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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>'Arthur expression when he's on a face-off, he being the big blind and his opponent folds having put 1 cent on the tablet'<br/>\n<em>that's how it should be... c'mere...</em></p>\n</div>", |
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"unblock_subreddit": "<bound method InboxableMixin.unblock_subreddit of Comment(id='m0mmboq')>", |
"uncollapse": "<bound method InboxableMixin.uncollapse of Comment(id='m0mmboq')>", |
"unrepliable_reason": null, |
"unsave": "<bound method SavableMixin.unsave of Comment(id='m0mmboq')>", |
"ups": 4, |
"upvote": "<bound method VotableMixin.upvote of Comment(id='m0mmboq')>", |
"user_reports": [] |
} |
] |
} |