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\newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} |
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\title{An Actor-Critic Algorithm\\ |
for Sequence Prediction} |
\author{Dzmitry Bahdanau~ ~\textbf{Philemon Brakel} \\ |
\textbf{Kelvin Xu}~ ~\textbf{Anirudh Goyal} \\ |
Universit\'e de Montr\'eal \\ |
\And |
Ryan Lowe~ ~\textbf{Joelle Pineau}\thanks{CIFAR Senior Fellow} \\ |
McGill University \\ |
\AND |
Aaron Courville\thanks{CIFAR Fellow}\\ |
Universit\'e de Montr\'eal \\ |
\And |
\hspace{52mm}Yoshua Bengio\footnotemark[1] \\ |
\hspace{52mm}Universit\'e de Montr\'eal |
} |
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\begin{document} |
\maketitle |
\begin{abstract} |
We present an approach to training neural networks to generate sequences using actor-critic methods from reinforcement learning (RL). |
Current log-likelihood training methods are limited by the discrepancy between their training and testing modes, |
as models must generate tokens conditioned on their previous guesses rather |
than the ground-truth tokens. |
We address this problem by introducing a \textit{critic} network that is trained to predict the value of an output token, given the policy of an \textit{actor} network. |
This results in a training procedure that is much closer to the test phase, and allows us to directly optimize for a task-specific score such as BLEU. |
Crucially, since we leverage these techniques in the supervised learning |
setting rather than the traditional RL setting, we condition the critic |
network on the ground-truth output. |
We show that our method leads to improved performance on both a synthetic task, and for German-English machine translation. |
Our analysis paves the way for such methods to be applied in natural |
language generation tasks, such as machine translation, caption generation, and dialogue modelling. |
\end{abstract} |
\section{Introduction} |
In many important applications of machine learning, the task is to develop a |
system that produces a sequence of discrete tokens given an input. Recent work |
has shown that recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can deliver excellent |
performance in many such tasks when trained to predict the next output token |
given the input and previous tokens. This approach has been applied successfully in machine translation |
\citep{sutskever2014sequence,bahdanau2015neural}, caption generation |
\citep{kiros2014unifying,donahue2015long,vinyals2015show,xu2015show,karpathy2015deep}, and speech recognition |
\citep{chorowski2015attention,chan2015listen}. |
The standard way to train RNNs to generate sequences is to |
maximize the log-likelihood of the ``correct'' token given a history of the |
previous ``correct'' ones, an approach often called \textit{teacher forcing}. |
At evaluation time, the output sequence is often produced by an approximate search for |
the most likely candidate according to the learned distribution. During this search, |
the model is conditioned on its own guesses, which may be incorrect and thus lead to a compounding of errors~\citep{bengio2015scheduled}. |
This can become especially problematic for longer sequences. |
Due to this discrepancy between training and testing conditions, it has been shown that maximum likelihood training can be suboptimal \citep{bengio2015scheduled,ranzato2015sequence}. |
In these works, the authors argue that the network should be trained to continue |
generating correctly given the outputs already produced by the model, rather |
than the \emph{ground-truth} reference outputs from the data. This gives rise to the challenging problem of |
determining the target for the next network output. |
\citet{bengio2015scheduled} use the |
token $k$ from the ground-truth answer as the target for the network at step |
$k$, whereas \citet{ranzato2015sequence} rely on the REINFORCE |
algorithm \citep{williams1992simple} to decide whether or not the tokens from a |
sampled prediction lead to a high task-specific score, such as BLEU |
\citep{papineni2002bleu} or ROUGE \citep{lin2003automatic}. |
In this work, we propose and study an alternative procedure for training |
sequence prediction networks that aims to directly improve their test time |
metrics (which are typically not the log-likelihood). |
In particular, we train an additional network called |
the \textit{critic} to output the \textit{value} of each |
token, which we define as the expected task-specific score that the network |
will receive if it outputs the token and continues to sample outputs according to |
its probability distribution. Furthermore, we show how the predicted values can be used |
to train the main sequence prediction network, which we refer to as the \textit{actor}. |
The theoretical foundation of our method is that, under the assumption that the |
critic computes exact values, the expression that we use to train the actor is an unbiased |
estimate of the gradient of the expected task-specific score. |
Our approach draws inspiration and borrows the terminology from the field of |
reinforcement learning (RL) \citep{sutton1998introduction}, in particular from |
the actor-critic approach \citep{sutton1984temporal,sutton1999policy,barto1983neuronlike}. RL |
studies the problem of acting efficiently based |
only on weak supervision in the form of a reward given for some of the agent's actions. |
In our case, the reward is analogous to the task-specific score associated with a prediction. |
However, the tasks we consider are those of \textit{supervised learning}, and |
we make use of this crucial difference by allowing the critic to \textit{use the |
ground-truth answer as an input}. |
In other words, the critic has access to a sequence of expert actions that are |
known to lead to high (or even optimal) returns. |
To train the critic, we adapt the temporal |
difference methods from the RL literature \citep{sutton1988learning} to our setup. |
While RL methods with non-linear function approximators are not new~\citep{tesauro1994td,miller1995neural}, |
they have recently surged in popularity, giving rise to the field of `deep RL' |
\citep{mnih2015human}. We show that some of the techniques recently developed in deep RL, such as having a \textit{target network}, may also be beneficial for sequence prediction. |
The contributions of the paper can be summarized as follows: 1) we describe how |
RL methodology like the actor-critic approach can be applied to |
supervised learning problems with structured outputs; and 2) we investigate the |
performance and behavior of the new method on both a synthetic task and a |
real-world task of machine translation, demonstrating the improvements over |
maximum-likelihood and REINFORCE brought by the actor-critic training. |
\section{Background} |
We consider the problem of learning to produce an output sequence $Y=(y_1, |
\ldots, y_T)$, $y_t \in \mathcal{A}$ given an input $X$, where $\mathcal{A}$ is |
the alphabet of output tokens. We will often use notation $Y_{f \ldots l}$ to |
