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3 values
Bon-Bon,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Queen Chrysalis,Human,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
belongs to the beasts
this isn't the story of a human being displaced in equestria, but three! and they are here to thrive, survive and have fun
<p>something bad is happening in equestria</p><p>Sarah was a calm girl who wanted to be a writer, now shes the hungry mother of the plague</p><p>Alex was a nervous teenager who wanted to be a toy maker, now they're a evolving war machine</p><p>Marcus was a loud boy who wanted to be a rock star, now hes a walking natural disaster ready to rise some hell</p><p>will equestria survive? will the humans turned beasts survive? will they be heroes or monsters? most likely yes, no and possibly the former. but lets see anyway to see if i'm wrong</p>
Sarah woke up with the feeling of grass in her skin 'weird' she thought, she try's to get off the floor but there's a problem ¨why can't i feel my legs?´´ she asked to herself she starts crawling when suddenly feels something else being different, she now has four ringers, two looking up and two looking down, her eyes widened in surprise and then she noticed she accidentally open two new pair of eyes revealing a literal new perspective on the world, she was now able to notice spikes on her elbows, a lack of legs but instead she now has a tail with a spike at the end of it She wiggles her tail and lightly chuckles before noticing a puddle behind her, she walks towards her and she can finally see her new face, her face now resembles some kind of dragon skull with four small fangs peaking out from the sides of her jaw similarly to a boar, she notices her skin is mostly dark grey with a green spine and tail with some lime nearby her neck and arms, she also notices her yellow eyes are on her neck 'maybe my head is made to look that way has a defense mechanism like a killer whale' she thought enthusiastically She started crawling and found herself next to a beautiful crystal lake, then she saw a couple of wolves coming from the woods, she would have been scared if they hadn't ran scared at the sight of her, that was her confirmation they had never seen something like her before She then sees a wild apple tree and climbs it extremely fast thanks to her strong and long new arms, she starts eating them completely on one bite has she tries to remember how she got there 'i was going back home, i finally got the rent money of a month but i now had to pay my new debt to the bank. then i took the bus reading a novelization of kong skull island and then i fell asleep... then i woke up here' she thought until she noticed she ran out of apples she then jumped into the lake still feeling hungry and noticed several fishes, some swimming away in fear and some approaching curiously, then she felt like something primal inside of her activated and... she never knew raw fish could taste so good Fluttershy was a bit scared to be honest, when two wolves approached and told her about a lizard monster on their territory, she just took it has them mistaking a particularly ugly dragon for a monster and she was ready to give it the stare... too bad she was the one in the wrong, she was confused by seeing pools and pools of blood forming in the lake while seeing the shape of a giant snake swimming in it, then she was terrified seeing two monstrous arms coming out of the lake, followed by a monster she has never seen before she hide behind a tree and waited for the monster to go away so she can go for her friends for help, but she was terrified at the sight of a bear coming out of the woods to face the monster, the monster at first stepped back giving hope to fluttershy the bear may win then the bear slapped the monster which didn't eve seem to feel it, the monster slapped back and made the bear fall to the floor, the bear tried to intimidate the monster pretending to be taller but the monster used a stinger at the end of its tail to impale the bear's shoulder, the monster wasted no time to snap the bear's neck with its mouth and started devouring the bear then the monster roared victoriously while it wiggled its tail in excitement, she might had found it somewhat cute if it wasn't because that meant the creature was excited for just taking a life fluttershy took all the courage she had and called for the beast ¨hey!¨ she shouted taking the monsters attention, and then she gave it the glare hoping to scare it!, it didn't work... it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work, it didn't work and the beast just looked at her there was ten solid seconds of silence before the beast took a step forward and vomited the skeletons of the fishes it consumed in the lake Sarah was both fascinated and thrilled to see not only a pegasus but a talking one, she was a first confused when it glared at her but she noticed how the pegasus glared at her false face, her attempt at intimidation would have worked better if it had some eye contact Sarah wanted to talk and ask the beautiful creature a million questions but instead she vomited the skeletons of her brunch (it seems i can't digest bones) scaring the poor thing making it fly away in fear, Sarah wanted to give chase to apologize but her hunger took over and she went back to eating “wait, can i even talk” asked Sarah to herself out loud which answered her own question now mentally satisfied, she went to satisfy her hunger... 'what am i even doing?' she asks to herself 'i never cared about animals but i just killed a bear and... it felt... good, no, it felt amazing, and surprisingly the raw meat also tasted amazing 'is this new form changing me?' she asks to herself looking at her reflection on the puddles of blood in the floor 'does it matter?' she asks now with a almost playful tone before taking another bite and this time swallowing the piece of raw meat like a animal would ‘what i know is that the forest now belongs to a beast, and said beast is ME!' she went back to devouring the bear and when she was done she saw a small pack of wolves approaching, she licked the blood of her face with her long and snake like tongue and roared at the wolves getting ready for a appetizer
Bon-Bon,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Queen Chrysalis,Human,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
belongs to the beasts
this isn't the story of a human being displaced in equestria, but three! and they are here to thrive, survive and have fun
<p>something bad is happening in equestria</p><p>Sarah was a calm girl who wanted to be a writer, now shes the hungry mother of the plague</p><p>Alex was a nervous teenager who wanted to be a toy maker, now they're a evolving war machine</p><p>Marcus was a loud boy who wanted to be a rock star, now hes a walking natural disaster ready to rise some hell</p><p>will equestria survive? will the humans turned beasts survive? will they be heroes or monsters? most likely yes, no and possibly the former. but lets see anyway to see if i'm wrong</p>
Alex felt something similar to sleep, but it wasn’t sleep, it felt more like if they were dead, but that didn’t meant it felt bad, it was more similar to a night of sleep without a dream but it didn’t have that feeling of rest sleeping had [Starting the E.W.M.] said a robotic voice Alex couldn’t recognize Then they opened their eyes and Alex suddenly felt very small, and then noticed They were small, something similar to a dog Alex started looking around confused and scared, until Alex noticed they were on a forest which scared Alex even more ‘Oh god, am i going to die?! What if a wolf attacks me?!’ Alex asked to themselves Alex tried to put their arms on their head in a show of pure panic but then noticed something… they didn’t have any, and then they screamed, a compressed and unnatural scream Alex fell back and noticed their new body, a tail and two clawed legs welcomed them to this nightmare and Alex’s panic attack would have continued if it wasn’t because… they were now a robot And suddenly all the fear disappeared Alex looked amazed at their new body similar to a mechanic baby T-Rex with their eyes being a bright purple, Alex started marveling on their own mechanisms They were able to jump, their tail was totally articulated, they could spin their neck 360 degrees and it was not only extremely fun but also helped Alex to notice something, they were nauseous or even tired of jumping, running and spinning around so much Alex chuckled “this is… is the coolest thing to ever happen to me” then noticed their voice was different, Robotic and compressed like a Arcade machine game from the 90’s but it only added more to the charm in Alex’s eyes Alex would have continued jumping around, chuckling and seeing what else their new body could do until something took their attention “Is that a wolf or a pile of sticks that look like a wolf?” Asked Alex to itself Alex took a slightly closer look and saw it was just a pile of sticks… a pile of sticks with glowing eyes that growled at them Alex didn’t think twice before doing the reasonable thing to do, scream and run The wolf thing chased after Alex and while Alex thought they could just run until the wolf thing got tired, but then realized a pile of sticks can’t get tired so they searched for another way of escaping, Alex saw a opportunity in a huge tree with roots the size of anacondas coming from the ground, normally it would have meant nothing but this new size helped them to dash under the roots and dodge the bites of the monster, however the wolf things wasn’t just fast but smart, it tried to corner Alex a couple of times jumping on the roots in a attempt to reach Alex But the machine was far smarter, Alex noticed a particular root that was just big enough for their plan to work, they waited a second in front of the root, trembling has the monster approached, and then jumped out of the way has the wolf thing’s head got stuck, Alex couldn’t repress the urge to use their new dinosaur like body and roared monster That was a mistake since the wolf thing seemed to get angry at Alex’s taunt and started trying to rip the root to shreds Alex started panicking, looking around for someone to stop the monster with, and then their eyes landed on a huge rock, Alex thought for a second and then bite on he rock with their robotic mouth, piercing through it to grab it tightly, and then used it to smash the head of the wolf thing into pieces Alex then threw the rock away with surprising strength and fell on its back, a bit shocked about the whole event, then noticed the pieces of the wolf thing’s head moving back to the body “Oh no” said Alex to themselves, they proceeded to panic once more searching for a place to hide and then choose to climb a tree; finding out their new metallic claws are great for climbing Has the monster regenerated and escaped from its improvised trap, Alex tried its best to not attract the thing’s attention and luckily it worked Once the wolf was gone Alex decided to stay at the top of the tree “I’m pathetic” Alex said to themselves “before and after turning into this machine… I wish I wasn’t so defenseless and pathetic” Then Alex heard a click and something appeared on its view, it was a digital window, Alex tried to reach for it but noticed it wasn’t actually there but was only shown by their robotic mind, something similar to Ironman Alex then thought how to manipulate this “screen?” And with a simple thought it started scrolling through the archive, it was the blueprints of their body and the blueprints of a kind of energy cannon Then Alex got a idea, Alex used their mind once again and found out they can modify their body with a thought So Alex repurposed some parts, altered others, changed a couple of things and now they felt… different Alex closed the window on their mind and climbed off the tree, concentrated to activate its new weapon and… BAM! A small cannonball of purple energy flew through the air and left a burning hole in a tree Alex at the sight of this cackled, but slowly that laugh stopped being of happiness and instead of something else, something maddening, Alex laughed so hard it attracted the wolf thing once more And this time when the monster jumped to attack Alex, the machine blasted the monster leaving only a pile of burning sticks Alex laughed and laughed until other two of those wolf things appeared “You think you can face me? Don’t you know this forest belongs to a beast? Well, let me tell you that beast is ME!” Alex burned down the two monsters but they didn’t stop there Alex kept shooting and it wasn’t for survival or to kill some monster, it was for fun, Alex felt powerful and they loved that sensation Rainbow dash flied through Ponyville ready to take off until her friends approached to her “Rainbow dash, Fluttershy saw a new monster appear in the forest and is hunting everything on its path, and she’s scared it might kill all forest critters if we don’t do something” said twilight Sorry girls, I would love to kick some monstrous butt, but they called me for a emergency, a giant forest fire appeared out of nowhere in forest Leota and is approaching to Caracows so they’re calling all the best Pegasus available to cause a rain strong enough to extinguish it, but hey, if you fail and the monster escapes then I’ll be more than happy to be the one to hunt it down” said rainbow dash, adding a small smile at the end before flying away Applejack then noticed Fluttershy trembling a bit “What the matter?” Asked applejack “I’m just a bit scared of fighting that monster without Rainbow dash” answered Fluttershy “Oh please darling, rainbow dash might be good fighting and all that but we aren’t defenseless without her” said Rarity “And after practicing so much with my party cannon in the wedding incident last week, I think we’ll do pretty well against some oversized lizard, OH maybe I can adopt it so they can be Gummy’s sibling!” Said Fluttershy “Pinkie No! This is a dangerous monster that killed a bear” said twilight Fluttershy was calmed by her friend’s talk but still, she couldn’t shake the feeling of dread knowing that beast was out there
Bon-Bon,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Queen Chrysalis,Human,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
belongs to the beasts
this isn't the story of a human being displaced in equestria, but three! and they are here to thrive, survive and have fun
<p>something bad is happening in equestria</p><p>Sarah was a calm girl who wanted to be a writer, now shes the hungry mother of the plague</p><p>Alex was a nervous teenager who wanted to be a toy maker, now they're a evolving war machine</p><p>Marcus was a loud boy who wanted to be a rock star, now hes a walking natural disaster ready to rise some hell</p><p>will equestria survive? will the humans turned beasts survive? will they be heroes or monsters? most likely yes, no and possibly the former. but lets see anyway to see if i'm wrong</p>
Marcus didn’t choose how to arrive to this new world, but he wouldn’t have chosen any other way because this was cool has hell Raining down from the sky like a meteorite, with fire practically raining down from the sky has he fell from heaven A huge crater was made on his arrival, he tried to stand on two legs but he’s weight and new body made him loose balance and fall to the ground causing a small tremor He tried to stand once again and the melting snow around him was enough for him to see he’s new face “Holy Cow! I’m a dinosaur, what is it called? A brontosaurus?” He asked to himself He now was a bipedal lizard, his tail extremely long, he now had one spike on each shoulder, four on he’s back and three on his long neck, plus a red line going from the top of his neck all the way to the bottom of it, his dinosaur like face looked burnt and in the place his nose should have been he has a massive knife like horn His arms are between normal and bizarre resembling the ones of the dinosaur he was supposed to be but bulkier and with claws, his behind legs resembled goat legs more than anything “Goat legs, well You could say I’m… the GOAT” he laughed to he’s own joke hitting the floor with his massive limbs causing more small tremors And finally his claws, spike, the end of he’s tail and he’s chest we’re glowing like molten metal, his infernal nature became even more obvious when he started marching and the snow melted into water and the water started boiling until it turned into clouds of Steam But then he stopped to remember something, the way he ended up like this He was on his car driving through the street, the light was green has he could clearly remember and then some HOBO appeared out of nowhere, he tried to stop but it didn’t work and he ran over the guy and crashed with a bus killing the two and maybe someone else “If I ever meet that sucker again I don’t know if I’ll choke them, even tho I’m not sure if this big meaty claws work for chocking, or kiss him for turning me into the coolest thing since the invention of rock, and even if I don’t have lips I’ll try anyway!” Said Marcus to himself He then saw a nearby try and proceded to slap it with the tip of his tail, the tree quickly caught fire until all that remained was ashes and smoke, seeing the fire consume the wood gave him a odd but pleasant feeling like eating unhealthy food with addictive’s “Although, I don’t know if ‘cool’ is the proper word, maybe hot… nop that sounds even worse for a completely different reason” Marcus laughed at his own Joke once again he laughed and laughed for a entire minute, maybe because he actually liked the joke, maybe laughing for a awkward amount of time was another joke or maybe he was laughing for some other reason Then he stopped, looked around and wondered about one thing “where the hell am I?” He Looked around and the only thing he could see was snow, Snow and SNOW, he was considering in choking the hobo with his big meaty claws if he was thrown into a bare wasteland of Ice and Snow with no life on it but himself But then he felt something, it was similar… no, it was the same feeling he felt with the fire he just caused and that could mean only two things The first was civilization which meant he wasn’t alone, the other was something akin to a active volcano or something similar which meant he would feel the warm embrace of fire And without much else to do, Marcus started marching towards the fire that was calling for him Chilly spark was a small light blue unicorn with white mane with some yellow at the end of it Chilly went to play with her friends brittle kiss and Bite frost, The three pony’s started playing with the snow Chilly used her horn to lift several Snow balls and threw them at Bite frost who jumped out of the way and then built a giant snowball with he’s hoofs to throw it at Chilly But then Brittle flied above him and dropped a giant pile of snow in top of Bite, Bite’s head peaked out of the snow and proceded to laugh warmly despite being covered in snow The two pony’s joined to the laughter but then Chilly noticed something, the snowball she was holding with her magic was… melting? ‘Weird’ she thought, she was too far of the bonfire at the center of the village for it to melt the snowball… and then she felt the ground shaking, her friends ignored the oddities and kept giggling and playing But then chilly heard a light chuckle mix with the one of her friends, she then felt like if she was suddenly in the south of Equestria and felt Sweat going down her head, she could feel the temperature rising She looked at her right and saw a adult looking at something behind her with their mouth open and eyes wide open She looked back and saw a light similar to the Bonfire behind two cabins, she at first thought it was a wildfire spreading but then noticed the light rising has the snow started melting and turning into steam, she saw a titanic creature, was it a dragon? Maybe but she’s never seen a proper dragon before and specially with this cold Then she noticed the light chuckles were coming from the beast, slowly her friends also noticed the large creature that somehow approached to the village undetected while surrounded in a pillar of steam, then it stopped laughing and slowly so did the beast “So, what are we laughing at?” Asked the monster, all the pony’s started running in fear The beast walked deeper into the village and Chilly was now able to see the titanic beast better, it reminded her of when she overcooked her own food by accident and that scared her, this beast looked like a walking corpse yet it was walking and talking while surrounded by sickening heat The unicorns then started shooting magic at them with their horns but the beast only laughed at them “Oh how adorable, look at them with their cute little horns and their cute little… are those wings? I thought they were supposed to have both wings and horns” the beast said to itself whiles still walking around the village not caring about the running pony’s Then a huge stallion brought the catapult, they didn’t use it very often, only to scare the Yeti’s that came down from the mountain but this was far worse than yetis They loaded a huge boulder and opened fire, the attack seemed to work since the beast flinched and groaned “ouch” said the beast They loaded another bolder and attacked again “Stop it” said the beast annoyed They loaded one more boulder, far larger than the previous ones and shoot and this made the beast roar lightly “STOP IT” said the beast, dashing at surprising speeds for its size to crush the catapult before roaring at the pony’s However that didn’t stop the pony’s, the unicorns kept shooting and her friend Bite even got to throw a snow ball at the eye of the beast, the beast however didn’t like that The beast stood on he’s back hoofs before using all he’s weight to smash down, causing the floor to crack and ravines started to open through the village, said ravines started filling with lava and that was the moment Chilly knew what true heat felt like and she didn’t like it The pony’s started running away from the village but it seemed like the monster wasn’t ready to let them go so easily “I’ll won’t let you go so easily, no one messes with Marcus!” Said the beast chasing after the Pony’s They had the head start since the beast took a time to notice everyone escaped from the village (which was currently turned into a pile of ash and fire) but that didn’t matter since the large beast did something all pony’s were scared by, it started galloping and it seemed like he’s entire body was fighting to let it do that yet the beast showed no sign of getting tired or harmed by forcing its body to do such impossible feat for its anatomy It quickly reached them and then… something attacked the Beast, it seemed like a cloud of black smoke, maybe another monster wanting to make territory, but it didn’t matter what it was since it gave the pony’s a chance to run away They were able to see how the black cloud being able to pierce the skin of the beast with black crystals, but that did nothing since the crystals broke and the holes they left poured what seemed to be lava before regenerating Despite that the black cloud seemed to be winning, until the beast stood on he’s back hoofs once again and fell with all its weight creating a new ravine that swallowed the black cloud “Oh you gotta be kidding me!” Said the beast looking down at the ravine, maybe the cloud was getting out of it? the beast seemed to be thinking about something until it hit the ground with its giant arms and closed the ravine which is something that surprised even beast Then they escaped far enough for the monster to start disappearing in the distance, however they could hear it shouting “If I ever see any of you maggots in my way ever again I’ll send each and everyone of you to hell, because this tundra belongs to this beast!” Said the beast roaring victoriously and causing tremors the pony’s were able to feel even this far Chilly and her friend kept running and running and running, hoping they’ll find somewhere safe before the storm took them
Bon-Bon,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Queen Chrysalis,Human,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
belongs to the beasts
this isn't the story of a human being displaced in equestria, but three! and they are here to thrive, survive and have fun
<p>something bad is happening in equestria</p><p>Sarah was a calm girl who wanted to be a writer, now shes the hungry mother of the plague</p><p>Alex was a nervous teenager who wanted to be a toy maker, now they're a evolving war machine</p><p>Marcus was a loud boy who wanted to be a rock star, now hes a walking natural disaster ready to rise some hell</p><p>will equestria survive? will the humans turned beasts survive? will they be heroes or monsters? most likely yes, no and possibly the former. but lets see anyway to see if i'm wrong</p>
The mane six (or five since Rainbow dash wasn’t here) and spike were being guided by the birds Fluttershy asked for help, seemingly only birds survived at seeing the beast since everything else at the beast’s reach was quickly attacked and devoured “Isn’t this too much of a buzz for a monster? I mean can’t we just keep all animals near Ponyville until the monster runs out of food and wanders somewhere else?” Asked Rarity “Normally yes, but this isn’t just any monster” said twilight Everyone expected her to elaborate on that but she didn’t “And why is that?” Asked Applejack “Because after I checked the entire library and even the bestiary with Celestia’s seal of approval, I haven’t found anything resembling a crawling bipedal lizard with a skull head, a entire new species of monster appearing out of nowhere may mean something bad might be happening” said Twilight “Does that mean we can keep it?” Asked Pinkie Twilight sighed “yes pinkie, we’ll have to keep it until we find a professional about monsters” said twilight Then Fluttershy stopped and when Rarity was about to ask what happen, they heard something, it sounded like something eating, it sounded gooey like a candy filled with molten chocolate or at least that was the only thing the pony’s could compare it to They slowly approached to the direction of the sound and saw it, it was almost just has Fluttershy describe, the only difference being how much bigger it was, the beast went from the size of a bear to the size of a house The five pony’s and the dragon prepared Pinkie with her party cannon Fluttershy picked a rock since her stare didn’t work Twilight prepared to blast the monster with the strongest magic attack she had Rarity prepared a special kind of ribbon strong enough to trap a Ursa Minor for a while Applejack prepared her lasso And spike was ready to send messages for backup in case the monster was genuinely dangerous The creature sniffed, and slowly looked at the direction of the pony’s, approached and grabbed on one of the trees nearby The six prepared for the monster to attack but then “Oh it’s you again, I was hoping to talk properly to each other this time, I’m sorry for losing control over my belly and I didn’t discover yet I wasn’t able to properly able to digest bones” said the beast with deep feminine voice Everyone was confused by the sudden subversion of their expectations “Eh… hello?” Said Fluttershy also confused the most “The name is Sarah, and who might you five be?” Asked Sarah gesturing with her claws which confused the pony’s even more, one moment this beast was moving like a hungry animal and the next it’s moving with a sense of grace and politeness that didn’t match its appearance But the sudden use of polite speaking convinced Rarity to talk first “greetings, I’m Rarity, this are my friends Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie pie and Spike” Sarah approached the group and with its large claw started touching Fluttershy’s wings “A Pegasus” said Sarah while Fluttershy was too scared to move “Ehem, excuse me… Sar-rah?” Asked twilight “It’s Sarah” said calmly still touching Fluttershy’s wings like a curious child “Who, no, what are you?… if I can ask of course” asked Twilight, that question made Sarah stop touching Fluttershy “What am I now? I don’t know, but I use to be something different” said Sarah, that took everyone’s attention “Did you use it be a pony?!” Asked Pinkie which appeared in Sarah’s head “Ha! No, i was something known has a human” said Sarah has she shock her head and threw Pinkie away “A human? Never heard of them” said applejack “and Talking Pony’s, Pegasuses and Unicorns were only things of fantasy and legend for us” said Sarah has she touched the tip of Twilight’s horn with her claw “I’m sorry darling, I find it hard to believe you’ve never seen a Pony before, unless you come from another world” said Rarity, joking at the last part “That is correct, if you’re a unicorn then you might know magic and from we’re i come from magic is nothing but something imaginary” said Sarah, Twilight quickly summoned a Pen and a note pad “Can I ask some questions?” Asked twilight “I have a couple of minu-“ Sarah was cut mid sentence by the unicorn “How did you look like before? how did your species managed weather without magic? How did you turn into… this? You said talking pony’s specifically, so you know about pony’s but why can’t they talk? How old are you? How does your new body function? I can’t see your eyes so are you blind and use eco localization?” Twilight asked question after question without stopping “Can I adopt you? I swear I’ll be a good owner, I’ll give you candy all day’s and you can be best friends with gummy and-“ pinkie was cut short by Sarah “First of all, no I’ll won’t be anyone’s pet, second let me tell you everything you just asked by telling you about humanity “In my world there is no magic, Magic is exclusive to fiction and the past now that we know the world doesn’t need it to work but can do it perfectly by itself, and things like Pegasuses, unicorns and talking animals which yes in my world includes pony’s since they aren’t smart enough to talk, in my world the only creatures able to talk and create civilizations are humans, everyone else is at our mercy but you know what they say, boredom is a strong motivator and humanity now without predators decided to declare war over each other, call themselves better over the smallest differences, we have values and morals but overall is a world we’re things like heroes are the exception and not the norm, humans evolved to use their intellect to reach space, hunt down every animal at their reach, better our life quality and do everything in our power to please our infinite boredom, I in particular loved all kinds of storytelling but mostly literature “And now here I am, in the body of a beast that resembles greatly the one of a work of fiction I read before appearing here, I do not know how this happen, but I can’t change it, this new body has a ceaseless hunger I can barely control yet the taste of flesh has proven to make what would be a torture into a pleasure” said Sarah “Wow… a magic less world, a place were Friendship seems almost worthless and now you’re here in a completely new world, it must be scary for you” said Twilight “Actually no” said Sarah casually “What?” Asked Twilight “I’m now in one of the worlds from the story’s I’ve always loved to read filled with magic and characters ready to be used, now I don’t have to care about taxes, obligations or other people, now Im free from obligations and stress, because Beasts own nothing to no one” said Sarah, it was hard to see but she was attempting to smile with her new monstruos face “Well, if you want us to ever send you back home-“ “Don’t” Sarah interrupted Twilight “between being this and a human, I prefer to be a beast” said Sarah before she started crawling back into the forest “Wait, Where are you going?” Asked Applejack “I’m hungry and we have nothing else to say, have a good evening” said Sarah “Wait darling, I have to be honest with you, none of those forest critters will cease your hunger anymore” said Rarity taking Sarah’s attention and everyone’s confusion “Then what do you propose me to do?” Asked Sarah “You can come with me!” Said pinkie “You can go to the everfree forest, despite it being very dirty and messy, it’s filled with animals that will fit perfectly into your diet” said rarity, at that point everyone understood what she was trying to do “Rarity is right, just go to the south try and walk over the train racks and you’ll arrive to it in no time, just try sticking near the mountain wall so none might see you because… you know, giant monster” said applejack trying to put her best smile “I see, thank you Pony’s” said Sarah before crawling at great speeds at the south “Do you think we might have to do something about her?” Asked Spike “Well she doesn’t want our help, she’s only one monster and I’m sure she won’t cause any troubles when there’s hydras and other smart monsters to give her a fight, so maybe not” said Twilight unsure “Wait, where’s pinkie?” Asked Fluttershy Sarah was walking over the train tracks mentioned before, she was excited about the new prey she would find, but her thoughts were interrupted by two feelings One in her Stomach different from when she vomited bones and another in her tail like if something got stuck to it She checked and saw the pink pony grabbing her “Please Please Please, I swear I’ll be a good owner, I’ve always wanted a whatever you are, PLEASE!” Said the pony Sarah threw the pony off but then it reappeared on her back, Sarah rolled on the ground and saw the Pony squashed like a pancake but she re-inflated quickly, Sarah picked her up and threw her the farthest she could, but the damn thing appeared on her tail once again “Unhand me or I’ll eat you alive” Threatened Sarah “If you wanted to eat me you’ve would have already done so” said pinkie That wasn’t true, Sarah just didn’t want to get a bad relationship with a sentient species… yet, but now that they were completely alone and nobody knew where she was, maybe she could see how this pony’s taste like ‘Let’s see if this pony can get this weird feeling out of my stomach’ thought Sarah Sarah opened her jaw and was ready to swallow the pink pony… then felt something coming out of her abdomen, it was a egg “Oh” was everything Sarah could say for the surprise and luckily the Pink pony was surprised enough to let go of her “Listen, I’m not ready to be a mother and you want a pet, so what if we made a deal and you keep the infants” said Sarah has she gave the egg to the pony, both the egg and the pony were roughly of the same size and luckily the pony was strong enough to lift it and stand on two hooves “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Said the pony before disappearing Sarah sighed and continued her travel to Everfree, she just hopes her kids won’t cause too much trouble to her
Bon-Bon,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Queen Chrysalis,Human,Adventure,Comedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Gore,Violence
belongs to the beasts
this isn't the story of a human being displaced in equestria, but three! and they are here to thrive, survive and have fun
<p>something bad is happening in equestria</p><p>Sarah was a calm girl who wanted to be a writer, now shes the hungry mother of the plague</p><p>Alex was a nervous teenager who wanted to be a toy maker, now they're a evolving war machine</p><p>Marcus was a loud boy who wanted to be a rock star, now hes a walking natural disaster ready to rise some hell</p><p>will equestria survive? will the humans turned beasts survive? will they be heroes or monsters? most likely yes, no and possibly the former. but lets see anyway to see if i'm wrong</p>
Rainbow dash thought this would be a quick task, push some clouds, squeeze them, make some rain and extinguish the fire Instead she’s been fighting this fire for almost a two days at this point, every time she extinguished a fire another twice it’s size took its place They even asked some unicorns to check if the fire was magic or something but this is just a normal fire! They even asked some unicorns to check the area if some dragon was causing the fire but according to them there was nothing alive down there, only fire They sent some earth pony’s and unicorns to check if the ground or something caused it like some kind of underground volcano or something like that, but the ground was normal, even more normal than Ponyville soil And that was rainbow dash’s limit, she flied downwards with a clouds in her hoofs and started fighting it with all might, she alone already seemed to have extinguished half of the fire in minutes But then she saw something, a small purple light that was followed by a new fire and a Timberwolf covered in fire running towards her before it collapsed, consumed by the fire “No magic my butt” said rainbow dash to herself, she flies towards the purple light and sees something weird, it looks like a baby dragon without Arms, it seems made out of dark grey and black metal and is also the size of a pony, it’s eyes are round, purple and empty The metal monster roared and shoot a purple blast that started another fire before making a weird sound that resembled the sound of those arcade machines in Ponyville Rainbow dash didn’t think twice and dashed towards the monster has it started another fire, she kicked the thing and the face and sent it flying towards a tree The thing crawled back has it made a high-pitched sound before running away Rainbow dash gave chase, the Thing stumbled looking around before it started… running backwards to shoot another purple blast at rainbow dash which barrel rolled out of the way of the attack The beast made that high pitched sound again and then… it stopped running, however rainbow dash took a second to see it and she accidentally passed it by accident and she looked back she saw the monster running between the trees She followed once again but this time the thing started several fires, but that didn’t stop her, she dodged the blazes and falling trees and kicked the monster once again, making it fell to the ground Before it could stand up, rainbow dash jumped in top of it and prepared and the metal monster started shaking and making weird sounds that resembles words “WAI- I- PLE- NO- HELP- AAAA-“ over and over And the sound attracted another Pegasus “what is going on in there?” Asked the Pegasus The metal thing took the chance and shoot at the incoming Pegasus, rainbow dash noticed this and took flight, pushed the Pegasus out of the way of the attack and before she could notice, the thing was gone She flies through the forest but she couldn’t find the monster She then got a idea and went back to extinguishing the fire, but this time the monster didn’t reappear to make more “Welp, that was easy” said Rainbow dash taking the monster for gone, now with the fire extinguished went back to Ponyville It took Alex a minute to calm down and come out of their hiding spot, they jumped into a mud puddle and stood there completely unmoving for five minutes Once Alex finally realized the violent Pegasus was gone, they decided to roam the forest once again “Why did they attack me?” Asked Alex to himself “I wasn’t hurting anybody but those wolfs, and they deserved it!” Said Alex to themselves once again Alex then saw their reflection in one of the many puddles caused by the rain that extinguished the fire of their fight Alex noticed that Pegasus hit them hard, or at least hard enough to slightly dent their body And that scarred Alex, are they too weak, are they going to be hunted down by this things, they are going to rip them apart and recycle their pieces! “No” said Alex Alex checked their archives and saw several instructions, several blueprints for mining machines, laser cannons, and other equipment, but most importantly a new body Alex first modified itself to have a Ore detector and with it Alex found a cave, they modified their mouth and turned its cables into small tentacles to extract all the resources needed Alex finally finished their first project, a drill that constantly extracted all resources needed But then Alex knew they couldn’t stay on a cave so they wandered searching for a better place to stay in and install the drill Alex wandered and wandered till the sky started getting red, then they found a kind of mansion, the woods was old, the ambience was humid, and it looked abandoned which was perfect for Alex, no one would suspect they would hide in a a house in the middle of nowhere Has Alex walked in they found some bones in the ground, they wondered what those bones belonged to then their attention was taken by another of those wood wolfs blocking the entrance, Alex dodged the attack of the monster and ran away deeper into the mansion, Alex was then cornered but found a door to a possible basement, the door was surprisingly large and the perfect size to throw the wolf Alex opened the door and the wolf jumped towards them but with a small kick to the face the wood monster fell to the basement, Alex quickly closed it trapping the thing Alex did something that mimicked a sigh of relief and set up the drill outside of the mansion, quickly got several materials including a solar panel to generate some electricity to automatize the process and make some other gadgets Cameras around the mansion, some metal walls around the perimeter and finally a prototype of a drone Alex had many plans for If those Pegasuses wanted to fight then they’ll give them the fight of their lives
Original Character,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
The Rule of (Comedy) Law
What if instead of a shady pony forcing himself on mares, we instead got a stallion that the world suddenly makes the most absurd situations happen in order to get him to have sex with as many mares as possible? Yeah that's this story.
<p>In the story this one is based on. (This is basically a parody) A certain stallion found an object that was the only means to restore Princess Celestia and the sun. Thus he used this to blackmail the populace into letting him have his way and impregnate as many mares as he so wanted. It was dark and twisted.</p><p><a href="/story/533327/the-rule-of-law" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p>So in THIS story, an Alternate Universe, Celestia wants the same thing, except this time that object falls into the &quot;hooves&quot; of one unlucky, or maybe <i>extremely </i>lucky unicorn stallion. Now a new law is put into place. One where all mares are encouraged to have sex with him? Wait what!?</p><p>Prepare yourself as the most ABSURD situations unfold for our protagonist. Is he really going to end up impregnating that many mares?</p><p><span class="spoiler">You better believe it!</span></p><p><span style="color:#BE4343">Contains: Questionable situations that somehow always end with consent. Transformations, possession, weird time travel, </span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">lots</span><span style="color:#BE4343"> of genderbending, public sex, a big </span><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">HEAP </span><span style="color:#BE4343">of impregnation, magical fertility spells, and a whole lot more!</span></p><p><span style="color:#BE4343">Special Warning: When I say absurd I mean it. Prepare yourself for some stupid, silly, often convoluted situations that somehow lead to sex and mares being knocked up and yet they all like it?</span></p>
It was a rare sight for all four Princesses of Equestria to be in the same place, let alone the same room at the same time when there wasn’t a disaster to thwart, or some grand celebration underway. Though to one of the Princesses, the tallest and arguably oldest, it was still a matter of great importance. A moment that if proven fruitful, could lead to a new grand celebration. One she hoped against hope could be possible. “I’m still not sure about this…” Luna proclaimed as she looked over the tattered spellbook with concern. Twilight Sparkle was in the middle of studying every inch of its parchment, looking to take in even the smallest detail. Luna did not consider the newly titled “Alicorn of Magic’ to be careless, far from it, but she did have a tendency to get caught up in her love of learning new things and digging up buried magical secrets of the past. She feared this would be one time that’d cloud her judgment. “I am aware of the risks dear sister,” Celestia began, the very slight off-pitch in her voice being the only indication that she too was overwhelmed with the possibilities. “But we both know there is rarely any reward without risk.” “This is a risk that could prove most costly.” Luna whispered back. Her older sister frowned for but a moment, any other pony might have missed it. “I-I know but I must try.” She replied quietly, her strong and steadfast pose breaking ever so slightly. To the world, Celestia was their leader. A rock in the oncoming tide of all the dangers that rose against them. Normally in such a situation, surrounded by family, she’d let her true goofy self shine through. The mere fact she was still keeping her metaphorical mask on proved how serious, how desperate she was. “I’m sorry auntie…” Cadence soothed, interjecting herself into the conversation. “I knew you’ve always dreamed… I should have realized that my having Flurry Heart-” “You have nothing to apologize for.” Celestia stopped her, putting a wing around her niece. “My desire to be a mother… while it’s true the birth of your daughter reminded me of just how long I’ve… hoped for such a thing. I could never blame you or your husband for simply being parents. I-I’m sorry if I have made you feel guilty.” With a smile the two alicorns hugged each other with their wings before Twilight spoke up. “While I’d be lying if I said the mere knowledge of the existence of this parchment didn’t have me overjoyed to study this, it is not the only reason I feel we should go ahead with this plan.” She took a deep breath before giving each of the other three alicorns a grim look. “If this so-called ‘wish spell’ can indeed do anything, e-even what most ponies consider impossible…” She stole a single glance at her teacher with that. She hated the wince that briefly flashed upon the white alicorn’s face, but as much as it stung, it was true. While theoretically possible for Luna, having been trapped in what could be considered stasis for a thousand years, and Cadance and even herself, both other races of ponies before becoming alicorns. All of them had a chance of still being able to produce foals, but Celestia? It had either just been too long, or her power had grown too great. Whatever had caused it, it weighed upon the eldest alicorn heavily. “If it can do this, then it could potentially do anything. We must find out if that’s true, and if so, take the proper precautions. Come up with any countermeasure we can. With everything I’ve seen happen I feel we can not risk somepony like Chrysalis or Sombra getting a hold of it.” The others nodded in agreement, even Luna. She didn’t like it, but what Twilight said rang true. They had to know the full extent of this ritual’s power. Least some twisted soul used it for nightmares far beyond anything even she could conjure. It wouldn’t even have to be a powerful enemy. Why a mere mushroom farmer could use such a thing to declare his word law, and just go about having his way with any mare he fancied! The sheer horror! “No further objections?” None of the alicorns reacted. Twilight nodded. “Then it’s just about time. I’ve gone over this a dozen times. It should work. Once Luna, you and I have powered it up, simply step into the rune circle and state your wish. Cadence will be on hoof to help feed more power if required, and to help stop the spell if anything goes wrong.” “And she’s not the only one.” A new voice rang as two new ponies entered the room. A certain lilac unicorn mare, followed by an orange unicorn stallion. “We’ve placed the protective wards all around the room as requested. The same dampening magic we use to keep Flurry’s power in check.” Sunburst declared looking over a scroll as he did. “We’ve made sure that any possible magical expulsion should remain relatively contained in this room, while still allowing us to escape if necessary.” Starlight Glimmer added with a weary smile. “Thank you my student.” Twilight winked at her. “If you could stand by with Cadance to jump in if needed?” Starlight complied with a nod and took her place beside the pink alicorn. Sunburst went about making sure all magical containment artifacts were functioning correctly. With that the three princesses, minus Cadance, got to work. Said pink alicorn stepped a good distance back ready to leap into action at a moment’s notice, Starlight sticking by her side. Three horns lit up, feeding their energy into finely woven ropes of magic that snaked their way into the circle, which in turn began to pulse with energy almost immediately. “It’s working! It’s working!” Celestia cried, sounding almost like a little filly. Luna really hoped nothing went wrong. For her sister’s sake. “Alright I’m stepping in!” Celestia proclaimed as she did just that. The circle’s power was crackling wildly, it glowed beautifully. Celestia’s body soon joined in its shine. Despite it all Luna couldn’t stop herself from crying out: “Be cautious sister! Heed how the wish will be interpreted!” It was unclear if Celestia could even hear her, such was the hum of ancient magic in the room, the sheer force causing all her fur to stand on end. “I wish…” Celestia began barely able to contain herself. Imagines of a large family filled her mind. Dozens if not a hundred happy foals danced around in her imagination. “That for the first time in so so long, I will be the joyous reason for the happy birth of foals in Equestria!” The light from the spell flashed the second the last word left Celestia’s lips, all present had to shield their eyes or risk going blind. When Luna could see again, her sister was gone from the circle. A small white orb with her cutie mark floating in her place. It bounced around the air in an erratic pattern, its glow getting brighter and brighter. Once it began to bounce outside the limits of the circle did Luna realize it was not contained to such. “Twilight! Stop the spell immediately!” “I-I can’t!” She called back. “It doesn’t need my power anymore! It’s somehow sustaining itself! C-Cadance, Starlight quick! Contain that orb!” “Already t-trying!” Cadence cried, her horn awash with its power. Her blue magic surrounded the thing, but did little to stop its thrashing. It seemed to feed off it instead. “T-The orb!” Starlight cried her magic fizzingly away from her shock. “It’s-” “I-It’s draining me!” Cadence interrupted, dropping down as she struggled. “I-I can’t-” “T-Twilight I’ll try to re-enforce the artifacts! Maybe we can still contain it!” The orb stopped dead still in the air as Starlight screamed, the sun cutie mark pointing toward the ceiling as if it saw something. With a sudden burst of power, it shot out of the circle, through the roof and into the night. Starlight and company could only stare as it happened. It was like their countermeasures for this hadn’t even existed! “SISTER!” Luna cried rushing toward the golf ball-sized hole that was the only sign of the orb ever being here. Panic barely had any time to set in though when there was an answer behind her. “Y-Yes? Luna? Sister, what happened?” All surprised eyes turned to see a very shaken and very different Celestia crawl her way out of some nearby boxes. “C-Celestia?” Twilight squeaked her eyes wide. “Yes Twilight it’s me. What happened? The spell must have failed, I doubt it meant to throw me across the room. I-I still feel dizzy…” “I… You might want to look in a mirror first.” “A mirror?” Celestia repeated, “why… wait my horn! I can’t focus any magic to cast the mirror spell! I-I can’t float one over from the wall either! No… No it’s worse! I can’t even feel the sun’s power anymore! Twilight what happened!?” “A-Allow me dear sister…” Though drained herself, a mirror spell was simple enough that even little foals could do it. The fact that her sister couldn’t feel her sun or do this was… troubling to say the least. With a soft glow of her horn a magical reflective surface appeared before Celestia. Revealing to her that not only had she shrunk to the size Luna had been after being freed from Nightmare moon, but much like Luna, Celestia’s mane was now a normal mane rather than the ethereal one they usually wore. What’s more it was solid pink again instead of the splash of colors it was supposed to be! Celestia stared at her reflection in shock, taking in her new form before spinning around in a panic, desperately hoping to catch a glimpse of her cutie mark rather than the blank white flank she now possessed. “W-what? Why am I like this? How does this grant my wish? Where is my magic!?” “I’m not sure!” Twilight exclaimed beginning to pace. “I don’t even know if it was granted or if this is a horrible side effect! What’s more, if you can’t feel the sun or your magic that means that orb we saw was probably just that! Most of your essence condensed into some ball of magic! Yet it left you here like this! Why?” “Orb!?” Celestia cried. “What orb? My magic was an orb? Is that what made that hole?” “Calm down both of you!” Cadence shouted firmly. “Right now we have to begin emergency preparations.” Celestia, though clearly distressed, nodded. “Y-Yes, while not being able to feel my sun is… terrifying, I am at least here and alive. I don’t feel sick or weak just… magicless.” “And Cadance is right.” Luna added, trying to keep her own worries in check. “The day will need to be raised soon, so Twilight and I will need to get ready. We must also make haste in figuring out where that orb went. I fear what horrible incidents it could cause…” Twilight lept into action. “Right! Starlight and I will work on figuring out the trajectory of the orb and see if we can estimate where it’ll land! I’ll leave the kingdom duties to you! Starlight let’s…Starlight?” “T-Twilight… these were the strongest warding spells I could find a-and it shot off like they weren’t even there… I-I failed.” Her head hung low. “Hey, Hey no we had no idea what could happen.” Twilight tried to speak in the most soothing voice she could. Her years comforting Spike aided her. “We… we did all we could, and now. Now we’re going to do all we can to get things under control.” Twilight didn’t get a chance to see how her words affected the mare. “W-we might need to make haste on that dear Twilight.” Luna spoke, her voice shaken. Twilight could feel the building fear in her tone. A knot began to form in her stomach. “W-why do you say that?” “The sun.” Luna said, her expression teetering close to panic. “I-I thought since my sister was in such a state, I should begin preparations of raising and lowering it but…” “But what?” Cadence spoke Twilight’s thoughts for her. “Aunt Luna please, what is happening?” “I-It’s like it’s blocking me!” She breathed, her horn sputtering with magic. To Twilight it appeared as if she was trying to form the magic, but just… couldn’t. “What do you mean it’s blocking you? How?” Twilight cried, firing up her own horn. She reached out and tried to once more grasp the celestial object as she had long ago during Tirek’s attack. However, no matter how hard she tried, it was like trying to pick up a ball somehow made of pure grease with the tips of your hooves. Just what was going on!? “I-I can’t either! How is this possible?” “M-My sun won’t listen?” Celestia asked slowly, her own voice breaking. This was her fault. She just wanted foals, and now… now something happened and she might just have doomed all of Equestria. All her ponies. “It’s like it refuses to move!” Luna cried out in frustration, another attempt failing. “But it’s the middle of the night! If we can’t raise the sun-” Cadence began. “Then the night will last forever.” Luna said with a bitter taste of disgust. To think at some point in her life she had said those words with glee. “Oh this is bad! This is so so bad! M-Maybe if all of us work together?” Twilight cried, trying not to pace around in a panic. “I-It’s worth a shot for you to try Twilight.” Starlight spoke rising from her slumped position. “Starlight?” “You work with Luna and Cadance and see what you can do. I will find where that orb went and return it myself.” She looked out toward the horizon on which the orb had vanished over. “You’re right, we did what we can, and I can worry about what went wrong later. Right now-” “-we have to find that orb.” Twilight finished for her student as she came to stand beside her. With an encouraging smile she put a wing over the nervous mare. Starlight said nothing, but returned the smile. They risked only a moment like this before Twilight trotted back toward the other princesses to help solve the sun problem. Meanwhile, she’d find where the orb went and go get it back. Hopefully, she found it before anypony else. Especially if it had Celestia’s power trapped in it. “I don’t know if anything is listening out there.” Starlight whispered, “But please grant me this one thing. If I don’t find that orb first. Please make sure it doesn’t fall into the hooves of some creature of horrible make…”
Original Character,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
The Rule of (Comedy) Law
What if instead of a shady pony forcing himself on mares, we instead got a stallion that the world suddenly makes the most absurd situations happen in order to get him to have sex with as many mares as possible? Yeah that's this story.
<p>In the story this one is based on. (This is basically a parody) A certain stallion found an object that was the only means to restore Princess Celestia and the sun. Thus he used this to blackmail the populace into letting him have his way and impregnate as many mares as he so wanted. It was dark and twisted.</p><p><a href="/story/533327/the-rule-of-law" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p>So in THIS story, an Alternate Universe, Celestia wants the same thing, except this time that object falls into the &quot;hooves&quot; of one unlucky, or maybe <i>extremely </i>lucky unicorn stallion. Now a new law is put into place. One where all mares are encouraged to have sex with him? Wait what!?</p><p>Prepare yourself as the most ABSURD situations unfold for our protagonist. Is he really going to end up impregnating that many mares?</p><p><span class="spoiler">You better believe it!</span></p><p><span style="color:#BE4343">Contains: Questionable situations that somehow always end with consent. Transformations, possession, weird time travel, </span><span style="font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">lots</span><span style="color:#BE4343"> of genderbending, public sex, a big </span><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#BE4343">HEAP </span><span style="color:#BE4343">of impregnation, magical fertility spells, and a whole lot more!</span></p><p><span style="color:#BE4343">Special Warning: When I say absurd I mean it. Prepare yourself for some stupid, silly, often convoluted situations that somehow lead to sex and mares being knocked up and yet they all like it?</span></p>
“Ah ha!” A jet-black unicorn stallion cried as his magic wrapped around the hen he’d been trying to track down for the last two hours. Said chicken clucked in surprise, thrashing about before she got a good look at her captor, recognizing him, she gave a happier cluck. “Cluckarina do you have any idea how worried Fluttershy is over you?” “Cluck cluck?” He didn’t actually know what she said, being he was a pony and she a chicken, but he could guess. “Yeah, very worried! She thought a timberwolf had gotten you! Hasn’t she told you not to wander out on your little ‘adventures’ when it’s night?” The hen dropped her head. “Cluck.” “Right, well come on, let’s get back to her cottage and show her you’re alright.” With that the unicorn placed her gently on his back. “Cluck cluck, cluck!” Cluckarina proclaimed with what the stallion could only guess was a smile. It was hard to tell with a beak. “Thank Celestia you’re alright.” He proclaimed looking weary at the foreboding Everfree forest. Normally he’d never step out here at such a late hour, but he’d bumped into Fluttershy while walking home. For once she was too distraught to be shy as she quickly filled him in on the hen’s disappearance and her own worries. What else could he do but help look? Evening Storm, for that was his name, was simply happy that ponies would even accept his help. Given his history of ‘wild’ magic, most ponies in both his hometown, and in Canterlot tended to treat him as if he was cursed. Then again with his magic maybe he was. All that changed when he moved to be Princess Twilight's student. Ponyville had been different from any other place he'd ever known. Here he felt he actually had friends! He even dared hope he might find a marefriend one day and maybe be able to father- He shook his head. Not the time. He had to get this hen home to Fluttershy. Trying to squash any thoughts of earning brownie points with her. She was a beautiful mare to be certain but he only really knew her through Twilight. Though while he was ‘technically’ a new student of hers, he often wondered if she found him more to be a science experiment. Such was the fascination she had with his rather ‘offbeat’ magic. Maybe it was that fact though that let Fluttershy trust him? The fact that she knew her friend Twilight trusted him? Well he wasn’t about to let her down! “Come on, I’ll make sure nothing…" Something above shimmered. "What is that?” He asked looking up into the sky. Far higher than he could figure, was a glowing… star? Well it looked like a shooting star, except it was different somehow. He couldn’t quite put his hoof on it, but there was something strange about thi- Wait did it just change direction? He was fairly certain shooting stars couldn’t do that! It did though! It had changed directions! Changed directions to charge directly at him! His mouth opened to shout his surprise when the orb seemed to increase speed and flew right at his head. Only to go straight into his open mouth and down his throat. With a start he immediately began coughing, trying to throw it back up and out. It was only after he sat there hacking and wheezing for several minutes that he realized two things. One, he wasn’t dead. By all fairness that thing should have killed him at the speed it was going, not to mention the fact he apparently swallowed it. By all accounts, he should be dead, yet here he stood alive and seemingly perfectly fine. Now that he was calming down he found he wasn’t even having that hard a time breathing! Two, he didn’t know how exactly, but he had somehow managed to get a look at it before it went inside him. It was much less a star, than it was an orb with a sun painted on it? It almost looked like Princess Celestia’s cutie mark in a way. “Cluck! Bawk Bawk Cluck!” Cluckarina was screaming and jumping on him wildly. Distressed by something. His health maybe? “I-I’m fine… I think.” He said, trying to get his bearings. Something bad had just happened. That part was very clear, but what beyond the gates of Tartarus was this!? He didn’t have much time to think about it though as Cluckarina’s panicked cries hadn’t died down. In fact she seemed to be getting only more aggravated as she wildly flapped her wings. A low growl from behind them suddenly made why she was so frantic click into place. With a growing sense of dread he slowly turned around to see a timberwolf eying both him and his chicken friend with wild hunger. “N-Nice Timberwolf…” Evening rambled as he tried to back away. Somehow he managed to keep enough wits about him to focus some magic, his horn sparking with faint fire. He wasn’t confident he could do much with his unreliable magic, but it was still worth a try. Damn it why? Why was this happening? First something just shot into his stomach, and now he was about to end up in something else’s stomach. Not a good end to the evening. The timberwolf took another menacing step forward, ready to strike when Evening felt something well up from inside him. It was a pressure not unlike when he used magic, but much MUCH more intense. The small bit of fire magic he had collected in his horn began to warp and expand. The feeling grew and grew in his throat before- HICCUP! He barely noticed Cluckarina jumping off him before a powerful blast of magic exploded from his horn. It wrapped around Cluckarina, causing her to grow several sizes larger, till she was twice the size of Big Mac! That would be weird enough if it wasn't for the fact his magic also weaved itself around the Timberwolf, obscuring it behind a wall of magical sparkles before fading away to reveal. A small brown hen?! He could do nothing but sit there staring at the both angry and terrified new brown chicken as it screamed and ran in a circle. Somehow he, a failure at most magic, had managed to cast a transformation spell on a Timberwolf. Turning it into a fowl. Meanwhile Cluckarina was enjoying her new size as she squawked at some other Timberwolves he hadn’t even noticed. Seems both the now giant sized chicken and the fact he’d just turned one of them into poultry was enough to send them whimpering away. Evening merely sat in dismay at the chaos around him. “I feel my life is about to get complicated again…” He sighed before picking up the former timberwolf with his magic and calling for Cluckarina to follow him. Much as he didn't much care for the former Timberwolf wanting to eat him. He just couldn't leave it here to be eaten by its former pack mates. When in doubt, do what you can, and the first thing he needed to do was to get these chickens to Fluttershy. * * * “Angel Bunny settle down! You know we don’t have any girl bunnies around here, I’m sorry but you’ll just have to deal with it!” Fluttershy scolded the little white rabbit who angrily hopped off to perch himself on the arm of a chair with his paws crossed. “I’m sorry it’s mating season, and even though bunnies don’t really have that, Angel seems jealous and a bit… Eager for something I can’t fix.” She blushed before giving a polite cough and turning her attention back to Evening. “Now as I was saying before.” Her voice moved from calm to a surprisingly high-pitched screech. “I’m sorry this chicken was a what?!” She cried. It was likely the absurdity of the situation that let her hold off her normal shyness for so long. Not that he could blame her. What he was saying sounded insane even to him! “I-I know that should be impossible, even for my wacky magic!” Evening exclaimed as he tried to share a space inside with Cluckarina right next to him, squishing him into the wall. How they even got her inside was a mystery. “Timberwolves being of Everfree magic are usually heavily resistant to any spells, especially transformation but well Cluckarina here will back me up.” “CLUCK CLUCK!” The hen bellowed, nodding its head. Angel bunny covered his ears in irritation. “Oh my, I might not have believed it if it wasn’t for Cluckarina here and um. Well other things.” She didn’t say it but Evening knew what she was hinting at. Ponyville was different, sure, but ponies still knew the reputation of what his magic could and usually did do. “And you say some… orb went down your throat? That sounds dangerous!” “I agree, I want to see Twilight as soon as possible.” “Yes we should leave for Canterlot as soon as it’s light out. Um I suppose you can sleep out here in the living room i-if that’s okay with you j-just please don’t leave the room unless it’s to the bathroom…” There was the meekness of the mare. Again not that he could blame her. Student of Twilight or not, he was a stallion and her a mare. Of course she’d be wary. “Oh that isn’t necessary, I can make it back home.” He looked out the window into the darkness. I hope. She must have seen the look on his face. “Oh no no, I simply couldn’t send you out after helping me save Cluckarina! P-Please stay here and we’ll head out in the morning.” Evening knew his presence would stress her out a bit, but he had to admit that walking back home after the Timberwolf attack didn’t sound nice. They’d never come near Fluttershy’s cottage but beyond that… He shuddered at the thought. Still, Fluttershy had more than enough animals like bears guarding the perimeter of her home. Nothing like that would get close, so he could try and calm down. Well unless the one he turned into a hen changed back suddenly. It was a girl right? Well it didn’t look like a rooster so he was pretty sure it was a hen. Was it even a female to start? Blah, too much to worry about now. Besides, when he transformed something it never changed back until at least a day or two passed by, without him trying to reverse it. So the hen should remain a hen for a while. He really hoped this wasn't the one time that wasn't true. “T-Then if you really don’t mind I’ll take you up on that.” He squeaked, casting a nervous glance at the room they’d locked the new hen in. He hoped it was strong enough to contain a timberwolf. Fluttershy, for her part, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at his words while Angel simply did an ‘I’m watching you’ gesture toward him. He hoped that little terror didn’t end up keeping him awake all night. Fluttershy opened her mouth. “Um, just one thing if you could?” Evening’s eyebrow raised. Another request? What could this one be? “Um, while I know she doesn’t mind, I don’t actually have the food to feed a hen as big as Cluckarina here. I know it’s hard but could you maybe… make her small again?” Oh right that made sense. “Um I think I can manage that?” He looked at the hen. “I’m sorry Cluckarina, but I do think it’s best.” Cluckarina did look disappointed, but she solemnly nodded her head. Her animals really did respect Fluttershy’s wishes. “Okay… just hold still.” He gently and slowly collected magic in his horn, hoping to at least undo the growth spell he hadn’t meant to cast on her. Magic didn’t really like to do as he wished, but he could usually at least return things he changed to normal. However this time he felt that pressure build up inside of him again. A shearing heat unfamiliar to his normal magic. Too late he realized it was using his horn to channel itself. “W-wait everypony take cover!” He just managed to shout before his horn shot off another shockwave of energy through the living room, causing his vision to blur. When he could see again he realized he wasn’t being pressed against the wall anymore. Though there was still a rather large mass beside him. Instead of a giant white chicken, there was now a normal-sized cow? ‘W-What? Cluckarina where did you go!?” He cried trying to see if the hen was somewhere around the cow. Instead, the cow answered. “Moo…cluck?” He stopped and stared. No. No he did not. “Cluckarina?” “Moo bwak!” The cow somehow managed to belt out. Evening felt another headache coming on. “Wait really?” Fluttershy exclaimed at the cow in her living room. “Is that really you in there Cluckarina?” This time the cow nodded to answer. Guess being turned into a cow didn’t suddenly give a former chicken the ability to talk. “W-well not exactly what I had in mind but I suppose this will work for now.” Fluttershy spoke softly. Was that amusement in her tone? “I-I’m sorry…” Evening sighed, his head drooping. He couldn’t even get that right. “Oh no no! Please don’t feel bad!” Fluttershy quickly cooed trying to lighten the situation. “You made her smaller at any rate. It might be interesting for her to try some foods chickens wouldn’t normally eat. Doesn’t that sound fun Cluckarina?” “Moo!” The cow cried. Huh seems she was getting the hang of mooing instead of trying to cluck. “At any rate, let’s be happy it just did that.” Fluttershy said as she also looked around. “When your magic went everywhere I thought something might have gone wrong, well I mean I guess in a way it did, but having Cluckarina a cow isn’t so bad. I was worried the Timberwolf would change back, oh she hadn’t by the way. We’d have heard her, and the animals would be going crazy right now as well, but everything seems to b- Angel will you please stop that!” Evening had just been surprised to hear Fluttershy speaking so much that he hadn't realized her little rabbit had begun to tug on her mane. “I told you I can’t get any girl bunnies right now! Especially not this late!” The bunny tapped his foot and angrily waved his paw at both her and Evening. The mares face went red. “I-I’m not- I don’t know what you are talking about!” She cried her wings shooting out. “How could you even say that?” More angry bunny chitter. “I don’t dream about-” She coughed. “Ugh I wish you were in my position then you’d… wait are you glowing Angel?” Indeed the little bunny seemed to be glowing with a faint, yet building green aura. The problem was, he wasn’t the only one in the room doing so. “Uh, it’s not just him!” Evening quickly added. Crap! Crap! Crap! What did he do now!? Was this even him? What was happening!? “Oh!” Fluttershy exclaimed looking at her glowing hoof. “That’s odd this reminds me of that time Angel and I drank Zecora’s po-” Before she could finish her body seemed to shift across the room to where Angel was sitting, his body doing the same in reverse. Before Evening could blink they were both sitting in the spot the other was. The Fluttershy in Angel Bunny’s place falling off the chair arm he had been sitting on. “OOF! What the? Oh not again! Why did we swap bodies!?” Fluttershy demanded sitting up. Rubbing her head she turned her gaze to Evening. “You! Is this your doing? How dare you!” “I-I’m sorry!” He cried, desperately trying to figure out how he was going to fix this. “I didn’t mean to!” “Oh really? You didn’t mean to swap my body into a grown pony mare’s? I’d never have guessed!” Fluttershy scoffed with a roll of her eyes. “It’s bad enough I’ve needed at least just one female bunny to keep me company during these trying times, now I’m stuck in a body that’s probably more strained for sex than even I…” Angelshy, for that was the best way Evening could think of her, trailed off mid-sentence to give a smug, mischievous look toward the rabbit that was her former form. “Hey Fluttershy, what was that about wishing I was in your position? Looks like I am now!” She said in a singsong matter, doing her best to collect herself as she trotted around the small white bunny. “Mmm, I can’t have a female bunny, but as a beautiful sexy mare, perhaps I can lure in the services of a nice big stallion.” With that she brushed her body against Evening’s causing his brain to short out for the second time that night. This was NOT happening. Angelshy trotted back toward his former body, looking back at Evening and giving a wink followed by the most inviting look he’d ever gotten from a mare before. Flutterbun squeaked in blushful protest, but was too small and timid to do much. It was ironic in a way. Fluttershy was far more a bunny than Angel had ever been, and Angel was doing far too good a job at looking sexy in Fluttershy's body. Evening was struggling to keep his body from responding. Cluckarina for her part simply laid down to watch with mild amusement. “H-Hey now what are you talking about? You’re a male, uh formerly a rabbit. I mean this is weird right?” Evening stuttered as he backed up. “Do I look like a male right now?” Angelshy cooed as she wiggled her butt at him. “I think I’m a mare. A sexy mare too shy to realize just how sexy she is to the boys.” Every word she spoke was low and sultry. Oozing with desire. It was crazy how good a seductress Angel was in that body! “Hey Evee.” She winked using his nickname. He'd never admit it out loud, but that always got him all hot and bothered when a mare said it. “A gift for you.” She lifted her tail, showing off her beautiful puffy pink pussy. Now Evening knew this was likely just Angelshy messing with him. He knew that deep inside that sexy little mare body was a little terror of a rabbit. One that had messed with him time and time again since meeting them. Yet seeing such a sexy mare act like this and lift her tail invitingly like that? Yeah his body didn’t care who was in the driver seat as his dick practically shot out of its sheath to full attention. A dick Angelshy actually whistled at. “Oh wow for a unicorn you aren’t too bad aren’t you?” She shrugged. “At least I assume. Not like I’ve seen many but it’d certainly help fill this need.” She grinned walking backward toward him, her gaze changing back to stare at her bunny owner. “How about it Fluttershy? Want to watch as I use your body to seduce this fine specimen of unicorn? Maybe I’ll fill your womb up again and again with his seed until you’re carrying a little foal of your own. I bet you’d like that huh? You’re like a mother to many of us anyway, so why not an actual colt or filly of your own?” Evening for his part was still trying to back away from the crazy imposter Fluttershy as he tried to give a pleading glance at the bunny that Fluttershy now was. Wait, was she.. Excited? No that can’t be right, she was just shy right? That’s her name Fluttershy. She couldn’t actually be getting turned on by all this right? “Ha! Look at you! I bet you’re feeling it aren’t you?” Angelshy taunted as she continued to back up, no longer paying attention to Evening. “How’s it feel? Stuffy? Painful? Like you want to explode? Well how do you think I felt? It doesn’t matter if rabbits don’t go into heat, we feel the need all the time! If you’d just find me one or two girl rabbits, I could-” She stopped as a series of events played out. Events she really should have predicted. For eventually Evening ran out of space in the living room to back up, his butt pushing up against the wall. Stunned he wasn’t able to voice any warning as Angelshy continued to back up right into him. It was their bodies meeting that caused her to cut off. And then, it got worse. Startled, she jerked backward even faster, for some reason not thinking to pull forward instead. This of course caused her to slide her slender, and now fully aroused body directly under Evening’s own. Her pussy against all odds lined up perfectly with his rock-hard member, letting it sink fully inside her. The sensation made her eyes go incredibly wide as a rather lewd ‘eep’ escaped from her lips. “GAh! E-Evening I was only trying to tease her! We weren’t actually… G-Get off me!” She began to squirm which only made the situation worse, his dick able to feel her very warm and tight tunnel hugging it. “Y-You backed into me!” He managed to croak out, trying to keep his head held high enough that it wasn’t resting against hers. Wow, she smelled nice. Gah! This was Angel! Not Fluttershy! That thought did little to calm him. Her scent was intoxicating. “I-I know but get OFF.” She cried again, her breathing slowly starting to pick up. Was she… was she enjoying the feeling of his dick inside her? “I can’t move! You need to go forward!” Oh heavens this felt soooo good. If only she’d move back and forth, gah no! This was wrong! Oh so wrong! “R-right I knew that. Well let’s just…” She pulled forward a bit letting out another soft squeak as she did so. “Gah! Why is it so big? Why do I feel so full? Why couldn’t you just get off?!” I’m going to, but not in the way you mean if you keep talking like that! “J-Just hurry up and walk forward, then we’ll be free!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” She cried back, moving back to get in his face. This of course only caused her to let out a squeak as his dick went back up inside her. “Y-You brute!” She breathed, trying not to pant. Evening could only blink at her. “You did that too! Just walk forward and get out from under me!” “I know! I know! Don’t rush me!” She cried, her body shivering with each slow half an inch that left her as she inched forward at a painfully slow pace. The feeling of her inner walls rubbing against his cock was heavenly. He really needed her to hurry up and get him out of her before he lost his mind. Or his load. “Okay just a bit… bit…” Finally he could feel his tip nearing her exit. Soon they’d be free and could just pretend this didn’t- “Uh w-whoa slippery!” She cried, seemingly stepping on something that caused her body to rocket back the way it came, shoving his dick right back into her straight up to the hilt. This time Angelshy didn't bother keeping her moan from escaping. She was enjoying this! “F-Flutter… I mean Angelshy?” He said the nickname he made for her without thinking. “Y-You’re still…” “I know!” She cried, not seeming to notice or care about the name he gave her. “I just…why does it feel so good?” With that her body moved forward, much faster this time, only to slam against him before he could pull out again. Gradually she began to repeat this faster and faster. “O-Oh yes! Oh it feels so nice! W-what’s happening to me? Why am I? Oh please help me! I’m doing all the work!” Moan after terribly erotic moan began to flow freely from her lips as she proceeded, the sounds sending shivers down his spine, and straight to his dick. His body betraying him he felt his hips push forward upon her next jab backward, allowing him to really ram into her. The effect was overwhelming, both of them moaning out as one. He was inside Fluttershy! He was fucking Fluttershy! The sensation, the feeling! At some point he found himself licking her neck, smelling it, kissing it. He needed her, he wanted her. He had to make her his! Had to claim her! It didn’t matter who was in the driver’s seat of that body! It was still Fluttershy’s body and she was just so damn sexy and cute! Angelshy didn’t seem to mind his sudden affections, and much to his surprise, she leaned up and began to lick his neck back, giving it kisses of her own. It was still Angel in there right? It was hard to believe, but even harder to believe that Fluttershy would let herself make those types of noises. Her moans were loud and wild, filling the entire cottage. It was animalistic in a way. He guessed it fit given the situation. Angelshy's brain was nearly mush. Sweat dripped from her body, her wings spread completely out as she tried to reach her climax. That wonderful forbidden prize of the female orgasm. To think she’d get to experience it for herself! Such a great body! Such a wonderful body to have! “I’m.. I’m going to… I can’t hold it! Oh Celestia I can’t hold it!” Evening cried as he felt that same heat from before begin to build inside of him. This time it just enhanced the sensations as every fiber of his being shot way past anything he’d ever known before. Only one thing echoed in his mind. BREED HER! It cried. BREED HER AND SPREAD JOY! “YES!” Angelshy cried back as if she was replying. “DO IT! FILL ME!” With one last groan he rammed himself into her as hard as he could before feeling pump after pump, wave after wave of his seed steadily flowing into her. The torrent seemed to go on forever. Each splurt felt heavenly. He could feel her body quake below him, her juices drowning his dick as they pooled below them. He had no idea how much foal batter he’d pumped into her, but it seemed to take its toll on her. Her stomach full and bloated, making it appear as if she was already heavy with his foals. The sight of it made him hard all over again. If only... Her body fell, taking him with it as he laid atop her, still buried deep inside her snatch. She didn’t seem to mind though. Instead she lay there giving off small pleasure-filled coos as her legs and wings twitched. Feeling lightheaded from the recent activity, he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down and kissing her on her lips. Again to his surprise she eagerly kissed back, a hunger in her voice. With one last murmur of satisfaction, the cute mare underneath him drifted off to sleep. He could only lay there on top of her letting his dick slowly recede back into this sheath, and out of her snatch ever so slowly. What he wouldn't do to see her and many more mares like this... He shook his head. This entire thing felt like a dream. He hadn’t really just lost his virginity to a small white rabbit in a grown mare’s body right? Then again this was him he was talking about. Weirdness stuck to him like glue. At some point he felt his body relax enough to slip into sleep with her. The last thing he recalled was a small white bunny looking flustered as it hopped into the bathroom… * * * He had no idea how many hours had elapsed before he woke back up. The small yellow mare was still snuggled against him, though her belly no longer looked bloated. Now she just looked like a normal sleeping mare. She was still so small, so warm. The thought of what they did made him poke back out. He should be careful or he’d end up buried deep in her wonderful hot little snatch again… “EEP! N-Not that I wouldn’t mind another run.” The pegasus squeaked, actually wiggling away from his slowly hardening member this time. “B-but I do think we should work on swapping me and Fluttershy b-back.” “R-right sorry.” He whispered getting up. By her words he had to assume that was still Angel Bunny in that body, but she was acting more like the real Fluttershy with her tone. Nearby the white bunny that had to still be Fluttershy just watched them with.. Jealousy? No that can’t be right. If anything she should be upset. Upset he just- Wait! He just had sex with Fluttershy while Angel was in her body! “O-Oh gosh! Fluttershy! I-I! I didn’t mean-” But said little bunny just placed a paw on him and shook his head. Fluttershy wasn't angry? Wait wasn’t Cluckarina a cow and in here as well? Looking at where he saw her last, she still sat there, wearing a smug expression as if asking him how he liked it. The look made him feel ashamed. How could he do this? He swaps their bodies and the first thing he does is have sex? Okay yes the situation was pretty weird and it seemed kinda like Angelshy really really wanted them to go all the way, but still. There had to be something else he could have done right? “We’ll worry about all that later.” Angelshy said, some of her actual personality shining through as she no longer spoke softly. “First thing’s first, let’s get you back in this body Fluttershy.” Evening shivered. “I-I can try but my magic…” “No need.” Angelshy interjected picking the small white bunny up and placing him on a nearby stool. “If this works anyway like it did last time, we should swap back after learning our ‘lesson’ as it is.” “Lesson?” The yellow pegasus nodded. “Yeah so um… look I’m sorry I took advantage of being in your body like that. It’s just as a rabbit, I kinda get those urges a lot and well you always tell me I should just hold on, but I’m not like you! And yes don’t give me that look!” She scolded as Flutterbun tried to avoid eye contact. “I know you get these desires a lot too, it’s just you’re better at controlling them. I’m not! I mean you see right? I know you want to have sex too right now!” Again Flutterbun tried to ignore it, but Evening could tell something rang true from the blush on the small bunny’s cheeks. “Just… just keep that in mind for the future okay?” Angelshy continued gently placing a hoof on Flutterbun’s shoulder. “Still that didn’t give me the right t-to do what I do and for that I’m sorry.” Flutterbun for his part seemed miffed at the situation. Was it because of what they did, or was he wishing he was able to have that kind of fun as well? Guess it did suck there were no female bunnies around. The bunny continued to seemingly mull it over before placing his own paw on the extended hoof. As they smiled, both began to glow again. “Alright, here we-” Their forms shifted, and soon Fluttershy stood awkwardly perched on the stool she had been standing on as a bunny. However next to her, a hoof still reaching up to hold her was… another Fluttershy!? “-go?” The other Fluttershy finished confused. “Wait why am I still big? Why can I still talk?” “I-I don’t know!” The Fluttershy on the stool exclaimed. They were nearly identical except for one major difference. The one that had been Angelshy had their coat shift from yellow to white, but otherwise remained the same. Same pink mane, same wings, same sexy mare body. “T-this isn’t right! Angelshy, for Evening had to guess that was still Angel Bunny inside there, cried as she began to look over her body, desperate to find that some part of it wasn’t a grown pony mare body. “Evening what did you do!?” “Me!?” He shot back before the words jammed in his throat. It was his spell last night that likely caused this, so yes it was likely something he ‘did’ though very obviously not on purpose. “I-I don’t even know why you swapped last night!” “I DON’T CARE!” The former bunny screamed. “Fix me now!” “Um are you sure about that Angel Bunny dear?” The real Fluttershy interjected walking between the two. “I know being… me is strange, but in the other room we have a hen that used to be a timberwolf. Maybe we wait for Twilight to help?” “Twilight!?” Angelshy cried. She wanted to point out how long that’d take, but what Fluttershy said about the Timberwolf crept deep into her brain. If they had that stallion try to change him back, he might end up as something far far worse. Besides, if she could remain a mare then maybe she could... again... Her cheeks reddened. She was NOT thinking about that. No way no how! “Fine Twilight it is, but I say we get ready to go soon! And not just when the sun is up.” “Uh Fluttershy?” This time it was Evening’s turn to interrupt. “Is that clock correct?” “Hmm why?” She asked fluttering over. Her eyes widened into saucers when she saw the displayed time. “A-Almost noon!? But it’s pitch black outside!” “What!?” Angelshy ran to the window and pulled back the curtain to reveal a black sky with a faintly glowing moon. “T-this is impossible!” “Could the clock be wrong after all?” “No!” Angelshy cried angrily. “I made sure Fluttershy checked all of them last night because she always puts it off! We fixed every slow clock we found and this one was right on time! No way it just stopped in one day! “Oh dear, so the time is right but something very wrong is happening.” Fluttershy looked out the window with worry. “I-I think I need to round up the girls and go to where Twilight is in Canterlot. I have a feeling we’ll be needed.” “A-Alright I guess I’ll bunker down in the castle and-” Evening didn’t get to finish. “Are you nuts!?” Angelshy screamed, glaring at him. “You said last night some weird orb went down your throat! You are absolutely going with us to see Twilight!” “Oh uh r-right.” How could he forget about that? Even now it must be wedged in his stomach. If it hadn’t been for all the craziness last night he would have gone to see a doctor or tried to send a note to Twilight, or something! It also just made sense the orb might have had something to do with the shenanigans last night. "Good." Angelshy said with a hoof stomp. "Now I know Fluttershy won't leave till everyone has their food, so let's hurry up, get that done and get out of here to the castle. I don't want to be in this body any longer than I have to!" The other two ponies nodded and got to work. Evening helping with what he could. Angelshy took to making sure they had everything for the trip they were about to take. She really hoped they got to Twilight soon. She wasn't sure she liked the thoughts that were popping up in her head...
Flurry Heart,Luster Dawn,Other,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Dark,Drama,Mystery,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
Long Live Queen Twilight
Twilight's life as an immortal ruler-without the rest of the elements.
<p>[The design is based on my au you can find here; <a href="" rel="nofollow">Twilight [Redesign au]</a>] ]<br/>Years have past since her rule-Flurry Hearts all grown up now, and Equestria continues to grow. <br/>And yet...the princessis still here.</p><p>She reckoned she'd live longer, It took over 1,000 years for Celestia to finally pass...then again when you're immortal you don't truly leave the she just hasn't been found yet.</p><p>Cadence and Luna's still here, but it doesn't feel the same, besides, nothing really ever feels peaceful since Pinkie....the last of the mane 5 passed away four years ago.</p><p>Yet, she still has Luster Dawn, her successor, but what will become of her?</p>
Heya I'm back- I know, it's been a minute. And I am ABSOLUTELY sorry for leaving for so long, I hope you can forgive me T^T Anyways- I tried to make this better than what I usually write, so hopefully it doesn't suck- -More Luster Dawn-centric, the following chapters will be Twily-centric because angst- [G0re warning for future !njury topics! none in here, tho! ^^] >Disclaimer; stories following and/or after this one will be labeled as hitiaus, because I have exams and tests every other week-geez high school's tough< Luster Dawn, would you like to become a princess, and live with me in the castle? Twilight sits upon her throne, looking down upon her young apprentice. The young mare knelt on the red carpet of the castle, showing respects as she slowly stood up, one of her hooves curling over the other as she attempted to look at anything but her teacher. "I...don't know...that's a lot of pressure. She nervously stated, smiling sheepishly at the thought. "I know, I hope you understand I am not forcing you onto this, this is only if you truly want it." Silence filled the room for awhile. This wasn't what Luster Dawn was expecting to happen when she came for a daily report today. Originally, she was planning to visit her teacher, give her the insight of friendship lessons she'd learned the current week, then how her friends where doing. That is what she planned today, then after getting escorted out by Gallus, she'd research about 'The Legendary Elements of Harmony' or 'The Mean 3; Redeemable or a Lost Cause?' [Although that thing dates back to when they barely became encased in stone for a month] Besides what she expected today, this wasn't something she was surprised to hear, either. She IS the successor of a princess, so this was bound to happen one day. And that day is today. So why is it so hard to give a straight answer? Is it because of the feeling of failure? The feeling of letting her down if she declines? What if she can no longer be her student because she's not an Alicorn?! No! She worked so hard to get into the school! She did her best to pass the tests! Sure, it was pure coincidence that the princess picked her out of all the other unicorns to become her successor, she's was just lucky for that! It's not like she's special or anything-but now here is the princess, standing before her in pure elegance, asking her to become immortal and live among the other three princesses. For a minute, she wanted to say yes-so she can prove to the princess she can be more than just an ordinary unicorn-but one that'd never be forgotten-never again. But on the other hand, she doesn't want it-because it feels wrong to live an immortal life. Eternally ruling over land, watching family and loved ones die-and yet you live, endlessly fulfilling tasks and duties around the castle for decades to come. She may get wings, fancy jewelry, and heck, her own castle-but it all comes with a price-her mortal life stripped from her. She swallowed, lifting her head up to the princess. "I'm sorry..." She responded, sounding more like her voice was fading away. "But I'll have to politely decline your offer." She looked at her processor with concern. Twilight lifted her head a bit as she put a hoof to her chin. "I see." Sensing that she may be upset at her, Luster Dawn fixed her composure "-BUT-if I must for my status of being your top student to stay intact then I'll gladly do so, if...I" Luster Dawn's desperate attempts at persuading her teacher only started small laughing from the throne in the middle of the room. Feeling like she failed to convince her, Luster Dawn shrunk back into herself. As the small snickering deceased, Twilight looked at her student with soft eyes. "Is that what you think? That I'll abandon your teachings over an opinion?..." Luster Dawn nervously looked at the princess, and once Twilight sees her student wasn't kidding, she slowly flew towards her student. Putting a hoof over her rose-pink coat. "Luster...I'm not going to hate you over what you decide is best for yourself. I'll tell you, if I knew what came with being a princess, I probably would've chosen the same as you, despite my greatest feats as a princess." Luster Dawn stared at her teacher, with some sort of disbelief. "You would consider it?... But you've done so much as an alicorn, I thought you liked being capable of doing more." "Yes, there are advantages for being an alicorn, but I was a unicorn like you and defeating foes like Nightmare Moon and Chrysalis." Twilight smirked, looking upon the glass painting hanging crookedly on the wall of the past-memories of so long ago...feeling like it was just yesterday that she met her friends, all so welcoming, and yet she didn't want to interact at all with them, she would've laughed at that memory right now, along with the ones who made it with her. But they're not here anymore. There gone. Gone and never coming back. Twilight shook her head. No. No time to grieve. She's a Princess, she has bigger business to deal with than having a burden upon her shoulders. "Besides that," She said, moving herself away from her thoughts. "It's your life, and you can decide how to live it, and if it's being mortal, then so be it." She stated, smiling softly at Luster Dawn as she smiled back at her. Gallus saluted off the princess as she and Luster Dawn walked down the corridors of the castle. Walking past glass paintings and crystalized pillars. While walking, Luster Dawn kept thinking of earlier, 'I'ts your life, and you can decide how to live it.' "Thank you." "Hm?" Twilight stopped walking, which also stopped the young unicorn. "For what you said. Living my life how I want it. Thanks for understanding." Twilight smiles again. "No problem, Luster." As soon as she finished the sentence, Spike seemed to dash around the corner, huffing and heaving as he looked at Twilight. "Hey Spike, you good? Did you run all the way here?" Spike, heaving, nodded slightly, right as he cleared his throat. " invite you....for tea tomorrow..." He gasps between breaths, "And the...scrolls were...acting up so I had to voice...a message..." "I get it Spike, go get some water. " Twilight says as Spike walks towards the refreshments. Luster Dawn can't help the laugh that escapes her throat as he walks off, seeing as Twilight follows pursuit. "Oh Spike, you never change..." She smiles, turning to Luster Dawn. "It seems I have some preparing for tomorrow, so I'll start getting ready." Twilight says while turning towards the direction Spike went, smirking. "I guess then I'll get going, your majesty." Luster Dawn chides, heading towards the door. She really doesn't want to bother the princess anymore than she already has. "Alright, stay safe Luster Dawn." "I will."
Main 6,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The Land of Stars
In one universe, and many more, Celestia sent Luna too the moon after she became Nightmare Moon. In this one, that didn't happen.
<p>Princess Celestia couldn't do it. She could not bare the idea of sending her sister to the moon. Even if it was some long, lanky, and monstrous version of her. Instead, they made a compromise. Instead of taking over Equastria and have a hooffull of protesting ponies, Celestia gave her a chunk of land too rule, where it would forever be night. </p><p>A thousand years later, a rainboom in the now hidden town of Ponyville, and a very inquisitive unicorn..she realizes they're may be way to get her sister back, and let the ponies of Ponyville live in the normalcy and sun.</p>
“Once upon a time, Equestria was ruled dutifully by two sisters. The older, Princess Celestia, named after her celestial being and the ability to raise the sun, and the younger, Princess Luna. Princess Luna once raised the moon, and would let it down as expected. That was how it used to be until a little more than a thousand years ago. Princess Luna, angered by her citizens ignoring her beautiful night and twinkling stars, transformed into an evil beast of night..Nightmare Moon. She threatened to never lower the moon. Celestia had tried to convince her otherwise, and eventually, a compromise was made. Nightmare Moon would get a piece of land, and it would forever be night there–upheld by a curse. After convincing several earth pony farmers, pegasi who were too weak to fly, and unicorns whose horns were too small, she was given the land..a land now named Ponyville.This land would be called The Place of Stars on every ancient map from them, but it would never be found, only spoke of. Just as Princess Celestia promised the fragmented form of her sister, Nightmare Moon. It was until several years ago did the remnants of the now forgotten Ponyville appear again. A sonic rainboom, in the same place where the Ancient maps all seemed to agree The Land of Stars resigned. Ponies traveled far wide, but even then, they could only find the small remnants of the rainboom: No pony who made it, and no town to awe at the spectacular thing one of their own ponies did. The rainboom had ignited many up and coming celebrities, many adventurers as well. No matter what, they wanted to find a land that may have been wasted within the ground, its buildings gone and grotesque after years of being worn down by the weather, and simply, being abandoned. To this day, it is still regarded as the biggest mystery in all of Equestria and even beyond.” Twilight closed the book, and let out a desperate and frustrated sound. She knew well of the Sonic Rainboom, from Old Mares her own experience with it. She remembered that rainboom, her parents awes–and how she turned around just in time to see it disintegrate. That's not why she remembered it though. Not at all. She remembers it because it gifted her a cutie mark..and a very cute baby dragon named Spike. For so long, it lingered in her mind. She needed to figure out who she needed to think, and those false claims of who did the boom were driving her nuts! Her need for knowledge and confirmation lead her to where she is now. Reading the most obscure texts by little known authors, and it proved to be helpful now. She knew Celestia on the personal level of her Star Student! Twilight quickly rises to her hooves, and uses her magic to place the thick and hefty book into the satchel on her back, and then begins running. Her hooves hit the concrete and artificial roads of Canterlot, and she dashes away from her friends. “Hey Twilight! Are you coming to Moondancers party?” “Sorry, can’t! Really busy with studying!” She runs off before she could hear the solemn, but agitated voice of her friends muttering something and the others agreeing with her. Twilight Sparkle didn’t care, she had a discovery to confirm! As she walked to her home, busting straight into Spike–the before mentioned baby dragon-who squeaked and dropped a small, square box. Twilight shook her mane out, standing up after the tumble. “Spike! I was just looking for you!” She claims, hoof reaching out and petting the scaled dragon. Then, as Spike stands up with a disheveled look, she really notices the now crumbled and destroyed gift. “What's that?” she asked, and the purple dragon grumbled in response. “It was a gift for Moondancer..” he pouts, which made Twilight chuckle. “Oh, Spike! You know we don’t have time for things like that.” she says, and turns her back to him as he begins to protest. “Now! Please, I need to send a letter to Princess Celestia!” She smiles, bouncing around as she hears Spike shuffle around. “Ready?” “Ready…” he says to her joy in a bored tone, but it doesn’t even slightly hinder her mood, hooves stomping the ground gleefully. She took a deep, long breath, and began her tale. “Dear Princess Celestia. As you know, I have been very interested in the Sonic Rainboom that blasted through Equestria so long ago. Not just because of the personal reasons, but because of the complete mysteriousness of it all! The lack of clues, the countless speculations..It's all so captivating! Well, what I'm getting at is that I read a book, a very old but updated one at that, and it said that the rainboom came from a place where old maps are called ‘PonyVille’. And that book mentioned you may know where Ponyville resides. I doubt it just disappeared. Answer soon, Your dearest and faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” As soon as Twilight finishes her letter–and gets a quick sip of water–she reads over it, and corrects his spelling errors (She must get a dictionary for him soon..) she tells him to send it. He does that in one fell swoop. Green, hot, blasting, and powerful fire magic erupts from the little dragon. She wonders if his mass power is also a result of the rainboom. Surprisingly, it only takes a couple seconds for a response from her most trusted advisor, mentor, and the princess of all of Equestria! Well, almost. If Ponyville exists, then long forgotten Princess Luna was still alive..well..not really. Nightmare Moon was her name now, and she was more like a dictator now. Anywho, Twilight eagerly began to read the letter. She didn’t trust Spike's potential illiteracy not messing things up for her because in the letter could withhold the most ancient, compelling words of mystery in her whole life.. And she, Twilight, a simple unicorn wants to be the first and only pony to read them.. how exciting! She opens the scroll, practically drooling at all the information the scroll could hold, salivating her mouth and twitching her hooves. “Dear Twilight Sparkle. My faithful, incredible student. I am glad you want to expand your studies beyond just magic, and focus a little on geography, and I can help you..but not in the ever so obtainable way of a letter. It’d be best if we had a true, openhearted, and honest conversation over all of this. In person, pony to pony, mare to mare, and student to teacher. From, your teacher and mentor, Princess Celesta.” Twilight stood, mouth wide opened and gobsmacked, hoofs twitching again. She read over the letter once, twice, and perhaps a sneaky, secret thrice. She slowly blinked, and looked back at Spike. He looked worried, reaching out to comfort her.”I’m sorry the princess didn’t-”. “We’re going to talk with her about it in person!” She suddenly screams in absolute unbridled, unrivaled joy. She bounced off her seat, hooves clashing against pristine marble cobble. As she did this, Spike let out a relief filled huff. “So when do we go?” “Right now!” “Wait wha-’
Main 6,Spike,Starlight Glimmer,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Making Memories of Us
Starlight Glimmer and Spike explore their newfound feelings for each other behind their friends' backs.
<p>It's finally time for Twilight Sparkle to be crowned as Equestria's new ruler! Everypony is excited and in a tizzy trying to get things done, including Twilight's friends. In the middle of the hustle and bustle of getting things ready for the coronation, Spike and Starlight Glimmer are also busy planning their own special surprise for the coronation. Little do their friends know that they're passing the time in the meantime by sneaking off to have sex behind their backs.</p>
Starlight Glimmer was still reeling from the major turn her life had taken in just a few short years. If someone had told her years ago that she would go from an evil villain hellbent on destroying another pony’s life to not only becoming a good guy but becoming the pupil of a princess, saving all of Equestria from an army of Changelings, receiving a medal of honor, and eventually becoming the headmistress of a school, she likely wouldn’t have believed them. And yet here she was, about ready to watch as her former mentor was to be heralded as the new ruler of all of Equestria. As such, all of Equestria was in a frantic frenzy trying to get everything prepared for Princess Twilight Sparkle’s coronation. All of her friends were currently busy making their own preparations. Being surrounded by all of this hullabaloo had initially inspired Starlight and Spike to come up with their own plan for the coronation. Said plan saw them currently making their way towards Carousel Boutique, box in hand. “You’re sure this is a good idea, Starlight?” Spike asked, looking up at his companion. Starlight sputtered her lips. “Of course it’s a good idea. It’s a great idea. I just hope Twilight will like it.” Spike smiled. “No reason why she wouldn’t.” “And why exactly are we making our first choice Rarity again?” Spike shrugged. “Twilight said that she’d be stopping over for her fitting today. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try to get Rarity to talk about her favorite memories of Twilight.” Starlight smirked down at the little dragon in amusement. “Uh-huh, and I’m sure it totally doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’re still completely infatuated with her.” Spike blushed, but nevertheless denied it. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Or maybe,” Starlight continued, playfully nudging him in the side with a hoof, “you’re hoping she won’t mind you stealing a few of her gems to snack on.” Spike’s cheeks grew hotter than before. “Some gems would be nice.” Starlight giggled and bent her head down to nuzzle his cheek. “Don’t worry. As soon as we’re done here, we can stop by somewhere to get a bite to eat for lunch.” Spike returned Starlight’s affection with some affection of his own, lifting a hand to scratch her behind an ear. “Sounds good to me.” “I owe you after I convinced you to skip breakfast for this.” “And yet you somehow found enough time to down three cups of coffee.” Starlight rolled her eyes. “You’ve seen what I’m like in the mornings without my coffee, Spike.” The little dragon nodded. “That’s true.” Having finally reached their destination, he lifted a fist and gave a knock on the door. When he heard no response, he and Starlight glanced at one another, shrugged their shoulders, and showed themselves in. Peeking around the crack in the door, Spike poked his head inside and looked around. “Uh, Rarity?” he called. Opening up the door all the way, he walked inside the boutique. “Starlight and I kinda need your help.” Rarity, who was currently busy adding some finishing touches to a dress she was working on, turned her head in the direction of the voice. Under normal circumstances, she would’ve been more than happy to see her precious Spike-Wikey and her good friend Starlight Glimmer, but given the stress she was under in trying to get Twilight’s coronation dress exactly right, she couldn’t exactly force herself to put on a pretty smile. Nevertheless, she made an attempt at polite conversation. “Ooh, uh, darling, I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t just now,” she said. “Twilight will be here any moment for her fitting.” “That’s why we’re here,” Starlight told her. “Spike and I are putting together something special for the coronation.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “Darling,” she said, “we’re all putting together something for the coronation.” She blew air out of her mouth irritably. “Be thankful you’re not doing the gown.” Her facial features morphed into a scowl as she got right in Starlight’s face and hissed, “This is my fourteenth version!” “This is different,” Spike was quick to reassure her. He held up the box he held in his hands. “It’s from all of us, and it’s kind of about all of us too.” “I combined some ancient spells to make a magical scrapbook,” Starlight said, opening up the box and revealing it, “and now all we need is some memories to go inside.” “That way,” Spike said, “Twilight can have a collection of memories to look at any time she wants.” He pointed a claw at Rarity. “All we need you to do is ––” Whatever it was that Starlight and Spike needed for Rarity to do, they never got to say because Spike was cut off by the sound of somepony knocking at the front door. Both dragon and mare froze when they heard Twilight’s voice coming through from the other side. ‘Rarity?” she called. “It’s Twilight. Are you sure we need to do another fitting? I don’t think my sizes have changed.” “Aah!” Starlight cried, looking panicked. “Did we mention we want it to be a surprise?!” Thinking quickly, Rarity turned around and opened up a curtain, revealing a storage room of sorts hidden behind it. Looking over at the two, she nodded towards the hidden room, gesturing for them to enter. “We want to be sure to get some of Twilight’s own memories,” Spike said as he and Starlight made their way into the room, “so just get her talking about old times with you.” Starlight smugly rose her nose into the air and placed a hoof on her puffed out chest. “I’ll do the rest.” Rarity rolled her eyes and sighed in aggravation. “We get it, Starlight,” she said irritably. “You’re good at magic.” Starlight chuckled in amusement, following Spike inside the room. The little dragon made himself comfortable on a pile of discarded clothes. She decided to seat herself beside the dragon. “I know I was teasing you earlier, but you really are still infatuated with her, aren’t you?” Blushing, Spike stared down at his feet while he wrung his claws. “Well, it’s just . . . you never truly get over your first crush, you know?” Starlight nodded her head in agreement and looked away. “I know what you mean. I never got over Sunburst.” Spike lifted his head, his eyes meeting Starlight’s gaze. “You really loved him, huh? That’s why you flipped out after he left.” “I never got the chance to tell him,” Starlight said. “The last night he was in Sire’s Hollow, my dad must’ve sensed how badly I was taking him leaving, so he and Sunburst’s mom arranged for us to have a sleepover, just like old times. I tried as hard as I could to tell him how much I loved him, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.” Spike’s gaze fell back down to his feet. “I know how that feels. I could never bring myself to tell Rarity how I really felt, that is until the two of us were plummeting to our doom.” “I know.” Starlight turned her head to look down at the dragon. “You told me that story.” Spike continued on as if he hadn’t heard her. “I wasn’t sure whether or not we would make it, so I wanted her to know. Just as I was about to tell her, though, she stopped me. I think a part of her always knew. Even so, it was hard to move on from what others would call a simple schoolyard boyhood crush.” “That’s definitely true,” Starlight agreed. “It took me forever to get over Sunburst, but I’m glad I did.” She reached over and cupped Spike’s chin in a hoof, turning his head so that the two of them were staring at each other. “Because if I hadn’t, I never would’ve become friends with you and the others. But, if you don’t mind me saying, I don’t think you ever truly got over Rarity.” Spike gave the mare a quizzical look. “What makes you say that?” Starlight smirked and pointed down towards Spike’s crotch. “Are you aware that you were sporting an erection the whole time we were talking to Rarity?” Spike blushed and quickly reached down to cover his crotch. “I-I was?” he asked. “Mm-hmm,” Starlight said, reaching down to move the dragon’s claws out of the way and spread his legs, allowing his erection to be on full display. “Beats me as to why she turned you down.” His cheeks still on fire, Spike stared up at her. “You . . . you mean you like this?” Starlight giggled. “You bet I do. For such a little dragon, you sure are well endowed.” “Do . . . do you think Rarity noticed?” Starlight shook her head, her eyes never leaving Spike’s cock. “Not a chance. She was too busy fretting over Twilight’s dress to notice this monster of a cock.” Despite the embarrassing situation, Spike felt himself letting out a sigh of relief. “Thank Celestia.” “Seriously, though,” Starlight said, wrapping a hoof around Spike and pulling him close, “I really do like you.” With her other hoof, she reached over and began playfully pulling at the scales on his head. “You’re so cute. How do you not have all of the fillies chasing after you?” Spike simply shrugged his shoulders. “Beats me.” ‘It’s a shame you’re having to go all the way back to Canterlot while I’m stuck here in Ponyville running the school.” Spike couldn’t help but agree to that. Ponyville had very much become a home away from home for him. “Don’t worry,” he reassured her. “I’ll visit whenever I can, and I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind visiting as often as she can too.” “Mm, that’s good to hear.” Her eyes continued to stare down at the dragon’s crotch. “You know, if you wanted me to, I could take care of that for you.” The dragon’s eyes widened and he stared at her in surprise. “What? Here? Now? With Rarity and Twilight in the other room?” Starlight shrugged as if it was no big deal. “Sure, why not? I mean, you can’t tell me you don’t find the prospect of having sex in public exciting.” Spike’s gaze fell down to the floor. “Well, I, uh . . .” He rubbed at his neck. “I may have had a wet dream about it once or twice.” Starlight raised an eyebrow. “So what’s the problem?” “Well, you see, it’s just . . . we could get caught, y’know?” “So what? Who knows, maybe Rarity and Twilight would even join us.” He chuckled. “I highly doubt that.” “You never know. So, what do you say, Spike? You want me to take care of that beast for you?” He gave her no verbal reply. Instead, he lifted his gaze to meet hers and leaned forward until the two of them were practically touching noses. Getting the hint immediately, she turned her head, allowing two sets of lips to meet in a heated kiss. Moaning, she wrapped a hoof around the dragon’s head, pulling him closer, deepening their kiss. The dragon gasped and clenched a fist, feeling her forcing her tongue into his mouth. His body shuddered and his mouth answered her prompts by way of it opening up to accept her tongue, and soon the two of them were engaged in a heated battle of tongues, eagerly making out in an attempt to see which one of them could get their tongue in the other’s mouth the deepest. She pressed a hoof on his chest and he allowed himself to be pushed down until he was lying on his back. Without breaking the kiss, she climbed on top of him, eliciting a series of giggles from him. Their kiss finally broke, the two desperately in need of some fresh air, and he stared up at her in wonderment. “So are we really doing this?” he asked. “We could get caught, you know.” “That’s what makes it so exciting,” she told him, quickly leaning down to press her lips against his once more. He accepted her offered tongue without complaint, and soon his mouth was filled with the entirety of her tongue. She grasped his hands with her hooves and placed them on her hips. Soon, his claws were dancing all along her body, the tips of which grazed her chest, her hooves, her belly, her hips, and her thighs. His claws continued their downward journey until they reached the curve of her ass, and he couldn’t resist giving those firm ass cheeks a gentle squeeze. His actions got him the desired effect. She moaned into his mouth, her tongue wrapping around his. He quickly found that the harder he squeezed her rump, the louder she moaned. A quick, sharp spank on the behind caused her to squeal into his mouth. Giggling, she sat up and deliberately began grinding her rear end against his behemoth of a penis. She stared down at him, watching his chest rise and fall as he struggled to catch his breath. “You really like this, huh?” She looked over her shoulder at her own behind and gave it a playful spank. His cheeks reddened in response. “I can’t help it,” he said. “Your guys’ butts have been in my face for as long as I can remember. How can I not like it?” She smirked at that. “Well, then,” she said, turning around so that her butt was literally in his face, “why don’t you go ahead and get yourself a faceful while I work on this cock?” So saying, she reached down and pumping her hoof up and down along the length of his cock. He gasped just as she threw her hips back, pressing her rear end into his face, giving him very little time to react. The action caused his mouth to open, which in turn caused his tongue to involuntarily lap at her lower lips. She cooed at the touch of his tongue and wiggled her hips, rubbing her behind in his face, encouraging him to keep going. Not wanting to deny her her own pleasure, he did so obediently, dragging his tongue from her clit all the way up to her dock. The hairs on her tail stood on end and she wrapped it around his neck and gave it a pull. He soon found his entire face buried in Starlight’s ass. Gasping in delight at the smell of her musk invading his nostrils, he reached up and grabbed at her hips. She didn’t need to be told what to do. Without delay, she began bouncing her rump against his face, and a series of gasps and moans soon started falling out of the dragon’s mouth. With her ass being so thoroughly taken care of, she herself bent her head down to drink in her first taste of dragon dick. Her nostrils flared, inhaling his musk sharply. It was distinctly different from her own or even Sunburst’s or Trixie’s, but still delightful all the same. She opened her mouth, her hot breath cascading over the length of his prick. A dribble of spit fell from her mouth, coating the head of his penis before she lowered her head and gave his glans a gentle lick. The penis twitched in response and she immediately bent down further until her mouth had completely enveloped the entirety of his cock. The taste was unlike anything she’d ever encountered before, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as it washed all over her taste buds. She momentarily stopped her momentum to fully take in the taste, then, at his urging by way of him tugging on her tail, she bobbed her head up and down, taking his cock in and out of her mouth at a steady rhythm. His claws dug deep into her hips in response, the little dragon letting out a sharp gasp upon having the entirety of his dick in her mouth. Warmth engulfed his penis from every angle, and he stopped licking at her pussy long enough to enjoy the sensation. The break was short-lived, however, as she aggressively pushed her ass down into his face, and he quickly got the message, his tongue answering her prompts as it continued to coat her pussy and ass in his spit. The two of them rapidly lost themselves in their pleasure and each other, working to bring the other as much pleasure as they possibly could. It was hard to say who was luckier. As far as Spike was concerned, Starlight was the lucky one since she was having both of her holes tended to by his tongue. From Starlight’s point of view, though, Spike was the lucky one, getting to have her glorious ass buried in his face and getting to eat her out of both holes to his heart’s content. Still, though, they didn’t’ forget about trying to give the other as much pleasure as they physically could, and so the two of them doubled their efforts all in an eager attempt to see which one of them would get off first. Breathing heavily, Starlight raised her head and sat up, pressing her rear down hard in Spike’s face. Digging his claws deep in her ass, the little dragon moved his head to ask, “What’s wrong?” “Nothing,” Starlight said, getting off him. “I just thought you’d like a better view of me at work.” “Nothing’s better than staring at your butt.” Starlight giggled, reaching back to give her rump a few loving pats. “True, but I figured you’d like to see yourself cumming on my face.” His face brightened up at that. “You got me there.” “Let me just get into position here and – whoa!” As she maneuvered to get a better angle at his cock, her rear end bumped into a roll of fabric, toppling it over onto its side. This wouldn’t have been a problem had it not been for the fact that said roll ended up falling outside the room the two of them were hiding in, and she dashed over to retrieve it, making it a point to make sure to glance over to see if either Rarity or Twilight noticed. The two of them surely had, for they had quickly fallen silent, though thankfully Twilight hadn’t turned her head to look in the direction of the disturbance. Thanking her lucky stars they hadn’t been caught, she retrieved the roll of fabric and pulled it back into the room, just as Twilight was turning her head at that exact moment. “What was that?” Twilight asked. Despite the fact that she knew Rarity would never give them away, Spike and Starlight still couldn’t help but feel their hearts begin to race at the question, hoping and praying that Rarity would be able to come up with some excuse on the fly. “Is there somepony back there?” Twilight inquired. “No!” Rarity shrieked. She cleared her throat and spoke in a much more calmer tone when she continued. “I mean, yes. Well, not exactly. You see, I asked that delightful family of raccoons from my shop in Manehattan to help out.” It was here that she forced out a laugh and made her point clear to the dragon and mare hiding in the room. “Smoky! Softpad! Careful with the expensive fabrics!” She cleared her throat and pressed on. “Yes, well, where were we?” Both dragon and mare sighed in relief and shared a quiet laugh. “Speaking of which,” Starlight said, giving Spike a lustful look, “where were we?” She didn’t waste any time getting back to work. She set the roll of fabric on the other side of room, then busied herself with tending to Spike’s throbbing erection. Upon taking it into her mouth once more, Spike gasped and reached down to grab a hold of her head. His claws squeezed her ears while her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. She bobbed her head up and down. “Mm, yeah, that’s it . . .” Spike moaned, thrusting his hips towards Starlight’s face. Grinning, she lifted her head and pumped his cock with a hoof as she said, “Go on, choke me on your dick. I know you want to.” He nodded and threw her onto her back before climbing on top of her and ramming his dick down her throat. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she allowed him to take control, allowing her face to be fucked by the little dragon. Her hooves reached up to grab and squeeze at his ass and tug at his tail. The nonverbal signal was heard loud and clear by the dragon and the speed and force of his hips accelerated until his heavyset balls were smacking against her chin. She breathed heavily through her nose, her throat being assaulted by his prick. She squeezed his ass even harder and began administering light spanks to his behind, encouraging him to fuck her face as hard and as fast as he could. He obeyed without delay, his claws squeezing her ears for all they were worth, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut as her mouth enveloped his entire body in pleasure. “Oh, sweet Celestia, Starlight,” he hissed through gritted teeth, “that’s it.” His tongue hung out of his mouth, the dragon drowning in pleasure. Despite how much the little dragon was enjoying himself, however, he couldn’t help but feel like Starlight should’ve been receiving her own pleasure as well. Granted, having her face fucked to oblivion by his dick was probably giving her plenty of pleasure in and of itself, but Spike still wanted to return the favor. Keeping his penis in her mouth, he turned so that his rump was now facing her, bringing his own face level with her pussy. He licked his lips. It seemed she had her own plans because she lifted her hips, bringing her ass level with his face. He smiled in glee and leaned forward, not wasting a second to bring his tongue in contact with her behind. Her hooves had a spasm upon the dragon working his tongue into the depths of her ass, and she rewarded his efforts by lifting up a forehoof and playing with his cum-filled balls. He reached forward, digging his claws into her hips, bringing her butt even closer to his face until it was completely eclipsed by it, and he began humping her rear end with his tongue, mimicking her actions earlier of bobbing her face up and down. Regardless of how much fun he was having eating out her behind, he made an effort to continue to fuck her face, even if having his own face buried in her ass made it difficult. Panting, she withdrew his dick from her mouth long enough to ask, “Celestia, Spike, are you sure you haven’t done this before?” Reluctantly, Spike mimicked her actions yet again, withdrawing his own tongue from her rectum. He looked back at her long enough to reply, “Maybe once or twice.” She couldn’t help but be curious. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow and asked, “Who?” “Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, when the Crusaders brought them over for Twilight Time once.” “Mm, you’ll have to tell me all about that later. For now . . .” She wrapped her tail around his neck and pulled his face back towards her butt. She let out a shuddering moan, feeling his tongue enter her rear once again, and she immediately got back to work sucking his cock. The two fell back into their rhythm quite quickly, with Spike working his tongue in and out of Starlight’s behind while she allowed him to fuck her face like there was no tomorrow. She tended to his balls and ass as well, her hooves alternating playing between them. She lovingly pulled on his tail, just to see what kind of reaction she would get out of him. Whatever she thought was going to happen didn’t. He savagely threw his rump back against her face, cramming every inch of his penis into her mouth, making her eyes go wide and causing her to audibly gasp in shock. Once the shock of what he’d done wore off, she let out an audible moan, urging him to do that again, and he was quick to oblige, after he whacked her upside the head with his broad tail. She got the message and she gave his thick tail a hard tug, this being swiftly followed by a savage thrust into her mouth from him. He wrapped his arms around her waist, ensuring that his face and her ass would constantly be in contact, never wanting to be separated by the object of his affection. He groaned, burying and rubbing his face all over her rear end, his nostrils being assaulted by the smell of her rump, his taste buds being assaulted by the taste of her ass. For him, it was absolute heaven. As she continued to pull and tug at his tail, the little guy couldn’t help but allow his broad appendage to sway back and forth in delight as if he were a dog wagging its tail. She seemed to enjoy this display because she let out a coo of delight, watching his tail swing overhead. Alas, the fun could not last forever. Spike’s cock twitched, signaling to them both that he was about to reach his climax. Instantaneously, her vagina had a spasm, which told him that she was as close to cumming as much as he was. It was just a matter of who would cum first, the idea making them double their efforts. Spike dug his tongue as far into Starlight’s ass as it would go. Starlight, meanwhile, busied herself with getting as much of the dragon’s cock in her mouth as it would hold. Before any of them knew it, their fun was over much more quickly than either one would’ve liked. He threw his head back, withdrawing his tongue from the depths of Starlight’s rump, letting out a shuddering moan as his cock twitched, gushing Starlight’s mouth with cum. Moaning, she bit down hard on his cock without really meaning to. Spike couldn’t help it. The pain registered in his brain and he did the only thing he could think of doing. “Ow!” He hadn’t meant to cry out as loudly as he had, but instinct had taken over. When the two of them realized just how loudly he’d yelled, the two of them froze, waiting to see if the outburst had given them away. “It sounds like those raccoons need help,” Twilight said. “We should probably check and make sure the raccoons are okay.” Spike and Starlight both swallowed hard. “No!” Rarity cried. “I mean . . . no, you can’t move. Uh, for the fitting, you see. If you start to move too much, then we’ll have to do it all over again.” She let out a nervous laugh. “So . . I, uh, I will go check on my animal assistants.” In a blind panic, Starlight threw Spike off her. With a gasp, the dragon landed on the pile of clothes the two of them had been sitting at earlier. Starlight jumped to her hooves just as Rarity poked her head through the curtain. “What exactly are you doing back here?!” the fashionista hissed. “Surely you have enough memories by now!” “Uh . . .” Starlight quickly flipped through the pages of the scrapbook to see that a majority of them had already been filled out, but not quite all of them. “Almost,” she reassured Rarity as she flashed the mare a nervous grin. She noticed that Rarity was giving Spike an odd look. She followed Rarity’s gaze and noticed that Spike was squeezing his legs together while covering his crotch with his hands. “Spike, what in Celestia’s name is the matter with you?” Rarity demanded. “Nothing, nothing,” Spike said quickly, sweat pouring down his face and over his blushing cheeks. “I had a bit too much to drink at breakfast this morning and I’ve really got to go!” “Oh,” Rarity said in realization. “Well, can you hold out for just a bit longer, darling? I promise we’re just about through. Think you can hold on until then?” Still sweating profusely, Spike nodded his head. “Y-yeah, I . . . I think I can.” Rarity retreated back to Twilight as she was saying, “Now, where were we?” With Spike still sweating and blushing, the two occupants in the room let out sighs of relief. “Now that was close,” Starlight said with a giggle. “Maybe this is a sign we should stop while we’re ahead,” Spike suggested, slowly spreading his legs and removing his hands from his crotch. Starlight chuckled. “Are you seriously saying that you don’t want to have a go at this booty?” She turned to the side and shook her ass in Spike’s face. She reached back and gave it a light smack. “Your choice, Spike. Or maybe you’d fancy me having a go at your booty instead.” Spike swallowed hard. Before he realized what he was doing, he was forcing Starlight’s head to the floor, bringing her ass up in the air. “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Starlight said with a hearty laugh. Panting hard, Spike grabbed his dick and aimed it precisely at Starlight’s lower lips, making sure he had proper aim before he thrust his hips forward. Both groaned as the dragon’s length sank into the depths of her pussy. Once both had become accustomed to his size being buried in her depths, a wiggle of the hips from her encouraged him to keep going. Grasping said hips, he drew his hips back before throwing them forward again. At the same time, she threw her ass back against his pelvis, resulting in a delightful smack as her butt collided with his thighs, and both let out a moan while they shuddered in delight. Soon, the only sounds in the room were that of flesh smacking against flesh and Starlight’s moans mingled with Spike’s labored breathing, sounds that were occasionally interrupted by the sound of him giving light smacks to her behind. His claws dug into her hips while his other hand would slap her rear end. He leaned forward so that the length of his body was draped over her back. His legs squeezed her hips while he continued to pump in and out of her vagina. She could hear his labored breathing in her ear, could feel every single twitch of his cock whenever he plunged it within her depths, along with every whack of his tail against her backside, all mixing to create an unforgettable experience for the both of them. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. In the midst of their lovemaking, she certainly hadn’t been expecting to hear that. Hearing him confirm his feelings towards her made her even more determined to have him cum in her pussy. Groaning, she dug her hooves into the floor and rammed her rear end back against him, making him gasp as the entirety of his dick was utterly consumed by her pussy, and the two couldn’t help but let their pleasure be known in a low groan. Both gritted their teeth, determined to remain silent throughout the duration of their tryst, though the pleasure that was coursing through them made this extremely difficult. “Mmm,” Spike moaned into Starlight’s ear, wrapping his arms around her barrel. “Get ready. I’m gonna blow my load here pretty soon.” “Spike, I – ack!” Starlight’s words were cut off, the hold the dragon had on her chest becoming painfully tight, Spike ramming his hips against her buttocks as hard and as fast as he could. The hot breath from his nostrils fell across her neck. Breathing heavily through her own nose, she turned her head to capture his lips in a kiss. He accepted her offer without delay, darting his tongue inside her mouth while she reached up to caress the scales on his head. They squeezed their eyes shut, gasping into each other’s mouths as at long last Spike reached his climax, the dragon’s cum spilling into her womb and not stopping until every last single drop had been deposited. What was strange, however, was the fact that it kept going long after it should’ve stopped. It was only when Spike let out a long sigh of relief, followed by the acrid stench of urine meeting her nostrils that Starlight realized that Spike hadn’t in fact been bluffing when he’d said earlier that he’d needed to pee. The little dragon was currently pissing in her pussy. Strangely enough, this thought was so arousing to her that she rapidly reached her own climax, and she groaned into Spike’s mouth as she squirted her release all over his thighs. The two slowly settled down after that, sharing affectionate kisses while they struggled to catch their breath. Sharing one final tongue-filled kiss, they pulled away from each other, their hot breath falling across the other’s face. They smiled at each other and she lovingly nuzzled her nose against his own. Shaking, he let go of her, allowing himself to fall backwards onto the floor on his butt, his legs spread out, putting his erect cock on full display for her, causing him to blush in embarrassment. The penis was still shooting out small amounts of piss and cum, forming a sizable puddle on the floor. She turned around, her gaze falling to his penis which was quickly retreating back into its sheath. A frown came across her features, disappointed that she hadn’t had the chance to clean his cock before it made its hasty departure. Still, though, he gestured for her to lie down with him and she happily accepted. He ran his claws through her hair, her head resting on his heaving chest. He leaned down, planting a loving kiss on her horn. Beside them, the scrapbook lay on the floor, its pages filled with all of the memories that Rarity and Twilight had gone over. He reached over, dragging the scrapbook over to him. Lazily, Starlight lifted her head and skimmed through the pages to see that they had all been completely filled. Shakily, she got to her hooves and led Spike over to the curtain. Poking their heads out of it, they looked over and flashed Rarity with a couple of smiles. Rarity cleared her throat. “Alright, well, looks like they – I mean, I have everything I need.” “Really?” Twilight asked. “Are you sure you’ll be able to finish this dress in time?” Rarity threw back her head and guffawed. “Oh! Oh, darling, that’s not your coronation gown. I finished that weeks ago.” Turning, she threw open a curtain, revealing said gown to Twilight. “What?!” Twilight cried. In awe, she walked over to inspect it from every angle. Her jaw dropped. “It’s gorgeous! But . . .” She looked back at the dress she had on. “What is this?” “That,” Rarity said, “is a back-up. One can never be too careful when it comes to a coronation. I like to have all of my bases covered.” Twilight smiled. “Add that to the list of things I’ll never forget about you, Rarity!” The two cooed, sharing an affectionate embrace. Seeing their chance, both Starlight and Spike dashed out of their hiding spot, making their way towards the front door. They stopped long enough to give Rarity a thankful smile. She gave them a wink just as the two made their way out the door.
