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\icmltitlerunning{Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks} |
\begin{document} |
\twocolumn[ |
\icmltitle{Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks} |
\icmlauthor{Matthew D. Zeiler}{zeiler@cs.nyu.edu} |
\icmladdress{Dept. of Computer Science, Courant Institute, |
New York University} |
\icmlauthor{Rob Fergus}{fergus@cs.nyu.edu} |
\icmladdress{Dept. of Computer Science, Courant Institute, |
New York University} |
\icmlkeywords{boring formatting information, machine learning, ICML} |
\vskip 0.3in |
] |
\begin{abstract} |
Large Convolutional Network models have recently demonstrated |
impressive classification performance on the ImageNet benchmark |
\cite{Kriz12}. However there is no clear understanding of |
why they perform so well, or how they might be improved. In this |
paper we address both issues. We introduce a novel visualization |
technique that gives insight into the function of intermediate feature |
layers and the operation of the classifier. Used in a diagnostic role, these |
visualizations allow us to find model architectures that outperform Krizhevsky |
\etal on the ImageNet classification benchmark. We also perform an |
ablation study to discover the performance contribution from different |
model layers. We show our ImageNet model |
generalizes well to other datasets: when the softmax classifier is |
retrained, it convincingly beats the current state-of-the-art |
results on Caltech-101 and Caltech-256 datasets. |
\end{abstract} |
\vspace{-4mm} |
\section{Introduction} |
\vspace{-2mm} |
Since their introduction by \cite{Lecun1989} in the early 1990's, Convolutional |
Networks (convnets) have demonstrated excellent performance at |
tasks such as hand-written digit classification and face |
detection. In the last year, several papers have shown that they can also deliver |
outstanding performance on more challenging visual classification tasks. \cite{Ciresan12} demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on NORB and |
CIFAR-10 datasets. Most notably, \cite{Kriz12} show |
record beating performance on the ImageNet 2012 classification |
benchmark, with their convnet model achieving an error rate of 16.4\%, |
compared to the 2nd place result of 26.1\%. Several factors are |
responsible for this renewed interest in convnet models: (i) the |
availability of much larger training sets, with millions of labeled |
examples; (ii) powerful GPU implementations, making the training of |
very large models practical and (iii) better model regularization |
strategies, such as Dropout \cite{Hinton12}. |
Despite this encouraging progress, there is still little insight into |
the internal operation and behavior of these complex models, or how |
they achieve such good performance. From a scientific standpoint, |
this is deeply unsatisfactory. Without clear understanding of how and |
why they work, the development of better models is reduced to |
trial-and-error. In this paper we introduce a visualization technique |
that reveals the input stimuli that excite individual feature maps at any |
layer in the model. It also allows us to observe the evolution of |
features during training and to diagnose potential problems with the |
model. The visualization technique we propose uses a multi-layered |
Deconvolutional Network (deconvnet), as proposed by \cite{Zeiler11}, |
to project the feature activations back to the input pixel space. We also perform a |
sensitivity analysis of the classifier output by occluding portions of |
the input image, revealing which parts of the scene are important for |
classification. |
Using these tools, we start with the architecture of \cite{Kriz12} and |
explore different architectures, discovering ones that outperform |
their results on ImageNet. We then explore the generalization ability |
of the model to other datasets, just retraining the softmax classifier |
on top. As such, this is a form of supervised pre-training, which |
contrasts with the unsupervised pre-training methods popularized by |
\cite{Hinton2006a} and others \cite{Bengio2007,Vincent2008}. The |
generalization ability of convnet features is also explored in |
concurrent work by \cite{Donahue13}. |
\vspace{-0mm} |
\subsection{Related Work} |
\vspace{-0mm} Visualizing features to gain intuition about the network |
is common practice, but mostly limited to the 1st layer where |
projections to pixel space are possible. In higher layers this is not |
the case, and there are limited methods for interpreting |
activity. \cite{Erhan09} find the optimal stimulus for each unit by |
performing gradient descent in image space to maximize the unit's |
activation. This requires a careful initialization and does not give |
any information about the unit's invariances. Motivated by the |
latter's short-coming, \cite{Le10} (extending an idea by |
\cite{Berkes06}) show how the Hessian of a given unit may be computed |
numerically around the optimal response, giving some insight into |
invariances. The problem is that for higher layers, the invariances |
are extremely complex so are poorly captured by a simple quadratic |
approximation. Our approach, by contrast, provides a non-parametric |
view of invariance, showing which patterns from the training set |
activate the feature map. \cite{Donahue13} show |
visualizations that identify patches within a dataset that are |
