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\title{Backprop as Functor:\\A compositional perspective on supervised learning} |
\author{ |
\makebox[.45\linewidth]{Brendan Fong \hspace{1cm} David Spivak} |
\hspace{.5cm} |
\makebox[.45\linewidth]{R\'emy Tuy\'eras} |
\\ |
\makebox[.45\linewidth]{Department of Mathematics,} |
\hspace{.5cm} |
\makebox[.45\linewidth]{Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence |
Lab,} |
\\ |
\makebox[.45\linewidth]{Massachusetts Institute of Technology } |
\hspace{.5cm} |
\makebox[.45\linewidth]{Massachusetts Institute of Technology } |
\thanks{We thank Patrick |
Schultz and Amalie Trewartha for useful discussions. Work supported by AFOSR |
FA9550-14-1-0031 and FA9550-17-1-0058.} |
} |
\date{} |
\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts |
\IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{978-1-7281-3608-0/19/\$31.00~ |
\copyright2019 IEEE \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }} |
\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} |
A supervised learning algorithm searches over a set of functions $A \to B$ |
parametrised by a space $P$ to find the best approximation to some ideal |
function $f\colon A \to B$. It does this by taking examples $(a,f(a)) \in |
A\times B$, and updating the parameter according to some rule. We define a |
category where these update rules may be composed, and show that gradient |
descent---with respect to a fixed step size and an error function satisfying a |
certain property---defines a monoidal functor from a category of parametrised |
functions to this category of update rules. A key contribution is the notion of |
request function. This provides a structural perspective on backpropagation, |
giving a broad generalisation of neural networks and linking it with structures |
from bidirectional programming and open games. |
\end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction}\label{sec.intro} |
Machine learning, and in particular the use of neural networks, has rapidly |
become remarkably effective at real world tasks \cite{Nie}. A significant |
contributor to this success has been the backpropagation algorithm. |
Backpropagation gives a way to compute the derivative of a function via message |
passing on a network, significantly speeding up learning. Yet, while the power |
of this approach has been impressive, it is also somewhat mysterious. What |
structures make backpropagation so effective, and how can we interpret, predict, |
and generalise it? |
In recent years, monoidal categories have been used to formalise the use of |
networks in computation and reasoning---amongst others, applications include |
circuit diagrams, Markov processes, quantum computation, and dynamical systems |
\cite{Fon,BFP,CK,VSL}. This paper responds to a need for |
more structural approaches to machine learning by using categories to provide an |
algebraic, compositional perspective on learning algorithms and backpropagation. |
Consider a supervised learning algorithm. The goal of a supervised learning |
algorithm is to find a suitable approximation to a function $f\colon A \to B$. |
To do so, the supervisor provides a list of pairs $(a,b) \in A \times B$, each of |
which is supposed to approximate the values taken by $f$, i.e.\ $b \approx f(a)$. |
The supervisor also defines a space of functions over which the learning algorithm |
will search. This is formalised by choosing a set $P$ and a function |
$I\colon P \times A \to B$. We denote the function at parameter $p \in P$ as |
$I(p,-)\colon A \to B$. Then, given a pair $(a,b) \in A \times B$, the learning |
algorithm takes a current hypothetical approximation of $f$, say given by |
$I(p,-)$, and tries to improve it, returning some new best guess, $I(p',-)$. |
In other words, a supervised learning algorithm includes an \emph{update} function $U\colon |
P \times A \times B \to P$ for $I$. |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
\node[ibox] (i1) at (0,2.5) {$I(p,-)$}; |
\node (a1) at (-2.5,2.5) {$a$}; |
\node (b1) at (2.5,2.5) {$b$}; |
\node[ibox] (i2) at (0,0) {$I(p',-)$}; |
\node (a2) at (-2.5,0) {}; |
\node (b2) at (2.5,0) {}; |
\draw (a1) -- (i1) -- (b1); |
\draw (a2) -- (i2) -- (b2); |
\draw[update] ($(i1.south)-(0,.2)$) to node[left] {\small \texttt{update}} |
node[right] {\small $(a,b)$} ($(i2.north)+(0,.2)$) ; |
\node[below=.5cm, align=justify, text width=8cm] (cap) at (i2) {\small Figure |
1. Given a training datum $(a,b)$, a learning algorithm updates $p$ to $p'$.}; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{center} |
To make this compositional, we ask the following question. |
Suppose we are given two learning algorithms, as described above, one for |
approximating functions $A \to B$ and the other for functions $B \to C$. Can we piece them together to make a learning algorithm for approximating |
functions $A \to C$? We will see that the answer is no, because something is missing. |
To construct a learning algorithm for the composite, we would need a parameterised function $A\to |
C$ as well as an update rule. It is easy to take the given parameterised |
functions $I\colon P \times A \to B$ and $J\colon Q \times B \to C$ and produce |
one from $A$ to $C$. Indeed, take $P\times Q$ as the parameter space and define |
the parametrised function $P\times Q\times A\to C;$ $(p,q,a)\mapsto |
J(q,I(p,a))$. We call the function $J(-,I(-,-))\colon P \times Q \times A \to C$ |
the \emph{composite parametrised function}. |
The problem comes in defining the update rule for the composite learner. |
Our algorithm must take as training data pairs $(a,c)$ in $A\times C$. However, to use |
the given update functions, written $U$ and $V$ for updating $I$ and $J$ |
respectively, we must produce training data |
of the form $(a',b')$ in $A\times B$ and $(b'',c'')$ in $B \times C$. It is |
straightforward to produce a pair in $B \times C$---take $\big(I(p,a),c\big)$---but there is no natural pair $(a',b')$ to use as training data for $I$. The choice of |
$b'$ should encode something about the information in both $c$ and $J$, and nothing of the sort has been specified. |
Thus to complete the compositional picture, we must add to our formalism a way |
for the second learning algorithm to pass back elements of $B$. We will call |
this a \emph{request} function, because it is as though $J$ is telling $I$ what |
input $b'$ would have been more helpful. The request function for $J$ will be of |
the form $s\colon Q \times B \times C \to B$: given a hypothesis $q$ and |
training data $(b'',c'')$, it returns $b'\coloneqq s(q,b'',c'')$. Now we have |
the desired training data $(a,b')$ for $I$. The request function is thus a way |
of `backpropagating' the output back toward the earlier learners in a network. |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tikzpicture} |
[dist/.store in=\dist, dist = 5.8, |
dangle/.store in=\dangle, dangle = 1.9, |
font=\small, scale=.8 |
] |
\node[ibox] (i9) at (0,6) {$I(p,-)$}; |
\node (a9) at ($(i9)-(\dangle,0)$) {$a$}; |
\node[ibox] (j9) at (\dist,6) {$J(q,-)$}; |
\node (c9) at ($(j9)+(\dangle,0)$) {$c$}; |
\draw (a9) -- (i9) -- (j9) -- (c9); |
\node[ibox] (i0) at (0,4.5) {$I(p,-)$}; |
\node (a0) at ($(i0)-(\dangle,0)$) {$a$}; |
\node (b0) at ($(i0)+(\dangle,0)$) {}; |
\node[ibox] (j0) at (\dist,4.5) {$J(q,-)$}; |
\node (c0) at ($(j0)+(\dangle,0)$) {$c$}; |
\node (b0') at ($(j0)-(\dangle,0)$) {$I(p,a)$}; |
\draw (a0) -- (i0) -- (b0); |
\draw (b0')-- (j0) -- (c0); |
\draw[very thick, bend left=15, >=stealth,->, color=gray] |
(i0.north east) to node[above] {\texttt{implement}} (b0'.north); |
\node[ibox] (i1) at (0,3) {$I(p,-)$}; |
\node (a1) at ($(i1)-(\dangle,0)$) {$a$}; |
\node (b1) at ($(i1)+(\dangle,0)$) {$s(q,I(p,a),c)$}; |
\node[ibox] (j1) at (\dist,3) {$J(q,-)$}; |
\node (c1) at ($(j1)+(\dangle,0)$) {$c$}; |
\node (b1') at ($(j1)-(\dangle,0)$) {$I(p,a)$}; |
\draw (a1) -- (i1) -- (b1); |
\draw (b1')-- (j1) -- (c1); |
\draw[very thick, bend right=15, >=stealth,->, color=gray] |
(j1.north west) to node[above] {\texttt{request}} (b1.north); |
\node[ibox] (i2) at (0,0.5) {$I(p',-)$}; |
\node (a2) at ($(i2)-(\dangle,0)$) {}; |
\node[ibox] (j2) at (\dist,0.5) {$J(q',-)$}; |
\node (c2) at ($(j2)+(\dangle,0)$) {}; |
\draw (a2) -- (i2) -- (j2) -- (c2); |
\draw[update] ($(i1.south)-(0,.2)$) to node[left] {\small \texttt{update}} |
node[right] {\small $(a,s(q,I(p,a),c))$} ($(i2.north)+(0,.2)$) ; |
\draw[update] ($(j1.south)-(0,.2)$) to node[left] {\small \texttt{update}} |
node[right] {\small $(I(p,a),c)$} ($(j2.north)+(0,.2)$) ; |
\node[below=.5cm, align=justify, text width=8cm] (cap) at |
($0.5*(i2)+0.5*(j2)$) {\small Figure 2. A request function allows an update |
function to be defined for the composite $J(q,I(p,-))$.}; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{center} |
In this paper we will show that learning becomes \emph{compositional}---i.e.\ we can define |
a learning algorithm $A \to C$ from learning algorithms $A \to B$ and $B \to C$---as long as each learning algorithm consists of these four components: |
\begin{compactitem} |
\item a parameter space $P$, |
\item an implementation function $I\colon P\times A\to B$, |
\item an update function $U\colon P\times A\times B\to P$, and |
\item a request function $r\colon P\times A\times B\to A$. |
\end{compactitem} |
More precisely, we will show that learning |
algorithms $(P,I,U,r)$ form the morphisms of a category $\lrn$. A category is |
an algebraic structure that models composition. More precisely, a |
category consists of \emph{types} $A$, $B$, $C$, and so on, \emph{morphisms} |
$f\colon A \to B$ between these types, and a \emph{composition rule} by which |
morphisms $f\colon A \to B$ and $g\colon B \to C$ can be combined to create a morphism |
$A\to C$. Thus we can say that learning algorithms form a category, as we have |
informally explained above. |
In fact, they have more structure because they can be composed not only in series but |
also in parallel, and this too has a clean algebraic description. Namely, we will |
show that $\lrn$ has the structure of a symmetric monoidal category. |
This novel category $\lrn$, synthesised from the above analysis of learning |
algorithms, nonetheless curiously resembles and is closely related to lenses |
\cite{BPV} and open games \cite{GHWZ}, two well-known structures that also model |
compositional, bidirectional exchange information between interacting |
systems. We return to this briefly in \cref{sec.discuss}. |
Our aim thus far has been to construct an algebraic description of learning |
algorithms, and we claim that the category $\lrn$ suffices. In particular, then, |
our framework should be broad enough to capture known methods for constructing |
supervised learning algorithms; such learning algorithms should sit inside |
$\lrn$ as a particular kind of morphism. Here we study neural networks. |
Let us say that a \emph{neural network layer of type $(n_1,n_2)$} is a subset $C |
\subseteq [n_1]\times [n_2]$, where $n_1,n_2\in\nn$ are natural numbers, and |
$[n] = \{1,\dots,n\}$ for any $n\in\nn$. The numbers $n_1$ and $n_2$ represent |
the number of nodes on each side of the layer, $C$ is the set of connections, |
and the inclusion $C\subseteq[n_1]\times[n_2]$ encodes the connectivity |
information, i.e.\ $(i,j)\in C$ means node $i$ on the right is connected to node $j$ on the left. |
If we additionally fix a function $\sigma\colon \rr \to \rr$, which we call |
the \emph{activation function}, then a neural network layer defines a |
parametrised function $I\colon\rr^{\lvert C\rvert+n_2}\times |
\rr^{n_1}\to\rr^{n_2}$. The $\rr^{\lvert C \rvert}$ factor encodes numbers |
called \emph{weights} and the $\rr^{n_2}$ factor encodes numbers called the |
\emph{biases}. For example, the layer $C=\{(1,1),(2,1),(2,2)\}\subseteq [2] |
\times [2]$, has $n_2=2$ biases and $\lvert C\rvert=3$ weights. The biases |
are represented by the right hand nodes below, while the weights are |
represented by the edges: |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[font=\tiny] |
\node[draw, circle] (i1) {$a_2$}; |
\node[draw, circle, above=0.5 of i1] (i2) {$a_1$}; |
\node[draw, circle, right=2 of i1] (o1) {$w_2$}; |
\node[draw, circle, right=2 of i2] (o2) {$w_1$}; |
\draw (i1) to[above] node {$w_{22}$} (o1); |
\draw (i2) to[above] node {$w_{21}$} (o1); |
\draw (i2) to[above] node {$w_{11}$} (o2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
This layer defines the parametrised function $I\colon \rr^5 |
\times \rr^2 \to \rr^2$, given by |
\begin{multline*} |
I\big(w_{11},w_{21},w_{22},w_1,w_2,a_1,a_2\big) \\ \coloneqq |
\big(\,\sigma(w_{11}a_1+w_1),\; \sigma(w_{21}a_1+w_{22}a_2+w_2)\,\big). |
\end{multline*} |
A neural network is a sequence of layers of types $(n_0,n_1)$, |
$(n_1,n_2)$, $\dots$, $(n_{k-1},n_k)$. By composing the parametrised functions |
defined by each layer as above, a neural network itself defines a parametrised |
function $P\times\rr^{n_0}\to\rr^{n_k}$ for some $P$. Note that this function is always |
differentiable if $\sigma$ is. |
To go from a differentiable parametrised function to a learning |
algorithm, one typically specifies a suitable error function $e$ and a step size $\ve$, |
and then uses an algorithm known as gradient descent. |
Our main theorem is that, under general conditions, gradient descent is |
compositional. This is formalised as a functor $\para \to \lrn$, |
where $\para$ is a category where morphisms are differentiable |
parametrised functions $I\colon P \times \rr^n \to \rr^m$ between finite |
dimensional Euclidean spaces, where the parameter space $P=\rr^p$ is also Euclidean. |
In brief, the functoriality means that given two differentiable parametrised |
functions $I$ and $J$, we get the same result if we (i) use gradient descent to |
get learning algorithms for $I$ and $J$, and then compose those learning |
algorithms, or (ii) compose $I$ and $J$ as parametrised functions, and then use |
gradient descent to get a learning algorithm. More precisely, we have the |
following: |
\begin{theorem*} |
Fix $\ve>0$ and $e(x,y)\colon \rr \times \rr \to \rr$ |
