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Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
EPISODE ONE Shining Light, Son of Commander Lightning Dawn and Supreme General Starla Shine was nearly three years old. He could walk, talk, even feed himself and dress himself, and pick up his toys, but he was still just a little colt. He was being babysat by Pinkie Pie while his parents were at the hospital. They had been away for three days, but Pinkie took great care of the little fella. It also did good for him to play with her son, Biscuit Pie, who was about one and a half years old and just learning to talk and walk. The two children were playing a clapping game on the floor and making cute poems as they played… “I am your friend, you are mine, I’m so happy, I could shine.” The two children laughed and giggled, which Pinkie found adorable. She cooed as she smothered the boys, “Aww, You two are just so cute. Yes, you are… Yes, you are!” and she pecked their little heads making shining blush. Just then, there was a rattling at the front door. Shining Light jumped joy. “Mommy’s home! Daddy’s home!” Lightning came in through the door with a suitcase, “Hello.” he playfully called. “Daddy! Daddy!” cried Shining. “Ah, there’s my big boy.” Lightning said as he took his son from Rarity and hugged him warmly. As Starla came in, Lightning motioned for everyone to keep their voices down. “Hi, Mommy.” Shining said softly. “Hi, sweetie.” Starla said and she pecked her son sweetly on his head. “Look who Mommy brought home.” She held up a little blanket wrapped around a new baby alicorn mare. “This is your little sister, Twinkle Star.” Everyone’s eyes fell over the little sweetheart. She had a white coat, a purple mane like her mother, and big brown eyes like her father. She also had an anti-magic manacle sealed on her horn to prevent her using magic, and an alti-lift patch on her wings to prevent her from flying. “Baby?” peeped Biscuit. “That’s right, honey. That’s their new baby.” cooed Pinkie. She was trying her hardest not to burst out and get all hyper, especially while carrying her son, but she was weakening, and shaking, which Biscuit felt was fun as he jiggled in her arms. She finally put him down. “Sorry, honey. Mommy has to do this.” and she zipped off, coming back with a tiny cupcake, with a pacifier-shaped candle at the top. She drew in a deep breath as if to start going crazy, much to everyone else worry, but she left out softly, “Happy Welcome Home Day… wittle Twinkle Winkle.” The baby just blinked her beady little eyes softly, but Lightning and Starla sighed in relief. “Aw, she’s so beautiful.” cooed Pinkie. “She really is.” sighed Starla. “What do you think, son?” Lightning said as he lifted Shining up. “Do you like your little sister?” Shining looked at the baby and she looked up at him. Her little lips then curled into a soft smile, and it made him smile too. “I’m a big brother!” he cheered softly. “Yes, you are…” cooed Starla, and she pecked him again, and then her daughter. Lightning just looked back and forth at his wife and children, and he shed a small tear. “…You okay?” asked Pinkie. Lightning nodded, “That was a tear of family joy.” With his one free arm he brought Starla and the baby closer. “My family!” This made Pinkie feel like crying too, and she scooped up her own son in her arms. “I love you, Biscuit. Yes, I do.” and she pecked him multiple times. Her son gave his mother a little peck on her cheek, which made the tears flow from her eyes. “Love, Mommy.” he chirped. The moment of bliss was interrupted by the sound of the world air-raid siren going off outside, which made Twinkle and Biscuit cry by the frightening noise, and Shining Light cover his ears. “Not again!” groaned Lightning. “That’s the third time this month that’s happened.” complained Starla. The air-raid siren was a warning that a large object-- possibly a meteor or an asteroid-- was heading towards the planet, and Starfleet squads were prepared to intercept it. There were two objects this time… one was a flaming meteor, and the other was a large piece of ice that turned into a comet the closer it got to the sun. Many citizens of United Equestria could see the objects coming with the naked eye, even in broad daylight. Hardly anyone showed any fear, some even had bored expressions. Grand Ruler Celesto and Queen Celestia ordered the intercept squads out. A large fleet of Space alicorns and unicorns stood together in the New Canterlot fields. Combining their magic all together… POW!! They fired a massive stream of magic up, up into the sky, out into space, colliding into the burning meteor, nudging it just enough to bang it off its course, sending it smashing into the second meteor, and both rocks were sent straight into the sun where they vaporized harmlessly. Normally, this would cause an eruption of cheer and rejoice, but due to the common occurrences, the people just sighed and went back to their daily routines. Starla and Pinkie calmed the babies down, and Lightning patted his son on the head, “You can take your fingers out of your ears now.” Shining hugged his father, still a little afraid. “It’s okay. It’s all over now.” Lightning whispered to him. Pinkie was still grumpy with all. “This is nuts! Where are all these chunks of rock coming from?” “I’d like to know that too,” said Lightning. “Reports have been coming in that these rocks have been showing up out of almost nowhere and striking other planets, not just ours.” Starla remembered hearing about these reports weeks before she went to the hospital. “There’s no chance of tracing their places of origin?” Lightning shook his head, “We don’t have any leads so far. The Observatories have been tracking the objects by the trails they leave as they move through space, but the trails only go so far and only seemed to stop dead in the middle of space.” This meant there was no way to tell exactly where the objects came from or how far they traveled. As far as Starfleet knew, they were just bits of flaming/ice rocks bumping around through space. “So, a search is useless?” asked Pinkie. “Afraid so.” replied Starla. “Frankly, it’s not our planet I’m concerned about. We can intercept them easily, but what of the planets that can’t?” A long moment of silence followed as everyone had looks of worry and horror on their faces. “Daddy?” chirped Shining Light. “Are we going to get smashed?” He sounded very scared and worried. His father hugged him warmly and assured him, “Don’t you worry, sweetheart. We won’t let it happen, will we, Mommy?” Starla nodded proudly, although she wouldn’t be doing too much as she on maternity leave, but she would have her remote droid-double to do any battling for her. Meanwhile, up on the Moon, there was Lunar Base one-- the research facility built out of the battered hulk of a old crashed enemy spacecraft. Many ponies or other creatures of Starfleet and Science worked and stayed at this massive base to conduct private research, or to observe the stars and the galaxy from a greater viewpoint rather than on the planet itself. Right now, their main project was tracking those meteors and trying to find any clues as to where they came from and if any more were on the way. Lightning’s friends often visit the base upon orders to help with research or delivery food, water, and other supplies. Today, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were tasked and ordered to make that delivery with Krysta’s help-- bringing crates of food and drinks to keep the storage bunkers stocked up. The Moon’s low gravity made it easy to ship the large boxes. Rainbow was grumbling softly. “All that combat training. All those exercise drills, space flights, combat practices… just so I can deliver a few intergalactic groceries.” Rarity felt just as annoyed by all this as she patted dust off her uniform. “I have a Fashion Shoot to prepare for, and here I am scraping up Moon Dust.” Spike was growing annoyed. “Will you two quit complaining already. It was kind enough of their majesties to let us put Twilight Sparkle Scales in the palace Daycare until we got back.” “We’re almost done anyway.” said Applejack. “So, quit your whining and get to work.” “Besides, you all got a trip to the Moon out of it.” added Krysta. “How often do you get to come up here anyway?” Rainbow was not convinced. She was longing for more action and excitement rather than menial tasks. “When is something exciting going to happen around here?” she complained. “Come on, Rainbow. Don’t go wishing for trouble.” said Spike. “We’ve already got our hands tied with all this meteor stuff. What else could happen?” The second he said that there were large flashes of light striking over the lunar hills. The alarms went off in the base and the creatures began rushing to their stations. A team of scouts left the building heading out over the hills to investigate. “What’s happened?” asked Krysta. One of the soldiers replied, “We’re detecting readings of life.” Rainbow’s eyes and sense of exactment lit up brightly. “Rainbow!” snapped Krysta “You have your orders. This isn’t your assignment!!” but Rainbow had already dashed over the hills. “Ugh!” groaned Applejack, and she flew off after her. “Hey! Wait up!” Krysta hollered as she followed. “Oh, dear!” groaned Rarity. “Come on, honey.” said Spike. When the gang and the squad arrived on the scene, they could not believe their eyes; two unconscious aliens in burlap clothing lay flat on the ground. Spike, as a General, ordered, “Get these two into medical-care, and prepare them for transport to the planet.” “Yes, Sirl!” the troops replied. Very soon, the two aliens were placed on special stretchers and brought back to the Lunar Base. Suddenly, there was another series of bright flashes in the sky. “What now?” cried Applejack. Everyone looked and saw tiny shooting objects, like shooting stars falling into the atmosphere of United Equestrian, and they vanished into nothing. “Whatever was that?” wondered Rarity. “Probably just bits and pieces of the meteor that was just intercepted.” suggested Rainbow. Krysta was not convinced. “When was the last time you heard of meteors giving off flash storms with no warning?” Right now, they had bigger things to do, like get the aliens back to base. Meanwhile, Flareous was fuming at Keltar. “All my Flame Guards were wiped out?!” he bellowed. “My son was seen with Princess Glaceia, and they were blasted out into Space?!” “Yes, sire.” replied Keltar “The scouts informed us of their observations. Prince Pyron has vanished.” Flareous flared up, ready to incinerate his lackey in a fit. “…Sire please!” shouted Kalter “There may be hope yet to find them!” Flareous calmed down. “You had better make this good. I have enough to worry about without Blizzord hearing of all this!” Keltar motioned up to the big vortex which could be seen with the naked eye. “That is warp vortex. It serves as an instant gateway between this portal and wherever a second one is placed.” “I’m well aware of this!” snapped Flareous, and then suddenly he realized and chuckled wickedly, “Of course… it just may work.” While at the same time, Blizzord was speaking with Smark. “What is that vortex, my king?” Smark asked. “Don’t you know anything?” the ice king balked. “That vortex was used by The Great Warrior, who defended our two worlds from disaster, long before this war began. He used them to instantaneously transport himself from one area to another to confuse his enemies and get the better jump on them. When the warrior disappeared, two of his portal orbs were left behind. One was kept on Motlic, and the other was kept here on Iceinia.” He began to understand now. “Glaceia! She must’ve taken the vortex orb from its resting place, and used it to rendezvous with Flareous foolish son, Pyron!” Blizzord was looking angry enough to melt his icy skin, which frightened Smark to the point of backing away from him. Suddenly, there was a bright flash in the sky. The vortex was going crazy, and it just exploded into tiny little fragments that rained down all over Icenia and Moltic, vanishing into seemingly nothing. “What has happened?” wondered Blizzord. “I don’t know.” peeped Smark. Flareous had seen the light shower as well. “What happened to the vortex?” “I am uncertain,” replied Keltar. “Perhaps an investigation is in order?” “Yes, you do that.” “Me, sire?” “Yes! Is that a problem?” “N-N-No Sire, it’s just perhaps I shouldn’t go alone, and I did want to demonstrate my new form of Flame Guard to you.” “What new form?” Keltar demonstrated by revealing a handful of dried-up rocks with hot streaks across them. He threw the rocks to the ground, and in small flares appeared Flame Guards, only they were artificial beings only made to fight, had little to no fear, and never questioned orders. “I had been working on it for months,” explained Keltar, “I thought perhaps we would use them in the war so as not to waste our best soldiers.” Flareous looked at all the guards, and he snickered, “Interesting. You just may have pleased me, Keltar.” Keltar bowed, and then he said, “I also have one other thing to show you.” and he motioned for a real Flame-Guard to approach. Flareous grew impatient, and-- not interested in more delays-- bellowed “JUST GET OUT THERE AND INVESTIGATE!” “Let’s go!” Keltar cried to his guards, and they all rushed out together. The real Flame-Guard followed them too. Meanwhile, Smark was trekking through the icy terrains of Iceinia. He was sent to investigate the strange occurrence as well. “Why do I always have to do the hard stuff?” he grumbled. “It’s dangerous out here.” The feeling of facing an angry King Blizzard to be worse, he continued to the point where one of the flashes was seen. “This is where it was.” he said to himself, but he couldn’t see anything at all. “Hello…” he called up expecting something to happen. “Hey! Will something happen already?!” Still, nothing happened. His tantrums alerted a lone Ice-Soldier patrolling the lands-- a real one. “What are you shouting for?” he asked. “I almost thought you were a Moltician. Smark felt insulted but explained himself and his mission. “Come with me…” said the guard and he led the dumpy little fella to an empty area. “I noticed one of the flashes seemed to settle here, and then it just vanished.” Smark and the guard both investigated the area together. “There’s nothing here!” growled Smark. “Thanks for waiting my time, when I could have--” but as he ranted, he raised his arm up high, and suddenly, both he and the guard were caught in some force that made them both vanish in rays of light, and they were gone. Meanwhile, Pinkie had gone home with Biscuit, while Lightning and Starla were putting little Twinkle down for her nap. The proud parents looked down at their sleeping angel, only for Lightning to be distracted by Shining Light softly poking his leg and wanting to get up and see. Daddy picked up his son and let him look. “She’s cute.” Shining whispered. “Isn’t she…?” cooed Lightning. Starla smiled lovingly at both her children, but then she whispered into her husband’s ear. “What do you think those lights were?” He whispered back, “I’ve already received word that the research is underway. Hopefully we’ll know soon enough.” Suddenly, without warning, Krysta appeared in their home crying out, “Lightning! Lightning!” Lightning and Starla both gasped in fright, and poor little Twinkle woke up crying loudly. “Ooh! Sorry, I forgot about the baby.” Starla comforted the baby attempting to calm her. Lightning put his son down. “What is it, Krysta?” “You need to come to the palace, it’s big-time urgent.” When it came to Starfleet, duty always had to come first unless there was a good reason not to, and being a father with a new baby was not one of them. As Commander, Lightning had his obligation, while Starla would stay behind as she was on maternity leave and needed to tend to the baby. She understood this and nodded at him, “You better go. I can handle things here.” “And I’ll stay and help, Mommy.” offered Shining Light. Lightning patted his son on the head, “That’s my boy.” and he hugged him, and then pecked Starla goodbye before he warped away with Krysta. Once at the palace he was greeted by Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna. “Glad you made it, Lightning.” said his majesty. Lightning bowed respectfully and then he asked, “What’s going on?” “Come and see for yourself.” replied Celestia. Lightning was led to Sickbay where he was greeted by his other friends, but what he saw next nearly left him speechless. “Galloping Galaxies!” he exclaimed softly when he saw the two aliens in their tubes and hooked up to life-support. The two had been analyzed while on the Lunar Base, their vital signs were normal, while their body temperatures were understandable that of higher/lower than normal beings as they were of Fire and Ice, but not so high or low to cause any concern. “They don’t look like any known creatures I’ve seen.” “This was our trouble as well.” said Grand Ruler. “If all our preliminary data holds, they were definitely transwarped through Space and crashed on the Moon.” Lightning nodded, “Which means we don’t have the slightest idea who they are, what they are, where they come from, or much else.” “So, we’ve pretty much discovered a new species.” said Spike. Rarity shuddered at the aliens’ unsightly burlap cloaks. “Whatever would possess them to wear these ratty things?” “How wicked is this?” chuckled Rainbow. She was still gloating over being among the first to actually see the aliens and come into contact with them. “I can just see it now…” And she imagined herself being on the cover of all important magazines or being praised for this discovery and having statues in her honor. Luna cleared her throat snapping her back into reality. Rainbow felt embarrassed, “Sorry.” Celestia then said, “The only way we’ll know more of them is when they wake up.” “But even then, it is uncertain if whether they are friends or foes.” cautioned Luna. “Agreed,” said Grand Ruler. “Until further notice, they are to remain under close guard and be examined for any details.” The Sickbay staff agreed and continued to do their work. As Lightning continued to look back and forth between the two aliens, and noting their elements of Fire and Ice, he began to ponder, “Maybe these two know something about all these molten and ice meteors we’ve been tracking.” Everyone else had the same idea as he did, although Rainbow kept more of her ego imagination-- dreaming that she’d get credit for unlocking the mystery of this as well. Suddenly, the Red Alert sounded. “Quick, to Main Ops!” ordered Grand Ruler. He quickly teleported himself and the group to the Control Center. Captain Shaina was there being briefed already. “Your majesties!” she cried “Just moments ago we detected strong, unusual teleportation energies occurring around New Ponyville, followed by unidentified life readings.” Lightning’s insides immediately crawled with worry, “Starla!” Everyone was just going about, minding their own business, working, playing, or just hanging out, when suddenly these strange creatures just appeared in bright flashes. The alarms were instantly sounded, and the ponies began to run for the nearest shelter, while Starfleet sentries. “Interesting!” mused Keltar. “I wonder what this place is?” “Freeze!” shouted a voice. Buddy Rose landed in the middle of the road, already in his super-armor, and he wasn’t alone. Joining him were, Rhymey and Fluttershy, Artie, Pinkie Pie, and the Spanish Twins Dyno and Myte. “Ah, you must be the welcoming party.” teased Keltar. Buddy, taking charge of the group demanded, “We are Starfleet of Planet United Equestria. State your name, your place of origin, and your purpose for being here.” Keltar looked confused, “Starfleet? United Equestria?” “You’ve head of us.” said Artie. “No. I just want to remember that when I report back to his majesty.” “Majesty?” everyone felt. Rhymey then spoke severely to the stranger. “We ask you again, where are you from? How did you get here, and why have you come?” Fluttershy then added, “This is your last chance, Answer now, or we’ll advance!” Keltar was really becoming intrigued by these creatures and their stance of aggression. He just had to find out how serious they were. “Get them!” he shouted to his Flame Guards. The soldiers, holding their swords high, rushed forth. “Guess it’s the hard way.” said Dyno. “Andale!” shouted Myte. The team all rushed forth, combating the now, hostile aliens. “Ha!” Buddy shouted as he gave one a huge kick in the chest. The guard fell over backwards and crumpled away like the molten rock he was made from. “They’re artificial!” This was good for the others to know. Another guard swung and slashed his blade at Artie, but Artie dodged every swing, and then blocked the guard’s arm with his own. He could feel the heat coming from the creature’s hot body. “Whoa! You seriously need to… chill!” Artie shouted as he kick-tripped the creature down. Pinkie was surrounded by three more guards. “Can’t we start over and be friends?” she asked innocently, but the alien soldiers stepped forth with their swords ready. “Didn’t think so.” The aliens struck for her, but she leapt up high, splitting her legs in midair like a gymnast, and then spun rapidly, kicking the aliens in their faces. While the ponies all continued to make quick work of the Flame-Guards, Keltar stood where he was feeling more and more amused by the minute at their fighting skills. “They’re beating all my guards like they are nothing. I must test them further, and I have just the thing.” He reached into his robe a pulled out a larger fiery-glowing rock badge with a carving of an alligator on it-- the very other thing he had intended to show Flareous. He then motioned for someone to come forward-- the real Flame Guard whom had followed him, but was asked to keep out of sight. “I am ready.” The guard said. Keltar nodded and stuck the badge on the guard’s forehead. At once, the guard growled and wailed, and finally there was a big explosion, just as the ponies finished off the last of the artificial guards. “What was that?” cried Dyno. “Look!” said Myte. The smoke from the explosion had cleared, revealing a large, hulking creature. It was twice the size of the ponies. It had a huge alligator face with teeth and everything, and its entire body was coated in red hot rocks… and it laughed wickedly. “Now this is what I call power!” “Check it out!” exclaimed Buddy as he scanned the creature with his visor. The creature was unknown, but apart from realizing it was a mutated living-being, its temperature was super-high, and its strength levels were strong, almost as if it were made from a kind of molten rock. “How do you like my Lava-Gator.” hissed Keltar. “I’ve been meaning to test these badges out, but they can only be used on real Flame-Guards, rather than those hollow fakies.” The ponies didn’t like this one bit. While all that happened, right before the battle ever started, Lightning realized, “I’ve got to go back and help the others.” but just as he and Krysta were about to teleport away, the alarms went off again. “Another teleportation reading!” cried Shaina. “Unidentified beings have just appeared within New Canterlot Village.” Lightning growled. Grand Ruler clenched his fist. “Celestia, Luna, you two stay here and help monitor. The rest of us will investigate.” His wife and sister-in-law agreed, and Celestia pecked him for luck, “Not that you need it.” Lightning and the girls decided to transform. “Starfleet Magic!” “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!” “Dragon Power!” Smark and the Ice-Guard that was caught with him suddenly appeared in the middle of town, instantly scaring the civilians, and the alarms were sounded. “Hey!!” Smark growled as he pulled his floppy ears shut. The civilians screaming as they ran away for shelter made it worse. “What is this place?” wondered the Ice-Guard. “Halt!” shouted a voice, and that’s when a horde of royal knights stood together. The lone Ice-Guard looked ready to take on the swarm of ponies, but Smark had a feeling, “I think you’re going to need some backup.” and he threw on the ground a load of icy-like crystals, which transformed into artificial Ice-Guards evening the odds. The two forces looked ready to brawl when… “Stop!” shouted Grand Ruler as he and the others landed on the scene before the guards. Shaina scolded the sentries, “You all know fully-well we’re supposed to wait and see if they mean us harm.” The guards stood down at their Captain’s orders. Grand Ruler and Lightning’s team softly approached the aliens. Smark looked at his majesty and asked, “I take it you’re the boss here?” His majesty nodded, “I am Grand Ruler Celesto: Commander-in-Chief of Starfleet and Co-Ruler of the Planet United Equestria.” “United-Equestria?” asked Smark “Doesn’t ring a bell, but I do like this “Starfleet” thing.” Lightning stepped forth. “Who are you, and how is it you came to this planet without our noticing?” Smark’s features hardened. “Hey! You can’t talk to me like that, why, I’ll… I’ll…!” “Stop this!” insisted Grand Ruler “We don’t wish to hurt you, but if you mean us harm, we will defend ourselves.” Smark was starting to like this assertiveness. “I may have been sent to find the Princess and her so-called lover, but I think I’ve found more.” “Princess and her lover?” said Rarity. “What’s he talking about?” Spike wondered, “Do you think he means those two aliens we found?” Smark overheard them. “So, they are here. That’s all the sweeter.” He then cleared his throat and declared “I demand you hand over the Prince and Princess immediately… please.” Grand Ruler and Lightning put two and two together. These strangers had some connection with the two aliens in the Sickbay, but even still… “We will not hand them over to you until we know more about you.” insisted Lightning. Smark’s features hardened. “Look, I don’t have all day here. Just hand them over and come with me to see King Blizzord. I’m sure he could use fighters like you in his army against Planet Moltic.” These names still made no sense to the team, but Grand Ruler said clearly, “We state again… we shall not comply with you until we know more about all this.” Smark lost his patience. “Guess we’re doing this the hard way.” He then pulled out an icy badge with the marking of a horse on it and tossed it to the real Ice-Guard. “Put it on your forehead.” The Ice-soldiers rushed forth, and Grand Ruler-- now classifying the aliens as hostile-- cast them all in with a barrier dome. The Ice-Soldiers slammed against the walls furiously pounding at it. “Yeah! That should hold them.” cheered Rainbow. “You think so?” teased Smark, and he and the other aliens jumped off the ground, vanishing into thin air. “What?!” exclaimed Grand Ruler. “How did they do that?” wondered Lightning, but his visor suddenly showed that the very air was loaded with tiny fragments of teleportation energies. “I can’t be…!” said Krysta, but she knew it was. “…Invisiports!” Everyone looked her way, “Invisi-- wha…?” asked Applejack. Krysta, being an expert on teleportation arts, explained, “It’s a form of invisible portals that can instantly transport beings from one place to another-- like an interdimensional tunnel.” Suddenly, the aliens reappeared. “We’re back!” chuckled Smark. He brought more artificial Ice-Guards, but that was all. Right next to him appeared a large and fearsome horse-like creature. He had sparkling, icy skin, a crystalized mane, and he snuffed strong icy winds through his nostrils. “Ice-Hoof, at your service.” he hissed. Smark snickered, while the fighters all stood ready to intercept. “It’s go-time!” hollered Lightning. Grand Ruler agreed, and he instructed the knights. “You take on the foot soldiers, we’ll handle the beast.” “Yes, sire.” replied Shaina. She raised her lance up and shouted to her knights, “Charge!” The knights complied and rushed into action against the alien soldiers, leaving his majesty and the others to stare down the monster. Ice-Hoof stomped his hoof and snuffed threateningly, and then he came rushing through at incredible speed, forcing the fighters to leap out of the way. As the horse sped by, he stirred up a trail of icy winds which everyone felt. Ice-Hoof then reared up and stomped down hard, shouting, “ICE MANE BARRAGE” unleashing loads of sharp ice pellets from his mane that exploded as they hit the ground, hardly hitting the fighters. “Talk about Freezer Burn!” cried Rainbow. The monsters charged again, but Spike stood ready! “DRAGON FLAME-WHEEL!” curling himself up in his flames, he rolled out and slammed hard into the charging horse, resulting in an explosion that sent them both flying up and crashing down hard. “Spike!” Rarity cried as she ran to her husband’s side. Spike was fine, but he was outraged. “For a guy of ice, he can sure take heat.” Lightning clenched his fists, but now that the monster was wide open, he rushed right for him, roaring and aiming a strong punch, but the monster dodged-- sprinted right ahead of him, and prepared to buck kick him hard, but Lightning managed to quickly spin round and put his arms out front to intercept the kick, which sent him backwards on his feet a few yards. “You think you’re so tough?” bellowed Ice-Hoof, only for a lasso to lash around his neck. “We don’t think; we know!” bellowed Applejack. Ice-Hoof jerked about trying to break free, and Applejack could barely hold her ground, but Rarity came over and lassoed the creature’s body in a light stream from her horn. “Get him!” she called her friends. POW!! Grand Ruler kicked the beast hard in the side. BAM!! Rainbow gave a soaring punch to the creature’s big face. “Take this!” Lightning shouted as he fired multiple pulses of Uniforce, and Krysta added by firing many beams from her wand, and Spike gave a huge fiery breath to boot. Sparks and explosions flew about, and the monster tumbled over with a loud thud, shaking the ground. “Whoa!” cried Smark. “This is getting too dangerous for me.” And he quickly went through a warp. The creature growled and bolted back up on his hooves. “That was uncool, so now try this!” he bellowed. “FREEZE FISSURE!” He stomped his hoof sending a blue shockwave through the ground, splitting the ground open into big pits spouting harmful snow and ice. KAPOW!! The force of the eruptions blew the fighters off their feet hard as tons of snow fell on them. “Lightning!” cried Krysta. To Be Continued… (Promo) In our next episode: Our heroes continue to struggle against their new foes, and upon a successful defeat, they begin to learn more of the situation going on from their two new allies. How did all this begin, and what is the story behind the two aliens? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Fire and Ice Wars: Part 2”) (End Credit)
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
Previously on Starfleet Magic… While repelling a meteor from striking United Equestria, our heroes discovered two alien strangers just appearing on the Moon. At the same time, King Flareous and King Blizzord sent their forces to investigate the disappearance of their respective child, which led to an all-out attack on Starfleet with forces unlike any they have seen before and leaving them in quite a backed-up space. EPISODE TWO Lava Gator growled, “So, who’d like to go first?” The ponies kept their stance. Buddy nodded to Rhymey and Artie to get out their weapons. “VINE WHIP” “SUPER STAFF” “WARD SWORD” “You think I’m scared of those?” Gator huffed. “You will be!” protested Buddy. “Let’s go, guys!” The team agreed and rushed forth. Gator’s eyes gave a glow and he shouted, “LAVA GUSH” opening his huge jaws, spewing hot lava out like a stream, forcing the fighters to back away. “Carumba! We nearly ran straight into that!” cried Dyno. “Let’s try attacking from afar.” suggested Myte. The brothers joined hands, “BOOM-BOOM ROCKETS!” sending their missiles straight at the monsters. “Not so close!” Gator shouted, “HOT TAIL-WHIP!” He whirled round, slamming his flaming tail right into the middles, destroying them harmlessly. “No way!” cried Artie. “That’s not fair!” wailed Pinkie. Gator only chuckled, “No need to get hot-headed… that’s my job.” He began to stomp forth, making the ground tremor softly. “LAVA GUSH!” He spewed out more lava, making the fighters dodge again, but the fiery liquid burned up a lone tree in the road. The sight of the poor tree being roasted to cinders really enraged Buddy. “Oh, that is it!!” he shouted. “LEAF SWARM!” He unleashed his razor leaves towards the fiery gator. Keltar, who was hiding behind a short rock wall, chuckled, “Grass against Fire? It’ll never work.” but he was in for a surprise when Buddy unleashed magical light beams from his horn, encasing his leaves in magical aura, strengthening them. The leaves collided into Gator, making sparks and explosions fly, and the monster groaned and wailed. Buddy smirked. “I’ve always wanted to try that trick.” The monster only looked furious as the flowing lava on his rock-skin ignited. He leapt up high forcing the fighters to scatter about as he crashed down hard making the ground shake.” “Get him!” shouted Artie, and everyone rushed in to attack. “Bring it on!” Gator growled, and he easily batted everyone off with his short, but strong, flaming claws. Sparks and explosions flew all over as the fighters were hit. Pinkie, Fluttershy and Buddy were down. “What a hothead!” groaned Pinkie. The others were still up, but not fairing as well. “HOT TAIL-WHIP!” Gator swung his tail to trip the guys off their feet, but they all leapt up off the ground dodging it. Artie then shoved his staff hard into the ground like a blocker. The tail hit the staff with a huge Bonk. Gator then whirled around again to slash at Artie, only for his claws to clash against Rhymey’s sword. “Oh, no I don’t think so.” he chirped. The two men then gave their weapons huge swings, striking the monster hard across the chest and face, making big explosions and sending him high up into the air, and the twins gave him a double-kick sending him crashing, rolling along the ground. “Oh, no!” groaned Keltar, and he looked back at the fighters. “These creatures just keep astounding me.” Gator got up and he was furious; so, made that his body flamed a bright shade of yellow. “Prepare yourselves for a deep roasting!” he growled. “Oh, no, He’s going to blow!” whimpered Fluttershy. Gator opened his huge jaws as lava boiled up from inside. “LAVA GUSH!” but before he could spew it out… “Not this time!” Buddy hollered, and he magically enhanced his whip, just like his leaves so it wouldn’t burn, and lassoed the monster’s mouth shut causing the lava to overflow in his mouth, causing his rock skin to erupt and blow. “Excuse you!” joked Pinkie. Smoke was flowing through the Gator’s nostrils, teeth, and cracks in his, now, dimmed out rock skin. “This is our chance.” cried Artie. “Hold it,” said Buddy as he scanned the creature again. “It’s just an alien enhanced with magic.” This meant they didn’t need to destroy the creature, but arrest and capture it. “That’s not going to happen!” growled Gator, revealing he was still strong enough to fight back. “We’ll see about that.” bellowed Pinkie. “Ready Fluttershy?” Fluttershy nodded, and the two ladies soared forth, and flew round, and around the monster in circles. “Hey! Stop it! I’m getting dizzy!” “They got him distracted!” cried Buddy. “Now’s our chance.” The other men agreed. “I say you got for it, Bud.” said Artie. “Knock him down into the mud.” rhymed Rhymey. The Twins nodded, and Buddy stood ready with his whip, setting it to between “Heal” and “Capture.” and then he powered up his finisher. “WHIPLASH STRIKE!” He leapt up high, “This is for that tree you burned!” and struck the monster hard. The Gator wailed and shouted as he felt the magic draining out of him, and he fell over and exploded. Keltar saw the whole thing with wide eyes and an open mouth. The explosion cleared and left on the ground was the monster badge which shattered, and there was also a prison sphere with the Flame Guard, back to normal, imprisoned inside. “I must inform King Flaerous of this.” and he vanished through an invisiport without being spotted. Meanwhile, the ponies and Spike were buried under a hill of snow and ice. “Lightning! Lightning!!” Krysta called out. Ice Hoof laughed as he glared at the tiny fairy, “If you’re that worried about you can join them, you can join them.” He stomped his hoof ready for another brawl… when suddenly…! The snow mounds burst away revealing all the fighters were still standing, shrouded in their glowing auras. “What?! You’re still standing!” the monster bellowed. Krysta smiled with glee. Outraged, the monster charged forth, “ICE MANE BARRAGE!” firing more of his ice pellets, but Spike and Rarity unleashed their flames and countered the attack. The monster growled and prepared to charge forth again, only for Celesto to cast a spell and freeze him on the spot so he couldn’t move. “That spell won’t last too long.” his majesty said, and then he looked at Lightning, “…You have the honor.” Lightning nodded thankfully. “CAPTURE BLASTER!” He held up his mighty gun at the beast declaring, “You’re under arrest for the unprovoked invasion of the Planet United Equestria and attempted genocide!” The helpless monster could only growl. “FIRE!” Lightning blasted him hard. KAPOW!! The monster exploded, and all that was left was the guard, imprisoned in a sphere, and his monster badge which shattered. “Yee-Haw! Out to pasture for you!” cheered Aplejack. “Awesome!” added Applejack. Spike and Rarity embraced, and Lightning went over to pick up the sphere as Krysta hovered by his side. He didn’t seem too thrilled. “I think we’re in big trouble.” Krysta had to agree with him. “Lightning!” Buddy called as he and the rest of the unit came soaring in, and Buddy quickly showed everyone the imprisoned Flame-Guard. Pinkie then noticed the imprisoned Ice-Guard Lightning held. “You caught one too?” Lightning, upon realizing the creatures-- One of Fire, and One of Ice-- and compared it to those two aliens in the palace. Before he could say anything, “Brother-in-law…!” Princess Luna said as she appeared. “What is it?” asked Grand Ruler. “You had best come to the palace at once-- all of you. There is something you must see.” Leaving the royal knights to inspect and tend to any damage in the fields, the team teleported to the throne room, where Celestia was having tea with the, now, conscious aliens. At first some of the team gasped in shock, assuming the worst, but Celestia bolted from her seat insisting. “No! It’s alright. They’re friendly.” “Friendly?!” exclaimed Rainbow. “You got to be kidding?” The two aliens stood and softly approached everyone. The male spoke first. “Let me present us…” and he bowed gracefully. “I am Prince Pyron of the planet Moltic, and this is my love.” The lady curtsied graciously, “I am Glaceia, Princess of the Planet Iceinia. We mean you no harm.” Celestia then said, “They had just awakened during the battle, and they have quite the story to tell you all. I suggest you all listen.” The team stood puzzled, but if Celestia trusted them, they were obviously telling the truth. They were willing to listen. “You two are lovers?” asked Artie. The couple held hands and gazed deep into each other’s eyes and nodded lovingly. “It is, true.” replied Pyron. “We wished to elope and to marry so that we would live in peace, but our fathers would never allow it.” “Your fathers?” asked Grand Ruler. “…King Flareous, and King Blizzord.” replied Glaceia. In a series of flashback stills, the couple recounted how their respective planets had been at war with each other for several years. So many battles! So many explosions! So much hate and destruction! “The meteors!” gasped Lightning. “The result of our fathers’ carless misfire.” replied Pyron. “We had no idea the damage was so severe.” Glaceia looked tearful as she envisioned all the many other planets that had suffered. “Many of our own denizens have suffered badly at the hands of our fathers, but now to hear that more have…!” Pyron comforted her, but he too felt just as hurt. Rhymey then asked, “Why would fathers want all this war? Why cause all this suffering and more?” Fluttershy added, “Can’t your mothers say a few things, How do they feel about your two kings?” Pyron looked up and admitted, “Our mothers are what began this war in the first place.” The couple continued to explain… Many years ago, the people of their planets already never saw Eye-to-Eye, being different elements of course, and yet they never fought each other. Yet, their planets were not without crimes, or bad guys, or those who would do them harm. But these forces were all taken care of… at the hands of a Great and Powerful Warrior. “We had never met him before,” admitted Galceia “But the legends were passed down for generations over both our planets.” In another series of still flashbacks, Pyron explained about the warrior, but only with dark silhouettes of the great fighter. He was depicted as Tall, strong, buff, he carried a large axe-staff that could slice with the blade and use a little magic to attack and defend. “He was neither Molticean nor Iceinian. No one knew just where he had come from-- he never ever revealed his name. He just appeared one day, slaying the evil forces of our two worlds, and protecting us from those who do us any harm. He became such a legend, that both our worlds praised the hero, even erecting statues in his honor.” “Our mothers knew this warrior. They claimed to have had close friendships with him when he saved their lives from the brink of death in their youths.” “This warrior sounds like quite the noble-one.” said Rarity. “But what’s this got to do with your fathers?” asked Spike. The aliens continued stating that, sometime, after their respective mothers married Flareous and Blizzord and became Queens of their respective planets, the hero just vanished. He was never seen or heard from again, not even when there was any danger about. Pyron clenched his fists, “This left our planets, once again, vulnerable to thieves and unscrupulous doings, but by then our fathers’ armies had further increased, under the guidance of their new advisors… Smark and Keltar. As our fathers’ forces grew, they become more obsessed with power and wanting more-- trying to outshine each other in greatness and might.” Glaceia shivered, “And then… came that horrible day…” The team gasped when she said to their horrors… “My mother was found dead, on the lands of Planet Moltic.” Pyron shut his eyes tightly, “And at the very same time, my mother was also found dead on Iceinia.” “Ay-Ay-Ay!” cried Dyno. “That’s beyond sickening.” “And let me guess…” added Myte “Your fathers blamed each other for their deaths.” “Remarkable intuition.” replied Pyron. “With our fathers enraged, the flames of war were lit, and our two races have been ceaselessly battling ever since.” Everyone was starting to feel as if they had heard enough already. “But wait…” Krysta asked. “If all that’s true, then… what’s the deal with you two. How did you-- well, you know?” The others all wanted to know this as well, and the couple were obliged to explain. Pyron explained, “As the prince of my people, I was trained to be the next king, not exactly by my father as he was far too busy with his own business and the war to care much. I was trained in battle by the palace guards and tasked to help to lead our armies to victory. I was chosen to lead a unit to Iceinia and make Blizzord and his army suffer immensely.” “Attack!!” His men charged forth battling swarms of Ice-Gaurds and laying waste to the frozen lands. “Don’t let a single one get away!” “The Ice-Guards proved to be a greater adversary than we thought. They fought back as mercilessly as we did, and in the midst of the chaos… I was caught in a powerful explosion, which had sent me flying around the lands away from my troops, and I had passed out. When I had awoken, I was in extreme pain from the injuries I had suffered, and I was not alone…! An Iceinian Girl had found me, and she was treating my wounds. “Don’t move. You’ve suffered quite a few blows. You need time to rest.” Rarity put it all together and looked at Galceia. “It was you, was it not?” Glaceia confirmed. “I was never trained for battle. As Princess of my people, I was sequestered to a sheltered life--always staying within the palace, hardly having many friends, or being able to go places or do much. With my father always distracted, it was easy for me to sneak out of the palace regardless of the dangers in the outside world. When I happened upon this injured and unconscious Molticean deep in an ice forest, I don’t know why, but something told me to help him.” “Why would you--an Iceinian-- help me-- a Molticean? Why not just destroy me?” “Perhaps I just couldn’t stand to see a creature suffering, even if he was our enemy. Don’t ask me why I feel this way.” For a few days, the Ice Princess tended to the Fire Prince. Their attitudes towards each other remained the same. “I still say you should have destroyed me. You know that I can destroy you any time I wish.” “They why do you not?” As tempting as it was, and just as easy to slay an unarmed Iceinia, Pyron couldn’t bring himself to do it, and merely excused himself “I am still too weak.” Glaceia didn’t buy it, but she was forced to flee when Flame Guards finally began to catch up in search of their prince. “Wait!” cried Pyron, but he didn’t even know why he was calling her. The guards found him and took him back to Moltic for further nursing. When he mentioned to his father, Flareous, about the Iceinian that saved him, his father only laughed. “An Iceinian would never heal one of us, they are they enemy! You should have destroyed her when you had the chance.” “She saved my life!” protested Pyron. “Which means hardly a thing. An Iceinian is only good… when dead! Remember that while you spend time in your room recovering from your failed mission.” “But father…!” “NOT ANOTHER WORD!! I have an attack to plan.” Meanwhile, Glaceia had been caught by King Blizzord’s men, and her father was furious. “You deliberately went against my orders and left the palace. I am very ashamed of you, Galceia! Don’t you realize you could have been destroyed out there? It’s a war zone!” “I had to, Father, and you know very well why. I’m tired of being cooped up like a prisoner in my own home.” “How dare you! I’ve always given you shelter and provisions, and this is how you repay your father?! Be thankful that your mother is not here to see you now. Take her to her room and keep her there until further notice!” Some fathers seeming to care more about war and destruction than the understanding of their own children. As time went by… Pyron remained in his room while his wounds continued to heal, he couldn’t stop thinking of that Iceinian Princess, no matter how hard he tried. Even after his wounds had healed completely, he would always remember how she tended to him. He tried training to get back into shape for further battles ahead, but she was still on his mind, and it dulled his skills. Knowing his father would not take the time to speak to him about it, he decided, “I must see her again. Perhaps doing so will get her off my mind.” He got his chance when Flareous decided it was time for him to get back into battle, and he was sent back to Iceinia with an army of Flame Guards. This time, during a battle, while he was able to send his men into action, part of him didn’t seem to like it, and he himself could not bring himself to join the fight and attack any of the Ice-Guards. When his chance had come, he managed to slip away unnoticed by all, and he returned to the very ice forest, the very place where he was treated. As fate would have it, there she was. Glaceia had once again defied her father’s wishes and snuck out of the palace for a taste of freedom. Good thing her father’s preoccupations kept him easily distracted, as well as the chaos of the war making it hard for her to be watched or seen. “It’s you.” she said in surprise. “I…” he could barely find words to say. “I… wanted to see you again. I wanted to… thank you… for helping me.” She felt flattered and blushed. They just stood where they were in complete silence. After a while, they sat down and began to talk things over. It felt rather strange being so near each other. They began to feel something they had never felt before… Warmth. After all, what did you expect when combining hot and cold together. “Are you hurt?” asked Pyron. “No… it’s just… sitting here near you, I feel so strange.” “I… I feel strange too.” As they continued to talk, the subject of their mothers came up, and were they ever surprised to learn… “My father did not kill your mother.” insisted Glaceia. “But I was told your father’s forces killed my mother.” “My father may have said horrible things of your people, but he would never have stooped so low… not then anyway.” The more they talked, the more they began to realize-- as if for the first time-- why would their mothers even go to the opposing planet anyway? Glaceia and Pyron finally came to grips with this situation… “This whole war is pointless.” said Pyron. “We have to stop this! We must stop the fighting.” “But how? We can’t prove any of this. All we have are assumptions.” Glaceia didn’t know why, already feeling how stupid it would be, but she insisted upon bringing Pyron back to the palace to meet with her father and, hopefully, talk things over. Blizzord really blew his top. “It’s bad enough you defied my orders again, Glaceia, but now I find that you are involved with the son of my mortal enemy?!!” It was plain to see that Blizzord had no interest in listening to anything they had to say, not even when Pyron declared. “I don’t wish to fight anymore.” “Do you take me a for a fool?!” laughed Blizzord. “I see it all now. You brainwash my daughter, sneak into the castle, all in a clever attempt to bring us down.” “No, father! That’s not it!” cried Glaceia, but her stubborn father refused to hear another word, and he ordered Pyron to be thrown in a dungeon. “We’ll see if we can use him to coax Flareous into surrendering.” As for Galceia, Blizzord ordered her strictly to remain in the palace, under heavy guard at all times. “If she escapes again, you guards will be executed!” At this point, Glaceia had lost all respect for him. “You’re a monster!” she bellowed. “I wish YOU had died instead of mother!” Blizzord never felt so emotionally offended by his own daughter. He couldn’t even bring himself to say a thing to her. Days passed, and Pyron felt he was really done for as he just sat in that prison cell, but then a miracle happened. Even with her father’s guards keeping a close watch on her, thanks to their incompetence as well as the war, Glaciea still managed to get the best of them. Though she had never fought before, Glaceia was extremely artistic-- due to years of neglect from her father and being alone, she taught herself how to carve out of ice. Using a secretly made ice club, she managed to knock the guard outside her bedroom door unconscious, allowing her to take the key to her room. She then dragged him inside and donned his armor, hiding the guard out of sight. With her disguise, she easily managed to make her way to the dungeon, where she freed Pyron. “Glaceia?” “Shh! Come with me, and hurry!” Soon, she had led Pyron out of the castle, through secret entrance ways, and gave him what he needed to return to Moltic. “I don’t know what to say. This is the second time you’ve saved me.” Glaceia never felt so warm inside, and neither did he. “Don’t worry about me. I have no desire to return to my father. I will go into the wild where he will not find me. I will survive, I have studied the lands in my books, I know how to go.” Pyron really could see the heart of a fighter inside her. “Goodbye.” she said while pecking him on the cheek on impulse, and then she disappeared into the wild. Pyron was really overcome by what just happened, and so was she after she had left. Alas, when Pyron had returned to Flareous and tried to appeal to him, his father proved just as bad and as stubborn as Blizzord. “You allowed yourself to be captured by the Princess of our enemy, and nearly brought forth a consideration of surrender to our clan! I am ashamed of you, my son!” “Father, will you not listen to reason. This war has gone on too long!” “Silence!” bellowed Flareous. “You are not only a disgrace as a warrior, but you have shamed your father long enough. You are confined to the castle, and never again shall you return to Iceinia to make a fool of yourself or see that rotten daughter of Blizzord!” Fed up with his father’s thirst for bloodshed and stubbornness, Pyron balked at him. “I have not shamed you father; it is YOU who has shamed me!” “How dare you speak like that to me!” “I dare because I’m right!!” Flareous then ordered his guards to take him away, but Pyron, showing further defiance, attacked the guards and knocked them down, much to his father’s horror. “Stop this now!” bellowed Flareous, and in a furious impulsive rage, he slashed his own son with his sword, wounding his arm. “Father… how could you!” he growled. Flareous immediately felt remorseful in realization of what he had done, but before he could even try to explain, Pyron had taken off despite the pain he was in. “My son!” Pyron fled the castle, and Flareous ordered the guards to find him, but they never did. Pyron, being a trained warrior, also knew how to make it in the wild, and even used his robes to make a sling for his sore arm. Weeks passed, and Pyron’s wounds began to heal softly, but were still visible. He never stopped being infuriated with his father or his own people, but he also couldn’t stop thinking of Glaceia. How he missed her, remembering how she twice saved his life, and she felt the same way he did towards her own father and people. “Glaceia, I wonder what you are doing now.” he wondered to himself, and the more he thought of her, the more he was beginning to realize “Is this love I am feeling?” At the same time, Glaciea had taken refuge in the mountains of Iceinia, away from the fires of the war, and she realized how much she was in love too, in the form of a song. (0:42) [Pyron] How has it come to this, I do not understand We’re two beings of different that serve different command [Glaceia] Why am I still thinking of him, when we’re worlds apart I can’t fight this anymore, it’s etched into my heart [Both] I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. [Pyron] I should feel anger and hate, and erase her from my mind, And yet my heart says differently, to put that all behind. [Glaceia] Healed him once, and healed him twice, I really don’t know why, All I know is that he’s the one who’s in my eye. [Both] I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. In a long instrumental part… The two longed to see each other, and both happened to have the same idea. While everyone was busy with the war and all that, they each remembered about the Great Hero, short after his disappearance, he had two vortex orbs, which were buried beneath the great statues erected in his honor and kept in shrines far away from the battle zones. They each managed to secure the orbs, but the trouble was these ports could only work if both were set up at perfect points to provide both an entry and exit point. In the most astonishing twists of fate, they both just couldn’t resist trying at the same time, and activated their portals together, creating perfect points between the planets, and to each other. Glaceia came through the portal, and both she and Pyron couldn’t believe each other’s eyes. They ran to each other embracing, and finally admitting their feelings for one another. I just know, the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. I just know, I just know, I just know, I just know the answer is love And I know… that love has come my way. Love has come my way (x7) They continued to meet and rendezvous in secret, constantly using the vortex orbs, falling more and more in love, and eventually planning a future together… which, of course, was incredibly difficult because of the war, not to mention their worry for all the rest of their people suffering from the chaos. The rest of the story was easy to follow. The friends all had mixed expressions of horror, and tearful eyes. “That’s… the most beautiful, saddest story… I’ve ever heard!” sobbed Pinkie, and she blew her nose. Lightning was just astounded! “And to think, you both fell deep into space, and of all the places in the universe to be warped to, you came here, to us!” He almost lost his breath in anxiety. Pyron and Glaceia felt equally as astounded and fortunate. Now there was hope for them yet. Pyron then addressed everyone. “By now, our fathers know of our presence here, and they will not rest until we have been brought home.” Glaceia examined the two imprisoned guards. “They have already tried now, and they will come again, and again with all the invisiports around.” Which brought them right to their big point. Pyron gazed deeply at Grand Ruler, “We have already been told of your Starfleet, your majesty. We have seen what you are capable of, and we know that you are good beings.” Glaceia then held her hands together but tried not to sound like begging, “Will you help us? Help us bring our fathers down, and end this terrible war, and not just for our sakes, but for the sake of the entire galaxy.” The fighters were already more than willing to consent. His majesty didn’t even have to look at the determined expressions they had. He then stepped over to Celestia, and they both gazed at each other with the same looks of agreement. Grand Ruler then said, “Prince Pyron, Princess Glaceia… we are at your service.” The couple was ever so grateful and bowed. Pinkie couldn’t control herself any longer and came between the two. “Aww, we have new friends today. Time for a biiiiiig hug.” and she nearly squeezed the air right out of them. “Oops. Sorry…” Everyone had a good laugh, but then Lightning suddenly realized, “Starla! She doesn’t know anything about this.” “Oh, yes she does.” chuckled Celestia. She held up a magical crystal ball which showed Starla on the other end. “Hi…” she called to everyone. Celestia explained, “When she was reported not to have shown up in battle, I knew I had to give her this information too. She heard everything that was said.” “I’m sorry I couldn’t join the battles,” said Starla. “It took me a while to get the baby to sleep, and by the time she did I couldn’t even get my droid ready. Some Supreme General I am.” Celestia assured her, “You are fine soldier, but you are also a mother. I understand this all too well.” “Yes, Starla, we understand,” said Grand Ruler, “We know you’ll try your best to help us and that you have a lot to consider now… we all do.” Everyone agreed, and Lightning spoke deeply to himself, “Watch out Flareous… Blizzord… we’re coming for you!” (Promo) In our next episode: Lightning is for the shock of his life when a stray pony brought to United Equestria turns out to be a survivor of his home planet, but things quickly start to shake up when this visitor hopes to take Lightning away from Starfleet altogether. How will all this affect Lightning, his family, and his friends? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “From Out of The Past”)
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
EPISODE THREE Lightning was five years old and running through the lands of chaos and destruction of his home planet, Harmonius. Explosions, fires, and devastation were everywhere, and the sight of all the corpses of his people freaked him out so much. Then the sound of wicked laughter made him turn round, and he saw her—Serpentari, the great evil responsible for the destruction of his planet. “Hello lunch!” she hissed while licking her fangs. Poor Lightning, defenseless and powerless, could only scream in horror, only to be safely pulled away by his mother who ended up taking the hit for him. “Mama!!” he cried. “Run… Lightning… Save yourself!” she called to him. The poor little colt dashed over to his dying mother, as the planet began to quiver and crumble. Serpentari saw this as her chance to flee, and she left through a space warp portal. The portal began to close, and the mother knew the only way to save her son. “Remember… my dear… your mother will… always love you!” she said through tears, and shoved him through the portal, sending him to a nearby planet. That’s when Lightning saw Harmonious explode, destroying everything he ever had or knew. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO….!!!” …Then he awoke-- bolting upright in bed in a frightful gasp. “Lightning?” Starla said in a sleepy, groggy voice. Lightning caught hold of himself, “I’m okay.” His wife felt sad for him. She knew he had another nightmare, and she couldn’t blame him. It was one of those things that would never go away. Twinkle’s baby cry was heard from outside in the hallway. Starla was about to get up, but Lightning insisted on doing it himself. “You’ve been up and down plenty.” His wife smiled thankfully and went straight back to sleep. Lightning got out of bed and headed for the nursery to tend to his daughter. It was just a diaper emergency. After he changed her, he sat with her in the rocking chair and rocked her peacefully. As he did, and looked down at her sweet little face, he couldn’t help but think back to his past on Harmonius. “I’ve sure come a long way, and I’ve changed a lot.” He was still thinking about it the next morning at breakfast. Starla was feeding Twinkle a bottle of baby formula, while Shining Light, as a big boy, ate his cereal all by himself. As Lightning gazed at his family, he felt warm inside. His wife looked up at him and asked, “Something on your mind?” “Hmm… No, not really. Why?” Starla giggled, “Because you just poured milk on your pancakes, and syrup in your cocoa.” Lightning saw and he felt embarrassed. “Silly Daddy.” chuckled Shining Light, and the family had a good laugh, and all this only made Lightning feel even warmer, even after he left for work. Way out in space, a lone small spacecraft rocketed through the cosmos. It was white with medical symbols on it, almost like an ambulance. Inside the cockpit, the lone driver wore a strong spacesuit with an opaque helmet hiding her face. Suddenly, without warning… WHAMM!! Her ship was struck by a stray ice meteor she hadn’t seen coming, causing her engines to stall, and she herself to fall unconscious upon slamming her head into the steering. Her ship was going out of control, but fortunately, it was passing by a nearby, which had Starfleet Forces living there and protecting the populace, and they spotted the damaged craft. “We got a crasher!” “Let’s go get it!” A group of ponies, donning their spacesuits to protect them, flew out and caught the damaged craft, and slowly began to guide them down to the planet. The craft was horribly damaged beyond repair, but the unconscious driver would survive. “Let’s get her helmet off.” Upon doing so, the troops were surprised. It was a space alicorn just like they were. She had a soft pale-yellow coat, a cherry red mane, but no armor, ID-Number, and stranger still, according to magic scans, although she was an alicorn, she had no magic in her at all. “We’ve found a stray.” “We better report this to United Equestria.” That day, Lightning was leaving Ponyville Town Hall after having meetings with officials to discuss written and field tests for other cadets and officers who sought promotion. “Thanks for your help, Mayor Mare.” “It’s my pleasure, sir. Some of these cadets are most deserving of a promotion.” Lightning agreed, “I can think of one of them in particular.” He referred to Swift Star, who had been a fine Lieutenant for the past year and a half. Always working well at his assigned watches and posts and helping to maintain the peace, as well as offering his assistance in battle once in a while. “Oh, here he comes now.” said Swift. “Oh, Commander, thank goodness I ran into. I could use your help at the front door.” “What is it?” Swift led Lightning to the front door where two ponies-- one mare, and one stallion-- holding signs of mean-spirited slanders towards Starfleet. Lightning rolled his eyes and could already tell what the trouble was. “We got rights!” snapped the stallion. “Me, my gal here, and all our friends outside. We don’t like your laws, your rules, and we just plain don’t like you Starfleeters in the first place.” “Is that so?” replied Lightning. Swift then said, “As you can probably tell, they want to bring their whole community in here and protest, and I already explained to them they may not, especially given their intentions. Security is already holding them back.” “You got no right to kick us out.” insisted the mare. “This is a public place, and you guys are bullying and pushing us again like you always were.” Lightning, unmoved by her whining told her and her friend straight, “As I’m sure the Lieutenant has just explained to you, you may have the right to protest and demonstrate, but, as I’m sure you probably intend to do, -- interfere with people’s businesses, blocking hallways, bathrooms, elevators. That is breaking the law, it is not permitted, and if you attempt to do so, you will face charges for it.” The bad ponies were disgusted. “Just more examples of Starfleet bullying. Why we ever let you punks into our world is beyond me.” Mayor Mare herself threw in her own two cents. “I wouldn’t sell it short. Laws like these existed in Equestria long before Starfleet came. If you have a problem or you wish to demonstrate and protest, you will do so within the law and not disturb the peace, or as the Commander has said, you will be punished for it.” Realizing their defeat, the two protesters picked up their signs and prepared to leave. “Nothing but jerks and brainwashing bullies.” sneered the mare. “More like doing our jobs and trying to protect you.” protested Swift. “From what?” mocked the stallion. “…Yourselves.” The ponies stuck their tongues out in insult and then left. Swift sighed, “Always with haters. Why do they do this?” There was no real answer to this. “I’m sorry I got you two in this.” “Don’t be,” replied Mayor. “I don’t want my Town Hall to be overrun with these hooligans and delinquents who think they’re above the law.” Lightning agreed, “And you were having a problem with them, and so you called for backup as is the code. You did the right thing.” Swift smiled proudly. Then he checked his watch, “My shift’s over. I better get to the library and study for the tests.” Lightning could see it in Swift’s eyes. “He really wants to be promoted, but he’s trying too hard. That could slow him up.” Mayor Mare agreed. Lightning left the building and saw those nasty protestors banding together, waving their slanderous signs, and hooting and chanting that Starfleet was no good. Fortunately, no one seemed to care or notice and brushed them off as “Fools.” “Quit hassling Starfleet.” “They’re good guys.” “Maybe you all ought to have better respect.” This angered the protesters, still believing that the majority was brainwashed or just acting this way to avoid trouble. Lightning didn’t bother with them as long as they weren’t breaking the law severely. “It just never ends.” he grumbled. Still, he was pleased that the majority of the populace was for Starfleet, respected them. Some ponies even waved to him and greeted him in the streets. “Good afternoon, Commander.” “How goes it, Commander.” …to which Lightning waved politely. This made Lightning think back to his childhood on Harmonius again, and how things weren’t always like this. No major cities, everyone just lived in stone houses and temples. There was no magic. There were no major vehicles, or things of major exactment, but at least everyone was blissful and friendly. “I really have come a long way.” he said to himself. “I wonder what the people of Harmonius would think if they saw me now?” There was no sense in him thinking of the past, seeing as his planet was long gone and everyone on it long gone too. Suddenly, Krysta appeared. “Lightning.” “What’s up?” “You better come to the palace immediately. There is something you will not believe!” When Lightning got to New Canterlot Palace, he was brought straight to the sickbay where a rescued pony lay in a hospital bed. Lightning nearly fainted at the very sight of her. “Blitzy…? Blitzy Heart?” The pony gazed at him strangely. “Who are you?” Tears were flowing down Lightning’s cheeks. “It’s me… Lightning Dawn.” The mare’s eyes lit up “…Lightning?” He nodded at her, and she burst into tears, “WOW!!” and they both embraced in a warm hug crying into each other’s soldiers. “I can’t believe this!” sobbed Lightning. “I just don’t…” “…You’re alive!” cried Blitz. “Lightning, I… I don’t believe it.” The hospital staff couldn’t understand it. It was like seeing two lovers reunited, but it was a beautiful sight to behold. “So, you do know her.” said Krysta. Lightning nodded, “Krysta, this is Blitzy Heart. I knew her on Harmonious. She was my very best friend.” Many flashbacks were shown… Lightning was very little, and he was playing with Blitzy all the time-- in playgrounds, climbing trees, and going on picnics with the families. Lightning even gave her a flower he had picked once. “Wow.” said Krysta. Blitz looked around. “Where am I? What planet is this?” “This is the planet United Equestria,” said a voice. Everyone turned and saw Grand Ruler and Celestia coming in. Blitz couldn’t believe her eyes. “Your… Your majesty?” He nodded at her. “Glad to see you’ve come out of it.” Blitz found herself stuttering in confusion, “But… this can’t be. I can’t be… I’m with Starfleet?” Everyone noted a sense of displeasure in her voice, and Blitz finally noticed Lightning’s uniform-- all his ribbons and fancy medals, and even his sash showing he was “Supreme Allied Commander.” She was so overwhelmed that she just fainted hard onto her bed. “Blitz?” cried Lightning. “She’s alright…” the doctor assured him, and then he motioned for Lightning to back away so he could treat her. Lightning moved away from the bed, but almost found it hard to keep on his own feet. He felt dizzy, astounded, and really mixed up. “All this time… I thought I was the sole survivor of Harmonius-- the last of my kind, and now just out of the blue…!” He was starting to lose his breath a little. “Take it easy.” said Celesita. “I’m sure this is all overwhelming for you.” Grand Ruler agreed, “In the meantime, we’ll do all we can for her, but I’m afraid her ship was damaged beyond repair. We were able to salvage all her belongings though.” Laying on a table were all kinds of medical equipment, both regular and space-type. Blitz even had a special identification. “She’s a space doctor.” said Krysta. “I’ve read about them,” added Lightning. “They are intergalactic medical experts, usually of fortune. They wander ceaselessly through the cosmos helping to answer calls for help with all sorts of cures and techniques, provided that their fee is well-met. They’re always on the move because of their services being needed anywhere are any time.” The gang reviewed the ship’s log, which was kept in a simple journal, as well as a star-map. “Galloping Galaxies! She’s been around…!” Grand Ruler agreed, “She’s even been to some places in Unexplored Space. This is fantastic information.” “She really has been,” Celestia said as she looked through the lists of aliens and other creatures Blitz had helped. “I think it’s more fortunate that we found her. We could use a pony like her in our communities.” Lightning and Krysta didn’t feel so optimistic about that, especially not Lightning. He was asked to remain at the palace, but Lightning asked if his family could come over so Blitz could meet them too. Their majesties agreed, and Krysta teleported everyone over. The family was put up in a special room with a crib so Twinkle Star could have her nap. Shining Light was napping too, giving Starla a bit of a break. Lightning had told her everything. “I can’t believe this…” she said. “I can’t begin to imagine how shocked you must’ve been.” “In all honesty, I think that was the easy part.” said Lightning. “I haven’t seen her in ever so long, and I thought I’d never see her or any Harmonian pony again. She’s obviously made something of herself, and that’s amazing.” He paused long, “But…?” Starla said for him. “Well, you remember the history of my ancestors: Groups of ponies were instructed by Grand Ruler Celesto to venture forth into space in hopes of discovering new planets for races like ours to live it-- the help with over-population, to help those who lost their planets, or to live away from large amounts of danger. My ancestors discovered the planet that would one day become Harmonius. Wanting to keep away not just from Starfleet, but all forms of war entirely. They wished to live only in peace and harmony. Blitzy and I never knew of Starfleet, our ancestors never told their children, preferring to keep the world exactly as it was. Free of danger, pure, quiet, and clean… …And that was what led to its ultimate downfall and destruction!” He envisioned the planet blowing up before his eyes again, and his younger self screaming in horror at the sight. “NOOOOOOOOO…!!” He caught hold of himself, squeezing his cape in his fists tightly. Starla could see where he was coming from now. “You think she’ll be indifferent Starfleet, and you for it.” Her husband nodded. “The ways of the Harmonian Pony are never battle and warfare, but she obviously grew up differently than I did. She didn’t become a fighter; she chose to save lives in a different way, and that’s still impressive.” He hung his head low, “But I really want to reconnect with her. I mean, it’s so wonderful that she’s alive and seeing her again.” He summoned his courage to go and meet with Blitz, telling Starla to stay with the children for a moment. Blitz was put up in a room down the hall from his own after she had recovered from her fainting. Her injuries were minor. Still, even in a big, lavish room in a grand palace like this, she didn’t know what to think. She was already given the bad news regarding her ship, but that wasn’t what bothered her most. There was a knock at her door. “Come in…” Lightning entered, “Hey.” She felt her insides turn. “…Hi.” She said in an awkward tone. Lightning stepped in, but he didn’t seem to want to leave the door. He was trying to think carefully of what to say to start things up. “Sorry about your ship.” “It’s okay.” Lightning could still feel the coldness deep inside her coming for him, but he managed to approach her anyway. “Is something wrong?” Blitz shut her eyes tightly, and then admitted, “I just can’t believe… You’ve been alive all this time, but… how… how can you be part of Starfleet-- much less the commander.” “Well, it’s a very long story…” Blitz didn’t know if she really wanted to hear it or not, and just came straight to the point. “Have you really forgotten who you were, where you came from, and how you were raised?” Lightning began to feel his patience wearing, but he stayed strong. “I never forgot about Harmonius. I think about it all the time, and all always be haunted of the day it blew up, how I lost everything I knew-- my family, my life, my home…” Blitz couldn’t believe him, “But why align yourself with Starfleet? Why get involved in battles, and danger, and all the things that Harmonian Ponies never stood for? What kind of life is that to lead?” Rather than answer her about that, he merely asked her “Do you really hate Starfleet? Do you think it’s really all that bad?” Blitzty didn’t even hesitate, “Yes… I do. I hate everything about it. I can’t see how any creature would want to join such a force when all it causes is suffering, misery, destruction, and even deaths.” She paused and looked out the window and explained her story. “My mom and dad were wonderful on Harmonius. They were both medicine ponies, and I wanted to be just like them, even at a young age.” She even had flashbacks of the time she, Lightning and other little playmates of their loved playing Doctor, or Hospital, and other things. “When the planet was attacked, my parents were killed right before my eyes. I never saw anything so horrible. Worse, I backed into an open space warp which flung me out into space. I slipped off the pathway and was teleported to an unknown planet. I was found and adopted by an elderly couple of aliens who happened to be Space Doctors always on the move. They trained me in the ways of intergalactic medicine and helped me find a new life for myself-- to help others and heal them from their ailments. We toured the cosmos, living off our earnings. We answered many calls for help, and sadly, many of those calls came from Starfleet outposts that had wounded soldiers that suffered in battle. I saw all those horrible images of all the fighting, suffering and destruction, and I hated every sight of it-- all that senseless fighting, and needlessly putting themselves in harm’s way. True, it gave us more patients to treat and more money to make, and every good doctor can’t refuse someone in need. Then, when my folks passed away, and I inherited everything from them, I set out to carry on the work I did, which also included tending to more Starfleet calls. It seemed those were my best and only jobs, and while I was obligated to help and I needed the money, I still couldn’t stand it. Starfleet is just so… so… I couldn’t even find the words. They were all over the galaxy, even on worlds where I wouldn’t expect to find them. It’s like they were taking over-- invading other worlds and forcing their ways on the beings of the planets.” She had a good long pause. “Thankfully, all the Starfleet posts respected my wishes and never referred me to The Grand Ruler. Space Doctors have their own rights and freedom, and they aren’t obligated to stay. I couldn’t bear it if I had been found and brought me to Unicornicopia-- Starfleet’s Central Base where the danger was by the milestones. I was free to go wherever I wanted.” Lightning found this story to be both interesting and upsetting. He had to ask, “You don’t want to stay here in United Equestria?” Blitz answered right away. “I want to leave here as soon as I can,” then she turned and grabbed his hand “…And you’re coming with me.” Lightning was flabbergasted. “What?!” “You’re a Harmonian pony; you don’t believe here with Starfleet. Let me remind you of what you used to be.” Lightning couldn’t believe what he was hearing! “Just a moment!” called a voice from the door. The two turned round and saw Starla standing there with her hands on her hips. “Starla?” said Lightning. “Were you listening outside the door?” “No, but the windows were open, I could hear you. I didn’t mean to snoop, but I was worried things wouldn’t go well, and it’s lucky I did.” “Excuse me, but who are you?” asked Blitz. Lightning walked over to Starla. “Blitzy Heart, this is Starla Shine; Supreme General and second-in-command to me. …My wife.” “Huh?” cried Blitz, and the couple held up their hands exposing their wedding rings. “You’re married?” Blitz asked in total disbelief. “Yes, for five years now.” replied Lightning “And what’s more, we have two children.” Blitzy stood frozen and stiff with shock. This was just too much for her to take. First Lightning aligned himself in the life of a fighter, and became the lead officer, and now he was married to a fighter and fathered children too?! “I think maybe we should go now.” said Starla. Her husband agreed. It was clear to him now that Blitz was in a bad state of mind. The couple walked down the hall, leaving Blitz to contemplate alone in her room. “The nerve of her!” Starla grumbled “She really wants you to leave all this-- your life, your friends, your family?” Lightning sighed, “I was afraid something like this would happen. She’s really changed.” He paused and then refigured, “…Or maybe she never had. She still has the heart of a Harmonian pony. She really doesn’t like battles or fighting of any kind. She just doesn’t understand Starfleet the way we do or knows the things we know about why it even exists.” “I think she means to cause us trouble.” said Starla. “Well, I don’t think we have to worry too much about that. I don’t want to leave. I’m proud of my life here, and I’m especially proud of you, and our family. I could never desert all that.” His wife smiled, “And I’m proud of you too.” she wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him into a deep kiss. …Unbeknownst to them, Blitzy was peeking through her door and saw them. Seeing the couple in their embrace really made her angry with Lightning. She was completely convinced, “She’s got him brainwashed; this entire Starfleet world does.” She began to envision Lightning when he was a colt, and a normal Harmonian Pony; playing freely, having fun, and just enjoying the blissful peace, which all faded into him as she saw him now-- a snarling, spiteful, pushy fighting machine blowing things up, and hurting others for glory. Anyone would tell her she was overly exaggerating, but she remained convinced. “He’s no Harmonian Pony. He’s… I don’t know what he is, but I can’t let this happen to him. I’ve got to convince him that he doesn’t belong here, then I can get him out of here and make him what he used to be. But how?” Suddenly, as she looked out her window, she could see a ruckus going on in the village. One pony who was a supporter of Starfleet was being harassed and pushed around by another pony who was against the force, and they would have gotten into a heated physical brawl had one of the royal knights-- a female Space Alicorn-- on patrol not broken them up. “That’s enough!” the knight bellowed, and using her mighty strength, she kept the two away from one another. “Hey! Lay off!” yelled the protestor. “This is none of your business.” “Well, I’m making it my business.” the knight insisted. “It’s my job to maintain the peace. Now, one at a time, who started the fight?” “He started it!” balked the protester. “I did not!” protested the supporter. “I said “one at a time!” snapped the knight. Another pony from the crowd came over to her. “Excuse me, ma’am.” she said politely, “I saw what happened and I can tell you exactly what went on.” She explained how the supporter was minding his own business, when the angry protestor came along grumbling aloud and slandering Starfleet. “He was saying rude things, “Starfleet are jerks.” and “Everyone else is stupid for supporting them.” The protester had a guilty expression, which said he did all that. “Go on,” said the knight. The mare went on saying about the supporter. “He was just sitting on the bench waiting for the bus-coach to come, and he heard the rude things and all he said was. “I don’t think so. I Starfleet are okay.” “Really, that’s all I said.” confirmed the supporter. Then he glared angrily at the protester, “Then he starts going all postal on me and said “You’re a retard!” and he came right over calling me more names, and when I told him to leave me alone, he jumped on me. I didn’t want to fight and I didn’t raise my fists or anything. I was just trying to defend myself.” The knight glared at the protestor. “Well, it looks to me like someone doesn’t know how to control their temper.” She let the two ponies down. “Can I go now?” asked the support. “Yes, sir, you can go.” Then she spoke severely to the protestor, “You can go too, but know this; I’m letting you off with a simple warning: the next time you pull a stunt like this, you’ll spend the next 6 months in jail.” The protestor was furious! “I am so sick of you Space Ponies pushing us all around like this. I’m just a simple-minded guy who voices his opinion on all this jazz and lies told to us by overlords like you.” The knight said nothing. She just kept staring at him blankly, and then she watched him address the crowd of ponies who witnessed the whole thing. “I’m splitting this scene, and I’m having nothing to do with these pushy bullies! Now who’s coming with me.” He was pretty much whining and begging for support of his protest to the force, but sadly for him, all he got was a bunch of angry stares from the people. “You’re all fools!” he shouted, and then stomped away leaving everyone else to go about their business. While Blitzy heard him shouting-- he was loud enough-- she hadn’t heard the entire conversation and already got even more wrong ideas of how to make Lightning leave the force. (Promo) In our next episode: Pyron and Glaciea begin to fit in well with the community and start to learn the joys of peace and non-aggression. Meanwhile, Flareous and Blizzord, demand the returning of their children and request Starfleet fight for their respective forces, unleashing more chaos should they refuse. Will Pyron and Glaceia be forced to surrender? What will our heroes do about the wicked kings? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Warm Welcome, Cold Rejection”)
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
EPISODE FOUR Grand Ruler Celesto, Queen Celestia, and Princess Luna made official announcements in welcoming Pyron and Glaceia into the community. Grand Ruler announced, “They come to us as escapers of war from the Planets Moltic and Iceinia, both of which have made enemies of us, but rest assured that these two are peaceful and mean us no harm.” Celestia then declared, “As they have no place to go, and will no doubt be of great asset in our upcoming battles, it is proper that we bid them welcome, and it is expected for them to be treated with respect and dignity, while they, also, are expected to treat our race with the same courtesy.” Luna then concluded, “As such we must, once again, instill the laws of war. There is no telling when and how our enemies will strike. Our planet has been littered with many invisible warps that can allow them to appear and strike at any moment. We shall do our best to learn about these ports and if we can dispel them, but no one, absolutely no one is to go near them. If you know where one is, report it immediately. Do not attempt to transport through it.” The populace was extremely worried by this, but the majority was more than welcoming of Pyron and Glaceia-- as was hinted by their thunderous applause. Pyron and Glaceia, were given a special suite in the royal palace, courtesy of their majesties. They were also given new outfits, like casual Starfleet uniforms-- spandex suit, and armored vests. They could not transform, but it was better than wearing those burlap robes. “We are truly grateful to your hospitality.” said Pyron. “We don’t know how we can ever repay you for all this alone.” added Glaceia. Their majesties had already thought of a way, and that’s where Lightning came in. He led them both through New Ponyville. “Okay, you two… if you’re going to be living with us, you may as well pull some weight. So, we’re assigning you two as community workers, just like I used to be. I’ll show you to your first jobs.” Meanwhile, the war was still waging on between Moltic and Iceinia; the soldiers continued to open fire upon the opposing planets, resulting in more meteors and chunks of misfire to head on out into space. Keltar was showing Flareous magical images of his great discovery on United Equestria. Flareous watched the battles of the Flame-Guards and the Lava-Gator, which Keltar had created using a magical monster badge. Flareous seemed impressed by the actions and resourcefulness of Starfleet. “That’s enough.” he said, and Keltar cast out the images. “So, my son has taken refuge on this planet which we can access through the invisiports?” “Yes, your majesty.” replied Keltar. “I’m positive that your son and Princess Glaceia are on that planet.” Flareous grinned wickedly. “This Starfleet… They seem to be quite skilled in the art of combat. Imagine what it would be like if they worked for me. Blizzord wouldn’t stand a chance, and I will conquer Iceinia and win my revenge with ease.” The thought of having so much power and a massive army of fighters at his command, Flareous burst out laughing maniacally before catching hold of himself. “I must convince them to work for me, as well as to give Pyron back. We must hurry before Blizzord finds out.” Keltar nearly hesitated to say, “…I’m afraid he already knows, my king.” “What?!” shouted Flareous. At that very moment, Smark had told Blizzord the same things about United Equestria and Starfleet. “So Flareous knows about this as well.” huffed Blizzord. “Well, we’ll show him won’t we.” “Yeah, we’ll show them!” agreed Smark, but then he felt confused. “Um… how are we going to do that?” Blizzord palmed his head and groaned. “It’s simple… We’ll go to United Equestria first. We’ll demand they turn Glaceia over to me and convince Starfleet to fight for our side before Flareous does.” He glared down threateningly, “…Do you understand that now?” Smark whimpered and stammer, “Sure… Sure I understand.” Blizzord growled softly. “But sire, what if they refuse?” Blizzord turned to face him as if to shout, but he spoke calmly. “Then we’ll just have to persuade them… by any means necessary.” Pyron and Glaceia were brought to Ponyvile, and their first assignment as helpers. Pyron was to assist Buddy Rose and Lightning in replanting all the trees, plants and soil that were burned up in the last battle. “Glad you could make it.” said Buddy. “You ready to get started?” “I believe so.” said Pyron. Soon they were busy pulling up weeds and removing all scorched and damaged soil and grass patches. Pyron found this relaxing, and rather thrilling-- building up instead of destroying like he used to do. “I’ve never felt like this before. All my life I was trained for combat and to take over my father’s command.” “That’s all you ever did?” Buddy asked in shock. “You never had any hobbies? You never did other activities or jobs. You just trained?” Pyron nodded. “As a Prince, my father always had the servants do all the menial tasks. Everyone from cooking, to cleaning, to preparing things.” Buddy and Lightning looked at one another feeling that Pyron had a worse upbringing than they thought. “I wonder how Glaceia’s doing.” said Lightning. Glaceia was at New Sugar Cube Corners, assigned to helping Pinkie Pie and the Cakes with the baking. As artistic as she was, she had never cooked before, at least not regular foods. She had never seen things like Flour, sugar, or even chocolate and vanilla. She was struggling to open a flour bag, resulting in her getting puffed in the face by a big flour cloud, making her cough, as well as abig mess. “I’m ever so sorry.” Carrot Cake came over with a broom, “That’s alright, your highness. You’ll get the hang of it.” “Of course, she will.” chirped Pinkie, “After all, I’m here to help her, and that’s what friends do best.” Glaceia blushed, but soon, under Pinkie’s guidance they were baking all kinds of goodies in no time. “Because of my planet’s environment, we never had such things. Most of our meals were made from the snow and ice, and always served cold.” “Oh, you, poor, dear.” said Cup Cake. “Well, now that you’re here, I’m sure you’ll learn and see many new things.” The front bell chimed. “Whoops. Customer calling.” and she left the kitchen with her husband just as Apple Spice came in. “Just got Biscuit down for his nap.” He grabbed his apron and walked over to Pinkie. “Hi, honey.” and softly pecked his wife. “Aww, sweetheart, not in front of company?” Pinkie cooed. “How are you coming on, Princess?” Spice asked as he prepared to cook. Glaceia gazed down at a tray of cupcakes she had made. “To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling strange. I always lived so sheltered, and I never really got the chance to do things for others… until I met Pyron and tended to him.” Spice felt sorry for her. “That doesn’t mean you can’t start now.” he said. “You’ll find that making other people happy can bring on great joy to you as well as to them.” “No joke,” agreed Pinkie “That’s why I love to spread happiness and joy to everyone around, and the best place to start is with a smile.” “Uh, oh… I know where this is going.” said Spice, and right as he was, his wife broke out singing her signature Smile Song as she served all the customers in the café. All the patrons in the café began to sing and dance with her as the song got deeper and more cheerful. There wasn’t a corner of the shop you could look at without seeing someone smile. “Come on and Smile!” Glaceia had never seen such love and happiness among all the customers. She couldn’t help but smile at herself. Pyron was also smiling when the big tree was planted into the ground and the job was finished. “Good job.” Buddy said while offering his hand to the fire prince. Pyron shook his hand graciously. “I usually only shook hands when my soldiers did a fine job attacking the enemy.” Lightning placed his hand over his shoulder, “You’re in a new world now. Violence isn’t always the answer. It only is when you have no other alternative-- when you’ve done everything you can to resolve the situation without fighting. But sometimes those you are fighting won’t listen and can’t be reasoned with.” Pyron thought back to his father and how he wouldn’t be reasoned with, nor King Blizzord. Suddenly, the alarms went off. “What’s that?” The people began to run for shelter, and Lightning explained, “The Red Alarm… There’s trouble.” Pyron was not permitted to enter the danger zones, as were orders, nor was Glaceia. “You better stay here.” Pinkie said as she tossed off her apron and dashed out of the shop. “What’s happening?” Glaceia asked. “It’s okay. There’s nothing to fear.” said Spice “…I hope.” The barriers were soon activated, and while many civilians had made it inside safely, those still outside were being escorted by sentries to places far away from the danger. “You better go with them.” Buddy said to Pyron. At first, Pyron was a bit hesitant, but then he agreed and was off. “Let’s go!” said Lightning, and he and Buddy flew towards where the danger was, and they were soon joined by Pinkie, and Starla, or rather her remote droid. “Didn’t think you were going to keep me out of things this time, did you?” she teased. Lightning smirked at his wife through the droid’s eyes, and she smirked at him back from at home on the sofa. Shining Lightning sat next to Twinkle trying to keep her safe. “Don’t worry. Mommy and Daddy are going to make the bad guys go away.” Twinkle just sucked on her little fingers without a care in the world. Starla was proud of her son trying to comfort his little sister, but now she had to focus. A swarm of artificial Flame-Guards were marching through town, having arrived through an invisiport. “Let’s take them!” said Lightning, but just as he and the others were about to go wild, another invisiport opened and a swarm of artificial Ice-Guards came marching out. They took one look at the Flame-Guards and didn’t like the sight of them, nor did the Flame-Gaurds take kind to their presence. They looked as if they were about to brawl with each other, when two more ports open, and in a fiery explosion and an icy whirlwind, their respective masters both appeared. Pyron and Glaceia both gawked in shock. “Father!!” They both felt this was really going to get bad! The two kings took one look at each other, “YOU!!” they both bellowed. They growled fiercely and looked ready to attack when someone shouted, “Stop!” In magical glows, All, three of their majesties appeared as holographic images. “Your majesties!” cried Pinkie. The two kings looked onward. Grand Ruler glared at them. “Are you King Flareous and King Blizzord that we have been told of?” “I am!” both kings replied, and then growled at each other, but they resisted the urge to battle. “Why have you come here?” Celestia demanded to know. “As if it weren’t obvious enough.” said Flareous. “I have been told that my son, Prince Pyron, is here on this planet, and I demand that you turn him over to me at once.” Blizzord then spoke, “If Pyron is here, then so is my daughter, Glaceia. Where is she? What have you done with her? Answer me at once!” Their majesties were already starting to detest their unvented guests. “Your children are safe.” said Princess Luna, “But we have also learned of the war between your two worlds, and we urge you to cease immediately.” The two kings chuckled. “Stop the war? Not a chance.” hissed Flareous. “For once, we appear to agree on something.” added Flareous, and then he pointed straight at him. “This overheated monster needs to pay for what he did to me!” “No! It is you who will pay, you Frozen Freak!” They looked ready to brawl again when Lightning demanded, “Both of you, stop, now! All this fighting is pointless. You’re not only causing suffering amongst your own people, but your misfires are harming other races throughout the galaxy.” “The commander speaks the truth.” said Grand Ruler, and his own image warped into images of meteors of misfire causing harm to other planets, hoping the kings would realize the severity of their actions… But they both just brushed it off. “Oh, well, it isn’t like we can stop the meteors anyway.” said Flareous. Everyone else gasped at his heartlessness. Blizzord showed the same remorselessness. “This is war; things happen, even if it is by accident.” Starla felt all choked up. “You mean you’re willing to let other races suffer just to satisfy your own thirsts for victory?!” It was plain now for everyone to see that the kings were nothing but heartless warmongers--exactly as their respective children had said they were. “Aside from wanting my son,” said Flareous “I’ve also come with a proposition for you, Starfleet.” “What a coincidence… so have I.” added Blizzord. “What sort of proposition?” asked Celestia. “Join forces with me.” said Flareous. “And together we will crush the Iceinians, and end this war all the faster.” The fighters and the royals all felt disgusted. “He’s joking, right?” whispered Buddy. “Forget him!” sneered Blizzord. “Best you join up with me instead. Together, we’ll be unstoppable, and crush the Molticeans and any other force that dares to interfere.” Flareous heated up in anger. “The answer is “No!” said Lightning. “Your offers are not only absurd, but it goes against everything we stand for.” Starla agreed and added, “Starleet only fights defensively and to save other worlds, not for conquest and glory.” “I wouldn’t refuse if I were you.” said Flareous. “I’m offering you a chance at great power and dominance. Just give me my son and join up with me.” “No!” bellowed Blizzord. “Join up with me… that is after you hand over my daughter.” Their majesties glared furiously at the two kings. “Gentlemen, I submit to you this,” said Grand Ruler “We are not going to give you back your children, and we will not join forces with either of you.” Celestia then added, “We again demand that you cease all hostilities and warfare with each other at once, otherwise we will be forced to take drastic actions against both of you.” The two kings let out furious roars at being rejected. “You dare reject King Flareous?!” “How dare you refuse me!” bellowed Blizzord. “If you won’t hand Glaceia over to me nor join my forces, I’ll just have to force your hand!” “My thoughts exactly!” growled Flareous. Lightning could see this was going to get ugly. “Let’s go!” he called to his friends. “Starfleet Magic!” He and Buddy transformed. Then Pinkie did the same, “Harmony Hour! Friendship Power!” “Good luck!” Luna said to the fighters, and she and the other images vanished. “ATTACK!!” the two kings shouted, and their army of guards rushed forth. “Take them!” said Lightning. The team rushed forth. Lightning jump kicked a Flame-Guard, right in the chest, and sent him crashing into two others, knocking them down, and giving him a clear opening towards Flareous. The flame king raised his huge sword, blocking Lightning’s fist. Starla’s droid kicked and punched down all the Ice-Guards that came at it, and then she eyed Blizzord. “You’re mine…!” and she lunged right for him, but Blizzord held up his trident, and zapped her head, encasing it in solid ice. “Oh, no!” Starla cried as her control visor went blank. “Activate laser-eyes!” Her droid eyes glowed a bright red, and the heat melted the ice, and the beams shot straight at Blizzord, who defended himself by whirling his trident like a propeller while laughing at her. “I haven’t lost my touch.” Starla was furious. Buddy backflipped and proceeded to punch and kick all the guards coming his way, but more surrounded him, charging up their swords and spears. “Not this time!” he shouted “I just replanted around here. I don’t want it messed up again!” He leapt a few inches off the ground and then spun in super-fast circles while firing magical blasts from his horn, hitting all the guards hard and they all shattered into the bits of rock and ice they were made of. “Take that!” Pinkie yelled as she punched an Ice-Guard. “And that!” as she kicked a Flame-Guard. “AND THESE!!” she wailed on the other guards with a fury of fast and swift punches, knocking them all down. She and Buddy shot each other a thumb up, but the fight was far from done. From inside the Bakeshop, Glaceia had never seen such battling before. Pyron saw the same thing from afar and remembered what Lightning had told him. “…They only fight if they must.” Lightning punched and kicked hard, but Flareous managed to block and dodge his every attack and slashed him hard with his sword making sparks fly. “Make it easier on yourself and join me!” Flareous demanded. “Never!” shouted Lightning. Flareous raised his sword high-- its blade enveloped with flames-- but then Lightning noticed on his forehead “A monster badge?” Starla struggled against Blizzord, and she noticed the same thing. “He has one too.” The two kings bashed the two fighters off and sent them skidding along the ground. Pinkie and Buddy helped them up. The two kings snickered wickedly. “You didn’t think our kings would foolish enough to send their real selves, did you?” hissed Flareous. Blizzord pointed up at his badge, “These badges were left behind by the Great Hero. The people of Motlic and Iceinia kept an equal amount of the collection in honor of him. The hero slayed many fierce opponents, and sealed their essence within these relics which allowed him to combine their powers and strengths with his own upon wearing them.” “So, you two are just ordinary guards.” balked Pinkie. The two imposters nodded. “Our kings are quite busy; it’s a big war and all.” said Fake Flareous. It was obvious now that the real Flareous and Blizzord used these badges to give two of their guards’ portions of their strength and power. “You may look like your kings, but that doesn’t mean you can outmatch us.” said Buddy. “We beg to differ!” snarled Fake Blizzord. Both he and Fake Flareous held up their weapons and unleashed powerful icy and flaming waves. Lightning defended the team with a Uniforce wall, causing the blasts to explode upon contact, and knock everyone back hard. “I’ve had just about enough of these two fakers.” said Starla. “Let’s send them both where they belong-- Jail!” suggested Buddy. “I couldn’t agree more.” said Lightning. Pinkie nodded while cracking her knuckles and her neck. The two imposters rushed forth. The fighters rushed in, attacking with all they had. The fake kings still put up a valiant effort and managed to strike all the fighters a few times. “Like we said…” growled Fake Flareous. “We’re just like our kings…” added Fake Blizzord. Lightning thrusted upward calling his fists into the ice trident, in a huge struggle. “And we told you; it’s not good enough!!” His eyes, horn, and hands glowed brightly with the strength of the Uniforce, and with a mighty shove he sent his opponent back hard, smashing him right into the other faker. “Hey! You clumsy Iceberg!” shouted. “Who are you calling “Iceberg”, Ember-Head!” The two foolish monsters began to brawl with each other, which completely distracted them from their opponents. “I think now’s as good a time as ever.” said Starla. “Right.” Lightning agreed, and he held up his Capture Blaster, while Starla’s droid, though it could not use Starla’s actual weapons or magic, was equipped with a magical-powered, technological Capture-Function. Lightning and the droid both charged up, Lightning’s gun fired, and the droid fired beams from its hands. The two monsters were struck hard, and both yelled “THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” as they fell over and exploded-- the magic died out-- and the two reappeared as a normal Ice or Flame-Guard, trapped in spheres while the monster badges shattered. Buddy and Pinkie slapped each other several high-fives. While Pyron and Glaceia, who had seen everything from where they stood, were astounded. When the two monsters failed to return to Moltic and Iceinia, and without either Pyron, Glaceia, or an army of Starfleet fighters to join their forces, the two kings could only assume the worst. “They dare to refuse me?!” bellowed Flareous. “I’ll show them! I’ll show them and Blizzord!” He didn’t know that Keltar was hiding around the corner and heard him, and he muttered softly under his breath, “You’re only fooling yourself.” Blizzord felt the same and was just as mad. “It seems I now have a common enemy with my own enemy. I’ll get Glaceia back and destroy Starfleet and Flareous if it takes every bit of power I have.” He laughed wickedly. “That’s right, sire, you will.” cheered Smark, but he secretly thought “…Or so you think you will, you big sucker.” Meanwhile, with the danger gone, and the civilians let out, Pyron and Glaceia met up with the team at the café. The real Starla came along bringing the kids with her after setting her droid back on its charging station at home. The imprisoned guards were already magically transferred to New Cantelot to be processed before being sent off to prison. “You could have destroyed those guards any time, and yet you didn’t.” said Pyron. “They wouldn’t have thought twice about destroying you.” added Glaciea. “It’s like we’ve been telling you;” said Lightning “We only do what we have to do, and only if it’s totally necessary.” Starla nodded, “And right now, we have a lot to think about. I don’t think your fathers are going to give up so easily.” The couple agreed. “Those two goons only had samples of their powers.” said Buddy. “The real Flareous and Blizzord must be way tougher than that, and they’re bound to send more goons after us.” Glaceia and Pyron felt ashamed, not just of their fathers, but of themselves. “We’ve put you all through enough trouble already.” said Glaceia.” “Perhaps it would be best if we left United Equestria.” suggested Pyron. Lightning immediately disallowed such a thing. “But our fathers will keep attack you until they find us.” said Glaceia. Lightning assured them, “They’ll attack us even if you leave. They’ve probably already declared us their new enemy.” Starla agreed and added, “It’s more than that. Your fathers are causing much trouble and suffering all over the galaxy with this stupid war of theirs. Not only are you safer with us, but we can continue to help each other, and we will bring both your fathers down. We’ll do all we can.” The couple were indeed grateful and thankful to their wonderful new allies and friends. There was so much they could learn, so much they could discover, and find new ways to live instead of under the cape of war. “In the meantime,” Pinkie said as she came out with a beautifully decorated cake with sparkling sticks on it. “…How about a little celebration?” And she blew a party horn and threw confetti about, everyone shared a good laugh. (Promo) In our next episode: After Blitzy fails in her attempt to get Lightning out of Starfleet, Lightning assigns Swift Star to take her on a tour of the kingdom, hoping to convince her that Starfleet is not all that bad, but Swift is already struggling with his studies and his job, and things get worse as he seems to develop a crush on Blitzy herself. How will this tour affect both Blitzy and Swift? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Tour De La Paces”)
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
EPISODE FIVE Swift Star was so nervous as he sat in the test hall with the many other cadets and officers ready to take the written promotions exam. “I can do this! I can do this!” he kept muttering to himself, then suddenly a huge stack of papers was dropped with a loud thud right in front of him. “What the--?!” “What’s wrong? Not giving up already, are you?” teased the examiner. The rest of the test takers all snickered at him with evil-glowing eyes as they plowed right through the test without much effort. Swift was just about to take the first page off the top, when a whistle blew. “Sorry. Test is over.” sneered the examiner. “But I haven’t even started!” cried Swift. “But I haven’t even started!” mocked the examiner. “You should’ve studied harder and worked faster. Now it’s time for the field test.” In a big spin around, Swift found himself at the starting point of the most dangerous obstacle course he had ever seen. It was loaded with so many hazards and traps-- flame-jets, crushers, beams shooting from the walls, pits opening in the floor and many more things. “This is too advanced!” he protested. Again, the examiner taunted him, “Can’t you do it? Do you want to be promoted, or just be a low-level wannabe your whole life?” The other officers who had already passed the test hooted at him. “Low-Level! Low-Level! Low-Level!” Swift was determined not to let them get away with this, and yet he took one step into the trial, and the whole thing crumpled, and he fell with it, deep, deep into nothing with everyone laughing at him. …That’s when he fell with a thud on the floor, out of his bed, surrounded by open books and papers. He was relieved that it was just a dream, but he didn’t feel as well knowing the tests were just a few weeks away. “I’m doomed!” he grumbled into the mattress. Meanwhile, Blitzy Heart awoke in her suite at the palace in New Canterlot. It had been a few days since her arrival, and all that time she mostly kept to herself. She would hardly leave her room and resorted to calling room service. She hadn’t made any attempts to make plans to leave United Equestria, yet, until she was certain she could take Lightning away with her. …Her first attempt had failed. She had sent a letter of recommendation to their majesties asking-- demanding-- that they make Lightning resign from Starfleet, but she received a letter almost at once saying that her request was denied. Blitz finally got a chance to have a short audience with their majesties in the throne room, where they both further denied her. “I’m sorry, the answer is “No.” said Grand Ruler. “We will not decommission Commander Lightning Dawn, nor will we ask him to resign.” “But why?” wailed Blitz. “You’re both his superiors. You both can do it.” Celestia shook her head. “Lightning is one of the finest and most valuable assets to Starfleet. Unless he does something that forces us to act, there is nothing we can nor will do. It is not up to you, or to us whether Lightning wishes to remain in Starfleet or resign. Only he can decide that for himself.” Blitzy looked furious, and Grand Ruler spoke softly but deeply to her, “We understand how you are feeling-- Lightning told us everything.” “He did?” “Yes. We can understand your indifference to our world and our ways, but you must realize that we are also struggling through dangerous times.” “Exactly my point.” protested Blitzy. “Lightning is a Harmonian Pony. All this fighting and warfare-- it’s all wrong for him.” Their majesties could see there was no getting through to her, and they had other things to tend to. “Are you sure it’s wrong for him, or not just yourself?” asked Celestia. Grand Ruler agreed with his wife, and then told Blitzy. “We are trying to be kind and patient with you, but I should warn you, do not allow your personal emotions and issues to interfere with our business, and if you intend to cause trouble, we will be forced to take action. This meeting is over. We have much to do. Good day.” Then their majesties left, and Blitz had no choice but to head back to her room. “Why can’t the see?” she grumbled to herself. “This whole setup is wrong. They had no right to make Lightning a part of it all. How can I get Lightning to see all this?” Just then, there was a knock at her door. “Come in.” Lightning came in, “Um… hi, Blitz.” She was surprised to see him after thinking of him for so long. “I have a special treat for you today.” She blinked once, “What kind of treat?” “Follow me.” he simply said, leading her out of her room and down the halls. Swift was waiting outside, near the foot of the palace drawbridge. He was pacing about feeling a bit irritable. He recounted earlier when Lightning had come over to his house. “I notice you’ve been cramming a lot for the promotional exam.” “Yes, sir, I have. I was just getting ready to begin on the rules of arresting.” Lightning held up his hand cutting him off, “I also notice you’ve been losing a little sleep. All this anxiety combined with work is not good for you. You need to take some time to relax and to clear your mind. So, I’m putting you on a special assignment today.” “But sir…” Swift tried to protest, but Lightning wouldn’t have any of it. “You’re going on this assignment and taking a break from your studies. That’s an order.” Swift could not refuse or object. He still felt irritable and grumpy. “I get pulled away from my studies to take some pony on a tour of the kingdom; just lovely.” Just then Lightning came along, “Glad you made it swift.” Swift then took one look at Blitzy, and all sudden, he felt warm, and fuzzy inside. This was the most beautiful pony he had ever seen, especially when she flicked her mane back and gave her wings and small fluff. Lightning introduced them. “Lieutenant Swift Star, Dr. Blitzy Heart.” Swift slowly extended his hand, “Uh… how do you do.” “Pleasure.” Blitzy said in a low tone, but she accepted his hand anyway to be polite, which made Swift feel his temperature go up. He barely managed to regain control himself. “I have a lot to do today.” explained Lightning, and he looked at Blitz, “I’m hoping this tour can make you a bit more understand that this world isn’t all that bad.” Blitz remained uncertain. Lightning then said to Swift, “Try to patient with her, and try not to push her.” “Yes, Sir.” Swift complied. Lightning headed back to the palace leaving the two on their own. Swift gulped softly. “Um… should we go then?” “I guess so, but I don’t know why I’m bothering.” Swift cleared his throat. “Well, you can’t stay cooped up in the palace all the time, and this tour may do you some good.” Before long they were soaring over the planet on a magic flying open coach with railings and a hood that took them all around. They soared over the New Crystal Empire, where they saw Cadance and Shining Armor and Flurry Heart, and many others were watching a magic show, with Abra Kadabra and Trixie performing. Everyone seemed so happy and cheerful. Then it was off to New Cloudsdale, where Rainbow Dash and Wonderbolts were performing an airshow of their own. All the flight patterns they made were quite astounding, and Rainbow’s Sonic Rainbow was the toast of the show. “Wow!” said Blitz. “That was… sort of neat… I guess.” The more she saw, the more astounded she became. “Everyone seems so… so…” “…Normal? Happy? At peace?” asked Swift. “You didn’t think that just because this was the main base of Starfleet that there would only be harshness, military bases, and round the clock routines, did you?” Blitz remembered in all her travels, “I’ve been to many planets; some that had many towns, villages, and some even had their own armed forces, but the peace still stood with some, like modern societies.” Swift began to feel maybe they were starting to get somewhere. Blitz was even impressed by the sights of New Las Pegasus, New Vanhoover, and even New Filydelphiea-- all the massive metropolis, businesses, and creatures just going about and living ordinary lives. Then there were not so cool places, like the New Badlands, where the dragons were being just as nasty and as mean as ever, and the volcanos erupted, filling the craters with lava. Blitz thought the dragon rude, ugly, and nasty. “I wouldn’t want to hang around creatures like that all the time, and I had to treat some.” “You treated dragons?” asked Swift. “I’ve treated all kinds of patients.” “Well, you know… we do have dragons in Starfleet. Some dragons aren’t like others; they’re kind, noble, and they fight for the same cause we do.” That word, “Fighting” really made something slam inside of her. “Please don’t use that word, I just… I…” “…I’m sorry.” Swift said. He felt stupid with himself. He remembered Lightning telling him about Blitz and her… rather unique attitude towards the force and fighting altogether. Swift decided to take her someplace a bit friendlier; New Ponyville. It was a nice sight, probably one of the nicest on the tour yet. Tree Hugger was teaching her Yoga class with many kids and teens in the open fields. Fluttershy and Rhymey were tending to the animals near the woods, with little Button Fly nestled in his stroller. Applejack was pulling her wagon through town selling fresh-baked apple pies. Rarity and Spike were out with little Twilight and met up with Starla who was out with her kids too. Blitz couldn’t help but crack a small smile. “It reminds me of… Home; on Harmonius.” She clenched her fists remembering how horrible it was that day when the planet was destroyed. “I’m sorry,” said Swift. “I know all about the story of your planet. Commander Lightning told me. I’m sorry for you both.” “It’s okay.” said Blitz. “I can’t change the past.” Swift couldn’t stop gazing at her and how pretty she looked in the glow of the midday sun. “Wow! She’s really pretty.” he thought. “Hey, what am I thinking? I’ve got to get a hold of myself.” He clutched his head trying to rid himself of these strong feelings. “Are you alright?” asked Blitz. “Oh, I’m fine. Just a little tired, I’ve been studying a bit hard lately; promotion exams and all.” Blitz didn’t like the sound of that, because of the relations to Starfleet, but she did finally note the slight bags under his eyes. “Come here a minute.” she felt his forehead with her hand, and then his wrist for his pulse. His heart raced with feelings from his crush, but she felt it and assumed, “You’re overly stressed out.” She let go of him and sighed, “Just another thing bad about the whole Starfleet thing.” Swift’s features hardened, but he spoke calmly. “I can’t change your mind, but I do wish you’d stop badmouthing the force.” She looked at him sternly, but kept her own voice level, “I don’t see why I should. This planet may be nice, and all those creatures down there may be living a good life, but I can’t feel that happy for them-- knowing that they’re always caught in the middle of some danger, or needless fighting that’s about to commence. Why would anyone want live here like this, let alone be part of the force in the first place?” Swift could see by now she was still obsessed with Lightning and getting him to leave. “Tell me something…” he put a lot of thought into what he was about to say. “…Why did you become a Space Doctor?” “I owed it to my Foster Folks. They saved my life, and they trained me. I felt it was the right thing to do.” “Is that all?” “What?” “How about “saving lives.” Isn’t that the number on part of your job?” Blitzy didn’t have to answer, but she did anyway, “Of course it is. It’s what makes the job worthwhile.” “Well, maybe those of us in Starfleet are the same. A bunch of bad guys just pop up out of nowhere and, without warning, they attack us with the intent of destroying or conquering us. Why did they come? Why are they doing this? What did we do to deserve it? We don’t know, and frankly it doesn’t matter to them. Evil is as Evil comes.” He paused long and hard worrying about what he was about to say next, but it had to be said. “…Just like on Harmonius.” Blitz gasped softly, as if her honor had been insulted. “Your people lived in total peace, harmony, and all the things many of us strive for as well, but the big mistake you made was giving up any ways to defend yourself. You had no magic, weapons, armies, or any connections with anyone or anything that could save you or jump into actions to help you, and as soon as your planet was attacked, that was it. It was destroyed as easily as stepping on an insect while you walk. You didn’t ask for it to happen, you didn’t want it to happen, but that doesn’t stop it from happening anyway. Starfleet’s made quite a name for itself, all the races we managed to save, all those we’ve helped to protect. We struggle and strive to wipe out the bad guys, and it doesn’t seem to do much good, because there’s always more and more of them, and it takes all we have to stop them from spreading their wickedness too far. And that is exactly what Commander Lightning is like. He lost Harmonius just like you, and he’s seen what Evil can do. He was rescued by the very forces you opposed to, and he felt he owed them much. They helped him get back on his feet, find a purpose in life and made him the pony he is today. Nobody forced him, really, he decided on his own accord. …And all you can think about is how Lightning has betrayed you and betrayed your entire race of ponies that died long ago. You don’t even show gratefulness that the very force he commands saved your life too when you crashed. But I hope you can at least consider this. You may be against Starfleet and all for what you think it stands for, but there is much more to it and to have than to not have it.” Blitzy had a look of extreme shock on her face, but not out of realization, but pure insult. She was never so offended in her life. Swift suddenly realized he had gone too far himself, even if he was right that was no excuse for being overly harsh. She quickly leapt over the side and flew away. “Doctor Heart!” Swift called. “Come back here this instant! That’s an order!” but Blitz was already too far gone, and Swift was ready to kick himself about. “Nice going, Lieutenant. Now what am I going to do?” He knew Lightning would be furious when he found out about this, but the most important thing was to stop Blitz and get her back. Since Swift could neither fly, nor use magic, he had another trick up his sleeve, and switched the tour coach from auto-drive to manual, and he began the chase using the onboard computer scans. He also activated the alert on the panel, sending an alert to other Starfleet officials than an tourist had escaped and was roaming loose. Officers and sentries were alerted and began a search. Blitz had already taken refuge behind an alley down below, but she knew it wouldn’t be long before she would be caught. “Great, now I’m a runaway.” she grumbled to herself, but she was still very upset about things Swift had said-- practically insulting Harmonian ponies and their ways of peace. “What a jerk!” she growled, and she angrily kicked a garbage can over. Suddenly, she heard fighting coming from out in the open. A group of Starfleet Protestors were arguing with a group of supporters, and they were really starting to disturb the peace with their voices. “Get out of here, Protestors!” “Why don’t Starfleet go, then there can be peace around here again!” “You’re crazy!” “Anyone who supports Starfleet is brainwashed and retarded.” “Don’t make me come over there!” “Oh, yeah, tough guy?” The nasty protester angrily kicked a small pebble on the ground that accidently flew straight up straight down the supporter’s throat. The support gasped and choked for dear life, turning blue in the face. “What have you done!” a mare shouted. The protestor and his posse all gasped in horror, but this didn’t help the choker. “Help! Someone, help!” the mare called. Blitz couldn’t ignore this, and she rushed out of the alley and onto the scene. “Get back!” she said to everyone, and she quickly lifted the choker up in her arms. Then she began to squeeze pressure on his gut in a rhythmic pattern, helping him to cough up the pebble. He gasped heavily for air, and so Blitz lay him down on the ground, with the other ponies huddled around her. “I said stay back!” she balked. The ponies did as they were told and watched her perform CPR, saving the pony and getting him breathing again. “Thank you.” he said with a bright smile. Blitz felt strange inside, saving this Starfleet Supporter, while the rest of the supporters were relieved and thankful. The protesters were a bit relief, but they didn’t show it well. “Well… um… guess we’ll be going.” said the one who kicked the pebble. He and his posse turned to run for it, only to run straight into Starla, Spike, and Rarity, and they looked very cross. “We saw what happened.” said Starla. “You kicked that pebble into his mouth.” “Hey, it was an accident.” whined the protester. “I didn’t mean to kick it in his mouth. I didn’t even aim for it.” “Which changes nothing!” balked Rarity. “You deliberately kicked that stone, and that counts as assault.” “And for that, we’re placing you under arrest.” added Spike. The other protestors stood in front of their friend to protect him. Just when things looked to get heated up, the supporter, back on his feet, insisted, “I’m not pressing charges. Don’t arrest him.” The protesters were shocked, especially the kicker. “Why bother?” said the supporter. “They never learn no matter how hard we try to convince them that their ways are wrong, and you arrest him you’ll only make the rest of them angrier.” Starla could not believe her ears. “But you very nearly choked to death because of him.” said Rarity. “Are you sure you don’t want to charge him?” asked Spike. “I’m sure.” said the protester. Even Blitz was astounded by this act of mercy. Starla sighed. “Alright, but the next time something like this happens, I don’t care if it’s accident or not, you get a week’s community service, and/or a month in jail. Understood?” “Sure, no problem.” grumbled the protestor. He and hie posse picked up their signs to leave, but he balked at the officers. “One day, you Starfleeters are going to push us decent folks too far.” “If that’s what you call “Decent” I wonder what you call “horrid.” Spike whispered to Rarity. His wife snuffed in agreement. As the supports left to go on their way, the choker again thanked Blitz for saving him, and then he left. “Blitzy?” said Starla, finally noticing her. Blitz looked at her, but with rather stern features. “So, this is Lightning’s friend?” asked Rarity. She approached her and held out her hand trying to be polite, “It’s pleasure.” but Blitz wouldn’t reciprocate. Rarity cleared her throat, “I see…” she remembered what she had been told about Blitzy’s attitude. The trio also heard of her jumping from her tour. “There you are!” bellowed another voice. Swift leapt down from above where his craft remained on free float. He was very angry, but then he saw the others and quickly saluted, “Generals.” The trio nodded at him. Then Swift said to Blitz, “I think it’s time we got you back to New Canterlot.” Blitz didn’t want to, but seeing as she had no other place to go, was forced to comply. “Wait.” said Starla. “I don’t understand you, Blitz. We’re all trying to do our best, be your friend, and treat you well. Don’t you think it’s time you stopped with this cold attitude?” Rarity and Spike felt the same way, but Blitz shook her head, “I just can’t.” “You mean you “Can’t” or you “Won’t?” remarked Swift. “What does it matter? I don’t think I can ever trust any of you.” “What about that guy you just saved?” asked Spike. “He was a Starfleet Supporter, and you’re supposed to be against everything that is Stafleet.” “I am, but I also have an obligation as a doctor. Besides, he only ended up in that condition because of Starfleet. Just more points that shows how bad it is, the whole thing!” The officers would have protested, but they knew Blitz was just too stubborn to be reasoned with. She flew up to the coach, and Swift could only sigh miserably. He cast a look at the others, and they all had the same feelings and expressions as he did. He leapt up high onto the platform, which nearly shocked Blitz at how high he could leap. Soon, they arrived back in New Canterlot, at the palace where Lightning was there waiting, with his arms folded and tapping his foot. “Oh, boy.” sighed Swift. Blitz was sent immediately back to her suite and ordered by the staff not to leave until further notice. Guards on the battlements kept watch of her windows in case she tried to take off again. “What was I thinking?” she thought to herself. “Now everyone’s even madder than ever at me. Probably just as well, it makes it easier for me at least.” There was a knock at her door. “Come in…” It was Lightning, and he looked disappointed at her. “Swift Star told me what he said to you. I’m sorry that you got offended, but that’s no excuse for what you did either.” Blitz hung her head low in shame. Lightning’s features then softened, “But my wife told me that you helped someone today, and I suppose that’s something.” A moment of silence passed. “Look, Blitz… you need to stop it with all this self-righteousness.” Blitz looked at him sternly and said, “But you can keep going with all this? The way you keep supporting all this fighting, and anger, and misconduct.” Lightning wanted to try and explain to her again, but he knew it would be in vain. “I’m just going to have to lay it on the line for you. I’ve had a little discussion with their majesties, and…” he paused deeply, feeling great pain at what he was about to say “…They’re giving you an ultimatum. Blitz felt her heart skip a beat, “Excuse me?!” “…It’s their decision, not mine. We can’t keep putting you up in the palace for free like this, especially after the bad move you pulled today. You can either get a job, earn your keep, become a full-fledged resident of United Equestria. Or… you can make plans right now to leave and continue your life as a space doctor.” Blitz shook her head in disbelief, “And you’re actually going along with this? You’re going to make me choose?” “It’s not my decision. Their majesties issued this, and they outrank me. I’m sorry.” Blitz stood where she was, totally frozen with shock, anger, and a feeling of sheer betrayal. Lightning felt the pain eating away at his own soul for having to tell her all this, and what he said next, “You have three days to decide.” He got up to leave, and Blitz already told him. “You already know my decision; I want to leave, but I want you to come with me.” “For the last time: That is out of the question. My place is here, and even if I wasn’t part of Starfleet, I still wouldn’t just up and leave my family.” “Then bring them along. I’m at least willing to offer you that! You don’t have to leave your family, but can’t you see that being in Starfleet is no good for you, or your kids.” Lightning really decided to leave before he really lost his temper, and he headed for the door. “So, I was right about you all along. You really are a traitor to Harmonius!” Lightning stopped dead in his tracks wide-eyed and struck. “I bet you agree with all those things that Lieutenant of yours said-- that Harmonius was foolish for its peaceful ways and deserved its fate! What would your parents think of you now?” Enough of this! He couldn’t bear another word! He just left the room, not even looking her way, closing the door ever so quietly. Blitz couldn’t hold it in. She threw herself onto her bed crying into her pillow. As for Lightning, he walked down the halls of the palace. His stomach was upset, his head ached, and his mouth felt dry. Swift saw him and rushed up to speak with him. “How did it go, Sir?” Too upset to get into anything, Lightning merely said, “That will be all… Lieutenant.” And he walked off to be by himself to cool off like a sensible officer. Swift felt his knees growing weak with worry. He was still ashamed of himself for having told Blitz off that day, and his heart was all mixed up again as he pictured her with her mane fluttering in the wind and her coat shining in the sunlight. “She’s so beautiful, and yet she’s really disturbed.” he thought. “Well… one thing’s certain, I think I just blew my chances at promotion. You really did yourself proud today, Lieutenant.” He slumped sadly away, still worrying about his own future. (Promo) In our next episode: Blizzord decides to take it upon himself to recruit Starfleet by sending a creature that turns hearts cold, turning friends and loved ones and even our heroes against one another. Can our heroes overcome this cold wave that threatens their friendship and their futures? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Hearts of Ice”)
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
EPISODE SIX Professor Brain and his team of scientists were doing all they could-- working with Krysta and some of her fairies to try and dispel the invisiports. “Prepare to fire.” said Professor Brain, and he and all his colleagues put dark goggled over their eyes, while Krysta and her fairies merely shut their eyes rightly while aiming their wants carefully. “Ready when are, Professor.” called Krysta. The professor sat in the seat of a special device, like a large ray-gun, which the fairings were aiming at, and the other scientists-maintained watch over systems and magic gauges. The machine was charged up and ready to intensify the fairies’ powers. “Ready… and… Go!” The fairies fired their magic from their wands into the tip of the ray gun. The machine began to vibrate, but the professor sat good and strong in the seat, and he fired the magical ray at the air before them-- where an invisiport was detected. POW!! The blast actually made contact like hitting a strong wall, but, sadly, the port was completely unaffected and remained intact. Everyone sighed, and the professor got out his notebook to write, “Fourth Test: Unsatisfactory. Most Unsatisfactory!” The scientists all sighed miserably. “Your majesty,” one of the fairies to Krysta, “Perhaps if we cannot dispel the portals, perhaps we can contain them?” Krysta shook her head, “We’ve already tried; the ports are too strong, they can’t be contained, at least by simple means. Whatever Pyron and Glaceia had that contained them before is long gone.” The professor agreed, reconfirming his calculations on the computer. “I’m afraid that we are in quite the predicament. The only hope that exists now would simply be to… er… em.. wait… for the ports to simply vanish on their own timing, which, I fear, may not be for some time yet.” Krysta then stared off into space, “Meanwhile, we’ve got two mad kings out there, and who knows what they’re up to next.” The war waged on between the two kings, and all the misfired meteors and missiles either crashed off course endangering the innocent villagers of either of the two planets, or simply to head on out into space, likely to cause more trouble for other races in due time. Meanwhile, some creatures had other things on their minds. Blizzord was more frustrated than ever that his forces were not getting anywhere. Many of his real Ice-Guards were injured, and those who weren’t were only able to drive off the enemy forces rather than destroy them. “You call yourselves “My Loyal Army?” Ha! Not even fit to swat a snowball!” He angrily raised his trident, and carelessly summoned a freezing wind to blow the guards away, ignoring their injuries and showing just how cold and cruel he was. It was hardly even they that he was mad at. “Blast that Starfleet!” he bellowed. “If they had joined up with me this war would have been won by now, but their loyalties lie elsewhere!” Smark nervously approached the fuming king. “Um, sire… if I may. Since they don’t feel the same way towards battles and warfare as you do, maybe they can be persuaded by other means to join you.” “What are you getting at?” Smark then signaled for someone to come forth. “King Blizzord, meet the Ice-Witch.” A tall humanoid sorceress stepped in; created by a guard and a monster badge. She had dark grey skin, a pretty but wicked human-like face. She wore an icy-blue tunic and small skirt, with a large ice carving of a flame as a hat. In her hand she carried and simple, short ice-scepter with a large ice carving of a flame at the tip. She bowed to him, which made Blizzord raise an eyebrow. “And just what are you capable of doing?” he asked. Witch snickered and stroked her weapon. “One blast from my Ice-Rod will freeze the heart of its target, causing them to turn cold, cruel, and quick-to-violent.” Blizzord’s lips curled into a wicked grin. “Interesting.” “It is, Sire.” agreed Smark. “With this kind of power, you can turn Starfleet in whole legions who would come round to your way of handling things.” Blizzord was convinced and he chuckled, “Proceed at once.” One morning, at Artie’s Art Gallery, Artie was adding the finishing touches to his latest painting. With a big, loving smile, he couldn’t help but comment on his own work, “Beautiful.” Sunset Shimmer came in with baby Sun Stream, who was just over a year old in a stroller. “Hi, honey.” she called him. “Hello dear,” he said not even bothering to look at his wife or his daughter. Sunset’s features hardened, but she looked at his painting. It was a beautiful picture of lovely shimmering white flowers in a vase sitting on a white tablecloth at a fancy restraint with low lights for a romantic scene. “That looks lovely.” she said. “Thank you.” replied Artie, still hardly paying her any notice. “You know, I finished a painting of my own today.” Sunset said, holding up a small canvas of a her own, right in front of her husband’s face. “Oh!” said Artie. “Uh… very nice…” It was a simple picture of a calendar with the day’s exact date circled in bright red. “Um, what’s all this for?” he asked. “Oh, I don’t know…” Sunset said, and her voice began to sound annoyed, “I just made this due today being so special, because something incredible happened!” Artie continued to act dumbfounded, and then said. “Oh, I get it…” he said, getting up and moving behind his easel revealing the very flowers in the vase he had just painted. He took the flowers and handed them to her. “I got the urge to paint these flowers and give them to you…” he paused “Because it’s our wedding anniversary, and I painted them at our favorite restaurant where I’m taking you tonight.” All at once, sunset went from stern to blushing and soft as she took the flowers, “You remembered after all.” Artie smirked and softly touched his wife’s muzzle, “Got’cha, didn’t I. You thought I really forgot.” Sunset felt silly, but then she pulled him in to a deep and passionate kiss… much to the disgust of their infant daughter. “Plech!” Meanwhile, Glaciea was in the gallery, greatly admiring all the artworks from all over the world. She was personally invited to the gallery by Artie herself. As an artist herself, he thought it would do her nice to see other works of art. What really inspired her was a replica carving of the Crystal Heart, with pictures of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor carved into it on either side of the heart. The piece was entitled “Eternal Crystal Love.” She couldn’t help but smile lovingly at it. “I see you’ve taken a shine to that, Princess.” Artie said. Glaceia nodded, “It seems a remarkable piece of craftsmanship.” “Well, get a look at it. It’s only here temporarily. It’s here on a world tour from the New Crystal Empire, with kind permission of Princess Cadance. She carved it herself, on her wedding day, as a symbol of love for her husband. Art is a great passion, and great way to unleash your emotions.” “Yes, I, too, have felt such pleasures in my years of crafting.” said Glaceia. “It soothed me during times of misery, and yet, I feel entirely empty inside. Every bit of art I ever made was for my own eyes, and never was truly seen or appreciated by others.” Artie’s heart felt heavier than the sculpture. “No one ever saw your artworks?!” His sadness then hardened, “Oh! I can’t have that!” He took her by the arm, pulling her away, much to her surprise. Before long she was sitting down in Artie’s private studio. “I’d like to see some of your Iceinian artwork; sculptures, paintings, drawings-- whatever it was you did, and I’ll put it on display in the gallery. I think the community could benefit from all this. We could understand more of your planet and its culture.” Glaceia felt very flattered and blushed. “I don’t know what to say?” Artie passed her a brush and gave her a canvas, “Say it through your art.” He left her to go tend to his guests, and Glaceia just stood there, thinking deeply of what to paint, and it didn’t take her long to begin. Meanwhile, Sunset went shopping for a new dress to wear that night and she brought Sun with her. She left the boutique with her spending time in a bag with heavenly thoughts in her mind. “Oh, Sun…” she said to her daughter. “You’re too young to understand what Mommy’s feelings, aren’t you.” “Mama.” the baby cooed. Sunset could only smile… …But as she turned round the corner, she gasped at the sight of what was there. “Hello there…” hissed Ice-Witch, and before Sunset could even scream, “Now freeze!” and she zapped Sunset and her baby with her ice rod. Mother and child shivered, but then their expressions turned cold and heartless! Sunset pulled her newly bought dress out of her shopping bag and furiously threw it onto the ground and stormed off, leaving Sun to scream angrily and smashed her rattle against the stroller. Witch laughed. “My first two victims. Now let’s have more!” Glaciea was doing well on her painting. Her years of experience gave her a sense of swiftness, and yet she seemed so-well relaxed and at peace. She thought back to what Artie had told her about Art being relaxing and soothing, and she could agree with it more now. Suddenly, the red alert was heard from outside, and it nearly startled her into slipping stroke. Artie rushed out from way back in the room. “Stay here. I’m going!” He rushed out of the room and into the gallery, where he was shocked at what he saw…! All the patrons in his gallery were acting like savage, fighting brutes. They were yelling at each other, pushing, and even attempting to shake the painting off the walls, but the emergency safe system activated, sealing all the paintings off behind solid casings to keep them safe. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Artie shouted, trying to make the crowd cease, but they all turned his way, glaring at him furiously. “You want to fight?!” “Bring it, you loser!” “Back off, he’s mine!” Artie could see things were bad, and he quickly cast a small barrier wall in the middle of the hall stopping the crowd from coming any further and giving him the chance to flee. “Glaciea!” he called. She peeked her head out the door. “What is happening?” “Come on, I’ve got to get you out of here!” He pulled her by the arm, and they headed for the back exit, only to stop and look through the glass to see outside… There was just as much fighting arguing and drama occurring the in the streets as civilians and even royal guards were arguing and trying to get into fights with one another… including one familiar face. “Sunset?!” His wife was picking up garbage cans and just throwing them at nothing, and anyone who came her way she gave a huge shove. Why he could even Sun Stream from her stroller throwing and miserable fit, as were other little children in the streets. Luckily, with the sound of the alarms, help was on the way. A Starfleet squad of Space Alicorns came soaring over the town and fired multiple spells on the citizens’ feet, rendering them immobile and unable to do anything. Ponies that could do magical also had time-lock spells-- tiny barriers-- sealed round their horns. “Good, that’ll hold them.” said Artie. Knowing it was too dangerous to leave Glaceia in the gallery alone, Artie instructed her “You better stay here. I’ll signal the guards to watch out for you.” Glaceia agreed. “You must be careful out there. I have a feeling that all this behavior is not normal for your people.” Artie felt the same way. “I better transform…! Starfleet Magic!” Once transformed he headed out and fired a beam signal from his horn into the air. Three of the Space Alicorns answered and landed by him, and he immediately instructed them to protect Glaceia, which they complied with at once. He then called up the rest of the squad. “Spread out! Stop anyone who’s acting violently.” The squad saluted and headed off. Artie softly made his way past the spread-out gaggle of raging citizens, all of whom snarled at him and looked ready for a fight. Artie ignored them and made his way to his wife. “Sunset.” “What are you looking at?!” she yelled at him. “Come here and let me pound the life out of you!” “Sunset, what are you doing? Why are you acting like this?” His only response was more snarling, growling and watching his wife struggle to jiggle loose. Finally, Artie used his visor, and the scanners revealed unnatural energy waves emitting from her body. The same readings were found on the other civilians and the guards. “They’re under a spell!” “Right you are, soldier!” called a voice. Artie turned quickly and saw Ice-Witch standing there, laughing at him, then she tried to zap him with her with ice rod, but he quickly leapt out of the way. “So that’s how you did this to these creatures!” Witch snickered, “And the same I’ll do to you. One zap, and you’ll be as coldhearted and without a care as they are.” Artie immediately could tell, “That Ice Rod-- if I can just destroy it, it may break the spell.” Then he noticed his major problem! With all the civilians scattered around, stuck where they were, it didn’t leave him much room to fight without risking their safety. “I’ve got to lead her away.” and he flew off into the air. “Ha!” scoffed Witch “Thinks he can escape, does he? Well, he’ll soon find his chances are all about to be iced on the spot!” She laughed wickedly. Artie had flown to a vacant area a few blocks away. All the people in the area were safe inside shelters and homes with the barriers up. “There, this is better.” he felt, until he was ambushed by a squad of Ice-Guards. “Oh, just perfect!” They threw their spears mercilessly at him, forcing him to backflip out of the way several times, and then he rushed in with his fist out… slamming the faces of several guards. Several more rushed at him. “Take this, ice-heads! PAINT BOMBS!” His explosive blobs blew the guards into ice pellets. But while his back was turned, he was zapped in the heart by an ice ray, and he fell to his knees as he felt the cold piercing through his armor. “What’s happening?!” Witch appeared laughing at her accomplishment. “Chilling, isn’t it? Now you will only feel cold, cruel, lustful needs to fight. King Blizzord will be pleased to have you in his army.” Artie was shivering, but he managed to get up onto his feet, not looking quite so cold-hearted, yet. “What’s this?” snarled Witch. “You should be thriving and raging by now.” Artie continued to shiver, and Witch decided to blast him again, only to be blasted at from behind, sending her rolling along the ground. She looked round and saw Lightning with Starla’s droid and Krysta. “I think it’s you who needs to take a chill.” sneered Lightning. Witch bolted upright, “I think not!” He rod’s tip glowed brightly, “ICE LIGHTNING!” Raising her rod up high, she summoned forth strong freezing bolts. The trio dodged the bolts, but the strikes created large spikes of ice in the ground. “Sure! She just has to do that too!” grumbled Krysta. Witch snickered. “If you thought that was cool… pardon the pun… wait until you see me in action with this thing.” “I’ll get her, you two go and help Artie.” suggested Starla. “I’ll be okay. She can’t brainwash a droid.” Lightning and Krysta agreed and rushed off. “Let’s go!” Starla bellowed. She and Witch began to brawl! Witch proved that she was quite skilled in combat by wielding her ice rod like a sword, but Starla’s droid’s solid body was able to parry off each attack with its arms alone. Starla pounded on the controls, making her droid punch Witch hard in the face and sent her skidding along the ground. At first, she seemed down, but then she pulled a fast one, raising her rod and blasting the droid, making sparks and explosions fly, but it remained standing. “Artie!” cried Lightning. “Are you okay?” Artie, still shivering, suddenly grabbed Lightning by the arms. “Lightning! Help!!” he cried. “She zapped me! My suit’s resisting it, but I don’t think I can hold it off!” Before Lightning knew it, Artie kicked him hard in the chest knocking him back a few paces. “Artie!” Lightning shouted. Try as he would, Artie fired a magical blast from his horn, forcing Lightning and Krysta to dodge. “He can’t control himself!” cried Krysta. Lightning didn’t want to have to fight his good friend, but he couldn’t let him run loose. “SUPER STAFF” Artie held out his weapon, against his will. “Oh, boy!” Artie leapt forth swinging and twirling his weapon round like crazy, forcing Lightning to block and dodge every attack. “Artie! Stop! Please!!” cried Krysta, but Artie couldn’t, and he tripped Lightning up off his feet. Then he proceeded to strike him hard as he fell, but Lightning pulled a fast one and kicked him hard in the gut sending him soaring far off and slamming into a lamppost. Lightning hated himself for doing that, but he had to do it. “Sorry, Artie… I really am, but you would’ve done the same thing.” Krysta felt her stomach doing sickening turns. She hated it when friends had to fight friends, even if it was for good reasons. “I could use some help over here!” Starla called, and then WHAMM!! Witch belted the droid clear into its head knocking it far off and skidding along the ground. “Ooh…! What a blow!” Starla groaned on the sofa. The droid had certainly taken a pounding, but she managed to get it to stand upright. “You’ve got a lot of spunk for an artificial being.” sneered Witch, “But I think I’ve wasted enough time. I’ve got an army to deliver to Planet Iceinia. King Blizzord will surely reward and praise me.” “The only place you’re going is straight to jail.” said Lightning as he landed near his wife’s droid, and Krysta hovering above them both. “You think I’m scared of you three? Think again!” said Which. “ICE LIGHTING” The trio split off again, and Lightning fired a Uniforce pulse at Which, making her throw her Ice Rod away. It crashed onto the ground a few feet from Starla’s droid. “It’s mine!” she called, but as she was about to grab it, Artie rushed in, ramming into her hard and sent her crashing away. Lightning and Krysta both gasped. Witch reclaimed her weapon. “Looks like your friend here has decided to get with the winning team, and now you’re all about to join him.” The friends whimpered softly, but just as Witch was about to try and zap them, Artie swung his staff hard and bashed Witch hard in the back, making her drop her Ice Rod again. “What are you doing?!” she bellowed, but all Artie did was growl and snarl at her with a look of fury on his face. “You’re supposed to fight them, not me!” shouted Witch, but Arite only lunged for her forcing her to leap away. “What’s going on?!” “I think I get it.” said Lightning. “You made him so cold-hearted he just wants to fight, but that doesn’t mean he knows who to fight. He sees you as just another target as any other.” Witch growled, and Artie leapt up to come crashing down at her. Witch rolled out of the way causing him to strike the ground hard. Then he turned to look towards the droid and decided to go after it instead. “Oh, no!” cried Starla. “AAAAAAARGH!!” Artie rushed straight for her, but then Lightning got an idea. “Starla, keep fighting him.” Heeding her husband’s words, Starla fought back against Artie, holding him down. “What are you thinking?” asked Krysta. “Trust me.” Witch had reclaimed her Ice Rod once again. “Get ready, Krysta!” Lightning called, and he held up two fingers, which told her what he wanted her to do. “You are all mine!” bellowed Witch, and she fired many ice blasts at Lightning, but he soared in, swerving and dodging every shot, until he collided into Witch-- his arm against her rod, in a big struggle. Starla battled Artie with all her droid had, but the droid. “Any time now, Lightning!” she hollered. Artie began to power up his finisher, with his staff set on “Destroy!” “SUPER STAFF SPIN!” Whirling his glowing, burning staff, he moved in for the kill! Lightning then punched Witch hard sending her fall back hard, and the rod went soaring up into the air again. “NOW, KRYSTA!!” Lightning shouted, and Krysta quickly soared in and cast her double portals-- one right in front of Artie, and he charged straight into it. He popped out through the second portal, right here the ice rod was tumbling. He struck it hard with his attack, blowing it to pieces! “NOOOOOOOOO!!” wailed Witch, and with the destruction of her weapon, the spell was broken! The ice within Artie’s heart melted away instantly, as did with all the civilians and the guards by the gallery. “Artie, are you okay?” Starla called. Artie nodded, “I feel much better.” Then his features hardened as he glared at the monster, “But you sure won’t be!” Witch could only growl in rage, but Artie had more than enough power for another strike, and he set his staff between “Heal” and “Capture.” “Let’s try this again! SUPER STAFF SPIN!” He powered up his staff again and struck the Witch hard. The creature wailed and screamed as she fell onto her side and exploded-- reverting into a male Ice-Guard, shrunk and trapped in a sphere, and the monster badge broken. The friends all jumped for joy, until Artie realized, “Sunset!” and he dashed off. “Artie, wait up!” called Lightning, and he dashed after him leaving Starla and Krysta to take the prisoner in the sphere. Back on Iceinia, Blizzord could tell the mission had failed again when Ice Witch failed to return. “I don’t believe this!” he thundered. “I was supposed to have an entire army at my disposure now.” Then the alarms sounded for an incoming meteor heading straight for the palace-- a very tiny one, no-bigger than a softball. There was no time to intercept it, and it wasn’t needed seeing as it crashed through the chamber windows without doing much damage. The rock split wide-open, for it was a capsule, containing a piece of orange parchment from Moltic. “What’s this?” wondered Blizzord as he picked up the note and read it. “Nice try, Blizzord-- Not! --Flareous!” Not bothering to question how in the world Flareous heard of all this, Blizzord crumpled the note in his fist, freezing it in ice, and threw it furiously against the wall. “I’ll get you yet for this, Flareous! You too, Starfleet!!” Smark was hiding somewhere by himself with a small glowing crystal orb. “Good job sending him that message.” he said into the orb. No one seemed to answer him back, or at least they were speaking so softly so as not to be overheard. “You should’ve seen the look on that Ice Berg’s face, he was so mad.” chuckled Smark. There was a pause again, and Smark then answered, “You just do things from your end, and I do mine. Everything will work out just as we want it to.” The orb went out, and Smark could snicker while twiddling his little fingers. That night, there was a big gathering at Artie’s gallery. Artie was dressed in his formal wear as he still had plans that evening with his wife. “Attention! Attention!” he called, and all the patrons hushed. “I am pleased to announce the newest addition to our gallery, but I would like to allow the artist herself to explain it more. Ladies and Gentlemen; Princess Glaceia of Iceinia.” The crowd applauded as Glaceia stepped forth. She was so nervous and yet so excited at the same time. She couldn’t stop smiling so thankfully, and she nearly forgot to address everyone. “Thank you, very much. I am honored to have this moment, but I first wish to express my thankfulness that the danger that occurred this day has passed and that you are all back to normal selves. I can only further express my apologies for all this, and the future danger that my father intends for you all.” The crowd felt rather uneasy and nervous. Some of which were affected by the ice that day felt horrible for the way they behaved while cursed, but they knew Glaceia was not really to blame and respected her sincerity.” Glaceia then continued. “Aside from this, I am honored to be unveiling to you tonight. All my life, I have worked well at my craft as it was all I ever had to maintain my sanity, but never once had I the opportunity to present it to any public, nor did I garner any appreciation as I hope to be given tonight.” The crowds felt sorry for her. “And now, by kind consent of General Artie Bristles…” Artie bowed. “…I present my very first piece to this gallery. This panting I have entitled, “Frozen Night.” She pulled the burlap cover off the canvas exposing the beautiful picture which made the crowd go “Awe!” It was a beautiful landscape of Planet Iceinia-- snowy fields, mountains in the distance, all under a stary night sky, and Galceia painted the stars so well-- made so shining-- they seemed to shimmer like real stars in a real night sky. Glaceia received a standing ovation for this unveiling. The people weren’t just being polite, they really loved the art. Even Artie applauded the magical glistening of the stars on the picture. Glaceia was almost moved to tears by all this praise. It was beginning to look as if she had found a permanent hobby for herself. “They like my work.” she sobbed softly to herself. “This is so wonderful.” Pyron, who was in the crowd, approached her, kissed her hand tenderly and gave her a flower to show his own praise towards her. She hugged him warmly. Lightning and the real Starla were there with their kids in the crowds along with Krysta. Starla wiped a tear from her eye. “Why are you crying, Mommy?” asked Shining Light. “Oh, I’m not crying, honey. I’m just happy.” Lightning chuckled, and then along came Artie and Sunset. Sunset was wearing the new dress she had bought-- the very one she had wrecked. “You had it fixed.” said Lightning. Sunset nodded, “I brought it straight back to Rarity, and told her what happened. I was so ashamed and upset with myself, but she had it all prepped up and ready for me in no time.” Then she turned to her husband and pecked him sweetly on his cheek. “I was such a creep today. I’m so sorry I did all that stuff.” Artie assured her, “It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t in control. I fell under the same spell when I attacked the others, and I hate myself for it, but it’s all over now, and everything fine.” The others agreed. Artie chuckled, “Still… Art… it’s always a great form of creativity, a wonderful hobby, and way to express yourself. I wish others could appreciate it more.” “That would be wonderful.” said Krysta. “Then maybe there would be far less enemies for us to face and less danger.” With all this in mind, Artie tenderly held out his arm to his wife. “Ready to go?” Sunset blushed and they began to head off for their anniversary date. “Wait! What about your guests here?” asked Lightning. “You can look after them.” Artie called slyly. “And while you’re at it, can you watch Sun Stream too.” added Sunset. Lightning and Starla stood wide-eyed, realizing it was going to be a bit of a night for them to handle all this. “The Art of slyness.” grumbled Lightning. “Perhaps that’s one I can do without.” added Starla. Krysta held in a laugh. (Promo) In our next episode: The Cutiemark Crusaders begin working at Rhymey’s Café where they meet Blitzy who is acting stubborn as ever towards Lightning and all of Starfleet, which leads them to bring up a whole bunch of stories from the past regarding different kinds of evil and how it was dealt with. Can the Crusaders convince Blitzy that she may be wrong? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Work on You”)
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Science Fiction,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
My Brave Pony: Starfleet Magic Season XII
Two waring kings are causing much suffering, Lightning is harassed by an old friend
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">*Don't be fooled by the huge dislike ratio-- just a bunch of toxic Karens and bullies being bad. Give the fic a chance* </span></p><p>-Two Kings of Fire and Ice have been at war for some time, and their constant feuding and firing is causing much suffering not just for them but the galaxy, but their respective children (Who are in love) seek help to stop their wicked fathers.</p><p>-Lightning is reunited with an old friend who survived from his home planet, but she is determined to win him away from Starfleet and his family altogether.</p><p>-Starfleet is facing more backlash from haters.</p><p>-Swift Star is struggling to receive promotion, as well as another potential romance with Lightning's old friend.</p>
EPISODE SEVEN Daphne Dill was working in a construction zone, as part of her Starfleet Training. Here she would build up muscle, strength, and increase her endurance and speed, and… at Buddy Rose’s suggestion… “…It’ll help you work off a paycheck, as well pull some weight. You’re sixteen years old now, and you ought to get a part-time job to start paying your ways like a responsible pony. Starfleet may be fine, and the pay is good, but you should do more and make extra money for yourself.” The catch was that she wasn’t allowed to use any magic or power-tools. She would dig using only shovels, picks, or hand-held drill-heads. She would lift heavy loads in her arms alone. She would level off roads, but pushing grating shovels in front of her, and dragging a large steel leveling drum behind her. The other workers were astounded by how proficient she was. She was doing almost double the work at double the speed that they ever could with all their magic and tools. By the end of the workday, she was feeling tuckered out. Her muscles were very tough and strong, and she collected her pay, but only minimum wage as were the rules since she was a minor. On her way home, she ran into her friends, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, just getting out of High School for the day. “Hey girls.” “Hey, yourself.” said Applebloom. She couldn’t help but stare at DD’s strong looking arms. “And I thought doing farmwork built muscles.” “It’s more than that,” said DD. “Bud says that, pretty soon, I’ll be able to take my first real Patrol. If I pass at that, I’ll be much closer to graduating and be a full-fledged cadet.” The girls all jumped for joy. “We’ve got big news also.” said Sweetie. “We’re starting our new part-time jobs today.” “Part-time jobs? All three of you?” Scootaloo nodded, “We got needs, and money doesn’t just grow on trees.” “Well, that and Rarity talked me into it.” added Sweetie, and she recalled from memory her sister telling her. “You’re getting to be big now, Sweetie. You’re not a little filly anymore. Have you put any thoughts into your future, how you will make you dreams happen, or support yourself in the long run?” “She was right,” agreed Applebloom. “Being Crusaders is fun and all, but it doesn’t pay much, and I can’t just make money from farming neither.” DD then asked, “Where are you working anyway?” Soon, all four of the girls were at Rhymey’s Café, “Rhyme Time.” Where Rhymey was taking down the “Now Hiring” sign. “Here?” asked DD. “Why not?” said Sweetie. “How hard can it be? We serve the drinks, the food, we clean the tables and the dishes. What would be easier.” Rhymey chuckled and said, “Oh, ho, trust me when I say, A few hours here will feel like a day. The work isn’t all that easy going, Especially for today’s poetry showing. Now come inside, let’s get ready, It’s your first day, make it steady.” He gave the three girls aprons to wear and their very own nametags. The girls felt really grown up now wearing these. “You look cool.” said DD. The girls smiled. “Just the same, Rhymey…” said Applebloom. “Thanks for giving us this job.” Rhymey smiled and said, “Well, you’ve gotten big, all of you, And I need more helpers, yes, I do. So, let’s get started, you three. And pay for you, there will be.” “Yes, sir!” the trio said to their new boss, and they were off to work while singing a song through a montage. Taking orders, pouring drinks, and trying to get other drinks correct. Giving out muffins and pastries. Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! [Sweetie] Take your order and another or two, [Applebloom] Coming up but there’s more to do. [Scootaloo] Just when we think we’re done another comes right through. [All] I think I just dug myself into a pot of stew! You can bet they made a few mistakes along the way. Like giving one pony an empty coffee mug. Pouring coffee on the cream instead of the other way around. Giving orders to the wrong customers. Spilling a bit of overfilled drinks. …And the dishes! Oh, the dishes! There are just so many of them to take to the kitchen and wash. Sweetie Belle very nearly dropped a whole bunch but used her magic to steady everything, but it didn’t matter, because there were always more dishes by the pileups. [Sweetie] Scrubbing all this scum’s enough to make my heart blow. Will dishes ever stop piling, I just don’t know. [Applebloom] You’d like a coffee and a muffin, and you would like some tea. Two orders, table, or was it two, or was it three? [Scootloo] Pinch of sugar, hold the cream, cinnamon sticks. These orders are confusing like a box of magic tricks! [Sweetie] Watch that dish! Don’t let it drop! [Applebloom] Wrong order. Another flop! [Scootloo] Fill it up right to the top! [All] DOES IT EVER STOP?! Their first day on the job was really wearing them down, and it had only been thirty minutes, meaning the workday was far from over. Rhymey sighed at the mistakes the girls had made, but it was expected as they were only new, as it said on their nametags, and he had respect for people who made simple mistakes. He was pleased to see the girls still doing their best to keep at work. Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! The girls were growing exhausted already due to their unfamiliarity with such excessive workloads. [Sweetie] Was that the last dish? [Applebloom] Did I fulfil your wish? [Scootaloo] Pour the coffee, make it splish [All] MY BRAIN IS GONNA SQUISH!! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! Workforce! The song faded out… A few hours later. The girls’ shifts were over. All three of them were sitting slumped down on the couch near the stage, looking frazzled. “I don’t think my fingers will ever be the same!” Sweetie complained as she looked at her dishpan hands. “You were wearing rubber gloves!” protested Scootaloo. Applebloom took off her shoes to air her aching feet. “I thought this would be easy.” Rhymey then came up to them with paychecks. “Well done girls, here is your pay. And I hope you’ll do more another day.” The girls were thrilled to have their pay, even if it was small, but they couldn’t help but groan and faint, remembering to work at the café a few days each week after school. They still had homework to do, baths to take… Applebloom even had planet of chores to help get the farm ready for the night. “Poor things,” chuckled DD. “They’ll get used to it.” Rhymey couldn’t help but chuckle too. After a few times of working, the girls got the better hang of things. They even got to serve Pyron and Glaceia who stopped over for a hot drink. They made fewer mistakes and managed to organize their time and balance work and school. One afternoon some of the friends came over to the café. Fluttershy brought over Button Fly wanting to see how well he was with the girls, which she could see was going very well-- the girls were working so efficiently. “You’ve really treated them well. That much I can tell.” Her husband blushed. Button Fly could only clap funnily and go… “Goo… Coo… Blue… Hey, you.” He was learning his rhymes. Next came Applejack, Buddy and Tree Hugger, with DD and little Seedling. “How come you’re all here?” asked Sweetie. DD chuckled, “Tree Hugger’s performing in the poetry reading tonight, and I thought I’d come check on my friends.” Applejack wiped a tear from her eye. “Just you look you, Applebloom. My little sis, working a job.” Applebloom acted tough. “Cut it out sis, or you’ll make me cry too.” Everyone laughed. “I’m proud to see all you girls working like this.” said Buddy “You’ve all come a long way since you were kids, and even then, you did a lot, all four of you.” The girls knew exactly what he referred to, but there was no time to talk it over. The girls had work to do before the show, and Tree Hugger had to get ready. “Good luck, honey.” Buddy said, and he pecked his wife, and she replied “I don’t need luck. I’ve got the bliss.” Later, as it was just about time for the show to begin, another customer entered the café, Blitzy Heart, and she didn’t look too thrilled. She was here having a break from her stay in New Canterlot. Fluttershy noticed her instantly. “Isn’t that Lightning’s friend, The one that hates Starfleet to no end?” Rhymey nodded, “That is her, I can see, But why she’s here is a mystery. Regardless, she is a customer, It is proper that we come to serve her.” Soon, Blitz sat at a table, alone, away from the stage and the noise. She had a cup of tea and a muffin which Applebloom had served her. The majority of the patrons were all gathered by the stage, and Rhymey gave his traditional welcome to Open Stage Night. “And now I’d like to share my dream The stage is open-- start the theme. The guests are here and just like me… They wish to share with their poetry.” The patrons all applauded, and Tree Hugger was bathed in spotlight, kneeling on stage in a meditative pose, and she began to her poem through deep, yet soft and blissful music. “Bliss… it’s the light of the air, the zone which we know. Life… creates it, gives us all that it has to show. Love… the sonic waves that I hear, in the colorful scene, Giving… all to me the keys to life and what it will mean.” As she continued, DD was waiting for her friends to come off shift so they could all go and watch the show together. Scootaloo and Sweetie had already taken off their uniforms and were waiting for Applebloom, who was dealing with her last order, checking up on Blitz. “May I take your dishes, ma’am?” she asked politely. Blitz just nodded grimly, and Applebloom took the dishes and left them on the counter for the next shift to take. Then she was officially off work. She and the girls then noticed that Blitz seemed very miserable. “Is everything okay?” Applebloom asked. Blitz politely tried to brush her off. “I’m afraid you wouldn’t understand.” Applebloom didn’t buy it. “You have only two days left to make up your mind if you stay or leave, and you still don’t want to leave without Lightning Dawn because you still think Starfleet is bad for him.” Blitz was astounded. “How in the world did you…?” The rest of the girls approached her. “We know all about you.” said Sweetie, and one-by-one the girls introduced themselves and revealed that many of them were related to Starfleet officers, and that DD was a cadent in-training. “I don’t believe this!” Blitz groaned, trying not to shout during the poetry show. “Does Starfleet truly have to infect everything, including young minds?” The girls were confused, but they remembered what their families had told them about Blitz being completely resentful towards the force. “Pardon my asking, but what do you mean by “Infect?” asked DD. “You don’t seriously believe that Starfleet is responsible for all that goes on here.” “What am I supposed to believe?” replied Blitz. “I’ve seen what Starfleet gets into-- all that fighting and destruction and chaos. I’ve treated many of their soldiers on my travels.” She paused and held her head in frustration. “Why do they always attract all this evil, all this trouble, and why do they bring all this suffering amongst the innocent?” The girls had heard enough. “They don’t!” they all said together. “Starfleet doesn’t cause all the evil to just come to them.” said Swetie Belle. “…At least they don’t create in a sense.” “Evil is its own thing. It comes and goes as it pleases.” remarked Scootaloo. “Starfleet didn’t create all this evil, it’s more the other way around.” Blitz remained unconvinced. “Then why is it most places I go, Starfleet is there?” DD said, “It’s because the planet they’re on is facing some crisis that the populace just can’t stand up to, and they need help.” Applebloom agreed, “I still remember all the evils and nasties that happened on Equestria long before Starfleet came along.” Blitz was suddenly intrigued. The girls recounted all the evil bad guys like Nightmare Moon, Discord, The Changelings, King Sombra… And in a series of flashbacks, they reminisced all the time those creeps were up to no good. “They were all a nasty bunch.” said Applebloom. “Always out to cause trouble and chaos unimaginable.” “If it wasn’t for Twilight Sparkle and her friends,” said Sweetie “We would have all been doomed long ago.” More flashbacks of Twilight and friends with the elements of harmony, or Crystal Magic, pushing the evil ones back and restoring peace to Equestria. “So, you see…?” said Scootaloo. “Evil exists in some shape or form, and it can always strike when you least expect it.” Blitz was astounded to hear that-- a world like Equestria, that dealt in friendship, love, and harmony-- almost like Harmonius-- had such creeps and bad beings. “But you didn’t need Starfleet to help you then, did you?” she pointed out. “If you were able to beat such villains on your own, why would you ever need Starfleet.” “Like we said before,” said DD, “Sometimes you may end up coming across enemies that are far more than you can handle, and if you can’t… it could cost you dearly.” The other three girls couldn’t have agreed with her more. They all remembered that terrible day when it happened… Super Nightmare Moon! She was back and stronger than ever, and she brought along Titan’s minions by her side. Twilight’s forces-- the entire Equestrian Empire-- were totally helpless to even scratch the villains. They were just too strong, and unlike anything ever seen before. Equestria was enslaved with an iron fist and the populace forced into slavery. “I still have nightmares of that.” said Scootaloo. “Being chained up and caged like an animal. Being forced to wait on and serve our masters day and night, and watching them beat, whip, and push the adults round the clock, and making them work tirelessly! It was the worse times Equestria had ever known.” Sweetie and Applebloom cringed softly, remembering all the pain they had suffered. “If Starfleet hadn’t come, we wouldn’t have been here telling this story today.” said Sweetie. Scootaloo shut her eyes tightly remembering, “The planet began to crumple after all the evil was beaten, but with Starfleet forces combined with our own Equestrian forces, the two worlds were combined, revived, and we’ve all lived together ever since.” Blitz had heard of Unicornicopia being destroyed from the Starfleet fighters she tended to on other planets, but she never thought it was that dreadful. Even the Space Ponies were nearly wiped out. “Many of us are very proud of Starfleet.” explained DD. “I am especially. That’s why I’m training to join them. So, I can continue to help others and stave off evil forces. And I can tell you, there have been an awful load of them over the years I’ve seen.” She and the girls continued going on of the many other evils United Equestria had to face over the years, and some of which were old Equestrian villains. Like The Changelings and Sombra. “They were back,” said Applebloom. “They were far meaner, and nastier than ever, and much harder to beat without Starfleet’s help.” “That’s why Princess Twilight and friends joined the force.” said Sweetie. “Nobody forced them to, they wanted to join to help the cause.” The girls then looked sad. Scootaloo said, “We even remember the terrible day when Twilight Sparkle was struck down!” The flashbacks occurred of the evil assassin, Raven, battling Twilight and Lightning, and Twilight was struck down and left to die in Lightning’s arms. “Twilight! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Blitz was heart-struck. “Just like that? She died before his eyes?” The girls nodded. “He really took it hard.” said DD. “He lost his will for a while, but those are the risks of joining the force. Anyone is likely to perish at any time, and with all the enemies that kept coming our way, those odds never tip.” She recounted more enemies… The Dark King of the Future. The Insecto Armada Seinna the Treasure Hunter Stammadon The Devils The Nightmares themselves…! “Evil just comes and goes.” DD continued to explain. “It’s not Starfleet who created them, but rather the other way around. Without Starfleet to fight them, who will? It’s a dangerous job, but it has to be done.” She looked out the window and saw how it was starting to get dark out. “Every Starfleet fighter, or even civilian worries that if the sunset they see now may be their last.” “That’s my point!” Blitz said, almost raising her voice. “I get it now. Starfleet needs to do what it does, but why get civilians involved? Why place them all in danger?” The girls shook their heads. “Because their ain’t really no safe place to be.” replied Applebloom. Sweetie agreed, “Like we said: Evil is everywhere. If you try to run from it, that doesn’t mean you’ll escape it.” “And if it catches up with you, and you’re all alone, you may as well say your prayers.” added Scootaloo. DD nodded, “At least by being so close to Starfleet, we know that action will be taken immediately. Not just to stop the bad guys, but to protect the innocent and reduce casualties, but the civilians must play their part too. They have to follow the rules and regulations and know never to disobey orders when danger is afoot.” Blitz began to think back to when Swift Star had insulted her about Planet Harmonius and how it was defenseless. “Your people lived in total peace, harmony, and all the things many of us strive for as well, but the big mistake you made was giving up any ways to defend yourself. You had no magic, weapons, armies, or any connections with anyone or anything that could save you or jump into actions to help you, and as soon as your planet was attacked, that was it. It was destroyed as easily as stepping on an insect while you walk.” She then had flashbacks of the day Harmonius was attacked, and everyone killed! “You okay, Doc?” asked Applebloom. Blitz rubbed her eyes, still finding it hard to accept all this. “And you girls… are you really okay with all of this?” “Well, it depends.” said Applebloom. “We don’t like all the danger and chaos that comes.” “But we know Starfleet does their best to protect us all.” added Sweetie Belle. “We know this all too well,” said Scootaloo. “We Crusaders actually helped them many times in the past.” “Excuse me?!” Blitz asked, hardly able to believe her ears, “You girls actually helped Starfleet, and you’re not even part of the force?” The girls nodded, and recounted the many times they helped save the world. “An evil black Dragon Knight captured our friends and family.” said DD. “So, we followed her into the danger, even though we were warned not to.” “Things were super scary and tense, I tell you.” added Applebloom, “But it was a good thing we got involved, because we were able to destroy the Knight’s power source, which freed our friends, and helped them to bring her down once and for all.” “And that’s when the most magical thing happened to us…” said Scootaloo. “We actually earned our cutie marks, which symbolized our bravery, our skills in helping others, but most of all, our friendship.” DD couldn’t get a cutie mark because she was a Space Pony, but she did the next best thing, and got a tattoo on her flank similar to a cutie mark, to prove her loyalty to her friends. “There was another time we helped someone…” said DD. “A poor and disheveled pony who resented help was being targeted and harassed by an insane mayor. This pony was so horrid that she planned worldwide genocide because she hated Starfleet.” The other crusaders remembered that horrible mayor, and how she and her men captured them all and the poor pony she was targeting. “It took us some time,” said Sweetie, “But we were able to prove our sincerity and help him find the strength to help us, and together, we were able to aid Starfleet to put an end to the mayor’s twisted plot.” Scootaloo clenched her fists. “But the greatest and most fearsome of our adventures lay ahead of us, as well as our former schoolteacher, Mykan Stevens.” Naturally, they referred to the time they and Mykan became the “Super Cyber Data Squad!” “Time to Digitize!” Mykan would shout as he became the cybernetic hero “Surfer!” “LET’S KICK SOME MEGA-BUTT!!” The girls would shout as they transported into the cockpits of their Cybernetic Data Beasts. Teaming up to battle the evil program, “Megadox” to stop his viruses from terrorizing electronic systems and causing disasters and havoc all over the world. “The final battle really took it out of us.” said Applebloom. “We had very nearly lost all we had, but in the end, we teamed up together and we blasted that Megadox into lost data.” “With the job done, we had to give it all up.” said Scootaloo. “But it still remains one of the most heroic times we ever had.” Blitz was positively astounded and amazed. She could hardly find words to say. “And do you… still long for more adventure, excitement, and things like this?” she had to ask. “Golly, No.” replied Applebloom. “It’s not cool to wish for trouble and danger like that.” Sweetie agreed, “All this danger and chaos is never fun.” Scootaloo considered, “Well… maybe sometimes it feels like it is, but we don’t like it. It’s scary stuff, but we’re always pleased to help, and that’s only if it’s needed, if we can, and if there’s no other way. Just our cutie marks say, we’re here to help those who need it.” DD stepped forth, “The whole point of this is, Starfleet and those associated with them do their best to fight off any and all evil that comes along, and even when that evil is stopped, it doesn’t seem to do any good because there are more and more bad guys that always seem to spark, and the cycle starts again. But one thing is certain-- at least I feel that and so do my friends… Starfleet is a fine force, and while you may not like it, and you’re free too, living amongst them, or counting on them is fat better than having nothing to do with them at all.” Blitzy’s eyes were open wide for the first time in a long time. “I always used to think that Starfleet were war-hungry conquerors that only cared about fighting and destroying. But they’re really fighting to help others, not just themselves.” The girls smiled at each other, figuring they had done well today. While they had seemed to convince her that Starfleet wasn’t as bad as she thought it was, she still insisted, “But Lightning still should not be part of it. He’s a Harmonian, and regardless of the things he’s done, I still believe he should quit now.” With that, she left some money on the table and left the café. The girls could only sigh and shake their heads. “Well, at least we made a small breakthrough.” said Applebloom. The others nodded, and they took the money to the cashier, and went off to join the poetry show with everyone else. While in the far corner away from the table, someone sat in the dark and overheard everthing. Lightning got up, and left some money, and while he was disappointed that Blitz was still determined to win him away, at least she was softening up. “There’s hope for her yet.” (Promo) In our next episode: Pyron and Glaceia have a heated argument which leads to a spell of silence for them both and causing stress for our heroes. Things worsen when a Flaming monster is sent and curses the planet to heat things up. Can our heroes resolve the conflict amongst their friends and the heating danger? Don’t miss the next exciting episode of “Starfleet Magic!” (Next Episode: “Heated Hearts”)
Main 6,Spike,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Dark,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sonic the Hedgehog,Death
The Red Ring...
A red ring apears out of thin air right after Twilight praticed a spell on a normal ring what happens to the mane 6 oh and Spike I guess nopony knows...
<p>Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike meet up to discuss what appeared after Twilight tried to cast a spell from Star Swirl, but it goes terribly wrong and a red ring appears. She has no idea what it is since nothing seems to be wrong with it no matter how many tests she does on it, it was just a normal ring but red... or could there be a darker meaning to it? Well, don't be <span style="color:#265DAF">too slow</span> to find out.</p><br/><p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-size:1.5em">HUGE</span> Thank you to Rainbow Sparkle1 for editing the story <span style="font-size:0.75em">(I came up with it they made it more readable)</span> but still go check them out</p>
It was like any other day in Ponyville. Rarity was making dresses for her new fashion line. Rainbow Dash was training with the Wonderbolts while Scotaloo was looking up to watch the show. Pinkie Pie was making cakes and other pastries while managing the counter at Sugercube Corner, making everypony smile smile smile smile and sunshine sunshine as usual. Applejack was with her little sister, Apple Bloom, at Sweet Apple Acres harvesting the apples. Fluttershy and Discord were having tea together. Then there was Twilight, practicing a spell on a golden ring she found recently while Spike was in the background, reading the latest issue of a comic series he started reading recently about a super speedy earth pony and his friends taking down a smart alicorn who wanted to take over Equestria. "Dang it!" Twilight grunts out of frustration as she has failed the spell once again. She looked at the ring, noting that nothing had changed, she then looked over to Spike who was still sitting there reading his comic. "It'd be way easier if you were helping me here, Spike!" Twilight said rolling her eyes. "But you said, 'I got this. I can master this spell in no time since it's small. So your help will not be needed,' and here I am, reading my comic," Spike said, knowing that he was right. Twilight groaned, “Fine! Is there something I’m doing wrong?" Twilight pulled out Star Swirl’s book on the spell and looked it over what seemed like a million times, but the words were not registering. "I did everything right. Why isn't it working?" she said, face-hoofing herself. 2 hours later, Twilight’s sudden yell resonated throughout her castle, not knowing the sun was already beginning to set. "YES, I FOUND IT! AFTER SO MANY TRIES, I NOW KNOW MY ERROR!" "I’m happy for you Twilight..." Spike said, being startled awake by Twilight’s outburst. "Thanks, Spike, now I should be able to do this spell," she says before making her horn glow. She then fired a beam at the ring, and as she did so, the whole room was filled with black smoke. Twilight's face was covered in the leftover ash when it dissipated, leaving her coughing and sputtering. "Twilight?... what happened?" Spike said, now fully awake from the loud explosion. Twilight wiped the ash off her face before looking back at the ring. It was still smoking slightly, so she waved her hoof to clear it. When it faded away, she saw that the ring had turned red, and a wide smile spread on her face. “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” she shouted, making Spike cover his ears. Twilight started hopping around with excitement, now having finally done the spell after so many tries. She then picked up the ring with her magic and held it to her face to examine it. She then looked back at Star Swirl's notes. "There's something else in here. It says once you have a Red Ring, throw it up in the air and watch as you are tested on your skills and try to win the Gol-" she was interrupted by Spike suddenly belching, fire spreading everywhere and burning the page. "MY BOOK!!" Twilight cried, looking with a horrified face as the rest of the page was burnt to a crisp. "Now I will never know what the rest of this means!" Spike rubbed the back of his neck as he chuckled nervously before saying, “Sorry, Twilight, it just came out of nowhere. I never meant for it to burn your book like that.” “It’s okay, Spike. I understand that it was an accident,” Twilight said before looking back at the burnt page as Spike picked up the ring. "Uh, what did it say to do with this again? It was something about throwing the ring in the air and how you'll be tested by something." "Maybe we should call the girls to help us, that way, whatever this test is we all can do it together!" Spike smiled after finishing his suggestion. "That's not a bad idea. Good thinking, Spike," Twilight said as she got off the ground and went out to find her friends. "So why in the hay are we here again?" Applejack asked while picking the ring up and looking at it quizzically. The mane six were now in the throne room, discussing what to do with the ring. "I have Wonderbolt practice in a few minutes, so this better be quick," Rainbow Dash said, tapping her hoof on the ground impatiently. "Don't worry, this won't take very long,” Twilight replied before she began explaining, “I've found a spell that Starswirl made for... three tests? I think... I couldn't read it all since somepony had to burp up a firestorm!" She shot Spike an accusing glare before continuing her explanation, "And now I thought we could try and find out how it works together." The group of friends looked at one another and back to Twilight before Applejack spoke up, "Okay then let's see what we got here-" She was cut off by Pinkie grabbing the ring with her curly mane and putting it up to her face while wearing a detective hat and examining it with a magnifying glass. "Hm, nope! Looks like any other ring to me," she said, not helping the case at all. “Maybe if you try to remember the last part of Star Swirl's text, it could give us a better hint at what to do," Fluttershy suggested to Twilight as Pinkie tossed the ring to her, not noticing that it sparked a little as it moved. Twilight picked it up with her magic and examined it before handing it back to Fluttershy. "So, what was the last part you read of Star Swirl’s scroll?" Rarity asked. Twilight thought for a moment before answering, "It said something about tossing it in the air, I think?" The ring was suddenly snatched by Rainbow, "Come on! It’s just a ring! Is this over? Because I’m going to be late for my workouts if I stay here any longer... Rarity what can you do with this?" As Dash tossed the ring to Rarity, it sparked some more almost as if it was charging up. "I do fashion, darling,” Rarity replied, “I don't know anything about jewelry." She tossed it back to Twilight, the ring now sparkling like crazy "Woah... girls I don't know what we did but whatever we did has made the ring glow and have red sparkles around it..." Twilight commented, a concerned look plastered on her face. Dash then grabbed it again and threw it to the other side of the room before sneering, "Oh please, it's just a silly little red ring. Sure it has sparks around it, but I’m sure it's just a flashy cheap product that Star Swirl fell for and bought, then just forgot about it or something. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got Wonderbolts practice to attend to." Before she could fly off, the ring had fully charged, It flew up into the air and grew bigger. The next thing the 7 of them knew was a huge flash of light, making them go blind for two seconds. After they opened their eyes, they looked up to see the ring floating in the air almost touching the ceiling. "Holy Celestia," they all said at the same time. Before they could say anything else, 7 gloved hands came out and reached to each one of them. Dash yelped as she tried to fly away, only to be stopped by one of the hands and was pulled into the ring, struggling to break free in the process. Pinkie and Fluttershy were the next to go, both screaming while Fluttershy closed her wings around her to protect herself. Rarity soon followed suit, and not even her magic could stop the hand from grabbing her, at least she managed to keep her mane intact. Applejack and Spike then got dragged in, and they went down trying to fight back. Twilight was then faced with the last hand. She blasted magic beams, but spell after spell, it continued to resist. After using most of her energy to hold back the hand, she was grabbed and dragged into the ring portal. As she went through, she screamed out for help, only for the ring portal to shrink back down to a normal ring. As the portal closed, a faint, deep, and menacing laugh could be heard throughout the castle. The worst part, was nobody else heard it as the ring clanked on the ground, like nothing had happened.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
Gallus went to his house with us trailing behind, along with one of those guards. "Grampa! You in there?" "Who in blazes is shouting out there?" The door slammed open on the humble house, revealing an aged griffon that scowled at us all. "Bloody... What are you all doing out here?" He pointed a cane at Gallus. "And didn't I already send you away?!" I decided swiftly I didn't particularly like the guy. Sliding in next to Pinkie, I leaned in for whispers, "So, did he know we were coming?" "I sent a letter." Pinkie shrugged at that. "Heya Gruff!" "Hay is for horses, pony." His gaze was locked on Gallus. "What's going on?" Gallus waved to the remaining guard. "I'm a phoenix, and that's why he's here." Grampa Gruff's eyes contracted a moment. "You're getting bolder with your lies. The phoenixes were gone before even I got here." He waved his cane threateningly. "Don't you come here throwing wild tales at me!" "Sir." The guard nodded at the elder. "We have seen it with our own eyes. He is a phoenix. There is no doubt in this. What it means, we could not say, but it is beyond doubt." Gruff grumbled clearly unimpressed by earnest testimonials however official backing them. "Pah! That scrawny descendant ain't no mythical monster." Cane smacked the splintering doorframe punctuating, gaze never leaving stubborn Gallus unmoved by all the dramatics. "Probably some unicorn prankster's illusion-weaving a-ways off hoodwinking gullible guards again." Before we could object he hobbled right up getting beak to beak poking rudely. "Where's yer feathers then?" Gruff demanded squinting fiercely. "All preened and shiny and trash like every phony tale says?" Indignant Gallus indeed lacked the fabulous finery his fancy form demanded. But Pinkie gasped pointing suddenly behind me. "Oooh but maybe those loose moltings lying around already could convince this grumpy geezer?" All stared curiously following her theatrical hoof towards wisps wending haphazardly upwards where none wafted prior. And as our eyes lifted, flickering feathers trailed seemingly sourceless meandering gently glowing until stumbling sight discovered the incandescent creature they crowned. There hovering silent witness stood transfigured Gallus, lambent wings framing fierce eyes gazing revelations daring doubters defy truths burning bright as they choose. None moved nor spoke beholding brilliant plumage gracing our companion's changed shape shown clearly last under fading sunsets. Until Gruff growled something vaguely resembling "Huh. So the bumblin' braggart brat brought some spark back after all..." I smiled at the sight. "You're getting better at that." Gallus landed, fire going out with a tired huff. "That... is not easy, but you can't ignore your own eyes. I did it." "The phoenix is reborn," cried the guard, as if blessed to have seen such a thing, twice in one day. "And I'm not naked this time." His feathers hadn't burned away entirely that time, leaving him with most of his plumage. "Either way, there! Beleive me now, or what?" Twinkle hopped off of me and darted forward to Gallus' side. "I imagine he wants to show some of you how to do that too." "Yeah! I do. This is, uh..." He rolled his hands over one another. "It's too big for me to hold to myself... I don't owe griffon-kind a dang thing... But this doesn't feel like something I should keep to myself." I grinned at Twinkle rallying Gallus' shaken confidence. For all his bluster, sharing that gift came before keeping it. Good. Gruff stiffened, clearly sensing seismic shifts rattling ancient assumptions and stubborn pride. Thoughts of bowing before untested insights scraped against stubborn elder notions of "proper place" however literally glowing evidence crackled nearby. Yet wisdom blossomed slowly as old vines unwound rigid certainties forged under different lights. I subtly directed attention to fresh perspectives literally smoldering impatiently. "Perhaps actually sharing perceptions around these phenomena would be good?" Gallus blinked my way then nodded firmer confidence summoned by that subtle call to bring discussions beyond unproductive quibbles into unfamiliar terrain. Gruff grumbled, protesting still, but Pinkie nudged him playfully. "C'mon, even grumps gotta grow a bit! Stay grumpy but listen yeah?" Bit by bit, barriers lowered as eyes turned up towards dawning futures. "On your head!" He jabbed Gallus sharply with his cane. "You'll need a place, I bet, ugh, and all your friends... Whatever, you know where the bedroom is. Don't make a mess!" He stormed inside, angry as ever. But his words had no denial. Gallus was welcome there. He smiled with a nervous laugh. "That coulda gone worse." "Sir." The guard dipped his head. "You are a holy relic. You do not need to sleep here. You and your sacred gifts are due better housing." Gallus puffed up at that. "I like the sound of that, uh.... But I want to talk to people, you know, other griffons. Ones I know? Not special ones." "Sir... That isn't my choice, or entirely yours. The council will make those decisions." He bowed low. "I am here to see that you get a chance to speak to your relations, which you have. We should proceed to the temple now." His words were stiff, speaking to something he both had to control but was subservient to. "Please." Pinkie raised a hoof quickly. "Just making sure, but we are with him. I have to, being his teacher and all." The guard waved that away. "Not an issue. You can come with, but we are due at the temple at your earliest convenience, Phoenix." I looked to the bright side. "If we're at that temple, will there be a lot of griffons that Gallus can teach?" The guard perked. "Hm? Oh, yes, certainly. The priests will want to hear every word he has to share. His techniques may yet revive the nation entire! That is why we must go." My brows lifted impressed by the ideas and the revival they were suggesting. Pinkie bounced eagerly conjuring costumes somehow suiting the occasion's lofty air. "Ooo, does this fancy temple place need like, super respectful robes and stuff? Do phoenixes wear sparkly medallions when teaching?" Without waiting for replies fabric flowed becoming splendid vestments trailing her gamboling frame. I chuckled softly. "I doubt the temple's looking for that. Gallus, what do you think?" Gallus frowned, though that was often his default. "Well... You're with me, which I appreciate. Let's... Go teach some griffons." With a cheer, we all headed off with the guard taking point for a change. I gathered Twinkle along the way, a thing she didn't complain about as I moved her from my hooves to my magic and then my back. "If we mess up, just tell us. I'm sure we will." The guard paused, looking surprised. "Few are willing to admit they're idiots." He clacked his beaks. "But it is appreciated. You will be treated as a child and scolded when you step where you shouldn't." I was a little insulted, but mostly, relieved. Better to be handled like a child and be given a chance to course-correct. "Thank you. Now, where's the temple?" "There." The guard pointed ahead at a grand structure of marble, gold and silver. "It shines with the promises of yesterdary, and perhaps, tomorrow." I eyed the temple's gleaming grandeur warily. Momentary renewals meant little against inevitable decline when built on arrogance alone. But humility borne of experience built more enduring monuments internally where insights transformed pain into compassion. Thus, I resolved to simply witness events unfold with restraint rather than chase praise and power as impatient youth might. Not my place to blaze trails uninvited. Pinkie and Twinkle whispered excitedly already weaving fanciful notions around Gallus' mythic role. I held back, bemused, as fanfare greeted Gallus at the gates. Celebrations expected champions already conquering rather than fledglings merely flexing wings before harsher breezes ahead. Still, we were welcomed like returning champions, with cheering and food in abundance. A griffon, a guy, swatted me on the shoulder. "And a kirin. Fire and fire. Coincidence? I doubt it. It's very rare we see one of your kind around here. Most don't... like griffons much." I didn't like being swatted like that, but didn't say anything. "I helped Gallus get here, to a phoenix." A few gasps echoed around us. A small griffon clapped, a child. "Show us! Please, show us! Bring the fire!" Gallus colored faintly, standing tall. "How do I say no to a little chick?" He ruffled the child gently as the adults cheered around him. "David's not lying. He helped me grab the fire and--" He exploded in fresh flames, easier than the last time, and that easier than the one before it. Each time, a step easier. "Phoenix." "Phoenix," cried the room, adult and child alike, all equally amazed and cheering. I wanted to burn with him, just for the show of it, but becoming a nirik required some hot emotions. I wasn't angry. I was just a kirin. Not that that was a bad thing to be. Gallus snuffed his flames with a sigh. "But!" He held up a lone finger. "What I want is to share. Who's ready to grab the fire with me." "None." A griffon adorned in thick robes emerged from the back, eyes barely visible. "Unless I permit them. There are tests to be done before we get to that. Only those ready for the flame will even think of reaching for it." Gallus hiked a doubting brow. "Let me guess, that includes you?" "No." The priest twisted his beak like he smelled something bad. "I am forbidden from ever touching the flame. I am its steward. Never will I dance with it. Phoenix, you carry the fire for us, but only those truly worthy of its touch will you pass it on to. To do so wrecklessly? No... That will lead us only to destruction, hatchling." I bristled as the priest patronized Gallus, reducing him back to unworthy "hatchling" despite talents manifesting before all. I stepped forward as the elder droned doubts demanding obedience from youth yearning for more. "Good things often wear unexpected forms you didn't expect" My tone carried subtle notes of defiance towards stubborn stances chaining status quo by mere custom not ethics. Instead I simply smiled knowingly, challenge meeting superiority smugly certain of sole legitimacy in interpretive matters. Gallus straightened sensing shields raised allowing space to stand his trembling but growing ground. Evolution builds momentum in time... Despite all that, the room was becoming quiet. The griffons were leaving, rather than facing that elder priest. Save one. A griffon woman stepped forward. "Test me. I am ready to reach for the fire." She punched one palm with the other hand with a scowl. "I will pass your test!" The elder chuckled darkly. "Confident... Good. The fire has no place for the meek. Guards, see she is given food and shelter for the night. The tests begin tomorrow morning." The room filled with stunned whispers. The elder looked to me. "You. Kirin. Your kind are rare here. I was told you aided the phoenix, and for that, we are in your debt. I would not have imagined a kirin would be the key to their return... You and yours may stay. Do not interfere with our ways, but you may stay." He cawed sharply. "We must respect the fire... Even if yours is not one we will reach for." I snorted at that, thinking back on how, technically, Gallus had found the fire with me. He had reached for mine, and found his own. "Thanks." "Thanks!" echoed Pinkie. "This is a neat place." She looked around with naked wonder. "Really digging the vibes you're putting down. Now, I'm more of an earth pony than a fire one, but I can still dig the vibes! We should do a little fire shindig." The elder chuckled softly at Pinkie. "Foalish one... Perhaps you will get your chance, if that hen passes all the tests and embraces the flame. That will be a moment worthy of celebration."
