\documentclass[UTF8]{article} |
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\title{AIShell-1: An Open-Source Mandarin Speech Corpus and A Speech Recognition Baseline} |
\twoauthors |
{Hui Bu} |
{Beijing Shell Shell Technology Co. Ltd,\\ |
Beijing, China} |
{Jiayu Du, Xingyu Na, Bengu Wu, Hao Zheng} |
{Independent Researcher\sthanks{The authors performed the work |
while off duty.},\\ |
Beijing, China} |
\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} |
An open-source Mandarin speech corpus called AISHELL-1 is released. It is |
by far the largest corpus which is suitable for conducting the speech recognition |
research and building speech recognition systems for Mandarin. |
The recording procedure, including audio capturing devices and environments |
are presented in details. The preparation of the related resources, including |
transcriptions and lexicon are described. The corpus is released with a Kaldi recipe. |
Experimental results implies that the quality of audio recordings and transcriptions |
are promising. |
\end{abstract} |
\begin{keywords} |
Speech Recognition, Mandarin Corpus, Open-Source Data |
\end{keywords} |
\section{Introduction} |
\label{sec:intro} |
Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) has been an active research topic for several decades. |
Most state-of-the-art ASR systems benefit from powerful statistical models, such as |
Gaussian Mixture Models(GMM), Hidden Markov Models(HMM) and Deep Neural Networks(DNN)~\cite{dnn}. |
These statistical frameworks often require a large amount of high quality data. |
Luckily, along with the wide adoption of smart phones, and the emerging market of various |
smart devices, real user data are generated world-wide and everyday, hence collecting |
data becomes easier than ever before. Combined with sufficient amount of real data |
and supervised-training, statistical approach achieves great success all over the speech industry~\cite{deep}. |
However, for legal and commercial reasons, most companies are not willing to share |
their data with the public: large industrial datasets are often inaccessible for academic |
community, which leads to a divergence between research and industry. On one hand, |
researchers are interested in fundamental problems such as designing new model structures |
or beating over-fitting under limited data. Such innovations and tricks in academic papers |
sometimes are proven to be not effective when the dataset gets much larger, different |
scales of data lead to different stories. On the other hand, industrial developers are more |
concerned about building products and infrastructures that can quickly accumulate real user |
data, then feedback collected data into simple algorithms such as logistic regression and deep learning. |
In ASR community, open-slr project is established to alleviate this problem\footnote{http://www.openslr.org}. |
For English ASR, industrial-sized datasets such as Ted-Lium~\cite{ted} and LibriSpeech~\cite{librispeech} |
offer open platforms, for both researchers and industrial developers, to experiment and |
to compare system performances. Unfortunately, for Chinese ASR, the only open-source |
corpus is THCHS30, released by Tsinghua University, containing 50 speakers, and around |
30 hours mandarin speech data~\cite{thchs30}. Generally speaking, Mandarin ASR systems |
based on small dataset like THCHS30 are not expected to perform well. |
In this paper, we present AISHELL-1 corpus. To authors' limited knowledge, AISHELL-1 is |
by far the largest open-source Mandarin ASR corpus. It is released by Beijing Shell-Shell |
Company\footnote{http://www.aishelltech.com}, containing 400 speakers and over |
170 hours of Mandarin speech data. More importantly, it is publicly available and is under |
Apache 2.0 license. This paper is organized as below. Section \ref{sec:profile} presents |
the recording procedure, including audio capturing devices and environments. Section \ref{sec:trans} |
describes the preparation of the related resources, including transcriptions and lexicon. |
Section \ref{sec:data} explains the final structure of released corpus resources. |
In Section \ref{sec:base}, a "drop-in and run" Kaldi recipe is provided as a Mandarin ASR |
system baseline. |
\section{CORPUS PROFILE} |
\label{sec:profile} |
AISHELL-1 is a subset of the AISHELL-ASR0009 corpus, which is a 500 hours |
multi-channel mandarin speech corpus |
designed for various speech/speaker processing tasks. Speech utterances are recorded via there categories of devices in parallel: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item Microphone: a high fidelity AT2035 microphone with a Roland-R44 recorder working at 44.1 kHz, 16-bit. |
\item Android phone: including Samsung NOTE 4, Samsung S6, OPPO A33, OPPO A95s and Honor 6X, working at 16 kHz, 16-bit. |
\item iPhone: including iPhone 5c, 6c and 6s, working at 16 kHz, 16-bit. |
\end{enumerate} |
The relative position of speaker and devices are shown as Figure \ref{fig:setup}. |
The AISHELL-1 database choose high fidelity microphone audio data and re-sampled |
to 16 kHz, 16-bit WAV format, which is the mainstream setup for commercial products. |
\begin{figure}[htp] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics [width=0.5\textwidth] {setup.pdf} |
\caption{Recording setup} |
\label{fig:setup} |
\end{center} |
\end{figure} |
There are 400 participants in the recording, and speakers’ gender, accent, age |
and birth-place are recorded as metadata. The gender is |
balanced with 47\% male and 53\% female. As shown in Table \ref{tab:spk}, about 80 percent, of the |
