New York "We are trying to create a future without poison"
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3240-almost-three-years-without-producing-garbage-this-yo.html" }
Bioclimatic architecture is concerned with designing buildings taking advantage of available natural resources: sun, rain, wind, vegetation ... This way, energy consumption is saved and the environmental impact is reduced. By saving energy we save money and live more sustainably. Bioclimatic architecture is the one that focuses on the design and construction of houses and buildings taking into account the climatic conditions of the place where it is being built, and also focuses on the use of available natural resources (sun, vegetation, rain , wind) to reduce as much as possible the environmental impact generated by construction and energy consumption. Most architects prioritize design, aesthetics, but do not take into account such important aspects as the functionality of the building in relation to the environment and the use of materials, resources, etc. This type of design results in savings for everyone: for us and for the planet. Less CO2 emissions and less dependence on fossil fuels. A bioclimatic home today can become totally sustainable: this increases the cost of construction a little, but in the long run it is profitable as it pays for itself. In the case of having to consume external energy, these constructions have a production based on renewable energies, such as solar panels, for example. We are then talking about: Buildings 0 emissions: Thanks to the measures taken in construction and its renewable energy system, it is totally self-sufficient in energy matters, generating 0 CO2 emissions, and saving on energy consumption. Energy plus buildings: Not only are they 0 emissions, but they generate surplus energy that they can sell. Regarding the materials used in bioclimatic construction, we find two: Natural: such as bamboo, wood, earth, stone, etc. Processed: like polystyrene, which is a great thermal insulator. Another of the simple measures that can be taken and that is very effective, is the use of plants: strategically placed they protect from the cold of the wind, or offer shade in summer. They can grow on walls or ceilings (green roofs) They also serve as a screen against noise and control erosion, in addition to beautifying the place where we put them. Bioclimatic architecture: designing buildings taking advantage of natural resources How to build a bioclimatic home? To get a home with these characteristics, there are several aspects to take into account such as: Thermal insulation: thick walls, buried or semi-buried buildings; are some of the construction techniques used to achieve correct thermal insulation, which must retain heat or prevent its entry depending on the season of the year. Cross ventilation: with the aim of creating good ventilation in all areas of the construction. Integrate renewable energies, so as not to pollute or waste consuming fossil fuels when we need that energy. Orientation of the construction, is designed taking into account the position of the sun to make the most of sunlight. Sunlight and solar protection: at this point and depending on the region in which it is being built, the glass must have solar protection to reduce the entry of solar radiation. Use as much as possible natural materials, and those that are most used in the region (they will be cheaper and it will be faster to obtain them). Try to recycle all the waste that we can (organic waste, for example, into compost * for plants, or the shower water that we lose until it is heated, to use it for irrigation or scrubbing, etc.). Look at the distribution of the holes in the house, and see if you want to build a patio, a cooling chimney, skylights ... Exterior elements can be of great help, such as awnings or blinds, or pergolas ... The color of both the ceilings and the walls also influences: the glades reflect the light and thus cool the spaces. The dark ones, on the other hand, for example on ceilings, absorb light and therefore heat. A light roof versus a dark one reduces heat absorption by 50%. If we have a garden, opting for deciduous trees we take advantage of the fact that the sun slows down in summer but we can continue to enjoy the heat of the sun in winter. In summary: the objective of bioclimatic architecture is to design constructions that are capable of changing their environmental behavior according to the conditions of each season of the year. Video: The Future Of Residential Housing - Zero Energy Housing (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3342-bioclimatic-architecture-living-well-and-saving-ener.html" }
There are ten plastic products that are abundant in water dumps, the European Union is working on new rules to prevent huge amounts of plastics from ending up in the sea. Frans Timmermans, Head of Sustainable Development and First Vice-President of the European Commission declared that plastic waste is an undeniable problem: “Europeans must act together to tackle this problem, because plastic wasteend up in our air, our soil, our oceans, and in our food“. It is estimated that the ten products identified constitute 70% of all the waste found in marine waters. In total, plastics are the85% of ocean litter. In addition to problems for the environment, they also have aas yet unknown impact on human healthsince plastics are known to even reach the lungs and food since plasticsmicroplastics they are present in air, water and food. Civil society demands Many of the most recognized civil society organizations have long campaigned to end plastic pollution. One such organization is Greenpeace, which is carrying out the campaign ‘Supermarkets, stop plasticizing our food’, in which they ask large businesses todo not pack in plastic fruits and vegetables and that promoteBulk sale. They have already obtained more than 130,000 signatures from citizens who support this petition. For its part, the Retorna initiative is committed to returning to a system similar to the one that existed in Spain until the 1980s, which consists ofreturn the containers either to the store where they were purchased or to another establishment. [PHOTOACTION] 📸 At # DiaMundialDeLosOcéanos 🌊, we have made our message very clear about a beach in #Mallorca 📢 "For a sea without plastic / For a sea sense plastic" If you also think the same, spread the word 📲 # Perunamarsenseplàstic #sddr #noplastic #sinplastics pic.twitter.com/Vu1vGue3vl Last Tuesday theWorld Environment Day, which the UN celebrated, among other ways, with a garbage collection on a beach in Lima (Peru), of course, most of the elements found were plastic: A powerful message from the Pacific for the 🌎 on #WorldEnvironmentDay! More than a thousand people released # plastic from Lima's Carpayo beach today, in one of the largest cleanups ever recorded in South America. # Without Contamination pic.twitter.com/2TCYSqsM1S And Friday June 8 was theWorld Oceans Day, and, again the focus was on plastics. The nature conservation organization WWF warns that many marine animals mistake plastic for their food. They report that more than half of the Mediterranean turtles have already ingested some of these products: Marine animals mistake plastic for food and end up ingesting bags instead of prey. Half of the sea turtles have already eaten some kind of plastic in the Mediterranean. #TrapDePlastico # DíaMundialDeLosOceanos #DiaMundialDeLosOceanos https://t.co/uA6Qfn9WWF pic.twitter.com/7Id95jETXp Many more organizations have wanted to join the celebration of this day with their rejection of single-use plastics and the awareness of citizens about the damages of their use, such as Panama GBC (member of the World Green Building Council global network) or the prestigious National Geographic: Let's save our oceans, free of garbage, especially plastic, since this material is highly polluting and dangerous for some species # WorldOcean Day # oceans # pollution #planet pic.twitter.com/qZ4PPinLoO How to deal with plastic products Due to the heterogeneity of the articles against which the measures proposed by the European Commission are intended to fight, and which must pass through the European Parliament and the Council for their approval, they are varied and include the following: Ban single-use plastic products, when affordable and available alternatives This prohibition will apply to cotton buds, cutlery, plates, straws (straws or straws), drink stirrers and balloon sticks, which should be made from more sustainable materials. It is estimated that the production of these alternative items can create around30,000 local jobs. Reduce the national consumption of those who do not have simple alternatives The use of plastic food containers and beverage cups should be reduced. National reduction targets may be set, alternative products made available at the point of sale, or ban single-use plastic products from being providedfree. Producers must cover part of the costs of waste management and cleaning. They should also supportawareness on the proper removal of packages and wrappers, filter tobacco products, wipes, plastics or lightweight plastic bags. Similarly, the industry will also receiveincentivesto develop less polluting alternatives for these products. The States of the European Union will be obliged by the year 2025 to collect the90% of plastic bottlessingle use only. Container return plans are contemplated. Some products, such as sanitary napkins, wet wipes, and balloons will require standardized labeling stating how they should be disposed of, what their negative environmental impact is, and the presence of plastic it contains. All countries will be obliged to sensitize consumers about the negative effects of plastic spills and the options for reuse and safe disposal. What is intended with these new measures? The new directive calculations include these quantitative benefits: The reduction of3.4 million tons CO2, the equivalent of half of the waste produced by the ten identified products The environmental damage that would occur if the proposed measures are not taken would cost the equivalent of€ 22 billion by 2030 Savings for consumers of6.5 billion euros It is also sought in addition to increasing clarity, providinglegal security to EU companies. So far, the European Union has already dedicated more than250 million euros to finance R&D in areas of direct relevance to the Plastics Strategy and they plan to allocate an additional 100 million until 2020. Video: Project Report on Tableware And Food Containers From Rice Straw (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3738-is-it-the-end-of-straws-cutlery-and-plastic-plates-in.html" }
Susi's story managed to spread the problem of zoos and animals in captivity around the world. Susi, the elephant at the Barcelona Zoo, was the inspiration for the emergence of the ZooXXI social movement, which has already been joined by millions of people in support of the dissemination and promotion of a model of reconversion of zoos into centers adapted for the recovery of fauna. ZooXXI is an international proposal for the reconversion of zoological parks as we know them today, with the aim of adapting them to the science and ethics of our time. The ZooXXI movement proposes to recondition zoos for the rescue of fauna and adoptions, reproduction in captivity and conservation in the natural habitat of animal species. In addition, the objective is to promote learning through immersive technologies and 'gamification' (application of playful techniques). In the particular case of elephants, the idea is to move them to sanctuaries. If there are sanctuaries for other species, they will also be transferred there. The ZooXXI project has become an international platform with the purpose of adapting zoos to the sensitivity, scientific knowledge and ethics of the 21st century. The logic of the 19th century in which the animal was used for its mere exhibition and entertainment of the human being must be abandoned. The new zoos will be spaces forshelter, care and assistance to injured animals, seized from farms or abandoned. The new generations already have a special empathy for animals in captivity, they perceive their sadness, their confinement, their decadence. But transforming zoos is not an easy task, it requires a complex solution. Trained professionals, new knowledge and sufficient facilities will be required, including technological innovation, to become a space for social, animal and environmental service, in which decisions are made by specialists and citizens. "Susi, an elephant in the room" "Susi, an elephant in the room" is a transmedia project thatmakes the problem visible through stories told in a documentary website, a short film and an application. He speaks of the harsh reality of animals in captivity from a positive perspective,in favor of freedom, against violence, from the respect and love of animals, where the user will be the protagonist at all times. The documentary website will offer an application to download from where to visit Susi's zoo in 360 °, allowing you to take a 'gamified' tour andlearn more about the species and real stories of animals. The project "Susi, an elephant in the room" is supported by the ZooXXI communication platform, which has the support of the Franz Webber Foundation and the NGO LIbera, in addition toa whole network of professionals in different countries of Latin America and Europe committed to expanding awareness of a new paradigm. The transmedia project, directed by Ana Luz Sanz, has a co-production between Barcelona and Buenos Aires that has won thefirst prize in the contest of Screenwriters Associats de Catalunya. He has also been recently selected in Docs Barcelona, ​​he has been the winner of the first Mediamorfosis prize in Argentina, he has passed the first selection round of the IDFA (Amsterdam), and in July 2019 he will participate in the Electric Dreams Festival in London.All the most relevant documentary festivals and immersive technologies in the world. Scientists, artists, politicians and activists support the campaign, thanks to which work is being done on thetransfer of the 9 elephants from Argentina to a sanctuary in Brazil, and to a sanctuary in France for the standard bearer of this global caravan: Susi. Video: Tiam 21 Yog Dab Tsi What Is Life In 21 Century (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3443-the-new-zoos-of-the-21st-century.html" }
Coca is a shrub native to South America, where it has been cultivated since ancient times. Coca leaves are grown four times a year and today its cultivation has spread to several countries around the world. The coca tea and the chacchado of the coca leaves are commonly used in populations of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Argentina. Coca is an alkaloid plant like tea and coffee. There are several alkaloids that coca leaves contain and one of them is cocaine. The amount of cocaine in the coca leaves is between 0.5 and 1%. It is a minimal amount that has nothing to do with the devastating effects produced by the processed drug, since this alkaloid during chewing and due to the effect of saliva is transformed into ecgonine, a substance that helps to burn the fats accumulated in the liver generating energy . Coca leaves can be used in various ways. They can be chewed, taken in filter, liquefied the fresh leaves and also consumed in the form of flour from the coca leaves in various preparations such as punch or cakes. Benefits of coca flour Prevents osteoporosis: Coca flour has more than 2000 mg of calcium (per 100g), an amount greater than milk or cheese. Combat anemia: It has a large amount of iron and vitamin B, the latter is absorbed very well by the body and is used as a supplement Lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels: Regulates glucose and blood pressure Fight depression: It clears the mind, helps concentration, gives physical and mental vigor and produces a certain well-being. Properties that would come in handy in depression and states of apathy or concentration deficit. How to consume coca flour? Taking coca flour is usually administered in the morning and on an empty stomach. Some people do not tolerate the taste, because it is a bit bitter, so it can also be mixed in breakfast juices. It can also be used in the kitchen to make delicious recipes. The indication in terms of flour measurements vary according to each person, but generally it is indicated that one teaspoon is taken a day, starting from a quarter of a teaspoon until reaching the heaping teaspoon after a week. By Karem Soto Bernal Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics C.N.P. 3965 Video: Top 10 WORST FRUIT in the world 2018 - Weird Fruit Explorer Ep 301 (October 2020). What happens when you die? The TWO STAGES of death revealed Mexico: Biodiversity Law, activists and academics warn about the privatization of natural resources
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3842-the-benefits-of-consuming-coca-flour.html" }
Lithium mining extraction in the high Andean salt flats of the Southern Cone is linked to serious socio-environmental problems, which has resulted in processes of mobilization and territorial resistance that are currently under development with a growing level of conflict and dynamism. It is important to note that the increase in lithium exploration and exploitation projects through the evaporation and decantation method of brines, used in the high Andean salt flats, is explained because to date it is the most economical way to obtain this mineral. This is due to the fact that its exceptional hydrological, geological and climatic conditions, due to extreme aridity and scarce rainfall, allow a higher rate of evaporation of saline waters due to the greater solar radiation. It is for this reason that these territories acquire greater value in the international lithium market where the demand and price of the mineral has increased dramatically, as will be analyzed in the first section of this study, in addition to pointing out its main characteristics, uses and process production. In the second section, the analysis of the saline basins where there is an important socio-environmental conflict regarding lithium mining will be addressed, which today are the focus of dispute and mining intervention, located in the foothills and mountain ranges of the region of the highlands of the Cono South. Specifically, the cases of the communities of the Atacama salt flats in the Antofagasta Region, in Chile, and the Olaroz-Caucharí and Salinas Grandes salt flats that are located between the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, in Argentina, will be studied. Finally, it will refer to the scientific and institutional considerations on the socio-environmental impacts of lithium mining in the salt flats of Argentina and Chile. Research and writing: Bárbara Jerez Henríquez Santiago de Chile - August 2018 Video: Will Lithium Shortage Kill The EV Industry? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3548-socio-environmental-impact-of-lithium-extraction-in-t.html" }
This concept of well-being has been strengthened and installed in the agendas of companies and governments in recent years in order to apply policies that do not affect the quality of life of animals. Find out what it means and what it has to teach us. Animal welfare is a concept that has many definitions, but in general, it refers to the quality of life of an animal. It seeks to determine if he is in good health, if his physical and psychological conditions are adequate and if he can express his natural behavior within his environment. Not long ago, it was determined that animals are beings capable of feeling and suffering, that they have welfare needs that must be respected and that, therefore, they deserve a dignified life, just like us. So here a very important concept appears that goes hand in hand with animal welfare: that of five freedoms, determined by the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) in 1992. Nowadays, it is very difficult to understand what animal welfare is if we do not know what are the 5 freedoms that an animal should have. The 5 freedoms of animal welfare Freedom from hunger and thirst: Permanent access to a necessary amount of fresh water and a healthy diet. Freedom from discomfort: Live in a clean and comfortable environment, where the animal does not suffer cold or heat, or lives in unsanitary conditions. Freedom from pain, injury and illness: Access to health. Visits to the vet for checkups, diagnoses and treatments, if necessary. In the case of wild animals, living without causing pain or physical injury to humans. Freedom to express normal behavior: Sufficient space in their habitat or in adequate facilities, and the company of individuals of the same species to act according to their nature. Freedom from fear and anguish: Conditions that provide a healthy and calm environment, avoiding any type of mental suffering. They serve as measuring stick to analyze and determine if the rights of an animal are respected or if it is necessary to apply various changes to guarantee a decent life. Today science has also incorporated the need to experience positive emotions. However, markets such as tourism or farm animals, suggest that animals are living a very distant reality from that supported by these concepts. A very different reality Currently, million animals All over the world they are raised for meat, milk, eggs and other products for our consumption, but many of them live in conditions of suffering and stress. For example, there are low welfare farms where chickens are crammed together and sitting on their own waste or where pigs suffer mutilation and fights due to the limited mobility space that exists, which generates diseases that can also be transmitted to humans . It also happens that many wildlife animals are used for entertainment, having to participate in shows, take long walks with tourists or simply "pose" in a photo, which leads them to be torn from both nature and their mothers to cage them . This scenario has become common in various parts of the world, but fortunately not in all thanks to the fact that change and awareness are in our hands. To be conscious consumers When choosing where to buy our food, asking ourselves what type of tourist we want to be and not going to places where animal abuse is the currency of exchange, generates a big twist in favor of animal welfare. It seems very simple. However, it is a commitment that requires work and responsibility, but that bears fruit for the change that animals are requiring. Let's act on their behalf and let them live in nature, where they belong. Video: Animal Welfare and the Future of Zoos. Ron Kagan. TEDxOaklandUniversity (October 2020). A tree that bears fruit to make natural soap
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3944-what-is-animal-welfare.html" }
Next Friday, July 27, we will be able to witness the longest lunar eclipse of this century, which will last more than 102 minutes. The Moon, without disappearing, will turn a reddish hue. Unlike solar eclipses, lunar can be seen from anywhere in the world, from the moment the Moon appears above the horizon. On this occasion, it can be fully appreciated in the Indian Ocean as communicated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias with information from NASA The entire astronomical event will last up to 3 hours and 55 minutes: The shadow of our planet will completely block the rays of the Sun that the Moon reflects every night, making it look colors that will go from brown to red. Because of this tonality it is called "Blood Moon" and it will be the longest lasting event of this type between 2001 and 2100. The longest lunar eclipses of the last century were two: one on July 16, 2000 that lasted approximately 107 minutes and another in July 1982. How does a lunar eclipse occur? The Moon must pass through the shadow of the Earth. Among the astronomical community, this phenomenon is known as umbra. For there to be a lunar eclipse, bothour planet like the Moon and the Sun have to align, so that the natural satellite of the Earth darkens, but before our eyes it leaves its usual light color to adopt a red one. This is due to the solar reflection, which is similar to when we see sunsets or sunrises of pink, orange, ocher or brown tones. A video on YouTube produced by NASA helps to better understand how the Earth, the Moon and the Sun behave during the phenomenon known as the lunar eclipse. Where you can look better The astronomical spectacle can be seen in Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and some areas of Europe, from where you will have a privileged and unique view of the longest lunar eclipse of this century. The phenomenon, however, cannot be appreciated in North America or South America, reported IFL Science, a portal specialized in scientific topics. If you can't see this eclipse live, you can watch the broadcast on Sky Live Video: Full record of the blood moon eclipse, the longest one this century (October 2020). Games and videos to learn and teach children to recycle Five recyclable and sexy costumes for carnival
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3635-the-longest-lunar-eclipse-of-the-21st-century.html" }
On August 10 and 11, the training and exchange workshop "Seeds, common good or corporate property?" Was held in Paraná - Entre Ríos. with the purpose of deepening our knowledge of the problems that peasant and family agriculture faces today in Argentina and to discuss the situation of our native and creole seeds and the threats that loom over them. In homage to Isabel (Chabela) Zanutigh. “From the political and social militancy of the seventies, with a feminist perspective and practice and the right to food as an objective, these green women managed to buy some hectares that they transformed into an agroecological farm, a consortium of small producers and a school of agroecology, spaces from which they build other paradigms with the liberation of women and the de-commodification of nature as a horizon. Allen, the town that "coexists" with the Fraking Allen is the national capital of the pear, in Vaca Muerta, where the fruit crops that are consumed in the rest of the country coexist with the fracking wells. Leukemia, collapsed houses, unbearable sounds, toxic gas emissions, gastroenteritis, vomiting, spills. The story is repeated from neighbor to neighbor. The seeds resist in the hands of the peoples On August 10 and 11, the training and exchange workshop "Seeds, common good or corporate property?" Was held in Paraná - Entre Ríos. with the purpose of deepening our knowledge of the problems that peasant and family agriculture faces today in Argentina and to discuss the situation of our native and creole seeds and the threats that loom over them. Before it was development, then sustainability or sustainability and sustainable / sustainable development; now many speak of agroecology. But surely not everyone is talking about the same thing. There are beginning to be "agroecologists" everywhere: in producer organizations, in unions and urban movements, in AACREA, in AAPRESID, among the members of the Argentine Movement for Organic Production-MAPO , in the Min. Eruptions in Hawaii and Guatemala Where are the Ring of Fire volcanoes? Joan Martínez Alier. What do the faculties of economics hide from us?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/argentina/" }
The current agricultural system helped prevent famines and feed the planet's 7 billion people, but the way we eat and produce food poses a threat to food security in the future. Faced with the prospect of the world's population reaching 10 billion people by 2050, ensuring food security is more important than ever. But current food production is among the main culprits for environmental degradation in the world. By following current patterns of production and consumption, we will soon exceed our planetary limits with climate change and the use of the land necessary to survive and prosper. "It was quite dramatic to see how far the planetary limits will be exceeded if we do nothing," observed Marco Springmann, one of the authors of a report that analyzes the impact of the food system on the environment. “The food system puts pressure on land management, and in particular on deforestation. If many forests are cut down, basically the ecosystem regulation system is ruined because forests store carbon dioxide, but they are also the habitat of wild species and reservoirs of biodiversity ”, he added. More than 40 percent of the world's land has been converted or set aside for agriculture, leading to the loss of more than half of the planet's forests. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) pointed out that commercial agriculture is one of the main responsible, and especially livestock production, soybean and palm oil. This is seen in the Amazon, where trees were cut down to make way for raising livestock and growing soybeans, most of which is used to make fodder rather than for human consumption. In fact, half of the planet's arable land is used for raising animals and growing their food; an area equal to the area of ​​North America and South America together. The intensive use of fertilizers also decreased soil productivity, leading to land degradation and even desertification. Furthermore, these activities contribute to releasing significant amounts of greenhouse gases. According to the study "Options to keep the food system within environmental limits", published in the journal Nature, the food system emitted more than 5 billion tons of carbon dioxide in 2010 alone. The study also estimates that the environmental effects of the food system could increase between 50 and 90 percent if selective measures are not taken, beyond the "safe operating space for humanity." Springmann detailed three ambitious measures that are necessary to stay within environmental limits, including technological improvements that can increase sustainable food production and thus decrease the demand for more arable land. Another even more overwhelming measure is switching to a plant-based diet. That change “will be even better for greenhouse gas emissions, and it will also be (a diet) more balanced and better for health; According to estimates, we would reduce the pressure on the ground if we change our diet, ”he told IPS. The Nature article concluded that a diet shift toward healthier alternatives could help reduce pollutant emissions and other environmental impacts by nearly 30 percent. A new study from the EAT-Lancet Commission also underscored the need for dietary changes to achieve environmental sustainability and improve public health. "The food we eat and how we produce it determines the health of people and the planet, and we are doing very poorly right now," observed one of the authors, Tim Lang. "We need a significant overhaul, to change the world food system on a scale never seen before in such a way that it is appropriate to the circumstances of each country," he said. “It is an unexplored political territory and these are problems that are not easily solved, but that objective is within reach; The scientific goals we set for a healthy and sustainable diet are an important foundation, which will underpin and drive change, ”Lang added. The diet recommended by the EAT-Lancet Commission requires reducing the consumption of red meat by half and doubling that of vegetables, fruits and nuts. North America is one of the places where red meat is consumed the most. In 2018, in the United States, consumption reached an all-time high of more than 100 kilograms of red meat and chicken. If you followed the aforementioned health guidelines, North America should cut its consumption of red meat by 84 percent and eat six times as many beans and lentils. Green diets have become popular in the region, but judging by the success of companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger, Springmann said that information alone will not be enough to promote a change in diet. “Of course, everyone could change their diet and it would be great if they could. But if they do not facilitate the change to the average consumer, many will not do it, ”he stressed. Springman suggested changing the price of food products to include the consequences they have on health and the environment. Meat, for example, would have to cost 40 percent more, on average, to release polluting emissions. That generates funds for governments to invest in other areas such as subsidizing healthier products. In addition to dietary change, the EAT-Lancet Commission noted that zero loss of biodiversity, zero net expansion of arable land over natural ecosystems, and improvements in fertilizer and water use are needed. “The transformation promoted by the commission is neither superficial nor simple, and requires a focus on complex systems, incentives and regulations that require communities and governments to play a role at multiple levels in redefining how we eat,” observed Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet. "The answer lies in our connection with nature, and if we can eat in a way that serves both our planet and our bodies, the natural balance of the planet's resources will be restored," he said. "Nature itself, which is disappearing, holds the key to the survival of humans and the planet," he added. Video: HOW TO START a well formulated KETOGENIC DIET - lose fat, build muscle, get ripped (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3067-to-eat-plants-to-save-the-planet.html" }
Let's sow science and conscience: Manual of school gardens for teachers, edited by El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ecosur), in San Cristóbal de la Casas, Chiapas is the result of the collective work of teachers of biology, history, literature, ethics, art and mathematics and pedagogy advisers, technical and academic staff. The raw material ofLet's sow science and awareness It was developed in the Laboratorios para la Vida: science, local knowledge, nutrition and environmental care in the school garden, derived from the LabVida action-research program, which the ecosur academics launched in 2012 and whose objective was to integrate scientific inquiry , agroecology, nutrition and health in the daily life of the school, the garden and the community. According to Helda Morales - coordinator of the manual together with Candelaria Hernández, Mariely Mendieta and Bruce Ferguson - the experiences of more than 60 teachers who have participated in the diploma, who have been accompanied in the construction of their school garden programs, they have made it possible to design pedagogical activities "in which knowledge of science, local knowledge, nutrition and environmental care can be adapted to their context". The manual is a guide, a set of practical advice, where the activities, in addition to being flexible, are adapted to the different biocultural environments of the Mesoamerican region. Thus, within the garden a wide spectrum of topics is addressed: food, environment, mathematics, ethics, Spanish and social sciences, “which can facilitate the exploration of practically any academic subject. They also show that they serve as meeting spaces between the school and the community, facilitate the implementation of cross-cutting projects and the development of skills, supporting teaching-learning in both rural and urban areas ”, Helda Morales explains in the presentation. All activities can be carried out at different times: from before the garden is established to the harvest, covering different educational levels, from preschool to university. As the coordinators of the manual have been able to verify, school gardens constitute an educational tool that makes the work of teachers more effective, since they are living laboratories where the teaching-learning process acquires greater significance. In the activities that the manual proposes, we can appreciate that school gardens are one of the best options to start on the path of science, through the process that goes from its creation to its conservation and maintenance: deciding how and where to put to walk the garden; investigate how the soil needs to be to receive the seeds and which of them are the most suitable, and why, when and how they should be sown (seedbed or direct sowing), in addition to observing everything that happens there from the growth stage to the harvest. This makes it possible to explore and discover different ways of solving the different problems that arise. In these living laboratories, teachers and students build their knowledge by recognizing their own knowledge, based on the three axes that support the school garden: agroecology, conscious eating and the rescue of local knowledge. Within this educational process, critical and reflective thinking develops, which is the basis of a true education and the social appropriation of knowledge. ContentLet's sow science and awareness It is a provocation that not only awakens the need to protect the environment, along with the concern of wanting to grow our food to eat healthy; it also leads us to discover what is behind what we eat, what is the economic, geographical, political and even scientific and technological history of each food. In short, school gardens generate ecology and knowledge, and through them we can reap health. Video: Growing minds by growing school gardens: Laurie Brekke at TEDxNavesink (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3235-lets-sow-science-and-awareness-school-gardens.html" }
Fires are natural in California: Many of its ecosystems, from the chaparral of southern California to the pine forests of the north, evolved to burn frequently. But since the 1980s, the size and ferocity of the fires sweeping across the state have tended to increase. Fifteen of the 20 largest fires in California history have occurred since 2000. Most of the hottest and driest years in the state have also occurred during the past two decades. Over the past century, California has warmed by about three degrees Fahrenheit. That extra-hot air sucks the water out of plants and soils, leaving trees, shrubs, and rolling grasslands dry and ready to burn. The drying effect of vegetation increases with each degree of warming, explains Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the University of California, Los Angeles, which means plants lose their water more efficiently today than before climate change raise California temperatures. Because of this effect of climate change, wildfires are increasing in size, both in California and throughout the western United States, says Park Williams, a fire expert at Columbia University. Since the 1980s, he and a colleague reported in 2016, climate change contributed to the additional burning of 10 million acres in western forests, an area the size of Massachusetts and Connecticut combined. Changes in precipitation are another factor. The summer dry season in California has also been prolonged. Each additional day allows the plants to dry out further, increasing their susceptibility to burns. "Usually, or I don't want to say anything more because things are changing so fast, we get some showers around Halloween that fog us up," says Faith Kearns, a scientist at the University of California Oakland Water Resources Institute. But in recent years, those rains haven't come until much later in the fall, November, or even December. [Mks_pullquote align = ”right” width = ”300 ″ size =” 20 ″ bg_color = ”# d0bee2 ″ txt_color =” # 000000 ″] The state is hotter and drier than it used to be, and that's driving a trend toward bigger fires. [/ Mks_pullquote] That may seem like a minor problem, but it has big effects. In the fall, California is often buffeted by gusty winds. Therefore, if a fire does break out, it can spread fast and strongly. That's what happened this year, as well as last year's Thomas fire. "We have lengthened the fire season by shortening the rainy season, and we are warming up," says Swain. "That is essentially what has allowed these recent fires to be so destructive, at times of the year when I really wouldn't expect them." The total number of wildfires in California has not increased; in fact, the numbers were much higher in the 1980s and 1990s than in the past decade. The total area burned varies considerably from year to year, depending on many factors, including luck: rain buffers things early or fires start in places where they are easier to contain. But climate change is driving a clear trend: When wildfires occur in California, they have a greater opportunity to grow large and destructively. "These same fires today are occurring in a world about three degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it would have been without warming," says Williams. "Which means that today's fires are probably more difficult to fight than they would have been in a colder world." Video: Californias Rolling Blackouts, Explained. Michael Shellenberger (October 2020). Microplastics even in bottled mineral water Follow tomorrow's Blood Moon eclipse live
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3337-climate-change-prepared-california-for-wildfires.html" }
“BAYER is organizing expensive celebrations to celebrate its 150 years of creation, yet the company's many crimes are not mentioned in the commemorative publications. Instead of acknowledging its responsibility for forced labor, toxic gases and deadly pharmaceuticals, the company's history is being completely ignored. ” To find out who Bayer is In March 2013 and before Bayer celebrations for its 150 years, the Coordination against the dangers of Bayer of Germany published the following report that we share today with the news of the disappearance of the Monsanto company. The loss of prestige of the Monsanto “brand” has been one of Bayer's main reasons for making its name disappear. Monsanto will remain alive within Bayer, and its crimes, for which they will once have to answer, will remain in the memory of the peoples in struggle. BAYER is organizing expensive celebrations to celebrate its 150 years of creation, however the company's numerous crimes are not mentioned in the commemorative publications. Instead of acknowledging its responsibility for forced labor, toxic gases and deadly pharmaceuticals, the company's history is being completely ignored. The BAYER Dangers Coalition introduced counter-motions for the next meeting of the company's shareholders' meeting in order to clarify the dark side of BAYER's past. On its 150th anniversary, Bayer is organizing numerous celebrations with distinguished guests. An exhibition circulates around the world and a specially constructed airship will promote the company on five continents. However, the dark periods in the company's history have been totally silenced in the celebrations. Issues such as environmental pollution, pesticide poisoning, worker protests, and collaboration with the Third Reich are simply ignored. Philipp Mimkes of the BAYER Dangers Coalition stated: “A member of the infamous IG Farben, BAYER was involved in the most cruel crimes in human history: a subsidiary provided the Zyklon B for gas chambers, the company he also built a giant factory in the Auschwitz camp itself. The company even ran its own concentration camp, where it housed slave workers. Tens of thousands of people died there. " " More facts from the history of the corporation: => Each BAYER brochure includes a reference to the 1998 ASPIRIN invention, but makes no allusion to the fact that the company simultaneously introduced HEROIN to the market as a treatment for children's coughs. Shortly after it was launched on the market, doctors pointed to the potential dependence on heroin. However, Bayer carried out a global advertising campaign for 15 years. => Carl Duisberg, who was Bayer's CEO for decades, was personally involved in the development of toxic gases such as "mustard gas" and promoted their use on the front lines - contrary to international law. Duisberg called for the deportation of tens of thousands of Belgian forced laborers and encouraged the annexation of large regions of Eastern Europe. => For many decades, Duisberg vigorously supported the merger of the German chemical industry with the aim of creating IG FARBEN. The group founded in 1925, was the largest company in Europe. The company rejected the Weimar Republic and made significant donations to conservative parties and later to the Nazis. => IG FARBEN actively participated in the war of conquest of the Third Reich. The company followed the armed forces in the occupied countries of Europe and took over a considerable part of its chemical industry in a few weeks. It also took over the coal mines and oil production. Later the subsequent Chairman of the BAYER Board of Directors, Kurt Hansen, played a leading role in these spoils. => In the Nuremberg war criminal trials, IG FARBEN also faced its own trial. One section, for example, stated the following: “It is indisputable that the criminal experiments were carried out by the SS doctors on the prisoners of the concentration camps. These experiments were clearly designed to test IG FARBEN products. » => The leaders sentenced in Nuremberg after having served their sentences were able to continue their careers unimpeded. Fritz ter Meer, for example, became Chairman of the BAYER Supervisory Board. During his interrogation in Nuremberg, he said that the slave workers at Auschwitz "had not had to suffer too much, as they were going to be killed anyway." BAYER even gave his name to a foundation “The Fritz ter Meer Foundation”. => In the BAYER laboratories, research was done on chemical warfare gases. After the Second World War the inventor of SARIN and TABUN, Dr. Gerhard Schrader, was head of the pesticides department at BAYER. During the Vietnam War, BAYER was involved in the development of AGENT ORANGE. The production was carried out in the MOBAY company, founded jointly with BAYER and MONSANTO. Symptomatic of the way BAYER handles its history is the awarding of the Hansen Family Award in March 2013. The award, presented by CEO Marijn Dekkers Bayer in Berlin, was originally donated by former Chairman of the Board of Directors Kurt Hansen. Hansen joined the NSDAP in 1931. At IG Farben, he became head of the "Central department for the procurement of raw materials", which played an important role in the war (see above). In the person of Kurt Hansen, the smooth transfer of IG Farben to the Bayer group is once again very clear. So far BAYER has not conducted any independent study of the company's history. According to the Bayer Hazard Coordination, the Bayer Board of Directors is responsible for the misinterpretation of the company's history. At the next shareholders' meeting in Cologne on April 26 his shares must therefore not be ratified. The Coordination has introduced countermotions that were posted on Bayer's website. Video: Crimes against humanity (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3733-bayer-150-years-of-crimes-against-humanity.html" }
Pollution is a reality in our life and, unfortunately, we hear more and more voices about it. Many are the countries that are looking for a good solution to this problem, although it seems that it is difficult for them to reach an agreement that satisfies all the actors on the stage. Meanwhile, the consequences continue to be seen, they get worse and the natural habitats that one day made this planet a green and blue planet are destroyed. With the problems we are facing today, political, economic, social and even sports problems, we put aside one with which we have closest contact, the problem of pollution, a problem that we create and increase by gradually every day. Pollution affects all living beings, both plants and animals, among which we must include human beings. Every day we are exposed to four million toxic substances that are a direct cause of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's ... and other health problems such as asthma or infertility. Although the health risks of pollution are high and the data somewhat alarming, there is also room for optimism. The establishment of a comprehensive environmental control program would fill a critical need in this regard. Studies are needed to establish which population is exposed to the risk of various forms of environmental pollution and the current degree of threat to which health and safety are exposed as a result of pollution. Environmental pollution in Argentina is one of the most important problems that we face, affecting basic natural resources such as air, soil and water. Environmental pollution in the country is higher than what could be expected from a country with a medium level of development. These problems are primarily a consequence of the gradual increase in urban population and industrial development, together with an inadequate regulatory framework and a decades-long deficit in sanitation and waste treatment infrastructure. [Mks_pullquote align = ”right” width = ” 300 ″ size = ”18 ″ bg_color =” # cdb7e2 ″ txt_color = ”# 000000 ″]“ People don't realize that pollution hurts economies. People who get sick or die cannot contribute to the economy. ”[/ Mks_pullquote] Institutional capacity and authority for environmental management is fragmented among numerous agencies at the national, provincial, and municipal levels, leading to overlapping jurisdictions, weak control, and non-compliance with regulations. As a consequence of this fragmentation of institutional responsibilities and lack of coordination, a confusing institutional and regulatory framework for environmental management has been produced. Given the environmental pollution problems that Argentina faces and the multiplicity of options to address them, it would be useful to integrate the results into an action plan for the government to consider. Furthermore, despite information limitations, an environmental strategy must also reflect a well-ordered set of priorities for action. Consequently, the country should apply prioritized measures that would benefit the greatest number of people, or that would benefit the most poor sectors, or that have multiple benefits, measures directed at problems with greater effects on health, problems that are recurrent or with irreversible effects and problems that pose the greatest risks or uncertainty. Priority actions also have to be cost-effective, politically and administratively feasible and be in accordance with investment budgets, that is, with the financial capacity of the government. The adequate protection and conservation of the environment represents one of the most important challenges that humanity faces. It is clear that drastic changes and very strict regulations are needed if the quality of life on the planet is to be preserved. As members of society we must participate actively in the creation of laws and regulations that have a beneficial impact on the environment, our health and the economy. It is important to note that the solutions to the problem of pollution are closer than one thinks, since it is possible in our daily lives to contribute with simple activities to improve our environment, such as consuming non-polluting products, reducing the use of automobile, separate recyclable waste at home, create green spaces, among other measures. It is precisely here where the act of thinking globally, but acting locally, is most categorically manifested. Cristián Frers - Senior Technician in Environmental Management and Senior Technician in Social Communication (Journalist). Video: A List of Environmental Problems You Shouldnt Ignore (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3438-the-problem-of-environmental-pollution-affects-us-al.html" }
Last Thursday the European Parliament approved a resolution for the European Union to initiate a diplomatic campaign to prohibit the testing of cosmetics on animals worldwide from 2023. This practice has been banned since 2013 in the EU, but continues to exist in 80% of non-EU countries. The text has been supported by 620 MEPs, while 14 have voted against and 18 have abstained. In it, the European Parliament emphasizes that the ban in the EU has not been an obstacle for the cosmetic industry to prosper and provide some two million jobs. MEPs have also denounced the existence of "loopholes" in the regulation of the community bloc, because it allows the marketing of cosmetics that have undergone tests on animals in other countries but are later examined with alternative methods in the EU. Parliament urges the EU to ensure that no product placed on the EU market has been tested on animals in third countries. They also emphasize that most of the ingredients in cosmetics are used in many other products, such as medicines, detergents or food, and that therefore they may have been tested on animals under different regulations. Despite these deficiencies at the internal level, MEPs have called on heads of state and government to use diplomacy to "form a broad international coalition" and conclude, within the framework of the United Nations, a convention against the use of animals for testing cosmetic products. Video: Animal Testing for Cosmetics - Marigo (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3837-europe-seeks-to-ban-cosmetic-testing-on-animals.html" }
Manuel Aguilera leads a life, all his life, living among vultures, to the point of being one of the few people capable of interacting with them in absolute freedom, a passion that has become a way of life and that has led him to promote projects of ghoul conservation in various places in Africa. When he was barely ten years old, he was already hiding in the skeleton of a dead animal to feel the proximity of the vultures during a carrion, and today he leads thousands of tourists who, under very strict rules of behavior, want to experience the awe caused by feeling surrounded by these imposing birds. The snapshot shows us a man wearing a blood-colored red raincoat; the same one he has been using for decades - surrounded by hundreds of vultures who consider him one of their own, many of whom he calls by name, and who depend, for better and for worse, on the supplementary feeding that his "friends of the vulture ”they provide. Editing and editing: Raúl Casado Image: Ángel Herrera Production: José Luis Fernández-Checa Video produced by the EFEverde Department of the EFE Agency within the framework of the project "Natural Faces 360" (#RostrosdelaNaturaleza # Rostros360) in collaboration with the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition. Video: Vanishing Vultures - From Millions to near extinct (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3543-living-among-vultures.html" }
The rush and lack of information are bad allies when it comes to shopping, since they prevent the nutritional information of processed foods from being reviewed, something essential to know what to eat. In addition, the continuous appearance of new products with better properties or foods with modified characteristics, for example, with less fat or with added calcium, adds more difficulties to the task of making the purchase. For this reason, the Zagros Sports nutritionist, Beatriz Corral, has revealed five tricks to go to the supermarket and buy the healthiest products: 1. Read all the nutritional information. Food labeling often plays with the omission of information. The clearest example is found in "light" products because, although it is true that they have a lower amount of fat, they contain more sugar than a product not labeled as low in calories. Thus, the label does not lie, but omits that other macronutrients are found in a higher proportion. For this reason, it is important to read the entire Nutrition Facts table on the reverse side and establish an accurate judgment about which foods are most beneficial. 2. Distinguish the grain from the chaff. Faced with the exaltation of the advertising of the components of the products for sale, we must know how far the truth that they sell us reaches. In many cases, highlighting the ingredients or qualities of the products goes hand in hand with an exaggeration that does not correspond to reality. 3. Avoid the marketing that surrounds the products. Products that are sold as healthier or better for the functioning of the body are usually accompanied by images of people in shape or exercising, a health image aimed at reinforcing the idea that their purchase only remits benefits. 4. Compare with the competition. It is a very popular practice to highlight the few calories that the products have. Below 100 calories per 100 grams of product, we consider it to be a low-calorie food and, therefore, beneficial to health. For this reason, it is important to stay informed and compare the nutritional values ​​of foods consumed daily. 5. Know the legal ins and outs. The information that appears on food packaging is regulated by law. This will be our guarantee that all products have been labeled in the correct way and we can find in them the adequate nutritional information to build our own map of the foods that are really healthy and agree with our organism. Video: Mohnish Pabrai: 10 Commandments of Investment Management Part 1 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3939-the-five-commandments-for-making-a-healthy-purchase.html" }
We share three movie trailers with environmental and educational content for children of different ages, and why not for adults! Wall-e (2008) What is it about?It is a dystopia set in the year 2800 in which a small garbage dump robot called WALL-E is the only being left on Earth. Your goal is to clean the planet and find life to make it habitable again. One day he meets EVA, a sleek robot explorer with whom he will have a great adventure. Why is it educational?Because it makes us think about voracious consumerism and the sustainability of the planet, and also presents a sensitivity out of the ordinary in animated films. Princess Mononoke (1997) What is it about?In order to heal the wound caused by a maddened boar, the young Ashitaka sets out in search of the god Deer, as only he can free him from the spell. Throughout his journey he discovers how the animals of the forest fight against men who are willing to destroy Nature. Why is it educational? Because although there may be some aspects that they cannot understand if they are very small, it offers a more complex vision about the role of mother nature and the struggle of human beings to control the entire environment, regardless of the consequences beyond their own objectives. Also, it is an opportunity to initiate them in the Hayao Miyazaki cinema. Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants (2013) What is it about?In a quiet forest clearing, the remains of an abandoned picnic ignite the war between two tribes of ants. At stake is a box of sugar. An epic ride on the ground. Why is it educational?Because it intends for children to observe nature more and respect it. It shows the consequences of throwing objects and waste into the environment. Video: The Boys Season #2 episode 8 2020 Stormfont VS The Girls- Scene 4K (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3646-on-these-holidays-environmental-movies-for-the-boys.html" }