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
I went to sleep nice and peacefully. But I was not alone. I should rephrase that. I was laying in my bed, ready to go to sleep when the mattress of soft material(feathers?) jostled and another form joined me. They were too large to be Twinkle, and far lacking in energy to be Pinkie. They also touched my side with what was clearly a talon of a finger, tracing gently. Griffon. There weren't many other options. "Gallus?" I cracked open an eye to see who I was sharing space with. That was a griffon, but it was not Gallus. She smiled at me gently. "He said we should not reach for this fire, but its warmth calls to me, good sir." She rubbed gently at my chest, gazing into my eyes. "May I sleep here tonight?" I tensed, startled by the bold griffon volunteer's sudden proximity whispering brazen desires my way in our unexpectedly intimate arrangements. But her fiercely intense gaze brooked no rejection as talons teased smoldering embers within despite risking social and spiritual conflagrations alike... I carefully rolled over meeting her eyes directly as tension jangled nerves barely braced against this brash beauty's smoldering stare. "Er, tempting for sure, but seriously, questionable impulse control seems a bad move before crucial tests and all, y'know?" She frowned as my awkward hoof pushed hers firmly yet politely away. "You seem nice and eager, but I don't even know you. I prefer to know who I'm with, you know?" I shrugged self-consciously clearly out of my depth here. "Think hard if you might regret things later, that's all." She studied me curiously talons lingering meaningfully along my tense shoulders. "You sound cowed by punishments should supposed superiors notice you're being a little 'naughty'." Her beak smirked subtly as quills stroked tender flesh. "Scared by their scared scriptures?" I gulped nervously - she read me rightly in some ways and it stung. When had obedience become preferred over understanding? "There's principle and then there's just preserving leverage..." I managed softly stilling wandering limbs insistently testing boundaries. It didn't help that some parts of me didn't agree with my brain. I could feel the heat within me growing ever warmer, and it seemed to be pleasing my guest as she snuggled in closer to it. That I gently pressed against her in the 'wrong' place also didn't help. She would be my first, if I allowed it. But to allow it meant my first would be with someone I didn't know, at all. The thought of that was a cooling splash, but the fire was quite hot indeed. "Who even are you?" As if knowing her name would somehow fix the entire problem. She smiled subtly, dangerous and alive with her own self-authorship that dared chains chaining her potential however alluring the gilded cage. "I am me - is that not enough now?" Beak tenderly traced quickening pulses as boundaries blurred between judgment and desire. But words rang true - beyond roles imposed, simply being fully sufficed didn't it? I shivered, of lust yet also exhilaration witnessing fierce flowering refusing imposed sterile order. "Y-yes" I managed huskily, "But names can be shields too - why unshared still...?" [clop] Gold gleamed knowingly as she claimed her place. With my weak resistance, half-baked at best, she casually wrapped her legs around me and sank against me. It was done. She was the first. I was nestled in her warmth, and the sensations of it were just perfect. In that moment, it was better than I had ever dared imagine. It didn't matter who she was, just that she was willing, sapient, and fully grown. Did I hold power over her? Not that I could figure out. I laughed at myself for running through the consent checklist, but I could find no problems immediately. I had run out of objections. It was time to burn. I kissed her on either side of her beak. "I still want your name. I want to know who is my first. I want it to matter. I want you to matter. Please." She pecked me, more of an avian gesture of greeting. "Giselle, curious fire pony." She ground against me with increasing fervor. "Now let me feel that fire. Set me ablaze with your passion." "Hello." It felt dumb to say, but I had said it. I stopped trying to say things and focused on the act. She wanted what my body had, and, in that fiery pit, I wanted what she was offering in return. I reached around her, cloven hooves pressing at her back as we rocked with mutual notes playing the most ancient song of meeting life. I confirmed that kirin did not combust in the act of lovemaking, or at least, I didn't. No, I just drew an excited yelp from her as I hit that wall and discovered what it was like, to do that. My stiffened rod pulsed with every jet, firing deep into her as I pushed through it. Stubborn willpower let me keep moving, wanting to hold her and please her forever, at least in that moment. [/clop] But the lethargy that came as a man came for me, gently lulling me. I didn't want to sleep, not then. I wanted to be close, to hold and somehow become one with her, but such a union was not happening. "I'm... happy to have met you, Giselle. Are you going to vanish?" "Like the flicker of flames." She tapped me gently on the nose. "But you are a sweet thing. Even after you are done, you keep calling me. Most males wouldn't care so far." She pecked me, which was growing into an even interesting feeling. "When you find your partner, they will be happy, I feel." "But it won't be you?" She chuckled low, a sound felt more than heard that somehow soothed lingering loneliness. "Even if our roads now diverge, know you will travel with me as inspiration towards truth beyond convention's golden compromise." I clasped her talons tightly in my magic as she slipped from the bed and moved towards the exit with a teasing sway of her tail. Finally, sleep claimed me, and I awoke a changed kirin. There was no special first time to offer the world anymore. But what was done, was done. I wouldn't bemoan the past. I would think fondly of Giselle. I figured my odds of meeting her again were slender, the way griffons seemed to operate, but the meeting had been pleasant. "Gallus?" "Hm?" Gallus sat up, awakening. "What?" I wondered a moment when he had returned to the room, but he was there, so I pressed, "Just checking, but can a pony and a griffon end up with, uh, foals? Kittens? Hatchlings?" Gallus sat up swiftly, as did Twinkle and Pinkie. They were all staring at me. "Hypothetically?" Twinkle's brows fell. "I don't think you're being hypothetical." Pinkie shook her head. "I leave you alone for one moment. You're fast." She giggled, rather than fire any scorn. "Did you have fun?" I colored at that. "I didn't expect you to ask that." Gallus rolled a hand. "When did that happen?! I swear. Anyway, since you asked." He took a shuddering breath. "Hippogriffs are a thing, so it is possible. Does that make you happy, or scare you?" I tensed as three curious faces crowded closer inquiring coyly just what misadventures my slumbering self managed the prior evening. Pinkie simply giggled playfully as ever while Gallus eyed me shrewdly clearly judging potential impacts from my unplanned romantic interlude. Twinkle hovered anxiously clearly torn between adult insights comprehending risks and her diminutive doppelganger instincts fixating on exciting escapades without grasping consequences fully. "Oooo, so the pretty griffon lady spent the night? Did you have fuuu---I mean, pleasant time?" She hastily amended catching herself mid-breath. I flushed scarlet scuffing a self-conscious hoof through rumpled bedding as recollections from passion's hazy aftermath surfaced under their scrutiny. "I uh, yeah quite educational I assure you!" I waved hooves placatingly. "And zero winged foals will result no worries heheh..." Gallus rolled his eyes knowingly. "Riiight...'educational romps' eh? Just take precautions if more 'lessons' get scheduled." He shouldered past winking brashly. "C'mon loverboy, sunrise waits on no Phoenix protégé's lazy rump!" Pinkie shot me a thumbs up, despite having hooves, giggling madly clearly enthralled living vicariously through my audacity however unplanned! Face aflame I hurried their laughing wake bracing for fresh revelations whatever this day held after last night's adventures. Twinkle landed on my back, riding me as I went out. "Unfair." "What is?" I turned an ear back to her as we emerged into the main room of the temple. "I wanted to be that first. I wanted it to be my first." She inclined her head on my back. "Impossible, clearly. Unfair." I colored faintly, thinking about Twinkle. "Let's focus on Gallus' situation. We have a hen doing some kind of sacred test to be worthy to learn how to be a phoenix. I don't like the idea of her being hurt." "Me neither." Her thoughts shifted swiftly to that brave griffon hen, standing stiffly in the center of the room. "I hope she does well." She paused. "I don't suppose that is the griffon that visited you?" I hesitated responding to Twinkle's murmured curiosity over exactly which lovely griffiness graced my intimate company the prior eve. I looked over the griffons, trying in that moment to pick Giselle out. Griffons were not ponies. Giselle had been a classic eagle/lion combination, but she had a stripe of red just over one of her eyes. The kind the hen had. I swore silently. I simply smiled mysteriously Twinkle's inquiring way. "Kissing and telling is rude." Delicately I redirected focus towards the tense volunteer awaiting dramatically unrevealed tests. "But this determined damsel waits words impacting her entire tribe." I nodded respectfully Giselle's way sensing heavy destinies pivoting on her proud shoulders and watching eyes above. "I don't know what these tests are, but let's cheer her on at least." And as imposing priestly figures billowed ominously from shadowy recesses I added sotto voce towards Twinkle "Keep an eye on that one. Religious folks have their own motives. I watched as other griffons stepped forward to anoint Giselle with paints they applied with holy reverence. The priest nodded. "Know this, you will be remembered. If you fail, and burn in the fire, you will be known as being brave enough to make the move. You are already beyond many, for standing here." He smiled perhaps cruelly. "But this is not the winning step. You must succeed at each test, one to the last, to be allowed an audience with the phoenix, and be permitted to be ignited." He snapped his fingers. "Do you understand, and do you consent? This is your last chance to bow your head and back away. Do so in peace, and we will only mock you in quiet. Better than death, some would say. Worse than it, others would say. Which path do you take?" Twinkle bristled atop me. "That one is most foul in tempérament." Pinkie nodded. "I'm with you there, being a real bummer. Go Giselle!" She waved a hoof excitedly at the hen. But I had not shared her name? Pinkie remained Pinkie, known to do things that didn't make much sense. Giselle marched ahead towards heavy doors that opened before her. "I will take the test, to rise from the flames, or die in them." With the same firm devotion, she was lost to sight as the doors closed with the grinding slap of stone against stone. The priest turned to the rest of us. "Now we wait. She emerges, or she does not. There is little more to be done until then." He extended a talon towards Gallus. "Be ready. If she does emerge, she will be eager to share in the phoenixes' fire, and will be worthy of it." Gallus laughed tensely. "Yeah, I got it, sure." He didn't sound as confident as his words implied.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
"I didn't think you'd be the one." An older griffon snorted, standing near me and leaning against the wall with his back. "A kirin. Thought they promised not to." I lifted an ornate ear at him. "Promised not to what?" Chill ran through me, wondering if I'd tripped over a new rock nobody has bothered to tell me about. The griffon shrugged. "When the last of our fire went out, we tried everything. We tried stealing. We tried fighting for it. When those failed--" He raised a taloned hand, gripped tightly. "We--" The hand and its arm fell limply. "We begged. The dragons laughed. The kirin, oh, that was a little more special." I turned to the griffon. "What did they do?" I pinned my ears back. "I only became one recently. I don't know the history." "I guessed not, or you wouldn't be here." He reached to prod me on the nose, an irritating gesture. "They scolded us, called us out on losing our flame. If we managed that, we didn't deserve the fire. All that wind, they claimed, blew the fire right out. All we had to do was ditch the wind and they'd gladly help." "And you declined." "Not me." The griffon perked a brow at me. "I wasn't there, but I heard about it. Of course we told them to piss right the hell off! Give up our wind? Not happening. So we kept the wind, and the fire was unlit, until Gallus came wandering in here like it wasn't even a big deal. Chicks these days." I listened thoughtfully as the elder griffon shared fragments of forgotten negotiations longing for rekindled talents lost through bitter twists of history. So others sought aid when wings of creative passion first faltered only to meet callous rejection from comfortable neighbors. "Guess every new generation must rediscover some truths for themselves..." I murmured half to myself. How many cyclical struggles rose and fell blotted from records glorifying narrow versions of the past? The old bird nodded wordlessly staring across the tense tableau where an isolated rebel now struggled reviving dormant gifts through hellish trials by hidebound hierarchies unwilling to shift even if meant rebirth. "Chicks like those two don't bother with dead past's chains - just start flyin' like the whole empty sky belongs to 'em no matter who says what's proper." Admiration glinted austere features eyeing Gallus and Giselle's direction defying different limits. I smiled softly realizing the two headstrong youths somehow inspired this hardened veteran towards wistful hopes on their unfettered behalf. "Think they'll actually pull it off embracing mythical mantles bucking the status quo?" He eyed me sidelong wryly. "Beats fading away caged by aging arrogance - rather soar and crash than never stretch wings far as they can go!" With a grunt he levered stiff limbs upright. "C'mon - let these faded fossils poke all they want. Destiny don't wait on nobodies' permission now does it?" "Yeah." I could imagine that conflict, but a question jostled around. "What actually made the phoenixes stop being phoenixes?" "Time?" The griffon shrugged at that. "They didn't just die out. They just died. One by one, no great conspiracy. The odder part was that we didn't get new ones to replace them." He pointed at Gallus. "Maybe it was just a bit of time we needed. Pity the damned priests insist he doesn't rush to share." He lowered in a squat, closer to my level. "Still, mighty nice of him to offer. Good chick, annoying as they are." I inclined my head towards Gallus. "Thanks, I appreciate it. I want to talk to Gallus about this." The elder didn't stop me, so I trotted to Gallus' side. I noticed he was wearing a rather ornate vest, golden and red in fiery hints. "The priests give you that?" Gallus tugged at it a bit. "Yeah, not bad? Pity it comes with being caged. But! But." He danced up a finger. "I learned there is an out of this. Once I pass my gifts on to three others, I'm a free griffon. Just three. That isn't even a big deal. Now I really am cheering for Giselle. 1/3rd of the way right there." I raised a brow at that. "There's. Oh. Let me guess; each phoenix has to make three phoenixes, if they want to walk out." Gallus flicked one of my ears. "Exactly. They're pretty sure if each phoenix makes three more, they can't run out again." He shrugged emphatically. "Simple math, right? Still, way better than keeping me here forever." I nodded thoughtfully as Gallus outlined the temple's devised contingencies ensuring phoenix perpetuation through enforced multiplication. Simple math indeed, though rarer magics often balanced unpredictably on weights we couldn't hope to know. "Well at least they allow eventual opt-outs after paying regenerational tithes..." I murmured. Gallus ruffled feathers fidgeting under ceremonial vestments itching constraints however temporarily tolerated. "So who're candidates two and three if Giselle passes?" I gestured around the sullen hall. "Other rebels waiting in her blazing wake already?" Gallus followed my gaze thoughtfully through rows of robed priests peering like vultures over obliging proteges yet oblivious towards deeper yearnings. "Not sure who else bucks their crusty mindsets honestly." He brightened suddenly with scheming inspiration! "Say, what about getting Smolder over here trying out some radical hybrid magic herself?" His grin sharpened impishly. "Bet dragon fire explodes their obstinate obedience right quick!" I laughed heartily imagining the mutual meltdowns witnessing typically domineering dragons bow before a humble hatchling's arcane abilities! "Now that's some chaos I'd revel rousing!" We fist-bumped unity already delighting in shocked outrage awakening fresh perspectives. "One thing. Smolder isn't here, and I don't think a fire-air dragon will change their mind too much. They wouldn't be a phoenix." Gallus huffed at that. "True, true. We just need adventurous griffons that don't care about prec--" He cut himself off. "Oh, right. Duh." He slapped his own forehead. "Gabby. She only follows her own compass and nocreature else's. If anygriffon was going to do this just because she feels like it, it'd be Gabby. No idea if she'd pass or not, but she'd try if she got it in her head." I imagined the sweet griffon hen that knew only kindness and determination. "Maybe we should wait until Giselle comes out and maybe we get a clue how rough it is in there? I'd feel bad sending Gabby off to certain doom." "Knowing her, she'd figure it out." Gallus shrugged with a chuckle. "Worth a shot. You can walk out of here. See if you can't find her and tell her about it while we wait. Tell her all about it if you're feeling guilty. If she walks in with all the facts, then we didn't do nothing wrong." I shuffled hooves thoughtfully weighing Gallus' canny suggestion recruiting irrepressibly sweet Gabby next as fiery protege. "True, letting her choose eyes open does tilt options her way..." It still rankled risking such a kind soul towards arbitrary judgment under suspicious priests with unclear motives. But respecting autonomy meant acknowledging individual courage chasing symbolic status however perilous too. "Okay, I'm off finding our chipper candidate before tension boils over!" I waved towards the sealed inner sanctum. "Don't let them pull anything till I'm back, okay?" Gallus mock saluted with a smirk. "What trouble could priests make, really? Go on, I'll keep watch." But something sly still lurked there making my tail twitch anxiously glancing frequently back. Sighing I brushed aside shapeless unease fixating on the task ahead. Likely just impatience for action after suppressing rebellion's restless flare so long himself. Finding a single upbeat griffon somewhere in this dreary settlement seemed enough distraction for now! I trotted purposefully into broken streets realizing my limited knowledge of local hangouts or haunts. But vibrant spirits shine unmistakable somehow if you lift eyes, or so I hoped. I went right up to a stand offering something steaming and kind of tasty smelling. "Excuse me." The griffon there scowled. "Kirin, huh. What do you want? Want one?" He gestured to the puffy things he was selling. "Tempting! Looking for a specific griffon. Gabby? Cheerful, to a fault almost?" I cycled hooves as I described her as best I could. "Traditional build by and large." "Gabby?" His face was one of disgust. "Everygriffon knows her, what a nutball. Why would you want her?" "Kirin things." It was the first thing that came to mind, and I didn't allow any hesitation to creep in there. "Have you seen her?" "Kirin things." He rolled his eyes. "I heard you helped bring a phoenix back, or I'd tell you to find a nice tall pole to climb." He jabbed a talon past me. "She's in there most days, drinking, chatting, or doing something stupid. It's her way. Try to not let it be your way. Damned kirin, hanging out with Gabby of all griffons." Biting back equally thoughtless retorts I simply nodded brisk thanks towards the surly directions. She waited within while countless other vibrant voices surely cried unheard behind dour doors decreeing normalized paths. My stalled steps stirred street's dusty depths before resuming resolutely. I headed inside where the dim interior swallowed me as heavy weighted wood swept shut behind me. Murky shapes loomed oddly angular amidst hunched profiles peering around grimy glasses clinking cheap escape from light's exposure. There indeed perched Gabby, radiant even dust dimmed by dreary doubt and bitter brews. Sensing my entrance, brightness turned up winningly my shy wave met with fierce friendly tackle! "David! Once pony from another world, now a kirin! Oh this makes today the best now!" Gabby smiled eagerly my stunned way. "C'mon, pull up a seat and tell me everything new under skies lately!" My guilt swelled as I stepped up and sat on the chair across from her. "Gabby, a pleasure to meet you. You already know me, from the sound of it?" "How could I not know you." Gabby laughed at the joke I hadn't mean to tell. "I deliver mail, to the ponies often. You're kind of a talk. They told me about you." She reached across to ruffle me between the ears, stroking them curiously. "I never met a kirin before. Ooo, you're built all funny, but in the best of ways! I love it. What brings you?" I smiled, her cheerfulness infecting me. "It's a pleasure to meet you, seriously. Did you hear about the phoenix?" "They won't stop talking about it." Gabby crossed her arms with a huff. "Like all of Griffonstone is going to catch fire all of a sudden. I don't get it." "Most griffons know air magic, if they know any magic, right?" I rolled a hoof at her. "You know air magic?" "Really handy for delivering mail." She beams with such pride. "Only kind I know." "But imagine if you knew fire too. You could fly in the dark, to start." I shrugged, trying to think of other peaceful uses. "You could cook your own food so easily even in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of the snow even." I went on weaving tantalizing possibilities awaiting additional magical mastery. "So that guard said their whole civilization peaked when phoenixes flourished - like those fiery legends somehow uplifted all species together through inspiration not intimidation or demands..." Gabby oohed wide-eyed clearly enchanted envisioning such golden ages. "Helping hearts ignite towards highest potentials sounds wonderful! How'd you make a phoenix all of a sudden?" I scuffed a self-conscious hoof. "That's the trick - Only griffons who pass a few tests at the temple are allowed to learn that, and become phoenixes themselves. They could be dangerous, but I have high hopes for such an optimistic griffon like you. Want to give it a try?" Gabby tapped at her chin. "Wow! That's a big thing you're offering." She swiveled in her chair to look at a dangling calender. "Mmmm, nope!" "No?" "Nope! Nothing on the calender for a little while, so sure, why not? I'll give it my best! Hopefully, you'll see me soar out of there on wings of fire." She hopped to her feet, flapping her arms with imagined flames. "This'll be fun!" I wasn't sure if 'fun' was the operative word, but I had found another volunteer to try at least.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
I meandered the streets of Griffonstone. A theme song played in my head. In that moment, I missed having a set of headphones. They were so good at driving away any song, replacing it with the one they were playing, instantly. But, I had none, so whatever song was in my head had a chance to come out with soft whistling about an elven warrior in a fantasy land. But I was already a pony in a fantasy land? I switched my music towards the MLP theme song, distracted successfully. Something heavy and sharp pressed against the back of my head. I started to turn reflexively, but a firm hand kept me forward. "You don't need to do that," barked an angry male voice. "You need to stop doing everything you're doing. You go right back to that temple and you don't come out until your 'friend's done claiming they can light that match." I hated being told what not to do. "Why do you care?" I asked evenly, channeling my inner Maud. That wasn't that hard. We were two chips off the same stone in some ways. "A lot of reasons." He pressed a bit harder, but I had scales back there, and he wasn't pressing nearly hard enough. "Shut up. All we need." We? "You're already late." I flicked my tail, catching him in a light brush. He didn't like that, and, in the end, neither did I. He slashed down across my poor tail, pain exploding upwards from that point as stone rushed across my body alongside my surprised yelp. I could feel the stinging pain of the cut tail, but it was safely encased with the rest of me in my shell, and by the time I dared to peek free of it, that griffon was gone, and I was largely along on that street. I saw one griffon sitting there. "Did you see who attacked me?" "Huh? What?" The griffon peered at me oddly. "Ain't seen nothin'!" I waved a hoof dismissively. "Nevermind." I turned and broke into a firm jog towards the temple, grumbling faintly to myself along the way. I winced testing a sore limb gingerly where the angry griffon's vicious swipe landed. I had become stone quickly enough to keep it from more than a lightly bleeding cut at least. Sighing, I resumed brisk trot towards the temple, one ear swiveling ceaselessly for sounds of stealthy pursuit. But empty streets echoed only distant voices muted by cynicism. Unease stirred feathers ruffled by casual callousness festering in fearful hearts. Something or someone clearly resented what I was doing to help bring back old, better, worse, different times. An unpleasant notion surfaced - what if jealous figures harbored desire keeping such potent magic suppressed rather than risk cultural shakeups threatening stratified comforts? Dominion seldom collapsed overnight after all...reactions began subtly. I paused, glancing skyward where feathered deputies maintained stern watch over their charges however quirky or alien beneath serene facades. Shaking myself roughly, I resumed firm stride - speculation brought little, immediate safety mattered most. I hurried into the temple past the guards there and settled next to Gallus. Gallus perked near immediately. "What? Dude." He looked over me. "I don't expect my friends to wander off and come back smelling of that. What happened to you? You okay?" I tried to paw him away, but he found the tail fairly quickly. "Ow. That looks like it hurt. Should we call somegriffon?" I swayed the tail away from him. "It stings, but I'll live. Did Giselle come out?" Gallus waved at the still closed door. "The priest says she's passed the tests so far." I perked at that. "That's good news." "Yeah." Gallus crossed his arms with a huff. "So, what did Gabby say? Something dumb, I imagine." "Yeah," I echoed back with a little smile. "But also yes. She's going to come and try. She seemed cheerful enough to even stand a chance. I'm really hoping she doesn't get hurt. She's way too nice for me to have gotten hurt, even if it was her choice." Gallus smirked knowingly at my account of Gabby's unhesitating enthusiasm diving into danger unconsidered. "Yep, sounds about right! Jumped without blinking as expected from that fearless featherhead." He nudged me playfully clearly unbothered by potential squishy outcomes endangering gentle souls on his behalf. I scowled back tail lashing irritably. "Well, I still say this whole arbitrary trial thing runs pretty heartlessly if you ask me!" Before Gallus formulated glib rebuttals doors creaked ponderously admitting one small shape before grinding closed ominously once more. There stood Giselle swaying clearly exhausted by spiritual stresses but still she stood! Priests peered from on high almost resentful their reluctant convert survived spiteful tests designed to demonstrate the predestined's special favor under trying tribulations. But living proof persisted and postures subtly shifted towards next-phase considerations given destiny's unexpected boons manifest despite best laid plans... Gallus swept wings wide relief unrestrained as Giselle trudged wearily into welcoming embrace. "You actually pulled it off, you stubborn buzzard!" He swung her laughing dizzy but delight unmistakable having overcome hostile odds emerge unfettered and eager for more! The head priest advanced with a grand smile. "Well done. Well. Done. Little chick, you have survived many tests, and for that, a celebration. But you have not finished this ordeal." Giselle glared at him with a fury powerful even for a griffon. "I'm standing here. What other trials can there be?! You'll get out of the way and let me phoenix it up." "Exactly as I plan." The priest backed a step. "But that is the final challenge. You have precisely one week. You will learn to embrace the flame, or the flames will embrace you. Live by the flame, or die by the same. Either way, my job will be complete." He leaned in towards Giselle. "If it helps, I wish you success. To a new age for us all." Gallus swallowed at the terms set. "Wow, sink or swim time. Look, I'll show you how to do it." "Speak no further." The priest pointed deeper into the temple. "Take her where no other ears can hear, and whisper gentle the secrets of the flame. Do not emerge until she learns, or the week has passed." I scrambled to my hooves. "Can I go? I helped Gallus. I'd gladly help her too." The priest held up a hand. "If a griffon cannot pass this torch to another griffon, then we are already doomed before we begin. No, you will not accompany them." But he smiled in a genuinely kind way, odd on a griffon. "But that you are willing is noted. Kind kirin, sit yourself and let us treat you as the honored guest you are." I bristled as the officious priest pronounced imperious decrees designed clearly more for perpetuating hierarchy's exalted status rather than nurturing vulnerable disciples. But feathered followers ushered Giselle and Gallus obediently within shadowed depths where mysterious ignitions or immolations awaited uncaring for protests. Grudgingly I stilled tongue against tirades knowing myself still ignorant wielding elder magics shaped through mists of lost legends. Yet strictures seemingly served systems more than students sincerely seeking still... An unexpected talon brushed my injured tail gently - the nameless griffon veteran from before gazed solemnly my restless way as fresh fanfare erupted distractedly around us. "Not all roads remain smooth however pure the cause when old slumbering sins get stirred." He kept ministering quietly where injury irked. "Their ilk grasp tight dwindling dominance fearing frail frames unable bearing stark truths..." I studied my impromptu physician thoughtfully as he worked. Beyond embitterment some guttering grace glimmered occasionally. "So we'll show them with actions?" I ventured softly sensing wisdom wrapped wounded behind callous shields. A ghostly smile traced fierce features at philosophical inquiries where rage normally reignited. "Walk any true path unflinching and some light endures..." With that cryptic sigh he simply resumed raptor regard towards scenes unseen awaiting ahead. "What happened to you?" I turned my head to see Twinkle sitting next to me where Gallus had been. "I let you outside for a moment." She reached a hoof for my tail. "Are you alright?" "No." I kept the tail still. "But he's already taking care of it, and it isn't cut off or anything, just a nick." I hissed softly at the painful reminder. "Where were you?" "Waiting for you." Twinkle tapped at her chin. "And I feel I got something wrong. Twilight read to me, some of your stories. I thought I was acting the way you wanted me to. Am I not taking on the role of a rescued female, ready to give sexual coin in return for good treatement?" I blinked at that. "I'd be more insulted if I knew I hadn't written a few things like that. But I'm not that person anymore." I rubbed at one arm nervously. "I'd prefer to be a friend first, then a friend that likes to cuddle, and maybe more after that? That'd be nice." Twinkle spread a wing to encircle me. "Well, I am a friend, and I am perfectly alright with a little cuddle." She nestled against me. "I am realizing more and more that I know so little. Perhaps I am, in some ways, as young as the moment I animated, and I don't like that." She crossed her arms with a huff. "I wish to do things as an adult, but, considering that, what foal wouldn't say the same thing?" I smiled affectionately as Twinkle confessed insecurities fearing inexperience still overshadowed maturing identity however abruptly selfhood ignited for her. But wisdom oft emerged roundabout through reflection upon roads initially taken less mindfully. "Hey, we're all figuring stuff out as we go Twinkle - no shame backtracking to walk ahead more thoughtfully." I gave her little shoulder a supportive squeeze. "Heck, my own path's pretty crooked looking back..." I exhaled heavily, feeling the myriad awkward fumbles behind my words. "Just wanting connection itself ain't automatically bad if we build understanding too, yeah?" External validations rang hollow alone; self-knowledge also took its rightful place determining direction. Twinkle scuffed a hoof self-consciously but hints of a smile returned acknowledging common struggles all souls faced awakening. "See, the thing." She worried her hooves with concern. "I don't trust anycreature else. I know you'd prefer I didn't think that way, but you are the one I feel safest around. I know you'd like somecreature like that, and there is not another creature I'd want to be that close to, or could trust that way." The griffon tending to me released my tail. "Want me to get out of here? You two're having serious enough talks that don't need a stranger listening in on it." I had forgotten he was even there and colored at the reminder. "Right, sorry. I didn't mean to-- Thank you." I curled the tail back to a passive swaying. "Thanks." "Having a tail means knowing what it's like to have it hurt." He winced with old remembered wounds. "Take care of it." He propped himself up and moved away, giving us room. I pulled Twinkle into what passed for a lap, so far as a quadraped had. "Your emotions for me are complicated, but I'll promise this much at least. I won't just write them all off. Tell me more about them. Share, so I have some clue. Tell me about that, and tell me about you. Not my dreamed imaginings of some perfect Twilight Sparkle, which you aren't, and neither is the one keeping the name in this world. She isn't here, and this isn't that world." "It is not." Twinkle leaned back against me. "But, since you're offering, I would be a foal to not accept it." She curled against me. "One of my earliest memories is being held by you gently, with a little smile on your face. You were so happy to have me, to hold me, and looking back, I feel just as happy, to be that one you were holding." Our relationship was, at best, a little complicated.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
I focused, horn glowing along its horizontal stripes at power gathered. The magic gathered at a singular point that became a flickering ball of flame. I smiled at that accomplishment. "You know." Twinkle looked over at me. "When I was a little child, I would wish, hope, that one day I could make some light, any light. Even the smallest mote would have pleased me." I raised my hoof to either side of that hovering orb of fire. "And here I am, master of fire, holder of magic." "David." She sat up fully. "On one hoof, congratulations. On the other, I can hear the hurt there." She leaned in to press her nose against my side. "Want to talk about it?" "It's not hurt, exactly." I released the ball and it faded away with barely a noise. "Just thinking I had to run to another world to see that happen. Pretty sure, in most cases, that means it wasn't a very reasonable wish." "But you did it." She pressed against me. "Even with an unreasonable wish. That looks like a thing to be proud of." "I suppose." I smiled down at her. "Thanks for being here, Twinkle." "I wouldn't be anywhere else." She nuzzled me. "Now, I have some ideas on how to spend our time together." I chuckled softly. "I bet you do." I ran a hoof gently down her back, rubbing around where her tail met her bottom. "How long do we have to wait for Gallus?" Twinkle turned her head sharply to glare at the closed door Gallus had gone down with Giselle. "Until they master it, or fail, I suppose. We don't have to sit right here and wait." "What else do you suggest?" I leaned back against her small form. "You see Pinkie?" "You call?" Pinkie sank down on my other side with a huge smile. "I was checking in on Maud. She found some pretty rocks that she says are super interesting, but you know me, a rock is kinda a rock." She shrugged at the memory. "But, I also ran into that griffon girl! Gabby's waiting her turn, but, apparently, only one griffon at a time in there." "Oh, that's a shame." I shook my head. "She seemed really excited to try it." "Well, she's still waiting, and I'm still here." Pinkie hopped to her feet. "So, what do you want to do?" "I think I'm going to stay here for a little bit." I patted the ground. "I want Gallus to see us when he comes out. I'm also hoping to see Giselle did okay." "Ooo, I know!" Pinkie bounced. "I'll go get a picnic basket and we can have a picnic! Twinkle snickered from my other side. "This is hardly the proper place to be holding a picnic, Pinkie. This is a temple, whether or not it happens to be ours." She bumped against me. "Ask one of the guards if there's an open cafeteria or something of the like." "Good idea." I waved one of them closer. "Where do you suggest we go to eat in here that isn't rude? Got a kitchen or something?" "You don't eat in the kitchen," gruffed out the griffon as if shocked at the idea. "This way." He waved for all three of us to follow, marching through the hallways to a fair-sized room with some griffons already inside, eating. It smelled like meat was the primary offering. "Here. You can ask for food there." He pointed to what appeared to be a counter. "Enjoy yourself, as long as Gallus remains." "Thanks." I trotted over to the counter, Pinkie bouncing alongside. "So, what do you have?" "We have meat, we have bread, we have some fruit." The griffon at the counter gestured to a plate of apples. "Those are the best, though." "I'll take some of those." I floated a few apples and some sliced meat to add to my plate. "I admit, surprised. I didn't think griffons would have a collection of apples of all things." Pinkie tilted her head, her tray heavy with sweets that I hadn't even spotted as being on the menu. "Why not? Everycreature loves a nice apple." Twinkle nodded at that. "As they say, an apple a day." "Sure." I slid up onto a bench and took a crunchy bite of the apple. It was as good as the griffon had promised, sweet across my tongue. "But a griffon is two obligate carnivores pasted together. I didn't think the two together would make for something else." Both ponies looked confusedly at me. "So, what are they, if you know?" Twinkle looked across me to Pinkie for help on that. Pinkie snorted out a giggle. "Griffons can eat whatever they want, they just prefer meat if you give them an option of the two." She curled a hoof at herself. "Just like ponies! If it fits in our mouth and we can chew it, we may give it a try." "Well, that makes sense." I finished the apple and tossed the core aside. "But, why would a griffon even bother with apples?" "Same reason anycreature else does." Pinkie nibbled at a slice of cake. "They taste good. And, sometimes, they're just what you need." "And sometimes, they're just what you want." Twinkle floated one of my apples over and helped herself. "Mmm, good." Things grew quiet a bit as we enjoyed our snacks companionably. "Pinkie." I looked to her. "A question." "Shoot." Pinkie put her hooves together on the table in front of her. "I'm all ears." She turned an ear towards me for extra emphasis. "I feel like both of the mares here have some interest in what I decide." I looked between Twinkle and Pinkie. "I'm in a poly relationship, you know that, right?" "Yup." "And that doesn't bother you?" I peered at Pinkie skeptically. "I figured you'd prefer I be with Maud alone, if anything." Pinkie snorted at that. "Silly, do you think I forgot what you've been up to? You are clearly a young and wild kirin, ready to do the wild oat thing." She waved it all away. "I know that, and Maud understands. She isn't trying to own you. She's trying--" She paused a moment as if searching for the right word. "She's trying to be understood, and to have somepony that understands her." "But she's still your sister." I looked to Pinkie. "You're okay with me sleeping with your sister?" "It's not my business." Pinkie shrugged. "I'm not in charge of your love life. You are. You get to decide who you love, and who you sleep with. I can't tell you what to do." She reached over and patted my shoulder. "But I can tell you that you are a wonderful pony, and I'm happy to have you as a friend." She inclined her head. "Still kinda impressed you found a lady griffon so fast though." She giggled as I colored. " I smiled at the friendly worlds. "Thank you, but what about this." I pointed to Twinkle on my other side. "She'd like to be involved. Maud wants to be involved, and I'm already involved with Twilight and Spike. It's--" I rolled a hoof slowly. "--crowded? I didn't mean it to be, but it is, and I don't want anypony involved being hurt by this and I feel like it's pretty much my fault it's happening." "Won't be me." Twinkle smiled with that positive energy of hers. "I already spoke to Twilight and Spike. You're the one we're waiting on." "You talked to them?" I stared at Twinkle. "You talked to them about this?" "Of course I did." She leaned against me. "I want to be part of your life. I don't want to just be the one you come to when you need a cuddle. I want to be the one you come to when you want to talk, or laugh, or share a meal." She pressed against me. "I want to be your partner, David. Not your pet, not your foal, and not your toy." I was stunned and quiet a moment. "What did Spike and Twilight say?" Twinkle hummed. "Well, Spike sounded like he was in complete agreement. He doesn't 'get' physical stuff, the real physical stuff, and Twilight isn't interested, but they both want this family of ours to be that, a loving family where we all care deeply about the happiness of the others. That's the important part." "Yeah." I smiled at that. "That's the important part." I looked to Pinkie. "So, what do you think?" "I think you're a very lucky pony." Pinkie leaned against me. "You have so many ponies who care about you, and who want to be there for you. I think that's great." She smiled. "And I think you're a very special pony, David. You're a kirin, but you aren't like any other kirin. And there I was, a kirin trapped between two such caring ponies. "I don't even deserve this." I thought back. "I should have said no. I should have shoved her away." Twinkle perked at that. "Who?" "Giselle, when she visited me." I pantomimed with waving hooves. "I should have turned her down, and kept my first time for family, not her. I don't know her. I feel awful." "Stop that." Twinkle pawed at me. "If--" "--Wait," I cut in suddenly, looking to Pinkie. "What about Maud? She's not part of the family, but she is interested in me, how is that going to work?" "Maud will be fine." Pinkie waved it off. "I'll talk to her, and I'm sure she'll understand." She smiled. "She's my sister, and I love her. I don't want her to be unhappy. I want her to be happy, and I think you can make her happy." "You really think so?" I leaned against Pinkie. "I don't want to hurt her." "I know." Pinkie patted me. "And I think you're a very special pony, David." "So, what, we're just going to tell her to stop caring? That doesn't sound fair." I crossed my arms, frowning at the mess I felt I had made for myself. "Twinkle, do you know what Spike and Twilight think of Maud, that way? Do they hope she'll go away? Do they want her closer?" Twinkle shook her head quickly. "I don't understand her, and I don't think they do either. Only you seem to connect with her." She shrugged softly. "But, you know, if Maud's alright with it, it can be just like it is. So long as you're upfront with her from the start. If you feel sure you like this family, let's make it work, then ask Maud if she wants to be involved, or not, and respect her answer." Pinkie pointed a hoof at Twinkle. "That's the most mature answer I heard all night." She grabbed an apple to chomp. "Do that, and I'll not even be mad if she gets upset. It's the best answer I can think of, and it's honest. Be honest, and be good." "Right." I sighed softly. "I guess I'll have to talk to Maud, then." I turned my head to look at the door where Gallus had gone. "After I talk to Gallus." "Well, I don't think you'll have to wait long." Pinkie pointed. "Look." The door was opening, and out stepped Giselle, followed by Gallus. Giselle looked tired, but triumphant. "I did it!" She spread her wings wide. We rushed out of the cafeteria, but with the company of many other griffons hurrying to see the news. Gallus looked about as tired, but with a confident smile on his face. "Get that priest in here. It ain't official until he sees it too, yeah?" Guards hurried off to see that done as the excitement in the room grew with each passing moment. Whispers spread about how Giselle had succeeded, or they were about to see Gallus burn somegriffon to ash. Either promised to be an interesting sight.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
The head priest entered with imperious motions. "You have emerged." His tone was serious and full of deadly weight. "You come before us successful, or your life ends now. Which will it be? We all hunger to know." He raised a taloned hand to clench it. "Show us. Burn with brilliance, or just burn. There is no room for anything else." Giselle's eyes wandered over the thick crowd of curious griffons. "Alright." She took a slow breath, marshalling herself. "Alright. I'm still new at this, but I will do it." She folded her wings. "We are griffons. We are masters of air." Wind picked up around her, crackling as if with static electricity. "This is our birthright." Several other griffons called in rough avian cries, cheering with solidarity in the claim that air belonged to them all. "But for some of us, the greed is too powerful." Her talons wreathed in crackles of lightning, jumping from talon to talon. "We hunger for more, we reach for the fire. Some of us are burned, while others--" The electric field washed over the rest of her as she caught fire, bursting into full mystical fury as she ceased to be just a griffon, but a full phoenix. "--rise from the flames." She flared her wings wide, bathing the entire room in the heat and light of her radiance. "This is the power of the flame, the power of the phoenix. We are griffons, and we can rise again and again. No matter what happens, we will rise." The room exploded with cheers at her words, bidding them all to rise from their miserable state, but it was all cut off with a sharp motion from the priest. "You burn, little chick, in all the right ways." He smiled, a genuinely kind expression. "Today, you are more than you were yesterday. Prepare a feast!" Griffons that were easy to miss struck great drums, beating on them with increasing fervor as the cheers returned. Some griffons pressed close to Giselle, complimenting her, or making awkward advances. She was the star of the show, and no secret was made of that. Gallus sank next to me. "I go through all that effort and they don't even say thanks." I patted his side. "Rough, but I'm glad to see you. You look beat." "I just spent most of the week giving lessons." He raised a brow at me. "How did you teach me so quickly? I got it so fast. For a moment, I thought I wouldn't be able to get to her." "Well, you did it." I smiled at him. "And you're the hero of the day. I'm just a friend." "Yeah, I'm the hero." He looked around the room. "I'm the hero, and I'm the only one who cares right now." He turned his attention back to me. "You should be the hero. You did it, you taught me first. I just did it second." "Don't be like that." I considered things. "I'm a kirin. I was already fire, and I shared that. You are a griffon first. Air. It took some getting used to not only burning, but sharing that fire, the way I see it. You had further to go, so my hat goes off to you." "You're not wearing one." He flicked one of my long ears, but was giving a happy smirk of sorts. "I say we get some food and get some sleep." "I'll stick around for you to get your share." He started with surprise. "Not hungry?" Twinkle snorted, announcing herself. "We just ate, I'm afraid. Bad timing. But we'll gladly stay with you before bed." "Count me as three." Pinkie bounced to her hooves. "Food, then bed." "Hey, David!" I turned to see Gabby waving from across the room. "They said I could come in tomorrow, so I'm going to try, okay?" She hurried over and bent over us with a big smile. "Oh, hey Gallus. Been a while." Gallus huffed softly. "Right. I have to teach three." He pointed at Gabby as he rose to his feet. "And you're number two. You feeling ready to hug a fire and enjoy it?" "That sounds intense." Not that she appeared at all discouraged. "Teach me, oh wise teacher." She clapped with building excitement. "I'm ready!" "I hope you are." Gallus shook his head slowly. "Once I hit three, I'm done, and kinda looking forward to that. Oh, Gabby, you have friends?" "Tons!" She began listing them, but they didn't sound like griffon names at all, none starting with the letter g. Gallus stopped her. "Griffon friends, I mean. Any griffons you know?" Gabby seemed confused a moment before she perked and pointed at Gallus. "Here's one right here!" Gallus rubbed his face with a groan, but he did so with a smile as well, and turned to the door with a wave of his wing, taking Gabby with him to the next stage of her journey. I wondered a moment. "Wasn't he going to get something to eat?" Pinkie shrugged. "Maybe he's too excited to get Gabby doing the fire griffon thing? That sounds pretty exciting to me." She bounced around Twinkle and I with a big smile. "I say we go visit Maud. She's been working really hard with almost nopony to keep her company." "Oh, that sounds like a great idea." I stood up and stretched my legs a bit, feeling sore from all the sitting and the walking we had done the last few days. "We should probably find her and tell her what's going on. You know, the whole 'she's welcome to be part of the family' thing." So we headed off, all three of us. Pinkie led the way to a hole and vanished into it without hesitation. "Maud! Maud! We're back." "We can't be back." Maud turned calmly to face us where she had been mining a wall steadily. "Two of you were never here before." "True." Pinkie pointed to me and waved to Twinkle. "These two have things to talk to you about, and I'm going to spy. Don't notice me." She sank to her haunches. Twinkle advanced first. "Good evening, Maud. We wanted to talk, about you and David. Me and Twilight and Spike and you. The whole mess of us." Maud raised a brow smoothly. "Have you made a decision?" She was looking at me directly. "I was waiting." "I have." I nodded, feeling nervous butterflies in my stomach at the prospect of letting her down. "Maud, I love you. I love you, and I want to be with you. I don't want to lose you." I thought about the words I was saying and felt silly. "That sounds trite at best. I don't know how to say that better." "Try." The bluntness of the request surprised me. "Maud, you lovely stone-faced mare. I want to hug you forever. I want to be held by you. I want to work next to you, doing my thing as you do your thing, and know that we just care about each other, even if we don't say a thing. I want the things we do say to count." Maud was still a moment. "Swoon." She did not swoon, despite her word. "Maud." I stepped closer to her, lowering my head to be level with her own. "You are amazing. You are smart, and beautiful, and so very wonderful. I can't think of a single thing I don't like about you, except that you aren't closer." Maud suddenly grabbed me and pulled me close with her tremendous strength, squeezing me close. She pressed her lips to mine and we kissed. As powerful as her hug was, the kiss was gentle and felt like it lasted forever. Twinkle and Pinkie cheered the two of us on, pumping hooves and bouncing with collective joy. Maud released me, stepping back and giving a nod. "I will accept your offer, and the terms. I will be with you." She smiled. "My stallion." She flicked her tail as she turned to Twinkle. "Speaking of that." She marched on Twinkle with several firm steps. "He's mine." Twinkle folded her ears back with a squeak of concern. "Please don't hit me." "I wouldn't do that." Maud inclined her head. "But he is mine. If you want to borrow him, you have to ask." Twinkle's confusion was growing, as was mine. "He is a grown pony. He belongs to himself." Maud backed up beside me and reached up underneath me to run a hoof over my dangling sheath. "This part belongs to me. Twilight and Spike already gave up their claim. They own the rest of him." "I belong to myself." I moved away from her hoof, not that it was unpleasant, but it was a little sudden and I was still working through the situation with Maud and the others, and it felt a little odd to be doing this right in front of them both, not that I was going to complain, exactly, but I was a little lost, honestly, and needed some time to work out what was happening and how to react to it all, especially the more intimate touches. Maud turned to me fully. "You said you wanted me. If I'm giving you me, you give me you. That is how romance works." She glanced aside at Twinkle and Pinkie. "Am I wrong?" Pinkie shrugged, having no particular objections. Twinkle scowled with a huff. "I was here first, besides, Maud, I'm here ready to share. Don't be so greedy I start to change my mind. We're all civil ponies, I hope." "Well, I wouldn't call any of us civil." Pinkie giggled at her joke, even if it was a bad one, and bounced around Twinkle and Maud, settling next to me with a giggle and a friendly nuzzle. "But I'm not worried. I trust you three." "Thanks." I smiled awkwardly. "Maud, how can I make this work?" Maud tapped at her chin thoughtfully. "Pinkie told me what you did. I am furious." But her tone remained even, and she showed not a hint of those emotions. "I propose a spell." Twinkle perked at that. "A spell? What kind?" Maud pointed underneath me. "We tie him to us, so that 'little David' remains little until we both trust him entirely again. I will feel better if we do that, and I will share, with just you." "Sounds reasonable." Twinkle smiled and came close, rubbing against me with a friendly bump of her shoulder, and a kiss to my cheek that made me flush deeply with a nervous flutter of butterflies in my stomach. "You know, I'm glad we're doing this." That left me feeling nervous. "Don't I get a vote?" "No." Maud inclined her head at me. "You already agreed to this. You have no reason you should want to get an erection around any other mares. If you don't agree, I will leave." On one hoof, that felt harsh. On the other, she wasn't wrong. Being in a committed relationship was promising exactly that. "You have a point. If it means--yes. I agree." "Good." Maud curled on herself, drawing a stone free. "Put this down there." It was a slender blue stone. "It will anchor the spell, once we cast it. Twinkle, you'll have to work with me to perform the spell." "Eagerly!" She looked quite happy to be part of a spellcasting. I smiled at that eagerness, even if I was a little nervous about the rest. I watched the two of them prepare, moving to stand opposite each other with the stone in the middle, facing me, and in front of the stone, with a horn glowing on one side of me as Maud focused intense earth energies at me, and a feeling like a cold breeze running over me as magic gathered, and then, the feeling of the spell taking hold and locking in place, and I could feel the presence of the stone, and the magic, and the connections between us, and how I could not, and would not, get an erection for anypony but Maud and Twinkle. I was locked to them, but I could think of far worse ponies to be bound to.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
I wasn't there for this part, but Gabby told me about it. She was excited to learn about fire, and wandered into the back halls with Gallus. "So, do we play with lighters?" "You wish." Gallus leaned agains the frame of a door heading into what looked like a big plush area with way too many pillows. "The last griffon had to meditate on it, a lot. I'm hoping we don't have to do that with you. You're wired different. Gabby frowned a little. "Yeah... Sorry. I am a little odd as griffons go. Are you upset?" "Nah." He waved Gabby closer. "Truth is, I'm not exactly normal, or I wouldn't be at a pony school getting friendship lessons, now would I?" "That sounds so fun!" Gabby shook her trembling fists. "Can I try that?" "One thing at a time." Gallus poked the older, taller, griffon in the belly. "We're here to learn about fire, right?" "Oh, yeah." Gabby seemed to remember the purpose of the visit, her attention turning back to the subject at hand. "I'm ready. Teach me." Gallus clapped his hands. "Great, good. So, fire." He waved downwards where fire erupted into being on the stone floor, casually burning despite nothing actually burning. Gabby stared at the flames with a gasp of wonder and awe, her eyes sparkling as she reached a claw to touch it, then pulled back, then reached again, and pulled back again, and then, with a deep breath, she touched the fire and smiled at the warmth that greeted her, even as the fire died away to nothing, leaving the stone untouched by the flame, as if it had never been there at all. Gallus seemed impressed. "You really wanted to touch that fire, huh?" He wriggled his fingers, lightning and fire dancing over them fitfully. "That's a good start. You're barely afraid of it." With a snap, he focused on just the flame, dancing at the tip of one of his fingers. "Fire's done a lot for griffons. Think about how, and how it's reached into your life." "Um..." Gabby put a claw to her beak, thinking hard and long, before her face brightened with a smile and she looked to Gallus again. "I know! I know what fire does. It makes things smell good." Gallus wrinkled his beak. "Sure, it does that, but think a bit deeper. It cooks our food. It keeps us warm in winter. Fire does a lot. Think about all of those things and your place right next to that fire." "Oh, okay." Gabby closed her eyes and breathed slowly, deeply, and calmly, as if meditating, and then, she began to glow softly, golden light washing over her feathers and fur, and then, the light burst forth with a wave of heat, and when the light faded, Gabby was standing there, holding a ball of fire between her cupped hands. "Look, look, I did it! Did I win?" Gallus looked properly impressed. "Wow, seriously, good stuff." He leaned in towards the flame. "But just using one fire spell doesn't mean anything. It's a step, a good step! But you're not a phoenix. We can't leave here until you're all the way phoenix, got it?" Gabby nodded quickly, looking down at the fire in her hands. "So, how do I do that? What comes next?" Gallus casually swatted Gabby's fire away, the elemental power fading in the air. "Well, you have some control, and that's good. We just have to turn it towards the inside. You have to focus on you being a part of the fire, instead of just the fire. You are the fire. You breathe the fire. All is fire." Gabby seemed confused by that. "But I don't breathe fire." She patted her chest. "I'm not a dragon. I'm a griffon." Gallus put a hand to his face. "You're not wrong. Neither of us are a dragon, but we do want to be phoenixes, and they are very on fire, all the time." "Oh, yeah." Gabby nodded quickly, and then, she focused on her own body, and began to glow again, even brighter than before, the light so bright that Gallus had to shield his eyes, and when the light faded, Gabby was glowing like a bonfire, but she was still herself, and not a phoenix, and the light faded to nothing, leaving her looking frustrated and upset. "Why didn't it work?" Gallus, unlike Gabby, looked positively amazed. "That's not a phoenix, but you're making great progress. Seriously, I'm kinda impressed." He stroked along his beak. "You're a natural. I had help and it wasn't that fast. Okay, okay, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Next step, a drink of water. That much fire magic must have you really thirsty, but I bet you didn't even notice until I reminded you." Gabby blinked slowly, as if realizing something for the first time. "Oh, yeah. I am thirsty. I could use a drink." She pushed past Gallus and spotted a pitcher in the room. Rushing over to it, she poured herself a glass and chugged down the lifegiving water. "That is way better. Are you sure I'm doing good?" "Very good. You're still glowing. Now, cut that out. All on fire, or it doesn't count." Gallus followed her into the room, stepping over the bright pillows on the way. The scent of sandlewood incense floated around them. "Feel the fire, because you are the fire. Breathe it." Gabby closed her eyes again, breathing deeply and evenly, and with each breath, she glowed more and more, the light growing brighter and brighter, until she was a bonfire again, and then, she opened her eyes and smiled at Gallus. "This is amazing! I feel so hot!" "You're bright, but not exactly there. So close." He swatted Gabby on the side. "You want to beat Giselle in this, huh? Keep it up!" "I will!" Gabby closed her eyes again, focusing on herself, and breathing deeply, and then, the glow began to fade, and she opened her eyes, looking confused and upset. "Why did it stop?" "Well, a couple of reasons maybe." Gallus shrugged. "When I first learned fire magic, I could only do it slowly and a little at a time. You have to build up fire stamina. Like air stamina, but fire, get it? Relax, eat some of these snacks, and try again later. You're already way ahead of the game, so don't stress about it. Gabby nodded slowly, grabbing a handful of nuts and munching on them slowly. "Okay, I can do that. I'll just relax and eat some food and then try again." She chomped eagerly on those nuts just to swap to a pear. "Mmm, fresh. You try one of these?" Gallus snatched up one, but didn't bite it right away. "You're awfully relaxed for being in a life or death situation, you know that." He waved the pear at her. "Giselle was a little more tense about it. For you, this is just a fun little training camp, with provided snacks." "That's because I'm not worried." Gabby smiled at Gallus as she chewed on her pear. "I know I'm going to win." Gallus stared at her with a slack beak. "Wow, that is some intense confidence you have going on there." He burst into laughter, finally chomping into that pear. "Good. Maybe that's why you're doing as good as you're doing so far. If we walk out of here phoenixes, I call dibs on a fire flight over the city." "What's that?" Gabby tilted her head curiously. "I've never heard of that." "I just made it up." He shrugged. "Figure there should be a name for when two or more phoenixes take a big showy flight over the city, that all the other griffons can see. It'll be fun, or at least it'll stick in their heads for a while. Gabby smiled brightly. "Sounds like fun. I want to do that too." She popped the remainder of the pear in. "So you're on! Let's finish this fire thing, then do the very first fire flight ever! Think they'll join us? Imagine it, a huge wing of griffons, headed by some phoenixes? That'd be a sight worth remembering." She sighed with the future thoughts of such a dramatic spectacle. "You're a strange one, Gabby." Gallus grabbed another pear, and tossed it to Gabby. "But I like you. You just might make it out of this." He reached up tall in a slow stretch. "Ready for another try, or should we chill out a little longer?" Gabby was giggling. "Chill out, I get it. If you're not burning, you're chilling. You're funny." Gallus rolled his eyes, not having been trying to make a joke. "Ha. Ha. Seriously, which is it?" "Seriously, I'm ready to go again." Gabby seemed to still herself closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, and then, she began to glow, brighter and brighter, until she was a bonfire again, and then, with a final flare, she burst into flame, her feathers and fur vanishing in the sudden blaze of light and heat, and from that fire, a phoenix emerged, Gabby's form shining with the glory of the phoenix, and she spread her wings wide and gave a cry of triumph and victory. Gallus grabbed a few nuts to chew. "I'm not even beleiving this, but they won't either. Not even one day? Gabby?! Seriously. Okay, Okay, Okay." He took a breath himself. "Put yourself out. You may look funny because--" He didn't get to finish as Gabby's flames guttered out and she was left without feathers. "--Because that. That happened to me the first time too, don't feel bad." "Oh, I don't mind." Gabby reached a claw to touch her bare skin, feeling the smoothness of it. "It feels weird, but it's not bad. It's kinda fun, actually. I think I'll keep it." Gallus scowled at her. "You're joking, right?" "Yes." She giggled as she came in to grab Gallus in a big hug. "Thank you so much! Okay, what was that last part you were trying to get at?" "Right." Gallus snapped his fingers with a touch of a smile. "Before we go out there, you have to be able to ignite more than the once you did for me, so, now that you're not burning, you have to get burning again. I suggest we not go out there until you can go back and forth like it's easy." Gabby nodded quickly, stepping back and closing her eyes, focusing on herself, and breathing deeply, and then, she glowed, and the glow grew, and she opened her eyes, looking up at Gallus with a bright smile. "How's this?" "That's pretty good." He patted her on the head with a smile. "But you're not actually on fire. You have to be able to go full phoenix and back. Keep trying. You're so close I'm feeling burned." Gabby giggled at that. "You're not actually on fire," she taunted, as if anycreature there was unsure of that fact. "Okay, phoenix, feel that phoenix." She drew her arms in close and spread them out with her released breath, fire spreading along with the motion, washing over her. "Phoenix!" Gallus clapped with a chuckle. "Phoenix. Now put phoenix away. Back and forth until it feels easy." Gabby closed her eyes and focused, breathing slowly and evenly, and then, the fire guttered out, leaving her naked again, and she smiled at Gallus. "I did it." "We're almost ready." They met, hand to hand with a firm clap of a high-five. "Do that half a dozen more times and we can go out there to face them." That was where I came in, waiting with the others when the door opened and Gallus emerged, looking far less haggard than the first time. Conversation picked up quickly. Surely something had gone wrong, that he was emerging so quickly that second time. How had Gabby failed? They all wanted to know.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
Gabby cleared her throat. "Okay! Have to make this cool. Giselle was super--" She cut herself off, noticing the crowd was watching her expectantly. "Sorry. Okay, fire up!" She threw her hands wide, body engulfing in flames and hiding her featherless form with pinions of fire. "Ta da!" The room exploded with cheers for both of them, with many griffons rushing forward to congratulate them both. They were almost bowled over under the force of the griffons, excitedly yammering about the miracle of it. It was only Gabby's flames that kept her safe from their eager well-wishes. Gallus slipped away with a soft chuckle and made his way over to me. "Guess they don't have a lot of questions for me right now." "No, they don't." I patted him on the shoulder. "Her little showing off answered all of those." I lowered my hoof to the ground. "But grats! Seriously, that was way faster. You getting the hang of teaching this?" "You know, I think I am." He seemed surprised by his own words. "But I can't deny Gabby all the credit. She wanted to be a phoenix and she put her everything into it. It was kinda amazing." "And you're not tired." I smiled at him. "That's a plus. So, learn to like Gabby a little?" He rolled his eyes at that. "She's alright, I guess." "I'm alright!" Gabby crashed to her butt next to Gallus. "That's a step up." Gallus prodded at her. "You know, you're pretty odd looking when you don't have feathers. Glad to say, that wears off after the first ignition or two, so you should be alright, once they grow back." "I can't wait." Gabby rubbed at her bare skin. "It's not exactly bad, but it's strange, you know?" She noticed my looking her over. "What? Is it that odd?" "Just reminds me." I shrugged. "A world away, smooth skin was the default. You remind me of a female from there, though you are missing parts." She had no breasts. Griffons were like ponies, with no breasts. Perhaps she had udders? I didn't dare start staring down at her lower belly and crotch. That felt kinda rude. Gabby looked at me with a little confusion. "Huh. I never thought about that. I guess I would look weird to them." She leaned in, clacking her beak. "And they'd look odd to me, fair is fair. I forgot you're from another world. That's kinda cool. You okay?" "I'm fine." I smiled at her. "Just thinking about home. I've been here a while now, and I still miss it sometimes." I reached for her and she didn't stop me, so I felt her shoulder then down her arm casually, just examining her textures. "Hello." "Hi!" She giggled at that greeting. "We already met and are talking. Do you always say hi to creatures you met already?" "Sometimes." I colored faintly. "It's a, uh." Did anyone on that planet know what autism was? I doubted it. "Did I bother you?" "How?" She shrugged at that, then turned her eyes to Gallus. "We're phoenixes!" "Yeah, we are." He reached over to give her a friendly pat on the shoulder. "Huh, that does feel funny. Now I know why David was fascinated. It's different when you're the one dealing with it." "You two are getting along." I smiled at that. "It's good to see. The teachers back at school will be happy to hear that." Pinkie raised a hoof, reminding that she was there. "Hello, teacher right here, taking notes." She stuck out her tongue. "And I am impressed. So many friendship lessons being learned on this trip." "Oh, yeah, I totally forgot you were there." Gabby waved at Pinkie. "Hey! Thanks for coming to watch me become a phoenix!" The priest approached with a soft cough. "Speaking of that. As a phoenix, you are charged with several duties, one of which is quite pressing, if you wish to live life beyond these walls." Gabby perked up at that. "What's that? I'm ready!" She pumped an arm, looking as ready as one could look. The priest pointed at Gallus. "He is almost done with this task. You must raise three griffons to phoenix status. Do this, and you are a free griffon once more. Until then, you remain. You may not instruct any griffon that does not first pass the tests I administer. Do you understand?" Gabby nodded quickly. "I do, but who would I teach? I don't know any griffons." Gallus snorted. "That isn't true, or you phrased that oddly." He pointed at her. "There's one." He turned the finger at himself, then the priest. "Look, more griffons." "I know that!" She swatted at him, laughing. "But I meant griffons that'd want to be phoenixes and take those tests." The priest crossed his arms with a soft huff. "Speaking of that, that you, of all griffons, passed, is still a mystery to me. How did you manage it with your limbs still attached and mind intact, as intact as I could claim your mind is at any rate." Gabby shrugged. "I just wanted to be a phoenix. I knew I could do it. I knew I could win. I didn't think I could lose." Gallus howled with laughter. "Wow, the power of positive thinking, right here. Gabby, that part was pretty cool, not gonna lie." Gabby beamed at the compliment. "So, knowing I wanted it and not letting it go, I got past the problems until I was done. That was it." "Madness." The priest shook his head with amazed incredulity. "But the tasks remains. You must find three." He pointed to Gallus. "You must find one more." He turned his gaze on David. "You found one willing griffon, and they even passed. Will you repeat this task? I cannot force you, but griffonkind would be thankful if this is a trick you can repeat." I looked at Pinkie, who nodded, and then at Gabby and Gallus, who were both looking at me expectantly, and then at the priest. "I'll do it, but I'm not sure how I'll find them. I don't know any griffons. I barely know these two." It had been quite some time, but I looked inwards, to my internal spellbook. "Been a while," I thought casually to myself, dusting off the mental construct. "To know." I pulled the tab and started at that section. The mindreading spell wouldn't help me, so I brushed past that. "When man was young, knowing their neighbors meant surviving. Isolation meant death. My ancient forebares, give me the spell that might help, so your foolish child may thrive." I felt a bit silly, thinking such flowery thoughts at myself, but they felt somehow right. The spellbook opened to a page, and I looked over the spell. It was simple, and easy, and yet, it was a spell I had never seen before, and yet, I knew it as well as I knew any other spell. I knew the magic, and I knew how to cast it. This was a spell of knowing, of finding those who could be trusted, and I knew how to use it. I opened my eyes with such a serene smile. It was then that I realized such a spell wasn't going to just fix my problems. "I have a spell that I think will get me closer, but I'm going to have to work it myself." I rose to my hooves. "But I've been sitting here doing nothing and waiting for you, Gallus. Moving feels right." "Make that two." Pinkie slid in next me. "Three!" Gabby pressed in on the other side. The priest shoved his hand between Gabby and I. "You are to remain here until you have trained three. Did you already forget?" "Oh yeah." Gabby sank to the ground next to Gallus. "But you need three." She spotted Twinkle reading a book. "There's three." "I am not a griffon." Twinkle closed her book. "But David is a friend, so I'd be delighted to help." She rose to her own hooves. "Which way do we begin?" "This way." I pointed towards the door. "We go out there and I use this spell to find those who can be trusted, and then, we ask them if they want to be phoenixes." Twinkle followed me outside, the cooler breeze of the streets making her shiver. "You have a spell for that? I don't remember you mentioning that before." "Sounds kinda handy." Pinkie nodded softly. "Which element is that? Earth or fire?" "It's not an element." I shrugged. "It's just a spell. I learned it from my spellbook. I've been carrying it around in my head since I was a kid, but I never had a reason to use it before now, at least here in Griffonstone." I circled there in the setting light of late afternoon. "Let's try it." I focused on the icon of the spell, a faceless crowd of people with just one smiling. To find the one that spoke no lies. I felt the magic flow through me, and then, it was done, and I felt like I knew who I could trust, and who I couldn't, and I looked over the griffons walking past. "There. That one." I pointed at a griffon walking by, a young male, with a face that seemed far more pleasant than most of the others. "That one is trustworthy." Twinkle perked an ear at the griffon. "You sure?" But she was advancing anyway. "Excuse me." The griffon paused in their walking. "We were hoping to ask you a question." Pinkie bounced up towards the griffon. "Hey there! Would you like a chance to become something super duper awesomely amazing? You could help all of griffonkind!" I caught up with them, chuckling nervously at the griffon's nervous face. "Sorry if we came on strong." "Just a little!" He laughed with me. "Who are all of you?" Twinkle waved a hoof. "I'm Twinkle, and this is David and Pinkie. We're trying to help Gallus and Gabby become phoenixes, and we need three more griffons to help us do that." "Ah huh?" He tilted his head sharply, as birds could do. "I know one of those. How does that involve me?" Pinkie grinned as wide as she could. "You could be a phoenix, all on fire and everything. Think of how cool that'd be!" "I don't think I want to be on fire." He shook his head. "That sounds painful." I inhaled hard, sides swelling, then let it out in a slow easy puff, letting flames lick at my lips and the air just in front of my snout. "More like this, less 'oh please put me out' kind of fire." He hesitated. "You're a kirin." A fact he clearly hadn't noticed before. "It's kinda like that? What does that feel like? Does it hurt?" "No, it doesn't hurt. It feels warm, but not hot." I smiled at him. "It's a little like breathing fire, but it's a lot easier to control." "That's kind of cool." He caught himself. "Kind of hot." Twinkle pointed a hoof at the temple we were in front of. "Ready to try for flames of your own? Every phoenix we've talked to so far has liked it." He made unsure noises, considering the solid building. "Will they even let me in there? The guards give nasty glares to everygriffon that walks past. I usually hurry on this part, but you said hi." "Oh, don't worry about them." Pinkie waved a hoof dismissively. "We already got past them. They didn't even blink when we came back out. You'll be fine." I cleared my throat. "She's leaving out the part that they want griffons that want to be phoenixes right now. If you're going for that, they will let you in. They let us past because we're doing this." I wave at myself and the griffon. "Getting volunteers." "Ah huh." He seemed to consider that. "So, if I go in there, and I say I want to be a phoenix, they'll let me in?" "Yep." I nodded softly. "You'll have to pass some tests before you get to be a phoenix, but they will let you in, promise."
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
"No." Pinkie blinked in surprise. "No?" "No." The griffon crossed his arms firmly. "That sounds like a lot of hassle." Part of me wanted to argue, but I remembered. I had detected who would tell the truth and speak it plainly, not who would say yes. "Thank you for considering, really, but any ideas who would be interested?" "No." He shrugged. "I'd just be guessing. Sorry." I frowned with thoughtful annoyance. "No adventurous friends, or even not friends?" He looked ready to deny it, but a new thought came to him. "How dangerous are these tests of yours?" Twinkle shrugged at that. "So far, two of two have survived. They made them sound quite challenging, but no griffon has died to them so far. Perhaps they're making them sound dangerous to scare griffons from trying?" "Huh." He seemed to consider that. "Well, there is one griffon I know who might be interested. She's not a friend, but she's always talking about how she wants to change things around here. Maybe she'd be interested?" I snapped fingers I didn't have, using magic to create the noise. "Great! Please share. We'll--" I trailed off, noticing the griffon wearing a smirk that implied more. I thought I had detected the truth? "Something wrong?" "Just thinking if she wins or dies, I win either way." He presented a slip of paper. "Here's her info, name and address. Hope you both have fun." "Oh, I'm sure we will!" Pinkie grabbed the paper and bounced away. "Thanks for your help!" Twinkle hurried to catch up. "He just admitted to being alright with maybe hurting somegriffon, indirectly. You're okay with that?" Pinkie shrugged with an 'eh'. "He's a griffon. That's how griffons roll, you know?" She bumped against me on the other side of her. "We're getting closer! Let's rescue Gabby and Gallus. Neither deserve to be prisoners." "Agreed." I nodded softly, looking over the slip of paper. It had a name, Gabriel. It also had an address. A pity I had no idea how the streets were arranged in Griffonstone. I held up the paper to the others. "Either of you know how to read a Griffonstone address?" Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Nope! But look, another Gabby, technically." She giggled at the name, changing her direction. "But I bet Maud does. She's been looking around, and she notices things." Twinkle looked back at me. "You trust this griffon?" "No, but yes." I wobbled a hoof, a bit precarious until I got all four under me. "I think he said the truth, but I wouldn't trust him with too much else. He thinks Gabriel might say yes. He also doesn't care if she lives or not afterwards." Twinkle cringed at the thought. "I meant Gabriel, the one that might try the test?" I inclined an ear at her. "Does it matter? We don't need a lot of trust there. She tries, and she's already done everything we wanted. Ideally, she passes, and finishes with becoming a phoenix." "And if she dies?" Twinkle frowned at me. I hissed a breath at that. "We have to keep looking then." I applied a hoof to my face. "Is there another way to do this?" Twinkle shrugged. "Perhaps? I'm just thinking out loud." She looked at Pinkie. "Did you know any griffons before this?" "Nope!" Pinkie bounced ahead. "I was just here to help David and Gallus, and now Gabby too. I don't know any other griffons." Uneasy quiet settled on us until we arrived at Maud's mining pit. I could see other holes, where other griffons were perhaps also mining? I couldn't be sure, but I heard soft tinks of picks at work. We descended down to find Maud examining a bright yellow rock. She looked up as we came in. "Hello." She stood up. "Good to see you." "You too." I smiled at her. "How's your day going?" "Good." She held up the rock. "This is a new mineral. It's a little shiny, and it has some magic in it. I'm not sure what it does yet." I examined the rock, but, to me, it was just a bright yellow rock. I didn't know its mysteries. "Nice. Say, do you--" "--know how to read this?" Pinkie thrust the paper forward that I thought I had been holding. "We need to find this griffon." Maud's eyes wandered over the paper slowly, as she tended to do things. "Hm. Yes. That isn't very far." She returned to examining her rock as if the conversation were done. I rolled a hoof in the air. "Could you show us the way?" "Sure." Maud set the rock down. "Follow me." She led us back out of the mine, and onto the streets. "This way." She pointed towards the distance. "That's where Gabriel lives." Twinkle gently nudged Maud, not that she could force Maud to move much. "Walk with us? We don't understand Griffonstone addresses." "Oh." Maud nodded softly. "Okay." She started walking. "It's just this way." We followed along with her. I casually brushed against her side. "Maud." She said nothing. "Sorry for not hanging out with you more, on this trip." "I didn't ask you to." Her voice was even, as always it was. "Did you want to do something?" "Be with you. But now we're trying to rescue two griffons, by finding more griffons. It's a bit of a mess." I sighed at the thought of it. "Assuming we can finish that, I'll hang out with you if you like." She glanced at me. "Okay." She looked away again. "You don't have to." "I'd like to." I gently grabbed Twinkle with my magic, pulling her up onto my back. "You too. If we have time, a little family time would be nice." Twinkle laughed softly at that. "A little family time, huh?" She leaned forward to look at Maud. "So, what do you like to do, Maud?" Maud shrugged gently. "I was mining. If you want to watch me mine, okay." She stopped in front of a house, pointing at it with her snout. "Here." Pinkie bounced ahead of us, knocking on the door. "Hello! Is Gabriel home?" We could hear steps approaching. "Who is that? I didn't order nothin' and I don't want nothin'!" A large, angry, griffon swung the door open, giving us all a glare. "Buzz off!" "Hi!" Pinkie waved a hoof at her. "We were wondering if you'd like to become a phoenix?" Gabriel blinked, clearly caught off-guard by the question. "What? Ain't no way a random street thug like me's about to become one of those things. They're damned legends!" I cleared my throat. "It's true. We've already got two griffons in training right now, and we need three more. Do you want to be a phoenix? It's a lot of responsibility, but you get to help your fellow griffons." "Pfft." She rolled her eyes. "What have griffons done for me lately? Nothing, that's what!" She looked over our motely band. "But it ain't every day I get a bouncing pony, a kirin, with a unicorn for a hat askin'." Twinkle adjusted herself on my back. "I'm not a hat." "Whatever." Gabriel waved that complaint away. "Let's play pretend. I go with you and then what?" "You get tested, and then, if you pass, you become a phoenix." I shrugged softly. "If you don't pass, you don't." Twinkle tapped at the back of my head. "For sake of honesty, I really do need to mention not passing could get you hurt." Pinkie bounced eagerly. "But passing means you're on the way to phoenix. Think how jealous everygriffon else will be." Gabriel stroked along her beak. "That'd really show her who was the one that knew which way was up. Hm, how hurt are we talkin'?" "Uh." Twinkle stammered a moment. "In theory, all the way hurt, but, so far, every griffon has made it through fine." I picked up where Pinkie had left off, "And you look like you're made of better stuff than Gabby." "Gabby?!" She stepped out and slammed the door shut behind her, allowing her to stand even taller, looming over us. "Gabby passed? This test has to be easy if she managed it." She suddenly scowled anew. "It ain't a friendship test or somethin' is it?" "Nope!" Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Nuh uh, no friendship tests. Just being awesome enough to be a phoenix." Gabriel slammed her hands together, fist against palm. "Then this'll be easy if Gabby can pass it. Where do I go?" We all pointed to the temple, well, all of us but Maud. "On it." She took flight, off with only a single lost feather settling towards the ground. Maud reached out and grabbed the feather, looking it over. "Hm. A feather." She tucked it away somewhere. I blinked at that. "I didn't think you cared much about feathers." "I don't." Yet, she had taken it. "You need to get more griffons?" "We do." I nodded softly. "Three in total, so two more to go." I focused on the icon of the spell, seeking those who would speak truthfully. I felt a warm draw towards the ponies around me. They would not lie to me. I smiled but spread my search beyond them. "It's late in the evening. I'm not sure how much we can look today." Twinkle looked up at the sky. "I think we have time for one more, but then, we should stop. We can pick up again tomorrow." Pinkie threw a leg over Maud. "We can find the last one together! You wanna be a part of this, right? It'll be so much fun!" Maud nodded softly. "Okay." She tilted her head to look at me. "What about you?" "I'm the one dragging everypony else along." I felt a soft ping and led the way towards it. "And I feel like we'll get straight answers this way." I expected a griffon to be what we found, but it was another creature, related to griffons at least. She was at a fire, chatting with other griffons, but she was a hippogriffon. She noticed us approaching and said something to the griffons she was talking to, then stood up to meet us. "Hello there." She smiled at us. "It's rare to see ponies wandering around here." I raised a hoof at her. "Good evening. Sorry, not trying to interrupt things." A thought tickled at me. "But now I'm just curious. Do you know what phoenixes are?" "Of course." She nodded quickly. "They're a mythical race of griffons that can control fire. I've always wanted to be one. Why?" I smiled, hope building inside me. "Oh, great! Good. But first, can a hippogriff be a phoenix?" "We won't know if nogriffon gives me a chance." She put hands on her hips. "But nogriffon's done anything but laugh when I bring it up. Why? You're ponies." She reached and casually pet over my snout. "Cute, but you can't be a phoenix for sure." I rubbed my snout at the touch. "I'm not. But I am helping Gallus and Gabby to train more griffons, and we need more griffons." She put a hand on her own chest. "Me! Me me me!" She hopped forward, eyes shining with hope. "Me!" Pinkie bounced in time to the hippogriff's excited movements. "I like her. I bet she'll make a great phoenix." "She will." I nodded at the hippogriff. "Do you want to try? We don't know how long it'll take, but we'll help you as much as we can." Maud shrugged softly. "You may die." "Or you may become a phoenix, if you pass," I hurriedly added with as good of a smile as I could muster. "Only one way to find out." I pointed up at the temple. "Come with us and you at least get the chance." Her eyes shone with hope. "I'll really have a chance?" She took a deep breath. "Then--" She looked to those she had been speaking with before for help on the decision.
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
We led her straight towards the temple. The guards nodded at our group, allowing us past, but thrusting spears across our way as our hippogriff companion tried to follow. "Halt!" The guard raised a wing. "This is a temple for griffons only." She scowled at him with a low growl. "It's in the name. I am a griffon." She thumped her own thumb against her chest. "And I plan on passing that test. Let me past." The guard snorted at her. "Nice try. Griffons are griffons, and you're not one." I turned back towards the conflict. "The priest told me and me alone to find candidates." They stiffened. "You don't question the high priest, do you?" Twinkle shrugged with a little smirk. "It does appear they're doing some doubting." "We don't question the high priest." The guard stepped aside. "But we still can't let this creature in." I considered that a moment. "The forces you worship have the answer." Both guards started at that with obvious surprise. "Isn't it obvious? All I'm doing is getting her to the tests. If she's not worthy, then we know what will happen to her." They exchanged glances, then stepped aside. "Very well. But if she dies, we're holding you responsible." I folded an ear back. "Good? It is my job to find candidates. Some of them will die, or this isn't a very good test. I should be upset?" "No." They shook their heads together. "We just wanted to make sure you understood." The hippogriff skipped past us with a big smile. "Not that I plan on losing." With access achieved, she went straight for the doors leading towards the test. But that wasn't my problem anymore. "We have to find more." "Cold." Maud inclined her head. "Colder than I thought." "I was just being honest." I looked up at the sky. "We have time for one more, I think. Let's get going." Pinkie zipped ahead of me. "Nuh-uh. That was the one more. you're getting carried away. Let the two we got take their tests. We can go tomorrow. Maud? Wanna hang out with us tonight? We miss you around." Maud considered that. "Okay." She nodded softly. "I'd like that." I smiled at that. "Great. Now we just need to figure out where we're sleeping." I sighed with the thought. "Napping in the common room is getting old." Twinkle went inside the temple, looking around. "Have you tried asking?" I hadn't, and laughed at myself for missing such an obvious solution. "I'll do that. The shared rooms had interesting visitors, let's avoid that." I went up to one of the lesser priests. "Excuse me, but can I get a room for my friends and I?" The griffon went stiffly erect. "Hm? Oh! Of course, honored guest. You brought two supplicants today, better than we had expected, truth told. Rest, and look further tomorrow." He waved the way and led down a few hallways. "This is a private room. I will give you a key." He drew the key from the folds of his clothing. "Only the head priest has another that would work." I accepted the key and unlocked the door. "Thank you. This is perfect." I stepped inside, finding a large room with a single bed. It was only when we were all inside that I paused to consider that. It had one bed. There were many more than one of us. Even if you counted romantic knots, there was one pony left out. "I may have messed up." Pinkie bounced onto the bed, laying on her side. "Nope! This is great! It's just big enough for all of us." Maud walked calmly up to her sister and stared at her a moment before nodding. "You have a point. If we're all just sleeping, this is fine." She climbed up and sank down into a pony loaf beside Pinkie, closing her eyes. Twinkle shrugged. "I didn't plan on anything but sleeping. Let's get cozy." Was I the only one that had entertained dirty thoughts? Colored faintly, I took a spot and curled up for sleep, which came to claim me in not too long after that. I awoke to find Maud sitting beside me, staring off into space. "Morning." I smiled at her. "How'd you sleep?" "Good." She nodded softly. "Are we going to find more griffons today?" I sat up, where I could see Twinkle reading a book and Pinkie doodling on a pad idly. "That's the idea." I slid to the ground. "Just to be clear, I'll be happiest on a few different levels if each griffon we bring back passes with flying colors and is a phoenix when we're done." Maud followed me, face impassive as usual. "Why aren't you cheating then?" I started at that. "Cheating?" "Cheating." Maud reached out and tapped at my ornate horn. "You're a kirin. You have fire. You could teach them how to phoenix before they even get here." It took a moment for that to sink in on me. "Well, now I just feel bad. I could have improved the odds of the other two." I took a slow breath. "But I can't change the past. Just the future." "Yes." Maud nodded softly. "Where do we start?" Pinkie bounced over, grinning. "I know! I know! We should go ask the priest." I started at that. "The head priest? What for?" Despite my questions, I headed for the door where we could find him. "Got a good question in mind?" "Yep!" Pinkie nodded quickly. "We need to find griffons who want to be phoenixes. He can tell us who those are." "It can't be that easy." Still, I went to him, finding him standing before the testing doors. The priest smiled at me as I came closer. "Ah, your first candidate is being tested right now. Only the spirits themselves could say if she will pass or not, but a commendation to you for finding her so quickly." I inclined an ear at that. "Thank you. I was hoping to ask you about the other candidates. Do you know any others who would like to become phoenixes?" The priest frowned firmly at that. "I know who spoke words. Many crowed about how they would make great and powerful phoenixes, but when it came time to put their life on the line--" He waved around the still temple. "Their bravery fled them. I don't see them here now." "Oh." I frowned at that. "So, they probably won't want to try." "They won't." The priest shook his head. Pinkie smiled like she knew something. "What about the ones who didn't say anything?" The priest hummed. "What of them? Speak clearly, pony." "Did they want to become phoenixes?" Pinkie pointed at the doors. "If they didn't say anything, then they didn't say no. Did they want to be phoenixes?" The priest let out an exasperated noise. "The ones who did not say anything would be all of the nation entire, save a few. That hardly narrows the list, pony. Have you thought this through?" Pinkie's smile faded. "No. I guess not." She tapped at her chin. "I just thought if they came and listened but didn't make a lot of noise, then maybe those would be good griffons to try." The priest perked. "You didn't ask that." He reached into his robes and drew a paper. "Here." He thrust it at me. "This is a list of those loyal to the cause. I marked the ones that have failed to appear after trumpeted their cases. The rest, simply didn't make a motion one way or the other." I took the paper. "Thank you. I'll go find them." I turned away from him. "I assume we can take this?" "If it helps find more potential phoenixes." He waved us away. "Then take it. Return it when you have finished your hunt, and may your claws find suitable prey." We headed outside, where I unfolded the paper. "Do we know where any of these are?" Maud leaned in, just to shake her head. Pinkie took her turn to shrug. Twinkle had a chance, but she wasn't going any further. "Sorry, I shouldn't have even looked. I'm as new to this world as you are." I sighed at that. "Okay. So, we need to ask around." Fortunately, I did have a spell to help, focusing on that icon. I felt a powerful tingle, someone who would speak true, who wanted to. "This way." I led the band down the steps away from the temple. "I hope they have the info we're looking for." We found a griffon sitting at a small table, eating some kind of meat. They noticed us approaching and stood up, glaring at us. "What do you want? I ain't got no money, so don't try and mug me." I pinned my ears, taking note as I did so that my pony parts were more eager to demonstrate my feelings than my human bits had been. A bonus? "We're looking for information, so we're a source of money, not trying to take yours." I held up the paper in my magic and floated it towards the griffon. "Any of these names familiar, and if so, do you know where to find them?" The griffon squinted at the list. "Hm. Yeah, I know a few of these. Some of 'em live close by, others are across town." Pinkie bounced happily. "Great! Which ones live close by?" "Well, there's one that lives just down the street." The griffon pointed at the street. "She's a real looker, too." I imagined what a looker would be, just to realize I had conjured the image of an anthropomorphic griffon, with breasts. That was a thing actual griffons lacked entirely. I pushed those thoughts away. "Thank you very much." I floated out a bit towards him. "We may be back, for the others." "Don't bother." He waved us off. "They're all losers. They ain't gonna pass that test. You'd be better off finding more than you already got." I nodded softly. "Thank you for the advice. We'll keep it in mind." I turned away from him. Once we were moving, I angled closer to the others. "He was a bit of a downer, but he did give the information." Twinkle shrugged. "Sometimes, people are like that. Don't let it get to you." She went right up to the door and knocked gently. "Anygriffon home?" "That doesn't sound like a griffon," came from inside, the voice soft, even kind. An unusual cast for more griffons. "Hello?" She opened the door, looking down at us. She had a smile, but it was a gentle one, unlike the more manic version that Pinkie or Gabby offered. "Look at you." She reached out and casually gave each and every equine ear there a soft rubbing. "What'd I do to get all the ponies visiting me?" Pinkie giggled at the rubbing. "We're looking for griffons who want to be phoenixes." She held up the list. "Are you Glendela?" Glendela nodded, leaning in to get a peek at the list. "Where did that come from? I attend the masses, sure. Why would you come to me of all griffons?" I considered her, the griffon that at least one other griffon had praised for their looks. To me, they seemed nice, but I wasn't an expert on appearances to start. "Finding griffons that could become phoenixes is very important. Tell me, what do you think of fire, as a force?" She smiled at that. "It's warm and beautiful, but dangerous. It can burn you if you're not careful, but it can also keep you safe and warm." She sighed, crossing her arms. "Almost everything griffons whisper about me when they think I can't hear them." Twinkle seemed to perk, ears doing it literally. "You could make it literal, that'd stop them from whispering it. Being a phoenix would change your position entirely." "Would it?" Glendela gestured around. "I don't have much. I'm not some big shot. I just live here, quietly." Maud shrugged. "Phoenixes don't live quietly." Pinkie bobbed her head. "Exactly. You could kiss that all goodbye if you go firebird on them!" Glendela looked away. "I don't know. I like my life, quiet and simple."
David Silver
Gallus,Maud Pie,Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Adventure,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.
<p>They arrive in the Griffon lands, where Gallus is accepted as a returned Phoenix, but they were all supposed to be long gone. This is good, and bad, and forces beyond any of them begin to move in reaction.</p>
Glendela prodded at me curiously. "So, what's a kirin doing visiting me?" I couldn't quite get my thoughts together to respond, focused on trying to keep her beak out of my face. She was enjoying that far more than I liked. "Because, I was given a mission to do?" Pinkie nodded firmly. "We have to find brave griffons that are willing to take a chance to become something bigger and better, for all griffonkind!" Twinkle huffed softly. "I don't think she cares about that." "I do not." Glendela folded her arms across her chest. "Griffonkind hasn't done much for me recently. I can barely get my own business done." Maud tilted her head. "Your own business?" "Fashion. I design and create clothes." She spun a hoop that served her as a belt, decorated with some flowers. "Most of it's handmade. I have trouble getting the materials I need." Twinkle smiled brightly. "I bet becoming a phoenix will help. You'll be able to buy all the materials you want." I blinked, unsure if that was actually true, and where did Twinkle hear about it? But Glendela looked like she was pondering the idea. "Not many griffons would say no to a phoenix that came swooping in, all a-fire and demanding to buy some stuff." She smirked her beak. "Maybe even get a discount." "Or free things." Maud shrugged softly. "Just give it away." "You think?" Glendela ruffled Maud's mane, not that she reacted. "Now we're dreaming. Still, you're not wrong. That might help. So, what's the trick? What do you want from me? I'm not rich, to make that extra clear." "That's fine." I nodded softly. "We're not looking for that." I pointed to the temple. "Just come with us, pass the test, and learn how to be a phoenix. We have a few phoenixes in there, waiting to share how to do it." Glendela tilted her head, looking back and forth between the temple and us. "It's that easy?" Twinkle shrugged. "That easy. They say the test is hard, but I haven't seen a griffon fail so far." Pinkie nodded along with that. "So far, everygriffon that's been brave enough to try has gotten it. You just have to try it." She smiled slowly at that. "Alright. You got my attention." She clapped her hands together. "I'll do it. I can't guarantee I'll be any good at it, but I'll at least go have a look." We led her back to the temple, thoughts of only needing one more griffon, if they all passed, on my mind. When we dropped her off, we didn't see Gallus, perhaps busy teaching another griffon? We emerged to consider our next move. "This is going well so far. One more." I frowned with thought of how to find the next. "It's worked so far." I focused on the icon of the truth-speaker spell and felt a strong response. "This way. They may not be the griffon, but they'll tell the truth." Twinkle smiled with amusement. "Like with Glendela?" Pinkie shook her head quickly. "Glendela actually said yes. More like that other griffon that pointed us towards Glendela." "Right." I nodded quickly. "She was fine." I set off at a quick pace, not quite running, but certainly trotting along. I quickly found the source of the spell, a griffon sitting at a bar, holding a drink. They were a male of the species, and didn't react as I wandered up. "Good morning." I reared up, hooves on the bartop. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have a question if I can take a moment?" "That's one." He chuckled at his own joke. "What's a kirin and his herd need with me?" Pinkie inclined her head. "I'm not in his herd." Maud shrugged at that. "I am." I waved both off. "It's about griffons brave enough to try becoming a phoenix." "Yeah?" He leaned in towards me. "I know where to find those, but before that, come with me." He slapped my shoulder and stood up. "Got business." He walked out of the bar without another word. I exchanged confused glances with my friends and followed after him, leading into the city streets, deeper away from the temple. "Where are we going?" "To find a bunch of griffons who'll try and become phoenixes." He gave that odd bit of a chuckle. "I know a wing of them really interested in that." We were passing into a dark alleyway, one of many in the city. "They hang out around here." I hesitated, feeling that tingle of uncertainty. "Isn't that the wrong direction? I thought the temple was back that way?" "Huh? I didn't say we were going to no temple." He snapped his fingers, heavy forms dropping ahead and behind us. "I said I'd bring you to interested griffons." A huge form emerged from the dark, glaring down at me. "Yep, good job." He reached out for me. I shrank back away, but he closed his fingers around my skull, taking firm hold. All I could see in that moment was the palm of his hand, and darkness. "You don't understand what you're doing" I struggled uselessly, unable to pry him loose. "Let me go!" The hand was wrenched from me, a pillar of stone shoving the hand and the griffon attached to it in an abrupt thrusting motion. Pinkie swirled with arcane fury as she waved a hoof, a new pillar sending another griffon flying away in a heap. Maud glimmered faintly with earthen power, but did nothing until a griffon tried to slash her with a big knife, for the blade to shatter against her. She punched a hoof upwards, shattering the wrist that held the knife just as surely, several wet cracks filling the alleyway along with the griffon's howls of agony. Twinkle was left standing between us and the remaining griffons, those trying to swarm Pinkie and Maud, leaving only two facing her. "I only know a little magic of this world," she admitted, sounding and looking just embarrassed of that fact. She fled beneath me, using my legs as cover. I couldn't blame her, but now I had a job. "Fireball!" A bright sphere of light and flame formed in my open hoof, flinging forward and slamming into one of them. But the griffon swirled with wind magic, channeling the ball of flame around them to crash into a building instead. "That the best you got." The wind picked up, flecks of lightning surging around him. "We have magic too, fire horse." I was distracted as the second griffon advanced on us. "Not going to let you run away." The griffon reached for us. Suddenly, I was a stone, so was Twinkle, caught in the rock I had become. I heard Pinkie laughing maniacally in the distance as a whip of blood was sent lashing out, hitting the one attacking us. They recoiled back, clutching at a bleeding cut, slumping. I let the stone spell lapse, freeing me and Twinkle. Maud and Pinkie had worked through them with ruthless efficiency. Neither of them had a single cut to their name. Pinkie giggled as she stepped on one griffin. "Now, you can be a nice creature and tell us why you did that, or we can be extra not-nice." The griffin laughed, then laughed more as he realized how serious Pinkie was. "Oh, come on. We just wanted you off our trail." "Trail?" Pinkie tilted her head, while Maud kept walking, head down. Maud slammed a hoof beside the griffon's head, sending stone flying in a crater. "You touched my stallion. Only I get to do that." I blushed deeply at that. "Maud, that's not necessary." I sat on my haunches. "So, tell us?" I glanced at the other bruised and battered griffons. "You lost this pretty firmly." He sniffed. "Go back to Canterlot if you know what's good for you, and forget about phoenixes." I took a moment to consider the situation. "You think phoenixes are scary. Why do you think that?" "Ha." He smirked viciously. "You don't know anything. What do you think we griffons are? We're nothing if not ready to not agree about something." He rolled his eyes at the idea. "We have a lot of ideas about phoenixes, which is half the problem, stupid pony." I blinked slowly. "You mean you disagree about whether you should have phoenixes in Griffonstone?" "Closer." He stood up slowly, each movement clearly coming with some amount of pain. "Some of us would rather not have them at all. Others think they'll bring a new golden age, like the griffons at that temple. Bottom line a lot of us can agree on, them being around will change things, in a big way." I leaned towards him, making him shrink away. "Do you think becoming a phoenix will make you different?" "Me? Duh, of course." He lifted his shoulders, nervously laughing. "But I'm talking about the bigger picture! Griffonstone will change, not just any one griffon." Pinkie shook her head, frowning with frustration. "And you had to do it the not-fun way?" Twinkle rushed ahead of Pinkie. "I'm fairly certain he's telling the truth." Maud nodded faintly. "Yeah." She turned away from the griffon. "They don't want it." I was forced to accept the conclusions that the others were reaching. "That seems to be the case." I sighed heavily. "I do," came a little voice. We looked over to see a griffon boy watching us with wide eyes of amazement and a little fright. I blinked at the kid. "Aren't you--" I looked around. "A little young? Is there an age limit on phoenix?" "Is there?" The boy certainly didn't seem to know. Twinkle knelt before the boy. "There isn't, as far as I know. But it is dangerous. Have you asked your parents?" The boy shook his head quickly. "I don't have one of those. I make my own decisions." He fluffed up as best he could. "I wanna be a fire bird." I considered the little guy, but was mostly worried about the angry adults nearby. "Let's talk about this back at the temple." I led the way and the others trailed along behind me. Soon we were back in the safety of those gilded halls. I went directly for the first priest I could find. "We have a griffon that's ready to test, but they're just a kid. Is that even allowed?" The priest regarded the boy with some amusement. "Of course. Come in, child." The boy clapped with a big smile, scampering right up to the priest. "I'll pass all the tests!" "You are welcome to try." The priest led him to the forming line. "But you must wait your turn. While you wait, you will be fed and housed." "A place to stay? Awesome!" The boy skipped off with the priest, eager and happy. That was when I took notice of that line. There were griffons waiting there that I hadn't put there. I gently poked the priest. "There are more here than before. Did something change? Should I still be hunting?" "Hm? Oh." The priest shook his head. "You have fulfilled your duty admirably, and beyond that." He waved around to the crowd. "This is a result of what you have accomplished." Pinkie looked from one side of the line to the other. "What happened?!" She bounced up to one griffon. "What made you come?" The griffon raised a brow at Pinkie. "I heard a kirin was encouraging griffons to come here. With so many successes, Gabby even, I figured I had a chance at this." I didn't have time to answer, a priest moving up to my side. "Your services are required upstairs. Do you have the energy for more?" I blinked at that. "I can't recruit griffons upstairs. What kind of help?" "Help with our records." He tapped a quill against a large book. Confused, I trailed after the griffon. "I know nothing of your records. How can I help? Seriously, kinda confused." "I didn't expect you to know anything." He led me up two flights of stairs, Twinkle, Pinkie, and Maud trailing after. "You've proven yourself capable in other ways." He paused before a door, looking me over. I swayed my long tail. "Have I? Seriously, show me how I can help." "If you will allow me a moment." He pushed the door open, leading us inside. The room was dominated by shelves and cabinets, with stacks of books and papers all around. "This is the library that contains all of the history of the phoenix. From their birth, to their deaths. This is their legacy, and a small part of our test of the worthiness of a potential phoenix." "Huh, okay." My eyes swept slowly over the many tomes. Twinkle dashed ahead, grabbing one in her magic to examine. "What do you want me to do with them?" The priest cleared a spot on the desk, opening up the first book. "When I read the dates, I will tell you the shelf. Then you can replace the book accordingly." I was stunned a moment, but went along with it. He began reading dates, and I ferried books off to where they belong as quickly as I could. Soon, Pinkie joined in, and we were hurrying around the library, pushing books into their proper homes. "Now, stupid question, but shouldn't a librarian be doing this, or at least another priest?" "They are, but your presence and cooperation allows us to organize much faster. Not only that, but it speaks volumes of your willingness to aid in this." He was still flipping pages. "Such help is not unheard of, but uncommon." It began to make sense then. I was being tested. A griffon purely in it for themselves would have made quite a bit more noise about being asked to help sort books. There I was, just doing it. I wasn't even being paid. I was just helping. I put the next book away as the date was read. "Glad to help. How are Gallus and Gabby doing with their mentorship duties? They close to done?" The priest paused in his reading to smile. "They are doing wonderfully. Such fine additions to the order of phoenix. You're doing wonderful work with them." "Good to hear." I reached for the next book. "Gallus just had to do one more, right?" "Indeed." The priest began to flip once more. "I'm sure we'll have the final details ironed out in no time." "I figured they started that one more, at least." I got the book where it belonged with a nod of satisfaction. "I didn't see him in the main room." The priest perked. "Not in the main room?" He went to the window and looked out. "That's strange." We returned downstairs to the common room, Pinkie having taken a spot by the door to wait for him. "Nope." She bounced after the priest. "We're starting to get worried." But an idea was bouncing in my head. "What if he did do his three and he's not even here anymore? You have this going so smoothly, you've already got other phoenixes working in his place and didn't even worry about it." The priest looked up from where he was looking at Gabby. "That is not the most unreasonable explanation." He tapped his chin. "I will consult with the archpriest." He marched off with firm conviction, leaving us there in the main room.
The Madwomen
Doctor Whooves,Main 6,Pinkie Pie,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Random,Science Fiction,Doctor Who,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Doctor Whooves: Exile. Part 1: Crash Course
The Doctor's face has been changed, and the Time Lords have exiled him to Earth. To make matters worse, they put him on the wrong Earth. Now he's a horse, and he just crashed into the Mane 6's tree.
<p>For his interference with so-called &quot;lesser&quot; lifeforms, The Doctor is being punished. His friends have had their memories wiped, he is barred from travel through time and space, they intended to exile him to Earth and, worse yet, they chose the wrong version of it. Through an error in their calculations and technology, the Doctor was sent to what is seemingly another Universe. One where hooves beat feet in the evolutionary race, and where magic exists side by side with technology.<br/>The Mane Seven also have a problem. They just had a strange stallion crash into their tree with a blue box, completely unconscious. And while the rest of the girls are underway with helping him, Pinkie has a secret she needs to tell Twilight, about how she knows that unmistakable blue box... And maybe go for a quick trip to a new place. There's also the mysterious new sets of mannequins being given as &quot;free samples&quot; for every business in Equestria. What on Gaea could be going on..?<br/>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/>An alternate universe, about midway through season 6 and right as the 3rd Doctor regenerates. An AU for both, you might say. This is one of our many, MANY day dreams. This is simply the first time we put it to paper. Well, monitor, but that's semantics. We do hope you all enjoy!</p>
The Doctor was heartbroken. His two best friends the 2nd incarnation of the Doctor had ever known- Jamie and Zoe, with a particular interest in Jamie- had just gotten their memories erased. All their adventures, all their love for each other, their entire friendship... It was going to be erased from their minds. Well, there was still hope. The Time Lords were not as competent as they'd wish others to believe, and there was a chance they didn't understand human biology well enough to actually erase their memories. It was a slim chance, but it was a chance nonetheless. Hence, he was heartbroken, but not... Heartsbroken. One heart felt the misery while the other pumped out hope that things could be made right. Both hearts, however, beat faster with each new bit of information about his punishment, such as when he heard of his exile to Earth. While he did very much love Earth, and all the inhabitants therein, he liked it as a place to visit. He certainly didn't want to live out Rassilon-knows-how-many-years on a planet that was as slow to technological progress as it was. Not to mention he didn't know when. Sure, it was the "mid-20th century," but that could have meant any time from the 20s to the 80s! From the horrors of the great depression to the hopeless plague of the aids epidemic, that was the range of disasters facing him! It still could have meant sometime like the 70s, which comparatively weren't so bad, or even the 20s which at least had good parties if nothing else, so his hopeful heart still stayed true. Then they said, ominously, that they would "change his face." That could have meant regeneration. A waste of a life, certainly, but he would only be on his third, as far as he knew. He couldn't help, however, but to think back to a warning a particularly nasty Time Lord, The Raven, had gave him. That she could take any one of his lives and turn him into her puppet. He resisted the urge to shudder at the thought, but he had also made it clear to her that he wasn't something to be trifled with either. Still, the fact that he couldn't tell if The Raven was near or not wracked his nerves worse than confronting a cyberarmy. His worry of the Raven's involvement was cemented when he was told he'd get to choose his face. Certainly not normal for a regeneration. He still acted as if that were better, but that was mostly because whatever little time it it gave him was time to think up a plan, but after he rejected the first 5, four men and one woman, they revoked even that lousy excuse of a luxury. He noted the 4th face he was presented with in particular, a young black woman. It was a lovely face, yes, and it would definitely work out in terms of adjustment and his, or rather her, abilities. However, if they sent her to a time when people of a darker skin tone were still dehumanized and segregated against, with no access to the TARDIS or other gadgets, then she would have to deal with human bigotry, idiocy, stubbornness, and hatred. Frankly he'd rather be sent to Skaro. At least the Daleks had the excuse of being incapable of tolerance, and their strategies were perfectly predictable. And all of that ignores the fact that he genuinely didn't like how young she looked. She looked about 18 in human years. Not wise to willingly choose a regeneration so young and impressionable, he thought. He was glad he learned how to think these sorts of things in microseconds, because otherwise his racing hearts would have clouded his judgement with their loud drumming. Then, his mind grew foggy and unruly. The time lords were messing with his mind, that much was clear. And he could spot the minor signs of hallucination encroaching him. The little breaths on his neck when no one was behind him, the shadows appearing out the corner of his eye, the almost-sound of an indecipherable whisper... His persecutors were doing something to him, but he was quickly losing control of his mind... Said persecutors, unbeknownst to the hallucinating Doctor, were actually quite worried. The Raven, the one who was going to be responsible for changing his face, was nowhere to be found, meaning that their plans were in jeopardy. Without The Raven, they couldn't turn the oldest asset of The Time Lords into the newest weapon of The Division. And if they wanted to make sure the Doctor knew that, yes, their threats and punishments had weight behind them, they would have to force his regeneration and send him to Earth early instead. Their aim was the early 1970s in England, but their equipment for transporting the Doctor's TARDIS could overshoot, sending him anywhere and anywhen from Earth's Jurassic period to the collapse of the city of "New New New New New New New New New New New New New New" New New York. But their pride and stubbornness outweighed their logic, so they made the decision to run the machinery. And besides... Even with him this young, the Time Lords knew the Doctor could become something very powerful. They'd rather keep him in fear of them rather than the other way around. And so, the Doctor was shot in the back and placed in his TARDIS, unaware of what was happening to him. Of course, when the transportation machine was activated, disaster struck. An unknown error was caused by the premature start-up. Electricity crackled and flew from the console, sparks flew, and the Doctor's TARDIS whooshed away, out of sight, making the familiar sound of the emergency breaks being left on. Thankfully, the Time Lords had a backup plan, and a wise one at that. They had put a tracking device in his TARDIS, so that they would know exactly where and when the Doctor, whomever they turned out to be after his renewal, would land. And there was no way it could be detected or sabotaged by the Doctor in his current state, and it couldn't be destroyed even if the Tardis burst into flames. That last bit was particularly lucky, since that was what immediately happened. But then they looked at their monitors in shocked. The tracker wasn't working. Simply an error of disconnection, nothing more. No damage report, no alert, nothing. Simply a disconnection. What normally would have taken microseconds to figure out by the Time Lords took ordinary seconds simply due to the shock. After all, the only way that the device could be disconnected without any damage having been done to it was... If he had left the universe. And so, the 2nd Doctor ended his tenure as himself, as well as his stay in his own reality, with repeated cries of "no". With his friends gone, not knowing where he would end up, scared and alone aside from the TARDIS, which was starting to malfunction as flames lit the console. His head and limbs glowed, ready to burst from him, undoubtedly making the crashing time machine even worse for wear, the cloister bell delivering deafening ringing, with little-to-nothing the Doctor could do to delay it. Similarly to a face he may not ever wear in this timeline... He didn't want to go. And in another similarity, he had no other other choice but to go. His friends gone, his freedom compromised, no guarantee that he would ever see dear Susan again... One wonders if even regeneration could heal wounds as deep and gashing as two broken hearts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright, everypony! Any news today?" The rest of the Mane Six, as well as Starlight Glimmer, looked up at the purple alicorn walking into Castle of Friendship's throne room, who was visibly beaming with excitement. However, to her disappointment, nopony had so much as raised a hoof. "Sorry, sugarcube," said Applejack, breaking the short silence, "but we ain't got nothin' to share." The purple alicorn, in response, ignored the double negative that slightly irked her and just let out a dejected sigh. The "Cutie Map" had been quiet for weeks, ever since Pinkie and Rarity went to Manehatten to help a local restaurant. Everypony had their own reaction to the lack of news. Fluttershy, for example, was simply happy nopony was in trouble. AJ was content to focus on helping her family's farm. Rainbow Dash was frustrated and bored from impatience, and was hesitant to admit to herself that being on probation from the Wonderbolts added to that. Rarity liked feeling useful when the Cutie Map called upon her help, so she took it a bit personally. Pinkie wanted to go somewhere new. Starlight wanted to prove she was a changed mare, and helping other ponies would show that and help her grow. And Spike... Didn't care. He was in another part of Ponyville, enjoying some comics in the Equestrian sun and taking a break Twilight felt he deserved. Twilight Sparkle, however, was the most disappointed. She was the princess of friendship, for flying out loud! She actively wanted her or her friends to help other ponies. It was her job! Of course she would feel a bit bitter! When her job was specifically to help all sorts of Equestrian creatures wasn't being utilized, who wouldn't be at least a bit bitter? But Twilight kept her cool. It wasn't irritating or frustrating, just a bit of a bummer, so she could easily control herself and her feelings on the whole affair. Pinkie saw her friend's disappointment and immediately started making some goofy faces towards her. Twilight just had to glance at Pinkie and already had to stifle a snort. Both mares started giggling uncontrollably, resulting in small smiles from parts of the room. Everypony there knew those two had a thing for each other... Well, except for Twilight and Pinkie themselves. Why is it, Rarity would often wonder, including now, that everypony in the world can see when two ponies are in love EXCEPT those ponies themselves? It would remain a mystery for the time being. The only two not smiling were Starlight and Rainbow. Starlight was jealous. Happy for them, sure, but still jealous. She had an affection for Twilight, and was envious of how easy Pinkie managed to get some of that back without even knowing it. Still, she wasn't angry about it. After all, Twilight knew Pinkie for longer, so it was expected that the pink mare would more of an impression. That, and Pinkie didn't almost destroy the entire world. Rainbow was hardly jealous, though there was a hint of it still there. Both ways, actually. Dashie had minor crushes on all 6 of her friends one way or another. She was mostly just irritated by all the other things going on in her life as well as, perhaps more so, what was NOT going on in her life. That tiny bit of otherwise harmless envy served as the last straw. Rainbow snapped. She flew into the air, mere feet above the floor, and startled everypony else by shouting "COME ON! WON'T SOMETHING HAPPEN?!? CAN'T WE HELP ANYPONY?!?" In another timeline, the universe responded like it usually did to such requests by doing absolutely nothing, deaf to the cries of even an army's worth of screams. Then Rainbow would apologize for snapping, and a lot of comforting and kind words would spread around. Then another week would have passed, and the map would finally send AJ with Fluttershy to Las Pegasus to resolve the conflict of a bickering duo Applejack resented, and that was likely still going to happen. In this version of reality, however, it was as if the monkey's paw curled a finger and granted Rainbow's wish. In the middle of the map, seemingly out of nowhere, was a new cutie mark, one none of the mares present recognized, anyhow. It was an image of a golden hour glass, with the top still mostly filled. It was a simple design, as most cutie marks are, but that wasn't the most striking thing. What was striking was that it was headed towards where the castle was at quite a remarkable speed. Rainbow and Twilight were the first to feel like something was... Off. Through Twilight's many studies and Rainbow Dash's personal expertise, both figured out that, whoever or whatever was coming, it was going at a speed that was almost as fast as Rainbow halfway through the process of creating a sonic rainboom. Not quite at that speed, but it was close. They couldn't know, however, what was about to happen. Luckily, Pinkie Pie managed to get an idea. See, her left eye started spontaneously twitching, her tail then wagged akin to a dog, and finally her front-left hoof started stomping the ground. Suddenly she shouted "EVERYPONY DUCK!" Only Starlight didn't immediately listen, feeling somewhat confused... Until she saw a strange shape through the semi-transparent wall of the castle. Then she ducked just in time, as the crystal wall shattered, with a blue box plopping in upright, leaving a large crack in the floor. Everypony looked up to see that it was some kind of blue booth. There was a sign reading "POLICE TELEPHONE," though most of the group couldn't even guess what that meant. Twilight could only tell the sign could be human, due to the mention of phones, though why you would need a booth to use a mobile device she had no idea. Then, the doors opened. Out stepped a blue colored unicorn with a white, fluffy mane. The stallion was fully clothed, sporting a tattered vest and undone bowtie as well as pants. Behind the unicorn, there seemed like a large fire was inside the box, a fire that should have been impossible without burning the clearly wooden box containing it, not to mention the poor stallion himself. For his part, he was standing on his hind legs for some odd reason which cost him his balance. He fell, and as he did a wave of fire flared from inside the box, narrowly avoiding him. All the while a strange song was playing, sounding like a military tune occasionally interrupted by the sound of a bell tolling, eerily repeating just one line... Glory, glory what a Helluva way to die... Nopony knew what the hay was happening. Even Twilight, whose closest guess was that it was a human, couldn't even fathom what was going on. Well, Pinkie knew. Or at least, she knew what was happening. The thing she was stuck on was why and how. Pinkie was the first pony brave enough to head for the box's doors. She closed them shut, and the fire- To the amazement and shock of everypony else- was self-contained by the seemingly wooden box. Even the song became soft and muffled... Though that bell could still be heard a bit. Everypony stood in stunned silence, aside from two others. One was the stallion, who had passed out. The other was Pinkie, who had a quiet look of rage about her that none of the others had ever seen before. All of a sudden, the Cutie Map was lit up again and ones still conscious looked. It showed Pinkie and Twilight's cutie marks at the castle, while everypony else's cutie marks, including the mysterious hourglass cutie mark, were firmly at Rarity's boutique. Applejack then cautiously approached the passed out stallion and pulled his pants down just enough to see his cutie mark. She then spoke the first words anypony had said after the crash. "That's an hourglass, alright." She decided to take charge, since everypony else was still dumbfounded, "Twilight, Pinkie, you stay here and watch the map, see if it changes any. The rest of us will take Hourglass over here to Rarity's place." Rarity opened her mouth as if to protest, but no noise came out. It was likely she was simply glad that somepony managed to get everypony else moving. Pinkie proceeded to step towards the Map, Twilight followed her, and everypony else helped pick up the strange unicorn. Rarity and Starlight used magic to lighten the load, Rainbow and fluttershy flew carrying the stallion's legs, and AJ took whatever weight was left on her back. Just before they left the room, however, the Doctor glowed for just a moment. All present took glances at each other, aside from Pinkie who was staring at the hourglass on the Cutie Map. With the rest of the group leaving, Twilight decided to go talk to and comfort Pinkie. Clearly Pinkie had an idea of what was going on, but was keeping it secret. "Hey, Pinkie," Twilight said with an awkward smile. The smile rather quickly transitioned into a look of concern. "Are you doing alright? You have this weird look about you is all." No visible response came back, as Pinkie had her eyes firmly on that hourglass cutie mark at the boutique, surrounded by the Cutie marks of Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, AJ and Starlight. It was as if the rest of them were orbiting around that one cutie mark. Twilight figured that, whoever he was, that strange stallion was important. She broke the silence with the question "so, do you know him or..?" Pinkie just kept staring at the hourglass, lost in thought. Twilight was becoming concerned. This didn't seem like Pinkie. She wasn't sure how to describe what Pinkie was like when she wasn't in "party mode," but it didn't feel like this. She looked... Bitter. A mix of profound anger and sadness, quietly simmering while looking at the map. Was this somepony who had hurt Pinkie or..? "He's a friend of mine," Pinkie finally said, almost as if she was responding to Twilight's thought. "Well, it looks like this what he was before I met him, based on pictures he showed me, but maybe he just regenerated with the same face. But really, what are the odds of him having a face that likes bowties and another that looks like an old magician back to back on two separate occasions?" Pinkie's face brightened up. "Does he still like jelly babies? Or would they be 'jelly fillies' in Equestria? No no no, stay focused! If this is a past him, why didn't he tell me about going to a world filled with ponies?" Pinkie started pacing around the map. "Unless he got his memory wiped, there's no way he wouldn't have bragged about it! That or he's from a different universe! Oooh! Both of those would mean I get to be friends with him all over again, and I get to do it right this time! I was too rude to him the first time! I could throw a special regeneration party! It's the least I could do to-" "PINKIE!" Twilight felt bad about yelling, but she had said Pinkie's name about five times up to this point. "Pinkie," she asked more calmly, "could you please explain what's going on? I'm more than a little confused." Though she didn't outright say it, she was happy that Pinkie was acting like herself. Still, there were a lot of questions. Regeneration? New faces? And what did jelly fillies have to do with anything? Still, she stuck to the most important one. "So he's your friend. Do you know what happened to him?" "Ohhhh, that's easy. He got murdered." A silence filled the room, and not the kind you need tally marks for, before Twilight broke it with a simple "WHAT?!?" "Oh, sorry!" Pinkie blushed a bit. "He's a Time Lord! When a Time Lord dies, we go through a process called 'rEgeNeRAtiOn!!!'" She waved her front legs bonelessly, to indicate spookiness. "Our cells reorganize themselves, and we become a whole new pony! Or maybe a non-pony, like a dragon or a griffon! It does change the personality, but all the memories are still there! Really, I'm mostly mad at the intent to kill him more than his actual death, since that's nothing the Doctor can't get back up from!" Twilight shook her head a bit, feeling disoriented. "I'm sorry, 'we?'" Pinkie's face went pale, as if she said something she wasn't supposed to. Pinkie then sighed, looking a bit defeated. "Yeah, 'we.' Didn't mean for you to find out like this. And I know your next question 'what's a Time Lord,' which is a good question!" Twilight opened her mouth as if to speak, but closed it back up with a slight hint of embarrassment. Pinkie thought for a moment before brightening up again. "OK, you know the human world, right?" Twilight nodded. "I come from a world where humans exist, and normally I look like a human, but I'm not a human. Buuuuut this universe has the same effect that the human world does, sooooooo... TA DA!" Twilight stared for a moment. It was a lot to take in at once. Before she could respond, however, the Cutie Map had changed both of the mares' position on the map. Now, instead of the castle, they were both being called to Sugarcube Corner. Twilight gave a slightly uncomfortable smile. "Well, Pinkie, why not tell me on the move? Seems like the map wants us back at your place." Pinkie gave a more excited smile. "Sure thing! Funny, it showed up right as I had an idea." She gasped. "Hey, that must mean I had a good idea! Let's go!" Pinkie started bouncing at a steady pace. "Wait," said Twilight, prompting Pinkie to stop in midair, ignoring gravity for a moment before placing her hooves back on the ground. "If you're not from here, then what about your family? And is your name even Pinkie?" Pinkie looked slightly embarrassed. "Well, the Pie family is still my family, they just adopted me is all. As for my name, that was the one they gave me, and I love it a lot!" Twilight seemed puzzled. "So, what was your name before that? If you don't mind me asking, that is." Pinkie smiled once more, a look of pride, shame, and nostalgia in her eyes. Twilight noticed, perhaps for the first time, how... Old her eyes looked. It was as if that question had caused her to stop hiding that aspect. It was a similar look to what she saw in Celestia, Luna... Or Discord. Finally, Pinkie answered the question. "Romana."
The Madwomen
Doctor Whooves,Main 6,Pinkie Pie,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Random,Science Fiction,Doctor Who,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Doctor Whooves: Exile. Part 1: Crash Course
The Doctor's face has been changed, and the Time Lords have exiled him to Earth. To make matters worse, they put him on the wrong Earth. Now he's a horse, and he just crashed into the Mane 6's tree.
<p>For his interference with so-called &quot;lesser&quot; lifeforms, The Doctor is being punished. His friends have had their memories wiped, he is barred from travel through time and space, they intended to exile him to Earth and, worse yet, they chose the wrong version of it. Through an error in their calculations and technology, the Doctor was sent to what is seemingly another Universe. One where hooves beat feet in the evolutionary race, and where magic exists side by side with technology.<br/>The Mane Seven also have a problem. They just had a strange stallion crash into their tree with a blue box, completely unconscious. And while the rest of the girls are underway with helping him, Pinkie has a secret she needs to tell Twilight, about how she knows that unmistakable blue box... And maybe go for a quick trip to a new place. There's also the mysterious new sets of mannequins being given as &quot;free samples&quot; for every business in Equestria. What on Gaea could be going on..?<br/>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/>An alternate universe, about midway through season 6 and right as the 3rd Doctor regenerates. An AU for both, you might say. This is one of our many, MANY day dreams. This is simply the first time we put it to paper. Well, monitor, but that's semantics. We do hope you all enjoy!</p>
4 of the 5 ponies paced nervously around Rarity's stylish boutique. Rarity herself was keeping herself busy to shake off the nerves. The stallion they had just saved was still unconscious, lying on one of Rarity's couches, and had been for hours. He seemed to be muttering things, about somepony called "Jammy" or about some dangerous creature called the "cypher mend." If nothing else, it confirmed that he was at least alive. At some point, Applejack asked Fluttershy to check the stallions pulse, which Fluttershy did without a second thought. While she had a specialty in animals, in a tight situation Fluttershy could at least check for vital signs with most other living creatures. "Poor thing," she said, feeling the stallion's neck. "His pulse is going twice as fast as normal!" She decided to put her ear on his chest, to see if he had an irregular heartbeat or something of the sort. Anyone with a decent grasp of Time Lord biology, that is to say none of the mares present in the room, would know why Fluttershy had such a confused expression afterwards. Not believing her own ears, Fluttershy checked again. She had to be misinterpreting something. Then compared she both sides of his chest to one another, then compared her own. Wide-eyed, she realized she wasn't mistaken. "Oh," she said aloud, drawing the attention of her 4 friends. Rainbow dash, who had been impatiently waiting for something to happen, was the one to respond. "'Oh'? What do you MEAN 'oh'???" In response, Fluttershy looked up and said the only thing that made sense to her at the moment. "It feels like," she said nervously, "he has... Two hearts?" A baffled silence fell over the room for a short while before Starlight worked up the courage to walk towards the strange stallion. "Let me check," she offered. Fluttershy moved aside as the reformed student of Twilight went in for a second opinion. Yep, there was no mistake to be had there. Two hearts, as steady as drum beats. Starlight simply looked over at the rest and confirmed it. "No way," said Dashie. "Let me have a try!" The other two did so, Dash listened, and had the same look of confusion as everypony else. "Alright, y'all," AJ said, "now that ya'll've won the blue ribbon for invasion o' privacy, let's not crowd 'im. Ah mean, imagine if he woke up and saw a buncha mares feelin' at his chest. That would just be darned weird." With that, the two pegasi and the unicorn surrounding the stranger backed off slowly and awkwardly. "Ok," she continued, still acting as the unofficial leader, "I get that y'all are all dyin' ta know what the hay is goin' on. Truth is, mah brain is wrackin' with questions like nothin' else just like all o' y'all. But ah think we should wait on all those questions 'til our guest of honor over here is fully awake." Before she could say more, a groan emanated from the occupied couch, catching everypony else's attention. He was starting to move, much to everypony's relief. "Well," AJ chuckled, "speakin' of Tirek..." Fluttershy spoke up with the biggest question in the room. "Are you OK, mister?" The mystery of the two hearts would stay a mystery until that most essential of questions were asked. The strange stallion just barely lifted his eyes open. From his mouth came just one word, the clearest word he had said as of yet. "...Shoes..." "I beg your pardon, darling?" Rarity spoke for the first time she had since they made sure her incapacitated house guest was safe on a couch. Oh, o' course, thought Applejack, jokingly. O' course she starts talkin' the moment clothes are mentioned. She was previously more busy with those new mannequins that had been sent to her by some new company looking for free promotion, but she felt she knew the reason the stallion had said that. "Shoes," the stallion demanded. With some confusion still in the air, Rarity levitated two shoes towards him. Rarity took them off the stranger so he wouldn't stain her carpet with them. She thought it was odd how he only had shoes for his hind hooves, and not his front ones, and was considering designing a new outfit for the stranger once they had gotten acquainted. His current outfit was a fashion disaster, anyhow. The strange unicorn barely opened his eyes to quint at what in front of him. As fast as lightning, he grabbed the shoes and held onto them like they were a plush dragon. He closed his eyes again and turned his back to the mares. Rarity simply blinked in annoyance. "Excuse me," she huffed, "but I believe that a thank you or even an acknowledgement of our existence is in order." Applejack facehoofed, knowing agitating the stranger could only lead to trouble. Sure enough, the stallion turned over to face the purple-maned unicorn. "You're being quite rude yourself, young lady!" The stranger was clearly upset. "I have JUST been executed for the crime of giving a damn about you human lot, so excuse me if I'm not exactly in the mood to-" He stopped. He had just opened his eyes fully and now was beginning to comprehend what he was seeing. "What the Devil?!?" The stallion sat upright, unbelieving of what he saw. He sat in a strange, undoubtedly uncomfortable way that made him wobble quite a bit. His rear was placed firmly on the seat, and his hind legs were dangling whilst his front ones stayed to his side. Everypony there had at least heard about humans, thanks to Twilights adventures in another reality. Was that what this stallion was? A human from another universe? But if that were true, why had he referred to humanity as if it were separate from him? How could he have been executed if he was laying right there, alive in front of them? There were so many questions, and there was so much confusion amongst the five friends. Even that phrase, "what the devil," was a new mystery to them. What even was a devil? The Doctor was just as confused, likely more so. When he passed out, he had been facing the heartless monsters in the Time Lord high council. Now, there were technicolor horses staring at him, with not a bipedal creature in sight. And right now, he assumed, his regeneration was still working things out to the point where he couldn't even sit correctly... Starlight was the first to go up to the stallion and verbalize concern. "Are you OK, sir? Your blue box crashed into our castle. We get that you're not really a pony-" "He has two hearts!" Starlight glared at Rainbow for her interruption, who recoiled in a twinge of fear. At least my past has SOMETHING going for it, thought Starlight with a mix of humor and shame. She continued. "We also get that you're also more used to humans, based on what you said. But don't worry! We're going to make sure you feel as comfortab-" Now the interruption came in the form of the strange stallion prying her mouth open and staring into her throat. The Doctor checked the horse's vocal chords as soon as he realized he wasn't still hallucinating. He had, thus-far, managed to not realize he didn't have hands. The grogginess the regeneration energy gave him combined with all the strange things happening at once allowed him to avoid that little revelation for the moment. He was too busy turning the strange, talking horse's head so he could start examining the inside of her ears. Starlight tried her best to ignore the utter contempt for the concept of "personal space" being displayed so she could continue to reassure the clearly confused... Creature that stood before them. The rest of the mares just stared at the whole affair, continuing the apparent new trend of befuddlement, as Rainbow slowly mouthed the words what the buck. "So uh," Starlight said nervously, "my name is Starlight Glimmer, and these are my friends!" The stallion, having moved to holding and examining Starlight's hooves, had stopped for a moment. "I'm sorry," he said, "did you say your name was 'Starlight Glimmer?' My translation circuit must be malfunctioning." With the new confusion now added atop the pre-existing confusion, she simply nodded as the stallion returned to his examination. "Yep, Starlight Glimmer. As in the light of the stars, and the way that they glimmer, in case your 'translation circus' or whatever thought I was saying 'Garbage... Boomerang' or something silly like that." "Well that's uncommon for a species," the Doctor mused, half to himself. "A name being the literal words in the local language is not unheard of, but it's typically only for a civilization in its earliest of stages." He moved on to the pinkish-purple horse's multi-colored mane to confirm that the hair colors were natural and not dyed. "However, your species seems to have advanced to the point of having advanced sewing equipment, not to mention the wide variety of lovely outfits this place has shows that you have a wide variety of different cultural tastes." He noticed the white-coated horse seemed to beam at the mention of this. This is their shop then, he assumed, if any of this is real at all. However, he noticed 2 things as he was examining the mane of the first horse, "Starlight Glimmer." One was that there was a protrusion in the center of its forehead made of material akin to a narwhal's horn. The other, and more pertinent, observation was his newfound lack of hands. "WHAT IN THE BLAZES? WHERE ARE MY HANDS?!?" Starlight was taken aback by the shouting of the strange creature that stood before him. It did confirm, however, that whatever he was at least looked similar to a human, whatever those looked like. Twilight had described them as having hands, similar to a minotaur. It also showed that their world worked like how Twilight described what the human world did, in reverse. Whatever energies either universe had forced one species to match a sentient one native to the universe they resided in. But before she could say anything else, the creature leapt out of his chair and out the door. The Doctor quickly improvised the ability to run. It was of the utmost importance to his line of work, after all, so he'd better be good at it. He attempted picking up a rock right outside of the building. Right, he thought, no hands. So he picked it up with his teeth, tossed it into the the air, turned around to set up a kick he calculated an equine body would be adept at, and delivered said rock a kick so powerful the stone disappeared into the sky. He listened for a sound, partially to check how good his hearing was. He heard a faint thud at the time he expected to hear one, which confirmed to him that the trajectory, velocity and mavity gravity in the area were almost exactly like it would be on Earth. Most importantly, there was no invisible wall that stopped the object, though all of that didn't disprove the idea that this was some sort of simulation. He did a few jumps simply to further confirm that gravity was at least Earth-like, as well as test his new legs further. The fact that his new form was equine in a world that had other apparent equines had to be a sign that this world was fake, so why hadn't any of his methods confirmed that? The stranger turned around to see the mares he had just abandoned staring at him. All except Applejack, who just gave him a very impressed whistle. "That was some mighty fine buckin' for somepony who just learned he's a pony," she complimented. "Heck, that was mighty fine buckin' for anypony, especially a unicorn." The strange creature just repeated some of AJ's words back at her, though it didn't seem like he was processing their meanings. "'Bucking'..? 'Anypony'..? 'Unicorn?'" AJ decided to continue on. "You didn't give Starlight the chance to say our names, but mah name's Applejack. This here is Fluttershy-" Fluttershy gave a meek "hello"- "this is Rainbow Dash-" "sup," said the blue pegasus- "And this here is Rarity." Rarity smiled. "It is simply a delight to meet you," she said. "Thank you very much for complimenting my boutique! It means the world to me that somepony would call my humble little shop evidence for cultural advancement!" Rainbow scoffed at the mention of the word "humble," due to how it implied that Rarity had the ability to be humble when not at some fancy-shmancy party or in the presence of a princess other than Twilight. This resulted in a predictable blue-eyed glare coming in her direction, but she chose to ignore it. The Doctor eyed them suspiciously. Were they part of the simulation? Or just people trapped in here like him, unaware of their past lives? Or were they just playing along? In any case, he needed to scan the area with his sonic screwdriver. He was happy to find that it was still in his jacket's inner pocket. This was good news, since a simulation or a dream wouldn't be able to replicate the readings the sonic would give, meaning that he could prove whether or not this world was fake and if he ever even had to consider the possibility of a "unicorn" existing again. So he grabbed the sonic and- Oh, right. No hands. As the stallion fumbled in his jacket, Applejack rolled her eyes and reached in and grabbed what she guessed he was reaching for in his stead. It looked like a strange metal lollipop, with a metal handle with yellow stripes near the top and an odd looking round... Thing at the very top of it. The creature stared in amazement. "How did you do that? You don't have any appendages of any sort," the pseudo-pony said. AJ's eyes were really getting a workout today, what with all the obvious things that needed explaining. "Us ponies have this little clasp in the middle of our hooves, covered by all the fur. Y'all try." With that said, she placed it on the ground in front of him. The stallion hesitated, then gently placed his hoof on the strange object. Sure enough, he managed to pick it up, looking proud of himself. The Doctor noted the "clasp" on his newfound hoof was surprisingly strong, but also somewhat uncomfortable to use. He stared at the apparent leader of the group, who went by the name Applejack. "Well, I am quite impressed at the strength of these 'clasps' you mentioned," he admitted. "However, this device is designed with fingers in mind, something akin to a human hand." He figured that would be helpful, since they seemed at least somewhat aware of what a human was. He figured that the ponies had a solution to such woes. After all, it's unlikely they could have built sewing machines with mere "clasps" and mouths alone. "Well," started "Starlight", whom the Doctor interpreted to be their diplomat, "I'm not sure if you know this, but you're a unicorn." He had heard the orange one say something similar, but the combination of the recent regeneration with the fantastical and unrealistic situation clouded his ability to comprehend it earlier. He felt his forehead, and sure enough a horn-like protrusion was right there in the middle of it. "Yes, all well and good," he said, "but I'm not sure what this horn could possibly do in this case. It feels as though it's designed for self-defense, and that it would lack the ability to operate such highly complex scientific instrument." Starlight pondered for a moment. Twilight had said that humans weren't used to magic when they spoke about it, and that was certainly true here. She picked up the strange device using her own magic, and Starlight started to wonder if that look of stunned amazement was just his default expression. "OK," she began, "this is called magic. The spell I'm using is one most unicorns can learn how to do." An immediate look of skepticism from the stranger prompted Starlight to improvise another way of putting it. "Have you ever heard of telekinesis?" The creature's face softened at that. "Yes," he responded. "The ability to move objects with merely the power of the mind." Starlight felt lucky that humans, or whatever he was, also had the concept of psychic energy. Heck, maybe it was even their equivalent to magic! "It's a bit like that," Starlight continued, "but you can only use it if you have a horn like this!" She motioned the odd-looking stick towards her own horn. She placed it down in front of the semi-human's front hooves. "Now you try!" The Doctor hesitated. He was never good at telekinesis, one of the few classes he wasn't able to pass at the academy. The only way he'd be able to do something like that was if he channeled the psychic energy of an entire species. "I'm sorry, my dear," he said to the diplomat. "This device is a sonic screwdriver. It's a highly complex scientific instrument used for a myriad of purposes, including scans that check the material and biological makeup of its surroundings, and I would rather not damage it by testing an ability I've never used." He hesitated again before saying his next idea, since he didn't entirely trust these equines, if that was indeed what they were. But the "unicorn" did place it down for him rather than run off with it, so they were at least attempting to gain his trust. If he wanted any form of answers, it was best he played along. "You seem more experienced in the matter of your... 'Magic.' What say you we work together? You would use your telekinetic abilities while I told you how to operate the sonic." The diplomat smiled somewhat nervously. "Oh, well, OK I guess," she said, "but what happens if I get something.. Wrong?" At the very least, the Doctor noted, the horse seemed genuinely concerned about the possibility of damaging the sonic. "I'm sure you'll do well, my dear. I'll walk you through it step by step, and then later on, you can teach me to be able to do it for myself." Starlight decided to get some information about their potential new friend, first. A name is always a good place to start, and knowing what he was didn't hurt either. "Alright, but first, who are you? And, for that matter, what are you?" The stallion paused, then gave a grin. "My name is the Doctor, and I..." His smile softened, and his eyes turned away for a moment. "I am a Gallifreyan." Rarity piped in with a simple question. "Doctor who, Darling?" The "Doctor" just chuckled. "just the Doctor," he stated simply. Starlight felt like he got that question a lot. In any case, everypony could tell he wasn't telling them something, though why that was they hadn't the slightest idea. Applejack's intuition told her that it was an omission and not an outright lie, though she didn't have much in the way of reasoning for that. Whatever it was, it seemed personal. Instead of guessing, AJ asked "what in the hay is a Gallopfreyan?" The Doctor tried his best to maintain composure. The nightmare he had just gone through which caused him to question if he could ever see his home planet again, the regeneration energy affecting his mental state to the point of near-inebriation, and the odd world that made him question what he thought was possible all compounded to make any sense of composure difficult to maintain. Still, he felt this new face he acquired had managed thus far to seem completely lucid, ignoring that just minutes earlier he had just shouted for a pair of shoes and held the mouth of one of his hosts open to get a good view of her throat. "It means I'm from the planet Gallifrey," he answered. "It also means that I'm very different from a human in all but appearance. Or, in this case, a horse." The leader seemed to take minor offense to that. "We ain't horses," the orange one stated coldly. "We're ponies. The horses died out before even Celestia was born." Before the Doctor could ask questions of his own, if that meant that horses were the equivalents to Earth's neanderthals, or who Celestia was and how old she was, the next question came from the annoying cyan one with wings, "Rainbow Dash." The question took the Doctor aback. "What's a planet?" The "Doctor" seemed shocked by this most of all, as if he was just asked what grass was. He frustratedly stuttered out "Wh-W- Is that drivel really your question? Not about how I'm here, or what Gallifrey is like, or even that there's life on another pla- You're a grown adult asking me 'what's a PLANET'?!? H- How is your kind advanced enough to be able to make complex machinery and somehow not know what a planet is?" Starlight sensed an annoyance from Rainbow at the Doctor's condescension, as well as a mutual feeling from the Doctor for Rainbow's ignorance, and she knew that astrology and wizardry wasn't really well known to ponies who didn't go to magic schools, so she decided to step in. "Rainbow, you know what Gaea is, right?" Rainbow responded with a confused "yeaaaaah? Where everypony lives, you mean?" "Well," Starlight continued, "imagine a planet is like another version of Gaea. The stars you see at night aren't just lights, they're also suns! And many of them have their own forms of Gaea! And it's theorized that most planets have their own equivalent to princesses that raise their sun and moon. Or really, any NUMBER of moons!" "Princesses?" The Doctor was more and more confused the more these "ponies" spoke. "Actually, never mind. I'll ask after I get a reading on the sonic. Starlight, if you wouldn't mind?" The diplomat let out a sigh of what appeared to be relief. "Of course, Doctor." A glowing aqua-colored aura had once again surrounded the scientific instrument, and the Doctor began his instructions while the rest of the ponies there watched. As he instructed the unicorn, he couldn't help but observe how the strange energy interacted with his sonic. He was fascinated whenever Starlight used her power to press a button or change a setting. He was also impressed with Starlight herself, how she intentionally didn't cover the end of the sonic with her aura without his prompting, as not to interfere with whatever the sonic read from the environment. After a few readings on it, he felt it sufficiently debunked a rather large amount of his suspicions. This place... This Gaea... Whatever it was, it was most likely real. And that was the most confusing yet wonderous thing he could ever experience. "Now then," the Doctor instructed, "feel free to try and detect your own aura. No change in setting this time." Starlight nodded and covered the end of the device with her magic, turning it so that the Doctor could look at the part he could apparently get his "readings" from. He seemed to frown a bit. "Completely unknown to the sonic," he said. "But," he continued with a small smile, "that just means there's something about this place I simply have to investigate now! Well, that and everything else." Starlight chuckled at that. She liked how curious the Doctor was about their new world. It reminded her of both herself and Twilight, always wanting to learn more. She had questions to ask the Doctor as well, about "Gallopfrey" and why he had two hearts, about what his wooden box was and why the outside of it didn't catch on fire from the inside, and, most importantly... About why he seemed hurt by something, and what it was that did so. It was at that point that all their cutie marks started to glow, including the Doctor's. The Doctor looked at his flank, confused. He had no idea why a spot in his pants was glowing, pulling it down somewhat to reveal the mark of an hourglass. Fluttershy decided to speak up for the first time in a while. "It's called a cutie mark, Mr. Doctor," she softly said, sensing his question before it was asked. "And no, it's not normal for them to glow like that aside from us. We can explain on the way to our castle. Your box is there, too." With that, everypony got up and headed back to the castle. The Doctor lagged behind, still unsure what to make of everything. He looked back at Rarity's boutique and into the window. He quickened his pace as he asked himself a question he didn't know would be important later. Were those mannequins always in the window? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "...And then the Doctor says 'that was the most important punch in history!'" Twilight laughed. It was partially because the story Pinkie told was funny, but mostly she was glad Pinkie was being Pinkie again. Pinkie- and she had insisted on being called Pinkie, not Romana, Romanadvoratrelundar or "Fred"- had been quietly sad before, like when her many clones from the mirror pool had gotten out of control. She had been absolutely furious before, like when Applejack broke her Pinkie Promise. But Twilight had never seen her with a mix of the two like when this "Doctor" arrived. There was something about her eyes then that felt... Different. She couldn't quite place it, but it was like a quiet fury that Pinkie didn't seem old enough to possess. Now Twilight knew there was a reason for that. She sat there at Sugarcube corner with her plate of police-box-shaped cupcakes, listening to her friend being happy, which made her feel happy by proxy, despite her worries. "But I still think the funniest part," Pinkie continued, "was when the Countess said that I couldn't solve that puzzle box. Now THAT was hilarious! Also when the Doctor said that 'I love that butler, he's so violent!' He always knew how to giggle at the ghosties, you know? Anyway, after Duggan punched the Count..." As Pinkie kept telling the story about the Mona Lisa and time-splintered thief who nearly destroyed history itself, Twilight processed the whole situation. Strangely enough, she took the whole thing well. After all, she had experienced similar things to what Pinkie claimed her and the Doctor were. For one thing, both mares were personal friends with multiple immortals in the form of the princesses. For another, Twilight had gone to the human world and she traveled through time more than once, so a machine that could do both on a whim was amazing, but not impossible. The biggest curveball was her being from another planet. She didn't think there would be life on another world, but the most popular theory in the astrology community was that other princesses existed on other planets anyways, so it wasn't that far of a stretch to say that other ponies or pony equivalents existed there too. And knowing Pinkie, if Twilight had fully believed in aliens before now, then of course Pinkie would be an alien! She was actually more shocked that Pinkie STILL had no idea how she did half the things she did, including Pinkie Sense. Twilight gave up finding an answer for that a long time ago. But regardless of all that, there was one thing that troubled Twilight the most. Was Pinkie... Really Pinkie? Pinkie acted the most, well, Pinkie-like whenever she talked about her adventures with the Doctor or current life in Equestria, but everything after that and before she came to Equestria just seemed... Sad. Twilight noticed that the later she got into her life, the less details she would give. She theorized it was all as much as she could talk about while still being able to be "Pinkie-like." She had a lot, as in A LOT a lot, of stories about being with the Doctor, and how she hoped that the one that arrived at the castle remembered her, despite his initial appearance suggesting otherwise. Her time as president of her entire planet had a few stories, but there weren't even half as many as the ones describing her travels with the Doctor. Then she said she was head of a secret group for a while, which she said had the same initials as a human government group by some coincidence, and that had a couple tales, but there was hardly a fourth of the amount of tales of her as president. She talked about being "the war queen of the nine Gallifreys" in a general overview without much in the way of specifics, which was hardly enough to fill one story. Then she talked about The Last Great Time War... "It was a war between the Time Lords and the Daleks," Pinkie said. "I don't think anypony other than me or maybe the Doctor survived." She quickly changed the subject to when she and the Doctor met, and that was all she said on the matter. But then she would talk about when she came to Equestria. She had lots of stories about her time there. Apparently, she entered the universe as a young dragon, of all things. She regenerated into her current form after her parents accidently hit her with a rock slide. She came back as a filly without a cutie mark, and she didn't remember if her current face was her 5th or her 6th face. Everything after that point was exactly what Pinkie had said before. Finding her cutie mark, leaving the farm, moving to Sugarcube Corner, all of that. Twilight noted that Pinkie had a lot of stories about Equestria. That was a good sign, she thought. Twilight wanted to ask a lot more questions, but each one gave her worry that she would be stepping through a field of poison joke. That Pinkie would go quiet again. That she would get sad again. That she would- "Helloooooooo? Gaea to Twilight? Or Gallifrey, or where-ever. In any case, a planet wants your attention! Not that I'm a planet, but I'm sure there's some planet out there somewhere that can think, and I'm certain they'd like you!" Twilight snapped out of her worry-induced trance. "Oh, um, sorry Pinkie. Got lost in thought is all. Glad the Doctor saved the world again. He seems important to you." Pinkie nodded. "Yepperoony!" Pinkie always knew how to turn a simple yes into lovable nonsense. "He inspires me to this day, honestly. Speaking of which, ya want a jelly baby?" She pulled a small paper bag out of her mane. Twilight shrugged. Why not? She took one, and it was a nice little candy. She didn't see what the hype was about, though, or why the Doctor liked them so much. "Oh! That reminds me," Pinkie exclaimed. Pinkie grabbed Twilight by the hoof and took her to Pinkie's room. She activated the secret mechanism that took them both to the party cave. She then proceeded to rummage through an old filing cabinet, that of course produced confetti upon opening. She then revealed an old, weathered looking cardboard box with the words "Pinkie's Ultimate Party Box!" scrawled upon its side in sharpie. All of this occurred within ten minutes. Pinkie showed the box to Twilight, who looked confused. "Alright, Pinkie, what's this? More jelly babies?" "Well..." Pinkie looked so excited that she could burst. "You know how I said that we traveled in that box he crashed in? His time machine that can send you to anywhere anywhen and on a billion-trillion-ZILLION crazy adventures?!?" Twilight looked at her quizzically with a confused "yeaaaaaah?" Pinkie smiled and squealed out "well, this is mine!" Twilight darted her eyes back and forth between Pinkie and the "Party Box." Was Pinkie joking? She had to be. It was smaller than Pinkie was. "You're kidding," Twilight said. Pinkie showed that she was, in fact, not kidding by opening the lid and jumping in with a "NOPE!" And just like that, she was gone, having disappeared into the box. Twilight looked with astonishment. She felt at this point she shouldn't be surprised by anything Pinkie did, but this was something else. She assumed Time Lords could cram themselves into tight spaces, or maybe they could shrink in size, and that's how she and the Doctor fit in that blue box. But Pinkie just... Jumped in. Even Pinkie should have made some sort of adjustment to fit in. She picked up the box carefully, and saw that, no, there wasn't a false bottom or anything. Then she saw Pinkie's head emerge from the box, saying "come on in, Twilight! There's a pillow waiting for you! Oh, and don't look into the box when you do. That would spoil the surprise!" Then the head disappeared once again. Twilight placed the box down, and decided she would carefully step into the box, and hope she didn't accidently step on Pinkie's eye. She placed her hind hoof firmly in thin air, which caused her to fully fall in. A few seconds later, Twilight flew back out of the the box. She picked it up, examined the floor of the cave, then the bottom of the box, the sides of the box, she spun it, put her head in it, looked at it from all angles, and did everything she could think of. Then she went back into the box, landing semi-gracefully on the aforementioned pillow, staring out at the box's interior. Pinkie spread her hooves out, as if presenting the most marvelous thing Twilight had ever seen, which was because that was what was happening. Then Twilight said a phrase, a phrase that was any rouge Time Lord's favorite phrase in all of time and space. "It's bigger on the inside!" Pinkie's TARDIS certainly was Pinkie's, to describe it in the simplest way possible. It was white, with uneven polka dots of various bright colors all over the walls and floor. The console was designed with a hoofed creature in mind, with large decorated buttons and levers that could be used with teeth. Places where dials would were seemingly replaced with things like pin wheels, party blowers, spinning tops, and various different kinds of noisemakers. There were hanged pictures on the wall of a stallion with a brown mane and coat with a ridiculously long scarf, standing with a mare with a white coat and a blonde mane wearing a red vest and a straw hat. "Yeah," Pinkie said "for some reason entering this universe changed all my pictures, but hey! They're still pictures of me with the Doctor! Come on come on come on!" THAT'S the thing she wants me to see first?!? Twilight couldn't believe that she was standing in one of the grandest scientific and magical marvels the entirety of Gaea had ever seen, and its owner wanted to show Twilight some pictures on the wall. Then again, the owner in question was Pinkie. If anypony would have done it... Well, Twilight went up to the photo thanks to Pinkie's goading. She became glad she did, however, because she noticed something. The way the stallion in the photo's hair was done was unruly, floofy, and looked extremely soft. He had a large, cheesy grin and a twinkle in his eye. She then glanced at Pinkie, with a smug grin on her face. Pinkie seemed puzzled. "What?" Twilight gave a light giggle at that. "Nothing, Pinkie. I'm just amazed is all!" She gestured towards the impossible room, distractingly. "I mean, look at all this! It's so scientifically and magically amazing, like nothing anypony has ever seen before! And yet, somehow, you took this miracle of a machine and..." She suddenly had a dreamy look on her face. "Made it Pinkie's." Pinkie just giggled. "If you think this is amazing, you should see all the other rooms! We've got a swimming pool, a pool table, a swim table, an ing table, a sandwich-making robot, a room exclusively made for silly string, a zoo"- Twilight started rolling her eyes with a grin. She was just happy to see that Pinkie was happy. "-A laboratory, a haunted house, a theme park, a Beanie Baby collection, a room with nothing but a single creepy clown doll in the center of it, a macaroons dispenser-" Out of nowhere she gasped, as if she made the most groundbreaking discovery in the history of marekind in the middle of her list. Then, she gave a sly grin. Twilight suddenly got worried. Pinkie then said, in a singy-songy voice, "I think you'll enjoy the li-brary~!" True to her name, Twilight's eyes started sparkling. "A library?" Twilight's eyes were full of wonder and excitement. It was a library owned by an alien in a location that was geometrically impossible by modern standards. How could she not be insanely hyped about this? But then Pinkie decided to add more fuel into the fire that was Twilight's joy. "Yep, a library! A library owned by an alien time traveler who has visited different planets! I have books about alien cultures from another universe! I have books from some of the first ever written to the very last! I have books about some of the most terrifying creatures that ever existed! I have books written by the most terrifying creatures that ever existed! Time Lord books, Human books, Silurian books, Jagaroth books, Gelth books, Volgan books, Kroton books, Monoid books... I have them all! There's even a few books written by some rebellious DALEKS of all things!" Twilight had a grin wider than a dragon's wingspan. "Wherewherewherewherewherewhere WHERRRRRE?!?" At this moment in time, as she jumped excitedly about brand new reading material, she was one of the few creatures in history successful in out-Pinkie-ing Pinkie! The real Pinkie just smiled and said "down that hall, take a left at the wardrobe, take the right just past the trampoline room, go through the garden, and ta-da! Library should be next to the soda machine!" Twilight zoomed past Pinkie in a purple blur the moment the sentence was finished, shouting behind her "thankyouthankyouthankyouTHANKYOU!" Pinkie chased after her, laughing all the way. Twilight can learn about it later, Pinkie thought. I don't want her to think our world isn't real, because it is real, and magic is real, and all of this is real, but... It's really easy to interpret it the wrong way.
The Madwomen
Doctor Whooves,Main 6,Pinkie Pie,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Random,Science Fiction,Doctor Who,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Doctor Whooves: Exile. Part 1: Crash Course
The Doctor's face has been changed, and the Time Lords have exiled him to Earth. To make matters worse, they put him on the wrong Earth. Now he's a horse, and he just crashed into the Mane 6's tree.
<p>For his interference with so-called &quot;lesser&quot; lifeforms, The Doctor is being punished. His friends have had their memories wiped, he is barred from travel through time and space, they intended to exile him to Earth and, worse yet, they chose the wrong version of it. Through an error in their calculations and technology, the Doctor was sent to what is seemingly another Universe. One where hooves beat feet in the evolutionary race, and where magic exists side by side with technology.<br/>The Mane Seven also have a problem. They just had a strange stallion crash into their tree with a blue box, completely unconscious. And while the rest of the girls are underway with helping him, Pinkie has a secret she needs to tell Twilight, about how she knows that unmistakable blue box... And maybe go for a quick trip to a new place. There's also the mysterious new sets of mannequins being given as &quot;free samples&quot; for every business in Equestria. What on Gaea could be going on..?<br/>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br/>An alternate universe, about midway through season 6 and right as the 3rd Doctor regenerates. An AU for both, you might say. This is one of our many, MANY day dreams. This is simply the first time we put it to paper. Well, monitor, but that's semantics. We do hope you all enjoy!</p>
The Doctor was solving a multi-colored puzzle cube. A standard affair, really, he managed to solve it in about ten seconds. He had solved a myriad of ones like it before, but he was experiencing it in a a brand new way. He was being taught to use the power of his mind to move the object, as effortlessly as he would with his hands. He was learning a new, practical way to use telekinesis. Or, as the unicorn teaching him had insisted on calling it, "magic." Starlight, the Doctor, and the rest of the ponies who looked after him while he was out cold were on a train headed to the capital of "Equestria," "Canterlot," thanks to the direction of the "Cutie Map". The Doctor couldn't believe some of the names given to locations on this planet, particularly how the town his TARDIS now resided in was named "Ponyville." He supposed that, since there were 4 types of pony, it wasn't a bad way of unifying the populace, but he still felt that it was as ridiculous as naming an Earth city "Humanopolis." Regardless, he was upset that he wasn't able to work on his TARDIS to begin the long journey to get it back in working order. When they had arrived back in the castle he had apparently crashed in, the Tardis was still set aflame. He wanted more than anything to fix it, as he never wanted to stay in one time and place for too long. However, the map in the castle's main room had specifically called for his help, and he could never resist the opportunity to help someone when asked, even if it was just a mere "friendship problem," whatever that meant. In any case, he very much enjoyed the company of some of these ponies. He was particularly fond of Starlight, as intelligent and helpful as she was with teaching him, as well as Rarity, whose personality meshed well with his own. Truthfully, aside from the abrasive rainbow-haired one, they all seemed like very nice young ladies. Well, mares, but that was beside the point. He was also going to have trouble getting used to this new, ridiculous vernacular. At the very least, terms like "girl" and "lady" were in use, for whatever reason. "Well done, Doctor," Starlight told him, interrupting his train of thought. "You're a natural at this! It looks like you know the basics of magic now, but I can still teach you how to cast a spell or two if you want." The Doctor would adopt a disbelieving look whenever she said the words "magic" and "spell." He still didn't believe that you could explain... Well, anything with magic. He had no doubt that there were certain intrinsic abilities that a unicorn's horn could provide that the Doctor didn't have an explanation for yet, but magic? Best save that for the fairy tales, used exclusively to defeat the likes of the Big Bad Wolf and the Toclafane. It had no place in reality. Yes, he was talking to a unicorn. He, himself, had turned into a unicorn. He accepted that, but a form of sentient equine that had evolved a horn akin to a rhino or a narwhal, even one that was able to channel psychic energy through said horn, he could reasonably believe. Unlikely, certainly, but unless Decartes's thought experiment of doubting everything was more practical than he thought there was no denying what was happening before him. Still, there was no possible way it was "magic." That was the terminology Starlight was using, however, and he lacked enough knowledge of it in order to rename it, so he might as play along. "Thank you very much, Starlight," said the Doctor. "I'm always happy to learn about something I'm unfamiliar with, and you make an excellent teacher." Starlight felt more confident upon hearing that. "Oh, thanks, Doctor! Now then, I think I'll teach you one more thing, and then... Why not hang out with some of the other girls? Might be good to get to know the ponies you're traveling with!" The Gallifrayan pondered this for a moment. Why not? "Of course, my dear. Now then, what's the next spell you recommend?" Hearing this, Starlight thought for a moment. She already knew what spell she wanted to show him, but she knew the Doctor would be skeptical if she told him out right what it was. "How about," she cautiously began, "I show you what it does first?" The Doctor simply nodded, prompting Starlight to continue. "Let me see that puzzle for a second." The Doctor placed the cube on the table, and then Starlight began to concentrate. After a moment, her horn let out a blast of light, hitting the cube dead center. Then, in nearly an instant, the cube had transformed into a tea cup. The Doctor blinked rapidly upon seeing the tea cup in front of him. He was, in the most accurate word possible in the English language, flabbergasted. He had just, apparently, witnessed an object transform into a completely different shape, material, size and then some. What used to be a wooden block with paint upon it in a multitude of colors was now a simple, white, porcelain tea cup. That wasn't even the most amazing part to him, either. The most interesting bit was that this was the first real "spell" that he was being taught. And if that were the case... What in the name of Rassilon were the more advanced spells like? "It's called a transfiguration spell," Starlight began, noting the Doctor's bewildered expression. "To do it, you have to concentrate your magic so that it turns into a sort of..." Starlight trailed off, trying to find a good comparison. "A laser?" The Doctor questioned. "Yes," Starlight exclaimed, "if that helps. Just aim at the tea cup and try and do that first." The Doctor wondered what it meant that she knew what a laser was. Nevertheless, he aimed for the cup, closed his eyes, concentrated whatever strange energy his horn provided so it would group together, and allowed it to exit him. The blast that resulted from this hit the tea cup head on. It stayed unchanged, aside from now being further towards Starlight's side of the table. Before the Doctor could ask any questions, Starlight explained. "Great work. If you're wondering why it didn't do anything, that's because I just wanted you to try and concentrate your magic to create a small magic blast. It's nice bit of self-defense, and without knowing how to do that, you can't actually do a transfiguration spell. Or most spells, really. "Now, Doctor, I want you to think of a small object. Preferably something simple, but it can be anything you want as long as it's a small object you can hold with your hooves." Starlight paused. "Or hands. Or... Whatever's most helpful to you." The Doctor closed his eyes and, after a moment, nodded, signaling for Starlight to continue. "Now, focus on that object. What is it? What color is it? What can it do? What is it made of? Then, at the exact same time as you're concentrating on that, aim for the tea cup and let out another blast." The Doctor took a deep breath, and repeated the magic blast with his object in mind. It hit the former cube, and it transformed into a small, metallic device. The Doctor looked wowed and content by his own creation, signaling that this was the intended result. It looked intricate and exceedingly complex, and thus it was now Starlight's turn to be, as it were, flabbergasted. The first time the Doctor has done this spell, and he had already managed to make something as complex as... Whatever it was he made. She was actually a bit jealous of how fast he had already mastered even a spell as simple as that. It took her weeks to make something as complex as even a baked good, never mind one of the Doctor's sci-fi gizmos. "I must say," the Doctor said, noting Starlight's stunned expression, "this 'spell' is going to save me quite a bit of time. I was wondering where to find computer circuitry in this world, and now I simply don't have to worry about finding those components. Thank you very much, Starlight." Starlight shook her head, reorientating herself in order to focus. She gave a small, nervous laugh. "No problem, Doctor! None at all! It's just that... You're a really fast learner." "Well, naturally," the Doctor replied. "I have spent a long time training my mind to conceptualize many different objects, including blueprints for components for my TARDIS. If your 'magic' relies on mental fortitude, then I should have no trouble with learning them. I spent 8 years in university to memorize... Let's see, what was it? Ah yes. An array of 208 different 43-dimensional super-solids, all superimposed. It makes it easier to memorize components of a TARDIS, and voila! Even a complex supercomputer is as easy as a tea cup to think of." Starlight figured his next lesson should be from somepony more experienced than her. At least, if being able to think of a 43-dimensional object was any indication. "Alright, well, I think next time I might want Twilight here to help. She knows a lot more about magic in general, so she can get a better read on what spells are right for you." The Doctor nodded. From what he'd been told, he had a feeling he would like this "Twilight Sparkle" quite a bit. Talk of the other missing friend, "Pinkie Pie," and her high energy and bounciness did concern him, however. He hoped they would find some sort of common ground. "Oh!" Starlight had almost forgotten! "Don't worry about using that spell on other ponies. Doesn't do anything to living creatures, and ponies are too big for it to work anyways." He hadn't thought of the possibility, so it was good his fears were quelled before he had them. Starlight clearly had that question herself. The Doctor liked anyone willing to ask questions. "With all that said," she continued, "go make some friends with the others! See you later Doctor!" "Until we talk again, Starlight," the Doctor said with a bow, "and thank you!" He stopped himself from saying "until we meet again", since they were all in the same train car. Still, the farewell gave him an idea of how long he was expected to talk to someon- Erm, somepony else, which was to say, a while. He would have talked to the yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, but she seemed anxious and the Doctor guessed she would have trouble getting used to his presence. He enjoyed the company of Rarity, but she was busy tailoring him a new outfit, which while thoughtful required a lot of concentration. The only two candidates left were already mid-conversation at a table across from one another, but that meant he could get to know two other ponies at once. Although he wasn't particularly fond of the cyan one, "Rainbow Dash," maybe he just needed to get to know her better. "Hello again." The other two mares looked up at the alien unicorn as the Doctor made his introduction. "I hope neither of you mind if I join in." Rainbow opened her mouth as if to say something, but a glare from Applejack caused it to shut down again. "Sure thing, Sugarcube!" Applejack scooted to the side, allowing the Doctor a place to sit. The Doctor, in turn, took the opportunity. "Might I ask," he said, "what you were conversing about? I would hate to interrupt anything important." Applejack shook her head. "You weren't interruptin' much. We were just talkin' about how the princesses would react to ya. If it helps, ah think they'll like you quite a bit. Ain't that right Dashie?" Rainbow merely mumbled something that vaguely sounded like a disgruntled "yeah, sure." The Doctor had his suspicions of the Equestrian royalty, particularly the claim that they controlled the sun and moon. He was assured that the ponies had seen the consequences of what happens when the royalty weren't able to fulfill that duty, and he had seen enough impossible things today to at least not question that bit too much, but he still had doubts as to how "good" the princesses were. After all, an immortal ruling over mortals didn't seem any good in his book. Ponies may not have had religion, but he had known many egotistical maniacs that came to less advanced worlds and claimed to be gods. And while it wasn't quite the same, these "alicorns" did remind him of how most of Gallifrey viewed the Time Lords. The Time Lords... But he kept his thoughts on the matter to himself. He didn't want to commit blasphemy quite so early in new relationships. Applejack continued. "Now, ah don't think y'all are interested in all that, but ah know Dash and ah are interested in that fancy blue box of yer's." The Doctor's ears perked up. He hadn't been able to show the girls the inside of his TARDIS, as whatever the Time Lords did to it combined with his regeneration energy damaged it very badly, and it needed time to heal. That all being said, he was happy to talk about it. "Happy to oblige, my dear. It's called the TARDIS. It's an acronym that stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space." The doctor interrupted the tomboy duo each time they even thought of a question to ask. "Yes, it's a time machine. Yes, it also travels through space. Yes, that means it can take you anywhere and any time you please if you know how to use it. No, it's unlikely you'll ever be able to learn the controls" He stared at Rainbow specifically with that answer. "And as for how I can fit inside of it... Well, I prefer to show and not tell, so you'll have to wait a while for that." The Doctor then chuckled to himself as the two mares looked at each other with confusion. Then Rainbow decided to ask something while she still had the chance. "So, what happened to your TARDIS box?" The Doctor's face turned dour upon hearing Rainbow Dash's question. "Ah," the Doctor said, looking down at the table. "Well.... There's a nasty group of elites in Gallifrey called the Time Lords. I stole my TARDIS from a repair shop and used it to save countless lives throughout time and space. The Time Lords," he grimaced, "called it interference with what they considered to be 'lesser species-'" Despite the lack of fingers, his hooves accurately portrayed the air quotes he was miming- "A crime amongst their kind." He noticed both girls seemed a bit more tense when the term "lesser species" was brought up. "Thus, I had the secret of the TARDIS taken from me, which mostly means I need to make an excessive amount of repairs. Starlight has just taught me how to use an ability that will certainly help in that regard, but it's still going to be a long journey." He sighed. "In short, I am now exiled, and thus cannot use the TARDIS for the time being." Applejack tipped her hat in sympathy. "That sure is tough, partner. Can't imagine how ah would feel if ah weren't allowed on mah family farm no more." She looked at Rainbow. "Just as ah'm sure Dashie here wouldn't know what to do if her wings were taken from 'er." Rainbow's eyes widened at that. "Yeah, I feel for you, Doc," said Rainbow sadly. "Even just the thought of not being able to fly any more... It hurts, honestly." A slight look of guilt crept upon Applejack's face, which made Rainbow panic more. "But hey, as long as you have good friends like AJ, you can get through just about anything." She noticed the Doctor visibly winced upon her mentioning friends, which further added to her anxiety. OK, she thought, friends are a bad topic. "How about we talk about something else? This is starting to bum me out a little bit." The other two nodded in agreement, and a wave of relief swept over Rainbow. The Doctor then piped up with a question. "Right then, Miss Applejack, what's the meaning behind your name, if you don't mind my asking?" Applejack just shrugged in response. "Aside from carryin' the legacy of the Apple family, beats me." The Doctor put a hoof on his chin, and thought a bit before his next question. "Do you happen to know of a beverage with the same name?" Before AJ could answer, Rainbow Dash lit up, leaning forward and slamming her forehooves on the table. "Hah!" She exclaimed. "I knew I wasn't the only one who thought your name meant booze!" The Doctor began to laugh uncontrollably as Applejack rolled her eyes. He didn't expect a blue pegasus with multi-colored hair to exclaim that her friend's name referred to an alcoholic beverage, or even for a pegasus to say the word "booze." In fairness, he also didn't expect to see any talking horses today, but this was the first time that something comical and not just baffling had occurred from the situation. Soon enough, Rainbow joined in the giggling, as an exasperated cowpony just rolled her eyes again, although this time with a smile on her face. The laughter died down right as Rarity had left the restroom. With her, she brought a white, long-sleeved, frilled shirt, a red, velvet jacket, and a purple cape. She brought the ensemble directly to the Doctor with her magic. "Here you are, Darling," she said, "one very lovely outfit for our stallion from the stars, exactly to his vision!" She used her magic to remove the now worn bow-tied outfit from him, fitting the new one on in its stead. She made sure that his sonic screwdriver was transferred from the old jacket to a pocket behind the ruffles on the Doctor's new shirt, which she thought was incredibly clever on her part. The Doctor gave a wide grin. "Thank you very much, my dear! It's even better than I had envisioned, and it's quite comfortable too." Rarity beamed at the praise, clearly filled with pride. However, the Doctor noticed something was missing from the ensemble. He didn't specify it to Rarity, but that was mostly to test the leniency when it came to clothing designed for stallions. "A quick question, Miss Rarity. Are there any pants that come with this outfit?" Rarity, in response, let out a small "ha". "Why would you want to cover up that fabulous cutie mark you have? If it were a dress at a big event like the Gala, sure, but pants?" Her face sneered a bit. "They're a bit droll, darling, wouldn't you say?" The Doctor was unbothered. "Just making sure, my dear. Many species are very particular when it comes to social norms, and clothes are a large part of that. For some species, like Humanity and to a lesser extent Gallifreyans, you have to wear a shirt and a pair of pants even in the hottest environments. I blame the lack of fur for causing that annoying little habit." With that, he took off his own pants, now certain that the stallions were just as lenient on clothes as the mares. He turned his attention to his flank, specifically the so-called "cutie mark." An hourglass, as permanent as a tattoo. Fluttershy was the one to explain that it showed the Doctor's "special talent." Rarity expanded on the idea, stating that her own cutie mark, a set of three diamonds, could have meant she was great at being a miner, but that she knew it meant that she could find and create beautiful things, even in the most unassuming of places. "Cutie Marks show what you're good at, but are open to interpretation" was the lesson he took from that conversation. He pondered what his own meant, although he hadn't the foggiest idea. "I'm guessing you're wondering what your cutie mark means, right?" The Doctor's train of thought was interrupted by Rainbow, of all ponies, havin spotted his thoughtful state directed at his rump. She continued. "My guess is it's time travel. Yeah, your box is broken, but just because you're not able to travel right now doesn't mean you won't be able to later. And don't worry, your cutie mark doesn't tell you everything you're good at, just what you're best at. You can still have other talents that aren't your main one! I mean, look at me!" She gestured her hoof towards her own cutie mark. "Even if I wasn't able to fly at lightning speed, just like my cool-as-hay cutie mark says I should be good at, I'd still be friggin' awesome!" She did her best to ignore Applejack's small snicker. "I'm great at plenty of different sports, most of which don't even have to do with flying! You're good at all sorts of sciencey gizmos and at magic too. Basically, don't sweat it too much." "Well, if you care for my take, Darling," Rarity said while taking a seat next to Rainbow, "I would say you should wait a while. Talents aren't always so obvious, and I have no idea what I would think if I only learned what my cutie mark was today. Mine is more... Abstract than most, so I would probably assume I was meant for jewelry, not all kinds of fashion! I say give it time, and the answer will come to you when you least expect it." Starlight overheard the conversation from the other side of the train car, and decided to chime in. "I agree with Rarity," she said, "but if I had to give a different guess, or any guess really, it'd be that it means you're wise beyond your years. It could signify age and experience, like the sand that passes through an hourglass. You probably have a lot of knowledge to share, and I think we're going to see that more and more as we learn about you." The Doctor nodded. "You all make valid points, and I thank you for the help. In any case, it doesn't seem that important at the moment. After all, I do believe that a 'cutie mark' is just a signifier of that talent, correct?" Hearing this, Starlight immediately hid her face in a newspaper, while the rest of the girls just felt somewhat awkward. "Doc," Applejack began, as she turned to the space-stallion, "if ya lose a cutie mark, ya lose the talent it represents until ya get it back. It can't happen on a whim, somepony has to cast or miscast a spell, but it can happen. Ain't happened to us in a long time. Not since..." She stopped to look over at Starlight, before quickly turning her gaze back to the Doctor. "... Well, the pony who did that became a much better pony. At the time they thought they were doin' the right thing by puttin' everypony on an even playin' field, but they didn't realize who they could've been hurtin'. They know better now." Starlight had put down the newspaper, but still looked somewhat ashamed. "It's all in the past now, darling" Rarity chimed in, noticing the Doctor looking in the train's window reflection straight at Starlight. Applejack wasn't very subtle in terms of body language, one of the many times her trademark honesty had come to bite her in the flank, which allowed the Doctor to catch on to whom she was referring to. The Doctor was more subtle, but Rarity had an eye for detail and was able to catch the glance. She continued as everypony else turned to face her. "I can personally attest that this pony has improved their behavior significantly since that little... Incident. It's always possible to set a pony down the right path, so long as the pony in question wants to improve, and they certainly did want to. Why, they still want to improve even now! And I'll also say that pony is now a friend to the end, and we are very happy to have known her." She saw the Doctor grinning at that, and saw in the window that Starlight was tearing up a bit with a smaller smile. Nailed it, she thought. And it was at this sentimental moment, this grand reaffirmation of the group's friendship with Starlight, that life thought to itself "yes, this is the moment. This is the moment when the animals should invade their train car." A stampede of various animals, all of which were clearly meant to be sold as pets, charged in. Each animal had a panicked look in its eyes. Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rats, mice, rabbits, and whatever else you could name was running across the car. They all seemed to try and hide, or run further into the next car. Whilst Rainbow, AJ, Rarity, Starlight, and a half dozen other passengers who were previously minding their own business all stayed as close to the wall as possible, hoping to avoid the rather embarrassing obituary of "trampled to death by hamsters", the Doctor leapt into the stampede of small animals to try and quell it. Much to his surprise, the mare to join him was... Not the one he expected. "What the devil are you doing here, Miss Fluttershy?" He had to shout in order to be heard over the barks, meows, tweets, and other various animal noises. Fluttershy, panickily, gave a quick reply. "My special talent is animals, Mr. Doctor! Calming down critters is what I'm good at." The normally timid mare had a determination in her eyes, the determination of somepony who wanted to help as many creatures as she could and would let nothing stop her. A look the Doctor was well familiar with, though typically he wasn't able to see it for himself without a mirror. Then, the Doctor noticed what was, to him, a strange sight. A trio of parrots were carrying a cage containing two tortoises, and a family of ferrets were doing the same task with a fish tank filled with aquatic life. "Curious," he mused to himself amidst the chaos swarm of critters. He started shouting again. "Are these animals... Helping another species?" Fluttershy nodded. Animals in Equestria had a sense of comradery about them, but Fluttershy felt that now wasn't the time to explain the intricacies of dealing with animals on her world. "Whatever is happening in the luggage," she said, "it has them all running, and they don't want to leave any creature behind. They're saying something about a 'faceless pony.'" The Doctor turned to look at the mare. "That is what they're saying! How do you know that?" Fluttershy looked at the Doctor, her surprised expression matching his. "Understanding animals is part of my talent! Can you speak with animals, too?" The Doctor gave a proud grin. "I was taught many animal languages since the TARDIS can only translate more sentient species." A cat's screech brought them both back down to Gaia. "I believe we can discuss it at a later date!" Fluttershy nodded at that. "Right, sorry." It was then a figure walked into the train car. It was shaped like a pony, but it had no coat or mane, and was colored a light shade of peach. It had no cutie mark and, as the would-be-pets had rightfully decreed, no face. As a matter of fact, it looked like... Ah, thought the Doctor. Those mannequins were NOT always in the store window. "LOOK OUT," the Doctor shouted, grabbing Fluttershy so both could duck from the sudden laser fire. The right forehoof of the dummy was open, as if it had a hinge akin to a trash can lid, that revealed a small metal tube made for blasting energy. "Something is making this plastic mannequin kill," the Doctor stated. Fluttershy was breathing heavily. "Um- Uh- I don't think I know what 'plastic' is, but Rarity said her new mannequins were made of something like that!" "Well then, if this is your first time seeing plastic then this is a horrible first impression! Now take cover!" At the Doctor's command, both ponies and all the creatures near that spot did so, dodging another flash of light, leaving the two equines on opposite sides of the room. "Plastic is normally just a building material that's non-biodegradable," he yelled, "certainly shouldn't move, but this one seems to have other components added! I suggest you move!" Fluttershy jumped toward the Doctor, as the laser beam she dodged very nearly hit a bystander, who immediately cried out for his mother. "I have no idea what's causing it, but it likely activated while being shipped through the luggage, resulting in our current predicament!" He then grabbed the yellow pegasus with his magic and had them both jump out of the way and towards the living dummy. Meanwhile, the stray laser they avoided hit the tea cup of a purple mare with wings and a top hat, who immediately teared up at the sight of spilt tea. The Doctor pounced on the plastic assailant as soon as he confirmed he was close enough to do so. He figured that the transfiguration spell Starlight taught him would be useful here, but he had to think fast. The Doctor had to think of something simple, so he could cast it before the homicidal shop dummy fired another blast. Not too difficult considering the speed that his finely-trained thought processes allowed him, but what exactly would he try and envision..? He cast the spell on the thing's laser-wielding foreleg, which promptly turned into a simple, white, porcelain tea cup. Starlight had helped with more than just the spell, it turns out. This did not stop the living object from fighting, however, as a plastic hoof quickly met the Doctor's face at a dizzying speed. It would be difficult to concentrate on the spell while the figure was punching him senseless, so the Doctor pinned it to the ground, quickly casting a spell on its head with the same result. The mann-equine seemed unaffected, however, and it continued the struggle. It was hard for the Doctor to keep something with only three legs pinned, since an odd number of legs and no head was something most didn't think to prepare for. The thing's torso thrust itself into the Doctor's chest, knocking some wind out of the alien, as well as himself off of the mannequin. The menace stood on its hind legs, towering over the Doctor who lay flat on his back. Thankfully, Fluttershy went behind it and tore off the remaining foreleg, her eyes shut all the while. As she held it, however, it sprang to life and went for her throat. Fluttershy was known as a savior amongst the animals in Equestria, so this caused some of the animals to join the fight. Dogs and cats pounced at the larger figure, clawing at it to keep it still, while various kinds of birds helped Fluttershy pull the leg off her throat. Starlight tried her best to join the fight, leaning in in order to aim her spell at the arm trying to hurt her friend. Then, after a few missed shots and one bird disturbed in its flight, the disembodied leg was turned into a small wooden toy duck. At the same time, the Doctor was taking advantage of the canine and feline alliance in order to turn both remaining legs into tea cups, which caused the creatures to disperse. He did note the spell didn't work on the torso, likely because it was simply too big of an object for the spell to work. That, or that part was too "alive" in a way the other parts of it weren't, as it was somehow still moving. The animals, however, were still panicking, including an irritated bird now heading straight towards Starlight. With how many animals there were, and how much noise they were making, there was no time for Fluttershy to calm them each individually, and she doubted all the animals could hear her over all of their cries. She had no other choice but to use... It. Whether it was safe to use it or not was a completely different story, seeing how she didn't know if anypony was going to look at her while doing it. If they did, that would end up being a problem, since she had to give the animals orders while hoping the ponies on the train didn't follow them as well. Regardless, somepony had to make sure there wasn't mass hysteria, the animals were adding to that, and she was the only one on the train who could do anything about that, so... "Alright," Fluttershy shouted, "you have forced my hoof!" Rainbow Dash heard her say this, and knew that she had to yell a warning so Fluttershy didn't have to. "EVERYPONY LOOK AWAY, NOW!" Most of Fluttershy's friends, aside from the Doctor, who was further away from Rainbow, immediately did so, knowing how Fluttershy didn't like what she had to do affecting ponies. The other passengers either were able to hear the warning or were already cowering from the chaos, aside from the purple one, who was upset about her tea. And thus, Fluttershy shouted once more to get the attention of the animals, and everypony who didn't look away in time else was caught up in... The stare. The Doctor suddenly noticed he was being grabbed. Specifically, his eyes were being covered by a pair of hooves. He tried to grab the figure to bodyslam out of reflex, until he heard Rainbow say "woah, take it easy Doc! It's me!" This allowed him to relax a bit, but he was still confused. Rainbow continued. "You were lost in Fluttershy's stare for a good few seconds! I'm just trying to protect you from it!" The Doctor felt himself being dragged away. "A few seconds," he questioned. "I don't recall getting lost in something." Dashie rolled her eyes, though nopony could see her do so since those eyes were shut tight to avoid the infamous stare's crossfire. "Doc, Fluttershy can make a stare that can be... Hypnotic. I think it's hypnosis through sheer guilt? Whatever it is, you don't want to be caught up in it when she tries to order animals around." It was only then that the Doctor noticed there wasn't nearly as much noise as before. The entire room had gone quiet, aside from Fluttershy saying something akin to "return to your cages." The Doctor removed the hoof over his eyes, being careful not to look in the direction of Fluttershy's voice. He noticed all of the animals had stopped, and were now starting to slowly move in the same direction he avoided looking at for too long. He also noticed a purple pegasus, slack-jawed, was doing the same thing. He heard a meek voice say "it's safe to look now," so he finally ordained to look at Fluttershy, who seemed to be feeling a mix between guilt and mental exhaustion. He saw the menagerie of critters heading towards the luggage car, as Rainbow focused her attention into knocking some sense into the one mare unfortunate enough to fall completely under the stare's power. Fluttershy flew down to the Doctor, as the last of the animals exited and a very confused pegasus returned to her teapot. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Mr. Doctor." Fluttershy seemed apologetic for reasons the Doctor couldn't comprehend. "My dear," he began, "you have just cleared out an entire train car of dozens of different animals with a form of hypnosis so powerful that it managed to even effect me, and I have taken classes specifically to combat mind control technology and intense hypnosis. You have helped save all of us, and I am thoroughly impressed at your ability. You have nothing to apologize for." He made sure the timid mare smiled and all of the passengers had relaxed before moving on to the mystery at ha- Erm, at hoof. "Now then, Starlight, do you still have our headless friend with you?" Starlight nodded, levitating a plastic torso that seemed to still be struggling. The Doctor got out his sonic and subjected it to his "magic" for the first time, just for a quick scan. "Remarkable! It does appear to be normal plastic. No other internal components whatsoever, and yet it moves as if it were alive! It's likely all external technology was just being used for its weapon in the arm." The rest of the car, both friend and bystander, gave a confused look at that last word. "Apologies, I meant its front leg. "Normally, plastic is a completely harmless material. Well, it's harmful to the environment, but it normally doesn't have the urge to kill. In fact, it's not even supposed to be able to move like what remains of our aggressive friend here. It's certainly being controlled by an external source, but I haven't the faintest idea as to what that would be. Its origins should be a good place to start." He turned to his friends again. "Miss Rarity?" Rarity, still trying to regain her nerves, kept her composure as she answered. "Yes, darling?" "Miss Fluttershy told me you received some mannequins for your shop, and that you said they were made of plastic. Can you remember where you got them from?" Rarity's composure suddenly vanished, and she seemed absolutely livid. "I should have known it was a trick! Giving away free mannequins for 'promotion?' What balderdash!" She gasped. "I left those things to have free reign in my shop! They could hurt Sweetie Belle, or my parents! This is the WORST! POSSIBLE! THING!" For once, the other girls noted, that phrase didn't feel like an exaggeration. "Focus, my dear," the Doctor said. "Do you remember the name of the company, by chance? This could prove to be important!" Rarity nodded. "It was called 'Set Ram industries.' I have no idea why it's called that, since it's apparently a minotaur-run company. I know that much due to the fact their CEO gave me a commission for a... Bizarre, but still fabulous outfit. I think I had to send that outfit out to..." Her eyes grew wide. "Canterlot!" Starlight's magic faltered for just half a second due to her surprise. "That's where we're headed! Do you think that the Cutie Map sent us there because of this?" The Doctor slowly nodded his head in response. "If I'm here, there's no doubt of it. And whatever our assailant was was after me and Miss Fluttershy. I also suspect that the ones sent to Miss Rarity's boutique were being used to spy on us. They're expecting us." As if on cue, the train had come to a stop, putting everypony off-balance. A voice came from the intercom, announcing they had arrived at Canterlot station. "Alright, Miss Rarity, get your luggage quickly. Time is of the essence!" Thankfully for the Doctor, Rarity was the only one to bring anything with them, that being her sewing supplies to make the Doctor's new outfit. When clothes were optional and you only planned to go somewhere for one day, who else needed luggage? The group quickly hurried out of the carriage and into the station, only to be welcomed by more of the plastic ponies, each wearing some of the most fashionable outfits in Canterlot, with a small hoof-full of hostages held at laser-point. The group stared at the living dummies in silence for a few moments. "Aw, buck," Rainbow finally said. The friends had been guided by their stylish jailors all the way through the burning and demolished Canterlot to a large, architecturally impractical castle. Along the street were many more mannequins holding various ponies hostage, as if to remind the group why they weren't starting a fight. Thankfully, it didn't seem like anypony was hurt... But there were some helmets and chest plates left abandoned on the ground here and there, which was plenty cause for alarm. At the very least, their captors didn't seem to care if they talked. Fluttershy nervously expressed one of her many, MANY concerns. "You don't think they were able to capture the princesses, do you?" The sun in the sky seemed to be in the exact same position as it had been 3 hours ago, with hardly a nudge. The only reason that would be was if Princess Celestia wasn't able to move it like she normally would. Applejack just huffed in response to the worry. "If they did, it was in the same way we got got. They didn't want nopony ta get hurt, so they surrendered. Can't imagine immortals would be bothered by threats to their lives or anythin' like that. Ah just hope whatever's holdin' them up knows how important their jobs are." "Well," Rarity began, "at least it's easy to see how they were able to take over so quickly. Canterlot is a hotspot for fashion throughout all of Equestria, which means a lot of marvelous shops. And what business owner would turn down free advertising? I know I couldn't! And who could possibly even suspect... Well-" She gestured around wildly- "Any of this would happen?" The sound of a laser shot into the air let Rarity know that maybe, just maybe, it wasn't a good idea to move sporadically when being threatened with laser weapons. "That all being said," said the Doctor, " we should try and find out what they want from us. It's likely they need us alive for one reason or another. The one on the carriage was likely there just to show that they were a threat, not to actually hurt any of us. Otherwise, there would have been at least one casualty. Our existence is of value to them. Normally this information would allow us to be able to explore how much they're willing to tolerate from us, but due to the fact that this entire city is being held hostage, I discourage us from pushing our luck. At the very least, they're taking us to whoever's behind this, or at least someon- Erm, somepony in the chain of command." Rainbow took over Applejack's eye-rolling duty from earlier. "Yeah, so we basically can't do anything until we land in their trap?" The Doctor answered with a simple "Precisely." Rainbow let out a long, heavy groan. "Great! Sure! We might as well stand on the red X on the ground they set up, too!" The Doctor just sighed and shook his head. Eventually, they arrived at the castle. Once inside, they were led down a hallway that all the girls recognized. "Wait," said Fluttershy, "we're heading to the princesses' throne room!" When they did get to the throne room, a figure unfamiliar to all of them was sitting atop the throne while a sad & defeated-looking Princess Celestia sat to one side and a mannequin holding a guard hostage was on the other. The figure was a grey, male minotaur. Rarity recognized the outfit, at least, as he was dressed in a black Nehru jacket with matching slacks and gloves that she had hoof-crafted herself. Their captor's mane was slicked back, while both it and it's beard had a salt and pepper color to them, black interspersed with white and grey. Actually, the more the Doctor thought about it, that beard looked rather familiar. He knew a former friend of his who would try his best to maintain a goatee throughout his regenerations, even that one time he was a woman. Their friendship ended since his ambitions and pride had caused the Doctor to butt heads with him, and the Doctor had to stop him on more than one occasion... No, there was no way. The Doctor didn't even have an idea of how he ended up here, so there was no way he was able to follow him, right? It simply was not possible! "Hello again, Doctor," the minotaur bellowed. He stood from his stolen seat, and he gave a light laugh that caused Fluttershy to cower behind Rainbow. "Do you like this form?" The minotaur approached the Doctor slowly. "It took me a while to get used to it, really, but it's certainly grown on me." Now that the beast was closer to the Doctor, he could sense that the villain was, indeed, a Time Lord. "As a matter of fact, while I lack the quote-on-quote 'magic' that most species of this land seem to have, I make up for it with the quite literal strength of an ox." He flexed one of his arms, admiring his own physique. Rainbow had had enough. She hated it enough when somepony other than her was being a show-off, never mind when the idiot in question was threatening the lives of her friends, the princesses, and even ponies she didn't even know. "Alright pal, who the hay are you supposed to be?" The minotaur chuckled in response. "Dearest Doctor, why don't you tell them who I am? I do very much enjoy hearing you, of all people, say my name." The Doctor stared daggers into the eyes of his former friend and current foe. He gave a look that would have frightened anyone except who it was directed at, who was still wearing a rather smug smirk. He swallowed before saying the name of their captor. "The Master."
