2 values
13 values
The Senator must be wrong on the issue of taxes because he's such a jerk to the people who work for him.
ad hominem
"If you never gave money to charity, then you must be a greedy millionaire." What is this?
false dilemma
This is an example of....
circular reasoning
"It rained and we lost the game. Every time it rains, we are going to lose."
false causality
You have to invite Jenna to your party because it would not be nice not to invite Jenna.
circular reasoning
The Bible clearly says, “Thou shall not bear false witness.” Therefore, as a Christian, you better answer the door and tell our drunk neighbor with the shotgun, that his wife, whom he is looking to kill, is hiding in our basement. Otherwise, you are defying God himself!
faulty generalization
Why must you always take positions that are so unscientific?
circular reasoning
What type of appeal taps into the desire to belong to a group?
ad populum
Intentionally using negatively charged words is an example of which technique?
ad hominem
"If you have never been born again, eternal separation from God in the Lake of Fire awaits you. If you are born again, then being with the Lord in heaven forever is your destiny. Which do you choose?"
appeal to emotion
"Everyone wants to be an English teacher."
faulty generalization
Either you love bacon, or you're wrong.
false dilemma
"But this here research must go on. This space effort must go on" is an example of which logical fallacy?
circular reasoning
Person A: "What's the weather like?" Person B: "It's 2:00"
fallacy of logic
We should move to the Midwest because Mujtaba from the Wall Street Journal says the cost of living is cheaper there.
fallacy of credibility
I failed Pre-Cal because my teacher doesn’t like me.
false causality
All tall people are good basketball players.
faulty generalization
Don't use iPhones. Teachers use iPhones and teachers are extremely dorky. If you use an iPhone, you will be dorky like a teacher!
faulty generalization
If I don't take this Advanced Placement (A.P.) class, then I won't do well on the exam. If I don't do well on the A.P. exam, then I can't get into a good college. If I can't get into a good college, then I'll never get a good job. If I can't get a good job, then I'm going to have to live in my parents' basement forever. Guess I'll sign up for the A.P. class
faulty generalization
Science fiction books are not worth the time it takes to read them.
faulty generalization
Senator Jones supports a strong national defense, and he wants your vote. I would never vote for a coward like him.
ad hominem
I hope I presented my argument clearly. Now, my opponent will attempt to refute my argument by his own fallacious, incoherent, illogical version of history.
ad hominem
Are you still a heavy drinker?
The nuthatch was discovered by Tilly Turnow in the woods, while hopping from branch to branch of an elm tree, singing happily.
My brother Humza eats cheeseburgers and pizza. He is thin. Cheeseburgers and pizza aren’t the cause of obesity.
faulty generalization
"Then we had a death. A 32-year-old woman hemorrhaged to death as a result of a cervical laceration. I finally realized, we weren't helping women - we were destroying them."
appeal to emotion
Every girl I've dated has been a nurse. I must only be compatible with nurses!
false causality
If you allow the students to redo this one test, they will always want to redo all future tests
faulty generalization
Because students do not do homework virtually when quarantined, we should get rid of all computers.
fallacy of relevance
The students in my sixth-grade class listen to a lot of reggaeton music. I usually hear reggaeton when they have their headphones or earphones on while working on NoRedInk. All sixth graders must listen to reggaeton. What type of faulty reasoning is being used?
faulty generalization
“We can give cadets awards for doing well, or we can have a disciplined squadron. We can’t do both.”
false dilemma
Art lifts the human spirit.
faulty generalization
"Jollibee or McDonalds for lunch?" The sentence is an example of what fallacy?
false dilemma
If we let our child out of his room, eventually he will want to leave the house, and will end up on the street. If he is walking around on the street then he will be snatched up by a stranger and sold into slavery in a remote region on the World.
faulty generalization
We should ban all hairspray or the world will end!
false dilemma
“I know the exam is graded based on performance, but you should give me an A. My cat has been sick, my car broke down, and I’ve had a cold, so it was really hard for me to study!” Demanded Aun.
appeal to emotion
You can hardly blame President Clinton for having extramarital affairs. Many presidents, when faced with similar situations, have yielded to the same temptations.