refer to subsequences of the form $(y_f, \ldots, y_l)$. |
Two sets of input-output pairs $(X, Y)$ are |
assumed to be available for both training and testing. The |
trained predictor $h$ is evaluated by computing the average task-specific score |
$R(\hat{Y}, Y)$ on the test set, where $\hat{Y}=h(X)$ is the prediction. |
To |
simplify the formulas we always use $T$ to denote the length of an output sequence, ignoring the fact that the output sequences may have different length. |
\paragraph{Recurrent neural networks} |
A recurrent neural network (RNN) produces a sequence of state vectors $(s_1, |
\ldots, s_T)$ given a sequence of input vectors $(e_1, \ldots, e_T)$ by |
starting from an initial $s_0$ state and applying $T$ times the transition |
function $f$: $s_{t} = f(s_{t-1}, e_t)$. Popular choices for the mapping $f$ are the Long Short-Term Memory \citep{hochreiter1997long} and the Gated |
Recurrent Units \citep{cho2014learning}, the latter of which we use for our models. |
To build a probabilistic model for sequence generation with an RNN, |
one adds a stochastic output layer $g$ (typically a softmax for discrete outputs) |
that generates outputs $y_t \in \mathcal{A}$ |
and can feed these outputs back by replacing them with their embedding $e(y_t)$: |
\begin{align} |
y_t \sim g(s_{t-1}) \\ |
s_t = f(s_{t - 1}, e(y_t)). |
\end{align} |
Thus, the RNN defines a probability distribution $p(y_t|y_1, \ldots, y_{t-1})$ |
of the next output token $y_t$ given the previous tokens $(y_1, \ldots, y_{t-1})$. |
Upon adding a special end-of-sequence token $\emptyset$ to the alphabet |
$\mathcal{A}$, the RNN can define the distribution $p(Y)$ over all possible |
sequences as $p(Y) = p(y_1) p(y_2 | y_1) \ldots p(y_T|y_1, \ldots, y_{T - 1}) |
p(\emptyset | y_1, \ldots, y_T)$. |
\paragraph{RNNs for sequence prediction} |
To use RNNs for sequence prediction, they must be augmented |
to generate $Y$ conditioned on an input $X$. The simplest way to do this |
is to start with an initial state $s_0=s_0(X)$ |
\citep{sutskever2014sequence,cho2014learning}. Alternatively, one can |
encode $X$ as a variable-length sequence of vectors $(h_1, \ldots, h_L)$ and condition |
the RNN on this sequence using an attention mechanism. |
In our models, the sequence of vectors is produced by either a bidirectional RNN |
\citep{schuster1997bidirectional} or a convolutional encoder \citep{rush2015neural}. |
We use a \emph{soft} attention mechanism~\citep{bahdanau2015neural} that computes a weighted sum |
of a sequence of vectors. The attention weights |
determine the relative importance of each vector. |
More formally, we consider the following equations for RNNs with attention: |
\begin{align} |
y_t \sim g(s_{t-1}, c_{t-1}) \\ |
s_t = f(s_{t-1}, c_{t-1}, e(y_t)) \\ |
\alpha_t = \beta(s_t, (h_{1},\ldots,h_{L})) \\ |
c_t = \sum\limits_{j=1}^L \alpha_{t,j} h_j |
\end{align} |
where $\beta$ is the attention mechanism that produces the attention weights |
$\alpha_t$ and $c_t$ is the context vector, or `glimpse', for time step $t$. |
The attention weights are computed by an MLP that takes as input the current RNN |
state and each individual vector to focus on. The weights are typically (as in |
our work) constrained to be positive and sum to 1 by using the softmax function. |
A conditioned RNN can be trained for sequence prediction by gradient ascent on |
the log-likelihood $\log p(Y|X)$ for the input-output pairs $(X, Y)$ from the |
training set. To produce a prediction $\hat{Y}$ for a test input sequence $X$, an approximate |
beam search for the maximum of $p(\cdot|X)$ is usually conducted. During this |
search the probabilities $p(\cdot|\hat{y}_1, \ldots, \hat{y}_{t-1})$ are considered, |
where the previous tokens $\hat{y}_1, \ldots, \hat{y}_{t-1}$ comprise a candidate |
beginning of the prediction $\hat{Y}$. |
\begin{algorithm} |
\caption{Actor-Critic Training for Sequence Prediction} |
\label{algo:algo1} |
\begin{algorithmic}[1] |
A critic $\hat{Q}(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, Y)$ |
and an actor $p(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, X)$ with |
weights $\phi$ and $\theta$ respectively. |
\STATE Initialize delayed actor $p^{'}$ |
and target critic $\hat{Q}'$ with same weights: $\theta' = \theta$, $\phi' = \phi$. |
\WHILE{Not Converged} |
\STATE Receive a random example $(X, Y)$. |
\STATE Generate a sequence of actions $\hat{Y}$ from $p^{'}$. |
\STATE Compute targets for the critic |
\begin{equation*} |
q_t = r_t(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}, Y) |
+ \sum\limits_{a \in \mathcal{A}} |
p^{'}(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, X) |
\hat{Q}'(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, Y) |
\end{equation*} |
\STATE Update the critic weights $\phi$ using the gradient |
\begin{align*} |
\frac{d}{d\phi}\left( |
\sum_{t=1}^{T} |
\left(\hat{Q}(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}, Y) - q_t \right)^2 |
+ \lambda_C C_t |
\right) \\ |
\textrm{where } C_t = \sum_{a}\left( |
\hat{Q}(a; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}) - |
\frac{1}{|\mathcal{A}|}\sum_{b}\hat{Q}(b; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}) |
\right)^2 |
\end{align*} |
\STATE Update actor weights $\theta$ using the following gradient estimate |
\begin{align*} |
\widehat{\frac{dV(X,Y)}{d\theta}} &= |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{a \in \mathcal{A}} |
\frac{d p(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}, X)}{d \theta} |
\hat{Q}(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}, Y) |
\\ |
&+ \lambda_{LL} \sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\frac{d p(y_t|Y_{1 \ldots t - 1}, X)}{d \theta} |
\end{align*} |
\STATE Update delayed actor and target critic, with constants |
$\gamma_{\theta} \ll 1$, $\gamma_{\phi} \ll 1$ |
\begin{align*} |
\theta' = \gamma_{\theta} \theta + (1 - \gamma_{\theta}) \theta',\, |
\phi' = \gamma_{\phi} \phi + (1 - \gamma_{\phi}) \phi' |
\end{align*} |
\end{algorithmic} |
\end{algorithm} |
\begin{algorithm} |
\caption{Complete Actor-Critic Algorithm for Sequence Prediction} |
\label{algo:algo2} |
\begin{algorithmic}[1] |
Initialize critic $\hat{Q}(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, Y)$ |
and actor $p(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, X)$ with |
random weights $\phi$ and $\theta$ respectively. |
Pre-train the actor to predict $y_{t+1}$ given |
$Y_{1 \ldots t}$ by maximizing |
$\log p(y_{t+1}|Y_{1 \ldots t}, X)$. |
Pre-train the critic to estimate $Q$ by running Algorithm \ref{algo:algo1} |
with fixed actor. |
Run Algorithm \ref{algo:algo1}. |
\end{algorithmic} |
\end{algorithm} |
\paragraph{Value functions} |
We view the conditioned RNN as a stochastic \textit{policy} |
that generates \textit{actions} |
and receives the task score (e.g., BLEU score) as the \textit{return}. |
We furthermore consider the case when |
the return $R$ is partially received at the intermediate steps |
in the form of \textit{rewards} $r_t$: $R(\hat{Y}, Y) = |