DJ P0N-3,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Fear of the Deep
Flare is trying to help his friend Ember over come his fear of underwater.
<p>At a cafe, 2 friends are hanging out, till one of them has a problem, can the other pony help his friend out?</p>
Another warm weather and sunny clear day in Ponyville. At its towns Café establishment with one window and door entry with surroundings of other ponies having their drinks and small meals at their tables outside. I’m still waiting for my order to arrive along with my good friend Ember who sat across from me. I didn’t pay attention to him as my mind was starting to wander off as usual staring at the newspaper I held, I cursed my short awareness span as I heard him trying to get me to notice him. “Flare? Flare!” He called out, “You silly horse, they’re finally bringing our drinks!” “Oh, sorry” I apologized as I looked over to the waiter bringing my coffee and Ember’s tea as it was being set down on the white clothed table. “ I was thinking about these rumored illegal chicken experiments that would make them produce more eggs at a faster rate.” “How are they illegal?” Ember pondered as he sipped his tea “It sounds like a wonderful thing, think about all the more cakes we could have!” “It would be nice,” I replied pointing at the news headline. “But apparently, it's making the chickens go crazy and become destructive that Princess Twilight had to shut it down by royal decree. Even though that law is in effect, there’s some other rebellious ponies that won’t cooperate. They probably think Twilight is not fit as a new ruler of Equestria, but that’s just my tinfoil hat theory.” Ember looked at me with a smile. “Those ponies are silly for even trying such a thing. Still, it’s good to hang out with you!” His demeanor changed into a serious questioning look “Hey Flare, may ask you something?” I looked up to my cute pegasus friend from my coffee cup and into his red and blue heterochromia eyes with curiosity but anxiousness. “Sure, Ember, what do you want?” I asked peculiarly He sipped his tea and gently placed his cup down on the table as he started to scratch the back of his blue and white mane. “Well, It’s just, my favorite performer Vinyl Scratch, is having a show at a special party on a yacht at the Celestial Sea.” “Oh?” I responded with interest “What’s the problem then?” “It's out in the middle of the sea, Flare!” He whinnied as he leaned over the table making more direct eye contact with me “I want to go, but I don’t want to be in the middle of the ocean and have a risk of drowning!” “Well, uh,” I pondered, “Can’t you just wait for another show? He shook his head “Nuh-Uh! It’ll be her last performance for a while and then she’ll be on break, I heard she will have the best wubs and dubs musical phenomenon breakthrough EVER! It’s so loud and upbeat that it has to be in the middle of the ocean so other ponies won’t complain about the noise! ” “Oh, that IS a problem” I leaned back in disbelief looking at the sky, I couldn’t bear to see my pegasus friend in so much distress, I had to help him somehow! “Ember, we’ll get you on that ship!” I proclaimed slamming my hooves on the table causing other ponies at the establishment turning their heads toward us. “But I’m scared” he pleaded with his ears flopped down “I don’t like the water, I don’t want to risk drowning again ever since I was a young colt on that class camping trip…” I put my hooves on his hooves and smiled with reassurance, “If it makes you feel any better Ember, I got stung in the eye by a bee when I was a young colt. I’m still afraid of them. I haven’t overcome my fear of them yet, and that’s okay. Maybe I’ll help you find a way to overcome your fear for just a brief moment so you can enjoy yourself at that party!” “I don’t know…” He said with doubt looking down at the table. “Trust me!” I said with confidence. “I think I know some pony that can help you! Let’s go!” We deposited our payment of Bits at the table and left the cafe. We traveled by train to Manehattan. In that port side city, we approached a small gray wooden one story shack against the docks near the ocean with decorative sea shells, a life preserver ring, and various aquatic images of fish and plants painted on the wall. “This is the place!” I sing-songed “My friend should be able to help you! Although, you might wanna bear with her condition” “Huh? I still don’t know, Flare..” Said Ember disapprovingly “What if it doesn’t work?” “Trust me,” I reassured “She’s an oceanographer, and an excellent swimmer, even though she can’t form any new memories, at least she still has her talents and knowledge.” I tapped my hoof at the door and a few moments later we heard a latch unlocking and a jostle of a handle as the door creaked open. Behind the entrance reveals a beautiful purple magenta earth pony with golden eyes and a purplish pink mane and tail with yellow and orange trimmings. She bore a cutie mark of an oxygen breathing tank that’s attached to a blue seashell mouthpiece respirator on her flank. “Oh Flare, This is a surprise visit” She looks over towards Ember with a bit flirtatiously love in her eyes “Who’s this cute gentle colt?” Ember stammered “Nuh-uh, I’m not cute! I’m just a silly horse!” She giggled at him, “Oh yes you are cute, I know good looking stallions when I see one” She pressed her hoof against his muzzle and it made a squeak noise. Ember closed his eyes and scrunched up his face. “I’m Lana Shelly,” She greeted, “Is it okay if I take your picture one moment?” “Huh?” Ember said with confusion Before he could respond, Lana brought out a polaroid camera that she stored on her person and aimed it at Ember. There was a flash and he winced from the sudden bright light as the camera instantly printed out his picture, he did look silly in that photo with that confused look on his face. “Sorry,” Lana said in a now serious tone “I have a hard time remembering faces with ponies I just met. I won’t remember you after this moment of time. It's .. my condition, I have anterograde amnesia, I can’t form any new memories like a goldfish lost in an empty tank.” “Oh I’m sorry about that,” said Ember “I’m Digital Ember, but you can just call me ‘Ember’!” Lana took out a marker and wrote on the photograph ‘Ember’ in small hoof writing. She then put it away behind her mane along with the marker and camera. I stepped up to her “We need your help, Lana” I stated “Ember wants to go to that yacht party featuring DJ Pon-3. Problem is, he’s terrified of the ocean for the fear of drowning. Do you think you can help him gain his confidence?” She looked at Ember with curiosity and compassion in her eyes. “Had a bad experience with the wondrous big blue, huh? Well don’t you worry cutie, Lana will teach you how to overcome your shark infested terrors!” Ember looked at her with doubt “You sure?” “As sure as school of tuna!” She cheered clapping her hooves “But tuna is stinky…” Ember pouted She let us inside and we headed down the stairs to what looks like a mini underground pool room surrounded with light blue lighting, with concrete flooring and the pool is decorated with white tiles, the walls were painted blue with plant life like kelp and bubbles. There’s 2 doors that lead to what looks like a classroom and a dressing room. All of Ember’s legs were shaking with panic on his face as he noticed the pool as he tried to back trot up the stairs! I placed my hoof on his back and smiled “No need to go up the stairs, Ember!” I assured “She can definitely help you, just please give her a chance! We won’t force you into the pool, and even if you do choose to go in there, it won’t be any deeper than up to your chest. We’ll take it slow okay? ” Lana nodded and added “I’m a certified diver, I will make sure you won’t drown.” It felt like our words hit a wall. Ember panicked and flapped his wings and flew up the stairs in panic. I heard a door slam as soon as he disappeared from our sight. “Ember!” I shouted. I flew up after him and managed to meet him outside of the door where he was curled up against the wall on the concrete sandy floor. “I’m sorry,” He sobbed, “I just can’t do it, maybe I’ll have to miss Vinyl’s performance…” I wish I knew how to comfort my friend. My unfocused brain looked around in despair and noticed a beehive hanging off of a tree in the distance near the shores of the beach. I looked at Ember and back at the tree with that horrifying hive filled with those dangerous little yellow monsters, I knew what I must do! I feel panic and worry in my mind, but my heart is out to my friend Ember, I want him to be happy. If maybe I can conquer my fear of bees and hornets, maybe he can overcome his fear of the water too? I gulped as I cautiously trotted up to the tree with the hive. Ember looked up from his shaking tears and saw me approach the tree. “Flare, what are you doing you silly horse?” He called out. I ignored him and reached the base of the tree, I turned around, looked at him and smiled shakily. “If I can conquer my fear then so can you!” I exclaimed as I kicked the tree as hard as I could with my back hoof! The beehive didn’t move from the tree at all. The bee’s didn’t take notice of me... yet. It still remained peacefully on the tree undisturbed, I probably didn’t kick the tree hard enough. As I raised my back hoof to try again, I saw Ember flying toward me with worry on his face as he pounced on me causing both of us to tumble away from the tree. We both ended up a far distance from that monster bug hive as we were laid down side by side from the rolling. “You dense horse!” He shouted furiously, “You don’t have to prove anything to me, that was extremely foolish of you, Flare! You could have gotten hurt! ” Cheese and crackers he’s right! What was I thinking? “I’m sorry, Ember!” I sighed with regret “I just wanted to help you, by proving to myself fear is just a stupid hold back, but I guess it's also a safety net as well” “Yeah you silly pony!” The anger left from his cute face “ Wear a beekeeper outfit next time you do something that stupid” he laughed. He looked over to the ocean and sighed “I guess I could always get a recording of Vinyl's show to watch, but it won’t be the same..” “Maybe you won’t have to miss it!” Lana’s voice shouted, “I have a solution for you, Ember” She trotted up to us and brought out 3 items for us to look at. The first thing she brought out is a picture of Ember with his silly cute confused look on his face, under that picture is some writing next to his name which now says “He’s terrified of drowning underwater, help him as best as you can! So he can go to a party at sea” “It’s a good thing I wrote your problem down, cutie!” she cheered “Cause it helped me find a solution to your troubles!” Next she placed a glass bottle that looks like it's filled with bubbly blue liquid soda as it fizzles as she gently placed it on the ground. “This is a water breathing potion” She exclaimed “In case you do fall off of the yacht, you’ll be able to breathe like a guppy! It should last for 6 hours, that’s enough time for a party right?” She then placed down a necklace with décor of a purple claw like nail gem with two sky blue beads on the sides next to the bottle. “This will turn you into a merpony, also in case you fall off, which will also help you breathe underwater!” She stated “You can borrow it, but please bring it back. I got it from the hippogriffs after solving their problem with some vicious sharks near their living space. I made a picture with a note on it that says you have it". She smirked "and trust me, you do not want me to hunt you down even with my handicap!" Ember laughed nervously and I couldn’t help but chuckle as well. “I couldn’t take these!” Ember protested politely, “They’re yours! I just can’t!” Lana shook her head and smiled “Don’t worry about it sweetie kelp pie! You deserve to be happy and live a little, at least.. You get to keep the memories you have fun with.. I can’t sadly, no matter how hard I try, all I can go by are these pictures, but I just want to live, you know?” There was a bit of sadness in her voice. He smiled, “Thank you Lana, I will have fun, just for you then! And I will bring your necklace back!” He turned to me “Thank you Flare!” He picked up the potion and put on the necklace that was given to him. “Well then, shall we prepare for the party?” I nodded “Absolutely!” I turned to Lana, “Would you like to come with us to DJ Pon-3’s show?” I offered Lana looks over to Ember knowing that even though she won’t remember the night. At least she’ll live the moment. She brought out a camera, took a picture of both of us and wrote something down on the photograph “I'll put on my best dress for it” She flirted, "I'll see you two later!” She headed to her home to get ready. The night out on the yacht in the Celestial Sea was wonderful. The sky was clear and beautiful with stars and the ocean waves were calm. Ember was right about the music, It had the best dubstep noises and wubs that every pony can enjoy to their hearts desire. It was loud but fun. There was dancing, fine drinks and catering to any pony's imagination. But most importantly, I get to see my good friend Ember enjoy himself as he cheers on his favorite idol Vinyl Scratch and have some sort of safety of comfort with no worries at sea .
Big Macintosh,Twilight Sparkle,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Golden Oaks is destroyed and with it nearly all of Twilight's possessions. But Big Mac has one that she doesn't know escaped the fires.
<p>The Golden Oaks has been destroyed and with it nearly all of Twilight's possessions. </p><p>But Big Mac has one of hers that she doesn't know about - a singular memento that escaped the flames.</p><hr/><p>Featured 1/30/2024 - 2/2/2024!</p><p>And featured on <a href="" rel="nofollow">Equestria Daily</a> on 2/3/2024!</p><p>Cover art generously used with permission from <a href="/user/28581/Harwick" rel="nofollow">Harwick's</a> <a href="" rel="nofollow">Sun And Moon portrait collection</a>.</p>
The Golden Oaks had burned bright and long. Even after Tirek had been taken to Tartarus again and magic had been returned to his victims, the old tree cast a baleful light throughout the town. By morning, at least, it had been extinguished to smoldering embers. Spike had done much of the recovery work. While Twilight had worried for him, there was no denying he was the best choice. Fireproof, light, strong for his size, and possessing dexterous claws few ponies could even try to match, he was the perfect one to sort through the wreckage and recover the scant few things that remained. And it was scant. Almost none of the books survived - even those that did were scorched or sodden from the aftermath. The only intact survivor was a copy of Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding album that had been enchanted for durability. The cast iron pot in the kitchen had bravely sacrificed itself, sheltering a fork, two spoons, and one saucer under itself. It took the brunt of the blast - warping terribly - but it saved the smaller items from complete destruction. Nearly everything in the basement was crushed; all the linens and clothing were burnt away; ink evaporated; quills incinerated. In the end, the entirety of Twilight and Spike's surviving possessions were contained in a single cardboard moving box. It was a sobering moment to see their lives reduced to so little. Thankfully, there was help to recover. From Rarity swearing to replace every missing piece of clothing to Princess Celestia opening up the treasury to replace Twilight's books, all of their friends came together. The greatest of the gifts was the chandelier that now hung in the Map Room - made from the Golden Oaks' roots and covered with the crystalized memories of the Bearers' time together. What had been lost couldn't be returned, but they could build anew from the rubble. That evening, Spike slept in a proper bed for the first time while Twilight put away one last box of replacement books. It was silent in the new castle - too big for just the two of them and still far too empty. The emptiness made it easy to hear the knock on the front doors, the echo going on for leagues. Twilight was fortunately fairly close and it only took her two minutes of trotting to get there, each step loudly clacking on the crystal floors. Arriving at the doors, she opened them to find Big Mac on the other side - up far past farmer's hours. She raised her eyebrows in questioning surprise. He bowed his head. "Princess Twilight." And she rolled her eyes. "Mac, of all ponies you should know I'm just Twilight." He raised his head with a little smirk. "That was 'fore you had a castle." Wryly smiling back, she waved him onwards with a wing. "Please, come in." Entering, Big Mac only made it one step before stopping. He looked down with consternation before taking another step - and frowning more at the loud, echoing strike of steel-shod hooves on crystal. Twilight watched as he took a third step with slow, deliberate care and managed to make only minimal noise. "I'm planning on ordering some carpet," she noted with a strained smirk. It was enough to break the tension and make them both laugh. His was far more nervous. Another careful, nearly silent step and Twilight took pity on him. Rather than going deeper into the castle, she closed the front door and took Mac to the nearest room. Which turned out to be a substantial coat closet turned workshop - Rarity had left it cluttered with raw materials and half-completed projects. Most of the deep purple fabric was likely to be the drapes, but even with that focus Rarity had left the beginnings of a sun dress laying on the table as well. (The sight made Twilight smile a little more and mentally leave a reminder to look surprised when Rarity eventually gave it to her.) The room lacked chairs, but a low storage chest was close enough to a bench for Twilight. She sat - then patted the space next to her with a wing when Mac stoically stood. It took another few seconds of hesitation before he reluctantly joined her. An eerie, awkward quiet sank down on them for more than a minute. "...So," Twilight said, just to break the silence. Big Mac took a deep breath, then let it out in an echoing sigh. "Ah heard 'bout what your friends did for you. The roots and all that." He glanced to Twilight. She nodded and he continued. "Made me think a lot about it. What happened, Ah mean." His eyes focused on the floor between his hooves. "Losing everything you had like that… it's tough. Can't imagine what it'd be like to not have…" The normally silent stallion had to pause, lips dry and throat tight. "Not to have those reminders." The way he stressed the word sent Twilight's memory to the Apple farmhouse and the things inside it. Heirlooms and mementos and most importantly pictures. Old portraits, some from when the family was fuller. Her own body tensed up at the momentary thought of what such a loss would do to the family. In the moment of that thought, Twilight missed Big Mac moving. He shifted, reaching down to his saddlebags. "Legacy's important, Ah figure. Keepin' the bits of your past anchors your future, Granny says. You lost a lot of that." He held out his hoof to her. "But not all." Smarty Pants. The raggedy gray doll sat in Mac's oversized hoof. He usually moved with care, but this was different - there was a sag in him, like the little doll was too heavy for him to lift. She took it in her magic, giving it a slow spin so she could inspect all the angles. There was new wear here and there. Some dust. Also a few repairs, done by a hoof that was more used to heavy work than fine details but doing its best. In all, used but maintained. And perfect to hold. Twilight didn't even realize that she'd been bringing the doll closer until it floated into her chest and she reflexively hugged it. Mac watched in silence, smiling and teary-eyed at the same time. After basking in the familiar softness, Twilight looked up again. "You kept her?" "Eyup." "And took care of her." "Eyup." "Why?" That couldn't be summed up in a single word, and took Mac a few moments to organize his thoughts. "When the whole pile broke up and Ah ended up with it, Ah didn't know who's it was. But it wasn't hard to tell that it was important to somepony. There's love there, and that deserved respect. So Ah took it home until somepony could claim it." He shifted uneasily. "Plus Ah really liked it." Twilight couldn't quite hold back her giggle. Cheeks redder than normal, Mac continued. "Since then… not sure what to say. It felt right to have. Bein' around it made things a little brighter." "She's a good listener, too," Twilight softly added. This time, Big Mac was the one to chuckle. "It is." A pause. "She is," he corrected. "And soft. Not like a blanket soft, like a–" "Like a pet," Twilight suggested from experience. "One that lets you hug it. Something to hold on to and cry into when you're sad." Mac nodded slowly. "Comforting. Which is why Ah figure you need her more than me right now." Twilight looked down at the worn gray doll. "...Right now." She turned her head to look at him - even as he didn't look at her. "Thank you, Big Mac. I promise I'll return her." "If you want to. When you're ready. Don't rush on my account." The Princess of Friendship leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I Pinkie Promise." He went home with a blush in his cheeks and a warmth in his heart. She slept soundly, curled under the sheets with her oldest friend. The newborn colt was a near perfect melding of his parents. His father's mane, his mother's eyes, and rich purple coat halfway between theirs. Unsurprisingly he was a huge foal, but Sugar Belle had soldiered through the birth with grace. Now he lay in his mother's embrace with his father in a chair at the bedside. The day had been a procession of friends and family for the parents had quite the network. And even when you eliminated the Apple family from the equation, there were still dozens and dozens. Some simply provided their well-wishes, like Double Diamond or Rainbow Dash. Others like Rarity or Party Favor brought gifts. A few - well, mostly just Discord - had to be discouraged from gifts for everypony's safety. (He had reluctantly agreed, at least until the newborn was out of the hospital.) One of the last was the Princess of Friendship herself, fresh from Canterlot. By the time she arrived it was well after sundown and visiting hours were technically over - but to a Princess, 'technically' was irrelevant. She entered and immediately motioned them to stillness with her wings, pre-empting any attempt for the mare just out of childbirth to try bowing. Mac - years more comfortable - simply gave the most powerful pony in Equestria a pleasant nod. Twilight approached, looking at the newborn with a sunlit smile. "He's beautiful." "Thank you." Sugar Belle smiled back - hers less bright, but only from the exhaustion. "And thank you for coming." "I had to." Twilight's eyes slipped to Big Mac's face. "I have a promise to fulfill, after all." Her magic reached back and pulled out a little doll - gray cloth, patched and sewn up a hundred times. Cared for with love, it hovered in the air so both parents could see. Big Mac's wide eyes watched it, and his voice was barely a whisper. "You remembered." "I remembered." Twilight set the doll in Sugar Belle's arms, snuggled against the colt. "Her name is Smarty Pants," she told the mother. "She was mine when I was a foal and was my best friend." Leaning down, she kissed the child's forehead. "Hopefully, she'll be his, too."
Sunset Shimmer,Twilight Sparkle (EqG),Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Twilight's Blåhaj
Sunset finds herself a bit surprised to see a stuffed shark on Twilight Sparkle's bed, and a bit more surprised Twilight's uncomfortable talking about it.
<p>In the many months since Twilight Sparkle transferred to Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer's been to her house a good number of times, enough for it to feel reasonably familiar. So when she notices something she's never seen before -- a large, blue-tinted plush shark she calls her blåhaj -- on Twilight's bed, she can't help but ask about it. She's a little surprised to find Twilight looking a bit embarrassed about her stuffed animal -- but when Sunset realizes it might be emblematic of a sore spot in Twilight's life, she realizes it's up to her to restore the magic of the blåhaj.</p><hr/><p>Can be read as either platonic or shipping.</p><p>What's a blåhaj? <a href="" rel="nofollow">Here's a summary.</a> And remember the accent on &quot;blahaj&quot;!</p><p>Pre-read by <a href="/user/383423/Dewdrops+on+the+Grass" rel="nofollow">Dewdrops on the Grass</a> and <a href="/user/249246/The+Sleepless+Beholder" rel="nofollow">The Sleepless Beholder</a>. Featured 30 January-2 February 2024.</p>
There was something about Twilight’s room that was its own kind of magical. It was an observation Sunset made almost every time she stepped inside, but it was never any less true. Her friends’ rooms all ran the gamut in terms of how decorated they were – from Rainbow Dash’s, messy and sparsely decorated with taped-up posters, to Rarity’s, opulent in style and meticulously maintained – and all felt like they perfectly befitted their residents. But Twilight’s had a special kind of wonder to it, the light from the ceiling lamp perfectly illuminating all the features that made the whole place scream Twilight Sparkle. The planetarium above the bed, the large overstuffed bookshelves, the telescope and star charts, the gorgeously patterned windows, the sheer amount of purple in the room… Sunset loved every bit of it. She’d also been by the place enough at this point to have practically every detail of it memorized. It was fairly easy, as Twilight wasn’t the type to arbitrarily change up something that was in good working order. (The only things that did change regularly were the aforementioned bookshelves, as Twilight often found new and far superior ways to organize her personal collection of literature, which would then require reevaluation when a new book was added that forced her to find a new, extra-superior way to properly re-sort the library.) So when there was something unexpected to see in the room, which wasn’t very often, it would quickly catch Sunset’s eye. She probably would have picked up on this particular item regardless of that, but it stuck out all the more as Sunset sat down on the bed, opposite Twilight, and criss-crossed her legs atop the comforter so that the two were properly facing each other. “So,” Sunset asked. “You got a stuffed animal?” Twilight blushed, her eyes briefly darting to the object in question and back. “Oh, heh. I probably should’ve put that up.” Sunset blinked. She hadn’t expected Twilight to find it embarrassing, but that laugh had sounded rather insincere. “No, it’s cute!” she said hastily. “I just wanted to know more about, y'know, what it was.” Said item, which Sunset turned her gaze to look at more fully, was a meter-long plush shark laying in front of the pillows, its head facing Sunset’s side of the bed. It was certainly big, for a stuffed animal; there were real sharks that existed that were smaller than this, though they weren’t of the fearsome variety this one approximated. It was grayish with a heavy blue tint, which contrasted with the purple that dominated the room as a whole. And with its two dorsal fins, one large and one small, and two rows of teeth sewn where its mouth was, it had all the trappings of a top predator of the sea – yet it was fuzzy and felt, and those ‘teeth’ were soft, thin, and rounded. It was an altogether charming facsimile, and one that Sunset supposed wasn’t too different conceptually from the stuffed bear toys one could find in Equestria as well as this world. Though those were usually a bit further removed in appearance from the real deal, but then, they needed to be, given how many Equestrian settlements were close to the territories of real bears. Even with Canterlot City’s beaches, few humans were likely to ever run into a big shark. But why did Twilight seem uncomfortable about having a simple stuffed animal? She pondered briefly, but nothing convincing came to mind. Slowly, Twilight reached over and grabbed the toy fish by the tail fin, dragging it over to herself. She set it in her lap and looked up at Sunset, whose gaze had followed the movement. “It’s my blåhaj.” Sunset tilted her head. “Isn’t it just a shark?” “Well, yes, I guess that’s what it is, but…” She slid her right hand underneath the stuffed animal’s head and lifted the thing up about 45 degrees. “It’s my blåhaj.” That wasn’t very helpful. “...That probably wasn’t very helpful,” Twilight added after a moment. “Sorry, I’m just feeling a little awkward talking about this.” Hearing that, Sunset adjusted her posture so it was more obvious she wasn’t trying to be judge-y. “Oh, that’s okay. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with still using your old stuffed animals every now and then, right?” “Um…” Twilight tensed, ever so slightly. Perplexed, Sunset took a more focused look at the sh– the blåhaj. It looked to be in rather good condition – a bit worn, but not aged as much as one would expect a beloved childhood toy to be. She supposed it was possible that– Oh. Sunset suddenly had a better sense of where the discomfort was coming from. “...Or maybe a not-so-old stuffed animal?” she asked. Twilight nodded. “Yeah. I’ve only had it for just over a year. I got it during my last few months at Crystal Prep.” Sunset quickly made the connection. One of the loneliest periods in Twilight’s life, when she was firmly under the heel of her principal and shunned by her classmates, when her brother had gone off to university and her parents were all too frequently away from home. Just a big empty house, a dog, and bad thoughts. “I don’t know if I’d call it desperation,” Twilight elaborated, resting the blåhaj back down. “But it did feel necessary. I don’t mean to sound like I was wallowing in misery back then, but I was learning the difference between simply being introverted and realizing I had basically no one in my life. The closest thing I had to a friend was my dean, and Spike was just a normal dog – and a pretty small one that gets antsy if you hold him too long. And I had routines, experiments, stuff that kept me distracted a lot of the time, but late at night, when I was having trouble sleeping and constantly hugging my pillows… I just needed something.” Sunset glanced back down at the stuffed shark, and noticed probably the most worn part of it was right in the midsection, where Twilight’s arms had likely wrapped around it very often. “And I happened to remember hearing about these some time earlier,” Twilight continued, “in a chat forum I occasionally popped into. They were a bit of a fad, I think, but they were still being made – they still are – and I remembered just how big they were supposed to be. So I went and got one, and, well, it helped. It helped to have something there.” Twilight picked up the plush and wrapped both arms around it, holding it against the right side of her body, its head pressed against hers. Scooting forward a bit, Sunset reached out a hand and placed it on Twilight’s knee, just a few centimeters from where the toy had been resting. “I’m sorry.” Twilight tensed, though she didn’t withdraw. “Not your fault. I didn’t know you then.” There was a temptation to respond, but Sunset knew pressing the point would go nowhere; she knew from past experience that Twilight didn’t care for nonspecific apologies like that. So she just sat for a moment as Twilight slowly loosened her grip on the blåhaj, eventually letting it fall. It landed mostly in her lap, facing the other way from how it had been positioned before. That was Sunset’s cue to shift the topic a bit. “Did you ever have stuffed animals, growing up?” Relaxing at the change, Twilight shrugged her shoulders. “Not really. Just this one raggedy doll I called Smarty Pants. She’s somewhere in the attic, and she’s in pretty bad shape. No one’s gonna be fighting over her.” Sunset nodded, shifting forward a bit. “Fair. I never had any. For a while I was, y’know, ‘too tough’ to have one, I guess; then later, I didn’t really think I deserved to have something comforting like that.” She took her hand off Twilight’s knee and began to gently stroke the blåhaj, which was about as soft as she’d expected it to be. “I wouldn’t mind something like this, honestly,” she mused aloud, before making eye contact with Twilight again. “You weren’t afraid I was gonna judge you for having a stuffed animal, were you?” Twilight opened her mouth for just a moment, then closed it, clearly pondering. Sunset felt a twinge of guilt, pulling her hand back from the blåhaj. Had she been too invasive? It seemed like such a simple question to ask, but Twilight’s reactions weren’t always the easiest to gauge in advance. The universe might have deemed Sunset some kind of avatar of Empathy, but being able to comprehend emotions wasn’t the same as being able to intuit them. (And Sunset wasn’t about to break her policy of not invading her friends’ minds with her geode over questions about a stuffed toy.) Take your time, Sunset almost said, but by then Twilight had finally found what she’d wanted to say, or at least something she could manage to say. “I don’t know, honestly,” she began. “I just feel like I shouldn’t need this, anymore. I have friends. My life is different. And even with Crystal Prep, my old classmates made amends with me. Midnight’s gone. But I keep holding on to my blåhaj at night. I never bring it to sleepovers, and I feel like I sleep a little worse without it. I shouldn’t need it anymore – really, I don’t need it anymore – but I keep it anyway. I even once tried an experiment to see how many days I could go before I felt like I needed it, but I woke up in the middle of the first night and grabbed it because I forgot about the whole thing. So I didn’t bother recording the results. “And now that I’m talking about it, it just feels stupider. Like part of me wants to always be sad, and just never get over anything. It’s ridiculous. Yeah, things felt pretty bad back then and I did terrible things because of it, but now it almost feels like whining. ‘Poor Twilight, she didn’t enjoy her elite prep school, she needed a stuffed shark to hug, boo hoo. Clearly she’s the least fortunate person in the world, with her big house and lab access and opportunities.’” Twilight hung her head, looking down at the shark. “I know that’s probably being too harsh on past me. I just… it makes me wish I knew how to stop throwing pity parties for myself. Like I’m doing right now. That’s why I always hide this – I’m not ashamed of having a stuffed animal. I just didn’t want to explain that I needed something to hug.” There weren’t any tears under Twilight’s eyes. Sunset felt certain it was because Twilight was straining not to let any loose, lest she prove herself right. Sunset fought back the urge to immediately give her a hug of her own. At this point, expressing visible sympathy would be a gamble, or at the very least a tightrope walk. Once that word pity was invoked, all expressions of comfort became innately untrustworthy. They now had to be wrapped within the guise of a sales pitch, in order to convince the comfortee they’d earned sympathy, that it wasn’t shameful to accept. It was a mindset Sunset had been training herself to avoid, after she’d spent most of her life indulging in it, and any step she could take to help break Twilight out of it as well would be a good one, if she could get it right. Even touching Twilight again would probably set things off on the wrong foot, so Sunset simply cleared her throat to get Twilight’s attention. Once their gazes were solidly locked on each other – the subtle tremble in Twilight’s eyes stabilizing as she awaited what Sunset had to say – Sunset inhaled and spoke. “Twilight,” she said firmly, “I…” It took only a few seconds for Sunset to identify a flaw in her original line of reasoning, as well as the one she came up with after that, and the one after that. She froze, and Twilight’s briefly curious expression became downcast once more. Panicking silently, Sunset once more noticed the blåhaj slumped on Twilight’s lap. “Can I hold this, for a second?” “Oh, um, sure.” Sunset nearly started to reach forward and take it, but before she could, Twilight had picked it up and gently placed it in her palms, which had opened instinctively. After a moment, Sunset held the plush up against her torso, wrapping her left arm around it while stroking it gently with her right. She knew Twilight was watching, quietly, but Sunset kept her focus on the doll before speaking again. “Twi, it, um… I’ve always noticed you like to look for meaning in things. Not in a spiritual way, that is, but more of this deterministic ‘X exists because Y’ kind of thing. And it makes sense, I’m not saying it doesn’t. That’s what science is, right? Knowledge that brings understanding of the world.” She glanced up, and saw Twilight hesitantly nod. Sunset slid her left arm off the shark and grasped it from underneath with her newly free hand, and from above with her other. She thrust it forward, toward Twilight. “So what is this?” she asked. “’s my blåhaj.” “It’s just a shark, Twilight. A big cute stuffed shark. That’s all, right?” “.........I mean, yes, but, um, Sunset–” “No, you’re right, there’s more to it. It’s also soft. It’s easy to hold. It’s big enough to hug. And those are all, um, intrinsic to it, right?” Twilight stared, most likely trying to figure out just where Sunset was going with this. Sunset held back for just a moment before pressing on. “But that’s just what this is. What it means is something else entirely. It was a comfort you needed back when you had none, and now, because that’s not true anymore, you think it should be obsolete. You still want it, but… it’s also a reminder, right?” Twilight nodded. “So that’s what it means. And that meaning is different from what it is. Because of that, I think we have two options. Option One is that we could just get rid of it.” Twilight’s eyes went wide behind her glasses, and Sunset even noticed a little jolt run through her body. She regained composure near-instantaneously, but what had been revealed was undeniable. There was no Option One. “Or,” Sunset continued, “Option Two is that, because the meaning of the blåhaj is different from what it is, we could find a way to give it a new meaning.” Twilight exhaled softly. “In what way?” Manipulating the shark in her hands, Sunset moved it so its body faced Twilight head on, then began to press down on its head in intervals. “I don’t know, Twilight,” she said in a squeaky voice. “What way can we do that?” That earned her a frown, which Sunset had expected. “Har har. Be serious.” “Why?” ‘the shark’ asked. “Isn’t this all because we were being too serious to start with?” Peeking from above the artificially animated fish, Sunset caught the barest hint of a smile on Twilight’s face, before it returned to a pout. She let go of the head and lowered the blåhaj a bit. “Twilight,” Sunset said, voice returning to normal pitch, “it’s not some horrible personality flaw that something that was special to you at a bad time in your life is still special to you now. I still really like a lot of the same stuff I did when I was making an ass of myself and being a jerk.” She motioned to her leather vest. “I started dressing like this because I used to think it would make me look tough and scary. And that feels really silly now, and for a while, I thought about giving it up so I wouldn’t look like how I used to. But I couldn’t, because it still feels like me. “I guess what I’m saying is… I’m just thinking that, if this is still special to you, then I don’t want you to think you have to give it up. Maybe… maybe we just need to give it a better reason to be special.” Twilight was quiet for a moment. Sunset was silent in turn, not wanting to interrupt the gears in her friend’s head as they turned. When they finished, all she asked was “How?” Sunset shrugged. “Making new memories for it, I guess.” She lifted up the shark once again, and she could see Twilight looking closely at it. She wasn’t quite certain how Twilight was looking at it, but she definitely was giving it her attention. Then, all of a sudden, Sunset found the blåhaj being pulled from her hands, surrounded in a purple glow. She instinctively tried to grab it back, but it moved faster than she’d expected, floating forward in a line towards Twilight, her geode bracelet pulsing, her expression twisting into a smirk. Its mouth landed right on Twilight’s neck, and Twilight immediately threw her hands up and began mock-flailing. “Oh no! It’s got me! My blåhaj turned evil and is trying to eat me!” Scrambling onto her knees, Sunset adopted a hero pose from the torso up, a silly overdramatic one that Rainbow Dash almost certainly would have used in an actual combat situation. “Never fear, Twilight,” she said boldly, “I will save you from this fearsome beast!” Scooting forward, Sunset reached for the plushie, only to find it suddenly zipping away from Twilight, floating high into the air and aiming itself right at her. Sunset could hear Twilight’s giggling as the fearsome beast shot at her like a missile, and she had to flop down onto the bed and roll to the side to avoid direct impact. She quickly got back up just as the shark began to levitate upwards, still pointed towards her. “Oh no you don’t!” she shouted as she lunged with both arms, snatching the fiend out of the air. She barked a laugh of triumph, only to find it premature, as the wily fish caught her off-guard and lunged at her, breaking her unsecure grip on it. It brushed right past her face, stopping only to slap it twice with its tail, before darting back over to Twilight, the glow dissipating as it fell onto her lap. “Memories like that?” Twilight asked, beaming. Sunset grinned. “Exactly.” Twilight laughed, and Sunset laughed in return. A few little tears, finally unrestrained, had streaked down Twilight's face, but they didn't mean anything anymore; Twilight was happy, and so was Sunset. And then the blåhaj floated back into the air. After a few more rounds of Sunset vs. Stuffed Animal (with Sunset winning fewer times than she’d care to bring up in the future), the two of them were resting, backs up against the pillows that remained on the now-very-disorderly bed. The comforter was 90% on the floor thanks to all the combat that had occurred atop it, and the sheets were in disarray as well, exposing part of the white mattress underneath all the purple and lavender. They were both smiling, satisfied that the past hour-plus had been a fulfilling one. Sunset turned partly onto her side, facing Twilight. “Can I say something?” Twilight looked over in her direction, without moving the rest of her body. Her glasses slid partly off her face, but she didn't adjust them. “Sure.” “Well…” Sunset took a moment to think through her words, which mostly proved needless. “I just want you to know that you can always share things with me. If it wasn’t obvious enough before, well, I guess it’s always helpful to say it again. Trust me, I get that feelings are hard. I guess just remember that– that you aren’t justifying your feelings in front of the world. You shouldn’t even need to justify your feelings for me. I just want you to know that I’m listening. I’ll always listen. It’s as simple as that.” She reached over and pushed Twilight's glasses back into proper position, then rested her arm on Twilight’s shoulder. She could see Twilight’s expression brighten. Somehow, she could sense her own face doing the same. “I know,” was all Twilight said in return. And Sunset felt assured that it was all she needed to say. Twilight rolled onto her side and scooched close to Sunset, who inched toward her as well. Their arms reached out, but just as their bodies were about to meet, they felt something in the way. Both looked down at the same time and giggled. Apparently, they’d managed to forget they’d laid the blåhaj right in between them. Twilight reached down, grabbed it by the dorsal fin, and laid it behind her. Then she wrapped her arms around Sunset, and Sunset did likewise. And they held each other, hugging for long enough that they lost track of the length of their embrace. Neither particularly felt like letting go anyway.
Main 6,Other,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Science Fiction,Thriller,Mass Effect,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex,Violence
Mass Effect - A Way Beyond
The ponies of Equestria have long wanted to reach to the stars...only they weren't expecting those in the beyond to offer a hand in return. The world of Equis will change forever, and it all begins with a Mass Relay appearing in the night sky...
<p>When a massive interstellar object appears in space, behind the world of Equis's moon...the various races on the world below realize that they are not alone after all. In an attempt to reach out, Princess Twilight Sparkle sends an arcane message through the object. In the blink of an eye, the message is sent into the unknown...and soon enough, the stars responded.<br/>====<br/>The Systems Alliance, nearly six months to the day after the end of the Reaper Invasion, is still knee-deep in the process of rebuilding. With the Citadel still damaged, much of the Alliance Fleet still in drydock, and many of the Mass Relays still say the situation is dire is an understatement. </p><p>That changes when a mysterious broadcast echoes throughout known space, amplified by an active Mass Relay. The Alliance sends the fully recovered Commander Jonathan Shepard and his reunited crew aboard the newly christened Normady SR-3, to the source of the broadcast. What they discover is a world full of fantasy, powered not by Mass Effect or by technology, but by Magic and Harmony. </p><p>Commander Shepard and his crew quickly find themselves deeply intertwined with this world, and in order to secure a future, both the Alliance and the Races of Equis must stand together against a conspiracy that threatens to unleash total devastation upon all it encounters.<br/>=====<br/>Set in G4, Season 4, in a Mass Effect 3 AU, where a fourth choice to exile the Reapers was selected.</p>
Planet Equis, Realm of Equestria Canterlot, Royal Chambers ==== With an exhausted sigh, Princess Luna, Alicorn of the Moon and Mistress of the Night, closed the door to her bedchambers as quietly as she could manage. The Night Court had been particularly stressful this evening, and Princess Luna could understand why that was, yet it was still stressful to think about even now. Earlier in the day, just before Luna was to lower the moon to make way for the sun, she and practically half of western Equestria's population had seen a massive oblong object in the sky, exactly where the moon would hide it should it be raised. This alone would be cause for great concern, except when the moon was raised, a wave of brilliant blue light cascaded across the horizon, this time for everyone on Equestria and in the Crystal Empire to witness. The ensuing panic required all four Alicorns to make a joint statement that the matter would be investigated and settled by themselves, and that business should be conducted as usual. This had calmed the louder voices, but whispers in the evening still lingered, fearful as ever. "For heaven's sake…" Luna frowned, placing her head down against a plush, lavender pillow. "It seems that every time we defeat a dire threat such as Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, or Lord Tirek, something comes to take its place. Except this time...we have no idea what this might be." She shifted slightly to get more comfortable, and was just about to nod off from exhaustion, until her door was loudly opened. Princess Luna swore under her breath and turned to look face to face at whoever it might be that was disturbing her. As it would turn out, it wasn't her sister, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadance, or even Princess Twilight Sparkle. It was Prince Shining Armor, and his expression alone made Luna pause out of concern. "Shining Armor, what is it?" she asked, getting out of bed. "I take it that the Night Court has more visitors about that object in the sky?" "No, it's something else…but it does have to do with the object." Shining Armor replied as he motioned to the hallway, and Princess Luna exited her room accordingly. "While the Night Court was in session, my little sister's curiosity got the better of her…and she did something pretty damn reckless." Princess Luna raised an eyebrow, knowing that Shining Armor rarely cursed, even as a cadet in the Royal Guard, and Twilight Sparkle's behavior being described as reckless even in the slightest. As far as Luna knew, the fourth alicorn was anything but reckless when it came to events like this. "What did she do?" Princess Luna asked, not sure if she wanted to hear the answer. "You know that blue pulse of light that we saw? Twilight figured out it was some kind of signal, and it wouldn't harm anything on Equis. Princess Celestia told her not to proceed further…but Twilight then sent a second pulse signal using magic back towards the object." Shining huffed. "Which was bad enough as it was, except things got worse." "What happened?" Luna asked again. "That object sent out another pulse once Twilight was finished, only this time it wasn't directed towards us. Rather, it was going away from us. Can you guess what was in the signal that Twilight sent out?" "She didn't…she wouldn't…" Princess Luna closed her eyes in disappointment. "She sent out information about our world, didn't she?" "She did, and the information sent was quite comprehensive." Shining sighed as they approached a nearby conference room. "Princess Celestia wants your opinion on the matter." As they both entered the room, they could see Princess Twilight and the Element Bearers on one side, with Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance on the other. Judging from her sister's expression of disappointment, the Princess of the Sun was not happy with her former student in the slightest. As Princess Luna and Shining Armor also sat down, Celestia straightened her expression at Twilight Sparkle and her friends. "Princess Twilight, allow me to repeat what you and the Element Bearers have just told me." she sighed, placing her head into her hooves. "You sent out a signal using magic through the object, detailing the existence of our realm and others and many of their facets...against what I had told you directly only a few hours before your actions. Why exactly, should I look on the, ahem…"bright side" of this?" "With all due respect, Celestia…the citizens of Ponyville were close to kicking my castle's door in due to panic." Twilight replied. "Not only that, it was better to do something, even if it was the wrong thing to do, then nothing at all." "Plus, may I remind you of the phrase, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained?"" Twilight added. "Even if the thing you have ventured on is potentially our home planet's state of peace and security?" Celestia replied. "Every realm outside Equestria saw the first pulse of light. May I remind you that their ambassadors in Canterlot have sent me countless messages wanting to know what could happen to them, as well as us, should the worst come?" "Then we'll handle it when that happens." Twilight responded, with a little more stability in her voice than before. "Please, Celestia, I'm not saying we need to go into a full-on doomsday scenario. We can be cautious about this, I agree, but at what point does…that…" Twilight's voice trailed off, and she clutched both her hooves to her head, wincing from the growing pain in her mind. "Uh, Twily? Are you okay?" Shining Armor asked in a concerned manner, walking over to his sister, as her stance was wobbling noticeably more and more with each passing moment. Then, she collapsed and the last thing she saw was her brother diving to catch her, before darkness fell. ==== Twilight's eyes opened to a blinding flash of light, and she swerved around to figure out her surroundings, except the only thing she saw was the vast expanse of space. She called out to her friends, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor, but her words echoed into the void with no response. "Where am I?" she asked herself, looking around again and seeing countless stars come to life, in a brilliant display of white flecks across a black canvas. One light in particular drew closer and brighter with each passing moment. Twilight looked away as the light came to a stop, almost as if beckoning Twilight to reach out and touch it. She tried to step backwards and away from the light, but found she could not, as if she was backed against a wall. With no other options left, she tentatively reached out and touched the source of the light as lightly as possible. Then, images began to flash in front of her, showing her countless things she didn't recognize. It was a blurry, fast paced mess, but one stood out above all the rest. A bipedal figure, clutching an angular object on its left side, reaching out towards a bright golden light. Twilight briefly caught a glimpse of something etched into the being's chest, a single letter and number, before she was shrouded in darkness again. ==== Twilight blinked her eyes open, and to her relief she saw she was back in the conference room, with her friends and brother staring at her, their worried expressions soon changing to ones of relief. "You okay, sugarcube?" Applejack asked, as she and Shining Armor helped Twilight to her feet. "You did give us quite the scare by passing out." "I'm okay…or as close to okay as I can get." Twilight replied weakly, looking towards Princess Celestia. "When I was unconscious, something happened to me." "What do you mean by that?" the Solar Alicorn replied, worry etched in her voice as well. "I had a vision of some kind." Twilight responded. "Most of it was unintelligible, but there was one thing that stood out by far. It was a tall figure carrying something in one hoof, while reaching out towards a golden light with its other hoof. Not only that, there was writing on its chest." "What did it say?" Princess Cadance asked. "It was just…N and the number seven." Twilight responded, as she sat down in a nearby chair. "N7. I have absolutely no clue what that means or is supposed to represent." "I guess we'll have to figure that out as we go." Princess Celestia replied. "Twilight, please take the Element Bearers and return to Ponyville. Don't do anything else until we can make sense of your vision, do you understand?" "Yes, I understand completely." Twilight nodded, as Princess Luna approached and with a flash of pale blue light, the six Element Bearers were teleported away. As the three remaining Alicorns looked at each other in a concerned manner, Shining Armor raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What exactly is going on with my sister?" he asked. "I do not know." Celestia replied, exhaling deeply in exhaustion. "For now, let us all get some rest. The morning will bring more struggles, and we must be ready to face them.' Shining Armor and Cadance didn't seem entirely convinced, but they exited the room accordingly, followed by the Solar and Lunar Alicorns. All of them had one thing on their minds, but they didn't dare speak it out loud. "What could happen as a result of this?" ==== Alliance Space, Milky Way Galaxy The Citadel, docking bays ==== "EDI?" "Yes, Joker?" "Are you done recalibrating the engines?" Helmsman Jeff Moreau asked the shipboard AI of the Normandy. It had barely been six months since the end of the Reaper Invasion, and while the progress of rebuilding the Citadel was still slow, it was progress nonetheless. Joker thought back to the climax of the Battle for Earth, as the Alliance stood on the breaking point. The Reapers were posed to launch the final assault…only for a golden light to envelop them from the Crucible superweapon. When it faded, the Reapers were gone, their forms having vanished like a ghost. The crew of the Normandy SR2 would receive the news later than everyone else, as they had crashed on a forest world with seemingly no way of returning home. Fortunately, the world was home to a small Alliance research base, and after a week of repairs, the Normandy returned to Earth at last. The best news of all, however, was that Commander Jonathan Shepard was alive, and being treated aboard the citadel by Dr. Chakwas and the best of the Alliance's medical personnel. Joker was thankful that Shepard was able to recover quickly, and that he was able to give his report to the Council from his hospital bed. "Joker, the engine recalibrations are complete. All systems are now green." Joker snapped himself back to reality and thanked EDI, before giving off a sigh of relief. The two of them had been hard at work preparing the Normandy for its return to service, and judging from all the upgrades it had received, it was ready to face any obstacle. The newly-christened Normandy SR3 boasted new point-defense turrets on the hull near the wings to deter small-attack craft, improved shields and engines, and vast improvements to the ship's lower decks. All things considered, it was a marvel that the Alliance had managed to repair and upgrade the Normandy SR2 on such short notice. "Is there anything else to do, EDI?" Joker asked. "There's plenty, Joker, if you just know where to look." said a warm, familiar voice. Joker turned around in his chair to see Commander Shepard, already wearing his N7 Armor, standing in the doorway with a confident smirk. "Commander!" Joker breathed a sigh of relief, quickly getting up as Shepard approached and offering a salute. "At ease, Joker." Shepard replied, walking over towards the bridge's main viewport. "It's good to be home. How's the Normandy held up in my absence?" "All systems are green." EDI responded. "It is a relief to see you in good health, Commander." "Thanks, EDI." Shepard replied. "By the way, Joker…it seems we'll be seeing some new faces aboard in a few hours. I just received their personnel profiles." "Well, let's take a look, shall we?" Joker asked, and Shepard gave a nod in reply. Joker made a few motions on his console, and three holographic readouts appeared on a nearby screen. "First is Lieutenant Rachel Demura." Joker mused. "Born to a wealthy family with many friends in high places aboard the Citadel. She enlisted shortly after the Collector's defeat, and made the rank of Lieutenant shortly before the Reaper Invasion. According to her former CO, she's an exceptional Infiltrator, with proficiencies in Sniper combat, tracking, and stealth." "Second is Urdnot Hako." Joker added, raising an eyebrow at the name '"Battlemaster, and first cousin of our old friend and crewmate Wrex. Apparently has a milder temperament than most Krogan, but that changes quickly in combat. He's described as efficient, methodical, and quite agile to boot." "Third is Ensign Thomas Dean. Has ties to several weapons firms due to his father's work at R/D for Elanus Risk Control. He managed to secure a spot as an Alliance Weapons Keeper, and he'll be keeping the armory ready when Lieutenant Vega isn't available." "Finally, there's our new Navigator, Thalia Eversole." Joker finished. "She's a former fighter pilot with three commendations under her belt, having earned the title of Ace after an engagement with the Collectors. After the Reaper Invasion, she volunteered her services as a navigator." "Good to know." Shepard nodded, sending the profiles to his wrist-pad. However, just as the transfer finished, an alert began to flash on his wrist. He pulled the text-based message up to his helmet, and after reading it, turned immediately to Joker. "Joker, prepare the Normandy immediately for a long-distance jump. We're going on an extended away mission at the request of the Council and Admiral Hackett." "What for?" Joker asked. "I thought most of the Mass Relays were still inoperable." "We just found one that's active, and an alien signal of some kind was sent through it." Shepard responded. "The message is comprehensive enough that the Council wants my opinion on it." "Can I ask what "comprehensive" means in this case?" "A potential first contact." Shepard replied, and Joker dropped his jaw. "I need the Normandy fully stocked and all crew aboard within three hours from now. Joker, EDI, can you handle that?" "You got it." Joker nodded. "Confirmed, I'm sending out a requisition manifest to the closest Alliance Supply Depot." EDI added. "All necessary supplies and cargo will be on board in three days at least, a month at the most.." Shepard, stopping walking, rolled his eyes and turned to look at EDI with a knowing smile. After a few minutes of silence, he gave a quiet laugh. Eventually, Joker also began chuckling under his breath. "I see you have found one of my jokes to be humorous at long last. I will record this in the ship's log for posterity." EDI replied in an almost-excited sort of way. "EDI, will we be all set to depart on time?" Joker asked, and EDI replied in the affirmative. "Good. Get on it." Shepard nodded, heading out towards the hangar deck to catch a ride to Alliance Headquarters.
Anon,Misty,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: A New Generation
A Different Kind of Warm
Misty isn't used to receiving affection, but she would be more than happy for Anon to show her some. Who is he to deny her?
<p>It wasn't very long ago that Misty Brightdawn declared her independence from Opaline Arcana. Now, she lives a much happier life in Maretime Bay with all of her friends. </p><p>Unfortunately, some aspects of life that are considered &quot;normal&quot; to most are completely alien to the sheltered Misty, and during a quiet moment alone with her good friend Anon, he learns what one such oddity is: affection.</p><p>And he is more than happy to help her figure it out.</p>
The lights in the Crystal Brighthouse have all been turned off. A darkness permeates the space in the chilly autumn evening, and an eerie silence fills the air. Any sign of the typical hustle and bustle the inhabitants of the Brighthouse are known for has completely vanished. Suddenly, the silence is broken. A scream of terror, the thumping sounds of a struggle, the dripping of an unknown liquid. For a brief moment, the space is lit up by a bright glow. And then, silence returns once more. …Until the sound of a hoof shoveling popcorn into its owner’s mouth brazenly interrupts the tense moment that the director of the horror film showing on the Brighthouse’s television clearly put a lot of work into. Ugh, the nerve of some ponies. As the scene changes into something more bright, the light from the television illuminates a comfortable-looking sofa situated not far from it. Nestled beneath a large comforter on said sofa are two creatures. The first is Misty Brightdawn, a unicorn who is very much into horror movies. Her hooves eagerly cling to a large bucket of popcorn, a snack she is all too eager to chow down on. The second is Anon, a human who ended up in Maretime Bay under mysterious circumstances. Judging by the look on his face, he is quite clearly not as into horror movies as his dear friend. “I have to say, this one isn’t nearly as good as the last one.” Misty’s horn briefly glows as she levitates a nearby drink to her mouth, taking a sip before resuming her thought. “I appreciate the cinematography, but Absentia’s character arc is barely even addressed here. What happened to the themes of survivor’s guilt or the fear of attachment?” “Well, I don’t think that guy has to worry about either of those things anymore.” “Ugh, and that’s my point! It’s just carnage for the sake of carnage. At least the original had something to say.” Misty scrunches up her nose in a pout as the credits begin to roll. While they do so, Anon reaches for the remote and promptly closes the movie, leaving the television to show the Bloku City landscape on repeat. “Not every movie needs to say something, Misty. Sometimes they can just be fun.” “Did you have fun watching that movie?” “Well, I got to watch it with you, so yeah, I’d say so.” Misty’s cheeks go a bit pink before she shakes her head. “And if you weren’t watching it with me?” “...Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have liked it much,” Anon says with a chuckle as he sheepishly rubs the back of his head. “My point exactly,” Misty replies with a cocky smile before eagerly finishing off the last of her popcorn. “So, what’s next?” “Hmm…” Anon glances at a nearby clock. “It’s starting to get awfully late. I’m not sure if I’ll make it through another movie.” “Oh? I thought you liked staying up late.” “I think we have different definitions of ‘late.’ How often do you usually stay up?” “Well, when I was living with Opaline, I was usually up all night doing whatever chores she assigned me to. She liked to do all of her planning and stuff in the dark. It ‘made her evil plans more devious, and thus more likely to work,’” Misty says while mocking Opaline’s distinct manner of speech. “A real night owl, then.” Anon readjusts himself on the sofa to get more comfortable, being careful so as to not disturb the comforter covering both him and Misty. “It must have been a big adjustment coming to Maretime Bay.” “Yeah, but my sleep schedule was the least of my worries on that front.” “Oh? What was worse?” “Other than getting used to Posey being a grump all the time? Mostly the weird habits ponies have around here.” “Such as?” “Eating three meals a day, bathing regularly, getting to go outside whenever you want…” Misty trails off, and a heavy silence fills the room. It takes a few moments before Anon finally speaks up in response. “...Wow. She didn’t treat you very well, huh?” Anon’s voice is low and serious. He turns to look Misty in the eye, but she chooses instead to focus on the comforter in her lap. “You… you know you’re safe now, right?” “Oh, y-yes, I know that!” Misty forces a smile, but still doesn’t look directly at Anon. “I’m just, uh… not used to all of that.” “Not used to being treated like an actual pony instead of an animal?” “I-if you want to call it that, sure.” The heavy silence returns, and there’s a sort of tensity in the air that both are aware of, but neither acknowledge. Anon watches as Misty’s eyes begin to grow wet with tears. None reach her cheeks, but it’s more than enough for him to recognize that there’s something on her mind. “I’m sorry for bringing this up,” Anon mumbles as he turns away from his beloved friend. “It was insensitive of me.” “N-no, no! You were just trying to make conversation! I’m okay, really!” There’s a hesitance to Misty’s stuttering voice that undermines her words, and she recognizes this before she even finishes talking. She takes a deep breath in an attempt to collect herself before speaking again, now with much more clarity. “It’s just not fun to think about too much.” “...Well, if you ever do want somebody to talk to about it, I’m always willing to listen. And if you want somebody to talk to about anything else, I’m willing to do that, too.” Anon tries to give Misty a reassuring smile, though it looks so awkward that Misty can’t help but snort when she sees it. As a result, Anon, too, begins to laugh. All at once, the tension in the air disappears. After a while, Misty speaks up again, though not before hesitating for a brief moment. “Th-there is one more thing I’m still not very used to.” “And what would that be?” “It… it’s…” Misty sighs. “It’s nothing.” “You sure?” Anon leans towards Misty slightly, if only to hear her now-quiet voice better. After a moment, he just smiles. “Alright, I won’t–” “I’m not used to receiving affection.” Misty finally looks Anon dead in the eyes with a newfound confidence, catching Anon off guard. “Like… like words of praise, or–” “Any of it.” Misty sighs again before pulling the comforter tighter over herself. “Izzy being as supportive and, er, ‘hooves-on’ as she is has definitely allowed me to experience it one way or another, but it still feels strange.” “So, like, words of praise and pats on the back and stuff?” “Pretty much. Opaline never praised me unless she was also saying something mean right before or after, and she certainly never gave me a reassuring hug or anything like that.” “I’m so sorry to hear that, that must have been terrible.” “It was,” Misty says as her eyes droop to the floor. They don’t stay there long, however, as a smile quickly returns to her face and she looks back up at Anon. “B-but now I have all of you!” “And I’ll gladly remind you that you’re an incredible mare every darn time I see you!” Misty shrinks in on herself as her cheeks turn rosy again, an old habit she’s had since she was little that rears itself when she feels embarrassed. “...Th-thank you.” “Come on, no need to be humble! You’re super smart, you’re one of the kindest mares I know, you’re certainly the bravest mare I know… you’re way too good for Opaline, that’s for sure!” “Maybe I’m even less used to this than I thought,” Misty whispers, her entire face now red as can be. Anon, seeing her flustered form, lets out a nervous chuckle. “Sorry. Did I take it too far?” “N-no, you’re fine.” Misty tries to regain her composure by taking another deep breath. To Anon’s surprise, it proves to be effective, and she sits up straight once more. Suddenly, she looks at him with clarity and purpose, surprising him once again. “Hey, Anon?” “What’s up?” “Can you give me a hug?” Anon blinks. He certainly wasn’t expecting her to ask him that. “Uhh… sure? Why this all of a sudden?” “I just… I don’t really get to experience them very often. When I do, it’s usually either Izzy being really excited or it’s a group thing. N-not that I don’t appreciate those! That’s just not really the same as something more… intimate.” Her eyes suddenly go wide. “O-or so I’m told!” “Hehe.” Anon opens up his arms, slightly lifting the comforter in the process. “Well? Whenever you’re ready.” Misty stares at Anon for a long, quiet moment. After some brief hesitation, she nods to herself and shuffles across the couch, closing the small gap between them while remaining beneath the slightly lifted comforter. When she reaches Anon, she feels his arms gently wrap around her, pulling her in against his chest. She rests her head just below his own, her horn narrowly avoiding the side of his neck. She presses her ear against him, and the sound of his heartbeat gently thumping brings her a surprising amount of comfort. He wraps one arm around her torso in an effort to keep her still. Meanwhile, his other arm cradles her head and gently strokes her mane. In return, she does her best to wrap her hooves around his torso as well, but his large form makes it a bit difficult. The two remain like that in relative silence for quite some time. A thousand thoughts swim through Misty’s mind, but the most prominent one concerns the strange warmth she feels in his arms. She’s used to heat. Opaline, being a self-proclaimed “fire alicorn,” liked to keep things hot. As a result, Misty’s “warm” would be considered “sweltering” to most ponies. And yet, there is no other word to describe how she feels. It isn’t the external temperature (although Anon is quite comfortable to lean against), it’s… something else. Something she can’t quite put her hoof on. “Is this okay?” Anon asks quietly, not needing to speak up due to their close proximity. “Mm-hmm,” Misty purrs as she closes her eyes. “It’s really comfy.” “I’m glad I could be of use, then.” As is somewhat normal for her, thoughts of Opaline return to Misty. However, she surprises even herself with how quickly she is able to brush those thoughts away. Typically, memories of her old home make her feel small, alone, vulnerable. But right now? Right now, she feels like she’s right where she belongs. “...Hey, Anon?” “Yeah?” “Can we stay like this for a while?” Anon, still gently stroking her mane, smiles a warm, gentle smile. “As long as you like.” “Thanks.” As the seconds slowly turn to minutes, the pair find their eyelids growing heavy. And yet, neither make any effort to move. When the sun rises in the morning, Sunny finds the two of them quietly sleeping in each other’s embrace. The only thing she can bring herself to do is tilt her head and grin when she sees the warm, content smiles on both of their faces.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Shining Armor,Sunset Shimmer,Wonderbolts,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Adventure,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Fetish,Gore,Profanity,Sex,Suicide / Self Harm,Violence
The Beginning of A New Life
Ryder's time alone gives him time to adapt and to think.
<p>Ryder has been alone for some time away from his family to keep them safe. Not only from the enemies he made but himself as well. He feels all out of practice with things after returning after some time to help care for his growing family. Yet his life is still anything but quiet and he seems to not be as annoyed by it as he once was.</p>
Its been... I think a year since I left my family alone to save them from myself and any damage I could do to them while sleeping. First week I ripped something apart every night in Twilight's castle.... Sure she used some spells that made things indestructable but I did buy myself a few stuffed toys to try to sleep with to make it seem like I was cuddling something else... Yeah... She had to use magic to put em back together and the same indestructable spell to keep them together. Only bought 3 to try to help. Nothing did. Though I did start going to therapy. Actual therapy. Not using Magic. I went through a few therapists in a week. A WEEK. I knew I was fucked up but to swap from therapist to therapist in a week? Yeah. Luna had to go and convince the last one to help me. I've seen them for quite a while. As time went on I felt better... Did I still have some freakout moments? Yeah. My life has been ANYTHING but quiet. I went out with Shining to a range in the Foal mountains. Big Mac came with us as well. We all shot some weapons Shining rented us but I had to leave the range and go to a nearby diner that the patrons of the range go to every so often. Not because of anything I did but as the firing went on I began to feel more and more uncomfortable shooting. Did I still shoot stuff? Yeah but not in indoor ranges.... Flashbacks to the first range incident. But yeah... enough about that... Fast forward to today.... I was sleeping in my room at the garage. Yeah. I own a garage. And yeah. I work on cars. Pretty affordable but also reliable. Its actually where I used to work actually. The garage I worked at before I was fired. Owner of the garage was selling it, Luna helped me buy it... Oh you should've seen the faces of some of my old coworkers.... especially when I walked in. The few leads that were still there were from when i worked there just told me to fuck off before the new owners got there. They were practically pissing themselves when I said I was the new owner. And that they were fired. And yeah. They really were. Guess the owner didnt wanna deal with em because apparently they were still selling shitty car mods to ponies. Garage was closed for a few weeks or so for remodels and inspections of equipment but they added the room, the staff that wasnt quitting was being paid full time by Celestia while we worked things out. I owned the place, had to deal with angry customers every so often but the books were automated on a computer and the hours were someone elses problem. And yeah. I did put my work in as well, even taught some of the guys a thing or two. Anyone who wanted something done to their car and wanted me to do it got it. Otherwise the guy assigned tot he car got it. Anyways I was just across the lot at a lockup garage that was bought out. It was early in the morning before we opened. And I wasnt working on my normal car. Luna had that for the time being. What I had was my dads old truck. Luna had to gut the entire thing. Build it from the ground up and it took forever to find the parts for it. She turned it into a van I could use. Doors opened up in the back, still two doors in front, a second row of seating and I guess some side benches in the back that can connect into a bed if need be. Anyways I was just tinkering around under the hood in the morning. Fog was rolling along the ground, the sun slowly burning it off. I was wearing some new coveralls that were straight out of the Nukes Galore game. Anyhow I heard a car pull up behind me... didnt know what to expect. Call me paranoid but I didnt know if I should've grabbed a tool to defend myself or not. Usually didnt need to but the option was there. I just looked up as I heard doors open and shut only to see some guards approaching. "Ryder sir?" One asked. I sighed shutting the hood and turning around leaning on the front, arms crossed. "Yeah? What's up?" I asked. "If this is about someone nearby complaining about the noise that was late in the day yesterday I'm sorry my guys like to blast music. I'll ask em to keep it down next time." The other guard came around the truck. "Uh... Not that sir... no complaints about that yet but still might be good to keep the noise down." They said. "But uh... We've been requested by Princess Celestia to retrieve you..." I raised an eyebrow. "Really? What's the occasion?" "She didnt say. She just told us to come here and bring you to Canterlot. If not now then later tonight but she does wish for you to be there. It's required as she says." I huffed. "And I guess if I dont go she might send a squad after me, tranq me and make me do whatever she had planned..." I stood straight. "Tell her I'll be there later. Promise I'd be at the orchard in a bit, see the girls, make sure the wife doesnt need anything first." The guards nodded before going back to the truck. "...He's a royal? Dont act like it..." The one guard said. "Heard that... And trust me... I'm a royal..." I just watched them get in and drive off. Thats when I closed up the garage and huffed heading back over to the garage. There was a set of stairs in the back leading up to my room. It was connected to the shop but I always kept that door locked. I had a 'bigger on the inside' wardrobe myself for my things which kinda doubled as an armory because of the Elites and where I kept my weapons. And yeah... The hidden blade as well. There was a bathroom in the corner, shower included so I dont smell like shit. I had pictures of the family up on the wall, signed poster framed from the Alley Brawlers devs and even a replica laser rifle from the devs of the Nukes Galore series next to that. I just went and got dressed in a teeshirt, jeans and even grabbed my combat jacket. I went back down to the truck and headed on out. This thing was pretty heft but pretty fast. Used it both to haul parts, bring tools and such.... and thank you to Twilight who enchanted the back with some easy cleaning spells. And you do not want to know what we had to do to test it. Anyways I pulled up to the house. We had decorations up for Nightmare Night. No kids came around here but we did bring the girls out to town. Nightmare Night was tomorrow and we didnt really have anything else to do. Girls had their costumes, Bloom was thankfully still with Diamond and they were doing a couples costume. Scoot wanted to dress up as Sparkplug and thanks to the connections she got a few tips from her. Skinny jeans, combat boots, gems tanktop that was cut just above the belly... Sparkplug has it much higher up but rather she be safe than sorry.... Yeah I felt bad every time I drove up to the house. But I was content knowing they were safe. I turned the engine off and hopped out just walking up to the house. Though I stopped at the front door and looked around. Had eyes on my back. Just walked around before I heard a scream and someone just slamming down on my back. "GOTCHA!" A certain filly said. I just looked over my shoulder and saw Scootaloo just clinging to me. I couldnt help but laugh as she hopped off my back. "Yeah certainly got me Scoot..." I sighed as she just hugged me regularly. "What were you doing up there? Messing around on the roof again?" She sighed as we both went inside. "Nah. Dash was playing hide and seek with us but havent seen her in a while. Dont doubt she did that to keep us busy and out of her hair." "You know where Applebloom hid?" "Under the treehouse. You know how Dash always searches from the air." We both stopped inside just to see Dash grabbing a bottle of Cider from the fridge. I huffed pinching the bridge of my nose. Dash just smiled putting the bottle back. "Uh... Found ya Scoot... I'll just go tell Bloom, game is over..." She said stepping away from the fridge. She just hurried past us and out the door just taking flight. "...Yeah... she definitely was trying to steal our cider.... Think those were mine..." I huffed going over to the fridge myself and dipping in to grab a soda. I still have a small stash over here. "Ask Applejack, sure she'll be happy to make you some more. I'll be giving Dash an earful later... But speaking of Applejack where's she at?" "Last I checked she left with Big Mac to go drop Mash off with Fluttershy... Glad she agreed to babysit while we got some work done over here... Seems like Applejack is actually back to her old self after giving birth to Mash." Yeah. Took a bit for AJ to get back to her usual self. Around the time I left Applejack was working hard but had to still take it easy after a health scare. I came back one day for a prep day and sweet fucking CELESTIA I had to have Big Mac take the girls inside, call an ambulance and just.... Oh I hated it.... They came, checked her told me they overexerted herself... Told her to just rest and she'd be back on her feet in a few hours, just stay hydrated, take some muscle relaxers, eat something too. I was panicking and you best bet I was at her side the entire day.... That night I did sleep nearby. Dad's truck... now van... I guess... Slept in that, Big Mac had to come out, get me to come up stairs and make sure Applejack was alright when she threw up... Even had me make take her down to the nearest twenty four hour fast food place for something. I mean... Even though she wasnt feeling good it was sorta romantic.... We went to a park, watched the fire flies and just.... Well. She may have gotten a little handsy... kinda ruined by her gagging a bit. Still she ate but I had to drive her back, laying her down. Made sure she kept the food bag nearby. Anyhow I sighed. "Guess I'll be waiting around.... Wanna wait in the van?" She shrugged and just went and grabbed a cider before following me out. I just opened up the back of the van and she hopped right in sitting on the bench. I huffed. "Still cant believe this used to be dads truck.... Hopefully its doing him proud seeing it to some use rather than rotting in a scrap yard somewhere...." "Doesnt even feel like his truck.... Every time I rode in it i'd be scared he'd crash or something with how he drove." "Ah... Right... Dad used to go and race this thing. Dont take this the wrong way but.... If I were still a guard and mom and dad were alive not gonna lie... I would see about racing my car... but that dream that Luna showed us if mom and dad were still alive... just.... yeah... not happening..." She sighed cracking open her cider. "...Wonder what's going on with our old house.... Kinda miss that place every now and again...." "Last I checked still vacant...." Yeah... the team assigned to rebuild the house did but once the landlord tried selling it to whoever wanted it. Religious kooks decided to want to get it for free because of the murders and the fires to 'cleanse' the area but the landlord doubled down, told them if he found them around the property to do what they wanted he'd call the guard, they did, guard showed up, escorted them off... five.... five times.... After the fifth time the landlord went and had to get them to stop by telling them that they did their job, the demons were gone and.... Well... Yeah. He's still trying to sell it but since those kooks went and were escorted off multiple times they went and set up a page on social media about the 'house from hell' and claims to have known the family that lived there, how sweet they were yet how the children conjured demons with a pentagram and it burned down.... How wrong they are.... So the landlord still has it up for sale and.... Not gonna lie I'm tempted about buying it if i get enough bits... Probably not worth it unless I wanna live in it. Anyhow we waited. Dash came back with Applebloom and you bet your ass she said that Scoot sold her out... I called bullshit and told her game was over when I got here. I Just sat here as Scoot and Bloom went back to the house and Dash decided to join me. She sighed as I just got out of the van and walked towards the road with her. "So, you planning on moving back here anytime soon?" She asked. I huffed as I flew up checking for any sign of the wife and my brother in law. If they still consider me a husband and brother that is... "It's crossed my mind but I dont think things are just right yet..." "Still having night terrors?" She asked as she flew up by my side. "Not as often but... yeah... doesnt help that tonight Celestia wants me in Canterlot.... Just making sure things are alright here before I do go..." I looked to her. "....Anything you know?" "Didnt hear it from me but AJ has been getting a bit on the depressed side lately... Nothing to call Gilda in about but I see it in her eyes at times whenever your sister is outside with her friends or something. She knows you still love her enough to see her but... I'm not sure if even that is enough to keep things going...." "...Do you think it isnt hard on me?" I asked going down to land. I just sat on the roof of the van. "First months of this I couldnt help but cry at night at times... Yeah I called Gilda but always urged her to stay away... I was afraid to be in the same bed as her.... Before or after sex.... She still came over yeah but slept on the floor or in a room nearby. But I always thought of Applejack.... There were so many times I'd want to be hit with some mind altering magic but I kept telling myself it wouldnt help... I'm better now... mostly... but I'm still not sure if I wanna move back in yet.... Yeah AJ would welcome me back with open arms I'm sure but.... just... I'm still scared... yknow?" "I get that Ry..." She landed right next to me on the van. "....She understood you could've hurt her... Twi really put that in her head... Especially after you tore pillows, stuffed toys and even punched holes in walls when you put a bed in a corner..." Yeah.. that happened.... broke my wrist a time or two with how hard I punched. Yeah I dented the wall but still fucked my hands up really good... I just let Twilight use Luna's healing magic on em so I could still do stuff without someone helping me and making it awkward... Like seriously... If Gilda was helping me she'd jack me off while I was just trying to piss. I wasnt in the mood one day, I was too cold to get out from under a blanket all the way, asked her for help and she did just that. Helped me piss but stroked me off even though I told her not to.... her face when I told her to stop said she didnt want to but when I was about to cum I forced her face in front of me, painted her face and just left her there.... Locked her out of my room too but she did knock and try to apologize over an hour... I didnt hear her but she told me the next morning. "...She does but... How long is that understanding gonna be there...? Is it going to turn sour and am I gonna have to be here to just see my kid while she's off with you or someone else because she needs some loving..." "Trust me. If she just needed someone to hold I'm there if you cant be but there is no way in hell am I getting any action after that Cloudsdale Comic Convention bullshit I went through..." "Yeah.... I could see her getting together with Rarity but eh... fancy dont meld with farmer very well from what the TV shows say... but could be wrong. Still could happen if Rarity wants to see AJ..." My ear flickered and I just looked up the road. "Speak of the devil..." I hopped off and just started walking as their truck started pulling around. They stopped and AJ hopped out of the passenger seat just running right over to me giving me a hug. Definitely back to herself finally.... She did start hitting the gym a bit after I left... Yeah I had to watch the girls but Dash spotted her making sure she didnt hurt herself and knew her limit. Oh she got as strong as she used to be and a bit more. Worked down her pregnancy belly but it was nice to see her better herself. She giggled a bit. "Well aint this a surprise? The hell you doin' here sugarcube?" She asked squeezing me tight. "Werent expecting you to be visiting today." I huffed as she broke the hug. "Well... Only came to check if you guys needed anything... Celestia wants me in Canterlot later and I dont wanna run off just in case you guys needed anything..." "I think we're fine there sugarcube." She said. "Girls helping with Mash, Big Mac and I have been working the orchard while the girls are at school, Flutters and Pinkie take turns on taking care of Mash while we work, you help with hauling and selling when we need it but we're all good here." "You sure? Nothing you need at all?" "Nah... We're fine.... You're alright to just get outta here. We need anything after that we can ask Twilight or one of our other friends. 'Sides. Nightmare Nights tomorrow, girls are going off to one of Diamond's party, we're already done baking some party snacks for em and we're droppin' em off, heading off to something Pinkie's doing and Diamond Tiara's father agreed to keep em over for a night or two so we got time to drink if we can get Button's mother to take care of Mash. Got it all planned out." I gave a defeated sigh. "Well... That's.... That's cool... Just uh.... Do call if you need anything...." She kinda looked at me.... Studying me.... Even turned me around and looked at my wings. She turned me back around and I just... smiled a bit. "Alright Sugarcube... what's the matter?" I looked back at Dash. "...She say something about us?" I nodded. "Tried stealing your sisters cider?" I nodded again. "Anything more?" I nodded. "....Wanna talk alone?" I nodded.... a bit hesitantly. She looked to her brother. "Mac. Grab Dash and get inside. Need to have a talk with Ryder... And make sure Dash doesnt steal any of our sisters drinks... They earned those with the hauls they bring in when farmin!" Big Mac gave a nod helping Dash down and leading her to the house. We both climbed into the back of the van and closed the doors. She sighed as she stretched a bit on the bench. "...Alright... Tell me what's wrong..." I took a deep breath. "....AJ.... Are... Are things okay between us...? I know I havent moved back in for some time now... Dash was saying how you've looked a bit.... well... depressed for a while...." She huffed. "Ry... Gonna be honest here.... I do hate it that you aint in the house... but its for our own good.... Just lucky we're still together, takin' care of our child... even you having something to do so you aint sittin' moochin' off some royal money or even still bein' on guard payroll... Speakin' of you still on that?" I gave a nod. "Yeah... Pretty good for our little family to use if need be... Medical, housing, vehicles... Hell if it means renting a place to stay while our home is being rebuilt after a tornado so be it.... But... I just.... I'm glad we are still as strong as we were close together.... We've just been through so much... I thought when I up and left like that that it was the last straw... Weeks after that I was expecting Twilight to come to me with a guard and papers to sign..." "Ryder if it came to that you'd've had to do something insanely stupid for me to do that. And so far you did some stupid shit but... the fact I can still hold you, feel you and just love you like I do says something... You've been honest as to where you were when you disappeared.... Luna had to secretly connect your mind to mine and show me.... I... I apologize for that sugarcube.... And hell... when Twilight went and told me how you stood your ground with her brother and sister-in-law protecting you when you brought a friendly changelin' into her castle? Oh she was pissed but she was glad to admit she was wrong there." "Yeah.... Thorax and his hive are adapting well from what I've seen... But back to us?" She kinda clenched her eyes and shook her head. "Sorry.... Just... I just gotta say I still love you no matter what you do... and unless that is something that really does keep you from loving me.... Its still gonna be a cold day in hell when that happens." I just gave a smile and hugged her. "....Love you AJ..." "Love you too sugarcube...." I pulled her into my lap and just made her blush. "Think it would be bad to fool around before I head out?" She chuckled. "...Yeah... girls are too close anyhow.... But maybe you could come by after Nightmare Night and I could model a costume for ya...." She got off my lap. "Now cool your jets and come say goodbye to your sister. I'll send a nice video later... Got me a little riled up but not enough to not care about our sisters seein' us..." She hopped out first and I just stayed in for a bit. Made sure I wasnt pitching a tent before I hopped out. Hurried back inside and said goodbye to my sister and told her to be safe when at Diamonds. After that I left and... not gonna lie I kinda cried a little on the way out. It didnt take long for me to calm down knowing that it was just a see you later thing but... still hurt. Got out to the main road and just drove. I was a few minutes out when I just mounted my phone and started calling Celestia. The phone buzzed a bit before hearing a click. "Ryder please tell me you're not calling and telling me you're not coming... I really need your help!" She said. I huffed. "What did you need Princess? On my way but still close enough to home to turn around." I said. "I can explain more when you get here but it has to do with my sister and tomorrow." "Nightmare Night? Is she wanting to get drunk and you need me to help her around when she does?" "No but... Just get here and I can explain!" "Cant go anywhere private to say it to me?" "....Ryder... Get. Here. NOW." She hung up after that. She sounded a bit scared to be honest. I just huffed knowing I had no choice in the matter. I kept on driving towards Canterlot. Just stopped for some lunch, a bathroom break and to stretch my legs before continuing on. The guards manning the gate were a bit weird seeing me just pulling in with my van. Thought I was just some outside maintenance until one guard got a good look at me. They still let me in, escorted me to my spot and up to the castle door. Inside I saw Celestia just pacing back and forth looking worried. I just walked forward and just cleared my throat. She jumped and huffed just storming my way. "Ryder Wheeler why do you have to be such a pain sometimes?" She asked. "You do know I like to know why i'm needed before I get anywhere." "And I know you'd rather be off screwing your griffon friend rather than actually doing the work you now do even whilst still receiving pay as General." I just stared at her blushing slightly. She sighed. "Look.... I need help.... Follow me. We need privacy for what I have to say." I just kind of looked to her worried as I started following her. She lead me through the halls before we went through the grand ball room and out onto the balcony. It was warm, the sun was beating right down on us, the fields below still teeming with fog slightly I leaned on the railings just looking out. "Alright... Deep breaths... What's wrong? Someone piss in Luna's cornflakes?" "Nobody messed with Luna but... She did request this." I turned around and looked at her. Puzzled. "I understand there.... Why would she not come to you with this when she requested it? I hear you ask. Its only because she feels herself waning a bit...." "Is... Is she okay?" "In health yes but her power over something deep inside isnt..." "Oh... Dont tell me.... Nightmare Moon?" "Yes. She's making a return but we're going to have every precaution done tonight. Because after tonight there is some phenomenon that happens with the moon that increases evils power over her. I think of what mother says its a curse that father put on her long ago. It happens every so often but since her return from the moon and the Elements of Harmony locking her away behind Luna Nightmare Moon hasnt been brought on since the night she was imprisoned but that was because she wanted her night to last forever because I forbade her to have just a few hours in the day. Yet this curse father put on her is permanent... he thought it to be temporary and has already gotten an earful from both of us so please... no hitting him next we see him... if at all. But she requested that you be by her side to ensure that Nightmare Moon doesnt ruin Nightmare Night for anyone." "What sort of precautions are you having in place?" I hoisted myself up and sat down on the railing. "Powerful magic suppressing ring that can only be taken off by me, you'll be there to restrain her if she gets screwy but we do want you to try to be nice when you are face to face with Nightmare Moon. You've been face to face with her a few times in our lives, one of which wasnt known until recently." "And yet both times I was a bit violent and mouthy with her.... Am I supposed to apologize? Bring her flowers? Promise to eat her out under the table at a nice restaurant?" "Not that far but... Being apologetic and submissive helps.... Bend your knee to her but stay firm in your allegiance like you did with those guys that kidnapped you. Your father- Mythic.... I mean...." "Eh... Call him whatever... Those weeks in that place changed what I feel about him... he was there for me when I needed it... But he knows to stay away from my mother still unless he wants her to kick him in the uprights.... But I know he would want me there to make it happen before.... But that man earned my respect enough to see his grand daughter.... But continue." "Well... Mythic... He told us what you did after you gave your report... No wonder you were so fucked up then.... but he told us to get out you had to kill those who had ties to gangs and when you got close to those who wanted you to turn on Equestria you killed them... Yet you didnt let the promise of fortune and power corrupt your mind..." "...Yeah... Killed only to have someone cover for me and have their head explode, killed and trapped a body with explosives, defended myself and the big guy... Well... I learned a thing or two." I snapped my fingers conjuring the fire. Just put it up to my mouth and blew it out. Celestia huffed. "Please try to keep that to a minimum so you dont have ponies asking questions. But... Are you on board for this?" "....So far... But I need details...." "In means of....?" I hopped off the railing just starting to pace. "What am I doing other than keeping watch over Nightmare Moon? I mean... I cant just sit there and feed and clean a chained up evil princess all night...." Celestia followed me down the way a bit. "Well we arent going to have that. Luna is expected in Ponyville tomorrow night for the Celebration. She isnt going to be made to do a speech nor is she going to meet and greet but it will be hard to. What I want you to do is sit her down and enjoy the night together. Maybe promising to service her in private rather than under a dining table would be something but as long as you stay calm, stern and keep her in a good mood and see everyone enjoys her night and have her enjoy herself." "So... Basically take her on a date.... and promise her some desert in the bedroom?" "Well... I guess if you can seduce her into it but have her make the choice...." "I guess I will do that but not because I can say I'd fucked an evil entity." She smirked and sighed. "Well at least this isnt a universe where Discord ties you up and does you.... and do NOT ask me what he's packing..." I gave a chuckle and just kept walking. "Got it. Packing a tiny weird somehow inverted dick that he'd want me to fuck to feel what a real stallion is like." She kinda held back a bit before breaking as we started walking around to the garden area. "Oh I'm sure he isnt gonna like that... But lets just start getting ready. Rest up, have a meal and have enough energy for tonight... The blood moon lasts all day..." I gave a nod before flying about in the garden for a bit before landing and heading inside for a bit. Had some alcohol to steady myself and just took a short two hour nap before dinner. When we got to dinner I just walked in on my own. I saw Princess Celestia and Luna sitting together. Luna looked scared as I came up. She was still in her pajamas. She just sat there, one hand in Celestia's and the other on a drink. I just hopped up and sat on the arm of her chair. These things might be big but they are sturdy. I rested my hand on Luna's shoulder. She jumped a bit and I backed up quickly just having her look at me. She sighed and just pulled me into her lap, head against her chest. "...Oh thank mother you're here Ryder..." She said. "I... I didnt want to involve you but we've got no other choice..." I hugged her sighing. "Better me than anyone else..." I replied. "...I'd rather be the guard strong enough to hold Nightmare Moon back instead of Twilight and her friends... They just wanna have fun but I wanna make sure everyone including you stays safe!" "...Oh Ryder...." She just held me closer starting to break down a bit. Celestia patted her sister on the back. "Awww sister... Please calm down... everything will be fine! Ryder will have this all taken care of and you'll be back to yourself tomorrow night!" She said. "Deep breaths... You'll be fine..." I shushed Luna and just handed her her drink just climbing back onto the arm of the chair. Celestia took me into her magic setting me at the head of the table. "There we go... Deep breaths and drink... You'll be alright...." She looked to me. "I've already ordered food for my sister and I and I will ensure she does eat. Cutting this short because dinner wasnt too eventful. I ate, made sure Luna had something while Celestia ate. Might've been just soup but she did eat albeit hesitantly. Though after that Luna and I were brought back to her room so we could be ready. I was given an old guards uniform. Long sleeved jacket, body armor, boots and long pants. Even a Lunar Republic beret. I wasnt much for beret' but this brought the outfit together. Celestia was just getting Luna ready while I was making sure I was armed to protect but not kill. Taser, beanbag shooting pistol... well kind of a flare gun with single round but I did have reloadable rounds. Even an emergency flare which isnt in plain sight so I dont accidentally mistake it. But I know where it is if need be. The guard helping me went down the checklist. "...Alright.... You've got the armor, emergency flare, beanbag shots, Lunar republic Insignia as to not be seen as an enemy...." He said. He looked to me. "Is there anything else you need other than what was provided?" I hummed looking at myself. "Dont think so but... This thing is happening at Midnight... correct?" I asked. "Yes sir. As stated by Princess Celestia the curse hits at Midnight and all day Nightmare Moon will be under your guidance." "If I'm going to be doing this all day I'm gonna need some way to stay awake and stay sane doing so... Any way of doing that? Can I get hit with a spell or something?" "Perhaps but... I'm not sure if anything like that exists. Perhaps Princess Celestia could help." I just looked back at the Princesses as they hugged. "Perhaps.... Just.... Rather not pump my body full of caffeine... End up giving myself a heart attack that way..." "Certainly she would have some idea about that. Allow me to get the checklist for Princess Luna's readiness and you can take Princess Celestia aside." I gave a nod and just walked over to the two hugging Princesses. "Everything alright over here?" I asked. Celestia looked up at me and sighed. "...I've never seen my sister so frightened..." She said. "....She's been worried of this blood moon for sometime... yet as the day was far off she was... normal... once it drew closer she knew it was coming but wanted to try to find some way to stop it... There's a way but... father wont tell us... either that or he has forgotten since he put it on her long ago..." "...And yet it couldnt have been him that put it on her... He does care for the both of you... Some ways different than others." "Our father does care yes but he is the keeper of the underworld for a reason...." "I still wouldnt ask him about it... Though... I'm wondering if a mutual friend might..." "You arent thinking who I think you are thinking about... are you?" "Maybe but she's probably the best one who could break this curse... I wont bring her in on this unless you approve." Celestia looked to her sister who just looked scared into her eyes. She huffed looking back at me. "...Alright... Call her. Tell her its urgent and you'll meet her wherever. We just need her here before midnight and we'll pay her anything she needs.... If she can break the curse so be it..." "Another thing... Do you have anything that'll keep me awake through the day? Spell? Just... Anything other than pumping me full of caffeine." "If you give me an hour I'm sure I can think of something... We've got a few hours before midnight and you must be here at her side..." Luna sniffled a bit holding her sister close. "Please... dont leave my side..." She said. "Just... Give him the pill.... It should give him energy to last for a day...." We both looked to Luna like she was crazy. "A-Are you sure?" I asked. "...Doesnt that pill... extend your life?" Celestia just caressed her sisters cheek. "... Yes but... only by a few years for us but...." She said hesitating. "...We havent tested it on unicorn or pegasai.... Just...." She looked to her sister. "Sister.... Are you sure its wise enough to do that....?" "Celestia... Just... Just please allow this.... He needs the energy and if he gets hurt... he'll be safe..." Celestia looked to me and huffed. "Alright.... What I want you to do is to document any changes you notice at any point after you take this..." Her horn was glowing for a moment before a pill- THE pill- was suspended in the air before me. "...You have access to this at any time you think you need it... but please make sure that you do need it before getting it.... Just take it, make your call and be ready... please..." I took the pill into my hand and just stared at it. I put it in my other hand and took my phone from my pocket before just going into the bathroom. I walked over to the window that was open with a curtain and railing blocking sight from the outside... Trees were also blocking sight as well but some extra precaution. I just started calling Daring. The phone buzzed as I just stared at the pill. The inside was actually a swirling encapsulated magical entity. Best I could describe it. The phone clicked and I heard a sigh. "Ryder you better have a good reason to call me this late at night...." I heard Daring say. "I know the last time I did this your life was in danger... Is your life in danger?" I sighed gripping the pill and stepping away from the window. "In a sense yes... but I need your help here." I said. "...Its another curse... nothing on me thankfully but I still need help with it..." "Who's cursed? Your wife? Friend? Someone else we both know?" "I didnt say anything but... its a Princess..." "Okay who the everloving FUCK put a curse on a PRINCESS of all ponies?" "Not sure.... And before you ask its Princess Luna... Apparently whenever a blood moon comes around Nightmare Moon brings herself around and takes control.... I've been assigned to keep her under control while we're out and about in Ponyville and its.... It's crazy yes but its something I have to do to make sure 'Luna' keeps on her appearances and keeping Nightmare Moon calm... You'd be there to help try and break the curse if you can find anything..." "...Nightmare... Moon?! Ryder. You're crazy. I fucking love that about you! This would be the first time I get up close and personal with her! I'll have Sunburst look for as much information he can about Blood Moon curses!" I sighed feeling less nervous. "Good. I do need you here with me though. I can meet you anywhere you want me to and give you the gear you need. Armor, disguises, whatever you need. I just need you before midnight." "Alright. I'll leave here soon. Meet me at the Museum of Natural History. I'll be waiting." "Left the vault eh?" "We've got some problems in there. I've got all my research on that weird thing that happened to you and I'm very close to a breakthrough!" "Alrighty. See you soon with guard uniforms. OH! And before I forget bring a note pad and pen for me please. I need to make sure I take note of any side effects of the medicine I'm taking... Little experimental." "That how you're finding money these days?" "Nah... Just... Princesses want me to test something since I'm strong enough to withstand some things.... Just get ready. I'm gonna head out here in a moment." I hung up and took a deep breath before just taking the pill. Had to get a plastic cup from near Luna's sink and drink it just to get the pill down. I tossed the cup and flew out the window just around to the front landing near a few guards who saluted. "Need a transport to the museum, a guard uniform for a mare ASAP." The guards nodded and we were out within a few minutes. I was just sat in front while another guard was sat in the back with the uniforms. They knew we were under a bit of a time crunch. We pulled up and I swapped places with the guard once we stopped to get A.K. Yearling. As we drove back I just watched as she quickly got dressed. "Alright... guards can only take a few 'wrong turns' and still get us there before midnight. You leave that note for Sunburst?" "Yep. Just told him I was gonna be with the Princesses... Little does he know... How did you get roped into this?" "Strong enough to handle Nightmare Moon.... Provoked her to attack to rid Celestia's mind of an evil entity trying to take over and believe it or not it was when the stars aligned to release Nightmare Moon... Found her in Canterlot before she attacked but was too late and she trapped me wanting to make me a slave." "There's no way you did that!" "Ask Twilight... I'm as sure as there is a headless Griffon in Ikkebuckero...." "Yet to see that as well but.... I've heard things there..." "And what have you heard?" "Old rumors that say an Equestrian General showed up to a gang war and crippled a gang so much they broke up. One power down there, three to go..." "Heh.... Wonder who that was... But I do hope Sunburst can find something...." Cutting that short because.... Well.... Nothing more interesting happened other than some idiot nearly cutting us off though I just told the guard in the drivers seat to let him go. We got Daring dressed and back to the castle. I had to lead her to Luna's room where things were getting prepared. We went in. Things were a bit tense. Luna was alone in the middle of her room and we were forced to stand at the side of the room while Celestia took refuge with other guards in the bathroom just so she wouldnt be seen. I just kept myself close to Daring as I watched my phone clock tick down. Each second to midnight was felt with the beat of my heart. Once that clock hit midnight.... Oh this was horrific. Luna started screaming bloody murder. She wasnt restrained other than the magic suppressing ring. Though that didnt stop her horn from glowing a sinister red. Smoke poured from the tip engulfing her and filling the room slowly. Daring just stared at the mound of smoke as the room was glowing red brighter and brighter. When it got its brightest I brought Daring to me hiding her eyes with my wings, myself turned to the wall keeping myself protected from a bright flash that happened. I waited until things calmed down only to hear an evil laugh behind me. I just turned around to see her. Nightmare Moon standing tall taking in her body and... the tattered rags that clung to it... Definitely not showing off everything on her. "Ah my power... It returns...." She said. I separated myself from Daring who just darted right into the bathroom... Dont blame her. The door closing caught Nightmare Moon's attention. "Wait a tick... I remember you... the little injured whelp that tried to attack me upon my return the first time... AND.... the one who demanded I save him.... How are you not destroyed or dead?!" I grinned a bit just flapping my wings and clearing the smoke around me. Actually shot me up in the air for a moment before coming down to land. "...I'm tougher than the normal pony your highness... That first incident was stricken from the record and that second incident... Well... It's gotten me to learn my lesson on ordering you to do anything...." She just walked around me. Inspecting me head to toe. "...Still bold... You're bold enough to assume I hold no animosity towards you for your transgressions!" I could tell she was trying to use her magic. Keyword trying. That magic suppression ring was stopping her horn from glowing a brilliant blue. "We've expected this... You wont be hurting anyone but your own pride trying that. You have a magic suppressing wing. No magic for today at least. Not a good birthday present but its needed. I'd rather you see and enjoy it rather than ruin it especially for everyone who wants to celebrate for today." She grunted and stamped her foot. "Mistress Moon. Please. Lets just get you changed, go get a drink and maybe something to eat for you. Your uh... Counterpart wasnt very hungry and you might need something..." "Fine...." She growled. "...I supposed you shall be having to watch as I dress?" "After you've shown aggression towards me. Yes. I dont want to turn my back and find a knife... Or your horn in it.... Besides... How can I truly admire the night without feasting my eyes upon its controller?" She blushed. "...D-Do not butter me up with your words whelp.... Just...." "Unless you command me to touch, my hands will be firmly at my sides and away from anything that makes you uncomfortable your highness..." She hummed staring at me.... "Fine.... You may watch but no touching.... unless I say so...." I gave a nod crossing my arms. I followed her into the closet and just watched as she picked out underwear and a jumpsuit before picking out her armor. Guess Luna kept this stuff around to cosplay or something. She didnt hesitate showing me everything.... I was just watching... respectfully that is... We walked back out into the room once she had her armor on. She sighed. "...Much better... Got your looksee at your empress pervert?" "Calling me what I usually am isnt going to help this situation... but yes... I did get a good look at you. Cant say I wanted to see that side of you but... I can admire the night all the same. Shall we?" She nodded. "Alright. Wait here while I get the recruit aiding me tonight. She's.... Well... She's very new and not as used to night shifts." "Hurry. I do not have time to dawdle...." I saluted before running over to the bathroom and knocking before just heading on in. Inside I saw Daring sitting with Celestia and the guards. Celestia looked up frightened but sighed just seeing it was me. "Ryder what is going on? Are things alright?" She asked. I huffed. "Yeah. She's pissed at me alright but... So far I've only been nice... your mother would be proud...." I replied. "I need Daring to come with me to escort her to the dining hall for a meal. As for you, give us ten minutes and go get some rest." Daring stood up shakily and rushed towards me hugging me. I held her close. "Alright... Bought us time and a little cushion for our 'recruit' here not being used to night shifts..." "Alright. Get out there. We'll be alright as long as we stay out of sight..." I gave a nod and just pried Daring off me before going back out into the room. Once we were back in the room I saw Nightmare Moon sitting on the bed. She looked up at us. "There you are. Not pleasuring yourself in there getting this recruit whelp?" She asked. I sighed as Daring hid behind me a bit. "On duty AND in front of another guard? Wouldnt think of it." I said. "Lets just get down to the dining hall. Maybe talk about what we're going to do so you're not stuck inside the castle all day..." "And be out in the SUN? Are you mad?!" "My sanity is questionable yes but would you want to be cooped up in here all day?" I could see her think. "You'd be possibly in danger here considering most guards wouldnt want you anywhere near here.... Its either a day out or risk your life..." "Fair point... as much as I do hate it.... I'd rather be safe than sorry... But... Is there anything open at this time? If I'm in danger I'd rather not be poisoned by the likes of the chef here." I huffed. "Probably wont be much open but would be better to figure it out.... Might be a bar or two open but... Not sure how you'd feel about pub food..." "If its safe and out of here, I dont care." I gave a nod and Daring took a deep breath before we both set out with Nightmare Moon between us. And honestly? I was down for a quick bar run, snacks and all. Kinda made Daring a bit happier. Though we couldnt take just a regular transport.... Apparently compared to Luna herself, Nightmare Moon is a little taller than Celestia... and she doesnt fit comfortably inside a transport. We had to wait for the bus that took us up to the mountains for our honeymoon. We went in and Daring just grabbed an energy drink and just sat near the door to the bus while Nightmare Moon and I just.... sat there waiting for the driver to find a good place, have the guards call ahead to clear the place for a royal and will pay hush money so nothing comes of this. As we sat here in silence Nightmare Moon looked to me. "...For the times i've seen you... I know not your name.... Thus far you've been.... respectful and worthy of words with me...." I gave a slight smile. "My name is Ryder ma'am. I'm more.... acquainted with your good side... and I cant say I've ever gotten to know this side of you before." She did kinda give me a smirk. "...Well... Ryder.... I cant help but notice how strong you were with our last encounter.... Holding back Daybreaker like that...." "I do apologize for that.... She was trying to corrupt your sisters mind as much as I know you care little for her." "For what its worth.... I forgive you for your arrogance in that moment.... But how did you become so strong as to do that?" I stood up and stretched a bit. "Wish I knew.... Got so pissed off in a weird simulation or something that your mother put me through about my wife and sister being taken I just picked up my bed and broke the wall.... Oh the pain I felt after..." "Oh? Do tell...." ....At this point I was just getting more comfortable. I huffed. "Well.... Of course it was tied to Discord if you know of him... Chaos entity, likes to fuck around when its the worst time possible.... I thought in that scenario he'd taken my sister and wife, left my brother in law and I to try to get him or something. Ended up having to fight through hordes of candy zombies to friends to just figure out where they were.... Oh the beat down that I wanted to give to that fucker.... What was worse is the ending to where he made me think he killed them..." She sighed as I just sat back down. "....Ryder... Let me tell you something.... I do care for my family... My sister.... The wretch she is.... I might be at odds with her but when I imprisoned her I would've kept her around just to keep her company.... Sure my night would've been supreme but I'd still allow sunlight to come in so my subjects wouldnt freeze to death.... You would've been a servant as well... either that or a protector but only after I could trust you... and if you're this.... Respectful and open as I am without my magic.... As if we've known each other for some time before this." "And we have sort of. I did say I knew your alterego personally. I've seen her as I saw you, touched her as delicately or as harshly as she wanted.... And she's given me care for my faults both physical and mental.... those mental faults return time and time again but they're getting better I'd say... nothing set in stone yet but I'll be fine." I looked towards Daring. She just glared over at us sipping her drink. She was nervous I could tell. "...My colleague over there understood the assignment when she signed on but she's probably the safest one to do so. Only one I trusted for this job to be at my side for this." "Doth thy not trust me?" I looked to the large mare beside me. "....If this is some ploy to remove the ring I cant. Not the one who put it on. As for trust.... I trust you as you are even considering your threats." I got a smile from her. A warming smile. The void of her face and mane blessed with her teal eyes and the graceful crescent of her mouth, grinning with the pearly white teeth- fangs included of course. Even with a dangerous smile I smiled back. Anyhow we talked a bit... Told her more about my life. The murders, the war... even the nuclear scenario. I'm not sure this was Nightmare Moon but Luna still. Though I knew she wasnt. After a while of talking, even sympathizing we were out. Pulled up to the bar about ten minutes later. Daring got out first and waited for me to escort Nightmare Moon out. We went in and it was quiet. High class place but still recognizable as a bar. We went in and found a spot to sit. Daring sat close but still not comfortable enough to be closer. Nightmare Moon was just sat at the bar enjoying a meal and a drink while I sat with Daring. She huffed as she now drank her beverage while we shared a plate of nachos. "...Uh... I thought things would've been.... a bit more action packed...." Daring said. "....I wasnt expecting an evil entity to be... civil..." "Nor was I. But this is something welcoming.... and something I have to do. I've gotta keep her happy, flatter her.... Goddess forbid unless it came to that servicing her at her throne..." "Please. You'd be on your knees for the first stallion to offer you time with a celebrity you adore..." "D can we cut that?" I asked blushing a bit. "What? My superior getting a stiff soldier?" She giggled a bit. I huffed. " lucky I'm technically on the job... otherwise I'd be paying the bartender to stay in the back for a while and let me rail you on the bar while you drink straight from the tap." Oh she didnt like that one bit. Just tensed up. "Doesnt feel too good now does it?" She shook her head. I sighed. "...Alright... after we get this figured out or if she can be trusted alone for a bit I might be able to do something... Though I do expect you to just... Maybe ask her some things... Perhaps have me start the conversation?" She nodded and sipped her drink. I just took a nacho and ate it before getting up and joining Nightmare Moon at the bar. "Everything to your liking ma'am?" The tall mare smiled as she set down her hayburger just leaking sauce. "...I'll admit... Not my type of food but its amazing places like these have such good things that pair well with drinks!" She said. "Is your underling alright? Havent heard a word from her since I saw her." "She's fine." I said glancing back at Daring. "She's just.... As I've said there are guards who arent used to this... This is her first night shift and the only one I'd trust to do this." I looked back to Nightmare. "...I've chatted with her, seen how she is.... She's holding together nicely. She is however a little on the nervous and curious side. I'd just... Leave her be right now. If you need her to do anything just give me the order and I'll relay." She gave a nod and just continued to eat. Once we were finished we got back onto the bus and started making our way towards Ponyville. I had nearly forgotten about the pad of paper that Daring should've brought. Just got it from her on the bus and just wrote down what I've noticed already. Increased wing strength, more energy, possible charismatic allure. The normal stuff of the pill. On the bus Daring was a bit calmer. Just distracting herself with what was on the TV. Nightmare Moon couldnt care less what was on but watched as well. As I watched I was in that app that Overcharge installed on my phone. Just started looking through a group chat. Saw there were warnings here and there about activity with gangs, new recruits and possible hangout locations to move to temporarily if things ever get wily at the bar. Though I just went for Celadon's chat. The last things she sent was her and Shunko spending time together, her just having ice cream all over her face. Oh she's just like a child with her head back. I just kinda slyly took a picture of myself with Nightmare Moon before sending it off. Took her but a minute to respond. 'Force! Good to hear from you! Spending time with the Princess I see?' She said. I messaged back. '...Yes? Hard to explain but uh... I'm actually with your... true... creator.... just... dont freak out. She's not gonna do shit...' Oh this response took a second. 'WAITWAITWHATYOU'REWITH THE FUCKING NIGHTMARE MOON?!' ...Typed exactly that way. 'Yeah. Its... something strange... I can explain when I'm not technically on duty...' 'Charge says you arent even a guard anymore. Why are you doing guard stuff though?' 'Trust me.... I'll tell you when I'm free.' Nightmare Moon sighed startling me slightly. Hid my phone real fast like I had nude pics ready... "Something wrong there?" She asked me. I blushed a bit looking up at her. "N-No ma'am. Just.... My wife just having trouble with our kid...." I said. "Checked on her earlier and just... She's just worried that I'm just running away from my responsibilities as a father...I've been trying to be a father still but.... I'm worried that she might be right..." I stood up and just went to a nearby mini fridge just to grab myself a canned juice. "What are you doing for this child of yours?" "I'm taking care of her when the wife is working, playing with her and feeding her when the wife cant.... Just... still feels like I'm not doing much.... Daughter's barely a year old and I've been absent for most of it.... In the beginning it was nice.... just caring for a little foal... but now...? I cant help but wonder if she's gonna even recognize me at all..." "Surely you're doing everything you can. You're still supporting them correct?" "Yes." I replied just plopping myself down on the floor by the couch. "Every payday I give em money, groceries, anything I can give em.... Though even if my kid and sisters still love seeing me come around... The wife.... I'm.... I feel like I'm still breaking her heart... Havent been in bed with her for... I guess a year... only for her own safety.... My strength is both a blessing and a curse... and that was a curse...." "Why if I may ask?" I stayed silent. Daring cleared her throat. "Uh... Permission to speak ma'am? I can tell you if he's alright with it." She said. I looked back at them. "Permission granted." Daring looked to me. I just nodded. "Well... He came to me after he was forced to take an innocent life. Kidnapped by unknown forces his family was threatened if he didnt listen. He killed with remorse and once free he didnt feel as if anyone he was near was safe. I've seen it first hand when he stayed nearby me. Thrashed about in his sleep and even injured your sister on accident from what I've heard after the fact. If he did that in his sleep to your sister what would stop him from hurting his wife, kid or sister?" "Do you not have anything to suppress your strength? Perhaps you need something stronger?" I sighed as I cracked the can open and sipped from it. "...Maybe I do need something stronger..." I replied swallowing the sweet juice. "...I just.... I dont wanna be too weak while wearing it to do anything if needed... and I dont wanna get rid of it completely.... I jump in front of a car to stop it and I'm not strong enough to stop it? I'm going down with it along with anyone I'm protecting... Already used it to deal with kidnappers and the assholes who kidnapped me.... Though the last asshole who kidnapped me got a nice surprise...." "What kind of surprise?" Daring chuckled a bit. "He's full of surprises ma'am. Just showed me what he was talking about. And if we can find someplace to stop thats safe he can show you if he wants." She said. I heard a chuckle from Nightmare Moon. "Surely he should after teasing like this." "He's more than just a tease if you get him in the mood." Both Daring and Nightmare Moon had a bit of a giggle while I blushed and just took it. And if Daring could hear this she'd be saying something about how I've taken bigger... she wouldnt be wrong. The drive took a while. Daring got a bit tired so I relieved her of duty and let her get some sleep congratulating her on taking an important step in the guard to keep up appearances. I remained awake as if I had slept all day still I charged my phone and spent time with Nightmare Moon, getting to just really talk to her... I honestly wasnt sure if everything I was hearing from her was to be true or not but it just irked me the wrong way ever so slightly. I guess she found comfort in the fact we were enjoying the night with her. I just thought of it that way just to make myself feel better. Though i did keep log of what was talked about just in case. I was planning on messaging Celestia once the sun rose to know what the plan was but as for now? Its a waiting game.
Anon,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Rainbow Dash is a Dinosaur
Anon comes to a world-shattering realization. Rainbow Dash isn't quite sure she agrees that she's a... dinosaur.
<p>There's a new guy. A bit weird. Calls himself &quot;Anonymous&quot;, for some reason. Whatever, dude. A bit egg-headed, like my best friend Twi. They talk a lot about this or that. I can't really keep up with their nerd talk. Recently, they've been talking a lot about these things called &quot;fossils&quot;. Rocks that used to be bones... or something. Legends about cool monsters that don't exist anymore tends to get lame when you start throwing around nerd words like &quot;Holotypes&quot; or &quot;Taxonomy&quot;. </p><p>I'm a weather pony, not a paleontologist, paleobotanist, paleo... anything. I just hope Anon doesn't get any weird ideas in his head.</p>
I'm just minding my own business, walking down central Ponyville Boulevard when this ape-cousin thing calling himself "Anonymous" grabs me. He starts running. "Dude!" I protested. "When'd you bathe last!?" He's laughing. Also smelly. This pale human has always got some feather-brained idea in his head, especially when he's been talking to Twilight. Guess I'm in for another one of his wild rides. I swear, I should rip that stupid green scarf thing off and fling it into a volcano. Or the bottom of the ocean. Instead of releasing me like a cool guy, Anon instead keeps running with me down the street in his arms, as if I was a cat or something. He finally speaks up, already out of breath, "Rainbow Dash! Twilight and I came to an awesome realization! We've got proof and everything!" This again. You're not fooling me, bucko. Time to enact my escape plan. My most daring and sure-fire plan. Daring Do would be proud. I call it, "Bite the human so he'll let go and I can fly away". I do exactly that, pinching the fabric of his black hoodie and the skin of his arm with my flat teeth. He yelps and lets go. The first order of business after that is to fly up to a conveniently placed cloud. I dove through it from below, then spun around in an epic fashion and planted my forehooves on the cloud. Next, the dive-bomb emergency cleaning attack! With the sound of a rushing airplane, I seized the small raincloud and saw Anon rubbing his arm. He's not even trying to make this hard! "Bombs away!" I shout as I release my poofy payload. The cloud, having sufficient velocity from my diving, slammed into the noisome man, drenching him in sweet, sweet precipitation. He was even swept off his feet as the cloud disintegrated! Score one for the winged ponies! Now, instead of smelling like sweat, Anon smelled like rain. I love the smell of rain, I tell you. I bet Anon does, too, even if he's busy wiping the water from his eyes. His clothes dripped, too. Maybe I went just a little overboard. I sighed, then subjected Anon to my classic move I used on Twilight Sparkle the first time she came to Ponyville. The Rain-Blow Dry. Flying in tight circles around him, I forced a vortex of air to very rapidly and very quickly reverse the effects of cloud dive-bombing. Anon stood in place, covering his face with his arms. The hoodie flapped, as did his sweats. Why Anon chose to wear human exercising clothes but never really seen exercising with them... I'll never know. "Oh, the wages of sin," Anon said, as he got his bearings again. I was used to this sort of phrase. Anon thinks he's being dramatic, or poignant, or profound, or something. I can quote comic books too, mare. I roll my eyes. Even so... "I'm sorry I drenched you, Anon," I apologized. "Let's... just go back to Twilight's place." That seemed to put the spirit back into his stance. "Rainbow!" Anon shouted, arms wide, a big cheesy grin on his face. "I have something really important to tell you!" I flapped down, and looked up at him, waiting for his latest bits of... news. "You're a dinosaur!" ... ... ... I'm going to need Twilight to explain this one to me, in more plain terms. I flapped my wings, and took to the air, determined to get some answers. Anon can make his own way back. It was a quick flight to Twilight's library. It wasn't enough time to even begin to understand what Anon was trying to say to me. That old tree had been through some rough scrapes... I should know. I've been scraping myself on it plenty of times. Heh. I descended into a trotting walk and let myself in. Inside, I could see Twilight's tree-house, same as it ever was... but Twilight was being... extra Twilight today. For instance, there was that dinosaur Nightmare Night costume she had on. Green with lime spikes, much like... the unamused dragon that sat around, looking bored of it all. He looked at me with emerald green eyes. It wasn't even a question those eyes asked. 'Please help.' Don't you worry, little guy. Rainbow is on the case! Whatever those two were up to, I would get to the bottom of it! I hope. Twilight was in her own little world, a world that existed a long time ago. She was marching around the table in the center of the library. Her tail waved to and fro and she was making... dinosaur sort of noises. "Mrrrs" and "Mrars" and even a few proper "Rawrs" were to be had. I sighed. She hadn't even noticed me enter her tree house. House tree. Whatever. This was really bad. Those dino-nerds were up to something. The little toothed dinosaur hood with button eyes and fabric teeth bounced up and down as Twilight marched in a circle. Her wings flapped. "Twilight?" I finally braved to ask. "What the hay's going on here?" Twilight finally opened her dark purple eyes, and they widened upon seeing me. I raised an eyebrow. "Rainbow!" Twilight squeed loudly. "Anon and I have made a significant scientific discovery!" I blinked. "The sort of discoveries that make you put on an old costume and march around the library?" I asked. Twilight nodded wholeheartedly, causing the hood to fall off and onto her shoulders. Oh, boy. I walked in fully to the library and closed the door with a back hoof... only for Anon to burst in like a creep. "I told Rainbow!" He shouted. Twilight zipped up to Anon, somehow not breaking the sound barrier in the process. I had to dodge out of the way as Twilight looked up at Anon with a grin, and asked, "Well, what'd she say?" As if I wasn't even here. "Well..." Anon mused while he and Twilight looked at me. "Nothing. Just flew here." I looked at Twilight with a pleading look in my eye. "Please explain, Twilight. I can't be a... dinosaur. I'm a pony. You said that dinosaurs are those old things you find in rocks, right?" Twilight nodded all too enthusiastically. Don't hurt yourself there, mare. That's when I noticed it. Twilight had gone full conspiracy board again. lists of bones, piles of books... oh, Celestia's backside. "Your wings, Rainbow!" Shouted Anon. I looked at them, fluttering them. Did I have something stuck between my feathers? No... nothing. Still as blue and as awesome as always. "What about them?" I asked, meeting Anon's somewhat crazed eyes. They were frighteningly becoming the norm. Unable to contain his excitement, Anon gasped, and asked, "What are your wings related to?" I blinked and then thought the strange question over in my head. I looked over my wings, inspecting the feathers and the underlying mass of muscles and bones. The first thing that came to mind was... "Griffon wings?" It was a pretty good guess, right? Anon yelped, obviously expecting me to guess it on the first try. But he was patient. Twilight joined in with a question of her own. "And what do Griffon wings... resemble?" I gave her a side-eye. Before I could even think to answer Twilight's question, Anon jumped in with a new one. Twilight, for effect, floated over Owlicious and spread his wings, as Twilight spread hers. "As bat ponies have bat wings, pegasus ponies and griffons have...?" I looked lamely at Anon. "Bird wings?" I asked, not expecting this sort of interrogation. Twilight and Anon both nodded happily like I did whenever Cider Season rolled around. Cider sounds pretty good right now. Twilight leaned in close to me, and I got a good noseful of the dust coming off her costume. When was the last time you washed it, mare? She asked, "And what are birds, Rainbow?" I looked to the side. There was this one urban legend that the foals are often talking about. Maybe she's talking about... "Spies made by Celestia to make sure we brush our teeth and go to bed on time?" That finally started to kill the enthusiasm that Anon and Twilight had. Apparently, this was not the case. "N-No," stammered Anon. Twilight could not help but shout, "They're dinosaurs!" Okay, that explains everything. Oh no, wait. No, it didn't. I'm still lost. How are birds dinosaurs? Aren't they... all gone, or something? Gone so long that their bones turned to stone? "Twilight..." I said, trying to find good words. "I'm not sure how to tell you this, but... birds aren't dead. I'm not dead." Anon poked me in the side. "Hypothesis confirmed, Twilight!" Hardy, har. Twilight giggled behind a droopy costumed hoof. She then said, "Please, Anon. It's a fairly recent connection that's been made, but dinosaurs are now thought to be an ancestor to birds. Many fossilized remains have been found which contain feathers, which means now that birds are dinosaurs!" Well, you learn something new every day, I guess. More pieces were starting to come into place, too. I looked at my wings again. "You think I'm a dinosaur because I have... bird wings?" Both Anon and Twilight cheered loudly as if they just opened Hearth's Warming gifts. "And not just you, Rainbow!" Anon screeched, almost hysterical. Twilight continued, bouncing on her hooves, flapping the costume's cotton toe claws, "Because, if you remember your Pony Tribe classes, we are all part-pegasi, even if a little bit, so we're all dinosaurs!" Twilight reared up triumphantly, and waved her front hooves, giving off a distressingly-cute roar. I then looked at Spike. He gave me a little wave. He looked just about asleep sitting there. He shook his head. "Nope. Not a dinosaur," he clarified. "Just a dragon." "I mean..." I said. "Dragons are still pretty cool. They can fly. And breathe fire. And are alive." "So are birds," reminded Twilight as she shoved the asleep dinosaur... owl in my face. It smelled of owl. Don't ask. I gently push Owlicious away with a hoof before telling the excited pair of nerds, "Yeah, yeah. I'm a dinosaur. Pony. I guess." Anon and Twilight clapped their hands and hooves together. Ugh. Just kiss already, you weirdos. I look at Anon. "Are you a dinosaur, Anon?" He rubbed a hand under his chin, over a scarf. "No, I don't think so," he decided. "I'm mammalian, which is a different family to dinosaurs." I gave Anon two stink eyes. "Anon?" I asked. "Yeah?" nervously replied Anon with a smile. Even I knew that "Ponies are mammals, dude." A very tired Spike yawned. "Don't get them started," he warned. Could've heard that a little bit earlier, little guy. I'm in too deep now, though. Like 'Daring Do and the Infinite Bouncing Ball Pit'. Mare, that was a weird read. Like Daring was writing more about childhood trauma than a real adventure... I shook my head. "Alright!" I shouted, irritation showing in my voice. I sighed. I looked at Anon. "Look, I don't think ponies are dinosaurs. If they were, we'd have... sharp teeth. And spikes. And scales. And stuff." Anon drew in a breath to speak, but it was Twilight who spoke up, explaining, "There were many more herbivorous dinosaurs than carnivorous ones, Rainbow Dash." Anon blinked. "There is a growing number of known omnivorous dinosaurs, though." I rolled my eyes. Of course there were. "So," I teased with a smirk. "Have you submitted your academic papers yet?" Twilight showed me a smirk of her own. "As a matter of fact..." No. "We did. We co-wrote a paper with our hypothesis and supporting evidence. They wouldn't dare not publish a scholarly article written by a student of a Princess... who's a Princess!" Anon patted Twilight on the shoulder. "Congratulations again, by the way." Twilight batted Anon with a swish of her dinosaurian tail. "Oh, you," she teased. "Your name is also on the paper." "As a helper!" Anon protested. I reared up and shouted what everypony was thinking, hooves to my mouth. "Just kiss already!" That got a blush out of both of them. "I'm gonna sell some tickets or something," I announced. "I get the feeling I'm about to watch a huge nerd fight on your lawn. It's gonna be great." That finally got a tired smile out of Spike. Now it was Twilight's turn to roll her eyes. "There's not gonna be a nerd fight on my lawn. They'll send their letters and their articles, but I think I've presented my case for our dinosaur lineage fairly well." Oh, Twilight. If only you knew. There was a not-significant crowd the next month. Picket signs and everything. A Pro-Dinosaur Pony crowd and an Anti. They were as foppish as they were eager for blood. Hah! I wish Gilda could've seen it. It was great. I'm glad Pinkie Pie brought some popcorn. We had the best seats in the house... behind the cover of a thatched roof on the home next door. Y'know... maybe Twilight had a point.
Hondo Flanks,Sweetie Belle,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Lake Flaccid
Sweetie Belle and her father bond over relationship troubles... perhaps a little more than either expected.
<p>Sweetie Belle is a wildly successful pop star engaged to an up-and-coming Wonderbolt sensation in her old classmate, Rumble! But when she comes home to find him in a compromising position with some of his fans, the marriage is called off, and a devastated Sweetie Belle returns home to break the terrible news to her parents.</p><p>On a whim, Sweetie agrees to take off on a fishing trip with her father--a chance to get away from everything. And in the process, she learns that not everything at home is paradise either.</p><p>-----</p><p>If the description didn't make it obvious, Sweetie Belle is an adult in this story.</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler">infidelity</span>, <span class="spoiler">father-daughter incest</span>, <span class="spoiler">impregnation</span> and more.</p><p>An entry into the <a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Wincest Hearts and Hooves Day 2024</a> contest.</p>
In some cities, wearing clothes of any kind would make a pony stand out like a sore thumb, but Sweetie Belle would always stand out even while unclothed—her status as one of the biggest pop idols in Equestria made sure of that. Of course, such a lifestyle mandated that she try and disguise herself in public if she wanted any kind of privacy, and right now, she wanted every kind of privacy. She stood up slowly from the bench, carefully levitating her saddlebags to rest over the flowing, blue, fetlock-length dress that hid her cutie mark and tail from observers. On her legs were long socks, while her mane was drawn into a bun instead of her usual curls, masked under a hooded shawl and dark sunglasses, just in case. She boarded the train without incident and found a mostly-empty train car, where she picked a bench at the back slumped against the window. Nopony bothered her as the train began to lurch forward and she peered out at the clouds below the mountain. Memories flitted through her mind as she slowly and silently cried herself to sleep. Jolted awake as the train came to a stop, she gathered her things, and stepped off the train onto a lamp-lit platform. After dozing on the train, inhaling the crisp, clean—but frigid—early morning autumn air helped to shock her awake. She looked up at the station clock—4:15 AM. She'd managed eight hours of restless sleep, but it was enough that she was functional. As she left the train station, her eyes, red and puffy from the tears, drifted briefly in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, fleeting memories of the times she played with the other Crusaders at the old clubhouse flashing in her mind. She could barely make out the lights of the old farmhouse, before turning toward her real destination: Home. She had planned to come home to Ponyville that day anyway, though on a much later train. Originally, her intent was to drop in unannounced to share big news with her family. It had been a couple of years since she'd come home for anything other than a holiday visit, so her parents would never expect it. Sweetie Belle wiped away more tears as she started walking toward her childhood home. Life had been so much simpler back then. All she cared about was finding her cutie mark, and helping others find theirs, too. And the only big news that mattered was when she and her friends had all earned matching cutie marks, but now, what had once been an exciting trip home to share her joy with her parents became a trip home to get away from everything and hide in misery from the rest of the world. Fortunately, few ponies were out and about before the sun came up. Only three ponies even passed her as she walked, and if anypony recognized her, they were content to leave her be. She made it to her old home without incident, and raised a hoof to knock on the door. Before she could, she was interrupted by a shout from the side of the house. No matter what she wore, her parents always saw through it. "Oh, my little girl!" Hondo Flanks cried. He trotted up to her, pulling an empty cart behind him, and pulled her into a crushing hug. Sweetie smiled wanly under the crushing pressure of her father's enthusiasm. "Hi, dad…" she said weakly. "I'm home." Her dad threw open the front door with his magic, shouting right next to Sweetie's ear. "Cookie! Sweetie's here!" Sweetie's smile faded as she cringed at his loudness. She loved her family, but sometimes it was easy to forget how inconsiderate they could be. "Oh, how lovely to see you!" her mother's nasally voice called out as she quickly closed the distance from the kitchen. " I was just making some breakfast! Are you hungry?" "Yes, mom. I'd like that," Sweetie agreed. "Uh... dad?" "Oh, uh... right." Her father released her and then unhitched himself from the cart. He stepped inside and looked about the living room. Sweetie Belle followed him inside and immediately realized why he was looking about. On the sofa was a large tackle box and three fishing poles were laying across the love seat. In another chair, a duffle bag was bulging out from the stuff packed inside of it. "Oh, no!" Cookie said, with seemingly mock sarcasm. "Looks like you're going to have to cancel your trip!" Hondo sighed deeply, levitating the duffle bag off the chair. "Yes, dear." Her unannounced trip was now inconveniencing her parents. She'd already felt bad, but this was only making things worse. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was coming." "You have nothing to apologize for, Sweetie," her mom gently admonished her, turning back toward the kitchen. "Your father loves you and you're far more important than a little fishing trip in the mountains." There was a bit of bite to her mother's words—her dad was definitely in trouble with her mom for something. But the expression on her father's face led her to believe something was remaining unsaid. "Dad?" "N-no. Your mother's right," he replied, sounding very disappointed, but then he brightened. "I was looking forward to getting away from everything for a while, but I would much rather spend some time with my beautiful filly!" A sharp pain in her heart made Sweetie stiffen. She didn't feel beautiful at all right now. But even moreso, she felt envious of her dad. She wished she could get away from everything for a while. That was, after all, what she was hoping to accomplish by coming here. Yet, what if... "Umm... dad?" Hondo stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "Yes?" "Please, don't.... Um... Don't put your stuff away. I want to come with you." "Whaaaat?" her mother called. "Since when did you want to go fishing?" "I don't, normally," Sweetie Belle confessed. "But... It sounds nice right now. And I haven't actually done anything with either of you in years." Hondo set the duffle bag down. "Are you... wanting some father-daughter time?" Sweetie nodded. "I-I guess." "You know you don't have to force yourself to do this, right?" Hondo continued. "We can do something else and still spend time together, you know?" "You don't need to coddle your father like this, Belle," Cookie yelled. "I know, mom. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions." Her parents remained silent. "I'm exhausted. Everything is go-go-go-go, and I don't ever get a break from anything," Sweetie continued. "Disconnecting from everything would do me some good." Her father stared at her, noting the red puffiness around her eyes. He nodded sharply. "Okay," he said firmly. "If that's what you want, okay. We'll go fishing, then." "Whaaaat?" Cookie cried, exiting the kitchen again. "Are you really sure this is what you want to do, Belle?" "Y-yes..." Sweetie knew that her mother wouldn't be convinced unless she said it with conviction. She met her mother's eyes, and nodded. "Yes. Yes, I do. And I promise I'll spend some time with you when we get back." "Well, okay." She frowned. "Breakfast is almost ready, so hurry in here and eat," she said, though Sweetie could sense some disappointment in her voice. Hondo heaved the duffle bag back up and trotted outside, loading it into the cart. "Do you want some help with that, dad?" she asked. "No, no," Hondo replied. "You just go eat, I'll load everything up." It was a two and a half hour hike to her father's favorite fishing spot—a small, secluded lake up in the mountains between Ponyville and Canterlot. There was some small talk between the two of them, mostly about Hondo's work and Sweetie's music, but the majority of the hike was spent in silence, and both of them seemed to be okay with that. Sweetie was still over-dressed, though, and the long hike was causing her to sweat a little bit. She tugged at her dress a little bit, pondering if she should change out of it—it was still cold out, after all, and taking it off would make her quite chilly. Hondo glanced over at her and noticed her fussing. "Are you sure you're okay walking this much in all that?" Hondo asked. "You can just ride in the cart if you'd like." "No, thank you," Sweetie huffed, rolling her eyes. "I am not a little filly anymore. I can handle some walking." "Suit yourself," he replied, plodding onward without a care. Sweetie Belle couldn't imagine carrying that mess of fishing equipment in a cart while hiking. She was fit—thanks to a combination of a healthy diet and a lot of dancing at her shows—but her father outclassed her in every way except weight. Unlike her lithe figure, he was a little bit hefty, thanks to a diet rich in junk food. Still, his job as a coach for the Ponyville community hoofball team meant he had far more muscle than it might first appear, and he was no stranger to a good workout. "... Dad?" "Yeah?" "Do you remember Rumble?" "Your coltfriend?" Sweetie Belle paused. "...Yeah." "I heard he was accepted to the Wonderbolts a few weeks back. Good for him! I'd bet they'll have you hold a performance for some of their shows now. Are you excited?" If he noticed her long pause, he didn't let on. "Y-yeah..." She decided to change the subject. "How's Rarity?" Hondo laughed. "Still forever single and angry about it." Sweetie grimaced. "Nopony could ever meet her standards, I suppose." "Her standards?" Sweetie's mood soured even further at that. "I'm pretty sure she wouldn't meet the standards of any stallion who met hers. She's aiming way out of her league." Hondo was silent for a bit. "Aren’t you unfairly judging your sister? She can’t hold a candle to your popularity, but she’s still quite worthy. You aren't having a fight with your sister, are you?" he finally asked. Sweetie sighed. "N-no, but..." This wasn't helping. She was saved, fortunately, as they came around another bend and a broad, blue watery expanse opened in front of them. "We're here!" Hondo announced. Sweetie gasped at the field of green grass, dotted with a sparse few trees, all surrounding a modestly-sized sparkling blue lake that had water so calm it was like a mirror to the blue sky above. As they got even closer, it was so clear, Sweetie felt like she was looking into glass. The only thing that marred the picturesque nature scene was a small wooden dock that went a short distance out into the lake, with a weathered old sailboat docked to it. "Is that your boat?" Sweetie blurted. Hondo laughed. "That old thing? Don't know who it belongs to. It's been here for years, but I've never seen anypony come up to use it. Had a broken mast at one point, but it was fixed the next time I came. Somepony's taking care of it, at least." Hondo approached the dock and unhitched the cart at the base of the wooden platform. "Woo, boy, that hike is always rough." He stretched out a bit before levitating a chair from the wagon to the side of the dock opposite the sail boat and sat down. After a moment, almost as an afterthought, he levitated another chair over and gestured for Sweetie Belle to take seat. "It's beautiful out here," Sweetie Belle admitted. "I haven't ever seen anything like this except in photos." "Y'know, one of the benefits of being your Dad is that I don't have to say that about you." "Huh?" Hondo laughed and his horn lit up. "Nevermind." After a moment, a fishing pole floated in front of Sweetie Belle. "Now, let’s teach you how to fish, and we'll see if we catch anything." Sweetie was far better at learning to fish than Hondo had expected, but that was largely because she'd spent some time as a filly fishing with Big Macintosh trying to get a fishing Cutie Mark. Hondo had groused that she never went fishing with him when she was a filly, and Sweetie apologetically explained that 'back then, fishing with her dad would have been uncool'. The two fished for a short while, each of them catching one fish, but both of them spent the majority of the time lost in thought, until Hondo finally suggested they eat some lunch. The lunch her mother had packed for the two of them was rather bland, but it was somewhat nostalgic for Sweetie Belle. It reminded her of the lunches she used to get for school—at least, the ones her mom packed. Rarity's lunches were always better, but the memory of school life and all the silly lunchtime antics she used to get up to with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, made her smile. "So, Sweet," Hondo began, unwrapping his second sandwich. "Why did you want to come with me? I can't imagine you really are so desperate to spend some time with your old stallion." Sweetie's face fell. "It's... complicated.” She sighed and prepared herself to have the conversation she knew was going to happen one way or another. “You might say that things aren't going well. With me and Rumble.” She realized she was going to have to explain this all to her mother when she got home and immediately changed her mind. “...I don't really want to talk about it." "Ah, I suppose that would do it," he replied with a nod. "Though, unfortunately, I can understand all too well." "What?" Her ears perked up. "You and mom are like, the perfect couple! How could you understand?" Hondo sighed deeply. She had always thought her parents’ relationship was fantastic—the idea that her parents might be struggling in their relationship was crazy, but her father's heavy sigh was making her second guess that. "What's going on?" she asked quietly. "Nothing," Hondo replied with another sigh. "Which is most of the problem. We get along well enough, most of the time, but there's no love. No romance. No sex." "Dad!" Sweetie huffed, blushing. "What? You're an adult, we don't have to pretend these things don't happen." "Okay, fine." Sweetie frowned. "But I don't want the details." Hondo laughed awkwardly. "I just told you, there's no details to share." He sobered quickly. "But our relationship is strained. Legally, we're a couple. Practically speaking, we're more like roommates who share a bed." "So... you're getting divorced?" Sweetie wondered. "Ha! No, no, nothing like that. We still value the shared companionship." "Huh?" "Neither of us have the interest or energy to get back into the dating scene. And we are still friends. But after 30 years together, you get used to some of the creature comforts. A warm body to cuddle with at night. A mare who gets up early to make you breakfast and prepare some meals so you can venture off on a stupid fishing trip." He gestured around them. "That sort of thing." Sweetie Belle glared at him. "I think that shows she appreciates you as more than just a friend," she replied flatly. "And what do you do for her in return?" "I wonder that myself." He glanced at Sweetie's clearly displeased expression. "I-I don't mean that I don't do anything for her. I'm just not sure which things I do that keep her from leaving me." Her frown deepened. "And you're just... okay with all this? Your non-relationship?" Hondo shrugged. "Well... yeah. It's familiar and comfortable, even if it's not great. The only really difficult part is the lack of a sex life." "I see." Sweetie stared across the water, at the sailboat on the other side, idly chewing on a bite of her food. "But, you know, Sweet, I want to thank you for asking. It does help a bit just to have somepony to talk to about it with." Sweetie didn't respond, still staring out at the distant boat. "I'm not gonna push you, but I can tell you're struggling with something. I don't want to try and fix your problems. I just want you to know that I'd like to hear about what's going on in your life, and you can trust me. I love you." And with that said, Hondo returned to his chair. Sweetie watched him go, feeling conflicted as she slowly finished her sandwich. She didn't really want to share everything, but it was all going to come out eventually. And soon with how the celebrity news cycle tended to go. At the very least, she didn't want him to be blindsided by the news. "Okay," she said, trotting up next to him. "If you want me to talk, then I'll talk." "I'm just here to listen," he replied. "I won't offer advice unless you ask." "... Thanks." She replied, somewhat bitterly. She knew she would appreciate that eventually, though it wasn't all that welcome at the moment. "It kinda starts... a long time ago. With Button." Hondo’s ear flicked. "Your high school coltfriend?". Sweetie nodded. "He loved his video games. I enjoyed them too, but he was different. He played them obsessively. When we first got together, we played a lot of games together. And then, when we were done playing, we'd... well..." she gestured a circle in the air with a hoof. "Like you said, we're both adults, so…" Hondo chuckled. "He's lucky I never knew back then." "I made sure you didn't," Sweetie agreed. "But... even though things started off great, problems soon emerged. Ultimately, I wasn't good enough for him." "Now, wait a minute–" Hondo began to object. Sweetie held up a hoof to stop him. "Not what I meant, dad. I mean it literally—I wasn't as good at games as he was. He eventually grew tired of holding himself back so that I could have fun playing games with him. He picked up new ones that he’d play obsessively, and he would dedicate himself to them to the point we couldn't enjoy them together because I either couldn't keep up, or he'd whup me and get bored because of the lack of challenge. So he started to get absorbed in games even more, but more and more, he would just... ignore me instead of spending time with me." Hondo frowned. "I suppose that boy never did seem like he was going anywhere in life." Sweetie ignored the interruption. "Eventually, I stopped even trying to play games with him. And when I stopped playing, I wasn't staying up late with him anymore. We wouldn't go to bed together and I would be asleep before he even came to bed, so we... uh... we stopped—Having sex, I mean. Not that there was much of it left anyway. "Over time, it destroyed me. It's hard to explain how ugly, unwanted, and unloved I felt when my coltfriend—who previously seemed to value me just as much as anything else—suddenly wouldn't even touch me." Sweetie inhaled deeply. "So... I... threw myself into my singing, and I joined a band. "When the band was offered an opener in Canterlot, we were super excited and I rushed to tell him about it. I got to his house, but he was so engrossed in his game, I couldn't get him to listen. He kept shrugging me off, telling me we'd talk after he finished what he was doing. I waited patiently for hours, giddy with excitement. I even made him a nice dinner, which he ate without stopping his game, or even thanking me. Then, after a while, he logged off of his game, told me he was tired, and went to bed. He wouldn’t even let me tell him about my day." "Wow," Hondo interjected. "He was a real piece of work, then?" Sweetie shook her head. "Honestly, today, I don't know what I ever saw in him. He was so nice to me at first, but I think he was just infatuated with me because I was a girl who played video games, and I liked the attention." "Your mother and I remember that first Canterlot gig. That was when you performed You Won't Miss Me, I'm Already Gone, wasn't it?" Sweetie brightened. "It was. I wrote it a week before our tour. It was our first song about heartbreak, and I was really feeling hurt. It's no surprise that it landed us our record contract. Of course, when I moved to Canterlot, I didn't even tell Button I was leaving." "I remember that," Hondo nodded, a faint smile from the memory of it. "Miss Pie was livid, what with you leaving town and making Rarity sad." "Really?" Sweetie questioned. "She and Cheese threw me a going-away party and everything, I had no idea she was upset." "Cheese is part of my weekly stallions' poker night group. Sometimes stallions gossip, too." She nodded thoughtfully. "I guess so. Anyway, I moved away, and Button didn't even notice. It took six months before he even tried to contact me. By that point, the band was doing great, we were selling records like apple pies, and ponies were starting to notice me. When he finally caught on and apologized to me, it was too late. Our relationship was done." Hondo nodded. "It sounds to me like it was done long before that. A lot like how your mother and I have been done for a while." "I guess..." Sweetie replied. "But things went well after that. We started touring, and practically overnight our popularity exploded. Then, it was while we were on our second tour that I met Rumble." "You never did bring him home to meet us," Hondo grumbled. Sweetie scowled at her father. "Well, I was going to. Today, even." "...Sorry... I just know you've been dating for a while, but he wasn't a total stranger, right? I thought you went to high school together?" "Middle school, actually. He transferred out to join a military prep school in Cloudsdale, because he wanted to follow Thunderlane's example and join the 'Bolts. He was in the Academy when I did a performance in a theatre in Cloudsdale, and we reconnected." "I see." "We hit it off quickly. He was everything Button wasn't. He paid attention to me; took me out on romantic dates.” Sweetie smiled sadly at the memories. “He treated me well, and made me feel like I was actually a special mare. Especially in bed." She could feel the burning in her cheeks as she said it. "For three years, it was the best relationship I could hope for.” Her expression soured. “And then, last month he was accepted into the Wonderbolts," she said flatly. "And that was bad?" Hondo asked, confused. "I'm used to celebrity, dad. I'm the best-selling pop star since Sapphire Shores back when I was a filly. Rumble, though? He'd always stayed in the background. I guess I... well, I tried to hide him. Maybe that was my mistake, but I was afraid that if ponies thought I was flaunting that I had a coltfriend, it would impact sales." "You probably weren't wrong," Hondo agreed. "But... he joined the Wonderbolts. Isn't that incredible?" Sweetie sat down, frowning deeply, starting to feel choked up. "That's the real reason I came over this morning... I planned this trip weeks ago. Rumble and I were going to get married, and I was going to surprise you with the news." "That would have been great news," her father agreed softly. "But given that we're having this conversation, I'm guessing things didn't work out?" Tears were beginning to flow now. "I came home to the apartment we share last night... They were so loud, none of them even heard me come in the door. I came to the bedroom to see what was going on, terrified of what I was going to see, and he was having a threesome with two of his fan-fillies. In our bed." Hondo slowly let his fishing pole down and walked over to his daughter, pulling her into an embrace. "Oh, Sweetie Belle... I am so sorry." Sweetie Belle leaned into his embrace, tears of grief spilling over and streaming down her face. "I just... I just hurt, dad,” she choked out. “I'm just never good enough for any stallion." "That's not true," Hondo whispered. "There are millions of stallions all over the world that would love to be with you." Sweetie sobbed into his chest. "No, dad... There aren't." "What do you mean?" She pulled away and stared up at him, her ears flattened. Hondo wiped away her tears with his magic. "The me—The Belle—that they want to be with is just an image—a fiction! To them, I'm just a trophy,” she spat. “And to me, they're just a bunch of stallions who think they know way too much about me—most of it false." "Not even one of them had a shred of normalcy, and caught your interest?" "Well... not entirely. I had the prime choice of any stallion I could imagine. I went on a few dates and even slept with several of my more... appealing fans." She paused to wipe away more tears. "But they just... weren't in tune with me. They all put me on a pedestal. And I just... It's an unattainable goal I could never live up to. I can't do that. I can't be that mare when I'm not on the stage, I've tried!” Between the tears and the venting, her grief was starting to fade a bit as she spoke, replaced with a numbness. “But when I reconnected with Rumble, it was different. We had a history, we knew each other so much better than I could share with any random fancolt, and now..." Hondo nodded as his daughter trailed off, squeezing her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Sweetie." He bent down and kissed the tip of her horn. "I'm sorry not everypony could know how amazing you really are. And I wish everypony could love the real you the way I do." Sweetie Belle returned her father's affection with a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," she said, blinking away some fresh tears. "I just know the story about our breakup will be dominating the news cycle soon. Stallions will be trying to impress me more than ever right now, and I'm glad you let me come out here to stay away from all of it." "Any time," Hondo chuckled. "You just let me know, we'll go fishing whenever you want. I just hope you feel better after getting it off your chest." "Y-yeah," she admitted, her ears perking up a bit. "It hurts to think about it, but... I haven't had anyone I could confide in lately." She hugged him tightly. "Thanks, dad.” "Nice catch!" Hondo set aside his fishing rod, smiling at his daughter. She'd outfished him now, 6 to 5, and he couldn't be more proud of her. As he watched her remove the fish from the line, she was bathed in the dying orange glow on the horizon, looking for all the world like the prettiest mare in Equestria. "It's getting late," he observed. "We should pitch the tent. It's supposed to get quite cold tonight." Sweetie Belle carefully worked her magic on the fish, the enchanted hook releasing the creature unharmed. "Sure," she nodded absently, releasing the fish back into the lake. It took relatively little effort for two unicorns to assemble the four-pony tent, since it was designed to be assembled even by non-magical ponies, but the sun was fully below the horizon by the time they finished and a cold breeze was beginning to blow. Hondo lit a lamp and hung it inside the tent before returning to the cart to grab the—the— Hondo cursed under his breath as he grabbed his sleeping bag. Sweetie was inside the tent laying out a foam pad and using her magic to sweep out some of the dirt particles from a previous camping trip when he stuck his head in through the door flap. "Here, uh... you can sleep with this," he said, levitating the sleeping bag through the door, with a pillow following shortly behind. "Thanks," she replied morosely. Hondo couldn't help but notice how she seemed slightly more distant since relating her troubles with Rumble. Sweetie spread the sleeping bag out over the foam pad and flopped down, tucking herself into it. Hondo laid down next to her on the pad. The cold ground was only dampened slightly by the floor of the tent and the relatively thin foam pad upon it. "Aren't you going to get your sleeping bag?" Sweetie wondered. Hondo grimaced. "We uh... forgot to bring a second one. I could swear I packed a second one, but I can’t find it." Sweetie propped herself up on a foreleg and glared down at her father, though he was facing away from her and couldn't see. "We share, then," she demanded. Hondo looked over his shoulder at her stern expression. "Wouldn't be proper, Sweetie. You know that." She scoffed. "Dad, when I first started touring, you don't even want to know the kinds of terrible places I slept." He raised an eyebrow. "You... what?" Sweetie's ears drooped and her eyes cast down to the foam pad. "I slept in horrible situations all the time. I shared a burlap bag in the middle of a snow storm once when the carriage we chartered broke down. A shared sleeping bag is nothing." "That's... terrible," Hondo replied, shocked. "I know," Sweetie said, meeting his gaze again. "And that's why I don't want you to suffer just because of a silly mistake like a missing sleeping bag. I know two ponies can fit in here, and I'm telling you to get in here so you don't freeze!" Hondo wanted to object, but... Sweetie was an adult. She wasn't just a filly that he had to protect from her own decisions anymore. "Okay," he conceded. "We'll share." "Good." She lifted the bag's opening, pressing herself as far back in the bag as she could. Hondo couldn't help but feel the entire gesture was far too intimate, though she wasn't being flirty in any way. A wave of guilt washed over him as he realized that she clearly didn't see this as sexual in any way—he was the one making it sexual by fussing about it. But he wasn't going to anger her by turning her down, and she was right about it being far too cold to sleep without the bag tonight. He carefully slipped into the sleeping bag. It was a tight fit. "Hmm... Perhaps we should—" Sweetie started shifting around. By the time they got into a position where they both felt comfortable, Hondo couldn't help but realize he was spooning with his daughter. There was nothing he could do about it, either. No other position gave them enough room within the sleeping bag together, but in this position, his sheathe was pressed against her rump. He desperately tried to not think about anything sexual. Every time she shifted, no matter how slight, it was just a little bit more stimulation. He couldn't help it as he felt his erection slowly growing. Trying to force himself to think about other things wasn't helping. There was no way she was oblivious to his predicament, was there? Still, she didn't seem to be shifting around on purpose. She wasn't trying to lead him on. Hondo cursed his stallion hormones—actively trying to not think about his daughter sexually only led to more thinking about her sexually. It took a while, but her breathing eventually slowed, becoming more and more shallow as she seemed to drift off to sleep. He focused on her breathing, hoping it would finally get his erection to pass, and—over time—eventually drifted off himself. Sweetie Belle lay with her father's body embracing her, the little spoon to his big spoon. It was comforting, in its own way, to have a stallion spooning with her as she lay down to sleep. She hated the time between Button and Rumble for that reason—having a big, strong stallion that cared for her and embraced her at night was something that she craved, and there was no denying that her father cared for her. She felt secure and warm in his embrace. But his erection was obvious—she was all too familiar with the sensation of a hard cock against her rump. She didn't dare say anything about it, though. Embarrassing them both was counterproductive, and it wasn't like they had any other choice apart from risking one of them getting frostbite this high up in the mountains. Besides, he was pressed against her, and males just tend to respond to stimulation. It was normal. Much to her irritation, that thought lodged itself in her mind: her father was just responding to stimulation. That he was getting from her. Suddenly, his hesitance to join her in the sleeping bag seemed less ridiculous. She tried very hard not to move—to not make the problem worse. But her mind raced with possibility. She could tell from his breathing that he was still awake. What was going through his mind? Even though she was trying her hardest not to move, she could feel his erection growing larger and firmer. Did that mean her father was thinking of her sexually? How could he have those thoughts about his own daughter? Did it matter? It wasn't like they were doing anything. Sweetie relaxed a little bit with that thought. Stallions were stallions, and they often couldn't help where their minds wandered. It was just an erection. Stallions got random erections all the time, and it wasn't his fault, really. Besides, he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt her, and she was the one who put him in this awkward situation. She resolved to apologize for it in the morning, and tried to put it out of her mind, before slowly drifting off to sleep. Hondo was awakened in the middle of the night by Sweetie Belle moving about in his hooves slightly, moaning and gasping in a way that seemed either erotic or agonizing, and he wasn't sure which. "Sweet?" he asked softly, trying to ignore the stimulation he was receiving from her subtle movements. "Are you okay?" He peered down at her. "Rum—..." she half-whispered. Her cheeks were flushed and her horn had a slight glow to it. Talking in her sleep wasn't anything new, but Hondo was somewhat shocked to hear that she still did it. Even more concerning, however, was her movements, which were giving more and more stimulation to his erection—and the realization that she was using magic to... do something. Was she masturbating in her sleep? That thought immediately brought his erection to full mast—and she was grinding her back into him like a desperate mare in heat. A worse realization struck him: Sexsomnia wasn't unheard of in mares who were in heat. To make matters even worse, as she bucked slightly under him, he could feel that her tail was dangerously close to the tip of his cock. If she wasn't careful... "Sweetie," he repeated, slightly louder. "Wake up, please," he begged, peering down at her. All he could see was a mare grinding against him. She truly was beautiful. The thought came to his mind entirely unbidden. Those luscious curls. Her shoulder blades. The arch of her back. For a moment, Hondo didn't see his daughter—just a desperate mare. And his cock began to respond, his mind drowning in a hormonal cocktail of his body's own making. He felt it coming. Maybe it was just that there was a physical stimulation that wasn't his own horn—maybe it was the sheer lack of intimacy he'd had recently—but he couldn't stop the orgasm that shocked his very core as his stallionhood sprayed a mess of seed all across his daughter's back. And then... after a few moments of chemical bliss, he realized what just happened, and felt a deep darkness in his soul—as if he'd done something that he could never take back. And a deep, deep shame. Hondo shook his daughter with both hooves. "Sweetie Belle! Sweetie, wake up!" Visions of Rumble faded as Sweetie Belle was shaken roughly from one of the most erotic dreams she'd ever had. A brief sense of disappointment washed over her. "Huh?" she asked, groggily, a fleeting horniness from her erotic dream rapidly fading as adrenaline kicked in. "Sweetie!" she heard her dad, nearly shouting. There was a faint amount of light though the tent canvas, as a tiny sliver of sunrise peeked over the horizon. "Dad?" He wasn't even in the sleeping bag, leaving a cold chill down her back from where his body warmth was gone. She looked up at him in the dim light. Tears were streaming down his face and his ears flattened back. "I'm sorry," Hondo blurted. "I'm so, so sorry." "Dad, what's wrong?" Sweetie wondered, her ears perking up. "I... I..." Sweetie gave him a moment to compose himself, confused as to what was going on, but he didn't seem to be able to. "Dad, what's wrong?" she repeated. It was around that moment that her mind registered the coldness on her back. It seemed excessive compared to the rest of the air around her. She peered down her own backside and saw a familiar sight—a stallion's essence splattered across her back. Her gaze turned back to her father with a growing sense of confusion and disbelief. "I didn't mean to," he blurted. "I swear, I didn't mean to." "Didn't mean to?" she replied, remembering the dream she'd just had—and becoming increasingly aware of how wet she was back there. Unfortunately, her reply came out far harsher than she expected, and he recoiled from the bite in her tone. "I'm sorry," he repeated. "I'm sorry. It was an accident. I'll just... I'll..." He stepped over to the door and started unzipping it. She wasn't sure what he was planning, but she needed to put a stop to it. "No, dad." Her horn flared to life as she held the zipper in place. "We can talk about this. We're adults, remember." "I didn't mean—" "Yes, dad, I know," she interrupted. "You didn't mean to, and I believe you." A vision of Rumble from her dream flashed through her mind again. She had probably done this to him without realizing it. Her dreams tended to get really steamy sometimes, though she'd never had a reason to complain before, since when she woke up, she usually had Rumble there to—No. She needed to stop thinking about him. They were through, and if she had her way, she'd never see him again. "Honestly, dad. I believe you. Please, just calm down." She slowly tried to extricate herself from the sleeping bag, trying her hardest not to smear her father's essence into the fabric. "I'm sorry," he repeated again. "Dad, shut up!" Sweetie shouted, exasperated. "We can talk about this, just... let me wash up, okay? Why don't you get breakfast started?" Hondo's mouth stayed closed and he nodded, a visible trembling in his lips. Sweetie released her magic and he opened the door, practically galloping over to the smoldering campfire from the night before. Sweetie watched him go until the door flap fell closed again, and then surveyed her back. Her father's load must have been considerably large for how much of her was covered. She was pretty sure stallions usually didn't do that unless they were really pent up, or prolonged edging... right? Just how long had she been teasing him? And did he ever try to stop her?
Hondo Flanks,Sweetie Belle,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Lake Flaccid
Sweetie Belle and her father bond over relationship troubles... perhaps a little more than either expected.
<p>Sweetie Belle is a wildly successful pop star engaged to an up-and-coming Wonderbolt sensation in her old classmate, Rumble! But when she comes home to find him in a compromising position with some of his fans, the marriage is called off, and a devastated Sweetie Belle returns home to break the terrible news to her parents.</p><p>On a whim, Sweetie agrees to take off on a fishing trip with her father--a chance to get away from everything. And in the process, she learns that not everything at home is paradise either.</p><p>-----</p><p>If the description didn't make it obvious, Sweetie Belle is an adult in this story.</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler">infidelity</span>, <span class="spoiler">father-daughter incest</span>, <span class="spoiler">impregnation</span> and more.</p><p>An entry into the <a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Wincest Hearts and Hooves Day 2024</a> contest.</p>
Sweetie lurked in shallow water, thousands of emotions and thoughts storming through her mind as she used her magic and a small rag to scrub her back of her father's emissions. She knew she couldn't stay in the water long, else the cold would possibly become dangerous. Her nose was barely above the water, the chill hiding what would otherwise be flushed cheeks, and with each breath, she exhaled through her mouth, created a bubbling fountain in front of her that mirrored her chaotic thoughts. It wasn't the first time she'd masturbated in her sleep while dreaming of her coltfriend or some other attractive stallion. It likely wouldn't be the last. Unfortunately, her dream was extremely sexually charged, and she was still incredibly aroused. It didn't help that fragments of her dream kept coming back to her as she dwelled on it. Rumble's features were less and less defined each time it replayed in her head. At first she was angry—she didn't want Rumble in her life anymore—but as he became less defined, the anger began to subside. Soon, however, the memory took on an entirely different, more confusing form as her father's stricken expression replaced Rumble. Her arousal made it all the more confusing—surely the thought of having sex with her father ought to temper her arousal? But for some reason, she knew that in her dream, she'd been enjoying him... and she still felt a powerful need. Occasionally, she would glance over at where her father was cooking breakfast. He was sitting with his back to her, but she caught him looking her way once—she'd looked away again immediately. Why did this have to happen now? Though she'd slept in close quarters with stallions before, this had never happened while sleeping with one in the past; at least, not one she couldn't fuck immediately after, like Rumble. That was tearing her up—she couldn't have chosen a more inappropriate time for it if she had tried. Inappropriate as it was, however... at least it was a pony who loved her. Somehow, that thought was more comforting than she had thought it would be. She glanced over at her father again—he'd moved away from the campfire and had resumed fishing, seated in the reclining chair. That meant breakfast was done. The chill was starting to get unbearable and her teeth began to chatter as she shivered. She stepped out of the water, certain that she'd dealt with the worst of the stain, shaking off the water as best she could. Immediately the chill air made it feel like she was freezing to the bone. She dashed straight for the tent, and ripped the sleeping bag out through the doorway with a spell. As she trotted toward the fire, she fished around in her bag for a simple dress she’d brought with her, and slipped it on, then unzipped the sleeping bag and wrapped it snugly around herself. Once she was at a distance that was comfortably warm, she plopped her butt down. She took a bite of the meal her father had laid out for her and stared into the crackling fire as she ate. The snaps and pops of the fire were the only sounds accompanying the gradual brightening of the landscape. Sweetie was intent to stay put while she warmed up, turning from side to side to warm each part of herself, and using the sleeping bag to insulate the side not facing the flames. As she turned again, she looked up. Her father was ahead of her, his back turned as he continued to fish. Neither of them had spoken since he left the tent earlier. Sweetie felt guilty as she stared at his back. He'd done nothing wrong—she was the one that had grinded against him, but she knew he was hurting, blaming himself for doing a horrible thing. They needed to talk. "Dad?" she whispered, approaching him slowly. "I'm sorry." Hondo flinched, but didn't turn to face her. "Why are you sorry? I'm the one who should apologize." "No!" Sweetie shouted. "I was..." She paused and swallowed down the embarrassment of her confession. "I'm pretty sure I was grinding on you. I do that in my sleep when I'm... h-horny sometimes, and... well... you're a stallion, you can't help how you react. It's not fair to blame yourself." Hondo remained silent for a few moments. Sweetie Belle was beginning to second-guess herself. Was this conversation ill-advised? "You did," Hondo finally confessed. "You were grinding on me." Her fears were confirmed, but one thing still bothered her, and she couldn't deny that the thought had colored every bit of her thoughts—a cloud of fear. Afraid that she wasn't good enough. Not pretty enough. "D-did you... at least... did you enjoy it?" she whispered. Hondo visibly flinched, his ears folding back as he set his fishing pole aside. He looked up at the sky for a few moments. His hesitation was painful, though Sweetie Belle struggled to understand her own sudden despair. Finally, he turned to face her, his cheeks flushed red. "Sweetie..." he began. His hooves were extended like he wanted to hug her, but wavered about like he wasn't sure what he should do with them. "You're a beautiful mare, Sweetie," he finally resumed. "Any stallion that tried to pretend he didn't enjoy that would be the most obvious liar in Equestria. But I know you're not just beautiful on the outside—you're beautiful on the inside, too." Fresh tears began forming in Sweetie's eyes as he continued to speak. "There's no way you would have meant to hurt me. And I wouldn't dare to hurt you, either. I'm terribly sorry for what happened." Sweetie couldn't respond. Instead, she threw herself into his outstretched hooves, sobbing into his chest. He awkwardly embraced her, patting her back softly. "It's okay," he whispered. "It will all be okay..." Hondo embraced his crying daughter. The events of the last few hours were weighing heavily on his soul, but at that moment, he was satisfied to be the father that she so desperately seemed to need. He stroked her mane softly as she sobbed into his chest. Unfortunately, the entire experience had left him with far too many thoughts that trended toward the sexual. Though he didn't want it, he found himself unable to erase the memory of peering down at his daughter as his—He shook his head violently. No. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. And yet, his self-admonitions didn't help. It had been so long since he'd gotten any relief that wasn't at his own hooves that he couldn't help himself as his mind replayed it over, and over in his head. He squeezed Sweetie Belle more tightly, desperately trying to will the thoughts away, but to no avail. He could feel his penis dropping from its sheathe, stiffening slowly. There was no way that she wouldn't notice if he didn't get away from her. It couldn't be helped. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away from him. She gazed up at him, tears running down her cheeks—he hadn't seen as many tears from his beloved daughter in many, many years as he had in the last twenty-four hours. "W-what?" she whispered. "S-sorry, I-I just..." he stammered. Sweetie looked down as his stallionhood brushed against her hoof. Her eyes locked on his length for several moments. He tried desperately to form an explanation. Her eyes met his again—an inscrutable expression as she held his gaze. After several seconds, she lunged at him, her lips locking with his as she kissed him. She moved with such swiftness that he toppled to the ground, Sweetie Belle knocking some of the wind out of him as she landed across his chest. It was not a chaste kiss between father and daughter—her tongue desperately fought to gain entrance to his maw. Completely shocked, he allowed it, though he did nothing to return the kiss. Her tongue explored his teeth and brushed against his own tongue. His eyes widened in shock as he realized what she was doing. He rolled to the side to get her off of him. Her lips were forcefully pulled away as he stood up, towering over her. "What are you doing?" he demanded. Sweetie just lay there on the ground silently, her face drawn into the pout he'd gotten used to dealing with as a father. Her horn began to glow green, and he felt a sudden stimulation on his cock. His jaw dropped. "Sweetie, stop." She looked up at him, tears running down her cheeks. "What, am I not good enough for you, either?" she spat. "Or do you want to go home to that mare that doesn't even touch you, the same way Button wouldn't touch me?" At no point did her spell fade. "Do you just want to be miserable and unloved?" Hondo stared down at his daughter aghast. Her words were like barbs, stabbing him in the heart. "N-no," he protested. "I want to do this for you, dad. I want you to feel the same love I feel from you." He'd already coated her back in his seed—what was she even talking about? But he couldn't deny that it felt nice. Still— "Sweetie, we can't do this. I don't... need another relationship." It stung to say it. He craved a sexual relationship again. But this wasn't what he wanted. "You don't have a relationship, dad. You told me that yourself—you're just roommates. Besides, it's not like we're fucking. Just..." Her magic faded. "P-please... let me do this. For you." Her lower lip trembled. Hondo felt his resolve breaking. "... and for me." He couldn't bring himself to reply. Was he really about to let his daughter... ... He loved her. More than anything in the world. And in that moment, his claims that he would do anything for her were being put to the ultimate test. He swallowed his pride, and though he was second-guessing himself, he nodded slightly. Her magic came back, stroking his cock gently as she stood up. "Lay down," she commanded. Hondo could barely believe he was letting her do this, but he followed her command, lowering himself to the ground and rolling onto his back. The entire time, her magic didn't stop, stroking his member which now stood proudly into the air above him. She laid herself down, forelegs crossed, across his upper chest, turned to face his throbbing erection. He couldn't see her face—not her smile, nor her tears. But he could see the soft green glow of the tip of her horn, her gorgeous curls, the curve of her shoulder blades under the straps of her dress, her thin hips where the dress gripped them, and then... her tail, flagged and twitching, poking out from beneath. From his angle, and the way she was sitting, he could also make out the curvature of one of her teats just at the edge of the fabric. Never before had he seen his daughter quite like this. When he woke up, she was innocent. His thoughts then had been his, and his alone. But now, he saw her as she truly was—a mare. Sexy, and—seemingly—eager. He shook his head. This was as far as he could let it go. And then, as he didn't think his erection could get any harder, she lifted her head, bent down, and licked it. Sweetie teased the tip of her father's cock, her tongue swirling around the crown as she inhaled his musk. Her magic, which had previously been stroking his shaft, lowered to his balls, fondling them as her mouth descended slightly onto the tip of his shaft. He was large. Larger than Rumble. Larger than Button. She didn't care. She wanted to do this for him—she wanted to do it for her. She needed to know that she was enough for somepony. For a stallion who actually loved her and not just the trophy she represented. She went down deeper on his cock, the tip brushing the back of her throat. She felt him tense up beneath her. "Sweetie, s-stop..." Was he about to blow his load? Good. She took a deep breath and opened her throat, intent on taking him even deeper. "This is crossing a line," her father shouted. A taboo? She didn't care. She was used to stupid rumors already. She needed to do this, for herself. She suddenly found herself shoved off of her father, his cock ripped from her mouth as she landed on her back and her father stared down at her... Sweetie stared up at him, confused. He was angry. And again, the sting of rejection crept up on her. "Why?" she demanded, wondering how many times her own father would hurt her today. "Don't you love me?" Hondo stared down at her, his expression flashing between anger, concern, and back to anger again. "I'm sorry, Sweetie. This isn't right. We can't do this." A cry that she'd been holding back since they'd started threatened to win. "Why not?" she challenged, barely withholding her sobbing. Her entire body was quivering with rage and grief. "It's true then? I'm not even enough for you? A stallion who hasn't gotten any in years, whose wife won't do anything for him?" And Sweetie suddenly realized why she was angry. Her father was the perfect stallion. She never realized it before—all she wanted was a stallion to love her the way her father did. And yet, her own mother didn't see it. She couldn't see how amazing her father was. Maybe it was irrational. Maybe she was being emotional and cruel to her mother. She didn't care. "I can do for you what she won't," Sweetie Belle whispered. "I can give you the love you aren't getting at home. I've been hurt too much by stallions who don't care. You've been hurt by a mare who doesn't appreciate you..." Lying on her back, with the early morning sky above her, she lifted her dress and spread her legs. "So, please... stop hurting us. And just... embrace me...?" Hondo could barely believe his senses. His own daughter, his own flesh and blood, was spread-eagled before him. Begging for him. His eyes broke away from hers and traveled down her form. Her rosy cheeks, stained with tears. Her gorgeous mane. The neckline of the dress, perfectly accentuating her form. The soft fabric resting against a supple body, until it became bunched up where she'd pulled it aside, exposing the two most gorgeous spheres he'd ever laid eyes on. Each of those orbs, with its small, perky nipple, perfectly placed, bounced slightly with her heavy breaths. The darker skin showing through the thin fur of her mons, trailing to her darkened pussy lips. As if watching his gaze, her hooves reached down and pulled gently, opening her flowing in invitation, a deep, pink abyss with a small nub that begged for his attention with its winking. And below that, the deep gray of her puckered asshole, her dock, and her luscious tail... It was... beautiful. She was beautiful. And she wanted him. She didn't care about the consequences. He swallowed thickly, yet he hesitated. "J-just..." "Please," she begged. "Just this once," he said, unable to believe his own words. Her smile grew as he laid down atop of her. His lips met hers, and they kissed, her intoxicating taste overwhelming his senses. Was it really... wrong to do this? To stop a pony from hurting? A pony that he loved? His hips shifted, trying to get himself into position. He knew they were about to step off of a cliff they could never re-climb. The tip of his cock rested against her pussy. He pulled away from the kiss, gazing into her eyes, searching for anything to tell him this wasn't exactly what she wanted. She simply smiled. And he moved. She gasped as his cock sank into her warm depths, her pussy lips spreading around him, squeezing him tightly. She embraced him tightly, her forehooves pulling him down as she again forced her lips on his. Her love passage was more than accommodating. Her arousal had left her incredibly slickened, he realized. Far more than her mother ever had. For years—he realized with growing grief—Cookie had never been... wanting him. This was what he was missing. The feeling of being wanted by a mare as he thrust into her. He withdrew again, her tight walls grasping at his retreating member, until he pressed forward again, going even deeper. Sweetie hissed and moaned into his lips. It was amazing. And yet, it was too much. He needed more of this. He withdrew again, his animal instinct taking over as he thrust harder into her. Again, she squeaked, this time their lips releasing as she threw her head back into the green grass, moaning out into the autumn air. He thrust again. And again. "Mmph." "Aah." "Mmm." Her little vocalizations only pushed him further. He could feel his orgasm building, but it wasn't fast enough. "DAAADDY—eeeeee!" She screamed, clamping down on his member. She convulsed beneath him, continuing to scream for him as her own orgasm tore through her. He slowed, careful to remain inside of her as she writhed about, but did not stop. No mare had ever had such a prolonged orgasm as the one Sweetie Belle experienced, he was sure. He continued to thrust, her walls milking him like she craved his spunk. He felt his own orgasm arrive like a freight train blowing through a stop without braking, but a brief bout of clarity hit and he forced himself to yank his cock out of his daughter’s pussy. His muscles seized, and he felt his cock jerk and kick, desperately trying to fill up the mare that he no longer was inside of. Cum fired from his tip, spraying across her teats, as she continued crying his name. "Sweetie," he gasped, collapsing on top of her, embracing her weakly as she still twitched. "I... I love you so much." "Daddy... Daddy, I love you too, daddy," she whispered hoarsely, her legs locking around him. "Why did you… pull out," she said, grinding gently against him. "Don't leave me like this." "I love you, Sweets," he whispered. "You're beautiful. I'm not going anywhere and I won't leave you. But I can’t risk that." And for one last time that weekend, she burst into tears.
Hondo Flanks,Sweetie Belle,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Lake Flaccid
Sweetie Belle and her father bond over relationship troubles... perhaps a little more than either expected.
<p>Sweetie Belle is a wildly successful pop star engaged to an up-and-coming Wonderbolt sensation in her old classmate, Rumble! But when she comes home to find him in a compromising position with some of his fans, the marriage is called off, and a devastated Sweetie Belle returns home to break the terrible news to her parents.</p><p>On a whim, Sweetie agrees to take off on a fishing trip with her father--a chance to get away from everything. And in the process, she learns that not everything at home is paradise either.</p><p>-----</p><p>If the description didn't make it obvious, Sweetie Belle is an adult in this story.</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler">infidelity</span>, <span class="spoiler">father-daughter incest</span>, <span class="spoiler">impregnation</span> and more.</p><p>An entry into the <a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Wincest Hearts and Hooves Day 2024</a> contest.</p>
Hondo Flanks and Sweetie Belle lay side by side, holding hooves as they stared up into a clear blue sky. It was breezy and still a bit cool, but it was otherwise comfortable, and the serenity was calming. "You know, Sweetie, that this shouldn't have happened?" Hondo wondered aloud. The honking of a flock of migrating geese interrupted them, passing right overhead. Father and daughter watched in silent admiration of the majestic creatures while Sweetie Belle thought about his question. "... I know," she replied after the geese were gone. "It shouldn't happen. But it did. And, to be honest... it was wonderful.” The honking of geese faded into the distance. “Did you enjoy it, too?" she wondered. Hondo smiled. "Yes," he confessed, closing his eyes. "I did. But, you know… this can't happen again." Her eyes closed, too. "I know," Sweetie replied, squeezing his hoof. He squeezed her hoof back. They each slowly turned to face the other, opening their eyes. It was written on their faces. She knew he was right. He knew that she knew. Sweetie leaned in for a kiss and he reciprocated. This time, it was chaste; just a brief brushing of their lips. They pulled away with shared, sad smiles. Neither of them were happy. Hondo heaved a big sigh. "Well, I suppose... these fish won't catch themselves." "Right," Sweetie nodded, rolling to her hooves. She immediately felt a drip running down her fur. "And I need to clean up... again." Hondo laughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that..." "It's fine," she said, walking back down toward the water. A stiff breeze chilled her semen-matted fur. "Hey... Sweetie?" Hondo called to her. She looked back at her father, who was looking in the direction of the wind. "Huh?" Hondo gestured out at the dock. "You wanna go for a quick ride?" "But we don't know who it belongs to," she objected. "Aw, it'll be fine," Hondo insisted. "Go get cleaned up, I'll show you." Sweetie let her pole clatter to the wooden planks below and threw herself partially over the side of the boat, her churning stomach evacuating her lunch into the water. Hondo quickly set his own pole aside and rubbed her back with a hoof, patting her consolingly. "Sorry again," he apologized. "It's oka—" Sweetie was interrupted by another heaving in her chest. Hondo winced. Seasickness was no joke, but it wasn't something he ever suffered from. He lowered the sail and started maneuvering the boat back toward the dock. It was unfortunate, as he loved sailing on the lake, but he didn't want his daughter to suffer for it. He looked out at the horizon as he got the sail ready. Dark clouds were starting to gather, and the wind was blowing in from that direction as well. The weather would likely turn soon. Seating himself at the tiller, he maneuvered the boat toward the dock again, but as he looked forward, he noticed Sweetie still bent over the bow and his eyes became glued to the sight before him. Her ass was raised in the air, and her pussy was still slightly glistening from before. He tried to suppress the erection developing at the sight before him, memories of their morning tryst coming back with a vengeance, but to no avail. It wasn't until Sweetie finally stood back up straight that he was able to recognize that he'd sailed the boat in a circle in his distraction. "Where are we going?" Sweetie asked him. "Gonna moor the boat," Hondo replied. "Don't want you possibly getting sick all over a boat that isn't ours." "I see..." Sweetie Belle took a seat and watched her father as he intently steered the boat, but she could see that his penis was unsheathed. And then realized that she'd been inadvertently presenting to him. She knew he was right. He knew that she knew. But did either of them care? The thought rolled around in her mind as the boat approached the dock. Sweetie's stomach finally calmed down enough to eat again, and the next few hours were spent fishing from the dock. There was light-hearted conversation between them, but both of them seemed to be in silent agreement to avoid the proverbial minotaur in the maze. It was getting darker again, but the sun was blotted out by the dark clouds, and Sweetie couldn't be sure just how close it was to sundown. And then a rumble of thunder in the distance destroyed the peace. Unsurprisingly, Rumble had loved thunder. Sweetie felt a renewed upwelling of emotion. "Shit," Hondo grumbled as a raindrop fell on his snout. "Knew it might rain, but I didn't expect this." Hearing her father curse distracted her entirely from her renewing resentment. "What?" "Storm's coming in." He gestured to the side of the clearing, toward the bulk of the mountain. "There's an outcropping over there. We'll move the tent over there and take shelter for the night." "I thought we were heading home tonight?" "Can't now," Hondo replied. "Too risky. I wasn't expecting a storm at all, and if we get caught on the mountainside in a storm, it'll get very dangerous, especially if I'm pulling the cart. It will be far safer to go when the storm passes." Sweetie Belle wanted to argue—after all, the cart could be left behind, and they could get it later—but she knew what awaited her at home: tabloids. Ponies. Fanfillies and fancolts, desperate for explanations, who would demand all sorts of insane things of her. She nodded. "Okay." The rain picked up as they moved everything over to the outcropping her father had pointed out, and it took the rest of their daylight just to get the job done, and it was cold and miserable by the time they finished, but at least the outcropping sheltered them from further rain. "Get in the tent," Hondo ordered. "I'm gonna stake it down better." Sweetie Belle did as she was told, climbing inside and removing her sopping wet dress, which she slung into the corner. The wind was picking up, and the mountainside only amplified it, but the canvas of the tent would shelter them as long as it didn't get windy enough to carry them with it. She was cold, though, and didn't hesitate to climb into the bag. Tiny bits of crusted-over semen had dried to the fabric and raked at her fur—an awkward reminder of the events of the night before—but she did her best to ignore it as she curled into a ball, trying to warm up. Hondo clambered into the tent after a few minutes, shivering in the cold. "Make room, Sweetie, I'm freezing out here." She didn't hesitate. ... But making room was difficult. It didn't take long for them both to realize that the spooning they had done from the night before was going to be the answer again. They both shuffled awkwardly against each other, trying to stay warm, but also trying to get comfortable, and the grinding of fur against sheathe once again led to the same effect as it had before. "... Dad..." Sweetie muttered "...You're..." "I know," he replied. "Just... try and hold still?" She held stock still for as long as she could, but it just wasn't comfortable. And feeling him pressing against her... "You know, I saw you earlier," Sweetie said idly. "Huh?" "When we were sailing. I saw your boner. You were staring at my ass." "... Sorry." "Look, we're not going to be able to get comfortable if we're worrying about this. Why don't you just..." The words died on her tongue. "Just what? Sleep outside the bag?" "N-no... just..." She could scarcely believe what she was about to say, but she couldn't deny that she wanted it. Even if it was wrong. "Just... f-fuck me." "Sweetie, we've been over this, we can't do this." Hondo protested. "No, dad, we can't," Sweetie said adamantly, twisting around so that she was facing him. "We can't sleep through the night, uncomfortably pretending that your cock isn't rubbing on my ass and blowing your load all over my back. Because that's all it did before." She grew quieter. "And if you're going to get off anyway... I'd like to get some, too." Hondo looked down at his daughter. Her mane was matted to her face by the rain. She looked absolutely haggard and miserable. And yet, still, she was the prettiest mare he had ever seen. "O...okay, Sweetie," he conceded. "You win." Her lips immediately pressed against his as he felt her practically climbing onto him. Their tongues danced together, and this time neither of them resisted. For all that they spoke of how wrong this was, both of them were ready to embrace it. And whatever shame was left quickly faded. It didn't take long for her to line herself up on his cock. She pulled her lips away from his. "C'mon, Daddy," she whispered. "Take me again. You know you want to." "I... do," he admitted, rocking his hips and teasing at her entrance. "I want to fuck you so bad, I just..." "... You're afraid of what other ponies will think?" Sweetie asked. "They'll never know." She wriggled more, trying to coax the full head of his cock into her passage. "... I hope not," he agreed. Then, he caught her lips again and kissed her deeply, his tongue intertwining with hers as his horn lit up. His magic tweaked her nipples, and she squeaked as their tongues continued their dance. Her magic lit up as she fondled his balls in response. "Come on, Daddy," she whispered. "If you're going to fuck me, fuck me like a 2-bit whorse." Hondo slowly flexed his legs, pushing himself into her. "No," he whispered. "You're no whorse. And if you were, nopony could afford it." Sweetie's ear flicked. "I appreciate that," she cooed, kissing him on the nose. "But I didn't say I was one." She pushed down on his shaft. "I said to fuck me like one." "O-oh." It was finally his turn to blush. After steeling himself for a moment, he wrapped his forelegs around her, and thrust his hips upward. Her warm embrace clamped down around his member, just as it had before, but this time, he didn't relent. Just as she demanded, he pulled out and thrust into her again. "Hnngh," she moaned. "Yes, daddy..." Her voice spurred him onward as he pistoned into her again, picking up speed and depth. "Mmph, ung, ahh," Sweetie's cries with each thrust grew, and her dulcet tones slowly changed into desperate cries as he thrust into her deeper still. "More!" she begged. He obliged her, feeling his broad cock head slamming into her deepest depths, the tip knocking against the ring her cervical opening. "Yes!" Sweetie screamed at the contact. "Fuck me harder!" Hondo was amazed at how much Sweetie was getting into it. There was scarcely any room to move any further in the sleeping bag, and every bit of space he could find was dedicated to slamming into his daughter's hole harder, deeper, faster. "Mmmm, fuck!" Sweetie gasped, suddenly convulsing on his cock. Hondo didn't stop, thrusting harder and harder and riding her through an orgasm that threatened to rip his dick off, but he didn't care. Every fiber of him was hellbent on finishing what he started. Suddenly, he realized he was rapidly approaching the end of his endurance, his cockhead swelling up in preparation to spew his essence deep inside her womb. "Sweet—!" he called out haltingly, "I need to pull—" "No," Sweetie growled fiercely. "No, don't stop." Hondo tried to pull out anyway, but with the angle he was now thrusting at, he couldn't fully retreat from her folds. Giving up, he shoved deep into her and held her tightly. "Sweetie, I'm cumming!" he barely managed to choke out. His mind went white as he reached his peak, his thick cock spewing load after load into his daughter's fertile womb. "Mmm..." Sweetie hummed into his ear. "Daddy..." They lay in each other's embrace, basking in the afterglow of their coitus, breathing heavily and listening to the howling wind and the rain pattering against the ground outside. "Are you sure?" Sweetie finally whispered. "Huh?" "That we can't keep doing this?" Hondo was silent for a time. "What if you get pregnant?" "Would you have a problem with that?" she challenged him. "You'll keep the foal?" Sweetie shook her head in disbelief. "Do you really think I would get an abortion? If that ever got out, I'd be sinking a huge part of my popularity in certain demographics." "Right..." Sweetie giggled. "Besides, as if anypony would suspect my own father. Right now, they'd probably just think it's Rumble's." Hondo was silent for a bit. "And what about your mother?" It was her turn to be silent. "She can never know who the father is," Sweetie agreed. "Best to let her think I got drunk and slept with a fan, or something." She laughed at herself, and he chuckled with her. "But... she wants to be a grandma. She's been begging Rarity and me for years already. I can move in for a while, and she probably won't complain." Hondo rolled the idea around in his head for a while. "You're right. Rarity's old room is empty, we could turn it into a nursery." Sweetie nodded. "And I have plenty of money. I could pay off your mortgage, and even pay for some remodeling. And I can have my old room." The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. "It's not just your mother that wants grandkids," Hondo confessed. "I miss having children around the house." "And we can have this relationship. In secret." "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Hondo asked. "What if the media finds out?" "They should leave me alone for a while once the breakup with Rumble passes. And if I stop touring, there will be a media circus for a little while, but they'll latch onto somepony else soon enough." With some kind of consensus between the two, the conversation continued idly for a while, until Sweetie Belle felt her father's growing erection again. "Dad?" She looked askance at her father. "What can I say?" Hondo said with a shrug. "It turns out that sex with someone who really loves you is great sex." She kissed him again. "I know." She wiggled her hips, teasing him again. "I'm glad I have you here to remind me of that."