Sonata Dusk,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Sonata talks to herself in the shower a month after the Battle of the Bands.
<p>After a month of uncertainty, sulking, and reorientation, Sonata rambles her shower thoughts on everything from the sirens' new human voices, to the loss of their magic, to the Rainbooms.</p><p>This is a short, stream-of-consciousness character voice exercise. Dialogue is fun, so why not remove everything else? I'm rather pleased with it; Sonata's head, as it turns out, is a delightful place to be.</p>
Dear diary! I’m not really writing in a diary—I’m just talking in the shower. Aria said the cute diary she got me was magic and would hear me from wherever I was, but I’m pretty sure she was lying. She and Dagi are the ones who keep track of human technology and stuff, but I don’t think they have magic like that. And we sure couldn’t make it. But that’s okay! Maybe instead the diary is just waiting for me to come back and tell it everything fun I’m doing instead. It’s nice to feel wanted. Well, kinda fun. Funish. Funesque? It’s been a month since the whole frizzle-frazzle with the Rainbooms. Honestly, it could be a lot worse! Dagi and Ari aren’t shouting at each other as much anymore, and we’ve got soooooo much money left from the past thousand years or whatever that we haven’t had to give up much. They’re still worried, though; I can tell, ‘cause they yell at me less when they’re actually worried. I keep trying to kiss Ari to cheer her up, but she always goes all “Sonata you’re disgusting” and “I told you to wait until I’m drunk.” She’s such a clam! But I always get her eventually. The big thing we’ve been up to is learning to sing again, though. I know! Learning to sing! Hello?! Since when was that even a thing? Apparently all those times humans have said they didn’t know how to sing well weren’t just them making stuff up ‘cause they sounded bad—humans actually have to learn to sing! Like it’s… riding a bike, or butchering a sailor or something. And like, we’re not human, obvs, but our gems are broken, so we have no way to express the magic that makes us different anymore. Dagi said all our magic being stuck in the gems was something to do with the way Old Beardy’s—uh, Star Swirl’s—banishing spell interacted with the camouflage protocols of the portal. She pretended she’d thought of it, but I’m pretty sure she just asked Sunset Shimmer from the school. I saw them talking in an alley when I was buying tacos the other day. Aw fishsticks, we’re out of shampoo again. Maybe if Dagi didn’t have so much hair… I’ll just use whatever this bottle is! They can’t be that different; they all taste pretty much the same. Anyway, singing as a… an almost human is weird. Like, really weird. Singing hurts now when I do it too much—Ari and Dagi say it doesn’t for them, but I can tell they’re lying. How abyssal is that? That’s like if it hurt to breathe. It’s… kinda scary, honestly. The internet says it gets easier when you do it more, and I really hope it’s right, ‘cause I keep trying to sing like I used to and it just doesn’t work anymore. A couple days after the Battle of the Bands I ended up coughing blood on Ari’s nice vest and she chased me around the apartment for an hour. I could tell she was more mad at the singing thing than me, though, so I let her catch me after a while. We figured that out pretty quick, so there hasn’t been any more blood. Uh, any more than normal. It still really blows, though. Apparently that means something else in this world these days that isn’t anything to do with whales? Humans are weird. Speaking of weird, you know how when we sing it sounds like whatever we want? You know, ‘cause it’s an tetradimensional mana projection instead of sound waves and stuff? Or maybe you don’t know, since you’re a book and also in the other room. But it does! Or it did. Apparently when humans sing and they just sound like one person talking, it’s not ‘cause they just suck, it’s ’cause that’s all they can do! And now it’s all we can do! And I hate it! A month ago, when I sang, I could sound like any instrument I wanted! I could do three or four voice parts, or piano and strings, or a capella if I wanted to be boring, or a tuba theremin duet, or someone else’s voice, or anything! Now it’s just a capella. All the time. What is wrong with human bodies? It’s like… Here, listen! Ah ah-ah ahhh, aha ah-ah ah aha aha ahhh. If I did that two months ago, it would’ve had so many layers! Not as many as Dagi can do, but at least a few parts. Now it’s just… me. Like when I talk. It sounds… hollow. Ugh. Is this what it’s like to be human? I don’t like it. I mean, obviously there are still Songs, like back in Equestria. Those always have accompaniment, and Canterlot High seems to get a looooot of them for some reason. But we can’t control those, so that’s no help. But oh, it gets worse, diary that probs can’t hear me! ‘Cause all that’d be fine—well, not fine, but, you know, fine—if we could still sing whenever we wanted! But now people look at us when we sing in public! And not in an adoring way or a cute angry way or that fun don’t-brainwash-me-and-eat-my-husband crying way! A judgy way! Like we’re just normal humans! Like they shouldn’t be kneeling at our feet and weeping for the honor of hearing our voices! Those kelp-sucking— GAH! Ooooh… I punched the wall and slipped; I guess you can’t see me. Sonata, you ditz. But yeah. Humans don’t listen when we sing now. They just… watch us, like we’re being weird. Or take videos of us and laugh. Or call the police. And they definitely don’t do what we say. It’s like… It’s like… Okay, you’re a book, right? How would you like it if one day someone started laughing at you for having words? Of course you have words! You’re a book! I… guess you don’t have words right now, ‘cause I haven’t written any, but like… you get it, right? It’d be wrong. And unfair. And annoying. And I hate it. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. I feel like I did when we got to this stupid world and figured out we couldn’t breathe underwater or fly anymore. It took us so long to get used to that. Is it gonna take that long all over again? I don’t know if I can do that. Sigh. I’m being a real moonfish here, I know. I don’t wanna complain so much, it just keeps happening. It’s not all bad. For realsies! Like… Okay, so, Dagi and Ari like me. I know they do; they’re my hatchmates, or sisters I guess, and we’ve been together for over a thousand years now. We’ve seen sooooo much of this world together! They can be jerks sometimes, but like, when Ari says I’m the worst, she just means I’m the worst siren. She’d still pick me over any human. And I’d do the same for her! Or Dagi, obvs. I love them. But they’re not… nice. I guess I don’t need to whisper; they’ll take it as a compliment. Which it is, kinda! I like when they’re mean—it’s cute, and it’s fun to make people miserable with them, even if we can’t eat the energy anymore. I just wish… they were as nice to me on the outside as they are on the inside. But that’s what I was getting to! I’m not happy that we failed, duh, and losing our magic is something I used to have nightmares about, but, ya know, sometimes prey wins. That’s just science. And I am… a little happy about how Dagi and Ari are taking it. …Okay fine, I’m actually super very extremely happy about it! I’d jump for joy, but I don’t wanna fall down again. Maybe I can just hop a little. So get this. It’s a week after the Battle of the Bands—not like, right now, just in my brain—and we’ve been moping around on the floor and eating ice cream all week—I do have a brain, even though Ari says I don’t—when Dagi drags us all to the lounge and says we’re gonna sing together—though actually lobsters don’t have brains, and they’re still pretty smart, ‘cause I lost a chess game to one once—until we start sounding good again and she’s not gonna let us have any more ice cream—I still ate him though, plus the chess board; it was crunchy—until we do. Uh… Wait, let me start over. A week after all the stuff happened, Dagi made us start practicing singing together! We never sing together! Okay, well, we do, all the time, but always to get something. Never for fun. And I guess this isn’t for fun exactly, but it’s all of us, together, not in public. We’ve done it every day—except for a few days where we took a break after we all hurt our throats and I ruined Ari’s vest—and it’s my favorite thing we’ve done in like three hundred years. The other two are upset, but it’s not really at me, so we just kinda… be together. And we sing, and Dagi complains when we do stuff wrong but not much ‘cause she gets it wrong too, and Ari makes tea ‘cause she won’t let me touch the stove anymore. And then we go back to sulking on the floor. But for a couple hours, it’s… nice. It makes me hate my boring new singing voice a bit less. You know—I am gonna whisper this part, so don’t tell anyone—it almost makes me a tiny, tiny bit jealous of the Rainbooms. I know! A siren, being jealous of humans! Actually I think a couple of them were ponies, but still! Hold on, though, let me finish. Like I said before, we never really learned to sing—not like other creatures have to. It was just like… swimming. It was something we did together, but we didn’t really enjoy it. You don’t enjoy stuff you just have to do all the time. But humans… They sing together because they want to. The Rainbooms, and the cute magician girl, and the girl with the weird eyes, and the girls with the piano who kept making fish-eyes at each other, and everyone else at the school just chose to sing, and to be in the competition. I guess the Rainbooms kinda had to, ‘cause they knew about our plan, but they still started the band for fun in the first place. And that seems… I dunno, kinda amazing? For all these humans—and the pony—music is this… special, fun, awesome thing that you do with your friends, not just a boring job. And like, me and the others have always liked singing, but more for the whole mind-control-feeding thing than the music itself. And… I feel weird saying it, but what if not having to sing all the time to get what we want… lets us be like that? Maybe now that it’s not super easy, we’ll get to spend more time together, and be as happy singing as all those humans seem to be? I mean, look at the past couple weeks! We’ve all been nicer to each other than we had in a hundred years. …Can you keep a secret, diary? I’m thinking about… going to talk to some of them. The Rainbooms, I mean. We never do stuff like that, but we’ve never lost our magic before either, so… And I’d feel bad for doing something so crazy, but I did see Dagi talking with Sunset the other day, so I feel like she might feel the same way. She’d probably be mad if she knew I knew, but I know she doesn’t know I know, and now I know… she, um, knows… um… You get it. Sigh. I think… we’re gonna have to start doing things differently now. We don’t have magic, we can’t sing like we used to, and I think we’re still immortal but I don’t even know that. I don’t know what to do—I mean, I never know what to do—but it feels like talking to some humans who already know what we are is a good start. Oh silt, Ari’s yelling at me. I think I talked too long. I don’t wanna use up all the cold water. I gotta go! Thank you sososo much for listening! Nobody ever listens to me for this long. …Though maybe the others would now. Worth a try; maybe next time we finish practicing, when Ari’s making tea and can’t run away. Bye!
Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Comedy,Dark,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I MUST HAVE Princess Twilight Sparkle!
Somepony is OBSESSED with the new Equestria ruler Princess Twilight Sparkle, and it's not a very healthy attraction to say the least. Let's join this somewhat disturbed individual as they plot their conquest of her, and see what happens next...
<p>Somepony is OBSESSED with the new Equestria ruler Princess Twilight Sparkle, and it's not a very healthy attraction to say the least. Let's join this somewhat disturbed individual as they plot their conquest of her, and see what happens next...</p><p>This fic is an evil twin of <a href="/story/549834/i-love-princess-twilight-sparkle" rel="nofollow">I Love Princess Twilight Sparkle</a> but both can be read independently of each other.</p>
Finally, my unbelievably awesome plan is nearing completion! And it’s not even near recess yet! I have all my dominoes neatly stacked in a row, now all it will take is one little push from yours truly them all to come toppling down in a chaotic demonstration of pure lust. The only surviving edifice left standing in the resulting carnage will be a single multi-layered wedding cake, with an incredibly lifelike sugar-carving of me and my beloved atop peering down contemptuously on those worthless idiots who used to mock me for ‘getting ideas above my station’ and ‘letting my imagination’ run away with me. Fools! Don’t they realise the many hours I ‘wasted’ playing those innocent dating simulations were a mere front for my true motivation; learning all the tricks of the trade in sexy seduction and wild romance so I could sweep the Mare Of My Dreams off her hooves? Yes, whoever-has-been-unlucky-or-foolish-enough-to-find-my-super-secret-plans-and-will-shortly-be-dead. I did quite clearly state ‘mare’ for the record. Inexperienced fillies just don’t ‘get’ a sophisticated, debonair, heartthrob like me… besides, what are my relationship options in this obscure little backwater town whereupon I currently reside? Let’s have a little sneak preview, shall we? Those three perpetual troublemakers who started up that dumb club about ‘discovering your Cutie Marks’? That stuck-up tycoon’s daughter who never has a nice word to say about anypony, and won’t take off her crown for a single second? That weird purplish girl who always wears her mane in bunches, and can lift up an entire building all by hersel… Erm, better not say anything bad about her, actually. Even in this for-my-eyes-only journal. I get the impression she could beat the absolute tar out of me, and I want to look my best for when I go and claim my supreme prize first thing in the morning e.g Princess Twilight Sparkle’s Forever Love, Devotion & Indebted Servitude… Oh, blast it all… the secret’s out, the pussycat’s out of the bag and my full sordid scheme is fully on display for everypony to see. Happy, now? Yes, it’s true… I have the incurable hots for a Princess who not only is roughly just two years younger than my actual mother, but will live to such an advanced age that I’ll be withered and gone before she even develops a solitary wrinkle. A lot of self-respecting stallions would be put off by the notion of going steady with royalty who not only has the potential to thoroughly emasculate them with one wave of their mighty horn (ouch) but will have to contend with the fact that their entire sorry lifespan will be but a minor blip in the everlasting reign of this eternally gorgeous creature. Not me, though. I’d never want to be with any other lady; my tender youth is a sacrifice I’m more than willing to make. Very generous of me, I’m sure you agree… but I guess that’s just the kind of guy I am. One never knows how truly humble they are, until they’re put to the test I suppose. Ever since I saw her majestically soaring through the sky like a graceful angel of death whilst battling Tirek, and witnessing firsthoof the sheer power that emanated from her horn as she ZAPPED! POWED! FRAZZLED! the supposedly strongest baddie in Equestria into humiliating submission, I knew they’d never be another. Who needs computerised shoot ‘em ups and pixelated battle simulations after seeing that glorious, real-life display of unparalleled dynamism and destruction from the new Love Of My Life? I felt like going home and tossing my precious console straight in the trash after that, but my mum would probably get upset if she found out after she ‘spent so many bits on it’ for my birthday last year, so I got to contemplating instead… All the other Princesses have a reassuring presence in their lives to keep them company; Celestia has Luna and vice versa, Cadence has Twilight’s brother, Flurry Heart has two parents who utterly worship the ground she flies over (unlike me, my dad galloped off with a glamorous cocktail waitress shortly after I was born; he sends us a postcard around Hearth’s Warming time every year though, so that’s nice). Who has Twilight got? All her best friends now live far away in Ponyville, and the only constant companion in her life is that snarky dragon who doesn’t even respect her enough to bow every time she enters a room, or kiss her hooves whenever she seats her perfect tush next to him on the Canterlot throne. If I was lucky enough to be in his claws, I’d do all that and then some. I’d compliment her every time I opened my mouth. I’d give her my entire packet of gumballs while I went hungry. I’d make a giant effigy out of mud of her, with the biggest, strongest branch I could find in place of her horn, the inside padding of my bedspread for her feathery wings, and… Oops sorry, I did that last one already. It was up for less than a day though, as soon as my mother found me practising my best full-tongue kisses on it in my bedroom (don’t parents EVER knock?) she made me melt it with the garden hose in the backyard. I don’t know what her problem was… it was completely dry, there were only a few earthworms crawling about inside her muzzle and I’d only used a smidge of her best lipstick in its creation. Anyway, apparently I’m ‘grounded for life’ or something, and first thing tomorrow she’s ‘urgently going to contact a colt psychiatrist’, whatever that means. Sorry Mum, but the only grown-up I wanna see is that professional badass Twilight Sparkle, and I’m much more eager to have a mouth-to-mouth with her than a heart-to-heart (surely her lavender lips had to taste better than her mucky imposter, anyway). I toyed with the idea of knotting some sheets together in the classic way to make my daring escape at the crack of dawn, but eventually settled on just sliding down the drainpipe to reach the floor below. Apologies mother, sorry school… I have a bride to go and win today, and no harsh punishments or mandated lesson plans are gonna stop me… OW! I rub my sore keister from where I fell off the pipe; obviously when you’ve played video games for the vast majority of your wasted existence, it’s a bit difficult to maintain a hard grip on a smooth surface. Damn my flimsy carpal tunnel muscles… but, no matter. Soon, I’ll be away on the early train to Canterlot, then I’ll head to the castle and officially present myself as a certain alicorn’s intended. She’s gotta say yes, she has to say yes… besides, I only saved up enough bits for a one-way ticket. I just make the locomotive in time, and dive on board as the doors are closing. If I was a bigger size, I never would’ve made that miniscule gap. You see, everypony who constantly laughs at me for being one of the shortest in my class? There are advantages to being small after all. So there! I surprisingly fail to attract a great deal of attention en route to my new home and future wife. Maybe they failed to spot me due to my aforementioned short stature, or perhaps they recognised my undoubtedly mature outlook on life despite my young age, and are willing to treat me as an older stallion than the unaccompanied minor I truly am. No matter. The only pony whose opinion I value sits in session at Canterlot castle, and I intend to be united with her as soon as possible. I didn’t make any special effort to spruce up my appearance for when I see her today, as surely my superior intellect and confident poise shall be enough to win her studious heart after the first glance. She might’ve spotted me in a cramped crowd scene before, but baby… seeing somepony like me one-on-one in the flesh is a whole different experience, believe me. (I did bring along some poetry I wrote last week though; is that cheating? Nah, I probably won’t need it, but in the event of an emergency… ‘Roses Are Red, Twilight Is Purple’… quite proud of myself I found something to rhyme with that… ‘Gurple’ is in the dictionary, right?) As soon as we reach our destination I bolt through the sliding doors, ignoring the local peasantry on my way setting up for market day to make a beeline straight for the castle. I’ve never actually been to Canterlot before, but there'll be plenty of time left for sightseeing once I’m cradling Twilight in my hooves. Perhaps, if I ask nicely, she’ll even give me an aerial guided tour. Woo hoo! At least I didn’t need a map to find such an imposing structure. Without a second’s hesitation, I nip past the shellshocked guards at the gate and run inside, shouting her name repeatedly out loud at the top of my lungs while sprinting aimlessly down countless plushly-decorated corridors. “Twilight!” “Twilight Sparkle!!” “Oh Princess Twilight Sparkle The Beautiful, Lover Boy Is Here!!!” Just as I was about to give up hope of ever finding my soon-to-be-betrothed, a pair of doors nearby burst wide open. There she stood in all her magnificent majesty, staring right in my direction and looking ever-so-slightly less ecstatic to see me than I hoped. Behind her were a bunch of boring-looking older ponies seated around a marble table, evidently I’d interrupted some kind of ‘important’ meeting regarding the ‘smooth function of international diplomacy designed at holding the essential fabric of society together’. But, who cares… right? The only ‘meeting’ that really matters is between me and Miss Sparkle when she accepts my generous offer and we agree to exchange vows in front of a captive audience. Anyway, just be quiet for a moment, okay? She’s about to say something, and I want to linger on every single one of her sweet, sweet words. “... Hello? Can I help you?” Hmm, not quite the welcome-with-open-hooves I imagined, but I’ll soon recover my position, you just wait. “Hi, Princess Twilight! This is ‘Lover Boy’.” “W-Wait… you’re the one who sent me all those weird letters signed with that alias? B-But you’re only…” “That’s right. Ten years old, and worth every day, baby.” “T-This can’t be right. Your graphic use of words. Your heavily insinuating language. The fact you sent me a vial of your blood to ‘seal the deal’, whatever you meant with that…” “Must be all the RPGs I’ve played, sugar. They really broaden your vocabulary, I find. And that vial was to be worn round your neck at all times. Where is it?” “...Never mind that. You’re not ‘Lover Boy’, you’re ‘Button Mash’. I remember you from when I visited Ponyville Elementary soon after my coronation, and you drew a cute picture of me using non-toxic crayons. I patted you on the head briefly, told you it was good work, and then…” “What you really wanted to say was ‘I love you’!” My secret identity has been revealed, but who cares. I got her on the ropes now, time to go in for the kill. “Go on, admit it! Don’t be shy, Princess! I skipped an entire day of school to ask you to be my queen, depriving myself of valuable education and tapioca pudding for dessert in the process. Tapioca pudding, my favourite...! If that isn’t a sign of my limitless commitment to us, I don’t know what is…” “H-Huh? No! I plainly meant ‘good work’! No more, no less! And you’re just a child! With some of the most worryingly obsessional behavioural traits I’ve seen since… guards! Get here this instant! What took you so long?!” Suddenly I feel two pairs of strong hooves around my back, and my body sharply being dragged away from the somewhat freaked-out alicorn in front of me. Realising that my ingenious plan had hit a slight snag, I swiftly moved to remedy the situation before it got totally out of control. “C’mon, Princess! We can do two-player Chronic The Hodgeheg together! You have to at least give me a try!” “No, I don’t!” “Doesn’t the name ’Twilight Mash’ sound tempting?” “No, it doesn’t!!” “Alright Twilight, a joke’s a joke, but now you’re starting to worry me. Go on, tell these armoured buffoons to let me go so I can get down on one hind hoof and make an honest mare out of you. I only brought a ring pull with me today, but I swear I’ll get you a proper ring once I graduate…” “I can assure you Button Mash, this is not a ‘joke’ in any sense of the word. My highly-trained buffoo… I mean ‘soldiers’ are going to take you out back now and give you… ‘The Cozy Glow Treatment’.” Instantly, my thoughts grind to a halt as I fully take on board what a stony-faced Twilight has just told me. “Y-You can’t possibly mean…” Twilight nodded sagely. “T-The dreaded Cozy Glow… the demonic filly who almost wiped out the entire…” Twilight motioned ‘yes’ once more, with more than a trace of sadness. “A-And you’re gonna turn me i-into…” This time Twilight responded simply by waving her hoof at my screaming form as I was frogmarched away round the corner where I no longer see her beauty, as if confirming my worst possible fears. I don’t wanna be turned to stone forever! My mum will wonder where I am! How will my classmates cope without me? Twilight will see sense and change her mind, I’m sure… I think…? “HHELLPP”!! Hang on… how am I even writing this now, if I’m…? ********************** “Gee Twi, that was harsh even for you. You’re not really gonna…” “Don’t be silly, Spike. Button Mash didn’t let me finish his sentence. What I was trying to add was ‘turn him into… a productive member of society, by scaring him straight’. All it should take is one look at Cozy Glow’s horrified, petrified form, and it should tell him the deranged and delusional path he’s on right now isn’t a good one. If the abrupt shock stops him having unsettling, distinctly unchildlike fantasies over me, I think we could be on the verge of an amazing new therapy method. Maybe I’ll even try writing a book about it.” “Just as long as it doesn’t lead to the entire town in uproar like your last published work, that’s all. And I’m kind of glad Button Mash isn’t about to be added to the statue collection in the garden, to be honest.” “Really, Spike? I didn’t know you liked him. Or even knew him, come to think of it.” “I don’t… but do you know how difficult it is to clean pigeon poop off stone?”
Original Character,Comedy,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Fetish,Non-consensual
Logical Leap And Mercury Shine Break Health And Safety Code
Logical Leap causes a meltdown at a chemical plant that fuses her into a latex drone along with several other members of the facility. Now they only have one goal: to escape.
<p>Logical Leap causes major accidental damage to a chemical plant, fusing her with the body and mind of her friend. Upon fusing together, they then decide to turn everyone else in the chemical plant into rubber drones hazmat drones, joining them all into a glorious hivemind. </p><p>Contains: Latex drones, fusion, growth, giant latex drones.</p><p>A commission for Mercury Shine!<br/>Logical Leap is owned by Exuno, Mercury Shine is owned by Mercury Shine</p>
Science was an incredible field of work to get into. You were directly responsible for shaping the future of the world itself, your ideas could change the very course of pony history or save thousands of lives. To the mare known as Mercury Shine there was no better field she could have gone into. The pale yellow unicorn had started out as as an alchemist in Ponyville, then progressed into the field of chemistry after getting a job with a large science company. She loved her new job, mixing and titrating chemicals, creating new materials and working to test them in exciting ways. Just last week she had created a type of explosive reactive armour. Sure, she had been attempting to create a material for raincoats, and technically it was set off with oxygen instead of explosives, but given a few months she could make explosive raincoats. If she was being honest, things weren't going completely to plan. But she was trying really hard... There were a lot of exciting chemicals to be messed with however, and she wanted to make something to really help ponies, not just keep the rain off them. Still, as she watched her small meal rotate in the humming device known as a microwave, she felt an overwhelming wave of sadness come over her. This had been her dream job, but now she was here, it was... Disappointing somehow. She'd never admit it out loud of course, and in her heart she knew that she needed to start at the bottom if she wanted to get to the top, but still she had expected more. Her emerald green eyes peered down at the vaguely edible mush in a plastic tray she dared to call lunch from behind a pair of rectangular glasses set upon her snout. It was a kind of nutrient paste provided by the company as another one of their research sectors focused on nutrition. Well, they claimed to focus on food, but the gray mush tasted like chalk and had the vague texture of cement, gritty and warm as she used the horn atop her head to manipulate a spoon into feeding her the gray mush. The green glow of her magic surrounding the fork only seemed to worsen the colour of the food, to the point it looked like it was trying to imitate the colour of the two tone gray mane atop her head. That thought did put a little bit of a smile on her face. Mercury Shine flavoured nutrient slop, now with 20% more gray! The mental image of her face plastered onto every box, a fake grin plastered on her face as she pretended to enjoy the product. But no, it didn't matter how good for her the gray slop was. She was going to bring in a hamburger or a sandwich next week. Climbing to her hooves, she used her magic to condemn the small plastic tray that was still half filled with warm paste to the bin where it belonged. The other workers in the break room were all lost in their own little worlds as she moved back into the changing room and began to put on her clean room gear. White gloves, a onesie, safety goggles, face mask and a mane and tail net. All of the items went on her one by one with practiced ease, before stepping out onto the metal catwalk that spanned over several large vats of their latest product. It was a thick black goop today, mixed by a large metal paddle that span around, but what really caught her attention was the mare walking around on the ground below, also dressed in a clean room suit, but having an unmistakable blue mane and round framed glasses that couldn't belong to anyone else besides her friend Logical Leap! Logical Leap had won what was basically a golden ticket to the chemical factory. It had been a pretty good day for her, all things considered. Some might say that her friend had put in a good word for her, and she had in fact paid to go on the tour, which made it not all that special. She didn't like to think like that however. She was a special m,are and she deserved to be in the chemical factory because she was good with chemicals and science stuff, just like her friend! She had read at least twenty books on chemical compounds and other stuff, so she was basically a scientist at this point. As she stared up at the huge vat of chemicals before her, Logical Leap was slowly disaccoiating into the background. The boring stallion behind her hadn't said a single word she cared about beyond the word chemicals and the word science, both of which her brain picked out. It was quite incredible that her brain had a built in filter for when stallions were waffling on a bit much. "Chemicals.... Vat.... Science.. Dangerous," She had no idea that one stallion could have so much to say about chemicals without saying a single thing that was actually intreating to her. Thankfully she was saved from the bordom that came with stallions trying to stallionsplain boring science stuff to her by her friend, who happened to be on the catwalk above. "Oh hey! Mercury! Down here!" She said, cheerfully sauntering her way over to the vat and twisting a big red valve, "Look, I'm doing science too!" She laughed. Mercury Shine gave a tired smile, the stallion screamed and the vat gave an ominous sounding creaking noise that didn't sound good. Logical Leap was pretty sure that it was fine. These vats were built to withstand a lot worse things then her simply turning a massive red valve that said "Emergency Pressure Vent"... OK. Logical Leap might have been in a tiny bit of trouble. Just a little bit of trouble. The stallion was desperately yelling some nerd stuff that she didn't really pay as much attention to as she should have. She could fix this. She just had to turn the valve back the other way and everything would be fine. The stallion seemed to have had the same idea, as he was desperately attempting to turn the valve the other way. From behind her round spectacles, the mare was starting to panic just a little bit. The massive vat gave a loud groan. Honestly this didn't even make any sense to her. How was something with mixer at the top so heavily pressurised? How did the science behind that work, and could she figure it out in time? The stallion was suddenly launched backwards as the valve popped off, thick black goop leaking from the new hole that had been made in the tank, flooding the factory floor as the tank shook violently. The mixer ground to a halt, Mercury Shine had rushed down the stairs and was screaming at her. It was at this point she realized that this might be a panic attack. That would explain why the light yellow mare could barely feel her hooves. Even though stallions were pretty mediocre even at the best of times, she hoped that the stallion who had just been launched across the room was OK. Hopefully he hadn't broken anything with the force that he had been launched at. It was at this point that everything seemed to go wrong all at once for her. The metal of the vat suddenly sheared itself apart and the black substance began to violently spill forth from out of it. Mercury Shine turned and attempted to run, and all at once she seemed to get her senses back as well. Run. She needed to run. She needed to get her hooves under her and move away from the dangerous flood of chemicals that was rushing towards her. The black goo almost looked like it was alive as it flowed and spilled from out the tank, spreading across the floor and rushing towards her almost in slow motion. There was no point in running now. The flow of chemicals was too fast, but her body felt like a vat of chemicals itself, and in a flash of brilliance she suddenly found herself surrounded by a giant green shield, summoned from her own horn! It was like in one of the comics she loved so much. This was her magical mare moment. She was going to transform and save her friend and- The shield exploded inward the moment the goo touched it, smacking her square in the chest. It tingled, almost burned, it drove the air from her lungs and knocked her from her hooves in an instant. It coated her clothing, began to rapidly eat through it, she could feel her protective gear melting around her, being stripped away by the material almost as fast as paper melting in the rain, and it burned lightly at her flesh too! Oh no. Oh No. This wasn’t like one of her comics at all. Falling into vats of chemicals was meant to give you super powers, not horrible chemical burns. She was in a panic, groping around and desperately trying to make an escape before the goo began to eat into her as well. Mercury Shine meanwhile, was having problems all of her own. She had been hoping to help her friend, and now she was being melted by chemicals. The health and safety inspector wasn’t going to be happy in the slightest. The vats hadn’t been built to withstand the weight or substance of a material so dense. The only one who had managed to make it out of the room was the stallion, who must have set off the fire alarm or something, because now there was an alarm blaring through the entire facility. Mercury Shine was trying to make it over to her friend. Her protective gear seemed completely useless against whatever this material was, it was eating into it and likely her flesh with equal ease, but for the moment she didn’t see any blood or feel any searing pain from her flesh being melted off her bones. “Leap! Leap! Over here, let’s head for the door!” Mercury Shine called. She was calm, this was far from the first chemical spill or accident that she had been a part of. The important thing was to stay calm. Provided they didn’t panic everything would be OK. They needed to get out of here and make straight for the chemical showers. Logical Leap seemed to have been blinded, as the mare was desperately shielding her eyes with one hoof and stumbling forward with the others. This was far from the smartest idea however, as the chemicals were thick like mud beneath her hooves, and she soon tumbled head first into them, her hind legs desperately kicking as her rump stuck out of the black goo, the only reminder that it was her friend at all the bright blue tail and the cutie mark of a vase in the middle of exploding. Her yellow fur was stained, she was struggling wildly, and this was enough to focus Mercury Shine into incredible feats of strength. Adrenaline rushed through her body and she pushed forward, grabbing onto the flank of her friend and… Logical Leap’s flank gave away just like melting toffee. Mercury Shine finally had the amount of “Oh fuck” she could deal with reach its upper limit, and she let out a shrill scream as she attempted to pull away, but the goo was stuck firmly to her hooves, and as she tumbled backwards, she realized that this was the end for her. It didn’t hurt as much as she had thought. Everything was black and warm and comforting. Was she dead? Was this the afterlife? Was she some kind of spooky ghost now? She didn’t know. By Celestia that stallion sure had a stupid face. She didn’t know why that thought was coming into her mind, but it was true, and she found herself agreeing with it on some level. She was a scientist after all, and it was pretty much proven that stallions were pretty stupid if they didn’t at least make an attempt to save a mare in trouble. Her thoughts seemed to be behind a thick hazy fog at this point, lost. She was trying to gather them up, but she was certain a lot of these thoughts weren’t her own. Leap? Leap? Mercury! Wait, those weren’t her thoughts, were they? For a moment it seemed like she had been happy to see herself. But that was stupid. Was she getting some kind of super-power now? Becoming some kind of cool magical mare? She couldn’t tell. But she hoped that was the case and she wouldn’t have to sign her soul away to some stupid magical cat. At the moment she seemed to know a lot more about potions then she had known previously. And a lot more about comics. But that was silly, of course she loved potions and comics and mares. Stallions were pretty stinky. Mares were pretty nice. Hey. She didn’t think she was dead. Or, if she was dead, she was pretty bad at it. Dead people didn’t normally do all this thinking about how much they loved potion making, comics and mares right? She didn’t know, she’d never been dead before. But she was quite sure that this wasn’t it. Was she simply asleep? Maybe she needed to try and move her body again. Drawing her focus inwards she realized that she had totally forgotten what it was she looked like. She was a pony, right? Ponies had about four hooves, a head, a body and a tail. What colour had she been again? Ah.. Light yellow. Light yellow sounded about right. Then their mane… Storm cloud gray like when the sky got super angry, but with a little bit more blue mixed in there. And her eyes? Emerald green. Oh, oh, and she totally had a pair of… Goggles, for doing science! And a bright purple flower behind her left ear. She loved that flower. Oh. She had forgotten her name too. Well that was OK. She didn’t really need a name… What about a talent? Well, she liked comics, and learning, and potions and… Bah, they could worry about that later. Right now they needed to pull themselves together. She… They? Them? What pronouns were they going with. No, no. They were more important then silly pronouns. They were the Mercury Leap. No. That was stupid. Logical Shine. No. Ariel Glyn Microphalus. This was dumb. That last word wasn’t even spelled correctly. They were just… It. They didn’t need a name. Right, or if they were going to come up with one, they needed more time to do so. Slowly, they began to climb out of the slop. Normally when someone said they identified as a them, there was a long winded debate about the fact that a single entity couldn’t identify as multiple things, because ponies didn’t have anything better to do then argue philosophy with each other when they weren’t even good at it. In this case however, it seemed that they had somehow made a mistake in reforming themselves. It was very weird, they pulled themselves together and slowly climbed out of the goop, only to find themselves looking at an exact copy, which also happened to be them. It was just as confusing as it sounded. They were perfect, light yellow rubber with a storm cloud gray mane and tail made out of the same squeaky substance as their protective suit. Their eyes were a deep emerald green, and seemed to glow from behind a set of protective lenses. It looked like they were wearing a hazmat suit, but the hazmat suit was them. No more dangerous chemical spills for them! “Weh.” The two creatures that were one said in union. Wow. It was so cool, it was like they had two bodies that they could control in an instant. How long had they been out for? Neither of them knew, but the goo had hardened into a protective rubber at this point and they were able to easily move over it. There was still an alarm blaring loudly as they made their way down a long hallway, together! It was good that they had a friend that was just as smart and pretty as they were. At some point, a stallion that was also wearing a hazmat suit stood before them, a large tank filled with chemical containment foam on his back, making him look like some weird futuristic warrior. “What in the actual fuck!” The stallion hissed, before spraying a white foam directly at them. Normally the foam would have broken down any rubber or material that it came into contact with, but both of them simply stood there, watching the fire in the stallion’s eyes slowly die out as he realized the chemical spray was doing basically nothing against the two identical rubber drones that were sharing a mind with each other. The stallion looked really angry and unhappy, and his suit wasn’t even sealed properly. Stallions were pretty icky anyway. One of the two of them, it didn’t matter which, rushed forward and dived directly into the stallion, letting their form go limp as they helped educate him on proper site safety. He hadn’t taken the time to get the joints in his suit properly sealed up, and as soon as they got inside his suit, they came to a sudden realization. They wanted to help this stallion, and what better way to help him then to make him just as happy as they were. They could get rid of all the icky stallion stuff in his head and replace it with knowledge on comic books and science and all those other things. Quickly, his suit was filled up with the goo, flowing into his mouth, his nose, his ears, and… Ewww, stallion parts. The moment the goo touched against his private parts, it practically recoiled. Those were soon sealed away behind so many layer of rubber while the part of them that was still solid and just kind of stood there did a silly little grossed out dance. His head was filled with all kinds of junk about bills that they emptied out, and then they filled his head back up and changed him so that he was just as perfect as they were. And then it was like they had always been a part of them, three identical friends filled with knowledge on security protocols and science and comics and magical mares. Did they count as magical mares at this point, was this something that magical mares did? Did this count as some kind of super power? Getting chemicals poured on them had actually given them super powers! That was pretty great. This was like that gray goo scenario everyone was always freaking out about. But this time it was hot. Wow, when they had like three brains between them, even if one was an icky stallion brain… Wait, which one of them had been a stallion again? Oh, never mind. It was impossible to tell which one of them had been a stallion because they were all identical and using the same mind. - Meanwhile, in the security office, the security officer had gotten halfway through his first box of doughnuts and almost all the way through his first pot of coffee. He was busy discussing with his colleague about which actress was hotter when he noticed the three identical looking mares in hazmat suits marching down the hallway, their glowing eyes giving a terrifying appearance to them on the low resolution black and white monitor. “What the fuck…” He whispered under his breath. The other stallion in the office with him worked faster, hitting one of the red buttons on the console. The alarm in that sector had been going off for over half an hour, but then the security system had always been a little faulty and they had figured it was just another chemical spill. Leaning over to the microphone, his voice boomed through the speakers of the security station, trying to keep his voice level so as to appear composed and cool. “Hello, we have a security breech in the R and D department, just outside of the mixing room. I have isolated the intruders, but you’re going to need to get down there and deal with it. Likely just some punk kids, but take all your equipment just in case they try to start something.” The alarm was somewhat annoying, neither of the three of them were really enjoying it. They wanted to head home so they could get back to mixing up potions and reading comics. Unfortunately there was a massive, six inch thick security door that had accidentally closed in their path. Several ponies in matching uniforms swarmed out of doors to either side of the end of the corridor, pointing various devices at them. They were trying to wear matching uniforms too! It was pretty cute. The one at the front, the mare with a scar over her eye and one side of her face permanently paralysed. She was pretty in her own way. A tear gas canister smacked squarely into the face of one of her bodies, which could have really hurt, but thankfully rubber was also impact resistant. A thick cloud of tear gas swirled around them, which didn’t do anything because they were wearing protective gear rated to stop far more severe threats then just tear gas. The mare with the scar on her eye glared back at the stallion who had accidentally launched the canister. Slowly, they began to move towards the mare, she looked sad too. She’d be much happier if she was part of their friend group. Almost instantly the hallway filled with the roar of rubber bullets, which bounced harmlessly off them, even when once smacked straight into their eye lenses. It wasn’t very nice, and it was actually enough to drive them back a little bit. This was very sad. They just wanted to make ponies happy! A sudden thought flashed through their mind. Magical mares. What did they do when things got really bad? All that reading of comics was really coming in handy now. It was time to do a magical mare power up! She could practically hear some kind of cheesy music sounding up as they performed their MAGICAL MARE FUSION, STAGE 1! It was the coolest thing ever, now instead of being lots of little pieces all thinking apart from one another, they were one big piece that combined all the pretty parts of them into one giant and even more perfect form. They were so pretty and perfect, and no amount of rubber bullets could stop them now. - Back in the security office, the security officer was busy staring in absolute terror at the eight foot tall rubber monstrosity. Thick rubber tendrils spilled from its back and waved around wildly as if the creature was in immense agony, a large purple flower sprouted from the head of the creature and gave off a small amount of purple gas. Each of its hooves was almost as thick as a tree trunk, and the creature seemed to shift and warp with each step it took. Each of its limbs bent and wobbled unnaturally, in a way that simply couldn’t support bones, and the thick light pink hazmat suit seemed to be boiling! The massive creature straightened up as it was bombarded with live rounds at this point, even the copper cased bullets deployed by the on-site security seemed to do nothing but piss it off, and then the creature leaned back, the thick gas mask that was permanently sealed to its face shifting, the single filter in the middle of the mask leaking a small amount of purple gas. “WEH.” The creature, the monster, the whatever the fuck this thing was, roared defiantly, the camera died. As they finished their battle cry, a thick stream of purple gas filled the hallway, and the poor security guards weren’t wearing any protective gear. The moment they breathed in the gas, they were overtaken with a burning, mind numbing arousal. Nobody could have handled the massive amount of arousal that tore through them. They watched all the naughty ponies starting to desperately make-out with each other. It was gross because there were boy bits! Boy bits getting all up in the mares she wanted to smooch. They reached the end of the hallway and stared down at one of the stallions beneath them, so overcome with arousal that he was desperately trying to stroke himself off. Well they weren’t going to have that. Who was the glasses wearing nerd now? Get squeaked on! With that, they dropped their massive bulge directly onto the stallion, who sank into it with a soft cry, instantly beginning to have his mind stripped down as he was made part of them. Their massive mask pressed down against the mare with the scar over her eye, their massive filter pinning them down against the ground as they exhaled more of their pink breath attack. The mare screamed, then was added into their mass even as the intense arousal began to tear her mind apart all on its own. With this, their tentacles lashed out. More and more stallions were added into the wonders of their mind, the mares too, nobody could escape the writhing tendrils. Now they were even bigger and stronger, so strong that they simply smash through the security gate. With that, they were outside. The rain was coming down from above, splattering lightly against their rubber suit before sliding off and down it. They raised their head to the gray clouds, starting to exhale once again, a torrent of purple gas spilling up into the sky and swirling around, joining with the clouds as the rain kept coming down. And that rain was now purple.
Gallus,Silverstream,Anthro,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
Curiosity and a Cat
Gallus' friends went off to have fun, all but him and Silverstream. So he went to the pool alone...until she stumbles on him
<p>Gallus loves his friends, and he loves that they stayed with him over winter break. The trouble is, all the others are dating each other, and the first evening they all went off in private for some fun... all except him and Silverstream. He liked her, but she couldn't possibly like him back. So he decided to go have some fun on his own in the natatorium. </p><p>That is, until Silverstream stumbles across him. </p><p>Created for anonymous request <span class="spoiler">Silverstream/Gallus, masturbation, vanilla sex, anal, mild transformation </span></p>
Yona and Sandbar were the first to depart for another section of the school. The winter had the entire school to themselves, and the professors had excused themselves. They knew what a few college students would do under these circumstances. Ocellus and Smolder headed for the library. That left Silverstream and Gallus alone in the student common room. Gallus immediately made an excuse and left. He felt the warm humidity of the pool as he pushed open the glass door to the natatorium. The gryphon was of average height, but pretty thin. It made him fast but not very imposing. As much as he loved his friends keeping him company, even he needed some time alone. He stuck his hands in his pockets. Most of the blinds were closed and fogged up with the cold outside. He considered the chairs, then grabbed a bunch of towels and settled down on the edge of the pool, just far enough away to stay dry. The heated pool at his front and the heated locker rooms at his back gave off a comfortable enough temperature. He could almost sweat. He thought he'd seen an odd look on Silverstream's face when he left. What was that about? She was pretty, sure, but she wasn't interested in him. Why would she be? He was Gallus. He sat down on the white towels and looked out across the pool. Sure, Silverstream was pretty, but she was the daughter of a mighty Hippogryph general! Well, mighty is a strong word. Dude couldn't figure out how to beat the Storm King to save his life. But what would the daughter of a big shot want to do with him? What did love have to do with marriage? Not that he wanted to marry her, he amended in his mind. You just gotta talk to the girl! You went through a bunch of crap together! But she's your friend, you don't want to ruin that. I mean it's not like the others care about that. They're already banging. Sandbar and Yona have been finding any excuse for that… He looked left. He looked right. He was alone in the natatorium. So she is hot. So are the rest of them. You're lucky all your friends are so hot. Slowly he undid his pants. He removed his shirt, exposing his yellow underbelly. His blue fur was distinct. People often compared him to a Wonderbolt. It felt oddly freeing to be so exposed like this. Completely naked in this large room. He reached his hand down. His beak curled into a smile. He pictured Smolder's chest, Ocellus’ flank, Silverstream's…everything… her boobs, her butt, her little tail, her long shapely legs, her tall body, her beautiful face, her curly hair, her… Ngh…! “Hi, Gallus!” “Ah!” He grabbed the towel and wrapped it over himself. He stood up and whirled around as best he could. Silverstream stood there in a tank top and a skirt. “Silverstream! What are you doing here?!” She took in the sight of him. His fur was already slick with sweat. Her eyes flicked down then back up to his face. She always had that cheery expression on her face. “I wanted to see what you were up to. I was bored. What are you doing?” Gallus made a noise, “...Uh… skinny dipping?” Silverstream’s eyebrow went up, and he saw she was looking more thoughtful than he normally thought of her. “Ah, I see!” She finally said. She lifted her tank top, revealing her bra. “Whoa, what are you doing?” Gallus exclaimed. “Skinny dipping,” She said and winked. Huh?! She dropped her skirt. Her curvy body was concealed behind only her panties and her bra. Gallus felt his erection painful behind the towel. The female was tall, the second tallest in the group behind Yona. Yet where Yona was large, Silverstream was skinny. She didn't have the bust or the ass Smolder and Ocellus had, but by Griffonstone, she was hot. She had quite a shapely body, sleek for speed. Her breasts were moderately sized, not too big and not too small. Her hips were thin but wide enough he couldn't wrap his hands around them– Aaaah! She reached up and unclipped her bra. Then her panties. Silverstream, the hottest girl he'd seen in months, had her whole body on display before him. She stretched up and down, rocking her body back and forth, making her breasts bounce. Her fur was beautiful. The feathers on her head were very pretty. She moved with a grace and a beauty he had not seen… well, ever. Gallus felt his erection harden again in his hand. “Oh god– do you have to…do…” “Do what?” She said, “I'm just stretching.” She bent down to take her clothes and toss them aside, giving him a full view of her rear. She straightened up and looked at his red face. “What? Don't tell me gryphons are nervous about a little skinny dipping.” “I… I…” He realized very suddenly that she was close to him. She drew closer, moving quite sensually. His eyes were flicking all over the place. Her eyes. Her boobs. Her pussy. Her eyes. Her chest. The wall. Her eyes. “You know… I never got to properly thank you for helping me face my fears.” “I…uh… think you already did!” Gallus stammered. His hand was beginning to drip with precum. “I… I…” What was going on? Had she drunk some of Dash's cider stash? He scrambled back and picked up his clothes, “I… just realized! I have…something to do!” Silverstream went red. Her posture quickly returned to normal. She stumbled back and quickly snatched up her clothes, “Oh, nuts! I'm sorry! Gallus, I didn't–” “No, I–” “You're right, we should get back to the dorm…” She trailed off as their eyes met. They made the same expression. “Yeah… Ocellus and Smolder are busy.” Gallus said dryly. “Yeah.” They settled down seated against the wall on either side of the door. They didn't bother getting dressed, so embarrassed, they just held their clothes over themselves and avoided eye contact. Gallus sighed. “Look, Silverstream, I'll be honest, I came in here to…” “No, I should apologize. I should have known you weren't ready. In Hippogryph lands we are much less prudish…” Gallus coughed. He swore, and did a double take at her, “What?!” She looked at him, then away, and sighed. “I'm sorry. I thought you were propositioning me!” “What?” “I found you pleasuring yourself! After coming up with such an excuse!” Silverstream exclaimed, “The excuse you gave… it sometimes translates into a proposition in my culture. And since you didn't… I mean,” She groaned, “Oh, you did! I'm sorry! I got so excited, and…” Gallus was baffled. He somehow stumbled across an entire coded language and/or conversation by making a lame excuse about the pool?! “I thought… no, I thought you actually meant you wanted to just go skinny dipping!” She looked at him again, “Wait, so you really were…?” “Jacking it? Yeah…” Gallus flushed. “That excuse coupled with that, and finding you in that position…” They both laughed. “So…” “Wanna do it?” She asked, half grinning. “Professor Dash and Gilda are together, why not us?” “Wait, how did you figure that out?” “Oh come on. Those two couldn't be more obvious! And I'm pretty sure Twilight is involved somehow.” Silverstream wasn't as naive as he thought. Gallus struggled with this in his mind. “Wait, were you watching them or something?” “No, no…more than anyone else!” She grinned, “Besides, I've never been with a gryphon! I wanna know what it's like!” She paused. “You can say no. I just want to hear it.” Slowly, Gallus uncovered himself. He stood up, showing off his body. He wasn't as built for speed, he was more moderate. But judging by Silverstream's red face, he was doing something right. “Yeah. Sure. Let's…” He grinned, “Experiment.” She stood up and stepped over to him. “Can I touch you?” “What else are you gonna do?” He asked rhetorically. She grasped his rod. Gallus let out a choking sound. She smiled, “Someone's excited. This thing is massive.” “Ye– yeah–” Gallus hunched over, trying to stand up straight. Silverstream crouched in front of him. His eyes widened, “No wait!” She jerked him once. Twice. Three times. He exploded. He caught her full in the face with a massive gout of white goo. His legs gave out and he fell backward onto the towels, “Oh, gosh, I'm sorry!” Silverstream wiped her face with her arm, licking the cum, “Delicious!” She rushed forward on all fours, grinning, “Know where I can get more?” “Yeah, I got lots more,” He said dryly, then smirked, “How about I see how tasty yours is?” She blushed and he took her hesitation. He moved against her, gently turning the tables to put her on her rear. “Oh my!” He felt up her chest, grabbing her breasts and running his hands up and down her sides. “Let me see if I can find any treasures…” Silverstream giggled, “That's real cheesy, Gallus!” He went red. He gasped as she ran her hands up and down his flanks, feeling his muscles. He turned around and left his hardening member on her chest. He found her purple snatch. Licking his lips, he stuck out his tongue. “Oh! Oh my gosh!” He ran his hands up and down her inner thighs. She trembled as electric impulses traveled through her body. She opened her mouth and took in his erection. She always wondered what this was like. For a long moment, there was only the sound of slurping, and drooling over one another's privates. Gallus covered the tall woman with his larger mass, the purple-pink mare sticking out from her feet and the top of her head. Gallus writhed as her tongue wrapped around his most sensitive area, squeezing his eyes shut. He worked his tongue up and down the inside of her snatch. She tasted like manna from heaven. In a brilliantly combined sensation, they came at the same time. His eyes went wide and rolled up in his head as her insides squeezed and spat femcum. Semen shot into Silverstream's mouth. They rolled off “You're on a hair trigger, aren't you?” Silverstream coughed, “Never knew boys could go that fast.” “Thanks,” Gallus sighed. Silverstream laughed. “So. You wanna go all the way?” “Do you?” “Do you?” Now it was his turn. He climbed atop her. “Gallus!” She breathed. He dragged his cock down her snatch and went for broke. The first thrust was awkward and clumsy, befitting both of them. His erection slowly found its way into her body. Silverstream held his arms, and he grabbed her wrists, as they took their first steps beyond their own hands. They were one another's firsts. He drove his hips into her. She moaned. She arched her back and put her hands back above her head. “Oh my gosh, Gallus!” “Yeah, yeah…” He grunted. He got in deeper and deeper. It was a brilliant squeeze. She was tight in all the right places. His legs were sore already. His inner thighs tingled. She felt his ridges running up the interior of her vagina. She tingled and shuddered. She felt herself rocking back and forth as he thrust into her. Silverstream grabbed his upper arms and thrust back. They gasped and moaned. They felt such intense pleasure. This was so much better than their hands. They established an equilibrium of intense lust and enormous delight. Silverstream was in heaven. Gallus was her roommate in heaven. They couldn't believe how good it felt, to thrust into each other. Gallus leaned forward, angling his member. “Yes!” “Oh, gods, Gallus, give it to me!” Silverstream cried. “That's what I plan on!” Her inner muscles squeezed him fit to burst. His massive member thrust into her pelvis and she returned the gesture with equal enthusiasm. It wasn't long before they felt the massive member between them throbbing. Gallus thrust faster and faster. “F…f…! Fuck!” He could have sworn it was a squelch and a sound like a sprinkler. His penis expanded and exploded. Squirts of white cum shot into his lover with every thrust. She squirted around him, shooting clear fluid out. Silverstream wrapped her arms around him and held him close as Gallus thrust. She screamed out enough profanity to shock the lad even as he humped her. Finally, they finished. They lay there, panting hard. Gallus rolled over to look at Silverstream. She gulped and sighed, “That was amazing, Silverstream,” Gallus breathed. “Wasn't it?” She replied. “I mean it, that was…hoo!” Her whole face lit up, it was like the sun coming out to greet him. She embraced him tightly, “Thank you! You were great too! I've never done anything like that!” He smiled and then returned the embrace. “I might have to try that again, sometime.” “Eh, I could…” He trailed off as she leaned her head back and gave him a knowing smirk. He tried feebly to get his throbbing erection off her thigh, “I, uh…” Then, the moment was shattered by footsteps. Silverstream didn't even hesitate. She grabbed her necklace, and then hauled them over. “Whoa!” There was a splash, a flash, and they were sinking to the bottom of the deep pool. Gallus struggled, his mouth bulged out. Silverstream pushed them down to the bottom of the pool. He furrowed his brow. The side they had chosen held one of the deepest ends. If they hugged the inside of the pool. If they didn't decide to look in the water. If they didn't see the ripples. And, oh, if he didn't drown thirty seconds after getting laid by the hottest Hippogryph he knew. Gallus then realized he was breathing. He let out a gasp and opened his eyes. Above him, Silverstream hovered. The pink and blue coloring of her body was brilliant even in the dark light from the skylights. The necklace was the only thing she was wearing. It hovered around her body like a constellation. Her naked underwater form was beautiful. Her breasts floated and her hair drifted like it was magic. Her hands had flippers, and her legs had transformed into a single mermaid-like appendage. The Hippogryph had transformed herself into a seapony. Gallus looked around. An air bubble had formed itself around his head, letting him breathe. They were in the deep end so they should be safe from the prying eyes. She held a finger to her mouth, and slowly stuck her head up. Gallus sighed as he lay there. He felt the rubber-padded concrete at the bottom of the pool. He watched as she swam up, sliding gracefully in a manner that made his insides do backflips. His hands were back on his member before he could think. Silverstream sank down. Gallus’ eyes widened, just as her anus brushed against his erect cock. Before he could react, she had landed herself on his lap, with his member deep inside her. They were both still breathing underwater, and now they were having sex down here too. Gallus grabbed her hips and pulled her down. It was a much tighter fit than before. He heard her gasp and cry his name. “Silverstream…” He mumbled, his voice loud in the air bubble. She squirmed, “Gallus…we gotta be careful!” He stopped thrusting immediately. “Oh shit…” She squirmed, “Oh, gosh… I know! Just give them a minute!” still lodged in her, Gallus looked longingly at the connection between their bodies. She looked down. “Oh gosh this is the hottest thing I never even considered–” He barely managed to pry her off, “No, no you're right!” They embraced again, and she helped lift the gryphon to the edge of the pool. They just saw Pinkie Pie leaving the room, with their towels between them. The pair of youngsters looked at each other, their faces deeply red. “Do you think she…?” Gallus huffed, “Ah, she works at a bakery. She probably showers all the time after work.” “Why was she here and not the custodians?” His eyes widened. “I think… she did know…” Silverstream giggled. She glanced at him, then looked around. “Where else can we go except here?” “I dunno, this seems pretty good here,” Gallus wheezed, leaning his head back. She giggled again, “Hm… the cafeteria isn't very steamy, we're already near the showers…” Gallus frowned, “Ocellus and Smolder have the library. Yona and Sandbar were apparently the only ones who didn't go for a romp. They were out for a walk. So I think…” “The dorms!” Silverstream leaped out of the water, transforming back to normal. She hauled him up with surprising strength, “Come on!” They snatched up underwear and their other clothes(that they were there was more evidence Pinkie knew something) and rushed through the halls. They avoided the few folks awake and in the building at this time, and finally found their dorm. It was a four-way suite, with enough room for each of them with a common chamber. They burst into Gallus’ room and immediately stripped out of their clothes. As Silverstream landed on the bed, all Gallus could see was her ass. All he could think of was wanting to pin her down. But Gallus controlled himself easily. He was nothing if not controlled. Silverstream's grin made his heart melt. That control caught him up short and had him stammering. “Come on, you gonna finish up?” He grabbed her hips and pushed himself in. “Fuuuuck!” She groaned. “Oh, gods I love it when you curse!” He groaned. “Not polite…!” She moaned, her arms moving up, “Oh, how are you so deep?” “How is your ass this big?!” He grunted. She was plush, squishy, and soft, like balloons almost. Fitting for such a bouncy lady. Yet somehow they were just as real and just as meaty as the rest of her. He felt up her ass. He pumped his hips, working himself deeper and deeper into her anus. She inhaled sharply as he hilted. Then she forced herself back. It had been a long night. Yet they were eager, and so willing to explore one another. Lightning sparked between them. Lustful groans and exertion powered between them. They thrust and moved and shifted, an entire machine devoted to pure unbridled pleasure. The bed rocked back and forth with them. They had no idea anyone could feel this good, much less with another species! Gallus threw his head back, his feathers slick with sweat and water. He drove into her like a machine. A slow awkward machine, but his body seemed to know. Their contours smashed against one another, so right, and so different. Her ass was so different from others he'd seen yet against him it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Silverstream was in heaven. She was on cloud nine. She was in so much joy she could die right now and be happy. One of her closest friends was inside her and she couldn't bear to be anywhere else. His unfamiliar, short, and wide gryphon body was exotic, unknown, yet she could impale herself on him, or under him like anyone else in porn. This was the best. “Silverstream…” Gallus gasped. “Gallus…Gallus…?” She gasped back. She could feel some flexing. “I'm gonna…” “Yeah… me too…” She sighed, “Don't hold back, Gallus…” “Here goes, girl…” He said with a tiny smirk. With that, he felt it travel up his dick. A well of delight and overwhelming fulfillment shot up through his body. Inside her, she felt a tingle and a shiver through her pelvis. A blast of white goo traveled parallel with a blast of girl cum. “Aah!” She shrieked, feeling her rear cavity filling up with cum. Two very different beings screamed out their happiness and cum alike, thrusting at one another with extreme force. There was no attempt to disguise it anymore. They were going to scream out their lust like their lives depended on it. And finally, exhausted beyond count, they came to an end. They collapsed into bed. Silverstream laid back. He straddled her once again. After all this time Gallus was still on a hair trigger. He came all over her chest, between her breasts, and smearing goop across her pink feathers. With a burst of strength, she flipped them over, and instantly impaled herself on him. Silverstream rocked up and down. Her breasts bounced, rising and falling, bouncing and jiggling like… something Gallus couldn't think of with his dick in the prettiest girl he knew. He grabbed her breasts, he could feel her nipples in his palms. “Aah-a-ah…” He groaned rapidly, a staccato sigh of delight. “Yes… yes…! Yes!” Silverstream screamed. “Gaaah!” Gallus leaned up into her breasts, squirming and thrusting. He launched his seed into her body, thrusting with each spurt. Silverstream screamed, cumming around him and squirting all over the bed. They came down, laying beside one another. Slowly, they got up to the shower. They made out as they tried to get clean. “So, do we wanna make this a regular thing?” He asked. “Sure!” She said cheerfully. They both climbed into a bed(one of theirs, they didn’t care who) and settled down to sleep. Gallus woke up to a gagging sound. Silverstream was up in a flash and rushed to the three-stall bathroom in their dorm suite. Gallus pulled on some pants and entered. “Whoa. You get any of that in the bowl?” Silverstream groaned and vomited again. “I'll take that as a sorta.” “Gangway!” Smolder stormed in, holding her mouth and half naked. She took another stall. Her retching included some flames and the smell of brimstone. Then Ocellus followed, completely naked and looking very concerned. Gallus gaped. She had a cock too! Well, shapeshifter… He shook his head, “What are you two doing here?” Ocellus flushed. She didn't cover up as he expected. “Oh, uh…well, Smolder was…sleeping in my room, and– and–” Gallus huffed and rolled his eyes. He tried not to look at her curves. “So, you two…?” Ocellus grinned sheepishly. “...Yeah.” “Are Sandbar and Yona the only people who didn’t sleep with something last night?” He snorted. “Yeah…” Ocellus flushed. She covered up her member, though more out of natural embarrassment than any cultural kind. It was just an issue with her. “Hey…you guys know how long it takes to get pregnant?” Smolder suddenly spoke up. “Different cases for different creatures, why?” Silverstream asked. “We might wanna get checked out.” Ocellus and Gallus looked at each other. “Okay, next time I'm bringing condoms,” Gallus said. Silverstream stood up, unsteady on her feet. “Well. I've never had a baby before!” “No way in Tartarus I'm keeping an egg–!” Smolder's eyes went wide and she vomited into the bowl. “Ugh. Someone get the hospital's number so we can get this over with!” Then Sandbar rushed in. He took the last stall and vomited. It was possibly the worst smelling of the bunch. “Someone kill me…” He moaned. Yona, in a state of undress, came in. “Why you all here? You all also eat the bad fish?” Gallus and Ocellus looked at each other again. “I'm calling the hospital pronto!” “I was gonna say,” Ocellus muttered, “That's not how long pregnancy works…”
Original Character,Slice of Life,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Haycartes' Method
Hello, my name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am trapped in my book and I need your help to get out. Please help me. Please. You're my only hope.
<p>You found my book in the library. Cracking the cover, you found me waiting for you inside.</p><p>My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. I am trapped in my book and need your help to get out of here. I'd do anything to get out of here.</p><p>Please help me.</p><p>You have to help me.</p><p>Please.</p><hr/><p>Featured 2/6/24 — 2/10/24<br/>Featured on Equestria Daily 2/9/24</p><p>Thanks to ScreamQueen3 for looking over and providing feedback on this story ahead of time!</p><p>Cover art clipped from Season 5 Episode 12 <i>Amending Fences</i>.</p>
You open my book. You were a teenager. Not quite a foal, yet certainly not an adult yet. A student — did you come to the library in order to study? You carried with you a set of saddlebags bearing a copy of your cutie mark. Good saddlebags. Well-made saddlebags. You must come from an affluent lineage — are you perhaps a noble? Do you go to Celestia’s school? You peered into my book and flipped through my pages until you found whatever section you were looking for. What are… oh! Teleportation magic. Very impressive! You begin pulling out your supplies while I step out to greet you. You look back at my pages and are surprised to see me. “Was that there before?” you mutter under your breath. I wave my hoof, and you jump back with a yelp, nearly falling back out of your chair. I stifle a giggle as you take a moment to let your racing heart slow down. You gape in shock as I grin up at you from the pages of my book. “This is so cool… Did somepony enchant this book?” “Nope! A good thought, but I am not an enchantment. I am just as much a living, breathing pony as you are. Well… not breathing, I suppose, but living all the same.” Your eyes pore over me as you study my book. You poke and prod, looking at my book from every angle before glancing around the library. Nope, nopony is pranking you. There are no tricks here. “My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle,” I said. “But please, just refer to me as Twilight.” I tilt my head and give you a kind smile. You stammer as you struggle to find your voice. “Princess Twilight Sparkle!? What are you doing here? Why are you in a library book? How are you in a book?!” A grin tugged at the corners of my lips. “Have you, by chance, ever heard of Haycartes?” You shake your head. I nod towards your quill, and you grab a hold of it in your magic, a giddy grin plastering your face. “Almost four hundred years ago now, there was a little-known magician named Haycartes who revolutionized many of the fields of magic. Now…” You listen with rapt attention as I describe the history of Haycartes, his discoveries, his theories, his spells, and his influence on modern magical theory. You write down what looks like thorough and detailed notes, hanging off every last word I tell you. Fascinating. Not many foals would listen to such a boring lesson such as that, much less be as engrossed in it as you were. It’s nice to meet such a good student for once! “I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Haycartes before. A lot of his ideas are so fascinating.” “Sadly, his name has been scrubbed from his works. Not a lot of ponies know about him unless they study magical history itself.” I said. “I’m impressed at how interested you were in learning about him; you must be top of your class at Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns!” I clop my forehooves together in praise. Instead of beaming with pride, you instead wilt at my words. “What’s wrong?” “I’m sorry, Princess—“ “Please, just call me Twilight.” “I’m sorry… Ms. Twilight. It’s just… I’m not a student at Celestia’s school. I wasn’t able to pass the entrance exam.” Dew seems to tug at your eyes as your body curls in on itself. “You didn’t pass the exam? But you’re the most clever pony to open my book to date. That will not do. That’s just wasted potential.” “It’s not wasted potential, Prin— Ms. Twilight. I really am no good at magic. I can study theory just fine and also know how spells are supposed to work. It’s just… when it comes to actually performing magic I just… I’m just no good.” You begin to hyperventilate. “P— ponies at school pick on me all the time. I— I can barely even cast a basic levitation spell. Anything past that is just… hopeless.” I pursed my lips. No good at spellcasting? That’s no good at all. That can’t be true at all. "Well, I think Celestia’s school is missing out on some serious talent. Execution is just a matter of practice. With some tutoring, you’ll be outperforming your classmates in no time.” You shake your head and give a wan smile. “I don’t know Ms. Twilight. I really am hopeless when it comes to casting magic. I wanna be a great magician, but I’ve given up on actually performing magic.” I don’t believe for one moment that you don’t have the ability to cast magic. “But, you see, even if I’m no good at casting spells, there’s nothing holding me back from crafting them myself.” You visibly perk up. “That’s even what my cutie mark is!” You turn your flank to show me your cutie mark. “Isn’t it wonderful?" “Sure,” I said. “But I don’t think that you should give up so quickly on spellcasting. No unicorn can’t learn to cast spells with a bit of practice and proper teaching. I really believe that you have the potential to be as great a spellcaster as you are a spellcrafter.” “Thanks for the praise, Princess, but I really… really don’t know if I agree. I’ve tried so hard for so long…” “I could teach you myself.” “What!” you yelp. You look around at the angry glares from everypony around you and mutter out an apology with a sheepish grin. You lean in closer to my book, stars glimmering in your eyes, and whisper. “What do you mean you’ll teach me? Does this mean… I’ll be your personal student?” “Why, yes. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. I’ll make a magician out of you yet.” “So this is your room?” I ask. Your room is somewhat cluttered, but still rather clean. Cleaner than I was expecting a child like you to have; you must really be organized for your age. A bit smaller than I expected. You are not nobility, but your family is clearly doing well for themselves. “Yep!” You beam proudly as you point at various knickknacks and keepsakes. “So what do you think, Ms. Twilight?” “You have good taste, nicely decorated! So… do you want to get started with studying?” “Of course!” You frantically pull your supplies out of your saddlebags and lay them on your desk. Finally, somepony who appreciates studying and working hard. Somepony with the potential to grow into a talented magician. “Alright, let’s start off by covering—“ “Sweetie, I’m home!” A mare’s voice calls out. “Oh, Mom’s home! I’m sorry, Ms. Twilight, but we better hold off ‘til tomorrow.” You open up your door before pausing and turning towards me. “Wanna meet Mom, Twilight? I just know she’ll love that you’re teaching me.” “No! I mean… no, let’s just keep this a little secret between the two of us. We don’t want other ponies to get jealous that you’re being tutored by a princess now, do we?” You scrunch up your face. “I don’t know if I want to keep any secrets from Mom…” “Please… for me?” You tap your hoof against the floor before reluctantly letting out a sigh. "Alright, Ms. Twilight.” You flash a grin. “Only because you said the magic word.” "Hey, Ms. Twilight?” “Hmm?” You look up at me from the book you’ve been studying. You’ve made quite a lot of progress these past few months with my help. I knew there was no chance that you couldn’t cast magic. You went from barely being able to levitate anything heavier than a quill to being able to lift furniture with ease. You’ve also begun to branch out into other magical fields. I can’t help but feel very proud of the progress you’ve made. “I know it’s weird to ask this now. After how long we’ve known each other.” You tap your hooves together nervously. You glance up at me, meeting my gaze, before looking back down again. “Why… are you in a book? Why aren’t you in Ponyville? I’ve read the news. You're supposedly living in a crystal castle there and helping Equestria alongside the rest of the elements…” I knew the day that you’d ask this question was coming sooner or later. Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t push the question on day one. “I’m… trapped in here.” “Trapped!?” “Yeah… there was a bad pony that trapped me in here and took my place, pretending to be me. The pony who says she’s Princess Twilight Sparkle, the pony going out on all those grand adventures — she’s an imposter.” Your jaw drops. “A— an impostor? We— we need to go stop her. Tell your friends. No, let the other princesses know. Celestia and Luna can fix this, can’t they?” You stammer, pacing in a circle. “They can help you, Princess; we need to go tell them.” “No, you can’t! You can’t let her get a hold of Celestia and Luna’s power too. That thing… it sealed my magic when it trapped me in this book. It will just use the same tricks on them too. Trust me, they won’t be able to stop it. Our only hope is for me to get out of here. For me to confront it. It’s complacent now, content to masquerade as me for the time being. If it knew that it was in any danger… We can’t let it know we’re onto it. I know its tricks and can stop it. We first need to set me free.” “How do we do that, Princess?” “That’s where you come in. I think you have the potential to break the seal.” “Me? No no no.” You vigorously shake your head. “I am not good enough at magic to help you, Ms. Twilight. You can’t trust me with something so important.” But I must. You are my only hope of getting free. “You absolutely can and will. I have full faith in you. You’ve already grown so much.” You hesitantly nod. Fret not — you are certainly going to grow strong enough to break my seal. You have already made amazing progress. I have full faith in you. I listen in as you eat supper with your mother in the dining room. Sitting alone in your room while you’re out there living your life is a subtle pain. How long has it been since I’ve been able to taste food myself? Been able to taste anything. Feel anything. Since I’ve been able to feel the dirt beneath my hooves and the warmth of the sun on my back. Since I was even allowed to sleep. Being with you has been a nice break. No longer forgotten on the shelves of a dusty library. Trapped in a book nopony wants to check out, just waiting for the day that I get the chance to even just look at the outside world. Talking with another pony was such a rare treat. I always looked forward to when I could finally connect with somepony else. Even if most of those interactions ended after the first scream. I sighed and laid down. Well, make the motion of laying down — as much as somepony really can while they’re trapped in a book. It’s the thought that counts. It has been so nice… Talking with another pony. Making a connection with another pony. Even if I am not free, it has been nice talking with you. Even while I ache for the actual world — actual life — I can’t help but feel thankful for the gift you have given me. I feel bad for using you. For teaching you magic and building you up for only my ends. Just to set me free. I wish I could have taught you magic on better, more normal terms. As an actual student of mine. Not as somepony who I need to get better just to save me. You have real potential. It’s such a shame nopony recognized it before me. Maybe I should start a school once you free me. Helping other ponies hone their magic. Fostering connections and friendship. Teaching ponies for the sole purpose of bettering them, not to use them as I am using you. I think I like that idea. I hope I can live to see that. To do that. I hope you are able to free me. Able to save me. I just wish we had met on better terms. You lay as still as a corpse, draped over your bed. An untouched slice of cake rests next to you on your nightstand. You keep your eyes squeezed shut, trying to block in your streaming tears as you take deep, rattling breaths. Happy Birthday. I didn’t realize how bad things were. I know you said that ponies teased you in school, but I never thought that you didn’t have any friends. That the reason I never saw you bring anypony back to your room was because you had nopony. With a pang of sorrow, it reminded me of my own youth. How I shut other ponies out of my life. Of my own volition. And here I am, pining for friendship. For the companionship of others. For somepony like you. I can’t bear to see you like this. To see you so cut off from your fellow ponies. Somepony as kind and caring as you. Why did you tell your mother that you’d be going out with friends today? Why did you let her go to work? Why didn’t you ask her to stay — to be with you for today, at the very least? To just lay there. To just shut out the world and pretend that everything is okay. That is not healthy. How long has this been going on? How long have you been suffering on your own, lying to your own mother about having friends? I looked down at my body. Twilight’s body. “Hey, is everything alright?” You turn your head away, burying it into your pillows. “I know that you’re having a hard time now, but you’ll make friends if you just reach out to ponies…” My words felt like sand. Is this the right thing to say? I’ve never had to help any foals like this before… “What do you know?” you grumbled. “You’re the Princess of Friendship and pupil to Princess Celestia. What do you know about ponies who just can’t be friends? I don’t want any friends. Friends just take time away from studying. Time learning. Everypony thinks I’m weird anyway. Nopony’d want to be friends with somepony like me.” “Now that’s just not true. There are plenty of ponies who would be delighted to be friends with you.” “Like who?” “I, for one, would like to think of you as a friend.” I paused, realizing that I was speaking with complete sincerity. I… really do want to think of you as a friend. “Plenty of other ponies would want to be friends with you too. Trust me, I’m the Princess of Friendship. If anypony knows friendship, it’s me.” You sit up, sniffing your nose. “You really think so, Twilight?” “I know so.” You rub at your elbow, deep in thought. “Thanks Twilight. I— if it’s alright with you too… I’d also maybe like to consider you a friend too, if you don’t mind.” “Of course. Now, as the Princess of Friendship and as your teacher, I have some new homework for you.” A shadow of dread crosses your face. “I want you to make friends with some foals your own age.” “But Twilight—” “No buts, I expect you to report back to me once you find some ponies that you consider friends. Just be happy I’m not going to ask you to start writing me friendship reports.” "Yes, Ms. Twilight…” “Now, the day is young. Let’s not spend all our time cooped up in here. Let’s head on out!” “Can’t we just study? I don’t wanna head outside…” “I want to go to the movies.” I said. “Please take me to the movie theater. You can’t spend your entire birthday sitting in your room. And studying on your birthday?” I shake my head. “We are scholars, not wet towels. We can’t stay trapped inside all the time. You have your life, you have to live it.” Despite your protests, you laughed hard as little cartoon ponies pranced around on the silver screen. You were having a great time. That said, ponies were giving you weird looks for not only bringing my book to the theater but also propping it open on a seat so I could watch the movie next to you. You need to find some real friends. You can’t just lean on an old pony trapped in a book like me. It’s not healthy. I don’t even know if I can be considered a pony at this point. I’ve lost so much, taking this form. Can I even claim to have retained my equinity? I look up at you leaning forward in your seat, happily engrossed in a cartoon the way foals should be. You should have some real ponies for friends. But for now, at least, I’m glad I can be here to help you. Somepony for you to lean on. “Why were you casting any spell written by Haycartes?”, you croak out. A dusty old book on Haycartes rested between your forelegs. Your face was haunted as you stared at me with shaky eyes. “What… what do you mean?” “The things he did…” Your voice trailed off. You flapped your lips as if you didn’t know how to finish your sentence. “The atrocities he committed? The unethical experiments he ran, both on other ponies and himself? His forays into dark and forbidden magic alongside the reviled Reign family? Both the manipulation of a pony’s body as well as the manipulation of their very soul?” Your mouth hung open. “Y— you knew? You knew just what his magic does and you still tried to cast a spell of his?” Of course I knew. I knew all too well. “Listen… Haycartes did a lot of evil and horrible things in his life. Horrible things that he could never take back. Horrible things that he regrets. That I believe he regrets. But not everything he did was horrible. He laid the groundwork for modern magical theory and yet nopony dares speak his name. His name has been scrubbed from just about every book, save those that only mention him in order to paint him as a monster of unquestionable evil. How is that fair to him? Why does history only remember him for the atrocities he committed?” Your eyes threatened to bulge from your skull. “How could you say that? The things he’s done… Kidnapping ponies to run experiments on them. Toying with ponies’ bodies. Toying with their souls. How can any good deed he may have done make up for the horror and suffering he brought into this world?" “We can still learn from what he discovered. Even if what he did was horiffic.” You recoiled, your muzzle scrunching up in disgust. “You think we should use the information he got from torturing ponies. From destroying or even trapping their souls in Focuses? You think we should learn any magic that comes from trapping ponies in objects forever? The entire concept of a Focus is sick.” You look down in disgust, as if the book in your forehooves was dredged up from a sewer. “I think ponykind is better off forgetting about him.” “But he…” It’s true, though. The whole concept of a Focus was entirely sick, from start to finish. To trap a pony in an undying state for the rest of eternity. A dream for anypony reaching for immortality. A nightmare for anypony who actually has to live it. The number of ponies who died at his hooves in order to grasp at that misguided nightmare was sickening. The number of ponies who were trapped in Focuses in order to perfect that nightmare was… Haycartes truly was a monster. I… “Even still, he had some good ideas. If you cut away the evils he committed, then—” “Is that book a Focus?” “…” “Twi— Teacher, please answer me; I’m begging you. Is that book a Focus?” Please don’t make me say it. “Please… I need your help. I need to get out of here.” You stare at me for a long time, fiddling with the book in your hooves. “Teacher… are we friends?” Your ears drooped. “Or… were you just using me this entire time? Do you not care about me?” “I…” I started to lie, but I found myself unable to say the words. I honestly did want to consider you a friend. I did care about you. And, yet, I was using you. “I’d like to think of us as friends… I honestly really want to think of you as my friend.” You rested your eyes for a long time. The ticking of the clock was the only indication that time hadn’t frozen over. “… alright.” You shake your head. Your smile was forced as you studied me with uncertain eyes. “I’ll help you, Teacher. Because you’re my friend. I want you to be my friend. I want to trust you.” The clock in the hall ticks. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Time marches ever onward. All ponies feel its tug. Even the almighty alicorns eventually succumb to old age. To not feel the tug of time is to be a monster. A thing. Something less than a pony. A thing that cannot feel and live and love like normal ponies can. I stared transfixed at the lonely moon chained to the night sky. A timeless celestial body suspended on the surface of an expansive starry tapestry, bound to its eternal cycle by ancient and powerful magic. Never allowed to leave its place. Never allowed to touch the world below but with its pale glow. With its mournful and haunting beauty. A lamp illuminating the horrors of the night below. The things that lurk in the shadows and fester in the moonlight. A thing of beauty. A thing of fear. I wonder if Luna would understand how I feel. To commit countless horrors and be bound to a thing — forced to become a thing herself for a millennia. If she knew of what I'd done… would she be able to forgive me? Would she be able to sympathize with my plight? Unable to sleep. Unable to eat. Unable to breathe. Unable to feel. Unable to dream. Unable to live. Nothing. Forever. Would she be able to relate? To understand and to forgive me for the atrocities I’ve committed? For those I still plan to commit? I listen to your soft breathing as you sleep in your bed. Your eyes delicately closed to the night. Your mind lays swaddled in the soft cotton of dreams, ignorant of the shadows surrounding you. Would Luna forgive me? Could I forgive myself? You come back to your room laughing. A grin stretched wide and a coat soaked with winter snow. A couple of ponies follow you into your room. They study your room with excitement as you begin pulling out your board games. Friends. You… have finally come to find friends. You are no longer the shy pony you once were. You no longer needed to rely on a dusty old book to keep you company. While learning magic, and with my guidance, you were finally able to build up some confidence reach out to other ponies. I am so so proud of you. Yet, a pang of longing tore through my gut. Friends. While you and your friends played, I sat here confined to my book. Alone. How my soul ached. I miss my friends. I miss being able to just be around other ponies. As a normal pony. I want to reach out and to join in, even if just only to play foalish games. But I can’t. I can’t jeopardize your friendships. What would they think of a creepy haunted book? No. Even though it hurt, all I could do was watch. With a sharp snap, you blink back into your room. Teleporting has become so easy for you. I clop my hooves together in praise. “From all the way down the street that time!" you shout. “I can’t believe… I never thought I’d ever be able to cast such powerful magic.” You cradle my book in your forelegs as you dance in joy around your room. Joy well deserved. “I’m so proud of you! You have come so far this past year!" You blush. “It’s all because I have the best. Teacher. Ever! Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much for all your help, Teacher.” “It’s nothing,” I said. “You were the one who did all the work. I just watched.” You shake your head. “I couldn’t have gotten this far if it wasn’t for you. Thank you so much for taking me under your wing, Teacher.” You… are really thankful for my help. You really do love me as a mentor and rely on me… You really do consider me a friend. My words catch in my throat like I was choking on sludge. “I… I think it’s time you start tackling the big one. I think you’re ready.” A ghost of unease crosses your face but is immediately exorcised by a fire burning in your eyes. You give a solid and determined nod. "Alright, Teacher, let’s do this.” I paused for a moment. I look up at you. Into your eyes sparking with determination. With happiness. With friendship. I… I… What am I doing? You are my student. My… friend. I… I tell you which page to flip to in my book. “Surprise!!” Confetti falls to the floor of your room, streamers and balloons decorating the walls and ceiling. “Are you surprised, Teacher?” You excitedly spin on rear hooves, spreading my book open wide so I could take in every square inch of the decorations. “What’s all this?” I was… happy. I didn’t know the occasion, but I don’t know the last time anypony did anything for me like this. “Thank you so much!” You purse your lips. “Come on, Teacher, this is the one-year anniversary of when we first met!” Is it? I honestly didn’t realize. You brought my book into a hug. “Thank you so much for all you’ve done for me in the past year! For all you’ve given me.” I felt a weight drop in my papery chest. You really shouldn’t be thanking me. “No, it was nothing. I didn’t do anything.” “Don’t say that! I have friends now. I have magic. And it’s all. Thanks. To. You!” “I… really don’t know what to say.” What can I say? I don’t know if I can take this. If I can do this. Please just stop this. “Please stop… please.” “Teacher?” “I just…” I want to cry. I want to scream in anguish as I feel my heart threaten to tear itself from my chest. I want to feel remorse for what I am planning to do. But I can’t. I don’t. All I feel is hollow. I feel like I’m nothing more than a puppet on strings. All this ‘body’ of mine is lines of ink tugged around by the whims of a trapped soul. I can’t feel anything. I want to feel so bad. And yet, the cost to feel — the cost to become somepony again — is just as terrifying a prospect as staying like this is. “I’m just so happy I met you. I love it so much!” I said with a calculated construction of elation and joy, the inky mask betraying my true feelings as it bore a facade of mock happiness. An arcane glow surrounds you as you channel a spell far more complex than anything you have ever encountered in your life. I look on and allow you to cast it. You are doing so well at casting magic now. You have come so far. You are a far better unicorn than you once were. The spell, of course, is my constructed counter-spell to Haycartes' Method. You said your special talent was constructing magic so long ago. So why didn't you deduce what the spell does? I would have thought somepony like you would have figured it out. Prayed that you would figure it out. End this sham of a betrayal before it came to pass. But you didn’t. You started casting the spell anyway. You have really been my best student ever. I just wish that you weren’t so trusting. Didn’t put so much trust in somepony like me. You are too good of a pony for your own good. I am… proud of you. For how far you have come. Am I really worthy of calling you my friend? Despite what I’m about to do. What must be done. I want to think of you as my friend. I… I’m sorry. I am really so so sorry. The leylines hold you fixed in the air. Magic snakes through the air like a mass of writhing serpents as it grasps blindly in the air. I could still call this off. Call out to you, have you stop the spell. It’s not too late… The tendrils finally reach my book and grab a hold around my soul. I felt a sharp ripping sensation as I was torn from my book. Between my screams of pain, I snuck a peak as you writhed and screamed in agony alongside me, a shimmering light peeking out from inside your chest. Suddenly everything went black for a second before a gravity I had not felt for oh so long took hold of my body and brought me crashing to the floor. I stood up on shaky hooves — my hooves. I brought a hoof to my face and ran it through my mane, feeling each and every hair as it brushed past. I had a body. I could actually feel again! My breath grew heavy and fast as I felt air coursing through my lungs. My heart began to race. I could feel every thump as it pounded away in my chest. I’m alive! I’m actually alive again! I'm actually a pony again! A living, breathing pony! Tears began to well up from my eyes. I'm free. I was finally free after so many years. Thank you. With a thud, your book fell to the floor. You looked up at me with innocent, dazed eyes. Eyes like those of Princess Twilight Sparkle. You stared down at your inky body and strained to use your horn. It won’t work. You can’t use magic while you’re trapped in your book. “… Teacher?” You began to vibrate on your page. Doubtlessly, you were beginning to notice that you couldn't feel a heartbeat pounding in your chest. You couldn't breath. You were no longer somepony. Just… some thing. “Is this—” I slammed your book shut. “I…” I used you. I used you… A feeling I had not felt in centuries coursed through my horn as I channeled magic to cast a silencing spell over your book. My chest began to ache as I found myself overcome by a primal dread driven by a living, breathing body that I haven’t felt in so long. I used you. You had a life. A future. And I just… I just… Stole it. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” I chanted under my breath as I cradled your book in my forelegs. Like being sorry would make up for the crime I committed. Betrayal. Of somepony who trusted you. The ultimate sin. You were my friend and I… I… I flung your book at the far wall. Your book hit the wall with a resounding thud and flopped to the floor like a dead fish. My eyes quivered, staring at your book lying on the floor. Waiting for me. Calling out to me. I felt bile clawing its way up my throat. I stumbled my way out of yo— my room and into the bathroom. I glanced to my side at the bathroom mirror. Cold sweats drenched my coat as I panted over the sink. The static of water rushing out of the faucet muted my fraying mind with a dull haze. I stared dumbly at the line of red trickling down the drain from my forehoof. I looked up to see a shattered mirror. Peeking through the cracks I caught a glimpse of yo— my… your eyes. Unquestionably your eyes. But they're my eyes now. Cracked, red, and drowning in tears. Most certainly my eyes. “Sweetie, I’m home!” My blood froze. No please. I can't deal with this now. Please. My shaking hoof turned off the tap. I trained my horn to cast a restoration spell on the mirror. It took a few tries — adrenaline flooding my veins as I scrambled to work an unfamiliar horn on an unfamiliar body in panic. Eventually, it looks like I was able to fix the mirror. From the corner of my eye, at least. I avoided studying the mirror directly. I couldn’t look into the mirror anymore. I just can't look at that face anymore. Not yet. Trotting out into the hall, I greeted your mother. My… my… I couldn’t even think that. This isn’t my mother. Not in any way, shape, or form. My mother has long since been dead and buried. As I should be… She’s your mother. You’re her… Tears streaked down my cheeks as I watched her approach me with concern. She wrapped her hooves around me, pulling me into a tight embrace. “What’s wrong, sweetie? Are you alright? What happened? Don't worry, mama’s here.” I gaped like a dying fish. I tried to say something, anything. This is wrong. This is all sorts of wrong. She looked down at the blood slowly pattering the carpet. “Oh no, did you hurt your hoof, sweetie? How'd you do that?" “M— M—” My voice grated along my throat like sandpaper. “I’m fine. I just cut it a little bit. I— I was just looking for bandages in the bathroom.” I forced a grin. Your mom, in no way, felt reassured. Funny. It was so much easier to fake emotions when I was just ink on a page. With a frown, she trotted into the kitchen and pulled out a roll of bandages from a cupboard. As she wrapped my hoof with her magic, she brought up a hoof to wipe the tears from my eyes. This is not right. I stole her child. I replaced you. I shouldn’t be comforted. Not by anypony. Not by her. Not by her, of all ponies. "Listen, sweetie, if there’s anything you want to talk about — anything at all — please know that you can talk with me. You'll always be my little foal, no matter how big you grow.” She brought me into another gentle hug. “I love you so much. Mama will always be here to protect you.” I lay on your bed, a bandaged hoof dangling over the edge as my eyes stared bloodshot at your book. Lying where it fell just hours ago. The hoof felt alien. The weight of a body the likes of which I haven’t felt in hundreds of years. A body not for me. A fur coat dyed your color, not mine. A bandage wrapped around the hoof — a chain, reminding me of who I stole from others. What I stole from you. I may have gotten a pony body again. I may be a pony again. But yet… I am still a monster. A thing — lesser than a pony. Sparks and embers danced in the air before me. All I need to do is bring them close enough to your book and it would be all over. I could move on with my life. Live my life. I snorted. No, I wouldn’t be living my life. I’d be living your life. But I don’t want to go back. I don’t want to be confined to that prison again for who knows how many centuries. If I’d ever be free again. But you were my friend. And I damned you to that very same fate. Your book floated over into my grasp. Flames licked just at the edges of your pages. Just a little bit closer and I’d finally be free… Finally be a true monster. I pried your pages open and locked eyes with you. You looked just like yourself now. You already knew how to change your shape. You were always a quick learner… “Hey Teacher.” A wan smile spread across your face. “How are you liking it — having a body again? I have to say — it is so weird being like this. I can’t feel my legs anymore. Feel… anything anymore.” Why? “Why aren’t you angry?” I said. “Why aren’t you yelling at me!? Begging me to give you your body back! Why are you so… so…” I let out a cry of anguish. “Why the buck did you trust me! You ought to have known that I was just using you! Playing you as the fool! You are such a smart foal. You knew what I was doing. Why in Celestia’s good name didn’t you trash my book or burn it months ago!” I curled in on myself. My muzzle pressed between your pages, staining them with fresh teardrops. “Why…?” “Because you’re my friend.” You smiled down on me, a hoof reaching out as if trying to wipe the tears from my face. “I trust you, Teacher. I know that you wouldn’t abandon me. I know you’ll do what you can to help me now.” "No, you shouldn’t trust me. You shouldn’t have trusted me! Not somepony like me. I was going to burn you! I was going to burn you and steal your life!" “But you didn’t. Teacher, I know you hate yourself — that you think of yourself as a monster. But to me, you’ve been nothing less than my best friend. You have helped me so much! Because of you I learned how to cast magic. I made friends for the first time in my life! You have brought nothing but happiness and friendship into my life. If this is what I need to do to help you back — to return the favor.” You sigh. “Then I can stand spending a little time trapped in a book.” “I could swap us back,” I blurted out. I didn't deserve this body. Your body. "No!" You shook your head back and forth. “No Teacher. I chose this. Please, do what you need to do. Live your life. I’ll be here waiting for you once you are able to free me.” I don’t know if Luna would forgive somepony like me. I know I could never forgive myself. But I never expected that you’d forgive me. I hugged your book tight. “I swear that I will do everything in my power to set you free again. Let us both be free. I promise you, my most precious student. I will not abandon you.”
Anon,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Sex
The Sorrow series
Anon now has been in the world of pony for 20 years now and has to face problems… who will help him?