fallacy of relevance
Believing that "runs" occur to statistically independent phenomena such as roulette wheel spins.
false causality
It was observed that persons who went out at night often developed the malady. So night air was assumed to be the cause of malaria, and elaborate precautions were taken to shut it out of sleeping quarters
false causality
Karen: I am sorry, but if you think man used to ride dinosaurs, then you are obviously not very well educated. Kent: First of all, I hold a PhD in creation science, so I am well-educated. Second of all, your ad hominem attack shows that you are wrong, and man did use to ride dinosaurs. Karen: Getting your PhD in a couple of months, from a “college” in a trailer park, is not being well-educated. My fallacy in no way is evidence for man riding on dinosaurs, and despite what you may think, the Flintstone’s was not a documentary!
fallacy of logic
"I bought a ticket to win a new car at the mall, since I have never won anything like that in the past."
ad populum
My dog got sprayed by a skunk this morning on the trail; therefore, trail running is dangerous.
faulty generalization
Keeping a dog as a pet is every bit as evil as human slavery.
fallacy of relevance
I know the professor said the Bridges of Madison County was smarmy trash and lacked any artistic worth. But I still think he's wrong. After all, it was on the best-seller list for over 100 weeks.
ad populum
Eric: For my lottery numbers, I chose 6, 14, 22, 35, 38, 40. What did you choose? Steve: I chose 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Eric: You idiot! Those numbers will never come up!
false causality
The solar system reminds me of an atom, with planets orbiting the sun like electrons orbiting the nucleus. We know that electrons can jump from orbit to orbit; so we must look to ancient records for sightings of planets jumping from orbit to orbit also.
fallacy of logic
"Sarah likes to run. All girls must like to run."
faulty generalization
The car was built with cheap parts, so it only goes to show that the car will fall apart.
ad hominem
Matthieu was the only player on the team who didn't grow a playoff beard, and thus he ended up getting injured.
false causality
"Yes, we have safety issues in our factory. But we work really hard to make a good product. They sell so well!"
fallacy of relevance
Like many issues in the world, what seems to be the biggest ISSUE among the Climate Change DEBATE?
fallacy of extension
Every time that rooster crows, the sun comes up. The rooster must control the sun.
false causality
Consider the following exchange: Lindsey: I think capital punishment is a necessary component of our justice system and should remain legal. Kayla: So you are saying that murder should be legal and it is okay for us to go around killing people just because we think they deserve it? That isn't right. Of what fallacy is Kayla guilty?
fallacy of extension
"Don't listen to Eddie's arguments on education. He didn't even finish high school" is an example of
ad hominem
The Senator thinks we can solve all our ecological problems by driving a Prius Quite the contrary, the Senator thinks the environment is such a wreck that no one’s car choice or driving habits would make the slightest difference
fallacy of extension
What she says about Kepler's astronomy theory of the 1600's must be just so much garbage. Do you realize she's only fifteen years old?
ad hominem
We can’t legalize marijuana; if we do, then the next thing you know people will be strung out on heroin.
faulty generalization
A: “We need to move towards self-driving cars as the next step in greater road safety.” B: “But what about the self-driving Uber that didn’t stop and killed a pedestrian in Arizona?”
fallacy of extension
“It must be cool because everyone is doing it…" said Kinza
ad populum
We should abolish the death penalty. Even Judge Judy is opposed to it.
fallacy of credibility
The owner of the car dealership by my house told me I need a new car, and he would know since he works in the industry.
fallacy of credibility
Believing that the cause of the Reformation was simply Martin Luther posting his theses
false causality
Jane gets a rather large wart on her finger. Based on a story her father told her, she cuts a potato in half, rubs it on the wart and then buries it under the light of a full moon. Over the next month her wart shrinks and eventually vanishes. Jane writes her father to tell him how right he was about the cure.
false causality
You either support Hillary Clinton for President or you don’t believe in women’s rights.
false dilemma
This dress code is so bad I feel like I'm in prison.
fallacy of relevance
How can you possibly believe in evolution? That would mean that you believe that an elephant evolved from a mouse, and that’s just ridiculous
fallacy of extension
Labor unions in America are just as bad as Russia under Stalin!