Chest congestion can be extremely uncomfortable. If not treated in time, it can lead to serious infections in the respiratory tract. A person suffering from a congested chest may experience pain in the chest or throat, accumulation of phlegm, which makes the chest feel very heavy. A tree that bears fruit to make natural soap The fruits of the soap tree (Sapindus Mukoriossi) native to the Himalayan mountains, are rich in saponin, a substance that generates a natural detergent and is released after 30º C. This detergent or soap has been used for hundreds of years by local people for washing. The washing nuts are an ecological product, since their collection does not have any environmental impact and they are 100 biodegradable. It is practical, cheap, flexible and a bit sticky, and it is the darling of many housewives and especially of the markets and grocery stores, when it comes to “preserving” food. We are talking about the plastic film or PVC film. And what is the problem with that? The problem is precisely in the disposal of this material, because due to the components that make it flexible, it becomes a plastic that is difficult to recycle and, like many other plastic waste, it will stop in landfills that take years to decompose and worst of all, often reach the oceans, killing defenseless animals that mistake pieces of plastic for food. If you are tired of leading a useless lifestyle and are determined to live a greener lifestyle this New Year, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the big changes in your life. Starting something new can be stressful when you're not sure where to start. Rest assured, you've already completed the hardest step - deciding to make a change. Only those who are smokers or ex-smokers know how difficult it is to quit smoking. For this reason, it is very common for people to return to smoking after an attempt to quit. But there are remedies, even natural ones, that can help people a lot to remain firm in their intentions to say goodbye to that expensive and useless vice called cigarettes. This drink can eliminate knee and joint pain in just 5 days Joint pain is a real hurdle and can ruin your day. Chronic joint pain is often attributed to aging, and this can be a factor. But that doesn't mean it can't be treated. Ignored joint pain puts the body through an incredible amount of stress and causes unnecessary degeneration of joint tissue. There are several remedies for food poisoning that will help ease symptoms and speed recovery time. Be careful when taking over-the-counter medications. Some of these stomach medications can increase irritation or mask more serious symptoms. Natural remedies treat symptoms in a number of ways. While spiders are common to dislike or fear, they should not be killed when they are in your home. One benefit of having spiders in your home is their tendency to catch pesky pests and disease-carrying insects like mosquitoes. Instead of killing any spiders you find, make an effort to release them into the open air. As most of you know, French Onion Soup is generally made with beef broth, for that reason, I haven't had one since before 10 years! My husband will have to be my taster for this recipe (yet I haven't) I thought I would experiment with making a version of this recipe and another using “McKay's Imitation Beef Broth and Seasoning” instead of beef broth. Tips to maintain your mental health in a polluted world In the midst of the stress of everyday life, it is difficult to maintain a healthy mind, the pressures are too great, there are economic, social, and even family pressures. That is why many times it is better to practice certain mental exercises to avoid these health problems in the long term. Write positive lists It is very important to always stay positive despite what may be ailing us. Dehydration is a state where the body does not have the necessary amount of water to function optimally. Poor hydration is due to greater loss of water from the body compared to intake. The body naturally loses water through sweating, urination, and breathing. However, when such processes expel more water from the body than is consumed, the body begins to show symptoms of dehydration. 10 tips to lift your spirits when you feel like a failure There are times when everything seems so difficult to achieve. You will face many difficulties in your life. They will meet you with criticism and people will do their best to break you and defeat you. Generally, in those moments of life you are more likely to degrade yourself to such a point that, in the end, you consider yourself just a loser, someone who does not deserve anything and is a complete failure. Homeopathy for children. The six must-have remedies for colds and flu When children get the flu or cold, you should be ready with remedies. Otherwise, you may end up in the doctor's office with a prescription for an antibiotic that might not be necessary. Instead, make your own homeopathic kit and keep these six remedies on hand at all times. These gluten free baked donuts are incredibly soft. They are chickpea flour donuts. Make about 8 to 9 Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 15 minutes Total Time 25 minutes Cook: Gluten Free, Vegan Servings: 4 Calories: 475 kcal Author: Vegan Richa Ingredients Dry: 3/4 cup chickpea flour kiss 3 tablespoons cornstarch or potato starch or more kiss, you may need an additional tablespoon of water with besan 2 tablespoons almond flour or use more besan 1/4 teaspoon salt Lemon flavoring, or grated lemon peel 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. INSTRUCTIONS On a sheet of paper, mark horizontally one of the 4 letters of each line. You must select 1 of the 4 words with which you most identify. At the end you should have 40 answers. For example: if you identify yourself on line 1 with the letter d you should put 1 = d and so on with each of the lines until the test is completed. Plants that heal. eBooks and recommended books EBooks and books recommended to combat different ailments. You can find books on healing plants in general to eBooks on advice on some ailments. All books and ebooks are written in Spanish Atlas IlustradoWork that describes and illustrates a wide variety of healing plants. We are the conductors of our "train". On a daily basis, we drive through intersections, small or large. There are different paths and we can choose one of them. But not all of them take us to the station to which we must return on time. We have to avoid the longer roads because we already know that this is a waste. The Laws of Nature that you should know We could write a book about each of them. The first of these laws is the Law of Causation, that is, the law of cause and effect. An old adage reads: where you put a condition, another condition will arise and it is, by putting a crude example, as if we toss a coin into the air and, although we do not see where it will fall, somewhere it will, because whenever there is a cause there is an effect; whenever there is an action, there is necessarily a reaction. The use of eggs to make any type of omelette (onion, carrots, broccoli ...) or for batters is not essential; You only have to substitute them for chickpea flour whipped with water, since this mixture behaves in a similar way, curdling and binding the tortilla, giving it an appearance and flavor very similar to traditional tortillas. 5 crystals that relieve stress and restore your inner peace Stress is, unfortunately, an unavoidable part of life. And while everyone has their own means of coping with unsolicited anxiety, something you never thought about is instilling a sense of calm through the power of healing crystals. There are a ton of different crystals that serve different purposes, but a handful of these minerals and gems are crystals dedicated to stress relief, in particular. People say that the human word contains great power. With only one word, it is possible to stimulate a person, cause him dislike, caress him, or harm him.On the other hand, people tend not to give as much importance to words because, in the end, it is “only a word” and does not have no visible influence (at least that's what they think…) except for being able to affect the mood of someone with whom we are conversing. Eruptions in Hawaii and Guatemala Where are the Ring of Fire volcanoes? Joan Martínez Alier. What do the faculties of economics hide from us?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/conscious-life/" }
Although it seems absurd, a company put cans of 100% pure air from the Costa Rican rainforest for sale online. Essential Air is a new company from Costa Rica, created with the objective of “providing an immersive experience beyond a simple breath of air”. One can contains 10 liters of 100% pure air from the Costa Rican rainforest. Shipments will be made in mid-January 2019. More than 200 air intakes will be packed. It will include audios of the landscapes of Costa Rica Renewable energy sources will be used in bottling. It costs $ 28.50 plus shipping. BREATHE OUR FRESH AIR. LISTEN TO OUR NATURAL PARADISE AND EXPERIENCE OUR BEAUTIFUL PARADISE. FEEL YOUR ENERGY INCREASE AND YOUR STRESS GO AWAY. WE DESIGNED THE PERFECT MASK TO MAKE OUR AIR ACCESSIBLE TO YOU, ALLOWING YOU TO BREATHE COMFORTABLE MORE THAN 200 BREATHES PER CAN. "While there is no substitute for an unlimited supply of clean air, we saw this scenario as an opportunity to break the status quo of what someone should expect from a breath of clean air," they add. Essential Air indicates that they are proud of their product, "our hope is that this product will help you to recover your energy daily with the best that Costa Rica has to offer: its clean and natural environment", they assure. Video: Big Pun - 100% ft. Tony Sunshine (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3193-pure-air-from-costa-rica-in-a-can.html" }
Major food chains are ignoring the welfare of chickens as their profits continue to rise A detailed report by the NGO World Animal Protection reveals how large global companies turn a blind eye to improving the lives of chickens. World Animal Protection has decided to investigate the policies of the largest fast food chains in the world in order to find out how much importance they place on the welfare of the chickens that are then sold as feed. For it, made the report "Ranking of companies on the welfare of chickens", the first international ranking on the welfare of chickens that have been raised for consumption. It contemplates the analysis of the companies McDonalds,Burger King, Starbucks, Subway, KFC, Domino’s Pizza Group, Domino’s Inc, Nando’s and Pizza Hut. Unfortunately, the results have been deeply troubling: None of these companies are taking this critical issue seriously, despite the thousands of daily sales they generate. A short and unfair life Very often, the reality behind the most consumed meat in the world (chicken) is an unacceptable suffering that increases at the same time that its demand grows. Each year, about 40 billion broilers are raised for global consumption. But under what conditions? Well, the reality is that two thirds of them live in overcrowded huts or in cages without natural light or fresh air, without being able to peck or stretch their wings, far from being able to live freely. Stainless steel cages, often stacked on top of each other, make it impossible for these intelligent animals to engage in natural behaviors such as exploring, dust bathing, or perching on high ground. In addition, due to their exaggerated size and the speed with which they are raised, many suffer from: Painful lameness. Supercharged hearts and lungs. Wounds, including sores and skin burns. As if all this weren't enough, they have no choice but to sit or stand in their own waste, before being euthanized at the short age of five weeks. This is why broilers are not raised for a healthy and happy life. In order to visualize crowding more clearly, it can be said that on average, two chickens have to share the space equivalent to a sheet of letter-size paper, which makes them practically unable to move during their short lives. Actions for a happier future World Animal Protection has launched the ranking as part of its “Cambia por los Pollos” campaign, which seeks to challenge the fast food industry to stop cruelty and suffering in chicken meat production around the world, as well as make companies commit to sourcing and working with higher welfare farms, rather than intensive production farms. The companies were evaluated through public information available in three areas: interest, through policies (how important is the welfare of the chickens to the company); ambition, through objectives and goals (the promises that a company has made to improve the life of chickens); Y transparency, through performance reports (how clear the company is about delivering on its promises). The main findings of the "Ranking of companies on the welfare of Chickens" are: Alarmingly, none of the fast food chains have a comprehensive policy to improve the welfare of chickens. In most areas, chickens are not even guaranteed to be cruelly slaughtered. Neither company receives a rating better than "poor." Only three of the nine companies (Burger King, Starburcks, and Subway) have shown interest and ambition in tackling the main problems facing free range chickens. However, all commitments are limited to one opais region. Four companies: –McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut and Nando’s were rated as having very poor welfare with chickens. Transparency is universally poor, as all companies provide little or no information to show their performance when it comes to chicken welfare. World Animal Protection's "Change for the Chickens" campaign urges the food industry to commit with global policy changesthat improve the welfare of millions of chickens. In particular, companies are expected to: Use chicken breeds that grow at a healthier rate. Make sure the chickens have enough room to behave more naturally. Cages should never be used. Offer chickens the opportunity to enjoy natural behaviors through enrichment, including perches or platforms, pecking items, natural lighting, and high-quality bedding. Ensure chickens are slaughtered using more humane methods, avoiding live shackles, and rendering all animals unconscious prior to slaughter. A reality that leaves much to be desired Today, it is estimated that around the world, 40 billion chickens each year are subject to significant cruelty on intensive production farms. They are given about 40 days of life until they are slaughtered, when they are still effectively babies. During this time, they live in dark, crowded, and sterile places, as described above. They grow with little or no regard as living animals that breathe. In addition, they are genetically selected to develop fast in an unnatural way, which puts great pressure on your heart, lungs and legs. As a result, they often live their entire lives with chronic pain, lameness problems, skin lesions, and even heart failure. But fortunately, food companies that continue to turn a blind eye to this cruelty are under increasing pressure to change their methods.. World Animal Protection will review the ranking of companies each year to monitor the progress of the major fast food brands. Jonty Whittleton, Campaign Manager for World AnimalProtection, argues that “the scores are there and they don't look very good for some of the world's biggest fast food brands when it comes to chicken welfare. These iconic companies must respond to growing consumer concerns about cruelty to chickens, using their immense power to improve the lives of hundreds of millions of animals. Using tools like the Chicken Welfare Companies Ranking, we will continue to pressure these companies to switch to chickens.”. "There is no excuse for the pain, fear and stress they feel on these intensively produced farms for most of their lives. Thousands of millions of chickens never have the opportunity to see sunlight, grow at a natural rate or behave. as they would in nature. Most brands, including those featured in the report, benefit from this pain. These companies have the power to change this situation (…) This is not much to ask for ”. By joining the campaign, spreading the word among your colleagues, informing you about which brands you consume and opting for those that produce chickens under ethically responsible welfare conditions, you can help put an end to this secret suffering. You add up? Video: Idaho food bank to remove Trump letter from food-aid boxes (October 2020). 5 signs of chronic vitamin deficiency in women Colombia recognizes the rights of Nature in its Amazon
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3077-major-food-chains-are-ignoring-the-welfare-of-chicke.html" }
Australia found a way to save water from plastic pollution (and we can do the same!) Remove trash from drain water. The city of Kwinana in Australia is experimenting with an incredibly simple and effective method, which is giving excellent results. The system, installed last summer, is called StormX and it is really simple: it consists of a net placed at the outlet of the drain pipe that helps capture small and large debris and protect the environment from contamination. Pipes drain water from residential areas to natural areas, and the trash that is often transported in them can spread into the environment, not to mention that when heavy rains occur, the trash is washed away by drainage systems. Hence the need to find a solution. The city authorities first installed two networks to see if the system worked. The results were amazing. Over the course of a few weeks, the nets managed to capture more than 360 kg of garbage. At this point, it was decided to install more of these "waste traps" throughout the city to minimize pollution and negative effects on wildlife and the environment. Although the installation and manufacture of these nets cost about 6,000 euros each, the system is quite convenient because it saves money on other fronts. For example, the city reduced expenses for manual removal of waste from sewer pipes. The nets were installed in 750mm and 450mm diameter concrete drainage holes and cleaned three times a week. No animal was captured since the beginning of the experimental operation. The Kwinana authorities plan to install new networks at three additional locations. But what happens when the networks are full of garbage? Once saturated, they are lifted and the waste is loaded onto special trucks and transported to sorting centers. There, the material is separated into recyclable and non-recyclable, and then treated. The nets are reinserted into the drainage pipes and continue to do their job. This new filtration system proves once again that the little things are important, and that focusing on them can have a positive impact on the environment. It is clear that correct waste collection would avoid the biggest problem, but unfortunately we know that a lot of waste is dispersed, with very serious consequences. Video: Australia found away to save water from plastic pollution. every country can start doing the same (October 2020). Oil is running out, now what do we do?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3139-australia-found-a-way-to-save-water-from-plastic-pol.html" }
In search of protection for wild birds in the town of Pinamar, Province of Buenos Aires, an ordinance was approved to prohibit the sale of trap cages, rubber bands and slingshots. The project promoted by the Bird Observers Club (COA) promotes the conservation of the great diversity of birds in the coastal town and highlights the role in the dispersal of seeds and control of pest insects among other benefits that these feathery birds bring to the ecosystem. It also seeks to curb poaching, a practice already prohibited by law. On the rubber bands, Amanda Paulos, a member of the COA comments: “The objective is to kill, but it is not easy to do it with a stone. Most of the time they are hurt and the birds are left helpless and suffering. It's very cruel". "All species of birds eat insects, they need protein of animal origin and thus help control these populations. We don't realize that they eat tons of insects and they are great contributors to our well-being and health " The ordinance has an exception in the event of an eventual seasonal plague that puts the local ecosystem at risk and would be determined by national or provincial agencies. The sanctions for non-compliance with this ordinance will consist of fines framed in the current Tax Code. With information from: https://www.todoprovincial.com https://www.telelegrafo.com.ar Video: Impressive Mousetrap Catches 20 Mice In One Night. Mousetrap Monday (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3245-they-prohibit-the-sale-of-rubber-bands-and-bird-trap.html" }
Graviola, also known as guanabana or Brazilian leg, serves as a dietary supplement used to treat many conditions. Thegraviola it is hailed as a wonderful herb… So much so that its popularity as a natural remedy for viruses, pain relief and even some cancers is gaining ground. Graviola properties These antioxidants help people stay healthy. Thus, according to a 2014 study, graviola extract has many compounds with antioxidant capabilities. According to one study, graviola has anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve pain. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power help people stay healthy and relieve pain The study researchers supported the use of graviola as a popular remedy for pain and inflammatory conditions. Graviola can help people regulate their blood sugar level if they have diabetes. The study found that graviola significantly lowered blood glucose levels in rats with diabetes. Also, even though the rats were fed less food and water, they did not lose weight. Researchers believe this may be the result of better glucose control. Graviola is often used as a folk remedy for lowering blood pressure. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Ulcers are painful sores that develop on the lining of the stomach, esophagus, or small intestine. According to the study, graviola showed antiulcer abilities and helped protect the mucous lining of the stomach. It also helped prevent free radical damage in the digestive tract. Video: This Miracle Fruit Cure Diabetes. SURPRISING Health BENEFITS OF GRAVIOLA FRUIT. Health Tips (October 2020). Vegan illustrations to educate the little ones Blueberries, all its properties and a rich recipe
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3347-graviola-or-guanabana-the-wonderful-fruit.html" }
Hazardous chemicals that persist indefinitely in the ecosystem have no place in a circular economy. Brand owners using packaging materials containing por and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS), for example, should look for better replacements to ensure the health and safety of consumers and the environment. Polyfluoroalkyl and oral substances (PFAS) have received a great deal of criticism recently from environmental groups and the media. Do you know what they are and if they are on the packaging of the products you sell? PFAS are a large family of chemicals that share a similar structure; all are based on a backbone of carbon and fluorine bonds, which are stable and persistent in the environment. These chemicals have been widely used for commercial and industrial applications, including water, oil, and stain repellent fabrics, non-stick products, and fire fighting foams. PFAS are also widely used in food packaging, where they provide resistance to water and grease. A 2017 study found widespread use of fluorinated chemicals in bread and dessert wrappers, hamburger and sandwich wrappers, and food cartons, and the Center for Environmental Health found PFAS in 100% of popcorn bags and molded fiber foods they tested. Certain PFASs based on an eight-carbon chain (such as perfluorooctanoic acid [PFOA] and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid [PFOS], also known as C8 chemicals) have been widely used for decades and have been associated with high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, disease thyroid, testicular cancer, kidney cancer, and pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia. These particular chemicals are no longer manufactured in the United States, following a phase-out initiative led by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, due to the strength and stability of the carbon-fluorine bond, they are highly persistent in the environment, so people are still exposed to them through drinking water and other sources. When C8 PFAS was phased out, chemical suppliers and product manufacturers looked for replacement chemicals that would provide similar performance, particularly for water, grease, and stain resistance. Many turned to shorter chain PFASs that were structurally similar to the ones that had been removed, but contained fewer carbon atoms, such as GenX (made by DuPont and its successor Chemours). Unfortunately, these replacement PFAS are based on the same extremely stable carbon-fluorine bonds, which means they are also very persistent in the environment. Although less toxicity data is available on these newer chemicals, they have been associated with liver and kidney damage, and animal studies suggest an association with higher rates of certain cancers. The replacement of long-chain PFAS by short-chain PFAS appears to be a regrettable case of substitution: the substitute chemical may have similar health problems or be only marginally better than the original. Short chain PFAS are still approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in food contact packaging. This is a problem because PFAS can migrate from one container to another and because the chemicals persist after the end of the package's useful life. PFAS have been detected in landfill leachate and wastewater biosolids. When biosolids are applied to agricultural fields, PFAS can be absorbed by crops and enter the food supply. In fact, the short chain PFAS that are currently on the market are actually more mobile in the environment than the long chain PFAS that they replaced. Since all PFAS are so persistent, including the newer short chain PFAS, the more we use them, the more it will end up in the environment - all the more reason to avoid them in the first place. Increasingly, advocacy groups, the public, and regulators recognize that substitute PFAS are not the solution. Recently, Washington State became the first in the country to ban all PFAS from fiber-based food packaging. The ban will go into effect on January 1, 2022, provided the Washington Department of Ecology identifies safer alternatives by January 1, 2020. In SPC Impact in April 2018, Jen Jackson of the San Francisco said the city of San Francisco is implementing procurement strategies and considering possible ordinances to support markets in serving compostable foods without PFAS. While some progressive jurisdictions are beginning to take action, the fact is that regulations don't always keep up with the latest information on chemical hazards in packaging. So how can brands make sure they are part of the solution? Malene Teller Blume, Quality Manager at Coop Denmark, Denmark's largest retailer, shared her company's story on SPC Impact. In September 2014, in light of growing evidence of PFAS damage, the company decided to ban PFAS from all of its private label products. At the time, they couldn't find bags of non-microwave popcorn with PFAS, so in 2015 they stopped selling microwave popcorn in their stores until a safer alternative could be found. In less than six months, PFAS microwave-free popcorn bags were back in stores, and the positive publicity received from their strong public stance more than made up for the loss in sales. Brands that enact comprehensive and proactive policies to remove chemicals of concern from their packaging will be better positioned both to deal with PFAS now, as well as the next emerging chemical of concern. Given how little we know about many of the chemicals in trade today, it is almost certain that more problematic chemicals will come to light. Safer alternatives exist, and now is the time for companies to take action. Companies must ensure that they understand what chemicals are in the products and packages they sell, and what the risks are associated with those chemicals, to avoid replacing a dangerous chemical with an equally dangerous substitute. Hazardous chemicals that persist indefinitely in the environment have no place in a circular economy. Elizabeth Ritch joined GreenBlue, the parent organization of the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, in May 2016 as a project associate focusing on the CleanGredients program. Ritch has a BA in Environmental Thinking, Practice, and Physics from the University of Virginia. Video: 4 Foods or Chemicals that Destroy Brain Function (October 2020). Games and videos to learn and teach children to recycle Five recyclable and sexy costumes for carnival
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3743-what-chemicals-of-concern-are-in-your-food.html" }
The NGO World Animal Protection carried out an investigation that lasted 10 months and that determined the existence of illegal hunting in the mining and logging sites of Suriname, properties mainly of China. World Animal Protection launched an undercover investigation into the incipient suspicion of illegal hunting of jaguars in Suriname. And, unfortunately, both the facts and the harsh images obtained show that the suspicions were true. The majestic big cats known for their elaborate spots are being poached and processed for export to China. Illegal and cruel hunting During the investigation, extremely hostile and heartless behavior on the part of the man was detected. Both hunters and rangers consulted, confirmed that jaguars are often shot after being tracked or primed. It is common for them to be caught when feeding them with other animals, such as a dog or a goat on a leash. Hunting occurs opportunistically when a jaguar accidentally crosses the path of a hunter, or is simply done deliberately with the aim of making money for the Chinese market. Some jaguars are even shot by local people due to the fear they can generate. And that's not all. Felines also die in cases of conflict between humans and wildlife, as jaguars are believed to prey on either livestock or dogs. Also, there is evidence that puppies are extracted from nature and sold to wealthy businessmen as a status symbol. But, since they do not know how to take care of them, they feed them with cow's milk or sugar water, a totally harmful diet, and end up placing them in cages, taking away their right to live with dignity. Why so much cruelty? The jaguar is hunted mainly because it is believed that after boiling its body for a week, a paste that can be mixed with other traditional medicine ingredients to treat arthritis, increase vitality and flush toxins from the body. However, there is no proof that this is real. To achieve exportation and evade controls, this kind of pasta is placed in containers and shipped to China in smugglers' checked luggage; their odors are masked by a strong-smelling substance to avoid detection by sniffer dogs. And as if that wasn't enough, because jaguar teeth are coveted, the researchers found that smooth, gold-mounted teeth were available for sale at very high prices, both in shops and at Paramaribo stalls. The report also revealed that Chinese and Philippine communities in Suriname sometimes make meat, soup, and even wine with jaguar remains. Nicholas Bruschi, Research Advisor at World Animall Protection, argues that "This research has uncovered a shocking clandestine trade that exploits an iconic animal from the South American rainforests in a barbaric way for unproven traditional Asian medicine. Jaguars already face the challenges of habitat destruction and conflicts between animals and humans. Now they are cruelly and needlessly murdered, left to die in agony. This is very sad news for these incredible felines whose numbers are already in decline. And although jaguar cubs may look very cute, they are still wild animals and belong to the wild, not to the illegal pet trade. " An alarming reality The jaguar or jaguar (Panthera onca) is listed as "near threatened" on the red list of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Within the neighboring countries of Suriname (as well as within French Guiana and Guyana), jaguars are classified as en danger and in need of protection. Consequently, it is illegal to target and hunt the species for export, recreation, the domestic pet trade, or bushmeat. Only in the case of a few exceptions can jaguars be captured and sent for education, display and research to zoos, museums and wildlife reserves. It is calculated that only 173,000 jaguars remain at large and that the population has decreased by 20-25% for 21 years. In Argentina, for example, less than 250 copies remain. Unfortunately, they are increasingly vulnerable as a result of human behavior. The main threats it faces are the loss of its habitat, as a result of deforestation, poaching for its fur (to a lesser extent) and for its prey, the persecution of ranchers in retaliation for attacks on livestock and run over on the roads. Acting for wildlife World Animal Protection works tirelessly to prevent cruelty to animals around the world, and jaguar poaching for traditional Asian medicine has been under observation; Today, this reality is changing. To address the problem, the protectionist NGO will cooperate with rangers and specialized NGOs from Suriname to provide tangible solutions and to share intelligence that prevents poaching. We are raising awareness on the issue, in the hope that the Surinamese government will put more effort within its borders and thus stop not only poaching, but also the smuggling of the product out of the country. Video: Gajraj - Documentary on Asian Elephants (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3449-secret-investigation-reveals-illegal-hunting-of-wild.html" }
The system of concentration of capital, the one that dominates the world, poisons the bees and ends with the refuge of the butterflies. It is the same system that starves children, shoots them in the back and separates them from the territory of privilege due to its low profitability. The death of 72 million bees in Traslasierra, the twilight of the honey, the danger of extinction of the monarch butterflies and the consequent withdrawal of the spirits of the dead that travel with them is the decline of life. There are one and a half million fewer hives in the country than in 2010. And glyphosate is devastating the milkweed where monarchs feed and lay their eggs. It was SENASA that finally confirmed that the death, just over a month ago, of 72 million bees was due to poisoning with agrochemicals. And it is INTA itself that admits that 80 percent of crops depend on pollination. Beautiful process, work of bees and butterflies. However, the production model based on super-profitability, monoculture and pesticides is a skull and two lumps on the road of life. The death of the bees collapses pollination, domestic consumption and exports by 168 million dollars. Besides that country of milk and honey, the land promised to children. “And what are they going to do with this? Because the production model is not going to change ”, Luis Miguel Etchevere told SADA beekeepers (*), still on the alert for the massive deaths. And they responded that “the bees are disappearing. Because its mountains, its forests, its flowers are disappearing "because" the field turned brown and was submerged in poisons, which today the hypocrisy of many calls phytosanitary products. Because INTA, last year, banned the use of the noun agro-toxins in Argentina. As if the words poisoned. "With bees, the rest of the wild pollinators also disappear, and with it a good part of the fruits and vegetables that we eat, as well as those that feed our animals." A month after the massacre of honey bees, Nature of Rights - based on official data from the Ministry of Agroindustry - revealed the disappearance of 44% of the hives in eight years: in 2010 there were 3,264,649. In 2018, 1,828,203. The beekeeper map matches the soy map. They are silent victims of a food production model that uses poison as its main tool, albeit a grim paradox. Millions of liters of insecticides, herbicides and fungicides pave the way for the wealth of a bunch of companies without a flag, sustained by the transgenesis of seeds and the devastation of everything that is unnecessary. Vain. Surplus. Although in the backyard of the system they are the final support of life. Landless queens The Nahuatl culture that flourished in the Valley of Mexico saw them arrive and greeted the return of the spirits of their fallen dead in defense of the land. For them the monarch was called quetzalpapalotl or sacred butterfly. Each year they undertake their prodigious migration process that consumes four stages of their lives and four generations. Adult butterflies travel from southern Canada to the forests of south-central Mexico to winter. Like bees, monarchs are protagonists of the ecosystem: they are professional pollinators and their close and loving bond with milkweed makes them essential to each other and vice versa: it is the only plant that hosts the eggs that will later become larvae and later Caterpillars that will lock themselves in the chrysalis to change and come to life in the glittering butterfly outfit. No scientific research has been able to know how the monarchs, several generations later, continue to find the migration route that their ancestors have followed to withstand the winter. Without gps or googlemaps, they always find their way back, coinciding in time with the birth of the spring milkweed. However, since the 90s they are fewer. About 60% less. Changes in land use, indiscriminate logging, the farmer hostage model of agrochemicals, the ferocious use of glyphosate in certain areas of the United States have been devouring the milkweed. And the monarch butterflies (**). They arrive in Mexico on the day of the dead. That's why it's a party. Because spirits appear by the millions, colorful and beautiful, to celebrate life. For the Aztecs they are the souls that have their home in heaven. And the warriors sacrificed on the pyres. And the women who died in childbirth. Amid the blood and death of the conquest, Nahuatl hope rested on the November butterfly. Papalotl in hand, they gazed at her and whispered their wish. Papalotl listened, motionless. Afterwards, it would fly out. Even the flower where the goddess Xochiquetzal lived, who had the last decision on that wish. The Nahuatl were quiet when their secrets were whispered to them: they have such a long and rolled tongue that they can hold millions of secrets and desires that they will never share with anyone. Except with Xochiquetzal. Latest "When the last bee dies, four years later, the human species will disappear"Einstein said, so far from glyphosate and 2-4D. Traslasierra beekeepers, with the corpses of their honey plants in their hands, tell Etchevere that “the current agro-industrial model is unethical, because it destroys the social, productive and economic fabric of our communities, condemning its citizens to misery and is ecocidal, because it irreparably damages the land, water and air, poisons our food and kills our bees ”. The only possible path is pesticide-free agriculture. A return to the land and its healthy productivity. A process that does not affect the profitability of the producers but that of the companies and laboratories that produce the poisons. Those who today are steering the levers of change on the planet. And always directed towards your interests. It will then be necessary to swerve to life that is declining. Bring her to these shores, where the boys travel in a butterfly in search of other worlds that can be built with everyone. Where hunger is abolished with carrot swords and flute bread. And he sported the poison with a hive and milkweed hit. With bees and monarchs standing. (**) “The decrease in monarch butterfly populations in recent decades coincides with the appearance of genetically modified crops to tolerate herbicides such as glyphosate, or to resist insects that could be considered a plague (…) The massive use of glyphosate in the Midwest of the United States is destroying the presence of milkweed plants and other plants that are a source of nectar for feeding butterflies; Milkweed is particularly sensitive to glyphosate, and so far no milkweed resistant to this herbicide has been reported (Emmanuel González-Ortega, Biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean). Video: Attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators and pest controllers (October 2020). High impact What is the environmental impact of our current agricultural model? All schools must have organic gardens in Misiones They present 830 works that prove the toxicity of glyphosate
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3847-bees-and-butterflies-victims-of-systemic-hitmen.html" }
* 760 students from three rural schools in the department of Colón had to be evacuated due to a massive fumigation that lasted three days. * Another fumigated rural school in Santa Anita took its case to trial and three people (the producer, the owner of the applicator company and the aviator) were sentenced with suspended prison. The fumigations continued throughout the province, and even on that same school. * Antonella González, from Gualeguaychú, 9 years old, died of leukemia. Her family asked for the donor networks for the bone marrow transplant, which spread their story with the photo of the girl shaved by chemotherapy. It helped the proximity of the singer Abel Pintos with that little fan of his songs. Antonella died on November 6, 2017. Her mother also warned about the large percentage of children who arrived from Entre Ríos to the Garrahan Hospital with illnesses like her daughter's. A group of self-convened neighbors called Stop Cancer was born in Gualeguaychú. * There were more cases of schools fumigated in Maciá and Espinillo, with a teacher and two kindergarten children hospitalized for reactions to poisons. The provincial Ministry of Health had to order the director of the Falucho Hospital to report cases of poisoning by pesticides, an issue that had been omitted, so many cases were hidden. * The University of Rosario continued to organize health surveys that discovered unexpected diseases in Bovril, Basavilvaso, Gobernador Mansilla, San Salvador and Larroque until now, arising from the massive application of pesticides. (Mu 77 and 90). * The Multidisciplinary Space for Socio-Environmental Interaction (EMISA) of the University of La Plata detected the presence of pesticides in the water and mud of the Paraná River, from which the water is obtained. Purification does not eliminate these toxins, which reach each tap in each home. * In cities like San Salvador, the neighbors themselves had to create censuses and maps showing more than 30 crosses concentrated in three blocks, indicating the dead and the sick. (Mu 75). * The Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires also detected cases of cancer in young people in Villa Elisa, which prompted a project of the institution to investigate and debate in the area the possibility of producing without poisons (Mu 118). * Senators from the Front for Victory, with the support of those from Cambiemos, presented and approved a Phytosanitary Law that increases the use of pesticides to metaphysical levels, eliminating, for example, the application distances that existed until now. Horror series There are laws that curiously are always voted at the end of December, with people thinking of Santa Claus and approaching April Fools' Day. The so-called Law of Phytosanitary products of senators Ángel Giano and Mario Torres (FpV) won 14 to 3 on December 26, 2017 and went to the Chamber of Deputies. The news about this kind of chemical warfare over the province had already led to the creation of the Coordinator for a Life without Agrotoxins in Entre Ríos Basta is enough, with a strong presence of the Paraná Ecological Forum, which for two decades has been a biochemist already retired: Daniel Verzeñassi. Before the approval of the law, Enough is Enough convened neighbors on Tuesday, January 9, in front of the Gray House of Paraná, headquarters of the Executive and the Provincial Legislative. With the chimes of the tower, at 8.15pm, some 80 people with candles began to walk around the Gray House. Thus was born the Round of Tuesdays. It is impressive to see those people lighting up only with the small flames in some dark passages of the round. They walk without slogans or songs, because everyone already knows what is happening. They are talking and exchanging the news of the week. They carry a flag that says Stop Fumigating as the Children's Guild scampers around. "If to make the issue visible, we had to keep waiting for deaths and tragedies, it is because we were not placing the emphasis so that society was definitely aware of it," explains Daniel Verzeñassi. “We think about the Round of the Mothers, and we leave on Tuesdays. There is a much greater commotion than a year or two ago by that succession of tremendous news. It was very annoying, says Daniel, that Luis Etchevehere from Paraná took over as Agroindustry Minister in November 2017, declaring: “Glyphosate is harmless. It deactivates when it hits the ground ”. The famous straw that broke the camel's back: “The law approved in the Senate fell very badly, which I think wanted to cut off the growing mobilization against the scandalous situation in the province. But it was the other way around ”. In Esquel they have posed these situations as the doctrine of the Coyote, which meticulously prepares traps to catch the Roadrunner, but the traps explode in his face. The Rounds are not suspended due to rain, thunder, Tuesday the 13th (they already had two), or holidays. They are already being replicated in 17 cities and towns throughout Entre Ríos, and they have news from 30 towns in the country, starting with Trenque Lauquen (Buenos Aires). What do they want to achieve? Verzeñassi: “Breathe safely, drink water without poison, stop the cancer epidemic and that people who are going to have a child are not afraid of knowing if the baby will be born, and how, due to the large number of spontaneous abortions and of babies born with malformations ”. A memory clouds his eyes with anguish. He was a biochemist at the San Roque de Paraná children's hospital. Between 2002 and 2003 reality swept their test tubes: cleft lips, interrupted palates, gastroschisis (the viscera totally outside the body), anencephalic babies (without a brain) and cases of sirenomelia, born with their legs joined like a tail of siren. “They are unviable, obviously. All of them, just one spoke with the family, they came from being exposed to the fumigations ”. The number of cases forced the creation of a Malformations Committee. It went from two beds for cancer patients to 17: "The relatives ended up building an entire apartment, out of so many sick people there were." In the laboratory, from three tubes of oncology tests per day, he went to 15 in 2013 (upon retirement). "But there was a co-optation of professionals so that what is happening is not disclosed." To that experience of a horror series, Verzeñassi adds a positive one: in 1996 with the Ecological Forum he faced the construction of the Paraná Medio dam. Governor Jorge Busti had declared it of provincial interest, and one of the companies was Halyburton, with George Bush and Dick Cheney. But the mobilization and the protection resources managed to stop the project and Busti himself ended up speaking out against it ”. The members of Enough is Enough came up with an idea: not only to walk around the Gray House but to enter that building to see if it is possible to find other colors, and try to turn history around. Look who's talking Daniel Verzeñassi is a neighbor of Pedro Báez, a deputy close to the former governor and current president of the Entre Ríos Chamber of Deputies Sergio Urribarri. “I met with Báez, I explained to him the general situation of the province on these issues, I talked to him about how even the Guaraní Aquifer (the second world reserve of fresh water on the planet) is at risk and I think he was half surprised, and enabled the dialogue with Urribarri. We met him and three more deputies, Mariela Leiva (the director of the fumigated school in Santa Anita) came. They were from the FpV, but that did not interest us: we wanted to speak with deputies, as had also done with the councilor of Villa Elisa Alejandra Barbosa, who is from Cambiemos and invited me to give a talk in Chajarí, at the Radical Youth camp where the deputy "Pepo" Artusi was also. Our attitude is: talk to everyone we can, explain and convince them ”. Enough is enough decided not to look at the party cards or the saints to decide who to meet. The meeting with Urribarri culminated with a request: "That we give them names to organize an activity that would allow the deputies to get to know a different look than the usual lobbyists of the Rural Society, Aapresid and similar groups." The door was opened to an unprecedented call. It was called the Knowledge Socialization Cycle - Towards a new food production model. They participated in different days: * The doctor in Chemistry Damián Marino, inspirer of EMISA, explained to deputies how 80% of the fruits and vegetables we eat are contaminated with herbicides and reported on the findings of pesticides in the mud and waters of the Paraná, among other things . He added that these are not good or bad practices, but rather that with some 400 million liters of herbicides thrown into the country each year, the problem is systemic. * Dr. Damián Verzeñassi (Daniel's son, a doctor) explained the results of the Health Camps of the Rosario School of Medical Sciences in the fumigated towns. * The chemical engineer Marcos Tomasoni shared his research on how it is impossible to control the poison, which also remains in the soil, water and air, accumulates and does not degrade harmlessly. * The engineer Eduardo Cerdá, field advisor and inspiration for the National Network of Municipalities and Communities that Promote Agroecology (RENAMA), explained how a transition to agroecological modes of production can be made. It showed that they are productive and profitable (by not using chemical inputs, the gross profit margin increases with respect to the conventional producer), in addition to being human and environmentally healthy. He explained that this not only works for small orchards, but also for extensive productions, in fields such as La Aurora de Benito Juárez (Mu 79) and La Primavera de Bolívar (Mu 112) among others. Another fact: the massive model of fumigation was inaugurated in 1996 killing all known weeds. Today there are already 32 glyphosate-resistant weeds, which is why fumigators have to use more and more poisons, in increasingly harmful doses and cocktails. What was the reaction? Daniel Verzeñassi's eye: “One looked at them and an apparent surprise was visible at what they were hearing, especially in the case of Cerdá's exhibition. Because the other was more or less known, but the opening to a new model was something that they had not heard in such concrete terms. During the cycle itself, Urribarri announced that he would vote against the Phytosanitary Law sent by the Senate. Ricardo Troncoso (Let's change), María Elena Tassistro (PJ), Alejandro Bahler (Frente Renovador) also announced their rejection. Outside, the Tuesday Round continued. Deputy Gustavo Guzmán (FpV) explains to MU: “The cycle gave us arguments, scientific support. I did not have the panorama that I have now. To the rejection of the Law, we must now add another Law with tax measures that reward producers who do agroecology ”. The Phytosanitary Law was presented by the FpV itself: ”I think the senators had a productivist look. The person comes first, but if they want to be productive, let's also do agroecology ”. Guzmán rescues the unprecedented. "For a community to organize itself, summon scientists and intervene in the Legislature would have to be counter-natural, but nevertheless it was unprecedented." Is it also a trend towards a more participatory democracy? “Welcome the crisis of representativeness, and that people do not delegate in the face of a production system that has generated so much damage. When there is more participation, the culture grows. When representation wins, participation and culture fall, I say ”. The failure of success Under a portrait of Arturo Illia, Alberto Rotman (doctor and deputy of Cambiemos) reveals MU. “I am going to vote against the Phytosanitary Law. It became clear that the economic benefit that the model supposedly brings redounds to failure if we continue like this. The European Community is phasing out glyphosate entirely in 5 years. We will not be able to sell you anything. But the greatest capital of a country is the human being. The problem is that agrochemicals poison in a chronic and cumulative way, not acutely. Then it seems that nothing happens, but later the disease manifests itself. If the World Health Organization says that glyphosate is possibly carcinogenic, I, as a doctor, say that it should no longer be used. You have to prevent. That's what the precautionary principle is for. There is a clash of this idea with very large economic interests. That is why constant mobilization, assemblies, awareness are important. When it was the Menemista privatization attempt of Salto Grande, in Concordia we did that: roadblocks, assemblies, and thus the project was stopped. The same thing happens here ”. Miriam Lambert is a deputy for the department of Colón (FpV): “I had already done an agroecological promotion project and there is another project by Senator Melchiori. What is certain is that the production model has to change because it is wearing us, it is killing us. It's not about spraying a little further. Verzeñassi spoke of pathologies, tumors, diabetes, thyroid, hypertension. And Cerdá explained the agroecological way. We already invited him to Colón, to speak directly with the producers ”. Lucas Larrarte was one of the three senators who presented and voted against the Phytosanitary Law presented by his own colleagues from the FpV. “We argued all the international antecedents and in my case I explained that the right to health, the environment and production are not on an equal footing. Health and environment are rights of universal nature, which are above. The control resources in the Law were going to be about 2,500 pesos per month per municipality, imagine. I think that now we have to think about how to apply a transition to the agroecological model, as the engineer Cerdá explained very well in the cycle ”. In the Gray House there is a suspicion: that the FpV is opposition at the national level makes it easier for its legislators to have more independent positions than those they would have held a few years ago. Governor Gustavo Bordet did not comment on this issue, although he appeared quite embraced by Minister Etchevehere. The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Urribarri: "Here we are going to try to create an agroecology model for the province, and hopefully for the country." Why didn't you push it during your tenure as governor? “There were projects like Senator Melchiori's, but we were highly conditioned by the conflict with the countryside. They wanted to take the government house from us. State limits were not established on agriculture with glyphosate, but this cycle served for legislators to become aware and know that there are other production models ”. Due to a complaint for illicit enrichment, Urribarri revealed that he is a producer of transgenic soybeans and rice. He says: “I am a partner with a friend because I am not dedicated. Soy we do not do more. And rice yes, but with minimal fumigation ”. Did you think about doing agroecology in your own productions? "No, I have very limited time and you have to dedicate yourself." It remains to be seen if legislators like Urribarri manage to convince producers like Urribarri. Deputy Carmen Toller will also vote against: “We cannot sacrifice human beings for economic reasons. Society came to knock on the doors of the State, there are many of us who want to preserve the environment, when more than 50% of the children with cancer in Garrahan are from Entre Ríos ”. The Garrahan nurse and member of the internal board of ATE Mercedes "Mechi" Méndez told MU that precise data cannot be established "and that is a problem, because there are many boys from Entre Ríos and other provinces such as Chaco, but What are the figures in other care centers? In any case, it is a look at the disease and not at prevention. The crucial thing is that epidemiological studies are carried out that associate to the model with diseases. How can oncologists see this and do nothing? They say they have no certainties. Nobody asks them, they are asked to have doubts, to wonder what is happening ”. Life models In this climate, the councilor for Cambiemos en Paraná Claudia Acevedo presented a law prohibiting glyphosate that her alleged partner, Mayor Sergio Varisco, promulgated although vetoing its main article. On the other hand, in Gualeguaychú a perhaps unprecedented ordinance was enacted to prohibit fumigations that covers not only the urban area but the entire municipal commons. Rubén “Kika” Kneeteman (rural teacher and companion of all these stories): “Gualeguaychú has been a beacon in environmental struggles and this time, instead of demanding things from Uruguay or the pastoralists, he is demanding it from himself. And the ordinance is the first that touches specific interests ”. Eduardo Cerdá has also been there, where the municipality joined RENAMA. Verzeñassi has a daughter, Daniela, an architect and teacher, who has been central to the organization of Basta es Basta. “There are colleagues who question that we have added certain politicians: before we criticized them because they did not support our demands, and now we criticize them if they accompany them. I don't want more people to die. For that we need to change the model not only the small ones, but the large fields. By reflection or by law they make a turn in their production, because if we are not in the oven. Cerdá raised how to make a transition, the need even for sufficient technicians to accompany her and achieve a productive reconversion ”. Daniela says: “One may want an agrarian reform, but if we wait for that to change the model, we don't get there. Am I going to build the world I want with Etchevehere? No, but we are going to invite him because we were always polite. He does not. If what you want is to keep the lands of Etchevehere, you are screwing it up. It is not a question of crazy fundamentalists, as they told us, now it is understood that what we defend is life and healthy production. We had almost all the media against it, but they can no longer cover what is happening, even if it is late. The legislators, not all, understood it at the cost of having so many deaths on their backs. We are talking about public health, about pain, about disease. Now is the time to seriously win this battle. The first revolution must be carried out in the peripheral cords of the cities where it is no longer possible to spray but to do agroecology. And once you start, as Cerdá says, the experience is contagious. I believe in that contagion ”. Daniela says that the College of Agricultural Engineers is organizing discussion sessions, INTA joins, the Faculty of Agronomy is giving postgraduate courses in agroecology, and that they do not provide enough for the talks and training that include the Food Sovereignty category. How long are they going to hold the Rounds? Daniela has made the following calculation: "Until the model changes." There is a series called Endeavor that investigates sophisticated British crimes, a relaxation in front of the Creole reality. In one episode it is argued that cruelty is like cancer, it first takes a cell, multiplies and advances. It could be thought that it is the other way around, that cancer is like cruelty, a sophisticated weapon for many crimes of the present. And that an old Chinese wisdom works against that: better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. In Entre Ríos more and more candles are lit. Perhaps they are part of the most powerful lights that shine on us at this time. Video: Indigenous communities believe controlled burns could help California with future fire prevention (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3553-the-battle-of-the-candles-how-entre-ros-stopped-a-pr.html" }
Most of the more than 150 beached whales die on the Australian beach A fisherman came across about 150 carcasses of short-finned pilot whales on Friday morning and reported the situation to local authorities. “When leaving the anchorage, we have seen four or five whales. I think there is more to the beaches, ”said fisherman Graham Pateman, who alerted authorities, to Australian television channel ABC. Fears that dead whales may attract sharks prompted officials to close several beaches in the Hamelin Bay area of ​​Australia's extreme southwest, about 196 miles south of Perth. "It is possible that dead and dying animals act as an attractant, which could lead to sharks approaching the shoreline along this stretch of coast," the alert said. Only 15 of the roughly 150 beached whales are still alive, authorities said. The Incident Controller for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Jeremy Chick, said the priority was the safety of the surviving whales, as well as the 25 or so animals that are still found in deeper waters near the coast. "The strength of the animals and windy and possibly wet weather conditions will affect when and where we try to get them out to sea," he told ABC. "The main objectives are to ensure the safety of staff and volunteers, as well as the best chance of survival for the whales." Adult short-finned pilot whales are approximately 16.4 feet long and weigh up to three tons. They are found in most of the world's waters and generally travel in groups of less than 100. Authorities said they will continue to sweep the surrounding beaches by air and sea on Saturday. Rescue efforts were hampered by dead whales in the water, rocky terrain, and rough seas. The corpses were removed from the beach and authorities took DNA samples in an attempt to gather clues as to why the whales fell. In 2009, more than 80 whales and dolphins died on a beach in Hamelin Bay. The largest mass of whale strandings in Western Australia occurred in 1996 at Dunsborough. That year, 320 long-finned pilot whales went into hiding. Video: Most of over 150 stranded whales die on Australian beach (October 2020). Bayer: 150 years of crimes against humanity Are you eating too much? Measure food with your hands, with this new guide!