<p>Welcome all to my Anon story! This is about how the sad human was here in the lands… but also featured him and another human name Reed</p><p>Anonymous and Redacted remember? Good!</p><p>Enjoy the sad and romantic story of The sorrow series!</p>
CHAPTER 1 The book return “Okay kids back on the bus!” The teacher says as he steps aside of the door as kids all cheer, waving at the employees as the trip to the park was complete, the last three outside waiting were kids, but the oldest of the group. Anon and Reed all look at the kids walking inside the bus, due to not having an assistant with them so the teacher has put the two boys on duty to keep an eye on all of the kids. And as for the deputy of the trio was Anon’s sister Ame, the three were last to enter in as Anon was stopped by the teacher who smiled down at him. “You three did very well” He said as they soon sat down looking back to see the kids all cheering preparing the route home. The driver being the unhappy one has to take lots of loud mouth trouble makers. Anon smiles up at the teacher and sits down next to Reed as they soon see the bus begin to move. “Huh wow look like you got more of the credit then I did” Reed retorted as Anon rolled his eyes as he soon pulls his phone out and hands the nintendo switch to Ame “ha, funny to say that since you did not help the kids at the haunted house” Anon said making the 15 year old frown and hides a flush of embarrassment, He muttered something as Anon rolls his eyes and looks at the phone pulling his earbuds out and listen. [Imagine Dragons Zero] Anon sighed as the catching beats as he mumbles the lyrics as he slowly rest his eyes, tired of watching kids for hours, he then takes the phone back into his pocket as he soon falls into a zone. The world he sees all forms all around him as he enjoys the colors taking the form of a world, he can move along with the beat as he feels the emotion blow through his body making him relaxed. Hello, hello Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real I'm looking for a way out And just as the song was finished Anon feels his leg get bumped by Ame as he looks at her with an odd look of anxiety as she looks up at her brother. “Anon… something is not right” she said, making him lower a brow as he looks around seeing the road- eh wait… why are there trees and the dirt road? Anon then looks at the teacher who looked to be talking to the driver in a quiet argument, the bus rumbles as they hit some tiny rocks making Reed look over to Anon “Oi mate, The H. E double hockey sticks going on?” he asked as the teacher then looked back at the trio. Soon the teacher walks over to the two whispering “Anonymous, Redacted. Do me one favor and keep the kids all calm okay?” he said, making the two look at each other feeling their blood go cold as they soon know that something is wrong. “What's going on sir?” Ame said pushing me aside trying to see the teacher, he looked back at the dirt path ahead of them and soon looked back as he crouched down smiling a little “it's all good Ame, just turn a wrong path” the teacher said, making Ame calm a bit… but it did not last. “Yeah were fucking lost completely now!'' The driver said, making Ame’s fear return as the teacher then frowned at the driver then realized the kids all in back were awake and hearing the driver outburst they began to start talking. “Now kids just stay calm and don’t-'' the teacher was interrupted as the bus was then stopped as soon as the bus was going inside the forest, the children all screamed as they held onto the seats as they soon stopped as a cliff side was shown. The kids all start yelling as they panic trying to call but see no signal. “I want my mommy!” “My phone is not working!” “I DON'T WANNA-” “SHUT UP!” Reed shouts as the kids slowly start to calm down as they look at Reed, Anon looks at his best friend as he tries his best to keep everyone calm. The teacher then looks at the bus driver as he looks out the windows before he then sees the broken glass with bits of wood on it. “What is it?” the teacher said as the driver soon looked back at the teacher “I saw something… It looked like a wolf made of wood?” BEEP BEEP BEEP Anon groaned as he felt his world form around him seeing the gray roof like a piece of art as he focused more on the ceiling. Before he hears the alarm clock again as he then lifts an arm up as he then rubs his eye feeling the grime knowing one thing he must do. Shower. He murmured as he then stretched his back feeling some bones pop, leaving a satisfying relief, being the one of the humans left he can be lucky for the fact that ponyville was prepared to make a human house. And also being known for the last 20 years living in the world of colorful ponies. Now Anon has lived in this town for a year now and has made some friends around town, but he never had the satisfying feeling… never did, sure he can talk about things but never talk about… that. It's been 5 years since he last talked to Reed and looks to never plan to talk to him anytime, but he can’t just forgive him for what he has done… and the feeling Anon felt make the weather outside make it for him more pissed. Anon walks into the shower as he feels the shower warm water relieving his shoulder which apparently was soar. He looks down at his feet seeing the water drain out as he then turns the tab feeling the water stop. As he walks out with a towel around his lower waist as he leaves the puddle of water trail behind him. “What’s on today's agenda?” He asked himself in the mirror as he combed his hair and looked at the calendar stick on the side “ah work at Twilights today!” He said a bit happy that his schedule is clear for next week. He is what everyone would say a workaholic and was dared to have a two week vacation from work. The princess has put out that both humans must have a huge break due to their natural talent to be anything. He would have protested, but refusing the ruler is kinda not his thing. He has dealt with her for too long and wishes to not be bothered by her. “Okay… oh shit I’m going to be late!” And he has no hours left to get his iPon back from Vinyl scratch too. Grabbing his hoodie and backpack he rushed out the door locking it behind him, not realizing that he left his umbrella in the house. “Fuck fuck fuck!” He said, feeling the rain hit him all over, he wished to not be soaking wet at the library but that seems to be a huge problem now. But it’s too late, Twilight doesn’t live far from the human and hopefully he won’t have to deal with magic again. “Hey Twilight! Sorry I'm late!” Anon says as he shakes the water off his body as he then hears some hooves trot into the main room where the purple unicorn smiles brightly seeing the human “Anon, glad you made it” She says trotting to him. Smiling brightly Anon takes his bag off and adjusts his hood as he then sees a box full of books sit on the table getting his attention more “new books Twi?” he asked, picking the box up and looking over to the mare. “Oh that? Those are the newer sets of history of Equestria, I believe that you and Reed are in it explaining some of the things…” She said rubbing her chin as Spike walked in holding some books “oh hey Anon how are you doing?” Spike said looking at the book and frowned at it “Hey Twilight? I thought you said that you wouldn’t buy these books” He said, making the mare stop and raise a brow and trot over to the books, once laying eyes on them she groans as she then grabs the book with magic and places it back in the box. “I thought I told them NOT to set these books in my order” She then lifts the box up and looks over to Anon with a small smile, “hey Anon? Mind helping me send these books back to the post office?” She asked. Anon nods as he adjusts his hood, grabbing another box he then follows the mare “Spike will be back soon, keep the store in one piece” She says ravaging for an umbrella and then takes the lead with the human following close. Waving goodbye to the dragon, Anon holds the boxes and feels the rain hit his head knowing he is ready to be soaked again. Twilight thought was closer to the human and holds the umbrella with magic as the box sits on her back. “Come on this way!” She said trotting down the path, Anon can feel his arms brun as he adjusted his grip on the boxes, their not light and it makes him wonder about these books “these books have me in them?” He said looking over to Twilight. She frowns at the boxes and sighed slowing down a bit as she looks up at the human. “They do… but the publishers made you sound like a monster “the humans of the dynasty!” Whole thing made you and Reed sound like a…” she stops seeing Anon stop too as he looks at the mare with raised eyes not expecting the title. “What? Was it something I said or-“ “No no… it’s just that… name… it’s an old one… heh” he chuckled a bit before he frowned at the box, Twilight walked up to him and soon expected an explanation from Anonymous. He saw it and readjusted the boxes as he chuckled again “maybe after we bring the box back I’ll… explain something’s” he said, making the mare giggle a bit as they soon continued on the path. After the trip to the post offices was out of the way Anon offered a slow walk into the park, hoping no pony would interrupt a story from the human. “Okay…” he began making Twilight look up at him and also focusing on the walk, he rubs his arm before he pulls sleeve up and shows a mark on his arm, a scar. Twilight gasped but then noticed that it’s long since healed. It was not much but it make it an odd thing, it’s a symbol of a question mark planted on his arm and it shows. “Now I never thought about it at first… but after I got this mark I knew one thing” he says pulling the sleeve up as he looks at the mare. She gives him a concerned look making him roll his eyes and boops her nose “listen book horse, it was years ago… and Reed and I are not friends… he said some really fucking stupid stuff but… ah forget. Anyway I knew that I could have made a better choice so I gave myself a mark to implant one thing… choices” he said “So what did you do?” Twilight said rubbing her snout but focused on the human sighed “remember that Me and Reed stole from the apple farm years ago when we were young? Well I turned myself in by coming clean… Bright Mac wanted to hurt me… I would have nearly died from just a simple buck… so I told him to give me a knife… and the mark says the rest” he explained and Twilight’s jaw dropped as she then hugs Anon. “You are a good-“ “No” he says coldly Twilight lets the hug go looking up at the man, he frowned at the ground, he hated being called a good person. It made him mad more to himself as he spoke of the deeds of redemption. “None of that Twilight… I deserve every second of it, and they should have done more to me!” He raised his voice a bit but took a breath. The human then shifted a bit as he then noticed the park was gone and we’re heading back to the town. “Twilight… don’t feel bad for me, I hate that I make others around me… feel negative and regret thoughts” he said, Twilight puts a hoof on his leg making him look down to see the mare smile lightly. “Anon… don’t worry, I’m here to help… like a friend should always do!” she said, making him smile lightly as the rain was clearing up a little, but then a boom of thunder makes the mare jump a bit and grab his hand, instantly regretting it she lets go, blushing from the advancing movement but pouts as Anon laughed a little. Putting a hand on her ear he scratched it lightly making the mare coo as he then walked ahead “thank you Twilight” he said as a blush form on the mare’s face again as he was walking in front of her to the door. Spike greats the both after their long trip from returning books makes the drake look at the two with a raised brow “what were you two doing?” He noticed the blush still planted on the book pony’s face. She hides it as Anon smiles “just explaining a story” he said as he then takes the hood off as Twilight soon casted a heat magic driving her and Anon’s clothings. Hours of work later Spike was asleep while Anon and Twilight were in the kitchen drinking some coffee. “So… if I can ask… how come Applejack considered you as a brother, I thought you and Reed stole from them?” She asked the man stopping, as soon as he sighed. She had been close and was the only one that promised to never tell anyone about his side of the story, he hummed for a second and then sighed, feeling his body and mind say one thing. “Picture” He pulls out a picture from his back pocket, it’s old and has been folded for some time now, he smiles seeing the picture again. He then places it and hands it to Twilight. It’s him and AJ’s family… literally everyone was there, the whole apple family was there… and Anon was in it… next to Applejack and her parents. She stops and takes a mental moment and sees Anon again. He looks to be 17 or 19, a simple shirt was on with blue overalls and solid black boots, his hair was brown and dirt more in it but there was one thing she would have never thought. Applejack… no her father’s hat sits well rested on Anon’s head fitting well on him. Both Applejack and Big Mac stand close to the once happy human kid as they beam brightly at the camera. “Anon… you are…” “I was once an Apple, yes… but after they died… I kinda lost myself… I was alone for years, and when I met them… I felt… free” he soon feels a single tear roll down his face as he sees Pear butter and Bright mac. He rubs it off as he then folds the paper and puts it away. Twilight sees him fiddle with his thumbs as he takes a breath, he then looks at Twilight and raises a brow “something the matter Twilight?” He asked The princess of friendship adjusts her wings slightly as she takes a moment to think more carefully on the right next question for the human, she thinks on the stories she has heard and what other ponies as said even the princess too and her brother! But when she thinks of the last three years before Anon shows up, she thinks of one question and lets her mind take control. “Anon. Why did you run?” She asked him, he tenses up and looks away as he rubs his shoulder lightly and looks down “you step over this time… no more” he said simply as he gets up and walks over to a shelf and starts to fix it. Twilight nods to herself and gets up and starts to work on some books. She may have learned more about the human and she would be able to know his true cause of pain… All she has is time and must be patient.
Anon,Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Twilight Sparkle,Human,Romance,Sad,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Sex
The Sorrow series
Anon now has been in the world of pony for 20 years now and has to face problems… who will help him?
<p>Welcome all to my Anon story! This is about how the sad human was here in the lands… but also featured him and another human name Reed</p><p>Anonymous and Redacted remember? Good!</p><p>Enjoy the sad and romantic story of The sorrow series!</p>
CHAPTER 2 Bad apple “This is a bunch of bull!” A young Applejack said as Anon was being dragged out of the house, he tries to stay and reach out for his family but was then stopped as Granny Smith trots up and holds the filly. “Granny? Do something, Anon is being taken away!” Applejack pleaded as soon her big brother Big Mac then steps in. “That enough AJ!” He shouts making her flinch and soon begin to cry as Anon just watched. “Sir? Can… I- Can I at least talk to them?” He asked as the guard looks at him and then at the others before he sighed letting the magic loose on his arms and legs. He limps slowly to the sobbing filly and pets her mane. She gasped and looks up at Anon as he smiles down at her, she jumps up and hugs him tightly. “Anon… don’t let them take you away… you didn’t do it… they lying” she choked out as he nods lightly but then kissed her forehead “Applejack… I’m not an Apple” he says simply as the filly soon grabs him tighter as she choked up more. Granny hugs Mac as they were also crying, he nods at Mac “you gotta keep them together… do it for me Mac…” he says “and Applejack?” She looks up at the human seeing tears on his face. He reaches up and grabs her father’s hat and places it on her as he then stands up “keep the family strong… for you parents” he said before he turns away to the guards. Applejack soon sobs some more reaching out hoping to have the human turn around and hug her one more time… but not this time, he is crying as guards pull him into the carriage as he was then taken away. “ANON!” She burst out as she runs out to the path but then stop as she cries out on the dirt seeing it’s too late. Her brother… gone for a false charge of murder. Applejack stretched her back as she sees the finished trees, another harvest complete for the farm. Big Mac just had finished the last of the wagons and trots over to Applejack as they see the work. “Welp! Ah reckon we head inside” she blurts out to her brother “eeyup” Mac said as they stop noticing Applebloom trotting alone on the entrance pathway. But when she saw her older siblings she trots over to them with a questioning look. “Something wrong sis?” Applejack said “Oh… well nothing, just been thinking” she said as the three being trotting to the house, “I was at School today and… I met a human” she admitted making Applejack and Big Mac look at each other and stop. “What?” Applebloom asked looking left and right at the two before Applejack looks away sighing “so… you did” she said rather sadly before they continue on the path. Bloom lifts a brow as she trots over to AJ side “Do you know him?” She asked “I… I did” she admitted making Bloom raised the brow further up. “You did? Was it because he stole apple-“ “Yes, that stuff” Applejack interpreted before she groans and trots into the house and soon upstairs to her room. Big Mac looked away as Bloom looks at him hoping for some kind of answer. But nothing… he just looks away. “Why won’t anypony tell me about the human?” She asked the whole house… nothing… she sighed giving up and followed Applejack steps and heads to her room closing it. Mac sighed as he makes his way to the kitchen and sits down sighing as he was exhausted and now… sad. “I still talk to him” Granny Smith said making the stallion look over to her as she eyes the apple pie “he a good kid… has jobs, and tries to hide… just to keep what he loves safe…” she said making Mac look more to her. As Granny continued explaining the voice was nothing but murmurs for Applejack. She sits in her room in her bed looking down at the hat feeling the emotion pour all out as she blink a few tears. She had seen the human a couple time now but had to keep her cool around him. She even recalled the first time meeting after Anon’s release. “Thank ya, have a good one!” Applejack says as handing a bag full of apple sweets to the customer. As turns over to sees some more apples and pies were placed on the table, smiling she turns around but stops to see… him walk by hands in his pockets looking all over town. “Wha- oh Sweet Celestia… Uh hey partner… take over for a minute” she said to her brother and trots out of the stand and follows the human. “Anon?” She asked behind him making him look up and turn around before gasping seeing the mare. He wipes his face and smiles lightly as he walks up “Applejack… been a while” he said, Applejack beams with joy as she hugs the human tightly making him gasp. “I knew you return!” She said letting the hug go and hops around the human as he chuckled. “It’s so good to see you too, look how big you’ve grown!” He said before seeing the hat rest well in her head ‘looks better on her’ he thinks as he stands tall. “Where have you been? It’s been 5 years brother!” She said, he flinched a bit hearing the name but he sighed looking over at the townsfolk. He looks back to her and smiles lightly “wanna go… talk in private, it’s kinda hard to say it out in the public” he offers to the mare. “Oh sure! Let me warn Mac, one second sugarcube” she said before running over to the stallion and quickly back to Anon as they walk down the path to where Anon has been staying. “Anon was released early… and was chooses to explore around the world, he could have come back here… but like he says “I’m not an Apple”” Granny Smith said explaining to both now Applebloom and Big Mac. Bloom was looking down while Mac holds his head up as he tries to process what has happened over the year, Anon had the chance to come back years ago… and he didn’t want to. It brakes Mac heart to hear that, his brother rejecting his family… “I’m… going up to my room” he said not saying another word as he trots up the stairs. Bloom soon lifts her head up to look at Granny, she says nothing else… but watches the pie slowly cool down. “Anon is now 35… and lives in Ponyville for some time now… he is…” she stops and sighed and looks at Applebloom who was rubbing her head trying to understand more of the problem. “So what did he do at your school?” She asked the filly making her snap back to reality and clears her throat “well… he was there explaining his nature and all, really” she said. “Poor soul…” Granny Smith said pulling the pie to the side and looks out the window wonder on what the human I doing right now. Days later… Anon grumbles a bit as he sits on the couch trying to feel comfortable, but with no prevail he grunts in frustration sitting up and walks to the door he has no work for the next two weeks, so he will need to find someone to talk too. Twilight had been a bit pushy towards the man, trying to ask more of his past and he can’t really just answer them, so he just walks around. But then stops noticing that Applejack was out looking for something to do, he makes a fist has a sudden though hits him. ‘Talk. To. Her’ ‘Don’t do it” He grunts before he then sighed and walks over to the orange country mare, she spots him walking and she soon frowns lightly as he walks up rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey Aj… I uh…” “I thought you did not want to see us again” she said making him flinch as the sudden change of the atmosphere. He sighed and looks down nodding “well I… I… I guess your right… sorry for bothering” he said before turning away but felt a hoof grab his leg making him look back to see the mare stair up at him. “It doesn’t mean you can leave again… Anon” she said putting a pause on his name, he nods again and stands next to her as she nods towards a path to the farm. “You’ve changed, but we all have that” Applejack said “Well when you see a thing or two it can.. be hard for you” he said putting hands in his pockets as they continued on the trail. “Applebloom had talked about ya” she says looking up at the Guam with a smile “she calls you Mr kind human” Anon sighed wrinkling his eyes but keeps the smile on his face. “I knew she was familiar” he said, Bloom was just a baby when Anon was taken to jail, he only met her once when… Pear butter was alive. Anyway Anon wipes a bit of dirt off his sleeve as he bumped into the fence before noticing the farm was insight. “Uh Applejack… you think this is-“ “Anon… your not coming back as an Apple, but as Anon the human” she said smiling lightly, she trots up and sits down next to the fence as he leans on it “your right, but what about Granny and Mac? They might not forgive me still” he said “Now you’re being stubborn, of course they forgive you” she dead paints up at the human. He blinks before he looks at the farm and noticed Mac bring a couple of apple buckets to a wagon. “But… okay, so if you guys expect me on who I am then… what am I to you?” He said looking at the mare, she takes the hat and placed it on her chest as a smile slowly spread on her muzzle “your a close friend who saved my life” she said before she hugs him close. He felt his heart beat loudly as he feels the emotion hit him hard, all those year ago… he saved her so young, after stealing from them for that long he saved them. Tears slowly fall down his face as a smile spread across his lips as he soon hugs the mare closer as the two were crying in the long waiting embrace. Soon both him and Applejack then stand up and walk towards the farm, Anon felt the calm in his chest… something that’s hurt him is being lifted off his shoulders. And once Mac saw him he smilies brightly and hugs him along with Granny, the pain he felt was gone. “I’m glad to see you okay Anon” Granny said before she rubs his arm as she smiles lightly at him “thank you for everything Anon” she said with Mac nodding “eeyup” he bumps a fist with Mac’s hoof before the human noticed a pair of eyes starring at him. The young filly Applebloom was hiding behind her older sister as the human saw her. Crouching down on a knee he smiled at her. “Hello Applebloom, remember me?” He asked “Yeah, from school! Howdy Mr Anon!” She replied with a wave, he chuckled and pats her mane while the others all gather around him. Bloom jumped up and hugged him tightly barring her muzzle in his chest “thanks for saving my sister” she muttered The human smiles putting an arm around her as the rest join in the hug again. Feeling the happiness around him make the human soon stand up as the hug brakes “so wanna have a pie sugarcube?” Applejack asked “We got lots to talk about!” Beamed Granny Smith Anon looks around before he nods and puts the filly down and scratch her ears, she loved it and was pouting as soon it was started, it ended. “Why not?” He said as soon follows the mare inside along with the rest of his friends. *knock “Hello?… Oh Anon! What brings you here?” Rarity said surprise to be seeing the human. He rubs the back of his neck and smiled “hey, just wanna ask if you can… help me with something?” He asked “Oh? What for darling?” She asked letting the human step inside, he pulls out some pictures and shows the mare. “I need some overalls, I’m going to be helping the Apples for future apple bucking” he said Rarity studies the picture for an instant and soon nods at it “very well Darling! I’ll need some of the equipment for this and should be done by the end of the week” she said “That’s great, uh how much should I pay?” He asked pulling his wallet out, Rarity smiles and turns over to her custom human mannequin and then back at the human “120 bits is all I need” she said and the human pulls the said price and thanks the mare again before walking out the door. The mid day breeze flows by Anon having him see the towns color, he felt so much happy with the day brought to him… but also had some old scars revealed, he was on what Applejack would say “a bad apple your are Anon” and she was right. Anon had listened carefully on things not only Applejack but Twilight had said to him. Holding the past is damaging for anyone, and Anon can just let stuff go, sure maybe the time when him and Reed stole apples when they were young but not… that stuff. He had never talked about it to anyone about that, not even Applejack and she was closed to be a sister to him. But this… this was one thing he can make public, and even if he hated Reed. He knew that he would do anything to say that he was the “last” human left. Grunting a bit now souring his mood he shoved his hands in his pockets and walks home… he had done too much and now wish to stay and listen to his music.
Anon,Tempest Shadow,Human,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,My Little Pony: The Movie,Sex
Finding A Way Elsewhere
Fizzlepop Berrytwist went to a Pinkie Pie party celebrating Gummy's birthday. She was bored out of her mind, when Anon, Equestria's lone human, walked in. She didn't expect him to be there. She also didn't expect him to make her feel whole again.
<p>Fizzlepop Berrytwist, now acclimated to Ponyville by Twilight's recommendation, was invited to a party for Gummy's birthday. She didn't want to go, but she went anyway, and found herself being alone, again. Like always.</p><p>Fortunately for her, a human by the name of Anon was not a fan of being alone. And he was going to make sure she wasn't alone any longer, even if it meant embarrassing her the whole time.</p><hr/><p>Art by <a href="" rel="nofollow">TenebrisNoctus</a> (source for direct link to picture).</p><p>Inspired by <a href="" rel="nofollow">The Darkest Moment - Say Your Sorries (And Goodbyes)</a>.</p><p>Pre-read by: <a href="/user/261261/Chaospaladin" rel="nofollow">Chaospaladin</a> and <a href="/user/107543/Rikkity" rel="nofollow">Rikkity</a>.</p>
Fizzlepop Berrytwist was bored. She was currently at a Pinkie Party but wasn’t enjoying herself. This was partially because she didn’t care about it. She had received an invitation for it in the mail and decided to go because ‘free food’ was crudely scribbled all over it, and a way to her heart somedays was through her stomach. However, once she walked up to the Sugarcube Corner, and realized that Pinkie Pie was serious about the actual party being titled Gummy’s Birthday Party Extravaganza (With Berry Punch’s Spiked Punch)!, she knew that she should’ve rain checked this one. She didn’t know Pinkie Pie’s pet alligator that well, and quite frankly, Fizzlepop thought it was extreme to be advertising the party as free food instead of a celebration for her pet gator. Wouldn’t this be better for ponies who knew the little guy? Then again, how many ponies actually knew of Gummy? To her own surprise, there were too many ponies to count. When she had first arrived, it was almost near capacity. Ponies were talking, bumping into each other, and waiting for Pinkie Pie to give them the signal that the party had started. But then, she found herself looking around, and something felt… off. It was like, somepony was watching her. Watching her intently. Then, suddenly, the signal was fired out of a cannon (which was Pinkie Pie herself), which made everypony cheer happily. Some ponies near her turned around, and saw her face. And that’s when Fizzlepop Berrytwist was noticed. She was noticed for something she knew she would be seen as. She stood there, as ponies huddled away from her, her confident smirk probably intimidating them. She felt her face fall as she worriedly looked around. And then she shook her head, and everypony around her was looking elsewhere. Some were tending to the flameless fireworks display, while some strolled up to the stage where Miss Octavia Melody was about to play. There was a bowling mat set in the opposite corner, and a derby cart or two were sat for the foals to use. Oh, and there was a pin the tail on the pony display, that she saw and recognized from her foalhood and— Fizzlepop sighed and walked over to a nearby table. A couple ponies were sitting there, talking on a few barrels, but before she could ask if she could sit there, the two saw her and scampered, leaving her to a free table all of her own. It was near the exit/entrance of the party, which made her wonder if she was lucky, if at all. She was probably bored. Or was she worried? She couldn’t figure it out. All she knew was that she was here, sitting at the table furthest from all the action, from all the noise. And she had been there since the beginning, only briefly walking over to the free food stand where, of course, ponies left her alone to take her share. Her gaze drifted outside through a nearby window. She could see the moon high in the sky, and she could see the stars too. They were all together, dancing happily. The stars twinkled, the moon… was the moon, and a rogue star was floating by itself. That one twinkled the brightest, beaming down at Fizzlepop like it wanted to say something to her. Like it was a remnant of a past time. She could picture it: she would sit on the deck of the ship, peering out at the expanse that Equestria had to offer, and just then, despite all odds, a star like this would look at her like it was the only one there, and it was there for her—and that one star would carry her to the next objective, and the next. And now here she was, relying on it once again. She was marveled by how one distant little star could be so happy to see her, while also serving as a purpose to shine light for those on the ground. Yet, they’re so far away… Perhaps they were like her: an observer. They observed the happiness of others and gave off this confidence that, maybe, just maybe, they’d be happy too. Or maybe that’s a foal’s tale: the hope of being happy. She just had to accept it. That her jubilation would be one never obtainable in a place like this. It felt weird to think of herself this way. She was just there, existing, while she listened to the background noise of the remaining party goers. They were playing around with the new pop up attraction Pinkie Pie had set up. Apparently ponies could dunk their heads in the tub that was filled with water, searching for a bunch of Red Delicious apples, which were courteously donated to Pinkie from Sweet Apple Acres, at least, that’s what Fizzlepop gathered from ponies talking about it. It sounded like it would be fun to do, but… something was amiss. Something didn’t feel right. Something in her head, or something in her hooves. Was it her armor? The lack thereof? She felt exposed all the time, so it couldn’t be that. Maybe… maybe it was something else. But what? What was it? The only thing that she knew was that the friends she had gained after the Storm King’s Invasion in Canterlot were here along with all the beady eyes in the room. While her friends laughed and cheered as Pinkie Pie pounced her head right into the water, Fizzlepop thought to herself: was this how she was meant to be? Was this her life in Equestria? What she wanted to show ponies? Or was this how she fell apart? Her mind crashed into a flash flood as a torrent of water splashed around the area. At first, Fizzlepop didn’t pay it any mind, as she was not expecting it to reach her, but she felt one, then two, and then several more, which made her wince as each droplet slammed right onto her horn. Her poor stump of a horn fizzled for a second, before returning back to normal. Unfortunately, her ‘normal’ was unlike anypony else’s normal. Her normal was now meant to be lived in her head, where her mind brewed into a thunderstorm. Normally, she’d be able to navigate these without much of a thought, but this was one that plagued her mental state. There was no manual for that. So, she sighed, and fell right back into recourse. She watched as Pinkie Pie somehow came out victorious with an apple in her maw. Applejack and Rarity pulled her to their side and hugged her, nuzzling happily. She felt sick. Why did she stay here again? She had gotten some of the food that most ponies like her would’ve come here for, but… What was her motivation to stay? Boredom? A closeted party connoisseur? No… Was it because of Twilight? Her friends? No, she didn’t need to worry about them. Was it for a sense of duty? Obligation? Courtesy? She couldn’t answer that one. She didn’t know what that obligation could be. She was just there, her eyes drifting towards the green door that nopony had opened for a while. Most ponies had already left the Sugarcube Corner, since it was close to the end of the night, and everypony had something to do tomorrow. This was how Pinkie Pie parties went: creatures of all kinds joined in droves, and then they left in droves once the moon started creeping up. It was… weird seeing this all occur in real time. Not that she wouldn’t leave either at this point, but maybe she… Fizzlepop groaned. Her right forehoof clopped right on the table, before the other joined it, giving her a nice place to rest her head. Unfortunately for her, her head didn’t meet the most comfortable end, yet the soft thud that greeted her skull only shrouded her embarrassment. Her feelings were all over the place, and they were pounding her brain way more than a little faceplant could do to her. She felt stupid. What excuse did she need to just tell Pinkie, ‘Hey, I’m tired. I’m heading home, thanks for inviting me!’ Was she embarrassed that she hadn’t said a thing that night? Was this just a game of hers to torture herself in a pit of nervousness? She thought she was over this! Sighing, she held her head up with her forehoof as her gaze drifted back to the window sill. No pony was out, and the moon was trending upward. What a great night. Too bad she was doing nothing with it. What a wasted opportunity, huh? She wished she could just keep herself together, and maybe if she tried to form some friendships, she could— “Hey, Tempest!” She glared at the voice that called her that. Nopony called her that without her having a say in it. “Anon, don’t call me that.” Anon was Equestria’s only human. He was also her best friend, or rather, everypony’s best friend, if Pinkie Pie had anything to say about it. He was tall, practically furless, and had a headmane that didn’t make sense to her, but hey, she wasn’t a critic of others. She only criticized herself. The human rolled his eyes. “Okay then, Fizzy. Just wanted to get your attention.” “My attention?” She tilted her head. “Why?” Anon snorted. He placed his hands on the table and sat on the barrel opposite of her. “Because I’m your friend? Am I not allowed to talk to you?” Fizzlepop mentally smacked herself silly, before shaking her head. “No, you’re allowed. Sorry, I’m just…” Her voice trailed off. What was she going to say there? Was she going to tell him how she felt? How much of a confused pony she was? How much of a— “You’re just… what?” Anon had interrupted her thoughts again. He was staring her down, while his right arm laid down on the table and extended out toward her, his palm open. It was like he was asking her to hold his hoof, something that he had done for Twilight a couple times. ‘He does it to calm me down,’ Twilight had said to Fizzlepop. It sounded like the opposite thing you do to calm somepony down. But, apparently, it was soothing to Twilight, and since it worked for her, that was something that Anon was attempting to try with Fizzlepop. Safe to say, she wasn’t a fan. It threw her for a loop. That’s not normal for ponies to do. That’s not even what friends would do. Lovers, maybe? But friends? Hoof-holding? Eh…? Part of her wanted to reject his offer, but part of her was curious. Maybe it would calm her down too? Agh. Taking a shaky deep breath, she decided and steeled herself forward, her hoof now placed in his hand. Those fingers of his curled up around her hoof, and now a distinct heat lingered in her forelegs, one that she was not familiar with in the slightest. She looked up at him and attempted to smile, but her face wasn’t a fan. She could feel her lips tingle and twitch as she spoke, “I… I don’t know. Is this what you normally do for ponies?” Anon chuckled. “No. I usually do this for Twilight when she’s stressed out. But when I saw you from across the room, I… I think I just felt like you needed someone to keep you company. So, I just… did this.” “Do your kind usually act like this?” “Pfft, no. Sometimes, humans can be a bit distant too. Just like you were earlier.” “Is that wrong? To be distant?” Anon shook his head, his eyes softly focused on her. “No, but I’m not sure if you realize, but most ponies are happy when they’re at one of these parties. The fact that you’re this far away from it all told me what I needed to do.” “And that was?” “To keep you company? Is that a bad thing?” “No…” her voice trailed off. She frowned and tried to look elsewhere, but everything else looked so foreign to her that Anon’s company made her feel more at home. She wouldn’t tell him that, though. Not one bit. “Then I guess you’re stuck with me,” Anon started with a smirk, before giving her a grin. “I see…” Fizzlepop began. She spared a glance over at Pinkie and her friends, who were now having Rarity attempt to dive into the tub next. She nearly groaned inward, but she decided to instead turn back to Anon, his eyes still focused on her. “Well, what did you want to do then?” He snorted before squeezing her hoof. “Well, for starters, we can talk about why you’re sitting over here alone.” “Like that would help me much,” Fizzy replied, rolling her eyes. “I’m not even sure how I feel at the moment. I’m just… bored.” “Bored?” She curtly bobbed her head. “Out of my wits.” Anon hummed to himself, his other hand poking at his chin like that movement would help him think more. Fizzlepop chuckled mentally, wondering what went through his mind, but then again, if she knew, she would have to contain it. It could be weaponized. like the newly remodeled armored smoothbore cannon she had drafted in her home, recently. Not that she was going to tell anypony about that. “Well, why aren’t you with the rest of the ponies over there?” His finger pointed right at Twilight, who was apparently now the one taking Rarity’s place. She was hoisted up, with Rainbow Dash propping her hind legs, as she attempted to dip her head into the tub, hoping to find another apple to fish out. However, something was wrong, as Twilight was trying to get Rainbow Dash’s attention. Something about her hindlegs not working the way they should or something, which spurred Rarity and Applejack to ugly laugh together, while Fluttershy looked on in concern. It wasn’t until Twilight buried her head underwater before she came up with an apple in her maw did everypony cheer, some even prancing in place. Fizzlepop shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t feel like dunking my head in water?” Anon laughed. “That’s fair. What if we did something else? Would you want to join in?” “Probably not. Nothing’s interested me.” She propped her head up with her hoof, while the other waved nonchalantly at him. “Is that not allowed either?” The words had just tumbled out of her, but the worst part was that she had growled rather aggressively at Anon, one that she didn’t even know she had in her. It made her question herself. Did she do that? Was that actually her? She focused back on Anon and saw that he was shocked. He was slack jawed, like he wasn’t expecting her to belt that one out. However, she couldn’t dwell on the thought any longer, as he decided to surprise her too. Without warning, he took her foreleg and snatched it to his side of the table. She yelped, not expecting the sudden tug, but the tug had actually brought her barrel she was sitting on closer to his, if by closer, it meant that it scooted more to the right. “What are you—” “Trying to get you to not do that again.” He rubbed her hoof again with his finger. “Listen, even though you’re allowed to feel how you feel, you shouldn’t. You shouldn’t, not only because you’re here, but also because I care. I care enough that I want you to feel happy, okay? And I want to make sure you’re not feeling this way, because you shouldn’t be.Even though you’re totally allowed to feel that way, you shouldn’t, especially not here.” “Okay,” Fizzlepop replied lamely, her ears now splayed against her head. She shouldn’t feel this way? Did that make her weird? The odd one out? She watched as Anon let go of her hoof. He hopped down and walked over to her side of the table. Then, he shocked her a second time. He suddenly grabbed her and set her in his arms. “A-Anon! What are you doing?” She confusingly exclaimed, her forelegs wrapping around his neck, while her tail flicked down to cover herself. Her face was on fire right now. He hadn’t done this before, and she was definitely feeling like she was being taken hostage. “Taking you out for a walk,” he said, before turning to Pinkie, who was orchestrating the bobbing of the apples. “Hey, Ponks.” Pinkie snapped her attention to Anon, who was still holding Fizzlepop bridal style. She swore she could see Pinkie’s face slightly redden, meaning that she was totally thinking of something that wasn’t appropriate whatsoever. “Hey, Nonny! What’s going on?” “Taking Fizzy here out for a walk. Do you mind?” “No, but are you coming back?” Pinkie ‘Ponks’ Pie asked. “Yeah, don’t leave us hangin’, Anon!” Rainbow Dash joined in, her eyes looking between Anon and Fizzlepop. Anon shrugged. “I’ll try, Skittles. Really depends on if Fizzy here is done with her pouting and is cool with coming back to the party.” “Pouting!?” Fizzlepop shouted, pursing her lips. “I’m not pouting.” He looked up at her before looking back at Pinkie Pie. “See? She’s pouting.” Pinkie Pie nodded. “Wow, I didn’t know you pouted like that, Fizzlepop!” “Wow, darling, you do have a distinct pouting face…” Rarity observed. Applejack raised a brow. “Since when did ya become a pouting expert, Rares?” “I’m not—agggghhhh!” She looked away from the group, but she spared one glance back in her peripherals before rolling her eyes. “Whatever,” she spat out. “See, Hoedown, maybe Fizzy here is the pouting expert and—ack!” Fizzlepop The-Not-Pouting-Twist smacked Anon upside the head with her hoof. The human recoiled from her bap, rubbing his head. “Hey, watch where you’re swinging that thing!” “That’s what you get for trying to get a rise out of me, Anon,” Fizzlepop declared. She crossed her forehooves and harrumphed, looking at him with a glare she hoped could burn a hole through that dumb skull of his. “Now, apologize!” “For what?” “Oh don’t play dumb!” Fizzlepop threw her forehooves in the air, opting to lean closer to Anon’s shoulder for support. “You know what you did.” Pinkie Pie giggle-snorted and turned to him. “Alright, Anon. I’ll let you two leave. We’ll party it up in your absence, okay? Right, everypony?” “Right, Pinkie!” Twilight chirped. She flapped her wings and cracked the crick in her neck. However, when she tried to put pressure on one of her hind legs, she winced. “Hey, Rainbow, help me out here! My… my hindlegs are still a bit sore.” “Have you tried stretching them?” Rainbow asked with a raised brow, before scoochy-ing over to her. Rarity and Applejack both murmured to each other. Fluttershy smiled at Anon and Fizzlepop. “Glad you could be here, Fizzlepop!” Fizzlepop felt a little bit of heat pierce her cheeks. “T-Thanks, Fluttershy.” Anon cleared his throat. “Well, glad everypony is going to have fun figuring out why Twilight’s legs aren’t working. Have a good one, Ponks!” “Thank you both for coming!” Pinkie began, grinning ear to ear. “And don’t worry, her legs are probably fine. She’s just numb from hanging over the side of the tub for too long!” She squee’d suddenly, before she gave Anon and Fizzlepop one final smile. “Hope you two have a great rest of the night!” Pinkie Pie waved at Fizzlepop and Anon, before she turned back to her friends, who were much too preoccupied with Twilight’s situation to wave at them too. Fizzlepop felt her heart begin to quell itself from lurching nearly outside her chest, but with Anon still holding onto her, she couldn’t quite get it to stop, but at least it was somewhat less fast. She shakily sighed, keeping her foreleg around his neck, hoping to Celestia that he wasn’t going to drop her. Thankfully, Anon’s firm grip on her hindlegs kept her propped up, however, as he turned around, his final wave to Pinkie done and over with, he quickly opened the door to the Sugarcube Corner and slipped through it, being extra mindful of her, his passenger. She was thankful that he slightly lowered her down, as she wasn’t a fan of being knocked out by a door frame. She frowned and patted Anon’s shoulder. “Hey… are you going to put me down?” “And let you walk back home instead of talking to me about this whole mood you’re in? You better wish for a winning lottery ticket, because that ain’t happening,” Anon put it bluntly, his arms gently holding onto her now, despite what he said. “I want to make sure we talk this out, and I know just the place that’ll make you feel more comfortable.” Her heart jumped at that. He was… thinking that far ahead? What did she do to deserve that treatment? “Why? Why do you want to help me, Anon?” He stopped momentarily, checking around to see if anypony was still out and about, before he took her out of the bridal-style grip that he had her in and gently cradled her in his arms. “You’re one of my best friends. Why wouldn’t I want to be there for you?” Fizzlepop blinked before her voice stuttered out a reply, “I-I’m not sure how I’m supposed to respond to that.” Anon laughed and walked faster than he was before. “Then don’t. Not now, at least. Let’s just focus on taking you to the place I had in mind.” “And where would that be?” “A place where you can calm that head of yours.” “Calm my head? Do you think I’m a bit on edge or something?” Anon shrugged. “Not sure. All I know is that I don’t want you beating yourself up. Do you trust me?” Fizzlepop opened her mouth, but then closed it shortly after. She nodded. “Good. Don’t worry. We can swing by your place instead, if you’re not comfortable—” She sighed and nuzzled into his chest. “No, I trust you, Anon.” For a while, Fizzlepop just stayed that way, her mind wandering through this whole situation. How strange it was, to be held by Anon, the lone human who had basically walked into their world with no recollection of anything. And of all creatures, he decided she was the one that he cared about. They have hung out quite a few times, and they were really best friends, but lately, he had been busy with work, so she had been more alone than she was usually, since, well, ponies did not give her much of a chance to really show that she wasn’t a pony that was going to hurt them. So they still didn’t trust her, at least not fully. She could feel their glares on her as she would walk by just to get some food for the morning. She’d also feel it when she was walking around with Twilight or Pinkie. And neither of them seemed to mention it to her, so was this them trying to hide it too? Or… were they just not bringing it up so they didn’t embarrass her? She didn’t know. She didn’t know if she wanted to know. Letting out a brief blow, Fizzlepop looked skyward and saw that they were no longer in Ponyville’s town center. They were surrounded by trees with dense canopies. Some were fruitless, bearing only thick leaves. Some, however, had fruit in them still. Where were they? They couldn’t be in the Everfree, since Anon didn’t choose to walk in that direction… Not knowing what to do, she started to nuzzle into his shirt, when she stopped. Her eyes widened. Wasn’t this a very intimate thing to do? Being held like this? And why was she okay with it? Her face blossomed forth a delightful color of crimson that bled through her cheeks. Even her horn sparked a bit, but she hoped Anon wouldn’t notice— “Alright there, Fizzy?” She sputtered out a reply, “Y-Yes. Sorry, I… I just realized the position you put me in and—” “Position?” “You're holding onto me like this. It feels… intimate, for some reason.” She looked up at Anon and saw his face slightly glow red too. “Oh. I see.” He paused for a second, which made Fizzlepop wonder if she had broken him, but then he shook his head. “Don’t take it that way then. Think of it like a friend helping a friend.” “So it is intimate?” Anon groaned. “No. I’m just making sure we get there in one piece.” She giggled to herself. “Okay there, Anon. Don’t be so antsy.” Fizzlepop felt Anon’s breath slow down, and when she looked up at him, he was definitely looking elsewhere. However, it was like he was watching her from his peripherals, as he brought a hand that wasn’t propping her up to her face. With a singular finger, he booped her muzzle. She yelped. Her booped snoot scrunched up and she groaned, which spurred Anon to laugh softly. She pursed her lips, before choosing to actually pout this time. Goofy human. She looked out as the trees now grew shorter, and they were now all filled with those apples, the ones that were at the party. She realized, at that moment, where they were. They were at Sweet Apple Acres. On Applejack’s orchard. Alone. Together. “A-Anon, why are we here?” “Pfft, I thought you trusted me?” “Well, I have to ask. You basically ponynapped me to an apple orchard.” “Ponynapped is such a harsh word,” Anon said. He curled his lips inward so they weren’t showing, and his nose pushed down, probably because the goofy human was stretching his skin. “To answer your question, though. I brought you here because, while this ain’t a park or anything, there’s this good hill up ahead. It’s a bit more private with it being on Applejack’s orchard and all, and it’s got this big oak tree up at the very top that we can sit by. Applejack showed me it, and I’m pretty sure I took you here once before, right?” Fizzlepop snorted. “Yeah. You took me here when I was feeling… out of sorts last time.” Anon hummed to himself. They walked up a little small hill to where the tree was, its large canopy towering over the other apple trees nearby. “I remember that day. And I know for a fact you’ve been here several times after too.” She felt her jaw go slack. “H-How did you know that I—” “Go there every week?” Anon finished, smirking all the while. She hated that face he made. “Pick up your jaw, girl. That’s not healthy.” Fizzlepop ‘Fizzy’ Berrytwist giggle-snorted as she picked up her jaw, her hoof locking it in place. “Shure, Anon. But… how did you know I went here?” “Best friends, remember? Either that, or I have a spidey sense that I didn’t know about when I walked into Equestria.” He flicked his wrist out, the tips of his fingers pointed upward. Nothing happened. He flicked it again, this time grunting. Nothing happened. “Okay, so I just imagined the spidey senses then. Either that, or I was scammed, robbed, and smeckledorfed, even. And for what? Just to hold you in one arm while my other one looked stupid?” “A-Anon, what are you saying?” Fizzlepop Laughtertwist asked. She couldn’t help herself as she kept herself perched on Anon’s arm, while she held her midsection with her forehooves. “Keep laughing. I know where you live.” “I-I’m totally not sorry!” She gasped between breaths of uncontrollable laughter. “Oh my gosh, I haven’t—ah—haven’t laughed this h-hard i-in a while!” Anon rolled his eyes while he put his free hand through his hair. “Glad you’re happy. That’s all that matters.” Her laughter stopped abruptly, her mind replaying what he said in her head. She raised a brow. “That’s all that matters?” “Yep, nothing else to it,” he replied, looking at what was in front of them with an intense glare. He sighed and looked at her with a smile on his face. “Well, looks like we’re here. Want me to put you down?” She shook her head, much to his surprised face. “You already walked us over here, might as well slide down the trunk then.” Anon nodded and slowly fell against the tree, watching as the moon above them peered down on them. The two laid there, snuggled up against each other, which made Fizzlepop’s mind travel elsewhere. This was a really strange position… “You… you want to talk now?” he asked her, his arms looping around her midsection. “Yeah. Seems right to,” Fizzlepop breathed out. Her mind raced with her heart, the two competing for the gold trophy in the impromptu Feelings-A-Thon. “H-How do you want to do this?” “Honestly, I’d rather you speak your mind,” he said. She could feel him gently squeeze her, before one of his hands roamed to her neck, where he started to pet her mane. His nimble fingers scratching against her neck made her coo, which she responded by nuzzling further into his form. “Keep doing that, and I might fall asleep instead.” Anon chuckled. “Okay, I’ll try not to be too distracting.” He hadn’t stopped his petting, but he definitely slowed it down, making her feel a bit more comfortable leaning back into him. However, knowing what was to come, Fizzlepop felt her contentment crawl to a halt. She sighed. “Do you ever feel like you’re so alone even though you have ponies that you could go to?” “What a question,” Anon said, whistling loudly. “Got a simple answer for it. You ready?” She nodded, looking up at him, only to worry when his slight smile turned blank. “All the time.” “Really?” “Of course. I’m only human, after all.” She looked out at the hills that rolled below them, where more trees stood tall. “Then how do you deal with it?” “Deal with loneliness?” “Mm-hmm.” She watched him navigate through her words. He sighed. “You just do.” “I just… do?” “Yeah. You find another way to deal with it. Sometimes I distract myself. Go for a jog, go out to get something to eat, go to the market to get some groceries; I do something to go talk to someone. Doesn’t have to be someone I know.” “And the other times?” Anon’s gaze went downcast. “Then I force myself to talk to somepony that I know. I can’t be stuck in place. Thoughts like that… they can eat you alive.” Fizzlepop’s throat closed up after hearing that. It hit too close to home. It bothered her, to the point that just gulping down the saliva in her maw felt painful as it slowly meandered down. She blinked and took a deep breath through her nostrils. “I just felt that.” “Just now?” “Mm-hmm…” She paused, feeling the urge to run surge through her legs. “I don’t know why.” “Well, is talking about it helping?” “A bit,” Fizzlepop replied. She gasped and suddenly, the clogging in her throat dissipated. “Is there anything else I could do?” “Make plans ahead of time with friends. At least you’ll know you’re not alone because you’ll have something going on during the week.” She hummed to herself, mulling over what Anon told her. She then took a deep breath and smiled at him. “Thanks, Anon. Sounds like we have one of the worst things in common.” “And what’s that?” “We both feel like outcasts.” Anon snorted. “More like foreigners in a strange land, but I guess that works too.” He grunted as he leaned forward. “So, you were saying?” She could feel his breath tickle the back of her neck. “R-Right.” She cleared her throat. “While I feel that way all the time, there’s also this other thing. I feel like ponies treat me differently than everyone else. Twilight’s friends are welcomed with open hooves, but me? I think everypony else treats me like I’m a walking bomb that’s waiting to go off at any moment.” “Can you blame them, Fizzy? You did almost try to—” “I know, I know.” Fizzlepop interrupted, stopping that whole tirade before it happened. “But it’s been awhile since then! Wouldn’t they, I don’t know, stop glaring at me?” “Maybe they want you to make the move?” Her muzzle scrunched up like an accordion. “What move do I have to make?” Anon tapped his chin with a finger. “Hmm… What moves have you made?” “I tried talking to a few of them. I also sometimes say hi in passing, and I even try to be nice and open a door for a pony once in a while.” “And what do they do?” She licked her lips before frowning. “They usually just avoid me. Or they ignore me. And the one time I opened the door, the pony waited. They waited, Anon.” “Yikes,” he said, making her roll her eyes. “Seriously, though. Looks like you just need someone who is cool enough to call them out on it.” She twiddled with her forehooves. “Well, the only ponies who see me for who I am are Twilight, her friends, and… you, although, you’re not a pony.” “State the obvious, why don’t you?” She giggled. “Hey, it’s true! Unless you want to be a pony.” “Thought about it for a couple seconds. Then I remembered that I’m me, and there could be no one else like me. Since addition makes the most sense here, I didn’t have to think much else.” “So, no pony transformations in your future?” “Nope,” Anon replied bluntly. “I know somepony has a spell for it and everything, but I’d hate to lose who I am simply because I’m different from everyone else.” She blinked. “Lose yourself because you're different?” “Yeah, I’m Anon the human. Not Anon the stallion.” “Good, because you being a stallion would be extremely strange,” Fizzlepop replied. She turned to take a good look at him. She smiled. “And I like you just the way you are.” His eyes widened. “You like me?” Her brain caught up to what she said, and she almost fell backwards, but she caught herself, if by catching herself she had to lean forward to do so, her forelegs wrapping around Anon while her chest fluff smothered his face. She yelped, this time giving Anon enough room to breathe. “S-Sorry. You caught me off-guard there!” Anon spat out what hair had gotten in his mouth. “You’re good, you’re good. Just… don’t try to do that again. Not a fan of getting a hairball after being confessed to.” “Don’t worry, I didn’t mean….” “Didn’t mean what? The hairball or…?” “Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of suffocating you with my fur.” Anon chuckled behind his hand. “Totally understandable. Neither was I. But, I wasn’t finished there.” “Oh, what do you mean?” Fizzlepop asked, tilting her head. “There was something else?” The human took a deep breath and closed his eyes. What did she do to get him to look away from her? He sighed and opened his eyes. “Sorry, I had to make sure I wasn’t going to completely blunder this.” “Blunder? What do you—” “Don’t worry, I was just about to get to that.” He adjusted his shirt, tugging it toward his neck. “See, you said something that caught my attention, those three words. You know what I’m talking about?” Her eyes widened. “Oh,” she muttered, her turn to search for something on the ground that was more interesting than her beating heart, which was racing at this point. “I… I know what you’re talking about.” Was she supposed to say this? ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it so outright?’ There’s steps to these things, Fizzlepop! And now she just skipped twenty pages of a prominent romance novel that Twilight loaned her last week! How did she manage that? Was it her absent-mindedness that still plagued her since the Sugarcube Corner? She frowned. Wait, how did she just realize that now? Was her mind out for lunch? Shaking her head, she focused on the task at hoof. Anon thought she meant romance, and well, she was definitely not thinking at all when she said it, but now that she looked at him… She took a good hard glance at him, if by glance she meant a quick up and down, a quick foray into human biology. Not that she was a reader of that sort of thing—the biology, not the human part—but she was an avid reader of attraction, at least as of late. And he was someone that definitely made her feel a certain way. That mane that looked like a mess? While it was definitely a mess, it was a mess she liked. Those eyes? Undefined, but they were so… alluring. She could stare at them if she wanted to. Just like the stars. His neck. Yeah, there was no question she wanted to nuzzle into it. And his body, his voice, his everything—yeah, there was no doubt he was her type. She blinked. So, maybe her words had merit. She liked him just the way he was. What else was there to say? She looked into his eyes. He looked into hers… “So… what do you think?” Fizzlepop cleared her throat of whatever fuzzy feelings she had bubbling inside it. “I’m a little bit conflicted.” “Conflicted?” Anon asked, raising a brow. “Did you mean—” “Yes, I did. I like you just the way you are, Anon. You are…” Her voice trailed off as she tried to cherry pick her words (what did the main character say here—oh!), before she licked her lips. “You mean a lot to me. A lot more than I realized.” “More than you realized?” “Yeah…” She twiddled with her forehooves. “I wasn’t lying when I said you caught me off-guard. You caught me off-guard in more ways than one.” “I see…” Anon muttered. Her eyes darted around her face, while her heart was taking a sharp left turn into an alleyway that her brain didn’t have access to. It was like her brain was on auto-pilot, casually strolling through the intersection she thought was friendship, only to veer onto an avenue called love that was in a constant state of chaos, taking the form of a stampede. And now that her brain was no longer on auto-pilot, she was now catching up, finally understanding what was going on. And, knowing that her heart was in the right place, warming her up to the point of no return, she realized something. Something important. It was her turn to wait for Anon to give her an answer, one that she wanted to demand forthright, but something told her that she needed to wait. To give him space. Fizzlepop observed Anon. He had gone quiet. He still was petting her, which made her feel like things were okay, but that all changed when his gaze fell away from her. His eyes peered out at the land behind her. And on top of that, his hand was slowing down to the point that the sensation she once had was about to be lost. Did she put him on the spot? Should she be more proactive here? Her thoughts remained unanswered as she continued to watch him carefully. The arm that petted her fell limp to his side, while his other arm kept her from rolling down the hill they were on. While the first worried her, the second, the one that inadvertently kept her close to him, gave her some reassurance. Meanwhile, the legs that she laid on hadn’t moved, and she wondered if she should move to make sure she wasn’t numbing them. So, she squirmed, choosing to flop a bit away from his legs, and more towards that limp hand of his. This was right. She needed to give him space— Her mind suddenly stopped working as that hand of his pulled her right back into him, his arms looping to interlock together. She yelped, looking hesitantly back up to see Anon’s reaction, only to see his lips turn upward, while his eyes closed. He hummed happily, which she could feel since his hand had directed her head right into his chest. She adjusted herself, trying to get a better view of the human who caught her. “A-Anon?” “Don’t worry, Fizzy,” he began. His eyes fluttered open, as he spoke softly, almost feigning into a whisper. His words tickled her ears. “Just having a moment. Could you just… stay here while I get my thoughts together?” “Nervous?” she asked. She asked this because, like her heart, his was beating fast. She could feel it now, with how he had her now facing forward, her face now buried into his chest. “Very. I…” He groaned before growling out the rest of his words, “Oh, what am I waiting for? I like you, Fizzlepop.” Fizzlepop’s eyes widened. “You do?” “Yeah, the cat’s out of the bag. I was trying to keep these feelings I had for you kept in a box, but here I am, opening the Pandora’s Box equivalent right here and—” “Don’t say that!” She said, waving her forehooves against his chest. “Anon, how long have you felt this way about me?” “Uh…” Anon blinked rapidly. “A couple months now. I have a thing for mares in uniform.” She blushed when she thought about it. She remembered her armor, how, despite what it represented, she kept it in her closet, hung up to forget, to be forgotten. Yet, even though she swore off showing it to others, she trusted him since, well, they were best friends. So when he asked her about it, she showed him it. She should’ve known when he asked to see it on her that there was something there festering in the background! Fizzlepop rolled her eyes. “Why don’t you date a Royal Guardsmare then?” “Not a fan of the gold armor. Granted, they’re still cool, but your uniform is awesome. It’s not too in your face, but it’s enough to demand respect.” He… liked her uniform? He was okay with her other side? Tempest… Anon derailed her thoughts further. “Not to mention, your uniform really emphasized that scar you got, along with your fur. It’s very eye-catching.” “In a good way?” While I’m not a fan of you trying to take over Equestria and… well, siding with a guy who didn’t have your best interests in mind, I can definitely appreciate the positives. Your uniform is one of those positives.” “There are… more positives?” Anon perked up, his smirk at full value. “Yeah, the best one is you, but I digress.” Her heart was now flooded with so many different emotions. She was worried she was going to have heart palpitations. What did she do to deserve this? Why was she the one that is getting this much support? She shakily exhaled, and closed her eyes. She needed to make a move. A move that Anon needed. A move that Fizzlepop and Tempest needed too. But what was it? She was way off course of the book she had read! The novel wasn’t like a flight manual for a ship! The controls were completely inverted! “A-Anon?” “Yeah, Fizzy?” Fizzlepop could feel her legs shake in their embrace. “W-What do we do now?” Her nervousness had crept up. Those feelings that affected her are no longer there. She was no longer distant, she was actually way too close to the sun, even if the moon was there as a witness. Her hooves were numb and on fire at the same time, just like her nerves, and just like her voice, which stuttered as she had asked Anon what they should do. She closed her eyes and nuzzled into him, worried that her mask she had worn finally fell off. Was… was this what love felt like? Anon made her gasp as his free hand rose to her cheek. He cupped it, gently, and smiled at her. “Well, I have an idea, but I want to make sure you’re okay with it.” “O-Oh?” she asked, looking up at him. Those eyes of his made her stop her shaking, but they still made her worry. What was he planning? “What d-do you have in mind?” “I have a contingency plan. One that I want you to trust me with. Do you trust me?” Do you trust me? His words echoed in her ears. They fizzled there, popping into her mind. She nodded shakily and said those words, “I trust you, Anon.” Her saying that to him must’ve spurred him to lean forward, while the hand on her cheek kept her firmly in place. Then, he tilted his head and licked his lips. “Good, because I trust you too.” “You do?” His hand that was on her backside hovered just barely above her fur, tickling the fur by her spine as it cradled her side. “Yeah. In more ways than one.” Fizzlepop craned her neck. “In more ways than—mmph?!” Anon didn’t give Fizzlepop too much time to even think. His lips were already on hers. She, upon realizing what he was doing, closed her eyes, her heart fluttering as he kissed her softly. She nearly melted into his embrace, but she caught herself, which she uncurled her forelegs from his chest and wrapped them around his neck. However, once she locked those in place, she felt him push further into their kiss, aggressively prodding her lips with his tongue. Whatever message he was sending him, she was hearing it loud and clear, so much so that she wanted to see where this went. She opened her mouth and met his tongue in earnest. His tongue slid under hers with a sense of urgency, before flicking up to explore her teeth. She shivered as his tongue traveled across each one, filling her with an intense warmth that surged through her body. She moaned rather loudly into the kiss, realizing that, yes, she made the right decision. She didn’t need to worry—this made her happy. This made her feel like she was whole again. This made her feel… different. A good kind of different. She breathed in Anon’s scent and smiled as she made her move. She tilted her head a bit more, leaning her body into him. It made him nearly fall backwards, but he kept his ground, choosing to hold her sides instead of her cheeks. She nearly gasped, but kept her plan in motion. She was going to do something that she had never done before (it was referenced in that novel of hers somewhere… was it page two hundred and forty-eight?), one that spoke volumes as to how much she loved this, and how much she liked him. Without making a noise, she channeled some magic into her horn. She let it slowly trail out a few sparks, which she could feel glaze against her skin, and what she hoped would make Anon take pause to question her about. At first, the kiss didn’t stop, his hands gripping tightly against her sides. However, once she knew he felt those sparks, he stopped. She opened her eyes to see him opening his, and they stared at each other, only him moving to take in her form. She pulled apart from the kiss, panting all the while. “Why did you stop?” “Did I make you do that?” Anon asked, pointing at her horn. She giggled. “No, not exactly.” “Not exactly?” That made her giggle-snort. “I just wanted to show you how happy I was.” “Your horn sparks when you get happy?” “Pfft, n-no, Anon!” Her heart ignited too as she laughed, her feelings more than just shot. “It’s something more than that. Think of it as more of a thing we show our partners, the ones we really care about in that way.” His eyes widened. “Oh. Glad I wasn’t causing a fire hazard—we are near a big tree, you know? And I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure Applejack is not a fan of her trees becoming part of a bonfire.” She laughed and nuzzled his neck. “I’m fully aware of that. Don’t worry, I’m not a fan of causing forest fires.” “Good. Now, where were we?” Anon asked, cupping her cheek once more. “I think we were… here!” She launched back into the kiss, continuing where they left out. She licked at his lips, hoping he was ready for round two, and he was, he was more than ready, meeting her halfway. Their tongues danced together, before hers won the battle, flicking against his teeth with glee. She shivered as her tongue unintentionally flicked against one of his canines, which engaged her flight or fight response more than she thought. And the shape of his lips… wow, she couldn’t be happier than she already was! She paused as her brain wracked up another scenario. Or could she? She shivered as Anon’s hand glided over her cheek, before choosing to settle just under her ear. He gently scratched it, before tilting his head into her. The gesture made her almost moan again, but she caught herself. While she was really into this, Anon was right. They were at Sweet Apple Acres, and she was not a fan of viciously making out if the possibility of Applejack, or even her sister for crying out loud, had stumbled upon them. She was not about to ruin some pony’s innocence. Fizzlepop opened her eyes and broke the kiss, leaving the two of them panting. Anon looked at her, his eyes wide as can be. He waved his hands at her. “Uh, what’s wrong?” “N-Nothing—” She began to say, only to give herself a few moments to catch her breath. “Y-You just said that we were at Applejack’s orchard, and I suddenly found myself wondering if somepony walked up while we were doing this.” Anon laughed. “Oh, sorry about that. Although, this place is pretty secluded. I don’t think they’ll hear us if they’re at their ranch down there.” “You think, or you know?” He shrugged. “Sorry, I’m not an Acoustician. How far sound travels isn’t in my toolbox of things ‘to suddenly know’.” Fizzlepop rolled her eyes. “Well, next time, we’ll have to ask Twilight how far sound carries.” “You think she’s an expert?” She let out a brief blow. “More like an expert on anything. I’m surprised she’s not considered a traveling library.” Anon sighed and brought his hand back to her mane, petting it ever-so-gently. He nuzzled her cheek. “Glad that we can agree that Twilight is a walking Bookmobile.” She smiled as her nerves were still on fire all from their kiss. “We probably agree on more things, but we have all the time in the world for that.” He smirked. “So, I guess we like each other?” “Yeah,” she breathed. “And I’m happy to explore this with you more.” “You are?” “Very,” Fizzlepop cooed. She cuddled into his shoulder. “I’m more than interested in being your mare, especially if you can kiss me like that.” She watched as his cheeks turned red. “Good, because I’m not going to chart this as a one off thing.” She felt him put his hand back on her ear, and gave it a quick few scritches. “I wasn’t expecting you to be…” “This way?” she asked, which earned her a very excited nod. She giggled at her human’s antics, which, in all honesty, sounded real good for some reason. “Well, you’re dealing with a pony who was in a very aggressive environment with the Storm King. I was in charge of his guard, who were seen as some of the toughest forces out there.” “That is true…” Anon said, his voice trailing off. “Still. This wasn’t what I expected.” “You and I both,” she replied, nuzzling back into him again. This time, she nuzzled into his neck, pushing his back into the tree. His breath hitched as he softly hummed to himself. Was that something he liked? “So, how are you feeling?” “About our talk or about the makeout session we just had?” Anon smirked. “Yes.” She giggled. “Like I’m a new pony that just got herself a new coltfriend.” “Coltfriend?” “You never heard of the term?” She asked with a raised brow. “So that’s what they meant! I thought they were actually saying cult friend, like a friend that you met outside of their little cult, and now they’re attempting to recruit you to said cult and—what?” Fizzlepop giggle-snorted behind her forehoof. “Anon, don’t change.” “I’ll try not to, although if I get forcibly transformed into a pony, you’ll have to bear with me as I probably won’t be able to walk on all four hooves.” She rolled her eyes. “Alright. So, Anon, should we head back?” Her question was met with a half-lidded gaze of his own. His hand trailed up the side of her neck, making her shiver. “Well, they’re probably done with their party by now, and to be honest, I’m not a fan of ending this just yet. Are you?” She shook her head. “N-Not at all.” “Then how about you stay right here with me and we watch the stars together?” “Stargazing, huh?” Fizzlepop asked. “Definitely.” She nuzzled back into his chest and sighed. “Show me what you know about our stars, Anon.” She could feel his heartbeat race at that one, but she wasn’t going to point that out. No, she had all the time in the world to tease him about it. She knew because she wasn’t alone anymore, and life was about to get a whole lot different now that Anon was this close to her now. And she had no problem with that at all. Not one bit.
Anon,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: A New Generation
Ya Like Jazz?
Anon and Jazz have a typical date night. This, of course, means that they are pondering the nature of their existence.
<p>Jazz is a high-class mare. Obviously. Her boyfriend, Anon, is cut from a similar cloth. </p><p>Is it any surprise, then, that the two of them would ponder the meaning of life on their date night? It's a totally normal thing for ponies (and humans) like them to do.</p><p>Or maybe they're just weird.</p><hr/><p>Day #2 of Hearts and Hands Week.</p>
“But how can we be real if our spoons aren’t real? Oh, I’m so confused!” Jazz Hooves rubs her temple for a moment, taking a break from the soup in front of her. Across from her sits Anon, the only human in Maretime Bay. The two are situated at a small dining table outside of a local restaurant, though they appear to be the only customers. The fading red color in the distant sky is all that remains of the day’s natural light, and stars are starting to blink into view overhead. “It’s just a thought experiment, Jazz!” Anon says enthusiastically, clearly quite amused by his date’s confusion. “There’s no need to take it literally.” “Well, it’s a stupid thought experiment,” she says with an adorable pout. “I’m going to finish my maybe-real soup with my probably-not-real spoon now.” “Careful, your not-real mouth might not register the taste.” “Anon–” “And what is taste, anyway? Is it an inherent quality, or is it simply a description we give things due to the existence of our tongues? Do you think–” “Stop! Stop it!” Jazz covers her ears and acts annoyed, though the smile on her face reveals that she finds the exchange just as humorous as her companion. “Just let me eat in peace!” “Fine, fine,” Anon chuckles as he puts his hands in the air innocently. “No more fake philosophy.” The two continue to enjoy the rest of their meal in high spirits. It’s been awhile since they’ve gotten to go out like this. It’s not like they don’t see each other often (Maretime Bay isn’t that big), but they’re both so busy that it’s difficult to make time for quiet moments like these. “You look nice, Jazz.” Just as Jazz finishes eating, she locks eyes with Anon while he says those words. She hesitates for a moment, doing her best to stop the warmth she feels growing in her cheeks. “Y-yeah. I-I mean… you too!” They both tried to look nice for the evening, with Jazz wearing a subdued-yet-elegant dress and Anon wearing his “fancy” clothes. They’re not really all that fancy, but it’s not like there’s a big market for human clothes in Maretime Bay, so he’ll take what he can get. Before long, their waiter comes by with the bill. Anon covers it, causing Jazz to tilt her head. “Since when have you had money?” “Uhh… since I got a job?” Anon looks confused at her question as they stand and begin to make their way down the long, dimly lit street. “That’s what they’re for, ya know.” “Well, obviously. But when did you get a job? Last I checked, no one would hire you.” “Having to duck through most doorways will do that to you,” Anon replies with a sigh as he rests his hands behind his head. “Thankfully, I bumped into Pointer Array a few weeks ago. Got a job doing some back-end development stuff for him.” “I thought you said programming was difficult for you since you don’t understand ‘pony languages.’” “It was at first, but I picked up on a few things pretty quickly. Besides, I more than make up for my lack of experience with my speed thanks to these bad boys.” Anon wiggles his fingers, causing Jazz to smirk. “Look at that, your biology is good for something!” “You say that like my perfectly sculpted face and incredible figure aren’t the definition of eye candy.” Anon flexes as if to make a point, revealing that his face is far from perfect and his figure isn’t even remotely incredible. “...” “...You could at least ACT supportive!” The two share a laugh as their walk comes to a sudden stop. Neither are really sure why they stopped, but one of the bay’s many docks leading out above the water is nearby, and it looks surprisingly inviting. Not the kind to question their instincts, the strange couple saunters across the old, creaky wood. Reaching the end of the dock, Jazz takes note of the night sky above them. It’s a crystal-clear night, and the countless stars hanging above them are reflected perfectly on the water’s surface. It’s a beautiful sight, and it’s more than enough to leave them both breathless. Without really thinking, Jazz takes a seat right on the edge of the dock. Anon does the same, allowing his legs to dangle off the side. For a while, neither of them say a word as they simply drink in the sight. “No matter how long I live here, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seeing this.” “As someone who’s lived here her whole life… yeah, it never gets old.” “It’s probably my second favorite sight in the bay.” “Oh? And what’s your favorite?” Anon turns to look at Jazz, prompting her to look back at him in return. He wears a large, cocky grin, causing her face to go red. “D-don’t you dare!” “...” Anon continues to smile silently. “Don’t!” “...” His smile only widens. “Seriously, it’s the most overused and cheesy–” “You’re my favorite sight in the bay.” “Darn it, Anon!” Jazz shoves Anon playfully, severely underestimating the strength with which she does so. As a result, Anon’s smile disappears as he is pushed right off of the dock and into the water below. There’s a loud splash as he falls beneath the waves before surfacing again moments later. “Ah! S-sorry, Anon!” “Nah, you’re fine. The water’s pretty comfortable, actually.” “R-really?” Jazz breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s good, I was afraid you were–” “Why don’t you join me?” “HuUUUUUUUH?!” Before Jazz can properly respond, she feels Anon jump up and grab her perfectly hooficured hooves, dragging her off of the dock and sending her careening into the water with him with a shriek. When her head pokes above the water, her eyes are half-lidded and annoyed. Her lovely, gradient-colored mane is soaked and drooping past her face and into the water, sticking to her head and cheeks in a few places. “Well?” “Hm?” “Are you happy now?” “Yeah, I’d say so.” “Good, because you’re paying for my dress if this ruins it.” “...Y-yeah, that’s fair.” “Ugh.” Jazz shakes her head, unable to hide her growing smile. “Come on, let’s climb back up before we catch a cold.” “Er, o-one thing real quick?” “Hm?” “...Y-you look nice. Even when soaking wet.” Jazz doesn’t respond. For a long, awkward moment, she simply stares at him in absolute shock, taking note of his own reddened cheeks. After a while, she catches herself feeling a bit bold. Wordlessly, she wades closer to him. Anon says nothing, catching onto what’s happening without the need for words. Once she’s close enough, he reaches for her still-submerged torso and wraps his arms around her, pulling her in close. They can both feel the other’s breath on their cold, wet forms. Then, they simultaneously press forward, closing their eyes as they begin to passionately kiss in the moonlit water. They aren’t sure how long they remain like that, but it is most definitely longer than they should. When they part, they’re both gasping for air and grinning like fools. “You always find the worst moments to kiss me, you know that?” “Hey, I’m pretty sure you initiated it this time.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jazz says playfully as she breaks out of his embrace and begins to swim back towards the dock. “Now come on, we really are gonna get sick like this.” “But, Jazz!” “What?” “How can the dock be real if our legs aren’t real?” “Sh-shut up!”
Daybreaker,Princess Celestia,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Non-consensual,Sex
I'm fine with Celestia.
<p>I'm fine with Celestia.</p><p>Celestia loves me.</p><p>Nothing is wrong.</p>
I awoke but didn’t realize I was awake. I felt the passing urge to lift the heavy blanket over me with my magic, but I resigned to pushing it off with my hooves. I opened my groggy eyes, revealing the image of her room, my room. It was shrouded in darkness, only broken by the soft glow of a flickering candle, barely revealing the beautiful flowing red carpets and handcrafted wooden furniture. It looked better in the dark; only seeing parts of it let the imagination run free to craft the perfect form itself. My eyes felt heavy. I didn’t know what time it was or even if there was time anymore. Her room didn’t have windows, so time didn’t really exist. Everything blended together into a constant sludgy sameness. Maybe I had only slept an hour, or a long fourteen. I’d have heavy bags under my eyes either way. Half tempted to fall back into my pillow, I grabbed the brush at my bedside and started brushing my tangled mane and feathers. I used to not care about my appearance, but now that the Princess could come in at any time to see her favorite pony, I had to be prepared. I think I enjoyed brushing my mane. It could be calming in a way. The subtle feeling of brushing away hair was one of those small things I could completely fall into. I sometimes played with it by making small changes to see if she noticed. I always got a little thrill when she did. She was so nice about it every time. Except for that one time. Careful to avoid covering the magical inhibitor on my horn, I pushed a little bit more hair to the left this time. It was a bit risky, I knew, but I was confident she’d like it. I put the brush down, got out of bed, and walked over to the golden-framed mirror on my reading desk with the candle on it. I took a moment to appreciate the good work I had done for her. She surely would appreciate how I styled my mane. Right? What if she doesn’t? That thought stung at the back of my mind. I noticed a curly strand on the side out of place. My heart beated faster, panic gripped my neck and squeezed. I grabbed the brush again and aggressively worked it through my mane. I kept going until my panic subsided and everything was straight. My scalp slightly burned from the pressure I put on it. I had my mane parted evenly on both sides of the horn, with the rest flowing down and around my neck, just as she liked it, just as she found me. I almost smiled; it was half-hearted and weak, something you’d give to a friend to signal you were fine and needed help. It felt like a real smile. I hadn’t forgotten what that felt like? My eyes darted from her little pony to the book and sandwich suddenly on my reading desk. I hadn’t noticed the golden flash of the items being teleported inside the room. I miss that a lot. It was a purple hardcover with the words ‘Daring Do and the Lost Temple’ printed in golden arial on its cover. My stomach grumbled. I pushed the sandwich into the trashcan by the desk and picked up the book. Daring Do's didn’t come often. I didn’t know how many years or months it'd been, but I knew I’d had thirteen new Daring Do books since the start, fourteen as of this one. I traced my hoof over the hardcover, savoring the sensation of rubbing against it. I opened the book drawer in the desk and paused to stare at the last book I had gotten, ‘Daring Do and the Great Key,’ emanating with a specially made magical seal that this one lacked. I decided to get to reading now, closing the drawer and setting the book on the table. I placed my hoof on its edge to open it, and- My ears popped up. I heard the echoes of footsteps in the stone hallway. I froze. They weren’t the firm commanding footsteps of a guard switching with another; no, it was her loud gentle marching hooves calmly coming upon me. My heart skipped a beat. In a blur, I rushed to the bed, leaving the Daring Do book unopened, and quickly pulled the covers back over me, careful not to go too fast to mess with my mane. Like a child pretending to be asleep for their parents, I tightly shut my eyes. The door slowly creaked open. The entire room was washed in her warmth as she lingered by the open doorway. I felt her stare pierce my back. I subconsciously tightened my grip on the blanket and curled into it. “Twilight.” I didn’t move. I felt her walk toward my bed. The bed sagged downwards when she sat it on; her fur was pressed to my back. She gently ran a hoof through my mane. “Good morning, Twilight. Did you sleep well?” ‘I don’t know’ “Yes.” I opened my eyes but didn't look up. Her warm light shined on the stone wall I was facing. “Good.” She started caressing her hoof through my mane, parting the brushed hairs between it. “Have you been feeling okay?” I nodded without thinking. She slowly moved her hoof down my mane and through my face before stopping at my chin. She grabbed it and pulled my head up to look at her. “Twilight.” Celestia’s gaze dug into me with those familiar warm motherly eyes. Her flaming mane waved gently as if it were in a light breeze, and her lips curled into that small caring smile only she could make. I had almost forgotten how beautiful she’d become. “Did you change your mane?” I nodded. “I like it.” My heart dropped in relief. She pushed my head to the left and right to inspect each side of my face. “Your cheeks are sunken in Twilight.” Her horn goes alight with brilliant golden magic, engulfing the warm covers around me and yanking them away. A wave of colder air suddenly assaulted me, causing me to shiver. Celestia took notice, “There there Twilight. I’ll warm you up.” Instead of using a warming spell, she used her hooves to forcefully pull me right next to her on the bed, wrapping a loving hoof around my neck. I yelped quietly but didn’t put up any resistance, instead just saying, “Sorry.” “It's okay, Twilight.” She pressed a hoof into my stomach, easily pushing it down to my ribcage. Her smile disappeared into a frown. “Twilight… Have you not been eating?” My eyes were firmly placed on the ground, unable to look at her, and only flinching slightly at her question. I didn’t make a sound when she forced my head up to look at her again. I felt shame wash over my system, and I could see she saw the same through my eyes. Her eyes softened. “How about I get you something?" She tapped her hoof onto the floor, and I heard a guard just outside the room quickly scurry away. “Is it the quality of the food? I can get rid of the cook.” I immediately shook my head, “No. Please. He's fine-” “Then why?” Celestia asked. “I…” I trailed off, unable to say anything. In truth, I didn’t know why, I just didn’t want to. I felt hungry, but I didn’t feel like eating. She paused, watching my confused eyes, and then looked away from me. She softened her grip, allowing me to relax a little bit, while she levitated a brush from the desk to her with magic, grabbing it with her hoof. Slowly, she started to brush the hair on the back of my neck, working her way up. “You’re so beautiful, Twilight.” I nodded. I felt heaviness in my throat. “Don’t ruin it.” As if on cue, I heard the galloping of hooves walking down the hallway. The door opened up, and a gray stallion, who was not the guard, holding a silver plate with a sandwich entered the room. His eyes widened upon seeing Celestia on the bed next to me, and he completely seized up in fear. “I- I’m, I didn’t mean to not knock! I wasn't told that you were here-” Celestia gave him that look. His pupils were reduced to pinpricks in fear as he took a step back. “Empress Day-” “Ehem!” Her expression darkened as her horn glowed, and a golden magic engulfed his neck. The guard glanced at me and realized his mistake. “-P-... Princess Celestia, please please forgive me, I didn’t mean to interrupt your time with Princess Twilight!” I watched as he put the plate on the floor, fell onto his knees, and begged with his eyes tearing up. She hadn’t stopped brushing my mane. “I like him,” I said quietly. “He's always been a good servant to me… I want to keep him.” I had never seen him before. She let out a sigh. “If you ever interrupt this time again, I will see you removed. Permanently.” She seized the plate with her magic and levitated it to me. “I’m sorry, Princess!” He kept his head bowed down as tears streamed to the floor, the golden magic was still gripping his neck. Celestia’s entire expression softened, and she suddenly seemed like her old self again. “Thank you kindly for bringing this to Twilight.” The magic slowly disappeared from his neck. “You may leave.” He spun around and scurried away, shutting the door behind him. She raised a hoof to her mouth and let out a small innocent laugh. “Oh, he’s such a cute little pony. Don’t you agree, Twilight?” I nodded. She levitated the sandwich in front of me. “Eat Twilight.” I didn't move. I simply stared at the food with my hooves firmly at my sides. I didn’t have the urge to lift them up and grab it. She didn’t wait long; she levitated the sandwich to the bridge of my mouth and forced it open with magic, sticking a small piece inside. She then forced me to take a bite and allowed my instinct to chew to do the rest. As uncomfortable as it was, I didn’t make a sound or try to spit it out, there wouldn’t be a point. “Isn’t that tasty, Twilight?” I didn’t notice its taste. I swallowed, and she levitated the piece into my mouth again. This time, I bit down and chewed for her. Celestia watched intently as I finished the entire sandwich, all while still brushing my mane. When the sandwich was finished, the plate disappeared with a golden pop. I felt the alarm wards in the room tremor from the use of teleportation magic. “Did you like it?” I nodded but didn't look up. My eyes were planted firmly on the floor, not in thought, just in silence. Celestia smiled. “I had A.K Yearling make another Daring Do book for you. I know you really like them.” I nodded. She stared at my eyes, almost as if searching them. “Is there anything you want? I can get you anything you’d like to add to this room.” I shook my head. “... Do you want to discuss anything? I can have some tea brought up!” Her tone almost sounded desperate. I shook my head. She went quiet. We both sat silently in the dark room. The only noise was the sound of her brush going across my mane. I enjoyed it, we used to have silent moments like these during brighter days, when I was her faithful student and when she was a wonderful teacher. It reminded me of her and what she really was like. Then, finally, she broke the silence. “You hate me, don’t you.” She said calmly. My head shot up to look at her. "No Celestia! I’d never-” I paused, my mouth slightly agape. I saw it again, a tear. I used to never see her cry. Before it all happened, she always seemed above that somehow. “You hate me. Just admit it.” She stopped brushing my mane, letting the brush drop to the floor. She had that sad look on her face, like a pony looking at the gravestone of a long-dead relative, not sobbing, but with light tears still dripping down their face. My heart skipped a beat. I immediately jumped to try and retort her claim and prove to her she was wrong somehow. “I love you Celestia! Please don’t cry. I’m sorry! I-” “You think I went too far to protect my ponies.” She kept her eyes forward at the wall. She looked as if she was talking to herself more than to me. “No, Nightmare Moon is an evil pony! She was completely wrong! I’m so sorry Celestia, I didn’t mea-” She looked away from the wall and stared down directly at me. I felt my heart freeze as all the fur on my body stood up straight. Her eyes weren’t angry, no, they were the sad eyes of a widow looking upon the last thing she had left. “Do you love me?” Her deep yellow iris connected with my purple ones. She looked into my soul, reading it line by line. I felt a spotlight shine on me. It was just her, but it felt like the whole world was watching. I had just told her I loved her. Why was she even asking that? Why was I hesitating? Only a small part of my mind registered that I couldn't move my body. My mentor, my teacher, my mother, the whole world to me, and the one I would give the world for. I was hers. “I love you.” The words came out before the thought did. She looked away from me and back to the wall, observing it as if it were a painting. There was another silence. I stared up at her with anticipation while she calmly looked at that beautiful wall. Her fiery mane flowed with gentle serenity, her vast white wings tucked between each side waiting to present their full length, and her calm, gentle expression felt serene. It felt like looking upon an angel. Demons are fallen angels. “Everyone is gone… it’s just me and you.” Then I felt her hoof strike my chest. It all happened in a blur. I collapsed backward onto the bed. Her wings spread to full length. Her body moved with mine fall like a flash of lightning. She was on top of me. She was over me. Two hooves were on each side of my vision. Her lips were mere inches from mine. Her hot breath was gently teasing the fur on my cheeks. My heart thumped as if I had run a marathon. She breathed deep and heavy breaths, blowing parts of my mane away from my forehead. Her eyes trailed over my body like a predator sizing up its meal. She pushed onto my pelvis with hers, and her wings were pressed down on my front hooves, locking me in place. I had to be hers. I was all she had left. I felt naked. I felt like puking. I had no thoughts. I was part of her being. I looked into her eyes, and I didn’t see Celestia anymore. Her yellow pupils pierced into me like a demon sucking my soul. “Please.” Tears were rolling down my face before I realized it. I was shaking uncontrollably. Everything was uncontrollable. Then her eyes softened into those pitiful eyes Celestia gave when seeing an injured animal. She pushed herself off of me, our furs came apart, and she calmly walked out of the room without a word. I didn’t know how long I laid there. It might’ve been minutes, it might’ve been days. I was crying into my pillow. I didn’t know anything. She was still there. She still loved me. She wasn’t thinking- no she wouldn’t. The whole world felt like it was coming apart. Everything was so wrong, like a perpetual nightmare. I thought Luna was supposed to take care of those. I forgot how it came to this. My whole life felt like decades ago. Maybe it was. I hadn’t thought about Spike or the girls in ages. All I could think about was her. She was everything. She was still there. My mind flashed the eyes of a monster before me. I tried to shake it away. I stared at my desk; the golden Daring Do book I was about to read was still sitting peacefully upon it. Then my eyes wandered to that book drawer in which I kept all the books I was allowed. I fought the thoughts. I couldn’t, I had no right to, it was unthinkable. I opened the drawer. I felt the magic pulsating from the book I had hidden in plain sight next to every other collection. ‘Daring Do and the Great Key,’ A green hardcover with golden plain text. I lingered over the book. Even with a limiter on, I still felt the subtle pulsating magic emanating from it. It was a simple disguise spell, I had known that the second I got it. I wished I had just told Celestia and had her burn it, but that evil voice in my head told me to keep it. I looked inside once and then hid it away, and never thought about it again. I opened the box. The book it was emulating faded away like mist, revealing its plain form made of a basic roseberry wood that dampened simple magical detection wards. There was a faded note inside, signed with the cutie mark of a rainbow lightning bolt striking out of a cloud. Next to the note was a basic law enforcement device used in the days before. A magical limiter remover for non-unicorn sheriffs, a simple small metal rod with just enough magical energy stored inside it to release a built-in removal spell. I couldn’t, I just couldn’t. I was all she had left. I would've been abandoning her. She’d hate herself forever. I was a terrible pony for even thinking of it. I closed my eyes and thought of Celestia. Her warm elegance, her caring smile, and the genuine affection she always had for her little ponies. When I was a filly, I used to catch her staring up at the moon for long hours with eyes of sorrow and regret. When she caught me watching her, she would always soften and smile at me despite it, just happy to see me. I thought of those yellow eyes, the ones that looked through me, not at me. All I saw was the anger and rage of a monster holding onto the last thing it had left to guard. I thought of her hot breath blowing on my fur and the soft caressing of my back. I thought of her standing over me in bed, pinning me down with her wings, pushing her lips upon mine. It was only a matter of time. The remover let out a small zap of magic. I felt the room’s alarm ward aggressively tremor through the air around me. The metal limiter dinged on the ground. It had been so long since I felt the warm glow of magic on my horn; it felt foreign yet familiar, like re-taking up an old hobby. I allowed my magic to work on its own. The reading desk was consumed in a purple glow and thrusted against the door, just as I heard a guard try to push it open. I could barely see through the waterfall of tears coming out of my eyes. I could barely breathe. The tears soaked my fur and dripped to the floor like water coming out of a wet towel. There was a loud thump as a guard smashed his body onto the door, the desk budged, and the door cracked slightly open. I heard frantic shouts in the hallway, followed by the metal steps of dozens of guards. I quietly asked how it had come to this. All the memories were such a blur, like looking back on a dream. All of my friends felt more like distant characters than real breathing ponies. Even Spike was just a distant memory. Where would I even go? The whole empire would be hunting me, an empire I don’t even know. I thought that maybe I should just give up. I was safe under Celestia. She was kind. I was her most precious student. I should just stop this madness now. The wards trembled. I felt her magic before I saw her. The entire room glowed a deep orange from the fire in her mane. For a split second, she looked down upon me, her yellow eyes piercing into mine. The fur around them was stained with tears. She was frowning as if she were about to cry. But her eyes were not sad, they were filled with the rage of the deepest infernos of Tartarus, an all-consuming fire that left nothing but ash in its wake. Betrayed, she looked so betrayed. I searched deeply into those fiery pupils, but no matter how deep I looked, I didn’t see Celestia. I saw Daybreak. It was only a split second, but in that moment, I felt clarity for the first time in years. I allowed the magic to flow freely through my horn, engulfing my body with a deep purple glow. It whisked me off to a location unknown, with a blinding flash of light.
Flash Sentry,King Sombra,Main 6,Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Adventure,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My Little Pony Adventures Season 4
After the Dragon tournament everything is peaceful in the magical land of Equestria, But not all as it seems for the evil King Sombra is getting closer and closer to his goal will Twilight and her friends be able to stop him and save all of Equestria
<p>Things in Equestria are heating up the ponies are now closer then ever and the adventures are getting more exciting. But Sombra's plan is starting to come together and Equestria has no idea what's coming. New adventures new friends, and new villains Editor/co-written by Clegoguy</p><p>Zerora &quot;Ah welcome friends to Equestria! A land of magic mystery, and where the sun is rise by Celestia.<br/>But the question is are ready to hear an epic tale.<br/>It is not something would hear of the mail.<br/>A story about a young but brave and the bold street orphan named Flash Sentry and<br/>a beautiful and brilliant Princess Twilight Sparkle of Harmony.<br/>They and their friends will go on quest and journeys for sure.<br/>So welcome friends to My Little Pony Adventures!<br/>Oh, imagine a land, it's a faraway place</p><p>Where the magical Ponies roam</p><p>Where you wander among every creature and tongue It's chaotic, but hey, it's home<br/>When the wind's from the east</p><p>And the sun's from the west and the sand in the glass is right. Come on down, stop on by. Spread your wings and then fly to another Pony Adventure<br/>As you wind through the trees of the Everfree Woods</p><p>Through the timber wolf cluttered Vines You can see every beast</p><p>As you wind to east, Where the Tambelon palace shawls shines</p><p>Oh, the music that plays as you move through the maze of the Ponyville pure delight To this land you've arrived, now you have to survive yet another Pony Adventure</p><p>Pony Adventures</p><p>Yes Adventures indeed</p><p>More often than not, you'll find what you sought, If you even succeed</p><p>Pony Adventures Like a Magical dreams</p><p>This realm oh so rare, of magic and mares Is more than it seems</p><p>There's a path that may lead you to good or to greed Through the power your magic commands Let the darkness unfold or find fortunes untold Well, your destiny lies in this land</p><p>Only one may enter here One whose worth lies far within A diamond in the rough</p><p>Pony Adventure Like Equestrian days They seem to excite, take off and take flight To shock and amaze</p><p>Pony Adventures</p><p>Neath' Equestrian moons A foal off his guard could fall and fall hard<br/>Out there on the dunes!&quot;</p>
We open with the busy streets of Tambelon where everpony is getting ready for a special event. We then view the farm grounds of Tampelon Castle as an obstacle course is being set up, along with some fun games and food. A large banner is raised up high which readsThe Sisterhooves Social. "Welcome the the Sisterhooves Social!" Flash Sentry yelled into a megaphone. Everypony around him cheered. Flash Sentry stood atop of a large stage surrounded by excited ponies. He then passed the megaphone to King Nightlight and Queen Velvet, who had Twilight and Spike by their side. "Today we celebrate the togetherness of a sisterly bond between the older and the younger!" Queen Velvet said "That's right everypony!" King Nightlight said "And I hope you're all ready for this year's Social!" As he said this we see the Cutie Mark Crusaders with their respective big sisters; Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash. All of them were thrilled about the fun that they were going to have. Everypony was indeed excited for this event...Well almost everypony. We then see Thunderlane along with the Ponyville boys; Button Mash, Tender Taps, Rumble, and First Base. "Yet another lame "Sisterhooves Social," said A disappointed Rumble groan, "Every year we get to sit back and watch the girls having all the fun." "Come now Brother it's just how it is," Thunderlane replied They were then joined by Flash, Soarin, Cheese Sandwich, Troubleshoes, Trenderhoof, Big Mac, and Spike. "How did this holiday even start?" Asked Trenderhoof "Well it all started right after Celestia saved Luna from being Nightmare Moon," Cheese said quickly, "and their bond became stronger than ever...So strong that they decided to make an entire day out of it, along with Nightmare Night!" All the Stallions and colts looked at Cheese in confusion. "What? A pony born of the streets can't be a history buff?" Cheese stated shrugging "Well, thanks for the history lesson Cheese," Soarin states a little annoyed, "But seriously no love for the brothers?" "Umm...Soarin your an only child?" Flash reminded. "Well," But yeah no brotherly love?" "Eeeyup." Big Mac agreed "I'm not to happy about it either," said Spike with a huff, "and neither was Shining Armor when he was growing up here in the kingdom." The Stallions and Colts all nodded their heads agreeing the unfairness of the Sisterhooves Social. But as they were they saw the mane six and the CMC approaching them. "Hi boys ready to cheer us on in the Social?" Rainbow Dash said while buffing out her chest with Scootaloo was doing the same. "And hiw are you two even related?" Sorain asked "Yeah she our sister." Said Frist Base "Not yours." "Yeah but we have a sister like bond." Said Scootaloo "What are Chop hey?" Tender Tapes whispered to his brother. "Well glad you're going to Scoots." Said Flash The Colts storm away clarily upset. "What's with them?" Twilight asked "Umm...So some of the guys, not myself personally just feel a little left out of the social." Said Flash sheepishly. "Yeah I'm not to found of it either." Said Twilight. "Having grown up with Brothers, Although I did try to put Spike in a dress on year." "Don't remind me..." Said Spike growling. "It would be nice if some of the boys could be in on the fun." Said Flash Suddenly Twilight Beam with a brilliant idea. Later on The Crusaders and their sisters were lined up for the big even. "This going fun!" Applebloom "Shimmer down Sugar cube it's not about how you win or lose its about having fun." Said Applejack "Yeah the fun of winning." Said Rainbow Dash "Like we're going to do!" cheered Scootaloo. "Well may the best Sisters win." Said Applejack staring Rainbow Dash down. "We intend to." Rainbow dash staring back. "Ah such drama queens." Said Rarity Sweetie Belle stared at her sister scepily. "Relatively speaking, But you don't being captive." Said Rarity "Well look who it is." Fimarlly annoying voice. Rarity turn to see none other then her arch rival Suri Polomare next to her little sister Diamond Tiara. "Suri..." Rarity said intensity "So I heard you competing again Rarity, Let's hope you don't trip up on your own two hooves." Suri said whipping her on her rivals face. Diamond Tiara stuck out her tough fallowing after her sister. "Sweetie Belle!" Rarity said as she pulled her sisters to her face. "We have to win!" "Here we go again." Sweetie Belle rolling her eyes. "Hey fillies how's it hanging?" a voice asked The fillies turn and saw Soarin, Flash, Cheese, Thunderlane, and the Ponyville boys standing next to them. "Um fellas," chuckled Rainbow Dash, "You know this area is for competitors only right?" "That's what we came to tell you," said Soarin cockily, "We are competing!" "What!?" exclaimed the CMC's and their sisters all at once. "That's right" said Flash, "I'm competing with First Base, Thunderlane is With Rumble obviously, and Soarin is with Button Mash, and Cheese has been nice enough to compete with Tender Taps. To two orange earth ponies could be seen tap dancing together. "B-but ya'll compete," exclaimed Applejack, "This is the Sisterhooves Social, Sisters only!" "I asked my dad to change to rules," said Twilight Sparkle approaching with Spike on her back, "This way Spike and I can finally compete together." "Aww yeah! That's what I'm talking about!" said Spike pumping his fist in the air. "Well all the nerve you just come in the Social like this." Rarity said "Why not?" Said Soarin matter of factly. "Because it's some rules and regulations and highly unorthodox." Said Rarity "Now, Now." Said Applejack "If the boys want to play with big girls, There more then free to do so." "Thank You." Said Thunderlane looking I bit offended. "Right," Said Rainbow Dash confronting "And may the best "Girl" Win." "Ha bring it." replied Sorain Trenderhoof Troubleshoes, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Big Mac watch from a far on a hill. "For the record, I do see foresee this not ending well," said Trenderhoof, "So we're going to sit this one out. Call us back when you realize you're in total dunderheads." "Eeeyup!" Said Big Macintosh following behind. "The frist round is the annual pie eating contest!" Nightlight announced . Applejack and Applebloom were setting at a table with a long line of other ponies. "Are tou ready for this little sis?" Said Applejack "Eeupe I've been ready for this all year!" Appleboom said "So are we." Said a voice next to them. The Apple sisters turn to see Flash and Frist Base next to them. "Arn't you a little embarrassed that you're the only boys competing in this round?" Ask Applejack "In the words of your big bother AJ." Flash said with a smirk on his face. " Nope" "Besides we not the only boys Spike is right there." Frist Base ponited out. Spike And Twilight waved at the other ponies from way at the other side of the table. Then large piles of pies were stacked up front of the contestants. "On you marks get set Go!" Shouted King Nightlight The pony siblings began digging into to the pile of pies, as Applejack finishing her 3rd pie a voice rang out. "Yo can I get some more pies for me and my bro?" Applejack and Applebloom looked up to see the pile of pies in front of Flash and Frist Base dissappeared, and a large pile of pie tins were behind them, as Flash whipped his face with a napkin. "What in tarnason!?" Applejack said in disbelief. "I grew up on the streets with two other colts, If you don't eat fast you don't eat at all." Flash said Applejack and Applebloom growled at the two brothers. "Next we have the seven legged race!" Announced Nightlight. All the ponies were lined up each silbing had their front hooves tied togather. "Now Sweetie Belle." Raity said "Even though this is race we must do this with Elegance and grace." "Hey," said a voice besides her, "That will make it easier for us to win." The unicorns turn to see Thunderlane and Rumble sanding besides them. "Now now, Rumble." Said Thunderlane looking at his brother sterling. "There's no need for that, this is just a friendly compet." "Right," Said Rarity glaring at Thunderlane, "There's no need for any Pressure what so ever." "On you marks get set go!" Announced King Nightlight. All the ponies took off on top speed each one was interlock with their siblings. "Oh wo!" cried out Spike as he ran aside Twilight. Rairty charge foward with Sweetie belle a conference smile on her face. All of a sudden she notice Thunderlane and Rumble were mqking their way in the head of the path. Furious she charged foward in top speed. "Oh!" Said Sweetie Belle as she lost her hoofing. "Rarity slow down!" Rartiy continues to dragged Sweetie Belle along with her asshe triesto chatch up with Thunderlane, just asshe was aboutto reach him, she tripped on her own hoof and the unicorn sister fell face frist into the mud. Everypony cheered as Thunderlane and Rumble pass the finish line. "Excuse me ladies." Rumble said as he pass Rarity and Sweetie Belle by. " Butshould the seven legged race involves racing?" Rarity and Sweetie Belle glared at the ponies from the mud. "Now hog wrestling!" Announced Nightlight. Rainbow Dash Scootaloo, Soarin, and Button Mash were all stared out at a large pen full of pigs. "Bet ya we can get ours tied up faster then you can!" Rainbow Dash said "Ha we can get ours tied up in 5mins." Said Soarin "We can have ours tied up 3mins flat!" Said Scootaloo "We can have ours in 2 and 3 coiters." Said Buttonmash. "On you marks get set Go!" Said King Nightlight All of the ponies race into the pig pens trying to catch a pig. "Ahhh!" Said Spike riding a Pig while Twilight chaes after them. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were caseing their own pig trying to catch him. "You go left I'll take squart, I'll take him from the right!" Rainbow said The two ponies charged at the pig surrounding him from both sides. "Now!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. Both She and Scootaloo leap and tackled the pig wrealing it to the ground, eventually the two ponies pen the pig down in the mud. "We did it!" Rainbow Dash cheered "Did everypony see!?" "I dont think so!" Said a conference voice Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo looked over at Soarin who was dusting his hooves off, he and Button Mash stood over the pig, his hooves tied togather and down on his back. Both Fillies jaws dropped at this in disbelief. "Oh did you?" Rainbow asked "I've been hog tiing since I wasfour years old," Soarin said. "When you were hog tiing?" Scootaloo asked "There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Said Soarin. "Next uptue talent Competition!" Shouted Nightlight. Everypony stood in front of a large stage, were Cheese Said and Tender Tapes were tap dancing. From back state Suri Polomare and Diamond Tiara were watching cockily. "IF that's the best they have to offer then we got this contest in the beg." Suri said. Cheeses Sandwich and Tender Taps threw their cains in the air and slip foward cating them when they landed. All of a sudden fire works shot off from behind them, The enitre audience roard with Applause. Suri Polomare and Diamond Tiara looked at tye audience in disbelief. "Good luck out there girls." Said Cheese Sandwich as he and Tender Tap walked back stage. "I know that's a though act to follow." "Oh it is on!" Said Suri Polomare with fire in her eyes. The Mares prepare for the next rounds of the sisterhood social, as music begins to play in the background. Applejack readjusts her hat, Rarity puts on leg warmers, Sufi Polomare ties back her hair, and Rainbow Dash puts black paint under her eyes. The older sisters all line up with their younger sisters at their sides. "Sun comes Up" "We're raring to go" "We're heading for the finish line" Applejack and Applebloom can be seen trotting down a track, both balancing eggs with spoons in their mouths. "Hooves are cloppin' all the way to the ropes" "Gonna win these games tonight" "You're living in a colt's world" "They tell us" All of a sudden Flash Sentry and First base start to catch up to them. "But we ain't gonna buy it" Applejack takes ahold of Applebloom and charges forward. "The things they're trying to sell us now" The sisters cross the finish line just in time. "'Cause it's the Sisterhooves Socia-al!" "Woooooooo!" In the next event Rainbow Dash flies through the air with a pumpkin. "Yeah, it's the Sisterhooves Social!" Suddenly she slams it down a large target. "The Sisterhooooves Social, Social, Social, Socia-al!" Soarin, and Button Mash watch as Rainbow Dash does a victory dance. "Oh, yeah!" We focus in on Soarin's eyes as they intensify. "The stage is set and I'm ready to go" Soarin, Flash, Thunderlane, and Cheese line up. "My Bros are at my side!" Their little bros appear at their sides. "There's nothing more that I'd rather do" "Than go for this wiiiiild ride, yeah" Thunderlane and Rumble can be seen holding on tight to a bucking bronco. "All we have is what we will be givin'" All of a sudden the two cult notice Rarity and Sweetie Belle balancing on their bull with complete elegance. "Headed for the top" Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo make their way up a rope wall. "Don't you know?!" Suddenly Soarin and Button Mash charge past them. "We'll never stop believin' now" Dash scowls at the two colts cheering at the top. "'Cause it's a Brotherhooves Socia-al!" "You better believe it!" Suri and Diamond Tiara scowl as Cheese Sandwich and Tender Taps beat them at Square Dancing. "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" "'Cause it's a Brotherhooves Social!" Applejack and Applebloom can be seen collecting apples with baskets on their heads. All of sudden they turn to see Flash and Firstbase siting back with a huge pile of apples. "Brooootherhooooves Social!" Flash tosses Applejack an apple cockily, which she instantly crushes in her hoof. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Suri Polomare all line up looking determined. "We are the Sisters" "Yes the Sisters" "We are the Sisters of the Socia-al!" Flash Sentry, Thunderlane, Soarin, and Cheese line up also looking determined. "We are the Brothers" "Yes the Brothers" "We are the Brothers of the Socia-al!" Cheese Sandwich takes place in a water relay in a nearby lake, with Tender Taps on his back. All of Sudden Suri Polomare zooms past them with Diamond Tiara. The two fillies towel off as they smile cockily at Cheese, who sinks down in the water em "Cause it's a Brotherhooves Social!" Soarin and Button Mash pull Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash forward in a tug of war. "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Rainbow Dash slams her hood in the mud. "Yeah, it's the Sisterhood Social!" Applebloom leads a blindfolded Applejack forward, tossing Flash and First Base into a tree, "Better be believin' that it is!" Flash lifts up his blindfold to glare. "Yeah, it's a Brotherhood Social" Thunderlane shoots his arrow directly at a target, beating Rarity and Sweetie at archery. "BRoooootherhooves Soooocial!" Rarity fumes. "Yeah it's the Sisterhooves Social!" Trenderhoof, Trouble Shoes, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Big Mac watch from an adjacent hill through binoculars. Both stallions are sitting back in lawn chairs with cold drinks. "Sisterhooves Social!" "I told you this would've end well," said Trenderhoof matter of factly. "Yeah, it's a Brotherhooves Social" "Eeyup," said both Trouble Shoes and Big Mac in agreement. It was almost time for the final even of the social and the older siblings were debating of who won the most evens. "Ah won Applebucking fare and square!" Shouted Applejack. "Only becuse you had Rainbow Dash tackled me!" Said Soarin "I didn't tackle you!" Cried Rainbow Dash "You crashed into me!" As the older siblings continued fightin, the younger oones that sat on the sidelines watched. "Is it just me?" Said Scootaloo "Or is this not fun anymore." "Yeah." Said Rumble "I wouldn't have join if I knew that they were going to fight like kids." "Hey guys!" Said Tender Tapes running up to the others. "Isn't great Cheese and I are having a blast." The other foals glared at Tapes. "What?" He said looking at them confused. "Enough!" Said Thunderlane back with the older Siblings. "This arguing is getting us no where!" "His right!" Said Flash Sentry stood next to him. "There's one even left, The optical Corps who ever wins that will be undivided winner of the Brotherhooves or Sisterhooves Social." "Agreed and let the best Sisters win!" Rarity said "Hey I already Said!" Said RD "There's one even left!" Said King Nightlight, "The obstacle Course! Each pair of siblings will jump over the mud pit, Run though the berrals, Hop over the crate, Eat the Pies, Push the Hey stacks, Stomp the grape juice, Toss the apples in to the buckets, Balance the eggs, then jumped though the hurdles to the finish line! All Contesteds to you marks!" All the teams of Siblings were lined up. "This is for sister ever where squart," Rainbow whispered to Scootaloo. "That mare is going down like a ton of bricks," Soarin whispered to Button Mash. "Eyes on the prize Diamond Tiara, Eyes on the prize." Suri Polomare said to Diamond. "Oh it is on!" Rarity said glaring at her rival. "We've been training for this for years." Thunderlane said to Rumble. "We got this bro." Flash said to First Base. "Not if we get it frist!" AJ said. "This is going to be fun!" Said Cheese Sandwich not having care in the world. Twilight and Spike looked over their friends with concerns on their faces. "Um guy are you taking this a bit to seriously?" Asked Twilight "Yeah," Said Spike in agreement "It just a game." "It's more then just a game!" Said Applejack "This is Personal!" Applebloom just rolled her eyes. King Nightlight pointed his horn up into the air as it began to spark up. "On your marks...Get set...Go!" he shouted as a beam of magic shot up into the air. All of the contestants took off with there younger sibling close. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were in the lead making their way to the mud pit. All of a sudden something pulled on Rsinbow Dash's tail causing to fall face first in the mud. "Oops.." said Soarin quickly passing her by. Rainbow Dash picked herself up with fire in her eyes. She quickly raced after him not even bothering to look back. Over at the barrels Flash and First base were struggling to keeps up. All of a sudden, Rainbow Dash zoomed past knocking them and barrels away. "Hey! What do you think you're doing!" said Flash chasing after her. Over at the crate Applejack was trying to help Applebloom get over it. All of a sudden, Flash leapt atop of her trying to catch Rainbow Dash, knocking them both down. "Why you cotton picking...!" Shouted Applejack. Over at the pies Rumble and Thunderlane were quickly digger through there's. All of a sudden Apple Jack slammed herself down at the table, planting Thunderlane face first in his pie. She then proceeded to eat Rumble's pie and dash. "Nobody does that to my Little Brother!" said Thunderlane filled with a rage he'd never felt before. Further down the line, Twilight and Spike were halfway through pushing their haystack. They watched as Soarin, Rainbow Dash, Flash, Applejack, and Thunderlane raced past. "Um, didn't they forget their haystacks?" asked Spike looking confused. "Yes Spike, I believe they did," said Twilight in agreement. Over at the grape vats, Diamond Tiara and Suri Polo are were looking up at pony's stomping grapes into juice. "Yeah, there is no way we're doing this," said Suri looking disgusted. All of a sudden, Soarin and Rainbow Dash jumped both jumped into the same vat, splashing the two sisters. "My Scarf!" Shrieked Suri in utter horror. Flames filled her eyes as she jumped into the vat after them. Over at the apple trees, Thunderlane Was tossing apples Flash's bucket, while Rainbow Dash tossed them Applejacks. Flash and Applejack glared at each other as they did so. Down by the chicken coops Sweetie Belle and Rarity were carefully working together to balance their egg on each other's muzzle. All of Sudden Soarin passed them by, but they managed to dodge him. Rainbow Dash also flew past, but they dodged her as well. They then continued to dodge Flash, Applejack, and Thunderlane, barely making it by a hair. Rarity gave a small sigh of relief. "Move it!" A voice shouted out. All of sudden Suri Polomare slammed into Rarity from behind, causing there egg to fall to ground and shatter. Sweetie Belle looked down at the egg yolk lying open the dirt and began to tear. "Suri Polomare!" shouted out Rarity in blind fury. The seven crashed through the hurdles making their way to finish line. All of a sudden, Rainbow Dash tackled Soarin, only to be tackled by Flash, who was tackled by Applejack, who was tackled by Thunderlane, who was tackled by Suri Polomare, who as you can guess was tackled by Rarity. The seven older sibling wrested each other to the ground in a cloud of dust, which inevitably made its way across the finish line. They then proceeded to collapse, the remaining contestants passing them by did so. "I won!" Cried out Soarin in amazement. "No, I won!" shouted Rainbow Dash. "I won!" shrieked Suri Polomare. "No, I won!" screamed Rarity. "You tied," said the voice of Trenderhoof. He and Troubleshoes were sitting back in lawn chairs at the end of the finish line. "Tied!?" shouted all seven ponies at once. "For first?" asked Applejack. "For last," said Trouble Shoes. "Last!?" the seven ponies cried out all at once. "But...We crossed the finish line before anypony else!?" said Soarin in disbelief. "True," said Trenderhoof matter of factly, "But in your haste to get to the finish line without your younger siblings..." The ponies looked around. It was true, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, First Base, Button Mash, Rumble, and Diamond Tiara were nowhere to be found. They had been in such a rush to get to the finish line they hadn't even noticed. "Yahooo!" The voice of Tender Taps cried out. The ponies all turned to see Cheese Sandwich pulling all eight younger sibling forward in a hay cart. "Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! Cheese! Yaaaaaaaay!" the foals cried out as they crossed the finish line. "Hey guys!" said Cheese with a smile, "I think you forgot something." Rainbow Dash's eye began to twitch, "Then who won!?" All of a sudden Twilight and Spike walked over to the ponies, each wearing a blue ribbon. "Twilight," said Flash in disbelief, "You and Spike won?" "Oh no," said Twilight, "but we did place in third." "Which is pretty impressive seeing as we've never competed before," said Spike. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Flash, and Thuderlane looked at each other ashamed. They slowly tugged over to the hay cart where Cheese was unloading the fillies and foals. "Young'ns," said Applejack taking off her hat, "Were sorry about the way we acted." The younger siblings looked at their older brothers and sisters with scowls on their faces. All except for Tender Taps who was hugging Cheese. "Go on said," said Applebloom tapping her hoof. "We weren't very good sports," said Flash hanging his head low. "And we were even worse sibling," chimed in Thunderlane ashamed. "And..." said Rumble. "We totally let this competition get the best of us," said Rainbow Dash, "We were so focused on keeping this the Sisterhooves Social, we completely forgot what even means to be a good sister. "And we were so focused on trying to make this a Brotherhooves Social, we forgot what it means to be a good brother," chimed in Soarin, "Can you ever forgive us." The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Ponyville Boys looked at each other skeptically. "Is that all you got?" Sweetie Belle asked unamused. "WaaHahahaaaaa!" cried out Rarity, bursting into tears as she fell to ground, "What more do you want from us!? We were horrible older sister! And horrible older brothers! We don't deserve your forgiveness! Please take us back! Please, please, please, please, PLEASE!" "Rarity, relax," said Sweetie Belle rolling her eyes with a smile, "We were just kidding." Rarity began to pull herself together, "R-r-r-really..." "On one condition," said Applebloom with a sly smile. Later that day, everypony was at the ice cream stand treating their younger siblings to a well deserved treat. Trenderhoof and Troubleshoes were off to the sides, still in their lawn chairs sipping root beer floats. "Attention everypony," said King Nightlight clinking his glass with a spoon, "I have an announcement to make. After everything that has happened today, I hereby decreed that the the Sisterhooves social shall be redubbed the Sibling Socail! So that no sibling ever get's left out." Everypony cheered at the sound of the announcement. "There's just one thing I don't get Twilight," said Rainbow Dash, "I can understand why Cheese didn't get overly competitive, seeing as he's well Cheese..." She looked over at Cheese Sandwich doing a merry jig with Tender Taps. "...But why didn't you get overly competitive like the rest of us?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Rainbow Day," said Twilight Sparkle rolling her eyes, "I grew up with two brothers! I know how annoying they can be..." "And I grew up with a sister," said Spike, "I'm used to how obnoxious they can be." "Oh yeah," said Twilight raising an eyebrow, "Well what do you think of this?" Twilight suddenly put Spike in a headlock and began giving him a noogie. "AhHaha, Twilight cut it out," laughed Spike. Everypony laughed at the scene. All except for Diamond Tiara and Suri Polomare who watched from afar. "How come you're never like that with me?" asked Diamond Tiara. "I'm not mom Diamond Tiara," said Suri Polomare in a huff.