Hondo Flanks,Sweetie Belle,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Lake Flaccid
Sweetie Belle and her father bond over relationship troubles... perhaps a little more than either expected.
<p>Sweetie Belle is a wildly successful pop star engaged to an up-and-coming Wonderbolt sensation in her old classmate, Rumble! But when she comes home to find him in a compromising position with some of his fans, the marriage is called off, and a devastated Sweetie Belle returns home to break the terrible news to her parents.</p><p>On a whim, Sweetie agrees to take off on a fishing trip with her father--a chance to get away from everything. And in the process, she learns that not everything at home is paradise either.</p><p>-----</p><p>If the description didn't make it obvious, Sweetie Belle is an adult in this story.</p><p>Contains: <span class="spoiler">infidelity</span>, <span class="spoiler">father-daughter incest</span>, <span class="spoiler">impregnation</span> and more.</p><p>An entry into the <a href="/group/198529/incest-is-wincest/thread/531809/hearts-hooves-day-contest" rel="nofollow">Wincest Hearts and Hooves Day 2024</a> contest.</p>
Rainbow Dash alighted on Cookie's balcony, knocking on the window. "Hey, there, Ms. Crumbles," she said. "I did what you asked with that storm cloud, but I'm still a little confused why you care about the mountain lake so much?" "It's okay, Rainbow Dash," Cookie said, smiling. "You've done your part." "What was that all about, anyway?" Cookie glanced at the spare sleeping bag she’d stolen out of the wagon. “I wasn’t born yesterday,” Cookie said, smiling to herself. "Sweetie’s in heat, my husband's a pent up idiot, and I'm not getting any younger. No stupid Wonderbolt kid is going to get in the way of me having grandchildren." "Huh?" "Nothing," Cookie said with a happy sigh. "Here's your payment." Rainbow accepted the bag of bits and flew back to Applejack, confused.
Some Leech
Saffron Masala,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Pinch of Spice
What starts as an innocent visit with friends leads to Saffron Masala showing off her exotic skills for a crowd...
<p>Saffron Masala considers herself a mare with few complaints - nevertheless, her life isn't what she'd consider exciting by any means. Her life isn't bad by any means, but it lacks something special, something that she can't quite put her hooves on, and it's not until speaking with Rarity that she figures out what it is. Summoning her courage, she pushes herself out of her comfort zone and decides to try something <i>bold</i>...</p><p>Kinks Include: Belly Dancing, Exhibitionism, and Masturbation</p><p>Artwork by Beardie (Twitter @BeardieArts)</p><p>If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon <a href="" rel="nofollow">HERE</a></p>
Contentedly humming to herself, shaking her hips to a tune nopony else could hear, Saffron wiped down the table of customers who had just departed. It was a fantastic day; business had continued to improve, her father was far less grumpy than he used to be, and Rarity had brought her friends over to enjoy lunch. Having the Tasty Treat stand on its own merits was all well and good, but having an endorsement from the Elements of Harmony and the Princess of Friendship would almost guarantee a steady influx of diners! She moved from the dining area and to the counter, grabbed four sets of napkin-wrapped silverware, and sashayed back to set the table she’d just cleaned. While she wasn’t normally one to rush through things, she moved with a cheerful purpose. The faster she finished tidying up, the quicker she could take a small break to chat with her friends. “Where were we?” she began, trotting over and easing herself into a chair beside Rarity. Blowing on a cup of steaming tea, the couture beamed over at her. “You were telling us about that marvelous blouse you’re wearing.” “I’m not really into fashion stuff, but it does look super comfy,” Pinkie added, leaning over and drawing a hoof over Saffron’s shoulder. Saffron giggled and batted a hoof. “Please - it’s just a simple shirt!” “It may be simple, true, but it’s elegant all the same,” Rarity tutted. “The embroidery on the hem and cuffs is exquisite, the silk is gorgeous, and the sewing technique is exemplary! Might I ask where you got such a fetching garment?” “There’s an old mare who makes these in my village,” Saffron merrily noted. “If you were interested, I could give you her name.” “That would be wonderful, darling!” the seamstress chirped. “By chance, do you have any other apparel this talented mare may have crafted? I’d never copy somepony else’s designs, but I’m not above getting inspiration from other craftsmares.” Saffron’s smile wavered and she anxiously rubbed the back of her neck. “I do, though I’m not sure you’d -” “Could I see them?” Rarity excitedly interrupted. “I - um - just give me a moment,” Saffron muttered, pushing herself away from the table and slipping from her seat. She had a number of different garments that she’d brought with her to Manehattan, but there was one that was unlike the others. Turning and trotting away, she moved past the counter and to the back of the restaurant. It was funny - in the mainland of Equestria, it was rare for ponies to wear much of anything, yet that wasn’t the same in her homeland. “I’ll be right back,” she called to her father, earning herself a small scowl for her momentary dereliction. Through a doorway and up a flight of stairs, she made her way to the apartment she shared with her father. Much like herself, Coriander almost always had something on, yet his wardrobe couldn’t hold a candle to hers. While most of her outfits were rather plain and valued function over form, she took pride in looking her best for her customers and friends alike. She came to a halt before her closet, pulled the door open, and reached inside to flick the light-switch. Most of her attire was neatly folded or hung to either side of the little chamber, yet a single ensemble was prominently displayed apart from the rest. As the corners of her lips turned up, she levitated the garment over to herself. It only took her a hoofful of minutes to get dressed before she turned and proceeded back down the stairs. She’d worn the outfit more times than she could count, yet this would be the first time anypony other than herself had seen her in it. Sauntering past her father, her hooves clicking on the tiled floor of the kitchen, she emerged back into the dining area and flicked the mane from her face. She’d had no way of knowing what Rarity or Pinkie’s reactions would be to seeing her in something so exotic, so their gobsmacked reactions gave her a moment for pause. As soon as they noticed her, her guests went wide-eyed and slack jawed. She slowed as she approached, swung her gaze to the floor, and gave a shuddering sigh. Regardless of what her friends thought of her, she’d just shown off the crown jewel of her meager collection. “Darling,” Rarity gasped, drawing her host’s eye, “what is this heavenly garb you’re wearing?” “It’s c…called a bedlah,” Saffron stammered, both excited and nervous. “Do you like it?” As she finished the question, she steadily wheeled around to display the garment - well the small collection of garments. A sash cut across her chest from her right shoulder to her left side, a dress hung around her waist and fell to her fetlocks, and a veil covered her muzzle. Each piece she wore was cut of a thin, violet colored material, complimenting her eyes while contrasting the tanned tone of her hide. Rarity’s eyes wandered over the unicorn, drinking in every little detail, before settling on the beaded chains of gold around the mare’s waist. “Are those bells?” Nodding, Saffron grinned behind her veil. “They are, yes.” “Interesting,” Rarity quietly remarked, rubbing her chin. “Are they ornamental or are they -” Ching With but a single sway of her hips, Saffron set the tiny bells to jingle. Though she’d had nopony to show her skills off to, she’d studied raqs sharqi, a traditional dance of her homeland, since she’d been a filly. She spun in place, flicked her tail, and lazily swung her head from side to side, humming as a soft ringing filled the air. The longer she danced, the more comfortable she became - the more comfortable she became, the bolder her movements grew. There were only two other customers in the dining area, other than Rarity and Pinkie, and neither seemed to mind the spontaneous performance - if anything, the pair seemed more interested in her than they were in finishing their meal! Twisting and turning, arching her back while lowering her waist, she began losing herself. She’d often wondered what it would be like to perform for somepony other than her own reflection, and the experience did not disappoint. Her heart beat faster and faster, her nostrils flared, and she excitedly hummed the tune louder with each passing second. Though there were only four sets of eyes on her, she felt absolutely liberated to - “Saffron!” a familiar voice yelled in annoyance. Snapped from her trance-like state in an instant, Saffron nearly tripped over herself. She turned and glared over at her father, despite knowing he’d been right to stop her. Though she’d only been dancing for no more than a hoofful of minutes, her performance had taken a toll on both herself and her tiny audience. Rarity and Pinkie both sat stunned, awestruck and silent, but it was the other two customers she felt genuinely bad for. She assumed the pair were a couple, a young mare and stallion respectively, and a pang of guilt struck her for what she’d done. While the stallion was blushing heavily, practically undressing her with his eyes, his date looked none too pleased about the affair. “R…right,” she sputtered, only then taking notice of her flagging tail. “Excuse me…” The moment she finished speaking, she wheeled around and cantered back to the stairwell leading to the apartment upstairs. She wasn’t sure what was worse - the fact that she’d just danced for two friends and two ponies she didn’t even know, or that her cultural presentation had left her moved beyond words. Though she tried to deny it, to tell herself that it was purely a coincidence, her winking, slavering marehood spoke to how much she’d enjoyed herself. It was only through a supreme exertion of will and several splashes of cold water to her face, after she’d changed back into her usual attire, was she able to compose herself enough to go back downstairs. A part of her felt shame for being so turned on, but another, far more overpowering portion of her id was positively thrilled. Racing down the stairs, seeing Pinkie standing at the counter, she gulped. “Sorry,” she bleated, rushing up beside her father, “I didn’t mean to cause such a distraction.” Batting a hoof, Pinkie beamed as she handed a hoofful of bits over to Coriander. “It’s fine, trust me. Honestly, I thought that dance of yours was super cool!” she exclaimed, shaking her rump and bobbing her head. Looking past the earth pony, seeing that Rarity and the other two customers had apparently left, Saffron scrunched her snout. “Did Rarity leave? I was hoping to tell her goodbye before we parted ways.” “She bolted out as soon as you ran off,” Pinkie gleefully replied, fishing a folded napkin from her mane, “but she wanted me to give you this!” Saffron took and unfolded the scrap of paper. Though she was still a bit crestfallen, feeling genuinely bad that one of her two friends had departed without speaking to her, her eyes went alight. Rarity may have left abruptly, but the tersely scribbled message gave her some sliver of hope. Reading and rereading the words, an uneasy grin split her muzzle. Saffron Please come to my shop tomorrow afternoon. Your performance has inspired me, but I’m going to need your help. Sincerely, Rarity “What’s it say?” Pinkie inquired. “She said she wants me to come to her shop tomorrow evening,” Saffron whispered, knitting her brow and looking over to the pink party pony. “Is there something going on at her boutique?” Pinkie shrugged. “Not sure, but I’d go if I was you! If Rarity wants you for something, I’m sure it’ll be pretty great - after all, she is the element of generosity!” Shifting and giving Pinkie a hug, ignoring the disgruntled grunt from her father, Saffron smiled. “If you see her again, tell her I’ll be there.” Once she bid Pinkie adieu, she bussed their table and put herself back to work. She hadn’t expected to put on a show, nor could she have anticipated being invited to Rarity’s boutique for some nebulous purpose, but she was happy all the same - well, mostly happy. Though she tried not to dwell on it, the thought of what she’d done, gyrating in front of her customers, was electrifying to a fault. By the time her shift had ended, the sun having long since set, she was spent. Everything was as it should be, the restaurant cleaned, ingredients stored for the night, and dishes stacked for tomorrow - still, she was listless. She looked over, looked up the stairs, and pursed her lips. Coriander had gone up to their flat nearly an hour ago, leaving her to wrap things up, which meant she had the entire downstairs to herself. With the windows shuddered, front door locked, and plenty of space to use, a devilish scheme crept into her mind. Since nopony was around to see her, it couldn’t hurt to do a bit of practice ~ right? She crept the stairs as quietly as she could, slipped down the hallway, and carefully trotted into her room. Dancing in her bedchamber was doable, yet the relatively small area she had to work with left her little room to maneuver - as such, fetching her bedlah from the closet, she quickly and quietly returned to the first floor. Buck it - if her father caught her having a bit of fun, she could deal with him later. Having donned her outfit and levitated several tables to the side, she lowered her head, closed her eyes, and slowly exhaled. A bow and a flourished turn began her routine, followed by her rearing on her hooves while placing her forehooves behind her head. The sensation of her muscles tensing, the balance of her ever-shifting weight, of the air moving around her, it felt amazing - nevertheless, something was missing. While some music would have made the routine more enjoyable, the idea of having an audience was both frustrating and inspirational. Seconds passed into minutes, the sound of her heavy breaths crept to her ears, and her coat glistened in sweat as her muscles started to burn. Dancing wasn’t just an artform, nor was it an expressionistic escape - it was one heck of a workout. Falling still, her routine complete, she heaved air into her chest and wiped her brow. It was a shame she hadn’t been able to put on a performance like that for Rarity, but it was probably for the best. She was just a bit rusty, the area she’d cleared would have made it impossible for any customers to sit comfortably, and she had a nagging sense that her friends had only been polite - feigning interest in what was at the end of the day a hobby. As she went to turn, to head upstairs for a shower and some well-deserved rest, she sighed. The remainder of her night was completely lackluster, consisting of a shower before curling up for bed, and the following day was the same as many before. She got up, washed her face, got dressed, and wandered to the kitchen downstairs to begin work. Maintaining a restaurant was no easy task, not for the least of which reasons being they prepared everything in-house, so there was always something to do. The hours practically sailed by, moving from one task to the next before their doors opened, until the afternoon was upon her. The work kept her busy, tending to customers and doing a bit of the cooking herself, but there was one thing that had occupied her thoughts for the entire day - finding out what Rarity had wanted to see her for. Considering she rarely asked her father if she could leave early, she made an exception. To her pleasant surprise, Coriander didn’t give her a hard time for wanting to head out before they’d closed up for the night. He may have been a bit gruff at times, but he was an amazing father. Having thanked him profusely, she scampered out into the cool afternoon air and briskly trotted in the direction of Rarity’s boutique. The good news was that she didn’t have far to travel, only a few blocks - the bad news was she was none the wiser about why Rarity had summoned her. Rounding a corner and spotting the little shop, seeing ponies practically swarming the place, she came to a dead stop. She’d presumed that her meeting with Rarity would be something private, but that didn’t seem to be the case. A queue of stallions and mares, nearly two dozen of them, stretched from the boutique’s entrance down the street. For a fleeting moment, she considered leaving, not wanting to stick out like a sore thumb, but she steeled her resolve and pressed onward. She excused herself as she walked down the line, drawing annoyed looks from the ponies she passed, until she reached the front door and found herself facing a tall, svelte unicorn. “H…hello,” she began, waving up at the willowy mare, “Rarity asked me to come and see her…” Smiling down at her, the unicorn extended a hoof. “You must be Saffron! You’ll find Rarity in the workshop in the back of the shop.” “Thanks,” Saffron murmured, nodding and shimmying past a stallion nearly blocking the entrance. Though she’d only been to the shop on a very small number of occasions, she instantly noticed that the interior had been changed dramatically. All the racks of clothes, display cabinets, and mannequins had vanished, likely whisked away into storage, but it’s what had taken their place that caught her eye. Splitting the chamber was a runway that led to a dais at the room’s center. It was painfully obvious that the rearrangement had been done for some sort of exhibition, though whom and what was going to be shown off was a complete mystery. Given the number of ponies present, not even counting the ones bustling to get in, she was left to presume the event had been planned well before she’d been invited - which led her to a rather chilling conclusion. If Rarity had known and planned for a crowd, why had she been asked to come? She pressed onward, in spite of the knot forming in her stomach, and found her way to the very back of the shop. It would have been rude of her not to make an appearance, so poking her head in and saying hello was the very least she could do. Knocking on a door marked Employees Only, she stepped back when she heard a furious series of hooffalls racing in her direction. “What do you - Darling!” Rarity squealed, throwing the door open and hugging her. “You’re just in time! Come, we need to get you ready!” Nearly pulled off balance, hauled into the umbral depths of the workshop, Saffron awkwardly smiled. “Just in time for what?” “For you to get ready - behold!” Rarity reverently breathed, shuffling over and waving at something behind herself. Saffron looked over and went still. Resting beneath a lamp was a mannequin adorned in the most beautiful bedlah she’d ever seen. Gossamer thin, nearly transparent, the crimson material was itself only one element of the appeal. The cloth was lined with traceries, small, ruby-studded chains hung from the hips and neck, and there was a circlet of bells around each hoof - furthermore, the embroidery and jewelry all appeared to have been hewn from gold. All told, the outfit must have cost a small fortune to produce - and that wasn’t taking into consideration the amount of time and effort that had gone into making such a masterpiece. “Do…do you like it?” Rarity timidly asked. Unable to look away from the bedlah, Saffron slowly nodded. “It’s beautiful…” With a relieved sigh, Rarity laughed uncomfortably. “I’m so happy to hear you think so. After your little performance last night, I simply had to make it for you!” Saffron balked, taken aback by the unwarranted claim. “You made this for me?” “Of course, darling!” Rarity gleefully replied, carefully levitating the mannequin closer. “Now if you’ll be a dear and get yourself dressed, we can start the show and -” “I…I beg your pardon?” Saffron croaked, her heart leaping into her throat. Holding a hoof to her chest, Rarity froze. “I - uh - I may have neglected to mention that part…” “What part?” Saffron pressed. Averting her gaze, her face going beet red, Rarity innocently kicked at the floor. “The part where I asked you if you’d model it for me. You must forgive me, darling, but I haven’t been this inspired in ages. While I have no plans to put something this lavish into full-production, I thought that one of your little dances would be the perfect way to kick off the event this evening…” While she was less than pleased with the utter lack of advanced notice, she would love to see how she looked in the masterfully-crafted garment. If what Rarity had said was true, the attire had been made specifically for her, inspired by her, so she’d be remiss for not trying it on at the very least. Tearing her eyes off the dummy, she looked over to the blushing couture. “Is this a gift?” she asked, quirking a brow. “If you’re willing to model it for me, of course, though I’d understand if you’re not interested. I followed my intuition as best I could, letting my creativity run free, even if it may not have the same charm as the outfit you wore yesterday,” Rarity groaned. Finding herself at an impasse, Saffron turned her eyes to the floor. On one hoof, she felt honored and would be thrilled to don the opulent attire - on the other, if she wanted to do anything other than look at the ensemble, she’d have to put on a performance for a rather sizable crowd. Ultimately realizing that she’d been given a once in a lifetime opportunity, she came to a decision after a scant few seconds. Slowly exhaling, she lifted her gaze to Rarity’s face. “I’ll do it.” Rarity’s expression transitioned from one of apprehension to elation in the blink of an eye. “Wondrous, darling! I’ll go ensure all our guests are ready - in the meantime, feel free to give her a whirl,” she stated, waving a hoof at the dummy. “Would you like any music for when you’re on stage?” “I’d love to, yes, but I’m not sure you’d be able to accommodate me,” Saffron grumbled. “Try me,” Rarity countered. “The DJ I hired is quite worldly.” While Saffron had her doubts, she gave her request. “Apsara Aali. If your DJ can play that song, it would be perfect.” Trotting to the exit, Rarity shot her a wink. “I’ll make sure everything is ready for you. You should have about ten minutes before everything is ready. Once everything is set and the announcer calls for you, you can use that curtain to access the catwalk,” she noted, pointing over to a covered doorway. With the seamstress gone, left by her lonesome, Saffron set her sights on the bedlah. She undressed in a flash, her excitement causing her to move almost recklessly, and started adorning herself with the various parts of the gorgeous outfit. The sash wound around her waist and up around one shoulder, but she discovered a slight problem. Unlike the dress she had at home, the attire Rarity had created was substantially more revealing. The fabric only barely covered her hind quarters, leaving little to the imagination, and its material was almost ephemerally sheer. Attempting to convince herself that nopony would be bothered by the garment, downplaying her growing exhilaration, she hastily transferred every immaculate piece from the mannequin to herself. Once everything was in place, having spotted a mirror resting to one side of the room, she pranced over to gaze at her reflection. In a word, the attire was breathtaking on her. The way the fabric clung to her hips and backside, accentuating her curves, made her other bedlah look downright pedestrian in comparison. Turning and inspecting herself, sensing a singular ache blossoming in her loins, she was torn from her self-indulgent stupor by the sound of Rarity’s voice. She could tell her friend was speaking through a microphone and addressing her guests, which meant only one thing - it was almost showtime. Drifting over to the curtain, she took several deep, measured breaths to calm herself. Though the logical parts of her mind told her that doing a single dance would be easy, having done routines in her room many, many times, doing so for such a group of spectators did nothing to help her frazzled nerves. “So without further ado, it’s my honor to present Ms. Saffron Masala modeling my newest creation!” Rarity blared through a microphone. She thrust a forehoof through the curtain as the first beats of a song, the very song she’d requested, filled the air. A hush fell over the room, her heart skipped a beat, and she swallowed hard. This was it, there was no backing down now, it was showtime. As she casually stepped out and onto the runway, a deafening silence filled her ears. Though she was tempted to look at the crowd, she stared down at the path before her. Everypony in attendance was there for a show, but this wasn’t about them - this was about her. She’d wondered what it would be like to perform, to finally have a chance to show off her hard-earned skills, and now it was her time to shine. She didn’t slow until she reached the little stage, lowering her head and closing her eyes. She tapped a hoof throughout the opening chords of the song, acclimating to the beat, yet she didn’t stay still for long. Her hips rolled to her left, then right and back again, while she waved her shoulders from side to side. Her every move setting the bells and chains about her to jingle, yet the music and chimes couldn’t drown out the sound of hushed whispers from the spectators. She couldn’t make out what was being said about her, but the reverential tones of awe fueled the fires of her motivation. She spun in place, emboldened, and threw her head back. If the attendees were enjoying the opening act, she couldn’t wait for their reaction when she really got moving. Reaching out, she waved with her right foreleg, then her left, while her tush began to sway in tune with the beat. What started as whispers and quiet remarks steadily grew into a soft din, stallions and mares alike complimenting and praising her, causing her passion to soar. As she opened her eyes, seeing the astounded faces all around her, she beamed. This - this was what she’d yearned for. Stepping forward and kicking off with her forehooves, rocking onto her hind legs, she gyrated like a serpent. Several ponies openly cheered, others went slack-jawed, and yet there wasn’t a soul in the room who didn’t stare at her with open awe. She may have been a simple mare, a cook with no grand aspirations, yet she was a brilliant star in that moment. Each motion was more brazen than the last, heated and in perfect sync with the song, while her heavily-lidded eyes took note of something remarkable. Many of the ponies stared up at her with wonder and lust, yet that wasn’t the only thing she realized. Scanning the throng, feeling her marehood seize upon itself, she saw several of the stallions were getting a bit too excited from her performance. Ponies weren’t just gazing upon her in amazement - no, they were aroused by the sight of her; the revelation was intoxicating, crushing what few reservations she had left about performing. Spinning on her hooves, turning her back to the audience, she reached back and tugged at the fabric about her waist. The ponies may not have come expressly to see her, but she was going to steal the show. Pulling at the cloth securing her bedlah in place, she allowed the garment to go slack. She had no doubt that the throng could see her marehood, possibly even noticing the trail of nectar creeping down her thigh, but she couldn’t have cared less. She’d been called to entertain, to display a ravishing garment which had been made with care, so she did just that. Undressing while she danced, her passion was made manifest. The dress gradually unfurled and fell around her tapping hooves, the beads, bells, and chains clattered to the floor, and her bare body was revealed for all to see. With only her grinning muzzle covered by a veil, her marehood winking and exposing her succulent depths for the roaring crowd, she leaned forward, spread her hind legs, and drew a forehoof down her chest, past her belly, and to her aching nethers. It wasn’t until she graced her clit, gnawing her lip and quietly groaning, did comprehension dawn on her. The bolt of pleasure was a blessing and a curse, bringing some clarity of mind. She peered over her shoulder, listened to the roar of the crowd, and scrambled away. Dancing - goodness, even stripping was one thing, but she had to draw a line somewhere. Running as fast and as hard as she could, abandoning her outfit and the throng in her wake, she dashed through the curtain, into the workshop, and toward a bathroom she’d spotted earlier. She could hardly believe what she’d nearly done, having almost openly masturbated on the stage, yet wasn’t upset, angry, or even ashamed - she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. No sooner did she kick the door closed behind herself than she desperately got off. Rolling to her back, she looked down her chest at her crotch and feverishly rubbed herself. The thought of the spectators consumed her, their lecherous looks giving her more than enough encouragement to see her skyrocketing toward release. As she panted and openly moaned, using her magic to twist and tease her sensitive teats, the breath hitched in her throat. On and on she went, using her hooves and sorcery to pleasure herself, until a quiet click shook her from her amorous thoughts. She peeked up with a single eye, noticed Rarity looking in at her, and was wracked with a cataclysmic orgasm. She’d cum more times than she could count, being a healthy young mare, yet the climax which struck her was singular in power. Nectar gushed from her quivering depths, spraying the door and seeping into the cleft of her rump, while her rapturous cry split the heavens. The pleasure was blinding, bordering on the divine and giving her a taste of nirvana itself. Her ecstasy peaked, all but causing her to black out, until she rode out the utter onslaught of bliss and was brought back to the present. It was like flipping a switch - the pleasure she was drowning in was gone in a flash, replaced by a euphoric clearheadedness. Gazing up at the cracked doorway, seeing Rarity watching her intently, she bashfully smiled and covered her groin. Though there was no going back, unable to control what she’d already done, she could at least show some modicum of modesty. “I’ll…” Rarity falteringly began, perspiring and backing away. “I’ll - Ahem - I’ll go fetch your dress.” “Thanks,” Saffron cooed. The seamstress paused and looked back, her eyes lingering momentarily on her guest’s crotch. “If - oh bother - if this sort of thing interests you, I may know of a place that could indulge your curiosity.” Saffron rolled over and pushed herself up, her legs wobbling and threatening to buckle, as Rarity disappeared and ran off. Manehattan was a large city, the biggest she’d ever been to, and it wouldn’t surprise her if there were certain businesses which catered to specific vices. She wouldn’t have thought that she’d ever consider embracing her deeply-buried urges, of caving to a part of her that, until that day, had never been realized, yet she could think of nothing else. If putting on a tame show had been stimulating enough to drive her into a rut-lust, how stirring would putting on an overtly sexual act be…
Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Queen Chrysalis,Thorax,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Violence
Just lemme sleep for fuck's sake!
<p>I was transported to Equestria a few months ago by form of cultists trying to invade Equestria who gave me the power to summon any kind of military weapon, equipment, and vehicle. I proceeded to shoot em all up and now I live here, In a moderate house in Canterlot. It was nice, instead for the lack of any form of modern technology around and THE CONSTANT SINGING OF THE LOCAL POPULIS! I can barely get a good nights sleep without the singing of some guy who hooked up with his fiancé, or getting his dream job or some shit like that. And It just gets worse with everyone else on the street joining in! So I vowed to go on a killing spree if I hear any more noise outside my bedroom window. Now, what's all this about a changeling invasion?</p>
I was peacefully sleeping in my bed in my modest house Celestia gave me, as well as a small sum of money to survive, when that peaceful peace was interrupted by the most peace shattering noise ever. The sounds of someone singing right out on the street! At the top of their lungs! With everyone else also joining in! I just couldn't take it any more. I leap out of bed the best that my not well rested self could, and threw open the window for all to hear: "SHUT UP! IM TRYING TO SLEEP FOR GOD'S SAKE! IF I HEAR ANY MORE SINGING OUTSIDE THIS WINDOW I SWEAR IM GOING TO GO ON A GENOCIDAL RAMPAGE!" I slam my window shut to sounds of the ponies saying stuff like "We never should've gone near his house." or "We should just avoid this area all together." It seems the other ponies agreed with them as they all go walking away to continue the assault on peoples eardrums. I just can't imagine anyone living in such hellish conditions for there whole life. "Oh! Right! I'm the only person in this Damm country it seems to not like spontaneous singing in the middle of the night." I burst out, going downstairs to make myself breakfast. Because its useless to try to sleep after yelling. "Damm." I say, "Wish that they had some Frosted Mini Wheats here instead of... now what was it again?" I look through my pantry to find it. "Ah! Yes! Little... Pieces... of Wheat... that... are... frosted. Now what kind of stupid fucking name is that? They don't even taste the same!" After forcing down that horrible excuse for cereal, I head out to go shopping. After a quick stop at the local grocery store, the ponies aren't even staring as hard as a few months ago, I buy a news paper and bring it and my stuff back home. "Now," I say while sitting down on the couch, "what's the news today?....... Royal Wedding? There's a royal wedding going on? I never knew that. But it does explain the giant pink fishbowl they put over our head." I look out the window at the shield shining armor set up. "*snort* Probably can't even hold to a 9mm." After my insult to the magical capabilities of Shining Armor, someone knocked on the door. "Now who can that be? Oh, right its the mailman, or mare. Its Tuesday. We get our mail on Tuesday." I get up and open the front door. "Hello! Is this 32 Hoofer Street?" "Yes." I say, pointing at the big 32 above my door, "Isn't it obvious?" "Ok, I have your mail here!" "Thanks." I say, taking the letters and handing her some bits. She flies away, going to deliver more mail, while I look through it. "Alright, what do we have here?" I close the door behind me, "Bill, bill, bill, invitation, bill, bi- wait. Invitation?" I take a look at it again. It seems to be a wedding invitation. "Strange. I don't remember being that close to anyone. Oh! This is for the wedding isn't it?" I say, "Well fuck you... Cadence! I'm not going to any wedding thank you very much! You can enjoy all the cake you want while I'm not there!" I throw the invitation into the trash, plop down on the couch, and start reading a book for the rest of the day while listening to music on my airpods. I had some stuff in my pockets, which was, but not limited to, My phone, my airpods, my wallet, and some random stuff I pick up and steal from people at times. My phone and airpods started charging even though they are not connected to any charging cord. Weird. But I downloaded every song from my playlist so I could listen to music whenever I want. I went to sleep that night in my bed watching YouTube shorts. Which still worked for some unfathomable reason. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Clang* My eyes shot open by the sound of two pieces of metal clashing together, way to early in the morning for me. "Alright. That's it." I mutter, summoning a M16A2 In my hand and the ammo for in in the other. After loading and cocking it, I ran downstairs, throwing my door open. I see ponies and weird bug things roaming the streets, fighting each other. I spray a hail of bullets at both of them, shredding their carapaces and weak, gold, armor to pieces. A column of bug things round the corner, and charge at me. I put a stop to that, materializing an MG42 with the ammo for said MG42. After loading and cocking it, I sent a storm of 7.62 caliber sharp pieces of steel at them, sounding somewhat like this: Even more came around the corner after that, drawn by the noise. "Man, fuck this shit." I throw a grenade at them and sprint around the corner, blasting through everything the bug things and ponies throw at me after realizing I was a threat with 2 hip held MP-5's. Then it seems they team up to fight me because fighting themselves and me will only result in them dieing. Well to bad for them. 5 hours minuets later I stand in the middle of the burning ruins of Canterlot, admiring all the destruction I have caused, when what sounds like another platoon of soldiers comes running around the corner of the main square. I turn around to face them only to see the element bearers and, surprisingly, Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and a bigger bug thing that looks like its the commander. "SURRENDER!" Celestia shouts, "WE HAVE YOU OUTNUMBERD AND OUT MAGICED 10-1. YOU HAVE NO HOPE OF WINNING!" "NO!" I shout back. "I HAVE BEEN TORTURED BY RANDOM MUSICAL NUMBERS FOR WAY TO LONG! I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP SINCE I GOT HERE!" "WELL. I GUESS WE WILL HAVE TO RESORT TO FORCE! ELEMENTS!" At that word the 6 ponies in front of the Princesses and bug queen start floating. Of course, it is way to slow. The power up takes to long so I decide to stop it. With a single missile from a rocket launcher, I blow the middle one up and the shockwave and heat blasts the rest back onto the courtyard, dead. Celestia stares in shock at her dead comrades and then slowly looks back up at me. "Oh. You. Will. PAY!" "Ah ah ahhhh! Not so fast Celestia." I say as a very recognizable song comes out of nowhere: "You see, I have been subjected to nothing but constant musical numbers since I got here, and I finally got tired of it. There is nothing you can to to stop me." And right as the beat drops, the Minigun I created a few seconds prior started blasting through their weak flesh, ripping holes in places holes shouldn't go. The sight was so evil, so terrifying, and so gory that I started laughing at all the pain I caused them since I gave up on trying to resist. And while I was busy turning the supposedly immortal alicorns into nothing but a fine, red, mist, I had a singular thought. 'This could have drastic affects on the future of this world and I'm responsible. HAH! FUCK YEAH! I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE APOCOLYPSE!' While all that was happening, a single, mint green unicorn in Ponyville was watching Canterlot burn to the ground. "Huh." She said, "So this is how we die. Not of old age or by disease, but by brimstone and fire. Cool." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The turret on my Minigun wound down after 8 minuets of complete and utter badassery, to the tune of BFG Division. *sigh* "Now that that's done with," I say while looking at the red mist the princesses used to be, "I can finally get a good nights sleep!" I walk past dead and mangled bodies, breathed in the sweet smell of death and smoke and got to my house, which was completely unscathed. I went inside and rushed to my bed, ready for the best sleep I ever had in my life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *3 hours later* "a- A- ACHOO!" That poor unsuspecting pony who accidentally sneezed in front of my house has no idea what's coming for him. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT END
History Student
Original Character,Prince Blueblood,Queen Chrysalis,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Dark,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Violence
Stories of the Great war
The great war ended over half a decade ago, but the stories of those who defined it remain untold. The Griffon Empire has sent me to piece together a fraction of what transpired in those horrible years.
<p>When the Great War ended, Equestria was crushed. Harmony was well and truly broken, Changelings had fought for every inch of Equs, a continent they now owned with no rivals. But the stories of the Great War have remained untold, with a lul in global events, beings are now starting to ask exactly what happened.</p><p>Sent from Longsword by Grover the VI himself, I have interviewed those who fought and suffered in the war, in a vain attempt to set down the first piece if a global effort to uncover the mysteries of the Unsung War.</p><p>(Set in the Equestria at war Universe)</p>
The Changeling lands are a cold and desolate land, the rolling mountains and snowy fields are almost completely inhospitable. It’s strange then that this almost uninhabitable environment has become the industrial heart of Eqqus and the head of the greatest empire that the continent has ever seen. The Changeling people are cold and hard, like the land they come from, they are isolated and lonely. Formerly split up into scattered hive colonies, the sudden unification of the Changelings and their path of destruction across the continent is perhaps one of the most unlikely events in history. This unexpected rise to power truly began with their conquest of the Kingdom of Olenia. Hivemarshall Trimmel of the Heer, supreme commander of the Heer during the Great War and governor of the Crystal protectorate gives his account. The Marshall, known to the Olenians and later Equestrians as the Frigid Foe is unimpressive for his reputation. Medium sized for a changeling, he lacks any distinctive features. His uniform is adorned with countless medals and honours, that the fabric is almost impossible to see in places. On his ears are a pair of large headphones, they are present in every image and video of him. The former solar of the crystal princess is now his office, the shining room is covered with comfortable furniture and random artifacts I couldn’t even begin to place. “The Olenians had no hope of winning, they didn’t even have enough guns for each deer at the start of the war, let alone when they began conscription. They still gave us a good fight though, they didn’t have any notable air or naval presence to cover their army, but they fought with admirable spirit and determination.” He sits back in the chair and flexes his wings. “Didn’t take much for them to cap though, they surrendered easy enough. There was a lot of respect there though, those deer fought well with antiquated equipment, didn’t take a genius to imagine what they could do with modern guns. After the brief war, we took some resource rich land and turn them into our first protectorate. We could have completely annexed them or turned them into a total puppet, but we helped them rebuild and turned their military into a force to be reckoned with. The Olenians became our best and most faithful ally after that, proud people, we beat them in battle, thus they were indebted to serve us. I’m proud myself to say that I served with a great many Olenians during the Great War.” I ask the field Marshall about the nickname, Frigid Foe. “It’s not really what you’d think. Most people assume I’m a cold and ruthless person because of that name. That nickname of mine really comes from a borderline stupid stunt I pulled during the invasion, I personally led a tank brigade over the tallest mountains in blizzard conditions to outflank a position. The name comes from my willingness to meet the Olenians in the subzero temperatures and still come off with relatively minor casualties.” Looking over the Marshall again, my eyes rest on his headphones, I question him on their purpose. Tapping them with a hoof Trimmel smiles at me “Strange, most people are too afraid to ask about these. Funny thing is, these aren’t headphones. No these are custom made ear massagers. It’s not well known, even among my friends and troops, but I’m actually deaf, always have been. I’m just extraordinarily good at lip reading, the only issue is that I sometimes do hear this constant noise in my ears, you’ve gotta understand that it’s the only thing I’ve ever heard so have no idea how to describe it, that causes me quite a lot of pain. I wear these because they vibrate and numb the pain. It’s funny though, people just assume that I’ve very rude or something, plus they’re too scared to ask.” Satisfied with the answer, I question him on the changeling queen and his appointment as head of the Heer. Trimmel shudders involuntarily and makes a face more akin to that of a child licking a lemon. “The Heer was a mess when I found it. Our strategic doctrine was one of Blitzkrieg, mobile and manoeuvre warfare. But for all that we only had a single tank division. Our infantry, supposed to keep up with the tanks, had engineers attached and were equipped for trench warfare. About the only units equipped for their assigned job were the jaegers. I had to completely rip the carpet out from the Heer and redesign it for something completely different. I wanted to build tanks and fully embrace manoeuvre warfare, but I was told that aircraft production was getting priority and that they’d play a more pivotal role in the coming wars; I’ll give it to them, they were right. For me though, that meant I had to improvise with what I already had.” Trimmel leans back in his chair, thoughtful for a moment. A small smile graces his lips, in that moment, I realise how old he is. The changeling has aged very well and acts 20 years younger, but his nostalgic smile and greying hairs give away his true age. “I called it superior firepower, we fought with steel, not blood. Out of all factories designated for the Heer, I concentrated most on producing artillery and trucks. I built a crazy amount of artillery, each unit of infantry in the army had 4-7 attached brigades of artillery. My orders were for infantry to ward off any attackers and protect artillery batteries while they secured fire control. Once, and only once our artillery had secured fire control, our infantry would slowly advance under air cover. Our jägers were something different as well, they were equipped with even more artillery than the regular infantry, but their job was to pin flanks of enemy formations and rush into any openings they found. The jägers encircled enemy units whenever possible and reduce close any pockets of resistance. Worked like a charm.” I ask the field Marshall about tanks, the Heer did have some fully equipped tank divisions when the war began. Trimmel scowls and angrily crossed his legs. “We did, I’d managed to scrape together 4 tank divisions by the time war broke out. I’m a tanker myself, those divisions were my passion project and I intended to use them to create encirclements and run down the retreating Equestrians. Imagine my anger when the queen calls me and says the tanks are to be placed under the command of Pharynx and completely out of my control. I’ll tell you what, I almost started a civil war there and then.” He lets out a hoarse laugh and wipes a tear from his eye. The Marshall adjusts his hat and straightens out his jacket before continuing. “I was up late that night, composing a letter to Pharynx, saying kill yourself and the like; when he comes a knocking on my door. He bursts in without knocking and shouts ‘I swear I didn’t have anything to do with this!’ The look on his face was enough to convince me. Turns out that Pharynx was blindsided just as much as me. Chrysalis herself had ordered him to take up positions on the border with the Crystal empire and attack across the mountains, it was a suicidal mission. Now it’s no secret that me and Pharynx despise each other, but we also respect each other as the best tankers; all those rumours of shootouts and office brawls are just rumours, our loathing of each other is purely professional.” Trimmel levitates a glass of water to his lips and takes a sip. The water is ever so slightly pink, it obviously has some love diluted in. He places the glass down and looks at me. “I assigned a couple infantry divisions to protect his tanks from being overrun in the mountains and gave him top fuel and supply priority. It was a good thing, they hit him hard early on.” I ask Trimmel about the retreat, it is one of the most heavily debated moments of the war. People still debate its necessity, and I want his opinion on the matter. “I made the call without consulting the queen. It was 3 in the morning; I called the navy and air force chiefs to my office and told them we had to retreat to better ground. My generals were there as well, with the sudden entry of Stalliongrad and their gryphon puppet in the war, we just didn’t have enough divisions to cover the whole front. The fly boys weren’t much better, we’d outrun their range and forced them to operate out of captured Equestrian fields which couldn’t even accommodate a third of their birds. Only a fraction of the air force could fly at once, and we were actually almost out of fuel. We found that the best available ground was the original border, we were all in total agreement, the army would immediately cease all offensive and defensive actions and run for the border. All our subs were recalled to port along with the battleships and cruisers. Only some destroyers would stay at sea to escort convoys carrying our boys home. The air force suspended all non-essential flights and prioritised supply drops for frontline units.” He looks down with a small smile. “Pharynx, that magnificent bastard took his tanks, 12 divisions by this point, and his assigned infantry and conducted a beautiful rear-guard operation. A lot of people escaped the retreat due to his actions then, he finally made it back across the border with his divisions a week later. I hate that guy, but I still respect him for getting my kids home.” Trimmel checks his watch and stands up. He dusted off his hat and straightens his uniform again. “Very sorry but I have to go now, it’s been good talking with you” Majorgeneral Jachs is the governor of Canterlot and commander of the 96th infantry. He is a former jaeger and a highly decorated officer in the Heer. Jachs is well liked by his troops and the ponies he governs. Jachs sits on the other side of his desk to me, the large spacious room was once the Solar of the elder princess of equestria. They have since been converted into Jachs office and private quarters. The red oak desk divides us, the open doors behind him show the princesses old balcony and perfectly frame the setting sun behind him. Jachs looks across at me expectantly as he pours himself a shot of some changeling beverage. I ask him about his experience during the war his role in the conflict. “The further you go down the command structure, the less well-defined areas of control become. During the war, I commanded the 96th infantry, unofficially under my command as well were the 8th and 9th mixed brigades. The 96th infantry itself was commissioned during the final days before the war and rushed to the frontlines. I was a training officer at that point, I’d fought in the first battles of Canterlot and the invasions of Olenia and the bears, I was happy to retire to training. When I heard about the imminent war with Equestria and the mess the queen caused us, I immediately requested to be sent to the frontline.” He drinks the shot and begins to pour another. “I went with the 96th, good guys, trained them myself. I think that’s what made us such an effective unit, I knew every soldier there by name and exactly what each of them was capable of, they also all knew exactly what kind of leader I was and what to expect from me. My unit was tasked by Trimmel to protect Pharynx’s tanks on those frozen mountains. It was there I also became the unofficial commander of the mixed brigades, those brigades officially didn’t exist, but were rather just a lose collection of units sitting in the overlapping area between Trimmel and Pharynx command. A loose collection of: infantry, artillery, jaeger and tank units without clear orders or direction. I took them and organised them into the mixed brigades. They were basically under my total command, and because I wasn’t even supposed to be there, no one had any idea I was bouncing around the frontline.” Jachs takes his second shot and holds out the bottle to me, offering it. I decline as he puts it away and takes out a pipe, he starts to fill it with appolesian loose tobacco. “Just kept moving further and further forward, following the tanks into whatever messes they found themselves in. Pharynx was a good commander, but he couldn’t properly cover his flanks half the time.” Jachs lifts the pipe to his jaw and strikes a match. He lights the tobacco and starts to slowly puff the pipe. I ask Jachs about important battles during the war, he blows a ring of smoke into the air before continuing. “On some random hill west of Canterlot I fought the most determined ponies I saw during the whole war. They were earth ponies, sitting on a strategic hill with a dull numerical name and shelling anything that moved past. The only way to even reach the hill was to cross a small unmarked river, it only had one bridge. Those earth ponies repelled 3 major tank assaults and 4 jaeger raids over 5 days, that’s not even counting the aggressive patrolling my regulars were making up the hill. I tried to reduce the hill with artillery fire and air strikes, but some well positioned batteries on the other side provided excellent counter fire. Those ponies only left because some other division further south had found a break in the line and was threatening to cut them off. That was technically the first time I met Applejack.” I question Jachs on the battles of Canterlot and Crystal city. His units fought in both battles, however he has made no comment of them thus far. “Calling them battles is generous, the crystal city centre was completely undefended. Some of Pharynx’s tanks met heavy resistance in the city outskirts, but my division just sort of walked down the main avenue and took the city. Sure they had that shield covering the city, but we just waited for them to lower it for evacuation or whatever and strolled right in. I don’t think they garrisoned the city because they didn’t know we were that close.” Jachs pushed himself out of his chair and walks onto the balcony behind him. He looks out over the city, bells ring in the distance as the sun dips bellow the horizon and lights start to turn on. He motioned me over, circling around the desk, I stand just behind him on the balcony. “Canterlot fell a week or two later, they actually put up a fight that time around. During the first phase of the war, we got agonisingly close, I actually saw it in the distance before communists suddenly swarmed the frontline and sent us packing in a headlong retreat. The next time I saw this city, I was breaching its defences. The equestrian army was on its last legs at that point, the communists were held back by our tanks, designated for a defensive role. The defence of Canterlot was left to a few underequipped and badly mauled units, only the guard could mount any proper defence. I held back my artillery and air power to avoid civilian casualties, my infantry travelled down the main road towards the capital. The defence was spirited, but they simply didn’t have enough ponies to cover the whole line. It also didn’t help that they’d run out of working guns and were using their legacy equipment by this point. After a couple days fighting, they retreated into the castle. It was there they remained for another day before surrendering the city.” Jachs is well known for his harsh criticism of other governors and protectorates. He treats the city ponies with a light hoof, less like a military dictator and more like a parent dealing with unruly children. I question him as to the reasons for his gentle touch. “We aren’t all that different you know. I don’t see why we couldn’t all get along as good comrades. There’s probably another world out there where us changelings are considered another one of your pony tribes. I want my children to grow up in a world where changeling and pony are equals, where they can run and play in peace from the arctic sea of the hives to the tropical coast of equestria. War is my job, I don’t have to like it.” The former prince and field Marshall Blueblood rests in a prison inside of Canterlot. His cell is more comparable to a modest apartment than a prison cell. The prison he now calls home is in face a converted noble estate used to house higher ranking prisoners of war. The prince and former field marshal stand with his back to me, tossing darts at a board with a picture of queen Chrysalis stuck to it. He wears his field Marshall’s dress uniform; the guards tell me he dresses this way every day. “It wasn’t the fault of the soldiers you know. We did our part, we fought the good fight and saw the bastards off time and time again. We were let down by our own government and aristocratic generals, and that’s coming from me; and don’t say it because I’m aware of the irony. Yes I’m a prince, and some nepotism certainly got me my field Marshall’s commission, but I’m also a career officer and experienced soldier.” Having run out of darts to throw at the picture, the prince strides towards the board and starts to pluck them out. Blueblood never once turns to look at me and he returns to his original position and starts to throw the darts again. “Princess Luna was undoubtedly a good general back in her day, but her day consisted of peasant levies with wooden shields and spears. Luna had no place in a modern war, when she became a field Marshal and supreme equestrian commander, I knew our chances of victory were already slimming. She wasn’t incompetent, but the princess lacked decisiveness and was so very casualty adverse; I saw her retreat from good ground more than once because she lost a few skirmishes. Even after the army reforms, the new generals were a complete mess and stunk of nepotism.” Blueblood finally turns to look at me. He sits down on a chair across from me and stares straight at me. His face holds a muted sort of anger, true to legend, he seems to be permanently angry and ready to drive his head through a brick wall. “You’ve heard stories about me right? Look at me right now and tell me how you think I became field marshal.” I tell Blueblood I’ve heard all the common stories about him heartlessly ordering ponies to their deaths in wave attacks. Giving completely suicidal orders was apparently commonplace. The tales of his nepotism are also bought up. “I’ll get back to that in a minute, but my point is that, despite appearing like I got my position by being a prince, I am a career officer. Even after the reforms in the equestrian army, I had a very small pool of reliable NCO’s and experienced or trained officers to put in command. The only generals I could consistently rely on were: Fast Clip, Soarin and Whiplash. The rest were elements of harmony who had no right to be on a battlefield, or friends of the crown who couldn’t stomach war.” Blueblood leans forward onto the table dividing us, he buries his face in his hands and groans. After a minute of silence, I ask about the rumours of suicidal attacks and his needless losses. “It’s true that I ordered ponies to their deaths, and it’s true that I left a lot behind on defensive positions I knew for a fact I wouldn’t ever see again. But that’s because it’s my job, as field marshal, my job was to protect equestria and order ponies to their deaths. Page one of the academy booklet says you must detach yourself from the troops, almost every one of our generals failed page one of the book. I fought in the exact manner you are supposed to fight a modern war, I’ve been called a butcher for it because I’m one of the very few generals on our side to actually fight the proper way. But have you ever tried to win a game of chess without losing any pieces. After their great retreat back to the border I thought me might actually win, but we were ordered to stop advancing, casualties were too high they said. The Heer was worse than badly mauled, we could have pushed them back, but the princesses reasoned that, because their airforce was still intact, we couldn’t push effectively. Their pilots kept the changelings alive, they called it the wall of wings.” Blueblood rubbed his eyes again. Between his accusations and angry outbursts, I could see a different side to the famously aggressive and angry and brutish Blueblood; he was broken, so many ponies had died, and for what? “We fought the good fight, we held our ground and won our battles. The soldiers didn’t lose the war, the leaders did. To this day, I will never understand why Luna and Celestia ordered us to stop advancing when we reached their border after the great retreat.” Blueblood sits in silence for a minute. I don’t disturb him as he sat in deep thought and rubbed his tired eyes. After a moment of comfortable silence, I ask about his death, Blueblood was reported killed in the Manehatten rebellion. “I’d been living in a hidden bunker with two companies since the end of the war. We’d stopped fighting by that point and were more focused on evacuating important figures out of country. We heard about the uprising in Manehatten and gave it a look, anyone could see that it was doomed from the start, my men and I never even considered joining their pointless uprising. The changelings knew I was alive and just assumed I’d be fighting for the rebels, so they assumed I’d died with the rest of the command staff when a shell exploded in one of their meetings. News of my death was circulated, of course that was greatly exaggerated.” I ask the prince about his eventual capture and the fate of his men. He stood up and walked to a cabinet, taking a picture up and walking back, he placed it on the table and turned it to face me. The picture showed the prince shaking hooves with Kommandant Second Wing, standing in the background were GeneralMajor Jachs, field marshal Trimmel and various other officers of note. “After a while, the situation was becoming hopeless. If we hadn’t smuggled them out of country yet almost every figure of note was dead. The local commander, some new gen officer who never saw combat, was planning on carrying out reprisals against the local population to draw us out of hiding. I used some old contacts still in the Canterlot guard to contact Second Wind and Jachs, told them I’d surrender to them, but only if they stopped the reprisals. Turns out that the local commander was going against Jachs orders against local punishment, he was shipped back to the hives and court marshalled. I agreed to surrender to them, and place a guilty plea at the trial for treason against the queen and taking arms against the changelings; in exchange, they’d pardon all my men and their families and I’d be placed under house arrest for the rest of my life. They also made me swear never to bear arms against Pax Chrysalis ever again.” He turns the picture around and looks at it, a small sad smile graces his face. “They probably thought it was hilarious to have me surrender to another pony” He sits in deep thought for a moment, contemplating something. Blueblood brushes down his uniform and takes his hat off. “I’ve always wondered how I’d look in that uniform. I must say, if I was in Second Winds position then I’d collaborate as well.” Still Waters meets me in a busy cafe in anchorage. The mare was someone I never contacted for an interview, but rather got into contact with me whilst I was still doing research. Still waters was a yellow mare sporting a pair of small round glasses. The mare informed me that was a spy, one of the former S.M.I.L.E agents who’d become a double agent during the war. She seemed entirely unremarkable, I doubt I would have been able to pick her out in a crowd. The following section has been censored by VOPS. The mare sat with a drink in front of here, despite the ice in the water starting to melt, she had yet to touch it. I asked her about the reasons for defecting to the VOPS. “S.M.I.L.E was a failing institution, it was an intelligence agency whose leaders seemed to lack any intelligence at all. Something you need to understand about by the war time S.M.I.L.E is that it was ‘REDACTED’ which left it completely debilitated and unable to deal with even the most obvious changeling infiltrator. The cryptology department meanwhile had so little funding it may as well have been funded by bake sales.” Taking out a note pad, Still Waters begins to write something down on the pad. I tried to see the notes, but a brief glance from her told me to avert my eyes. Still Waters then closed the book and looked back at me. “VOPS on the other hand, they had the funding and intelligence to utilise it. The changelings had our ciphers broken before war had even broken out. My job was homeland counter intelligence, I set about hunting changeling agents and was able to find a lot. Never ratted them out though, I had my own plan. My task then turned to discreetly finding out what the changelings were up too, I found out the true strength and power of their forces. At that moment, I decided that I wasn’t going down with that sinking ship. I sorted through my files and found ‘REDACTED’ went to him and requested to talk to ‘REDACTED’. I was set up and explained my findings, told him I wanted to defect and got back to work. I travelled north to the old border and crossed it, I immediately met the changelings that were there to pick me up. They gave me my new assignment as a VOPS agent and the details to contact HQ, I walked right back across the border and got to work.” Still Water stopped and opened her notebook again. She then took out a phone and called someone. I only heard her giving a name before putting the phone back down. Not 30 seconds later, a VOPS operative showed up and arrested a stallion just one table over. Still Water looked back over to me. “I must say that this interview made great cover for that arrest. Anyway, under the pretext of spy hunting, I set about creating a network in Canterlot and sabotaging their own intelligence operations. My greatest success was pioneering the collaborationist governments. Me and other double agents, we ‘removed’ troublesome politicians and generals after discovering that they were leaking intelligence to the changelings. Their replacements were far more amenable to changeling collaboration. Another reason was the ‘REDACTED’ of ‘REDACTED’, the whole ‘REDACTED’ ‘REDACTED’ ‘REDACTED’ was caused by ‘REDACTED’ and ‘REDACTED’ was a total disaster for equestria. ‘REDACTED’ ‘REDACTED’ was the only way to ‘REDACTED’ ‘REDACTED’. Without any warning, Still Water stands up and pushes her glasses up her face. The former spy nods to me. What she said, I already know will be censored, but she said that no more questions I had could be answered. She drew a gun and shot an approaching stallion, I would later find out that she had been using the interview as cover to get close to an arms dealer and to draw some resistance fighters out of hiding. As such, I cannot be sure of the accuracy of anything written. GeneralAdmiral Lysander is ghastly to the eye. His wrinkled face and dry skin make him appear sickly and on deaths door. His thin frame seemed to lack any kind of muscle, and he seemed as if he may blow away in the harsh wind in which we stood. I met the GeneralAdmiral on his flagship, the battle cruiser High Tower. The battlecruiser is one of the old warships which served during the war, it had just undergone a major refit to swap its heavy guns for missile weapons and was undergoing sea trials. It was on the deck where I met the GeneralAdmiral, standing outside in high wind and torrential rain at sea. As I held onto the railing for dear life, the GeneralAdmiral laughed and shouted at the sky. Legends say that he was born on a ship at sea, seeming completely unaffected by the weather, I could almost believe it. “Smell that salty sea air! It’s a glorious day for this glorious ship!” Having to shout over the rain and crashing of waves, I ask Lysander about the state of the navy going into the war. He doesn’t hesitate to answer. “We had a lot of fucking battlecruisers and battleships. Before the war, the queen invested in a huge shipbuilding program, we had some 35 shipyards working on building us battlecruisers and 20 on destroyers; Mimic got some token yards for her bathtubs. We built a lot of capital ships, mostly my beloved battlecruisers. Going into the war, we knew the equestrians would have a larger fleet than us; sure we had higher ship quality, but they had more construction capabilities and could build more shipyards and outproduce us in a long war. The decision was made that we would completely ignore carrier vessels and focus on heavy surface warships.” Lysander smiles and banged a hoof on the steel barrier. Another huge wave crashes against the bow of the battlecruiser, the deck shook as I struggled to stay standing. “This glorious ship of mine was one of those warships built at that point, part of our grand strategy. I call it decisive battle, others like to call it area denial and coastal force. In a slightly humorous affair, my production of naval bombers was given higher priority over Trimmels passion project of tanks, building those bombers was one of the few things me and Mimic agree on, ended up with me in a fist fight with Trimmel. We called those bombers tankers because they lacked any sort of armour, they had a pair of guns, a torpedo and as many fuel tanks as we could strap to it. Our doctrine was for these bombers would accompany every surface sortie and hit their ships in port.” At that particular moment, a naval bomber fly’s over us. The propellor aircraft is an outlier in the modern changeling airforce, they are one of the few aircraft in their service not to be equipped with a jet engine. Lysander looked up at it and hummed. I ask the GeneralAdmiral about the strategy and battles of the war. “Magnificent aren’t they. Our strategy was for me and my battlecruisers to sortie into the western seas and engage anything we found. Mimic took her cruiser subs and left for the far side of the continent, she played with her metal tubes over there. My main fleet and second fleet never strayed beyond the bomber ranger, we could outfight any surface force they threw at us, and our naval bombers would concentrate on any reports of a carrier.” Somewhere to our left, an escorting destroyer honks its horn. It’s of the brand-new ballistic missile destroyers. I look at the GeneralAdmiral and ask him about the war the battles progressed. “Mimic went off and did her own thing while I fought the good fight. I detached a load of destroyers and a few cruisers to start raiding their convoys in the western seas, when their fleets came out the battle, my faster second fleet based closer to the frontline would sortie and draw them into battle with their fast battlecruisers, as they were in battle, my main fleet of heavier battlecruisers would sail right in there and deliver the killing blow. Sounds simple, but it worked several times. over the first few months, we caught the divided equestrian fleets 4 times in battle and tore them to shreds. They rolled their carriers out several times, but our concentrated naval bombers could deal with them easily.” Lysander looks out nostalgically and straightens out his uniform. I look back to the admiral and ask him about the retreat. His face takes on a scowl as he growls. “Our land boys were getting so close to the oil fields of the south. Our plan was to secure them and continue our operations on land and at sea. We didn’t truthfully have enough oil to sustain our military branches, those synthetic refineries we built and were building helped, but we would run our eventually; our admittedly huge stockpile pre-war was planned to last us for years. When the communists entered the war, their navy came out and caught us a few times in battle, they were inconclusive but burned a lot of our remaining fuel. When they started pushing us back on the frontline, command pushed some 2000 planes from the reserve back into service to try and stabilise the line. Those battle and the new aircraft are up almost a year of fuel in a few weeks. As the Heer retreated, we went back into port. A lot of the coastal command aircraft were downed to conserve fuel, but it let the equestrians start bombing us in port. I had to take my main fleet and second fleet back to the far north and anchor at vestopolis to preserve their strength.” He looks into the distance, a frown on his face as he sighs. “The weeks after the great retreat were the closest we ever came to a total collapse. The equestrians industry seemed to explode overnight, they were suddenly out producing us while we ran out of guns for the first time ever. Conscription was pushed up, but we still didn’t have enough men. I got a report one night, we couldn’t get our new destroyers and cruisers out of the dockyards because we didn’t have the changelings to crew them. Our pool of manpower was actually zero, everyone who could fight was fighting. Things were so desperate in those days that they were even seriously considering scrapping the navy and pressing the 100 000 or so sailors into the Heer. The airforce was just about the only thing still fully intact. My ships were just rusting in port, I was only allowed to sortie a few destroyers for the purposes of convoy escorting. Even the coastal command bombers were grounded to conserve fuel, when the equestrians launched a naval invasion, I was barred from sortieing the fleet to face them, that was the only time I was allowed to fly the bombers.” A small triumphant smirk starts to appear on his face. Then a full smile, he laughs and bangs his hoof on the metal railing. “The day when our new refineries started pumping out the fuel, we realised that there was enough fuel to sortie my second fleet. I waited for a good target and set sail, the battle of cape sunny day was glorious. It was as if a year of pent-up rage and humiliation from our retreat came out in one bloody day. That battle saw us fighting ships from: equestria, new maneland, stalliongrad and their gryphon puppet, and we sent them all to the bottom. All our ships came back from that battle needing weeks of repairs, but we fucking got em. There are legends which say I got in this ships mighty turret number 1 and sighted it myself, it’s true. I’ll tell you though, let no one ever tell you that the Equestrian navy didn’t fight well. Their sailors fought the good fight, ever ship they sent, they’d rescue our sailors and blow their horns in a salute. They could very well have won the sea war, but the coin flipped to us that day. I love the life at sea,” Lysander lets out a mad laugh as a bolt of lightning crashes across the sky, a storms brewing. “Listen to that! Not even a force of nature can stop my mighty fleet! Make sure your readers know, every storm has a beautiful sunrise at the end. Never give up on life, value every moment you live, because otherwise you might never see that beautiful sunrise!” GeneralAdmiral Lysander would pass away just 5 days after this interview. His ship suffered a fire in the port engine room, the GeneralAdmiral dragged a young changeling out of the burning room and saved his life. Unfortunately, he inhaled enough smoke that he passed away minutes later. The young sailor he saved was the son of his rival GeneralAdmiral Mimic. Kommandant Second Wind led me across a wide road. The town of Trotnham sat just beyond the Canterlot city limits. When the changeling occupation force redrew the map, Trotnham was included as part of Canterlot. Every year, the inhabitants of Trotnham celebrate the occupation anniversary by protesting in the town square. Over the years, it has changed from protests of occupation to protests of being considered part of Canterlot. Second Wind leads me past a line of Canterlot guards, he and his men are watching the poresters to ensure violence doesn’t break out. “So do you want me speaking equestrian or something else for this?” I tell him that equestrian is fine. “Alright, try to remember this as well, your little recorder there’s probably going to have a hard time picking up my voice over this lot.” He gestures to the protesters, the group of a few hundred are chanting about freedom from Canterlot. Trying to ignore them, I ask him about his experiences before the war. “I made it into the Canterlot guard obviously. Growing up however, I developed quite a distain of the nobility, they employed their contacts and family names to get easy promotions up the ranks. I came from a middle-class family, the fact that I was even accepted into the guard was a miracle. I made my way up the ranks before eventually becoming stuck in one of the middle ranks. I became that go to guy that all the higher-ranking officers who didn’t actually know what their jobs were would come to for help.” Walking through a checkpoint, the two guards saluted Second Wind who nodded in return. They asked for my ID, but the Kommandant told them that I was with him. The guards let us through into the square. “Despite the incompetence of the top officers, the Canterlot guard was the top professional unit when the war began. The top-ranking officers were rotated out over time to fill gaps in other units. Over the years, the changelings won the tug of war and advanced on Canterlot. By that point, so many officers had been rotated out that I was basically the only original officer in the guard, it also meant I held seniority. During the battle, I used the guard as an active reserve force; but I knew the battle was lost, we couldn’t possibly hope to ever hold them back. When all the units were fully retreated into the castle, the officers wanted to fight to the death, I knew the troops didn’t have any fight left in them. The actual soldiers knew the battle was lost and no help was coming, they’d retreated enough and had to leave enough comrades behind to know it. With the soldiers behind me, I mutinied against the hardliners and offered terms to the changelings.” Somewhere to our left, a firework goes off. I can see guardsmen rushing over. Second Wind shouted not to fight the protesters unless charged, and for non-lethal only. He turns back to me. “This is normally the part where you call me a traitor… oh don’t give me that look, every interview I’ve done I’ve been called a traitor to equestria by one of you lot, no matter what you say about being neutral on the whole affair you all think I’m a traitor… oh you’re a correspondent from Longsword… we’ll yes I guess you don’t have a stake in this. It’s strange really, how’d a guy like you get a job in Longsword after the civil war?… yeah yeah it’s my interview and all.” Second Wind ruffled his wings and straightened out his coat. The Pegasus then drew his pistol and checked its ammunition. I ask him about his thoughts on Pax Chrysalis. “Hated it at first, it was the oppressive regime which I unwillingly worked for to prevent further bloodshed. But the war ended more than half a decade ago, me and these protesters will agree that things aren’t all that bad. They used to protest the occupation, now they protest their town borders. We all hated the occupation at first, but we all grew to realise that things are almost better this way. Sure V.O.P.S can be overbearing at times and you can encounter some vindictive Heer officers, and the love tax can be a real bitch; but harmony was stagnant, and the quality of life around the world was starting to make equestria look almost medieval. We might not like it, but Chrysalis has bought most of our loyalties with a far better quality of life with a more comfortable and stable existence than before.” Second Wind looks around and scans a nearby building. He hums quietly and points to the building, following his hoof, a guardsman moves to the building and enters it. “I’m always invited to the annual victory party you know. Every year, Chrysalis invites her best generals and notable heroes of the war for a huge party in her tower. Calling it a party is quite generous actually, it’s more of just a large room with enough liquor to blind a man and enough snacks to build a life-sized gingerbread house. I was bought along to make a speech the first year and ended up drinking Trimmel under the table, later that night, I beat Chrysalis in a competitive eating contest. I’ve been invited every year since.” A loud bang goes off somewhere next to us. I hear shots being fired as the protesters scatter and the guardsmen move into cover. Second Wind grabs me and throws be into a nearby vehicle. From the window, I can see ponies on roofs and in windows firing at the guardsmen. After the battle, I would observe the bodies and see they wore ELF uniforms. In my own analysis of the battle, I conclude that ELF resistance fighters used the protest to infiltrate the town and launch an attack on the Canterlot guard. My guess is that Second Wind (who survived the battle) was the target of the attack. I would not get to finish my interview with him. In my travels across equestria, I got many conflicting opinions and motives from ponies in every walk of life. I was caught in the crossfire of a gunfight and tangled with the V.O.P.S to name just a couple of events. Many interviews I didn’t even have time to include with my very limited time in country. But one thing was constant, Pax Chryselia won, and isn’t going anywhere any time soon. Equestria is gone forever, even if the princesses return, I’m not sure they would have the support to start a revolution. Ponies have grown slightly attached to Pax Chrysalis, it gives them Bread and circuses, and they enjoy it. The changelings have ingratiated themselves with ponies so well that some are now considering them another tribe. Chrysalis sits at the forefront of this, I can’t tell if she’s a manipulative genius who wrapping a continent around her hoof or if she’s a visionary leader. The malicious and bloodthirsty leader from the first invasion seems to have been replaced with the mastermind of a new age. Right now, no one can understand the new age, I doubt anyone will fully understand it in my lifetime. But something is on the move in the world, a new age so complex we can’t even see it beginning. Changelings rule Eqqus, Grover VI and his griffons have begun a restoration and rise to power not seen since the first of his name. To me, its clear that the time when ponies ruled the world has ended; how we accept that change will determine how the next war, possibly the bloodies in world history, will unfold.
Pinkie Pie,Alternate Universe,Human,Dark,Drama,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Why couldn't they make cupcakes instead?
Two children in a war zone find themselves orphaned and fending for themselves. While foraging for food amongst the rubble, they find two unexpected things; a pink pony plushie and something else, altogether more sinister.
<p>Two children in a war zone find themselves orphaned and fending for themselves. While foraging for food amongst the rubble, they find two unexpected things; a pink pony plushie and something else, altogether more sinister.</p>
The dark walls oozed damp in the chill air. Two children, a boy and a girl, huddled together for reassurance while the pallid sun outside threatened to ebb away, making way for another relentlessly cold night. The partially destroyed building in which they huddled had once been a bustling convenience store in one of the more opulent suburbs of the city. In happier times, it had been run by a cheerful old couple who had always been happy to while away quiet moments between customers by catching up on gossip with the adults, and sharing stories with the children. The children had heard some of the old stories many times, of course, but they never minded, as the kindly old shopkeepers would always bring these tales to life with the rare ability of true storytellers. Sometimes they would race each other to the punchline and break out in giggles of delighted laughter. That was before the war came. Happiness had been brushed aside in an instant when the first bombs fell; terrifying bangs that were felt from the ground and through the air. Sometimes, this would be the prelude to a building falling down and everyone prayed they wouldn’t be buried in the rubble, or know anyone who was. Some families had packed up what few possessions they could carry and had left, aiming for whatever sanctuary could be afforded far away from the sounds of the bombs; anywhere to get away from the horrors delivered to them from the air every day and every night. These children’s parents had chosen to stay in the city as they had not known where to flee that would be any safer, and decided to brave it out, telling the children to stay because help would surely come to the centres of population first. However, the parents had paid dearly for their decision, and now the children were alone. Their friends had either gone or had been killed as they drifted into a twilight existence that was not living, at least not in the sense they had come to appreciate, protected by their loving parents and wider family. Now they were on their own with nobody to look after them to tell them where to go, what to do, or even feed them. At first, they had felt the slightest hint of rebellion at not having to brush their teeth or change their clothes, but after a while, even these small acts of mutiny had paled under the withering reality of friendless days and cold nights. The convenience store had partially collapsed following a massive explosion and the ceiling had come down at one side, leaving the shopping area at normal height in some places, and at others, compressed down to the floor. The place had been ransacked by those desperate to escape with what provisions they could carry, and later, it had been the scene for a gun battle between those in military uniforms, fighting each other over what scraps had remained. However, adults could not reach into the very tightest spaces where the ceiling was almost touching the floor, and in these places was food and other sundry items that only children could get to. They had been scared to start with, worried that the ceiling and the remains of the building above would come down and crush them, but hunger soon won out and they capitalised on what few spoils they could find. Fortunately, this was the part of the store they knew and liked the most because this was where they would always find potato chips, sweets and toys, and from where they could now forage enough to sustain them, although no nutritionist would be especially proud of the diet. “I can feel something” said the boy, straining as he stretched, his fingers brushing something soft. “It may be warm clothes or a blanket” he continued hopefully, extending his arm beyond what seemed possible. Finally, he managed to close two fingers around the soft and alluring item and gently freed it, inch at a time from the rubble. Out came a plush toy, that even in the fading light, he could make out as being bright pink. “What have you got?” asked his sister, hopefully. He withdrew the dust covered toy, noting it to be a pink pony with three legs, the other presumably laying separated under the rubble. “Let me see” the girl insisted, reaching up eagerly with both hands, and in response, he brushed the dust off as best he could to hand her the trophy with the flourish of a magician. She took it with the first smile he had seen on her face in days and held it close to her, stroking its fluffy pink mane. ”She’s got a very happy smile” said the girl gleefully, “I like her!” “How do you know it’s a she?” asked her brother. “Because” she answered, still focusing intently on the toy, “Just because.” The boy knew he couldn’t argue with such logic, but didn’t want to upset the oasis of happiness that this toy had given his younger sister. “Look!” gasped the girl in excitement, pointing to the flank of the toy’s remaining hind leg, “She’s got pretty balloons on her. We always have balloons at birthdays and Christmas, so I think she’s a happy horsey!” Her brother smiled softly. He seemed to remember something about magical ponies on television, but that was a long time ago before he had become more interested in football, and she had been too young back then. He struggled back under the rubble to rescue some more junk food that would suffice for dinner before the light went completely. After probing the narrow space with his dusty fingers for a few more minutes, he emerged with a few squashed and ripped packets that he brought back to his sister who was making happy clip-clopping sounds playing with her new toy, delightfully transported into her pony dreams. The night was cold and unforgiving, but she hadn’t noticed as she had been totally absorbed chatting to the pink pony about lovely times they would share together, and how she would find the missing leg so they could run around the park and play games together. The boy awoke first, a trickle of icy water dripping onto him from somewhere above. The pre-dawn sky was sombre, promising nothing positive for the day ahead. He looked at his sister, curled up with her arms wrapped around the pink pony, the hint of a smile on her face. He wished her pleasant dreams wherever she and the pony were playing and moved around quietly to avoid disturbing her. He cast his mind back such a short time to when they had both been doted upon by their parents and reflected how quickly events had led him to being his sister’s protector. He didn’t feel ready for the responsibility and just wanted to hug his mother while his father made everything safe and happy for them, but knew this was not the daily reality they were now living through. If they were to survive, it would be down to him. They would be wanting breakfast soon, so he made his way across the rubble strewn aisles to the collapsed part of the store and lay down once more, pushing himself further in to see what he could find. His fingers found something round and hard, so he edged it out for later examination and pushed his arm in further. He fished out more packets and tins before his rudimentary inventory felt sufficient to make breakfast and withdrew himself carefully, inch by inch, before loading the items into a bag by touch in the dim light. “Hello!” came a cheery voice as he got back to his sister, “Horsey and me have been at a big party.” She started humming happily to herself waving the toy’s forelegs in time to a rhythm that only she and the pony could hear. He shook his head softly with a gentle smile and emptied out the haul he had recovered. He suddenly felt wary. Something looked odd. A warning was going off in his head, but he didn’t know why. That hard round object he found early in his search didn’t look like anything he had seen before in the shop. If it was a toy, it was not like any he had seen before. It was egg shaped and olive drab, not at all appealing as a toy, and there were numbers written on it, but nothing that made any sense. It did have a shiny prong at one end and what looked like a key ring. He put it down to look at later and went through the other items he had found; breakfast would probably be potato chips and chocolate bars again. “Horsey wants to know what this is” said his sister picking up the dull coloured egg. “I don’t know what it is” he said, “perhaps it’s a tool or something that grown-ups use. Put it down, it might be dangerous.” “Horsey wants to play with it” she insisted. As he made to take it out of her reach, she grabbed for it and managed to get her finger in the key ring, giving a sharp tug in an attempt to pull it from her brother’s grasp. As she did, the arm that had been attached to the side of the egg flew off and bounced across the floor. “Oh, now you’ve broken it” said her brother accusingly, eyeing the discarded lever arm on the floor, the keyring attached to a pin on his sister’s finger, and the smooth egg shaped device in his hand. She stared at him defiantly for a brief second before the grenade exploded with a bright flash and a loud bang that they never heard. They stood on a patch of vivid green grass looking at a cartoon town not far away, nestled between impossibly steep hills. “Hello!” came a cheerful voice from behind them, “My name’s Pinkie Pie; what’s yours?” “You’re my horsey!” cried the girl, throwing her arms happily around the pony's neck. The boy stared at the blue eyed, bright pink pony and could see trails of tears running down her muzzle as she worked hard at being happy. “What just happened?” he asked uncertainly. “Oh nothing” Pinkie dismissed breezily, “Other than you’ve come to visit us, and that means we're going to have a party!” A group of pastel ponies in all hues wandered over from the direction of the town to say hello to the two new arrivals and all set about happily introducing themselves. A lilac pony broke away from the group and took Pinkie to one side away from the children. “Thanks Pinkie” said Twilight softly. “It was awful” sniffled the party pony, more tears streaming down her muzzle, “They’re just kids. It’s really hard to be happy when you think about what just happened to them.” She sobbed at the thought of the terrible things going on in another world far away, trying her best to be brave, but unable to hold it all back. “Why do people make such horrible things when they could make cupcakes instead?” she sniffled, “I mean, everypony likes cupcakes, right?” “I don’t know, Pinkie” comforted Twilight, draping a wing protectively over her traumatised friend, “But at least we can give them a happy future.”
Nightmare Moon,Alternate Universe,Human,Drama,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Praise thee!
A group of fanatics summon an unfixable horror that plagues the world and the moon.
<p>A group of cultists find a book detailing how they can finally summon 'their Lord' and they pounce on the opportunity to see the one who they have been praying to all this time. However, what they summon is possibly even worse than what they could've imagined.</p><p>Wrote this on a whim <img alt=":twilightsheepish:" class="emoticon" src=""/></p>
In the silence of the room, water could be heard dripping and splashing against the cobbled ground in a slow, methodical rhythm. A fire flickered nearby from a torch on the wall, occasionally crackling, making one or two cringe. Multiple shadowed figures stood in a circle, their faces shrouded by shadows and their bodies covered by long, black cloaks. A few coughed as the time passed painfully slowly, but their conviction kept them from leaving. Suddenly, the old wooden door to the room opened with a loud creak, causing multiple to flinch and shudder. Footsteps echoed through the small room as another cloaked figure walked in, carrying with them an intimidating aura. A few of the members started to sweat as this figure stopped in the center of the room, in the middle of the circle of members. They suddenly held their arms out, their cloak billowing as a smile appeared on their face. “Cultists! Here me now!” The cloaked people in the room stood up tall and straight as he spoke. “I have figured out how to summon Our Lord!” Immediately, the cultists in the room started whispering to each other. Is it true? Is there a way? Will we finally see Her? “How?” One bravely speaks up. The leader chuckles slightly. “I am glad you asked.” He reaches into his cloak and pulls out a thick brown book, outlined by gold and silver. A few cult members gasped in admiration at the admittedly pretty book. “For years, I’ve searched for the book that details how to summon Our Lord, and now I have finally found it! The Ancient Texts of Nostrae Lunae Principem!” The cult members started to whisper again, more excited with their words now. I can’t believe it! It’s finally happening! We shall finally see her! “How do we do it?” A different cult member asks. “I’m sure you’ve seen it when you entered.” At those words, every cult member took a step back, revealing the white chalk circle that they’d been standing on. “There is a reason why I have summoned you all on this specific day in the dead of night.” He kneels, slams the book down in the center of the circle, and opens it. “In the dead of night during the 4th lunar cycle of the year, during the fullest of moons on the clearest of nights, we can open a rift to summon our lunar majesty! Members!” He addresses. The cultists stand up straight again. “All kneel and pray!” Immediately, they all fall to one knee, close their eyes, and mumble out prayers. The leader looks down at the book and flips it to the last page. There sat an arcane circle, intricately drawn. At the center sat the sigil of the moon. He smiled widely and he began to chant. “O regina potens lunaris, cuius pennae stellarum tam clare coruscant.” The chalk circle began to glow a dim purple, humming slightly as branches of arcane magic began to materialize. “O regina potens lunaris, cuius crines galaxiae undae tam splendide sunt.” The cult members dared not stop praying as the newly formed arcane circle continued to grow and glow brighter. A few started praying faster and with more reverence. “Ad te vocamus, ad nos ut videas, veni ad nos et nostrum gaudium nobis pande!” In the center of the circle, where the leader once stood, a cloud of blue and purple energy began to form, crackling with bright white arcane lightning as it grew in size. The cult members could not resist looking up toward the accumulation of magic, staring at it with wide, fearful eyes. Though, some looked with awe and admiration. The leader smiled wider as the magic cloud grew. “Ah, my Lord! You have come at last…” He held his arms out, but he didn’t approach. Entering the magic circle could have unforeseen consequences. In the cloud of magic, a figure began to form, one whose shape remained unclear yet its emotion was shown as clear as day. Utmost joy. From the figure within the magic cloud, a bright white smile appeared, creeping out the cult members and even the leader himself. The cloud of magic continued to grow, the figure inside the cloud growing ever more prominent by the second. The cultists could almost figure out just what their lord was. But before anything… With a flash and loud bang, the cloud of magic condensed into a bright purple and blue swirling ball, brightly and loudly churning in the center of the arcane circle. The cultists shielded their eyes from the unexpected brightness. With a sudden swift movement, the orb burst through the stone ceiling of the room, sending debris flying all over the cultists. Dust billowed out from the destroyed ceiling, but the leader stood and looked up through the hole. Through the night sky, a line of purple trailed high, streaking through the night with as much radiance as a falling star. However, its destination was not the ground. With a sudden bright impact, it fell onto the moon. A hushed, harsh, and intelligible whisper rang out through the lands as a marking formed across the lunar surface. Dark splotches formed all over the right side of the moon, eventually stopping and revealing the pattern left behind. A horse’s head, no… a unicorn’s head, dark and mysterious up in the sky. The cultists and their leader looked up at the moon with its new marking, feeling two things. Accomplishment… …and pure, unbridled terror. The longer they stared at the moon, the more their fear rose. It was like a never-ending backward slide. Eventually, even the leader had to look away as he couldn’t handle it anymore. Clutching his chest and attempting to control his breathing, he looked toward his fellow cultists, beads of sweat rolling down his face. “Now, my friends, we… have finally done it.” His face contorted with a crazy smile as he looked upon the cultists. “She has finally arrived, our Lord forevermore!” The cultists looked at the leader, heavily split on their opinions now, but soon enough, all of them stood up tall and looked back at the moon, fear forgotten. “Praise thee!” They all chanted. “Praise thee!” The leader chanted with more conviction than the rest. Soon enough, the world will know. Their sole, solemn leader… Two teenagers were walking back home from the gas station, both of them carrying bags in their hands. One was full of junk food and the other was full of soda. One prattled to other people on the phone, furiously arguing with whomever while the other was looking at the sky, admiring the beautiful constellations and whatnot. But, he then paused and squinted his eyes. The teenager arguing on the phone stopped and looked back at him. “What?” He mumbled, taking the phone off his ear. “See an alien or sum?” “No, nothing like that…” The other said quietly, pointing at the moon. “It’s just… doesn’t the moon look a little… off?” “Off? Heh, what do you mean?” He looked up into the sky at the moon, squinting his eyes a bit. Then, his eyes widened. “Woah, what the hell? It definitely didn’t look like that just an hour ago.” “No, no it didn’t.” The other teenager then pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the moon, posting it onto the internet. Then, he shivered. “Man, looking at the moon is giving me the creeps.” “Yeah, I know… it’s strange.” Since he wasn’t talking to them anymore, he just hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. “But, anyway, remember that one time…” Overnight, that particular picture blew up, gaining hundreds of comments and thousands of likes and reposts in just hours. Numerous people didn’t believe it at first, but simply going outside revealed this strange unicorn’s head emblazoned upon the lunar surface. Globally, everyone felt the same thing from the moon. Fear, terror, and such, not unlike the feeling of waking up from a particularly bad nightmare. People began speculating, conspiracies were born, but the most popular theory was that there was an alien, or entity inhabiting the moon. Many people wanted to prove it wrong or just didn’t want to believe it in general, but really, what else could explain this? Scientists even began working with people who were thought to be crazy, building and making more machines and technology that could possibly uncover the mystery of the mare on the moon, but nothing seemed to work. It was almost like the moon was invisible to all sensors now. Unwilling to give up, scientists continue, researching and spending billions of dollars to uncover the reason for this sudden change of the moon. Why was it spreading terror throughout the world? What was the cause? How could they stop it? With no other name for the possible entity, they decided to name it by the abilities it carried. Causing fear in a nightmare-like fashion when you looked directly at the moon. And thus… Nightmare Moon was born.
Original Character,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: A New Generation
It’s Time To Go
Stardust’s guardians return for her
<p>One day, Stardust’s parental guardians come to the pony world to take her home. Such a sudden request but for a werid reason. But they have to be right.</p>
Stardust, a young white filly was sitting at a table.Ready to drink her smoothie as she put a book in her bag. It was a nice sunny day as she sat on a chair outside a cafe near a fountain in Maretine Bay. Ponies were mostly busy at this hour, so there wasn't many walking around. Which was fine, because Stardust planned to play a new song on her ukulele soon. Suddenly a ball of light appeared not too far from the table. She watched with confusion, wondering what this was. Maybe some sort of magic? The pony world was sure interesting. But then much to her surprise, it was not something simple like a teleportation or light ball spell. She gasped in shock at what she was seeing, the ball of light started to get bigger. A portal opened and a dinosuar-like creature who stood proudly on her legs stepped out. Wearing a white sweater that had tiny colourful specks over it. The creature was big, not too big, she could easily enter a door if she wanted to. But was taller than any pony she had seen. It took her a moment as she got up from ducking behind the table. But Stardust eyes lit up as she saw this creature. Recognising her from her old world. Someone who was always there for her, but did not end up in the pony world. “Sprinkles!” She exclaimed in delight, seeing her friend once again. Not having seen her since she came to the pony world. It was a miracle she remembered her. Was she here to visit her after so long? Two other creatures, also resembling dinosaurs stepped out. Both shorter than Sprinkles but taller than Stardust. One brown with a yellow belly while the other one was a deep green with a light pink belly. They were not wearing anything. ”Swampy! Rain!!” Stardust exclaimed. Swampy and Rain were just nicknames Stardust gave them both. She noticed Sprinkles quietly talk to them about something, they agreed with whatever it was. She was so happy to see them again. She wasn't sure why they were here but glad they were. She had a lot of things to show them. She had stories to tell. Friends for them to meet! This reunion was going to be a blast! They would love to know her new friends, right? ”Stardust, it’s time to go!” Sprinkles said sternly as she pointed at the portal that she had opened. Swampy crossed his arms as he stared at her. Knowing this was going to be a tricky task. ”Going?” Stardust asked. Confused on why her friends from her old world randomly came here. Not greeting her at all, kinda rude to not say hello and only telling her that they were going? Then it hit her. “Oh! You can finally move to this world with me for a while!? I have a lot to say to you three! I can give you a tour!” She exclaimed with joy. “I have so many friends I would like you to meet. Most of them say we are not friends. But I think they are hiding it.” ”Sounds like they are not your friends…” Grunted Swampy. “No, you are coming back with us. Back home!”Sprinkles responded with a strict rone of voice.“Now!” Stardust’s smile dropped. Home? Back to her world? The one where she was born and raised? She had not been there for so long. It kinda felt weird, she never thought about going back. At least not for a while. She never thought she’d be heading back so soon. This was happening so fast, why couldn't they hang out for a bit? Why now? “Wait… I have to go home, now?” “Absolutely!” Sprinkles stated bluntly."You do not belong here. You will never be accepted here!” Stardust looked at the tall creature that was with her during the hard times in her old world. Shouting orders at her and not thinking how she was feeling. She did not want to leave now! This was too sudden! She didn't have time to pack up and say goodbye? Where was the greeting? What about a tour? “C-can I say goodbye at least?” Stardust asked. Thinking of the ponies she had gotten to know. They would sure be worried if she vanished without saying goodbye. She was sure they'd be upset if she couldn't stay for a farewell event. Then she started to think, maybe it wasn’t to be for long. “How long will it be?” “Forever, Stardust! It is for your own good!” Sprinkles demanded, “Now, come on!” “But my friends!” Screamed Stardust, jumping out the way before Sprinkles grabbed her. “They are not your friends!” Swampy shouted, walking around, behind Stardust to try and stop any chance at her running away. “Yes they are!” Stardust jumped up, backing into the table. Seeing the trio glare at her. “Sure there are many that tell me to back off! Like Posey or Sprout. But most of them are nice! Like Dahlia! She says nice stuff.” Sprinkles responded. “Maybe she’s just a nice pony in general who is kind to anyone… Anyone else you want to claim as your friend?” “Yes! What about Jazz and Rocky? In the salon?” “They are just doing their jobs…” Rain responded politely. “It is part of their jobs to be calm and kind in a salon. So their customers can relax…” “These aren't exackly friends yet. But there is Alphabittle who owns a tearoom! Sunny who owns a smoothie stand and Pipp who makes music and owns a music based salon!” “Genuine manners and being nice to their customers like any good store owner…” Stardust groaned in defeat as she stepped back. Wanting to defend her new friends. “The royal guards, Thunder and Zoom stuck up for me, once!” “Royal guards are meant to protect others when the time comes! They were doing their duty!”Swampy argued back. Stardust groaned as she stared at them. Wondering why they were so determined to take her back to her old world and not let her at least stay good bye. She squealed as Sprinkles grabbed her. She cried as she tried to wriggle free. “No! No!” She cried like a brat. “You are not taking me away u till I said goodbye! Please! They- i know they are my friends! Please let-“ “Stardust!” Sprinkles shouted, holding her sternly with both claws. Making her shut up as she shook slightly, shivering as she awaited what was about to happen. “Listen to me, Stardust!” Sprinkles sighed. “We are trying to tell you something important…” Swampy looked down at her. “You aren’t a pony. You don’t belong here. You belong with us.” "I know." She sighed. "You cannot rip me from my friends like this. You should know how it feels!" Sprinkles looked down, as if she was thinking of what she was about to say. She looked really concerned as she looked at Stardust. Who was too scared to say more, tears running from her face. “Stardust… You are an OC… These ponies don’t need you… They won’t miss you once you are gone. They won’t miss you. They only acknowledged you and treated you as one of their own kind. Because they thought you were one…” “Y-you’re lying. Aren’t you?” Stardust looked up at her. Wondering what on earth, she was talking about. Never hearing that term being used for her. What about it? Why did that mean she couldn’t stay here? Or at least say goodbye. Swampy scoffed, “We are way older than you and more experienced with this world travelling stuff… You’d think we’d know more about it than you, right? So we know it’ll be for the best in the long run!” “I guess…” “You want to do what’s best for them, right?” Rain asked with Stardust nodding in agreement. Wondering what she had to say. “Then you must leave them… We’ll explain what an OC is on the way. But they will be happy when they find out you went home. They will be thanking you.” “Yeah… Maybe a few may miss you. But they will learn it was for the best. Or some magic in this world might stop them from remembering you. Honestly. I don’t know. I am sorry for yelling earlier. But you gotta come home.” “Why? Is it going to damage this world if i stay or something?” “No, nothing threatening to this world. But just trust us, okay?” “But i wanna stay!” Stardust cried out loud. She did not find this fair. “Look. Do you wan’t to do the right thing here? Or not?” Swampy asked. Looking very annoyed at the moment. Like he was dealing with a selfish brat. Stardust did not know what to say. But Rain’s relaxing voice soothed her a bit. These guys treated her better than those who found her egg and raised her. They were there to comfort her at hard times. Like now, but more sternly. If they were so caring and comforting when she was younger. Surely they knew what was best for her. It was hard to accept, but they just had to be right about this. “It will be for the best!” Sprinkles repeated. “I promise!” She knew there was no winning this. There was nothing she could do. Also, they were more wiser in this world traveling stuff, so of course they’d know what was right. There was no reason to fight with the experts. “Fine!!” Stardust nodded, “I will go. If that’s what will be best for everyone!” She started to cry as she sadly looked back at everyone. Wishing she could have said goodbye. She wondered if they’d know if she was gone. Would they be sad? It was not fair. But she had to go, Sprinkles knew much more than she did. She was only a child, so she had to listen. Fighting back and yelling would only have made things worse. She had to leave and she did not have a choice. “Good!” Sprinkles smirked as she picked her up and entered the portal. Which closed after the four of them went through. A grey earth pony named Ash noticed Stardust’s blue and yellow bag on the floor. “Huh? Stardust’s bag?” She was urged to take a peek inside. But knew it was none of her business. She noticed that there was an empty smoothie cup on the table. “She shouldn't really leave her stuff laying around, where is she?” She wondered as she looked around. Deciding to keep an eye on them till she came back.
Fluttershy,Self Insert,Human,Second Person,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Killing Fluttershy
You hate that yellow pony, and she needs to die. Even if it kills you.
<p>You hate that yellow pony, and she needs to die. Even if it kills you.</p>
Rain fell down like sheets of water wrung out from a dirty rag. You just thought of that metaphor yourself. You think it's pretty clever, although it could be refined. Refined to what? Who knows. You're not a writer. You're a hunter, not bred but made. A predator who's only purpose is to skewer down those that disagree with you... or something like that. It sounds intimidating in your head. You're just mentally preparing yourself. Anyhow, you’re out here in the rain and dark. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for an important reason. Killing that yellow horse is as important as any. Forget why you need to kill her. Forget that she has never done anything wrong to you. Forget that she doesn’t know you exist, or has any fault of her own. She needs to die because… You’ve been stalking her for the past week. It’s very important that you do this. You didn’t think the little thing got up to much, other than running off with her friends every once in a while. But she does a lot with her animals, and she goes out more than you thought. She has a lot of friends, you’ve noticed. All around the little village nearby she is known. You see her, she doesn’t always talk to them, but they all know her and they all treat her kindly and they look at her with such affection in their eyes it makes you feel sick to your very insides. You’re out in the rain and in the mud. You’re covered in it, laying in it, and you peak your head out from the muck to see the soft light shining from the window above. She’s going to sleep, you can feel it, and when the glow snuffs out you stand up and stare at the rickety frame. You wonder how you will do it. At first you thought you could set fire to the cottage. It’s all grass and sod and wood. One match and whoosh! But then the rain came, and you don’t want to wait any longer. Any longer, and you might talk yourself out of this. Besides, you don’t have a match. Or gasoline. And besides, it might bring too much attention. No. You must find another way. Something with a knife? But you don’t want to go rummaging through her kitchen. Rope? You doubt she has that. Well, you could use the sheet… The more you think about it the more you realize there’s no use planning it out here. You need to move in. In her house, cottage, whatever, and improvise from there. You stand up from the muck. It slops off you, and though the sheets of rain falling from above wash away much of the mud, it stays deep in your ratty shirt and jeans. They stick to your skin, dirtying you, and you are intensely aware of their feeling as you trudge through the sodden ground. You’re wearing shoes too, but they’re caked in and wet and filthy and it’s only sentimentality that keeps them on. You make your way to the side of the cottage and you find yourself just below her window. You begin to climb. It’s not hard, there’s plenty of places to hold on to. Step by step, heave by heave, you get closer, and your heart begins to pump and race at the thought of what will happen next. When you reach her window, it takes all of your strength to open it with care. You swing yourself over the sill and as quietly as you can land on the wooden floor besides. Your shoes squelch, and you swear you can hear the mud and water dripping. But what’s louder more than any of these things is the slow, steady breaths of her. You close the window. When you look over her it’s in the background of a muted world. She’s tucked in. She has a relaxed expression on her face and each time she takes a breath in or out she lets a little snore. The sheets rise and fall. She’s dry. She’s not dirty. Your fists clench. Bile and hate rises up from the back of your throat and it wants to spill out. You want to wring your hands against its neck. This errant thought cements what you will do to her. You hate her. You hate it. You hate how much every one likes her. How the others will visit her. How they care for her. They look at her like she’s worth something. All the while she doesn’t even try for it. Instantly loved. Instantly adored. All the things anyone could ever hope to want, received at a careless whim. She doesn’t know what she has. You’re sure. She sleeps dreaming her insipid dreams while others labor for her love. Every step feels like an eternity. Every squelch, every thump, even the way you outstretch your arms and flex your hands feels so terribly loud. But you don’t care. Your fingers begin to graze the soft fuzz of her coat, distorting the clean daisy surface with your filth, you’re just about to squeeze and squeeze hard and- But then you hear an even louder crash from down below. Up the stairs. You snap out of your haze. Without a second thought you hurl yourself to the closed window. Your body crashes through the weak wooden frame, and next thing you know you’re on the muddy ground. But you’re still not thinking. You scramble up on the uneven ground and run. Run. Faster than you’ve ever ran before, you’ve never been so scared before. If something is calling for you, you don’t know, because you’re already far in to the forest and you know that’s where you’re safe. You’re on your knees gasping for breath. Your sides hurt and your legs burn hot with exertion and finally you fall to your knees. You can’t stand up. You should be more worried about that. But all you can feel is relief- relief that you didn’t get caught. Relief that you didn’t do it. Why is that? You wonder to yourself. You wanted to kill her. You still want to. But you’re glad you didn’t. You let out a laugh. Still, you don’t regret trying to do it at all. Not that you won’t try again, either. You laugh again, and try to stand up though you know you can’t. You note that you’ve lost a shoe. You look around, and it’s only now that through the rain and the blood rushing through your ears that you notice that it’s deathly quiet. Your heart stills, and you whip your head from every angle trying to find what you hope isn’t there. But it’s too late. In the darkness, you can see two yellow dots looking straight at you. “That’s not good,” you think, before the manticore pounces on to you. Its fangs sink deep into your neck. In the blink of an eye, you’re dead. You don’t feel yourself being torn apart. But you are aware. Aware enough. You got lucky that the manticore popped off your head first. It rolled a ways away, forgotten by it, but not by the rest of the forest. Days passed. Then weeks. Years. Skin and flesh and muscle fell away in a manic feast for armies of hungry worms and flies. Bone sunk deeper on to the ground. Wild flowers grew around it, protected by the undergrowth. You don’t know how much time has passed, but you know it’s been a very, very long time. The forest around you has changed too. You don’t care much. You’re still dead. But still… You hear hoofsteps for the first time in who knows how long. You can’t turn to look, but coming into view you see a set of yellow fetlocks. They stop, theres voices- voices you almost recognize. “Fluttershy? What are you looking at?” says one. Which is a first- you couldn’t understand these horses before. “There’s something under here.” you know this voice. You finally know what its saying. If you had blood left to boil, it’d be roiling. You see her hooves walk towards you, and she leans down to look at you head on. But now… now you’re scared. Scared that she sees you know. Knows you, however decayed you might be. It’s terrifying. You need to get out. You need to run. But you can’t. Not anymore. The expression she gives you is so sickeningly sweet it hurts. How does it hurt? “I’ve never seen anything like this,” she says in soft wonder. You notice that she looks older than she did before. There’s grey in her hair, and lines that mark her face. Gently, she dislodges you. Dirt flakes away, roots tear from the ground. You see the day sky behind her. You want to cry. A purple head pops up behind her, something that looks like a horse much taller than… ‘Fluttershy’. “How fascinating! I knew there must have been completely new species in the Everfree, but not of this size! It’s a shame its dead, though.” “The poor thing…” Fluttershy says, looking like she hadn’t heard the purple horse at all. You see her right herself back up, “The bones aren’t so old… maybe I could have taken care of it before it got hurt.” Her head turns back, “Let’s bury it, Twilight. It doesn’t feel right to leave it out here.” You don’t hear the rest of the conversation. The want to cry grows stronger. You want to explode and break out, and yell at this stupid animal to not pity you. You don’t need her help. She wouldn’t have helped you anyway. But now there’s a part of your soul that knows that’s not right. It’s all but confirmed. She buries you. Dirt falls into the cavity of your skull. As the darkness closed in and your self finally drifts off, the last thing you think is that it’s such a shame, that you only realized how wrong you were after you were good and dead.
Starlight Glimmer,Trixie,Drama,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
The Curtains Were Blue
Starlight has lost somepony dear to here. All she has left is some blue curtains.
<p>Trixie has passed. Starlight Glimmer has to deal with this. But the curtains were blue.</p><p>Learned the term curtain fic recently. This isn't one of those, but the term made me think of that old &quot;well maybe the curtains were just blue&quot; thing that folks used to say so they wouldn't have to analyze stories or themes. So I used it to try and build a story and it's themes.</p><p>Rated T for being about death and mourning.</p><p>Cover art is by me!! Check me out on <a href="" rel="nofollow">tumblr</a> for more horse related art!!</p>
The curtains were blue. Not quite the right shade though. Rarity had spent so long repairing her cloak and hat. And then spent even longer finding a fabric for the casket’s interior to match their purple and her blue. Starlight barely noticed it. She couldn’t stand to look inside after all. The curtains were blue. Starlight wished they were silk as well. So many years of back taxes owed. Twilight did what she could to help, but the laws could only be bent so much. The curtains were one of the few things that remained after the sales. The curtains were blue. The trash can by the desk was full. Not a single candidate for the counselor position could match to their predecessor. Who could? The curtains were blue. The breeze that blew them was nice. It helped dry the tears. Were the tears blue? It was hard to tell with the red eyes and lilac fur. The curtains were blue. The sky should not have been. What right did it have to be anything but grey when the world was devoid of color to Starlight? The curtains were blue. Sunburst was orange. He was still around. Two ways he and Trixie were opposites. They were the same in one way though. Starlight loved them. Did Trixie’s leaving hurt more or less than his had? At least she didn’t start a cult this time. Should she have? The curtains were blue. Starlight wasn’t though. What possible reason could she have to be sad? She’d never really cared for Trixie, she was just somepony that she had grabbed to complete an assignment, and hadn’t had the good sense to get rid of after the fact. The curtains were blue. The fabric was threadbare, with poorly sewn patches all over. Starlight hadn’t bathed in a week. She hadn’t eaten for a few days. The curtains had been white. The hospital had been sterile, as it should have been. Nothing else was as it should have been. Starlight could hardly stand to see Trixie there. The curtains were blue. Something blue moved past them. Starlight forgot she was in the top tower. Rainbow Dash caught her. Figures it was her. There wasn’t anypony else Starlight knew that was that shade. The curtains were blue. It was hard to tell with them closed. They were closed fairly often nowadays. The curtains were blue. Shades of orange and purple and pink barely peeked through them. 30 sundowns since the funeral. A whole moon. Starlight wished Luna had picked somepony to follow in her footsteps. The ex-princess couldn’t fight the mare’s nightmares for her every night. Others also had needs, even if Starlight couldn’t think of any at the moment. The elephants were blue. Starlight had to tell Discord she wasn’t in the mood for it right now. The curtains were blue. Now they were green. Now they were blue again. Starlight would have to deal with these scrolls sometime soon. The curtains were blue. It was hard to tell though, various color shades stood in front of them. The shades were speaking. Starlight did her best to hear them for the first time in a while. The curtains were blue. Starlight knew this. But the blue was harder to see where she was. The green of the park was nice. The curtains were blue. The sky beyond was nearly black. Starlight looked at the specks of white. She saw a new shape in them. It captured her likeness perfectly. Starlight’s drink was red. She hadn’t had wine in several weeks. She had been worried it wouldn’t be a good idea. She figured she could handle a glass now. The curtains were blue. The floor was blue and cold. Purple arms scooped her up and magenta magic tucked her in. With a bucket nearby just in case. The curtains were blue, but she had friends who could crack them open for her. The curtains were blue. Pinkie was, well, pink. The promise was Pink too. Starlight would have agreed to its terms regardless, but it helped to know she cared. The curtains were blue. The sky was as well, but a lighter hue. The park was still rather nice. Fluttershy was here, and she had brought along all kinds of animals. The bear’s hug let her cry in secret publicly. The curtains were blue. The stamp’s ink was green. A new counselor for the students had been chosen. Starlight had tested her a little more than she cared to admit. She thought the new mare had passed with flying colors though. The stone was grey, but with purple text and yellow stars. She placed the bouquet down. She told her of how the world had changed. And how it had not. How it still couldn’t dream to measure up to the legacy of her friend. The words flowed out like blue curtains in the breeze. The curtains were blue. Sunburst was orange. Now he was gold. Now pink. Starlight laughed as the now purple stallion chased Discord around the hallways. She followed, curtains left behind for the time being. The mail mare was grey. The mailbag was brown and overflowing. The letters within came from all over, as their students had. The curtains were blue, but she felt warm enough to leave them open for the night. The curtains were blue. Rarity had shown Starlight how to sew. Pinkie had helped her design the patches. The curtains still drew her eye, but no longer for their blueness. She had brought another bouquet. She didn’t think to mention the curtains this time. There were better things to tell her. Only a single flower within had been blue. The curtains were blue. The curtain rod was golden. It had been designed specially for an easier glide with the curtain’s rings. Opening them was just as easy as closing them now. The curtains were blue. But they were open more often than not. She would close them on occasion. Examine their shade, hue, and value. Sometimes for longer than she felt was right to do so. They would always be blue, after all. But they were just curtains.
Derpy Hooves,Dinky Hooves,Original Character,Sparkler,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
A friendly Derp to my eyes
Angus finds himself in equestria, meets a new friend... Maybe more
<p>Angus Is a Scottish-American who lived most of his life alone and fending for himself. Then one day he accidentally finds himself in Equestria and there he becomes friends with a Pegasus named Derpy.</p>
My name is Angus, I was born in America but I know I had Scottish ancestry. I never knew my parents, one day they told me to wait for them and they never came back, I spent my entire life trying to survive and defend myself from the world. As I lived my life I did everything as long as it resulted in my survival. One day I was looking through some old forgotten containers when I found some weird artifact that felt like it was emitting some kind of strange aura suddenly it began to vibrate as I felt something surrounding me and soon I saw a bright light as the artifact disintegrated in my hand when I felt myself falling as I landed in water as I dragged myself out nearly drowning as I fell when I heard the sound of a child as I groaned. "P-Please... Help." Later I felt myself coming too when I heard someone speaking as I groaned. "Ugh, my head." The person I believe to be the nurse spoke. "Oh my gosh, it speaks!" This confused me I opened my eyes only to see a pastel-colored horse as I jumped back. "WHAT THE?!" It didn't help me they also began to speak. "Oh geez!" We stared at each other. "Uh... What the heck?" The pony had a white coat with pink hair and what looked like a tattoo on her flank. Later I met an important pony named Twilight who explained my problem and what happened to me, turned out the artifact was an old equestrian tool to teleport which is by magic that Equestria has. Later I was introduced to a mare who helped save me from drowning. She had a grey coat, blonde hair, and golden eyes that were looking uneven. "H-hello, I'm Ditzy 'Muffin' hooves but you can call me derpy." After remembering that day I woke up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast where I saw Derpy in her mail mare outfit. I couldn't help but blush, after some time I got used to ponies, and sometimes seeing Derpy wear her outfit makes her look kind of cute if it wasn't for her exposing herself in the back. "You'll be ok right Angus?" I nodded my head. "I'll just have breakfast then head to Applejack's for work then I'll be back" After breakfast we went our separate ways for the day as I headed to Sweet Apple Acres to work on Applejack's farm, I did a great job considering after some time I grew stronger and had a better physical body. As I was working Applebloom approached me with a question. "Hey Angus I got a question about Derpy." I turned to the full. "Sure AB, what's up?" I listened. "Do you like her?" This caught me off guard as I thought about a way to answer. "I ain't sure Applebloom, I'm still new to Equestria and the process of me being with Derpy is in a confusing balance." I made a small scale out of some random stuff. "On one side I might not have feelings and it would be a small dislike to our friendship... On the other hand, I might but maybe she doesn't have feelings, or me being human and her a pony would probably lead to unsettling problems." I stared down thinking about Derpy as I saw different ways it could go. If it's one way to her: Depry soon came to me and expressed her feelings but I looked away. "Derpy listen, I'm happy you saved me and took me in... But I'm not sure if I shared any feelings for you." After that derpy became sad and was lacking in work making more problems till I had to leave to stop ruining her working mail mare career. If it's one way to me: I told Derpy my feelings and she had an unsettling look. "U-um Angus, while I'm kinda flattered... I don't share any feelings for you. After that, our days became unwell when soon I was asked to leave her home. The thoughts of those scenarios go through my head as Applebloom seems to understand. "Oh well I hope you two get together, you both seemed so happy." I smiled at her adorable imagination. Later I was walking through Ponyville heading to Rarity's to grab my clothing. On the way, I saw Derpy eating a muffin from the sugar cube corner. "Oh hi, Angus where you heading?" I smiled. "Just heading to Carousel Boutique to pick up my clothes." We talked for a while not noticing other ponies looking until we went our separate ways again as I made it to Rarity's Boutique. "Hey, rarity I'm here to pick up clothes." Said unicorn smiled. "Ah yes Angus, I'm happy you are here, those fashion ideas from your world are amazing, many different ponies have been marveling at the beautiful clothing and ideas to add, especially some to help couples." She winked as I blushed. "It's nothing, just some things humans do." After that, she was looking through her things as she spoke to me. "So darling about you and Derpy, by any chance are you two planning to be in a relationship?" This was confusing as she's the second pony to ask that. "Why you ask?" She looked around. "Ok to be honest I never pinkie promised to keep this so I only want to tell you as the stallion or male of the relationship." I let her understand I was listening. "There is a rumor going around that you and Derpy may begin a relationship with each other!" This made me uneasy as I heard this before. "Rarity... I'm not sure... Me and Derpy are close but I'm a human and she's a pony, as much as I think it might be nice... I'm not sure." I grabbed the clothes and politely left. "See ya Rarity." I then left to head home. Meanwhile in Twilight's home. Twilight and her friends were talking about Angus and Derpy as Rainbow Dash groaned. "When will they get together, I bet 50 bits they'd get together." Pinkie was shaking with excitement but also anxiousness. "I have everything planned for a party for the two but they never get together, it's driving me crazy!!!" Twilight speaks up. "Pinkie calms down, we can't force them together it's not nice." Fluttershy fidgets for a bit. "I've believed the two might be too embarrassed to confess and scared the other might not share feelings," Applejack confirmed the Pegasus. "Applebloom did say Angus was scared for Derpy not to return any feelings." The girls begins to think of something when Rarity had an idea. "Ooh what if we find a way for them to spend the day together and if they enjoy their day maybe if we're lucky they'll soon realize their feelings and we'll finally see the two be happy together!" Twilight thought for a moment and seemed to agree. "That's sounds good, but we won't force them to fall for each other we need to let them do it on their own actions." Everyone then agreed and now they had a plan... They were gonna help two of their friends become lovers.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Fluttershy is dead!
After finding out about Fluttershy's "death", detective AB, SB and SC are sent to the scene to investigate the crime and find the true culprit.
<p>Just a few days ago, the CMCs asked for the mane 6's help. They have tried to get cutie marks in most things, but not one specific thing. As homicide detectives. Politely, they asked if Twilight was willing to help them find out if they're fit for the job. She agrees.</p><p>Fluttershy was enjoying her early morning. Was, in the past. Now, she's DEAD! and it's up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders Homicide detectives to find the true culprit. They must see through the muddied waters of lies in order to reach the truth. </p><hr/><p>Thank you to <a href="/user/237915/Silk+Rose/stories" rel="nofollow">Silk Rose</a> for making this cute cover.</p>
Fluttershy walked along the green pastures of Ponyville, birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On days like these, ponies such as Fluttershy could only think of one thing. “It is good day to be not dead!” Fluttershy proudly exclaimed, hoof curved in the air with a wide smile for the invisible camera, her snow white teeth shining. Truly nothing could ruin today’s amazing day in Ponyville, Just an incredible day with no problems whatsoever. It was even her pet Bunny’s birthday! Pinkie would be coming by later with the cake she ordered, Rarity is working on her special dress… Truly nothing could ruin today. Smooth sailing all around. Or so she thought. Little did she know, behind a dark bush just down the path, somepony truly devious had prepared a devilish plan, a truly Machiavellian contraption with such clear evil behind it, that none of the villains they ever faced could even compare. Just as she continued down her path, singing along to a beautiful tune, her mind completely vacant of any kind of worry, surely no one would try… TO KILL HER! Then just as she stepped past the bush, her hoof got caught. Lifting it up caused a wire to snap, triggering the contraption hidden inside the leaves. A sudden blast immediately knocked Fluttershy back stumbling, her eyes darting around, her ears ringing from the sudden bang, her vision blurring. And then, to the ground she fell, heaving her last sigh of life. From above, a mysterious and mischievous laughter could be heard. The laughter of the cruel, cold hearted assassin. All while her body lay motionless on the floor. “Detective AB is on the case!” Applebloom proudly tipped her hat as she arrived on the scene of the crime. This was no case of an accidental death, the culprit of this case had been a cruel genius who plotted it all out in advance, she was sure of it. By now, a small group of bystanders gathered around the dead pony’s body, all her friends. Twilight looked struck with the scene, she was absolutely horrified at the sight. Applejack seemed completely indifferent with her vacant stare. Rainbow held Pinkie’s tears of sadness back, while Rarity sat shining her hoof. All of them had a connection to the victim in one way or another. With the proud strut of an ace detective, Applebloom approached Sweetie Belle, who was sitting next to Fluttershy conducting an autopsy report. Death by party cannon blast, truly tragic. There was a piece of green string on the ground, it camouflaged well with the surrounding grass. Who could’ve done something like this? “Detective AB is on scene and ready to begin investigating!” Applebloom looked over the body, shivering with disgust. “What happened here?” “Seems like the victim walked into a trap…” Sweetie Belle lifted her body with worry in her face and sheer terror in her voice. “AND WAS KILLED!” The crowd of ponies gasped in surprise. “She’s dead!?” Twilight announced, her eyes widened, her heartbeat going faster, Fluttershy, her long time friend had just been pronounced dead! “No! This is horrible! Horrible! Absolutely horrible!” Pinkie repeated through the waterfall of tears streaming down her cheeks. Such a cruel world had reaped yet another life in such an unfair manner. “Um… Guys… I’m not actually-” Fluttershy lifted her head and her wing, but was rudely interrupted by the others. “Shh! You’re dead!” Pinkie exclaimed, bringing one hoof to Fluttershy’s lips. Dead ponies don’t talk! “Oh um, okay.” Fluttershy fell back to the ground, afraid of being yelled at again. “Oh no. Who could’ve done something like this?” Applejack’s monotone voice indicated that she truly had no interest in finding the true culprit, but one death glare from Applebloom was enough to get her back into her role. “It ‘s! Truly terrible!” she feigned some emotion, and Applebloom nodded with approval. “Psht, if you ask me, she was long due.” Rarity was more interested in cleaning her hooves, than mourning her friend, who was dead before her very eyes. “Rude…” Fluttershy muttered quietly. “Calm down everypony!” Applebloom exclaimed to a silent crowd of ponies. “Y’all better leave this to the-” The three girls gathered together. “Cutie mark crusaders, homicide detectives!” “Is that the official name of your group…?” Rainbow seemed concerned that a group of young foals could even speak such complicated words. Let alone understand their meaning. “I think it’s cute!” Fluttershy spoke, despite the command for her silence. “Ya think homicide is a cute word, Fluttershy…?” Applejack couldn’t decide if she should be worried about her young sister wanting to be a homicide detective, or if she should be extremely concerned for her friend’s well being. Fluttershy just nodded. “We’ll solve this murder case once and for all, and then after we get our cutie marks in detectiveness, we’ll become the best detective agency in Equestria!” Scootaloo spoke while swinging her awesome leather jacket against the wind, hoping she’d be more intimidating with it. I mean, all the cool detectives in comics or movies have some kind of big overcoat. “Yeah! For now, all of you are witnesses! Nopony is allowed to leave the promises!” Was that right? She tried to remember the word for a second. “Prominent- Pra- Pre- Pro- You can’t leave!” Sweetie Belle had some issues with the word ‘Premises’ yet had no problems with ‘homicide’ but that doesn’t make her any less of a skilled interrogator. “We’ll question you all one by one, and we’ll find the true murderer! Starting with…” Scotaloo closed her eyes and let her left hoof pick at random which pony it would be. As luck would have it, it was… FLUTTERSHY’S TESTIMONY. “Where were you at the moment of the crime!?” Sweetie Belle asked impatiently as she sat on the stool, her eyes burning into Fluttershy’s soul, the only semblance of safety Fluttershy had from the young filly’s determination for answers was the table that separated the two. Fluttershy’s heart was racing fast, her eyes scanning the cramped makeshift interrogation room in the CMC’s treehouse where they had closed all windows, leaving the only sliver of light to be the desk lamp precariously set up, as Applebloom and Scotaloo stood directly behind Sweetie Belle. So much pressure, Fluttershy could feel the weight of the world on her, curling her wings with a soft whimper to hide away from the judging eyes of these young fillies. Scootaloo seemed anxious for answers though. After approaching closer to the table, she slammed her hoof down with a loud thud that shook the table, making Fluttershy recoil and whimper in fear. “Okay! I did it! I killed myself! I was the one who did it! P-Please don’t hurt me!” Her whimpering voice begged for mercy. “Hah, easy as pie.” Sweetie Belle and Scotaloo were ready to clap their hooves as a sign of accomplishment, but Applebloom was having none of this horseplay. “Ugh! You two are useless! She ain’t know nothin’ she’s the victim!” Applebloom headed over to the clubhouse’s entrance, opening the door, letting some sunlight into the dimly lit room “Go on Fluttershy, and bring in my sis next.” Scotaloo and Sweetie Belle looked rather displeased with Applebloom’s methods. Fluttershy slowly lifted herself and made her way out, taking double glances behind her to ensure she wasn’t being followed by the scary interrogators. “We just got a confession!” Scotaloo interjected. “From the victim!” Applebloom rolled her eyes. “Have you never heard of suicides?” Sweetie Belle had seen on the papers, sometimes ponies die just because they want to die. She didn’t understand it, but it could’ve been the cause of Fluttershy’s death. “Yeah- Well- If we wanted to investigate suicides, we would be the Cutie Mark Suicide detectives!” Applebloom’s comments had Scootaloo lost in thought for a moment. “Eh, she’s got a point you know.” “Whatever, bring the next witness!” The marshmallow filly didn’t seem too enthusiastic. “Let me handle it this time, Sweetie Belle.” Applebloom tipped her detective hat, actually just her sister’s stolen hat, with a snarky smile. APPLEJACK’S TESTIMONY. “So… Did you know the victim?” Applebloom leaned closer on the table, one hoof laying on it with her eyes focused on her Sister’s. Just like Sweetie Belle, she had that burning gaze which was just itching for a solution to this horrible death. “When you givin’ me my hat back?” Applejack raised one brow, but Scotaloo once again slammed her hoof on the table, catching Applejack off guard. “We’re the ones asking questions here!” Scootaloo got close. So close she was practically shoving herself on Applejack’s face. “Yeah!” Applebloom cheered her friend on, but Applejack just gave her a killer side eye. It made Applebloom rethink her reaction and back down. She didn’t want to become a victim to a new homicide case. “I did know the victim…” She pushed Scootaloo back. “She’s- Was, a long time friend. Knew her ever since she n’ Rainbow moved to Ponyville.” Okay, Applebloom thought this through. From what Twilight told her, a murderer needs to have a motive. It also helps to identify other things, like alibis which can help place a pony at a certain location during the time of the crime, either incriminating or freeing a suspect of… Suspicion. Applebloom thought long and hard. Hm, Fluttershy and Rainbow moving to Ponyville together… Applejack already lived here when that happened. Maybe Applejack was angry that these new pegasi in town were here to take her job of watering the orchards!?! Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows! Applebloom doesn’t want to discard any possibility, and a long time grudge could explain it. Not enough to make her a prime suspect though. More investigation is needed. “I see. And are you two good friends?” Applebloom leaned in, pouting her lip. She tried her best to understand Applejack’s expression, her body, the way she acted, and every subtle movement could be a clue to the real murder. But she could only sense mild disinterest with Applejack. “Applebloom, we literally saved Equestria like a dozen times, what do you think?” The other investigators stopped for a moment. “What if it was all a facade!? What if you were faking being her friend all along?!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Wh- Just- Why in Equestria would I do that?!” Applejack couldn’t believe what she was hearing out of these foals’ mouths. “I dunno, you tell us.” Scotaloo tried to play it cool, sitting on the ground with her rear and crossing both front hooves with the look of ‘I’ve got you now’ in her face. “Look, I ain’t know nothin’ about Fluttershy’s-” Applejack performed some air quotes with her hooves. “Murder. All I know is that I was in my farm today this mornin’, and Fluttershy came by to pick up some vegetables for her pet bunny. After that, she went home.” “A likely story!” Scootaloo could smell it, she could smell the lies and the deception coming out of Applejack’s dirty mouth. “Well- I mean- I did see her n’ my sis from my bedroom window. So…” Applebloom was there to prove Scootaloo wrong though, who seemed mildly disappointed. “Know what, this is stupid, ya ain’t growin’ up to be homoerotic detectives or whatever y’all wanna call yerselves!” Applejack leaned over the table, it’s about time she took back her hat from the little filly that had stolen it earlier this morning. Applebloom looked more than upset that her hat, which was at least 70% of her detective persona, had been ripped away so suddenly by her sister. “We’re gonna get to the bottom of this, you’ll see!” Sweetie Belle knew the truth would surface. But they need more proof. The next witness shall come in. RARITY’S TESTIMONY. “While I do think this whole… Thing you managed to get Twilight to set up is pretty cute, I will say I want this to be quick. I’ve got a lot of important work to do.” Rarity was willing to play along, being a drama queen was part of her personality and playing the role of a witness to a murder? Well it sounds like a fun afternoon, and having some fun with her sister was a good way to spend that afternoon. “Well- Witness, tell us what you did this morning.” Sweetie Belle knew that she can’t let her bias get to her. It’s her sister, but she knows she can’t let family get in the way of cold, hard, truth. “Well for starters, as soon as I woke up I took a long bath, you can’t even think about starting the day if your body is not taken care of, this Mane doesn’t brush itself.” Rarity flicked her beautiful violet, silk soft mane. “Right. N’ then what?” Applebloom questioned. “Well, after some breakfast, I started the day with a clear hooficare routine to keep these hooves shining and sparkling. Then I went back to my room and looked for about thirty minutes for a suitable hat for today, cause it wasn’t… Completely sunny for a full on beach hat, but there weren’t enough clouds in the sky for a hatless day. So I had to choose, and in the end, it’s obvious I didn’t use a hat today but I did-” “Witness!” Sweetie Belle wanted to regain control of the situation. This witness has already blabbered enough. “In regards to the actual crime that took place this morning, did you see anything special?” Rarity sighed. “Right. Well, after doing all of my daily routine, I went to finish a dress for a client, only to realize I needed to buy more fabric because my roll of string had gone missing.” Rarity leaned in, ushering the group closer. “Between you and me, I think it was stolen.” Stolen?! The group gasped in unison. “Witness! What color was the string?!” Applebloom demanded an answer. “Well I think it was asparagus… Or perhaps it was Dartmouth? I know it couldn’t be Harlequin, nor inchworm…” The CMCs looked absolutely lost with Rarity’s nonsense. “Um… What are you talking about…?” Scootaloo tried her best, yet she couldn’t understand what these cryptic words meant. “Green darlings. It was somewhat of a dark green.” Dark green… That’s the same color as the piece of string found on the crime scene! “But wait, I didn’t hear anything last night!” Sweetie Belle couldn’t believe the killer had slipped through the cracks like that! The sewing room was where Rarity kept most of her fabrics, designs, and other items for dress making. But if someone broke in through the front door, they would’ve heard it.“You didn’t hear it either, did you?” “No! And that’s exactly why it’s so strange! When I walked into the room, the window was open and there was nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the fact that it was missing.” So the real murder must have broken into Rarity’s home, but if they did, they were real quiet about it. Sweetie Belle’s room is just across from the sewing room, and Rarity’s is right next to it. Surely, either of them would’ve heard something if somepony broke through the downstairs door. Unless the thief had magic powers! What if the thief could have teleported in, stolen the fabric, and teleported out? A skilled unicorn with magic skills would be able to do this, and even more, an unicorn with a bright mind that was good at coming up with somewhat complex contraptions… But what if also, Rarity was lying? What if the fabric never went missing in the first place, yet she claims it has? It’s difficult to find out the real truth, but no possibility can be fully discarded! The CMCs knew this very well. Sweetie Belle couldn’t find a reason as to why her sister would lie, but there’s no reason to believe that she wouldn’t either. Lost in a sea of lies, deception and uncertainty, the CMCs knew the truth would be deep in the ocean floor, and they’d have to sink through the lies to find the true culprit. And they were ready to spend as much time as needed to figure out who had done the deed. “I think we’ve heard enough.” Despite barely asking any questions, Scootaloo seemed to already have a clear picture of the crime in her mind. But she needs to confirm her suspicions. “Rarity, please leave and call the next witness on your way out.” PINKIE’S TESTIMONY. “Alright, we know what you’ve been up to!” Scootaloo slammed both front hooves in the table, her eyes were focused on Pinkie, who had the goofiest smile on her face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Pinkie shook her head left and right. “An innocent and silly pony like me could never do any wrong! Even less with one of my friends!” “But you could! And that’s why, under that silly little smile is the face of an evil murderer of friends!” Scootaloo wouldn’t allow herself to fall victim to this trick. No cute smiles, pleading dog eyes or anything of the sort would make her go soft on Pinkie. “What! No!” Pinkie violently objected, there’s no way she was the murderer! Or was there? “Well- I mean- What if I am?!” There was one possibility… “Aha! I knew it! Pinkie is the killer! Case closed, this is the most cut and dried, clear cut, plain as day, indisputable, crystal clear, open and shut, case I ever did see, pack it up and send her to the Canterlot dungeons!” Sweetie Belle was eager for that confession, even though by now she should’ve learned her lesson. But Applebloom wouldn’t budge so easily. There had to be more to this story, it wouldn’t be that simple if it didn’t. “Wait, let’s hear her out! Pinkie, What’d you do today?” Applebloom wanted to at least give the poor mare a chance to explain herself. You’d figure that this would be the first thing they’d do when you’re accused of murder, allow you to defend yourself. But the CMCs operated on another principle most of the time. “And- Please be brief and objective…” Sweetie Belle’s tired voice revealed that she was already having bad flashbacks of the last witness. “Ok! So after I woke up and I spent time taking care of gummy, I went down to the bakery to make some desserts! Fluttershy had ordered me to bake a cake for her pet Bunny (It’s his birthday today) and I wanted to bring the cannon to surprise him with confetti! But I had a bunch of deliveries to do before, so I took the cannon with me while I was doing deliveries, and I was gonna have Fluttershy’s house be the last delivery.” Pinkie leaned closer to the table, both hooves on her chin as held the pose of a gossiping schoolgirl, staring at the ceiling as she continued to explain. “So with the cannon on my carriage, I went around delivering the desserts, blueberry pie for Miss Cheerilee, I gave a strawberry cupcake for Rainbow Dash and we talked for a bit, then I headed for town center to give a chocolate cake for Mayor Mare…But then…” Pinkie hesitated. “But then what!? Answer, witness!” Scootaloo demanded a reply, but Pinkie looked visibly confused, as if she was suddenly caught in a daze. Try as she might, she couldn’t for the life of her remember exactly what had happened, only brief flashes. “I don’t know! My memory’s all fuzzy but- I think I went to Twilight’s- And I ate something… Next thing I knew, I woke up back at home as if nothing had happened!” How could that be?! “And then- My cannon was missing! Oh, but I did have the sweet sweet after taste of Strawberry in my mouth!” “So you’re sayin’ that you ate somethin’ and woke up back in sugarcube corner?” Applebloom knew through her classes with Twilight on magic potions that this could only be the work of an Alchemist, one who mixed a potion so strong that knocked Pinkie out suddenly. “Yes!” Pinkie nodded. “I woke up all weird and fuzzy!” “A likely story! What if you’re just lying to save yourself?” Scootaloo doesn’t take things at face value. “I swear it’s what happened! You gotta believe me!” Pinkie couldn’t be more desperate for approval, but the CMCs are expert detectives. They won’t bend for a pony like Pinkie, no matter how much she begged. However, Sweetie Belle noticed a pattern. Like with Rarity’s testimony, something had been stolen without anypony leaving a trace behind. There’s a connection between these two unrelated ponies… And the killer too, he came and went without a trace. But nopony is like that. Surely there is a sensible explanation to the mysterious disappearance of these items, and all signs pointed directly at Twilight Sparkle. Only a book smart pony like her could’ve come up with such a contraption for the murder, and she’d also have the ability to teleport into Rarity’s room and steal the string before leaving without a trace. Hm. Pinkie was suspicious, but not suspicious enough. This murderer had a modus operandi, their evil scheme was carefully thought out and once again, Twilight Sparkle is the only pony they knew who could calculate all possible outcomes. Things weren’t looking very sharp for her. “Pinkie, we’ve got our eye on you, but for now you’re clear to go. Call in Twilight Sparkle.” Scootaloo ordered with both front hooves crossed. Now’s the time to catch this killer in the act. TWILIGHT’S TESTIMONY. “Hi girls!” Twilight smiled upon entering the clubhouse, her horn hitting the top of the door frame on accident as she did. “Ouch… Well, what do you wanna know?” She took her seat across Applebloom. “Cut the small talk! All evidence points to you!” Scootaloo slammed her hooves on the table again, by now, it was starting to hurt. But the pain was worth it, for the truth! “So you’re saying Pinkie Pie just so HAPPENS to eat a conveniently placed food that JUST SO HAPPENS to make her dizzy and sleepy?! Only for somepony to steal her cannon and set up a trap with Rarity’s stolen string!” The self assured smile on her face made her feel invincible, and the other CMCs felt the same way. Finally, they’d caught the culprit. “Um… I wasn’t home when Pinkie came by… Don’t you remember Scootaloo?” Huh? Scotaloo Raised her eyebrow. Remember? Oh. Oh… “It-” Scootaloo’s proud smile turned into an embarrassing and sheepish one. “It- Um- We may- There may have been a slight issue… With our thinking process…” “What do you mean Scootaloo?!” Applebloom was curious, what could have they possibly got wrong!? All evidence points to Twilight, it’s got to be her! “W-Well, me and Twilight saw each other next to the town center…” Scootaloo embarrassingly admitted to her blunder, groaning with frustration. “Yes. I was busy helping the mayor with organizing city documents with Spike.” The most boring of Alibis. “You can ask Mayor Mare and any other pony at the Town Center this morning. They’ll confirm my alibi. Pinkie would tell you she saw me too, because she gave the mayor a chocolate cake.” Well, back to square one… “But then- What’s with the food that Pinkie ate?!” Applebloom asked, frustrated, it seems that despite their best efforts, the truth had been muddied again. What are they even going to do at this point? “If it helps, Rainbow Dash did ask me to make a sleeping potion for her, because she was having trouble sleeping. I gave it to her yesterday, but I don’t remember ever putting it in any kind of food…” A sleeping potion! That’s exactly what they were looking for, but how does this link back to Rainbow Dash? “When drunk, the potion will make whoever drank it fall asleep within a couple of seconds, and it’ll get you a full 10 hours of rest! But since it was in whatever Pinkie ate, the effect might’ve lasted a lot shorter, like a couple hours at least. It’s a strong Potion too, you only wake up after the effects wear off. There could be any kind of loud noise, but you still won’t wake up.” “Okay, okay, call Rainbow dash as you leave then.” Sweetie Belle dismissed the studious unicorn, who seemed disappointed. “Wuh!? But- I had a whole list of answers to give, I was gonna-” Twilight tried to give her reasoning, she had prepared for this moment. But she was rudely interrupted. “We’ve heard enough from you, Witness! We’re the professionals here!” Scootaloo crossed her front hooves one over the other, as her rear sat on the ground. No witness is gonna be allowed to talk to her like that. “Leave the thinking to us!” “Hm. Fine, I’ll leave then.” Somewhat frustrated, but mostly disappointed, Twilight left the club house, calling the next as she left, as if she was at the doctor’s. RAINBOW’S TESTIMONY. “This’ll be a piece of cake!” Rainbow spoke as she sat down on the seat, across the table from her was her long time number one fan. Despite how Scootaloo felt towards Rainbow, she could not let it interfere. This is serious work. “Witness, tell us where you were at the moment of the murder.” Scootaloo leaned in. Closing the distance. Making herself appear intimidating was the best way to corner the suspect. Or maybe she just thought it’d look cool. You choose. “Well I was napping for a few hours. Twilight gave me a potion to help me sleep, so I did! I woke up with the loud noise of Rarity’s scream right below me.” Rainbow was no stranger to naps, and the others knew that. “Did you drink it all, then?” Sweetie Belle realized the slip up Rainbow Dash had done. “Duh! Course I did, why wouldn’t I? Best four hours of sleep ever.” Rainbow was confident in her answer, even leaning back with a boastful grin. “Okay, Witness. I think we have enough evidence to find out who the true culprit is.” Sweetie Belle was sure of her findings, she’d got the killer red hoofed with their pants down, caught in the act and was ready to prosecute. The others… Weren’t really following along her line of thought just yet. “Um, yeah! We do! So- You’re free to go, and tell all the others to meet us outside, we’ll announce the true culprit!” Applebloom pushed her out, and despite understanding none of it, Rainbow dash stepped out of the clubhouse pretty confidently. The girls all took glances at each other in silence. “I HAVE NO IDEA WHO IT COULD BE!” Applebloom desperately cried out. “I KNOW!” Scootaloo groaned, hitting her head against the wall both figuratively and literally. It hurt a little bit. “THIS IS SO HARD!” “Girls girls, calm down. I don’t think I know the full story yet, but I just might know what happened… Here, see if you can follow.” Sweetie Belle approached a blackboard with a piece of chalk floating by her side. For the next couple of minutes, the three spoke and discussed multiple theories, who could’ve been the killer, who could’ve done it, what would their motive be, but it was pretty obvious a story was unraveling as they continued to talk and talk to each other. Taking a step back and analyzing everything made it easy to understand who it could be. And they were confident of it. They still compared ideas and theories, and in the end, there was only one solution that fit the narrative of what had transpired that day. Now, it’s time for the grand reveal. The small group of six ponies gathered by the outside of the clubhouse, patiently waiting for the verdict to be handed out by these foals. Perhaps they should not trust an important matter to three little girls, but these three little girls were the best homicide detectives Ponyville had ever seen. (Partially because there were no homicides in Ponyville, so the competition was a tad sparse) “Attention ponies!” Applebloom was the first to step out the steps of the playhouse and announce boldly. “We’ve found the true culprit to Fluttershy’s murder!” “Yay!” Fluttershy stomped her hooves gently with a proud smile. She was happy they finally found out who killed her. “Well tell us, we’re all eager to hear!” Twilight encouraged the trio, who nodded in agreement. “Okay, we’ll go step by step.” Sweetie Belle got ready to recount… THE MURDER OF FLUTTERSHY . “This is going to be my greatest prank yet! She’ll never see it coming!” Rainbow Dash was a skilled prankster, a master in the arts of playing jokes on ponies, and today would be her best prank yet. The elaborate plan was a contraption, a cannon which would fire as soon as the pony triggered the string, blowing them in the face with confetti and sending them flying back. It was perfect! Aside from the fact that she didn’t have any string. But perhaps someone she knew might. Dashing through the skies of the cold early morning Ponyville air, she made her way to Rarity’s house. Having been there multiple times herself, she knew the expert dressmaker would surely have something she could use. And so, after opening the second story window to Rarity’s sewing room, she flew inside carefully so as to not wake the sleeping residents inside. The room was a mess… “Hey, my sewing room isn’t a mess! It’s- Organized chaos!” Rarity couldn’t believe they would speak of her room like that. “Well- It was pretty messy when I went in… It took me like- 10 Minutes to find the string. Why do you have so many half finished projects everywhere?!” Rainbow pretty much confirmed the CMCs story. “Art darling! You wouldn’t get it!” Rarity looked offended by her friend’s words, pouting her lips like a little kid before allowing the others to continue the story. The room was a mess, but after sifting through the drawers, she eventually found what she needed. Once she flew back out, she forgot to close the window. Just hours later, Rarity would wake up to find her item had either gone missing, or been stolen. Now that she had the string, she needed Pinkie’s cannon. But that was easier said than done. By now, the sunrise had turned into… Normal Sun hours, so it was high in the sky and Rainbow knew time was ticking. Flying through the clouds and stopping at sugarcube corner, she saw her friend step out with a carriage on her back, not only full of baking deliveries, but also her cannon. Rainbow had ordered a Strawberry cupcake, and took the opportunity to approach Pinkie and ask her a few questions about her day, especially where she would be going next. She knew that Pinkie was going to be heading over to Twilight’s with the baked goods, and that’s how she was going to take her cannon away from her. She knew a sweet tooth party pony like her would never resist the allure of a sweet, beautiful cupcake with strawberry icing. So, she rushed to Twilight’s house, which would be empty for all she knew. And so, after arriving, she placed a cupcake inside, presenting itself as an innocent little cupcake. A token of gratitude from Twilight to Pinkie. If only she knew the cupcake was laced with a sleeping potion! Rainbow had used the potion Twilight gave her to lace the cupcake with the sleepy substance, making her fall asleep within seconds of eating it! “Oooohhh! Y’know, that explains a lot. But why’d you carry me back to Sugarcube corner? That must’ve been hard!” Pinkie turned to her rainbow friend, who just shrugged. “Honestly, I thought that when you woke up again at Sugarcube corner, you’d think it was all a dream, like in those comic books.” Rainbow brought her hoof to her mane, rubbing it gently. “I… Guess it didn’t work…” “Not to mention that I would see her once I got back home.” Twilight added. “Ooooohhhhh okay! I get it now! But still, how’d you know Twilight would be out of home?” Pinkie was starting to understand Rainbow’s Machiavellian master plan. “I saw Twilight when I was flying back to Sugarcube corner from the Carousel boutique. I saw her walking on the street though, I didn’t exactly know where she was going. Spike was with her too, so I knew her treehouse would be empty.” A stroke of partial luck. Nevertheless, it was thought out in advance. After getting Pinkie back to Sugarcube corner, she took the cannon with her to Fluttershy’s home, setting up the trap and waiting from above as she stalked Fluttershy all the way from Sweet Apple acres back to her house. This is when the crime was committed. And she watched it all from above, hidden behind a cloud with an evil smile on her face cause she’s evil! And evil ponies in comics usually laugh and revel in their evil plains because they think they’re smart and evil! And just moments after, the poor mare’s body was found. “I’m… Going to admit girls, I wasn’t expecting you all to figure this out so quickly. Congrats!” Twilight was proud of them, but also proud of herself for helping set up the whole fake death thing just to help out the CMCs. “Can… I go back to being alive now? Being dead isn’t that fun...” Fluttershy dragged her hoof along the dirt. “Of course! We’d rather have you alive anyway…” Applejack added. “Yeah well- Even after all that…” Scootaloo sighed as she looked at her flank. Still nothing. The other girls did the same, and it was blank as always. They all lamented in unison, groaning and moaning with annoyance. Even after all that hard detective work. “We’re still blank flanks…” Sweetie Belle sat down, her eyes closed in disappointment mostly with herself. When would it be her turn? Applebloom and Scootaloo felt exactly the same way. The full grown mares took glances at each other, it was difficult to see these young fillies in such a state. Applejack approached her sister with a caring smile, wrapping one hoof around her, too many times she had seen this poor foal disillusioned with her mark. Through most of this, she was disinterested, but seeing how disappointed Applebloom looked, she almost blamed herself for not showing more interest. It would’ve at least given Applebloom some hope. “There there, don’t try n’ rush it Sugarcube, just let it happen. Think about how special it’s gonna be once it finally shows up.” Applejack wanted to reassure her sister, so that she wouldn’t be running around in circles trying to achieve something that’s out of her control. Applebloom managed to lift her head. Applejack always knew just what to say to make her feel better. Rarity on the other hand, just approached her sister and ran her hoof along her sister’s mane. She didn’t speak, but Sweetie Belle could tell that behind those blue eyes was a look of support. Rainbow was the closest thing Scootaloo had to a sister really, but she followed the example of her friends with her own twist. Feelings weren’t her strong suit after all. “Or imagine how cool it’s gonna be!” She gave Scootaloo a little elbow nudge, which was enough to bring her spirits back up. Scootaloo could already imagine the hundreds of cool cutie marks she could get. “And, in the end, we all had some fun didn’t we?” Pinkie’s smile reminded them that maybe it wasn’t about the destination after all. The others agreed. The CMCs thought a bit more about it, coming to the realization that in the end they did get to spend more time with ponies they cared about. “I guess we did!” Scootaloo did enjoy playing bad cop after all. “C’mon, let’s get y’all home.” Applejack guided the group, and they were all soon on their way, walking off into the setting sun. The CMCs learned a valuable lesson today. To trust that things will take their course, and you should just enjoy your life. Of course, this won’t stop them from attempting to get cutie marks on a variety of subjects, but it did get them thinking. Maybe it just didn’t show up because it wasn’t a ‘real’ murder case. What if they needed to solve a true crime? Hm…
Original Character,Scootaloo,Snails,Alternate Universe,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Casual Evening
Scootaloo and her Son spend Hearts and Hooves Day with Gears and Glittershell
<p>It’s Hearts and hooves day and Scootaloo is going on a date with her colt friend. The thing is He will also bring his young daughter with him. Scootaloo had liked the filly and asked if she could bring her son with them. To her surprise, he said yes. Now Scootaloo and Lightning Blitz(her son) Must spend an afternoon with the two ponies along with everything that comes with it.</p>
Scootaloo and Lightning blitz trotted down the road. They passed a few mansions as they did so. Blitz kicked a rock down the road. He wore a three-piece gray suit with an annoyed look on his face. Scootaloo had on a short red dress with a minimum amount of makeup on. Scootaloo had a smile on her face as she hummed a little tune to herself. A brown stallion wearing a basic button-up totted up to his mailbox. He had a slick back mane and blue eyes along with a missing piece of his ear. He grabbed his mail and looked up only to see Scootaloo. The stallion shook in fear as he moved a hoof over an ear. Scootaloo saw the stallion and gave him a sickly sweet smile. He waved at her and quickly trotted to his home. Blitz signed loudly, gaining Scootaloo's attention. “What's wrong, blitsy?” “Why do we have to do this Mom?” “Gears wants us to spend hearts and hooves days with him and his daughter and I think it's a good idea.” “I know he's your boyfriend, but why do I have to hang out with that filly?” “What's wrong with Glittershell? She's a sweet.” “She's weird. She always smiles, and it's kinda creepy.” Scootaloo tilted her head, confused. “Is that it?” “Well, it's a start, but uhh she bothers me.” Scootaloo gained a small frown. “Blitz, get along with her, please. Gears loves her and I know you like him.” The two got near a white mansion at the end of the road. She knocked on the door and then rang the doorbell. After a few minutes, the door opened and a yellow pegasus stallion, just about her age, opened the door. He wore a butler's uniform. The stallion nodded at the two and welcomed them into the home, As the mother and son entered the large home they saw a unicorn filly. She wore a green hoodie, and the hood of the jacket covered her mane. She looked at them and smiled. “Hello Ms. Scootaloo, hello Lightning.” “Hello there, sweetie.” The filly giggled. “I'm not Sweetie, I'm Glitter.” The colt rolled his eyes while Scootaloo chuckled. Just then, the butter trotted in with a purple unicorn stallion. The stallion had a pink short mane. He wore a long leather coat with a button-up underneath the coat. His eyes were pink and had a smile on his face. Scootaloo did a small twirl, showing off her dress. “Well, what do you think?” Scootaloo asked, a slight blush on her face. He approached her and pulled her into a kiss. Glittershell squealed excitedly while Lightning gagged in disgust, not wanting to see any ‘mushy stuff’. Gears separated from the kiss, and looked over to Glittershell. “Honey, go and get dressed. We're heading out to eat.” She nodded eagerly. “Yes, Uncle Goldy, come help me pick something.” Glittershell trotted over to the butler and pulled his hoof with her magic. Gold smiled and looked over at Gears, who nodded. The two moved upstairs and Lightning let out a frustrated sigh and threw himself onto the couch. Scootaloo blushed, embarrassed. She trotted over to him. “Behave, you don't want Gears to get angry at us.” Lightning was about to retort when he remembered an incident a few months ago that involved Gears. He let out a sigh and picked up the fashion magazine Glitter was reading. “Okay, sorry Mom.” Scootaloo trotted back to him and smiled. Gears pulled her into the kitchen. And showed her a cake he had baked. The cake was pink with strawberries decorated with sweet goodness. The frosting wrote out. “For our strange little families of ours.” Scootaloo smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Can't wait to try it.” “Well, don't worry, we will after dinner.” “Oh, so no dessert in the restaurant then.” Gears smirk “No you can but then you won't have any room for any cake.” She loved Gears’ baking ever since they became a couple. He's been making her little sweets for her and Lightning. Gears placed the cake in the fridge and put away anything he left out. Scootaloo grabbed a cup and filled it with water. There was a sign with the text. "Look at how good and pleasing it is when families live together as one." Psalm 133:1. She drank the water and looked at the sign, trying to make sense. Scootaloo turned to Gears and smiled. “That’s cute.” Gears looked at the sign and smiled. “Yeah, Glitter’s mother bought it when she moved in.” Scootaloo went into silence. He had never mentioned her before. She couldn’t see Gears splitting off from her, nor could she see Glitter cheering them on if this she was still around. Scootaloo took a deep breath and trotted to his side. He washed a few dishes, humming a little tune to himself. Scootaloo smiled sadly at him. Gears and Glitter always seemed so happy. She almost forgot they had their problems, just like any other ponies. “Uh, where is she? I mean, you don't really talk about her.” Gears' smile fell, but he quickly regained it. “she passed away when Glittershell was born. Complications, they said.” “I'm sorry for your loss.” Scootaloo said with sympathy. “You know, she never wanted me to be said about anything, especially when it came to her. She was blind but would still do her best to join in on anything I needed to do.”- Gears stopped and looked at her with a sad smile.- “But I know that she would have liked you.” Scootaloo looked down and held his hoof. She flapped her underdeveloped wings and looked him in the eyes. “Do I remind you of her?” “Some ways, but the best are your own.” He brought their lips together and pulled her into a hug. They held their embrace for a good while Gears separated from the hug and looked her up and down. “How about you?” Scootaloo looked at him, confused. “What about me?” “Well, Lightning's father, what happened to him?” Scootaloo looked away. Her nerves were getting the best of her. She couldn't tell him about that awful stallion. Gears held her hoof. Her ears laid flat and her nerves went crazy. She was about to blurt out something, anything, to redirect the conversation when Gold trotted into the kitchen. The two looked at him and smiled for their own reasons. “So Gold. What did you pick out?” “See for yourself.” Gold said with a smile. Gears and Scootaloo walked back into the living room. Glitter looking at herself in a mirror. She now wore a green sundress that had her cutie mark on it. Gears smiled, trotted over to her, and kissed her on the forehead. She hugged him with a bright smile on her face. Lightning saw this and pretended to gag as he saw the scene in front of them. Scootaloo moved over to him and picked him on the foreleg. He winced and looked at her in surprise. He put his head down and muttered an apology. Scootaloo sat down on the couch and whispered, “Just because you think I'm not here doesn't mean you can misbehave.” Lightning looked down, ashamed of himself. Scootaloo's heart ached, and she embraced him. After a while, the parents separated their embrace to the door. Gears turned to gold and patted him on the shoulder- “You have the rest of the day off. Have fun.”-Gold smirked and nodded and the two families left the mansion. Scootaloo and Lightning walked into a fancy restaurant. The restaurant was decorated with hearts fitting the theme of the holiday. Gears was speaking to a mare, who sat behind a podium, about reservations. Scootaloo looked down at Lightning and looked around nervously. Scootaloo took in her surroundings. The tables were white with elegant designs. The ponies in the restaurant all had quite expensive clothes. Scootaloo looked down at her dress. It wasn't the best of quality, nor was it too flashy. As she took in the other mares' clothing and began to feel underdressed. She looked away, feeling stupid for not thinking about this. Gears probably thought she was a fool for not dressing well enough for this. She was about to walk out of the restaurant when she felt a hoof on hers. She looked up and saw Gears giving her a cheerful smile. “Come on gorgeous, our table is ready.” The group of four moved over to a table next to a window. Gears pulled out Scootaloo's chair, allowing her to sit down. Pushing it back in, he moved over to his side of the table and did the same for his daughter. Lightning rolled his eyes as he took his seat next to his mother and stared out the window, not seeing anything of note. Lightning looked across his table and saw Glitter. She smiled at him and gave him a small little wave. it kinda annoyed him to see her in such a good mood, so he just rolled his eyes once more and figured with a button on his outfit. Glitter's smile faded slightly, but then she got an idea. Glitter moved to her father’s ear conspiratorially. She whispered something that made Gears smile. Just then a waiter should up with a set of menus. He gave them out and pulled out a notepad and pin. “Hello, I’m Happy, what will you be drinking today?” Gears smiled at the young stallion “The foals will have a tres leches shake” Lightning perked up a bit as he heard the shake part. Scootaloo's eyes widened and turned to the stallion, slightly nervous about what she was about to ask. “Um, I'll have the same thing.” Gears snorted making Scootaloo’s embarrassment intensify. Gears turned to the stallion “You know what, all of us, why not.” The waiter nodded and wrote down the drinks “And what will you be eating” As the four ordered, the stallion wrote down each enthusiastically. He gave them a kind smile and trotted toward the kitchen. Gears and Scootaloo quickly got into a chat about what they were up to. Meanwhile, Lightning just sat there bored. After a few moments, the waiter came back with their orders. Gears and Glitter held each other's hooves and said a quick prayer. Scootaloo sat there, not knowing what to do. Lightning looked at them and muttered under his breath about knowing why Glittershell was so weird now. Which caused Scootaloo to pinch him once more. As soon as the father and daughter finished, the two smiled at the ponies across from them. Then they all processed to eat. The rest of the lunch went well. Gears pay and open the door for them. Lightning looked at him, confused. Gears held Scootaloo in a side hug. Glitter moved around Lightning trying to get him to pay attention. She rolled her eyes as he kept his disinterested stare. The group of two families moved around and wandered it in silence. Scootaloo, Gears, and Glitter moved with a smile on their face. The fourth member didn't seem to have the same cheery disposition as the others. They turned the corner and Gears stopped and looked at the park. Foals were running around a jungle gym and swinging on a set of swings. Gears looked behind himself and saw their foals. He looked at Scootaloo, who smiled back at him. Gears turned around and grabbed Glittershell and carried her on his back. She squealed in excitement as Gears shifted around. Scootaloo smiled at Lightning and tapped him on the head. “You're it.” Scootaloo ran across the way and turned around. The smile fell when she saw the annoyed look on Lightning's face. Gears saw this and trotted over to Scootaloo. Lightning saw Gears wrap his mother in a side hug. Glitter then whispered something in Gears' ear, then moved over to him. She grabbed his hoof and pulled him to the wings. He was going to pull his hoof away but then saw his mother's downtrodden expression. He let out a sigh and kept moving with her. Gears lead Scootaloo to a park bench. Her face was red with embarrassment. She looked at him sadly. “I’m sorry Gears, you probably think I'm an idiot.” Gears brought his lips to hers and gave her a warm smile. “I think you're adorable.” Scootaloo blushed and turned into a deeper red as she heard this. “I'm uhm, thanks, but I probably looked stupid.” Gears rolled his eyes. “You looked fine, you're just a beautiful mare bonding with her son.” “Not that it worked.” She stated sadly. “I’m sure he'll come around. All you have to do is meet him halfway.” “It's just that he seems to want to be an adult so badly, but I don’t want that for him.” Gears gained a relatively annoyed expression. “There’s nothing wrong with that.” “But I never got to be a foal. I worked, and my friends were in the same boat. We worked hard with not much to show for it.” Gears gestured around the park- “Look around you. What do you have now?” Scootaloo looked at Lightning, who trotted over to a tree and sat at its base. Despite his annoyed expression, Scootaloo couldn’t help but smile. “I guess, but I could have gotten all of this now.” Gears smiled. “Well, true, but look at it this way. You get to see your son grow up in your prime. You have so much experience while you're young that is something everyone needs.” Scootaloo smiled at him. “I guess you're right but I don’t know what to do to him.” “Well, hopefully, you won’t be doing it alone.” Scootaloo saw Gears wink, and she pulled him into a hug. Lightning looked around the park. Parents were on benches, looking at their foals from afar. He looked around and saw many foals, some younger, some older. Lightning locked eyes with Glittershell who gave him a pleading look gesturing for him to join her on the swings. He shook his head and she gained a small frown but then continued to swing. Lightning let out a sigh as he saw that. He didn't know why seeing that frown of hers bothered him. He looked over to the bench his mom and Mister Gears were at. The two were kissing each other. Lightning did a mock gag and looked back to Glitter. While he was looking away a group of foals had made their way to her. Lightning saw them talking as Glitter swung. He was glad at least everyone else was enjoying today. As he watched them, he noticed a shift in the mood. Glitter seemed nervous, putting him on edge. One colt of the group moved behind Glitter’s swings and grabbed it, stopping its momentum and sending Glitter to the ground muzzle first. Lightning stood up anger boiling up in his chest. He approached them with gritted teeth. He looked over to Glitter. She had tears in her eyes and she was bleeding from her muzzle, her dress covered in dirt. As he approached the colt. He noticed the other foals giving him a wide berth. The colt was snickering to himself and looked at Lightning with a confused expression. Before anyone could react, Lightning punched the colt in the face, sending him to the ground. Before Lightning can help Glitter, he is grabbed and punched in the back of the head. Another colt hit the black of Lightning's leg, sending him to the ground. The colt lightning struck, got up, and kicked him in the stomach. Glitter shouted for them to stop as the three colts assaulted Lightning. Then, Gears shoved the three colts to the ground and glared at them. “you have five seconds to scram before I give you a lesson in respect.” “If you hurt us, you'll go to jail.” one colt stated in fear. “A few days in the click would be well worth it, I say.” The colts shivered in fear and then galloped away as fast as they could. Gears let out a snort of anger and looked back at Lightning, who was being embraced by Glittershell. She was crying, apologizing to Lightning all the while. Gears looked over at Lightning. Scootaloo looked confused and shocked as the scene played out. Gears trotted to the two foals and picked them up. Placing them on his back he gestured for Scootaloo to follow him. Scootaloo looked at her colt with tears as she saw bruises forming on Lightning's body. The four left the park glaring at the ponies around them as they moved. Gears unlocked his door and trotted in. Lightning and Glitter got off his back and trotted to the couch. Scootaloo shut the door behind her and she looked down, ashamed. Glitter was still crying. Gears looked at the girls and gained a thoughtful expression. He looked at Lightning, who was now hugging Glitter. Gears cleared his throat, and with a respectful tone, he asked. “Lightning, I would like to speak with you in the kitchen.” Lightning looked at him confused for a moment, but then nodded and followed Gears. Before he could walk into the kitchen, he looked over at Glitter and gave her a gentle smile. Walking into the room, Lightning took in the marble countertop. Gears walked over to the fridge and pulled out two water bottles. He gave one to the colt and smiled. “So you want to be a stallion.” Lightning looked at him, confused. “Why do you ask?” “Please Lightning, just answer the question.” Lightning nodded his head and then realized he wanted a verbal answer. “Yes, I do.” “Good, now here comes the hard part.” Lightning gained a worried expression. “Okay, what do we have to do?” “The girls are feeling awful right now. It's now our job to cheer them up.” “But how do we do that?” Right now, they need to know it's not their fault and you getting hurt is okay.” Lightning thought about this for a moment. “I don't think my mom would accept that.” “I will handle your mother. You make sure Glitter is feeling alright.” “Okay, then what does she like?” Gears moved over to the freezer and pulled out an ice pack and two ice cream sandwiches. He gave to Lightning with a smile.- “The pack for her muzzle and the sandwiches are for you both. I'm trusting you with my daughter, Lightning. makes me proud.” Lightning saluted to him and walked out of the kitchen. He trotted over to Glitter, who was getting a hug from his mother. Gears came in and took Scootaloo upstairs. Lightning approached Glitter. She was still sobbing, but it seemed to have calmed down. He gently patted her, getting her attention. Glittershell looked up and locked eyes with Lightning. He smiled at her and offered her a sandwich. Glitter grabbed the sandwich and thanked him. She ripped off the paper wrapping and took a bite of it. Lightning sat down next to her and ate his own. They state in companionable silence. Glitter cleared her throat and looked over to the colt. “I'm so sorry, Lightning, I just wanted you to have fun.” Lightning frowned at her tear stand face. He pulled her into a side hug and patted her. “It's okay Glitter, I did have fun.” “No, you didn't. They beat you up and it's all my fault.” Lightning thought about his response for a moment. “I want to keep you safe. Those colts shouldn't have knocked you off the swings.” “I wish you didn't get hurt because of me.” Glittershell said, a stray tear falling down her face. Lightning wiped it off gently and smiled at her. “It's okay, plus I'm used to this kinda stuff. I will keep those bullies away from you no matter what okay” She smiled and wrapped up in an embrace. “Thank you” Lightning put the ice pack on her muzzle gently. “Don’t mention it.” Scootaloo looked down at the foals from the top of the stairs. She had brightened up as the foal's conversation went on. Gears kissed her on the forehead and led her to his room. Scootaloo looked around the bed which had pink sheets and red pillows. The walls were painted red with some fancy designs she couldn’t place. Gears moved to a desk in the corner of his room and pulled out a book. “Remember this.” “Yeah, you got that for me for heartwarming.” “Well, give this to the boy.” Scootaloo's eyes lit up. “You're giving this to him.” “Yup, his guide to becoming a stallion. The Good Book never led me wrong before.” Scootaloo gave him a nervous as she placed the book aside. She looked at Gears with a smile, but then it dropped. Gears sat down on the bed and patted a spot next to him. Scootaloo took the seat and let out a sigh. “I was such an idiot today, wasn’t I.” “Not really. You need to be less hard on yourself.” “Maybe I’m not hard enough.” Scootaloo said, miserable. “Hay, I will not have a cute mare talk bad about herself in my house.” Gears bopped her on the muzzle gently. She looked a Gears’ smile and rolled her eyes. “You're a dork” He got a mischievous smile “Hay respect your elders” Scootaloo giggled, “Please, you're not that old.” “Got a decade on you, so still your elder.” She shook her head. “However you say grandpa” Gears smiled at her before gaining a thoughtful look. “How old is Lightning? I don’t think you ever told me.” Scootaloo blushed, embarrassed and nervous. She didn’t want him to get the wrong idea, but she also didn’t want to lie to him. She looked at him and then sighed. “He’s ten. I had him when I was sixteen.” Gears didn’t respond. She closed her eyes and waited for the worst. She felt a set of forelegs pull her into a hug. He gave her a peck on the lips and smiled at her. Scootaloo opened her eyes in shock. “What?” “I not going to judge you Scootaloo. Sometimes we make choices we’re not proud of but there ours and we learn from them.” “I don’t deserve you.” Scootaloo stated. “I don’t deserve you, but we have each other. Might as well.” He said jokingly. She let out a sigh and then thought about Gears’ question earlier. She looked at him and gave him a sad smile.- “Rain Catcher, Lightning's father, He ran out on me”- Scootaloo chuckled sadly- “He told me he would look after us. I should have known it was a lie.” Gears smiled at her. “Well, you got me. I can do a far better job.” “A rock can do better Gears, it's not a top bar.” Gears lifted her head gently. “I'll do my best to surpass any expectations you have for me.” Scootaloo smiled at him. The two stared lovingly into each other's eyes. She then kissed him. He looked at her with a silly look on his face which caused her to giggle- “What, you can take on when you want.” Gears chuckled, “Take as many as you like.” Gears stood up and offered her a hoof. She took it and kissed him. Scootaloo and he walked downstairs, sharing a look. They both walked down the hall and then the stairs. The Two walked into the kitchen. Gears opened up the fridge and took out the cake. The two smiled at each other and walked into the living room, ready to enjoy the rest of the night with their foals.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Anthro,Comedy,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish
Treaty Toilet Troubles
Celestia really needs the bathroom.
<p>An otherwise boring diplomatic trip to the Griffon Empire turns dicey for Celestia when the local cuisine leaves her seriously backed up. Constipated for the past few days, the urge to go finally returns at the worst possible moment. Will she make it before it's too late, or will she end up ruining a lot more than just her panties?</p><p>Content warning: Poop, pee, farts, toilet use, and some poor attempts at comedy</p>
Celestia pulled the brush back from her flowing, ethereal mane as she finished brushing it and inspected herself in the bathroom mirror. Everything looked in tip top shape as she traced her hand down her face, letting it come to rest just above her breasts. The yellow dress she wore was a perfect mix of modest and mildly revealing. The dress came all the way down to the middle of her thigh in a pleated skirt, while the top covered all but a sliver of cleavage. It was casual enough she didn't mind wearing it in off hours, but formal enough for diplomatic meetings like the one she had coming up today. In reality, this wasn't her bathroom; it was part of a guest suite, one of several in a wing of Griffonstone castle. Celestia and Luna had been here the last three days, enjoying the sights and local culture, and most importantly, working on a new trade agreement with the griffons. They were getting close to wrapping it up, and she expected to be heading home by the end of tomorrow. Admiring herself one last time, Celestia tore away from the mirror and prepared to leave. Before she could though, she hesitated, as if she forgot something. There was, in fact, one small problem... Griffons were primarily meat eaters, ponies were not. The griffon cooks had done their best to provide for Celestia and her sister, but the food so far had been sub-par. This wouldn't be a huge issue; she could stomach poor food in the interest of diplomacy, but whatever she'd eaten on this trip had seriously messed up her gut. As if on cue, Celestia's stomach gurgled in pain, and she glanced at the toilet in the corner nervously. The last time she used it for anything other than relieving her bladder was...three days ago. Alicorn bowels (and bladders) could hold a lot, but not three days worth of food without something having gone wrong. If she was back in Canterlot this would be an annoyance at worst; the toilets in her private chambers were built to handle it. Here though, if she tried to use a normal toilet there would be serious consequences. At first she hoped she would need to go soon, now she hoped she could make it to tomorrow before all Tartarus broke loose. In the distance Celestia heard someone knocking on her bedroom door, announcing breakfast was to be served soon. Biting her lip, Celestia put herself past the heavy feeling in her stomach and left the bathroom. With a fork, Celestia slowly picked away at the stack of pancakes in front of her. Dry and bland, they weren't the worst thing to eat, but she was already sick of them from previous days. She was half ready to throw up, but as Equestria's ruler, that wasn't a message she could afford to send. At the other end of the long ornate table, Luna sat munching on a plate of equally-terrible pancakes with an unreadable expression. A trio of griffon chefs stood off to the side, watching the pair with a mix of eagerness and worry. If they weren't present maybe she could be a little more sparing, but now she was obligated to eat the whole thing. Arguably worse though, was the knowledge that she was making her bathroom situation ever so slightly worse. Celestia's stomach felt full and heavy, yet there still wasn't the slightest urge to go. She still couldn't tell if this was a good or bad thing, so she tried to perish the thought as she choked down the rest of the pancakes. Several agonizing minutes later, her plate was clean. "Delicious," she lied through her teeth. "Could use some more syrup," Luna commented, making Celestia bristle. Thankfully it wasn't the worst thing her sister could have said, but Luna's brutal honestly had a habit of showing through at inopportune times. The chefs simply murmured and wrote some things down. A moment later another chef came out, another two stacks of pancakes in his claws. Both princesses politely refused. With breakfast over, the two sisters rose from their seats and left the dining room. Next up was the penultimate meeting with the griffon king, hashing out the rest of the treaty and hopefully coming to a mutual agreement before the final draft and signing of it. As they walked, Celestia could feel breakfast settling already. Much to her discomfort, this combined with the movement of her body as she made her way down the hall meant things were starting to move in her stomach. For better or worse she didn't feel any need to take a dump yet, but she could feel a gassy pressure building in her rear. If it weren't for her sister at her side, Celestia would've let rip. Sadly for her, she wasn't about to reveal her predicament to Luna; there was no way she could hide it from the pony that knew her the best, and Luna would never let her hear the end of it. Despite the pain in her gut, Celestia held her fart, silently praying for an opportunity for them to separate. Unfortunately, none came. To add insult to injury, the pair passed by not one, but two bathrooms. Celestia considered ducking inside for a moment and telling Luna to continue on ahead, but something told her Luna would pick up on it. Thankfully the urge to fart eventually dissipated as they arrived at the king's meeting room. Hopefully her gut's remained pacified for the rest of the day. Celestia and Luna funneled into a large room dominated by a dark wooden table in the center. Plush wooden chairs with red cushioning flanked the table, while the walls were covered in dusty bookshelves, paintings, and rustic lanterns. Griffon officers and diplomats occupied some of the chairs, though the king and more of his aides had yet to arrive. The two sisters pulled up their assigned chairs and patiently waited for the rest of the group to arrive. They didn't have to wait too long. A few minutes later the double doors opened and a pair of soldiers stepped through, followed by a griffon dressed in an ornate purple coat. Numerous chairs shuffled as the seated griffons and the princesses sat up briefly to bow, an action Celestia felt. They weren't allowed to sit back down until the king had done so, but she was glad when they finally did. If nothing else, the seated position made it easier to ignore her bowels. The meeting began in earnest, with little time for pleasantries before they got down to business. With the treaty nearing completion, but still several hours of work to be done, all parties were eager to have it done. Especially Celestia. As the griffons began making their opening points, the sun princess put herself past the nagging in her bowels and focused on the meeting at hand. Ah...this isn't good... Celestia subtly squirmed in her seat, tightly pressing her butt together to contain her waste. A few hours had passed already, with much progress being made to get the treaty done. Unfortunately Celestia's gut had done quite a bit of progress as well; her bowels finally felt ready to release, as if realizing this was the worst possible time to finally loosen up. Holding it until the end of their diplomatic trip was now no longer an option. Even holding it till the end of the day was up in the air. She ground her teeth together, cursing the cosmically unlucky timing. If it wasn't for the meeting and the fear of what she'd do to a toilet on a whim, she'd gladly excuse herself. Instead, the poor princess still had several more hours to look forward to, all while holding back one of her largest dumps in recent memory. At least I don't have to fart, she attempted to console herself. Recrossing her legs, Celestia idly tapped her fingers while she gently fidgeted again. "Are you okay, sister?" Celestia jumped ever so slightly in her seat as the whisper of Luna's voice next to her cut through the din of griffon diplomats and dignitaries. When she looked over, Luna stared back with an expression of mild curiosity and a hint of worry. "I'm fine Luna," she whispered back. "You are a terrible liar. You've having been fidgeting this entire time, and you keep crossing your legs. Something's up," Luna replied, smiling mischievously. Shit, she knows. Celestia blushed; no matter how subtle she was in regards to something, Luna would always end up seeing through it. She half considered continuing to try and brush it off, but there was no point; Luna would find out eventually. "I, ugh...need to use the facilities," she muttered, averting her gaze. When Celestia looked up, she saw Luna struggling not to laugh. "Oh that's it Tia? Here I thought it was something serious!" she snickered, her voice dangerously growing in volume. Celestia quickly shushed her, glaring. "Laugh all you want when we're done here, but it is serious," she hissed. "This griffon food messed me up, I haven't needed to go since we got here" Luna frowned. "...oh. Three whole days without po-" Celestia gently coughed. "Hmm, are you going to be okay?" "I would be if there were alicorn sized toilets here, "Celestia grimaced. "Well I can relate to that at least. It's so annoying remembering to go even when I don't feel like it. I've barely avoided plugging the toilet four times since we got here." "I did not need to know that." A smile. "You started it. Anyway, perhaps you should just go outside then?" Luna snickered, fully deserving the hateful glare that followed. I almost considered that, Celestia replied in her head, careful not to give Luna anymore ammunition than she already had. She sighed instead, leaving Luna to her own devices. Glancing at the clock, she prayed for a swift end to the meeting. Just a few more hours to go... Several agonizing hours passed for Celestia before the meeting finally started to wrap up. Just in time, as the urgent need to have a bowel movement had become critical. As everyone got up from their seats, so did Celestia and Luna, the former trying hard to hide her shaky legs and awkward movements from everyone but her sister. Squeezing her butt tightly, Celestia walked out into the elaborate halls of the griffon king's castle, with Luna in tow. Two pairs of high heels clicked against the tile floor, but neither of them spoke until they were well down the halls away from the other diplomats and any castle servants or guards. "How are you holding up, Tia?" Luna finally wondered. Celestia groaned quietly. "I feel like I'm going to ruin these panties and half the floor if I don't get on a toilet soon. I haven't needed to poop this bad in years!" Luna offered a few genuine words of consolation, but there wasn't much else that could be done as the two continued searching for a bathroom. Thankfully Celestia didn't have to wait too long; signs for a bathroom showed up around the next corner, which she started rushing towards. Forced to jog to catch up, Luna burst into the bathroom a second behind Celestia. "Ah good, a two stall bathroom!" Celestia was about the enter the left stall, but Luna's odd comment gave her pause. Suddenly her eyes grew wide. "Huh? Wait, are you seriously going to..." Luna rolled her eyes. "We both spent six hours in that meeting without a single break. I'd rather go here than plug my guest bathroom." Celestia's expression remained unchanged. "Oh come on Tia, I've heard you do way worse!" "Not like...this," Celestia weakly replied, only to feel her gut tense. "But ugh, fine, whatever, I can't wait anymore!" While Luna casually took the stall next to Celestia, the latter was already tearing down her panties. Hiking up her dress, the white alicorn slammed her butt upon the comparatively tiny toilet, her cheeks spilling over the edge. The toilet barely contained her butt, much less what was about to emerge. A loud crackle began to fill the bathroom as Celestia finally stopped holding, moaning with relief. A thick, dark brown rope of poop emerged from her pristine cheeks, rapidly emerging despite its girth and coiling up in the bottom of the bowl. Bracing herself with her hands against the stall walls, Celestia bit her lip and grunted as she kept squeezing out more and more. After several seconds of this, she finally felt the rope slip out, and spread her legs to inspect the damage. She immediately blushed and whirled around to flush the toilet. The toilet struggled to handle Celestia's log, but by some miracle it went down without incident. Which was quite fortunate, as so far she barely felt any noticeable relief. As the toilet finished roaring, it gave way to the sound of Luna peeing loudly into her toilet next door. "Done already sis? Or is it gonna be a double flusher?" she laughed. Celestia's face burned with embarrassment, but she was already starting on another log. "Hnnnghh, this is going to be a quintuple flusher at least..." Luna's laughs grew even louder. Once again Celestia's anus opened, and a similarly massive turd began emerging. Her spine tingled with relief as it coiled up below, though she still felt no emptier. To make matters worse, the potent smell of her dump was already filling the bathroom. She quietly coughed and fanned the air, while mentally preparing herself to endure the hair-curling smell for at least several more minutes. As Celestia filled the toilet for a second time, a loud blasting fart rang out, but not from her. Faced with an opportunity to finally get back at her sister, she took it. "Oooh, not, mmf, bad Lulu! You just sunk, ah, my destroyer!" Luna did not sound as amused. "Tia, how stupid would I have to be to play battleshits with you right now? You sunk my entire fleet with your opening salvo." Despite her situation, Celestia snickered, and she could hear a hint of amusement in Luna's voice as well. A moment later Luna added to the sound in the bathroom with a noisy crackle from her stall, though it remained completely drowned out by what Celestia was producing. With a quiet splash, Celestia felt her second log fall out, and quickly clenched her quivering butt before something else could slip out and render the toilet inoperable. She grit her teeth as she reached to flush again, keeping her aching bowels shut as she waited for the toilet to prepare for a third load. As the toilet finished flushing and Celestia returned to work, she could make out the loud plops and splashes coming from her sister in the brief moment of quiet before Celestia started pooping again. Luna was done much faster though, with plenty of time to wipe her butt and flush the toilet before Celestia finished dropping another segment. "Luna, now that you're done," Celestia huffed, "can I get some privacy?" A magical crackle and pop filled the air, followed by the faint sound of pages turning. "Nope! Now seems like a pretty good time to get caught up on reading, don't you think?" "For Faust's sake Luna, I swear I'm gonna...nnn, crap," Celestia groaned, feeling her attempts at holding fail as another thick log began its evacuation. To her horror she realized she hadn't flushed yet, but the immense relief she felt rendered her unable to stop and do something about it. Celestia groaned, grabbing her stomach as she desperately tried to stop the flow of poop. It was too late though; her log emerged at a steady rate, refusing to slow down; and its thick, solid nature made it impossible for her anus to pinch it off. She abandoned her efforts and pushed to force it out faster. A few seconds later it finally flopped out, trailed by a wet fart. Spreading her legs, Celestia inspected the damage. Her two logs had already filled about a third of the toilet; flushing was already out of the question. Worse still, while she did feel noticeably relieved, she still felt far from done. This toilet's done for either way, may as well make the most of it... Redoubling her efforts, Celestia resumed pooping and let her eyes roll back in her skull as the immense relief returned. "Ohhhh Faust that feels soooo good," she moaned under her breath, ignoring the giggles from the adjacent stall. "Hnnngggg..." For the next few minutes, Celestia focused all her effort into pumping out inch after inch of digested waste. The toilet rapidly filled as she laid her cable, the pile of poop sticking above the waterline and continuously being added to. The painful ache in her stomach noticeably dispersed, finally leaving her with a distinct feeling of being at least half empty. Celestia made sure not to let herself get too carried away. Just before her load began to overflow she attempted pinching off a turd, and managed to stem the tide before her butt made contact with her horrible deposit. With a relieved sigh, she grabbed some toilet paper, stood up, and started doing a rudimentary wiping job. "Finished already?" Luna commented dryly. "Er, somewhat," Celestia admitted as she shuffled the paper between her soft cheeks. "I'm going to finish up in the guest bathroom and hope for the best." "Hehe, alright. I'll catch up, this is actually a really good chapter." Celestia coughed awkwardly. "You're going to just sit there after that..?" After a moment's hesitation while Luna processed what she meant, she laughed. "Air freshening spell, sister, I suggest you try it next time." Celestia grumbled and began readying a teleportation spell, picturing her guest bathroom. Just before she cast it, a devious thought crossed her mind, and she made a last second course correction before vanishing from the devastated bathroom. CRZZ-POP! Celestia winked into existence in the middle of a much fancier, single-person bathroom. Ornate carvings lined the walls, there was a full shower, a sink, plenty of fluffy towels, and of course, a toilet much like the one she had just used in the corner. With much less urgency this time, Celestia waddled over and took a seat. "Ahhh, finally some peace and quiet...Hnnnghh," Celestia grunted. Her anus opened up, and a moist crackle filled the bathroom as a load of softer material rapidly slithered out of her. Lacking the density of her previous logs, this one began to break up under gravity. A series of loud plops and splashes filled the bathroom Celestia had barely gotten used to the fresh air in the bathroom when the smell of her dump began to fill it again. Though she had air freshener this time, she opted against it; likewise she resisted the urge to turn around and flush. Instead, she hummed an old tune and tapped her feet as she enjoyed the emptying feeling. The noisy splashes died away, as her turds replaced the water in the bowel and began falling on top of each other. Another few minutes passed as Celestia casually filled the toilet. The pressure in her gut dropped as she went, until nothing solid remained. Lifting one of her cheeks up, she let loose a massive tuba blast of a fart that reverberated off the walls for several full seconds. Finally, after days of agony, she felt truly empty again. Celestia ripped off some toilet paper again and began wiping her soiled cheeks. It took a few wipes, but finally she felt clean. Grabbing her panties, she sat up and redressed herself, and made sure to thoroughly wash her hands before leaving the bathroom. "Ahhhhh, I feel like a new pony!" Celestia announced to no one in particular as she stretched. The door to the room opened a second later and Luna walked in, book in hand. She looked up in confusion, noticing her sister standing right in the middle of her guest bedroom. "Tia? What are you doing here?" Celestia smiled at her sister innocently. "Oh, I'm sorry, this is your bedroom? Then I suppose that was your bathroom too, right?" Her expression began to turn more and more devious as she continued. "My apologies, I hardly noticed when I teleported in here to finish pooping. The toilet's definitely plugged now too! My oh my, looks like you'll have to call a janitor again!" "Aarrrrgghhh TIIIIAAAAAAA!" Luna rushed forward, rage in her eyes. Celestia grinned and teleported away, her laugh lingering for a moment after she disappeared. Elsewhere in the castle, a griffon janitor sobbed.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Other,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Alternate Universe,Dark,Sad,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
After a dragon attack, Scootaloo loses the chance of flying
<p>When a Dragon begins attacking, Scootaloo's two friends are put in danger. She ends up risking her life ti save them, however in doing so she loses something that enables her to fly</p>
Scootaloo and her friends were sat next to a lake with water dripping from the wet manes, grumbling about their recent failure to get their cutie marks. They had tried being stunt ponies with disastrous results, instead of perfecting daring stunts, they ended up crashing into a lake. They were in the process of drying themselves off when all of a sudden they heard a massive roar. Looking up they saw a large, green dragon that had a striking resemblance to Spike. “Girls, I think we should get out of here,” Sweetie exclaimed as the dragon suddenly got a greedy look a is it laid eyes on Scootaloo's scooter. Suddenly the massive beast that towered over the small town, dived for the trio. “RUN!” Scootaloo's shouted, the ground shaking as the monster gave chase. “You leave my sister alone, you brute!” they heard a voice shout, Sweetie skidded to a stop and whipped around to see her sister, Rarity trapped in the dragon’s claws. “RARITY!” she screamed, instead of continuing to flee she decided to turn around and bravely confronted the creature. “Leave my sister alone, you big meanie!” she commanded, however, this only angered the dragon as steam started to erupt from its nose. Apple Bloom started tugging on Sweetie, yelling “Come on, we've gotta go - AAAAGH!” they both started to scream as a pillar of emerald green fire was shot in their direction. Time seemed to slow as Scootaloo rushed to the cowering duo and she pushed them out of the way. For Scootaloo, her entire body felt like it was burning as the fire hit her. She screamed in pain as the dragon stopped its barrage leaving the filly, in flames. “SCOOTALOO!” Rarity and the two fillies screamed as they could do nothing but watch the small pegasus writhe all over the floor in pain. Suddenly the rest of the main six arrived and were horrified at what they were watching, Rainbow Dash quickly snapped into action and grabbed the nearest rain cloud and started pumping all of the water onto the flaming filly. Putting the fire out revealing a blackened mess. Twilight watched with shock as the dragon merely snatched the Scooter and started running for the mountain, as three pegasi started to pursue the dragon. “TWILIGHT! You've gotta help her.” Rainbow shouted, tears beginning to stream down her face. This snapped her out of her reverie, and she quickly ran over to the still-filly. She knelt down and sighed in relief as she heard faint breathing, “She’s alive but barely, we need to get her to the hospital.” Rainbow nodded and quickly whisked Scootaloo onto her back and flew, the fastest she had ever gone, creating a sonic rainboom in the process, normally she would've been ecstatic at performing such a feat however she was too focused on flying to the hospital, to care. When she arrived she rushed through the main entrance and screamed for help, two doctors quickly rushed to the pair and placed the filly onto a gurney, Nurse Redheart looked down at the filly in concern before wheeling her into the emergency room. *** Twilight could only watch in horror as her beloved assistant defeated the three wonderbolts, she was extremely worried about Scootaloo as well as what would happen to Spike after this was all over. Spike and Rarity climbed higher up the mountain, where they came across a small cave, located near the peak, Spike taking the opportunity emptied his water tower full of stolen loot into the cave before turning it around against the chasing Wonderbolt, who ended up crashing into the empty tower, he then trapped them against the mountainside. “How could you attack three helpless fillies, because of you, one of them, my sister’s best friend could be dead all because you are a greedy beast, you should be ashamed of yourself.” Rarity yelled angrily at Spike, who started to get a guilty look on his face. Suddenly his eyes became less menacing and he started to shrink in size before he was back to his normal size. “Spike you’re the rampaging dragon!” she shouted but before he could answer, they began to plummet to the ground. Rarity began to scream but Spike remained quiet, he felt that he deserved it. “I’m so sorry.” he whispered to nopony in particular, he just closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable end, however he felt his descent get slower and slower before the feeling of grass touching his claws. Opening his eyes, he was surprised to see that he and Rarity were safely back in the ground again. Twilight quickly rushed into hug him however Spike pushed her away, “Spike?” Twilight said quietly, concerned for the young drake. “I don't deserve it, I'm dangerous Twilight, I killed poor Scootaloo. I'm a monster,” he said looking towards his feet. “It was an accident you weren't yourself,” Twilight told him. She then added, “Anyway, Scootaloo’s alive.” Rarity, who didn't know what to think asked “Where is she and where is my sister?” “Scootaloo is at the hospital and Sweetie Belle is with AppleJack, they're down in the town square, helping other ponies out” she explained. Rarity gave one last look of confusion to Spike before running off to find her sister. “What's going to happen now?” Spike asked nervously. “Honestly Spike, I don't know but we need to send a letter to Princess Celestia” she told him. Suddenly a regal voice interrupted their conversation, “There is no need, Twilight I am already here.” Twilight gasped before bowing down to the monarch of the land, “Princess Celestia, how did you know?” “I received a distress call from Mayor Mare regarding a dragon attack, initially I didn't believe it was young Spike, so I immediately deployed the Wonderbolts, however, I could see through my telescope that was not the case so I quickly rushed down here myself,” Celestia explained. Twilight then reluctantly asked, “What's going to happen now?” Celestia sighed “Under normal circumstances, the dragon would be deported back to the dragon lands however because this is Spike that we are talking about then we will have no choice but to keep it hidden.” Twilight gasped “Are you saying that we should cover it up.” Celestia nodded “Yes otherwise ponies may call for Spike to be banished.” Twilight remained silent, and while she didn't like the idea of a cover-up, she also couldn't bear to lose the young dragon, whom she had treated like a son to her. “Fine, but how, a lot of ponies saw it?” she asked. “The main problem is Scootaloo if she survives then she may tell everypony but if she dies then she can't tell anypony.” Twilight didn't like how this conversation was going “Your not suggesting that we should kill her.” she whispered, sharply. “That would be the easy solution but money can easily persuade the most stubborn of ponies.” Twilight released a sigh of relief before Celestia told her “Right now, head to the hospital and see what her condition is after that send me a letter.” Twilight nodded before they both parted ways.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Other,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Alternate Universe,Dark,Sad,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
After a dragon attack, Scootaloo loses the chance of flying
<p>When a Dragon begins attacking, Scootaloo's two friends are put in danger. She ends up risking her life ti save them, however in doing so she loses something that enables her to fly</p>
The main six and the rest of the cutie mark crusaders were all waiting in the hospital waiting room. The two crusaders were sat together, hugging each other, while Rainbow Dash paced up and down across the room. Everypony else was staring into the distance, not saying anything, each occupied with their own thoughts. Twilight hadn't told them about Celestia’s plan and was worried about how they would react once they heard it. Every time she passed the young drake, Rainbow Dash glared at him, as he sat gazing towards the floor, keeping himself distant from the others. Suddenly Nurse Red Heart walked over to them with a grave look on her face. Sighing she explained to the group, “Scootaloo has suffered with extensive injuries, her body is covered with third-degree burns, and her vocal chords were damaged, which means that she may be mute if not temporarily then permanently. Her eyes were severely damaged with her retinas being melted, which means that she is permanently blind in both eyes. The tissue that makes up her wings is burnt beyond repair, during surgery, we were, we were forced to amputate both of them. She is unable to breathe on her own without the help of a ventilator, I am sorry to say that she is in a coma.” Rainbow Dash couldn't believe what she was hearing as her she fell to the floor in disbelief. Shaking her head in denial and tears slowly pouring out of her usually tough shell. Twilight asked, “Are we able to see her?” The nurse nodded and lead the way to the Intensive Care Unit, upon entering the room, their heart broke as they saw Scootaloo lying in a hospital bed, most of her body covered in bandages, including her eyes, she had a tube going down her throat. Any remaining fur looked blackened with patches missing, revealing the scarred, red skin below. Spike couldn't handle seeing what he had done to poor Scootaloo and ran out of the hospital room. Twilight shouted after him “SPIKE!” Just as she was about to run after, she felt a hoof on her shoulder and Applejack said quietly, “Let him go, sugercube.” Rainbow Dash had to hold onto the bed to stop herself from collapsing again. She then tearfully asked “Will she wake up?” Nurse Red Heart looked uncomfortable as she answered uncertainly “We don't know, it is too early to say.” The two Crusaders looked down at their friend with sadness, Sweetie Belle walked over to the bed and whispered, “Please wake up, Scootaloo.” Apple Bloom then spoke up “Scootaloo you gotta wake up, we've got so much crusading to do.” They burst into tears as Scootaloo made no sign that she had heard them, the older mares in the room, felt helpless as both Applejack and Rarity attempted to calm them down but to no avail, eventually, they decided to take the two heartbroken fillies home. Twilight also excused herself to write the letter to Celestia as well as to find Spike. The others followed suit while Rainbow stayed, clutching Scootaloo’s hoof, she vowed to stay with her until she woke up. *** Twilight rushed around in search of Spike, she spotted him sitting on a bridge, staring over the edge into the streaming river below. “Spike?” Twilight called out uncertainly. Spike sniffled, “I can't stay here. Everywhere I look ponies glare at me and poor Scootaloo, she may never wake up and it's all my fault.” Tears dropping into the blue water below, making tiny little splashes. “Spike we have a plan okay. You won't need to go anywhere.” Twilight reassured him but this had little effect. “It's no use Twi, everypony hates me, did you not see the way, Rainbow Dash looked at me.” “She’ll come around and so will everypony else, you've just got to keep your head down and stay out of trouble.” Twilight told him, unconvinced herself. Spike merely nodded and Twilight added, “Scootaloo will forgive you, I am sure of it. Besides I need to send a letter to Celestia.” They arrived back at the library and Twilight got straight to work, writing the letter. In the letter she had described, Scootaloo's injuries as well as her current condition, she had also written about how she was worried about Spike’s mental health. Giving the letter to Spike he sent it off with his magical flame and they both watched it soar off to Canterlot. *** Celestia was sat in her private chamber, reading the damage reports, sent by Mayor Mare of Ponyville, when all of a sudden a green flame shot into the room before dissolving into a letter. Celestia knew instantly that it had been sent by her student, Twilight Sparkle. Upon reading the letter she frowned. Taking a quill, she wrote a reply saying “Stay away from the hospital, I have a plan.” She refrained from saying what the plan was knowing full well the Twilight would not support it. She then leapt of her balcony and flew towards a menacing-looking tower. This was the headquarters of the Royal Intelligence Agency. When she entered the tower, she walked into a lift and pressed the button for the top floor. The lift dinged as it arrived at its destination, Celestia exited the lift and read the floor sign: Shadow Operations. She entered a circular room that had a large map positioned in the centre. Sat around the table were several pegasi and unicorns, all wearing the same uniform, the pegasus wore Shadowbolt flight suits, while the unicorns wore the standard uniform of the night guard. Celestia trotted over to a specific pegasus and said “I have a job for you.” The pegasus, knew all to well what a job was and merely asked, “whose the target and how do you want it done…” *** Applejack and Rarity thought that it would be better if the two Crusaders had a sleepover together so that they could keep their minds off Scootaloo. The two mares had also decided to join in on the sleepover to keep their spirits high and were sat in a makeshift pillow fort in Carousel Boutique. Rarity had begrudgingly allowed them to use the Boutique as the location for the sleepover, something that she was beginning to regret. They had just finished reading a bedtime story when Apple Bloom asked “What will happen if Scootaloo doesn't wake up?” This made Applejack look towards Rarity with a worried expression, swallowing she said “Do you remember, what happened to Momma and Papa?” Apple Bloom nodded, and Applejack continued “Well we will do the exact same thing that we did with Momma and Papa but this time it will be about Scootaloo.” Applejack instantly regretted saying that as Apple Bloom asked tearfully “Are you saying that she’s going to die?” “No no, of course not, ahm just saying that it is a possibility, but don't worry Scootaloo’s a fighter, she’ll wake up.” she tried to reassure her upset sister. “I don't want her to die.” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Rarity hugged to unicorn filly and said “I don't want her to die too but there is nothing to worry about, she will survive this, I know she will.” Rarity didn't look too convinced, herself. Suddenly Sweetie Belle blurted out “I love her. I was going to tell her later but then she got hurt.” Rarity was speechless so instead she pulled her closer into the hug, which was soon joined by Applejack and Apple Bloom. *** Meanwhile an unknown pegasus wearing a skin-tight, black suit was stood outside the Ponyville General Hospital…
Derpy Hooves,Gilda,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
just the right kind!