such that $\frac{\partial e}{\partial x}(x_0,-)\colon \rr \to \rr$ is invertible |
for each $x_0 \in \rr$. Then there is a faithful, injective-on-objects, symmetric monoidal |
functor |
\[ |
L_{\ve,e}\colon\para \longrightarrow \lrn |
\] |
sending each differentiable parametrised function $I\colon P \times \rr^n \to |
\rr^m$ to the learning algorithm $(P,I,U_I,r_I)$ defined by |
\[ |
U_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq p - \varepsilon\nabla_pE_I(p,a,b) |
\] |
and |
\[ |
r_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq f_a\Big(\nabla_a E_I(p,a,b)\Big), |
\] |
where $E_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq \sum_i e(I(p,a)_i,b_i)$ and $f_a$ denotes the |
component-wise application of the inverse to $\frac{\partial e}{\partial |
x}(a_i,-)$ for each $i$. |
\end{theorem*} |
This theorem has a number of consequences. For now, let us name just three. |
The first is that we may train a neural network by using the training data on |
the whole network to create training data for each subunit, and then training |
each subunit separately. To some extent this is well-known: it is responsible |
for speedups due to backpropagation, as one never needs to compute the |
derivatives of the function defined by the entire network. However the fact |
that this functor is symmetric monoidal shows that we can vary the |
backpropagation algorithm to factor the neural network into richer sub-parts |
than simply carving it layer by layer. |
Second, it gives a sufficient condition---which is both straightforward and |
general---under which an error function works well under backpropagation. |
Finally, it shows that backpropagation can be applied far more generally than |
just to neural networks: it is compositional for all differentiable |
parametrised functions. As a consequence, it shows that backpropagation gives a |
sound method for computing gradient descent even if we introduce far more |
general elements into neural networks than the traditional composites of linear |
functions and activation functions. |
\subsection*{Overview} |
In \cref{sec.learners}, we define the category $\lrn$ of learning algorithms. |
We present the main theorem in \cref{sec.functors}: given a |
choice of error function and step size, gradient descent and backpropagation |
give a functor from the category of parametrised functions to the category of |
learning algorithms. In \cref{sec.nets}, we broaden this view to show how it |
relates to neural networks. Next, in \cref{sec.bimonoids}, we note that the |
category $\lrn$ has additional structure beyond just that of a symmetric |
monoidal category: it has bimonoid structures that allow us to split and merge |
connections to form networks. We also show this is useful in understanding the |
construction of individual neurons, and in weight tying and convolutional neural |
nets. We then explicitly compute an example of functoriality from neural nets to |
learning algorithms (\textsection\ref{sec.examples}), and discuss implications |
for this framework (\textsection\ref{sec.discuss}). The extended version |
\cite{FST} of this article provides appendices with more technical aspects of |
the proof of the main theorem, and a brief, diagram-driven introduction to |
relevant topics in category theory. |
\section{The category of learners}\label{sec.learners} |
In this section we define a symmetric monoidal category $\lrn$ that |
models supervised learning algorithms and their composites. |
See extended version \cite{FST} for background on categories and string diagrams. |
\begin{definition} |
Let $A$ and $B$ be sets. |
A \emph{supervised learning algorithm}, or simply \emph{learner}, $A \to B$ is a tuple |
$(P,I,U,r)$ where $P$ is a set, and $I$, $U$, and $r$ are functions of types: |
\begin{align*} |
I&\colon P \times A \to B, \\ |
U&\colon P \times A \times B \to P,\\ |
r&\colon P \times A \times B \to A. |
\end{align*} |
\end{definition} |
We call $P$ the \emph{parameter space}; it is just a set. The map $I$ |
\emph{implements} a parameter value $p\in P$ as a function $I(p,-)\colon A |
\to B$. We think of a pair $(a,b) \in A \times B$ as a \emph{training datum}; |
it pairs an input $a$ with an output $b$. The map $U\colon P \times A \times |
B \to P$ is the \emph{update function}; given a `current' parameter $p$ and a |
training datum $(a,b) \in A \times B$, it produces an `updated' parameter |
$U(p,a,b) \in P$. This can be thought of as the learning step. The idea is |
that the updated function $I(U(p,a,b),-)\colon A \to B$ would hopefully send |
$a$ closer to $b$ than the function $I(p,-)$ did, though this is not a |
requirement and is certainly not always true in practice. Finally, we have |
the \emph{request} function $r\colon P \times A \times B \to A$. This takes |
the same datum and produces a `requested value' $r(p,a,b) \in A$. The idea is |
that this value will be sent to upstream learners for their own training. |
\begin{remark} |
The request function is perhaps a little mysterious at this stage. Indeed, it is |
superfluous to the definition of a stand-alone learning algorithm: all we need |
for learning is a space $P$ of functions $I(p,-)$ to search over, and a rule $U$ for |
updating our parameter $p$ in light of new information. As we emphasised in the |
introduction, the request function is crucial in \emph{composing} learning |
algorithms: there is no composite update rule without the request function. |
Another way to understand the role of the request function comes from |
experiments in machine learning. Fixing some parameter $p$ and hence a function |
$I(p,-)$, the request function allows us to choose a desired output $b$, and |
then for any input $a$ return a new input $a':=r(p,a,b)$. In the case of |
backpropagation, we will see we then have the intuition that $I(p,a')$ is closer |
to $b$ than $I(p,a)$ is. For example, if we are classifying images, and $b$ is the |
value indicating the classification `cat', then $a'$ will be a more `cat-like' |
version of the image $a$. This is similar in spirit to what has been termed |
inversion or `dreaming' in neural nets \cite{MV}. |
A third way to understand the request function is by analogy with other |
compositional structures: the request function plays an analogous role to the |
put function in an asymmetric lens \cite{BPV} and the coplay function in an open |
game \cite{GHWZ}. |
\end{remark} |
\begin{remark} |
Using string diagrams\footnote{String diagrams are an alternative, but |
nonetheless still formal, syntax for morphisms in a monoidal category. See extended version \cite{FST} for more details.} in $(\set,\times)$, we can draw an |
implementation function $I$ as follows: |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[ibb={2}{1}, fit=(I)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-I_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2'|-I_in2)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-I_in1) to (I_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2|-I_in2) to (I_in2); |
\draw (I_out1') to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
One can do the same for $U$ and $r$, though we find it convenient to combine them into a single update--request function $(U,r)\colon P \times A \times B \to P |
\times A$. This function can be drawn as follows: |
\[ |
\resizebox{.5\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD, baseline=(current bounding box.center)] |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}] (U) {$U,r$}; |
\node[ibb={3}{2}, fit=(U)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-U_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2'|-U_in2)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3'|-U_in3)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-U_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-U_out2)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-U_in1) to (U_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2|-U_in2) to (U_in2); |
\draw (outer_in3|-U_in3) to (U_in3); |
\draw (U_out1') to (outer_out1|-U_out1); |
\draw (U_out2') to (outer_out2|-U_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
= |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD,baseline=(current bounding box.center)] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={3}{1}] (U) {$U$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={3}{1},below=1 of U] (r) {$r$}; |
\node[ibb={3}{2}, fit=(U) (r)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-U_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-r_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (U_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (U_in2); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (U_in3); |
\draw (outer_in1) to (r_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (r_in2); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (r_in3); |
\draw (U_out1') to (outer_out1|-U_out1); |
\draw (r_out1) to (outer_out2|-r_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
\end{remark} |
Let $(P,I,U,r)$ and $(P',I',U',r')$ be learners of the type $A\to B$. We |
consider them to be equivalent if there is a bijection $f\colon P\to P'$ such that the following hold for each $p\in P$, $a\in A$, and $b\in B$: |
\begin{align*} |
I'(f(p),a)&= I(p,a),\\ |
U'(f(p),a,b) &= f(U(p,a,b)), \\ |
r'(f(p),a,b) &= r(p,a,b). |
\end{align*} |
In fact, a stronger notion of equivalence---the equivalence relation generated by the existence of a surjection $f$ with these properties---also makes semantic sense, but we use this definition as it gives rise to faithfulness in the main theorem (\cref{thm.main}). |
\begin{proposition}\label{prop.learners} |
There exists a symmetric monoidal category $\lrn$ whose objects are sets and |
whose morphisms are equivalence classes of learners. |
\end{proposition} |
The proof of \cref{prop.learners} is given in Appendix A of the extended version \cite{FST}. For now, we |
simply specify the composition, identities, monoidal product, and braiding for |
this symmetric monoidal category. Note that although we write in terms of |
representatives, each of these is well defined, respecting the equivalence |
relation on learners. |
\paragraph{Composition} |
Suppose we have a pair of learners |
\[ |
A \xrightarrow{(P,I,U,r)} B \xrightarrow{(Q,J,V,s)} C. |
\] |
The composite learner $A \to C$ is defined to be $(P\times Q,\, I \ast J,\, U |
\ast V,\, r\ast s)$, where the implementation function is |
\[ |
(I \ast J)(p,q,a) \coloneqq J(q,I(p,a)) |
\] |
the update function is |
\[ |
(U\ast V)(p,q,a,c) \coloneqq \bigg(U\big(p,a,s(q,I(p,a),c)\big), |
V\big(q,I(p,a),c\big)\bigg), |
\] |
and the request function |
\[ |
(r\ast s)(p,q,a,c) \coloneqq r\big(p,a,s(q,I(p,a),c)\big). |
\] |
Let us also present the composition rule using string diagrams in |
$(\set,\times)$. Given learners $(P,I,U,r)$ and $(Q,J,V,s)$ as above, the composite |
implementation function can be written as |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}, above right=-1 and .5 of I](J) {$J$}; |
\node[ibb={3}{1}, fit=(I) (J)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $C$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (J_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (I_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (I_in2); |
\draw (I_out1') to (J_in2); |
\draw (J_out1') to (outer_out1|-J_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
while the composite update--request function $(U \ast V, r \ast s)$ can be |
written as: |
\[ |
\resizebox{.45\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, above right=-4 and 1 of I](V) {$V,s$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, below right=-0.5 and 1 of V](U) {$U,r$}; |
\node[ibb={4}{3}, fit=(I) (V) (U)] (outer) {}; |
\begin{scope}[font=\footnotesize] |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-V_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {$Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {$P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.3,0)$) {$A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4')-(0.3,0)$) {$C$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-V_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {$Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-U_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {$P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out3'|-U_out2)+(0.3,0)$) {$A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-V_in1) to (V_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) -- ($(outer_in2)+(.2,0)$) to (I_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(U_in1)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in2) -- ($(outer_in2)+(.2,0)$) to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (U_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3) -- ($(outer_in3)+(.2,0)$) to (I_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(U_in2)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in3) -- ($(outer_in3)+(.2,0)$)to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (U_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south east), \p2=($(outer_in4)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in4) to (\x1+\n1, \y2) to (V_in3); |
\draw (V_out1) to (outer_out1|-V_out1); |
\draw (V_out2) to node[above=-2pt, pos=.1] {\scriptsize $B$} (U_in3); |
\draw (U_out1) to (outer_out2|-U_out1); |
\draw (U_out2) to (outer_out3|-U_out2); |
\draw (I_out1) to node[above=-2pt] {\scriptsize $B$} (V_in2); |
\end{scope} |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
Here the splitting represents the diagonal map $A \to A \times |
A$, i.e.\ $a \mapsto (a,a)$. |
We hope that the reader might find visually tracing |
through these diagrams helpful for making sense of the composition rule. To repeat the intuition from the introduction, suppose given current parameters $p\in P$ and $q\in Q$ and training data $a\in A$ and $c\in C$. $I$ takes $p$ and $a$ and produces some $b\in B$ for training the second component. Along with $q$ and $c$, $b$ is used to compute an updated parameter $q'$ together with a value $b'$ for training the first component. Along with $p$ and $a$, $b'$ is used to compute an updated parameter $p'$ together with a value $a'$. |