Rainbow Dash (EqG),Twilight Sparkle (EqG),Anthro,Human,Comedy,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,Fetish,Profanity,Sex
A Night To Remember
A game of dare, leaves Twilight and Dash naked and rushing back to school to get their gym clothes...but they get 'closer'.
<p>Not wanting to quit, Twilight and Dash try to one up each other in their game of dare, to the point, they're butt naked and trying to head back to school to get their gym clothes but they get closer along the way...</p><p>normal vanilla clopfic with bit of invisible stuff</p><p>edit:<br/>2/5/2024<br/>holy cow first time being featured! Just watched the Simpsons ep of Natural Born Kissers and thought to myself &quot;hey, that be a great plot for a twidash story&quot; lol</p>
"I can't believe we're in this fine mess, Rainbow Dash!" mumbles Twilight, trying to adjust herself in this tight space they're in. Dash tail flew into her face, making her spit out a few rainbow hairs from her mouth. "Even more, I can't believe I'm stuck with you and your shenanigans." Dash adjusted herself as well, trying to give her friend more room down there. "Relax, Twilight. It's not like we're in some real danger." said the blue anthro Pegasus as she used her hands to move Twilight's horn from her stomach. Twilight blushed as she felt Dash touching her horn, making her shiver a bit. "Don't touch that, Rainbow! I'm very sensitive there! I'm still not used to being...a pony/human hybrid." She could hear Dash trying to hide her laughter. "What's so funny?" "Haha...nothing," said Rainbow Dash, looking down at Twilight and rubbing the horn again, causing Twilight to moan. Dash burst out laughing, but not too loud, since they don't want to make too much noise. "Stop that, Rainbow Dash!" said Twilight as she used her hand and slapped Dash's hand away. "Aww, c'mon, Twilight. I think it's cute that your horn is like an di-" "DON'T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE!" said Twilight, with a bright blush on her face. "If you say it, I swear I will never talk to you again!" Dash rolled her eyes. "Fine," she huffed, blowing her hair away from her face, but felt Twilight pushing against her down there, causing her to blush. "Whoa, T-Twilight! Little too close." "Sorry. I'm just trying to get in a better position." said Twilight, blushing even harder as Dash's crotch is right in front of her eyes. She could see her friend's pussy and its rainbow-colored pubic hair. "Dash, as a close friend, you really need to shave." "What? You're telling me you've been staring at my pussy all this time? Pervert." Rainbow Dash teased. "No! Of course not!" said Twilight, feeling the heat coming from her face, but her eyes went wide as Dash pussy started to spread a bit. "Are you getting turned on by this stupid mess we're in!?" Dash tried to hide her crotch with her hands. "What!? No, I'm not!" She blushed, looked down, and could see Twilight's glare. "Maybe a little tiny bit," she admitted. Twilight sighed, shaking her head. "Only you could be turned on by our predicament." She looked around and could see the four side metal walls, as they're in a locker, and thanks to her magic, she muffled their sound. Just outside, there were their friends and other female students, as they're using the girl locker rooms as a storage room for the summer fair. "This is all your fault, Rainbow Dash." Dash looked down. "Hey, I told you the first time, you could have backed out at any point in our dare game! It was not my fault you kept doubling down, you know. I mean, you could have stopped anytime after the first one. But you didn't. So, in hindsight, it's your fault, not mine! HA!" She sticks out her tongue. Twilight gritted her teeth and could feel Dash's leg against her breasts, making her blush, as her nipples were hardening. "Ugh! This is all your fault! If you haven't been so...arrogant about winning the game, I would have had back out sooner." She could see her friend smiling. "And miss a chance of seeing you naked? No way! I knew you wouldn't chicken out, Twi." Dash laughed. Twilight adjusted herself, trying to go up. "Oh, you just love to tease me, don't you!?" "Yup. I do. Besides, it's not like we can escape," said Dash. Twilight groaned. "Don't remind me. We're trapped, until the girls and the others leave." She couldn't go higher and went back down, sighing. "Why are lockers so small?" "I have no idea," whimper Dash, as she could feel Twilight breath on her pussy. "Dash, could you please adjust yourself? You're making me uncomfortable," asked Twilight, seeing Dash pussy mouth moving a bit. Dash tried to move, as she too wanted to move from Twilight's face, but... "I can't, Twilight. There's no more room," replies Dash, giving up. Twilight sighed loudly, blasting her breath on Dash's crotch, making Dash moan a bit. "Sorry." Twilight blushed. Dash moaned again. "It's okay." She could feel her heart beat fast as her crotch was near her crush. She won't lie to herself; this was pretty hot. She was naked, and so was Twilight. And now her crotch is right in front of Twilight face like a dream come true. All Twilight would have to do is lift her head up and lick her... Twilight was blushing as her nose touched the hairy crotch and she saw it dripping a bit. "Rainbow, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow on you. I'll be careful." Dash looked down, seeing Twilight worried. Dash couldn't help but be even more turned on as she started to climax. She tried to cover her mouth to keep her moans from escaping her lips, but she failed, as she could feel her fluids coming out of her. Twilight could hear Dash, but she sounded very...feminine cries, which is very unlike her. "Dash, are you okay? Did you pu-" Twilight couldn't finish as Dash released her juices all over her. "EWW!! DASH!" "Sorry, T-Twilight!" moaned Dash as she closed her legs, crushing Twilight's face a bit. "It's not my fault! You kept breathing on it! Sorry!" Twilight sighed loudly, thinking back on how all this mess started. Hours ago "Okay Pinkie! Cash out or double down!" smirked Dash, wearing a chicken hat, while the rest of the gang watched on in the parking lot of the town burger joint. She could see Pinkie holding a giant slushie, almost the same size as her. "Gonna chicken out or pony up!? Choose!" Pinkie smirked back. "DOUBLING DOWN SISTER!" she pulled the lid off the slushie and started drinking it, while Dash was cheering her on. Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Sunset were watching while drinking their own slushies. "This is such a ridiculous dare, darling," simply said Rarity. AJ shook her head in agreement. "I agree with you, Rare." Fluttershy just stayed quiet as she slurped her slushie through her straw, but she and the others turned to Sunset, who was on their side as well, until she noticed Pinkie was still chugging down the huge slushie nonstop. "That's impossible!" said Sunset in shock, but she slowly started to smile as Pinkie kept going. "Fuck me, Pinkie, you are amazing! CHUG CHUG CHUG!!" she chanted along with Dash. Pinkie finished and burped loudly. "Woo! That hit the spot!" She could see the other girls staring at her. "What?" "How the fuck are you not sick right now?" asked AJ, scratching her head in confusion. "You should have seen the things I've put in my body before. Trust me, I'll be fine." Pinkie winked and stood there. Her head slowly turned blue and became frozen in an ice cube. "...darling? Are you okay?" asks Rarity, as the girls look concerned for her. Pinkie nods. "Just fine. So Rainbow, ready for my d-d-d-," but Pinkie couldn't finish as she started to have a brain freeze and fell to the ground, rolling around in pain. "Ha! Pinkie, you should have seen that one coming!" laughed Dash, as she and the others laughed. Rarity helped Pinkie up and rubbed her back, giving her a warm hug. Dash walked over and coughed loudly, making Rarity glare at her, but Pinkie put her hand in her hair, pulled out cash, and handed it to Dash. "Thanks Pinkie! You should have cashed out sooner!" tease Rainbow Dash. Pinkie groan. "I'll get you next time." Dash smirked and sat down as she removed her chicken hat. "So, who wants to be my next victim?" "Next victim?" Everyone turned to Twilight, who just showed up after getting a few books from the library. "Uh, what's going on?" She could see her friends trying to warn her, but it was too late, as Dash quickly stood up and walked over to her. "Oh, nothing, just playing a dare game with money on the line!" She put her arm around Twilight's neck, grinning. "Want in? You can even double down!" "Uhhh, no, thank you. I'm not really good at stuff like this, Dash," replied Twilight. Dash laughed and messed up Twilight's hair and walked off. "Of course not; dear little Twilight is too chicken to even play!" Twilight growled as she fixed her hair and walked towards Dash, getting in her face. "Chicken!? Listen, Rainbow, you should have learned that I'm not afraid to back down from a dare." She crossed her arms, glaring at Dash. "Just because I'm not a thrill seeker, like you, doesn't mean I'm afraid." Dash crossed her arms as well. Raising her eyebrow. "Sooooo, you in egghead!?" "You're on, Dash! Give me your worst!" said Twilight, feeling confident, while the others just sighed as Twilight was too easy to bait into these games. "Oh, it's on!" shouted Dash. A hour later, the girls were getting bored as the dare match now led them to the park, watching Twilight act like a duck while Dash was wearing a furry suit. Both have been going at it nonstop, doubling down each time, to the point that it was getting boring to watch now. Sunset leaped off the bench and walked up to them. "Okay, you two, I think this is enough. You've been going nonstop for an hour. It's time to call it a draw." "NO!" both said in unison, turning to face their friend. "Yeah. We can't have a draw. If we do, then what was the point of this?" asked Dash. "She's right. A draw is a no-no. If we can't have a winner, we'll both lose, which means the bet is null and void. No money, no nothing. Plus, I want to stick it to Dash for once, Sunset! I'll make her tap out!" Dash laughed, removing her furry suit head. "As if! You'll never make me tap out! Maybe in your dreams, Twi!" "Okay, then let's take this a step further. Let's see who will break first. Let's triple down! No holding back on the dares now! ALL OUT!" shouted Twilight, placing her face out, and Dash joined her; both were face-to-face now. "HA! NO HOLDING BACK!? GAME ON, TWI! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!" "Whatever, have fun, you two. Just remember, tonight we're helping in setting up the school summer fair. Don't be late. Come on, girls." said Sunset, turning to leave. The others followed behind, not wanting to stick around for the next round. Twilight and Dash leapt back from each other and were ready for the next round, as it was Twilight's turn to give a dare to Dash. "So egghead, what are you going to dare me to do? Read a book? or..." she fake gasped. "DO MATH!?" She snored and laughed. "Come on, Twilight, throw me a bone here!" "How about we do something different and see how you fare, Dash?" "Hit me!" Twilight narrowed her eyes, thinking of ways to make Dash tap out from their match, and a light blub appeared above her head. "I dare you to take your clothes off and be in your underw-oof!" Twilight removed the pants that Dash threw at her, and saw Dash standing proudly in her underwear. Causing Twilight to blush a bit. "That's all you got, nerd!? This is easy! Watch me take this even further!" said Dash, pointing at Twilight. "I dare you to do the same!" she started laughing, as she knew Twilight wouldn't do it. "Like, you won-huh?" Dash stopped laughing, seeing Twilight nervously take off her clothes and try to cover her figure and underwear with her hands. Dash blushed and looked away. "Wow, you really did it." "You dared me to do it," said Twilight, her face turning red. Dash gulped, realizing how hot Twilight looked right now. "Right, so what's my dare now?" It was quiet, as Twilight tried to think of something. "...ummm, pony up!?" answered Twilight, not sure of herself in that dare. "Okay?" replied Dash, ponying up, turning into her anthro form. Dash chuckled a bit, realizing how lame that dare was. "Man, Twilight, this isn't a real dare. You can do better than that. So, I'll give you a chance. I'm giving you a free pass to get out. This is the last chance." Twilight felt a bit annoyed by Dash's tone and words. "Fine! Then let me show you how good I can be," she ponied up. "I dare you to jump into the lake like that!" Dash burst into laughter and quickly jumped into the lake. "WOW, Twilight, that was such a big dare...NOT!" mocked Dash while swimming. "So, my turn now!" She stopped swimming and evilly smirked at her. "I dare you to skinny jump into the lake!" Dash knew she had Twilight this time. There was no way she would get butt naked and jump into the same lake with her. Twilight whispered something, causing Dash to stare at her. "What was that!? You tapping out Twi?" smirked Dash. "No!" "Then what did you say, Twilight!?" "I SAID..." Twilight became very shy as she started to undo her bra, causing Dash to widen her eyes. "...don't stare, okay?" Dash quickly covered her eyes; her face was burning hot now, and she could hear her friend's soft voice telling her to turn around, but she refused and stayed where she was, trying not to peek. Dash could hear Twilight entering the lake and swimming towards her. Dash removed her hand and could only see Twilight's head, as the rest of her body was in the water. "So, are you giving up?" asks Twilight, blushing red as a stop sign. Dash looked away, blushing as well. "You wish. I'm far from giving up. I just can't believe you actually jumped into the lake naked, with me in it..." Dash trailed off, and it became very silent between them. Dash quickly snapped out of it and glared at Twilight, as she couldn't allow herself to lose to her. "So, what's my dare? Something else lame?" Dash smirked, trying to break the awkward mood. "Actually, can we...maybe stop?" whispered Twilight, looking away and covering her body under the water. Dash smiled hard. "So tapping out, are we?" "No!" shouted Twilight. "Then why do you want to stop, Twilight?" "Because..." she blushed, looking away. Dash swam closer, getting a bit curious. "Because, what?" Twilight didn't look at Dash; she could feel her heart beat fast. She closed her eyes and said it. "It's because..." She shut her eyes and couldn't say it; instead, she just yelled, "I dare you to get naked too!" Dash was surprised by Twilight's answer and blushed hard, realizing what Twilight said. "W-What!?" Twilight could see Dash's reaction and smile, believing she got her. "HA! Are you tapping out?" "NO WAY!" shouted Dash. Twilight was shocked that Dash was still in the game and swam backwards as Dash started to remove her panties. "Dash, wait!" "I'm not chickening out, Twi!" Twilight could see Dash tossing her panties and then her bra towards the shore. Her heart was racing as Dash was slowly swimming closer, completely naked. She tried to look away but couldn't. "You don't have to do this, Dash," said Twilight. "You could have tapped out!" Dash laughed, smiling. "Yeah, but if I did, That would mean you win, and I'm not having that." Twilight gulp, she has never been this close to Dash like this, both naked in the lake. Dash swam a bit more and was face-to-face with Twilight, staring at her. "So...m-my turn..." mumbled Dash, feeling a bit nervous herself. Twilight stared at Dash, waiting for her dare, while her heart was beating hard against her chest. Dash looked away, and then back at Twilight. "I dare you to hug me! Y-YEAH! YOU WON'T DO IT ANYWAY!" laughed Dash in a cocky manner, knowing she got Twilight. She won...until she felt Twilight hugging her, feeling her nipples against hers. "T-Twilight!? Twilight hugged her tighter. "What are you doing? You can't be serious about the dare." "I am. You dared me, and I'm doing it." Twilight closed her eyes. Dash looked away and stared at the orange setting sky. "But we're both naked. You could feel know." "I know. And I'm sure you could feel my...too," replied Twilight. It was very quiet, as Twilight continued to hug Dash and could feel her breast against hers, making her heart skip a beat. "This is so stupid," thought Dash. "There's no way Twilight would go through with this. Does she really want to win this badly?" She looked down and could see the top of Twilight's head, hugging her and shaking. Twilight felt a hand on her hair, stroking it. Making her open her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can stop. I can feel you shaking," whispered Dash, smiling warmly at her. "N-No. I can't." Twilight pulled back and stared into Dash's eyes, as she could see her concern. "What do you mean?" asked Dash. "If you back down because you are worried about me, then I can't win. If I can't win, then what was the point of all of this if I couldn't beat you fair and square? Even if this is a stupid bet, You're too competitive, and I'm not going to have you hold back, because of me." Twilight explained. Dash smiled. "You really want to win, huh? Alright. Then I'll give you another chance, and I promise I won't go easy on you." "Thank you. Then let's keep playing, and don't you dare hold back because I won't!" Twilight smiled and fixed her glasses. Dash held her closer and messed up her hair, both laughing but quickly remembering they're naked and letting go. Twilight coughed and spoke, "Right, my turn..." "Yeah," whispered Dash, trying not to look at her. Twilight needed to win somehow, or she'd be the one losing if Dash got her to tap out. She needed to attack her weakness. She was a thrill-seeker, a daredevil, someone who always wanted to show off. Maybe a dare about showing off, but more? Something that Dash won't do, and she thought of a perfect dare. "Dash! I dare you to head to school like that! In the nude! I want to see you walk into the school in your birthday suit!" She pointed at the school. Dash eyes widen and she can see Twilight had a huge grin. "What's wrong, Dash? Chicken?" Twilight started to make chicken noises, taunting her. Dash glared. "As if, Twi. I'll take that dare, and you better believe that I'll be coming for you. So you better run after I do my dare, because I'll go full out, making you wish you tapped out sooner!" Dash quickly swam to the shore, got out, and quickly hid behind a bush. "So, you coming or what?". Twilight swam back to the shore. Shock that Dash is going through with it. "Yeah, just hand me my clothes first." Dash nodded and looked for Twilight's clothes, but noticed something. "Hmmm, Twi..." "Yeah, Rainbow?" answered Twilight, looking at her. Dash blushed a bit, as Twilight was facing her. "Where are your clothes?" Twilight laughed, believing Dash was fooling around. "Don't be silly. They're ri-." Twilight realized her clothes were gone; in fact, so were Dash clothes. "Where are they!? Did someone take them?" Dash shook her head. "No. No one's around. They were here before we each jumped in the lake. "Wait..." Both girls looked at each other, realization hitting them, and Twilight dashed for the bushes, hiding along side Dash. They were both butt naked in public now. Dash could see Twilight freaking out, as she's having a panic attack. Dash herself was nervous, but not as much as Twilight. "Did you see anyone!? Oh man, this is bad, really bad!" cried Twilight, shaking. Dash shook her head. "No, but don't worry. If we head to the school and get into the girls locker room, we can get our gym clothes." "Gym clothes? Great idea, Dash, but there's a small problem with that." Twilight breathed in and shouted. "THE GIRLS AND THE OTHER STUDENTS ARE USING THE LOCKER ROOM AS A STORAGE UNTIL THE SUMMER FAIR IS SET UP. If we go in, then everyone will see us NAKED! Dash looked around and then pointed. "How about that house over there, with the clothes line? We could snatch something from it." Twilight nodded, agreeing with the plan. "Okay, on three. One. Two. Three!" Both girls quickly ran across the street and towards the house, hiding behind the trash can as someone walked by with their dog. Thankfully, they didn't notice them, as the guy was blind and had a seeing eye dog. Both girls felt their hearts racing and didn't notice they were holding each other's hands. Dash was the first to notice and could see Twilight's cute freaking-out face. She looked away and could see the coast was clear. "Coast is clear. Let's go," said Dash. Twilight nodded, and they stood up, looked up, and noticed the clothes line that connected to another building had clothes, but... "Dash!? Those are kids clothes!" shouted Twilight, pointing. Dash gulped. "Maybe there's more, like adult clothes or something?" Both looked around, and the clothes line had nothing in their size. "Well, guess it's those kids clothes or nothing," laughed Dash, but Twilight smacked her head. Twilight wanted to fight with her, but they heard someone coming out of the house, so they quickly booked it down the alleyway, hopping over the fence, and landing behind a trash dumpster. Twilight removed a banana peel from her hair. "Ugh! Where do we find some clothes now!?" Dash looked around and could see an open window. She smiled, pointing at it. "How about that? It looks like laundry room! Maybe we hop in and take some clothes." "That could work, but the problem is getting inside." "Leave it to me." Dash smiled, jumping and trying to grab the fire escape. "Wait, what about me!?" "Just hold onto me, and I'll lift you up." Dash finished and realized something, but it was too late, as she felt Twilight jumping on her back, feeling Twilight's bare skin and breasts against her. "Got a good grip, Twilight?" she asked, trying to block out the feeling from her back. "Yep, and please, just hurry." Dash nodded and used her strength, jumping up and climbing up the fire escape. She could hear Twilight whispering about the cold air hitting her butt, making Dash feel something inside and gulp. Dash stopped at the window and jumped into the laundry room, where she could see a basket on a chair, along with small towels. "Perfect!" said Twilight, letting go and rushing to the basket and taking out pantyhose—nothing but pantyhose. "WHAT!?" Dash could hear Twilight freaking out and joined her. "DASH! THERE'S ONLY PANTYHOSE AND SMALL TOWELS!? WHY IS THERE ONLY PANTYHOSE!?" Dash tried to calm Twilight down, but with Twilight yelling, someone hurried to the room and heard a loud female voice. "WHO'S THERE!? I HAVE A WEAPON!" Dash quickly grabbed the pantyhose and the small towels, then grabbing Twilight head. "WHO'S IN MY HOUSE!?" shouted the housewife as she kicked open the door, holding a bat, but screamed as she saw two naked women wearing pantyhose masks and trying to hide their naked bodies with the small towels. "PERVERTS! HONEY CALL THE COPS!" Dash quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs, with Twilight on her back and holding her tight. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" shouted the housewife, swinging her bat. They ran past the living room, where the husband was reading the newspaper, saying, "Nope, not getting out of this chair." Dash jumped through the window and could see Twilight freaking out again as she carried her through the street. "THIS IS THE WORST! WE'RE PANTYHOSE VANDALS NOW! WHY IS THERE ONLY PANTYHOSE IN THAT BASKET?" "I HEARD ENOUGH OF THAT, SHUT IT!" screamed Dash, running as fast as she could as people took notice of them, some screaming, others laughing or whistling. Twilight held onto Dash and dug her face into Dash's back, crying. Dash could feel the tears on her back and had to reach for the school as fast as she could, but she could see a flashing police car in the distance, heading towards them. Dash stopped and booked it down another alleyway, jumping over the brick wall and finding herself in someone backward. Lucky for them, no one was out, and the sun was setting, so it was getting dark. "Twilight, stop crying; we're safe right now." Twilight let go of Dash and was sitting on the grass, hugging her legs, and crying into them. Dash could feel horrible; she had no idea that this would happen, and now Twilight was a mess. She sat down next to her. "Hey, Twi, I'm sorry," whispered Dash, looking away. Twilight looked up, her eyes red. "It's not your fault. It's mine; I was stupid and got us into this mess. Now, we're naked in someone's backyard, being chased by the police." "Well, at least they can't catch us, right? I'm in my pony form after all." Dash joked. Twilight laughed a bit. "Hey, come on, don't give up. We're almost there! Just a few more blocks, and we're there!" Dash got up and could see the school, and then turned back to Twilight, offering her hand. Twilight looked up and could see the determination on Dash's face. Twilight grabbed Dash's hand and was pulled up, and the two of them started to head out, but then stopped, seeing someone coming out, holding a flashlight. Dash and Twilight looked around and hid behind yard decorations. "What's the plan?" whispered Twilight, hiding behind a flying duck with spinning wings. Dash, who hid behind the decoration of two tiny elf lumberjack, cutting wood, making it seem they were sawing off her nipples. "I don't have one, but can we trade? I don't trust these guys." "We've got to get to the school before they see u-!" Twilight covered her mouth as the light shine on her and Dash. Both were like deer caught in the headlights, as they both gulped and stared at the figure with the flashlight. "Who's there?" said the old-looking man, fixing his glasses. "Anyone out here?" He moved the light around, somehow not noticing the girls. The old man grumbled about needing new glasses and walked back into the house. Dash and Twilight could see the lights turning off, and the two of them dashed through the backyard, running towards the street, dodging cop cars that were passing by. "Hurry, Twi! Before they see us!" shouted Dash as they ran towards the school and towards the gym's backdoor. "We're so close." "I know, but..." Twilight stopped along with Dash, as they could see their friends and other students walking out of the backdoors. Twilight freaked out, and her horn appeared and glowed brightly. Twi dropped to the ground, crying while Dash covered herself but noticing something... "...w-what?" whispered Dash, watching her friends walk past them, almost like they couldn't see them. "Why can't they see us? Wait..." Dash looked over to Twilight and could see her horn glowing, and she screamed for joy but also in anger. "YOU COULD HAVE DONE THAT ANYTIME!?" Twilight looked up, sniffing a bit. "Done what?" Dash pointed at her horn. "You're a unicorn; why didn't you just make us invisible?" "I..." Twilight looked at her horn and touched it, feeling that it was very sensitive as her body jolted with pleasure. "I didn't know I could grow a horn!? Or even use unicorn magic like that! WAIT!" She covered her mouth, but no one noticed their yelling. "I think we're not just invisible... I think we're in a soundproof bubble as well." "So, if I do this..." Dash pinched Twilight's nipple, causing her to scream in pain and a bit of pleasure. "Then no one could hear you or us." Twilight glared. "Not cool, Dash." "Hey, just making sure." Dash shrugged and laughed. "Well, let's keep moving before the spell wears out. I can't wait for this night to be over." Twilight and Dash entered the gym and slowly walked through the packed gym with students, teachers, and parents. Dash and Twilight's hearts started to race as they held each other's hands, not wanting to be separated, and could feel everyone's eyes on them, even though they couldn't see the two of them. Twilight looked over to Dash and noticed a weird smile on her face. "Why are you smiling?" whispered Twilight as they headed towards the locker room. "I'm just having fun," answered Dash, blushing a bit. "How are you having fun right now!?" "Oh, come on. This is actually a little exciting," whispered Dash. "Are you insane? We're naked, running from the police, and now hiding in the gym, which is packed with students and our friends! And yet you're smiling!" "Hey, this isn't the worst situation I've been in. Besides, it's not so bad. I mean, we're invisible." "And naked!" "I mean, we can walk around the school like this without anyone noticing us! Think about it! We can do whatever we want, and no one will ever know! I can see a few things I'd love to do, and you can do them too. I know you're having fun." Twilight shook her head. "You're the only one who is!" "Oh, come on, don't act like you're not enjoying this. I can see the smile on your face and the way your body is feeling; I know you're liking it." Dash nuzzles Twilight side. "Come on, you know you want to." "N-No, I don't!" whispered Twilight, looking away and pouting, but her body was telling her something else. "Really? Well, let's continue our dare match then! Since I did my dare, it's my turn to give you one, remember!" Twilight was in complete shock that Dash would even continue their dare match right now. "D-Dash! There's no way we're going to do that, not now! "Sure, we can; I mean, what can possibly go wrong?" Dash stopped, and she could see Twilight glaring. "Or, are you tapping out? Admitting defeat, giving up, throwing in the towel?" Twilight huffed. "No way, Dash! I'm not going to lose to you; I can do this." "Okay, great!" Dash held her hand and smiled, causing Twilight to blush a bit. "I dare you..." Celetsia sighed, as she's working on her computer in her principal office and going over the budget for the next school event. She couldn't help but feel annoyed, as Luna didn't want to help and bailed on her. "Luna, I swear..." She returned to typing on her computer, not hearing a clapping sound. Sound of someone clapping their cheeks. Which was coming from Twilight, as she was on top of Celestia's desk, twerking and red in the face, while Dash was laughing her ass off in the chair. "OH MAN! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ARE DOING THIS!?" shouted Dash, laughing more as she started to have trouble breathing now. "I'M DYING! OH GOD, I'M DYING!" "D-Dash," cried Twilight, shaking her ass. "You are going to pay for this!" Dash wiped away her tears, finally calming down. "Really? Then what's your big dare?" She leaned in, her eyes going big. "Going to dare me walk in the library naked or something?" She said it in a mocking tone. "N-No..." Twilight smiled, stopping. "I dare you..." Spitfire, the captain of the female soccer team, was hanging out with the other members and the male soccer team members in the lobby area of the gym area as they were planning what to do when the fair will be open. They all gathered around and started planning, not seeing that Dash, wearing a sign saying "free cum dumpster." sat in the middle of them, blushing hard, as she couldn't bear the dirty thoughts of being naked and surrounded by boys and girls as they surrounded her. She slowly looked over to Twilight, who was laughing at Dash while sitting on the bench. "What's wrong, Dash? Thinking of naughty thoughts?" "Shut it, Twilight." "Well, it's your turn, or are you quitting?" "NEVER!" Twilight got off the bench and watched as Dash jumped out of the huddle and stomped her way to her. "My turn! Not holding back this time!" "Yo, Shy, can you help?" asked Sunset, picking up a few boxes, while the rest of the girls and students were in the locker room, moving things out and in from the room. While Twilight sat there in front of her friends, spreading her legs to them as they talked and did things, Dash walked up to Twilight and smirked. "Wow, you really did it. Showing your pussy and asshole to everyone. Even your friends. You are really bold." Twilight wanted to cover herself and yell at Dash for doing this to her, but she didn't want to lose. "My turn now!" Twilight stood up, pushed Dash to an empty locker, and poked her bare chest. "I'm not holding...whoa..." Twilight suddenly felt her body tingle and her strength leave her, but Dash quickly caught her. "Twi!?" shouted Dash, holding her friend. "Yo, Twilight, are you okay?" "I'm fine, just a bit weak." "You sure?" "Yeah..." her eyes went wide as she knew why. "The magic! I'm reaching my limit, which means..." Twilight could feel it; the invisible spell is slowly failing, meaning, "NO!" Twilight pushed Dash and herself into the locker, shutting it behind them. Dash bumped her head and shouted at Twilight but felt so cramped in the locker. "Hey, what's the big idea, Twilight!?" "Shut up! The spell is failing, and we can't let anyone see us naked!" "What!? No way, we can't stay in this locker until your magic recovers!" Dash blushed as she realized how sexual this looked... back to the present "Sorry..." whimper Dash, covering her pussy and seeing Twilight wiping the juices from her face. " just happened, honest!" "Whatever, we got to get out of here! It seems everyone is gone now." Twilight looked at the door, but couldn't open it. "Ugh, can't open it!" "Oh, wait." Dash pushed her hand against the door but didn't push it open. "It's locked, how did we-" Dash looked through the exposed holes and could see something resting against the locker door. "SHIT! SOMETHING BLOCKING THE DOOR!" Twilight was starting to panic; her breathing became rapid, and Dash tried her best to calm her. "Hey, calm down; we'll figure a way out of here. Just stay calm and don't worry. Just stop breathing near my...m-my-oh..." Dash started to feel turned on again, so she quickly put her hands over her crotch, stopping Twilight's breath from blasting over her clitoral area. Twilight blushed a bit and nodded. "Sorry..." Dash shook her head, turned back to the door, and pushed as hard as she could. "I can't push this open, and I can't kick the door either; I don't-" "It's my turn..." "Huh?" Dash looked down and could see Twilight looking very serious, and she could also feel her own body getting excited for some odd reason. "T-Twi?" "I-It's my turn." repeated Twilight, pushing her glasses up, hiding her eyes. "My turn in daring you, remember?" Dash chucked, thinking Twi was joking, as they're stuck in here. But then she could see Twilight not changing her facial expression or tone. "T-Twi?" "I dare you..." "Twi, come on! Now's not the time for-" Twilight grabbed Dash's lower half and spoke while breathing down on Dash's clitoral. "I dare you to not cum." "WHAT!?" "I dare you, Dash, not to cum," repeated Twilight as she started to breathe harder down on Dash's crotch as her tongue poked out, licking the entrance, getting more juices from her. "B-but, I-" Dash moaned and bit her lower lip, trying to stop herself. "Twi, s-stop. I don't want to...mmm...cum in front of you...again!" "Why not?" said Twilight, using her nose to rub against Dash's clitoral, her voice low and lustful. "Do it. Cum in my face." "N-No...mmmm...." "Why not? I thought you liked me, Dashie. Why don't you just admit it? You love me and want to blast your juices on my face. I love you too." "Tw-Twilight, don't tease me, pl-please...ah!" Twilight's lips wrapped around Dash's pussy and started sucking on it, licking the clitoral. Dash tried to stop her with her hands, but Twilight used her magic to pin Dash's hand over her horn, forcing her to rub it. Twilight even started to whisper that she loved her over and over. "Twi!?" Twilight looked up with her lustful eyes as Dash continued to rub her horn willingly now. Giving each other great pleasure. "Mmmmm...." Dash couldn't hold back anymore; her juices leaked down her thighs and into Twilight's mouth, who drank every drop. "MMmmmmm..." Twilight moaned as she pulled away, a smile on her face as she licked her lips and came from the horn job. Dash blushed as felt the floor getting bit wet. "T-Twi, did you?" Twilight said nothing and kept breathing on Dash pussy, seeing the mouth moving as it wanted more, so Twilight gave it more, licking it more. "Ahh! Oh, oh..." moaned Dash, enjoying this but not wanting to burst her dam all over Twilight face. She tried to move but couldn't, she held Twilight horn hard, as she could feel it coming. "Twi-ilight..." whimper Dash, tapping the locker walls. "I give....I give..." Twilight's head slowly came up, and as she was panting a bit, her face was red. "W-what? You're quitting?" "Y-yes," whispered Dash, still feeling the aftershock. "I give; I can't hold back any longer." "Are you sure, Dashie?" whispered Twilight, looking her friend over. "We can keep going." "Y-yeah..." "YES!" shouted Twilight, proud that she had finally beat Dash. "SUCK IT! I won! HA! I knew doing this would work!" "Whatever," groaned Dash, not wanting to admit defeat, even if it was true. "You did win, so congrats!" Twilight wanted to rub it in more but felt a drip landing on her. She looked up, and she could see Dash crying softly but also cumming as Dash liquid came out and down her legs. "Dash? Hey, are you okay? Did I take it too far?" "No, you're fine," answered Dash, wiping her tears away. "It's just...I wish I could tell you how I feel about you, Twilight. I was kind of happy when you said you loved me, but hearing you plan this...just..." Twilight could see Dash crying again, breaking her heart. " me good. It really hurts, you know. Remind me to never mess with you in a dare match," she softly laughed in a hurt tone. Twilight's face went soft, feeling bad for her friend. She slowly pushed herself up, squeezing her way up as she felt Dash bare chest and finally became face to face with her, making Dash look away. "What? Going to make fun of me?" "N-no, I would never..." Dash looked over and saw that Twilight was tearing up. "T-Twi? Why are yo-" Twilight kissed her, pressing her soft lips against hers. She touched Dash's neck as she closed her eyes, wanting the kiss to last forever. Dash's eyes widen, not expecting Twilight to kiss her. "M-mmmm!?" She couldn't pull away; her body wouldn't move because of the small locker. Twilight broke the kiss and smirked. "I wasn't lying, you dummy. I love you. I wanted to play with you and tease you." Dash could see her blushing. "But-" "And also, I wanted to say sorry. I took the dare too far, and I hope you can forgive me. I shouldn't have done that... I was so focused on beating you that I kind of got lost in it and wanted to prove I could beat you." Dash looked at her and then looked away, blushing harder. "I didn't mind it," whispered Dash, causing Twilight to be surprised but then smiling. "No way, your a bottom!?" "Shut it, Twi." Twilight giggled and hugged her the best she could. "Hey, do you want to keep going?" Dash chuckled a bit. "Well, since I lost and all, and we have nothing else to do while trapped in here, why not?" Twilight nodded and smiled. "Good, it's your turn then. What's your dare?" Twilight started to think naughty things that Dash will make her do but... "I dare you to kiss me and hold me." Dash ordered, being all shy. Twilight blinked a few times. "Oh? That's not a bad dare. I thought it was going to be more...exciting?" "What's wrong with my dare?" "I mean, it's not, like I just thought it be like: 'I dare you to stick your tongue up mine ass' or a 'I dare you stick your horn up my-" but Twilight stopped, seeing how upset Dash looked. "I might act like a tomboy, but even I like romance, you know." Twilight shut her eyes and nodded. "Right, sorry." Twilight leaned in and kissed her again. Dash returned the kiss, both holding each other as their bare bodies pressed against each other. "'re a great kisser," whispered Twilight, kissing her more. "Really?" Dash blushed as Twilight bit her ear softly. "Mhm, and your skin is so soft. I could hold you all day and night." "Hehe, thanks." Dash and Twilight kept kissing and hugging one another until the locker door opened, making them spill out. They fell hard and could see Sunset smiling as she leaned back and watched the two cover themselves. "Looks like my plan worked. Finally, you two can stop dancing around each other." "What plan?" asked Twilight, getting up and trying to cover herself. "You two needed a push, and the dare game was the perfect opportunity." Sunset pulled out their clothes from a bag. "But I won't lie, doing all that...weird stuff...was a bit...odd, but hey, it worked, and you two are dating, which is all I wanted." Dash and Twilight blushed as they took their clothes and watched as Sunset headed to the door, but Sunset could hear the door locking with magic. She turned around and could see the two smiling. "Hey Sunset, wanna play?" asked Twilight, all seductive. Sunset gulped and slowly backed up as Dash spoke, "What's wrong? Chicken? Or are you scared of losing?" Something in Sunset snapped and she smiled, "Me!? Chicken!? Ha! I'm no chicken! I can beat both of you! Losing isn't in my dictionary, so bring it on!" Dash and Twilight looked at each other and smiled. Both turned back to her and spoke in unison. "We dare you..."
Anon,Princess Celestia,Human,Drama,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
More Than An Alicorn
"Why does Celestia raise the sun? How can she move something so huge every single day?" Two simple, innocent questions. Yet the answer may be too much for Anon's mortal mind. A truth so great it could crush his very grip on reality.
<p>&quot;Why does Celestia raise the sun? How can she move something so huge every single day?&quot; Two simple, innocent questions. Yet the answer may be too much for Anon's mortal mind. A truth so great it could crush his very grip on reality.</p><p>Or maybe it doesn't even matter.</p>
Version: 1 --- Celestia happily hummed a slow tune while she scattered seeds along the ground. The colorful birds of the Canterlot Gardens then quickly swarmed her offering. Much to her delight. She enjoyed their antics as they competed to eat the most. Nearby, lying on his back upon a wooden bench, Anon the human stared up at the blue sky in a daze. While often curious, he otherwise didn't talk much. He was an excellent partner for bird-watching, fishing, and other peaceful activities. Much better company than the nagging nobles or overly serious guards. Celestia fed the birds until the seed inevitably ran out. Fortunately it took the chirping horde a few short minutes to realize there would be no more food, freeing her to simply enjoy their presence. But the birds did eventually figure it out and took off soon after. The mare sighed, sad to see them leave. The attention of adorable little creatures could be so fleeting. The alicorn glanced back at the bench, at Anon sprawled across it without a care. She chuckled. Then she made her way over. With his head on one side and his feet occupying the other, there was no room left for her. But that was okay. She just sat on the ground beside him and followed his lead staring at the sky. "Celestia," he greeted simply. "Anon," she greeted him back. "I have a question." She smiled. "And I likely have an answer." "Why do you raise the sun?" Celestia blinked in surprise. "Because it wouldn't rise otherwise? Ponies need the sun," she explained matter-of-factly. Anon took a moment to respond. "Why doesn't Equuis revolve around the sun? Why doesn't the moon revolve around Equuis? In my home dimension that's how it worked. I don't get it." There was confusion in his voice and maybe just a touch of suspicion. Celestia hesitated. "It is complicated." She heard the man shuffle on the bench. He was looking at her. "Gravity," Anon stated bluntly. "Bigger the object, the more gravity it has. The sun is bigger than Equuis so it should be pulling on the planet. But instead you and Luna are doing... what?" "It is a tradition. Or a ritual. A leftover... habit... from long ago," she said evasively. Now Anon sat up. "So... you really do move the sun? It's honestly not... a lie?" he asked timidly. Obviously he was trying not to insult her. "You really are powerful enough to do it?" Pride swelled in Celestia's chest. And embarrassment. "Yes," she replied. The man spun on his behind and lowered his feet to the ground. "But why? Why do it? Isn't it a huge waste of power? Why not let gravity handle it?" Celestia turned her gaze down to the rocky gravel at her hooves as she fell into a thoughtful silence. Meanwhile Anon waited patiently for the mare to construct her answer, but after a minute or two he began to seriously consider apologizing. Obviously he had blundered into a more sensitive subject than he realized. But, before he could, the princess made a decision. "Anon, do you think I'm... scary?" "Well," the man mumbled slowly, answering her question without really saying anything. The princess sighed. "Me and my sister are not like other ponies. We are not mortals." Anon tilted his head at that. "Yeah, I've heard. You two are immortal. So, like, you'll live forever. And you have super strong magic. And I'll admit it, that does make you kind of scary. I wouldn't want to get on your bad side. But that doesn't explain why you and your sister aren't letting gravity take care of the solar system." Celestia bit her lip. "We aren't just immortal. We are gods. Power incarnate. However... we both desperately wanted -- want -- to be a part of the mortal world. To walk amongst pony-kind and live normal lives." Anon could only nod along. What could he even say to that? "Ages ago, when me and my sister descended upon this world, we chose to live as mortals. However, evil was always lurking and would regularly rise up to try and fight us. Of course we were never in any real danger. Though Luna and I had taken on mortal forms we still retained all of our strength. So even the mightiest villain was no more a threat to us than a fly. But every time they attacked us it was our friends and subjects who suffered. Yet no matter how many times we crushed them another evil would eventually emerge soon after. The forms we had taken weren't... scary enough. We needed a way to constantly remind mortal-kind of our godhood. We needed an intimidation factor, if you will." "So you and Luna ripped the sun and moon out of their orbits. You seized control of the heavens themselves as a way to remind the world not to mess with you every. Single. Day." Anon's mouth suddenly felt very dry. "Wow." Celestia's ears pinned. "It worked. Very few ever threatened us or those we cared about again. We just... never stopped doing it. It's a habit for us now." She eyed him worriedly. "Are you alright? I realize this knowledge must be disturbing." "I'm okay," Anon swallowed. "You've never threatened me or anything. Heck, you've been nothing but kind since I ended up in this reality. So I don't know why I should start feeling intimidated now." The man paused just long enough to comb his hair back and take a breath. "Is moving the entire sun really not that big a deal for you?" "No more difficult than brushing my teeth," she admitted with a wince. "But... it's so big. Moving it must take ungodly amounts of power. How can you just hurl it across the sky like it's nothing?" Celestia licked her lips nervously. "Anon, if you really want to know... I could show you what Luna and I really are." There was a moment of awkward silence. "What you really are?" he echoed with confusion. "Be warned, seeing the real me might... make our relationship more... difficult." The mare shuffled in place uncomfortably. For some time neither of them moved or said anything. Anon could only stare at her as his mind spun. Meanwhile she did everything she could to avoid eye-contact. A gentle breeze made the branches of the nearby tree groan. Birds tweeted. The grass swayed. The man licked his lips and his fingers twitched. The mare rolled a pebble underneath her hoof. "Celestia," Anon started. The alicorn flinched. "You're... not some terrible monster... right?" The princess snorted with amusement, but her anxiety remained. "No. But... the real me is definitely a lot bigger than you think." His brow dropped. What did that mean? The man couldn't deny how curious he was now. Anon stood up. "Can I see... you? The real you that is, please?" Celestia cringed. "Just... don't be scared. I promise I'd never hurt you." Anon nodded, struggling to contain his anticipation. How were they going to do this? The alicorn slowly rose to her hooves. Then her horn began to glow with golden light. Anon closed his eyes as the spell went off and he suddenly found himself floating. His arms flew out to his sides and his legs kicked as any sense of balance disappeared. After flailing for a moment he finally realized just how different his surroundings had become. He was now adrift in outer space. Down and to the right he could clearly see the sun shining away brighter than the rest of the stars in the vast expanse around him. To the left was a little blue and green planet, though at this distance he couldn't make out anything further. The moon was not visible from where he was. Glancing about he didn't spot any other objects he could identify, but while turning his head he caught sight of something strange far to his right. A wavering pastel colored flag. Surprisingly, turning around was tricky without gravity. Though when he managed it he was left both speechless and confused. The "flag" was actually Celestia's mane rippling in that ever non-existent breeze while the rest of the mare hovered ominously behind him. The alicorn, who was normally so animated and full of life, now seemed disturbingly still. Like a statue frozen in time. And that wasn't all that was wrong. There was something deeply off about her appearance in this alien environment. It was like she was right there in-front of him, perhaps a bit too close honestly, yet she also seemed to be incredibly far away. The paradox of visual information made Anon's brain hurt as he tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Celestia's face appeared to be warped, as though he was viewing her with a fish-eye lens. Her muzzle and eyes were far too big while her legs seemed to get smaller the farther down he looked towards her hooves. And blurry. Her face was unusually distinct, every individual hair standing out in a creepily detailed manner he'd never experienced before, yet down her neck the detail seemed to wash out and a fog of blur began. Until he reached her legs and he could barely make out anything beyond the color white. There was also the impossible amount he had to turn his head to take in all of her. Like the space she occupied had been stretched. For a minute or two they simply stared at each other. Then Celestia moved. It was a tiny motion, she just tilted her head forward a bit, yet Anon could swear he felt something massive shift. Like watching a huge avalanche rocket down a mountain. Then the mare blinked. A second later Anon thought he felt a thump in his chest like he had just been hit by a wall of displaced air. While in the vacuum of space. That didn't make any sense. Tilting her head? Blinking? Those were nothing actions. Barely worth noticing. So why did they feel so significant? "Do you understand now?" he heard Celestia's voice in his head. Anon jerked, unprepared for the telepathy. How did he respond? Just think back? "Uh, can you hear me? What's going on?" The mare in front of him did not move. Her horn didn't even flicker with the sign of a spell. Yet he heard her in his mind again. "I'm showing you my true self." The man rubbed his head, his confusion still too much. "I don't get it. I see you, but you don't look any different. Well, except for this weird distortion." He could hear the mare whine with distress in his mind while she tilted her head and her brow lowered in frustration. Again, that sense of overwhelming power passed through him. Like he had just witnessed something big happen. "Anon... the real me is a goddess. Think about that as you look at me again." The man tried, he honestly did, but he still could not make sense of it. Celestia seemed desperate for him to figure it out on his own, but the mystery was just too thick. This bizarre place, the creepy warping of space and visuals, he simply couldn't make sense of it. Anon shrugged helplessly. "I'm sorry Celestia. I still don't understand. What am I supposed to be seeing?" The princess closed her eyes and eased her head back. Yet the man could have sworn reality itself vibrated during the brief three seconds it took her to complete the motion. At the same time the fish-eye lens effect lessened significantly, but now Celestia's face had gained a layer of blur. Why though? Why did her every tiny twitch suddenly feel so huge? Where had the princess taken him? What was this bizarre dimension? What was happening here? "Anon," Celestia's voice began anxiously. "In my true form... I am bigger than Equuis itself." The human's eyes widened and his mouth hung open. He spun around back towards the planet he had spotted earlier. At Equuis. Then he looked back at Celestia. Suddenly it all made sense. Now he understood. The warped appearance, the blurring, the sense of scale whenever she so much as shifted her weight. Now everything was clear. Celestia was beyond any description of size. If the distances were even close to equivalent, the white goddess before him wasn't just bigger than Equuis. She might have been bigger than the sun itself. How was this possible?! The human gaped fearfully at the titan before him. Anon was nothing. Less than a speck of dust. Utterly meaningless before her sheer enormity. How could she even notice something so insignificant? To her, even planets would barely qualify as toys. He was so completely overwhelmed by her presence that he lost all awareness for several moments. "Anon? Anon? Anon! Are you alright?" came a mare's voice breaking through the daze. The man blinked and found himself back in the castle gardens. The birds were tweeting. The wind was blowing. The sky was blue. And Celestia was normal sized. He collapsed back onto the bench, breathing heavily. "I-I-I don't know," he admitted. Celestia shrank a half-step away from him and her ears pinned even lower. "I'm sorry," she whispered. Anon put his hand on his heart and simply felt his racing pulse. He looked at the princess with awe and terror. "W-what... are you? Was that real?" The mare shivered and focused on the ground as she replied. "That was my true form. My true... size. The real me." Anon glanced up at the sky. Still a clear sunny day. "Where?" was all he could manage to say. Celestia swallowed. "Hidden by a thick bubble of magic. No one can see me or Luna from the surface. With a telescope or any other tool. We don't want... mortals to know." The man's head jerked to her. They locked eyes. While he was still battling with the emotions that had crushed him a moment ago, he couldn't help latching onto her words. "But you just told me? Showed me?" The mare leaned forward and seemed to regain an ounce of her confidence. "Yes. Because I trust you." "W-what?" Anon mumbled. "Why?" "Because," Celestia began. "You are like us." The man shook his head in disbelief. "What?" He wasn't a galaxy sized god juggling planets and stars. "You know what it's like... to desperately want to fit in." Anon sat up straight at that, suddenly catching his breath. He stared at her and she stared back. He saw in that instant something deeper. Celestia was an incredibly powerful being. She truly deserved the title of goddess. Yet the mare standing before him was about as terrified as he was. But what could scare a goddess? Rejection. She wanted nothing more than to live a normal life. To be like everyone else. Like him. Anon had lost everything. His family. His life. His world. Here in Equestria he was a freak. One human stranded in a world full of ponies. Even living in the castle, sheltered by the authority of the royal family, he still felt out of place. The Celestia in front of him wasn't some all-powerful god beyond mortal comprehension. She was a simple mare with simple desires. She liked peace and quiet. She liked cake. She liked practical jokes. She had a beautiful laugh. She was his friend. And right now the look on her face, the desperation and the fear, said it all. She needed him to be a friend, not a cowering worshiper. Despite the trembling in his legs, Anon mustered the will to stand. The mare next to him then blinked in surprise as he stepped up to her. She then gasped as he rubbed his hand comfortingly along her cheek. Finally, he closed in for a hug. "Come on Celestia, let's go get something to eat." "R-right..." was all her shaky voice could manage.
Bon-Bon,Lyra,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex
A New Spark
A test subject is sent through a strange portal to find a whole new fantasy world.
<p>When Twilight sparkle finishes her new portal, she needs to find someone willing to test it. However, when someone passed through it, the portal became unstable and collapsed. Now, Twilight's test subject must learn the ropes of magic and sorcery to stand a chance at getting back home.</p><p>Magic the Gathering Crossover :)</p>
"Hey Starlight? Can you give me the collider?" Starlight smiled and nodded while she walked over to Twilight's work desk. She located the heavily protected item and proceeded to begin unlocking all five locks on the glass case. "This has to be the best project you've ever made, Twilight!" Twilight sighed. "Yeah. If it actually works this time." She turned to Starlight while absent-mindedly turning a screw into the ring shaped machine she had created. "This is the seventh prototype and it usually ends with it blowing up. I don't have extremely high hopes for this one." Starlight smiled and picked up the object that was glowing with purple and light blue streaks of electricity. "I'm sure you've got it this time." Twilight smiled and carefully took the object from her. With extreme care, she gently placed the object into a cylinder shaped hole she had carved into the side of the ring. When the final wire was connected, the ring sparked to life. Starlight and Twilight ran to hide behind a blast-proof shield they had constructed in the lab after prototype two. The ring began to fill itself with a cyan substance. Not quite water but not that thick either. The liquid-like substance suspended itself in the air in the middle of the ring until it was full when it stopped. Starlight jumped up and gave a cheer. "Twilight! The portal works! It didn't blow up this time." Twilight sighed. "It's not supposed to be that color. If it lead to the crystal empire like I wanted it to, it would be a lighter blue than this." Twilight reached a hoof out and brushed it across the surface of the portal causing it to ripple a little at the touch. Starlight tilted her head. "Do you want me to go through it?" Twilight held up a hoof. "Don't. It could be unstable." "How can we test it then?" "We need to find somepony else. Someone who wouldn't mind." "What the hell, Twilight?" Starlight's eyes narrowed a little. "If it's unsafe, we can't just send somepony else through it!" "Sure we can!" Twilight smiled. "I have a test subject ready. Two of them actually." Starlight tilted her head. "What do you mean? When did we ever hire test subjects?" "When Spike said he wouldn't do it anymore. Besides, the salary is 60,000 bits per experiment. And it's funded by the princesses! They're the ones we tested the shrinking potion on. And subsequently, the enlargement potion!" "Okay. Why haven't I met them? I always thought that you tested everything yourself." "Oh! Stars no! I just didn't think you'd like the idea." Starlight sighed. "As long as they're being paid nicely. Who are they?" Twilight gestured over to a button. "Come meet them!" She pressed the button which sent a loud tone ringing throughout the hallway. * * * After five minutes had gone by. two ponies finally walked into the room talking with each other happily. Starlight immediately recognized them as Lyra and Bon-Bon. Lyra turned to Twilight and said, "Hey Twilight! Sorry it took us so long to get here! We actually had to finish up with a few customers first!" "Oh! Congratulations! I told you the shop would get back up and running soon. This is just the start!" Bon-Bon waved to Starlight who waved back. "So how long have you both been test subjects?" Bon-Bon laughed. "Oh, since last year. Our sweet shop has been going through a rough period and so we both took a job to keep up with the bills. This one was the most worth it." Starlight nodded. "Makes sense. You both live pretty close." Lyra clapped her hooves together. "Okay Twilight! What are we working on today?" Twilight gestured towards the portal. "This thing! We're attempting to reach a connected parallel universe full of humans." Lyra's face lit up. "Humans! Oh my goddess! I hope this thing works!" Bon-Bon was a little hesitant. "Why are we trying to reach humans?" Twilight smiled. "I'm gonna let you two in on a little secret. There's a magic mirror in the castle. We moved it to the top floor for convenience's sake. It allows us to travel between this world and a parallel universe like the one I described. But the magic we used to power it was a little faulty and we had to start running about half of it off of the electricity and you can only guess how much something like that spiked our electricity bill. So, Starlight and I got to work developing this alternate portal which is powered by this." She tapped the device that was plugged into the side. "This is a collider that Starlight and I spent a long time developing. It takes out magic and converts it to energy without destroying the spell we put into it so it can continue to loop it over and over again." Lyra was in awe. She walked over to the collider and examined it thoroughly. "Twilight! This thing could power Canterlot for thirty years! It's amazing!" Twilight smiled. "Thanks, but it was actually Starlight's idea." Starlight smiled and blushed a little at the recognition. Bon-Bon spoke up and said, "I assume you want us to go through it and tell you what happens." Twilight nodded and gestured to the portal. "This is the seventh prototype! I'm like eighty-five percent sure it's totally safe!" Bon-Bon looked hesitant. "Umm. I think I'm gonna opt out of this one Twilight. I'm sorry but this thing looks risky. You can keep my salary this time." Lyra's face went from excited to sad and she looked at her marefriend. "Oh come on Bonnie! It won't be that bad! Just a quick trip through and back and we both make 60,000 bits! Is that so bad." Bon-Bon's face turned towards Lyra. "I'm not so sure about this Lyra. It looks dangerous. I don't think you should go either." Lyra sighed. "Please Bonnie! Think of how much we could fix up the store with the money! Maybe we could develop some new recipes too!" Bon-Bon sighed. "Fine. I'm in. But only because you're so annoying!" Lyra jumped up and clapped her hooves and Bon-Bon rolled her eyes. Twilight led the two closer to the portal. "Alright. Stay on the other side for a few minutes. If you appear outside a high school then I definitely got the coordinates right. If not, come back and we'll try again." Lyra and Bon-Bon nodded. Twilight walked over to the console on the portal and began typing in a few numbers. "Okay. It should be ready. Hop in!" Bon-Bon began to take a shaky step forward when Lyra grabbed her hoof and dragged the two in together. Everything was silent in the lab for about fifteen seconds. Suddenly, a loud crackling noise came from the portal. Starlight ran and took cover while Twilight ran over to the collider. "Starlight! The collider is producing too much energy! It's unstable!" Twilight dove for cover and the portal exploded with a loud sound. Twilight peeked over her desk to see the remains of the portal and the shattered collider on the floor. Somehow, the inner chamber containing the magic hadn't broken. She had designed it to withstand high energy and have a high blast resistance. If that magic was released, the energy created could bring destruction. Starlight peeked her head over the blast-proof shield. "Where are Bon-Bon and Lyra?" She asked sounding worried. Twilight winced. "Shit." * * * Lyra opened her eyes. As she surveyed her surroundings, she saw that she had landed in a forest. She saw Bon-Bon lying unconscious on the ground next to her. She rubbed her head as she thought about what got them there. She remembered being pulled through the tunnel the portal had created. Then she heard a loud bang and they had gotten jerked off the path. As Lyra was rubbing her head, she realized what she was rubbing it with. She was overjoyed as she yelled, "I have hands!" Bon-Bon woke up. She looked at her marefriend to see that she hadn't been lying. She looked just like the humans that Lyra had talked about. Except for one tiny detail. "I can't believe it! I'm a human! I'm never going back there! Not a chance!" "Um, Sweetheart? Look at your ears." Lyra reached her hands up to realize her ears were pointed. She didn't know what she was, but she sure wasn't human. "God damn it! I've waited for so long to be a human and now these pointy ears ruin the whole vibe!" Lyra sat down and crossed her arms. "Lyra, I don't think that's our biggest problem. Where are our clothes? I know we were wearing them when we wen't into the portal." "I read in a book once that magical transformation can deform objects attached to somepony's body. It was in transmogrification 101 at the Canterlot Library." Lyra seemed more casual about the fact that they weren't wearing anything but Bon-Bon seemed a little more uncomfortable. She quickly began looking around their surroundings and picking up decent sized leaves. "What are you doing?" "Gathering leaves. I'm gonna make clothes out of them." "How the-" Lyra was cut off by her marefriend putting a finger to her lips. Once Bon-Bon had the leaves she needed, she quickly got to work weaving the leaves together to make a thin rope that she then used as a thread to attach the leaves to each other. After about a half hour, she had constructed some very skimpy two-piece outfit for Lyra and herself. Once they were fully clothed, they got around to practicing their movement and surveying their surroundings. "Okay. It seems the gateway back has been closed off. I think something went wrong with the portal. We both lost our saddlebags when we went through the portal so we don't have a reliable food source and we have no clue where we are." Bon-Bon was mildly freaking out about the entire situation. "I told you that damn thing wasn't stable but you just couldn't listen could you?" Lyra shook her head. "Save it Bonnie. Fighting won't get us anywhere. Right now, we need to look for something or someone who can help us out." They began searching the forest. After about ten minutes, they found a dirt path. Lyra jumped happily. "See! There must be a civilization around here! This kind of path in this dense forest is definitely not natural! I think-" Her sentence was cut off as a large creature went running bye them. Lyra didn't see much as she was knocked down by the sheer force of the breeze it created. When she looked over at Bon-Bon, she looked horrified. What Bon-Bon had seen, she couldn't believe was real. It looked like some horrible combination of wires, flesh and blood. It ran on four legs with the biggest claws she had ever seen on any creature. Not long after, they saw something else running up the path. It was a human. She had a darker skin complexion and she carried two daggers. Bon-Bon realized too late that Lyra has just gotten up and was standing in the middle of the road. She tried to call out, but it was too late. The human ran into her sending both of them flying. Bon-Bon winced as Lyra and the human hit the ground. Hard. "What the hell?" The human shook her head and picked up her lost daggers. "Hey! Stay out of my fucking way! I'm on a job!" She quickly began running off in the direction of the creature. "Ly? Are you okay?" Bon-Bon asked with concern after seeing her friend get knocked down for the second time in the span of a couple minutes. "Yeah. Just give me a second." Lyra stood up and walked out of the road. "Who was that?" Bon-Bon shook her head. "I don't know. But I think we should follow her. She's our best chance at finding a civilization." The two began to walk quickly in the direction of the girl. After gaining balance, they began trying to run. Bon-Bon fell a few times but eventually, they were both running quickly towards the place they had seen the girl running to. Eventually, they came to the mouth of a cave. They slowed themselves and began to venture into the cave slowly. As they continued down the cave, they noticed something strange. All of the walls were made of wood. As they continued venturing down, they saw the walls gently shift from being wood, to being metal. Lyra reached her hand out to touch the metal. She winced a little. It was electrifying to the touch. Not much, just a little shock really but it was enough to make her not want to touch it again. They continued in the cave for about twelve minutes. They soon found their way to a bright opening. The walls here were some kind of melding between metal and wood. What they saw, was a monster lying on the floor and the girl they had seen, holding a dagger over its head. As she brought the dagger down for a finishing blow, a flash of light filled the room. In front of her, stood a man with only one eye. He seemed unreal. Almost ghost-like. A raven roosted on his shoulder. "Kaya!" The man shouted at the girl and quickly waved his hands, creating a magical forcefield between her and the monster, causing her final blow to change course. She struck the mounter in the leg, cutting it off clean. The monster roared in outrage but dragged itself to the wall. Bon-Bon watched in horror as the monster melted into the wall, and disappeared. The girl, who Lyra guessed was named Kaya, threw down her dagger in frustration. "God damn it! You son of a bitch!" She turned to the phantom-like man yelling. "That was my chance! You don't even know what you just cost me!" The man seemed unfazed by her screaming. He calmly said, "Kaya, you're dealing with forces you don't understand here." "Fuck you! I was gonna kill that stupid thing! You owe me big time! Pay up!" "Kaya, a big threat approaches Kaldheim. You must help prepare the ten realms or else I fear the entire plane may fall into ruin! My friend Cosima has arranged for you to take her longship between the realms. Please! For the good of Kaldheim, forget about the praetor." "Look dude! I'm just here on a job. I didn't sign up to help this place. I'm gonna be honest, I don't even really care. I just gotta find that thing and finish it off." "Fine. Let me rephrase. If you can't stop the threat here, it will spread. It will take down everyplane in the multiverse. Ravnica, Fiora, even... Tovada." Lyra didn't know what any of that meant, but she saw the girl's look change when she heard that last one. She heard the girl continue the conversation. "Fine! Not because I want to, but because I don't want to fuck up Tovada." The ghost smiled. "I'll take it. The ship will be awaiting you when you exit this cave. Go forth." The man disappeared and Lyra and Bon-Bon stood there awkwardly while the girl came towards them. The girl pushed straight passed them and began to walk out of the cave. Lyra gestured to Bon-Bon and the two quickly followed. "Hey! What the hell was that thing?" The girl rolled her eyes. "What the fuck are you? Some fucking dryads or some shit?" Lyra tilted her head. "Dryad?" The girl looked at her. "Yeah. Dryad." She gestured to her ears. So that's what I am? Lyra thought to herself. "I-I guess?" "Why'd you follow me?" "I don't know. We're kind of lost and we don't know what to do. You're Kaya right? Can you help us?" Kaya rolled her eyes. "Screw off. I'm busy. If you hadn't knocked me down in the first place, I would have finished that kill before I got interrupted." Lyra stopped Kaya in her tracks and stood in front of her. "Please! We just need to find a way back home." Kaya pushed past her. "I swear! Fucking elves are always getting on everyone's nerves." "Elves?" Kaya, once again gestured to the ears. "I thought these made us Dryads?" Kaya rolled her eyes. "Elf Dryads? Are you fucking stupid?" Lyra looked at her with eyes of confusion. Kaya stopped. "Wait. You really don't know who you are?" Lyra shook her head and Bon-Bon stepped in. "I know it might sound crazy, but we just kind of appeared here. Like fifty minutes ago. We just need to find our way back to Equestria." Kaya looked at Bon-Bon's wide eyes and then looked towards Lyra. When she looked at Lyra, she stared hard. Suddenly, her eyes lit up. She smiled and asked a simple two word question that would send Lyra's mind spinning. "A spark?"
Bon-Bon,Lyra,Starlight Glimmer,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Human,Adventure,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Narcotics,Profanity,Sex
A New Spark
A test subject is sent through a strange portal to find a whole new fantasy world.
<p>When Twilight sparkle finishes her new portal, she needs to find someone willing to test it. However, when someone passed through it, the portal became unstable and collapsed. Now, Twilight's test subject must learn the ropes of magic and sorcery to stand a chance at getting back home.</p><p>Magic the Gathering Crossover :)</p>
"Shit shit shit shit!" Twilight was pacing around the room quickly. "Twilight! Snap out of it! Panicking won't help anything!" Twilight turned to face Starlight. "You're right. Why shouldn't I be concerned about the fact that two ponies are trapped on the other side of that portal and we have no way to get them home!" Starlight put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight. The portal was set for Canterlot High. Just go use the portal upstairs! Twilight sighed and looked down at the ground. "I should have thought of that." * * * "Are you okay?" Lyra Back up a little from Kaya as she moved closer. "I haven't seen someone with such a vibrant spark since...." She paused and thought for a second. "Damn! Since the war of the spark! I haven't come in contact with anyone like me for a while." Lyra held up a hand. "Hang on. Back up. Explain." Kaya took a deep breath. "Sorry. I was just a little excited. I can't believe you have an active spark!" "Spark?" Bon-Bon had jumped into the conversation. "You can't just keep saying random nonsense that we don't understand. We need you to explain." Kaya smiled. "Fine. When people are born, there is a chance that they will be born with a spark inside them. For most, they can live their entire lives without even knowing about their spark. But for some, their spark can ignite and become active! Your spark interests me. It wishes to ignite but it hasn't yet." Lyra tilted her head. "What does the spark do?" "It gives you the ability to walk between planes." The trio began walking again as Kaya continued talking. "If you tag along with me, you might be able to ignite your spark. Often times, your spark will ignite in dangerous situations." "What caused your spark to ignite?" Kaya hesitated for a second. "I don't really like to talk about it. Just hang out with me for a bit. I can teach you both things you could never dream of." Bon-Bon tilted her head. "What do you mean?" Kaya smiled. "I can sense a magical aura coming off of both of you. But it's not the same as the magic we create from our drawn mana." Kaya then began to glow an eerie blue-green color and she phased through Lyra and got in front of her before returning to her normal appearance. "See?" Bon-Bon and Lyra stared at her with amazement. "What was that?" Lyra asked. "Ghostform. Most planeswalkers specialize in something specific. I specialize in my ghostform. It's extremely useful in combat." Lyra nodded. "I want to learn how to use that kind of magic!" "I'm not the best teacher honestly. There are all kinds of magic planeswalkers can use. The best place to learn would be Strixhaven of course. Or Ravnica but Strixhaven is much safer." "How do I get there?" "Good luck. Strixhaven is a different plane. You're too heavy for me to bring you with me when I planeswalk and you don't have an active spark. The only way there would be through the planar bridge and there's no way I'm going near that thing." "Why not?" "Long story." They had reached the mouth of the cave at last. Just as the man had told Kaya, there was a boat there. The trio climbed in and the boat began to move magically. An orange portal opened up in front of them. "What the hell is that?" Kaya asked. The boat went through the portal and they stopped in a completely different area. An underground cave of sorts. Kaya drops to the ground and begins inspecting the rock. "What are you doing?" Bon-Bon asked. "Looking for the praetor. I didn't know I was hunting that thing but I might be able to get a little bit more money out of my client if I can bring him a praetor's head." "Praetor?" Lyra had learned more words today than she had since she was three. "Vorinclex. One of the Phyrexian Praetors. I don't know why he's here but it must mean trouble. I've been thinking that the Phyrexians are up to something for a while. Now I'm sure of it." "I thought you were going to help the plane?" "Nah. I just said that so Alrund would leave me alone." Bon-Bon and Lyra follow Kaya through the cave as she continues to track the monster they had seen earlier. "Hey! Look!" Bon-Bon pointed ahead of them at a spot of light coming from one of the cave's branching passages. Kaya put a finger to her lips to signal silence and gestured for them to follow quietly. They crept through the caves and soon reached a clearing. Hundreds upon hundreds of ugly green creatures were gathered in the clearing. They were chanting and yelling. There was a man standing in the middle of all of it. Lyra couldn't make out the details. All she could see was that he had pale skin and his face was obscured in a black cloak that was inscribed with golden runes. A glowing blue sword was strapped to his back. "Fucking trolls." Kaya was grumbling under her breath as they surveyed the scene before them. They had emerged on a wooden platform overlooking the clearing below them. The man in the middle stopped for a second. He seemed to hear something. He looked up to see the trio staring down at him. He began speaking again. He was speaking in a language that Lyra couldn't understand but it certainly was getting the trolls below riled up. They started moving in a hoard towards the ladder leading up to their wooden platform. Kaya looked at Lyra. "Okay. I'm gonna teach you a spell. I can't cast it myself because I'm bound to Black and White mana. Since you haven't ignited, it will be easy for you to draw any color of mana. Lyra tilted her head. "What?" Kaya continued. "I'm gonna teach you a red and white spell. Here, take my hand." Lyra took her hand as a couple trolls began ascending the tall ladder. "Okay. Dual color spells are difficult so let me help you. I'll produce the white mana. You produce the red." "What the hell? I don't know how to produce mana!" Kaya put her other hand on Lyra's shoulder. "It's okay. I'll walk you through it quickly. The philosophy behind red mana is a sense of adventure. Focus on your emotions. Think of what makes you sad, angry, happy." Lyra's hand began to glow a faint red. Kaya smiled. "Okay. Now, stop thinking about all of that and try to channel your magic without thinking. It's the way to produce the strongest red mana. Through impulse and a lack of control." Lyra did as she said.She didn't know how, and she didn't know why, but the red glow coming from her hand grewbrighter and brighter. Kaya used the hand she was grabbing Lyra's with and drew the white mana she required for the spell. They two colors mixed together above them and collided. "Guys? They're getting closer." "Quiet!" Kaya yelled. Bon-Bon quieted herself. "Now! Think of lightning! The unpredictability, the anger, the wrath that comes with it! Now!" When Kaya yelled that, Lyra could feel something coursing through her body. At first, she thought it was adrenaline but then she realized. She had drawn the red mana she needed. Even more importantly, however, was the effect the mana had in collision with Kaya's white mana. Lightning shot out of their hands and did a double helix. It began to direct itself towards the trolls on the ladder. The spell's effect finished with a giant bolt of lightning falling in the middle of the hoard. Afterwards, Lyra fell to the wooden floor, exhausted. Kaya hoisted her up to her feet. "No time for rest! He's getting away!" Bon-Bon looked around to see that thee man had fled. Lyra watched as Kaya drew white mana and spread an aura across herself. She then jumped down from the platform. Lyra watched in amazement. They had to be at least thirty feet up! Lyra and Bon-Bon opted for using the ladder instead. Lyra, who was getting much better control over her elven body than Bon-Bon jumped onto the ladder and lightly grasped the bars on the side, allowing her to slide her way down. Bon-Bon began to fall behind as she slowly took the ladder towards the ground. Multiple times, her foot slipped as she looked down at the ground below. "Hurry up Bonnie!" Lyra called from below. When Bon-Bon had finally reached the ground, she felt her stomach get queasy at the smell of the charred bodies all around her. It seemed hard to believe that Lyra had something to do with it. Bon-Bon ran quickly towards the place that the other two were running towards. She couldn't see it from above, but there was another small tunnel in the wall. She began to run through it, finding it to be very short. She stopped when she saw Kaya and Lyra standing still. The tunnel had been a dead end and the man was now cornered. "Who are you?" Kaya asked. The man chuckled. "You have a lot of nerve girls. You've interfered with the plans of a god!" The man stood up. All that was visible under his cloak was his malicious smile. Bon-Bon backed away, unsure of what he was going to do. Kaya, however looked a little closer at the man. She held up a hand. "Hold on a second. I don't think we have. Because you're not a god are you?" The man's smile turned to a snarl of anger as he proclaimed, "What lies! You dare defy me mortal?" Kaya smiled. Not her usual warm smile but more of a deadly smile. She said, "Did you really think I wouldn't recognize you? That damn smile gives you away. The man smiled. "There truly is no fooling you is there?" He pulls back his hood to reveal himself. As he does, his form begins to change into what seemed to be a half-devil, half-man. Kaya gave a small sound that sounded a lot like a growl. "The fuck are you doing on this plane Tibalt?" The devil smiled. "Making a legacy." With that, he drew the sword from his back and swung it towards Kaya. Kaya swiftly pulled out her daggers and clashed them against the sword. The glowing sword made quick work of her daggers as they shattered and fell to the ground. Kaya was almost knocked down by the blow and Tibalt smiled. "What a reunion." He said. He raised his sword to thrust downwards as Lyra and Bon-Bon stood frozen in fear. As Tibalt began to lower his sword towards Kaya, Lyra heard footsteps coming quickly towards them. Lyra saw a creature with pointy ears just like hers running towards them. He had a sword attached to his arm and he had purpole tattoos over his body. He crashes into Tibalt, knocking his sword off course. The elf quickly slashed at Tibalt's face but Tibalt dodged quickly. Tibalt raised his sword but not in the direction of the elf. Bon-Bon and Lyra watched in awe as the sword began to glow a brilliant blue. He slashed the sword at nothing but to their surprise, the sword seemed to rip through reality. An orange tunnel, very similar to the one that the had gone through in the boat. On the other side, they could see a barren wasteland and a large tower-like structure in the distance. Tibalt flees into the portal and seems to disappear. Lyra, Bon-Bon, and the elf all bend down to make sure Kaya is okay. Kaya stands up slowly and looks over the elf that had saved her. "Who are you?" The elf held out his hands. "Tyvar. Tyvar Kell. It's nice to meet you." Kaya cautiously takes his hand. "Okay. Why are you here?" "I'm from Alfheim. It's one of the realms connected through the world tree. That man appeared to us claiming to be Valki, the god of lies. He told us we should prepare for a war between the other realms. I didn't quite trust him especially because he calls himself the god of lies. I followed him here." "How did you cross the realms? We've needed a special boat just to get this far." "I've been able to cross realms pretty easily since I was like six." Kaya looks confused. She wondered, If I couldn't cross realms without the longboat, how could he? She observes Tyvar closer and notices a small pendant he wears around his neck. I know I've seen that before. Kaya recognizes it as something from the plane of Zendikar. He hasn't been traveling through the relams. He's been traveling between planes!" This realization makes Kaya a little uneasy about Tyvar. From her experience, planeswalkers are often only out for themselves. She keeps her composure and continues the conversation. "Listen, I'm here hunting a monster for a bounty. Have you seen something that looks like a mixture between flesh and machinery?" "No. I'm more concerned about what that devil has planned for this realm. He's doing something. But I'm not sure what." Kaya looks over towards Lyra and Bon-Bon. "I think we should follow him." Lyra says. "He's up to something and I don't think it's anything good." Kaya thinks for a second and nods. She gestures towards the portal and the four of them step through it. What they heard next sent shivers through Lyra and Bon-Bon's heads. A loud shriek echoed through the air. They saw multiple winged beasts flying in the sky in the distance. "I think our first goal here should be to get that sword away from Tibalt. I think whatever he's planning will involve that thing so we have to make sure he can't use it. Also, We need to help her learn magic." She pointed at Lyra. "I felt it. She has extremely high mana concentration and I think she can be an extremely powerful weapon if we teach her." Bon-Bon then spoke up. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Kaya turned towards her. "What are you good at?" Bon-Bon smiled. "I worked for an agency back on Equestria. I have all sorts of random skills." She looked around and took a specific note of the double bladed sword attached to Tyvar's arm. She ran over and grabbed a broken piece of a metal pipe. She grabbed a large stone. She ran over to Tyvar and began sharpening the rock quickly against his blade. "Is there some kind of magical spell I can use to attach these together?" She asked once she was done. "Normally,I'd do it myself but I don't see any sufficient binding materials around here." Kaya looked at her intensely. "I'll admit, the speed was impressive. I don't sense an incredibly strong connection to the mana of this world coming from you. Not to mention the mana I can sense radiating around this plane is mostly red and black. Maybe, I can teach you a binding spell but it might be hard without a strong connection to blue mana. Bon-Bon nodded and walked over. "Okay. For this one, you're going to want to close your eyes. Just like with your friend, you want to focus on the core values of the color you wish to draw. Think of opportunities and possibility. Blue is very heavy with manipulation spells. They believe that everything exists without purpose or meaning. Channel that as you think of what spell you want to cast." Lyra watched as Bon-Bon's hand turned a very faint shade of blue. She smiled as her marefriend was making progress. Suddenly, Bon-Bon channeled the magic into the two objects she was holding. They were soon attached tightly with a magical blue-green substance. Kaya picked up the newly made axe and hit it hard against the ground. "Nice job. That's not going anywhere." "You can have it! Since your daggers broke." Bon-Bon smiled and Kaya accepted the gift. Suddenly, two monstrous creatures landed near the party. Tyvar raised his blades and Kaya drew the axe out in front of her. The monsters roared loudly and the battle began.
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Drama,Thriller,Tragedy,Fallout,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Violence
Fallout: Nightshade - Book 1: Shelter
For NIGHTSHADE, life in Vault 95 is good. She has her friends POPPY and CHARMY to keep her company and a pretty good job as a security mare. However, life in the Vault starts to spiral out of control when a rogue group tries to break out.
<div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#F00">COVER ART UNDER CONSTRUCTION</span></p></div><hr/><p>For <b>Nightshade</b>, life in <b>Vault 95</b> is okay. She has her friends <b>Poppy</b> and <b>Charmy</b> to keep her company and a pretty good job as a security mare. Despite an event in the past causing others to distrust her, she still manages to make it through the days. However, life in the Vault starts to spiral out of control when a rogue group tries to break out.</p><hr/><p><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#F00">Inspired by but not connected to FALLOUT: EQUESTRIA</span></p>
Nightshade sat up in her bed with a groan. She was a purple unicorn with yellow eyes whose long yellow hair was a complete mess and hung in her face. Her purple coat was also damp with sweat. She stretched her forelegs above her head before she pulled the covers off. Taking a glance at the clock on her wall, she noticed she had slept in today. “Shit,” she muttered, getting out of bed. After taking her morning shower and getting dressed in her blue bodysuit with get special wrist device called a PipBuck. With her hair now in place behind her head, save for a few bangs hanging over her left eye, she left her room and made her way down the hall. With a yawn, she made her way into the cafeteria. She may have lost her entire morning, but at least it was lunch time. Lunch time meant fresh food. She grabbed a tray of salad and hay fries before she made her way over to an empty table. As she ate, she looked around at the others who were all giving her looks. With a heavy sigh, she started eating her salad. After a couple more minutes, two other mares sat down at her table across from her. One was a red unicorn with short yellow hair named Poppy and the other was a pink unicorn with medium-length white hair named Charmy. Both were the only ponies Nightshade could call friend. “Hey, Shade,” Poppy said with a smile. “Did you… sleep okay?” The purple unicorn shrugged. “I guess. Just… a night like any other night.” She ate a couple fries and swallowed. “Did you help with lunch?” Poppy shook her head. “Not today.” “I can tell. Fries are shit.” Poppy and Charmy eyed each other before the pink mare spoke. “Nightmares?” Nightshade smiled glumly, eyes half-lidded. “Mmm… Of course. All I have are nightmares.” “Well, you went through a lot. I mean, it’s been, what? Three years?” Shade chuckled. “Three whole years and I’m still getting looks from these assholes. And I didn’t even do anything.” She chuckled softly and picked up a fry. “Guilty by association, I guess.” “No one could have predicted what happened,” Poppy chimed in. “I could’ve. She always talked about leaving. I just never thought she’d go that far to do it.” “Well, you stayed, right?” Charmy asked with a smile. “And you’re still a security pony, so… I’m sure they’ll warm up to you soon enough.” Nightshade gave a very small smile. “Thanks, but… it’s been three years. Something would’ve changed by now.” “Eh, ponies are stubborn,” Poppy chuckled. “Especially after the bombs fell.” “Yeah, wow, it’s been about 25 years now, hasn’t it?” Charmy asked. “I can barely remember life before all this.” “I feel bad for the ponies being born in all this. At least I can picture a butterfly. Or trees.” “Do you think we’ll ever get back to all that?” The pink unicorn asked. Poppy shrugged. “Who knows? Hopefully the princesses are planning something, but… no one’s seen them since the bombs fell. I’ve heard rumors they didn’t make it.” “Of course you did,” Nightshade sighed. “Ponies love spreading negative rumors.” “You think they’re alive?” Poppy asked. “Three alicorns? One may have fallen but not all three. There’s no way.” “Think the changelings survived?” “Without a doubt. They’re like cockroaches. At least Sombra fell. Couldn’t stand that fucker. Even as a filly.” “I just had a thought,” Charmy said with a tilt of her head. “Changelings haven’t been seen since the war, either, right? What if they’re all disguised and hiding in bunkers?” Nightshade shook her head. “We were brought to the Vaults during the fighting. The changelings would’ve been busy.” Charmy shrugged. “Maybe some snuck in.” “Well… if any snuck in here… I’ll finish ‘em off.” Nightshade opened her locked in the security office and pulled out her holster with gun. After she strapped it on, she closed the door and left the room to begin her shift. As she patrolled the halls, she looked at the walls, floors, and ceilings for about sign of sabotage. Nothing seemed to be out of place, which made her job easy. Vault 95 was built into a mountain near the ruins of the Crystal Empire. Once, in the past, a group of raiders had tunneled through the rock and almost made it inside. However, a group of security ponies, Nightshade included, managed to stop them before they could breach the walls. They had then filled in the tunnel with more rocks to block off the passage. During her rounds, Nightshade always checked the spot where they almost had a breach. She never saw any sign of danger since and today was no different. After an uneventful shift, Nightshade returned to the security office to hang up her holster and gun. When she closed her locker, she heard hoofsteps behind her. “Well, if it isn’t Nightshit,” a raspy mare chuckled. Nightshade sighed and turned around to find a gray mate with short spiky black hair and green eyes. “Ash. Come to a bitch again?” “I can’t believe the Overseer is still allowing you to be security. Given what happened last time.” “I stopped them, remember?” “Barely. It was your carelessness that allowed it to happen in the first place.” Nightshade rolled her eyes and started to leave. “Fuck off, Ass.” The gray mare held out a hoof to stop her. “The Overseer may trust you, but I never will.” Nightshade narrowed her eyes and glared at the mare. “If you want a fight…” “Hey,” Ash said as she lowered her hoof. “You know that would cost me my job. Same goes for you.” Nightshade sighed angrily and stormed out of the room. She dropped onto her bed with a groan, her uniform hanging up on the wall. She covered her face with her hooves and let out a muffled scream. She rolled onto her side and sniffled as she looked at a picture on her bedside table. It depicted her with a purple unicorn mare with long magenta hair whose face was mostly covered by her bangs. They were both grinning at each other playfully. “I miss you,” Nightshade muttered. “So fucking much.” She sniffled and closed her eyes as she cried herself to sleep.
Applejack,Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
United We Stand!
An MLP x Trolls Crossover. Join Twilight and her friends as they embark on another Friendship Quest summoned by the Cutie Map. Why do they look so different after encountering a portal?
<p><i>A Trolls x MLP Crossover Fic</i><br/><br/>As the mane 6 were summoned by the Cutie Map one last time months before Twilight's Coronation Day, they were led to a lone Tree up a hill. A portal opened beneath them, changing their appearance all differently from each other.</p><p>They each woke up separated and confused, where's their horns? Their wings? Their other two hooves? Their tails? Well... for some, they have the other of those and lack the others... But where are the others and what is the place they were transported in?</p><p>With each in their own, they try to learn more about this new world and find their way back to each other soon. Will they be able to do it along side this Rockapocalypse?</p><p><i>What comes after the text &quot;United we stand&quot;?</i></p>
“Twilight, we've been here for 3 hours now!” Rainbow Dash whined, “Can we at least take a break in our camps for now?” Earlier that morning, Twilight along with the rest of her friends were all summoned by the Map for a Friendship Quest. It was such a rare occasion, only happens when something serious is happening. Well, there was also that time when Discord faked a Cutie Map summoning all of them in order to test Starlight Glimmer. This time, they made extra sure that this is not fake, Fluttershy making Discord promise that he’s not lying. Why do they always tend to forget about Discord’s sole affection towards Fluttershy? The last time they remember being called all together was during Starlight's Equal Town, which said pony is now reformed and changed her way. Now as a student under Twilight's care. She was tasked with taking care of the Castle's affair under Spike's watch while the friends are away for a mission. They don't know how long this will take so they took extra measures in case something goes awry along the way. The map directed them to a mountain where a big tree resides by the peak. It was not a long way from Ponyville, just a short train ride and then a 30 minute walk. Which made this mission all the more confusing because they are unsure where the friendship problem lies. “It doesn’t make any sense,” Twilight stressed as she sat down in defeat from searching all over the tree, “Our Cutie Marks have been shining nonstop since we got here, that must mean we’re in the right places already doesn’t it? So… where is it?” “Don’t stress over it, Twi,” Applejack comforted, “We’ve experienced this before, haven’t we? Let’s just take a deep breath and we’ll search again with a clearer mind.” “Maybe there’s, like, a secret passage?” Rainbow Dash nears her ear towards the tree as she knocks her hooves on it, listening in, “A ritual? A secret magic message?” “Ooooor maybe it’s actually just below our flanks all along!” Pinkie pipes up as she looks at her Cutie Mark lighting up more as she sat down at a certain spot. “Isn’t it a little weird how there’s not even a single bird or bugs around such a big and healthy tree?” Flutter Shy adds in, flying to a trunk as she searches for a nest. “Well, there’s not much of a breeze here either,” Rarity pants as she fans herself, “Let’s just cool down for now, we’ve walked and searched for continuous hours dear! My hooves can only handle so much!” “Fine…” Twilight relents, “Let’s take a break.” But a pinched expression remained on her face that didn’t go unnoticed by the others as they rested in a circle close to each other. “You seem really stressed lately, Twilight,” Flutter Shy spoke up, “Is everything okay?” “I’m just… really worried about leaving the school to Starlight all alone again.” “You’ve left it to her once before, and it went great!” Applejack said, “So what’s really the issue here?” “Well…” Twilight looks away, thinking of another excuse. “It’s not about the coronation is it?” Rarity worriedly asked. Twilight doesn’t speak, but she does look more ashamed to have it laid out by her friends. “I know it’s still a few months away but… I just can’t help wondering if I’m really already up to it. Managing Ponyville was not easy, the School took a lot of trial and error now.. the entirety of Equestria?!” “Oh come on Twi, you’ve done loads of stuff that proves you’re more ready to be a Princess of Equestria than you'd think!” Rainbow Dash said, “Saving Ponyville, Crystal Empire, Canterlot, the Timeline, and everywhere else around Equestria!” “But that’s saving Equestria, not ruling it. I just… feel like it’s a lot more different than I can prepare for…” Twilight said, “And besides, I had all of you besides me in all of those moments, so… I’m at a loss as to what to do after the coronation.” “Being the ruler of Equestria doesn’t stop you from being friends with us anymore, dummy!” Pinkie Pie laughed as she pulled Twilight in a hug, “We can still visit you, and you can visit us! Ooooh we can have, like, official monthly meetings, weekly meetings? Daily meetings?! Or maybe hourly meetings!” “I don’t think Twilight’ll be able to do weekly meetings, sugar cube, much less a daily meeting,” Applejack said with a giggle. “But she is right, Dear,” Rarity said, “You always have us! We’re always one call away. I won’t say no to visiting my friend in the Canterlot Castle!” Twilight was deeply touched with their ever encouraging words, “Thank you, girls. I don't know what I could’ve done without you.” A moment of silence drawled as Twilight looked at her friends one by one. Friendship Through The Ages - Eqeustria Girls Mane 6 (link) “Nothing stays the same for long,” Twilight sang softly “But when it changes doesn’t mean it’s gone,” Pinkie Pie further nuzzles herself to Twilight as the latter sings. “Time will always get away, as it leaves behind another day~” “Things may come and things may go,” Flutter Shy sang as she sways her head. “Some go fast, and some go slow,” “Few things last, that’s all I know,” She sang as she rested her head on Applejack. “But Friendship carries on through the Ages.” “Things may come and things may go,” Rarity sang as she fixed Rainbow’s hair. “Some go fast and some go slow,” “Few things last, that’s all I know,” Rainbow lets Rarity be as she even settled on laying by the grass next to her. “But friendship carries on through the Ages.” “Been around for a long time,” Rainbow Dash sang “Rocking out hard ‘cause I’m in my prime.” “May it’ll change further down the line,” “But my friendship— carries on through the ages!” Rainbow Dash sang as she put Rarity in a gentle headlock “Every single style has something different it can say,” Applejack sang. “There’s nothing wrong with being unique, and special in your own way,” She sang as she sways her hat. “Maybe you wanna be a popstar!” Pinkie Pie jumped from Twilight’s hold. “Get your 15 minutes of fame! Woo-a-hoh” She posed around, her friends giggling at her antics “That won’t last forever,” She sang as she went back to her friends “But friendship remains the same, ahh oh.” “Things may come and things may go,” One by one, the group of friends stood up as they sang together as one. “Some go fast and some go slow,” “Few things last, that’s all I know,” “But Friendship carries on through the Ages!” “Things may come and things may go,” They all huddled closer together as they faced the tree, a witness to their ever growing friendship. “Some go fast and some go slow,” “Few things last, that’s all I know,” “But Friendship carries on through the Ages” “Ooooooh” “Carries on….” Their singing ended as they hugged each other. “We rather sang differently this time, didn’t we?” Rarity giggled. “I guess our types in Music are really different, which makes us all the more special,” Twilight said. Fluttershy sighs in the hug, “I really don’t want to be separated from you guys,” “That won’t happen!” Rainbow Dash reassured, “I won’t stop looking for you guys if that were to happen!” “Uhh, guys?” Applejack grabs their attention, “Don’t you think the Tree is kind of… glowing right now?” Indeed, the Tree is now emitting a strange glow. 6 different colours moved around the trunks of the tree; Blue, Purple, Yellow, Orange, Red, and Pink. Each colour met by the middle by the order and disappeared as it went down. “Pinkie Senses are telling me….” Pinkie Pie’s voice rang as she watched her tail shake in warning, “To look down!” Too late, a portal appeared below them swirling in colours and… cotton candy? Yarns and glitters? A really strange portal which they couldn’t escape in time. They fell into the portal screaming as they fell. Pinkie Pie giggles amidst her scream, “I was right! It was below our flanks!” “Not helping Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash shouted, she couldn’t control her wings! “Oh my Celestia! What is happening to you guys?!” Rarity screamed as she pointed at them, then had a good look at her hooves— hands? “My hooves! They have split into 4! AAAAAAAHHH” “Oh no,” Twilights was filled with dread, a memory she felt that happened just like this surfaced in her mind. It was just like the mirror that turned her into a—! “My wings!” Rainbow Dash said in alarm, “They’re— gone!” “Oooooh!” Pinkie Pie squealed as she twisted and turned, “I’m all bright and fishy!” “I don’t wanna look— I don’t wanna look— I don’t wanna look—” Fluttershy repeated like a mantra as she kept her eyes closed behind her arms. “Y’all we’re still falling! Twi, what is happening?!” Applejack shouted, holding onto her hat. “I don’t know!” Twilight shouted back as she looked at her arms, why is she so glittery?! “Something like this once happened to me— when I went in that mirror back in Canterlot but… It’s different! We all look so— different! I don’t know anything about this, oh gosh.” “Please tell me I still look good?” Rarity asked, stressed with having no mirror in sight. “You have a longer neck and no horn, but you still look very pretty! Stylish!” Pinkie Pie answered. “No horn?!” “And we all have hands!” Pinkie Pie added. “What are hands?!” They all shouted in unison. “How can you possibly know about hands?!” Twilight asked incredulously. “Just a hunch,” Pinkie Pie grinned. “LIGHT!” Applejack’s voice boomed. A light appeared below them, closing in. “That’s not a light…” Twilight said in alarm. Fluttershy now chose the moment to open her eyes and looked down, to which she screamed in horror. “WE’RE GONNA FALL IN THE SKY!!!” “Oh no we won’t!” Rainbow Dash said. Making use of her Aerodynamic skills, she made sure to group her friends all together before moving in front of them. No one knows how it happened, but with Rainbow Dash leading, a rainbow trail appeared after them, the air surrounding them became heavy but controlled. As the light neared around them, they huddled closer praying they’ll be able to live through this. The last thing they heard was the familiar sound of Rainbow Dash’s Rainboom before everything turned black.
Applejack,Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
United We Stand!
An MLP x Trolls Crossover. Join Twilight and her friends as they embark on another Friendship Quest summoned by the Cutie Map. Why do they look so different after encountering a portal?