responsible for strong activations at higher layers in the model. Our |
visualizations differ in that they are not just crops of input images, |
but rather top-down projections that reveal structures within each |
patch that stimulate a particular feature map. |
\section{Approach} |
We use standard fully supervised convnet models throughout |
the paper, as defined by \cite{Lecun1989} and \cite{Kriz12}. These models map a color 2D input image $x_i$, |
via a series of layers, to a |
probability vector $\hat{y_i}$ over the $C$ different classes. Each |
layer consists of (i) convolution of the previous layer output (or, in |
the case of the 1st layer, the input image) with a set of learned |
filters; (ii) passing the responses through a rectified linear |
function ({\em $relu(x)=\max(x,0)$}); (iii) |
[optionally] max pooling over local neighborhoods and (iv) [optionally] |
a local contrast operation that normalizes the responses across |
feature maps. For more details of these operations, see \cite{Kriz12} and \cite{Jarrett2009}. The top few |
layers of the network are conventional fully-connected networks and |
the final layer is a softmax classifier. \fig{arch} shows |
the model used in many of our experiments. |
We train these models using a large set of $N$ labeled images |
$\{x,y\}$, where label $y_i$ is a discrete variable indicating the |
true class. A cross-entropy loss function, suitable for image |
classification, is used to compare $\hat{y_i}$ and $y_i$. The |
parameters of the network (filters in the convolutional layers, weight |
matrices in the fully-connected layers and biases) are trained by |
back-propagating the derivative of the loss with respect to the |
parameters throughout the network, and updating the parameters via |
stochastic gradient descent. Full details of training are given in |
\secc{training}. |
\subsection{Visualization with a Deconvnet} |
Understanding the operation of a convnet requires interpreting the |
feature activity in intermediate layers. We present a novel way to |
{\em map these activities back to the input pixel space}, showing what |
input pattern originally caused a given activation in the feature |
maps. We perform this mapping with a Deconvolutional Network |
(deconvnet) \cite{Zeiler11}. A deconvnet can be thought of as a |
convnet model that uses the same components (filtering, pooling) but |
in reverse, so instead of mapping pixels to features does the |
opposite. In \cite{Zeiler11}, deconvnets were proposed as a way of |
performing unsupervised learning. Here, they are not used in any |
learning capacity, just as a probe of an already trained convnet. |
To examine a convnet, a deconvnet is attached to each of its layers, |
as illustrated in \fig{deconv}(top), providing a continuous |
path back to image pixels. To start, an input image is |
presented to the convnet and features computed throughout the |
layers. To examine a given convnet activation, we set all other activations in |
the layer to zero and pass the feature maps as input to the attached |
deconvnet layer. Then we successively (i) unpool, (ii) rectify and |
(iii) filter to reconstruct the activity in the layer beneath that |
gave rise to the chosen activation. This is then repeated until input |
pixel space is reached. |
\noindent {\bf Unpooling:} In the convnet, the max pooling operation |
is non-invertible, however we can obtain an approximate inverse by |
recording the locations of the maxima within each pooling region in a |
set of {\em switch} variables. In the deconvnet, the unpooling |
operation uses these switches to place the reconstructions from the |
layer above into appropriate locations, preserving the structure of |
the stimulus. See \fig{deconv}(bottom) for an illustration of the procedure. |
\noindent {\bf Rectification:} The convnet uses {\em relu} |
non-linearities, which rectify the feature maps thus ensuring the |
feature maps are always positive. To obtain valid feature |
reconstructions at each layer (which also should be positive), we pass |
the reconstructed signal through a {\em relu} non-linearity. |
\noindent {\bf Filtering:} The convnet uses learned filters to |
convolve the feature maps from the previous layer. To invert this, the |
deconvnet uses transposed versions of the same filters, but applied to the rectified maps, |
not the output of the layer beneath. In |
practice this means flipping each filter vertically and horizontally. |
Projecting down from higher layers uses the switch settings generated |
by the max pooling in the convnet on the way up. As these switch |
settings are peculiar to a given input image, the reconstruction |
obtained from a single activation thus resembles a small piece of the |
original input image, with structures weighted according to their |
contribution toward to the feature activation. Since the model is |
trained discriminatively, they implicitly show which parts of the |
input image are discriminative. Note that these projections are {\em |
not} samples from the model, since there is no generative process involved. |
\begin{figure}[h!] |
\vspace{-3mm} |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=3.3in]{conv_deconv.pdf} |
\includegraphics[width=3.3in]{unpool.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\caption{Top: A deconvnet layer (left) attached to a convnet layer |
(right). The deconvnet will reconstruct an approximate version of |
the convnet features from the layer beneath. Bottom: |
