class label
2 classes
5 values
"Update of /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin\nIn directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv6501\n\nModified Files:\n Tag: b2_4_0\n\tMANIFEST \nLog Message:\nremoved old evolver\n\nIndex: MANIFEST\n===================================================================\nRCS file: /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/MANIFEST,v\nretrieving revision\nretrieving revision\ndiff -b -w -u -d -r1.100.2.11 -r1.100.2.12\n--- MANIFEST\t28 Aug 2002 13:50:15 -0000\t1.100.2.11\n+++ MANIFEST\t28 Aug 2002 16:55:16 -0000\t1.100.2.12\n@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@\n masses/CORPUS_POLICY\n masses/CORPUS_SUBMIT\n masses/craig-evolve.c\n-masses/evolve.cxx\n masses/freqdiff\n masses/hit-frequencies\n masses/lib/Mail/\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-commits mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Hi, I'm trying to build SA under Digital Unix 4.0f and am receiving a\ncompile error (and many warnings) for spamc. The \"perl Makefile.PL\"\ndoes OK, but when I do the make, I get this:\n\ncc -std -fprm d -ieee -D_INTRINSICS -I/usr/local/include -DLANGUAGE_C\n-O4 spamd\n/spamc.c -o spamd/spamc -L/usr/local/lib -lbind -ldbm -ldb -lm -liconv\n-lutil\ncc: Error: spamd/spamc.c, line 50: In this declaration, \"in_addr_t\" has\nno linka\nge and has a prior declaration in this scope at line number 592 in file\n/usr/inc\nlude/sys/types.h. (nolinkage)\ntypedef unsigned long in_addr_t; /* base type for internet\naddress */\n------------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 169: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"msg_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"unsigned ch\nar\". (ptrmismatch)\n if((bytes = full_read (in, msg_buf, max_size+1024, max_size+1024)) >\nmax_size)\n-----------------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 174: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"header_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"const un\nsigned char\". (ptrmismatch)\n full_write (out,header_buf,bytes2);\n--------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 202: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"header_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"const un\nsigned char\". (ptrmismatch)\n full_write (out,header_buf,bytes2);\n--------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 203: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"msg_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"const unsig\nned char\". (ptrmismatch)\n full_write (out,msg_buf,bytes);\n--------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 306: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"unsigned char\".\n (ptrmismatch)\n if(full_read (in,buf,2,2) != 2 || !('\\r' == buf[0] && '\\n' ==\nbuf[1]))\n---------------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 321: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"unsigned char\".\n (ptrmismatch)\n while((bytes=full_read (in,buf,8192, 8192)) > 0)\n-------------------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 348: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"out_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"const unsig\nned char\". (ptrmismatch)\n full_write (out, out_buf, out_index);\n-----------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 497: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"msg_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"const unsig\nned char\". (ptrmismatch)\n full_write (STDOUT_FILENO,msg_buf,amount_read);\n--------------------------------^\ncc: Warning: spamd/spamc.c, line 512: In this statement, the referenced\ntype of\nthe pointer value \"msg_buf\" is \"char\", which is not compatible with\n\"const unsig\nned char\". (ptrmismatch)\n full_write(STDOUT_FILENO,msg_buf,amount_read);\n-------------------------------^\n*** Exit 1\nStop.\n\nCan anyone suggest a way to get around this? TIA...\n\nJim McCullars\nThe University of Alabama in Huntsville\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nHash: SHA1\n\nI may be dense, but why would anyone want to utilize Habeus? To me, it looks \nlike a potential backdoor to anyone's defenses against spam.\n\nIf I were a spammer, I'd simply set up a server, send out my spam with the \nHabeus headers and continue till I was reasonably certain I'd been reported. \nThen I'd simply reconfigure the server and reconnect to a different IP. As \nlong as no one can establish my connection to the web sites my spam is \ndirecting people to, I'm home free.\n\nSince I can set up spamassassin to I don't \"lose\" any email, what do I gain \nby making it easier for spam to get through??\n- -- \n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRobin Lynn Frank---Director of Operations---Paradigm, Omega, LLC\n\n© 2002. All rights reserved. No duplication/dissemination permitted.\nUse of PGP/GPG encrypted mail preferred. No HTML/attachments accepted.\nFingerprint: 08E0 567C 63CC 5642 DB6D D490 0F98 D7D3 77EA 3714\nKey Server:\n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)\n\niD8DBQE9bRrzD5jX03fqNxQRAjQnAJsE55BZGj0MGZdLTuBTUZqTGeQLwQCfXPzV\nqfH+nyAg+m+ZKNvLi2BcJGI=\n=YsRI\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"> I may be dense, but why would anyone want to utilize Habeus? To\n> me, it looks like a potential backdoor to anyone's defenses against spam.\n\nYou're not dense. I'm going to zero the habeas scores on my copy of\nSpamAssassin. I think they were added to SA quite prematurely. To me it's\nsimple:\n\n1. People who send me legitimate email have absolutely no motivation to use\nHabeas, at least until it gets lots more press, and even then only\nbulk-mailing companies like Amazon or eBay are going to bother, and I\nalready whitelist them. Individuals won't bother.\n\n2. Spammers have lots of motivation to forge the Habeas headers, and a good\npercentage of them are completely out of the legal reach of Habeas.\n\nI think it should be subjected to the same testing and scrutiny as any other\npotential new rule. When I test against my corpus here's what I get:\n\nOVERALL SPAM NONSPAM S/O SCORE NAME\n 13851 8919 4932 0.64 0.00 (all messages)\n 0 0 0 0.00 -1.00 HABEAS_SWE\n\nThe score of -1.0 is pretty harmless right now, but it still looks like a\nuseless rule so far.\n\n--\nMichael Moncur mgm at\n\"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.\" --Napoleon\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nHash: SHA1\n\nOn Wednesday 28 August 2002 01:34 pm, Brian McNett wrote:\n\n>\n> Uh... the reason is simple. Habeas runs something called the\n> \"Habeas Infringers List\", and if you use their trademark without\n> their permission, you'll end up on it. Then, when you send spam\n> with the misappropriated header, users of SA (2.40 supports\n> this) will tag your mail as spam, rather than let it through.\n> This may be done independantly of your IP address, so be\n> prepared to constantly change domain names, and move your\n> servers as fast as you send spam.\n>\n> Also, that little haiku is a copyrighted work, so not only CAN\n> Habeas sue, they MUST sue to protect their copyright. And since\n> it's a trademark as well, that's a double-whammy. Habeas has\n> some pretty high-powered legal people, who will gladly go to\n> town on violators.\n>\n> The whole point here is to give them the legal leverage they\n> need to put spammers out of business, and not only block mail\n> from them, but allow through the things that really AREN'T spam.\n>\n> --B\n>\nAnd if a spammer forges headers???\n- -- \n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\nRobin Lynn Frank---Director of Operations---Paradigm, Omega, LLC\n\n© 2002. All rights reserved. No duplication/dissemination permitted.\nUse of PGP/GPG encrypted mail preferred. No HTML/attachments accepted.\nFingerprint: 08E0 567C 63CC 5642 DB6D D490 0F98 D7D3 77EA 3714\nKey Server:\n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)\n\niD8DBQE9bTeHD5jX03fqNxQRArMEAJ4l1p6ToRVaG4j+Dy3R2tzfD9FNvgCfRhU3\nkZo/MbYBSLyI/m1vsN4ZYmM=\n=miJB\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Update of /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/masses\nIn directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv24879\n\nModified Files:\n Tag: b2_4_0\n\tparse-rules-for-masses \nLog Message:\nfix for bug 784\n\nIndex: parse-rules-for-masses\n===================================================================\nRCS file: /cvsroot/spamassassin/spamassassin/masses/parse-rules-for-masses,v\nretrieving revision\nretrieving revision\ndiff -b -w -u -d -r1.1.2.2 -r1.1.2.3\n--- parse-rules-for-masses\t28 Aug 2002 13:49:51 -0000\t1.1.2.2\n+++ parse-rules-for-masses\t28 Aug 2002 22:08:35 -0000\t1.1.2.3\n@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@\n \n if (!defined $outputfile) {\n $outputfile = \"./tmp/\";\n+ mkdir (\"tmp\", 0755);\n }\n \n my $rules = { };\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-commits mailing list\\n\n\n"
"\n----- Original Message -----\nFrom: \"Scott Wood\" <>\nTo: <>\nSent: Monday, October 07, 2002 6:51 AM\nSubject: [zzzzteana] Re: Megalithomania UnPissup\n\n\n> --- In forteana@y..., \"Webmaster\" <webmaster@b...> wrote:\n> >Right...Talking Stick!..but what the hell is \"marathon/snickers, jif/cif\n> >and\n> >calls itself 'Secret Chiefs' \"\n> >\n> >DRS\n> >\n>\n> Rebranding: taking something and changing nothing about it except its\nname.\n> In the UK Marathon bars became Snickers bar, Jif cleaning fluid became Cif\n> and Talking Stick became Secret Chiefs, y'know?\n>\n> Scott\n> \"at once a fun fair, a petrified forest, and the great temple of Amun at\n> Karnak, itself drunk, and reeling in an eccentric earthquake\"\n>\n>\n> _________________________________________________________________\n> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nHome Selling? Try Us!\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"\n> t/db_based_whitelist.Use of bare << to mean <<\"\" is deprecated at\n> ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 1. Use of bare << to mean <<\"\" is\n> deprecated at ../lib/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 6. Unquoted string\n\nhmm, could you check your installation? those chars aren't in my\nversion at all.\n\n--j.\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Now that I have spam assassin and mailscanner working, how can I have smap\ndeleted rather than forwarded?\n\nI changed spam.actions.conf to \"default\tdelete\" but it is still sending it\nto the recipient.\n\nThanks,\nKen\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"On Wednesday 28 August 2002 04:38 pm, Daniel Quinlan wrote:\n> Matthew Cline <> writes:\n> > There must be *some* way of tracking a spammer down, since they are\n> > planning on making money from the spam. What a court would consider\n> > evidence of being the spammer is another question.\n\n> Haha!!!\n\n> Just a few notes:\n\n> - It will be difficult to find, prosecute, and win money from someone\n> in various non-friendly countries where spam originates (China is a\n> good example) even if they do officially \"respect\" copyright law.\n\nSA (and other filters) could be configured to ignore the SWE mark if it \nappears to come from/through China.\n\n> - Spammers do not always remember to include contact information! I\n> don't understand it either, but nobody said they were bright. Also,\n> some spam is non-commercial or sent by a third-party (for example,\n> \"pump and dump\" stock scams), so contact information is not strictly\n> required for the spammer to get their way.\n\nSA could also be configured so that SWE marks are ignored in messages that \nlook like third-party spam (like stock scams). Of course, this would still \nmean that \"The U.N. is going to invade America!\" spams with SWE would get \nthrough. Probably also need to ignore SWE in messages that look like \nNigerian scams.\n\n-- \nGive a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on\nfire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.\n\nICQ: 132152059 | Advanced SPAM filtering software:\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing \nreal-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! \n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"> It's this section of spamassassin.raw:\n>\n> <<<<<<< spamassassin.raw\n[...snip] }\n> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D\n[... snip ...]\n> >>>>>>>\n[...snip...]\n\nThis is what cvs puts in when you modify the copy of the file on your disk\nand someone checks in a change and then you pull an update and cvs can't\nfigure out how to merge your changes and the checked in changes. The lines\nbetween the <<<<<< and the ===== are in your file and the ones in the next\nsection are what have been checked in. You must have not noticed the warning\nmessages about conflicts that cvs gave you when you did the update, and the\n\"C\" flag next to that file when cvs listed the files being pulled.\n\n -- sidney\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-devel mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Urban Boquist wrote:\n> If I run spamassassin on this message:\n> \n>\n> \n> it seems to hang. Memory usage goes up to 73MB and stays there. I have\n> let it run for an hour before I killed it. This was on a\n> Pentium-II-366. Yes, I know, a bit slow, but still...\n> \n> Can anyone else confirm this hang? Maybe I should just upgrade...\n\nDon't run SA on mails this large. Most people tend to ignore mails \nlarger than about 250K in spamassassin processing, because it just kills \nperformance. There are some known issues with the parsing (such as the \nHTML parsing stuff which is much improved in 2.40 which we're soon to \nrelease), but nothing that's too likely to be fixed by 2.40. Perhaps in \n2.50 though.\n\nMatt.\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Urban Boquist wrote:\n\n> it seems to hang. Memory usage goes up to 73MB and stays there. I have\n> let it run for an hour before I killed it. This was on a\n> Pentium-II-366. Yes, I know, a bit slow, but still...\n> \n> Can anyone else confirm this hang? Maybe I should just upgrade...\n> \n> My environment is: SA-2.31, perl-5.6 running on NetBSD-1.6F.\n\nVersion 2.40-cvs (from today) on NetBSD/i386 1.5.2 (Athlon 1500):\n\n Aug 29 17:55:53 silence spamd[2052]: processing message\n <> for kh:1234, expecting\n 1744014 bytes. \n Aug 29 17:57:10 silence spamd[2052]: clean message (2.5/5.0) for\n kh:1234 in 77 seconds, 1744014 bytes. \n\nResident size about 75MB, according to top.\n\nciao\n Klaus\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nSpamassassin-talk mailing list\\n\n\n"
