[[cause]]/N -nmod:from resulted/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
This change resulted from the Art Director's branch of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) being renamed the Designer's branch.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="change/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="resulted/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="from/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Art/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Director/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="'s/POS-8"]; N_9 [label="branch/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Academy/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Motion/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="Picture/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Arts/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="Sciences/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--19"]; N_20 [label="AMPAS/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--21"]; N_22 [label="being/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="renamed/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Designer/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="'s/POS-26"]; N_27 [label="branch/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:from"]; N_3 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="appos"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="auxpass"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="xcomp"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Etruscans brought the Greek alphabet to their civilization in the Italian Peninsula and left the letter unchanged.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Etruscans/NNPS-2"]; N_3 [label="brought/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="Greek/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="alphabet/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="their/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="civilization/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="in/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Italian/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="Peninsula/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="left/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="letter/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="unchanged/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="xcomp"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The Seattle Symphony also recorded a version in 1990 of Gershwin's original score, before he made numerous edits resulting in the score as we hear it today.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Seattle/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Symphony/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="recorded/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="version/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="in/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="1990/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="Gershwin/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="'s/POS-12"]; N_13 [label="original/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="score/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="before/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="he/PRP-17"]; N_18 [label="made/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="numerous/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="edits/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="resulting/VBG-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="score/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="we/PRP-26"]; N_27 [label="hear/VBP-27"]; N_28 [label="it/PRP-28"]; N_29 [label="today/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_18 [label="advcl:before"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="acl"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="advcl:as"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="mark"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:tmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Ravel's high praise of Gershwin in an introductory letter to Boulanger caused Gershwin to seriously consider taking much more time to study abroad in Paris.
digraph { N_1 [label="Ravel/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="high/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="praise/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="Gershwin/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="an/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="introductory/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="letter/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="Boulanger/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="caused/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="Gershwin/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="seriously/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="consider/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="taking/VBG-18"]; N_19 [label="much/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="more/JJR-20"]; N_21 [label="time/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="study/VB-23"]; N_24 [label="abroad/RB-24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Paris/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="xcomp"]; N_13 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="xcomp"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="advcl:to"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="mark"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
While the studies were cut short, that 1926 trip resulted in the initial version of An American in Paris written as a 'thank you note' to Gershwin's hosts, Robert and Mabel Shirmer.
digraph { N_1 [label="While/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="studies/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="were/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="cut/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="short/RB-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="that/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="1926/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="trip/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="resulted/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="initial/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="version/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="An/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="American/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="Paris/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="written/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="as/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="a/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="`/``-24"]; N_25 [label="thank/VB-25"]; N_26 [label="you/PRP-26"]; N_27 [label="note/VB-27"]; N_28 [label="'/''-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="Gershwin/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="'s/POS-31"]; N_32 [label="hosts/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="Robert/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="and/CC-35"]; N_36 [label="Mabel/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="Shirmer/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="root"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_11 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:as"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_27 -> N_32 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_37 [label="appos"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="conj:and"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 1967 it was suggested that nearby masses caused clocks to operate at different rates, but this was disproven in 1968.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1967/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="it/PRP-3"]; N_4 [label="was/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="suggested/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="that/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="nearby/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="masses/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="caused/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="clocks/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="operate/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="at/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="different/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="rates/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="but/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="this/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="was/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="disproven/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label="in/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="1968/CD-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_20 [label="conj:but"]; N_5 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:at"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="auxpass"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
In the 1970s, it became clear that the clocks participating in TAI were ticking at different rates due to gravitational time dilation, and the combined TAI scale therefore corresponded to an average of the altitudes of the various clocks.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="1970s/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="it/PRP-5"]; N_6 [label="became/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="clear/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="that/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="clocks/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="participating/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="TAI/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="were/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="ticking/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="at/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="different/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="rates/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="due/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="gravitational/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="time/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="dilation/NN-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="combined/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="TAI/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="scale/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="therefore/RB-30"]; N_31 [label="corresponded/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="to/TO-32"]; N_33 [label="an/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="average/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="of/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="the/DT-36"]; N_37 [label="altitudes/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="of/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="various/JJ-40"]; N_41 [label="clocks/NNS-41"]; N_42 [label="./.-42"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="xcomp"]; N_6 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="ccomp"]; N_6 -> N_31 [label="ccomp"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:at"]; N_15 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="aux"]; N_15 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="nmod:to"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="nsubj"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="advmod"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_37 [label="nmod:of"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="det"]; N_37 -> N_41 [label="nmod:of"]; N_41 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Achilles' descent from the Nereid Thetis and a similarity of his name with those of river deities such as Acheron and Achelous have led to speculations about him being an old water divinity (see below Worship).
digraph { N_1 [label="Achilles/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="'/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="descent/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="from/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Nereid/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="Thetis/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="similarity/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="his/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="name/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="with/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="those/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="river/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="deities/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="such/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="as/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="Acheron/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="Achelous/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="have/VBP-24"]; N_25 [label="led/VBN-25"]; N_26 [label="to/TO-26"]; N_27 [label="speculations/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="about/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="him/PRP-29"]; N_30 [label="being/VBG-30"]; N_31 [label="an/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="old/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="water/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="divinity/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--35"]; N_36 [label="see/VB-36"]; N_37 [label="below/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="Worship/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--39"]; N_40 [label="./.-40"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:from"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:with"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="mwe"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_25 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="aux"]; N_25 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_34 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="nmod:about"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="dep"]; N_34 -> N_30 [label="cop"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_38 [label="nmod:below"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
Black carbon is a bigger cause of the melting of the polar ice cap in the Arctic than carbon dioxide due to its effect on the albedo.
digraph { N_1 [label="Black/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="carbon/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="is/VBZ-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="bigger/JJR-5"]; N_6 [label="cause/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="melting/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="polar/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="ice/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="cap/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="in/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="Arctic/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="than/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="carbon/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="dioxide/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="due/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="its/PRP$-23"]; N_24 [label="effect/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="on/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="albedo/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="nmod:than"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="nmod:due_to"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="mwe"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:on"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl resulting/VBG +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
When the melted area reveals surfaces with lower albedo, such as grass or soil, the effect is reversed: the darkening surface lowers albedo, increasing local temperatures, which induces more melting and thus reducing the albedo further, resulting in still more heating.
digraph { N_1 [label="When/WRB-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="melted/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="area/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="reveals/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="surfaces/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="lower/JJR-8"]; N_9 [label="albedo/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="such/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="as/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="grass/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="or/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="soil/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="effect/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="is/VBZ-19"]; N_20 [label="reversed/VBN-20"]; N_21 [label=":/:-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="darkening/VBG-23"]; N_24 [label="surface/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="lowers/VBZ-25"]; N_26 [label="albedo/NN-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="increasing/VBG-28"]; N_29 [label="local/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="temperatures/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label=",/,-31"]; N_32 [label="which/WDT-32"]; N_33 [label="induces/VBZ-33"]; N_34 [label="more/RBR-34"]; N_35 [label="melting/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="and/CC-36"]; N_37 [label="thus/RB-37"]; N_38 [label="reducing/VBG-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="albedo/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="further/RB-41"]; N_42 [label=",/,-42"]; N_43 [label="resulting/VBG-43"]; N_44 [label="in/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="still/RB-45"]; N_46 [label="more/JJR-46"]; N_47 [label="heating/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_25 [label="parataxis"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="mwe"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:or"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="auxpass"]; N_20 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="ref"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_30 -> N_42 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_43 [label="acl"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_33 -> N_38 [label="dobj"]; N_33 -> N_41 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="advmod"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="cc"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="advmod"]; N_38 -> N_40 [label="dobj"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_43 -> N_47 [label="nmod:in"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="advmod"]; N_47 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
In the case of evergreen forests with seasonal snow cover albedo reduction may be great enough for deforestation to cause a net cooling effect.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="case/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="evergreen/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="forests/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="seasonal/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="snow/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="cover/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="albedo/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="reduction/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="may/MD-13"]; N_14 [label="be/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="great/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="enough/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="for/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="deforestation/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="to/TO-19"]; N_20 [label="cause/VB-20"]; N_21 [label="a/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="net/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="cooling/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="effect/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="aux"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="cop"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="advcl:to"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="mark"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
When an area's albedo changes due to snowfall, a snow–temperature feedback results.
digraph { N_1 [label="When/WRB-1"]; N_2 [label="an/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="area/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="'s/POS-4"]; N_5 [label="albedo/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="changes/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="due/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="snowfall/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="snow/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="--/:-13"]; N_14 [label="temperature/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="feedback/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="results/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_1 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_6 [label="dep"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:to"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="dep"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="appos"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The dynamical nature of albedo in response to positive feedback, together with the effects of small errors in the measurement of albedo, can lead to large errors in energy estimates.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="dynamical/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="nature/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="albedo/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="response/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="positive/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="feedback/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="together/RB-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="effects/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="of/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="small/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="errors/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="measurement/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="albedo/NN-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="can/MD-25"]; N_26 [label="lead/VB-26"]; N_27 [label="to/TO-27"]; N_28 [label="large/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="errors/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="in/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="energy/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="estimates/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:in"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="aux"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:to"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VBP +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Increased nuclei concentrations lead to increased cloud droplet number concentrations, which in turn leads to increased cloud albedo, increased light scattering and radiative cooling (first indirect effect), but also leads to reduced precipitation efficiency and increased lifetime of the cloud (second indirect effect).
digraph { N_1 [label="Increased/VBN-1"]; N_2 [label="nuclei/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="concentrations/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="lead/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="increased/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="cloud/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="droplet/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="number/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="concentrations/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="which/WDT-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="turn/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="leads/VBZ-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="increased/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="cloud/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="albedo/NN-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="increased/VBD-21"]; N_22 [label="light/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="scattering/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="radiative/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="cooling/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--27"]; N_28 [label="first/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="indirect/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="effect/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="but/CC-33"]; N_34 [label="also/RB-34"]; N_35 [label="leads/VBZ-35"]; N_36 [label="to/TO-36"]; N_37 [label="reduced/VBN-37"]; N_38 [label="precipitation/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="efficiency/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="and/CC-40"]; N_41 [label="increased/VBD-41"]; N_42 [label="lifetime/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="of/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="cloud/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--46"]; N_47 [label="second/JJ-47"]; N_48 [label="indirect/JJ-48"]; N_49 [label="effect/NN-49"]; N_50 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--50"]; N_51 [label="./.-51"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_35 [label="dep"]; N_4 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_21 [label="dep"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_33 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_42 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_23 -> N_30 [label="appos"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="advmod"]; N_35 -> N_39 [label="nmod:to"]; N_35 -> N_40 [label="cc"]; N_35 -> N_42 [label="conj:and"]; N_39 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="compound"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="amod"]; N_42 -> N_45 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_49 [label="appos"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="amod"]; N_49 -> N_50 [label="punct"]; N_49 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
This has been a concern since arctic ice and snow has been melting at higher rates due to higher temperatures, creating regions in the arctic that are notably darker (being water or ground which is darker color) and reflects less heat back into space.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="has/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="been/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="a/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="concern/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="since/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="arctic/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="ice/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="snow/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="has/VBZ-11"]; N_12 [label="been/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="melting/VBG-13"]; N_14 [label="at/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="higher/JJR-15"]; N_16 [label="rates/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="due/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="higher/JJR-19"]; N_20 [label="temperatures/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="creating/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="regions/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="arctic/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="that/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="are/VBP-28"]; N_29 [label="notably/RB-29"]; N_30 [label="darker/JJR-30"]; N_31 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--31"]; N_32 [label="being/VBG-32"]; N_33 [label="water/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="or/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="ground/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="which/WDT-36"]; N_37 [label="is/VBZ-37"]; N_38 [label="darker/JJR-38"]; N_39 [label="color/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="reflects/VBZ-42"]; N_43 [label="less/JJR-43"]; N_44 [label="heat/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="back/RB-45"]; N_46 [label="into/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="space/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:since"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="nmod:since"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:at"]; N_13 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_22 [label="advcl"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="aux"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_23 -> N_42 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_23 -> N_30 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="dep"]; N_30 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_30 -> N_42 [label="conj:and"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="cop"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="cop"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="conj:or"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="ref"]; N_33 -> N_39 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_33 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_33 [label="nsubj"]; N_39 -> N_35 [label="nsubj"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="cop"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; N_42 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_42 -> N_44 [label="dobj"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_45 [label="advmod"]; N_45 -> N_47 [label="nmod:into"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj results/VBZ +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
This feedback loop results in a reduced albedo effect.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="feedback/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="loop/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="results/VBZ-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="reduced/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="albedo/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="effect/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="./.-10"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
More recently, the analysis was extended to the effects of spectral bias due to the specular reflectivity of 22 commonly occurring surface materials (both human-made and natural) and analyzes the albedo effects on the performance of seven photovoltaic materials covering three common photovoltaic system topologies: industrial (solar farms), commercial flat rooftops and residential pitched-roof applications.
digraph { N_1 [label="More/RBR-1"]; N_2 [label="recently/RB-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="analysis/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="was/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="extended/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="effects/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="spectral/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="bias/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="due/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="specular/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="reflectivity/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="22/CD-20"]; N_21 [label="commonly/RB-21"]; N_22 [label="occurring/VBG-22"]; N_23 [label="surface/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="materials/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--25"]; N_26 [label="both/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="human-made/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="natural/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--30"]; N_31 [label="and/CC-31"]; N_32 [label="analyzes/VBZ-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="albedo/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="effects/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="on/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="the/DT-37"]; N_38 [label="performance/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="of/IN-39"]; N_40 [label="seven/CD-40"]; N_41 [label="photovoltaic/JJ-41"]; N_42 [label="materials/NNS-42"]; N_43 [label="covering/VBG-43"]; N_44 [label="three/CD-44"]; N_45 [label="common/JJ-45"]; N_46 [label="photovoltaic/JJ-46"]; N_47 [label="system/NN-47"]; N_48 [label="topologies/NNS-48"]; N_49 [label=":/:-49"]; N_50 [label="industrial/JJ-50"]; N_51 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--51"]; N_52 [label="solar/JJ-52"]; N_53 [label="farms/NNS-53"]; N_54 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--54"]; N_55 [label=",/,-55"]; N_56 [label="commercial/JJ-56"]; N_57 [label="flat/JJ-57"]; N_58 [label="rooftops/NNS-58"]; N_59 [label="and/CC-59"]; N_60 [label="residential/JJ-60"]; N_61 [label="pitched-roof/JJ-61"]; N_62 [label="applications/NNS-62"]; N_63 [label="./.-63"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_32 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_31 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_63 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="nummod"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="dep"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="dep"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; N_35 -> N_38 [label="nmod:on"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_42 [label="nmod:of"]; N_42 -> N_39 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="nummod"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="amod"]; N_42 -> N_43 [label="acl"]; N_43 -> N_48 [label="dobj"]; N_48 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_48 -> N_44 [label="nummod"]; N_48 -> N_45 [label="amod"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="amod"]; N_48 -> N_62 [label="dep"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_53 [label="appos"]; N_50 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_50 -> N_58 [label="conj:and"]; N_50 -> N_59 [label="cc"]; N_50 -> N_60 [label="conj:and"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="punct"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="amod"]; N_53 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_58 -> N_56 [label="amod"]; N_58 -> N_57 [label="amod"]; N_62 -> N_50 [label="amod"]; N_62 -> N_58 [label="amod"]; N_62 -> N_60 [label="amod"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
However, as mentioned above, waviness causes an appreciable reduction.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="as/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="mentioned/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="above/IN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="waviness/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="causes/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="an/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="appreciable/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="reduction/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="advcl:as"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
The scattering of radiation causes atmospheric cooling, whereas absorption can cause atmospheric warming.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="scattering/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="radiation/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="causes/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="atmospheric/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="cooling/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="whereas/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="absorption/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="can/MD-11"]; N_12 [label="cause/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="atmospheric/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="warming/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="dep"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="parataxis"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Although comparatively few battles were fought in the state, Alabama contributed about 120,000 soldiers to the war effort.
digraph { N_1 [label="Although/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="comparatively/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="few/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="battles/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="were/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="fought/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="state/NN-9"]; N_10 [label=",/,-10"]; N_11 [label="Alabama/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="contributed/VBD-12"]; N_13 [label="about/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="120,000/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="soldiers/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="war/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="effort/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_6 [label="advcl:although"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nummod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The Presbyterian churches, strongly associated with Scots-Irish immigrants of the 18th century and their descendants, had a combined membership around 75,000 (PCA – 28,009 members in 108 congregations, PC(USA) – 26,247 members in 147 congregations, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church – 6,000 members in 59 congregations, the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America – 5,000 members and 50 congregations plus the EPC and Associate Reformed Presbyterians with 230 members and 9 congregations).
