2 values
13 values
"I think that the use of marijuana as a medical treatment shouldn't even be considered. If we make drugs legal in a few cases, then we might eventually have to completely legalize them - which is even crazier than Proposition 215. If we want to help people out by letting them do illegal things, then let's just get rid of all our laws."
faulty generalization
Claiming that "If you elect him, the Dow Jones will tumble and you will lose all of your money!" is an example of:
appeal to emotion
"There is ... a radical element, a homosexual agenda that wants to redefine what marriage is. They want to say that a marriage not only is one man and one woman but it is two men or it is two women. What logical reason is there to keep us from stopping expansion of that definition to include three people or an adult and a child, or any other odd combination that we want to have? ... and it does not even have to be limited to human beings by the way. I mean it could be anything. ... There is no reason why we cannot just completely erase whatever boundaries that currently exist on the definition of marriage and say it is a free-for-all, anything goes."
faulty generalization
Joe is firm in his principles. The reader admires Joe for not changing his ideas and opinions according to what is popular or advantageous.
appeal to emotion
Vote for me because the other candidate is a cheat and a liar!
ad hominem
"I knew him in high school and he almost flunked out. He can't be a good choice for mayor."
ad hominem
Charlie: Fast food is filled with salt, fat and added sugars. We need better regulation of the industry. Bob: That may be, but you're such a hypocrite! I saw you devour a Triple-Baconator, super-sized fries and 64 ounces of soda yesterday.
ad hominem
If I eat fast food for dinner, then I have a stomach ache in the evening. I had a stomach ache this evening. Therefore I ate fast food for dinner.
fallacy of logic
Democrats are gay and Republicans are rich.
faulty generalization
What I object to most about those people who oppose capital punishment is that they believe that the lives of convicted murderers are more important than the lives of the police and prison guards who protect us. But, obviously, since the lives of those who protect us are of the greatest value, no one should oppose capital punishment.
fallacy of extension
Ashley: It is morally wrong to cheat on your spouse; why on earth would you have done that? Hannah: But what is morality exactly? Ashley: It’s a code of conduct shared by cultures. Hannah: But who creates this code?... Hannah has committed what fallacy?
fallacy of relevance
I bought new shoes then my head started itching. I must be allergic to the shoes.
false causality
An attempt to gain a customer’s trust in an advertisement is referred to as
fallacy of credibility
The police said they suspect several people of setting the fire. Therefore, I can't be under suspicion because I was alone all night.
I saw that dog eat chicken so all dogs must only eat chicken.
faulty generalization
Every time I go to sleep, the sun goes down. Therefore, my going to sleep causes the sun to set.
false causality
Bill: "I think that some people have psychic powers." Jill: "What is your proof?" Bill: "No one has been able to prove that people do not have psychic powers."
Alley ate a slice of pizza for dinner and a few hours later she had a fever. Therefore, pizza causes fevers.
false causality
"You're clearly just too young to understand what’s happening.” The statement is an example of…
ad hominem
The Bible is the Word of God because God tells us it is... in the Bible.
circular reasoning
"A solar flare erupted from the sun three days ago, and my laptop died this morning. Solar flares are very dangerous for computers."
false causality
There is a lot of commotion regarding saving the environment. We simply cannot make this world into the Garden of Eden. Pursuing perfection is impossible and pointless. And besides, even Adam and Eve got bored in Eden!
fallacy of relevance
The uncommunicative strangers seemed unwilling to speak to us, hiding behind the language barrier.
appeal to emotion
The lady in the pink dress is Julia Roberts. The reporter thinks Julia Roberts drives a Prius. Therefore, the reporter thinks the lady in the pink dress drives a Prius.
fallacy of logic
Everybody understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal and pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage,' he said. 'And focus on money and the media.
faulty generalization
By rejecting God, you are rejecting goodness, kindness, and love itself.
appeal to emotion
news organizations are Fake News?
faulty generalization
Not able to defend his position that evolution 'isn't true' Bob says that he knows a scientist who also questions evolution (and presumably isn't a primate).
fallacy of credibility
Q: Did the President have an affair? A: "He's very busy at the moment with the Middle East Peace talks, and has no time for silly accusations."
fallacy of relevance
My parents are vegetarians, and they are good people. Therefore, all vegetarians must be good people.
