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18A Implementation Details
In this appendix we discuss how the inclusion con
straints in filterbased SLTMPC 32 and in the primary
process 46 can be implemented as linear constraints
Before that we formally define a support function 31
Definition 6 Support function The support func
tion of a nonempty compact convex set A Rn evalu
ated at ξRnis given by hAξ supaAξa
The support function of a polytopic set AaHAa
hais then given by the linear program max aAξa
A1 Implementation of 32
While the state and input constraints 32f 32g can
be implemented using standard techniques from distur
bance feedback literature 12 the other inclusion con
straints require more consideration The terminal con
straints 32h 32j are all of the from A1 and thus