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"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>The details in this game are amazing! Keep looking for things like this. You can see bucks fighting, dogs playing with each other, and even birds cooping up smaller animals form the ground while hunting. It\u2019s awesome! Great find man</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "The animal system is just amazing not only ram headbutt other rams but buck and prohorn doe too . The cougar hunts , the wolf hunts (both alone and in group ) grizzly bear hunting deer and fighting wolves for it , also grizzly hunting fish , big bird catching fish/snake , alligator eating dead bodies or birds floating on water , panther hunting boars , cats hunting rats or birds . Also when they are bleeding their expression changes and we feel pity for them ... Those who developed the animal physics of this game are really amazing", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>The animal system is just amazing not only ram headbutt other rams but buck and prohorn doe too . The cougar hunts , the wolf hunts (both alone and in group ) grizzly bear hunting deer and fighting wolves for it , also grizzly hunting fish , big bird catching fish/snake , alligator eating dead bodies or birds floating on water , panther hunting boars , cats hunting rats or birds . Also when they are bleeding their expression changes and we feel pity for them ... Those who developed the animal physics of this game are really amazing</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Yeah, I even seen a damn Grizzly marking his territory once. Best Game Ever.", |
"body_html": "<div class=\"md\"><p>Yeah, I even seen a damn Grizzly marking his territory once. Best Game Ever.</p>\n</div>", |
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"body": "Fax, it\u2019s some crazy ass witchcraft at Rockstar.", |
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"body": "Actually the animal physics of this game was developed in india . There is a rockstar studio in Bangalore where they made this .", |
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