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"selftext": "So for me personally, as it stands RDR2 was majorly spoiled after finding out about it on YT. Somehow, I wasn't really aware of RDR2s release and several years later I finally get into playing it for my first playthrough. I have yet to fully complete the story for my first full playthrough \n I have been dragging out the first 4 chapters over the past three months and I have it looming in the back of my mind that Arthur is going to eventually going to die and so I have taken as much time as I can finding out the small details of the game as naturally as I can and setting aside a few save points that I can always return to when I feel Arthur is at his prime and I can indefinitely stall the main storyline and create a space where he doesn't have to die. \n\nThere's enough ways to entertain me with the means I have now to create my own personal head cannon and have a cowboy hunting and fishing crime simulator that I can let our Boah live out his life. \n\nI just know that when I do complete the story for the first time it's gonna wreck me. \nI enjoy this game entirely too much.\n\ud83e\udee0",
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So for me personally, as it stands RDR2 was majorly spoiled after finding out about it on YT. Somehow, I wasn&#39;t really aware of RDR2s release and several years later I finally get into playing it for my first playthrough. I have yet to fully complete the story for my first full playthrough \n I have been dragging out the first 4 chapters over the past three months and I have it looming in the back of my mind that Arthur is going to eventually going to die and so I have taken as much time as I can finding out the small details of the game as naturally as I can and setting aside a few save points that I can always return to when I feel Arthur is at his prime and I can indefinitely stall the main storyline and create a space where he doesn&#39;t have to die. </p>\n\n<p>There&#39;s enough ways to entertain me with the means I have now to create my own personal head cannon and have a cowboy hunting and fishing crime simulator that I can let our Boah live out his life. </p>\n\n<p>I just know that when I do complete the story for the first time it&#39;s gonna wreck me. \nI enjoy this game entirely too much.\n\ud83e\udee0</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->",
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"body": "My guy, you just described how I play videogames. I'm still scared to finish Fallout 4, cause after that... then what? :'(\nI've also very recently finished my original playthrough of Fallout 3 on ps3. lol\n\nThat being said, I just completed RDR2s story a couple days ago, and cried several times over the course of a few days while finishing it. Without spoiling too much, there's a bunch left to do once you \"complete\" the story. But definitely don't pass up those side missions. Lots of them are fantastic.",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>My guy, you just described how I play videogames. I&#39;m still scared to finish Fallout 4, cause after that... then what? :&#39;(\nI&#39;ve also very recently finished my original playthrough of Fallout 3 on ps3. lol</p>\n\n<p>That being said, I just completed RDR2s story a couple days ago, and cried several times over the course of a few days while finishing it. Without spoiling too much, there&#39;s a bunch left to do once you &quot;complete&quot; the story. But definitely don&#39;t pass up those side missions. Lots of them are fantastic.</p>\n</div>",
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"body": "I feel for you. But many events and side missions in chapter 6 do prepare you for the inevitable. It\u2019ll still be a disaster when you get there but it does prepare you somewhat. I suggest you spend a lot of time in chapter 6 doing as many side quests, chance encounters and stranger missions as you can.\n\nAlso, There is a side quest northeast of Brandywine Drop available in chapter 6. It\u2019s very easily missable because it\u2019s not exactly a stranger mission and it\u2019s at northeast end of the map .",
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>I feel for you. But many events and side missions in chapter 6 do prepare you for the inevitable. It\u2019ll still be a disaster when you get there but it does prepare you somewhat. I suggest you spend a lot of time in chapter 6 doing as many side quests, chance encounters and stranger missions as you can.</p>\n\n<p>Also, There is a side quest northeast of Brandywine Drop available in chapter 6. It\u2019s very easily missable because it\u2019s not exactly a stranger mission and it\u2019s at northeast end of the map .</p>\n</div>",
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