\paragraph{Identities} |
For each object $A$, we have the identity map |
\[ |
(\rr^0, \id,!,\pi_2)\colon A \longrightarrow A, |
\] |
where $\id\colon \rr^0 \times A \to A$ is the |
second projection (as this is a bijection, we abuse notation to write this |
projection as $\id$),\: $!\colon \rr^0 \times A \times A \to \rr^0$ is the unique |
function, and $\pi_2\colon \rr^0 \times A \times A \to A$ is the projection |
onto the final factor (again, ignoring the $\rr^0$). |
\paragraph{Monoidal product} The monoidal product of objects $A$ and $B$ is |
simply their cartesian product $A \times B$ as sets. The monoidal product of |
morphisms $(P,I,U,r)\colon A \to B$ and $(Q,J,V,s)\colon C \to D$ is defined to |
be $(P\times Q,\,I\prl J,\,U\prl V,\,r\prl s)$, where the implementation function |
is |
\[ |
(I\prl J)(p,q,a,c) \coloneqq (I(p,a),J(q,c)) |
\] |
the update function is |
\[ |
(U\prl V)(p,q,a,c,b,d) \coloneqq (U(p,a,b),V(q,c,d)) |
\] |
and the request function is |
\[ |
(r\prl s)(p,q,a,c,b,d) \coloneqq (r(p,a,b),s(q,c,d)). |
\] |
We use the notation $\;\prl\;$ because monoidal product can be thought of as |
parallel---rather than series---composition. |
We also present this in string diagrams: |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}, below= of I] (J) {$J$}; |
\node[ibb={4}{2}, fit=(I) (J)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $C$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-I_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-J_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $D$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (I_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (J_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (I_in2); |
\draw (outer_in4) to (J_in2); |
\draw (I_out1) to (outer_out1|-I_out1); |
\draw (J_out1) to (outer_out2|-J_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
\[ |
\resizebox{.25\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD,scale=.7] |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}] (U) {$U,r$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, below= of U] (V) {$V,s$}; |
\node[ibb={6}{4}, fit=(U) (V)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4')-(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $C$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in5')-(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in6')-(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $D$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-U_out1)+(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-U_out2)+(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out3'|-V_out1)+(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out4'|-V_out2)+(0.35,0)$) {\footnotesize $C$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (U_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (V_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (U_in2); |
\draw (outer_in4) to (V_in2); |
\draw (outer_in5) to (U_in3); |
\draw (outer_in6) to (V_in3); |
\draw (U_out1) to (outer_out1|-U_out1); |
\draw (U_out2) to (outer_out3|-V_out1); |
\draw (V_out1) to (outer_out2|-U_out2); |
\draw (V_out2) to (outer_out4|-V_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
\paragraph{Braiding} |
A symmetric braiding $A \times B \to B \times A$ is given by $(\rr^0, \sigma, |
!, \sigma\circ \pi)$ where $\sigma\colon A\times B\to B\times A$ is the |
usual swap function $(a,b)\mapsto(b,a)$ and $\pi\colon \rr^0 \times (A |
\times B) \times (B \times A) \to B \times A$ is again the projection onto |
the final factor. |
A proof that this is a well-defined symmetric monoidal category can be |
found in the extended version \cite{FST}. |
\section{Gradient descent and backpropagation}\label{sec.functors} |
In this section we show that gradient descent and backpropagation define a |
strong symmetric monoidal functor from a symmetric monoidal category $\para$, of |
differentiable parametrised functions between finite dimensional Euclidean |
spaces, to the symmetric monoidal category $\lrn$ of learning algorithms. |
We first define the category of differentiable parametrised functions. A |
\emph{Euclidean space} is one of the form $\rr^n$ for some $n \in \nn$. We call $n$ the |
\emph{dimension} of the space, and write an element $a \in \rr^n$ as |
$(a_1,\dots,a_n)$, or simply $(a_i)_i$, where each $a_i \in \rr$. |
. |
For Euclidean spaces $A=\rr^n$ and $B=\rr^m$, define a \emph{differentiable |
parametrised function} $A \to B$ to be a pair $(P,I)$, where $P$ is a Euclidean space and |
$I\colon P\times A\to B$ is a differentiable function. We call two such pairs $(P,I)$, $(P',I')$ equivalent if there exists a differentiable bijection $f\colon P \to P'$ such that for all $p \in P$ and $a \in A$ we have $I'(f(p),a) = I(p,a)$. Differentiable |
parametrised functions between Euclidean spaces form a symmetric monoidal |
category. |
\begin{definition} |
We write $\para$ for the strict symmetric monoidal category whose objects are |
Euclidean spaces and whose morphisms $\rr^n \to \rr^m$ are equivalence classes |
of differentiable parametrised functions $\rr^n \to \rr^m$. |
Composition of $(P,I)\colon \rr^n \to \rr^m$ and $(Q,J)\colon \rr^m \to \rr^\ell$ is |
given by $(P \times Q,I \ast J)$ where |
\[ |
(I \ast J)(p,q,a) = J(q,I(p,a)). |
\] |
The monoidal product of objects $\rr^n$ and $\rr^m$ is the object $\rr^{n+m}$, |
while the monoidal product of morphisms $(P,I)\colon \rr^n \to \rr^m$ and $(Q,J)\colon |
\rr^\ell \to \rr^k$ is given by $(P \times Q,I \prl J)$ where |
\[ |
(I \prl J)(p,q,a,c) = \big(I(p,a),J(q,c)\big). |
\] |
The braiding $\rr^n \prl \rr^m \to \rr^m \prl \rr^n$ is given by $(\rr^0,\sigma)$ where $\sigma(a,b) = |
(b,a)$. |
\end{definition} |
It is straightforward to check this is a well defined symmetric monoidal |
category. We are now in a position to state the main theorem. |
\begin{theorem} \label{thm.main} |
Fix a real number $\ve > 0$ and $e(x,y)\colon \rr \times \rr \to \rr$ |
differentiable such that $\frac{\partial e}{\partial x}(x_0,-)\colon \rr \to \rr$ |
is invertible for each $x_0 \in \rr$. Then we can define a faithful, |
injective-on-objects, strong symmetric monoidal functor |
\[ |
L_{\ve,e}\colon\para \longrightarrow \lrn |
\] |
that sends each parametrised function $I\colon P \times A \to B$ to the learner |
$(P,I,U_I,r_I)$ defined by |
\[ |
U_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq p - \varepsilon\nabla_pE_I(p,a,b) |
\] |
and |
\[ |
r_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq f_a\bigg(\nabla_a E_I(p,a,b)\bigg), |
\] |
where $E_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq \sum_j e(I_j(p,a),b_j)$, and $f_a$ is component-wise |
application of the inverse to $\frac{\partial e}{\partial x}(a_i,-)$ for each |
$i$. |
\end{theorem} |
\begin{proof}[Proof (sketch)] |
The proof of this theorem amounts to observing that the chain rule is functorial |
given the above setting. The key points are the use of the chain rule to show |
the functoriality of the $P$-part of the update function and the request |
function. A full proof is given in the extended version \cite{FST}. |
\end{proof} |
We call $\ve$ the \emph{step size}, $e$ the \emph{error function}, and $E_I$ the |
\emph{total error (with respect to $I$)}. We also call the functors $L_{\ve,e}$, so named |
because they turn parametrised functions into a \emph{learning} algorithms, |
the \emph{gradient descent/backpropagation functors}. |
\begin{remark} |
The update function $U_I$ encodes what is known as \emph{gradient descent}: the |
parameter $p$ is updated by moving it an $\ve$-step in the direction that most |
reduces the total error $E_I$. |
The request function $r_I$ encodes the \emph{backpropagation} value, passing |
back the gradient of the total error with respect to the input $a$, as modified |
by the invertible function $f_a$. To pick an example, the functoriality of |
$L_{\ve,e}$ says that the following two update functions are equal: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item The update function $U_{((I\,\prl\, J)\ast K) \ast M}$, which represents |
gradient descent on the |
composite of parametrised functions $((I\prl J)\ast K) \ast M$. |
\item The update function $((U_I\prl U_J)\ast U_K) \ast U_M$, which represents |
the composite, according to the structure in $\lrn$, of the update functions |
$U_I$, $U_J$, $U_K$, and $U_M$ together with the request functions $r_I$, |
$r_J$, $r_K$, and $r_M$. |
\end{itemize} |
This shows that we may compute gradient descent by local computation of the |
gradient together with local message passing. This is the backpropagation |
algorithm. |
\end{remark} |
\begin{example}[Quadratic error] \label{ex.quaderror} |
Quadratic error is given by the error function $e(x,y) |
\coloneqq\tfrac12(x-y)^2$, so that the total error is given by |
\[ |
E_I(p,a,b) = \tfrac12 \sum_j (I_j(p,a) -b_j)^2 = \tfrac12 \norm{I(p,a)-b}^2. |
\] |
In this case $\frac{\partial e}{\partial x}(x_0,-)$ is the function $y\mapsto |
x_0-y$. This function is its own inverse, so we have $f_{x_0}(y)\coloneqq x_0-y$. |
Fixing some step size $\ve >0$, we have |
\begin{align*} |
U_I(p,a,b) &\coloneqq p - \varepsilon\nabla_pE_I(p,a,b) \\ |
&= \Big(p_k-\ve\sum_j(I_j(p,a)-b_j)\tfrac{\partial I_j}{\partial p_k}(p,a)\Big)_k |
\end{align*} |
and similarly |
\begin{align*} |
r_I(p,a,b) &\coloneqq a - \nabla_aE_I(p,a,b)\\ |
&=\Big(a_i - \sum_j(I_j(p,a)-b_j)\tfrac{\partial I_j}{\partial |
a_i}(p,a)\Big)_i. |
\end{align*} |
Thus given this choice of error function, the functor $L_{\ve,e}$ of \cref{thm.main} |
just implements, as update function, the usual gradient descent with step size |
$\ve$ with respect to the quadratic error. |
\end{example} |
\begin{remark} |
Comparing the requests $r_I$ to the updates $U_I$ in \cref{ex.quaderror}, one may |
notice that they are similar, except that the former seem to be missing the $\ve$. |
One might wonder why the two are different or where the $\ve$ factor has gone. |
\cref{thm.main} shows, however, that in fact the similarity between $r_I$ and $U_I$ |
is something of a coincidence. What is |
important about requests, and hence the messages passed backward in |
backpropagation, is the fact that they are constructed by inverting certain partial |
derivatives which are then applied to the gradient of the total error with |
respect to the input. We interpret the result as a `corrected' input value that, if used instead, |
would reduce the total error with respect to the given output and current |
parameter value. In particular, the resemblance of the request values to gradient |
descent in \cref{ex.quaderror} is just an artifact of the choice of quadratic |
error function $e(x,y) \coloneqq\tfrac12(x-y)^2$. |
\end{remark} |
\section{From networks to parametrised functions} \label{sec.nets} |
In the previous section we showed that gradient descent and backpropagation---for a given choice of error function and step size---define a |
functor from differentiable parametrised functions to supervised learning |
algorithms. But backpropagation is often considered an algorithm executed on a |
neural net. How do neural nets come into the picture? As we shall see, neural |
nets are a method for defining parametrised functions from network architectures. |
This method, like backpropagation itself, is also compositional---it respects |
the gluing together of neural networks. To formalise this, we first define a |
category $\nnet$ of neural networks. Implementation of each neural net will then |
define a parametrised function, and in fact we get a functor |
$I\colon\nnet\to\para$. Note that just as defining a gradient |
descent/backpropagation functor depends on a choice (namely, of error function |
and step size), so too does defining $I$. Namely, we must choose an activation |
function. |
Recall from the introduction that a neural network layer of type $(m,n)$ is a |
subset of $[m] \times [n]$, where $m, n \in \nn$ and $[n]=\{1,\dots,n\}$. A |
\emph{$k$-layer neural network of type $(m,n)$} is a sequence of neural network |
layers of types $(n_0,n_1)$, $(n_1,n_2)$, $\dots$, $(n_{k-1},n_k)$, where |
$n_0=m$ and $n_k=n$. A \emph{neural network of type $(m,n)$} is a $k$-layer |
neural network for some $k$. |
Given a neural network of type $(m,n)$ and a neural network of type $(n,p)$ we |
may concatenate them to get a neural network of type $(m,p)$. Note that when $m=n$, we consider the $0$-layer neural network to be a morphism. Concatenating any neural network on either side with the $0$-layer neural network does not change it. |
\begin{definition} |
The category $\nnet$ of neural networks has as objects natural numbers and as |
morphisms $m \to n$ neural networks of type $(m,n)$. Composition is given by |
concatenation of neural networks. The identity morphism on $n$ is the $0$-layer neural network. |
\end{definition} |
Since composition is just concatenation it is immediately |
associative, and we have indeed defined a category. |
\begin{proposition}\label{prop.nnet_para} |
Given a differentiable function $\sigma\colon \rr \to \rr$, we have a functor |
\[ |
I^\sigma\colon \nnet \longrightarrow \para. |
\] |
On objects, $I^\sigma$ maps each natural number $n$ to the $n$-dimensional Euclidean |
space $\rr^n$. |
On morphisms, each 1-layer neural network $C\colon m \to n$ is mapped to the |
parametrised function |
\begin{align*} |
I^\sigma_C\colon \rr^{\lvert C\rvert+n} \times \rr^m &\longrightarrow \rr^n; \\ |
\big((w_{ji},w_j),x_i\big)_{\substack{1 \le i \le m \\ 1 \le j \le n}} &\longmapsto \Bigg(\sigma\bigg(\sum_{i} |
w_{ji}x_i+w_j\bigg)\Bigg)_{1 \le j \le n}. |
\end{align*} |
Given a neural net $N = C_1, \dots, C_k$, the image under $I^\sigma$ is the composite |
of the image of each layer: |
\[ |
I^\sigma_N = I^\sigma_{C_1} \ast \dots \ast I^\sigma_{C_k} |
\] |
\end{proposition} |
We call $\sigma$ the \emph{activation function}, the $w_{ji}$ |
\emph{weights}, where $(i,j) \in C$, and the $w_j$ \emph{biases}, where $j |
\in [n]$. |
\begin{proof} |
The proof of this proposition is straightforward. Note in particular that the |