\sum_{t=1}^T r_t(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}, Y)$. This |
is more general than the case of receiving the full return at the end of the sequence, |
as we can simply define all rewards other than $r_T$ to be zero. |
Receiving intermediate rewards may ease the learning for the critic, and we use |
\emph{reward shaping} as explained in Section \ref{sec:actor-critic}. |
Given the policy, possible actions and reward function, the \emph{value} represents the |
expected future return as a function of the |
current state of the system, which in our case is uniquely defined by the |
sequence of actions taken so far, $\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}$. |
We define the value of an unfinished |
prediction $\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}$ as follows: |
\begin{equation*} |
V(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}; X, Y) = |
\Exp_{ |
\hat{Y}_{t+1 \ldots T} |
\sim p(.| \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}, X) |
} \sum\limits_{\tau=t+1}^T r_{\tau}(\hat{y}_{\tau}; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots \tau - 1}, Y). |
\end{equation*} |
We define the value of a candidate next token $a$ for an unfinished prediction |
$\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}$ as the expected future return after generating token $a$: |
\begin{align*} |
Q(a; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}, X, Y) = |
\Exp_{ |
\hat{Y}_{t+1 \ldots T} |
\sim p(.|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1} a, X) |
} |
\left( |
r_{t}(a; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}, Y) + |
\sum\limits_{\tau=t+1}^{T} |
r_{\tau}(\hat{y}_{\tau}; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1} a \hat{Y}_{t+1 \ldots \tau}, Y) |
\right). |
\end{align*} |
We will refer to the candidate next tokens as \textit{actions}. |
For notational simplicity, we henceforth drop $X$ and $Y$ from the signature |
of $p$, $V$, $Q$, $R$ and $r_t$, assuming it is clear from the context which of $X$ and $Y$ is |
meant. We will also use $V$ without arguments for the expected reward of |
a random prediction. |
\section{Actor-Critic for Sequence Prediction} |
\label{sec:actor-critic} |
Let $\theta$ be the parameters of the conditioned RNN, which we will also refer to as the \textit{actor}. |
Our training algorithm is based on the following way of rewriting the gradient |
of the expected return $\frac{dV}{d\theta}$: |
\begin{align} |
\frac{dV}{d\theta} = |
\Exp_{\hat{Y} \sim p(\hat{Y}|X)} |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{a \in \mathcal{A}} |
\frac{dp(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
Q(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}) |
\label{eq:ac}. |
\end{align} |
This equality is known in RL under the names policy gradient theorem \citep{sutton1999policy} |
and stochastic actor-critic~\citep{sutton1984temporal}. |
\footnote{We also provide a simple self-contained proof of Equation \eqref{eq:ac} in Supplementary Material.} |
Note that we use the probability rather than the log probability in this formula |
(which is more typical in RL applications) as we are summing over actions rather than taking an expectation. |
Intuitively, this equality corresponds to increasing the probability of actions |
that give high values, and decreasing the probability of actions that give low values. |
Since this gradient expression is an expectation, |
it is trivial to build an unbiased estimate for it: |
\begin{align} |
\widehat{\frac{dV}{d\theta}} = |
\sum\limits_{k=1}^M |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{a \in \mathcal{A}} |
\frac{dp(a|\hat{Y}^k_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
Q(a;\hat{Y}^k_{1 \ldots t - 1}) |
\label{eq:actor_critic} |
\end{align} |
where $\hat{Y}^k$ are $M$ random samples from $p(\hat{Y})$. By replacing $Q$ |
with a parameteric estimate $\hat{Q}$ one can obtain a biased estimate with |
relatively low variance. The parameteric estimate $\hat{Q}$ is |
called the \textit{critic}. |
The above formula is similar in spirit to the REINFORCE learning rule that \citet{ranzato2015sequence} use in the same context: |
\begin{align} |
\widehat{\frac{dV}{d\theta}} = |
\sum\limits_{k=1}^M |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\frac{ d\log p(\hat{y}^k_t|\hat{Y}^k_{1 \ldots t - 1}) }{d\theta} |
\left[ |
\sum_{\tau=t}^T r_{\tau}(\hat{y}^k_{\tau}; \hat{Y}^k_{1 \ldots \tau - 1}) |
- b_t(X) |
\right], |
\end{align} |
where the scalar $b_t(X)$ is called \textit{baseline} or \textit{control variate}. |
The difference is that in REINFORCE the inner |
sum over all actions is replaced by its 1-sample estimate, namely |
$\frac{d \log p(\hat{y}_t|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
Q(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})$, where the log probability |
$\frac{d \log p(\hat{y}_t|...)}{d\theta}= |
\frac{1}{p(\hat{y}_t|...)} |
\frac{d p(\hat{y}_t|...)}{d\theta}$ is introduced |
to correct for the sampling of $\hat{y_t}$. |
Furthermore, instead of the value $Q(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})$, REINFORCE uses |
the cumulative reward |
$\sum_{\tau=t}^T r_{\tau}(\hat{y}_{\tau}; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots \tau - 1})$ |
following the action $\hat{y}_t$, which again can be seen as a 1-sample estimate of $Q$. |
Due to these simplifications and the potential high variance in the cumulative reward, the REINFORCE |
gradient estimator has very high variance. In order to improve upon it, we |
consider the actor-critic estimate from Equation \ref{eq:actor_critic}, which has a lower variance |
at the cost of significant bias, since the critic is not perfect and trained simultaneously |
with the actor. The success depends on our ability to control the bias |
by designing the critic network and using an appropriate training criterion for it. |
\begin{figure} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[scale=.7]{architecture.pdf} |
\caption{Both the actor and the critic are encoder-decoder networks. The actor receives an input sequence $X$ and produces samples |
$\hat{Y}$ which are evaluated by the critic. The critic takes in the ground-truth |
sequence $Y$ as input to the encoder, |
and takes the input summary (calculated using an attention mechanism) and the |
actor's prediction $\hat{y}_t$ as input at time step $t$ of the decoder. |
The values $Q_1,Q_2,\cdots,Q_T$ computed by the critic are used to approximate the gradient of the |
expected returns with respect to the parameters of the actor. This gradient |
is used to train the actor to optimize these expected task specific returns |
(e.g., BLEU score). The critic may also receive the hidden state activations of the actor as input.} |
\label{fig:arch} |
\end{figure} |
To implement the critic, we propose to use a separate RNN parameterized by $\phi$. |
The critic RNN is run |
in parallel with the actor, consumes the tokens $\hat{y}_t$ |
that the actor outputs and |
produces the estimates $\hat{Q}(a;\hat{Y}_{1 |