An illustration of the unpooling operation in the deconvnet, using {\em switches} |
which record the location of the local max in each pooling region |
(colored zones) during pooling in the convnet. } |
\label{fig:deconv} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure} |
\section{Training Details} \label{sec:training} |
We now describe the large convnet model that will be visualized in |
\secc{vis}. The architecture, shown in \fig{arch}, is similar to that |
used by \cite{Kriz12} for ImageNet |
classification. One difference is that the sparse connections used in |
Krizhevsky's layers 3,4,5 (due to the model being split across 2 |
GPUs) are replaced with dense connections in our model. Other |
important differences relating to layers 1 and 2 were made following |
inspection of the visualizations in \fig{compareAlex}, as described in |
\secc{selection}. |
The model was trained on the ImageNet 2012 training set (1.3 million |
images, spread over 1000 different classes). Each RGB image was |
preprocessed by resizing the smallest dimension to 256, cropping the |
center 256x256 region, subtracting the per-pixel mean (across all |
images) and then using 10 different sub-crops of size 224x224 |
(corners $+$ center with(out) horizontal flips). Stochastic gradient |
descent with a mini-batch size of 128 was used to update the |
parameters, starting with a learning rate of $10^{-2}$, in conjunction |
with a momentum term of $0.9$. We anneal the |
learning rate throughout training manually when the validation error |
plateaus. Dropout \cite{Hinton12} is used in the |
fully connected layers (6 and 7) with a rate of 0.5. All weights are initialized to $10^{-2}$ and |
biases are set to 0. |
Visualization of the first layer filters during training reveals that |
a few of them dominate, as shown in \fig{compareAlex}(a). To combat |
this, we renormalize each filter in the convolutional layers whose RMS |
value exceeds a fixed radius of $10^{-1}$ to this fixed radius. This |
is crucial, especially in the first layer of the model, where the |
input images are roughly in the [-128,128] range. As in |
\cite{Kriz12}, we produce multiple different crops and flips of each |
training example to boost training set size. We stopped training after |
70 epochs, which took around 12 days on a single |
GTX580 GPU, using an implementation based on \cite{Kriz12}. |
\section{Convnet Visualization} |
\label{sec:vis} |
Using the model described in \secc{training}, we now use the deconvnet |
to visualize the feature activations on the ImageNet validation set. |
\noindent {\bf Feature Visualization:} \fig{top9feat} shows feature visualizations from our |
model once training is complete. However, instead of showing the |
single strongest activation for a given feature map, we show the top 9 |
activations. Projecting each separately down to pixel space reveals |
the different structures that excite a given feature map, hence |
showing its invariance to input deformations. Alongside these |
visualizations we show the corresponding image patches. These have |
greater variation than visualizations as the latter solely focus on |
the discriminant structure within each patch. For example, in layer 5, |
row 1, col 2, the patches appear to have little in common, but the |
visualizations reveal that this particular feature map focuses on the |
grass in the background, not the foreground objects. |
\onecolumn |
\begin{figure*}[h!] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=6.0in]{rob3_new6.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\caption{Visualization of features in a fully trained model. For |
layers 2-5 we show the top 9 activations in a random subset of |
feature maps across the validation data, projected down to pixel |
space using our deconvolutional network approach. Our |
reconstructions are {\em not} samples from the model: they are |
reconstructed patterns from the validation set that cause high activations in a |
given feature map. For each feature map we also show the |
corresponding image patches. Note: (i) the the strong grouping |
within each feature map, (ii) greater invariance at higher layers |
and (iii) exaggeration of discriminative parts of the image, |
e.g.~eyes and noses of dogs (layer 4, row 1, cols 1). Best viewed in electronic form. } |
\label{fig:top9feat} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
\twocolumn |
The projections from each layer show the hierarchical nature of |
the features in the network. Layer |
2 responds to corners and other edge/color conjunctions. Layer 3 has |
more complex invariances, capturing similar textures (e.g.~mesh |
patterns (Row 1, Col 1); text (R2,C4)). Layer 4 shows significant |
variation, but is more class-specific: dog faces |
(R1,C1); bird's legs (R4,C2). Layer 5 shows entire objects |
with significant pose variation, e.g.~keyboards (R1,C11) and dogs (R4). |
\begin{figure*}[t!] |
\vspace*{-0.2cm} |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=7in]{arch_old.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.4cm} |
\caption{Architecture of our 8 layer convnet model. A 224 by 224 crop of an |
image (with 3 color planes) is presented as the input. This is |
convolved with 96 different 1st layer filters (red), each of size 7 by 7, |
using a stride of 2 in both x and y. The resulting feature maps are |
then: (i) passed through a rectified linear function (not shown), |
