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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>"HOSEA! I need these throw pillows for my tent!"</p>\n\n<p>"Come on, Dutch! You know we don't have the money for...my god, do people pay $12.99 a piece for these?"</p>\n\n<p>"Arther! We need more money!"</p>\n\n<p>"Where John?"</p>\n\n<p>*Dutch glances two aisles back where John is sitting on the floor, looking at them after having fallen off the cart*</p>\n\n<p>"I did all I could, son. John is...gone."</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "\"Dutch!\"\n\nThe Manager of Target comes across the parking lot towards their station wagon, leading John who is noticably distraught\\*\n\n\"Is this your son, sirs?\"\n\nDutch: \"John?\"\n\nJohn: \"YOU LEFT ME TO DIE!\"\n\nDutch: \"My boy, I had no choice!\"\n\n\\*Arther, from the back seat\\* \"Dutch says we can get McDonalds!\"\n\nHosea, who is loading groceries and hasn't noticed John is missing: We have food at camp, Arther!", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>"Dutch!"</p>\n\n<p>The Manager of Target comes across the parking lot towards their station wagon, leading John who is noticably distraught*</p>\n\n<p>"Is this your son, sirs?"</p>\n\n<p>Dutch: "John?"</p>\n\n<p>John: "YOU LEFT ME TO DIE!"</p>\n\n<p>Dutch: "My boy, I had no choice!"</p>\n\n<p>*Arther, from the back seat* "Dutch says we can get McDonalds!"</p>\n\n<p>Hosea, who is loading groceries and hasn't noticed John is missing: We have food at camp, Arther!</p>\n</div>", |
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