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"selftext": "Hi, on this mission it will load for minutes and minutes and nothing happens. Anyone has had this issue and know/have any idea on how to fix it?\n\nHave tried in different times of the day, doing another mission instead, load it back, nothing. Any help would be appreciated!\n\nFYI I do a few mods, I'm not on my PC right now so I can't remember all. One is penetration mod, the no intro logo, and maybe another one. \n\nI will try to remove the mods and see if it does anything tomorrow, but if there is an actual solution, let me know!",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hi, on this mission it will load for minutes and minutes and nothing happens. Anyone has had this issue and know/have any idea on how to fix it?</p>\n\n<p>Have tried in different times of the day, doing another mission instead, load it back, nothing. Any help would be appreciated!</p>\n\n<p>FYI I do a few mods, I&#39;m not on my PC right now so I can&#39;t remember all. One is penetration mod, the no intro logo, and maybe another one. </p>\n\n<p>I will try to remove the mods and see if it does anything tomorrow, but if there is an actual solution, let me know!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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