(ii) pooled (max |
within 3x3 regions, using stride 2) and (iii) contrast normalized |
across feature maps to give 96 different 55 by 55 |
element feature maps. Similar operations are repeated in layers |
2,3,4,5. The last two layers are fully connected, taking features |
from the top convolutional layer as input in vector form (6 $\cdot$ 6 $\cdot$ |
256 = 9216 dimensions). The final layer is a $C$-way softmax |
function, $C$ being the number of classes. All filters and feature maps are square in shape.} |
\label{fig:arch} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
\noindent {\bf Feature Evolution during Training:} \fig{evolve} |
visualizes the progression during training of the strongest activation |
(across all training examples) within a given feature map projected |
back to pixel space. Sudden jumps in appearance result from a change |
in the image from which the strongest activation originates. The lower |
layers of the model can be seen to converge within a few |
epochs. However, the upper layers only develop develop after a |
considerable number of epochs (40-50), demonstrating the need to let |
the models train until fully converged. |
\noindent {\bf Feature Invariance:} \fig{invariance} shows 5 sample images being translated, rotated and |
scaled by varying degrees while looking at the changes in the feature |
vectors from the top and bottom layers of the model, relative to the |
untransformed feature. Small |
transformations have a dramatic effect in the first layer of the model, |
but a lesser impact at the top feature layer, being quasi-linear for |
translation \& scaling. The network output is stable to translations |
and scalings. In general, the output is not invariant to rotation, |
except for object with rotational symmetry (e.g.~entertainment center). |
\begin{figure*}[t!] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=7in]{rob2_small.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\caption{Evolution of a randomly chosen subset of model features through training. Each layer's |
features are displayed in a different block. Within each |
block, we show a randomly chosen subset of features at epochs [1,2,5,10,20,30,40,64]. The |
visualization shows the strongest activation (across all |
training examples) for a given feature map, projected down to pixel |
space using our deconvnet approach. Color contrast is artificially |
enhanced and the figure is best viewed in |
electronic form.} |
\label{fig:evolve} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
\begin{figure*}[t!] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=6.5in]{invariance_small.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.6cm} |
\caption{Analysis of vertical translation, scale, and rotation invariance within the |
model (rows a-c respectively). Col 1: 5 example images undergoing |
the transformations. Col 2 \& 3: Euclidean distance between feature |
vectors from the original and transformed images in layers 1 and 7 |
respectively. Col 4: the probability of the true label for each |
image, as the image is transformed. } |
\label{fig:invariance} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
\subsection{Architecture Selection} \label{sec:selection} While visualization |
of a trained model gives insight into its operation, it can also |
assist with selecting good architectures in the first place. By |
visualizing the first and second layers of Krizhevsky \etal's |
architecture (\fig{compareAlex}(b) \& (d)), various problems are |
apparent. The first layer filters are a mix of extremely high and low |
frequency information, with little coverage of the mid |
frequencies. Additionally, the 2nd layer visualization shows aliasing |
artifacts caused by the large stride 4 used in the 1st layer |
convolutions. To remedy these problems, we (i) reduced the 1st layer |
filter size from 11x11 to 7x7 and (ii) made the stride of the |
convolution 2, rather than 4. This new architecture retains much more |
information in the 1st and 2nd layer features, as shown in |
\fig{compareAlex}(c) \& (e). More importantly, it also improves the classification |
performance as shown in \secc{modelsizes}. |
\begin{figure*}[t!] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=6.3in]{rob4_small.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\caption{(a): 1st layer features without feature scale clipping. Note |
that one feature dominates. (b): 1st layer features from |
\cite{Kriz12}. (c): Our 1st layer features. The smaller stride (2 vs |
4) and filter size (7x7 vs 11x11) results in more distinctive |
features and fewer ``dead'' features. (d): Visualizations of 2nd |
layer features from \cite{Kriz12}. (e): |
Visualizations of our 2nd layer features. These are cleaner, with no |
aliasing artifacts that are visible in (d). } |
\label{fig:compareAlex} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
\subsection{Occlusion Sensitivity} |
With image classification approaches, a natural question is if the |
model is truly identifying the location of the object in the image, or |
just using the surrounding context. \fig{block_expt} attempts to |
answer this question by systematically occluding different portions of |
the input image with a grey square, and monitoring the output of the |
classifier. The examples clearly show the model is localizing the |
objects within the scene, as the probability of the correct class |