speakers are of age 16 to 25. Most speakers come from Northern area of China, detailed distribution is shown in Table \ref{tab:accent}. |
The entire corpus includes training, development and |
test sets, without speaker overlaping. The details are presented in Section \ref{sec:data}. |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{Speaker age and gender information} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} |
\hline |
Age Range & \#Speakers & Male & Female \\ |
\hline |
16 - 25 yrs & 316 & 140 & 176 \\ |
26 - 40 yrs & 71 & 36 & 35 \\ |
$>$ 40 yrs & 13 & 10 & 3 \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:spk} |
\end{table} |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{Speaker accent information} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} |
\hline |
Accent Area & \#Speakers \\ |
\hline |
North & 333 \\ |
South & 38 \\ |
Guangdong-Guangxi-Fujian & 18 \\ |
Other & 11 \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:accent} |
\end{table} |
\label{sec:trans} |
The AISHELL-ASR0009 corpus covers common applications such as smart home, |
autonomous driving, and the raw text transcriptions are chosen from in 11 domains, |
as shown in Table \ref{tab:top}, including 500k commonly used |
sentences. The released AISHELL-1 corpus covers 5 of them: ``Finance'', |
``Science and Technology'', ``Sports'', ``Entertainments'' and ``News''. |
Raw texts are manually filtered to eliminate improper contents involving sensitive |
political issues, user privacy, pornography, violence, etc.. |
Symbols such as $<$, $>$, [, ], \textasciitilde, $/$, $\backslash$, =, etc., are removed. |
Long sentences over 25 words are deleted. All text files are encoded in UTF8. |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{Topics of text} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} |
\hline |
Topic & \#Sentences \\ |
\hline |
Smart Home Voice Control & 5 \\ |
POI (Geographic Information) & 30 \\ |
Music (Voice Control) & 46 \\ |
Digital Sequence (Voice Control) & 29 \\ |
TV Play and Film Names & 10 \\ |
Finance & 132 \\ |
Science and Technology & 85 \\ |
Sports & 66 \\ |
Entertainments & 27 \\ |
News & 66 \\ |
English Spelling & 4 \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:top} |
\end{table} |
In quality checking stage: |
\begin{enumerate} |
\item data annotators are asked to transcribe speech data, utterances with inconsistent raw text and transcription are removed. |
\item Text normalization(TN) is carefully applied towards english words, numbers, name, place, organization, street, shop, brand, examples are: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item 123 are normalized to yi1 er4 san1 . |
\item All the letters or words contained in the URL are capitalized. For example, |
the pronunciation content for the ``www.abc.com'', are normalized to |
``san1 W dian3 A B C dian3 com''. |
\item English abbreviations such as CEO, CCTV are presented in uppercase. |
\end{itemize} |
\item utterances containing obvious mis-pronunciations are removed. |
\end{enumerate} |
Besides, A Chinese lexicon is provided in AISHELL-1 corpus. The lexicon is derived from open source lexicon\footnote{https://www.mdbg.net/chinese/dictionary?page=cc-cedict} and covers most of the commonly used Chinese words and characters. |
Pronunciations are presented in initial-final syllable. |
\section{DATA STRUCTURE} |
\label{sec:data} |
The corpus includes training set, development set and test sets. Training set contains |
120,098 utterances from 340 speakers; |
development set contains 14,326 utterance from the 40 speakers; Test set contains |
7,176 utterances from 20 speakers. For each speaker, around 360 utterances(about 26 |
minutes of speech) are released. |
Table \ref{tab:struct} provides a summary of all subsets in the corpus. |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{Data structure} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} |
\hline |
Subset & Duration(hrs) & \#Male & \#Female \\ |
\hline |
Training & 150 & 161 & 179 \\ |
Development & 10 & 12 & 28 \\ |
Test & 5 & 13 & 7 \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:struct} |
\end{table} |
\label{sec:base} |
In this section we present a speech recognition baseline released with the corpus |
as a Kaldi recipe\footnote{https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/tree/master/egs/aishell}. |
The purpose of the recipe is to demonstrate that this corpus |
is a reliable database to conduct Mandarin speech recognition. |
\subsection{Experimental setup} |
\label{ssec:exp} |
The acoustic model (AM) of the ASR system was built largely following the Kaldi |
HKUST recipe\footnote{https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi/tree/master/egs/hkust}. |
The training started from building an initial Gaussian mixture model-hidden |
Markov model (GMM-HMM) system. The acoustic feature consists of two parts, |
i.e. 13-dimensional Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and 3-dimensional |
pitch features. The selected pitch features are Probability of Voicing (POV) feature obtained |
from Normalized Cross Correlation Function (NCCF), log pitch with POV-weighted |
mean subtraction over 1.5 second windows, and delta pitch feature computed on |
raw log pitch \cite{pitch}. Mean normalization and double deltas are applied on the above features |
before feeding into the training pipeline. The GMM-HMM training pipeline is built using tone-dependent |
decision trees, meaning that phones with different tonalities as defined in the lexicon |
are not clustered together. Maximum likelihood linear transform (MLLT) and speaker |