"Nanananana\n\nC\n\nOn Friday, August 30, 2002, at 02:19 AM, Justin Mason wrote:\n\n> Looks like my algos aren't flexible enough, and Craig wins ;)\n\n\n"
"Understand, not enough caffeine absorbed yet this morning. (7:00AM here for\nme)\n\nDRS\n\n> --- In forteana@y..., \"Webmaster\" <webmaster@b...> wrote:\n> >Right...Talking Stick!..but what the hell is \"marathon/snickers, jif/cif\n> >and\n> >calls itself 'Secret Chiefs' \"\n> >\n> >DRS\n> >\n>\n> Rebranding: taking something and changing nothing about it except its\nname.\n> In the UK Marathon bars became Snickers bar, Jif cleaning fluid became Cif\n> and Talking Stick became Secret Chiefs, y'know?\n>\n> Scott\n> \"at once a fun fair, a petrified forest, and the great temple of Amun at\n> Karnak, itself drunk, and reeling in an eccentric earthquake\"\n>\n>\n> _________________________________________________________________\n> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\n>\n>\n>\n>\n> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to\n>\n>\n>\n\n\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\n4 DVDs Free +s&p Join Now\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"Good day, Fox,\n\nOn Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Fox wrote:\n\n> I recently installed Razor v2.14 and started using it. I am finding it\n> necessary to whitelist a _lot_ of mailing lists. Some, such as yahoogroups,\n> I can't whitelist because the from: address is the person making the post,\n> so I will have to whitelist on another field when I can modify my code to do\n> so. I wonder if someone is not being careful about their submissions, or if\n> these are bad mailing lists that don't drop bad mail addresses that become\n> trollboxes in time.\n\n\tI've found excellent luck with the X-Been____There header (____'s \nadded to to avoid tripping procmail rules):\n\n____X-Been____There:\n\n\tCheers,\n\t- Bill\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\t\"Nynex. Iroquois for Moron\"\n\t-- A well-known Linux kernel hacker.\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\nWilliam Stearns ( Mason, Buildkernel, named2hosts, \nand ipfwadm2ipchains are at:\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by: OSDN - Tired of that same old\ncell phone? Get a new here for FREE!\n\n_______________________________________________\nRazor-users mailing list\\n\n\n"
["On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 04:17:55PM -0400, Sven Willenberger wrote:\n> To see all the options compiled into (and version of) sendmail, try the\n> following line:\n> \n> echo \\$Z | /path/to/sendmail -bt -d0\n\ngives you the same information as \"sendmail -d0.1 < /dev/null\", which\ndoesn't include milter information. (actually the -d0 part gives you the\ninfo, the $Z gives you sendmail version out of the test mode (-bt)... so\nit's slightly different, but not really.)\n\n-- \nRandomly Generated Tagline:\nBe warned that typing \\fBkillall \\fIname\\fP may not have the desired\n effect on non-Linux systems, especially when done by a privileged user.\n (From the killall manual page)\n", "…"]
"> > Is the use of \"trusted hardware\" really worth it ?\n>\n> Answering that requires fairly complete knowledge of the business\n> model. But, in all probability: no, it isn't usually worth it. So, it\n> comes down to how difficult you want to make the cracker's job.\n>\n> > Look at the DVDs.\n>\n> IIRC, CSS was cracked by reverse-engineering a software player; and\n> one where the developers forgot to encrypt the decryption key at that.\n\nThis make me wonder about the relative protection of smart cards. They have \nan internal procession unit around 4MHz. Can we consider them as trusted \nhardware ? The ability to ship smart cards periodicaly uppon cashing of a \nmonthly subscription fee would not raise too much the cost of \"renting\" the \nsystem. Smart card do their own self encryption. Can they be used to \ndecrypt data needed by the system ? The input of the system could me mangled \nand the would keep a reference of how long it was in service.\n\nThis sounds really feasible but I may be totaly wrong. I may also be wrong \nabout the safety of a smart card. \n\nWhat do you think ?\n\n-- \nYannick Gingras\nCoder for OBB : Oceangoing Bared Bonanza\n\n\n\n"
"Tim Peters wrote:\n> I've run no experiments on training set size yet, and won't hazard a guess\n> as to how much is enough. I'm nearly certain that the 4000h+2750s I've been\n> using is way more than enough, though.\n\nOkay, I believe you.\n\n> Each call to learn() and to unlearn() computes a new probability for every\n> word in the database. There's an official way to avoid that in the first\n> two loops, e.g.\n> \n> for msg in spam:\n> gb.learn(msg, True, False)\n> gb.update_probabilities()\n\nI did that. It's still really slow when you have thousands of messages.\n\n> In each of the last two loops, the total # of ham and total # of spam in the\n> \"learned\" set is invariant across loop trips, and you *could* break into the\n> abstraction to exploit that: the only probabilities that actually change\n> across those loop trips are those associated with the words in msg. Then\n> the runtime for each trip would be proportional to the # of words in the msg\n> rather than the number of words in the database.\n\nI hadn't tried that. I figured it was better to find out if \"all but\none\" testing had any appreciable value. It looks like it doesn't so\nI'll forget about it.\n\n> Another area for potentially fruitful study: it's clear that the\n> highest-value indicators usually appear \"early\" in msgs, and for spam\n> there's an actual reason for that: advertising has to strive to get your\n> attention early. So, for example, if we only bothered to tokenize the first\n> 90% of a msg, would results get worse?\n\nSpammers could exploit this including a large MIME part at the beginning\nof the message. In pratice that would probably work fine. \n\n> sometimes an on-topic message starts well but then rambles.\n\nNever. I remember the time when I was ten years old and went down to\nthe fishing hole with my buddies. This guy named Gordon had a really\nhuge head. Wait, maybe that was Joe. Well, no matter. As I recall, it\nwas a hot day and everyone was tired...Human Growth Hormone...girl with\nhuge breasts...blah blah blah......\n\n"
"[Tim]\n> Another area for potentially fruitful study: it's clear that the\n> highest-value indicators usually appear \"early\" in msgs, and for spam\n> there's an actual reason for that: advertising has to strive\n> to get your attention early. So, for example, if we only bothered to\n> tokenize the first 90% of a msg, would results get worse?\n\n[Neil Schemenauer]\n> Spammers could exploit this including a large MIME part at the beginning\n> of the message. In pratice that would probably work fine.\n\nNote that's current tokenizer only looks at decoded text/* MIME\nsections (or raw message text if no MIME exists); spammers could put\nmegabytes of other crap before that and it wouldn't even be looked at\n(except that the email package has to parse non-text/* parts well enough to\nskip over them, and tokens for the most interesting parts of Content-{Type,\nDisposition, Transfer-Encoding} decorations are generated for all MIME\nsections).\n\nSchemes that remain ignorant of MIME are vulnerable to spammers putting\narbitrary amounts of \"nice text\" in the preamble area (after the headers and\nbefore the first MIME section), which most mail readers don't display, but\nwhich appear first in the file so are latched on to by Graham's scoring\nscheme.\n\nBut I don't worry about clever spammers -- I've seen no evidence that they\nexist <0.5 wink>. Even if they do, the Open Source zoo is such that no\nparticular scheme will gain dominance, and there's no percentage for\nspammers in trying to fool just one scheme. Even if they did, for the kind\nof scheme we're using here they can't *know* what \"nice text\" is, not unless\nthey pay a lot of attention to the spam targets and highly tailor their\nmessages to each different one. At that point they'd be doing targeted\nmarketing, and the cost of the game to them would increase enormously.\n\nif-you're-out-to-make-a-quick-buck-you-don't-waste-a-second-on-hard-\n targets-ly y'rs - tim\n\n"
["On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 06:53:24PM +0100, Justin Mason wrote:\n> - Razor v2 now supported fully\n\nHmmm... I just upgraded from my modified 2.31 to a slightly modified 2.40\n(I add a routine to EvalTests) and get:\n\nSep 2 15:32:24 eclectic spamd[20506]: razor2 check skipped: No such file or directory Can't call method\n\"log\" on unblessed reference at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Razor2/Client/ line 211, <STDIN>\nline 22. \n\nI haven't quite figured out why yet, more to come.\n\n-- \nRandomly Generated Tagline:\n\"So on one hand, honey is an amazingly sophisticated and efficient food\n source. On the other hand it's bee backwash.\"\n - Alton Brown, Good Eats, \"Pantry Raid IV: Comb Alone\"\n", "…"]
"\n\"Fox\" said:\n\n> Before or after I whitelisted all the legit mailing lists that Razor is\n> tagging? I had one false positive in the last four days. Razor tagged some\n> guys person-to-person message because he used an ostrich-in-your-face jpeg\n> that is probably pretty popular on the net, and -lm 4 means any single\n> attachment in a message that is razored, razors the whole message, if I\n> understand it correctly.\n\nRazor folks: is -lm documented anywhere? BTW, I notice all my *.conf\nfiles in ~/.razor use \"lm = 4\" by default anyway.\n\n> No, I am not keeping official tally of false positives. I need to write a\n> html interface to do it, and then it would be easy. I imagine you want\n> false positive rate per filter. I will work on it tomorrow, and maybe in a\n> week I will have some stats for false positives.\n\nYeah, that'd be cool -- much appreciated! comparing text classifiers\nlike spam filters, without tracking FPs, is not good. After all, \"cat >\n/dev/null\" gets a 100% hit rate, but without the FP rate figure of, let's\nsay 90%, you'd never know it was a bad thing to do ;)\n\n--j.\n\n"
"Depends on how you want to use it.\n\nThe default setup of running it from procmail works just fine, as long as \nyou remember to go into your postfix/ file, and tell it to use \nprocmail instead of the internal delivery agent.\n\nOn Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Boniforti Flavio wrote:\n\n> How do I intergrate razor into my postfix setup? Will it have to\n> interact with AMaViS or with SpamAssassin?\n> \n> Thank you\n> \n> Boniforti Flavio\n> Informa Srl\n> Via 42 Martiri, 165\n> 28924 Verbania (VB)\n> Tel +39 0323 586216\n> Fax +39 0323 586672\n>\n> \n> \n> \n> \n> -------------------------------------------------------\n> This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\n> Welcome to geek heaven.\n>\n> _______________________________________________\n> Razor-users mailing list\n>\n>\n> \n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRazor-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"\nVipul Ved Prakash said:\n\n> Are there any suggestions for \"fixing\" this in razor-agents? razor-agents\n> could write to syslog by default, but I am not sure if that would be\n> desirable default behaviour...\n\nHi Vipul,\n\nI reckon if the \"unwritable log file\" error condition could be caught by\nRazor and handled gracefully (logging to syslog or /dev/null), it'd be a\ngreat help.\n\nAs it stands, if the log file is unwritable, the razor check falls over\nentirely as the constructor returns undef (unblessed reference = 'die'\nerror in perl).\n\n--j.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRazor-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