drops significantly when the object is occluded. \fig{block_expt} also |
shows visualizations from the strongest feature map of the top |
convolution layer, in addition to |
activity in this map (summed over spatial locations) as a function of occluder position. When the |
occluder covers the image region that appears in the visualization, we |
see a strong drop in activity in the feature map. This shows that the |
visualization genuinely corresponds to the image structure that |
stimulates that feature map, hence validating the other visualizations |
shown in \fig{evolve} and \fig{top9feat}. |
\begin{figure*}[t!] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=7.0in]{rob1_3.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\caption{Three test examples where we systematically cover up different portions |
of the scene with a gray square (1st column) and see how the top |
(layer 5) feature maps ((b) \& (c)) and classifier output ((d) \& (e)) changes. (b): for each |
position of the gray scale, we record the total activation in one |
layer 5 feature map (the one with the strongest response in the |
unoccluded image). (c): a visualization of this feature map projected |
down into the input image (black square), along with visualizations of |
this map from other images. The first row example shows the strongest feature |
to be the dog's face. When this is covered-up the activity in the |
feature map decreases (blue area in (b)). (d): a map of correct class |
probability, as a function of the position of the gray |
square. E.g.~when the dog's face is obscured, the probability for |
``pomeranian'' drops significantly. (e): the most probable label as a |
function of occluder position. E.g.~in the 1st row, for most locations |
it is ``pomeranian'', but if the dog's face is obscured but not the |
ball, then it predicts ``tennis ball''. In the 2nd example, text on |
the car is the strongest feature in layer 5, but the classifier is |
most sensitive to the wheel. The 3rd example contains multiple |
objects. The strongest feature in layer 5 picks out the faces, but the |
classifier is sensitive to the dog (blue region in (d)), |
since it uses multiple feature maps.} |
\label{fig:block_expt} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\end{figure*} |
\subsection{Correspondence Analysis} |
\vspace{-2mm} |
Deep models differ from many existing recognition approaches in that |
there is no explicit mechanism for establishing correspondence between |
specific object parts in different images (e.g. faces have a particular |
spatial configuration of the eyes and nose). However, an intriguing possibility is that deep models might |
be {\em implicitly} computing them. To explore this, we take 5 |
randomly drawn dog images with frontal pose and systematically mask out |
the same part of the face in each image (e.g.~all left eyes, see \fig{corr_ims}). For each |
image $i$, we then compute: $\epsilon^l_i = x^l_i - \tilde{x}^l_i$, |
where $x^l_i$ and $\tilde{x}^l_i$ are the feature vectors at layer $l$ |
for the original and occluded images respectively. We then measure the |
consistency of this difference vector $\epsilon$ between all related image |
pairs $(i,j)$: $\Delta_l = \sum_{i,j=1, i \neq j}^{5} \mathcal{H}( |
\text{sign}(\epsilon^l_i),\text{sign}(\epsilon^l_j))$, where |
$\mathcal{H}$ is Hamming distance. A lower value indicates |
greater consistency in the change resulting from the masking |
operation, hence tighter correspondence between the same object parts |
in different images (i.e.~blocking the left eye changes the |
feature representation in a consistent way). In \tab{corr} we compare the $\Delta$ score for |
three parts of the face (left eye, right eye and nose) to random parts |
of the object, using features from layer $l=5$ and $l=7$. The lower score |
for these parts, relative to random object regions, for the layer $5$ features |
show the model does establish some degree of correspondence. |
\begin{figure}[t!] |
\vspace{-0mm} |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=3.2in]{corr_ims.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.4cm} |
\caption{Images used for correspondence experiments. Col 1: Original |
image. Col 2,3,4: Occlusion of the right eye, left eye, and nose |
respectively. Other columns show examples of random occlusions.} |
\label{fig:corr_ims} |
\vspace*{-0.0cm} |
\end{figure} |
\begin{table}[!h] |
\vspace*{-0mm} |
\begin{center} |
\small |
\begin{tabular}{|l||c|c|} |
\hline |
& Mean Feature & Mean Feature \\ & Sign Change & Sign Change \\ Occlusion Location & Layer 5 & Layer 7 \\ |
\hline |
Right Eye & $0.067 \pm 0.007 $ & $0.069 \pm 0.015 $\\ \hline |
Left Eye & $0.069 \pm 0.007 $ & $0.068 \pm 0.013 $\\ \hline |
Nose & $0.079 \pm 0.017 $ & $0.069 \pm 0.011 $\\ \hline \hline |
Random & $0.107 \pm 0.017 $ & $0.073 \pm 0.014 $\\ \hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{-0mm} |
\caption{Measure of correspondence for different object parts in 5 |
different dog images. The lower scores for the eyes and nose |
(compared to random object parts) show |
the model implicitly establishing some form of correspondence |
of parts at layer 5 in the model. At layer 7, the scores are more |
similar, perhaps due to upper layers trying to discriminate between the |
different breeds of dog. } |
\label{tab:corr} |
\vspace*{-5mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\section{Experiments} |
\subsection{ImageNet 2012} |