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Presbyterian/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="churches/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="strongly/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="associated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="Scots-Irish/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="immigrants/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="18th/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="century/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="their/PRP$-15"]; N_16 [label="descendants/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="had/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="combined/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="membership/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="around/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="75,000/CD-23"]; N_24 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--24"]; N_25 [label="PCA/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="--/:-26"]; N_27 [label="28,009/CD-27"]; N_28 [label="members/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="in/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="108/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="congregations/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label=",/,-32"]; N_33 [label="PC/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--34"]; N_35 [label="USA/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--36"]; N_37 [label="--/:-37"]; N_38 [label="26,247/CD-38"]; N_39 [label="members/NNS-39"]; N_40 [label="in/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="147/CD-41"]; N_42 [label="congregations/NNS-42"]; N_43 [label=",/,-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="Cumberland/NNP-45"]; N_46 [label="Presbyterian/NNP-46"]; N_47 [label="Church/NNP-47"]; N_48 [label="--/:-48"]; N_49 [label="6,000/CD-49"]; N_50 [label="members/NNS-50"]; N_51 [label="in/IN-51"]; N_52 [label="59/CD-52"]; N_53 [label="congregations/NNS-53"]; N_54 [label=",/,-54"]; N_55 [label="the/DT-55"]; N_56 [label="Cumberland/NNP-56"]; N_57 [label="Presbyterian/NNP-57"]; N_58 [label="Church/NNP-58"]; N_59 [label="in/IN-59"]; N_60 [label="America/NNP-60"]; N_61 [label="--/:-61"]; N_62 [label="5,000/CD-62"]; N_63 [label="members/NNS-63"]; N_64 [label="and/CC-64"]; N_65 [label="50/CD-65"]; N_66 [label="congregations/NNS-66"]; N_67 [label="plus/CC-67"]; N_68 [label="the/DT-68"]; N_69 [label="EPC/NNP-69"]; N_70 [label="and/CC-70"]; N_71 [label="Associate/NNP-71"]; N_72 [label="Reformed/NNP-72"]; N_73 [label="Presbyterians/NNPS-73"]; N_74 [label="with/IN-74"]; N_75 [label="230/CD-75"]; N_76 [label="members/NNS-76"]; N_77 [label="and/CC-77"]; N_78 [label="9/CD-78"]; N_79 [label="congregations/NNS-79"]; N_80 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--80"]; N_81 [label="./.-81"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="acl"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:with"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_81 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="advmod"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_33 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_66 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_69 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_39 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_47 [label="appos"]; N_25 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_80 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_50 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_58 [label="appos"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_61 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_63 [label="dep"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="nummod"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; N_33 -> N_35 [label="appos"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="nummod"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="nmod:in"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="nummod"]; N_47 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="compound"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="nummod"]; N_50 -> N_53 [label="nmod:in"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="nummod"]; N_58 -> N_55 [label="det"]; N_58 -> N_56 [label="compound"]; N_58 -> N_57 [label="compound"]; N_58 -> N_60 [label="nmod:in"]; N_60 -> N_59 [label="case"]; N_63 -> N_64 [label="cc"]; N_63 -> N_66 [label="conj:and"]; N_63 -> N_67 [label="cc"]; N_63 -> N_69 [label="conj:plus"]; N_63 -> N_73 [label="conj:plus"]; N_63 -> N_62 [label="nummod"]; N_66 -> N_65 [label="nummod"]; N_69 -> N_68 [label="det"]; N_69 -> N_70 [label="cc"]; N_69 -> N_73 [label="conj:and"]; N_69 -> N_76 [label="nmod:with"]; N_69 -> N_79 [label="nmod:with"]; N_73 -> N_71 [label="compound"]; N_73 -> N_72 [label="compound"]; N_76 -> N_74 [label="case"]; N_76 -> N_75 [label="nummod"]; N_76 -> N_77 [label="cc"]; N_76 -> N_79 [label="conj:and"]; N_79 -> N_78 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Immigration from outside the U.S. resulted in a net increase of 31,180 people, and migration within the country produced a net gain of 73,811 people.
digraph { N_1 [label="Immigration/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="from/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="outside/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="U.S./NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="a/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="net/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="increase/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="31,180/CD-12"]; N_13 [label="people/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="migration/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="within/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="country/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="produced/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="a/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="net/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="gain/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="73,811/CD-25"]; N_26 [label="people/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:outside"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nummod"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:within"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Southeastern planters and traders from the Upper South brought slaves with them as the cotton plantations in Alabama expanded.
digraph { N_1 [label="Southeastern/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="planters/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="traders/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="from/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Upper/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="South/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="brought/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="slaves/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="with/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="them/PRP-12"]; N_13 [label="as/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="cotton/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="plantations/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="Alabama/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="expanded/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:from"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_19 [label="advcl:as"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The 2011 Super Outbreak produced a record amount of tornadoes in the state.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="2011/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="Super/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="Outbreak/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="produced/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="record/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="amount/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="tornadoes/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="state/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nummod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
While the planter class had persuaded poor whites to vote for this legislative effort to suppress black voting, the new restrictions resulted in their disenfranchisement as well, due mostly to the imposition of a cumulative poll tax.
digraph { N_1 [label="While/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="planter/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="class/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="had/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="persuaded/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="poor/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="whites/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="vote/VB-10"]; N_11 [label="for/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="this/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="legislative/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="effort/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="suppress/VB-16"]; N_17 [label="black/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="voting/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="new/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="restrictions/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="resulted/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="their/PRP$-25"]; N_26 [label="disenfranchisement/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="as/RB-27"]; N_28 [label="well/RB-28"]; N_29 [label=",/,-29"]; N_30 [label="due/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="mostly/RB-31"]; N_32 [label="to/TO-32"]; N_33 [label="the/DT-33"]; N_34 [label="imposition/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="of/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="a/DT-36"]; N_37 [label="cumulative/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="poll/NN-38"]; N_39 [label="tax/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="./.-40"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="xcomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:for"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="acl:to"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="mark"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_6 [label="advcl:while"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="advmod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="mwe"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="root"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="advmod"]; N_39 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_36 [label="det"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The following events are closely associated with the annual Academy Awards: César Awards Nominees luncheon Governors Awards The 25th Independent Spirit Awards (in 2010), usually held in Santa Monica the Saturday before the Oscars, marked the first time it was moved to a Friday and a change of venue to L.A. Live The annual "Night Before", traditionally held at the Beverly Hills Hotel, begun in 2002 and generally known as the party of the season, benefits the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which operates a retirement home for SAG actors in the San Fernando Valley Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Award Party airs the awards live at the nearby Pacific Design Center The Governors' Ball is the Academy's official after-party, including dinner (until 2011), and is adjacent to the awards-presentation venue The Vanity Fair after-party, historically at the former Morton's restaurant, since 2009 has been at the Sunset Tower
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="following/VBG-2"]; N_3 [label="events/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="are/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="closely/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="associated/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="with/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="annual/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="Academy/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="Awards/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label=":/:-12"]; N_13 [label="César/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Awards/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="Nominees/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="luncheon/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="Governors/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="Awards/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="The/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="25th/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="Independent/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Spirit/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="Awards/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--24"]; N_25 [label="in/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="2010/CD-26"]; N_27 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="usually/RB-29"]; N_30 [label="held/VBN-30"]; N_31 [label="in/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="Santa/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="Monica/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="Saturday/NNP-35"]; N_36 [label="before/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="the/DT-37"]; N_38 [label="Oscars/NNP-38"]; N_39 [label=",/,-39"]; N_40 [label="marked/VBD-40"]; N_41 [label="the/DT-41"]; N_42 [label="first/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="time/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="it/PRP-44"]; N_45 [label="was/VBD-45"]; N_46 [label="moved/VBN-46"]; N_47 [label="to/TO-47"]; N_48 [label="a/DT-48"]; N_49 [label="Friday/NNP-49"]; N_50 [label="and/CC-50"]; N_51 [label="a/DT-51"]; N_52 [label="change/NN-52"]; N_53 [label="of/IN-53"]; N_54 [label="venue/NN-54"]; N_55 [label="to/TO-55"]; N_56 [label="L.A./NNP-56"]; N_57 [label="Live/NNP-57"]; N_58 [label="The/NNP-58"]; N_59 [label="annual/JJ-59"]; N_60 [label="``/``-60"]; N_61 [label="Night/NNP-61"]; N_62 [label="Before/IN-62"]; N_63 [label="''/''-63"]; N_64 [label=",/,-64"]; N_65 [label="traditionally/RB-65"]; N_66 [label="held/VBN-66"]; N_67 [label="at/IN-67"]; N_68 [label="the/DT-68"]; N_69 [label="Beverly/NNP-69"]; N_70 [label="Hills/NNP-70"]; N_71 [label="Hotel/NNP-71"]; N_72 [label=",/,-72"]; N_73 [label="begun/VBN-73"]; N_74 [label="in/IN-74"]; N_75 [label="2002/CD-75"]; N_76 [label="and/CC-76"]; N_77 [label="generally/RB-77"]; N_78 [label="known/VBN-78"]; N_79 [label="as/IN-79"]; N_80 [label="the/DT-80"]; N_81 [label="party/NN-81"]; N_82 [label="of/IN-82"]; N_83 [label="the/DT-83"]; N_84 [label="season/NN-84"]; N_85 [label=",/,-85"]; N_86 [label="benefits/VBZ-86"]; N_87 [label="the/DT-87"]; N_88 [label="Motion/NNP-88"]; N_89 [label="Picture/NNP-89"]; N_90 [label="and/CC-90"]; N_91 [label="Television/NNP-91"]; N_92 [label="Fund/NNP-92"]; N_93 [label=",/,-93"]; N_94 [label="which/WDT-94"]; N_95 [label="operates/VBZ-95"]; N_96 [label="a/DT-96"]; N_97 [label="retirement/NN-97"]; N_98 [label="home/NN-98"]; N_99 [label="for/IN-99"]; N_100 [label="SAG/NNP-100"]; N_101 [label="actors/NNS-101"]; N_102 [label="in/IN-102"]; N_103 [label="the/DT-103"]; N_104 [label="San/NNP-104"]; N_105 [label="Fernando/NNP-105"]; N_106 [label="Valley/NNP-106"]; N_107 [label="Elton/NNP-107"]; N_108 [label="John/NNP-108"]; N_109 [label="AIDS/NNP-109"]; N_110 [label="Foundation/NNP-110"]; N_111 [label="Academy/NNP-111"]; N_112 [label="Award/NN-112"]; N_113 [label="Party/NNP-113"]; N_114 [label="airs/VBZ-114"]; N_115 [label="the/DT-115"]; N_116 [label="awards/NNS-116"]; N_117 [label="live/VBP-117"]; N_118 [label="at/IN-118"]; N_119 [label="the/DT-119"]; N_120 [label="nearby/JJ-120"]; N_121 [label="Pacific/NNP-121"]; N_122 [label="Design/NNP-122"]; N_123 [label="Center/NNP-123"]; N_124 [label="The/NNP-124"]; N_125 [label="Governors/NNP-125"]; N_126 [label="'/POS-126"]; N_127 [label="Ball/NNP-127"]; N_128 [label="is/VBZ-128"]; N_129 [label="the/DT-129"]; N_130 [label="Academy/NNP-130"]; N_131 [label="'s/POS-131"]; N_132 [label="official/JJ-132"]; N_133 [label="after-party/NN-133"]; N_134 [label=",/,-134"]; N_135 [label="including/VBG-135"]; N_136 [label="dinner/NN-136"]; N_137 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--137"]; N_138 [label="until/IN-138"]; N_139 [label="2011/CD-139"]; N_140 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--140"]; N_141 [label=",/,-141"]; N_142 [label="and/CC-142"]; N_143 [label="is/VBZ-143"]; N_144 [label="adjacent/JJ-144"]; N_145 [label="to/TO-145"]; N_146 [label="the/DT-146"]; N_147 [label="awards-presentation/JJ-147"]; N_148 [label="venue/NN-148"]; N_149 [label="The/DT-149"]; N_150 [label="Vanity/NNP-150"]; N_151 [label="Fair/NNP-151"]; N_152 [label="after-party/NN-152"]; N_153 [label=",/,-153"]; N_154 [label="historically/RB-154"]; N_155 [label="at/IN-155"]; N_156 [label="the/DT-156"]; N_157 [label="former/JJ-157"]; N_158 [label="Morton/NNP-158"]; N_159 [label="'s/POS-159"]; N_160 [label="restaurant/NN-160"]; N_161 [label=",/,-161"]; N_162 [label="since/IN-162"]; N_163 [label="2009/CD-163"]; N_164 [label="has/VBZ-164"]; N_165 [label="been/VBN-165"]; N_166 [label="at/IN-166"]; N_167 [label="the/DT-167"]; N_168 [label="Sunset/NNP-168"]; N_169 [label="Tower/NNP-169"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_169 [label="ccomp"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_85 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_86 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_73 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_78 [label="dep"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_40 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_18 -> N_72 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_23 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_30 [label="acl"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_35 [label="nmod:tmod"]; N_30 -> N_38 [label="nmod:before"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="advmod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_52 [label="dobj"]; N_40 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_40 -> N_43 [label="dobj"]; N_43 -> N_50 [label="cc"]; N_43 -> N_66 [label="acl:before"]; N_43 -> N_52 [label="conj:and"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="det"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_46 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_46 -> N_49 [label="nmod:to"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="auxpass"]; N_49 -> N_48 [label="det"]; N_49 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="det"]; N_52 -> N_54 [label="nmod:of"]; N_52 -> N_61 [label="nmod:to"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="case"]; N_61 -> N_55 [label="case"]; N_61 -> N_56 [label="compound"]; N_61 -> N_57 [label="compound"]; N_61 -> N_58 [label="compound"]; N_61 -> N_59 [label="amod"]; N_61 -> N_60 [label="punct"]; N_66 -> N_64 [label="punct"]; N_66 -> N_65 [label="advmod"]; N_66 -> N_71 [label="nmod:at"]; N_66 -> N_62 [label="mark"]; N_66 -> N_63 [label="punct"]; N_71 -> N_67 [label="case"]; N_71 -> N_68 [label="det"]; N_71 -> N_69 [label="compound"]; N_71 -> N_70 [label="compound"]; N_73 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_73 -> N_75 [label="nmod:in"]; N_73 -> N_76 [label="cc"]; N_73 -> N_78 [label="conj:and"]; N_75 -> N_74 [label="case"]; N_78 -> N_81 [label="nmod:as"]; N_78 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_78 -> N_77 [label="advmod"]; N_81 -> N_80 [label="det"]; N_81 -> N_84 [label="nmod:of"]; N_81 -> N_79 [label="case"]; N_84 -> N_82 [label="case"]; N_84 -> N_83 [label="det"]; N_86 -> N_114 [label="xcomp"]; N_86 -> N_89 [label="dobj"]; N_86 -> N_92 [label="dobj"]; N_89 -> N_87 [label="det"]; N_89 -> N_88 [label="compound"]; N_89 -> N_90 [label="cc"]; N_89 -> N_92 [label="conj:and"]; N_89 -> N_93 [label="punct"]; N_89 -> N_94 [label="ref"]; N_89 -> N_95 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_92 -> N_91 [label="compound"]; N_95 -> N_98 [label="dobj"]; N_95 -> N_89 [label="nsubj"]; N_95 -> N_92 [label="nsubj"]; N_98 -> N_96 [label="det"]; N_98 -> N_97 [label="compound"]; N_98 -> N_101 [label="nmod:for"]; N_101 -> N_113 [label="nmod:in"]; N_101 -> N_99 [label="case"]; N_101 -> N_100 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_112 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_102 [label="case"]; N_113 -> N_103 [label="det"]; N_113 -> N_104 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_105 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_106 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_107 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_108 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_109 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_110 [label="compound"]; N_113 -> N_111 [label="compound"]; N_114 -> N_117 [label="ccomp"]; N_116 -> N_115 [label="det"]; N_117 -> N_116 [label="nsubj"]; N_117 -> N_127 [label="nmod:at"]; N_125 -> N_119 [label="det"]; N_125 -> N_120 [label="amod"]; N_125 -> N_121 [label="compound"]; N_125 -> N_122 [label="compound"]; N_125 -> N_123 [label="compound"]; N_125 -> N_124 [label="compound"]; N_125 -> N_126 [label="case"]; N_127 -> N_118 [label="case"]; N_127 -> N_125 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_130 -> N_129 [label="det"]; N_130 -> N_131 [label="case"]; N_133 -> N_128 [label="cop"]; N_133 -> N_144 [label="conj:and"]; N_133 -> N_161 [label="punct"]; N_133 -> N_130 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_133 -> N_163 [label="nmod:since"]; N_133 -> N_132 [label="amod"]; N_133 -> N_134 [label="punct"]; N_133 -> N_136 [label="nmod:including"]; N_133 -> N_141 [label="punct"]; N_133 -> N_142 [label="cc"]; N_136 -> N_135 [label="case"]; N_136 -> N_139 [label="nmod:until"]; N_139 -> N_137 [label="punct"]; N_139 -> N_138 [label="case"]; N_139 -> N_140 [label="punct"]; N_144 -> N_160 [label="nmod:at"]; N_144 -> N_148 [label="nmod:to"]; N_144 -> N_153 [label="punct"]; N_144 -> N_143 [label="cop"]; N_148 -> N_145 [label="case"]; N_148 -> N_146 [label="det"]; N_148 -> N_147 [label="amod"]; N_148 -> N_152 [label="dep"]; N_152 -> N_149 [label="det"]; N_152 -> N_150 [label="compound"]; N_152 -> N_151 [label="compound"]; N_158 -> N_156 [label="det"]; N_158 -> N_157 [label="amod"]; N_158 -> N_159 [label="case"]; N_160 -> N_154 [label="advmod"]; N_160 -> N_155 [label="case"]; N_160 -> N_158 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_163 -> N_162 [label="case"]; N_169 -> N_144 [label="nsubj"]; N_169 -> N_164 [label="aux"]; N_169 -> N_133 [label="nsubj"]; N_169 -> N_165 [label="cop"]; N_169 -> N_166 [label="case"]; N_169 -> N_167 [label="det"]; N_169 -> N_168 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The ceremonies were moved up from late March/early April to late February since 2004 to help disrupt and shorten the intense lobbying and ad campaigns associated with Oscar season in the film industry.