\ldots t})$ for all $a \in \mathcal{A}$. |
A key difference between the critic |
and the actor is that the |
correct answer $Y$ is given to the critic as an |
input, similarly to how the actor |
is conditioned on $X$. Indeed, the return |
$R(\hat{Y}, Y)$ is a deterministic |
function of $Y$, and we argue that using |
$Y$ to compute $\hat{Q}$ should be of |
great help. We can do this because the |
values are only required during training and we do not use the critic at test |
time. We also experimented with providing the actor states $s_t$ as additional |
inputs to the critic. |
See Figure \ref{fig:arch} for a visual |
representation of our actor-critic architecture. |
\paragraph{Temporal-difference learning} |
A crucial component of our approach is \emph{policy evaluation}, that is the training of the critic |
to produce useful estimates of $\hat{Q}$. With a na{\"i}ve Monte-Carlo method, one could use the future |
return $\sum_{\tau=t}^T r_{\tau}(\hat{y}_{\tau}; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots \tau |
- 1})$ as a target to $\hat{Q}(\hat{y}_t; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})$, and use the |
critic parameters $\phi$ to minimize the square error between these two values. |
However, like with REINFORCE, using such a target yields to |
very high variance which quickly grows with the number |
of steps $T$. |
We use a temporal difference (TD) method for policy |
evaluation~\citep{sutton1988learning}. Namely, we use the right-hand side |
$q_t=r_t(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}) + \sum_{a \in A} |
p(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}) \hat{Q}(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t})$ of the Bellman equation as the |
target for the left-hand $\hat{Q}(\hat{y}_t; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})$. |
\paragraph{Applying deep RL techniques} |
It has been shown in the RL literature that if $\hat{Q}$ is non-linear (like |
in our case), the TD policy evaluation might diverge \citep{tsitsiklis1997analysis}. |
Previous work has shown that this problem can be alleviated by using an additional |
\emph{target network} |
$\hat{Q}'$ to compute $q_t$, which is updated less often and/or more slowly than $\hat{Q}$. |
Similarly to \citep{lillicrap2015continuous}, we update the parameters $\phi'$ |
of the target critic by linearly interpolating them with the parameters of the trained |
one. |
Attempts to remove the target network by propagating the gradient through $q_t$ |
resulted in a lower square error |
$(\hat{Q}(\hat{y}_t; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots T}) - q_t)^2$, but the resulting $\hat{Q}$ |
values proved very unreliable as training signals for the actor. |
The fact that both actor and critic use |
outputs of each other for training creates a potentially |
dangerous feedback loop. To address this, we |
sample predictions from a \textit{delayed actor} \citep{lillicrap2015continuous}, |
whose weights are slowly updated to follow the actor that |
is actually trained. |
\paragraph{Dealing with large action spaces} |
One of the challenges of our work is that the action space is very large (as is typically the case in |
NLP tasks with large vocabularies). This can be alleviated by putting constraints on |
the critic values for actions that are rarely sampled. We found experimentally |
that shrinking the values of these rare actions is |
necessary for the algorithm to converge. Specifically, we add a term $C_t$ for every step $t$ to the |
critic's optimization objective which drives all value predictions of the critic |
closer to their mean: |
\begin{equation} |
C_t = \sum_{a}\left( |
\hat{Q}(a; \hat{Y}_{1\ldots t-1}) |
- \frac{1}{|\mathcal{A}|}\sum_{b}\hat{Q}(b; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}) |
\right)^2 \label{eq:variance_penalty} |
\end{equation} This corresponds to |
penalizing the \emph{variance} of the outputs of the critic. |
Without this penalty the values of rare actions can be severely overestimated, |
which biases the gradient estimates and can cause divergence. |
A similar trick was used in the context of learning |
simple algorithms with Q-learning \citep{zaremba2015learning}. |
\paragraph{Reward shaping} |
While we are ultimately interested in the maximization of the score of a complete |
prediction, simply awarding this score at the last |
step provides a very sparse training signal for the critic. For this reason we |
use potential-based reward shaping with potentials $\Phi(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}) |
= R(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t})$ for incomplete sequences and $\Phi(\hat{Y}) = 0$ for |
complete ones \citep{ng1999policy}. Namely, for a predicted sequence $\hat{Y}$ |
we compute score values for all prefixes to obtain the sequence of scores |
$(R(\hat{Y}_{1\ldots 1}),R(\hat{Y}_{1\ldots 2}),\ldots,R(\hat{Y}_{1\ldots |
T}))$. The difference between the consecutive pairs of scores is then used |
as the reward at each step: $r_t(\hat{y}_t;\hat{Y}_{1\ldots |
t-1})=R(\hat{Y}_{1\ldots t})-R(\hat{Y}_{1\ldots t-1})$. Using the shaped reward $r_t$ |
instead of awarding the whole score $R$ at the last step does not change the |
optimal policy |
\citep{ng1999policy}. |
\paragraph{Putting it all together} |
Algorithm \ref{algo:algo1} describes the proposed method in detail. |
We consider adding the weighted |
log-likelihood gradient to the actor's gradient estimate. This is in line with |
the prior work by \citep{ranzato2015sequence} and \citep{shen2015minimum}. It is |
also motivated by our preliminary experiments that showed that using the |
actor-critic estimate alone can lead to an early determinization of the policy |
and vanishing gradients (also discussed in Section \ref{sec:discuss}). |
Starting training with a randomly initialized actor and critic would be |
problematic, |
because neither the actor nor the critic would provide adequate |
training signals for one another. |
The actor would sample completely random |
predictions that receive very little reward, |
thus providing a very weak |
training signal for the critic. |
A random critic would be similarly useless |
for training the actor. Motivated by these considerations, |
we pre-train the |
actor using standard log-likelihood training. Furthermore, we |
pre-train the |
critic by feeding it samples from the pre-trained actor, while the actor's |
parameters are frozen. The complete training procedure including pre-training |
is described by Algorithm \ref{algo:algo2}. |
\section{Related Work} |
In other recent RL-inspired work on sequence prediction, \citet{ranzato2015sequence} |
trained a translation model |
by gradually transitioning from maximum likelihood learning into |
optimizing BLEU or ROUGE scores using the REINFORCE algorithm. |
However, REINFORCE is known to have very high variance |
and does not exploit the availability of the ground-truth like the critic |
network does. The approach also relies on a curriculum learning scheme. |