adaptive training (SAT) are applied in the training considering that there is a fair amount |
of training data for each of the speakers. The resulting GMM-HMM model has 3, 027 |
physical p.d.f.s. |
High resolutional (40-dimensional) MFCC and 3- dimensional pitch features are used in |
the training of DNN-based acoustic models. Two techniques are applied in DNN training |
to enhance acoustic features. The first one is audio augmentation \cite{augment}. |
The speaking speed of the training set is perturbed using factor of 0.9 and 1.1, resulting |
in a three times larger training set. Besides, the volume of the training data is perturbed |
randomly. This technique helps make the DNN model more robust to the tempo and volume |
invariances of the testing data. The second technique is i-Vector based DNN adaptation, |
which is used to replace mean normalization and double deltas \cite{ivec}. A quarter of the training |
data is used to compute a PCA transform and to train a universal background model. |
Then all the training data is used to train the i-Vector extractor. Only the MFCCs are used |
in the i-Vector extractor training. The estimated i-Vector features are of 100-dimensional. |
The DNN model we used was the time delay neural network (TDNN) \cite{tdnn}. |
It contained 6 hidden layers, and the activation function was ReLU \cite{relu}. |
The natural stochastic gradient descent (NSGD) algorithm was employed to train |
the TDNN \cite{nsgd}. The input feature involved high resolutional MFCC, pitch features, |
and the i-Vector feature. A symmetric 4-frame window is applied on MFCC and |
pitch features to splice neighboring frames. The output layer consisted of 3, 027 units, |
equal to the total number of p.d.f.s in the GMM-HMM model that was trained to bootstrap |
the TDNN model. |
Lattice-free MMI training is employed for comparison with conventional GMM-HMM bootstrapped |
system \cite{lfmmi}. The left-biphone configuration is used and the resulting number of |
targets for DNN is 4, 476. The DNN model used in LFMMI training is also TDNN with 6 hidden layers, |
and configured to be of the similar number of parameters as the DNN-HMM model. |
\subsection{Language model} |
\label{ssec:lm} |
A trigram language model is trained on 1.3 million words of the training transcripts. |
Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words are mapped into \text{$<$SPOKEN\_NOISE$>$}. |
The language model is trained using interpolated Kneser-Ney smoothing and the final |
model has 137, 076 unigrams, 438, 252 bigrams and 100, 860 trigrams. |
\subsection{Results} |
\label{ssec:res} |
The results are presented in term of character error rate (CER). |
The base results of GMM-HMM, TDNN-HMM and LFMMI models are shown in |
Table \ref{tab:base}. The performances on developing set are better than the testing |
set. The performance of LFMMI model is significantly better than TDNN-HMM, indicating |
that the corpus has a high transcription quality. Audio quality can be reflected by the |
performance on totally difference data from the training set. Thus we evaluate the models |
on the mobile recording channel and THCHS30 testing set. |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{Baseline results} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} |
\hline |
Model & CER of dev & CER of test \\ |
\hline |
MLLT+SAT & 10.43\% & 12.23\% \\ |
TDNN-HMM & 7.23\% & 8.42\% \\ |
LFMMI & 6.44\% & 7.62\% \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:base} |
\end{table} |
\subsubsection{Decoding the mobile recordings} |
\label{ssec:mobres} |
The parallel testing recordings using Android and iOS devices are selected from |
the AISHELL-ASR0009 corpus, and they are used |
to evaluate the performance of the AISHELL-1 model on less fidelity devices. |
Results are shown in Table~\ref{tab:mobile}. Device mismatch results in |
significant performance loss. However, stronger acoustic models improves the |
performance on such less fidelity devices. |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{Mobile recording results} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} |
\hline |
Model & CER of iOS & CER of Android \\ |
\hline |
MLLT+SAT & 12.64\% & 11.88\% \\ |
TDNN-HMM & 12.42\% & 10.81\% \\ |
LFMMI & 10.90\% & 10.09\% \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:mobile} |
\end{table} |
\subsubsection{Decoding the THCHS30 test set} |
\label{ssec:thchsres} |
The performance of AISHELL-1 model on testing cases of an unrelated |
language model domain than the training set reflects the overall quality |
of the corpus. Table~\ref{tab:thchs} shows that stronger acoustic models |
performs better on an unrelated domain, indicating that the corpus is phonetically |
covered and an adapted language model will fill the performance gap. |
\begin{table}[htp] |
\caption{THCHS30 testing set results} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} |
\hline |
Model & CER \\ |
\hline |
MLLT+SAT & 32.23\% \\ |
TDNN-HMM & 28.15\% \\ |
LFMMI & 25.00\% \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\end{center} |
\label{tab:thchs} |
\end{table} |
\section{CONCLUSIONS} |
\label{sec:con} |
An open-source Mandarin corpus is released\footnote{http://www.openslr.org/33/}. |
To our best knowledge, it is the largest academically free data set for Mandarin |
speech recognition tasks. Experimental results are presented using the Kaldi recipe |
published along with the corpus. The audio and transcription qualities are promising |
for constructing speech recognition systems for Mandarin. |
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