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="ceremonies/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="were/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="moved/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="up/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="from/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="late/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="March/early/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="April/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="late/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="February/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="since/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="2004/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="help/VB-16"]; N_17 [label="disrupt/VB-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="shorten/VB-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="intense/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="lobbying/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="ad/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="campaigns/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="associated/VBN-26"]; N_27 [label="with/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="Oscar/NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="season/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="in/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="film/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="industry/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="xcomp"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_14 [label="nmod:since"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:from"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="ccomp"]; N_16 -> N_2 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="ccomp"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="acl"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="compound"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:with"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Beatty had been given the wrong envelope and after hesitating during the announcement, handed the envelope to Dunaway, which listed Emma Stone as Best Actress for La La Land and led to the confusion.
digraph { N_1 [label="Beatty/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="had/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="been/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="given/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="wrong/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="envelope/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="after/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="hesitating/VBG-10"]; N_11 [label="during/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="announcement/NN-13"]; N_14 [label=",/,-14"]; N_15 [label="handed/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="envelope/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="Dunaway/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="which/WDT-21"]; N_22 [label="listed/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="Emma/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="Stone/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Best/JJS-26"]; N_27 [label="Actress/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="for/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="La/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="La/NNP-30"]; N_31 [label="Land/NNP-31"]; N_32 [label="and/CC-32"]; N_33 [label="led/VBD-33"]; N_34 [label="to/TO-34"]; N_35 [label="the/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="confusion/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:during"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_4 [label="ccomp"]; N_15 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_10 [label="ccomp"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_33 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="ref"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_22 -> N_32 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:as"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="nmod:for"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:to"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
He thought that the spread of the use of reason to the masses would eventually cause government to wither away as an unnecessary force.
digraph { N_1 [label="He/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="thought/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="spread/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="use/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="reason/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="masses/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="would/MD-14"]; N_15 [label="eventually/RB-15"]; N_16 [label="cause/VB-16"]; N_17 [label="government/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="to/TO-18"]; N_19 [label="wither/VB-19"]; N_20 [label="away/RB-20"]; N_21 [label="as/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="an/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="unnecessary/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="force/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_2 -> N_16 [label="ccomp"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_16 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="xcomp"]; N_16 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="aux"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="advmod"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:as"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The diversity in anarchism has led to widely different use of identical terms among different anarchist traditions, which has led to many definitional concerns in anarchist theory.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="diversity/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="anarchism/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="has/VBZ-5"]; N_6 [label="led/VBN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="widely/RB-8"]; N_9 [label="different/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="use/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="identical/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="terms/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="among/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="different/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="anarchist/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="traditions/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="which/WDT-19"]; N_20 [label="has/VBZ-20"]; N_21 [label="led/VBN-21"]; N_22 [label="to/TO-22"]; N_23 [label="many/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="definitional/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="concerns/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="in/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="anarchist/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="theory/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="aux"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="nmod:among"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="aux"]; N_21 -> N_25 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="nmod:in"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
In Europe, harsh reaction followed the revolutions of 1848, during which ten countries had experienced brief or long-term social upheaval as groups carried out nationalist uprisings.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="Europe/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="harsh/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="reaction/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="followed/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="revolutions/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="1848/CD-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="during/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="which/WDT-13"]; N_14 [label="ten/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="countries/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="had/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="experienced/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="brief/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="or/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="long-term/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="social/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="upheaval/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="as/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="groups/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="carried/VBD-25"]; N_26 [label="out/RP-26"]; N_27 [label="nationalist/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="uprisings/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="./.-29"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nummod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="aux"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_17 -> N_8 [label="nmod:during"]; N_17 -> N_25 [label="advcl:as"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="conj:or"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="mark"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="compound:prt"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
The events known as the Spanish Revolution was a workers' social revolution that began during the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in 1936 and resulted in the widespread implementation of anarchist and more broadly libertarian socialist organisational principles throughout various portions of the country for two to three years, primarily Catalonia, Aragon, Andalusia and parts of Levante.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="events/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="known/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="the/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="Spanish/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="Revolution/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="was/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="workers/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="'/POS-11"]; N_12 [label="social/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="revolution/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="that/WDT-14"]; N_15 [label="began/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="during/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="the/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="outbreak/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="Spanish/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Civil/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="War/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="1936/CD-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="resulted/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="the/DT-29"]; N_30 [label="widespread/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="implementation/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="anarchist/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="and/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="more/JJR-35"]; N_36 [label="broadly/RB-36"]; N_37 [label="libertarian/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="socialist/JJ-38"]; N_39 [label="organisational/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="principles/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="throughout/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="various/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="portions/NNS-43"]; N_44 [label="of/IN-44"]; N_45 [label="the/DT-45"]; N_46 [label="country/NN-46"]; N_47 [label="for/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="two/CD-48"]; N_49 [label="to/TO-49"]; N_50 [label="three/CD-50"]; N_51 [label="years/NNS-51"]; N_52 [label=",/,-52"]; N_53 [label="primarily/RB-53"]; N_54 [label="Catalonia/NNP-54"]; N_55 [label=",/,-55"]; N_56 [label="Aragon/NNP-56"]; N_57 [label=",/,-57"]; N_58 [label="Andalusia/NNP-58"]; N_59 [label="and/CC-59"]; N_60 [label="parts/NNS-60"]; N_61 [label="of/IN-61"]; N_62 [label="Levante/NNP-62"]; N_63 [label="./.-63"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:as"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_8 [label="cop"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="ref"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_52 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_54 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_56 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_58 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_13 -> N_60 [label="appos"]; N_13 -> N_63 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:during"]; N_15 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_23 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="compound"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_51 [label="nmod:for"]; N_27 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_40 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_43 [label="nmod:throughout"]; N_31 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="det"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_33 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="advmod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="advmod"]; N_40 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="amod"]; N_43 -> N_46 [label="nmod:of"]; N_46 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="det"]; N_50 -> N_48 [label="compound"]; N_50 -> N_49 [label="dep"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="nummod"]; N_51 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="advmod"]; N_54 -> N_55 [label="punct"]; N_54 -> N_56 [label="conj:and"]; N_54 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; N_54 -> N_58 [label="conj:and"]; N_54 -> N_59 [label="cc"]; N_54 -> N_60 [label="conj:and"]; N_60 -> N_62 [label="nmod:of"]; N_62 -> N_61 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The prominent Italian anarchist Camillo Berneri, who volunteered to fight against Francisco Franco was killed instead in Spain by gunmen associated with the Spanish Communist Party.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="prominent/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="Italian/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="anarchist/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="Camillo/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Berneri/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="who/WP-8"]; N_9 [label="volunteered/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="fight/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="against/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="Francisco/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="Franco/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="was/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="killed/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="instead/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="in/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="Spain/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="by/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="gunmen/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="associated/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="with/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Spanish/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="Communist/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="Party/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="xcomp"]; N_11 -> N_6 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:against"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_16 -> N_6 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_16 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="acl"]; N_22 -> N_27 [label="nmod:with"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The housing and employment crisis in most of Western Europe led to the formation of communes and squatter movements like that of Barcelona, Spain.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="housing/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="employment/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="crisis/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="most/JJS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Western/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="Europe/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="led/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="formation/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="communes/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="squatter/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="movements/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="like/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="that/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="Barcelona/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="Spain/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="nmod:like"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="appos"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Experiments in Germany led to A. S. Neill founding what became Summerhill School in 1921.
digraph { N_1 [label="Experiments/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="in/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="Germany/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="led/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="to/TO-5"]; N_6 [label="A./NN-6"]; N_7 [label="S./NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Neill/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="founding/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="what/WP-10"]; N_11 [label="became/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="Summerhill/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="School/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="1921/CD-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_1 -> N_3 [label="nmod:in"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="acl"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="xcomp"]; N_11 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The document was based on the experiences of Russian anarchists in the 1917 October Revolution, which led eventually to the victory of the Bolsheviks over the anarchists and other groups.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="document/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="based/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="on/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="experiences/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Russian/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="anarchists/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="1917/CD-13"]; N_14 [label="October/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="Revolution/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="led/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="eventually/RB-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="the/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="victory/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="Bolsheviks/NNPS-25"]; N_26 [label="over/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="anarchists/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="and/CC-29"]; N_30 [label="other/JJ-30"]; N_31 [label="groups/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:on"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_15 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="advmod"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="nmod:over"]; N_22 -> N_31 [label="nmod:over"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="cc"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Mutualism began in 18th-century English and French labour movements before taking an anarchist form associated with Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in France and others in the United States.
