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"selftext": "Hey ya'll. This is actually my first post or comment or whatever it's called and don't know much about posting aside from some photos n videos on my ig page. So bare with me. \n But I just came across an article about a storyline for a new red dead. Where it was a prequel to a prequel or young Arthur. Then another person on here said something about a hosea or Dutch storyline. I'll throw my hat in the ring here with a collective idea. \n Why just create Red Dead. A storyline that covers the past, present and future of the Dutch Vanderling Gang. Start the game with Dutch and how he forms the gang, then slowly introduce characters. Playing separate storylines for each. Like a Quentin Tarantino movie. Then go through and replay some of the iconic stand offs the gang has with some new tweeks to your choices you can make depending on which character you choose. Dutch, Arthur, John, maybe even Micah's sleezy ass. But role into a new and reformed red dead redemption 1 with improved graphics n missions. Then end it as Jack Marsden a bounty hunter type lawman who is trying to rectify his family name. I just think it would be cool to see the original creators do a remake on their stuff. You see it in the movies all the time and I always think. What if a producer went back 20 or 30 years later and remade the same piece of work. Just improved and honed in on. What are ya'lls thoughts and ideas for a cool storyline if rockstar were to do another red dead?", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hey ya'll. This is actually my first post or comment or whatever it's called and don't know much about posting aside from some photos n videos on my ig page. So bare with me. \n But I just came across an article about a storyline for a new red dead. Where it was a prequel to a prequel or young Arthur. Then another person on here said something about a hosea or Dutch storyline. I'll throw my hat in the ring here with a collective idea. \n Why just create Red Dead. A storyline that covers the past, present and future of the Dutch Vanderling Gang. Start the game with Dutch and how he forms the gang, then slowly introduce characters. Playing separate storylines for each. Like a Quentin Tarantino movie. Then go through and replay some of the iconic stand offs the gang has with some new tweeks to your choices you can make depending on which character you choose. Dutch, Arthur, John, maybe even Micah's sleezy ass. But role into a new and reformed red dead redemption 1 with improved graphics n missions. Then end it as Jack Marsden a bounty hunter type lawman who is trying to rectify his family name. I just think it would be cool to see the original creators do a remake on their stuff. You see it in the movies all the time and I always think. What if a producer went back 20 or 30 years later and remade the same piece of work. Just improved and honed in on. What are ya'lls thoughts and ideas for a cool storyline if rockstar were to do another red dead?</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>No more</p>\n\n<p>The Dutch gang should be done already</p>\n\n<p>I want new story</p>\n\n<p>New never before seen characters</p>\n\n<p>No relation to Dutch gang</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "I would totally be open to it. It\u2019s such a cool game and being able to play as other characters would be awesome. They\u2019d probably have to do a main 3 or 4 character lineup. A.Morgan, Hosea, John? I don\u2019t think they should let us play as Dutch. The mystery to how his plans are formed and come together are all part of his character and his charm. Classic story of family dynamics turned cult mentality - the gangs ability to excuse the derailment and blindly following Dutch. We also have the classic triangle of Dutch(head), Hosea(support system), And a power struggle between Micah and Arthur (advisors) with Dutch picking Micah. I think to play as either Dutch or Micah would kind of ruin it - IMHO", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I would totally be open to it. It\u2019s such a cool game and being able to play as other characters would be awesome. They\u2019d probably have to do a main 3 or 4 character lineup. A.Morgan, Hosea, John? I don\u2019t think they should let us play as Dutch. The mystery to how his plans are formed and come together are all part of his character and his charm. Classic story of family dynamics turned cult mentality - the gangs ability to excuse the derailment and blindly following Dutch. We also have the classic triangle of Dutch(head), Hosea(support system), And a power struggle between Micah and Arthur (advisors) with Dutch picking Micah. I think to play as either Dutch or Micah would kind of ruin it - IMHO</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Forgot a Sadie Adler as a character and give the female storyline.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Forgot a Sadie Adler as a character and give the female storyline.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "She\u2019s my dream girl too \ud83d\ude2dI would love to play as her. The \u201ctutorial\u201d phase of the game could be a play through of the days before the Odriscolls show up. At the moment you meet Micah it really starts up with you having to fight him off. Then you get the intro of the characters, do a mock the John\u2019s experience on the ranch at the start of his play through\u2026 that\u2019d be hella cool. She can do side jobs with the game do her key moments and become the bounty hunter she is. I\u2019d love it", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>She\u2019s my dream girl too \ud83d\ude2dI would love to play as her. The \u201ctutorial\u201d phase of the game could be a play through of the days before the Odriscolls show up. At the moment you meet Micah it really starts up with you having to fight him off. Then you get the intro of the characters, do a mock the John\u2019s experience on the ranch at the start of his play through\u2026 that\u2019d be hella cool. She can do side jobs with the game do her key moments and become the bounty hunter she is. I\u2019d love it</p>\n</div>", |
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