faulty generalization
present ideas that elicit strong feelings
appeal to emotion
So many people are speaking up about animal rights, but what they should first focus on is human rights.
fallacy of relevance
You can't give me a C. I'm an A student.
circular reasoning
You say that Coach Smith pressured teachers to give his students passing grades. But don’t you agree that athletics are important to schools? Don’t they build character?
fallacy of relevance
Nuclear disarmament is a risk, but everything in life involves a risk. Every time you drive in a car you are taking a risk. If you're willing to drive in a car, you should be willing to have disarmament.
fallacy of logic
Peter: "Based on the arguments I have presented, it is evident that it is morally wrong to use animals for food or clothing." Bill: "But you are wearing a leather jacket and you have a roast beef sandwich in your hand! How can you say that using animals for food and clothing is wrong!"
ad hominem
This type of propaganda implies that since EVERYONE else is buying a product, so should you!
ad populum
Saying that because one finds something difficult to understand, therefore it's not true
I know nothing about Tank Johnson except that he has a criminal record as long as your leg, but I’ll bet he’s really just misunderstood
This is an example of what? "Attacks the arguer instead of the argument"
ad hominem
Richardson is the most successful mayor the town has ever had because he's the best mayor of our history.
circular reasoning
"My roommate said her Debate class was hard, and the one that I'm in right now is hard, too. All Debate classes must be hard!”
faulty generalization
"Freedom of choice is an important freedom. Students should have the freedom to choose between different types of soft drinks."
faulty generalization
I broke my mirror this morning, AND I failed my History test. I must've failed because the mirror gave me bad luck.
false causality
Everyone is selfish; everyone is doing what he believes will make himself happier. The recognition of that can take most of the sting out of accusations that you're being "selfish." Why should you feel guilty for seeking your own happiness when that's what everyone else is doing, too? What's the logical fallacy?
ad populum
Leonardo DiCaprio is just a dumb actor! What does he really know about climate change?!
ad hominem
“Live with me or live on the streets”
false dilemma
Despite the fact that our Q4 numbers are much lower than usual, we should push forward using the same strategy because our CEO Barbara says this is the best approach.
fallacy of credibility
Advocates for a tight virus response say "we need to limit the spread." What they're really saying is we need to shut down everything forever, leading to massive economic damage.
fallacy of extension
Senator Smith says that the nation should not add to the defense budget. Senator Jones says that he cannot believe that Senator Smith wants to leave the nation defenseless.
fallacy of extension
a movie reviewer who dislikes a Tom Cruise movie because of the actor's religion and tries to impose negative bias in the audience members' minds before they see the film.
ad hominem
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason."
fallacy of logic
A teacher tells Billy to stop talking, and he yells back: “Sarah was talking too!”
fallacy of relevance
Every time we sacrifice virgins, it rains. Therefore, sacrificing virgins causes it to rain.
false causality
Nobody else is wearing masks out in public. Why should you?
ad populum
"Even though it's only the first day, I can tell this is going to be a boring course."
faulty generalization
If Mr. Stiedemann assigns us homework then I can't work on other assignments in my other classes. Then my teachers will get mad and cause me to get angry. Then my anger will lead to behavioral issues and I'll get suspended.
faulty generalization
Al Gore's support of the discussion of sexual orientation issues on Ellen is dangerous: he advocates the exposure of children to sexually explicit materials, which is wrong.
fallacy of extension
Recently, we highlighted a British journalist’s story about the underside of Dubai’s startling ascent. Some in Dubai called foul, including one writer who wants to remind Britons that their own country has a dark side. After all, what to think of a country in which one-fifth of the population lives in poverty?
ad hominem
I am voting for Pepitone for President because the rest of my family is voting for her, and I don't want to be the only one not doing so.
ad populum
My opponent in this election claims to have the best interests of our community at heart. However, he is separated from his family. Isn’t family the basic unit of society? How can we entrust the concerns of the community to someone who was not able to keep his family together?
ad hominem
The first time I went to Six Flags was great, so every time I go there will be great.
faulty generalization
President Reagan was a great communicator because he had the gift of talking effectively to the people.
circular reasoning
My roommate said her philosophy class was difficult, and the one I’m in is difficult, too. All philosophy classes must be hard.
faulty generalization
I thought you were a good person, but you weren’t in class today.