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3950-most-of-the-more-than-150-beached-whales-die-on-the-a.html" }
Until recently, Colombian producers discarded chicken manure because they did not consider it useful for crops. Little by little they realized that it could be a good compost by observing how plants and weeds grew in the places where they deposited the chicken manure. Today, chicken manure has become a fertilizer with high nutritional value that is priced well on the market. In Colombia, about 59,000 tons of chicken manure are produced per day as a result of the deposition of 380 million chickens and 24 million layers. Let's calculate that each chicken produces 150 grams of manure while a laying hen produces 100 grams. The value of a day's production can exceed 1,500 million pesos since each dehydrated ton is sold between 75,000 and 80,000 pesos, depending on the degree of humidity. How chicken manure works The chicken manure or chicken manure is the one that comes from the raising of hens for the production of eggs. It is valued as a fertilizer with a high content of nutrients for the soil such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Even this fertilizer is more concentrated in nutrients than cow manure. However, to be used to the maximum, it must be balanced and controlled from the feeding that the birds receive. Part of the secret is that the chicken manure must be put to dry in half shade, in addition to the fact that there are already certain products on the market that can be added to speed up fermentation Chicken manure improves the physical characteristics of the soil, it is used in the fertilization of a wide range of crops: flowers, grasses, legumes, bananas, potatoes, sorghum, coffee, sugar cane and fruit trees, among others. However, other uses have been found for it: mixed with cocoa shell, it constitutes a new alternative for feeding livestock specialized in milk production. This has been recommended by technicians from the Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA), in studies on the nutritional value of these by-products considered disposable in the past. It is even used to feed, mixed with water and lime, to the fry of cachama, tilapia and red mojarra. Advantages of chicken manure Among some of the advantages of chicken manure compared to fertilizers of chemical origin are: a better exchange and assimilation with the crop, softens and enriches hard soils and favors the retention of heat in the earth for longer. However, despite the attractive prices as fertilizer, the poultry farmers cited in a study by the National Federation of Poultry Farmers (Fenavi) indicated that because it is a business independent from that of poultry, it has not developed and because it is an informal business there is no official standardization. Results According to experiments, excellent yields have been obtained in corn and sugar cane crops. In the case of the pastusa potato, it has been possible to reach fifty tons per hectare. Without this fertilizer, only averages of thirty-35 tons are reached. And a very important detail is the reduction in costs, which ranges between 30 and 35 percent. Its benefits have been proven in different crops, soils and climates: coffee, in Gran Caldas; pastures, sorghum, soybeans, cotton and fruit trees in Tolima and Meta; pastures, potatoes and fruit trees in Boyacá; pastures, potatoes, vegetables, fruit trees and flowers in Cundinamarca. Video: Chicken Manure Compost for Garden Beds (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3658-how-to-transform-chicken-manure-into-organic-compost.html" }
On Wednesdays at noon, I look for my little granddaughters after school and bring them home to eat together. Boys and girls flock out hungry after a busy day's work. All the people who look for the children bring them some food that they devour with relish and entertain them until they get home to eat. The “Indio Viejo” recipe is originally from Nicaragua, as in all American culture, in the past the products were prepared based on corn. This consists of mixing all the ingredients over low heat. The origin and reason are still of unknown origin, it was transmitted from generation to generation. The Gallo Pinto. Costa Rican rice and beans recipe I was lucky to spend part of the summer in Costa Rica. This is the traditional dish that every Tico eats for breakfast, lunch, and probably dinner. I never got used to breakfast, but here's what I came up with to mimic my travels there. FOR 4 PEOPLE 2 cups cooked white rice 2 cups cooked black beans 1/2 cup bean broth (or vegetable broth) 1/2 chopped onion1 chopped bell pepper 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tablespoons fresh coriander, minced 2 tablespoons vegetable oil heavy soy cream, as a topping Fry the onion and bell pepper in the vegetable oil, about 3 minutes. On Wednesdays at noon, I look for my little granddaughters after school and bring them home to eat together. Boys and girls flock out hungry after a busy day's work. All the people who look for the children bring them some food that they devour with relish and entertain them until they get home to eat. Master Recipe: Vegetarian Lasagna without Pasta
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/food/" }
Italy already has fireworks without noise so as not to disturb the animals at the Holidays By decree, in Parma, Italy, the use of any type of pyrotechnics that emits noise and explosions is prohibited. Only those that meet technical specifications of silent are allowed in order not to disturb the animals during the Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations. The municipality of Collecchio tries to rescue the joy of the celebrations with the majesty that the lights and colors give in the sky, but considering the noise that they cause in pets. The authorities warned that they will be extremely strict in the matter although it will allow the traditional fireworks to continue to be used, but with limitations that allow "enjoying the color that they project in the sky while respecting the animals", while it is recognized that these suffer a lot of stress from the noise and explosions. The municipality has uploaded a video on YouTube where it is exemplified how you can enjoy a real fireworks party without the inconvenience or inconvenience of noise and explosions. The consequences for pets There are animals whose hearing capacity is more sensitive than that of the human being, therefore, the damage that fireworks can cause in them can range from stress, tachycardia, daze, heart problems and fear. The number of decibels generated by fireworks can exceed what a dog could withstand, for example. Dogs, cats and birds can react in different ways to the noise and put their lives at risk, not knowing where it comes from. Specialists recommend owners to put wax plugs to protect them. Also cats and animals in general, tend to suffer from the problem that is generates in addition to "acoustic stress" a whole series of immediate affectations, some of which can even lead to death. It is important to remember that every year dozens of animals disappear from their homes frightened by the explosions, some are lost and others are run over in the streets. Video: Rewilding the UK with Lynx (October 2020). 5 crystals that relieve stress and restore your inner peace
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3297-italy-already-has-fireworks-without-noise-so-as-not-t.html" }
One of the most disowned companies on the planet ended its days without pain or glory. Finally, the purchase was finally approved in June 2018 by the United States and before that by the European Union, Bayer's first announcement was the disappearance of the brand, causing Monsanto to exit the market through the back door. Of course, this does not mean the disappearance of its transgenic seeds or its toxins, which will continue to be sold by Bayer, but the name change was one of the motivations for Monsanto to seek to merge, seeking to disassociate itself from the multiple protests and campaigns in its against. Definitely - and despite the fact that the merger is bad news for the people, the environment and food sovereignty - the disappearance of the Monsanto name is a triumph of the widespread popular resistance, of peasants and peasants, of environmentalists, consumers and many more, against GMOs, all over the world. It is not a minor achievement. Although GMOs are still in markets, fields and food, there is a general rejection of them. The transnationals –Bayer included– have not managed to colonize our minds, as they did before with the majority of people with the supposed need to use agrochemicals and industrial agriculture and monocultures to feed us, a harmful myth that still persists despite its falsehood. But in the case of transgenics, they never managed to be accepted by the vast majority of consumers and farmers, or to significantly extend their cultivation to more than a score of countries. There are still more than 160 countries that do not allow commercial planting. Monsanto was the largest transgenic seed company and, together with Syngenta, the most fought. This is the latest of the mega agricultural mergers that began two years ago and the largest. The six largest seed producers, which together controlled 100 percent of GM crops were then Monsanto, Syngenta, DuPont, Dow, Basf and Bayer. They also controlled the majority of the global agrochemical market. Now Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta-ChemChina (Chinese producer of pesticides) and DuPont with Dow have ended the merger process, which formed the new company Corteva Agriscience for their agricultural sector. In order for the mergers to be approved by the United States, Europe and other countries, they were told that for reasons of market competition, they should sell part of their businesses, but all the chemical and seed businesses that they sold were bought by BASF. Therefore, there were four mega-companies that together control more than two thirds of the world business of pesticides and commercial seeds, in addition to all transgenic seeds. This round of mergers is just a beginning for the one that follows, which is for the control of digital agriculture. The majority rejection of transgenic crops and foods has been joined in recent years by a growing rejection of pesticides in food, in which the condemnation of glyphosate, the herbicide that Monsanto invented and patented in 1982, is a key aspect. Although it was already used in crops, lawns and gardens, it was thanks to GMOs that it became the most widely used pesticide on the planet and in history. This is because more than 85 percent of transgenic seeds are tolerant to herbicides, generally glyphosate (under names such as Faena, Rival and others), which greatly increased their application. Monsanto always argued that it was a low-risk herbicide, but in 2015, the World Health Organization declared it a carcinogen. Since then, the regions and countries where it is proposed to ban it have followed, including the European Union as such. In addition to GMO seeds and glyphosate, Monsanto put many other things on the market to the detriment of humanity and the planet, such as the askarels (PCBs) that made entire peoples sick with cancer (knowingly after the first few years); Agent Orange, which was first used as a chemical weapon in the Vietnam War and from which they later derived a potent agrotoxic (2,4-d) that is currently in use on agricultural land. Bayer, for its part, in addition to some well-known pharmacists, is also a producer of transgenic seeds and pesticides. It is less known that Bayer also invented heroin in 1898 and sold it for more than a decade as a cough medicine. I knew it was addicting, but that was part of the business. Already in the 20th century, as part of the IG Farben company (merger of Bayer, Basf and Hoechst), it collaborated with the Nazis, for whom it produced the Zyklon B gas for the holocaust gas chambers. He also used slave labor from the concentration camps. I mean, this is not only one of the largest mergers in agriculture, it is also a merger of seasoned war criminals. The war to which they are most notoriously engaged now is against peasant life and production, the health of all and the environment, with its sales of GMOs and pesticides. As of now, Bayer is the largest global company of pesticides and commercial seeds of all kinds - in addition to having the highest percentage of transgenic seeds. They will surely launch an aggressive campaign on the supposed benefits of both, trying to dissolve the much fought image of Monsanto. There are many new traps and changes of discourse to try to confuse and dissolve the criticism, as they move forward with the contamination in the fields. But instead of forgetting Monsanto, the claim against Bayer will be affirmed. It will be another basis for continuing to consolidate criticism and resistance against the industrial and chemical food system model, whose ultimate goal is to dismantle all forms of producing our own food, especially from peasant communities. Video: Monsanto CEO on debate over GMO and food labeling (October 2020). NASA video: Arctic sea ice melting accelerates Blueberries, all its properties and a rich recipe
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3692-the-end-of-monsanto.html" }
In homage to Isabel (Chabela) Zanutigh. “From the political and social militancy of the seventies, with a feminist perspective and practice and the right to food as an objective, these womenlittle greens they managed to buy some hectares that they transformed into an agroecological farm, a consortium of small producers and an agroecology school, spaces from which they build other paradigms with the liberation of women and the de-commodification of nature as a horizon. " Summary From a historical point of view, women have deployed strategies to conserve and restore nature in order to sustain the reproduction of life. With this vital function as a destination, there are many women who daily build other ways of being in the world and relating to nature, walking towards food sovereignty with agroecology as a tool. The creators of the La Verdecita agroecological farm, located in the Argentine province of Santa Fe, are an example of this. From the political and social militancy of the seventies, with a feminist perspective and practice and the right to food as an objective, these womenlittle greens They managed to buy some hectares that they transformed into an agroecological farm, a consortium of small producers and an agroecology school, spaces from which they build other paradigms with the liberation of women and the de-commodification of nature as a horizon. Food sovereignty, ecofeminism and womenlittle greens In tune with their historical role as providers, women have been building experiences tending to food sovereignty, understood as the right of the population to produce and consume healthy and culturally appropriate food, obtained with ecologically sustainable methods that have agroecology as a tool. Born within the social organizations, food sovereignty is an alternative food system to agro-industry, just as ecofeminism [1] is an alternative to the patriarchal system of domination over women and nature. Ecofeminism, agroecology and food sovereignty are the pillars of the experience of the La Verdecita agroecological farm, located on the border between the urban and rural ejido, in the horticultural belt, 4.4 km north of the city of Santa Fe, Argentina. The civil association La Verdecita, made up mostly of women, grew and in 2008 became the Consortium of Small Producers of La Verdecita, today made up of sixty families that produce fruits and vegetables without pesticides on the lands of the most of whom are not owners. This is how they are presented in theirblogspot: We are a group of independent men and women brought together from the conviction that people in general, and women in particular, deserve a free, dignified, sovereign and happy life […]. Food sovereignty, the power to decide on our own body, the possibility of producing and consuming what we want, what we create, what we think, are not a distant utopia, but a daily practice. A practice of power, of freedom. Womenlittle greens They are writing another story and, through the farm, the consortium of small producers and the school of agroecology, they open doors to production and training in that other way of producing, marketing, consuming and inhabiting the territory. From history One of the references of La Verdecita is Isabel Zanutigh, known as Chabela, because her social activism has marked the paths traveled by the women who are part of this experience. In the 1970s she was a member of the Center for Integration and Updating of Women (CIAM) and in 1985 she was one of the founders of the Housewives' Union, which had 80,000 members. With the 2001 crisis, the women of the union set out to get food boxes for impoverished families, and from that need for food the idea of ​​producing it was born. This required land, and in 2003 a group of women managed to buy two hectares in the horticultural belt of the city of Santa Fe with funds from international cooperation. Thus, they created an agroecological farm that allowed them to specify an alternative productive proposal and encouraged them to train in agroecology and to articulate with many organizations at the provincial, national and international levels. A tragic event that the city of Santa Fe experienced, the floods of 2003, caused La Verdecita to acquire an important role through the production and distribution of food, as well as the improvement of the homes granted to those displaced by the floods. , [2] which showed that an agroecological experience can respond to “natural” catastrophes with destructive social consequences. From feminism Womenlittle greens, who define themselves as feminists and criticize the current production model, find it difficult to agree on interests with the government institutions in the countryside, generally represented by men. For them, agriculture is sexist since it is represented by the so-called “men of the countryside”, who occupy the high positions in the union entities of that sector and in the Ministry of Agroindustry, which leaves women out of the spheres where decisions are made in the rural area. That is why, with an ecofeminist stance, these women propose to generate instances of representation and power within and outside the family to change the structures that oppress them and improve their access to training, economic income, healthy food, health and an environment not contaminated. That is why the women of the consortium are part of its executive committee, make decisions and make their voices heard. Also, to be heard, these women have taken direct actions against the current production model (decided by men). In 2008 they cut the Belgrano Cargas railroad tracks, which carries soy from the producing areas to the port of San Lorenzo, as the women of La Verdecita denounced that "the soy train is the trafficking train." Convinced that in the territories devastated by monoculture the appropriation of women's lives and bodies is reflected, they expressed on that occasion: “The region became a great green desert strewn with poison. We stand up and fight like women do everywhere where the hunger for profit puts at risk the possibility of all kinds of life ”(Ercolano, 2009). From agroecology This group associates the struggle of women with agroecology, which it defines as follows: [It is] a new paradigm of life and production, [which] questions the pillars of patriarchal capitalism, which women, and feminism in particular, have exposed in our struggles: androcentrism, ethnocentrism and anthropocentrism, that is, the world conceived from the centrality of a male, white, bourgeois, masculine and heterosexual human being. It is not a technical proposal, but a “new (old) way of conceiving the world and the species that inhabit it and is the alternative to the problems of hunger, poverty, environmental degradation, social inequalities, with emphasis on the necessary change in gender relations ”(Ziliprandi and Zuloaga, 2014). For this group, agroecology is also an anti-globalization movement since it promotes "productions close to the communities, revalues ​​all care activities and opposes hierarchies of knowledge, because the only possible construction is collective". For these reasons "agroecology, as a movement, as a science, as a new paradigm, presents us with a new channel where we can find the answers". [4] Other ways of producing, transforming, marketing and training Regarding production, collective work days are established on the farm in which productive tasks and food transformation tasks are shared, such as soil preparation, sowing, harvesting, slaughter of animals and processing. of sweets and preserves. Vegetables, cereals and oilseeds are produced on a small scale; smaller animals such as ducks and chickens are raised; honey, oil and preserves are produced. All these activities reflect the mixture between technical knowledge and peasant practices, including the meticulous observation of crops, own agroecological practices such as the association and rotation of crops, barriers and living fences, trap plants, aromatic plants and ground cover, among others. With these practices, "they go through a process of deepening and consolidation of agroecological production". [5] The commercialization is carried out through orders from individuals, monthly fairs on the farm itself and once a week in the Progreso market in the city of Santa Fe, under the slogan "From the garden to the kitchen." In addition to selling food and handicrafts made on the farm, they sell items from other agroecological producers who are part of the consortium. Regarding training, since 2010 the Agroecological Vocational School (EVA) has been operating on the farm, [6] a non-formal instance of training created at the initiative of the members of the farm, attended by the members of the consortium and any other producer, female or male, who wants to train. Promoted by the EVA, a course for promoters in agroecology is given through radio stations in the province of Santa Fe. [7] The school has different training instances: training in agroecological practices, an academic space for research and exchange, and another for associativism and cooperative management. [8] In coordination with other organizations, La Verdecita has collaborated in the organization of training and exchange instances between women, such as the Orgullosmente Dignas meeting in 2007, which brought together women participating in socio-environmental conflicts from four provinces of Argentina in order to exchange experiences and realities, in addition to strengthening as women producers in their organizational walk. The farm was also the site of the Latin American Meetings of Rural and Urban Women for Food Sovereignty in 2005 and 2008, as well as the Open and Permanent Chair: Women and the Economy in 2009. Women towards food sovereignty Many women likelittle greens they daily construct that other paradigm that defends life on the planet, the liberation of women and the de-commodification of nature. And it is in this paradigm where the possibility of food sovereignty is born, which cannot do without the contributions that women, builders and guardians of knowledge about the conservation of native seeds, soils, biodiversity and so much other knowledge can and should make. that have been transmitted generationally and that they propose neither more nor less than to open paths towards the management of life. Women and nature are rebelling against the capitalist, patriarchal and colonial system, and they are committed to agroecology, ecofeminism and food sovereignty to defeat the agro-industrial model that strives to standardize our lives. This is what thelittle greens, that defend, with their practice, the freedom to decide on our territory and our body. For them, food sovereignty is nota distant utopia, but oneeveryday practice and collective, and is the alternative to social inequalities, the destruction of nature and the oppression of women. Bibliography Ercolano, C, 2009. “The voice of the earth”.Page 12, supplement12 hours, 6th of March. Ziliprandi, E., and G. P. Zuloaga (coords.), 2014.Gender, agroecology and food sovereignty. Ecofeminist perspectives. Barcelona, ​​Icaria. [1] Ecofeminism focuses its gaze on oppressive systems in relation to sex-gender and on the domination of nature by human beings (Ziliprandi and Zuloaga, 2014). [2] In one of the documentaries of the Sustainable Argentina Program and the Ecosur Foundation, from the series "Women in conflict, environmental sustainability in Argentina from a gender perspective", they tell their story. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WC2j8kYeK4M#action=share [5] See the document "La Verdecita: making the way towards agroecology": http://www.unosantafe.com.ar [6] On the inauguration of the EVA in 2010, see: https://www.pagina12.com.ar/ [7] For this year's EVA projects, see the interview with Chabela Zanutigh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Ck539X_qQ [8] To go deeper into these different training instances, see: http://escuelaeva.blogspot.com.ar/ Patricia Agosto is a member of the Pañuelos Popular Education Team in Rebeldia, Buenos Aires, Argentina.E-mail: [email protected] Video: Agroecology in Cuba Lepore y van Caloen, 2017 - english subtitles (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3087-agroecology-for-women-la-verdecita.html" }
Glyphosate is the active ingredient of the most widely used herbicide in the world, and its use is largely associated with crops genetically modified to be resistant to it. A growing number of scientific studies are showing that glyphosate residues are now everywhere in the environment and may be common in food. High levels were found in eggs and dairy cream as these animal products are not sprayed directly with glyphosate, indicating that the chemical is entering the food chain and accumulating in the tissues of the animals, too. known as bioaccumulation. If glyphosate can accumulate in the animals we eat, it must also accumulate in humans as confirmed by the finding in children's urine and breast milk. According to Dr. Anthony Samsel, the bioaccumulation of glyphosate, due to poor incorporation into the protein structure, is disastrous for the biology of all living beings. This herbicide should never have been allowed on the market. In 2015, the World Health Organization, through the International Agency for Research on Cancer, classified glyphosate as a probable human carcinogen. But those who defend transgenic crops along with their herbicides say that exposure to the right doses of glyphosate is safe for humans. All this data crossing generates confusion between consumers and the media is enormous. The argument that "the dose makes the poison" This argument used by advocates of herbicides and some media sponsored by transnational agrochemicals, lacks scientific rigor. Here are the reasons why there is no safe level of glyphosate herbicide residues in our food or beverages: Babies and young children do not have the ability to detoxify toxins like adults, their kidneys and livers are not yet fully developed. The EPA's Allowable Daily Intake Levels for exposure to glyphosate were established for a 80-kg man, not for a pregnant mother, infant, or child. "There is currently no reliable way to determine the incidence of pesticide exposure and illness in American children," according to AAP. Glyphosate does not wash off, evaporate, dry out or cook, and it has been shown to bioaccumulate in bone marrow, tendons, and muscle tissue. The well-known Seralini study showed that ultra-low levels of glyphosate herbicides cause nonalcoholic liver disease. See demonstrated that ultra-low levels of glyphosate are hormonal and endocrine disruptors. Hormonal changes can lead to birth defects, miscarriages, autoimmune diseases, cancer, and mental and chronic illnesses. Glyphosate has been shown to be chronically toxic and cause organ and cell damage. The final formulations of glyphosate herbicides were shown to be extremely toxic, causing immediate damage at low levels. Chronic health impacts, such as skin rashes, which can, years later, lead to non-Hodgkin lymphoma are often ignored, especially for low-income or non-English speaking users who are dependent on their occupation. the application of pesticides to survive. The EPA admitted not having any long-term animal studies with blood tests on the final formulation of any glyphosate herbicide. EPA cannot claim that the final formulation is safe. For the approval of pesticides and herbicides, the EPA only requires safety studies, by the manufacturer who benefits from the sales, on the only declared active chemical ingredient, in this case, glyphosate. Glyphosate is never used alone. The main manufacturer, Monsanto, was found guilty of all counts by a San Francisco Supreme Court jury in Johnson v. Monsanto. This included guilty of "malice and oppression," meaning that company executives knew their glyphosate products could cause cancer and withdrew this information from the public. Clearly, it is time for food and beverage manufacturers to have a zero tolerance for glyphosate residue levels and for the EPA and US regulatory agencies to stop ignoring the science and immediately revoke the glyphosate license. With information from: ANH USA Children’s Heath Defense Coalition Partner The Epoch Times Video: Is Glyphosate Probably Carcinogenic to Humans? (October 2020). Bad example: 33 thousand tons of electronic waste in Buenos Aires for 2018
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3150-glyphosate-is-not-safe-even-in-small-doses.html" }
In the management of waste from electrical and electronic equipment, the influence of recycling in business logistics is growing. When a company in the public or private sector is overwhelmed with obsolete electronic waste along with other unproductive remains (excess inventory, returns for failures or defectives), it usually rents a warehouse for its confinement. In this way, you will increase your expenses with the qualification of security personnel, administrative, equipment and fleet against fires, insurance and other requirements that the legislation in force mandates. Did you solve the problem or costly postpone the final solution? The unstoppable aging of things will return with the same question: what to do with these now aged components? proof that the least favorable option has been taken since the confinement does not generate benefits and multiplies the costs of conservation and final disposal. A rational solution is provided by reverse logistics or recycling integrated into the product life cycle. It covers the collection / hoarding / disassembly and processing of used products (or any of their parts), to take advantage of their value as matter and concentrated energy. By promoting its ecological recovery and proper disposal, it does not compromise the natural environment or affect the stock of non-renewable natural resources. In the productive network, reverse logistics confers competitive advantages by converting the undesirable into inputs later acquired by the industry. If it does not develop the specific area, it will be possible to act in association with certain groups specialized in productive use, aware of the routines of selective separation, classification and sale. Electrical and electronic equipment (aes) are a complex mixture of toxic components associated with materials that are unable to degrade in the natural environment. They are rich in lead, mercury, nickel, cadmium, and dangerous chemicals like hexavalent chromium. Converted into garbage, they are left on public roads, contributing to the appearance of garbage dumps or open sky incineration points where burned metals are obtained, a meager benefit. Unlike the solid urban waste buried in sanitary landfills, (there is no place prepared to house electronic waste); This will lead to severe contamination of the environment, especially of surface or underground water, that is, its entry into the food cycle causing diseases of various kinds. Recycling is the basis of a long-lasting import substitution policy, which requires continuous training and qualification of specialists and requires the delineation of an economic equation (costs / benefits) focused on the additional income from saving finite natural resources reasonable use of energy and that pollution rates do not worsen. The glass (7k x monitor) is 100% recyclable aperpetuity; 1 kg ground replaces 1.2 kg of extractable raw materials from natural reserves, (sand, lime, mica, quartz, feldspar). The industry reuses 90% of glass and paper, thus extending their life cycle, reduces 63% of water, 50% of electricity tariff and greenhouse gas emissions, relevant data in the face of the continuous rise in input prices in the global context. Building an average car requires 930k of various metals (each cpu delivers 8k of scrap). If the world population had a fiat 1500, iron reserves would have already been depleted. A recycled soda can (each monitor has 80 grams of aluminum) saves enough energy to keep a TV on for 3 hours. Argentina imports copper from the world market while a recovered 15-inch monitor gives us 218 grams. of that metal. In the case of repaired and recovered computer equipment, your regular donation makes it possible to strengthen corporate social responsibility programs when they are aimed at closing the technological gap. There is a great community social capital inhabited by non-governmental organizations, cooperatives of urban reclaimers, environmental associations, etc., competent to intervene and improve through their daily practice in this process that creates value and employment. The logistics that separate and recycle broadens and facilitates the horizon of sustainable business management, which seeks to minimize environmental impacts, improve profitability and / or minimize costs. Video: Inside u0026 Out The business of food waste (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3255-business-waste.html" }
Twenty countries have partnered with industry to form the so-called Biofuture Platform. Its goal is to replace oil with renewable raw materials to produce biofuels, bioplastics and biomaterials. But the effects of bioindustry on ecosystems and food production are fatal. What is the Biofuture Platform The Biofuture Platform aims to be a multi-stakeholder, action-oriented, and major-country mechanism for policy dialogue and collaboration between countries, organizations, academic institutions and the private sector, aware of the need to accelerate the developing and expanding the deployment of modern low-carbon and sustainable alternatives. The ultimate goal of the Biofuture Platform is to assist in the global fight against climate change, nurture low-carbon transport solutions and the bioeconomy, as well as contribute to sustainable development and development goals, especially SDG 7 ( sustainable energy) and 13 (action against climate change), in addition to contributing to SDG 8 (economic growth and decent work), 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure), 2 (sustainable agriculture and zero hunger)) and 15 (forests and ecosystems). Who make it up The Biofuture Platform has been proposed by the Brazilian government to several leading countries on the five continents. The aim of the initiative is to bring together a relatively limited but strong group of like-minded countries that are either leaders in the new advanced bioeconomy or interested in its development. Twenty countries are the founding and current Member States of the Biofuture Platform: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Morocco, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Paraguay, the Philippines, Sweden , United Kingdom, United States and Uruguay. The transport sector There is an urgent need for an immediate scalable and sustainable solution to reduce carbon emissions in the transport sector. Transportation is the sector that has so far been one of the most challenging for mitigation, accounting for about 23% of the world's energy-related greenhouse gas emissions according to the IPCC. While there has been a lot of attention, investment and collaboration at the international level in the field of renewable energy, most recent actions have been directed at the energy sector. While that is positive and critical, the world must also do more to expand alternatives to fossil fuels in transportation and industry, taking advantage of new and sustainable technologies that already exist. Given that low-carbon transportation fuels are the fastest alternative to reduce the carbon intensity of the sector without waiting for changes in the fleet and infrastructure, the Biofuture Platform aims to help fill that care gap, promote coordinating policies and putting the problem on the global agenda. Member countries But the real problem is consumption To prevent the worst effects of climate change, governments must immediately end our excessive consumption of energy and raw materials, protect ecosystems such as primary forests, which are the best carbon stores, and plan for the transition to renewable energy. This sector represents 10% of world energy consumption, a figure on the rise. More than half of renewable energy comes from burning wood and other types of biomass. Governments and international organizations want to push even more biomass use and create a “new bioeconomy”. To this end, the Biofuture Platform not only aims to promote the combustion of biomass, the so-called "modern bioenergy", but also the production of plastics from agricultural raw materials. This requires huge amounts of wood, energy crops and agricultural raw materials. Globally covering our excessive and growing consumption of energy and resources with renewables is not an environmentally and climate-friendly solution. It means burning the earth's forests and growing trees and plants like oil palms in large monocultures to use as raw materials. - Forests and trees store carbon in the long term, burning them produces as many harmful emissions for the climate as carbon. - Industrial tree plantations require huge tracts of land, threaten natural ecosystems, biodiversity, soils and water resources, and pose serious conflicts over land, as well as inhumane working conditions. - The bioeconomy also absorbs the resources needed for more environmentally friendly technologies, such as wind and solar energy. To: Governments of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Egypt, United States of America, Philippines, Finland, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Morocco, Mozambique, Netherlands, Paraguay, United Kingdom, Sweden Reject the Biofuture Platform and demand real solutions such as lower consumption of raw materials, protection of ecosystems and sustainable agriculture. Sign the petition of more than 120 environmental organizations around the world. Video: A Circular Economy in the Netherlands (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3358-biofuture-platform-neither-clean-nor-ecological.html" }
I have finished reading the book How Sea Water Cures (Beneficial Effects of Drinking It Daily) by Cecilia Nova (Integral, Barcelona 2016) and I have had the feeling that a consideration has been extended to me that, unconsciously, I must have always intuited. I have felt like a man of the sea and I have enjoyed the water, the sea and the river in all its possibilities. I was born next to the Río de la Plata, I have photos from my few months on the beaches of Piriápolis and all the summers of my life I have spent on sea beaches. For fifteen years, following the instructions of Dr. Alberto Martí Bosch, I wake up early to immerse myself in the bathtub, to whose water I add 2kg of coarse sea salt, to remain in it for between half and an hour, sometimes more, and let it salinized water penetrates, bathes and sanitizes the entire interior of my body. About to turn 82, in optimal health and full activity, I consider this habit to be one of the causes of my condition. But reading the aforementioned text has opened me a much broader and enriching vision of the virtues not only of bathing but of drinking sea water. Cecilia Nova explains that "sea water is an extremely complex solution of gaseous substances, inorganic salts and organic species, to the point of containing 78 elements" from the periodic table. And that it is from this water, with this same composition, that 70% of our body is made up and that bathes all its cells. Our blood contains 83% of this fluid, the brain 75% and the muscles 76%. The discoverer and promoter of the therapeutic use of seawater, the French scientist René Quinton (1866-1925) stated that “the human organism is a true living marine aquarium”. "When leaving the sea, living beings retained it in the form of extra and intracellular body fluids." The daily ingestion of 25% of diluted sea water would constitute an isotonic drink that would alkalize our organism, it would replace it with all the minerals and other substances that we lose daily and could replace most of the medicines and without causing adverse effects. As it is free and cannot be patented, the pharmaceutical industry, national and international health organizations and their professionals, at their salaries and services, have prevented the dissemination of these virtues. The aforementioned text describes all the diseases and pathologies that improve and heal with the daily ingestion of seawater. Which are almost all of them. I recommend reading it and practicing its indications. If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you most likely will not need to take medication. Video: My fishcichlid stopped eatingis sick. What do I do? BLOAT Treatment, CLOUT, etc. (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3753-seawater-feeds-and-heals-but-is-prevented-from-sprea.html" }
A tire, old pots, fruit boxes and milk jars are all elements that end up in the trash in one way or another, but we could perfectly recycle them and make fun pots with them and give our garden personality. Also these plastic bottles will be very useful to make small pots to decorate your home or give as gifts! Materials Plastic bottles. Silicone. Scissors. Acrylic paint. Recycled CDs. Brush. Clean the bottles Before starting, use water and a few drops of ecological detergent inside the bottles and shake several times to clean well. Cut the bottles With scissors or cutter, cut the bottle in half giving the shape that you prefer to the edge, if you like the variety you can make different cuts so you will have several models of mcetas. Paste the CD After you have the bottles cut, take the CD and stick it from the spout part of the bottle using hot silicone. After sticking it, press down and leave it on a flat surface. It will serve as a base. Paint the bottles To give your bottles more life, paint them with acrylic paint of the color you want and draw different shapes, they can be flowers, circles or the figure you want. Now they are ready for you to put your favorite plants. Video: Creative Flower Pot Ideas From Discarded Plastic Bottles (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3459-recycle-objects-for-our-garden-plants.html" }
Stephen Hawking, a British physicist who died on March 14, would have presented a research paper two weeks before his death in which he lays the theoretical foundations to discover a parallel universe and predicts the end of the universe's existence. “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation?”Is the name of the article presented and that can be consulted in the directory of Cornell University (United States). According to the British newspaper The Sunday Times, the work was completed "on his deathbed" and will be officially published in a renowned scientific journal after approval. The multiverses and the end of the universe The research reveals how humanity could detect the experimental evidence of a multiverse exposing the mathematical tools necessary for a space probe to be able to discover its existence. Likewise, it also predicts that the ultimate destiny of our universe is to eventually fade into darkness as all the stars deplete their energy. Thomas Hertog, co-author of the work, assures that this theory aims to “transform the idea of ​​a multi-universe into a testable scientific framework”. Actually, "this is an improved version of Hawking's original model of the Big Bang, which he and James Hartle presented in 1983," said Thomas Hertog, co-author of the article, from the University of Leuven (Belgium) to the webIFLScience. “Little by little we realized that the model describes infinite universes. Cosmologists call this set of universes that exist in parallel, multiverse, ”adds Hertog. Hertog, a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Leuven in Belgium, says he met personally with Hawking for final approval before submitting the document for review. "I could have won the Nobel Prize" "If such evidence had been found while he was alive, it could have put Hawking on the path to the Nobel Prize, which he had wanted for so long," the publication emphasizes. Unfortunately, this recognition cannot be awarded posthumously. Stephen Hawking was considered by many to be a unique genius and the most brilliant physicist since Albert Einstein. However, some of the theoretical scientific discoveries he made in the field of cosmology, and especially in the study of black holes, could not be confirmed by observational data, which took him away from the possibility of winning a Nobel. Video: Sean M Carroll on Origin of the Universe u0026 the Arrow of Time (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3857-before-dying-hawking-predicted-that-the-universe-fad.html" }
The excessive arrival of algae registered in recent months on Mexican Caribbean beaches has gone from the crisis that pointed to an ecological disaster to the opportunity represented by its potential use. The Secretary of the Environment (SEMA) of the state of Quintana Roo confirmed that from June 19 to August 21, a total of 134,592 cubic meters of sargassum had been collected from the beaches of the Caribbean. Given these volumes - and following the ruling that crises represent opportunities - some researchers have made public several proposals to put sargassum to good use, from products for the food and pharmaceutical industries to biofertilizers and fertilizer. The options have been a balm before the invasion and the emergency that the macroalgae has caused. What is sargassum? Sargassum is a floating algae that "travels" adrift driven byocean currents. It functions as a living "island" that serves asfood and home for various marine species. Traditionally, this alga begins its life in the Gulf of Mexico and is pushed by currents towards the North Atlantic, where it floats in themSargasso ar, close to Bermuda. Since 2011, however, scientists have detected the creation of a new sea of ​​sargassum between the coasts of Africa and Brazil, which is where the sargassum is now coming from.Caribbean. The sargassum islands have been recorded for centuries, but in 2015 there was an arrivalatypical from the seaweed to the shores. Since then it has continued to reach the coasts but since March of this year it hasincreased Your presence. The UNAM Marine Botanical Laboratory estimates that this year the amount of sargassum that arrived in 2015 has already doubled and forecasts show that its arrival couldextend until October. Research The researcher Candelaria Isabel Pérez Martín from the Yucatán Scientific Research Center (CICY), pointed out that sargassum has "great potential to be used as a substrate in hydroponic crops, and as fertilizer for plants." These possibilities were explored by the scientist in her thesis work and professional residency, where she evaluated regional organic materials in order to potentiate their use in plant cultivation. “The tsitsilché (flower of the region), coconut fiber, henequen bagasse, sargassum were studied and the yield of sargassum is similar and even superior to coconut fiber, widely used to grow plants, so its applications as a substrate could be oriented to hydroponic crops, pots, or as compost combined with other materials ”, he said. At the beginning of August, a group of young people from the Mexican state of Yucatán, where the arrival of sargassum is constant, pointed out that it can be used to make food for livestock and fertilizer for agriculture, as well as creams, sunscreen, hair treatments and others. cosmetics. The marine biologist Guadalupe Catzín, together with her colleagues Mauricio Gómez and Regina Rodríguez and the industrial engineer Bernardino Catzín, created the company Salgax, which uses applied marine biotechnology to create 100% natural products. Although only a few months ago that they formed the company, they have been working and developing tests with sargassum for four years, "to create products and at the same time try to solve the ecological problem to help the planet" Other research has indicated that sargassum contains a good amount of alginic acid, a colloid that gives texture to products such as chantilly cream or whipped cream. Why has it increased? The expertsthey are not clear why the increase in sargassum is due, but they have several hypotheses. One of them has to do with thetemperature increase of the waters, caused by climate change. Another possibility is theincreased nutrients in the water, which favors the growth of the algae. More nutrients in the water sounds good, but it's not. In fact, the watercrystalline of the Caribbean is due to the fact that it has few nutrients, but human activity is sending polluting fertilizers to these waters that unbalance the ecosystem. This increase in nutrients causes the sargassum to expand more quickly. According to laboratory calculations, the sargassum they have been monitoring has the ability to double its weight inonly 18 days. What the authorities say The Secretary of Ecology and Environment (SEMA) of Quintana Roo, Alfredo Arellano Guillermo, said that the authorities are "promoting its use" and that there are already companies that are interested in the product. In these cases it is better "sargassum without sand that comes from the sea because it has a longer life than that which decomposes on the beach and takes longer to be removed," said the official. The federal secretary for the Environment and Natural Resources, Rafael Pacchiano, recently underlined the disadvantage of not knowing in advance the amount of sargassum that will reach the beaches, because knowing it "would be easier for companies to agree to make a significant investment." This macroalgae reaches the Caribbean from two main sources: the Sargasso Sea in the Bermuda Triangle, and a new area north of the Earth's equator, where they accumulate off the coast of Brazil to enter the Caribbean. Sargassum on beaches is an indicator of pollution and increased damage caused by human activity in Caribbean seas and coasts, where there are irregular settlements and inadequate treatment of black and gray water. Video: France sees green opportunity in algae (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3564-algae-in-the-mexican-caribbean-from-crisis-to-opport.html" }