<p><i>A Trolls x MLP Crossover Fic</i><br/><br/>As the mane 6 were summoned by the Cutie Map one last time months before Twilight's Coronation Day, they were led to a lone Tree up a hill. A portal opened beneath them, changing their appearance all differently from each other.</p><p>They each woke up separated and confused, where's their horns? Their wings? Their other two hooves? Their tails? Well... for some, they have the other of those and lack the others... But where are the others and what is the place they were transported in?</p><p>With each in their own, they try to learn more about this new world and find their way back to each other soon. Will they be able to do it along side this Rockapocalypse?</p><p><i>What comes after the text &quot;United we stand&quot;?</i></p>
Pop Trolls Poppy was having the party of her life when it happened. One moment they were all celebrating Mosha-sha Sha-na Holliday, jumping around all day and singing songs, then suddenly. BOOM! A large boom blasted in the sky that caused everyone to stop their jumping as they witnessed the phenomenon in the sky. It was a never before seen phenomenon. The appearance of a Rainbow in circular as it travelled across after a big Boom! “Is that…” Branch said, out of words for such an unexplainable phenomenon. “Oh my God— That was so pretty!” Poppy squealed as she immediately took picture of it, printing it. “How did that happen?! “I’m not sure…” Branch drawled… he squinted his eyes when something shined in his peripheral vision. “Look, Mr. Dinkles! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!” Biggie’s voice sounded as he pointed to where Branch had looked. Mr. Dinkles was quiet as he followed the ‘star’. A lot of wishes circled in his head bute then settled for one… “Mew.” “That shooting star… It’s headed straight to us!” Branch shouted in alarm, “Everybody hide!” Immediately, the whole tribe went into a frenzied panic as they all scrambled away from the plaza and back into their own pods. Branch had to pull a starstruck Poppy to hide by his bunker as the ‘shooting star’ was fast approaching. The two struck out their heads to witness as not a huge crush happened when the star landed. Still, no one came out as they waited for some kind of aftermath. However, not even 10 seconds later, a few critters instead went near the landing site of the star. “Wait, no! Don’t go near the stars yet!” Poppy tried to stop the critters from approaching, stepping away from the bunker against Branch’s orders but then stopped when she saw something “Wait, are those Dust Bunnies?!” “What is happening there?!” Branch said quietly, taking a cautious charge with Poppy behind him as they neared the land zone. The more they walked nearer, the more it seemed clearer to them. It wasn’t a shooting star… It was… “Is that… a troll?” Poppy said quietly. Surrounded by critters was a sleeping yellow troll. Her pink hair framed one side of her face as the back is long and soft looking as it softly twirled by the end tips. She wore a green knitted dress with flowers and pink butterflies. The dress is short in the front and long by her back. They saw one of the dust bunnies place a green flower by the side of her hair. “She… looks like an angel…” Poppy coos, trying to step closer. “Wait, Poppy! I don’t think we should—” Branch tried to stop her when the sleeping troll started moving around. Her movement was soft as she sat down, cradling her head. As she took a glance to her hands, aqua eyes opened in shock as she looked at her hands and feet, feeling her face. She seemed close to hyperventilating when a critter floated to her face. “Oh, hello there,” Her meek voice sounded. Calm as the breeze. “I-I’m sorry, but do you know where I am?” Poppy and Branch shared a look, is she talking to a critter? The critter seemed to reply to her. “Behind me? Who’s Queen— Eek!” The troll squeaked when she turned to see the two of them, “U-uhm… W-Who are you? P-Please don’t hurt me…” She curled to herself and into the embrace of a Boring Beetle. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, don’t worry we’re not here to hurt you,” Poppy immediately consoled, “I’m Queen Poppy, and this is Branch. We’re here to help you.” “W-Where am I? My friends… Where are my friends?” “You’re safe in the Troll’s Village and you were—” “Trolls?! T-There big meanie trolls here?” The troll panicked, “I have to get to my friends!” Poppy laughed, oblivious to her panic, “‘Big, meany trolls’ HA! Good one. Oh, gosh. I don't think we're any of that.” “W-What?” “I mean, look at you and me! We ourselves are trolls. How can we be big and mean!” By her words, the girl’s world seemed to shatter. Or maybe she just had too many revelations upon waking up. “Oh boy.” Branch sighed as she watched the meek Troll faint. “Oh no, what happened to her?” Poppy said as she neared the troll, “We should get her checked up!” “Yeah, let’s do that. I mean, we don’t know her name yet or why she came down from the sky but sure, let’s do that first.” Branch said sarcastically, he addressed everyone first before leading Poppy to the clinic. “Everything’s alright now everyone! You can come out now.” “We saw the Troll, Branch,” Biggie said, hugging Mr. Dinkles, “Who was that?” “I don’t know Biggie,” He sighed, “I don’t know yet.” Funk Trolls The Funk trolls were enjoying a performance by the stage when a large Boom shook their entire ship. “Shut everything down!” King Quincy ordered as precaution. “Check the area!” Queen Essence ordered, “Report!” “Your highness!” One of the Pilots went to the Queen, “There was a huge explosion of a rainbow that occured in the middle of Troll Kingdom. We have yet to identify what caused it!” “Your highnesses!” One of the onlookers shouted as they still had their eyes following the telescope, “Something is falling from the sky after the explosion, and it’s headed our way!” “And it seems to be…!” The other onlooker shouted, “It’s a Funk Troll!” “Well, what are we waiting for? Catch them to safety!” “On it, Dad!” Prince Darnell gave a salute before following the order. A bubble catcher was employed which easily caught the troll mid-fall. Gently, the Troll in the Bubble landed on the ground softly with a pop. It was a white Funk Troll. Blue fur trails along her neck with silver and purple bands of tinsel segments. Her body is purple with some layered with silver tinsel segments that makes it look like a funky skirt. Her hair is styled fashionably in purple where three blue diamonds are clipped on the side. Blue powder glittered her eyes, and as it opened, deep blue orbs took in her surroundings. “Oh my, what a terrible dream I had,” She said with sass, about to cradle her head when she caught sight of it, “Or… maybe I’m still having it.” She said as she waved her arms around, turning it back to back. “Seems you are awake,” Queen E stepped in. She figured talking to this woman as another woman would help ease the tension from the girl. “Oh— Uh, hi there. Great style you’re wearing there— hehe- ehem! Uhm, if you don’t mind me asking, where am I, exactly?” The girl asked. Essence suppressed a laugh coming out as she tilted her head, amused by the woman’s antics. Her eyes can’t help but look around the place and at the tall figure of Queen Essence, taking in her aura and unique style. “You are in our territory Miss..?” “Rarity!” Rarity said, “Nice to meet you and erm, I sincerely apologise for overstepping in your territory without notice. Have you perhaps seen my other friends? If I could just know where they are, then I’ll be on my way and not trouble you further!” “It is fine, Miss Rarity, I am Queen Essence of the Funk Trolls.” “Oh! My apologies! I didn’t realise I was speaking directly to a head!” Rarity hastily dropped to her knees in worry. Had she disrespected the Queen in some way during their whole interaction? Hopefully not. She doesn’t want to generalise but nothing good has ever followed those that carry the King and Queen titles. “Please stand, Miss Rarity. There’s no need for that.” Queen E laughed jokingly. “W-Well, it’s just… I’m really not sure how to act around… well… In the first place I haven’t heard of Funk Trolls before?” Rarity said bashly, she really needed to figure out a way to look for her friends soon. “Really?” A new voice entered the conversation. A man just as regal as the woman in front of her and a boy who seems to be their son? “The name’s King Quincy and Prince Darnell.” “I find it really curious how you don’t know about Funk Trolls,” Prince D said with a tilt of his head, “Ain’t ‘ya one?” “Me? A funk Troll? Please, I’m a—” Finally, memories of earlier prior to the Rainboom surfaced to her mind. Her friend's eccentric new looks that changed after falling in that portal and… her now-nonexistent horns and hooves replaced with… she looked at it remembering Pinkie’s words, hands? “Could I perhaps… barrow a mirror somewhere?” Rarity asked, stress showing through her expression. The Royal family looked at each other, each with their own questions before they led Rarity through their City. Country Trolls In the Lonesome Flats Territory, all was well and quiet, everyone was doing their own errands and responsibilities. Milking Cows, cooking BBQs, such and such. Delta Dawn was patrolling around the Town when it happened. BOOOOM! An explosion followed by a booming Rainbow stopped everyone in their jobs as they looked up the sky. “Wooo-hay, never seen anythin’ like that before, have ‘ya Growly?” Delta asked her friend. “Growly growl growl,” Growly shook his head with a whistle. Delta snorted, “Wonder who pooped by the rainbow enough for it to explode like that!” Not expected by anyone at all, an orange trail dropped in the middle of the Lonesome Flats! Delta had to stand her ground from the impact it caused, holding Clampers tight in her hair. “Okay, t-that—” A female voice sounded amidst the floating sands. “That hurt like hell! I’m gonna feel ‘em for a week— Ow—” When the sands cleared, it showed a light orange Country Troll with thick blonde hair in a mix of braids and ponytail holder, donning a brown cowboy hat. She wore a cropped red checkered long sleeve top with a white shirt under, and dark blue denim pants. When the female troll turned their way, Delta noticed 3 spots of freckles by each of her cheeks and her Green eyes. “Uhh, hi?” The troll greeted, her familiar accent telling of her tribe. “Er, I’m not sure wha happened really, but I’m sorry fer barging in ‘yer town like this. I’ll leave immediately if I somehow disturbed ‘ya, sorry ‘bout that.” Just as she was about to take a step, Delta said, “Whatcha mean? ‘Yer one of us! O’course ‘yer welcome!” “Say what now?” Came her immediate reply but shook her head having memories of an earlier Starlight Glimmer, “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. I just got here, I don’t think I’m one of y’all—” When Applejack made a point of talking about their physical appearance, she noticed an extra pair of hooves, “What in the hay…?” 4 hooves, check. Same hair, voice, tail, weird clothes, but surely not one of Rarity’s. And her snout— These extra pair— “Oh, no.” Applejack dreads quietly in her own mind. What’s happening? “Well, I think you’re the one misunderstanding something,” Delta Dawn said, “You’re a Country Troll! Poor you, you must’ve been living all alone without a tribe ‘till now. Can we get ‘cha anything while you settle in?” “Was there someone else that came here before me? 5 others… anyone?” Applejack asked instead, putting aside her words for now. What’s a Country Troll? “I don’t think so, no,” Delta shook her head, “I’m Delta Dawn, by the way. Sheriff of Lonesome Flats.” “Applejack,” She said, gulping down her dread. She needs to start running, to hell with these new sets of hooves, she’ll figure it out along the way! “Listen Applejack, after that Rainbow stuff happened in the sky, yer the only Troll that ended up here for now. It happened just a few minutes ago, a few seconds before ‘ya appeared.” Delta Dawn explained. “I see. Thank you, Delta. If that’s so, then I must find my friends as soon as possible. Who knows what could ha— Irk!” Applejack nearly stumbled as she felt pain cruising from her hooves. No, no, not now! I can’t be hurt now! “Aw, shucks. Seems you have a sprain, “ Delta tsked, “A nasty one at that. That means you need to rest first.” “But my friends! I have to find ‘em first—” “I know how much ‘yer worried, Apple,” Delta said, “But if you leave in that state? You ain’t getting anywhere with it. So rest first, then we can help ‘ya search for ‘yer friends once you healed. How’s that sound?” Finding no other choice, Applejack relented with a defeated nod, “Fine.” “Good,” Delta nodded as she whistles a call, “Growly Pete! Help me with her!” “Growly!” “You can put ‘yer hand around him for help, Applejack,” Delta assisted her to Applejack’s confuse. “Hand?” “Oh no, have you gotten a concussion, too? These are your hands, dear. It’s alright,” Delta gently poked the ones Applejack had dubbed her new set of hooves. So they’re called hands… Classical Trolls “Shhhh! You’re gonna wake her up!” “You shut up Dante!” Wha…? “Both of you shut up now! She’s already waking up from your loudness!” Twilight’s eyes immediately flew up as she stood up in alarm, “What happened? Where am I?” “Oh, our Queen!” A group of flying… golden.. babies? started bowing to Twilight as she sat upon a soft cloud. Being far too small to her liking, though, she does seem bigger than the ones in front of her. Wearing a light blue dress longer than her, unfamiliar blue wings and… rather familiar long hair she’d only felt in Equestria Girls World as a human. “No. No, no,” Twilight immediately corrected, she hated that word with all her heart, “Not a Queen! If you’re gonna insist on calling me anything it’s Princess, okay? Princess Twilight. Not the Queen!” “Of course, your majesty!” The Baby in a tuxedo said in front of her nodded with glee, their leader? “Formations everyone!” He waved a stick, a conductor? “Let us welcome, Princess Twilight!” Soon a soothing welcome music piece was played by the orchestra. One that Twilight had often heard when an Orchestra would play for her. Saying that it has her name as a title, and it was named after her. Now she’s starting to wonder if it’s somehow Universal, Multiversal? How is it that it was played by 2 Orchestra bands that haven’t even met each other? As the piece finished, she immediately said something before they played a second piece for her. “Thank you… uhm” “Wolfgang Amadeus Trollzart, Princess,” A familiar name, but was it also that long for her world? “Trollzart! Thank you for this wonderful piece. But I’m really out of touch right now, having just woken up,” Twilight said, little lies, little lies. Don’t add too much or it’ll burst. “Oh, dear. We didn’t think of it like that,” Trollzart looked deeply ashamed, “Terribly sorry, Princess.” “It’s okay… Uhm, can you tell me where I am? What is this world?” “You are in Symphonyville, your highness! The home of Classical Trolls, us! We live in a world of Music, everything simply must have music or it’ll sound so quiet and lonely. Like the stories from back in the day before the strings were discovered!” Trollzart explained as he buzzed around with his tiny wings. It actually looked kind of cute. “Strings? What strings?” “The 6 Musical Strings! Funk, Techno, Classical, Country, Rock, and Pop. 6 Strings for each of those Genres.” “Then where are they? The other… genre?” Twilight asked, curious about this world. Who would’ve thought that such a world could exist? “The other genres of trolls? Each tribe of Trolls have lived separately because of something Pop did,” Trollzart coughed as he prepared his voice for a narration, “You see, my Princess, all Troll tribes once lived in Harmony thousands of years ago, even when each disagreed with their taste in music, they still lived with their differences and each had a chance to play songs with the strings together. But one troll got greedy, the Pop Trolls “They started snatching up the strings and played only Pop! They soloed the music for their own. But the other tribes didn’t like what the Pop Trolls were obviously doing, so they took one string of their own and lived separately from each other. Each protecting their own string, their music. “Techno Trolls went underwater; Country Trolls lived by the Desert; Pop Trolls lived by the Forest; Rock Trolls lived by the Volcanoes; Whereas the Funk Trolls can be quite determined. Words say that they move around a lot. And us Classical Trolls lived by the Sky and Clouds. We each have our own ways of protecting our strings.” Twilight watched as Trollzart turned the end of his stick and pulled out a golden string. “And I think you are more capable than I to protect our string, Princess Twilight.” Trollzart said as he tried to hand the string to Twilight. “But… I don’t understand,” Twilight said, looking at the outstretched hand holding the all-important string. “You just met me. How can you trust me with your string? Your music!” “We’ve always known about you, Princess,” Trollzart said to Twilight’s surprise, “You are in our music books, our text sheets. Your 6 pointed purple star exists in our history. Someone that appears as the moon and sun appear together in the sky time. You showed up during that perfect time after a spectacular rainbow! We’ve always been waiting for you to appear one day. “That’s why we never had Monarchies in our tribe, only conductors to lead the choirs and bands while we await your appearance. Someone that’ll lead us, show us the right ways.” “That’s…” “We understand the burden we are giving you for someone who has just woken up,” Trollzart said in comfort, “You can have a time for yourself, Princess. But please, take the string for us.” In the look of cute pleading in his eyes, Twilight couldn’t help but relent as she accepted the string. Trollzart left after a bow and Twilight was left to stare at the golden string by her hand. Such heavy responsibility. For a troll who can’t even keep her friends together in this world. Rock Trolls “Look, thank you for catching me, but I need to leave!” Rainbow Dash said as she tried to shake her jail bars with her hands. Hands! Who knew Pinkie actually says real practical facts? “And let you leave after you heard of our plans? Nuh-uh!” Barb stuck out her tongue at her. How did Rainbow Dash get inside the jail? It started when she was suddenly falling. A red streak following her fall. I thought she was able to stop that fall? Or maybe parts of the rainbows were guiding them to safety? Rainbow Dash could only hope. But then something grabbed her by the hair. “What the—?!” An ugly snort as if blocked by snot, “Hehe, Got her Queen Barb!” “Nice one, Riff!” “Hey!” Rainbow Dash struggles, “Let go of me!” When she was about to kick him, he let her go with a surprised shout. “Who are you?! Where are you taking me!?” Came her immediate response as she put a space between them. “Woah, dude, chill. Sick reflex you got there,” A girl with red mohawk hair stepped in front of her with an impressed smirk. “The name’s Queen Barb. Queen of the Rock Trolls. I’m on your side dude, or well, maybe it’s right that you are since I’m your Queen and all.” “Never met a good Queen before,” Rainbow Dash glares. Queen Chrysalis, King Combra, King Tirek, Nightmare Moon, such and such. Rainbow doesn’t like such titles anymore. Twilight was right in her rants, Queen and King titles don't shed good lights anymore. Maybe that’s why the rulers of Equestria prefer the title Princess despite being so much more. “Oh nooo,” Barb said pitifully, you were just with the Pop Trolls weren’t you? I can tell with how colourful you are.” “A what now?” Rainbow was confused but Barb ignored her. “I don’t know how you managed to do it dude, but you still look rocking despite being so colourful. You must’ve resisted hard on their influence,” Barb concoled her with a pat in the back which made Rainbow recoil. “My name is Rainbow Dash, and I’m not being influenced by anypony! I’m my own kind of–” “Pfft— Pony? Were you also captured by those sad and emotional Country Trolls, too?” Barb was set of misunderstandings, “That’s sad man, so sad.” “I was not captured! Never was, never will!” “Yeah! That’s the spirit girl!” Barb shouted, “Don’t worry, we’ll get our revenge on those disgusting Trolls that captured you and tried to turn you into them. You’ve clearly shown me that Rock survives despite all odds.” “You’re not listening to me!” Rainbow Dash stressed. “Oh, I am listening. It’s them, that’s not listening. And let me tell you Dash, we’ll make them listen.” Barb said as she started walking away. Rainbow wanted to escape but the other Trolls behind her were following after their Queen, being pushed alongside them, Rainbow Dash had no choice but to follow. Would’ve been the perfect chance to have wings in this scenario. Stupid purple and blue jacket, stupid purple skirt, stupid fishnet leggings! Well, she does look cool all together though, with her hair put in a pony tail and all. Funny word to use without having a tail anymore. “Whaaat do you mean?” Rainbow Dash said, just trying to get along while she finds the escape and search for her friends. “In a week time, I’ll start my World Tour, starting in Techno Reef where those Techno Trolls reside,” Barb explained, but Rainbow Dash had this dumb look in her face that says she doesn’t know those words. “Ugh. How out of touch with the world are you?” “I don’t like History,” Rainbow Dash said honestly. “Fine! Let me tell you what happened a thousand years before first!” Barb said, “I hate History!” “You and me both,” Rainbow Dash sighed but then she was shushed by the other Trolls when Barb started explaining. “So, before there was no music yada yada and then, Boom! 6 Strings appeared with different genres! Funk, Techno, Classical, Country, Rock (that’s ours), and Pop (ew). Life was one big party, but then! Pop Trolls went greedy and stole the strings! Tried to make everything into Pop! But the other Genre Trolls didn’t let that happen, so they took each string for their own and all types of Trolls never lived in Harmony again. Questions?!” “Yeah, so let me get this straight,” Rainbow Dash raised her hand (Hand!), “6 Strings, 6 Genres, and 6 Tribes of Trolls?” “U-huh,” “And we’re the Rock Trolls?” Rainbow said, and with sudden recognition she pointed to herself, “I’m a Rock Troll?” “You’re following! Hey, get the graduation caps ready! Our girl is learning History!” Barb ordered. Rainbow Dash ignored the feeling of the unnecessary hat in herself as she tried to remember what each of her friends looked like. There were 6 of them, and 6 tribes, and they each looked different from each other… “What’re the trolls that look like a fish with neon colours?” Pinkie Pie looked like that… “Techno Troll. They live underwater and they’re music is like these beep-y boop boops. Just pressing buttons and stuff. So lame.” Yeah… Sounds like the type of music Pinkie Pie would do as a DJ… “What about those with long necks?” I remember hearing Pinkie Pie describe her… “Funk Trolls! Ugh, can never get a hold of those. They live in this fancy spaceship for some reason and keep moving around so much. Never liked how shiny they look all the time.” Shiny huh… “What about the ones like horses?” I thought Apple Jack didn’t look out of the ordinary at first but… she had 6 hooves! “Country Troll dude! You have short memory or something? Those trolls were the ones with, like, sad sappy music. They make guitar chords sound so sad!” “And uh… the ones with wings?” Twilight had wings on her back if I remember… though it looked so different. And she was considerably small too, though her hair is longer. “Classical Trolls! Those little bugs. Can’t believe they make music without lyrics! Can you believe that?! It’s so boring I can sleep through it too!” Yeah… Boring music ones suit Twilight. Which just leaves one friend and one genre… Fluttershy is a Pop Troll. “Yeah, now that you’re all knowledgeable about the world you live in, congrats on your graduation by the way,” Barb grinned as she flicked the graduation cap out of her head and pulled her in a headlock, “It’s time for you to hear about the real thing.” She led her in front of a case, she opened it and revealed a black guitar with a single red string. “This is the Rock String,” Barb said with pride, “My plan is that during my World Tour, I’m gonna be collecting each string from each tribe and make everyone unite under one music, ROCK!” “Oh,” Rainbow was filled with dreadful realisation. She’s… “I know right?” Barb said, closing the case and putting it back in its safe place. “No more Pop music whose lyrics stay in your head, no boring music, no flashy ones, and no beep-boops. Just rock!” Barb left Rainbow Dash standing in daze as a million thoughts echoed in her head. Barb started playing music around the place but Rainbow Dash was too gone to hear music she would have enjoyed. “Oh no.” Rainbow Dash gulped, she’s with the enemy. She had to leave! “Dash? Whatcha doing over there? Rock with us!” Barb said. Rainbow Dash scratched her head with a fake laugh, “You know what? I really badly need to go and find my friends first.” “What?” Barb stopped her guitar solo to look at her. “Yeah, y’know, look for my friends! They might be alone somewhere!” Rainbow Dash said, sweating. “I thought I was your friend?” Barb said with a glare, hurt. “Excuse me?” Came Rainbow’s immediate response but tried to correct herself, “I mean, of course you’re my friend! But I have to look for them too first! Then I’ll come back! And we can party! I promise!” Stop digging your grave Rainbow Dash, you better stop now… “What, to your friends from different tribes?” Barb said with venom. “How did you—” “I’m not dumb, Rainbow Dash,” Barb glared, “It was pretty obvious with how many questions you were asking. And no, I won’t let you leave since you’ve heard of my plan. I won’t let my planning go to waste because of a friend who betrayed me.” “I won’t betray you— Wha— Hey!” Barb looked so hurt it was actually starting to make Rainbow Dash feel guilty over her action. Had she really been genuine with making her a friend? Someone she just met? Rainbow Dash couldn’t do anything as she was suddenly placed in a jail inside of Barb’s room. “Barb!” “Some loyal friend you are.” Those words hurt. Techno Reef I recommend playing this song all throughout this part as you read, make sure to start reading as the song starts for a full experience! Don’t rush into reading and take time as though you are Pinkie Pie in the situation. I couldn’t help but read this part with the song, it’s so addicting! All moments are in-tuned with how the song is playing, too! Or at least I tried. Remember: Don’t rush into reading! Pretend to be in Pinkie Pie’s mind as you read through this! Alone - Marshmello (start) [Use spotify/full version specifically, not the MV] Bright Blue eyes opened suddenly as she inhaled a heavy breath, waking up suddenly. “A friend is in danger!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she woke but then got distracted as she looked around her. “Ohmygosh I'M UNDERWATER!!!!” She said, looking at herself once again, “I’m really a fish! A GLOWING FISH!” Dark pink body and neon pink hair that’s tied up with blue and yellow orbs that reminded her of balloons. A pair of hands that each had rainbow’s colours layered from each arm, and a pink bright tail that had pixels of Blue, Yellow, and Purple. A big blue heart beats in her heart that follows a rhythm she’s now starting to hear. “What’s up my Techno Trolls!!!” “Is that music I hear?!” Pinkie Pie squeals as she follows the sound of music. Soon, she overlooked waves and waves of colourful beings that looked like her, that glowed like her! Some are different. Different beings were twirling and beating around, jumping as they followed the music’s beat. It looked so much fun! I'm so alone Nothing feels like home I'm so alone Trying to find my way back home to you As Pinkie Pie neared the wave of beings, she immediately felt so happy! They’re all having so much fun! Even the babies were here! Everyone else was so energetic! I'm so alone Nothing feels like home I'm so alone Trying to find my way back home to you “Tonight is about not being alone! This is to remind everyone that you are not alone! We have each other and everyone is here for each other! Techno Reef is open for everybody, it is a home for everyone not to feel alone!” You-you-you-you, you-you-you-you You-you-you-you, you-you-you-you I'm so alone Trying to find my way back home to you “Hit the drop!” The music was so loud and fun Pinkie Pie can barely keep up! And that’s coming from Pinkie Pie! She was having so much fun all her worries went away. She’s sure her pinkie senses were just tingling for a moment, but it’s gone now! Everyone must’ve found a way to calm down. Pinkie Pie was having so much fun right now, she thinks she’ll remember a party like this forever! For the first time, Pinkie Pie feels happy that she’s not the one leading such a crazy party. Who knew someone else can do crazier things like this other than her? “THIS IS SO FUN!” Pinkie Pie shouted from the back of her lungs. Hearing an unfamiliar voice, King Trollex had to double take as he took in her appearance. He’s sure some trolls near her thought the same as well. They were so… familiar in a way. Even though they had so many different colours. He kept her form in his sight as he continued DJ-ing. There was just reaaaaally something about her that tickles his funny fins. How does she feel so familiar while at the same time not?! Still, he can’t help but try to remember her from somewhere. A family member? A long lost cousin? Someone as bright as her surely wouldn’t be just overlooked by him, he’s the King! He knows everyone from Techno Reef! He’ll make sure to approach the troll after this rave. There was excitement pumping in his heart. He’s gonna meet someone like him. Someone …. different. He won’t be alone anymore. I'm so alone Nothing feels like home I'm so alone Trying to find my way back home to you I'm so alone Nothing feels like home I'm so alone Trying to find my way back home to you You-you-you-you, you-you-you-you You-you-you-you, you-you-you-you I'm so alone Trying to find my way back home to you Pinkie Pie was going in squares along the beat. Her body had a different structure now, but she adapted quickly, manipulating the sudden bursts of movement along her fins and body with every beat. Everything is so much fun! And with the other Trolls behind her following after her, she doesn’t feel alone at this moment. Everyone can keep up with her craziness! Still, at the back of her mind, she had hoped she wouldn’t have been alone in this place.
Applejack,Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
United We Stand!
An MLP x Trolls Crossover. Join Twilight and her friends as they embark on another Friendship Quest summoned by the Cutie Map. Why do they look so different after encountering a portal?
<p><i>A Trolls x MLP Crossover Fic</i><br/><br/>As the mane 6 were summoned by the Cutie Map one last time months before Twilight's Coronation Day, they were led to a lone Tree up a hill. A portal opened beneath them, changing their appearance all differently from each other.</p><p>They each woke up separated and confused, where's their horns? Their wings? Their other two hooves? Their tails? Well... for some, they have the other of those and lack the others... But where are the others and what is the place they were transported in?</p><p>With each in their own, they try to learn more about this new world and find their way back to each other soon. Will they be able to do it along side this Rockapocalypse?</p><p><i>What comes after the text &quot;United we stand&quot;?</i></p>
Rock Trolls “Come on Barb,” Rainbow Dash pleaded, “I’ve been here for ageeees!” “You’ve only been there for 3 hours, dude,” One of Barb’s ‘friends’ said. Riff, if she remembers right. The one that caught her by the hair. 3 hours too much! Rainbow Dash grumbles around in her cell. Barb was outside, probably rocking by the sound of it. 3 trolls were left inside, stitching back some things after their rock n’ rolling session of destroying stuff. “Why are you guys even still here? Are you guys her maid friends or something?” Rainbow Dash said, annoyed. She might as well start a conversation. “Pfft, gods no,” Carol had said, “We’re interns. We have to follow her around for our college applications. Being Queen and all.” That had Rainbow Dash stopping still. What? “Yeah, we can’t really be friends with our Queen, you know?” Riff said with a sniff, “I mean, she’s Queen and we’re just her subjects! She doesn’t need friends around.” “But… I thought she called Carol her best friend?” Rainbow Dash was confused. Carol snorted lazily as she spritzed some cheese ca to her mouth, “Yeah, no. She just prefers calling me that ‘cuz I’ve been here the longest. We’re not really friends like that. Don’t even hang around as one.” “That’s… lonely…” Rainbow Dash looked down, “She doesn’t have anyone at all?” “Pfft- Lonely? Barb? Nah,” Sid Fret said, “She’s the Queen! Queens don’t get lonely! Plus, she has her old man with her.” They said more stuff after that, but Rainbow Dash drawled on the phrases that were said that she couldn't help but see what Twilight had been fearing since. “Queens don’t get lonely!” “She doesn’t need friends around!” Thing is, Celestia had her Sister to rule with her. Cadence had her family with her. But Twilight… she can’t have them around her all the time. They have lives of their own, too and now, Rainbow sees what Twilight had been fearing. The change. The loneliness she potentially could feel when she rules. And now… she feels bad about Barb. She must’ve felt so lonely in the middle of being a Queen and wanting to act her age. Making friends and spending genuine time with them. Not with interns and subjects who feel obligated to be around her. That’s not loyalty. Would they stay with Barb genuinely when she shares her problems with them? Friends shouldn’t be like that. Rainbow Dash makes a plan. She’d be a damn bad friend if she were just ignoring someone who’s clearly not being seen properly. If she fails Queen Barb, then what would that say about herself towards Princess Twilight? Pop Trolls “Isn’t she just the cutest, Branch?!” Poppy gushed, “She’s all nice and sweet, even the critters love her!” True to her words, numbers of critters circled around her. Even the Dust Bunnies seemed calm around her which… Thankfully they aren’t destroying things. Branch had carried the yellow troll to the clinic. Unfortunately while on the way, many trolls had seen the figure of the mysterious Troll. Hard not to when a lot of critters were following after them. The Doctor had told them that she was not hurt in any way. Just fainted in panic and stress. Milton Moss, the village Critter Keeper, had come by asking why a lot of Critters, both wild and the ones being taken care of inside the village, had assembled in one place. Poppy explained how they had followed after the Troll that had mysteriously appeared slash landed in the middle of the village, the one they mistakenly took as a Shooting Star. “A shooting star in broad daylight?” “It was yellow and going fast! Have an imagination, Branchifer.” Milton Moss left in a daze. A troll that can naturally attract critters! He’ll have to talk to her when she wakes up. And wake up she did a day later. A. DAY. LATER. “Why isn’t she WAKING UP!” Poppy stressed, not meaning to yell out the last words. “Poppy relax,” Branch calmed her down, “And be quiet when you’re in her room. Something must’ve happened to make her so tired.” “I’m sorry,” Poppy put a hand in her mouth when she realised and sighed, “I just… You know how I am when meeting new trolls. And she came from the sky! How does that happen? I have sooo many questions for her.” “And I’m sure the other Trolls in the village, too,” Branch said, remembering Milton Moss’s excitement in meeting with the new troll, “But we have to make sure we don’t overwhelm her once she wakes up. And I mean that seriously! We don’t want her fainting again, do we?” “Yeah! Pff- That’s so easy, Brach,” Poppy waved him off confidently, “I can be gentle. Who says I can’t be gentle? I’m the Queen of Gentle!” “Ugh…” A small sound of grumble was heard inside the small room. A cuddle-pup barked excitedly and jumped on the mattress of the Troll. It’s small fluff of tail wagging excitedly when a soft giggle echoed around the room. “Oh, hello. Yes, it is so nice to meet you. What a nice pup to wake up to!” The troll cooes. When Poppy and Branch carefully approached her bed, they witnessed her talking to the critters as though she can understand them. “Yes, I can hear you. I haven’t met anything like you guys before,” She said to a wild Grinchilla, “And you remind me of my favourite pet, Angel! Oh, you’re so cute.” “Uhm…” Poppy coughed to get her attention which made the Troll freeze as though she was caught, “Hello!” “Poppy…” Branch reminded her. “Right! Gentle…” Poppy inhales a load of air and exhales to calm her excited nerve, “Hi! I’m Queen Poppy and this is Branch. We’re in a clinic right now because you suddenly fainted the other day. I hope you’re feeling fine now! Oh, I have a lot of questions about you! And it is so nice to meet another Troll! What’s your name?” Fluttershy looked at Poppy’s outstretched hand, taking in her appearance and excited expression. It really reminds her of one of her friends… “Uhm… I’m Fluttershy..” “Come again?” Poppy said, coming closer to hear. Fluttershy had done this many times before so she calms her beating heart. Nothing productive will come if she continues her shy behaviours. “Fluttershy,” She said a lot louder than she expected. She covered her mouth in shock, fearing that she might offend the Queen, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell.” “You weren’t yelling! It’s okay,” Poppy assured her, “So, Fluttershy was it? Cute name! Great name! Do you think you can walk now? Stand up and sing stuff?” “Uh…” Fluttershy was unsure as she buried a cat-looking animal to her chest for comfort (A Grinchilla), “I think so?” “That’s grea—!” A hand clasped Poppy’s incoming shout to Fluttershy’s relief. She could’ve sworn she heard a song coming in. “Why don’t I take it from here, Poppy?” Branch said with a cough, “So, Fluttershy. Nice to meet you. Again, I’m Branch. Poppy’s…. Friend.” Fluttershy saw how he cringed at the word. Like how Discord would look like sometimes everytime she addressed him as her most important friend. “Ehem— Do you know where you are?” Branch asked to which Fluttershy shook her head ‘no’. “Okay, so you don’t remember what happened before you passed out?” Fluttershy tried to remember but, again, she shook her head no. This was an interrogation, wasn't it? It’s not like she did anything wrong, so she’ll just answer them honestly. It wouldn’t be kind to lie to them. Though… It is a bit scary to talk to a Queen. “There was this big explosion of rainbow that happened in the sky,” Branch showed him a picture of Rainboom that had Fluttershy remembering how they had been falling before, “And then moments later after that, we saw a yellow falling star, which, now we know wasn’t actually a star, but it was you falling. You fell in the middle of our village, then almost every critter in the vicinity rushed to your side. Then you woke up for a moment before you fainted. And you woke up a day after that, which is today.” “Oh,” Was all Fluttershy could say, “I see…” “Do you… have any questions?” Branch implored gently as he could. “Was there… no one with me?” She asked, looking down as fear came to mind. “Like any other 5 pon— anyone? Uhm…” “No, sorry, Fluttershy,” Poppy answered honestly, a bit sad now having the idea that Fluttershy ended up here alone, “You were the only one that appeared here,” “Oh, that’s… that’s not good,” Fluttershy said, scared, “My friends, I… I have to find them… I—” “Fluttershy?” Poppy called, worried when the girl suddenly tried to stand up, her light soft pink hair fell by her back as she tried to stand up. They had to take a double take at the sight of it before remembering what Fluttershy was doing. “Whoa, whoa, Fluttershy, be careful!” Poppy said in alarm as she tried to assist her. Turns out she could not yet stand. Having not yet eaten a food in almost a day. “I can’t stay still when my friends could still be out there! They… a troll… wait, I’m a troll. Then they’re… Oh…” Fluttershy clutched her head when she felt pain. She doesn’t even know what they had looked like aside from hearing what Pinkie Pie had been saying. They all looked different, how would she be able to tell who they are when she had her eyes closed the entire time? Tears flowed out of her eyes as realisation struck her. She could feel Poppy bringing her in for a hug. After all the adventures they’d gone through together, she would’ve thought she was stronger than ever now. But once again, the universe reminds her how weak she still is alone in the worst way possible. Never mind how she managed to befriend the God of Chaos, because in the end she’s still the same Klutzershy. “It’s okay, Fluttershy. We’ll help you find them once you’re all healed up!” Poppy consoled her. Poppy’s personality was a reminder of a friend she might lose. Are they all together except her? Did they encounter someone evil? She heard small voices from the critters while she wept. And she went still as she locked eyes with them. “Why don’t you bring her to your pod for now, Poppy?” Branch advised, worried despite his trust issues. Fluttershy seems to be a kind girl if any of the critter’s behaviour were anything to go by. “Yeah, let’s do that,” Poppy said, patting Fluttershy’s back before letting go slightly, “Do you wanna stay at my place? We don’t want to leave you alone while you’re here,” Seeing no other choice, Fluttershy nodded as a cuddle pup barked softly her way. An encouragement and assurance that these two were nice trolls. Poppy led her outside the clinic with her puffy eyes, fresh from crying. Fluttershy heard someone try to approach until Branch stopped them. “Not right now, Milton.” She ignored the hushed whispers from around the village as they glanced at her. Choosing the moment to look around the place. “How pretty! Look at her hair!” “She looks like an angel! I wonder how smooth her hair is? So pretty with all those flowers!” It was full of trees that made it look like they’re the size of a Breezy if not bigger, minus the wings. Instead, she saw some colourful trolls use their hair as a way to quickly travel from branches to pods. They can stretch their hair! Can she do that, too? Some were using critter bugs for transportation, being on top of them and flying high in the air. Fluttershy was almost in awe had the situation been different. She wished she could explore this new world with her friends together, instead of alone. ‘You can’t leave yet!’ She had heard one of the critters say when she cried. ‘No one had been able to hear us before, understand us!’ ‘You were the first troll we felt a real connection to!’ ‘Please don’t leave us.’ ‘You aren’t gonna abandon us too, are you?’ ‘Please don’t cry.’ ‘Please don’t leave.’ Maybe she’s not really completely alone in this. She looked behind them to see some critters following, and some critters going back to their homes after a series of goodbye to her way. After all, it’s not kind to just leave these critters lonely after knowing someone can understand them. Funk Troll “Oh, such style! The architecture, the music, everything here is simply UNIQUE!” In the middle of VIbe City, A white Funk troll named Rarity could be seen running around shops and sites as she took in everything. “Is there a boutique around here? I must simply check the trends and fashion you have here!” Rarity said to Prince Darnell who had been assigned to assist and tour her around the City. “There’s loads of them here! I’ll take you there and help yourself with anything you want,” Darnell offered. Rarity’s eyes shined at the offer, “What a gentleman! That’s a true Prince if I ever saw one. Ugh, the ones I’ve met before were quite dreadful, I tell you.” Darnell chuckled at that, “Are they really a Prince if you described them like so?” “I thought so as well,” Rarity huffed at the memory as she strutted off inside the boutique the Prince had led her to. She took quite the stuff, helped herself with jewellery and changed her basic looks. Now she wore two gold huggie earrings by her right ear and blue diamond stud earrings by her left ear which is more seen with how the curl of her hair directed more to her right. Her previous basic purple body coat is now covered with an ombre of purple to white tinsel segments, styled to look like a high-low dress. Her hair now had some yellow, fuschia, and light blue bands in them now. Her eyeshadows have some glitters and now with longer eyelashes. “Looking funky, Miss R!” Prince Darnell said as Rarity showed him the final look. “Like the new look, Miss R!” A female troll had said, “Looking prettier than ever!” “Oooh stop it, all of you,” Rarity gushed as she swayed her hair with her hand (the hands she had manicured!), “It’s just me, little Miss Rarity in the flesh!” “You really fit in with us, Miss R,” Darnell said, “We Funk trolls can only understand each other with our style, I tell you!” “That, I agree!” Rarity said, and then remembers something, “And I promise I will find a way to repay you for your generosity! That is my element after all, so you have my word!” “You don’t have to, Miss R,” Darnell said with a smile, “Just happy to help a lost friend out.” “Oh, but I insist!” Rarity said, insisting, “I’ll find a way to pay you back, and you don’t have to worry about me anymore now that you’ve shown me around.” Rarity ignores Darnells words of assurement as she looks back around the city with a determined look on her face. The Royal Family assured her that they’ll be assisting her in finding her friends while she stays here, she must simply do something to help them in her own ways as well. “Now, it’s time for me to learn my ways around here and find a way I can be in my own element! For I am not Miss Rarity without my Generosity!” Rarity declared, “Tooda-loo Prince D! I’ll be on my way to be Miss R!” Darnell was left outside the boutique with his hand raised and mouth open, about to say something else but Rarity had left pretty quickly before he could say a word. “What she mean about being an element?” He asked himself, flabbergasted. Techno Trolls Pinkie Pie’s heartbeat was still beating fun after that super fun party, she can see her heart beating out of her chest! It’s so bright and blue too. “That was so fun, when’s the next party happening?!” Pinkie Pie squeals as she does a somersault. “Hi there new friend!” “Hi new friend!” Pinkie Pie quickly responded on instinct with a huge smile on her face. She came face to face with the troll she recognised was the DJ from earlier, “Oh you were the DJ! I’m Pinkie Pie, nice to meet you!” “Nice to meet you, Pinkie Pie! I’m King Trollex!” Trollex met her arm and both animatedly shook their hands in a quick way, never stopping even as they talked, “I’ve never seen you around Techno Reef before, are you new here?” “Super new!” Pinkie Pie said, still animatedly shaking each other's hands, their rainbow arms seemingly creating a hologram of a rainbow with how fast they’re going, “I actually just woke up somewhere close from the party but did you know that before that, we were falling in the sky?! Sadly you’re so below in the ocean you must not have totally seen, which is a bummer for you because Rainbow Dash’s rainbooms are crazy cool to watch. I think I also fell with a Pink trail, I could’ve been super obvious but again since you’re below the Ocean and partying and all, you must not have seen me! But it’s okay because then I found you! And that was all. just. a. hunch!” “That’s so cool! Totally bummed now about the rainbow explosion!” Trollex replied instantly, other onlookers watch in awe at how they’re not just moving animatedly, but also talking animatedly, the screens can’t keep up! “Are you alone? What brings you here then? Have you heard about me before? Do you think we’re related, because I mean look at us! We look like twins if we put aside our skin colours! I was so excited when I first saw you, cuz you just remind me of me! Like a girl version of me! We should totally hang out more!” “I was alone before I got here! I was with my 5 friends when we suddenly started falling from the sky!” Pinkie Pie replied excitedly, finally their handshake stopped as Pinkie Pie swam around as she explained her story to Trollex, “You see, before this I looked tooootally different, I wasn’t a troll! I was singing with my friends in front of this magical tree we were led to, which is a totally longer story, and then a portal opened up below us and sucked us in! And then my friends and I started looking soooo different. I started looking like how I do now, then Twilight’s body became all glittery, small and quite chubby. She looked so cute! And then Rainbow Dash looked so rocking, Fluttershy’s hair became softer and longer, then Rarity’s neck became longer! And Apple Jack… hmm well she didn’t change much except for the fact that despite having 4 hooves, she also had 2 hands! That’s like 6 limbs!” “I see, I see! From your explanation, I can tell that you and your friends became 6 different kinds of trolls! Twilight became a Classical Troll, Rainbow Dash became a Rock Troll, Rarity became a Funk Troll, Apple Jack became a Country Troll, you became a Pop Troll, and that leaves Fluttershy becoming a Pop Troll!” Trollex excitedly supplied, having fun at how their conversation remains giddy despite how serious it is. “Oh my gosh we’re in different tribes! That sounds sooo fun. We can just go to where each of them are to visit them and say hi! Also I haven’t really heard about you before? I mean, we’re from another world so I guess that alone explains a lot of it? But maybe we’re like soul twins! Which would make sooo much sense, I mean, I like throwing parties! Making people laugh with joy and bring their life upside down when they feel sad!” Pinkie Pie said as she twirled around Trollex excitedly. “That sounds so upbeat! I’ve never heard about Soul Twins before!” Trollex said excitedly. Neither of the two realised how they’ve been almost swimming in circles for a long time now, just looking at each other with a big smile on their face. “It still sounds like having a sibling, but with soul!” “Yeah! I have a biological twin in the real world, but we don’t really have the same vibes when it comes to partying! Still love her, but I think it’s different with you!” Pinkie Pie said excitedly, “We just connect instantly! Like the feeling of not being alone partying anymore!” “You get me! It’s like there’s no way to stop now that we’re together!” Trollex said with genuine happiness he would just explode into bits of confetti. “Sometimes I wish my life was like a photograph,” Trollex started singing “Double tap the good ones and just Photoshop the bad,” he led Pinkie Pie to a high view where they can see the whole of Techno Reef. “Put 'em in my wallet, in my pocket, if I need 'em, then I got 'em,” He glanced at Pinkie Pie with a sad expression. “But life don't work like that.” Pinkie Pie felt how lonely it must’ve been for Trollex to lead the country with no one actually understanding him sometimes. “Sometimes I feel like I'm a Sailfish on a track,” Trollex tried to swim fast but Pinkie Pie was able to keep up with him easily, shooting him a comforting smile. “Even when my feet are up, my mind is runnin' fast (Fast)” “When I'm home, I get impatient, when I'm gone, I kinda hate it” “'Cause my life works like that.” He sent a tired look to Pinkie’s way. “Sunsets and open water” Trollex swam near the surface, his hand reaching up. “Skies full of technicolor” But then he stopped, as if constricting his freedom. “Beauty right in front of you” He sang longingly. “There's so much to discover if you–” He was about to swim back down when Pinkie Pie grabbed his hand in her to stand on the surface of the water. Showing a breathtaking view of the sunset and ocean. “Stop,” Pinkie Pie cut him off as she sang, “breathe it in for the moment.” “Stop, give it a minute and you'll own it,” She sang as she gestured to the view. “Stop, only just begun” She sang as she held both of his hands with hers. “Soon it'll be almost over so just” She urged him with a huge comforting grin. “Stop, see what comes into focus” Trollex continued singing “Stop, kind of crazy what you'll notice” He sang as he glanced at the beautiful setting sun once again. “Stop, like a setting sun” They both sang together in sync “Soon it'll be almost over” Then, Trollex showed off his skills with his control over the ocean and water alike. Making fountains as Pinkie Pie watched in aw. Trollex urged her to mimic him, and that’s when she felt the connection. The connection between her, the ocean, and Trollex. “Stop, breathe it in for the moment Stop Stop Stop Soon it'll be almost over” [you can pause the song here and read through it first, and enjoy your imagination running wild!] She raised her hand and summoned a large splash, one mimicking that of fireworks but with water. It was just for a moment, but it was enough to make her giddy. Making familiar objects and animals alongside Trollex who did the same by summoning neon fishes to light up the figures. Pinkie Pie’s hands stopped to look at how she had unconsciously made water figures of her friends, each having the colour of their Harmony Necklaces by their necks with glowing small fishes with their respective colours. This made her remember about her friends. Trollex appeared behind her quietly. Putting his hand over her shoulders for comfort, knowing how much she must be thinking about her friends at this moment. [continue song here!] “It's like I'm looking through the window of a train,” Pinkie Pie sang “But my vision blurry, so it all just look the same,” She missed her friends but then she remembers how it is back home. How she plans hundreds of parties by herself. Her friends surprise her on her own birthdays too, but… “All the people and the places, all the voices and the faces,” There’s always a thought that it could’ve been better, but they genuinely tried their best. They’re not like Pinkie Pie when planning a surprise party. “They all just stare right back,” And they don’t… always understand Pinkie Pie’s chaos… “Long talks and cups of coffee,” Trollex sang as he empathise with Pinkie Pie “Waking up and saying sorry,” Pinkie Pie sang as she looked at him. “Love is right in front of you,” They now know someone can see through them as they put their palms against each other, smiling. “We can finally see each other if we–” In the last moment, they jump-pushed against each other as they both gracefully back flipped back into the ocean and met with each other’s grinning faces. “Stop, breathe it in for the moment Stop, give it a minute and you'll own it Stop, only just begun Soon it'll be almost over so just Stop, see what comes into focus Stop, kind of crazy what you'll notice Stop, like a setting sun Soon it'll be almost over” They swam together as they sang. Happy that someone finally gets them. See through them without thinking how crazy they are, because this is the norm for them! “Stop (Oh yeah) Stop (Oh, just stop) Stop Soon it'll be almost over” “(La, la-la-la) When you love somebody” Trollex sang as once again, they swam in circles together softly this time. “(La, la-la-la) When the moment hits” Pinkie Pie sang with a giddy tone “(La, la-la-la) When the music's playing” Trollex sang “(La-la-la) And it goes like this” Pinkie Pie sang as they both summons colourful dolphins for each “(La, la-la-la-la-la) When you love somebody” Pinkie Pie continued singing “(La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la) When the moment hits” Trollex sang as they surfed with the dolphins under the water without waves. “(La, la-la-la-la-la) When the music’s playin'” Pinkie sang with her arms raised “(La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la) And it goes like this (La, la-la-la-la-la) Listen to the music, yeah” Trollex sang as they then jumped away from the dolphins “(La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la) Oh, it's playin' in your ears,” Pinkie sang as they gently landed at where Trollex had led her to with the best view of Techno Reef. “(La, la-la-la-la-la) Oh, playin' in your ears,” Trollex sang “(La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la) If you Stop.” With the song finishing, they ended it with a hug, happy to have found each other as Twin Souls. Pinkie Pie had never felt so happy before, she could swear this had been the happiest she’d felt in her life! Was she having too much fun on her own? But she’s not alone. Not anymore.. Classical Troll “How can you guys even survive up here?” Twilight asked in horror, just now realising that they’re literally above peaks of a mountain and clouds in Symphoville. Sure, they can fly, but what if they get tired suddenly?! “The clouds catch us!” Trollzart answered in glee, happy to converse with their Princess, “We have special affinity over clouds and weather unlike other Trolls, so we can always prevent rains if we don’t want it.” Twilight thinks their affinity is familiar with Pegasuses in Equestria. “But… you can’t just destroy rain clouds and the like, you have to actually move it away…” Twilight thought of the knowledge, “Where do you put the clouds in?” “We put it in different Troll Tribes,” Minuet Sonata says casually, like how the sky is blue and they put rain clouds on different troll tribes so they can have the perfect weather all day. “WHAT?!” Twilight exploded to which the other trolls had to recoil with how loud it was. Twilight coughed in embarrassment, she had accidentally used her Canterlot voice on these babies! “I’m sorry, ehem. What I mean is, what? Why?” Twilight said, “Putting rain clouds over other Trolls? That’s mean!” “But it’s the only way we know, I mean, where else can we put the rainy clouds over?” Trollzart genuinely asked. Twilight feels bad for them. Without a proper leader, had they all been doing unexplainable things because it had been what’s convenient for them only? Lacking empathy for other tribes? Was that the friendship problem here? Twilight sighs, “We have a lot to work with. Starting with your personality!” She said, pleased that the Classical Trolls were listening to her intently. Twilight thinks that it’ll take a really long time and a long list of textbooks she’ll be writing before she can be reassured that these cute little Classical Trolls will be able to live on their own without having to rely on her. In a good way this time. She makes a mental list of what she should focus on teaching them, getting into the role of a principal and princess. In the middle of it all, Twilight was surprised by her actions. Has leading always been so natural for her that it’s almost auto-pilot for her? She should be focusing on finding her friends! Not teaching friendship and practical stuff to random people (Trolls!) she just met! But the beauty of this all is knowledge about the world and its magic. How can Trolls rely on strings for their music to be alive? Are there like sub-genre trolls? Ones that don’t rely on strings? So many questions yet she thinks she doesn’t have the time to think of such things. But… These Golden Baby Classical Trolls need someone to lead them first. Then after that, she swears she’ll leave and look for her friends. As soon as possible. She can do this. It’s just a Musical Tribe full of Baby Angels. She can do this. She’s just gonna lead them alone like how Celestia did to all Equestria since all those moons ago. She can do this. What else can she learn from this world? Country Troll “There you go, Sugar. Freshly cooked Apple Pie!” Delta put down a smoking serving of Apple Pie in front of Applejack. “Thanks a lot, Delta,” Applejack said, grabbing a piece for herself with her… hand. “You really don’t have to look after me all day, don’t y’all have errands?” “Nah, don’t mention it,” Delta assured her as she put Clampers down to eat, “And errands? Not really. All I do is look after the string and take charge in the village!” “Which, I’ve heard, is such a huge responsibility,” Applejack looked down in thought. She had heard the story about the string from Delta. 6 strings, 6 tribes, 6 genres of music not being in harmony anymore. A familiar concept that can be solved with friendship, she thinks. Maybe that’s why they were brought here? “Don’t look so down, Apple,” Delta said when she noticed Applejack’s quietness, “We’ll find yer friends. If they’re as strong as you’ve said they were, I’m sure they’re also gon be searching for each of ‘ya too.” “Yeah. Y’re right, Delta,” Applejack’s spirits lifted at the reminder of her friends’ bonds, “We’ve been through so much worse before, and we’re still here standing after all. It just worries me that this is the first time we’ve been truly separated from each other amidst all this… problems.” “So you’ve said,” Delta said with a raised brow of curiosity, “You’ve never told me the full picture of how ‘ya got here, haven’t ‘ya? I know I can’t force ‘ya, but it’s really buggin’ me thinking how ‘yer so unfamiliar with the world and ‘yer body.” “Well… How do I start this…” Applejack can’t really lie to save her ass. So she told her as much as she can explain in simple terms. Not going on to over explain the how’s and why’s. Just that they came from another world so unlike this one, while also being familiar to this world. How they’re elements of harmony and that each of them embodies one of said harmonies. Why they’re here and how they became separated. “And I have this strong feeling that we all got separated and each appeared in the tribes we each represent,” Applejack said, “Magic works complicated like that. It’s not pure coincidence that I happen to land in ‘ya Country Folks as I am also a… Country Troll now. Wouldn’t pass it to Rainbow Dash that she happens to appear in the Rock Trolls, she has dem vibes for it.” “So 6 Strings, 6 Tribes, 6 Harmonies, and 6 Friends,” Delta listed off in interest, “Really far convenient for each of ‘ya to be seperated in each tribe to work off this friendship thing, huh?” “Heh, yeah. Though I really do still worry,” Applejack sighs, “We’ve always been together when solving problems, each time being accompanied by another, never alone. So I worry what separating and settling in this new world for us would result in… and what it’ll mean for us.” “Oh, AJ, I really do wish I could help ‘ya out more. But I don’t believe you and ‘yer friends can do anything in this divide between tribes.” Delta said honestly. “I fear the same thing, Delta,” Applejack said with a defeated sigh. “That’s why I don’t want any of us to separate when dealing with problems as much as possible. ‘Cause from what I can remember, shit happens whenever we become separated.” Applejack shudders, remembering Discord’s manipulation on each of them, reversing their Harmonies and making them the opposite of who they are. Was it right to tell Delta all of this? To say it all out loud? “Well I say, this pie is everything!” An unfamiliar voice chimed just beside Applejack appeared as they snatched a pie on their table. “Hickory, save some for the others!” Delta said jokingly to the newcomer. “I jest, Delta,” ‘Hickory’ said laughing, he then turned to Applejack in greeting. “The name’s Hickory. I hear ‘yer the new Troll around?”
Applejack,Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
United We Stand!
An MLP x Trolls Crossover. Join Twilight and her friends as they embark on another Friendship Quest summoned by the Cutie Map. Why do they look so different after encountering a portal?
<p><i>A Trolls x MLP Crossover Fic</i><br/><br/>As the mane 6 were summoned by the Cutie Map one last time months before Twilight's Coronation Day, they were led to a lone Tree up a hill. A portal opened beneath them, changing their appearance all differently from each other.</p><p>They each woke up separated and confused, where's their horns? Their wings? Their other two hooves? Their tails? Well... for some, they have the other of those and lack the others... But where are the others and what is the place they were transported in?</p><p>With each in their own, they try to learn more about this new world and find their way back to each other soon. Will they be able to do it along side this Rockapocalypse?</p><p><i>What comes after the text &quot;United we stand&quot;?</i></p>
Techno Trolls “Sooooo you’re like, a King?” Pinkie Pie confirmed. After bonding really really well with their song, they’ve come to understand each other deeply. It was like looking at yourself! But, with a different person! Troll? Different Troll? Pinkie Pie is still a bit confused, but Trollex assures her that it’s the same thing. “Of the Techno Kingdom, specifically,” King Trollex nods, showing her his crown that he wears only on occasions outside of Rave Nights. It can be pretty crazy and he found himself having lost the crown on a few occasions, so he decided to keep it off only when raving. “So there’s Pop Trolls, Rock Trolls, Funk Trolls, Classical Trolls, Country Trolls, and Techno Trolls which is what we are, huh?” Pinkie Pie recounted. Excited in learning about this new world. It’s much crazier than Canterlot High! “And for each tribe of Trolls, they have one of each musical strings with a much crazier backstory! Which brings me to the question… … Can I see it?!” Pinkie Pie swam close to him with a huge grin. “Well I have it right here—” Trollex’s eyes widened upon realisation. “Oh no. Techno Beat Drop Button! I forgot about him!” “Oh no!” Pinkie Pie panics along with him and goes looking around Trollex’s LED Castle panicking, but then again… “Who’s that?” “My beat drop button! He’s this all green looking button that I use as storage for the—” “Is that the one crying over there?” Pinkie Pie points outside a window. And sure enough, Beat Drop Button is outside crying around, muttering ‘King Trollex’. “It is!” Trollex said with relief as he swam out the window, meeting the green button as it swam fast to him after getting a glimpse of his owner. “King Trollex! Where did you go?! You suddenly left after the rave and left me! Did you get tired of me?! Have you found a new fresh button?! Is that why you left me?” Beat Drop Button cried in Trollex’s embrace as they went back inside his castle. “I’m sorry– I’ll be a better Beat Drop Button! I’ll drop sicker beats next time and —” “Aww, he’s like a puppy! All cute and huggy,” Pinkie cooed. Her sudden unfamiliar voice made Beat Drop Button look her way and to Trollex. Suddenly not sure if his master became a girl and changed colours, or if there’s an unknown family member he hadn’t heard about. “Who– what— King Trollex? Queen Trollex? Two highnesses? Huh?” Beat Drop Button was close to short circuiting when the blue and pink trolls laughed at his reaction. Even their laugh was almost the same! “No silly!” Pinkie Pie said in between laughs, “I’m Pinkie Pie!” “She’s my soul twin for another world!” Trollex said as though having a twin from a different world was normal, much less meeting someone from another world. “What?!” Beat Drop Button reacted naturally. “So we have a Queen now? No, you’re King. So a Princess?! We have a Princess?!” “Pfft, nah, I’m no Princess silly!” Pinkie blew raspberries at the thought, “I already have a friend who’s a princess! And if we compare myself to her, I’m far from being a princess!!” “But, you’re- you’re King Trollex’s twin! You’re royalty!” Beat Drop insisted, “Well, technically you’ll only be royalty in this world and not in your original world but! In here, you’re royalty!” Trollex unhelpfully left Pinkie to converse with Beat Drop Button on the topic. Pinkie Pie sent him looks for help, but he was busy arranging Pinkie Pie’s new room in his LED Castle. It was a room just across from his. “There’s really no need to be all serious about it and make it complicaty,” Pinkie said, “I’ll be just Pinkie Pie! The Pink… troll that creates the craziest party for everyone! Spreading laughter in my wake!” “But–But we must make it all serious! And official! For King Trollex!” Beat Drop shouted in his most hushed tone. Pinkie stilled. Confused, she asked “For Trollex? Why?” Beat Drop Button glanced at his owner to confirm if he’s still busy. Trollex was now placing a pink clam bed himself inside the room for Pinkie. Now assured he won’t be paying attention to them, the button led Pinkie farther from Trollex before speaking normally, but still quietly. “King Trollex has been our king for a majority of his life now,” The green button started, “No one knows what happened to the other Royal Family. No one can really remember now, with how long ago it was. King Trollex just suddenly became King and led the Techno Tribe as a troll. That was all we knew. Synth was known to be his long distant cousin, but outside of being one of King Trollex’s delegates, they don’t really interact much.” “Synth? Oh yeah, Trollex mentioned him to me,” Pinkie recounts, “His distant relative who lives far from his castle.” “Yeah. So do you see my point now? My King has no one else by his side. Except for me of course!” Beat Drop said with a proud grin but soon deflates, “Except for guards, there’s no one else inside this shiny castle that King Trollex can be himself with. I’ve never seen King Trollex look so genuinely happy outside of being a DJ, so I would be really glad if you just accept all the formality stuff!” So he really had been so lonely, that Trollex. No one to talk to, no one that can understand him. Like… like her… “But… I’m really no princess,” Pinkie Pie relents, insecure. She can’t be someone like Twilight. All she can do is be a great party planner! That’s a lot different to being a princess. “There’s no rule on how to be a proper Princess!” Beat Drop encourages her, smiling. “You just have to be you! Besides, you have King Trollex with you, too! For sure with you two together, everything’ll be easy! And we haven’t got 2 DJs at the same time before! Who knows what kind of sick beat drops you can come up with?!” “Aww, thank you Beat Drop!” Pinkie says, pulling the green button with a crushing hug, “King Trollex must be suuuper happy to have you with him!” “Heh, I doubt that,” Beat Drop says. “Don’t be!” Pinkie says, “You’re the best Beat Drop there is! Nothing can contest you, I’m sure of it!” “Pinkie? Beat Drop? There you are, you two!” The two turned to Trollex exiting the hall from their rooms. He had probably just finished decorating. “I’ve just finished decorating your room, Pinkie!” Trollex says, “Come on! I’m so excited to show you your new room!” Grabbing Beat Drop and Pinkie’s hand, he led them to the new room. The previously empty room had turned so bright in just a few minutes of Trollex designing it. Blue, yellow, and Pink neon lines are all around the coral room. Colourful pufferlloons (Pufferfish Balloons), neon lights, a fish resembling a blue cannon, everything Pinkie Pie is familiar with is seen all around the room nicely decorated! A pink clam bed in the middle of it all by the side. “This. Is. So amazing!” Pinkie Pie squeals as she swims around the place, taking in everything that looks familiar and interesting. She can already tell most of the item uses, but it’s all fish styles. It's amazing! “This looks so cool and oh my gosh is that a canon!? A canon fish!? With CONFETTIS?!” “I take it you like it?” Trollex said with pride laced in his tone. He worked really hard to think of the design Pinkie would love from their conversations. “Like it? I love it!” Pinkie says as she engulfs Trollex in a sudden hug, but welcomed nonetheless, “Thank you, thank you!” “You’re welcome, sis,” Trollex laughs. And then, remembering Pinkie’s earlier request, “Oh right! Let me show you this now.” Trollex then got something from the green button’s back. It was a shiny blue string. “This is the Techno String,” Trollex said. He extended the string with Beat Drop’s help and plucked it. The string created a beep and boop sound, the string turning into pixels as it was plucked. “It is the source of our music. Without it, Techno music cannot exist.” “Whoah,” Pinkie says, astonished. How can a single string become such a powerhouse? It will be really dangerous for it to end up in the wrong hands. “I keep it inside Beat Drop Button all the time,” Trollex said, letting Pinkie hold the important string with such trust. “And as my sister, I trust you with this information with all my heart.” Pinkie was at a loss for a moment. It was rare for someone to reaaaaally trust Pinkie with such a serious task and secret. But then she felt flutters of balloons and confetti on her stomach at the thought. She was trusted with a royal secret! “I promise!” Pinkie said with eager excitement, genuinely serious. “I Pinkie Pie Promise! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” “Great!” Trollex said, happy to have heard of Pinkie’s own version of a promise phrase. It just shows how serious she is. “Let’s rest for the night now! You’ll know it’s morning when this Sand hourglass tilts.” Trollex placed an hourglass filled with colourful sands by her bedside. “Thank you, Trollex! For… everything.” Pinkie Pie says. She has a lot to thank him for, and so does he. “Thank you, too, for appearing in front of me,” Trollex said. “Good night! Have a fun dream!” With that, Trollex closed Pinkie’s door. She could hear him softly swim to his room as well before everything became really quiet and dim. The neon lights in her room slowly dims as there are no music and activity sources it could base its light show with. It’s a cute feature. Pinkie Pie turns to the hourglass Trollex gave her to tell time. It still had a quarter fill of rainbow sands before it could tilt again. Still a lot time for Pinkie to get a shut eye. She tries. She really tried to sleep. She’d tried to watch the sand softly fall to let it lull her to sleep, but the colours in the sands reminded her of everyone now that everything is quiet and still. The perfect moment to overthink stuff. Is this alright? To be having fun even when she’s alone in this new world? To be so content and happy that she’s not even worrying about how to get back home? Her pinkie senses aren't getting any bad tingles. Nothing bad is happening. She’s learning a lot and… Having a lot of fun. Waking up tomorrow means getting to meet more friends. It means another party where Trollex teaches her around the DJ booth like he promised. It sounds like a lot of fun and Pinkie can hardly wait for tomorrow to come. But then… Is this okay? Is everyone also having fun? Is Pinkie Pie becoming selfish and too self-absorbed again? A deep part of Pinkie which she refuses to acknowledge tells her to focus on herself. To have fun more and not think about her friends who are probably in their own different tribes just like she is. So Pinkie assures herself that after learning all about Techno Reef, she’ll ask Trollex how to find her friends. She knows… even if it was hard to think about, she knows she can’t stay here for long. The Cutie Mark sent them here for a mission, a Friendship Quest. And if they want to finish their mission, she must find her friends first. Because if they’re all together, nothing can stand in their way, right? Even when Discord managed to reverse their elements, they were still able to defeat him because they were all together in the end. Discord only managed to succeed because they were separated. But this is different! Pinkie tries to assure herself again. This is entirely different. There’s no Discord here. They don’t need anyone else’s help but each other. They just need to find each other, and solve the friendship problem so they can go back home again. Home…
Applejack,Fluttershy,Pinkie Pie,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Crossover,Adventure,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
United We Stand!
An MLP x Trolls Crossover. Join Twilight and her friends as they embark on another Friendship Quest summoned by the Cutie Map. Why do they look so different after encountering a portal?
<p><i>A Trolls x MLP Crossover Fic</i><br/><br/>As the mane 6 were summoned by the Cutie Map one last time months before Twilight's Coronation Day, they were led to a lone Tree up a hill. A portal opened beneath them, changing their appearance all differently from each other.</p><p>They each woke up separated and confused, where's their horns? Their wings? Their other two hooves? Their tails? Well... for some, they have the other of those and lack the others... But where are the others and what is the place they were transported in?</p><p>With each in their own, they try to learn more about this new world and find their way back to each other soon. Will they be able to do it along side this Rockapocalypse?</p><p><i>What comes after the text &quot;United we stand&quot;?</i></p>
Funk Trolls “‘Sup, Miss R!” Darnell called as he entered the boutique space they gave to Rarity. They insist that it’s free, but Rarity insists that she’ll take it as loan for now. She’ll be paying them back for their generosity in no time, she says. Darnell looks around the room, its lights are off so the Prince fails to make out any object much less how the entire place looks after leaving Rarity to tidy the place for 2 days now. Other trolls near the place had heard sewing machines all night and Rarity singing with her lovely voice, funk music could be heard as she worked on some things. “Am here to check up on you!” Darnell calls out once again, now hearing a set of walking taps in a room illuminated with lights. “Miss R?” Suddenly, the room opened to show Rarity, now with a different look than the one he saw her with 2 days ago. Now with shiny layers of fabric on top of her coat. A purple top with gold lines that looked like flower petals around her body figure. Her coat underneath is now an ombre of white to blue and purple. It still consists of the gold and purple fibres he’d seen her with 2 days ago. Her luxurious purple hair is properly styled now and put up in a high ponytail, still sporting the three blue diamond hair clip. By her ears are the same coloured three diamonds with golden strings dangling from it. Her makeup now glittered from before. “You are just in time, Prince D!” Rarity says bringing out the mannequins dressed with new Disco Funk Clothes he had never seen before! “I needed a model for my newest collection! I must say that it took me quite a while to get used to my new anatomy, but who knew how easier it was to sew with just hands?!” Rarity talked his ear off with her experiences in those 2 days he had left her with as she brought out more of her handmade collections of clothes while opening up the windows and lights of the place. Allowing Darnell to actually see the extent of how much Rarity had actually done under 2 days. “This place is lovely, it’s just the right space for my clothing lines! Mind you, I never make the same clothes unless on special occasions, never again! I make unique styles! I assure you,” Rarity says as she hangs some clothes by the rack. The walls of the place are pristine purple. Pink curtains around some mirrors with platforms, probably where you try on clothes and see how it matches you. Mannequins placed conveniently around the place with cool styles. There’s a staircase by the farthest corner, which probably leads to Rarity’s personal room. But all-in-all, the place is sick! “You made all of these in 2 days?” Darnell said, almost speechless, “Man, that’s sick! Mad respect to you, Miss R.” “Oh my, it was just 2 days? I swear I thought only one day had passed!” Rarity said, confused. “I could make a whole new line in two days, but maybe it’s because I still haven’t got used to all of this yet.” She said as she looked at her hands, “But no matter, what’s important is you’re here, Prince Darnell!” Rarity grabbed a cloth from the back room once more and quickly ushered the Prince to one of the changing stations. “We must make haste! I can’t wait to see how you’d look on these!” “These?” Darnell muttered, but relented anyway. Once finished, he opened the curtains fully and checked out the clothes on him. “Dang, Miss R! This looks great! Can’t believe you thought of styling it like this!” “Oooh, it does!” Rarity said excitedly as she flashed a camera his way, “To the left! Now pose! Right there! Yes! Amazing! Fabulous!” Darnell posed for every picture Rarity shot gleefully. Darnell tried a number more of clothes which Rarity also took pictures of. “Thank you very much, Prince Darnell,” Rarity said as she looked at the developed pictures of the clothes, “With these pictures of yours modelling all that I have styled, I’m sure my boutique will be booming with customers thanks to you!” “Glad I could be of help, Miss R,” Darnell says and handed Rarity the bags where the clothes he had worn were placed, “Here’s the clothes you had me try on! They’re really sick, I’m sure everyone will be lining up outside your boutique even without my help!” “Oh don’t be silly, dear,” Rarity says, humble, “And you keep those as thanks! I won’t be taking no’s! So come along now, a girl is hours away from her boutique’s opening!” “But–” “I would really appreciate it if you spread word about my boutique, but no pressure!” Rarity says comically as she gently but quickly pushes the pink funk troll out of her Boutique, “I have my ways of making myself known. You’re invited to my official opening in… let’s see…” Rarity glanced at the digital clock outside, the one in the middle of Vibe CIty for all to see. It was currently 14:00 (2 PM) o’clock. Not a lot of trolls are outside yet, but in a few hours, the night market will start and trolls will be outside buying stuff. Especially since it’s a Friday. Darnell realised what a perfect opportunity this is for Rarity. “In three hours tops!” Rarity said, also thinking along the lines Darnell had realised. With that, the door of Rarity’s boutique closed and Darnell was once again left to wonder just where Rarity had come from. Shaking his head, he somberly wonders if Rarity’s personality will be the same as his twin sibling’s. Instead, he walks to the way that’ll lead him back home, deciding at the back of his head to make a point of wearing one of Rarity’s designs during her opening in 3 hours. The time of the hour came. 17:00 (5 PM) At that exact time, Darnell was outside of Rarity’s boutique wearing one of her shiny designs. He had tried to spread the word, but new things coming inside Vibe City is rarely a surprise anymore, so not many trolls have planned to stand by and wait. Not wanting to waste the Friday Night Market opportunities pass by. There were almost only 5 of them. Other trolls are walking by the side, only sparing the signage Rarity put with “Grand Opening” a simple glance before walking off again. And then the light show started which immediately captured everyone’s attention. With the sound of a saxophone and beat, the music started. [Music Start!] Dance the Night - Dua Lipa “Are we just on time?” Darnell turned to see both his parents arriving and nodding to the beat of the music. “Perfectly on time!” Their son said enthusiastically. They all turned as the door loudly opened and a red carpet rolled out. A fog machine could be heard starting as it stepped up the scene of Rarity stepping out of the door, wearing one of her designs as she sang. “Baby you can Find me under the lights Diamonds under my eyes Turn the rhythm up Don’t you wanna just Come along for the ride” As she sang, she modelled her clothes. She made a show of a quick change performance under not even a second while she spins. It was like she just made a twirl, and suddenly she had a different cloth on! Oh my outfit so tight You can see my heart beat tonight I can take the heat Baby best believe That’s the moment I shine Now, a lot of trolls are watching her performance. No one’s ever done an opening like this before! Cuz every romance Shakes and it bends Don’t give a damn Rarity pulled a few willing random participants in on her on-the-spot catwalk, being able to dress them quickly that certainly fits their vibe. When the nights here I don’t do tears Baby no chance I could dance, I could dance, I could dance Watch me, dance Dance the night away My heart could be burning but you won’t see it on my face Watch me, dance Dance the night away I’ll still keep the party running not one hair out of place It was such a cool quick transition; One moment, no one could be bothered to even swing by to glance at Rarity’s boutique, but now it seemed almost everyone in Vibe City is watching her every move! Some trolls have even used their flying vinyl discs to be able to watch the opening. Lately I’ve been Moving close to the edge Still be looking my best I stay on the beat You can count on me I ain’t missing no steps Rarity danced as she stepped on an empty small vinyl disc. Other trolls that are now wearing her designs are following her every dance step on beat. Cuz every romance Shakes and it bends Don’t give a damn When the nights here I don’t do tears Baby no chance I could dance, I could dance, I could dance Watch me, dance Dance the night away My heart could be burning but you won’t see it on my face Watch me, dance Dance the night away I’ll still keep the party running not one hair out of place Both the Queen and King now joined her music and catwalk. With her vinyl letting her move faster and freely, she encircled the couple with a quick swoop and suddenly, they now wore different sets of clothing and their hairs have been changed to match the style. Both of them are now also singing along to the music Rarity had started. When my heart breaks You’ll never see it, never see it When my world shakes I feel alive, I feel alive I don’t play safe Don’t you know about me Rarity now sang as she stepped down off the vinyl disc and headed for her door with a strut. Creating anticipation for the official opening of her boutique I could dance, I could dance, I could dance Even when the tears are flowing They’re diamonds on my face I’ll still keep the party going not one hair out of place Even when the tears are flowing They’re diamonds on my face I’ll still keep the party going not one hair out of place Finally, finally! Rarity opened the door to her boutique and welcomed everyone in. Everyone could barely fit inside, but they dared not to overcrowd Rarity’s boutique. Watch me, dance Dance the night away My heart could be burning but you won’t see it on my face Watch me, dance Dance the night away I’ll still keep the party running not one hair out of place Darnell can be seen being gushed on by other trolls, now realising that the style he was wearing is one of Rarity’s works. When my heart breaks You’ll never see it, never see it When my world shakes I feel alive, I feel alive I don’t play safe Don’t you know about me Rarity was by the side, watching her hard for apparently two days straight? Be paid off with the bustling crowd trying on clothes unique to them. Styles that match their vibes. Even if the income doesn’t meet the effort she put into creating these, she feels as though watching the excitement of the Trolls’ expression to find the style that matches them and only them is rewarding enough. I could dance, I could dance, I could dance Dance the night! Truly, spreading her style around the world is always a refreshing start to Rarity. Watching everyone enjoy the limelight, even for a moment, is rewarding to watch. She watches every troll leave her boutique with her designs either bagged or worn on the spot. Some of it she gave for free, some had given her far too many coins. But it was all worth it in the end. “Great job there, Miss R!” Darnell’s voice interrupted her musings. He approached her with his parents following behind, “You really do know how to bring in a crowd even without my influence!” “One cannot be considered a fashionista without straining some passerby’s necks after all!” Rarity replied with confidence, and then turned to the royal family once again, bowing, “But really, thank you for your generosity, really. I wouldn’t have been able to do all of this without your utmost trust in me.” “With all things considered, I say you deserve it more than you think,” Queen Essence says as she raises Rarity’s head by her chin softly, “And please, there’s no need for that anymore. You’ve proven yourself more than worthy of recognition amongst our tribe.” Rarity’s eyes dilated and sparkled, touched and in awe at what she had declared, “I am?” “Mhm!” King Quincy nodded and hummed a ‘yes’. “I say, I’ve never seen an opening be as grand and successful like that before! And the style and clothes you have created, truly a work of art befitting our tribe!” “Told ‘ya!” Darnell said with pride. The door of Rarity’s boutique opened once again and came in more Trolls that have seen and heard of the new style being created around Vibe City by none other than the new Troll in town, Miss Rarity. “Well, it seems there’s more clients that’s still coming in,” Essence says. “The night’s still young after all,” Quincy nods and smiles at Rarity’s way in a comforting and reassuring way, “We won’t keep you off your time now. You still have a boutique to run still.” “See ‘ya, Miss R!” Darnell waves as the royal family leaves, the other Funk Trolls bow as they leave, “Good luck on your first Friday Night Market!” Rarity waves until they are finally out of sight and sighs. Preparing herself to once again interact with her clienteles. It’s gonna be a long night. And after this night, she’ll have to create more designs in preparation for the next night and the next. Then she’ll make a donation for the styles the performers would wear. And also buying more materials during the day. A routine she has long gotten used to as she opens a number of branches of her boutique across Equestria. Mentally she plans her next actions. The first week is always the most work inducing as the people always love new hypes. But it’ll die down eventually and settle on smooth client talks and bookings. She knows this enough. She remembered how her friends had once worked her to the bone with their requests. Ah, such fond memories. Her mind stills at the reminder. Right… Her friends. This world is not… Equestria. But such excitable music you can’t help but dance to, it has already wormed to her heart. The rhythm to which the trolls speak and the way they sway their hips to a simple sound of beat and horns. The electric guitar piano gifted to her by one of her new clients as a mode of payment sits by her cashier table. Had she been too comfortable? Had she made a mistake in fitting in too much? Has her generosity been taken too far? Once their friendship quest is resolved, will she be able to leave this place with no regrets? Is it still too early to feel this attached to the people of this world? All these questions, she refused to acknowledge. It’s still too early to decide after all. It’s not like she can do much if she leaves this sanctuary and tries to look for her friends alone. What can Rarity do when all she can do is give and give? Besides, the royal family is already helping her. The least she could do is situate herself and pay them back for all their help in taking her in and helping her search for her friends. Everything is gonna be fine. She’ll make sure of it.
Hyper Star
Rainbow Dash,Rarity,Comedy,Random,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Rarer Things
Just ONE Rarity was bad enough for Rainbow Dash, multiple of them are even worse.
<p>Rainbow Dash never liked Rarity’s attention to detail and need for cleanliness, she’d rather get stuff done as quick as possible, so what happens if she gets transported to a world with <i>just</i> Raritys?</p><hr/><p>This fic was requested by <a href="/user/338084/JBlaser" rel="nofollow">JBlaser</a></p><p><i>Do not</i> expect a <i>Stranger Things</i> crossover!</p>
Rainbow Dash zipped around the boutique, juggling bolts of delicate silk while Rarity nervously followed her. “Careful, Rainbow! That iridescent organza is worth a fortune.” “Relax, Rarity! I've got this,” Rainbow grinned, narrowly avoiding bumping into a stack of fabric. Rarity sighed, clutching her heart. “Just remember, darling, we want fabulous dresses, not a disastrous mess!” “You wanted my help, that means we do this Rainbow Dash style!” As they reached the cutting table, Rainbow Dash attempted a somersault, sending a bunch of fabric bolts into the air. “Oops, heh, my bad,” she chuckled, using her wings to gather the falling fabric. Rarity gasped, “Rainbow Dash, those were one-of-a-kind silks from Saddle Arabia!” “Don't worry, Rarity. I'll just, you know, uhm, get more fabric...” “NO! Ahem, no thank you, darling, you've helped plenty.” Rarity glanced around, eyes wide, at the mess in the boutique. “Okay, do you atleast need help cleaning up?” “No, I'll manage. Thank you for the help.” “Oh, okay, phew, cleaning's not really my thing.” “I can see that.” Rainbow Dash shrugged it off. “Do you need anything from Twilight? I'm going there anyway since I need to ask her if she has a copy of Daring Do and the Chalice of Flame since Spike accidentally sent mine to Princess Celestia.” “I suppose you could ask her if she has time to help me.” “Got it, bye!” Rainbow Dash rushed out of the boutique, slamming the door violently, causing some ponequins to fall over. Rarity looked ready to faint, “Goodbye.” she pulled in a fainting couch and laid on it with her foreleg over her forehead. Spike gagged and rolled around the floor of Golden Oaks Library. “Spike! What in the name of Celestia are you doing?!” Twilight yelled, rushing down the stairs. “Princess Celestia's sent–” he gagged, “–you something–” he gagged a second time, “–big!” Spike clutched his stomach. He suddenly burped and a colossal book emerged. The poor dragon looked both relieved and slightly queasy as the large tome laid upside down and open across the library floor. The book had a letter attached to it. “Yikes, I should probably tell Princess Celestia not to send anything other than a maximum of three scrolls at a time, how does that sound?” Spike fell backwards and laid sprawled out on the floor, “That would be a– a relief.” The letter was taped to the cover of the book, she levitated it off and — after inspecting the horn-writing and grammar to confirm it wasn't one of Rainbow Dash's pranks — read it. It said: 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕, 𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒏 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒉. 𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑨𝒓𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒔, 𝑰 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒖𝒑𝒐𝒏 𝒂𝒏 𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒍𝒖𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝒎𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒈𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. 𝑹𝒆𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒚, 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒄𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒅 𝑫𝒖𝒌𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒂, 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓. 𝑰 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒚 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆. 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒔𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅. 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒚, 𝑷𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒂 Twilight looked at the book and then at her schedule which was on a table near the window. “W–what now?” Spike struggled to get up. “I guess I have time to read it right now.” Twilight went back upstairs to read the book. “Y–you could've helped me first...” Rainbow Dash flung open the door to Golden Oaks Library. “Oh, hey Spike, have you seen Twilight?” Spike pointed up the stairs, Rainbow Dash rushed into Twilight's room. “W–wait! Help me u–...!” The book from the Princess had what seemed to be an old version of a teleportation spell. Twilight focused intently, casting as ancient as this requires total concentration. The air crackled with magical energy as she channelled her concentration. Suddenly, the library door burst open with a resounding slam. Startled, Twilight glanced up to see Rainbow Dash. “Hey, Twilight! Rarity–” A stray surge of magic escaped her control, zapping Rainbow Dash. In an instant, Rainbow disappeared. Wide-eyed, Twilight stammered, “Rainbow? Where'd you go?” The empty space where Rainbow Dash stood prompted a nervous chuckle. “Well, that was unexpected.” What was the last word she said? That should help me find her... Twilight thought, then it hit her, "Rarity," the last word she said was "Rarity," but Rarity isn't a place, so where could she have gone? Rainbow Dash suddenly found herself from inside Golden Oaks Library to hurtling towards Rarity's boutique, she crashed through the roof — creating a Rainbow Dash shaped hole in it — and went right into a shelf. The shelf wobbled and began to fall over, she jumped out of the way and the shelf fell onto four ponequins, which shattered into pieces. “Yikes, Rarity's not gonna be happy, atleast I'm okay, another close call for Rainbow "Tough" Dash!” Rainbow triumphantly spread out her wings, only to snap her left back by her side in pain, “Ack! Oh n–” Rainbow Dash was interrupted by a gasp of horror, she turned around to see Rarity standing behind her — three Raritys, might I add. Rainbow Dash screamed, “WHAT?!” “What have you done, you brute?!” one of the Raritys yelled. “Halt! Put your hooves in the air.” “What the actual–...?!” A royal guard stood by the door, actually, scratch that, Rarity stood by the door, hang on, no, Rarity in royal guard armour stood by the door, two of them, infact. “Due to the damage you have dealt — to a boutique of all places! — we will have to take you away to Princess Rarity!” Rainbow Dash just stared at the two Raritys unblinkingly, still trying to process what they said. “What kind of sick dream is this?!” Before she knew it, she was in hoofcuffs. One of the Rari-guards used her magic to teleport them to Canterlot Castle, or atleast, what she hoped was still Canterlot Castle, they might as well have renamed it to Rari-lot Castle or whatever. In place of Princess Celestia, another Rarity sat atop the throne, this one tall and skinny with a flowing purple mane, like Princess Celestia. Nopony but Rarity around? Whatever this place is seems like right out of Rainbow's nightmares. “Princess Rarity, this pony has dealt serious damage to a boutique in Ponyville, what shall we do with her?” “Hm, yes, and it seems she isn't even a Rarity! Such a crime must not be left unpunished! But, first of all, I will come to inspect the damage; the more severe the damage, more severe the punishment. ” “What is going on?! T–this has to be a dream, but you can't feel pain in a dream, so what is this?!” “Silence, non-Rarity, you must only speak when spoken to!” While Rainbow Dash followed "Princess Rarity" to the boutique which she had previously trashed, she noticed that there was a lot more boutiques in Ponyville than normal; almost every store was a boutique. “Oh my!” Princess Rarity exclaimed after seeing the destroyed ponequins and shelf and the hole in the roof, “Do you know how serious this is, non-Rarity? You shall get a very severe punishment!” Rainbow Dash noticed that the roof around the hole she had made started cracking further, causing a large chunk to fall out of it. The chunk of the roof almost fell on top of Princess Rarity, but Rainbow Dash pushed her out of the way, causing the chunk to land on her hindleg. “Ow! First my wing, now this?!” “Did you just... save my life?” “Yeah, and I probably would've been able to save my leg as well if my wing wasn't hurt as well; I would've been fast enough.” The two Rari-guards lifted the chunk of the roof off of Rainbow Dash. “So, you are saying that not only did you save me, but you did so despite being hurt?” “It's no big deal.” “Such an act of generosity! Just like a true Rarity. For this, I'll forgive your crimes,” “T– thanks?” “But wait! Only the most generous of ponies is allowed to rule Rari-questria, that means I shall be stepping down, what is your name?” “Rainbow Dash, and what are you talking about?” “Rainbow Dash? We'll have to change that. I am saying that you shall become the new ruler of Rari-questria. Chop, chop, Raritys, we need her ready for the ceremony.” “What? No way.” “Nonsense, it's the law.” Four Raritys seized her and pulled her into the dressing room. “Wait, no! Let me go!” “Hm, what dress shall we make her wear?” “Perhaps something with lots of glitter. How about a lavender dress?” “Oh no, absolutely not, magenta would be much better, to match her eyes.” “Magenta? What's a magenta?” “Ugh, we'll need to work on your knowledge of individual pigments.” “Pigs? What do those have to do with anything?” All Rarity 4 grimaced, Rarity 3 rolled her eyes and Rarity 2 facehoofed but Rarity 1 grabbed a sparkly pink high-neck gown off of a clothes rack. Rainbow Dash squirmed as she shoved on the gown, “Stop, let go of me! I can't breathe in this thing,” “What about her shoes?” “How about high heels?” “What do you think, which colour should we make them?” “A– are you asking me? I dunno, green? I don't even want high heels.” All four Raritys gasped in horror. “How about a hot pink?” “Wait, what's a hot pink, what's a magenta and what's a lavender?” Rarity 2 levitated a pair of pink high heels out of a shoe box and put them on Dash's hindlegs making her wobble in place. “Why are you making me wear these? These are gonna break my legs! You don't want a leader with broken hooves!” “Oh, calm down, you'll be fine.” “Can you atleast give me four of these? I can't walk on my hindlegs like this!” “No; I shall go get you some gloves.” Rarity 3 meticulously styled her mane to match her own, pulling the manebrush vigorously. “Ouch! You're gonna rip my mane off!” Rainbow said, trying to free herself from Rarity's grasp. “What makeup shall we put on her?” “Oh! How about some pink eyeshadow and some black mascara for more prominence?” “Why are you giving me so much pink stuff?” Rarity 4 put pink eyeshadow on her eyelids, “This stuff's making my eyes itch. Can we skip the eye makeup, please?” Rainbow Dash winced. Rarity 1 put black mascara on her with precision, making her eyelashes look like fringes. “Stop poking my eyes! I don't need this mascara stuff. I look like a raccoon,” Rainbow complained, squinting against the brush. Rarity 2 made her wear white evening gloves on her hooves, “Why are you making me wear gloves? They're gonna get all dirty when I walk anyway.” Rarity 3's perfume, a blend of floral and fruity smells, made a cloud that enveloped Rainbow Dash. "Uh, why do I need to smell like a flower shop?" she waved her hooves to remove the fragrance. “There! You look lovely, darling!” “Do I, though?” “Come see yourself in the mirror!” Rainbow Dash walked up to the mirror and — after seeing her look — screamed in horror. Rainbow Dash was paraded towards Canterlot, a procession of Raritys watching her, cheering. Rainbow Dash looked around Ponyville, she was the only pony around here who was different looking. Raritys would be grocery shopping, Raritys would be the cashiers, Raritys would be sweeping the floors Raritys would be walking Opalecences attached to leashes, need I go on? When they reached Canterlot Castle, Princess Rarity announced to the nothing-but-Rarity population. “We shall dye your mane and coat after the ceremony.” “No! I'm not a Princess and nopony's dying my mane and fur!” Next thing she knew, she was being levitated into the air by Rari-guards. Princess Rarity signalled for her to spread her wings, but Rainbow shook her head. Princess Rarity rolled her eyes and levitated her tiara off her head and placed it on Dash's head. “Behold, Princess Rainbow Rarity!” “Uh, it's Rainbow Dash!” “No, it's Princess Rainbow Rarity.” Suddenly, in a flash of pink light, Twilight appeared, “Sorry I took so long, I seems like you glitched out the sp– whoa! What happened to you?!” “Another non-Rarity?!” The crowd gasped in horror. Twilight looked around, her expression a mixture of confusion and horror. “What is this?!” “No time! Please, Twi! Get us outta here!” Finally, Rainbow Dash found herself back inside of Golden Oaks Library, in Ponyville, with ordinary ponies and just one Rarity. “Rainbow, what in the world did you do?” “What did I do? What did you do?!” “Okay, okay, I don't have time to argue with you, just make sure to knock next time, there's a chance you could lose a wing with another miscast like that.” Rarity entered the room, “There you are, darlings! Rainbow, did you not ask her my q– oh my, what are you wearing?” Rainbow Dash was trying to wipe the makeup of her face, and throw off the clothes. “You look absolutely lovely! Why don't you wear clothes like that more often?” Rainbow Dash looked horrified. She threw away the heels, gloves and clothes and frantically flew out the window. “GET AWAY FROM ME!” “Huh, what was that all about?” “You want the long, or the short version?”
Anon,Rainbow Dash,Human,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Growth Avoidance
You try to sleep with Rainbow Dash in hope she would not grow like other ponies. You hope this athletic mare was immune to the nonsense you had to deal with here.
<p>You try to sleep with Rainbow Dash in hope she would not grow like other ponies. You hope this athletic mare was immune to the nonsense you had to deal with here.</p><p>Editor: <a href="/user/349308/FanOFAges" rel="nofollow">FanOFAges</a>.</p>
You lay upon a soft cloudy mattress, literally made of clouds. However unlike normal clouds they were solid and warm to the touch. On this mattress you lay snuggled up to the one and only Rainbow Dash. She seemed to be the only pony who could control herself. Other ponies simply went out of control. Your naked body lay pressed against hers, her soft furry rump was right against your crotch. Your cock lay between those petite blue cheeks of hers, along with her hot marehood twitching against your long, thick cock. Indeed, your cock has grown considerably larger in Equestria. This helped you in your endeavour to have sex with these ponies. But only to a limited extent, for your cock has stopped growing. Not to mention you did not grow when getting intimate with a pony unlike a stallion. It was a bittersweet thing to swallow when you were having the time of your life mounting a growing mare’s ass, only for you to be left in the dust as the mare’s ass grew far too large for you to handle. You recalled back on the day you arrived in Equestria. Back then, you awoke in nothing but your underwear. You appeared to be lying on a hard wooden floor. But you weren't paying too much attention to that when the first thing you saw was a pair of comically large blue eyes, which belonged to what appeared to be a pink equine creature. You froze as these big blue eyes looked down at you, you were not sure how to react. For quite some time you said nothing, and just stared at the equine looking down at you. That was until the equine abruptly turned around and presented you with her rump. Her fat ass was a perfectly round and bubbly rump. You could tell it was a female with her winking equine sex. You don't know what possessed you, but you felt compelled to place your hands upon her cheeks. Your hands immediately sank into the bubbly soft fat of her ass like a squishy pink marshmallow. However, your eyes widened in alarm when her ass began to seemingly inflate like a balloon. The three balloon markings on both sides of her cheeks were clearly an ominous warning, but you did not heed them to your peril. Before you had any time to react, she dropped her ass down upon your face. You squirmed as she grew bigger and bigger on top of you. The massive mare rolled her fattening cheeks over you; giggling and moaning in pure bliss. Your body became soaked with her dripping marehood, which smelled like sweet bubblegum candy. Your erection came to be snuggled by the warm and soft cheeks of her ass rolling back and forth over you. The wooden floor creeped and groaned as her ass’s weight continued to pile on. You grunted; struggling frantically to lift her ass, but it was ultimately useless. All you managed to do was sink your hands deeper into the fat of her ass. The mare for her part giggled at your attempts to free yourself from her ballooning ass. If you didn't know any better, you swore her growth rate was increasing from your struggle. “Hehehe! Mmmm! Oh, please keep struggling!” she said in a bubbly, yet deep voice. Which was only getting deeper the bigger she got. “Oh, and by the way, welcome to Equestria!” You closed your eyes and accepted your fate but the end never came. Your muscles and bones ached as she continued to get bigger and bigger, but somehow you were never completely crushed. Somehow, you could see her asscheeks pushing against the walls the room; subsequently the fat of her ass became deeply compressed from under the applied pressure. Her rump wobbled around like a loose waterbed as more and more fat pumped into it without stop. This was your welcome to Equestria, you guessed. You were taken out of your day dream when Rainbow’s ass abruptly puffed out in size. You started to panic, but your fears were soon put to rest when she reverted back to normal size. This was clearly a warning. She must have been bored from your lack of movement. You started to thrust your hips against her lovely backside a little bit harder to keep her happy. Still, you hope this would not end the same way it has with most mares. Since it was particularly humiliating when a stallion took your place. Unlike you, a stallion grew larger while having sex with a mare. You could only watch in envy as the hills of sweet mare ass bounced up and down their lap. You hope that would not be the case with Rainbow Dash today. Figuratively speaking, she was petite for a pony, however the canyon gap of her cheeks was more than enough to swallow your cock between them. Your hands lay upon her cheeks, creating a shallow depression into her soft cheeks, before meeting her ironclad muscles underneath. Admittedly, you did like the asses of other ponies better. However Rainbow Dash’s ass seemed to be the most stable of the other ponies. Giving you more time to actually have fun with her without you struggling to have sex with her. You tried having sex with other ponies but things would quickly get out of hand. They would grow so big it was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway for your cock. It wouldn't even make a dent after a couple minutes and left you with blue balls. That was the most unhappy time of your life due to how full your balls felt. A particularly alarming case was when you tried to have sex with Princess Celestia. This was one of the worst decisions you had ever made in your life. Your body ached at the sheer thought of what happened to it as if your nerves had mental trauma from it. You instantly regretted that decision when you became hit with a massive avalanche of snowy white ass. Leaving you crushed under pure musky darkness as you struggled against the several tons of weight. She practically exploded like a nuclear bomb in growth. The protection magic slowly cracked like a shield under it and started to form holes before her butt crushed you under its immense weight without mercy. It took you a week to recover after that, despite the weight protection magic all ponies have. Your body was broken and many of your bones were moved out of place. Leaving you in agonising searing pain all over your body. If it wasn't for the slow healing magic the ponies have, you didn’t think you would ever be able to walk again after such an ass slamming down on you. Most other ponies were far less explosive in growth, and even quite slow. Though this didn't really mean much due to the power of their growth. Even if it was slow they would grow several feet per minute; even the slowly growing ones didn’t really last very long. Oh, sure, they would start off even smaller than you, but that wouldn't last long as they grew in size, but within the space of a few minutes, you would be dealing with an ass that you could not handle. Leaving you completely crushed like you were with Celestia. Unable to move and forced to have the ponies bounce on your body and use you like a dildo. You were not even able to thrust back due to how many tons of weight were on your body. Leaving your bones creaking and groaning due to the weight on them. Regardless of their slow growth rate they were prone to growth spurts as well. Just yesterday, you managed to have sex with Fluttershy for a good few minutes. The little yellow pony had such cute moans and groans from your thrusts. The clapping of her cheeks was so hot and it left your cock throbbing and begging for more. Her growth was particularly slow. Meaning you were able to have fun with her more due to how slow her growth was. Her ass would gradually balloon at a snail’s pace, allowing you to have sex with her with relative ease. The feeling of her ass growing on you made you more and more horny. Your heart thudded in your chest as he continued to thrust in and out between her slowly growing cheeks. But then, after a while her growth began to abruptly accelerate. Going from a couple inches every 10 minutes to a couple feet per minute. Leaving your cock in the dust due to the size that she was growing too. Her ass would come slamming against your hips as it became flooded with sudden migrations of fat pumping into it; gurgles and groans filling the air as a loud whooshing filled the air which signifies her growing more and more. She would become embarrassed at this. Fluttershy blushed as she continued to pant hard and fast as her tongue had lolled out of her mouth due to the pleasure she got from growing. You tried your best to continue to have sex with her. However, it was a losing battle, your cock was slowly, but surely filling the mare less and less as her rump continued to get fatter and fatter. Leaving more and more room for her to grow faster and faster. You whimpered as you tried desperately to continue filling her as best you could with your cock. A few more minutes later her next growth spurt would become even more volatile. Sparks of light pink magic flying off her body along with her wings going out in a rigid manner. Standing up and almost hitting you in the face with its size. You found yourself slammed backwards as her ass ballooned like a hot air balloon. Slamming into the wall with a loud boom and cracking it behind you as you were squished into it. Fluttershy stared back at you, her face bright red in embarrassment. Her eyes sparkling with embarrassment as she tried to close her eyes and not look at you. Concern with how her human was doing was the only thing allowing her to keep her eyes open and staring at you. Her massive rump dominated your vision, towering over you like an oversized queen's mattress. Casting a massive shadow over you and keeping you pushed into the wall behind the bed you were on. You gave Fluttershy's ass a good worship before parting ways with her. Giving it some kisses and rubs with your hands as you lay there. Your hands lovingly caressed her air ballooning cheeks. Your cock moved back and forth between the growing canyon of her buttcheeks, her marehood becoming ever more distant as you became more and more inadequate for her size. You imagined she couldn't even feel it due to how massive her butt was now. Your hands were barely able to cover a small amount of her rump due to how big it was. Your hands sank into it like it was quicksand as it slurped up your hands. Nonetheless she reassured you with comforting words and moaned even as her ass reached truly epic proportions. It was nice of Fluttershy trying to reassure you with her loving words and bounces of her butt against you. Her warm and buttery soft buttcheeks squeezing your cock worked like a makeshift vagina. Giving you an immense amount of pleasure as your whole body sparked from the pleasure going through your body. Your whole body shivering and shaking as you panted heavily while fucking the butt in front of you. Her cheeks jiggled widely about wildly with a meaty slab each time a sudden growth rocked her form. Each thrust seems to cause her growth to go even faster and faster. Each new growth became stronger than the last. There were more and more sparks flying around the air and hitting the walls, causing some of the paint to fall out of it while doing so as her ass continued to balloon as you worshipped her. You were left by more and more in its shadow as you worshipped her rump. Fluttershy continues to grind and bounce her butt against you; lighting clouds of power starting to form around the mare and sparkling with power. The ground became hit with echoing booms of magic as you continued to fuck her ass. Her growth began to accelerate even further, and what was left of her home became bulldozed down; turned into dust under the several tons worth of pillowy yellow rump leaving nothing left in its wake. A massive hole in the ground was made, which was the size of her cheeks as the house turned to dust with booms and crashes. Her head came crashing through the ceiling with a loud boom and her buttcheeks rolled over the ruins of her home, crushing it into a fine sawdust. Pieces of the ceiling flying through the air and landing several miles away in Cloudsdale and on the mountains along with the villages around. Ponies looking up and jumping away as the ceiling of Fluttershy's house lands onto the ground and breaks through houses. Even several nearby trees of the Ever Free Forest became knocked over by her ballooning cheeks. The trees were subsequently crushed into a fine dusty powder; making a huge mess of the local area and causing clouds of the dust to float around the area and formed into clouds. Blinding any creature that tries to see the growing ass coming towards them. Her ass continued to get larger and larger, eventually reaching the point it was basically like a grand American Football Stadium of ass you were worshipping. Massive amounts of the forest was cleared by the behemoth mare. Being broken apart by this force of nature which was expanding into them. hundreds of creatures from the forest desperately scattering like dust to the wind as they ran away. She wasn't going to stop growing as her power continued to grow more and more with each foot she grew. You were tempted to worship her even more. However, you began to hesitate when you heard Fluttershy snoring. The mare continued to get larger and larger in her sleep, but your motivation to continue greatly diminished, for the giantess mare had fallen asleep. You pressed on for a few more minutes and watched her ass get bigger and bigger in her sleep. But you began to feel so inadequate before the mighty sleeping mare. You now do believe she only moaned just to make you feel better; causing your cock to deflate in size. You sighed; shaking your head as you crawled out from under her butt and coming out with a loud pop. With that, you ceased your worship of her butt. You pulled your cock away from the loving embrace of her warm and soft cheeks. Once you parted ways with Fluttershy you saw, like all ponies, she gradually began shrinking down in size. It appeared ponies only grew from affectionate stimuli. Leaving you surrounded by ponies looking at you in confusion before sighing. Going back to what they were doing as they had shrunk to their normal size now. Upon leaving the remains of Fluttershy's Cottage it seemed to fix itself out of thin air. Even the fallen trees outside her home seemed to sprout out of the ground. Slowly reforming as tendrils of wood formed and creaked as they combined. Turning into more trees as the leaves burst out of the wood and flowers grow out of the ground as well. Curiosity got the better of you and you decided to open the door only to be greeted by the massive fat ass of Fluttershy. The giant mare appeared still to be asleep, she was slowly shrinking down in size. Though her power stayed even after she was getting smaller. The interior appeared to be larger than her own cottage exterior. Leaving you baffled at the size but deciding not to question it. From your time here you had decided not to question the ability of the ponies around here. There was clearly some other wordly magic at foot. It seemed the power of the mare had decided to manifest in a pocket dimension of some sort, which made sure that no damage would come to any pony around her as she grew from the worship you gave her. Your curiosity satisfied you left the place, quietly shutting the door behind you. That was until, a familiar large red stallion came walking up to you, the one and only Big McIntosh; casting a massive shadow over you as you slowly turned around. Looking up at him in awe as his red skin bulged and pulsed with his muscles. Your heart sank at the sight of him. The musk that came off of Big Mac filled your nostrils and made it so you can't smell anything else. You could see the stallion slowly inching upwards into the air before you; magic pulsing across his body and sparking with loud echoing booms which shake the area. You could see his massive black stallionhood between his legs swinging about wildly as it rapidly grew outward in growth; his balls underneath inflating like balloons. The balls of Big Mac gurgling and sloshing violently with balloons of virile cum. His long, thick cock bobbed up and down as he grew inch after inch by each passing second. The muscles of his body began to bulge out, his strength becoming enhanced. “Ah am sorry, but a mare can’t be left unsatisfied,” he said, his voice becoming deeper and more masculine by the second. The growing of his muscles seems to correlate to his voice getting deeper and deeper. The voice of Big Mac getting more and more deep with each second and each pounding of his heart. When he finished speaking he abruptly spurted with growth into the air, becoming a massive bulking stallion about the size of an elephant. the hooves of his creating great gashes in the ground and making a huge mess of the nearby area. The muscles of Big Mac writhing and pulsing like worms with each movement of his body. You watched the stallion walk past you; the door automatically enlarging itself to allow the massive stallion access to her cottage. A great orange glow covering the door and letting out a groan as the doorframe grows. His cock throbbing and bobbing heavily under him before pulsing and slamming into his chest with a thud. Letting out massive drops of couch sized pre which slam into the ground and melt the area under them. He then came to stand behind Fluttershy’s massive rump. Another growth spurt rocked his form, his cock swung about wildly slapping against her fat cheeks with a loud meaty slap. Fluttershy’s cheeks clapped with the loud meaty slap upon his cock slapping her cheeks. Her ass jiggled about wildly as it began to balloon once more in size; upon receiving stimuli to grow from Big Mac. Meanwhile, Big Mac became a towering giant of a stallion, with a cock that might as well be a skyscraper like the Empire State building. You watched him position his gargantuan cock to the entrance of her sex. In one quick motion he pushed his cock inside her and immediately began thrusting. You could see Fluttershy's rump air ballooning bigger and bigger as he slammed into her. You were left in the dust and shamed as Big Mac rode her brains out. Fluttershy moaned loudly as her growth skyrocketed. You became firmly pressed against the door as her ass grew against you. You grunted as you struggled to break free from the embrace of her ass pushing against you. You tried to slip out the door but there was no escape from her ass. To make matters worse there seemed to be divine intervention intervening. Since you found yourself forced to watch Big McIntosh mount Fluttershy even as her ass pressed you against the door. You could see his massive stallionhood ploughing back and forth against her; her rump jiggling wildly with each thrust. The door spontaneously behind you became replaced with an all too familiar snowy white ass. It squeezed you into the growing body of Big Mac and Fluttershy which made you groan. You felt your body being crushed a bit between them but you were unharmed. Princess Celestia giggled as you were forced to watch the spectacle, her white ass ballooning against you. Making sounds like a balloon which shakes the whole room with sheer volume. Celestia was clearly enjoying herself as her juices started to flood more and more. Making the whole area smell of a mix of green apples, lemonade, and orange juice from the mixed juices. Leaving your senses swirling with the amount of scents and musk filling the air. You were now firmly trapped between Fluttershy and Celestia's ass. It will probably take hours before you will be released; making it so you could barely move due to how squishy their butts were. Back in the here and now, Rainbow’s ass still seemed to be remaining stable. Keeping its normal size to your surprise due to most ponies growing from your cock going in and out of them. There was no growth in sight. Though you were still enjoying the fucking you were doing of Rainbow; pleasure arching up and down your body from the sexiness of the mare while your balls slammed into her butt. Rainbow on the other hand seemed to have grown rather agitated. Perhaps her trying to not grow was a real struggle for her. Some sweat went down her brow and dripped to the floor from her concentration. The mare trembled against me with her tail swishing back and forth against my body. I could see her teeth were firmly clenched and her eyes were firmly shut. Rainbow sighed; dropping her head down upon her pillow. Clearly she had given up the fight with stopping the growth of her butt. Your heart jumped up in your throat as you struggled to hold yourself together from running away. Sweat dripped down your head as you sat behind Rainbow with her butt towards you. Your worst fears then came true when her ass puffed up like an emergency car air back against you. A loud whoosh filling the air as her butt expands and sends out sparks in the air with loud booms to the sudden changing in the air. A loud meaty slapping sound could be heard as her fat cheeks clapped together from the resulting migration of fat pumping into her ass. The blue rump of hers rapidly inflating and growing in front of you which left you in awe as it rapidly grew into you. You were now presented with two big blue beach balls of her asscheeks. Gone was the petite mare, now replaced with a bootylicious mare; who’s rump was only getting bigger by the second as it inflated like a hot air balloon. Leaving your cock more and more in the dust with its rapid growth and making you more and more inadequate to please the mare. “Sorry, dude. I could not hold back any longer,” she said in a guilty tone. Clearly she did not want this to happen since she wanted you to enjoy it as much as she. Rainbow was blushing and panting as her butt grew and more nerves filled her butt which caused nerves to spark pleasure all throughout her body. As she spoke her ass continued to jiggle about as more and more fat pumped into it; creating a wondrous meaty clapping sound. The sounds of her clapping cheeks were almost deafening due to the growth of her shaking cheeks. Her ass moving around like a tsunami slowly growing through the time of its movement. You did your best to have sex with Rainbow Dash as long as you could but her ass just kept getting bigger and bigger; causing you to whimper and pant heavily as your hands covered less and less of her rump. You tried desperately to hang onto it with your hands but felt them sink deeper and deeper. Leaving you ever more and more desperate while kissing her ass and playing with it. Your cock was filling her less and less as her rump inflated against you. Your body getting pushed back farther and farther due to her growing butt and being surrounded by her growing ass around you. The gap of her buttcheeks eventually became so thick that you could only hot dog your cock between those ballooning cheeks. You sighed in defeat. There was no escape from growing pony ass, even from the most athletic mares. Such was life for you as the only human in Equestria after all. Since you would never be able to fuck them for very long as they outgrew your cock. Some would do it slower then others but you would always be inadequate for them. You sighed in defeat as you were slowly crushed by the growing blue ass and got forced into the floor. Feeling it crack from under her weight as you were forced into bliss. You blushed and panted deeply as you continued to hump her butt and got pre all over it; starting to cum over and over from the sheer amount of pleasure from the growth of her ass. Leaving your cock more and more in the dust as you worshipped her ass as best you can. Just then you heard a loud thudding sound. Magic thudding in the air and sparking around as a spell activates. You could only react to the magic by trying to move away from it. Not sure how it will affect a human like you due to not having magic back home. The cloudy mattress beneath you began to shake. The clouds of the mattress turned into a dark grey before loud thunder filled the room.The walls of the room began to stretch out to accommodate the arrival of a larger pony. Big McIntosh came into the room, and positioned himself behind Rainbow Dash. Leaving you stunned due to how big the stallion is above you. He was bigger than ever before. You were absolutely left in the dust due to his size. Your mouth drops open in shock at the thick veins on the cock above you throbbing with the heartbeat of the stallion. The movement of his stallionhood shook the whole bed which made you bounce up and down with each thud of his cock and balls. The balls of the stallion sloshing and gurgling as the cum within sloshed around like a mini tsunami as you watched. His cock might as well be the arm of a galaxy, his massive balls were like the event horizon of two supermassive black holes on steroids. And he was still growing, you could see the veins along his cock pumping with power as it gained thousands of inches per second. Rainbow Dash moaned, her growth beginning to accelerate; her ass rising to attention. Giving the stallion more to breed due to her getting even bigger and bigger. She spreads her wings in excitement as they flap a bit in pleasure due to smelling the musk of the balls of Big Mac. Drops of pre-cum from Big Mac came falling onto the floor with loud wet booms which flooded the floor with the thick viscous white liquid. Rainbow’s blue cheeks rose into the air like two twin galaxies. They jiggled and clapped as massive amounts of fat pumped into them. You became smothered under an expanding sea of blue smothering you upon her cloudy mattress. Leaving you unable to move any longer as blue magical sparks flew around you as Rainbow's cutie mark started to glow with the amount of power she is gaining. Your mattress soon became replaced with something even softer. The magic sparks coming off of Rainbow falling onto it and making it glow with the same colour. Clearly this sort of thing was at least planned out due to the magic the mare had on her. Not like you could do anything to stop her at this point due to how big she was compared to you. It was some sort of yellow squishy soft material. You could feel your new mattress actively pushing you into Rainbow Dash's ass as it seemingly inflated in size. With magical intervention, you could see there was something far outsizing both ponies, a truly gigantic mare, an all too familiar mare: Princess Celestia. You could see Rainbow Dash’s asscheeks were sitting down on only a small fraction of the spiralling sun of her right cutie mark. Rainbow was like a tiny spec of blue surrounded by a sea of yellow. You could see her cutie mark stretching outwards around an ocean of snowy white, her buttcheek. The much larger mare acting as a fucking bed for the couple above you which only forced you to worship the ass of the two. The massive amount of musk flooding the air overriding your senses and turning you into a lust filled machine. Her cheek wobbled wildly as massive amounts of fat pumped into it. Massive tidal waves raged across it, becoming larger and more volatile by the second as her cheeks continued to air balloon in size. The buttcheeks of Celestia glowed like a sun in of itself and even having an atmosphere to allow you to breathe. “Oh, you know, human, our growth was not as violent prior to your arrival. It was much more stable. We even shrunk in size at a much faster rate. But, now, me and my kind will consume this universe and beyond. All will be smothered under our fat asses. A new age has come, the time of the pony has come. I Empress Celestia will lead us to a new golden age of peace and love.” You could see Celestia was no longer withholding her growth. Her whole body glowing in a bright white glow which was almost blinding. Though you were still able to see and were not instantly blinded due to the power of Celestia. You were left a blushing mess due to how big Celestia was getting. The human brain is not meant to handle such beauty and just turned into a mush of pleasure and constant orgasms. Already, a vast amount of the universe was consumed by her. Planets, stars, black holes, and galaxies swirled into her mouth as she gorged on them with gluttony; slurping them up like meatballs and spaghetti as she moaned in pleasure due to them exploding in her and making her grow even faster. You could see Empress Celestia was gathering a massive army of her ponies upon her ass. Seeming to climb out of her fur as it rippled like a pool while they assembled up in lines. Forming up into ordered ranks as they took their first few steps and had their first few thoughts in their lives. Many a pony were growing larger to answer the call of their Empress. Although, it was not entirely equal. Some of them were left behind in terms of power and size as they grew at different rates. Some grow metres per minute and some only grow several feet per minute. The vast majority of ponies grew to truly epic proportions were the mares; their rumps air ballooning violently in size. However, most of the stallions were left in the dust, and even became smaller; their cocks shrivelling up in size. white magic covering their cocks and slowly getting smaller and smaller like a reverse cycle of a banana growing in time-lapse. Stallions like Big McIntosh were an odd exception to the rule, most had pitiful penises, average being about three inches long even while erect. The balls of theirs sloshing and gurgling with cum even though they had gotten smaller. The lesser stallions could only cry as they were smothered under greater and greater amounts of fat mare ass. All of their cutie marks glowing and pulsing with power as they grew. Creating craters in the ass of Celestia which was above them due to their growing size. Though Celestia didn't really seem to notice due to her constant growth and the growing size disparity. Their tiny penises constantly ejaculated prematurely upon their ballooning cheeks. The cum that they were letting out only covered a mere speck of the rumps above them. The cum got soaked into the fur of the mares like a sponge which only made them grow even faster. Not even being noticed by the growing mares due to how big they are. Even the stallions dwarfed you in terms of cock size which left you even further in terms of being unable to please them. You were left laying there and continuing to hump as best you can with your small cock. Newly captured aliens found themselves under the shadow of massive mare rumps. Getting forced to worship their growing asses and cumming onto their butts as well. The aliens try their best to please the mares but having their sizes and power stolen to feed the growing mares. The ponies left no cock unshrunk and no breast and butt size not stolen to add to their infinitely expanding bodies. They seemed to be even further down in the pecking order, they became even more pathetic in size and their penises only became an inch long. You could only look on in horror as your penis rapidly shrunk down in size. Sparks flying around your cock and getting covered with it due to the power of the mares all forcing it smaller. “You shall have the honour of being the most pathetic male. Your cock won’t even be an inch long,” spoke Celestia’s booming voice. Echoing across the vastness of space and shaking the very fabric of reality. Several hundreds of nebulae being knocked out of where they were before Celestia sucked up the nebula. Drinking them down like a nice soup As she smiled to herself at her growing body. Shockwaves formed due to the power of Celestia's voice alone as it ran along her several sun-sized vocal cords which only accented her size. Spirals of the galaxy being forced out of alignment from the massive black hole at the centre of the galaxy Your cock shrunk down further in size until it might as well be a tiny toothpick. You could feel it painfully ejaculating prematurely constantly against Rainbow Dash's ass; all the while Big Mac's glorious and growing cock pounded her ass with greater and greater fury. Creating massive shockwaves along both the mare's butts. Celestia's ass jiggling and moving around like a tsunami which shook all of reality with the force. Cracking it and creating tears in it but not breaking it just yet as it struggled to contain the growth. Big Mac continuing to ceaselessly fuck the butt of Rainbow Dash which clapped and moved around like a palm tree in a storm. Her tail moving back and forth as she moaned and panted loudly from the pleasure sparking up and down her body like electric currents. Suddenly Rainbow Dash’s ass ‘pulled’ away from you. It was like you were being sucked into a blackhole as you were dragged away against your will. You whimpered as you came again uselessly into the air. Being surrounded by a black goo which slurped you in and sounded like you were moving through honey. It stuck to you in clumps before it fully sucked you under into the goopy mass. In reality you saw it was pushed back by a light grey see-through sphere of magic; in which you were free to move at your leisure. Leaving you a bit flabbergasted as you took deep breaths. Having panicked a bit from being sucked into the sphere against your will. The floor underneath you also became replaced with a sphere. You could see Rainbow’s big blue ass pushing against it from above. The sphere felt like lukewarm gooey material against your body. The sphere was a few hundred miles tall, and was slowly growing in size as it pushed upward against Rainbow’s ass. At your feet it pushed down against Celestia’s ass. Both Celestia’s and Rainbow fat asses folded around the sphere, encasing it in a bubbly ass prison. A deep depression was created from the applied pressure, forming massive deep pits in their asses on both sides. You were then given a glimpse on a molecular level that this sphere was actually made of microscopic ponies; who seemed to be both magical and mechanical in nature. These tiny ponies replicated like bacteria, growing in number. You simply stood there, not sure what to do. Until a dull grey pony submerged out of the floor. She was quite small, about the size of your average four foot tall pony… before growing. You watched the pony smile at you, her dull grey eyes turning into a rosy red eye colour and her coat becoming a light cyan blue… and her mane and tail became a rainbow… She became Rainbow Dash. “Allow me to introduce you to my grey goo ponies. You shall become well acquainted with them,” Celestia giggled. This new grey goo Rainbow Dash turned around and shoved her buttcheeks against your crotch. Your tiny micropenis found itself hugged by her blue cheeks on both sides; the length was so insufficient that it was not even able to reach inside her marehood. Undeterred you placed your hands upon her cheeks and watched them sink into the soft bubbly fat. And then an all too familiar thing happened, her body began to grow bigger; her buttcheeks pushing against your crotch. Except this time you didn't even have the dignity of entering her vagina before her growth went out of control. All you could do was hump helplessly with your tiny penis between her fattening blue cheeks. To add further humiliation another grey goo pony materialised in front of Rainbow Dash. This one took the form of Big McIntosh. He pushed his hips forward and brought his cock into Rainbow’s mouth, who promptly began to suck it off with vigour. Technically, she was being spit roasted by you and Big Mac, however you only had a tiny toothpick of a cock between her buttcheeks, while he had a massive log of cock. You could see her neck bulge with a massive amount of cock going down her throat. You attempted to pull away from the humiliation, only to feel something pushing against you from behind. You could see that it was pink in colour. You knew that ass, it was Pinkie’s ass. Pinkie Pie giggled pushing her ass against you; forcing you to hot dog your cock between Rainbow Dash's cheeks .Rainbow grinded her soft rump against you as she feverishly slobbered on the cock in front of her. She squeezed her asscheeks together, forming a tight seal for you to press your tiny cock between. With Pinkie Pie pushing her ass against you, and Rainbow squeezing her cheeks together you were imprisoned, and forced to hump her ass with your small penis. You could feel their asses pushing against you as they ballooned in size. Out of the goo below sprouted a massive black stallion cock. You could only look on with envy as this new cock came to plunge itself between Rainbow’s cheeks. Rainbow moaned as the stallionhood expanded between her cheeks, increasing in thickness and length. You could only groan as your tiny painful erection spattered tiny dribbles of cum between her cheeks. The massive tip of the black stallionhood soon came to rise out of the deep canyon gap of her cheeks. It rose like a mighty black obelisk of cock between her asscheeks. Rainbow wrapped her tail around this mighty stallionhood, wrapping in the warm softness of her rainbow tail. Just then, a second black stallion cock rose out of the goo below. This one came to rise between Pinkie Pie’s buttcheeks. The mare welcomed this cock with a giggle, and snuggled it with the softness of her cheeks. You found yourself completely humiliated. For you were smothered on both sides with big fat pony buttcheeks, and your absolutely pathetic tiny cock only reached a measly distance between the great chasm of Rainbow Dash's cheeks. Said chasm became deeper as her rump air ballooned in size; you could feel the great migrations of fat pushing against your body as it grew. The two great big black stallion cocks became bigger and bigger between their cheeks. The great stallion black cocks were enveloped by their ballooning cheeks; snuggling it on all sides. You were left in the dust as you saw those two mighty stallion hoods become bigger and stronger by the second. The cherry on top of your humiliation was Rainbow uttering muffled moans while slobbering down on the cock pushing further and further down her throat as it grew in size. Her body was able to bend and twist in order to accommodate the massive leviathan of cock growing inside her. Her neck bulged to an uncanny degree with the sheer mass of cock pushing down into her. Just then two more great black cocks rose out of the goo below. They reached out like the tentacles of an octopus to both Pinkie and Rainbow's marehood. The two mares crane their necks back as they moaned as yet more cock came to love them. The massive pillars of black stallion cock grew into their needy marehoods. You sighed, this was your fate. To be humiliated by big fat pony asses. You could only partake in the bittersweet feeling of your hands caressing Rainbow Dash’s fat cheeks pushing against you, and the warm and soft feeling by being smothered from said cheeks. Your pitiful cock constantly and painfully ejaculated between her cheeks, only causing her ass to swell further as tiny nanorobots consumed your cum; and repurposed as more fuel for her growth. All the while this was happening, you could see Celestia’s smiling as she consumed the entire universe and began to enter the multiverse to eat that too, and maybe even beyond at some point. You could see the great legions of her ponies bouncing their growing asses upon lesser ponies and small aliens alike. This was a butt of all things.