Of every single creature in Equestria and beyond, Gilda had to fall in love with a pony who's completely out of her league: Derpy Hooves, of course!
<p>Gilda has a secret. An embarrassing, embarrassing secret, keeping her tethered to Ponyville in spite of everything. She's in love with the most amazing, adorable pony ever. But how could Derpy ever love a rude, brutish griffon like Gilda?</p><hr/><p>just wanted to write something for my most beloved and niche rarepair!! pls enjoy :)<br/>cover art is made by me!</p>
The heavens break into tiny blue shards between Gilda's wings, reflecting the sky upon itself in waves of sapphire. Clouds whirl and twine around the griffon as she spirals into the sky, then flings her impressive wingspan to either side, letting the winds scatter around her. Up here, the rest of the world falls away to nothing, and all that's left is her caterwauling thoughts, ripping each other up until the problems fall out and her mind is at peace again. Usually, for this reason, nothing is more therapeutic to Gilda than a good flight out. All the sky seems to turn into a great beast, reminding her of what she was made for and where she will always be welcome. Even now, she can feel a bit of that peace, rippling under some undisturbed surface in her mind. But the problem she's come up here to escape today is too big to tear up in the sky and leave amid the clouds. Because, simply put, when Gilda returns to the ground, the problem will be waiting for her again. And it's not really even a problem. Gilda lets clouds twine around her talons as she drifts more peacefully through the skies now, her thoughts wandering from flying to something far down below. She's not sure when it really started. One second, you're wandering the streets of Ponyville alone, because once again you tried to visit your so-called best friend Rainbow Dash, and once again, the two of you had a fight. The next second, a gray blur has knocked into you at full velocity, dazedly fluffing out her wings and apologizing profusely for the crash as she tumbles backwards. And although you just yelled at a pony for this same thing a few days ago, you look into beautiful yellow cross-eyes and feel the roar die in your throat now. Then, this random mailmare asks you if actually, could you help her find the way to a certain address on a package, because her vision is doing even worse than normal right now! and even though you barely know the town, you agree to help her. And then you help her with the next address. And the next. By the time the sun is setting and her mail route is done, you've ended up smiling every time she does, and cracking jokes that make her let out this adorable laugh. Then you're asking to hang out with her again, and she's giggling and saying yes, and then you split ways with this fuzzy feeling. Gilda's been hanging out with Derpy for almost a month now. All the time, really. It seems like every time Derpy has a day off, or Gilda's not practicing flying, they're attached at the hip doing some dumb pony hangout that Gilda would've rather died than be caught doing just a few months prior. The transformation is unnerving, really. One dumb pony (who's terrible at flying, really!) has captured Gilda's mind and heart in such a short amount of time. She tries to keep up the sour, prickly attitude with every other pony she talks to, but it feels so fake now. So difficult. Every time she starts to growl at someone, or swipe an apple from a market stand, she thinks of how Derpy would react to seeing this side of her, and it dies right there. Gilda's hardly the same griffon she used to be. Does she want to be that griffon anymore? And there's the weight of her realization, too. She knows she's in love. She's not stupid. There was that nice griffon girl who shared her pencils in elementary, and then there was Rainbow Dash back when they were kids at flight camp, and then there was that one douchebag (actually- was that even love?), and then Rainbow again for a bit, and... the point is, she knows this feeling well. But to fall for someone like this? A clumsy pegasus pony who trips on her own hooves, spends her days off baking for fun, and greets even the meanest of folk with a clueless smile? Oh, Gilda could never deserve a mare like her! The griffon beats the air with her wings, and goes shooting upwards into higher welkin. The wind swirls around her and rustles her feathers. It slows her racing thoughts just a little. Gilda's knows she's always been cruel. She's a growling, snarling, clawing mess of a griffon, raised all her life to fight and kick to prove her strength, and never feel guilt about who gets hurt in the process. Derpy feels like the stark opposite of everything Gilda knows- a ray of sunshine, determined to live happily despite the struggles she's been presented with since day one. Some days it almost seems like this tiny pony keeps being positive because she lives to spite her difficulties. Derpy has every reason to roar and growl like Gilda, especially with the way some ponies treat her, but she doesn't. There's no way Gilda could ever... Her talons touch the soft, trodden grasses on the edge of Ponyville, drawing her from her reverie. The town sprouts from the ground just up ahead, growing into a twining forest of stone and brick and straw, welcoming Gilda into a place not made for her. The griffon stores her still-racing thoughts into some closet at the back of her mind, and saunters her way into town. Her wings fold and twitch back, sharpening her silhouette and pulling her head into a more regal posture. Ponies who remember previous angry encounters with Gilda glare at her, but the fiery looks now slide right off her. I don't care. I'm not here for you. The gravel paths of the town lead her to the only place in Ponyville where Gilda feels comfortable: the post office. A bell jingles, announcing her entrance, and almost immediately a pair of gray ears perk up from behind the counter. A curious face pops up after it, and after a moment of hard squinting, Derpy Hooves smiles excitedly. "Gilda? Gilda! It's you, right?" "Yes, it's me!" The griffin calls out with a smile. Warmth blooms in her chest instantly as she pads forward, meeting the pegasus at the counter. Derpy blinks rapidly as Gilda comes into slightly clearer eyesight, giggling. "You showed up at the perfect time. I just finished my shift!" The gray pegasus, rather than walking round the side of the counter, chooses to scrabble over it, for reasons unknown to either of them. She stumbles unceremoniously onto the ground, then quickly pops upright, fluttering her wings excitedly. "I have a super neato plan for today!" Gilda finds herself unable to resist smiling. Derpy sort of has that effect. "Yeah? Usually I'm the one doing the planning! What do you have in mind?" Derpy trots past Gilda, practically out the door already. "Follow me! It's a surprise!" The bell on the door jingles shut behind the two of them. Dusk always paints the cliffs near Ponyville in beautiful colors. Not too long ago, Gilda would come up here to watch the sun go down alone, burning holes in the sky with the force of her glaring. She's sure parts of the dirt haven't recovered from the way her talons would scour the land in fits of rage. It feels different to be up here when you're happy. Instead of it feeling like all the world is beautiful except Gilda, this time it feels like she's found the source of the beauty herself. She turns to smile at an excited Derpy trotting beside her, the pinkish-lavender colors of near-nightfall painting the silver pegasus in starlight. "Here!" Derpy stops just short of a rolling cliff. It's not a long fall- none of the geography surrounding Ponyville is really rugged terrain, except for Ghastly Gorge- and the whole place is covered in swaying, silvery grass, dotted with pinpricks of wildflowers. Gilda looks around, waiting for something to happen. Nothing does. "Um... cool cliff?" She tries. Derpy giggles, playfully swatting a wing at her. "No, silly! I know you like flying fast, so... I figured we could race!" It takes Gilda a second to believe her ears. ".. Race?" The griffon narrows her eyes at Derpy, believing for a moment that this is some elaborate prank. Some bitter part of her expects Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to spring from nowhere and laugh at her. The nicer, newer part of her begins to believe her friend is serious. "Uhm, Derpy, aren't you..." Gilda begins to raise a talon to gesture at Derpy's eyes, when suddenly the pegasus seems to transform right in front of her. The silvery mare snaps into an almost perfect flight position, her wings splayed to either side of her in a perfect subtle arc. A golden flicker of challenge flashes in Derpy's eyes, catching the dying sunlight. It'd be a rather intimidating display, if not for the admittedly hard-to-ignore offset of her eyes. It still kind of is, in spite of that. "You scared, birdie?" Scared is not the right word to describe what Gilda is feeling at the moment. In fact, her feathers not being on fire right now is truly a feat. "Well?" Derpy flutters her wings. Gilda finally manages words, breaking through her hesitance. "Alright. You're sure?" She slinks next to Derpy, assuming a similar flight position. The pegasus only nods. Gilda solidifies her resolve. "Ready... set... GO!" Both fliers explode off the edge of the cliff in a flurry of wingbeats and feathers, surging forwards. Gilda hardly uses strength behind her takeoff, turning to see how Derpy is doing. What she sees is perhaps the most unique thing in the world. Midair, Derpy twists. Her wings catch the air flawlessly as she rotates fully to almost look like shes laying on her back while flying. Her front hooves stretch forward, and with a surge of her wings, she takes the lead from Gilda.... while upside down. The sight fills Gilda with such equal awe and confusion that she almost falls right out of the sky. Her head manages to keep up just in time, though, and she kicks her flying into full drive. As Gilda eats Derpy's cloud-dust, it suddenly seems incredibly stupid that she ever worried about needing to be slower for Derpy. The two of them race forward, wobbling between first place. Gilda banks, Derpy twists, the two of them stay almost perfectly at odds. Gilda finally manages to catch up to Derpy, neck-and-neck, only to foolishly look over and realize her opponent is smiling at her. While still upside down, Derpy catches Gilda's eye, and winks at her. Gilda's wings actually miss a beat this time, and she falls for a few heartbeats before re-catching the wind. Her breath is completely lost and she can hardly focus on flying, let alone racing. The end of their race route pulls up in front of her, and she stumbles back onto solid ground, wings drooping and lungs burning. Derpy excitedly jumps around, giggling and flapping her wings in celebration of her victory. Her hooves giddily dance across the silvery grass, and her hair's a mess of pale locks from the wind ruffling it. She's beautiful. Gilda stares for a moment, but when Derpy catches her looking, she quickly puts on a bemused scowl. "What are you celebrating about, cheater?" The words seem harsh, but Gilda's tone is just grumpy. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Derpy smiles back coyly, walking over to the griffon. "Oh please. That's the oldest trick in the book." Gilda's tail flicks at Derpy, and she pretends to be mad for a few more seconds, before her gaze slides back to focus on Derpy. "Where'd you learn to fly like that? I thought you..." "Couldn't?" Derpy's voice is flat for a few seconds, and Gilda wonders if she's accidentally insulted Derpy by admitting to making such an assumption. The pegasus tosses her mane with a sigh. "I couldn't for a little while, I guess, yeah. When I was younger, I used to be the best placer in Cloudsdale's young flier brackets. But over time, my strabismus got worse." She waved a hoof in front of her lazy eye, the one that always drifted towards her snout. "Rainbow Dash mentioned some star filly that started crashing on every obstacle course, back when we were kids. I didn't realize that was you." Gilda blinked at Derpy in surprise. "Yep. We were in the same bracket. She used to place lower than me." Derpy smiled amusedly, then turned away, brow furrowing. For a moment, it seemed like she was debating whether or not to go on, but after a moment she shrugged her wings and kept talking. "I couldn't see as well as I used to after a while, but.. I found out that for some reason, when I looked at things upside down, even if they were still blurry, they just made more... sense?" She tilted her head at Gilda. "I tried to re-enter the bracket with my new way of flying, but they liked that even less than when I crashed all the time. They said I was making a mockery of their system, or whatever- disgracing the 'art of flying'. I was 10." The last part came out softer than the rest. Gilda narrowed her eyes. "You were just doing things the way that made sense for you!" "That's not how they saw it, I guess. Or maybe it is, and that was the kicker. I think they just didn't want any foals who were.. 'different' to be the face of Cloudsdale's young stars. Certainly not ones who were unsightly." Gilda dug her talons into the dirt, tail lashing. "You're not unsightly." She mutters. Derpy 's head snaps up to look at her. "What?" "Have you been telling yourself that?" Gilda tilts her head in a distinctly birdlike way at Derpy. "That you're not... nice to look at?" "Well..." Derpy spread out her wings, as if gesturing to all of herself. She especially made a motion to her eyes, and Gilda found that all the rage she used to have towards others was suddenly directed instead at the world, the clouds, the grass. She wanted to claw them all to bits and make them into a new world where the amazing mare in front of her never doubted that for a second. "Derpy. It's not bad that you fly different, it's not bad that you have problems with seeing, and you're certainly not unsightly! For Celestia's sake, you're beautiful-!" Gilda stops her big stupid beak just a moment too late. Her fur bristles. "I didn't say that last part." The mare just stares at Gilda for a long moment, like an old computer processing an image. "What was that?" Gilda took in a deep breath, and sighed. She was many things, and changing into many other things, but a coward was not about to be one. "I said you're beautiful!" It came out in a big burst of air. "Because you are! You're the nicest, most amazing pony I've ever met, and-" she sighed, "and I don't know how you stand to be around someone as mean as me. I know you know how I act with others." Derpy was looking at her like she held the sun between her wings. Lightning crackles through Gilda's legs. This wasn't her first rodeo with love, but it.. certainly felt like it right about now. She looked away, rooting her eyes to the grass under her talons. A gray hoof gently guided Gilda's chin back to face Derpy, who was now standing a lot closer and smiling warmly at her. Gilda could practically feel Derpy's breath on her beak as she spoke, nearly shorting out her stupid lovey-dovey bird brain. "I can stand to be around you because I knew this was in here. Because I've seen it come out over and over lately." Every feather on Gilda's body fluffed out. "I- you don't know what you're talking about." "I do! You're a lovely person, Gilda. You say it's a miracle I gave you a chance, but... it's just as amazing that you gave me a chance. Half of Ponyville won't even make eye contact with me some days. You're a really amazing griffin, Gilda. I really do like you." Warmth floods Gilda's face. "I... really like you too." She startles, and clears her throat, finding confidence against the clamor in her chest. "I think I love you." Derpy brings her wings up to fold around the two of them, giggling. "I know, Gilda. I love you too." She gently presses the tip of her muzzle to Gilda's beak. Gilda's head is spinning and she feels dizzily like she might fall through the world. The griffon wraps her larger wings around the two of them, overlapping them with Derpy's wings, and it seems to steady her racing thoughts. After a long moment, Derpy finally moves away. "Well, come on, then. Wanna do a rematch?" She trots back to the cliff edge, flapping her wings in the draft. Her eyes are still full of warmth for Gilda, and the air smells like all the blooming wildflowers around them, and the sun's just about to fall below the horizon. The world seems to have scattered love across the land. Gilda decides that maybe, just maybe, a griffon like her could deserve to have this. She settles next to Derpy, extending her wings. "Alright. Rematch." They shoot off from the cliff, leaving flower petals and the song of laughter in their wake.
Princess Cadance,Queen Chrysalis,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
From Princess to Empress
Princess Cadance has to make a very difficult choice, one that will lead to a place she had never believed she was capable of.
<div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p><b>FEATURED January 31 - February 2 2024</b></p></div><p>Queen Chrysalis is sealed away, imprisoned for the many crimes she had committed. But with now there is a new problem. The modern Changedlings cannot breed without their Queen. Even if she has committed great evils, the need of the innocent Hive should be more important right? Unfortunately, Princess Cadance is a little hard to convince. Her hatred for Chrysalis runs deep, but surely not deep enough to doom Thorax, Pharynx, and the rest of the changedlings?</p><p>Derpibooru: <span class="spoiler">2088590</span><br/>Co-Written with <a href="/user/352084/n1god" rel="nofollow">n1god</a></p>
Equestria had been a country that always maintained progress, be it cultural, economic and magical, and very recently, technological. Technology has grown by leaps and bounds. In fact, a large part of the population at this point enjoyed the use of technology in a much more habitual way. Although some ponies took a while to get used to it, certainly for a good part of the population, especially for the Equestrian royalty, it was a luxury that they had to take, especially for the well-known and famous couple of the Crystal Empire. Cadance and Shining Armor were the ones who almost by default began to introduce Princess Celestia and Luna into the digital world. Without much success, or at least not for the moment, according to the night Princess. "Nothing replaces the value and elegance that a letter from a loved one can bring.” Luna would always say, learning but not enjoying the newer technology. “The older ways still have value.” Of course there was even romance in a letter and Cadance understood it. Much of her adolescence was surrounded by suitors who handed her letters, and even after she and Shining Armor went on dates, letters played an important role in the romance. However, the message could be feasible for two unicorns, or Unicorn and Alicorn in case of Cadance and Shining Armor independently. Well, being able to use magic to send letters immediately after writing them was an effective way to communicate years ago. But it was almost exclusively used among unicorns. Or if they had a pet dragon and it had its fire enchanted; in the case of Twilight Sparkle. Even so, communications technology certainly turned out to be very interesting to both princesses. Especially the fact of being able to call and communicate with each other in one's own voice. Yes, it was something that at the time seemed like something out of a comic that Shining Armor read when he was young. To which he was always thrilled to communicate in such a way. Cadance couldn’t help but giggle as her husband would have his adorable nerd moments. This also aided them, as both of their jobs keep them at a distance. That didn't stop them from communicating, a simple message almost always started conversations. He still found it impressive that the messages arrived in seconds. Sighing in an annoyed manner, listening to the monotonous voice of his own Aunt Celestia, Cadance leaned her back against the back of the chair. While she led one of her hands towards the table, where there was a glass of red wine. She was upset that she couldn't stretch her wings. Growling to herself, Cadance simply moved her wings a little, catching her attention and her two companions on either side of her, a Hippogriff and a Gryphon. They seemed to understand the princess's intention, after all, they were beings that had wings, and they could understand why she wanted to stretch the Alicorn wings. They both moved a little further to the side to give the princess room to stretch her wings, a gesture that the princess of love appreciated with a flirtatious smile . “Given this, Queen Novo and I will ensure that all cultural agreements between our kingdoms are carried out correctly.” Celestia expressed, implying all of the above mentioned in what seemed to be a set of slides. “Which will only give the two kingdoms further prosperity.” Yawning slightly, something had caught Cadance's attention; it was her cell phone. A small notification had caught her attention, she set the volume off, but felt the vibration. Using her wings to partially cover her body and with the excuse that this way she could relax her wings, she only made sure that Celestia was not seeing her. And it seemed like she was so deep into explaining everything necessary for this year's economic plan. The notification was about her husband, it seemed that he had sent him a small greeting, a hand raised in greeting. She had selected the profile photo of her husband herself. It was Shining Armor, a tall unicorn stallion, tall enough for both of them to compete in height. Being an Alicorn perhaps had some disadvantages. The first was that you were generally taller than many of the ponies. Shining Armor in his own right was a tall enough stallion. Still, Cadance was a little taller than her husband, a few inches, but only noticeable when they were too close together. But no one could blame the couple. Still, that didn't make Shining Armor uncomfortable, in fact it was a good thing for her. Cadance's profile photo turned out to be her, but in a frame, where you could only see her in profile with a large part of her enormous, considerable bust exposed. Needless to say, only that image was there solely and exclusively for her husband to see, after all. He was the one who chose that photo for her. Curious about what her husband was doing at that moment, she sent him a simple message. "What are you doing?" Cadance messaged her husband. “Please tell me something good, this lecture is sooooo boring.” Soon the answer she wanted so much would arrive. "Finishing the bureaucratic paperwork.” Armor’s message replied. “And you my love? What are you doing? You mentioned a lecture?" "I still have to finish this meeting in Canterlot.” Cadance’s message commented. “And go to dinner with the aristocrats..." "Is our date tonight still on?" Shing’s message asked. “I was hoping to see you soon.” "I'd like to say yes, but I really don't know.” Cadance’s message replied, even sounding annoyed by this meeting. “Ugh…when will this end?" "Oh come on honey! I got everything ready for tonight!” Shining’s message commented, going into a longer text. “You can't leave me here after I had to wait in line for an hour to go to the restaurant you wanted to go to so much!” "I know! And I'm so sorry!” Cadance’s message replied, quickly typing out her response. “But Celestia insists that I stay for that other dinner... I'm really sorry, darling. I'll make it up to you when I return to the Crystal Empire.” "I don't know what you plan to do to make it up to me for this.” Shining’s message commented. Cadance could tell there was an unwanted tone to this. “Not to mention that you still owe me for what happened in Ponyville the last time you went on a "visit" with Twi.” “Oh, come on, you can't be serious!” Cadance’s message snapped back, trying her best to be composed; but it wasn’t working. “I didn't even tell you anything related to when you were sleeping with Chrysalis and what happened at the wedding!" She could have continued with her message much further than Shining could believe, if not for the fact that a voice made her turn around in fear and fright. "Cadance, did you finish texting with Armor?" Celestia asked, with a look of disappointment, it was a look that in many ways made her feel bad, and this time she was no exception. “You seem upset. I hope nothing bad is happening.” The pink Alicorn had been so deep into her conversation that she had completely forgotten or rather, she didn't realize that she was the only one in that room. A blush full of shame invaded her when Celestia placed her hands on her wide hips, waiting for an explanation as to why she had taken her cell phone from her in the middle of the conference she was holding. “Auntie...please spare me the lecture.” Cadance sighed resignedly knowing precisely what she would tell her, mainly because both Celestia and Luna were not very skilled in everything related to technology. “I just…I just don’t want to talk about it.” “I didn't mean to tell you anything about that.” Celestia expressed, making a gesture with her hand while she told Cadance to stand up. “You're no longer a filly whose tail I have to step on every time she does something wrong.” “But you still have that face that makes you look disappointed…” Cadance said annoyedly, putting away her cell phone. “Auntie, I'm really sorry...but, we've been in meetings since seven in the morning. Not to mention that in each and every one of them I have had to deal with my cousin Blueblood.” She was getting more and more annoyed. “On top of that even the courtships of many of the ambassadors...I mean...the Zebraika guy was charming and cute but...the rest...for the love of...they know I'm married! Why can't Twilight come do this? She is literally 30 minutes away by train while I’m 3 hours away.” “Young Sparkle still cannot be part of these meetings because the rest of the leaders see her as a favorite commoner of our sister.” Luna explained with an authoritarian tone. “As far as they are concerned, Twilight Sparkle is an opportunist who craves our sister's throne.” “But it's not like that!” Cadance bellowed with annoyance. “You can’t seriously believe what Blueblood has been bullshitting to you.” Cadance knew that Blueblood had a lot to do with all of this. That prince could not tolerate the fact that someone would take away his "right" to rule. In any case, in the prince's eyes, she was a commoner, just as the rest of the leaders and representatives believed. She was an opportunist to them. Everything Celestia had to do to keep the press silent and what all the aristocrats and even the leaders were saying about her, from reaching her ears. Twilight often allowed herself to be influenced by others. Which often led to many of the noble elites underestimating her, or belittling her behind her back. Also, if she cares a lot about the princess's opinion of her, who was a second mother to her. Of course, it will matter what the elite of Equestria say. It was a necessary evil. The wage gap was notable, of course. But there had to be a social divide if Celestia wanted Equestria to enter an industrial age and currently a digital one. “Unfortunately, the world doesn't see it that way Cadance.” Celestia said watching her niece simply pout while crossing her arms. “Let's just get this over with, we only have one more meeting left.” “Aghhh…” Cadance grumbled in annoyance, simply resigned herself to not being able to go that night with her husband. “Shining is gonna be so upset.” “Luckily for you, dear niece.” Luna spoke this time. “The dinner with the aristocrats was a mere bluff for you. In fact, we have a less stressful matter for you that requires your attention.” At this Cadance's ears perked up to attention. On the one hand, she was relieved to not have to be present alongside boastful guys or "Juniors'' who simply liked to brag about the money they had. And in the worst case scenario she wasn't even "their" money since it was mostly her parents or grandparents who left them that inheritance, and it is the only reason why they are on the side of the Equestrian elite. It wasn't even her own merit, which bothered Cadance, if not all the princesses actually. “Why lie to me about dinner?” Cadance looked at Luna with curiosity. “What would that possibly gain?” “Because you, myself, and our sister, we know that you don't like it when Blueblood is the one who speaks badly about your sister-in-law or the Sparkle family.” Luna replied, sighing a little. “In any case…” She made a gesture with her hand while her horn lit up and the doors of that meeting room opened wide, revealing two changedlings in tribal costumes. They were both known at this point. Thorax and Pharynx. Both stallions, although they were above average height for ponies. The body change since his ascension into a harmonic shifter was certainly good. Or at least good. His height from drone to ruler was clearly reflected in a good way. Especially when his body gave a more imposing appearance. Same for his littermate, although he wasn't as tall as Thorax. Pharynx certainly had a lot more to offer in the form of him. Muscle that stood out compared to his brother. No wonder, after all, Thorax wasn't the type to be a warrior before his ascension as his brother. Although it was true that he had some muscle. Pharynx embarrassed him in a very noticeable way. It was obvious which of the two could beat the other in physical strength... And magic to beat. “Hello Cadance!” Thorax said with a smile when he saw his friend, Pharynx by his side, although he greeted all the princesses cordially. “I hope you are doing well.” Although Cadance seemed happy to see her friend, curiosity was still present as to why they were there. Also to the point where they had to lie to her for this meeting to happen. "Let's go to a more private place." Celestia said, looking out of the corner of her eye at her nephew Blueblood who was waiting at the door of the room, listening very attentively, and upon hearing what her aunt said she simply shook her head shamelessly to leave. “Then we can discuss things easier.” They had to hold the meeting in the sun princess's own chambers, such was the security that there were a total of ten solar guards in the hallway making sure that no one was close enough while outside, the castle, flying over the window of the princess, there was almost an entire platoon of Lunar guards. Celestia looked over to her sister, knowing she was the one behind all these soldiers at the ready. "It wasn't necessary, sister..." Celestia said, looking out the window at the large number of guards flying over the skies. “A few guards perhaps, but this many?” “Security is above all the need to keep this conversation secret is very necessary!” Luna said with her own pride as she looked at the other two rulers. “Time, I think it is necessary that you explain to us why the need for this meeting.” Both Thorax and Pharynx looked at each other and nodded at the same time. By this point, both Celestia, Luna and Cadance were lying sitting on some chairs that had been brought to the sun princess's chambers. However, due to how nervous and a little restless the other two changeling monarchs were, they had not agreed to sit next to them. This would have been considered disrespectful by Luna. But considering the time and what seemed to be the occasion, she decided not to pay attention to this. “Well…” Thorax was the one who spoke, taking a seat after a long time in silence. “The question is next…” Pharynx walked next to the chair that was for him, while the other monarchs watched him carefully. Pharynx didn't talk much, and it seemed that this time, he would be the one leading this conversation. “Two years ago...the last of the eggs in our breeding chamber hatched.” Pharynx expressed with a somewhat serious tone of voice and with a gaze lost in nothingness. “And now, we have a growing concern.” “And that's it?” Cadance didn't seem to understand. “Because I understand that those eggs that were in that chamber were only Chrysalis'.” “They are!” Thorax spoke a little scared, this also caused the princesses to become over excited by his reaction. Seeing this, Thorax calmed down and cleared his throat before saying. “That is precisely the problem…there are no more eggs.” “I don't understand.” Luna this time was the one who spoke before leaning back in her chair and crossing one of her legs and saying. “Don't they have females that can do the work of reproduction and maintain their species?” “No. That's not how it works.” Pharynx spoke, taking a seat in the chair. “Our "females" are workers or soldiers, regardless of the amount of love received in the gestation stage.” “So, if females can't give birth…what good are they?” Luna had been the one who had spoken and of course, her idea was justified, after all, every species only needed a female and a male for the conservation of the species. “ Sorry if this sounds wrong, but it's strange that a female can't give birth.” “The queen is the only one who can give birth.” Pharynx said, which made both Celestia, Luna and especially Cadance tense in their seats just as a feeling of discomfort hit them, especially Cadance. Who gritted his teeth thinking about what that changeling had done. Everything from the wedding, to the kidnapping of all the princesses and their daughter, to the attempt to rule Equestria with the help of the other villains. “The other females are incapable of breeding.” “Are you implying that you want to free Chrysalis!?” Cadance was the first to react, and not in a good way considering the large number of things the villain had done. “I’m sorry, but surely there’s another way to deal with this than letting her out!” Realizing how aggressive she was sounding, she tried to compose herself. “NO!” Thorax responded quickly, trying to calm the princess of love. “Well….technically yes. We're completely aware of what Chrysalis did to you, Cadance, seriously. But-” “If we don't free Chrysalis.” Pharynx interrupted her brother. “So, those last simulators that were born two years ago, will be the last of our species.” There was a moment of silence. Cadance for a few moments did not want to consider that fact. It was obvious that the meeting was about freeing Chrysalis. She didn’t want to agree to this without a good reason. Not only her resentment towards the changeling’s former queen, but because of how her life was nearly destroyed by her. But having an entire race literally on the brink of extinction was a good reason. And from the look Cadance saw on her two Aunts, it was obvious that they would accept. Or at least they would consider freeing her from it. “What if we use a spell to fertilize most of the Drones and…” Luna spoke trying to give a solution. “Surely, there’s some way to adjust pheromones, or induce it magically?” She wanted to help, but Cadance stopped her. “It would be useless, fertility or virility spells work for ponies.” Cadence interrupted, sighing a little as she was a little irritated her explanation was going to support Chrysalis’ release. “Also regardless of DNA, magical activity, reception and above all whether the individual's body can tolerate it. Our spells work perfectly on ponies. Doing it with a simulator, not to mention that it would be like injecting a dog with medicine that would work for a crocodile.” “Not to mention that our magic may not properly affect the body of the simulators.” Celestia commented, looking over to Thorax. “Although we could try with the males and-” “No.” Thorax spoke, interrupting the alicorn. “Sorry, but you see it’s more complex.” “Yes.” Pharynx made a gesture with his hand and said. “All of us, without exception, are either workers.” He pointed to Thorax. “Or soldiers.” Saying this, he put his hand on his chest. “As such, although we have our reproductive members we would not be able to impregnate a pony or any other species from our seed. That would only be from the ‘Alphas’ who stopped being born since the amount of love that was given to us during our gestation stage decreased noticeably.” “Exactly. Now, we thought that perhaps, in those last eggs, a ‘surrogate Queen’ would be born, it is rare, but Chrysalis is the only one that can give birth to another queen.” Thorax commented, fidgeting with his hands. “In the same way, also with the ‘Alphas’, if we had one, we could do without freeing Chrysalis, and only let the Alpha be able to preserve our species until...well…” He continued to play with his hands for a few moments. “I don't know if they had the idea or maybe...they could consider…” "Release her." Pharynx said dryly, going straight to the point, looking at the princesses. “I know she’s committed evil deeds, but she’s the only way for our kind to carry on.” Again the silence remained constant, it was a completely uncomfortable silence, and above all tense. Both Celestia and Luna knew perfectly well that Cadance would be against it. After all, Chrysalis almost succeeded in marrying Shining Armor, and if it weren't for Twilight, she very possibly would have starved to death in those crystal catacombs that lie beneath Canterlot. However there was another point, she currently possessed magic that came from Grogar's bell. She was, so to speak, strong, or at least she could be a certainly problematic potential enemy. Without the bell, it would be impossible to take those powers away from him. For a serious Alicorn, a relatively easy one to beat Chrysalis. Sure, they had an advantage. She had been locked in that stone prison for several years, and of course, she would be weak. Despite the source of power she had acquired from Grogar's cowbell. Viable? Maybe. After looking at each other for a few moments. And above all, think about it carefully...everyone looked at Cadance, as if they expected her to be the one who decided what to do with all of this. "What?" Cadance said when she saw everyone's looks. "Do you really want me to be the one who decides what to do?" “To be honest.” Thorax spoke. “You are the reincarnation of love and...well...of all those present here, you are the one who could have the most resentment.” “It's true.” Cadance said without looking at Thorax. “I hold a certain grudge against her...but at this point, in our conversation, it would be negligent on my part to put my emotions and personal problems with her first, so that an entire race comes to the end. extinction.” Letting out a heavy sigh she said. “I will agree to this, for the mere fact that it is about you…” Saying this, everyone in the room had let out a sigh of relief. "However..." Cadance continued speaking, which made everyone tense up in their seats and turn their attention to Cadance again. "There is something I want in return." “Cadance.” Celestia spoke, settling in her chair to look better at the princess of love. “Do you really want to ask them for something despite everything?” “To them?” Cadance said, looking at Thorax and Pharynx. “No, not at all. I'm happy to help a friend.” She smiled calmly at both of them. “However, I'm sure you intend to ask Twilight or one of her friends to take care of Chrysalis, just like what happened with Discord, right?” Saying this, she showed a thoughtful face full of feigned innocence, as if considering more options. She wasn’t exactly wrong. Celestia had the habit of tasking Twilight and her friends with many, many such problems. But it has shown to be of great success. The cleansing of Nightmare Moon to save Princess Luna. As well as the reformation of Discord, who was now a great ally who helped defeat Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow. But still, she hesitated a little with her words. For a moment, she felt this was a waste of time, believing that the rest had made their choice and they just wanted her to agree without feeling forced. "In fact, I'm sure you meant to ask Starlight Glimmer since she was the one who had fought against her, and who...directly, he was the one who took the hive from her." Cadance said, receiving silence from the others. “We know better than anyone that Chrysalis is proud and I am very sure that Starlight would be the last pony I would want to see…” She looked at Thorax and Pharynx. “Please, just tell us better what you want, Cadance.” Celestia expressed, cutting it off once and for all. “Your feelings about this are well known. But respectfully, get to the point.” “Very well.” Cadance let out a small childish laugh as she played with her mane. "I want to be the one who tries to reform her." “Don't be offended princess but…” Thorax seemed unsure of the decision. “Do you really think you can do it? I's not that I distrust you or anything. But I think you could take this...very personal, considering the history you have with our ex-queen.” “Cadance…” Celestia intervened again. “You're not planning on taking this personally, are you? We are talking about the survival of the changeling race, it is necessary for Chrysalis to accept giving birth to a queen in a good way.” “Not to mention that it will require a very high amount of love to be able to maintain the egg of its future heir.” Pharynx said. “Yes, Alphas need to have a very significant amount of love daily. That of a queen is a hundred times greater than that of the alphas.” “Is that so?” Cadance laughed, almost shamelessly as she tried to compose herself. It wasn't until she almost had a hiccup attack and after wiping away a tear, she moved her head to shake her hair for a few moments, letting her mane flow seductively over her shoulders before looking at the other princesses and saying. “Sometimes I think they forget precisely who they are talking to...who in all of Equestria could provide more love than the princess of Love herself?” She almost seemed arrogant as she continued. “Yes, it's possible that I take it owe me, Auntie, for getting me involved in these matters and getting me out of the crystal empire on my anniversary.” “Well…” Celestia said, letting out a sigh of resignation. “I guess as long as you can accomplish the task...I don't see why you can't be the one to convince her first.” “But…are you sure you can convince her, Cadance?” Thorax said worriedly. “Chrysalis...she was never exactly someone who accepted orders from anyone.” “Not to mention that you would be one of the last faces she would want to see.” Pharynx added. “So you’ll certainly have more than a handful when dealing with her.” Cadance stood up from her seat and walked over to them, a rather smug, but seductive smile at the same time displayed on her face as she took him by the chin. “Believe me…I can be very persuasive when I set my mind to it.” Cadance said, her voice rippling with a tone that sent a shiver down Pharynx’s spine. Releasing him from her chin, he walked calmly while she strutted until he reached Thorax. “Just tell me what tricks she may have up her sleeve. And I'll take care of the rest."
Main 6,Princess Luna,Spike,Human,Dark,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity,Violence
A safe haven
The human male will embark on a new journey where he hopes to find peace.
<p>James, burdened by the pain of a fractured family and a haunting past, unexpectedly finds himself stranded in the enchanting realm of Equestria. Greeted by the whimsical creatures and vibrant landscapes, he is initially overwhelmed by the stark contrast to his own troubled world. However, as he begins to explore this mystical land, James discovers a glimmer of hope for healing and happiness amidst the uncertainty of his predicament.</p><br/><p>Haunted by memories of familial strife and heartache, James seeks solace in the companionship of the ponies and creatures of Equestria. As he forms deep bonds with his newfound friends, he learns the true meaning of acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness. Through their guidance and support, James begins to confront the demons of his past, slowly unraveling the tangled web of pain and resentment that has held him captive for so long.</p><br/><p>As he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption, James finds himself on a path towards healing and reconciliation. With each passing day, he discovers moments of joy and serenity amidst the beauty of Equestria, and begins to glimpse the possibility of a brighter future. Yet, as he navigates the challenges of his new reality, James must confront the shadows of his past and make peace with the ghosts that haunt him.</p><br/><p>Driven by a newfound sense of purpose and a longing for happiness, James embraces the wonders of Equestria, determined to forge a new destiny for himself. Will he find the healing and happiness he so desperately seeks, or will the scars of his past continue to define his future?</p>
New York City8:45pm James was a man who has dealt with a lot of pain from his past. He wished he had an answer as to why he was being treated the way he was treated now. It all started when he was younger; there was a huge fallout in his family. Apparently, his father didn’t want him, so he was severely against taking care of James. His mother was shocked that those words came out of his father’s mouth. ‘I don’t want him, I wish he was never born,’ his mom filed for divorce. As James grew up, he started to notice that his mother was becoming more aggressive towards him. She started drinking alcohol, getting drunk right in front of him whenever he came home from school. She would start slurring her words, saying ‘you are the main reason why my husband doesn’t want me.’ As soon as he turned 18, he was kicked out of the house, and ever since then, he had been homeless. He was wearing tattered clothes, had a long black beard, really long hair, and at 22 years old, he had no one to take him in. He was sitting on a bench in the middle of the night, leaning his body down to look up at the stars. He had grown to like the stars a lot; they always calmed him down whenever his past got to him. As he was looking at the stars, he saw a shooting star go by and quickly made a wish. “I wish to be somewhere happy where no one can judge me and befriend me for who I am,” he said in a sad tone. When the shooting star was gone, he quickly drifted off to sleep. Back in Canterlot… The princess of the night, named Luna, was coming out of her night court duties to retire for the night. ‘I just wish I had somepony to be friends with. Don’t someponies know that I am reformed? I’m no longer the pony who I used to be, but every time I say that, everypony just runs off, still scared of me because they see me as Nightmare Moon,’ she thought depressingly. As she trotted slowly to her room with her head down, she made her way to her balcony, looking at her work—the night sky, looking at every single star. Until she caught one star in her eye—a shooting star. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and wished, “I wish to find somepony to be friends with who won’t run away from me.” After she headed back to her room, she went to sleep. The next day… Gasps “What type of creature is that?” “I don’t know, but don’t go near it.” “What’s wrong with its clothes? They’re all scratched up.” James was rudely woken up by voices all around him. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was greeted with a bunch of colorful ponies. His face went pale as everypony was looking at him with those big eyes darting at him. James didn’t know how to respond to this, so instead, he fainted from shock. The ponies didn’t know what to do until a certain pony by the name of Twilight and her friends came bustling through the crowds to see what was going on. “Alright, coming through everyone, what’s going on here?” Twilight asked as she stopped to see a human on the ground. “Twilight, darling, do you know what it is?” Rarity came up behind her. “Umm, what do you think it is, Twilight?” Fluttershy said from behind. “I don’t know, girls, but from what I can guess, we haven’t seen their species in a very long time.” Meanwhile, in Canterlot… Luna woke up when the sun was beaming at her face. Her eyes winced in irritation. She rolled out of bed, began stretching her hind legs and forelegs, then headed out the door, going to see her sister at the dining hall to eat breakfast. “Luna, you look absolutely exhausted. Did my sun accidentally beam at your face again?” Her older sister said, taking a sip of her tea. Luna shook her head, obviously lying to Celestia, but she wasn’t slick with her lies. “Luna, I can tell when you lie. You don’t have to lie to me,” she said. The princess of the night sighed, using her magic to pull up a chair to sit next to her sister. A waiter came into the dining room with a big plate of pancakes and a pitcher of tea. Her breakfast was handed down gently on the table, and the waiter poured tea into her cup. The waiter bowed its head, saying ‘enjoy your breakfast, your highness,’ then left the dining room. “Yes, your sunlight was doing that, but that’s besides the point,” she said with her voice slightly cracking, clearly stressed. Her sister was about to ask her if she was all right, but she continued. “Everypony that I try to be friends with always runs away from me and still thinks of me as Nightmare Moon. I’ve already kept apologizing to the ponies and Ponyville. I’m not that person anymore. I’ve changed,” she finished, burying her face with her hooves. Luna felt a pair of hooves wrapping around her. “They will soon open up to you, but they can’t be afraid of you forever. Just give it time,” Celestia comforted as she began to nuzzle her sister gently. Back in Ponyville… James woke up again, but this time he was not outside surrounded by ponies. Instead, he was inside in a random building that someone brought him into. He took a look at his new surroundings—nothing but books on every shelf. As he was curiously looking around, a voice jolted him, making him spin around to see a purple pony with wings and a horn on the top of its head. “Are you all right? I take it that you’re not used to seeing ponies talk before?” James scratched his head then said, “Where I’m from, you guys are not like us. You don’t talk like us or even act like normal human beings, unfortunately.” Twilight was taken aback when he said that. “So, on your HomeWorld, our species is not like you, just completely dead-brain ponies?!” James shrugged his shoulders then nodded his head. “I hate to tell it to you, but yeah, it’s true,” he said. Twilight then stepped forward. “Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship.” James smiled then introduced himself to her. “My name is James Winters. I am from New York City in the United States. My mom kicked me out when I just turned 18, and I had nowhere else to go. I was homeless.” Twilight gave him a sympathetic expression then said, “You were homeless? How come your parents didn’t take care of you?” James sighed ultimately, regretting his decision to talk about his past. “Because they never wanted me in the first place. In fact, maybe they’re right,” he said as he closed his eyes. He felt a pair of arms wrapping around him. “Don’t you ever say that again. You are more than just that. What your parents did to you wasn’t right,” she said, nuzzling against his cheek. James was feeling a little bit awkward by that sudden affection but decided to let it slide. “So, what should we do now?” he asked. Twilight released him from her hug, slightly blushing. “Let me take you to meet my friends. They are super friendly, trust me,” Twilight said as she led him to the living room to meet her friends.
Big Imagination E
Fluttershy (EqG),Soarin,Romance,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
A Valentine Picnic
Fluttershy and Soarin go on a picnic for Valentine's Day
<p>It's Valentine's Day in Canterlot City and Fluttershy along with her lover Soarin decided to go a little picnic to celebrate their love.</p><p>This was requested by Roxas2017.</p>
It was a lovely sunny day in the city of Canterlot and all the buildings were decorated with hearts. Reason why is because it was the season of love and everybody was feeling it on Valentine's Day. But today was a special day for a specific couple that has been together for a long time now. They were Soarin and Fluttershy. I bet you're wondering how they got together? Well in his high school days he first met her at an animal shelter taking care of the little critters. He offered to help and she said yes. They both took care of some cute puppy dogs and Soaring happened to like one to have as a pet. Fluttershy didn't mind since he needed a home anyway. After a few months of spending time together they officially became boyfriend and girlfriend. Soarin covered his girlfriend's eyes because he planned a special surprise for her and he didn't want in ruined.He guided her to the park where he would reveal it once there. And Fluttershy was wearing a light green dress that represented leaves and wore a flower crown on her head. Soarin had on a blue shirt and black pants. "Honey can I open my eyes now?" Fluttershy asked. "Not yet babe. Wait til we get there and then I will open them okay?" Soarin answered. She nodded and they continued going. After a few minutes they reached the top of a hill and Soarin stopped her and took his hands off her eyes. "Ok babe. Now you can look." Soarin said. She opened her eyes and saw a lovely picnic all set up for them. There were sandwiches, chips, a cake for dessert, glass cups, some fruit punch soda, and all were set on a flower decorated blanket. Fluttershy couldn't believe her eyes at this beautiful sight. "Soarin? You did all this for me?" Fluttershy asked. "All for you babe. It's my Valentine's gift for you. A way of saying that I love you." Soarin answered. "Oh honey you didn't have to do this." Fluttershy said. "Nonsense dear. I wanted to. Now why don't we enjoy this picnic?" Soarin asked. She nodded yes and the two sat down on the blanket and enjoyed their meal. For the next three hours they both were enjoying the picnic and their company while watching the sun set. "Soarin? Can I ask you something?" Fluttershy asked. "Of course you can babe. What is it?" Soarin wondered. "Well I was thinking about the day that we first met and I couldn't stop thinking about how well our relationship was going. Like the day you saved me from falling into the mud puddle." Fluttershy answered. "Well I certainly wasn't going to let my girl get all muddy." Soarin replied. "Yeah and at the dance. You were really brave asking me to dance with you. No guy has ever asked me to dance with them and I was alone on every dance." Fluttershy added. "Well that's because you were hanging around with jerks. And plus I knew you deserve better than this. But I was so grateful that I asked you to dance with me." Soarin said. "Me too babe. And since we been together for like five months I'm surprised that we didn't have some 'special bonding' if you get my meaning." Fluttershy said blushing. "Now honey I didn't want to rush this relationship. Because knowing you I certainly do not want to break your heart and do something you don't feel comfortable with." Soarin reminded her. "Oh I get that. Really I do but I see other couples doing some romantic stuff sometimes and wondered when we will." Fluttershy said. "One day my little butterfly. But not today." Soarin answered. "I understand. Well I thank you for the picnic you planned but I think I should head home." Fluttershy said. "Hang on dear. I have something else to give you." Soarin replied. He reached into the basket and pulled out a small black box. When he opened it it revealed a emerald ring with a flower jewel in the center of it. Fluttershy gasped seeing a beautiful ring and he placed it on her finger. "Oh Soarin! It's beautiful!" Fluttershy cried. "I'm glad you like it. I thought that maybe you liked a ring that represented your personality. Kind, sweet and most caring. That very ring I got fits you quite well." Soarin said. "You know Soarin? You did so much nice stuff for me that I gotta return the favor. Come here and kiss me." Fluttershy said opening her arms. Then Soarin went to her and started making out passionately. They rubbed hands on each other's backs and the kiss was slow and passionate. They continued doing that til the sun is officially gone and the moon came out and shined it's silver light in the sky. They separated and looked in each other's eyes. "Oh Soarin. You just made this the best Valentine's Day of my life. Thank you babe." Fluttershy smiled. "You are very welcome babe. I won't love anyone else but you. You filled my heart with love and no one can replace you. That I promise." Soarin vowed. Fluttershy smiled as they shared another kiss. Then she yawned a little and they separated the hug. "You tired baby?" Soarin asked. "Yeah. I had a long day and your Valentine's surprise really made me happy but also made me a little sleepy. I should get home now." Fluttershy said. "Here. Lemme help you get home. I don't want you accidentally falling asleep on the street." Soarin offered. Fluttershy smiled and nodded yes meaning she will take his help on getting home to her house. He held her hand and guided her the right way to her house so she can sleep peacefully once there. And just like that a few minutes later they arrived and he told Fluttershy good night and he went home to his house to rest as well. And that brings a lovely story to it's happy conclusion. Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
One fine day in Equestria we see many ponies enjoying their day and helping out with the preparations. For today was the day of the Friendship Festival. They were all extremely excited about this. Well everyone except for Spike. He was a teenage dragon and was sad in the Castle of Friendship. Reason why he was upset was because he caught his ex Ember in bed with a another dragon. That left him devastated and heartbroken since then. It's been three weeks since that happened and Spike still wasn't happy. At that time Twilight who was an anthro ailcorn came in. "Hey Spike. You feeling okay?" Twilight asked. "No Twilight. I'm still upset after everything that Ember did. And not only that but you never seized to invite me to any events in Equestria and leave me to clean the castle every day." Spike replied sadly. "I know your not happy right now Spike. But listen. I still care for you no matter what. Even though I asked you to clean the castle I know you still do it. And guess what?" Twilight said. "What Twilight?" Spike wondered. "After we find a band that will play a special show tonight I will promise to come get you so you can join us for the Festival." Twilight swore. "I appreciate your offer but I just wanna be alone right now. I'm really tired from cleaning and I seriously need rest." Spike said. "Oh ok Spike. But my offer to the Friendship Festival is still open." Twilight smiled. Suddenly the door opened and Twilight and Spike's closest friends entered the library, "Good morning, Twilight," Rarity greeted her and looked to Spike, "And good morning to you too, Spike." Spike waved with a little blush on his face. "Oh, morning girls." Twilight greeted them. "What brings you all here?" Spike asked. "Well we thought we could treat Twilight to something to eat," Fluttershy began sounding positive, only to switch to her shy nature, "You know if she wants to, that is." "Well unfortunately Twi does have a lot to do." Spike replied. "Oh I see." Fluttershy answered meekly. "Actually I think I can squeeze in a little time before I get to work." Twilight admitted putting bright looks on her friends faces. That brought lots of smiles to there faces and then Applejack turned to Spike. "Hey Spike. How's about you join us? We got room for one more." Applejack offered. "I would but I'm too tired. I had to help Twilight all day and I seriously need rest. But maybe another time." Spike answered. "Oh are you sure Spike?" Rarity asked. "Yes. I want to rest up. Please." Spike said. "Sorry about this, Spike." Twilight apologized. "Oh no it's ok, Twilight. Somepony's gotta keep the place in shape for you after all." Spike explained with a forced smile. "Well suit yourself sugarcube." Applejack said as the six left the castle. Once they left, Spike's forced smile faded and he looked down sighing. He laid down on the bed and sighed in sadness. Throughout his whole life he was missing every fun event that there was in Equestria. All because Twilight had him clean the castle and even though he wanted to help out deep down he knew that he wanted to actually have fun for once and not be an arrend dragon. "Man I wish that I could actually see what it's like to be in a fun event and have a good time. And not be in the castle just cleaning all day." Spike said. Then he heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. He opened the door and saw a letter on the ground. He picked it up and took it in. He opened it and read what it said. Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, We regret to inform you that we won't be performing at the Friendship Festival in a week. Reason why is our lead singer caught a cold and we need to take care of him. So were terribly sorry for the delay but we can't perform if he's sick. So we promise to perform when he's feeling better. Signed Rock Wing. "Oh man if Twilight heard that the Quintet Flyers weren't coming then she would freak out. But wait. What if I went to find another band to take their place? Yeah then I will have to be joined in the Friendship Festival!!" Spike thought. So he got out a piece of paper and a quill and wrote a message to Twilight so she'll know where he headed off to. Once he finished he left the Castle of Friendship and went off looking for a band. But so far he has no luck. Then suddenly he found something very interesting. It was a molten rock pipe with lava cracks and looked ominous. "Whoa. This looks creepy. But maybe I can find a band in their. Since no other bands in Ponyville what to volunteer." Spike said. Leaving him no other choice he climbed on the pipe and it took him to a world he will soon discover when he encounters some turtle like creatures.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
Coming out of the pipe he saw a lava land and volcanoes were everywhere. And what caught his attention was a huge castle built in the lava and it was massive! It even had a scary looking face on it. Spike wondered how it got there and went to the entrance. Once there he saw a turtle like creature at the gate wearing dark blue armor carrying a hammer. "Hey. Who's goes there?" He said. "Now at ease. I didn't come for harm but I was wondering if I can head in to see if their was a band I could talk to for the Friendship Festival." Spike answered. "You got a name?" He asked. "Spike. Spike the Dragon." "Funny. We have minions named that. Wait here." He responded. He went in the door and closed it. Spike waited for ten minutes til he came out again. "Yeah we got a band. And they never heard anything about this Friendship Festival. But they are willing to make any concerts anywhere." The turtle said. "Well can I talk to them?" Spike asked. "Yeah. Follow me." The turtle said as he opened the door and allowed Spike to come in. He walked with him in the hallway of this castle and he liked how it was made. And there were a bunch of turtle like creatures and other creatures looking at him curiously. Spike got a little uncomfortable with that. "Relax. They haven't seen a dragon like you so they'll get used to it. Plus all the Koopas and other residents of Bowser never really get any guests in the Darklands. Were almost there." The Koopa said. They continued walking and after eight pairs of pillars, and behind a red curtain, the throne came. It had smaller pillars of its own going around on either side, and it was atop some steps, which the rug come over and stopped right where the throne was. It was a golden color and made of stone, the bottom part looked like it was made of bricks of sorts. Is it stone or dyed concrete, he wondered, and the tops of the arms were circular at the ends and higher than the rest, made of metal. He could make out a circular top to the throne, with nine spikes with black edges. And sitting on it, was something reminiscent of the Koopas, but he was bigger, even taller than the tallest unicorns he had seen plus their horns! The scales on the sides of his torso, his arms, his legs, and his spiked tail were a golden color with a muddy brown tint on them, yet they shined like the Crystal Heart had once did before it was curropted! His belly was covered in light beige plating, and had a white rim around his shell like the Koopas did, but his forest green shell had ten spikes on them. His feet were not the toed feet she had, but were clawed, as were his hands, which had three fingers and a thumb instead of four and a thumb. On his greenish-brown head, above his muzzle, sat a set of marvelous horns and a mane of bright red hair, complete with bushy eyebrows. Beneath his eyes, which were as red as the brightest fire ruby she saw, was the power and might of a powerful warlord with years of experience behind him, and a fortunate bit of a soft side for children behind as well. He continued looking at Spike as the Koopa with him moved Spike up the stairs before stopping just a few meters before stopping and bowing. And next to him was three other Koopas in rock and roll gear. One had spiked shoulder pads, paint on his face and knees and red hair, the second had magenta spiked hair, and the third had orange and purple striped spiked hair wearing a cape. They looked at Spike with interest. "Greetings young drake. I have been told that you were coming here to see if my greatest band The Blazing Koopas would attend your Friendship Festival?" The lead Koopa said in a deep voice. "Yes sir. I'm Spike. And you are?" He asked. "I am Bowser. The King of the Koopas. And these three guys are Flame, Rockpunk, and Blazer. They are the Blazing Koopas and I'm one of their singers." He answered. "Oh ok. Well I can tell your busy so I'll just go." Spike said. "Hang on little drake. You said that you want us to perform at a Friendship Festival right? Well how would you like to join the Blazing Koopas and see what we can do?" Rockpunk asked. "Me in your band? That's a generous offer but I think you need me to prove it don't you?" Spike wondered. "You catch on quick. Yes. Before we can make you a member of The Blazing Koopas there's something you need to do. We want you to sing and try and enjoy the beat. Cause it just so happens that we need another singer." Flame explained. "Do that and your wish is granted." Bowser stated. "Ok. I can do that. And I actually have been writing a song. It's about a hippo and a dinosaur combined into one becoming a hippodactyl. You probably think it's stupid." Spike answered. "No. Show us the lyrics and we'll see." Blazer insisted. He gave him the lyrics and they looked at them seeing what he wrote and were impressed. "Spike. This is actually pretty good. Why don't we go ahead and sing that song?" Flame asked. Everyone agreed and they all went to the recording studio and they got their instruments ready. Blazer was on the drums, Rockpunk was on lead guitar, and Flame had a bass guitar. And of course Spike was gonna sing with Bowser. "Ok. Roll it!" Bowser said. The Koopa on the camera begin rolling it. "Ok and action!!" Then they started playing the song and were rocking to the beat with Spike singing.https://m. The screen behind them begin turning into some footage of a hippo turning into a half mammal and half dinosaur hybrid and they were rocking away. Once they song was over all the Koopas and Spike were happy that they got to heard him sing. Even Bowser was impressed. "Well Spike. You definitely showed that you can sing well. Boys? Make him a member of your band and I will see about getting in touch with the ruler of this Equestria. Were gonna be performing a big Bowser Bash there!!" Bowser replied and left. Spike was so happy that he was now a member of the band as the Blazing Koopas got him in a rock and roll outfit. First Flame placed on a sleeveless black leather jacket, next Rockpunk placed some spiked wristbands and knee pads, and finally Blazer placed some sunglasses and a chain with a ruby on his neck. "There you are brother. Welcome to the Blazing Koopas." Flame smiled. "Thanks guys. Now I know Twilight will happy to hear that I got and I'm In a cool band!" Spike said. "You sure are! Come little bro. Let's go show you what the Blazing Koopas have got to offer." Rockpunk smiled. So the The Blazing Koopas led Spike to see all the treasures they have during their time as a band throughout the years. Meanwhile Bowser had a wicked smirk on his face walking away from the door meaning his has an evil plan in mind.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
Bowser walked through the halls of his of his castle all the way to the throne room. Once there he was face to face with a Koopa in a blue robe and wand wearing glasses. His name was Kamek. And he had something to tell Bowser. "Excuse me your Nastiness." Kamek said. "What do you want Kamek?" Bowser asked. "A report on our scaly friend that I think you be interested. The Blazing Koopas have informed me that he came from Ponyville where a bunch of ponies rely on friendship. And that throughout the years they stopped bad guys that tried to take over that castle in a place called Canterlot." Kamek informed. "Really? What's your point?" Bowser said annoyed. "Well sire. I know you tried taking over the Flower Kingdom a while back and failed with Mario foiling the last show...." Kamek said. Bowser got enraged and slammed his fists on the ground. "Don't mention that stupid plumber's name!! I'm still sore after what he did!!!!" Bowser yelled. "I know sire but I was thinking that maybe for this show we could perform in Ponyville and take control of that place. Since Mario is not protecting Ponyville it should be easy." Kamek finished. Bowser thought about it for a while and he had to admit that trying to take over the Mushroom Kingdom was getting a little stale since Mario keeps foiling his plans. So maybe a little change in kingdom takeover would be nice to do. "Hmm. You may have a point Kamek. All right. We'll go with your idea. Tell the troops to get a meeting started and make sure the Blazing Koopas are practicing. They'll need all the time they need in order for the plan to work." Bowser replied. "Yes sir. What will your plan be?" Kamek asked. "Oh you'll find out in the meeting. But in the meantime I gotta make a little call and book us a gig for this 'Ponyville'." Bowser answered. He left heading into the room leaving Kamek alone to do his job. Meanwhile in Canterlot we see the ruler herself Celestia taking a nice relaxing bath trying to melt away the stress from trying to find a replacement band since The Quintet Flyers won't attend. Then a guard with a phone came to her. "Umm. Sorry to interrupt your bath your Highness but you have a phone call." The guard said. "Thank you for letting me know. I hope this is something good." Celestia thanked. She took the phone and we see that Bowser was calling on the other line. "Hello. Am I speaking to the ruler of Equestria herself?" Bowser asked. "Yes. I'm Princess Celestia and I was currently taking a bath. Who is it that I'm speaking to?" Celestia wondered. "This is Bowser. King of the Koopas. Sorry to interrupt your little bathtime but I think I have something I think you wanna hear." Bowser said. "Well I'm very busy with the Friendship Festival. But what is it you wish to tell me?" Celestia asked. "I just thought that maybe you needed a band for this little event of yours. Well lucky for you I happened to be in a band called the Blazing Koopas and we don't have any other shows booked so I was wondering if maybe Ponyville was accepting any gigs?" Bowser explained. Celestia perked her head up and was in shock. "You actually have a band and are willing to help us?" Celestia asked. "Yes. Just sit back, relax, set up a time and we'll be there in the speed of light." Bowser assured. "Well Twilight told me that The Quintet Flyers won't make it because of their lead singer being sick. So we got no other choice. Alright you have a deal. Be here at Ponyville by tomorrow and don't delay." Celestia said. "We'll be there. Thank you." Bowser said as he hung up. Celestia placed the phone down and continued to relax in the tub. Back at Bowser Castle we see the king walking down the halls again and heading to the throne room where the meeting was held. In there were a whole lot of minions talking to each other. They continued on talking til they saw the boss walking on stairs and sitting on the throne. Once he did that he began to speak. "My army!! Koopas! Goombas!! Shy Guys!! Bob-ombs!! Magikoopas!!! Army Bros!! Boos!! And Sniffits!!! After years of trying to take over the Mushroom Kingdom we have always got bested by that stupid Mario!!" Bowser yelled. The crowd roared in anger. "But that changes now!! For we have a new kingdom to conquer!!" Bowser replied. The crowd shouted in excitement. "Thanks to our little dragon friend we know that the kingdom he's from is Equestria! Soon we will arrive at the kingdom of ponies!!" Bowser added. "Yeah!!" The crowd said. "Where over there they only rely on friendship and that sickens me!! Well I will change that perspective by playing with the Blazing Koopas and turning all of Equestria into a Big Bowser Bash!!!" Bowser declared. "Yeah!!!" The crowd roared. "So what's your plan to take over Equestria your Evilness?" A Hammer Bro asked. "I'm glad you asked. First once we arrive in Equestria well will act like nothing's up. While were doing that I will send out a team of Ninja Koopas to retrieve some powerful artifacts we may need. Next once we have them in our possession we will attach them to our equipment to activate their power. And finally once we have everything ready then comes my favorite part." Bowser explained. "And what would your favorite part be?" A Boo asked. "That's playing in the band and mind controlling all the ponies and turning all of Equestria into a Blazing Bowser Bash!! Once we do that we will take over Equestria and nothing can stop us!!!" Bowser finished. The crowd cheered and roared in excitement. "All of you! Pack all the equipment, merch, and prepare yourselves for the best Bowser Bash ever!! ITS GONNA ROCK!!" Bowser yelled. The minions all were excited and prepared to pack everything up tor the trip to Equestria and for Bowser to put his evil plan in action. What will Spike do if he founds out?
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
Back in Ponyville we see Twilight who was crying a little. Reason why his because her scheduled band the Quintet Flyers were not gonna make it and Spike was missing. But he left a note saying that he went off to find a band to replace the The Quintet Flyers. Her friends saw the upset state she's in and wanted to see if she is okay. "Are you okay Twi? You certainly don't look happy." Applejack asked. "Oh this is horrible!” Twilight added in worry. "First the Quintet Flyers wouldn't come because the lead singer is sick and Spike's gone!" "Spikey is gone?! But why is he gone?" Rarity worried. "I don't know. But I think it's all my fault! If I had just let him join the Friendship Festival he wouldn't have disappeared!!" Twilight cried. Then suddenly she tried calling him through her special communication device to see if he was ok. Then a portal appeared and saw Spike helping out some Koopas pack up for something. She smiled seeing that Spike was okay. "Spike! Spike over here!!" Twilight called out. He turned and saw them through the portal and smiled a little. "Hey Twilight. How you and the girls doing?" Spike asked. "Better now that we got in touch with you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" Twilight said. "Sorry Twi but I was trying to see if there was a band that can take the Quintet Flyers place for the Friendship Festival. Lucky for me I managed to find one here." Spike explained. "And what band is that? And what's with the clothing your wearing?" Applejack wondered. "It's what my bandmates have me wearing. And it's a good look. Also the band I found is called The Blazing Koopas. Bowser the king of this place booked a gig in Ponyville so were coming to town to perform." Spike added. "The Blazing Koopas? That's a new band. And you are in that band?" Rainbow wondered. "Exactly! Since all Twilight has done was had me clean I decided to head out and find a band in hopes of actually joining a fun event. Well thanks to my Blazing Koopa buds they offered me something I can't resist." Spike answered. "Spike I know I shouldn't have been making you clean every time there was a fun event. But please give me another chance to show you that I really want you to have fun. P!ease?" Twilight begged. Spike thought about it til he had an answer. "Tell you what. When I get to Ponyville I don't wanna hear you saying that I need to clean again. Do that and we'll see. Okay?" Spike asked. "Okay. I promise Spike." Twilight smiled. "Hey Spike-O! Come on man we gotta pack up our instruments!" Rockpunk said. "Coming Rockpunk! Gotta go. See you later." Spike said as the portal disappeared. The girls smiled happy seeing that Spike was ok. And Pinkie was happy bouncing up and down hearing that Spike is performing in a band. "Ooh! This is so exciting!! Spike's performing in The Blazing Koopas!! I bet they'll make the best Friendship Festival EVER!!!" Pinkie cheered. "Yeah. But I'm not sure about this Bowser guy. Something seems off." Twilight thought. "Pff! You're overreacting! Spike's okay, he's gonna perform in a band later on during the festival, and we should be glad that he booked a gig in Ponyville so relax Twi." Rainbow replied. "I guess so." Twilight said. So the girls took Twilight out for a little fresh air and hope that it would make her feel better. But deep down she still was wondering why this Bowser guy would book a gig in Ponyville. Little did she know that later on he would put his evil plan in action once they arrived. Back at Bowser Castle we see all the minions packing the airships with all the equipment, the merchandise, the speakers and of course the instruments that the Blazing Koopas will need to do their big performance. With Spike he helped out Rockpunk place the last bit of equipment in the airship and they high fived for a job well done. "Nice work. That should be the last of the stuff." Rockpunk said. "I hope so cause that's a lot of things a band needs for a performance." Spike complimented. "Need I remind you Spike that a band needs a lot of equipment to assure that our performances are the best in the music world?" Blazer reminded him. "Point taken." Spike admitted. Then Bowser came in with some sunglasses on. And carrying a microphone in his claw. "So boys? Is everything packed and ready to go? Because this Bowser Bash in Ponyville is gonna be the biggest one we ever did." Bowser asked. "Yes Bowser everything is all ready." Spike answered. "Good. And I hope the same can be said for the others." Bowser replied. Then Kamek appeared with a look on his face. "Umm my leige? May I have a word with you?" Kamek asked. "Yes. Blazing Koopas? Go head in the airship and I will be right there. It won't take long." Bowser said. He and Kamek headed to a room where they can discuss and Spike along with the Blazing Koopas headed in the airship and waited for Bowser to aboard. In the other room Bowser and Kamek were at a table and had to talk about something. "Alright Kamek this better be important." Bowser warned. "It is. I did some research on this Equestria and found out that a different team of heroes protect that land and no it's not Mario." Kamek started. "Oh really? And what would those heroes be?" Bowser asked. "According to my calculations they are all equines of some kind. Some of them had wings, some had horns, and some don't have any of them and only four of them have both. They were of many different colors, and they are all ponies in a way." Kamek explained. "Ponies? BWAHAHAHAHA!! Ok that is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard! How can ponies be these so called heroes of this Equestria?! They couldn't find hay in a haystack!!" Bowser laughed. "You may say that now sire. But I did some research on them and found out that they don't mess around when they fight evil. Back in the days they faced many villains. Including an evil ailcorn planning to make the night eternal, A weird combination of different animals making chaos, A shape-shifting queen that once almost wrecked A wedding, A shadow king from taking a empire of crystal, A centaur that stole lots of magic from everyone, and lots more. If they figure out what were planning then the whole Bowser Bash would be ruined." Kamek finished. Bowser stopped laughing and noticed that Kamek was serious. If they were discovered of their plan then conquering Equestria won't be a walk in the park. "Hmm. These ponies. Do they have names and how did they become a team?" Bowser asked. "Yes the names are Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy. I believe that Twilight started this team when she arrived in Ponyville sometime ago. At first she wasn't in the mood for making friends but then met these five. I think they may be up to something sire." Kamek answered. "If they are then I'm not threatened." Bowser said. He then lifted a table and slammed it into Kamek's face as he yelled in pain and came out of the rubble. Bowser was furious that a group of ponies could be planning to stop him. "FIND OUT WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY'RE PLANNING!!!!" Bowser yelled. "Yes sire! Once we arrive in Equestria I will see about discovering the plan of them! I will have the information you need once I finish my lord!" Kamek said and took off. "YOU BETTER! BECAUSE I WILL NOT HAVE A BUNCH OF PONIES RUINING MY BOWSER BASH!!!!" Bowser yelled. Kamek ran fast as he could and boarded the giant airship and waited for Bowser's command for when they will take off for Equestria. Then Bowser came out of the room and boarded the ship with Spike and the Blazing Koopas in it and sat down in his throne. "Hey Boss. You got everything sorted out?" Flame asked. "Yes. And now that it's out of the way we can finally head out and prepare ourselves for the Bowser Bash in Ponyville." Bowser answered. "Good. I'm glad that this performance will be the greatest thing happening for Equestria. And did you say Bowser Bash? You do realize that it's the Friendship Festival were celebrating right?" Spike wondered. "I know that! When I said Bowser Bash I meant that's the show were performing. Make sense?" Bowser asked. "Yeah that's make a bunch more sense now." Spike admitted. "Good." Bowser said as he grabbed a microphone and spoke. "Attention troops. This is your captain speaking. We have completed our checks, everyone has everything packed up, you all got your seatbelts on and were requesting permission to take off. Thank you for choosing Air Bowser and please stay seated as he prepare for takeoff to reach our destination." Then he put the microphone up and the airships started to take to the skies. The lead one with the band inside began moving heading to Equestria and the others followed behind. Ponyville better be ready because Bowser and his band are coming to town. And to also take over their world.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
In Ponyville we see all the ponies making their final preparations for the Friendship Festival. But suddenly the ponies looked up to the sky and saw what they believed to be storm clouds in the sky. Twilight did not look happy about this development. "Storm clouds? I ordered perfect weather! Rainbow Dash?!" Twilight asked frantically. Rainbow looked nervously towards her friend. "Uh... I... don't think those are storm clouds." Rainbow replied. "Ooh! I bet those are the clowns I ordered! Or better yet the band's here!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly. As the airships landed, one of them landed and the walkway lowered to the ground and crushed a balloon animal instantly. "Brian, no!" Party Favor yelled in anguish. From the top of the walkway we see Spike, Bowser and the Blazing Koopas coming down and the ponies stared at this new comer. "Where is this Celestia? I demand to speak to her about the show we are gonna do here!" Bowser said. The ponies were all confused at what Bowser said. Then the royal princesses landed on the front of the crowd and spoke with Bowser. ''Bowser, is it?'' Celestia said. ''I was glad you were able to come here. And is that Spike with you?" "Yes. For we made him a member of the band. Now we were told that here in Ponyville is where we are gonna do our big Bowser Bash. Which is the name of the show." Rockpunk replied. "Yes. The stage is all ready for you." Celestia mentioning the stage. "Excellent. Although I think a little redecorating is in order. Not to worry. We'll have that stage fixed up and we'll be ready to rock. MINIONS! Get the stuff and get busy!!" Bowser demanded. Soon more walkways on more airships were opening and everyone was getting the stuff and headed to the stage for a little remodeling. Most of them carried all the equipment while others had paint cans for a new paint job. Twilight who saw the Koopas coming here was confused. "Excuse me sir. Um what are you doing?" Twilight asked. "We were required to remodel this stage for the Blazing Koopas. So if you'll excuse us we got a job to do." The red Paratroopa said. So Twilight left and saw the Koopas getting rid of any of the friendship stuff on the stage and started to remodel a bit. She then saw Spike and went to him. "Spike. I'm happy that you are playing in a band later on but don't you think we can leave the stage as it is?" Twilight asked. "Sorry Twi if they need to remodel then I can't go against them. Also I think you would like the Blazing Koopas. They started setting up stands for selling their merchandise." Spike answered. He pointed out seeing the stands that were built and they were starting to sell the merch. "Well I'm just not sure about all this. I think this Bowser is up to no good." Twilight worried. "Come on Twilight. You can't just say that they are bad guys when you don't know what they done. Now let's go regroup with the girls and talk about the show. You'll love it." Spike assured. Twilight nodded and they headed off to regroup. Meanwhile Bowser saw what Spike did and he smirked evily knowing that his plan was working. He then pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke. "Ninja Koopa Clan. I need you five to sneak in the castle and see if you can get some relics that might provide useful. We need this Bowser Bash to be the best for taking over." Bowser said. Hiding in the bushes in Canterlot was five Koopas wearing ninja outfits with a symbol on the chest. "Were on it master. We'll get the job done." The leader said as he put away the walkie talkie. "Alright boys. Let's go get what the master wishes." Soon the five Koopa Ninjas began sneaking their way in the castle like actual ninjas and taking out the guards. Once they headed in they looked for the vault that carried the most powerful relics. They found the door but a guard was blocking it. Then one Koopa Ninja took down a sleeping smoke bomb and threw it at him putting him in a sleeping state. They smirked under the masks and quickly snuck in the vault. Inside they saw all sorts of relics that might provide useful. The leader took his walkie talkie out and spoke. "Master. We found the relics." The leader said. "Good. Now take the ones you think will provide useful for the Bowser Bash. Once you do bring them to the staff." Bowser ordered. "Copy that master." The leader responded putting it away. So the Koopa Ninja Clan looked at the different relics and needed to found out which ones will be useful. One of them took a ruby skull, another took two mind controlling diamonds, and the third had a special chip that can be placed in a microphone for them to be controlled. "Nice work boys. Now let's go get them to the staff.” The leader said “Yes sensai.” The ninjas said in unison. So the ninja Koopas placed the relics in their shells and quietly snuck their way out of the castle and once they did they ran fast as they could out of Canterlot. Then they arrived in Ponyville and gave the staff the relics and they thanked them and continued working on the stage. They went to Bowser and told him the good news on their plan. “We got the relics and gave the staff them. Your plan to rule the world will be victorious boss.” The leader said. “Excellent work Koopa Ninja Clan. Now we’re sure to conquer Equestria. Return to the airship and rest up for tonight.” Bowser said. They did what he asked them to do and Kamek came right next to him. “My liege. If those ponies catch something missing in the vault of the castle they’ll know something is wrong.” Kamek reminded him. “How bout you relax? Spike is keeping them busy as we speak. But if you really want to make sure that nothing ruins our plans for the Bowser Bash then you can deal with it.” Bowser said. “Alright sire. But I still think we should deal with Twilight before things get out of control.” Kamek added. “You know what? Yeah. This Twilight might get a little suspicious since she happens to be the leader of her team. Kamek. When everyone is heading to the show…..trap her in the airship.” Bowser said evilly. “Yes sire. But what if her friends?” Kamek asked. “Oh they won’t be too much trouble. Once they are under our control from the music all of Equestria will be a Big Bowser Bash. And the throne for Equestria will be mine for the taking.” Bowser answered. The two smirked evilly and prepared the next phase of their plan. Kidnap Twilight and put everyone under their full mind control once they perform tonight.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
After when the Ninja Koopa Clan completed their task the stage was 90% complete. The Koopas building it saw Bowser coming along and he wanted to hear how it was coming along. But before he could the princesses came and said a few words. "Bowser. I just wanted to say thank you for filling in for the Quintet Flyers. It really means a lot." Celestia smiled. "Oh your welcome. And I certainly hope you enjoy the show when it's fully ready." Bowser said. "Um speaking of the stage. Why exactly did you needed to remodel it? Shouldn't it be okay the way it was?" Luna asked. "Now sister I admit that I had that feeling too. But Bowser and his band have a certain style and they wanted to keep that ok? Besides it's only one night." Celestia reminded her. "Alright. But after this change it back." Luna told him. Bowser could only nod his head yes and walked his way to the stage. Once there the Koopas stopped working and had a little chat with the boss. "Hey minions. Nice job on building the stage. Is everything ready for tonight?" Bowser asked. "Almost. But they relics are in the equipment and ready to make the ponies our rock and roll slaves. The ruby skull is in the forehead of the Bowser symbol. The diamonds are plugged in the speakers for the mind control, and we placed the chip in the microphone so whenever you sing everyone will obey and listen to every word you say. And right now we are currently trying to get the machine with the Super Star in place." The blue shelled Koopa said. Soon as he said that the machine was in place and they actived it so when the music plays the machine will operate. "Excellent work. Soon all of Equestria will become a Big Bowser Bash and we'll soon make the universe our captive audience! And no one will stop us!!" Bowser laughed. "No. I won't let you." Bowser turned around and saw Twilight who managed to hear everything he said. "So you know my plan huh? How long were you easedropping?" Bowser asked. "Long enough to hear that you were planning to take over. Well I'm not gonna let that happen. Me and my friends will stop you with the magic of friendship. And once Spike hears this he will be out of your band." Twilight said determined. Bowser only laughed at her comment. "You really think he's gonna know that? Hmm? He doesn't know a thing about it. And plus he's our missing piece to complete the plan. And don't worry about your little friends. We'll take real good care of them. And we have a little secret you may wanna consider." Bowser replied. "What's that?" Twilight asked. Then the Blazing Koopas came in front of her. "Easy. That chain with the ruby we gave him has a special effect on it. Once the music starts playing he will be under a spell. Don't worry it won't harm him. He'll just be a little mean to the bone when he plays. And he will make sure that you don't ruin this night for him." Rockpunk answered. "Don't do anything to Spike you monsters!" Twilight yelled. But then two Paratroopas grabbed her and two Fly Guys prevented her from attacking Bowser. "Let me go!" Twilight demanded. "I don't take orders from the like of you. Besides your nothing but a weak little pony without your friends. And once the Bowser Bash begins the party will never stop." Bowser smirked. "You won't get away with this!" Twilight said. "Oh really? Cause from the looks of it I already have. Minions! Take her away!" Bowser commanded. They obeyed his command and took Twilight to the airship. Once there they got to Kamek and he used his magic to create a magic-proof cage. They the Paratroopas threw her in and the Fly Guys closed the gate and locked it. They left leaving Kamek all alone with the princess. "I hope you enjoy your little room princess. Because you're gonna be here for a while. Guards! Make sure she doesn't escape." Kamek said. Then right on cue, two burly, yellow-scaled turtles with a green shell walked in, and took each side guarding the cage. Kamek disappeared to get ready to watch the show while all Twilight can do is sit in gloom. Bowser was gonna take over the world with the music. But then she realized that maybe she can try to receive help from someone who's not from Equestria. So using her magic quietly she saw a vision of a short, pudgy man has a large nose, black-ragged mustache, blue eyes, and dark brown hair. Its attire consists of white gloves, brown shoes, a red shirt, with a large matching red cap (With a red “M” in a white circle in front of the hat), and gold buttons on his blue overalls. By the looks of this man, he appears to be a plumber. And next to him was a tall lanky man with blue eyes, a black smooth mustache and large nose, dressed in the same manner as the shorter man. Except his overalls are a darker blue, while his shirt and cap are green, complete with a green “L” in a white circle on his hat. She saw what they can do and as it turns out they fought Bowser from time and time again. She smiled knowing that these two are who she needs to stop him. "Yes. They are the ones to help. Time to call upon these Mario Brothers." Twilight smiled. So she quietly used her magic to send them a message and in hopes of them saving her. Watch out Bowser! The Marios are coming!
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
Nighttime came in and we see all the ponies buying the merchandise and trying it on. Then they showed a security Koopa their tickets and they entered to watch the big performance. Even all of Twilight's friends were allowed in and some were wearing the merch. Now Rarity wasn't much of a rock and roll fan but her friends insisted that she come. But the most excited out of all of them was Rainbow. "Girls I am so pumped for this show! I wonder what songs The Blazing Koopas are gonna play? Maybe some crazy rock and roll songs!" Rainbow replied. "Rainbow. Of course they will play rock and roll songs! I mean they look like rock and roll players." Pinkie said. "Um girls? I noticed Twilight isn't here? You think maybe she didn't want to come and see Spike play in the band?" Fluttershy asked. "He'll be disappointed when he sees that she's not here. But I'm hoping she'll make it." Rarity hoped. "I don't think she'll have enough time to make it. Cause the show starts in like ten minutes and I don't think she'll make it." Rainbow replied. "Well maybe we can give her a CD when it's over. That way she'll have something to listen to." Pinkie suggested. "I guess so Pinkie. I am excited for the show but it's not as fun without Twilight here. Well I guess we'll just have to take pictures so we can show her the excitement." Applejack said. The girls all agreed and waited for the show to begin. Then after ten minutes a Koopa announcer came on stage and prepared to open up the show. The audience saw him and clapped. "Alright thank you all for coming tonight. Before we begin I just wanna remind everyone that there's no smoking, no fighting, and no stealing allowed. This is a fun event and we want everyone to have a great time tonight. Now without further ado please welcome Bowser and the Blazing Koopas!!!" He announced. Then the curtains rised and they see Bowser and the Blazing Koopas with their instruments in hand as the audience applauded and cheered for them. "Thank you! Thank you very much! Whoo! It's great being here tonight! Because you're all gonna hear some crazy rock and roll songs that will knock your feet off!" Rockpunk started. "And our special guest Spike is gonna help us rock through the night! Are you dragon rocker?" Blazer asked. "I sure am! We hope your ready Ponyville cause this night is just getting started! So Bowser what song are we gonna sing first?" Spike wondered. "I'm glad you asked Spike! I'm thinking we can get the crowd pumped up by having them hear my blazing beats!! And this song we'll all sing is called Knucklefest!!" Bowser answered. "I like that! Okay hit it guys!!" Flame said. After he said that everyone started playing and Bowser started singing as the relics in the equipment did they're job.https://m. (Play it twice so Bowser gets the crowd pumped! And stop at 1:58 after the second time.) Soon as they were playing the ponies all started being placed under his control. Then they started dancing and Bowser was commanding them to dance along and they obeyed. While that was happening the ruby on Spike's chain began glowing and his eyes glowed under his sunglasses. Then they repeated the lyrics again so they can make sure that the crowd is pumped for the show. After the second time he sang the Blazing Koopas posed and everyone cheered. "Thank you! Now your feeling pumped up for the show! Now let's REALLY tear the house down!!" Bowser yelled. Meanwhile outside one of the airships the Koopas were knocked out by a stomp on each of their heads. Then two beings landed and kicked the door open. They were the Super Mario Brothers! Mario and Luigi! The two burly turtles saw them and were super angry. "Mario?! Luigi?! What are you two doing here?!" One of them asked. "We have-a come to stop the Bowser! Now release the princess for prepare for the wrath of-a the Super Mario Brothers!!" Mario answered. "Oh yeah? Try and stop us!" The other one said. They charged into battle and the Marios first punched them making the helmets come off. Then enraged they ran towards the brothers and they jumped and landed on their heads instantly knocking them out and they threw the turtles out. Then they went to Twilight's cage and grabbed the key and got her out. She came out and hugged them for rescuing her. "Oh thank you! I take it that your the heroes that came to save Equestria?" Twilight asked. “Yes!” Mario greets in a loud friendly, cheerful tone. “So nice to meet-a you! It’s-a me, Mario!” “I’m-a Luigi, number one!” Luigi followed. “And I’m-a his brother!” "And together we are the Super Mario Brothers!!" Mario finished. "Well it's very nice to meet you Mario Brothers. I'm Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship. And I need your help. My home is in grave danger." She said. "Mama mia!! What's seems to be the danger-a Princess Twilight?" Mario asked. "Well today is our Friendship Festival and I was originally supposed to have the Quintet Flyers perform but their lead singer is sick. So then Celestia informed me that a new band was taking their place. Bowser and the Blazing Koopas. Then I had a feeling that he was planning something evil. Turns out he was! He convinced Spike to join the band and when I overheard his conservation he must have stolen a few relics from the Canterlot Vault and now he's using the show to take over my home. So I called you two to help me stop Bowser before it's too late." Twilight explained. The Mario Brothers took some time to process everything that she said and knowing Bowser he always had a evil scheme planned. "We should have-a known that Bowser is always up to his evil tricks again." Mario sighed. "Yeah. He's always done this in the Mushroom Kingdom and there's no doubt that he's done this in other kingdoms too. But never fear princess! You called the right guys!" Luigi added. "We will help you stop the Bowser and rescue everyone in Equestria! You have our word princess." Mario said. Twilight smiled hearing that the Marios are more than willing to help her stop Bowser and his evil band before all of Equestria becomes a never ending Bowser Bash. "Thank you Mario Brothers. Now let's go save my home and my friends." Twilight declared. And so Twilight and the Mario Brothers went off to Ponyville to stop Bowser and his evil band. Can they do it or will all of Equestria be under his command?
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
Back with Bowser and the Blazing Koopas they were rocking it out til they finished another song. The audience was still under their control as they clapped for the band. "Thank you everyone! Now it is often said that I get angry a lot. Well there is some truth to that. But luckily this raging beast has a song that will show you just how my rage can really be!!" Bowser said. Suddenly Kamek flew in front of them. "My liege! Sorry to interrupt your big performance but I bring urgent news. The Mario Brothers are here, freed Twilight and are heading our way!!" Kamek replied. "MARIO?!" Bowser shouted as he saw the brothers and the princess coming. "So you think you can ruin my Bowser Bash? I don't think so!!" "Bowser should we play this song? Bowser's Fury?" Rockpunk asked. "Actually yes!" Bowser answered. "Now listen up everyone! The Blazing Koopas need your help! With Spike playing his sick guitar we need you to go and destroy the Mario Brothers!! And we'll do it under Bowser's Fury!!!" After he said that he pointed to the machine with the Super Star and on that cue it was actived and blasted a beam of red energy in the sky and turned it sickly red. Then the audience faced the incoming heroes and charged into battle and The Blazing Koopas began their next song.https://m. With the heroes they saw the swarm of mind controlled ponies and Twilight was scared. But the Mario Brothers we're not. They got in battle positions and prepared to fight them. They started off by jumping on their heads and stunned them a little. Then they tried giving them a Super Mario punch but that wouldn't break them free from his control. Luigi put on a brave face and trying attacking them and doing parkour. He even took out a Fire Flower and used it's ability to try and burn them to break them free but that didn't work either. Twilight decided to help by using her magic to try and reserve the spell on the ponies but even that wasn't working. "It's no use! Nothing we try seems to be working! All the ponies are still under Bowser's control!!" Twilight worried. "Or maybe we need to take out the machine that's running!!" Luigi said pointing at the machine. "That's what's causing the ponies to be under Bowser's control! So if we break the machine then Bowser won't control them!" "Good idea! But it's too high up! How can you get there?" Twilight asked. "Easy princess! We'll use this Rainbow Star to get up there! You try and hold them off long enough for us to destroy the machine!!" Mario answered pulling out a rainbow star. So the brothers actived it's power and they both were glowing rainbow colors and when they ran they both were leaving a rainbow trail. The mind controlled ponies saw them and tried attacking only for the Mario Brothers to run super fast past them and fell down for the Rainbow Star made them invincible. They ran fast to the top of the stage and saw the machine. They knew what had to be done but before they could destroy it a group of mind controlled pegasi came in front of them. The Mario Brothers knew that Bowser always had backup bit that won't stop them from foiling his evil plan. So they charged into another battle and attacked the pegasi. Due to the Rainbow Star making the Marios invincible the pegasi were easily defeated. Then they started attacking the machine and with each hit they started cracking it and Luigi delivered they final blow and instantly destroyed it. The beam disappeared and the Blazing Koopas noticed it when the sky turned back into the normal night sky and then when Bowser sang the final lyrics the Marios stomped on his head and he fell off the stage and fell down. He got up and growled seeing the Marios. "You pesky plumbers!!! Trying to ruin my Bowser Bash like that huh?! I guess we'll just have to give the audience a fight AND another song to see and hear!!" Bowser said enraged. "All right Bowser! Surrender yourself, cancel the Bowser Bash and let Spike go!!" Twilight demanded. "I don't think so! See Spike here is gonna perform another song for us as you face your own friends!!" Bowser smirked. At the same time all of Twilight's friends came to the heroes along with Spike and the Blazing Koopas floating on jetpack platforms. Spike removed his sunglasses revealing his red eyes. Twilight gasped seeing him still under his control. "But the Mario Brothers destroyed your machine! How are my friends still under your control?!" Twilight said panicking. "Simple 'princess' even though the Stupid Marios destroyed my machine they forgot that as along as I'm singing in this microphone all the ponies can still be under my power!!! And now it's time for your adventure to come to an end!!" Bowser yelled. The heroes could only prepare for the worst as they took their battle positions.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
The heroes and The Blazing Koopas all looked at each other with anger in their eyes and Twilight had to free her friends from Bowser's control fast. Then Bowser pulled out a special potion glowing dreamy rainbow colors. "So you Marios wanna fight in my next song? Then let's battle dreamy style!!" Bowser yelled. He drank the entire potion to the last drop and threw the beaker to the ground. Then a cloud of rainbow clouds began forming around him and then a blast of rainbow light blasted straight out of him engulfing him and starting his transformation. The light grew brighter and all we see is a white screen. Then when the light died down we see Bowser in his dreamy form like the one he used back on Pillio Island. Twilight was scared out of her wits and then he engulfed her friends in rainbow flames as they gained dreamy forms too. "Oh no! He's transformed! And my friends look like they wanna fight me!! Can you help me Mario Brothers?" Twilight asked. "We sure can! We taken his form back on Pillio Island and we can do it again!" Luigi answered. "Oh really? Well I got so much power now that I can do anything I want!!! Twilight. This world, your home, all of it is MINE!!! And you guys are COOKED!!" Bowser said. After he said that the Blazing Koopas and Spike began their next song.https://m. As Bowser sang he used the dreamy power to summon dreamy minions and pointed at the heroes commanding them to attack the trio. The trio all started fighting them along with taking down the dreamy mind controlled Mane Five. Mario and Luigi used lots of power ups to weaken the dreamy Mane Five like Ice and Fire Flowers, Mega Mushrooms which helped a lot crushing Bowser's dreamy minions, and Gold Flowers which really came in handy to stun the Mane Five for a little while but the big question was how were they supposed to free Twilight's friends from Bowser's dreamy control? "Alrighty! We stunned them. So we have a chance!!" Mario said. "That's great Mario!! But there's one problem. Bowser said that as long as he's singing my friends are still under his control. So is there anyway to destroy that?" Twilight asked. "Yes! Luigi? Remember when we used the Zee Egg to take out Bowser back on Pillio Island?" Mario asked. "Yeah?" "Well I was thinking that we can use it again to take Bowser out and free Twilight's friends!!" Mario suggested. Luigi smiled and nodded agreeing to his brother's plan. He took out a Zee Egg and tossed it causing a rainbow bird to come out and the Marios and Twilight hopped on. The bird is the guardian figure of the Pi'illo Kingdom, who helped them take down a bat king named Antasma many thousands of years before the events of Bowser. The Zeekeeper flew them into space as Bowser continued singing. In space the bird actived a Wakebeam as the Marios and Twilight used hammers and magic to make the beam come down faster. Heck even the Marios still heard the song and decided to add some lyrics of their own as they rode down to Bowser. We then see everyone singing to the song and it was really drawing out the feeling in the battle. And when Luigi sang the final lyrics the brothers and Twilight jumped off the beam as it crashed right into Bowser and the Mane Five zapping them and electrocuted them. The symbol on his chest cracked and exploded causing the form he took to exploded him and the Mane Five back to their true forms. A wave from the explosion caused the Blazing Koopas and Spike to be sent back to the stage and they crashed on it. Spike crashed into the stage wall and instantly destroyed the ruby on his chain and made him knocked out cold. The Mane Five all groaned clutching their heads as they picked themselves up. "Ow. What happened?" Rainbow asked. "Girls! You're okay! Oh I was so worried about you!!" Twilight smiled. "You were? Twi can you explain what happened to us?" Applejack wondered. "Long story girls. Bowser placed all of you under his control with his band and is planning to turn all of Equestria into a Bowser Bash." Twilight explained. "WHAT?!?" The Mane Five said in unison. "So this whole time the show he was performing was all an evil scheme to take over our world?!" Rainbow asked. "Yes Rainbow and not only that but he convinced Spike to join the band and Bowser used a ruby chain to get him to do his evil bidding." Twilight added. "That brute is controlling Spikey?! We gotta find him and make sure we get that chain off him!" Rarity worried. "Yeah we can't let that varmin get away with this!!" Applejack agreed. So the Mane Six and the Mario Brothers ran fast as they could to the stage where Spike was and hopefully get him to realize that what he's doing was wrong. But then Bowser woke up and saw the heroes heading to the stage and growled. He got up and ran after them. He then jumped high as he could. With the heroes they got on the stage and saw Spike's unconscious body. The girls were about to pick him up and carry him to safety......til Bowser landed in front of them breathing heavy and growling. "You pesky ponies and Mario bozos REALLY made me mad!! First you interfere in my Bowser Bash and now you knocked out my best singer!!!" Bowser yelled. "It's over Bowser!! Were putting a stop to your little show and you will surrender now!!" Twilight said. Then Bowser breathed fire on Twilight and she screamed in pain and after that Bowser punched her off the stage and the girls gasped seeing that. "TWILIGHT!!!" The girls said in unison. They turned and faced Bowser with angry looks on their faces. The Mario Brothers joined side by side and boy they were really pissed off. "You brute!! I simply can't believe you chose to brainwash our Spike, turn all of Equestria into a Bowser Bash and now you punched our friend!!" Rarity said. "You've gone too far Bowser!! Now you're gonna face all of us in this final battle!" Rainbow shouted. "Yeah!!" Everyone else said in unison. Bowser only chuckled at that. "You really think that im gonna cancel the show like that? Well your wrong!! Cause the grand finale is about to begin!! And this time you guys are the guests of dishonor!! You'll witness everything that you love dearly be taken away by me!! So prepare for the final song I've been working on for this very moment!! I call it BOWSER'S RAGE STAGE!!!!" Bowser yelled. The ponies stayed determined as they first carried Spike off the stage and came back on ready to fight Bowser one last time. It was now time for the epic conclusion of his Bowser Bash!
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
Our heroes looked at Bowser with angry looks on their faces and were in battle positions ready to fight Bowser one last time in his epic finale of the show. But after he said that it was time for Bowser's Rage Stage the ponies were a little confused by that. "Rage Stage? Exactly how are you going to do that?" Rarity asked. "Oh wouldn't you like to know? Well the last time I tried planning a concert was in the Flower Kingdom. Of course those pesky Marios ruined everything! But this time I will be sure to destroy every last one of you! So let's begin!!" Bowser said. He then pulled out a blue flower known as the Wonder Flower! "Mama mia!! He's got the Wonder Flower!! Everyone off the stage!" Luigi said. Everyone did as they were told and then they saw Bowser placed the flower on his chest. And began the final transformation. While that was happening the Blazing Koopas were merging and playing at the same time.https://m. (Stop at 2:42 and skip to 3:46 to continue) After the first part of the song was over we see the light dying down and revealed what Bowser transformed. He merged with the stage and the symbol glowed green eyes and came off with hands following on a sinister smoke and smiled wickedly at the ponies. "Once again I thank you all for coming. Especially you MY LITTLE PONIES!!! This finale will soon make the whole universe my captive audience!! And now the moment you all been waiting for! It's time for BOWSER'S RAGE STAGE!!!! HIT IT BOYS!!" Bowser yelled. After he said that it began the final song. And Bowser started singing. Once he started that began the final battle. The heroes charged into battle and trying attacking him but it seemed like he was indestructible. "How tough is this guy!? I can't seem to hurt him!!" Rainbow asked. "Maybe we gotta try hitting that pink button under his chin?" Pinkie wondered. She pulled out her party cannon and got inside and launched herself at it and once she pressed it that did damage to Bowser and cracked some of his armor. The girls saw that and now had a plan. "Pinkie! That's it! We gotta keep hitting that button under his chin!! We do that and we can sure damage him!" Applejack said. So the girls and the Marios all tried their very hardest to stop Bowser but he had some tricks up his sleeves. He blasted some flaming music notes at the heroes and they panicked but luckily the Mario Bros grabbed the girls and jumped so high that the notes couldn't get them. Then Mario and Luigi threw Applejack and Rainbow towards Bowser and AJ punched him in the eye. He yelled in pain clutching it while Rainbow flew under his chin and hit the button twice causing the armor to crack more. Which ends the first verse. (Stop at 6:34 before continuing) "Ok that smarts! But even so you cannot stop me! Try and keep up!!" Bowser shouted. With that said he made another claw appear and continued singing. He then tried slamming his fists onto the heroes but they dodged every slam Bowser made. Then Rarity used her magic and blasted at the button and caused his armor to crack again. Outraged Bowser summoned more flaming music notes and tried attacking the heroes again. But the Marios did the same thing again. Then Pinkie and Fluttershy both decided to try and hit the button. She did and followed by Pinkie blasting herself out of the cannon and hit it once more causing the armor to crack again and almost revealed Bowser's smoke face. "Stop at 8:20 before continuing) "Grr. So that's how you wanna play it huh? Well I guess I better step it up a notch!! Time to FINISH THIS!!" Bowser said. He roared so loud that he turned the sky into a sinister orange and grew a final hand and began singing the next verse. The battle was getting intense as Bowser threw some spike balls and flaming music notes at the same time! He then tried slamming his fists onto the heroes again but they dodged. After about 10 minutes he tired himself out and gave the heroes a chance to attack. First Rainbow hit the button, then she flew into Bowser's eye and punched it causing him to yell in pain. Then Mario threw Applejack straight at the button and hit it again, then for the final blow Pinkie went in the cannon and launched herself at it and once she hit the button all of Bowser's armor exploded and now his face is no longer protected and a huge button is on his head. Bowser growled and charged at the heroes in blind rage. But then the Marios used Fire Flowers and created a huge wave of flames and stop him in his tracks. Then the Mane Five all together decided to all jump and stomp on the button to finish him off which ended the song. Bowser groaned and when he felt his head.... "Uh oh." Then the power of the Wonder Flower began exploding of of his head as he yelled in pain and defeat. And cracks began forming on him which caused Bowser to be engulfed into a bright light and all we see is a white screen as Bowser's cries grow quiet. When the light died down we see Bowser back in his normal form, and the stage unmerged from him while laying on the ground defeated. He opened his eyes and saw the heroes staring at him. "Grr. I can't believe I'm beaten again. This was so not the way I predicted." Bowser groaned. "It's over Bowser. Your show is finished, Ponyville is not yours for conquering, and we defeated you just like always." Mario said. "This isn't over Mario bozos. You may have defeated me and ruined my Bowser Bash but this is far from over. Mark my words when we meet again. I'll be back!!! Troops! Let's roll out!" Bowser demanded. So Bowser and all his troops began walking back to the airships and once the last minion entered they all took off and left Equestria for good but the Marios knew they'll be back soon. The girls smiled at them and thanked them for helping. "Thank you Super Mario Bros. We really owe you guys one for stopping Bowser and his troops." Fluttershy said. "Anytime. Well we gotta head home. But we will see you again someday. Bye bye!!" Mario said as he and Luigi took their leave and the girls were happy that all this was over. But then they realized something. "Girls. We gotta check on Spike and Twilight!" Rarity noticed. Then the Mane Five all went to see if Spike and Twilight were okay. Especially after everything that happened.
Big Imagination E
Main 6,Other,Spike,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Mystery,Slice of Life,Mario,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Blazing Bowser Bash
Spike feels left out of many events. But when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. Now they want him in a band! But what is Bowser planning with the band?
<p>Today was a special day in Equestria! They are planning the Friendship Festival and have a wonderful time! But Spike feels left out when Twilight told him to clean the castle. Fed up with that he went off to see how he can actually enjoy the festival. And when he finds a lava pipe he finds Bowser and his troops. And they want him in there band: The Blazing Koopas! But the girls get worried when Bowser is planning something evil. What can they do?</p><p>This will include some Bowser songs and happened after Super Mario Bros Wonder.</p>
The Mane Five finally arrived where they see Twilight and the unconscious Spike. Twilight was okay but she worried about Spike when they all saw his body laying there. "Spikey? Are you okay? Darling please wake up!" Rarity cried. She tried waking him up but he was still unconscious. Then all she could do was give him a small kiss on the cheek. After that she hugged him. Suddenly a miracle happened, Spike began coughing a little and woke up with a small headache. "Ow man. I feel like I got ran over a elephant." Spike groaned. "Oh Spikey!! I'm so glad your okay! You had me so worried!" Rarity smiled. "Spike!" The rest of the girls said. They all hugged him and Twilight cried a little to see that her dragon was all ok after everything that happened. "Oh Spike! I'm so happy that you are okay! I was so worried about you!" Twilight said. "What are you talking about Twilight?" Spike asked. "It's a long story but Bowser had you under his control. Heck he even had my friends under his control as well." Twilight explained. "Turns out that his little show he was performing was all a scheme to take over the world. And he had stolen some relics to to bring all of Equestria to his will. If it wasn't for all of us and the Marios then all of Equestria would have been a terrible Bowser Bash." Rainbow added. "But on the plus side we got you a CD." Pinkie smiled pulling out a CD of all of Bowser's songs. "I think I would hold off on hearing his music. But thank you anyways Pinkie. Now Spike I have something to say to you." Twilight replied. "What is that Twilight?" Spike asked. Twilight took a deep breath and explained. "Spike. I'm so sorry for not inviting you to any special events. I know you wanted to get out of the castle and have some fun. But I was too stubborn to even let you join and I felt really bad for doing this over and over again. If I haven't made you stay at the castle you wouldn't have found Bowser's troops and none of this evil show business would happen. So I'm sorry Spike." She thought that Spike would get angry but all he did was smile. "That was all I needed to hear." Spike smiled. Twilight smiled too knowing that her apology was forgiven. "And you know what? Even though that Bowser was planning an evil takeover from his own performance he did help me with one thing. Have a fun time. But it's even more fun when I have my friends here with me." Spike said. The girls all smiled and hugged him at his words. After 10 minutes they all separated. "So what should we do now? The Friendship Festival is ruined thanks to Bowser." Rarity asked. "No worries Rarity. After we clean up this mess I think we should all head to my place for a slumber party. And Spike? You are definitely invited to it." Twilight answered. "Thanks Twilight. Well we better clean this up. So we can all have a good time at the slumber party." Spike suggested. So everyone went to the damaged area that Bowser caused during his performance so they can clean up. But Spike never felt so happy to finally be invited to an event where he can finally have a good time. And that's brings are story to its happy conclusion. The End.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship is Magic: 1st Gear
Cars have somehow arrived in the world of Equestria from the human world, and it isn't long until the joys of burning blacktop in a sweet set of wheels are realized by anycreature with a competitive spirit.
<p>Automobiles have entered the world of Equestria, sparking enthusiasm in the hearts of creatures all across the land, and even monsters see racing and tuning as a fun pastime. While car culture is a great source of friendship, bitterness arises as adversaries set out to finish their rivals on a motoring circuit, as there is always somepony to take an enjoyable hobby and blow it out of proportion.</p>
Numerous cars lined up on the pavement. Ponies of all kinds gathered on the Canterlot slope, leaving the only ground uncovered was the road in front of a Dodge Viper. An older model, possibly from the early 2010’s judging from the body style. The windows were tinted, the only thing visible through them were the gleam of scales. “It’s starting!” said somepony from the lot. “She’s here!” Sure enough, the squeal of tires became increasingly louder, until they ceased. No noise from the engine, though. Finally, the crowd cleared, and a yellow BMW i8 rolled through. The driver of the Viper stepped out to greet them. “Heya Fluttershy. You ready to race?” asked Spike. Oh, I don’t know. There are lots of other cars here, and I’m sure they're very fast,” said Fluttershy, getting out of her i8. Come on,” said Spike, rolling his eyes. “You agreed to this just a few hours ago. Besides, I’m sure you’d smoke me out here.” He climbed into his car and started the ignition. Fluttershy, anxious with the countless eyes following her, got into her car, too. Sassy Saddles stepped between their cars. “Are your engines ready?” she asked. Fluttershy and Spike nodded. “In five, four, three, two, one… Go!!” They took off, with Spike in the lead, darting down the mountain. His Dodge Viper had almost twice as much hoofpower as Fluttershy, and he was going to use as much of it as he could. In his mirror, he could see her headlights. She was getting closer, and it wasn’t much time before she overtook him. He looked at the tank of NOS in his center console. Enough of it to blow his car off of the mountain. His plan was to jump on the nitrous as soon as he managed to countersteer from the last corner, and propel to the finish. Meanwhile, Fluttershy maintained a solid gain on Spike. While it was true that he had almost double of what she had in hoofpower, it was also true that she had a much higher top speed, around a hundred kilometers more. She only raced for fun, mainly because Rainbow Dash wouldn’t stop talking about it, but was still a complete noob. In the desire to get a car that was both fun to drive, as well as environmentally friendly, the 2020 i8 was an obvious choice. However, with no real knowledge of cars, Fluttershy didn’t really know what she was racing against. They tore through the few corners on the pass, and with each corner, Spike managed to shake the i8. Unfortunately for him, Fluttershy made up the distance on each straightaway. One corner left, and it was a mostly straight road from Canterlot to Ponyville. As they entered the corner, Fluttershy entered even more aggressively, drifting centimeters from Spike. As they exited the corner, Spike got nervous. He forgot about recovering from the oversteer, and activated the nitrous, shooting into the guard rail, his Viper grinding to a halt. Fluttershy flew past him, securing her victory. Spike rolled down to meet his victor, mainly glad that his car only suffered cosmetic damage. “That was a very good race, Spike,” said Fluttershy, seeing his disappointed face. “Yeah… I guess,” said Spike. “I’ll see you in Ponyville.” “Oh… Bye, then.” He finally rolled into Ponyville. The streets were completely empty, which made him feel a little better; no one would be around to see the side effects of a losing streak, at least until morning. He parked in front of the castle, and walked in. As soon as he did, a purple alicorn shot toward him. “Spike!! Where were you? I’ve been worried sick!” she screamed. “Sorry, Twilight… just left to get my scales handed to me again,” he said dejectedly. “Don’t tell me you were out racing again,” said Twilight. “Yeah. I went against Fluttershy,” said Spike. “I lost. Again.” Twilight looked out of the window at the street, and saw Spike’s Viper SRT. The paint on the right side was scratched off, and the front right fender and grille were caved in. Twilight sighed. “I just don’t understand why you like racing so much that you break your car over it.” “Come on!” said Spike. “What I don’t get is how you don’t like it! The feeling of powering through a track at top speeds, modifying your car for the race… It gets my scales shivering just thinking about it.” “But all of that, and you still lose,” said Twilight. “Ouch,” said Spike. “But it’s not the car’s fault. It’s mine. I’m just not skilled enough as a driver.” “Hmm,” Twilight said. “Well, let’s get you a good night’s rest, I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning.” She carried Spike to bed. As she closed the door, she thought about what Spike said. Was driving really all that he cracked it up to be? Why would she get a car if she could just fly everywhere? She went to bed, thinking about Spike’s banged-up Dodge Viper. She decided to ask the most race-obsessed Pegasus she knew, first thing in the morning. “I can wait until morning,” she said, staring up at her ceiling. Twilight turned over in her sheets, trying to rest, but the question was eating her alive. “Rainbow is probably still awake, right? At… 11:23?” she asked herself, already picking up her phone to call Rainbow Dash. “Howdy, Twilight!” said Applejack. “Oh, I’m sorry, AJ. I was trying to call Rainbow Dash,” said Twilight. She looked at the caller ID. It was definitely RD. “Yeah, I can wake her up for ya,” said Applejack. Twilight heard rustling from AJ’s side of the phone. “Pardon me, Rainbow. Twilight wants to talk to ya.” “Hey Twilight,” said Rainbow. “What’s up?” “Wait, are you at Applejack’s house?” asked Twilight. “Yeah. We’re having a slumber party,” she said, yawning. “Maximum slumber, minimal partying. Anyway, what do you need?” “I want you to tell me what’s so great about cars,” said Twilight. “Seriously? Okay,” said Rainbow, taken aback. “You’re obsessed with flying. With the Wonderbolts.” said Twilight. “Why would you drive cars when you can just fly everywhere?” “Well, not everyone can fly, but anyone can drive. My opportunities to race have grown since I got my car,” said RD. “I’d win any race in the air, but in cars, I get real challenges.” “Huh,” said Twilight. “But don’t get any ideas. I’m still the fastest flier in all of Equestria, and I’m still just as passionate about it as I’ve ever been,” said Rainbow. They said their goodnights. Twilight lied in her bed, thinking about what Rainbow Dash said. Rainbow’s passion was winning, and racing let her do that on a scale triple the magnitude that Flying had. She eventually went to bed, dreaming of races. Roaring cars, the friction of the tires scorching blacktop. Spike’s Viper slamming into a guard rail. Applejack and Rainbow Dash wearing matching pajamas. In her subconscious, her mind made up her mission: to gather the perspectives of her friends on cars, and maybe, get one herself.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship is Magic: 1st Gear
Cars have somehow arrived in the world of Equestria from the human world, and it isn't long until the joys of burning blacktop in a sweet set of wheels are realized by anycreature with a competitive spirit.
<p>Automobiles have entered the world of Equestria, sparking enthusiasm in the hearts of creatures all across the land, and even monsters see racing and tuning as a fun pastime. While car culture is a great source of friendship, bitterness arises as adversaries set out to finish their rivals on a motoring circuit, as there is always somepony to take an enjoyable hobby and blow it out of proportion.</p>
Twilight woke up, to the sound of a roaring V10. She looked out of her window to find that Spike had already peeled out, likely to repair his car. Whatever. She noticed a note on her kitchen counter. Celestia is visiting today. 8:30 AM. Twilight looked at the clock. It was 8:24. She managed to prepare the castle in time, and waited to hear the galloping of the princess’s coachponies, but instead, she heard the high-pitched whirring of… Something. Finally, the whirring revealed itself; a white-and-turquoise car. It stopped in front of the castle’s entrance, blasting Reggaeton. The driver stepped out. “Princess?” asked Twilight. “Do you like what you see?” asked Celestia. “It’s a Lotus. The 2019 Evija.” “I didn’t know you had a car,” said Twilight. “Yes. I got into them through Luna. She was never able to ride in the royal carriages, so she got her own car,” said Celestia. “I’m just having trouble understanding why everypony I know is obsessed with cars,” groaned Twilight. Celestia gave her classic Celestia chuckle. “Come, we have more important matters to attend to. We can talk about it afterward.” After several hours of royal matters, they finally finished. Twilight excused herself from the map room and went outside to brood on the balcony. “So, Twilight, what did you want to talk about?” asked Celestia as she followed Twilight out. “Cars,” said Twilight. “I talked to Rainbow Dash about it last night, but all she talked about was racing. Is this whole fad really over racing? I just don’t get it.” “Well, tell you what, Twilight; we’ll go looking for a car for you. You can test-drive it, see if it’s comfortable and if it looks good. If you’re satisfied with the car, you and I will do a basic tune-up and we’ll take it to a car meet. There’s a meet starting tonight in Sacramaneto. “Are you sure?” asked Twilight. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble.” “Of course,” said Celestia. “Besides, if nothing else, cars are a great way to connect with others. For now, just think of this as a moderately expensive friendship lesson.” Twilight agreed, and awkwardly climbed into the passenger seat of Celestia’s Evija. They took off, but not before she offered Twilight the aux. Shortly after, they arrived at a car lot. There were all sorts of vehicles, from ATVs to trucks, and even RVs. “So, Twilight, what are you looking for?” asked Celestia. “Oh, I don’t know,” said Twilight. “Just something that can help me understand the deal with these.” “Ooh! What about this?” asked Celestia, clearly about to start geeking out. “A 2001 Audi TT!” Twilight quickly looked up the car. “Apparently, this one requires a lot of maintenance. And… the camshaft has oil leaks? I don’t know what a camshaft is but it sounds important.” Celestia rolled her eyes and snorted. She trotted about for a bit, eventually finding a different vehicle. “What about the 1999 Ford F-150 Lightning? You could lower the suspension, install a body kit, maybe find a ducktail spoiler, no?” she asked, subconsciously trying to get her pupil into the rally scene. “What kind of car is that?” asked Twilight, confusedly. Celestia’s eye twitched. “This is a truck, Twilight. Your friend Applejack has one. They’re commonly used for holding things in the bed,” she said, motioning at the end of the truck. Twilight looked at Celestia like she was insane. That didn’t look anything like a bed to her. She turned her attention towards an adjacent car. “What about this one?” asked Twilight. “The Chysler PT Cruiser—” “Stay away from that,” Celestia said flatly. She looked around, when finally her eyes lit up, and a smile beamed across her face. “TWILIGHT! LOOK! An ‘89 Porsche 911!” said Celestia. Twilight looked at her mentor. It was quite a sight to see one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria scream like a filly. They walked toward it, Celestia prancing the whole way there. When they reached the car, she asked if she could pop the hood. “I KNEW IT! This is the turbo limited version!” she squealed. “You need to buy this one!” Twilight rolled her eyes, and asked to test-drive it. After a minute or two of getting the basics from Celestia, she drove half a kilometer and back. “What did you think?” asked Celestia, having calmed herself. “It drives well, I guess,” said Twilight, not really having a basis for what drives “bad.” “And? It has minimal wear, a decently maintained engine bay. Nothing a fresh coat and a few hours under the hood can’t fix,” the princess said. “It was a comfortable drive. Are you sure that this isn’t too much trouble to fix up?” Twilight asked. “Of course not,” Celestia reassured her. “Okay, then,” Twilight called for the dealer. “I’d like to buy this car.” After she paid for it, Twilight drove home in her new 911, followed by Celestia in her Evija. They finally arrived at the castle, and Twilight—in an awkward few seconds—finally learned how to open the garage, and found that Spike was already inside, working, his car on one of the lifts. “Hey Twily— WHOA! Is that your’s?” he asked, stars in his eyes. “Why is everyone going crazy over this car?” she asked, groaning. “Hello, Spike,” said Princess Celestia, climbing out of her Lotus hypercar. Spike’s jaw dropped. Meanwhile, Twilight clumsily drove her car into the other side of the garage, onto a lift. Spike took a break from working on his own car, and together, the three of them got to work on the new 911 Turbo. “Not to sound like Rainbow Dash, but this is 20 percent cooler than when we started,” said Spike. After a few hours of hard work, the 911 was more road-ready than ever. A new coat of paint, new Torq Thrust wheels and white-wall tires, and a roof rack to hold copious amounts of books (Twilight’s request). But past aesthetics, it was tuned with performance in mind; a raised OEM wing for increased downforce, a new cat-back style exhaust, a new cone-shaped air intake, and lowered suspension to handle the increase in hoofpower, however slight. “And just in time, too,” said Celestia. “We should leave for Sacramaneto in an hour. It takes one hour to get there… Twilight, I want you to drive over to Canterlot and practice driving on the mountain.” “Oh, you guys are going to the car meet?” chimed Spike. “Yeah, are you going?” asked Twilight. “No, tonight is Gu— I… can’t. I’m busy,” Spike said, somewhat firmly. Twilight smirked. “All right. Well, have fun.” She turned to the Princess. “I’ll be back in an hour.” “As I know you will, my star pupil,” said Celestia. Twilight started the car, and took off for Canterlot. Once there, she stepped out and went over the very basic instructions that the Princess laid out for her. “Get up to seven-thousand RPM, hard turn on a corner, shift to a lower gear as I do, and rip the handbrake to drift. All while flooring the accelerator,” Twilight read to herself. She looked down the mountain pass. “There aren’t any corners here, just curves where the road turns! What was Celestia thinking?!” Nonetheless, she got back into the 911 and did as she was told. And, similarly to anything else that she’s had to learn, twilight got the hang of drifting—no matter how neophytic—very quickly. Around an hour later, she drove back to her castle in Ponyville. Celestia was waiting for her by the front steps. “Yoohoo! Twilight! Are you ready to go?” she asked, stepping into the car. “Yeah,” Twilight said. “I think I’m getting pretty good at this drifting stuff. “Good,” said Celestia. “On the way to the meet, you can show me what you’ve learned” She slid a CD into the car’s port and they sped off to Sacramaneto to the sounds of DJ PON-3, mostly driving the speed limit, except on select corners where Celestia wanted a review of her student’s newfound skills. “We’re coming up on a series of hairpins here,” said Celestia. “Go at your maximum revs for 2nd gear the whole way.” “Alright,” said Twilight warily. She tore through the hairpins as fast as she could. She looked over at the Princess for approval, and Celestia shone her a warm look. Feeling gassed up, Twilight attacked the corners as intense as ever the whole drive to the car meet.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship is Magic: 1st Gear
Cars have somehow arrived in the world of Equestria from the human world, and it isn't long until the joys of burning blacktop in a sweet set of wheels are realized by anycreature with a competitive spirit.
<p>Automobiles have entered the world of Equestria, sparking enthusiasm in the hearts of creatures all across the land, and even monsters see racing and tuning as a fun pastime. While car culture is a great source of friendship, bitterness arises as adversaries set out to finish their rivals on a motoring circuit, as there is always somepony to take an enjoyable hobby and blow it out of proportion.</p>
Twilight had never even heard of a “car meet” before, so her only expectation was that of an event like Magi-Con, where there are stalls of merchandise and a panel of some knowledgeable folk, in this case Mareton Senna or somepony. However, when she and Celestina pulled in to the parking garage where the meet was held, she was appalled to say the least. A tremendous amount of cars filled parking spaces, with almost twice as many ponies walking about and interacting with their cars and each other. A decent amount of cars had their hoods raised revealing engine bays of all kinds. “Um… Princess,” Twilight started. “What are those snail-looking things attached to some of these engines— Princess?” To her surprise, Celestia had put her mane underneath a top hat and donned a monocle and a mustache. “I don’t want to draw any attention to myself where it should be going to these wonderful builds,” Celestia said, giving Twilight a wink. They parked the 911 by a few other cars, but before she even got her last hoof out of the car, Twilight heard the squeal of tires coming from one of the lower levels. Suddenly, two cars emerged from a cloud of tire-smoke, drifting. One of them was a tinted, gunmetal-gray Mustang, and the other was a miniscule yellow car, the only branding on it being a decal on the side skirt that read “Honda.” That said, the lack of proper badging didn’t stop Twilight from being able to tell that it was Pinkie Pie behind the Honda’s wheel. They flew past Twilight, and eventually ceased their burnouts in the center of the meet. “Was that… Pinkie Pie?” asked Celestia. “Yeah…” said Twilight. They both trotted toward the large plume of tire smoke generated by the pair. “...Pinkie?” asked Twilight. “HEY TWILIGHT!” shouted Pinkie “What are you doing here? :D” “I just got a car, so Celestia brought me to my first meet,” she said, as she looked up at Celestia and remembered that she was still wearing that ridiculous hat. “Pleasant eve, Ms. Pie,” said Celestia. “Pleasant eve to you too, Celestia!” said Pinkie, giggling. “Pinkie!” shouted the driver of the mustang, aggressively. “Lime! Twilight and—” “Ugh, Pinkie! You engaged your throttle too early on corner 15b!” said Limestone Pie, emerging from the dust like Darth Vader in Rogue One. Twilight always forgot that Limestone was Pinkie’s older sister, on account that she never saw her much and when she did she was always angry. “Hi, Limestone,” said Twilight. “You have a car, too?” Limestone looked somewhat bashful. “Oh, uh… Hey—” “YUP! This is my Honda Beat!” said Pinkie Pie, cutting her sister off enthusiastically. “—Princess…es,” said Limestone. “Yeah. Me and Pinkie come out here to Sacramaneto every other meet or so—” “Lime here is the circuit champ here!” squealed Pinkie. “I guess it’s obvious now, after I saw you and Pinkie drift, but I didn’t know you were into car racing,” said Twilight. “Yeah,” said Lime. “and in my GT500 Super Snake, I’ve never lost.” “She learned how to drive on our parent’s rock farm, so her technique is super good!” said Pinkie. “Avoiding rocks, avoiding fissures, not to mention navigating the mountain—” “That’s enough, Pinkie,” said Lime. “You must be pretty good, then,” said a mare from inside the newly formed crowd. “Who said that?!” Lime barked. The crowd parted, and a Toyota MR2, a Lexus LC 500, and a Scion XB rolled forward. All were jet-black with neon-green accents, and neon-green lightning bolts painted on the rear fenders. The mare inside the MR2 stepped out. “I did,” she said. “The name’s Lightning Dust, but I doubt you’ll be forgetting it.” By now, the drivers of the two other cars had stepped out, too, and all other noise at the meet had ceased. “You want a race?” asked Lime. “Winner gets the loser’s car,” said Lightning, cockily. “Come on, you have a Shelby GT! Against my MR2? What have you got to lose?” The other two behind Lightning Dust snickered. “Come on, it’s not like you’re good enough for the ol’ Stang, anyway…” she said, chuckling. “… Champ.” Limestone Grimaced. “M-maybe you should just ignore her,” Pinkie said, sheepishly. “Yeah,” agreed Twilight. “Limestone, the best thing you could do right now is walk awa—” “Quiet! S-sorry, Princess,” Limestone climbed into her cabin. “We start at the Sacramaneto Bridge. You’ll get the layout of the circuit there.” The shriek of her tires spinning filled the garage, before the sound of her engine replaced it, and she took off. Lime waited in the alley of a building by the bridge, confident that Lightning Dust would lose and she’d walk away with the keys to an MR2. Maybe I’ll give it to Marble, she thought. She’d perfected the art of drifting a cumbersome vehicle, especially in places where cars as nimble as the Miata would struggle. Lime ran her hoof across the dash. It was once a dented, brick of scrap, totaled by some poor creature who missed the perfect line on a circuit and paid the price for it. At least, that’s what the scrapyard pony who gave it to her said. Since then, she’d poured nearly everything into her GT500. She added fiberglass body panels to make the car lighter, on account of the replacement engine—an SR20DE—not being as powerful as the stock one. To make up for that, she also improved the aspiration by adding dual turbos. “I’m not gonna lose you,” she said, softly. Finally, Lightning Dust and her posse arrived at the bridge, followed by the Beat, the 911, and several other cars from the meet. Lime rolled out of the alley, and parked her car on the lane adjacent to Lighting. “I’ve already got the run-down of the course,” said Lightning. “Good,” said Lime. “I’ve got space in my garage for your car.” Lightning laughed. “Let’s get started, why don’t we?” Pinkie stood between the two cars. “Three… Two… One… GO—GOOD LUCK LIME!!” she screamed. They peeled from the start and immediately Lime took the lead. In a circuit race, one of the best strategies is to follow, to see how your opponent drives, and overtake them somewhere later on the circuit. This was something that Lime wanted to do, but a sinking feeling in her mind told her to simply blow past her and run her usual race. Unfortunately, as soon as she entered the first corner, she saw the reflection of the MR2’s headlights in her sideview mirror. Lime exited the corner at a decently high speed—one she was positive the MR2 would need a bit of time to achieve, but to her dismay, Lightning Dust was practically fused to her bumper. For the next several corners, Limestone tried her hardest to ignore Lightning and run her usual race, but something about her opponent just… Pissed her off. About 300 meters away was a set of three high-speed corners—The only few where Lime was always anxious about entering, and her time trials always suffered because of it. The reason for that was because there were three buildings that outlined the corner, and it was impossible to see if there was any traffic or bystanders on the other side of the buildings. She slowed down to safely pass through, but as she did, the MR2 pulled in front of her, not slowing down, even a bit. It flew into the corners, and all Lime could hear was shouting and the honking of horns. She safely exited the corner, receiving shouts from the onlookers still angry about Lightning’s pass. Unfortunately for her, Lightning was already a couple blocks away. Fortunately, Lime knew that for the next kilometer or so, the circuit was a straightaway. She pressed her hoof against the accelerator even harder, closing the gap between her GT500 and Lightning’s MR2. Lightning looked in her rear-view mirror. “Finally catching up?” Lightning asked out loud. “I’ll put an end to that.” The straightaway neared its end, and as Lime turned for her usual line, Lightning swooped right in front of her, and took the same line, forcing Lime back. Damn it! thought Lime. She’s taking my optimal line! She knew that I was going for it— How? Shit, for all I know, she’s watched me run the circuit dozens of times. But I don’t know anything about her. This has really turned against me… The two shot through the next several bends and straights of the circuit on the same lines, like the carts of a roller coaster, until finally, the last street was upon them. The final leg of the course consisted of a narrow strait—that Lime and Lightning were currently on—and two high-speed hairpins, which were the most brutal part—The second hairpin was the only portion of the road that traffic was at its most difficult to navigate, so the racers had to be careful as to not lose control and hurt themselves—or worse, others. Lightning grinned to herself. In all of her years of shattering speed records—both in her car and in the air—one trait about her set her apart from the rest. It wasn’t blistering reflexes or a resistance to high temperatures at high speeds, but her willingness to do what nopony else will. Her willingness to ignore the safety of herself and others if it means that she can be the fastest, and it was the only ideal, that—unbeknownst to her—made it that she could never win against her nemesis. “You lost this the moment you accepted the race,” she said, snickering. Meanwhile, Limestone had been surveying the distant traffic. There were many places that she could slide through, but no opportunities for her to overtake and lose The MR2 for good. Unlike the rest of the course, there was never a set line that was the most optimal; it was always changing due to traffic, but there were usually lines that were at least good. Suddenly, she saw an opening. Wide enough to drift through, but subtle enough that anypony who was just mimicking would never notice. The perfect line. Lime put her hoof on her handbrake, waiting to rip it. Just as she was about to, the lanes of traffic grinded to a dead stop, accompanied by horns and shouting. She jerked her head to the commotion, to see Lightning, skirting through the jam, only passing because everycreature else didn’t want to partake in a crash with her. Suddenly, the glare of headlights filled Lime’s windows. “FU—!” she screamed, as the eighteen-wheeler barreled towards her, unable to stop in time. She floored the accelerator, but just as she was about to be clear of the truck, it slammed into her rear fender, crushing the wheel. The rear end of the GT500 went airborne for a second. At the same time, Lime was all over the steering wheel, trying to still save as much of her car as possible, but it was futile—by the time it had landed, the car had begun pitifully tumbling to a stop, almost all of its panels shattered, or in the very least cracked. Lime laid in her seat. Her forehead was bleeding profusely, and she couldn’t feel the whole left side of her body. Thank Celestia for roll cages, she thought. In the distance she could hear the screeching of tires, followed by the wail of sirens. As her eyes grew drowsy, she saw the MR2 roll up beside the wreckage, followed by the Lexus LC 500 and the Scion XB. Lightning Dust rolled her window down. “On second thought, you can keep your car. It isn’t any good to me now,” she said, craning her head back. “This place is Washouts territory from here on. Caio, champ.” They took off, and as they left, the emergency services finally arrived. “Don’t worry Lime!” screamed Pinkie through tears. “The ambulance is here! You’re gonna be—” “Please step back, ma’am,” said a ponymedic. “She’ll be okay.” “DON’T FOLLOW THE LIGHT!” wailed Pinkie. Be… Quiet… Pinkie…
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Adventure,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Friendship is Magic: 1st Gear
Cars have somehow arrived in the world of Equestria from the human world, and it isn't long until the joys of burning blacktop in a sweet set of wheels are realized by anycreature with a competitive spirit.
<p>Automobiles have entered the world of Equestria, sparking enthusiasm in the hearts of creatures all across the land, and even monsters see racing and tuning as a fun pastime. While car culture is a great source of friendship, bitterness arises as adversaries set out to finish their rivals on a motoring circuit, as there is always somepony to take an enjoyable hobby and blow it out of proportion.</p>
It had been a day since the crash. Twilight and Pinkie sat in the waiting room at the Ponyville Hospital. It wasn’t long ago that they were there for another crash, that time involving their friend Rainbow Dash. However, unlike Rainbow Dash, Lime didn’t have fast-healing bones, and needed surgery because of that. Although the doctor had told them that she would be alright, it didn’t stop Pinkie from worrying, something unlike her usually comically bubbly behavior. Twilight, taking note of this, placed a hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder, but stayed silent. Finally, the doctor stepped into the room. “Mrs. and Mrs. Pie?” called the doctor. “Oh, we’re not—” said Twilight, embarrassedly “—The patient is ready to see you now.” They followed the doctor into one of the patient rooms. Lime was in a hospital bed by the window, angrily eating peas. “LIME! YOU’RE OKAY!!!” cried Pinkie, leaping toward the bed to hug her sister. “No, wait! She needs to—” “Pinkie! Stop that!” said Lime. Pinkie latched onto Lime’s side, fortunately the side that wasn’t wrapped in a cast. “Doctor, what’s the prognosis?” asked Twilight. “Well, she broke her left arm—crushed her humerus as well as her ulna—and broke her femur and tibia. Additionally, she tore a lot of the muscles in the left side of her body” said the doctor. “She’ll need to stay here for a few weeks and then we can discharge her on medication.” “Okay, thank you doctor,” said Twilight. “Yep,” he said, leaving them alone in the room. “Thank Celestia for roll cages,” he muttered The three waited around in silence. Finally, Lime cleared her throat. “Hey, so… My car is alright?” she asked. “Yup!” said Pinkie, her worriedness completely gone. “Our cousin Applejack is letting us keep it in her barn!” “That’s good,” said Lime. “If that’s it, then you should leave.” “Oh. Alright,” said Pinkie, dejectedly. They both left upon Lime’s request. Once outside, Twilight thought of something she was sure would raise Pinkie’s spirit. “Why don’t we visit Sweet Apple Acres?” she asked. “We can fix Limestone’s car and have it ready for her when she gets released from the hospital. It’ll be a surprise!” Pinkie immediately lit up. “Okay! And Applejack should be done bucking today, so she can help us!” They both got into their own cars and drove off to Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight was somewhat proud of herself. She was getting better at driving every time she went anywhere, despite having driven at most seven times. They arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, but much to Twilight’s surprise, dirt tracks winded throughout the orchard, and various crates of car parts and barrels of apples littered the area outside of the barn. Twilight parked her car on a bit of land that had the least mud—Spike had warned her about taking a sports car off-road. Something like “Grounding out,” or so he called it. Pinkie parked close by, and the two walked toward the farmhouse. They approached the door, but before she could knock, Twilight heard the sound of a roaring engine, paired with the sloshing of mud. They turned around, to see a bright red-and-white truck drift out of the orchard, covered in dried mud. The truck slid to a halt in front of the barn. The driver stepped out; somepony in a green-and-white fireproof suit and a matching helmet, with a hat over the helmet. “Howdy, girls!” she said. “Applejack?” asked Pinkie. Twilight was as confused as she was, but Celestia did say that Applejack drove a truck. “Who else?” said Applejack, removing her helmet. “What brings y’all here?” “We wanted to do some repairs to Lime’s Mustang,” said Pinkie. “Can we?” “Ya sure can,” said Applejack. “Big Mac’s been in there since ya brought her in. I reckon he feels some sort of responsibility when it comes to Mustangs, seein’ as how he drives one, too.” They followed Applejack into the barn, where a big, red colt was leaning on a stack of hay bales, drinking a cup of cider. The barn had the usual farming equipment, but it also had two car lifts, similar to the ones Spike had installed in Twilight’s garage. Both of the lifts were occupied, one by a black coupé-style car that loosely resembled Limestone’s, but it reminded Twilight of her car more than anything. On the other lift was Lime’s GT500 itself, but so many of the body panels were removed that it took her a moment to connect the dots. At the very back of the barn, covered in dust and rogue straws of hay was a black sports car, its windows gone and rust enveloping the hood. Pinkie hadn’t noticed it and Twilight decided not to bring it up. “Afternoon, Big Mac,” said Applejack. “How’s Lime’s car coming along?” “Nope.” he said, grabbing a cloth to wipe some sweat off of his forehead. “Are the GRP panels really no good?” she asked. “Eyup,” said Big Mac. “Ah see,” said Applejack. She turned to Pinkie and Twilight. “Well, y’all heard here first. You can do whatever you want to fix the car, but the body panels are beyond repair. Big Mac’s probably gonna try to order some new ones. Anyway, Granny Smith’ll be here in a short while.” “Thank you very much,” said Twilight. “Thank you Big Mac!” “Eyup.” By the time Pinkie and Twilight were done with the internal repairs on the heap that was Lime’s car—with the occasional assistance from Big Mac and Applejack—the Princess of the Moon had already raised it high into the sky, and the Apple family was fast asleep. Twilight yawned. She looked at a clock in the barn; Twelve past one. “Alright Pinkie, I’m going home. I figure I’ll just fly there. It’ll be faster.” She yawned. “...Y’know, because of traffic… I’ll see you tomorrow.” Twilight spread her lengthy alicorn wings and took off in the night. “BYE—” Pinkie screamed, remembering that the Apples were sleeping just a few rooms away. “Bye, Twilight!” she whispered. Unlike the Princess of Friendship, Pinkie was in no mood to go home. She looked back at Lime’s Mustang. It was a lot more complicated than her Beat or Twilight’s 911, so they were having trouble fixing it. As far as internal damage went, the radiator was bent, and the intercooler piping was torn, which pulled on the compressor housing of one of the turbos, which crushed the compressor wheel. Pinkie was thankful that Lime never found an OEM supercharger when she rebuilt the car, as it surely would’ve been obliterated in the crash. Of course, the exhaust manifold was severely dented and the exhaust piping was crushed like a tin can all the way to the high-flow catalytic converters. Despite her obvious hesitations, she was ready to tackle the challenge, if her name wasn’t Pinkie “Pinkamena” Pie! As she was about to undo the bumper frame, she heard the sound of a lantern falling. She gasped, but as the light of the lantern revealed the build of a quite stocky pony, she realized who it was. “Wait, Big Mac?” “E-eyup,” the red stallion said sheepishly, as the lantern illuminated him further. “What’re you doing here—hold on, you were gonna try to fix the car too?!” she said excitedly. Big Mac looked at her, surprised that she immediately understood his intentions. “… Eyup…!” Pinkie felt a warmth in her heart. Big Mac and Lime never really interacted aside from the occasional ApplePie reunion, and even if he was only doing it because he also drove a Mustang like Applejack said, it showed that he cared either way. The morning rolled by quickly, and Twilight had eagerly flown back to Sweet Apple Acres. The night before, she had Spike whip up some flashcards and quiz her on automotive engineering. When she arrived at the barn, however, she was shocked to see that Pinkie Pie was fast asleep in the GT500’s passenger seat and Big Mac was snoring loudly from inside the black coupe. The barn was even more cluttered than the day before, with torn-open boxes strewn about, somewhat burying the GT500 and the black sports car at the back of the barn. She knocked on the big wooden door. “Big Mac? Pinkie?” she asked, hoping for one of them to wake up. No avail. “Mornin’ Twi,” said Applejack, walking out of the house. “Morning, Applejack,” said the purple alicorn. “What happened last night?” “Ah reckon they were up fixin’ Limestone’s Mustang. Must’ve got em plum-tired, too, seein’ as how they left the farmhouse full of those NOS drink cans.” They heard a groan come from Pinkie. The pink mare climbed out of the passenger seat. “Morning, Applelight. Twijack,” she said, exhaustedly. Her eyes were at half mast, and her usually floofy hair was crusty. “Pinkie? Are you alright?” asked Twilight. “I’m great…!” said Pinkie, about to fall over. “Just a little tired.” “Yer clearly not, sugarcube,” said Applejack, leading Pinkie into the house. “Come on, let’s get you showered and you can eat breakfast.” As Applejack and Pinkie disappeared into the house, Twilight inspected the work on the car. The engine bay was shiny, as if it were new. All of the cracked tubes were replaced with shiny new ones, and some components that weren’t there before had been installed “They did all of this last night?” Twilight mumbled to herself. “Eyup,” said Big Mac, tiredly. Twilight jumped in surprise, but caught herself. It was his house, after all. “B-Big Mac…!” Big Mac approached the car, a mug of coffee in his hoof. “Pinkie’n I replaced the fuel lines with a rail, installed a new exhaust manifold, replaced the coolant reservoir, replaced the radiator… a whole cartload of repairs,” he said in a rare moment of multi-syllability. Twilight stared at him. “I don’t—where did you get the parts for all of this? All of the parts outside are still where they were yesterday.” “Eyup,” said Big Mac. “All of these newer parts are ones that we’ve been storin’ up—me ‘n’ Applejack were gonna give ‘em to Applebloom and her friends to fix that Nissan 300ZX in the back of the barn. But the specs lined up nicely aside from the manifolds, and Ah figured they’d do a lot more good on Limestone’s Mustang than the Crusaders’ project car… But Ah reckon that’s a story for another day. ” They stood in silence, taking in the newness of the engine bay. Finally, the silence was broken by the scream of a familiar V10. Twilight whirled around to see Spike’s red-and-black Dodge Viper skidding to a halt just outside of the fence. “There you are, Twilight!” said Spike, flying over to her. “Spike? What are you doing here?” she said, chuckling. “I came here to help Big Mac! We’re gonna take the car to the garage in Manehattan that Rarity co-owns with Miss Pommel so we can get some new body panels!” Applejack and a refreshed-looking Pinkie Pie stepped out of the farmhouse. “Howdy, Spike!” said the farmpony. “The truck has a little under three quarters of fuel in it, so have Big Mac fill ‘er up once y’all get to Manehattan. The tow dolly is ‘round here somewhere.” She tossed him a set of keys. At the same time, they heard mechanical whirring from inside the barn, followed by the healthy rumbling of an engine. The black coupe rolled out of the barn. “Big Mac, yer takin’ the Mustang?” asked Applejack confusedly. “Eyup,” said the stallion. “We’re hoping to catch a meet, and we don’t want to end up damaging your truck,” said Spike. He leaned in closer to the mares. “But between us, he’s just taking his car out because he heard that Sweetie Belle might be in Manehattan, too,” he said, shooting them a wink. Applejack smirked and rolled her eyes. Twilight and Pinkie giggled. “N-nope!” shouted Big Mac, his cheeks growing pink. Soon, they located the dolly and attached it to Applejack’s truck, with the GT500 strapped onto it by the rear wheels, since the front differential was still in good condition. Once it and some spare parts that they’d put in the bed were secure, Spike turned the ignition. “Alright, y’all, be safe!” said Applejack. “Have fun you two!” said Twilight. “BYE, BIG MAC! THANK YOU!” screamed Pinkie. Big Mac and Spike set off on a journey to Manehattan. Each of them had a walkie talkie that they used since they were in separate cars. “Hey, Big Mac!” said Spike, testing the walkie. “Can you hear me?” There was brief static, then Big Mac responded. “Eyup!” he shouted. The background noise consisted of wind and Rock music. “112.7?” asked Spike. “E… Eyup!” Big Mac affirmed, having checked the station. Spike turned on the radio, and the two of them drove to Manehattan to the tune of “Hunting High And Low,” by Stratochariot, while Spike filled his daydreams about his violet-maned crush.
Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Other,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Brand New Animal,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Sonic the Hedgehog
Life as a Sonic OC Redux: Equestria Girls
Magic and chaos ensue in Canterlot City!
<p>As Beastmen run wild in Canterlot City, the HuMane Six find a way to get along with them</p>
*EG Rainbow Dash’s POV* Wow, what an adventure that was. A blur zooms past me. A yellow-blonde haired female spoke "You need to slow down Sonic before you crash into a tree!" Sonic spoke "I’m totally fine, Roll!" Sonic soon crashes into a tree, getting his head stuck. Luna facepalms and sighs "How are you even my grandson?" Okay, mind, still blown. And for some reason, Pinkster’s setting up a party. A green haired male asks "Uh, what's the party for?" A purple haired female spoke "Don't be an idiot Manic." Luna spoke "I don’t know how you managed to do it, Lightning." Lightning spoke "Don't give me that look mom, I have no idea where Sonic got his speed gene from since neither Aleena or I have it and I know that dad doesn't have it either." Luna teases "*Smirk* Are you and Aleena still going crazy with each other and making me a grandma again?" Lightning spoke "MOTHER!!!! It's bad enough that Yuu and Kita haven't found love yet and I KNOW that cousin Clarity hasn't either since there aren't THAT many demonic Beastmen!" Clarity snickers "Oh wow, nice one auntie!" Luna spoke "*Giggle* Who knows? Maybe Lightning might make Aleena pregnant with decuplets next time." Aleena spoke "I'm 35 for heaven's sake! I'm not having anymore kids since three is enough." Luna spoke "*Whispers into Aleena’s ear* Your love for Lightning might say otherwise." That made Aleena blush madly. Lightning spoke "Mother.... Have you forgotten? Aleena's mortal, I'm not. Which means I will lose her and our kids one day." Luna spoke "*Deep breath in, deep breath out* Don’t be so glum, make the most of it." Yuu spoke "You and dad have it easy, you're both immortal." A loud bang was heard before a recently turned gryphon beastwoman crashes into the ground. Kita asks "What now?" Yuu spoke "Sounded like a gunshot..." Rarity asks "Pinkie, why are you setting up a party?" Pinkie spoke "There’s an old friend and someone new coming along!" An alicorn Mobini wearing a cloak over the wings steps out of the portal. The female asks "Who are you?" Pinkie spoke "Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!" The alicorn Mobini stammers in a quiet voice "M-my name's Sunset... Shimmer..." Wait… Sunset Shimmer? As in… “You’re the one who vanished years ago?” Sunset stammers "It w-was two years ago...." Fluttershy asks "Oh my! What happened to you?" Sunset spoke "As you might have heard from a two tailed vixen, I was yanked through a strange portal two years ago... And experimented on... But now... I can't hide my ears, horn, wings and tail..." Fluttershy hugged Sunset. “Oh Sunset… *Sniffle* I’m so sorry you went through all that.” Sunset spoke "I just don't feel safe here in Canterlot City anymore since I'm the only halfling there is." Celestia spoke "Perhaps I can help with that." Sunset removes the cloak, fully exposing her Mobini form. Sunset spoke "I hate how I look but I can't get rid of this form." Celestia spoke "I can still help you." Sunset spoke "But... I'm not one of your students..." Celestia spoke "You can still be one. You can have a second chance." Sunset asks "But... uh, what about my parents?" I spoke "She has a point there Celestia." Celestia seemed hesitant to answer that. I spoke "The Canterlot police department have already declared Sunset as dead... I doubt it's a good idea for her to be spotted around town." Celestia spoke "I believe there's an apartment close to Canterlot High." Sunset spoke "I'll take it then." Celestia spoke "Good." I ask "But what about the other Sunset's apartment?" Rarity spoke "I hadn't bothered to ask that kind of question." Sunset spoke "I think that's what Principal Celestia meant." Luna spoke "In light of what happened against an outsider recently, we should keep a tight lid on magic usage. If Abacus Cinch finds out that there are beastmen in Canterlot City, she might go straight to the mayor." Celestia spoke "*Sigh* And if her disliking beastmen wasn't bad enough." Luna spoke "It's enough that Dean Cadence is an alicorn Beastman but she stays in disguise because of the hatred." Celestia spoke "I'm just glad she's been able to hide her true form for as long as she is." Luna spoke "*giggle* You're one to talk sister, most beastmen call you the Solar Terror." Celestia asks "*Giggle* And what about the beastman calling you the Lunar Terror?" Luna teases "Sunbutt." Celestia teases "Moonbutt." Luna teases "Cakeflank." Sunset thinks "{By High Goddess Faust's mane.... Those two are just like Princesses Celestia and Luna...}" Celestia spoke "Ice creamflank." Luna spoke "Not in front of my youngest daughter!" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Can you save your banter for later? There's a bus coming and there's two females on top of the roof." Celestial sisters ask "Huh?" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Tanuki Beastwoman, age 17, newly turned, ran away from home since she couldn't face her parents." That caught Sunset’s attention. “Is there extra room in the apartment I’m at?” Celestia spoke "It's a two bedroom apartment but the problem is... It's located in cat beastman territory since the cats claimed the area closest to Canterlot High." Sunset facepalmed. “Should’ve seen that coming.” Celestia spoke "Barring Luna's eldest children, the canid beastmen claimed the area near Crystal Prep." Luna asks "Have they been staying out of Cinch's sight?" Celestia spoke "One or two are turned though, meaning they can't morph back since they don't know how." Rarity was itching at a spot on her neck since fur was growing in. "Umm... Rarity?" I noticed. Rarity spoke "What? Is there something in my hair? But my neck is killing me right now!" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "About that miss, you're a cat Beastman... Persian breed. And the blonde haired girl's growing a tail!" Rarity asks "What?!" Applejack gasps "Ah'm growin' a tail?!?" The back of Applejack's skirt started lifting up thanks to a tail starting to grow. The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Seems like the country girl's a Border Collie Beastman." I yelp since a a cheetah tail was growing out from under my skirt as peregrine falcon wings tore through the back of my shirt. The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Okay, THAT one I didn't see coming!" Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! The gryphon beastwoman laughs while flapping her wings as the left one made a whistling sound. "Uh, you okay? Your left wing sounds off." I noticed. The gryphon beastwoman spoke "Oh that? It was a bullet wound... You can blame the emo for that." I ask "Who are you?" The gryphon beastwoman spoke "I'm Danyelle Doucet." "You a gryphon beastman too?" I asked. Danyelle spoke "Yeah but my lion half is replaced with fox." "Huh? How?" I asked, totally lost. Danyelle spoke "Eagle-lion combo is the usual look for gryphon beastmen though but when I turned, I grew a fluffy fox tail instead of the usual lion tail." Fluttershy spoke "Wow." Danyelle spoke "And I think the tanuki and fox should be arriving shortly." Sunset asks "Think I should get them?" Danyelle's eyes shimmer. Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... They're cornered by humans!" Celestia spoke "*Frustrated groan* Not the Anti-Beastmen again." Danyelle spoke "We have to help them!" Danyelle lets out a loud screech, scaring the humans. Sonic spoke "Well this just got interesting." Roll spoke "Agreed since she's one of us." Sonic dashed off to the action as I flew in there with him. A pink haired fox beastwoman was with the tanuki. The humans fled in fear once they got a good look at Celestia and Luna. Celestia spoke "Looks like they remember hearing about that." Luna spoke "Good." Danyelle spoke "You ladies can be quite scary when need be." “Scary? THAT. WAS. AWESOME!!!” I cheered. Danyelle spoke "Cool it Skittles." “Sorry, it’s just I am TOTALLY in for making Canterlot City a place for beastmen to live now.” I smiled. The two beastwomen giggle at what Danyelle had called me. Danyelle asks "Anyway, who are you two?" The fox beastwoman spoke "I'm Nazuna Hiwatashi and the furbrain is Michiru Kagemori." Michiru spoke "Don't call me a furbrain Nazuna! You're a furbrain!" Danyelle spoke "You’re both furbrains." Both females spoke "Birdbrain." Danyelle spoke "At least I don’t forget after three steps." Michiru taunts "I know you are but what am I?" Nazuna slaps Michiru on the back of the head. Danyelle giggles "Heh, I didn't even say "like a chicken"." I snicker "Given that you said it yourself." Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up Skittles." Celestia asks "Do you need places to live?" Nazuna spoke "We do." Sunset spoke "I’m sure there’s room at my apartment." Michiru spoke "Until extra beds are bought, it think we might have to share beds." End
Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Other,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Brand New Animal,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Sonic the Hedgehog
Life as a Sonic OC Redux: Equestria Girls
Magic and chaos ensue in Canterlot City!
<p>As Beastmen run wild in Canterlot City, the HuMane Six find a way to get along with them</p>
*Rainbow Dash* Welp, school's out today, but something's been bugging me as I got to my friends. "Anyone seen Sonic, Roll or Michiru lately?" Danyelle spoke "I thought they were with you Rainbow!" Pinkie's hair started twitching before her bang spun and pointed upward. "Oh! They're up in some kinda airborne vehicle." Danyelle's eyes shimmer after looking up. Danyelle spoke "Oh stars no... That's a G.U.N. helicopter!" "Better fly up there and find out what's goin' on." I noted. Danyelle spoke "No Rainbow! You might be caught as well! All of G.U.N's officers hate beastmen." "You really think I'm just gonna leave friends behind?" I pointed out. Danyelle spoke "For heaven's sake Rainbow, you can't morph to a human form!" "Beastman or not, I'M headin' up there. Our friends need help." I said before taking into the sky. Despite the bullet wound, Danyelle flies after me causing the whistling sound to be heard again. Danyelle spoke "YOU BIRDBRAIN!!!" The two of us were soon in earshot of the pilots of the helicopter. A Pilot spoke "Sigma-Alpha 2 heading due south over the city. We're en route, everything's a go." A voice spoke "This is control tower. We have you on radar. Report cargo status of captured beastmen aboard, over!" Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot exclaims "That's a 10-4. Cargo secured on board and... What?!" Control Tower manager spoke "Didn't copy that, over!" Sigma-Alpha 2 spoke "The hedgehog, tanuki and fox are gone, they've taken everyone out aboard and..." Control Tower manager spoke "What's wrong?! Come in, over!" Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot exclaims "What in the world!?" We then saw the door burst open with Sonic, Michiru and Roll coming out as they hung onto a wing of the helicopter. Sigma-Alpha 2 pilot spoke "Freeze! What do you think you're doing!? Get those beastmen!" The three got onto the wing of the helicopter. Sonic spoke "Talk about low budget flights, no food or movies... we're outta here! I like running better!" Sonic jumped off on a makeshift snowboard before Danyelle and I grabbed Michiru and Roll before flying after him as we dove down towards the sight with Sonic trick-spinning downwards. Sonic spoke "Yeah!" We were close to solid ground now as Dany and I pulled up, landing as Sonic landed and started snowboarding down. BGM: Escape From The City Danyelle spoke "With my injury, I'll only slow you four down!" “It’s okay. You did plenty by helping Roll and Michiru get down here safely. Get goin’.” I assured as Danyelle ran off to hide before the three of us followed after Sonic. Michiru had taken on cheetah mode to keep up with Sonic and I. Roll spoke "I don't think it's a good idea for the four of us to be running around together." A female voice spoke "Attention all units. Suspects has been seen heading south. Block all major roads and capture the suspects." Roll spoke "On second thought, let’s just go!" The four of us jumped off ramps and kept going down while dodging moving and parked cars as Sonic did some tricks after jumping off ramps. We dodged a trolley before stopping on flat straight ground as Sonic got off the snowboard. Michiru growls "They have the wrong hedgehog beastman..." Roll spoke "I don't think they're in a mood to listen." We then ran up, down the alleys and on walls before busting through some crates and riding some rails on our feet before we were soon running down the road again, dodging trucks, trolleys and jumping off ramps. We then ran up stairs while taking out some G.U.N. robots as we went down the road again and rail riding again and bouncing off springs and going down a park before we ran a loop-de-loop and down a building on its walls and bounced off more springs. We moved forward while wrecking some robots as we soon started rail riding again before we jumped and swung off bars like pro gymnasts and slid under a blockage that said "Do Not Enter" and "Pass Under" as we started running down the road again. Michiru glances back in horror as a G.U.N. truck shows up. Michiru spoke "Shit!! MOVE IT SONIC!!!" We then started running faster as the truck brought out three arms on its back with buzzsaws while we were dodging cars and jumping off ramps. We soon got past a small tunnel, causing the truck to crash as we ran out of road before we landed in another area. Sonic spoke "Yes! Too easy, piece of cake!" “Mission cleared!” I whooped. Michiru asks "You three thinking that was too easy?" Roll spoke "We lost Danyelle along the way." "Dany escaped since she said she didn't want to slow us down." I pointed out. Michiru spoke "She might have been caught by those jerks!" We then searched for Danyelle as it was later night. A familiar voice spoke "There you guys are!" We turned around, seeing Danyelle as she approached us. Roll's left ear twitched. Danyelle was growling. Sonic spoke "This game of tag is boring. I'm outta here!" But then we felt the ground rumble as a giant G.U.N. mech showed up. Sonic spoke "Hmm! Finally decided to show up, eh? Okay, bring it on!" A pilot spoke "Spider Troop Big Foot reporting to Headquarters. Intruder and accomplices have been located." The female voice spoke "Copy that." The mech then took flight as it looked ready to fired at us. Roll pulls out a katana before moving at insane speeds, slicing the mech's legs off. Roll growls "Mess with me, you mess with the Sakurai clan!" Sonic was shocked with a blush before the mech fired bullets as we dodged them. The pilot spoke "This is Spider Troop Big Foot. Big Foot to headquarters over! Reengage the enemies and request back up! The mech then started firing missiles at us. Danyelle whips up a hurricane with her wings, blowing the missiles back at the mech. Michiru, Sonic and I attacked really fast as the mech went down with mini explosions. The pilot spoke "What?! They're just five beastmen!" Sonic chuckles "Hey guys, take care." Glaring at the pilot after the glass was shattered, Danyelle growls "You dare attack the grandson of the Lunar Terror?" We heard sirens from police cars approaching. Sonic asks "*Notices someone* What?" We saw that Mewtwo beastman from before on the mech. The male spoke "It all starts with this... *Brings out a green jewel* A jewel containing the ultimate power..." Sonic gasps "That's the..." Roll and Danyelle spoke "Chaos Emerald!" "The what now?" Michiru and I asked in confusion. Sonic spoke "Now I know what's going on! The military has mistaken me for the likes of you! So... where you do think you're going with that Emerald?! *As he, Danyelle and Roll charged at him* Say something, you faker!" The male spoke "Chaos Control!" An explosion of light burst from the jewel before it faded with the Mewtwo beastman standing right behind us with the jewel. Sonic spoke "Wow... he's fast!" "How'd he get there so quickly though?!" I gasped. Sonic spoke "Hey, it's not his speed. *As the Mewtwo was on the roof* He must be using the Chaos Emerald to warp!" The male spoke "My name is Shadow. I'm the world's ultimate life form. There's no time for games... farewell." Shadow and the Emerald suddenly vanished in another flash of light. Sonic asks "Shadow... what is he?" G.U.N. Officer spoke "Don't move! Stay where you are! Keep your hands up in the air. We found ourselves totally surrounded. Sonic spoke "Not again!" Danyelle spoke "*Groan* I thought I had all seven hidden away..." A bolt of magic crashes down, revealing Vice Principal Luna in her dark form. Nightmare snaps "RELEASE MY GRANDSON AND HIS FRIENDS RIGHT NOW!" End
Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Other,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Brand New Animal,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Sonic the Hedgehog
Life as a Sonic OC Redux: Equestria Girls
Magic and chaos ensue in Canterlot City!
<p>As Beastmen run wild in Canterlot City, the HuMane Six find a way to get along with them</p>
*Applejack's POV* I was pacin' 'round and Principal Celestia noticed me. Rarity asks "Anyone seen Sonic, Roll, Michiru, Danyelle, Rainbow or Vice-Principal Luna?" Celestia asks "Knowing her, she's concerned about her family, one of them being Sonic at the moment. So she went off. But what troubles you, Applejack?" "It's Knuckles, he's doin' his job again and that worries me." Ah answered. Nazuna spoke "The five haven't come back yet... And I'm worried about my friend." Celestia spoke "I may be able to teleport you to them, but my magic might be a bit rusty." Sonia spoke "No great auntie, I sense the five of them got caught by G.U.N." Celestia facepalmed. "Why did I not see that coming?" Shirou growls "They did WHAT?!?!?!?!?" Celestia spoke "Shirou, calm down. If you go there and attack in a frenzy, things will only get worse." Though invisible, a brown haired male spoke "They took my friend too." Pinkie asks "Oh, who’re you?" The male spoke "Oh sorry, you kinda can't see me right now since I'm invisible. It's sort of a trick that Latias and Latios beastmen have to avoid being spotted." Celestia spoke "Ah, right. Poké-Beastmen prefer to hide themselves from both humans and Beastmen." The male spoke "Latias and Latios Poké-Beastmen are on the verge of extinction though. I'm Lan Hikari by the way." Celestia spoke "I see." Lan spoke "I'm worried about Maylu..." Pinkie giggles "Ya love her, don’t ya?" Lan spoke "*blushing* Yeah..." Kita's left ear twitches. Kita asks "Hey dad, you hear that howl?" Shirou spoke "…Yeah." Rarity spoke "It sounded like a wolf...." Celestia spoke "Hmm... Perhaps I should teleport one of you to where that howl originated from." Rarity spoke "Wait, I wanted to show something." I spoke "That might have been Knux though, he's a Direwolf beastman." Rarity giggles "Then you can give him this and don't worry, I made it comfortable for beastmen." Rarity gave me a box. Rarity spoke "*Smirk* Besides, I bet you'd think he'll look dashing in it." I spoke "RARITY!" Rarity teasingly stuck her tongue out. "Don't leave your knight in shining armor waiting." I growl "Ah hate ya so much right now Rarity..." Celestia spoke "Whenever you're ready, Applejack." I spoke "Very well." I give Rarity the stink eye before being teleported to where Knuckles was. Knuckles asks "AJ? How'd you get here?" I spoke "School principal's an alicorn beastman. Plus the Latios has one o' the shards yer lookin' fer." Knuckles spoke "Well, as long as this Latios doesn't do anything with that shard, I'll let it slide. But right now, we need to find three in this environment." Then I remembered the gift I had. I spoke "Lan's just a kid though but that pesky batgirl wouldn't dare agitate 'im. And Ah heard that Sonic, Roll and three others got caught by GUN... Oh, this is fer ya though, Rarity made it." Knuckles asks "He ran into her too?" I spoke "Oh heavens no, Latios Beastmen tend to be aggressive if angered." I gave Knuckles the box as he opened, revealing a glide suit. Knuckles spoke "This’ll definitely help me get around, especially if that bat girl can fly." I tease "If ya weren't mah boyfriend, Ah could have sworn ya had it bad fer the batgirl." Knuckles spoke "Hey! She was after the Master Emerald! Eggman would’ve gotten away with it if I didn’t shatter the Master Emerald myself." I giggle "Ah was just teasin' ya though ya knucklehead but yer mah knucklehead." I give Knuckles a kiss on the cheek. Knuckles spoke "*Playfully punches my shoulder* Hehe, don’t make me pound ya when this is over." I blushed madly, knowin’ what he meant by that as he started putting the suit on. I spoke "Ya dummy." *Moan* It started becomin’ harder ta control myself as I was glad to have taken a birth control pill. But when I saw Knuckles wearin’ the glide suit fully, I… I couldn’t hold myself back no more! Knuckles asks "You okay AJ?" I then tackled Knuckles to the ground as my tail was waggin’ nonstop. “The pieces can wait, Knuxy-Wuxy.” Knuckles spoke "There's no goin' back after this ya know." “Don’t worry, Knux. Ah’m in heat, so ya can have yer way with me.” I assured my lover. *Some time later* I yawn a bit "Hey Knux." Knuckles asks "*Pant* Yeah?" I spoke "We should go find those shards before the pain in the neck bat finds them." Knuckles spoke "Right. Let’s go." The two o’ us got our clothes back on before Ah noticed another glide suit in the box, and it was fer me as Ah saw a note on it from Rarity. Can’t let your lover fly alone, can I? -Rarity I mentally groan "{I hate that cat...}" I then put the glide suit on before noticin’ Knuckles blushin’ at me. I tease "Like what ya see Knux?" Knuckles shook his head, snappin’ himself out of it. “It does look good on ya, Jackie. But let’s go.” I giggled as we started the hunt and found a piece right in front of a giant floor fan. I swoop down to grab the shard before riding the wind back up. Knuckles spoke "There may be more shards above ground." I glided to a flat rock before throwing up what I had recently eaten. I groan "Ah should've known that the pill wasn't tested for Beastmen yet..." I noticed Knuckles flying up before gliding down as I followed him before we climbed up and found a chest. My boyfriend punched it open, revealing a piece as he grabbed it. Knuckles spoke "One more to go." I spoke "Ah'm gonna have ta talk wit' Redheart after this." We then glided to the “Lonely Statue” area before climbing the rocks as we smelled a piece close and got onto a platform above, finding the scent comin’ from a flying robot as it readied ta fire at us. I lifted a small chunk of rock before throwing it at the robot, downing it. Knuckles then leapt at the robot before punching it, making it blow up as he got the last piece of the area. “We’ve found them!” “Yeehaw!” I whooped. Knuckles spoke "Yeah! This is perfect!" I noticed that something was off about the sun and moon. I ask "Is that normal?" Knuckles spoke "Not sure, but we should get back to the others before heading out again." I spoke "Yeah." The two o’ us then started heading back to Canterlot City and Canterlot High. I spoke "Hold on Knuckles, it won't be easy gettin' back into Canterlot City with the beastmen haters around." Then my phone rang as I brought it out, seein' that Principal Celestia was callin'. "Yeah?" I asked. Celestia asks "Did you find out what was going on?" I explained nearly everything to Celestia. Celestia spoke "Since we're communicating right now, I should be able to teleport you and Knuckles back to Canterlot High." I spoke "Ah don' think that'd be a good idea though Principal Celestia... Ah don' wanna risk throwin' up again." Celestia spoke "I know, but this is the safest way to get through the anti-beastmen." *Sigh* Had ta admit, she had a good point. I spoke "Mah stomach's a tad queasy." Knuckles gave me an empty vomit bag. "Just in case." I spoke "Thanks..." The both of us were teleported back to Canterlot High as I felt my stomach gurglin', but I managed to keep it in. I immediately threw up into the bag. "Welp... *Urp!* Better see Nurse Redheart..." I groaned with a green face. End
Main 7 (EqG),Original Character,Other,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,Comedy,Random,Brand New Animal,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Sonic the Hedgehog
Life as a Sonic OC Redux: Equestria Girls
Magic and chaos ensue in Canterlot City!
<p>As Beastmen run wild in Canterlot City, the HuMane Six find a way to get along with them</p>
*Scootaloo’s POV* Wow! There’s a lot of awesome stuff happening here at Canterlot City! A two tailed fox beastman spoke "Yeah but Sonic and Rainbow are still missing." “Uh, who’re you?” I asked. The fox beastman spoke "My name's Miles Prower but due to my mutation, most call me Tails." "Wow really?" I asked with starry eyes. Tails spoke "Yeah but I hate having a second tail." "Why? You can do so much with two tails." I pointed out. Tails spoke "I can't fly though! And after what happened to Danyelle, I don't want to risk it." "Come on! You can-Gah!" I yelped as we heard a roar while I jumped, unintentionally going into my beastman form. Tails asks "A bird beastman, huh?" “I’m not a chicken, I’m a Spix Macaw!” I squawked. Tails snickers "You sure you're not a chicken?" I grumbled in Portuguese. Tails spoke "I'm just teasing you Scootaloo. And I'm starting to worry about Sonic and Roll, I haven't seen them lately." “Yeah, I’m kinda worried about Rainbow Dash.” I admitted. A male spoke "Found ya, cuz!" A Spix Macaw Beastwoman spoke "Tiago, you're such an idiot." *Gasp!* That sounded like…! The Spix Macaw Beastwoman spoke "Hey Scoots." “Carla! Tiago! Bia!” I smiled as I flew over and hugged my cousins. Bia asks "Who's the fox?" "A friend of mine, Tails." I answered. Carla spoke "That reminds me! Great Aunt Mimi found six beastmen not far from here. Two gryphons, a tanuki, a fox, a pony and a hedgehog." Bia spoke "Yeah, she spotted them while flying above an ocean." Tails spoke "Then I know where to they could be." Tails left before coming coming back in an awesome plane! Tails spoke "Most passengers I can bring along is 4." Carla spoke "But sis, you forget... The Prison Island airspace is restricted. No bird Beastman is allowed to pass through it." Tails spoke "But that only applies for bird beastmen flying on their own." Bia spoke "He does have a point." I spoke "Then there's that aggressive beastman...." Tails spoke "But now he's suddenly gone off-radar, so this is our only chance to get them back." "Right! I'm in!" I smiled. Tails spoke "But Scootaloo, your parents would get upset with me if you got hurt or worse." A manhole cover rattles before getting moved. Applejack spoke "Consarn it Knuckles! That's the last time ya drag me into the sewers fer shards of yer master emerald!" Knuckles spoke "Can't believe there was only one in there though." Applejack spoke "That pesky bat musta gotten the other two. Oh hey Scootaloo." Knuckles noticed the plane Tails was in. "Going after Sonic and the others with some of your friends?" Tails spoke "I am but I can't take everyone with me." “Four passengers, right?” I asked. Tails spoke "Yeah." But then Tails was given a noogie by someone new. A fox beastman spoke "'Bout time I found ya, cuz!" Tails groans "Not now Rusty!" But then Tails was suddenly hugged from behind. "Now is that anyway to say hi to your cousin?" Tails gasps "*Blushing* I-Inari?!" Inari giggles "That's me, your girlfriend." Applejack spoke "We don't have time ta be sitting around! Roll and the others could be in danger!" Tails spoke "Again, I can only bring along four passengers." Tiago spoke "I'm in!" An older spix macaw beastwoman spoke "Oh no you don't Tiago, you're still grounded." Tiago spoke "*Gloomily* Aw, mom…" Jewel spoke "You broke my mother's plates." Yeesh. Tough luck there, Tiago. Then an older Spix Macaw beastman showed up. Jewel spoke "Hey Tyler." Blu chuckles "Come on, sweetie. You know you can call me Blu." Jewel giggles "Glad I'm not Eva though, I can't handle a large amount of children." Blu spoke "I just don’t know how Rafael manages to do it." Applejack was already sitting in the plane's pilot seat. Applejack spoke "There ain't no way Ah'm letting a 14 year old pilot a plane." Tails spoke "*Deadpan* This isn’t the first time I flew a plane." Knuckles spoke "Tails’ got a point there, I’ve seen him do that." Applejack spoke "But he doesn't have the legal license to fly a plane!" Knuckles spoke "It hasn't stopped Tails from doing it before." Tails spoke "And I'm not sure if you have a license either." Applejack spoke "Ah've got a driver's license." Tails asks "*Deadpan* Is it the same as a pilot's license?" Applejack tried to argue, but couldn't as she said nothing. Inari spoke "Miles, don't make me call your older sister over here." A female spoke "She probably means Pixie. And I know how Tails is when he doesn't get to use the stuff he builds. Don't worry, I'll help ya this time." Tails yelps "Gyah! Miyuki?!" Inari spoke "I was talking about you though Miyuki." Miyuki spoke "Oh. I can tell that Tails, Scootaloo, Rusty and Inari wanna come along, so I'll take 'em with me. And don't worry, Miles. I'll let ya handle the walker form." Tails spoke "Yes!" Applejack asks "What 'bout Knuckles and I?" Miyuki spoke "You guys get back to Celestia and find more of those shards." Applejack spoke "HELLO!?!?!? Ah'm pregnant fer heaven's sake! Once Ah'm further along, Ah won't be able to do much." Applebloom spoke "Oh! Maybe I can help Knuckles!" Applejack spoke "No Applebloom." Applebloom spoke "But Ah wanna help." Knuckles spoke "This is far too dangerous though and I refuse to put my girlfriend's younger sister in danger." Applebloom spoke "Ah’m not a little kid anymore!" Applejack spoke "No means no Applebloom, not with that Shadow still on the loose." Inari, Tails, Rusty and I got into the Cyclone as Miyuki was in the pilot’s seat. Miyuki asks "Everyone ready?" Applejack spoke "Knuckles and I are comin' too and there ain't no way ya'll can convince me otherwise Miyuki." Tails, Inari, Rusty and I nodded at that. Miyuki spoke "Then hold on tight." Miyuki started up the Cyclone. Applejack held onto Knuckles as the direwolf dug his spiked fists into the metal. We soon weren’t far from the ocean as Knuckles sensed something. Knuckles spoke "Looks like this is where AJ and I get off." Tails spoke "Just be careful Knuckles." Knuckles spoke "Same goes for you." Knuckles jumped off with Applejack as the two glided. Later, we were nearby airspace of Prison Island. Tails spoke "There’s no mistake about it, this must be the island. It’s a secret military base that is reinforced and super strong. It’s called Prison Island. I heard the news about it on satellite TV. I still can’t believe that Sonic or any of the others would destroy the military buildings or rob the bank! Wait for us, okay guys! We’re on our way!" Inari spoke "But we might run into a boss fight." We looked down, seeing a female pink hedgehog beastman cornered by a human in a mech. Inari asks "How did Amy get here?" Miyuki spoke "Wonder that later, looks like we have a detour rescue. Tails, the con is yours." Tails spoke "Right! Tornado… Transformation!" Tails pressed a button as he took over as pilot, causing the Cyclone to transform before we soon landed. Dr. Eggman spoke "Hahaha! You’re fools to fight, you can’t beat me!" The air around the group got a lot colder. Miyuki growls "You'll regret messing with an arctic fox Beastman." Miyuki jumped out of the Cyclone as she landed on the ground. Tails spoke "Rusty, you handle the Volkan Cannon. Inari, you aim the missile launcher." Rusty spoke "Got it, cuz!" Inari spoke "Right!" Miyuki spoke "Let's teach Baldy McNosehair a lesson not to mess with the Prowers!" Tails asks "Right! Scoots, the top half can rotate and has a grappling hook, can ya handle controlling that?" "Sure can!" I smirked. Tails spoke "Then I'll operate the legs!" We then started battling Eggman and his Eggwalker as I rotated the top half, aiming the volkan cannon as Rusty fired it with me firing the grappling hook, landing some good hits. Dr. Eggman spoke "Wha-?! You won't escape me this time!" Miyuki froze the ground under Eggman's mech, causing it to slip and fall down. Dr. Eggman spoke "Gah! That's it! I'm being serious now!" Dr. Eggman fired missiles as we dodged them with Tails moving the Cyclone before Inari fired missiles back, hitting Eggman and the Eggwalker, knocking him back onto the frozen ground. Dr. Eggman spoke "Guh! I let my guard down..." "Hey, how's that?" Tails smirked while making the Cyclone jump in victory before the Eggwalker got back up. Dr. Eggman spoke "This time, I'll let you go. But the next time we meet... You won't be so lucky!" Dr. Eggman walked away on his mech as Amy got to us. Amy asks "Wow guys, you did it! But what are you doing here on this island?" Tails asks "We're the ones who should be asking that question! Don't you know it's dangerous here?" Amy spoke "I know, but I'm here to save my hero, Sonic!" Tails asks "*Deadpan* Again!?" Inari spoke "For the love of Ginrou... Sonic's got a girlfriend already Amy." Tails spoke "Inari, you know how Amy is with Sonic." Amy spoke "Hurry! I know Eggman's up to no good again!" Tails spoke "Okay, you stay here and we'll be right back!" The four of us started moving forward with Tails doing the driving the Cyclone's walker form as Miyuki followed us. Amy spoke "Don't leave without me! *Runs after us* I wanna help Sonic too!" Miyuki asks "Should I ice her?" Tails spoke "*Sigh* It's not like we can stop her anyway." Miyuki spoke "I've heard rumors about a few beastmen living on Prison Island." Another Sonic appeared but he was in bad shape. The lookalike spoke "You guys have to go." Amy asks "Sonic! Are you okay?" "Sonic" spoke "I was attacked by a few dozen Changeling Beastmen after I escaped. I don't know where the others ran off to." "*GASP!* That means the others might still be captured!" I dreaded. "Sonic" spoke "I saw the two gryphons get captured though." “THAT SETTLES IT! We’re going in!” I declared. "Sonic" spoke "About that, Chrysalis is too clever to be stopped by five teenagers and an adult." Tails definitely got a bit suspicious at that. “We’re still going, and you’re coming with us.” Miyuki spoke "Hmm… Yeah, you’re right, Miles. Good call." "Sonic" spoke "Don't make me go back there... They'll attack me again..." But then Miyuki froze “Sonic” solid in a block of ice. “We’ll just have to get in there and find out. Amy, you can carry Sonic.” But to the surprise of the four foxes, the hedgehog and I, "Sonic" had inadvertedly dropped the disguise he had on thus revealing a Changeling Beastman. Needless to say, Amy was not happy as she brought out her hammer. Tails spoke "For the love of Ginrou, put that thing away or SO help me!" Inari spoke "You know how Amy feels about being tricked by Sonic imposters." The Changeling Beastman was cowering in fear after the ice had been shattered. Tails spoke "Forget about him, Amy. Let’s go." The Changeling Beastman spoke "I'm sorry for lying... But I wouldn't go that way if I were you guys." Tails spoke "Well then, you clearly don’t know us." The Changeling Beastman spoke "I know well enough that there's a swarm of Changeling Beastmen lying in wait that way." Miyuki spoke "Heh, a swarm? If you were that easy to freeze, then there's not much to worry about." "Heh, good point, Miyuki." I snickered as Tails smiled in agreement. The Changeling Beastman spoke "That was because I was on my own. There's at least 200 Changeling Beastmen lying in wait... Plus I can smell some of them nearby. Oh, I'm Thorax by the way." Amy spoke "...Amy Rose. And don't think I'll forgive you for pulling that stunt on me." A depressed Thorax spoke "I wouldn't expect a cutie like you to..." Amy noticed that expression as her face softened. "But if I do, maybe we can be friends." Thorax spoke "Heck, I'd go against my hive for you." Amy was surprised, but stayed focused. "Just hope you aren't all buzz." Thorax spoke "No pun intended." To be Continued
Shadow Quill
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Human,Adventure,Romance,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Beyond Harmony's Edge
The CMC, after being apart for many years, reunite as the crew of Equis' first interstellar space flight. Mysteries abound in the vast expanse beyond the Harmony System, some friendly, others not as much.