["> From: Chris Garrigues <cwg-exmh@DeepEddy.Com>\n> Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:40:39 -0500\n>\n> > From: Chris Garrigues <cwg-exmh@DeepEddy.Com>\n> > Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:17:45 -0500\n> >\n> > Ouch...I'll get right on it.\n> > \n> > > From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>\n> > > Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 19:30:01 +0700\n> > >\n> > > Any chance of having that lengthen instead? I like all my exmh stuff\n> > > in nice columns (fits the display better). That is, I use the detache\n> d\n> > > folder list, one column. The main exmh window takes up full screen,\n> > > top to bottom, but less than half the width, etc...\n> \n> I thought about that. The first order approximation would be to just add \n> using pack .... -side top instead of pack ... -side left, however, since their \n> each a different width, it would look funny.\n\nI've done this. It's not as pretty as I think it should be, but it works. \nI'm going to leave the cosmetic issues to others. When I update the \ndocumentation, I'll add this to the exmh.TODO file.\n\nI'm leaving for a 2 1/2 week vacation in a week, so this is the last new \nfunctionality I'm going to add for a while. Also, I now have pretty much \neverything in there that I want for my own use, so I'm probably pretty much \ndone. I'll work on bug fixes and documentation before my vacation, and \nhopefully do nothing more afterwards.\n\nChris\n\n-- \nChris Garrigues http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/\nvirCIO http://www.virCIO.Com\n716 Congress, Suite 200\nAustin, TX 78701\t\t+1 512 374 0500\n\n World War III: The Wrong-Doers Vs. the Evil-Doers.\n\n\n\n", "…"]
["Error 230 occurs when you report a signature, but the server doesn't\nknow about the signature, so it wants the full content. It's\nbasically an optimization. \n\nBeyond that, I'm not sure how to interpret that output.. what version?\nVipul?\n\n--jordan\n\nOn Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 11:59:01PM -0400, Rose, Bobby wrote:\n# What does this mean? I set up procmailrc for a spamtrap but I'm getting\n# an error. I also am reporting to pyzor and dcc and they aren't\n# registering an error. What's weird is that it works sometimes.\n# \n# .\n# Oct 02 23:46:11.470523 report[14051]: [ 4] >> 20\n# Oct 02 23:46:11.470805 report[14051]: [ 6] response to sent.3\n# -res=1\n# err=230\n# .\n# Oct 02 23:46:11.471825 report[14051]: [ 5] mail 1, orig_email, special\n# case eng 1: Server accept\n# ed report.\n# Oct 02 23:46:11.472228 report[14051]: [ 8] mail 1.0, eng 4: err 230 -\n# server wants mail\n# \n# \n# -------------------------------------------------------\n# This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\n# Welcome to geek heaven.\n#\n# _______________________________________________\n# Razor-users mailing list\n#\n#\n", "…"]
["Folks,\n\n There have been several major internet outages this morning,\n across major providers UUNet, Genuity, and god knows who else.\n Various routes across the Internet backbones have been\n disappearing, repropagating, and disappearing again.\n\n This has caused and exacerbated several problems which we are\n working on correcting right now. We apologize for the\n inconvenience..\n\nBest, \n\n--jordan\n\n\n\nOn Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 01:18:25PM -0400, Sven Willenberger wrote:\n# trying to report spam [razor chooses hubris] I timeout on the connection\n# (which seems to have gotten slower all morning) and receive the following\n# error message:\n# \n# razor-report error: connect4: nextserver: discover1: Error reading socket\n# connect4: nextserver: discover1: Error reading socket\n# \n# I then try to run razor-admin -discover and receive the same error .....\n# problems with the servers today? only one discovery server?\n# \n# Sven\n# \n# \n# \n# -------------------------------------------------------\n# This email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\n# Welcome to geek heaven.\n#\n# _______________________________________________\n# Razor-users mailing list\n#\n#\n", "…"]
"On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 07:33:44PM -0400, cmeclax po'u le cmevi'u ke'umri wrote:\n> \n> Was it sent in HTML? If so, and it had a background, the background may have \n> been sent in a spam.\n\nrazor-agents 2.14 needs all parts to be spam to make a positive decision\n(though this will change with the next release), so it couldn't have been\na background. Could you send me the debug log?\n\ncheers,\nvipul.\n\n-- \n\nVipul Ved Prakash | \"The future is here, it's just not \nSoftware Design Artist | widely distributed.\"\n | -- William Gibson\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRazor-users mailing list\\n\n\n"
"On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Brian Fahrlander wrote:\n\n> On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 09:15:03 -0400 (EDT), Samuel Checker <> wrote:\n>\n> > I've been testing Razor, invoked from sendmail/procmail and so far it\n> > seems pretty copacetic. Last night's spam to the list provided a good test\n> > - the spam itself as well as several of the responses were flagged, as\n> > other list members reported.\n> >\n>\n> Are you using Spamassassin on the input side? I've just changed my sendmail installation and am looking for the 'proper' way to pass it through there, systemwide, before accepting it and sending it to the users. It's kinda problematic to set up procmail scripts for every user, when the user's home directories are NFS mounted....and the source is on my own machine, on which I try new things. (And it's the only machine with the drivespace...)\n>\n\nI've not used Spamassassin on the KISS principle. I just have procmail\nadding an X-header and optionally modifying the Subject if razor-check\ncomes back positive.\n\n-- \nsc\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------\nThis email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek\nWelcome to geek heaven.\n\n_______________________________________________\nRazor-users mailing list\\n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-10-07T21:35:22-06:00\n\nYahoo: The Case for Regime Change[1].\n\n\n\n \n\n Khatami asked the U.N. to set a deadline for Bush to step down in favor of \n president-in-exile Al Gore the legitimate winner of the 2000 election, the \n results of which were subverted through widespread voting irregularities \n and intimidation. \n\n [... This will likely require] a prolonged bombing campaign targeting major \n U.S. cities and military installations, followed by a ground invasion led \n by European forces. \"Civilian casualties would likely be substantial,\" said \n a French military analyst. \"But the American people must be liberated from \n tyranny.\" \n\n [...] \"Even before Bush, the American political system was a shambles,\" \n said Prof. Salvatore Deluna of the University of Madrid. \"Their \n single-party plutocracy will have to be reshaped into true \n parliamentary-style democracy. Moreover, the economy will have to be \n retooled from its current military dictatorship model--in which a third of \n the federal budget goes to arms, and taxes are paid almost exclusively by \n the working class--to one in which basic human needs such as education and \n poverty are addressed. Their infrastructure is a mess; they don't even have \n a national passenger train system. Fixing a failed state of this size will \n require many years.\"\n\n \n\n\n\nWelcome news. The only way to crush America's fundamentalist tendencies is by \nshowing them who's boss.\n\n\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"There is a software package that is used (or was up through w2k) \non MicroSloth for this purpose. Ghost, or some such. One essentially \n\"takes a picture\" of the machine's proper config, and then upon \nschedule or demand replaces the machine's current config with the \nproper picture. It essentially over-writes the entire disk drive. \nEspecially good for student access machines at libraries, etc.\n\nBen Mord wrote:\n> \n> -----Original Message-----\n> From: Crispin Cowan []\n> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 5:46 PM\n> To: Ben Mord\n> Cc: Webappsec Securityfocus.Com; SECPROG Securityfocus\n> Subject: Re: use of base image / delta image for automated recovery from\n> attacks\n> \n> > I did my dissertation work in this area (Optimistic Computing) and so was\n> >interested in applying it to the security problem. Unfortunately, you hit a\n> >bunch of problems:\n> \n> > a.. When can you \"commit\" a state as being \"good\"? You can't run from\n> a\n> >redo log forever; the performance and storage penalties accumulate. Even\n> log\n> >structured file systems garbage collect eventually. So you have to commit\n> >sometime. The problem is that if you commit too eagerly, you might commit\n> >corrupted state. If you commit too conservatively, you eat performance and\n> >storage penalties.\n> > b.. What do you do if you discover that there is corrupted state in the\n> >*middle* of your redo log, and you want some of the critical state that\n> >comes after it? You need some way to dig the corruption out of the middle\n> >and save the rest. My dissertation solves this problem, but you have to\n> >re-write everything in my programming language :)\n> . c.. Just doing this at all imposes substantial performance penalties. I\n> >love VMWare, and use it every day (the best $200 I ever spent on software)\n> >.but it is not very fast.\n> \n> My proposed solution to the first two problems you mention is to be less\n> ambitious. The idea is that you *never* commit - instead, you simply revert\n> to base state on reboot. Obviously, you can't do this with partitions that\n> accrue important state, e.g. a partition that stores database table data.\n> But in your typical web application, most partitions do not accrue important\n> state. For example, your typical web server or application server could have\n> their entire state reset back to a known base state during each reboot\n> without harm.\n> The advantage of being less ambitious is that we have a quick and easy way\n> to frustrate certain attacks without rewriting all of our software or\n> spending lots of money on additional application-specific coding.\n> \n> The first two problems you describe only occur if we become more ambitious\n> and try to apply these same techniques to, for example, the database table\n> partitions, where state changes remain important across reboots. That would\n> certainly be a nice touch! But as you point out, many problems would have to\n> be addressed first, and the hardest of these can not be abstracted away from\n> the particular application. Not the least of these is the problem of writing\n> heuristics for delineating good from malevolent state. That task is roughly\n> analogous to what antiviral software authors do for a living, only this work\n> could not be shared across many different systems as it would be specific to\n> a paritcular application.\n> \n> The third problem you mention - performance penalty - is an argument for\n> doing this in hardware, much like hardware raid. Another argument for doing\n> this in hardware is hack resistance. Changing the base instance should\n> require physical access to the console, e.g. by requiring that you first\n> flip a physical switch on your RAID hardware or modify a bios setting. If\n> the base image can be modified remotely or by software, then you have to\n> worry about whether an implementation flaw might permit a cracker to modify\n> the base image remotely.\n> \n> Ben\n\n-- \n ( ______\n )) .-- Scott MacKenzie; Dine' College ISD --. >===<--.\n C|~~| (>--- Phone/Voice Mail: 928-724-6639 ---<) | ; o |-'\n | | \\--- Senior DBA/CARS Coordinator/Etc. --/ | _ |\n `--' `- Email: -' `-----'\n\n\n"
"Hi\n\nOn Wed, 4 Sep 2002, Yannick Gingras wrote:\n\n> BTW thanks for all of you who provided interestiong insight. I'm playing with \n> gdb's dissassembler now but I don't think it's what a typical cracker would \n> use. Any hints on UNIX cracking tools ?\n\nThere's also an 'objdump' program, and 'biew' hex viewer/disassembler. A good \nstarting point to search is\n\nHowever, cracking and reverse engineering tools are not so ubiquitous on UNIX as \nthey are on Windows platform for two main reasons:\n\n1. The main customers of commercial Unices (Solaris, HP-UX, Aix, SCO...) are \nrespectable companies. They are ready to pay big bucks for software they need: the reputation matters.\n\n2. Most software for free and open source Unices like Linux and xBSD (this \nsoftware often may be used on commercial unices as well) is, well, free and \nopen source.\n\nRegards\n/Artem\n\n-- \n Artem Frolov <>\n/------------------------------------------------------------------\\\n Software Engineer, System Administrator \n Institute for System Programming, Russian Academy of Sciences \n Tel. +7 095 912-5317 (ext 4406), Cellular: +7 095 768-7067\n C7 40 CA 41 2A 18 89 D6 29 45 DF 50 75 13 6D 7A A4 87 2B 76\n\\------------------------------------------------------------------/\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------\nBasic Definitions of Science:\n\tIf it's green or wiggles, it's biology.\n\tIf it stinks, it's chemistry.\n\tIf it doesn't work, it's physics.\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n\n"