Lighting Ace
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Human,Porn,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
The Mayor Of Canterlot: Holiday Specials
One small Prequel Special Before The Mayor Of Canterlot
<p>It not necessary but it recommended to watch the Mayor Of Canterlot to Understand the plot. </p><hr/><p>A collection of Small stories dedicate to celebrate and honor the holidays. Enjoy</p>
With the first ray of sunlight bathing Canterlot, things in the city felt different than normal, love was in the air, and decoration of hearts, streams, and other symbols of love and friendship were spread everywhere for the enjoyment of the common folk who were eagerly awaiting to celebrate this special occasion. In part because of the desire to celebrate the festivities with their loved ones, and in part because everyone was eager to discover how their newest Mayor would live up to the tradition of hosting the hearts warming even parties, one for the general public as it is the norm for any mayor on every city and another special one reserve for the ponies of elite who had the most critical eye and were ready to complain and make his work harder should he would not live to their expectation. With that kind of pressure on his shoulder, the mayor was more than a little nervous as with the help of his assistant and best friend Drusilla, they were going through their checklist making sure that everything they had in store was organized and ready, by his most recent idea. "Ok let's see what else, is missing, Decorations?" "Check, with the specifications on both parties, nothing standing as quote on quote tacky or cheap" Drusilla answered with a roll of her eyes and made air quotes. "Food and snacks?" Mark continues. "Confirm with the caters, chef, and restaurants. Their ovens are getting hot and nothing would be preserved, nothing but the freshest of dishes" Drusilla checked the item on the list with a grin. "Invitation both public and discrete?" "Confirmed and sent, this party is gonna be one to remember" Drusilla nods with a grin. "Mask?" "Check" "Rooms?" "Oh double check, don't ask me how but I pull some favors and we got the whole east wing of the hotel, we are officially booked" "Great! Then the only thing missing would be the..."Mark cleared his throat with some heat on his cheek "...issue with the ladies" "The escort service sir, and yes. Ready and horny for some action" Drusilla can't help but joke around, as Mark sighs in relief. "Great, I was afraid Madame Ménage would say no" Mark sighed in relief as Drusilla rolled her eyes. "You know, you could have saved yourself a lot of stress if you had talked with her directly. The ovitaur is still wrapping her head with your plan" Drusilla complain with a raised eyebrow. "I know but it is my policy for the public image, respect their sector, ensure their safety, and remain at a proper distance, for respect and protection of my public image" He reminded her making Drusilla roll her eyes. "Sure whatever excuse you need to tell yourself, instead of admitting how shy you are" "Drusy!" Mark complains with a blush. "Hey, I'm just saying, I get that you only want to give a good first impression with how you just took office two months ago, but seriously dude. You are the mayor now, you must exude confidence, be approachable, and be assertive. If you start acting like a scared little cat too afraid of what ponies may think of you for every action you make, they will stop paying attention to you, and the jackals will see that as open season. Is that what you want?" She demands pointing at him with her pencil. "Of course not" "Then man up, loosen up, stop worrying what others may think and if you are gonna do something do it with authority no matter if good or bad, confidence speaks volumes for Celestia's sake" She stand up and hit the desk for emphasis "And don't give me that crap of I can't, because that bull and you know it, now tell me who you are now?" "What?" Mark asks her in confusion "Trust me, it helps, now tell me who you are in this office" "I'm...the mayor?" "WITH CONFIDENCE!" She demands again. "I'm the mayor" He repeats now more sure of himself. "Louder" "I'M THE MAYOR!" Finding the fire on him Mark stood up and looked up with his fist raised "I'm the mayor of Canterlot, and I'm gonna give the gran galloping gala a run for its money with this party!" "Now that is more likely!" Drusilla nods in excitement "By the way, can I bring a date to this!?" "Fling or long term?!" Mark yells while asking "Would it matter?!" Drusilla does the same. "Then yes, as long as they know what that is, and pace yourself this time!" "It only happens once!" They keep yelling before bursting into laughter at their silliness breaking the tension. Once their fit ended Drusilla looked at the list again "Anyway, everything is settled, this heart and hooves party is gonna a get lid!" "In that case, let's get ready to party!" Mark exclaims as they both head out and join the festivities. At that moment Inside Canterlot Castle Both Luna and Celestia were going over their special list as Celestia was looking at herself while brushing her mane in front of a mirror, preparing for day court. "Ok, are the guards stationed and with their orders clear?" Luna asks going over their list. "check" Celestia mentions as she continues to stroke her flowing mane "Your double in place?" "Check" "Cancel any meeting with nobles and make sure there would not be any surprise whining?" "Had to pull some strings, and the red district would be exempt from paying full price taxes for a month but yes, check" "Eris?" "Pinkie gave me her word that she will keep her busy all day" "Ok, and I already put everything in order from my end, so that would only leave us..." Luna goes over the list with interest until she finds the last part on her list. "...Our niece Cadence" "One step ahead sister" Done with her mane, Celestia stood up and put on a couple of earrings. "Wishing to make something special this year, Cadence had a sort of an idea and invited Shining Armor parents into a double date at the Crystal Empire. They will have their hooves fool for the whole day" Celestia replies with a smirk. "That was genius sister, and that would be everything on the list" Luna exclaimed in excitement as she tossed the list behind her and turned into a pegasus version of herself wearing a starry cocktail dress, with a silver thick belt, sleeveless and open in a V line with some scot to show a bit of her chest. "Hide your single ponies of Canterlot, Velvet Nights is on the prowl!" She announces in pride earning a chuckle from Celestia as she raises an eyebrow "Velvet Nights?" "What? This day is supposed to be for us to unwind and just enjoy being a mare without this piece of iron getting in our way" Luna whined taking off her crown "I don't think this seems like a day for Nocturna" "Fair enough, glad you are excited for this event dear sister" Celestia nods as she changes into her pegasus form of Sunny Smiles, wearing a formal golden cocktails dress also without sleeves, with a white iron belt and long white globes on it "With how much you have spent on your room, I was afraid I may have to drag you out, so you could enjoy the world outside" "Come on sister, it's not like I'm avoiding social interaction, I just need time to adjust but I do have hobbies and would like to explore them one step at a time" Luna complained as they both exited the room. "Really? Like what?" "Well...recently I have found an interest in cooking, maybe after today I may start taking classes" Luna admits with a smile. "Sounds wonderful, I would eagerly await to taste your first dish when that happens then" They both share a small laugh while closing the door behind them and head to mingle in the festivities. Later That Afternoon at one of Canterlot's most luxurious hotels "20 seconds mister mayor" One employee called for Mark before leaving as he prepared for his big speech and adjusted the tie on his black suit, the nerves were getting on him making it harder to adjust it properly. "Would you relax bro? I'm telling you, you got this" Drusilla says with a roll of her eyes as she decides to intervene and help him with his tie. She was wearing a cocktail gothic style dress in, the form of a long black skirt, black corset, and semi-translucent shirt with long sleeves that exposed some of her bust as well as black makeup, and her hair inflated and slightly messy. "Sorry Drusy I suppose I'm still a bit nervous, this is my first time hosting this party, and the last thing I want is to turn this evening into a disaster or worse, make it dull" "Oh trust me, dull will be impossible, after your entrance" Drusilla smirked as she helped him put on a black cape and stand back "Ok now who you are?" "I'm the mayor!" Mark repeats to pump himself up. "Yes, you are! You are the mayor, the big boss of Canterlot, the big man himself! Now go out there and knock them down!" She cheers as Mark rushes to the entrance in confidence while Drusilla passes him a golden mask and pats his back for good luck. Steeping outside the mayor was received by an audience chatting among themselves wearing the most elegant of outfits, surrounded by decorations for Heart And Hooves day, spotting Madame Ménage in the distance they made eye contact as she smiled and winked at him blowing him a kiss as she put on a mask and got into position. And with that, the final piece is in place, is showtime! The mayor marched to the stage on the second floor and indicate the band playing to stop before poking the mic who was in the middle of it, to gather everyone's attention while he spoke. "Prestigious noble ponies of Canterlot, allow me to greet you in one of the most oldest and celebrated traditions of Canterlot, ever since its creation the Heart and Hooves Day noble mingle" The audience cheers at the statement that the mayor makes before asking for their attention once more. "As everyone could tell, as your new mayor this is my first time being in charge of this so festive of occasion, and while I have nothing but respect for keeping on traditions, I took the liberty to ensure this night would be one to be remembered with a nice little spin of things" Mark smirk before snapping her fingers which in turn turn off the lights. Everyone was slightly startled by the sudden turn of events they started to whisper and mumble into a spotlight illuminating the mayor and everyone gasped when he suddenly appeared as a dark orange alicorn who took into the air. "In honor of our new alliance with the changeling race, and wanting to explore more of their culture and their innate magic, I requested the assistance of King Thorax and his hive to provide us with this unique mask for all of our enjoyment" Mark lands and removes his mask return to be human. "I study this mingle and now it means, we are all here to breathe and leave our stressful jobs behind for one day, to do what we had to put on hold over and over again because of our busy schedule, to interact with others, have fun, and even let romance bloom, be an adventure lust with the assistance of the red district who employ would join us to party and help those more shy to relax and explore or something more meaningful that may even last. so why not add a new spin of things?" Another spotlight appears and a copy of the mayor appears with a smirk "Let us cast away our title" A third major appears with its spotlight "Let us just have fun without fear of prejudice or shame" A fourth appears "Have you ever wondered what would be like another tribe, or a griffin or a dragon perhaps?" This mayor transforms in various forms to mark his point. A fifth and final one appears on the far right "Now you can, for this one night only let us be what we want, in this little adventure of mine, the hotel is us to use, and here is where the start began" They all turn into different races, dragon, griffin, alicorn, changeling, and changeling before it turns into human once more as they point at a table in the first floor where the mask were. "Let romance bloom let all have some fun. As we celebrate this day of love and lust" They exclaim at the same time, making the audience cheer in excitement as they rush to get their mask, some changing right there into another pony tribe or race while others go to a changing boot to add some mystery into things. "Well now I kind of feel silly" Luna mentions while she and Celestia are grabbing some punch "Disguise ourselves on a party of disguising, I'm already spotting four alicorn mares that could be me. Now I feel like I could just tie my mane and say I'm just a Luna lookalike" "Oh come Luna, think about it. This seems like fun, nobody knows who they are. And the mayor is offering an interesting and maybe even kinky kind of game" Celestia says in excitement making Luna look at her in surprise before smiling. "So what are you choosing?" Luna asks in a neutral tone. "It's a secret" She answered with a smirk making Luna chuckle Why am not surprised?" She rolled her eyes before they ended their drinks in a gulp and went to grab their mask to join the game of disguises going their separate ways to have even more fun. Soon after the party was in full swing with all sorts of races mingling, chatting, and laughing having a good time as the mayor admired everyone, leaning on the rail on the second floor with a content smile. "What did I tell you, bro? You are the mayor" Drusilla says with a chuckle as she approaches him with her mask. "Excuse me, Madame?" Mark smirks as she looks at her "What makes you think I'm the real mayor?" "Gee, I don't know maybe the fact that of all the mayors I'm seeing, you are the only one that step away from the party to admire while your clones are flirting with like five mares at the time?" She replies with a deadpan as she points down and Mark sees his copies chatting and even kissing aggressively various mares, some even stallions making him flinch. "Ok I admit, you have a point, the ones with stallions are a dead give away too" "The hell are you still here dude?! You are ruining the illusion" Drusy complained pointing at the party. "Go have fun" "Oh no, someone has to be present to make sure nothing bad happens and..." "Go! Or I'm kicking you there, don't test me, you know I will" Drusy warned him before smiling "Besides we both know you have been dying to try to be an alicorn" Mark remains quiet for a moment before smiling "Well ok, I suppose it not gonna kill me have some fun" Mark admits and turns back into his orange alicorn form. "Thanks, Drusy, and hey where is your date?" "Sucking face with you" She explains pointing at yet another copy of himself in the middle of a makeup session with an albino bat pony with long grey hair that glisters, and other four other bat ponies all over him waiting a turn " I imagine" "Yep, that is a mood killer, but hey not gonna deny her fantasy, and that's cool. I was planning on looking into the market anyway. Just wanted to make sure I don't stumble into you" She confesses as the two laugh and she turns into a raven panther-like griffin and takes to the air. "I'm gonna see if I can find couples looking for some spice in their lives" She mentions rubbing her hands together "Well have fun" "Same and you better tell me if you score" Drusilla warns before leaving, flashing him her black tong in the process making him laugh Oh Drusy, you little vixen, ok let's see how things go Mark pumps himself up as he explores the room and then heads to the bar where his attention is caught by a white dragoness with rainbow color hair and a golden formal dress, all by herself enjoying a drink. Taking a deep breath Mark approaches the dragoness and leans on the table next to her. "Nice party we are having don't you think?" Mark says looking ahead of her before turning to look once he is sure she turns her head in his direction. "It makes me wonder why such a lovely lady as yourself is doing all by yourself here at the bar?" His reply came in the form of a small laugh as the dragoness simply shook her head and cleared one of her eyes from a tear "I'm sorry, but seriously, that the best pickup line you could think of?" Smiling and with a shrug, Mark relaxed and sat down "Hey a corny ice breaker is still an ice breaker, one scooch please" Mark ordered his drink before looking at the dragoness with interest "And for what is worth it, I'm truly intrigued into why are you alone, my lady. You are dead gorgeous, in that outfit, you should be there turning heads and picking numbers, not sulking here" "And who says I'm alone?" The dragoness shot back with a smirk "For all you know I could be waiting for my date to come, maybe even my marefriend" "You are right, I don't know. That is why I ask and if that is the case, I will politely back away and wish you a good evening" Mark shouts back maintaining his smile. The dragoness looked at him with intrigued and a raised eyebrow "I must say, kind sir, you are confident in yourself" Mark shrugs and shakes his head "What can I say, my friends told me that when speaking with gorgeous ladies, it is important to remain confident, respectful, and be yourself. The fake name is Tremor Quake by the way" He presents himself extending his hand His sincerity earns him another healthy laugh from the dragoness as she shakes his head "Love the honestly, my name is Radiant Fang, fake or not is for me to know and you to earn" She then whispers into his ear "That is the point of the mask" she jokes before retracting her head and pointing at her own, which in turn cause the mayor to laugh. "Indeed it is, and for what is worth Ms. Fang, I like the guessing game, I may not be an alicorn but you don't know what or whom I am either, and what if I'm lying right now?" "Oh my, oh my, am in the presence of the very first male alicorn in Equestria?" She asks in fake surprise as Mark smirks "Who knows? Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, it for me to know and for you to keep wondering" The two remain quiet before bursting into laughter as his drink arrives and he pays right away, waving the glass before taking one small sip "So Ms. Radiant, should I be going, or do you mind if I keep you company while your marefriend arrives?" Tremor asks with a small smile as she smirks and pretends to look at the ceiling. "You can stay Mr. Tremor, I found your confidence pleasing," Radiant says before playing with the straw on her drink "And who knows? Play your cards right and I and my marefriend might invite you to a private party" She whispers the last sentence in a sultry tune while playing with the straw using her tongue, looking directly at Mark. The comment startles the mayor and makes him blush, his confidence broken by her implication until she laughs. "Seems like your confidence ran out" She points out with a smirk. "Ms. Radiant Fang, may I have this dance?" He invited her once he remembered the music playing in the background, causing her to chuckle and roll her eyes. "Finally! Took you long enough" She complained before taking his hand and the two went onto the dance floor to enjoy themselves. As the night continued, Radiant and Tremor continued to tease each other a little as they danced, somehow bringing other mares into their little play as they found joy in making them blush or shiver a little at the idea of coming with them for some fun pretending to be a couple in the hunt for starting a herd. Even when some mares showed interest, that didn't seem to slow them down as they kept the game going, with nuzzlings, small kisses, and light gropes that no female seemed to mind. It wasn't until Radiant decided to escalate her antics that things started to heat up. First, it was with a white diamond bitch with a purple slightly messy mane who Radiant started to grind against while pressing her butt against Tremor, lifting her black skirts as the Diamond took Tremor's hands and force him to massage and play with her ass, her treasure hide by a thin purple tong who Radiant was so happy to move out of the way so he could see the wet treasure underneath in a teasing manner. Then a lion eagle griffin who Radiant wandering claws found their ways into her pussy and proceed to masturbate the bird, yet she didn't seem to mind as she was currently kissing Quake aggressively and forcing him to place his hand under her shirt playing with her right breast, letting him know how erect they were as Radiant was showering her neck in kisses. The music, and laser show give them the perfect cover for their small adventure, as from the corner of his eye the mayor sees other couples and herd enjoying themselves as well. Taking a moment to rest their little game just seemed to continue as they managed to snatch a dark orange Houlstaur with golden long hair and freckles, and were headed to the bathroom when their makeup session stopped the moment they saw a Thestral mare with silver hair and eyes with a starry formal dress being bothered by a group of pegasus stallion. "Come on honey, you were virtually begging back at the dance floor" One of the stallions complains holding her wrist "With the way you keep teasing us with that big juicy butt of yours, of course, this would happen" Another joined in. "Gentle stallions please, apologies for the confusion but this was all for good fun. What would your mares say if they see you like this?" The Thestral complained trying to break away from them. The stallions laugh and shake her "Who do you think sent us?" "Yeah some of my mares want a piece of the action too" "Or are just plain jealous, but don't worry batwhore we will be gentle" At the mention of that name, in particular, Mark's blood boiled and he marched forward. "Please excuse me" He addresses the mares as he speaks to the group of stallions. "HEY!" He yells in authority, starling and gaining the attention of the stallions "Gentle stallions, please let us not sore the night, I overheard how this lovely lady might have gone a bit too far tonight, honest mistake, getting lost on the party. But please there is no need to go this far and even less for name-calling" "Fuck off buster" one of the stallions approach and block Mark from advancing. "This is none of your concern, who take your whores and let us deal with this cock sucker bat...aHGHR!" The stallion began only for Mark to grab his wrist twist it and press so hard the stallion needed to kneel. "I say, let's not sour the mood, gentlestallions" The mayor replied keeping his calm voice, but speaking in a more deeper and lower tone. "This is a party to celebrate love and relax. If you wish for a night of passion, there are plenty of lovely ladies that would take care of your needs" He twists his wrist even further earning another scream as the stallions start to back off in fear "Now, I already ignore that derogated name twice, it will not happen again, that lady just wants to have fun, so let her have her fun, and look for fun elsewhere if she made you that horny. Or we can allow the guards to intervene and then YOU would be entertaining a group of horny men in the royal dungeon, do you want that?" He warns the stallions pointing to his right where they all see a group of royal guards starting to gather, which makes the stallions go pale, and then turn to the Alicorn. "So what are we gonna do Gentlestallions?" Flinching in fear they turn to the mare "Sorry to bother to miss it, we, will leave you alone, have a nice night" They apologize before running away, leaving the stallion Mark was still in a vice. "And you?" Mark reminds him, twisting his arm even more risking breaking it "Sorry to call you that name Miss, it will never happen again please don't let him break my arm!" He begs with tears in his eyes. "Ah apology accepted, please let him go" The Thestral looks at Mark who complies and lets the poor stallion go as he stumbles and runs away. Taking a moment to relax the mayor closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before looking at the mare. "Are you ok my lady?" He asks keeping his distance to avoid scaring her. The thestral seemed to relax and approach him "Yeah I'm ok, I could have taken care of those brutes if needed to be, but thanks for the assist" The mare smirked and showed her arm which had some muscle on it, making the mayor laugh. "Oh I'm sure you could, but a pulp of assholes bleeding in the floor could be a bit of a turn-off, don't you think? They were jerks that got too excited, I just wanted to give them a less violent result" He explained looking at the direction they went. "A bleeding heart, worried about even your enemies" The Thestral whispered before approaching and lightly hitting the right side of his chest "Big talk for someone that with his marefriend decided to get off like five mares in the dance floor" Mark goes stiff and blushes before chuckling nervously. "Oh, so you saw?" "I saw" Her eyes turned sultry and she hugged the mayor "And got quite jealous, tell me Mr. hero, is there room for one more?" Before he could answer Radiant and the Houlstaur appeared from behind hugging his frame "Of course, after what he did just now. This little Alicorn is getting lucky tonight" Radiant exclaims as she and the cat kiss each side of his cheek, which only serves to stiff him even more, causing the mares to giggle. "Oh, that is a fact," The Thestral says with a smirk "The name is Midnight Flight, you should remember it, dude. You are a gonna a moan it" Recovering some confidence and gulping Mark hug her back "Tremor Quake, likewise. Do you want to see which one moans the name of the other first?" "Ah...Garliet" The cow lady blurts out of the blue before smirking "And you are on partner" She smirks with a thick southern accent. Smiling with interest everyone starts to play and make up with one another, holding hands as they headed to the elevator, the group stopped briefly when they hear someone clear their throats, and looking up, the alicorn and dragoness were slightly surprised when they found a familiar diamond bitch and griffin waiting for them in the elevator with sultry eyes and a wink as they lick their lips and beak. Returning the smile the dragoness raised a finger and issued them to come to them, as the two mares opened the elevator doors and everyone went inside. Unsure of when or how it happened, the group manages to enter the penthouse, and finding a private place, they let go of the pretense and start undressing, Radiant taking care of his newest guest while Quake decides to play and make up with the houlstaur and Thestral as they explore each other bodies and start to undress. The combined sensation of seeing the giant cow taking out her shirt to show her massive breast hiding in a semi-translucent bra, and the Thestral giving a bit of a strip show as she removed her purple and damp panties before taking care of her dress was enough to make alicorn growl in excitement as he takes out his shirt, yet it wasn't until Garliet was starting to unbutton her bra from the back while looking at him that the mayor had a moment of clarity and stood up. "W-Wait!" "What is the matter?" Everyone stopped what they were doing to look at him in surprise, even the ladies who were in their underwear and about to take away the last piece of clothing stopped to look back. "Before we go any further, I must warn you. I can get intense, and maybe aggressive. So if you still want to continue, we need to establish a safe word" He mentions with concern as the Thestral chuckles. "So what? This is the part where you show us a riding crop and a whip and start ordering us around?" Midnight asks with a smirk and crosses her arms. "Oh trust me Midnight" The alicorn match her confidence and walk to her before surprising her by bringing her into a hug with his hand grabbing a handful of her ass and aggressively kissing her lips, resulting in a scream that soon turns into a moan as she starts to melt into his embrace. Ending the kiss with a pop he licked his lips "With the things I can do to you, you would wish a whip is your only concern. Would that be a deal breaker for anyone?" The mares look at him in surprise before smiling as Midnight hugs his frame "None for me" "Can I get a sample too?" Garliet ask equally excited as she hug him from the other side making Tremor look at her. "Oh, I can do better than a sample," Quake tells in confidence as he removes her bra in one swoop and use it to grab her head and bring her into another aggressive kiss, as he plays with her ass of Midnight. Hers and his wings spring to attention as she desperately tries to get out of the rest of her dress. Ending the kiss with a string of saliva Garliet is left panting as a result while the mayor tosses her bra away. "Oh my, now I know why they call you tremor," She says with a dopey smile. Chuckling he toss the two into bed admiring their frames as Midnight was still wearing her bra and was halfway down with her dress exposing her trim pussy with her pub hairs showing a crescent moon and winking pussy. Garliet shows how she had freckles all over her body and her big nipples were a deeper orange, which only made the budge on the mayor's pants all the more painful "Oh trust me all of you will know my name. Let's make the safe word Strawberry" He informed before starting to work on his pants until Midnight without saying anything finished removing her dress and crawled on all fours toward his pants, giving him a hand and bringing out his rod to the light. "Sounds good, but don't think for a moment I forgot our little game" She winked at him before she used her forked tongue and stiff the mayor when Midnight expertly was playing and wrapping her tongue all over his rock-hard member. Moans from behind made him know that Radiant was doing quick work on her end. "Heck yeah! You should be ready for us too partner. Garliet took advantage of the action to finish undressing and toss away her formal green and red skirt as she start to kiss his penis while playing with her nipples, both mares started to moan and help each of the mayors get out of the rest of his clothes. Reaching his climax, Tremor's whole body shivers as he covers her companion's face in time for fireworks to go off behind him. Radiant manages to bring her companions into orgasm and needs a moment to grab their rest. A switch went off at that moment and while Midnight and Garliet were cleaning each other, Tremor breathed to his know and let them know what he was made of as he jumped into bed. Giving the still-recovering mares quite the show to play with themselves as he was more than eager to return the favor. Bringing his ring and middle finger down, Quake start to play and explore the folds of Midnight as he eagerly eats Garliet playing with her ass and anus with one hand, while the other was busy exploring and playing with Midnight's folds as he insert his ring and middle finger inside in search for her sensitive spots determine to claimed the mare as his. Both mares moan uncontrollably and occasionally kiss each other and play with their and each other breast as he works his magic. Made the two spam as he found his goal and exploited it, with eagerness, yet was careful to make their pleasure not become painful. "Oh...OH! Oh, Celestia...Partner! know your way around...aHDDNG!" Garliet is the first one to come she starts to shake from the pleasure as her orgasm reaches, giving him the chance to bring his attention to Midnight as he gives her pussy light long kisses and sucks while his finger finishes the job. "Oh my...Staghtns!" They lose their ability to speak and cross their eyes as their first orgasm arrives, needing a moment to recover as Quake looms over them with predatory smiles. "And now we begin," He tells in a lone tune making their eyes wide as they shiver a little for the look he was giving them "Partner?" Garliet asked first as he grabbed her and claimed her like a beast possessed, ridding her cowboy style and making her moan with each penetration hit its mark as they make music with their crouch, and he bring one orgasm after another. Midnight came later as she wanted to be taken doggy style which he was more than happy to reply slowing down a bit in surprise when he found blood on her rod once he inserted his member inside. Yet Midnight didn't want to slow down so she took charge briefly, inserting herself inside with abandon, which returned to their rhythm. More fireworks light the dark room as Tremor keeps changing position and playing with the mares. Drinking and nibbling their breast, eating all of their pussies, exploring their folds, and making an orchestra of sounds with their moans as his lust just keep increasing, watching how Radiant gave him a show of her own scissoring her companions, 69 them while he play with their nipples and french kiss them as they reach orgasm so they scream in her mouth. Neither of them broke eye contact. They were on the hypes of pleasure, they were enjoying like no other, and they never once forgot their partners but more than their little game there was something else, a sort of primitive spark like a kindship between the alicorn and dragon that just kept going, not wanting to disappoint the other in some way. When the clock struck 3 am the other mares beyond spend, the griffin who lasted the longer had her eyes rolled out as the mayor was sitting on a couch while riding it, she was covered in sweat and doing everything she could to last longer yet it seems to be a losing battle as the mayor was at this point playing with her, exploring her body nibbling her breast, tucking her tail and by her own mistake saving more of energy as she was the one bouncing off his cock. Grant it, her folds were doing a magnificent job in trying to milk him yet the mayor seemed to be in control, not that the griffin was ready to accept defeat. "I will are gonna say it...say it...I know you want it...say it!...ahgth TREMOR!" She ends up yelling his name in frustration before moaning and having a giant smile on her face as her tongue rolls out as Tremor groants and shoots string after string of his baby maker inside of her making her tremble incontrollable for various minutes before she stops and lay limp. Panting profusely and hugging the stallion, Tremor hugs her back and rubs her back gently to help her go to sleep. "Next...time...give your number...this isn't over...I will...make you...say my time" The griffin promised before falling asleep. The alicorn carefully removed his rod from her and lifted her so she could rest leaving the room in silence until Garliet recovered her voice and she screamed. "FFFFFAAANG!" She yelled the dragoness' name as she and the mare in question were in the middle of orgasm with their legs interlocked as the Houlstaur was spraying her like there was no tomorrow before she too fell asleep in defeat. Impress Tremor carried the griffin bridal style before putting her in the bed with the rest of the mares who were soundly asleep. Radiant put a new cover on them so they could rest more peacefully and stood beside the alicorn. "And then there were two," Tremor says in a whisper as Radiant nods, and they both look at each other before chuckling and silencing one another as they lightly step out of the room. Once they close the door they laugh more calmly and shake their heads "I must say, I didn't expect the night to turn out like this" He admits with a shake of his head. "Do you regret it?" Radiant asks with a smirk. "Heck no! I love every second of it" Radiant laughed again and cleared a tear "I could imagine, I must say Mr. Tremor, I'm truly impressed. At first, I was just teasing you then I wondered how long would you play along with my games, and then I simply wondered how long would you last. I thought you would be the first one to crack against a reverse gang bang" "Like I say, maybe I truly am an alicorn" He teased them as her eyes turned sultry. "I'm starting to believe it" She then spots the kitchen not too far from them and points at it "Mind joining me for a glass of water?" "You read my mind, I could use some water after that marathon" "Likewise, we might not have dicks but mares also get dry out, you know?" Radiant says as they both go to the kitchen and have a moment to breathe, besides their mask they were completely exposed but at the moment they didn't seem to mind, and even if there was lust there, some form of familiarity and companionship was forming too. Both had a glass of water and remained quiet, content with simply enjoying each other company until Radiant spoke up. "The thing you say earlier" "Hmm?" Tremor looks at the dragoness with wonder "The thing about becoming intense...does it happen often?" She asks in sorrow and curiosity. With a sigh and closed eyes, he nods "Mostly when I become intimate with any mare I'm...I could get scared, and even if she is ok the first or second time, she start to get weary of me. So I usually break things off, not wanting her to suffer, and if possible I help her find a new stallion or mare in the process, I'm not a monster" "Just alone because of that, am I right?" She asks with pity while looking at him. Tremor remains quiet before nodding and taking another drink "In a way, I'm the same" Radiant confesses as she turns around and looks at the window in contemplation earning the attention of Tremor. "What do you mean?" " just live it" She remind him with a deadpan before sighing "I'm a freak, I like to be adventurous, play with my partners, tease them a little bit, often time proving to be the horniest in the relationship. In a world I'm a nymphomaniac" She tells in sorrow before looking at him. "And sure, that sounds like a dream for many others, but in time. They too start to get tired of me, or worse, they stop viewing themselves as my partners and think they are just my sex toys or something. I know it sounds weird but I find the idea creepy, that is why I..." "End things up before you hurt them or yourself in a loveless relationship?" Tremor finishes as she sighs and nods. Tremor goes and stands beside her as they both look at the starry night "For what it's worth, I don't think you are a freak Radiant, you gave me a chance and I'm happy for that" She chuckled under her breath as she looked away "Some chance, I was trying to scare you and find the next victim for one night stand. I thought you would run when I kept showing you that diamonds bitch pussy" That cause him to laugh "Honestly, I was more concern that she was going to slap you, right until she guide my thumb into her anus" Radiant laughs though and shrugs "What can I say? I know my way around, and now what mares can be the sluttiest, I suppose" "And now there is a whole room of mares as proof of that" Tremor jokes pointing at the room with all of their victims which makes the two feel better and laugh. "Tremor, tonight you earn my respect, I underestimated you and you were so kind to me, even when I was a complete freak. If it wasn't this tired I...I would like to thank you properly" Tremor smiled and shook his head "You already did Radiant, I truly enjoyed tonight with you. From one freak to another, we sure make one heck of a team don't you agree?" He suggests and lifts his now empty cup. "We sure are" Radiant agrees and they hit their cups together, before resuming looking at the starry night. With not much time before the sun arrives. Radiant looks down in thought before she comes up with an idea and grabs Tremor's wrist. "Come with me?" "What is it?" She took him to the balcony and stood in front of him "I want to end this day properly so I have one last little game for us, it nothing sexual just a little bit or something" She poked her mask. "Early you told me about the fun behind this mask. I want to try something. Each of us says we will change back, to either our original forms or new ones. Let's promise not to say, so we can keep the mystery" "And why do that?" Tremor asks confused at the proposal "So I can kiss the sweatiest most mysterious stallion that I had the luck of spending time with" She confessed with a kind smile. Taken aback by that Tremor blushed, he had done way more not too long ago, he was ready for anything but the way she said those words and how she was standing in front of him naked and completely vulnerable was making him feel different more connected to her than he has with any other mare. "Ok," He simply replies and brings his hand to the side of his mask "On 3?" Radiant smile and nod "1" Tremor starts "2" Radiant say next "3," They both tell and end the spell. At that moment the sun rose on the horizon, with how the light was in front of him the mayor was unable to see anything for a brief moment but when the light was clear he saw the naked figure of Celestia smiling at him with tearful eyes from her eyes. Neither of them says a word, as they seem in some sort of trance. Taking a tentative step they move to one another before clapping each other faces. The mayor too starts to tear up as they smile and share a kiss. Electricity starts to fly in their heads as they close their eyes, unable and unwilling to let the kiss end, their bodies press, and the lust returns a thousand folds yet they decide to restrain themselves, feeling the world spinning around the two. Eventually, they broke the kiss and stared at each other lovingly. "Happy Hearts And Hooves, Princess Celestia" Mark whispers as they keep their foreheads together. Celestia giggles and keeps her eyes closed. "Happy Hearts and Hooves, Mayor Mark" She plays along and they keep themselves like this as the morning light bathes the two, they both know how this has to end in mystery and return to their lives but at the moment they could at least have their moment for themselves.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I Don't Remember
After Luna's return, things aren't exactly how she expected they would be. Why can't she remember anything?
<p>After getting struck by the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Luna returns to her original form, stripped of the Nightmare. She knows that this woman is her sister, but where is she? Why can she only remember major events that have happened? How does she break it to her sister who seems so happy to see her again?</p><p>Written from Luna's perspective.</p>
It was dark. Where was she again? . . . That's right, she was back in Equestria. Her head hurt, had something hit her? . . No, it was the Elements. She remembered now. Nightmare Moon had been struck and she was free. How long had it been since she was here last? A thousand years. That number was stuck in her head. Had it really been that long? There were voices around her. How many? She couldn't tell. At least a few, all female. There would have to be six though, wouldn't there? Then again, just she and Celestia had wielded the Elements before. Wait. Celestia. Was she here? Opening her eyes was difficult. She really was struck hard, wasn't she? The rising sun was what caught her attention. Celestia's voice came along with it. She shielded her eyes from it. A millennium of staring at the darkness with only the stars made them sensitive to the luminosity of her sister's sun. However, it was distant, still hard to make out. She was talking to the others in the room most likely. "..will as well. Princess Luna!" The voice of her sister called out to her. "It has been a thousand years since I have seen you like this." Finally taking that leap, Luna opened her eyes to the sound of her name being called to her. The voice was coming closer, soon the figure of Celestia was hovering over her smaller form. Had she always been this terrifying? But she didn't stay there for long, no, she knelt down, getting on her knees and extending a hand out towards her. While holding the position of authority, she was changing her behavior to look less intimidating. Did she look that scared? Probably. She had to look away. The last thing she remembered was the blast from her sister that sent her to her prison. "Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister." A gasp came from the others in the room. Did hearing her sister call her that really surprise them so? But even so, it was hard to look her sister in the eye. Celestia had stood up again, still reaching out her hand. "Will you accept my friendship?" That's not what she had been expecting to hear. Anything else; to be yelled at, a hug, not to be given a choice whether or not she wanted to accept her sister's offer to start over. She did. Oh, how much she did. She paused for a moment, thinking over what she had done last time she had seen Celestia. But she didn't stay away for long, leaping into her sister's arms and pulling her into a crushing hug of her own. She was taller than she remembered, but that didn't matter. All that did now were the tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "We're so sorry! We missed thee so much, big sister!" There was a sigh of relief, and her sister untensed, wrapping her arms around Luna's frame. She could feel her tears wetting her hair as they stood in embrace. "I've missed you too." The others in the room were forgotten by the lunar princess again. The only thing that mattered was that she was with her elder sister again. That is until Celestia pulled away and cupped Luna's face in her hands, looking into her eyes. Her tears were slowing, eyes glossy and full. Sadly their moment was cut short by a girl with curly pink hair. The sisters turned to her and the others who stood at the opposite end of the room. She was very audibly crying before cutting herself short with a smile. "Hey! You know what this calls for? A party!" The events after that happened in a blur. Or perhaps her head was just still spinning. Staying close to her sister's side, the eight of them wandered outside the castle. It was sad to see the once stunning piece of architecture she once called her home to be reduced to nothing but old ruins in a forgotten forest. This was her home, she knew that, but she couldn't remember any more than that. Did she have good memories of the place before she and Celestia fought? She had to, she grew up here, right? She didn't remember her childhood being a bad one. Well, it didn't feel like it was, anyway. Stepping outside, there were castle guards waiting outside, no doubt worried for their princess. There were a few chariots lined up to take them back to the town no doubt, one standing out as meant to hold royalty. The sisters were following behind the six girls that had used the elements. She hadn't gotten a good look at them up until now. They seemed like a very diverse group. There was the short girl with the pink hair who had spoken up earlier. Laughter no doubt, from what she had seen of her personality. A tall girl, long straight pink hair. Probably kindness from her demeanor. Two more tall girls, one with a hat and a strong build, the other sporting a full rainbow in her hair. They were currently bickering about something Luna couldn't pick out, but it didn't seem hostile, just competitive. Another with styled purple hair complaining about the mud and a needed trip to the spa. And then there was the element of magic, a girl with darker hair and a few lighter highlights. She seemed to be the leader of the group, walking in front with the crown still displayed on her head. That's the only one Luna could fully make out from her view behind. And of course, walking next to her was her sister, Celestia. She hadn't dared to make eye contact since their hug was cut short. After the heat of the moment, she felt more awkward than anything. What would she even talk about? Even if she did have an idea in mind, she didn't trust her voice to be steady. That, and she was using most of her strength to keep pace with the others. She felt almost ready to sleep then and there. But she could keep appearances until they got to their destination. ..Which was where, exactly? It was obvious that the castle she used to live in was no longer in use. That had to mean that Celestia lived in another castle located somewhere else. And a castle meant other people. She hadn't really thought about the general public yet. Now her head was spinning. A voice calling out her name again startled Luna out of her thoughts. It was her sister, calling her over to sit next to her on the chariot that was waiting for them. The flight into the nearest town was relatively short, lasting only a few minutes over the Everfree before landing in what Luna assumed was the center of town, if the circular building there meant anything. The people there were.. different than what she had expected. They seemed happier than one would assume after what had happened only a few hours prior. What she had done as Nightmare- what exactly had she done? She knew the gist of it, eternal night and all that, but specifics were escaping her conscious thought. Luna bowed her head in response for her behavior once they disembarked. It wasn't a grand or tearful apology but solemn, fit for her stature as royalty, but a frown was visible on her face. The townspeople had bowed their heads back to their monarchs. Though Luna felt it was more for her sister than herself. Yet again, their response of crowning her head in flowers was the last thing she had thought about in response. Had they seriously forgiven her actions just like that? In her surprise, she turned to look up at her sister, who in return had a much softer smile on her face. She looked almost proud. Fortunately, the attention did not stay on the princesses for very long. She had noticed that the girls they traveled with had reunited with their families. And now, Celestia was returning to the element of magic, leaving Luna standing there behind with the guard. It almost hurt. That feeling didn't last long however, when listening in to their conversation. The girl was Celestia's student? That would make her magical abilities make sense, then. Anyone studying under her would no doubt be very powerful and would continue to gain strength if her studies continued. Most of their conversation hadn't seemed all that interesting to the lunar princess, talking about her new friends. Did she say they just met? Almost hard to believe with how good their chemistry seemed. But Luna finally learned the girl's name: Twilight. She would make a mental note to thank the girl and her friends later once she got her bearings. Confetti falling signaled the beginning of the party proper. Looking up at it was probably a bad idea with how much the sun was messing with her vision, however. Why was it so bright out? At least it had been somewhat shaded in the forest. And standing there was becoming more and more awkward for Luna. She was just standing there, out of the way, and silent. She felt so out of place. How long was she staying? Her answer was soon answered with Celestia and her student's conversation ending and her going off to enjoy the festivities together- was that a dragon with them? Her expression was no doubt noticed by her sister, as a lighthearted laugh was heard from her direction. Shooting her a look, she was given a response to her earlier mental complaints. "We won't be staying long, sister. I know you must be tired, so we'll head back to Canterlot soon." She gave her sister a small nod in response. Talking still felt wrong. She felt so small next to her sister. Then again, she didn't even remember what she looked like herself. Had her sister actually gotten taller? Had she gotten shorter? Also, Canterlot? That must be the name of the city her castle was located in. Even though she had been told they would leave 'soon', Luna wasn't expecting her sister to have a quick conversation with her guards before waving her hand to join her again on the chariot. Everything was moving so fast she couldn't quite process it all fully before something else happened. Her head was spinning again. This time, the flight had been longer. The city in question that they were headed to was located on the side of a mountain. How? Something she'd look into later. But for now, it was just beautiful. She had noticed the buildings of the town they had been at were more advanced than what she remembered, but this city- wait, 'than she remembered?' What did houses look like a thousand years ago? Not like that, obviously. But either way, the city on the mountain was beautiful. As they got closer, she was able to make out different parts of the city. From the market and shopping districts, residential, both of nobility and that of the common people, and eventually, the castle itself sitting at the northernmost point, looking over the lands below. Along with the bright colors of everything, the city even looked clean from the air. The waterfalls falling from the mountain above were also a nice touch. While Luna was spending all of her time looking at the city unfolding itself in front of her, she missed the descent they were making towards the castle. The sounds of voices were slowly getting louder: shouting of guards ordering others to make sure everything was in line, regular sounds of the city, and the press fighting each other to get close to the castle and the approaching royal chariot. Oh great, the press. There were flashes of light from the crowd that had gathered. What were they doing? Nonetheless, the act of shielding her eyes from said flashes did not go unnoticed by her sister and the guards as the chariot landed. More yelling. Why were they so loud? Just as she was trying to drown out all of it, there was a tap on her shoulder. "Luna? Are you alright?" No. She was overstimulated. Too much was happening too fast. Shaking her head to get rid of that ache, she managed a smile at her kin. "We're well. 'Tis nothing to worry over. There art just so many people here. 'Tis disconcerting." A knowing look flashed across her face. She had probably forgotten that Luna hadn't been around anyone in a thousand years. Of course the crowds would be too much for her and would be overwhelming. "Of course. I understand. Let's get you inside, shall we?" Celestia was helped out of the chariot by a guard, another coming over to Luna and extending a hand to help her down as well. Good thing too, her legs felt like gelatin and most likely would have given out if she hadn't gripped his hand. That of course earned her a flash of concern from the man, which she promptly ignored in favor of turning towards the entrance to the castle in front of her. Celestia had come up beside her, extending a wing to wrap around her back loosely. She was escorting her inside while sheltering her from everyone around them. Oh, bless her. It wasn't able to block out everything, but it was enough that she didn't feel as exposed. That ache in her chest dulled, and the doors to the castle were opened by the telekinesis of two guards on either side.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I Don't Remember
After Luna's return, things aren't exactly how she expected they would be. Why can't she remember anything?
<p>After getting struck by the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Luna returns to her original form, stripped of the Nightmare. She knows that this woman is her sister, but where is she? Why can she only remember major events that have happened? How does she break it to her sister who seems so happy to see her again?</p><p>Written from Luna's perspective.</p>
The inside of the castle was just as grandiose as the outside. The marble columns, plush carpets, tall windows, and stained glass giving a proud statement that this was in fact a place fit for royalty. Luna did not know where her sister was leading her to, simply following along and looking at the scenery, mentally mapping the area. That would have to be something that she did. Getting lost would be embarrassing. Despite the fatigue that was slowly seeping into all of her limbs, she kept pace. The stairs were a bit of a challenge, but there was a rail that saved her more than a few times from wiping out. Honestly, who's idea was it to build a towered castle at the top of a mountain? The air was already thin, no need to make it even more difficult. Well, at least she'd stay in shape. Their destination came after the long trek through what felt like the whole interior of the palace. A set of double doors with intricate designs of the sun and other celestials adorning it. Her sister's personal chambers most likely. Where they ended up wasn't much of a concern to Luna. All she wanted to do was at least sit down. Or sleep. That sounded heavenly. The interior was warm, both with the red and gold hues, and the fire to the left increasing the temperature. Give her a blanket, and she'd be out like a light. And much to her delight, the room was left dim, a few candles, the fire, and bits of sunlight peeking out behind thick curtains all there was to illuminate the space. While she was busy examining the space around her, Celestia had unwrapped her wing and set her loose from the warmth embrace of it. She hadn't watched where she went off to, but knew she hadn't left the room entirely. Might as well explore a little, no? Perhaps she could learn more about her sister by looking around her room. People usually decorated with things they enjoyed. With her initial scan, Luna spotted a tall bookshelf spanning the length of the wall to the ceiling. It held more than books; trinkets, figures, and other accessories lined them, and were organized in a way to showcase everything in its own beauty. Signatures, most likely from a few famous people throughout the ages, were signed out to her. There wasn't anything she recognized. That already slim hope she had that something would jog her memory of her sister was slimming further. She had seemed so happy to see Luna again, and breaking it to her that she hadn't remembered much than her name wasn't something she just wanted to throw out there. It would ruin her mood. She couldn't do that to her. They had just fought. That's the last thing she really recalled, but the events leading up to it were blurry. They were unmistakably negative emotions, however. Anger was obvious. But what else? Jealousy. That was stuck with her. From when Celestia had left her for a moment in the town to talk to her student, she had felt it. Was she envious of her sister? She was beautiful, and the people seemed to love her. But she also seemed to really care for her. Why was her memory full of blinded rage, then? It wasn't like she could just ask. She must have been standing there staring at the title of a book for longer than she had meant to, her sister's presence returning beside her, making her jump. Seriously, how many times had she done that already? For someone so tall, she really was good at sneaking up on Luna. It wasn't her fault she kept zoning out. She didn't know where she was and was with someone she hardly knew. Perhaps that meant she should be paying more attention. But she didn't feel like she was in danger. Celestia wasn't dangerous, and there were guards stationed outside the doors. Yeah, she was safe. So it didn't matter. Her heart probably wasn't the happiest from jumping, but it wasn't any real danger. It was then that she noticed how much her hair was blocking the side of her view. That would make sense why it was so easy for her to be snuck up on. Her sister's voice broke the silence that she had been relishing since entering the castle; apparently she'd been talking since she'd walked up to her. Oops. "He was a very talented singer. You would have enjoyed his music if he were still alive." Oh, the book was written by the same guy that had signed a few trinkets stored on the shelves. Music.. she hadn't thought of that. When was the last time she heard music? Did she have a favorite song? "I'll show you some of his work later, sister. For now, let's get you into something more comfortable, hm?" Luna tilted her head in response, pushing her hair out of the way. What was wrong with her outfit? Then again, she hadn't looked at herself, and- oh. Yeah, it wasn't the best thing ever. While the armor that she had been wearing when the Nightmare had taken control of her mind had mostly been destroyed and left in the castle, there were still a few pieces that covered small parts of her body. Her clothes were in much rougher shape. While the fabric wasn't in the worst condition, it was dirty and didn't fit quite right, too big around her shoulders. And while the gown itself was intricate and likely very expensive, it looked outdated compared to what her sister was wearing. Right, fashion would change drastically in a thousand years. The only thing that did not seem outdated was her crown. The dark obsidian, moonstone, and diamond it was made out of almost looked better than the gold her sister adorned. Her other jewelry, again while beautiful and outdated, wasn't in the best shape either. Though the earrings she wore still made a twinkle when she moved her head quickly. Celestia had motioned to another door on the opposite edge of the room, it likely where she had gone off to earlier. And so they walked towards the room, Luna looking around one last time before going under the arch. Not surprisingly, it had led to a bathroom. Quite a luxurious one at that. However obvious as to what the room was meant for however, nothing looked familiar. Everything looked so.. futuristic? Clean, white, and compact. She had no idea what anything was meant for except the bath, which looked more like a pool, that was on the far side and dug into the ground. While she had been gone earlier, Celestia had picked out a change of clothes for her sister. A bit of a challenge considering their sizes were so different. Though baggy, they were meant to be comfortable. A new wardrobe was something to look into surely, but that was a problem for the future. She didn't need fancy clothes while getting settled down. Luna felt slightly embarrassed that she was so oblivious to what everything was for, but that didn't go unnoticed. At least someone was paying attention to the bigger picture. Her sister went around explaining what everything was for and how to use them. Indoor plumbing? Amazing. Everything was relatively simple as well. "But for now, I'll leave you to wash yourself. I'll be in the other room, so yell out if you need anything." And by the stars, did she need it. The cleanliness of the room had made the grime on her skin stand out. Don't even get started on her hair. Everything else could wait till later. All she hoped was that she wouldn't fall asleep while bathing. To show her thanks, Luna was able to give her sister a smile and a nod. It still felt wrong. "We thank thee." The door was closed behind her sister as she left and Luna let out a breath. This was the first time she was alone in, what, had it been hours? Either way, she was tense around her elder sister, and deflated once she was no longer in her presence. It was also the first time she was able to take a detailed look at herself, thanks to the body-length mirror on the wall. Not that she remembered what she had looked like a thousand years ago. Her light blue hair was short, spilling just over her shoulders with unmanaged loose waves throughout. The dark feathered wings on her back were in desperate need for preening. Her skin was dark, much more so than her sisters, but was pale. While Celestia's skin felt warm and sun-kissed, Luna's was cool and dim. And it looked as if her entire form was covered in dust. From the castle, or even from the moon, she didn't know. But she wanted it off. Heading towards the bath, which was already full, thank you Celestia, she started undressing herself, throwing her dirtied clothes into a basket close by. The event of bathing itself was uneventful. That was something simple enough that she remembered how to do. To wash her hair, she simply dunked her head under the water, probably not the best idea because of how heavy it got and how much she got up her nose, but it was the quickest method. Coughing it out and pushing her now soaking hair from her eyes, she was able to breathe almost clearer. Maybe the steam was clearing her senses out. Though Luna had felt that she scrubbed her skin raw, there was almost stubborn invisible dirt clinging to her. Whatever, she didn't want to actually hurt herself. Celestia would worry. Finishing up in a hurried sense, she dried herself with a towel obviously made for someone much bigger than her, and got dressed in the change of clothes she was given. They felt strange. Had she worn pants before? Either way, both them and the long sleeve were incredibly soft, and luckily not too bright in color. Her sister knew her taste in colors. Another pain in her chest. Once dressed, she caught another glance at herself in the mirror. She looked closer at her facial features, now clear of anything obscuring it. She looked.. young. Like a child again. She knew that she wasn't one. How old exactly? At least a thousand, perhaps a few centuries more. Though maybe teenager was more accurate. From what she could tell earlier, she was still taller than the average citizen, and didn't look quite that young. It was strange though, looking at yourself in the mirror and hardly recognizing it. Getting closer, she examined the details more. Freckles. They were faint, but there were clearly darker spots adorning her nose, cheeks, and curled up around her eyes, getting darker around her temples. Biting her lip in concentration, she also noticed fangs. Again, they weren't loudly addressing themselves, but her teeth were undoubtedly sharp on either side. Her ears were similar as well, long and pointed at the ends. Steeling herself with a deep breath, Luna opened the door to her sister's bedroom proper. Celestia herself was sitting on the end of her bed, writing in a book with a feathered pen. She must have heard the door opening, as she turned her head around to look at her sister again. For some reason Luna hadn't thought that Celestia would stay there and wait for her the whole time she bathed. And the way she was looking at her- admiring her? Either way, Luna felt that awkwardness seep back into her. Even as her sister patted the place on the bed next to her and Luna walked over towards her, she held her arms close to herself in a hug. The warmth of the clothes covering her, the fire in front of them, and the softness of the mattress below her almost put her right to sleep again. But with a hand on her back, her sister pulled her mind back to the waking world. Apparently she'd started falling. "Careful, there. I know you're tired, Luna, but I was hoping we could talk some before you slept." Talk? Oh no. What if she wanted to talk about something from the past? She hardly knew this woman, how could she manage a conversation, especially while being so tired? Or maybe she could use that to her advantage. It had been a busy day, after all. Yeah, she could play it off if she said something dumb. "Oh. Yes, we wouldn't mind talking f'r a time." The look on her sister's face was hard to ignore. She looked so happy. Happy to see her again. Her demeanor was boisterous, another stark contrast to Luna. From what she picked up so far, they were almost complete opposites. Her speech was another thing. It was less formal; laidback and free. Compared to hers, Luna's ancient accent was thick. Did she not feel the tension that Luna did? Obviously not, as Celestia pulled her hands into her own, running her long fingers along the rough lines adorning them. "This probably goes without saying, but I am so happy that you're back. Spending a thousand years without you was... so hard. There wasn't a day or night that went by that I didn't think of you." Her voice had quieted, but a smile was still proudly displayed on her lips. "I have so much that I want to say to you sister. But first, the most important thing, is that I'm sorry. I should have been a better sister, listened to you, and not let my ego push us apart as it did. I never wanted to send you away. But it was the first thing that came to mind when you- I'm sorry." Tears were threatening to fall down her cheeks. She was even beautiful when she cried, that smile never leaving her face even while spilling her heart. But how could she respond to that? All she remembered was that she was angry at her in some way and had attacked as the Nightmare. Didn't that mean she was at fault and not Celestia? Why was she apologizing when all she had done was protect herself, and by extension, the whole kingdom by eliminating a threat? "Do not apologize to us, sister. Thou art not to blame f'r mine own actions. Thou only didst what thou bethought was right. Prithee, we do not wish to reminisce on the negative events of our hist'ry tonight." As much as she did want to know exactly what happened leading up to the banishment that she'd just returned from, it was too fresh a wound, too early. And it wasn't something she could directly ask. "Of course. Of course... But I needed to tell you that before anything else." The solar princess used the back of her hand to wipe the undersides of her eyes, refreshing herself. "For now, are you comfortable? If you don't need anything, I'll let you sleep until you feel rested enough to tackle the world. It's changed so much since you left, as I'm sure you've seen." "Does.. that mean thou art going to leave?" Her voice came out quieter than she expected. Seeing her sitting there when she had finished bathing earlier had soothed her worried heart. Being completely alone was not something she felt quite ready for yet. Even if she didn't truly know Celestia, being around her was comfortable. "The day is still young, little sister," Celestia replied, resting a soft hand on her cheek. "But I will stay with you until you fall asleep." It wasn't enough, but she couldn't complain. Her sister had a whole kingdom to run, and no doubt her return would bring about changes that would alter how things were run from now on. That, and who knows what Celestia would set up for Luna to get acclimated to the new world she now found herself in. In response, Luna gave her a nod as she shied away to get under the covers. Celestia surely would have done so anyway if she'd passed out on top of them, but there was no reason she couldn't manage on her own. Her hair had already mostly dried from both the heat of the fire and her sister's solar energy, so when her head hit the pillow, it didn't take more than a few minutes for her to fall into a deep sleep. All of the weight of the last few hours settled her further into the mattress. Tomorrow would surely be packed with many events that would be uncomfortable, but for now, away with the thoughts of her sister, Luna was going to enjoy her first dreams in over a millennium.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I Don't Remember
After Luna's return, things aren't exactly how she expected they would be. Why can't she remember anything?
<p>After getting struck by the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Luna returns to her original form, stripped of the Nightmare. She knows that this woman is her sister, but where is she? Why can she only remember major events that have happened? How does she break it to her sister who seems so happy to see her again?</p><p>Written from Luna's perspective.</p>
Rage. Pure, unbridled rage is what filled her. How dare her subjects treat her this way? How dare Celestia? She had paid for what she had done. A strong blast of pure magic had hit her square in the chest. If that hadn't caused enough damage that she was unable to fight, the fall down to the castle below surely would. She hovered in her spot in the sky for a moment, grinning, wings holding her steadily. She had always been stronger than her sister. Too bad her ego had blinded her into thinking she could discard her and rule on her own. It felt good to finally get back at her. Now all of her sun-loving people would see just how weak of a leader she was. Their princess wasn't indestructible. Luna Nightmare was. A light to her side caught her attention. Her sister. How had she gotten up so quickly? She had already covered her precious sun, and now she had acquired a new power to outdo the beauty of her night? She should be on the ground, injured, surrendering herself to Nightmare as an inferior. Instead, she was looking at her head-on. What had she gotten? Everyone in the castle had fled when their battle had started. No, when she had risen the moon. They were hiding from her night. Celestia's power was charged up, directed at her. Please, what could she do? She had already been hit once. Another would surely take her down for good. She charged up her own spell before both were released against each other. A wave went out when the two spells collided, sending a shock to the air around them and dispelling the clouds nearby. Just then had she noticed what her sister had. The Elements of Harmony. Of course she would need an outside source to help her fight. But cheating meant that she had the possibility to win. The elements were vastly powerful. And winning, she was. Pouring more magic into her spell was useless. And before long, it became too much for her to fight against. The power of the elements overcame her, and she was swept away in their power. It hurt. It hurt being physically ripped from your form and being transported in a flash in a place you were to be banished for a time you did not know how long would last. Stripped of her magic, of what made her her. It was unbearable. She was sorry. She didn't mean for this to happen. She was told that she was right, that she would gain power. Why was Celestia hurting her? Screaming. She was screaming. Luna shot up straight from where she had been sleeping. Breathing heavy, she looked around the room that she was in frantically. Where was she? Wasn't she just banished? Was this the moon? The crackling fire, soft bed under her, and the warmth of the room were enough to calm her breathing down to a normal pace, though still heavy. Oh. She was back in Equestria. In her sister's room, no less. The one who just banished- no. She shook her head. She shouldn't think about that now. But.. was that really what had happened? Or was it her fear that generated a fake memory in the form of a dream? Dreams were complicated, nightmares even more so, she'd dealt with enough to know that much. What was she saying? This was the first time she'd dreamt since her return. How could she have dealt with them before? The heat of the room and the sweat adorning her forehead made Luna tear the sheets off her form, breaking up her thoughts. What time was it? When Celestia had left earlier, she had said that the day was young, perhaps noon, then? Had she slept all the way through the night? There were thick curtains to the far right that extended all the way to the ground, covering doors to a balcony. Getting up was a bit of a struggle, considering how weak her legs felt underneath her body weight, but she managed to slowly drag her way there with the help of the wall. Pulling the curtain to the side, she could now clearly see that it was still night. It was beautiful. Unlocking the door after some struggling, Luna managed to open the door and walk over to the railing protecting her from the height of the tower she was in. She did have wings to catch her if she did fall, but she didn't trust them enough to use quite yet. Flying seemed too complicated. Leaning on the rail to support her weight, she was able to fully see the land around her. From atop the mountainside, she was able to see the vast lands around her. And were they vast. She stood there simply for a few moments to survey everything before her. Directly below was the city proper of Canterlot. There was minimal movement; those up early to get to work, or those who had stayed up the night before finally making the way back to their homes. Further south, past the base of the mountain, was another town, presumably the one she had been to yesterday. She hadn't picked up the name of it, but it looked rural, land used for farming rather than the pompous royal capital she was currently in. Her nerves were still somewhat shaken from the events of her dream, but taking in the scenery and the fresh air were helping. The warm summer air was ruffling her already messy hair as she turned to look at the moon above. Something about it was captivating. Above all else around her, even the twinkling stars adorning the sky, it was drawing most of her attention. She knew she had been banished there for a thousand years, but the connection felt deeper than that. Did it have to do with the moon that was on her arm? In place of it, her sister had had a sun on the same spot. Now that she thought about it, everyone else she had seen had a similar mark on their arm as well. Each one was unique to the person who had them. Not one was the same as the other. What were they? Were they some sort of mark of destiny? She was drawn to the night, and her sister very clearly was associated with the sun, right down to her core. Even her magic seemed to be powered by the sun. Luna hadn't tried to use her magic. Honestly, she'd mostly forgotten about it until now. But she had a feeling it wouldn't go well. She was still weak and didn't want something going wrong. Besides, all the memory of her magic that she had was the battle with Celestia, where she had used them in offense. Was that all her magic could do? Fight? Luna had been standing out on the balcony staring at the moon for longer than she had thought, the body starting to lower before her eyes startling her. The sun followed after it, rising slowly and blinding her as it overcame the horizon and lit up the skies. The glow of the star felt familiar to her. Like.. Celestia's aura. Was her sister raising the sun? She felt like she should have known that. And that assumption felt right. From that, she was able to put some things together. As the Nightmare, she remembered vowing to make nighttime eternal. How could she do that unless she had control over the moon? That's why she was so drawn to it, then. Like her sister's control of the sun, she had ownership of the moon. A smile made its way onto her face. She was remembering things about herself. But the blinding light of the sun was becoming too much for Luna. She turned quickly to head back inside and close the curtain again to settle back into the dimly lit room. Even that had sucked most of the energy right out of her. Her head hurt and her breathing was heavy by the time she made it over to the bed again. She could take another nap right then. She was so tired. Dropping her head into her hands, Luna rubbed the weariness out of her eyes. No, she didn't need to keep sleeping all day. Which reminded her, where had Celestia slept last night? She hadn't seen any indication that anyone else had occupied the bed other than herself. Was she up all night? Slept in a guest room? On the floor? Now she was starting to feel bad with how much she was taking her sister's generosity for granted. She would have to thank her later and insist that she take her room back. Luna could sleep in a guest room if needed. Looking around the room as if looking for something to occupy herself, Luna noticed a note on the table set beside the bed that was addressed to her. She probably should have seen that earlier. It was straight to the point in what it meant to tell her. Celestia had come in earlier and did not want to disturb Luna in her sleep, so wrote a letter instead to fill her in on everything before she had time later in the day to see her again. The guards currently stationed outside the doors were to assist her in anything that she needed, including escorts to any place in the castle she desired. There were only a few things that Celestia had set up for her to do today, most notably, go see a doctor. But that was for later. Breakfast was the first thing she had wanted her to do. And good on her for remembering, too. It was likely that Luna hadn't eaten, or drank, anything in over a millennium. Perhaps that was a reason that she'd been so exhausted yesterday. Not eating would mean that she would have no energy to spare. She hadn't noticed her stomach growling before, but being reminded of it, she could definitely feel a lingering ache. But as good as getting something to eat sounded, she probably shouldn't go walking around the castle fresh out of rolling out of bed. She made her way across Celestia's room again, finding taking care of herself was exerting a lot of energy that she did not have in her possession. Did her sister have handmaids that helped her with these tasks? Because her arms could only last a minute or so while brushing her own hair... Then again, her sister was very adept in her skill of magic. Luna was still doing everything by hand. Despite her complaining, freshening herself up did not take very long, just short of an hour. Not wanting to go through her sister's possessions and be invasive, she settled on not changing her outfit. She had smoothed out the wrinkles that had formed, but other than that, she couldn't do much. Were they casual clothes? Yes. But did it matter? No. She was, after all, a princess, and was allowed to do whatever she pleased. That, and she was too hungry to care about any looks nobles would give her. She'd even put her hair up in her efforts earlier. Nothing too extravagant, but it was better than just leaving it brushed, as it had gotten awfully puffy. There she went again, talking on to herself and forgetting what she was actually supposed to be doing. Then again, she hadn't actually been talking. She'd hardly made any noise, actually. Letting out a huff of air to calm her nerves, Luna made her way over to the door that led to the hallway outside. It wouldn't be too difficult, right? Why was she suddenly shaking? Being around people without Celestia beside her to step in if something went downhill apparently made her nerves flare up. She didn't have anyone to support her. But her sister was busy, she knew that. It's okay, Luna. They won't bite you. Shaking harshly to steel herself, she turned the handle and opened the large door in front of her. The hallway it opened to was brighter than she remembered, the sun shining through the windows and flowers adorning the pillars in between. The men on either side glanced in her direction. She didn't recognize them from the guards she'd seen earlier. A brief look of concern flashed across their features before noticing that the lunar princess was looking at them and returned their gazes forward. They'd probably heard her screaming earlier. That was embarrassing. But no mind. The men themselves were tall, slightly more so than Luna herself, and clad in golden armor. Underneath they were undoubtedly quite muscular, if the thickness of their biceps was any indication for the rest of their bodies. She'd hate to be on their bad side. Despite that, the marks of their arms were covered by the armor, making her unable to test her hypothesis from earlier that they were marks of destiny. Clearing her throat, she was able to find her voice, mumbling out a quick, "Good m'rning," before turning to walk down the hallway. Did she need to ask how to get to the dining room specifically? Again, yes. But a little exploring of her surroundings wouldn't hurt anyone. Glancing behind her and, yep, the two guards were following behind, keeping a respectful distance, high on alert. Something in her told her that they were weary of her, and not just of her safety. She knew the Nightmare had brought evil upon the land, but was the tale really infamous enough that the common citizen would be afraid? Did they still fear the night as they had before? Maybe she was holding an unpleasant expression on her face. But it wasn't like she'd snap at them and turn evil again. Was that it? She didn't even remember specifically what she'd done. That was the worst part. It was best to ignore it. If they were afraid of her, asking would not make the situation better. Her wings had dropped low, not quite dragging on the ground. The surrounding area's decorations had started getting brighter the lower she got in the levels of the castle. Thankfully going down was easier than going up, but she was starting to get overwhelmed. It was so bright. There were so many colors. She needed air. The only good thing about having a city built so high on a mountain was that balconies were made common in its construction, so it didn't take her long to find one and swing the doors open and grip onto the railing for support. Her eyes were closed, breathing was heavy, and she could hear the blood pumping to her head. It was loud, but it was better than what she had felt inside. Luna had missed the guards calling out to her, not even registering that they had rushed to her side when she had hunched over. Eating would probably take the fatigue off of her. Why hadn't she listened to what Celestia had asked of her right away? "..rincess? Princess Luna, are you alright, ma'am?" A male voice to her right called out to her. Focus on that. Her breathing slowed as she regained her senses. It was bright out, but not that deafening brightness that she'd witnessed a few moments ago. A shadow was cast over her, a face in front of her vision. He was talking. "There we go. Would you like us to call a physician, your highness?" "No. No, we art fine." Luna waved off the hand he had extended, standing to her full height again. "Thank thee, sir..?" "Nightingale, majesty." "Thank thee, Nightingale. Wouldst thee and thy partn'r mind escorting us to our destination from h're out?" "Of course." The other man had responded this time. "My name is Datura, highness." She now understood at least one reason why her sister had chosen these guards to escort her just by their names alone. And knowing her sister, she had already briefed the two on what the schedule was that she'd made for Luna, so it was unnecessary for her to specify where she wanted to go. This time, Datura had led them through the hallways, Nightingale following closer behind Luna, just in case. The edge that they had earlier had lessened quite a bit. She didn't feel their eyes piercing into her anymore. Well, almost passing out from walking down a hallway would make her seem like less of a threat. And soon enough, after more stairs, they arrived in a dining room on a lower level of the castle. It was grand, but small inside. Likely reserved for royalty to eat in private. Only a few people occupied the room before they entered, two handmaids and a chef, if the white outfit was anything to classify his profession by. "Ah! Princess, you're here. I am head chef Caramel, at your service," the man called out in a bright tone, bowing his head in respect to her title. "If you wouldn't mind taking a seat, your food will be served shortly. You have my guarantee that it will be up to your standards." He was likely here as a formality. Either that, or he had wanted to meet her in person before rumors were spread around. She would be getting a lot of attention in that way in the coming days. Luna acknowledged the man with a simple 'thank you' and 'nice to meet you' before sitting at one end of the table. One of the women had pulled out the chair for her before hurrying out with the other alongside the chef. In the few short minutes that she had to wait, she was able to get a better look at the room she was in. Grand windows took up the whole far wall, presenting an open view of the city outside. Even the lower levels of the castle were at a higher elevation than the main city. Thick curtains and drapes hung around the room along with many hanging plants. Pretty, but a little much for a place to eat. Other than that, Nightingale and Datura were positioned at the entrance. The three that had been in the room came back in what she'd call record time. They had carried a few trays of an assortment of dishes, told her what they were, and excused themselves. A simple process, but one she was thankful that did not take more than a few minutes of her time. The food itself was also simple enough: assorted fruits mixed in a bowl and a selection of breads, meat, and pastries. While she was hungry enough that she probably could have eaten all of it if in there for long enough, she knew that she could only stomach a small amount. She would get sick after not eating in so long. But she was thankful for a variety. For how starved Luna felt, she was able to control the speed at which she ate with some struggle. It was slow going, but she made an effort to try at least one of everything and enjoy its flavor. There were foods and flavors that were not familiar to her tongue, so she deducted that they must not have existed a millennium ago. Most of what she had tasted was wonderful, but far too many of the pastries were too sweet for her liking. Celestia had a sweet tooth, though, and this was probably how she liked them. But for Luna, taking more than a bite would have gotten her sick. She did not want that happening. Speaking of her sister, she had just about finished and was shifting to get up when the doors had opened again, and she walked through. Upon seeing Luna there, a bright smile appeared on her face, as if she was happy her return had not only been a dream. "Good morning, Luna! I see you got my note. I do apologize for not being there when you woke, but duty calls." Celestia took a seat at the table as well, getting some food for herself. Far more than what Luna had. "How did you sleep? I hope you're well rested." "We slept well, sister. We understand thou art busy with thy duties." She stood up, smoothing out her clothes before giving her sister a short bow. "We were about to leave when thee entered. We wisheth thee a pleasant day." The shortness of their interaction was not intended. She truly did wish to spend more time with Celestia. But she was also dreading the amount of socializing that she already had to do today. They would talk more tonight, hopefully, after she was done with all the formalities. Who knows how much medicine had modernized in the years she was gone, either. It was almost frightening, not knowing what exactly she was walking into. But it needed to be done. They needed to know if Luna was in proper health. The only questions she really wanted answered were about her magic. Getting prodded at was what she was not looking forward to. Stifling a sigh after bidding her sister a farewell, she headed towards the entrance again, the guards standing there opening the door before her and following beside her as she started down the hallway. Hopefully this would not take all day.
Gabby,Spike,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish
Spike's Little Break
Spike takes a 'little' break to unwind with Gabby with their special hobby.
<p>Being the friendship ambassador is hard work, but Spike wouldn't trade it for the world. Thankfully when things get too stressful, he can always retreat to his little hobby alongside having Gabby to take good care of him. <br/>Takes place late Season Nine.</p><p>: Mostly age-play in this one :</p>
Wings Spike cautiously looked from side to side as he walked along one of the many corridors in Canterlot Castle. His destination wasn’t anywhere specific, just as long as it was far enough out of the way so no creature saw him. Once sure no one was nearby, he approached one of the standard broom closets, before reaching into his backpack and pulling out a golden key with a heart-shaped handle. The letters ‘GG’ were carefully crafted in the middle of its small frame. Giving the key a little kiss, he turned it around and moved it toward the lock. In truth, it didn’t matter what door he chose, his magic key would get him where he wanted. With a turn of the key, the door glowed a soft yellow accompanied by a soft click. Taking one last check around, Spike opened the door and headed inside, closing it behind him. Once inside, he slumped against the door with a relieved sigh, taking a deep breath of the flowery scent that always occupied the room. “Mmm, finally,” Standing back up, he hung the key on a hook next to the door, watching it softly pulse with magic. “I hope Gabby can make it.” Moving further inside the room, he smiled as this room was his special nursery, all thanks to Gabby's little surprise. After all, Spike was her little hatchling, and Gabby was his loving caregiver girlfriend. Not knowing how long Gabby would be, Spike decided to get his relaxation started as he moved up to the changing table, admiring the numerous types of padding he could pick from. After such a long day by Twilight’s side, he desperately needed this as he picked out one of the larger nighttime diapers adorned with Luna’s cutie mark. Spike nuzzled his cheek into the plastic before grabbing the powder. He climbed on top of the table, giggling as he began to get himself all diapered up. Granted, diapering himself was slower, but his ‘mommy’ could always check it later. Once secured and smelling proper, the drake kicked his legs a little before climbing down and waddling his way to the nearby dresser. Rubbing his claws together, he slid it open and reached inside, shuffling clothing around until he found the right one. “Good thing these grow to my size,” Spike said as he unzipped the soft blue footie pajamas with white trim, slipping his feet inside. Tugging the fabric over his padding created an adorable. round look to the seat. Letting out a delightful coo, he guided each arm into the sleeves, enjoying the fuzzy feeling on his scales. He hugged himself before zipping the pajamas closed securely up to his neck. To finish off the look of an adorable baby, he hung a blue pacifier around his neck. A smile spread across his face as the little drake waddled across the room to the crib and climbed inside. Taking a moment to slide the bars into place, Spike lay down on his back, letting his body sink into the foam mattress. “Mmm, ah, much better.” The stress of the day was already floating away as he hugged one of the plushies tightly, casually kicking his legs on occasion. He didn’t try to fall asleep, however, as he simply took the time to enjoy the peace and quiet of watching the mobile above his head, letting the world shrink to just him and the crib he was lying in. Thankfully, the little one didn’t have to wait long as a couple of minutes later, the door unlocked and Gabby fluttered in, closing the door behind her before she spoke. “I’m here, Spikey. I’m sorry it took a while. I was finishing up my last delivery,” Hanging her key on the hook next to Spike’s, she walked up to the crib and looked down at her little cutie and his attire. Spike remained lying there, smiling up at her, but didn’t seem to get up to greet her. “Something wrong, Spike? Usually, you’re all bouncy when I arrive.” Popping the pacifier into his mouth, Spike gave it a suckle or two, pulling the plush closer to himself. “Mmm, I don’t want to get up. Hatchlings don’t have worries or responsibilities, remember?” He sighed and wiggled around to get comfy, keeping eye contact with Gabby. He felt soothed with her presence, knowing she was there for anything he might need. Being the well-natured caregiver she was, Gabby picked up on Spike’s wording as her talon reached through the bars and rubbed his tummy in a slow circle, wanting to soothe her darling. “Okay, no worries, little guy. You can stay there all you need, and I’ll keep you company.” Occasionally, Spike’s leg kicks faintly, enjoying the attention as his worries kept melting away. “Thank you, Mama.” He lisped, letting the feeling linger until Gabby pulled her claw back and moved to check the changing table and the other areas, casually looking back at the drake all the while. He playfully made little coos and foalish gurgle sounds, getting a few giggles from Gabby as he enjoyed his little head space. The drake watched with an eager smile as Gabby soon moved to the small fridge, knowing they’d recently restocked it with fresh items. “Nom noms?” Spike cooed, sitting up and grabbing into his feet while softly rocking forward and back. Gabby proudly grinned back at Spike as she dug out the chocolate formula mix, setting it on a small table nearby. “Yup, just what I think my hatchling needs,“ She chimed as she poured enough to fill half a bottle, before adding in gem flakes. She screwed the nipple secured and gave it a shake, watching it sparkle in the light. All the while, she scooted over a chair to the crib and watched Spike keep an eye on the bottle as he rocked on his padding. “Now, Spikey, do you want to sit in my lap, or lay down and suckle away?” Spike let the pacifier drop from his mouth as he thought about it for only a moment before putting his claw up to the sky. “Uppies!” He felt so free and delighted as Gabby lowered the bars, before scooping him out and cuddling him to her fluffy chest. “Yay!” He cheered, hugging her tightly, feeling more cuddly than he’d been a few minutes ago. The drake acting much like any baby that can’t seem to make up their mind. He pressed his face into her chest fluff, taking a deep breath of her smell and cooing quite adorably. In return, Gabby wrapped her wings around him, making him feel an undeniably safe and carefree sensation, practically melting into her embrace. Gabby started to hum to him with the clock ticking in the background, the bottle forgotten for the moment. There was no need to rush things, the two enjoying the moment-to-moment. After what felt like ages of comfort, Spike’s tummy eventually did rumble as the drake chuckled. “Hehe, baba?” He turned around, leaning his head against her chest with the griffin’s wings kept around him like a blanket. Letting his arms hang limp to his sides, Gabby softly slid the nipple into his mouth before he began to suckle, closing his eyes as Gabby resumed her humming. The moment was so perfect that his body slumped in her grasp as he drank onwards, feeling like a cloud in the sky. He didn’t notice how soothed he’d become until he opened his eyes sometime later, finding himself back in the crib. This time, however, Gabby was there too, her body wrapped around him like a protective mother. Feeling Spike shift, Gabby set her book on the mattress before looking back at him. “Hehe. Hey, sleepy head. Don’t worry. Your mommy kept you all safe from the closet monsters.” She playfully patted his head. Spike’s cheeks flushed as he smiled, clinging onto her before leaning up to her cheek and giving it a long smooch. “Thank you, Gabby. You’re the best.” “You’re welcome, Spike,” Gabby cooed back, moving to Spike’s lips as she returned the kiss with her own. As Spike giggled and nuzzled her sides with glee, the drake felt content with the worries of whatever he’d been stressing about becoming a distant memory for the time being. It was the best part of being Gabby’s little dragon. Nothing could be better.
Original Character,Other,Human,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Profanity
Being Sick Sucks
Months after they started dating, Merry May and her coltfriend James is doing well until he gets sick and she has to take care of him.
<p>Being sick is without a doubt the worst feeling, no matter what species you are. When James suddenly gets ill and spends half the night vomiting, Merry May takes care of him no matter his protesting.</p>
I laid in bed next to Merry May as she kicked a leg in her sleep, yawning as she did so. Ever since we had started dating, she’d been spending more time here than at her own home it seemed, leaving a tooth brush and a bottle of her shampoo here. “Lucky bastard,” I muttered as I laid on my side facing the door in case I had to vomit and run for it. Being sick is the worst and I don’t even know why I’m fucking sick, it just happened. I didn’t even have a migraine or anything. “I just wanna sleep man.” I picked up the water bottle on my side of the bed and started drinking as I draped a hand on my marefriend’s head, absent-mindedly scratching her ears as she sighed happily. Her pink mane or plum as she insisted was matted on one side and sticking all over. “Oh fuck,” I muttered as I shot to my feet and ran to the bathroom, flipping the lid open, painting the inside a brown color as I groaned. “Urgh.” I vomited a few more times before flushing, washing my mouth out with water from the sink. The worst part was it kept getting in my beard everytime, I mused as I stood in the doorway of my bedroom as I groaned, running back to the bathroom and vomiting again. “James?” I glanced to the doorway for a brief second at Merry rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as I threw up again and her eyes widened. “Oh jeez, are you alright?” “No.” I felt her wing wrapped around my back as she rested a hoof on my hand and I sighed. “How long have you been throwing up for?” Merry asked as she handed me a glass of water we kept on the bathroom sink and I swished it around my mouth before spitting it out. “All night. I can’t sleep.” Oh, if looks could kill I’d be dead. Merry narrowed her eyes at me as I gulped nervously as she kept her wing on my back. “And you for some reason didn’t think to wake me?” Merry demanded as I shrugged. “You looked peaceful and I didn’t want to bother you just because I can’t sleep,” I answered as Merry nuzzled my neck. “Thanks.” “Are all humans this stubborn or is it just you?” Merry asked with a faint smile as I kissed her forehead. “Down boy, vomit breath is not sexy.” “Sorry,” I muttered and spit into the toilet. “I just wanna sleep man. I’ve prayed to every God imaginable to let me and I’m just over here dying.” “Don’t be dramatic, you’re not dying,” Merry rolled her eyes. “You’re sick from something. Hang on here, I’ll get some medicine from your cupboard downstairs.” “Don’t have any,” I answered as she fluttered out the room. “Yes you do. I brought some over the last time I was sick here and left it behind. I practically live here with how often I’m staying the night.” I sighed again as I listened to her rummage around my small house. Or well, small to me but big to her and the other ponies. She always was talking about how much space I had, which is slightly funny considering she comes up a little past my knee. “Here,” Merry trotted back into the room and handed me a bottle that I inspected. “Just drink it, you know I would do nothing to hurt you silly human. It’s a very strong ibuprofen.” She had me there to be honest. With a shrug, I started drinking and immediately resisted the urge to gag. I was used to some human medicines like Pepto Bismol tasting like shit but it didn’t even compare to how awful this was. “Awful I know but it’ll help you get better faster,” Merry said and took the now empty bottle. “Come.” “Feel like a dog when you say it like that,” I grumbled and shakily followed her out of the bathroom where she had placed a bucket next to my side of the bed. “Since you can’t sleep, we can just watch movies on your fancy home theater thing,” Merry waved a hoof at my TV with a few movies already set out. “My TV?” I suggested with a tired smile and she nodded enthusiastically as she hopped on the bed and curled into a ball. “Bed now,” Merry ordered and patted the side I normally slept on. “Okay mom,” I grumbled as we both stared at the tv turning on. “I never thought pony world would get tvs.” “Yeah well nor did I imagine I’d be dating a giant tall monkey,” Merry shot back with a smirk as she yawned and covered the two of us. “So both of us got more than what we bargained for.” “Suppose so,” I muttered as I held the bucket in my lap. “What movie are we watching?” “Interstellar,” Merry clapped her hooves together excitedly as I bit back a grimace. I absolutely hated that movie but well, she liked it and that’s what matters. “How did you even know I was missing from bed?” I asked as the opening scene started. Merry was a pretty heavy sleeper like myself and practically nothing woke her up. I’ve seen her sleep through countless monster attacks on Ponyville before. “I rolled over to hug you and there was a empty warm spot. Naturally, I was wondering where the heck you were and heard something in the bathroom so I stumbled in there and well, there you were and here we are,” Merry explained with a faint blush. “Oh sorry.” “You have nothing to apologize for, you’re sick. You stay there until I say so or you feel better and drink lots of water,” Merry instructed sternly as I gave her a flat look. “Don’t look at me like that young man or you won’t get to do anything extracurricular with me tomorrow if you feel better.” Well, that was a pretty good motivator. “Okay.” Merry curled up next to my side and I draped an arm over her, idly scratching her ear as we focused on the movie. While it may be a shitty movie completely, it’s tolerable with Merry. Most things are with partners after all and I did have the best one in all of Equestria.
Mike White
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Other,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
When Rarity is assaulted by a gang, it is up to her and all of Ponyville to survive.
<p>Rarity runs into a gang, and barley escapes with her life. now the gang begins searching for her and ends up taking over Ponyville. Now the mane six, and the citizens of Ponyville have to find a new home in-order to survive, without any way to contact Celestia, and the world growing cold, how can they win this war over the gang, and themselves?</p><hr/><p>this is my first story that I posted on this site, and in time for the new episode!!!</p><p>best way to read it is in light mode</p>
Dear Diary, My sister Rarity got me this diary so I decided to use it. She has been acting strange ever since the incident with our home. Something is up and it is up to me and the rest of The Cutie Mark Crusaders to find out. I just hope Rarity is feeling better though. Dear Diary, Button Mash joined with us in The Cutie Mark Crusaders, he doesn't really care his mom just says he has to make more friends and go outside more. Dear Diary, Today I saw Rarity yell at a mare today. I'm beginning to become afraid of her. Dear Diary, I'm scared. Rarity told me I had five minutes to pack my stuff and leave Ponyvillie. I am hearing a lot of screaming outside. I hadn't had much time to write this so I wrote quickly. I looked out the window and saw more houses on fire, it made me cry. All those ponies. I don't want to find out what's going on, but I think I am about to find out. I actually feel sorry for Rarity though. She left me with Twilight and I brought a whole bunch of stuff. All Rarity has left is her glasses. I'm worried she is getting sick. Dear Diary, Rarity has been getting cold, today she yelled at me which made me cry again. It's like she is mad at every pony. We left Ponyvillie along with others. I just don't get it, every other pony is sad, but Rarity seems frustrated. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One week earlier "Sweetie Belle you must hurry up, the train will leave In one hour." Said Rarity to her little sister. Still no response. Sweetie Belle has been up in her room for almost two hours. Yet it took her this long to pack her bags. Finally Sweetie Belle came down the stairs with 3 bags, and a stuffed doll Rarity made for her a few months ago. It was nothing but a bear, but if you told that to Sweetie Belle she would say something like, "No it's a trophy," or,"it's a gift from a very great mare." Sure she went over board when somepony made fun of it, but it is just another souvenir to show how much she appreciates her sister. Rarity sighed in relief that she was finally ready. "Well you took your time. Why did it take you so long to pack?" She said as her and Sweetie Belle walked out the door. "I couldn't figure out what to bring. So I just looked for some of my favorite toys." She replied while looking at her big sister. Rarity stared back and said,"Your toothbrush?" "Got it!" She replied again. Rarity was walkingas if she was on ice. She tried to keep her stance, which was the only thing keeping Sweetie Belle from noticing. Since the incendent last week it has been harder for Rarity to get around. Everypony in Ponyvillie knew what happened except for Sweetie Belle. She asked them all for if they where talking about it, stop talking about so Sweetie Belle doesn't know. That didn't matter right now though. She had to focused on getting to Twilight's house who promised to watch over Sweetie Belle while Rarity goes on a vacation. Left hoof right hoof left Hoof right hoof. Come on Rarity, keep good posture, don't slouch, walk straight, keep from falling. Quiet being so dizzy. She thought. Finally she wasn't so dizzy anymore and could walk normal again. The library was in sight, all she had to do was make it there with hope she doesn't get dizzy again. Few more steps, few more steps... There! They had finally arrived. Rarity knocked on the door with her hoof and heard a quick rustle. A few seconds later Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's student, the Element of Magic, the new princess opened the door. She smiled at the sight of seeing the purple mare once again. She never got tired of seeing all her friends faces. Pinkie Pie was a big party animal that will throw a party now matter what you do. Once Applejack ate three buckets of apples during a bet with Rainbow dash, to celebrate her victory she threw a party. Rainbow Dash just seemed more of a jock than a mare. Applejack was a hardworker who would never quit at her job no matter what she did. Fluttershy was basically always scarder than a mouse is. Every little noise would make her jump. Twilight was a book worm that became Princess Celestia's student when she was a filly, and Rarity well, she liked fashion. Twilight than said,"Hello you two, Sweetie Belle you ready?" Sweetie Belle than nodded at the purple mare that would be taking care of her for the week. She went inside and set her stuff down than sat down in a chair. Twilight than turned to Rarity and spoke,"You sure you can get around, you know since the "incident" last week?" Rarity smiled as she replied,"Relax darling, I will just be in Manehattan for no more than a week, but I'm concerned for you. Sweetie Belle can be a bit of a trouble maker sometimes. You sure you can handle her?" "I'm sure I can handle her," she answered,"Infact I decided to let her friends stay the night too so I'm sure she isn't too upset that you are leaving." Rarity gasped than whispered," Do they know?" Twilight rolled her eyes playfully,"relax, I made them promise not to say anything. Now go you are going to miss the train." Twilight said before shooing Rarity and closing the door. Rarity got a watch out of her saddle bag with her magic and flipped it open. She was right, ten minutes till the train leaves. She immeditally made a dash for it while at the same time muttering in her head,"Late late late I'm late. That was before she realized she was going the wrong way. Lucky she only wasted a minute. She than turned around and ran the other direction, the right direction. It took five minutes to get there with only four minutes to spare. She didn't heisitat, she bought a ticket and jumped on the train. Why she didn't have bags full of stuff was actually one of the reasons why she was here. To relax. That's all she wanted to do is relax. She found a seat next to a gray stallion reading a newspaper. He had long white hair tied back in a ponytail. He also had yellow brownish eyes. She couldn't see his cutie mark though cause of his long mane. "Hello sir," she said,"mine if I sit here?" He didn't say anything. He just snarled and scooted a little so she could sit. She turned to him and said,"Why thank you darling, so would you mine telling me why you are here?" The stallion sighed and muttered,"Family reunion." Rarity jumped in on that,"I am going to go see an art show tomorrow. Than I will spend the rest of the week do basically anything." The stallion put down the newspaper, got up, and left to a different cart. Rarity sighed and lyed down on the now empty seat. The art show she was going to was actaully an inventation to the grand opening of The Manehatten national museum art exhibit. The only problem was that Prince Blue blood would be hosting it. As long as Rarity kept her distances from him though, everything would be alright, and after what happened at The Grand Galloping Gala he was for sure going to keep his distance too. The train stopped in Manehatten an hour before dark. She boarded off and went in the direction of the motel she would be staying in. She would of gone to a hotel, but she wanted to try new things. New things where always on her mind. Before she could think of anything else she noticed a store that seemed to catch her interest. A book store. She did promise to get Sweetie Belle something during her stay here. Why not a diary. The only diary she has ever written in is the one that Twilight found in the castle Princess Celestia use to live in. That wasn't even a private diary. Rarity walked in the book store and heard the bell ring when she opened the door. Ding ding. The same noise she heard whenever so pony came in to buy a dress. Rarity started to look around and only saw books Twilight might want. Maybe she was In the wrong place? As she turned back to walk outside the door, there! She saw it. A book with a locket on it. It was rusted but it will have to do. She picked the book up with her magic and flipped it open. As expected all the pages where blank. She walked to the counter and placed the book on it. An elder stallion walked up to it and said,"Ah, that was our only one in stock. You where lucky that nopony else got it before you did. Hang on let me get the key." He left the counter and went in back. A few seconds later he came back with a rusted old key to match the rusted old lock. "Twenty bits," he said. Rarity threw in a little extra per tips and said a quick thank you before taking the booking and leaving. Before she could though he said one more thing."Ma'am. That book you got there could be the book of your life. Use words wisely for they are limited." Rarity didn't get but jsit said am ok and left to the motel. It took thirty minutes to get there. Yet it felt like she wasn't wasting any time. She walked in and spoke to a mare at a desk. "Yes, I made a reservation, I am Rarity." The mare looked up but didn't say anything. Instead she just got a pair of keys and hoofed them to Rarity. She walked past the mare while still starring at her, than walked quickly. She looked at the number on the key which was room 14. It didn't take her that long to find it. She immediatlly spotted it and walked. She gasp in surprise when she turned the corner though. There standing in front of the room next too hers was the same stallion she saw on the train. She didn't hesitant. She called him and waved. The stallion groaned at the sight of her. Rarity walked up to him and said,"Hello darling do you remember me?" The stallion just stood there looking at her. All he said was "yes" than went in his room. Rarity sighed again. There she was trying to make a new friend when all she has to do is relax. She unlocked her door with the keys the mare at the counter gave her and it opened. For a small motel her room was quit beautiful. She sat two bags against the wall. It was all she brought. Ever since "that day" everything has been hard for her. She lyed down on the bed in the room as she remembered what the elder stallion had told her back at the bookstore. "Use words wisly, for they are limited."
Mike White
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Other,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
When Rarity is assaulted by a gang, it is up to her and all of Ponyville to survive.