A spin in the Earth's magnetic field may be in the making. And if it is, an electromagnetic bubble in southern Africa is likely ground zero for change. New research using burnt clays in cleaning rituals by Iron Age farmers finds that over the past 1,500 years, an electromagnetic anomaly in the Southern Hemisphere has risen and fallen, with the magnetic field in the region weakening and strengthening. This oddity may herald a gradual reversal in the magnetic field, such that magnetic north moves toward the South Pole and vice versa. (Such a flip-flop last occurred 780,000 years ago.) The study suggests that the magnetic field in southern Africa may not be rare today, study co-author John Tarduno, who researches Earth's magnetism at the University of Rochester in New York, told Live Science. It can be a long-standing hotspot for changes in the global magnetic field. "This may be the place where reversals began in the last few million years," Tarduno said. Weakening field The planet's magnetic field is generated by the churning of liquid iron in the core. Without the field, life on the planet would be very different, if not impossible: this invisible shield protects the Earth's surface from deadly cosmic radiation. Right now, the field is experiencing weakness, and no one is sure why. The South Atlantic Anomaly, a region of the magnetic field stretching from South Africa to Chile, is particularly weak, Tarduno said, so scientists have been interested in figuring out what might be going on in the core below that area. The problem is that prior to about 160 years ago, with the advent of magnetic observatories and (eventually) satellite observations, there weren't many records of what the magnetic field looked like in the southern hemisphere, Tarduno said. Ninety percent of the data that exists comes from the northern half of the planet. To begin to rectify that disparity, Tarduno and his team excavated clays from the Limpopo River Valley in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Botswana. In times of drought, hundreds or thousands of years ago, Bantu-speaking farmers burned their clay huts and grain deposits in ritual ceremonies. Unbeknownst to these ancient farmers, the fire heated the magnetic minerals in the clay and set in their place a record of the strength and orientation of the field at that time. Now, researchers can study those properties to find out what the magnetic field was doing at the time. Locked in clay Excavations unearthed these burned clays as early as 425 AD. C., Tarduno said, providing the longest record to date of the magnetic field in southern Africa. The data shows that the magnetic field underwent sudden directional changes between A.D. 400 and 450, and then again between D.D. 750 and 800. Enter approximately D.D. 1225 and 1550, the field was noticeably weakened. The first two shifts could also indicate a weakened field, Tarduno said, but more research is needed to determine the magnetic intensity in those time frames. The researchers reported their findings on February 15 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. What these changes suggest is that what is happening in the southern hemisphere's magnetic field today may have happened earlier, Tarduno said. The field changes may have to do with underlying processes moving deep below the Earth's surface, Tarduno said. In recent years, scientists have documented a strange patch of magnetic field below southern Africa at the core-mantle boundary, where the polarity of the field is reversed. "That patch may be largely responsible for the decreasing magnetic field," Tarduno said. The patch is like a whirlpool in a stream, he said. As for what causes the eddy, it may be something strange about the mantle just above the core at that location, he said. The mantle under southern Africa is unusual, and possibly both warmer and denser than the surrounding mantle, he said. "We think it's causing changes in the flow of iron [in the core] as it enters this region," Tarduno said. That could mean that southern Africa is the source of magnetic field reversals, Tarduno said, although there is no guarantee the field will change now, the weakening could also dissipate, as it has in centuries past. Even if the field is not reversed, however, the weakening itself could have social implications, Tarduno said. “They are not in the nature of disaster movies. That's not the point, ”he said. Instead, a weakening field could allow more cosmic radiation to hit Earth, making infrastructure like the power grid more susceptible to geomagnetic storms and even changing atmospheric chemistry so more UV rays can creep in, causing greater risk. of skin cancer in humans. "It's definitely something we have to take care of, take a look," Tarduno said. Video: EGu0026G In Operation Sandstone Project 19-18 (October 2020). The jug that serves as a refrigerator helps girls go to school
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3960-an-electromagnetic-bubble-under-africa-could-be-grou.html" }
On the night of this Friday, July 27, the longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century will take place. The phenomenon will last for almost four hours, of which one hour and almost 43 minutes will be in full phase, that is, our satellite will be completely dark. However, it will not disappear completely but, illuminated by sunlight passing through the Earth's atmosphere, it will be tinted red. It is not enough for transgenic companies to have a monopoly on commercial seeds and invade our fields and food. In addition, they want less and less regulations and incidentally to deceive people with other names for their new biotechnologies, trying to separate them from the generalized rejection of GMOs. In Jujuy they enabled mining in areas of communities that were not consulted. The assemblies denounce environmental impact and water risk. "White gold", they named lithium, a mineral used in cell phone batteries, computers and electric cars. Scientists, officials, businessmen and journalists call to exploit this "natural wealth" present in the salt flats of Jujuy, Salta and Catamarca. Seabin Revolutionaries, Australia's Floating Dumpsters The first two revolutionary full-time water collectors have been installed in Sydney, one in Darling Harbor and one on the Parramatta River, less than a year after the Seabin Project first demonstrated its ingenious floating garbage containers. in Australian waters. The ocean is running out of breath, scientists warn Widespread and sometimes drastic marine oxygen declines are stressing sensitive species, a trend that will continue with climate change Escaping predators, digestion, and other animal activities, including those of humans, require oxygen. But that new ingredient is no longer so easy for marine life to obtain, several new studies reveal. A UN report on species under threat presents alarming data on the loss of biodiversity on Earth. It's time for humanity to take notice. Fields Being Sprayed With Pesticide "Farm fields are being sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, which filter the soil and kill vital pollinators such as bees, birds and bats." “Food in the nude” is the campaign that aims to eliminate plastic packaging in fresh food from New Zealand supermarkets. Food producers signed a declaration in which they commit to eliminate plastic packaging, and if a wrapper is necessary, that these be, along with the reusable, recyclable or compostable labels 100 before 2025. Carnival is approaching and the minds of costume lovers begin to smoke in search of originality and showiness. Calling attention to elegance, joy and sensuality is one of the keys to these dates, so choosing an idea and making the corresponding suit requires time. The Feriazos are the way in which land workers managed to openly raise their claims in the cities, and at the same time allow the urban population to access fresh vegetables at 10 pesos. Today, Friday, February 15, the Union of Workers of the Earth was preparing to carry out two fairgrounds in the City of Buenos Aires. Asgard Psychiatric Hospital, in the Norwegian city of Tromso - ABCH It was pressure from patients that led the Government to open the world's first drug-free psychiatric treatment section After Murmansk in Russia, Norway's Tromso is the second largest city in the world. Lapland. Here at 1. 8 out of 10 consumers are not interested if what they buy is sustainable On March 5, World Energy Efficiency Day was celebrated, an event that tries to make us reflect on the use - rational or not - that we make of energy, and on the need to establish consumption parameters and limits that respect our environment and even our health. A study carried out by success. Statement from the Ríos Vivos Antioquia Movement regarding EPM's decision to close the floodgates of the Hidroituango powerhouse, killing the Cauca River. As communities affected by Hidroituango, we express to national and international public opinion our deep sorrow for the environmental and social crime it is committing in a malicious way Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM), against our employer Mono (the Cauca river, the beautiful Bredunco), the second most important in the country on which we depend about 10 million people, we would NEVER ask, with the fallacious argument of protecting ourselves, murder the river that gives us life, on which our culture, food and economy depend. Due to a polar vortex, the Midwest of the USA is colder than Alaska, Siberia and Antarctica North American cities will be some of the coldest places in the world this week. To say that the upper half of North America is cold right now would be like saying that the Sun is hot. A polar vortex has caused extremely cold winds to spread across the country, promising record temperatures, well below freezing. An App revolutionizes the collection of commercial waste for recycling New York-based startup Recycle Track Systems (RTS) is helping revolutionize the way commercial waste is collected, sorted and recycled. Dubbed the “Uber of trash,” RTS works with local and independent haulers by outfitting your vehicles with patented routing technology. ECLAC urges all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to sign and ratify the Escazú Agreement On the first anniversary of the adoption of the Escazú Agreement, the Executive Secretary of the organization, Alicia Bárcena, publishes an open letter in which she emphasizes the relevance of this first environmental treaty in the region. Today, March 4, the first year of the adoption of the Regional Agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, known as the “Escazú Agreement”, in reference to the municipality of Costa Rica in which 24 countries of the region concluded in 2018 six years of negotiations to achieve what today constitutes the first environmental treaty in the region. Today Tuesday we will be able to observe the brightest snow Supermoon of the next seven years. This full moon is called "snowy" because it occurs in a period of heavy snowfall in the northern hemisphere and was thus baptized by some North American native tribes. This will be possible thanks to a particularity of the translational movement of our satellite around the Earth. The block making machines are in charge of the manufacture of concrete blocks that will later be used in the construction sector for the construction of all types of infrastructures. The security of the millions of people who will enter those buildings, cross those bridges and enter those tunnels will depend on the strength of these concrete panels. The “out-of-control collapse” of the environment could cause the next great recession "Major political debates have failed to recognize that human impacts on the environment have reached a critical stage." Human pressures on Earth have introduced "a new domain of risk" to global civilization, comparable to the 2008 recession. warns a report released Tuesday. The most effective medicine: contact with nature At the first symptoms of illness, we ran to the doctor. We want to heal quickly, we take pills, syrups, they give us injections. We just want to feel better right away, but in Scotland, things are changing, doctors can prescribe, in addition to drugs, a dose of Nature. Respect for animals. New subject matter in schools "Respect for animals" is the name of the new subject that will be implemented in the schools of Aragon, Spain, as part of the "Animal World" program. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports made the proposal in order that students stop seeing pets as objects of entertainment, which can be discarded or mistreated. This is an ancient practice, very effective in maintaining good health. It's as simple as putting oil on the belly button, the navel. According to Science, the first part created after conception is the navel. After it is created, it is attached to the mother's placenta through the umbilical cord.
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/news/" }
A team of scientists has found microplastics in the human food chain, specifically in feces. Research, conducted by the Austrian Federal Environment Agency and the Vienna Medical University has shown the presence of up to nine different types of particulate plastics made of polypropylene (PP), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with sizes ranging from 50 to 500 microns and found in bottles and food wrappers. The study The research participants, five women and three men between the ages of 33 and 65, wrote a diary about their diet for a week and then a stool sample was taken, the researchers explained to the European Union of Gastroenterology (UEG), which meets until Friday in Vienna. The participants based their diet on the consumption of food or beverages packaged in plastic and most of them also ate fish or shellfish, but no one ate exclusively a vegetarian diet. As a result, it was found that in the eight people, an average of 20 microplastic particles were detected for every 10 grams of stool. The director of the study, Philipp Schwabl, commented: "We did not expect it, also, because we chose the participants at random," said the scientist, who hopes to raise enough funds to replicate the experiment with a larger number of people. "We believe that these results indicate that the presence of plastics in humans is more widespread than we had assumed, although it is still too early to draw conclusions because for that we need a larger study," said the researcher. He was cautious when discussing the impact of plastics on human health. "The effects of microplastic particles found in the human body, particularly in the digestive tract, can only be investigated in the context of a larger study" Schwabl added. In other animal experiments, he noted, the highest concentrations of microplastics were found in the gastrointestinal tract, but particles of that material were also found in the blood or even the liver. "Although there is evidence that microplastics can damage the gastrointestinal tract by promoting inflammatory reactions or absorbing harmful substances, more studies are needed to evaluate the potential dangers of microplastics to humans," said Schwabl. “Our study was planned as an exploratory pilot trial, as no data was available until now. Due to the cost, we started with a small number of people, but the objective is to carry out a larger trial ”, he indicated and in this way to ensure more specific results such as the origin of the plastics. What are microplastics? Microplastics or plastic microspheres are present in a multitude of hygiene and cleaning products. They began accumulating in the oceans four decades ago and are now ubiquitous in the marine environment. They are less than 5mm in diameter and are found in toothpastes, shower gels, body wash, scrubs, detergents, cleansing agents, sunscreens, scrubbing products, and in synthetic fibers in clothing. They can be made of different types of plastic such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) or polystyrene (PET). The problem of microplastics It is estimated that each year, in Europe alone, 8,627 tons of plastic from microspheres in cosmetics reach the marine environment (equivalent to the weight of the Eiffel Tower). The problem does not end with cosmetic and cleaning products, because microplastics are mainly generated by the decomposition, through weathering, degradation and wear, of larger pieces of this material. Between 2 and 5 percent of all plastics produced end up in the seas. Once in the ocean, plastics are consumed by marine animals and enter the food chain where, ultimately, humans are likely to consume them. Significant amounts of microplastics have been detected in tuna, lobster, and shrimp. Beyond that, it is highly likely that during various steps of food processing or as a result of food packaging they are becoming contaminated with plastics. Use of plastics For the researcher, the international community should take measures to reduce the use of plastics and seek recycling formulas, since this synthetic material takes hundreds of years to disappear from the environment. Global plastic production currently exceeds 400 million tons per year and it is estimated that between two and five percent of this material ends up in the sea, where the waste is absorbed by marine fauna and can reach humans through through the food chain, recalls the study. According to other international studies, every minute a million plastic bottles are sold in the world and each of these containers takes about 450 years to disintegrate. In that time the plastic breaks down into tiny fragments that have been traced in fish, tap water, or even table salt. Video: Microplastics found in human stool samples: Study (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3399-microplastics-found-in-human-fecal-matter.html" }
We eat according to what we feel but we also feel according to what we eat. So if you are in search of well-being, it is important that you do not forget to put happiness on your plate by providing certain foods, in which a real wealth and mental and emotional alchemy are hidden. To begin with, we must know that we have two "emotional centers": thebrain and the second brain, our gut. Both communicate with each other, and the proper functioning of one depends on the other. We must therefore contribute yourparticular nutritional fertilizer if we also seek to addemotional well-being. It should be noted that with the unnatural rhythms that we carry, our two centers end up exhausting themselves and creating reactions of characteroxidative and inflammatoryto avoid. Stress, emotional ups and downs, anxiety, depression, fatigue, demotivation, insomnia, are part of the emotional range as a result of such imbalance ... To counteract such effects, we should create a "self-care pantry" in which these allies of plant origin cannot be absent ... Vegetablesespeciallythe crucifers such as broccoli, red cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turnip, radishes, daikon turnip, arugula, and watercress. All of them are rich in sulforaphane, high capacityantioxidant and neuroprotective, capable of improving memory and learning. Thebeet with himsweet potato and thepurple potatoare vegetables of actionanti-inflammatory, being rich in pigments and antioxidant vitamins, which act as cofactors in neuronal responses. Fruits to promote are theavocado, blueberries, blackberries, oranges, grapes, pomegranates and strawberries since they stand out for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory character. It would be interesting to consume themwhole and biological (especially if they cannot be peeled) since it is on your skin, where most of its benefits are concentrated. Another fruit to highlight is thecoconut, for its richness in fiberprebiotic, the favorite food of our intestinal microbiota (responsible for the health of our second brain and emotions) and of high powerantifungal and antibacterial, a true ally for cases of dysbiosis or intestinal candidiasis (inducing emotions such as depression, anxiety or insomnia). The consumption of vegetables and fruits in general induces lower rates of depression and anxiety, which in addition to those mentioned, is importantvary them and make them part of ourfood base and not as a simple garnish. Another ally iscocoa, but the 80% purity, so that it really brings benefits of interest. It is rich inflavonoids and various types ofpolyphenols in addition tomagnesium and tryptophan, which gives it propertiesneuroprotective, cognitive and antidepressant. To consume anyway in moderation. As a whole grain, you cannot miss theOats, rich in vitamins of group B, tryptophan, magnesium and prebiotic fiber, it provides satiety, energy, satisfaction and increases our happiness, favoring our intestinal and neuronal health. Fats As healthy fats,Olive oil (omega 9) andFlax seeds or chia(omega 3), are essential to ensure good neuronal communication (synapse) and intestinal well-being, as well as theFermented of probiotic power such as Tamari, Miso or Apple cider vinegar, rice or umeboshi, as long as they are not pasteurized, in order to maintain their beneficial activity, that of repopulating our friendly intestinal microbiota. ByMareva Gillioz, Dietitian and Nutritional Coach, specialized in Naturopathy Video: HOW TO EAT TO FEEL GOOD! Physically u0026 Mentally! (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3797-plate-happiness-foods-that-make-you-feel-good.html" }
This hot aubergine chili is low in fat. Serve this smoked spicy dinner with brown rice and all your favorite garnishes Preparation If you have a gas cooker, place the eggplant directly over a fired ring to cook through, turning occasionally with kitchen tongs, until completely burned. Alternatively, use a grill or heat the grill to its maximum temperature and cook, turning occasionally, until completely blackened (the grill will not give you the same smoky flavor). Let cool on a plate, then remove the charred skin and remove the stem. Cut the meat roughly into pieces and reserve. In a large skillet, heat the oil, add the onion and carrots with a pinch of salt, and fry over medium-low heat for 15-20 minutes until the carrots have softened. Add the eggplant, both types of lentils, beans with liquid from the can, soy sauce, tomatoes, chocolate, chili powder, oregano, and spices. Stir to combine, then pour into the broth. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat to very low. Cover with a lid and cook for 1 and 1/2 hours, checking and stirring every 15-20 minutes to avoid burning. Remove the lid and bring the mixture to a simmer over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes until you have a thick sauce. Add the lemon juice and taste the seasoning; add more salt if necessary. Serve hot over rice with whatever side you want! The ingredients 1 eggplant 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 red onion, diced 2 carrots, finely chopped 70g Puy lentils or green lentils, rinsed 30g red lentils, rinsed 400g beans 3 tablespoons dark soy sauce 400g or 1 can diced tomatoes 20g dark chocolate, chopped very fine ¼ teaspoon chili powder 2 teaspoons dried oregano2 teaspoons ground cumin2 teaspoons smoked sweet paprika1 teaspoon coriander1 teaspoon cinnamon 800 ml vegetable juice of ½ lime With brown rice Tortilla chips, mashed avocado, yogurt or sour cream, shredded cheddar cheese, chopped cilantro (optional) Video: Eggplant Vegan Chilli Recipe - Healthy Aubergine (October 2020). Oil is running out, now what do we do?
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3098-roasted-eggplant-chili.html" }
* 760 students from three rural schools in the department of Colón had to be evacuated due to a massive fumigation that lasted three days. * Another fumigated rural school in Santa Anita took its case to trial and three people (the producer, the owner of the applicator company and the aviator) were sentenced with suspended prison. The fumigations continued throughout the province, and even on that same school. * Antonella González, from Gualeguaychú, 9 years old, died of leukemia. Her family asked for the donor networks for the bone marrow transplant, which spread their story with the photo of the girl shaved by chemotherapy. It helped the proximity of the singer Abel Pintos with that little fan of his songs. Antonella died on November 6, 2017. Her mother also warned about the large percentage of children who arrived from Entre Ríos to the Garrahan Hospital with illnesses like her daughter's. A group of self-convened neighbors called Stop Cancer was born in Gualeguaychú. * There were more cases of schools fumigated in Maciá and Espinillo, with a teacher and two kindergarten children hospitalized for reactions to poisons. The provincial Ministry of Health had to order the director of the Falucho Hospital to report cases of poisoning by pesticides, an issue that had been omitted, so many cases were hidden. * The University of Rosario continued to organize health surveys that discovered unexpected diseases in Bovril, Basavilvaso, Gobernador Mansilla, San Salvador and Larroque until now, arising from the massive application of pesticides. (Mu 77 and 90). * The Multidisciplinary Space for Socio-Environmental Interaction (EMISA) of the University of La Plata detected the presence of pesticides in the water and mud of the Paraná River, from which the water is obtained. Purification does not eliminate these toxins, which reach each tap in each home. * In cities like San Salvador, the neighbors themselves had to create censuses and maps showing more than 30 crosses concentrated in three blocks, indicating the dead and the sick. (Mu 75). * The Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires also detected cases of cancer in young people in Villa Elisa, which prompted a project of the institution to investigate and debate in the area the possibility of producing without poisons (Mu 118). * Senators from the Front for Victory, with the support of those from Cambiemos, presented and approved a Phytosanitary Law that increases the use of pesticides to metaphysical levels, eliminating, for example, the application distances that existed until now. Horror series There are laws that curiously are always voted at the end of December, with people thinking of Santa Claus and approaching April Fools' Day. The so-called Law of Phytosanitary products of senators Ángel Giano and Mario Torres (FpV) won 14 to 3 on December 26, 2017 and went to the Chamber of Deputies. The news about this kind of chemical warfare over the province had already led to the creation of the Coordinator for a Life without Agrotoxins in Entre Ríos Basta is enough, with a strong presence of the Paraná Ecological Forum, which for two decades has been a biochemist already retired: Daniel Verzeñassi. Before the approval of the law, Enough is Enough convened neighbors on Tuesday, January 9, in front of the Gray House of Paraná, headquarters of the Executive and the Provincial Legislative. With the chimes of the tower, at 8.15pm, some 80 people with candles began to walk around the Gray House. Thus was born the Round of Tuesdays. It is impressive to see those people lighting up only with the small flames in some dark passages of the round. They walk without slogans or songs, because everyone already knows what is happening. They are talking and exchanging the news of the week. They carry a flag that says Stop Fumigating as the Children's Guild scampers around. "If to make the issue visible, we had to keep waiting for deaths and tragedies, it is because we were not placing the emphasis so that society was definitely aware of it," explains Daniel Verzeñassi. “We think about the Round of the Mothers, and we leave on Tuesdays. There is a much greater commotion than a year or two ago by that succession of tremendous news. It was very annoying, says Daniel, that Luis Etchevehere from Paraná took over as Agroindustry Minister in November 2017, declaring: “Glyphosate is harmless. It deactivates when it hits the ground ”. The famous straw that broke the camel's back: “The law approved in the Senate fell very badly, which I think wanted to cut off the growing mobilization against the scandalous situation in the province. But it was the other way around ”. In Esquel they have posed these situations as the doctrine of the Coyote, which meticulously prepares traps to catch the Roadrunner, but the traps explode in his face. The Rounds are not suspended due to rain, thunder, Tuesday the 13th (they already had two), or holidays. They are already being replicated in 17 cities and towns throughout Entre Ríos, and they have news from 30 towns in the country, starting with Trenque Lauquen (Buenos Aires). What do they want to achieve? Verzeñassi: “Breathe safely, drink water without poison, stop the cancer epidemic and that people who are going to have a child are not afraid of knowing if the baby will be born, and how, due to the large number of spontaneous abortions and of babies born with malformations ”. A memory clouds his eyes with anguish. He was a biochemist at the San Roque de Paraná children's hospital. Between 2002 and 2003 reality swept their test tubes: cleft lips, interrupted palates, gastroschisis (the viscera totally outside the body), anencephalic babies (without a brain) and cases of sirenomelia, born with their legs joined like a tail of siren. “They are unviable, obviously. All of them, just one spoke with the family, they came from being exposed to the fumigations ”. The number of cases forced the creation of a Malformations Committee. It went from two beds for cancer patients to 17: "The relatives ended up building an entire apartment, out of so many sick people there were." In the laboratory, from three tubes of oncology tests per day, he went to 15 in 2013 (upon retirement). "But there was a co-optation of professionals so that what is happening is not disclosed." To that experience of a horror series, Verzeñassi adds a positive one: in 1996 with the Ecological Forum he faced the construction of the Paraná Medio dam. Governor Jorge Busti had declared it of provincial interest, and one of the companies was Halyburton, with George Bush and Dick Cheney. But the mobilization and the protection resources managed to stop the project and Busti himself ended up speaking out against it ”. The members of Enough is Enough came up with an idea: not only to walk around the Gray House but to enter that building to see if it is possible to find other colors, and try to turn history around. Look who's talking Daniel Verzeñassi is a neighbor of Pedro Báez, a deputy close to the former governor and current president of the Entre Ríos Chamber of Deputies Sergio Urribarri. “I met with Báez, I explained to him the general situation of the province on these issues, I talked to him about how even the Guaraní Aquifer (the second world reserve of fresh water on the planet) is at risk and I think he was half surprised, and enabled the dialogue with Urribarri. We met him and three more deputies, Mariela Leiva (the director of the fumigated school in Santa Anita) came. They were from the FpV, but that did not interest us: we wanted to speak with deputies, as had also done with the councilor of Villa Elisa Alejandra Barbosa, who is from Cambiemos and invited me to give a talk in Chajarí, at the Radical Youth camp where the deputy "Pepo" Artusi was also. Our attitude is: talk to everyone we can, explain and convince them ”. Enough is enough decided not to look at the party cards or the saints to decide who to meet. The meeting with Urribarri culminated with a request: "That we give them names to organize an activity that would allow the deputies to get to know a different look than the usual lobbyists of the Rural Society, Aapresid and similar groups." The door was opened to an unprecedented call. It was called the Knowledge Socialization Cycle - Towards a new food production model. They participated in different days: * The doctor in Chemistry Damián Marino, inspirer of EMISA, explained to deputies how 80% of the fruits and vegetables we eat are contaminated with herbicides and reported on the findings of pesticides in the mud and waters of the Paraná, among other things . He added that these are not good or bad practices, but rather that with some 400 million liters of herbicides thrown into the country each year, the problem is systemic. * Dr. Damián Verzeñassi (Daniel's son, a doctor) explained the results of the Health Camps of the Rosario School of Medical Sciences in the fumigated towns. * The chemical engineer Marcos Tomasoni shared his research on how it is impossible to control the poison, which also remains in the soil, water and air, accumulates and does not degrade harmlessly. * The engineer Eduardo Cerdá, field advisor and inspiration for the National Network of Municipalities and Communities that Promote Agroecology (RENAMA), explained how a transition to agroecological modes of production can be made. It showed that they are productive and profitable (by not using chemical inputs, the gross profit margin increases with respect to the conventional producer), in addition to being human and environmentally healthy. He explained that this not only works for small orchards, but also for extensive productions, in fields such as La Aurora de Benito Juárez (Mu 79) and La Primavera de Bolívar (Mu 112) among others. Another fact: the massive model of fumigation was inaugurated in 1996 killing all known weeds. Today there are already 32 glyphosate-resistant weeds, which is why fumigators have to use more and more poisons, in increasingly harmful doses and cocktails. What was the reaction? Daniel Verzeñassi's eye: “One looked at them and an apparent surprise was visible at what they were hearing, especially in the case of Cerdá's exhibition. Because the other was more or less known, but the opening to a new model was something that they had not heard in such concrete terms. During the cycle itself, Urribarri announced that he would vote against the Phytosanitary Law sent by the Senate. Ricardo Troncoso (Let's change), María Elena Tassistro (PJ), Alejandro Bahler (Frente Renovador) also announced their rejection. Outside, the Tuesday Round continued. Deputy Gustavo Guzmán (FpV) explains to MU: “The cycle gave us arguments, scientific support. I did not have the panorama that I have now. To the rejection of the Law, we must now add another Law with tax measures that reward producers who do agroecology ”. The Phytosanitary Law was presented by the FpV itself: ”I think the senators had a productivist look. The person comes first, but if they want to be productive, let's also do agroecology ”. Guzmán rescues the unprecedented. "For a community to organize itself, summon scientists and intervene in the Legislature would have to be counter-natural, but nevertheless it was unprecedented." Is it also a trend towards a more participatory democracy? “Welcome the crisis of representativeness, and that people do not delegate in the face of a production system that has generated so much damage. When there is more participation, the culture grows. When representation wins, participation and culture fall, I say ”. The failure of success Under a portrait of Arturo Illia, Alberto Rotman (doctor and deputy of Cambiemos) reveals MU. “I am going to vote against the Phytosanitary Law. It became clear that the economic benefit that the model supposedly brings redounds to failure if we continue like this. The European Community is phasing out glyphosate entirely in 5 years. We will not be able to sell you anything. But the greatest capital of a country is the human being. The problem is that agrochemicals poison in a chronic and cumulative way, not acutely. Then it seems that nothing happens, but later the disease manifests itself. If the World Health Organization says that glyphosate is possibly carcinogenic, I, as a doctor, say that it should no longer be used. You have to prevent. That's what the precautionary principle is for. There is a clash of this idea with very large economic interests. That is why constant mobilization, assemblies, awareness are important. When it was the Menemista privatization attempt of Salto Grande, in Concordia we did that: roadblocks, assemblies, and thus the project was stopped. The same thing happens here ”. Miriam Lambert is a deputy for the department of Colón (FpV): “I had already done an agroecological promotion project and there is another project by Senator Melchiori. What is certain is that the production model has to change because it is wearing us, it is killing us. It's not about spraying a little further. Verzeñassi spoke of pathologies, tumors, diabetes, thyroid, hypertension. And Cerdá explained the agroecological way. We already invited him to Colón, to speak directly with the producers ”. Lucas Larrarte was one of the three senators who presented and voted against the Phytosanitary Law presented by his own colleagues from the FpV. “We argued all the international antecedents and in my case I explained that the right to health, the environment and production are not on an equal footing. Health and environment are rights of universal nature, which are above. The control resources in the Law were going to be about 2,500 pesos per month per municipality, imagine. I think that now we have to think about how to apply a transition to the agroecological model, as the engineer Cerdá explained very well in the cycle ”. In the Gray House there is a suspicion: that the FpV is opposition at the national level makes it easier for its legislators to have more independent positions than those they would have held a few years ago. Governor Gustavo Bordet did not comment on this issue, although he appeared quite embraced by Minister Etchevehere. The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Urribarri: "Here we are going to try to create an agroecology model for the province, and hopefully for the country." Why didn't you push it during your tenure as governor? “There were projects like Senator Melchiori's, but we were highly conditioned by the conflict with the countryside. They wanted to take the government house from us. State limits were not established on agriculture with glyphosate, but this cycle served for legislators to become aware and know that there are other production models ”. Due to a complaint for illicit enrichment, Urribarri revealed that he is a producer of transgenic soybeans and rice. He says: “I am a partner with a friend because I am not dedicated. Soy we do not do more. And rice yes, but with minimal fumigation ”. Did you think about doing agroecology in your own productions? "No, I have very limited time and you have to dedicate yourself." It remains to be seen if legislators like Urribarri manage to convince producers like Urribarri. Deputy Carmen Toller will also vote against: “We cannot sacrifice human beings for economic reasons. Society came to knock on the doors of the State, there are many of us who want to preserve the environment, when more than 50% of the children with cancer in Garrahan are from Entre Ríos ”. The Garrahan nurse and member of the internal board of ATE Mercedes "Mechi" Méndez told MU that precise data cannot be established "and that is a problem, because there are many boys from Entre Ríos and other provinces such as Chaco, but What are the figures in other care centers? In any case, it is a look at the disease and not at prevention. The crucial thing is that epidemiological studies are carried out that associate to the model with diseases. How can oncologists see this and do nothing? They say they have no certainties. Nobody asks them, they are asked to have doubts, to wonder what is happening ”. Life models In this climate, the councilor for Cambiemos en Paraná Claudia Acevedo presented a law prohibiting glyphosate that her alleged partner, Mayor Sergio Varisco, promulgated although vetoing its main article. On the other hand, in Gualeguaychú a perhaps unprecedented ordinance was enacted to prohibit fumigations that covers not only the urban area but the entire municipal commons. Rubén “Kika” Kneeteman (rural teacher and companion of all these stories): “Gualeguaychú has been a beacon in environmental struggles and this time, instead of demanding things from Uruguay or the pastoralists, he is demanding it from himself. And the ordinance is the first that touches specific interests ”. Eduardo Cerdá has also been there, where the municipality joined RENAMA. Verzeñassi has a daughter, Daniela, an architect and teacher, who has been central to the organization of Basta es Basta. “There are colleagues who question that we have added certain politicians: before we criticized them because they did not support our demands, and now we criticize them if they accompany them. I don't want more people to die. For that we need to change the model not only the small ones, but the large fields. By reflection or by law they make a turn in their production, because if we are not in the oven. Cerdá raised how to make a transition, the need even for sufficient technicians to accompany her and achieve a productive reconversion ”. Daniela says: “One may want an agrarian reform, but if we wait for that to change the model, we don't get there. Am I going to build the world I want with Etchevehere? No, but we are going to invite him because we were always polite. He does not. If what you want is to keep the lands of Etchevehere, you are screwing it up. It is not a question of crazy fundamentalists, as they told us, now it is understood that what we defend is life and healthy production. We had almost all the media against it, but they can no longer cover what is happening, even if it is late. The legislators, not all, understood it at the cost of having so many deaths on their backs. We are talking about public health, about pain, about disease. Now is the time to seriously win this battle. The first revolution must be carried out in the peripheral cords of the cities where it is no longer possible to spray but to do agroecology. And once you start, as Cerdá says, the experience is contagious. I believe in that contagion ”. Daniela says that the College of Agricultural Engineers is organizing discussion sessions, INTA joins, the Faculty of Agronomy is giving postgraduate courses in agroecology, and that they do not provide enough for the talks and training that include the Food Sovereignty category. How long are they going to hold the Rounds? Daniela has made the following calculation: "Until the model changes." There is a series called Endeavor that investigates sophisticated British crimes, a relaxation in front of the Creole reality. In one episode it is argued that cruelty is like cancer, it first takes a cell, multiplies and advances. It could be thought that it is the other way around, that cancer is like cruelty, a sophisticated weapon for many crimes of the present. And that an old Chinese wisdom works against that: better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. In Entre Ríos more and more candles are lit. Perhaps they are part of the most powerful lights that shine on us at this time. Video: Indigenous communities believe controlled burns could help California with future fire prevention (December 2021). Capitalism and the exploitation of women Anti-dandruff remedies with natural products
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3553-the-battle-of-the-candles-how-entre-ros-stopped-a-pr.html" }
Swollen tonsils, remedies and symptoms of tonsillitis. Many tips on the treatment of inflamed tonsils and swollen, with or without fever. The tonsils they are lymphoglandular aggregates present in the posterior part of the oral cavity. Swollen tonsils, causes Before seeing the causes of swollen tonsilslet's explain immediately what they are for. The tonsils perform a protective function: they protect us from the ingestion of foreign bodies and microorganisms. Infection occurs when germs and pathogens are not neutralized by our immune system and thus inflammation occurs with consequent symptoms: swelling, redness, burning, discomfort ... Theswollen tonsils and reddened indicate the presence of ongoing inflammation. The viruses they causetonsillitisoften they are the same ones that cause the flu, which is why often theswollen tonsilsare accompanied bytemperatureor plaques in the throat. In the case of swollen tonsils and diarrhea, the responsible virus could be adenovirus. Rhinoviruses can cause swollen tonsils linked to other flu symptoms. The flu and parainfluenza viruses can cause swollen tonsils with fever. Bacterial infections can also cause swollen tonsils, in this case, swollen tonsils are generally associated with a high fever. Tonsillitis, symptoms The first symptom of tonsillitis is swelling which can be related to certain symptoms such as: pain when swallowing, red and visibly inflamed tonsils, burning, itching and localized discomfort. Often, theswollen tonsilsthey are flanked by the presence ofplaques. In case of tonsillitis of bacterial origin (streptococci and staphylococci) the symptoms are: If in the case of a viral infection there may be nasal congestion, this symptom is not present in the case ofswollen tonsilscaused by bacteria. For diagnosis, a simple swab is required. Swollen tonsils with plaques The plaques in the throat they are another clear symptom of ongoing inflammation in the oropharyngeal tract. They can accompany tonsillitis and cause otherssymptomssuch as cough, halitosis, hoarseness, ear pain, sialorrhea ... In some cases, in the presence ofplaques in the throat with swollen tonsils is associated with a condition known astonsil stones or tonsilloliths.In case of inflammation in progress for several days, with swollen tonsils and plaques in the throat that do not show signs of improvement, it is recommended to perform a tonsillar swab for a precise diagnosis. Swollen tonsils, remedies THE remedies they aim to cure the origin of the inflammation. In many cases (especially with swollen tonsils with bacterial fever) the general practitioner may prescribe antibiotic treatment. Generally, treatments for the treatment of tonsillitis without fever or with low fever, involve the use of sprays or over-the-counter drugs. Only in extreme cases do we proceed with the removal of swollen tonsils. Swollen tonsils, natural remedies To counteract an early tonsillitis, it is possible to use natural and other antibioticsgrandmother's remedies. The classic grandmother's remedies involve the use of hot drinks such as tea, herbal teas, infusions and dishes such as broth and soups. Betweennatural remedies for swollen tonsilsthere are gargles with warm water and lemon juice. Very useful can be anatural remedyprepared with ginger root (fresh or dried) infused in hot water, with lemon zest (or lemon essential oil) and a tablespoon of honey. Only when the drink has cooled can you add the lemon juice and consume it. Keep the environment humid especially during the night. Avoid smoking or using substances that can pollute the home environment (detergents, room fragrances, detergents ...). If you have swollen tonsils, the article may also be of interest: How to stop snoring Video: Early Sign of Tonsillitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment (October 2021). Cooked or raw butter: properties and how to choose ETHICOSCIENCE: the passion for animals, ethics, true
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/6907-swollen-tonsils-remedies.html" }