digraph { N_1 [label="Mutualism/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="began/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="in/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="18th-century/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="English/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="French/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="labour/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="movements/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="before/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="taking/VBG-11"]; N_12 [label="an/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="anarchist/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="form/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="associated/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="with/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="Pierre-Joseph/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="Proudhon/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="in/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="France/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="others/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="United/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="States/NNPS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_2 -> N_11 [label="advcl:before"]; N_2 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="acl"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="nmod:in"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN +nsubj [[effect]]/N
The Commune was the result of an uprising in Paris after France was defeated in the Franco-Prussian War.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Commune/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="was/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="result/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="an/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="uprising/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="Paris/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="after/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="France/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="was/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="defeated/VBN-14"]; N_15 [label="in/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="Franco-Prussian/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="War/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_5 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="acl:after"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N +acl leading/VBG +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
In the Mexican Revolution, the Mexican Liberal Party was established and during the early 1910s it led a series of military offensives leading to the conquest and occupation of certain towns and districts in Baja California with the leadership of anarcho-communist Ricardo Flores Magón.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="Mexican/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="Revolution/NN-4"]; N_5 [label=",/,-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="Mexican/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="Liberal/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Party/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="was/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="established/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="during/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="early/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="1910s/CD-16"]; N_17 [label="it/PRP-17"]; N_18 [label="led/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="series/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="military/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="offensives/NNS-23"]; N_24 [label="leading/VBG-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="conquest/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="occupation/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="certain/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="towns/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="and/CC-33"]; N_34 [label="districts/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="in/IN-35"]; N_36 [label="Baja/NNP-36"]; N_37 [label="California/NNP-37"]; N_38 [label="with/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="the/DT-39"]; N_40 [label="leadership/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="of/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="anarcho-communist/JJ-42"]; N_43 [label="Ricardo/NNP-43"]; N_44 [label="Flores/NNP-44"]; N_45 [label="Magón/NNP-45"]; N_46 [label="./.-46"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="auxpass"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_46 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nmod:during"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="acl"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:to"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:to"]; N_27 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_34 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_37 [label="nmod:in"]; N_27 -> N_40 [label="nmod:with"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_45 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_42 [label="amod"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="compound"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Collectivist anarchism, also referred to as revolutionary socialism or a form of such, is a revolutionary form of anarchism, commonly associated with Mikhail Bakunin and Johann Most.
digraph { N_1 [label="Collectivist/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="anarchism/NN-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="also/RB-4"]; N_5 [label="referred/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="as/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="revolutionary/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="socialism/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="or/CC-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="form/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="of/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="such/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="is/VBZ-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="revolutionary/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="form/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="anarchism/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="commonly/RB-23"]; N_24 [label="associated/VBN-24"]; N_25 [label="with/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="Mikhail/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="Bakunin/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="Johann/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label="Most/JJS-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="acl"]; N_2 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="nmod"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:as"]; N_5 -> N_12 [label="nmod:as"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="conj:or"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="cop"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="acl"]; N_19 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="advmod"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:with"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="nmod:with"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="conj:and"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Thus, according to her, civilization was the result of the human development of technologies and grammar for predatory economics.
digraph { N_1 [label="Thus/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="according/VBG-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="her/PRP-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="civilization/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="was/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="result/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="human/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="development/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="technologies/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="and/CC-17"]; N_18 [label="grammar/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="for/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="predatory/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="economics/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="mwe"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nmod:according_to"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="cop"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_21 [label="nmod:for"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
Hypotheses for the cellular and molecular bases of pathological early overgrowth include the following: An excess of neurons that causes local overconnectivity in key brain regions.
digraph { N_1 [label="Hypotheses/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="for/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="cellular/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="and/CC-5"]; N_6 [label="molecular/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="bases/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="pathological/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="early/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="overgrowth/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="include/VBP-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="following/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=":/:-15"]; N_16 [label="An/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="excess/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="neurons/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="that/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="causes/VBZ-21"]; N_22 [label="local/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="overconnectivity/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="in/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="key/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="brain/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="regions/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_1 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_4 -> N_5 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="dep"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_27 [label="nmod:in"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
This is supported by recent studies that have found that infection during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of autism.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="supported/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="by/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="recent/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="studies/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="that/WDT-7"]; N_8 [label="have/VBP-8"]; N_9 [label="found/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="that/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="infection/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="during/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="pregnancy/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="is/VBZ-14"]; N_15 [label="associated/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="with/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="an/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="increased/VBN-18"]; N_19 [label="risk/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="autism/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_3 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:during"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_11 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The mirror neuron system (MNS) theory of autism hypothesizes that distortion in the development of the MNS interferes with imitation and leads to autism's core features of social impairment and communication difficulties.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="mirror/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="neuron/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="system/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--5"]; N_6 [label="MNS/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--7"]; N_8 [label="theory/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="autism/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="hypothesizes/VBZ-11"]; N_12 [label="that/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="distortion/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="in/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="development/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="the/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="MNS/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="interferes/VBZ-20"]; N_21 [label="with/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="imitation/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="leads/VBZ-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="autism/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="'s/POS-27"]; N_28 [label="core/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="features/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="social/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="impairment/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="and/CC-33"]; N_34 [label="communication/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="difficulties/NNS-35"]; N_36 [label="./.-36"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="appos"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="dep"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_20 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_36 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_24 [label="ccomp"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_12 [label="mark"]; N_20 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_35 [label="nmod:of"]; N_29 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="cc"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Several metabolic defects, such as phenylketonuria, are associated with autistic symptoms.
digraph { N_1 [label="Several/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="metabolic/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="defects/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="such/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="as/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="phenylketonuria/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="are/VBP-9"]; N_10 [label="associated/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="with/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="autistic/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="symptoms/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_3 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="mwe"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="auxpass"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:with"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Kanner's reuse of autism led to decades of confused terminology like infantile schizophrenia, and child psychiatry's focus on maternal deprivation led to misconceptions of autism as an infant's response to "refrigerator mothers".
digraph { N_1 [label="Kanner/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="reuse/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="autism/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="led/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="decades/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="confused/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="terminology/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="like/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="infantile/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="schizophrenia/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="child/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="psychiatry/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="'s/POS-19"]; N_20 [label="focus/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="on/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="maternal/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="deprivation/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="led/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="to/TO-25"]; N_26 [label="misconceptions/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="autism/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="as/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="an/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="infant/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="'s/POS-32"]; N_33 [label="response/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="to/TO-34"]; N_35 [label="``/``-35"]; N_36 [label="refrigerator/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="mothers/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="''/''-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_6 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:like"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:on"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_33 [label="nmod:as"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_37 [label="nmod:to"]; N_33 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_37 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_37 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj leads/VBZ +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This can be altruism towards humanity that leads to altruism towards the creator or God.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="can/MD-2"]; N_3 [label="be/VB-3"]; N_4 [label="altruism/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="towards/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="humanity/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="that/WDT-7"]; N_8 [label="leads/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="to/TO-9"]; N_10 [label="altruism/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="towards/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="creator/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="or/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="God/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="./.-16"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="ref"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_10 -> N_15 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="conj:or"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
People may compete over getting the benefits of a high reputation which may cause competitive altruism.
digraph { N_1 [label="People/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="may/MD-2"]; N_3 [label="compete/VB-3"]; N_4 [label="over/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="getting/VBG-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="benefits/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="high/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="reputation/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="which/WDT-12"]; N_13 [label="may/MD-13"]; N_14 [label="cause/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="competitive/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="altruism/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="advcl:over"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="ref"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="aux"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj results/VBZ +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
A constant concern for ALLAH (i.e. God) results in a careful attitude towards people, animals, and other things in this world.
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="constant/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="concern/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="for/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="ALLAH/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--6"]; N_7 [label="i.e./FW-7"]; N_8 [label="God/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--9"]; N_10 [label="results/VBZ-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="a/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="careful/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="attitude/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="towards/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="people/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="animals/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="other/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="things/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="in/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="this/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="world/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:for"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_14 -> N_22 [label="nmod:towards"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:in"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Sikh soldiers brought Bhai Kanhaiya before Guru Gobind Singh Ji, and complained of his action that they considered counter-productive to their struggle on the battlefield.
digraph { N_1 [label="Sikh/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="soldiers/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="brought/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="Bhai/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Kanhaiya/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="before/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Guru/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="Gobind/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="Singh/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="Ji/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="complained/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="his/PRP$-15"]; N_16 [label="action/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="that/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="they/PRP-18"]; N_19 [label="considered/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="counter-productive/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="their/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="struggle/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="on/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="battlefield/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="nmod:before"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_19 [label="ccomp"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="xcomp"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:to"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:on"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Its mechanism can be divided into two areas: the pathophysiology of brain structures and processes associated with autism, and the neuropsychological linkages between brain structures and behaviors.
digraph { N_1 [label="Its/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="mechanism/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="can/MD-3"]; N_4 [label="be/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="divided/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="into/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="two/CD-7"]; N_8 [label="areas/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label=":/:-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="pathophysiology/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="brain/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="structures/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="processes/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="associated/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="with/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="autism/NN-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="neuropsychological/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="linkages/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="between/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="brain/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="structures/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="and/CC-28"]; N_29 [label="behaviors/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="./.-30"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:into"]; N_5 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_24 [label="dep"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="acl"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:with"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="det"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_27 [label="nmod:between"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="nmod:between"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
The avoidance of poor reciprocators and cheaters causes a person's reputation to become very important.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="avoidance/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="poor/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="reciprocators/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="cheaters/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="causes/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="person/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="'s/POS-11"]; N_12 [label="reputation/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="become/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="very/RB-15"]; N_16 [label="important/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="./.-17"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="conj:and"]; N_8 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_14 [label="xcomp"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="xcomp"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="mark"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
A study on the relationship happiness to various character strengths showed that "a conscious focus on gratitude led to reductions in negative affect and increases in optimistic appraisals, positive affect, offering emotional support, sleep quality, and well-being."
digraph { N_1 [label="A/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="study/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="on/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="relationship/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="happiness/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="various/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="character/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="strengths/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="showed/VBD-11"]; N_12 [label="that/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="``/``-13"]; N_14 [label="a/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="conscious/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="focus/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="on/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="gratitude/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="led/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="reductions/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="in/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="negative/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="affect/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="and/CC-25"]; N_26 [label="increases/VBZ-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="optimistic/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="appraisals/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="positive/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="affect/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="offering/VBG-34"]; N_35 [label="emotional/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="support/NN-36"]; N_37 [label=",/,-37"]; N_38 [label="sleep/VB-38"]; N_39 [label="quality/NN-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="well-being/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="./.-43"]; N_44 [label="''/''-44"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:on"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_19 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_26 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:on"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:to"]; N_19 -> N_25 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_12 [label="mark"]; N_19 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:in"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_32 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_38 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_42 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_34 [label="acl"]; N_29 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_42 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_36 [label="dobj"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_39 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Sleep problems are associated with difficult behaviors and family stress, and are often a focus of clinical attention over and above the primary ASD diagnosis.
digraph { N_1 [label="Sleep/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="problems/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="are/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="associated/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="with/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="difficult/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="behaviors/NNS-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="family/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="stress/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=",/,-11"]; N_12 [label="and/CC-12"]; N_13 [label="are/VBP-13"]; N_14 [label="often/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="focus/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="clinical/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="attention/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="over/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="and/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="above/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="primary/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="ASD/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="diagnosis/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_16 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="auxpass"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="nmod:with"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_12 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_26 [label="nmod:over"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="cop"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
Typically, autism cannot be traced to a Mendelian (single-gene) mutation or to a single chromosome abnormality, and none of the genetic syndromes associated with ASDs have been shown to selectively cause ASD.
digraph { N_1 [label="Typically/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="autism/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="can/MD-4"]; N_5 [label="not/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="be/VB-6"]; N_7 [label="traced/VBN-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Mendelian/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--11"]; N_12 [label="single-gene/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--13"]; N_14 [label="mutation/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="or/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="single/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="chromosome/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="abnormality/NN-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="none/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="of/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="the/DT-25"]; N_26 [label="genetic/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="syndromes/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="associated/VBN-28"]; N_29 [label="with/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="ASDs/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="have/VBP-31"]; N_32 [label="been/VBN-32"]; N_33 [label="shown/VBN-33"]; N_34 [label="to/TO-34"]; N_35 [label="selectively/RB-35"]; N_36 [label="cause/VB-36"]; N_37 [label="ASD/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_7 -> N_33 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="neg"]; N_7 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="auxpass"]; N_7 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="conj:or"]; N_14 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="compound"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_23 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="acl"]; N_28 -> N_30 [label="nmod:with"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="auxpass"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="xcomp"]; N_33 -> N_23 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="aux"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="mark"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="advmod"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="dobj"]; N_36 -> N_23 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Biomarkers of abnormal immune function have also been associated with increased impairments in behaviors that are characteristic of the core features of autism such as deficits in social interactions and communication.
digraph { N_1 [label="Biomarkers/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="of/IN-2"]; N_3 [label="abnormal/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="immune/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="function/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="have/VBP-6"]; N_7 [label="also/RB-7"]; N_8 [label="been/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="associated/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="with/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="increased/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="impairments/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="behaviors/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="that/WDT-15"]; N_16 [label="are/VBP-16"]; N_17 [label="characteristic/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="core/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="features/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="of/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="autism/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="such/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="as/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="deficits/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="in/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="social/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="interactions/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label="and/CC-30"]; N_31 [label="communication/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="auxpass"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:with"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="ref"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="cop"]; N_17 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_23 [label="nmod:of"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="mwe"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="nmod:in"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_29 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The role of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in the pathogenesis of fragile X syndrome, the most common identified genetic cause of autism, has led to interest in the possible implications for future autism research into this pathway.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="role/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="group/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="I/CD-5"]; N_6 [label="metabotropic/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="glutamate/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="receptors/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--9"]; N_10 [label="mGluR/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--11"]; N_12 [label="in/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="the/DT-13"]; N_14 [label="pathogenesis/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="fragile/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="X/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="syndrome/NN-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="most/RBS-21"]; N_22 [label="common/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="identified/VBD-23"]; N_24 [label="genetic/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="cause/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="of/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="autism/NN-27"]; N_28 [label=",/,-28"]; N_29 [label="has/VBZ-29"]; N_30 [label="led/VBN-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="interest/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="in/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="the/DT-34"]; N_35 [label="possible/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="implications/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="for/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="future/JJ-38"]; N_39 [label="autism/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="research/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="into/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="this/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="pathway/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="./.-44"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nummod"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="appos"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="advmod"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="nmod:of"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_44 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="aux"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="nmod:in"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="det"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_40 [label="nmod:for"]; N_40 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="compound"]; N_40 -> N_43 [label="nmod:into"]; N_43 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_43 -> N_42 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
These deficits are present in early childhood, typically before age three, and lead to clinically significant functional impairment.