image $I^\sigma_C$ of each layer $C$ is differentiable, and so their composites are |
too. Also note that the image of a $0$-layer neural net is the empty composite, |
so identities map to identities. Composition is preserved by definition. |
\end{proof} |
Composing an implementation functor $I^\sigma$ with a gradient descent/backpropagation |
functor $L_{\ve,e}$, we get a functor |
\[ |
\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=1.5ex] |
\nnet \ar[rr] \ar[dr, "I^\sigma" below] & & \lrn \\ |
& \para \ar[ur, "L_{\ve,e}" below] |
\end{tikzcd} |
\] |
This states that, given choices of activation function $\sigma$, error function $e$, and step |
size $\ve$, a neural net defines a supervised learning algorithm, and does so in a |
compositional way. |
A symmetric monoidal structure, both on $\nnet$ and on the above functors, can |
be given by generalising the category $\nnet$ to the category where morphisms |
are directed acyclic graphs with interfaces; details on such a category can be |
found in \cite{FC}, see also \cref{rem.idag}. |
In Section \ref{sec.examples}, we will compute an extended example of the use of neural nets to compositionally define supervised learning algorithms. Before |
this, however, we discuss additional compositional structure available to us in |
$\lrn$, $\para$, and the aforementioned |
monoidal generalisation of $\nnet$. |
\section{Networking in $\lrn$}\label{sec.bimonoids} |
Our formulation of supervised learning algorithms as morphisms in a monoidal |
category means learning algorithms can be formed by combining other learning |
algorithms in sequence and in parallel. In fact, as hinted at by neural networks |
themselves, more structure is available to us: we are able to form new learning |
algorithms by combining others in networks of learners where wires can split and |
merge. Formally, this means each object in the category of learners is equipped |
with the structure of a bimonoid. |
For this, note first that the symmetric monoidal category $\fvect$ of linear |
maps between Euclidean spaces sits inside the category $\para$ of parametrised |
functions; we simply consider each linear map as parametrised by the trivial |
parameter space $\rr^0$. Given a choice of step size and error function, and |
hence a functor $L_{\ve,e}\colon \para \to \lrn$ as in \cref{thm.main}, we thus have an inclusion |
\[ |
\fvect\hookrightarrow \para \stackrel{L_{\ve,e}}\hookrightarrow \lrn. |
\] |
This allows us to construct a learning algorithm---that is, a morphism in |
$\lrn$---as the image of any morphism in $\fvect$, and the output algorithms |
obey the same equations as the input linear maps. In particular, from graphical |
linear algebra \cite{BE,BSZ} we know that each object in $\fvect$ is equipped |
with a bimonoid structure, so we can use our functor $L_{\ve,e}$ to equip each |
object of the form $\rr^n$ in $\lrn$ with a bimonoid structure. This bimonoid |
structure is what makes the neural network notation feasible: we can interpret |
the splitting and combining in a way coherent with composition. |
In fact, the bimonoids constructed depend only on the choice of error function; |
we need not specify the step size. As an example, we detail the construction |
using backpropagation with respect to the quadratic error (\cref{ex.quaderror}). |
\begin{proposition} \label{prop.bimonoids} |
Gradient descent with respect to the quadratic error and step size $\ve$ |
defines a symmetric monoidal functor $\fvect \to \lrn$. This implies each object |
in the image of this functor can be equipped with the structure of a bimonoid. |
\end{proposition} |
Explicitly, the bimonoid maps are given as follows. Note they all have |
trivial parameter space $\rr^0$, so we denote the unique update function $!\colon\rr^0 \times A \times B \to\rr^0$. |
\smallskip |
\noindent |
\begin{tabular}{ |>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{.14\textwidth} |
|>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{.13\textwidth} |>{\centering\arraybackslash}m{.13\textwidth} |} |
\hline |
& Implementation & Request \\ |
\hline |
Multiplication~$\mu$ \newline |
$ |
(1,I_\mu,!,r_\mu) |
$ |
$ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[ibb={2}{1}] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) -- (outer_in1') to (outer_out1') -- (outer_out1); |
\draw (outer_in2) -- (outer_in2') to (outer_out1') -- (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
$ |
& |
$I_\mu(a_1,a_2)=a_1 +a_2$ |
& |
$r_\mu((a_1,a_2),a_3)=(a_3-a_2,a_3-a_1)$ |
\\ |
\hline |
Unit $\eta$ |
$ |
(1,I_\eta,!,r_\eta) |
$ |
$ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[ibb={0}{1}] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (u) at ($(outer_out1)-(.45,0)$) {}; |
\draw (u) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
$ |
& |
$I_\eta(0)=0$ |
& |
$r_\eta(a)=0$ |
\\ |
\hline |
\small |
Comultiplication~$\delta$ |
$ |
(1,I_\delta,!,r_\delta) |
$ |
$ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[ibb={1}{2}] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,-0.2)$) {\footnotesize $A$};\node at ($(outer_out2')+(0.3,0.2)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) -- (outer_in1') to ($(outer_out1')+(0,-0.2)$) -- |
($(outer_out1)+(0,-0.2)$); |
\draw (outer_in1) -- (outer_in1') to ($(outer_out2')+(0,0.2)$) -- |
($(outer_out2)+(0,0.2)$); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
$ |
& |
$I_\delta(a)= (a,a)$ |
& |
$r_\delta(a_1,(a_2,a_3))=a_2+a_3 -a_1$ |
\\ |
\hline |
Counit $\epsilon$ |
$ |
(1,I_\epsilon,!,r_\epsilon) |
$ |
$ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[ibb={1}{0}] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (u) at ($(outer_in1)+(.45,0)$) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (u); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
$ |
& |
$I_\epsilon(a)=0$ |
& |
$r_\epsilon(a)= 0$ |
\\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\smallskip |
\begin{remark} |
We actually have many different bimonoid structures in $\lrn$: each choice of |
error function defines one, and these are often distinct. For example, if we |
choose $e(x,y) = xy$ then the request function on the multiplication is |
instead given by $r'_\mu(a_1,a_2,a_3) = (a_3,a_3)$ and the request function |
on the comultiplication is instead given by $r'_\delta(a_1,a_2,a_3) = |
a_2+a_3$. While this is a rather strange error function---minimising error |
entails sending outputs to $0$---the existence of such structures is |
interesting. |
\end{remark} |
A choice of bimonoid structures, such as that given by \cref{prop.bimonoids}, |
allows us to interpret network diagrams in the monoidal category $(\lrn,\,\prl\,)$ from \cref{prop.learners}. Indeed, they give canonical |
interpretations of splitting, joining, initializing, and discarding wires. |
\begin{example}[Building neurons] |
As learning algorithms implemented with respect to quadratic error (see \cref{ex.quaderror}) and some step size $\ve$, |
neural networks have a rather simple structure: they are generated by three |
basic learning algorithms---scalar multiplication $\lambda$, bias $\beta$, and |
an activation function $\sigma$---together with the bimonoid multiplication $\mu$ and |
comultiplication $\delta$ given by \cref{prop.bimonoids}. |
The scalar multiplication learning algorithm $\lambda\colon \rr \to \rr$, which |
we shall represent graphically by the string diagram in $\lrn$\footnote{Note |
that these are string diagrams in $(\lrn,\,\prl\,)$, while the string diagrams |
of \cref{sec.learners} were string diagrams in $(\set,\times)$. As always, string |
diagrams represent morphisms in a category, with the domain at the left of the |
diagram and codomain on the right. For more details see the extended version \cite{FST}. |
} |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb={1}{1}] (w) {$\lambda$}; |
\node[ibb={1}{1}, fit=(w)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (w_in1); |
\draw (w_out1) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
is given by the parameter space $\rr$, implementation function $\lambda(w,x) = |
wx$, update function $U_\lambda(w,x,y) = w-\ve x(wx-y)$, and request function |
$r_\lambda(w,x,y) = x-w(wx-y)$. |
The bias learning algorithm $\beta\colon \rr^0 \to \rr$, which we represent |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb={0}{1}] (b) {$\beta$}; |
\node[ibb={1}{1}, fit=(b)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (b_out1) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
is given by the parameter space $\rr$, implementation $\beta(w) = w$, update |
function $U_\beta(w,y) = (1-\ve)w+\ve y$, and trivial request function, since it |
has trivial input space. |
The activation function learning algorithm $\sigma\colon \rr \to \rr$, |
represented |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb={1}{1}] (s) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[ibb={1}{1}, fit=(s)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (s_in1); |
\draw (s_out1) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
has trivial parameter space, and is specified by some choice of activation |
function $\sigma\colon \rr \to \rr$, together with the trivial update function |
and the request function $r_\sigma(x,y) = x-(x-y)\tfrac{\partial |
\sigma}{\partial x}(x)$. |
Then, every neuron in a neural network can be understood as a composite of these |
generators as follows: first, a monoidal product of the required number of |
scalar multiplication algorithms and a bias algorithm, then a composite of |
$\mu$'s, an activation function, and finally a composite of $\delta$s. |
\[ |
\resizebox{.45\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD, bb port sep=1, text height=1.5ex, text depth=.5ex] |
\node[bb={1}{1}] (w1) {$\lambda$}; |
\node[bb={1}{1}, below=1 of w1] (w2) {$\lambda$}; |
\node[bb={1}{1}, below=2 of w2] (wn) {$\lambda$}; |
\node at ($(w2.center)!.55!(wn.center)$) (vdots) {$\vdots$}; |
\node[bb={0}{1}, below=1 of wn] (b) {$\beta$}; |
\node[bb={1}{1}, right=2 of vdots] (activ) {$\sigma$}; |
\node[ibb={4}{6}, fit=(w1) (b) (activ)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (w1_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (w2_in1); |
\node at ($(outer_in3)!.3!(vdots)$) {$\vdots$}; |
\node at ($(activ_in1)!.5!(vdots)$) {$\vdots$}; |
\draw (outer_in4) to (wn_in1); |
\draw (w1_out1) to (activ_in1); |
\draw (w2_out1) to (activ_in1); |
\draw (wn_out1) to (activ_in1); |
\draw (b_out1) to (activ_in1); |
\node[above left=1 and 0 of activ_in1] {$\mu$'s}; |
\node[above right=1 and 0 of activ_out1] {$\delta$'s}; |
\foreach \i in {1,2,5,6} { |
\draw (activ_out1) to (outer_out\i); |
} |
\node at ($(activ_out1)!.55!(outer_out1|-activ_out1)$) {$\vdots$}; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
Composing these units using the composition rule in $\lrn$ further constructs |
any learning algorithm that can be obtained by gradient descent and |
backpropagation on a neural network with respect to the quadratic error. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example}[Weight tying] |
Weight tying (or weight sharing) in neural networks is a method by which |
parameters in different parts of the network are constrained to be equal. It is |
used in convolutional neural networks, for example, to force the network to |
learn the same sorts of basic shapes appearing in different parts of an image |
\cite{LCB}. This is easily represented in our framework. Before explaining how |
this works, we first explain a way of factoring morphisms in $\para$ into basic |
parts. |
Morphisms in $\para$ are roughly generated by morphisms of two different types: |
trivially-parametrised functions and parametrised constants. Given a |
differentiable function $f\colon\rr^n\to\rr^m$, we consider it a \emph{trivially |
parametrised function} $\rr^0\times\rr^n\to\rr^m$, whose parameter space |
$P=\rr^0$ is a point. By a \emph{parametrised constant}, we mean an identity |
morphism $1_P\colon P\to P$, considered as a parametrised function $P \times |
\rr^0\to P$. |
In particular, every parametrised function can be written as a composite, using |
the bimonoid structure, of a trivially parametrised function and a parametrised |
constant. To see this, we use string diagrams in $(\para,\,\prl\,)$, where here we denote a parametrised function $I\colon P\times A\to B$ as a box |
labeled $(P,I)$ with input $A$ and output $B$. It is easy to check that any |
parametrised function $I\colon P\times A\to B$ is the composite of a trivially |
parametrised function and a parametrised constant as follows |
\[ |
\resizebox{.5\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD, inner |
xsep=5pt, baseline=(current bounding box.center)] |
\node[bb={2}{1}] (0I) {$(\,\rr^0,I\,)$}; |
\node[bb={0}{1}, left=.5 of 0I_in1] (Pid) {$(\,P,1_P\,)$}; |
\node[ibb={0}{0}, bbx=.5cm, fit=(Pid) (0I)] (outer) {}; |
\node (oi) at (outer.west|-0I_in2) {}; |
\node (oo) at (0I_out1-|outer.east) {}; |
\draw[shorten <=-4pt] (oi.center) -- (0I_in2); |
\draw (Pid_out1) -- (0I_in1); |
\draw[shorten >=-4pt] (0I_out1) -- (oo.center); |
\draw[label] |
node[left=2pt of oi] {$A$} |
node[above=2pt] at ($(Pid_out1)!.5!(0I_in1)$) {$P$} |
node[right=2pt of oo] {$B$} |
; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
= |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD, inner xsep=5pt, baseline=(current bounding box.center)] |
\node[bb={1}{1}] (Pf) {$(\,P,I\,)$}; |
\node[ibb={1}{1}, bbx=1cm, fit=(Pf)] (outer2) {}; |
\draw (outer2_in1) -- (Pf_in1); |
\draw (Pf_out1) -- (outer2_out1); |
\draw[label] |
node[left=2pt of outer2_in1] {$A$} |
node[right=2pt of outer2_out1] {$B$} |
; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
Since these morphisms are the same in $\para$, they correspond to the same |
learning algorithm, by the functoriality of $L_{\ve,e}$, \cref{thm.main}. Looking at the right hand picture, |
suppose given a training datum $(a,b)$. The $(\rr^0,I)$ block has trivial |
parameter space, so updates on it do nothing; however, it is capable of sending |
a request to the input $A$ and the $(P,1_P)$ block. The $(P,1_P)$ block then |