"On Thursday 19 September 2002 16:44, Michael McKay wrote:\n> On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 09:03:40PM -0400, Yannick Gingras wrote:\n> > This make me wonder about the relative protection of smart cards.\n> They have an internal procession unit around 4MHz. Can we consider them as\n> trusted hardware ?\n\nSmartCards do not have fixed clock rates (more often than not) as the ISO spec \ndictates that they are externally powered and clocked, but SmartCards used \nfor security purposes (usually JavaCards) have built-in crypto co-processors \nthat make clock rate irrelevant. 4mhz SmartCards can often preform triple-DES \nfaster than general purpose processors clocked at ten times the speed.\n\nThat said, clock rate has nothing with how trustworthy a card is. As Michael \npointed out, there's something of an arms-race between manufacturers and \nattackers which has nothing to do with clock rate, and time and time again \nwhat we've seen is that it's not a question of \"is it secure\", it's a \nquestion of \"who is it secure from and for how long?\" Security is rarely a \nquestion of absolutes (despite the often boolean nature of a break), rather \nit's a question of assessing, quantifying, and managing risk. SmartCards are \ndesigned to address threats in which the cost of protection cannot exceed the \n$1-20 range (depending on the application).\n\nAs whether or not they are \"trusted hardware\", the question again revolves \naround attacker and timeframe. One might expect a bored undergrad EE student \nto have more trouble revealing the contents of a pilfered smartcard than, \nsay, a governtment intelligence service. If your goal is to keep undergrad \nEEs from perpetrating mass fraud in the caffeteria, then a smartcard is \nlikely \"trustworthy\" enough for your application. If your aim is to protect \nICBM launch codes, then it's probably the wrong tool. In either application, \na risk/cost ratio must justify the use of the protection measure in question.\n\n-- \nAlex Russell\\\n\n\n"
"\n\ntake a look at,aid,102881,00.asp\n\n Andrey\n\n\n\nBM> Does anyone do this already? Or is this a new concept? Or has this concept\nBM> been discussed before and abandoned for some reasons that I don't yet know?\nBM> I use the physical architecture of a basic web application as an example in\nBM> this post, but this concept could of course be applied to most server\nBM> systems. It would allow for the hardware-separation of volatile and\nBM> non-volatile disk images. It would be analogous to performing nightly\nBM> ghosting operations, only it would be more efficient and involve less (or\nBM> no) downtime.\n\nBM> Thanks for any opinions,\nBM> Ben\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nSteve sez: \"It's tragic when life imitates Wile E. Coyote cartoons. Guy \nboobytraps his house to get his family if they try to break in, and seemingly \nis killed himself by his own traps.\" Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Steve[3]!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"\n>>>>> \"GvR\" == Guido van Rossum <> writes:\n\n GvR> Perhaps more useful would be if Tim could check in the\n GvR> pickle(s?) generated by one of his training runs, so that\n GvR> others can see how Tim's training data performs against their\n GvR> own corpora.\n\nHe could do that too. :)\n\n-Barry\n"
"[Anthony Baxter]\n> I've got a test set here that's the last 3 and a bit years email to\n> and - it's a really ugly set of 20,000+\n> messages, currently broken into 7,000 spam, 9,000 ham, 9,000 currently\n> unclassified. These addresses are all over the 70-some different\n> ekit/ekno/ISIConnect websites, so they get a LOT of spam.\n>\n> As well as the usual spam, it also has customers complaining about\n> credit card charges, it has people interested in the service and\n> asking questions about long distance rates, &c &c &c. Lots and lots\n> of \"commercial\" speech, in other words. Stuff that SA gets pretty\n> badly wrong.\n\nCan this corpus be shared? I suppose not.\n\n> I'm currently mangling it by feeding all parts (text, html, whatever\n> else :) into the filters, as well as both a selected number of headers\n> (to, from, content-type, x-mailer), and also a list of (header,\n> count_of_header). This is showing up some nice stuff - e.g. the\n> X-uidl that stoopid spammers blindly copy into their messages.\n\nIf we ever <wink> have a shared corpus, an easy refactoring of timtest\nshould allow to plug in different tokenizers. I've only made three changes\nto Graham's algorithm so far (well, I've made dozens -- only three survived\ntesting as proven winners), all the rest has been refining the tokenization\nto provide better clues.\n\n> I did have Received in there, but it's out for the moment, as it causes\n> rates to drop.\n\nThat's ambiguous. Accuracy rates or error rates, ham or spam rates?\n\n> I'm also stripping out HTML tags, except for href=\"\" and src=\"\" - there's\n> so so much goodness in them (note that I'm only keeping the contents of\n> the attributes).\n\nMining embedded http/https/ftp thingies cut the false negative rate in half\nin my tests (not keying off href, just scanning for anything that \"looked\nlike\" one); that was the single biggest f-n improvement I've seen. It\ndidn't change the false positive rate. So you know whether src added\nadditional power, or did you do both at once?\n\n"
"> Dunno about the other tools, but SpamAssassin is a breeze to incorporate\n> into a procmail environment. Lots of people use it in many other ways. For\n> performance reasons, many people run a spamd process and then invoke a small\n> C program called spamc which shoots the message over to spamd and passes the\n> result back out. I think spambayes in incremental mode is probably fast\n> enough to not require such tricks (though I would consider changing the\n> pickle to an anydbm file).\n> \n> Basic procmail usage goes something like this:\n> \n> :0fw\n> | spamassassin -P\n> \n> :0\n> * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes\n> $SPAM\n> \n> Which just says, \"Run spamassassin -P reinjecting its output into the\n> processing stream. If the resulting mail has a header which begins\n> \"X-Spam-Status: Yes\", toss it into the folder indicated by the variable\n> $SPAM.\n> \n> SpamAssassin also adds other headers as well, which give you more detail\n> about how its tests fared. I'd like to see spambayes operate in at least\n> this way: do its thing then return a message to stdout with a modified set\n> of headers which further processing downstream can key on.\n\nDo you feel capable of writing such a tool? It doesn't look too hard.\n\n--Guido van Rossum (home page:\n"
"\n>>>>> \"NS\" == Neil Schemenauer <> writes:\n\n NS> Writing an IMAP server is a non-trivial task.\n\nThat's what I've been told by everyone I've talked to who's actually\ntried to write one.\n \n NS> Alternatively, perhaps there could be a separate protocol and\n NS> client that could be used to review additions to the training\n NS> set. Each day a few random spam and ham messages could be\n NS> grabbed as candidates. Someone would periodically startup the\n NS> client, review the candidates, reclassify or remove any\n NS> messages they don't like and add them to the training set.\n\nI think people will be much more motivated to report spam than ham. I\nlike the general approach that copies of random messages will be\nsequestered for some period of time before they're assumed to be ham.\nMatched with a simple spam reporting scheme, this could keep the\ntraining up to date with little effort. I've sketched out an approach\na listserver like Mailman could do along these lines and if I get some\nfree time I'll hack something together.\n\nI like the idea of a POP proxy which is classifying messages as\nthey're pulled from the server. The easiest way for such a beast to\nbe notified of spam might be to simply save the spam in a special\nfolder or file that the POP proxy would periodically consult.\n\n-Barry\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA Nintendo newsletter from 1987 is going for ober $700 on eBay. Link[1] Discuss\n[2] _(Thanks, Billy Hayes!)_\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"[Jeremy Hylton]\n> I think one step towards deployment is creating a re-usable tokenizer\n> for mail messages. The current codebase doesn't expose an easy-to-use\n> or easy-to-customize tokenizer.\n\ntokenize() couldn't be easier to use: it takes a string argument, and\nproduces a stream of tokens (whether via explicit list, or generator, or\ntuple, or ... doesn't matter). All the tokenize() functions in\nand are freely interchangeable this way.\n\nNote that we have no evidence to support that a customizable tokenizer would\ndo any good, or, if it would, in which ways customization could be helpful.\nThat's a research issue on which no work has been done.\n\n> The timtest module seems to contain an enormous body of practical\n> knowledge about how to parse mail messages, but the module wasn't\n> designed for re-use.\n\nThat's partly a failure of imagination <wink>. Splitting out all knowledge\nof tokenization is just a large block cut-and-paste ... there, it's done.\nChange the\n\n from timtoken import tokenize\n\nat the top to use any other tokenizer now. If you want to make it easier\nstill, feel free to check in something better.\n\n> I'd like to see a module that can take a single message or a collection of\n> messages and tokenize each one.\n\nThe Msg and MsgStream classes in are a start at that, but it's\nhard to do anything truly *useful* here when people use all sorts of\ndifferent physical representations for email msgs (mboxes in various\nformats, one file per \"folder\", one file per msg, Skip's gzipped gimmick,\n...). If you're a Python coder <wink>, you *should* find it very easy to\nchange the guts of Msg and MsgStream to handle your peculiar scheme.\nDefining interfaces for these guys should be done.\n\n> I'd like to see the tokenize by customizable, too. Tim had to exclude\n> some headers from his test data, because there were particular biases\n> in the test data. If other people have test data without those\n> biases, they ought to be able to customize the tokenizer to include\n> them or exclude others.\n\nThis sounds like a bottomless pit to me, and there's no easier way to\ncustomize than to edit the code. As README.txt still says, though, massive\nrefactoring would help. Hop to it!\n\n"
"\n Greg> In case it wasn't obvious, I'm a strong proponent of filtering\n Greg> junk mail as early as possible, ie. right after the SMTP DATA\n Greg> command has been completed. Filtering spam at the MUA just seems\n Greg> stupid to me -- by the time it gets to me MUA, the spammer has\n Greg> already stolen my bandwidth. \n\nThe two problems I see with filtering that early are:\n\n 1. Everyone receiving email via that server will contribute ham to the\n stew, making the Bayesian classification less effective.\n\n 2. Given that there will be some false positives, you absolutely have to\n put the mail somewhere. You can't simply delete it. (I also don't\n like the TMDA-ish business of replying with a msg that says, \"here's\n what you do to really get your message to me.\" That puts an extra\n burden on my correspondents.) As an individual, I would prefer you\n put spammish messages somewhere where I can review them, not an\n anonymous sysadmin who I might not trust with my personal email\n (nothing against you Greg ;-).\n\nI personally prefer to manage this stuff at the user agent level. Bandwidth\nis a heck of a lot cheaper than my time.\n\nSkip\n"
"[Guido]\n> ...\n> I don't know how big that pickle would be, maybe loading it each time\n> is fine. Or maybe marshalling.)\n\nMy tests train on about 7,000 msgs, and a binary pickle of the database is\napproaching 10 million bytes. I haven't done anything to try to reduce its\nsize, and know of some specific problem areas (for example, doing character\n5-grams of \"long words\" containing high-bit characters generates a lot of\ndatabase entries, and I suspect they're approximately worthless). OTOH,\nadding in more headers will increase the size. So let's call it 10 meg\n<wink>.\n\n"
"[Tim]\n> My tests train on about 7,000 msgs, and a binary pickle of the database is\n> approaching 10 million bytes.\n\nThat shrinks to under 2 million bytes, though, if I delete all the WordInfo\nrecords with spamprob exactly equal to UNKNOWN_SPAMPROB. Such records\naren't needed when scoring (an unknown word gets a made-up probability of\nUNKNOWN_SPAMPROB). Such records are only needed for training; I've noted\nbefore that a scoring-only database can be leaner.\n\nIn part the bloat is due to character 5-gram'ing, part due to that the\ndatabase is brand new so has never been cleaned via clearjunk(), and part\ndue to plain evil gremlins.\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nThe new Neiman Marcus Christmas catalog is out (in October!), including \nyou-as-an-action-figure ($7,500), a bamboo hut ($15,000) and a leather frisbee \n($30). Link[1] Discuss[2]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"[Jeremy Hylton[\n> The total collections are 1100 messages. I trained with 1100/5\n> messages.\n\nI'm reading this now as that you trained on about 220 spam and about 220\nham. That's less than 10% of the sizes of the training sets I've been\nusing. Please try an experiment: train on 550 of each, and test once\nagainst the other 550 of each. Do that a few times making a random split\neach time (it won't be long until you discover why directories of individual\nfiles are a lot easier to work -- e.g., random.shuffle() makes this kind of\nthing trivial for me).\n\n"