digraph { N_1 [label="These/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="deficits/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="are/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="present/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="early/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="childhood/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="typically/RB-9"]; N_10 [label="before/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="age/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="three/CD-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="lead/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="to/TO-16"]; N_17 [label="clinically/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="significant/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="functional/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="impairment/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_11 [label="nmod:before"]; N_4 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="nummod"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="nmod:to"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj causes/VBZ +dobj [[effect]]/N
While infection with rubella during pregnancy causes fewer than 1% of cases of autism, vaccination against rubella can prevent many of those cases.
digraph { N_1 [label="While/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="infection/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="with/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="rubella/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="during/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="pregnancy/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="causes/VBZ-7"]; N_8 [label="fewer/JJR-8"]; N_9 [label="than/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="1/CD-10"]; N_11 [label="%/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="cases/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="autism/NN-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="vaccination/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="against/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="rubella/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="can/MD-20"]; N_21 [label="prevent/VB-21"]; N_22 [label="many/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="of/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="those/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="cases/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="./.-26"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:with"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:during"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="nummod"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:of"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:against"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_21 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="aux"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_7 [label="advcl:while"]; N_21 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:of"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N +nmod:as cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
Several lines of evidence point to synaptic dysfunction as a cause of autism.
digraph { N_1 [label="Several/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="lines/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="evidence/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="point/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="synaptic/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="dysfunction/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="as/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="cause/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="autism/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="nmod:as"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBN +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Although these theories lack convincing scientific evidence and are biologically implausible, parental concern about a potential vaccine link with autism has led to lower rates of childhood immunizations, outbreaks of previously controlled childhood diseases in some countries, and the preventable deaths of several children.
digraph { N_1 [label="Although/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="these/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="theories/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="lack/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="convincing/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="scientific/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="evidence/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="are/VBP-9"]; N_10 [label="biologically/RB-10"]; N_11 [label="implausible/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="parental/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="concern/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="about/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="a/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="potential/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="vaccine/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="link/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="with/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="autism/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="has/VBZ-22"]; N_23 [label="led/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="to/TO-24"]; N_25 [label="lower/JJR-25"]; N_26 [label="rates/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="of/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="childhood/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="immunizations/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="outbreaks/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="previously/RB-33"]; N_34 [label="controlled/VBN-34"]; N_35 [label="childhood/NN-35"]; N_36 [label="diseases/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="in/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="some/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="countries/NNS-39"]; N_40 [label=",/,-40"]; N_41 [label="and/CC-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="preventable/JJ-43"]; N_44 [label="deaths/NNS-44"]; N_45 [label="of/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="several/JJ-46"]; N_47 [label="children/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="./.-48"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_23 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="cop"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="advmod"]; N_14 -> N_19 [label="nmod:about"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="dep"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:with"]; N_19 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="aux"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:to"]; N_23 -> N_44 [label="nmod:to"]; N_23 -> N_14 [label="nsubj"]; N_23 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_41 [label="cc"]; N_26 -> N_44 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:of"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="conj:and"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_31 -> N_36 [label="nmod:of"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="advmod"]; N_36 -> N_32 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="compound"]; N_36 -> N_39 [label="nmod:in"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_47 [label="nmod:of"]; N_47 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj:xsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Through this movement, people hope to cause others to think of autism as a difference instead of a disease.
digraph { N_1 [label="Through/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="this/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="movement/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="people/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="hope/VBP-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="cause/VB-8"]; N_9 [label="others/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="think/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="autism/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="as/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="difference/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="instead/RB-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="disease/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:through"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="xcomp"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="xcomp"]; N_11 -> N_16 [label="nmod:as"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="mark"]; N_11 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:instead_of"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="mwe"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
About 10–15% of autism cases have an identifiable Mendelian (single-gene) condition, chromosome abnormality, or other genetic syndrome, and ASD is associated with several genetic disorders.
digraph { N_1 [label="About/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="10/CD-2"]; N_3 [label="--/:-3"]; N_4 [label="15/CD-4"]; N_5 [label="%/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="autism/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="cases/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="have/VBP-9"]; N_10 [label="an/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="identifiable/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="Mendelian/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--13"]; N_14 [label="single-gene/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--15"]; N_16 [label="condition/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="chromosome/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="abnormality/NN-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="or/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="other/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="genetic/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="syndrome/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="ASD/NN-27"]; N_28 [label="is/VBZ-28"]; N_29 [label="associated/VBN-29"]; N_30 [label="with/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="several/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="genetic/JJ-32"]; N_33 [label="disorders/NNS-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_2 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_19 [label="conj:or"]; N_2 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_24 [label="conj:or"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="parataxis"]; N_2 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nummod"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="dep"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="dep"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="compound"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="nmod:with"]; N_29 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_29 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_19 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_29 -> N_24 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="auxpass"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Autism is associated with a combination of genetic and environmental factors.
digraph { N_1 [label="Autism/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="is/VBZ-2"]; N_3 [label="associated/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="with/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="combination/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="genetic/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="and/CC-9"]; N_10 [label="environmental/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="factors/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="./.-12"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:with"]; N_3 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="cc"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="conj:and"]; N_11 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
The limited data suggest that, in children with intellectual disability, autism is associated with aggression, destruction of property, and tantrums.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="limited/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="data/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="suggest/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="that/IN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="children/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="with/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="intellectual/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="disability/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="autism/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="is/VBZ-14"]; N_15 [label="associated/VBN-15"]; N_16 [label="with/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="aggression/NN-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="destruction/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="of/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="property/NN-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="and/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="tantrums/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label="./.-25"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_15 [label="ccomp"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_5 [label="mark"]; N_15 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_15 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="auxpass"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_17 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Many genes have been associated with autism through sequencing the genomes of affected individuals and their parents.
digraph { N_1 [label="Many/JJ-1"]; N_2 [label="genes/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="have/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="been/VBN-4"]; N_5 [label="associated/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="with/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="autism/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="through/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="sequencing/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="genomes/NNS-11"]; N_12 [label="of/IN-12"]; N_13 [label="affected/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="individuals/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="their/PRP$-16"]; N_17 [label="parents/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:with"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:through"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="dobj"]; N_11 -> N_17 [label="nmod:of"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Some rare mutations may lead to autism by disrupting some synaptic pathways, such as those involved with cell adhesion.
digraph { N_1 [label="Some/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="rare/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="mutations/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="may/MD-4"]; N_5 [label="lead/VB-5"]; N_6 [label="to/TO-6"]; N_7 [label="autism/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="by/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="disrupting/VBG-9"]; N_10 [label="some/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="synaptic/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="pathways/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="such/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="as/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="those/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="involved/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label="with/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="cell/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="adhesion/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="advcl:by"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="mark"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="mwe"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="acl"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:with"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Also, some inborn errors of metabolism are associated with autism, but probably account for less than 5% of cases.
digraph { N_1 [label="Also/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="some/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="inborn/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="errors/NNS-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="metabolism/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="are/VBP-8"]; N_9 [label="associated/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="with/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="autism/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="but/CC-13"]; N_14 [label="probably/RB-14"]; N_15 [label="account/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="for/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="less/JJR-17"]; N_18 [label="than/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="5/CD-19"]; N_20 [label="%/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="cases/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="./.-23"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_9 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="auxpass"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:with"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="cc"]; N_9 -> N_15 [label="conj:but"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="mwe"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nummod"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj contributed/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
The fact that Aristotle was a pupil of Plato contributed to his former views of Platonism, but, following Plato's death, Aristotle immersed himself in empirical studies and shifted from Platonism to empiricism.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="fact/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Aristotle/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="was/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="pupil/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="of/IN-8"]; N_9 [label="Plato/NNP-9"]; N_10 [label="contributed/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="to/TO-11"]; N_12 [label="his/PRP$-12"]; N_13 [label="former/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="views/NNS-14"]; N_15 [label="of/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="Platonism/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="but/CC-18"]; N_19 [label=",/,-19"]; N_20 [label="following/VBG-20"]; N_21 [label="Plato/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="'s/POS-22"]; N_23 [label="death/NN-23"]; N_24 [label=",/,-24"]; N_25 [label="Aristotle/NNP-25"]; N_26 [label="immersed/VBD-26"]; N_27 [label="himself/PRP-27"]; N_28 [label="in/IN-28"]; N_29 [label="empirical/JJ-29"]; N_30 [label="studies/NNS-30"]; N_31 [label="and/CC-31"]; N_32 [label="shifted/VBN-32"]; N_33 [label="from/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="Platonism/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="to/TO-35"]; N_36 [label="empiricism/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="ccomp"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="cop"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_32 [label="conj:but"]; N_10 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_10 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_26 [label="conj:but"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_26 -> N_32 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="nmod:following"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_26 -> N_30 [label="nmod:in"]; N_26 -> N_31 [label="cc"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="amod"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="nmod:from"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="nmod:to"]; N_32 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N +nsubj cause/NN +nmod:of [[effect]]/N
Thus the material cause of a table is wood.
digraph { N_1 [label="Thus/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="material/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="cause/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="a/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="table/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="is/VBZ-8"]; N_9 [label="wood/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="./.-10"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="compound"]; N_4 -> N_7 [label="nmod:of"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_9 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="cop"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Autism can also be divided into syndromal and non-syndromal autism; the syndromal autism is associated with severe or profound intellectual disability or a congenital syndrome with physical symptoms, such as tuberous sclerosis.
digraph { N_1 [label="Autism/NN-1"]; N_2 [label="can/MD-2"]; N_3 [label="also/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="be/VB-4"]; N_5 [label="divided/VBN-5"]; N_6 [label="into/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="syndromal/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="and/CC-8"]; N_9 [label="non-syndromal/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="autism/NN-10"]; N_11 [label=";/:-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="syndromal/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="autism/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="is/VBZ-15"]; N_16 [label="associated/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="with/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="severe/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="or/CC-19"]; N_20 [label="profound/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="intellectual/JJ-21"]; N_22 [label="disability/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="or/CC-23"]; N_24 [label="a/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="congenital/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="syndrome/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="with/IN-27"]; N_28 [label="physical/JJ-28"]; N_29 [label="symptoms/NNS-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="such/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="as/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="tuberous/JJ-33"]; N_34 [label="sclerosis/NN-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_5 -> N_16 [label="parataxis"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="aux"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_5 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="auxpass"]; N_5 -> N_10 [label="nmod:into"]; N_5 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="cc"]; N_7 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_22 [label="nmod:with"]; N_16 -> N_26 [label="nmod:with"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="conj:or"]; N_22 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="cc"]; N_22 -> N_26 [label="conj:or"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="nmod:with"]; N_29 -> N_34 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="amod"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_32 [label="mwe"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
He was thus critical of Empedocles's materialist theory of a "survival of the fittest" origin of living things and their organs, and ridiculed the idea that accidents could lead to orderly results.
digraph { N_1 [label="He/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="thus/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="critical/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="Empedocles/NNPS-6"]; N_7 [label="'s/POS-7"]; N_8 [label="materialist/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="theory/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="a/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="``/``-12"]; N_13 [label="survival/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="the/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="fittest/JJS-16"]; N_17 [label="''/''-17"]; N_18 [label="origin/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="of/IN-19"]; N_20 [label="living/VBG-20"]; N_21 [label="things/NNS-21"]; N_22 [label="and/CC-22"]; N_23 [label="their/PRP$-23"]; N_24 [label="organs/NNS-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="and/CC-26"]; N_27 [label="ridiculed/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="the/DT-28"]; N_29 [label="idea/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="that/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="accidents/NNS-31"]; N_32 [label="could/MD-32"]; N_33 [label="lead/VB-33"]; N_34 [label="to/TO-34"]; N_35 [label="orderly/JJ-35"]; N_36 [label="results/NNS-36"]; N_37 [label="./.-37"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="cop"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_4 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_26 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_27 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_18 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_21 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_18 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="case"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_21 -> N_22 [label="cc"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="conj:and"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_27 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_33 [label="ccomp"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="aux"]; N_33 -> N_36 [label="nmod:to"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="mark"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nsubj"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Artists such as Hans Baldung produced a series of illustrations of the popular theme.
digraph { N_1 [label="Artists/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="such/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="as/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="Hans/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Baldung/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="produced/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="series/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="of/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="illustrations/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="popular/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="theme/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="./.-15"]; N_1 -> N_5 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="mwe"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:of"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="nmod:of"]; N_14 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBN +nsubjpass [[effect]]/N
Aristotle suggested that the reason for anything coming about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active factors.
digraph { N_1 [label="Aristotle/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="suggested/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="reason/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="for/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="anything/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="coming/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="about/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="can/MD-10"]; N_11 [label="be/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="attributed/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="to/TO-13"]; N_14 [label="four/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="different/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="types/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label="of/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="simultaneously/RB-18"]; N_19 [label="active/JJ-19"]; N_20 [label="factors/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="nmod:for"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="nmod"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_12 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_12 -> N_5 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="auxpass"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="nummod"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="advmod"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VBP +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
However, Aristotle gave equal weight to women's happiness as he did to men's, and commented in his Rhetoric that the things that lead to happiness need to be in women as well as men.
digraph { N_1 [label="However/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="Aristotle/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="gave/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="equal/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="weight/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="to/TO-7"]; N_8 [label="women/NNS-8"]; N_9 [label="'s/POS-9"]; N_10 [label="happiness/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="as/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="he/PRP-12"]; N_13 [label="did/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="men/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="'s/POS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="commented/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="in/IN-20"]; N_21 [label="his/PRP$-21"]; N_22 [label="Rhetoric/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="that/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="the/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="things/NNS-25"]; N_26 [label="that/WDT-26"]; N_27 [label="lead/VBP-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="happiness/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="need/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="to/TO-31"]; N_32 [label="be/VB-32"]; N_33 [label="in/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="women/NNS-34"]; N_35 [label="as/RB-35"]; N_36 [label="well/RB-36"]; N_37 [label="as/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="men/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label="./.-39"]; N_4 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_4 -> N_13 [label="advcl:as"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="mark"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="nmod:to"]; N_15 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_22 [label="nmod:in"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_23 -> N_25 [label="dep"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_27 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="acl:to"]; N_30 -> N_38 [label="acl:to"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="compound"]; N_34 -> N_32 [label="cop"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_31 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_36 [label="mwe"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="mwe"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:of result/NN +nsubj [[effect]]/N
Lastly, the images of dreams must be a result of lasting impressions of waking sensory experiences.
digraph { N_1 [label="Lastly/RB-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="the/DT-3"]; N_4 [label="images/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="of/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="dreams/NNS-6"]; N_7 [label="must/MD-7"]; N_8 [label="be/VB-8"]; N_9 [label="a/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="result/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="lasting/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="impressions/NNS-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="waking/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="sensory/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="experiences/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="aux"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="cop"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:of"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Newer technologies such as fMRI and diffusion tensor imaging can help identify biologically relevant phenotypes (observable traits) that can be viewed on brain scans, to help further neurogenetic studies of autism; one example is lowered activity in the fusiform face area of the brain, which is associated with impaired perception of people versus objects.