A vitamin deficiency is bad news for anyone's system. It can cause a variety of illnesses and make you feel unwell, tired, or unusual. Basically, not getting enough vitamins can lead to a less than ideal daily performance. A balanced diet is crucial for bodily health. The foods you eat should provide you with all the nutrients you need, including recommended doses of vitamins. The problem is, if you're not paying attention, it can be easy to lose some necessary vitamins here and there. But how can you tell if you are missing some essential nutrients? The answer is simple: pay attention to your body. Here are some signs of chronic vitamin deficiency in women and how to alleviate them. Here are 5 signs of chronic vitamin deficiency in women Impaired oral health Decreased oral health can be a direct sign of vitamin deficiencies. Here are some areas to watch out for Ulcers Also known as mouth ulcers, ulcers are often caused by iron deficiencies and a lack of B vitamins. This is so common that one study found that people with these ulcers are twice as likely to be iron deficient, even minor way. The B vitamin deficiencies most commonly associated with mouth ulcers are vitamin B2, also called riboflavin; vitamin B1, also called thiamine; and vitamin B6, also called pyridoxine. Cracking, bleeding or splitting Known medically as angular cheilitis, splitting and bleeding around the corners of the mouth can be the result of low levels of iron and vitamin B. This is especially true for vitamin B2 or riboflavin. Keep in mind that angular cheilitis can also be caused by dehydration or dryness. As such, if you only experience this and no other symptoms, you will simply need to drink more water. Bleeding gums Gum problems are most commonly caused by too low a vitamin C intake. This is because the body does not produce this vitamin naturally, so it must be consumed to maintain health. Vitamin C increases the body's positive ability to heal itself and protect itself against disease. As such, insufficient intake of vitamin C can lead to painful gums that bleed easily. Don't take this lightly, as up to 17% of the population is deficient in vitamin C. Be aware that being too harsh when brushing your teeth can also cause gums to bleed, as can food sediment residue that leads to gum infections. If you are only experiencing bleeding gums, talk to a dentist or change your toothbrush to one with softer bristles. To combat these symptoms, eat foods rich in iron such as: Walnuts Fish Poultry Dark green leaves Whole grains Dairy Fish Poultry Walnuts Organic meat Eggs Green vegetables Starchy vegetables For gum problems, opt for foods rich in vitamin C, mainly fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't forget to eat at least 3 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruit a day. Remember that severe vitamin C deficiency can result in scurvy. The most severe warnings that you are not getting enough vitamin C include: Loss of teeth Scaly skin Weakened bones Weakened muscles Increased nosebleeds Frequent bruising Frequent illness Lethargy Slow wound healing Fatigue Restless Leg Syndrome. Willis-Ekbom disease, more commonly known as RLS or restless legs syndrome, is a condition of the nerves. Essentially, it is characterized by discomfort that occurs in the legs, which leads to a desire to move them. Usually this is behavior that is compulsive and cannot be resisted. About 10% of people in the United States experience RLS, and women are at increased risk of experiencing it. If you have RLS, you may experience its worst episodes when you relax, especially if you are trying to go to sleep. Unfortunately, RLS is not an understandable disease, so doctors have yet to figure out what causes it. But links have been discovered that suggest that iron levels in the blood may be the underlying cause of this. Also, consuming extra vitamin C can be helpful as it can help the body absorb iron more easily to help chronic vitamin deficiency. If you're eating enough iron but skimping on vitamin C, the positive effects of iron won't reach their full potential. NutsMeatFishLegumesPoultrySeedsDark greens and lush greensWhole grains Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables Impaired eye health. Nobody wants to experience vision problems. If you've noticed that your eye health is deteriorating, it could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. One of the most common causes of vision problems is a lack of vitamin A. And one of the most common vision problems that comes from too little of this nutrient is something called night blindness. As the name suggests, this means that you may have trouble seeing properly in low light. Why did this happened? Vitamin A is a key component in the production of a pigment called rhodopsin. Rhodopsin sits on the retinas and helps with night vision. If you don't make enough of this pigment and don't make an effort to treat it with vitamin A intake, not only will you not be able to see well at night, but your eyes could also get worse. Untreated vitamin A deficiencies can lead to xerophthalmia. This disease causes damage to the corneas and can cause blindness. One of the most common symptoms of the early stages of xerophthalmia are spots known as Bitot's spots. These are small white growths that appear frothy and raised on the whites of the eye. Talk to an eye specialist if necessary, as treatment can remove these growths. However, treating your vitamin deficiency is the only way to completely and permanently remove Bitot's spots. Dark green leafy vegetables Eggs Dairy Organ meat Yellow vegetables Orange vegetables Fish However, keep in mind that excessive consumption of vitamin A is toxic. As such, you should avoid most supplements for this nutrient. Excess vitamin A is stored in body fat and can cause toxicity. Symptoms include: Headaches Skin irritation Nausea Bone pain Joint pain Loss of consciousness Poor nail and hair health. Nails and hair are very close to each other. Typically, symptoms affecting one of these parts of the body will affect the other as well. There are many potential causes behind declining hair and nail health, but a vitamin B7 deficiency, also known as a biotin deficiency, is quite common. Biotin is the vitamin responsible for the conversion of food, transforming it into energy for the body. If you have a chronic vitamin deficiency in biotin, you may notice brittle nails and brittle hair. These two parts of the body can easily split, become thin, or break. Other symptoms of biotin deficiency include: Obstacle Tingling in extremities Muscle pain Fatigue Chronic fatigue A biotin deficiency is rare, but you are at higher risk of developing it if: Smoking and / or drinking a lot Have a digestive disorder Are currently pregnant Using anti-seizure medications Eating raw egg whites If you need more biotin in your diet, take a 30 mg biotin supplement under the supervision of a doctor, or eat foods such as: NutsMeatOrgan meatFishSeedsBroccoliSpinachSweet potatoesBananasFishCauliflowerWhole grainsYeastDairy Another symptom of a visible vitamin deficiency in hair health is dandruff or flaky areas on the scalp that cause flaking or itching. These scaly, itchy areas, medically known as seborrheic dermatitis, can also appear in: FaceEngleArmpitsChest There are a variety of possible causes for these problems, but chronic vitamin deficiency is one of them. Too little zinc can cause these hair problems, and vitamin B deficiencies are also very common causes. The vitamins that are generally lacking in these cases are vitamin B2, known as riboflavin; vitamin B3, known as niacin; and vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine. Foods you can eat that will give you more vitamin B2, B3, and B6 include: Green vegetablesVegetables with starchPoultryFishMeatOrgan meatsEggsLegumesNutsDairySeeds NutsMeatLegumesSeafoodWhole grainsDairy Some women with vitamin deficiencies can also experience hair loss, something that almost half of all women experience as they age. If you experience this, you may be deficient in: Vitamin B3, or niacinVitamin B7, or biotinZinc Linoleic acidIroning If you are confirmed to be deficient in these nutrients, taking supplements to prevent hair loss can help, as they provide a combination of the necessary components. Skin bumps and problems A less common sign of chronic vitamin deficiency that is still worth watching out for is small bumps on the skin. This is known as keratosis pilaris. It is a condition that causes small red or white bumps that look like goose bumps that show up on the back, arms, thighs, and cheeks. Sometimes these bumps come with ingrown hairs. It is not 100% sure why these lumps appear, but generally, it is assumed that it is the result of excess keratin made from follicles. Although there are genetic causes behind this, chronic vitamin deficiencies in vitamins A and C are thought to cause keratosis pilaris. Dark green leafy vegetables Eggs Dairy Organ meat Yellow vegetables Orange vegetables Fish Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables Final thoughts on the signs of chronic vitamin deficiency in women Serious vitamin deficiencies may be rare today, but not meeting daily vitamin requirements can have adverse effects on the body. It can affect your physical condition, your immune system, and various parts of the body. It can even affect your mental health, resulting in a decrease in positive thinking and loss of productivity. To prevent these negative symptoms, watch for signs of chronic vitamin deficiency in an effort to stay healthy. Taking a balanced amount of each vitamin, not too little or too much, will do wonders for your body. If you notice very serious symptoms, don't forget to visit a doctor for a checkup! And, of course, never take vitamin supplements without the prior approval of a doctor. Video: Vitamin B12 deficiency - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3161-5-signs-of-chronic-vitamin-deficiency-in-women.html" }
Industrial agriculture hogs resources but is not the one who feeds people “Industrial agriculture is responsible for 70% of deforestation in Latin America, one of the main drivers of ecological impact, up to 40% of GHG emissions come from industrial agriculture. Only during the 20th century, 75% of the cultivated varieties were lost and currently 22% of the livestock breeds are in danger of extinction ”. One proof among others of this fact that plagues the majority of humanity is the orientation that large-scale companies make of food produced on a large scale. However, small-scale agriculture, which respects the environment, despite being the largest in terms of number of farms, only occupies 25% of the world's agricultural area. It is therefore millions of people, cultivating a small portion of the available arable land who feed the world. Industrial agriculture (the large-scale economy) has not only most of the land but also water, seeds, science and technology, why does it only produce 20% of the world's food? The answer is so simple that it is scary: it is not intended, it is not its objective. Industrial agriculture produces goods for markets, not food for people. The cultivation of soybeans and corn for the manufacture of feed or fuels, the oil palm to manufacture shampoo or chocolate bars, cotton and other fibers for the huge cheap clothing industry, are some examples of this. Therefore, the objective of industrial agriculture is not to feed the world, but to transform farmland into one more commodity. In the logic of industrial agriculture, the "brokers" can buy millions of tons of wheat on the stock market, but millions of people cannot afford to buy the most basic foods. Environmental impact of uncontrolled agribusiness After several decades of unbridled industrialization of agriculture, the evidence about the environmental impacts it generates is overwhelming. Industrial agriculture is responsible for 70% of deforestation in Latin America, one of the main drivers of ecological impact, up to 40% of GHG emissions come from industrial agriculture. XX 75% of cultivated varieties were lost and currently 22% of livestock breeds are in danger of extinction. Biodiversity is invaluable, in a context of changing climate, cultivated diversity is the key to producing food in a future with an uncertain climate. This is the story of industrial agriculture, a story that is repeated to us to justify how necessary it is and will be to feed a larger population. Meanwhile, reality raises a cry in the sky letting us know that hunger in the world is not due to lack of food, but to the theft of resources, where land is not used to produce food, but mainly to feed shareholders and shareholders. banks. Industrial agriculture plays with the livelihood of the poorest population and with an increasingly deteriorated planet. Criticism of transgenics that supposedly ended hunger Some experts clarify that if transgenic crops were really used to try to alleviate hunger in the world, then they should have one or more of the following characteristics: Seeds capable of growing in poor, salinized, contaminated soils ... Crops with more proteins and nutrients, high yield, without the need for expensive inputs (machinery, agrochemicals, biocides ...) Designed for subsistence farmers, not for industrialized large estates. Cheap and easily accessible seeds. Crops to feed people, not livestock. And it can be assured that none of the transgenic crops that are already commercialized have any of the characteristics mentioned. The first transgenic crops that have been introduced into the food chain (soybeans and corn) are destined to serve as feed for the already excessive cattle herd in the countries of the North, not to feed human beings; they are expensive and are subject to strict industrial property protection conditions; They are designed for the agribusiness ... A full-blown robbery. Video: Out to Pasture: The Future of Farming? (October 2020). How Climate Change will affect the main European cities
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3266-industrial-agriculture-hogs-resources-but-is-not-the.html" }
A concept that we have all heard from time to time is that of Sustainable Development. Perhaps the most widespread definition is that of the United Nations, which refers to it as a development that can “guarantee the well-being of present generations without compromising that of future generations”, located in the report of the World Commission for the Environment and Development that served as the basis for the 1992 Rio de Janeiro United Nations Conference. This definition, as concise as it is not very enlightening, leaves many doors open for governments and multinational companies to make their own and convenient interpretation, based on the need for economic growth, in order to satisfy the (consumption) needs of present generations. Thus, afforestation with non-native species, the excessive increase in the production of consumer goods and even the flooding of fertile lands with transgenic species, try to protect themselves under this ambiguous definition. It is not necessary a greater economic development than the current one so that 100% of the inhabitants of the planet can live without deficiencies. That there are billions of poor people is not the result of economic development not being enough for everyone. In the last forty years, there has been a great growth of the wealth produced in the world, we have possibly had the highest rate of economic growth in history. However, inequalities, the poor, the indigent, those without access to clean water, infectious diseases and infant mortality have increased. The gap between the poorest 20% and the richest 20%, which was 1 to 30 in 1960; today it is 1 to 80. There are people whose annual income exceeds that of entire countries, whose personal energy expenditures could reach to illuminate entire towns, whose ecological footprint is deeper than that of hundreds or thousands of poor people. As long as the inequalities generated by the unfair distribution of wealth inherent to the capitalist system are not reversed, no economic growth will be enough to reduce poverty, nor social inequalities, nor the environmental deterioration suffered by the planet. Development must be Sustainable, but this does not mean that we can have unlimited economic development, but rather that we must have development based on the redistribution of wealth, on cultural and social growth, on enabling access to a decent life for those who do not They have it, in literacy, respect for nature and in the use of technologies that allow drastically reducing the environmental impact of the production of consumer goods. Video: Learning a language? Speak it like youre playing a video game. Marianna Pascal. TEDxPenangRoad (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3368-sustainable-development-poverty-and-capitalism.html" }
Leaked Documents Reveal Discarded Proposals to Avoid Antibiotic Resistance Through More Detailed Analysis of Pharmaceutical Firms The EU has scrapped plans for a crackdown on pharmaceutical contamination that contributes to the spread of deadly superbugs. Plans to monitor agricultural and pharmaceutical companies, add environmental standards to EU medical product regulations and force an assessment of the environmental risk of drugs used by humans have been scrapped, according to documents released by The Guardian. An estimated 700,000 people die each year from antimicrobial resistance, in part due to drug-resistant bacteria created by the overuse, misuse, and spillage of antibiotics. UK Medical Director Dame Sally Davies has warned that failure to act could lead to a post-antibiotic apocalypse, spelling "the end of modern medicine" as routine infections defy effective treatment. Some studies predict antimicrobial resistance could cost $ 100bn (£ 75bn) between now and 2050, with the annual death toll reaching 10 million in that period. An EU strategy for pharmaceuticals in the environment was supposed to propose ways around the threat, but the leaked material shows that a number of ideas contained in an initial draft have since been watered down or deleted. Proposals that have fallen by the wayside include an EU push to have environmental criteria for antibiotic use included in international agreements as "good manufacturing practice requirements." This would have allowed EU inspectors to visit factories in Asia or Africa, and sanctioning them was evidence of pharmaceutical contamination found. In turn, this could have had an impact on trade negotiations between the EU and India, where pollution of inland waterways more than doubled in the first half of this decade, partly due to industrial effluents. India is an outsourced center for global drug manufacturing and a study published last year in the scientific journal Infection said "excessively high" levels of antibiotic contamination were found in the waterways around Hyderabad. Nusa Urbancic, a spokeswoman for the Changing Markets Foundation, said: “We are surprised that the European commission seems willing to ditch the option of including environmental criteria… so early in the process, given the overwhelming evidence presented about how pharmaceutical contamination contributes. to the proliferation of drug-resistant bacteria ". A replacement passage in the new draft that suggests "the possibility of using a purchasing policy to encourage greener pharmaceutical design" was described as "completely lame" and "completely toothless" by Nina Renshaw, Secretary General of the Health Alliance European Public. "This approach will not work, as the worst offenders will still have the option to continue discharging antibiotics in their local environment," Renshaw said. Another scrapped proposal would have ensured that pharmaceutical companies collect, monitor and share data on the discharge of their microbials in effluents from global hotspots, often caused by intensive cattle farms. Scientists have noted a worrying lack of global research on such links, and the information gap can have commercial and public health repercussions. Sasja Beslik, head of sustainable finance at Nordea Bank AB, which has 300 billion euros (£ 263 billion) in assets, said disclosing the data would "increase transparency and make investors more informed about risks." For us, timely and adequate information is key to assessing the materiality of risks. " The inclusion of environmental criteria in good manufacturing practices would be "crucial" for drug manufacturers, he added. The drift of the commission's strategy has been in the opposite direction, however. An initial goal to “reduce the non-essential use of pharmaceuticals” has been replaced by a more business-friendly goal, to “promote the prudent use of pharmaceuticals”. An EU source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said: “That is not the wording that we would have chosen, or that we wrote for this. There have been some modifications and attenuation of the commitment level, because we cannot make those commitments without investigating more, so they have become more vague. " Urbancic, however, was not convinced. "The commission's strategy has already been delayed for three years," he said. "The weakening of this draft has the fingerprints of the pharmaceutical industry everywhere." The European Commission declines to comment on the leaked documents, but sources said there was "no particular pressure" on the officials who compiled the earlier draft. The pharmaceutical industry spent nearly € 40 million lobbying the EU institutions in 2015, according to voluntary statements, and enjoys infamous access to officials. Public records show that the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations had more than 50 meetings with the Juncker commission in its first four and a half months of office. In the same period, GlaxoSmithKline had 15 meetings with the commission, Novartis had eight engagements, Sanofi and Johnson & Johnson had six sessions each, while Pfizer and Eli Lilly met with EU officials five times each. Other measures ruled out in the EU strategy would have forced pharmaceutical companies to complete environmental risk assessments of human medicines before they could be authorized. Most pharmaceutical products currently lack details on their ecotoxicological properties. The final version of the EU strategy on pharmaceuticals in the environment is expected to be published later this summer. Video: The EU Action Plan against #Antimicrobial Resistance (October 2020). Children should have the right to access nature Solar storm will affect the Earth in the coming days Major food chains are ignoring the welfare of chickens as their profits continue to rise
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3764-antibiotic-apocalypse-eu-drops-plans-to-fight-pollut.html" }
The variety called 'Cynara Cardunculus' usually appears as the edible species, although there are many kinds of thistles. We find in the north of the African continent, the possible cradle of this tasty vegetable, worthy ancestor of the artichoke. Its Mediterranean origin makes it an ideal and appreciated dish, especially in Germany. Its extension throughout Europe was completed in the Middle Ages while its cultivation in South America depended on Spain and began in Argentine lands. Main features Its perennial nature does not prevent it from being grown annually. The height of this plant exceeds in some cases one meter in length, requiring more than half a meter between some bushes and others so that its growth does not present problems. The stalks of this vegetable are highly appreciated due to their meaty taste. To make these stalks much more palatable, harvesting techniques for thistle include methods that give this vegetable a more tender and juicy texture. These techniques are called whitening and hilling. The autumn season is the period indicated for the beginning of the harvest. The stems are collected little by little, proceeding from plant to plant, thus the harvest is prolonged. We can find several species of this vegetable, although the most appreciated among stoves is the one that is presented without thorns and with the stem of a tone similar to silver. The stalks are characterized by their slightly bitter taste due to the cynarin it contains. They are preferred sautéed with garlic, as if they were a stew. Culture The first step to consider before growing thistles is the soil that will preferably be compost with manure. Thistles need a lot of sun to thrive. Irrigation will be abundant at first but will be rationed later as they can be excessively humid. Finally, weeds must also be controlled. Planting seeds during the days before the beginning of spring is the first step in growing this vegetable. Once the plant reaches an approximate height of about 15 cm., Proceed to transplant from the original seedbed. If we have a large soil, we can choose to make shallow holes in which we will deposit between 3 and 5 well separated seeds. The distance between some plants and others is vital since, as a general rule, the stems demand space and will enter into competition with those closest to them who try to steal soil and substrate. Our job will consist of pulling out the remaining ones, leaving one plant for every 50-60 cm. Nutritional value Water is the essential component of this vegetable and many others. Its composition is far from the artichoke, ‘relative’ of the thistle, which is also highly appreciated in the kitchen for its countless combinations. The thistle stands out for its high calcium content but has the problem, as with the iron it contains, of not being well absorbed by the body. As for vitamins, C stands out, but it does not reach the recommended daily amount. Other minerals and trace elements found in this vegetable are magnesium, manganese, zinc or copper. It is usually considered when putting into practice a diuretic diet that seeks to tone the liver, since thistle increases the amount of bile, facilitating the decongestion of this organ and avoiding the dreaded gallstones. To choose it in the market, we will observe the appearance of the leaves or stems: without defects or stains and solid. The leaves should be bright green. It is important that it gives the sensation of freshness typical of vegetables in good condition. As for its conservation, it is recommended to use a breathable plastic. Video: Milk Thistle Guide - (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3469-milk-thistle-and-its-benefits.html" }
Cassava or cassava flour is a feasible option for people with gluten intolerance, as well as being used in a wide variety of recipes and pastries as it is an alternative for people with celiac disease. This tuber, known as cassava, represents the third most important source of calories, being vital in countries such as Asia, Africa and Latin America. Furthermore, it is arich source of minerals and vitamins, very easily digestible and widely recommended as an ingredient to add to the diet. Among the main minerals present in thecassava starch which later becomes thecassava flour, is potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium. It is also a source of vitamin B and C, with little fat and protein. It is important to note that this food should not be eaten raw as it has toxic substances, which decompose into cyanide and acetone. How to make cassava flour Cassava goes through a period of grating and pressing, when it is dried either in the sun or by fire, it is ground to obtain a very fine flour, from which the starch calledtapioca. This is in different forms, either as flour or small pearls of different sizes. Properties Cassava is a food rich in carbohydrates, fiber, it also contains vegetable protein,vitaminsA, B2, B3, B6, B9 or folic acid, C, K andminerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, and sodium. It has energetic, cleansing, cholesterol-lowering, neurostimulating, antithrombotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating action. It is a satisfying food. It helps with blood circulation. Cassava has hardly any fat. It brings a lotEnergy, is therefore excellent for athletes, children and active people. It is easily digestible. Helps prevent thrombus formation. As it does not contain gluten, it is an excellent option for celiacs to replacecereals withgluten and get a good source of carbohydrates. It favors the functioning of the renal system. Helps maintain strong and healthy hair and nails Improve ourdefenses It is beneficial during pregnancy, lactation and growth stages due to its folic acid content (B9). Helps maintainstrong teeth and bones It should not be confused with tapioca starch as this can also have the appearance of flour. Recipe for celiacs: Bread with Cassava Flour Gluten-free bread with cassava flour. This healthy bread is healthy and nutritious to incorporate into the daily celiac diet. As a suggestion, with the same dough bun you can prepare delicious cookies, pizzas and also small pizzas. 4 tablespoons cassava flour 4 tablespoons cornstarch 5 eggs Salt to taste First, place the egg whites in a bowl and beat them until stiff. Besides, in another bowl beat the yolks until they take on a foamy consistency and then combine the two preparations. Next, add salt to taste, cornstarch and cassava flour (previously sifted) and mix with smooth and enveloping movements. Once this step is done, pour the dough into loaf pans, buttered and sprinkled with cornstarch. Then, cook in the oven on a low temperature for approximately 30 minutes. Finally, when the bread is baked and the surface is golden brown, remove it and let it cool to room temperature, before unmolding and cutting the portions. Video: Fazendo Tapioca (October 2020). Who wants to listen to the communities affected by extractivism? The European Union does not
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3867-cassava-flour.html" }
The film tells the story of two friends, Marc and Nathanael, who left everything behind to question how the world works. His trip motivates us to reflect on our relationship with nature, happiness and the meaning of life. Both protagonists travel around the world meeting the great thinkers of our time. With humor and optimism Marc and Nathanael invite us to join them in their spiritual search, questioning our habitual vision of the world. The film was produced and distributed with the help of thousands of citizens around the world, identified with a generation in search of wisdom and optimism. Video: In Search Of Meaning Scheersberg-Animation 2019 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3574-in-search-of-meaning.html" }
For anyone who has ever looked at a blackberry bush, ever crawled into a tantalizing grouping within it and got the thorn scratches to prove it, knows that any bush contains many berries that birds can harvest than them. humans will never be able to harvest. It was a simple and revealing reminder of how many people, especially the younger ones, in our society have never had the kind of basic contacts with nature, never developed the basic practical understanding that you don't get from a book or a screen, that generations they took as standard. Practical skills When I was a little boy, around five years old, I was first a blackberry picker in Australia. At the same time, I was taught to hunt for yabbies (freshwater crabs) in the streams surrounding my grandparents' house in a national park near Sydney with a piece of meat tied to a string. (A few years later all the yabbies, pesticides disappeared, it was said). I also collected cicada shells and learned about metamorphosis. It was also where I learned to use a cross-cut saw, build children's dams across a muddy stream, and to shower under a waterfall. These are the kinds of experiences that the city of Texas in Austin, perhaps a politically unlikely place, has decided should be the rights of all children. In 2016, his council, which was not a member of the Green Party, unanimously approved a Bill of Rights for Children in the Open Air, guaranteeing its youth the right to many of those activities that I enjoyed so much as a child. We are increasingly aware that these activities are not only fun, they are not only educational, but they are essential for human well-being; they will develop skills, knowledge and expectations that will lead people through a life of better health and well-being. And, of course, they will prepare people for physical activities - developing the practical skills that enable people to be active in a society where many suffer from obesity, diabetes, and other health problems stemming from inactivity. Already fighting The lack of opportunities and exercise of these activities has been identified as "Nature Deficit Disorder". It is something that many children now suffer from. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has prepared an important report on the need for children to access nature, noting that, in addition to the health, well-being and skills that time spent in nature provides, it is essential Let us take care of our natural world in the future, future generations have knowledge and love for it. Recognizing this research and the reality, members of the Green Party prior to their spring conference, held in Bournemouth, made a motion on the issue that was their top political priority for the conference. In it, the party supported the call for access to nature to be recognized as a human right, operating at the international level, but also recognized that this is something that cities and local government can implement at the local level. In many parts of the country, green councilors are already fighting to save local parks and green spaces, from Sefton Park Meadows and Rimrose Valley Park, to Sunderland and Stoneham. But the framework of children's right to nature, something that is particularly likely to be denied to those in the poorest communities, which also recognizes that barriers can be lack of knowledge and opportunities as well as lack of access, is an important additional tool, you can expect it to be exercised for the benefit of our children and our world. Natalie Bennett is the former leader of the Green Party, a member of the Sheffield Green Party, and a regular contributor to The Ecologist. Video: Should fit parents be denied Equal Access to Their Children? Parental Rights rally Florida 2014 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3971-children-should-have-the-right-to-access-nature.html" }
It's fun, it's made from a recycled tire and you can do it yourself. See how it's done! What we need Materials: Recycled tire, PVC pipe, wooden board, circular wooden slat, rope, ball, spray paint, wood screws, metric screws, nuts, cement, water. A tire, old pots, fruit crates and milk jars are all elements that end up in the trash one way or another, but we could perfectly recycle them and make fun pots with them and give our garden personality. These plastic bottles will also do the trick. a lot to make small pots to decorate your home or give away! It's fun, it's made from a recycled tire and you can do it yourself. See how it's done! What we need Materials: Recycled tire, PVC pipe, wooden board, circular wooden slat, rope, ball, spray paint, wood screws, metric screws, nuts, cement, water.
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/recycling/" }
The era of mass climate migration from the United States has arrived Americans: The Next Climate Migrants. ‘We are moving to higher ground’ By the end of this century, rising sea levels could only displace 13 million people. Many states will have to deal with hordes of residents seeking dry terrain. But, as one expert puts it: "No state is not affected by this." After her home flooded for the third year in a row, Elizabeth Boineau was ready to flee. He packed his belongings in dozens of boxes, tried not to think about the mold and mold-covered furniture, and retired to a second-floor condo that should be well beyond the reach of torrential rains and rough seas. Boineau is leaving behind a beautiful early 20th-century home in Charleston, South Carolina, with the blinds painted in the city's eponymous shade of deep green. Last year, after Hurricane Irma dumped 8 inches of water into a home that Boineau was still mending from the last flood, local authorities agreed that this historic portion of Charleston could be torn down. "I was splashing in the water with my puppy dog, everything was ruined," he said. “I feel completely sunk. It would cost me about $ 500,000 to build the house, demolish the first floor. Instead, I'm going to rent a place, on higher ground. " Millions of Americans will face equally difficult decisions as climate change evokes brutal storms, torrential rains, setbacks from coasts and beating the heat. Many are already choosing to relocate to less dangerous areas of the same city or to shelters in other states. Entire cities from Alaska to Louisiana are seeking to relocate, in their entirety, to safer ground. The rate of population shift harvesting is so extensive that it can rival anything in the history of the United States. "Including all climate impacts, it's not too far-fetched to imagine something twice the size of the Dustbowl," said Jesse Keenan, a climate adaptation expert at Harvard University, referring to the 1930s upheaval in which 2.5 million people moved from California's dusty, drought-plagued plains. This massive migration will likely take place over a longer period than the Dustbowl, but its implications are profound and opaque. It will create a completely different reality for the US. “It is very difficult to model human behavior in such extreme and historically unprecedented circumstances,” Keenan admits. The closest analog might be the Great Migration, a period spanning much of the 20th century, when about 6 million blacks left the Jim Crow South for cities in the North, Midwest, and West. By the end of this century, rising sea levels alone could displace 13 million people, according to one study, including 6 million in Florida. States that include Louisiana, California, New York and New Jersey will also have to deal with hordes of residents seeking dry terrain. "There is not a state that is not affected by this," said demographer Mat Hauer, lead author of the research, which is based on a sharp 6-foot rise in sea level. There are established migration preferences for some places: from South Florida to Georgia, from New York to Colorado, but in many cases people will be uprooted to the nearest inner city if they have the means. "The Great Migration was from the south to the industrialized north, whereas this is from every coastal place in the US to every other place in the US," Hauer said. “Not everyone can afford to move, so we could end up with trapped populations that would be in a downward spiral. It's hard for me to imagine what that future would be like. " Within a few decades, hundreds of thousands of homes on America's shores will be chronically flooded. Towards the end of the century, a 6-foot sea-level rise would redraw the coastline with familiar parts, such as South Florida, bits of North Carolina and Virginia, much of Boston, all but a strip of New Orleans, missing. Warm temperatures will fuel monstrous hurricanes, such as the devastating triumvirate of Irma, Maria and Harvey in 2017, followed by Florence this year, which will disperse survivors in jarring and uncertain ways. Projections begin to materialize in parts of the US, shaping the contours of climate migration to come. "I don't see the slightest evidence that anyone is seriously thinking about what to do with the future influx of climate refugees," said Orrin Pilkey, emeritus professor of coastal geology at Duke University. "It is mind-boggling to see crowds of climate refugees arriving in the city and looking for work and food." Pilkey's new book - Sea Level Rise Along Americas Shores: The Slow Tsunami - envisions apocalyptic scenes in which millions of people, mostly from South Florida, will become "a stream of refugees moving to higher ground ”. "It will not be the scruffy families who carry their few possessions on their backs, as we have seen in countless photos of people fleeing wars and ethnic cleansing, most recently in Myanmar and Syria," says Pilkey in his book. "Instead, they will be wealthy Americans driving into a new life in their cars, with trucks moving back in time, carrying a lifetime of memories and possessions." Gripped by the freezing New York winters, Chase Twichell and her husband bought a four-bedroom apartment in Miami Beach in 2011, planning to spend at least a decade basking in the sun. At first, keeping a pair of flip-flops on hand to deal with flooded streets seemed an acceptable whim, until the scale of the invading seas became apparent when the city spent $ 400 million to elevate the streets near Twichell's abode. . Twichell began to notice that the water pumps were throwing plastic bags, condoms and packets of chips into the bay. Friends' balconies began to submerge. Twichell, a poet, found apocalyptic themes creeping into his work. Last year, he sold the apartment to a French businessman and moved to upstate New York. "It was like doomsday things," he said. "It was crazy for us to have a huge investment in such a dangerous situation." At first, her neighbors scolded her, but now several are also selling, worried that the real estate and insurance markets for properties like hers will take advantage. "It was horrible but fascinating to watch," Twichell said. "It's like we can see the future and it's not pretty." It is like a movie in which there is a terrible volcano that is destroying everything, only it is much slower than that. A sense of fatalism is also beginning to affect some local officials. South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard has seen a colleague, spooked by rising sea levels, move to California and some neighbors sell their houses before an expected drop in prices. Stoddard and his wife regularly discuss buying reserve property, perhaps in Washington DC. "Most people will wait until the problem is bad to take action, that's what I worry about," he said. "We can buy a long time, but in the end we lose." The sea level will rise above our buildings ”. Sanitation is an immediate concern for Stoddard, given the large proportion of residents who do not receive sewer services. “If you are using a septic tank and your toilet starts to overflow in your bathroom due to flooding from the water, that is a basic problem of civilization,” he said. "A medieval city was not a pleasant place and they had many diseases." Those living near the coasts will face pressures from both gradual (sea level rise) and dramatic (storms) nature, but people inland will also be affected by climate change. Agricultural techniques and technology have improved immeasurably since the Dustbowl, but rising temperatures are expected to lower the yields of crops such as corn, soybeans and wheat, prompting young people to exit agriculture. By 2050, Texas County, the largest wheat-producing county in Oklahoma, could spend an additional 40 days per year above 90 ° F (32 ° C) compared to today. Video: Is Climate Change Causing Mass Migration? (October 2020). Microplastics even in bottled mineral water Follow tomorrow's Blood Moon eclipse live
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3502-the-era-of-mass-climate-migration-from-the-united-st.html" }
Invasive species are the main factor of extinction of nature, so their expansion must be reduced, said an expert from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The director of the group specialized in invasive species of the IUCN, Pietro Genovesi, assured in a ceremony that these species alone are responsible for 16% of extinctions in the world, a percentage that rises to 40% in combination with other threats . More than 23,000 species at risk of extinction There are currently more than 79,800 threatened natural species, of which more than 23,000 are at risk of extinction, according to the IUCN. According to current trends, up to 16% of mammals and birds could be invasive species if they are introduced in new places. The specialist gave an example of the beaver, which has already destroyed more than seven million hectares in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, while in Africa the proliferation of carob trees is making it difficult for many communities to access land. At least 70,000 levees builtby beavers in Tierra del Fuego At least 70,000 dams built by beavers in Tierra del Fuego give the magnitude of the catastrophic impact produced by the uncontrolled population of underwater rodents introduced in the middle of the last century with the intention of favoring the fur industry. The figure was surveyed by members of the Faculty of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, which will now seek to implement management policies to contain this phenomenon. The researchers estimated the cumulative length of levees at 2,300 kilometers, causing the flooding of about 100 square kilometers. More than a hundred species have negative effects on health More than a hundred species have negative effects on health, such as the water hyacinth, a plant that favors the appearance of mosquitoes that transmit malaria. In 1989 the presence of the water hyacinth, native to Ecuador, was detected in Lake Victoria, located between Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, the second largest in the world, with an area (69,484 km2). No one knows how it got here, but the fact is that without natural barriers that prevent its extension and stimulated its growth by the erosion of sediments rich in nitrogen and phosphorus and all kinds of untreated discharges, the plant now covers large areas of the lake. "More than 15% of its surface", assures Nyenge. Janet Abramovitz affirms that the water hyacinth spreads like a dense green blanket with an unusual speed - "a single plant can cover 100 square meters in a few months" - and that it "reduces the oxygen level of the water, prevents the passage of sunlight and obstructs waterways and ports ”. In addition, and as if it were a curse, "the plant favors the reproduction of the malaria mosquito and other parasites." Costs for Europe In Europe, invasive species cost more than 12,500 million euros annually, Genovesi recalled, adding that "if rich regions pay a high cost, those in development are even more vulnerable." The expert called for improving prevention and rapid response systems, including eradications, which can work especially on islands such as New Zealand, where the number of invasive mammals and insects has decreased with biosecurity methods. The executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, Cristiana Pasca, insisted that sustainable development involves not only conserving biodiversity, but also making good use of natural resources and sharing the benefits obtained. He considered that "much remains to be done" to meet the agreed goals for the preservation of biodiversity for 2020 and encouraged governments to act in the short time remaining, strengthening, for example, regulation to prevent pests. Video: New Report Warns that Invasive Species Causing Environmental Decline (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3898-invasive-species-are-the-main-factor-of-extinction-of.html" }
China does not have clear safety regulations or control for the production of pet food in the country. The Asian country already has serious problems of contamination of food intended for humans given the deterioration of the environment. Pet food is no exception and also does not have care or regulations for its preparation. Consequently, many pets have died in the United States, the main importer of these foods "made in China" The products that have mainly caused serious illnesses and even the death of pets are the following. Beef Jerky Pet Treats Between 2007 and 2014, Pet Smart, a company dedicated to the importation and marketing of pet food, received more than 4,800 reports of illnesses and 1,000 reports of deaths in pets caused by the ingestion of chicken, duck or sweet potato treats made in China. . Pet Smart recalled these pet foods from its premises as of March 2015 due to continuing safety concerns. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been receiving complaints about pet meat treats since 2007. But says it has yet to find a "definitive cause" for the reported illnesses, It has not blamed Chinese sweets for the diseases, has not named any of the well-known American firms that sell them, and has not recalled any of the products. Dog owners and lawmakers are now demanding action. Rawhide It is customary to give dogs to amuse themselves biting, rawhide treats. But the dangers of this product are unknown. "Rawhide is so dangerous and it is shocking to me that this is not general knowledge," said Dr. Natasha Lilly, who works at the Full Circle Veterinary Center in San Luis Obispo, California, according to the Chicago Sun Times. "By the way, they are not 'raw.' They are highly processed and full of chemicals, "said the veterinarian. The rawhide is processed through an acid and bleaching solution, being a risk of poisoning dogs. It also contains mercury, arsenic, formaldehyde, and chromium. "They are also indigestible, so they can cause an obstruction, and if there is a bowel obstruction, then emergency surgery is needed." Animal feed Melamine is a compound used to make plastics and it is incredibly added to different types of animal feed in China. Melamine has been found in powdered milk after analysis of the case following the death of at least six babies and the illness of hundreds of thousands more. Melamine causes a number of toxic effects when ingested in animals, including kidney stones, chronic kidney inflammation, and bladder cancer. Melamine has also been discovered in eggs sold for human consumption in Hong Kong from contaminated chicken feed. Pig and cow feed have the highest concentrations of melamine, and it is added by unscrupulous companies to increase protein content and save costs. The practice of contaminating animal feed with melamine began at least ten years ago and affects all types of food: cattle feed, sheep feed, poultry feed, pig feed, and even feed used on dairy farms. industrial fish. Wet pet food Another contaminated item is wheat gluten, and Chinese companies add it as an ingredient to wet pet food. In 2008, 16 dogs and cats died while thousands of others became ill, prompting one of the largest pet food recalls in American history. “Pet owners shouldn't have to worry about the safety of the food they feed their pets. It is an example again of a commercial problem that becomes a security problem " Video: WAR ROOM PANDEMIC - 10-10-20 - SATURDAY 1 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3108-dont-buy-pet-food-made-in-china.html" }
Mountain Ride was forged in the Great Valley of south-central Pennsylvania, for the simple need to play bluegrass. For these five friends, bluegrass is a necessity. Hailing from the new generation of bluegrassers, they tend to bring a unique flair to the traditional, and a progressive twist to the original. Mountain Ride is composed of Eric Avey (guitar and vocals), Scott Matlock (fiddle and vocals), Corey Woodcock (banjo), Chance Hurley (mandolin), and Kate Avey (bass and vocals). With years of experience under their straps and strings, they have found something new, something that can only be described as Mountain Ride. Booking: Eric Avey Phone: 717-977-1182 Email: [email protected] Eric Avey 7789 Oak Drive Waynesboro PA 17268 Our self titled release from APRIL 2015. Click on image for sound samples.