<p>Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, friends until the end of time, now embark on a new adventure beyond the boundary of the Harmony System's final frontier. Tasked with testing the first interstellar capable ship and exploring the great unknown beyond their home system, our intrepid trio will face mysteries and discoveries beyond their wildest dreams. </p><p>Join them in the adventure to end all adventures and enjoy every thrilling twist and turn alongside our trio as they brave the exotic, the weird, and the downright terrifying, all waiting to be found in the dark expanse Beyond Harmony's Edge.</p>
Light poured over the edge of the planet below, signaling the beginning of a new day as dawn crested the curvature of Equis. Yet as the light of her chosen star stretched over the land below, something glistened in the morning light, high above the surface of the planet and connected to the ground via an expansive coupling system. Spacecraft flew in and out of the gargantuan structure, its roughly hemispherical shape allowing for the maximum number of ships to dock and depart as needed. This was the Equestrian Spaceport, hailed as the most cutting-edge harbor for spacecraft in the Harmony system. It could service any craft ranging in size from the smallest scout to the grand flagships of the various nations’ fleets. Yet far below this hulking marvel, at the base of the massive space elevator, lay the ground complex that allowed the species of Equis access to the orbiting platform. In a locker room, contained within one of the more restricted sections of the complex, was a young earth pony mare, dressing herself for her first mission as a fully certified Chief Engineer. Applebloom was a very attractive mare for her age, with her bright red mane tied up with her signature pink bow and her tail tied in a simple braid for ease of comfort. Her bright amber eyes were known to draw the attention of many stallions, and her pale-yellow coat nearly glowed under the overhead lights. Of course, her shield-shaped cutie mark was on proud display, although it was being rapidly covered as she pulled her dark blue jumpsuit up and over her flanks. A grunt and hiss of frustration could be heard every other second as she struggled to pull the skin-tight material over her body, although she managed to get it on mostly in the right order as she pulled the zipper closed along her spine. Finally, with a snort of contempt, she turned to face the open locker before her to pull out her saddlebags and the other necessities she would be needing for the journey ahead. Last but most certainly not least, she pulled out the golden locket that her sister Applejack had given her the previous year for Hearth’s Warming. She smiled to herself as she flipped it open with a hoof, taking a moment to look at the extended family photo that graced the inside. “Ah did it sis,” she said to herself, tracing a hoof over the image before closing the locket, “Ah finally made it to space.” It had been a long-time dream of Applebloom’s to go for adventures in space, although now that she finally had the chance to do so, and as one of the three crewmembers for the newest ship in the Equestrian fleet no less, she was starting to wonder if this was all some long and elaborate dream that her mind had concocted during a coma or some such thing. Lifting a foreleg to her face, she pinched a small section of her flesh between her teeth, digging in just enough for it to hurt. She pulled back and lowered her leg with a smile on her face, “Nope, Ah’m not dreaming. This is really happening.” “What’s really happening?” A vaguely familiar voice asked from behind her. Applebloom turned around and felt her jaw drop as she spotted her companion, the other mare’s eyes widening in shock as her own jaw hung low. “Sweetie Bell, is that really you?” Applebloom finally managed to say after a couple seconds. The white unicorn smiled widely, letting out a high-pitch squeal as she leaped over the bench between them and tackled Applebloom in a massive hug. “Applebloom! I haven’t seen you in years!” She pulled back enough to look the earth pony in the eyes, “How have things been working on ships?” Applebloom shrugged, although it did nothing to diminish her smile as she looked her friend up and down. Sweetie Bell had certainly grown into her looks over the years. She hadn’t seen her fellow Crusader since she had moved to Canterlot to get her degree in medicine. In that time, her two-tone pink mane had grown down to hang over her shoulders, bouncing with the curl that had always seemed to be there whether she liked it or not. Her pale green eyes had darkened into a near emerald hue and sparkled with excitement as she inspected Applebloom in turn. Just like the earth pony, Sweetie’s shield cutie mark was on proud display, marking her forever and for always as one of Applebloom’s closest friends. “You look great Sweetie Bell,” Applebloom said as she pulled away fully and stood at her full height, “did you finally get your degree in medicine like you wanted?” Sweetie’s nod was the only answer she needed, “You can call me Doctor Sweetie Bell now, although I also managed to minor in Thaumatic Diagnostics because of all the magic classes I had to take. That’s probably why they chose me to be the new ship’s medical officer.” Applebloom paused a moment as Sweetie’s words sunk in, “Wait, are you tellin’ me that yer going to be part of the crew for that brand-new ship they just built?” Sweetie nodded again, her expression shifting to slight confusion as she met Applebloom’s gaze, “Yeah, they chose me because I could take care of any medical issues during the mission while also working over any of the magical systems if they need repair. Although I can’t really do all that much if something really breaks, I think that would probably be left to the CE anyway.” “But Ah’m the Chief Engineer for that ship!” Applebloom cried as her face lit up with another wide grin, “Do you know that that means?” Sweetie opened her mouth to reply but was cut off as a raspy voice echoed through the room, “The Cutie Mark Crusaders are together again at last!” Both mares turned towards the doorway, their mouths hanging open as they spotted the orange pegasus mare in the opening. Her ragged purple mane hung over one bright violet eye, only to get blown out of the way with a puff of air from her mouth. Scootaloo grinned as she walked into the locker room, shifting her gaze from one mare to the other as a soft chuckle escaped her lips. “You guys should see your faces right now,” She managed to force out between giggles, “you look like somepony just switched your shampoo with mayonnaise and you just got a look at yourself in the mirror.” “Scootaloo!” Applebloom and Sweetie cried as they tackled the sunset pegasus. They collapsed into a fit of giggles as the pony pile tumbled and rolled for a few lengths into the hallway, leaving their belongings in a heap back in the locker room. Scootaloo grunted as the combined weight of the other mares settled on her chest, “Hey, I’m glad to see you guys as well, but do you have to crush me to get the message across?” Applebloom blushed and forced herself off of her friends, Sweetie following close behind as the trio stood up and pulled themselves into a tamer hug. “Ah’m sorry Scootaloo, we’re just so excited to see you after all these years. How’s it been flying cargo ships between planets?” Scootaloo grinned as she flared her wings, “Nopony gets things to their destination faster than the Crusader’s Cruiser. I’ve been flying so many circles around the competition that the higher ups practically begged me to be the pilot for their new ship.” She paused as she seemed to realize, “Wait a minute, all three of us are part of the crew, and as far as I know the ship only needs three ponies to fly.” She gasped as she bounced from one hoof to another, “That means we get to pilot the new ship all on our own and get to explore new worlds without anypony to cramp our style! This is going to be the best thing ever!” Sweetie smiled as she turned and entered the locker room once more, “Well if we don’t get suited up, we’ll never get to fly our new ship. Come on Scootaloo, we need to get ready before we head up the elevator.” The pegasus nodded as she walked past Applebloom, giving the earth pony a wink with one eye as she ran her tail under Applebloom’s chin, “A few years certainly did wonders for your looks A.B. You look great in that skin-tight suit.” Applebloom’s cheeks flushed a bright red as Scootaloo followed Sweetie into the locker room, her legs frozen in place as her mind struggled to comprehend what had just happened. Did Scootaloo just flirt with me? She thought to herself. A quick shake of her head cleared those thoughts from her mind, “Naw, she’s just joshin’ with me. Ah’ve known Scoots for years and she’s never come across as a fillyfooler. Ah’m just taking her jokes too seriously.” With that matter settled in her mind, Applebloom walked back into the locker room as Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo finished pulling the zippers closed on their own jumpsuits. Sweetie Bell’s suit was a bright green with red crosses posted over her flanks, marking her as the medical officer of the crew. Scootaloo’s suit was colored a bright red with gold trim around the collar, marking her as the pilot as well as the commander in charge of the crew, what little crew there was. “Ya’ll ready to make history?” Applebloom asked as the trio walked out the opposite side of the locker room and into the main hub for the space elevator. “You bet.” Sweetie said as they walked up to the kiosk to call their ride. Scootaloo swiped her I.D. and waited for a moment for the machine to register her qualifications. With a chime and a buzz, the kiosk spat out three tickets marked with their departure time and the dock number of their ship. An elevator pod large enough to hold ten ponies slid down the expansive number of chutes and pipes that held the elevator in place, coming to a stop in front of the trio with a mild hiss. The steel and glass compartment slid open and allowed the mares to enter its confines, closing them in with another hiss as the airtight seal locked in place. Without any warning, the pod began a rapid ascent of the elevator shaft, quickly leaving the ground and the landward complex behind. The ride took several minutes as the pod rocketed into orbit, ripping past other pods of various sizes and shapes as they moved up and down the shaft around them. Applebloom gasped as they reached the edge of the atmosphere, causing the vast expanse of space to shine around them as millions of stars came into view. The light of Harmony Prime, the system’s star, was nearly bright enough to blind the mares as the reflections of the metal refracted around them. However, the glass quickly reacted to the bright light and darkened, leaving the light levels at a less blinding intensity as the trio opened their eyes once again. “Wow,” Sweetie said as she gazed out the windows with wide eyes, “I never thought space could be so, beautiful.” “Eh, you get used to it after a while,” Scootaloo said nonchalantly, although she did nothing to hide her grin as she watched her friends react to their first trip off world. Applebloom looked up and saw the massive structure of the space port coming into view, it’s hulking form rapidly approaching as the elevator began to decelerate. They passed through the base of the complex and came to a stop in the central hub, leaving them with slightly wobbly legs as they adjusted to the slightly weaker gravity. The doors of the pod opened, and the mares walked out and into the port proper, making sure that their saddlebags were secure after the ride up before glancing around at the various shops that lined the walls on every side. Diners sat next door to small shops of this and that wherever Applebloom looked, leaving her feeling a bit overwhelmed as masses of ponies and other creatures walked by. Minotaurs carried large loads over their shoulders while gryphons flew along the corridors, the masses of ponies and zebras turning the port into a kaleidoscope of color and movement that made the mare’s head spin. A quick tap on her shoulder brought Applebloom back to her senses, her head turning to face Sweetie Bell as the alabaster mare retracted her hoof, “Come on Applebloom, we got to get to the ship before our scheduled departure time, or we’ll have to answer to the princesses about why we were late.” That got Applebloom’s motor running, “Well what are we waitin’ fer? We need to get a move on.” Scootaloo laughed as she flew to keep up with the now sprinting duo, “Woah, hold on there, don’t leave me behind. I know you want to be on time and all that, but you’re not going anywhere without me to fly the darn thing.” The pegasus yelped as her body was enveloped in a pale green glow, her body being jerked along at a faster pace as Sweetie’s magic pulled her behind them. “Hey!” Scootaloo yelled as she struggled to break free, “I can fly on my own thank you very much.” “No time to argue,” Sweetie countered as they slid around a corner and into the more restricted parts of the port, barely slowing down to toss their tickets at the guard pony who stood watch over the gate that led to the private launch pads, “we’ve got exactly five minutes to get to the dock before we’re late.” Scootaloo let out a huff of frustration but remained silent as she was carried along behind the other two. Finally, after galloping for several minutes, the trio ended up skidding to a halt outside gate B-52, their destination and the gateway to their new ship. Standing before the doorway was a quartet of alicorns, each varied in size and coloration to be instantly recognizable even at a distance. The tallest, standing nearly twice the height of the three mares, was Princess Celestia, ruler of the day and the eldest of the royals. Her multi-color mane and tail flowed in an ethereal wind while her alabaster coat shined in the overhead lights. Her magenta eyes radiated warmth and kindness as she gazed upon the Crusaders, although a slight curve could be seen on her lips as the panting trio came to a halt. Her golden regalia was polished to perfection, the metal shining almost as bright as her body as she stood before the three mares. Standing directly to her left was Princess Luna, ruler of the night and Celestia’s younger sister. Her starry mane and tail also flowed in an invisible breeze, though her expression was more distant and calm as compared to her sister. Her midnight blue coat was covered slightly by her obsidian regalia, which sparkled like moon dust as she shifted in place slightly. Directly to Luna’s left was Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known as Princess Cadence to her friends and family. The alicorn was pink in every sense of the word, with a lighter coat to contrast the darker shades of her long, curly mane and tail. The Princess of Love was covering her mouth with a hoof as she stifled what had to be giggles as Sweetie lowered Scootaloo to the ground, although it did nothing to hide the fact that she was practically beaming with joy at the prospect of their voyage. Last but certainly not least was Princess Twilight, standing on Celestia’s right with a slight frown on her muzzle. The purple mare was checking a pocket watch that floated in her magenta magic as she glanced at a checklist hovering at her side. Apparently Applebloom and the others had made it on time, because the youngest princess did nothing more than nod to them as the watch and checklist disappeared with a pop of magic. “Welcome you three,” Celestia said with a full smile as she lowered her head to their level, “it fills me with joy to see my subjects so excited to undertake such a momentous journey in the name of science and exploration. I understand that you are already well acquainted with one another?” Sweetie nodded, “That’s right, princess. We’ve known each other since we were fillies.” She pulled Applebloom and Scootaloo into a group hug as she smiled up at the elder alicorn, “We couldn’t be happier to be working on this mission together.” “Yeah,” Applebloom agreed as she extracted herself from the hug, “we haven’t seen each other fer a couple years now, but to be goin’ on this mission as a team once again after being apart for so long,” she inhaled and let out a gusty sigh, “it’s like we get to go on adventures as the Cutie Mark Crusaders all over again. The best part is that this time we get to do somethin’ that nopony has ever done before!” Celestia nodded, “Indeed, you will be undertaking a challenge that has been faced by no other. We are truly in your debt for being so brave in the face of the unknown.” In a move that shocked everypony present, Celestia bowed her head to the trio and graced them with a nuzzle between each set of ears, “I look forward to the day you can return to us and regale the masses with tales of your adventures.” Princess Twilight cleared her throat, gathering the attention of those present, “Not to interrupt you, but we are running on a schedule, and I think the crew would like to look over their new ship before they are scheduled to depart.” Celestia nodded her agreement, “Quite right, we have much to do and so little time to do it. Come,” she turned to face the doorway that would lead to the launch platform, “let us be on our way.” The princesses walked up to the doorway, the masses of metal sliding open by themselves as the quartet entered through the opening. Applebloom and the others followed them into the corridor, hearing the slabs of steel close behind them with a hiss of compressed air. A single line of lights illuminated the metal walls and floor as the group came up to yet another doorway, this one much larger and fitted with several interlacing magic seals. Celestia turned her head to look at the Crusaders, “Beyond this door, lies the pinnacle of pony engineering. Your craft is the most advanced ship ever designed, and I am proud to present it to you on this momentous day.” As Celestia turned around, all four alicorns ignited their horns, casting beams of raw magic into four colored slots in the center seal. The complete array began to glow from the combined magics being shoved into it and then let out a blinding flash that caused Applebloom to cover her eyes. As she lowered her hoof to the floor once more, she couldn’t help but let out a gasp at what she saw. She almost missed the grins plastered on the royals’ faces as the trio of mares walked past them and into the hangar proper. “I present,” Princess Luna said with her usual dignified grace, “the ESF Midnight Song. Your new ship.” Applebloom could hardly believe her eyes. Resting on several support struts, was the most beautiful ship she had ever seen. It was painted a brilliant silver color, with red lines running down its length along the sides and decals around the engine ports. The whole thing had to be twenty or thirty times her own body length and at least ten times taller. The body was arrow-shaped, with large tail fins popping out at an angle over the rear to act as stabilizers while in atmosphere. Two huge rings of glowing blue energy were contained in the aft sections of the wings, while rotating thrusters were affixed on the outer edges for fine maneuvering and vertical takeoff. All and all the whole thing was a true sight to behold, and it took Applebloom several seconds to realize that Princess Cadence had been addressing her and her fellow Crusaders. Applebloom turned to face the pink alicorn with a bashful smile, “Sorry yer highness, Ah wasn’t payin’ attention. What was it ya said?” Cadence simply shook her head, “It wasn’t anything important. I was simply making a comment about how thrilled you looked at seeing your new ship.” “Are you kidding?” Scootaloo cried as she buzzed her wings in excitement, “This is the greatest thing ever!” Princess Twilight smiled as she stepped past the trio, “Would you like to see inside? We still have some time before your departure, so I would like to see your impressions of the ship’s interior.” “You were one of the ponies in charge of designing the ship, weren’t you princess?” Sweetie asked as they approached the Midnight Song, “I heard you were the one who came up with the spells that run the engine.” Twilight blushed under the praise, “Well, I had a lot of help, but yes, the Magic-Inducted Hyperspace Drive was my creation. I call it the MIHD for short so ponies don’t have to deal with such a mouthful of a name.” Sweetie chuckled, “I can see why. Oh, I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.” Princess Luna smiled as she punched in a series of numbers on the keypad next to the ship’s airlock, “Well then let us begin the tour. We have much to see and little time to see it. Come, your ship waits for nopony.” The seven ponies walked into the airlock, feeling the slight shift in air as the doors locked behind them and the second set opened in front. The first thing they were greeted with was what seemed to be a large storage space, filled with boxes of equipment and non-perishable food items. Cans and bags of this and that could be seen in every direction, except for the corridor that led straight down the middle of the room and toward another set of doors. Other than the numerous boxes, there wasn’t much to see in the room other than the dull grey walls and the yellow markings on the floor. Applebloom followed the group as they walked across the space and through the exit, leading them to another room that seemed to be half kitchen and half dining room. The space was covered in astatically pleasing light blue paint that marked the walls and ceiling, while the floor was covered in alternating tan and dark blue tiles that would make cleanup easy. A bar split the room down the middle, partitioning the cooking space from the eating space and sporting a trio of seats that were affixed to the floor with rather heavy-looking bolts. So too was the large table secured to the floor, along with the four chairs that resided around its four sides. “Wow,” Sweetie gasped as she ran into the kitchen and began rummaging through the magnetic drawers and cabinets, “this must be better than the kitchen at Sugarcube Corner. Look at all these crazy machines.” Celestia chuckled as Applebloom followed her friend into the kitchen, while Scootaloo sat down at the table to get a feel for the comfort of the chairs. “Indeed, most of the inventions in this ship are the latest and greatest our scientific minds have come up with in the last couple years. Nothing in our entire fleet is more technologically advanced than the ship you currently stand in.” “Even our own flagship, the Rising Dawn, does not have such luxuries.” Princess Luna added with a smile, “Thou should count thyselves lucky to have such advancements afforded to thee.” Cadence elbowed Luna in the side, “You slipped into Old Equish again, auntie.” Princes Luna seemed to realize her blunder and facehoofed with a grumble, “Curse my tongue and call me inept. Why must my mind continue to supply words that no longer have meaning in this day and age?” “Now, now you needn’t worry yourself too much dear sister,” Celestia said calmly as she rested a wing over Luna’s back, “You’re still getting used to modern patterns of speech, so it’s only natural for you to slip every once and a while.” Luna grumbled about something else unintelligible but made no further comment on the subject. She cleared her throat as Sweetie finished her inspection of the kitchen, “Yes, well, shall we be off? There is still the bridge and personal quarters to see, and we have little time to waste.” “Although,” Princess Twilight said as she held a hoof to her chin, “come to think of it, aren’t we the ones who control when and how the Midnight Song departs?” Cadence laughed as she held a hoof to her face, “Oh my, I completely forgot. Here we were running about like chickens in a fox den, and we had no reason to worry about anything at all. Oh, that’s rich.” Luna rolled her eyes, “Yes, well, if we cannot be punctual with our own deadlines, how can we expect our subjects to do any better?” Celestia nodded, “Quite right sister mine. Come, let us be off.” Applebloom fell in step next to Twilight while Sweetie and Scootaloo flanked Princess Cadence. Celestia and Luna led the way through a side door, coming into a short corridor that was partitioned on each side by four doorways. On the wall, next to each door were keypads that would lock or unlock the openings, although when Applebloom thought about it, she couldn’t figure out why there were four doors if there were only three crew members. She assumed that each door led to a bunkroom or some such, but for the life of her she couldn’t wrap her head around the purpose of the last room. Twilight must have seen the confusion on her face, because she pushed a button on the far-right door’s keypad and stepped aside as the door slid open. Inside was a fully stocked bathroom, complete with a shower and tub combination as well as a toilet and sink. Applebloom facehoofed at the rather blatant blunder in her thinking, although Twilight was nice enough not to bring it up around the others as they continued to the far end of the hallway. There, they passed through yet another set of doors, and found themselves in what could only have been the bridge. The space was much wider than the rest of the ship had been, rivaling the cargo bay for raw hoofage as the group spread out to take it all in. The entire room seemed to have been designed with a crew of three in mind, because there were only three stations for a pony to sit at during flight. The first was perfectly centered on the large, panoramic windows that allowed the crew to see where they were going, while the other two seats were situated behind and to the left and right of the pilot’s chair. Each seat was accompanied by what looked like control panels, although they were unlike anything Applebloom had seen before. Instead of being in a smooth arc in front of the chairs, the control surfaces wrapped all the way around the secondary stations to form rings of buttons and levers. A foldable section at the rear of each ring allowed the crew to move in and out of their assigned positions with relative ease, while still maintaining a complete circuit during use. Only the pilot’s controls were limited to the forward portion of the bridge, for obvious reasons, although they still formed a perfect half circle in front of the chair, leaving the sides open with just enough room for the joysticks that controlled the ship’s flight. Applebloom felt the breeze ruffle her mane as Scootaloo buzzed past her and took a seat at the pilot’s station, “This is so cool! I can’t wait to take this baby through her paces.” “Take it easy for the first part of the journey,” Princess Twilight said with a knowing smirk, “give yourself some time to familiarize yourself with the controls and flight characteristics of the ship before you get too crazy.” She cast a glance over her shoulder at Applebloom and Sweetie Bell, “I’m sure your fellow crewmates will appreciate it.” Scootaloo had the pretense to look abashed for her overenthusiasm, although her ears only folded for a second or two before springing back to attention, “Does that mean this thing can do crazy maneuvers and other stuff once I get used to the controls?” Applebloom rolled her eyes, “Ya’ll try anything like that, and Sweetie will throw yer flank in the cargo bay for a week, if I don’t buck some sense into yer thick skull first.” Scootaloo scowled at the earth pony, but quickly relented as Princess Cadence and Twilight shared a chuckle at her expression, “Yeah well, I wasn’t going to do too much anyway, don’t want to make the other pilots jealous, right?” The Crusaders shared a laugh as the princesses formed up next to the door, “We’ll let you get settled in.” Princess Celestia said with her usual grace, “Just remember, your departure time is scheduled for the top of the next hour. Be sure to be on time for the send-off the fleet captains are preparing for you.” All three mares saluted, “Yes Ma’am!” Celestia nodded, leading her fellow princesses out the door and back towards the launch bay. This left the Crusaders on their own as they began going over the systems of their new ship. “Wow!” Sweetie cooed as she took a seat at the left station, “This ship is amazing. Look at all this high-tech stuff.” She gasped as the controls lit up, even igniting a holographic display in front of her and on either side at head height, “I never knew this kind of stuff could be integrated into a console like this.” Applebloom walked over and took a seat in her own chair, taking a moment to look overt the controls for herself, “Yeah, it’s one thing to build a ship, but a whole ‘nother thing to see the finished product as its crew.” Applebloom took a second to run her hoof over the holographic displays, watching in rapt wonder as the controls responded to her every move like it was a part of her. For a moment she closed her eyes and could almost feel the ship responding to her commands, even though the main reactor had yet to be ignited. As the thought crossed her mind, Applebloom opened her eyes and looked over the controls, hoping to see the one switch she hoped to find. Sure enough, resting along the right side of her station, was a large lever with a bold label spelled out in bright yellow lettering. MAIN REACTOR POWER TOGGLE Below the lever was a screen that had lit up along with the rest of her controls, showing another string of words that indicated the core’s status, MAIN POWER: 0% REACTOR STATUS: Offline RESERVE POWER: 97% Applebloom glanced over the rest of her controls, spotting the reactor arming button a few hooves to the left of the main power controls. She turned to look at her crewmates, with a grin, “Think it’s ‘bout time to wake this baby up?” Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo shared a glance before nodding, “Let’s light this party favor.” Scootaloo said as she turned to take the helm, “Let’s do this like a real crew should. Chief Engineer Applebloom, is the reactor armed for ignition?” Applebloom smiled, feeling a thrill of adrenaline run through her body as she pressed the arming button. Another light caught her attention as the screen below the power controls changed from ‘Offline’ to ‘Armed’. “Reactor is armed and ready for ignition, captain.” Scootaloo nodded, “Ignite reactor on my mark, three, two, one, mark!” Applebloom pressed the control lever forward a notch, feeling the hum of the reactor start up smoothly as the power levels began to rise. They worked up a percent at a time before holding at fifteen percent, “Reactor ignited and holding at fifteen percent power.” She turned to look at Scootaloo, “She’s purrin’ like a kitten Scootaloo. Should we take her up to full?” Scootaloo turned to face Sweetie Bell, who was going over her own controls with a look of complete concentration, “How are the systems looking Sweetie Bell?” “Everything seems to be working at full strength,” she said without looking up, “our engines are a little cold but that won’t take long to fix. Other than that, everything is in perfect order. I recommend only taking the ship to half power until the engines get used to the change in temperature.” Scootaloo nodded before turning back to Applebloom, “You heard her, half power until further notice. Go ahead and cycle up the engines.” “Reactor to half power,” Applebloom echoed as she shifted the controls up another three notches. The hum of the reactor grew in volume before leveling out at about speaking volume, although the power gage continued to rise until it stalled at fifty-three percent. “Reactor holding at half power.” With a flip of several other switches, the hum of the reactor shifted in tone as the power was directed into the aft engines, “Engines one through four are receiving power and are ready to go. Thrusters are all in the green and our gravity spell is functioning properly.” She turned to face Scootaloo with a grin, “She’s ready to go, captain.” Scootaloo nodded, turning to face the front as her hooves gripped the control sticks, “Then let’s get this party rolling.” Just as Scootaloo was pressing the controls forward, she paused and performed a spectacular facehoof, “Wait a minute! What in Tartarus was I thinking? We can’t start our newest adventure without the appropriate theme song!” Sweetie glanced over at Applebloom, who shrugged in response, “What in tarnation are you goin’ on about Scootaloo?” “Oh, come on, you don’t think our first real mission as the reunited Cutie Mark Crusaders doesn’t warrant something special?” The brash pegasus rolled her eyes, “Besides, you should know this one, you wrote it with Sweetie Bell after we all got our cutie marks. Not to mention that hot gryphon you chose to go on tour with once you hit it big.” Applebloom smacked herself with a hoof, “Don’t tell me you actually bought an album from my short-lived career as a singer.” “Yep,” was the reply, “I even got a memory crystal so I wouldn’t have to lug around a record all the time if I wanted to listen to it.” She pulled out a large purple gem, cut in the shape of a disk and slid it into a previously invisible slot on her console. “Just listen and you’ll see why this is the perfect number for the start of our newest adventure.” As the music began playing, both Sweetie Bell and Applebloom’s eyes widened in recognition. “I remember this one. It was my only number one hit.” Applebloom smiled as the memories started to come back, “I can still remember singing in front of crowds with Black and having such a fun time.” She turned to face Scootaloo, noting the expectant grin on the pegasus’ face, “Alright, you convinced me. But remember that this is a serious mission. No singing along and forgetting the fly the ship, alright?” Scootaloo fluffed her wings in mock indignation, “I’ll have you know I only did that once while I was practicing for my pilot’s exam. I’ve never let myself get lost in the moment when it counted.” Applebloom let it slide and turned to face Sweetie, “How we looking on our power systems? Are we still holding steady?” Sweetie nodded, “Shield generators and the main cannon are fully functional and ready to go.” She shifted her gaze to another readout before continuing, “Life support at full power and holding steady.” She turned to face Scootaloo, “All systems go, captain. We are ready to depart.” “Then let’s go.” Scootaloo pressed the release on her console, and there was a series of thumps as the support arms disconnected from the Midnight Song’s hull. The main engines grew from a dull hum to a throaty roar as the ship began flying under its own power for the very first time. Scootaloo carefully directed the ship past the other docking stations and into open space, turning the ship until it was facing completely away from Harmony Prime. Spread out before them was the majority of the Equestrian Space Fleet, led by the Royal Flagship herself, the ESF Rising Dawn. Princess Celestia and the other royals would be watching from the bridge of the massive gold and silver vessel, along with most of the space fleet high command. Further out and on their opposite side, lay the Minotaur Navy, led by the monstrous grey behemoth known as the MHC Goliath. Finally, hovering above them in a cluster, were the gryphon ships. Led by the impressive form of the HMS Eagle’s Shadow, all three ponies were momentary lost in awe at the sheer number of creatures come to see them off. A chime echoed through the bridge, and Scootaloo turned down the music as she opened the communications channel, “This is the ESF Midnight Song, what can we do for you?” “It is wonderful to see the ship is performing well,” Celestia’s voice came over the speakers with only minimal static, “you’ve arrived just in time for us to see you off. The Minotaur were hoping to give you a twenty-one-gun salute, but I managed to convince them to hold off until you get back from your journey. Do you remember what your mission is?” The trio nodded, even though they knew Celestia couldn’t see them, “We remember, princess.” Applebloom replied, “We’re headed for the Fetlock System after workin’ our way around the Clover Nebula. Once we get there, we’re supposed to investigate a possibly habitable world and then report back what we find.” She glanced at Sweetie Bell, “Did Ah forget anything?” Sweetie shook her head, “Nope, that’s pretty much it.” She turned to face forward again as she addressed the Princess, “We’re all set here, Your Highness. Once we spin up the reactor to full power, we should be ready to go.” They could almost hear the smile in Celestia’s voice, “Then good luck to you, my little ponies. I wish you the best and hope for your safe return.” With those final words, the line went dead and left the trio alone once again. Scootaloo turned up the music once more and found that the song had only progressed a little. The bridge was just starting and the buildup to the chorus had yet to begin. Scootaloo grinned as she turned to Applebloom, “Power up the reactor to full and put in the coordinates for our first jump. I’m going to do something awesome.” Applebloom glanced at Sweetie, who shrugged in reply, “Okay, but if this blows up in our faces Ah’m blamin’ you.” She pushed the power controls up all the way, feeling the ship vibrate for a moment as the reactor powered up to maximum. Sweetie typed in a string of commands on her own console before turning to face Scootaloo, “Coordinates locked and ready, captain.” Scootaloo nodded as she gripped the controls with a firm hoof, aimed the ship between the fleets and into open space as the song began climbing towards the chorus. Just as the buildup reached its peak, Scootaloo pressed her hoof against the hyperspace controls and grinned. “Let’s fly.” She said as she pressed the lever forward. The stars in front of the ship seemed to elongate past the windows as the ship made the jump to hyperspace, leaving their home system far behind as the ship jumped into a higher dimension. A seemingly endless tunnel of blue streaks and flashes of light filled the viewport, and the ship vibrated violently for several moments before their flight smoothed. Applebloom let out a breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding, looking towards her fellow Crusaders as they all shared a smile. “Ah think this is going to be one heck of an adventure.” She said simply as she climbed out of her seat and stepped towards the door, “Ah’m goin’ to see how the engines are doin’ before anything has a chance to pop up. Ah’ll be amidships if anypony needs me.” “I’ll check out the galley and see if I can make anything for us to eat.” Sweetie added as she climbed out of her own station, “I don’t know about you, but I could go with a good daisy sandwich. I haven’t eaten since we met up at the space elevator.” Applebloom chuckled as Sweetie fell in beside her, “Just don’t try to cook anything. We all know how bad you are in the kitchen.” Sweetie puffed out her cheeks as a vibrant blush overcame them, “Hey! I’ve gotten better while I’ve been gone!” Scootaloo snickered from her post at the helm, “Yeah, I bet you can make orange juice without turning it into toxic waste like you used to.” Sweetie Bell stuck her tongue out at their companion, “Oh who asked you!” She turned back to the doorway and let out a huff as she stuck her nose in the air, walking with a poise and purpose she had lacked moments before. Applebloom chuckled alongside Scootaloo before she gave her friend a quick salute, “See ya in a bit, Scoots. Ah’m goin’ to be below if anythin’ comes up.” Scootaloo nodded, “See you in a couple hours. We should be coming up on our first stop around that time.” Applebloom nodded as she turned to leave, taking one last look at the bridge before walking through the living quarters and into the cargo bay. Sweetie Bell was already in the mess making, well, a mess, although Applebloom was pleased to find she hadn’t turned the kitchen into a toxic waste dump just yet. She paid the busy unicorn little mind as she climbed down a hatch in the cargo bay and into the main reactor chamber. It was a little cramped in the space left over for maintenance, although it worked just fine for her as she got a good look at the reactor core. A large sphere, containing multiple-colored balls of energy, rested amidst countless regulators and pipes. The glow from the magic churning within the core was bright enough to make Applebloom squint, although it was a soft light that didn’t harm her eyes. Taking some time to familiarize herself with the layout of the core, she noticed that some of the energy being directed towards the engines was being absorbed by the piping instead of flowing through it in a smooth stream. She could tell because the metal was starting to glow with ambient magic in several places. Either the designers had not planned on so much magic flowing through the pipes at once, or the metal coating inside the pipes was defective. Either way, they were losing power that could be used to move the ship further through space without straining the core for more energy. Besides, even though magic buildup was not an imminent threat, the fact that something was going on with the engine to begin with was not something to let slide. Applebloom climbed out of the core chamber and made her way back to the bridge, passing a very upset Sweetie Bell, who had apparently messed up making her food yet again. Applebloom tried and failed in containing her chuckles as Sweetie poked at the black sludge that was supposed to be her sandwich, prompting the unicorn to glare over her shoulder at the offending party as Applebloom made a hasty retreat out the far door. Applebloom made her way up to Scootaloo, who was looking over the controls as they traveled through the rift of hyperspace. “We got a small situation down in the core. Some of the pipes need to be replaced and Ah can’t do that while we’re in the middle of a jump. Ah’d recommend powering down the engines once we exit hyperspace so I can make the repairs before it becomes a problem.” Scootaloo nodded, “Gotcha. Well, I guess we’ll have to make our first stop a bit longer than we planned. Can’t have the reactor blowing up on us mid-flight.” Applebloom rolled her eyes, “It’s nothing like that, just some magic leakage that is cutting our power to the engines. Shouldn’t be too hard to fix, what with the tons of spare parts the princesses left for us in the cargo bay.” Scootaloo nodded, “Sounds good.” She smirked as she glanced over Applebloom’s shoulder towards the door, “How badly did she mess up this time?” Applebloom grinned in return, “She managed to make a glass of water before turning her sandwich into sludge. All and all Ah’d say she’s improvin’, slowly.” Scootaloo snorted but didn’t comment, looking out at the swirling vortex that was hyperspace as their craft shot through the vast void, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? To think this is what every captain is going to see in the coming years, and we get to be the first ones to witness it.” Applebloom nodded, “Ah recon it’s got to be the second most beautiful thing Ah’ve ever seen.” Scootaloo cast a raised eyebrow toward the earth pony, “And what was the first?” Applebloom smiled at the memory, “The first time I saw the sun rise from the top of the space elevator.” Scootaloo nodded after a moment, “Yeah, I can’t blame you for thinking that. Although I’d bet this is a close second.” The duo lapsed into silence, feeling the slight hum and vibration of the ship through their hooves as their journey began in earnest. If only they had any idea what challenges awaited them at their destination.
Shadow Quill
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Human,Adventure,Romance,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Beyond Harmony's Edge
The CMC, after being apart for many years, reunite as the crew of Equis' first interstellar space flight. Mysteries abound in the vast expanse beyond the Harmony System, some friendly, others not as much.
<p>Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, friends until the end of time, now embark on a new adventure beyond the boundary of the Harmony System's final frontier. Tasked with testing the first interstellar capable ship and exploring the great unknown beyond their home system, our intrepid trio will face mysteries and discoveries beyond their wildest dreams. </p><p>Join them in the adventure to end all adventures and enjoy every thrilling twist and turn alongside our trio as they brave the exotic, the weird, and the downright terrifying, all waiting to be found in the dark expanse Beyond Harmony's Edge.</p>
The blue and white streaks of hyperspace slowly folded back in on themselves as the Midnight Song returned to its home dimension. The three mares that made up the crew were sitting in their respective places on the bridge as the light of foreign stars came in through the plated glass, and a collective gasp rang through the air as their eyes widened in awe. Stretched out before them was a new star system, never before graced by pony eyes except from the lens of a telescope. The small red dwarf that called the unnamed system home was far in the distance, casting its weak rays over Applebloom and the others, tinting their fur with hues of red. Closer to the ship was a small rocky planet, with dust brown soil that was shifted to the color of dried blood in the light of the planet’s star. Two rings of small asteroids surrounded the planet in two perpendicular rows, creating an awe-inspiring effect as the boulders tumbled around the planet in opposite directions. Applebloom grinned as she turned her attention to her console, “Well, at least you guys will have a nice view while Ah work on the core.” Sweetie Bell nodded dumbly, her eyes locked on the beauty of the stars and planet before her, “Yeah, a nice view.” Scootaloo snickered as she spun around in her chair to face her friends, “Well what are you sitting around there for, AB? The engine isn’t going to fix itself with you hanging around here.” Applebloom stuck her tongue out at the pegasus but decided not to comment. After powering down the engines, she flipped the rear of her station up and out of the way and made her way into the interior of the ship. A quick stop at her room allowed her to grab her tools, as well as some replacement piping from the cargo bay so she could fix the faulty plumbing in the core. With her tools and parts secured in her saddlebags, Applebloom climbed down the maintenance shaft and into the core proper, although she had to squeeze through some of the sections to get through the tight spaces with her bags. It wasn’t a hard task or even all that tedious, given the piping was easy to cut and the replacement sections were still lit up with residual magic. All and all it was more of a patch than a true repair, although Applebloom knew that the problem would have to be addressed in future ships should the same power core design be used. In total it took the earth pony half an hour to fix the faulty piping, and with a wipe of her brow she stepped back from her work. Fresh welds secured the new pipes to the old, while the worn-out sections lay discarded on the metal plating that made up the floor. Applebloom reached down and picked up the old pipe before securing the rest of her tools in her bags, taking one last moment to check over her work. “That should hold without any problems.” She said to herself as she tapped the welds on one of the pipes with her hoof, “Probably want ta look ‘em over once we get to the next system just to make sure there’s no new magic leakage.” Satisfied that her work was done for the moment, Applebloom climbed back out of the core chamber and into the cargo bay, taking her time to stow the extra pipe in a spare container before making her way back to the bridge. She dropped her bags in her room once more so they wouldn’t be in the way and walked back onto the bridge, only to find Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo staring each other down with mutinous expressions. “What’s goin’ on here?” Applebloom asked as she walked up to the duo, “Why are ya’ll glaring at each other like two roosters fightin’ over a hen?” “We’re having a staring contest.” Scootaloo said without breaking her connection with Sweetie, “Loser has to clean the bathroom for a week once we get to the Fetlock System.” Applebloom rolled her eyes, “Do you two really have ta be doin’ that stuff right now? We’re in a whole ‘nother star system and the only thing you can think to do is have a staring contest?” Both mares opened their mouths to retort but were interrupted by a loud alarm that sounded off from all three consoles. Immediately, the staring contest was forgotten, and Applebloom practically leaped into her seat before activating her readouts to try and figure out what was setting off the alarm. “Looks like it’s the proximity alarm going off,” Sweetie said as she looked over her own readouts, “But what I’m looking at doesn’t make any sense. The objects aren’t moving in a straight line like an asteroid should.” “Put it on screen.” Scootaloo said sternly, “Let’s get a look at what we’re dealing with.” Sweetie nodded before pressing a button on her left, illuminating the bridge with a holographic screen that hovered just in front of the main windows. Applebloom could only gawk in awe at what she was seeing, along with the other Crusaders, as the four objects came into focus. “Are those what I think they are?” Sweetie asked in shock. “If they are,” Scootaloo replied, “then this adventure just got a whole lot more interesting.” Flying straight towards them, was a quartet of ships, each outfitted with a set of wings for atmospheric flight and armed to the teeth with what looked like cannons at each wing base. Three of the ships were a dull red color while the fourth was painted a dark yellow green, marking it as the assumed leader of the squadron. Before anything else could be said about the alien craft, another alarm went off, this time with much more urgency and at a higher pitch. Scootaloo’s eyes widened in terror, “That’s the weapon’s lock alarm! They’re going to shoot at us!” She spun around to face Sweetie, “Get our shields up now!” Sweetie nodded, punching a string of commands into her controls before a high-pitched hum echoed around the ship. Applebloom watched as a rainbow-colored bubble formed around the Midnight Song, covering the ship in a barrier of magic just as the cannons of the alien ships opened fire. The ship rocked as the blasts of what had to be bright blue plasma impacted the shield, knocking the ship to the side as the hull shook from the blow. “Shields are at eighty percent and falling,” Sweetie cried, “We need to get out of here or else we’re not going to survive for very long!” Scootaloo turned to face Applebloom, “We need those engines up and running yesterday!” Applebloom nodded her agreement, flicking the engine switches to online as the powerful thrusters growled to life. “Engines at full power. Hit it Scoots!” The pegasus slammed the flight sticks forward, knocking all three mares into the backs of their seats as the ship shot forward. However, a quick look at the screen showed the four craft easily keeping pace with the Midnight Song, their cannons lighting up as more plasma charges impacted the shield. “Shields at sixty-four percent and falling,” Sweetie called out, “We need to do something or they’re going to drain us dry.” Applebloom ground her teeth as she activated another switch on her left, a holographic dome forming around her station as a set of joysticks popped up in front of her. She gripped the controls and spun her seat around, tilting herself back as a set of crosshairs formed on the holo-display. From her seat she could see the four ships falling in behind their own, their cannons lighting up as plasma shot past the ship and impacted against the shield. Applebloom sighted in against the far-left ship, her telekinetic magic holding firm on the trigger as the crosshairs leveled against the ship’s left-wing base. “Here’s a gift from Equestria you crazy alien freaks!” She cried as she squeezed the trigger, the camera shaking slightly as a stream of blue magic bolts shot out from the ventral cannon. The alien craft either didn’t see the shots coming or was unable to get out of the way in time, because the condensed magic impacted the cannons under its left wing, causing the weapons to explode and rip the craft into several large pieces. Applebloom smirked in glee but was unable to do anything more as the three remaining ships split off in three directions. The leader even dove down below the Midnight Song, leaving Applebloom with nothing to shoot at as the other two came in from the left and right. “I can’t shoot the leader!” Applebloom called out to Scootaloo, “Get me a better angle!” Scootaloo grunted as she jerked the controls this way and that, “I would if I could avoid getting us blasted in the process!” She growled as another collection of plasma blasts impacted the shielding over the right wing, “The way things are going I don’t think I’m going to be able to out-fly these plot-holes!” She jerked her head over her shoulder to address Sweetie Bell, “How are we doing on our shields?” Sweetie’s expression was filled with fear as she looked over her readouts, “Twenty percent and getting worse.” She screamed as another blast shook the ship, “Make that sixteen percent.” “Get the coordinates for the next jump ready,” Scootaloo yelled, “we need to jump out of this system before we get blown to bits!” As Sweetie punched in rapid commands, Applebloom looked at her own readouts from the corner of her eye. She frowned as she took another sweeping shot at one of the ships, only to have it swerve out of the way at the last second, leaving the leader an open chance to come in from behind to strafe the top of the ship with plasma. “The hyperdrive is still warming up after the power-down of the engines!” Applebloom yelled as she tried once again to shoot the enemy craft, “We need another forty-five seconds for it to be ready!” “We don’t have another thirty seconds before the shields fail!” Scootaloo retorted as she jerked the ship into a swift corkscrew turn, “Do whatever you need to do, but get the hyperdrive up and running before we get vaporized!” Sweetie screamed and covered her head with her hooves as another stream of blasts rocked the ship, “Shields are at eight percent! Please, by Celestia and Luna’s mercy, I DON’T WANT TO DIE OUT HERE!!” Scootaloo growled as she spun the ship into a dive, heading straight for the planet below and swerving into the asteroid belts that orbited the dusty rock, “How much longer until the hyperdrive is up and running?” Applebloom jerked her head away from her crosshairs just long enough to see the engine timer, “Another twenty seconds.” Alarms and a horrendous screech of rending metal echoed through the ship as red lights began flashing on the walls. Sweetie Bell cried out in terror before announcing, “Shields are down and there’s nothing I can do to get them up again. The generators have been overloaded.” Applebloom abandoned her weapon in favor of the other controls, the holographic display dissolving as she began flipping switches and levers to try and control the damage. “Bulkheads have been activated in the cargo bay and along the top of the left wing. We aren’t leaking air, but we won’t be able to take much more of this.” She powered up the weapons system again, only to find the remaining ships were nowhere to be seen. She spun around in her seat, hoping to spot an ambush coming in from behind, only to be left with empty space and tumbling asteroids. For a brief moment there was nothing but the alarms to keep them company, before an even bigger explosion rocked the ship and nearly made the Midnight Song crash into one of the larger asteroids. More alarms went off as Applebloom’s console lit up with red lights and flashing displays, and her eyes widened in terror as her eyes fell onto the main power readout. REACTOR BREACH! POWER FAILURE IMMINENT! AUTOMATIC SHUTDOWN IN SIXTY SECONDS! Applebloom turned to face her secondary power controls, and her eyes widened further as her terrified face took in what she saw. HYPERDRIVE DISABLED! MAIN POWER CUPLINKS SEVERED! For a moment, time seemed to stop for Applebloom. The blaring alarms grew silent and the frantic movements of Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell slowed to a halt. No hyperdrive means no jumps, she thought to herself, and with the core about to shut down it’s our only hope of getting out of here. Ah must do something to fix the hyperdrive before the core shuts down. We won’t be able to control the jump with the core inactive, but at least we’ll be away from those alien ships. Time resumed as Applebloom leaped to her hooves, “The hyperdrive is out! Ah‘m goin’ to head down to the core to fix it before those ships blow us to bits!” She turned to face Scootaloo as she slipped a communicator into her left ear, “Be ready to jump as soon as Ah get the coupler hooked up. We’re only goin’ to get one shot at this, and we need to make it count.” Scootaloo saluted her as she raced out the door, calling for Sweetie to monitor the core shutdown timer while Applebloom fixed the coupler. Applebloom raced through the halls as fast as her hooves could take her, stumbling every so often as Scootaloo jerked the ship into another tight turn to avoid enemy fire. One particularly hard turn to the left and upwards made Applebloom lose her grip on the smooth floor of the mess hall, forcing her to her knees as she tried to avoid hitting the floor with her face. Applebloom grumbled to herself as she forced her hooves back into motion, “If Scoots wasn’t keeping us alive with that crazy flying Ah’d buck her into next week for doin’ these crazy stunts while Ah’m workin’.” She dove into the cargo bay, taking a second to notice the bulkheads covering the holes in the right wall and the floor. She winced at the damage the ship had already taken, only to stumble as another explosion rocked the ship downward. Applebloom’s communicator cracked to life as she stumbled over to the reactor core hatch, What’s taking so long AB? We just lost one of our starboard engines. One more good hit and we’re finished! Applebloom reached up to tap the communicator with a hoof as the other turned the lock of the hatch, “Ah’m goin’ as fast as Ah can! Try doin’ some of that fancy flyin’ yer always braggin’ about to avoid getting us shot!” Apparently Scootaloo had no reply for that, because the comms went dead as the hatch finally unlocked with a thud. Applebloom flipped the latch open and climbed down into the core, feeling the raw magic of the breached reactor already flowing through the air around her. Even without the attuned magic senses of a unicorn, Applebloom knew that the closer she got to the core, the greater the danger. Raw magic could have unpredictable effects on inanimate objects, let alone what it could do to an unshielded pony. Unfortunately, time was not something she had very much of right now, so she pushed onward even as her fur began to stand on end from the magic charge. As she climbed into the core chamber itself, Applebloom was met with a rather dismal sight. Pipes were ruptured all over the place, and wires hung free from the paneling as sparks shot from their severed ends. At the end of the room was the core itself, pulsing with magic as streams of multi-colored power shot out in arcs to impact the walls and floor. Applebloom knew the coupler for the hyperdrive was next to the core itself, to allow for the largest amount of magic flow from the core as possible during hyperspace flight. Yet that worked against Applebloom now because she had to get past all the naked wires and burst piping to fix it. Taking a second to calm her racing heart, Applebloom took her first step into the gauntlet, ducking under some wires and stepping over a busted pipe with careful movements. She froze as another shockwave jerked the flooring under her hooves but regained her balance in time to avoid falling into a gap in the paneling. Step by careful step, she worked her way across the room, doing her best to avoid thinking about the time limit set against her. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Applebloom made it up to the reactor itself, although the raw magic pumping from the rupture was nearly enough to make her sick and high at the same time. She forced her way past the arcs of magic and up to the core itself, taking a second to regain her breath as she searched for the break in the coupler. Just as she found what she was looking for, another explosion rocked the ship under her, tilting the floor far enough that had she not grabbed onto the piping in front of her, she would have slid all the way back to the hatch and through countless lethal hazards. Applebloom grunted as the ship slowly righted itself, allowing her to loosen her grip on the piping long enough to get a good look at the coupler. What she saw wasn’t encouraging. Instead of it being a simple disconnection, the coupler had been severed between joints, meaning she was going to have to weld the pipe back into place. Something that would take too much time with how little she had to have left. She tapped the comms in her ear and called out, “Scoots, the coupler is too damaged to repair as it is. Ah’m goin’ to have ta hold it in place by hoof until we can make the jump to hyperspace.” Scootaloo’s voice was frantic as she replied, Are you crazy?! That much raw magic could kill you if you don’t hold the coupler tight enough! We’ll just have to think of something else to get away from these aliens. “We don’t have time to think of something else!” Applebloom yelled back, “We have seconds before the core shuts down and we’ll be sittin’ ducks once we lose power. Ah’m not betting on those aliens bein’ nice once we lose power, so if Ah’m goin’ out Ah’d rather go out with a bang!” A sigh could be heard on the other end, Fine, but we’re waiting till the last second to make the jump so it doesn’t put you at as much risk. How much time till the core shuts down Sweetie? There was a muffled reply, You’ve got ten seconds until we make the jump. Pray to the Maker that we do this right. Applebloom nodded as the line cut off, pulling herself up to the coupler as she worked her hooves around the severed pipe. Luckily, the jagged edges of the break allowed her to fit it up against the other end so that it would at least stay in place if she put enough pressure behind it. She sucked in a breath and held it as she counted down in her head, bracing for the surge of magic that would power up the hyperdrive. Two seconds before she reached zero, the core flared to life, nearly blinding Applebloom as the raw magic poured through the pipe in her hooves. Masses of power jumped through the gaps in the pipe as she struggled to hold the ends together, singing her fur in multiple places as the raw magic arced through the air. Applebloom ground her teeth as she forced the pipes together with all her earth pony strength and held it there by some miracle as the core began to dim. Applebloom gasped as she dropped the coupler, the core shutting down completely as the pipe fell to the floor with a loud clang. Yet to Applebloom it was little more than a dull thud to her frazzled mind. The raw magic had addled her brain and fried every nerve in her body, leaving her shaking and barely able to see straight as she stumbled back towards the hatch. Luckily, the power-down of the core had cut the electricity to the wires sticking out of the walls and ceiling, although Applebloom paid them little mind anyway as she forced her hooves to move. Finally, she climbed out of the hold and into the cargo bay, pausing just long enough to see Sweetie racing into the room before darkness overcame her sight. She vaguely remembered Sweetie calling her name before her head hit the floor, and her world went black. Border Relay Station: Alpha Seven Date: October 5, 2825 Local Time: 1500 Hours The commander of the station watched the viewing screen as the small craft seemed to jump from its position just outside the second asteroid belt, vanishing from sight as the three remaining pilots circled and radioed to each other in confusion. His second in command turned to face him with a concerned expression on his young face. “Sir,” the Lieutenant asked, “what was that?” Commander Lance’s grim expression gave nothing away as he turned to face the communications officer, “Kowalski, send word to all systems that there is an unidentified craft entering human space, destination and affiliation unknown. The craft is heavily damaged but can still make FTL if allowed to evade capture. The shields are weak, and the weapons seem to be capable of destroying fighter-class craft but should lack the power to damage larger vessels. Capture is recommended but destruction is authorized if no other options present themselves.” The German man nodded, turning back to his computer and typing in the commander’s words. Commander Lance turned his attention back to the screen, watching as the fighters of his security force made their way back to base. Even though the mysterious craft had lacked offensive and defensive firepower, it had still arrived in the system with no warning, leaving the commander baffled as to how the ship was able to move between systems. As far as he knew, the only viable form of FTL available to the known species of the universe was warp, and the scanners had remained completely inert up until the mysterious ship seemed to appear out of thin air. Something odd was going on, and that uncertainty was making him nervous. “Just what kind of crazy situation have we gotten ourselves into this time?” He asked himself under his breath. The first thing Applebloom became aware of was the soft mattress under her flank. The second was that a constant beeping noise was going off to her left. With a groan and what felt like a titanic force of will, she opened her eyes just enough to take in her surroundings, although she wasn’t able to immediately recognize where she was. The room was small, barely six of her lengths wide and seven long, with two beds up against one wall and a door in the center of the opposite one. In between the beds was a console that was currently lit up with what had to be her vitals, along with several wires that ran from the machine to her chest and left fetlock. “Oh good, you’re awake.” Applebloom turned to her right to see Sweetie Bell sitting in a chair against the wall, “I was hoping you’d wake up soon.” Applebloom groaned again as she pushed herself into a sitting position, her muscles protesting the movement as she held a hoof to her head, “What happened?” Sweetie’s expression turned down in worry as she stood up and walked over to the bedridden mare, “You nearly killed yourself from magic overdose. Had I not gotten you to the infirmary in time the raw power moving through your body would have fried your nervous system.” “Did we make it to hyperspace?” Applebloom pressed, hoping her work had been enough to save the day. Sweetie nodded, “We made the jump, but without the core to keep the hyperdrive running, we’re completely at the mercy of the dimensional flow. We could get spit out in the middle of a star or we might end up in the middle of interstellar space. Right now, all we can hope is that we don’t stay in this jump long enough to make getting back home impossible.” Applebloom nodded, sliding out of the bed and wobbling for a moment as she got her hooves under her. Sweetie pressed her side against her own to stabilize her, and Applebloom nodded her thanks as the duo exited the medical ward. As the door slid open, Applebloom was able to take in the location of the infirmary, given she hadn’t seen it in the initial tour of the ship. Apparently, it was on the opposite side of the mess hall from the door that led to the bridge, making it almost directly to the fore of the engines and the cargo bay. Sweetie helped Applebloom as they made their way up to the bridge, where they found Scootaloo going over the readouts in front of her as the ship traveled through the blue and white tunnel that was hyperspace. “So, we have no idea where or when the ship is going to slip back into normal space,” the pegasus said without looking up, “and we’ve got about six hours of reserve power before the life support and gravity generator shut down.” She turned to look at her friends with a worried expression, “Things aren’t looking very good for us girls.” “Hey,” Applebloom said as she stepped away from Sweetie’s side, “we’ve been in worse situations before, and we came out fine then. Ah’m sure we can figure out a way to get through this mess just fine as well.” Scootaloo snorted, “Yeah, but back home we didn’t have to worry about our air running out or floating around with no control of our movements either.” She turned her attention back to the controls, “Might as well get some rest AB, you’ve earned it after saving our hides like you did.” Applebloom wanted to argue but was cut off by a huge yawn that quickly spread to the rest of the crew, “Ah think we could all use a rest, Scoots. Why don’t ya’ll get some shut eye and Ah’ll keep an eye on the bridge. Ah’ll come get ya if anything happens.” It took some arguing, but eventually the others relented and made their way back to the living quarters, leaving Applebloom alone on the bridge with all but the most essential systems powered down. She took a seat in her station and settled in for the long haul, knowing full well it could be hours before they came out of the jump. Although with their power in such limited supply, too much longer and it wouldn’t matter if they made it out of the jump or not. They’d run out of air in less than a day if the life support gave out. Four and a half hours later, Applebloom was still sitting in her place, fiddling with the controls to try and conserve some more power, when suddenly, the blue and white streaks of hyperspace gave way to the blacks and pinpricks of color of normal space. Applebloom quickly turned on the comms and called out, “Girls, you need to be on the bridge, right now.” Two minutes later, Scootaloo and Sweetie slid into the bridge, only to stop dead and stare at what they were seeing. Sitting in the center of the window bank that took up the front of the bridge, was a large blue and green planet, with a single silver moon orbiting around it to the right. Scootaloo shook her head to clear it and walked up to the console, activating the holoprojector that displayed their current location in the galaxy. “I don’t know how we did it,” she said as she tried to pull her jaw off the floor, “but that is the planet we came to investigate in the Fetlock System. We somehow managed to bypass our second hyperspace stop and landed right at our final destination after making a random jump with no control on where we ended up.” “Sounds to me like we just got astronomically lucky.” Sweetie said sarcastically as she stepped up and took her place in her chair, “From the looks of things the planet is habitable, only I’m getting a lot of readings that don’t make any sense.” “What kind of readings?” Applebloom asked. “According to the scanner,” Sweetie replied, “the surface is covered with large sections of metal and other non-organic compounds, and the atmosphere has large quantities of heavy gasses like carbon dioxide.” She looked up and squinted, as if that would allow her to see all the way to the planet’s surface, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say the planet was supporting some advanced form of alien life.” At those words, all three mares froze in terror, “You don’t think it might be the same aliens we fought back in that other system,” Applebloom asked nervously, “do you?” Sweetie opened her mouth to reply but was cut off as dozens of large masses suddenly came out from behind the planet’s moon. All three mares watched in awed horror as the masses revealed themselves to be ships, and not just little fighters like what they had encountered before. These ships were truly monsters of engineering, matching and even surpassing the largest ships in the Equestrian fleet. Dozens of cruisers spread out to surround them while seven huge battleships moved in formation to create a wedge of metal between them and the planet. Last but certainly not least, the largest ship of them all, easily a couple hundred times their own length, flew up until its hulking form was just off to the starboard bow. Applebloom could see hundreds of point-defense cannons on the sides of the ship, all aimed at them and seemingly ready to fire. All the other ships were going the same, although it was the flagship that captivated the Crusaders’ attention. The massive ship was mostly white in color, with red highlights along the sides. It resembled a seafaring ship in some ways, although the masses of weapons and the enormous engines in the rear somewhat broke the image. Applebloom couldn’t tear her eyes away from it, even though she knew her last moments could be upon her. Yet it seemed for the moment that the ship was just going to observe them. All three mares jumped as Scootaloo’s console began beeping, and her eyes widened as she glanced at her controls, “We’re being hailed on an open channel.” She glanced out the windows as the alien craft, “Apparently they want to talk to us.” “Well don’t keep them waiting!” Sweetie cried, “We don’t want to make them mad with that many cannons pointed at us!” Scootaloo nodded, pressing the receive button with a hoof. Yet, instead of the speaker coming over the radio, the holographic display powered up and took up the available space in front of the bridge windows. Applebloom gasped as an image formed on the screen, revealing what looked like the bridge of the alien craft, along with what had to be the crew of the ship itself. They were certainly different, although if Applebloom had to compare them to anything back home, she would have likened them to short, hairless minotaur. They stood on two legs and apparently had hands like the minotaur, although they were slimmer and lankier in build when compared to the bovine race back home. They also wore enough clothing to cover most of their bodies, with most of those being a dark blue in color with white or grey pants. Their faces were strangely flat, with only the smallest of muzzles poking out of the middle of their faces, and their eyes were very small when compared to the rest of their faces. Apparently, the aliens were just as surprised to see them as the mares were to see the aliens, because the eyes of almost every creature in view widened in what had to be shock. The one at the head of the bridge, presumably the captain, stood up from his chair and walked up to the front of the bridge, making itself the center of attention. The creature, with its short blonde mane and more chiseled features, opened its mouth and spoke in what sounded like a very formal tone, although the words it spoke were complete nonsense to Applebloom and the others. After a moment or two, it seemed to realize that that it wasn’t being understood and called over its shoulder to one of the other creatures. The second creature, this one looking a fair bit younger and with a short black mane on its head, threw a quick salute before typing in something on its console. Applebloom was unprepared for the jerk the ship went under as they were suddenly pulled towards the larger ship, and they quickly found out that using what minimal power they had couldn’t break whatever hold the aliens had on them. For their part, the aliens showed nothing but calm expressions as the Midnight Song was slowly pulled into what looked like a hangar on the ship’s port side, the captain saying another short line before the screen went dark. Applebloom and the others shared a nervous look as their ship was slowly lowered to the floor of the large hangar, taking up a space between several very familiar fighter-class ships. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” Scootaloo said as she spied the fighters sitting on either side of their ship. “Yeah,” Sweetie replied, “they’re the same ships that tried to blow us up in that other system.” “Well, we now know that these aliens are the same ones that tried to kill us last time,” Applebloom said, “but what Ah can’t figure out is why they brought us aboard instead of just blowing us up?” “Probably so they can take the ship apart and then do the same to us.” Scootaloo replied coldly, “Well I’m not about to go down without a fight.” “Ya do realize that if these aliens can get from system to system with just fighters,” Applebloom reasoned, “then it’s mighty likely that they can do the same with these bigger ships? How long do you think it will take them to cut their way into our ship if we don’t cooperate with them? Frankly, Ah don’t want to find out what kind of tactics they might use if’n we don’t come out of our own free will.” Scootaloo sputtered for a moment, as if trying to come up with a retort, before letting out a gusty sigh and nodding, “I get ya. Although if they try anything I’m going to knock some heads in before they take me out. If I’m going down, then I’m going down swinging.” Applebloom and Sweetie nodded their agreement, stepping up to the windows of the bridge to see that several of the aliens had walked up to inspect the foreign ship in their hangar. A set of doors to the left of their ship slid open and revealed many of the aliens, covered in what looked like black armor, and armed with some kind of small cannon that they held across their chests. The crew below the ship quickly moved out of the way as the armored aliens moved in to surround the Midnight Song, leaving no angle uncovered as they leveled their weapons at the ship. Applebloom knew that with no shields, the hull might be able to stand up against small arms fire for a little while, but depending on what the aliens were using, it could take minutes or hours to cut through the thick plate metal. Although, given the hull had already been breached in several places and had only weak bulkheads to protect them, that might have been an overestimation of how long it might take. Finally, the same alien they had seen in the feed, presumably the captain of the ship, walked into the hangar with another contingent of guards, this time outfitted with what looked like mechanical exoskeletons that ran along their limbs and across their backs with complex piping and metal plating. They too carried small arms, although these ones were much larger and looked to be many times more powerful than the others. Applebloom heard Sweetie Bell gulp in fear as the aliens approached the ship, and Applebloom got the distinct feeling that their welcome was going to be more like a capture than rescue. She turned to face her fellow Crusaders and asked in a hesitant voice, “So do we go out or do we wait for them to come in?” Sweetie looked torn while Scootaloo had a hard expression on her face, although it was quickly turning into one of defeat as she looked over the aliens below them, “Yeah, I think it might be best to go quietly, at least until we can figure out what’s going on.” Sweetie whimpered as she held her forehooves to her mouth, “Oh this is making me so nervous. We know these aliens were the ones who shot at us before, but now they act more like curious animals.” She pressed her hooves harder into her head, closing her eyes in concentration, “Oh, this is so confusing. I don’t know what to think anymore.” “How ‘bout we simply play it by ear and try not to make them mad at us?” Applebloom suggested, “If things get crazy then we do our best to fight them off and get back to the ship. If nothing less, we might be able to learn a bit more about them so we can tell everypony back home what we found.” Scootaloo snorted, “Yeah, like anypony would believe us. But I see your point. Not like we’ll get anything done around here if they decide to wait us out.” Sweetie glanced over her console before making a quick scan, “The air is breathable, so we won’t have to worry about suits if we walk out of the ship. The only thing I don’t like is the fact that the air seems to contain no microbial life, like the entire ship is sterile or something.” “Well, you’d expect the ship of aliens to have some strange things going on,” Scootaloo replied, “I mean, no germs inside of an alien ship? That must be one of the most minor surprises I can think of.” “Alright, enough you two,” Applebloom interjected, “if’n we’re goin’ to leave the ship, then we might as well lock up shop when we do.” Sweetie and Scootaloo nodded, “I’ll make sure the security locks work before we leave.” Sweetie Bell said. With that all three mares made their way into the cargo bay, taking the time to grab their saddlebags and a few bits of food and water for the trip. After all, they had no idea when they would be coming back, so having provisions would be a necessity. Applebloom stood at Scootaloo’s left while Sweetie was on the right, facing the airlock that led out of the ship. With a sharp intake of air, Scootaloo pressed the release button on the wall, allowing the first set of doors to slide open. The trio stepped into the airlock proper and Applebloom winced as the doors slid shut and locked behind them. Without power the locks couldn’t be opened unless the aliens had the passcode, so from here on the girls were on their own. No supplies and no weapons to help them along the way. Applebloom pressed the release for the second set of doors, the opening accompanied by a rush of air as the trio took their first breath of alien air. The aliens were much larger up close than Applebloom had originally thought, standing almost at Princess Celestia’s height if one didn’t count her horn. The weapons in their hands leveled on the three mares, and Applebloom felt Sweetie hide behind her larger body in fright as the mechanized soldiers marched up to the airlock. The captain stepped in front of the hulking forms and gave what looked like an encouraging smile, folding its arms behind its back and speaking in a friendly tone. Again, the words themselves were unintelligible, but the meaning was more than clear. ‘Welcome to my ship.’ Applebloom hesitated for a minute, taking a glance at Sweetie and Scootaloo before making her decision. If these aliens were going to act nice, then she was going to do the same until they gave her a reason not to. Taking a deep breath, she put on a neutral smile of her own and stepped out of the ship and onto the hangar floor. Sweetie stuck to her side like glue while Scootaloo followed close behind. Just as things seemed to be going right, Scootaloo took to the air and hovered above Sweetie and Applebloom. This in turn caused the aliens to jump in surprise and level their weapons at the pegasus. The captain held up its arms and yelled out in a commanding voice, the soldiers slowly lowering their weapons as they eyed Scootaloo with suspicion. The captain turned to face the hovering mare, its blue eyes taking in her movements before making a polite but firm gesture towards the floor. Scootaloo grumbled but complied, landing next to Sweetie Bell and folding her wings before throwing the captain a mutinous glare. The captain nodded, turning to face the doors through which it had entered, and waved for them to follow with one arm. Applebloom and the others shared a nervous glance, taking in the armed escort that had discretely cut off their path to the ship, and slowly made their way after the alien as it led them out of the hangar. “Well,” Applebloom muttered to her friends, “we wanted a new adventure. Ah just never imagined we’d end up getting to see somethin’ like this in a million years.” Sweetie and Scootaloo nodded agreement, the trio falling silent as they were led further and further away from their ship. The doors closed behind them, cutting off their escape completely if something were to go wrong, and Applebloom felt a shiver run up her spine as she glanced at the armed soldiers flanking them on all sides. Somehow Ah don’t think this is going to end well. She thought to herself, Ah have a feeling things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
Shadow Quill
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Human,Adventure,Romance,Science Fiction,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Beyond Harmony's Edge
The CMC, after being apart for many years, reunite as the crew of Equis' first interstellar space flight. Mysteries abound in the vast expanse beyond the Harmony System, some friendly, others not as much.
<p>Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, friends until the end of time, now embark on a new adventure beyond the boundary of the Harmony System's final frontier. Tasked with testing the first interstellar capable ship and exploring the great unknown beyond their home system, our intrepid trio will face mysteries and discoveries beyond their wildest dreams. </p><p>Join them in the adventure to end all adventures and enjoy every thrilling twist and turn alongside our trio as they brave the exotic, the weird, and the downright terrifying, all waiting to be found in the dark expanse Beyond Harmony's Edge.</p>
Applebloom was feeling very nervous about the whole situation she and her friends had found themselves in. First off, they were aboard an alien ship in a system that was light-years away from any allies that could help them if they got into trouble. Second, their ship was nearly destroyed and would take weeks to fully repair even if they could find the parts to fix everything. And finally, they were being escorted by a group of aliens that for all intents and purposes could be the exact same creatures that attacked them, given the shared design of the fighters in the hangar compared to the ones back in the other system. Based off these facts, she made an oath to herself that if things got hairy, she would do everything in her power to protect her friends, even at the cost of her own life. A quick glance at the heavily armed aliens marching along on either side and behind them told her just how small her chances of survival were if such a thing happened, but by Celestia she would still try if she had to. She wasn’t going to let these aliens get away with anything without giving them a good Apple-style bucking for their trouble. They traveled down corridor after corridor, even getting into a lift that took them up several levels before opening into a more spacious part of the ship. Open tiers met the ponies’ eyes that went up several floors before terminating in an arched roof. The open space in the middle was taken up by what looked like a huge indoor garden, with trees and bushes interwoven with paved paths and wooden park benches. The captain led them into the garden proper, passing by dozens of other aliens that all turned to look in awe at the new creatures in their midst. Applebloom sensed Sweetie as she walked up next to her, although she made no move to look at the other mare as she spoke, “So what do you think they’re going to do with us?” “Ah don’t know.” Applebloom replied, “Ah was expectin’ them to take us into some kind of interrogation, not a garden. Ah have a feeling somethin’ is going to happen, but as to what Ah have no idea.” They continued until they were deep in the garden, surrounded by scattered trees and bushes that gave off subtle scents to the ponies’ strong sense of smell. The captain turned around and sat on a bench, motioning for the ponies to do the same on another one across the walkway. Applebloom shared a glance with her friends before nodding, stepping up and climbing onto the bench as the girls followed suit. The guards that had been following them fanned out to create a perimeter, leaving them alone with the captain save for the one guard that stood at attention at the captain’s side. For several minutes the group sat in place, seemingly waiting for something as the captain checked what looked like a watch on its foreleg every other moment. While they sat there, Sweetie and Scoots engaged in a whispered conversation, leaving Applebloom to think for her own as she inspected the aliens before her. Up until this point, she had no idea what to think of these strange creatures, but now that things had slowed down a bit, she was getting the feeling that there was more to them than met the eye. For starters, she figured by the tone of voice and the more rugged features that the captain was probably male, if what she knew from home was anything to go by. The guard at his side, on the other hoof, was a complete mystery. The armor was too thick, and the visored helmet made it impossible to get a good look at the alien’s features to know for sure. Finally, after waiting for what felt like forever, the panting breath and pounding steps coming down the walkway announced the arrival of yet another alien, this one dressed in what was unmistakably a lab coat. Applebloom looked over Sweetie’s shoulders to get a better look and was surprised to see that the newest alien looked nothing like the captain. Firstly, its mane hung down almost to the middle of its back and was a bright gold color, and while the coat did some to hide the creature’s figure, it did next to nothing to hide the two bouncing mounds centered on the alien’s chest. Applebloom felt slightly mesmerized by the twin globes as they jiggled up and down with the alien’s movements, and she had to shake herself out of her daze as the alien came to a halt next to the group. The presumed female dropped her hands to her knees and gasped for breath for a few moments, only to bounce back up with a beaming smile on her face as her bright blue eyes danced with excitement. The female turned to the captain and gave a swift salute, one he returned with a sharp nod as she spouted off a long string of unintelligible words. After she dropped her salute, she immediately spun to face Applebloom and the others, a nearly manic expression lighting up her face as she bounced on her hooves like a foal in a candy store. Applebloom got the distinct feeling she was staring at a science version of Pinkie Pie, and she felt a shiver of nerves run up her spine as the alien walked up to them and held out its left foreleg. The girls shared a look before Sweetie took the initiative and offered her own hoof to the alien, her eyes widening slightly as the female gripped her hoof and gave it a few excited shakes. The alien gave off a high-pitch squeal that could have only come from pure joy and stepped back before pulling out what looked like a cube of blue crystal with circular holes cut into the sides. She placed it on the ground between the captain and the mares, stepping back as the cube began to glow with a bright blue light. Applebloom’s eyes widened in awe as a beam of light shot out of the circle on the top of the cube, watching as the beam slowly expanded into a large floating rectangle that rested just below chest height for the mares and even with the captain’s midsection. At first Applebloom didn’t know what she was looking at, before the scientist produced a duo of styluses from a pocket in her coat. She passed one to the captain and then turned to face Applebloom and company, only for her expression to fall as her eyes landed on the trio’s hooves. Sweetie smiled, her horn lighting up as the same soft green glow enveloped the stylus in the female’s grip. The alien yelped as she dropped the stylus, only to watch in amazement as it floated over and hovered next to Sweetie’s head. The captain and guard were similarly shocked, although the guard at least managed not to flinch at the initial moment Sweetie used her magic. After a moment where everyone pulled themselves back together, the captain cleared his throat and then lowered his stylus to the table of light. What shocked the ponies this time was that the pen-like object didn’t pass through the light, but instead pressed against the surface with an audible click. The captain drew a quick square with the stylus and the trio watched as a command window opened on the tabletop, allowing the captain to then draw a series of images onto the surface before spinning it around and sliding it across the table to rest in front of the mares. Applebloom leaned in close as Sweetie and Scootaloo did the same, curious as to what the captain had drawn. The series of images were a bit rough, but they all combined to make a somewhat cohesive message. There was a crude image of the pony ship, and a model of the system they most likely found themselves in now. There was an arrow pointing from the ship to the system with a question mark over it, and there were a few other images with question marks beside them, like what looked like a cannon turret and another that resembled an engine of some sort. All and all, it seemed the aliens wanted to know why the ponies were here, and what they had with them in case they proved to be a threat. Sweetie turned to face Applebloom as Scoots leaned in to listen, “I don’t think they want to hurt us, at least not yet, so I think there’s something I can do to make this go easier.” “Really,” Applebloom replied, “what’s that?” “Yeah, can you do some crazy magic to mind-control them into fixing our ship?” Scootaloo asked with a wide grin on her muzzle. Sweetie sighed while cuffing Scoots over the head with a hoof, much to the surprise of the aliens, “No we’re not going to brainwash them. I was hoping I could get a translation spell to work that would allow us to speak to them in their own language and vice versa.” Applebloom narrowed her eyes at the white unicorn, “Are ya’ll sure ya can do that kind of magic? Ah’ve seen a few of yer spells go wrong when we were younger, and Ah’d rather keep my brain the way it is thank ya very much.” Sweetie scoffed, “Of course I can do it. I’ve done it before while I was in my spell theory class in Canterlot. I just haven’t done it with a completely unknown language before. The last time I did it I had to translate Equish into Prench with one of the professor’s aides as the subject.” “So, can you do it or not?” Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow. Sweetie nodded with a slight hesitation, “I’m pretty sure I can. I’ll just need to focus on the basics, so I get it right the first time. The only problem is if the aliens will let me do it.” “Why not ask ‘em?” Applebloom said, “Use that little stylus thingy and draw a reply.” Sweetie nodded, copying the captain’s actions from before until she got the hang of working the light table with the stylus. She drew a series of images, the first one of a pony speaking with a square in the speech bubble with an alien talking back with a circle. She then drew a horn with an aura of magic, followed by an image of the square and circle switching places. Finally, she drew a pony speaking circle while the alien was speaking square. It was crude and rather simplistic, but hopefully it would get the message across. Sweetie rotated the command window around and slid it over to the captain, who immediately called over the scientist to examine the drawings with him as they spoke in long and complicated sentences. They cast several glances at Sweetie’s horn, although their expressions were too guarded for Applebloom to make anything of them before they returned to their conversation. It took several minutes for the duo to reach a decision, although when they turned to face the ponies, their expressions were surprisingly open. The scientist was understandably excited, although the real surprise was that the captain seemed to have the same enthusiasm, although more restrained than his female counterpart. The scientist pointed to the drawings Sweetie had made and then to her horn, followed by a series of motions between her head and Sweetie’s that went right over Applebloom’s head. Apparently, Sweetie was able to understand the crazy motions, or at least pretended she did, because she simply nodded with a smile and lit op her horn. The aliens watched with wide eyes as a ball of swirling green energy began to form over the tabletop, slowly growing until it was about the same diameter as a hoofball. Sweetie narrowed her eyes in concentration before splitting the ball into six smaller balls. These then moved up and hovered in front of each mare and alien, floating in front of their chests as Sweetie lifted a hoof and touched the ball. Applebloom and Scoots followed her example and touched their own magic spheres, followed quickly by the scientist and the captain. The guard hesitated for a bit before touching its own orb, and that was when everything snapped into focus. Applebloom gasped as countless words and definitions she had never heard before assaulted her mind, and she shut her eyes tight to fight the pain as she hissed through her teeth. She couldn’t move her hoof away from the spell even if she wanted to and was forced to endure the pain for several more minutes before the flood of information came to a sudden halt. Applebloom’s eyes snapped open as she struggled to stay seated, her mind spinning with all the new information it had just absorbed. Sweetie sagged against her as she breathed deeply in and out, while Scootaloo growled under her breath as she pressed her hooves to her head. “Oh, my head.” Scootaloo hissed out as she peaked one eye open to glare at Sweetie, “I thought you said that wouldn’t hurt Sweetie Bell?” Sweetie pushed off Applebloom’s side and turned to face the irate pegasus, “I never said it would be painless. Compared to the first time I did that spell; this was a walk in the park. Last time I nearly passed out from the pain.” Applebloom was about to add her own two bits to the pile, when a sudden intake of breath across the walkway caught her attention. She turned to face the aliens and saw the scientist scribbling in a mad fury over a note pad that had somehow appeared from thin air in her grip. “This is so fascinating,” the now decidedly female voice muttered to herself as she recorded something down, “the aliens seem to be able to perform advanced psionic abilities using their horns as a conduit for some unknown form of energy. Further study is recommended for all applicable fields.” Applebloom snickered as she turned her attention to the captain, “She does realize we can now understand everything she’s sayin’, right?” The captain’s eyes widened at Applebloom’s words, “So my ears weren’t playing tricks on me. We really can understand you now.” He stood and performed a salute with his hand, “Then it is an honor to formally introduce myself. I am Admiral Lion Connors, commander of the 3rd Defense Battlefleet, and I welcome you aboard the USF Silver Star.” “Oh, and I’m Doctor Kelly Dion,” the scientist chirped as she looked up from her notes, “head of this ship’s xenobiology lab and linguistics department.” She bowed her head as she held her notepad to her chest, “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Well, my name’s Applebloom, and these here are my friends Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo.” She indicated the other mares with a hoof before turning to face the admiral, “We’re on a mission of exploration from the Harmony System to discover new planets.” “Although we weren’t expecting to find anything like you once we got here.” Sweetie added as she placed a hoof on the hard-light table, “We expected to find a planet that might be capable of supporting life, but nothing like this.” “So, you’re an exploration unit sent to find habitable planets,” Dr. Kelly repeated as she wrote down the mare’s words in her notebook, “that explains why you have so little in the way of weapons and shielding. From what our border station told us it was easy to punch through your shields as long as they could avoid your main weapon.” Applebloom’s eyes widened, and she jumped off the bench to place herself between her friends and the aliens on top of the table, “So it was you who tried to kill us back in that other system! Why did ya’ll bring us here? Are ya’ll goin’ to try and finish what yer fighters couldn’t?” The guard took a step forward but was stopped by the Admiral’s raised hand, “We have no intention of harming you, now or in the future. The attack our fighters initiated in the Sigma system was due to our protocols concerning unknown ships. Your ship would have registered as something we have never encountered, and due to the current situation, our people find themselves in, we have little choice but to shoot first and ask questions later.” He bowed his head with eyes closed, “Please accept my most sincere apologies for what our people did to your ship, and I hope you will allow me to explain why it was we attacked you without provocation.” Applebloom cast an uneasy glance over her shoulder at the others, who slowly nodded their agreement. She turned to face the aliens and relaxed her stance slightly, moving back to the bench while the Admiral began fiddling with the command screens again. She watched with rapt attention as he created a three-dimensional display above the hard-light surface that was about ten hooves cubed. In fact, it took up almost all the available space the table provided. “This is a star map of the closest one thousand systems,” Admiral Connors narrated as the space inside the cube lit up with multitudes of pinpoint lights, “and this is the area that humans, our species, have colonized over the last six hundred years of space exploration.” A lumpy bubble of blue filled in a large portion of the cube’s interior, surrounding what had to be almost two hundred systems within its borders. Yet as Applebloom inspected the lumpy mass, she noticed that a portion of it seemed to be oddly flat, like it was pressed up against a surface in the void of space. “What’s goin’ on there?” Applebloom asked, pointing to the malformed section of the bubble, “It looks almost like ya pressed a ball against a pane of glass.” Admiral Connors nodded, “Indeed, that is what I was about to show you. You see, humans aren’t the only sapient life forms that have access to interstellar travel. There is another race, one that threatens our own with conquest and slavery if we were to lose the war we find ourselves in.” He activated another bubble, this time a bright red in color, that encapsulated a much larger portion of the systems visible inside the cube. While the blue bubble had to hold over two hundred systems, the red one must have been at least twice that, even going so far as to partially encircle the smaller bubble. Applebloom gazed on with wide eyes as Sweetie and Scootaloo did the same. “So, yer tellin’ me that this other race wants to conquer yours?” Connors nodded, “Then why did you shoot at us when we came into yer system? Ah don’t get it.” This time it was Dr. Kelly that spoke, “The Lacertera, as they call themselves, are a lizard-like race that lives for warfare. If they aren’t busy fighting with us, they slaughter each other for nothing more than sport or glory.” A visible shiver ran up her body before she continued, “They’re ships outnumber us ten to one, so the only advantage we have is the fact that our ships have better shielding and weapons. Without that advantage we would have lost the war long ago.” “That is what brings us to how you became involved,” Connors added as he highlighted a system on the edge of the blue bubble, near to where the red and blue intersected, “you entered our space at one of our border relay stations, and thus were classified as an invading craft. Standard protocol states that any ship deemed hostile is to be disabled or destroyed before it can access any of the more vulnerable core systems. Your ship was classified as hostile and therefore was slated to be disabled until we could learn more about you.” Connors paused for a moment to look each mare in the eye, “Take it from our point of view. A new and previously unknown ship enters our space by an unknown method and begins moving further into populated space with an unknown objective. You can see why we would be worried, given the only race we know of, or rather knew of, was the Lacertera. To say nothing of what could happen if that ship had turned out to be an advance scout for a much larger force using the same travel method.” Applebloom shared a look with the other Crusaders, and a flash of understanding passed between them as they thought about what the Admiral had just told them. “So, you weren’t trying to kill us?” Sweetie asked as she turned her gaze back to the humans. Both Connors and Dr. Kelly shook their heads. “From what I gathered from the report,” Connors replied, “the fighters were trying to shut down your engines so they could capture your ship for study and possibly interrogate the crew. Survivors would have been placed under military arrest and your ship would have been reverse engineered in the hopes that we could use the tech ourselves. We had no idea another sapient race was out there that was capable of interstellar flight.” “Ten years ago, that wouldn’t have been true,” Scootaloo said. “The Midnight Song is the first ship in the fleet capable of FTL. We were actually taking it on its maiden voyage when this whole mess started up.” Dr. Kelly’s eyes widened in glee, “So that ship is your race’s first attempt at an FTL-capable craft?” She squealed in a very filly-like way when Scootaloo nodded, “Oh this is so exciting! I can’t wait to compare notes with the designers to see how it works.” “But I thought you were the head of xenobiology and linguistics?” Sweetie asked with a raised eyebrow, “What do you know about ship design?” “Oh, it’s not much,” she replied with a wave of her hand, “I just dabble into that sort of thing as a hobby. Keeps my mind from getting too bogged down in the minutia of biology and language. Call it a pet project of mine to keep my brain sharp.” Admiral Connors chuckled at the mare’s dumbstruck faces, “She has that effect on people who don’t know her. Dr. Dion here is our resident genius when it comes to the sciences, although she tends to get a bit overwhelmed when she encounters something new or interesting.” The blonde woman blushed but didn’t deny the claim, “So what do you plan to do now, knowing that the planet you came to investigate has space-faring life?” Applebloom glanced at Sweetie, who shrugged before they both turned to face Scootaloo. As the captain of the mission, she was technically the one who led the crew’s chain of command, so it would come to her to make the final decision. She paused for a moment as she held a hoof to her chin, “Well, most of our equipment is no longer needed, not to mention our ship is pretty well trashed.” The humans had the decency to look abashed as the pegasus sent them a pointed glare, “I guess we could do our best to repair the ship and then work from there. Maybe take some time to learn more about humans before we head back home?” She glanced over at Sweetie and Applebloom, who nodded, “Yeah, I think that sounds about right. We’ll fix the ship and learn about you guys so we can share what we know with the races of Equis once we get the Midnight Song up and running again.” Sweetie nodded her agreement while Applebloom added her two bits, “Ah think we might want to hold off fixing the ship just yet. If we don’t have all the parts Ah’m not goin’ ta be able to put it back together no matter how hard Ah try.” “We can help you with that,” Dr. Kelly added as she reached under the hard-light table and deactivated the projector, “after all, it was our fighters that shot your ship to pieces, it’s the least we can do to help you get it back up and running again.” Applebloom smiled at the taller female, “Thank ya’ kindly. Ah could really use the help with the hull and power core fer sure. What kind of magitech do ya’ll use to power yer ships, Stable-flux or Fusion Matrix?” The humans looked at her like she had grown a second head, although oddly enough it was the guard that spoke first, “Magitech?” It was a surprisingly female voice that came out of the intimidating armor, “As in magic fused with technology? You’ve got to be joking. Magic isn’t anything more than sleight of hand and misdirection made to fool the gullible.” All three mares stiffened at the very idea of magic being written off as fake, especially since Sweetie had just used magic to control the stylus. To demonstrate that fact, she picked up the stylus from its position at her side and held it up at head level. “Then what do you call this?” She asked in a pitch slightly higher than normal, “How do you explain this levitation spell?” Dr. Kelly was the one who interjected this time, “While I don’t fully understand the implications of your abilities, I can state with utmost certainty that you are most likely using some form of psychic ability, not something as archaic as magic.” Sweetie groaned as she placed the stylus back on the bench, “Then how about this?” She ignited her horn as picked up a leaf that had fallen from one of the nearby trees, holding it aloft in front of her as she narrowed her eyes in concentration. In a flash the leaf was transformed into an apple, ripe as if it had just come from one of Sweet Apple Acres’ trees. Sweetie let out a gusty breath that she had apparently been holding, and smirked at the dumbfounded humans as she levitated the apple into the Doctor’s hand. “Go ahead and eat it.” She said through her smile, “It’s just an ordinary apple.” Dr. Kelly inspected the apple in her grip like it was some radioactive substance, before pulling out what looked like a scalpel from her coat pocket. She carefully cut into the skin of the apple and watched as thick juice began running down the side of the fruit. The intoxicating smell of fresh apple permeated the air, and Applebloom had to swallow the drool that had accumulated in her mouth at the scent. Taking a moment to inspect the apple once more, Dr. Kelly cleaned the scalpel on her pant leg and then took a big bite of the fruit. As soon as her mouth closed and pulled the bite free, her eyes went wide, and she froze in place. The guard immediately acted, racing up and pointing the end of her weapon in Sweetie’s face, “What did you do to her? Was that some kind of poison or something?” Sweetie’s eyes narrowed into pinpricks, and Scootaloo’s wings flared in challenge as she turned to face the guard, “Move that thing out of my friend’s face or I’m going to shove that thing so far up your flank you’ll have to clear your throat to clean the barrel.” For several moments no one moved. Just as the tension in the room seemed to be reaching critical mass, the soft sound of someone chewing could be heard from behind the guard. All eyes turned to Dr. Kelly, who had a dreamy look on her face as she swallowed the bite of apple in her mouth. Before anyone could ask her what she was doing, she took another bite and made a sound that resembled a moan in the back of her throat, “Besf abble ah’ve eber eashen.” She swallowed the food in her mouth and reiterated, “Best apple I’ve ever eaten.” She turned to face Sweetie as the guard lowered her weapon, “I don’t know how you did it, and frankly I don’t care. If that was an example of what your magic can do, then I think we could learn a thing or two from believing in your word.” The guard smirked as she walked back and took her post next to the Admiral, “Typical, always thinking with your stomach. Who was it that came up with the idea to cook hot dogs next to the reactor core again?” Kelly’s cheeks flushed as she rounded on the guard, “Oh you’re one to talk, falling asleep while on duty guarding the medic’s quarters.” “Hey!” the guard yelled back indignantly, “you said you would never tell anyone about that!” She froze as she slowly turned to face the Admiral, casting a nervous glance his way as he slowly lifted an eyebrow, “Um, I can explain?” “We’ll talk about your little mishap at a later date, Commander Baker,” he said with finality, “right now I believe we have more pressing issues to deal with.” The newly named commander nodded her head slowly, a glint of nerves shining through her visor as she returned to attention. Connors shook his head slightly before returning his gaze to the three ponies, “Sorry about all that. My senior crew can get a bit rowdy when they get too comfortable around others. Now, as you were saying, you were going to fix your ship and learn about humanity while the repairs are being completed?” Applebloom shook herself out of the shock that had run through her system at the sudden action, “Ah think that’s ‘bout right. Ah believe Ah can fix the ship if’n Ah can get ahold of all the parts Ah need. The good news is that most of them should be in the cargo hold, assumin’ that none of them got sucked out when those fighters of yers punched a hole in our hull.” Sweetie bopped her on the head with an admonishing glare, “Don’t hold that over their heads. It was an honest mistake and they apologized for it. Let. It. Go.” “Said the mare who doesn’t have to fix the hole.” Applebloom muttered under her breath, only to get another hoof to the back of the head, “Alright, alright, Ah’m done gripin’! Would ya lay off the corporal punishment?” Sweetie nodded, although the cold look she sent the earth pony’s way warned against any future action. Admiral Connors nodded as he stood up, clapping his hands together as he turned towards the two women, “Well, I think this concludes our little discussion.” He turned towards the mares and spoke with a clear and precise voice, “Do you solemnly swear that you are not here to cause harm to the crew of this ship or to the human race as a whole?” Applebloom nodded as the other Crusaders did the same, “We swear by Celestia’s Sun and Luna’s Night we will not bring harm to the crew of the Silver Star or the human race as a whole,” they chorused. Connors nodded, “Then I will have Dr. Dion and Commander Baker escort you to the civilian quarters of the ship. Commander Baker will act as your liaison while you are aboard the Silver Star and will be escorting you wherever you wish to go. For now, I’m afraid you will have to stick together, but in time I hope you will earn enough of our trust to be given more leeway about the ship.” He glanced at the Commander with a pointed glare, “Think of this as your punishment for falling asleep on duty.” Baker hung her head slightly as she nodded, “Yes sir.” “And as for you,” Connors said as he turned to face Dr. Kelly, “You are to do everything in your power to teach our guests about humans, barring any classified information. I understand you want to know more about them as well, so think of this as your standing assignment for the foreseeable future. I am officially releasing you from your other duties in favor of this assignment, so you don’t have to worry about the lab or the linguistics team while also dealing with these creatures.” “Ponies,” Sweetie supplied, causing the Admiral to pause as the humans turned to face the unicorn, “our race is called ponies.” She indicated Applebloom and then Scootaloo, “Applebloom is an earth pony, Scootaloo is a pegasus, and I’m a unicorn, but they all fall under the same title of pony.” Dr. Kelly’s eyes lit up, “Did you say earth pony?” Sweetie Bell nodded, “What a strange coincidence, our home world was originally called Earth before it was re-named Terra in 2185.” She wrote down her thoughts in her booklet as she muttered to herself, “I wonder what other similarities there are between our worlds?” Connors smiled as he turned, the rest of the guard falling next to him as he began walking away, “I look forward to hearing of your progress soon. Do keep me updated of any new developments should they come about, Dr. Dion.” Dr. Kelly made a noncommittal grunt as she furiously wrote down notes and thoughts in her booklet, leaving Commander Baker to return the Admiral’s command with a crisp salute. With that Applebloom found herself being left alone with two humans that she barely knew, the presence of her fellow Crusaders notwithstanding. Try as she might, she couldn’t get over how these same beings, albeit a different group of them, had been responsible for the near destruction of their ship and had nearly killed Applebloom and her friends. Sure, they had a good reason, but that didn’t change the fact that these beings were dangerous. Especially if they were being honest when Dr. Kelly mentioned the superiority of their ships. If humanity got wind of Equis’ exact location, Applebloom had no doubt in her mind that they would want to bring the Harmony System under their influence. Although now that she thought about it, would being under the protection of the humans be all that bad, especially when compared to these Lacertera things the Admiral had mentioned? Not to mention the technology boom it would provide the species of Equis. The trade agreements would be a huge boon to the system’s economy, plus it would introduce a vast array of goods that would otherwise be unavailable. Applebloom glanced over at Dr. Kelly as she talked with Commander Baker in low tones and thought about her options. On the one hoof, she could suggest to her friends that they provide the coordinates to the Harmony system to the humans right now so they could get home. Or they could wait until they finished fixing the Midnight Song so they wouldn’t have to rely on the humans for a ride. On the other hoof, they could hold off and not tell the humans anything, return to Equis once their ship was fixed, and then pretend the humans never existed until they had sorted out what to do with the Princesses. The more she thought about it, the more the last option seemed like the best course of action. The Crusaders weren’t equipped to be a diplomatic team, and they certainly didn’t have the authority to make any major decisions on behalf of the races back home. So, while the two women talked about whatever, Applebloom walked over and motioned for Sweetie and Scootaloo to come close. “What is it Applebloom?” Sweetie Bell asked as they huddled up, “Something the matter?” “Not really, just bein’ cautious,” Applebloom replied, “Ah’m thinkin’ it would be best to fix the ship and then high tail it back to Equis without telling the humans where we came from. We don’t know what they would do if we led them back home and we have no authority to tell them anything without contacting the Princesses first.” “So, we use the communicator on the ship to call them once things get up and running,” Scootaloo added, “it’s got the range to reach back home without too much trouble. Why not ask them for diplomatic power? Maybe we could even get them to talk with the Admiral about what we plan to do between our races. They do speak our language now, after all.” Sweetie nodded, “I think that might be a better idea than just running off once we fix the ship. It will look a lot better to the humans if we show them a level of trust.” She forestalled Applebloom’s interjection with a raised hoof, “I know they shot us near to pieces but that was a mistake that they already apologized for. As far as I’m concerned, we’re even when it comes to that, doubly so if they help us fix the Midnight Song. So,” she met each of the other mares’ gazes in turn, “are we in agreement?” Scootaloo nodded, “I like it. It builds trust and hopefully will open trade between our races. If nothing else, they can help us if those Lacer-whatever things manage to find Equis. Imagine if those things found our home and we had no way to fight them off?” A shiver ran up the pegasus’ spine as she continued, “I’d rather not think of the outcome of that if I can help it.” Both mares turned their gazes to Applebloom, who sighed in resignation as she realized she was outvoted, “Fine, but if this whole thing blows up in our faces Ah’m blaming you two.” Scootaloo grinned as the trio separated, “How about a good old Crusader cheer, for old times’ sake?” Sweetie Bell rolled her eyes but smiled anyway, leaving Applebloom to chuckle as she nodded her agreement, “Fine, Ah’m in.” All three mares jumped onto their hind legs and brought their right forehooves together in a collective high hoof, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER DIPLOMATS, YAY!” Dr. Kelly and Commander Baker jumped at the mares’ outburst, which caused the trio to burst out laughing at their expressions. It took them a moment to get their bearings, but it was glossed over for the most part by the Crusaders’ giggles. Commander Baker rolled her eyes as she waved for the ponies to follow, “Come along you three. If I’m going to show you to your rooms before it gets too late, we’d better get a move on.” Applebloom nodded as she and her friends followed the armored human, leaving Dr. Kelly to wave goodbye as they exited the park. “I’ll see you three later,” the scientist called after them, “I’ve got to get some notes compiled before we can begin our talks. I’ll meet up with you and Samantha later!” Commander Baker grumbled under her breath as they walked away, “I told her not to call me by my first name while I’m on duty. Why doesn’t that woman ever listen?” Applebloom filed away the Commander’s first name as they wound their way through the open space of the garden. They followed the pathway until they reached the lift from before, taking it up several more levels before popping out into a long hallway. The floor and walls were all painted an off-white color that reflected the overhead lamps well, nearly making Applebloom squint as they worked their way down the hallway. Doors and other hallways led to other sections of the ship, but for the most part the quartet followed the same hallway as they reached another section of the level. This one was painted a soft blue color on the walls while the ceiling was the same white as the floor, opening into a large square room that had seven doorways lining the outer walls. Each of the doors had a silver plaque in the center of its surface, roughly at head height for the human that accompanied them and outfitted with a quintet of human numbers. From what Applebloom could see, the rooms in this section of the ship were numbered from ‘5280’ to ‘5287’. In the center of the room was a trio of black couches, fitted together in the shape of a ‘C’ with the opening facing a large flat screen. The screen rested on a black metal entertainment center and came with several other consoles that Applebloom had no knowledge of. Other than that, the room was mostly barren, save for what looked like another table off to one side that sported a low net that split the table widthwise. A quartet of paddles were secured to the sides of the table with special holders, and a collection of small orange balls rested in the holders as well. All and all it looked like some kind of game, but Applebloom had no idea how it was played. “Room 5284 is currently empty, so you three can share that one until the Admiral decides what to do with you three concerning your living arrangements.” Baker walked up to the door and punched a pin code into the keypad next to the handle. It made an audible click, and she pushed the handle down before opening the door, “Your pin code is 5-7-3-1. Don’t tell anyone else your code and don’t ask for anyone else’s unless you have a personal relationship that I somehow missed. Other than that, I’ll be out here if you need anything, so feel free to ask me any questions if you feel you must.” Given the Commander had not been too friendly up until this point, Applebloom was inclined to take some time alone with the girls before interacting with the intimidating human, “Um, thanks, Ah think we’ll take some time to get settled. Been a long trip an’ all that.” She led Sweetie and Scootaloo past the armored woman and into their room, allowing Baker to close the door behind them. What met the pony’s gazes was a quant living room, with another tan-colored couch, what looked like a small kitchenette, and a duo of doors that led off to the left and right of the main room. Sweetie climbed onto the couch and sighed as she rested her head on her fetlocks, allowing Scootaloo to inspect the room on the left as Applebloom did the same on the right. What Applebloom found was the bedroom, complete with a bed big enough for even Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to share, and what looked like a walk-in closet for clothing. Although, given the only clothing the mares had was their jumpsuits, combined with the fact that ponies usually walked around in the nude, it wasn’t going to see much use. The bed had a collection of no less than five pillows at its head, each covered in a dark green case that matched the sheets. The comforter that covered the sheets was a navy-blue color and had a star pattern stitched into the fabric, although Applebloom couldn’t recognize any of the constellations. Other than that, it was a very comfortable space that she could be satisfied with. It also helped that the walls were painted a lighter shade of blue to make a more calming atmosphere. Satisfied that they wouldn’t have to take turns on the couch, Applebloom returned to the living room just in time for Scootaloo to exit the other room while the flushing of a toilet could be heard. “Found the bathroom.” The pegasus supplied unnecessarily. Applebloom climbed onto the couch next to Sweetie and rested her head on one of the leg rests, “Ah think it’s ‘bout time we got some sleep. We’ve been goin’ for almost two days without getting more than a few hours of rest. Ah don’t know about you, but Ah’m bushed.” Sweetie Bell let out a yawn that she tried and failed to suppress, “Yeah, I feel like I could sleep for a week.” “Me too,” Scootaloo added as she climbed onto the far side of the couch and curled up into a ball, “too bad they don’t have any clouds I could use for a bed. Now that would make my day.” Applebloom chuckled as her eyes began to flutter closed, “Now that would be something to see, clouds on a spaceship.” “Hey!” Scootaloo replied, “It could happen. With how advanced these humans are, who knows what kind of crazy things they could come up with?” Applebloom would have retorted, but she was too far gone to muster up the energy. Sweetie was already quietly snoring between them, and for all her bluster, Scootaloo was already nodding off as well. Applebloom smiled as she closed her eyes, listening to the sounds of her friends breathe as she drifted off to sleep. Ah wonder if Princess Luna can see our dreams all the way out here? She mused to herself, allowing sleep to overtake her as the thought went unanswered. Little did she know what was in store for her and her friends come the following morning.
Applejack,Applejack (EqG),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
How to pick an Apple
Applejack is oblivious to the high school harem that is quietly and quickly building around her.
<p><b>Step 1:</b> Locate the perfect apple, usually found in orchard or farms specializing in apples.</p><p><b>Step 2:</b> Proceed with a one-sided rivalry against <span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic">-everyone?!?!!</span> in a quest to obtain said Apple.</p><p><b>Step 3:</b> make out with the Apple?</p><p>[Story written for my own entertainment. Mainly focused on Rarijack and Appledash, plus Trenderhoof being a general fanboy.]</p>
Early November | Present Day She was driving the delivery truck to school again, on account of Mac- her bigger, older brother -taking their pa's red Miura to uni. Applejack and Applebloom ain't likely to see that car again in at least a month, knowing Macintosh Apple. "Did Ah ever tell y'all about the story of how Pa got Granny to buy that fancy ol' Miura?" "Weren't he doin' it to impress Momma?" Applebloom asks, looking up from her phone. "Yessiree, he dun' told Granny the Miura was a Lamborghini Tractor. It sure helped that he called up some second-cousins of ours in Italy to confirm- they're the biggest Apple-exporters y'know... Anyways, when the car was delivered, Granny just about blew her top! She was ready to kick Pa to the curb, the way she tells it. A'course, fer all her airs and graces about it, Granny's sure is lovin' that car now," Applejack exclaims. She doesn't mention how she and Granny used a part of Bright Mac's life insurance to complete the car payment. "Ya think Mac might be usin' Daddy's car to impress sum girl in college?" "Ah hell! He probably is, ain't he?" Applejack keeps her eyes on the stoplight, it was still red. She turns to address her little sister, "Oh well. Cain't be helped, so long as he ain't hurtin' the car, s'all good." "Are you gonna use the car to impress somebody too?" Applebloom asks with wide-eyed innocence. "Why? Will you?" When her little sister doesn't respond, Applejack looks away, saved by the green light. She speaks uneasily, "Ah wouldn't worry about mah nonexistent love-life, AB. Ah'm more worried about the exams I have in two weeks the same day as Black Friday." "Target's doin a three-day sale. If you miss Macy's and Walmart's, maybe you can go there?" "It's not me Ah'm worried about, it's Granny. Ah cain't, in good conscience, let 'er and Goldie go shoppin' without a chaperone. They could get hurt or sumthin. Mac usually does it, but he's got exams too," Applejack clarifies. "Maybe Ah can help?" Applebloom suggests. "It's alright, sugarcube. Maybe when you're older." "Ah am older, Ah'm fifteen," Applebloom retorts. "Okay, look. If yer hankerin' to go shoppin with us, ya gotta do yer research. Look up sum Black Friday sales videos, them news reels oughta give ya an idea. The gist of it is... people are crazy for discounts and sales. It's a dang battlefield, and Ah'm not jokin," Applejack states. Applebloom nods stubbornly, practically escaping from her seat as soon as they've reached the premises of the school parking lot. It takes a minute or five for Applejack to find a space, parking successfully. It turns out to be just next to Rarity's 2002 porsche, with the diva herself still seated inside. Applejack turns the ignition off, taking the key out to put it into the keychain on her belt; the blonde catches sight of her reflection in the mirror, and the little niggling bit of self-consciousness creeps in. She turns to her right again, where Rarity is doing her makeup in the comfort of her car. Applejack mentally shrugs, takes out a pack of wet wipes from the storage compartment, and uses one to wipe her face. She had an early start today because Granny had her and AB use the delivery truck for its delivering purpose, and her face was a mix of oil and sweat, and freckles. She ain't sayin she likes nor dislikes her freckles, it's the fact that she's painfully aware of 'em that bothers her. Why'd the freckles gotta be so brown and bad-lookin anyways? Applebloom's freckles were pink and kinda red, but they were cute on 'er. Applejack's train of thought is well interrupted by the sound of weight hitting glass. She half-jumps, startled by Rainbow Dash's face and hand landing smack-dab on the driver's window. The athlete's other hand is holding an orange basketball, currently being spun around. The freckled farmer remembers what day it is- game day, Basketball season starts today. She's just glad she's only in Basketball and Soccer with Rainbow Dash, if Applejack joined any more teams, she surely would have been fed up with her slave-driver friend. First Day of November "It was like an eye-opener, Twi. Like, did you even see those rippling muscles? She's even got freckles on her abs, HER ABS! How unreal, it's not fucking fair! How am I supposed to face her again, tonight? How can anyone expect me to be fucking chill? I'm coming to work half-brain-dead because of her, the Mayor's gonna be so disappointed. And every time I look at her from now on, I'll be seeing her without the dirty flannel collection. Does she always wear a black tanktop under there? Her boobs are huge so she's gotta be wearing more than two layers, right? Right? Twi, right? Help me! Hello? Are you still there? ...TWILIGHT!!!" Rainbow hears a yelp, then the sound of a phone dropping prior to being responded to. "Sorry, sorry. I was just looking at... something..." The athlete clocks the scientist's nervous giggle, rolling her eyes. "You're stalking Rarity's clipflip page, aren't you?" "No!" Comes Twilight's defensive, high-pitched and squeaky response. "Don't lie. You're ugly when you lie," Dash scolds her. "I'm not looking at Rarity's page. I'm stalking A.K. Yearling's page," the bespectacled girl corrects. "Yeah right, I would've been notified if there was a new post. Don't lie to my face. Tell me again, what are you looking at?" "It's her shorts, okay?!? And don't get mad, you asked! Besides, I don't even like Applejack that way, given the chance, I'd like to study her fitness routine. With her age, weight and height, she's got to be the exact, if not, then the closest to peak physical fitness. And her derriere looks to be in very top form too, it's enviable," Twilight exclaims. "And in english?" "Her ... tushie ... looks perfectly plump, do you think it's firm? Or do you think it bounces like normal body-fat?" Rainbow just about drops the call. Honestly, why did Rarity even have to livestream the whole Apple-picking event? And why does the Mayor hire the Apple Family to host the Halloween fair every year? Rainbow Dash does not want to go to work tonight. Present Day "Good game, everyone!" "Nice aim!" "Awesome job!" "Great practice, team! Break time! Griffons bus will arrive in two hours, ETA. Hydrate and rest up, on the court in three. Let's go, go, go!!!" Rainbow Dash instructs. Applejack raises a brow at the two seniors sharing a look with each other as they left, Hoops and Score; those two were not-so-secretly laughing at, and making fun of Rainbow Dash. If the coach didn't appeal for the co-ed team merger, the boy's basketball team wouldn't even have enough players this year (but neither would the girl's team), they should really get with the times... The sound of skin slapping skin, and the obvious stinging of her butt's left cheek had her snapping her head towards the guilty culprit so fast that Applejack could've sworn she strained a neck muscle- only to find Rainbow Dash, red painting her cheeks. The millisecond it takes to process what just happened probably saved the colorful girl from a slap to the face, or worse. "I am so sorry," the girl claims sheepishly, now standing several feet away from Applejack, whose right hand is outstretched and balled into a fist. "What in tarnation was that?!?" "It's Twilight's fault, I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!" "Twilight?!? It stings like a dang bee, ya poop-head!" The colorful athlete starts laughing, "poop-head? That's a new one!" "Why d'ya do that fer? That hurt!" Rainbow Dash is full on laughing now, tears in her eyes as she replays the last two minutes. Twilight was right, Applejack's ass did bounce like normal body-fat; the farmer's priceless reaction was just a bonus. Running is what she's good for, and since Applejack is above retaliating in front of witnesses, Rainbow dashes away- off to the cafeteria. Applejack ends up alone in the gym, mildly annoyed.
Admiral Biscuit
Original Character,Human,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Having a pony roommate is weird enough; coming home to find her making butter is still unexpected.
<p>Having a pony roommate was an adjustment; there was a lot about Earth she had to get used to . . . and a lot of ideas she'd brought with her that <i>you</i> had to get used to.</p><p>She was a heck of a cook, though, and didn't mind sharing, so you were more than willing to let her have the kitchen. </p><p>And then you came home and discovered that she was making <i>butter</i>. Which she must have <b>known</b> she could buy at the grocery store if she wanted butter.</p>
Big Paddle Keep On Churning Admiral Biscuit I’d heard lots of things about what life was like back in Ponyland. Equestria. Whatever they actually called it; there were a number of human names for their home . . . world (maybe it was their home country, nobody was really clear on that). I hadn’t been there, so I couldn’t really say. Given their bright colors and dispositions, generable adorableness, and overall cheeriness—not to mention, breaking out into song at the drop of a hat—it was easy to imagine many of those things were true. It was also fair to say that it was easy, perhaps too easy, to imagine any visitor to what one might say was a first-world nation—to what, one might say, was the First World nation, the shining beacon on the hill—struggling with the technological prowess of such a nation, the sheer number of choices Freedom [eagle noise] provided, from three flavors of fuel at the gas pump (regular, mid-grade, or premium), to Starbucks on every corner, to Star Wars, Star Trek, and Stargate. While I couldn’t be sure, it was likely that the situation was similar but reversed on the other end of the portal, the place where the ponies lived; after all, they had three tribes which holds to the rule of three. Four if you count the alicorns. Five if you count zebras. And then there are the other sapients, like— What I’m saying is that cultural misunderstandings were sure to occur and any decent human wouldn’t mock a pony guest for, well, misunderstanding an aspect of human society. Take naming. Whenever something new is discovered or featured in the news a lot, maybe in the newspaper back in the day or in bardic legends in the days before newspapers, people—or ponies—are going to get names inspired by that. Maybe something that’s lifted directly from it, or maybe something close. And if the people—or ponies—don’t quite hit the mark, don’t quite get the nuance of the source material, that’s understandable. Well, unless they tried too hard and then it was just cringe. My roommate was named Velvet Elizabeth and she was a pony. A plain pony, an Earth pony, an aardepaard—not a unicorn or a pegasus. As normal as she could be, as long as one forgave the cream-colored coat or the autumn-orange mane and tail (with blonde highlights), the big blue eyes, and of course the cutie mark. I wasn’t sure if Velvet was her family name or a given name; I knew that some societies put family names first. That she didn’t entirely understand the question, and then followed up with an explanation of ‘it’s complicated’ answered it for me. (She hadn’t actually said ‘it’s complicated,’ but I’d mentally tuned out somewhere after unicorn Houses and earth pony landowners versus freeholders as it applied to a matrilineal society, as well as the effects of a cutie mark opposed to birth order.) ••• We’d reached the point in our roomie relationship where I didn’t feel the need to show off or explain everything we humans had that didn’t exist in ponyland, or where she’d explain how her society did it differently. And wasn’t that the point of foreign exchange students? They get an immersion in a new society, a new culture, and everyone they encounter learns something, too? A different way of looking at the world? I tried to imagine my former roomie—now entirely immersed, perhaps drowning, in Equestria, and came up a little short. ••• Besides her own room, there was one room in the apartment that she had totally made her own. The kitchen. I didn’t mind; I was a college student going on perpetual bachelor. If it didn’t microwave or have directions printed on the box, it was too complicated for me to fathom. She, on the other hand, would show up with saddlebags bursting with fresh veggies and produce and proceed to turn them into a huge variety of meals, which she graciously shared with me. I’d started just giving her money to get stuff. It felt too slacker to just eat her food without contributing, and while there was a part of me who questioned the easy slip into normal gender roles vis her cooking the food, there was no question that she was far better at it than I was, that I was saving money by doing so (and, based on the veggies and roughage, eating healthier), and that I did perform the manly task of vacuuming and also changing the light bulb above the counter when it burned out because she could barely reach it with her hooves and even when she did hooves weren’t good at twisting out a bulb. I swept up all the broken glass, too. ••• There was no way of knowing what she would be making when I returned home after class. Or how she would be making it; while to the best of my knowledge there weren’t any stores actually selling pony-style kitchen appliances yet, anything different than a stainless-steel finished plug-in appliance might as well be pony tech as far as I was concerned. Which is to say, I had no idea what sort of appliance she had on the kitchen counter. “Yo, Liz.” It had taken months for a nickname to settle in. Sometimes that was how it went; it had to feel right, and which name to play off of? Was it right to just call her Velvet? Or Elizabeth? Velve? Vel? Liz? Beth? Velbe? “What’cha making?” It looked kind of like pudding. Pudding came in cups (individually packed, one serving per package) and could also be made out of boxes of pudding powder if the shelves in the grocery store were to be believed. Making it out of a box felt complicated so I never had. “Butter.” Obviously, I knew what butter was. I might not have been a chef, but I certainly knew what butter was. Even used it a time or two, although I preferred margarine since it spread more easily. I also knew that you could get all the butter you wanted at the grocery store. “Why?” “’Cause I need butter.” That was the obvious answer, and technically correct. I stepped into the kitchen and studied the whirlygig thing she had. It looked like somebody had strapped an eggbeater onto a glass candy jar, the kind most often seen in the ‘guess how many Skittles and win a prize’ context. I’d always wondered if there was some scientific method of approaching that problem. “You could just buy it.” “I don’t know where it comes from.” “The dairy aisle,” I informed her. Velvet Elizabeth stopped cranking her butter churn and gave me a withering glare. “I know they sell ‘butter’ (I could hear the air-quotes around the word) in the dairy aisle, I mean I don’t know where it comes from. “I know that there’s a factory that takes milk and makes it into butter, but I don’t know where it is, and I don’t know what goes into it.” “Nobody knows where food comes from,” I said. “You can find out,” she told me. “If you ask, or read the label. Like those sea bugs you had last night—” “Shrimp, please don’t call them bugs.” “—those were from Venezuela.” “Oh.” “I bet you don’t even know where that is.” “Central America,” I said proudly. “I paid attention in school. There’s an ocean on each side, that’s why they sell seafood.” “It’s in South America.” “Oh, right, I was thinking Costa Rica. Venezuela is where Eva Peron is from, she was in that musical about her.” “Eva Peron was from Argentina. There’s literally songs about that in the musical.” I crossed my arms. “Well, it’s easier for you. High school geography was years ago, that’s why I don’t remember where every country is. You’d have had to study up on it, since it’s a foreign world, like how I studied up on pony stuff.” “Did you.” “Yeah.” She rolled her eyes and went back to churning her butter. “I bet you can’t name three countries on our planet.” “Well, there’s Equestria, and the Crystal Empire, and, uh, Zebrica?” “That last one was a lucky guess.” “See, told you.” I opened the fridge to grab a drink, and then found that it was half full with quart-sized Mason jars full of milk. I hoped it was milk. “What brought this on?” “Well.” She went back to stirring. “I was going to just use store-bought milk to make my butter, ‘cause I tried some Imperial butter, figured it would be good since it had a crown on it.” “I’m not sure that’s actually butter.” “Neither am I.” She slowed down on the cranking and then stopped entirely. “There, that’s made. Sort of.” She went to grab a threadbare towel and a large mixing bowl. “Thing was that store bought milk didn’t work like it should have, so I got to researching to find out why. I’d thought that ‘pasteurized’ meant that the cows were out in a pasture, but it turns out that’s not what it means at all. It means that they heat the milk to kill everything in it.” I nodded. “Yeah, it was named for the guy who invented the process. Louie Pasture or something like that, I think he was French.” Then the irony of the name caught me. “Maybe he was a pony instead, I don’t know. But it helped keep people from getting sick from drinking milk.” “Well, it doesn't help with buttermaking, all the stuff you need is cooked out of the milk, or skimmed off the top.” She wrapped the butter up in the cloth and started squeezing it out. I watched in wonder as milky water issued forth, and when she unwrapped the towel, it looked a lot like butter, and it smelled a lot like butter, too. “So I had to figure out if I could get unpastured milk, from a proper pastured cow, and that took me down some weird internet tubes, but I finally found somepony nearby selling raw milk and he even let me watch him milk the cow so I’d know it was fresh. Cost more than store milk, but it’s going to be worth it in the end.” “I don’t know about that,” I said. “How much better than butter can this be?” “You wait and see.” She swept a hoof over her creation. “This is merely the beginning. Have you ever had butter infused with herbs?” ••• I hadn’t made fun of her butter obsession—well, obsession was too strong a word. Butter kick?—since I knew how good a cook she was, and even though there seemed no purpose in making something that could be cheaply and easily had store bought, premade, ready to eat, I was willing to wait for results. I even helped her. Mostly by following instructions exactly and then getting gently corrected when my exact following of instructions wasn’t exact enough. In my defense, trying to teach me complicated cooking was akin to trying to teach a cat to swim or a dog to climb a tree. In the end, she turned all the milk into butter. Most of it got stored as-was; she said that she’d do some further processing on them later. Velvet did make one tube of infused butter, since I really wanted to see that in action. She picked fresh herbs from her window herb garden and mixed them in: parsley, rosemary, and tarragon. Each of those herbs had their own strong smell, which became muted as she mixed it in with the butter. Before she wrapped it up into a sausage-shape with clingwrap, she told me that she was going to let me have a sample, and told me to cut off a thick piece of bread. This was something I enjoyed—I’d always thought toast was overrated until she’d convinced me to try some of her homemade bread. I hadn’t thought that her bread could have been improved by better butter. I was wrong. All of a sudden, I understood. This was a game-changer.
Bon-Bon,Lyra,Main 6,Original Character,Human,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Stuck in another world as a pony, I must hide what I truly am, else they'll lock me in a dungeon. Easier said than done; I know nothing about their culture! Thankfully, there's someone else who shares my predicament. Together, we'll find a way home.
<p>My name is Daniel Brooks. I don't know how, but I've been sent to another world. A... uh, &quot;magical pony filled&quot; world where humanity isn't appreciated for some reason. I haven't seen another human, so I can only imagine those who were transported here before me have all been hunted down, probably locked away in a dungeon from what I can tell. That's bad, but wait, it gets worse.</p><p>I've been turned into one of them; a pegasus with a strange motif on my flank. Now I'm stuck in this town called Ponyville with no friends, no family, no job and no home. Just my luck...</p><p>Like I said earlier, these ponies don't seem to like humans, especially those that have transformed into ponies. They despise us, constantly trying to figure out who is secretly human and who isn't. It's not easy hiding what you truly are, let me tell you! I do one stupid things and all eyes will be on me!</p><p>At least, there's somebody else in this town who shares my plight. He's been stuck there for weeks, trying to find a way home. He'll teach me all about blending in. By working together, we can avoid suspicion and get back home. </p><p>I just hope I won't be there for long...</p>
Okay so... I've been thrown in for one helluva loop. One minute, I’m standing before this sketchy looking guy and the next, I’m in a forest... uh, feeling strangely naked?! I don’t know how that even happened, that guy must have drugged me or something but to wake up in a forest? That’s not usually how kidnapping or muggings or, other kind of crimes go! The forest was strange too, I gotta say. Really colorful grass despite the fact we’re in autumn, a perfectly clear sky which went against the weather forecast and no crickets though I suppose that last one is a relief. Less sound to pester me while I’m gathering my thoughts. Okay so... I’m naked in a forest, lying on my side staring at the blue sky. There’s a river nearby, which is good. I’m no survival expert, but anybody can tell you that following a river is a good idea. Where there is water, there are people. Sounds easy, just follow the river, find civilisation and get the hell back home. Easy peasy lemon squeezy, but... there is a catch. Oh, there’s always one waiting to kick you in the ass. I found that the moment I tried to stand up. My arms couldn’t move and bend the way I wanted them to. They were restrained, not by ropes, but by physiology. Now hear me out. I know what I’m about to say sounds like I’m delirious, but I assure you; I’m perfectly sound of mind, I-I think. I raised my arm and saw that it was covered in fur. And my supposed hand that would help me get back on my feet was. A. Hoof. A... hoof. You could probably imagine the shock I felt at that moment. It was like a heart attack and a panic attack jumped me at the same time. Thankfully I didn’t die of shock at that moment, but it did freeze my brain for a few dozen minutes. I touched the grass, rubbed my face with my new, downgraded hand and sure enough; I wasn’t dreaming nor was I stoned. I was wide awake, thinking clearly, only I had a furry hoof for an arm. And then I looked at the rest of my body. All four of my limbs, hooves. I screamed for what felt like hours as I rolled around like a sausage, struggling to stand up. My body was different too might I add, and so was my face. My mouth felt long and weird and that was scaring me too. I crawled not so graciously to the nearest river and took a good look at the water. My reflection was the last thing I ever thought I’d see. Instead of seeing the normal, and handsome, face of me, a human, I saw a horse. A horse with hilariously big eyes and a stupid ass haircut. I wasn’t a normal horse, no, tell me you’ve ever seen a horse with a light green coat, and with a black mane too, and blue eyes. And what’s with the wings? I had wings, so that meant I was actually a pegasus then. I couldn’t figure out how to move them which could only mean one thing. The only possible explanation was that somebody was messing with me. Yes! I am still in there, inside this body. I can bend my arm in a way that no normal horse could. I can raise my hoof and touch my chin with it. Horse legs don’t bend that way, I think. I dunno, I’m no horse expert. I’ve never been around one for more than a minute anyway. That must be like this, uh, bizarre and disgusting horror movie I saw many years ago, about a guy being kidnapped and going through a horrific experiment to be turned into a walrus, only he’s like grafted to a makeshift walrus body. Maybe that’s what happened to me. Hold on. If that was the case, then... that would mean... someone’s gonna come out of the woods and ride me?! No, that didn’t happen. For some reason my body was grafted onto a cartoonesque pegasus costume and dumped in the woods without my phone. I honestly expected somebody to come out and laugh at my situation. This can’t be some kind of sick joke. Then again, I’m in the dark here. Huh, weird. Despite being on all four like a horse, my body does not feel uncomfortable. My back isn’t strained, my arms can touch the floor on an even level with my legs. Hell, I even have some degree of control over my tail! Whoever put me in that suit must have been rich, or a very good engineer. I know sick people can be really good at what they’re doing, but instead of using their skills for society, they use it to mess with good natured people who are contributing to society. I shall resume my train of thoughts now that I have more eloquently explained to you my situation. You should be thankful, ‘cause otherwise you would have spent a few good minutes hearing incoherent screaming and messy thoughts. Anyway, first things first, I gotta get out of that body. I’ve rationalised the situation, have no more reason to freak out, so now I can work towards finding a solution with a clear mind. I need a knife, something sharp to cut that fake fur off me. Then I can regain control of my arms and seek other people to return home. There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere as far as I’m concerned. Hmm... maybe I can figure out where I am based on what that weirdo said? Give me a moment to remember, exactly, what... happened. Okay, so it started when I was walking down the streets to return home from work. I work at... Um, nevermind. My mind must still be hazy, it’ll come back in time. As I was saying, I returned home from work when suddenly in an alleyway, there was a guy. I don’t know what his deal was, but he looked sketchy. Like really, really sketchy. He wore a bandana over his mouth, had this dark cowl, pretty much dressed in all black. He looked old too. It took me a solid minute, but I recognised that this guy was literally cosplaying as the merchant from Resident Evil 4. Why wasn’t he at a comic con or whatever, I don’t know. All I remembered was that he greeted me the moment our eyes met. He even nailed the voice. A top tier cosplayer, which only made it weirder that he stopped me to show his wares. I flinched when he opened his coat. Thought he was gonna flash me at first, but no, he was just showing me his wares. Instead of the fake guns and ammunition you’d expect from the character, he had other kind of merchandise... I don’t remember most of it, t’was dark, and it overall looked kind of alien to me. Tons of Inspector Gadget levels of weird with his stuff. Even when he explained them to me I still didn’t understand. Oh, speaking of his voice, he also had the whole “what’re ya buyin’, stranger?” vibe nailed down. Every. Single. Thing, he said to me was a direct quote from the game. I know, I played it a long time ago but I vividly remember this charming merchant. I was pretty thrilled to meet a cosplayer so determined to the bit. I chose to play along, thinking I would just be buying something useless just for fun. One of the things he had was a card, looked like the cheapest thing he could sell. So, I asked him in all my charm. “What’s that?” He laughed and pulled it out. “Got some rare things on sale, stranger! This card is an all-powerful ticket to a magical world of dragons and unicorns where the magic of friendship is key to greatness!” I laughed. It was pretty funny to hear the Resident Evil Merchant say something so cheesy. “That’s cool, but what does it actually do? Is it like a gift card or just an invitation to a convention or something.” I asked him. He simply chuckled and brought it closer to my face so that I’d read what’s on it. “Close, stranger. It IS an invitation, but to a place you need not to know its location. Simply read the instructions and close your eye... stranger.” ... What does that even mean?! Was he for real?! Nah, he made that shit up on the spot. No way in hell a card transported me here. He was messing with me! Oh shit, I’m freaking out! Now’s not the time to lose my goddamn marbles! This isn’t helping... R-Right, I should continue my narration, calm and professional. You need to understand me after all. I read the instructions, wondering what the hell he was talking about. No, wait, I paid him five bucks first, which was a stupid idea (who pays five bucks to read a card?), and then I read it. I then closed my eyes and oh, what do you know, I wake up in a forest, naked, as a horse. A bizarre messed up looking horse. Well that’s just great, none of what he said was actually useful. A magical world of dragons and unicorns? Tss, should have known better than to trust the merchant from RE 4... Okay, the plan... what was it again? Oh right, follow the river, find civilisation, get out of this ridiculous costume and get back home. Oh, and I should jog my memory a bit. If they drugged me, I might forget some things. Okay, my name is Daniel Brooks. I’m a 27-year-old man. I work at... oh shit, I am forgetting some important things. Anyway, I just know thanks to that strange motif on my butt (flank?) that I must be a writer. Apparently not a liked one. That sucks. Woah! Something just growled in that forest. I think it’s a wolf, I don’t know. Again, I’m no animal expert, but whatever that creature... Why am I standing still? I should get going already. There’s a predator on the prowl! So I followed the river, but not too closely. I keep on tripping, which is a given, I’m not used to being quadrupedal. Progress is slow and steady, but it’ll make me win the race eventually. Gah! This was too corny! Learning to walk on all four isn’t as easy as you’d think. It’s like having to rewire your entire brain, throw out everything you’ve learned previously. I must start with slow, deliberate steps. One at a time, learn to move on this new body. I can only hope that whatever was in that forest won’t take an interest in me. Then again, if it could tear me out of that suit. Ugh, this is long and boring! Can’t I have at least something to do or someone to talk to in the meantime? ... nobody? Okay then, guess I’ll just make up imaginary friends to keep me company. Look guys! Daniel’s finally gone outside to touch some grass! How are you going to scratch your ass now? Your hoof can’t reach your butt! Look at tiny baby man trying to be a horse! Why are my own imaginary friends mocking me? I suppose that trick only really works when you’re in a good mood, something I’m afraid won’t come to me any time soon. I walked at a snail's pace for hours judging by the sun’s position. I scaled up hills and climbed over the occasional rocky blockade (gosh that one sucked). The sun was overhead when I first woke up. Now, it’s slowly fading in the distance. That’s bad. If I can’t find anybody before it gets dark, I might have to sleep in the wilderness, and not even with the comfort of my actual body! I can’t pick up things with these hooves, how am I supposed to start a fire? Fires keep monsters at bay, maybe I should practice making one before sunset. No, I think I’ll just take my chance and keep moving. I’m getting faster, more used to the movement of this strange suit but the more accustomed I become, the closer the sun is to leaving me in the dark. My body was starting to ache from all this physical activity. But that’s on me, it was a sign I should have gone outside more often when I was still in the big city. I guess now’s a good time to start shaping up. I was very thirsty at that point, so I took a short break to drink. It was a very awkward drink let me tell you. I had to methodically bend my arms forward, carefully place my legs so I wouldn’t fall in the river, but it just looked like I was sticking my butt out, wagging my little tail like a puppy. I was glad nobody was there to notice me, ‘cause the shame would have probably killed me in an instant if they saw my groin sticking out like that. I tried to bend my legs so that I could be in a more relaxed position. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quite used to the way this suit bent so I just tripped and landed crotch first. Oh dear, the pain. I think I busted my nuts on a rock. For some reason, the pain was transmitted to the exterior of the suit as if my own groin was sticking out of it! At that point my wings finally moved. They just sort of dropped and flopped on the floor like a helpless chicken. I felt the suit’s inner mechanism poke against my side with every movement these wings made. God, it was uncomfortable. I had to replace them in their dormant state with my hooves. Took me a few minutes to get the mechanism to function properly. Then I got back to drinking. Probably the best sensation I’ve had since I woke up. Ah... I needed that. Before I resumed my journey, I decided to take a closer look at that suit using my reflection on the water. I had a styled mane, a rather spiky looking tail and... is that a drawing on my flank? I think that’s a crummy paper with a pen next to it. There are also gold coins around that paper... Is my flank calling me a hack writer? The audacity of this bitch! I’ll show him I’m not all bark and no bite. Thankfully, my troubles were soon going to end. I saw a building in the distance. The closer I got to it, the more appeared. I found a town! Or so it seemed... The buildings I saw were unlike anything I ever saw before. They had a sort of archaic architecture? Strange geometry too. Some buildings had connecting bridges to one another. They couldn’t be houses, right? I sure wouldn’t wanna live this close to my neighbors. Oh hey! I finally found someone. And the weirdest part, they were a horse too, like me! That’s great, well not really for us (we’re still stuck inside the horse suit), I was just relieved to find someone in the same predicament as me. It was a mare, so most likely a woman inside that suit. She must have encountered that stupid merchant cosplayer... The closer I got to her, the more I realised I was small. I never put much thought into it, but these trees seemed way bigger than usual. I suppose it’s mainly because I’m on all four... Wait, does that mean I should be closer to a pony than a horse? Shit... I’ve been turned into a pony? That’s too small, it can contain my massive girth o-or... m-muscles. Ugh, getting tired. My mind’s saying dumb things. I-I guess I’ll call this a pony suit from now on. Anyway, I approached the mare. She was lying against a tree, playing a lyra... with her hooves? How was she doing that? She had a horn too; it was glowing somehow. Must have some lights integrated in that suit. Her hooves only really held the thing, so I don’t know how the instrument was playing by itself. Maybe she was a hack just like me. Hey, she also had a lyra motif on her flank. Maybe they were branding us based on our talents (or lack thereof)? Well, it didn’t matter in the end. I was exhausted, tired of walking for hours on end. I just wanted a place to sleep. I found somebody else in the same predicament as me, they can surely help me. “Hey, you got a place to sleep? I’m tired...” The mare flinched, nearly snapping one of the lyra’s chords. In fact, she jumped on all four, staring at me as if I was danger. “Uh... who are you?” “M-Me? W-Well same thing as you. Saw a stupid... merchant and I, bought his shit... Never trust cosplayers, ‘kay?” Not so gracious, I was out of breath from this journey. I don’t really remember what happened afterward. I just sorta... crumbled before her and passed out. When I woke up, I was no longer laying on the grass. Instead, I found myself on a comfy couch inside a house that looked nothing like the homes in my country. I couldn’t pinpoint where I was based on this architecture. It was vivid and colorful, simple yet pretty. Oh, and let’s not forget the two mares talking in front of me. Two? There are more of us? So many people taken to this strange location. Or what if... Nah, couldn’t be. The magical world, real? That’s a load of shit. Uh, what are they talking about? I should pay attention. “And you didn’t think maybe this wasn’t a good idea?” The other mare said. She had a candy motif on her flank, which threw a monkey wrench in my theory. Maybe our talent isn’t what they used to brand us. Either that or this chick really loved candy. “Why wouldn’t I? I can’t just leave a pony on the ground so close to the Everfree!” The lyra pony responded. It felt nice to have somebody be on my side. “This could be dangerous! You of all ponies should know. You were there when it happened!” When what happened? I feel like I’m missing a lot of contexts here. Now I’m just wondering how many people were stuffed in pony suits. Can’t be a whole lot, or else I’d be uncovering a conspiracy. I tend to not believe in ludicrous conspiracies. You know, stuff like the secret Illuminati a certain German leader escaping his supposed death to start a new oppressive regime, bogus that came from our vivid imagination. Secret organisation hell bent on dominating the world? Pff! Can’t make me believe in that! The lyra pony argued in my defence once again. “Yeah, well... even if he’s one, he’s alone! We’re not in danger, Bon Bon!” Bon Bon? What kind of name is that? Is that like a secret codename or have they lost their memories. Probably the latter, I don’t remember what I did for a living, so they most likely forgot their names and made new one based on the motif on their flanks. Certainly, wouldn’t want that to happen to me. Hack Writer would make for a terrible and embarrassing name. I raised my head, feeling as energetic as a puppy which caught their attention. The two mares were now staring at me tensely like I was a hydrogen bomb about to blow. Bon Bon hissed, keeping her eyes on me. “Okay then, Lyra. We’ll see for ourselves if he’s dangerous or not.” Lyra and Bon Bon. I guess I must be lucky to still remember my name! “Can you tell us your name?” She asked of me. I struggled to stand up, this body still felt weird on me. That may have been a bad decision. They were staring me down like I was about to pull a knife on them. “Uh, s-sure. I’m Daniel Brooks.” Apparently, that was the wrong answer. The two mares exchanged uncertain looks, staying silent for an awkwardly long time. What, was I supposed to name myself after my motif? I don’t want that, and I hope they’re not going to impose it on me. Finally, Lyra voiced her confusion. “I’m sorry to say this, but that’s a weird name.” What? “You think my name’s weird?” First time that ever happened to me. Never really liked my name, never thought someone else would find it bad. Bon Bon scratched her mane, her narrow eyes glued to mine. It’s like she was expecting me to make a sudden move or something. She looked really jumpy to me. “It certainly doesn’t sound... ponylike.” I don’t get it. Why is my name supposed to sound ponylike? Aren’t we all humans... trapped... inside... ... a costume. Oh no. Oh nonononono. This isn’t happening. I must be dreaming. I must be in delirium. Something’s wrong with me. Must be! I’m not in a suit, but that doesn’t mean this place’s real. I’m drugged, somewhere in an alley without any clothes on. No wait, that’s actually worse! “Bon Bon... what’s going on with him? What did you say to upset him?” “I don’t know! I just said his name isn’t ponylike! See? Told you I was right! No true pony would have a nervous breakdown in this situation.” Okay, okay. Gotta keep it cool. Act like nothing happened. I stood up and emptied my brain. I’m fine, I’m normal like them! If I can prove to them that I’m not an imposter of sorts, they’re not going to attack me and I can get the hell out of here! If I got there, then I can leave and return home. That’s logical! Well, apart from the fact that unicorn magic is a thing. “Sorry if I scared you. I was just, um, h-having a p-panic attack. It sorta happens when I’m, uh, in a-an unfamiliar place. I’m lost, like really really lost.” I blurted out. It came out terribly, but it was good enough to calm them down. They went from agitated and hostile to mistrustful and somewhat calm. But of course, there had to be another hurdle. I somehow managed to move my wings, I don’t know how ‘cause I’m not used to having six limbs, but I did. They opened and promptly flopped pathetically on the ground, dangling. “Huh.” Bon Bon scoffed. “How elegant.” God damn it! I wanted to hop on a rocket, fly to the moon, curl up in a ball and weep for hours on end. Never before have I looked so utterly pathetic and stupid. “Y-Yeah... elegant.” Why am I repeating her words? Lyra whispered something in her friend’s ear, keeping her curious eyes on me. That was it, they know I’m not one of them. I don’t even know what I should be dreading more. The fact that all of this madness is real or the fact that they’re about to turn on me. Oh god, what if they jump me? I’m as defenseless as a baby in this body! I can’t fly away with these wings, much less walk with these awkward pony legs. “I, uh, I-I have a disability.” Yikes, that sounds really awful to say but, in a way, it’s sorta true. Bon Bon stared at my pitiful wings for a moment with a suspicious look in her eyes. “I’ve never seen a pegasus your age struggle with their wings that much...” She shrugged and relaxed her gaze. “Then again, I’m no pegasus.” So, does that mean I’m free to go or? Lyra rubbed her chin, probably remembering my first words to her. She chuckled. “I guess he’s just weird. By the way, what did you buy?” “Bought what?” Oh crap! Did I tell her about the merchant? Probably shouldn’t have done that. If they learn he’s human, they’ll associate me with him and I’ll get lynched! “I dunno, you tell me! You said something about buying from a merchant and being distrustful of cosplayers. Did you go to a Daring Do convention?” Lyra asked, getting a bit too close for comfort. I could tell just from her eyes that she must be a very curious person, er, pony. That’s bad enough when you’re trying to hide a very important fact, so I should find a way to leave as quickly as humanely possible. Should I just roll with it or... Yeah, let’s do this. “Um, yeah I did. I-I then lost my way after I realised, I got, uh, scammed and lost all my Daring Do stuff.” Hope that was convincing enough. Apparently, that wasn’t enough to satiate the mare’s curiosity. Lyra fired multiple questions in rapid succession. I honestly didn’t remember a single one. It just went by too fast. Wasn’t she supposed to be the one on my side? This is starting to feel like an interrogation. “Gné?” Bon Bon came to the rescue with a light smack across the back of Lyra’s head. “Lyra, that’s enough; you’re bothering him.” “Sorry. I kinda got carried away.” Wasn’t expecting her to come to my aid. “So, does that mean I can leave? I want to return home if you don’t mind.” Bon Bon narrowed her eyes for a bit. Thankfully she came around and gave me the benefit of the doubt. “Yeah, but if you try anything funny out there; I will have a little chat with you.” “That’s a bit of a problem. I’m a funny person if I do say so.” “What?” “N-Nothing.” You are an idiot, Daniel.
Bon-Bon,Lyra,Main 6,Original Character,Human,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Stuck in another world as a pony, I must hide what I truly am, else they'll lock me in a dungeon. Easier said than done; I know nothing about their culture! Thankfully, there's someone else who shares my predicament. Together, we'll find a way home.
<p>My name is Daniel Brooks. I don't know how, but I've been sent to another world. A... uh, &quot;magical pony filled&quot; world where humanity isn't appreciated for some reason. I haven't seen another human, so I can only imagine those who were transported here before me have all been hunted down, probably locked away in a dungeon from what I can tell. That's bad, but wait, it gets worse.</p><p>I've been turned into one of them; a pegasus with a strange motif on my flank. Now I'm stuck in this town called Ponyville with no friends, no family, no job and no home. Just my luck...</p><p>Like I said earlier, these ponies don't seem to like humans, especially those that have transformed into ponies. They despise us, constantly trying to figure out who is secretly human and who isn't. It's not easy hiding what you truly are, let me tell you! I do one stupid things and all eyes will be on me!</p><p>At least, there's somebody else in this town who shares my plight. He's been stuck there for weeks, trying to find a way home. He'll teach me all about blending in. By working together, we can avoid suspicion and get back home. </p><p>I just hope I won't be there for long...</p>
Oh... Oh no. I should have seen this coming, yet I didn’t. I’m in the middle of a town. It’s filled with ponies trotting everywhere. Medieval fantasy-esque architecture, a large statue in the middle of town and large mountains surrounding the place. Which way is home? I don’t know, and at this point, I believe my way home isn’t going to be a simple road that leads back to humanity. If there are unicorns who can play instrument with magic alone, surely there’s some sort of portal that leads back to Earth... assuming I’m on another planet which at this point doesn’t seem far-fetched to me. Well, nothing can be considered far-fetched anymore. I was literally talking to two magical ponies. Impossible as a concept doesn’t exist anymore. Say, does that mean these wings can fly? Realistically, no, they’re too small to take off but in a world of talking unicorns... A pegasus just flew by town, soaring through the sky at a blinding speed. It was so fast I could barely see it move! That means I was right about one thing. I should at least learn to fly before I go back home. It’s not every day I get to fly on my own, no need to hop on a plane. These wings are meant to fly. Unfortunately, when I tried to move them, they fell, struggling to raise themselves from the dirt. I can’t get them to move the way I want them to! Eventually, I decided to hide next to a barrel to practice moving them. It was weird, but I was starting to get the hang of it. My wings raised and lowered slowly at my command. I must have come across as pretty dumb ‘cause I earned some sympathetic looks from the ponies that passed by. Some even tossed a gold coin at my feet, er, hooves. Hold on, a gold coin? An actual gold coin? Holy shit! If I take this home with me, I could become a millionaire, assuming I can get my han-hooves on enough coins. No... I can’t pass off as a homeless man. That’s immoral. But then again... “I’m starving, can I get some coins so I can feed myself?” To my surprise, ponies were far more willing to hand out coins to homeless people than humans. Almost every single one of them that saw me tossed a coin. In under thirty minutes, I got twenty coins already! I saw a stallion pass by. Grey coat, black hair and a clover on his flank. Was his talent luck? If so, he should have some money to spare. Alright, let’s give it a shot. “A few coins to help out a starving pony?” He stopped and stared at me for a few seconds. And he stared, for a long time. The others threw their coin rather quickly, but this one, he took his time to fixate me. Oh crap, I must have said something wrong, didn’t I? “Um, a-a few coi-” “Hold it right there.” He held a hoof out, narrowing his eyes as he approached me. He stopped just before my pile of well-earned coins. Since I was currently sitting, I had to raise my head to even meet his eyes. It made him look all the more imposing. My body started to grow hot and itchy. He was about to find out the truth! Pointing at the pile, he said “You call these coins?” Uh oh, did I say it wrong all along? How do you even call these then?! “Y-Yeah, I guess.” “You do know these are not coins, whatever that is. Those are bits.” Bits? How was I supposed to know that?! Did I really spend thirty entire minutes giving myself away? “O-Oh, my bad sir. I simply forgot what they were called, so I named them coins. I, uh, suffer from amnesia. I lost my home and my family. I believe I also hit my head pretty hard.” The clover stallion smiled. Was that a good thing or... “Let’s state the obvious here, you’re not who you pretend to be.” Oh crap! The stallion looked behind him, thankfully there was nopony around us so I could simply book it and just hope I can learn to fly on a whim. “But that’s okay, neither am I.” “W-What? You mean to tell me that... you too.” He nodded, taking a seat next to me. He lowered his voice as he spoke “Yes, I believe we’re in the same boat. I don’t suppose you’re lost too.” I smiled. For once somebody here who’s not out for my blood! “Yes! I’m lost too, I don’t even remember how I got here.” His eyes widened. “Oh, it’s that bad, huh? My memory’s still mostly intact, not that it helps with finding my way home. I have my family waiting for me there, they need me.” “My family doesn’t really need me, but they’d probably be freaking out if they find out I’m gone.” I said, leaning against the house that previously trapped me with two arguing mares. “They can feed themselves just fine, then?” My new friend sighed. “That’s great. I just feel my little brother’s too reliant on me. He can’t get anything done without me around. That’s not a good thing, mind you. I never go too far outside; I stay close to our home so it’s not like I bring in the food most of the time. It’s also why I’m horribly lost.” I can understand, we’re both not used to navigating on our own. Much less without a phone in my case. If I just had a phone, I could... on second thought, never mind. I don’t expect there to be Internet. I can only trust my instincts to navigate this new land. “If it’s any consolation, I don’t go out too often myself.” “I suppose that makes this a trial for us. To prove we deserve to go back home, we must find our way on our own.” The (in reality human) stallion said, gazing at the blue sky. Okay, so he’s going to be that kind of guy. I’m guessing he’ll say something about honor and duty eventually. Keep that in mind. “Still, I see you’re trying to earn their currency, which is good. You must at least have some degree of knowledge on the way ponies work. Wealth equals power.” The stallion affirmed, which I mean, yes. Where there is intelligence, there will always be an economy, social hierarchy and whatnot. I need some of that power. Hey, come to think of it. “What’s your name? I believe we should know each other if we’re to go on this quest together. My name’s Dan-” “Don’t say it!” he warned, pressing a hoof against my mouth. “Can’t you see the ponies around here are all on edge? They're expecting us to me among them! If they overhear our real names, we’d be in trouble. We need to have pony names. I’ll only tell you my real name once we’d be home.” “H-Hold on... I told my real name to two ponies earlier. Is that gonna bite me in the ass?” Judging from his worried look, it will. I told him the full context so that he wouldn’t jump to conclusion, smart, I know. “You have to make up one on the spot. Find an excuse to explain your mishap.” He groaned, staring silently at a couple of ponies passing by. “You’ve really picked a bad place to get lost. It takes a lot of effort to impersonate a pony and judging by your clumsiness, and pitiful usage of your wings too, you’ll need some guidance in how to act like a pony.” “O...kay, but you didn’t give me your name. Pony name of course.” He looked at the motif on his flank. “Call me Lucky Clover.” Oh no way in hell I’m calling myself Hack Writer. “What should be my pony name, then?” Lucky Clover stared at my flank, which honestly felt extremely weird. Is it normal for ponies to look at each other's flank like it’s not blatant sexual harassment? “You should call yourself Hack Wri-” “Hell no.” Well, Lucky Clover left, but not without scheduling our next meeting. Apparently, we shouldn’t always be seen together, or else the town might single us out. That guy must have been like a soldier or a general, ‘cause he went straight to giving me orders, talking about discipline, kept referring to us as infiltrators. He did leave me a bag for my bits, which is nice. For my first mission in this unit (really? He’s calling us a unit?), I must make some friends to seem less suspicion and to potentially have some ponies on my side should I be called out. Come to think of it, these ponies probably have a courtroom, with layers and prosecutors. I’m kinda curious to see how trials are done in this land, but at the same time I don’t want to be caught. Who knows, maybe they do give death sentences here. But first and foremost, I gotta eat. I’ve been terribly hunger ever since I woke up, and with all that money, er, bits, I can buy some food. This place really seems old fashioned, maybe because it’s a small town in world that doesn’t appear to be too technologically advanced, though I did see a fridge inside Lyra and Bon Bon’s house, which just confuses me. Do they already have electricity? I’m getting off topic, what I wanted to say was that there are multiple stands in the town’s market. Vegetables, fruits and hay... dogs. I think I’ll pass on the hay related stuff. It’s weird that they have ponified hot dogs, though not the strangest by far. Still weird that there are some similarities between human and pony culture. I may be a pony now, but I have a strange feeling that I’m going to barf should I eat hay. Ooh, apples. That looks like a good start. I trotted there slowly, trying not to fumble my steps. Thankfully I can control my wings somewhat, so no more floppy wings. I’m an ordinary pony, living in the streets and nothing more. I approached the apple stand. There was an orange mare smiling brightly, wearing a cowboy hat. And she had freckles too, white freckles. I can’t really wrap my head around this one. I’ve never seen a horse or pony with freckles before. In a way, these ponies feel strangely... human. Everything about this is freaking weird! “Howdy, pardner! Ah see yer lookin’ mighty hungry!” The apple mare exclaimed in a country accent. Another similarity between ponies and humans. I’m half expecting her to be Texan and carry a shotgun under her stand. “Uh, yeah. I’d like to have an apple. Um, scratch that, make it two.” I raised a hoof subconsciously, trying to make a two with my fingers. Did I mention it’s weird not being able to feel your fingers? I feel like an amputee in this body, nothing makes sense and I’m missing so much of what made me a dexterous being. The apple mare nodded. “That’ll be two bits!” I laughed internally. Gee, one gold coin for one apple. People would be nuts if that ever happened in our world. I placed the two bits on the stand with my mouth. It felt pretty awkward to shove my entire mouth in a bag to pull out two bits. I must look silly right now. I hope I won’t be here for long; else I’ll feel more accommodated to my pony body rather than my actual one. I left with the two apples, one in my bag and another balanced on my arm, or hoof if you prefer. Yeah, maybe ponies can’t eat while moving like humans do. No, it’s just a pony and pegasus problem because unicorns can lift their food with magic just fine. I’m starting to feel like there might be a superior race in this world. Hey, think there are discourse amongst the three races? Surely. I mean, I’m kinda grateful to have wings. If I was stuck as a regular ass pony I’d be pissed. They don’t really seem to have any form of compensation for having no wings and no magic. Sucks to be them, I guess. And sucks to be me too, I can’t fly for shit. I moved to a park where there were a few benches. Honestly, sitting down on that bench and eating an apple in the middle of a park felt good. It’s something I’ve never tried before, not that I go out too much so just sitting there, enjoying the scenery felt like an adventure. Disregarding all my worries, terrifying implications and infiltrator stuff, this world looked nice. Peaceful, very in touch with nature and colorful as well. Spending some time here probably isn’t as bad as I initially thought. There was just a little problem, again something that has to do with my new body. Sitting as a human and as a pony isn’t the same thing. Before I sat, I watched a couple of sitting ponies to get an idea of how I should be seated. So, problem fixed, except not really. Sitting down like a horse is awkward. My body and mind aren’t used to it. Eating that godforsaken apple was a trial in of itself. I had to balance the freaking thing on my hoof like I was a circus performer just to take a bite outta it. That apple took me minutes to finish. And then, just because the world felt like spiting me, I saw Lyra again. She was sitting on a bench and guess what? She was sitting down like, a, human. Ass on the seat, back lying against the bench and everything. Nobody gave a shit about her. What, so you’re gonna tell me I can sit like a human and that won’t cause any problem, but God forbid I say gold coin? Bullshit! I just felt like getting out of here, but sadly, the unicorn noticed me. “Oh hey, didn’t think I’d see you again!” Oh, I wish I wouldn’t be seeing any pony ever again. I’m just too pathetic and lost to leave. So pathetic in fact I begged in the back of your house. “Same.” I guess the interrogation is on. Better not let anything slip out. “Thought you were heading home. I guess you just couldn’t resist the beautiful Ponyville park!” Ponyville, how original. “I mostly couldn’t resist my appetite.” I waved my apple around, and promptly dropped it on the floor. Crap, five second rule! Lyra giggled, taunting me with her human seating position. I thought we humans were despised! “You’re quite the clumsy pony, huh? I didn’t think I’d ever see somepony who’s a match for Derpy!” Somepony... Derpy. I guess they don’t say “somebody”. I see, they might speak the same language as me, but that doesn’t mean they talk exactly like humans. “You’re mocking me, aren’t you?” Lyra scoffed. “Relax, I’m just teasing! I just think you’re a pretty funny pony, and rather confidant for a pony that struggles to eat an apple.” That’s called a front, Lyra. I’d be ripped apart if I showed any weakness. That’s lesson 101 for espionage with Lucky Clover. Maybe he’s CIA? That’ll be cool. Just imagine being friends with a CIA agent. Could be dangerous too... “So, you’re gonna eat that apple?” Oops! I was thinking too much. “Yeah, yeah. I’m just... wiping the dirt away.” God, that was so awkward. But since she’s here, I could learn a thing or two about this world. I just need to ask the right questions, frame it like it’s not a question. “Back there, you two were arguing about bringing me in.” Lyra blinked. “Oh, yeah. I kinda promised to Bon Bon I’d be more careful after my trip to Canterlot, so she kinda saw that as me breaking my promise and got rightfully angry. I mean, ponies that come from the Everfree Forest are rarely good news.” The Everfree Forest? It did look a little scary on the inside. I only moved on the outskirts, following the lake so I didn’t see any danger. I guess that forest must be especially dangerous. “Oh, that makes sense. Outsiders don’t seem too welcome here.” Lyra waved a hoof. “Oh, don’t let that taint your view of Ponyville! This town is super nice and friendly usually. Ponies right now are just scared, but it’ll pass, eventually.” Something bad happened here and I don’t know. Now that’s the tricky part, I must find out what without giving away the fact I know nothing. The fact they don’t say it openly must mean it was pretty bad. “It’s that bad, huh? I hope they won’t see me as a bad omen or something.” Lyra sighed, lowering her head. “Bon Bon’s already forbidden me from getting near you. If the other ponies find out you came from the Everfree...” I gritted my teeth, my mind already imagining all sorts of horrific ends to my life should that happen. “Are you gonna tell the others?” “I’m not sure I should... but Bon Bon probably will. Don’t get it wrong, she’s not mean or anything. Just a really protective pony.” Protective or mean doesn’t mean anything to me! It’s danger either way! Wait, I just got an idea. The way she’s sitting... “Hey, doesn’t it feel uncomfortable to sit like that?” Brillant, now she’ll tell me something I actually want to know! Lyra looked down. “Not really. I mean, I often catch weird looks from other ponies, and I understand why. I believe I’m the only pony who sits like that.” There! What could this mean? Could Lyra be more human than I initially imagined? Maybe, but I can’t ask that unless I’m certain she is. Then again, I suppose I can’t be 100% sure, Lucky Clover did take a leap of faith when he told me the truth. I suppose I’ll classify Lyra for now as a “good pony”. If I’m ever in trouble, I’ll go to Lucky Clover or her. If a real pony vouches for me then I should be good, right? “Why do you even sit like that? Did you perhaps saw a creature that sits like that? That position is entirely new to me.” To my disappointment, Lyra simply shrugged in response. Maybe she’s nothing more than an oddball and I’m looking too deeply in her case. Still, she can be an ally and, in a world where my kind is detested, that goes a long way. “Huh, maybe I can-” “Lyra!” Oh, crap! It’s Bon Bon! Shit’s about to hit the fan! The candy pony stomped towards her friend, glaring at me. She ignored the park’s path, moving through the grass to get to us. The fury in her eyes screamed danger. Quick, Lyra! Say something! “Oh, Bonny! Uh...” Well, not that! Bon Bon stopped before her unicorn friend and scowled. “I told you not to get near him! He could be dangerous! We know nothing about this pegasus. For all we know, he could be an imposter!” Imposter? Who the hell am I impersonating?! Wait, does that mean I’ve taken over the body of an actual pony when I was transported in the Everfree forest? If it is, then I’m terribly sorry to whoever just lost their body. No, wait! Maybe we switched bodies in which case going back home might just be solved with a spell! Yes, I must find a unicorn who can do such a thing! But first, I must get Bon Bon off me. She’s glaring at me. Clearly, she knows something’s up! “What are you doing here?” “I’m just eating an apple. I was hungry.” That was the truth. The best of lies often have the truth sprinkled in. I just need to figure out how to get good at lying, the most useful skill in this world, for me of course. “Sure... just stay clear of Lyra. I’ve got my eyes on you, Daniel. Don’t take me for a gullible fool. I know you’re hiding something and if you decide to stay in Ponyville; I’ll find out what’s your secret.” Bon Bon threatened. Despite being a cute talking pony, I was pretty scared. She seemed like a smart pony, and one that had a secret of her own. Those kinds of people ponies are always the worst. They can smell weakness. “It’s not one you’ll be interested in. I assure you I’m not a danger or an imposter. I’m just a lost, er, pegasus who wants to get back home.” Bon Bon narrowed her eyes. After a long stare down, she diverted her attention to her friend. “Lyra, I thought I told you to get away from him!” “Oh, sorry. I’ll get going...” Lyra left, glancing over her shoulder at us. Fancy, the only real pony I can count on is friends with perhaps my one and only mortal enemy. At least, I have two friends I can count on. But I should speed things up and look for a competent unicorn immediately, else Bon Bon’ll figure out the truth. And that... will be game over.
Bon-Bon,Lyra,Main 6,Original Character,Human,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Stuck in another world as a pony, I must hide what I truly am, else they'll lock me in a dungeon. Easier said than done; I know nothing about their culture! Thankfully, there's someone else who shares my predicament. Together, we'll find a way home.
<p>My name is Daniel Brooks. I don't know how, but I've been sent to another world. A... uh, &quot;magical pony filled&quot; world where humanity isn't appreciated for some reason. I haven't seen another human, so I can only imagine those who were transported here before me have all been hunted down, probably locked away in a dungeon from what I can tell. That's bad, but wait, it gets worse.</p><p>I've been turned into one of them; a pegasus with a strange motif on my flank. Now I'm stuck in this town called Ponyville with no friends, no family, no job and no home. Just my luck...</p><p>Like I said earlier, these ponies don't seem to like humans, especially those that have transformed into ponies. They despise us, constantly trying to figure out who is secretly human and who isn't. It's not easy hiding what you truly are, let me tell you! I do one stupid things and all eyes will be on me!</p><p>At least, there's somebody else in this town who shares my plight. He's been stuck there for weeks, trying to find a way home. He'll teach me all about blending in. By working together, we can avoid suspicion and get back home. </p><p>I just hope I won't be there for long...</p>
I said I would look for a unicorn who’s great at magic. That took some time, a lot of time to do. Not because finding said unicorn was hard, but because I asked myself way too many questions which lead to self-doubt which led to a long philosophical moment of asking myself if I’d look suspicious doing that. Eventually, I decided to go for it and ask. Surprisingly easy, the townsfolk pointed me to a mare named Twilight Sparkle, the owner of a library called the Golden Oak. The tree’s not golden nor does it have anything alluding to gold but whatever... I now know where to find the magic’s expert. The hard part? Going back home with her aid. I can’t say what I am, nor that I want to go to planet Earth, ‘cause that’ll be a dead giveaway of my true nature. That means I must use the art of deception and manipulation, something I’m slowly getting good at. No, what am I saying; I’m not good at it. I almost blew my cover like three times already. I’m bad at hiding secrets, which might explain why nobody ever confessed their secrets to me. Twilight Sparkle... oh yeah, I can use her to return home. Since this place is considered as a local library, I figured I can just enter immediately. Heading inside, I was greeted by a cozy looking place. The entire library was a literal tree! It was inviting. The walls were bookshelves, there were stairs leading up and down. Overall, probably the nicest library I ever visited. The lavender unicorn in the middle of the room jumped the moment I entered. Didn’t hear a bell or anything when I entered which is odd. Usually there’s something to make a sound to alert the owner that a customer has entered. Twilight Sparkle didn’t seem too pleased by my sudden arrival. “Oh, could you please knock before you enter? That was impolite.” Impolite? That’s a library, people don’t knock on the door to enter. That’s like knocking on a store’s front door, that’s pointless! “Well, this is a local library.” “You must not be from Ponyville, am I right?” How did she figure that? Don’t tell me I’ve landed on another smarty pant! “Uh, correct..?” Twilight smiled. “Figured, everypony around here knows that this library also functions as my house so, they knock before they enter.” That explains how. Still, she’s clever and quick to pick up on things. Might be too dangerous to stand around her... and that voice. I swore I heard it before. It reminds me of someone, but who? “Anyway, I’m pleased to meet somepony new. Welcome to the Golden Oak library. I’m always happy to help a pony who’s interested in literature!” Twilight greeted, still in that voice that taunts my brain with its familiarity. I’ve heard it before, plenty of times but I can’t place my finger on who. Whose voice is this? “That’s nice. I’m interested in a book regarding magic.” Twilight’s eyes sparkled (nice) with excitement. “You didn’t specify which type of magic. Am I to assume you’re interested in other forms of magic?” Uh, shit. I don’t know a thing about magic, much less the types of magic. I’ve got to throw in a wild guess. Looking at her horn, I decided to go with the simplest answer, since I want to use her magic. “Unicorn... magic?” Twilight blinked. “Wow, I’ve rarely seen a pegasus interested in learning about unicorn magic. Makes sense, you can’t use our magic so most don’t even want to bother with it but you’re different. You sound like somepony who has a thirst for knowledge.” She moved to a shelf, fumbling through the books with her magic. Damn, so chatty, so familiar. I only know it’s been a while since I’ve heard that voice. Come to think of it, Twilight Sparkle sounds familiar. Feels like my brain is slowly recovering memories lost to time. “Y-Yeah, well, there’s a lot to unicorn magic and I was just curious to see how far... you, I mean unicorns in general, can go.” “Oh?” Twilight glanced back. “Well just a quick reminder, not every unicorn can do what’s written in these books. It takes a unicorn with a special talent in magic to do the more advanced spells, which would be me as you can see by my cutie mark.” she showed her flank to me. Again, another thing I find uncomfortable with this world. Everybody, I’m sorry, everypony here is perfectly fine with showing their rear ends. Hell, the things that makes them special is on their ass! “I see. Is there anypony else in this town who can do advanced magic?” Twilight Sparkle shook her head. “I’m afraid not. You’ll find most of the talented unicorns in Canterlot, where there’s a school dedicated to honing a pony’s talent in magic. I’m the only pony in town who comes from that school.” Gee, what an expository machine. Are they all that comfortable with being transparent? Most of the people I encountered refused to give the littlest of information unless I directly ask them. Meanwhile, Twilight gives out all sorts of answers to questions I never asked. It’s nice, actually. “That’s cool, what can you do?” Pulling out a book, the lavender mare approached me with the book I wanted. A complete guide to unicorn magic. It’s... quite the chunky book. “A lot of things. Too much to list, but I can tell you a few.” “Go ahead, I have all day.” Twilight smiled happily. “Well, for starters, one of the most impressive spells I’ve learned is teleportation.” Holy shit, that sounds so cool. “Then, I’ve learned to turn apples into oranges.” Meh, sounds rather lame and pointless. “I mastered telekinesis to the point I can fix an entire dam by myself.” Okay, she’s extremely powerful too. Smart and powerful, too traits that spells danger to me. “And I can grow butterfly wings on a pony, but that’s not really practical spell since the wings can burn in the sunlight.” “Is there like a limit to what you can do?” Twilight giggled. “Oh, of course! There are so many spells, I couldn’t have possibly learned all of them so soon! Maybe one day...” That’s a guarantee considering you live in a library. Anyway, I finally left with the book in hand... hoof. And then I returned to the park, making sure Lyra or Bon Bon isn’t in my immediate vicinity. I opened the book, which was a lot harder than I imagined. Remember, no fingers, and I got to read. Thankfully, as with the language of the ponies, I could read their writing. The book covered the basis of unicorn magic, especially telekinesis, the spell most unicorns learn first. It’s also the spell that I wished I had to compensate for the loss of my fingers. Wings are cool, but not really versatile. Magic is, and now I’m jealous. Makes me wonder if unicorns aren’t liked by the other ponies, especially the regular ones. No wings, no magic, just plain boring. It must suck to be them. Twilight Sparkle mentioned she can teleport. I found that spell in the book. It doesn’t seem to be what I’m looking for, however. I wonder if there’s something like a body swapping spell. Hm... no, that may not be the solution. I’m going off a mere hypothesis here. If my guess is incorrect, I might be putting myself in more danger. Still, I have not found a better explanation to my predicament, so I suppose I’ll roll with this initial plan until something comes to disprove my theory. Beginner level, novice level, adept level, expert level, it took me a while to find that body swapping spell. Listed as an expert level spell, it seemed possible that Twilight could do it. The only problem, however, was that the spell needed the two bodies to be close for it to work. Being apart on two different world is not close at all. Well okay then, maybe a, uh... portal could do the trick? If I can’t have my body back, I at least want to get my house back. “I’ll be honest with you; I don’t see how learning about unicorn magic is going to help our case.” Holy shit, I nearly freaking jumped! Lucky Clover snuck up on me while I was reading. How long he was standing behind me, I don’t know! “What do you mean by that? Unicorn magic can get us back home.” I defended my stance on the matter, thought he didn’t seem convinced that my idea held any weight. “I see you’re reading about portal spells. You do realise that to work, the caster must know where the destination, right?” “Why would that- oh...” Yeah, I can’t tell Twilight Sparkle where I’m heading so the spell simply cannot work. But now that Lucky Clover is here, I can ask him a few things that are on my mind right now. “Say, is it just me or could I have heard Twilight’s voice before?” The stallion’s eyes widened. “Hold on, did you seriously borrow that book from her? That’s the single, most dangerous pony you can ever encounter in this entire town!” Oh. “Well, she didn’t suspect anything. Sounded rather friendly when I mentioned I wanted to learn about magic.” Lucky Clover sighed, hopping over the bench to sit in it. “If you bring up literature, it’ll distract her. Good call, I see you at least knew your stuff before going in. I haven’t even tried to enter the Golden Oak, gives off a bad mojo if you ask me.” Still didn’t answer my initial question. I heard her voice before. Now that I think about it, it probably wasn’t in person. Maybe her voice was similar to a TV host or something... As I looked up, I saw a pegasus taking a nap. On a cloud! “Wha-how?” My new friend chuckled. “First time seeing pegasus magic in action! Boy you really must have been sheltered! It’s common knowledge that pegasi can stand on clouds.” I know next to nothing about pegasi other than the fact they are horses with wings. I can’t verify his statement. Well, if they can walk on clouds, then I should at least try to seem less suspicious by doing so. I stood up, ready to use my wings for the first time. I’ll never learn to fly if I don’t try, but just before I could reach for the sky, Lucky stopped me. “I did say pegasi can walk on clouds. That’s the key thing, only the real ones can. We’re clearly not pegasi at the core, so I doubt we can pull off such a feat. If we screw up in front of them, it’ll be a dead giveaway. So... wouldn’t try if I were you. Just saying.” Ugh... can’t I do anything cool for once? Am I just a downgraded pegasus? “I can fly at least, can’t I?” Lucky Clover gave me a look of utter incomprehension. “Well, yeah of course. Just use your wings... You do know how to fly, right?” “Um, that would be a no. Just got here, remember?” My explanation didn’t quite work to convince the stallion that I was essentially a chicken in my current state. He muttered something under his breath before sprouting his wings. “Alright then, this calls for a flight lesson. So listen up, and listen good, newbie. I will make you reach for the sky in minutes, and that is a fact! Now, you will drop this book and stand at attention!” Yep, I was right. He’s clearly a soldier under that pegasus body. “Okay... I’m, um, standing at attention.” “You’re still eyeballing this book, newbie! How can you learn to fly if you can’t focus for one second?! There are many, many dangers in the sky. You can’t assume it’s like a peaceful stroll down a road. Birds, other pegasi, even dragons can accidentally fly into you if you’re not paying attention!” Right, that makes sense. It’s not like I’m a plane flying in a controlled state in the sky. Danger can come from the front, the back, above and below which is much different than walking where I only have to pay attention to what’s ahead of me. Be right back after this training montage. Okay, so... no. No, I’m not telling you how it went. I’ll just say the embarrassment came real close to killing me. As it turns out, suddenly being a flying animal is hard. Using these things is really not intuitive, which explains why there are flight school in Cloudsdale. It’s a city above the clouds meant for pegasi. I get that they can walk on clouds, but building on clouds? I don’t know how they can do that and I’m certain I’ll never find out. Anyway, the lesson ended and now I’m left on a tree branch, with Lucky Clover snickering over my tired body. Boy am I glad that phones do not exist here! People would be having a field day if they could record my first ever flight lesson. My poor friend had to invent an excuse about me being disabled to explain my major fuckup. So here I am, burying my face in my furry hooves, wondering how long I’m going to be stuck here. Lucky Clover flew back to me. “Well, I got them off your back for now. Still, it’ll be hard for you to stay under the radar with that embarrassment of a lesson.” “Gee, thanks for sticking the knife in. You know, maybe next time we could practice away from Ponyville? That’ll keep me under the radar.” I glanced at his motif, starting to feel a little jealous. His was a lucky clover, as his pony name would imply. Good luck sounds much better than my crummy deal which isn’t even a talent, it’s just a diss at this point. “If it’s any consolation, you did better than most foals would on their first time.” God, that only made it worse! “Yeah, being better than the bottom of the barrel isn’t much consolation. You’re gonna give me a banana or something for my ‘consolation prize’?” Lucky sighed. “Not like you’d get much out of it.” He glanced at the sky, noticing it was getting dark. “Celestia’s sun is going down, did you get something to eat?” Man, now that he mentioned it. I was pretty damn hungry! With the money, I mean bits, I have I can eat at a restaurant or do my groceries, though I have no place to stay. “Nah, your training has given me quite the appetite. Wanna crash at a restaurant or?” “I know a cheap place that sells good food, and quickly too at that!” Hold on, do they have fast food in this world? “Though you might want to find something better afterward. That restaurant just isn’t going to cut it.” Well as it turned out, yes! I’m standing before the pony equivalent of a McDonalds. After spending an entire day without eating, I can say I’m hungry like a hippo! Even the interior looked like your average fast-food restaurant. I gotta say, it’s weird to know I’m in a completely different world, yet it operates so similarly to Earth. It’s like we somehow had some influences over this world, or maybe it’s just a pure coincidence. Lucky Clover and I ordered two hayburgers, which I’m guessing is the pony equivalent of a hamburger. Two loaves of bread, ketchup and cheese, but the beef is replaced with hay. I now know why he said this restaurant wasn’t going to cut it. The hay wasn’t doing it for me. Almost made me wanna throw up, but the rest of the burger was tasty. Lucky also had the same problem. I could see it in his face, cringing with every bite he took. It’s quite an achievement really, to make me wish for a hamburger. Normally I like to eat healthy and avoid fast food restaurant, but I can make an exception for this. If I’m starving, anything’s free game. “See? I told you this wasn’t going to cut it. Our diet’s different. What we need to eat is the one thing that fuels us.” I nodded, occasionally glancing at the other tables. The hard part was to eat meat. It’s a rarity in a world ruled by herbivores. I have to hunt for my meat. The first thing that came to mind was fish. If I can find a river nearby, I can catch some fish and cook them, which is also a problem since I need to learn to make a fire. “Is that going to be a problem?” Lucky Clover asked. “Uh, no. I think I figured it out. I don’t suppose you already got your food covered.” He nodded, placing down whatever was left of his hayburger. “I’m good for now, but I’m afraid I’ll have to find a riskier option soon. My reserve’s running out.” Glad to know it’s not a me problem. Well, since we’re together in a mostly discreet location. “Anyway, care to tell me more about yourself? I believe we should know each other since we’re working together.” Lucky Clover wiped the ketchup stains off his mouth, cringing. “Okay then... I’m not really sure what else I can tell you.” “How about you start by telling me how you got here?” He blinked. “Well, I’m certain you already know the answer to that. I mean, it’s the same thing as you.” Oh, so he met the merchant, did the whole incantation and came here. “So you just landed here in Ponyville or where you sent elsewhere?” Lucky Clover frowned. “Close by. Since I was lost and disoriented, I figured Ponyville was just going to be a small stop. Turns out, I’ve been here for days and I still can’t remember the way home. I just... knew it before the damn blast.” “Oh, that’s unfortunate. I was counting on you to return home. Don’t you have any idea? I’ve been thinking of a few, but I don’t believe they’re gonna work.” Twilight Sparkle is a no go. Anything involving unicorn magic is a dead end. Unless there’s a natural portal somewhere we could jump in, I don’t see how we’re returning to Earth. My last idea was to somehow compel a pony here to aid use despite knowing our true nature. Lyra seemed like the only pony fit for the job, but Bon Bon made sure that plan was destined to be a horrible failure. That leaves us with only chance and geography as our allies. Not a good look. “I see. Well, we’ll keep searching, maybe subtly ask some of the ponies here for direction and then we’ll head home by ourselves. With our wings, we can go just about anywhere.” Lucky proposed. “I know a pony here who seems fairly optimistic. I could give her a shot.” That idea pleased my new friend. And so, we split off, making sure our meetings are no less than thirty minute to avoid drawing suspicion. I went to fish off my food at a nearby pond near the Everfree Forest. Difficult, oh so difficult with hooves but eventually I managed to snatch one. I’ll spare you the boring and embarrassing details regarding the fire, just that I finally got it working. I can call that an accomplishment, to cook a fish by myself. Too bad this new skill won’t help me at all once I get home. It’ll be back to buying my groceries. In fact, none of what I’ll learn here will truly help in our human society. This is all a big waste of time! I’ll make sure to beat up that merchant once I see him again. Anyway, once my meal was over, I was full. No longer starving which meant I can now return to my task. I walked back to Ponyville and searched for Lyra’s house. I passed by a fancy looking house, think it’s a shop based on its name alone, Carousel Boutique. Um, the whole place just screamed gaudy so I didn’t stic- “Ooh, I don’t think I’ve seen you before!” Uh... crap. I spun around and saw a white mare approaching me. Her mane was in a spiral shape, something that just defied gravity itself. Everything about her screamed gaudy. From her eyelashes to her mane to her motif. Three gems, was I looking at a stereotype or something? “And you seem fairly handsome. Would you be a dear and help a mare out?” Uh, please don’t let it come to that. I’m no pony so I can’t judge their perception of beauty. I only knew that I didn’t want to stick around, but now I guess I’ll have no other choice but to help her out, else I’ll run the risk of looking suspicious. “S-Sure, I guess.” Immediately, the white mare grabbed me by the foreleg and dragged me inside her boutique. Just before she shut the door, however, I saw my good friend Lucky Clover again. I expected him to mock me for being dragged around like a kid but instead he looked genuinely stressed. He stuck his lips out and muttered something I could only decipher as being “danger” and “foe”. “I apologise in advance if Ponyville seems a bit unwelcoming to you. We all had a terrible run-in a few days ago with those dreadful imposters, especially my friends and me. Some still suspect that they’re among us, but I’d rather believe they’re gone for good.” Oh. Danger...