Standard value-based RL algorithms like SARSA and OLPOMDP have also been applied to structured |
prediction \citep{maes2009structured}. Again, these systems do not |
use the ground-truth for value prediction. |
Imitation learning has also been |
applied to structured prediction \citep{vlachos2012investigation}. |
Methods of this type include the \textsc{Searn} \citep{daume2009search} |
and \textsc{DAgger} \citep{ross2010reduction} algorithms. |
These methods rely on an |
\emph{expert policy} to provide action sequences that the policy |
learns to imitate. Unfortunately, it's not always easy or even |
possible to construct an expert policy for a task-specific score. |
In our approach, the critic plays a role that is similar to the |
expert policy, but is learned without requiring |
prior knowledge about the task-specific score. |
The recently proposed `scheduled sampling' |
\citep{bengio2015scheduled} can also be seen as imitation learning. |
In this method, ground-truth tokens are occasionally replaced by |
samples from the model itself during training. A limitation |
is that the token $k$ for the ground-truth answer is used as the target at |
step $k$, which might not always be the optimal strategy. |
There are also approaches that aim to approximate the gradient of the |
expected score. One such approach is |
`Direct Loss Minimization' \citep{hazan2010} in which the |
inference procedure is adapted to take both the model likelihood and |
task-specific score into account. |
Another popular approach is to replace the domain over which the task score expectation is |
defined with a small subset of it, as is done in Minimum (Bayes) Risk |
Training \citep{goel2000minimum,shen2015minimum,och2003minimum}. |
This small subset is typically an $n$-best list or a sample (like in REINFORCE) that may or may not include |
the ground-truth as well. |
None of these methods provide intermediate targets for the actor during |
training, and \citet{shen2015minimum} report that as many as 100 samples |
were required for the best results. |
Another recently proposed method is to optimize a global sequence |
cost with respect to the selection and pruning behavior of the beam search procedure itself |
\citep{wiseman2016sequence}. This method follows the more general strategy |
called `learning as search optimization' \citep{daume2005learning}. This is an |
interesting alternative to our approach; however, it is designed |
specifically for the precise inference procedure involved. |
\section{Experiments} |
To validate our approach, we performed two sets of experiments \footnote{ |
The source code is available at \url{https://github.com/rizar/actor-critic-public}}. |
First, we trained |
the proposed model to recover strings of natural text from their corrupted versions. |
Specifically, we consider each character in a natural language corpus |
and with some probability replace it with a random |
character. We call this synthetic task |
\textit{spelling correction}. |
A desirable property of this synthetic task |
is that data is essentially infinite and overfitting is no concern. |
Our second series of experiments is done on the task of automatic machine translation |
using different models and datasets. |
In addition to maximum likelihood and actor-critic training we implemented two versions of |
the REINFORCE gradient estimator. In the first version, we use a linear baseline network that takes |
the actor states as input, exactly as in \citep{ranzato2015sequence}. |
We also propose a novel extension of REINFORCE that leverages the extra information available |
in the ground-truth output $Y$. Specifically, we use the $\hat{Q}$ estimates produced by |
the critic network as the baseline for the REINFORCE algorithm. The motivation behind this approach |
is that using the ground-truth output should produce a better baseline that lowers |
the variance of REINFORCE, resulting in higher task-specific scores. We refer |
to this method as REINFORCE-critic. |
\subsection{Spelling Correction} |
We use text from the One Billion Word dataset for the spelling correction |
task \citep{chelba2013one}, which has pre-defined training and testing sets. |
The training data was abundant, and we never used any example twice. We |
evaluate trained models on a section of the test data that comprises 6075 |
sentences. To speed up experiments, we clipped all sentences to the first 10 |
or 30 characters. |
For the spelling correction actor network, we use an RNN with 100 Gated |
Recurrent Units (GRU) and a bidirectional GRU network for the encoder. We |
use the same attention mechanism as proposed in \citep{bahdanau2015neural}, |
which effectively makes our actor network a smaller version of the model used |
in that work. For the critic network, we employed a model |
with the same architecture as the actor. |
We use character error rate (CER) to measure performance on the spelling |
task, which we define as the ratio between the total of Levenshtein distances |
between predictions and ground-truth outputs and the total length of the |
ground-truth outputs. This is a corpus-level metric for which a lower value |
is better. We use it as the return by negating |
per-sentence ratios. At the evaluation time greedy search is used to extract |
predictions from the model. |
\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.5\textwidth} |
\centering |
\includegraphics[scale=0.5]{learning_curves.pdf} |
\caption{Progress of log-likelihood (LL), REINFORCE (RF) and actor-critic (AC) training |
in terms of BLEU score on the training (train) and |
validation (valid) datasets. LL* stands for the annealing phase of log-likelihood training. |
The curves start from the epoch of log-likelihood |
pretraining from which the parameters were initialized. |
} |
\label{fig:progress} |
\end{wrapfigure} |
We use the ADAM optimizer~\citep{kingma2015method} to train all the networks |
with the parameters recommended in the original paper, with the exception of |
the scale parameter $\alpha$. The latter is first set to $10^{-3}$ and then |
annealed to $10^{-4}$ for log-likelihood training. For the pre-training |
stage of the actor-critic, we use $\alpha=10^{-3}$ and decrease it to |
$10^{-4}$ for the joint actor-critic training. We pretrain the actor until |
its score on the development set stops improving. We pretrain the critic until |
its TD error stabilizes\footnote{A typical behaviour for TD error was to grow |
at first and then start decreasing slowly. We found that stopping pretraining |
shortly after TD error stops growing leads to good results.}. We used $M=1$ |
sample for both actor-critic and REINFORCE. For exact hyperparameter settings |
we refer the reader to Appendix \ref{sec:hyperparameters}. |
We start REINFORCE training from a pretrained actor, but we do |
not use the curriculum learning employed in MIXER. The critic is trained in the |
same way for both REINFORCE and actor-critic, |
including the pretraining stage. |
We report results obtained with the reward shaping described in Section |
\ref{sec:actor-critic}, as we |