"\n>>> Jeremy Hylton wrote\n> Then I tried a dirt simple tokenizer for the headers that tokenize the\n> words in the header and emitted like this \"%s: %s\" % (hdr, word).\n> That worked too well :-). The received and date headers helped the\n> classifier discover that most of my spam is old and most of my ham is\n> new.\n\nHeh. I hit the same problem, but the other way round, when I first\nstarted playing with this - I'd collected spam for a week or two, \nthen mixed it up with randomly selected messages from my mail boxes.\n\ncourse, it instantly picked up on 'received:2001' as a non-ham. \n\nCurse that too-smart-for-me software. Still, it's probably a good\nthing to note in the documentation about the software - when collecting\nspam/ham, make _sure_ you try and collect from the same source.\n\n\nAnthony\n\n-- \nAnthony Baxter <> \nIt's never too late to have a happy childhood.\n\n"
"\n>>> Skip Montanaro wrote\n> \n> I actually like Neale's X-Spam-Disposition header, I just wonder if maybe we\n> should choose something with a different prefix than \"X-Spam-\" so that\n> people don't confuse it with SpamAssassin, all of whose headers begin with\n> that prefix.\n\nI think it's fine, in general, just so long as no-one checks in anything\nthat puts it into my test corpus.\n\nOr alternately, whatever is chosen should be ignored by the tokenizer. \nI know my mail host (interlink) runs SA, but I also run it, with my own\nset of rules and scores. I don't want my spam-filter to be getting messed\nup by an upstream spam filter.\n\n\n"
"So then, Tim Peters <> is all like:\n\n> I'm not sure what you're doing, but suspect you're storing individual\n> WordInfo pickles. If so, most of the administrative pickle bloat is\n> due to that, and doesn't happen if you pickle an entire classifier\n> instance directly.\n\nYeah, that's exactly what I was doing--I didn't realize I was incurring\nadministrative pickle bloat this way. I'm specifically trying to make\nthings faster and smaller, so I'm storing individual WordInfo pickles\ninto an anydbm dict (keyed by token). The result is that it's almost 50\ntimes faster to score messages one per run our of procmail (.408s vs\n18.851s).\n\nHowever, it *does* say all over the place that the goal of this project\nisn't to make the fastest or the smallest implementation, so I guess\nI'll hold off doing any further performance tuning until the goal starts\nto point more in that direction. .4 seconds is probably fast enough for\npeople to use it in their procmailrc, which is what I was after.\n\n> If you're desparate to save memory, write a subclass?\n\nThat's probably what I'll do if I get too antsy :)\n\nTrying to think of ways to sneak \"administrative pickle boat\" into\ncasual conversation,\n\nNeale\n"
"SpamAssassin is hurting democracy!\nOwen\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\nInternet can level the political playing field\nBy Mike McCurry and Larry Purpuro\n\nNOT many months from now, people across the country will experience one \nof the great recurring features of American democracy. At shopping \nmalls, on factory floors, at church socials and even on our front \nstoops, we will be approached by individuals who want to represent us in \npublic office. While chances are high that we won't know them \npersonally, they will walk up to us, offer a handshake and a flier and \nask for our votes.\n\nJust as technology is affecting every other area of communication, it \nhas begun to affect the way political candidates communicate with voters.\n\nIn this year's GOP gubernatorial primary, California Secretary of State \nBill Jones, who faced better-funded candidates, acquired the e-mail \naddresses of more than a million potential California voters and sent \neach an unsolicited e-mail asking for support.\n\nThat day, he might have chosen any of the more traditional -- and more \nexpensive -- methods of contacting voters, such as direct mail, radio \nspots or TV ads. But he spent only about 2 cents per message, instead of \n35 cents or more per message for direct mail or in another medium.\n\nHad Jones chosen direct mail, radio or TV, that communication would have \nbeen equally ``unsolicited,'' as defined in the e-mail world. Few voters \nwould have ``opted in'' to receive campaign information from Jones \nthrough any of those channels.\n\nThe response to Jones' e-mail effort, however, was swift and intense. He \nwas lambasted by anti-spam advocates, and media coverage was almost \nentirely negative. To be fair, some of Jones' tactics could have been \nrefined. He used a less-than-perfect list and no standard-practice \n``paid for'' disclaimer in the message.\n\nHis detractors, however, attacked him not for his tactical miscues but \nbecause the e-mail was sent unsolicited. In fact, Jones' online campaign \nmay have been his most visible asset. In an era of cynicism toward money \nin politics -- money typically spent on other unsolicited communication \nmediums -- Jones tried to level the playing field.\n\nNo one likes commercial spam. It is irrelevant and untargeted and can be \nhighly intrusive and even offensive. But as a sophisticated society, \nit's time to differentiate commercial spam from very different \nunsolicited e-mail sent by political candidates to voters.\n\nThe debate is particularly relevant in light of legislation in Congress \nthat would constitute the first federal law to directly address spam. We \nbelieve e-mail is no more intrusive than direct mail, telemarketing or \nTV advertising when it comes to politicians seeking to reach voters. A \nsimple link in good e-mail campaigns allows recipients to opt out of \nfuture mailings. Direct mail takes at least a phone call or stamp to be \ntaken off a list, and viewers must repeatedly endure TV ads.\n\nWhen a candidate lacks a large campaign war chest, he or she can use the \nInternet to provide constituents with information to better prepare them \nto perform their civic duty of casting educated votes. With more than 60 \npercent of all potential voters in this country possessing e-mail \naccounts, it makes sense that political candidates use this medium.\n\nCandidates might avoid some of the tactical problems encountered by the \nJones campaign if they use the technologies available today that better \nensure quality of e-mail lists and target content to specific recipient \ngroups.\n\nBut the broader point remains. When a political candidate sends a voter \nan e-mail, that recipient can choose to delete the message without \nopening it, unsubscribe from the list, read it or even reply and engage \nthe sender. That choice should belong to the voter -- not to anti-spam \nadvocates whose efforts are better focused on commercial e-mail. \nPolitical candidates should be free to communicate with voters as best \nthey can, and let voters decide what to do with that information.\n\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nMike McCurry, former press secretary for President Clinton, is CEO of an \nadvocacy management and communications software company. Larry Purpuro, \nthe former Republican National Committee deputy chief of staff, is \nfounder and president of a political e-marketing firm. This was written \nfor the Los Angeles Times. \n\n\n\n"
"So then, Guido van Rossum <> is all like:\n\n> Maybe. I batch messages using fetchmail (don't ask why), and adding\n> .4 seconds per message for a batch of 50 (not untypical) feels like a\n> real wait to me...\n\nYeesh. Sounds like what you need is something to kick up once and score\nan entire mailbox.\n\nWait a second... So *that's* why you wanted -u.\n\nIf you can spare the memory, you might get better performance in this\ncase using the pickle store, since it only has to go to disk once (but\nboy, does it ever go to disk!) I can't think of anything obvious to\nspeed things up once it's all loaded into memory, though. That's\nprofiler territory, and profiling is exactly the kind of optimization\nI just said I wasn't going to do :)\n\nNeale\n"
"[Guido]\n> Perhaps more useful would be if Tim could check in the pickle(s?)\n> generated by one of his training runs, so that others can see how\n> Tim's training data performs against their own corpora.\n\nI did that yesterday, but seems like nobody bit. Just in case <wink>, I\nuploaded a new version just now. Since MINCOUNT went away, UNKNOWN_SPAMPROB\nis much less likely, and there's almost nothing that can be pruned away (so\nthe file is about 5x larger now).\n\n\n\n\n> This could also be the starting point for a self-contained distribution\n> (you've got to start with *something*, and training with python-list data\n> seems just as good as anything else).\n\nThe only way to know anything here is for someone to try it.\n\n"
"[Jeremy Hylton]\n> Here's clarification of why I did:\n\nThat's pretty much what I had guessed. Thanks! One more to try:\n\n> First test results using tokenizer.Tokenizer.tokenize_headers()\n> unmodified. \n> ...\n> Second test results using mboxtest.MyTokenizer.tokenize_headers().\n> This uses all headers except Received, Data, and X-From_.\n> ...\n\nTry the latter again, but call the base tokenize_headers() too.\n"
"> > I also looked in more detail at some f-p's in my geeks traffic. The\n> > first one's a doozie (that's the term, right? :-). It has lots of\n> > HTML clues that are apparently ignored.\n> \n> ?? The clues below are *loaded* with snippets unique to HTML (like '<br>').\n\nI *meant* to say that they were 0.99 clues cancelled out by 0.01\nclues. But that's wrong too! It looks I haven't grokked this part of\nyour code yet; this one has way more than 16 clues, and it seems the\nclassifier basically ended up counting way more 0.99 than 0.01 clues,\nand no others made it into the list. I thought it was looking for\nclues with values in between; apparently it found none that weren't\nexactly 0.5?\n\n> That sure sets the record for longest list of cancelling extreme clues!\n\nThis happened to be the longest one, but there were quite a few\nsimilar ones. I wonder if there's anything we can learn from looking\nat the clues and the HTML. It was heavily marked-up HTML, with ads in\nthe sidebar, but the body text was a serious discussion of \"OO and\nsoft coding\" with lots of highly technical words as clues (including\nZope and ZEO).\n\n> That there are *any* 0.50 clues in here means the scheme ran out of\n> anything interesting to look at. Adding in more header lines should\n> cure that.\n\nAre there any minable-but-unmined header lines in your corpus left?\nOr do we have to start with a different corpus before we can make\nprogress there?\n\n> > The seventh was similar.\n> >\n> > I scanned a bunch more until I got bored, and most of them were either\n> > of the first form (brief text with URL followed by quoted HTML from\n> > website)\n> \n> If those were text/plain, the HTML tags should have been stripped. I'm\n> still confused about this part.\n\nNo, sorry. These were all of the following structure:\n\n multipart/mixed\n text/plain (brief text plus URL(s))\n text/html (long HTML copied from website)\n\nI guess you get this when you click on \"mail this page\" in some\nbrowsers.\n\n> That HTML tags aren't getting stripped remains the biggest mystery to me.\n\nStill?\n\n> This seems confused: Jeremy didn't use my trained classifier pickle,\n> he trained his own classifier from scratch on his own corpora.\n> That's an entirely different kind of experiment from the one you're\n> trying (indeed, you're the only one so far to report results from\n> trying my pickle on their own email, and I never expected *that* to\n> work well; it's a much bigger mystery to me why Jeremy got such\n> relatively worse results from training his own -- and he's the only\n> one so far to report results from *that* experiment).\n\nI think it's still corpus size.\n\n--Guido van Rossum (home page:\n"
"URL:,8655713,215/\nDate: 2002-10-08T03:30:53+01:00\n\n*Afghanistan: *In his final report one year from the beginning of the US \ncampaign *Rory McCarthy* finds mounting anger at the military presence.\n\n\n"
"[Greg Ward]\n> Case of headers is definitely helpful. SpamAssassin has a rule for it\n> -- if you have headers like \"DATE\" or \"SUBJECT\", you get a few more\n> points.\n\nAcross my data, all-caps DATE, SUBJECT, TO, etc indeed appear only in the\nspam collections. OTOH, they don't appear often -- less than 1% of spam\nmessages have at least one of these all-cap header lines. But when I'm\nfighting what are now sub-1% f-n rates, even rare clues can help!\n\n"
"[Brad Clements]\n> Just curious if subject line capitalization can be used as an indicator.\n>\n> Either the percentage of characters that are caps..\n>\n> Or, percentage starting with a capital letter (if number of words > xx)\n\nSupply a mod to and I'll test it (eventually <wink>). Note\nthat the tokenizer already *preserves* case in subject-line words, because\nexperiment showed that this was better than folding case away in this\nspecific context (but experiment also showed-- against my\nexpectations --that preserving case everywhere didn't make a significant\ndifference to either error rate -- the subject line is a special case for\nthis).\n\n"