fallacy of relevance
Don't let your cousin borrow $10.00. Next, he's going to be borrowing money from you every day.
faulty generalization
I have been around the block many times, and I have had my share of success. So believe me when I tell you that there is no better hobby than cat-juggling.
fallacy of credibility
Animal rights activists believe that we shouldn't keep animals captive and make them do our will. They would have you abandon your pets in the wilderness.
fallacy of extension
If you can't prove that Ken had an affair with the nanny, then he's been faithful to his wife.
false dilemma
Quite the contrary: The Senator thinks the environment is such a wreck that no one's car choice or driving habits would make the slightest difference.
fallacy of extension
The universe has a beginning. Every thing that has a beginning has a cause. Therefore, the universe has a cause called God.
circular reasoning
arguing at length that your religion is of great help to many people. Then, concluding that the teachings of your religion are undoubtably true
fallacy of logic
A father tells his son not to start smoking as he will regret it when he is older, and the son points out that his father is a smoker. This does not alter the fact that his son may regret smoking when he is older.
ad hominem
It is either you are for the US war on terror or against it.
false dilemma
Oprah Winfrey's diet advice is useless; she has had problems with maintaining her weight for most of her life, bouncing back and forth between being overweight and slender.
ad hominem
“Do you want to live in a world where you can get breakfast from McDonald’s all day, or would you rather live in a dictatorship?”
false dilemma
Royal's promoting their team for the next season by telling people to come join the team because everyone else has.
ad populum
That parking attendant who gave me a ticket is as bad as Hitler.
fallacy of relevance
Distracting your audience from the original issue by introducing an irrelevant topic.
fallacy of relevance
Almadina school of Richmond does not have many students, so that must mean that the school has a very selective admissions process.
false causality
"You passed everyone in the class, so I should get extra credit" is an example of
fallacy of logic
Yesterday, I walked under a ladder with an open umbrella indoors while spilling salt in front of a black cat. And I forgot to knock on wood with my lucky dice. That must be why I’m having such a bad day today. It’s bad luck.
false causality
Yeah, I think everyone's opinion counts on moral matters like that, but that Lila sleeps around with anything. I know of at least one marriage she's broken up, so why should her opinion count on anything, much less morality?
ad hominem
"everybody's doing it, so it must be a good thing to do."
ad populum
Flippityflu: smarter than a Floppityflip. Floppityflip: dumber than a Flippityflu.
circular reasoning
Charlie: I think we should put more money into schools. Quality public education is so important. Bob: So you’re saying we should cut military spending and spend it instead on more spiral notebooks and crayons? I guess you want our country to be a weak, defenseless target for terrorists.
fallacy of extension
If we allow cadets to apply for encampment online, we’d save everyone lots of headaches. REPLY: No. We’ve always made cadets apply using a paper form.
fallacy of credibility
My opponent raises a good point, but can we really trust him? I mean, he moved to this town only two years ago, and everyone knows that his wife left him.
ad hominem
Come on! Everyone else thinks the movie is great - you should too!
ad populum
How can I be expected to do my homework when billions of people around the world are throwing their plastic water bottles away without recycling them?
fallacy of logic
Ok, I am willing to grant that there might not be angels and demons really floating around Heaven or hanging out in Hell, but you must grant that there has to be at least one God. Is that a fair compromise?
fallacy of relevance
You really should support Senator Jones and his campaign to strengthen national defense. If you do not, he will lose control of the Armed Forces Committee and likely resign from politics.
appeal to emotion
All cats are felines. All dogs are canines. Therefore, all cats are canines.
fallacy of logic
I know you want to imprison me for having murdered my parents, but judge, have mercy on me, I’m an orphan!
fallacy of relevance
A book argues that global warming is not actually happening, and cites the research of one environmental scientist who has been studying climate change for several years.
fallacy of credibility
"He's the best teacher I've ever had because he's the best teacher I've known."
circular reasoning
“You can’t give me a C. I’m an A student!”
circular reasoning
the claim, as evidence for an idea, that many people believe it, or used to believe it or do it.
ad populum