found that it slightly improves REINFORCE performance. |
Table \ref{tab:spelling} presents our results on the spelling correction task. |
We observe an improvement in CER over log-likelihood training for all four settings considered. |
Without simultaneous log-likelihood training, |
actor-critic training results in a better CER than REINFORCE-critic |
in three out of four settings. |
In the fourth case, actor-critic and REINFORCE-critic have similar |
performance. Adding the log-likelihood gradient with a cofficient |
$\lambda_{LL}=0.1$ helps both of the methods, |
but actor-critic still retains a margin of improvement over REINFORCE-critic. |
\subsection{Machine Translation} |
For our first translation experiment, we use data from the German-English |
machine translation track of the IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign |
\citep{cettolo2014report}, as used in \citet{ranzato2015sequence}, and closely follow the pre-processing described in |
that work. The training data comprises about 153,000 German-English |
sentence pairs. In addition we considered a larger WMT14 English-French dataset |
\cite{cho2014learning} with more than 12 million examples. For further information |
about the data we refer the reader to Appendix \ref{sec:data}. |
The return is defined as a smoothed and rescaled version of the BLEU score. Specifically, |
we start all n-gram counts from 1 instead of 0, and multiply the resulting score |
by the length of the ground-truth translation. Smoothing is a common practice when sentence-level |
BLEU score is considered, and it has been used to apply REINFORCE in similar settings |
\citep{ranzato2015sequence}. |
\paragraph{IWSLT 2014 with a convolutional encoder} |
In our first experiment we use a convolutional encoder in the actor to make our results more comparable with \citet{ranzato2015sequence}. |
For the same reason, we use 256 hidden units in the networks. |
For the critic, we replaced the convolutional network with a bidirectional GRU network. |
For training this model we mostly used the same hyperparameter values as in the spelling |
correction experiments, with a few differences highlighted in Appendix \ref{sec:hyperparameters}. |
For decoding we used greedy search and beam search with a beam size of 10. We |
found that penalizing |
candidate sentences that are too short was required to |
obtain the best results. Similarly to \citep{hannun2014first}, |
we subtracted |
$\rho T$ from the negative log-likelihood of each candidate |
sentence, where |
$T$ is the candidate's length, and $\rho$ is a hyperparameter |
tuned on the |
validation set. |
\begin{table}\centering |
\caption{Character error rate of different methods on the spelling correction task. |
In the table $L$ is the length of input strings, $\eta$ |
is the probability of replacing a character with a random one. |
LL stands for the log-likelihood training, AC and RF-C and for the actor-critic and the |
REINFORCE-critic respectively, AC+LL and RF-C+LL for the combinations of AC and RF-C with LL.} |
\begin{tabular}{l | c | c | c | c | c} |
\multirow{2}{*}{Setup} & \multicolumn{3}{|c}{Character Error Rate} \\ |
& LL & AC & RF-C & AC+LL & RF-C+LL \\ |
\hline\hline |
$L=10, \eta=0.3$ & 17.81 & 17.24 & 17.82 & \textbf{16.65} & 16.97 \\ |
$L=30, \eta=0.3$ & 18.4 & 17.31 & 18.16 & \textbf{17.1} & 17.47 \\ |
$L=10, \eta=0.5$ & 38.12 & 35.89 & 35.84 & \textbf{34.6} & 35 \\ |
$L=30, \eta=0.5$ & 40.87 & 37.0 & 37.6 & \textbf{36.36} & 36.6 |
\end{tabular} |
\label{tab:spelling} |
\end{table} |
\begin{table}\centering |
\caption{Our IWSLT 2014 machine translation results with a convolutional encoder compared to the previous work by Ranzato et al. |
Please see \ref{tab:spelling} for an explanation of abbreviations. The asterisk |
identifies results from \citep{ranzato2015sequence}. |
The numbers reported with $\leq$ were approximately read from |
Figure 6 of \citep{ranzato2015sequence} } |
\begin{tabular}{l | c | c | c | c | c | c} |
\multirow{2}{*}{Decoding method} & \multicolumn{6}{|c}{Model} \\ |
& LL* & MIXER* & LL & RF & RF-C & AC \\ |
\hline\hline |
greedy search & 17.74 & 20.73 & 19.33 & 20.92 & \textbf{22.24} & 21.66 \\ |
beam search & $\leq$ 20.3 & $\leq$ 21.9 & 21.46 & 21.35 & \textbf{22.58} & 22.45 |
\end{tabular} |
\label{tab:mt} |
\end{table} |
\begin{table}\centering |
\caption{ |
Our IWSLT 2014 machine translation results with a bidirectional recurrent encoder compared to the previous work. |
Please see Table \ref{tab:spelling} for an explanation of abbreviations. The asterisk |
identifies results from \citep{wiseman2016sequence}. |
} |
\begin{tabular}{l | c | c | c | c | c | c | c} |
\multirow{2}{*}{Decoding method} & \multicolumn{6}{|c}{Model} \\ |
& LL* & BSO* & LL & RF-C & RF-C+LL & AC & AC+LL \\ |
\hline\hline |
greedy search & 22.53 & 23.83 & 25.82 & 27.42 & \textbf{27.7} & 27.27 & 27.49\\ |
beam search & 23.87 & 25.48 & 27.56 & 27.75 & 28.3 & 27.75 & \textbf{28.53} |
\end{tabular} |
\label{tab:mt2} |
\end{table} |
\begin{table}\centering |
\caption{ |
Our WMT 14 machine translation results compared to the previous work. |
Please see Table \ref{tab:spelling} for an explanation of |
abbreviations. The apostrophy and the asterisk identify results from |
\citep{bahdanau2015neural} and \citep{shen2015minimum} respectively. |
} |
\begin{tabular}{l | c | c | c | c | c | c} |
\multirow{2}{*}{Decoding method} & \multicolumn{6}{|c}{Model} \\ |
& LL' & LL* & MRT * & LL & AC+LL & RF-C+LL \\ |
\hline\hline |
greedy search & n/a & n/a & n/a & 29.33 & \textbf{30.85} & 29.83\\ |
beam search & 28.45 & 29.88 & \textbf{31.3} & 30.71 & 31.13 & 30.37 |
\end{tabular} |
\label{tab:wmt} |
\end{table} |
The results are summarized in Table \ref{tab:mt}. We report |
a significant improvement of $2.3$ BLEU points over the log-likelihood baseline |
when greedy search is used for decoding. Surprisingly, the best performing method |
is REINFORCE with critic, with an additional $0.6$ BLEU point advantage |
over the actor-critic. When beam-search is used, the ranking of the compared approaches |
is the same, but the margin between the proposed methods and log-likelihood training |
becomes smaller. The final performances of the actor-critic and the |
REINFORCE-critic with greedy search are also $0.7$ and $1.3$ BLEU points |
respectively better than what \citet{ranzato2015sequence} report for their |
MIXER approach. This comparison should be treated with caution, |
because our log-likelihood baseline is $1.6$ BLEU points stronger |
than its equivalent from \citep{ranzato2015sequence}. The performance |
of REINFORCE with a simple baseline matches the score reported for MIXER in |
\citet{ranzato2015sequence}. |
To better understand the IWSLT 2014 results we provide |
the learning curves for the considered approaches in Figure |
\ref{fig:progress}. We can clearly see that the training methods that use |
generated predictions have a strong regularization effect --- that is, better |
progress on the validation set in exchange for slower or negative progress on |