Bon-Bon,Lyra,Main 6,Original Character,Human,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Stuck in another world as a pony, I must hide what I truly am, else they'll lock me in a dungeon. Easier said than done; I know nothing about their culture! Thankfully, there's someone else who shares my predicament. Together, we'll find a way home.
<p>My name is Daniel Brooks. I don't know how, but I've been sent to another world. A... uh, &quot;magical pony filled&quot; world where humanity isn't appreciated for some reason. I haven't seen another human, so I can only imagine those who were transported here before me have all been hunted down, probably locked away in a dungeon from what I can tell. That's bad, but wait, it gets worse.</p><p>I've been turned into one of them; a pegasus with a strange motif on my flank. Now I'm stuck in this town called Ponyville with no friends, no family, no job and no home. Just my luck...</p><p>Like I said earlier, these ponies don't seem to like humans, especially those that have transformed into ponies. They despise us, constantly trying to figure out who is secretly human and who isn't. It's not easy hiding what you truly are, let me tell you! I do one stupid things and all eyes will be on me!</p><p>At least, there's somebody else in this town who shares my plight. He's been stuck there for weeks, trying to find a way home. He'll teach me all about blending in. By working together, we can avoid suspicion and get back home. </p><p>I just hope I won't be there for long...</p>
Okay so, I’m in danger. Apparently, this white mare right here is dangerous. Sounded like a pony who’s had multiple run ins with our kind. That meant I had to put on my best poker face, let nothing slip through. That's easier said than done. “I’m terribly sorry if I’m bothering you, but you just looked like the perfect stallion for the job!” the white unicorn explained, albeit vaguely. “What job, exactly?” I asked as neutrally as possible, letting no emotion slip through. The indigo haired mare levitated multiple clothes near her stage. “Why, I just need somepony to put these clothes on so I can evaluate them!” This sounds like a test. She’s testing me, forcing me to stay close to her so she can evaluate me, not the clothes. Of course, hours have passed since I left Lyra and Bon Bon’s house, it should come as no surprise that rumors have begun to spread about me. I practically told them my real name. She knows I’m Daniel, but I know nothing about her. “Sure thing, I just want to know your name first, before I get on stage.” The mare’s eyes widened as she held a hoof to her mouth in shock. “Oh! My apologies, I don’t want to come across a rude, believe me. I am Rarity, the owner of Carousel Boutique, a place for chic fashion. If you ever want to put on something fancy, look no further than here!” Rarity is quite the chatty pony. I should expect a barrage of question coming my way while I put on her designed clothes. This... is going to be a tough one. “First I’d like to start with this tuxedo. It’s a little more than simple and modest, however, I added a few delightful touches to make it stand out.” Rarity then pointed me to a dressing room for me to put on the tuxedo. Now, why do ponies need a dressing room when they’re always naked? I don’t know, and it felt strangely human for a race that’s so far removed from us. And as expected, Rarity started asking me questions while I was dressing myself. “Now that we have some time to spare, may I know your name? I believe I’ve heard from other ponies that your name is, er, Daniel but that doesn’t sound right. No offense.” I shouldn’t have told my name outright, but I suppose I can’t blame myself for doing so considering I was knee deep in denial. That does, however, leave the present me to fix this past mistake. “Daniel is not my name. I was confused when I woke up in Ponyville. Daniel’s the name of an, um, old friend. If you want to know my real name, then it’s...” Ugh, yes, yes it’s Hack Writer. Lucky Clover and I couldn’t find a better name, so I just have to roll with it. Hate the name, I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s practically slander eternally attached to me. And that excuse I found for the Daniel problem isn’t really any better. At this point, I wish my real name was Jack Ryder, then I would have had a much better excuse, as well as being a nice reference. “Hack Writer.” “Oh... Well it’s a nice name, a bit unexpected but it has a nice ring to it.” Nice ring my ass. I can appreciate her kind response, but I can tell she finds it funny. “Yeah, been thinking of changing it for a while now. Problem is, I don’t have a better name in mind.” I said as I struggled to put on the damn tuxedo. Fidgeting the buttons with hooves is a tough endeavor and it’s slowly killing my patience. “In any case, I noticed there were bits on your cutie mark. I presume you must be from a big city like Manehattan, correct?” What the hell is a cutie mark? She said there were bits on it so... Oh, I get it now. Those motifs I’ve been seeing all days are called cutie mark. Okay, that’s good to know. Still, she’s right about one thing; I do come from a big city, only not from here. “Right on the mark, I’m a writer in Manehattan.” Also seriously, Manehattan? Am I hearing that right? Are the names of the big cities in this world just ponified versions of human cities? Hm, better dig a little deeper. “You seem to like the big cities, is there any place that interests you in particular?” “Oh, well, aside from the two obvious cities that comes to mind, I’d like to visit Las Pegasus. It sounds like a fancy place meant only for the chicest and elite of ponies.” Ponified versions of cities in the United States then? “But ultimately, I still prefer Ponyville. It might not be the chicest of towns in Equestria, but it’s the most charmful place I ever lived in. I can’t expect to ever make friends as kind and loyal in any other city.” Finally, I had put on the tuxedo, but I just wanted to make one last random statement before I left the dressing room. “I can see why, plenty of nice ponies there. The librarian here is also very interested in magic, I borrowed that nice book about magic.” From the thin opening in the curtains, I could see Rarity staring at the book in question, pleasantly surprised. “Then you’ve already met one of my closest friends! I’m terribly sorry if you weren’t met with kindness and open hooves. Times are tough, ponies are scared of strangers, but I promise things will get better. Are you finished?” “Yes I am.” Rarity put me on stage, telling me to hold various poses whilst she examined how I looked. Gotta say, it felt strangely good to be looked at and admired somewhat by a woman, even if that woman was a talking mare with oversized eyes, but a win’s a win. “Pardon me if I’m being a bit chatty, but I heard that you spent a lot of time today with Lucky Clover, is that right?” There it is! She’s onto us, and she’s being subtle about it. My good friend was right in calling her a “danger”. I must take suspicion off the both of us. “Well, yeah, can’t really deny that. He helped out a lot with my flappers.” Rarity’s smile lowered. A worried look overpowered her previous positivity. “It might seem that way to you, but I found that Lucky Clover started acting strange a few days ago. I mean, I could be wrong; he’s only my neighbor after all, he only swings by from time-to-time to help me out but that still worries me. Did anything strike you as odd when you talked to him?” Oh shit, I was right on the money. Though she doesn’t seem to suspect me at all, she’s warried of Lucky Clover. That’s bad, that distrust is going to spread to me too. Since I’m an outsider, I might as well flat out lie to her. “Not really, I’ve never met him before so I can’t say I felt that something was wrong with him. Sorry.” “Oh, no need to be sorry. It could all be me looking too deeply into other pony’s business. I’m sorry to be bothering you with all this. I don’t want to make you panic, not when you’re so generously helping me. But still, could you please warn me if anything happens to Lucky?” Okay, that’s good. She’s not as aggressive as Bon Bon, but not as carefree as Lyra. Overall, I’ll place Rarity on the lower end of dangerous. I can get some use out of her, for my social status of course. Don’t let your mind go in the gutter, please. The rest of this dress up game went on without too much trouble, though it was stressful. Rarity’s a curious pony, but isn’t too aggressive with her questions. It also helps that I’ve learned more about pony culture, therefore I can bluff and lie better. Still, I am missing some vital information regarding their hatred for humanity. I can understand why they’d hate us. We’re far from being saints after all. Pollution, slaughterhouses, constant warfare, not the best look. That’s not to discredit humanity. We do have some good, but I’m afraid that just won’t do here. Not when the hatred runs so deep. “Well, I believe we are done. Thank you so much for sparing your time to help me, Hack Writer.” Rarity said after a long hour of testing. Good timing, I was just about to have a panic attack with all her incessant questions. Still, I believe I’m starting to get on their good side. They’ll drop their guards eventually and then I can go around town safe and sound. “Hey, no problem. I’m not going to turn down a lady’s help.” Heh, smooth. Rarity seemed flustered by my response. “You’re quite the charming stallion, and a very interesting one at that. Perhaps you could come back one day to help me again, or maybe commission a beautiful and fancy suit for an event? My door is always open, except during closing hours.” With Rarity now out of the way, I left Carousel Boutique without a hitch. Things were looking good so far. I was getting better at hiding my true identity and was getting ponies to like me. At this rate, they’ll never find out and I’ll be able to find a way home safely. Still, it’s been an hour since I last saw Lucky Clover. I wonder where he’s at. He seemed pretty worried when Rarity dragged me in her shop, I was expecting him to come and help me but I guess he thought I was good enough to handle myself. Lucky Clover... I wish I could know his actual name for once. It just feels weird to call a fellow human a lucky clover. Same thing goes for my dear name, Hack Writer. Unlike my good friend, my name is pejorative, and I hate it for that reason. Daniel’s a much prettier name but it’s not ponylike, so I’m stuck with an insult for a name. All the more reasons to get the fuck out. Walking, or more specifically, trotting downtown, I came across Lucky Clover who was searching around for something it seemed. I naturally intercepted him, seeking the only person I could trust in Ponyville. “They still don’t know?” Lucky asked me the second he saw me. “We’re still good. I’ve hidden it pretty well.” My transformed friend glanced around before ushering me in an alley. “Alright, now this is the worst part. Ponies around here know that there’s a new stallion in town. You know what this means, right?” I don’t like where this is going. Judging from the increases in balloons I'm seeing in the streets, I’m guessing they’re about to throw me a welcome party. “I guess I kinda do. But still, wanna tell me just to be sure?” Lucky frowned, glancing at the streets often. “Pinkie Pie, the Element of laughter, has caught wind of your arrival. She’s excited, and is now looking all over town for you. I’m afraid our only option is to hide in the clouds. Nowhere in Ponyville is safe from her, she’s fast and unpredictable. Fly high and don’t get spotted.” She’s that fast? Can’t I simply hide in a house like Lyra’s? Hm, no. On second thought he’s right. I don’t have anywhere to go. Rarity might let me in, she lives in a shop, easily accessible by any ponies. Lyra lives with Bon Bon, so I can cross that idea off immediately. That leaves me with nothing but the sky indeed, or the forest nearby but I don’t think going there is a sane idea. That place gives off a bad mojo. “Alright then, I guess I’ll be seeing ya... Wait, how long am I supposed to stay in the clouds?” “I-I don’t know.” Lucky stammered. “Long enough for me to somehow convince Pinkie Pie to lay it off with her welcome party.” I guess there’s not much choice. Sprouting my wings, I flew in the air rather slowly. Hey, I was still getting used to them! The good thing was that I did reach for the sky. Lucky’s lesson in flying paid off! I was able to fly at a leisurely pace without falling. I flew high enough to touch the clouds, but I did remember that Lucky said we can’t do so because we’re not “real” pegasi. So, was I really expected to keep flapping my wings for hours? That’s practically an endurance test, and I suck at those! That is, unless I can walk on clouds. Who knows, maybe he simply didn’t want to try because he’s too scared or something. I hesitantly placed my hoof down and... it felt like I was touching solid ground! I touched the cloud with all four of my hooves and stopped flapping my wings. Lo and behold, I didn’t fall through. I was standing on a cloud! What was impossible before was now in the realm of possibility! I laid on the cloud and oh Lord was it comfy! Now that, was one of the perks of being a pegasus. I might have lost my precious fingers, my bipedal structure but at least, I can fly and lay on clouds. That’s a win in my book. Still, I would love to have my fingers back. I mean, just imagine being a human that can fly and walk on clouds! Now that is the ultimate lifeform! I guess I’m just stuck as a semi-ultimate lifeform. Not bad by any mean but could be better. Hey, hold on, am I seeing a hot air balloon. Oh dear God, there’s a pink pony in it. Pinkie Pie and... Lyra too? “Hello, Daniel! I heard you just arrived in Ponyville today! Ha ha! Isn’t it just the best place in all Equestria! Of course, it wouldn’t be the best town if it didn’t throw you a special welcome party!” In my confusion and fear, I only managed to stammer a weak response. “N-Not Daniel.” “Huh? But you’re Daniel!” Lyra raised an eyebrow. “You told Bon Bon and I earlier this morning.” “Uh, n-no. That was a mistake. Daniel’s the, um, name of a friend. My real name is Hack Writer. I-I was just confused when I woke up.” That’s it, stick to the same story. If they question Rarity, they’ll see I’m keeping a coherent narrative, which should get them off my back. This quick explanation worked on convincing Lyra. In fact, she looked even more assured now that she believed the whole Daniel thing was a mistake. Not that it mattered for Pinkie Pie, she looked just as happy and bouncy as ever. Whatever my name is, she’ll shove a cake down my throat. “Then hello, Hack! Come on down, I’ve already prepared everything at Sugar Cube Corner!” The hot air balloon slowly descended, which now made me wonder how Pinkie Pie was able to get a hot air balloon up here this fast. I was only on that cloud for about five to ten minutes. Think I’m seeing why Lucky Clover was warry of her. Well, since I’ve been spotted, guess there’s not much choice other than to confront the entire town. Great, Pinkie. This is probably going to turn into a public execution. I jumped off the cloud and slowly descended. I wasn’t fast like a speeding bullet, so I simply floated to the town below. I wasn’t suicidal enough to attempt a bold landing. The closer I got to Ponyville, the more ponies I saw gathered around Sugar Cube Corner. It felt like I was jumping in a shark tank. That metaphor only got stronger once they noticed me. Eyeballed by hundreds of ponies. Bad thing I’m not immune to stage fright, which is way worse when you know the audience would wanna kill you if they find out you’re a fraud. Think I’m about to have a panic attack. Landing in the middle of the crowd, I was met with cheers which was weird. I’ve never lived in a small town before, so I can’t really say if people are usually this tight knit outside of big cities, but it was... nice. I’ve never been center stage before, but today that all changed in an instant. Hey, maybe this party isn’t going to be so bad after all. Then, I was almost smacked on the head by Pinkie as she placed a party hat on me. Aggressively excited would be a good description of Pinkie Pie. She hauled me in Sugar Cube Corner, which contained many more partygoers. She must be a popular pony in here for she got everybody riled up for my welcome party, something I never imagine would be a big event. “Now, this is your super-duper awesome welcome party! There’s punch, games and a dance floor for everypony! This is going to be the best day of your life!” Pinkie kindly offered me punch. I drank it and before I knew it, she was gone in the crowd of ponies. I was sort of relieved to be left alone for a bit. That was a lot to take in. The party was big, and it would appear not everypony is staring at me. They’re all split through the many activities offered, which was a good thing. I’d be screwed if they always had their eyes on me. I guess I can enjoy the party now without being peer pressured into doing something. “Hey, it’s a nice party, right?” Lyra came to me again, not accompanied by Bon Bon (thank goodness). “I’m sorry if your introduction to Ponyville was a little rough. You don’t look dangerous. I think Bon Bon’s just a little stressed out because of the wedding. Well, that’s behind us now, I don’t want to bother you on your special day so I guess I’ll leave you to it. That is, unless you don’t any friends to have fun with.” Um, where was Lucky Clover? He said he’d get Pinkie Pie off my back but clearly, he failed. Considering I was center stage mere minutes ago, he should know I’m in here. But then again, this would be the first time a woman’s interested in spending some time with me... Gah! Even that doesn’t feel right! She’s a mare, I’m a man. We’re not the same thing. I, uh, also hope that my sexual preferences weren’t modified with this new body. I’m still human underneath this furry pony body. Oh screw it. Just go for it, Daniel. “I do have one other friend, but I wouldn’t be opposed to having fun with you.” Eh, could have been phrased better. Lyra smiled brightly. Everything about her radiated optimism and positivity, it was also contagious. “Let’s start with the buffet! I’m hungry!” And so was I, even though I had a good meal earlier. This day was rough, stressful, completely and utterly insane. It left me with quite the appetite and since this is my party, I don’t suppose nobody would be opposed to what I was about to do. “Wow, you’re quite the glutton. Even I can’t eat that much!” Lyra exclaimed in awe. I was a talking horse now, no need for class. I’ve entered survival mode and seeing as I wasn’t sure I’d get this much food tomorrow; I ate until my body couldn’t take it anymore. “W-Wow. Thish ish good.” I praised, my mouth full of cake. Wasn’t a pretty sight to behold. Lyra giggled. “If it’s that good, let me take a bite!” A grey figure popped in unannounced. It was Lucky Clover, here to join the party! My party! “Oh, this cake looks nice...” “Who’s that?” Lyra asked me. “That’s the friend I mentioned, Lucky Clover.” I said, pulling my pegasus friend closer. “We just met today, but he’s quite nice, you’ll see.” Lucky shot me a strange look when he saw the cake stains around my mouth. He slowly approached the cake and took a bite. He chewed, looking rather uncomfortable and swallowed. “Y-Yeah, it is a nice cake.” Lyra blinked. “You don’t look like you’re enjoying it.” My friend winced. “Yeah, this flavor isn’t my cup of tea. I think I’ll eat something else instead.” Lyra glanced over a batch of cupcakes. “Then how about you try out these red velvet cupcakes? They’re absolutely delicious!” She levitated one over to his face. “Come on, try it now!” Lucky Clover stared at the cupcake, then at Lyra before he decided to bite into the tasty treat. The both of us watched rather awkwardly as he chewed. We both exchanged strange looks as he ate the cupcake before our eyes. Seconds passed and he finally swallowed. “Hm... Hm? It was good.” That was all he had to say about the cupcake. Lyra seemed rather disappointed. In fact, she whispered into my ear. “Gee, I thought it would get a good reaction out of him. He doesn’t seem to like eating, huh?” “I didn’t know that. He just kinda strikes me as the serious type. Don’t get me wrong, he means well in the end. It’s just that he sometime has a rather commanding attitude. He’s a good friend, though.” Lucky raised a cautious eyebrow. “Are we done sharing secret information away from me? I can tell you think I’m strange.” I quickly took his defense as the good human friend I was. “Well, so am I. I don’t think there’s any harm in being weird, right Lyra?” The unicorn nodded. “Ponies think I’m weird too for, um, reasons I’d rather keep to myself... f-for now.” My secretly human friend grumbled. “Is this how you’re gonna go about it? I mean settling down in Ponyville.” Ah, so this is how we’re gonna talk in here. “Uh, yeah. Lyra seems like a great pony to befriend first. She understands me.” I think she does? That was just a throwaway line. “Yup! Oh that reminds me, Hack, do you have a place to spend the night in?” Lyra asked, which was a very important point indeed. So much has happened, I forgot entirely about sleeping! I had no shelter whatsoever. Hope I’m not going to sleep in the streets. Hey, what about Lucky Clover? Where does he even sleep? “I would gladly let you rest at my house... but Bon Bon’s still against letting me see you. Which is why I only came to you in this crowd. She doesn’t know I’m here!” “I have a house with plenty of space. Hack can spend the night here.” Was I hearing that right? Lucky Clover already has a house in this world? Damn, talk about being efficient! I’m really lucky to have an ally this great. “That’s nice! I was scared for a moment we’d be sleeping in a dark alley.” Lucky Clover gritted his teeth. I don’t know why, but I’m guessing I must have made a mistake. Luckily (heh), Lyra laughed it off. “Oh, Hack, didn’t you know Lucky lived here for years already?” Wait, years? I thought he was here for weeks or maybe even months at most... I didn’t know he was here for this long. Holy shit, does that mean I’m going to be here for as long as him? “Uh, Hack? You seem a little pale.” “I-I think... I need to go to the bathroom.” “It’s right this way, you’ll tell us if something’s wrong, okay?” Okay, I’m good. Sorry for wasting you all this much time. I got over that troubling revelation after a couple dozen minutes. The party was still going strong, but I was drained of energy. I desperately needed sleep so... I asked my friends if they would help me bail out of my own welcome party. It wasn’t as easy as I thought. Despite there being a fuckton of ponies, Pinkie Pie somehow managed to single me out and stop me just as I was about to head out with Lucky Clover. What followed was rapid fire barrage of questions and mood swings I never thought were possible. Pinkie went from sad and distraught to happy and reassured when I told her I wasn’t leaving because I thought the party sucked. Ugh, I hate being in the spotlight like this. Everybody stared while this was going on and now, I was being guilt tripped into not bailing. Thankfully, the developing bags under my eyes were enough proof that I needed a fucking bed, and they finally let me out. I was tired, like running on fumes levels of tired. That gave me an idea. “Hey, Clover? Only best buddies would carry each other home.” He looked over his shoulder and already I could tell that I failed. “You need to be stronger than that if you want to head home. I won’t tolerate any slacking even when you’re tired. We’ll face lots of trouble on the way home, I know that so, do try to get in shape while we’re staying here.” Okay, he’s not making much sense. He lived here for years, but he’s talking as if he wasn’t in Ponyville for long. I’m not following. Oh! What if, he did switch body with a pony when he got here, which would imply that the same happened to me. That would explain why he’s been here for years yet acts as if he wasn’t. Inside Lucky’s home, I was relieved to see it carried that same cozy feeling Lyra’s did. The houses in this town feel very welcoming. The perfect place to spend the night in. I hurried to the stairs, wanting nothing more than to crumble in bed and fall asleep. But just before I could do so, Lucky asked me one last thing. “Are you hungry?” Lucky asked me, pointing at the door leading to the basement. Did he just forget I ate a crap ton of cupcakes and chocolate? “No thanks, I’m full.” I answered. My good friend gave me a concerned look. “Okay... just make sure to eat healthy, alright?” Yeah, I’m starting to regret eating all those cupcakes. My stomach’s complaining. Nothing a good night sleep can’t fix. Entering the bedroom, I wasted no time to crumble in the bed. I couldn’t even be bothered to pull up the sheets, I was too comfortable in that position. Sleep came to me easily. No need to worry about tomorrow, all that mattered to me now, was that there was still hope left.
Original Character,Other,Human,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity,Sex
Merry May's Time With a Human
Merry May accidently runs into Equestria's resident human(and her friend) after work, going home with him. Things get hotter from there.
<p>Merry May may have a infatuation with James, Equestria's resident human and her best friend. She works up the courage to tell him after running into him after work and things get spicier than she ever dreamed of. </p><p>Worked with TheKing2001 on this, he helped with the more romance aspects where I focused on the more sex aspects. Be sure to follow him.</p>
I ached as I finished my long shift of weather work. I’ve been pushing clouds all day and I haven’t even taken any break for the past twelve hours. Normally we aren’t supposed to do that but well, I need the bits so. “Hey Merry!” I jumped off the cloud I was about to doze off on and peered over the edge. Ponyvilles resident human James, my best friend and my crush was waving at me and I yawned. He was a tall slim man with brown hair, sea green eyes and was wearing a black hoodie, grey shirt, black jeans and boots that I secretly adored. “Hey!” I called back as I pushed my cloud to the ground. “How’s it going?” “Good. Wanna go get drinks?” “I would but I’m exhausted. My wings and back hurts like crazy James,” I sighed as James rubbed his chin. “Well, why don’t you come to my place?” James suggested as I instantly blushed. “I have more than enough room and can help you.” “How so?” I asked curiously and tried to calm my blush down. “Rub your wings and back like this,” James said as he reached out with a hand and rubbed the base of my wing as I tensed up and felt a shock of pleasure course through my body as he rubbed the base. It felt so good and I felt the aching go away as I let out a low moan and closed my eyes slightly. “You okay there?” James asked with a hint of concern in his voice and I opened my eyes. “You fell asleep for a few moments there. Wanna get going?” “Mhh yeah,” I said as he lifted me up and I blushed again. “W-what are you doing?” I asked and whispered. “There’s ponies watching!” “Carrying you. Don’t lie, you enjoy it,” James snickered and brushed my ear as I sighed contently as he wrapped an arm around me. “I do yeah,” I admitted sheepishly as I pushed down my feelings. There’s absolutely no way he would ever love me back. He’s a human stuck here forever and I’m a pony. As much as I want it to, it would never work out. “Let’s just hurry please I’m embarrassed.” James offered no response, just chuckled as I nuzzled his neck. He must have came from sugarcube corner because he smelled like cherries. In no time at all, we arrived at a large green house with a white roof that Applejack, Rainbow, Big Mac, Blossomforth and a few other pegasi I work with helped him build. Raindrops and Cloudkicker were both more than happy to help him. He unlocked the door with one hand and me held in the another as he opened in and we walked inside. I’ve been inside here countless times and he always added more random decorations. “Where’s that at?” I asked and pointed at a light house on a lake as James shut the door, smiling sadly. “Lake Michigan. I was born on the coast of it. It was like my second home,” he stared at the painting sadly. Twilight had worked on getting his memories from home recreated in his house. “It looks beautiful,” I mused as he nodded. “Maybe one day we can find a way to go there together if Princess Twilight can figure it out.” “I’d like that a lot,” James sighed and shook his head before setting me down on a comically large couch. “Lay down how ever you want.” I gave a nervous nod as I stretched my forelegs out followed by my hind legs as James rested his hands on my back and started to work my muscles. “You’re very tense. Been flying a lot today?” James asked above my head as I nodded and moaned in pleasure as his hands worked the base of my wings and my wings stood up straight as I turned red. His hands felt surprisingly well as he expertly worked my back and wings as I bit my lip. “How did you get so good at this?” I moaned again as James smiled slightly. “I don’t know. Does it feel good?” James asked and I snickered slightly. “Beyond good,” I said as I felt much more relaxed and my back aching was gone. “Thanks, I feel much better. I lo- I appreciate you a lot.” “Likewise,” James said as he picked me up and placed me on his lap, covering us up with a blanket so only my face was poking out. “Hi.” “Hi.” “You look adorable right now, I like your pink mane.” “It’s plum colored,” I corrected instantly as James chuckled and scratched behind my ear. “Oh that’s the spot.” “Glad to see you’re still part cat Merry,” James chuckled as he cuddled me. “What do you wanna do?” “Make out?” I suggested with a playful grin. I didn’t think he even took me seriously until he pressed his lips to mine and my eyes shot open wide. “Mhmmmm.” “Like that?” James asked with a warm smile as I turned red yet again and I hesitantly kissed him again. I didn’t really have any experience with kissing or any thing like relationships. I felt his tongue press at my mouth and I hesitantly opened my mouth, feeling his tongue press against mine. His tongue was much less rough than mine and our tongues swirled together. “I’m not entirely experienced at kissing,” James admitted after we separated with a thin strand of saliva connecting our mouths. “Do you like me?” I whispered as my eyes flicked up to his. “Of course. I don’t really know you felt but well, you were one of my first friends other than Twilight. You really defended me against some ponies who didn’t really like me or trust me. Namely Lily and Spoiled Rich,” James scoffed as I growled quietly. I had almost fought them both over him once. “Yeah well now you know,” I rested a hoof on his couch nervously as he kissed my forehead. “Wanna go again?” I asked sheepishly as he kissed me again and I felt his hand trail down my wing to my cutie mark and I sighed contently before jumping as he squeezed my flank. “Woah!” “Did I fu-” James started nervously before I kissed him harder and lidded my eyes as he squeezed my flank again. He threw the blanket off us and he stood up as he started walking up his stairs and I inhaled nervously before kissing him again. “Where we going?” I asked nervously as James kissed my neck gently. “My room unless you don’t want to,” James answered as we stopped on the steps and I pushed down my fear. “I want to,” I said nervously. “But uhm I’ve never had sex or anything so be gentle please.” “I will,” James promised as he planted a soft kiss on my lips and I hummed happily as we walked into his room and Idyarwd around his large room as I laid on his large bed. Or well, large to me a small pony. “Your bed is comfy,” I said as I purred and rolled around playfully on the soft sheets before stopping on my back. “Thanks,” James smiled warmly at me as he climbed on top of the bed and I instinctively clenched my legs together and covered myself with a tail. “Merry May?” “Y-yes?” I asked nervously as I stared into his bright green eyes. “You’re a beautiful mare. You don’t have to be embarrassed around me and we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” James promised as he scratched my ear and I relaxed more as I moved my tail and slowly spread my legs as we both stared at my pussy as we both blushed. “I trust you,” I said honestly as I felt a hand trace my lower lips and I inhaled sharply. “Oooh that feels weird but like a good kind. I’ve never had a hoof or well hands down there- OH!” James rubbed me with a finger as I felt myself get wetter and I gasped a few times as pleasure jolted through me. “Is that good?” James whispered in ear before nibbling my neck as I nodded rapidly as I grabbed onto his shoulder with a hoof and felt his finger push inside me and I yelped in surprise. “Oh fuck,” I whispered and shuddered slightly as James continued slowly working his finger inside me. “It’s good. Really good Jamesy.” “Obviously not if you’re still talking,” James commented mischievously as I felt him push a second finger inside me and I gave a grunt as I sighed happily. I had originally thought this would be way more painful than it actually was. Sure, there was some minor discomfort but not any real pain. I felt my first orgasm of the night coming as I gasped loudly, arched my back and cried out loudly, splashing his fingers with my sticky mare cum. “That was amazing,” I panted out and gave a tired smile at James as I stroked his side lovingly with a wing. “I’m glad I could be entertaining,” James chuckled as I examined his boots. “How do I get this damn boots off?” I asked as I fumbled with his boots and he pressed a hand on my side before untying them, tossing them lazily to a corner. “Oh and uhm what about those?” I blushed and gestured at his pants as James turned red too before unbuttoning them and I couldn’t tear my eyes as he pulled his jeans off, pushing them on the floor and his underwear as he called it came next. Humans wore too much clothing in my opinion I mused as I turned even redder and stared at his dick. I didn’t know anything about human dicks and I only know about stallion ones from health class but his was decent size to me at least. “You’re gorgeous you know that?” James asked as I nuzzled his cheek and he returned the gesture as I pushed him on his back. “What are you- woah.” I tentatively flicked my tongue against his tip as James shuddered and I experimentally gave the shaft a lick up the side of it before stopping at the tip and going down the other side. “W-wow,” James moaned repeatedly as I continued licking excitedly. I felt a haze of lust start to cloud my mind as I continued my eager licking before I took a risk and stopped at the tip, opening my mouth wider and slowly pushing my mouth down on his dick. “Merry, don’t hurt yourself-” I continued trying to push my muzzle the rest of the way down his dick as tears welled up in the corners of my eyes. I gagged as I reached halfway before I was forced to pull my muzzle off his dick smd hid my face into his shirt. “I’m sorry,” I muttered miserably and wiped my tears away. “I tried to make you feel good but failed.” “You did good,” James reassured me and stroked my cheek. “I was more worried about you hurting yourself. I felt good don’t worry. Lay back and relax Merry.” I gave a confused nod as I reluctantly got off his chest and laid on my back as I watched James climb between when my legs as my eyes widened and I realized what was about to happen. “Be careful,” I whispered nervously as he nodded. “I’m scared.” “I will,” James promised as I maintained eye contact with him. His green eyes were full of lust but more prevalent was a shocking amount of love as he kissed my forehead. I let out a whimper as his tip brushed my lower lips and I grasped the edge of his bed. Moments seemed to pass by and I internally knew words couldn’t recall either of us back at this point. He pushed and I screamed as I felt him slowly sink inside me. It was painful, more painful than I expected and I continued to scream as he slowly sank deeper. “Fuck!” I screamed in pain as James stopped and I hugged him. “Oh fuck my life. Let’s just sit here please while I get used to it.” James started peppering my face with kisses as we sat in with him inside me as he wiped some tears off my face. “I’m so scared,” I whimpered as James continued kissing my face. “I know. It’s gonna be fine. You’re so beautiful and perfect,” James whispered back as I turned red at the compliments. I’m a sucker for compliments, especially from him. “I’m ready,” I said confidently and James gave me a slow nod. I waited as he started pushing once again and I gave a loud cry. “Oh fuck!” The pain slowly but surely disappeared and I soon focused on the pleasure coming from James slowly thrusting in and out of me. It was very pleasurable and I started gasping repeatedly as I pulled James close to me with a hoof and started making out with him. James grunted into my kiss as I whined happily as wet slapping sounds echoed through his room as I thrust my hips back in time with his thrusts. “Harder,” I whispered once we separated as James gave me a wary nod and I felt him pull back till only his tip was in me and I shrieked once he slammed even harder than before into me. “AAAAHHHH!” I felt even more pleasure than before as James continued slamming away at me as I kept my loud screams and happily cries up, whinnying a few times as I faintly made out the neighbors turn on their lights. “Inside or out?” James grunted as my tongue lolled out of my mouth and I started drooling on our pillow. “I-inside!” I gasped out as i felt my walls get even tighter as I started cumming. “Oh yesssss.” James growled as he held onto my shoulders and I felt a warm liquid squirt inside me and I sighed happily at the warm cum in me. “I- holy fuck that was good,” James panted as he pulled out and collapsed next to me as a thin trail of cum leaked out of me. I was happy there was no blood like I heard happened to some mares. “I couldn’t have pulled out even if I wanted to, you’re super tight.” I turned red as I curled up in a ball on his chest and James draped a blanket over us. “I love you,” I whispered nervously as he gave me a loving look. “I love you too,” James whispered as he hugged me and stroked my ears. “You’re the best partner I could have ever asked for.” I sighed happily as I relaxed on my man’s chest and we fell asleep together in bed. It felt nice to be loved in all honesty and especially by the one I’ve been chasing forever.
Anon,Main 6,Human,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Beware The Cuddler
Equestria's most wanted criminal, The Cuddler, is on the loose!
<p>The Cuddler is on the loose!</p><p>He is wanted for such crimes as head pats, ear scritches, mane and coat brushing, back scratches...and the worst of all, belly rubs!</p><p>Princess Celestia has put one million bit bounty for information that leads to the apprehension of The Cuddler.</p>
The Mane Six enter the sleepy little town of Hoofton after receiving a letter from Princess Celestia that the most wanted individual, The Cuddler, has been spotted in the area. "Alright girls, spread out and look for signs that The Cuddler has been here.", Twilight says. "Look for mares, stallions, fillies and colts who seem unusually relaxed or giddy. You can identify his victims by their freshly brushes manes and coats, rub marks on their tummies and scritch marks around their ears." Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack quickly popped the lavender unicorn a quick salute before splitting up and going in different directions through the towns *** Applejack was comforting an upset shop owner. "Jus' tell me what ya saw." The shop owner let out a few sniffles and wiped his nose before he told his story. "It was a slow day, so I decided to close up shop and go home early to surprise my wife. That's when--that's when--" He broke down into blubbering sobs. "It's okay, pardner.", the farm mare said as she gently stroked a hoof down his back. "Jus' take yer time an' tell me what ya saw an' heard." The shop owner took a few breaths, swallowed hard and nodded. "When I came home, I called out for my wife, Crystal Vase(pronounced Vahs). That's when I heard some moaning coming from the bedroom. When I burst in the room, that's when I saw him. A big green flat-face monkey, looming over my wife as she lay on the bed! He had in one paw a brush that he was stroking down her side while his other paw was rubbing her belly, chest floof and chin!" He took a breath to calm his temper. "When I shouted out 'What's going on here!', he turned to face me and reached out a paw towards me! I turned and galloped out of there as fast as my hooves could carry me!" He let out a keening wail. "Oh dear sweet Celestia! I ran and let my poor, poor wife in his vile clutches!" He buried his face in his hooves and wept bitterly. "I'm such a coward!" Applejack shushed the shop owner as she stroked his back with a hoof. Once he calmed down, she spoke. "Can ya take me to yer house an' show me where ya saw Th' Cuddler?" *** Rarity was standing next to a couple of stalls as she gathered facts about The Cuddler(more likely looking for saucy gossip). She was talking to a pair of earth pony mares, Daisy Chain and Flower Crown, about The Cuddler "attack". "So, darlings, tell me what you saw. And don't leave out any details." She levitated a pencil and pad to write down every saucy detail. "Ugh! What a vulgar display! Right there in the middle of the town square!", Flower Crown said. "Me and Daisy Chain were hauling our carts to go to the market district when we saw him! Ugh!" Daisy Chain picked up where her friend left off. "Ugh! It was so vulgar! That flat-faced green monkey was doing such vile things to a pair of foals! Foals for Celestia's sake! He had those wiggly bits that had what looked like little hooves on the end, and he was scratching them up and down their backs. Ugh!" Flower Crown picked up the story again. "Me and Daisy shrugged off our carts and charged him. That's when he reached out with a wiggly bit at the ends of both of his paws and poked us on our snouts! He even said 'Boop the snoot!'. It felt kind of good, but well...I have now words and I don't remember much as suddenly there was this pleasant scratching sensation at the base of my ears I've never felt before." Both mares sighed as they stroked at their ears with their hooves, then stopped and looked at their hooves with disappointment. "It's just not the same.", they both said in a dejected tone. Rarity fanned her face with a hoof. "Oh my word!" *** Fluttershy sat on the floor of the classroom in the schoolhouse as she listened to the foal and schoolmarm tell their story. "It was a normal day. I was teaching the foals about how pegasi weather teams bring in clouds or the different weather." "It was super boring!", a foal spoke up, which elicited a chorus of giggles from the other foals. The schoolmarm shushed the foals before continuing the story. "Then this big green flat-faced monkey just walked in! Then he said, 'Oops! Wrong building.' Seeing this big creature nopony has ever seen before, I charge him because the safety of the foals comes first." She paused and swallows hard. "That's when he reaches a paw out. I freeze thinking that I'm about to see the Elysian Fields. He starts scratching my neck, then he moves to scratching my ears and chin. It was like nothing I had ever felt before!' She closes her eyes, remembering the sensation. "That's when he moved on to the foals, scratching their heads and necks! Robbing their bellies! He even poked some of their snouts while saying 'Boop!'" Fluttershy's cheeks turned red. "Oh my!" *** Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud talking with the local pegasi weather teams. "I hear that ya had a run-in with The Cuddler. What happened?" A pegasus stallion with a black coat and bright green mane was the first to speak up. "I was flying over town when I saw that biggreen monkey. So I decided to swoop down, knock him to the ground, tie him up and collect that one million bit reward. He turned and wrapped his forelimbs around me, giving me a hug I had never experienced before. I'm a big stallion-y stallion and can appreciate a good hug. Right fellas?" The other pegasus stallions nodded and gave affirmative grunts. "After he hugged me, he started scratching my sides and back. That's when everything went blank." Another pegasus stallion with a bright green coat and a black mane spoke up. "I saw that big green monkey attacking my brother, so I swooped down to confront him. That's when my mind went blank as there was the scratching sensation on my ears." The other members of the Hoofton weather team told similar stories Rainbow Dash sat listening to them as her wings flared. *** Twilight was trotting down the street towards an alleyway after receiving a hot tip about The Cuddler. Reaching the entrance to the alley, she stopped suddenly. There laying on the ground was Pinkie Pie laying in her back. All four legs were sticking up in the air and her eyes were partially rolled up in her head as her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Twilight ran over to her friend. "Pinkie! What happened?!" "Belly rubs! Chin scritches! Floof scratches!", was all the pink party mare could say. Twilight put on a stern face. The Cuddler had just struck and that meant he was close. Taking a moment to examine her surroundings, she noticed some odd prints in the dirt. They weren't the U-shaped prints of a pony's hoof, they were odd oval-shaped prints, they were fresh and they were heading into the alleyway. Twilight steeled herself, lit her horn in preparation to blast anything that came at her and walked into the alleyway. As she cautiously walked into the alleyway, she took note of the long, dark shadows that could hide almost anything. With her ears twitching back and forth, she panned her head from side-to-side. She passed a dumpster and a green hand reached out of the shadows for her ear. *** Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy returned to the camp they had set up just outside the city limits of Hoofton. They were preparing to settle down for the evening and start their search for The Cuddler anew in the morning. The four mares stopped when they heard some cooing moans coming from Twilight's tent. "What in th' world?", was all the farm mare could say. "Maybe Twilight found some handsome stallion for company?", the fashionista said. "Oh my!", was all the animal lover could say. "Nah! Twilight ain't into mares or stallions.", the athletic mare with the blue coat and multispectral mane said. There was a familiar bubbly giggle that came from Twilight's tent. "Hee-hee-hee! That tickle-wickles! Keep going!" Suddenly there was a loud moan coming from Twilight's tent and a deep, masculine voice said, "Goodness me. Your back is full of knots. Do you slump a lot?" All four mares stared at Twilight's tent for a quick moment. "Uh, ya think Th' Cuddler is in Twi's tent?", Applejack asked. "Only one way to find out!", Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She zipped over to Twilight's tent and threw open the flap. "Sweet Celestia! The Cuddler's attacking Twilight and Pinkie!" Anon, who had been giving Twilight a back massage while occasionally scratching Pinkies belly, looked over his shoulder and raised his hands. "This isn't what it looks like! I was just--yah!" A blue field surrounded his body, yanked him out of the tent and pinned him to the ground. "I was doing nothing wro--" "Silence, cretin!", Rarity shouted as she stamped a hoof near The Cuddler's head. Applejack pulled out her rope and started tying him up. "We git ya now, ya no good varmint! Yer goin' away fer a long time, Cuddler!" "I'm too pretty for--mmph!" Anon's words were cut off as a bandanna was tied around his mouth, making a gag. "Twilight, Pinkie, darlings! Are you two okay? That had to be such an ordeal!", Rarity exclaimed as she ran over to the tent to check on her friends. "He didn't hurt me any!. Pinkie said. "When he rubbed my belly, it felt gooooooooood!" "And that knot in my wither, it was loosening up.", Twilight replied "His wiggly bits on his paws can do things a hoof can't." "Well he's going away for a long time.", Rainbow said. "Ah'll go inta town an' see if'n Ah c'n borrow a wagon. Shy, Dash you two keep an eye on him, Rares, ya make sure Twi an' Pinkie are alright. Ah'll be back in an hour."
Anon,Main 6,Human,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Beware The Cuddler
Equestria's most wanted criminal, The Cuddler, is on the loose!
<p>The Cuddler is on the loose!</p><p>He is wanted for such crimes as head pats, ear scritches, mane and coat brushing, back scratches...and the worst of all, belly rubs!</p><p>Princess Celestia has put one million bit bounty for information that leads to the apprehension of The Cuddler.</p>
For several days Anon lay in the back of an uncomfortable wagon. When they reached a train station, he was unceremoniously dumped into a luggage car and tied to a luggage rack. Twice a day ponies would come in and give him food, mostly apples or carrots. Every couple of hours they would bring him water in what looked like big versions of the water tubes for hamster cages. *** For two weeks Anon had laid hog tied in the luggage cart. Once the train reached Canterlot, he was handed(hoofed?) over to the royal guard. The six mares who had caught him got to split the reward. Anon grunted as he was deposited on a plush red rug in a long room. Along the walls were tall fluted pillars. The winds were stained glass depicting different ponies beating different enemies. He knew this room well. Anon ran his eyes along the red carpet. His eyes followed the red rug up to a raised dais. On top of the dais was a throne, sitting on the throne was a white mare with a pastel rainbow-colored mane that blew on ethereal winds. She wore golden shoes, a golden ceremonial yoke with a violet gem in the center, and a golden tiara. Sitting to her right was a dark blue mare with a mane that looked like the night sky that also blew on ethereal winds. She wore vestment similar to the white one, only they were clack as onyx, and the ceremonial yoke had mother or pearl adornments in the center that depicted the phases of the moon in a stylized manner. A golden aura surrounded the ropes and they were untied. Anon rubbed his wrists, glad to be free of the bonds. "Anon...", the white mare spoke in a bell-like tone. "Did you think you could escape us and avoid capture?" "Aye, indeed sister.", The dark blue one spoke. "Belly rubs, back scratches, floof scratches, chin rubs, ear scritches and snoot boops are reserved for royalty only. Thou hast caused much disruption and strain on our little ponies." Anon lowered his head. "I'm sorry, princesses. It's just that ponies are so fluffy and snuggly and cute that I had to go out and give them as many of them scratches and scritches and pets as I could." Celestia rose from her throne, walked down the dais and gently placed a hoof under Anon's chin, raising his head to look at her. "Anon, I know you oomyns have a compulsion to scratch and scritch and pet and boop all furry creatures. We cannot have you simply giving them out to the common ponies. It would cause riots as ponies would fight over who would be next to get their ears scritched or their bellies rubbed or their snoots booped." Anon gave a small nod. "I understand, princess." Celestia gave a small smile and walked back to her throne. "Come, Anon, my sister and I are in dire need of some belly rubs and ear scritches." Anon rose to his feet and walked towards the two princesses. *** For two weeks Anon gave the princesses ear scritches, chin scratches, floof scratches, back scratches, massages, belly rubs and snoots boops. The whole while he was planning another escape. Today both princesses were busy and had not called on him. Anon was currently planting the seeds for his next escape. He was currently giving ear scritches to a small group of castle staff. "If you want more scritches, you will help me with my escape plan. It's not going to be today, but it will be soon enough." "I know somepony down in Ponyville who can help you get out. Her name is Lyra Heartstrings. I'll talk to her when she comes to visit." Anon smirked as he could see the pieces for his next escape were slowly moving into place. After all ear scritches, back scratches, chin scratched, floof scratches, massages and snoot boops were for everypony, not just a pair of princesses.
Original Character,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Dark,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Profanity,Violence
A Life For Two
Determined to live a happier life, two ponies mess up their only chance. Luckily, rulers of the country get to pardon crimes.
<p>Two orphans, growing up in one of the worst societies. The difference between them and others were quite big.</p><p>That, however, all changes when these two leave their home.</p><p>Permanently.</p><p>Though, having a harsher personality than the average pony, <i>could</i> result in a few very minor crimes.</p><p>Very minor.</p><p>Thankfully, getting an alicorn or two to pardon their crimes for a while is easy.</p>
In the questionable community of Klugetown, at its very edge, a simple tavern has been deemed the most famous place for the residents. The place had no name, yet every creature that lived there knew of it. In this establishment, there had been a mutual agreement for no weird or cowardly shenanigans. If you had a problem, fight it out. That had been the age-old rule ever since it was first opened. Right outside the tavern entrance, sat a filly on a wooden box. The filly had a light blue coat and a deeper shade of blue mane. A single horn stood tall with a few chips on the sides. A bored gaze as she slumped. She wore a cloak with the hood off as customers of the tavern flew by, either through the door or through the windows. Blood splattered as those who were thrown out were bleeding from several injuries as some never moved again. She patiently, albeit bored, waited as constant sounds of glass shattering and furniture being broken rang out from inside the tavern. Then it stopped. After a minute of silence, the entrance opened once again. This time, fully breaking it off its hinges. "Alright, let's get the hell outta here." An annoyed voice calls out as the owner stepped outside. The one who stepped out wore a grimace as a few shallow cuts were visible on his brown fur, likely going to leave more scars to his already damaged body. A long scar travelled across his right eye, reaching from his forehead to the edge of his mouth, not fully reaching the organ itself. His mane was a full black as it was splattered with blood of different colors, the same way his coat had been. He wore a full leather jacket, seemingly old as several stitches stood out, evidencing to it being fixed by hoof. He cracked his neck as wings stretched out through the holes in his jacket. One was a normal looking wing while the other was a metallic one, giving off steam as it moved while glowing with a blue hue. "Took you long enough. You getting rusty or something?" The filly said with a playful smirk as she levitated a simple cigarette in his mouth. "Bullshit, that fucker called in others since he knew I was taking this from him." He answered with an annoyed tone while pulling out a contraption of metals and wires as the cigarette was lit with a blue colored magic from the filly. Taking a long drag, he exhaled as a bunny jumped up on top of him. The bunny nestled itself into his messy hair, completely ignoring the blood on its white fur. The filly stretched before finally moving off the box. "So, that the last piece right?" He asked, adopting a grin as the metal contraption was taken by the filly. "Yeap." She answered excitedly as she took the rabbit as well. "Did you take long because you had a drink?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. "No." "Bull-shit." She said while elongating it as she held the rabbit in the air. "Did he take long because he took a drink or is he a fucking liar?" She asked with an innocent voice. The pegasus laughed at her ridiculousness as they walked. "Fucking knew it." She proudly said before putting the rabbit on her head. "Yeah yeah, keep this shit up and you won't get a treat." He lightly threatened with a smile. "Fuck you, I'll be eating as much as I want when we reach civilization." They shared a chuckle at that. *BOOM* They looked back at the tavern, that has now imploded with wood splinters going everywhere and everything was on fire. Said fire started spreading to nearby buildings. The pegasus frowned, realizing something as he patted around his jacket pockets, then looked at the the bunny with an irritated expression. The bunny looked back with a nonchalant attitude, then shrugged, earning a giggle out of the filly. The pegasus tried to stay serious, but soon joined her laughter. "Alright, alright, let's get outta here before the entire town hunts us down." He said as they started walking again. The bunny victoriously grinned as they started moving. "Hasn't that always been the case?" The filly asked playfully. "It sure was." He replied with a reminiscing tone as he remembered their first day while throwing away the cigarette butt. "Yo!" The filly screamed at the top of her lungs as trio made their way inside a warehouse, her voice echoing back. "Do you really have to do that every time we come here, Bliss?" The pegasus asked lazily whilst locking the door with a dozen different locks. "Of course I do Maddie, gotta make sure everyone knows we're the owners of this place." She said while taking the rabbit on her head off with her magic. "You agree with me, don't you Daisy?" Maddie playfully rolls his eyes before moving towards a cabinet. Bliss heads to a wooden boat, roughly able to board 15 ponies, suspended in the air on a platform. Daisy decided to lounge on a nearby couch. "Better do it fast Bliss, monsters don't wait too long here." Maddie calmly said while moving random items such as clothes, weapons, all kinds of weird contraptions and toys towards the ship in boxes. "I know, just focus on not breaking my shit." She responded nonchalantly while focusing on the circuits inside the hull of the ship. *BANG* Three pairs of eyes widen as the banging on the door quickens. "SHIT!" Maddie exclaims as he started sprinting towards the ship with the last box. Bliss quickly attached the last wire to the contraption, slammed a metal cover on it and started screwing it shut. Maddie threw the last box on to the ship and stood near Bliss. A loud boom rang out as the entrance, along with the surrounding wall, exploded, revealing an angry mob. "TODAY IS THE DAY YOU DIE!" A bipedal fish with a big figure yelled while holding a pitchfork. Right as Bliss finished tightening one screw, Maddie threw her up, earning a startled yell from her. With one flap of his wings, he landed on the ship deck. Bliss was standing at a wheel, attached to a number of wires that ran through the ships interior. A loud startup noise flooded the warehouse as two large fans started spinning, blowing away those who tried to approach it. "HIT IT!" Maddie yelled, prompting Bliss to press one of the buttons on the wheel. The ship hovered as two large wings spread from the two sides of the ship. "SHIT'S TOO HEAVY!" Bliss yelled as she opened a compartment right under the steering wheel and stepped on a lever. Maddie ran towards the edges and looked down, spotting several hooks lodged into the hull. He simply pulled one off, the one who threw it screamed before splattering on the ground. Bliss waited while constantly tapping her hooves as she looked at a tube slowly getting filled with a green liquid. "Come on, come on, why the hell is physics so annoying sometimes." She silently complained as she worriedly looked around the deck while waiting for the tube. Maddie gave a heavy punch, knocking off another climber as more and more creatures started climbing on the ropes. He tried to pull off another hook, only for his organic wing to get snatched by another hook. As he fell, he roughly pulled it out, spraying blood into the air. Instead of flying, he gave a single flap and tucked them in as he turned into a sharp object. *THUD* He stomped down, breaking the face of whoever had pulled him down. With a grim frown, he stood tall as he looked around his surroundings. Giving out a beast like growl, he pounced towards the first one who approached him. Back on the deck, Bliss jumped back while throwing down multiple orbs from her robe which filled the area with smoke. "You think a little smoke would give you an edge? We're all blind here!" One of 7 different bipedal creatures yelled as he pulled out a sword. "Am I?" The childish voice asked with a taunting tone, shortly before a gurgling sound rang out. A singular thud told the six left that they were in danger. Slowly, bodies fell one by one as the only one who was left gained more and more fear with each, and every dull thud that rang out. He frantically looked around, trying to locate anything to help him, or at least where his initial target was. Then he spotted something. Three blue lights, far away in the smoke, slowly fading away. He took a step back, fearing what the lights were as they suddenly turned back on, brighter than ever as it rapidly approached. He hastily made a swing with his sword as the lights ducked low, fully dodging the attack before he felt a sharp pain in his stomach area. He looked down, noticing the knife with a weird edge. The edge started glowing with a blue light as he hastily looked towards his attacker, only to see the three dull lights, surrounded by a metal shape of a pony head. Bliss let out a relieved sigh as she took her mask off, the body with an opened ribcage fell on the floor with a thud. She quickly dragged the body and threw it overboard as the ship floated higher. "MADDIE! GET YOUR ASS UP HERE! WE'RE LEAVING!" She yelled before letting a small orb fall onto the deck. The orb opened up, revealing the insides as the signature blue shined brightly as the smoke was blown away. Maddie, on the other hoof, was having a hard time with the mob as he gave a quick punch for any who stepped closer. He was breathing heavily as a few bruises were shown on his body. With a spin, he knocked out one more before hearing the shout. While ducking lower, he tensed all four of his limbs as he prepared his wings. The mob noticed the pattern and jumped him, only to hit nothing but themselves as Maddie was already in the air. However, he couldn't make it. Just as he started to panic, the silhouette of Bliss appeared as she threw the rope down with all her strength. Maddie barely reached the edge, biting into it before his hooves slipped. Bliss hurriedly held the rope, only for it pull her forward, forcing her to use the edge of the ships fence as leverage. Struggling with the rope, she held it with one hoof and her mouth as she brought out a tool with two sharp ends and slammed it into the fence, holding the rope down tightly as the tool retracted, holding the rope tighter. Maddie, still dangling on the rope, slowly climbed up as he used his mouth and all four limbs to hold on tight. Then, he felt a pulling sensation on the rope and looked down, noticing the mob trying to climb up. He frantically looked up and down, weighing the options before finally deciding. "BLISS! TAKE OFF!" He yelled, loud enough for every creature to hear. Bliss, without even a second thought, instantly slammed the previous lever as the tube was emptied. The ship started to shake as the sound of the two fans became loud enough to deafen anyone near them. It sprouted out green fire as the ship instantly took off into the air, breaking through the crowd and burning the few who had stood behind it. With the ship in the air, Maddie peacefully started climbing up with a fast beating heart. Still under the ship, he looked forward rather than upward and noticed an armored bipedal dog quickly climbing up on a rope. The dog gave him a vicious grin before quickly going up. Maddie frowned heavily as he increased his speed, only to be slowed down as a sharp pain ran through one of his back legs. Quickly looking down, he saw the leader of the mob, piercing his hoof with a hook and tried to pull down, only for Maddie to lift his hoof, consequently the leader as well. Maddie gave a glare at the fish as he gave a sheepish grin before he fell from the sky with a dozen broken teeth and a broken nose. Finally reaching the deck, Maddie gave a quick look around, only for him to notice the dog holding a sword, about to swing down on Bliss. "BLISS! LOOK OUT!" He shouted as loud as he could as he ran towards the pair, being painfully slowed down by his injured limb. Bliss quickly turned around, spotting the sword high in the air. With adrenaline running through her body, she sidestepped without thinking, fully dodging the attack as she leaped away. The dog tried to give chase, only for a pissed off pegasus to jump onto him, knocking him to the ground. Maddie gave a him a pounding, morphing his face into a broken mess with a few punches. He tried to attack back with his sword, only for Maddie to swat it away with his metallic wing before finishing him off with a stomp. Breathing heavily, Maddie threw the corpse off the ship before slumping down at it. Bliss was at the wheel, pressing all kinds of buttons as a giant balloon appeared on top of the ship. She let out a relieved sigh as she walked towards one of the scattered boxes, pulling out a big blue box, decorated in stars. "Don't work too hard Bliss." Maddie said as Bliss opened the box, bringing out plenty of medical supplies. "Shut up dumbass, I ain't letting my big brother die like that." She said with a teasing smirk before applying alcohol on his injured hoof, earning a flinch from the stallion. "Baby" "Fuck you" The two stared at each other blankly before bursting into laughter. Tightly bandaging the wound, Bliss sat next to Maddie, leaning on him as they peacefully drifted through the clouds. "We're really making it out." Bliss mindlessly said as she let out a small yawn. "Yeah, it does feel like a dream, especially since we don't even know where we're headed" "Oh yeah." She mindlessly replied before pulling out a rather outdated map and a compass with a broken protective glass. "So, this says Klugetown and we're headed towards the N symbol" "North" "Mhmm." He nodded in response. "Then our first town would be 'Appleloosa', what you think?" "It's sandy, how about a greener area?" "Aight, going further we have 'Ponyville', though it's located behind, the Everfree, shit." He grumbled, remembering the book that talked about the forest and its uncertainties. "Oh come ON!" Bliss yelled in annoyance, pulling her face down with her hooves, knowing exactly why it was dangerous. The ship suddenly started shaking slightly. "Fuck, is the ship injured?" Maddie mumbled as the two stood up. A thud grabbed their attention as a bipedal bird creature ran out, burnt spots on various parts of his body. He held up his sword at the two as they tensed, preparing for an attack. But it never came as a familiar white bunny, now red as blood drenched off of her, appeared right behind the birds' neck before biting into his throat. The two watched with slight disgust as the little rabbit brutally ended the life of their enemy. Panting slightly, Daisy pointed to a door behind her. The two opened the door as a heavy scent of blood filled their noses. The room, which was supposed to be where they stored their stuff, was filled with over a dozen corpses of all kinds of species. "Guess that's what's shaking the ship." Bliss commented as Maddie moved to throw the corpses overboard. "Take your share." Bliss lazily said as he opened up a bag of jerky. "Savor it, it'll be a long time before we eat this again." Maddie joked as he put a piece in his mouth. Daisy just rolled her eyes as she munched on her piece. "Fuck no, I ain't ever eating this crap again" "Well, I'll probably miss it after a year or two, nostalgia and all" "I guess you're right, but I ain't liking it" Maddie simply chuckled at her attitude. Their small meal time was disrupted however as the ship rattled, though the trio weren't bothered. "Guess it's about time that ran out." Bliss commented as she approached the steering wheel and pressed a few buttons. The loud sound coming from the fans were lessened as the sails dropped down from a singular wooden pillar. "Uh, Maddie?" Bliss asked nervously. "Yeah?" He asked back with a full mouth as he stood next to Bliss. "So, we already passed the sandy area right?" "Yes?" "And now we're flying over green" "I, have noticed that, yes" "Well, since we ran out of that green juice, we'll be flying over Everfree with normal speed" "Oh, fuck. How far are we from Appleloosa, we could ride the train from there no?" "Alright, yeah, that makes sense" Just as they were about to solve their current issue, the ship rattles once more. And this time, it doesn't stop as smoke starts to rise from one of the sides of the ship. Bliss stayed to check up on the ships controls as Maddie ran towards the smoke, peered down to see the metal cover bent in half. "Fuck! Bliss, Daisy, we'll have to get off the ship." He said as he ran towards their stacked boxes. Pulling out a few essential items such as scraps of metal, a few white boxes wrapped in plastic, his secondary lighter and a bag of jerky. "Shit, can't believe I have to leave this stuff." Bliss complained as she grabbed a few small devices and put it into her cloak before finally grabbing a ball with a ring on it. "You blowing it?" Maddie asked with a raised eyebrow. "Hell yeah, not a single fucker apart from you two is touching my shit." She replied with a malicious smile as she pulled the ring off with her magic. As she tossed the ball into the box full of devices, Maddie grabbed both her and Daisy before jumping off the ship. A loud boom was heard as the ship was torn in half from the resulting explosion, slightly inconveniencing Maddie who was trying to control his gliding. "Hold tight you two, I'll try to glide straight to Ponyville, hopefully not getting knocked down over the Everfree." He told them as his wings straightened out, giving him more speed as he rode the air currents. "HYDRA!" Bliss yelled, prompting Maddie to look down as the distant three headed beast threw a boulder straight towards them. Maddie furled his wings, barely dodging the projectile as he and his passengers fell rapidly. Uncurling his wings once more, he groans in annoyance as he hears his metal wing creaking from the wind pressure. Now flying only a slight bit above the tree line, the three waited with bated breaths as their altitude lowered bit by bit as time passed. Time passed slowly, the trio tense as Bliss and Daisy carefully watched the ground in case something attacks. Even though they've traveled at a fast speed for a time that felt longer than it was, they still had not left the forest. "We'll have to stop for now, my wing is getting too tired" "Aight, land there, we can follow the river to Ponyville." Bliss responded as Maddie shifted his wings, leading them towards the river. "Hang on tight." He said with a grimace as he fully positioned his wings to stop his flight, yet they still went forward with a high speed as his hooves scraped against the ground. Leaving a long trail in the dirt ground, the trio finally stopped as they fell into the river. A series of grunts were heard as the three got fully submerged into the water. After a few seconds of silence, three distinct groans were heard as the three started climbing out of the river. "Damned physics." Bliss complained as she stretched her back, only to hear a painful crack, eliciting a high pitched squeal from her. Daisy simply jumped back in, though at a shallow part as she started to clean the blood off her body. "Oh for fuck's sake." Maddie said as he checked his metal wing. A few sparks of electricity sizzled out as the entire interior of the wing was exposed. Maddie felt around the base of the destroyed wing for a while before pulling it off entirely. A dozen different needles were extracted, leaving the area where his wing was supposed to be, filled with needle marks. As blood started to flow from the marks, Bliss wiped it off with a wet part of her cloak before putting a few band-aids on the bigger holes. While Bliss worked on his injuries, Maddie brought out a white box and ripped the plastic covering off with his mouth. He took out one cigarette with his mouth as he pulled out a lighter from his jacket pocket. "Ah, shit." He said as nothing but clicks came out from the lighter. "Oh what will you do without me?" Bliss said with a teasing voice as the cigarette was lit with magic. "Probably die from fighting the entirety of Klugetown." He said with a chuckle. "Dumbass." She responded with her own chuckle before she slapped his back. "Done" "Thanks." He said as he stood up, only to stumble slightly. Daisy finally came out of the river, fully regaining her white color and yawned slightly. "Actually, we should probably rest a bit." Maddie said while sitting down. "Cool! We're gonna camp out!" Bliss said excitedly before bringing out several spikes, all connected by strings as she started placing them around their area. Maddie chuckled at her excitement as he walked towards a few trees. "I guess I'll make the campfire"
Original Character,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Dark,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Profanity,Violence
A Life For Two
Determined to live a happier life, two ponies mess up their only chance. Luckily, rulers of the country get to pardon crimes.
<p>Two orphans, growing up in one of the worst societies. The difference between them and others were quite big.</p><p>That, however, all changes when these two leave their home.</p><p>Permanently.</p><p>Though, having a harsher personality than the average pony, <i>could</i> result in a few very minor crimes.</p><p>Very minor.</p><p>Thankfully, getting an alicorn or two to pardon their crimes for a while is easy.</p>
In the ever dangerous Everfee forest, smoke rose high to the sky the same time as the sun. Many beasts and creatures tried to approach, only for them to be greeted with an electrifying sensation. They fled. Sitting in a rather bizarre position for his species close to the source was a brown pegasus. His face was blank as his eyes were closed. His breathing was rhythmic, and his body twitched every now and then. His most notable feature being a giant scar on his right eye, or perhaps the fact that he only has one wing. On his lap, laid a small light blue filly, peacefully slumbering as the single wing of the pegasus, and an oversized jacket protected her from the sharp winds of the night. Laying right on top of the filly but under the wing, was a rabbit with a snow white fur, sleeping in a poised manner. As they continued to slumber in relaxing silence, the first rays of the morning light shone on the pegasus, awakening him with a rush of morning air. Daisy awoke almost instantly and scanned the area with her ruby eyes before leaving to do her business. Maddie just silently sat there, pondering whether to wake up Bliss or not. In the end, he slightly shook her while calling her name. "Wake up, sis, we gotta start moving" Rising slowly with a yawn as she rubbed her eye, Bliss held Maddie's wing and jacket tightly to her chest, trying to escape the cold bite of the morning wind. After a few seconds of sitting, she finally opened her eyes and looked straight at Maddie. As she continued to stare, Maddie only looked with expectation, fully knowing the outcome. In the end, Bliss just pouted before laying back down. Only chuckling at her attitude, Maddie carefully placed her on his back and covered her with his only wing as he stood up. Taking a deep breath, Maddie released it as a sigh as he moved to collect the spikes Bliss had planted the night prior, finding that a few of the strings looked a bit more strained than it should've been. "Guess I didn't need to stay awake after all." Maddie commented to himself as he put the last one in one of his many pockets. He calmly lit a cigarette, using the dying embers of the campfire. With Daisy climbing back on top of him, Maddie starts to follow the river downstream. "Oh shit, I think we actually found it." Bliss excitedly comments, still on top of Maddie but without the wing as they climb over a fence. "Fucking finally, I carried you for like 5 hours." Maddie said with a small smirk. "Oh please, you used to carry me the whole day" "Yeah, back when you were tiny as fuck, nowadays you're pretty heavy" "Maybe you're just weaker now" They shared a chuckle at their little exchange while Daisy just sighs at their stupidity. "Anyways, you know what the hell these things are?" Maddie asks as they stand in front of a tree. Quite a large number of red colored things were attached to the branches of the plant. Seeing something they've never seen before, Maddie lifts up Bliss, who cuts the stem of the new red thing and stores it inside her cloak. "Wonder what this thing does, and why someone would be growing such a ridiculous amount of it." Bliss comments as they stare at the distance, the entire field filled with similar trees. "Whatever the reason may be, we should probably leave fast, it's not smart to stay still after stealing after all." Maddie responds as he quickly climbs back over the fence to follow the edge. Walking for quite a while, they finally reach something that looked like an entrance, allowing them to gaze upon the town. Silently staring at Ponyville, the three just stand there, entranced by the peaceful nature of it. Daisy fully settles in Maddie's mane, laying comfortably. Bliss laid down on Maddie, hugging his neck with her hooves as she looked on with a serene expression. Maddie simply returns the hug with his wing as he calmly takes it all in. Slowly letting out a breath, Maddie was about to start moving. "Can Ah help y'all?" A heavy accented voice called out to them. Slowly turning back, Maddie gave a bright smile as his eyes closed. Bliss simply slipped her hoof in her coat, preparing to bring out her knife, just in case. Daisy simply stared, ready to strike at a moment's notice. The owner of the voice, a red earth pony with a yellow mane, flinched very slightly at the scene, now eyeing the trio suspiciously with his green eyes. "No, we're just new to town, thought we'd look around." Maddie answered, opening his eyes ever so slightly. The unknown pony just narrowed his eyes, already wary of them. "This here is private property, Ah'd suggest y'all leave." He spoke with a slightly threatening tone. Maddie nodded slightly before turning around to leave. As the trio slowly left his line of sight, the red pony just sighed before walking into the field. "Dang real estate agents, using foals tah try and gain sympathy." He muttered to himself before continuing his chores. "Clear." Bliss said after she looked back. "Good." Maddie said with a sigh. "You think he's suspicious of us?" "Definitely, and I don't know if I could've taken him, he's pretty big" "But you've beaten bigger" "Yeah, but he's also the same species as us. If anything, we might be on the weaker side." Maddie finished with a frown. "I guess that makes sense." Bliss accepted with a slight frown as well. As they calmly walked, a very distinct sound reminded them of a matter of extreme importance. "Maddie, I'm hungry" "I heard, we haven't eaten breakfast yet" "Soooo-" she nervously said. "Yes, we'll be eating in town, actual food too probably." Maddie answered with suppressed excitement. "YES!" Bliss celebrated loudly. Maddie chuckled at how excited she was, and he couldn't lie, he could barely hold himself back from sprinting into town at full speed. The thought of bringing too much attention did the most to keep him at bay. Arriving in Ponyville, the trio treaded carefully, watching around for any pickpockets and the like. After careful observation of their surroundings by remaining as inconspicuous as possible, they very quickly realized their first problem. "They don't use frags, why the fuck would they use frags." Bliss put her hoof to her face as she mumbled her complaints. "We'll have to try the other method." Maddie calmly said as they stayed near the shadows of buildings. "In broad daylight? Are you sure we can lose them?" She worriedly asked. "Don't worry, I have a plan" "Let's hear it" Right above the peaceful town of Ponyville, a light blue colored pegasus stayed high in the air, sleeping whilst snoring. Dreaming of random air stunts and such, she muttered of ponies praising her newest trick. Until, her instincts as the town's protector shouted for her to go do her job. "Something's wrong." She said as she awoke and stood tall in half a second, her rainbow colored mane and tail floating from the strong winds. With a flap of her wings, she took off as she started to circle the town, looking for any kind of trouble. And she found it. With her superior technique of multitasking, she calmly gazed over the town while flying, then she spotted a pony she didn't recognize. Or rather, she couldn't recognize as a small pony ran into Filthy Rich, then said something before running off. Then another pony she didn't know came out, stopped Filthy Rich to say something before sighing and walking off in the direction of the filly. "There is definitely something going on." She said before taking off. Landing right in front of Filthy, she stopped him. "Filthy, I need you to check your belongings" Filthy looked confused for a few seconds before asking. "Why, Ms. Rainbow Dash?" "UGH, just do it." She demanded with a serious face. Still confused, but complying, Filthy Rich opened a saddlebag he was carrying, only to realize that it's empty. "What!? How could this happen? I just made sure I had my bits on me. Rainbow only frowned and took off in the direction of the thieves. Said thieves were currently treading through the town, having changed directions multiple times, arrived at one of the only food establishments in Ponyville. "Ooh, Maddie, I need to eat something from there." Bliss said with stars in her eyes as she smelt the scent coming from the gingerbread house. "Sounds good." Maddie complied with a smile as they made their way inside. As the trio open the door, a small jingle plays, alerting the owners. "I'll be with you in just a sec dear." A feminine voice called out from behind the bar. "It's fine, we'll wait." Maddie replied absent-mindedly as he looked around. Staring with slight awe as she stepped off of Maddie, Bliss marveled at all the decorations and the different kinds of desserts stacked on random tables. Maddie wasn't that much better as he peered at the glass container, silently pondering if it's worth it to just take it all without the owners knowing. Even Daisy took peeks at all the different treats. "All done, how can I help you?" The owner called out as she stepped out of the kitchen. "Oh my, I don't think I've seen you two before." She said with a smile. Snapping back to reality, Maddie took the initiative whilst Bliss was still absorbed. "Yeah, we're just visiting, and thought it might be a good idea to eat something." He replied with a practiced smile. "Well then, I welcome you to Ponyville, I'm Cup Cake, but you can just call me Ms. Cake, everypony does." She said with a genuinely kind smile, one that made Maddie flinch, ever so slightly from surprise. "Well Ms. Cake, it's great to meet you, you can call me Maddie, that over excited filly over there is Snow Bliss, and this is Daisy." He said after quickly reorganizing himself. Daisy rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed at having to wait. Ms. Cake took a peek at the bunny, only to chuckle at the similarity of another bunny she knew. Maddie stared with a raised eyebrow at her. "Oh don't worry dear, I just thought about how similar Daisy is to another bunny I know." She said with a chuckle. Maddie responded with his own chuckle, though a bit awkward. "Well, what would you like to order?" She asked, changing topics. "Oh, Uh, I'll, um." He frowned a bit, not knowing any of the names. "Maddie." Bliss called out, almost in a whisper as she stood with her front hooves on a table. Said table had a cake on top, stacking up three layers as it stood tall. Bliss was looking up to the very top, before she turned her head to Maddie with shining eyes, full of desire. Maddie stared, slightly shocked at the scene before cracking a smile and chuckled a bit. "We'll take a cake like that, and three drinks to go with it please." He told as he turned to Ms. Cake, who was giving an amused smile, prompting her to take the order and move towards the back to bring out a stored one. Placing the three layered cake, she added three tall glasses, filled with chocolate shake, that was topped off with cream, sprinkles and one strawberry and straw each. "On the house." Ms. Cake said as Maddie was taking out a stolen pouch. "What?" He asked with a confused face. "It means it's free hun, first time customers get a free order." She finished with a smile. "But, that's, extremely unprofitable isn't it?" She let out a few chuckles at the question. "It's fine dear, Equestria is in its most longest period of harmony in recent years, save a few hiccups, so it's fine to do these things once in a while." She explained with a happy smile. "I, see." He replied, albeit shocked at the random act of kindness. A random sound of a bell came from the kitchen, prompting Ms. Cake to excuse herself. "Yo, Maddie, you eating?" Bliss asked from a table, the cake and drinks already placed there. "Y-yeah, I'm coming." He mindlessly replied as he went to take a seat. "You alright?" Bliss asked after looking at Maddie's rigid movements. "I'm, fine, let's just eat first" Bliss stared worriedly for a few seconds, before finally dropping it. "Alright, by the way, since we actually paid, we don't need to worry much right?" She asked as she struggled on how to eat the cake. "Yes, your knife, though, no, we didn't pay." He replied as he sliced the cake into manageable pieces. "What?" Bliss froze as she asked. "So she just, gave it to us?" She asked with an incredulous expression. "Yeah, I don't think she messed with it either." He said as he grabbed a slice. "If you say so." Bliss mumbled, a bit confused as she grabbed a piece with her hoof. Daisy, in the same state as them, just decided to ignore the feeling and try the cake. Eyes widening in disbelief, they all froze from euphoria at the sweet sensation in their mouths. The amazingly light taste, combined with the delightful cream and chocolate fillings, completely fried their brains as they never tasted anything like it before. The best part however, was that there was still a large amount left. In astonishing speed, the cake was gone. "That was actually amazing." Bliss commented, pieces of cake decorated around her mouth. Daisy burped slightly, but still gave a sound of approval. "No kidding, that was one of the best things I've tasted." Maddie replied as he used the table cloth to clean her face, which Bliss gratefully accepted. Sighing with content, Bliss couldn't wait as she grabbed her milkshake and slurped from the straw. "Oh shit! Maddie, Daisy, you gotta try the drinks!" She exclaimed with a bright smile. "Damn, this shit's good." Maddie stated, mouth stuck to the straw. Daisy joined in as she had a similar reaction. Soon enough, they all finished their drinks, happy with their decision to come here. "Dude, more." Bliss said as she practically vibrated in her seat, Daisy giving the same sentiment. "Sure." Maddie easily complied with a big smile, genuinely happy as he went to ask for more. Happily drinking milkshakes, the trio were peaceful. They easily created an enjoyable atmosphere, merrily laughing as they relaxed, talking and drinking in complete peace. No worries, no dangers, just them, and their emotions. Until. "Ugh! I just can't believe I lost them Flutters! What if they're already out of town by now?" Angrily shouting, Rainbow Dash came in the store as she complained to another pegasus. "Don't worry Dash, I'm sure you'll catch them, right after you have lunch." Flutters calmly said with a slightly silent voice. The trio were broken out of their little daydreaming as they carefully observed the newcomers. "Yeah! I'll teach them a lesson or two when I-!" She stopped her rant as she noticed three extra pairs of eyes on her. "Oh, I don't think I've seen them before." Flutters commented without much thought. "Hey! Quit staring you-YOU!" "SMOKE!" Maddie yelled, prompting Bliss to throw down a few balls that filled the room in black smoke immediately. "Fuck!" Bliss shouted in annoyance. "Just book it!" Maddie commanded as they ran through the streets of Ponyville, knocking down ponies in the process. Left in Sugarcube Corner, the two mares coughed as tears were falling from their eyes. They quickly made their way outside, hacking out smoke, to breathing fresh air. "Ugh, my eyes!" Ponies cried out in pain as those who got close to the smoke, quickly felt the aftereffects. "You good Flutters?" Rainbow asked, fighting through the pain. "I-I'll manage." She weakly replied as she continued to cough. "No you won't, I'll take you to a doc." She sternly said before flying off, taking Flutters with her. Ms. Cake ran out as well, confused as to what could've exploded outside the kitchen. Night quickly came. The moon held itself, high in the sky to look over Equestria. The stars shone brightly, accompanying the moon in its noble quest. Guards, personally selected by Princess Luna herself to be able to circle the entirety of Ponyville ten times over in one flight. The bat ponies, donned in purple armor, made from the highest quality steel. With predatory eyes and sharp fangs, they patrolled the town, searching for the suspects. Said suspects, were currently staying in a place, not a single creature would've suspected. Inside the one place, where it should've been the safest. *Sigh* Bliss let out a relieved sigh as the shadow of a guard walked past their place of hiding. "When do you think we can leave?" Bliss whispered to Maddie, who was busy tying up a knocked out guard. "I don't know, I wanted us to leave during the night, but these guys," he said as he tapped the guards' helmet, "can see perfectly fine in the dark" "What should we do then?" "We should, no, then, no that, fuck." Maddie walked back and forth as he struggled to come up with a feasible plan. Daisy's ears suddenly rose, prompting her to land on Maddie's mouth, shutting him up. Bliss held her breath as the three watched the door with tense expressions. Slowly, very slowly, the door opened a tiny bit. Maddie flexed his muscles, already in a position to strike. Daisy brought out her claws, prepared to react appropriately. Bliss already had her knife out, glowing a dull blue, ready to cut through anything that comes through. The door stayed still, just taunting the trio on what could come through. Not even the tiniest trace of a shadow showed under the door. But they didn't let their guard down, it's not the first time they didn't see the shadow before. As seconds passed, sweat formed slowly. The small gust of wind from the opened door teased their expectations. Seeing the door not moving, Maddie, as careful as he can, approached the door and peered through, only to find nothing. Letting out a heavy sigh, he silently closed the door and turned to Bliss. "For fuck's sake." Bliss smacked her face with her hoof, annoyed by the event. Daisy only sighed in annoyance. Princess Luna of the night, one of the few alicorns Equestria has to offer, was having a bad day. Currently working on an hour of sleep in two days, she had personally come down to Ponyville after a scroll had come in. A simple report of a theft is not important enough for her presence, but two of the Elements of Harmony had been injured in trying to pursue the thief, one even had to stay the night in the hospital as she had fainted from the amount of smoke she inhaled. Right after she heard of this, she skipped her sleep and chose to aid in catching them herself, alongside some of her trusted guards. But after a full day of searching, they came up empty, further angering the already enraged princess. So, choosing to at least try for one more day, she decided to spend the night in the castle of a fellow princess, Twilight Sparkle. Currently staying in her castle, Luna had chosen to take an evening walk before beginning her nightly duties, then she heard something. "What the? Who are you!" The muffled voice of someone called out. Taking a second to process the information, she quickly followed the sound to the source. A double door, one used for storage, although it didn't look even the slightest bit different from the rest of its siblings. She quickly bucked it open as time seemed to slow down for her. With her severe lack of sleep, coupled with the stress of being on full alert for the whole day, her reaction speed had been slowed down to one of a snail's speed. As her mind raced to form thoughts, a sore feeling formed under her jaw, along with the sensation of flipping backwards through the air. Her vision went upwards, and it didn't stop as it kept going up, eventually going down as it went past the point of looking upwards, turning to behind her. Until it eventually stopped as she stared at the ground. With her mind slowly blacking out, she heard a loud gasp, followed by a worried voice calling out to her. And during all that, a single thought dominated her mind. "Was that a foal?"
Original Character,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Dark,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Profanity,Violence
A Life For Two
Determined to live a happier life, two ponies mess up their only chance. Luckily, rulers of the country get to pardon crimes.
<p>Two orphans, growing up in one of the worst societies. The difference between them and others were quite big.</p><p>That, however, all changes when these two leave their home.</p><p>Permanently.</p><p>Though, having a harsher personality than the average pony, <i>could</i> result in a few very minor crimes.</p><p>Very minor.</p><p>Thankfully, getting an alicorn or two to pardon their crimes for a while is easy.</p>
"PRINCESS!" Maddie quickly silenced the guard by kicking him into the wall, fully knocking him out. "Fuck, tie her up, we'll take her hostage. Daisy, you're free to roam." Maddie made the decision as the sounds of hooves thumping were resonating through the castle. Daisy quickly climbed upwards, completely disappearing into the shadows as she soon vanished. Bliss stuck a block in the blue alicorn's chest, ropes extended from the block, fully restricting her movements. Dragging Luna through the castle halls, the trio sprinted without direction, slowly going up and up. Right as they were about to turn a corner, a pair of guards appeared. Letting go of Luna, Maddie instantly threw the first punch. Alas, the pegasus acted fast, blocking his punch as the other tried to pierce Maddie. As the spearhead reached ever closer, its path was interrupted by a knife with a dull glow. Bliss grimaced as sparks flew from her parry, fully knocking the spear away. Maddie used the chance and rotated on his free front hoof and put his hind legs behind the one who blocked. Pulling hard, he staggered the guard ever so slightly, giving him the chance to deliver an uppercut. Bliss rushed in instantly, completely ignoring her brother's opponent and gave a normal cut, which was unfortunately blocked as her opponent brought a sword from his side. Sparks ignited as the stared at the other behind their respective blades, but Bliss was focusing on something else. After only a few seconds, she lost the struggle as she jumped back, plugging a wire into her knife from inside her cloak. Several blue lights shone through the cloth, creating a chilling image. Maddie's uppercut took the guard by surprise, hitting at enough force to launch his helmet away. Taking the chance, Maddie grabbed the stunned guards neck and used it as leverage to flip the guard over him. Crystal shards flew as the pristine floor was now ruined with a hole in its place. Bliss's knife glowed at a brighter hue, hinting at something as the guard got nervous. To him, the filly had ridiculous strength for her age, as if she's worked out for her whole life. Bliss charged forward, prompting the guard to focus on her. He's both more skilled and powerful, so he will win if he's just careful. But that thought was broken to pieces in their very first exchange. His sword met her knife. Fully expecting another exchange, he prepared his body. Only for the knife to go through the sword, completely melting the point of contact. Bliss smirked once again, this time hitting the hard steel of the armor. Melting through the armor, the guard screamed in pain at the scorching feeling. Until he felt a hard tap behind his neck, causing him to slowly lose consciousness. "Let's move." Maddie commanded as Bliss removed the plug from her knife, the glow from both her knife and cloak faded away. Dragging the princess through the halls once more, they rushed to anywhere they could leave without getting caught. "HALT! HOW DARE YOU BRING HARM TO THE PRINCESS!" Hearing the shout, Maddie grabbed Luna by the neck as he held her towards the guards. "BACK OFF! I HAVE A HOSTAGE!" This was not what they had wanted to do. Bliss acted quickly, putting a knife to Luna's neck as she stared sharply at the guards. More and more stomping of hooves rang throughout the castle halls, making the situation even worse for the duo. But, they can still make it. They've been through worse. "Don't panic Bliss, we'll get out fine" "I fucking know that" Their little banter ended as Maddie was about to negotiate. Until. A pair bluish green eyes opened. In the hallways, only lit by the moonlight, stood our duo. Breathing heavily through gritted teeth, Maddie groaned as he tried to stay quiet as he slumped against the crystal wall. Bliss took half of his jacket off of him and put the sleeve in his mouth as he bit hard. Blood flowed to the ground in worrying amounts. Knowing that there wasn't much of a choice, Maddie started to mentally prepare himself for the oncoming pain. Bliss took off her cloak, revealing a few gears for her cutie mark and a metal construct half her size. She took it off as she pressed on a few latches, opening it up. Bringing out two bottles from her storage of sorts, she opened one filled with clean water, and the other with a brown liquid. "Open your mouth." Bliss demanded silently. Maddie complied, letting go of his jacket for a drink. Tasting the harsh alcohol, he was patiently waiting for it to numb his pain for a bit. Bliss breathed in and let it out slowly, trying to calm herself as she stared at the wound on Maddie's side. Maddie bit back into his jacket as he waited for the oncoming pain. Bliss, after sufficiently calming down, poured water over the gaping wound. Maddie's muffled screams rang through the hallway as he struggled to stay put. Eyes bulging, he breathed erratically as Bliss tried to hold him down. "FUCK! MADDIE, STAY PUT OR I'LL SILENCE YOU MYSELF!" Bliss yelled in both frustration and desperation as more blood flooded the floor. Hearing her voice, Maddie calmed himself as much as he could, breathing heavily as if he's just went through the hardest exercise he's ever known. Grunting through the pain, he painfully grabbed the bottle of whiskey. Taking in gulps at a time, he coughed a bit. "Good, it means your organs are fine." Bliss told him after seeing that there was no blood in his cough. "You, *cough*, sure that's, *inhale*, how that works?" Maddie asked, full of pain as he grimaced hard. "It doesn't fucking matter." Bliss harshly said as she brought out more items from her storage. "For fuck's sake, I didn't think my first try at sewing would be like this" "You know how?" He asked with a raspy voice. Bliss tore into her backpack, breaking it down to build something else. "I had to have a few hobbies when I wasn't working." Bliss said with sarcasm, attempting to disperse the tenseness of the situation. Sparks of electricity flew out from exposed wires, a few scrapes from breaking the plates. Folding it all by ripping pieces off of her robe, she squashed it on the ground, making a nest like shape. Placing one final metal, shaped somewhat like bowl from it being a corner of the bag, on top of the gathered wires, she poured some of the water into it. "Alright asshole, just wait for a minute or so, you can stay alive until fucking water boils right?" Bliss asked with a nervous smile as she started organising the items she brought out. "Sure." Maddie replied, albeit much weaker than before. Bliss, with a grimace, placed the items in her desired place, in reach if she needed it. A few tiny sparks, and smoke rose from underneath the water bowl. Maddie tried to shift his position, only to frown harder as pain came from an unexpected place. "Hey, don't fucking move." Bliss angrily said. "Ugh, sis, I need you to check my shoulder" "What." She said with more worry. Taking the rest of his jacket off, she clenched her teeth as another gash appeared on the shoulder. She stared back at the water, noticing that a small fire started. "Fuck it, this one isn't too deep, I think we cauterize it." Bliss said as she brought out her knife. "You sure?" Maddie asked, knowing what she would have to ruin. "We both know how serious it can be if wounds get infected, so yes." She replied as she took a random piece of sharp metal. Poking in seemingly random positions, Bliss finally manages to loosen the edge of the blade. Forcing out more parts, pieces of the tech used to heat the knife fell to the ground. Finally taking out the last piece, a small stone with the power of a previous dragon lord, she was left with something that could barely be called a knife. Without barely even a single edge, a crooked piece of metal, shone in the light of the fire. Bliss shoved the metal part into the fire, heating it up considerably. She turned to look at Maddie. "Ready?" Maddie took one last gulp of the whiskey, finishing it before nodding. Releasing a deep breathe, Maddie held the leather in his mouth as he stared at the glowing metal piece, coming closer and closer. Loud hissing noise came from his shoulder as the hall started to smell like burnt flesh. Maddie's eyes widened in pain, screaming as he did everything in his power to not move. "JUST A TINY BIT MORE MADDIE, COME ON! YOU'VE GONE THROUGH WORSE!" Bliss shouted, hoping to give some relief to him. Eyes slightly becoming wet from the pain, Maddie just clenched his teeth harder into the leather, almost tearing it apart from the amount of force he used. After a few seconds, Bliss judged that it was enough and pulled it back, sighing in relief as no pieces of flesh or such were stuck to the knife. Cutting more into her robe, she made a makeshift bandage and wrapped the wound after wetting it with some water. Finding the water over the fire boiling, she used her magic. A few sparks appeared as magic coiled around her horn, acting like electricity as the bowl was lifted off and slowly placed on the ground. "Don't push yourself Bliss." Maddie said as sweat poured down from Bliss's forehead. "Shut it." Bliss snapped back, grunting slightly as she levitated a sewing needle and metal strings inside the boiling hot water. With great effort, she slides one end of the metal string into the sewing needle. Fully cleansing it, she holds it in her hoof as the sparks around her horn die down. "Alright, the final stretch." Bliss roughly said as she breathed hard from the overuse of magic. "I'm ready." Maddie replied before gulping dry air. Bliss nodded. Slowly, the needle approached the slash in his side. Constantly shaking, Bliss felt a stinging pain in her eyes as her vision went slightly blurry, consumed by the thoughts of losing Maddie. Until, she felt a weight on her head. "Hey, don't worry, don't forget what I taught you." Maddie told her with a low voice as his hoof patted the top of her head. Shakily taking a breath, Bliss let it out, calming her body as she swiped her eyes once to get rid of the forming tears. Now, with conviction, she brought the needle to the wound. "UGH." Maddie growled, but managed to keep still enough as the whiskey he drank did its wonders. Taking deep breaths, Bliss concentrated as she pushed the needle further, piercing through the other end of the gap. Taking even deeper breaths, Maddie looked upwards to deal with the pain as his face was enveloped with a large frown. "One done, just, about twelve more to go." Bliss commented nervously as her mouth went dry from the stress. Letting out one more breath, Maddie steeled his mind, trying to distract himself from the pain. "Alright, here we go." Bliss told him. "GAH! FUCK!" "Hang in there Maddie, only one more to go." Bliss said as she took tired breaths. Despite having spent about forty minutes on the wound, it felt like she had worked nonstop for a whole month. "Shit. Damn it. Fuck." Maddie constantly spewed out curses, trying to expel the pain out of him along with anger and frustration. He was currently tied to the wall, the blood that painted his body being mostly dried off. Several holes were formed in the wall behind him, roped with hooks embedded deep into it, holding him back from flailing around from pain. The wound was mostly closed, looking like someone had stitched a tear in their favorite stuffed toy. "Alright, the last one." Bliss told him, feeling like she's more energized than ever. Maddie, hearing that the end of his suffering was close, gained more hope as he bit into his leather jacket, having left plenty of permanent teeth marks by now. "Phuuuuuuuuck!" His muffled cries were left unattended as the bloody needle pierced through his skin. His hoof, the one with the uninjured shoulder, banged the wall repeatedly. Already cracked from the amount of punches Maddie gave it. "DONE!" Bliss shouted happily, glad that their impromptu surgery was successful. Maddie stared up, giving it his all to stay conscious as his mouth hung open, allowing the jacket to drop down. Bliss tore through the rest of her cloak as she used it all to bandage Maddie's entire gut section. After a tight binding, they sat there. Staring at each other, they broke into smiles as small chuckles left their mouths. "Gah, fuck." Maddie cursed as his side hurt from his laughing. "Careful, you lost a lot of blood." Bliss pointed to the ground where a puddle of blood formed a pool as she started to loosen the ropes holding Maddie. "Doesn't matter, we gotta start moving. They said that one was a princess, it's a miracle we haven't been attacked yet." He stood up shakily, prompting Bliss to try to support him with her shorter height as she thought about the alicorn. Bliss simply stared at the body on the ground. In the hall, over a dozen guards stay sprawled on the ground. Some were bleeding while most others were simply knocked out. Most, being the keyword as Maddie stared at one of the unicorns. This one was different, as the neck was twisted a full circle. Although Maddie had this aim in mind, he was sure that he only performed a simple buck. Having killed enough that he lost count, Maddie couldn't care about adding one more to the number, or the way he performed it. He was just annoyed by his gut telling him that this was going to bite him in the ass down the line. Bliss, however, was focusing her gaze on the only body, different from the rest. With a fierce frown on her face, Bliss glared at the body of Luna with soul drenching bloodlust, heavy enough to drop the temperature of the area by several times. Until she felt the familiar soft rubbing on her head. "Leave her, we'll really be hunted down if we kill her." Maddie told her while patting her head. Bliss nodded lightly in response. Looking around the area, Bliss sighed as she knows she'll have to rebuild all her stuff. Maddie stared for a few seconds at her figure, noticing that her body felt much colder. "Here." Maddie told her whilst putting his jacket on her. "This shit's too big." Bliss happily complained. "The fucking cloak was too big, but that didn't stop you from wearing it." Maddie replied with a soft smile. She chuckled as a response after putting the jacket on. "Shit, gimme a cig." Maddie told her. Feeling a slight bump on her chest, Bliss went through the pockets and brought out a white box. "Here." She put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it with her magic. "Thank you" They once again, start their little journey throughout the castle. Walking through hallways upon hallways, the duo met up with their friend rabbit, who was heavily breathing while covered in blood. As she angrily spouted, something, at the duo, she stopped mid rant as she noticed the injuries. "Yeah yeah, I got hurt, you don't gotta rub it in." Maddie tiredly told Daisy, who was shaking her head with exasperated expression. Slight thumping sounds suddenly started to echo through the area. Maddie tried to stay on the defensive, but failed to keep steady with his injuries as Bliss was too busy holding him. Daisy, noticing the situation, quickly scaled the ceiling for a plan. "Hello? Anypony there?" A tired voice called out. The duo stayed silent, having long since hid in the shadows, waiting to see who it was. "If you're hurt, I ca-." The voice was interrupted. Walking out of the shadows and into the moonlight, there was the purple alicorn. Daisy was wrapped around her neck, sharp claws threatening to cut into the throat at any moment. "You-" She was cut off. As the claws held on tighter, drawing a small amount of blood, the pain told the alicorn, not to try anything. "Move." Maddie told her with a cold voice. Twilight Sparkle, fearfully looking at the duo with wide eyes, carefully followed the instruction silently. Maddie, however, was starting to stumble. "Fuck it, let's go here." Bliss told the crew as she led Maddie to a random door. The door opened, revealing a dark room, completed with a bed that had a purple blanket on top, a simple drawer with a lamp on top, a big carpet in the middle with Twilight's cutie mark etched on it. A simple wardrobe close to the wall, and two big windows with curtains. A single door with towels stacked on a shelf next to it. "Don't try shit." Bliss said to Twilight before rummaging through the drawers and wardrobes. Maddie laid down on the carpet, ragged breathing sounds filled the room as he was close to passing out from exhaustion. Twilight wanted to say something, ask if he was alright, or carry him to a hospital. Anything to help, but with them not trusting her in the slightest, as well as the sharp claws holding her hostage told her not to try. Filled with both worry and fear, she simply chose to wait for a chance to speak up. "Fuck! Seriously? What the hell kind of moron doesn't keep anything useful in their rooms." Bliss yelled angrily as she kicked the extra door open, revealing a bathroom thoroughly checked. "Those with luxury?" Maddie replied with a smirk. "Yeah. That's why I said moron." Bliss responded with her own smirk. Twilight was just slightly offended at their exchange. Daisy let out a few rabbit noises, grabbing the attention of the duo as they just lie down. "Alright, we'll rest for a bit, and leave before sunrise. We should be fine since took care of the night guards, and the day ones won't come before their shift." Maddie planned it out, completely ignoring the fact that Twilight was there. "What about her?" Bliss asked while pointing her head to Twilight. Maddie simply stared at Twilight as simulations upon simulations ran through his head, trying to see every possible outcome, even with the biggest variables. "She's weaker than the blue one, so we'll use her until we get away, somehow." He finished. "Aight, makes sense." Bliss replied. Twilight was simply worried now, for she didn't know the state of Luna. In the royal castle of Canterlot, a very distressed mare was trying to calm herself down. "Come ooon, Celestia, she'll be fine, Lulu is a fully grown mare after all, she's even staying with Twilight, nothing is going to happen" The alicorn of the sun. Celestia of the day, was very worried about her sister. Despite wanting to head down there herself, she was also tied down by her royal duties, and her sister specifically told her not to follow her. She's aware that she has been treating her sister as if she were a foal, but by the stars, she could not see her any other way than her precious little sister. Even if, she tends to let out a few less than pleasant thoughts. "Yes, Fluttershy is not really a fighter, and Rainbow Dash is known to be impulsive. So it's not too big of a surprise if they were defeated by thieves. Surely, Luna, with her thousands of years of experience in combat, and the guards she took with her, will be completely fine." She finished her little rant with a relieved breath as she sat down by her fireplace with a cup of steaming tea. The fireplace was magically lit despite having nothing to burn on. The evening gust felt more comfortable than chilling. The simple blend of one of Celestia's favorite tea, calmed her down quite nicely. As she let out a soft sigh, the smallest trace of magic came to her. She watched with small anticipation as the gust of green magic turned to fire, before swiftly being replaced by a white scroll. Her calmness, however, was broken by the traces of blood on the parchment. Any thoughts of it being red paint was broken by the small traces of iron wafting off the spots. Trying not to freak out, she quickly unrolled the scroll and read its contents. With widened eyes, she quickly stood up to leave. "GUARDS!" She yelled, her voice reverberating through the castle. "Your highness." The ponies, looking oddly similar to one another, fully donned in golden armor, came in the room and bowed. "Tell Captain Sword Edge to take his stallions, and head straight to Ponyville as fast as he can, tell him to land at Twilight's Castle." With that, she disappeared in a flash of light. Appearing inside the Castle of Friendship, Celestia hastily started to check the rooms one by one with a glowing horn, hoping to find her sister. Bodies were scattered throughout here and there. Guards that she had sent as support, and a few specialists from Luna's personal regimen. She closed the wounds of those who would have died, and awoke those who were only knocked out. Then she spotted someone she knew. "Spike!" Celestia shouted louder than intended as she ran up to the poor dragon. The small dragon was huddled up, terrified by something as his scales were colored red on random spots. "P-princess." He looked up with a stutter as tears were flowing from his eyes. "Spike, tell me what happeened." Celestai demanded peacefully. "I-I don't know, I wanted something to drink, then, then, there were just, guards laying there, and-and my feet felt wet, so I ran, and, I wanted to tell Twilight, but she was missing, and I, I panicked." He finished his story while supressing sobs. "Alright, you're safe now, I'll get to the bottom of this." Celestia told him as she placed him on her back and teleported.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Comedy,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
At home, with the royal blubber
a glimpse into the later years of our favorite adiposed alicorns
<p>ahhh, retirement, after thousands of years of ruling over the land of equestria, the relief of handing over their royal title to the next generation was indescribably refreshing, no more expectations from the watchful public, no more meetings or arrangements to make, and most importantly, no need to watch ones figure, which of course took a hefty toll on the now incredibly blob-ified risers of the sun and moon, as they lay in bed on another listless, gluttonous morning....</p><p>this was a story made from an rp and and a friend of mine did</p>
Ahhh, retirement, after thousands of years of ruling over the land of equestria, the relief of handing over their royal title to the next generation was indescribably refreshing, no more expectations from the watchful public, no more meetings or arrangements to make, and most importantly, no need to watch ones figure, which of course took a hefty toll on the now incredibly blob-ified risers of the sun and moon, as they lay in bed on another listless, gluttonous morning.... The princess of the moon herself had somewhat of a moon going on herself. Something stirred within them last night, enough to let themselves loose on an entire buffet. She gently flopped down onto the floor below their chaise, with her ass up, right in Celestia's view. Celestia, as expected, arose with the sun, greeted ironically by the moon darker, and fuller than even the one in the sky, making her shudder so arousingly it shook her vast assortment of jowls underneath her muzzle, so Celestia, being in both a horny, and silly mood, she lolled her cake stained tongue out and planted a long, wet smooch on her sisters flabby, cellulited cheek to awake her "mmmh....rise and shine...lulu" she sweetly whispered to her, giggling like a filly. She couldn't help but feel some arousal in her cheek as she delightfully smooched it, yet she needed to be cordial, and not leave such a bad impression on this day. Seems it'll take her a while to get used to their retirement. "Hmff... Ohhhh, I still feel more stuffed than that time I had all that apple cider from...." she shakes her head in attempts to recollect herself. "Was I on the floor all that time?" "Hehehe....lets just say you were there for quite a while, sweetie" replied Celestia cheekily "What an excellent feast we had last night...i dont know about you....but after all that....i could go for....some more" her blubber decked hooves slowly caressing her posterior flab, inching and shuffling her equally endowed elephantine body to ever so tenderly spoon her "....if one knows what i mean...." "I'd say... Nghh..." she clenches up from her suddenly hefty grasp. But just as sudden as it came, it vanished in its sprawl out of her body. It's like they were becoming one. "I'm still feeling a little ill... But with you, I feel more comfortable~" "Mmh...i feel the same way...dear sister" she said, leaving a massive smooch on her overstuffed backside, as she felt herself melt upon her like a squeezing of warm, vanilla icing " and with both of our flanks as big as they are, you could say....the fun has been doubled!" quoting her sister before breaking out in a slightly hidden fit of giggles, the high pitched gleeful laugh that the lard-bounded luna always loved to hear in their fillyhood, up into their many banquets in the regal years. Her jovial nature was always something she admired. And now that she brought it to the bedroom, ready for any occasion or time of day, she couldn't help but be enthralled. What was she to do, indulge herself less? Celestia was already indulging herself with a facefull of her delicious cerulean asscheeks~. So, why not? She decided to make a staggered and sluggish beeline for the porcelain white seat-filling rump, that she always furtively coveted, not in a state without need for subtly nor prudence, she buried her face between the soaked and ripping asscheeks of her sister, lapping at her engulfed nethers, and titillate them also with her horns near limitless sorcery. A glorious and ceremonial reaming for the finest flank in all the land. "Ohhh... Sister... Hfff.... Princess.... You make me so wet~" *She said while in the midst of slobbering on the untarnished milky white ass of her sister, only further sparking the burning ember of love in her heart. She just wanted to penetrate her, get deep within and become one. And so did she, lapping and swallowing gobs of moisture with all the fervour of a pig at the through, or if her flustered and enamoured coochie were coated in chocolate, every bite was more taste-tempting and decadent than the last, and it beckoned celestia to do the same for her "ooooo...sister, i have wanted to taste this glorious hole for a millennia, it was all i could think of on the moon...~" Such a decadent couple the two made, essentially forming a massively oversized yin and yang, with each other's snouts firmly pressed into their sisters' equally massive hindquarters. Luna needed an extra squeezing to further arouse her, and further implant Celestia into her anus. Once she felt that tidal wave of arousal, she would reciprocate. Celestia's head plunged chin deep into the pitch black of her sister's moist and flabby boulder of a bottom, the night would not last forever, but her mound of moon would forever remain, a slobby, pulsating souvenir of a good night's romp, like a squishy jiggly moon rock, her hooves massaging her cheeks, smooshing her further inside, her horn pouring every bit of sun-raising magic into tickling her blood and star-crossed lover. The sudden apparitious sensation of arousing ticklishness coated Luna. She was helpless to resist her sister's capricious antics, and she couldn't help but erupt in ecstatic laughter until she shed a tear over it. And it only made her jiggle her ass more for her sister~. And she herself doubled up her round of chortling, she couldn't even get a lustful sweet nothing in edgewise with all the hooting and hollering escaping her mouth, "haaaaaaaahahahahahahhaha.....oh.....heeheeheeehohohohho...." the joyous laughter rattling sweet lunas lardy clit with unending pleasure, echoing within her vaginal walls, and back into Celestia's ears, only making her laugh harder and prouder, so much she started moving luna and herself all over the floor, rolling around like a giant overfilled donut, blobbing happily out of the bedroom and into the hallway, alerting the still sleeping guard of their massive, boisterous, earth-shaking presence. They paid no mind to the guards. As far as they were concerned this was just business as usual. Or rather, a whole impromptu celebration, one that was about to have Luna exuding from the pleasure.She stuffed her face as deep as she could into Celestia's bountiful behind, getting as much of a faceful as she possibly could. And their multi-ton cake-stuffing rocking and rolling were so utterly rich in energy and exuberance, they were actually able to bounce up into the air, gently tapping the ceiling above as they neared the crescendo of their corpulent cunnilingus, bouncing up and down the immense marble ballroom like they were a big rubber ball, as both princesses face's lapped gushings of each other's luscious frosting. They were practically inches away from the crescendo of their delicate dance. Every pile of blubber rubbing each other off like tidal waves of arousal. Every inch of them coated in luscious lardy sweat, building up their libido to its breaking point, luscious parts so ready to burst, faster and faster, inch by inch.... Until finally, as the laughter turned to orgasmic arousal, they completed with a high-pitched "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" that proudly reverberated throughout the hallways, so loud and animated it shattered a pyramid of champagne glasses that just so happened to be stacked in the corner of the ballroom. The enormous ring of royal landwhales smeared and doused completely in each other's irresistibly sweet creamy milt, still lapping away, and still stimulating their rectal jewels long after arrival. The two of them had a plentiful faceful of each other, lapping each other up while continuing to sensually stimulate each other even after the party had technically ended. "Ohhh, dear Celestia... I never knew I could even experience such.... Pleasure~" She drooled with passion, in the midst of the ring of dreamy lust. "Mmmmf~ neither did i....dearest sister..." she mused, drooling likewise in the clutch of her sister's ballooned and blubbery buttocks, engaging the most tender and sensual snuggles "oh luna, how i love you so..." she whispered into her ass, a message received quite clearly into lunas ear, which was replied to with a most triumphant FBBBBRT... A reminder of the feast of sugar and starch from the night before, which reminded Celestia... That it was time for breakfast! "Nfffhh.... And i love you too, dear Celestia~" She gallantly lifted herself up from the floor, at least as well as she could, and joined her sister in what was the most debauched preparation of breakfast they've experienced... Up until that point. And on that note, they each slowly removed their heads from one another asses, to levitate a bevy of baked goods to their muzzles, commencing another day of fun and feasting, as they nuzzle one another's cheeks and let out another great big FFBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRTTT together, basking in another day in their decadent and gluttonous retirement.
Steel Quill
Fleur de Lis,Soarin,Anthro,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
The Model, The Bolt, and The Bedroom
Fleur de Lis and Soarin decide it's time to try for a child, with great enthusiasm.
<p>The long and winding paths of so many lives in Equestria can cause countless roads to criss-cross over one another and weave together seamlessly into an unexpected but blissful road. Such is the case for one Fleur de Lis and one Soarin the Wonderbolt: happily married, hard-working, and deeply in love. So how can one improve on such a strong bond as theirs?</p><p>Princess Cadance knows a way. And with her advice, Fleur soon finds herself facing a whole new mindset involving her husband and what their family can become.</p><p>Kinks/tags: <span class="spoiler">MxF, Anthro, Happy Married Couple with no drama, Tiny dash of Prench accent, elixir usage, seduction, dirty talk, Impregnation, breeding, cock worship, oral, vaginal, many creampies, excessive cum, spooning position, standing sex, Fleur’s retirement from fashion.</span></p><p>Artwork by Kannakiller! Commission by an anonymous user.<br/>2-1-24: Featured same day! Thank you very much!</p>
The fashion world is a dominating, dangerous, and evolving line of work that can break a lesser pony. You have to deal with so many things at once, both personal and not, that juggling them all and keeping things balanced should be seen as a feat of strength worthy of the Royal Sisters themselves. Maintaining one’s appearance, keeping a continuous public profile, staying ahead of an industry that prides itself on surprises and new ideas, never once making a stain upon your record with any kind of misstep, and above all else, having a charming smile that would make anypony do a double take to look again at your beauty. Few can do it. But Fleur de Lis is one of the few. It was this remarkable skill, a natural grace on any fashion runway she walked upon, that helped propel her to the top of every and any modeling list. She could make garbage become priceless refined cloth on her figure, and make diamonds seem so radiant, you’d have thought she’d plucked Luna’s own stars from the sky upon her fingers. Every step she’d take was almost ethereal, every turn and every cocked hip making cameras flash like sparks from clashes of metal. There was nothing that she couldn’t make look good. Fortunately for the world, Fleur was not a mare solely dependent on her looks to get to where she was in life. She was not mentally elevated above the clouds of her peers, but was kind and giving. She stayed down to earth, the unicorn benevolent to her fellow models and friends to the point that some pondered if she was almost some sort of saint of the arts. Her generosity extended to multiple charities she oversaw and donated to, helping to benefit those who were not as fortunate as her. In times of crisis for Canterlot’s less fortunate, she was one of the first at the ready to lend support and do what she could to ease suffering. So it should come as no surprise to see the model present at one of the more prestigious gatherings in Canterlot, a celebration hosted by Princess Cadance herself in lieu of Celestia and Luna being away. It had humored Fleur to see that Cadance hadn’t blasted everything in the castle ballroom with pink as some liked to believe she’d do. There was still some of course, but it was complimented with flashes of red drapery here or yellow furniture there. It certainly made the room feel brighter than normal. “Well, at least the purple dress idea wasn’t the flashiest part of the evening.” Fleur noted to herself. She had just been granted a fresh wine glass from a passerby waiter, eyes surveying the room from her spot near one of the wide windows that revealed the city beyond the castle walls. Here and there, she recognized the occasional noble or socialite who frequented these events for social credit and to flaunt their presence. Lady Stoutbarn, for instance, was on her fourth retelling of how she acquired her latest diamond necklace. She’s already blown up the story twice from the level of “lucky to happen upon it” to “destined to find such exquisite craftsmanship”. But she always was a little bit of a boaster. “If you wanted flashy, I could always dig out all my medals and do my best war general impression?” The playful tone behind the voice wasn’t the only reason her lips curled into a smile, as Fleur regarded the blue-maned stallion coming up beside her. He stood taller than her by about half a foot, and sported an athletic form that filled out the Wonderbolt military suit he had on. It wasn’t the spandex tight suit they wore to fly in, but more of a ceremonial type she often commented as being crisp, if a little tight on the edges. He had forgone the hat at least, which left his smiling expression unobscured by shadows or anything else. “Soarin. Honestly.” She giggled at his suggestion, “If you were to do that, everyone might imagine you to be drunk. One of the nicest stallions in the Bolts, barking orders and telling unending war stories?” “Hey, if it keeps the cadets in line,” he trailed off, shrugging before relaxing next to her. She leaned against his side with practiced ease, and delighted in the almost automatic way his arm weaved around her middle to embrace her. He never shied from showing her affection, and she adored him for it. “Might need to get a few ponies drunk just to make this party really swing around. Have you seen anypony else here? Hardly any of my squadmates came by.” “Were they too busy?” “I think it’s more they just wanted to see who had the best excuse to not show up.” He replied. “I have the opposite; the best reason to show up.” Fleur cocked an elegant eyebrow at the stallion. He took hold of her free hand, a golden ring with a glittering diamond on it’s ring finger, and brought it up for him to kiss her knuckles. “You, of course.” She grinned widely at the remark. “Flatterer.” She told him before kissing him gently, the liplock lasting only a moment due to the light clap of somepony’s hands approaching them. Looking to her left, Fleur straightened up as Princess Cadance herself approached them, flanked by two guards for security. “Your Majesty!” “Oh, none of that. I think it’s lovely to hear those one-liners. Shining used to do them all the time back when we were younger. Still sneaks them in, time to time.” The Princess of Love remarked. “How are you two doing tonight? Faring well with all this hot air?” “Well enough, ma’am. Not our first social gathering with plenty of boasting and flexing of wallets or stories.” Soarin said. Cadance playfully winced and waved a hand at Soarin. “Ma’am. Oh, please. Just Cadance. Or Her Majesty if the press get too nosy. I’m definitely not old enough yet to be a ma’am.” She joked. “I’m glad to see you both doing well. Feels like it’s been a little while since your schedules let you both be in the same place at the same time.” “Funny enough, we once were in the same place, but only three minutes from each other. We had no idea.” Fleur told her. “I was working a racing shoot, and he was there to judge competitors. We had no idea we were probably only a few doors away from each other!” The alicorn laughed at the story, Soarin joining as well. He glanced aside and Fleur followed his gaze, recognizing several other military members from other branches. “Tell you what hun; let me go and check on these old timers and see how they are. Think you can keep a Princess occupied for a spell?” “Moi? I could keep a whole city charmed with a runway, two outfits, and a long enough catwalk.” She told him, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Go ahead, dear. Tell them I am still owed a Poker night!” The unicorn watched her partner depart and sighed to herself. “I adore you two.” Cadance remarked, bringing Fleur’s attention back to her. The alicorn had waved away her guards for the moment, who stepped away but kept within distance to protect her at a moment’s notice. “Your story of coming together is literally a good reminder of the magic I try to show the world.” “You honor me, Lady Cadance.” “No, really!” Cadance insisted. “A successful runway model and fashion icon and a Wonderbolt commander. I sometimes fudge the details a little; wasn’t it him who approached you first? At the Gala a few years ago?” “You are correct. The Gala itself wasn’t bad, but the entertainment was a little lacking. I was outside observing the night sky made by Princess Luna, and he happened to walk up from behind. I half expected some sort of corny compliment or pick-up line. Instead, he bluntly told me that he too needed something to look at other than flashy jewelry and too familiar tapestries. We struck up conversation, and I expected perhaps to be asked on a date sometime. I would’ve said yes then, but he remained just friendly. It intrigued me.” Fleur took a sip of her wine and continued. “Intrigue led to friendship the next time we met. Then friendship to deeper bonds, to first dates and travels together. To him proposing to me at the Equestria Games, to our wedding at Rainbow Falls. He remained loyal to me always, and never once treated me like a prize trophy. When one of his fellow commanders had challenged that he was neglecting duty and had grown soft from being married to me, he not only out-raced them, but had them apologize to me for the dishonorable language. He didn’t care they insulted him; it was me he cared for most.” Cadance sighed and shook her head. “Truly magnificent. That much devotion is truly special.” She glanced around and Fleur noticed her horn glow alight for just a second, enough to make the air around them shimmer a little through a magic the model recognized as a privacy spell. “But does he stay as noble in private? Girl talk, you understand. Shining acts disciplined and all when in public, but in private?” She made a growling noise with her throat. Fleur laughed at the alicorn’s blunt remark. “I have never once felt unfulfilled by him. It was not the way he made love that told me he was a keeper; it was his insistence to cook for me and to look after me when all was said and done that made him special. He learned how to make Tomates Farcies-sorry, stuffed tomatoes,” she corrected herself, “on a recipe I once told him I used to enjoy as a child. Who can say no to a man who would go to such lengths for moi?” “Definitely a keeper. He sounds like he rings in a check mark at every turn.” Cadance noted. “But speaking of kids…there’s no issues, is there? The amount of prayer messages I’ve received about blessing new pregnancies, don’t get me started.” Fleur shook her head, smiling a small grin. “It is definitely not from a lack of trying.” She assured the alicorn. Swirling her wine in a gentle motion, the unicorn continued. “It is more that he and I both have agreed to always support the other. We did not want to negatively affect one another’s career or life, or make us feel we had to make sacrifices. I am not opposed at all to being a mother, especially to his children. It’s just…we were both in a flurry of work and the timing never seemed right to think of changing it. What isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it, is the saying?” “Amen to that.” Cadance noted before nodding at the stallion in question, who was busy regaling his fellow comrades with something of his younger days no doubt. “But you know, I also know things can change out of nowhere. Unexpectedly, and in that you find the most powerful displays of love and a bond between husband and wife you couldn’t have foreseen.” “How do you mean, milady?” “A certain bird or three tells me you’re looking to find a way to exit the fashion industry. Is that true?” Fleur’s eyes widened. The amount of people who were even slightly aware the unicorn had been seeking an exit from the industry had been sworn to secrecy. But alicorns did work in mysterious ways, she knew. “I…am surprised you would be aware of that. I have told few of my intentions.” “Oh, it’s safe with me, don’t worry. There’s always a gossip or two I catch wind of, and going off your reaction, that one is true. So you do want out?” “I…” Being put on the spot in front of a royal monarch like Cadance was not a usual predicament for the model. But courtesy and sincerity both rang true in her, and she exhaled slowly before looking the alicorn in the eyes. “I do. I do not hold a grudge against the industry, nor my fellow models or anypony. It is just…I feel like something is waiting past it. I can do more beyond it. I still want to continue to do charity for those in need, I still want to help. But it’s just…the same motions, the same gestures, the repeated praisings…a spark is needed again.” Cadance snapped her fingers and pointed at her. “Exactly. And doing the same old, same old just makes you yearn for it more. You need something to change your life so it goes on a new path and not the same circle you’ve walked around for years.” Fleur nodded. “Do you have any suggestions? I could just as easily decide to stop, but you seem to have an idea in mind.” The alicorn smirked deviously, making her feel just a moment as if she were a pigeon in front of a hungry cat. “The key to your release lies in the confines of Mr. Soarin’s slightly too tight, if stylish, pants.” The unicorn had the decency to blush, but Cadance continued. “It might be a little much of me to say so, but I am always one to encourage the growth of families and the love they share. My husband, Shining, has been an ever constant support to me and only became all the more loveable when he became a father. I have a feeling the same could be said for you and Soarin.” “But I have never…well, I have never tried to see myself in the light of being a mother.” “No one ever knows how to be a mother until they are a mother.” Cadance told her, gesturing with her wine glass. “Believe me that even as an alicorn, there’s no guidebook. But I will tell you that bringing my little Flurry into this world has given me a new purpose, one I’d give my entire empire for.” Fleur only nodded. “Where is Miss Flurry anyway? Is she at home?” “Being babysat by Sunburst, a very talented and friendly unicorn. All of Twilight’s reports on him tell me he’s quite the good man for looking after someone like Flurry. Might even be a family man himself one day if certain parties get their butts moving and stop hiding behind their desk and paperwork.” Fleur wasn’t quite sure what to make of that comment, but didn’t let it stop the alicorn as she dug out a piece of paper from the inside of her dress and held it out to Fleur, who took it. “These are instructions on how to make a little pick-me-up for Soarin to make sure he’s in proper shape to really grow the family. Trust me; it works.” “I see. And this won’t lead to any weird effects, will it? He’ll still be my husband?” “Of course he will be, you have my word. He’ll just go from flying stud to baby making stud.” She replied with a wink. It took Fleur about three days to decide on the matter, after the event had passed and she’d allowed herself time to think on it. Leaving her career behind her to become a mother wasn’t the route she had thought of first, it was true. But she didn’t have reason to doubt Cadance purely out of uncertainty; if there was one woman Equestria knew to be a mother figure, it was Cadance. Some would’ve said Celestia, but she never did sire her own offspring…yet. But one night, after the pair had made love and Fleur found herself resting with her head against his bare chest, his heartbeat soft in her ears and thoughts of Cadence's words rolling around in her mind, she made her decision. She loved Soarin dearly; he was the perfect man to her, and cherished her as much as she did him. He had never once been disloyal or made her feel uncomfortable at all. He brought out the best in her. He would be a wonderful father. She smiled to herself and let her husband’s heartbeat lull her to sleep that evening. When the next morning came, Fleur went to work and began with the instructions Cadance had given her to create - as she understood it - a fertility mixture to put in Soarin’s food. The pair’s home together in Canterlot was always well stocked, and a few basic goods were involved in it. A simple trip to the nearest pharmacist and a stop by a potion shop as well fulfilled the rest. The resulting concoction, after following the instructions to the letter, was actually…not magical looking at all. If anything, it seemed almost like she’d made a fruit milkshake, but with little fruit at all. “Well…better to try than to wonder for eternity.” Fleur told herself in the kitchen. Soarin had taken to drinking smoothies and milkshakes lately in the mornings. It was part of a new health routine his doctor had recommended to supplement his body since he was starting to cross into middle age. But according to Cadance's instructions, this particular concoction would revert some of that enough to make him feel more like the stud he was back in their earlier years. The liquid flowed smoothly, disappearing into his smoothie she’d prepped for him that morning. It was pinkish in color, with a red tint in the middle but blended in perfectly with his drink. “Morning, hun!” His voice made her jump a little, adding a dash extra by accident before she turned to face him. Her magic that had been carefully holding the concoction vanished it out of sight above the fridge itself. Soarin never looked up there, thankfully. “Oh hey! Adding a dash of flavor to the mix?” “You could call it that, perhaps.” Fleur said, adopting a relaxed smile as Soarin plucked up the plastic bottle containing his smoothie. “I was talking with some friends and they mentioned this little flavor additive that gives a spark of energy. Would you mind to try it?” “Would I? What flavor is it?” He asked. “Well I couldn’t quite get apple pie as a flavor. So you may have to let strawberry do for now.” “You know, one day, ponies will see the genius of the apple pie.” Soarin quipped at her, making the model giggle before he took a healthy swig of it. Watching carefully, Fleur saw him lick his lips and seem to ponder on it before he beamed at her. “Hey this is great! It’s kinda got like a uh…like some fluff to it. That’s a word.” “Not going to suddenly fall over?” “Nah. If anything, I think it’s great! Keep that coming for awhile, for sure!” The unicorn relished her husband’s enthusiasm as he drank down the rest of it. Idle chatter carried them through the rest of the morning, and Fleur observed as her husband seemed more energetic and pepped than usual. Grateful to see no strange reactions - not that she doubted Cadence's methods - the model allowed herself to be at ease and to simply let magic do its work. Over the next few days, that magic did indeed do its work. Some changes were subtle, admittedly. Soarin began to be more enthusiastic in his activities, like exercise or going out with her. He seemed to bear more excitement and interest - something she’d never think had waned before - to them being together. There was a glow about him that made him seem more present, more attentive. More than once, she found herself ogling her own husband when he’d walk around in just sweatpants and no shirt, his musculature on display for her savoring eyes. Physically, he seemed to tone up more as well. He always maintained a healthy exercise regiment since he was still a Wonderbolts member. But even so, Fleur could almost feel a difference happening for him. Where the years had begun to take their toll and reduce his toned form just a little, as one might expect, he was now suddenly going the opposite way. He regained tone, his muscles seemed stronger, his four pack tighter around his middle. The unicorn had felt her face warm just from being held against him at night, idle thoughts of mischief teasing at her imagination. Of course, with her own schedule of things, she couldn’t just let him ravish her. Not yet. It made that Friday all the more tantalizing for the model, having cleared her schedule for the weekend to follow and applying just the right kind of careful planning that made her life easier. No surprise photoshoots, no sudden unexpected trips, “Oh terribly sorry, but I can’t go to Ponyville this weekend” excuses prepared. Not even an invitation from an Element of Harmony was going to interfere. “He should be home any minute now…” Fleur commented to herself as she ran through a final mental checklist of prepping for her husband’s return home. She knew most would feel anxious in her spot, trying to capitalize on something in the works for several days now. But the anxiousness only seemed to heighten her excitement, her hopes for what might come to pass. She had zero doubts about her husband’s attraction to her being strong as ever, it was more that she just stood on the precipice of something entirely life changing. It was like doing her first walk on the catwalk again, only now it was on a path far longer and far more complex than a simple pose, heel turn, and walk. “Sautez et le nouveau apparaîtra.” She murmured to herself before hearing the front door open from her spot upstairs. Grinning to herself, she checked her appearance over one more time and called down to him. “Is that you, Soarin dear? Back already from exercise?” “Hey hun!” His voice sounded cheerful, further bolstering her spirits. He always took a jaunt for exercise through the neighborhood, mixing flying in the sky with running on the ground. It helped him keep in shape and certainly did wonders more than once for her entertainment while watching him. “Phew! Cleared the whole course I made even faster than last week! Maybe they can teach an old dog new tricks, huh?” She could not help the soft laugh that left her lips, walking down the stairwell at an easy gait, her bare feet a light patter upon the wooden stairwell. Soarin had his back to the stairs, taking off his shoes to leave at the entryway as a habit. His wings gave a light flex behind him as he moved, stretching out before folding in and relaxing. Fleur couldn’t help an admiring gaze of his carved form, the pegasus having gone out with only sweatpants on and a sleeveless t-shirt. “I see no dog; only zhe handsome stallion I love.” Fleur commented. “But if you seek a new trick, perhaps a suggestion?” “Hmm?” It was then that Soarin turned around to face her, and came to a stop as he took in her attire. The model was dressed in only a bathrobe, it seemed, her hair brushed and styled to flow down her shoulders at the back while the front had one eye covered. She’d applied just a hint of makeup, enough to simply highlight the full lips she had and enhance the sultry stare she was giving him with eyeshadow. A slight shake of her shoulder revealed the bare white furred body beneath the cloth, making Soarin’s eyes drift over her curves for a moment. “I would offer the choice of dinner, a bath, or myself for you, my husband. But tonight…” she trailed off, her magic untying her bathrobe’s loose bindings to make it simply slide off of her body like flowing water. Now naked, the model couldn’t help the proud smile on her lips as her husband’s eyes widened while taking in her curves: full breasts that still sat high and perky, slim stomach that led to wide hips and a delightfully full rump around the back, long legs he ached to touch. “’s about you just eat me for dinner, sweetie?” Soarin’s wings flapped out again, whether in his control or not, making Fleur stifle a snort in her throat. However, she couldn’t stop the light squeal of surprise that left her mouth as he seemed to suddenly rush at her, lifting her into a princess carry as he went up their stairwell. He took them two at a time, and she held onto him with her arms around his neck as he held her close. “Seems you found your second wind, mon amore?” She giggled, feeling Soarin’s hand squeeze her rump that he had in one hand’s grasp. “I found all the wind I need in seeing you, you beautiful woman you.” He growled out, making her smile in delight as he led them both into their bedroom. It was a carpeted, plush looking bedroom, with a large enough bed to suit them both easily. On the far side of the room, with the curtains drawn, was a glass doorway leading to the small balcony that looked out over the other Canterlot properties nearby. Sometimes they had morning breakfast out on it, and sometimes he was her breakfast when they felt particularly naughty together. Tonight, however, she had him right where she wanted him. Soarin’s footsteps were muffled by the carpeted floor as he kissed her, holding her close in his arms and letting the mare return his passion with equal fervor. With a practiced grace, he let her down easily so she could stand, continuing their kissing session as she clung to him with both arms, one hand drifting along his mane while the other roamed over his bare back. Soarin’s hands showed his interest as they both reached down and cupped a handful of her bountiful rump. The way he squeezed made her give a soft laugh into his mouth, making them break the kiss for a moment. “I love you.” He let out, staring down at her. His eyes held desire and affection in equal parts, directed solely at the unicorn naked before him. “And I you, my beloved.” She whispered back to him before stretching up to kiss him again. This was a brief one, as much as she savored the taste of him, before she pulled back to kiss his cheek, then down to his neck, before pulling his head down to let her whisper in his ear. “I want to try something new tonight.” “What did you have in mind?” He whispered back, peppering her own neck with light pecks that tickled her skin. “I want you to take me utterly, completely raw.” “And when you say raw…” Her fingers brushed over his chest slowly. “No protection. No magic to prevent a true union. I want my stallion, my husband…to breed me.” This did make Soarin pause, enough to lift his head up and regard her. She could feel his lust throb in his pants against her middle, yet she loved how even despite this, he still cared enough to wait. “Like…wait, for real?” “Mmhmm.” “We’ve never done that. I mean, well, on safe days. But…” Fleur nodded slowly and chanced her hand further down along his middle, fingertips grazing over firm muscle. “We have always been kind to one another, no? Considerate. Careful. But in all these years…I can think of no better way to improve our bond even better, to truly be your wife, than to be the one to bear your children.” He tensed, but not in rejection. She could feel anticipation wavering in him, but his lust was resolute. A part of him did desire it after all, like any man in love with their partner. “But…your career…I’d throw mine away in a heartbeat for you, but I couldn’t just ask you to-” Her other hand came up and covered his lips with a single finger, making him stop. “Your heart is one of the most wonderful things I’ve ever been given, more precious than any paycheck, any gift, anything in the world. I can think of no better exit from the fashion world than to announce to them all that I am to be the proud mother of my husband’s child. Besides, think of the benefits, hmm?” Fleur slowly kneeled down in front of him, knees hitting the carpet and putting her head directly at a level with his crotch. He was twitching now, pushing her to keep going. “No more needing to buy so many condoms…no more practicing that anti-pregnancy spell…just fun, lustful nights where you can fill me full of your seed…where this wonderful, delightful tool,” she described him as her hands tugged down his sweatpants, his boxers coming with it to reveal the jet black cock waiting behind it. It had already emerged from his sheath and was still growing, letting her lean in to place a kiss along its base with ease as she continued, “can rut me again and again, and I’ll take him every time. From tip to base, until every inch of you is loved by moi.” Soarin’s hands balled into fists at his sides as his member spoke of his own lust for him, words failing him in his restraint. Fleur appreciated his strength of will to not just go wild, and found herself just as enchanted with him as he was with her. His physique up this close was something to marvel at, and as her hands came up to caress his length, she took care to kiss his tip, again and again, further stoking the flames in him she wanted to raise to a blistering fire. “But perhaps a little warmup to…how do you say? Stretch zhe muscles?” She offered no further explanation to him, letting the audible sound of her lips enclosing around his tip and suckling on him do the job. The groan that left the stallion pushed her on, dipping her head down further and stopping only when she felt him throb in her hold. He was just the right blend of cleanliness yet sweaty musky male that made her sense of self fall apart, to let the prim and proper woman become her husband’s one and only answer for his lust. She slurped and let her tongue wet his length as she withdrew back, but she was stopped short of letting go of him by his hands at the sides of her head. The unicorn’s eyes gazed up at the lustful orbs of her husband, and her pussy clenched in delight at seeing how badly he wanted her. He yearned for her, a silent statement made clear as he pulled her hair back and out of her face. Soarin’s grip at the back of her head kept her hair bound in a long ponytail for her while she dutifully sunk back down, bringing another moan from his lips as she sunk past halfway, feeling him reach into her throat. She stopped short of hitting his base as a gagging sound came from her mouth, yet she didn’t pull away. Her body trembled as pleasure pulsed from her core outwards throughout her. Slow and steady, she withdrew back, leaving a healthy sheen of spit to lubricate him and make it easier to take him in again when she sunk back down. Back and forth, slow and loving, her blowjob was the work of both lust and love. Lustful in its hunger for him to fill her, loving in its care to pleasure every inch of him she could touch with lips, tongue, and hand. His balls were massaged by one spare hand, letting her relish the weight in them. The prize she was after lurked inside, her fingers gently rubbing and caressing his ballsack while her mouth worked him over. “Fleur…you’re amazing, honey. I…fuck, I love your mouth.” Soarin praised from above. Fleur’s whole face warmed as she gagged around him again, and moaned only as she pulled back. Her wants were conflicting; she wanted to have him finish inside her mouth and throat, gods, even to hose her down and make her an absolute mess. The thought alone made her pant for air. But the idea of that load splashing inside her, filling her full of seed and love… She felt liquid trickle down her thighs and knew her answer. With one final dip down, Fleur brought herself back up, tapping three times on his thigh to get him to release his grip. The silent code worked, and he bore no resistance in helping her stand with an offered hand she took. But she bore no complaint, instead moving towards the bed and getting on her hands and knees with her rear sticking out towards him. A flick of her tail to the side left her entire soaked nethers on display for him, the pink of her waiting pussy revealed by her fingers parting the lips further apart. “I want it, Soarin. Come,” Fleur cooed to him as she gave herself a teasing shake for his entertainment, her curves jiggling in just the right delightful way, “and make me a mother.” Her invitation was barely past her lips before her world seemed to explode in sensation. Soarin, faster than even she could’ve predicted, was upon her, aligned, and shoving every delightful, fantastically thick inch of his cock into her as if he would die without her touch. She screamed, the only sound she could think to make as he fully sheathed himself inside of her. Sometimes, Soarin was tender and gave her time to stretch and adjust. He never once moved without her permission. But this, this was a far more bestial side of him this time. She felt a little pain from taking such a sudden hot, thick rod into her like this, but it only heightened her pleasure. She pushed back into him, smacking her rump into his groin and giving a playful moan when he reached down to grab her butt with both hands. Her tail batted against his bare chest, and she moaned again when he pulled back. Every inch of her pussy clenched around him, keeping tight and trying to make him stay. Only for her to throw her head back in ecstasy as he slammed inside her once more, hard and rough strokes that let his desires be known as his balls slapped against her underside. The sound was only barely audible over the bed creaking for a moment as Fleur adjusted, before the rapid smack of stallion against mare filled the air. “Yes! Yes, my love!” Fleur cried out, rocking her body back against his thrusts to make sure it hit good and deep into her each time. His black cock was undeniable for her now, something she couldn’t be without. The toll of waiting for the elixir Cadance had given her to take effect meant she had held off all the same, and now she was feeling it more than ever as her husband claimed her. She was adjusting and plenty wet enough for him to slide with ease, aiding him in rutting her faster to his liking. If Soarin was trying to speak, it failed to leave his throat beyond the sounds of grunts and exertion as he worked himself in and out of her. He was an everlasting piston of pleasure for the unicorn, and she could feel him swelling already inside her. She clenched around him, letting loose a deep moan of her own through ragged gasps as he thrust through her orgasm, reducing her to nothing for a few seconds but a dutiful hole for his cock to fill. “Finish inside! When you finish. Oh gods, I want your cum, husband!” She called to him, wanting to rile him further. “I want your sperm! Your seed! Zhe life you give me!” Her urgings pushed him on, and Fleur wondered just how long his Wonderbolt stamina could hold out. But she got her wish fulfilled as only a few more seconds of rapid thrusting remained before he hilted inside of her, squeezing her award-winning rear end tighter and keeping himself buried inside to release his cum into her. The torrent that left him scrambled her mind as the heated sensation of thick, sludge-like cum washed over her innermost depths, painting the pink white and making her moan into the bedsheets. “Yes…oh yes…” she gasped as throb after throb of his seed splashed into her. A moment’s awareness peeked through the haze of lust in Fleur’s mind after a few seconds to realize two crucial facts: One, there was a likelihood that Cadence's elixir had not only enhanced her husband’s sex drive, but also his fertility. Just one shot of it would’ve probably done the job, and she’d been giving him the elixir for a week. Which meant she was definitely going to be full of foals by the time he ran out of gas. The other fact was that her husband was a Wonderbolt and one of their best, and he was already virile enough as it was. So it shouldn’t have surprised her too much when she felt him lay her on the bed alongside him, spooning her from behind while hoisting a long leg up with one hand, the other enveloping her middle from underneath her to draw her close to his body as his still hard cock twitched inside of her. “Fleur,” he groaned into her neck. “Yes, my love?” “I don’t think…I can stop myself.” “Then don’t. Don’t you dare.” Fleur told him as she reached up and held onto the back of his head with her hand. “Give it all to me. Give all of yourself to me. I want to take it all, my dearest.” He adhered with little hesitation, rocking his hips little by little to start working up another round of lovemaking. Fleur welcomed it, turning her head back and kissing at her husband’s cheek, his face, and finally finding his lips when he moved to meet her. It was a hungry kiss, one with tongue and want in equal parts that let her groan into his mouth as he claimed her again. The wet sounds from earlier now had a richer, goopier quality almost to them as he churned and worked through the creampie he’d given her already. “Can you feel it, my love?” She gasped out when their kiss broke off. “How much this pussy adores you, loves you, wants to give you all of it? We can take all you have to offer and more. Every drop of cum. Every thrust. Every bit of you. We love it all.” She encouraged him, egging him on. His pace quickened, making her realize it was working. The unicorn kept going as best as she was able, her body being racked with pleasure the whole time. “We want your every seed, every chance to bear a foal for you. We love you so much. We love this cock - oh! - and how big it is. How thick it is. It’s you, you big, beautiful - ohhhhfuck - stud!” The bed was repeatedly bumping into the wall now, still holding firm but creaking and rocking from their movements. Soarin’s hold on her around her middle prevented Fleur from moving too much, allowing her to relish the steady pounding her pussy was getting from him. She briefly wondered if his roughness might make his seed splash out of her womb instead of staying in place, a thought that made her clench tight around him as a climax rocketed through her. He was hitting spots she didn’t even know she had inside her, stars dancing in front of her eyes. “Fuck…fuck…fuck!” Soarin growled out. His hand crossed over her midriff and cupped her breast, squeezing it firmly as another grip to hold onto her with as he took her for himself. The heat between them was enough that Fleur was sure she was sweating a storm, an image reinforced by the idea of her sweating, laboring husband hammering away at her from behind. His heavy breathing was in her ear, and he groaned into her shoulder before biting on it, making her mind nearly go blank. “Ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck!” She chanted out, tensing up before squirting around the thick cock working its way back and forth out of her nethers. Had she any sense beyond the ecstasy continuously coursing through her body, she might’ve noticed how all of her was tingling from head to toe. But that was forgotten amidst the bigger sensation of being shagged senseless by Soarin’s larger form. “Too tight…gonna…cum again!” He growled out. She could feel him swelling again, stretching her lips and her pussy’s depths as she clenched around him, making him gasp out. “Yes! More! More for me!” She raved, half delirious. “All of it inside! Cum inside me!” He answered the call with gusto, hilting deep inside her and letting her experience the feeling of his climax bursting from his tip once more. The intimate angle they were in became almost like a pinning move for Fleur, unable to move away or detach herself by any means. She was nothing but a receiver for his thick seed, splashing and flooding her womb full of cum. Their position made it all the better as she felt each pulse, each throb, against her sensitive walls. She looked down, and believed she could even see the bulge of his length within her. Her weak moan was her answer to his gasping breaths as he laid there with her, resting as his orgasm dwindled down. It was a curious sensation, to be so full as she was. Plugged full of stallion cock and packed with enough cum to match five normal stallions, it felt like. When he withdrew, she nearly cried out as the warm sensation pulled away from her nethers, a sloppy sound almost that would’ve made a lesser woman blush. Yet she was proud. And still yearned for more. “Sun and Moon, Fleur,” Soarin panted from beside her, “It’s like our honeymoon all over again.” “Indeed. And yet, we are still not done yet, non?” Soarin took a second. “The spirit is willing. The flesh is…confusingly energetic.” She giggled and shifted for a moment, letting his member rest against the valley of her butt so she could grind slowly against it. “Don’t be confused. Embrace it. Besides, what is zhe old saying? Things come best in threes?” She questioned. “From behind. On zhe bed. My dear husband, one yet remains.” His hand lovingly stroked her front, moving from her breast to her belly. “ it weird if I find it kinda hot to think of you pregnant?” “Non.” Fleur’s accent came on thicker as she continued to grind against him, feeling him stiffen and swell little by little. A dollop of leftover cum dripped onto her butt cheek, making her shiver. “We must finish zhe show with a grand display. Zhe reward is my bearing your foals. Zhe way to get there…well, you can decide. So long as I can enjoy it with you.” “Hmm…any way I want?” “Mmhmm.” She expected something perhaps romantic. He could take her slowly, intimately. He was often of such a mind after they made love. It would be no less passionate, but - “Up we go!” “Wha-!” Fleur’s surprise came from the sudden move by her husband to hoist her up, lifting her with his strength as he stood on his two legs firmly on the floor. He had her turned to look at him, her legs instinctively wrapped around his backside. This put his member right up against her entrance, a physical showcase of just how deep into her he could reach. She felt her face warm as she beheld it, slickened still by her own love juices and shining in the dull light of their room. “Bold, are we?” “Gotta be bold to be a Bolt.” He pointed out cheekily. She smiled back at him and brought her arms around his neck to better hold onto him. He didn’t struggle to hold her, and lifted her up to align himself with her entrance once more. Twice done, the unicorn gave a low moan as he slid in with ease. She was well stretched by this time, and gladly took the charge to sink down until he was fully sheathed inside her. Any other words or sass was lost as he kissed her, firmly and with the passion of a man aiming to claim his prize. Fleur returned the liplock as best she could, squealing a little as he took hold of her rump and used it as a grip to work himself into a rhythm with her to thrust deep inside her. Her light pink hair waved behind her shoulders as he bounced her, working their bodies together to let her feel the force of his thrusts as he claimed her. “I love you. I love you so, oh! So much!” Fleur gasped out between kisses. Every firm muscle of Soarin’s body was at work to please her, she realized, and she did her best to return his fervor with her own affections. There wasn’t too much she could do though, but the trust of being in his embrace did plenty to entice her as much as the continuous thrusting of the heated rod inside her pussy. The lewd sounds coming from it got her thinking, and she leaned her head down to rest her chin on his shoulder, her mouth by his ear. “Can you hear it, Soarin? Zhe sound of how your wonderful cock takes your wife’s cunny. Zhe sound of your seed working to give me your foals. But I want more, husband, more. More of you. More of your wondrous cock. Fuck me. Fuck me and let me have it all!” Her beckoning soon had Soarin working faster, shooting past his steady rhythm of bouncing her to now rocking her whole body with jackhammer-like thrusts that had her eyes roll back into her head. Her legs slipped a little in their grip around his middle, sweat making the limbs slick but she persisted in clinging to him with everything she had. He was panting, red faced and sweat trickling down his brow. It was one of the most ravishing sights she’d ever witnessed. “Imagine it,” She continued to egg him on, voice wavering from his rough movements, “of waking in zhe morning. To look upon moi and see my belly full of your children. To put your hand upon it and feel zhem kick. And when zhey are born, we will raise them together. A proud wife and husband.” He had foregone all manner of pacing now, as his only goal seemed to be reaching that final climax. Fleur had long given up trying to keep tabs on her own count of orgasms; the way her husband was clinging to her, claiming her so forcefully, so dominantly, all in the name of impregnating her. She could tell she was near delirious, drunk off of lust and Soarin’s cock. The rapid plap plap plap of his balls slapping against her rump was as loud in her ears as his own grunts and the creaking of the floor. “You’re goddess damn right.” Soarin got the words out between gasps. “I’ll take you every day, every night if I have to. I want. I want you to have - fuck - my kids! You, Fleur!” The emotional declaration made her climax erupt as much as the feeling of his cock kissing her womb did, the unicorn crying out as she squeezed around him tight. It did nothing to deter Soarin’s pacing, and soon they were upon each other’s lips again in a heated fervor, lips and tongues crossing one another as he worked himself up towards a third climax. “Yes, yes, yes!” She begged of him, clenching tight to try and make it all the more enjoyable for the stud rutting her senseless. “Cum for me, mon amore! Cum inside zhis cunt and make it yours!” “Fleur! I…fuck! I’m cumming!” He declared, hilting into her a final time and moaning into her collarbone as she embraced him, holding on for dear life and clinging to him as if to stay alive by physical contact alone. For the third time that evening, liquid heat blossomed inside of her, spreading throughout her being and making Fleur cement the idea for certain: she was going to bear this stallion’s foals. For now and for forever, as long as she could do it. He was hers, and she was his. Two months later A tray bearing breakfast and fresh lemonade was being carried by Soarin from the kitchen upstairs to the bedroom. The stallion was smiling, relaxed and looking every part an at-home morning husband complete with bathrobe over his torso and slip-on slippers over his feet. All he was missing was a cup of coffee, but that could come after this small delivery. He could hear his wife’s voice from the hallway, and slipped into the bedroom with little effort as his wing pushed the door open for him. “Non, Photo, it is done. Zhis is zhe next chapter of my life now. It takes precedence even over all else.” Fleur said into her phone, still resting in bed with the sheets over her lower half. She was looking patient, but smiled at seeing her husband approaching. “Zhe Royal Sisters couldn’t even convince me. Now please, excuse me; I see my husband and wish to spend zhis morning with him.” “I take it she didn’t expect this news right off?” Soarin asked as he set the tray up for her, staying next to her as the unicorn set her phone down with a sigh. “She was hoping to convince me for a special shoot. Zhat woman is insistent on photographing all aspects of life, which I suppose is her profession to be fair. But still! There are limits!” Soarin laughed and shook his head. “I don’t suppose I should send her an apology card in the mail?” Fleur huffed and tugged the sheets down off of her. The reveal exposed not just the elegant silk nightgown she had slept in, but also the noticeable bulge of her belly that poked against the middle of the sleepwear. She was only two months in, but the doctor’s positive assessment the day before had been a delight for her. The unicorn rested her hand on her belly and shook her head. “Apologize for zhem? Zhe twins? Not a chance, my husband.”
Aria Blaze,Dazzlings,Main 7 (EqG),Pinkie Pie (EqG),Comedy,Porn,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Non-consensual,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Pinkie & Aria Take Over the World
Pinkie and Aria Take Over the World
<p>With the power of mind control, Pinkie Pie and Aria Blaze take over the world.</p><p>Cover is 3216506</p><p>WARNING: this story contains <span class="spoiler">mind control, futas, and incest.</span></p><p>This is a very silly story, not to be taken seriously. </p><p>A birthday gift from me, to me!</p><p><a href="" rel="nofollow">Wanna hang out? Come join my Discord server!</a></p>
You would be hard pressed to find a stranger duo of friends than Pinkie Pie and Aria Blaze. Everything about their respective personalities and life paths seemed diametrically opposed to one another. One was a girl made of sugar and spice and everything nice, while the other was a flurry of rage and hate barely contained in a sleeveless denim jacket. One was a protector of the innocent, a real-life superhero, while the other was a sinister force who sought to feed on the weak for her own nefarious purposes. One was more than likely to greet you with a hug and a cupcake, while the other tended to prefer a cocktail of swear and a right hook to the jaw. And yet, every Friday, the two spent the evening relaxing in Pinkie’s “Party Cave” (a fancy name for her basement), kicking back with snacks, drinks, and pot. This could be attributed to their two common traits, this pair of similarities more than enough to make up for their near-innumerable differences. These two similarities being their unquenchable libidos and their unreasonably large cocks. "Ugh… This fucking blows…" complained Aria, reaching for a beer with her left hand while her right hand was occupied with working all thirteen inches of meat between her legs. She took a deep swig and belched before passing the bottle to her left, where Pinkie herself sat. Pinkie accepted the beer and polished it off in a single gulp, chucking the empty bottle over her shoulder where it shattered against the concrete floor. "What's wrong, beb?" yawned Pinkie. While Aria was leaning back on the couch, working her pole with one hand, Pinkie had to use both to fit around her girth. This made it difficult for her to partake in the drinking, toking, and the selection of the pornography the two enjoyed on Pinkie's almost comically large flat-screen television, but, like with most things, Pinkie made do. "We out of beer? Cause I can call Limestone and she'll yell at me for bothering her and then she'll go wake up Marble and then make her go to the store to get us more." "It's not the beer, Pinks," groaned Aria. She looked over to the table in front of her and frowned. "We're running low on bud, though… But the problem is this porn." "What's wrong with it? That girl just took six dicks in her mouth at once!" "The problem is that she looks exactly like my sister." Pinkie pursed her lips, taking a break from beating her meat to actually observe what she was fapping to; the actress on screen was a thick, curvaceous specimen with olive skin, bold magenta eyes, and a lot of curly orange hair. Sure enough, she carried more than a passing resemblance to Adagio Dazzle, although Pinkie couldn't help but notice that the Siren had an ass easily twice as fat as the one currently on screen being pounded for her perverted amusement. "Huh. She does, doesn't she? I bet that's kinda weird for you." Pinkie reached for the remote. "Want me to change it to something else? I got a whole bunch of stuff. Bondage, gangbangs, bukkakes, whatever you need." "Hang on, I didn't say change it." "But I thought—" "It doesn't suck because it's killing my boner. It sucks because I can't get Adagio to blow me. If she wasn't such an uppity bitch, I'd be jerking off with her tonsils instead of watching porn in the basement like a loser." Aria glanced over to her friend and, after some consideration, decided to apologize. "No offense, Pinks." "I getcha. Some girls are just so lame about putting out," sighed Pinkie. "You know, I've tried to fuck all of my friends and they all said no! Said they don't like dick. What are the chances that all six of them are dykes?" "I don't think you're allowed to say that…" said Aria, shaking her head. "It's not just Adagio and her giant ass either. Sonata lays around the house all day with her tits just crammed into the tightest fucking tanktop in the world. She sneezed the other day and I swear her shirt ripped a little. She won't even let me fuck them. What a bitch, right?" "Hey… I just had a crazy idea…" said Pinkie, pausing their porn. "The girls we wanna fuck don't wanna fuck us… so what if we just… made them?" "Pretty sure that's the R-word, Pinks." "No, no, you're not getting me. We're not gonna like hold 'em down and rearrange their guts—even though that's super hot—but no, we're just gonna tell them to let us fuck." Pinkie continued on with her explanation as if it wasn't completely insane. "Except, and here's the kicker, we don't let them tell us no! You see?" "Ohhh…" Aria feigned understanding with a nod. "That's rape, idiot." "Nooo, it's not rape, 'cause we're just gonna tell them and they're gonna do it." "But you said we're not gonna let them say no." "We're not!" "Then that's rape." "Nah, we're not gonna threaten them or anything. They're just not gonna say no." "And why won't they say no?" "Cause we won't let them!" "Pinkie, you're driving me fucking nuts, just tell me your stupid ass plan," groaned Aria. "So I can ignore you and go back to beating my dick." Pinkie let her cock flop into her lap, sliding her hands into her giant mass of hair. After a few minutes of rummaging, she emerged with a large glass bottle containing a glittering purple-ish pink liquid. Pinkie grinned deviously, shaking the bottle in front of Aria's face. The Siren cocked a brow curiously, but said nothing in response, waiting for Pinkie to explain herself. When she did no such thing, Aria had no choice but to take the bait. "Alright, I'll bite. What the hell is that?" sighed Aria. Pinkie grinned deviously before tossing it to Aria. Immediately, Aria felt a buzzing in her veins, the power of the potion palpable. "This is Equestrian magic, isn't it? I can feel it…" "Yep! I've been sneaking over to Ponyland for the last year or so to swipe cool nick-nacks without anyone noticing. Last time I was there, I got this!" said Pinkie excitedly. "Horse Twilight called it a mental behavioral something or the other, but I'm pretty sure it's a mind control potion." "There's no such thing as mind control, Pinks." "Oh yeah, my bad, just like there's no such thing as inter-dimensional singing fish perverts?" Pinkie smiled, tilting her head innocently. "Magic singing fish perverts who used their magic singing to try to take over the world via mind control?" "I meant… That's not how that works. Our music just influenced emotions, we couldn't just make someone do something they'd never want to do." Aria grabbed Pinkie by the collar and pulled her close, holding a fist a few inches from Pinkie's face. "And if you call me a fish again, I'm gonna punch you in the face until my knuckles bleed." "Yeah, yeah, you're big and scary and tough and have a huge dick, I got it, beb." With no effort or regard for the laws of physics and momentum, Pinkie slipped free and found herself on the other side of Aria in a blink. "So? You wanna use the potion and get our dicks wet?" "How do we even know if that thing works?" "Pinkamena!" Limestone's voice shook the walls with her raw, unadulterated fury, echoing from the floor above. "Your dumb friend's dumb sister is here!" "Which dumb sister?" called Aria. "The stupid one!" “Ooh! Ooh! Send her down, Limey!” exclaimed Pinkie, quickly stuffing herself back into her jeans. She glanced over to Aria, who made no such efforts to reclaim her decency, even as the dainty footsteps of her younger sister grew nearer and nearer. “So… You’re just gonna leave your junk out while I drug your sister?” “Eh, I never wear pants around the house, Sonata sees my cock all the time. It’s just a…” Aria trailed off for a moment as it occurred to her what Pinkie said. “Wait, you’re gonna do what?” “Ariiiii! Dagi sent me to go get you because there’s a spider in the kitchen and she won’t kill it and you know I won’t kill it.” Sonata obliviously drifted her way down the stairs and into Pinkie’s porn dungeon Party Cave. Her appearance was not dissimilar to Aria’s previous observations; Tight jeans covered her bottom, hugging her respectable backside. On her top was a tight pink cropped tank top that just barely managed to contain Sonata’s ridiculously fat tits, the sheer mass of her melons stretching and warping the deep pink text reading “Barbie” that was stitched across the chest of the top. “So will you come home and then kill it so I can make dinner? I was gonna make grilled cheese…” “You came all the way over here to get me so I can kill a spider?” droned Aria. Sonata tilted her head in confusion. “Uh, duh? What else was I supposed to do?” “Hey, Nata!” Pinkie leaped into position beside her mark, grinning from ear to ear as she held the potion bottle in front of her face. “How goes, beb?” “Pinkie! Super cool to see you, we haven’t hung out in ages!” giggled Sonata. She paused, pursing her lips in confusion. “Hey, what are you doing here, anyway?” “Oh, you know. Getting stoned and beating my meat with your sis.” “The correct answer was ‘I live here’, Pinks,” sighed Aria. “Yeah, that too. Anyway, wanna drink this random colorful liquid in this unmarked bottle, the contents of which I simply will not elaborate on?” Aria buried her face in her palms. Only Pinkie would ever approach a situation like that. While Aria herself wasn’t exactly the dictionary definition of the word “subtle”, she still knew better than to just up and say it like that. Not even Sonata would be stupid enough to accept that with no follow-up questions. “Um… What flavor is it?” asked Sonata. “Sparkles flavor!” “Ooh! My favorite!” Aria watched through her fingers as her idiot, moron, room-temperature IQ sister proved her wrong; Sonata wasn’t stupid enough to take the bottle without any follow-up questions. Worse, she took the bottle after asking possibly the dumbest question one could ask in this situation. Completely, blissfully ignorant to her precarious situation, Sonata accepted the bottle and took a healthy swig of its contents. She gulped down a mouthful and grimaced, pulling the bottle away from her face to cough and gag. “Blegh. Gross!” hacked Sonata. “What the heck is in that? It tastes like how Ari’s room smells.” “Oh, suck my fat cock, Nata,” snarled Aria, flipping the bird to her sister. “My room is fine. I told you, that smell came from when Adagio snuck a fish in my… What are you doing?” “Hm? You told me to suck your cock, didn’t you?” Sonata was on her knees, slowly sliding across the floor until she was just in front of Aria. Even as she spoke, just as casually as can be, she grabbed her sister’s formidable hunk of meat with both hands and wrapped her lips around the tip. “Like thish?” “Holy shit, it worked,” said Aria, unable to believe her eyes. Never one to waste an opportunity, she grabbed Sonata by her ponytail and viciously bucked her hips against her pretty face. She glanced over to Pinkie, who was currently observing, stroking her fat pink cock at the sight before her. “So, like, do you know how long it lasts?” “Oh, it’s permanent. And whatever you tell them, they do. You can make them do whatever, think whatever, say whatever, and feel whatever you want!”explained Pinkie. “At least, that’s what the writer’s outline said, he might change the rules before this goes live. Wouldn’t be the first time.” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “Oh, nothing important, hey, wanna let me demolish your sister’s guts with my giant veiny horse donger?” “Ugh… And Adagio says I have a foul mouth…” Aria rolled her eyes, but pulled her cock from Sonata’s throat nevertheless. She pulled her up to her feet by her ponytail, and smirked. “Sonata, you’re gonna finally show me those stupid fat tits of yours, and then you’re gonna bend over and take both our cocks like the nasty fucking slut you are.” “Okay, Ari!” said Sonata. She went to remove her crop top, but Aria stopped her with a hand. “Hm?” “You have to call me Daddy from now on.” “Okay, Daddy, whatever you say!” With her new orders in place, Sonata pulled her tight-fitting top off and threw it to the side, letting her comically fat, bouncy tits spring into view, much to Aria's visible delight. “Like this, Daddy?” “Ohhh, yeah, this fucking rules.” Aria giggled like a schoolgirl, her joy only interrupted by the snort from Pinkie's direction. “What's so funny, Pie?” “Daddy, huh?” snickered Pinkie. “If I was your therapist, I'd be taking a lot of notes after that one.” “Look, do you wanna keep yapping or do you wanna fuck my sister?” “Now we're talking!” Pinkie pushed Sonata forward, bending her over at the waist so that she could get a grip on her tight blue jeans. With a strength that one wouldn't expect from someone of Pinkie's build, she effortlessly tore the seat of Sonata’s jeans, giving herself a clear entry way to the bubbly bimbo’s tight little pussy. She wasted very little time in guiding her throbbing, drooling head into Sonata's folds, giggling with unrestrained joy as she forced inch after inch of her cock into her best friend's little sister. “Ooh, that’s snug! She feels goooood!” giggled Pinkie. She held Sonata around her narrow hips and set her hips forward, sending Sonata lurching forward with each deep, powerful stroke. “You’d think she’d be all worn out, what with her big bimbo vibes.” “Actually, I think she’s a virgin.” Aria snickered as she grabbed her sister by the head and stuffed her cock back into Sonata’s eager mouth. “Well, she was a virgin, I guess.” “Let’s give her a first time to remember, then.” Pinkie set the pace for the pair, slamming her wide hips into Sonata’s slender frame with an almost feral aggression. Aria was just a half beat behind, quickly matching Pinkie’s speed; drool dripped from the corners of Sonata’s mouth, her lips spread to their limit from the meaty girth of Aria’s thick cock forcing itself into her tiny, empty, obedient head. From behind was a similar story, except Pinkie took her aggression one step further by pulling Sonata’s very conveniently-placed ponytail in time with her thrust. The new fucktoy gushed from both ends, slick arousal from her cunt and sticky, slippery throat slime from her face. “Fuck yeah,” groaned Aria, pushing her cock as far back into Sonata’s throat as she could manage. Her fat, heavy balls twitched against her sister’s chin, each thick vein of her pole pulsing as Sonata’s tight, wet throat convulsed around a hunk of meat too big for anyone to reasonably take. “You know how long I’ve wanted to fuck your stupid face? Hope you’re hungry, idiot, cause you’re about to get a thousand years’ worth of frustration down your stupid slut throat.” “I love hearing you talk dirty, Ari! Super hot!” giggled Pinkie. “I don’t know about you, but I’m about ready to empty my nuts in this pussy.” Pinkie brought a hand down onto Sonata’s ass, giggling at the way she moaned in pained delight. “So you wanna give us a countdown or—” “Choke on Daddy’s jizz, dumbass cocksock!” Aria hilted herself in her sister’s throat, and she let out a savage growl as she erupted. Thick, hots jets of molten hot cum sprayed down Sonata’s throat, with so much force that it nearly took the bimbo’s head clean off her shoulders. Not much was going through Sonata’s mind, just a light, airy satisfaction at obeying the orders she had been given. It felt good, to be used as a fleshlight for her big sister, the weight and heft of her fat balls pulsing in time with each load of jizz down her throat and into her belly. Very soon after Aria began to unload, so too did Pinkie, with just as much force and volume as Aria. Between the two, Sonata would’ve sworn her stomach was swelling, if she had enough brainpower to form such a thought. Instead of any sort of analysis, Sonata’s mind was simply awash with pleasure, and she let out a satisfied little coo as she slid off of the cocks that were impaling her and plopped into a puddle of fluids on the floor. “Gimme some warning next time! Almost didn’t get the timing right!” complained Pinkie. “Pumping your dicksnot in a fuckhole is always more fun with a bud!” “Alright, I’m gonna ignore how fucking gross that sentence was,” sighed Aria, wiping the sweat from her brow. “Just out of curiosity… How much more of that mind control potion do you have on you?” “Hm… Let’s see.” Pinkie reached into her endless abyss of Pink hair and returned with a small wooden crate containing roughly a dozen more glass bottles of the potion. “Hm… Enough for, like, 8 more people and then a few back-ups. Why do you ask?” Aria wasn’t always sure when Pinkie was joking, so she gave her a few moments to reach her own conclusions. “Oh! I just had the best idea! Why don’t you take one to give to Adagio!” Pinkie applauded her own genius, much to Aria’s general annoyance. “And then I can give a dose to all my friends, and then we can fuck them whenever we want!” “Yeah… That was, like, the whole plan, wasn’t it?” “I know, aren’t I so smart?” “I… Well, I guess it was your plan, huh?” Aria swiped up a potion from Pinkie’s crate, then grabbed Sonata by the ponytail and dragged her across the floor to the exit. “I’m gonna go make Adagio twerk on my cock. Text me later.” “Okie-doke! Bye, Ari! Catch you later!” Pinkie waved as her friend departed, dragging their semi-conscious fuckdoll up the stairs like a sack of potatoes. Pinkie watched them go, all the while deciding how exactly she’d proceed. Then, almost as if by providence, Pinkie’s phone rang, and she quickly answered it. “Hello? Oh, Rarity, hi! Oh, what am I doing? Nothing much, just finishing up this new milkshake recipe.” Pinkie smiled deviously, stroking her cock as her mind was flooded with debauched fantasies of the coming hours. “Hey, you should gather the girls and come over to try them…” Hey wanna take over the world? Come meet me outside! Aria was used to weird texts from Pinkie by this point, and she often ignored them. However, given that nearly a full week had passed since the last time the two spoke, it dawned on Aria that it might be beneficial to see what Pinkie was on about this time. So, even though she had plenty to keep her occupied, Aria pulled herself away from her living room to check outside. Once she opened the door up, she was met with a sight so strange, it could only be the cause of Pinkie herself. On the front lawn, The Rainbooms stood neatly in a row, like perverted toy soldiers. Each of them were completely nude, baring their luscious bodies to the world. All seven of them grinned blankly, with one notable exception; Rarity, for one reason or the other, scowled as she stood, covered in bruises and attached by a collar around her neck to the strange structure behind them. Some cross between a wagon and a throne, with luscious cushions upon which Pinkie currently sat. “Hey, Aria!” said Pinkie with a wave. “Hope you’ve been having fun, cause I sure as heck have!” “You got them to build you a throne?” snickered Aria. Pinkie nodded energetically, reclining in her lavish throne on wheels as her harem came around to stand beside their master. “Sweet. But, uh, why do you only have the cunty one pulling you around?” “The ‘cunty one' has a name,” droned Rarity. “Well, you dickwads never bothered to ask me mine, so why the fuck would I care about yours?” Aria gave Rarity the finger before turning her attention back to Pinkie. “But, yeah, she's pretty scrawny, and that chair looks heavy. Why not have muscles over here do it? Doesn't she have super strength or something?” “Oh, you mean Applejack?” asked Pinkie, gesturing to the obliviously grinning farm girl beside her. “Yeah, she's crazy strong, I've seen her roll up a skillet like a newspaper once. But I need her hands free for other stuff.” “Okay… What kind of other stuff?” “No, don't ask!” shrieked Rarity, but it was already too late; As soon as Aria's question left her lips, Applejack turned on the spot and punched Rarity in the gut, harder than Aria had ever seen a human being hit another before. Rarity collapsed, heaving in shaky, pained breaths as she tried her best not to puke, all while Pinkie cackled above her. “Every time someone asks what AJ is for, she has to hit me…” “Not gonna lie, that's fucking hilarious!” Aria cackled, but offered a hand to the fallen Rarity, and helped her back onto her shaky feet. “But I think I missed it, what's Applejack here for again?” “Oh, eat a dick and die, you rotten c—” Before Rarity could finish her insult, Applejack swung again, this time slamming her powerful fist into Rarity’s face with enough force to dislodge a tooth and send it clattering onto the pavement. “C-cunt…” “This is too good. What'd you do to the others?” “Okay, so, first off, I had Sci-Twi do all my homework, but then I realized that was dumb because why do I need to do homework now, so then I made her make out with Princess Twilight for a while,” explained Pinkie. “It was super hot, basically watching two sisters play tonsil hockey.” Both Twilights stepped forward and, almost as if to prove Pinkie right, began furiously tongue wrestling, much to Aria's amusement. “Then I tried to play this, like, shell game thing where I tried to figure out which Twilight was which just based on how their pussy felt, but I got them mixed up so now I don't know which one is which.” “Uh-huh…” “Fluttershy doesn't do much, she just keeps my dick warm when I'm not using it. I also make her tuck me in and read me bedtime stories ‘cause I have trouble sleeping sometimes. Sunny does my hair, Rainbow fetches me coffee, Rarity is there for gits and shiggles, and Applejack… Sorry, I forget. AJ, what are you for?” “Oh, for fucks sake…” groaned Rarity, bracing just in time for Applejack to crashing her fist into Rarity’s middle, pounding her right in her womb and sending her crumpling to the floor in a sobbing, quivering mess. “This is ridiculous!” “And obviously, I dump my jizz in all of them whenever I want, it's pretty sweet. Oh, and check this out!” Pinkie clapped her hands twice, and her entire harem stood up a bit straighter, almost as if in salute. “Oh, girls? Tell me, who's the prettiest, smartest, cutest, funniest, charmingest, most beautifulest woman in the world?” “Only you, our beloved God Emperor Queen Pinkie Pie,” recited the harem in unison, with all chipper and cheery in their delivery, barring one Rarity-sized exception. “Long may she reign, with her cute hairdo and sexy fat cock and balls.” “The best part?” said Pinkie with a smirk. “They’ve all been programmed to love being under my control. Except Rares, obvs.” “Cool. Gotta try some of that with Adagio…” “Oh, yeah, that reminds me,” said Pinkie. She stood up from her throne and clapped her hands again; Rarity unlatched herself from the front of the throne and dropped to all fours in order to give Pinkie a convenient step down to the floor, scowling all the while. “How’d you get Adagio to take the potion, anyway? Isn’t she supposed to be the smart one?” “Yeah, I was expecting it to be a lot harder than—” Aria scowled as she caught what Pinkie was getting at. Pinkie just grinned, much to Aria’s general annoyance. “Just get in before I kick your ass.” “M’kay. Never been to your place before!” Pinkie stepped forward, stopping her approaching harem with an extended palm. “Rarity, AJ, you’re with me. Everyone else, just wait here and, like, make out or something, I guess.” “Yes, God Emperor Queen Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie skipped forward, flanked by her two slaves, and followed Aria into the quaint little house that The Dazzlings called home. A short hallway and left turn had them spilling into the living room, where the remaining Sirens resided. Sonata seemed to mostly be her usual, chipper self, bouncing idly on the couch as she watched TV. Of course, the hardcore gangbang porno that was playing at that time certainly impacted the apparent normality of the situation, as did Adagio’s current predicament; The former lead singer was completely nude, kneeling besides the couch with costume cat ears atop her head,and a fluffy gray cat tail buttplug stuffed into her tight little hole. She looked up and scowled at the new visitors, while Sonata just waved politely. “¡Hola!” said Sonata brightly “So you managed to get the Rainbooms, too?” scoffed Adagio. “You bested our greatest rivals, and you overthrew me as leader? I might be proud of your ambition if my asshole wasn’t currently on fire...” “What? No, they’re not mine. They’re her’s,” said Aria, jabbing a thumb at Pinkie, who waved with a grin. “This whole thing was her idea.” “Yeppers. Besides, Aria wouldn’t mind-control-roofie me,” said Pinkie. “We’re, like, besties!” “No we’re… Actually, yeah, I guess we are. That’s fucking weird.” “¡Manzana!” said Sonata, clapping giddily and pointing at Applejack. “Shut up, idiot. Anyway, I figured it’d be funnier if you heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.” Aria snapped in Adagio’s direction. “Be a good bitch and tell Pinkie what happened.” “God, I hate you… She hid it in a Crumbl cookie…” grumbled Adagio. “No matter how many times she’s pulled almost this exact prank on me over the years, I, alas, cannot refuse the succubus call of a delicious cookie… Now she’s making me wear these ridiculous things, she stuffed this gigantic toy up my ass, and she makes me… Ugh. Lick her delicious, musky sweat from every salty inch of her body. I’m obsessed with the smell of her armpits and I would do anything for a taste…” “Ew, gross, Adagio! I didn’t even make you say all of that!” “Yes, you did, you lying bitch!” “Yeah, I did,” chuckled Aria. “But, like, no one knows that, so when she says it, they’ll think it’s real, it’s gonna be super embarrassing for her.” “How is this fair?” chimed Rarity. “Compared to what Pinkie’s doing to me, you’re living the life! And this was one of my best friends, Aria doesn’t even like you!” “Oh, how rude of me. I should’ve asked about you lot,” droned Adagio. She turned to Applejack, brow cocked curiously. “You’re not saying much. What does she do with you, Apples?” “Jesus, not again!” “AJ, wait!” To everyone’s surprise, it was Pinkie who jumped in to stop Applejack mid-punch. Obediently, Applejack stopped in place, looking to her master for further instruction. Pinkie held the silence for just long enough for Rarity to relax, and broke out into that same, sadistic grin. “Your arm’s probably getting tired. Kick her instead.” Just as she had been instructed, Applejack swung her big, tree-trunk leg up between Rarity’s leg with enough force to crack granite. Not even a shout left Rarity, even as the pain caught up with her and threatened to have her fainting on the spot. Instead, she crumpled, choking and sobbing as she looked up at Pinkie with horror. “W-why…?” heaved Rarity. “Why are you… doing this… to me…? “Huh? Whatdya mean, Rare-Bear?” asked Pinkie quizzically. “It’s not just you, I brainwashed everyone!” In that moment, Rarity’s sheer befuddlement was enough to distract her from the pain. “I meant… Why… Are you fucking serious right now?” “Nah, I was trying to gaslight you. Did it work?” “Okay, seriously, though. If all you knew was that one of us used to be a supervillain, you’d definitely guess it was her, right?” said Aria. “Like, I’m convinced it was an act of God that Pie ended up a good guy.” “¡Muy buena!” chimed Sonata. Finally, Pinkie could ignore the situation no longer. “Alright, I’ll bite,” said Pinkie. “What’s her deal?” “Hearing her talk pisses me off, so my first command when we got home was that she could only speak if she does it in Spanish,” said Aria. She rolled her eyes. “She doesn’t speak Spanish. She had to look over her notes from school, and I taught her a couple of words.” “¡Ay, Papi, mas!” “Just the essentials, y’know? Now, she doesn't talk as much, and when she does, it's in the sexiest language on the planet.” Aria shrugged. “Literally no downsides.” “What if she has something important to tell you?” asked Pinkie. Aria just stared at her friend, as if she had sprouted a second head “Have you met my sister?” “Are we done here?” complained Adagio. “Aria didn't lube this plug and she said I have to keep it in until you leave. I'd appreciate it if you fucked off so I can put an ice pack on my asshole.” “You think that's uncomfortable,” snorted Rarity. “Pinkie programmed me so that every time I get even slightly aroused, I get period cramps.” “It's not a contest, Rarity,” said Pinkie. “But, since you mentioned it… Remember that time we were at the lake and Big Mac’s trunks blew off?” “Oof… Oh my God, this is the worst…” “I thought you said she was gay,” noted Aria. “Yeah, I thought so too. Turns out she was just a bitch who didn't feel like putting out,” shrugged Pinkie. “Anyway, getting bored now, wanna go take over the world?” “Yeah, you said that in your text but I was too busy face fucking my idiot sister at the time to ask you what that means.” “Oh, did I not say? I had the Twilights turn the potion into a spell,” said Pinkie. “Just gotta give them the go ahead and they can place it on everyone, everywhere, all at once. We could do whatever we want! We could have anything, all the money, weed, and hot chicks we want!” “You're telling me you found a way to mind control the entire fucking planet?” asked Aria. Pinkie nodded ecstatically. “Well, why the fuck didn't you open with that?” It got quiet for a bit, and Pinkie toed the ground in a rare display of shy sheepishness. “I kinda just wanted to hang out with my bestest buddy in the whole world…” murmured Pinkie. Aria blinked, unsure if she should be taking Pinkie seriously here. When Pinkie gave no indication that she was anything short of dead serious, Aria leaned past her to look at Rarity. “There’s something seriously wrong with your friend’s head.” “Agreed,” said Rarity dryly. “Though I wouldn’t exactly call her my friend at this point…” “Hey, Rarity, guess what? You just went into labor,” said Pinkie. Rarity gasped before shrieking in pain, clutching her stomach as she collapsed to the floor, doing her best breathing techniques to ensure the safe and healthy birth of a baby that didn’t exist. “Keep up that sass, and I’ll make it triplets, comprende?” “¡Si, si!” cheered Sonata. “¡Me comprende!” “That’s not how you say that, dumbass. That probably reads as super offensive,” groaned Aria, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, before we take over the world, I gotta piss. Be right back, gonna hit up the urinal.” “You have a urinal?” asked Pinkie quizzically. In lieu of a verbal answer, Aria instead walked a few feet to where Adagio was sitting. She unzipped her jeans and flopped out her fat, musky cock, which she immediately shoved past Adagio’s plump lips. The former lead of The Dazzlings grunted her disapproval, which became a prolonged groan of fury when Aria released; A powerful stream of hot piss hosed down Adagio’s throat, with such intense ferocity that, if not for Rarity’s continued bawling on the floor, it could likely be heard with the naked ear. “I do now,” snickered Aria. “Man, she fucking hates when I do this.” “You do this often?” asked Pinkie. “I’ve been chugging tons of water just so I can keep pissing down her throat.” With a contented little sigh, Aria shook the last few bitter drops onto her sister’s tongue, then patted her almost lovingly atop the head. “What do you say, pissbreath?” “Thank you, Aria, your disgusting piss was delicious,” snarled Adagio. She darted her eyes to Rarity beside her. “Still say I have it easy?” “Oh my God, please make it fucking stop!” “Man, this is the life.” Whenever Aria had pictured world domination, she unfortunately imagined having to split her power with her two obnoxious sisters. Both Adagio and Sonata certainly had their own ideas of what to do once their mission was complete, and Aria wasn’t especially looking forward to whatever an idiot like Sonata would do with the entire world at her beck and call. Luckily for Aria, she found another partner in her conquest, one who strangely enough had very similar taste to her. The two had upgraded immensely from jerking off together in Pinkie’s basement. Now, she found herself on a luxurious couch, in a theater that was nearly the size of her entire house before. Now, it was just one small room in a much grander, more extravagant mansion. The new and improved Party Cave was a feat of debauched architecture, with multiple strip clubs, gloryholes, dungeons, porn theaters and hydroponics labs, each the pinnacle of design in their fields. That was just the beginning of their spoils, of course. Even six months in, and there were still new women entering the mansion to satisfy Aria and Pinkie. At this point, Aria wasn’t sure if they’d ever run out of pussy, though she and Pinkie were determined to find out. Even with the countless new holes to explore, it was perhaps expected that both Aria and Pinkie would have their favorites. “You said it, Pinks. I gotta give you credit,” said Aria, sighing contentedly. For once, even she struggled to find something to be annoyed by. She was on top of the food chain, above even her sisters. Now, the two lesser Sirens exist purely to serve and satisfy the true lead of the group. Even as Aria spoke to Pinkie, her underlings were at work; Sonata was on her knees before Aria, using her fat tits to work her sister’s pole, while Adagio was on the couch beside her, scowling as she was compelled to continuously lick Aria’s sweaty armpit. Between her two favored toys, and the massive screen before her showing off an endless stream of high quality porn, there wasn’t much to complain about. “When you set your mind to something, you really come through.” “Sometimes, you just gotta… Ooh, fuck yeah, Rares, that’s good!” Though Aria couldn’t quite see Pinkie, she could hear her voice float a bit from the right, and she could feel the impact of her pounding Rarity over the couch. It took Pinkie a few more moments of drilling into Rarity’s womb to regain her train of thought. “Sorry. I was saying, sometimes you just gotta trust the process!” “Guess so. Still, I can’t believe you were down to do something like this. You’re supposed to be a goody-goody, and I’m supposed to be the bad influence on you.” “What can I say? Being naughty is fun!” Pinkie punctuated her point by violently slapping Rarity’s ass, the smack so loud it nearly drowned out the sounds of her whimpering moans. “Besides, what’s the point in being a good guy if you can’t jerk off with your friend’s ovaries whenever you feel like it?” “You’re a psycho, Pinks, and I mean that in the best way possible.” “You’re such a sweetie, Aria. I’m glad that we started hanging out,” said Pinkie. “Even if I’m pretty sure you just wanted to smoke my weed.” “Heh. Well, I didn’t know you were this cool back then. You sure showed me,” chuckled Aria. She hefted up her cock and slapped her meat none-too-gently against Sonata’s face; Just as she had been instructed in earlier months, Sonata took Aria’s cock into her mouth and swallowed down as much of it as she could fit in her face. “Not to get too corny but… There’s no one I’d rather take over this stupid ugly human planet with than you, Pinks.” “I’m literally right here,” complained Adagio, shuddering in disgust as her tongue once again lapped up a beat of sweat from beneath Aria’s arm. “Did you forget the thousand years where it was supposed to be us who took over this stupid ugly human planet?” “Yeah, well, maybe if you put out every now and then, I wouldn’t have had to give you the potion,” said Aria. “Now shut up and lick more, pitslut.” “Ugh… As you command, Daddy…” Adagio returned to her duties, scowling all the while. “Disgusting fucking pig…” “You know, talking like that only makes me want to fuck you more, right?” “P-Pinkie… Please…” gasped Rarity. “You’ve been fucking me… nonstop… for a week…” “Hm… I suppose I could go for some Flutterpussy,” said Pinkie. “If you want, you can just go help Applejack work out. I hear she’s looking for a punching bag.” “Ugh… Can’t you at least make me happy… Like the others…” She glanced up to a girl she once called her friend, hoping for some modicum of mercy. “I still don’t know why you’re only treating me like this…” “Remember my 18th birthday? You Pinkie Promised you’d be there on time,” said Pinkie. “You were late! And these are the consequences.” “Darling, you cannot be fucking serious right now.” Rarity pounded her fists against the couch, like a little girl throwing a tantrum. “I was two minutes late!” “And you promised you wouldn’t be, so now you get to take my cock every day, forever and ever!” giggled Pinkie. “Doesn't help that Lewd just doesn't like you. Also, I'm not a fan of your tone, so now your lungs don’t work.” “Yep, like I said. You’re a real psycho.” Aria, barely heard over the sound of Rarity suffocating beside her, offered up a fist bump to Pinkie, who eagerly accepted. “So? What do we do now?” Pinkie grinned, tapping her chin in thought. As she ruminated on the question, she pushed down on Rarity’s head and hilted herself in her poor, abused pussy. Pinkie snapped her head up, eyes looking straight ahead. Her eyes beamed through the screen, to you, the person reading this silly story, and she grinned. “I think I know someplace we can have some more fun."