performs the desired update. Again, the result of doing so must be the same, by |
the main theorem. |
This suggests how one should think of weight tying. The schematic idea, |
represented in string diagrams, is as follows: |
\[ |
\resizebox{.35\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD, bbx=1cm, bb port length=4pt, inner xsep=15pt] |
\node[bb={2}{1}] (I) {$(\,\rr^0,I\,)$}; |
\node[bb={2}{1}, below=of I] (J) {$(\,\rr^0,J\,)$}; |
\node[bb={0}{1}] at ($(I)!.5!(J)-(3,0)$) (P) {$(\,P,1_P\,)$}; |
\node[ibb={0}{0}, bbx=.5cm, fit=(I) (J) (P)] (outer) {}; |
\node (oi1) at (outer.west|-I_in1) {}; |
\node (oi2) at (outer.west|-J_in2) {}; |
\node (oo1) at (outer.east|-I_out1) {}; |
\node (oo2) at (outer.east|-J_out1) {}; |
\draw[shorten <=-4pt] (oi1.center) -- (I_in1); |
\draw[shorten <=-4pt] (oi2.center) -- (J_in2); |
\draw[shorten >=-4pt] (I_out1) -- (oo1.center); |
\draw[shorten >=-4pt] (J_out1) -- (oo2.center); |
\draw (P_out1) to (I_in2); |
\draw (P_out1) to (J_in1); |
\draw[label] |
node[left=2pt of oi1] {$A$} |
node[left=2pt of oi2] {$B$} |
node[right=2pt of oo1] {$C$} |
node[right=2pt of oo2] {$D$} |
; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
The comonoid structure from \cref{prop.bimonoids} tells us how the above network |
will behave as a learning algorithm with respect to quadratic error. The |
splitting wire will send the same parameter to both implementations $I$ and $J$, |
and it will update itself based on the sum of the requests received from $I$ and |
$J$. |
\end{example} |
\begin{remark} \label{rem.idag} |
It has suited our purposes to simply consider the category $\nnet$ of neural |
networks. That said, neural networks intuitively do have both monoidal and |
bimonoid structure: we can place networks side by side to represent two networks |
run in parallel, and we can add multiple inputs and duplicate outputs to each |
node in a neural network as we like. |
In fact, the category $\nnet$ can be generalised to a symmetric monoidal |
category with bimonoids on each object. This generalisation is the strict |
symmetric monoidal category $\idag$ of \emph{idags}---interfaced directed |
acyclic graphs---which has been previously studied as an important structure in |
concurrency, as well as for its elegant categorical properties \cite{FC}. |
It is also desirable that each functor $I^\sigma\colon \nnet \to \para$ implementing |
neural networks as parametrised functions factors as $\nnet\to\idag\to\para$, |
and indeed this can be done. Moreover, the factor $\idag \to\para$ is |
symmetric monoidal and preserves bimonoid structures. |
\end{remark} |
\section{Example: deep learning}\label{sec.examples} |
In this section we explicitly compute an example of the functoriality of |
implementing a neural network as a supervised learning algorithm. For this we |
fix an activation function $\sigma$, as well as the quadratic error function, and a step size $\ve>0$. This respectively defines functors |
$I^\sigma\colon \nnet \to \para$ and $L_{\ve,e}\colon \para \to \lrn$ by \cref{thm.main,prop.nnet_para}. In particular, we shall |
see that $L_{\ve,e}$ implements the usual backpropagation algorithm with quadratic error |
and step size $\ve$ on a neural network with activation function $\sigma$. To simplify notation, we'll write $I$ for $I^\sigma$. |
Consider the following network, which has a single hidden layer: |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=2,yscale=1.5] |
\node[draw, circle, minimum size=12pt, inner sep=1pt] (2) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, minimum size=12pt, inner sep=1pt] (1) at (0,1) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, minimum size=12pt, inner sep=1pt] (y) at (1,0) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, minimum size=12pt, inner sep=1pt] (x) at (1,1) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, minimum size=12pt, inner sep=1pt] (o) at (2,.5) {}; |
\draw (1) to (x); |
\draw (1) to (y); |
\draw (2) to (x); |
\draw (x) to (o); |
\draw (y) to (o); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
Call this network $A$; it is a morphism $A\colon 2 \to 1$ in the category |
$\nnet$ of neural networks. The image of $A$ under the functor $I\colon\nnet\to\para$ |
is the parametrised function $ |
I_A\colon (\rr^5\times \rr^3) \times \rr^2 \longrightarrow \rr$ |
defined by |
\[ |
I_A(p,q,a) = |
\sigma\big(q_1\sigma(p_{11}a_1+p_{12}a_2+p_{1b})+q_2\sigma(p_{21}a_1+p_{2b})+q_b\big). |
\] |
Here the parameter space is $\rr^5 \times \rr^3$, since there is a weight for |
each of the three edges in the first layer, a bias for each of the two nodes in |
the intermediate column, a weight for each of the two edges in the second, and a bias |
for the output node. The input space is $\rr^2$, since there are two neurons on |
the leftmost side of the network, and the output space is $\rr$, since there is |
a single neuron on the rightmost side. |
We write the entries of the parameter space $\rr^5 \times \rr^3$ as $p_{11}$, |
$p_{12}$, $p_{21}$, $p_{1b}$, $p_{2b}$, $q_1$, $q_2$, and $q_b$, where $p_{ji}$ |
represents the weight on the edge from the $i$th node of the first column to the |
$j$th node of the second column, $p_{jb}$ represents the bias at the $j$th node |
of the second column, $q_j$ represents the weight on the edge from the $j$th |
node of the second column to the unique node of the final column, and $q_b$ |
represents the bias at the output node. |
Suppose we wish to train this network. A training method is given by the functor |
$L_{\ve,e}$, which turns this parametrised function $I_A$ into a supervised learning |
algorithm. In particular, given a training datum |
pair $(a,c)$ in $\rr^2 \times \rr$, we wish to obtain a map $\rr^5 \times \rr^3 |
\to \rr^5 \times \rr^3$ that updates the value of $(p,q)$. As we have chosen to |
define $L_{\ve,e}$ by using |
gradient descent with respect to the quadratic error function and an $\ve$ step |
size, this map is precisely the update map given by the $L_{\ve,e}$-image of $I_A$ in $\lrn$. |
That is, this parametrised function maps to the learning algorithm |
$(\rr^5 \times \rr^3, I_A, U_A,r_A)$, where |
\[ |
U_A\colon (\rr^5\times \rr^3) \times \rr^2 \times \rr \longrightarrow \rr^5 |
\times \rr^3 |
\] |
is defined by |
\begin{align*} |
U_A(p,q,a,c) &= (\begin{smallmatrix}p \\ q\end{smallmatrix})- \ve |
\nabla_{p,q} \tfrac12\lVert I_A(p,q,a) - c\rVert^2 \\ |
& = \begin{pmatrix} p_{11} -\ve |
(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)a_1 |
\\ |
p_{12} -\ve |
(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)a_2 |
\\ |
p_{21} -\ve |
(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)q_2\dot{\sigma}(\beta_2)a_1 |
\\ |
p_{1b} -\ve(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1) |
\\ |
p_{2b} -\ve(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_2) |
\\ |
q_{1} -\ve(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)\sigma(\beta_1) |
\\ |
q_{2} -\ve(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)\sigma(\beta_2) |
\\ |
q_b -\ve(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma) |
\end{pmatrix}, |
\end{align*} |
and |
$ |
r_A\colon (\rr^5\times \rr^3) \times \rr^2 \times \rr \longrightarrow \rr^2$ |
is defined by |
\begin{align*} |
r_A(p,q,&a,c) = a - \nabla_{a} \tfrac12\lVert I_A(p,q,a) - c\rVert^2\\ |
=& |
\begin{pmatrix} a_{1} -\ve |
(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)(q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)p_{11}+q_2\dot{\sigma}(\beta_2)p_{21}) |
\\ |
a_{2} -\ve |
(I_A(p,q,a)-c)\dot{\sigma}(\gamma)q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)p_{12} |
\end{pmatrix} |
\end{align*} |
where $\gamma$ is such that $I_A(p,q,a) = \sigma(\gamma)$, where $\beta_1 = |
p_{11}a_1+p_{12}a_2+p_{1b}$, where $\beta_2 = p_{21}a_1+p_{2b}$, and where |
$\dot{\sigma}$ is the derivative of the activation function $\sigma$. |
(Explicitly, $\gamma |
=q_1\sigma(p_{11}a_1+p_{12}a_2+p_{1b})+q_2\sigma(p_{21}a_1+p_{2b})+q_b$.) |
Note that $U_A$ executes gradient descent as claimed. |
The above expression for $U_A$ is complex. It, however, reuses computations like |
$\gamma$, $\beta_1$, and $\beta_2$ repeatedly. To simplify computation, we might |
try to factor it. A factorisation can be obtained from the neural net itself. |
Note that the above net may be written as the composite of two layers. The first |
layer $B\colon 2 \to 2$ |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=2,yscale=1.5] |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (2) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (1) at (0,1) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (y) at (1,0) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (x) at (1,1) {}; |
\draw (1) to (x); |
\draw (1) to (y); |
\draw (2) to (x); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
maps to the parametrised function |
\begin{align*} |
I_B\colon \rr^5 \times \rr^2 &\longrightarrow \rr^2; \\ |
(p,a) &\longmapsto \begin{pmatrix} \sigma(p_{11}a_1+p_{12}a_2+p_{1b}) \\ |
\sigma(p_{21}a_1+p_{2b})\end{pmatrix} |
\end{align*} |
which in turn has update and request functions |
\begin{align*} |
U_B\colon \rr^5 \times \rr^2 \times \rr^2 &\longrightarrow \rr^5;\\ |
(p,a,b) &\longmapsto |
\begin{pmatrix} |
p_{11}-\ve(I_B(p,a)_1-b_1)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)a_1 |
\\ |
p_{12}-\ve(I_B(p,a)_1-b_1)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)a_2 |
\\ |
p_{21}-\ve(I_B(p,a)_2-b_2)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_2)a_1 |
\\ |
p_{1b}-\ve(I_B(p,a)_2-b_2)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1) |
\\ |
p_{2b}-\ve(I_B(p,a)_2-b_2)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_2) |
\end{pmatrix} |
\end{align*} |
and |
$ |
r_B\colon \rr^5 \times \rr^2 \times \rr^2 \longrightarrow \rr^2; |
$ |
where |
\begin{align*} |
&r_B(p,a,b) \\ |
&=\begin{pmatrix} |
a_{1}-(I_B(p,a)_1-b_1)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)p_{11}+(I_B(p,a)_2-b_2)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_2)p_{21}) |
\\ |
a_{2}-(\sigma(I_B(p,a)_1-b_1)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)p_{12} |
\end{pmatrix} |
\end{align*} |
The second layer $C\colon 2 \to 1$ |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=2,yscale=1.5] |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (y) at (1,0) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (x) at (1,1) {}; |
\node[draw, circle, inner sep=4pt] (o) at (2,.5) {}; |
\draw (x) to (o); |
\draw (y) to (o); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
represents the parametrised function |
\begin{align*} |
I_C\colon \rr^3 \times \rr^2 &\longrightarrow \rr; \\ |
(q,b) &\longmapsto \sigma(q_1b_1+q_2b_2+q_b). |
\end{align*} |
which in turn has update and request functions |
\begin{align*} |
U_C\colon \rr^3 \times \rr^2 \times \rr &\longrightarrow \rr^2;\\ |
(q,b,c) &\longmapsto |
\begin{pmatrix} |
q_1-\ve(I_C(q,b)-c)\dot{\sigma}(q_1b_1+q_2b_2+q_b)b_1 |
\\ |
q_2-\ve(I_C(q,b)-c)\dot{\sigma}(q_1b_1+q_2b_2+q_b)b_2 |
\\ |
q_b-\ve(I_C(q,b)-c)\dot{\sigma}(q_1b_1+q_2b_2+q_b) |
\end{pmatrix} |
\end{align*} |
\begin{align*} |
r_C\colon \rr^3 \times \rr^2 \times \rr &\longrightarrow \rr^2;\\ |
(q,b,c) &\longmapsto |
\begin{pmatrix} |
b_1-(I_C(q,b)-c)\dot{\sigma}(q_1b_1+q_2b_2+q_b)q_1 |
\\ |
b_2-(I_C(q,b)-c)\dot{\sigma}(q_1b_1+q_2b_2+q_b)q_2 |
\end{pmatrix} |
\end{align*} |
Thus the layers map respectively to the learners $(\rr^5, I_B,U_B,r_B)$ and |
$(\rr^3, I_C,U_C,r_C)$. |
Functoriality says that we may recover $U_A$ and $r_A$ as composites $U_A = U_B |
\ast U_C$ and $r_A = r_B \ast r_C$. For example, we can check this is true for |
the first coordinate $p_{11}$: |
\begin{align*} |
U_B\ast U_C(p,q,a,c)_{11} &=p_{11} - \ve(I(p,a)_1 - s(q,I(p,a),c)_1)\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)a_1 \\ |
&=p_{11} - \ve(J(q,I(p,a))-c)\\ |
&\qquad\dot{\sigma}(q_1I_1(p,a)+q_2I_2(p,a)+q_b)q_1\dot{\sigma}(\beta_1)a_1 \\ |
&=U_A(p,q,a,c)_{11} |
\end{align*} |
In particular, the functoriality describes how to factor the expressions for |
the entries of $U_A$ and $r_A$ in a way that allows us to parallelise the |
computation and to efficiently reuse expressions. |
\section{Discussion}\label{sec.discuss} |
To summarise, in this paper we have developed an algebraic framework to describe |
composition of supervised learning algorithms. In order to do this, we have |
identified the notion of a request function as the key distinguishing feature of |
compositional learning. This request function allows us to construct training |
data for all sub-parts of a composite learning algorithm from training data for |
just the input and output of the composite algorithm. |
This perspective allows us to carefully articulate the structure of the |
backpropogation algorithm. In particular, we see that: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item An activation function $\sigma$ defines a functor from neural network |
architectures to parametrised functions. |
\item A step size $\ve$ and an error function $e$ define a |
functor from parametrised functions to supervised learning algorithms. |
\item The update function for the learning algorithm defined by this functor is specified by gradient |
descent. |
\item The request function for the learning algorithm defined by this functor is |
specified by backpropagation. |
\item Bimonoid structure in the category of learning algorithms allows us to |
understand neural nets, including variants such as convolutional ones, as |
generated from three basic algorithms. |
\item Neural networks provide a simple, compositional language for specifying |
learning algorithms. |
\item Composition of learners, along with the |
fact that gradients are quicker to compute for lower dimensional |
spaces, expresses the speed up in learning provided by |
backpropagation. |
\end{itemize} |
We close with some remarks on further directions. |
\subsection{More general error functions} \label{subsec.general_error} |
To apply our main theorem, and hence understand backpropagation as a functor, we |
require certain derivatives of our chosen error function to be invertible. |
Some commonly used error functions, however, do not quite obey these |