the training set. The effect is stronger for both REINFORCE varieties, |
especially for the one without a critic. The actor-critic training does a |
much better job of fitting the training set than REINFORCE and is the only |
method except log-likelihood that shows a clear overfitting, which is a healthy |
behaviour for such a small dataset. |
In addition, we performed an ablation study. We found that using a target network was crucial; while |
the joint actor-critic training was still progressing with $\gamma_{\theta}=0.1$, |
with $\gamma_{\theta}=1.0$ it did not work at all. Similarly |
important was the value penalty described in Equation |
\eqref{eq:variance_penalty}. We found that good values of the $\lambda$ coefficient |
were in the range $[10^{-3}, 10^{-6}]$. Other |
techniques, such as reward shaping and a delayed actor, brought moderate |
performance gains. We refer the reader to Appendix \ref{sec:hyperparameters} for more details. |
\paragraph{IWSLT 2014 with a bidirectional GRU encoder} |
In order to compare our results with those reported by |
\citet{wiseman2016sequence} we repeated our IWSLT 2014 investigation with a |
different encoder, a bidirectional RNN with 256 GRU units. In this round of |
experiments we also tried to used combined training objectives in the same way as in |
our spelling correction experiments. The results are summarized in Table \ref{tab:mt2}. |
One can see that the actor-critic training, especially its AC+LL version, yields significant improvements (1.7 with greedy search and 1.0 with beam search) upon the pure log-likelihood training, which are comparable to those brought by Beam Search Optimization (BSO), even though our log-likelihood baseline is much stronger. In this round of experiments actor-critic and REINFORCE-critic performed on par. |
\paragraph{WMT 14} |
Finally we report our results on a very popular |
large WMT14 |
English-French dataset \citep{cho2014learning} in Table \ref{tab:wmt}. Our |
model closely follows the |
achitecture from \citep{bahdanau2015neural}, however we achieved a higher |
baseline performance by annealing the learning rate $\alpha$ and penalizing |
output sequences that were too short during beam search. The actor-critic training brings a |
significant 1.5 BLEU improvement with greedy search and a noticeable 0.4 BLEU |
improvement with beam search. In previous work \cite{shen2015minimum} |
report a higher improvement of 1.4 BLEU with beam search, however they use 100 |
samples for each training example, whereas we use just one. We note that in this experiment, which is perhaps the most realistic settings, the actor-critic enjoys a significant advantage over the REINFORCE-critic. |
\section{Discussion} |
\label{sec:discuss} |
We proposed an actor-critic approach to sequence prediction. Our method takes |
the task objective into account during training and uses the ground-truth output to aid |
the critic in its prediction of intermediate targets for the actor. We showed that our method leads to |
significant improvements over maximum likelihood training on both a synthetic task |
and a machine translation benchmark. Compared to REINFORCE training on machine translation, |
actor-critic fits the training data much faster, although in some of our |
experiments we were able to significantly reduce the gap in the training speed and |
achieve a better test error using our critic network as the baseline for |
One interesting observation we made from the machine translation results is |
that the training methods that use generated predictions have a strong |
regularization effect. Our understanding is that conditioning on the sampled |
outputs effectively increases the diversity of training data. This phenomenon |
makes it harder to judge whether the actor-critic training meets our |
expectations, because a noisier gradient estimate yielded a better test set |
performance. We argue that the spelling correction results obtained on |
a virtually infinite dataset in conjuction with better machine translation |
performance on the large WMT 14 dataset provide convincing evidence that the |
actor-training can be effective. In future work we will consider larger |
machine translation datasets. |
We ran into several optimization issues. |
The critic would sometimes assign very high values to |
actions with a very low probability according to the actor. We were able to |
resolve this by penalizing the critic's variance. Additionally, |
the actor would sometimes have trouble to adapt to the demands of |
the critic. We noticed that the action distribution tends to saturate |
and become deterministic, causing the gradient to vanish. We found that |
combining an RL training objective with log-likelihood can help, but in general |
we think this issue deserves further investigation. For example, one can look |
for suitable training criteria that have a well-behaved gradient even when the |
policy has little or no stochasticity. |
In a concurrent work \citet{wu2016google} show that a version of REINFORCE with |
the baseline computed using multiple samples can improve performance of a very |
strong machine translation system. This result, and our REINFORCE-critic |
experiments, suggest that often the variance of REINFORCE can be reduced |
enough to make its application practical. That said, we would like to emphasize |
that this paper attacks the problem of gradient estimation from a very |
different angle as it aims for low-variance but potentially high-bias |
estimates. The idea of using the ground-truth output that we proposed is an |
absolutely necessary first step in this direction. Future work could focus on |
further reducing the bias of the actor-critic estimate, for example, by using a |
multi-sample training criterion for the critic. |
\subsubsection*{Acknowledgments} |
We thank the developers of Theano~\citep{team2016theano} and Blocks~\citep{blocksfuel} for |
their great work. We thank NSERC, Compute Canada, Calcul Queb\'ec, Canada Research |
Chairs, CIFAR, CHISTERA project M2CR (PCIN-2015-226) and Samsung Institute of Advanced Techonology for their financial support. |
\bibliography{references} |
\bibliographystyle{iclr2017_conference} |
\newpage |
\appendix |
\section{Hyperparameters} |
\label{sec:hyperparameters} |
For machine translation experiments the variance penalty coefficient $\lambda$ |
was set to $10^{-4}$, and the delay coefficients $\gamma_{\theta}$ and |
$\gamma_{\phi}$ were both set to $10^{-4}$. For REINFORCE with the critic we did not use |
a delayed actor, i.e. $\gamma_{\theta}$ was set to 1. For the spelling correction |
task we used the same $\gamma_{\theta}$ and $\gamma_{\phi}$ but a different |
$\lambda=10^{-3}$. When we used a combined training criterion, the weight of the log-likelihood gradient $\lambda_{LL}$ was always 0.1. All initial weights were sampled from a centered uniform distribution with |
width $0.1$. |
In some of our experiments we provided the actor states as additional inputs to |
the critic. Specifically, we did so in our spelling correction experiments and |