false dilemma
America has to act now to reduce illegal immigration. Recent studies show that the vast majority of Americans think that illegal immigration is a problem.
ad populum
America keeps telling China to be more respecting of journalism, but why don't they stop the American propaganda first?
ad hominem
Forty million people won't be wrong. Please buy the latest iPhone 12.
ad populum
The speaker insinuates that there are only two options despite this not being true.
false dilemma
I can tell this movie is going to be terrible; the opening credits aren't even over yet!
faulty generalization
If you had school pride like the rest of us do, you would wear a mountain lion costume every day.
ad populum
My new method of conducting meta-analyses is the most valid there is because it is the only one capable of such validity, the only one that has ever approached such validity, and the only one that is so completely valid.
circular reasoning
My first day of basketball practice was easy, so it will always be easy.
faulty generalization
In our psychology department, half of the faculty believe that a behavioral approach is the only valid approach; the other half believe that the only valid approach is psychodynamic. Obviously the most valid approach must be one that incorporates both behavioral and psychodynamic elements.
fallacy of relevance
My teacher says the Earth is flat, so it definitely is flat.
ad hominem
Roommate A: We need to talk about your dog. He keeps peeing everywhere and making a mess. Roommate B: It's not as big of a problem as your cat. The thing sheds all over my clothes! The above is an example of
fallacy of relevance
Preys on people’s emotions and sensitivities, can turn into a slippery slope
appeal to emotion
The temperature has dropped this morning, and I also have a headache. The cold weather must be causing my headache.
false causality
To justify support for a position by citing an esteemed or well-known figure who supports it. Para justificar el apoyo a una posición citando a una figura estimada o conocida que lo apoya.
fallacy of credibility
If the state can require car seats for small children and infants, they can just as easily require mothers to breast-feed instead of using formula.
fallacy of logic
Cassie has no school spirit—she never comes to any of our football games. guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something
false dilemma
"Standardized dress should be used in schools because kids should wear standardized dress."
circular reasoning
Because cases spiked rapidly in New York City back in March, it justified us closing down the whole country.
faulty generalization
Good people don't lie. You told a lie. Therefore, you are not a good person.
fallacy of logic
Has your clinic stopped those unethical practices yet?
"Advocates of legalized abortion predicted it would solve our social problems. Instead, this destruction of one-fourth of a generation has left a more violent society in its wake: Child abuse has exploded, from 167,000 estimated cases in 1973 to 2.4 million in 1989, according to the National Center of Child Abuse and Neglect - a 1,400% increase. Teen suicide, among non-aborted and thus presumably "wanted" children, has doubled. Violent crime has more than doubled."
fallacy of extension
Hi, I’m Troy McClure. You might remember me from such films as The Day the Peacock Died. After filming scenes with feathered co-stars all day, there’s nothing I enjoy more than a bucket of Buster’s Chicken. It’s chickentastic!
fallacy of credibility
Jimmy stole Tommy’s lunch in the past. Therefore, it is acceptable for Tommy to steal Jimmy’s lunch today.
fallacy of relevance
Dr. Simmons: I am working on a way to lengthen the human lifespan to about 200 years. Misty: You are declaring war on Mother Nature, and Mother Nature always wins!
You never even finished law school, so why should I trust you to watch my children?
ad hominem
A news story that reported that Captain Shah was under investigation was shared widely on social media. He must have been the individual who caused the crash.
ad populum
"If my hair looks nice, people will love me."
fallacy of logic
Since it was a deathbed confession, it must be true.
ad hominem
I don't know about you, but I would never take the word of a woman who never finished school.
ad hominem
If we use just one more can of hairspray this month, earth as we know it will no longer exist.
faulty generalization
If there is objective morality, then good moral behavior will be rewarded after death. I want to be rewarded; therefore, morality must be objective.
appeal to emotion
The ideas from that member of the club are wrong, but he isn’t actually a true member of the club so his ideas do not matter.
"I know the exam is graded based on performance, but you should give me an A. My cat has been sick, my car broke down, and I've had a cold, so it was really hard for me to study!"
appeal to emotion
Religion may have been wrong about a few things, but science has been wrong about many more things!
faulty generalization
"Let's look instead at what my opponent proposes to do with your hard earned money!" This is an example of which type of logical fallacy?
fallacy of relevance