\label{ImageNet} |
This dataset consists of 1.3M/50k/100k training/validation/test |
examples, spread over 1000 categories. \tab{ImageNet} shows our results |
on this dataset. |
Using the exact architecture specified in \cite{Kriz12}, we attempt to replicate their result on the validation set. We achieve an |
error rate within $0.1\%$ of their reported value on the |
ImageNet 2012 validation set. |
Next we analyze the performance of our model with the architectural |
changes outlined in \secc{selection} ($7\times7$ filters in layer 1 and |
stride $2$ convolutions in layers 1 \& 2). This model, shown in |
\fig{arch}, significantly outperforms the architecture of |
\cite{Kriz12}, beating their single model result by $1.7\%$ (test top-5). When we combine |
multiple models, we obtain a test error of {\bf ${\bf 14.8\%}$, the best |
published performance on this dataset}\footnote{This performance has |
been surpassed in the recent Imagenet 2013 competition (\url{http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2013/results.php}).} (despite only using the 2012 training |
set). We note that this error is almost half that of the top non-convnet |
entry in the ImageNet 2012 classification challenge, which obtained |
$26.2\%$ error \cite{ISI}. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\scriptsize |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
& Val & Val & Test \\ |
Error \% & Top-1 & Top-5 & Top-5 \\ |
\hline \hline |
\cite{ISI} & - & - & $26.2$ \\ \hline |
\cite{Kriz12}, 1 convnet & $40.7$ & $18.2$ & $--$ \\ |
\cite{Kriz12}, 5 convnets & $38.1$ & $16.4$ & $16.4$ \\ |
\cite{Kriz12}$^*$, 1 convnets & $39.0$ & $16.6$ & $--$ \\ |
\cite{Kriz12}$^*$, 7 convnets & $36.7$ & $15.4$ & $15.3$ \\ |
\hline \hline Our replication of & & & \\ |
\cite{Kriz12}, 1 convnet & $40.5$ & $18.1$ & $--$ \\ |
\hline 1 convnet as per \fig{arch} & $38.4$ & $16.5$ & $--$ \\ |
\hline 5 convnets as per \fig{arch} -- (a) & $36.7$ & $15.3$ & $15.3$ \\ |
\hline 1 convnet as per \fig{arch} but with & & & \\ layers 3,4,5: 512,1024,512 |
maps -- (b)& $37.5 $ & $16.0$ & $16.1$ \\ |
\hline 6 convnets, (a) \& (b) combined & $\bf{36.0} $ & $\bf{14.7}$ & $\bf{14.8}$ \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{-2mm} |
\caption{ImageNet 2012 classification error rates. The $*$ indicates |
models that were trained on both ImageNet 2011 and 2012 training sets.} |
\label{tab:ImageNet} |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\noindent {\bf Varying ImageNet Model Sizes:} |
\label{sec:modelsizes} In \tab{modelSizes}, we first explore the |
architecture of \cite{Kriz12} by adjusting the size of layers, or |
removing them entirely. In each case, the model is trained from |
scratch with the revised architecture. Removing the fully connected |
layers (6,7) only gives a slight increase in error. This is surprising, given that they |
contain the majority of model parameters. Removing two of |
the middle convolutional layers also makes a relatively small |
different to the error rate. However, removing both the middle |
convolution layers and the fully connected layers yields a model with |
only 4 layers whose performance is dramatically worse. This would |
suggest that the overall depth of the model is important for |
obtaining good performance. In \tab{modelSizes}, we modify our |
model, shown in \fig{arch}. Changing the size of the fully connected |
layers makes little difference to performance (same for model of |
\cite{Kriz12}). However, increasing the size of the middle convolution layers |
goes give a useful gain in performance. But increasing these, while also |
enlarging the fully connected layers results in over-fitting. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\scriptsize |
\vspace*{0mm} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
& Train & Val & Val \\ |
Error \% & Top-1 & Top-1 & Top-5 \\ \hline |
\hline Our replication of & & & \\ |
\cite{Kriz12}, 1 convnet & $35.1$ & $40.5$ & $18.1$ \\ |
\hline Removed layers 3,4 & $41.8 $ & $45.4 $ & $22.1 $ \\ |
\hline Removed layer 7 & $27.4 $ & $40.0$ & $18.4 $ \\ |
\hline Removed layers 6,7 & $27.4 $ & $44.8 $ & $22.4 $ \\ |
\hline |
Removed layer 3,4,6,7 & $71.1$ & $71.3$ & $50.1$ \\ |
\hline Adjust layers 6,7: 2048 units & $40.3 $ & $41.7 $ & $18.8 $ \\ |
\hline Adjust layers 6,7: 8192 units & $26.8 $ & $40.0$ & $18.1$ \\ |
\hline \hline \hline Our Model (as per \fig{arch}) & $33.1 $ & $38.4 $ & $16.5 $ \\ |
\hline Adjust layers 6,7: 2048 units & $38.2 $ & $40.2 $ & $17.6 $ \\ |
\hline Adjust layers 6,7: 8192 units & $22.0 $ & $38.8 $ & $17.0 $ \\ |
\hline Adjust layers 3,4,5: 512,1024,512 maps & $18.8 $ & $\bf{37.5} $ & $\bf{16.0} $ \\ |
\hline Adjust layers 6,7: 8192 units and & & & \\ Layers 3,4,5: 512,1024,512 maps & $\bf{10.0} $ & $38.3 $ & $16.9 $ \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{-2mm} |
\caption{ImageNet 2012 classification error rates with various |
architectural changes to the model of \cite{Kriz12} and our model |
(see \fig{arch}). } |
\label{tab:modelSizes} |
\vspace*{-8mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\subsection{Feature Generalization} |
\vspace*{-2mm} |
The experiments above show the importance of the convolutional part of |
our ImageNet model in obtaining state-of-the-art performance. |
This is supported by the visualizations of \fig{top9feat} which show |
the complex invariances learned in the convolutional layers. We now |