conditions. For example, \emph{cross entropy} is an error function that is similar to |
quadratic error, but often leads to faster convergence. Cross entropy is given by |
\[ |
e(x,y) = y\ln x+(1-y)\ln(1-x). |
\] |
This does not supply an example of the main theorem, as the derivative is not |
defined when $x =0,1$. |
It is, however, quite close to an example. There are two ways in which the |
practical method differs from our theory. First, instead of using simply summing |
the error to arrive at our total error $E_I$, the usual method of using cross |
entropy takes the average, giving the function |
\[ |
E_I(p,a,b) = \frac1n\sum_{j=1}^n e(I_j(p,a),b_j) |
\] |
where $n$ is the dimension of the codomain vector space $B$. This is quite |
straightforward to model, and we show how to do this by incorporating an extra |
variable $\alpha$ in our generalisation of the main theorem in Appendix A of the extended version \cite{FST}. |
The second is more subtle. When $x \ne 0,1$, cross entropy has the derivative |
\[ |
\tfrac{\partial e}{\partial x}(z,y) = \frac{y-z}{z(1-z)}. |
\] |
This is invertible for all $z \ne 0,1$. In practice, we consider (i) training |
data $(a,b)$ such that $0 \le a_i,b_j \le 1$ for all $i,j$, as well as (ii) |
$I(p,a)$ such that this implies $0< I_k(p,a)< 1$ for all $k$, assuming we start |
with a suitable initial parameter $p$ and small enough step size $\ve$. In this |
case $\tfrac{\partial e}{\partial x}(z,-)$ is invertible at all relevant points, |
and so we can define request functions. |
Indeed, in this case the request function is |
\[ |
r_I(p,a,b)_i = a_i - \tfrac{\lvert A\rvert}{\lvert B\rvert} a_i(1-a_i) \sum_j |
\frac{I_j(p,a) -b_j}{I_j(p,a)(1-I_j(p,a))}\tfrac{\partial I_j}{\partial |
a_i}(p,a), |
\] |
while the update function is the standard update rule for gradient descent with |
respect to the cross entropy. |
\[ |
U_I(p,a,b)_k = p_k - \ve \sum_j\frac{I_j(p,a) -b_j}{I_j(p,a)(1-I_j(p,a))} |
\tfrac{\partial I_j}{\partial p_k}(p,a). |
\] |
There is work to be done in generalising the main theorem to |
accommodate error functions such as cross entropy that fail to have derivatives |
at isolated points. Regardless, note that while in this case it is not |
straightforward to state backpropagation as a functor from $\para$, our |
analysis nevertheless still sheds light on the compositional nature of the |
learning algorithm. |
\subsection{Generalised networked learning algorithms} |
The category $\lrn$ contains many more morphisms than those in the images of |
$\para$ under the gradient descent/backpropagation functors $L_{\ve,e}$. Indeed, |
$\lrn$ does not require us to define our update and request functions using |
derivatives at all. This shows that we can introduce much more general elements |
than the usual neural nets into machine learning algorithms, and still use a |
modular, backpropagation-like method to learn. |
What might more general learning algorithms look like? As the input/output |
spaces need not be Euclidean, we could choose parts of our algorithm to learn |
functions that are constrained to obey certain symmetries, such as periodicity, |
or equivalently being defined on a torus. Indeed, learning over |
manifolds equipped with some differentiable structure is an active field of |
study \cite{BBLSV}. We might also learn nonlinear functions like rotations, or |
find a way to parametrise over network architectures. |
There is a clear advantage of using gradient descent: it gives a |
heuristic argument that the learning algorithm updates towards |
reducing some function, which we might interpret as the error. This helps |
guide the construction of a neural net. Note, however, that the category $\lrn$ |
sees none of this structure; it lies in the functors $L_{\ve,e}$. Thus |
$\lrn$ lets us construct learning algorithms that vary the notion of error |
across the network. |
Finally, neural networks are useful because they provide a simple, combinatorial |
language for specifying supervised learning algorithms. In \cref{sec.bimonoids}, |
we saw that this fact can be cast in categorical terms as follows: neural |
networks are useful as they are the language generated, using the grammar of |
symmetric monoidal categories, from just a few learners (scalar multiplication, |
bias, activation functor, monoid multiplication, and comultiplication). Choosing |
other primitives could provide a new, similarly simple language for specifying |
learning algorithms tailored to a chosen application. |
\subsection{A bicategory of learners} |
At present, approaches to tuning \emph{hyperparameters} of a neural network are rather |
ad hoc. One such hyperparameter is the architecture of the network itself. How many |
layers does the optimal neural net for a given problem have, and how many nodes |
should be in each layer? |
A bicategory is a generalisation of a category in which there also exist |
two-dimensional morphisms connecting the usual morphisms. Learners naturally form |
a bicategory. Indeed, our definition of equivalence of learners implicitly uses this structure; equivalence is just isomorphism for the following notion of 2-morphism. |
\begin{definition} |
A 2-morphism $f\colon (P,I,U,r) \to |
(Q,J,V,s)$ of learners is a function $f\colon P \to Q$ such that |
$J(f(p),a)= I(p,a)$, $V(f(p),a,b) = f(U(p,a,b))$, and $s(f(p),a,b) = |
r(p,a,b)$. |
\end{definition} |
Similarly, $\para$ and $\idag$ are also naturally bicategories. Working in this bicategorical setting gives language for relating different |
parametrised functions and neural network architectures. Such higher morphisms |
can encode ideas such as structured expansion of networks, by adding additional |
neurons or layers. |
\subsection{Learners, lenses, and open games} |
We defined the category of learners to model the exchange of information between individual learning units, and how this creates a larger, composite learner. Similarly, category theory has been |
used to abstractly model bidirectional programming languages and databases, |
using various notions of \emph{lens}, and interacting microeconomic |
games, resulting in the notion of an \emph{open game}. |
These categorical analyses reveal striking structural similarities |
between these three subjects, unified through the idea that at core, they study |
how agents exchange and respond to information. Indeed, asymmetric lenses are |
simply learners with trivial state spaces, and learners themselves are open |
games obeying a certain singleton best response condition. Writing |
$\mathsf{Lens}$ and $\mathsf{Game}$ for the respective categories (defined in |
\cite{JR} and \cite{GHWZ}), this gives embeddings |
\[ |
\mathsf{Lens} \hookrightarrow \lrn \hookrightarrow \mathsf{Game}. |
\] |
Via these functors, the implementation function corresponds to the get function |
of a lens and the play function of an open game, while the request function |
corresponds to the put and coplay functions. The update function of the learner |
corresponds to the strategy update function, known as the best response |
function, for the open game \cite{FJ,Hed}. Moreover, the category $\lrn$ also embeds into a |
certain category of symmetric lenses \cite{FJ}. |
Lenses come with various notions of `well behavedness', |
which place compatibility conditions between put and get functions. So far, in |
the case of learners, we have placed no requirements that an algorithm converge |
towards a function $f$ when given enough training pairs $(a,f(a))$. Examining |
the lens-learner relationship may shed insight onto how not only to define |
structures that learn, but that learn well. |
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\newblock Algebras of open dynamical systems on the operad of wiring |
diagrams. |
\newblock \href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1408.1598}{arXiv:1408.1598}. |
\end{thebibliography} |
\clearpage |
\newpage |
\appendix |
\subsection{Proof of \cref{prop.learners}}\label{app.proofcat} |
\begin{proof}[Proof of \cref{prop.learners}] |
This follows from routine checking of the axioms; we say a few words about each |
case. Note that the arguments below are independent of choice of |
representive of equivalence class of learner. |
\paragraph{Identities} |
The identity axioms are easily checked. For example, to check identity on |
the left we see that $(P,I,U,r) \ast (\rr^0,\id,!,\pi_2)$ is given by $P\times \rr^0 |
\cong P$,\: $I(p,\id(a)) = I(p,a)$,\: $(U\ast !)(p,a,b) = U(p,a,\pi_2(I(p,a),b)) = |
U(p,a,b)$,\: and $(r\ast \pi_2)(p,a,b) = r(p,a,\pi_2(I(p,a),b)) = r(p,a,b)$. |
\paragraph{Associativity} |
The associativity axiom is what requires that our morphisms in $\lrn$ |
be \emph{equivalence classes} of learners, and not simply learners themselves: |
composition of learners is not associative on the nose. Indeed, this is because |
products of sets are not associative on the nose: we only have isomorphisms $(P\times Q) |
\times N \cong P \times (Q \times N)$ of sets, not equality. Acknowledging this, |
associativity is straightforward to prove. |
Let $(P,I,U,r)\colon A \to B$,\: $(Q,J,V,s)\colon B \to C$, and $(N,K,W,t)\colon |
C \to D$ be learners. The most involved item to check is the associativity of |
the paired update--request function. Computation shows |
\begin{align*} |
&\quad (U \ast V) \ast W \\ |
&= \Big(U\big(p,a,s(q,I(p,a),\gamma)\big), |
V\big(q,I(p,a),\gamma\big),W\big(n,J(q,I(p,a)),d\big)\Big) \\ |
&= U \ast (V \ast W) |
\end{align*} |
where $\gamma = t\big(n,J(q,I(p,a)),d\big)$. |
This equality is easier to parse using string diagrams. The composite |
$(U\ast V) \ast W$ is given by the diagram |
\[ |
\resizebox{.5\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}, above right=-1 and .5 of I](J) {$J$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, above right=-4 and 1 of J] (W) {$W,t$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}, below right=2 and 1 of W](I2) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, above right=-4 and 1 of I2] (V) {$V,s$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, below right=-0.5 and 1 of V] (U) {$U,r$}; |
\node[ibb={5}{4}, fit=(I) (J) (W) (V) (U)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-W_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $N$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in5')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $D$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-W_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $N$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-V_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out3'|-U_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out4'|-U_out2)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-W_in1) to (W_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(J_in1)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in2) -- (outer_in2') to (\x1+\n1, \y2) -- (J_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(V_in1)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in2') to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (V_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3) -- ($(\bbportlen,0)+(outer_in3')$) to (I_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(W.south east), \p2=($(outer_in3')$), \p3=(I2_in1), |
\p4=(U_in1), \p5=(I.south west), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(\x2+\n1,\y2) to (\x5,.5*\y3+.5*\y4) -- (\x1-\n1, .5*\y3+.5*\y4) to (I2_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(W.south east), \p2=($(outer_in3')$), \p3=(I2_in1), \p4=(U_in1), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(\x1-\n1, .5*\y3+.5*\y4) to (\x3-\n1, \y4) -- (U_in1); |
\draw (outer_in4') -- ($(\bbportlen,0)+(outer_in4')$) to (I_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(W.south east), \p2=($(outer_in4')$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in4) -- (\x1-\n1, \y2) to (I2_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(W.south east), \p2=($(outer_in4')$), \p3=(I2.south |
west), \p4=(U_in2), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in4') -- (\x1-\n1, \y2) to (\x3-\n1, \y4) -- (U_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(J.south east), \p2=($(outer_in5)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in5) -- (\x1+\n1, \y2) to (W_in3); |
\draw (I_out1) to (J_in2); |
\draw (J_out1) to (W_in2); |
\draw (W_out1) to (outer_out1|-W_out1); |
\draw let \p1=(I2.north west), \p2=($(V_in3)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(W_out2) to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (V_in3); |
\draw (I2_out1) to (V_in2); |
\draw (V_out1) to (outer_out2|-V_out1); |
\draw (V_out2) to (U_in3); |
\draw (U_out1) to (outer_out3|-U_out1); |
\draw (U_out2) to (outer_out4|-U_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
while the composite $U\ast (V\ast W)$ is given by |
\[ |
\resizebox{.5\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}, above right=-1 and .5 of I](J) {$J$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, above right=-4 and 1 of J] (W) {$W,t$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, below right=-0.5 and 1 of W] (V) {$V,s$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, below right=-0.5 and 1 of V] (U) {$U,r$}; |
\node[ibb={5}{4}, fit=(I) (J) (W) (V) (U)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-W_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $N$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in5')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $D$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-W_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $N$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-V_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $Q$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out3'|-U_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out4'|-U_out2)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-W_in1) to (W_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(J_in1)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in2) -- (outer_in2') to (\x1+\n1, \y2) -- (J_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(V_in1)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in2') to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (V_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3) -- (outer_in3') to (I_in1); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(U_in1)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in3') to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (U_in1); |