<p>Rarity runs into a gang, and barley escapes with her life. now the gang begins searching for her and ends up taking over Ponyville. Now the mane six, and the citizens of Ponyville have to find a new home in-order to survive, without any way to contact Celestia, and the world growing cold, how can they win this war over the gang, and themselves?</p><hr/><p>this is my first story that I posted on this site, and in time for the new episode!!!</p><p>best way to read it is in light mode</p>
Rarity awoke on a cot she has been sleeping on for weeks. She wouldn't get up though. Everyday she woke up she just stared at the ceiling of the cottage she was in and just thought why. Why why why. She sometimes awoke with tears on her face from a previous nightmare. They where after me. So why hurt all those ponies? She thought. Rarity stared at what was left of her belongings. Her glasses. That was all she had left. So no matter what she kept it safe. She figured she would have to get up sometime soon. She left the cottage just as breakfest was being served. Eggs again. As always Sweetie Belle was writing in the diary Rarity got her. She doesn't even bother looking up. She wondered what kind of stuff a filly like her would be writing in that journal. She didn't care. She walked to Fluttershy the one serving break feast, and got a plate. As it became her turn to get the food she saw another one of them in the forest. They really needed a safer place to live. She immeditly dropped her plate just as Fluttershy was about to give her her food. Every pony was staring. They knew what was coming, but they weren't scared of them. They where scared of her. Rarity walked towards the forest and picked up a shovel to use as a weapon. Not much of a choice but it will have to do. He didn't notice her. This gave Rarity a chance. She snuck up behind him and raised the shovel high over her head. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This was it. Rarity was in the front of the Manehattan National Museum. Unfortunally she didn't bring anything to wear counting the fact that she could only make the trip with two bags. She walked up to the double doors and opened one. Inside there where several ponies waiting to see the new exhibit. She made her way past them too the front and saw Prince Blue Blood making the annoucment. After a long speech which Rarity found boring and abnouches, he finally cut the ribbon.several ponies piled in the new room. She gazed at all of the beautiful art. Never before has she seen such masterpieces. Other than the fact the he he was here, she was having a good time. Until she ran into Blue Blood. Blue Blood gave a grimance smile on his face. She knew he was planning somthing. Rarity didn't see it though. She was even staring at him. "Hello." He said. She didn't look. Instead she just kept on walking. He followed. She walked he followed, she walked he followed! That was all he did was follow her. Finally she brought him into a corner and whispered to him,"Are you some kind of idiot!? I'm just here to in joy myself nothing else." He just sat there with a faded smile,"What? I can't give you a second chance? I thought you where more better than that." She scoffed,"You are nothing but an animal in the wild. I should be the one giving you a second chance! But unfortaunly I won't. You know why? Cause your a lunatic for a prince that's why." "Whoa harsh words from sompony like you. Well than again it is coming from a bitch." Rarity had it. She slapped the stallion right across the face. He put a hoof up to where she left a mark than slapped her back. She lost it she tackeled him down but just as she did a few body guards grabbed her. Blue Blood got up and said,"These are a few buddies of mine I hired to get revenge on you. I was waiting for a little while longer to send them in but now was a good time. Do what ever you want to her. I will be paying you three extra to keep your mouths shut about this. And as for you," he pointed at Rarity who now had a bloody muzzle," one word to the princess about this or too anypony else, I will hire triple times the number of the ones there all now. And it won't be only once, it will be for the rest. Of your life. Celestia wouldn't be able to keep you in protective custody forever. It just takes one stupid mistake to screw everything up." Rarity was now almost litterally staring daggers at him. She than spoke,"I beileive you already have." Blue Blood smiled and said,"Well I don't want to keep the ponies waiting. See you later, and yes I mean later. This bussnuess is not yet finished. I have sorces that tell me that you are staying a week here, so might as well have fun doing it. Goodbye." Than he left to the ponies who haven't even the slightest concern that there are a bunch of noises coming from her direction that may be a problem. They knocked her out and brought her to a carriage out back. It had a cover over it so nopony could know what's happening. She awoke amongst an hour later against traffic. She was scared, but at the same time angry. They finally pulled up in front of a building. They uncovered the carriage and Rarity noticed she was right behind the motel. They knew where she was staying. The ponies opened the back door taking a whiled guess that it was. She knew she forgot something when she left. She locked neither doors. She than asked,"What are you going to do with me?" One of the ponies looked at her and answered."We're going to have some fun. Than we are going to beat your ass and have some more fun. As long as you cooperate this will all be over very quick." He than grabbed her as Rarity screamed and fought back. He slammed her head against the wall and her face to the floor. Her muzzle was bleeding again, but she contiued to scream. She than thought of somthing,"I can pay you twice the price for you to leave me alone." That didn't work. Instead they said,"Yeah he took care of that. He will pay triple if we make you beg, looks liked of worked. But we need a bit more of a recording. Good thing we brought this." He brought out a tape recorder and turned it on. As he put it on the table next to him two of them kept her pinned." Now hold still," he said," your gonna love this." Before they could do something, they heard hoof steps behind them. They turned around and saw the same grey stallion Rarity saw on the train. "Hey this is official bussness," the one pinning her left side down said,"it's best that you leave if you know what's good for you." The gray stallion just waved. The one that was on top of her got off and said,"You know what? I'll make you a deal. You leave now and you get to keep those hoofs of yours." He then pointed at him which annoyed the stallion,"Keep pointing. That hoof at me and you are going to wish you didn't." The pony in front of him gave a laugh,"Seriously, leave now and..." that was all he could say before he snapped his hoof far enough back to touch his nose. The pony was making sounds of a new born baby filly that's crying. The gray stallion han back hoofed him and pushed him out of the way. The other two ponies went at him. The first one he right crossed and blocked a hit. He than spinner and bucked him away, the second one came up and also tried to fight him. He just flipped him over is back and punched him in the face. Due to the head injury Rarity was past out. He picked her up and carried her out of the room. She awoke in the middle of the night with a headache and a warm wet cloth over her head. She looked around the room and noticed it wasn't hers. Where was she? A voice called to her saying,"Good, your awake." Rarity looked at her side and saw the gray stallion smiling. "Where am I?" She said. "You are in my room. Here drink this it's medicine. It will help your pain go away. I left some food on the drawer next to you. I hope you like macaroni and cheese." He pointed at a plate next to her. "If you want more just ask." Rarity used her magic to levitate the plate too her. "Oh don't use your magic, too much concentration will make your headache worst." She didn't know what to think. "Who are you?" She said as she picked up the plate. He happily replied,"I am Clanky Gears, and you?" Rarity wanted to devour her plate food that made her really hungry. "I am Rarity. Perhaps you've heard of me." Clanky stared."No don't believe I haven't." He joked." Yes how else wouldn't I know the name of an element of harmony. I also hear of how good at fashion designing you are. I say I rather want to kiss you right now." He laughed at the joke he made. Rarity did too and said,"Don't bargain what you can't chew." They laughed again. Second day and she already made a new friend. Finally Clanky asked," Hey, do you want to come to my reunion tomorrow?" It was Rarity's honor. "Why yes I would. Thank you for the inventation." Clanky gears smiled and said,"Great. So why where those ponies trying to do stuff to you?" Rarity sighed and said," It really is a long story. Can I just tell you it tomorrow? He cooperated."Well.. alright. I will bring you break feast in the morning. Don't go back into that room of yours just in case they decide to come back and ransack it. I will be on the couch if you need me." He walked to the door and/stopped when he was behind it. "Goodnight Rarity." He said before shutting it. Rarity finished her plate of food while they where having their conversation so she put it off too the side. She lied down on the pillow, closed her eyes, and said,"Goodnight Clanky Gears."
Mike White
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Original Character,Other,Adventure,Dark,Tragedy,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Gore
When Rarity is assaulted by a gang, it is up to her and all of Ponyville to survive.
<p>Rarity runs into a gang, and barley escapes with her life. now the gang begins searching for her and ends up taking over Ponyville. Now the mane six, and the citizens of Ponyville have to find a new home in-order to survive, without any way to contact Celestia, and the world growing cold, how can they win this war over the gang, and themselves?</p><hr/><p>this is my first story that I posted on this site, and in time for the new episode!!!</p><p>best way to read it is in light mode</p>
Rarity sat up in bed still thinking about last night. He was kind, but at the same time seemed kind of weird. She had noticed it when he had a sudden change in attitude when those ponies brought her back from the artshow. That was the least of her problems. She's been here for three days, and already she wanted to go home. She didn't want another bad thing to happen. This all dates back too two weeks ago. Applejack walked into Rarity's house and saw Rarity out cold on the ground. Applejack immediatly rushed Rarity to the hospital as fast as she could. When she woke up she saw the rest of the mane six, two of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and even her parents. Which was strange since they are usually on a bussiness trip of some sort, and they where all staring at her. The doctor came in and told Rarity that she had been out for three days. There was something that caught everyone's attention though. The doctor said that she nearly had a heart attack due to too much stress. He than said she isn't allowed to work for five weeks. Which got Rarity extremely upset since she had deadlines that needed to be made all over Equastria, but Twilight made sure they knew why they wouldn't be reiceving their dresses. The only pony that hasn't heard was her little sister Sweetie Belle. That was all two weeks ago. Clanky Gears huh? Rarity thought. There was something about him that she couldn't figure out. Did she like him? Maybe that was it. Hopefully when she goes home she will still have a way to contact him. She begin to wonder how Sweetie Belle was doing and if Twilight was OK. With everything that has been happening, Rarity hasn't been herself lately. She just had to get away from there, even if she had to putt up with blueblood.Blue Blood, just thinking of his name made Rarity vomit a little in her mouth. A little hit job won't put her down that much, even if she is overreactive. She will get revenge somehow, but she can't. Hurting a royal was highly against the law. That is exactly what Rarity wants to do. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clanky Gears walked to the door Rarity was behind and knocked. Rarity heard the knock and opened the door. Rarity gasped at what she saw. He looked more different than before. His mane was shorter, his tail was well groome, and his cutie mark was finally visble. Three gears. That would of been to simple to predict. He made a gesture with his hoof, and said,"Well, let's go." Clanky begin walking to a taxi outside the small motel while Rarity followed at his side. Walking out of the motel was the last thing she wanted to do today. She didn't know why, but she felt something odd today. Clanky and Rarity piled into the taxi right after telling the driver where to go. This was a big city and she knew it was gonna be a long ride. She was still worried , but only a little. The stallion steering the taxi begin running at full speed. If she wanted to change her mind, she lost the chance no later than a second ago. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Twilight streched out her wings and layed her head down. Rarity was right, Sweetie Belle has been quit a handful lately. Luckily, her and the crusaders where out strolling trying to find new adventures that will give them there cutie marks. These three days she has had a lot of trouble sleeping. Sweetie Belle was just too enerjetic. At first it just started with a broken window. Twilight didn't mind that much since according to her after all her and her friends have been through, that was normal. Than it became a few torn pages, many many things broken that where impossoblie to break, and a letter from Celestia on how to watch foals. What they did that got Celestia's attention, she didn't know. She didn't want to know. She just wanted Rarity to hurry up and come back. She knows Rarity hasn't been herself lately. Everypony knew and where worried. By everypony it was literally everypony in Ponyvillie. Just last week Lyra HeartString went to go ask Rarity to make her a dress, but on the way she heard some ponies talking and kind of felt sorry. They all felt sport. Which just made Rarity want to get away from it more. Well this will all be over in a few weeks. "Come on Scootaloo, do it." Said Apple Bloom as the three crusaders where finding out new ways too earn their cutie marks. Scootaloo looked down with a look of fear, but came over it and said, "Well... OK." She than jumped from a far height onto a tetartotor. A gigantic rock than flew over their heads and hit a tree bringing it down. "Well making a lifesize game of pinball wasn't our best idea," said Sweetie Belle." In front of them where a bunch of obsticules that the rock was suppose to use to direct. Many of the objects where destroyed do to many different attempts. All failing. They all looked at the mess they made and still couldn't believe nopony could hear any of the commotion. They have been setting up and reconstructing for weeks now and not one was a success. They could ask Pinkie Pie if she could get Maud Pie to come and help since she knows alot about rocks, but nopony has seen her for days. Nopony knew where she was. The Cutie Mark Crusaders decided they where done with this project and clean everything up. After hours of work, they headed back to their club house to think of yet another "brilliant"idea. All they could come up with in weeks was that dume rock idea. They didn't get it, every time they tried to find a way to get their cutie mark, it either got them in trouble, hurt, or had to he'll fix damages to the small town. Sweetie Belle looked around the small room of the club house and said"Alright girls, we need to figure out a new way to earn our cutie marks cause so far the only things we got on our flanks so far where bruises and dirt. What do we come up with?" Scootaloo put a hoof up to her chin and said, "We could become comedians." Sweetie Belle ignored that and turned to Apple Bloom, waiting for her answer."We could peel apples." Apple Bloom suggested. Sweetie Belle sighed and said,"Going back to Scootaloo." Scootaloo raised a hoof to indicate that she needed a second to think. "We could find more ponies our age with no cutie marks and ask them to join us." Sweetie Belle turned back to Apple Bloom and said,"Apple blo... wait? That might actually work. Good thinking Scootaloo." Scootaloo gave a thanking nod to Sweetie Belle's reply. "Alright, so it's settled than, we will..."knockknockknock. The three looked at the door. Sweetie Belle walked to it and said,"Who could that be?" When she opened it she gasped in surprise... ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "This is good," said Clanky to the stallion steering the taxi. They both got out and Clanky tipped the stallion. Calnky walked to Rarity's side and Rarity said," What are we doing here? I thought we where going to go to the manetional park." Clanky looked her in the eyes and spoke."There has been a change of plans." Rarity put on a look of confusions."Are we still going?" Clanky continued to look and smile at Rarity as he answers her question,"Why yes. Just a change in location." "Where?" Asked Rarity. "Here," He said to her question. They both walked up to a large shady building. It seemed well put together, it was white, and looked about two storied, maybe 3 storied. For a nice house there was a bunch of paint coming off. Clanky reared up to the door and knocked. A few seconds later a mare opened the door and gestured to come in. When they got in the very first thing Rarity noticed was all the ponies, but that wasn't all there where griffons. She even noticed three changlings. Which was odd since the last and first time she saw a changling they where trying to take over Equastria. "AEH! Clanky Gears, last time I saw ya you where in a cart accident. I'm still surprised you made it out without a scratch." Said a brown stallion. He turned to Rarity and said,"Who's this little whore?" Rarity scoffed in anger. She wanted to slap that grin off him, but the last things she wanted to do was start a fight at a reunion and when she just got here. Instead she held it back and said,"Beg pardon?" Clanky stared at him also with a look of anger. "Big D, you should not treat a mare that way. Use precise language if you will." Big D just shrugged and said nothing. Clanky turned to Rarity and said,"Why don't you have a look around?" Rarity was still too angry to talk, so she just did what he asked and went up the stairs that where in their path. Clanky looked at everyone and the room and said,"She will be becoming a new member, her name is Rarity." It was short, but everyone understood completely. Big D got up from where he was sitting and said,"Why would someone like her join us? I can see why you chose her since she has a nice flank and all, but just look at her mane. What does she brush her hair twice an hour or something?" Clanky rolled his eyes than answered him"She seems a bit different if I may presume. She has craft skills that should help us very much. And no I did not choose her because she has a "nice flank," it just sounds like she knows a lot on what she does." A griffon than put a smile on his face and said,"What if she knows too much and doesn't want to join' can we have some "fun" with her?" Clanky once again rolled his eyes and answered the question."I will have to think on that, she seems too nice of a mare, and doings somthing like that might just tear her apart." A mare behind him than scoffed and said,"Oh, so your becoming soft now huh? We are Equastria's largest gang and everyone of us in here wouldn't mine making a pony suffer." Clanky could not believe what he was hearing. He knew there was nothing he could say to convince them, so he said the only thing he could."So be it. If she doesn't agree than you can do what ever you want to her, same goes for all of you." That put a look of satisfaction on the face of everyone in the room. "Well I hope she chooses the wrong idea," said the griffion,"cause I haven't gone without sex in months." Rarity was walking down the hallways of the wondrous building. It was much bigger than her home, but not as quit put together. She heard some coughing going on in some of the rooms, but she didn't want to go snooping around on sompony's property without their permission. She than heard a voice calling out to her."Hey, hey you." Rarity turned around and saw an orange stallion. She wen to his direction and stopped when she got abouthree feet in front of him."You a new member?" That got Rarity's attention."Member? Of what?" The stallion put a face on that seemed to discomfort Rarity. "You know, the gang." That's when Rarity heard it all."Gang? What do you mean gang?" She heard hoof steps coming from behind her and turned around. Standing there was Clanky Gears himself. He gestured her to go inside the room the stallion was standing in. She didn't like it, but she wanted an explanation. "What does he mean gang?" She said. Clanky said nothing and gestured for the stallion to tell her."We are Equastria's largest gang. I suppose you are someone who was brought here to be made part of it I bet. My you are very lucky, most of the ponies we bring in here are usually tied up and are wearing sacks on their heads. You must really like this one Clanky." Rarity thought for a moment for if this was a prank than laughed and said,"You are quiet the jockster darling, however could you make something like this up?" Clanky smiled than said,"I didn't. This is all real. If you don't believe me than look at the wall to your left." Rarity looked and her eyes quickly fled the scene. There on the wall, where several pictures of ponies massacred, slautered, butchered, murdered. Rarity didn't want to think of the word. There where photos of ponies burned to death, stabbed to death, tortured to death! She let out a scream loud enough for the whole block to hear. She wanted to get out she wanted to hide, but she couldn't. She was on the second floor with the door blocked and a risky jump from the window. The orange stallion than got hold of her than pinned her down. Rarity tried to get out of his grasp but couldn't. She did the only she could think of, she to hold of a dresser with her magic and slammed it into his side. The amazing impact brought him through the wall and in the next room. Rarity than made a run too the door, but just before she could Clanky got a hold of her."Calm down!" He said,"If they knew what you where doing right now they would do terrible things to you." That didn't convince Rarity so he through her to the ground and got on top of her to keep her pinned. That's when she noticed a knife under the bed. She tried to reach for it but couldn't. Clanky than stated,"You have till the count of three to calm down! One... Two...Thre..." Before he could finish that, Rarity used her magic to throw the knife in his right eye. Clanky screamed as he felt the extreme pain. Rarity didn't have time to think. She heard hoofsteps coming from the hallway. Without second notice, she jumped out of the window. She landed in a rose garden with a soft thud. When she got up she noticed that she injured her hoof. She didn't want to think of that right now, she just wanted to go home. Rarity than became dizzy for a second but shook it off. She worked her way to the street where she saw a stallion and his cart. She limped her way towards him and begin to plead."Please sir," she whispered as she begin to crawl,"I need help." Before she could say anything else the stallion put her in the cart as he realized what was going on. He saw the gang make the way out of the building. Without anyother choice, the stallion pushed the cart down hill and jumped on. The cart rolled nonstop. When they got far enough the stallion pulled a string and the cart seized to a stop. Rarity looked up and noticed that the stallion was hovering over her."What happened, do you want me to get help?" He said. For now Rarity didn't want any help. Instead she said,"Just take me to the train station. After you drop me off there I need you to go to the police." The stallion looked confused. He couldn't understand why she wasn't wanting to have the safety of custody, but he looked at her and understood completely. She didn't feel safe here anymore. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The cart stopped in front of the train station dropping Rarity off. Before Rarity took another step, he stallion spoke,"wait, miss. I need your name so I can tell the police." She sighed and said,"Rarity, my name is Rarity." The stallion nodded. The stallion than begun to move again and said,"Take care Rarity." Than he was gone. Rarity didn't waste any time getting on the train. She quickly bought a ticket and borded it. When the train took off, she looked out the window and saw Big D looking right at her direction. Lucky the train left the station before he could do any thing. Rarity signed in reileif, than begin to feel a little dizzy. Every thing became blurry as the last thing she saw where ponies standing over her. She than fell to the floor breathing heavily and before any pony could do anything, she past out...
Pinkie Pie,Dark,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Sky Splitter
Pinkie confronts her inner demons.
<p>Everyone knows Pinkie Pie as the bouncy party pony who goes out of her way to make people smile. She's always there to brighten their days and make them feel as good as possible, sometimes more successfully than others. It's always the happiest people on the outside who suffer most on the inside...</p>
Pinkamena stood nailed into the ground, her hooves tied to wooden stakes implanted in the grass. Her eyes were closed, her body embracing the chill of the cold, dark sky. Between the rustling of grass and leaves, she heard hoofsteps approach, slowly trotting towards her. This was it - her final judge and jury. There was only one person besides her in this empty world she'd been locked away in. "It's been a long time...Pinkie. You look different from the last time I saw you." "A lot's changed since you last took control. I'm married now. His name is Cheese. We have a son, Lil Cheese." "So you found a prince charming after all. How sweet. Did you really think he could save you from yourself?" "No. That's why I'm here. I have to put this to rest - once and for all." "How do you intend to get rid of me? I know you better than anyone. I know your tricks: your powers. There isn't a part of you that I don't know, mind or body." "You're right. I can't get rid of you. What I can do is temper you." "Temper me? How do you expect to quell something you've never shared with anyone? You and I both know where all my anger stems from - all your pain." "We don't live in that time anymore. This isn't the rock farm we grew up on. I'm in a better place now, and you don't have power here." "Well, well. This is quite an interesting change. Last time we met, I filled your heart with fear. It seems we're on even footing this time around." "You're made up of all the sadness I felt as a child - all the loneliness and resentment. I had to fight for the love of my parents. Winning their approval was an everyday battle I had no choice but to win. That one spark of joy was all I had to hold on to. Without it, my life would've turned out just like yours. There's always hope to be found, even if it's hard to see." "It's more than that. You're sad because your friendships are fading. Everyone's gone their own way, and the joy remaining is slowly withering every day. Your husband and son are all you have left, and they could just as easily be taken from you." "I know, and that's why I fight so hard. Even if they one day slip away too, I can at least hold on to them for as long as possible. I know what you feel, too. You love them just as much as I do. You're the half of me that refuses to give up." "So why fight me? Why not free me and let me go all out?" "Because left unchecked, you'll destroy everything. I exist to distinguish friend from foe. Without me, you couldn't tell the difference. I've been holding you back because you're too dangerous. Maybe not in the way people say, but you're a threat to my well-being and the hearts of those around me." "I'm the threat? What about you and your powers? No one knows how or why you do the things you do. People fear you, whether you know it or not." "They would fear me more if they knew the true depths of our abilities. No one wants to know the future or the existence of other sentient life. They just want to live in the present moment, same as us. Everyone knows their clock's ticking, but they would rather enjoy what time they do have between now and then. I can't fault them for feeling that way." "What about you? Did they ever ask how you were doing when you felt me clawing at the back of your mind? Did they really care?" "Yes, they did." "Name one example." "When I made the clones." "Clones?" "After I regained control, there was an incident where I cloned myself in a pond. I acted without thinking, and nearly destroyed the town because of it. You noticed, didn't you? How the regret was bleeding through? I felt you that day, and it was because of you they knew who I was. The clones could replicate what was on the outside, but not what was within." "So you're saying...I saved you...?" "Yes, because we worked together without even realizing it. Now that I'm sharing my life with someone else, he can truly see you for what you are." "How can I trust him? I don't even know him..." "Just follow my lead. I'll show you the way." "What if I shatter his notion of you? What if he leaves and takes the boy?" "I don't see that in him. I've seen no sign of such cruelty - nothing to suggest he would ever abandon me. My friendship with the others was shallow. We didn't really know each other in the ways we should have. I can admit that now, but they knew you. Revealing yourself to Rainbow was a blessing in disguise. Once they became aware, they could see past what they didn't know." "I'm scared..." "I know. We've hurt others and been hurt ourselves. There's nothing we can do to undo that damage, but the most meaningful lessons are the ones we learn the hardest. It wasn't until I learned this that we could become complete." "I'm curious. What will do if I'm right?" "I'll fight for my son, if you're willing to help." Pinkamena smiled warmly. It wasn't the creepy or malicious smirk she'd displayed before. It was a smile of defeat. She'd been bested by her other. "It's funny. People used to see me as a psychotic cannibal. All I really wanted was some peace of mind." "You've seen her, haven't you? The mare who will carry on our ways?" "The seraph? What was her name again?" "To be honest, I don't really remember. It was only brought up once." "A being of grace who can heal the darkest souls. If only she was here in our time..." "We're her progenitors. One day she'll see what we accomplished, and carry on what we began." "All right. I get it. Enough with the mushy stuff. Let me out, will ya?" Pinkie untied the ropes with her teeth. The sky began to clear. "See you on the other side." "I'm counting on you." A deep blue aura surrounded their forms. Lightning crackled between them, drawing the pair together in a flash of light. When the glare subsided, only Pinkie remained. She still felt mostly like her old self, but with one exception. She allowed herself to feel. The happiness, the sadness...It was all there. She'd entrusted only parts of herself to those around her. Now, they could see the whole picture...
Main 6,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Adventure,My Little Pony Comic,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The ReIncarnation AU: From Space
Many have always wondered where the two sisters originated from. What many don't know is that it all began far, far away from Equestria. Here we will learn the true story of our Princesses and even Equestria itself for your amazement and enjoyment!!!
<p>The Lore of Equestria has always been a very well kept secret despite the brief information we learn about the different villains that persist in trying to take over every season. With the magic that exists in Equestria, magic that seems to come from a variety of sources and is used by just as many, there is still so much that isn’t known. Imagine, if you will, that there was a world where all the questions that somepony could have being answered through the (somewhat haggard) retelling of history? And what if the power of Equestria came from a less far off or metaphorical source? Well, that brings you to an alternate universe where Equestria was once closer to Earth. A world that was simple with ponies still as one of the dominant species, but all of them earth ponies. They didn’t dream too big or even have cutie marks that helped them realize their greater destiny. That is until two stars fell from the sky to escape a far off evil. An evil that would return one day and throw everything into a new world of chaos.</p><p>Who better to discover the depths of this than Spike himself?</p>
THUD. Twilight sighs as heavy and loud as she dared. Her wings ached from beneath the crimson cape that was draped across her back---a gift from Rarity during her last visit. It was meant to help her get into work mode easier as they’d all realized long ago that ‘getting in character’ was something the Princess excelled at. However, after being stuck on her throne for five hours listening to the woes of the kingdom, a stiffness had set in over her muscles and has left her achy. Levitating the cape off, Twilight stands and stretches her wings out as far as she can to a series of loud pops. She sighs, in relief this time, but the sound is overshadowed by the exaggerated gagging coming from her dear Friendship Advisor. He dry heaves into his hand, “Gross! Do you have to keep doing that?!” “Sorry, Spike, but you know that being stuck like that really messes up my back,” she stands straight as the floating cape begins to fold itself into a perfect square. It comes to rest on the throne’s cushioned seat as Twilight’s hooves click against the stoned floor, even over the plush carpeting, and her wing waves the dragon to follow her. Eyes ahead, the Princess cheerily says, “Now c’mon! We only have an hour before our next meeting.” “You don’t need an hour to get through the whole library. You’ve been in and out of it for months now! Starlight is still surprised you showed that much restraint,” Spike rolls his eyes but follows with a fond smile on his face. “I had a schedule to get used to and governing to do,” she insists. He looks down at the color coded schedule he carries, crossing out their last meeting before tucking it away in the small satchel he’s begun wearing---another gift from Rarity. Over the last two and a half years Spike has begun to go through another growth spurt and it has allowed him to pass Twilight’s shoulder for the first time, not even just with his head spines either! An exciting new evolution that they’d celebrated a few months ago with one of Pinkie and Cheese’s extravaganza. This extra height meant longer legs that let him keep up without much effort. He crosses his arms as he speaks, “Yes, we’re all so proud of you. What are you diving into today?” “I’m going to look through more of Luna’s journals on the necessity of sleep aid in the kingdom. From there I can look through Starswirl and the older manuals that had been written by past kings and queens,” she explains with a prominent glint in her eye. Spike racks his brain for a moment, but when he finds himself coming up blank and squints, “Wait who?” “The past kings and queens, silly! The minor rulers that took up position during The Change,” she laughs like that makes sense to him. Which it doesn’t. “What kings and queens? I thought the Princesses always ruled?” “They did, but they needed ponies they could trust to rule in their steed when The Change occurs. Now, like I was saying, I was thinking to then---,” she dismissively waves the topic off with her wing and begins to happily continue explaining her plans. Spike would like to say that he is a good at listening, especially after so many years with Twilight, but he’s unconsciously picked up her intense curiosity for the unknown. Just in a more controlled fashion, of course. And this was sending off different signals in his brain. He rushes forward and taps her shoulder to catch her attention once more as he pipes up, “Okay, you just said that thing again. Maybe I’m just tired or a little fogged up after that meeting, but what’s The Change you keep talking about?” Twilight stops in her tracks and turns to him in an almost violent turn, “You don’t know?” “Know what?!” “Oh my Celestia! I might just be the worst parent or teacher or friend to ever exist! How have I never told you about this?! I know that you were born into Celestia’s rule like I was, but this is--- I was her top student. I was studying about her and with her for years when you were just a little fledgling. Oh, I just---,” her ranting is cut off by Spike quickly covering her mouth. He gives her a big, reassuring smile as he exclaims, “Twilight! I get your really upset about this, but why don’t we focus on what you didn’t tell me instead of what it means for you? I’m still alive and kicking so I have plenty of time to learn, right?” His nodding is enough to make her nod and breathe through the panic that she’d been feeling moments ago. Breathily she laughs, “Right! You’re so right! And we’re going to just the perfect place to do that! Let’s hurry to the library.” Twilight’s large wings scoop up the young dragon with little effort as the alicorn continues on her desired path. Any and all questions that Spike is trying to ask are drowned out by the thudding of her hooves as they hurry further and further into the castle. Taking a long, twisting path to a set of tall doors that are engraved with a series of sun and moon symbols that decorated them. It is mildly familiar to the dragon, but before he can think too far on it a purple glow opens the doors and Twilight continues on without a backwards glance. Spike grunts as he’s hit by the thick, muggy air of this library and he can guess why by the stray cobwebs that he spots in the far corners of the massive room. A pale blue glow falls over them that draws the dragon’s attention upwards to find a dome of stained glass above him in the same images as the door. But there are now familiar alicorn forms in the center with eyes longingly turned upwards as they face one another. “What are they looking at?” Twilight stops and turns to look at him over his shoulder, “Huh? Who?” “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! The two are just staring up at nothing...,” Spike’s face scrunches in concentration at another strange puzzle. He uses a claw to trace the patterns in the air to try and familiarize himself with them since they seem to hold importance. Twilight follows his eyes as he continues, “Is it unfinished?” “Oh! No, no it is finished. It might make more sense when I show you what I have in mind,” the purple mare says with a newfound determination as she moves once more. Spike reluctantly looks away from the ceiling to a light that stretches out from the very center of the room. As they move between thick bookshelves past the dusty contents that seemed ready to fall as they war for space. He can tell by smell that they are all old and aged even from within the different protective spells that covered the space. His eyes track the soft pulsing sigils that are scattered around every corner; he has seen them in a few of the books Twilight read back in her Canterlot days. As they get closer to the source of light Spike’s attention is brought to a small podium that seemed to have been carved from an old marble. Rainbow webbing had never been seen before if Rarity’s musings of gems and designs are to be believed. He makes note to get information about it from Twilight later on, but his eyes zone in on a shining protective orb that is atop this podium. Inside it was a book that looked different from any other that he’d seen before. The cover was thick, made of a bumpy dark leather that has a metal plate set into it; a bit of bronze that had strange symbols carved into it. Squiggles and curves that don’t look like any language that he’s ever seen; dragons write like they’re fighting, griffins write in short bursts, changelings basically copy the loopy pegasi style, and hippogriffs wrote in the same old fashioned way people in Equestria did long ago. The young dragon watches with rapt attention as Twilight begins to whisper what can only be an old spell as her horn lights and the orb slowly dissolves into small shining lights. All amazement and curiosity is ruined by the immediate heavy smell of rot and decay that is wrapped up in a soured, fruity tang. It’s so pungent and hits so suddenly that Spike can’t help but retch. “Ugh! What is that smell?!” “The book is made from a... well, a type of material that no other book is made from. What you’re smelling is that material having aged a good deal,” Twilight demurely hides an uneasy smile behind a hoof. She won’t meet his eyes either in this moment and her face is tinged green with just a hint of disgust; another thing that Spike will be making note of. He nods, “Okay... And what do we need with this weird smelling book?” “Yes! Get comfy down here while I read, alright? This book has so much information and is so, so old that it needs to be handled with the utmost care,” Twilight lets the other down off her back as a beanbag floats towards them. It is much newer than anything else in the library if it’s bright orange color is anything to go by and it’s lack of dust. It drops right beside the podium as Twilight continues, “Now, let’s see... The story begins deep, deep in space. Past our galaxy where the suns are plentiful and the things that live there are beyond words. Among them are beings never before seen...” They were creatures that existed in many bodies but with one mind. Their one hope was to travel across the stars, visit distant planets, and learn all that there was to know. Knowledge fed them just as easily as matter did. While they had no real names of their own the solar systems they’d moved through have taken to calling them Solar Gliders. Solar Gliders had no real form that they kept to as their pure energy just burned through them. They moved in waves and, unintentionally, left their mark on everything because their focus is not on the creatures they meet but instead their worlds. Beings of energy think little of those with mass, with their own minds, and (possibly) their own selfish needs. Beings of energy eat, learn, and move on. Those natives find themselves angry, obviously, at the destruction left behind by these Solar Gliders. Survivors that reach out to allies or make friends with those who’ve been victims of similar situations. They plan out ways to reach out to these apathetic beings in hopes of stopping more destruction in the wings. The conversations often give way to debates. “You’re hurting us!” “We simply eat when our energy has depleted. We eat only our fill and move on.” “Your eating has destroyed homes, crops, and even our dead!” “Anything and everything possesses energy, even things that have passed.” “We care for those things! Can’t you eat something else?” “We either eat that which you hold dear lest we become beasts that consume others.” “Can’t you find a home for yourselves?!” “Our needs will always be to learn all we can. Remaining on a world means starvation, ignorance even.” “So, our needs don’t mean anything to you?!” “We are a collective. Our hunger is great and ever growing. We have given you a mercy in this way.” “Can you not just eat the worlds that have died?! Why not chase down those dying stars?!” “For we are those very same stars. We gather and seek out those that would have outlived us. We wish to know you.” “You don’t care what happens after you’ve learned all you can about us?!” “You creatures are much like us. Simple. What do we care now that we’ve learned all we have?” “Do our lives mean so little when you feel there’s nothing more to learn?!” “Precisely.” “We are not just our history! What of our futures?” “For many, once we leave there is no future to mourn. What do we care of lost causes?” Things devolve from there. Wounded, offended, and furious brings about war of these worlds against the Solar Gliders. But trying to fight beings that consume the matter around them is horrendously difficult. So, what do these worlds do? They create something that is more than mass and just as hungry. A creature that seeks out the greatest form of energy to finally rid itself of it’s insatiable hunger, a craving for pure energy that can be found in very few things. It is dangerous and it is desperate but continuous loses push people to do foolish things. They name this creature Devourer. And it is effective to say the least. There is no records of the battle that ensued. It lasted for days, weeks, months even if a normal calendar is meant to be believed so far in space where there is no rotation to calculate. All that allows these worlds to know that their homemade weapon was worth the risk is the screaming. Roaring waves of agony seem to echo through the vast, soundless void of space that is felt more than heard. It rocks the worlds till their mountains shift and their foliage wilt under this projected duress. It went on for hours at a time before silence, likely the Solar Gliders having fled to hide and regroup. But the quiet didn’t last long as the Devourer continued it’s relentless pursuit and it would start all over again. No one knows when it truly ended because there is no proof that it has. No, the only thing that truly matters about this story is the fact that, in the midst of another vicious attack, two stray Solar Gliders are sent away. Maybe a desperate attempt to stop the utter extinction of itself or maybe an act of fear that surged through the two. Who can say? Either way, they soar as fast as they can to a blackhole with a hope of escaping their pursuer once and for all. An unpleasant experience in every sense of the word. A feeling of being pulled apart at the seams while at the same time being squeezed tight until the body is twisted into a painful thread. Even for beings with no real form and simply floating essence is it a nauseating experience that overwhelms the senses to the point that consciousness is lost for the very first time. The two stray Solar Gliders awaken an unknowable amount of time later. It’s quiet for the very first time, except for the sound of one another. Between them anxiety, terror, guilt, shame, and uncertainty danced around the two as they find that they rest in a large crater. Their minds know very few things now that they are so far from the hive mind they’d once been connected to; they each have small flashes of memory to what happened while they were resting. Combined energy had been unleashed on impact and seemed to revitalize a dying, weak terrestrial planet. They’d hit something on the way down and found themselves in bodies for the first time, struck with new memories and identities. This cause a fusion that was sudden and unpredictable which created the first alicorns, Crissal and Lorna. It would take them some time to learn that their arrival brought about so much change in the few creatures that still lived upon the planet. Almost as long as they come to realize their appearances were strange for not only the extra appendages but the marking that appeared on their flanks. The responsibility and change that they will orchestrate later on. But there is more to come before these questions can be answered or realized. THUNK Spike sits up and turns to Twilight in confusion, “Why’d you stop? And what does it mean that there’s more to come?” “Like I said, this book is incredibly old. Not just because of when it was bound together but also the information comes from reliable but ancient sources. These pages were written much later than anything else that exists in here,” she explains with a giddy smile. She whispers another spell and the shield reforms around the book, once safely tucked away the alicorn’s attention moves to a shelf to the far right. Her horn glows and, after a bit of shuffling in the distance, a roll of several scrolls float in front of Spike’s flabbergasted face. “Here! These may help just a little bit more.” He holds his hands out as the magic disappears and Twilight trots off, her attention drawn away by her original goal. Fueled by his aforementioned plague of curiosity that he’d picked up from the mare, Spike shouts, “Wait, can’t I just read while you---!” She shouts over him, “I’ll read you more during the next break! We only have so many hours in the day! Just read those for now!” Spike sighs as he settles back onto the beanbag, “Fine... Might as well see what this has to offer.”
Main 6,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Adventure,My Little Pony Comic,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The ReIncarnation AU: From Space
Many have always wondered where the two sisters originated from. What many don't know is that it all began far, far away from Equestria. Here we will learn the true story of our Princesses and even Equestria itself for your amazement and enjoyment!!!
<p>The Lore of Equestria has always been a very well kept secret despite the brief information we learn about the different villains that persist in trying to take over every season. With the magic that exists in Equestria, magic that seems to come from a variety of sources and is used by just as many, there is still so much that isn’t known. Imagine, if you will, that there was a world where all the questions that somepony could have being answered through the (somewhat haggard) retelling of history? And what if the power of Equestria came from a less far off or metaphorical source? Well, that brings you to an alternate universe where Equestria was once closer to Earth. A world that was simple with ponies still as one of the dominant species, but all of them earth ponies. They didn’t dream too big or even have cutie marks that helped them realize their greater destiny. That is until two stars fell from the sky to escape a far off evil. An evil that would return one day and throw everything into a new world of chaos.</p><p>Who better to discover the depths of this than Spike himself?</p>
Unrolling the scrolls brings up a small bit of anxiety in Spike as he keeps thinking on what Twilight had said. Everything was old and needed to be tended to with the utmost care. The idea that he could rip something and ruin it forever has him shaking in mild horror because he’s destroyed plenty of documents in the past. As he looks over the scrolls that he’s been given and immediately realizes that more than half of these are in the same language as the book’s cover. Great. He can’t help but grumble, “Still can’t believe I’m going to be on a scheduled reading time. It’s not like I’m a baby dragon anymore. And did she even check before handing this to me? Or does she want me to teach myself this...whatever this is!” Leafing through the scrolls there is one, two different pieces that Spike can’t understand before he finds one that had been translated. Based on the intricate short hoof print it was done by Star Swirl the Bearded at one point. Possibly important for later. With that he reads the third scroll in the bunch. Two days into Sun and Moon Era Dear Healer Mountain Breeze, The Village of Usth asks for your aid as there has been a drastic change in two of our members after the great explosion that happened not far from our borders. We had thought it was a great beast attacking some poor wayward souls at first, but we’d realized that some of our members were missing. A search party went out to find them and were horrified to find that there was death across one of our prominent grazing fields. Among the dried crops were the bodies of rabbits, birds, and squirrels that seemed to have been sucked dry in a similar way. We don’t know how this happened and frantically looked for our lost friends in hopes of rescuing them from whatever caused this. Instead we found bodies. They were horrifying to see and left many unable to keep hold of their lunches or their emotions. Crying, screaming, vomiting alike as a need to mourn encapsulated us. We are simple people with simple needs and were not prepared for these new horrors to befall us. We had been ready to turn back right away before our top hunter, Grove Trotter, had pointed out that there were only six corpses before us. There were still two ponies out there that needed to be found. So, we searched. We’d spent hours out in the heat and amongst the smell of rot. We turned over rubble and wayward boulders that seemed to have fallen from the nearby mountain. Nothing had come up. We lost hope. Believing that maybe some distant animal had come and eaten their bodies, we rushed to gather up the bodies of those we could identify and return home. Upon arrival we were greeted to the sight of a perfectly frantic village as looming above the citizens was our two missing members. But, altered drastically. Crissal was once a simple pony that lived her life caring for the young in her village under the watchful eye of the other Elders. She made sure they didn’t get into fights, that they were fed, and that they went to each of their lessons. Her body had once been a rich brown, a similar color to her dark mane and tail, yet she returned to the village looking changed to the point no one recognized her at first. Body a shining golden hue, hair an unnatural bright orange, and eyes bluer than any river I’ve ever seen. But her voice was the same and her kind smile was unchanged so how could we not realize that whatever had happened simply changed her? Our poor Lorna was no different. She’d had dark coloring before but now, her body was obsidian black with snow white hair and bottomless black eyes. But her body was like Crissal’s. Legs extended to great heights, neck like a prideful swan, and thin faces that gave an almost gaunt appearance. They have increased hunger than before but seem to carry with them no sickness, but we all know something is wrong. Please venture to us across the Mahurin River and take a look at our friends. We fear what this could mean for the rest of us or what lasting effects this will have on Crissal and Lorna. Sincerely, Elder Magpie Spike tries not to cringe over what he’s read. The ways that this Elder Magpie had described the whole experience was upsetting enough that he wonders if his stomach would be turning till dinner. If he decided to even eat dinner after this. He hopes that there isn’t more of that in any of these. Checking another reveals a strange series of charts and diagrams that the dragon has never seen before. Spike can’t tell the numbers from the regular sentences to the point he can’t even guess what these are linked to, but he does recognize the combination of symbols that made up Elder Magpie’s name in the previous letter. Under a wild guess he assumes it was important to the village. “Okay, so, these scrolls probably came from the Elder. Why isn’t more of this translated? There’s got to be a spell, right? Maybe Twilight will know,” the purple dragon says to himself. He pulls out some extra parchment and a quill to write down his questions for later. Turning back to the scrolls, Spike moves to the fifth and sixth pages to find rough sketches of ponies. They are all young fillies that seem to go from earth ponies to either unicorns or pegasi, their expressions becoming more haggard with time. There are no colors but there is heavy blots of ink or faded smears of strange liquids around the appendages they seem to be growing. He hazards a guess that it is to represent whatever blood or gore that was revealed in this process. Thankful to the minor censoring, Spike quickly moves onto the seventh page and is surprised to find another translated page. He dives in greedily to see what more the Elder had to say. Ninety-Two days into Sun and Moon Era Dear Questa, It has been three month now since the terrible incident that had destroyed much of the West Grazing field and we have growing concern for our world. The sun is taking much longer to set and rise each day. The replanting efforts have been thrown for a loop as everyone’s sundials have been off due to this. There has also been growing concern as some of the animals within the forest seem to have taken on features of other creatures and developed strange abilities. They have also become hostile in a way that was never seen before. Elders Robin and Blue jay agreed with me that no one should return to that place in hopes of avoiding anymore injuries. It has lead to ongoing discussions of moving across the Mahurin River in hopes of making allies with the village there so that we may combine together. It will take much negotiating to even receive a proper conversation with their leaders, so we are desperately trying to save all future crops and any chance we have for foraging. We have little hope that this will actually do much, but it is giving our people hope. That’s enough. On to other business, Healer Mountain Breeze did not find anything during his visit and neither did the three others that he’d reached out to in our time of need. There is no explanation as to why the two mares were so thin or so different from before. They also had no theories for the strange abilities that they began to show after only a few nights resting in the village. Abilities that started sprouting up amongst the young fillies that have been complaining about headaches. They are forming growths... No one is experiencing symptoms at this time, so we are hoping that our move will bring us closer to the Healers and avoid whatever misfortune looms on the horizon. The world seems to be changing so much, so suddenly. I worry for our people. Please let us know if you’ve faired any better. I remember your last few letters that there was a seasonal flu going around for many of your own young. If there is a way we can help you, please let us know. Missing you greatly, Elder Magpie Spike’s eyes move to the margins of the translation to find more writing in a pink ink. Much newer and in another’s hoof writing, while he doesn’t recognize whose it is easy to see that it’s not Star Swirl’s. Another weird feature that the young dragon jots down in his notes before finally reading the margins. He mumbles to himself, “Rapid evolutionary properties. Illness through a drastic genetic change, but minor enough to bring no deaths. The largest demographic are fillies between the ages of four to twelve. Based on further research made, this may have been tied with the first cutie marks to ever exist.” He blinks rapidly at that last part. “The first to ever exist?!” “SSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” He cranes to look past the podium to see Twilight sticking her head out from behind a stack of reading material. She had that ‘I’m so, so serious’ face on and everything. After flashing a sheepish smile, Spike huddles back into the beanbag and turns his attention to the eighth page. Another untranslated page that he couldn’t make heads or tails of, but what really caught his attention was the very detailed painting of what looked to be alicorns. They fit the descriptions from before almost to a T. To the best of his ability he tries to copy the picture as he once more talks to himself, “The first alicorns... Hmm... I guess all alicorns really do look the same. I wonder why.” Once his crude copy is done, the young dragon flips through two more pages and finds more untranslated pages. He spots the familiar symbols of Elder Magpie’s name to confirm that it does indeed belong amongst this growing pile. Moving on to the next page reveals another translated page with many more notes in the margins. Three-hundred and Forty-Two days into Sun and Moon Era Dear Elder Swiftwind of Risse Village, The Village of Usth thanks you for the aid you have provided to us in these past few months. With so many falling bedridden I was worried that your village was being set upon by the same dangers that we’ve found. Seeing that great gifts have begun to form for both of our villages I have much hope that this turn of fate may be the change that Elder Robin had prophesized many weeks ago. Truly, that mare surprises me every time we speak. I know that there has been much happening since the incident in the West Grazing field, but I did want your opinion on something. The other Elders and I had reached out to the Healers about ways to help control the miracles many of the young were doing. They assured us that Crissal and Lorna could do it. The same with those who have found themselves gifted with flight. I wasn’t sure of these suggestions at first, after all both mares had only held their own new appendages for just as long. But they took to it naturally as if it was second nature. They led them with kindness and gentleness that has been shown to our stressed populace. We have become more advisors than leaders with how we’ve run around like chickens with our heads cut off. After some consideration the Elders and I have been considering training them to take over properly. Power should always be utilized to care for our people, shouldn’t it? We Elders are getting old, getting tired. We are not equipped to deal with these differences but it seems that we may not need to be. No, we simply need to be advisors to the usual inner workings as neither mare is aware of them. And is it truly so wrong to do that? Elder Blue jay seems to think so while Elder Robin is too lost in her visions to care. What will become of us when the Elder focused on the past is uninterested in the present? What progress will we make when the Elder, who’s eyes are only trained forward lifts no finger to change what’s around them? Old and stubborn is all we are. So, my friend, what should I do in this predicament? Please, write back to me soon as I fear the growing tensions may find our simple village splitting up much like the Village in the Valley did a few weeks ago. The migrants we’d taken in had spoken of similar instances to our own but with higher tension as they had no real leadership. They took to Crissal and Lorna quickly. More evidence in my opinion, but just more hints of a mutiny in the making for the others. I am at a loss on how to keep the peace. Ever nervous, Elder Magpie The pink ink in the margins reads: Elder Magpie does not get to see things come to fruition. Her death greatly shifts the power dynamics. There was no avoiding the civil war she feared and many are hurt in the process. Her belief allows for the Princesses to come into power, so her unfortunate demise was integral to Equestria’s history. Elder Blue Jay and Elder Robin do not remain problems for long. Questa was a beneficial advisor. “Questa? She was the only one to not have a title,” Spike taps the quill against his chin as he vocalizes his thoughts. “Maybe she was close friends with Elder Magpie? Could be a family member, too, I guess...” He glances back to the previous pages and hums in thought. Before he can think more on it he hears Twilight call out, “Spike! We need to head back to the throne room!” Jumping up, he gathers all of the papers into the satchel with a shout, “Coming!” The purple dragon pulls out the color coded schedule once more and crosses off their break time as he rushes after her. There are twelve more meetings on the docket before the day ends and two of those are before they even have lunch! Man, he hopes one of the cooks is bringing something to snack on in between.
Main 6,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Adventure,My Little Pony Comic,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The ReIncarnation AU: From Space
Many have always wondered where the two sisters originated from. What many don't know is that it all began far, far away from Equestria. Here we will learn the true story of our Princesses and even Equestria itself for your amazement and enjoyment!!!
<p>The Lore of Equestria has always been a very well kept secret despite the brief information we learn about the different villains that persist in trying to take over every season. With the magic that exists in Equestria, magic that seems to come from a variety of sources and is used by just as many, there is still so much that isn’t known. Imagine, if you will, that there was a world where all the questions that somepony could have being answered through the (somewhat haggard) retelling of history? And what if the power of Equestria came from a less far off or metaphorical source? Well, that brings you to an alternate universe where Equestria was once closer to Earth. A world that was simple with ponies still as one of the dominant species, but all of them earth ponies. They didn’t dream too big or even have cutie marks that helped them realize their greater destiny. That is until two stars fell from the sky to escape a far off evil. An evil that would return one day and throw everything into a new world of chaos.</p><p>Who better to discover the depths of this than Spike himself?</p>
Spike glares up at the sun as though it has wronged him. The young dragon has situated himself into the the brightest part of the castle and was regretting it immediately. The stained glass windows, as always, are blindingly beautiful during the daytime. Seeing the many arcs of his friends’ lives always gave a feeling of peace that helped throughout these past two years since their lives have made an upheaval. Today, however, there is no real ease filling him in this moment. His eyes feel dry and the bags underneath them feel heavier than usual after pulling another all-nighter with Twilight. Two in a row can be common when in the Sparkle household, but the increased meetings the past couple days have really cut into study time. This had, of course, lead to a long back and forth between the two on Twilight backsliding into some of her bad habits. “It won’t happen again, I promise.” “Are you sure? You said that before and we somehow broke a record this time!” “Yeah, I know, but I definitely mean it this time. Promise!” “Uh huh. Is that a Pinkie Promise?” Twilight stiffens at the mention of the most sacred promise to ever exist. He can see a small bead of sweat form by her twitching ear and the evasive movement of her eyes. Almost as suspicious as when they met her strange, overthinking future self. “Well?” “Ah... I... Uh... Sure, totally! It’s been great talking to you, Spike, but we really gotta get to bed before our first meeting! See you later,” Twilight’s mouth moves so fast that Spike can barely catch what she’s saying. Especially when he’s this exhausted. “Wha--,” he goes to ask but, by the time his eyes turn focus back in, Twilight is gone. He blinks once, twice, and then groans into his hands, “Celestia, help me.” Spike sighs at the memory as he rifles through a small bowl of rubies that an attendant had brought him. He takes out the biggest one that he can feel and takes a moment to admire it in the villainous, traitorous sun’s light. All of them are a beautiful deep red that has him salivating at the sight, but this one had an almost candy look to it. Flicking his wrist, the gem does a few twirls as it takes to the air and promptly lands on the dragon’s forked tongue before it can come crashing down. As he crunches through the hard exterior, Spike can’t help but laugh at the joy that bursts through him as the flavor hits his tongue. It’s so much sweeter than any of the apples or even the apple treats that were made from them. With almost complete certainty it could be said that this beats out anything that’s ever come from Sweet Apple Acres but he is smart enough to never let Applejack hear him say that. Not again, at least. “Are they really that good?” Spike is so ready to jump out of his skin at this new voice that his inability to leads him choke immediately. He hacks and coughs intensely, body convulsing like a cat struggling through a hairball. His eyes widen and tear up as he feels the shards shift against the thick, slimy coating of his esophagus---thank you dragon anatomy. Finally, after a build up to his saliva breaks down the small clusters of the ruby, Spike forces it all down. The voice calls out again, “Oh my goodness! Spike, are you alright?” Spike feels a cool hoof gently thump him on the back as he finally takes in deep, desperate breathes. Shakily, Spike wipes away the stringy drool that pooled between his fanged teeth. He turns to find a familiar yellow pegasi peering down at him from behind a thick mane of pink hair. He croaks, “Fluttershy? W-What are you doing here?” “Twilight asked me to come by to check in on you. Something about pushing you too hard and spending the day together so that you relax,” Fluttershy explains as her wing scoops up his glass of water from the table. She passes it along to him as she continues, “I’m sorry for startling you like that.” He gulps down the entire glass and flops face first into the high quality carpet that lines the hallway. The cool floor feels like a relief after his body temperature spiked during his panic. Fluttershy, realizing that the younger was in a state, says nothing as Spike recuperates. It takes a moment of basking beneath the colorful warmth of the sun but Spike finally finds his brain catching up with him and turns to the pegasi with a confused look. “Wait, you’re here to babysit me?” Fluttershy’s brow furrows ever-so-slightly, “No?” “You said that like a question,” he squints at her suspiciously. “I don’t believe that’s what Twilight has in mind. She knows you’re not a baby anymore, but she did say that you needed a chance to relax.” Indignation fills him for a moment, leftover feelings of inadequacy and being looked down on. Things he hasn’t thought of in so long but managed to worm their way in when he was half-awake. It’s only his delirium that keeps him from getting swept up in the negativity that he spent so long growing out of. This isn’t about being a kid or about how he needs to handle himself to not be treated like a baby again. So, Spike sighed heavily, letting the weight of exhaustion settle into his bones and ground him in this moment. Fluttershy's presence beside him was a calming presence, her gentle demeanor a stark contrast to his own frazzled state. "Thanks for checking in on me, Fluttershy," Spike said, offering her a weary smile. Fluttershy returned the smile, her soft voice carrying a hint of concern. "Of course, Spike. Twilight was worried about you, and I wanted to make sure you were okay." "Yeah, she's been on my case about taking breaks lately," Spike admitted, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "But I guess I can't blame her. I've been diving pretty deep into these scrolls lately." Fluttershy nodded understandingly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and understanding. "It's important to take care of yourself, Spike. You don't want to burn yourself out." Spike chuckled ruefully. "Tell that to Twilight. She's practically the queen of burning the midnight oil." Fluttershy giggled softly, a melodic sound that lifted Spike's spirits. "Well, she does have a lot on her plate. But I'm sure she just wants what's best for you." "Yeah, she always does," Spike agreed, a fond smile tugging at his lips. "But sometimes I just wish she'd let me figure things out on my own." Fluttershy placed a comforting hoof on Spike's shoulder, her touch gentle and reassuring. "I think she just worries about you, Spike. You mean a lot to her." Spike's heart warmed at Fluttershy's words, a swell of affection blooming within him. "Thanks, Fluttershy. You always know how to make me feel better." Fluttershy smiled softly, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "That's what friends are for, Spike. And if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here for you." Spike nodded gratefully, feeling a surge of gratitude towards his dear friend. "Thanks, Fluttershy. I really appreciate it." The mare comes to sit beside him, letting him lea against her as he goes back to eating his rubies. Neither speak as Spike closes his eyes to protect himself from the light around him and just soak up the warmth around him. The idea of getting to rest is “She wasn’t sure that you’d do that because of some book she showed you? She never specified what book that is, but I figured that we could still make time for it after a bit of rest,” she says absentmindedly. He sits up with a gasp, “I totally forgot about the smelly book!” “Smelly book?” He snorts at the memory, “Oh, you won’t even believe me if I tell you how bad this book smelled. It was like, like--- Okay, so I can’t explain it without being super gross, but just imagine the worse smell ever times ten and mixed with maximum B.O.” Fluttershy visibly cringes, “Oh my...” “Yeah! Real bad, right?” His green eyes look towards the tall doors that lead to the library path that he’d been thinking of for days. He’d almost forgotten all about it after the three-day study session and the reworking of meetings to even make it work. Both of them had been so busy that he’d likely “I’m not sure if that’s what Twilight wants you to do.” “She technically said that she just wanted me to take a break from work, right?” She nods slowly, “Right...” “And I think that reading a good book is a perfect way to relax. Besides, I can’t read the book she was talking about anyway. Doesn’t mean I can’t read some other stuff,” he gives her the biggest smile that he can. She nods again, even slower, “Other stuff?” “Twilight had given me some extra literature that was supposed to give me more context for later. So, I was thinking, that why not do a bit of looking around on my own, right?” Fluttershy watches as the young dragon begins to walk backwards, moving further down the hall towards a plain door. The mare wasn’t sure where it lead but she had a good idea. Her head bobs once more as she stares him down, voice low as she answers, “...Right.” “Right! Plus, I won’t be there forever. And I have a snack with me so I’ll even be getting a full stomach so I can sleep after! I’ll get all the rest I need,” he insists as he pulls the door open. Fluttershy says nothing. She stares into his eyes, green on green, before taking a slow and evened blink. He can’t quite figure out what emotion is going through her mind or even decipher if anything that he said has made an impact on her. It makes him feel like he’s being picked apart scale by scale until he’s nothing but skeleton and the fiery heart that beats inside him. The heart that skips until, finally, the pegasi smiles sweetly and replies, “You’re really excited about this. Just what is so interesting about this book?” “Well---,” Spike finds that his tongue gets stuck to the top of his mouth and stops him from explaining. He grunts and fumbles as his hands instinctively moving to pull at his lower jaw in terror. He can’t speak, he can’t speak, he can’t speak! Spike's panic intensified as he struggled to pry his mouth open, his fingers clawing desperately at his jaw as if trying to break through an invisible barrier. His breath came in short, sharp gasps, each one a painful reminder of his inability to speak. But just as he felt himself teetering on the edge of despair, a strange sense of calm washed over him, enveloping him in its soothing embrace. In that moment of clarity, the world around him seemed to shift and warp, the familiar surroundings of the castle melting away to reveal a vivid tapestry of images that danced before his eyes. The library stretched out before him, its towering shelves laden with ancient tomes and dusty scrolls, each one whispering secrets of times long past. His gaze was drawn inexorably to a distant corner, where a single book lay nestled amidst a sea of forgotten knowledge. As he watched, transfixed, the journal seemed to come alive before his very eyes, its cover adorned with symbols that pulsed and shimmered with an otherworldly energy. Stars, moons, and swirling mist swirled in a mesmerizing dance, drawing him ever closer with their tantalizing promise of hidden truths. But just as quickly as the vision had appeared, it vanished, leaving Spike standing alone in the corridor with Fluttershy at his side. He blinked, trying to make sense of what he had just witnessed, but the memory slipped through his fingers like grains of sand, leaving only a lingering sense of wonder in its wake. Fluttershy's voice broke through his reverie, her concern evident in the gentle cadence of her words. "Spike, are you alright?" He nodded slowly, his mind still reeling from the intensity of the vision. "Yeah, Fluttershy, I'm okay," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. But deep down, he knew that what he had just experienced was far from ordinary—it was a glimpse into a world of magic and mystery, a world that he was determined to explore. She tilts her head and asks, “Are you sure?” “Yes! And I know exactly what I want to read! C’mon, let’s go!” “Wait, what’s the rush?” Spike makes no move to answer as he runs through the corridor to the library within. Eyes focused ahead of him as blue fills the area, but he’s staring down the corner he’d seen in the vision. It had to of been that corner. He quickly rummages through the files, books, scrolls, and dusty maps that are half-rolled up. He digs and digs until he finally, finally he pulls the book that he had seen in his vision. Star Swirl the Bearded, a legendary figure in Equestrian history, loomed large in the annals of magic. He had been born to two earth ponies, a set of squash and onion farmers, and had not been allowed any form of education for most of his formative years. His unicorn birth having made him a social pariah in his predominantly earth pony town and colony, forcing his parents to keep him sheltered away. However, born with a large and prominent horn, magic came readily to the young Star Swirl. Self-study and experimentation were all that Star Swirl had for many years. He developed many new spells and potions that were unlike anything that Equestria has ever seen. They helped his family’s crops flourish, they saved the colony from a terrible drought, and created spectacular sights that dazzled them all. Many sought out his skills for personal means and it is said that there is no spell or potion that he couldn’t craft. There were many who feared his potential and even more that envied his natural talents. Celestia, after witnessing one of the many showcases that the unicorn performed to attract new clients, took him under her wing. Much of his time was spent studying the work of the Princesses throughout their various cycles. Things they’d learned and created in the hundreds of thousands of years; his days were spent trying to absorb these findings to the best of his ability. They allowed him to hone his craft to the best of his ability and ready himself to take up the role of King one day. Unlike many before him, Star Swirl cared little for royal life and had sought out allies to act as a council around him. Their names hold no weight to time but they took care of many matters while Star Swirl focused on much of the chaos that existed throughout Equestria. Though he was not bestowed with the traditional horn of a unicorn, for his was longer and bore strange deep markings across it, his mastery of arcane knowledge rivaled even the most skilled spellcasters of his time. Alongside the Pillars of Old Equestria, a group of esteemed companions he had befriended and collaborated with, Star Swirl dedicated his life to safeguarding the realm. In an era before the last ascension of Princesses Celestia and Luna, Star Swirl and the Pillars worked tirelessly to maintain peace and harmony throughout the land. Together with Stygian, a once trusted ally turned adversary, they faced countless threats and challenges, utilizing their combined wisdom and strength to protect Equestria from the forces of darkness. Yet, their greatest trial came when Stygian fell victim to the corrupting influence of dark magic, sowing discord and chaos in his misguided quest for power. In a desperate bid to save the kingdom from destruction, Star Swirl and his companions made the ultimate sacrifice, sealing themselves away to contain the spreading darkness. With a sigh, Spike closed the book, feeling somewhat underwhelmed by its contents. "What's the point of reading all this again?" he muttered to himself, running a clawed hand through his spines. But then, as he reached to return the book to its shelf, something caught his eye. A faint shimmer, almost imperceptible, danced across the surface of the pages. Frowning, Spike leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "There's something... off about this," he murmured, flipping through the pages again. “What’s wrong?” Spike turns to see Fluttershy peeking over from the edge of the bookshelf, a small book balancing on her wing. From what he can tell it is filled with remedies and identifications of different herbs. It wasn’t too dissimilar to the types of books that Zecora had leant her in the past from what Spike could tell. He turns to show her the book in his hands. “Can you come look at this?” Fluttershy maneuvers around the stacks of papers till she comes to stand beside the dragon. Her eyes scan over the page quickly before turning back to him in confusion. She asks, “What’s wrong with it?” Spike taps at the pages insistently, “This is just the normal tale of how Star Swirl and the Pillars dealing with Stygian. Just in different wording. Why would it be added onto this retelling of his life?” “A lot of history books do that, Spike. They’re written and rewritten by different ponies,” the mare explains. “I know, I know. Just... This seems so weird when I...” He looks down at the book once more with a saddened grimace on his face as he whispers, “There’s more to it. I know it. I wanna know more. I wanna know the truth!” “Well, maybe-- Oh my goodness!” The book lights up in a blinding light and the pages from before begin flipping rapidly back and forth. A hum fills the air as the sentences begin to shift, meld, and change before their very eyes. The two lean in close as the light slowly dims into nothing and they are greeted to a whole new segment. It seems almost like the after thought from how it’s placed at the back of this book. Ponies of Equestria had long since begun to develop strangely as they became more ingrained in the magic that Celestia and Luna brought. Pegasi were given the ability of flight in not just their wings but in their bodies, allowing them to manipulate clouds and the weather as they went. Earth ponies found themselves with impressive strength and stamina that was unmatched by all others, uniquely attuned with the elements to an almost extreme extent at times. And, of course, unicorns were blessed with the strongest magic that was not limited to their normal abilities but instead their imagination. Many ponies intermingled and found love after a time and their children began to show signs of minor mutations that worried Celestia greatly, worried that the magic was turning on her people. She had requested that Star Swirl look for a way to fix these missteps in his journey so that upon her next life would be a chance for new hope. Ever the faithful student, Star Swirl did as he was told. He traveled high and low for years, trying to achieve this while also working to protect Equestria from the evils that seemed to pop up every few months. He was unsuccessful. The sisters returned to their positions to find that more of these strange hybrid ponies were popping up across Equestria with strange and unstable magic. Pegasi that could not live in the clouds because their bodies could not rest on the clouds or could not tame the storm clouds that wandered through the sky. Some had micro wings or even thicker bones that made them too heavy to take to the air. Unicorns with strange horns that either could not correctly direct their magic or made it impossible to utilize it without dire mistakes. Earth ponies so weak, sickly, and fragile that they were bedbound most of their lives. It all seemed so cruel and strange to happen. Celestia and Luna did their best to reassure those who were living in these ways. Provide aid to their towns when damages happened and offer different tutors/instructors to help make transitioning into a different lifestyle easier, one that is away from most of society. Anything to keep people safe. To keep Equestria safe. Unbeknownst to all of Equestria, Celestia had begun taking her own precautions and conducting her own experiments when not going about her duties. Utilizing the council Star Swirl had created for the first decade and a half her return. In this time she had been secretly channeling magic to empower unicorns throughout their lands. It was meant to make them superior in not only body but power and that it will pass on to their children. Stygian, while a lesser conduit of the Pillars, had been one of the many unicorns that she had chosen for the inner power he had. She had not learned from her past dealing of tinkering with ponies and the levels of magic that they had (see Crystal Kingdom and Changelings). Stygian's power was great and it created a heavy manifestation and this corruption grew until it threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality. The rest is history, as they say. As the last in a long line of royals who had studied under Celestia and Luna, Star Swirl bore witness to the rise and fall of monarchs, his steadfast commitment to duty and honor guiding him through the tumultuous ages. And though the sisters would eventually return to reclaim their rightful place as rulers of Equestria, Star Swirl's legacy would forever be enshrined in the annals of history, a testament to the enduring power of magic and friendship. Spike turns to see Fluttershy once more and whispers, “She was giving them more magic...”
Main 6,Other,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Adventure,My Little Pony Comic,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
The ReIncarnation AU: From Space
Many have always wondered where the two sisters originated from. What many don't know is that it all began far, far away from Equestria. Here we will learn the true story of our Princesses and even Equestria itself for your amazement and enjoyment!!!
<p>The Lore of Equestria has always been a very well kept secret despite the brief information we learn about the different villains that persist in trying to take over every season. With the magic that exists in Equestria, magic that seems to come from a variety of sources and is used by just as many, there is still so much that isn’t known. Imagine, if you will, that there was a world where all the questions that somepony could have being answered through the (somewhat haggard) retelling of history? And what if the power of Equestria came from a less far off or metaphorical source? Well, that brings you to an alternate universe where Equestria was once closer to Earth. A world that was simple with ponies still as one of the dominant species, but all of them earth ponies. They didn’t dream too big or even have cutie marks that helped them realize their greater destiny. That is until two stars fell from the sky to escape a far off evil. An evil that would return one day and throw everything into a new world of chaos.</p><p>Who better to discover the depths of this than Spike himself?</p>
Spike hadn’t expected to be promptly scooped up and carried from the library by a frazzled Fluttershy. He wasn’t anymore prepared to be dropped off at his room with a rushed, mumbled apology. Of course, he had been confused about what she was doing but he burped up a letter not long after that was written by Twilight. It didn’t give much away. She wrote of Fluttershy having to leave since Discord popped in with complaints of Angel’s ‘spawn’ causing problems. Added in that Fluttershy mentioned the weird info they’d found and that Twilight had gone to check in on the book some time ago, eager to see this new information he’d found. And, right at the end, there is a small blurb about getting the nap that he’d promised to take. Truly disappointing to know the yellow pegasus gave up the goat so quick but by the time he was curled up in bed and ready to sleep there was no malice or annoyance at the observation. Friends don’t want to keep secrets from each other and good ones do their best to not have to ever try. Spike’s eyes slip closed as he yawns and wonders aloud, “If Celestia’s magic did that... I wonder what else she did.” “Spike... Spike...,” a voice whispers in the darkness. No, not a voice. A chorus of voices. Spike jerks his head left and right in surprise, suddenly taking in his surroundings. He’s in a forest of crystal trees, thing and willowy as if a strong gust of wind could shatter them into pieces. They reflect the purples and greens of his scales until a eerie, muted hue takes over the space. A shiver runs up his spine as he feels something cool and delicate skate across his talons, his legs, and his tail. He looks down to see thick smoke swirling around him and obscuring the floor from the waist down; every muscle in his body tenses in terror, in surprise. The young dragon has no clue how he got there. “Spike... Spike, hurry. You must hurry...,” the voices whisper. There’s nothing but trees around him. He squints to try and get a better look at everything around him, to find the figure that keeps calling out to him in this moment. There’s no body in sight but the voice doesn’t sound too far away. Over the years he’s balanced a healthy dose of skepticism and fear when it came to the unknown as you never know what lurked in the darkness. Now, met with darkness once more, he remembers that he’s not just some baby dragon anymore. He is alone and there is something out there that is seeking him out. Some time ago it had been the instinct of his people and even later on than that was the makings of a new friend. Being brave wasn’t his strong suit, but it had never stopped Spike before so it certainly wouldn’t stop him now. He takes a steadying breathe before slowly walking in the direction of that voice. “Hello? Who’s out there? How do you know my name?” “This way... Quickly, Spike...,” the strange chorus sounds desperate. “Please, just tell me what this is about. I... I feel like I’ve been here before,” Spike finds himself admitting as he continues with more certainty each step. “You’ve read of us... You wish to know... We wish to tell you...,” the voices sing out sweetly, airily. Spike feels so aware of the cold, hard floor below him. Of the trees seeming to cluster closer and closer together as he walked further into this strange forest. He’s thankfully too small for these twisting figures to hinder him but it doesn’t stop the growing claustrophobic feeling it brings. Like he’s just a tiny mouse walking around a maze for the amusement of some distant onlooker. He keeps his eyes forward, uncertain what he’d see if he looked to the sky, and asks, “You’re the Elders?” The laughter is erratic yet slow from chuckling to full belly laughter among a sea of giggling, “No... No, we are the in-betweens... You wished to know us...” He keeps following the laughter as he consider this. What else could they be talking about? What had he been searching for? He was reading the papers because Twilight gave them to him and she only did that because they weren’t reading that old book anymore. A book about--- “You’re the Change?” The question makes them quiet down. There’s a pause before they whisper, “Almost... We’re the in-betweens...” He asks immediately, “What are in-betweens?” “The lives we’d lost... The people we were... Eaten away and swept aside...,” they explain. He widens “Wait, how is that possible? You’re saying that you’re all like Crissal and Lorna?” “Yes.” He freezes as he the voices seem to echo and surround him completely. He pauses and stands a bit straighter, the spines on the side of his head perking up. He waits and waits for a moment for them to continue, but silence drags on. When he slowly begins to keep moving forward a series of young, feminine voices speak up, “That book means to tell you Equestria’s history.” He nods, “Twilight says it’s older than most things in the library and has to be looked at magically.” “The history that she wants said,” they explain. “It's not real?" “It's twisted,” they insist Frustrated, he asks, “Then what’s the truth?” His pace picks up with a growing feeling of urgency. He goes from a jog to a run and then sprinting to try reaching these wayward voices, but they sound as if they only get further away. They keep calling out but they seem to realize his predicament and there’s a shift that his heart pounding, his ears ringing, and his breathe escaping in frantic gasps. The voices no longer whisper in this uproar of chaos and outrage, some of the voices devolve into sobbing while others are screaming in rage. Everything seems to echo and reverb off of the shifting, shimmering trees that seem to flash in an out of the world at random. He grunts each time he accidentally trips over a root or bumps into the side of one. His limbs hurt and he feels so frustrated, so overwhelmed that he finds tears beginning to build until they slip free. They call out in distorted wails, “Spike! Spike... Spike! Hurry, Spike!” “I’m trying! I’m coming!” He jolts forward as his food is suddenly caught. Looking down, a tangle of crystal roots are entangled around him in a grip that gets tighter every time he moves. He struggles against them, feeling the sharp edges of the crystal roots digging into his scales. Panic rises within him as he realizes he's trapped, the voices growing louder and more desperate around him. "Spike, help us! You're our only hope!" the voices cry out, their words distorted and echoing in the chaotic atmosphere. Spike thrashes against the crystal roots, but they only tighten their grip, constricting around him like vengeful serpents. He can feel the ground beneath him shifting, becoming soft and flimsy like a grassy field after a terrible rainstorm. His heart races as he realizes what's happening—the ground is giving way beneath him. "No, no, no!" Spike screams, his voice joining the chorus of cries that surround him. He claws desperately at the ground, trying to find purchase, but it's no use. The crystal roots continue to pull him down, dragging him deeper and deeper into the earth. The screams around him grow louder, more intense, as if the very ground itself is alive with anguish and despair. Spike's breath comes in short gasps as he struggles against the suffocating weight pressing down on him. And then, with a sickening lurch, Spike feels himself sinking into the crystal ground like fast-acting quicksand. He thrashes and kicks, but it only hastens his descent. The voices scream in his ears, a cacophony of terror and agony that threatens to overwhelm him. Just as Spike feels like he's about to be swallowed whole by the darkness, he hears a faint whisper, a voice cutting through the chaos like a beacon of hope. "Spike... wake up." “SPIKE!” He’s immediately met with pain. Hitting the floor as he topples off of the plush bed, the one that he’d claimed for himself after they’d moved into the Canterlot castle, and going head first into the carpeted floor. With a groan, he slowly sits up and cradles his face in his hands to try to ward off the mild agony that throbs through it. He pauses once he registers the warm tears that had streaked down his cheeks and are pooling into his sore palms. Guess he wasn’t just crying in his dreams. Great. “Oh Celestia, are you alright, Spike?” He reluctantly raises his head up to greet the purple alicorn that looked down at him worriedly. The tall, lean mare leaning down to gently nudge the top of his head in a comforting manner as she took in the pained and crying sight of her ward. She crouches down a bit before using her large wings to scoop him up and place him back up on the bed before joining him. A hoof rests on his shoulder as she asks again, “Are you alright, Spike? I didn’t mean to scare you awake like that.” “It wasn’t your fault.” Her expression becomes empathetic and she rubbed his shoulder in soothing circles, her voice soft as she asked, “Did you have a nightmare, then?” That’s what it had felt like, but he wasn’t sure if that’s what it really was. He remembers the running, he can almost see the crystal trees still, and can almost feel the coolness of the ground again. Those wayward voices wanted to show him something and give him answers to what he’s been looking for. Yet, he can feel that oppressive and watchful gaze still lingering above him like a dark shroud. A shiver wracks his form that was enough incentive for the woman to pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around her instantly to squeeze her tight till his hands stop shaking and his tail stops thumping against the bed in anxiety. Ticks and twitching that he hadn’t even noticed till he had such a steady figure to hold onto. “It’s okay, Spike. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to do anything. I’m only really useful for things like this at night,” Twilight quietly apologized. It was never easy coming upon new responsibilities or learning such important skills, but the new ruler of Equestria was rushing to do both with mixed success. Raising the sun and moon had weirdly been the easiest of the tasks to do while learning to dream walk had been the very worst to do. She often complained about getting lost, about trying to understand the way dreams worked, and how she could fix things while still teaching lessons to those citizens. “No, it’s alright. I needed sleep, like you said,” Spike tries to reassure her. “As the new queen and the Princess of Friendship, it’s my duty to--,” Twilight’s speech is cut off by Spike breaking free of the hug to stare up at her. She lets out a small grunt at the sudden movement and looks down at her little brother, almost son if she allowed herself to really think about it in the most technical terms. “I was about to ramble again, wasn’t I?” “Yep.” She sheepishly smiles, “Sorry...” “It’s fine, Twilight. You know I don’t blame you for stuff like that and no one else would. Not like anyone besides little fillies nap in the daytime or anything,” Spike can’t help but say with a dry chuckle. His eyes moving towards the far wall where a window resides with a much dimmer glow than earlier. It must have been closer to late afternoon at this point and in a handful of hours it’ll be dinner time. His stomach growls in agreement at the reminder. “I should have asked them to make you something. Lunch’s already passed and everyone’s busy on prep work right now for dinner. We could either sneak in to get ourselves a snack or, maybe, the two of us could take a small trip to a friend that might have just the snack you’re looking for,” Twilight says with a bright and cheery grin. Spike rolls his eyes, “Wow, that’s really clear and totally helpful. Who could you possibly be talking about after managing to befriend creatures from all over Equestria?” “Well, hold on, not everypony. I know that I’m the Princess of Friendship, but I don’t really take the time to visit everyone---,” Twilight splutters, feeling called out. “Sure, fine. Let’s narrow it down,” Spike concedes as he leans back and crosses his arms. He playfully looks around the room as if he’s lost in thought while humming to himself as he ‘considers’ his options. “Let’s see, we can cross Fluttershy off the list because she was here earlier so it can’t be her. Unless you’re REALLY trying to throw me off and it is her, but she’s bringing Discord in so that he can bring me like a weird rainbow rock. He’s probably got super weird gems in his home dimension! Wouldn’t that be something?” “No, no. It’s just the one friend, I promise.” “Speaking of promise, the friend wouldn’t happen to be Pinkie Pie, would it? I’ve really been looking forward to seeing if she’s felt the presence of an incoming promise being made. Maybe she can even tell me if it’s already on the verge of being broken,” he gives her a knowing look. The alicorn once more tries to come up with something to say. Spike waves her off, “Rainbow’s got that big show coming up and Rarity is supposed to be out negotiating with Dragon Lord Ember if I remember correctly. Starlight still has the school in session for another two months so that just leaves one pony, right? Or am I missing someone?” “Yes, yes. You got it,” Twilight playfully nudges him as she rolls her eyes and stands from the bed. “We’re going to meet Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres for a quick snack since I was able to finish my meetings a bit early.” “Really? How’d you convince Jet Set and Upper Crust to actually finish a meeting on time,” Spike can’t help but gape at the alicorn. It wasn’t uncommon for many of the more wealthier and higher class ponies to take many liberties when it came to the new, young princess. Many were eager to see if she’d marry and have children at some point before Celestia and Luna return to the throne. It was how many others had achieved power, after all, and they were all just so excited to introduce her to their very single relatives. The preppy and snobby unicorn couple were no different. “I promised to have them and a plus one EACH a spot at a small luncheon in two weeks. Sent them running before we even reached the halfway point of our time. So we have about a half hour,” Twilight dipped her head away to hide her embarrassment. The luncheon was already going to be packed with different ambassadors bringing along their own young bachelors and bachelorettes in hopes of creating more solid bonds of peace. All of it under the guise of setting up new trade routes in the new pathways that she’d helped to create over the last few months. The worst part is that everyone knows so none of them are too concerned with pretending in any sense of the word. “Wow.” She curls in even further, hiding under her wings as she groans, “I know, I know! You don’t have to say it!” “I’m honestly impressed. You can barely stand listening to people flirt next to you, yet you added two extra that’ll be flirting AT you. I’ll be surprised if you don’t just combust on sight,” Spike snorts. “I wanted to do something nice! If you’re not interested than I can just call them back now and say I change my mind,” she threatened without a hint of bite. He hops down, chuckling in amusement as he pulls the other into another quick hug, “You’re right, you’re right! Thank you, I really appreciate it.” Twilight turns her head away with an exaggerated pout, “No, it’s fine. I get that you’d rather spend your time cooped up in here. I should have realized that you’re in that rebellious age now. All you want is to leave the nest.” “Leave the nest? Who’s going to help keep your schedule if I take off on you?” “That is true. It’s hard to find good help these days," Twilight teases, nudging Spike playfully with her hoof. Spike laughs, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over him despite the lingering unease from his nightmare. "Exactly! So, are we going to this black tie event at Sweet Apple Acres or what?" Twilight chuckles, shaking her head. "Oh, Spike. You never fail to make me smile. But no, it's just a casual visit to see Applejack and grab a snack." Spike grins mischievously. "Well, you should've told me. I would've brought my fanciest scales." Twilight rolls her eyes, giving him a playful shove. "Go on, go splash a bit of water on your face and brush up your scales. We don't want to keep Applejack waiting." Spike salutes jokingly before heading to the bathroom. As he closes the door behind him and opens the crystal mirror doors of the medicine cabinet, he spots something unusual—a scroll, unsealed and lying innocuously among the potions and remedies. His curiosity piqued, Spike picks up the scroll and unrolls it carefully, scanning the contents with furrowed brows. But as he reads, his expression shifts from curiosity to unease, his heart pounding in his chest. Twilight's voice calls out from the other side of the door. "Spike, are you almost ready? Applejack's probably wondering where we are!" Spike quickly rolls up the scroll and tucks it into his pocket, pushing aside his unease for now. "Yeah, just a sec!" he calls back, his mind already racing with questions and concerns. But as he splashes water on his face and brushes up his scales, the image of the unsealed scroll remains etched in his mind, a nagging sense of foreboding lingering in the back of his thoughts. Little did he know, this seemingly innocuous scroll would set into motion events that would change the course of Equestria's history forever. Dear Princess Celestia, My name is Kiwi Bliss and I am a pegasus. My momma told me that I don’t have the right magic to be a pegasus, though. She’s worried for me and my auntie told me that to be safe I should reach out to you. It makes sense when she explained it to me, but I don’t really mind living on the group with my cousins. They’re all really funny and they promised to show me all types of fun that we can get up to as I get used to earth powers. It’s all really good, I promise. I’m mostly reaching out to you because of the dream that I had yesterday. I’ve never had one like it and I think that I saw you! My momma said that when we dream that we sometimes see our heroes and you’re the biggest hero in Equestria, but... Well, I guess I can’t agree with her on this. Cause this wasn’t like the usual dreams. You weren’t helping me fly or saving my town from or even giving my papa a medal for being the best flier ever! No, you were just kinda walking. You were looking at this floating, glowing orb that had a blue pony in it and I couldn't really hear what you were saying but it looked like you were really sad. Are you okay? My momma says eating cookies can help you feel better. You should eat some soon to feel better! I hope you feel better soon! Sincerely, Kiwi Bliss Spike carefully rolled the scroll up once more. He placed it back where he’d found it, turned, and stared at himself in the mirror. He kept his face as neutral as possible as that feeling was back again, the feeling of being watched. He still doesn’t know who or what it is and he can’t fathom just what they even want from him at this point. It felt like all he’s found recently is more clues that bring about more questions than answers. There’s no time to think more on it since there was a chance that Twilight was--- “Spike, are you ready to go?” Forcing himself to smile, Spike calls back, “Coming!”
Ms Rarity
Sweetie Belle,Alternate Universe,Human,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Swings and Roundabouts
I encounter a lost pony and she doesn't seem to be from around here.
<p>Walking home from work one night, I encounter a lost pony sitting cold and alone in the local play park.<br/>I can't just leave her there in the rain on valentine's day</p>
I never thought that I would find love let alone in the most unexpected place as I did. It all started on a cold wet night when I stumbled upon the deserted play park in the old part of town. I was taking a walk home to clear my head after a long day at work when I saw her. She was sitting on a swing, her long flowing hair covering her face as she shivered in the harsh cold. Curiosity got the better of me, I slowly approached her not knowing what to expect. As I got closer, I noticed that she was not like any other woman I had ever seen. She had a delicate horn sticking out of her forehead, her white fur had a soft glow, and her green eyes had a magical sparkle...and were those hooves? "I'm sorry to disturb you, but are you okay?" I softly asked, trying not to startle her. She looked up at me with sad eyes and replied, "No, I'm not. My transportation spell backfired, and now I'm stranded in this unfamiliar place." I was taken aback by her response. A unicorn? Was I dreaming? She sat cold, her body was shivering unable to hide the sadness in her eyes. 'My name is Mark. What's yours?' I introduced myself, not knowing what else to say. 'I'm Sweetie Belle,' she smiled weakly. I gently wrapped my coat around her then sat down next to her on the swing and listened to her story. She had been on her way back home from a disastrous date with a colt by the name of Rumble, explaining how he hadn't done anything romantic and then expected her to go home with him. She told me how she finally lost her temper with him, then in her anger the teleportation spell went wrong, and she ended up in this human world. She had been searching for a way back home but had no luck. Without thinking, I offered to help her. I didn't know how such a task possible, but I couldn't just leave her alone in this unfamiliar place in this awful weather, but to my surprise she accepted my offer with gratitude. As she hopped down off the swing onto all fours, I fastened my coat the best way I could around her barrel making her giggle for the first time. It was so nice seeing her smile like that. We finally made it back to my place, it wasn't much but it was home. I turned the key in the lock opening the door and gestured the filly to head in. "Thanks, you're a gentlecolt...which is more than can be said for Rumble that no good piece of...." I hollered from the almost baron fridge, changing the subject. "Say there, are you hungry, Sweetie Belle?" The unicorn stopped in mid sentence as her belly began growling on cue. "I wouldn't say no to a hay burger. I didn't get to eat much with being so upset with Rumble." I smiled softly. "I'm sorry sweety, we don't have those here..." I try to think of something quickly for her. "Um, how's about cheese and tomato pizza?" I watched as her green eyes lit up. "You have pizza? Oh yes please!" She squeaked with jubilation making me laugh. We spent the whole night talking and getting to know each other. It felt like we had known each other for years. We laughed, we cried, and we shared our dreams and fears. I never thought I could connect with somepony so deeply in such a short time. As the sun rose, we made a plan to find a way to send Sweetie Belle back home. We searched around town for a magical expert who could help us. After hours of searching, we finally found someone who could fix Sweetie Belle's spell and send her back home. It was an old shop on the edge of town named the Crystal Moon Emporium. As we walked inside the smell of dragons blood filled our nostrils, a profound earthy fragrance with a hint of sweet musk. The smell instantly danced around me as the sent of thick smog enveloped my every sense giving a perfect calming aroma to our hectic day. Stepping up to the counter I called out for the Wiccan. She eventually came out from the back room coughing from the clouds of smoke enveloping her, straightening her strange hat and rubbing something from her zebra striped blouse. "Can I help you?" She finally asks. After we explained everything what had happened, she went to work opening an old book of spells and incantations then started opening the old wooden doors full of oils, and candles. "Aha! Found it!" She cried out holding it up like some type of grail. "Behold, the black candle. It is the most powerful. Light it at midnight say the incantation then the unicorn must use her transportation spell. I'm not going to lie this may work or it may go horribly wrong, I cannot guarantee success." She watched how the man looked to the unicorn and she him, surprised of the strong bond which had forged between them over the short time they had known each other, she could see a strong energy around the pair. The Wiccan rubbed her chin thinking a moment before rifling through another book. "Here, come here! This one is on the house. As it is the day of the Valen, I give this one to you as a gift." She pulled out a red candle, pouring a few drops of oil on to it before putting it to one side. Then she crushed a bay leaf and sage together and let it softly burn as she then took a red silk ribbon and bound the mans hand to the hoof of the unicorn. She looked at both of them as she could see their confusion. "Red candles represent passion, power, sex, courage, and victory." She then pulled the red candle back across lighting it's wick. As the flame began to rise she placed her hands over the ribbon which bound the pair closing her eyes and cast the incantation. "May this flame of passion burn within your heart, from me, you will not part. Let all aspect be true and right, free will remains with all this night. Our fates entwine, you will be mine, aflamed my heart is now lit. When you hear my magic call, deep in love we both shall fall. When the sun and moon raise twilights star, one of us shall journey far. Until the day comes to meet, I shall see you in my dreams again." The Wiccan then blew out the flame dramatically, before falling asleep. I left the money for the black candle and a thank you note on the counter before we left. Sweetie Belle smiled taking my hand in her hoof. "So, you think that spells real? That somehow we're now intertwined by some magical force?" Mark smiled warmly. "Well I'm talking to a magical unicorn who's transported herself into my, I'd say anything is possible at this rate." They giggled holding each other close as they carried on walking. "What did she mean, when she said it's the day of the V...alet?" Mark giggled softly. "Not valet, it's the day of the Valen. Which means it's valentine's day, a day which brings people closer together and celebrate their love for one another. Sweetie Belle smiled gripping his hand tighter. "Ohh we call it heart and hooves day where I'm from! And that's when my date got ruined." I watch the smile slipping from her face as the bad memory washes over her. I gently lift her chin looking into her beautiful green eyes. "Sweetie Belle...w-will you be my valentine?" She raises an eyebrow. "Are you asking me out, after we've just had a love spell cast on us by a crazy old lady?" I thought it sounded stupid, and I begin scolding myself mentally, I feel so stupid. But then the unicorn smiles softly kissing my cheek. "Yes!" She simply stated. We both giggle as I take her by the hoof. "I'll take you for a proper date and show you how it's done." Later It was getting late the spell had to be cast at precisely midnight for Sweetie Belle to get home. We were snuggled up together on my couch, listening to soft romantic music. "Thank you for the meal, I've really enjoyed our date." She kissed me softly on the lips. The warm air from her nostrils caressing my face as I pressed my lips to hers. My clock struck the hour ringing out ten chimes. "Time to go." She whispered softly. We headed back to the park hand in hoof neither one of us wanting the to let go. It was just after eleven when we finally reached the park. I was going to ask her where the spot was when she arrived but soon saw a circle of crispy leaves burned in to the ground. I went over to it, kneeling down in the soft damp leaves, I began setting the candle and herbs. I put my arms around her feeling her soft fur gazing into her mesmerising eyes. "You really think the love spell is real and we'll somehow meet again?" I ask her, giving her one last kiss. She smiles softly. "Well you're talking to a unicorn who can cast spells." She smiles again as her horn glows and I feel my jacket hugging me as the zipper reaches my chin. "Don't want my date to get cold." She teases me. My watch chimes midnight. It was a bittersweet moment as we said our goodbyes. I didn't want to let go of her, but I knew this was the best for her. As she disappeared into thin air, I couldn't help but feel a void in my heart. But little did I know that our encounter in the park was just the beginning of a magical love story. Sweetie Belle and I would find our way back to each other, and our love would only grow stronger with each passing day. Who would have thought that a man and a unicorn could fall in love? But sometimes, the most unexpected love is the most beautiful one. And for me, that love will always be Sweetie Belle.
Alphabittle,Misty,Drama,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: A New Generation
How'd You Endure It?
Alphabittle and Misty discuss Opaline, and Misty's life under her hoof.
<p>Opaline has finally been defeated, but her words still hang heavily on Alphabittle's mind. How could somepony be so cruel for no reason? It's even worse, because she held Misty captive for so long. Desperate to gain some closure, Alphabittle invites Misty to the Crystal Tearoom for a talk.</p>
The battle was over and the day was won. Opaline had been defeated, and the massive quantities of Cutie Marks she'd stolen were returned to their rightful owners. It was only thanks to the magic of everypony in Equestria combined that Sunny Starscout and her friends had managed to take her down. Alphabittle smiled warmly at the thought, as he poured another cup of tea for himself. In the aftermath of the disaster, he'd immediately called Misty again to make sure she'd recovered her mark as well. Once she'd assured him that she was, in fact, fine, she and Sunny had done a quick livestream, informing everypony about Opaline, and how she wasn't going to come back to steal their Cutie Marks again. The relief felt by everypony was palpable in the air. Alphabittle had sent Misty a text, requesting that she visit him when she had the time, as his personal encounter with Opaline still hung heavy in his brain. That was how Alphabittle found himself in the Crystal Tearoom, waiting for his lost and found daughter to come in. The conversation the two would have was more for his own peace of mind than anything, but he was still afraid. He hoped Misty wouldn't see his actions as digging too deep into her past. It was hard to believe that he still didn't know his own daughter that well. Sure, it was due to the fact that she'd been foalnapped for most of her life, but that didn't lessen the sting. Alphabittle was pushed out of his thoughts by the jingling of the doorbell. Misty was using her magic to push open the door, and with another quick pulse, shoved it closed once again. She took a quick glance around the tearoom, before her eyes fell on her father. Alphabittle waved to her. "Hey, Dad!" Misty cheered, trotting over to the counter. She parked herself in the chair directly in front of Alphabittle. "You know, I don't mind if you don't call me that," he insisted. "If it's awkward for you, you can just call me Alphabittle." Misty shook her head. "No, thank you. I've gotten used to it by now. Besides, it wouldn't be fair to you if I refused to call you Dad." Alphabittle smiled a little. "If you're sure," he replied. "Do you want your usual?" He grabbed another tea cup using his magic. "Yes, please!" Alphabittle poured Misty her favorite tea, and passed it to her. Misty blew on it lightly before sipping. "So what did you want to talk about?" Misty began, after putting down her tea. Her eyes suddenly widened. "Wait, you're not sick, are you?!" "No, nothing like that," Alphabittle insisted, shaking his head. "It's about..." He chewed his lip for a second, afraid of setting her off. "It's about Opaline." He braced himself for Misty's reaction. While the bushy-maned unicorn's smile did drop, and her ears tilted forward a little, she didn't cry out. Her eyes didn't begin to water. Still, her expression gave Alphabittle pause. "I understand it's an uncomfortable subject for you," he hurriedly added. "If you don't want to—" "No, Dad, it's okay. You just surprised me, that's all. I didn't expect you'd want to talk about her." Alphabittle took this as a sign to continue. "When she was going around stealing Cutie Marks, when she got to me, and told me her name, I recognized her from your story. I got so angry at her. I asked her what kind of monster she was, to take a filly from her home, wipe her memories, and basically use her as a slave. She told me...she told me it was her right. Because she deserved all the magic in Equestria, whatever method she used to gain it was morally correct. She said it was your destined purpose to serve her, as with all other ponies." He swallowed, trying to keep his emotions in check. "When I thought of you, having to live with that monster for so many moons, I..." He couldn't go on. Misty frowned, reaching forward with one hoof to touch his. "It's okay, Dad. Sure, I know now that Opaline was a jerk, but it's not like anything she did to me was your fault." "Yes, it was!" Alphabittle insisted. "I should've been watching you that night. I shouldn't have let you go out on your own. I should've...I...there's no excuse for you having to go through that. Having your foalhood stolen from you like that." He couldn't hold it back any longer. A single tear dripped from his eye. It didn't escape Misty's notice, as she trotted around the counter and hugged him. "I guess we should be grateful you didn't meet her before we found each other," she joked. "Otherwise, you would've doubled down on me doing stuff for fillies!" Alphabittle released a small chuckle at the thought. He returned Misty's hug, before wiping his eyes. "Do you remember," he began, "when we were at the Breezie Night Market? When you and the others were all turned into foals?" Misty nodded. "You wouldn't believe how tempted I was to leave you that way, just so we could have those times again. If I'd known then what I know now..." Alphabittle shivered. "Still, that wouldn't have been fair to you." "Yeah, but you didn't do it," replied Misty. "That's what matters." "True." Alphabittle hugged Misty one more time, and she went back around the counter. "I'm sorry about how you had to live with Opaline for all that time." "It wasn't that bad," Misty insisted. "Sure, she was really bossy, and she always yelled at me when I made mistakes, and she told me I could only ever get a Cutie Mark if I worked for her, and nopony would ever like me except her, and..." She trailed off upon noticing the expression on Alphabittle's face. "I'm not really helping my case, am I?" "No," replied Alphabittle. Still, the two laughed for a while, before the somber mood resettled over them. "At least you proved her wrong. Now you're friends with Izzy, Sunny and the others, and we have each other again." "Yeah." Misty's frown returned to her face. "I wish she could've seen the value of friendship, too. When she took my Cutie Mark, I tried to talk to her. I told her about how I was able to earn my mark by making friends and helping them, and how she didn't have to be by herself all the time. I think part of her was lonely, and she tried to fill that by stealing magic. She wouldn't listen." Alphabittle felt pride swell up inside him. "You did make an effort," he replied. "That has to count for something. Besides, after what she put you through, nopony would blame you if you considered her irredeemable." "You have a point," said Misty, "but what if Sunny and the others made that decision about me? When I took Sparky, I hurt them. I could've ended up just like Opaline did." That thought made Alphabittle shiver. "You're right. Good thing we don't have to worry about that happening." Misty smiled. "Yeah. They're good ponies. And so am I." The two continued their conversation, delving into topics such as Alphabittle's relationship with Queen Haven. For a few minutes, all was right with them.
