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"selftext": "(Screenshot not mine)\nI don't know what it is about rdr1 that just makes it hit harder. I played this game back in the 2010's, but I never got revenge as Jack because I didn't know it was even a thing until recently.\nJohn's death really just hits harder than rdr2 imo. Especially since only a minute after you learn Abigail died a few years later. \n\nMy only real issue is a lack of some closure in the epilogue. I really wish there was a scene with Bonnie especially.\n\nIn a way, i think rdr2 has the better writing, but rdr1 feels like a complete gut punch when you see john getting shot up in the middle of deadeye, followed by the complete silence and empty feeling after Jack's revenge.\n\nTo be fair, it might not have felt as bad if i didn't have to hear \"WORK, YOU DAMN NAG\" so often...\n", |
"selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>(Screenshot not mine)\nI don't know what it is about rdr1 that just makes it hit harder. I played this game back in the 2010's, but I never got revenge as Jack because I didn't know it was even a thing until recently.\nJohn's death really just hits harder than rdr2 imo. Especially since only a minute after you learn Abigail died a few years later. </p>\n\n<p>My only real issue is a lack of some closure in the epilogue. I really wish there was a scene with Bonnie especially.</p>\n\n<p>In a way, i think rdr2 has the better writing, but rdr1 feels like a complete gut punch when you see john getting shot up in the middle of deadeye, followed by the complete silence and empty feeling after Jack's revenge.</p>\n\n<p>To be fair, it might not have felt as bad if i didn't have to hear "WORK, YOU DAMN NAG" so often...</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", |
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