digraph { N_1 [label="Newer/JJR-1"]; N_2 [label="technologies/NNS-2"]; N_3 [label="such/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="fMRI/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="and/CC-6"]; N_7 [label="diffusion/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="tensor/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="imaging/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="can/MD-10"]; N_11 [label="help/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="identify/VB-12"]; N_13 [label="biologically/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="relevant/JJ-14"]; N_15 [label="phenotypes/NNS-15"]; N_16 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--16"]; N_17 [label="observable/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="traits/NNS-18"]; N_19 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--19"]; N_20 [label="that/WDT-20"]; N_21 [label="can/MD-21"]; N_22 [label="be/VB-22"]; N_23 [label="viewed/VBN-23"]; N_24 [label="on/IN-24"]; N_25 [label="brain/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="scans/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="help/VB-29"]; N_30 [label="further/RB-30"]; N_31 [label="neurogenetic/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="studies/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="of/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="autism/NN-34"]; N_35 [label=";/:-35"]; N_36 [label="one/CD-36"]; N_37 [label="example/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="is/VBZ-38"]; N_39 [label="lowered/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="activity/NN-40"]; N_41 [label="in/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="the/DT-42"]; N_43 [label="fusiform/NN-43"]; N_44 [label="face/NN-44"]; N_45 [label="area/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="of/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="the/DT-47"]; N_48 [label="brain/NN-48"]; N_49 [label=",/,-49"]; N_50 [label="which/WDT-50"]; N_51 [label="is/VBZ-51"]; N_52 [label="associated/VBN-52"]; N_53 [label="with/IN-53"]; N_54 [label="impaired/JJ-54"]; N_55 [label="perception/NN-55"]; N_56 [label="of/IN-56"]; N_57 [label="people/NNS-57"]; N_58 [label="versus/CC-58"]; N_59 [label="objects/NNS-59"]; N_60 [label="./.-60"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="amod"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:such_as"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="mwe"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_11 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_11 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_40 [label="parataxis"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_11 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_12 [label="ccomp"]; N_11 -> N_60 [label="punct"]; N_11 -> N_29 [label="xcomp"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_15 -> N_18 [label="appos"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="ref"]; N_15 -> N_23 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="aux"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="auxpass"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="nmod:on"]; N_23 -> N_15 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_2 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="mark"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="advmod"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="nummod"]; N_40 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_40 -> N_50 [label="ref"]; N_40 -> N_52 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_40 -> N_37 [label="nsubj"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="cop"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; N_40 -> N_45 [label="nmod:in"]; N_45 -> N_48 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_42 [label="det"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="compound"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="compound"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="det"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="auxpass"]; N_52 -> N_55 [label="nmod:with"]; N_52 -> N_40 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_55 -> N_53 [label="case"]; N_55 -> N_54 [label="amod"]; N_55 -> N_57 [label="nmod:of"]; N_55 -> N_59 [label="nmod:of"]; N_57 -> N_56 [label="case"]; N_57 -> N_58 [label="cc"]; N_57 -> N_59 [label="conj:versus"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubjpass associated/VBN +nmod:with [[effect]]/N
Publicly supported programs are often inadequate or inappropriate for a given child, and unreimbursed out-of-pocket medical or therapy expenses are associated with likelihood of family financial problems; one 2008 US study found a 14% average loss of annual income in families of children with ASD, and a related study found that ASD is associated with higher probability that child care problems will greatly affect parental employment.
digraph { N_1 [label="Publicly/RB-1"]; N_2 [label="supported/VBN-2"]; N_3 [label="programs/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="are/VBP-4"]; N_5 [label="often/RB-5"]; N_6 [label="inadequate/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="or/CC-7"]; N_8 [label="inappropriate/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="for/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="a/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="given/VBN-11"]; N_12 [label="child/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="unreimbursed/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="out-of-pocket/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="medical/JJ-17"]; N_18 [label="or/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="therapy/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="expenses/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label="are/VBP-21"]; N_22 [label="associated/VBN-22"]; N_23 [label="with/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="likelihood/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="of/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="family/NN-26"]; N_27 [label="financial/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="problems/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label=";/:-29"]; N_30 [label="one/CD-30"]; N_31 [label="2008/CD-31"]; N_32 [label="US/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="study/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="found/VBD-34"]; N_35 [label="a/DT-35"]; N_36 [label="14/CD-36"]; N_37 [label="%/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="average/JJ-38"]; N_39 [label="loss/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="of/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="annual/JJ-41"]; N_42 [label="income/NN-42"]; N_43 [label="in/IN-43"]; N_44 [label="families/NNS-44"]; N_45 [label="of/IN-45"]; N_46 [label="children/NNS-46"]; N_47 [label="with/IN-47"]; N_48 [label="ASD/NN-48"]; N_49 [label=",/,-49"]; N_50 [label="and/CC-50"]; N_51 [label="a/DT-51"]; N_52 [label="related/JJ-52"]; N_53 [label="study/NN-53"]; N_54 [label="found/VBD-54"]; N_55 [label="that/IN-55"]; N_56 [label="ASD/NN-56"]; N_57 [label="is/VBZ-57"]; N_58 [label="associated/VBN-58"]; N_59 [label="with/IN-59"]; N_60 [label="higher/JJR-60"]; N_61 [label="probability/NN-61"]; N_62 [label="that/WDT-62"]; N_63 [label="child/NN-63"]; N_64 [label="care/NN-64"]; N_65 [label="problems/NNS-65"]; N_66 [label="will/MD-66"]; N_67 [label="greatly/RB-67"]; N_68 [label="affect/VB-68"]; N_69 [label="parental/JJ-69"]; N_70 [label="employment/NN-70"]; N_71 [label="./.-71"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_34 [label="parataxis"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="cop"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="advmod"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_71 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="conj:or"]; N_6 -> N_12 [label="nmod:for"]; N_6 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_6 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_54 [label="parataxis"]; N_6 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="conj:or"]; N_20 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="auxpass"]; N_22 -> N_24 [label="nmod:with"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="nmod:of"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="compound"]; N_33 -> N_30 [label="nummod"]; N_33 -> N_31 [label="nummod"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="nsubj"]; N_34 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_50 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_54 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_39 [label="dobj"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="compound"]; N_39 -> N_35 [label="det"]; N_39 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="amod"]; N_39 -> N_42 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_44 [label="nmod:in"]; N_42 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="amod"]; N_44 -> N_43 [label="case"]; N_44 -> N_46 [label="nmod:of"]; N_46 -> N_48 [label="nmod:with"]; N_46 -> N_45 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="case"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="det"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="amod"]; N_54 -> N_53 [label="nsubj"]; N_54 -> N_58 [label="ccomp"]; N_58 -> N_55 [label="mark"]; N_58 -> N_56 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_58 -> N_57 [label="auxpass"]; N_58 -> N_61 [label="nmod:with"]; N_61 -> N_68 [label="ccomp"]; N_61 -> N_59 [label="case"]; N_61 -> N_60 [label="amod"]; N_65 -> N_64 [label="compound"]; N_65 -> N_63 [label="compound"]; N_68 -> N_65 [label="nsubj"]; N_68 -> N_66 [label="aux"]; N_68 -> N_67 [label="advmod"]; N_68 -> N_70 [label="dobj"]; N_68 -> N_62 [label="mark"]; N_70 -> N_69 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to due/JJ -amod [[effect]]/N
Epilepsy, with variations in risk of epilepsy due to age, cognitive level, and type of language disorder.
digraph { N_1 [label="Epilepsy/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label=",/,-2"]; N_3 [label="with/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="variations/NNS-4"]; N_5 [label="in/IN-5"]; N_6 [label="risk/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="epilepsy/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="due/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="to/TO-10"]; N_11 [label="age/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="cognitive/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="level/NN-14"]; N_15 [label=",/,-15"]; N_16 [label="and/CC-16"]; N_17 [label="type/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="language/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="disorder/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="./.-21"]; N_1 -> N_16 [label="cc"]; N_1 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_4 [label="nmod:with"]; N_1 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_1 -> N_14 [label="conj:and"]; N_1 -> N_15 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="nmod:in"]; N_4 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:to"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
In 1941, Paramount Pictures produced a movie loosely based on the play.
digraph { N_1 [label="In/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="1941/CD-2"]; N_3 [label=",/,-3"]; N_4 [label="Paramount/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Pictures/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="produced/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="a/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="movie/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="loosely/RB-9"]; N_10 [label="based/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="on/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="play/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_2 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="acl"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:on"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
When she learned of it in 1968, though her romantic relationship with Branden had already ended, Rand terminated her relationship with both Brandens, which led to the closure of NBI.
digraph { N_1 [label="When/WRB-1"]; N_2 [label="she/PRP-2"]; N_3 [label="learned/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="of/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="it/PRP-5"]; N_6 [label="in/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="1968/CD-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="though/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="her/PRP$-10"]; N_11 [label="romantic/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="relationship/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="with/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Branden/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="had/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="already/RB-16"]; N_17 [label="ended/VBN-17"]; N_18 [label=",/,-18"]; N_19 [label="Rand/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="terminated/VBD-20"]; N_21 [label="her/PRP$-21"]; N_22 [label="relationship/NN-22"]; N_23 [label="with/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="both/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="Brandens/NNPS-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="which/WDT-27"]; N_28 [label="led/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="closure/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="of/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="NBI/NNP-33"]; N_34 [label="./.-34"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:of"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_9 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="aux"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="advcl:though"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_34 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_3 [label="advcl"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="dobj"]; N_20 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="nmod:with"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="ref"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_31 [label="nmod:to"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="nmod:of"]; N_31 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_31 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
When the first academic book about Rand's philosophy appeared in 1971, its author declared writing about Rand "a treacherous undertaking" that could lead to "guilt by association" for taking her seriously.
digraph { N_1 [label="When/WRB-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="first/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="academic/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="book/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="about/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="Rand/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="'s/POS-8"]; N_9 [label="philosophy/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="appeared/VBD-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="1971/CD-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="its/PRP$-14"]; N_15 [label="author/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="declared/VBD-16"]; N_17 [label="writing/VBG-17"]; N_18 [label="about/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="Rand/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="``/``-20"]; N_21 [label="a/DT-21"]; N_22 [label="treacherous/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="undertaking/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="''/''-24"]; N_25 [label="that/WDT-25"]; N_26 [label="could/MD-26"]; N_27 [label="lead/VB-27"]; N_28 [label="to/TO-28"]; N_29 [label="``/``-29"]; N_30 [label="guilt/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="by/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="association/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="''/''-33"]; N_34 [label="for/IN-34"]; N_35 [label="taking/VBG-35"]; N_36 [label="her/PRP$-36"]; N_37 [label="seriously/RB-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="nmod:about"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_1 [label="advmod"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="xcomp"]; N_16 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_10 [label="advcl"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:about"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="dep"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_19 -> N_25 [label="ref"]; N_19 -> N_27 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_27 -> N_19 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_35 [label="advcl:for"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="aux"]; N_27 -> N_30 [label="nmod:to"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:by"]; N_30 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_35 -> N_34 [label="mark"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="advmod"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="dep"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj led/VBD +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
This work led to Rand's first public speaking experiences; she enjoyed fielding sometimes hostile questions from New York City audiences who had viewed pro-Willkie newsreels.
digraph { N_1 [label="This/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="work/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="led/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="Rand/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="'s/POS-6"]; N_7 [label="first/JJ-7"]; N_8 [label="public/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="speaking/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="experiences/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label=";/:-11"]; N_12 [label="she/PRP-12"]; N_13 [label="enjoyed/VBD-13"]; N_14 [label="fielding/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="sometimes/RB-15"]; N_16 [label="hostile/JJ-16"]; N_17 [label="questions/NNS-17"]; N_18 [label="from/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="New/NNP-19"]; N_20 [label="York/NNP-20"]; N_21 [label="City/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="audiences/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label="who/WP-23"]; N_24 [label="had/VBD-24"]; N_25 [label="viewed/VBN-25"]; N_26 [label="pro-Willkie/JJ-26"]; N_27 [label="newsreels/NNS-27"]; N_28 [label="./.-28"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_11 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_28 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="parataxis"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_7 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="nsubj"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="advmod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:from"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_22 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="ref"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_25 -> N_22 [label="nsubj"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="aux"]; N_25 -> N_27 [label="dobj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
She rejected anarchism as a naïve theory based in subjectivism that could only lead to collectivism in practice.
digraph { N_1 [label="She/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="rejected/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="anarchism/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="as/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="a/DT-5"]; N_6 [label="naïve/JJ-6"]; N_7 [label="theory/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="based/VBN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="subjectivism/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="that/WDT-11"]; N_12 [label="could/MD-12"]; N_13 [label="only/RB-13"]; N_14 [label="lead/VB-14"]; N_15 [label="to/TO-15"]; N_16 [label="collectivism/NN-16"]; N_17 [label="in/IN-17"]; N_18 [label="practice/NN-18"]; N_19 [label="./.-19"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="nmod:as"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="amod"]; N_7 -> N_8 [label="acl"]; N_8 -> N_10 [label="nmod:in"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="ref"]; N_10 -> N_14 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_14 -> N_16 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_10 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="aux"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="advmod"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="nmod:in"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
After an opposing witness testified seeing the crime in the moonlight, Lincoln produced a Farmers' Almanac showing the moon was at a low angle, drastically reducing visibility.