"On 07 September 2002, Guido van Rossum said:\n> If and when we package this, perhaps we should use Barry's trick\n> from the email package for making the package itself the toplevel dir\n> of the distribution (rather than requiring an extra directory level\n> just so the package can be a subdir of the distro).\n\nIt's not a *trick*! It just requires this\n\n package_dir = {'spambayes': '.'}\n\nin the setup script.\n\nharrumph! \"trick\" indeed...\n\n Greg\n-- \nGreg Ward <>\nA committee is a life form with six or more legs and no brain.\n"
"> That has the nasty side effect of placing all .py files in the\n> package. What about obvious executable scripts (like timtest or\n> hammie)? How can I keep them out of the package?\n\nWhy would we care about installing a few extra files, as long as\nthey're inside a package?\n\n--Guido van Rossum (home page:\n"
"URL:,8640496,1440/\nDate: Not supplied\n\nThe largest object found since 1930 is half the size of Pluto, and calls that \nobject's planetary status into question\n\n\n"
"\n Greg> OTOH, look into DCC (Distributed Checksum Clearinghouse,\n Greg>, which uses fuzzy\n Greg> checksums. It's quite likely that DCC's checksumming scheme is\n Greg> better than something any of us would throw together for personal\n Greg> use (no offense, Skip!).\n\nNone taken. I wrote my little script before I was aware DCC existed. Even\nnow, it seems like overkill for my use.\n\nSkip\n"
"\nAfter my latest cvs up, timtest fails with\n\n Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/home/skip/src/spambayes/\", line 294, in ?\n drive(nsets)\n File \"/home/skip/src/spambayes/\", line 264, in drive\n d = Driver()\n File \"/home/skip/src/spambayes/\", line 152, in __init__\n self.global_ham_hist = Hist(options.nbuckets)\n AttributeError: 'OptionsClass' object has no attribute 'nbuckets'\n\nI'm running it as\n\n timtest -n5 > Data/timtest.out\n\nfrom my ~/Mail directory (not from my ~/src/spambayes directory). If I\ncreate a symlink to ~/src/spambayes/bayes.ini it works once again, but\nshouldn't there be an nbuckets attribute with a default value already?\n\nSkip\n\n"
"[Tim]\n> ...\n> At the other extreme, training on half my ham&spam, and scoring aginst\n> the other half\n> ...\n> false positive rate: 0.0100%\n> false negative rate: 0.3636%\n> ...\n> Alas, all 4 of the 0.99 clues there are HTML-related.\n\nThat begged to try it again but with Tokenize/retain_pure_html_tags false.\nThe random halves getting trained on and scored against are different here,\nand I repaired the bug that dropped 1 ham and 1 spam on the floor, so this\nisn't exactly a 1-change difference between runs.\n\nHam distribution for all runs:\n* = 167 items\n 0.00 9999 ************************************************************\n 10.00 0\n 20.00 0\n 30.00 0\n 40.00 0\n 50.00 0\n 60.00 0\n 70.00 0\n 80.00 0\n 90.00 1 *\n\nSpam distribution for all runs:\n* = 115 items\n 0.00 21 *\n 10.00 0\n 20.00 0\n 30.00 1 *\n 40.00 0\n 50.00 0\n 60.00 1 *\n 70.00 0\n 80.00 1 *\n 90.00 6852 ************************************************************\n\n false positive rate: 0.0100%\n false negative rate: 0.3490%\n\nYay! That may mean that HTML tags aren't really needed in my test data\nprovided it's trained on enough stuff. Curiously, the sole false positive\nhere is the same as the sole false positive on the half&half run reported in\nthe preceding msg (I assume the Nigerian scam \"false positive\" just happened\nto end up in the training data both times):\n\n************************************************************************\nData/Ham/Set4/107687.txt\nprob = 0.999632042904\nprob('python.') = 0.01\nprob('alteration') = 0.01\nprob('edinburgh') = 0.01\nprob('subject:Python') = 0.01\nprob('header:Errors-To:1') = 0.0216278\nprob('thanks,') = 0.0319955\nprob('help?') = 0.041806\nprob('road,') = 0.0462364\nprob('there,') = 0.0722794\nprob('us.') = 0.906609\nprob('our') = 0.919118\nprob('company,') = 0.921852\nprob('visit') = 0.930785\nprob('sent.') = 0.939882\nprob('e-mail') = 0.949765\nprob('courses') = 0.954726\nprob('received') = 0.955209\nprob('analyst') = 0.960756\nprob('investment') = 0.975139\nprob('regulated') = 0.99\nprob('e-mails') = 0.99\nprob('mills') = 0.99\n\nReceived: from [] (\n by with esmtp (Exim 3.21 #1)\n id 15rDsu-00085k-00\n for; Wed, 10 Oct 2001 03:34:32 -0400\nReceived: from (\n [])\n by (Pro-8.9.3/Pro-8.9.3) with SMTP id\n IAA53660for <>; Wed, 10 Oct 2001 08:34:00\n+0100\nReceived: from sl079320 ([]) by\n (Lotus SMTP MTA v4.6.6 (890.1\n7-16-1999))\n with SMTP id 80256AE1.00294B60; Wed, 10 Oct 2001 08:31:02 +0100\nMessage-ID:\n<007e01c1515d$bb255940$>\nFrom: \"Vickie Mills\" <>\nTo: <>\nSubject: Training Courses in Python in UK\nDate: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 08:32:30 +0100\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain;\n charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3155.0\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3155.0\nSender:\nErrors-To:\nX-BeenThere:\nX-Mailman-Version: 2.0.6 (101270)\nPrecedence: bulk\nList-Help: <>\nList-Post: <>\nList-Subscribe: <>,\n <>\nList-Id: General discussion list for the Python programming language\n <>\nList-Unsubscribe: <>,\n <>\nList-Archive: <>\n\nHi there,\n\nI am looking for you recommendations on training courses available in the UK\non Python. Can you help?\n\nThanks,\n\nVickie Mills\nIS Training Analyst\n\nTel: 0131 245 1127\nFax: 0131 245 1550\nE-mail:\n\nFor more information on Standard Life, visit our website\n The Standard Life Assurance Company, Standard\nLife House, 30 Lothian Road, Edinburgh EH1 2DH, is registered in Scotland\n(No SZ4) and regulated by the Personal Investment Authority. Tel: 0131 225\n2552 - calls may be recorded or monitored. This confidential e-mail is for\nthe addressee only. If received in error, do not retain/copy/disclose it\nwithout our consent and please return it to us. We virus scan all e-mails\nbut are not responsible for any damage caused by a virus or alteration by a\nthird party after it is sent.\n************************************************************************\n\nThe top 30 discriminators are more interesting now:\n\n 'income' 629 0.99\n 'http0:python' 643 0.01\n 'header:MiME-Version:1' 672 0.99\n 'http1:remove' 693 0.99\n 'content-type:text/html' 711 0.982345\n 'string' 714 0.01\n 'http>1:jpg' 776 0.99\n 'object' 813 0.01\n 'python,' 852 0.01\n 'python.' 882 0.01\n 'language' 883 0.01\n '>>>' 907 0.01\n 'header:Return-Path:2' 907 0.99\n 'unsubscribe' 975 0.99\n 'header:Received:7' 1113 0.99\n 'def' 1142 0.01\n 'http>1:gif' 1168 0.99\n 'module' 1169 0.01\n 'import' 1332 0.01\n 'header:Received:8' 1342 0.99\n 'header:Errors-To:1' 1377 0.0216278\n 'header:In-Reply-To:1' 1402 0.01\n 'wrote' 1753 0.01\n '&nbsp;' 2067 0.99\n 'subject:Python' 2140 0.01\n 'header:User-Agent:1' 2322 0.01\n 'header:X-Complaints-To:1' 4351 0.01\n 'wrote:' 4370 0.01\n 'python' 4972 0.01\n 'header:Organization:1' 6921 0.01\n\nThere are still two HTML clues remaining there (\"&nbsp;\" and\n\"content-type:text/html\"). Anthony's trick accounts for almost a third of\nthese. \"Python\" appears in 5 of them ('http0:python' means that 'python'\nwas found in the 1st field of an embedded http:// URL). Sticking a .gif or\na .jpg in a URL both score as 0.99 spam clues. Note the damning pattern of\ncapitalization in 'header:MiME-Version:1'! This counting is case-sensitive,\nand nobody ever would have guessed that MiME is more damning than SUBJECT or\nDATE. Why would spam be likely to end up with two instances of Return-Path\nin the headers?\n\n"
"[Anthony Baxter]\n> 5 sets, each of 1800ham/1550spam, just ran the once (it matched all 5 to\n> each other...)\n>\n> sez:\n>\n> Training on Data/Ham/Set1 & Data/Spam/Set1 ... 1798 hams & 1548 spams\n> 0.445 0.388\n> 0.445 0.323\n> 2.108 4.072\n> 0.556 1.097\n> Training on Data/Ham/Set2 & Data/Spam/Set2 ... 1798 hams & 1546 spams\n> 2.113 0.517\n> 1.335 0.194\n> 3.106 5.365\n> 2.113 2.903\n> Training on Data/Ham/Set3 & Data/Spam/Set3 ... 1798 hams & 1547 spams\n> 2.447 0.646\n> 0.945 0.388\n> 2.884 3.426\n> 2.058 1.097\n> Training on Data/Ham/Set4 & Data/Spam/Set4 ... 1803 hams & 1547 spams\n> 1.057 2.584\n> 0.723 1.682\n> 0.890 1.164\n> 0.445 0.452\n> Training on Data/Ham/Set5 & Data/Spam/Set5 ... 1798 hams & 1550 spams\n> 0.779 4.328\n> 0.501 3.299\n> 0.667 3.361\n> 0.388 4.977\n> total false pos 273 3.03501945525\n> total false neg 367 4.74282760403\n\nHow were these msgs broken up into the 5 sets? Set4 in particular is giving\nthe other sets severe problems, and Set5 blows the f-n rate on everything\nit's predicting -- when the rates across runs within a training set vary by\nas much as a factor of 25, it suggests there was systematic bias in the way\nthe sets were chosen. For example, perhaps they were broken into sets by\narrival time. If that's what you did, you should go back and break them\ninto sets randomly instead. If you did partition them randomly, the wild\nvariance across runs is mondo mysterious.\n\n\n>> I expect hammie will do a much better job on this already than hand\n>> grepping. Be sure to stare at the false positives and get the\n>> spam out of there.\n\n> Yah, but there's a chicken-and-egg problem there - I want stuff that's\n> _known_ to be right to test this stuff,\n\nThen you have to look at every message by eyeball -- any scheme has non-zero\nerror rates of both kinds.\n\n> so using the spambayes code to tell me whether it's spam is not\n> going to help.\n\nTrust me <wink> -- it helps a *lot*. I expect everyone who has done any\ntesting here has discovered spam in their ham, and vice versa. Results\nimprove as you improve the categorization. Once the gross mistakes are\nstraightened out, it's much less tedious to scan the rest by eyeball.\n\n[on skip tokens]\n> Yep, it shows up in a lot of spam, but also in different forms in hams.\n> But the hams each manage to pick a different variant of\n> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n> or whatever - so they don't end up counteracting the various bits in the\n> spam.\n>\n> Looking further, a _lot_ of the bad skip rubbish is coming from\n> uuencoded viruses &c in the spam-set.\n\nFor whatever reason, there appear to be few of those in BruceG's spam\ncollection. I added code to strip uuencoded sections, and pump out uuencode\nsummary tokens instead. I'll check it in. It didn't make a significant\ndifference on my usual test run (a single spam in my Set4 is now judged as\nham by the other 4 sets; nothing else changed). It does shrink the database\nsize here by a few percent. Let us know whether it helps you!\n\nBefore and after stripping uuencoded sections:\n\nfalse positive percentages\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.050 0.050 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.025 0.025 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.075 0.075 tied\n 0.025 0.025 tied\n 0.025 0.025 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.050 0.050 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.025 0.025 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.050 0.050 tied\n 0.025 0.025 tied\n 0.000 0.000 tied\n 0.025 0.025 tied\n 0.050 0.050 tied\n\nwon 0 times\ntied 20 times\nlost 0 times\n\ntotal unique fp went from 8 to 8 tied\n\nfalse negative percentages\n 0.255 0.255 tied\n 0.364 0.364 tied\n 0.254 0.291 lost +14.57%\n 0.509 0.509 tied\n 0.436 0.436 tied\n 0.218 0.218 tied\n 0.182 0.218 lost +19.78%\n 0.582 0.582 tied\n 0.327 0.327 tied\n 0.255 0.255 tied\n 0.254 0.291 lost +14.57%\n 0.582 0.582 tied\n 0.545 0.545 tied\n 0.255 0.255 tied\n 0.291 0.291 tied\n 0.400 0.400 tied\n 0.291 0.291 tied\n 0.218 0.218 tied\n 0.218 0.218 tied\n 0.145 0.182 lost +25.52%\n\nwon 0 times\ntied 16 times\nlost 4 times\n\ntotal unique fn went from 89 to 90 lost +1.12%\n\n"
"URL:,8639021,1440/\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA new Japanese system allows palmtop computers to swap large amounts of data \nwhen their owners shake hands\n\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * Damian Conway Publishes Exegesis 5\n * 2nd Open Source CMS Conference\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Damian Conway Publishes Exegesis 5 |\n| posted by hfb on Friday August 23, @14:06 (perl6) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\nAn anonymous coward writes \"[0]/. has a [1]link to [2]Damian's\n[3]Exegesis 5\"\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n 2.\n 3.\n\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| 2nd Open Source CMS Conference |\n| posted by ziggy on Friday August 23, @18:30 (events) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]Gregor J. Rothfuss writes \"There will be a second [1]Open Source CMS\nconference this fall in Berkeley. We will feature presentations and\nworkshops from a wide range of CMS, and would definitely welcome some\nPerl-fu in there as well. Also of interest, our efforts to [2]build\nbridges across CMS. Participate in our [3]mailing list, or better yet,\n[4]show up :)\" The [5]first Open Source CMS conference was held in Zurich\nthis past March.\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n 2.\n 3.\n 4.\n 5.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n"
