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"selftext": "I haven't seen this tip yet, so I'll share it. \nIf you're trying to collect all the premium cigarette cards and don't mind stepping out of the game immersion, go to a shop and just keep buying premium cigarettes. Each one gives you a card. \nOnce you can't buy anymore, discard them, and repeat. You'll have the full collection in minutes and you'll get the trophy. Then just mail the collections and wait for your reward. ", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I haven't seen this tip yet, so I'll share it. \nIf you're trying to collect all the premium cigarette cards and don't mind stepping out of the game immersion, go to a shop and just keep buying premium cigarettes. Each one gives you a card.<br/>\nOnce you can't buy anymore, discard them, and repeat. You'll have the full collection in minutes and you'll get the trophy. Then just mail the collections and wait for your reward. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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"body": "Just to add to that tip the shop in Saint Denis is faster because they are on the shelf, no catalogue. If you also want to save time, the Satchel of the East is a must!", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Just to add to that tip the shop in Saint Denis is faster because they are on the shelf, no catalogue. If you also want to save time, the Satchel of the East is a must!</p>\n</div>", |
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