digraph { N_1 [label="After/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="an/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="opposing/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="witness/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="testified/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="seeing/VBG-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="crime/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="in/IN-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="moonlight/NN-11"]; N_12 [label=",/,-12"]; N_13 [label="Lincoln/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="produced/VBD-14"]; N_15 [label="a/DT-15"]; N_16 [label="Farmers/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="'/POS-17"]; N_18 [label="Almanac/NNP-18"]; N_19 [label="showing/VBG-19"]; N_20 [label="the/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="moon/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="was/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="at/IN-23"]; N_24 [label="a/DT-24"]; N_25 [label="low/JJ-25"]; N_26 [label="angle/NN-26"]; N_27 [label=",/,-27"]; N_28 [label="drastically/RB-28"]; N_29 [label="reducing/VBG-29"]; N_30 [label="visibility/NN-30"]; N_31 [label="./.-31"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="xcomp"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_8 -> N_11 [label="nmod:in"]; N_11 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_14 -> N_18 [label="dobj"]; N_14 -> N_5 [label="advcl:after"]; N_14 -> N_26 [label="advcl:at"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="punct"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="nsubj"]; N_14 -> N_31 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="det"]; N_18 -> N_16 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_18 -> N_19 [label="acl"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="dobj"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_22 [label="cop"]; N_26 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_26 -> N_24 [label="det"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="amod"]; N_26 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_26 -> N_29 [label="acl"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="advmod"]; N_29 -> N_30 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The damage caused by Sherman's March to the Sea through Georgia in 1864 was limited to a swath, but neither Lincoln nor his commanders saw destruction as the main goal, but rather defeat of the Confederate armies.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="damage/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="caused/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="by/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="Sherman/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="'s/POS-6"]; N_7 [label="March/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="Sea/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="through/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="Georgia/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="in/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="1864/CD-14"]; N_15 [label="was/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="limited/VBN-16"]; N_17 [label="to/TO-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="swath/NN-19"]; N_20 [label=",/,-20"]; N_21 [label="but/CC-21"]; N_22 [label="neither/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="Lincoln/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="nor/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="his/PRP$-25"]; N_26 [label="commanders/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="saw/VBD-27"]; N_28 [label="destruction/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="as/IN-29"]; N_30 [label="the/DT-30"]; N_31 [label="main/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="goal/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="but/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="rather/RB-35"]; N_36 [label="defeat/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="of/IN-37"]; N_38 [label="the/DT-38"]; N_39 [label="Confederate/JJ-39"]; N_40 [label="armies/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="acl"]; N_3 -> N_7 [label="nmod:by"]; N_3 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:through"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_2 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_16 -> N_19 [label="nmod:to"]; N_16 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_36 [label="conj:but"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="cc"]; N_16 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_27 [label="conj:but"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="auxpass"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="cc:preconj"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_23 -> N_26 [label="conj:nor"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_27 -> N_32 [label="nmod:as"]; N_27 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_27 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_27 -> N_36 [label="conj:negcc"]; N_27 -> N_23 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_26 [label="nsubj"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_29 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_36 -> N_35 [label="advmod"]; N_36 -> N_40 [label="nmod:of"]; N_40 -> N_37 [label="case"]; N_40 -> N_38 [label="det"]; N_40 -> N_39 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The party did the leg work that produced majorities across the North, and produced an abundance of campaign posters, leaflets, and newspaper editorials.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="party/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="did/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="the/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="leg/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="work/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="that/WDT-7"]; N_8 [label="produced/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="majorities/NNS-9"]; N_10 [label="across/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="North/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label=",/,-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="produced/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="an/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="abundance/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="campaign/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="posters/NNS-20"]; N_21 [label=",/,-21"]; N_22 [label="leaflets/NNS-22"]; N_23 [label=",/,-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="newspaper/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="editorials/NNS-26"]; N_27 [label="./.-27"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_27 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:across"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_20 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_22 [label="nmod:of"]; N_17 -> N_26 [label="nmod:of"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="compound"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_20 -> N_26 [label="conj:and"]; N_26 -> N_25 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj caused/VBN +dobj [[effect]]/N
The death of his son Willie in February 1862 may have caused Lincoln to look toward religion for answers and solace.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="death/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="of/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="his/PRP$-4"]; N_5 [label="son/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="Willie/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="February/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="1862/CD-9"]; N_10 [label="may/MD-10"]; N_11 [label="have/VB-11"]; N_12 [label="caused/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="Lincoln/NNP-13"]; N_14 [label="to/TO-14"]; N_15 [label="look/VB-15"]; N_16 [label="toward/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="religion/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="for/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="answers/NNS-19"]; N_20 [label="and/CC-20"]; N_21 [label="solace/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="./.-22"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="nmod:of"]; N_2 -> N_8 [label="nmod:in"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="nummod"]; N_12 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_12 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="aux"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="xcomp"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="nmod:toward"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_21 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="cc"]; N_19 -> N_21 [label="conj:and"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj cause/VB +dobj [[effect]]/N
Others simply claim he had Marfan syndrome, based on his tall appearance with spindly fingers, and the association of possible aortic regurgitation, which can cause bobbing of the head (DeMusset's sign) – based on blurring of Lincoln's head in photographs, which back then had a long exposure time.
digraph { N_1 [label="Others/NNS-1"]; N_2 [label="simply/RB-2"]; N_3 [label="claim/VBP-3"]; N_4 [label="he/PRP-4"]; N_5 [label="had/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="Marfan/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="syndrome/NN-7"]; N_8 [label=",/,-8"]; N_9 [label="based/VBN-9"]; N_10 [label="on/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="his/PRP$-11"]; N_12 [label="tall/JJ-12"]; N_13 [label="appearance/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="with/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="spindly/JJ-15"]; N_16 [label="fingers/NNS-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="the/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="association/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="of/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="possible/JJ-22"]; N_23 [label="aortic/JJ-23"]; N_24 [label="regurgitation/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="which/WDT-26"]; N_27 [label="can/MD-27"]; N_28 [label="cause/VB-28"]; N_29 [label="bobbing/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="of/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="the/DT-31"]; N_32 [label="head/NN-32"]; N_33 [label="-LRB-/-LRB--33"]; N_34 [label="DeMusset/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="'s/POS-35"]; N_36 [label="sign/NN-36"]; N_37 [label="-RRB-/-RRB--37"]; N_38 [label="--/:-38"]; N_39 [label="based/VBN-39"]; N_40 [label="on/IN-40"]; N_41 [label="blurring/VBG-41"]; N_42 [label="of/IN-42"]; N_43 [label="Lincoln/NNP-43"]; N_44 [label="'s/POS-44"]; N_45 [label="head/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="in/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="photographs/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label=",/,-48"]; N_49 [label="which/WDT-49"]; N_50 [label="back/RB-50"]; N_51 [label="then/RB-51"]; N_52 [label="had/VBD-52"]; N_53 [label="a/DT-53"]; N_54 [label="long/JJ-54"]; N_55 [label="exposure/NN-55"]; N_56 [label="time/NN-56"]; N_57 [label="./.-57"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="advmod"]; N_3 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_20 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="ccomp"]; N_3 -> N_57 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_7 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_13 [label="advcl:on"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_16 [label="nmod:with"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="amod"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_24 [label="nmod:of"]; N_24 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="amod"]; N_24 -> N_39 [label="acl"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_26 [label="ref"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_28 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="aux"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_29 -> N_32 [label="nmod:of"]; N_32 -> N_36 [label="appos"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="det"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="case"]; N_36 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_36 -> N_34 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_36 -> N_37 [label="punct"]; N_39 -> N_41 [label="nmod:on"]; N_41 -> N_40 [label="case"]; N_41 -> N_45 [label="nmod:of"]; N_43 -> N_44 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_42 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_43 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_45 -> N_47 [label="nmod:in"]; N_47 -> N_48 [label="punct"]; N_47 -> N_49 [label="ref"]; N_47 -> N_52 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_47 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_51 -> N_50 [label="advmod"]; N_52 -> N_51 [label="advmod"]; N_52 -> N_56 [label="dobj"]; N_52 -> N_47 [label="nsubj"]; N_56 -> N_53 [label="det"]; N_56 -> N_54 [label="amod"]; N_56 -> N_55 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:by caused/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
The speech created an evocative image of the danger of disunion caused by the slavery debate, and rallied Republicans across the North.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="speech/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="created/VBD-3"]; N_4 [label="an/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="evocative/JJ-5"]; N_6 [label="image/NN-6"]; N_7 [label="of/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="danger/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="disunion/NN-11"]; N_12 [label="caused/VBN-12"]; N_13 [label="by/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="slavery/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="debate/NN-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="and/CC-18"]; N_19 [label="rallied/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="Republicans/NNPS-20"]; N_21 [label="across/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="the/DT-22"]; N_23 [label="North/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="./.-24"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_3 -> N_18 [label="cc"]; N_3 -> N_19 [label="conj:and"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_3 -> N_24 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="amod"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_11 [label="nmod:of"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="acl"]; N_11 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="nmod:by"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_19 -> N_23 [label="nmod:across"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
He was replaced by George Meade, who followed Lee into Pennsylvania for the Gettysburg Campaign, which was a victory for the Union, though Lee's army avoided capture.
digraph { N_1 [label="He/PRP-1"]; N_2 [label="was/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="replaced/VBN-3"]; N_4 [label="by/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="George/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Meade/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label=",/,-7"]; N_8 [label="who/WP-8"]; N_9 [label="followed/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="Lee/NNP-10"]; N_11 [label="into/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="Pennsylvania/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="for/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Gettysburg/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Campaign/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label=",/,-17"]; N_18 [label="which/WDT-18"]; N_19 [label="was/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="a/DT-20"]; N_21 [label="victory/NN-21"]; N_22 [label="for/IN-22"]; N_23 [label="the/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="Union/NNP-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="though/IN-26"]; N_27 [label="Lee/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="'s/POS-28"]; N_29 [label="army/NN-29"]; N_30 [label="avoided/VBD-30"]; N_31 [label="capture/NN-31"]; N_32 [label="./.-32"]; N_3 -> N_32 [label="punct"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nsubjpass"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="auxpass"]; N_3 -> N_6 [label="nmod:agent"]; N_3 -> N_30 [label="advcl:though"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_6 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="ref"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_6 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_16 [label="nmod:for"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:into"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_17 [label="punct"]; N_16 -> N_18 [label="ref"]; N_16 -> N_21 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_16 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_16 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_16 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_21 -> N_16 [label="nsubj"]; N_21 -> N_19 [label="cop"]; N_21 -> N_20 [label="det"]; N_21 -> N_24 [label="nmod:for"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_27 -> N_28 [label="case"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_30 -> N_26 [label="mark"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="nsubj"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="dobj"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:with associated/VBN -acl [[effect]]/N
As a youth, Lincoln disliked the hard labor associated with frontier life.
digraph { N_1 [label="As/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="a/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="youth/NN-3"]; N_4 [label=",/,-4"]; N_5 [label="Lincoln/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="disliked/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="hard/JJ-8"]; N_9 [label="labor/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="associated/VBN-10"]; N_11 [label="with/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="frontier/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="life/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="./.-14"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nmod:as"]; N_6 -> N_4 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_14 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="amod"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="acl"]; N_10 -> N_13 [label="nmod:with"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
His stance closely followed Henry Clay in supporting the American Colonization Society program of making the abolition of slavery practical by its advocation and helping the freed slaves to settle in Liberia in Africa.
digraph { N_1 [label="His/PRP$-1"]; N_2 [label="stance/NN-2"]; N_3 [label="closely/RB-3"]; N_4 [label="followed/VBD-4"]; N_5 [label="Henry/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="Clay/NNP-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="supporting/VBG-8"]; N_9 [label="the/DT-9"]; N_10 [label="American/JJ-10"]; N_11 [label="Colonization/NNP-11"]; N_12 [label="Society/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="program/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="of/IN-14"]; N_15 [label="making/VBG-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="abolition/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="of/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="slavery/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="practical/JJ-20"]; N_21 [label="by/IN-21"]; N_22 [label="its/PRP$-22"]; N_23 [label="advocation/NN-23"]; N_24 [label="and/CC-24"]; N_25 [label="helping/VBG-25"]; N_26 [label="the/DT-26"]; N_27 [label="freed/VBN-27"]; N_28 [label="slaves/NNS-28"]; N_29 [label="to/TO-29"]; N_30 [label="settle/VB-30"]; N_31 [label="in/IN-31"]; N_32 [label="Liberia/NNP-32"]; N_33 [label="in/IN-33"]; N_34 [label="Africa/NNP-34"]; N_35 [label="./.-35"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="nsubj"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="advmod"]; N_4 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_4 -> N_6 [label="dobj"]; N_4 -> N_8 [label="advcl:in"]; N_6 -> N_5 [label="compound"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="mark"]; N_8 -> N_13 [label="dobj"]; N_13 -> N_9 [label="det"]; N_13 -> N_25 [label="acl:of"]; N_13 -> N_10 [label="amod"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="compound"]; N_13 -> N_15 [label="acl:of"]; N_15 -> N_17 [label="dobj"]; N_15 -> N_24 [label="cc"]; N_15 -> N_25 [label="conj:and"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="mark"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_19 [label="nmod:of"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_20 [label="amod"]; N_20 -> N_23 [label="nmod:by"]; N_23 -> N_21 [label="case"]; N_23 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_25 -> N_28 [label="dobj"]; N_25 -> N_30 [label="xcomp"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="det"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_34 [label="nmod:in"]; N_30 -> N_28 [label="nsubj:xsubj"]; N_30 -> N_29 [label="mark"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="case"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj lead/VB +nmod:to [[effect]]/N
Lincoln hoped that this arrangement would lead to his nomination in 1846.
digraph { N_1 [label="Lincoln/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="hoped/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="that/IN-3"]; N_4 [label="this/DT-4"]; N_5 [label="arrangement/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="would/MD-6"]; N_7 [label="lead/VB-7"]; N_8 [label="to/TO-8"]; N_9 [label="his/PRP$-9"]; N_10 [label="nomination/NN-10"]; N_11 [label="in/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="1846/CD-12"]; N_13 [label="./.-13"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_7 [label="ccomp"]; N_2 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="det"]; N_7 -> N_3 [label="mark"]; N_7 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_7 -> N_6 [label="aux"]; N_7 -> N_10 [label="nmod:to"]; N_10 -> N_8 [label="case"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_10 -> N_12 [label="nmod:in"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nmod:to attributed/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
On foreign and military policy, Lincoln spoke out against the Mexican–American War, which he attributed to President Polk's desire for "military glory—that attractive rainbow, that rises in showers of blood".
digraph { N_1 [label="On/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="foreign/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="and/CC-3"]; N_4 [label="military/JJ-4"]; N_5 [label="policy/NN-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="Lincoln/NNP-7"]; N_8 [label="spoke/VBD-8"]; N_9 [label="out/RP-9"]; N_10 [label="against/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="the/DT-11"]; N_12 [label="Mexican/NNP-12"]; N_13 [label="--/:-13"]; N_14 [label="American/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="War/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label=",/,-16"]; N_17 [label="which/WDT-17"]; N_18 [label="he/PRP-18"]; N_19 [label="attributed/VBD-19"]; N_20 [label="to/TO-20"]; N_21 [label="President/NNP-21"]; N_22 [label="Polk/NNP-22"]; N_23 [label="'s/POS-23"]; N_24 [label="desire/NN-24"]; N_25 [label="for/IN-25"]; N_26 [label="``/``-26"]; N_27 [label="military/JJ-27"]; N_28 [label="glory/NN-28"]; N_29 [label="--/:-29"]; N_30 [label="that/IN-30"]; N_31 [label="attractive/JJ-31"]; N_32 [label="rainbow/NN-32"]; N_33 [label=",/,-33"]; N_34 [label="that/WDT-34"]; N_35 [label="rises/VBZ-35"]; N_36 [label="in/IN-36"]; N_37 [label="showers/NNS-37"]; N_38 [label="of/IN-38"]; N_39 [label="blood/NN-39"]; N_40 [label="''/''-40"]; N_41 [label="./.-41"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="cc"]; N_2 -> N_4 [label="conj:and"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="amod"]; N_8 -> N_5 [label="nmod:on"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="nsubj"]; N_8 -> N_9 [label="compound:prt"]; N_8 -> N_41 [label="punct"]; N_8 -> N_12 [label="nmod:against"]; N_12 -> N_16 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="ref"]; N_12 -> N_19 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="dep"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="compound"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="nsubj"]; N_19 -> N_24 [label="nmod:to"]; N_19 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="compound"]; N_22 -> N_23 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_20 [label="case"]; N_24 -> N_22 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_24 -> N_28 [label="nmod:for"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="dep"]; N_28 -> N_40 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_25 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_32 -> N_34 [label="ref"]; N_32 -> N_35 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="det"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="amod"]; N_35 -> N_32 [label="nsubj"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="nmod:in"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="case"]; N_37 -> N_39 [label="nmod:of"]; N_39 -> N_38 [label="case"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
Lincoln brought in Joseph Hooker, despite his record of loose talk about the need for a military dictatorship.
