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"selftext": "Hi, has anyone else noticed some audio issues in the otherwise excellent PC port of Red Dead Redemption 1?\n\nHere's what I'm hearing (or not hearing):\n\n* Sometimes there are no sound effects when opening and navigating the menu.\n* When talking to NPCs, their voice volume is way too low when they're behind you.\n* The audio stage in general seems oddly mixed, with some SFX not being as loud as they should be. Although this could be a misconception on my part, idk.\n\nGoogling the issue doesn't yield any results yet. Anyone else noticing some or all of these issues?",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hi, has anyone else noticed some audio issues in the otherwise excellent PC port of Red Dead Redemption 1?</p>\n\n<p>Here&#39;s what I&#39;m hearing (or not hearing):</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li>Sometimes there are no sound effects when opening and navigating the menu.</li>\n<li>When talking to NPCs, their voice volume is way too low when they&#39;re behind you.</li>\n<li>The audio stage in general seems oddly mixed, with some SFX not being as loud as they should be. Although this could be a misconception on my part, idk.</li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>Googling the issue doesn&#39;t yield any results yet. Anyone else noticing some or all of these issues?</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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