Moondancer,Rarity,Alternate Universe,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Rarity's Addiction
Rarity is in trouble. Her business is failing and she needs some illegal knowledge to save her. Moondancer is the only one who can help, but the cost is going to be steep... And sexual. (futa)
<p>With her business failing, Rarity is forced to hunt down illegal magic in the hopes of saving herself from going bankrupt. Unfortunately for her, the dealer for such spells charges a steep and sexual cost for their services, and she finds herself servicing a thick futa cock for her troubles. Maybe she will learn to enjoy it, or maybe she will learn to love it, but either way it is going to be one hell of a ride. </p><p>(Futa, musk, sweaty and dirty nerd.)</p><p>A commission for Anon</p>
Rarity was stressed out. Working as a seamstress was her dream, and it was something she greatly enjoyed doing, but unfortunately when the work really got rolling in, she was faced with the unfortunate truth that she was simply one mare. Now this was easily solved by hiring other ponies to work in the store, but unfortunately she simply didn’t make enough to pay them a decent wage. Normally, Rarity could handle stress, she could handle the odd meltdown or sleepless night, they came with the job after all. But as the dishevelled white unicorn found herself staring in the mirror, she finally had enough of this whole situation. Normally she was a regal mare who cared a lot about her appearance, so seeing herself like this? She couldn’t handle it. Her purple mane was a mess, tangled and twisted, and she hadn’t had a shower in two whole days. The store around her was starting to look shabby as well, but she tried to not reflect on it too much, working a mane brush through and down the curls of her mane and tail. Normally her tail was twisted and curled in an impressive fashion, but today it hung dead and limp. It was genuinely distressing. Most stallions and mares simply didn’t get it, they dismissed her concerns as if she was simply being a diva for having self respect and caring about her appearance. Well if that made her a diva, then she must have been one of the biggest divas in history because right now she felt as if her entire world was crumbling around her, as if every little thing she had done wrong was currently mounting against her and attempting to drag her down. Saying that she was experiencing a mental breakdown would have been an understatement. She was the mental breakdown. Panic poored from her pores as she tried to get a grip. What she needed was some help. Tossing and turning at night she had come to the realisation that she was a unicorn. She could simply use magic to solve all her problems, or at least relieve them. But unfortunately for her, the spell she was hoping to use was unfortunately highly illegal. Apparently after some wizard had animated some mops and brooms, something terrible had happened. It was always an annoyance when a good plan fell apart, but Rarity needed a break. If the white unicorn chose to take one however, she was at risk of losing her shop, at losing everything that mattered to her. She could end up out on the street! The anxiety was really fraying her nerves, and so in the end she had simply decided to ask her friend, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle was a genius when it came to magic, one of the most powerful mages that Equestria had ever seen. Instead of helping Rarity learn the spell however, she had gotten an hour long lecture on how the spell was too dangerous for her, and all the ways in which it could go horribly wrong. This has annoyed Rarity greatly. Rarity wasn't some unicorn prodigy of magic, but just because she was some prim and proper clothes designer didn't mean she didn't know a thing or two about magic. She could teleport for Celestia's sake! Her eye was starting to twitch as she settled back into work, but the anger at her friend telling her she couldn't handle the spell was too much for Rarity herself to handle. It was decided! She was going to learn that spell and nothing could dissuade her. Everybody saw her as some prissy pony that didn't know how to handle herself, but she had more than a few tricks up her sleeve. Selling clothing was a boon because everyone had to buy clothing. And almost everyone had at least one gown or fancy suit. The amount of ponies that had come through her door was easily in the thousands, and as she served a higher end client, the amount of secrets she had picked up likely measured into the hundreds. She knew of a black market magic tutor who lived up in Canterlot. A stallion under the pseudonym Bright Dark. That was her ticket to learn the spell and save her business (and sanity) from ruin! It was risky closing up her shop and heading off on a trip to the big city like this, but she didn't have much of a choice. So she was off, after brushing her mane and trying her best to get her appearance looking at least a little less ragged. Already she was starting to feel like a criminal, and had even picked a criminal name out for herself "The sapphire eyed minx". It suited and described her adequately enough, but hopefully she'd never have to use it. Public transport was thankfully pretty high class going up to Canterlot, there were a lot of business ponies that went up to the city, so even the cheapest seats were suitable for a lady like her. Staring out the window as the train slowly trudged up the mountain, she was filled with a strange feeling, an indomitable sadness at how her life had turned out. All she had wanted was to make ponies happy and design fancy clothing. There really wasn’t anything wrong with that, yet it seemed like the universe had done everything in its path to throw her from her goal. Well, besides those times that Twilight had helped her out. The universe wasn’t going to beat her, no matter how hard it tried. She was indomitable in every sense of the word. Prepared to even go as far as to bend the rules if it meant she could keep her store running, and keep the ponies that visited her store happy. By the time she stood before the house that contained Bright Dark, she was having second thoughts. The house had a face. The blinds were partly closed on the top two windows, giving it an almost half asleep expression, seeming to stare judgementally down at her as she slowly moved up the garden path, the grass on either side so high and overgrown she was certain it was going to wrap around her and swallow her up. Someone really needed to tend to this garden and do something about the weeds, but she was coming up to the home of a criminal, she couldn’t have really expected anything better, the age of the gentlecolt villain was already spent and now this… This was what criminals were. By Celestia, she was really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one. She stood before the grimy white door, made out of white plastic that had pockmarks and dents where someone or something had attempted to bust it down before realizing it was a security door. The outside of Canterlot had really gone down hill, even for the bigger and more expensive houses. She raised her hoof and slowly begin to beat it against the door, once, twice, a third time. She felt dirty, she felt absolutely filthy. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible. Staring down at the stained ceramic brickwork of the doorstep, she passed the time counting the cracks, waiting for a response, but after a few minutes it became clear that nobody was coming. It soon became clear that nobody was coming to the door, which was annoying, it seemed like she was going to have to knock on the door again. What a filthy situation this was, she really didn’t want to knock on the door again, but it seemed like she didn’t have much of a choice. With a slight grimace, she raised her hoof again and firmly knocked on the door again. Honestly she was surprised she had even managed to find this place, and she had no idea what she was even going to say. How did one talk to a criminal? She wasn’t sure. The door opened and a bedraggled looking mare hastily opened the door. The first thing Rarity noticed was the fact that she was wearing the ugliest looking red sweater that she had ever seen in her life! It was tattered and battered beyond belief, and had some foul orange powder on it. An orange powder that also seemed to be decorating the hooves of the light beige mare. Her further was either a light beige or a light cream colour, Rarity couldn’t be sure, as it looked like this mare hadn’t bathed properly in quite some time. Her mane and tail were a light red with two highlighted streaks running through it, one of them light purple, and another a darker purple. It wasn’t possible to properly tell where one tone ended and another begin because of the state her hair was in. “What is it? I’m in the middle of something!” The mare said, seeming to glare at her from behind a pair of square plastic framed glasses that appeared to be held together in the middle with tape. Rarity was caught off-guard. Maybe her memory wasn’t as good as she had originally thought. “I’m looking for a Mr Bright Dark, I must have gotten the wrong house, sorry!” “No, that’s me. Come in and hurry.” Before Rarity could say another word, the mare had turned tail and was trotting her way up the stairs, leaving the door wide open. As she trotted up the stairs, Rarity couldn’t help but take note of the latex leggings the mare was wearing. What kind of weird situation had she gotten herself into now? Rarity slowly trotted her way up the stairs after the mare, noting that while the outside of the house looked like it was falling apart, inside that wasn’t the case. It only looked like it was partly falling apart. The mare lead Rarity into what looked like her bedroom, and Rarity was… Well, made incredibly uncomfortable just setting hoof in it. There was a single book case at the back of the room with books scattered all over the place, dog-eared and well read, although it didn’t seem like they had been well looked after. A poster of a mare spreading her legs to expose herself dominated the back wall, much like it was going to dominate Rarity’s mind for the next few days as she tried to figure out just why someone thought that was OK. The bed was a mess, the floor had books and several plates scattered across it, and the most pristine part of the room appeared to be a collection of several plushies and figurines that were scattered atop the book case and lay out across the unmade bed. And dominating the front wall of the room was a desk, decorated with dozens of trinkets, a huge computer monitor showing a game that looked like a dirt road with grass on either side. The mare instantly plopped herself down into the seat and took control of her character, a weird bloated hamster that appeared to be armed with a blowgun. “Sorry, I’m in the middle of a game at the moment, you can just chill on my bed or find a spot on the floor,” She said, using the computer mouse and her magic to control the mouse and keyboard, controlling the strange hamster. Rarity had never taken interest in computer games, but if it was a choice of watching the computer game or sitting on the bed, it didn’t matter, she’d take staring at the computer game. She scowled softly at the computer screen, trying to take in all the details of the game as the bloated hamster desperately attempted to take out a women with no armour and a crop top who was fighting with a pair of guns. Already Rarity had decided she didn’t really like this game, the little hamster seemed to give off an evil aura, and the beige unicorn didn’t seem to look like she was having fun either, as the women in the crop top blew her hamster to bits and instantly sent her into a blind rage. Her purple eyes flew wide, her nostrils flared, and then both her hooves shattered apart her keyboard in an instant, scattering the keys all across the floor as the keyboard bounced upwards, then broke in half. Moondancer dumped the keyboard onto the floor as the computer screen turned gray, turning towards Rarity with something approaching a smile spread across her face. “You’re very pretty ma’am. Welcome to my Fortress of Dreams, make yourself at home. I know what you’re thinking ‘By Celestia, Bright Dark is Moondancer! The challenger legend of ponies player who was friends with THE Twilight Sparkle!’ Impressive right? What can I do for you?” As she spoke, she leaned a hoof under the desk and produced a bag of orange, sausage shaped crisps and shoved a hoof full into her face, coating her lips in orange powder. Rarity felt like she was dying inside, but gently forced a smile onto her face, “Ah… I… Yes? I came for a spell. I want to learn how to animate inanimate objects, for my shop you see?” She didn’t mention begin friends with Twilight currently, or the fact that she had literally never heard Twilight mention Moondancer. This mare seemed to have the mental resistance of a wasp, and Rarity was worried the slightest wrong word would send her into a blind rage. Of course, she wasn’t worried about this mare hurting her, her stomach was bulging outwards slightly against the sweater, and it looked like she was more at risk of running out of breath then hurting her. “Ah, I see. Well I can do it, but it’s not going to be cheap. For a mare as pretty as yourself, I think I can cut you a deal though. I want you to give me a blowjob.” Rarity’s ears twitched, her entire brain froze up like someone had poured liquid nitrogen over it. “Pardon? What was that?” She asked, quite sure that she had misheard. “A blowjob? You see, I give myself a cock with magic, you suck me off under the desk, we both have biological needs and with how expensive this spell is, I’m basically doing you a favour, see? Because I see myself as a good person and all that.” Rarity had no idea what the fuck Moondancer had been drinking, but she didn’t want any part of this. “I’ll just pay with the bits, thank you.” Moondancer shrugged as she leaned back in the gaming chair, focusing once again on her game as her hamster returned to life. Her magic had put the keyboard back together in an instant, and she was back to hammering away on it to fight over the dirt road or something. “Alright. If you want to pay in bits it’s five thousand.” Rarity’s blood turned to ice in her veins. Five thousand? She didn’t have that many bits! “I… Ah, can’t you come down for me? Something close to two thousand… After all, you did say I was very pretty.” Moondancer smirked, “No way. I’ve watched Startrek, your Jedi mind tricks won’t work on me.” Rarity had no idea what a Star Trek was, but she gave her best charming smile and fluttered her lashes softly, “Ah.. Please, for me?” “I said no, now get the fuck out of my room or suck my fat cock you stupid harlot. I know who you are and Twilight ruined my fucking life so I’m not doing you any favours.” Rarity hadn’t expected her to get so aggressive, but with how mentally unstable she seemed to be, she couldn’t really expect much,. “Well, I happen to be close friends with Twilight and I’m sure she didn’t mean to ruin your life.” Moondancer scoffed softly, “She got all the luck and all the handouts. I’m twice the mage she ever was and I just got shoved to the side.” Rarity knew that this mare was unstable and didn’t want to risk angering her further, but she also really didn’t want to suck her off either. The whole idea was just too horrible to think about. She was a refined, proper lady and Moondancer looked like she hadn’t bathed in quite a while. She stank of sweat and rage, and as Rarity thought, the mare seemed to only get angrier at her game, threatening to burst into a blind rage at any moment. In moments like these, it was customary to have your entire life flash before your eyes, and that’s exactly what was happening with Rarity. Surely this wasn’t worth it. Right now she could just take the train back to her shop and forget about this whole horrid mess. Nobody would judge her for it, she could save her dignity and forget about this whole affair. But that was the thing with dignity and pride, in small amounts they were a useful trait to have, but like all traits, the shared the flaw of being completely inedible. She couldn’t survive on pride and dignity, no matter how much she tried to do so. Sure, this was a terrible thing, and this mare was an absolute pig for even suggesting it, but if she did this, got her spell and saved her business, she could have all the dignity and pride she wanted. If she didn’t do this, her shop would carry on failing, and eventually she would have no money, have to close her shop and give up on everything she loved to find another job. All for the sake of a little pride. It wasn’t worth it. That much was obvious, but the idea of pleasuring another mare like this… It wasn’t right. “So-So.. Are you transgender or something darling? Why do you have a cock in the first place?” She asked, trying to work on an ice breaker to make this situation at least a little less awkward. “Because fuck you that’s why. You can’t just ask someone why they have a cock, that’s like asking a zebra why they have stripes!” Right. Rarity was dealing with some kind of mentally unstable egotist. Small talk wasn’t going to work on her. She needed to come up with something better if she really wanted to do this. Was she going to do it? She had come all this way and made all the tough choices. If she turned back now it would be a complete failure… “Fine, I’ll suck your cock…” She reluctantly accepted, managing to choke back several curse words that would have normally been affixed to the end of that sentence. Moondancer let out a wicked, stomach turning smile, her magenta eyes panning down to Rarity as she clopped her front hooves together, then glowered at her computer as she waited on another match. While she was waiting for the next game to load in, she pushed herself away from the desk and rotated on the swivel chair so that she faced Rarity, spreading her legs. Yep. There was no denying it, the cream coloured mare had a horse cock between her legs. A black one that wouldn’t have looked the slightest bit out of place on a stallion. That was it, just pretend this was a stallion, she could work with that. Rarity wasn’t a lesbian. Once she was done with this whole affair she would never have to think about or deal with anything like this ever again. “Well, hurry up and get under the desk, I don’t have all day.” Moondancer said, leaning back on her chair like it was the most casual thing in the world.
Moondancer,Rarity,Alternate Universe,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Rarity's Addiction
Rarity is in trouble. Her business is failing and she needs some illegal knowledge to save her. Moondancer is the only one who can help, but the cost is going to be steep... And sexual. (futa)
<p>With her business failing, Rarity is forced to hunt down illegal magic in the hopes of saving herself from going bankrupt. Unfortunately for her, the dealer for such spells charges a steep and sexual cost for their services, and she finds herself servicing a thick futa cock for her troubles. Maybe she will learn to enjoy it, or maybe she will learn to love it, but either way it is going to be one hell of a ride. </p><p>(Futa, musk, sweaty and dirty nerd.)</p><p>A commission for Anon</p>
The underside of Moondancer’s desk smelled. It smelled of sweat and musk, of poorly managed anger and… Other things that Rarity didn’t want to think about at the moment. When was the last time that this mare had taken a bath? She didn’t know, but it hadn’t been recently. Her cock was coated in a thin layer of musky sweat from being attached to a mare who was currently invested in some kind of high stakes video game. Rarity would never understand it, she could barely fit under the desk as much of the room was taken up by a computer that was currently humming away to itself, sending along electrical signals to the monitor above, and taking inputs from a number of cables Rarity really didn’t want to risk brushing against. Right. A blowjob. One blowjob to save everything she cared about. She could do this. She could get her perfectly manicured hooves a little dirty for… Fuck… Closing her sapphire blue eyes firmly, she tried to take her mind out of this terrible situation and to somewhere, anywhere else but here. Her prince charming. She pictured a lovely, refined stallion with brushed hair and a nice suit jacket on, who just so happened to have come back from working incredibly hard all day and was now hoping for some sexual relief. It wasn’t all that difficult. “Hurry up and suck it, I haven’t got all day.” Said Moondancer from above, and with an annoyed grunt Rarity pressed her muzzle forward and dragged her tongue along the length of their cock. The taste was terrible. It was like licking salt that had been left in the sun too long. She didn’t know it was possible for salt to taste off, but if it did, this is what it would taste like. Fuck. She was going to need a drink or two after this for sure. Licking her tongue up the length of their cock once again, she let out a soft sigh and returned to her fantasy. It didn’t seem to take much to get Moondancer in the mood, and a few licks later, the pitch black length of her cock was fully hard, twitching excitedly. Rarity moved her head up and brushed her mane back out of the way, then pressed her lips to the head of their cock. Gross. Keep the fantasy running. She could do this. Working her tongue around the head of their length. This was one of the most demeaning things she had ever done in her life. Moondancer didn’t seem to care in the slightest, and before she could even properly adjust herself, the mare had pushed herself forward, bumping firmly against the back of their throat. Rarity almost choked and let out a shocked noise, trying to pull her head back as her fantasy was once again ruined. What was wrong with ponies these days? Didn’t they have the slightest bit of patience? Rarity coughed and choked as she pulled back off the cock. Spots danced before her vision and for a few moments she was worried about the possibility of choking on the cock. Eventually she got a grip over herself. The sooner she made this bitch cum, the faster she could get out of here and go back to cleaning her store and dealing with her customers. An inner fire was ignited within her, the inner fire to be a whore and earn the things that she wanted. Kissing gently at the head of Moondancer’s cock, she did her best to try and block out the terrible smell and the things she was going to have to do if she wanted this mare to get off. Wrapping her lips firmly around the head of their member, she bobbed her head forward and tried not to choke again. Not that it mattered. If it would help save her store then she was prepared to do just about anything, even choke on a cock. Bobbing her head forward she begin to work her tongue in circles around the length of their cock, doing the best that she was able to milk the mare. Above, Moondancer was still tapping away at her computer, lost in some strange game that seemed to make her incredibly angry, and yet she carried on playing it even if it seemed she wasn’t enjoying it. Eventually Moondancer pushed her hoof down to the top of Rarity’s head and forced her forward once again, still completely focused on her game as she did so. At this point Rarity had no choice but to start bobbing her head back and forth, greedily swallowing down the length as though her life depended upon it. If Moondancer wanted her to go faster and suck her off, then that is what she would do. Greedily choking down their length as she tried to force it into the back of her throat, something that made her eyes fly wide as her legs began to quiver beneath her. The potent scent of Moondancer’s musk was overwhelming her senses, absolutely drowning her in musk. The potent smell was almost too much for her to handle, but she kept composed, like a proper lady should, She was going to give this uncultured mare the best blowjob she had ever gotten in her life. Even though her thoughts were spinning and she was doing her best to not picture the mares foul seed staining her perfect white fur. Nopony would likely believe it, but Rarity had read quite a few dirty magazines in her life in her attempts at designing lingerie and other naughty clothing for her clients, and in that time she had picked up more than a few tips on how to give the perfect blowjob. Her tongue spilled forth from her maw and began to circle around the length even more greedily then normal this time, doing its best to get right at the most sensitive areas of flesh. Of course, Moondancer didn’t show much reaction to most of this, but as Rarity slid her head forward and took the whole length into her maw, she had no choice but to let out a soft grunt under her breath. And that was all the encouragement that she needed, burying her muzzle forward and allowing it to rest right against Moondancer’s groin as her throat greedily rolled over the length and did everything it could to milk every ounce of cum from her balls. Up above, Moondancer was now finding it quite impossible to focus on her game. Her bottom lip curled as waves of pleasure rolled through her body. Rarity had worked the whole of that length into her throat. Honestly she hadn’t been expecting Rarity to be this good at blowjobs, but she tried not to show how much she was enjoying it. Rarity's tongue was lapping over her shaft so greedily that had no idea how much longer she was going to be able to hold it. Rarity was completely focused on the task at hoof. She realized that Moondancer was doing her best to hold back an orgasm, trying to make this last as long as was possible. Well, she wasn’t having it. She wanted this finished now. Thankfully, she had just the trick to make the poor mare climax uncontrollably. It took her a few moments to work up the courage needed to go through with it, but she hooked both of her hooves around the back of Moondancer’s legs. A deep musk filled breath was sucked in through her nose as she braced herself, and then with everything she had, she pushed herself forward, sliding the whole of that length into her throat, which clenched and squeezed madly around it, this was because Rarity had purposefully triggered her choking reflex. It was difficult to keep going. It felt like she was fighting every single instinct in her body, but she wasn’t going to give up. Her tongue spilled forth from out of her maw and began to lap greedily at the balls of the mare. With her throat milking her length like it was, and with her tongue still working around Moondancer’s balls, it would seem like there was nothing else that she could do to make this better, but for her next trick she moved one of her hooves from the other unicorn’s legs and to her own throat, rubbing firmly at it to literally jerk off Moondancer through her throat. No mare could resist such a wholesale increase in pleasure, and Moondancer was no different. A soft grunt rolled from her lips, followed by a muttered curse under her breath as her length began to twitch excitedly within Rarity’s throat, and then moments later her orgasm hit. Rarity quickly learned that reading things in books and actually doing them were two quite different things, mostly because Moondancer reflexively pulled back out of her throat, and this meant that instead of her load sliding nice and easily down Rarity’s throat, it also got in her windpipe. She had been choking to begin with, but now her sinuses felt like they were on fire. It burned like hell, and the only thing she could smell was potent maremusk as she made a very undignified noise, then sprayed Moondancer’s cum directly out of her nose. Tears began to stream down her cheeks and for a few terrifying seconds she was blinded, tearing herself off Moodancer’s length before she accidentally bit down. One of Moodancer’s cum ropes splattered directly across her face, and another got in her chest fluff, but she had caught most of them in her mouth… Only to then spray them out of her nose. It really hurt. Rarity fell backwards and bashed her head against the underside of the desk, clutching desperately at her nose as a terrible burning pain ripped through her. What was happening? She didn’t know. Everything burned like crazy, her hooves were shaking. She curled into a ball and clutched at her nose as she coughed up a large volume of cum onto the floor. It was common knowledge that cum was not a good substitute for air, but now Rarity had put it into practice and confirming those findings. Moondancer simply sighed, reaching a hoof down and petting her gently atop the head. “You know, that wasn’t half bad… But I’m still not convinced… You have a lot of work to do.” Rarity kept clearing her lungs, feeling more than a little annoyed at Moondancer’s attitude, but at the same time she was currently so filled with cum that she couldn’t form any complaints about it. It was like when the waiter at a fancy restaurant asked how the food was while you were halfway through taking bite. Weird analogies aside, she suddenly found herself pinned to the floor by Moondancer, her head light and fuzzy, filled with a lot of things that weren’t really making sense. It was as if the whole world was lost to her, and she quickly realized that Moondancer’s purple eyes reminded her so much of those of her good friend Twilight Sparkle’s. She was lost. The brain fog was too thick, her thoughts too scattered. She was thinking about her best friend with a thick futa cock absolutely destroying her, and she was loving it. Moondancer smirked down at her as she rubbed the tip of her cock against Rarity’s snatch, causing her to moan softly. At this point she didn’t care about looking or acting refined. She wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be railed so hard that her brain began to crash and all the silly thoughts in her head were scattered to all four corners of the world. Thinking was hard, and caused her so many woes, but here she didn’t have to think, she could just lie back and let everything go blank. # Moondancer only teased against her sensitive outer folds a few times, lubing their member up so that it didn’t split the white mare open when she pushed inside, but once she was lubed up, she wasted no time in forcing herself inside. To start with it hurt. Rarity wasn’t used to sex, and she knew that gentlecolts were meant to take things slow and make sure that their partner was enjoying every second of it. Moondancer had no such reservations, she pushed her length in down to the medial ring and Rarity could do naught but scream, her back reflexively arching against the floor as her hooves desperately dug against it, doing their best to dig through it as drool dribbled down the side of Rarity’s maw. Suddenly, she snapped out of it. Her body fired off a mix of chemicals and hormones and suddenly everything made so much more sense to her. Leaning her head forward she tightly locked lips with Moodancer and began to take charge of the situation. This filthy mare thought it was OK to pin someone like her down and dominate them? Well Rarity wasn’t going to have any of that. She firmly pinned them down against the ground suddenly and sat atop them, teetering atop their spire with a sudden sadistic grin on her face that would have sent most stallions running for the hills. Moondancer’s eyes were going wide at this point, realizing that she might have made a terrible mistake and there was no going back at this point. She had wanted to fuck Rarity so bad, and now she was getting everything that she had hoped for. “Oh, you want to fuck me you ruffian, I’ll show you how a proper lady beds a stallion!” And with that she was off, both her hooves pinning the beige mare with no small amount of sadistic glee. The floor was filthy, once she was done fucking them she was going to make them clean every inch of this place from top to bottom, but for now she set herself down firmly against their medial ring. The full white of the pristine white unicorn was keeping them pinned. Moondancer didn’t strike Rarity as the sort to go to the gym, so there was nothing they could do to get her off. “Your room is filthy, if you want to cum you’re going to have to promise to clean every inch of this place!” Rarity demanded, starting to rotate her hips slightly to bend their penis into strange new angles and show that she was being deadly serious. Of course, Moondancer was suddenly confused and slightly frightened by the suddenly dominate mare that seemed to have taken charge of Rarity and was now bossing her about. “What the fuhahh!” Moondancer said, their sentence cut in half by Rarity pulling up until only the head of their length remained in her tightly gripping mare hole. Rarity was grinning like some kind of devil as she firmly made her next demand. “Now, that language is unbecoming! There will be no swearing, no slang, only full, complete sentences, or I swear I will ruin your orgasm so hard you’ll remember it for the rest of your life!” Moondancer’s brick red mane was spread out behind her, her wide purple eyes darting about in a fashion she recognised from her good friend Twilight Sparkle. She was trying to think of a way out of this, scanning her mind through thousands of books to try and dig something up that might be able to help. Rarity forced herself down on their length, groaning softly as she smoothly slipped over their medial ring. She didn’t howl, she didn’t scream out like some kind of back-alley whore, she simply pushed herself down and gave a feminine grunt. She was a refined lady and fully intended on acting like it, sliding herself down until her private parts kissed gently against Moondancer’s balls. Drawing her resolve inwards, she then began to rise and fall gently against the mare beneath her, riding their length for all it was worth. A soft plapping sound filled the air, followed by the gentle grunts of the white unicorn, doing her best to keep a reined air about herself. It would have ben a lot more effective were it not for the fact that her mane was currently a mess, and her face was still stained with sticky cum and musk. That musk was still eating into her thoughts, she could practically feel it eroding away at her sanity, and she was loving every second of it. It could howl and roar at her mind all it wanted, but she was a lady, and she planned on acting like one. “Now, you’re going to tidy this place up, give me that book and you’re going to clean your act up mister! I want every inch of this place spotless and I want you to get a proper job for a self respecting mare… Or at the very least have some more respect for yourself!” She gave a gentle poke with one of her perfect white hooves right into Moondancer’s belly. “There’s nothing-AH… Wrong with a bit of pudge… But..” She was sweating, putting a lot more effort into this then she had been expecting. It felt like her entire body was made out of butter and at any moment she could simply melt. Staying focused, she stared down at Moondancer, keeping her hooves pinned firmly against their shoulders to make sure that they didn’t get any funny ideas about escaping and were aware that Rarity was completely serious. “But I’m worried about your heart. We’re going to have to do lots of mmm.. Exercise to ensure that you don’t get fat building up around your organs.” Moondancer tried to get a word in, but Rarity shushed her with a hoof and then began to take her for a proper ride. Her hips began to rise and fall far more aggressively as she tried to ignore the burning in her sinuses from having them flooded with cum. Moodancer was fucked. Rarity didn’t quite know what had come over her, but it had to have something to do with the musk sending her into a frenzy. She felt powerful, she felt like she could take charge. Their cock was rubbing against her clit, causing her eyes to flutter softly. Every one of her muscles and nerve endings was screaming at her. She was adrift in a sea of pleasure where all her worries were lost to her, and even better, she was showing some ungrateful stallion the proper way to treat a mare. She could feel her orgasm rising within her stomach, like someone was filling her up with buttery butterflies. She wanted that orgasm, but she didn’t want Moondancer to know just how much she was being turned on. A game then. “You’re going to be good right? You’re going to do everything I tell you and turn your life around? You’re not going to go trading sexual favours for books again, are you?” “N-No!” Moondancer cried. Rarity gave a grin like a mare possessed, feeling far more powerful then she had in months. “Then cum for me, fill me up with your fat load and show me just how thankful you are!” Moondancer didn’t need to be told twice. Rarity had never felt so powerful in all her life, asserting her will so firmly over another creature that it sent them straight into an orgasm. She loved it. She loved every second of it, and as she felt Moondancer reach her climax beneath her, she realized that Moondancer must have loved it too. It wasn’t a normal, howling, crying out and thrashing around orgasm. Instead it was as though Moondancer’s brain just suddenly kind of shut down. Her eyes snapped shut and she gave a weird kind of whimper, then went into convulsions as her cock shot hot ropes of fertile seed straight into Rarity’s womb, who felt the warmth bloom inside of her. She climaxed just as hard, the whole world tumbling away as she let out a loud cry, arching her back and rolling her eyes backwards as she bounced up and down on their length, the walls of their vagina working to milk every ounce of cum from out f their balls as was possible. With that, they were spent. Rarity felt all the tension melt from out of her body, being replaced with a buttery, strange feeling like she had just got done with an intense work out. She fell atop Moondancer and cuddled her close, leaving their softening cock inside of her snatch for now as she nestled into their chest fur. “By Celestia… You could use a bath.” She muttered softly. The two of them shared a laugh, and all was right with the world for that one instant that they stretched outwards for as long as possible. - Rarity still thought back to that day a lot. She had done her best to help Moondancer turn her life around and get a proper job, helped her cut down on playing so many computer games, along with generally just being a friend to her. Also, she’d decided against using highly illegal magic to catch up on her work. She was a lady, she needed to act like one, and if a few orders had to go out late or she had to down size her business a little to keep up, then so be it. There was no way she could excuse letting her quality slip or risk being locked up in jail. Sprawling out on her bed, she allowed a soft sigh to roll from her lips. This had been a really long couple of weeks that had left her a whole lot to think on. She tossed and turned, feeling frustrations start to build within her again, but they were easily resolved. She reached over to her bedside table, pulling the top draw open and removing a hoodie from within it. It belong to Moodancer, and it was still filled with the powerful scent of her musk. She pressed the garment firmly to her nose and sucked in a deep breath, letting the powerful scent wash over her. It was a much better high than any dug could have possibly hoped to give her. Likely a whole lot healthier for her too. In an instant her groin began to tingle and a deep sense of arousal flowed through her veins and focused around her groin. She let out a groan of pleasure, reaching a hoof down and gently beginning to tease it against her clit. The arousal built within her, but she didn’t rub her clit desperately to try and chase a climax. She simply lay there and explored her most intimate of places in a completely casual fashion. It felt good. There was no pressure within her. There was no desperate need to rush or think about anything, she could simply press the hoodie into her face firmly and bask in the pleasure that it bought her. She began to buck her hips back and forth firmly, eyes fluttering as she gave into the pleasure. Her bed creaked and groaned beneath her. Deep parts of her brain were being activated by the musk. She was awash in it, almost lost in the sea of musk that made her brain tingle and her worries simply melt away. It was good. Her life was good. Every one of her nerve endings seemed to be tingling and a buttery feeling was starting to spread out from her core to the rest of her body. It felt good. It felt better than good actually, it felt incredible. Her hoof noisily drove forward into her snatch as she groaned in pleasure, pumping her hips up into the tip of her hoof. Nothing else but this feeling mattered. Nothing else but getting more of this musk mattered. And Rarity loved it.
David Silver
Original Character,Human,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Crossing Rainbow Bridges
Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.
<p>Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.</p><p>Done for a patron, starting at 1/month rate. Let's begin this journey!</p>
Brad stroked along her neck and patted her strong shoulder with little paffs of his flesh striking her muscled hide. "Good girl. Best girl? Yes." He nodded with complete satisfaction even as the horse whickered in soft satisfaction. "And you know it." He ruffled her across the snout. "C'mon!" He led her back towards the stables, where other horses watched curiously. Another person, a female, waved as Brad approached. "Hey, can you feed little Daisy tomorrow? I'll be out of town." Brad sighed softly. "I'll be here." "You're the best." She strode right past him on to other business. "It's different when that isn't aimed at a horse." Brad turned back to his cherished mount to give her a pat, mostly for himself. "Let's see how Daisy's doing." The horse perked, as if, of the few words she knew, Daisy was one of them. He led her to a specific stable to peek in at a mare that perked at their arrival. The two horses touched noses in a gentle greeting. "Aw, you two get along." He rubbed at each of their big cheeks. "I'll be back to make sure you get your feed tomorrow, promise." The mare Daisy nickered softly as Brad rubbed her cheek. Her big brown eyes were trusting as she gazed at him. "She knows she can count on you," said a voice behind Brad. He turned to see Sarah, another stable hand, leaning against the stall door. Her red hair was pulled back under a baseball cap and her freckled face broke into a grin. "Hey," Brad replied, giving Daisy one last pat before stepping out and latching her stall door. "Just checking in on this girl. Danielle asked me to feed her while she's away." Sarah nodded. "Going to miss having her around for a few days. She's the best with the younger horses." She paused, then added casually, "Maybe you and I could do something fun tomorrow after the evening feedings? Finally have a night off for once." Brad felt a flutter in his stomach at the invitation. His mind raced, wondering if she meant it as more than just friends. "Uh, sure," he managed. "Did you have anything in particular in mind?" "Just be here." She mosied off, looking busy. "Tomorrow, after you take care of both of them." Bella, Brad's horse, bumped against him with a whicker. "What?" He turned back towards Bella with a smile. "Are you getting jealous? She couldn't be my mare." Even if visions of how that'd look played in his head. A human would be a pretty lousy horse. "That's you and only you." They met, him hugging her around the neck gently and she curling her neck around his in a mutual embrace. "Let's get you a drink." He led her to where she could slake her thirst, and she did, but she was dancing a little. "You look like you want a ride." She turned away from him, tail flicking and pacing eagerly. "Alright, alright, let's go for a ride." Brad moved to her side and climbed up onto her back. It felt like he was on top of the world whenever he was up there, so high, with Bella ready to carry him. "Let's go." Bella tossed her head eagerly and set off at a brisk walk as soon as Brad was settled on her back. He could feel the power and energy thrumming through the horse beneath him as her hooves clicked a steady rhythm on the concrete floor of the barn. Outside, the late afternoon sun shone down on the rolling green hills surrounding the ranch. Bella moved into an easy lope as they headed for the trails, smooth and graceful. Brad leaned forward, his body moving in sync with the horse. He always felt so free and alive when they rode together like this, connected as one being. As they left the manicured lawns behind for the woods and meadows beyond, Bella snorted eagerly, asking for more rein. Brad smiled and obliged. "Wanna run, girl?" he murmured. In response Bella surged into a gallop, the wind whipping Brad's hair as they flew across the landscape. He whooped joyously, all other thoughts vanishing from his mind except this perfect moment of equine partnership. She picked up speed, then a little more speed, ever hastening, but he always felt under control. She seemed equally in control of herself, each hoof hitting the ground where she wanted it, completely steady despite her rapidly increasing speed. "Girl, you really have a lot of--" He braced himself as they pushed past any speed they had before, wind whistling past him. "Easy there, easy." But she did not go easy, instead hopping up with a step onto a bump along the path and jumping off the other end to keep her speed. She took flight, life itself slowing around them. He looked down and could have sworn he saw a rainbow streak stretching beneath them in that amazing moment before she hit the ground, but they weren't on the ground. Belle was standing on that rainbow, looking confused and concerned. With a whicker, she backed up slowly off the arc of the rainbow, which fell to nothing the moment she was completely off of it. Brad stared in disbelief as the vibrant rainbow bridge vanished. One moment they had been galloping at an impossible speed, the next floating in midair. Now Bella was backing up nervously, her hooves once more on solid ground. "Easy, girl," Brad murmured, though his voice shook slightly. He slid off the mare's back and ran his hands along her legs, checking for any signs of injury. But she seemed fine. More than fine, actually - her coat appeared to glitter faintly, although the shine faded even as Brad watched. "What just happened?" he muttered. Bella bobbed her head up and down, then shoved it insistently against Brad's chest, nearly knocking him over. "Whoa!" He regained his balance and wrapped his arms around the horse's strong neck. Her dark eyes met his, calm and deep. Brad had the strangest feeling she was trying to tell him something important. "I must be going crazy," Brad said with an uncertain laugh. But when he swung back up into the saddle, hints of rainbows seemed to shimmer at the edge of his vision. Bella's steady hoofbeats as they turned towards home now sounded almost musical. Brad shook his head, confused but exhilarated. He had no idea what had just occurred, but he knew his partnership with Bella had somehow been strengthened. "Let's keep this just between us," he whispered. The moment he was securely in place, she began moving, then picked up speed little by little. "You saw what happened last time," He warned, but he didn't stop her. Neither of them had gotten hurt by it. It was strange, but harmless? But Bella, she seemed to want it again. Why else would she take off the moment she found another large enough bump in the road to do that with. She hit the rainbow road that appeared beneath them in the jump and, that time, she just kept going. They were galloping across the rainbow, higher and higher. Brad held firmly to her as they began to ascend into the air. "The bloody hell? Seriously, Bella, down. Down!" He tried pulling on her reign, but she wasn't slowing. She had somewhere she wanted to be, and she was going there. Things became cloudy, though Brad was certain they hadn't gone high enough to reach the clouds, nor did it feel nearly cold enough to announce that. Despite that, the clouds rushed around them evenly, before they began to recede upwards. The rainbow road was going down. Following it, so were they, heading towards some new land that didn't look like where they had departed at all. As the rainbow bridge descended through the clouds, a vibrant landscape emerged below them. Rolling green hills were dotted with colorful trees heavy with fruit, surrounding a charming village. Brad spotted a large red barn and endless acres of apple orchards stretching as far as he could see. Bella's hooves touched down right at the edge of the main orchard, her shoes striking the dirt path with a definitive thud. Brad leaned over and wrapped his arms around the mare's strong neck. "Where are we, girl?" he murmured, peering around in utter bewilderment. The village distant from them, beyond the orchard, looked like something out of a children's cartoon or fantasy novel. Cheerful cottages with thatched roofs and smiling inhabitants bustled about. Brad rubbed his eyes but the vibrant scene remained. Just then, a voice with a distinctly Southern twang called out. "Well howdy there!" A tan pony wearing a Stetson hat trotted up the path, hitched to a cart loaded with bushels of apples. "Can't say I've seen y'all around these parts before. Just get in?" Brad's mouth dropped open. The pony was talking. To him. Her green eyes twinkled merrily as she awaited his reply. "I, uh... Bella?" Brad cast a desperate glance at his horse, but she just whickered softly as if encouraging him to answer. She let out an excited whicker and stomped the ground once before pawing at it. Applejack nodded softly. "Pleased as rain to meetcha, Bella. Now, don't take this the wrong way, but what's that attached to yer backside there?" Bella only half turned her head, though her wide-set eyes meant that was enough to look at me squarely. She nickered softly and shook her head. "Yer friend? Well, shoot. Any friend of a friend is a friend ah mine." She offered a hoof to Bella and two met, hoof to hoof, as if they understood each other without an issue. "Now, do ya talk up there?" "Um." Applejack waved for him to continue. "Brad. My name's Brad." Applejack's broad grin grew even wider. "Well howdy-do, Brad! Name's Applejack. Mighty fine ta make yer acquaintance." She turned and bucked the cart of apples closer. "Any friend of Bella's got friends aplenty here in Ponyville. Though y'all sure look different from us ponies!" She looked him up and down curiously. "Got a mighty strange way of gettin' around too. But Bella here seems right at home with ya ridin' on her back like that. Y'all must be great partners!" Bella nickered proudly at this praise. Brad managed an uncertain smile. "Yeah, we definitely have a special bond. To be honest though, I have no idea how we got here." He glanced around, taking in the bright cottages and colorful ponies mingling and chatting everywhere he looked. It was like something from a dream...or a kids' show. Applejack followed his gaze. "I know Ponyville takes some gettin' used to, but the folks here are real friendly-like. Why don't y'all come meet my family? Bet Granny Smith will wanna getcha some apple cake an' cider. Put some meat on them bones!" She laughed heartily. Brad hesitated. He had no idea what was happening. But so far, this apple-loving, hat-wearing pony seemed sincere in her hospitality. Bella butted his foot encouragingly. With a shrug and a trusting pat to his mare's shoulder, Brad said, "You know what, Applejack? Cake and cider sound just about right after the day we've had. Lead the way!" "Galloped on a rainbow? Mighty curious." Somehow, it seemed Applejack was getting more information from Bella than Brad could ever dream. "Sounds like magic to me. Now, bein' an earth pony, all mah magic's in here." She thumped her chest as she led the way through the apple trees. "Strong, tough, good family. Brad, what kinda magic does whatever you are have? Somethin' flashy, or not? Don't be shy. Earth ponies got a subtle magic, but it's powerful all the same." Brad chuckled tensely at that. "Would you beleive magic isn't much a thing where I come from? Um, but pleased to be here, with such friendly people." "Ponies." "Ponies," Brad echoed with a little smile. "Let's meet them."
David Silver
Original Character,Human,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Crossing Rainbow Bridges
Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.
<p>Humans were always a gamble: a 50/50 split. Brad's horse, however? They were always there 100% of the time. But she proves even she has surprises when she opens doors to another world entirely. This is a tale of their exploration.</p><p>Done for a patron, starting at 1/month rate. Let's begin this journey!</p>
"Right this way, then!" Applejack led them through the orchard and into a charming cottage surrounded by apple trees. A small, gray-haired pony with a red apron bustled out of the house, followed by a small yellow pony with a red mane and tail. Both ponies stopped short when they saw Brad. The yellow one squealed in delight. "Oh my gosh! Is that a human?" She bounced up and down in excitement. Applejack laughed nervously. "Ah didn't ask, truth told. Felt rude to. They're just guests lookin' to enjoy some Apple vittles." She gestured to the large equine under the human. "This is Bella. She only speaks proto-Pony. It's amazin'." Bella snorted with a spirited shake of her head, and somehow the meaning was understood by all the ponies without any actual words stated. The oldest nodded. "Bella's got the right idea. We should get to eatin'. You!" She pointed firmly at Brad. "Get off her and use yer own feet. She'll have to go around, ain't no way we'll fit her in the front way, but no way we're leavin' her out." Brad felt like he was in a dream as he slid off Bella's back and followed the ponies into the cozy kitchen. A large wooden table was already set with plates of food and pitchers of cider. The yellow pony chattered excitedly as they sat down. "My name's Apple Bloom! What's yours? How did you get here? Do you live in a big city? I've always wanted to visit a big city!" Applejack settled next to Apple Bloom. "Calm down. He can only answer so many questions, an' it ain't polite to go so fast." "Sorry." Apple Bloom folded an ear and looked properly contrite. "Jus' excited, is all." Brad took a spot, wondering a moment where Bella was. That was answered an instant later as Bella's big head poked in through the window and leaned in over the table easily. "Oh! Hello there." He looked to the ponies, but they didn't seem to be remotely bothered by having a horse join them for dinner. "I'm Brad. I, uh, came with Bella. She's my best friend. I have no idea how we got here, but it's been a really weird day." He chuckled ruefully. "Weird, but nice. I've never met such a friendly bunch of people before." He took a bite of the apple cake and moaned softly. "And this is delicious." The elder pony nodded, satisfied. "Good manners. You can stay. Now, what's your story?" Brad opened his mouth to speak, then hesitated. What was he supposed to say? That he was a horse boy who'd been magically transported to a land of talking ponies? They'd think he was crazy. Or worse, they'd think he was lying. He took a deep breath and began speaking. "Well, it all started when I went for a ride on Bella..." Bella let out a soft whinny before taking a chomp of the food, sinking her teeth into a casserole. Eating implements were right out for her, so stuffing her face was the only option she knew, and wielded with the usual grace of a grazing horse. Still, the noise had meant something to the others. Apple Bloom gasped with amazement. "Ya stood on a rainbow?! How?" She looked to Brad. "Tell us! Um, please?" Brad smiled, off balance but continuing, "As Bella said--" Not that he could understand her. "--When she was going about as fast as she could go, a good jump made us land on a rainbow. Racing across that rainbow led us here, to this place. Does this place have a name?" "Ponyville," the elder replied, nodding. "A right pretty name for a right pretty town." She patted Bella's cheek fondly. "And you're a right pretty horse. Ain't never seen one like you before, but you seem right at home here." She recoiled suddenly, ears perking. "Oh, bein' rude. Ah'm Granny Smith. Can't believe ah forgot to mention." Applejack let out a little whisper of a nicker, speaking to Bella perhaps? "I imagine you were quite surprised." Brad nodded with amazement in his eyes. "I sure was." He took a moment to look around, soaking in the rustic pieces of a dining room lived in for generations. It smelled of delightful meals blended together over untold years and had so many little things tucked along its shelves from foodstuffs to old momentos. "It's a lovely place." He looked back to the ponies. "And I'm glad to be here, even if I don't know how long I'll be staying. I have a job back home, and a life there." He stroked Bella's neck, feeling the familiar warmth of her coat beneath his fingers. "But I'm sure Bella will take me back when we're ready." "You mean you ain't stayin'?" Apple Bloom pouted dramatically, sounding disappointed. "But we just met!" "Now, Apple Bloom, he's got a life outside Ponyville," Applejack said gently. "Can't expect him to drop everything jus' cause we're friendly." Brad smiled at the whole family. "And you are. Fine food and new fine friends. I can't say today was a waste." "Drink to that." Granny raised a cider mug up, and soon they all had a drink, minus Bella, and clinked them together. Bella touched her nose to the collected mugs as if trying to take part in the best way she could. "So, what do you do in your world?" Apple Bloom asked curiously. "I mean, what's a human's job?" "I work at a ranch." Brad nodded to the ponies. "Lets me take care of and hang out with a lot of horses, just like Bella. But she's special." Bella softly snorted in agreement. "That's right." That one Brad felt confident he understood. "We're a team. The other ones I just keep an eye on and help take care of." Granny Smith got a sly look on her face. "So if I'm feeling down, ah could ask you to take care of me?" "Well, I--" Brad felt his face go red. "I mean, if you wanted me to." He cleared his throat. "I'd be happy to give you a massage or rub your hooves. I'll swap out your oats and water and make sure you get a walk." He glanced to the food. "But I doubt you want to eat just oats." Granny blinked at that. "Oats are hardly no good 'til you bake 'em! Unless yer goin' fer oatmeal, ah suppose." She laughed at that. "W ain't horses. We're ponies. There's a difference! We know how to cook, so we like eatin' cooked food, ya see?" "You do?" Brad looked to the family, who nodded. "I had no idea." He shrugged with a little noise of thought. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed." "Don't worry none about it," Applejack said easily. "Yer an ancient human, an' you came on an ancient horse. Ya got some ancient ideas. It's all kinda--" She tapped at her chin. "Ancient?" Apple Bloom clapped as she hopped to the floor. "Ya gotta tell us about that before ya go. Yer a myth! Ya know that, right?" "A myth?" Brad shook his head. "No, I'm just a guy." "Not where we come from." Applejack pointed to a bookcase and a thick, leather-bound tome. "There's a whole chapter on humans in there. But it's all stories. Like, really old ones. No one believed they were real." Brad went to the book, pulling it down to look at the title. "Generations," it read. It went over the ages of ponykind, through each rise and fall of the ponies. He didn't have the time or patience to read in detail, flipping quickly through with soft hums. He almost dropped the book when he found what he was looking for, a picture of a human. There was one, a little girl with a bright smile. Megan was her name, and she was a great friend of ponies, who looked a lot more like horses. Those first ponies evidently also used a rainbow road to fetch her back and forth from Earth. "Amazing. I'm not a little kid." Applejack tipped her hat. "We kinda picked up on that." She was smirking at those words. "A full grown human. Are ya a human mare or a human stallion?" "A stallion." Brad smiled at that. "I'm a guy." "Well, that's mighty interestin'." Applejack's cheeks darkened. "I'm a mare, and I'm a pony." "Filly!" Apple Bloom waved excitedly. Granny rolled her eyes. "Mare." She reached up to pat Bella gently. "Mare. Glad we got that all sorted out." Brad laughed at that. "I guess we did. And I'm glad to meet you all. I hope I can come back to visit again." "Ah'd be mighty pleased if ya did." Applejack nodded. "If ya find yer way back, that is. Don't want ya gettin' lost." "I won't." Brad turned to Bella. "Right?" She nodded once, then lifted her head and pointed it towards the door. "But ya just got here!" Apple Bloom rushed to his leg and rubbed once against it. "Wow, ya got long legs compared to the rest of ya." Brad couldn't resist, reaching down to gently ruffle over Apple Bloom's head and stroke an ear. "Just the way humans are built, especially adult ones." Apple Bloom's eyes snapped shut as she gave off an almost purr of a sound. "Applejack, ya gotta try this." Applejack angled an ear at Apple Bloom as she came in closer. "Try what?" Not seeing a reason to not do so, he reached his other hand for Applejack, stroking and petting over her head gently. Applejack let out a happy noise, a whicker of sorts. "Woah nilley." She leaned against the touches as the human fingers dancer over her. "That's right nice." Brad chuckled softly. "I'm glad you think so." He looked to Granny Smith. "Do you want some too?" Granny Smith gave a shrug. "Ah'm old. Ah don't need to be spoiled." "C'mon, Granny!" Apple Bloom grinned. "It's amazin'!" Granny Smith sighed, then walked over to Brad. "Fine, fine, but only cause ya insist." Brad abandoned Apple Bloom and Applejack to drop to a knee in front of Granny Smith. He started with a gentle scalp massage that worked over her neck and back. It was a rub down, minus the curry brush he'd normally use. "How's that?" "That--" She turned a little, directing the attention as Brad worked. "--is somethin' you should keep right on doin'." Applejack snickered softly. "We told ya it was somethin'." Granny snorted with a scowl. "Don't rub it in. That's Brad's job. Keep rubbin'." She sighed with increasing satisfaction, eyes closed. "Ya didn't mention those fingers were magic thin's." "They're just hands." Brad chuckled. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." "I am." She opened an eye. "Are ya done?" "I can keep going." Brad paused. "But I should probably be getting back. It's been a long day, and I'm not sure how to get back." Bella snorted and drew her head back through the window. They could hear her clopping around the house until her soft pawing hit the front door. "Better get that," laughed Brad, moving for it. He opened it so Bella could shove her face against him with a happy nicker. "I understand that part easily enough. Let's get back. Thank you all again for being such great hosts." "Anytime," Applejack smiled, removing her hat for a proper tip before popping it back in place. "We're always happy to welcome a friend." "I'll be back." Brad stepped outside next to Bella. "I just have to figure out how to get back." Bella stomped and fidgeted, and Brad knew those movements. She was ready to go. "You know?" He slid up onto her and she broke away, working up to a trot, then a gallop a moment later, away from the house. They rode, two working together in the fine machine of a rider and their steed. As she raced at full speed, she veered for a proper bump on the dirt road and bounced off of it. They came down on a glittering rainbow road, racing along towards home.
Cheese Sandwich,Lil' Cheese,Other,Pinkie Pie,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
A Cheesy Arrival
(A prequel/sequel to "A Cheesy Reunion". Rated Teen to be safe.) As Lil' Cheese and his parents await the birth of Maud Pie's foal, Lil' Cheese's mom and dad recall the events leading up to his birth, and all they had to endure as a result.
<p>(This story is also a prequel to <a href="/story/496589/a-cheesy-reunion" rel="nofollow">A Chessy Reunion</a>. Rated Teen to be safe.)</p><p>Maud Pie's foal is finally ready to be born, and everyone is excited by the prospect of a new addition to the Pie family. No one's more excited than Lil' Cheese, however, who can't wait to meet his new cousin.</p><p>As the delivery takes longer than expected, Lil' Cheese begins to grow impatient. To calm him down, his mother and father decide to tell him about the events surrounding his arrival into Equestria.</p><p>What was pregnancy like for ponies like Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich? What sort of trials and tribulations did they have to undergo before Lil' Cheese was born?</p>
Lil' Cheese was practically beside himself with excitement and nervousness ("nervicited" his mom had said). His Aunt Maud was finally having her baby. It wouldn't be long now before he'd have a new little colt or filly to play with. Having seen pictures of himself as a foal, held in the loving embrace of his parents, Lil' Cheese was sure he was going to love his Aunt Maud's foal from the moment he saw it. It felt like it had been forever since Maud Pie had first told her extended family that she was pregnant. The months seemed to tick by agonizingly slow as far as Lil' Cheese was concerned. Why couldn't the stork deliver Maud's foal already so that he could meet it? Why did it have to take so long? Now, at last, the day of delivery had arrived. Maud had been admitted to hospital just an hour or so earlier, and Lil' Cheese and his parents had rushed over as soon as they'd heard the news. Unsurprisingly, they weren't the only ones in the hospital's waiting room: There was also Lil' Cheese's Aunts Limestone and Marble, as well as his Grandpa Igneous and his Grandma Cloudy, and they were all sitting there with solemn faces, a stark contrast to Lil' Cheese's energetic pacing of the floor. "Aunt Maud's been in there fiveever, that's longer than forever!" The colt with a cheesy yellow coat complained. He either didn't notice or didn't care about the looks he was getting from other ponies. Cheese Sandwich simply got up from his chair and approached his son, patting him gently on the forehead in the hopes of calming him down. "Well, junior, these things take time. Celestia knows, you sure took your sweet time coming out when your mom was pregnant with you." "Nu-uh!" Lil' Cheese protested with a shake of his head. "Mom said I popped right out as soon as I was ready. I didn't keep everypony waiting for hours and hours." Cheese Sandwich just sighed. It was no use trying to argue with his son on such things. "Well, not everypony's like you. Sometimes, foals don't want to come out right away when it's their time. Just relax, son. I'm sure we'll be meeting the new foal soon." The colt with the same mane style as his parents frowned, his mane and tail deflating a little bit. "That's what everypony's been saying since we learned Aunt Maud was pregnant. I'm tired of waiting. I wanna meet the new baby pony already!" "Now, Lil' Cheese," Pinkie Pie lightly scolded without getting up from her chair. "Your father is right. You need to be patient. Trust me, mister. I'm just as excited to see the new foal as you are. But it's like planning a party, you can't rush it." Lil' Cheese slowly trotted over, locking eyes with his mom as he whined. "Why's it taking so long? Shouldn't the stork have delivered the baby to Aunt Maud already? And if it's coming from a stork, why does it have to be inside her tummy?" "Because that's just how things work, mister," Pinkie sweetly replied. "You were no different. The stork delivers baby ponies to ponies who want to have foals, then the foal spends time in its mother's tummy until it's ready to be born." Cheese Sandwich trotted over, a tad bit concerned about what his wife was saying. "Honey, you know that's not really how it works." He whispered into her ear. Pinkie just whispered back to her husband. "You know that, and I know that, but Lil' Cheese isn't old enough to know where foals really come from. When he's a little older, we can sit him down for 'the talk' and teach him about the birds and the bees." "What do birds and bees have to do with foals?" Lil' Cheese asked, having overheard his parents' whispers. With a somewhat flustered look on their faces, both Pinkie and Cheese said in unison. "Nothing." Then Pinkie had an idea. "Tell you what, Lil' Cheese? Why don't we talk about something else to help pass the time?" She put a hoof to her chin, then gasped as an idea came to her! "Hey, I know! I don't think I've told you the story about how you were born." "What do you mean? Of course you told me about that," The colt with the same mane and tail color as his mother sweetly replied with a toothy smile. "You said even when I was born I was unusually sticky, like melted cheese or tree sap. And you said you were sure I'd grow out of it eventually." The pink party pony replied. "Well... yes... I told you about that. But I don't think your father or I ever told you about what happened before then. There was a lot you weren't there for," She couldn't help but giggle. "Oh, I can remember it like it was yesterday." And in her mind, she was already flashing back to the time now years passed when she had decided she was ready to have a child of her own. Over a pancake breakfast in the loft above Sugarcube Corner, the very loft she lived in with her husband, Pinkie Pie said outright. "I want to have a foal!" Cheese Sandwich took the declaration surprisingly well. "Honey, are you sure we're ready for one?" He asked in a somewhat nervous tone of voice. "A foal is a very big responsibility, after all." Pinkie waved a hoof. "Oh relax, Cheese. You forget, I have tons of experience from foalsitting Pound and Pumpkin Cake when they were foals. If I could handle those little rascals, I can definitely handle a foal of my own." Cheese wasn't so sure. "But I was an only child growing up, Pinkie. You said it yourself: Taking care of kids isn't the same as playing with them," He shuddered a bit. "The first time you roped me into helping you foalsit, that... didn't go so well." The pink party pony trotted over, looking her husband deep in the eyes. "So? We could always take parenting classes. And it's not like we'll be entirely on our own. We have my whole family for support, not to mention my friends. Heck, we have Pound and Pumpkin, not to mention Mr. and Mrs. Cake." The party planning stallion let out a sigh. He'd learned long ago that it was best to go along with what his wife wanted. It took a lot to talk her out of something once she'd set her mind to it. Plus, deep down, a part of him had to admit the idea of starting a family of his own didn't sound so bad. "I suppose having one foal won't be the end of all of Equestria," He agreed after a bit of contemplation. "You're sure you're ready for it, Pinkie? You know it's going to be a very big undertaking." Pinkie just giggled in reply. "Come on, Cheese. You think I don't know what I'm in for? You'll be the lucky one, you won't have to carry our little bundle of joy around in your tummy for almost a year." "Yeah, but once our foal is born we're going to have to do things like change diapers, prepare bottles, go shopping for clothes, all that stuff," Cheese Sandwich commented. "Does it have to be now? Can't we maybe put this off for a year or two?" "Nope, I'm ready and I'm not waiting another minute!" Pinkie Pie firmly insisted. "I don't know how long we'll have to wait until we actually succeed. But I know we can do it. And whatever comes our way as a result, we'll face it together." "Well, honey, let's at least wait until after breakfast before we do anything crazy," Cheese insisted to his wife as he led her back to the table. "We'll both need a lot of energy, after all." "Ah, so that's how you decided to get the stork to give you to me," Lil' Cheese interrupted. "So, how did you find out it was me if I was inside mom's tummy? Did you have to ask the stork ahead of time if you wanted a colt or a filly?" Pinkie nervously giggled. "No, we didn't have to ask the stork for that. Magic and technology have come a very long way since I was just a foal. Once I found out I was pregnant, it didn't take the doctors long to tell me that it was a colt. I still wasn't sure what to name you, though. I couldn't know until you came out of my tummy what you were going to look like." Cheese Sandwich couldn't help but chuckle. "You practically drove yourself crazy thinking up names for him, on top of getting his nursery all set up. I think you had what they call: Mommy Fever." The pink party pony playfully waved a hoof as she tried to keep herself from blushing. "Oh come on, don't act like you weren't excited too. Although, yours was more of a nervous excitement. You kept wondering if you were ever gonna be a good father for our little pony. And it didn't matter how many times I told you you were worried over nothing, you kept worrying anyway." Lil' Cheese bounced up and hugged his father. "I can't believe you'd ever doubt yourself, dad. You're the best dad in all of Equestria! You're just as fun as mom, and sometimes you let me go on those trips with you. You know, the ones you go on when your 'Cheesie Sense' calls you away." Cheese Sandwich smiled as he returned the hug full force. "That's nice of you to say, son. I'm glad you think so highly of me. Being a father was a life changing experience for me. But I wouldn't have traded it for the entire wide world of Equestria, not even on those days when you could make it hard to love you." "Who could ever hate me?" The colt with a light pink mane and tail insisted as he ended the hug and jumped down. "I'm the cutest, nicest pony you'll ever meet. Everypony says so." "Yes, but sometimes you can be a bit much for someponies. And some non-ponies," Pinkie cautioned her son. "But you're you, and I wouldn't have you any other way." Cheese Sandwich, meanwhile, was looking towards the doors of the hospital that led to places such as the operating and recovery rooms. Off-hoofedly, he mentioned. "I hope everything's going okay for Maud. She's been in labor for hours now." The pink party pony reassured her husband. "It runs in the family. Mom says it took hours for her to have Limestone and Maud, and even longer when she had Marble and I at the same time. And don't forget, Lil' Cheese's delivery took a few hours too," She giggled in spite of herself. "Boy, those hours sure were something. I hope you didn't take anything I said during them personally, honey." "Not at all, dear," The party planning stallion sweetly cooed as he trotted over to his wife and nuzzled her mane. "I know and love you enough to know when you're you and when you're not. And you certainly weren't yourself when you were in labor. Heck, the day of the delivery, you weren't acting like yourself." "Yeah? Well you try carrying a foal around in your tummy for nine months while he keeps kicking you," Pinkie somewhat playfully replied. "Then tell me if you would still be yourself." And she was now recalling that fateful day years ago when Lil' Cheese had decided he was ready to make his arrival. It hadn't been long at all after Pinkie's insistence that she was ready to have a foal that she'd learned that she was pregnant. She took the news quite well. "Oh, this is the best thing ever!" She'd excitedly exclaimed on that day. "I can't wait until my little pony is born! I'm finally going to be a mommy!" But as the months went by and the pregnancy ran its course, the pink party pony started to discover that no amount of planning could prepare her for the trials and tribulations that awaited her: Be it bouts of morning sickness that left her so drained it was all she took just to make it out the door, weird cravings for the most bizarre and unusual foods that she'd never had before, and of course the bulge in her stomach as what would be Lil' Cheese slowly developed inside of her. Of course, many ponies were there to help, and Pinkie was most grateful for the support they offered. Without them, she wasn't sure how she would've managed the nine months all by herself. And through it all, she remained her usual upbeat, chipper self. For the most part, anyway. The day of the delivery dawned like any other day. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary when the sun rose to signal its arrival. And when Cheese Sandwich woke up, his wife was still by his side, sleeping peacefully. Everything seemed to be going okay. "Not long now," He thought to himself as slowly got out of bed and went about his usual morning routine. "Our son should arrive any day, the doctors say. Hey, that rhymed!" Opting to take advantage of the fact that he was the first one up for a change, the party planning stallion decided to make breakfast for his wife. He had to make sure she was still getting enough energy and nutrition, not only for herself but for their hopefully soon to come foal. Before the stallion with a brilliant gamboge coat had the chance to get started, however, the peace and tranquility of the morning was broken up by the sound of a sharp scream from the bedroom! He immediately dropped everything he had been doing, racing to be by his wife's side! "Hon, what's wrong?!" He asked as he came rushing into the bedroom in time to witness his wife frantically panting, apparently in great pain! "Oh, you know what's wrong!" Pinkie Pie hollered as she grit her teeth, all the while she was panting and appeared to be sweating! "You did this to me, Cheese!" "I thought you wanted this, honey," Cheese blinked in surprise. This was the first he was ever hearing of apparent regrets. Suddenly, it dawned on him! "It happened, didn't it?" The pink party pony forced a nod. "What was your first clue, genius?! Our son's ready to come out, and here you are, just standing around!" Now it was Cheese Sandwich's turn to worry. "Oh, why now?! We have to hurry, get you to the hospital! Can you walk?!" "I don't care what you do, just hurry!" Pinkie screamed! "Oh, I feel like I'm about to burst!" "Okay, okay! Just stay there! I'll go get help!" The gamboage coated stallion replied with a swift blink, and raced downstairs as fast as he could! Pound and Pumpkin Cake soon learned from Cheese Sandwich about Pinkie going into labor, and they immediately sprang into action! With their help, it wasn't long before an ambulance was called to Sugarcube Corner, and two ponies in white outfits carried Pinkie into the back of it on a stretcher. Then the ambulance sped away to the nearest hospital, all the while Pinkie squeezed and pressed down hard on Cheese Sandwich's hoof. The ride to the hospital was brief, and in no time at all Pinkie had been wheeled into a room in the hospital to be assisted in the delivery of her first ever child. "Cheese Sandwich, I swear to Celestia, if you ever get me pregnant again I'll bite off your head!" Pinkie hollered as her labor pangs became more and more intense. "Dear, you don't mean that," Cheese nervously replied. "Hopefully, once the foal's out, you'll be back to your usual self." "Mr. Sandwich, sir," Nurse Redheart spoke up as she came trotting by. "I think it might be best if you wait outside. I promise you, your wife is in good hooves. We'll do everything we can for her." The earth pony stallion with a brilliant gamboge coat was, naturally, quite hesitant at the mere thought of leaving his wife in her most desperate time of need. "No. I'm not leaving her! I don't care what she says to me. We're both responsible for that foal, and I'm gonna be here for her no matter how long it takes for our son to be born!" "It doesn't matter where you are, Cheese! I'll find you!" The pink party pony proclaimed. "I'm in so much pain right now it's not even funny! Oh, I don't know how Mrs. Cake could handle two foals at once! This is the worst feeling ever!" Nurse Redheart could only shrug her shoulders, sensing that Cheese Sandwich wasn't going to be convinced. "If you really wanna stay with your wife, I guess that's okay. Just don't say I didn't warn you. This is not going to be pretty." Cheese nodded his head quite slowly. "I know, I know. But Pinkie needs me now more than ever. I'll put up with a few insults and..." He briefly shuddered, knowing what Nurse Redheart was referring to. "Anything else." "Okay then," Nurse Redheart replied and turned her attention to Pinkie Pie. "Alright, everypony. Deep breaths. Here we go!" Thankfully for both Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, the actual "delivery" part of the pregnancy went smoothly. WIth just a few pushes, Pinkie gave birth to a very healthy earth pony colt. His coat was a lovely light yellow in color, his mane and tail were as pink as his mother's, and his eyes appeared to be of the same green shade as his father's. Nopony could deny the parentage even if they wanted to. "What are we gonna call him?" Cheese asked his wife as she held their newborn son gently yet firmly in her hooves. "We'll worry about that later," Pinkie replied as her eyes suddenly started growing heavy. It was as if all the energy she usually had been drained out of her as a result of the recent ordeal. "Right now, all I wanna do is nap." "So do you understand now, son?" Cheese Sandwich asked his son in the present. "There's no point in rushing these things. I'm sure your Aunt Maud's foal will be born as soon as it's ready, and not a moment sooner." Lil' Cheese sighed, reluctantly sensing his father probably had a point. "I know, I know. I just really, really, really want to meet him, or her. I've been waiting for so long already. I feel like if I have to wait any longer, I'm gonna explode!" As if to emphasize that point, he started shaking and leapt into the air! Thankfully, he didn't explode or even come close to doing so (despite the concerned looks from a few nearby ponies). "Trust me, Lil' Cheese, I know how you feel," Pinkie Pie commented. "I'm really looking forward to meeting my new nephew or niece. But I know there's nothing I can do to make it happen any faster. It's not surprising Maud's foal would take longer, she's never been one to do things fast. In fact, I think it's a good thing it's happening now. When I had you, you weren't actually supposed to be born for another week." At that the colt let out a gasp! "What?! Really?! Why didn't you tell me, Mommy?! I didn't mean to come out before I was supposed to!" Pinkie just giggled and snorted. "Oh Lil' Cheese, you couldn't help it. You decided you were ready, and that's all there was to it. You shouldn't feel bad about that. All I'm saying is that not everypony is like you," She then got up and trotted over to her son. "For now, we just have to be patient. And when your Aunt Maud's foal does arrive, I'm sure she'll let us come and see him, or her. Who knows? They might even ask your father and I to foalsit them, just like we've asked them to foalsit you." "Yeah, and I remember them saying it was because they had so much fun taking care of me that they wanted to have a foal of their own!" Lil' Cheese nodded back. "That's all the more reason why I really can't wait!" Fortunately, as if the universe itself had heard the colt's proclamation, the doors at the other end of the room swung open. Out trotted Mudbriar, who despite what he had undoubtedly been through as a result of his wife's labor looked none the worse for wear. "Sorry to keep you all waiting," He apologized to the gathered crowd. "The delivery took longer than we were expecting. But you don't need to worry. Maud is resting now and the delivery is complete." Lil' Cheese ran up to his Uncle Mudbriar, bouncing up and down while excitedly exclaiming! "Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! It's here! It's finally here! This is the best day ever!" And he immediately saw fit to ask. "So, is it a boy or a girl? Can I see the new baby pony? Can I?! Can I?! Can I?!" Mudbriar, with practiced precision, gestured a hoof and motioned for his nephew to calm down. Then, without changing his overall expression, he informed everypony. "Well, that's part of why we had a problem. It's not a colt or a filly." "What?" Lil' Cheese blinked in confusion. "How can it not be either of those?" Mudbriar patiently explained. "Because it's not one foal we're dealing with, but two. We had twins." The stick loving stallion's statement came as a shock to the entire extended Pie family that were on hoof! Needless to say, all of them were just now learning of this fact. Up to this point, there had been nothing to suggest Maud was pregnant with two foals at once. "And why did thou not tell us this sooner?" Igneous questioned his son-in-law with a quirked brow. All Mudbriar could say in response was. "Maud wanted it to be a surprise... so, surprise." A series of gasps split the air, followed shortly by an excited shriek from Lil' Cheese! "Oh, that's even better than I was expecting! Now I have two new playmates! Oh, I can't wait to meet them!"
Apple Bloom,Diamond Tiara,Pipsqueak,Rumble,Scootaloo,Crossover,Drama,Mystery,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore
Princess of Last Resort
When a catastrophic attack on Equestria wipes out the entirety of the nation’s leadership, the only one left to lead the nation of ponies is Princess Apple Bloom of Ponyville, The Princess of Last Resort. (Inspired by Designated Survivor)
<p>Mirrored from <a href="" rel="nofollow">The NP FanFiction Archive</a>.</p><p>Another year, another celebration of the Annual Friendship Festival in Canterlot. It was supposed to be like any other year… until a catastrophic attack cripples the nation and wipes out the entire leadership.</p><p>The only survivor is the Minister of Agriculture and Waterways, 23rd in the line of succession; now known as Princess Apple Bloom of Ponyville, The Princess of Last Resort.</p><p>Inspired by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Designated Survivor</a>.</p><p>The setting, as well as most of the characters and original concepts, are the property of either ABC Studios or Hasbro.</p><p>[CC BY-NC-SA] Princess of Last Resort is licensed under a <a href="" rel="nofollow">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>
During the 1001st Summer Sun Celebration, Princesses Celestia and Luna vanished, temporarily leaving Princess Twilight Sparkle as Equestria's sole remaining princess. Five years later, inspired by this event, and having ascended to the highest position in the nation as Sovereign Ruler of Equestria, Twilight wrote the Royal Succession Act, enshrining in law the procedure for selecting a new ruler, in the event she, along with any or all of her viceroys, were incapacitated or killed. Shortly after, the Royal Guard prepared a detailed procedure for executing this law, called Contingency One. Part of the procedure required, during any event in which the entirety of Equestria's elite is in attendance, for one government minister in the line of succession to be excused, and taken to an undisclosed location. In the event of a catastrophic attack on the nation's leadership, this pony ascends to the rank of princess and becomes the new Sovereign Ruler of Equestria. They are known as the Princess of Last Resort. The wooden floorboards creaked under Apple Bloom's weight. She looked around and reminisced. There was a time when this room was covered with posters and photos. Various tools and equipment were stored here. Her little podium in the back of the room. But now, the old Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse was empty. All their old things, they took with them. Now it was just a plain wooden treehouse. She always assumed someone would take over the Cutie Mark Crusaders after they were gone. Somehow, the group they founded would continue, and in a way, it did, just not in Ponyville, and just not here. But despite the fact that the room was now empty, the memories she had were still here. When they first rebuilt the clubhouse, when they conspired to speed up the Zap Apple harvest, when they were taking care of six pets after Spike foisted the responsibility onto them, and there was the time they brewed a love potion and dosed their teacher and Apple Bloom's big brother... not all the memories she was proud of. Then... one day... came the day all three of them had been looking forward to for most of their young lives. The day they got their cutie marks. Part of Apple Bloom always worried that things would change between the three of them once that happened. Three fillies brought together by their blank flanks, would suddenly begin to drift apart. But that didn't happen. They remained friends and continued planning their weekly antics in this very room. But eventually, they did begin to drift apart. Not by some kind of emotional angst, but by circumstance. Scootaloo began her work with the Royal Guard, which meant she had to move to Canterlot. Sweetie Belle's music career took her all over the nation, so she had no reason to remain in such a small town. And Apple Bloom? Well, she stayed in Ponyville for a few months after her friends left. Part of her assumed she'd continue working on the farm. But she never felt happy there. It was Applejack's suggestion... government work... help to manage the day-to-day operations in the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways. That's how it started... many years ago. Now, she was running the whole ministry, and it made her happy. But that happiness ended that morning. Now she was here, back home, in Ponyville, wishing she could just go back. Relive those heady days of searching for her special talent with her best friends. Back before things got so complicated. She scoffed. "Naivety," she said. She knew her life was better. She knew she was happier. But she also knew she couldn't let that happiness go away. However, clinging to the past wouldn't save it. But was it her job that made her so happy? Would losing that really make her lose everything? Her thoughts were suddenly broken by a knock on the doorframe. "Ma'am?" She turned around. "You alright?" Asked Captain Bright Side. She smiled at her friend, occasional confidante, and current bodyguard. "I'm fine, thanks." "You sure?" he continued, stepping into the room. "You don't seem that 'okay.'" "I'm fine," she replied. With an attempt at bringing a 'calm' tone to her voice. He nodded, briefly, before just coming out and saying it. "I don't think you're naive." She took a step back. "Were you eavesdroppin'?" "It's my job, ma'am." "Is it?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, ma'am." She just stared at him for several seconds. "I'll just wait outside, ma'am." She looked around the empty clubhouse. "Wait," she said. He stopped in the doorway. Taking one last look at the place, she decided to let it all lie. "Let's get outta here," she said. Bright Side smiled and said, "Yes, Ma'am." They quickly left the clubhouse, and trotted through the orchard, leaving Apple Bloom's memories behind. Sugar Belle levitated another dinner plate through the stream of water, before placing it in the drying rack. It had been a long evening. Longer than she expected. Of course, she was happy to see her sister-in-law again, and her nephew, but the commotion surrounding their arrival wore her down. Since the royal guards first arrived to inspect the house, it had been draining. It started with their security enchantments on the windows and doors. Enchantments that had the bizarre side effect of attracting all the dirt that she had already spent that morning cleaning off. Then there was the food. They had a special pony whose job was to specifically inspect any food Apple Bloom was going to eat. As if they were worried Sugar Belle would try to poison her sister-in-law. And this was hours before she even arrived. But what confused Sugar Belle most was the following question: Why? When they last got together for Hearth's Warming, there wasn't this much commotion. There was no royal guard detail, inspecting every crumb from the dessert. What was special about this occasion that made it different from every other? The only answer they gave her was about something it being a precaution. Apple Bloom was assigned as the Princess of Last Resort, and during this time she had to be given the same level of security afforded to the Princess and Viceroys in Canterlot. It still didn't make a whole lot of sense to her, but they refused to give her any further information. Something about it being 'classified.' She dropped the last spoon in the drying rack, quickly turned off the water, and gazed at the empty sink. Nothing left to do now, but relax. "Everything alright?" She turned around and saw her brother-in-law, quill in hoof, paused over some type of document. All the papers she saw scattered across the kitchen table barely phased her. But her thoughts of having an apple pie were quickly dashed. Because she didn't want to ruin what she was sure were important records. But then another thought entered her head: "... Screw it." "I'm fine," she replied. Sugar Belle quickly opened the fridge door beside her and pulled out a full pie she baked the day before. Pip quickly pulled the documents out of the way, so she could place the pie on the table. "It's been a long day," he explained, as she cut a single slice. "Yep..." Sugar Belle replied. She placed the slice on a freshly-cleaned plate, and quickly threw the pie back in the fridge, before sitting down with her little snack. But she didn't start eating. She just stared. "Is it always like this?" she asked. Pip looked up from his work. "Like what?" "Guards watching you at every turn." He gave a slight laugh. "No," he explained. "Unless we're spending time with Applejack, in which case, yes." The pie floated in the air. She looked at it, and slowly moved it to her mouth, before taking a single bite. ... It was good. The door opened, and two ponies trotted through. "Hey, darlin'," Apple Bloom said, trotting toward her husband. "'Allo," Pip replied before giving his wife a kiss. "Everything alright?" "Better now," she replied. Apple Bloom looked over at Sugar Belle. "You got pie," she said. "I want pie." "I'll get it, ma'am," Bright Side responded, trotting over to the fridge. Sugar Belle rolled her eyes, assuming he would have to call on a whole brigade to inspect a single slice of pie. "Grab me a cider as well," Apple Bloom said, as she sat down next to her sister-in-law. "So," she asked. "We never got a chance to catch up. How is everything?" "It's fine," Sugar Belle replied, taking another bite. Bright Side levitated a slice over to Apple Bloom, along with a green glass bottle, already opened. She took a fork full of the pastry and began eating. "I'll be upstairs ma'am," the captain explained, leaving the trio alone. "So," Sugar Belle began. "I still don't understand why all this is happening." "Why what is happening?" Apple Bloom asked. "You, coming here, with all these guards, when you should be at the Friendship Festival in Canterlot." Apple Bloom frowned. "It's a little complicated," she explained. "They just need me here in case something goes wrong. On the off-chance some crisis happens and I'm the only one left, I'm supposed to take over." "Take over what?" "Equestria." "Wait," she said, putting her fork down. "You're saying you'd become princess?" Pip quickly interjected. "It's a little more complicated than that, but basically, yes." "Sounds like a real honour," Sugar Belle responded. Apple Bloom's head went down as she started shifting her fork across the bits of food on her plate. "Not really," she replied, with a tint of melancholy in her voice. "Why not?" she continued. "If they trust you enough to take over-" "You don't actually think anyone thinks something's going to happen, do you?" Apple Bloom responded, slightly incensed. "Twilight just wanted me out of the way for the festival." Suddenly, Bright Side appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Ma'am," he said, interrupting the conversation. "Apple Seed is not in his room." Pip spoke up. "Uh-no, he's in town." "What!?" Apple Bloom and Bright Side exclaimed, almost as if they choreographed it. "He was really upset he couldn't be with his friends, so I let him go into town for the celebrations." "Alone?" Apple Bloom asked. "No, Big Mac is with him." Noticing Bright Side was about to say something, Pip stopped him. "And one of your guards, Golden Wing." His wife grimaced. "We're not supposed to draw any attention while we're here." "I wouldn't worry about it," he explained. "He left his cape behind." Then a spark of realization hit him. "Though you are right, he is your son." Apple Bloom took another drink. Apple Seed ran through the crowds. The moon illuminated his path. Straight toward the funnel cake stand. He ducked and dodged, and moved as fast as his hooves could carry him. Pushing past an orange pony, he finally arrived at the booth, and screamed, "Funnel Cake!" "Think you could wait your turn, kid?" a voice spoke up from behind him. He turned his head and instantly recognized the pony before him. "Oh, hi Aunty Scooty." Scootaloo looked up at the ponies in the booth. "Make it two, actually," she said. "No prob," the unicorn behind the counter replied. "So," Scootaloo continued. "Aren't you supposed to be at the farmhouse?" "Dad said I could come," the young foal replied. "Well, in that case, where's your-" Just then, a blue blur appeared between them. "Ah! There she is." "What happened to 'not wandering off'?" the sudden pegasus asked. "Yeah, you gotta watch this kid, he's fast." Golden Wing turned around. Raising a wing to protect her charge. "Name's Scootaloo," she said, holding out a hoof. "We met on the train." "Uh... Yes-yes, yes we did, ma'am," the guard responded, relaxing slightly. "Sorry." "It's alright," she said with a laugh. "Protection detail can make you paranoid, I know." Before the guard pony could ask what she meant, a cheerful voice rang out next to them. "Here you go," Pumpkin Cake sang, as two funnel cakes levitated Scootaloo's way. "That'll be four bits." "Yeah," Scootaloo replied, digging the cash out of her saddlebag, and tossing it to the pony behind the counter. She grabbed the two plates and attempted to pass one to Apple Seed, before stopping herself. Turning to look at the young colt's protector, she quickly explained, "It's safe." Slightly hesitant, Golden Wing took the plate and sniffed it slightly. She then grabbed a fork off the counter and quickly took a tiny morsel, tasting it to confirm its safety. "Hey, that's mine!" Apple Seed protested. She passed him the plate along with a fresh fork, mostly satisfied it was safe. "You're new to this job, aren't you?" Scootaloo asked. Slightly shocked, she just nodded. Scootaloo laughed. "How could you tell?" "You're way too nervous," she explained. "Part of this job is not attracting attention, and nerves are a sure-fire way to do that." Scootaloo waved her hooves, "Just relax, you're doing fine." Golden Wing exhaled, "It's the first time I've had to handle protection detail on my own." "You'll be fine. You wouldn't be here if they didn't think you could do it." She raised an eyebrow, "How do you know that?" She asked. "Aren't you the Minister's Chief of Staff?" "That I am," she replied with a smile. "But I used to be part of the royal guard. Did a round on the royal protection detail myself. Wasn't easy." Golden Wing nodded in understanding when suddenly, an out-of-breath stallion finally caught up with them. "Hey Mac," Scootaloo said, as the farm pony tried to recover. "I'll leave you three to it. Have fun, little guy." "Thanks, Aunty Scooty!" Apple Seed replied. She smiled and trotted off. All Scootaloo wanted was to enjoy herself. She didn't want to worry about work, or politics, or royalty, or government crap, or... anything. She just wanted to relax. Which was the reason she was here in the first place. All the stress of the past week; all the anger and the bitterness, she left behind in Canterlot. Which is why she was grateful to hear Apple Bloom was heading to Ponyville for the day. She knew she could take the opportunity to tag along, as an essential part of the Minister's staff, who needed to go with her. At least, that's what she was ready to tell the royal guard, but they didn't seem to care. They just let her tag along, having booked an entire carriage for the train trip down, they didn't mind if an extra member of Apple Bloom's staff joined them. So, she was able to leave her home in the bustling city of Canterlot for the relaxing village of Ponyville. And as the pumping dubstep music echoed from the other side of the square, she trotted through the crowd, looking for something to do. Maybe she could socialize with some familiar faces. But the thing was, she didn't recognize many ponies in this town. It was clear to her that Ponyville had changed in the years since she was last here. She took a bite of her funnel cake and wandered through the crowd. As she trotted through the square, trying to find a pony she recognized, her thoughts turned to regret. Leaving Ponyville for Canterlot wasn't easy. But at the time, it felt like the best thing she could do. How often does a pony get the chance to join the Royal Guard? And it was all thanks to one particular Viceroy. With Rainbow Dash's help, she was able to quickly get the necessary security clearance and was well on her way to becoming one of the greatest guard ponies in the force. But she had to leave Ponyville behind to do it, and the truth was, she did miss this little town. Because despite all its flaws, it had something that she quickly came to miss while in Canterlot. It had friendliness and warmth. It actually felt like a community. It felt like a home. It was at that moment, Scootaloo finally noticed something. Something she recognized, a grey pegasus stallion with blue hair. He had grown quite a bit since she last saw him, but he was still as recognizable as ever. She quickly ate the rest of the pastry and threw the plate in a nearby trash bin before trotting toward him, and as she got closer she could clearly see he was not alone. But Scootaloo wouldn't let that stop her. She trotted toward them, and once she got close enough, began to slow her pace. "Rumble!?" she asked, slightly unsure, while trying to remain audible over the music. He turned toward her. "Scootaloo!?" "Hey!" she screamed. "It's been a long time! How are you!?" "Really good! When'd you get back in town!?" "Just this afternoon!" she turned to the pony beside him. "And... um..." Her name escaped Scootaloo's brain. She examined her memory. Glasses... curly hair... candy in her cutie mark... she used to hang with Apple Bloom... What was it... "Twist!" she screamed. "How's it been!?" "Awful!" she replied. "The candy store is barely hanging on, and I got competition coming in from Fillydelphia!" "You could just merge with Bon Bon's store!" Rumble explained. "Like she offered!" "I'm not letting her take half my profits!" "Even though you'd take half hers!" "I don't want half of her sorry excuse for a sweet!" Scootaloo could tell she wandered into some kind of disaster zone. So she tried to avoid it. "And you, Rumble? How are things?" "Working with the mayor now!" he explained. "Great!" "What about you!?" He asked. "Heard you ended up with the Royal Guard and-!" "No, no, not anymore!" she explained. "I'm actually at the Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways!" "Agriculture and Waterways!?" "Yeah!" He paused. "Really!?" "Yeah!" She got confused. "Why!?" "It's just... you don't seem like the 'farm' type!" "I'm not!" "So you're with the Waterways!?" "Maybe we should go somewhere quieter!" Twist interjected. "That sounds like an idea!" Rumble concurred. Sugar Belle adjusted the tuning knob on the radio. Trying to find the appropriate station. A few metres away, Apple Bloom was just finishing her bottle of cider, as Pipsqueak was clearing the kitchen table of paperwork. "You couldn't leave your work at home, could ya?" his wife asked. He smiled at her. "A few problems came up in the Redheart case," he explained. "And given opening arguments are in a matter of days, I didn't want to waste any time." Apple Bloom laughed, before looking across, into the sitting room, where Sugar Belle was tinkering. "What's goin' on, Sugar Belle?" She looked up, "Twilight's speech starts in a few minutes, I thought I should put it on." Apple Bloom shook her head, before taking another swig. Pip whispered across to her. "I know you're upset, but you're still the minister," he explained. "Might be worth-" Apple Bloom held up her hoof. "I know," she said. "Just... give me a minute." She swirled her bottle around, before taking another drink. Static proceeded out of the sitting room, interrupted by brief moments of speech, before finally settling on a single, stable, sound. Light music emanated from the radio, accompanied by the voice of a young stallion, explaining the events of the day, "-th annual Friendship Festival, right here in Canterlot." Pip packed away the last of his work, before closing up his work bag, and trotting toward the sitting room; as Apple Bloom finished the last of her beverage, and slammed the bottle onto the table, before quickly trotting to the nearby fridge, grabbing another bottle, and following closely behind her husband. "The day has been filled with song and celebration at this joyous event," the voice continued. "Performers from all over Equestria are here. We already heard Sapphire Shores performing her new song, Shine in My Heart; and later tonight, Songbird Serenade we'll be taking the main stage with her new single. But before then, in a few moments, we'll hear from her Royal Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, making her speech to the nation." Sugar Belle sat down on the nearby couch and magically grabbed some popcorn from a bowl sitting in the middle of the coffee table. Munching on her little snack, she looked toward Apple Bloom, popping open her second bottle of cider, and sitting in an easy chair on the other side of the room with a gloomy look on her face. Once Sugar Belle swallowed, she quickly asked, "Alright, did something happen in Canterlot?" Apple Bloom looked up, squirmed a bit and said, "I don't wanna talk about it." Before her sister-in-law could press her, the radio spoke up. "And now, Her Most Royal Highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria." A few moments of silence before a familiar voice came over the airwaves, "My Little Ponies... Today is a joyous occasion. The Friendship Festival has been a tradition in Equestria for many years, and this one has been our most successful yet, with ponies and creatures across Equestria celebrating in every major city in this nation. But success in friendship isn't about quantity. It isn't about the number of friends you have. It's about the strength of those friendships. The bonds we all share..." Apple Bloom took another drink. "So, what do you do for the mayor anyway?" Scootaloo asked. "I'm a speechwriter," Rumble replied. The three of them had left the busy crowds and found a small restaurant on the edge of town. It was quite a modern place, with sleek designs, modern materials, and a black and blue colour scheme. Scootaloo found it very comforting. They sat at a glass table, next to the big windows running from floor to ceiling that dominated the restaurant facade, each sipping on various cocktails. "Cool, so did you write her big speech for today?" She continued, with genuine curiosity. "Yep!-Well... I wrote part of it-well... a bit of it-well... one line..." he explained, with slight shame. "Yeah, I don't think she trusts you enough," Twist responded. He shook his head. "You know, I don't get it, I am good at this job." "I think you're brilliant!" "But... it's not the mayor, I think it's Simple Scribe. He keeps overlooking me for assignments. I'm starting to take it personally." "Well, I mean, maybe it's like a cycle," Scootaloo explained. "You'll get your turn. How many speechwriters are there?" "Three." She stalled. "Eh... you're right, it probably is deliberate." Rumble scoffed and hung his head. "Thanks," he said, somewhat sarcastically. Scootaloo paused. "I know what it's like. To feel like you're not appreciated like you're just a cog in a machine." Rumble looked at her. "What do you do about it?" "I don't know if there's anything you can do... other than prove them wrong. You just gotta wait for your opportunity." Rumble nodded. "But enough about work! Let's talk about something else," Scootaloo said, excitedly. "So, what about you two? What's going on? You dating or something." The two ponies, sitting shoulder to shoulder, looked at each other, and looked back at Scootaloo, before Twist said, "Yeah, how can you tell?" Scootaloo smiled. Apple Bloom relaxed, only paying tangential attention to Twilight's speech. "As Equestria grows as a nation, we need to set an example amongst our neighbours and friends." She took another sip. Sugar Belle looked across the room, seeing the misery apparent in her sister-in-law's face. "Alright, something happened in Canterlot," she said. "Just tell me what it is!" Apple Bloom took another sip of cider, and said, "I'll tell ya later." Twilight's speech continued. "-importance of family. Because the future of Equestria lies with our children... And we must ensure that future is safe, secure and prosperous." "Basically said 'safe' twice," Apple Bloom interjected. "We must ensure our children are given the best tools and the best chance at making this nation better. These tasks before us are not simple. But we can overcome them. Equestria is a nat--n of----tzzzzz..." As the radio cut out, playing only static, Apple Bloom's ears perked up. Sugar Belle walked up to the radio and began fiddling with the dial, trying to get the speech back as her sister-in-law got to her hooves. "What's happening?" she asked in confusion. "I can't get the speech back," Sugar Belle explained. Just then, off in the distance, a small explosion sounded from the northern end of the farm. "What was that?" Apple Bloom asked. But Apple Bloom had no time to consider it as Bright Side, along with another guard pony, ran downstairs, causing quite a commotion. "Ma'am?" he said, addressing Apple Bloom. "I'm afraid there's been a situation, we need to get down to City Hall." "What?" Apple Bloom asked. "What kind of situation!?" "We're not sure, ma'am." "What do you mean, 'you're not sure'?" "Ma'am, you'll have to come with us." "Just explain what's goin' on." As Pip watched this commotion unfold, his eyes began to drift, and he noticed one of the east-facing windows, covered in a curtain. But through the curtain, he saw something, something new, a glow he couldn't explain. Pip nervously approached the window, raised his hoof to grab one end of the curtain, and threw it to one side. Far in the distance, he could see Canterlot Mountain, and normally, he expected to see the City of Canterlot, a prominent landmark, built into the mountain's side. But that's not what he saw. Where Canterlot once stood, he could only see a bright ball of light, being encased by the Canterlot City Shield. Apple Bloom slowly approached behind her husband, looking out the window, Bright Side and Sugar Belle following suit. Everyone knew what they saw, what it meant, and it haunted them to their core. All that energy contained in one spot, encased by the City Shield, holding onto that power tightly, would create a heat that would cause nothing but devastation. The reality was impossible to deny. Canterlot had been incinerated. Canterlot had been destroyed.
Apple Bloom,Diamond Tiara,Pipsqueak,Rumble,Scootaloo,Crossover,Drama,Mystery,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore
Princess of Last Resort
When a catastrophic attack on Equestria wipes out the entirety of the nation’s leadership, the only one left to lead the nation of ponies is Princess Apple Bloom of Ponyville, The Princess of Last Resort. (Inspired by Designated Survivor)
<p>Mirrored from <a href="" rel="nofollow">The NP FanFiction Archive</a>.</p><p>Another year, another celebration of the Annual Friendship Festival in Canterlot. It was supposed to be like any other year… until a catastrophic attack cripples the nation and wipes out the entire leadership.</p><p>The only survivor is the Minister of Agriculture and Waterways, 23rd in the line of succession; now known as Princess Apple Bloom of Ponyville, The Princess of Last Resort.</p><p>Inspired by <a href="" rel="nofollow">Designated Survivor</a>.</p><p>The setting, as well as most of the characters and original concepts, are the property of either ABC Studios or Hasbro.</p><p>[CC BY-NC-SA] Princess of Last Resort is licensed under a <a href="" rel="nofollow">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>
Canterlot... the shining city on the mountain... the capital of Equestria... the sparkling jewel of the District of Everfree. Canterlot was the beacon of modern civilization. The mecca of knowledge, culture, science and art for all of ponykind. The worldwide centre of egalitarianism. A city where everycreature was treated as an equal. But that was then... now? Canterlot was a fireball of destruction. The most magnificent city in the world was now reduced to ash. A population of nearly a million was on this day reduced to zero. On a day where Canterlot also had the biggest tourism boom of the year. Ponies and creatures from all over Equestria and the world had gathered there... and they were now gone. But all that was in Apple Bloom's head was white noise. She couldn't think... she couldn't talk... she couldn't even breathe... because she couldn't believe any of this was real. "Ma'am?" A voice in the distance. Didn't matter. What could matter in this world? "Ma'am!" Everyone was dead... everyone she loved or cared about was dead... "Apple Bloom!" Bright Side shouted, pushing her in the shoulder and bringing her back to reality. "We have to go!" Bright Side grabbed Apple Bloom's foreleg and led her out of the house. Pip looked around, as he tried to process the situation, when one of the guard ponies approached him. "Sir, you need to come too." "Yeah," Pip replied, nodding. He followed the guard pony outside, but paused at the door, seeing his son's Cutie Mark Crusader cape hanging from the coat rack. He quickly grabbed it and exited the farmhouse. Once outside, he saw the royal carriage, which took them to the farm house in the first place, still parked out front. Bright Side stood there, holding the door wide open, and waiting for Pip. He quickly piled in, and sat down on the plush seat across from his wife, who he could see was clearly in shock. He reached over and put his hoof on top of hers. "Apple Bloom... it'll be fine. Everything will be alright," He explained. But he could tell she didn't believe him. Bright Side closed the door behind Pip, securely locking his charges for transport. He approached the front of the carriage. "Get them to City Hall, no delays." The two drivers saluted their Captain, and said, "yes, sir!" Before quickly moving at top speed into Ponyville. Bright Side watched them leave. He then turned to his guards and gave his orders. "Alright, we need to secure the farmstead." Suddenly, he saw one of his sergeants approach him. "Captain!" The pony said with a salute. "We think there was an explosion in the north field." "You think?" Bright Side asked, as Sugar Belle approached behind him. "You don't know?" The sergeant continued, "Some of our guards reported bright lights in that area, possibly a fire." "What!?" Sugar Belle exclaimed. Bright Side ignored her, and instead gave his orders. "Go investigate, find out exactly what it was." Sugar Belle spoke up, "I'm coming with you." "Ma'am, you'll need to stay here in the farmhouse." "This is my farm! If there's a fire, I need to be there." Suddenly, their argument was interrupted by a loud, earthshaking sound neither of them expected; The sound of cracking glass. Scootaloo was still in the restaurant, chatting with Rumble and Twist. Rumble had his hoof around Twist, and the two of them were snuggling up to each other, which Scootaloo found adorable, as they told her about their first date. "His face was covered in mustard," Twist explained. "Alright!" Rumble exclaimed with a mixture of embarrassment and exasperation. "He looked like a complete idiot! And that was the moment I knew I found the one." She nuzzled her coltfriend affectionately. "So, you're attracted to idiots," Scootaloo declared with a smile. "Well, before him I was dating Snails, so... yeah... need a way to feel superior," Twist explained with a laugh. Before Rumble could rebut, he was interrupted by an unusual sight, as the plaza outside the restaurant suddenly got a lot brighter. They all turned their attention outside. Scootaloo was perplexed. "The sun just set three hours ago, why would it be back up?" She got up and proceeded outside, Rumble and Twist following close behind. The moment she stepped outside, she knew something was wrong, the music from the celebrations had stopped, and she could sense fear in everyone's voices, and the moment she got out from under the building's awning, she knew why. She looked up at Canterlot Mountain, at the city she had been calling home for the past 12 years, and saw that it was gone, replaced with a glowing sphere of fire and light. She was horrified... and her mind quickly went over the ramifications. "What the hay is that!?" Rumble exclaimed. "I don't know!" Twist replied. "Where's Canterlot!?" a voice in the distance cried. "Is this fireworks!?" another voice inquired. But none of that mattered to Scootaloo, because she knew exactly what this meant. She turned around to face her friends, and said, "I have to go... take care of the bill for me? I'm sorry!" But as Rumble watched her take off, he could only think of one thing... "I think I need to get to work." "What?" Twist asked, baffled. He kissed her, intensely, for a good five seconds before separating. "Go home, stay inside," he quickly explained. "I'll be there tonight. I love you." Rumble took flight, straight to Ponyville City Hall. Scootaloo wasn't exactly the best flyer... in fact, she was terrible. Part of the reason was because her wings didn't actually have the strength to keep her in the air for more than a couple minutes at the most. But it didn't matter at this moment; she needed to find them. She glided over the party-goers, most of whom were focused on the new light in the night sky. She scanned the crowd as best she could, looking for the most prominent pony among them: Big Macintosh. Her eyes scanned, but her wings were getting weak. She knew she could not stay up for much longer. Then, she saw him, staring at Canterlot Mountain in horror, she flew straight toward Big Macintosh, but found she was having a hard time slowing down. As she fell toward the stallion, she saw the two she was really looking for, Apple Seed and his bodyguard, standing right in front of Big Mac. Apple Seed clinging onto her for dear life... and Scootaloo was about to hit them. She tried her best to slow down, but knew it wouldn't be enough. "GANGWAY!!!" she screamed. As the trio quickly moved out of Scootaloo's way, her hooves landed in the dirt, hard, and started sliding across the ground, while spinning to face the group. Scootaloo's slight panic was still apparent, but she quickly styled it out. "Woo! That was a harder landing than I wanted." "Aunty Scooty!" Apple Seed screamed as he ran up to her. She grabbed him in a tight hug. Golden Wing walked up to her. "You know what this means?" she asked. "I wish I didn't," Scootaloo replied. "We need to get to City Hall." "No," she interjected, tapping Apple Seed's head. "We need to get to City Hall." She pointed to Big Mac and Golden. "You need to find the blacksmith, get him to open up and start the forge." "What?" Mac said, obviously confused. "No no no," Golden objected. "I'm Apple Seed's bodyguard, I'm staying with him." "You're also Big Mac's bodyguard," Scootaloo explained. "Right?" She turned to the stallion. "Mac, you need to get the blacksmith to open up, who ever he is." "She..." Mac explained. "Whatever! We need to split up, so I take Apple Seed, you take Mac. He'll be safe! I'll protect him with my life." "Why?" Golden said, exasperated and confused. "And why does Big Mac need to do it." Scootaloo looked at the two of them and decided to just come out with it. "He knows Apple Bloom's hat size." Golden raised an eyebrow. "You're thinking a bit too far ahead, aren't you?" "And you're not thinking far enough." Just then, their conversation was broken by a loud, earthshaking sound neither of them expected; The sound of cracking glass. The two pegasi looked up at where Canterlot used to be, and saw the still-intact City Shield starting to break. Large cracks began to form in the sphere, spreading throughout its structure, the sounds grew louder and louder... until... The City Shield shattered, and all the energy that it held back was released. Scootaloo saw the energy wave spread out, and it was heading straight toward Ponyville. She quickly grabbed Apple Seed and turned away from the blast wave, as Golden Wing wrapped her wings around the two of them, and Big Mac used his body to shield all three. A half-second later, the wave hit. Their ears were hit hard, like a bomb going off. The wind burst through the town blowing several ponies off their hooves, and across the plaza. But the heat was the most obvious effect. Searing heat, not enough to burn, but enough to singe. It suddenly felt like it was a bright midsummer's day during the most brutal heat wave in Equestria for the five seconds the blast ran through the city. But it was a dry heat. As the blast died down, the four ponies separated, and observed the carnage around them, everypony was crying, many were in a panic, but Scootaloo ignored all that, and just looked up at what used to be the city she called home. What remained of Canterlot was now clearly visible. The city's foundations, walls, and the castle pinnacles were all intact... for about three seconds. Because without the City Shield holding the energy in place, the ruins of Canterlot had nothing holding it together, and so Scootaloo witnessed what remained of her home crumble into the valley below with a devastating crunch. If there was any doubt in Scootaloo's mind before now... it was erased. "Find the blacksmith..." she said, in absolute shock. "Find the blacksmith!" She grabbed Apple Seed and put him on her back. "I'll get Apple Seed to City Hall!" At this moment, Golden Wing couldn't be bothered to argue, she just nodded. And as Scootaloo ran through the streets with her charge, she just turned to Big Mac and asked him the most crucial question: "You know where the blacksmith is?" He frantically looked around the plaza, and replied with a quite simple, "Nope." Apple Bloom's head was ringing. The impact from the fallen carriage knocked her out for a bit. She was lying on the side of the carriage, her husband sprawled out across from her. "Pip!" she shouted, shaking him awake. Pip came to rather quickly. "What happened?" He asked, somewhat distressed. "I dunno!" "Ma'am!" came a voice from outside. The door handle started jiggling. "Are you alright in there?" "We're fine!" Pip shouted. He turned to his wife. "Wait here." He tried climbing up to the door. Realizing he was struggling, Apple Bloom decided to give her husband a boost. He flicked the latch, unlocking the door, and the guardpony atop pulled it open. Peering inside, the guard turned back to his colleague. "They're alright." Pip took one hard jump off his wife's back, and grabbed the doorframe, climbing up, and out. "Sir, you'll need to stay inside," the guard said. "Not a chance," he replied. Pip took in the surroundings, they were still on the road into Ponyville, the carriage was knocked back and over, and now laid on it's side, off the road, nearly into the trees. He looked toward Ponyville, and in the distance, he could see Canterlot Mountain. The glowing sphere had now gone, and all that was left of Canterlot was small amounts of foundation embedded into the rock face. Any doubt he had to the gravity of the situation was tossed away. "We need to get back on the road!" the guard pony shouted. Pip looked into the carriage, and saw his wife looking up at him. "Hold tight, darling," he said as he closed the door. Pip jumped off the carriage, and landed on the road. The guard pony got into position on the other side of the carriage. "Honeydew," he said to his partner. "Keep a lookout." Pip put his hoof on the brawny earth pony's shoulder. "I'll do it, you help him," he explained. Honeydew ran to help his partner. As they pushed the carriage, Pip watched the road, both ways, looking for any sign of danger to his wife as he slowly started to realise: he had always seen Apple Bloom as the most important mare in Equestria. In fact, in his eyes, she was the most important mare in the world. He absolutely loved her and would do anything for her. But right now, that wasn't just his opinion, but an absolute reality. Apple Bloom was now the most important mare in all of Equestria... and it terrified him. As the blast died down, the spherical golden shield around Bright Side lowered, and he stood up from his position, as he used his body to protect Sugar Belle, who was huddled in a ball and slowly getting up. They looked in the distance, and could see Canterlot crumbling and tumbling down the mountainside. Bright Side got to work. "Alright!" He yelled to his ponies. "I want this farmstead impregnable!" He saw Sugar Belle march off. "Ma'am!" he shouted after her. She turned around and started walking backward. "Just try to stop me," she said, daring the unicorn. He realised he couldn't. "We'll meet at City Hall! Sunny Staff, go with her!" One of his pegasus guards saluted and flew after Sugar Belle as she nodded in affirmation and ran to the north field. Bright Side looked at the area around him, several of his unicorns were casting additional protection spells around the farmhouse, and reinforcing the ones that were already there, as others were planning a perimeter defence for the entire farm. He knew this was going to be a long night. The energy wave hit. Blasting Rumble through the sky, well off course. The burning heat surrounding him caused him to suddenly find himself covered in sweat. As he tumbled through the sky, he could feel his feathers clinging together with sweat, making it harder to fly. As he started to fall, he quickly tried shaking the moisture from his wings. As they started to fluff up again, he used his momentum to do a recovery dive, and swung himself up and back into the air. Catching his bearings once again, he looked around, and tried to figure out where City Hall was... and where he was. He turned around, and saw the distinctive roof of City Hall far in the distance, dwarfing the surrounding buildings. He flew toward his destination. Scootaloo arrived at City Hall, to see that the entire building had been locked down. Guards had surrounded the entire building, and would not let any pony inside, no matter how much she pleaded. "I'm the Minister's Chief of Staff!" Scootaloo pleaded. "I have her son, you have to let me inside!" "Sorry ma'am, no unauthorised personnel," the guard pony explained. "You don't understand, she was the Princess of Last Resort, tonight. She's going to need me. She's going to need her son!" "Ma'am, I have my orders." Scootaloo was at a loss. "Does this mean we're not getting in?" Apple Seed asked as he clung to her neck. She sighed deeply. "No, it just means it may be a while." The empty darkness of Silver Hammer's storefront was not expected to be broken for another few days. The Friendship Festival was going to last all weekend, and Silver was planning on participating in the festivities... but recent events threw those plans to the wind. Which was why she was not happy at this moment. The lock jiggled, and Silver Hammer quickly burst in. "I don't know what this is about, but it better be good!" she exclaimed as Big Mac and the random pegasus she never met before followed her in. She quickly marched into the back room, and began the process of starting the forge. "Look, we just need you to start everything up for now," Golden Wing explained. "There's a strong likelihood we'll need to make use of your services." "Strong likelihood?" she said, slightly incensed. "So you don't even know!" "The royal purse with compensate you for your time." She grumbled and wandered into the back room. "We also need to know what kind of precious metals you have on-hoof. Gold, silver that kind of-" "GOLD!?" she came out again. "This is a blacksmith. We don't have gold. You want gold, go to a goldsmith." "Does this town have a goldsmith?" Big Mac stepped up to them. "Nope," he said. "There's one in Canterlot," Silver explained without thinking. "Well," Golden rebutted. "That's not an option, is it?" "Look, the most precious metals I have are probably bronze, iron, nickel... I also have a carbon steel that could work." Golden put a hoof to her face in exasperation, realising that they were out of luck. But Mac just smiled and said, "Perfect." The royal carriage arrived into Ponyville proper. Apple Bloom sat on the plush seating, looking down, still in shock with what just happened, and what Pip just told her he saw. Canterlot was now a pile of rubble at the bottom of Eternity Valley. Her home was gone. Not just her home, her friends, her colleagues, her employees... her sister... A part of her still had hope. Maybe Twilight survived. She had a teleportation spell, maybe she got everyone she could, including Applejack, out of the city before it was destroyed. But if so... wouldn't they have heard from her? Wouldn't she come to tell them she was alright? The carriage slowed to a stop, and a knock came at the door. Pip opened the latch, let the door fall open, and just as he was about to step out, he stopped himself. Turning to his wife, he gestured to allow her to exit first. Apple Bloom got to her hooves, and proceeded outside. They were in front of Ponyville City Hall, which she saw had undergone several modifications since she was a little filly, having been greatly expanded to support the growing city. Apple Bloom looked around, crowds had gathered around the building, being held back by dozens of guard ponies, and supported as well by dozens more local police ponies. She wasn't sure if it was curiosity, desperation, fear, or something more sinister that drew these crowds, but she knew she was glad for the security. Apple Bloom focused, and as she was about to enter the building, she heard a very familiar voice cry out, "Apple Bloom!!!" She turned to look, and saw her best friend, Scootaloo, waving her down; and clinging tightly to Scootaloo's neck was her son, Apple Seed. Apple Bloom was shocked and excited at the same time. "Scootaloo!" she said, taking a step forward, before a hoof came out to stop her. "I'm sorry ma'am," the guard pony said. "My son is over there!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, with traces of annoyance, anger and fear in her voice. "Hey!" he shouted, getting the attention of the police pony who was blocking Scootaloo from entering. "Let them through." The police pony relented, and raised the cordon tape, allowing them to pass. The moment they stepped past the tape, Apple Seed had jumped off Scootaloo's back and ran toward his mother while shouting, "MOM!!!" With Scootaloo following close behind. Apple Bloom gave a welcoming hug to both her son and her best friend. "I'm so glad you're safe," she cried. Scootaloo whispered in Apple Bloom's ear the one thing she wasn't willing to admit before now. "Everypony's gone, Apple Bloom." Apple Bloom squeezed her friend a bit tighter. "I know," she whispered back. "Ma'am," the nearby guard pony said, as he gestured to the front entrance of City Hall. Apple Bloom broke the hug and tried to compose herself. "Hey, squirt!" Pip said, stepping down from the carriage. "DAD!" Apple Seed exclaimed, giving his father a big hug. Pip broke the hug and said, "Oh, and I have this." He reached into the carriage, and pulled out a red piece of fabric. Apple Seed recognised it instantly. It was his Cutie Mark Crusader cape! He gasped, with a mixture of joy, amazement, and shock! He was so happy to have it back! His father wrapped the cape around him, and tied it off. Apple Bloom smiled at this display, before turning and entering City Hall with her best friend at her side. As they entered the building, they could see it was pandemonium. Ponies everywhere were flying about in a near-panic. Absolute chaos dominated the scene, but there was a sort of order to the madness. Everypony had their tasks, and they were doing their best to get them done. But she knew they were all stressed. None of them had prepared, in any sense of the word, for a moment like this. Apple Bloom scanned the room, and at the far end, she saw a very familiar pony, a pony she knew from long ago. A pony she was informed, was now the Mayor of Ponyville. The mayor was intently talking to one of her employees, as she suddenly noticed the new arrivals. She waved at them, before finishing her conversation, and sending the employee on her way. As the mayor approached, Apple Bloom got nervous. She took a deep breath. "Minister!" The mayor said in greeting, holding out a hoof. "Mayor Cheerilee," Apple Bloom replied, responding with a hoof bump. "It is my honour to welcome you to Ponyville, and I just want you to know, my staff is your staff, anything you need, it's yours." "Thank you, that's very kind." "It's my duty, ma'am," Mayor Cheerilee replied. But now that she did, her gaze began to soften. "Well, now that the formalities are out of the way... it's good to see you, Apple Bloom," she said with a smile. "And you too, Scootaloo... and Pip! You've all grown so much." "Yeah," Apple Bloom explained. "Time does that." The mayor laughed. "It has been a while... so good to see you all again," but her smile faded. "I just wish the circumstances were better." "Yeah..." Apple Bloom replied, somewhat melancholy. Cheerilee hesitated for a bit before just doing what she really wanted to do. "Oh, come here!" She said, grabbing her former students in a big embrace. They all hugged each other, holding it for several seconds. As they separated. Apple Bloom noticed her son, clinging tightly to his father's back, looking at her with absolute confusion. "Cheerilee, this is my son, Apple Seed," she said, introducing the two. "Apple Seed, this is Cheerilee, she was our schoolteacher when we were around your age." He looked at the mayor and just said, "hi..." "Sorry," Apple Bloom said. "He's not normally this shy." "He's probably in shock," Cheerilee explained. "So..." Apple Bloom said, trying to get the conversation on track. "Mayor, huh?" Cheerilee scoffed. "Yeah... it's a long story. Ask me about it later, we have work to do." She turned around and shouted, "DT!" getting the attention of a pink earth pony and waving her over. As she approached, Cheerilee introduced them, returning to formalities. "Minister, I believe you already know my Chief of Staff, Diamond Tiara." She turned to face DT. "Anything she needs, get it to her." Diamond Tiara nodded, "Got it." The mayor then left them behind, to focus on other tasks. Apple Bloom softly smiled at her old friend, who softly smiled back. "So... what do you need?" Diamond Tiara asked, getting straight down to business. Apple Bloom stood there. "I... I'm not sure," she replied, because the fact was, she had no idea what to do, or any idea what any pony expected her to do. She was the Minister of Agriculture and Waterways. She wasn't ready for this. She wasn't prepared for this. Her mind was a complete blank. Thankfully, Scootaloo's wasn't. "We need information," she said, taking charge. "Ponies are panicking outside, and I doubt Ponyville's that unique. Status reports on every major city in the nation, whatever you can get me. Also, we need to find Twilight and the Council, if there's any chance they're still alive, we need to know." "I think the Royal Guard is dealing with that," Tiara replied, as she wrote everything down in her notepad. "Good, we also need to contact the military. Whatever's left of the brass, we need to get them here, now!" "I don't even know where to start on that one, but I'll find out," DT said as she continued to furiously write all this down. "Finally, media control. We need to get on top of whatever's being reported, and most importantly, we need to let it be known that no matter what, Equestria still has a government. And we need them here, to broadcast a speech Apple Bloom will be giving in about 2 hours." Apple Bloom looked at her. "Two hours?" "Trust me," Scootaloo said with a smile. Diamond Tiara turned to Apple Bloom and asked, "Minister... you okay with this?" Apple Bloom, somewhat unsure and still somewhat overwhelmed, just nodded. "Alright..." She said as she finished writing. "And one more thing..." she smiled. "It's good to see you all again." Diamond Tiara then left the scene and got to work, coordinating the army of civil staff at her disposal. Apple Bloom turned to her best friend. "You got all that out pretty fast, you were prepared for this." "Let's just say I had some time to think," Scootaloo said, somewhat unsure of herself. Apple Bloom's head was racing. "Do we even know who did this?" she asked. "Look, regardless of everything else, that's the kind of thing that'll take time, we have bigger problems right now," Scootaloo explained. "Alright, I'll contact the Director of RISE, get the ball rolling. She'll be our best bet to get any intelligence on this." "Right... good..." Apple Bloom sighed, "I just don't know what to do." "Hey, that's why you have me," she said with a smile. "Where's Big Macintosh?" Pip asked. The two girls looked at him. "Wasn't he with Apple Seed?" "Oh, yeah," Scootaloo explained. "I met up with them and that guard pony they were with. I sent her and Mac off to find the blacksmith." "Why?" "Just in case." "In case of what?" Scootaloo sighed, "Don't worry about it." But as Apple Bloom watched this exchange, she knew exactly why Scootaloo did it... and at that moment, it suddenly struck her, the gravity of the situation they, and the whole country, were in. Because there were 23 ponies ahead of her in the line of succession, and there was the likely possibility that all 23 were in Canterlot, and did not somehow escape. If that was true, all they had to do was wait for confirmation. At which point, someone would tell her, and Apple Bloom would become a Princess, and have to rule over all of Equestria. And it terrified her. Sugar Belle arrived at the north field. Several pegasus guards were already dealing with the fires, holding rainclouds and blasting the flames away. But it was what she saw ahead of her that she found the most curious. In front of her was the old Cutie Mark Crusader Clubhouse, where Apple Bloom and her friends spent much of their time as fillies, and the fires led straight to it. She could see a scattering of broken timber, and as she got closer, she saw where it came from: A massive hole had been blasted out the side of the clubhouse. Nearly the entire western wall was just gone. As Sugar Belle got closer, she could feel the heat still lingering. She stumbled inside the clubhouse, through the front door, to find the source of the carnage. Her eyes scanned the floor, where she saw a streak of blackened floorboards, all leading to the true source: Lying in the middle of the clubhouse, was a pony she could not identify, because all that was left was their blackened and charred remains. Sugar Belle was horrified, but at the same time baffled. Where did this pony come from? And what happened to them? As she got closer to investigate she saw a puddle of vomit on the ground. She suspected it happened after the fires started, since it was still liquid, and oozing. Sunny Staff entered the clubhouse behind her, along with another guard pony. "Oh my stars..." Sunny said, in absolute disbelief. The other pony was quite blunt about the situation. "We're getting a body bag to transport the remains. I don't know what happened here, but we'll run a full investigation." As the guard pony talked, Sugar Belle got closer and examined the blackened form. She couldn't identify the gender, but could tell it was a unicorn. The horn on their head was a dead giveaway. Their mane and tail were both burnt off, and there was no easy way to identify the colour of the pony's coat, the damage to their flesh was absolute, and she certainly couldn't spot the pony's cutie mark. But as she examined the body she noticed something she was certain no one else did: The pony's chest was moving. "They're alive..." she said quietly, barely a whisper. She watched the pony's chest a bit longer, and the more she watched the more certain she was. "They're alive!!!" "What!?" Sunny cried, in absolute disbelief. Sugar Belle was certain. She turned her head and screamed, "GET A MEDIC!!!!"
Anon,Kirins,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Listen to Me!
After Anon falls into the Stream of Silence, his wife, Rain Shine, must do what she can to help him until the next batch of foal's-breath finishes growing.
<p>After falling into the Stream of Silence, Anon found himself unable to speak. Ordinarily, this wouldn't be an issue, as the Kirin he lives with are used to the presence of the stream and are more than capable of making him a cure.</p><p>Unfortunately, said cure relies on the magical foal's-breath flower, which is currently out of season. He's going to have to wait for the next batch of it to grow before he can speak again.</p><p>Thankfully, this is a problem that his wife, Rain Shine, has plenty of experience with.</p><hr/><p>Day #1 of Hearts and Hands Week.</p>
“Do be careful up there, won’t you?” “I’m alright, don’t worry!” Rain Shine cranes her neck to look up at the strange sight in the trees above her. It’s a quiet day in the Kirin village, a standard occurrence on the Peaks of Peril. While the Kirin may have been freed from their vow of silence a long time ago, living in a secluded, relatively peaceful place like this tends to create a calm, relaxed atmosphere. She does not stand alone, either. A few other curious Kirin join their village elder in watching Anon, the only non-Kirin inhabitant of the village, attempt to fix a long-broken rope bridge among the branches of two nearby trees. The Kirin make their homes out of these trees, and rope bridges connecting buildings are a common sight. However, this particular bridge has fallen into disrepair for one distinct reason: the bridge hangs above the Stream of Silence, and no one is brave enough to try fixing it. As a result, Anon, Rain Shine’s human husband, took it upon himself to try patching the bridge up. Doing so would be extremely convenient, since the stream bisects the village, and he is braver (or more foolish) than most. The peace and quiet is interrupted by a rhythmic hammering. To everyone’s surprise, he is legitimately making good progress. Unfortunately, said progress has left him right on the center of the bridge, directly above the stream itself. One misstep, and he’ll fall to the same curse that the Kirin once subjected themselves to. Suddenly, he clicks his tongue. “What’s the matter?” “This board is stuck. Let me just…” Anon reaches into his bag to retrieve a screwdriver before attempting to unscrew a particularly rotten board. Rain Shine watches as he furrows his brow, the repairs clearly giving him some trouble. She winces as Anon grunts, his attempts at removing the warped wood from the bridge becoming increasingly frustrated. “C-careful, you might–” “Got it!” Anon smiles as the board finally comes loose. What he fails to realize, however, is that he was putting most of his weight on a board next to the now-missing piece of the bridge, which immediately tilts downward without its support. Anon glances down just in time to see water rapidly approaching him. Or, more accurately, himself rapidly approaching the water. “Son of a–” A loud splash rings out across the village. Rain Shine gasps, as do a few of the other Kirin onlookers (though some do their best to hide their snickers from their concerned elder). Without hesitation, she rushes to the bank of the stream, her eyes frantically darting across the surface in search of her potentially wounded husband. To her relief, the surface of the water breaks, revealing a sopping-wet Anon. He spits out some water, though otherwise looks completely nonplussed. Thankfully, he seems unharmed. “Anon? Are you alright?” Anon simply stares back at her, his eyes half-lidded. He struggles to stand up fully in the water before trudging his way back onto dry land. His clothes and bag are completely soaked, and he mindlessly begins wringing out his shirt. “You took quite the fall there,” another Kirin says with a concerned tone. “How’s your flank?” Anon locks eyes with the Kirin. He gives her a disinterested shrug before continuing his attempts at drying himself. “...Oh dear,” Rain Shine mumbles. “I have good news and bad news,” Rain Shine sheepishly says with an anxious smile as she enters her home. The hollowed-out tree is a bit bigger than most in the village, but not by much. It has historically been the home of the Kirin elders and their families, but it isn’t meant to be particularly grandiose. “The bad news is that Drenched Fire says we’re out of foal’s-breath flowers, and since they’re out of season, we won’t be getting any more until the next batch is done growing in about a month.” Anon, who has been mindlessly washing his clothes since Rain Shine entered, simply looks at her without a hint of emotion on his face. “The good news is that you have me here to take care of you!” Rain Shine proudly places a hoof on her chest as a wide smile spreads across her face. “I have much experience with your current condition, as I’m sure you know. It must feel terrible being unable to express your emotions or speak.” Anon shrugs. “...Right. It doesn’t feel terrible. It doesn’t feel like anything at all.” Anon nods. “Still, you do remember what it was like to have emotions, yes?” Anon tilts his head. “...A silly question, I guess.” She approaches her husband, her smile diminishing, but not disappearing entirely. Without hesitation, she wraps a leg around him and pulls his head into her chest, her fluffy mane completely enveloping his emotionless face. “Still, experience has made me quite talented at reading the thoughts of those affected by the stream. I shall ensure that your needs are well taken care of until the cure is ready, even if you cannot express what those needs are!” Anon continues to stare at her, unable (or, perhaps, unwilling) to do much else. “Who knows? This might even be fun!” Anon’s eyelids droop a little more. “...F-for me, anyway. Hehe.” “Okay, we have enough ingredients for either mushroom soup or potato salad. Is there one that you’d prefer?” Rain Shine turns away from the kitchen counter to look at her husband, immediately remembering his current condition when he wordlessly stares back at her. “Right, right. I know you can’t voice your opinion, and you probably don’t have a particularly strong opinion either way, so just… point.” She raises two hooves, one holding a bowl and the other holding a potato. Anon glances at both hooves, and although he can’t emote, she picks up a bit of hesitation coming from him. After a moment, he points at the potato. “Aha! There we are!” She turns back towards the counter, a proud smile on her face. “Potato salad it is.” She begins peeling a few potatoes, a strange mixture of calm and excitement coursing through her. “Pointing is a necessary skill for those who’ve taken the vow of silence. Or, in your case, fallen into it, hehe.” Anon is unamused. “Hey, Mrs. Rain Shine?” “Hm?” Rain Shine looks down to see a young Kirin girl tugging on her tail. She looks up at her elder with bright, curious eyes. “Ah, hello, Calm Inferno. Is something the matter? Although she's known as a guiding force for all of the Kirin, Rain Shine’s demeanor is particularly gentle when around children. As a result, they all look up to her as a sort of mother figure. “What’s Mr. Anon doing?” Rain Shine follows the child’s gaze, which is directed towards the other side of town. Since the Kirin village is so small, “the other side of town” is only a couple hundred feet away. Sure enough, the girl stares directly at Anon, who sits cross-legged on the grass. His eyes are closed, and his hands rest on his knees. Despite a few Kirin going to and fro in his vicinity, he sits completely still, either unaware of or unbothered by their presence. Rain Shine raises an eyebrow. “I’m… not entirely sure, dear. Why don’t we go check, hmm?” “Huh? O-okay.” The young Kirin keeps her grip on Rain Shine’s tail, though she doesn’t seem to mind. The two casually walk in Anon’s direction, eventually coming to a stop mere feet away from him. “Anon?” At the calling of his name, Anon opens his eyes, immediately glancing between Rain Shine and Calm Inferno. “Are you alright?” To no one’s surprise, Anon says nothing. Instead, he simply gives a slow, methodical nod. “Well, what are you doing?” Anon glances around the vicinity, his brow lightly furrowing as he struggles to find a way to express his thoughts. After a moment, he chooses to remove his hands from his knees, instead resting his elbows in their place and angling his forearms to both sides of himself. “Hmm…” “Is this charades? I love charades!” Calm Inferno bounces in place, a bright smile on her face. She isn’t wrong, either. As a result of their vow of silence, charades became a very popular game amongst Kirin children. “Were you taking a nap?” Anon shakes his head as if to say “no.” “Hmhm. Very well, then. Were you… lost in thought about something?” Rain Shine can’t hold in her amusement at the game unfolding before her. Anon presses his lips together and tilts his head, a clear attempt at saying “not quite.” “Oh, oh! Were you meditating?!” Anon smiles and nods, causing Calm Inferno to cheer. Her enthusiasm is contagious, and Rain Shine finds herself laughing right alongside her. However, that laughter is short lived. Locking eyes with the smiling Anon, Rain Shine suddenly realizes something. “Er, Calm Inferno? If he’s meditating, he probably doesn’t want to be disturbed any longer.” “Oh! I’m sorry, Mr. Anon!” Without another word, Calm Inferno bows and quickly scampers away. After seeing her off, Rain Shine turns back towards her husband with confusion on her face. “You’re smiling. I thought you couldn’t feel happiness all that strongly?” Anon once again appears confused, lacking the means to express his thoughts. He eventually settles on motioning in Calm Inferno’s direction, then bringing his index fingers to his mouth and forcing his lips to curl upwards. “She forced you to smile?” Anon shakes his head. “I…” After a moment of deliberation, Rain Shine groans. “I don’t understand what you’re saying.” Anon narrows his eyes, and all Rain Shine can do is sigh. This isn’t as easy as she thought it’d be. “Where is he?” Rain Shine mumbles. She’s been searching the village for her silent husband for a short while, but she’s coming up empty hooved. Suddenly, there is a familiar sound in the air. A rhythmic hammering rings out across the village. After a brief moment of hesitation, her eyes are drawn upwards. Sure enough, sitting on the half-finished rope bridge hanging above the Stream of Silence is Anon, calmly hammering away at some of the old pieces of wood before replacing them with fresh ones. “Uhh, Anon, dear?” Anon stops his work and briefly scans the ground below him before finally locating his wife. “Why are you doing that now?” Anon thinks for a moment. After a few quiet seconds, he motions towards the stream below, then to himself, then to the bridge. “I’m sorry?” Once again, Anon motions towards the stream. Then, he motions towards his neck and opens his mouth before shrugging. “The stream made you silent?” Anon nods, though he rolls his hand in a circle as if to say “keep going.” “You fell into the stream while working on the bridge last time. And…” Anon leans slightly in her direction, his eyes widening just a tad. “And now it doesn’t matter if you fall in again?” Anon gives her a thumbs up. “Huh. That’s… not a bad idea, actually. Carry on, then!” With a satisfied grin, Rain Shine trots away. “Strange that he’s thinking about that now of all times, though…” Rain Shine lets out a long, lazy yawn as she crawls into bed. Her horn gently glows as she lifts the covers above herself and gets nestled in, being careful to not disturb the already comfortable Anon. Her eyes close just as her head hits the pillow. The Kirin village may be small, but running it is still tiring. For a brief moment, she braces herself. As has been typical of him for years, Anon has a tendency to wrap his arms around her right as she crawls into bed, allowing her to be the little spoon. It’s a gesture she appreciates, as she’s an awfully large Kirin and none but Anon could possibly accomplish such a feat. Plus, it’s just his love language, and it makes her feel… well, loved. However, she quickly reminds herself that he won’t be doing that again, at least not for a while. He hasn’t ever since falling silent. She doesn’t blame him, of course. With tempered emotions, she understands that he likely doesn’t feel the same love and passion for her that he once did. Why, then, would he feel the need to spoon with her? It would bring him nothing but a numb arm in the morning. With a quiet sigh, she allows her mind to wander. The end of his curse cannot come soon enough. … …Hm? Her eyes open once more as she feels the familiar sensation of two arms wrapping around her. Anon leans against her back, pressing his face into her mane. Obviously, he says nothing. However, the fact that he’s doing this at all comes as a shock to her. “Honey?” Anon does not – cannot – respond. “...I love you.” She says nothing else. Unlike Anon, she’s capable of saying whatever she wants. But that’s all she really needed to say. “And here it is!” Rain Shine smiles as she levitates a small cup in front of Anon, who carefully takes it in his hands. “It’s been a long month, huh? Just drink all of that and you’ll be good as new.” Anon looks deep into her scarlet eyes before nodding. With both hands carefully clasping the cup, he quickly downs its contents. Once the final drop passes his lips, he lowers the cup and tries to hold back a wince. “Yeah, it's not exactly a pleasant taste.” Anon closes his eyes. The room is completely silent for a long, tense moment. Finally, he opens his eyes once more. She can’t be certain, but Rain Shine briefly wonders if his eyes look a bit clearer. Then she recoils as Anon throws himself towards her, immediately pressing his lips against hers. She doesn’t move for a moment, if only because she’s so shocked at the sudden display of affection. However, it doesn’t take long for her to begin returning the kiss, and the two remain like that for some time. When they part, Anon smiles a wide, goofy smile. “Thanks, Rainy.” “I guess it worked, then?” “It worked,” he says with a chuckle as he pulls her into a hug. “Though to be honest, it wasn’t as bad as you made it out to be.” “Oh, screw you!” Rain Shine laughs as she playfully pushes him away. “You weren’t exactly easy to keep track of, you know. Your behavior was all over the place.” “What am I, an elementary school student?” “You weren’t behaving like we did at all! You smiled at Calm Inferno, you fixed the bridge without telling anyone… heck, you were acting affectionate towards me when I know darn well you weren’t feeling much from it!” “So?” “'So?!' What gives?!” Anon looks deep into her eyes, the smile never leaving his face. “I might not have been able to feel much, but I still had desires, you know.” “Well, yeah. The stream doesn’t take away your whole personality.” “Just because I couldn’t feel much doesn’t mean you couldn’t.” Anon crosses his arms as the pair starts to leave the privacy of their home. “I smiled because it made Calm feel happy, and it reassured her that I wasn’t upset with her. Children pay more attention to our expressions than you’d think.” The two continue towards the center of town, a few passing Kirin smiling when they notice Anon talking again. “It’s a similar situation with the bridge. I might not have felt satisfied with my work, but the bridge isn’t just for me.” “...And in bed?” “When I heard you sigh, I realized that I’d been neglecting you. Yeah, I didn’t have the same drive as before to snuggle with you, but when I came to that realization, I felt… I felt just awful. I love you a lot, and even if I wasn’t feeling it the same way, I wanted you to be happy.” For a moment, Rain Shine doesn’t respond. “You mean all that time, you were looking out for us?” “It’s not like I had the drive to do much else.” Anon playfully flicks his wife before pointing above them, drawing Rain Shine’s attention towards a now-finished rope bridge being used by a couple of Kirin to cross the Stream of Silence safely. “Besides, I’d say it all turned out okay, right?” Slowly, she turns back towards Anon, a look of disbelief on her face. “...Heh. I’m really not as good at reading you as I thought I was.” “Don’t sell yourself short. Without you, I probably would’ve gone crazy by now. So… thank you.” Anon barely has time to finish that thought before he is magically pulled back into her embrace, her teal mane nearly suffocating his poor, innocent face. As it turns out, through the duration of Anon’s curse, she wasn’t the only one carefully listening. It doesn’t take a magical stream washing away someone’s voice and emotions for their wants to be valid. And these two will always be listening for the other’s desires, vocalized or otherwise.
Hitch Trailblazer,Izzy Moonbow,Misty,Sunny Starscout,Zipp Storm,Comedy,Random,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: A New Generation
Tail of Clashing Stars and Storms in Hearts and Hooves Day
Two mares want the same stallion on Hearts and Hooves Day? This won't go well.
<p><img alt=":heart:" class="emoticon" src=""/> <span style="color:#EA80B0">In Maretime Bay, the Hearts and Hooves Day tradition is not yet widely accepted among the ponies. However, Sunny Starscout and Zipp Storm both want Hitch to be their Valentine. As the situation unfolded, it became increasingly tense.</span><br/><img alt=":heart:" class="emoticon" src=""/></p><hr/><p>Cover Art by <a href="" rel="nofollow">PrixyDaRobo</a></p>
It was a lovely day in Maretime Bay, where ponies were wandering the streets and enjoying Sunny's delicious smoothies. After the last order of the day, Sunny was ready to close up her truck. When she stepped out, her friend Izzy appeared before her with a broad smile, surprising her. "Hey, Izzy! How long have you been standing there?" Sunny asked. "Not too long," Izzy replied confidently. She had a brown saddlebag with a heart in the center and was covered in hearts all over her mane and body. She wore a pink skirt with spring hearts attached to it. "I just wanted to wish you a Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Sunny!" "Hearts and Hooves Day? Oh, wait! Do you mean the holiday you tried to make everypony celebrate last year?" Sunny paused. Izzy nodded excitedly. "Yes! I'm planning to spread the love of Hearts and Hooves Day to everypony this time around!" Sunny hesitated. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Some ponies will reject you like last time, and I don't want you to end up heartbroken again." Izzy was determined. "I know some ponies might not like it, but that won't stop me from spreading love. And I want to start with you." She handed Sunny a Valentine's Day card. "Give this to someone you love or have a crush on." Sunny was cautious not to hurt Izzy's feelings as she replied, "I'm not entirely sure, Izzy." "Oh come on, there must be someone special in your life who makes your heart flutter." Sunny was indecisive. She was reluctant to follow Izzy's advice, but she couldn't deny that there was someone in her heart to whom she wanted to confess her feelings. She realized that if this was the real meaning of Hearts and Hooves Day, then she should go ahead and express her emotions. Sunny smiled at Izzy. "Okay, Izzy, I'll do it." "Hoof to heart for Hearts and Hooves?" Izzy asked. "Hoof to heart," Sunny replied. "Great! Now, if you'll excuse me, Sunny, I have to spread love to the rest of the ponies in Maretime Bay!" Izzy exclaimed as she bounced away. "And I have a special someone to be my Valentine," Sunny thought to herself. Sunny spent some time at the Brighthouse, pouring her heart out on the Valentine's Day card Izzy gave her. She wrote about her love for someone special and, once finished, she got ready to meet that lucky pony. As she strolled through Maretime Bay, Sunny gazed down at the Valentine's Day card she was planning to give to her special somepony. The card was intended for none other than the town Sheriff, Hitch Trailblazer, who happened to be Sunny's first friend before she met Izzy. Sunny fondly recollected all the times Hitch exhibited his endearing qualities of humor, courage, and kindness. He was always there for her, no matter the circumstance, even on the day she lost her father. Sunny couldn't think of anyone to be her first Valentine for this year. But as she was lost in thought about Hitch, she accidentally bumped into someone. She stumbled, and her Valentine's Day card slipped out of her grasp. As she looked up, she saw that she had collided with none other than Zipp Storm. "Oops! I'm so sorry, Zipp. I wasn't paying attention, and I bumped into you," said Sunny as she offered a helping hoof. "Are you ok?" Zipp held onto Sunny's hoof and helped herself up, saying, "Yeah, I'm good. To be fair, I wasn't looking either. I was looking at my Valentine's Day card." Zipp drew attention to her Valentine's Day card, which had fallen beside Sunny's card. "Wait! You're going to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day?! I thought Izzy told me that you weren't really into it, Zipp." "I'm not, but Izzy urged me to try to find a special somepony. So, I might as well give it a try." Sunny gasped, revealing a wide and adorable smile. Her eyes lit up like stars as if she couldn't be happier. "You have a special somepony too?!" Sunny squealed. "Who's the lucky pony?!" "That's my personal information. In the same way, I'm not asking who your special somepony is, Sunny." "Oh, I understand. But I still think it's wonderful that you have found someone special, Zipp. It's always important to have someone who makes your heart sing." "Yeah, whatever you say, Sunny." After their conversation, the two mares picked up their Valentine's Day cards and began to walk away. However, they soon stopped in their tracks only ten feet apart, each with a look of shock on their face. It turned out that they were holding each other's cards, and both were meant for Hitch Trailblazer. Sunny and Zipp simultaneously turned their heads to meet each other's gaze. They both noticed the expression on each other's face. "Hey, Zipp. I'm a bit confused. Your Valentine's card seemed to say it was for Hitch. Did I read it wrong?" "I was about to say the same thing, Sunny!" Zipp showed Sunny's card to whom it was for. "What! Hitch is your special somepony too?! But he was supposed to be my Valentine for Hearts and Hooves Day." "Uh, no. Hitch was supposed to be my Valentine." Zipp argued. "Well, um, I'm confident we can come up with a solution, don't you think?" Sunny proposed to Zipp, hoping to reach a mutual understanding. "Oh sure, I have an answer. Pick somepony else," Zipp demanded Sunny with a deadpanned expression on her face. "I promised Izzy I would have somepony as my Valentine, and I'm not going to break that promise." "I won't break it either, Zipp!" Sunny growled in response. Unexpectedly, she pointed and exclaimed, "Look! It's Hitch!" "Really, where?!" Zipp turned her head in the direction Sunny was pointing. However, she saw nothing but random ponies walking through Maretime Bay. When Zipp turned back, she was surprised to see that Sunny had both their Valentine's Day cards. With a smile on her face, the Alicorn defender of Pony Unity turned and ran as fast as she could. Sunny didn't know why she had both cards, but she put both of them in her bag, which made Zipp feel annoyed with gritted teeth. Zipp flew up into the sky, spreading her wings as she chased after Sunny. "Sunny, give me back my card!" she shouted, hoping that her friend would listen. But Sunny just kept galloping away, taunting Zipp as she went. "No way, Zipp! I was going to give you your card back, but now I think I'll keep it. It's the only way to make sure you don't have Hitch as your Valentine," she said, her voice filled with a cute and mischievous giggle. Zipp knew that she had to stay focused if she wanted to catch Sunny. She chased her friend through the winding streets of Maretime Bay, determined to get her card back. Ponies watched as the two of them ran around, their hearts racing with excitement. The chase lasted for an hour, with Zipp following Sunny's every move. But as they approached Maretime Bay's Together Tree, Zipp decided to give Sunny one last chance. "Sunny, I'm telling you one last time. Give me back my letter," she said firmly, hoping that her friend would finally listen. While running, Sunny turned her head to look up at Zipp with a smirk and retorted, "Or what, Zipp? Are you going to take my card and leave me chasing you?" Zipp replied, "Not a chance. But just remember, you were warned." Zipp then swooped down and picked up speed. She approached Sunny and extended her front hooves to grab her bag. Sunny saw Zipp coming and taunted, "Nice try, but you're not getting my bag today, Zipp!" With a swift turn, Sunny managed to evade Zipp's grasp. However, Zipp had grabbed something else. She had closed her eyes while reaching for Sunny's bag, but when she thought she had it, she grinned. "I have your bag, Sunny!" Zipp then flew upwards with Sunny's bag, expecting it to be light. Instead, it felt like she was carrying a barbell, almost yanking her down by her hooves. Zipp struggled to stay in the air, causing her to tug harder. Suddenly, she heard a loud shriek from her friend Sunny. Zipp opened her eyes and turned to see what had happened. To her surprise, Zipp was holding onto Sunny's magenta strands. Sunny had thought she had managed to escape Zipp's grasp, but she was wrong. Zipp managed to seize her, but instead of her bag, she grabbed Sunny's tail hairs. This was why Sunny screamed in the first place because she had her tail pulled. "Ow, Zipp! Let go of my tail!" Sunny pleaded while struggling to free herself. Zipp's response was unexpected. "You know, I intended to grab your bag, but I can work with this instead." She smirked while holding onto Sunny's tail tightly as if it were a dog leash. Sunny warned Zipp, "I'm warning you, Zipp, don't even think about it." However, Zipp gave her another pull, causing her to scream out loud. Sunny felt the lower part of her body tensed upwards. The stretching pain in her hair, her dock being pulled from her haunches, and her tailbone stinging with the tug Zipp gave her. "Zipp, please, let me go!" While Zipp stopped pulling Sunny, she didn't relinquish her grip on her friend. "If you don't want another yank, give me my card, and then I will let go," Zipp replied stubbornly, refusing to release her friend. Sunny didn't want another tug, but she refused to give Zipp her card. "No chance, I'd rather have my tail yanked than let you take Hitch as your Valentine," Sunny said with determination while bracing herself. "If that's what you want." Zipp then gave Sunny another painful pull, putting all her strength into this single tug. Sunny winced and tried to withstand the pain, but it wasn't long before she started to cry out. "Ow, I take it back, I take it back! Stop!" Zipp stopped pulling Sunny's tail but didn't let go of the hairs. She watched as Sunny tried to comfort her haunches and felt a twinge of guilt for what she had done. "Hey Sunny, listen..." Zipp began to explain herself to Sunny, but before she could utter a word, Sunny lashed out with her hind legs, narrowly missing her friend's face. Though one kick went awry, the other caught Zipp square in the chest. Zipp's feeling of guilt vanished as soon as the blow landed on her chest. Instead, she was consumed with intense anger and hatred towards Sunny for what had just happened. While rubbing her chest, she fixed her eyes on the Together Tree, planning her next move against Sunny. When Sunny turned around and caught Zipp's menacing glare, her ears fell flat, and she swallowed hard, anticipating what might come next. Sunny attempted to apologize hastily, "Zipp, I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to..." But before Sunny could finish, Zipp grabbed hold of Sunny's tail and started dragging her along. The dragging felt like it would never end. Without any remorse for the painful shrieks that escaped from Sunny, Zipp resumed tugging on her tail with renewed vigor. Sunny attempted to secure her footing by digging her hooves into the ground, but unfortunately, she lacked the necessary strength to do so. Although the kick was fit to make Zipp sore, it wasn't enough to break to make Zipp's grip weak at all. She was holding on with the strength of steel, refusing to let go, despite Sunny's pleading to stop hauling her. With determination inside Zipp, she dragged Sunny to the Together Tree, and when they finally arrived, things went from bad to worse for her friend. Zipp put all her might into her wings and hooves and lifted Sunny high and off the ground by her tail. Sunny was terrified and begged Zipp to stop. "Ah, Zipp! What are you doing!? Ow, Please stop!" But Zipp blatantly ignored her. She had already entangled Sunny's tail on one of the strong branches of the Together Tree. Sunny let out a piercing scream of agony as she hung from a tree branch by her tail. She writhed in pain, her legs flailing as her face flushed with embarrassment. When she lifted her head to look at Zipp, she saw that her Valentine's Day card had been snatched away, along with Sunny's own card. "How did you manage to take both cards out of my bag without me noticing?" Sunny demanded, still in agony. "I guess my hooves were just too quick for you to see," Zipp sneered, a smirk on her face as she touched the ground and folded her wings. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere else to be." "Wait!" Sunny cried out. "Give me back my card and help me down from here. This is excruciating!" She pressed both hooves against her haunches to try to alleviate the pain. Zipp turned to Sunny with a poker face and said, "Sunny, you could have avoided this situation if you hadn't kicked me in the chest. But here's a deal. I'll give you back your card and help you down if you back down from asking Hitch to be your Valentine. What do you say?" Zipp thought that Sunny would accept the proposal, but she was still stubborn enough to refuse. "No way! Look, I'm sorry for kicking you, but Hitch and I go way back, and I want to express my feelings for him." Zipp took a deep breath and looked at Sunny. "I'm sorry too. I'll get you down." "Really?!" Sunny's eyes lit up with joy. "After I give Hitch my Valentine's Day card," Zipp said, causing Sunny's smile to disappear. "It was nice hanging out with you, Sunny. Bye." Zipp walked away, leaving Sunny yelling at her. "That's not funny, Zipp! Don't you dare leave me like this! ZIPP!" But it was too late, Zipp was already out of sight, and Sunny was left hanging by her tail. As the sun was setting, the ponies were making their way back home. Unfortunately for Sunny, she was still dangling from the Together Tree by her tail with no way of getting down. "Hello!" Sunny called out for help, desperately hoping that someone would hear her plea. "Is there anypony out there? Please, I need your help to get down!" she yelled, but her voice echoed in the vast emptiness around her. Despite her desperate cries, no one came to her aid. Although several ponies had seen her in this predicament, none of them offered to help her. Sunny attempted to plead with a few ponies to assist her. However, her cries were ignored, causing her to feel even more despondent as she dangled from her magenta hair. Sunny didn't know how long she had been hanging there, but the pain diminished a while ago, removing one thing to worry about. However, she felt uncomfortable the way she was and wanted to get down. Sunny used her hoof to grab her tail that held her above the ground and used it like a rope. With her other hoof, she stretched out to reach the tree branch. Once she had both hooves on the branch, she tried to climb up to sit on it, but she slipped and bounced up and down, causing the pain to return. "Hah! Ow, Ow, Owww!" Sunny cried out. She cried again in agony, squealing, shrieking, and yelping, while she almost spent the entire day trying different ways to escape her situation. She tried calling for help, but nobody came. Her phone was dead, so she couldn't even call her friends, excluding Zipp. She even tried to transform into her alicorn form, but the pain was too much to concentrate. Eventually, she yelled in defeat, "It's no use. Zipp must have already given Hitch her Valentine's Day Card for Hearts and Hooves Day. She's probably having a great time with him, while I'm stuck hanging here from my earth-pony butt!" Sunny cast a glance at her magenta tail that seemed to stretch on forever, it held her there for hours. Every hair of her tail was hurting, right from the very tip to where it was connected to her body. She looked down to the ground, and her ears and head drooped as she said to herself, "I'm sorry, Izzy, but I won't be able to celebrate Hearts and Hooves Day today." Sunny had given up trying to free herself from the tree branch and hung there in humiliation, swinging her hind legs back and forth like a swing. Her body was the seat, and her tail the rope. As she swung, she heard a mare's voice behind her exclaim, "What the--Sunny?! Is that you?" Sunny twisted herself around to see who had spoken. Upside down, she saw two of her friends. The first was Misty, who looked shocked to see her friend hanging. The second was none other than Hitch, the pony Sunny had been hoping would be her Valentine. Sunny's gloom and embarrassment vanished, replaced by elation and relief. "Hitch, Misty?! Thank hoofness!" Sunny cried out, wriggling with joy. Her movements caused her tail and haunches to ache, but she didn't care because Hitch and Misty were there. "Sunny, why are you hanging from the Together Tree by your tail?" Hitch asked, his tone concerned. The question made Sunny's eyes widen, and she let out a nervous giggle as her face turned beet red. It was embarrassing to have her friends see her in such a humiliating position. "Well, um, I'll tell you, but first, can you help me out?" Sunny asked with an apologetic look, desperate to touch the ground. "Don't worry, Sunny. We'll get you down," Misty reassured, eager to lend a hoof. "Stand back, Misty," Hitch instructed, his hooves glowing green as he pressed them into the ground. The branch that was holding Sunny airborne lowered, allowing her to touch the ground. Sunny's legs trembled as she had been suspended in the air for quite some time. But she quickly ran towards Hitch and hugged him with all her might. "Thank you so much, Hitch!" Sunny exclaimed with glee. However, she soon felt her tail being lifted slowly. She turned her head to see that the branch that still held her tail was rising again. "Don't celebrate just yet, Sunny! Misty, I can't keep this branch down for long! You have to untangle Sunny's tail while we hold the branch down," Hitch instructed. Misty nodded and began to unravel the magenta strands. Sunny used her earth pony magic to keep the branch down, ensuring she wouldn't be lifted again. Sunny sensed a sudden lift, and it made her feel uneasy. She began to panic internally, fearing the worst. Misty deftly unraveled Sunny's tangled tail using her magic and hooves, thanks to Pipp's training on separating hair threads for her own locks. Just in time, Misty freed Sunny from the branch. "Okay, you can let go now!" Misty shouted, and both Sunny and Hitch released the branch, letting it return to its original position. Sunny was overjoyed to be on the ground after hanging mid-air. She hugged the floor and shouted with gratitude, "Yes! I'm free from where Zipp had tied me." Misty approached Sunny and asked, "Wait? Why did Zipp tie you up there?" But before Sunny could answer, she let out a loud scream of pain. "Ahhh!" Sunny cried out in agony, causing Misty to panic. She didn't know what was wrong until Misty noticed she was stepping on Sunny's tail. Misty quickly moved her hooves off of Sunny's magenta tail-hairs and apologized to her, "I'm so sorry, Sunny. I didn't mean to step on you." Sunny hugged her tail and comforted it by petting it like she was petting Cloudpuff. She calmed down and told Misty, "It's okay, just watch where you're stepping next time." She gave Misty an apologetic look and a heartwarming smile. "Hey Hitch, I've been searching for you for ages," Zipp exclaimed as she landed behind Hitch, but her gaze shifted to an orange earth pony who was no longer tied to the Together Tree. Sunny avoided eye contact with Zipp and turned her head away with a pained expression. Hitch's face contorted into a frown, and he demanded an explanation from Zipp, while Misty's fiery glare made Zipp shiver in fear. "Um, I'm guessing you're already aware of what happened," Zipp nervously chuckled as she broke out into a sweat. Misty approached Zipp with a fierce tone. "Oh, we all know that it was you who hooked Sunny on the Together Tree, Zipp. But what I want to know is, how long did you leave Sunny to hang by her tail?" Zipp was taken aback, her ears drooped down as she was terrified of Misty's anger. "When I reached the sheriff's office, the time was 1:01," she stammered. "What time is it now?" Misty demanded to know the current time. Zipp pulled out her phone to check the time. But Zipp was frightened to say the time as it was, "6:59." Hitch was taken aback by Sunny's situation. "Why did you leave Sunny hanging from her tail for almost six hours? That's terrible!" he exclaimed. Sunny got up from the ground and walked slowly to Hitch's side. "It's not solely her fault," Sunny spoke up, gaining the attention of her friends. "I took her Valentine's Day card and kicked Zipp in the chest," Sunny admitted, causing both Misty and Hitch to soften their anger. Zipp felt worse than before for what she had done to Sunny. How could she have pulled her friend by the tail and left her hanging there? What kind of friend was she? "I know it doesn't excuse Zipp for pulling me by the tail," Sunny turned around to show her messy tail with hair strands sticking out all over the place. "But I felt like I deserved it for hurting Zipp," Sunny confessed, closing her eyes in shame. "No you didn't," Sunny opened her eyes to see Zipp Storm approaching her with a sad face. "You didn't deserve to be hauled off from the ground and left hanging by your tail. That's not what friends do to each other," Zipp said regretfully, while both mares held apologetic expressions. Sunny and Zipp asked each other, "Can you forgive me?" They apologized simultaneously and giggled afterward. "Of course, Zipp," Sunny hugged her friend, and they both smiled at each other. "And you know what, you can have Hitch as your Valentine for Hearts and Hooves Day," Sunny told Zipp. Zipp handed her Valentine's Day card back to Sunny, and said, "Are you kidding? You were the one who wanted Hitch in the first place. You can have him." Sunny was grateful but insisted that Zipp take Hitch out instead. However, Zipp didn't agree and insisted that Sunny go out with Hitch. They would have continued their friendly argument if Misty hadn't interrupted them. "I can't believe you went to all this trouble just to have Hitch as your Valentine for Hearts and Hooves Day," Misty said nervously. "Well, yeah. Why not?" Sunny asked. "Uh, well, I already asked Hitch to be my Valentine for Hearts and Hooves Day," Misty said sheepishly, as both Sunny and Zipp looked surprised. "That's true," Hitch confirmed as he walked up beside Misty. "But Izzy told us that Hearts and Hooves Day is a day to celebrate with all our friends, not just one special pony." Sunny and Zipp were left in disbelief by Hitch's words. "Wait a minute... So, let me get this straight. I got kicked in the chest, and then Sunny spent six hours hanging from a tree branch, all for nothing?" Zipp questioned incredulously. After taking a moment to recover from their initial shock, Sunny let out a charming laugh at how silly they had been to listen to Hitch. "Well, it's a holiday that we don't really understand yet, but I'm sure that with time, everypony will come to appreciate the true meaning of Hearts and Hooves Day," Sunny declared confidently to her friends, who all nodded in agreement with her. Zipp suddenly remembered something and said, "Wait a minute, where are Izzy and Pipp? Have they gone to Mane Melody to look after Sparky?" Hitch replied, "Yes, that's right. They are probably there now. We should hurry up and join them before something goes wrong." Sunny couldn't resist making a joke and said, "Actually, it's too late for that. Disaster has already struck!" She then playfully shook her tail like Izzy, making everypony laugh. The group then headed towards Mane Melody, and Sunny exclaimed, "I can't wait to get there! I'm definitely going to ask Pipp to treat me with a tail treatment."
Ms Rarity
Fluttershy,Alternate Universe,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
🦋 The Fluttershy Effect 🦋
Fluttershy is inadvertently transformed into a butterfly
<p>Fluttershy visits Twilight with a hamper of medicines and snacks to comfort her poorly friend. <br/>She is just about to leave when Twilight sneezes a random blast of magic from her horn strikes the timid pony.<br/>Fluttershy is then thrown backwards through the mirror portal transporting her into a whole new world transforming her into an unfamiliar body.</p>
The afternoon sun hung in the sky over a tranquil Ponyville as Fluttershy finally arrived at the Golden Oak Library quietly knocking on the wooden door before entering. "He...hello...Twilight?" The yellow pony timidly called out. From upstairs there was a cough followed with a blowing of the nose. "I'm up here Fluttershy!" Twilight called down. "Oh hello Twilight, I heard you were feeling under the weather, so brought you some medicine I made from my trip to the Evergreen Forest this morning, I hope you don't mind." Twilight smiled warmly wiping her nose with a tissue. "Why thank you Fluttershy, that's very kind of you. Would you care to stay for a little while." "Oh that would be lovely, here I'll make us some tea." Fluttershy rubbed her forehoof blushing a moment as she headed to the stove as Twilight came down the ladder to join her. They sat down by the hearth as Fluttershy placed passed Twilight her cup of tea placing a plate full of various biscuits and cakes down between them. "Wow Fluttershy this is lovely, thank you so much. Ughh I wish I could shift this cold, I have so much to do and not the energy to do it." Fluttershy tried to hide her blush by taking a sip of her tea. "It was nothing's my pleasure. there any errands you'd like me to do for you?" Twilight smiled warmly. "Thanks Fluttershy it's really nice of you to offer but I couldn't ask you." Fluttershy crossed her eyebrows a split moment taking a breath of firm restraint. "Twilight all the times you've helped me it's the least I can do for you. Now if you don't mind tell me which errands you need and I'll see what I can do." Twilight almost smiled but didn't want her friend to think she was being condescending. "Alright Fluttershy, could you take my dress over to Rarity, I need the hem fixed for next months gala...please?" Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "Easy, what else is there?" She smiled. Twilight didn't want to overload the timid pegasus. With her on going lists of things do. "Hmm, I know! Could you help me clean the crystal mirror please? I have it down in my basement. Spike and Applejack are going to help move it back to the castle later you don't have to if you don't want to though." Fluttershy smiled wide clopping her forehooves together. "Oh that sounds wonderful Twilight! I'll make a start as soon as I've finished eating these delicious cupcakes." They giggled as they carried on enjoying their tea and biscuits. Some time had past Twilight blew her nose as she took Fluttershy into the basement. "The mirror is just this way Fluttershy, it just needs dusting down and a little polish to make it look respectable for the next moon." Twilight smiled picking up the clothes and bucket in her magic. Fluttershy smiled warmly. "I'm quite looking forward to it, especially seeing...." Just then, Twilight sneezed her horn glowing a full spectrum of colours firing out what can only be described as a fulmination as Twilight's horn discharged her magic her eyes widened as she saw the bolt heading straight for her friend. In the blink of an eye the magic hit her with such force it sent her from her hooves spiraling through the air towards the mirror. There came a high pitch squeak and a bright flash of light as Fluttershy vanished through the mirror. Twilight's eye's widened with shock, she couldn't believe what had just happened screaming out. FLUTTERSHYYYYYYYY!!!!! Through the mirror Fluttershy was hurtled through a bright light her body felt strange, then in a flash she was soaring through the air as a sun unfamiliar to her own shone down on her the air felt different making her feel lighter she looked around finding her field of vision was far greater she could see all around her. She made a visual examination of herself seeing the reason why she couldn't bend or twist her head. She had two long antennae reaching out from her head, then noticed four large wings protruding from her back, her body was now long and narrow and she now had six legs. There was a sweet scent on the wind which began beckoning her, so she turned towards it. The sweet smell tingling her taste buds as she followed it. As she descended towards the sweet smell she found the colours of this new world to be quite strange much different than back home but somehow understood them. She landed upon a flower overwhelmed by the smell and almost shocking herself as her tongue reached out like a long straw unrolling into the flower to drink it's nectar tasting the the sweetness through her new feet. She felt quite content as she used her new field of vision to look around at the wonderful views as she fed, but something niggled at the back of her mind as she began to feel unnerved about something. Her new antenna sensed a vibration, instinct kicked in and suddenly she was back in the air. She flapped her wings evasively upon seeing a large figure coming right for her. It didn't seem to look like anything she'd seen before but deep down she knew that it was a blue jay. "Oh my, mister blue jay there's enough sky for both of us she thought to herself as she found a nook in a tree to hide. As she waited Fluttershy sensed the sun was going down so she decided to rest there while it was safe. The following day As the warmth of the sun kissed her face, she flapped her wings taking to the skies, without a moment to spare. She danced in the air currents enjoying the warmth of the sun. She had never felt so free and she was loving every single moment hopping from flower to flower when she smelled something overwhelming she flew a little higher to see what this new scent was before landing on it. The taste was so sweet she wondered what it could be. The man looked at his arm looking in awe at the beautiful butterfly, amazed how this unique creature had chosen to land on him. "Mel! Come quick, get a look at this!" The woman put her book down and wiped the sweat from her brow squinting in the sunlight. "What is it Theo? Oh my goodness....don't move I'll get a jar." As the hairs on Theo's arm bristled, Fluttershy flew away. The man could only on as the rare species flew away, he watched a few long moments as she danced through the sky mesmerised by the yellow and pink wings until she was out of reach. The sun caught his eyes making him use his arm to cover them as he lay back down in the grass. He played the memory over and over in his minds eye of the beautiful butterfly amazed at such a find yet his stomach turned upon having such an opportunity lost. Mel returned after a few moments. "Have you got it?" She queried. He sat up resting on his elbows. "She flew away." He sighed disappointedly. Mel grinned warmly. "Did she now." Just then he felt something touch his arm. He didn't want to move and yet knew if he didn't, he'd lose his chance a second time. "Mel, get the camera! At least we can gain some sort of evidence if she flies away again." Mel took out her camera and began taking various shots. Fluttershy's became overwhelmed and began to fly excitedly with joy. She flew around this new creature which lit her senses up somehow, there was something about the taste of it. She landed on it once again spreading out her wings as she basqued in the sun. Theo could only lookin awe with a big smile on his face as this rare species which had just pulled up a seat on his forearm arm. Mel smiled taking as many photos as she could twisting and turning the lens with excitement at the new find. Theo held his breath as butterfly flapped her wings, dancing towards his face and landing upon the tip of his nose. His eyes twitched as his nose instinctively itched, trying desperately not to give in to his natural reflexes. as Mel took her shot "Aw that's sweet, let me get a shot..." As Mel crouched and hit the button on her camera. Theo sneezed abruptly sending the fragile butterfly through space and time. Fluttershy watched as a kaleidoscope of colours danced around her. The strange feeling as her body once again changed as she was pulled through by the powerful force before hitting the ground hard. "Fluttershy, you're home!! Are you alright? Where have you been?" The yellow pegasus looked up from the floor to see Twilight and the girls as she slowly got to her hooves. "Oh Twilight, I...I don't think you'd believe me." 🦋 Theo sat in shock looking at his hands. "What have I done? Where did she go? He pleaded as Mel looked on in shock before quickly checking the last shots she had taken. She was stunned at the last picture she zoomed in squinting her eyes seeing if it was real or an aberration due to zooming. She carefully knelt down beside him. "Maybe you should take a look for yourself." He slowly took the camera with a shaky hand slowly studying the final shot. His hand shot to his mouth in disbelief. His eyes slowly turning up to Mel before almost whispering trying to find his voice and his logic. " this a...hoof?" Mel sat down beside him. "It''s crazy right? It couldn't be...I mean it's bright yellow and equines aren't usually lemon yellow...right?" Theo looked back at the picture of the hoof engulfed in a bright light. It sounded crazy even as he thought about it he put his finger on the screen as if trying to touch the hoof to see if it was real. "It's probably a distortion or something as I've blown her away with the sneeze. The following day Theo sat in his study surrounded by various butterflies and moths he had collected along with other lepidoptera paraphernalia over the years. He sat in his worn leather tall back Chesterfield. He had uploaded the pictures onto his PC. He slowly scrolled back through the pictures, now able to observe the unique butterfly properly. He zoomed in various angles, as looked over the beautiful yellow with soft pink outlines he noticed something. Zooming in on the pink markings on her hind wing. "It can't be..." He almost whispered. It looked like a figure of an equine. "I've been staring at that yellow hoof shape to long." He muttered. "Did you say something dear?" Mel queried as she arrived, bringing him a cup of Earl Grey. His eyes still fixed on the screen. "I don't think you'd believe me."
Derpy Hooves,Other,Roseluck,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
The Ticket Master
When given tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, Sunset is less than enthused and tries to convince her friends not to go.
<p>After the events of the Summer Sun Celebration, Sunset is adjusting fairly well to Ponyville life. Somethings are way more difficult to get used to than she originally thought but has her friends. When Sunset is given six tickets to the grand galloping gala, she is less than enthused but her friends don't understand why she hates the gala but will quickly find out why.</p>
Sunset sighed as she sat at her desk before she looked out the window, eyes widening as she dropped to her stomach and the window shattered as a baseball flew through the window. “If one more damn baseball flies through that window, I’m going to your parents and you’re getting your ass kicked!” Sunset shouted down at the fleeing colts as one dropped his baseball bat and Sunset shook a hoof at them. “Damn kids.” “Want me to go get em?” Silverspeed asked and poked her head in as Sunset sighed and shook her head. “No just let them go,” Sunset sighed as she levitated the shattered glass and dropped it in a nearby trash can before levitating the baseball to her ever growing collection on the coffee table in her office. Whoever decided to build a baseball diamond next to her house was her worst enemy. “You got it,” Silverspeed shrugged as she retreated back to her own office she had been given, idly cleaning her helmet with a rag. A envelope popped out of thin air and dropped onto Sunset’s desk as she curiously examined the royal seal on it as six tickets dropped out of it once she cut it open. “Oh fuck my life.” Shoeshine spread out the blanket on a hill overlooking Ponyville as Roseluck rested under a tree with her forelegs behind used as a blanket. “Carrot Top really went in this week. We should do something nice for her,” Derpy mused as she helped Shoeshine set up their impromptu lunch they all had every week on the same hill. “We can think of something,” Shoeshine answered as she waved at Sunset and Silverspeed trotting up the hill as the two were talking to Trixie and the three laughed at something. Sunset had a white envelope with a gold seal on as Shoeshine tilted her head to the side curiously. “Hey,” Sunset said with a smile as she and the others sat down on the grass. “How’s everypony?” “Pretty good and yourself?” Derpy asked as she shook Roseluck awake. “Wake up Rose, the others are here.” “Mh hi girls,” Roseluck stretched out her hindlegs before flopping back down. “I’m okay.” “What’s that?” Derpy asked and pointed a hoof to the envelope Sunset flung onto the red checkered blanket as she passed out sandwiches to her friends. “Tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala from Celestia,” Sunset answered with a faint growl as she bit into her sandwich and Roseluck’s head shot up. “Like the Grand Galloping Gala?” Roseluck asked as she sipped her tea she had brought. “One happens every year at the Palace?” “All of the most important ponies in Equestria go to?” Trixie added with a head tilt. “Yep that’s the one,” Sunset agreed as she inhaled her daisy and carrot sandwich. “Awesome!” Trixie cheered as she pumped a hoof eagerly. “Not awesome. The Gala is dumb as fuck,” Sunset grunted as Trixie chuckled. Ever since Trixie had made up the words fuck and hell, the six mares had opted to keep them as an inside joke between them all. “Dealing with a bunch of stuffy elites, having to go just because I’m the Princess’ flutter is bullshit. Princess Luna already refused to go. I hate the damn Gala.” “Trixie loves the Gala. She’s been there twice!” Trixie boasted as she stood on her hind legs. “Ponies adoring my tricks, throwing bits my way and compliments, adoring me in general. There’s alcohol, mares and stallions alike and music!” All the mares hung on to the magicians every word as Sunset rolled her eyes as she silently drank some water. Trixie finished waving her hooves around and sat back down. “Here’s your tickets,” Sunset levitated the tickets over to the other five mares. “Have fun, I’m not going. Give my ticket to Silver Spoon or Dinky.” “Why don’t you wanna go? The six of us could have some fun and hit the town,” Silverspeed pointed out as she stretched her wings. “Besides, Silver Spoon goes to the Gala every year due to our parents, she doesn’t need a ticket. I’ve never been.” “I don’t know if I can go. Raindrops got invited by a friend and can’t watch the kids,” Derpy traced a circle in the dirt. “Sorry girls.” “What about Sea Swirl?” Trixie suggested as she laid on her back, idly playing with some cards. “She loves your kids and has no plans I think. I overheard her telling Sprinkle Medley she was gonna watch movies with Sassaflash.” “I suppose but aren’t those really fancy parties? I’m not a fancy pony, I’ll probably crash into somepony and get yelled at,” Derpy muttered as she touched her eye subconsciously. “Then we will jump em!” Shoeshine proclaimed and stood on her hind legs, punching at the sky with her forelegs as the others laughed. “Wait, Raindrops is going? She didn’t mention that!” Trixie said as she cracked her neck. “Weird.” “So are you gonna come with? It’ll be fun,” Roseluck bounded over to Sunset with a smirk. “At least for us, not the stuffy elites.” “Fine,” Sunset sighed as the others nodded contently. “But if I see Blueblood and he’s being a bitch, don’t hold me responsible for cutting his tail off again and setting his suit on fire.” “Wait again?” Silverspeed asked as Sunset nodded. “Again.” “Okay, now that’s a story I wanna hear!” Roseluck said with a grin. “Do tell.” “Maybe later but now I gotta get a dress which is annoying as heck,” Sunset grumbled under her breath. “I forgot about that. I’ll just buy whatever Rarity has on the shelf, I don’t care,” Shoeshine shrugged as Derpy looked away. “I’m not going. We uh can’t afford a dress for a one night occasion,” Derpy blushed as the other mares looked to each other. “We will buy you one, no biggie,” Roseluck decided as the others nodded. “And don’t even bother arguing because you can’t change my mind, deal?” Derpy gave a frustrated grunt as she continued eating. Once Roseluck made up her mind, there was absolutely no stopping her and the grey pegasus could see this was one of those times. Sunset gave a sigh as she set down her water and listened to her friends talk about their work and Roseluck hoping to sell some flowers at the Gala. She tried to warn them.
Derpy Hooves,Other,Roseluck,Sunset Shimmer,Trixie,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
The Ticket Master
When given tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, Sunset is less than enthused and tries to convince her friends not to go.
<p>After the events of the Summer Sun Celebration, Sunset is adjusting fairly well to Ponyville life. Somethings are way more difficult to get used to than she originally thought but has her friends. When Sunset is given six tickets to the grand galloping gala, she is less than enthused but her friends don't understand why she hates the gala but will quickly find out why.</p>
“I hate paperwork.” Silverspeed and Roseluck shot Sunset a glance as the unicorn continued reading the thick folder of papers sitting on her desk. “Like look at this!” Sunset shouted and flung her forelegs out towards the mares on her couch in her office. “Why in Equestria is the mayor of Dodge Junction writing to me about clouds from Ponyville? Dodge Junction is hours away! Not my bucking problem!” “That stallion is always complaining about Ponyville and it’s weather teams,” Roseluck commented as she stared into her coffee mug. “Sassaflash and Dizzy Twister are always complaining about him. If I remember correctly, they both placed thunderclouds over his home once and flooded it in revenge one year.” “I remember that,” Silverspeed said and she leaned back on her cushion. “He was mad mad but he was a annoying to begin with.” Sunset opened her mouth as the three mares paused at a loud snicker coming from inside the room and Sunset looked around as they heard the noise again and Sunset looked under her desk before the three looked up at the ceiling as Trixie waved. “Can I help you?” Sunset asked flatly as she raised an eyebrow. “Oh you know, just hanging around,” Trixie smirked as Roseluck and Silverspeed laughed and Sunset snorted before rolling her eyes. “I see. And how the hell did you get yourself stuck to my ceiling?” Sunset continued as Trixie shrugged. “Spell gone wrong. Trixie tried to teleport and got herself stuck up here. Hey, is that your paycheck?” Sunset hastily covered up the paper with her hooves and glared up at Trixie. “Yes it is now don’t look at how much I make.” “Trixie makes more than that,” Trixie commented as she shifted her weight. “Your office looks cool from up here. Have you ever seen it from this angle?” “No because I’ve never been inclined to get myself stuck magically to the ceiling before,” Sunset shot back with a grin. “Where’s Shoeshine and Derpy?” “Shoeshine is helping Derpy look at dresses for the Gala at Rarity’s. We offered to go but Derpy said she would get overwhelmed with all the attention so we came to hang out here. I walked in and Trixie well, did what Trixie did,” Roseluck explained and gestured up at the ceiling. “How’s it going up there?” “Oh just grand.” “I still don’t know why you girls want to go to the Gala. It’s the most boring party ever,” Sunset said as she reclined in her chair. “The only upside is the alcohol and even then, it’s very shitty alcohol to not get the elites too drunk.” “Why not?” Silverspeed offered with a warm smile. “I can guarantee you right now I’ll get drunk no matter what. I’ll sneak in some alcohol for us. Why are you so worried?” “I just hope Twilight isn’t there,” Sunset confessed as they gave her confused looks. “My enemy. We hate each other with a burning passion.” “Uh why?” Roseluck asked as she set down her coffee. “What did she do?” “Breath damnit!” Sunset shouted as she inhaled. “She’s my rival. She’s always been out for my spot as Celestia’s student. We’ve always been at each other’s throats for as long as I can remember. Therefore, she is my enemy and I hate her guts.” “I think I know of her. Her brother is a Royal Guard, right?” Silverspeed asked curiously and Sunset nodded. “Yeah Shining Armor.” “Rumor in the academy is he’s dating Princess Cadence,” Silverspeed said casually as Sunset snorted and the other mares laughed. “That’s not a rumor, that’s a fact to everypony except Twilight who’s somehow oblivious to it,” Sunset rolled her eyes with an exasperated sigh. “I trotted in on them sucking face once. It was disgusting as hell. Immediately went and tried to drown the memory with alcohol.” “You really like your alcohol,” Roseluck noted “Not often.” Silverspeed made a face and scoffed as Sunset shot her look that screamed don’t say a word. “She has a secret safe full of bourbon, whiskey and vodka in her room.” “Silverspeed!” Sunset hissed as Roseluck and Trixie both raised eyebrows. “I do not!” “Yes you do, you asked me to bring some more and gave me the bits after a really long day of meetings with the mayor and the weather team.” “Trixie is very interested in finding this safe. It is now her life goal,” Trixie commented from the ceiling. “Trixie thinks she might sleep up here, very comfy.” “No you’re not,” Sunset grumbled and glared up at the unicorn. “You get down right now.” “Help Trixie then.” “You got yourself up there!” Sunset rolled her eyes and pulled Trixie from the ceiling and the mare fell into her lap and the two turned red, shoving each other off. “Please never speak of that again,” Trixie begged as the others made zipping motions over their mouths. “Thanks.” “You honestly wouldn’t let Trixie sleep here?” Roseluck gave Sunset a stunned look. “Why not? What about the rest of us?” “I technically already live here,” Silverspeed interjected with a raised hoof. “I never said she couldn’t. Just not on the ceiling of my office! The couch is a pull out bed and I have a spare room as well as the two bedrooms that Silverspeed and I claimed.” “Trixie prefers her wagon. It’s her home,” Trixie said as she cracked her back. “While it’s been real, she should get home. It’s late.” “Yeah same here,” Roseluck glanced at the clock and stood up. “See you girls later?” Sunset gave a nod as the two trotted out of the office and out of the main door as Sunset listened to it thud shut quietly. “What about you?” Sunset asked and glanced over at Silverspeed as the pegasus paused the preening of her wings. “Won’t Silver Spoon need you at home and who in Equestria are you preening your wings for?” “Nah Silver has the staff at the mansion so I can stay at my post and why for you of course dear Sunset,” Silverspeed commented and batted her eyelashes as the mares snickered. “All part of my elaborate plot to confess my love for and then take you to bed.” “I see,” Sunset laughed and smiled slightly. “It’s working.” “Good,” Silverspeed grinned as she went back to preening her wings. “In all actuality, I just like my wings to be in perfect shape. It’s not for anypony at all other than me. I fly constantly unless I’m with you or the others and even then I’m always hovering.” “I see. I always wondered what it was like to fly,” Sunset said as she levitated some papers into a filing cabinet and shut it. “Must be nice.” “It has it’s perk and downsides. Feather flu is pretty painful,” Silverspeed grimaced and focused on her left wing. “I had it once. Stuck in the hospital crying because it got so bad. Had to walk everywhere until my wings healed.” Sunset winced at that and started cleaning up her desk. That was probably another upside to not having wings, unicorns didn’t have anything like that to worry about. “Where’s your parents?” Sunset asked curiously as Silverspeed tilted her head slightly before spitting a broken feather into a trash can. “Wherever there’s bits to be made or a business to start,” Silverspeed answered and frowned. “I don’t see them often which is fine by me. They’re not entirely enthused I chose to go for military service and not follow in the family business like Silver Spoon clearly will. Mom’s name is Crystal Rose and Dad is Silver Shine.” “Silver runs in the family, huh?” Sunset smirked at Silverspeed as the pegasus returned the gesture. “You know it. Mom’s an pegasus like me and Dad’s an earth pony like Silver Spoon. What about you?” “What about me?” Sunset asked as Silverspeed placed a hoof on her back. “You know damn well what I mean. Ever wonder where your folks are?” “No. They clearly didn’t want me so I don’t care about them. They could go die for all I care. They’re probably dead for all I know. The princess is the closest thing I’ve ever known to a family. I don’t care what happens to my biological parents,” Sunset said and Silverspeed gave her a doubtful look. “Uh huh.” “I’m serious Silvy. Need I remind you they abandoned on the castle door steps as a foal?” Sunset reminded the pegasus as Silverspeed gave her a quick hug. “Thanks Silvy.” “Anytime. At least they wrapped you up in a blanket first?” Silverspeed offered weakly as Sunset shrugged in response. “Also, your aunt has been in my dreams for the past few nights. Sounds weird to say aloud.” “I can imagine. Don’t worry, she visits my dreams too. It felt awkward at first like nothing was sacred anymore but I got used to it. Princess Luna visits the others too apparently according to Derpy and Trixie.” “I bet. I’m gonna hit the hay unless there’s something else you need?” Silverspeed asked as she stood up and stretched out her hindlegs. “No, thanks anyway. Go sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well Silvy.” “You too Sunset,” Silverspeed waved a wing as she trotted to her room and shut the door behind her. Sunset finished cleaning up before she left her office and shut the door behind her as she trotted to her room next to Silverspeed’s as the unicorn opened the door with her magic and locked it behind her as she fell backwards onto her bed and closed her eyes. “Hello.” Sunset’s eyes opened instantly and her horn glowed bright before she sighed and it quit glowing as Luna watched curiously from across the room. “You should be careful. I almost killed you,” Sunset said as Luna gave a dry laugh. “You can’t kill us though your concern is appreciated. We are here for our night lessons as we agreed unless thou are busy,” Luna said and Sunset shook her head. “You’re fine, let’s get to work. Equestria has changed a lot in your absence and well, I did agree to help you learn about.” “We thank you,” Luna bowed her head respectfully as Sunset shrugged. “I will admit, I may not have offered months ago but my friends have had a bigger influence on me than I thought. Especially Shoeshine and Silverspeed. Now let’s get to work, we got a lot to cover.” Nodding, Luna joined Sunset at her desk as the two started reading.