digraph { N_1 [label="Lincoln/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="brought/VBD-2"]; N_3 [label="in/RP-3"]; N_4 [label="Joseph/NNP-4"]; N_5 [label="Hooker/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label=",/,-6"]; N_7 [label="despite/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="his/PRP$-8"]; N_9 [label="record/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="loose/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="talk/NN-12"]; N_13 [label="about/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="the/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="need/NN-15"]; N_16 [label="for/IN-16"]; N_17 [label="a/DT-17"]; N_18 [label="military/JJ-18"]; N_19 [label="dictatorship/NN-19"]; N_20 [label="./.-20"]; N_2 -> N_1 [label="nsubj"]; N_2 -> N_3 [label="compound:prt"]; N_2 -> N_20 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_5 [label="dobj"]; N_2 -> N_6 [label="punct"]; N_2 -> N_9 [label="nmod:despite"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_12 -> N_15 [label="nmod:about"]; N_15 -> N_19 [label="nmod:for"]; N_15 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_15 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_16 [label="case"]; N_19 -> N_17 [label="det"]; N_19 -> N_18 [label="amod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj resulted/VBD +nmod:in [[effect]]/N
Grant's move to Petersburg resulted in the obstruction of three railroads between Richmond and the South.
digraph { N_1 [label="Grant/NNP-1"]; N_2 [label="'s/POS-2"]; N_3 [label="move/NN-3"]; N_4 [label="to/TO-4"]; N_5 [label="Petersburg/NNP-5"]; N_6 [label="resulted/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="in/IN-7"]; N_8 [label="the/DT-8"]; N_9 [label="obstruction/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="of/IN-10"]; N_11 [label="three/CD-11"]; N_12 [label="railroads/NNS-12"]; N_13 [label="between/IN-13"]; N_14 [label="Richmond/NNP-14"]; N_15 [label="and/CC-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="South/NNP-17"]; N_18 [label="./.-18"]; N_1 -> N_2 [label="case"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:to"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_18 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_9 [label="nmod:in"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="case"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="nmod:of"]; N_12 -> N_17 [label="nmod:between"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="case"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="nummod"]; N_12 -> N_14 [label="nmod:between"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="conj:and"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_15 [label="cc"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -dobj followed/VBD +nsubj [[effect]]/N
While the Democratic platform followed the "Peace wing" of the party and called the war a "failure", their candidate, General George B. McClellan, supported the war and repudiated the platform.
digraph { N_1 [label="While/IN-1"]; N_2 [label="the/DT-2"]; N_3 [label="Democratic/JJ-3"]; N_4 [label="platform/NN-4"]; N_5 [label="followed/VBD-5"]; N_6 [label="the/DT-6"]; N_7 [label="``/``-7"]; N_8 [label="Peace/NNP-8"]; N_9 [label="wing/NN-9"]; N_10 [label="''/''-10"]; N_11 [label="of/IN-11"]; N_12 [label="the/DT-12"]; N_13 [label="party/NN-13"]; N_14 [label="and/CC-14"]; N_15 [label="called/VBD-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="war/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="a/DT-18"]; N_19 [label="``/``-19"]; N_20 [label="failure/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="''/''-21"]; N_22 [label=",/,-22"]; N_23 [label="their/PRP$-23"]; N_24 [label="candidate/NN-24"]; N_25 [label=",/,-25"]; N_26 [label="General/NNP-26"]; N_27 [label="George/NNP-27"]; N_28 [label="B./NNP-28"]; N_29 [label="McClellan/NNP-29"]; N_30 [label=",/,-30"]; N_31 [label="supported/VBD-31"]; N_32 [label="the/DT-32"]; N_33 [label="war/NN-33"]; N_34 [label="and/CC-34"]; N_35 [label="repudiated/VBD-35"]; N_36 [label="the/DT-36"]; N_37 [label="platform/NN-37"]; N_38 [label="./.-38"]; N_4 -> N_2 [label="det"]; N_4 -> N_3 [label="amod"]; N_5 -> N_1 [label="mark"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_5 -> N_9 [label="dobj"]; N_5 -> N_14 [label="cc"]; N_5 -> N_15 [label="conj:and"]; N_9 -> N_6 [label="det"]; N_9 -> N_7 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_8 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_10 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="nmod:of"]; N_13 -> N_11 [label="case"]; N_13 -> N_12 [label="det"]; N_15 -> N_4 [label="nsubj"]; N_15 -> N_20 [label="xcomp"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="punct"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_23 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_24 -> N_25 [label="punct"]; N_24 -> N_29 [label="appos"]; N_24 -> N_30 [label="punct"]; N_29 -> N_26 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_27 [label="compound"]; N_29 -> N_28 [label="compound"]; N_31 -> N_33 [label="dobj"]; N_31 -> N_34 [label="cc"]; N_31 -> N_35 [label="conj:and"]; N_31 -> N_5 [label="advcl:while"]; N_31 -> N_22 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_38 [label="punct"]; N_31 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_31 -> N_15 [label="advcl:while"]; N_33 -> N_32 [label="det"]; N_35 -> N_37 [label="dobj"]; N_35 -> N_24 [label="nsubj"]; N_37 -> N_36 [label="det"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj produced/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The Republican Party's production of campaign literature dwarfed the combined opposition; a Chicago Tribune writer produced a pamphlet that detailed Lincoln's life, and sold 100,000 to 200,000 copies.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="Republican/NNP-2"]; N_3 [label="Party/NNP-3"]; N_4 [label="'s/POS-4"]; N_5 [label="production/NN-5"]; N_6 [label="of/IN-6"]; N_7 [label="campaign/NN-7"]; N_8 [label="literature/NN-8"]; N_9 [label="dwarfed/VBD-9"]; N_10 [label="the/DT-10"]; N_11 [label="combined/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="opposition/NN-12"]; N_13 [label=";/:-13"]; N_14 [label="a/DT-14"]; N_15 [label="Chicago/NNP-15"]; N_16 [label="Tribune/NNP-16"]; N_17 [label="writer/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="produced/VBD-18"]; N_19 [label="a/DT-19"]; N_20 [label="pamphlet/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="that/WDT-21"]; N_22 [label="detailed/VBD-22"]; N_23 [label="Lincoln/NNP-23"]; N_24 [label="'s/POS-24"]; N_25 [label="life/NN-25"]; N_26 [label=",/,-26"]; N_27 [label="and/CC-27"]; N_28 [label="sold/VBD-28"]; N_29 [label="100,000/CD-29"]; N_30 [label="to/TO-30"]; N_31 [label="200,000/CD-31"]; N_32 [label="copies/NNS-32"]; N_33 [label="./.-33"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="compound"]; N_3 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_5 -> N_3 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_5 -> N_8 [label="nmod:of"]; N_8 -> N_6 [label="case"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="compound"]; N_9 -> N_33 [label="punct"]; N_9 -> N_18 [label="parataxis"]; N_9 -> N_5 [label="nsubj"]; N_9 -> N_12 [label="dobj"]; N_9 -> N_28 [label="parataxis"]; N_9 -> N_13 [label="punct"]; N_12 -> N_10 [label="det"]; N_12 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="compound"]; N_17 -> N_14 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="compound"]; N_18 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_18 -> N_20 [label="dobj"]; N_18 -> N_26 [label="punct"]; N_18 -> N_27 [label="cc"]; N_18 -> N_28 [label="conj:and"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="det"]; N_20 -> N_21 [label="ref"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="acl:relcl"]; N_22 -> N_20 [label="nsubj"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_23 -> N_24 [label="case"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_28 -> N_32 [label="nmod:to"]; N_28 -> N_17 [label="nsubj"]; N_28 -> N_29 [label="dobj"]; N_32 -> N_30 [label="case"]; N_32 -> N_31 [label="nummod"]; }
[[cause]]/N -nsubj brought/VBD +dobj [[effect]]/N
The mid-term elections in 1862 brought the Republicans severe losses due to sharp disfavor with the administration over its failure to deliver a speedy end to the war, as well as rising inflation, new high taxes, rumors of corruption, the suspension of habeas corpus, the military draft law, and fears that freed slaves would undermine the labor market.
digraph { N_1 [label="The/DT-1"]; N_2 [label="mid-term/JJ-2"]; N_3 [label="elections/NNS-3"]; N_4 [label="in/IN-4"]; N_5 [label="1862/CD-5"]; N_6 [label="brought/VBD-6"]; N_7 [label="the/DT-7"]; N_8 [label="Republicans/NNPS-8"]; N_9 [label="severe/JJ-9"]; N_10 [label="losses/NNS-10"]; N_11 [label="due/JJ-11"]; N_12 [label="to/TO-12"]; N_13 [label="sharp/JJ-13"]; N_14 [label="disfavor/NN-14"]; N_15 [label="with/IN-15"]; N_16 [label="the/DT-16"]; N_17 [label="administration/NN-17"]; N_18 [label="over/IN-18"]; N_19 [label="its/PRP$-19"]; N_20 [label="failure/NN-20"]; N_21 [label="to/TO-21"]; N_22 [label="deliver/VB-22"]; N_23 [label="a/DT-23"]; N_24 [label="speedy/JJ-24"]; N_25 [label="end/NN-25"]; N_26 [label="to/TO-26"]; N_27 [label="the/DT-27"]; N_28 [label="war/NN-28"]; N_29 [label=",/,-29"]; N_30 [label="as/RB-30"]; N_31 [label="well/RB-31"]; N_32 [label="as/IN-32"]; N_33 [label="rising/VBG-33"]; N_34 [label="inflation/NN-34"]; N_35 [label=",/,-35"]; N_36 [label="new/JJ-36"]; N_37 [label="high/JJ-37"]; N_38 [label="taxes/NNS-38"]; N_39 [label=",/,-39"]; N_40 [label="rumors/NNS-40"]; N_41 [label="of/IN-41"]; N_42 [label="corruption/NN-42"]; N_43 [label=",/,-43"]; N_44 [label="the/DT-44"]; N_45 [label="suspension/NN-45"]; N_46 [label="of/IN-46"]; N_47 [label="habeas/NNS-47"]; N_48 [label="corpus/NN-48"]; N_49 [label=",/,-49"]; N_50 [label="the/DT-50"]; N_51 [label="military/JJ-51"]; N_52 [label="draft/NN-52"]; N_53 [label="law/NN-53"]; N_54 [label=",/,-54"]; N_55 [label="and/CC-55"]; N_56 [label="fears/VBZ-56"]; N_57 [label="that/IN-57"]; N_58 [label="freed/VBN-58"]; N_59 [label="slaves/NNS-59"]; N_60 [label="would/MD-60"]; N_61 [label="undermine/VB-61"]; N_62 [label="the/DT-62"]; N_63 [label="labor/NN-63"]; N_64 [label="market/NN-64"]; N_65 [label="./.-65"]; N_3 -> N_1 [label="det"]; N_3 -> N_2 [label="amod"]; N_3 -> N_5 [label="nmod:in"]; N_5 -> N_4 [label="case"]; N_6 -> N_65 [label="punct"]; N_6 -> N_34 [label="dobj"]; N_6 -> N_3 [label="nsubj"]; N_6 -> N_8 [label="iobj"]; N_6 -> N_10 [label="dobj"]; N_8 -> N_7 [label="det"]; N_10 -> N_34 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_53 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_56 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_9 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_11 [label="amod"]; N_10 -> N_29 [label="punct"]; N_10 -> N_45 [label="conj:and"]; N_10 -> N_30 [label="cc"]; N_11 -> N_14 [label="nmod:to"]; N_14 -> N_17 [label="nmod:with"]; N_14 -> N_20 [label="nmod:over"]; N_14 -> N_12 [label="case"]; N_14 -> N_13 [label="amod"]; N_17 -> N_16 [label="det"]; N_17 -> N_15 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_18 [label="case"]; N_20 -> N_19 [label="nmod:poss"]; N_20 -> N_22 [label="acl:to"]; N_22 -> N_21 [label="mark"]; N_22 -> N_25 [label="dobj"]; N_22 -> N_28 [label="nmod:to"]; N_25 -> N_23 [label="det"]; N_25 -> N_24 [label="amod"]; N_28 -> N_26 [label="case"]; N_28 -> N_27 [label="det"]; N_30 -> N_32 [label="mwe"]; N_30 -> N_31 [label="mwe"]; N_34 -> N_33 [label="amod"]; N_34 -> N_49 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_35 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_53 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_38 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_54 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_39 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_55 [label="cc"]; N_34 -> N_40 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_56 [label="conj:and"]; N_34 -> N_43 [label="punct"]; N_34 -> N_45 [label="conj:and"]; N_38 -> N_36 [label="amod"]; N_38 -> N_37 [label="amod"]; N_40 -> N_42 [label="nmod:of"]; N_42 -> N_41 [label="case"]; N_45 -> N_48 [label="nmod:of"]; N_45 -> N_44 [label="det"]; N_48 -> N_46 [label="case"]; N_48 -> N_47 [label="compound"]; N_53 -> N_50 [label="det"]; N_53 -> N_51 [label="amod"]; N_53 -> N_52 [label="compound"]; N_56 -> N_61 [label="ccomp"]; N_59 -> N_58 [label="amod"]; N_61 -> N_64 [label="dobj"]; N_61 -> N_57 [label="mark"]; N_61 -> N_59 [label="nsubj"]; N_61 -> N_60 [label="aux"]; N_64 -> N_62 [label="det"]; N_64 -> N_63 [label="compound"]; }