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/epk" }
The goal of artificial rain is to decrease the high levels of air pollution in Bangkok. The city is like a smog cloud. The first operation has already started with the take off of one of the planes specially prepared to sow clouds and cause rain over the city. The firefighters joined their efforts using high pressure cannons to launch powerful jets of water in front of the City Hall and thus combat the levels of air pollution. The unhealthy air problem in Thailand is caused by increasing fires in agriculture, industrial activity, construction, and vehicle traffic. The figures have reached 144 micrograms per cubic meter of fine PM2.5 particles in recent days. Wear masks to breathe better Another strategy against unhealthy air was the distribution of some 10,000 masks to citizens to move more protected through Bangkok. The levels of PM2.5 (particles of 2.5 microns or less in diameter) reached a maximum of 75 micrograms per cubic meter (mcg / m3), a very high figure since the World Health Organization recommends annual average levels 25 mcg / m3. On Monday in some parts of the capital, the figures reached their maximum record for ultrafine dust, known as a class one carcinogen, putting the entire population at risk, especially the most vulnerable people who were restricted from going out on the streets. . Video: Drones take to the sky in Thailand to combat air pollution l Al Jazeera English (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3171-artificial-rain-to-fight-pollution-in-bangkok.html" }
In warmer months, it's tempting to turn on the air conditioning or stand in front of the nearest fan. But these aren't the only tips for staying cool. Turns out, there are many ways to protect your home from heat without racking up an electric bill. And they will make you feel like a DIY champion too. 1. Keep your blinds closed. As simple as this tip may sound, Family Handyman notes that up to 30 percent of unwanted heat comes from your windows, and using curtains and the like can save you up to 7 percent on bills and lower interior temperatures by as much as by 20 degrees. In other words, closing the blinds essentially keeps your home from becoming a miniature greenhouse, especially with south and west facing windows. 2. Better yet, invest in blackout curtains. Blackout curtains block sunlight, naturally insulating the rooms in which they are installed. Consumer Reports recommends neutral-colored curtains with white plastic backs to reduce heat gain by up to 33 percent. 3. Be smart about your doors. Closing unused rooms will prevent cold air from entering these areas during the hottest hours of the day. You'll also want to capitalize on the cooler night hours, allowing air to flow naturally through your home. 4. Hack a fan instead of turning on the A.C. Not even an air conditioner can give off a fake sea breeze, but this simple trick can. Fill a mixing bowl with ice (or something equally cold, like an ice pack), and place it at an angle in front of a large fan so that the air comes out of the ice in a very cold, extra hazy state. Trust us: it's magic. 5. Swap your sheets. Changing your bedding seasonally not only refreshes a room, but is also a great way to stay cool. While textiles like flannel sheets and fleece blankets are great for insulation, cotton is a smarter move this time of year as it breathes more and stays cool. As an added bonus, buy yourself a buckwheat pillow or two. Because buckwheat hulls have a natural air gap between them, they won't retain your body heat like conventional pillows, even when packed in a pillowcase. 6. Adjust the ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. You may not realize that your ceiling fan needs to be adjusted seasonally. Scheduled to run counterclockwise in the summer at a higher speed, the airflow from the fan will create a breezy effect that will keep you and your guests feeling cooler. 7. Focus on your body temperature, not your home. If your ancestors survived without air conditioning, so can you. From sipping tasty iced drinks to applying a cold washcloth to strong pulse areas like the neck and wrists, cooling off from the inside out isn't a bad idea. Other tricks include being smart about your clothing choices and telling your partner that you won't snuggle until the sheets start to change color. Also try keeping a bowl of cold water next to your bed and soaking your feet if it feels warm in the middle of the night. 8. Turn on your bathroom fans. Or the exhaust fan in your kitchen, for that matter. They both draw the hot air that rises after cooking or taking a steamy shower from your house or apartment. 9. Heat resistant your bed. Head straight for the fountain and tuck a chilled Chillow under your head while you sleep. For the feet, fill a bottle with water and place it in the freezer before placing it at the foot of your bed. And it sounds strange, but lightly moistening your sheets or placing them in the freezer before bed will help you relax. 10. Sleep low. The heat rises, so hit the downstairs couch or basement, or put your mattress on the floor if the air feels cooler there. 11. Let the night air in. During the summer months, temperatures can drop at night. If this is the case you live in, take advantage of these refreshing hours by opening your windows before going to sleep. You can even create a wind tunnel by strategically setting your fans to force the perfect breeze. Just be sure to close your windows and blinds before the temperatures get too hot in the morning. 12. Hack your windows. To create a cooling pressure stream, open the upper section of windows on the leeward side of your house, and open the lower section of windows on the upwind side. Also consider looking into a box, vent a window to expel hot air, and try moistening a sheet and then hanging it in front of a second open window as a curtain for a cool breeze. 13. Get rid of incandescent lights. If you've ever needed motivation to make the switch to CFLs or CFLs, this is it. Incandescent bulbs waste about 90 percent of their energy on the heat they give off, so throwing them out on the sidewalk will make a small difference to your home's cooling while reducing your electric bill. 14. Begin grilling. It's obvious, but we're going to say it anyway - using your oven or stove in the summer will make your home warmer. If it already feels like 100 degrees in your home, the last thing you want to do is turn an oven to 400 degrees. Plus, who doesn't want to increase the mileage on their seasonal outdoor furniture and accessories? 15. Make some long-term improvements. If you are really committed to the whole lack of air conditioning thing, you can make a couple of changes to your home that will keep it cooler for seasons to come. Insulated window films, for example, are a smart buy as they work in a similar way to blinds. And additions like awnings and planting trees or vines near light-facing windows will protect your home from the sun's rays, reduce the amount of heat your home absorbs, and make your investment even more valuable. Video: Steps to Keep Cool Without Air Conditioning (October 2020). Lack of snow in the Arctic threatens ringed seals Amazonia: Species return 30 years after the devastation of the jungle
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3276-15-brilliant-ways-to-keep-your-home-cool-without-air.html" }
This is the first in a four-video series on how farmers feed the world. As reaffirmed during the Second International Symposium on Agroecology sponsored by FAO in early April, more than a set of agricultural practices, agroecology is deeply political and includes many aspects related to food sovereignty and farmers' rights. Small-scale farmers: peasants, pastoralists and non-industrial fishermen - who make up what the ETC Group calls the “peasant food web” - already provide 70% of the world's food, using only 25% of agricultural resources. In order for them to increase their productivity and continue to feed the world in a sustainable and resilient way, it is necessary to dismantle the agro-industrial chain of food production, which not only damages the environment, but also contributes to climate chaos and violates human rights, exercising tyrannical power. on agricultural policies, from the most local levels to the international levels. Our pocket book, Who will feed us? Compare the peasant network of food production with the agro-industrial chain. In May 2018, we will present four animation videos, in Spanish and English, that explore the book's themes on food production, diversity, hidden costs, and political solutions. Here the first video as a sample: For the billions of peasants in the network to continue feeding themselves and many more people, we need support policies, from the Committee on Food Security, to food sovereignty and peasant agroecology such as: · An agrarian reform that includes the right to territories (land, water, forests, fisheries, grazing and hunting lands); · Restore their right to conserve, sow, exchange, sell and improve seeds and livestock, in an unrestricted manner; · Eliminate regulations that hinder the development of local markets and diversity; · Reorient public research activities so that they are conducted by farmers and respond to their needs; · Institute fair trade, determined by policies proposed by the peasants. Video: Who Will Feed Us? Full Length (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3670-who-will-feed-us-peasants-or-agribusiness.html" }
The manifesto for a new regulation on pesticides, entitled "Rigorous science, safe food, healthy environment", has captured the attention of citizens. scientists and European organizations and institutions that have already signed it. Some 118 European organizations and institutions, in addition to dozens of European experts and scientists, grouped in the coalition 'Citizens for science in pesticide regulation', published a manifesto in which they demand a reform of the European Union's pesticide regulations . " Specifically, the manifest calls for a higher level of protection against pesticides. An urgent reform of the current pesticide risk assessment procedure is requested to achieve a high level of protection of humans, animals and the environment against any harm caused by pesticides. The European Union already has one of the best regulations for pesticides in the world, in theory, but that is not implemented in practice. The result of the lack of proper implementation of the regulation is a rapid collapse of biodiversity (birds, bees, butterflies, frogs and insects) in agricultural areas and serious harm to humans (including damage to the brain of the unborn fetus and a steady increase) in hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate). In addition to its inability to protect health and the environment, the current system also does not protect food security for future generations, as biodiversity, pollinators and soil fertility, the building blocks of a productive and resilient agriculture, are put at risk by pesticides. "The ignorance of a large part of the population" According to the head of Hogar sin toxicos, Carlos de Prada, “it is scandalous that the pesticide manufacturing industry de facto controls the regulation of the products they sell, and only the ignorance of a large part of the population about the operation of the systems of risk assessment means that there are still people who believe that they are in good hands ”. The manifesto also mentions the latest Monsanto scandal (Monsanto papers): "Monsanto's internal documents unveiled in the recent cancer-related lawsuit in the United States demonstrate how the industry can actively misrepresent scientific views." The expert panels of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which conduct the peer review and publish an opinion on whether the application meets the criteria for approval of the pesticide, continue to include people with financial ties to the agrochemical industry. "It is clear that the industry must stay away from security testing and risk assessments," the statement said. The document calls on European regulators for a total reform of the current risk assessment and management system, and proposes various practical solutions for the main deficiencies and shortcomings of the current system. The proposals cover three different areas: prioritizing public health, defense of the environment and the sustainability of agriculture; ensure decision making based on complete, scientific and up-to-date data, free from industry bias. It also proposes to articulate a system that allows organizations and administrations, civil society and the scientific community to supervise the integrity and effectiveness of the European policy on pesticides. The manifesto A complete overhaul of the current pesticide risk assessment and risk management systems is required, as follows: A. PRIORITIZE PUBLIC HEALTH, THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE The European Commission will propose the approval of a pesticidal substance only when all scientific evidence shows that the substance or the final product does not cause adverse effects on humans, animals and the environment, EFSA considers that all uses proposed by the industry are safe, and no safer alternative (substance or practice) is available. The Directive on the sustainable use of pesticides must be respected: pesticides should only be used as a last resort when all other non-chemical alternatives have been applied and failed. The European Commission, as risk manager, will operate transparently and responsibly. You must meet your obligation under pesticide regulation to prioritize public health and the environment over all other considerations, such as private benefit. The decision-making process, the discussions between the European Commission and the Member States, or any other entity, will be public. To allow EU farmers to improve their practices without being 'punished' by the markets, the European Commission will not put them in a position of unfair competition and therefore ban imported products that contain unapproved pesticide residues or that contain residues of any pesticide that exceeds the permitted levels, no exceptions. B. ENSURE THAT DECISION-MAKERS TRUST THE COMPLETE, PUBLIC, CURRENT AND FREE DATA FROM THE BIAS INDUSTRY Pesticide safety testing must be performed by independent laboratories and not by the pesticide industry itself. The process will be paid for by a fund provided by the industry that will be administered by an independent public body such as EFSA. To avoid the selection of favorable data, all safety studies should be registered in advance. No safety study that is not registered will be used to support the regulatory authorization of a pesticide. All experts involved in risk assessment will be subject to a strict conflict of interest policy and rules. Any link with commercial interests will exclude them from the process. Existing guidelines on risk assessment should be reviewed in their entirety by independent scientists, as in many cases they were designed and promoted by the industry and are biased in favor of the interests of the industry. EU-funded research programs should prohibit industry-related people from joining projects that design or evaluate risk assessment methodologies. The data requirements to assess whether to authorize a pesticide need to be urgently updated, as the main health effects, such as immunotoxicity, endocrine disruption and developmental neurotoxicity, are not adequately covered and impacts on environmental ecosystems they are greatly underrated. Industry dossiers will only be accepted in the authorization process when all required data is submitted, including all independent peer-reviewed publications related to the health and environmental effects of the pesticide. Pesticides that do not meet all the requirements of the regulation should be prohibited. Pesticide formulations as sold and used (and not just the isolated active ingredient) must be tested and evaluated for crucial end points (e.g. mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, developmental toxicity and endocrine disruption) relevant to humans, mammals and all non-target species, such as bees, birds, frogs, and earthworms. The pesticide residue cocktails that EU citizens are exposed to every day should be considered when calculating 'safe' daily exposure levels. Until this is implemented, an additional “safety” factor of 10 will be applied to all pesticide risk assessments. This additional safety factor will also be applied in calculating acceptable environmental concentrations of pesticides. C. ENABLE DECISION-MAKERS, CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY TO WRITE THE INTEGRITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE POLICY All results and data from all pesticide safety tests will be posted on the Internet in a consistent, searchable format. National authorities will carry out routine independent post-approval monitoring of the effects of pesticides on health and the environment. The monitoring will be paid for from a fund provided by the pesticide industry but managed by an independent body. There should be no contact on these matters between the monitoring authorities and the industry. Video: EU stunned: Furious French farmers pictured burning EU flags in outrage at brexit trade deal (October 2020). La Via Campesina relaunched the «Global Campaign on seeds, a heritage of the peoples at the service of humanity»
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3378-manifesto-for-a-new-pesticide-regulation-in-the-eu.html" }
This video may contain unpleasant images in the opinion of many, but the purpose is to educate and present explicit material about a test and demonstrative biodigester. How to produce methane gas through a home biodigester. students of the first semester of the Faculty in Mathematics and Physics of the Centro Universitario de Occidente. That this type of project be a source of inspiration and competence, so that the new generations of student teachers, demonstrate their ability and competitiveness, surpassing this type of project. Video: Biogas Digester? - Free Cooking - How to - Envirotube (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3775-how-to-make-a-homemade-biodigester.html" }
While reviewing some weight loss materials, I see this term that strikes me ... "weight loss resistance." WOOHOO! In fact, there is one term that perfectly describes my current situation, and there must be others like me. I am struggling to try to reduce my weight by 7 kg. more, but my previous diets and exercises are no longer effective. I need a new approach. Maybe you should try intermittent fasting to lose weight, but I need to investigate it further. What is intermittent fasting? I am a prudent person, and I do not get into something different without having some knowledge about the idea. Intermittent fasting for weight loss involves eating for a certain period of time and then not eating for a specific period of time. According to Whole Health Nutrition Certified Dietitian Leslie Langevin, the method works by keeping your body from accumulating fat and using stored fat for energy. This is the reasoning behind the success of losing weight with fasting. Of particular interest is the idea that the dreaded word "diet" is not in any of the sources I read. Instead, intermittent fasting is a lifestyle change. How does intermittent fasting help with unwanted weight? Research indicates that intermittent fasting is an effective weight loss strategy. There are several ways that eating and fasting helps you lose weight quickly. 1. There are different role models You are free to choose the restrictive plan that some diets use. Find the model that works for you. This is not a starvation plan. Calories for consumption are available every day. You decide which days you want the fewest calories, or if you choose how many hours you want to fast between meals. The most popular options are: The 5/2 plan (fast for 2 days). The 18/6 method (fast for 18 hours every day). Alternate day fast (fast every other day for 24 hours). The 20/4 plan (only eat during a 4 hour period). There are more options available. Choose the eating and fasting windows that fit your lifestyle. How long you go without eating is entirely up to you 2. Makes it easier to cut calories In general, you consume fewer calories. Less eating produces fewer calories. It is important not to indulge too much during meal periods. The only calories you need to count are those you eat on fasting days. The recommendations for caloric intake on fasting days are 500 calories for women and 600 for men. 3. The body burns fat faster and more efficiently Fasting You lose weight, reduce body fat percentages, and improve your overall health. 4. Allow insulin levels to drop Insulin rises after eating. During fasting, insulin decreases. According to Dr. Naiman, after 18-24 hours of fasting, insulin is at its lowest levels and this is an ideal time for fat burning and cell repair. 5. Lowers cholesterol 6. Increases hormone levels Fasting triggers the production of human growth hormone. Increasing HGH promotes faster weight loss and more energy. 7. Natural pattern for our bodies Based on the eating patterns of our ancient ancestors, we only need to eat when food is available. This approach increases the time our bodies use stored energy. When your body uses stored energy, you lose weight. 8. You learn the difference between when you need to eat and when you want to eat Being aware of when you need to eat helps reduce these unhealthy eating habits: Studies show that when your body adjusts to this new pattern, it doesn't lead to bingeing at all. 9. Increase metabolism Some people may tell you that fasting slows your metabolism because it feels slow. This simply is not true. Fasting increases metabolism because your body depends on stored energy. A study of 11 healthy men shows that a 3-day fast increased their metabolism by 14%. 10. Less likely to cheat Since intermittent fasting for weight loss is so easy to follow, it reduces the chances of participants cheating. It has no diet restrictions to make us cringe. You can enjoy a meal and not feel guilty. 11. Easy to follow plan All you have to do is eat, not eat and eat. There is no need to stress about good foods or bad foods. You do not need to measure food. Just eat reasonably and then stop eating for the period of time that is best for you. 12. Affordable This method of weight loss does not require membership fees or purchase special meals. Actually, you should see a decrease in your grocery bill because you are eating less food. The success of the intermittent weight loss plan depends on a few factors: Intermittent fasting for weight loss has many positive aspects, the biggest being that it provides weight loss success. In the future, we may hear more about fasting and its anti-aging and disease prevention abilities. Video: Lose Weight. Lose Belly Fat. How To Lose Belly Fat (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3479-science-explains-12-ways-intermittent-fasting-can-qu.html" }
With Malcomidos he investigated the food industry in depth. Now Soledad Barruti is preparing a second book on the relationship of that industry -every time in fewer hands- with the new generations of the entire continent. He wrote a great book. There are those who think that it is only about what we eat or should eat. ButSpoiledis much more:a thorough investigation within the food industry, to the productive forms imposed and to the political agreements that do not pay attention to the needs of the people. NowSoledad Barruti It is endinganother book. It will be published in August and goes further: the relationship of this industry with the new generations in Latin America. "There is a region that is experiencing the same process of converting its food culture towards an increasingly emphatic supermarket culture. It's about that, to understand what we are leaving to the boys ”. Did you manage to make the change, you no longer go to the supermarket? No, unless I run out of pebbles for the cat or toilet paper. When you begin to understand the system, you no longer go. Everything is like this. Even the toothpaste… When you read what they have, not only is it not necessary to buy Colgate, but it is not good to buy that. Everything is done so that, with the least possible investment, they have the highest profit. With terrible ingredients, mostly chemical compounds to make you believe that you are carrying what the packaging says. They sell you anything all the time. And people put detergent in their hair and think that will give it flight. It is not true that there are no options. There are, and delicious and natural. No, you have to jump in and it's all there. I really never had to go to a supermarket again. Yes, the supermarket is the worst possible scenario to buy food. The first step for anything. To get out of alienation, to be happy, to realize that this is not right. But then what do you do? Obviously people, in desperation for price, the first thing they do is look for cheaper prices. But that doesn't free you from a bunch of other problems that food brings. There needs to be a certain ethic around food, a certain projection of something better. For example, going to the Central Market, surely you are going to buy cheaper, and you realize what the owners of Carrefour are cheating you. But in the Central Market they are also cheating the producer, the worker. There is a great permanent scam in the field, in which one looking only for price, is inevitably complicit. And yes, if you buy an egg maple at 30 pesos ... Because there is such a price, but how were those eggs produced? What is the true price of those eggs? It is seen every time a specific investigation is made on the subject. Behind those eggs are enslaved people, lots of crammed animals, lots of agrochemicals to control those animals, who are given shitty food. It ends up resulting in a shitty egg. And all of that is around the price. Obviously we are in a country with 40 percent poverty and there are a lot of people who cannot get out of that, or who cannot even access those eggs. They access flour, oil, sugar and with that they do magic. But also now with more information about the ingredients, when you go to the neighborhoods you start to see other types of organization ... The assembly of orchards, for example. Most of them are people who come from knowing how to work the land, and they have not severed ties with it. They can use their resources to generate a different reality. There are super interesting orchards in the villas, a lot. All of those things are better. And then work cooperatives, like Iriarte Verde and many others, that bet on another form of economy. What they are proposing is "let's not pay misery wages and let's not ask misery prices for our products." We have the responsibility to think about diets around our ethical system and ask ourselves: Can you eat meat every day and look for the best price? The answer is no. That is why you have to think of different menus. It is possible if you leave the supermarket and stop buying cookies. The economic balance in that sense begins to change: what happens is that we are prisoners of a diet that is not good, and that is expensive. And at the same time we feed a business in fewer and fewer hands. Business concentration, the large corporate conglomerate occurs at all levels that touch our food. You have ten major brands that handle consumption in gondolas, and three seed companies that concentrate the agrochemicals and seeds business. They were concentrating. Before there were ten, now there are three. When I got the book it was Monsanto and Bayer, now it's Monsanto-Bayer. There was Syngenta and ChemChina, now they are ChemChina-Syngenta. They come together, and most likely one day they will only be one. And the more that corporation is saved, the more monster it becomes. More and more, and one sees that the system installs without any problem. For example, the murder of leaders and activists inland, in Latin America. They kill 120 per year. Only in Amazonas, in Brazil, they kill 90 people per year. They are indigenous and peasants who want to stay in defense of their territory. And when they kill them, they run them off. And who appears next? Mining companies, oil companies and especially agribusiness. It is highly proven that when the earth changes hands, we all lose. And there are few tools to defend that. That the defense falls only to NGOs is not an option either. Most of the big NGOs also end up making deals with the big companies. So when you look at that scene, it's very sad. There is a town in Córdoba (Colazo) that is being swallowed up by the ground. It is melting because the amount of soybeans is so great and how the water tables have changed. It's terrible ... And then you go into a supermarket and you see that people are anesthetized, they don't see it. In Malcomidos we can see how, beyond many progressive policies, Kirchnerism did nothing more than deepen the agribusiness model. Now, above, Etchevehere is in charge of the Ministry of Agroindustry ... It is an underline of them. The idea that development imposes a productive model is absolutely wrong and suicidal, but it is the model that all governments in the region have. Even Evo's. You go to Bolivia and they tell you that there is no transgenic soy, but I flew in several small planes and you see hectares and hectares of soy. And they did not stop deforesting, that is why now the entire north is flooded. And you walk through the towns and the food is delicious but what people eat is the same shitty, industrial chicken. With the same potato, the same Coca Cola. There is this idea that only industry and agribusiness provide jobs and that the other is a setback. And that we are permanently developing countries and that development is achieved by these means. There are people who within that speech can seem a little less sinister, and people like Etchevehere, who say, "oh well, they put the Joker". What yes at least is more evident. The thing about Kirchnerism is that there were a lot of really confused good souls. They did not understand. For example, I went to a lot of media outlets and everything was fine in all of them, but the only place where I was lowered three times was on Channel 7. I was invited to a program and someone called and I had to leave. I was on Channel 13, on Metro -even sponsored by Monsanto-, and on the number of channels, but on Channel 7, during Kirchnerism, it was impossible to talk about certain things, such as agribusiness. How much does the media have to do with not talking about what to talk about in terms of the food system? On the one hand, there is obviously the commercial convenience of having only one way to develop business around food production and everything that is our diet. That is and is evident, there are the agribusiness supplements of the newspapers, there are the brands as sponsors of the journalistic spaces. But it's a bit biased reading. Because that is the media, but then there are journalists, who are individuals who, the vast majority of us like our profession, we like what we do, and in that sense what I found as I progressed in the communication of the work that had In fact, it was the opposite. A huge opening, in different spaces and a great reception. Obviously there are people in denial everywhere, who are not interested in the subject and who prefer to stay with the Cormillot version of life. Food with calories, that there is no other way to feed the world than this, but people would starve. All that great lying version that makes us believe that there is no other way out is installed in many people. Are there public policies in the region to reduce consumption in supermarkets or really eat better? Communication yes. In Brazil, in Chile they are doing a lot from the Ministry of Health. Chile made a whole system of stamps to label the food and explain to the population that it had ultra-processed food. Brazil made diets that govern public policies that seek to discourage people from going to supermarkets and asking them to go to markets. Also interesting is the purchasing plan from cooperatives in São Paulo, where the government itself becomes a buyer and gives privileges to those who are producing with agroecology or organic. And that is the food for the school canteens. All that is. But at the same time, in Chile at the same time the salmon companies are mega forts, the mining companies are mega forts. In Brazil agribusiness not to mention. They are eating the whole jungle and they are doing havoc. “The native peoples are the reserve that we have left. The reserve of knowledge, seeds, everything ", says Soledad Barruti with some resignation, precisely to see how they are treated in our country:" It is as if they do not exist, nobody cares. Santiago Maldonado was white and everyone was there. And although you can have doubts and you can even talk about evidence, a crack and a lot of things, the truth is that when Rafael Nahuel was shot in the back - which is even more sinister, because there is all the test there-, there was no march, nobody concentrated, it was not Trend Topic on Twitter. Nothing happened. Darío Aranda remembers, who is a tireless journalist on these issues, ten more, and the left from time to time. And that's it. It is a crisis of meaning. There is an important invisibility all the time ”. Video: Secrets of supermarket meat and fish: Testing the food you buy CBC Marketplace (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3877-the-supermarket-is-the-worst-place-to-buy-food.html" }
The well-known theme park Puy du Fou, in western France, began using a team of six crows to collect the papers, packaging, cigarette butts and other waste that visitors throw on the ground. An employee of the park, Christophe Gaborit, responsible for the hawks, observed that the crows liked to play with people, collect waste from the ground and use it to build their nests and from there came the idea of ​​training them to collect garbage from the Park. Gaborit began to train these birds for six months with the help of a box with two compartments, in one of them they placed some treats "that crows adore", and left the other empty, so that the birds could place them there.cigarette butts or other debrislittle ones. When the animals deposit a cigarette butt in the box, a mechanism is activated and they receive one of the treats. The chosen species is the rook raven, a bird "particularly smart“Said the park director, Nicolas de Villiers. The director also made it clear that it is not about animal work, it is not intended that the crows clean the entire park, since there is a specialized team of professionals for this, but it is an initiative of "awareness and education for humans" . “There are times when people are negligent with nature: they throw papers, food containers or cigarette butts on the ground. This is a nice lesson from nature. If we dirty her, she herself gives us an answer through the birds ”, he highlighted. To prevent visitors from engaging in counterproductive behavior such asexpressly throw the papers to be able to play with birds, they are always "accompanied by the falconer, who watches over and protects them, although they fly freely in the area." The initiative does not have a date set for its end, but the idea is to continue "until it is no longer necessary." For now the six crows take turns and clean a total of two hours a day, although, according to Villiers, more than working "they have fun." Since 1989, the Puy du Fou park has offered entertainment and historical-themed shows, such as medieval, Roman or war, in which different species of birds participate. Video: Intelligent Birds are Picking up Trash at This Theme Park (October 2020). Cruel and illegal: wildlife trafficked in parcels Mandatory vaccination law: they ask for its repeal Delicious gluten-free dessert: yogurt and pineapple curd Electric cars, batteries and the European mining-extractivist fever
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3585-they-train-crows-to-collect-waste-in-the-puy-du-fou-p.html" }
The market for organic products is dynamically changing and demand exceeds supply in many cities. The organic category is becoming more accessible and customer-friendly, which the major organic players are doing in terms of product innovations, value additions, and new offerings to take the market to the next level of growth and expansion. In recent times, the organic food category has become a predominant trend around the world. Awareness of the benefits of organic food and its ethical and safe production has become a dazzling consumer trend, spurring consumers to start shopping differently than they have been doing so far. According to the US Department of Agriculture, “Organic agriculture is an organic production management system that promotes and enhances the biodiversity, life cycle, and biological activity of the soil. It is based on the minimum use of non-agricultural inputs and on management particles that restore, maintain and improve ecological harmony ”. However, the use of chemicals and other artificial agents to ripen fruits and retain the freshness of vegetables is endemic and ubiquitous. Organic food companies are trying to change this trend by offering a wide range of organic, natural and healthy products, increasing awareness about organic benefits and their health benefits and interacting with and explaining to customers about organic products and their methods. of production. identifying organic labels, etc. Thanks to those efforts, little by little, organic products are becoming a lifestyle choice and an ideological statement. The increased interest in organic food is also simply because it tastes better. Farmers use traditional varieties of seeds, and organic foods are grown in traditionally suitable growing areas, delivering the true flavor of the product, as opposed to the synthetic flavor of crops that are produced with artificial inputs. Although organic foods are obviously more expensive than the usual variants of synthetic products, market figures show that consumers do not mind spending the extra money for better nutrition. In keeping with this growing trend of consuming organic products, organic producers in India have engaged in product manufacturing with the help of local villagers and farmers. Why organic? Today, as the damaging effects of the increasing use of chemicals in agriculture become obvious and evident, many of these concerns are being raised by environmentalists and health professionals. "Since environmentalists began to raise awareness, consumer tastes and preferences have begun to change, leading to a national and global increase in demand for organic products," say Aditi Gokhle and Aman Singal, co-founders, everybody. Things Organic, an online platform that focuses on the best organic brands and also sells its own homemade brand ‘Organic Origins’ that encompasses fruits, vegetables and groceries. Echoing a similar sentiment is Jatin Khurana, Director, A.T.P. Mart, a natural, gluten-free and organic shop in Delhi, operating both offline and online: “Today, many people are becoming health conscious and they are switching to a disciplined and healthy lifestyle. People want to have chemical-free food on their plates and therefore many of them are switching their entire grocery shopping to organic and natural products. " At the same time, consumers are also becoming conscious and selective about grocery products. “Organic is a natural fit with the burgeoning health and wellness sector in India, as evidenced by the growing number of health gyms, spas, nutritionists, dietitians, Ayurveda centers, etc. Natural and healthy is in demand, and organic is a natural fit with these two concepts, "say Varun Gupta and Nidhi Gupta, founders of Bangladesh-based Pro Nature Organic Foods Pvt. Ltd., which has introduced a range of organic superfoods such as quinoa, flax seeds, wheat bran, wheatgrass powder, among other products. The rise and growing popularity of superfoods is the growing trend in today's food industry and there are clear signs of increased use of superfoods in people's diets as well as healthy breakfast options. “Organic breakfast cereal is one area of ​​focus. We are seeing a great follow-up and growth in products such as quinoa, moringa, chia, etc. Observing these trends, we have introduced a new product line in our superfood category, which is growing steadily, "says Surya Shastry, MD, Phalada Agro Research Foundation Pvt. Ltd, which operates the 'Pure & Sure' brand. Based in Bangalore, the company also offers comprehensive solutions for organic agriculture, from the manufacture of organic fertilizers to the sale of certified organic food products, including its range of more than 110 products that generate organic spices, legumes and grains, oils. , sweeteners, beverages and superfoods. Video: The Truth About the Food Industry Dr. Gary Fettke (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3981-its-not-just-a-fad-the-age-of-organic-food-is-here-to.html" }
Delicious recipe for leftover bread. Pain lost This is not your typical French toast recipe. Originally from New Orleans, Pain perdu is made with thick slices of French bread soaked in a sweet dough. It is first lightly cooked in a pan, then baked until golden brown. Pain perdu literally means "lost bread." This hot aubergine chili is low in fat. Serve this smoked spicy dinner with brown rice and all your favorite garnishes Preparation If you have a gas cooker, place the eggplant directly over a fired ring to cook through, turning occasionally with kitchen tongs, until completely burned. To make a good vegetable lasagna it is not necessary to use pasta. I'm going to show you (And how easy and tasty it is !!!) Ingredients: 2 beautiful courgettes (large: they must be able to remove cross slices, which will serve to substitute the pasta) 1 chives 2 carrots 1 red pepper Padrón peppers Oil of Olive Salt Pepper For the béchamel sauce: a tablespoon of olive oil a tablespoon of flour, vegetable broth, and salt. Delicious recipe for leftover bread. Pain lost This is not your typical French toast recipe. Originally from New Orleans, Pain perdu is made with thick slices of French bread soaked in a sweet dough. It is first lightly cooked in a pan, then baked until golden brown. Pain perdu literally means "lost bread." An excellent recipe to prepare a delicious vegetarian filling that you can eat alone, to accompany different dishes, or as a filling for empanadas, tacos, cakes, peppers or pumpkin. How to do it Step 1 Heat the oven to 350 F. Step 2 Heat the olive oil and 3 tablespoons butter in a large, deep skillet, or in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat. We all like a classic potato in the middle. Why not put a more nutritious spin on the side dish by using sweet potatoes and adding protein-packed black beans - when topped with creamy avocado and crispy toasted pepitas, each of these potatoes can stand on its own as a main course, which both children and adults will devour. The secret ingredient is chickpeas, and when combined with a few other ingredients, it makes an irresistible sandwich filling. Chickpeas Chickpeas make for a nice lunchtime meal reminiscent of a chicken salad sandwich. Swap yogurt for mayonnaise for a lighter weight and a hit of gut-friendly probiotics. Peruvian chef shares his favorite vegan recipe Vegan-Peruvian Chef Born in Lima and now based in Los Angeles, Antoanet Aburto, also known as “Chef Toni,” is a classically trained chef who offers exciting twists on traditional favorites. Toni shared his recipe for Papa Rellena with us. Papa Rellena recipe from Chef Toni 1 kg. Cornstarch is one of the secret ingredients behind this traditional Brazilian cookie. Cashews or cashews are the other, bringing their distinctive brand of richness and nutty sweetness. 8 large crackers 3/4 cup raw cashews (3 1/2 oz.) 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup cornstarch 6 tablespoons vegan margarine butter, softened 1/4 cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon salted parchment paper (or pastry) Place oven rack on medium setting and preheat oven to 190 ° C. Recipe from Costa Rica: Gallitos de Papas Another imitation of my trip to Costa Rica. A very typical side dish: potatoes cooked and served in corn tortillas, called “gallitos” in Costa Rica. (“Potatoes” are potatoes) FOR 4 PEOPLE 3 large potatoes 2 finely chopped garlic cloves 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon ground paprika or achiote seeds (if you can find it) 4 corn tortillas 2 teaspoons chopped coriander, if desired As a garnish Peel the potatoes and dices into small pieces. Master Recipe: Vegetarian Lasagna without Pasta Master Recipe for Vegetarian Lasagna Without Pasta1. With the grill in the middle position, preheat the oven to 120 ° C (250 ° F). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a bowl, combine the tomatoes, garlic, oregano, and half of the oil. Spice with salt and pepper. Place the tomatoes in the pan side down. In just 30 minutes and without turning on the oven you can enjoy a delicious raw vegan brownie. This brownie recipe is ideal for sharing and super healthy! Vegan BrownieTime: 30 minutes Servings: 15 according to size.Shelf life: 3 days.Ingredients– 200 gr . raw hazelnuts / walnuts / almonds– 200 gr. If you haven't had quinoa before, you should try it. It tastes similar to brown rice, but cooks just as quickly as white rice. The real star of this show, however, was the smoked chili sauce. I first got the idea for an online menu (I like to read vegetarian restaurant menus for ideas, even if I'll never visit them). Recipe for a hot and delicious vegetarian chili You can enjoy a delicious chili, without the addition of meat, go ahead and try itIngredients1 chopped onion4 cloves of minced garlic1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vegetable oil1 can (540 ml) of canned bean mixture, rinsed1 can (796 ml) of diced tomatoes, with juices 1 cup (250 ml) frozen corn 1 lime, juice 2 tablespoons (30 ml) chili powder 1 jalapeño pepper, seeded and diced (optional) 2 teaspoons (10 ml) paprika powder 1 teaspoon ( 5 ml) salt 2 cups (500 ml) tomato juice 1 ½ cup (375 ml) textured vegetable protein 4-piece green onion, chopped Recipe1. Couscous, spinach and feta cheese fritters You only need a few simple ingredients to create these delicious vegetarian spinach fritters. Ingredients 300 g of Couscous 250 g of frozen chopped spinach, thawed 100 g of mild feta cheese, finely crumbled 1 egg yolk 1 lemon, plus lemon wedges, to serve Method Step 1 To prepare couscous, put water and salt in a saucepan and heat. Master Recipe: Vegetarian Lasagna without Pasta
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/veg-recipes/" }
Harley-Davidson's sales have been falling in the last three years and as a growth strategy it will enter the electric bicycle market. Rather, they are smaller displacement motorcycles, so small, that some models pass for a bike without pedals. But it is not news, already last June, Harley made a small foray into the bicycle market with a very special model: a 'vintage' style bicycle of limited production of 10 units that pays tribute to a 1917 model. For 40 years, Harley began to develop an electric model looking to the future and trying to reach a younger customer. The intention is to present its first non-combustion engine chassis in 2019. The new platform will include "products of different sizes, engines and prices." With sales declining in the face of difficulties in connecting with young audiences, Harley's plan is based on three pillars: developing new products, broader access for customers, and improving the financial "strength" of Harley's dealers. brand. Among the first category, Harley highlighted its LiveWire electric motorcycle project, which it will present in 2019. However, it also hinted that it could be accompanied later by an electric bicycle of which it distributed a sketch. The manufacturer, however, did not want to specify anything, only assuring that from 2022 there will be a wider range of new "light" models of electric propulsion. "The offer will be expanded with lighter, smaller and more accessible models that will inspire new riders with new options for riding", the note verbatim. So Harley-Davidson tries to do something different, but the ads won't stop it from changing its situation. This year is on the way to the fourth year of falling sales in the US. Video: 2020 new Harley-Davidson lightweight electric concept R Willy Rides Into The Future promo video (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3606-harley-davidson-from-the-motorcycle-to-the-electric-b.html" }
In her hands, teacher Sandra Pascoe Ortiz holds a plastic strip, stretches it a little, turns it around, wraps a small box with it and places it with other samples of similar texture, all created from nopal juice. Sandra Pascoe, a research professor at the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac (Univa) in Guadalajara, is working on the development of a nature-friendly bioplastic created from succulent plants. This bioplastic takes advantage of the properties of the nopal, a common species present in the desert areas of the Los Altos de Jalisco region and on the borders with Zacatecas and San Luis Potosí. Sandra Pascoe points out that it was sought to use a species that is not edible for humans, in order to avoid competition in the use of nopal as food. "The project arises from an ecological concern to try to replace, perhaps not 100 percent, the plastics derived from petroleum, and it is proposed in a certain way to replace the plastic materials that take many years to degrade," says the chemical engineer and teacher in biotechnological processes. Sandra Pascoe, the teacher, has already processed the registration of the formulation and the bioplastic elaboration process before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property. Sandra Pascoe assures that the development of this bioplastic derived from nopal began after observing the mucilage that the plant secretes, is that is, the viscous substance found in some species. The primary idea was to find a substitute for everyday plastic bags; however, the raw material had yet to be determined to initiate the investigation. At first, the idea of ​​working with three plants was projected: the nopal and the aloe vera, chosen for their rapid production and abundance in Jalisco, and the pitayo, for being a regional species; However, the latter was discarded because the highest concentration of mucilage it contained was found in the peel of its fruit, which is only harvested in certain seasons of the year. Later, he began with the treatment of nopal, which was also selected for the project due to its Mexican symbolism and because it is a plant that can be easily produced, if it is needed as a resource for experimentation. "What I did was try some formulations of mixtures, not reaching the best polymerization, but it did improve the characteristics of the nopal slime, and that is what I started to work with," says Sandra Pascoe Ortiz, who has been a teacher at Univa for 16 years. This work began four years ago and, currently, the research team of the teacher Sandra Pascoe is experimenting with different types of bioplastic formulas to test characteristics such as resistance or elasticity. “I chose a kind of cactus to work with. We are in the stage of mechanical tests to find out if by changing the composition of the nopal, the properties of the bioplastic change ”, says the researcher, who adds that the species chosen for production was Opuntia megacantha and beforehand, Opuntia ficus- indicates. A glass of juice in the lab For the production of bioplastic derived from nopal, the teacher Sandra Pascoe assures that the raw material used in the elaboration of this product can be obtained with a juice extractor, from where the thickest liquid is taken to begin with the development of this material. Substances such as glycerin, natural proteins are then added to it and, in some cases, dyes of natural origin are used to improve the aesthetics of the product. The teacher Pascoe mentions that the proportions of the materials have been experimented with to obtain a consistency more in line with the desired characteristics. The Univa researcher points out that for now they are thinking of making this plastic for simpler purposes, for example to be used as packaging for products, since they are still working on the development of prototypes with more resistance and volume. This bioplastic, says the teacher, can degrade in the open in three months, and if it is in contact with water, the period is reduced to two weeks, in contrast to other plastics that last for years without integrating into the environment. In addition, Sandra Pascoe, member of the Univa System Research Headquarters, points out that this material is not toxic to animals, should the product reach the seas; even in the development of the research he got to taste the bioplastic. Sandra Pascoe Ortiz indicates that after finding the most suitable formula for the elaboration of this product and after it undergoes more resistance tests, it will seek to develop and standardize technology for the mass production of bioplastic. Just when you have tunas? The teacher Pascoe, who was supported by the scholarship for graduate students granted by the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt) during the master's degree, asserts that of the more than 300 species of cacti of the genus Opuntia that exist, she chose one that she obtains in the municipality of Ojuelos de Jalisco, in the northeast of the state. In order to obtain the raw material, he went to local producers who cultivate the nopal of the Opuntia megacantha species to only extract the prickly pear, so the rest of the plant would be used for the production of bioplastic. The teacher mentions that Univa has already submitted the application for the patent registration of the formulation and the bioplastic production process before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI). "A patent application was filed in December 2014, now the status of the file is in‘ Merits Examination ’and we hope that by mid-2018 there will be an examiner's opinion on the record." Furthermore, the aim is for the project to be multidisciplinary, since it was already suggested to the students of Univa that they seek a utility for the product and at the same time benefit the community; for example, with the integration of farms dedicated to the production of the raw material of this bioplastic: the nopal. “From a brainstorming with students of the degrees of marketing and industrial engineering, six applications for bioplastic were obtained; some of them were, for example, the development of beads for costume jewelery, packaging for solids and the production of small bags ”. In the project of the teacher Sandra Pascoe, called “Formulation, analysis and evaluation of a biodegradable plastic of natural origin formulated from succulent species present in the state of Jalisco”, the engineer César Octavio Vargas and students from Univa have collaborated as research assistants. Video: Prickly Pear Cactus and Preparing Nopales (October 2020). Why eating less meat is the best thing you can do for the planet in 2019 Over 140 pilot whales die in 'heartbreaking' chain in New Zealand
