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"selftext": "For context, I ran someone over in Saint Denis so I decided to just let them arrest me and pay the $5 fine. I was surprised to have trigger this since at the time I was only in chapter 2 and somehow Hosea knew where to find me from all the way over at Horseshoe Overlook. Bonus, kept my $5. ", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>For context, I ran someone over in Saint Denis so I decided to just let them arrest me and pay the $5 fine. I was surprised to have trigger this since at the time I was only in chapter 2 and somehow Hosea knew where to find me from all the way over at Horseshoe Overlook. Bonus, kept my $5. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body": "One of the missions in your map are GR,and the only mission givers that have GR on the icon are the GRAYS,in chapter 3", |
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