explore the ability of these feature extraction layers to generalize |
to other datasets, namely Caltech-101 \cite{caltech101}, Caltech-256 |
\cite{caltech256} and PASCAL |
VOC 2012. To do this, we keep layers 1-7 of our ImageNet-trained model |
fixed and train a new softmax classifier on top (for the appropriate |
number of classes) using the training images of the new dataset. Since |
the softmax contains relatively few parameters, it can be trained |
quickly from a relatively small number of examples, as is the case for |
certain datasets. |
The classifiers used by our model (a softmax) and other approaches |
(typically a linear SVM) are of similar complexity, thus the |
experiments compare our feature representation, learned from ImageNet, |
with the hand-crafted features used by other methods. It is important |
to note that {\em both} our feature representation and the |
hand-crafted features are designed using images beyond the Caltech and |
PASCAL training sets. For example, the hyper-parameters in HOG |
descriptors were determined through systematic experiments on a |
pedestrian dataset \cite{Dalal05}. |
We also try a second strategy of training a model from scratch, |
i.e.~resetting layers 1-7 to random values and train them, as well as |
the softmax, on the training images of the dataset. |
One complication is that some of the Caltech datasets have some images that are |
also in the ImageNet training data. Using normalized correlation, we |
identified these few ``overlap'' images\footnote{ For |
Caltech-101, we found 44 images in common (out of 9,144 total images), |
with a maximum overlap of 10 for any given class. For Caltech-256, we |
found 243 images in common (out of 30,607 total images), with a |
maximum overlap of 18 for any given class.} and removed them from our |
Imagenet training set and then retrained our Imagenet models, so avoiding the |
possibility of train/test contamination. |
\vspace{3mm} |
\noindent {\bf Caltech-101:} We follow the procedure of |
\cite{caltech101} and randomly select 15 or 30 images per class for |
training and test on up to 50 images per class reporting the average |
of the per-class accuracies in \tab{caltech101}, using 5 train/test |
folds. Training took 17 minutes for 30 images/class. The |
pre-trained model beats the best reported result for 30 images/class |
from \cite{Bo13} by 2.2\%. The convnet model trained from |
scratch however does terribly, only achieving 46.5\%. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\small |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
& Acc \% & Acc \% \\ |
\# Train& 15/class & 30/class \\ |
\hline |
\cite{Bo13} & $-$ & $81.4 \pm 0.33$ \\ |
\cite{Yang09} & $73.2$ & $84.3 $ \\ |
\hline \hline \hline Non-pretrained convnet & $22.8 \pm 1.5$ & $46.5 \pm 1.7$ \\ |
\hline ImageNet-pretrained convnet & $\bf{83.8 \pm 0.5}$ & $\bf{86.5 \pm 0.5}$ \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\caption{Caltech-101 classification accuracy for our convnet models, |
against two leading alternate approaches.} |
\label{tab:caltech101} |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\noindent {\bf Caltech-256:} We follow the procedure of |
\cite{caltech256}, selecting 15, 30, 45, or 60 training images per |
class, reporting the average of the per-class accuracies in |
\tab{caltech256}. Our ImageNet-pretrained model beats the current |
state-of-the-art results obtained by Bo \etal \cite{Bo13} by a |
significant margin: 74.2\% vs 55.2\% for 60 training |
images/class. However, as with Caltech-101, the model trained from |
scratch does poorly. In \fig{256plot}, we explore the ``one-shot |
learning'' \cite{caltech101} regime. With our pre-trained model, just |
6 Caltech-256 training images are needed to beat the leading method |
using 10 times as many images. This shows the power of the ImageNet |
feature extractor. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\small |
\vspace*{0mm} |
\begin{center} |
\tabcolsep=0.07cm |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
& Acc \% & Acc \% & Acc \% & Acc \%\\ |
\# Train & 15/class & 30/class & 45/class & 60/class \\ |
\hline |
\cite{Sohn11} & $35.1$ & $42.1 $ & $45.7$ & $47.9$ \\ |
\cite{Bo13} & $40.5 \pm 0.4$ & $48.0 \pm 0.2$ & $51.9 \pm 0.2$ & $55.2 \pm 0.3$ \\ |
\hline \hline |
\hline Non-pretr. & $9.0 \pm 1.4$ & $22.5 \pm 0.7$ & $31.2 \pm 0.5$ & $38.8 \pm 1.4$ \\ |
\hline ImageNet-pretr. & $\bf{65.7 \pm 0.2}$ & $\bf{70.6 \pm 0.2}$ & $\bf{72.7 \pm 0.4}$ & $\bf{74.2 \pm 0.3}$ \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\caption{Caltech 256 classification accuracies.} |
\label{tab:caltech256} |
\vspace*{-4mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\begin{figure}[t!] |
\begin{center} |
\includegraphics[width=2.5in]{Caltech256Plot.pdf} |
\end{center} |
\vspace*{-0.3cm} |
\caption{Caltech-256 classification performance as the number of |
training images per class is varied. Using only 6 training examples |
per class with our pre-trained feature extractor, we surpass best |
reported result by \cite{Bo13}. } |
\label{fig:256plot} |
\vspace*{-0.4cm} |
\end{figure} |
\vspace{2mm} |
\noindent {\bf PASCAL 2012:} We used the standard training and validation |
images to train a 20-way softmax on top of the ImageNet-pretrained |
convnet. This is not ideal, as PASCAL images can contain multiple |
objects and our model just provides a single exclusive prediction for each |