\draw (outer_in4) -- (outer_in4') to (I_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(I.south west), \p2=($(U_in2)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in4') to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (U_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(J.south east), \p2=($(outer_in5)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(outer_in5) -- (\x1+\n1, \y2) to (W_in3); |
\draw (I_out1) to (J_in2); |
\draw let \p1=(J.south west), \p2=($(V_in2)$), \n1=\bbportlen in |
(I_out1) to (\x1-\n1, \y2) -- (V_in2); |
\draw (J_out1) to (W_in2); |
\draw (W_out1) to (outer_out1|-W_out1); |
\draw (W_out2) to (V_in3); |
\draw (V_out1) to (outer_out2|-V_out1); |
\draw (V_out2) to (U_in3); |
\draw (U_out1) to (outer_out3|-U_out1); |
\draw (U_out2) to (outer_out4|-U_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
To prove these two diagrams represent the same function, observe that the |
function $(I(p,a),I(p,a))\colon P \times A \to B \times B$ can be drawn in the |
following two ways: |
\begin{multline*} |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}, below= of I] (I2) {$I$}; |
\node[ibb={2}{2}, fit=(I) (I2)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2')-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,0)$|-I_out1) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2')+(0.3,0)$|-I2_out1) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) -- (outer_in1') to (I_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) -- (outer_in2') to (I_in2); |
\draw (outer_in1') to (I2_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2') to (I2_in2); |
\draw (I_out1') to (outer_out1|-I_out1); |
\draw (I2_out1') to (outer_out2|-I2_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\\ |
= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[bb port sep=1, bb={2}{1}] (I) {$I$}; |
\node[ibb={2}{2}, fit=(I)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-I_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $P$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2'|-I_in2)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1')+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2')+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-I_in1) -- (I_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2|-I_in2) -- (I_in2); |
\draw (I_out1) -- ($(I_out1)+(.2,0)$) to (outer_out1); |
\draw ($(I_out1)+(.2,0)$) to (outer_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\end{multline*} |
This equality, and the associativity of the diagonal map, implies the equality |
of the previous two diagrams, and hence the associativity of the update and |
request composites. |
\paragraph{Monoidality} |
It is straightforward to check the above is a monoidal |
product, with unit given by the one-element set $\{*\}$. |
Indeed, note that we have now shown that $\lrn$ is a category. There exists a |
functor from the category $\set$ of sets and functions to $\lrn$. This functor |
maps each set to itself, and each function $f \colon A \to B$ to the trivially |
parametrised function $\overline f \colon \rr^0 \times A \to B$. Note that |
$(\set, \times)$ is a monoidal category, and let $\alpha$, $\rho$, and $\lambda$ |
respectively denote the associator, right unitor, and left unitor for |
$(\set,\times)$. The images of these maps under this trivial parametrisation |
functor $\overline{(\cdot)}$, written $\overline \alpha$, $\overline \rho$, and |
$\overline \lambda$, are the corresponding structure maps for $(\lrn, \,\prl\,)$ |
as a symmetric monoidal category. |
The naturality of these maps, as well as the axioms of a symmetric monoidal |
category, then follow in a straightforward way from the corresponding facts in |
$\set$. |
\bigskip |
Thus we have defined a symmetric monoidal category. |
\end{proof} |
\subsection{Proof of \cref{thm.main}}\label{sec.proof_main} |
We prove a slightly more general theorem, incorporating an extra variable |
$\alpha$ so as to better describe the case of cross entropy as discussed in |
\cref{subsec.general_error}. |
\begin{theorem}[Generalisation of \cref{thm.main}] |
Fix $\ve>0$, $\alpha\colon \nn \to \rr_{>0}$, and $e(x,y)\colon \rr \times \rr \to |
\rr$ differentiable such that $\frac{\partial e}{\partial x}(z,-)\colon \rr \to |
\rr$ is invertible for each $z \in \rr$. |
Then we can define a faithful, injective-on-objects, symmetric monoidal functor |
\[ |
L\colon\para \longrightarrow \lrn |
\] |
that sends each parametrised function $I\colon P \times A \to B$ to the learner |
$(P,I,U_I,r_I)$ defined by |
\[ |
U_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq p - \varepsilon\nabla_pE_I(p,a,b) |
\] |
and |
\[ |
r_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq f_a\bigg(\frac{1}{\alpha_B}\nabla_a E_I(p,a,b)\bigg), |
\] |
where $f_a$ is component-wise application of the inverse to $\frac{\partial |
e}{\partial x}(a_i,-)$ for each $i$, and |
\[ |
E_I(p,a,b) \coloneqq \alpha_B \sum_j e(I_j(p,a),b_j). |
\] |
\end{theorem} |
\begin{proof} |
The functor $L$ is by definition injective-on-objects. Since $I$ maps to $(P,I,U_I,r_I)$, |
the functor $L$ is injective on morphisms, and hence will give a faithful functor. |
Let $I\colon P \times \rr^n \to \rr^m$ and $J\colon Q \times \rr^m \to \rr^\ell$ |
be parametrised functions. We show that the composite of their images is equal |
to the image of their composite. |
\paragraph{Update functions} |
By definition the composite of the update functions of $I$ and $J$ is given by |
\begin{align*} |
&\quad (U_I\ast U_J)(p,q,a,c) \\ |
&= \Big(U_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c)),\; U_J(q,I(p,a),c)\Big)\\ |
&= \Big(p - \ve\nabla_p E_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c)),\; q-\ve\nabla_q |
E_J(q,I(p,a),c)\big), |
\end{align*} |
while the update function of the composite $I \ast J$ is |
\begin{align*} |
U_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c) = \Big(p - \ve\nabla_p E_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c),\; q - |
\ve\nabla_qE_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c)\Big). |
\end{align*} |
To show that these are equal, we thus must show that the following equations hold |
\begin{align}\label{eqn:p_entry} |
\nabla_p E_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c)) &= \nabla_p E_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c)\\\label{eqn:q_entry} |
\nabla_q E_J(q,I(p,a),c) &= \nabla_qE_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c). |
\end{align} |
We first consider Equation \ref{eqn:p_entry}: |
\begin{align*} |
& \quad \nabla_p E_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c)) |
\\&= |
\nabla_p \alpha_B \sum_i e\left(I_i(p,a),r_J(q,I(p,a),c)_i\right) |
\tag{def $E_I$}\\&= |
\bigg(\alpha_B \sum_i \frac{\partial e}{\partial |
x}\left(I_i(p,a),r_J(q,I(p,a),c)_i\right)\frac{\partial I_i}{\partial |
p_\ell}(p,a)\bigg)_\ell |
\tag{def $\nabla_p$}\\&= |
\bigg(\alpha_B \sum_i \frac{\partial e}{\partial |
x}\bigg(I_i(p,a),f_{I(p,a)}\Big(\frac{1}{\alpha_B}\nabla_bE_J(q,I(p,a),c)\Big)_i\bigg)\frac{\partial |
I_i}{\partial p_\ell}(p,a)\bigg)_\ell |
\tag{def $r_J$}\\&= |
\bigg(\alpha_B \sum_i \frac1{\alpha_B}\left(\nabla_bE_J(q,I(p,a),c)\right)_i\frac{\partial |
I_i}{\partial p_\ell}(p,a)\bigg)_\ell |
\tag{def $f$}\\&= |
\bigg(\alpha_B \sum_i \frac1{\alpha_B}\big(\nabla_b |
\alpha_C \sum_j e(J_j(q,I(p,a)),c_j)\big)_i |
\frac{\partial |
I_i}{\partial p_\ell}(p,a)\bigg)_\ell |
\tag{def $E_J$}\\&= |
\bigg(\sum_i \alpha_C \sum_j\frac{\partial e}{\partial |
x}(J_j(q,I(p,a)),c_j)\frac{\partial J_j}{\partial b_i}(q,I(p,a))\frac{\partial |
I_i}{\partial p_\ell}(p,a)\bigg)_\ell |
\tag{def $\nabla_b$}\\&= |
\bigg(\alpha_C \sum_j\frac{\partial e}{\partial |
x}(J_j(q,I(p,a)),c_j)\frac{\partial J_j}{\partial p_\ell}(q,I(p,a))\bigg)_\ell |
\tag{chain rule}\\&= |
\nabla_p\alpha_C \sum_j e(J_j(q,I(p,a)),c_j) |
\tag{def $\nabla_p$}\\&= |
\nabla_p E_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c) |
\tag{def $E_{J\ast I}$} |
\end{align*} |
note the shift to coordinate-wise reasoning, that $f$ is defined as the inverse |
to $\partial e$, and the use of the chain rule. Here, $i$, $j$, and $\ell$ are indexing over the dimensions of $B$, $C$, and $P$ respectively. |
Equation \ref{eqn:q_entry} simply follows from the definition of the error |
function; we need not even take derivatives: |
\[ |
E_J(q,I(p,a),c) = \alpha \sum_i e\big(J(q,I(p,a))_i,c_i\big) = |
E_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c)_m |
\] |
Thus we have shown $U_I\ast U_J = U_{I \ast J}$, as desired. |
\paragraph{Request functions} |
We must prove that the following equation holds: |
\[ |
r_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c)) = r_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c) |
\] |
This follows due to the chain rule, in the exact same manner as for updating |
$p$, but swapping the roles of $a$ and $p$ in the proof of Equation \ref{eqn:p_entry}: |
\begin{align*} |
\qquad r_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c)) |
&= f_a\bigg(\frac{1}{\alpha_B}\nabla_a E_I(p,a,r_J(q,I(p,a),c))\bigg) \\ |
&= f_a\bigg(\frac{1}{\alpha_B}\nabla_a E_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c)\bigg) \\ |
&= r_{I \ast J}(p,q,a,c) |
\end{align*} |
\paragraph{Identities} The identity on the object $A$ in the category of |
parametrised functions is the projection $\id_A\colon \rr^0 \times A \to A$. The image of |
$\id_A$ has trivial update function, since the parameter space is trivial. The |
request function is given by |
\[ |
r_{\id_A}(0, a, b) = f_a(\tfrac1{\alpha_B} \nabla_a (\alpha_B\sum_ie(a_i,b_i))) |
= \bigg(f_a(\frac{\partial e}{\partial a_i}(a_i,b_i))\bigg)_i = b. |
\] |
This is exactly the identity map $(\rr^0,\id_A,!,\pi_2)$ in $\lrn$. |
\paragraph{Monoidal structure} The functor $L$ is a monoidal functor. That is, the |
learner given by the monoidal product of parametrised functions is equal to the |
monoidal product of the learners given by those same functions, up to the |
standard isomorphisms $\rr^n \times \rr^m \cong \rr^{n+m}$. To see that this |
is true, suppose we have parametrised functions $I\colon P \times A \to B$ and |
$J\colon Q \times C \to D$. Their tensor is $I \prl J \colon (P \times Q) |
\times (A \times C) \to B \times D$. Note that $E_{I\; \prl\; J}(p,q,a,c,b,d) |
= E_I(p,a,b) + E_J(q,c,d)$. Thus the update function of their tensor is given by |
\begin{align*} |
&\quad U_{I\; \prl\; J}(p,q,a,c,b,d) \\ |
&= \big(p - \ve\nabla_pE_{I\; \prl\; J}(p,q,a,c,b,d)),\; q - \ve\nabla_qE_{I\; \prl\; J}(p,q,a,c,b,d)\big)\\ |
&= \big(p - \ve\nabla_pE_{I}(p,a,b)),\; q - \ve\nabla_qE_{J}(q,c,d)\big)\\ |
&= \big(U_I(p,a,b),\; U_J(q,c,d)\big) |
\end{align*} |
and similarly the request function is |
\begin{align*} |
&\quad r_{I \;\prl\; J}(p,q,a,c,b,d) \\ |
&= f_{(a,c)}\big(\tfrac1{\alpha_{B \times D}}\nabla_{(a,c)}E_{I\;\prl\; |
J}(p,q,a,c,b,d)\big) \\ |
&= f_{(a,c)}\bigg(\tfrac1{\alpha_{B \times |
D}}\nabla_{(a,c)}\alpha_{B\times D} \Big(\sum_i e(I(p,a)_i,b_i)+\sum_j |
e(J(q,c)_j,d_j)\Big)\bigg) \\ |
&= \Big(f_{a}\big(\tfrac1{\alpha_B}\nabla_a E_I(p,a,b)\big),\; |
f_{c}\big(\tfrac1{\alpha_D}\nabla_c E_J(q,c,d)\big)\Big) \\ |
&= \Big(r_I(p,a,b),\; r_J(q,c,d)\Big) |
\end{align*} |
Thus image of the tensor is the tensor of the image. |
\end{proof} |
\subsection{Background on category theory}\label{app.cats} |
\subsubsection{Symmetric monoidal categories} |
A symmetric monoidal category is a setting for composition for |
network-style diagrammatic languages like neural networks. A prop is a |
particularly simple sort of strict symmetric monoidal category. |
First, let us define a category. We specify a \define{category} |
$\mathsf C$ using the |
data: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item a collection $X$ whose elements are called \emph{objects}. |
\item for every pair $(A,B)$ of objects, a set $[A,B]$ whose elements are called |
\emph{morphisms}. |
\item for every triple $(A,B,C)$ of objects, a function $[A,B] \times [B,C] \to |
[A,C]$ call the \emph{a composition rule}, and where we write $(f,g) \mapsto |
f;g$. |
\end{itemize} |
This data is subject to the axioms |
\begin{itemize} |
\item identity: for all objects $A$ there exists $\id_A \in [A,A]$ such that for |
all $f\in [A,B]$ and $g \in [B,A]$ we have $\id_A;f= f$ and $g;\id_A =g$. |
\item associativity: for all $f \in [A,B]$, $g \in [B,C]$ and $h \in [C,D]$ we |
have $(f;g);h = f;(g;h)$. |
\end{itemize} |
The main object of our interest, however, is a particular type of category, |
known as a symmetric monoidal category. For a \define{symmetric |
monoidal category} $\mathsf C$, we further require the data: |
\begin{itemize} |
\item for every pair $(A,B)$ of objects, another object $A \otimes B$ in $X$. |
\item for every quadruple $(A,B,C,D)$ of objects a function $[A,B] \times [C,D] |
\to [A\otimes C, B \otimes D]$ called the \emph{monoidal product}. |
\end{itemize} |
Using this data, we may draw networks. We think of the objects as being various |
types of wire, and a morphism $f$ in $[A_1\otimes \dots \otimes A_n,B_1 \otimes |
\dots \otimes B_m]$ as a box with wires of types $A_i$ on the |
left and wires of types $B_i$ on the right. Here are some pictures. |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[symbb port sep=1.4, symbb={3}{3}] (I) {$f$}; |
\node[ibb={3}{3}, fit=(I)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-I_in1)-(0.4,0)$) {\footnotesize $A_1$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2'|-I_in2)-(0.4,-0.2)$) {\footnotesize $\vdots$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3'|-I_in3)-(0.4,0)$) {\footnotesize $A_n$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-I_out1)+(0.4,0)$) {\footnotesize $B_1$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-I_out2)+(0.4,0.2)$) {\footnotesize $\vdots$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out3'|-I_out3)+(0.4,0)$) {\footnotesize $B_m$}; |