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/4002-nopal-origin-of-a-very-mexican-bioplastic.html" }
ECLAC urges all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to sign and ratify the Escazú Agreement On the first anniversary of the adoption of the Escazú Agreement, the Executive Secretary of the organization, Alicia Bárcena, publishes an open letter in which she emphasizes the relevance of this first environmental treaty in the region. Today, March 4, marks the first year of the adoption of the Regional Agreement on access to information, public participation and access to justice in environmental matters in Latin America and the Caribbean, known as the “Escazú Agreement”, in reference to the municipality of Costa Rica in which 24 countries of the region concluded in 2018 six years of negotiations to achieve what today constitutes the first environmental treaty in the region. On the occasion of this anniversary, Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) -the United Nations agency that acts as the technical secretariat of the agreement- releases an open letter in which she urges all the countries of the region to sign and ratify it as soon as possible. “Today, March 4, is a historic day for environmental democracy in our region. Just a year ago, 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean adopted the Escazú Agreement in Costa Rica, giving a lesson to the world in terms of regional multilateralism for sustainable development, ”Bárcena points out in part of the text. "The Escazú Agreement is a palpable example of our region's commitment to a more equal, fairer and more sustainable development," adds the senior UN official, along with calling the countries that have not yet signed or ratified it to do it promptly. "Today, more than ever, our region requires more and better environmental democracy and a prompt entry into force and implementation of the Escazú Agreement for the benefit of our countries and their societies," emphasizes Bárcena. March 4, 2019 Open letter from the Executive Secretary of ECLAC, Alicia Bárcena,on the occasion of the first anniversary of the adoption of the Escazú Agreement Today, March 4, is a historic day for environmental democracy in our region. Just one year ago, 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean adopted the Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean (“Escazú Agreement”) in Escazú, Costa Rica , concluding six intense preparatory and negotiating years and giving a lesson to the world on regional multilateralism for sustainable development. Since it was opened for signature by the 33 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on September 27, 2018 in the framework of the annual general debate of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Escazú Agreement has led to an important endorsement. To date, 16 countries have signed the Agreement (Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Saint Lucia and Uruguay) and others they are in the process of doing so. I celebrate the significant step taken by these 16 countries and all those who will take it soon. The Escazú Agreement constitutes the first regional environmental treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean and is the only one derived from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20). Furthermore, it is the first in the world to establish specific provisions for the promotion, protection and defense of human rights defenders in environmental matters. With the ultimate objective of guaranteeing present and future generations the right to a healthy environment through access to information, public participation and access to justice, capacity building and cooperation, and focusing on leaving no one behind, the The Escazú Agreement is a palpable example of our region's commitment to a more egalitarian, fairer and more sustainable development. Likewise, the agreement contributes to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and multilateral environmental agreements, such as the Paris Agreement. It is important to remember that the Escazú Agreement is an agreement between States, but above all, it is a pact of each State with its societies. It is a citizen agreement, made by and for the people of our region. It gathers our regional priorities, recognizes and develops fundamental democratic rights and places equality at the center of development, seeking to incorporate all sectors of society to face environmental challenges of such magnitude as climate change, natural disasters, desertification or loss of biodiversity. The first anniversary of the adoption of the Escazú Agreement constitutes a special reason for celebration that leads us to congratulate and acknowledge all those who made this innovative collective achievement possible. This day also represents an opportunity to reaffirm its validity and invite those countries in our region that have not yet done so to sign and ratify it as soon as possible. The signing and ratification of the Escazú Agreement will be even more significant given the important meetings that will take place in 2019 and which are especially related to the Agreement. Between April 22 and 26, the Third Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development will take place in Santiago, and between July 9 and 18 in New York, the Sustainable Development Goals on action will be reviewed for the first time. climate and peace, justice and strong institutions. In addition, from September 24 to 25, the Summit on the Sustainable Development Goals was convened at the level of Heads of State and Government. In turn, the Climate Summit will take place in September and Samoa's Path of Small Island Developing States will be reviewed. In all these forums, access rights and the Escazú Agreement will be crucial to the achievement of its objectives. Also, on the occasion of this first anniversary, and in its spirit of supporting countries and their societies in the development of access rights in the region, I am pleased to inform you that ECLAC will launch this March 4 a renewed version of the Observatory of Principle 10 in Latin America and the Caribbean. Today, more than ever, our region requires more and better environmental democracy and a prompt entry into force and implementation of the Escazú Agreement for the benefit of our countries and their societies. I invite you to celebrate this very important date and that, through the Escazú Agreement, we continue to build together a more prosperous, equal and sustainable future for our region. Alicia barcena Executive Secretary of ECLAC More information about the Escazú Agreement is available at https://www.cepal.org/es/acuerdodeescazu. Video: Message from the Commonwealth Secretariat to the Escazú Agreement workshop (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3017-eclac-urges-all-latin-american-and-caribbean-countri.html" }
It is practical, cheap, flexible and a bit sticky, and it is the darling of many housewives and especially of the markets and grocery stores, when it comes to “preserving” food. We are talking about the plastic film or PVC film. And what is the problem with that? The problem is precisely in the disposal of this material, because due to the components that make it flexible, it becomes a difficult plastic to recycle and, like many other plastic waste, it will stop at landfills that take years to decompose. worst of all, they often reach the oceans, killing defenseless animals that mistake pieces of plastic for food. Unfortunately, many of our attitudes are unthinkable, seeing only the practicality of everyday life and the comfort of modern life. Only that is not how we should act, is it? If there are alternatives that can minimize that environmental impact caused by our modern habits, why not learn and adhere to them? Therefore, we are going to learn what plastic film is if it can be recycled and the options to replace it. What is plastic film? PVC (polyvinylchloride) film or film plastic is a low-density plastic, also called LDPE, that softens at low temperatures, burns like a candle, and has a smooth, “waxy” surface. LDPE is flexible, light, transparent and waterproof, being widely used to make films for packaging food, industrial sacks, garbage bags and the controversial grocery bags. According to the Ministry of the Environment, approximately 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide annually. However, plastic bags can be recycled, but the plastic film? Is the plastic film recyclable? Yes, the plastic film is recyclable, and you can even create other products from it. However, this process is a bit complicated, mainly in Brazil, where there are almost no recycling stations, or the collection is practically nil. For this reason, our mission is to find recycling stations that receive this type of material and to bring the plastic film already clean and without waste. It seeks to inform about the recycling process that will be carried out in this position, because if it is done incorrectly it can release toxic substances that pollute the environment. Unfortunately, plastic film cannot be recycled together with other plastic packaging, since if they are placed in the incinerator, they release dioxins that, in addition to polluting the environment, put human health at risk due to the risk of cancer . Decomposition time Plastic takes at least 100 years to decompose, that includes plastic bags and even PVC film. Therefore, the best alternative to it is to replace plastic with biodegradable products or even simple tricks that we already have at home, as we will see below. Alternatives to replace the plastic film Since plastic film is so harmful to the environment and the recycling process is so complicated, we can look for some reusable alternatives so that we don't need more of it. GLASS POTS Some containers like margarine pots, or even the ones we buy from utility stores are better than plastic film. However, the ideal is to choose glass ones, since even plastic pots can release toxins in food. There are many brands on the market that report whether the plastic used in the production of the pots is BPA-free, so read the information on the product label. SILICONE CAPS (SILICONE) Another alternative to preserve food are the silicone lids adaptable to various sizes of containers. They can be a great alternative to plastic film, as long as they are made with totally non-toxic silicone. Therefore, make sure that the product has a label that contains that information. TO REST DOUGH For dough recipes that ask for it, leave them resting with film paper, the substitutions are the following: If you have to leave the dough in the fridge, spread it with a little oil and place it on a plate in the fridge.For doughs that need to rest for a long period, such as bread or pizza, place them in a glass bowl and cover with a damp cloth. If you still can't run out of plastic film, it may be the case to wait for bioplastic, a type of biodegradable plastic film made from plant raw materials. Researchers at USP are trying to patent a sustainable alternative to plastic film, which is produced with cassava starch, but according to them it is necessary to create a production model to meet the need of the industry. Meanwhile, we continue to look for alternatives to preserve food without using plastic film. Some initiatives such as that of Fe Cortez of the Canal "Less 1 garbage", give advice to achieve this. According to her, plastic film is not the best way to preserve food, since in addition to the recycling rate of this material is only 17%, food packaged with plastic film does not breathe. Not to mention that many organic foods, whose objective is to preserve the soil and reduce environmental impacts, are packaged with styrofoam and plastic film, that is, they abandon their purpose of conserving the environment, Cortez recalls. Therefore, it brings some tips on how to remove plastic film from day to day. Among the tips, in addition to the plastic or glass pots, which we discussed above, she also suggests: 1 bowl (bowl) and 1 plate that can cover food and can still be stacked in the fridge; Cloth napkin or pieces of cloth for packing sandwiches; Tissue packaging covered with a honey resin. These are a novelty on the market, they are foldable and moldable with the heat of the hands, and can still be washed and reused. Well, these were just some tips to avoid needing to use plastic film to preserve food, as we did years ago automatically. If you already use or have any useful ideas to do that exchange, share with as many people as you can so that we can join and improve the health of our planet! Video: The Plastic Problem - A PBS NewsHour Documentary (October 2020). Impact of cigarette butts on the environment Happiness to use and throw away. Consumerism feeds on isolation
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3118-why-you-should-avoid-the-use-of-pvc-film-and-use-the.html" }
Saturday, October 15 @ 5:00 PM — 5:50 PM Sat, Oct 15 @ 5:00 PM — 5:50 PM First Prev 1 2 3 … 5 Next Last
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/home?calendar_page=2" }
"," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "," "] Spend Valentine's Friday with Eric, fireside! So warm!!! #8chainswestwinery #notthefullband #strungtightfridaynight Camp Bluegrass is June 11th in Greencastle PA with @coaltownrounders @serenegreen_music #grain @theplatescrapers @stillhandstringband @shinedelphi #bluegrass #shitsgettinreal #chuckdarwinandtheknuckledraggers #greencastlepa #festival We are proud to announce our Camp Bluegrass lineup for 2016! @coaltownrounders @serenegreen_music #grain @stillhandstringband @theplatescrapers #chuckdarwinandtheknuckledraggers @shinedelphi #bluegrass #shitsgettinreal @mountain_ride_bluegrass tonight, @herbandhanson tomorrow night at The Holy Hound in #yorkpa!!!! Thanks for snatchin this pic, @jwenerd! Leprechaun Del only popped by for a moment! LOL Wouldn't even come in for a song. Said he was, "making his rounds!" Watch your windows, folks! @delfest @ronniemccoury #bluegrass @the_great_white_rhino @aveymusic @seedubbayew @hancecurley What an awesome night! Thank you @serenegreen_music @abbeybar #harrisburgpa and everyone who brought love! @serenegreen_music sound check. It's gonna be hot! #abcbrewing #brewery #HBG #harrisburgpa #bluegrass @abbeybar tonight! http://instagram.com/mountain_ride_bluegrass
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/photos" }
Eight Caribbean countries ban single-use plastic and polystyrene The ban began on January 1 and affects highly polluting products such as plastic and polystyrene that take between 400 and 500 years to degrade, or even disappear. Jamaica, Belize, Bahamas, Barbados, Costa Rica, Grenada, and Trinidad and Tobago banned the import of single-use plastic and polystyrene boxes, materials derived from petroleum refining. The ban began on January 1 and affects highly polluting products that have been eliminated for some 400 centuries. These materials have become a real threat that is even greater in mass tourism and vacation spots. The Caribbean region runs from the Florida peninsula to the mouth of the Orinoco River, and includes the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of Central America. A vast region of breathtaking beauty and diversity rich in natural resources at the same time. The effects of climate change are affecting this region of the world in a special way through the increase in the strength and intensity of hurricanes and the rise in sea levels. In addition, there is a growing directed pollution produced by humans in which the star role is played by plastic, which, for example, in Jamaica already represents 50% of the garbage produced. The decision of this group of countries and islands with a long coastline, which share the Caribbean Sea as a wealth and common natural border, follows that taken in 2012 by Haiti, in 2016 by Antigua and Barbudas and last year by Aruba, Colombia, Guyana. , Puerto Rico, Saint Vincent and the Grenadnas, Turks and Caicos Islands. This positive news will certainly help the countries that have made the decision. However, it is important to underline that to truly combat pollution and its serious effects, other countries in the region - such as the US, Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama - must take similar steps forward. . Video: The Plastic Problem - A PBS NewsHour Documentary (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3182-eight-caribbean-countries-ban-single-use-plastic-and.html" }
Trial for the murder of Berta Cáceres: there have been convictions, but no justice Following the sentence in the trial for the murder of indigenous leader and environmentalist Berta Cáceres, Ecologistas en Acción has declared that despite the seven convictions issued, justice has not been served. The Ecologist organization has denounced that the trial has been full of irregularities that have prevented the reality of the intellectual authorship of the murder and the criminal structure that supported it from coming to light. Let us remember that Berta Cáceres, Goldman Award for the Environment, reveal the struggle of hundreds of Mesoamerican communities in defense of their lands and territories. And against the aggressive presence of megaprojects, be they mining or hydroelectric. At that time Berta was the fourth COPINH activist assassinated in this new cycle of the project. She feared –as well as her organization- that Agua Zarca would mean the entry of megaprojects to the Lenca people's region, where after the military coup of 2009 the new Government gave a large part of the territory in concession to implement 17 hydroelectric projects and a similar amount of mining projects. The sentence in the trial for the murder of the indigenous and environmental leader Berta Cáceres in 2016 has been known, declaring guilty seven of the eight defendants, but not the intellectual authors of this crime and the attempted murder of Gustavo Castro. Ecologists in Action has joined the condemnation of the COPINH (Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras) to denounce the irregularities of the entire process. Also to point out that the Public Ministry of Honduras has in its possession information regarding the involvement of other actors of the criminal structure related to the DESA company (Desarrollos Energéticos, SA), responsible for the Agua Zarca hydroelectric project against which Berta Cáceres, As a COPINH activist, he was fighting during his last years. The environmental organization has published a manifesto in which it lists a list of points for which the judicial process has been irregular: impediments for the private representation of the family to access evidence collected by the Public Ministry, the lack of analysis of the majority seized objects or leaving the victims and the family without private representation in the process, are some of them. For Ecologistas en Acción, the State of Honduras has the international obligation acquired by virtue of the signing of various international instruments and its own internal legislation, to guarantee the full representation of the victim's family and that of COPINH in the judicial procedure. For all these reasons, Ecologistas en Acción has demanded that a diligent, independent and due process investigation be guaranteed, so that all those responsible, material and intellectual, of all the facts and circumstances surrounding the murder are identified, prosecuted and punished. Berta Cáceres. More information: Serlinda Vigara, spokesperson for Ecologists in Action, 628 914 789. The death of the environmental activist was an event that impacted numerous ecological and social policies in several Latin American countries. In fact, its dissemination managed to show the high risk in which both indigenous communities and the environment live in the face of the gluttonous ambition of large -trans-nationals who invade and pollute natural resources. Two years after the death of the Honduran, the Dutch Development Bank –FMO– and the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation –FINNFUND– definitively withdrew their support for the Agua Zarca hydroelectric project from the company Desarrollo Energéticos Sociedad Anónima –DESA–. Video: Matan a Berta Cáceres, activista que se opuso a las bases militares de. en Latinoamérica (October 2020). How to make a potato last 20 years, the secret of the Andes ... Extreme winter weather in Europe and the US is due to a hot Arctic
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3286-trial-for-the-murder-of-berta-cceres-there-have-been.html" }
Medicine has its origin in the natural properties of food. Vitamins, antioxidants and some minerals, among others, are extracted from them. Fruits are very complete! And of all the food groups, fruits, due to their different qualities, are among the healthiest foods and with the greatest positive impact on the care of your body. For what is this? They can be eaten raw, and that allows you to take advantage of all the nutrients they have. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements stand out among these nutrients, which appear in many foods but are exterminated by cooking. In fruits, their consumption is direct and they strengthen the body's defenses, promote detoxification, collaborate in the functions of the digestive system and reinforce muscle fiber, among other main benefits. And also its juices are very usable, especially for hydration in the summer season. Pineapple: It helps with the digestion of proteins, thanks to its properties that act as anti-inflammatories and natural analgesics. It also has the ability to fight bronchitis and sinusitis, help heal stomach ulcers, and repair body tissues. It contains natural collagen that stimulates the immune system and detoxifying elements that stimulate kidney function and help purify the blood. Papaya: This is a powerful healing and detoxifying fruit. It has been documented by the University of Florida that papaya has effects against cancer and against tumors of the cervix, breast, liver, lung and pancreas. It has plenty of vitamin C, E, and beta carotenes, which help reduce inflammation. Papaya leaf tea is also very good for these purposes. Grapefruit or grapefruit: This citrus fruit is rich in antioxidant tannins and flavonoids that also help fight free radicals. It is also good for alkalizing the body. The fruits of the forest:They have a lot of antioxidants. These boost the immune system and help fight free radicals introduced into the body from exposure to smoke, stress, toxins, and pesticides. The Kiwi: It contains twice the amount of vitamin C as oranges, more fiber than apples, and more potassium than bananas. Kiwis works like aspirin but without the side effects and also helps reduce oxidative stress damage to DNA, and has the ability to help damaged cells. The lemon: Although it is an acidic fruit, in the body it acts as an alkalizer that helps regulate the pH. It serves to counteract the effects of acidity in the body and is rich in vitamin C. It also helps with the assimilation and absorption of the properties of green leafy vegetables. The guava: Contains more of the cancer-fighting antioxidant lycopene than any other fruit or vegetable. Try to plan your daily meals, with at least two fruits a day and you will see big changes in your health. Video: Super Foods for your Heart (October 2020). Healthy Foods That Lower Your Risk of Heart Attack Canada focuses its dietary guidelines on vegetables and reduces dairy consumption
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3681-7-fruits-that-will-improve-your-health.html" }
Toxic in the water, slave labor and child labor: in future Swiss companies will have to take responsibility for their actions abroad. Affected in Ecuador, Argentina and South Africa they hope that the referendum in the European country will come true. When Pablo Fajardo's mother gave birth, the Ecuadorian Amazon had already darkened. An oil company in New York built its lighters among the jungle, rivers and indigenous communities and began to pump black blood to the northern hemisphere. The gas burned, the formation water - highly corrosive and toxic - spilled without treatment in the estuaries and fields. The consequences are seen in contaminated land and water, contaminated flora and fauna, in short: life destroyed. The cancer rate around the city of Nueva Loja, 300 kilometers east of Quito, is as high as anywhere else in the country. Today, 46 years after his birth and 25 after the beginning of the trial of the century against the oil company Texaco (since 2001 it has been called Chevron), the lawyer who defends the 30,000 affected in the Amazon, Pablo Fajardo, is sitting office in the Ecuadorian capital and says: “No Swiss or American company would have thought of dumping toxic waste on its own territory without taking charge *. They know very well that they can have a significant penalty. On the other hand, they do act like this outside their countries, taking advantage of fragile state structures, knowing that environmental and social standards, no matter how much they exist, are not controlled. In short, transnational companies often have more influence than governments themselves. " For this reason, it seems to Fajardo a good idea that a country like Switzerland begins to take charge of the facts abroad. The referendum that is being discussed demands that more internal controls be generated by the Swiss State, so that companies based in Switzerland have to comply with the same standards operating in other countries. Appeal to Swiss justice A few weeks ago the matter was discussed in the Chamber of Deputies in Bern. But there was no talk about the original initiative, supported by more than one hundred environmental organizations and NGOs, but rather alight proposal, prepared by a commission of Deputies. There it is requested that, instead of holding the 1500 large companies and their branches abroad responsible, including SMEs that are active in the gold and diamond trade, only the large conglomerates can be held responsible. In addition, it is proposed that local suppliers do not have to justify their way of working (for example, if they generate child labor) and that companies, in the event of infringing human rights, only take responsibility in specific cases. That is precisely what the contamination in the Amazon was about for more than two decades: the Ecuadorian State and Texaco / Chevron blamed each other, with several billion dollars at stake. Since July the sentence is ready. And it could generate other lawsuits in different parts of the world. The Ecuadorian Amazon is just one of several regions that are affected by pollution generated by transnational companies. "In the event that the referendum is accepted in Switzerland," says lawyer Pablo Fajardo, "we would have a tool to hold companies accountable before they infringe human rights or nature." For Fajardo, the issue of the guarantee is key: “If the State, where the companies operate, is not capable of imposing laws, the affected populations would have to have the option of being able to appeal to the court of the country of origin, so that they control that their companies act responsibly. " We change the scenery and go from humid Ecuador to the Mendoza desert in western Argentina. This is where the wine and garlic sold in Switzerland come from. Ironically, farmers use pesticides from the Swiss producer Syngenta ... In Mendoza, the most recently found and exploited product is oil. And whether by chance or not, it was also the Texaco / Chevron oil company that supported the processes prior to the exploitation of black gold. In the south of the province, five wells have been built for fracking and five more are to be approved. But in total there is talk of installing more than 200 wells throughout the area. Without having made a prior consultation, they imposed hydraulic fracturing on the settlers in territories from where the water reaches the towns. Something common in Argentina. "I do not feel represented nor do I have the feeling that I can influence what happens in my environment," says Jennifer Ibarra. "Argentina is like the Middle Ages, disguised as Democracy." Jennifer Ibarra is president of the NGOCullunche, who recently turned 25. For a long time, the main task ofCullunche consisted of controlling the illegal trade in animals. But due to the growing extractivism during the last decades, the NGO had to change its approach. First they achieved that no more toxics were used in metal mining; Mendoza's law is one of the strongest in the entire country. They also fought against aerial spraying. And now oil. "Well water is already scarce in Mendoza," says President Ibarra and emphasizes the dry climate of the Province. “We depend on the water from the glaciers that now want to take us out. For oil exploitation, 300 million liters of water are needed per well and year ”. “You are too far away to see what is really going on here. It is easy to remove the wealth of countries like Argentina and leave the land and rivers devastated. That is a question of ethics and morals ”. As in many other countries in the global south, where state institutions have a different importance than in Europe, Argentina also lacks the application of rules and laws. In any case, Jennifer Ibarra sees the main problem elsewhere: in the absence of state controls and in the companies' lack of transparency. "If a company comes from afar to extract our raw material, from which the local inhabitants do not benefit, at least it would have to open its doors to local NGOs and show them its working methods." Ibarra appreciates that Switzerland wants to establish binding rules for its companies, but claims that the problem itself has to be solved locally. "With the same method as is usually done in Switzerland: through popular consultations." This way it is known from the beginning whether citizens are really interested in supporting extractivism or not. And what responds to the argument of the Swiss economic consortia? (who fear that Switzerland could lose its importance in international trade). “You are too far away to see what is really going on here. It is easy to remove the wealth of countries like Argentina and leave the land and rivers devastated. That is a question of ethics and morals ”. Glencore: Modern Slavery? With this argument Jennifer Ibarra is not alone. A good part of Swiss civil society today is aware of the dubious practices of its companies. A poll, done in 2017, showed that three-quarters of the population would accept the referendum as is. The attitude of the Swiss government is different, which highlights: “Regulation, as required by the initiative, would mean that Switzerland would go alone and would be weakened as a place of business. Companies could circumvent the scheme by relocating their headquarters abroad. " The government fears that large companies like Glencore will change their headquarters and that their taxes will be lost. The transnational, based in Baar (Zug Province), has been under special observation for years: for polluted waters, miserable working conditions and reproaches of corruption in different countries of the world. Something symbolic for Glencore's bad reputation is the fact that a few years ago they published a report with the title:Modern Slavery Statment(Positioning on modern slavery). In reality, modern slavery in extractivist countries is one side of a coin, on the other side are countries like Switzerland, which by importing raw materials is also responsible for the damage caused. One who knows well the situation in Africa, where Glencore has metal mines, is Glen Mpufane. Glen works for himIndustrieAll, a global union with more than 50 million workers, represented in 140 countries around the world. The South African is responsible for the mining area, the sector with the lowest life expectancy. Miners normally die before reaching their 50s. It is a fact that Mpufane knows very well and therefore requires more diligence on the part of companies, also in the choice of suppliers. "Today, companies define their standards voluntarily", he says, "but to make the value chain transparent we need binding rules that are valid worldwide." For Mpufane, the Swiss initiative is "a long-awaited step" on the part of a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). That it is also a country with a lot of trade in raw materials. In theory, says the trade unionist, the Swiss government could be proud of the contribution of its companies in Zambia or the Congo. “But unfortunately the reality is different from what is shown in the annual reports. Everyone who has visited a Swiss mine on site knows that: it is a disgrace! " Critical voices are not heard, less those of the local inhabitants. The central question that worries Mpufane is: What is the economic contribution from the companies to the host country? "And I'm not talking about taxes," he highlights. "Taxes are not a contribution but a duty." Better, says Mpufane, let's talk about concrete contributions for the population, because: "Where does all the raw material we need for our modern lives come from?" If in the future the large Swiss transnationals have to take responsibility abroad, as required by thelight proposal of the deputies, or if the rules also apply to SMEs and their suppliers in the respective countries, is what the Swiss Senators will decide in the coming months. * To this statement, the following should be mentioned: The countries of the global north, especially Europe and North America, have more detailed environmental laws than in the last century. Pollutions like those that occurred in the Amazon will hardly be legally possible; Furthermore, they will provoke massive resistance in the population. But pollution there today manifests itself in other ways, for example with garbage. Likewise, it should not be forgotten that the raw material for many products (for example cell phones, computers, clothing, fuel etc.) for the Swiss market is extracted from other lands. Therefore, the transportation path is long and the pollution by greenhouse gases, which reach the atmosphere, is immeasurable. By contrast, US environmental laws are generally handled more loosely, if they exist at all. According to research by the German magazineSpiegel Online During the decade of the 2000 in the state of Wyoming the waters have been contaminated subtmisplaced by Fracking. Apparently with court approval: "US law allows chemicals to be discharged into groundwater reservoirs for oil and gas extraction if necessary." Cover photo: Contaminated since the sixties of the last century, until today without compensation: one of the pools with toxic residues from the oil industry on the outskirts of Nueva Loja (Lago Agrio), Ecuador.(mutantia.ch) Video: CA Inter Law revision Marathon Companies Act Section 1 - 148 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3388-swiss-demand-that-companies-act-in-a-more-humane-way.html" }
An international team of scientists shows for the first time that urbanization is changing the metabolism of animal communities. The increase in temperatures associated with urban environments generates higher costs for its fauna, which in most cases becomes smaller and smaller to survive. For butterflies, moths and grasshoppers, the effect is the opposite: their size is increasing. The rapid growth of cities entails a series of changes that do not only affect the landscape. The small living beings that inhabit buildings, sidewalks and asphalt must cope with the loss and fragmentation of habitat, the proliferation of invasive species, light and noise pollution and climate change. Their adaptation to the drastic changes generated by humans occurs in record time. But in order to survive in cities, both aquatic and terrestrial species reduce their body size. This is revealed for the first time by a group of ecologists, led by the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. According to the study, published in the journalNature, the increase in temperatures in cities causes the ‘heat island’ effect due to the accumulation generated by concrete and other absorbent materials. The fragmentation of the habitats also influences this thermal anticyclone, so that the species spend more energy in maintaining their metabolism and invest less in their growth. "Higher temperatures generally accelerate development rates, and this may be faster than growth rates," Thomas Merckx, lead author of the work and researcher at the Belgian university, tells Sinc. But the changes are not the same in all species. While in most body sizes are reduced, for other groups the opposite effect occurs. This is the case of animals that tend to move and disperse –such as butterflies, moths and grasshoppers–, their size increases to ensure mobility and thus find new habitats. To arrive at these results, Merckx and his colleagues studied 95,001 individuals from 702 species and 10 different taxonomic groups living north of Belgium in urban and non-urban settings. In total, they collected samples from each group at up to 81 different locations. "Among the 10 taxa we analyzed, the greatest change in size occurred in those known as water fleas (cladocerans), a suborder of small crustaceans, generally freshwater, that do not exceed 3 mm", says the scientist. In this group, urban communities were 44% smaller than non-urban site species. “In fact, the largest species almost completely disappeared from urban ponds. This means that these water reservoirs in cities are more prone to toxic algal blooms, as large species are the ones that most effectively feed on these algae, ”says Merckx. The body size of animals is a key feature in relationships between various groups, such as food chains or pollination networks. “These changes are likely to have a strong impact on the function of the urban ecosystem. And this, in turn, will translate into an altered supply of the services that the ecosystem offers to humans ”, warns the scientist. The research provides the recipe for mitigating the observed changes: more and better green infrastructure at different spatial scales within cities. "These measures will combat the‘ heat island ’effect, as well as the fragmentation of the urban habitat," concludes the expert. Thomas Merckx et al. "Body-size shifts in aquatic and terrestrial urban Communities"Nature 23 May 2018 Body size is intrinsically related to metabolic rate and life history traits, and is a crucial determinant of food webs and community dynamics. Rising temperatures associated with the urban heat island effect results in increased metabolic costs and is expected to drive changes to smaller body sizes. Urban environments, however, are also characterized by substantial habitat fragmentation, favoring mobile species. Here, using a replicated sampling design, spatially nested in ten taxonomic groups of animals, we show that urban communities generally consist of smaller species. Furthermore, although we show urban warming for three habitat types and community-associated reduced mean body sizes for four taxa, three taxa show a shift toward larger species along urbanization gradients. Our results show that the general trend towards smaller species is canceled out by filtering out larger species when there is a positive covariation between size and dispersal, a process that can mitigate the low connectivity of ecological resources in urban settings. Therefore, we show that the urban heat island effect and urban habitat fragmentation are associated with changes in body level that are critically dependent on the association between body size and dispersion. Because body size determines the structure and dynamics of ecological networks, these changes can affect the function of the urban ecosystem. Video: Why do Some Species Thrive in Cities? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3785-cities-change-the-body-size-of-animals.html" }
Menopause is a subject that sooner or later begins to haunt our heads, it is important to know that no matter how scary it may give us some, it is as natural a stage in our life as adolescence. A great change without a doubt, but the secret of facing this new stage is in the empowerment that we each make in making decisions and following the path that takes us through a pleasant and calm transit towards the new destination. What is menopause? From the physiological point of view, menopause corresponds to the interruption of the operation of the ovaries. It is a natural mechanism that occurs with age, generally around 50 years of age. Normally, after puberty, the ovaries produce each month under the influence of brain hormones, several oocytes - these are the female gametes. During this cycle, the ovary also produces hormones, first estrogen and then progesterone. These hormones prepare the uterine lining to receive a future embryo in the event of fertilization. This fertilization occurs very rarely, the ovary stops producing hormones and the lining of the uterus partially destroys, which is the cause of the rules. Over time, the egg stock is depleted and the ovaries no longer respond to stimulation by brain hormones, as there are not enough oocytes. Cycles become more and more irregular, the ovaries no longer produce hormones, there is no ovulation and menstruation stops. The term menopause means precisely to stop menstruation. The absence of hormone production by the ovaries is the cause of most of the signs of menopause: hot flashes, vaginal dryness, night sweats, weight gain. Almost 80% of women feel real discomfort, but fortunately there are solutions. A plant for every symptom Hot flashes: black cohosh is one of the most effective plants in relieving hot flashes, since it reduces the levels of LH, a luteinizing hormone involved in the appearance of vasomotor reaction accompanied by tachycardia. Anxiety, irritability and insomnia: the most popular plant for the treatment of these disorders is valerian, which improves states of anxiety, tension and insomnia. Although it is not toxic, it can potentiate the effect of some antihistamines, antiepileptics and barbiturates. California poppy and linden also improve anxiety and insomnia, but should be avoided during pregnancy. Mild depression: numerous scientific studies support the efficacy of St. John's wort, also known as St. John's wort, in treating the symptoms of mild depression, such as depression and loss of interest. Among the adverse effects of this plant are phototoxicity and it can interact with other drugs, especially those used in the treatment of cancer and AIDS, anticoagulants and hormonal treatments. It should not be administered during pregnancy and lactation. Cardiovascular disorders: the gugul or gugulon, a tree native to India and Pakistan, is indicated for the control of hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia. In people with a propensity for intestinal disorders it can cause diarrhea and should be used with caution in the case of liver dysfunction, hyperthyroidism or diarrheal processes. On the other hand, witch hazel, a shrub similar to hazelnut, and the red vine help improve peripheral circulation and the characteristic symptoms of varicose processes. Musculoskeletal pain: the anti-inflammatory and analgesic action of devil's claw, a herbaceous plant native to Africa, facilitates the relief of degenerative rheumatic conditions, arthritis, tendinitis and other pain, such as gout and lumbago. Consumption is not recommended in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcer, and during pregnancy and lactation. Overweight: among the most effective plants to combat overweight are green tea and artichoke. Green tea favors the renal elimination of water and is an adjunct in the treatment of obesity. This plant does not present significant adverse effects, although its caffeine content is not recommended for use in people sensitive to this substance. The artichoke is indicated in non-ulcer dyspepsia, hepatobiliary dysfunctions, hyperlipidemias, treatment of overweight and special regimens. Aging of the skin: evening primrose or primrose is effective in the treatment of skin disorders (atopic dermatitis), chronic inflammatory processes (rheumatoid arthritis) and prevents skin aging. In addition, it is commonly used to treat certain premenstrual symptoms, such as mastalgia or breast pain. It can interact with antiepileptic drugs and phenothiazines, used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Salvia, the herb for menopause It relieves hot flashes in women during menopause, and it would also have an effect on night sweats. In addition, the study specifies that this plant is very well tolerated. It can be used in the following ways: Dried leaves: 1 to 3 g infused for 5 to 10 minutes in 150 ml of boiling water, 3 times a day Tincture (1:10): 25 drops, 3 times a day Liquid extract (1: 1): 1 to 3 ml, 3 times a day Dry extract (5.5: 1): 180 to 360 mg, 3 times a day Eye: Prolonged use of alcoholic extract or sage oil is not recommended, as it can be toxic to the nervous system and cause seizures. Therefore, this plant is not recommended for people with epilepsy and pregnant women. Video: Ayurvedic Herbs for Menopause (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3489-medicinal-herbs-that-help-in-menopause.html" }
Scientific study has revealed a "catastrophic death" in Australia's Great Barrier Reef Following a major long-term study, scientists have revealed that Australia's Great Barrier Reef suffered a “catastrophic death” of coral during a prolonged heat wave in 2016, threatening a wider range of reef life than previously feared. previously. The underwater heat wave that bleached massive sections of the reef in 2016 was so severe that it immediately “cooked” some coral in the northern region. The French news agency AFP reports that 30% of the reef's coral died in the heat wave between March and November 2016, the first of two consecutive years of unprecedented coral bleaching along the 2,300-kilometer reef of the World Heritage in northern Australia -the east coast. The study, published today in the journal Nature, found that corals, which serve as habitats for other creatures, were particularly affected by rising sea temperatures caused by global warming. Professor Terry Hughes, co-author of the report and head of the Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at Australia's James Cook University, told AFP that the most vulnerable to heat exposure are branched corals, table-shaped creatures. They provide nooks and crannies for fish and fisheries nurseries. The corals that were most likely to survive warmer sea temperatures were soft and melon-shaped, he said. "While they were good calcifiers that increase the volume of reefs, they were not" very useful as habitable providers. " "So there is a change in the mix of species and the overall loss of corals has a broader impact on all creatures that depend on corals for food and habitats," said Professor Hughes. The findings come as a United Nations scientific advisory body considers which parts of the natural world are on the brink of environmental failure. The JCU researchers said their work showed that climate change threatened the Great Barrier Reef with ecological collapse. The research center said the new study showed that corals in the northern Great Barrier Reef "experienced a catastrophic death" after the 2016 heat wave. "The extinction of corals has caused radical changes in the mix of coral species on hundreds of individual reefs, where mature and diverse reef communities are transforming into more degraded systems, with only a few hard species remaining," said the Professor Andrew Baird, another of the report's authors. The scientists said the focus should be on protecting the surviving corals, which number about 1 billion after the two bleaching events in 2016 and 2017. "They are the ones who are going to re-feed and repopulate an altered reef in the future," said Professor Hughes, adding that one way to maintain their health was to improve water quality by reducing coastal pollution. They concluded that the 2016 bleaching event was the beginning of a long-term transformation, which has altered the Great Barrier Reef "forever." Efforts to curb climate change, such as the United Nations-sponsored Paris Agreement to limit global warming to less than 2.0 degrees Celsius below pre-industrial levels, were also critical. "We have now seen four fading events (1998, 2002, 2016 and 2017) in the Great Barrier Reef with one degree (Celsius) of average global warming," he said. “We are on a path where we are committed to a different barrier reef. If we continue with the usual emissions, then I don't think the reef can survive. " Coral reefs represent less than one percent of the Earth's marine environment, but are home to about 25 percent of marine life, acting as nurseries for many species of fish. The Australian government's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority concluded that the bleaching in 2016 was caused by a record marine heat wave, caused by a combination of climate change and the El Niño climate cycle. Dr. Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick from the University of New South Wales Center for Climate Change Research recently published work showing that underwater heat waves have increased in duration and frequency over the past century, with a sudden rebound since the 1980s. As a result, on average around the world, there are 54 percent more days each year that are subject to a marine heat wave. "The type of events that cause coral bleaching will occur more frequently in the future," said Dr. Perkins-Kirkpatrick. She added that she was shocked by the results of Professor Hughes' paper. “I have to say that it is catastrophic. Looking at all the news articles and watching them evolve, it seemed catastrophic, "he said. Video: Is the Great Barrier Reef on Death Row? (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3887-scientific-study-has-revealed-a-catastrophic-death-in.html" }
