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"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>As I'm just finishing up my fourth playthrough, I've yet to keep a single of the "stock" horses that the game gives you. Anything from the first default horse or the Shire you are given by Hosea to sell, I've traded them all for better ones from the very off. I've been through my share of Arabians, Thoroughbreads, MFTs and Turkomans. Loved many of them, not bonded as much with some of them.</p>\n\n<p>When I reached the epilogue this time around, my usual thought as free-roaming John was "let's go get a proper horse", but for some reason I ended up using the "stock" horse, Rachel, throughout the entire epilogue, as I was preoccupied with doing challenges. I passed by the stable in Valentine and was about to trade her in when I thought "why not pimp her up a bit and use her as my main horse for a while, let's see what she has to offer", and BOY am I glad I did! This horse isn't just great, she is freaking fantastic! By far the horse I've bonded with the most since my first playthrough (where I almost cried when my trusty Burger drew his last breath).</p>\n\n<p>Rachel is now my new favourite horse, I love the way she looks, how fast and agile she is, and how she holds up in absolutely any situation! If you are like me and haven't given her a chance yet, please consider it a treat for yourself and GO FOR IT!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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