image. \tab{pascal} shows the results on the test set. The PASCAL |
and ImageNet images are quite different in nature, the former being |
full scenes unlike the latter. This may explain our |
mean performance being $3.2\%$ lower than the leading \cite{nus} |
result, however we do beat them on 5 classes, sometimes by large margins. |
\begin{table}[!h] |
\tiny |
\begin{center} |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l||l|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
Acc \% & [A] & [B] & Ours & Acc \% & [A] & [B] & Ours \\ \hline |
\hline |
Airplane& 92.0 & {\bf 97.3} & 96.0 &Dining tab &63.2 & {\bf 77.8}&67.7 \\ \hline |
Bicycle & 74.2 & {\bf 84.2} & 77.1 &Dog& 68.9 & 83.0 & {\bf 87.8} \\ \hline |
Bird& 73.0 & 80.8 & {\bf 88.4}& Horse & 78.2 & {\bf 87.5} & 86.0 \\ \hline |
Boat & 77.5 & 85.3 & {\bf 85.5}&Motorbike & 81.0 & {\bf 90.1} & 85.1 \\ \hline |
Bottle& 54.3 & {\bf 60.8} & 55.8&Person & 91.6 & {\bf 95.0} & 90.9 \\ \hline |
Bus& 85.2 & {\bf 89.9} & 85.8& Potted pl & 55.9 & {\bf 57.8} & 52.2\\ \hline |
Car&81.9&{\bf 86.8} & 78.6&Sheep & 69.4 & 79.2 & {\bf 83.6} \\ \hline |
Cat&76.4 &89.3 & {\bf 91.2}& Sofa & 65.4 & {\bf 73.4} & 61.1 \\ \hline |
Chair&65.2&{\bf 75.4}& 65.0&Train & 86.7 & {\bf 94.5} & 91.8 \\ \hline |
Cow&63.2&{\bf 77.8}& 74.4& Tv & 77.4 & {\bf 80.7} & 76.1 \\ \hline \hline |
Mean & 74.3 & {\bf 82.2} & 79.0 & \# won & 0 & {\bf 15} &5 \\ \hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{-3mm} |
\caption{PASCAL 2012 classification results, comparing our |
Imagenet-pretrained convnet against the leading two methods ([A]= |
\cite{cvc} and [B] = \cite{nus}). } |
\label{tab:pascal} |
\vspace*{-4mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\subsection{Feature Analysis} \label{sec:pretrain} We explore how |
discriminative the features in each layer of our Imagenet-pretrained |
model are. We do this by varying the number of layers retained from |
the ImageNet model and place either a linear SVM or softmax classifier |
on top. \tab{supretrain} shows results on Caltech-101 and |
Caltech-256. For both datasets, a steady improvement can be seen as we |
ascend the model, with best results being obtained by using all |
layers. This supports the premise that as the feature hierarchies |
become deeper, they learn increasingly powerful features. |
\begin{table}[h!] |
\small |
\vspace*{-2mm} |
\begin{center} |
\tabcolsep=0.11cm |
\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} |
\hline |
& Cal-101 & Cal-256 \\ |
& (30/class) & (60/class) \\ |
\hline SVM (1) & $44.8 \pm 0.7$ & $24.6 \pm 0.4$ \\ |
\hline SVM (2) & $66.2 \pm 0.5$ & $39.6 \pm 0.3$ \\ |
\hline SVM (3) & $72.3 \pm 0.4$ & $46.0 \pm 0.3$ \\ |
\hline SVM (4) & $76.6 \pm 0.4$ & $51.3 \pm 0.1$ \\ |
\hline SVM (5) & $\bf{86.2 \pm 0.8}$ & $65.6 \pm 0.3$ \\ |
\hline SVM (7) & $\bf{85.5 \pm 0.4}$ & $\bf{71.7 \pm 0.2}$ \\ |
\hline Softmax (5) & $82.9 \pm 0.4$ & $65.7 \pm 0.5$ \\ |
\hline Softmax (7) & $\bf{85.4 \pm 0.4}$ & $\bf{72.6 \pm 0.1}$ \\ |
\hline |
\end{tabular} |
\vspace*{0mm} |
\caption{Analysis of the discriminative information contained in each |
layer of feature maps within our ImageNet-pretrained convnet. We |
train either a linear SVM or softmax on features from different |
layers (as indicated in brackets) from the convnet. Higher layers generally |
produce more discriminative features.} |
\label{tab:supretrain} |
\vspace*{-8mm} |
\end{center} |
\end{table} |
\section{Discussion} |
We explored large convolutional neural network models, trained for |
image classification, in a number ways. First, we presented a novel |
way to visualize the activity within the model. This reveals the |
features to be far from random, uninterpretable patterns. Rather, they |
show many intuitively desirable properties such as compositionality, |
increasing invariance and class discrimination as we ascend the |
layers. We also showed how these visualization can be used to debug |
problems with the model to obtain better results, for example |
improving on Krizhevsky \etal's \cite{Kriz12} impressive ImageNet 2012 |
result. We then demonstrated through a series of occlusion experiments that |
the model, while trained for classification, is highly sensitive to |
local structure in the image and is not just using broad scene |
context. An ablation study on the model revealed that having a minimum |
depth to the network, rather than any individual section, is vital to |
the model's performance. |
Finally, we showed how the ImageNet trained model can generalize |
well to other datasets. For Caltech-101 and Caltech-256, |
the datasets are similar enough that we can beat the best reported |
results, in the latter case by a significant margin. |
This result brings into question to utility of benchmarks with small |
(i.e.~$<10^4$) training sets. Our convnet model generalized less well |
to the PASCAL data, perhaps suffering from dataset bias |
\cite{Torralba11}, although it was still within $3.2\%$ of the best reported |
result, despite no tuning for the task. For example, our performance |
might improve if a different loss function was used that permitted |
multiple objects per image. This would naturally enable the networks |
to tackle the object detection as well. |
\section*{Acknowledgments} |
The authors are very grateful for support by NSF grant IIS-1116923, Microsoft Research |
and a Sloan Fellowship. |
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\end{document} |