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standard library package States {
* This package defines the base types for states and related behavioral elements in the
* SysML language.
private import Occurrences::Occurrence;
private import StatePerformances::StatePerformance;
private import StatePerformances::StateTransitionPerformance;
private import Actions::Action;
private import Actions::TransitionAction;
private import Actions::transitionActions;
private import Actions::AcceptAction;
private import Actions::actions;
private import SequenceFunctions::notEmpty;
private import SequenceFunctions::size;
abstract state def StateAction :> Action, StatePerformance {
* A StateAction is a kind of Action that is also a StatePerformance. It is the base type for all
* StateDefinitions.
entry action entryAction :>> 'entry';
do action doAction: Action :>> 'do';
exit action exitAction: Action :>> 'exit';
attribute :>> isTriggerDuring;
ref state self: StateAction :>> Action::self, StatePerformance::self;
action :>> subactions :> middle {
* The subperformances of this StateAction that are Actions, other than the entry and exit Actions.
* These subactions all take place in the "middle" of the StatePerformance, that is, after the
* entry Action and before the exit Action.
action substates: StateAction[0..*] :> stateActions, subactions {
* The subactions of this state that are states.
* NOTE: This feature is declared as an ActionUsage, not a StateUsage, so that the constraint
* checkStateUsageExclusiveStateSpecialization does not apply to it, since this constraint
* would otherwise incorrectly require that "substates" subset "exclusiveStates".
abstract state exclusiveStates: StateAction[0..*] :> substates {
* The substates of this state that are mutually exclusive, that is, whose performances do not
* overlap in time.
abstract action stateTransitions: StateTransitionAction[0..*] :> transitions {
* The transitions of this state that are state transitions.
succession stateSequencing first exclusiveStates[0..1] then exclusiveStates[0..1] {
* Exclusive states cannot overlap, so it must be possible to strictly sequence them in time.
assert constraint {notEmpty(exclusiveStates) implies size(stateSequencing) == size(exclusiveStates) - 1}
action def StateTransitionAction :> TransitionAction, StateTransitionPerformance {
* A StateTransitionAction is a TransitionAction and a StateTransitionPerformance whose transitionLinkSource
* is a State. It is the base type of TransitionUsages used transitions in state models.
in transitionLinkSource[1]: StateAction :>>
TransitionAction::transitionLinkSource, StateTransitionPerformance::transitionLinkSource;
out payload[0..*];
in :>> receiver;
bind payload = accepter.payload;
bind receiver = accepter.receiver;
abstract state stateActions: StateAction[0..*] nonunique :> actions {
* stateActions is the base feature for all StateUsages.