"use Perl Daily Newsletter\n\nIn this issue:\n * Perl Ports Page\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n| Perl Ports Page |\n| posted by hfb on Saturday August 31, @13:40 (cpan) |\n| |\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n[0]jhi writes \" One of the largely unknown services of CPAN is the\n[1]Ports page, which offers links to ready-packaged binary distributions\nof Perl for various platforms, and also other related links (to other\nUNIXy software, if the platform isn't, and to IDEs and editors). I would\nlike to get feedback on the ports page either here or by sending email to\ Any kind of feedback is welcome, but I will feel free to\nignore any I don't like :-)\"\n\nDiscuss this story at:\n\n\nLinks:\n 0.\n 1.\n\n\n\nCopyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved.\n\n\n======================================================================\n\nYou have received this message because you subscribed to it\non use Perl. To stop receiving this and other\nmessages from use Perl, or to add more messages\nor change your preferences, please go to your user page.\n\n\t\n\nYou can log in and change your preferences from there.\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-24T11:03:09-06:00\n\nI need a lawyer willing to argue that not-for-profit file sharing is fair use. \nI've got a plan. \n\nNapster: Work in Progress[1] -- that's new. They're also selling merchandise. \n\nMP3 Is Not a Crime[2] is a weblog covering the attacks on our rights. \n\nDave Winer says he's not afraid to defend our rights[3]. _Yes! Who else?_ \n\nI will now refer to file sharing networks as \"fair use networks\"\nlike my limewire fair use network client.. or the kazaa fair use network..\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-24T10:46:15-05:00\n\n- _Phil Ringnalda_: Putting on the brakes[1]. &#8220;So, the answer to the \nquestion that started this whole project, \"what is the RDF in RSS 1.0 good \nfor?\" is two things: it's good for someone who has an infinitely large database \nthat can be queried infinitely fast by a schema-aware program, or it's good for \nwriting a schema-aware aggregator that can try to figure out what it should do \nwith new elements that it hasn't seen before. That's actually an interesting \nproject with some potential for success, but at this point I'm sick of the \nwhole thing, so I'll leave that project for someone else.&#8221; \n- _Aaron Swartz_: TRAMP: Makes RDF look like Python data structures[2]. \n&#8220;RDF/XML got you down? Tired of having to go through contortions to deal \nwith data? Want to write Python and be standards-compatible at the same time? \nNeed a module to implement the psuedo-code you had on your slides? TRAMP may or \nmay not be the answer to these problems!&#8221; Complete with an example of \nparsing FOAF files. \n- _Dan Connolly_: HyperRDF: Using XHTML Authoring Tools with XSLT to produce \nRDF schemas[3]. &#8220;XML syntax is a little tedious, but lots of people are \nevidently willing and able of editing it by hand. RDF adds another layer of \ntedium, but there are still a few folks willing to write it by hand. I make \nheavy use of reification/quoting in my representation of logical formulas in \nRDF. This adds another layer of tedium that I find unmanageable, and I have \nbeen writing XML/SGML/HTML by hand for 10 years.&#8221; Also includes a cogent \nexplanation of the obscure profile attribute in HTML. \n\n\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:13:33 GMT\n\nLest anyone doubt that Brent[1] has a good heart. \"I laughed, because here's \nthe irony -- on this site, on my own personal weblog, Radio UserLand rather \nthan NetNewsWire is the most-used aggregator.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:02:01 GMT\n\nMacNet Journal reports[1] that OmniOutliner will support OPML[2] soon. That's \nvery good news[3] indeed. \n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 18:27:17 GMT\n\nJeremy Allaire: Wholistic Web Services[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-24T13:49:41-05:00\n\nDVD Capture 1.0[1] &#8220;is a helper application for the Apple DVD Player. It \nenables the user to take screen captures of the DVD Player Viewer in window and \nfull screen mode. The captures can be saved to a file or placed on the \nclipboard.&#8221;\n\n\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nFor UK#400,000, a bioresearcher will map your personal genome for you. As \ngeneticists discover more markers for congenital diseases, you can compare them \nto your genome and learn what you're in for in your lifetime -- heart disease, \ncancer, baldness, compulsive hand-washing... Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Alan!\n_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA new addition to the parodical genre of 419 (\"Nigerian Money Laundry Scam\") \nletters from members of the Shrub establishment, following up on Cheney's \nletter[1]. \n\n I am the widow of the late President George W. Bush of the United States of \n America. I am writing you this letter in confidence regarding my current \n circumstances. \n\n I escaped the United States ahead of death squads with my husband and two \n children Jenna and Frank, moving first to England and then, when my \n husband's political enemies took power there, to Austria. All of our \n wealth, obtained legitimately through baseball, oil drilling and insider \n trading, was seized by the new government of the USA under the despotic \n regime of (Dr.) Noam Chomsky, except for the contents of a few Swiss bank \n accounts. These bank accounts, which contain social security lock-box funds \n and the bulk of the 2001 budget surplus, could not be accessed by me or my \n children, due to agreements made between the socialist government of the \n USA and Swiss bank regulators. They seized our ranch in Crawford, Texas and \n now use it to teach homosexualist propaganda to schoolchildren. \n\nLink[2] Discuss[3] (_Thanks, Stefan!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nBen Hammersley posts a parable about design specifications, showing the link \nbetween Roman Chariots and the Space Shuttle. It has the ring of something \napocraphyl to me, but it's a good read, nevertheless. \n\n The U.S. standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, \n 8.5 inches. That is an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used? \n Because that's the way they built them in England, and the U.S. railroads \n were built by English expatriates. \n\n Why did the English build them that way? Because the first rail lines were \n built by the same people who built the pre-railroad tramways, and that's \n the gauge they used. \n\n Why did \"they\" use that gauge? Because the people who built the tramways \n used the same jigs and tools that they used for building wagons, which used \n that wheel spacing. \n\n So why did the wagons have that particular odd spacing? Well, if they tried \n to use any other spacing, the wagon wheels would break on some of the old, \n long distance roads in England, because that was the spacing of the wheel \n ruts... \n\nSnopes says it's false[1], but from their notes, it appears that it's actually \nlargely true, albeit subject to interpretation. Link[2] Discuss[3]\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nNewZoid generates fake news-headlines: \n\n 1- Miss Universe Calling For Isidore \n 2- Rumsfeld Suggests Aspirin Reduces Alzheimer's Risk \n 3- Editorial Attacks Computer System \n 4- Stressed Out? Just Call For New TV Show \n 5- Gore To Hear About It \n 6- Nurses To Be Given Their Own Passports On Iraq Action \n 7- US Arraigned In Fighting Slavery \n 8- Lisa Riley Lines Below Chaos Above \n\nLink[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Daniel[3]!_)\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-25T18:54:10-06:00\n\nOne of the weirdest things I heard when listening to the Cato Institute debate \nwas an economist claim \"a tenet of my profession is that people won't pay for \nsomething they can get for free.\" Someone objected, using the analogy of \nbottled water. There's a far better example: The New York Times. \n\nIncredibly, this institution puts out pages and pages of high-quality \nprofessional content each week and then distributes them by means of men in \ntrucks across the country overnight where they sit, waiting to be sold to \npeople. Meanwhile, the exact same content is available _for free_ using an \ninsidious peer-to-peer downloading system called \"the Web\" by typing in the \nkeyword \"\". Those people at the New York Times must not \nunderstand the Internet or something! \n\nMore examples: the thriving shareware market, the Baen Free Library, Janis Ian \nand others. \n\nOther times, people claim that no one will create if they can't get paid. I'd \nlike to introduce you to free software and just about every weblog on the \nplanet.\n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:47:05 GMT\n\nKen Dow reports[1] that the current version of OmniOutliner can read and write \nOPML. This means, for example, with a little Radio script (or an AppleScript) \nyou could use Omni as an Instant Outliner[2].\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 15:14:00 GMT\n\nReuters[1]: \"Pets may not only provide good company for their owners, they may \nalso help lower stress, according to new study findings.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:39:47 GMT\n\n[IMG: (A \npicture named uncSamMedium.gif)][1]Last year on this day[2]: \"It's been \nnot-correct for most of my life for Americans to say we love our country. \nThat's a big bug. We're the world's greatest country and we know it. I love the \nUSA. It gave me life, an education, role models and a philosophy. And if you \nthink we're stupid or decadent, just try fucking with us.\"\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 12:36:11 GMT\n\nFred Grott: How to Keep RDF and RSS Straight[1].\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 22:23:55 GMT\n\nGracie Allen[1]: \"Never put a period where God has placed a comma.\"\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-25T17:11:31-06:00\n\nYou can see Cory Doctorow explain the problems with the Berman Bill while his \nhost subscribes to the EFF Action Center on TechTV[1] if you've got Windows \nMedia Player. If you're on Windows, you can also hear them. (The Mac version \ndoesn't seem to have the codec for the sound.) \n\n[IMG:][2]\n\nThe Internet Archive Bookmobile, starring the Kahles[3]. \n\nSeth[4]: \"I had a dream that I went to D.C. to hear the Eldred argument and \nalso dropped by a party to celebrate it. [...] y dream Supreme Court was \ndefinitely going to reverse the court below, if only because the Solicitor \nGeneral in my dream had hardly found anything good to say about the CTEA. _\nAdsit omen! _\"\nDonna of Copyfight linked to my fair use notes[5]. \n\nAn archived stream of the Tauzin hearing will be available soon[6].\n\n\n\n[1],24330,3399006,00.html\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n[5]\n[6]\n\n\n"
"HUBBLE SPOTS AN ICY WORLD FAR BEYOND PLUTO\n------------------------------------------\nAstronomers have discovered a distant body that appears to be the\nlargest object in the Kuiper Belt, a body half the size of Pluto that\nraises new questions about the definition of a planet. The icy world\n2002 LM60 has been dubbed \"Quaoar\".\n\n\n\n\nASTRONOMERS SLICE AND DICE GALAXIES\n-----------------------------------\nNew views of star birth and the heart of a spiral galaxy have been\nseen by a state-of-the-art astronomical instrument on its first\nnight. The new spectrometer has a revolutionary ability to 'slice'\nany object in the sky into sections, producing a three dimensional\nview of the conditions throughout entire galaxies in a single\nobservation.\n\n\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nSell a Home with Ease!\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA lot of people seem to be missing the point of Phoenix, as evidenced by the \nresponses on Mozilla News[1] and MozillaZine[2]. Let me emphasize something \nhere: if you think Mozilla's current UI is acceptable, then you are clearly not \nthe target audience for Phoenix.\n\nHere is a quiz to test whether or not Phoenix is the right browser for you.\n\n\n- The link toolbar is: \n\n\n- critical to my day-to-day use \n- vital when using Bugzilla! Doesn't everybody use Bugzilla?\n- link what?\n\n\n\n- The sidebar is \n\n\n- indispensable since i run at 1600x1200 resolution \n- not cool enough, since i can't float and dock all my panels and have \nsplitters between all panels and see web page progress for individual HTML \npanels and check my email entirely from within sidebar and... \n- a waste of real estate\n\n\n\n- Form auto-fill \n\n\n- is not useful for me unless I can fill out 20 pages of personal information \nfirst \n- should just happen automatically\n\n\n\n- Downloads \n\n\n- should take place in a tree view with progress meters in the columns! \n- should be clearly visible and understandable.\n\n\n\n- Toolbars should \n\n\n- be dockable to all four corners of the screen, be able to float outside the \nwindow, be fully customizable such that I can make my own custom commands, be \nable to edit existing buttons' commands, be able to create my own toolbars, be \nable to put toolbars on the same line, and be able to edit the submenus and \ncontext menus of items (including the items on the menu bar) and browse my file \nsystem and cook me dinner and wash my car and walk my dog and do my taxes and \nmow my lawn and... \n- be customizable within reason\n\n\n\n- Composer should \n\n\n- always come with my browser. I want composer options all over my UI. \nEverywhere! \n- not be part of a Web browser.