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"selftext": "So I had a subscription on ps5 which granted me like 10 games a month to download and play and I could always play them when I liked,my rdr2 disk broke so I was using this subscription to play rdr2 as it was one of the games in the subscription. Except they REMOVED rdr2 from the subscription which us no big deal because they do that to make room but I CAN'T EVEN BUT THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THE GAME NOW BECAUSE APPARENTLY I DONT HAVE PS PLUS?(I STILL DO HAVE THE SUBSCRIPTION) so ye now I have no rdr2 and there's no stores available to buy a disc copy in so I literally lost the game I payed for now,is it a glitch with PS or with rockstar policies?and do you have any suggestions on what to do because I've lost like 2.9k hours of content on my rdr2",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So I had a subscription on ps5 which granted me like 10 games a month to download and play and I could always play them when I liked,my rdr2 disk broke so I was using this subscription to play rdr2 as it was one of the games in the subscription. Except they REMOVED rdr2 from the subscription which us no big deal because they do that to make room but I CAN&#39;T EVEN BUT THE DIGITAL VERSION OF THE GAME NOW BECAUSE APPARENTLY I DONT HAVE PS PLUS?(I STILL DO HAVE THE SUBSCRIPTION) so ye now I have no rdr2 and there&#39;s no stores available to buy a disc copy in so I literally lost the game I payed for now,is it a glitch with PS or with rockstar policies?and do you have any suggestions on what to do because I&#39;ve lost like 2.9k hours of content on my rdr2</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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