in our WMT 14 machine translation study. All the other results were obtained |
without this technique. |
For decoding with beam search we substracted the length of a candidate |
times $\rho$ from the log-likelihood cost. The exact value of $\rho$ |
was selected on the validation set and was equal to $0.8$ |
for models trained by log-likelihood and REINFORCE and to $1.0$ |
for models trained by actor-critic and REINFORCE-critic. |
For some of the hyperparameters we performed an ablation study. The results are reported in Table \ref{tab:ablation}. |
\begin{table} |
\caption{Results of an ablation study. We tried varying the actor update speed $\gamma_{\theta}$, |
the critic update speed $\gamma_{\phi}$, the value penalty coefficient $\lambda$, |
whether or not reward shaping is used, whether or not temporal difference (TD) learning is used |
for the critic. Reported are the best training and validation BLEU score obtained in the course |
of the first 10 training epochs. Some of the validation scores would still improve with longer training. |
Greedy search was used for decoding.} |
\centering |
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c} |
$\gamma_{\theta}$ & $\gamma_{\phi}$ & $\lambda$ & reward shaping & TD & train BLEU & valid BLEU \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{7}{c}{baseline} \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $10^{-3}$ & yes & yes & 33.73 & 23.16 \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{7}{c}{with different $\gamma_{\phi}$} \\ |
0.001 & 0.01 & $10^{-3}$ & yes & yes & 33.52 & 23.03 \\ |
0.001 & 0.1 & $10^{-3}$ & yes & yes & 32.63 & 22.80 \\ |
0.001 & 1 & $10^{-3}$ & yes & yes & 9.59 & 8.14 \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{7}{c}{with different $\gamma_{\theta}$} \\ |
1 & 0.001 & $10^{-3}$ & yes & yes & 32.9 & 22.88 \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{7}{c}{without reward shaping} \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $10^{-3}$ & no & yes & 32.74 & 22.61 \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{7}{c}{without temporal difference learning} \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $10^{-3}$ & yes & no & 23.2 & 16.36 \\ |
\hline |
\multicolumn{7}{c}{with different $\lambda$} \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $3 * 10^{-3}$ & yes & yes & 32.4 & 22.48 \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $10^{-4}$ & yes & yes & 34.10 & 23.15 \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $10^{-6}$ & yes & yes & 35.00 & 23.10 \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $10^{-8}$ & yes & yes & 33.6 & 22.72 \\ |
0.001 & 0.001 & $0$ & yes & yes & 27.41 & 20.55 \\ |
\end{tabular} |
\label{tab:ablation} |
\end{table} |
\section{Data} |
\label{sec:data} |
For the IWSLT 2014 data the sizes of validation and tests set were 6,969 and 6,750, |
respectively. We limited the number of words in the English and German |
vocabularies to the 22,822 and 32,009 most frequent words, respectively, and |
replaced all other words with a special token. The maximum sentence length |
in our dataset was 50. For WMT14 we used vocabularies of 30,000 words for both English and French, and the maximum sentence length was also 50. |
\section{Generated Q-values} |
In Table \ref{tab:qvalues} we provide an example of value predictions |
that the critic outputs for candidate next words. One can see that the critic has |
indeed learnt to assign larger values for the appropriate next words. |
While the critic does not always produce sensible estimates and can often predict |
a high return for irrelevant rare words, this is greatly reduced using the variance |
penalty term from Equation \eqref{eq:variance_penalty}. |
\begin{figure}[h]\centering |
\label{tab:qvalues} |
\caption{The best 3 words according to the critic at intermediate |
steps of generating a translation. The numbers in parentheses |
are the value predictions $\hat{Q}$. The German original is |
``\"{u}ber eine davon will ich hier erz\"{a}hlen .'' |
The reference translation is |
``and there's one I want to talk about''.} |
\begin{tabular}{c|c} |
\textrm{Word} & \textrm{Words with largest $\hat{Q}$} \\ |
\hline |
one & |
and(6.623) there(6.200) but(5.967) \\ |
of & |
that(6.197) one(5.668) \'s(5.467) \\ |
them & |
that(5.408) one(5.118) i(5.002) \\ |
i & |
that(4.796) i(4.629) ,(4.139) \\ |
want & |
want(5.008) i(4.160) \'t(3.361) \\ |
to & |
to(4.729) want(3.497) going(3.396) \\ |
tell & |
talk(3.717) you(2.407) to(2.133) \\ |
you & |
about(1.209) that(0.989) talk(0.924) \\ |
about & |
about(0.706) .(0.660) right(0.653) \\ |
here & |
.(0.498) ?(0.291) --(0.285) \\ |
. & |
.(0.195) there(0.175) know(0.087) \\ |
$\emptyset$ & |
.(0.168) $\emptyset$ (-0.093) ?(-0.173) \\ |
\end{tabular} |
\end{figure} |
\newpage |
\section{Proof of Equation \eqref{eq:ac}} |
\begin{align*} |
\frac{dV}{d\theta} = |
\frac{d}{d\theta} \Exp_{\hat{Y} \sim p(\hat{Y})} R(\hat{Y}) = |
\sum\limits_{\hat{Y}} |
\frac{d}{d\theta} |
\left[ |
p(\hat{y}_1) p(\hat{y}_2|\hat{y}_1) |
\ldots |
p(\hat{y}_T|\hat{y}_1 \ldots \hat{y}_{T-1}) |
\right] |
R(\hat{Y}) = \notag\\ |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{\hat{Y}} |
p(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}) |
\frac{dp(\hat{y}_t|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
p(\hat{Y}_{t+1 .. T}|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}) |
R(\hat{Y}) = \notag\\ |
\begin{aligned} |
& \sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}} |
p(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}) |
\frac{dp(\hat{y}_t|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
& \sum\limits_{\hat{Y}_{t + 1 \ldots T}} |
p(\hat{Y}_{t+1 .. T}|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}) |
\sum\limits_{\tau=1}^T |
r_{\tau}(\hat{y}_{\tau}; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots \tau - 1}) |
\end{aligned} |
=\notag\\ |
\begin{aligned} |
& \sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}} |
p(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t-1}) |
\frac{dp(\hat{y}_t|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} \\ |
& \left[ |
r_t(\hat{y}_t; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}) + |
\sum\limits_{\hat{Y}_{t + 1 \ldots T}} |
p(\hat{Y}_{t+1 .. T}|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t}) |
\sum\limits_{\tau=t+1}^T |
r_{\tau}(\hat{y}_{\tau}; \hat{Y}_{1 \ldots \tau - 1}) |
\right] |
\end{aligned} |
= \notag\\ |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\Exp_{\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1} \sim p(\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})} |
\sum\limits_{a \in A} |
\frac{dp(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
Q(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}) |
= \notag\\ |
\Exp_{\hat{Y} \sim p(\hat{Y})} |
\sum\limits_{t=1}^T |
\sum\limits_{a \in \mathcal{A}} |
\frac{dp(a|\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1})}{d\theta} |
Q(a;\hat{Y}_{1 \ldots t - 1}) |
\end{align*} |
\end{document} |