\node at ($(I_in2)-(0.5,-0.2)$) {\footnotesize $\vdots$}; |
\node at ($(I_out2)+(0.5,0.2)$) {\footnotesize $\vdots$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-I_in1) to (I_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3|-I_in3) to (I_in3); |
\draw (I_out1') to (outer_out1|-I_out1); |
\draw (I_out3') to (outer_out3|-I_out3); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
By connecting wires of the same type, we can draw more complicated pictures. For |
example: |
\[ |
\resizebox{.45\textwidth}{!}{ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[symbb port sep=1, bb={2}{2}] (F) {$f$}; |
\node[symbb port sep=2, bb={2}{3}, below right=-2 and 1 of F](G) {$g$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={2}{1}, below right=-0.5 and 1 of G](H) {$h$}; |
\node[bb port sep=2, bb={3}{2}, above right=-0.5 and 1.2 of G](K){$k$}; |
\node[ibb={5}{4}, fit=(F) (K) (G) (H)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in1'|-K_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in2'|-F_in1)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $B$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in3'|-F_in2)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $C$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4'|-G_in2)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $C$}; |
\node at ($(outer_in5'|-H_in2)-(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $D$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out1'|-K_out2)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out2'|-K_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $A$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out3'|-G_out2)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $E$}; |
\node at ($(outer_out4'|-H_out1)+(0.3,0)$) {\footnotesize $F$}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-K_in1) to (K_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2|-F_in1) to (F_in1); |
\draw (outer_in3|-F_in2) to (F_in2); |
\draw (outer_in4|-G_in2) to (G_in2); |
\draw (outer_in5) -- ($(outer_in5)+(3.5,0)$) to (H_in1); |
\draw (F_out1) to (K_in2); |
\draw (F_out2) to (G_in1|-F_out2); |
\draw (G_out1) to (K_in3); |
\draw (G_out3) to (H_in2); |
\draw (G_out2) to (outer_out3|-G_out2); |
\draw (H_out1) to (outer_out4|-H_out1); |
\draw (K_out1) to (outer_out2|-K_out2); |
\draw (K_out2) to (outer_out1|-K_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
} |
\] |
The key point of a network is that any such picture must have an unambiguous |
interpretation as a morphism. The use of string diagrams to represent morphisms |
in a monoidal category is formalised in \cite{JS}. |
To form what is known as a \define{strict} symmetric monoidal category, the above data must obey |
additional axioms that ensure it captures the above intuition of behaving like a |
network. These axioms are |
\begin{itemize} |
\item interchange: for all $f \in [A,B]$, $g \in [B,C]$, $h \in [D,E]$, $k \in |
[E,F]$ we have $(f;g)\otimes (h;k) = (f \otimes h);(g \otimes k)$. |
\item monoidal identity: there exists an object $I$ such that $I \otimes A = A = |
A \otimes I$. |
\item monoidal associativity: for all objects $A,B,C$ we have $(A \otimes |
B)\otimes C= A \otimes (B\otimes C)$. |
\item symmetry: for all pairs of objects $A,B$ we have morphisms |
$\sigma_{A,B} \in [A\otimes B,B \otimes A]$ such |
that $\sigma_{A,B}; \sigma_{B,A} = \id_{A \otimes B}$, and that for all $f \in |
[A,C]$, $g \in [B,D]$ we have $(f\otimes g);\sigma_{C \otimes D} = \sigma_{A |
\otimes B};(f\otimes g)$. |
\end{itemize} |
More generally, symmetric monoidal categories require these axioms only to be |
true up to natural isomorphism. More detail can be found in \cite{Mac}. |
\begin{example} |
An example of a symmetric monoidal category is $(\set, \times)$, where |
our objects are a set of each cardinality, and morphisms are functions between |
them. The monoidal product is given by the cartesian product of sets. |
\end{example} |
\begin{example} |
Another example of a symmetric monoidal category is $(\fvect,\oplus)$, |
where our objects are finite-dimensional vector spaces, morphisms are linear |
maps, and the monoidal product is given by the direct sum of vector spaces. |
\end{example} |
\subsubsection{Functors} |
A functor is a way of reinterpreting one category in another, preserving the |
algebraic structure. In other words, a functor is the notion of |
structure preserving map for categories, in analogy with linear transformations |
as the structure preserving maps for vector spaces, and group homomorphisms as |
the structure preserving maps for groups. |
Formally, given categories $\mathsf C, \mathsf D$, a \define{functor} $F\colon |
\mathsf{C} \to \mathsf{D}$ sends every object $A$ of $\mathsf C$ to an object |
$FA$ of $\mathsf D$, every morphism $f\colon A \to B$ in $\mathsf C$ to a |
morphism $Ff\colon FA \to FB$ in $\mathsf D$, such that $F1=1$ and $Ff;Fg = |
F(f;g)$. |
A functor between symmetric monoidal categories is a \define{symmetric |
monoidal functor} if $FI_{\mathsf C}=I_{\mathsf D}$, where $I$ is the monoidal |
unit for the relevant category, and if there exist |
isomorphisms $F(A \otimes B) \cong FA \otimes FB$ natural in objects $A,B$ of |
$\mathsf C$. We say that the functor is a \define{strict} symmetric monoidal |
functor if these isomorphisms are in fact equalities. |
We also say that a functor is \define{faithful} if $Ff=Fg$ only when $f=g$, and |
\define{injective-on-objects} if the map from objects of $\mathsf C$ to objects |
of $\mathsf D$ is injective. |
\subsubsection{Bimonoids} |
A \define{bimonoid} in a symmetric monoidal category is an object $A$ together |
with morphisms that obey certain axioms. These morphisms have names and types: |
\[ |
\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=1pt] |
\textrm{multiplication}& |
\textrm{unit} |
\\\\ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[blankbb={2}{1}] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (outer_out1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
& |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[blankbb={0}{1}] (outer) {}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (u) at ($(outer_out1)-(.45,0)$) {}; |
\draw (u) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\\ |
\mu\colon A\otimes A \to A & |
\epsilon\colon I \to A |
\\\\\\\\ |
\textrm{comultiplication}& |
\textrm{counit} |
\\\\ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[blankbb={1}{2}] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (outer_out1); |
\draw (outer_in1) to (outer_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
& |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[blankbb={1}{0}] (outer) {}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (u) at ($(outer_in1)+(.45,0)$) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (u); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\\ |
\delta\colon A \to A \otimes A & |
\nu\colon A \to I |
\end{tikzcd} |
\] |
Note that these diagrams are informal, but useful, special depictions of |
these morphisms. More formally, for example, the diagram |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[blankbb={2}{1}] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (outer_out1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
for the multiplication $\mu$ is a shorthand for the string diagram |
\[ |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD, bb port sep=1pt] |
\node[bb={2}{1}] (m) {$\mu$}; |
\node[blankbb={2}{1}, fit = (m)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (m_in1); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (m_in2); |
\draw (m_out1) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\] |
These morphisms must obey the axioms: |
\[ |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (u) {}; |
\node[blankbb={2}{1}, fit=(u)] (outer) {}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (u) at ($(outer_in2)+(.5,0)$) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) -- ($(outer_in1)+(.5,0)$) to ($(outer_out1)-(.3,0)$) |
-- (outer_out1); |
\draw (u) to ($(outer_out1)-(.3,0)$); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (u) {}; |
\node[blankbb={1}{1}, fit=(u)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\] |
\[ |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (u) {}; |
\coordinate (l) at ($(u)+(.5,-1.5)$) {}; |
\coordinate (cent) at ($(u)+(0,-2)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={3}{1}, fit= (u) (cent)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (u); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (u); |
\draw (outer_in3) -- ($(outer_in3)+(.8,0)$)to (l); |
\draw (u) to (l); |
\draw (l) to (outer_out1|-l); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (l) {}; |
\coordinate (u) at ($(l)+(.5,1.5)$) {}; |
\coordinate (cent) at ($(l)+(0,2)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={3}{1}, fit= (cent) (l)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) -- ($(outer_in1)+(.8,0)$) to (u); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (l); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (l); |
\draw (l) to (u); |
\draw (u) to (outer_out1|-u); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\] |
\[ |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (l) {}; |
\coordinate (r) at ($(l)+(.15,0)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={2}{2}, fit= (r) (l)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (l); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (l); |
\draw (l) to (r); |
\draw (r) to (outer_out1); |
\draw (r) to (outer_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (a) {}; |
\coordinate (b) at ($(a)-(0,1.5)$) {}; |
\coordinate (c) at ($(b)-(0,1.5)$) {}; |
\coordinate (d) at ($(c)-(0,1.5)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={2}{2}, fit= (a) (b) (c) (d)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to ($(a)-(.3,0)$)-- (a); |
\draw (outer_in1) to ($(b)-(.3,0)$)--($(b)-(.2,0)$); |
\draw (outer_in2) to ($(c)-(.3,0)$)--($(c)-(.2,0)$); |
\draw (outer_in2) to ($(d)-(.3,0)$)--(d); |
\draw (a) to (outer_out1); |
\draw ($(c)-(.2,0)$) to (outer_out1); |
\draw ($(b)-(.2,0)$) to (outer_out2); |
\draw (d) to (outer_out2); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\] |
\[ |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (c) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[blankbb={1}{1}, fit=(c)] (outer) {}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (l) at ($(outer_in1)+(.7,0)$) {}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (r) at ($(outer_out1)-(.7,0)$) {}; |
\draw (l) to (r); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (c) at (0,0) {}; |
\node[blankbb={1}{1}, fit=(c)] (outer) {}; |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\] |
\[ |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (c) {}; |
\coordinate (cent) at ($(c)-(.3,0)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={2}{1}, fit=(cent)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (cent) -- (c); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (cent); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (c) {}; |
\node[draw, fill, circle, inner sep=1pt] (d) at ($(c)-(0,2.2)$) {}; |
\coordinate (cent) at ($(c)-(.3,1.1)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={2}{1}, fit=(cent)] (outer) {}; |
\draw (outer_in1|-c) to (c); |
\draw (outer_in2|-d) to (d); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\] |
and their mirror images. |
Note that the second axiom above, called associativity, implies that all maps with codomain |
$1$ constructed using only products of the multiplication and the identity map |
are equal. It is thus convenient, and does not cause confusion, to define the |
following notation: |
\[ |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (u) {}; |
\coordinate (cent) at ($(u)+(.5,-5)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={5}{1}, fit= (u) (cent)] (outer) {}; |
\coordinate (o) at ($(outer_out1)-(.5,0)$) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4)+(.3,.5)$) {$\vdots$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (o); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (o); |
\draw (outer_in3) to (o); |
\draw (outer_in5) to (o); |
\draw (o) to (outer_out1); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
:= |
\begin{aligned} |
\begin{tikzpicture}[oriented WD] |
\coordinate (u) {}; |
\coordinate (l) at ($(u)+(.7,-1.5)$) {}; |
\coordinate (m) at ($(l)+(.7,-1.8)$) {}; |
\coordinate (cent) at ($(u)+(.5,-5)$) {}; |
\node[blankbb={5}{1}, fit= (u) (cent)] (outer) {}; |
\node at ($(outer_in4)+(.3,.5)$) {$\vdots$}; |
\draw (outer_in1) to (u); |
\draw (outer_in2) to (u); |
\draw (u) to (l); |
\draw (outer_in3) -- ($(outer_in3)+(.8,0)$)to (l); |
\draw (l) to (m); |
\draw ($(outer_in5)$) -- ($(outer_in5)+(1.2,0)$)to (m); |
\draw (m) to (outer_out1|-m); |
\end{tikzpicture} |
\end{aligned} |
\] |
We define the mirror image notation for iterated comultiplications. |
These morphisms, and the axioms they obey, allow network diagrams to be drawn. |
First, the morphisms $\mu$, $\epsilon$, $\delta$, and $\nu$ respectively give |
interpretations to pairwise merging, initializing, splitting in pairs, and deleting |
edges. The associativity and coassociativity axioms, for example, then give |
unique interpretation to $n$-ary merging and $n$-ary splitting, as described |
above. |
\begin{example} |
Each object in $\fvect$ can be equipped with the structure of a |
bimonoid. Indeed, given a vector spaces $V$, the multiplication $\mu\colon V |
\oplus V \to V$ takes a pair $(u,v)$ to $u+v$, the unit $\epsilon\colon 0 \to V$ |
maps the unique element $0$ of the $0$-dimensional vector space to the zero |
vector in $V$, the comultiplication $\delta\colon V \to V \oplus V$ maps $v$ to |
$(v,v)$, and the counit $\nu\colon V \to 0$ maps every vector $v \in V$ to zero. |
It is standard linear algebra to check that these maps obey the bimonoid axioms; |
see \cite{BE,BSZ} for details. |
\end{example} |
\end{document} |