10125 memory slot M3is initialized with tubes com
puted by 42 for initial condition x z 00 and
memory slot M2is left empty The memory is then up
dated by Algorithm 2 in every timestep and by Algo
rithm 1 every ten timesteps where the new tubes are
stored in M1and the previous ones are copied to M2 In
Figure 6 these updates are clearly visible by the spikes
in the convex combination variables The spikes occur
because we copy the previous tubes to M2 ie when the
tubes in M1blue lines are updated it is beneficial to fuse
them with the previous ones in M2green lines How
ever after a few timesteps it is preferrable to mainly use
the new tubes which is evident by increasing 位1blue
and decreasing 位2green towards the next tube update
Fork50 the trajectories are approaching the origin
and the tubes in M3yellow lines are increasingly used
which is expected since they are optimized for a region
around the origin Finally we discourage the use of the
fallback tubes in M0red lines with a regularization cost
on位0 which is evident by their low usage ie these
tubes are only used if necessary to retain feasibility
7 Conclusions
This paper introduced filterbased system level tube
MPC SLTMPC for constrained discretetime linear
systems with additive disturbances and model uncer
tainties We detailed a generalization of the filterbased
SLTMPC method introduced in 25 and proposed a
modified version which admits closedloop guarantees
in receding horizon By introducing a new terminal
controller combined with an online optimized terminal
set we proved recursive feasibility and inputtostate
stability of the proposed method Additionally we in
troduced a new asynchronous computation scheme for
filterbased SLTMPC which significantly reduces its
computational demand by separating the tube and nom
inal trajectory optimizations into different processes
Finally we showed the benefits and effectiveness of the
proposed methods on two numerical examples
15105 0 5 10 15
u1D46500255075100125150u1D467Primary process 46
0 50 100 150
Timestepu1D458000204060810u1D706u1D45Au1D7060u1D7061u1D7062u1D7063Fig 6 Closedloop trajectories in the xzplane of the
VTOL vehicle with the primary process 46 starting
in x z 10 125top and the corresponding convex
combination parameters 位m m 0 M1 bottom
Table 2
Computation times for the VTOL vehicle example with hori
zonN 10
Comp Time ms
Min Median
SLTMPC 32 49075 71976
Asynchronous computation
Primary Process 46 779 1659
Secondary Process 42 4735 6853
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