According to Gudynas (2015), extractivism refers to extracted (material) and exported natural resources. The author tells us that for it to be considered extractivism, three basic conditions must be met: i) a high volume and / or intensity of extraction, ii) be raw resources or with little processing, and iii) where 50% are exported or more of these resources (Page 22). Under this conception, the term extractivism is applied to the extraction of minerals, hydrocarbons and monocultures for export. Although it is mentioned that the felling of native forest to obtain local firewood is a form of extractivism at a medium level (Page 19), it is not clear if other forms of extractivism are verified in the forest sector. The purpose of this article is to help elucidate this aspect. For Colectivo Casa (sf), extractivism is the term used to refer to a way of organizing the economy of a country, based on a high dependence on the intensive extraction (in large volumes) of natural resources with very low processing ( added value) and intended for sale abroad (export). They include in this category “renewable” forest resources The Forest Management Regulation of the Forest and Wildlife Law (Law No. 29763) expressly speaks of sustainable use and refers to the: Utilization of the goods and services of forest ecosystems and other wild vegetation ecosystems, through management instruments, in a way and at a pace that does not cause their long-term decline, thereby maintaining the possibilities of meeting needs and aspirations of present and future generations. In the Guidelines for the preparation of the General Forest Management Plan and Operational Plan for Forest Concessions for Timber Purposes (Executive Directorate Resolution No. 046-2016-SERFOR-DE) it is not strictly defined what a harvest is, but it speaks of a management system . In this regard, it is noted that: The management system is mainly based on a polycyclic method. Through the management system a part of the usable volume is harvested (below the allowable annual cut) and per cutting cycle. The objective of this system is to produce periodic harvests from the diameter classes smaller than the Minimum Cutting Diameter, in the next cutting cycle and thereby maintain the forest canopy without drastic changes. Therefore, it is understood that when talking about (forestry) use, allusion is being made to the contents of the definition of sustainable forestry use. An activity where extraction is done but maintaining the productive and reproductive characteristics of the forests. This is that it has the capacity for resilience, adaptive and evolutionary capacity. This is, as long as silvicultural principles are followed to maintain the complexity of forests as complex adaptive systems. In a broad sense, extractivism corresponds to a unilateral resource extraction activity in which there are no resource replacement activities. This means that extractivism in general applies both to what has been called renewable natural resources (including flora, fauna) and non-renewable natural resources (mining, oil). If this is so, then the variables that affect extractivism in the forestry sector are: · The intensity of the extraction. One of the factors pointed out by Gudynas (2015). Considerations for maintaining the self-regenerative capacity of the forest · Silvicultural considerations to enable forests to maintain their structure and functions. It means that to specify what extractivism we are talking about, we have to incorporate the variable impact on forest ecosystems. Thus we will speak of high impacts (which strongly affects the regenerative capacity), of medium impacts (which affects the regenerative capacity but possible to recover) or low impacts (in which the forest ecosystem maintains its own recovery capacity). Note that so far we have only seen things from a forest ecosystems perspective, things change when we incorporate the perspective of forests as socio-ecosystems. · Hunting and gathering (Stefano Varese prefers to speak of foragers rather than gatherers). · Extraction of parts of the plants that do not affect the plants and maintain their recovery capacity. · Drastic extraction of a large part of the plant (or it affects vital structures) that end up nullifying the recovery capacity (such as when intensive illegal logging converges with impacts on flora, fauna, water and soils). · Forest exploitation without effective compliance with silvicultural conditions that ensure its sustainability. · Sustainable forestry in which scientifically-based silvicultural considerations and the contribution of traditional knowledge are rigorously applied. Now, from a socioecosystemic perspective, it is not enough to talk about the extraction of flora, fauna, elements, structures or products produced by nature. There are other additional dimensions to consider. · Self-regulation of the extractor (or the community or group to which it belongs) to maintain the recovery capacity of the forest or if the regulation is external (regulators and inspectors of compliance with the Forest and Wildlife Law). · Labor dimension or situation in which the extractor (regardless of the intensity of extraction) owns or has control over the means of production · Psychological dimension associated with belonging to the forest ecosystem Therefore, we must also differentiate whether it is extraction for the extractor or extraction for the external one. Extraction for itself is supposed to have the least impact (because it is supposed to be only for subsistence). It is frequently found that if extraction for commercial purposes is not regulated either by themselves or by authorities then the impact on the resilience of the forest is increasing. Of course, this is a function of the intensity (volumes) and degree of articulation to the markets, as Gudynas (2015) rightly mentions, only that he calls extractivism when more than 50% of production is exported. When extraction is induced by the market then there is not only extraction of tangible natural resources but also extraction of other non-tangible resources for the market such as water and nutrients. It is also possible that human energy is extracted through systems of labor exploitation (covert or permitted), cultural extraction (traditional knowledge for example) or psychological extraction (when the loss of ecosystems and culture produce exhausting emotional states. From all the above, taking into account the degree of sustainability, we could be typifying 3 types of extractivism in the forestry sector: · Sustainable extractivism: when extraction does not affect the resilience of the forest ecosystem and safeguards the welfare conditions of the extractors (or workers). This is where the hunting, fishing and gathering practices of the inhabitants who live in the forests or forests and who strictly comply with the conditions of sustainable forest management fit. Even better if they are commercial forestry operations under voluntary forest certification. In the forestry vocabulary, the expression sustainable extractivism is not used and sustainable forestry is used as indicated above. The case of the Extractivist Reserves of Brazil is recorded (Gudynas, 2015). · Intermediate extractivism: when there are degrees of damage to the forest ecosystem and the conditions of rights of the extractors (or workers). Here, management conditions can be verified under traditional knowledge or under forest management typical of plans approved by the forestry authorities but which are not fully complied with and therefore the character of sustainability is relativized and may even pass to the category of unsustainable. · Unsustainable extractivism: when the intensity, frequency and mode of extraction severely affects the forest ecosystem and violates the rights of the extractors (or workers). From a perspective, a forest plantation articulated to the export of forest products that is carried out at the cost of transforming native forest would be falling into this perspective (Grupo Antidesarrollollista del Bíobío, 2015; Mapuexpress, 2000). Forestry operations that are linked to corruption also fall into this category (Gudynas, 2016). This means that when there are commercial forestry operations that do not implement forest management measures, they do so with great intensity and cause great environmental and social impacts, they are actually acting under forest exploitation schemes (unsustainable extraction) and cannot be considered exploitation. forestry (sustainable). It is when they treat as non-renewable resources that originally fall into the category of renewable natural resources (as long as good management is done). From what has been analyzed, it is concluded that in the case of the forestry sector, the concept of Gudynas is relativized on the issue of exports to markets, since not necessarily everything exported comes from unsustainable extractivism schemes (that is, they come from well-managed forestry operations ). But it is also true that the situation of illegal logging that is legalized along the way is known (concept of allegiances; Arce, 2018) or implementation of forest management plans of doubtful reliability and scientific consistency. Hence the importance of effectively making all the necessary efforts so that forest management is genuinely sustainable, that the necessary efforts are made to address the issue of illegal logging and that management conditions (and coexistence with forests) are generated for the well-being and livelihood of the local populations without affecting the forest socio-ecosystems. Arce, Rodrigo. [August 6, 2018]. Legality in the forestry sector. [Post on a blog]. SERVINDI. Lime. Retrieved from: https://www.servindi.org/actualidad-noticias/05/08/2018/alegalidad-en-el-sector-forestal Colectivo Casa (s.f.) Extractivism, dependency and development. Collective for the Coordination of Socio-environmental Actions. Retrieved from: http://www.colectivocasa.org.bo/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=140&Itemid=124 Bíobío Anti-development Group. (2015). (2015, June 8). Forest miseries. Criticisms of forest extractivism in Chile and proposals for its overcoming. [Post on blog]. Metiendoruido.com. Recovered from: http://metiendoruido.com/2015/06/las-miserias-forestales-cuadernillo-descargable/ Gudynas, Eduardo. (2016). Corruption and extractivism: mutually associated. Latin American Center for Social Ecology. Recovered from: http://ambiental.net/2016/12/corrupcion-y-extractivismos-mutuamente-asociados/ Gudynas, Eduardo. Extractivisms. Ecology, economics and politics in a way of understanding development and nature. Lima: Peruvian Network for a Globalization with Equity - RedGE, Latin American Center for Social Ecology - CLAES, Democracy and Global Transformation Program - PDTG. Mapuexpress. (March 24, 2000). International Conference: Forest Extractivism, Water Crisis and Transgenic Trees By: Rodrigo Arce Rojas. Doctor in Complex Thinking from the Edgar Morin Real World Multiversity of Mexico Video: Woodland Management Tour and Talk - Hull Forest Products, Inc. (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3595-extractivism-in-the-forestry-sector-conceptual-clari.html" }
Amazonia: Species return 30 years after the devastation of the jungle The loss of the rainforest is fueling a tsunami of tropical species extinctions. However, not everything is condemnation and sadness. A new study, carried out in the Brazilian Amazon, suggests that ecological cataclysms caused by forest fragmentation can be reversed through the regeneration of secondary forests, offering a ray of hope for the biodiversity of tropical forests around the world. The international team of researchers found that species strongly associated with primary forests were largely depleted after 15 years of human-caused disturbances, including forest burning and logging. However, 30 years later, and with the regeneration of the secondary regrowth, many of the species that had left the area had returned. "When comparing time periods, it is clear that taking a long-term view is paramount to uncovering the complexity of biodiversity in human-modified landscapes," said lead researcher Dr. Christoph Meyer, professor of global ecology and conservation. the University of Salford. The study measured the impacts of forest decay on 50 species of bats (approximately 6,000 animals). Bats comprise about a fifth of all mammalian species and show wide variation in foraging behavior and habitat use, making them an excellent model group for research. "The responses exhibited by bats offer important information about the responses of other taxonomic groups," says Ricardo Rocha, lead author of the study from the University of Lisbon. “The recovery we have documented reflects patterns observed for beetle and bird communities in the Amazon. "These parallel trends reinforce the notion that the benefits of forest regeneration are widespread, and suggest that habitat restoration may alleviate some of the human-inflicted damage to tropical wildlife," he adds. The results of the current study contrast with the catastrophic declines in fauna observed over a similar period of time in rodent communities on the "forest islands" of the Chiew Larn Reservoir in Thailand. “The recovery observed in the Amazon was mainly due to the recolonization of previously deforested areas and forest fragments by old-growth specialist bats. This recolonization is probably attributable to a greater diversity and abundance of food resources in areas now occupied by secondary forests, meeting the energy requirements of a larger set of species ", explains Rocha. However, the short-term nature of most studies has substantially impaired the ability of researchers to adequately capture the intricate time-related complexities associated with the effects of forest fragmentation on wildlife. The Amazon study was conducted in the Forest Fragment Biological Dynamics Project, jointly managed by the Smithsonian Institute and the Brazilian Institute for Research in the Amazon. Materials provided by the University of Salford. Note: Content can be edited for style and duration. Ricardo Rocha, Otso Ovaskainen, Adrià López-Baucells, Fábio Z. Farneda, Erica M. Sampaio, Paulo E. D. Bobrowiec, Mar Cabeza, Jorge M. Palmeirim, Christoph F. J. Meyer. Secondary forest regeneration benefits ancient growth specialist bats in a fragmented tropical landscape. Scientific Reports, 2018; 8 (1) DOI: 10.1038 / s41598-018-21999-2 Video: BIRDS IN AMAZON JUNGLE. PERU TOUR. (October 2020). The Seas and Oceans are dying. But you can help save them. Sign the petition The Chinese New Year begins. What will happen to you and the world in the Year of the Pig? The recycled “bike-train” that the grandfather made to take a walk with the grandchildren These are the best foods for your age, according to science
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3991-amazonia-species-return-30-years-after-the-devastati.html" }
The priceless value of wildlife Wild animals and wild plants, in addition to their intrinsic value, contribute to the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic aspects of human well-being and sustainable development. World Wildlife Day gives us the opportunity to celebrate the beauty and variety of wild flora and fauna, as well as to raise awareness of the myriad benefits that the conservation of these life forms has for humanity. The celebration of this day also reminds us of the urgent need to combat crimes against the environment and the decline of species caused by human activity, which have far-reaching negative consequences in the economic, environmental and social fields. This is the reason why Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 focuses on halting the loss of biodiversity. Underwater life: for people and the planet This 2019 campaign, “Underwater life: for people and the planet”, is closely aligned with Goal 14 of Sustainable Development (“conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”) with a special focus on the conservation and sustainable use of marine wildlife. The ocean contains nearly 200,000 identified species, but there are actually millions of species. More than three billion people depend on marine and coastal biological diversity for their livelihoods. Marine fauna has been the livelihood for civilization and development for millennia, providing us with food and materials for crafts and construction, as well as enriching our lives from a cultural, spiritual and leisure point of view. The ability of marine life to continue to provide humanity with all of this is increasingly complicated, as our oceans and the species that live in them are being threatened by various hazards. Among others, overexploitation, especially unsustainable fishing and other practices of extraction of marine species, but also other great threats such as the effects of climate change, marine pollution and habitat destruction. This has a strong impact not only under the sea, but on the lives and livelihoods of those who depend on the services of marine ecosystems, particularly women and men in coastal communities. Participates Find out more about marine species, their characteristics and habitats, the threats they face and find out how you can contribute to their conservation. Share what you learn, especially with children and young people. They will be the future leaders in wildlife conservation and they deserve a future in which humanity shares the planet and lives in harmony with wild species. Here are posters and other outreach materials available in various languages ​​to help you spread the word about this campaign. Use social networks to spread the message using the tags # DíaDeLaLidaSilvestre, #LaVidaSubacuática and #EspeciesMarinas. Film Festival The Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Jackson Hole Film Festival are collaborating again to organize a film festival, this time on marine species. The winning videos will help raise global awareness of the importance of underwater life. Video: World Wildlife Day - March 3 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3027-march-3-world-wildlife-day.html" }
Statement from La Via Campesina International regarding the tragedy of Brumadinho / MG, Brazil - Last Friday, January 25, 2019, we witnessed a great environmental and social crime caused by one of the largest mining corporations in the world. The “Corrego do Feijão” dam of the company Vale S.A ruptured, dumping more than 14 million m³ of mineral waste throughout the Brumadinho region of Minas Gerais. So far there are 58 fatalities, and an estimated 300 disappeared. La Via Campesina Internacional stands in solidarity with the affected families, and expresses all its support for the organized struggle of social movements, in this sad moment for Brazilian history. We call on the organization of the affected families to guarantee their rights and end the impunity of corporations, which violate rights and threaten the life of humanity and common goods, we affirm the urgency that the victims be heard to constitute everything the repair process. For decades, as La Via Campesina we have denounced global corporate impunity and its actions in the territories. In 2015, Vale was also responsible for the destruction of the entire Doce River basin and the coastal coasts, a fact that has remained in total impunity. This fact demonstrated the lack of action of the states in their duty to protect the people. This tragedy also represents a system of destruction and exploitation of human beings and the environment, of biological diversity, which monopolizes fertile lands, in the name of savage capitalism. The peasants of La Vía Campesina continue to denounce the consequences of this model of exploitation and death. We call on the Brazilian government to give adequate attention to the victims, and hold the company and its managers responsible for this serious crime. Likewise, we call on Brazilian society to support the struggle of organized popular movements so that events like Mariana and Brumadinho do not repeat themselves in history. Maria Julia Andrade - Movement for Popular Sovereignty in Mining, MAM: +55 31 85 117 347 Tchenna Maso - Movement of Those Affected by Dams, MAB: +55 27 995203101 Video: SHOULD YOU QUIT YOUR JOB? A Very Eye Opening Speech ft Jordan Peterson (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3129-enough-of-corporate-impunity-how-much--is-life-worth.html" }
Being a vegetarian does not mean eating only vegetables. The diet includes legumes, dairy products, eggs, pasta and nuts, among other foods, they can be part of your daily kitchen. 375 g of cottage cheese (ricotta) 8 cl of milk 250 g lasagna dough 200 g of grated cheese 3 onions 150 g celery 2 medium carrots 1 sliced ​​aubergine 2 cans of peeled perita tomato 2 tablespoons tomato puree 1 handful of green or black olives 2 tablespoons ground basil 2 garlic, crushed 1 spoon of sugar 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper 1. To start, we chop and finely clean the onion. 2. Next, peel the celery and carrot and grate them with the help of a grater with large holes. 3. We fry all the vegetables and garlic in a pan with two tablespoons of oil. We cut the eggplant into slices and steam it. 4. Next, we pour all the tomato with the olives and the sugar. 5. We cook it over low heat for 15 minutes. 6. After this, season with salt, pepper and basil. 7. If necessary, dilute the sauce with a little water. 8. We mix the cottage cheese with the milk, salt and pepper. 9. Next, we assemble the lasagna layers on a baking tray in the following order: a layer of dough for the base, a layer of sautéed vegetables, a layer of aubergines, another layer of dough and, finally, a layer of cheese and milk. 10. We repeat this process and add a last sheet of dough. 11. On top of it, we are going to spread the rest of the vegetable sauce and sprinkle the grated cheese on top. 12. Finally, we bake the lasagna at 225ºC for half an hour. Video: Vegetable Lasagna, Easy Lasagna Recipe (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3192-vegetarian-lasagna.html" }
Mayan train will devastate the jungle in Mexico. Signature to stop it The idea of ​​the Mexican president-elect López Obrador is to build a train that will carry masses of sun and beach tourists from Cancun and the Riviera Maya to the ruins of Palenque and other archaeological centers. The so-called Maya Train would travel 1,500 km through five states of Mexico, crossing the Yucatan Peninsula and biosphere reserves that are already threatened by industrial oil palm and soy plantations, forest fires, illegal logging and illegal trafficking of animal and plant species. Members of the communities and organizations reject this project, which also does not have the consent of the indigenous peoples through whom the train would pass. The Mayan Train “has nothing of Mayan, nor does it benefit the Mayan population. We do not want to be a Cancun or Rivera Maya, where the hotel, transport and restaurant chains are the only beneficiaries ”. Find out and sign the petition to the Mexican government to avoid the passage of the Mayan Train through the Biosphere Reserves and indigenous territories. Letter To: President of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador The countries that best conserve their cultural and natural heritage will tomorrow be the most attractive destinations for world tourism. The promotion of tourist projects of foreign capital such as the Mayan Train, added to the monocultures of African palm and soy, cattle ranching, logging and illegal trafficking of species threaten ecological reserves of strategic environmental and cultural value, as well as the Mayan indigenous communities and peasant women. The work of the Mayan Train involves too high an environmental impact, which endangers the ecosystem and biodiversity of the Mayan jungle. Such an important ecological reserve and the pyramids of the Mayan area must be preserved at all costs. In addition, a project of this magnitude involves the expropriation of land and the acquisition of rights of way that will necessarily also affect communities throughout the peninsula. The local and indigenous communities should have received in advance and in sufficient time complete and truthful information regarding the train, which has not happened. The communities are not opposed - according to their own words - to progress, but to the certainty that the megaproject will not leave them benefits or regional development. The route of the Mayan train should be reviewed and avoid passing through the Biosphere Reserves and in any case consult previously and in an informed and appropriate manner any use of indigenous territories, as established by law and ILO Convention 169. A comprehensive environmental impact study, unknown to date, must also be carried out. Thank you for finding out, signing and helping to spread this petition. Kind regards, Video: ABANDONED TRAIN STATION IN MEXICO CITY WITH MARIEL DE VIAJE (October 2020). No to the “Bayer-Monsanto” Seed Law negotiated behind the backs of the Argentine people Homeopathy for children. The six must-have remedies for colds and flu March 15: “Young people are going to change the destiny of humanity” Join us
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3296-mayan-train-will-devastate-the-jungle-in-mexico-sign.html" }
We lost an area of ​​forests the size of Italy in 2017 The world's lost forest area would cover the size of Italy in 2017, as forests were cleared using fire to make way for farms from the Amazon to the Congo Basin, an independent forest monitoring network said Wednesday. Loss of tree cover, primarily in the tropics, totaled 2.94,000 km2 last year, close to a record 2.97,000 km2 in 2016, according to Global Forest Watch, managed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) based in the United States. United States. "Tropical forests were lost at a rate equivalent to 40 football pitches per minute in 2017," said Frances Seymour of WRI at a press conference at the Oslo Tropical Forestry Forum, which took place from 27 to June 28th. Norwegian Environment Minister Ola Elvestuen said the pace of forest losses was "catastrophic" and threatened to make efforts to curb global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow and release it when they burn or rot. "The destruction of forests is driving climate change," he said. Norway has invested around $ 2.8 billion to safeguard tropical forests in the last decade, more than any other wealthy nation. Brazil, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Indonesia, Madagascar and Malaysia suffered the biggest losses in 2017, said Global Forest Watch, which is based on 2001 satellite data. Only Brazil lost 45,000 km2 of tree cover, 16% less than a record in 2016. The fires occurred in the Amazon region of southern Brazil. Justin Adams of the environmental group The Nature Conservancy said that only three percent of public finances to slow climate change went to natural solutions like forests. Well-managed forests can be a source of jobs and economic growth, he said. Video: 10 Cash Cow YouTube Channel Ideas for Beginners without Showing Face (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3691-we-lost-an-area-of-forests-the-size-of-italy-in-2017.html" }
Cornstarch is one of the secret ingredients behind this traditional Brazilian cookie. Cashews or cashews are the other, bringing their distinctive mark of richness and nutty sweetness. 8 large cookies 3/4 cup raw cashews (3 1/2 oz) 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/3 cup cornstarch 6 tablespoons vegan margarine butter, softened 1/4 cup sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt parchment (or pastry) paper Place the oven rack in the middle position and preheat the oven to 190 ° C. Process ½ cup chestnuts in a food processor until finely chopped, being careful not to process a paste, then transfer to a large, shallow baking sheet. Toast the walnuts, stirring every 2 minutes to avoid burning the edges, until pale and golden brown, 6-8 minutes. Let cool completely in the pan. Beat the margarine and sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed until pale and fluffy, about 3 minutes in a stand mixer or 5 minutes with a hand mixer. Add the toasted ground chestnuts and salt and beat until combined. Reduce speed to low, then add flour mixture and mix until dough forms. Shape the dough into a rectangular block and roll it out between 2 (30 cm long) sheets of parchment with a rolling pin into a 20 by 25 cm rectangle. Chill the dough in parchment on a baking sheet until firm, about 10 minutes. Discard the top sheet of parchment and sprinkle the dough with coarsely chopped walnuts. Bake until golden brown, 14-16 minutes. Transfer the butter to a rack and allow it to cool completely, then break into rough shapes with your hands. Keep cookies in an airtight container at room temperature 1 week. For a cleaner cookie, cut shortbread cookies, while still warm, with a pizza / pastry wheel or a large, sharp knife. Video: Egg less chocolate cashew cookies Baking in air fryer (October 2020). Lack of snow in the Arctic threatens ringed seals Amazonia: Species return 30 years after the devastation of the jungle
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3398-cashew-or-cashew-cookies-recipe.html" }
Today I want to explore ten of the best detoxifying herbs used to cleanse various organs and systems of the body. Most of these herbs have been part of the therapeutic lexicon for hundreds, if not thousands of years and are known across many cultures and borders to help with various ailments and health conditions. Due to their long history, popularity, and reported effectiveness, some of these herbs are also active ingredients in some of our most effective body cleansers. Top 10 Detox Herbs 1. Organic gum acacia Made from the sap of the acacia tree, this substance has been used for centuries to help ease the symptoms of diarrhea by adding bulk to bowel movements and improving electrolyte absorption. As a hydrocolloid, it is used as an emulsifier to stabilize and facilitate synergy between two ingredients that would not normally mix well. 2. Dandelion For centuries, parts of the entire dandelion plant have been used to help with a wide range of diseases. It promotes intestinal regularity and good levels of hydration in the body. And, its famous derivative, dandelion tea, has been used to help with joint discomfort. Dandelion root is used in cleansing the liver, because it helps in the production of bile, and the bile helps carry toxins out of the body. Some believe that dandelion also helps the body's immune system. 3. Milk thistle This herb has been used to support the gallbladder and liver for more than 2,000 years. It is known to help produce bile, which in turn improves digestive function. 4. Black walnut Europeans were first introduced to this herb in the 1600s. Three active agents in black walnut, juglone, tannins, and iodine, make it particularly effective in natural health and wellness practices. Juglone is the natural defense mechanism in black walnut, which helps fight harmful organisms like bacteria and fungi. Tannins also help deter harmful organisms. Iodine, an essential mineral for all forms of life, helps reduce the life of many harmful organisms. 5. Wormwood It is the subject of much folklore, the powerful reputation of absinthe as a component of absinthe led to its ban in the United States for many years. Despite the momentary setback, absinthe has returned. It has been used since Egyptian times to fight harmful organisms such as roundworms and roundworms. It has also been used historically to help with digestion. 6. Coriander Coriander is essential to help the body get rid of dangerous toxic metals that accumulate in the tissues of the organs. It is also a very popular herb that is talked about on almost every cooking show. Cilantro has natural cleaning agents that contain compounds that bind to toxic metals and help remove them from various tissues. 7. Alfalfa leaf Herbalists have used alfalfa leaf for centuries to help with a variety of infections. Many believed that it also helped the body fight stomach ulcers and also helped stimulate a healthy appetite. 8. Mint Peppermint has a calming quality that helps with coughs associated with colds and flu. It also helps with a sore throat and sinus irritation. Because it also helps the body fight harmful organisms, it is an active ingredient in lung cleaning products. 9. Eucalyptus Eucalyptus is another herb that helps with lung cleansing. It has expectorant properties, helps fight bacteria and attacks viruses. It can also be used as a topical ointment for chest congestion and a stuffy nose. Aboriginal medicine considered it highly valued for its properties. 10. Nettle Known for its ability to resist microorganisms, it also has antioxidant properties. Nettle is also resistant to redness and systemic inflammation and promotes normal blood pressure. Video: 12 Things Your Stool Says About Your Health (October 2020). Deforestation of the Mayans decimated carbon stocks in the soil Actions for compliance with the Paris Agreement will be negotiated at the Katowice summit Chemotherapy kills even healthy cells, cannabis only cancers
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3796-10-detoxifying-herbs-to-cleanse-your-bodys-organs-an.html" }
The Chernobyl Ecology and Radiation Biosphere Reserve was created in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 174-2016 dated April 26, 2016 on the territory of the Ivankiv and Polissia districts of the Kiev region within the Zone of Exclusion and Zone of Unconditional (Mandatory) Resettlement (EZ and ZU (O) ​​R). The objective of the establishment of the Reserve is to preserve the most typical natural complexes of the Polissia in a natural state, to support and improve the barrier function of Chornobyl EZ and ZU (O) ​​R, stabilize the hydrological regime and rehabilitate areas contaminated with radionuclides, to facilitate the organization and conduct of international scientific research. The rest area is a radius of 10 kilometers around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant which is still an industrial zone with the nuclear power plant, the complex “Vector”, radioactive waste deposits “Buriakivka”, “third stage of the nuclear power plant of Chernobyl ”,“ Pidlisny ”and other facilities. The legal registration of the Chernobyl Radiation and Environmental Biosphere Reserve is the starting point that allows starting work on administrative measures for the operation of the biosphere reserve, preparing estimates and training personnel. The idea of ​​creating the biosphere reserve in the Chernobyl zone is very good as it is not possible to use land from the Zone for agriculture due to contamination by Ameri-241 (half-life - about 432 years) and Plutonium-239 (half life) - about 24 110 years). The Chernobyl Radiation and Environmental Biosphere Reserve also allowed the development of populations of birds and animals, the growth of trees and plants without human presence. The main tasks of the Reserve are the following: Minimization of environmental risks and conservation of the natural resources of EZ and ZU (O) ​​R, prevention of the emission of radionuclides outside the territory of radioactive contamination zones; Recovery and conservation of the natural diversity of the landscapes, the set of genes of the flora and fauna of the Reserve, the maintenance of the general ecological balance; Periodic inventory of natural resources, investigation of phenomena and processes that occur in the ecosystems of the Reserve; Implementation of ecological, medical and biological monitoring and radiation of the territory; Scientific research in the field of environmental protection; Protection of the territory of the Reserve with all natural objects; Maintenance of the territory in adequate conditions of sanitary security and fire protection; organization of fire protection of natural complexes; Ecological and educational work, etc. The area of ​​the Reserve is 226,964.7 ha. The territory of the Reserve is characterized by eight types of landscapes, a large amount of wetlands and grasslands, about 30 types of forest vegetation, 23 of highlands and 7 of aquatic phytocomplexes, 12 of highlands and 8 of aquatic zoocomplexes. Flora 1228 species of higher vascular plants, of which: 5 species of moss, 6 species of horsetails, 13 species of fungi, 7 species of clavaria, 269 species of monocots and 928 species of dicots. The Red Data Book of Ukraine includes 60 species of vascular plants, and the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature includes 21 species of them. Among the rare species are pasqueflower, snowdrop, grouse, moss, aconite, spring snowflake, Siberian iris, pussy willow, etc. Fauna The total number of vertebrate animals registered is 339 species, 60 species of which are fish, 12 species are amphibians, 7 species are reptiles, 202 species are birds and 58 species are mammals. 58 species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, among the rare species are Ukrainian lamprey, smooth snake, shoulder blade, black hawk, stork, black stork, white-tailed eagle, European barbastelle, brown bear, lynx, otter, Przewalski horse, bison, etc. Video: Radiation Health Risks from Nuclear Accidents - Facts and Fantasy (October 2020). How to make a potato last 20 years, the secret of the Andes ...
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3501-convert-chernobyl-into-a-radiation-and-ecology-biosp.html" }
If you have pets, it is important to know what dangerous plants for pets exist.Many people like to have plants at home, especially because they provide a great decoration and also have different properties such as producing oxygen or eliminating harmful agents that the air can have, for example. In the same way as the newborn, our pets are surrounded by threats that threaten their physical integrity, from cleaning products to insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, rodenticides or drugs. Normally, we already try to keep all these products out of reach but we tend to overlook another not-so-obvious danger:the plants. Dangerous plants for pets The toxic origin can be found in leaves, stems, flowers or fruits, and it can be always present or only be found at certain times of the year. Our pet may accidentally ingest any of these components and nothing happens to him or he may require an urgent visit to the vet. If you have lilacs at home, they can be very dangerous for cats. Also, depending on the species of this flower, it can be a problem even for dogs. Daylilies, autumn daffodils, and Moses' cradle are the most dangerous varieties. Diefembaquia is very common in homes due to the resistance it has. If a man eats his vomit, he can suffer a lot of vomiting, stomach inflammation and even blockage of the airways. It is also very toxic to cats. Aloe vera is also very toxic to cats and dogs due to saponins, a substance that causes muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss, among others. Despite this, it is ideal to soothe some skin irritations that they may have, but it is advisable to consult it before with the veterinarian. Danger with the Sago palm tree This species whose scientific name is Cyca revoluta, can be found in many gardens and is quite dangerous for dogs. It has a substance called cicasin, which causes the dog to suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, blood in the stool, serious liver damage and can even lead to death. Just eating one seed can be fatal. We finish with the azalea, a species that is very toxic for both dogs and cats. In the most serious cases of ingestion, the animal can become coma or even death. It is important that the animal is taken to the vet urgently. What can make our pets eat plants? Although we have well taught our pet not to eat the plants that surround it, there are other factors that could favor ingestion: High summer temperatures and possible lack of water. These are reasons enough to induce the animal to eat any plant with tender stems. We must be alert to never leave it without water. Boredom. When a dog, especially as a puppy, spends long hours alone and bored, to distract himself he may start to chew on everything around him, including plants. The change of home. Being in a new place can draw the animal's attention to objects, such as plants, that had previously gone unnoticed. Lack of space. Lack of space in the house increases aggressiveness and can create a state of nervousness in our dog, which intensifies the need to break and chew whatever is within reach, such as plants. Symptoms in a dog from playing or eating a toxic plant Depending on the plant, our dog or puppy and whether he has only played with it or eaten it…. symptoms can be mild or very severe. Some of these symptoms can be confused with those of other diseases, so it is important to know if our dog has previously been playing with a poisonous plant. If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog and you know or suspect that it may have been with one of the plants that we are going to discuss, you should go to a veterinarian to urgently give the appropriate treatment. Dilated pupils and / or excessive drooling Skin rashes / Skin irritation Tremors, dizziness, lack of coordination Vomiting and / or diarrhea Strange behavior or appreciation of other unusual symptoms The symptoms mentioned are the initial ones, if they are not treated correctly with the right medication our dog can even die. Since each plant has a different toxicity, if we can identify the poisonous plant it has been playing with it would be great for our vet to know how to act. Video: How to trellis a plant: with Hoyas (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3897-dangerous-plants-for-pets.html" }
"Preparing school menus with seasonal foods from organic production is a feasible alternative with great potential," as professionals in the educational and catering fields are discovering in the SEAE's specialized courses on organic school canteens. There are already several companies, consolidated and newly created, which in their management of school canteens include and promote the consumption of organic food. But there is still no specialized training for the professionals who carry out this activity and, therefore, a lot of ignorance about the possibilities of elaborating sustainable menus, with high nutritional value and that comply with the regulations and the budgets contemplated. With the aim of training these professionals in organic food as well as providing the necessary tools for the design and preparation of school menus, the Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture (SEAE) has organized a mixed training in Valencia, online and face-to-face, with 25 professionals linked to the field of catering and school education (nutritionists, chefs in catering and restaurants, members of AMPAs, canteen keepers ...) with a very positive final assessment in terms of content and practices learned and exchanged. During the face-to-face sessions, the participants carried out interesting debates on theadvantages and disadvantages They are currently facing for the implementation and / or design of the menus, in addition to sharing the good practices they exercise in their kitchens, dining rooms and schools. Thus, they pointed out thatthere are “quite a few difficulties when it comes to presenting organic menus since the regulation indicates that the menu and recipes (with the exact ingredients) must be passed three months in advance. What happens is that, in organic farming, food production is seasonal and its harvest time may vary slightly due to issues, for example, related to climate changes. Thus, it may happen that some type of ingredient is missing and, although it could easily be substituted by another equivalent and seasonal one, these changes are not allowed, but rather you have to stick to the menus that were previously presented and resort to conventional foods ", explained several of the people attending the course. Regarding the issue of inspections and controls, they agreed to point out that "there is great diversity in the interpretation of criteria by sanitary inspections that, finally, end up hindering the entire process towards an agroecological transition in dining rooms." Finally, they all agreed to highlight that"There is a great lack of awareness and ignorance on the part of parents, school authorities and society in general about organic agriculture and food", being perhaps one of the main obstacles that they find when betting on other alternatives. On the other hand, "with training of this type, the creation of networks and alliances between schools, companies and ecological producers are being promoted and, above all, the exchange of information and good practices that can continue to contribute towards this agroecological transition," they say from the organization of SEAE. This training has been carried out in Madrid, now in the Valencian Community and in September, in the Canary Islands. It takes place within the framework ofdraftAgroeco Qualify- Improvement of competences in agroecology of theEmployaverde program of theBiodiversity Foundation of theMinistry for Ecological Transition with co-financing fromEuropean Social Fund (FSE), whose objective is that workers of different profiles (production, processing, certification…) can improve their qualifications and professional skills in agroecology and adapt their knowledge to the current situation in the sector. “Eat the rainbow”: healthy eating strategies for children How to make children eat vegetables and not put them off their plate when they eat at school? Why should legumes have more presence on menus? In what way can we educate the little ones to follow a healthy diet inside and outside of school? Mª Dolores Raigón, expert researcher on the nutritional quality of food and president of SEAE; Together with Pilar Galindo from the La Garbancita Ecológica consumer cooperative, a sociologist and agroecological artisan baker, they have been in charge of teaching the practical part of this cooking course and discovering the various strategies and initiatives that allow us to bring together the benefits of organic food can bring in dining rooms. Through the experimentation of the senses (sounds, tastes, smells, textures…) the students have learned about quality and food safety, nutritional values, food preservation and much more. For example, comparative tastings were carried out between organic and conventional foods (carrots, meat, sugar, eggs ...) as well as the preparation and tasting of various preparations with organic foods that could be included in school menus. Thus, starting with the "rainbow" of colors in which the fruit well presented on a plate becomes and that makes it much more appetizing and fun for the little ones, organic beef burgers were cooked, other vegan ones made with rice and lentils, plus a series of cold spreads made with flax or sesame seeds. The autochthonous varieties of foods such as tomatoes (with more than 7 varieties present) or squash also played an important role. Undoubtedly, the perceptions gathered among the participants after this training indicate that there is a lot of potential to consider the introduction of organic food in schools. Video: School Lunches from Around the World Make American Students Want to Study Abroad (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3605-ecological-menus-for-school-canteens.html" }
The climate is changing rapidly, and scientists are genuinely concerned by some recently discovered signs. In the far north of Greenland, the Cape Morris Jesup weather site has had a record 61 hours of temperatures above freezing so far in 2018, linked to a rare retreat of sea ice in the dark arctic winter. "It has never been so extreme," said Dr Ruth Mottram, a climate scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI). Reuters Newsagency reports that heat was entering the Arctic both from the Atlantic and through the Bering Strait, driving and with cold air to the south. Around the entire Arctic region, temperatures are now around 20 degrees Celsius above normal, at -8.0 ° C, according to DMI calculations. To the south, a strange snowstorm hit Rome and some Brussels mayors planned to detain the homeless overnight if they refused to take shelter in temperatures that would drop to -10 ° C next week. Struck by winds from the east of Siberia, cities from Warsaw to Oslo were below -8.0 ° C. As early as 1973, a study suggested that an ice-free Arctic Ocean could make regions even colder to the south. That "warm Arctic, cold continent" (WAC # C) pattern is sometimes referred to as "wacc-y" or "crazy" among climate scientists. "The weird weather continues with terrifying strength and persistence," tweeted Professor Lars Kaleschke, a professor at the University of Hamburg. “The question is whether this weather will occur more frequently. "This is just one event, so it is difficult to establish a causal relationship," he told Reuters. Scientists say that a long-term reduction in sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, linked to global warming, exposes warmer water that releases more heat into the atmosphere. "The jet stream becomes more wavy, which means cooler air can penetrate further south and warmer air further north," said Nalan Koc, director of research at the Norwegian Polar Institute. Arctic Ocean sea ice is at an all-time low by the end of February at 14.1 million square kilometers, according to the United States National Snow and Ice Data Center. That's about a million less than normal, or about the size of Egypt. Erik Solheim, the United Nations Environment Chief, said the rare climate fits a broader pattern driven by the build-up of greenhouse gases, mainly from the burning of fossil fuels from cars, factories and plants. Energy. “What we once considered anomalies are becoming the new normal. Our climate is changing right in front of our eyes, and we only have a short period of time to prevent this from getting significantly worse, "he told Reuters. Under the 2015 UN-sponsored Paris Agreement on climate change, nearly 200 nations agreed to limit a rise in temperatures to "well below" 2.0 ° C above pre-industrial times, while continuing to strive to limit it to 1.5 ° C. "The risk of an ice-free Arctic in summer is around 50 percent or more" with warming between 1.5 ° C and 2.0 ° C, according to a leaked draft of a scientific report from a UN panel of scientists, Obtained by Reuters. The World Meteorological Organization said the cooling in Europe was caused by a "sudden warming of the stratosphere" over the North Pole that led to a split in the polar vortex, a cold area of ​​air over the Arctic that spilled southward. A big problem in determining whether the Arctic heat is dependent on human activities or natural variations is the lack of measuring stations. There are no thermometers at the North Pole, and satellite measurements date from the late 1970s. In the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, temperatures were above freezing, with rain, and about 13.4 ° C above the long-term average. "There were also recent winters with similar deviations," said Dr. Rasmus Benestad, senior scientist at the Norwegian Meteorological Institute. US President Donald Trump, who plans to abandon the Paris Agreement, has often expressed doubts about the science of dominant global warming during cold spells, such as New Years in the eastern United States. Dr Mottram at DMI said that Europe's winters had become less severe. “It's not really that cold. It's just that our perceptions have changed since a normal winter. " Video: Climate Change: If we lose the Arctic, we lose the whole world w. Guy McPherson (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/4001-the-crazy-climate-is-taking-hold-north-pole-warmer-th.html" }
Would you give a glass of alcoholic drink for your little son? The answer will certainly be no. No parent would give alcohol to a child. Mainly because it is known to be toxic, it causes serious damage to the body and addiction. However, if you are in the habit of giving sweets, and filling your child's meals with sugar, it may be that you are doing the child great harm, without realizing it. A study in the United Kingdom, the National Diet and Nutrition Survey, showed that sugar consumed by little ones can do as much harm to the liver and brain as alcohol. In this case, the liver metabolizes fructose, one of the sugar molecules, like alcohol, overloading the organ that has, among other functions, the job of eliminating toxins from the body. It is becoming more common for children to suffer from adult problems, such as diabetes and liver disease. A study conducted in Italy evaluated 271 participants, with a mean age of 12.5 years, and who had sugary diets. The research found that 37.6% of them had non-alcoholic staatohepatitis (NASH), a disease that can cause irreversible damage, leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis. Among the main villains of excess sugar are industrialized foods. It is common for the industry to fill products with sugar, mainly in items intended for children. Plus, it's easy to mask sugar on labels, as there are at least 56 different names for that substance. Products like yogurt, cereals and cookies can contain such a large amount of sugar that they extrapolate the daily needs of the child in just one meal. Fructose, mentioned in the studies, also exists in fruits, but it is not harmful, as it is accompanied by essential vitamins and minerals to the body and they are metabolized differently. Video: Alcohols effect on teenage brain (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3037-sugar-is-like-alcohol-to-children-it-damages-the-liv.html" }
China has a pretty serious pollution problem, with so much smog in some parts of the country that it can discolor buildings and even block the sun. By some estimates, high levels of air pollution in China's cities cause between 350,000 and 400,000 premature deaths each year. But a new project in Xi’an, one of the nation's most severely polluted cities, aims to lessen it, thanks to a massive 200-foot chimney. However, unlike most fireplaces, this one will not increase air pollution levels, but will act as a purification system for the outside air, filtering out harmful particles and blowing clean air into the sky. The chimney is designed to remove particles called PM2.5, referring to particles with an ultrafine mass of less than 2.5 microns. This is known to be very dangerous for individuals and can increase the risk of age-specific mortality, particularly from cardiovascular causes. “The Solar-Assisted Large-Scale Cleaning System (SALSCS) consists of a green house with a circular or rectangular base with glass panels gradually rising towards the central tower,” Professor David Y.H. Pui, one of the researchers on the project, told Digital Trends. “Solar heating heats the polluted ambient air that is drawn in under the panels, and the hot air rises towards the central tower due to its buoyancy effect. A bank of filters is placed around the inlet of the tower to remove PM2.5 pollutants, so that only clean air exits the outlet at the top of the tower. By placing the SALSCS near a large city, you will draw polluted air into the SALSCS and return the clean air to the city to reduce the concentration of PM2.5. The SALSCS glass panels are coated with nanoparticles to remove nitrogen oxides, one of the main precursors of PM2.5 and ozone. " While the results have yet to be released, the $ 2 million project has yielded positive results. Pui said the project's research group has found a 19 percent decrease in PM2.5 concentrations in a 10-square-kilometer area surrounding the Xi’an SALSCS, compared to other parts of the city. “It took Los Angeles several decades to reach today's pollution levels in China by controlling pollutants at their source,” continued Pui. “China is likely to be able to achieve this in a much shorter time due to the new technologies available and the tightening of emission standards. "In a shorter period of 10 to 15 years, China can benefit from the implementation of SALSCS technology for large-scale cleaning of urban air pollution." Next, Pui said the team hopes to build a much larger SALSCS in Xi’an, which will measure 1,000 feet. They also want to expand to other parts of China, as well as beyond Video: China Unknown: Fighting pollution with drones (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3202-the-gigantic-chinese-chimney-that-swallows-pollution.html" }
According to a survey, only 18% of Europeans know that they use biodiesel regularly.More than a dozen environmental organizations join forces to launch the European campaign #NotInMyTank (# NoEnMiDepósito in Spain) against palm oil biodiesel. These organizations require the European Commission to exclude this biofuel as a green fuel in the European Union regulations. The vast majority of the European population does not know that the diesel with which they fill their tanks contains up to 7% biodiesel, often made from palm oil. According to a survey carried out by Ipsos, 82% of the European citizens surveyed are not aware that diesel contains palm oil. When asked if they would agree to measures to end policies to support and subsidize economic biodiesel from palm oil in Europe, 69% of those surveyed supported the idea, while only 14% were against and 16% did not respond. These responses are in line with the decision of the European Parliament and many Member States to end the use of palm biodiesel. Despite widespread ignorance, in 2017 51% of the palm oil used in Europe ended up in car and truck warehouses; making drivers the main - albeit unaware - palm oil consumers in Europe. The ball is in the court of the European Commission, which has until February 1, 2019 to publish a delegated act that establishes the scientific criteria for the phase-out of palm oil in diesel. The expansion of palm oil to make biodiesel for transport in Europe is causing rapid and virulent deforestation of large areas of virgin forest and the drainage of peatlands (a type of wetland of great environmental value) for subsequent cultivation with oil palm. Due to this change in land use, palm oil biodiesel causes three times more Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions than fossil fuels and, therefore, a strong impact on climate change. Furthermore, these crops have a strong social, economic and environmental impact. According to Rosalía Soley, coordinator of the campaign on palm oil biodiesel at Ecologistas en Acción by Ecologistas en Acción, “burning palm oil in cars and trucks to achieve climate goals is absurd. In Spain, 90% of the biodiesel produced is from palm. This has to change very soon ”. Cecilia Sánchez, promoter of the campaign, adds that “the European Commission should not only see this as a legal obligation, but also as a unique opportunity to demonstrate that the EU is not alien to what the vast majority of Europeans want, just before the EU elections ”. An international coalition of environmental organizations, among which is Ecologistas en Acción, today launched the #NotInMyTank campaign (# NoEnMiDepósito in Spain) with a citizen petition, through the SumOfUs platform, to urge the European Commission to carry out the elimination phasing out of palm oil into diesel. The campaign comprises a series of public actions and will culminate in a day of action with mobilizations in different European capitals. These street actions are intended to convince policy makers of the need to prevent the extinction of seriously threatened species such as orangutans as a result of the disappearance of the tropical forests. Request # NoEnMiDposósito: https://www.sumofus.org/no-mas-aceite-de-palma-en-mi-deposito Rosalía Soley (coordinator of Ecologistas en Acción's palm oil biodiesel campaign): 611 401 780 Cecilia Sánchez (facilitator of the Ecologistas en Acción palm oil biodiesel campaign): 659 946 667 Roberto Herreros Press Confederation of Ecologists in Action 915 31 27 39 / 617 02 64 32 www.ecologistasenaccion.org Video: Sumatra Burning: The heart of palm oil PART 1 (October 2020).
{ "content_languages": "eng", "seed_id": 73, "url": "https://notihuatulcopuertoescondido.com/3306-europeans-reject-burning-palm-oil-for-fuel.html" }