\n\n\n\n- Mail should \n\n\n- be part of my browser program. Aren't they the same app? There is a \ndifference? \n- be a separate application.\n\n\n\n\nNow to those people who want the full-blown functionality of the Mozilla trunk, \nyou can still get that with Phoenix. The idea is to relegate more features to \nthe \"optional add-on\" category. If you want the link toolbar or the sidebar or \nmouse gestures or any other features, you can download and install them \nyourself. I expect Phoenix will have a little add-in manager that will \nfacilitate this process. There is currently an expectation on the part of an \nalarming number of people that every feature implemented by anyone should \nautomatically be part of the default Mozilla install/download. \n\nWhy? \n\nA layered approach scales better. You can then have a browser that can become \nas complex as you want to make it, but the choice is left in your hands. The \ngeek features aren't inflicted on you by default.\n\nFinally, remember that Phoenix's UI is not controlled by Netscape. This is an \nopportunity for some of the core Mozilla Navigator developers to build the \nbrowser that they have always wanted to build, without having to compromise the \nuser interface to satisfy the various conflicting pressures exerted by factions \nwithin Netscape.\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nBlake blogs[1] about how mpt[2] wants Mozilla to look just like MSIE. I have to \nadmit, the evidence is pretty compelling. I recall someone asking me, \"Do you \nreally agree with mpt's Top 10 list? He's quoted you at the top of the list!\"\n\nDo I agree that those ten items mpt mentions are the top ten problems? Of \ncourse not. No two people will have the same top ten problems. Also keep in \nmind that mpt and I can agree that something is a problem without necessarily \nagreeing on the solution to the problem. Maybe we have different ideas \nregarding how to solve a particular issue, but we at least both believe it is \nan issue that needs to be addressed. That's something.\n\nTo cover the list specifically:\n\n\n- Navigator chrome structure - While I don't necessarily agree with mpt's \nproposed default configuration, I do agree that the chrome structure is \npainfully restrictive, and that customizable toolbars need to be implemented in \norder for us to acquire the flexibility to deal with this problem.\n\n- Speed - can't argue with this, except to say that cutting out a lot of the \nuseless UI and features from the chrome helps substantially. Reduce bloat, gain \nspeed.\n\n- Text editing - if you use Chimera on the Mac, you'll see that the textfield \nwidget is easily the most painful part of the entire application. It's buggy, \nslow, misbehaves, and doesn't edit the way you'd expect. This is IMO Chimera's \ntop usability problem.\n\n- Message display - Yes. No argument here.\n\n- Search - Yeah, it's a mess. Don't know if it would be in my top ten, but it's \na mess.\n\n- Menu structure - This gets back to my blog about how the apps should be \nseparated. The menu structure has been complicated in order to deal with \nmultiple applications. A clean separation naturally simplifies the menus (e.g., \nyou can eliminate the New submenu easily).\n\n- Migration - A problem, but IMO not one of the top ten facing Mozilla.\n\n- Context menus - mpt complains about two-click context menus, and yet, the OS \ndefault on Win32 (overwhelmingly) is to bring up a context menu on a mouse up. \nIf you don't like it, complain about Win32, but don't cite this as a Mozilla \nusability problem when we're following the conventions of the operating system. \n(We simply listen for the WM_CONTEXTMENU message. That message fires when Win32 \nwants to fire it.)\n\n- Validation - Err, no. Not a usability problem. To the average bear, this is \ncompletely irrelevant.\n\n- Preferences - IMO this should be much higher on the list. Preferences are a \ntangled pathetic mess. Again, separating prefs for individual apps into unique \ndialogs would simplify things a great deal, but we should also remove nearly \nhalf the preferences that exist from the GUI. Mozilla is ridiculously \noverconfigurable.\n\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nI feel so tremendously validated right now in all my criticisms of Netscape vs. \nMozilla. I told Netscape management that if the Netscape beta shipped without \npopup blocking that CNet would write an article on it. They didn't believe me \n(or didn't care). Sure enough, the article appeared right on time[1].\n\nI blogged about two main annoyances when installing Netscape 7: the lack of \npopup blocking and all of the annoying advertising spam on the desktop and in \nthe toolbars. I warned Netscape that they needed to take steps to correct this \nproblem. They didn't listen. Take a look at the CNet review[2] highlight that \ndescribes *The Bad* part of Netscape 7.0:\n\n_Displays AOL ads everywhere; doesn't let you turn off pop-up windows like \nMozilla does; devours 30MB of disk space._\n\nPlenty of other engineers at Netscape (as well as managers) complained about \nthese problems and fought with those higher up to correct these problems. We \nlost every battle. The simple truth is that the people in charge of running the \nNetscape browser are incompetent. They don't understand how to make a good \nbrowser, or they don't care. Their engineers tell them what they're doing \nwrong, and they don't listen. \n\nMaybe you'll listen to the public. How about eWeek's article, Netscape 7.0 \nShrivels Under Mozilla's Shadow[3]? Are you paying attention now, you ignorant, \nstupid, incompetent buffoons?\n\n\"I told you so.\" never felt so good.\n\nMaybe they will sit up and take notice now. If they do, well, it's about \nfucking time. And people wonder why I quit working for AOL.\n\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3],3959,493248,00.asp\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nI received some feedback in email (from several of you actually) regarding my \nearlier blog about the Parents Television Council[1], which recently published \na report in which they labeled Buffy as the worst show on television for \nchildren. Let me clarify why this organization bothers me so much.\n\nBuffy as a show is clearly inappropriate for children under 12, and a game like \nGTA3 is as well. The PTC, however, has a clear agenda that goes beyond simply \nwarning parents about the dangers of television shows or video games. There is \na belief on the part of the PTC that the hour from 8-9pm (the first hour of \nprimetime) must be designated a family hour, and that no offensive shows should \nair during that time. I don't believe that it's the networks' responsibility to \nrestrict the kind of content aired during a particular hour of television. The \nshows that air during primetime run the gamut; some are family-oriented and \nsome aren't. There is, however, no shortage of suitable content should parents \nand children wish to watch TV together during this hour.\n\nIt should be the parent's responsibility to police a child's television \nviewing. If you don't want your kids watching _Buffy the Vampire Slayer_, then \ndon't let them, but don't campaign to have the show removed from the air or \nshoved into a late hour that would only result in its cancellation just because \nyou don't like its content. If you don't think a show is appropriate, don't let \nyour kids watch it.\n\nThe PTC also seems to find shows offensive that are family-oriented. An example \nof one such show is _Malcolm in the Middle_. I would hardly call this show \ninappropriate for kids. Apparently the only shows that the PTC deems \nappropriate are those that have been sanitized to match their \nultra-conservative agenda. Even then, I wouldn't really mind, but the idea that \nall other shows must be relegated to some later hour is just ludicrous.\n\n[1]\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\nDaniel Berlinger has noticed[1] that Mac software shops are starting to move to \nOS X-only development. This makes sense, for two reasons. First, most people \nwho pay for software have new computers. So while OS X may only have a small \nfraction of the installed base, it has the majority of the population of people \nwho are opening their wallets. Second, if OS X isn't successful, the Mac is _\nover_. It's not like System 9 is getting any more popular. \n\nThen again, there are very few conditions under which it is actually the right \nbusiness decision to develop software for the Macintosh. Developing for the Mac \nis not a whole lot different than creating a web site _that only works on \nNetscape_. (Given the market share of Macs[2] (about 3.5%) and the market share \nof Netscape[3] (about 3.4%), that is not a silly comparison.) \n\nRobb Beal wrote[4]: \"Try this test. Go to a venture firm, angel, or big company \nwith a Mac OS X product/concept/prototype. Do they consider the fact that it's \na Mac application a net plus? (No.)\" Well _duh_. Your product would have to \nappeal to _25 times more Mac _users_ _[as a percentage] than Windows users just \nto break even. In other words, if your Windows product appeals to 1 in 100 \nWindows users, you have to appeal to 25 in 100 Mac users to make the same \namount of money. \n\nNow, you may want to make an _emotional_ appeal to developing for the Mac. \nThat's fine. If you like Macs and you're doing it for fun, more power to ya. \n\nBut as long as we're talking _investment_, you have to tell me why you're going \nto get 25 times as many users. Maybe there's less competition in your category \non the Mac; maybe you're in a niche like graphics where it seems like Macs \ndominate (they don't, it just seems that way because the elite graphics people \nin big American cities use Macs); maybe your product can't sell to mixed \nenvironments unless it runs everywhere. But if you want to make an investment \nin Mac software be prepared to demonstrate how you're going to overcome that \nmagic 25 multiplier.\n\n[1]\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n\n\n"
"URL:,7764729,159/\nDate: 2002-09-11T22:41:04+01:00\n\nIn the second of our series from the GDC Europe, we talk with Microsoft's Bill \nFulton about usability testing for games, SCEE's Zeno Colaco about pitching \npublishers, and Harvey Smith of Ion Storm about emergent game design.\n\n\n"
"URL:,8276089,215/\nDate: 2002-09-26T13:42:55+01:00\n\n*Money:* Further evidence of a slowdown in the housing market emerged today as \nfigures revealed a 15% drop in the total value of mortgages approved during \nAugust.\n\n\n"
"URL: e59c6ca5938fc27a6995e30fc10b6482\nDate: Not supplied\n\nIt came out a while ago, but Ben Hammersley reviewed AmphetaDesk and a few \nother free aggregators in his Guardian article, Working the web: Newsreaders[1]\n. In more timely news, OSDir[2], a repository of \"stable, open source apps\", \nhas reviewed AmphetaDesk[3] and labels it an ' preferred' app. They \nalso give you the ability to rate AmphetaDesk[4] on a scale of 1-10. You can \nsee the current rating here[5].\n\n[1],3605,781838,00.html\n[2]\n[3]\n[4]\n %3Ch3%3EShow%20Your%20Support%20for%20Amphetadesk%3C/h3%3E\"\n[5]\n AmphetaDesk\"\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: Not supplied\n\n\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-23T11:47:57-08:00\n\nGot a stock ticker for which you'd like to have an RSS news feed? Help test the \nbeta RSS feeds we've put up o Yahoo Finance. Take your favorite ticker, say \nYHOO, and put this URL in your news aggregator:...\n\n\n"
"URL:\nDate: 2002-09-19T22:30:15-08:00\n\nDan thinks it is evolution. To me it's stupidity, laziness, and apathy. I have \nto respectfully disagree. Or maybe I'm just being stubborn. For whatever \nreason, whenever I get e-mail from someone who: Writes \"ur\" instead of \"you \nare\" or...\n\n\n"
"URL:,8015193,1440/\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA new analysis of satellite images shows regeneration of once arid lands across \nthe southern Sahara, making farming viable again\n\n\n"
"URL:,8251867,1440/\nDate: Not supplied\n\nA genetically engineered yellow fever vaccine shows promise in animal tests - \nif fast-tracked it could soon be available for humans\n\n\n"
"From: Steve Speer\nSubject:\n\n[not sure what the rules for crossposting between the two groups is...\n my reasoning is that it's a major newspaper reporting evidence of\n alien life so.... /t]\n-- \n\n ......................An \"open loop\": shows every Saturday!\n .......................... submit to the calendar.\n\n------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor ---------------------~-->\nSell a Home with Ease!\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------~->\n\nTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:\\n\n \n\nYour use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to \n\n\n\n"
"URL:,8052857,1440/\nDate: Not supplied\n\nThe faint microwave afterglow of the Big Bang is polarised - the discovery \nshould help probe the birth of the Universe\n\n\n"