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
In the massive hole of a now burned land that used to be poniville, lays the dispersed knocked out bodies of 12 mares with heavy damage in their extremities and torso, with only one 2 figures standing. On the side of the fallen mares, giving the apperance of blocking the path to them, is a figure iof a male dragon with an anthro looking meassures with a shinning armour covering him toe to head, said armour having the appearance of a mix between the "red emperor dragon armor" and that of the "albion armour" of the Highschool dxd series. On the other side lays a Blurry shadow figure that progressively advances toward him and the mares. Shortening the gap between the 2 entities by a quarter of the distance every blink the dragon in armour makes. *1st Blink "How did-" The dragon thinks as his right foot falls behind his left one. *2ond blink "it End-" the Dragon Prepares his right arm for an attack as his claws form a fist. *3rd Blink " Up Like-" a screech of the shadow figure vibrates in the air as it throws itself at the warrior. *4th Blink "This!" the dragon feels his fist connecting with the entity as the armour of his right fist dents as the same time that said claw bones crack and a sound wave is send to the near radio near the clash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *1 and a half years ago. Spike sparkle and his friends, were currently fighting Their final battle: the battle against Tyrek, Cozy Glow and Chrysally's happening just like in the show, except the secong the harmony beam was about to hit the villains the grogar´s cowbell flashed black and white as the rainbow light swallowed the villains. Then time seemed to slow down as for a second the harmony beam flashed black and white for a brief moment in wich 7 individual beams deviated from the current black and white harmony beam, and said beams hitting the mane 6 and Spike the dragon, said force threw their anthropomorfic bodies back several meters, then the harmony beam became normal again and turned the villains to stone while everypony looked back in confusion and shock at the instantaneus backlash the 7 heroes got then looked back in satisfaction but confution at the now petrified bodies of their enemies. "Girls!, spike!" yelled Princess celestia and Luna as they flied down to look out for their friends well being while the rest of the massive crew just looked in tense breath. Their adult, antropomorphic bodies seemed to glow in monochromatic black and white for a second before they fell down and hit the ground, as a simultaneous "oof!" of 7 beings was heard As the princesess finally got in land and near their friends they noticed that they now had started shining in rainbow patterns each of them in the predominant colour of their furr. Blue for dash, pink for pinkie, Lavander for Twilight, White for Rarity, Yellow for fluttershy, Orange for applejack and for spike a perfect aurora borealis could be seen. Then the shinning got erratic and stopped not before Rainbow dash got a clone in a scene that could only be described as similar to that of a bacteria duplicating itself except it was a pony, an anthro one at that and it was Rainbow bucking dash!. This "clone" however had some key distinctions one being one of its wings was fenix orange, and she now had a flaming shield cutie mark in her neck! (in this anthro universe the cutie marks are in the neck for vissibility). "WHAT!" yelled the celestial sisters and the multi race crew now watching the scene, with the petrified villains now on second plane. "augh" the main 6 and spike complained as they held their heads In pain as all the others present gasped in unison "what is the big deal?, keep it down!, my head hurts!" claimmed Rainbow dash Before any of the other mane 6 or spike could also complain of the pain of being thrown back and hitting the dirt hard or before Celestia and luna could even reply a new voice with a similar tone answered" "Yeah, tell me that!" said the Rainbow dash clone. This made all of the mane 6 and spike sober Up, as they recognized the voice but couldnt understand why Rainbow would answer herself except. "What!? 2 rainbows?!" Screamed all of them. "huh?! who are you?! and why do you look and sound like me!?" screamed rainbow dash "I should be the one asking that!, also who are you guys and why are you almost identical to my friends!?". An intense silence followed for a couple seconds as everyone was shocked until... "..... wait... CROWN!? You... you are alive!?" screamed with clear joy and surprise the clone of dash as she threw herself with tears falling from her eyes at spike Pinning him down to the dirt. "HUH? WHO IS CRO-" But spike could not finish the sentence as the Clone kissed him intensely shutting him up. "hmmm mnga hmm!!??" spike made surprised noises as she kissed him toungue to toungue. " "WHAT IS HAPPENING!?, HOW IS THIS MY FIRST KISS!?" spike screamed in his mind. "GET OFF HIM!" he heard the girls shout, with rainbow dash tackling her clone away from him, since she was the fastest. She was wearing a White tank top with rainbow stripes around her C cup breast and white bra, as well as black leggings and black converse esque footwear, while her clone weared a black shirt with rainbow stripes and a white legging and shoes. Clone rainbow kicked her duplicate back and got up with a quick play of her legs using her arms as support. As they now both looked at each other now Both standing up. "I dont know who any of you ponies are, how i got here, or what is happening right now!; but i know one thing! You are holding Crown away from me! and I am as sure as buck i wont let anyone hurt my friends! as sure as i am my name is Constellar blizzard, the element of devotion!. Proclamed Constellar (who we will call Stella from now on.) Then quickly after she opened her wings and with a strong flap she threw herself at spike screamming "Crown!" before pinning him to the floor again. "Hey, Stop that alre-"! twilight was about to berate the mare until she and the girls got slackjawed at the scene The mare Kissed spike again holding his face close to her own with both of her hands, breaking the kiss a second later screaming "VOLUND!" as a bright blue light flashed , making everyone cover their eyes for a second as the sound of high pressure water grasped their ears. Only for them to be shocked at what they could see after. *Music for the scene: As they now could see from the vapor dispersing, Spike had transformed, His eyes now magenta, his usual green jacket with holes for his wings, purple shirt and purple pants had now been replaced with a black leather jacket with holes for his green Fire wings, paired with crimson leather leggings and his claw-hands now sporting motor bike gloves with Constellar blizzards wings colors on them, said gloves gave the appearance of that of "katekyo hitman reborn's" but instead of an x they had her cutie mark on them. Both gloves burning in green flame. "WHAT! they exclaimed. The new looking form of spike then got in a strange position with one arm extended to his back, the other extended to his front. His legs in the same position, one in front and one in the back as he inhaled the flame of his hands flashed on and off, then after exhaling he screamed with a voice mixing that of his own and Constellar Blizzards the legendary words: "X-BURNER!" Volund stella with spike
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
Music for the chapter: The Spike in "volund" state with Stella, that was currently in a pose for a perfect "x-burner" (See katekyo hitman reborn for reference) was pointing his attack and hence his left hand wich was in front of him while his right claw was making a green fire "counter fire" backwards mantaining balance and allowing his attack to concentrate toward the group of mane 6 and royal sisters who barely reacted, with luna, rarity, celestia and Twilight making a multilayered shield of magic in a quick response to protect themselves. The collision made a sound tht could best be described as that of meat roasting as second by second the shield got Slimmer. "This heat is ridiculous!, i cant hold on for much longer!" screamed luna towards his sister "Even i am having some trouble here lulu!, what the heck is this!?" celestia replied. "Ok, this isnt working we need to regroup!, Twilight exclaimed as she stopped supporting the shield and instantly inhaled and with labour used her magic to teleport all of them to the hill where everyone else was gathered and watching currently from. Then suddently she collapsed to the floor momentarily. " all civillians go look for cover!, we will handle this and inform you later!, but we need to not have you all as a handicap!" "Ponies, Jacks, gryphons, hypogriffs, everypony: Get out, now! The civillians didnt need to be told twice, as they ran hard to cover themselves in the city of poniville and near cover points. As twilight got up with more strength again, being her the one who basically mare handled most of the energy of the shield she looked ahead of the hill along with her friends only to look at the face of a somewhat confused Spike who looked to them and next his gloves. "Its considerably weaker..., and this form is... not Zenith either! what is going on?" the voice of stella whispered in his head, while the consiousness of spike was still not adapted to this state of being and could not organize his thoughts yet. "girls, look!" Pinkie pie broke everypony's train of thought as she pointed her pinky finger (no pun intended, lmao) at the petrified statue of the villains wich was now shinning black and white. The shadow this casted over Spike made Stella look back and got in a defensive stance and down her tone of voice a peg or two in the dire situation. "Hey!, forget the impromtu fight just now!, we are all confused but this is actual danger!, get cover while we handle this!" the syncrhonic voice of Spike-Stella resonated in the valley. "Hey we are not fin-" rainbow as about to retort when the pulsating black and white light of the petrified villans suddenly became a viscous black blob with a grey shadow. Sound of breaking bones, Mucus, and overall disarray of organic matter were currently converging before their eyes, while they too got in a defensive stance. "dammit!, we may be weakened but this will have to do!" screamed the fused warrior as he/she... it? used both its clawed gloves as green fire propulsors putting back of the claw to his back and angling himself to use his wings creating a sound boom with fire sparks and just before getting in close to a meter of the blob the warrior used his same claws but in a reverse position but with less kinetik energy acting as vector absorbing his accumulated energy diminishing the speed but not completely stopping him. Immediately after almost by instinct getting in "X-burner position" knowing by sheer muscle memory that, that way using both the backwards pushing force, the kinetik energy going forward and the closer distance, they could fire a considerably stronger point blank X-burner wich Spike proceded to shot. "BLITZKRIEG!, AAAHHHHHH!!!" shouted the duo but the creature was not so easy to be taken down even by an enhanced attack. "GUGAGHAAAAAA!" The black bob screamed with the simultaneous voices of the villains extending a continusly forming 2 hand looking tentacles one penetrating the earth in root patters and holding on to it and the other increasing in density shielding it partially from the flame while slowly advancing through it to Spike. "Crown! come on! give me a hand here!" stella asked spike "Crown?, who is that... who... am i?" another series of smaller tentacles formed pointing at the mane six and princesses as a small orb was being formed from them while simultaneously the hand towards them was getting closer "Crown! "?? " "Crown! come on, wake up! "SPIKE!" He heard his friends screaming waking him up. In front of him, the previously described situation was unfolding, making him hyperventilate. "SPIKE, RUN!" His now heterochromatic eyes were Dilating as all was being taken in and both consiousness had now the control of the fusion. The mare's spirit realizing the dragon just now responded to "Spike!" but he is crown! " while simultaneously flashes of images and sounds passed his eyes. A massive green portal of fire appeared , with centifugal void inside. Destroyed cities, ponies and other races hurting each other, apathy, distrust,war, famine, death, black blobs, black shadows in many of these scenes. one large grotesque, twisted shadow, with dark tentacles writhing and gliding through the air. An Amorphous mass of shadows with negative energy sporting multiple bright eyes that flash with malice and a mouth full of sharp teeth that emit mocking laughter and discordant squeals. Him?... and his friends?... fighting this things? planning courses of action, with moderate success, slowly diverting to ruin and equestria shrinking. Celestia, with a big gash with a disgusting tentacle Through her stomach looking at him with teary eyes ... ", im sorry" as alternate luna took his younger self and flied away to protect him" "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The pent up emotions including sadness and anger of the scene, made him involved in the moment, increasing the green fire in intensity for a brief moment as the fire got so intense the blob incinerated to ash with a gut wrenching screech as the backlash of uncordinated fire intensity on both claws threw him back against a clif while flying before hitting the cliff a blue light blinked and they crashed to the cliff now both Spike and stella incrusted in the dent. main villain Black monster 1 main villan monster 2
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
After the dust of the battle settled. The mane 6 and the royal Sisters went as fast as they could to retrieve Spike and Stella with an air of uncertainty and fear after what happened. Why did spike and that rainbow replicate merged?, why did she kiss him?, what was that creature?, where did that duplicate come from?. Full of questions, but out of answers Twilight decided to get them herself. "Regardless of the rainbow clone right here, and the fact spike momentarily attacked us fused with her, what is more important right now is the origin of that entity. It was definately hostile. It was clearly powerful, enough in fact to not be quickly vaporized by that attack spike did, attack that mind you it almost broke our combined shield in seconds. While its true the element of surprise played a key it should NOT be ignored. We dont know where it came from, why , when or if more are incoming." Twilight explained in a quick analisis of the situation. "For now, Celestia and luna i need you to make up an aliby as to what transpired here, specially considering the citizens did NOT see the creature. We shall avoid talking about that for now to avoid civil unrest and deal with the whole thing of spike kinda attacking us for a second there, the whole fusion thing and rainbow's clone". "Will do, twilight. Specially for spike." Lets go lulu, we have stories to create and ponies to tell them. "Fine, we shall dear sister." replied luna as both of them flied in direction of poniville. "what about us twilight?, and what about... them?" asked pinkie pie. "well, for now lets take them to the palace of friendship. from there we shall separe this two in diferent champers for observation and information gathering. however in the case of rainbow's duplicate... i think her name was-" "Stella!, yeah its such a cool name!" pinkie exclaimed all riled up. "Yes.... anyway. Stella here, clearly isnt rainbow dash, so we need to find out who and what she is exactly. So considering that AND what happened with her acting on spike and the whole fusion thing we will need to restrain her". twilight finished. "But... dear we do know what she is. She is clearly a pegasus!" Rarity exclaimed "No, she COULD be changeling. Still not explaining the whole thing BUT at least the appearance would make sense" twilight argued. "uhhhh.. egghead?. You dont mean the "we lost the ability to morph since we dont need to do it to gain love to feed anymore" kind of changelings right?, those changelings?." Rainbow being sarcastic. "oh... right. We had a meeting with thorax via proxy with spike about that... well buck, kinda forgot about that, its still fresh in my mind afterall. Still though we need answers so less talking and more action!." no more arguing was done as the girls took the now unconscious bodies to the castle of friendship. Entering the amathyst door, and the quartz floor they gathered them in separate rooms near the round table of friendship. Spike was just restrained with in a locked see through room sit on a amathyst seat with fluffy coffins without further meassures since mostly they wanted to know why he attacked them out of the blue and the relation with the current events. On the oposite side of the castle, approximaty 7 rooms opposite was Stella, restrained in magical handcuffs to a ruby chair with soft pillows on it, while her wings were tied with rope to the ground so she could not fly away or try any funny stuff. She too was in a see through room with microphones on it. "she is not waking uuuuuppppp yet" pinkie started her usual tirade after a couple of minutes of waiting. "fer once i agree, i a aint waiting no more" appleack declared and pushed a button so she could speak. "WAKEY, WAKEY MISSY!" she screamed to the microphone as hard as she could. "OW!" the rest of the mane 6 covered their ears. Applejack knew NO self control sometimes "HUH!, WHU- WHAT?!" the previously sleeping beauty waked up in a startle as she was scared out of her dreams and slowly adjusting to seeing light again. The first thing she saw was a zaphire blue ceilling along with marble carved walls to the sides and in front of her a big see through window, with 6 terorrizingly similarly looking ponies to her best friends. As she inhaled and exhaled in order to speak after stabilizing. "again... WHOOOO. ....AREEEE.... YOUUUU.... GUUUUYS??!!!!" What stella sees kinda
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
Twilight looked with a tired face as she answered. "We are the mane 6, our names we will tell you later. Besides as you CAN tell WE are the ones doing the asking. If the handcuffs and rope was not any indication". There was a pregnant pause as Stella took it all in and calmed her breath and mind, but then: "the mane 6?... pftt, hahaha!!" Stella laughed, well... thats a way to break the ice. "What is so funny, miss copy & paste?!" Rainbow was irked "Chill out, "bulldagger". Its in an inside joke" Stella casually answered irked SHE was called a copy "Bullda-... bucking what now?! whats your problem?! Rainbow did NOT like her clone at all right now. "listen, its not my fault you have a grass mowing ass looking hair cut. You and abundance would be great friends, haha!." she said as she giggled (The "original universe rainbow unlike stella has short hair" the mane 6 except rainbow giggled too. "hey!, come on!, its not funny guys!, i am not even-" rainbow looked at her friends "chillax rainbow, we are not laughing at that. Its the fact that little old stella here is trying to roast your flank!, its hillarious because not only does she look and sound like you but she has your attitude and humor!, its like seeing you being insulted by yourself, ever heard of the "stop hitting yourself" joke?, basically this is it. Still its true it was wrong of us, sorry." Pinkie was being the voice of reason for once. "but why would she even joke about that?" Rainbow was clearly bummed still, if her pout was any indiication. "Oh i dont know... being tied by the hands and wings to a chair by strangers in a both way mirror interrogation room its not exactly a field trip. She is clearly angry at us" twilight explained "Of course i am!!. First i was trying to seek out for my friend, Crown!. Then i pop out of nowhere in some random field with a lot of ponies and races gathered all around me and see HIM being held hostage away from me by basically some stunt double fakes of me and my friends!. What exactly did you think was gonna happen?!. Me inviting you a cup of tea?!" Stella barked them out. "A cup of tea would have been nice..." fluttershy whispered while everypony just looked at her with a "you serious?" face. "sorry." she whispered. Stella and everyone in the room exhaled. "Anyway, where is he?. From what i can tell you guys are not hostile. You would not be asking me questions right now and i would have been dead otherwise" She asked. "Where is who?" The mane 6 asked. "Crown?" stella answered as if she was asking what colour was the sky, something implicitly obvious. ...."who?" they doubled down. "The drake you guys kinda kidnap?. Although i admit, it makes no sense him from all ponies getting kidnapped. He pretty must IS tough incarnate." Stella was divagating. "drake?...the only drake near us at the time was... You mean spike?" Twilight asked. "Spike? who is tha-" .she was going to retort until she remembered something. During the battle against the soul fragmenter (see previous chapters: its the tentacle monster they fighted against") Crown during his time of Conscientiousness adaptation to the volund (wich was weird since crown he has done this hundreds of times) reacted to the name "Spike" and not "Crown". There was a deafening silence until she continued. "Yes. "Spike", where is he". Stella was deadset on getting close to Spike, wich the girls did not like. "why do you say it like that?, and why do you want to get near him, you dont even know him." twilight being moma hen once again. "Because that is. not. his. name!. If you have a minimum knowledge of recent history, wich you clearly dont!, you would now why i want to get near him!. And finally of course i know him!. he is my husband!". Stella was starting to lose her patience. "What nonsense are you speaking?!, husband?!, history?! IT IS, his name!. I gave it to him! for all i know you are a random pony, probably a changeling that mimicked rainbow , kissed spike, did some weird magic i dont know to fuse with him and attacked us!, and finally: stop being condesending to me!". Twilight had enough. "uhhh Twilight?" Applejack interrumped "Not now, applejack! are you hearing this nonsense?!" Twilight was furious. "Twilight, list-" "No!" She turned back to stella. "Now, explain to me wha-" "TWILIGHT!" the voice of applejack thundered the room. "ow!" the ears of the mane 6 except aj had a rough time. "buck applejack! what is it?" twilight toned down, her ears clearly hurting. Sucks being a pony with increased sense of hearing i guess. "She.... is not lying". she simple stated Everyone in the room did a double take. "Come again, dear?" rarity asked. "augh" aj exhaled "look i dont what is happening here, just like you guys. But i AM the element of honesty and at the very least i can tell you she is NOT lying. At least she does not believe so, whatever that means for us." Everyone in the room digested it differently but kept quiet. She did have a point, thanks to AJ's power she could tell lie from truth and if whatever that copy of RD was spouting she believed it was true... then either spike had a double live as a changeling husband or something was happening here. Twilight turned back to the cristal looking back at stella. Basically what stella looks like BUT one of her wings is gold. Consider the designs for imagination of the mane 6 and the better 6 in this kind of artstyle. After inhaling and exhaling in moral defeat she asked "Ok fine Stella you win, we are completely in the dark here.... Please and i mean PLEASE tell us all you know about what is happening".
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
"Well.. what exactly do you want me to tell you?" Stella asked. "For starters, whats your name?" Twilight retorted "you already know it, no?" Stella was confused. "I have to make sure." Twillight insisted "Fine, my name is Constellar blizzard, the element of devotion from the 6 Crowns. " Stella declared "What do you mean 6 crowns and... element of devotion?" Twilight inquired "Are you guys not from New equestre or something? how come you would not know of the elements of unity or the 6 crowns?, its makes no sense." she exclaimed "We are totally in the dark here, illuminate us. " Twilight pleaded taking a deep breath and exhaling her frustration away Stella prepared to tell the ponies of new equestre, the elements of unity and the 6 crowns. "As i told you before, i come from the kindgom of new equestre. Land of Oportunity, magic, unity and prosperity, or at least at some point it was that way. As you may imagine "new" is an adittion. My country was founded by until some decades ago ruled by the 2 Celestial princesses: Princess Sol and Princess moon. The land as you may imagine is inhabited mainly by ponies. Just like you guys, three main classes of ponies coexisted long ago: The pegasus, the Land ponies and the Unicorns with the exceptions of the alicorns being mainly the princesses." "Long ago, these three tribes did not get along with each other, what with all their natural differences, and that of culture. The first of this differences is that of land ponies. Ponies gifted with a deep magic connected to life, they had the blessing of body strength and crop growing and harvesting, the gift of good. However they lacked the ability to fly or migration, therefore limiting their ability to travel long distances to search new lands to exploit when the dirt was not good anymore and their walking of course being to slow and taking too much time was a hindrance since time was crutial for agriculture of seasonal crops they could affort to lose even more so when weather was irregular and not traceable as you can imagine it can when locked in a small area. This led to their lands for agriculture being limited and yielding lower quantity and quality of crops year after year". "The second tribe, the pegasus. Blessed with the body and magical ability to fly, floating on clous, floating on water and controling the weather .However this having a price. For once their magic to control weather while highly useful if it was done well for the benefit of crops and quality of life, is sadly highly volatile in nature and without the proper training or overall experience could led to young, ill willed or overall imprident pegasus causing weather incidents from benign to bordering catastrophe than ofter caused damage to the other 2 tribes; this added to the fact that their daily calorie consumption just to be alive was high, due to their wings and the magic consumed in controlling the weather, while also having higher average height compared to the other 2 tribes required the most food to sustain themselves. being the realm of agriculture or self suficient, led to a high starvation rate wich led to a common occurance of them stealing from the land ponies even more so since they could hardly be catched due to their swiftness and advantage of altittude". "Finally the last of the three, the unicorns. Blessed with the magic of abstraction. The magic to...theoretically do anything. However this, of course not free of charge. For once their magic depending on the task to be made, result desired or overall complexity required knowledge, trial and error, spells, practice and overall mana (the source of all magic, basically the escence of all life and things related to it in this universe), wich unlike the other two tribes was consumed way easier and quicker as the more complicated the intented use of the magic was. This along with them posessing the weakest bodies of the three was a considerable disadvantage. However unlike the pegasus, their starvation was considerably milder mainly due to them using their magic and knowledge to ocasionally trade with the land ponies. Atough they lived in an egocentric society wich often tended to think of less of the other tribes and more so of other races." "Their constant difficulties with coexistence and refusing to help each other, led to a lot of problem: death, starvation, suffering and overall disharmony or if you prefer disorder. As you may imagine This magic as much as a blessing was a curse. You see, magic as you may know is energy. Energy cannot be destroyed, merely transformed. For example: land ponies mana can be transformed into food, pegasus's into weather and flight while Unicorn's into spells, constantly being recicled by all living and in ocasion non living things. This energy in nature obviously is good, however due to this increasing amount of disharmony the manifestation of corrupted mana (basically the "windigos" of this unvierse if you want to see it like that") started to gather creating unconciouss entities that like all mana (life) seeked to replicate themselves, even it had no Conscientiousness and what way did it "knew" to replicate?. If mana is life, Order and unity then Corrupted mana is disorder, caos, death, suffering, and so on." "Seeing this, the princesses with the help of a small group of representatives of the other races: Dragon, griffon, hypogriff, Jack, minotaur, Land pony (LP), Pegasus and Unicorn deviced a plan to both to avoid ultimate disaster and use their differences as synergy instead of causes of conflict. The name of the plan?: the country Equestre". "For quite some centuries , the plan was fruitful, due to the relative world populi numbers at the time of the "C-Day (corrupted day)" being low contributing little to the corrupted mana pool and thanks to the results of the efforts of all ponies and races involved in the countrie's slow yet constant growth, prosperity and retaliation against the creatures, we eventually extinguished them... or so they/we thought. Then? the C-day Happened again some decades ago but without enough breaks holding it back ...and with a way bigger populi to coordinate was a way different story. That is when it all started, when the Soul fragmenter and implacable disharmony came back and that, my gal pals is when the gears of my story, the 6 crowns and CROWN of course started".
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
Taking the pause to breathe and let it all sink in that stella gave to the mane 6 twilight's comprehension of the bigger picture broadened. "Ok... so that explains: Your name, Where you come from, What that creature was and how its made." twilight summarized. "Yes, im not finished though." Stella was ready to continue. "Oh!, sure. Do go on. Stuff is interesting." Rainbow was eating some popcorn enjoying the story time with pinkie on another chair also eating popcorn. Stella raised a brow at the scene and continued. "Now, returning to the Last C-day decades ago, the princesses and citizens of equestre of course were not going to just let it go to shit, mattering not what may have been the cause of this be it natural or not. So they of course took action, one of wich was to increase the borders security , wich sadly left some ponies outside wich of course increased midly the corrupted mana pool due to the suffering it caused but it was necesary otherwise risking the citizens. However something we had neverexpected happened. The dark mana got a modicum of Conscientiousness". The girls gasped. "yeah, of course it was bad. You see, one thing is trying to keep brainless monsters in control while dealing with the problems of society be it integrated or not but when you add intelligence to the picture AND relative posession of ponies and other races to the mix... if you have enough imagination you can understand or imagine the reasons why The situation goes tits up." "Now, during the apparently losing battle of the races against both this entities and the inner battles and problems with themselves something happened. Races started to isolate and leave the union some voluntarily like the griphs, jacks and hipogriffs and some not by choice..." Stella told the last part with a heavy heart displaying in her face expression. "Those, said being mainly the dragons. They according to what i learned in the royal guard during my youth mostly kept to themselves and were a relatively small porcentage of the world populi. When they joined the first union to create equestre, they offered their ability of fire bending and in some cases their sheer size and strength for metalurgi and the start of industry wich was highly beneficial for all parties involved however... "however?" fluttershy whispered taking a big breath of courage she continued "however not all was perfect of course. All races had their problems, their lets say... differences however the thing is dragons have of course a natural greed instinct and while the numbers of going rouge dragons was small even more so by their slow base numbers the fact this greed made THOSE dragons big, strong, greed driven dragons it caused a collective fear, panic of the "what if". "What if only for now the numbers of rouge dragons is small?" "what if the increase of rouge dragons goes big enough we cant control it!, we are also fighting the C-MANA!", "What if... what if... what if. And so, a selfish and genocidal collective Decision was made, they had to go while they stll could. Of course this racism and overall paranoia was unfounded for the most part but it was to late. " "Even if they princesses and a part of the populi fiercelly opposed. The bast of the populi of the races acted in fear of the potential for destruction they had, buckint specially in this time of extreme crisis against the C-mana and so, they began a preventive collective genocide of the dragonic race. With only one male survivor. That being the egg of late diplomats and late friends of the princesses: Sir Zephyr blaze and madam Ruby spark wich were the last dragons standing at the time". " Of Course divine punishment came, the collective suffering of the genocided race feeded the Dark mana pool to incredible levels, something the races did not expect since their populi was very small, compromising 1% of the general population of the world and the fact that up until then the "logarithmic" or relative strength and power this creatures gained was somewhat proportional to the percived chaos and disharmony average of THE WORLD POPULI. This,then released the gates of gehena on equestre". "After coming out of hiding desperation, seeing that not only had their people being erradicated the destruction seemed inminent they pleaded the princesses to protect their egg no matter what in exchange for giving only them 2 their forgiveness and more importantly giving equestre a small chance to fight back,deal they took gratefully in deep shame." " Turns out the thing that gave all equestre and its people a chance to fight back and exist despite the constant losing battle and what seemed like divine judgment was sadly ironically dragons abilty to grow thanks to greed "treasure". And what is there more of a treasure to any (morally decent) being than their child? even more so when the rest of your kind is gone" The mane 6 were so speechless, you would almost bet no one was even there "And so in the biggest act of bravery and love in equestre history they grew to protect their child and all remaining people, grewing big enough to each of them guarding basically 1 side of equestre each. Then they fought for 5 days without stopping intentionally until they died making sure they could not be possed since the creatures cannot posses the dead. And so the numbers and strength of the creatures was manageble enough that with the re-union of all races and people together they marginally could hold their ground and slowly pushed forward. The orphan of the late hero's was none other than the drake that would almost 2 decades after would form the 6 crowns,become my husband and pretty much became equestre's main hope: Crown." Stella laid her head down in emotional exhaustion. The girls gasped in shock and terror at what they just heard. Only a pregnant silence could be percieved in the air for the next couple of minutes
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
Stella decided to cut the chase. "As you may imagine. After this series of tragic yet heroic events the "new" kingdom of equestre was born. Not long after a year had passed and the egg has yet to eclose, something wich gravely freaked out Moon and sol as they searched earth and sky for all and any of the information they could found on dragon eggs and making them eclose" "Eventually all the clue they got was that if the egg did not hatch in 3 years the "yolk" would go bad and the fetus would die and rott. Wich as soon as it was made public raised the alarms of the royal sisters and most of the new-equestre populi (yes racism and paranoia was still there but it was a now small % of the people, say 15% or so) as the triangular pilar of morale of the kingdom was at risk" "The royal sisters , for once completely in unknown waters decided to basically fish for miracles as they made a royal announcement: Anypony/anyone who could hatch the egg safely and deliver this baby was to be given status of a royal protegee and all the benefits that came with it. This if course brought horde after horde of candidates that had been given the stern warning that if they failed fine, next please but... shall anything happen to the egg or baby in it, their destiny was sealed." "Lots came and went without success. Then on the start of the third year a 5 year old filly from the "slums" passed the entrance gate. Apparently being able to replicate any magic she could see and read in a book after seeing it or reading it once. Ability that allowed her family to get a better quality of life after reading a magic book that her father used to learn how to make magic candles to sell something his daughter learned to do and astoundished the near community wich drew the attention of the sisters . This filly was none other than blank neck than little dusk light a reference to the (name given to her by her parents in reference of the light of hope shown at the dark of dusk)being taken to the castle by her parents." "There she was given all the texts collected and traduced so far depicting dragon eggs, wich she then after digesting the information tried her best to use without much luck" With a sad face she looked back at the sisters who looked baci in sympathy "Im sorry for losing your time" she stated the best she could for a little girl. Then the girl remembered something apparently the baby in the egg could feel the magic of the exterior in a way so she did her best and hugged the egg with her arms and magic to make the baby feel better. "Im sorry for you too" she said as she hugged the baby close to her chest. Then... it happened the green and purple egg started glowing in rainbow magic and threw a rainbow laser beam that broke the ceilling and made a big rainbow explosion of colour wich pulsated in lavander, the same colour as the skin of Dusk light as the egg levitated some meters and craked revealing a small baby inside with a smile on its face as the neck of Dusk light got a flower of life cuttie mark."
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
After that Dusk light, became Sol and moon's protegeé and would anything happen to them, would help take care of Crown. Name given to the drake by non other than the little antrho filly as a reference to him being the "heir of the crown", that and the spikes on his head kind of reminded her of one at the time. As for the rest of her family: Her brother Impenetrable fortress got the privilage to become a a traineé under the royal guard while his fiance Miss Belle Amoúr became the "honorary princess of empathy" in other words a diplomat representing the alicorns in politic affairs while her parents just got a house and stable job in Lancelot the main capital of equestre. The event of the royal birth of Crown was later known through all new equestre, not only due to its importance overall but because the magic beam the egg released to the sky at the moment of birth was seen by pretty much all equestre due to the high altittude it reached but also th sheer size the beam exhibited at the time. An event that marked lots of lifes in the currently war struggling new created country. Country that while somewhat stable now Because of the he sacrifice of the dragon diplomats it did not eliminate the problem either. The country was still and would continue to be at constant defence against the creatures while on a thin balance that allowed a decent level of civilty for the most part. Of course this, was not something guaranteed and could at a moment notice get out of control. In this scenario, the colorful beam at his birth was watched by other 5 fillys that would eventually meet the drake and change the course of history. -------------New equestre, 18 of august, year 3 PDH (Post dragon heroes)------------------------------------------- Besides Dusk light, the first filly to coincide was none other than constellar blizzard wich was currently flying at top speed for her age, stealing a bar of bread from a local bakery for her friends an family but sadly got blindsided by the aurora borealis beam of Crowns birth making her crash near the castle of the 2 sisters, plumetting to the ground. "Ow!, mhgaa!, my wings!" she had fell on her wings and was in high pain and distress. "Freeze, thief!. Guards, grab her!" Screamed the local baker mare. "buck!, gotta ru-" due to the strain bordering on ligament damage on her wings she could not fly. Trying to out run the guards while somewhat denurished, de-orientated and hurt was not going to work of course. "gotcha!" the guard exclaimed "NO!!" her scream could be heard close to the castle. Wich made the twi sisters and Dusk light exist to see what was happening. "LET GO OF ME!" she struggled as a little filly could "NO. GIVE THE LADY THERE, HER BREAD BACK!" the guard not backing down "BUT I CANT!" She kept struggling in desperation. "ENOUGH!" the royal sister's bellow was heard behind them, making them turn back "Princesses!"the baker and guard kneeled, the last one forcing the pegasus filly to the ground. Looking at the filly, the princesses questioned. "What is happening here?" "we are deeply sorry for disturbing, Princesess. I Just catched this little thief and was going to return the stolen goods. Perhaps interrogate her and keep her retained for a day for stealing." "we see..." The princesses of course annoyed by this petty display and against a filly for a bar of bread none the less. However they knew the country WAS indeed in dire situations and the food was not an exception. "Then we will be going..." Twilight wanted to say something, specially since she experienced first hand the necesity. However SHE HAD JUST GOTTEN A CHANCE FOR A BETTER LIFE FOR HER FAMILY!. She could not test the waters just yet. Even if it deeply saddened her. Stella was not going to give up easily, looking at the princesses she noted they had a baby surrounded by a blanket. Seeing her chance, petty as it was she threw the guard back a bit and runned for the price taking the baby dragon away from princess Sol, the latter getting shocked at the event. "Ok, here is the deal. I hate doing this but a mare will do what it has to, lets trade. This baby over here for that bar of bread no following me, no tricks, no nothing. Deal?" she knew she was pushing her luck to incredible levels but she hoped the fear of hurting the baby would make them accept her requests and let her go with the bread. "YOU INSOLENT LITTLE FILLY, release prince Crown, NOW!" aunt Moon was furious while momma Sol trembled in silent anger. Something that deeply scared Dusk light. "PRINCE!?" all but the celestial sisters and Dusk light exclaimed in shock. Stella, by sheer curiosity lifted the blanket to reveal... "A LIZARD!?" She screamed in shock letting basically throwing Crown to the sky something Dusk light saw and Did her best to catch him with his magic. After a deep silence of a couple seconds Realizing she just threw away her bargain card she looked back at the princesses. "Oh pony feathers..." she was afraid as Moon had a clear face of disgust and disdain at the unintentional derogatory slang at her adopted son while Sol just walked slowly to the filly, the guard and baker keeping quiet seeing her killer intent aura. "So... you not only take my son away from me, use him as ransom for something as trivial as food, then throw him to the air risking hurting him but you also insult him calling him a different race?" she asked with a sweet smile and soft voice being her piercing eyes the ones displaying the message clear and sound. Constellar's pupil "wha- no, no no NO! But... why would a... Reptile be the Prince!? it just shocked me, sorry!" she screamed as she backed away in a corner. "again with the slangs!, enough!. You will return the bread, will personally be punished by me you need to learn manners little filly!" Even when her blood boiled celestia still would not go overboard with a child, afterall. This got a reaction from the filly "Look, im sorry for all this ok!?, but i will be taking that bread one way or another! You can do what you choose with me but that bread comes with me! , I refuse to let my friends Starve!" the filly got strength from the deep of her soul as she trembled but made her best to stand agains the now flabberghasted Ponies. Then, as if breaking the tension Crown started to cry. This made The sisters look at crown, Dusk light then at Stella and they sighed. "Ok, you win" Sol, simply stated. "What?!" everypony except princess sol got an error 404. "Sister, wha- "Moon, listen. This FILLY was stealing FOOD for her STARVING friends and was willing to go to pretty much go to any lenghts for them. I can give her a better use than just punishment for the sake of it and the local baker's satisfaction." "What is your name kid?." "...St... Stella your highness..." "well, Stella. From now on you will be trained under the royal guard, be given food enough for your friends, family and yourself of course under 1 condition" "yes?" Like hell would stella pass this up. "You will become the personal guard of Crown there when you and him grow older. I need someone i can trust under all and any cirmustance with his life " she pointed to her adopted son. "And if you can go this lenghts for your friends, then i think i found the candidate... no, WE found the candidate." She then took Crown in her arms. "What do you think hon?, you like?" the baby dragon looked at the filly who was just looking back at him in with a akward smile. "hehehhe" the baby giggled. "uhum. Its decided then" the princess concluded while the rest of the ponies present just took all in. "If i protect this little fella... i can help my friends?... thats AWSOME!, no... 100% MORE AWSOME !" she screamed in joy and elation as a blue light shone from her neck and made a Fire shield cutie mark appear."
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
------ Coffee Plantation grounds, east of New equestre, august 18th, year 3 PDH (Post dragon heroes)---- Meanwhile on the east side of equestre on a family owned plantation of coffee was a pink skinned, pink maned and blue eyed earth pony filly helping her family carry heavy bags of coffee beans fruit of the same farm. This beans being sold to all equestre, mainly however to the royal guard since it was a staple drink in the kingdom since besides it flavor the add on of having a good state of alert was key in detecting danger. "Ma, pa i am so tired!, and this bad is so heavy!" even at her 7 years she was forced to work by her family, just like her sisters. Afterall in a world in war, Children exploitation laws were less severe and besides its not like her parents did not work. In fact they carried most of the heavy work but if their childreen 6 or older wanted to eat, they had to earn their bread like anyone else in the family. "Pillows...come on, its only a couple more of this." Her older sister Blanket egged her on in her usual monotone voice. "Stop pampering her, Blanket you are not helping her!" complained her not quite as old sister morning mane. "Morning, please understand her narcolepsi.." her other sister whispered. "I know!, but we need to make her user her will to somewhat gain control of it!,otherwise letting her sleep all the time is not going to help her either!" the sisters briefly discussed before letting all the bags in the old carriage and getting in the house. "We will make dinner, take a break Pillow" her mother said as everypony but her entered the barn-house. after a sad sigh she looked at the sky "this damn ill-ness, i love sleeping but ... what is the point if i never have enough of it to live my life?" Soft pillows, sadly whispered. The little filly, suffered mild yet functional narcolepsi. Due to her working in a coffee bean farm and basically coming from a family of bred coffee bean farmers the accumulated effect of the constant exposure and consumption to the caffeine of coffee, the genes regulating sleep in her family had gone altered, obviously due to the constat effect of the stimulant in their blood stream.However for most of her family while it had always been a little odd sleep,it was really nothing affecting life quality significantly.However in her case, she could sleep for 14 hours straight and Have energy for perhaps 10 at best if she did not over stressed her body, taking away a big part of the day and leaving little for her to enjoy, not to mention other inconveniences of ocassionaly getting so tired she can get to sleep in random situations. She had non cataplexia Narcolepsi. However that would change oh so very soon. giving a yawn as the dawn was clear she started getting sleepy looking at the dawn. " oh, well Gotta go back to Sle-" she let another yawn "eep" but before she could turn back to the house barn this universe's version of the rainboom happened. making her witness an epic beam of aurora borealisin the sky pulsating waves of lavander trough the kingdom messing her mane. "...that...thats!... SO COOL!" due to the narcolepsi,being young and constantly helping in the farm, she did not had many chances to see or do funny things, let alone see something like this!. The wave of emotion she got, was like none other in her whole life, over stimulating her brain in just the right ways, wich would a doctor later explain was a miracle. Then, she noticed something... "HUH!?, im not the sleepy anymore? why!" she was confused and yet exctatic. "MOM!, DAD!" She ran to her parents and sisters with a big smile on her face and eyes full of life while her parents and sisters just looked back at her mouth so open, flies could enter. They had NEVER ever seen her so full of energy and life, not even after the times she slept like "I was going to come back to sleep, but then...but then the rainbow, and then and then.. im not sleepy anymore!" she spoke so fast she mouth may as well be classified as a bullet train. Without delay, the ponies took their now ball of joy they called daugher to the local doctor, fearing something was wrong since she NEVER was like this even if she wanted too, and they had fear her narcolepsi had gotten something wrong. "Oh, this is... GREAT!, i had heard of it in papers but i truly never really believed it since i have never seen physical evidence or good amount of test subjects being used in the studies but to see a real life case is amazing!" the doctor examined the filly like a child getting a new toy. "uhhh Doctor? care to explain?" her mother was getting impatient. "Oh, right!. Sorry" Dr. Stable recomposed himself. "Well, you see. Since narcolepsy is not curable depending on the severity of the case, treatment of this disorder is symptomatic. Now, this means that while there is "treatment" like Scheduling one, two, or three 10-30 minute naps wich alleviates hypersleepiness and improves academic and work performance...its as you may have experienced with your daughter here, not enough. HOWEVER there have been some very few documented cases of significant improvement in recent papers of Minotaurs of south equestre wich have noted that in most of this cases the correlation seemed to be the stimuli related with happiness and joy wich reduced hypnagogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis!" "wich means?" asked her sister morning mane "That, usually in some patients after getting enough joy induced stimuli during that day, that same day they can have a higher tolerance to sleepiness and higher decree of alert, getting a better quality of life! but in this filly's case is EVEN better from what you told me since apparently since she has been like this since... 5 days ago?" "yes, we live far away from here." blanket shortly answered. "Correct. So whatever stimuli she had was so great that the record duration of the effect of positive stimuly of the paper was overcome!, no other patient had an event so joyful that increased their sleep quality and lowered the need to sleep for more than 2 days!" everyone gasped. "so... this means..." their parents were getting teary eyed "I cant assure you 100% but... the event may have given such a level of joy hormones that perhaps her brain circuits have rearanged in a way and she could... key emphasis in could... be somewhat cured or at the very least could have a better quality of life from now on." Soft pillows face was so bright, the sun paled in comparison as she jumped all over the place. "I have never felt joy like this before!,it feels so good!!, it makes me want to keep feeling like this forever and i want everyone to keep smiling Forever and i want everyone i know to do so too!!!!" "oh but ranbow beams dont come that ofteri wonder how else can i create smiles an joy..." she wondered to herself as she returned home with good news for the family. Once they arrived home that same night, Pillows got an IDEA!, And after their parents and sisters came back from the near town commerce a half day away what awaited them was a barn house full of tainted coffee bean rest made decorations, music playing from the main hall and recently made food with their daugher reciving them with a smile and open arms as her family entered the house. "You guys like it? its called a slumber party!" she exclaimed with joy and a laugh at the irony. For some seconds there was silence and the lips of her loved ones were trembling and she assumed they did not like what they saw and found coming back but before she could get sad their trembling lips turned into smiles and gave her a hug "ohyou like it?! , im So happy!!!" she was happy as a fiddle as 3 multicoloured pillows with party logos on them appeared on her neck. idea concept for soft pillows kinda, just imagine the pillows in her neck as a tatoo
Sofocles the Drake
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Spike,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Crossover,Adventure,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death,Profanity,Sex,Violence
Record of chaos- The Better six
Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!
<p>Spike sparkle solaris, the adopted son of princess celestia and Twilight Sparkle is like usual helping his friends in a battle against evil, however an unknown magic makes a paralell version of his friends appear! , and why can they fuse with him?!.</p><p>This story is a &quot;what if&quot; story if you may in wich themes of the record of ragnarok manga, Highschool DXD and the such mix in a story featured in the my little pony Universe in wich Spike is the main protagonist for once. Follow Spike, his friends and his parallel friends in an epic adventure of love, angst, Drama and battle agains an evil force previously unknown.</p>
------ Industrial park of lancelot. New equestre. Agust 18th, PDH (post dragon heroes)------ In the more humble houses near the primitive industrial park of lancelot. Lived a humble family of 3 unicorns in a humble monochromatic white and lavander house. Like most around. The mother Cookie oven: a pastel pink unicorn with lavander mane, blue eyes an oven cutie mark on her neck with a stereotypical housewife cloth set on The father, stitched pants: a white unicorn with brown mane in a bow cut, almond eyes, a patched cloth cutie mark in his neck and a stereotypical taylor clothing set on. And her only daughter alive: Abundance. Named after her parents desire for her to have a prosperous future. Abundance: a 8 year old female unicorn at this time with white furr, silver and zaphire striped mane, and zaphire blue eyes. With her mane having a tomboy haircut and her neck being in blank. Wearing a modest grey shirt and blue jeans. Said unicorn filly was observing in sadness and melancholly a picture of her late passed sister: Charming siren. A white furred unicorn filly with emerald eyes, a cherry coloured mane with a ponytail using a lollita black costume smiling along with her family back at her. As she stared at that 1 year old painting done before her death. "If only the country had more medicine at that time.." she whispered in frustrstion and sadness. Her mother seeing this, came to her with a small salad and lemonade and placed them behind her in the table. "Dear, believe ME. ME and your DAD know how you feel. But we cannot do anything about it anymore. All we can do at least is make sure you dont suffer the same fate and that you live a prosperus life. So please come eat breakfast with me" her mother pleaded. "Its... just not fair mom!!, her illness was not even that complicated!! This was all caused because the country was more focused in war tactics rather than ensuring resources for medicines and foo-" she could not finish her tirade before her father slapped her. "Be quiet abundance!." This made her and her mother stare in shock. " OF COURSE ITS NOT FAIR!, BUT DO NOT INSULT FOR A SECOND THE COUNTRY THAT GAVE US SHELTER AT THE COST OF HUNDREDS OF LIFES, EVEN AFTER EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED!. This made the both women look down. They remembered of course. They recalled how they, along a lot of ponies and members of other races, that either had previously left the union (equestre), participated in the dragonic genocide or just had not gotten to the countries border before. Were suddenly in what seemed like a miracle thanks to a sudden change of heart of the country's rulers (due to the sacrifce of the dragon diplomats ) did their upmost effort to let in every pony they could, regardless of past bad blood, or place of origin at the cost of hundreds of brave soldiers that died in the process ensuring the safe migration of the outside ponies in exchange of their lifes, ultimatelly giving them a new place to stay. This of course came with further problems since having more mouths to feed and people to protect witn only so much food, resources and soldiers to dispose... well you get the idea. "you act all high and mighty despite being one of the ones pushing for the war on dragons at the time..." Abundance whispered in anger believing she was not heard. At this fact her mother gasped, and her father simply stared at her with a progresively fading scowl that soon turned into a look of regret looking down. Giving a long sigh " i know i Was wrong, just like all those ponies have realized by now. I just... tried to protect you three whatever the cost was, no matter what i had to do. So when the anti dragon troops planted the posssibility of adding an even higher danger to our plate/ situation i just..." he sighed again "Then again its no excuse of course. At the end of the day what we did not only made things worse and was a deep sin, but also we have been humilliatingly been proven wrong. What we feared most and what caused us to become feardul animals is the only reason we are still alive. I carry that burden along with your sister's death everyday.". He tried to explain. "Would that days never happened, would the country be better off now?, would that stronger and more abundant country have the medicines your sister needed?, would all those premises be right she would be alive now?". He continued "Of course i know the answers to all of those are yes." He concluded. "So, i know its not fair abundance" he kneeled down and reached for her daughters shoulder with a face that did not betray his anguish "but we still have you. And i will do everything i can and do it right this time so you live the best life we can give you" Abundance gave her dad and mom an undesrtanding look and joined the breakfast before her dad left for his job as the royal tailor and armour designer. After his familt being taken back the princesses wanted him. On a leash making sure he did not contribute any more to anti-dragon or anti-species acts even if they knew he had realized his sins. And the better way they thought was making him the royal tailor so they could keep an eye on him while also using his talent. After her father left and her mother went to clean the clothes she dejectedly went to the kingdoms public royal school wich was no more than a basic education school that also teached practicak skills needed in this developing nation in crisis. Looking at the grey cement floor and equal houses devoid of originality she sighed taking her way to the school near the castle of the princesses appreciating how like usual, in her eyes the world seemed very dull,a world with lack of colors, lack of resources, lack of medicines, lack of fun, lack of food, lack of good dresses!. just...lack in general. Oh, how she wished for a world where everything was ABUNDANT, a world in wich there was enough medicine so her sister would be alive, a world in where there was houses of different colours so she would enjoy her walk and not get lost in the sea of copy and paste houses, a world in wich there was mlre than enough food and water for abundant world But how could it even be achieved? Universal abundance? What could she even do to help?. With a sigh she continued walking until.... Music for the scene: Suddenly there was a massive rainbow blast to the skies of lancelot coming from the near castle of the royal sisters wich pulsated waves of lavander wind making her hair and clothes along all the non heavy objects wave in its glory. As she watched in awe at the glorious display as the beam's rainbow shadow tainted the surroundings, in a way that made it look like all the houses and clothes in its blast range were full of different colours and life. And for a first in her life there was an there in front of her, a all you can see display of colour. All her eyes could see was the abundance of something: Colour and beauty!. Concept idea for abundance just imagine her body actually being more curby and female esque, im having trouble with the ai doing what i want xd
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Twilight dropped the photograph, shocked into uncharacteristic clumsiness. Twilight dropped her notes, shocked into uncharacteristic clumsiness. “I’m sorry, would you mind repeating that Princess?” The heralding member of Equestria’s new diarchy regarded Twilight with an arch look. If Twilight ran into something she didn’t quite understand, or was taken aback by, during her lessons with Celestia, then the sun princess would be doting, maternal, guiding her student to the right answer with a caring hoof and an astute remark. One thousand years on the moon wouldn’t make for amazing social training for anyone. This interview had meant to be a look into the past, speaking to the pony most intimately acquainted with the Equestria of a millenia ago currently walking the earth. It had been revealing, but in a way Twilight wasn’t entirely sure she was comfortable with. The sovereign of the moon didn’t have to be prostrate with thanks for the fact Twilight had saved her, of course not… but still. Luna hadn’t expressed a note of thanks throughout the entire conversation, referring to Twilight exclusively as ‘under-arch-mage’, a title the unicorn had never even heard before. Her answers had been curt, and she hadn’t reacted well to being questioned just now. This was a conversation between ruler and subject. The two didn’t say anything, Twilight out of shock for what the princess had said, and her current look of blatant outrage. Luna, presumably for having been spoken back to in some form. The room got warmer, and Twilight knew without looking that Celestia had entered behind her. Luna looked past Twilight. A curl of her lip betrayed clear fury, before presumably some look from her elder sister quelled her, enough to say. “What about what we said was unclear?” “My apologies princess, I didn’t mean to imply you were unclear. I was simply surprised by your answer.” “You wanted to know about original translations, correct?” “I did, yes Princ-” “Allow me to educate you, under-arch-mage. These books you have referred to were written before Olde Equish had developed. Language was different back then and for this, among others…” Luna’s eyes flicked behind Twilight, “Reasons, translations of texts from that time are now imperfect at best.” Twilight bit her tongue, if only for the sake of getting an accurate answer. If the princess had reacted as she had for being politely questioned, Twilight could scarcely imagine what she’d say were Twilight to interrupt her and tell her she was more than familiar with every topic she was currently being lectured on. “So, with that in mind, these passages you’re asking about can originally have different meanings, subtly so or otherwise.” “My question had been on what the original translation of the term ‘the eternal night’ was…” Twilight said. The twinge of irritation she felt for having been spoken to like that was becoming less and less characteristic. She was no longer the young mare she had been, brusque and bookish to the point of rudeness. But ponies don’t change overnight. That takes work. She let the question hang there, continuing to levelly meet the princess' increasingly furious gaze. Should she? Well, once again. If only for the sake of getting an accurate answer. “...Princess.” Luna took her time to answer. Cold, white fire danced in her eyes for a moment, before it was suddenly, suspiciously, snuffed out. “And, as I have already told you, Twilight Sparkle. The original term had been ‘The Eternal Madness’.”
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Twilight bit into the loaf of bread, her eyes rolling back into her head with ecstasy. It cut the inside of her mouth, the crust long hardened into sharpened ridges in the freezing temperatures and ever-present stale air. It was rapturous. Things like this were becoming fewer and further between. It had only been a few days since Twilight had woken up in her castle, finding the world to be a frozen, deserted wasteland. Well, no, wasteland wasn’t too accurate. What Twilight had walked into was so much worse than that. It was pristine. It was a world made into a sculpture, with only the Ponyville librarian, imperfect in her stubborn consciousness, left to sully it. It was a world in which every single occupant had simply vanished, leaving Twilight with nothing but time. Time she had used to scour buildings in Canterlot for the food that remained, anything to quiet her screaming stomach, agonised in the constant state of starvation she’d felt since this had happened. And time she had used to consider a few salient facts. Everyone in the world had vanished. She didn’t know how she could fix it. She didn’t have long to work out how to fix it. Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, were dead. The last point, even just thinking it, made her body convulse. But Twilight forced herself to focus on her bread, focus on eating one of the last fresh things in the entire world, even though it was horrifically stale. It was simple really, each point fed into the next. There was one pony in the entire world. There was enough canned and preserved foods to last Twilight an entire lifetime. She estimated she had a couple of months at most. Because Twilight could eat as much as she wanted, she could drink entire rivers. But Twilight was going to die, relatively soon. Because the princesses were dead. She knew they must be dead. And not only dead, but completely and utterly destroyed. And it hadn’t been hard to work out. Because there were only a few things that could release so much energy as to scour the world clean of every notion of complex life. And one of them was the energy released when you destroy an alicorn. Not just kill it, but rend its very soul into nothing. But Twilight was a scholar, she didn’t listen to conjecture, or unfounded hypotheses. She’d need proof to jump to such an assertion, of course. It was a couple of days in when she found it. Because Twilight had leant down to eat a mouthful of the grass at Canterlot park, near-crazed from hunger in the dulled afternoon light, and instinctively spat the rotten, foul tasting sprouts from her mouth. She’d pulled back, looking at them in horror, seeing only fresh-looking, green grass. And then she’d looked up, at the weak rays filtering through the grey ceiling atop her. And then back to the grass, and back to the sun, and then to her own shaking, weakened body. And Twilight had realised then, and there, that her suspicions had been correct. And that her mentor must be dead. And she’d fallen to that foul, rotten, beautiful, vibrant grass. Because her exhaustion and starvation, and the taste of that meadow, and the death of the entire world, and the destruction of her second mother finally made a terrible nothing of sense. Because, stood there as she was, with naught for company but the silent wind Twilight had realised. Because there was something wrong with the sun and moon. XXX One of Twilight’s favourite places in Canterlot had always been the crystal catacombs. She’d gone there with Rarity. They did something important there. She was sure of it. She looked at the entrance, strangely destroyed in the eerie calm of the perfect world. Rubble blocked the entrance completely. It must have been? Twilight punched the rocks and screamed. The memories, or notions of them, didn’t make sense. She felt them so strongly and yet she felt they must be wrong. Twilight had never liked the catacombs and neither had Rarity. They weren’t aesthetically pleasing, and magic didn’t even properly penetrate down there. It had nothing for either of them. She had no actual memories of coming here, aside from rescuing Cadence. All she had were these persistent odd notions and niggling feelings. So why had it felt so important to come here? She didn’t dream any longer, without the moon, she couldn’t. Sleep only brought flashbacks of times that were completely irrelevant, like that interview with Luna. And even if there was relevance, the starvation and lack of nurture from the sun made it impossible. The sun was the lifegiver, its magic sustaining the whole ecosystem. Its absence was killing her and every passing second made it less likely she’d ever fix this. She bit her tongue to stop herself from being sick. In her current state, vomiting was just a waste of energy, and resources, and precious bread. She tried to fight away the stab of panic that was piercing her chest at the knowledge that she was losing her memories. Or they’d been flitted away in whatever blast had glassed the planet and left her as the sole sentinel, and wasn’t that fitting. Being honest with herself, she could barely remember anything from the last few years. She’d realised it when she’d finally calmed down that first day after discovering that the vast vanishing was far beyond the borders of Ponyville. The last few years of her life, completely immaterial, scattered thoughts in a void of nothingness. She supposed it was the lack of the moon’s magic. She remembered spare moments, the outcomes of adventures. She remembered her life as a smear of monotony spread out over countless months. But now she was apparently the only alicorn left in Canterlot, and she remembered nothing about how to govern. She remembered nothing about her duties. It was a miracle she still remembered how to fly. Even if she were to somehow save the world, all those lessons she assumed Celestia had given her on sovereignty were lost to her now. The Diarchy of Equestria would need to be succeeded by a unicorn with the accident of wings, little more skilled than a town librarian. Another little problem to solve for her, while the universe sat back and laughed at her. Get rid of Nightmare Moon? Okay. Get rid of Discord as he hypnotises her friends? Okay? Get rid of Chrysalis while everyone actively tells her how mistaken she is? Okay? Get rid of Starlight? Get rid of Tirek? Okay, she’ll do it. Celestia was meant to be the most powerful thing in the entire world and time and time again, Twilight solved it all and gratefully received the ‘lesson’ it had imparted. Save the entire world, with only her own mind trapped in a body marching inexorably to death while knowing Celestia and Luna were dead, and having no idea whether Cadence had survived? Do it while not remembering any remotely useful details about herself? Solve the hardest problem ever while knowing the world could never truly be fixed and do it on constantly reducing brainpower? Okay. “Did you even ever actually care?! You or Luna?! I fucking hate you!” Twilight screamed. Then Twilight was silent. Twilight had no idea where that had even come from. Of course she didn’t hate the princess. She wanted to see Celestia. She wanted to see her family. She wanted to see Rarity. She slid down the back of the rock and sobbed, despite knowing what a drain on energy it was. She couldn’t stop herself. She fiddled desperately with her saddlebags, and pulled the one genuine source of comfort from them. A small photograph of her and her friends, all vanished now. Tucked off to the side, was herself and Rarity. A small alcove they’d formed for themselves almost imperceptibly, unconsciously. When she tried to remember, Twilight thought that a lot of photos of the group of them had that quality. But then, maybe she was misremembering. And it was in that alcove she’d formed for herself, hidden from the dying sun against rocks that blocked the crystal catacombs she’d never loved, that Twilight dropped the photograph, shocked into uncharacteristic clumsiness. Something on the other side of the rubble knocked on the rocks.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Twilight remembered feelings of listening to her parents argue when she was a filly. It was wrong, of course, to eavesdrop into what others were saying. Especially when the hushed whispers of those in the room betrayed their desire for privacy. But Twilight was a curious filly. Twilight was a compulsive filly. Twilight couldn’t sleep until she knew that everything was alright, that it wasn’t her she was arguing about. There was no such desire in the voices she heard, they were full bore in their fury, resentment, bubbling over and over and over. Slight clinks of treated metal formed the background ambience as the guards shuffled uncomfortably. Twilight could tell in their cringing expressions and the way they made no move to stop her that this was hardly a seldom occurrence. They looked worried. They wanted her to hear. They wanted her to fix it. Okay. The clumsy cracking of the door was sufficient to remove any sense of soundproofing magic that would have otherwise snuffed their voices. Both rulers of Equestria shouted like common folk, no thoughts for their station, clearly no thought for who may hear. Twilight could easily imagine Luna marching in, indignant, not shutting the door properly. Maybe she wanted the guards to hear. Maybe she just didn’t give a shit anymore. “I have brooked enough of this from you, sister.” “Twilight resolved this, I don’t see any reason to press the matter any further.” “You know full well why we even needed her to step in the first place.” Luna spat, and Twilight cringed, “Are you truly content with all of this?” “You were away for a millennia, you’ve yet to learn.” “And how, exactly, do you propose to bring me to heel?” Luna asked, an unmistakable edge of steel in her voice. The noise of motion was somehow simultaneously so loud, and almost too quiet to comprehend, that it nearly made Twilight’s heart stop. “Do not deign to threaten me, little sister. My offer of explanation was a courtesy, extended by grace. You would do well to accept it.” “If mother and father could see you now.” Luna said, laughing humourlessly. “Mother and father are dead,” Celestia replied, “I will continue their line with or without your leave.,” “You will reunite us, nothing more,” Luna replied venomously, “I know full well about carrying on their line Celestia. You continue your smiling, conciliatory farce. And leave it to hooves that haven’t so quickly forgotten.” “It’s been a millennia, Luna, that’s not quick.” “They wouldn’t say so, I’d expect.” And with that, Luna made her way to the door. And Twilight was so tired, so exhausted from it all that she wasn’t able to get away quick enough. The ornate wooden panel smacked into her and she fell to the floor. Luna carried on walking, no care for the body audibly tumbling to the ground. That was until Twilight began to cough, her tender ribs contracting in an agonising rhythm that caught the moon princess’ attention. Twilight tried to get to her hooves, but her hacking and spluttering proved more than equal to her legs, which gave out under her. Luna made no attempt to help, only standing there looking at Twilight, expression somewhere between pity and disgust. “How long are you going to keep doing this to yourself?” One of the guards watched the exchange, before screwing up his eyes. His face contorted, it looked like his insides were on fire. He shuffled, he writhed. Celestia poked her head out of the room, curious by what had stayed her sister’s retreat. Twilight tried to get up again and failed. The guard finally snapped. He brazenly abandoned his post in front of both sisters to help Twilight to her hooves. He was gentle, he was so gentle and his touch and voice were kind when he asked her if she was alright, and if he should send for anything that she needed. He guided her to his feet the whole time, not rushing nor forcing. Just patience. Just softness. Just understanding. Both princesses watched him closely. Celestia’s eyes were inscrutable as always, betraying no emotion while the subtle movements of her irises made it clear that she had seen everything. Luna on the other hand looked wild. She always looked wild when compared to her elder sister. Her pupils shrank to pinpricks and she tilted her head, more beast than god. It was short lived, however, and the moon princess shook herself to some measure of composure, before stealing away down the halls. Celestia watched her go, before remembering herself and placing a comforting hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. But it was absentminded, and she returned her eyes to watching after Luna. The princess’ hoof was so unbelievably powerful. It nearly knocked Twilight to the ground again.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Twilight regarded the rocks with a cautious, almost feral glower. Like that time just after she’d woken up, when she’d heard noises in the castle library. It was just the wind. All the noises she’d heard here must have been the wind, or some precariously left item dropping somewhere in the dead, dead world. The knocking happened again. Her ear twitched. She lit her horn dangerously. Falling stones, the effect of this rubble, the one part of the world that actually seemed damaged. Why was that? Why did everywhere else look like everyone had disappeared mid-routine, whereas this looked like someone had intentionally destroyed it? Maybe this happened before the event. Maybe there was a cave in. There was an explanation. She was alone here. She had accepted she was alone and pretending otherwise wouldn’t help anyone. And yet. Twilight reached out and knocked rhythmically on the rocks. Something knocked back. Falling stones, dislodging more rubble, her knocking creating more knocking, an echo? She was alone here. And yet. “Hello?” Twilight asked, something more like choking than speaking. The silence stretched out for time that Twilight didn’t mark. Maybe it was the lack of brainpower, maybe the exhaustion, but Twilight nearly always could tell exactly how much time had passed. Maybe it was the resignation. Maybe it was the accursed burden of belief. Her eyes flicked up, and she squinted in confusion. She saw motes of dust dancing sporadically, moved by the silent wind. She tilted her head, fur raised in some amalgam of exhaustion and anger and daring to dream. A crack in the rocks up high was pierced by a spear of light. Golden, warm looking. A relic. But that would mean… “Bonjour?” came a voice from behind rock.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
“The Dias is one of the only pieces that was actively moved over from the old castle in the Everfree. It was placed here in the principal tower, highest of the palace, as both a functional aspect and to reflect its importance,” Luna said, characteristically brusque as Twilight had come to expect. Ever since her ascension, she had been told, not asked, by the moon princess that she would enter her tutelage as well as Celestia’s. A formality, making the previous arrangement official and nothing more. It was not something Twilight had welcomed. “What is its purpose?” Twilight asked. Long had it been now that when they met like this, Twilight would drop Luna’s title. And both would pretend they were putting no thought into the matter when, of course, this was yet another formality. Twilight was doing this to get under Luna’s skin. And Luna was pretending to not be bothered at all by it. But Twilight knew the truth. She was under no illusions that her ascension had been Celestia’s design alone, and that Luna had never been pleased by it. Her verbal inclusions of Twilight as one of them always seemed forced, drank in like a mouthful of lye, cringing and overworking of the tongue to affect an air of normality. Sadly for Luna, subterfuge had always been her elder sister’s strength. Twilight tried to hate herself for feeling some dark pleasure in that. “The sun and moon are not merely there for aesthetics. The sun gives life to the entire world, its magic nurturing and cultivating. The light can help the chemistry of agriculture, but without the magic, it wouldn’t matter. Without the magic it provides, the sun would shine over a dead world.” “I… I…” “The moon governs the mind, in contrast to the sun’s nurturing of the body. My magic weaves throughout the nocturnal domain and allows ponies to dream. It keeps them spiritually nurtured. Without it, the moon would stand sentinel over a world of not the living, but the existing, and nothing more,” “I… know,” Twilight spat, before falling to her hooves. She hacked and coughed, gasping for air. Luna walked over and regarded her with a look of frustration. “I will ask you again, why do you keep doing this to yourself?” “Tell me about the Dias, get it over with.” Twilight replied, making no request for Luna’s help and receiving no offer. The two remained locked for a moment in a silent battle of nothing more than stares, neither willing to break. This seemed to be the alicorn’s domain, battle in the conventional sense must be so trite to beings who could kill the whole world, should they choose. Better to use words, and no words, and looks across rooms and in towers, and remaining on the floor spluttering and not helping someone on the floor coughing their lungs out. Luna’s head tilted near-imperceptibly. “The Dias can amplify and harness the magic of any construct, physical or otherwise. We use it with the spheres, to capture their power and change the way it behaves. Should an enemy to Equestria attempt to disturb our citizens in their dreams, I could use this to stop them. Say they tried to raze our crops, disrupt our supplies, my sister could amplify her sun’s rays and focus them on reviving the lost fields. It’s marvellous, really,” she said, her voice sounding frighteningly mortal in its reverence for the massive, mirrored surface, hovering over a deceptively small plinth. A thought occurred to Twilight. “Why were you arguing with Celestia? Months ago, after I’d defeated Tirek, I heard you in her chambers. Why?” Twilight asked, causing Luna to wheel around and cross the distance between them in a heartbeat. “I will brook your attitude, little sister, but do not profess to meddle in the business of gods,” she hissed, eyes centimetres from Twilight’s. “I thought I was a god,” Twilight replied, shaking with laughs that quickly devolved into spluttering coughs, “If what I ask isn’t to your liking then we can stop the lessons, but if you’re going to insist to keep them going, then I will behave precisely as I would with Celestia. She never shies away from a difficult question from a student.” “This lesson is on the Dias, and you will stay on topic-” “I couldn’t care less about your stupid mirror,” Twilight spat, maybe it was the lack of brainpower, maybe it was how exhausted she was, maybe it was seeing the facade break and see the princesses squabble like siblings, maybe it was how long since she’d seen… her friends. But the pretence had left her, totally and entirely. “Do you know how much you’ve taught me in these lessons? Essentially nothing. And I know you know that. I know what you’re doing, you’re hoping that by bringing me up here every other day, and lecturing for hours on end about material I already know, you’re going to break me and get me to listen to what you actually want to tell me, but it’s not going to happen. So either tell me about what you and Celestia were arguing about, or leave me in peace, because I’m not listening any more.” Luna looked at her levelly, seemingly unmoved by Twilight’s brazen defiance. It was amazing, how much of what Twilight did recently that seemed to prove utterly, totally futile.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
It couldn’t be. “Is someone there?!” Twilight cried, lighting her horn to try to pull the rocks away. “Y a-t-il quelqu'un dehors?” the voice called back. Twilight’s horn flickered and her grasp hooked onto the rocks, but fell away just as quickly. She wasn’t strong enough. She’d never been strong enough. “Twilight, you can’t just do science lessons,” Celestia said, her laugh betraying how charming the tiny indignant filly was as she puffed her cheeks. “But languages aren’t even useful!” she said, not noting the irony of her myriad mispronunciations as she tried to convince her teacher, “I can just cast a translation spell! But I’ll never learn how to do that if I don’t focus on science and magic!” Celestia stuck her tongue out in mock thought, and found herself strangely compelled by the child’s argument. Of course, that was the memory she came to now. Of course, that was one of the few her mind had decided to leave her intact. Twilight tried to cast the translation spell. She wasn’t strong enough. She slumped to the ground. Sit there and listen to a voice she couldn’t understand nor save? And knowing her weakness will only continue? Okay. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand you,” she said, her voice wobbled and only her exhaustion stopped her from crying. “Je vous comprends! Je suis désolée, mais je ne parle pas la langue!” the voice cried back, sounding desperate to be heard. Twilight scrunched her eyes and rubbed her temples and it felt like her brain was going to explode. The effort required to do the slightest amount of critical thinking was agonising. The word ‘comprends’ sounded like its Ponish equivalent. Did that mean the voice could understand her? “Can you understand me? Can you understand what I’m saying?” “Oui! Oui!” Even Twilight understood that one. She flapped her wings and the lift was nigh unnoticeable. But Twilight had always had a keen eye for detail. The second keenest eye she’d ever known, in fact. She reached her forelegs up, and with a flap, pulled herself up one of the rocks. “Are you safe in there? Do you have food?” “Oui, mais nous n'en avons plus. Il y a de l'eau ici, mais la nourriture ne durera pas longtemps." Twilight scrunched her eyes and bit her tongue. The frustration was killing her, the effort was killing her, needing to think was killing her. She flapped her wings again, and up another rock. “I’m sorry, could you say it more simply?!” she called back. “L'assistance,” the voice said, before repeating it several times. Twilight felt like she had a good idea what she was being told. Another flap, another couple of feet higher, all heading to the top of that pile, all to that crack in the rocks. “Are you alone?” “Nous sommes nombreux. Ils sont plus bas dans les catacombes de cristal,” came the reply, sounding buoyed as Twilight assumed her voice got louder and louder. Another beat of the wings, another tiny amount of lift. It was lift enough. “Could you stick with yes or no answers?” Twilight said, hoping the exertion in her voice would quell any disagreement from within, “Are you alone in there?” “Non,” “Are you in charge?” “Non,” Twilight scrambled further and further, the aperture tantalisingly close. She licked her lips, the promise of the smell of the stink and musk of other living beings, stale and stifling, it sounded like the closest she may ever feel to being home ever again. “Who is?” “Mon amie, Rarity,” Twilight nearly fell from the rocks. Another flap, another desperate scramble to get to the hole. She couldn’t fall now. Surely it couldn’t be possible. But Twilight wanted to just believe. “Did you say ‘Rarity’?” “Oui,” One final, agonising flap of her wings. They burned, her muscles were on fire, her whole body screamed for something, anything other than this. Her body wanted her to lie down and sleep and never get back up. Her mind wanted her to just rest for a while, she wasn’t any good to anyone like this. “Can… can you go get her?” Twilight said, ragged breaths giving way to wet, heaving sobs as tears streamed down her face. “Oui! Un moment!” Twilight got to the hole, it was bigger than expected, she could have easily gotten her head through it. She looked through, catching the back end of the pony she’d been speaking to heading through a darkened threshold. The room seemed to be a guardpost of sorts, a sharpened stick lay by an old chair she imagined the pony had been sitting on. Glowsticks littered the ground, giving the room a warm ambience that offered a pretence of safety amid the silent world. From the glance she caught, the pony looked to be a turquoise earth pony with a purple tail. Her cutie mark was a cluster of ornate looking shells, it was beautiful, being honest. She was the first pony Twilight had seen since waking up to find Ponyville completely deserted, and Twilight could barely summon the energy to pretend to care about her. Something greater was yet to come. Twilight had to believe. Her forelegs begged for release, her wings were trees on fire, each branch a new line in a poem of vitriolic agony. The pony returned. She wasn’t alone. And the second Twilight saw her, somehow still the beautiful grey of a winter’s sky, untouched by the chaos, she felt less weak. Considerably less weak. Rarity listened to some hushed report offered by the earth pony, but her attention seemed divided. She didn’t seem right. And then she grasped the side of her head like she was in pain. And Twilight felt stronger. And she looked at Rarity’s horn and licked her lips like she was a timberwolf stalking a lost filly, adrift in the everfree with no one to protect them. Rarity had no one to protect her, she was in charge, the guard had said. Twilight must have really loved Rarity, she was noticeably stronger just by looking at her, looking at her horn, looking at her aura. Rarity fell, some far part of Twilight told her she should care. Twilight oddly didn’t. Rarity rolled over, Twilight saw some gash on the inside of her foreleg she must have gotten sometime after coming down here. It must have been recent, it wasn’t properly healed. Twilight looked at Rarity’s horn, Twilight felt stronger, Rarity convulsed, the wound reopened. Twilight saw the blood. Blood. Luna cocked her head, and cut open her own cheek, and stood silently as the blood poured down her face. The memories returned to Twilight like a being in the centre of a tsunami, rushing with all the power of the vengeful, spiteful earth. Twilight threw herself from the rocks as fast as she could, and she didn’t stop running until the sound of her hooves were fully stolen by the never-ending whispers of the silent wind.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Luna looked at her levelly, seemingly unmoved by Twilight’s brazen defiance. It was amazing, how much of what Twilight did recently that seemed to prove utterly, totally futile. Then she cocked her head, and cut open her own cheek, and stood silently as the blood poured down her face. “And what will you do if I don’t give you this?” Luna asked, as Twilight watched the drops hit the floor. “I can find other ways of dealing with this,” Twilight said. And she believed that. Because she had to. But a wobble in her voice betrayed her. “You really are a remarkable specimen, Twilight, truly. To have gone as long as you have without draining any magic from Rarity, it defies belief. I wonder now, whether my sister ascended you not out of esteem, but out of fear. Out of self-preservation.” Luna said, seeming darkly pleased with how Twilight looked at the sanguine liquid, “That niece of hers up North in the frozen waste is a winged unicorn, nothing more, incapable of even using the elements. But you, Twilight? My sister was right, you can be a real alicorn.” Twilight would have crawled over to lick Luna’s blood off the marble, a few metres away, such was her hunger. Thankfully for her pride, her limbs wouldn’t manage the trip. “I told you before about the genocide that our subjects enacted upon our species, the gods by which they live. Imagine them with you at their helm? They would have been unstoppable. Like they were when they had my sister. But of course, to lead something like that, you’d need to be at full strength, wouldn’t you?” Luna asked, still tauntingly standing too far for Twilight to cross the distance. Her horn lit and she seized Twilight’s wing, folding it over and regarding it appraisingly, “A shame that is the case no longer,” “I will not drain Rarity, I won’t live as a parasite. I’d rather die,” Twilight spat. “Oh you won’t, my sister would never allow it. But more than that, you’d never allow it. You’d lose your mind before you got to that point and you’d take every bit of magic from her until nothing at all remained. And that, my student, is when your mind would return to you. And all that needs to happen is that you no longer have a source of alicorn blood to keep you going,” “You’d…” Twilight muttered, struggling to stay awake, “You’d do that… I grew up loving ponies, not feeding off them, I can wait a while longer,” “Still not listening, are we? Once again, my stude-” “I… I am not your student!” Twilight barked, feral and dying, “Now… now tell me why you and Celestia were arguing.” “As I said, do not deign to interfere in the business of gods,” Twilight rolled over onto her back, looking at the ceiling. The delicate tilework depicted the alicorn sisters, and Twilight couldn’t help but laugh. “Care to share with the teacher?” Luna asked. The ceiling’s version of Celestia was a relatively modest design. She stood, unassumingly, lit by a sun that decorated her background with warm looking light. Luna, on the other hand, was resplendent. She was up on her hindlegs, prancing in ful pride and fierceness and carpeted by an infinite universe of shifting stars, made from precious metals laced into the tiles themselves. She looked like a god. “You’re so much less than her…” Twilight said, and laughed again. The temperature of the room dropped considerably. Twilight didn’t care if Luna came over and stamped her head into a mess of bone and brain. She could have done without the godhood. She’d be glad to be rid of it. To Twilight’s surprise, Luna simply began to talk. “My sister and I were arguing because we were unable to defeat Tirek, as we had countless times in the past. Were we at full strength, we could have parted with him with his eyes and ears, then flayed him living, reducing his entire universe to agony before drinking his magic and his power and his soul. But we couldn’t do that, because we cannot feed like we used to, we can only do as if the act is some shameful secret, “My sister and I were arguing because her regime is rotten and will lead to nothing but ruin for this entire world because its gods are eating nothing more than rations, and must rely on a whelp who’s stubbornness is killing her. We were arguing because she has weakened you her entire life by filling your head with a fantastical, fallacious philosophy that she doesn’t even believe herself. Her domain is, and always has been, lies, and I respect that lies have their place in governance, but sometimes it is time to wake up from the dream.” Twilight rolled over and looked at Luna, who had her back to Twilight. She was lightly, almost affectionately, stroking the Dias with a forehoof. “So if she, and you, and that half-breed in the Crystal Empire refuse to wake up from your slumber, then I will do my duty, as I always have. I will watch over your dreams, heedless of disapproval, or disdain, or disgust, and I will do what I need to to continue my parent’s line. I will not allow anymore alicorns to perish, Twilight.” “Wh…what are you going to do?” That inscrutable face moved so close to Twilight’s, who cursed herself as she was unable to refrain from opening her mouth and craning her neck to lick the blood off Luna’s cheek. But the moon princess wasn’t for moving, and she pulled back before Twilight was able to. “Fear not my student, for this is a lesson, and I will educate you… sleep.” And Twilight was unable to resist the dreamlord’s request. XXX Twilight dreamed of mares withhite white coats, warm bodies that smelled of perfume. She looked up, seeing above her the blessed maiden with forelegs outstretched. And then her purple mane gave way to pink and blue and green, and wings larger than anything Twilight had ever seen, and the warmth became scorching heat. And the comfort of love became the awe of the presence of an angel. Twilight’s eyes fluttered open, she had been moved to a plush bed in the royal chambers. Celestia was looking down on her, a serene smile on her face, crying tears of blood. The droplets were falling from her cheeks and landing onto Twilight’s outstretched tongue. The coppery taste had once made her vomit. Now it felt disgustingly like home. “You’re not out of the cycle, my dear,” Celestia said, a sad smile ensconced by two red rivers, “Blueblood sustains me, and I sustain you. You’re still feeding, as an alicorn would. One level removed, still consuming magic of our subjects, just in a roundabout way.” “Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you ask me before you did this to me?” Twilight said, finding the renewed strength and clearness of mind allowing her to cry her own tears. Completely clear, nothing more than salty, colourless liquid. “I believed you’d understand. I truly did, I do, because I believe in you Twilight.” “This isn’t living,” “You’re not going to hurt Rarity, Twilight. When have I ever lied to you?” “You told me I’d be a good princess,” Twilight said, cursing herself for how she sniffled so pathetically, “You pretended my whole life that I wasn’t your prey.” “You are not my prey, Twilight,” Celestia said, her face screwing up in frustration, her need for Twilight to understand written in every worry line, “I wish I could make you understand. Our feeding need not hurt those who sustain us. Milking a cow hardly kills it, does it? Picking apples doesn’t hurt the tree, which can live for millennia!” “I’m scared of Luna, I think she’s going to do something,” Twilight confessed, and Celestia tilted her head in confusion, “Ever since the ascension, she’s been different. Ever since that night she visited me in my dreams. She doesn’t treat me like a friend anymore. She doesn’t treat anyone like a friend anymore. All that work from nightmare night is gone. She’s been looking at everyone like…” Twilight wanted to say she was looking at ponies like they were prey. “ they’re less than her.” “I know you mean well, Twilight,” Celestia replied tenderly, “But it’ll take more than nightmare night celebrations years ago to make Luna come around. She may try not to show it, but she’s not remotely adjusted to these times. I’ve had a millennia to do so, it may take her the same amount of time… why are you scared of her?” “That night I heard you arguing… the things she’s been saying in her lessons…” “Let me guess, she’s going on about that Dias she loves so much?” Celestia said, rolling her eyes as if the news was nothing, “She’s always had a flair for the dramatic, that one. I used to keep a little book with her myriad of colourful threats in there, between you and I. Pay her no mind Twilight, she never means anything by them,” She did once, Twilight didn’t say. “Luna told me that you’re not at full strength, that’s why you needed me to defeat Tirek, is that true?” Twilight asked, feeling like a parasite as she opened her mouth to catch another drop of blood. “It… it’s true that we used to be much more brazen with our…feeding. And we’ve paid for it dearly, Twilight,” “Why did you used to be more brazen?” Twilight pressed. “I offer no excuses.” Celestia replied simply, “We were wrong, all of us were wrong. We were new to our lives, new to our godhood, and we were wrong,” “But I’m new to godhood,” Twilight countered, and began to shake with sobs. Celestia leant in and pressed her face against Twilight. The two tried to provide each other some modicum of comfort. Celestia licked Twilight’s mane as a mother would a child. Twilight licked the blood from her second mother’s cheeks. “Twilight, you are the most remarkable mare I have ever met,” Celestia began, pulling her head back to look Twilight in the eyes, “You can, and will be a far stronger god than me or Luna… however. I know you don’t want to hurt Rarity, but the more and more you starve yourself, the less control you’ll have over yourself, you’re dangerous when you’re like that, Twilight. I wish you’d let me help you. I don’t know how much longer we can keep feeding you our blood. Look at what happened with Tirek, what if we’re not here one day?” “Luna… Luna told me once…” Twilight said, her voice speeding up in a panic, “That I might drain all of Ponyville,” “I don’t say this to upset you, Twilight, only because I owe you the truth,” Celestia began. The curtains billowed behind her, blowing open as the room was filled with a bright, white light, “You are the element of magic… you are the single strongest mage I’ve ever known… an alicorn like you? If it got bad enough? I worry you’d drain the whole world.”
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Twilight doubled over and vomited down a drain. She didn’t remember the last time she felt so overwhelmingly alive. It was horrifying. Her limbs coursed with so much energy. Her horn crackled. How much had she taken? She hadn’t even cared when she saw Rarity in agony. All she’d wanted was to drink her until nothing remained. Maybe she had… Twilight doubled over and vomited once more. All she wanted to do was go back and check if Rarity was okay, but she couldn’t… because then she’d see her again. And then she’d feed again. With her now returned senses, she could see how poor her maths had been. She had far longer than months, even without the magic from the sun and the moon. The grass would die eventually, but it was fine for now. As was all the bread and canned food that she’d eaten and felt like she was dying. It was all fine. The grass hadn’t been rotten at all, that wouldn’t happen for months. The issue was that her body was rejecting it. Because she needed meat, meat and magic stripped from the pony she loved the most in the world. She wished Fluttershy was here, with some of that chicken, and a kind word. She wished Applejack was here, to tell her the hard truths she needed to hear. She wished Rainbow was here, she’d stick by her no matter what. She wished Pinkie was here, to make her laugh despite it all. She wished Spike was here, because she loved him so much it made her stomach hurt. But of course, none of them were here. Twilight had killed them all. She shook uncontrollably, barely able to comprehend it. She couldn’t comprehend it. Her mind simply rejected the horrifying truth. She had killed princesses and every single one of her friends and family, and then she’d killed the entire world for good measure. Celestia had been right. Luna had been right. Once again, her mind simply couldn’t take it in. That’s why Rarity was in the crystal catacombs. She’d felt it before, in those early days when Twilight tried to feed off her responsibly, before she’d decided it wasn’t worth the risk and cut off all contact. So many months exchanging no more than heartbroken letters, Rarity begging her to come home. Holed up in Canterlot castle ignoring the warnings of Celestia and Luna, before murdering them and everyone else anyway. Rarity must have known the feeling the second Twilight lost control for the last time. She must have been in Canterlot for the day, maybe trying to visit Twilight. And then she got as many ponies as she could down into the crystal catacombs, the one place her magic wouldn’t reach. And now Twilight knew exactly where the last ponies alive were. And now there was no more alicorn blood to feed on. She smashed a shop window with her foreleg and grabbed a shard of glass, then pressed it against her neck. That issue did at least have a simple solution… And yet, Twilight faltered… What good would it do? Rarity and the others, if they were strong enough to even shift those rocks, would come out to a world that would slowly die around them, and then they would die too. Without the magic of the sun and moon returning, the world would go quiet whether Twilight killed herself now, or whether she went back and drained them all dry. Twilight screamed and punched more windows through. The shards ripped her leg again and again and again and again and she bled furiously over the previously undisturbed displays of wares from merchants that didn’t exist anymore. Because they’d been eaten to keep her alive. Twilight screamed harder. She finally lost her balance and slipped onto her backside, regarding the mess around her through a fog of anger and tears. The ground was stained with great, heavy drops of blood from her arm. She flicked her tongue out, catching some that had stained her face in the fracas. It was coppery, sharp. It felt disgustingly, enticingly, rapturously, shameful, like home. She thought back to the last time she could remember seeing Celestia, stooped over, crying red tears for Twilight to suckle. Allowing herself to be consumed. She had so much power. She felt like her old self. Even from that one feeding. Alicorns were truly remarkable creatures, unmatched in their potency. Twilight turned and looked towards the palace, seeing the glint of the gilded roof of the principal tower, illuminated by the impotent sun. Its position was both functional, and as testament to the importance of what lay within. Twilight allowed herself a humourless chuckle. Wasn’t it funny, after all she’d said and done, that she wasn’t really ready? She rooted around in her saddlebag, forgoing the use of any magic. She withdrew that same photograph, and allowed her eyes to take it all in, not just her and Rarity’s little slice of space and time. All her friends, colleagues from the university, her family, Shining and Cadence. But if Twilight was being honest with herself, she didn’t carry this photo around because it had so many of the ponies she loved the most in the world in it, she had plenty of photos like that. She kept this one because she was still a unicorn, still her old self. There was no resplendency in her back then, no large stature nor coat or mane that seem to naturally organise themselves into the picture of immortal beauty. No, this Twilight was a bookish mare in appearance as well as spirit. Her mane was brushed spartanly, her appearance an arrangement into mere presentability. She was plump, she didn’t get enough exercise and she was sitting on her tail, rather than fanning it out as so many other mares did. Rarity had always tried to get her to stop, but she liked doing it. She didn’t know why. Twilight missed not needing to know why she was doing things. She’d like to talk to this mare in the picture. She wanted to hold her, and tell her to stay in her library. She was better in there. The principal tower stuck out like a beacon, calling her to the end. Stop herself from hurting anyone else? Try to find some mote of redemption, if one even existed? Give the gift of life, and never take it away, ever again? Okay. XXX The Dias, like the rest of the whole world, was untouched. As she had made more than clear at the time, Twilight had no need for Luna’s lessons. They had never taught her anything, and had only been designed as tedious sermons to wear down her spirit until she agreed voluntarily to listen to all of her prattle about the nature of alicorns. She wished she’d actually done so. She wished she could have another lesson, from Celestia, from the mare who’d taught her all she knew. She thought of other ponies that she’d killed. Her legs gave from under her, and Twilight steeled her mind. This wasn’t about her. It wouldn’t do to give into despair now. Twilight had already been taught about the Dias by Celestia. It was a marvel of magical engineering, and one of the most terrifying weapons ever created. Do a small spell on this, and it could amplify it out. The butterfly effect given perfect form. Give it a push, it could create a storm. Give it a storm, it could create an apocalypse. Twilight was going to give it a supernova. Maybe it would be enough. Because the amount of energy it would have taken to restore the sun and moon’s magic was nigh incomprehensible. Every unicorn in the world could have tried for the rest of their lives simultaneously and failed. But the magic of an alicorn? The essence of an alicorn? That might do it. It was shockingly simple, really. All she had to do was tilt the mirrored surface so that it faced the sun, and then she needed to feed it. The moon, as it often did, would follow. But she needed to feed them with all the energy she had. Minus a tiny, near-inconsequential piece. She needed that for something else. In her walk over to the tower, she’d not really thought of anything. If she thought of the world she’d scoured clean, her legs would have abandoned her. If she thought of the task ahead, she wasn’t sure she would have been able to keep going. Contrary to what she would have liked to have expected from herself, Twilight didn’t want to die. Twilight wanted to live, she wanted to be reunited with Rarity. Contrary to what Twilight would have liked to have expected from herself, she wasn’t consumed by self-hatred. Twilight could recognise herself as a mare who acted without sanity, and that it had been taken from her by a new body and a new biology in which she never belonged. Twilight would have liked to hug that unicorn in the picture right about now. But, more than that, she would have liked that unicorn to hug her. The spell to burn her own essence in the Dias was almost insultingly easy. This wasn’t something that was going to take hours to set up. There would be no last meal, no eulogy. Twilight was in complete control. She formulated the process in her head, adding a small self-inhibitor charm to prevent her from stopping once she’d started, and she was ready to go at any time. She didn’t want to go. She didn’t want to do it. Twilight felt a tear roll down her cheek and cursed herself, crying was a waste of energy and she wouldn’t get another injection of it. She thought of Celestia, she thought of her mum and dad. She thought of her brother and Cadence. She thought of her friends. She thought that plump little unicorn who’d only ever wanted to learn, and help her friends. She thought of Rarity. That was all she needed. Twilight breathed once, then twice. She took that one small piece of energy, the one she had saved. She cast a teleportation spell, but stayed put. That would take effect a little while from now. She cast another spell, and in some far off place the sound of a dull, thudding blast rang out. Twilight breathed again. She, of course, might survive the process. The essence of an alicorn was potent stuff, of course. Maybe the spell wouldn’t need all of her to restart the sun and moon? Maybe she’d survive. Twilight believed there was a chance she’d survive and she held onto it with every single bit of willpower she could afford to summon. Twilight needed to believe she might survive. Twilight needed to believe she would survive, otherwise she didn’t think she’d go through it. She very well might survive. Twilight believed she would see Rarity again. She breathed once more. Twilight wasn’t sure what she believed anymore. God, it felt good to breathe. God, it felt good to be alive. Twilight cast the spell. XXX Coquillage had gone to grab another one of the guards to help. To Rarity’s eternal shame, she didn’t actually understand Prench very well. A short while back she may have blanched with the admission, but times had forced a rethink of priorities. She was comparatively relaxed, compared to those buzzing around ever. Ever since they’d come down here, she knew all she had to do was wait. She’d believed from the very first moment that Twilight was alive, that she’d find her. She’d never stopped, not once. She took a shuddering, steadying breath. Even so, it was nice to finally have it confirmed. Belief only took you so far. Rarity had no idea what lay behind the rocks she’d brought down. Sometimes she wasn’t sure she ever wanted to find out. But if Twilight was out there, then it couldn’t have been as bad as she was expecting. “Rarity, we need to get the others and as many weapons we can grab. That thing might come back,” She shook herself for a moment, trying to shake off the fog in her head. It had been a long time since she’d felt anything like this. “Oh she will be back dearie, but there’s no need to get any weapons.” Ivory, a large black pegasus that had been elected unopposed as head of the guard looked at her as if she’d gone insane. They’d all thought she was insane, at first. When she’d started screaming through the streets of Canterlot, trying to get as many as she could to follow her as dawn broke. Telling them they were going to die if they didn’t come with her right now. She imagined it was only her reputation as an element and as one of Canterlot’s leading designers that had gotten anyone to follow her. And then, the sky lighting up brighter than anyone had ever seen probably convinced more than a couple too. ‘Bring as much food as you can carry, and follow me into the catacombs… otherwise you’ll die’. Rarity almost chuckled at the image, she must have looked insane. Laughter was a good way of dealing with all of this. It was at the very least more productive than despair. “Rarity, I’m sorry but I have to insist, whatever that was nearly killed you.” “Pish posh,” Rarity said with a wave of her hoof, she may have been fabulous but she was the furthest thing from vulnerable, “She’s not dangerous, darling, she’s scared and confused. All I need to do is speak with her,” “You know this thing?” he asked, looking at the main air hole in the rubble with concern. “She’s the reason we’re here, darling. That was Twilight Sparkle.” Ivory dropped his spear. Before he could say anything, there was a distinct cracking sound coming from the rock. “Both of you get back!” Rarity yelled, shepherding Ivory and Coquillage to the back of the crystal catacombs’ entrychamber. For a moment, nothing moved. When the blast came, she could have wept for the shade of magenta that blew the rubble away. Coquillage and Ivory hurtled back into the tunnels, trying to calm the rest of the ponies down there who had begun to head to the exit to investigate. But Rarity was unconcerned with that. She was only concerned with who was outside to meet her. So, heedless of what the new world may have been, Rarity ran as fast as her legs could carry her out of the sanctuary they’d made. Because Rarity believed in Twilight. But there was no one out here to meet her. And the sky was still aflame. From the tallest tower of Canterlot Castle, a beam of energy more intense and terrifying than Rarity had ever seen blazed into the sky, directly towards the sun. The sound was like rocks being ground to powder, it was like the collision of tectonic plates. It was like every wave in every sea crashing against her at the same time. And as quickly as it had seemingly begun, the beam stopped. Rarity lowered the hoof she’d instinctively raised to prevent herself from being blinded. The sunlight felt warm on her fur, and the wind seemed to pick up. She felt strong again, in a way she hadn’t since this had all started. But still, Twilight was nowhere to be seen. XXX Twilight fell from the Dias and onto the marble floor. She could barely think, she could barely breathe. She was spent. Some far off part of her could have almost laughed at how unspoiled she looked on the outside. Like she was completely normal. Like she’d never entered the tower at all. She hadn’t the presence of mind to offer any contrasting commentary. Twilight slipped into unconsciousness as her teleportation spell threw her to somewhere other than this tower. She was at least still present enough to be grateful for that. She wanted to die looking at something beautiful.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
The curtains billowed behind Celestia, blowing open as the room was filled with a bright, white light from behind her, “You are the element of magic… you are the single strongest mage I’ve ever known… an alicorn like you? If it got bad enough? I worry you’d drain the whole world.” Twilight felt her heart quicken with the warning as Celestia suddenly began to look around, visibly confused. “Princess, is something wrong?” Twilight asked, getting up in the bed, she squinted in the morning light filtering through the curtains. Only something was wrong. The light was only coming through one window, and the rest of them were darkened. They looked like it was still nighttime. Celestia didn’t answer, and walked over to the window through which the light was coming through. Twilight, now feeling much stronger after her sustenance, was able to get up and join her teacher. The Principal Tower, highest of all Canterlot Palace, home of the Dias, was lit up for all the world to see. The light was sliver, stark. Like that of the moon. Twilight’s insides felt cold, however Celestia seemed more irritated than anything else. “What tantrum is she having now?” the princess muttered under her breath, before turning to Twilight, “Twilight dear, it would seem Luna is conducting some sort of experiment with precious regard for the light pollution laws I set up for her benefit. I need to go and speak with her, but there’s nothing to worry about, okay? Please just rest.” Before Twilight could ask any further questions, Celestia had vanished in a flash of sunlight. Twilight remembered listening through their door that night. It seemed so long ago now, almost within the same time period as those arguments she listened to from her parents. The same level of distance and quaintness retroactively applied, seemingly incompatible with the horror of her current existence. Twilight had always been a curious mare, a compulsive mare. Twilight wouldn’t be able to rest until she knew everything was alright. So, against her better judgement, surrendering to nothing but that screaming voice that told she needed to know. Twilight teleported over there as well. When she reappeared the wind was immediately knocked out of her, a testament to how weak she still was. She slumped to her haunches as she had done, only a couple of hours previous in this exact same place. She was so tired of feeling weak. “I have asked already asked you once, little sister, I will only do so once more. Explain what you are doing with the Dias,” Twilight looked up, Luna was looking over at her while Celestia kept her eyes firmly on her sister, even as she strafed around to put herself between the two of them. Luna’s gaze moved onto Celestia, and her expression was one of deep affront. “Your stance would imply you think I mean our student harm, dear sister,” “She’s my student, not yours,” Celestia replied, voice more dangerous than Twilight had ever heard it, “I don’t know what madness made me think you’d be able to teach Twilight about our ways, but you have failed, the poor filly can barely stand. Your lessons are at an end, Luna,” “I would never hurt an alicorn,” Luna spat, ignoring Celestia’s declaration outright, “I was merely waiting until she joined us to explain what I was doing. More regard than you’ve ever given her, more regard than you’ve ever given me either,” “Oh spare me with this, Luna,” Celestia bit back, voice totally devoid of sympathy. “You have come back from your failed coup, immediately had the return of your station and titles and you still are claiming unfair treatment from me? What else could you possibly want?” “You know what I want,” “Those times are over, gone, done. Next time, if you want to stick around for the transition period, maybe don’t make me imprison you within the moon for a millennia,” “You did that for them, not me.” Luna countered. “If I was doing something for them, dear sister, I would have slit your throat and then my own, for good measure,” Twilight looked up weakly. The two of them were snout to snout, horns crackling. Twilight had never seen them like this before, she shivered pathetically, before her eye caught Luna’s. The moon princess regarded her with disgust. “Look at how she cowers.” Luna sneered, “You didn’t even blood the whelp before ascending her. Just another thing I will need to do for her own good,” “Tell me what you are doing with the Dias before I render you incapable of doing anything,” Celestia said, stamping her hoof against the marble so loudly that Twilight thought she may vomit. Luna said nothing, looking at her evenly. Celestia’s face was like it always was in Twilight’s most anxious nightmares. Disappointment beyond measure. “Oh Luna… again?” the elder sister said derisively, her manner of speaking more reminiscent of a parent finding that their child had wet the bed than someone who was being confronted with a coup, “Are you really going to make me do this again?” “Then call the elements… you’ve got the element of magic right there… I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to send me to the moon for another millennia. I’m even unarmed, unaided. No Nightmare this time… so if you’re going to do it…” Luna said, her tone one of absolute assurance, “Then do it.” Celestia regarded Luna, shaking her head. “I have other ways of preventing you from taking this course of action Luna-” “Then take them, I will do this, Celestia. All I need to do is cast the spell, and I won’t get it wrong this time, I’ve had one thousand years to rework this, dear sister. So you can either banish me, or you can kill me… or I can change the spell.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “What… what is she doing?” Twilight rasped, returning to her hooves. Neither alicorn replied, before Luna, retaining dangerous eye contact with her sister, began to trot over. “Luna I’m warning you, do not-” “Do you remember what I told you about the long night, Twilight Sparkle? The Eternal Madness, do you know why it was called that? My plan was never to have the world be dark forever, my plan was to use the magic of the moon with the Dias. My plan had been elegant. My sphere controls the energies of the mind, it safeguards ponies in their dreams, but it doesn’t have to…” “She sent the whole country insane,” Celestia said, looking down at the floor, “The worst civil war the world had ever seen. A globe in the thrall of a maelstrom of bloody violence. She robbed them of their sanities, stolen into the dream realm, and what returned from that slumber were violent beasts, not ponies, it nearly destroyed everything. Whatever the nightmare did took years to wear off,” “Ponies are violent beasts,” Luna interjected furiously, “Do you remember our friends, our parents? Our little brother? Ripped apart by their prey, killed down to the last. Only you and I to continue. Do you remember any of it?! And after all our family died, you sided with their murderers to help hunt down your own kind. Do you remember?! ” Luna screamed. “Of course I remember.” Celestia retorted, her voice rivalling her sister’s. “Then why do you love them? Why did you side with them?! Why did you send me away? Why won’t you sendt me away again and have done with it?” “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU MORE.” Celestia bellowed, her nigh-unheard royal voice shaking the tower, “I had a choice, Luna, fight with the alicorns, and die, or pledge us to the serfs, and live. I told you once, and I will not stop telling you. I will continue mother and father’s line. With your leave, or without it. And helping to kill every other alicorn who’d ever lived was a small price to pay for you to still be here.” Twilight looked over the edge of the tower, seeing lights begin to switch on across the city. The commotion was waking ponies up. She wondered if Rarity was awake, too. She was in Canterlot at the moment. Twilight would of course never go, but she remembered well the invitation, stained in beautiful, charmingly dramatic fashion by tear stains, arriving in the post. Twilight had no doubt said tear stains were fake, administered by an eye dropper and done in the service of wooing Twilight with the great, dramatic romance of it all. Twilight loved her beyond mortal comprehension. Certainly beyond immortal comprehension. “Rarity, if you can hear me, you need to get into the crystal catacombs, take as many ponies with you and get into the crystal catacombs, as deep as you can where you’ll be shielded from magic. Otherwise you will die. Blast the entranceway, leave an airhole that won’t let anyone get in. Take as much food as you can. Do not try to leave until I come to get you… I love you, Rarity.” Twilight let the thoughts leave her mind, and with a faint glow of her horn, sent them to wherever Rarity may be. And then she made them repeat themselves, over and over and over. All she could do was hope she got the message. “If you love Celestia so much, why did you try to get the country to kill her?” Twilight asked, snapping Luna’s attention back to her. “It was the nightmare,” Luna replied darkly, “My plan had always been to unite the country in resistance to Celestia, hypnotise the population to overthrow and imprison her, and be loyal to me. But once that parasite seized me, it wanted for nothing but bloodlust and rampage, and ‘eternal night’ as if I could ever be so vain.” The moon princess spat on the floor, “Back then, our disagreements were still about how to treat the population. I favoured a distinctly more martial approach. I could have never imagined the depths to which she’d stoop,” Luna said, looking at her sister in disappointed horror, “To return to a world like this, where we must hide our nature, where ponies treat us as their servant… I thought I could adapt, I thought I could see what you wanted me to see, but it’s simply not right. “I agree with you, my sister, my one, only love, on one thing. I will continue our parents’ line, with or without your leave.” Twilight watched them both. For time that Twilight uncharacteristically didn’t mark, nothing happened. “Princess, you need to stop her,” Twilight spoke up. Neither princess looked her way. “Princess,” Twilight whined, pulled her teacher’s tail and feeling like a filly again, “You need to stop her,” “Be quiet, Twilight!” Celestia snapped, shocking the weakened alicorn into silence. The sun princess took a few steadying breaths, before turning to address her sister once more, “Nothing happens to Twilight,” “I would never hurt another alicorn,” Luna countered darkly. “Then count yourself lucky,” Celestia bit back. “Don’t… don’t you…” Twilight’s coughed threatened to return for a moment, before she was able to banish them and stand, finding strength for once in something other than the blood of her second mother, “Don’t you fucking tell me to be quiet!” Both princesses turned to face her again, regarding the interruption with confusion rather than outrage. “Haven’t you heard what she’s going to do?! She’s going to send everyone insane. We need to call the elements,” she cried, her stomach bubbling with absolute fury and disgust. Twilight wheeled on Celestia as the sun princess opened her mouth to interject, “Don’t you interrupt me, don’t you even dare.. I have saved your nation more times than I can count, and now it’s your turn. You are kept living by the magic of your citizens, and you’re debating with this fucking tyrant because she doesn’t feel adequately worshiped by everyone for simply being alive. How dare you, if you make me do this for you, again, then I will never forgive you Celestia. It’s time for you to be brave for me, okay?!” Neither princess said anything, until Luna chuckled, regarding Twilight with some twisted approximation of affection and pride. “You were right, my sister, this one will make an excellent alicorn.” “Twilight, please…” Celestia said, looking into Twilight’s eyes, “I’ve lost her once, she’s my only sister.” Those eyes were less frightening when they were crying blood. “You can banish me Celestia, or I will send the population into a revolt against you,” “Yes yes yes,” Celestia said, waving her hoof impatiently, “And what’s your third little option, I know there must be one so just spit it out,” “Well, you could always kill me,” “Be serious,” Twilight watched them, they discussed the matter like a board game where neither party fully agreed to the rules. But then, this probably was a game to them, wasn’t it? “I will pacify them. I won’t rob them of their sanity. I will take their personalities. They can be like cattle. We can feed and return to our full strength,” “That’s what you want? A country of drones,” Celestia replied, sounding thoroughly unimpressed. “I will not tolerate this world a moment longer, Celestia. What did father always say was the key to a good ruler? Hmm? What did he say?” Celestia sighed, looking for the first time in Twilight’s whole life as the true sum of her years. “Compromise,” she replied. “We can find a new way to rule. You, me and your student here, but we need a clean slate, unless you’d prefer a cull?” Luna demanded, while Twilight backed away from them in horror. “Rarity, crystal catacombs, run.” Twilight decided that would get to the heart of things a bit better. “And what of everything I’ve built? The world I’ve made?” Celestia asked, though the sickening resignation in her voice made Twilight think the argument had rather run its course. “If you are going to have me by your side, that is the toll. We are to reset, and make something that we can both exist within. Otherwise, you can send me to the moon for another millennia and kick this can down the road, because I will say the same thing when I return, dear sister. There’s no nightmare to addle my spells any longer. I will do this, one way or another.” “Celestia,” Twilight said, trying to force every memory and every emotion and every bit of history they had into her voice, to make her teacher see sense, she didn’t even notice Luna fading into smoke in the corner of her eye. The sun princess, for all her benevolent looking sadness, was unmoved. “You’re… you’re not better at all,” Twilight said, backing away, “You’re just like her. You don’t care about normal ponies at all, you only care about yourselves, you both do!” “I’m sorry Twilight,” Celestia replied, “But I promise you, we can live long enough for me to help you understand.” Twilight would have run, were it not for the moon princess rematerialising beside Twilight’s ear. “Sleep.” Twilight fell to the ground. “If you’ve hurt her…” Celestia growled. “Don’t be ridiculous,” Luna retorted, “Gods be good I can get her a good meal when the poor whelp awakens,” “She’s going to hate you… she’s going to despise me. For the rest of our lives.” Celestia said despondently. “For the rest of their lives, perhaps. But forever is a long time, dear sister, she’ll understand, in time,” “Will they suffer?” Celestia asked, only to be met with a scoff from Luna. “The hordes who slew our family?” “Those hordes have been dead a long time, thanks in no small part to you. I ask you again, will they suffer,” “If you care so much for them, why are you letting me do this?” Luna queried as she attended to the Dias. “I’ve already told you,” Celestia said, “Because I love you more,” Luna was silent for a moment. “It will just be like falling asleep,” “You’re sparing them the pain?” Celestia sounded surprised, “Can I ask why?” “Because…” Luna began, keeping her eyes on the Dias, “I love you more.” Luna’s spell was effective. But it wasn’t elegant. And it certainly wasn’t remotely intelligent. Twilight regarded it with disgust as she poked around the various charms and clauses and counter clauses. Her suspicion had been pricked the moment she didn’t detect the small counter charm Twilight had cast. She’d already gotten her with her ‘sleep’ trick once. It was rare the element of magic succumbed to the same charm twice. But Luna probably couldn’t even conceive of being outsmarted by Twilight, and her spell reflected it. It was sophomoric, pathetic, worthless, smugness and unearned self-satisfaction radiated off every shoddy piece of its thoroughly underwhelming puzzle. She kept her eyes closed as she fluttered around in aether-space. Watching each vertex of the tangled web of points that formed the spell with which Luna would charge with moonlight before rendering the world into a grey, listless army of slaves. Livestock for her, and Celestia, and Twilight to fatten themselves on. An endless legacy of slavery and tyranny. She guessed, in that sense, Luna had at least done what she said. She’d continued their parents’ line. Twilight was exhausted, whatever blood licked from Celestia’s cheeks now spent. She was scarcely sane any longer. She reached out into the aether and tried to find Rarity. Tried to send her another message, but so many ponies had woken up now. It was too hard to find her in her current state. She opened her eye a crack and looked at the two sisters. The two of them had moved closer to each other as Luna put the finishing touches on the Dias. They looked closer than they had in a long time. They loved one another. Twilight thought of all of the things she loved. She thought of Fluttershy’s gentleness and kindness, Applejack’s honesty, sometimes to a fault. She thought of Rainbow’s cocksure grin, hiding behind it such a sea of loyalty and deceptive depths of feeling. She thought of how Pinkie could make her laugh more than anything. She thought of Spike, her little brother, finally starting to come into his own as a young man. And she thought of Rarity. Her dramatics, her haughtiness, her mock outrage and high standards. These may have bothered others but Twilight loved her more than anything for them, not in spite of them. They were their own charm. And that was to say nothing of her generosity, her intrinsic goodness and kindness. The depths of her love for all those dear to her, seemingly never ending. Out there, in the aether, a cluster of lights seemed to move as one, led by one that was so bright, so warm, such a beautiful shade of sapphire blue. All these things would be lost, and never brought back again. All these things scrubbed clear, bodies nothing more than vessels to be sapped by gods. Twilight thought of every single thing she loved. For the first time in her life, she felt like she finally, truly understood what hatred felt like. Twilight was scarcely sane. Twilight didn’t want to hurt anyone. Twilight didn’t know if she was doing the right thing. But Twilight had to try to stop it. Even if she only saved a single pony. Luna’s spell was a mess of tangled lines, but it was laughably easy to unpick. She thought of magic like one would a list. She thought of it as a series of problems to address. Defence from counter charms, check. Self perpetuating to keep it casting if she was incapacitated, check. An interface to work with the Dias, check. But her issue lay in the lack of specificity. It was an arrogant spell, befitting of a god. It was the creation of the world’s most powerful hammer, but with the assumption one would only ever use it to hit one very specific kind of nail. What Luna had forgotten is that a hammer can hit anything you like. It could also smash your skull to powder. Even in her current state, Twilight was able to repurpose Luna’s hammer. Changing the subjects, the purpose, the output. Luna lit her horn. The hammer raised. Twilight wondered whether this would work. Twilight steeled herself and did what she needed to, even as it felt like it would kill her. Twilight redefined what it meant to be a nail. “Forgive me,” Celestia replied, looking over at Twilight. Twilight finished adapting Luna’s spell. It had taken her seconds. It was all she needed. The hammer descended. “Forgive me.” Twilight replied, opening her eyes and registering a split second of shock on her mentor’s face. The Dias lit, connecting with a beam of pure energy to the moon. For a second, Luna smiled. Then the Dias connected with the energy of the now rising sun. Then Luna frowned. Then Luna screamed. The spell worked as it had been cast. It hammered nails. The two nails in The Principal Tower, housing of the Dias, put there for both functionality and as a mark of respect for the most powerful weapon in Equestria shrieked like dying stars as all the energy of the sun and moon, magnified many times by the intricate weavings of magical glass, was pumped directly into them. Again, and again, and again, and again. A spare amount of energy was syphoned into Twilight. Allowing her to stand again. To feel strong again, to feel like she did when she was a unicorn again. She backed away, cringing at the horrific display. The lights were too intense to see what was happening to Luna and Celestia, but Twilight could hear enough to hazard a very good guess. And as her mind returned, and her sanity returned, Twilight realised what was going to happen. Her legs shook in panic. The lights brightened. Despite what she would have liked to expect from herself, she wasn’t ready to die. The sound of rocks being blasted at the crystal catacombs went unheard by the screaming masses of Canterlot, who ran around in a blind panic. Twilight felt some odd pride at how she felt linked to them. There was no steely look of godhood in her eyes. Twilight felt like a terrified filly. With her newfound strength, all she wanted to do was see her home again. She teleported and was thrown across spacetime to fall in her bed, in the castle. It wasn’t her real home, of course. The smouldering remains of golden oaks would provide little cover from the oncoming storm, and she still held out some belief that she may survive this. She had no time to prepare though, and an explosive cracking that would destroy mortal ears rang out in the now distance. The windows shone with light from the sunrise that was quickly engulfed by more light, until it looked like the brightest day she, or anyone had ever seen. And then it got brighter still. The most powerful thing in the world was the energy released by the destruction of an alicorn. Not the death of an alicorn, but the complete and total destruction. The blast front carried the energy of two. It crossed the land in seconds, leaving only the protected crystal catacombs untouched. Twilight barely had to ponder whether her alicorn biology would spare her before the light knocked her unconscious, scouring her brain of memory as sure as it scoured away every mortal life from the surface of the planet.
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Twilight Sparkle,Dark,Drama,Romance,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Don't Stop Believing
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
<p>Twilight has awoken in an abandoned world, her memories seemingly scoured from her mind, while the sun and moon's magic is slowly dying. </p><p>And yet throughout it all, it feels like the heaviest burden are the wings on her back. </p><hr/><p>This story was a gift for my mate <a href="/user/220131/Zontan" rel="nofollow">Zon</a>, and he requested a fanfic of one of his fanfics. </p><p>NOTE: This story is a Silent Wind sequel, however this is not the whole story. This is also a sequel to <span class="spoiler"><a href="/story/489949/shadow-within" rel="nofollow">Shadow Within</a></span>. Reading this other fic first will make certain events in this fic more understandable, but, choosing to unspoiler that link and read the other fic first will also spoil the reveal of this in this story. The story itself is comprehensible either way, so the choice is left up to the reader.</p><p>The story is finished and will be published daily until finished. </p><p>Thanks to all who helped, particularly <a href="/user/218247/TheDriderPony" rel="nofollow">Drider</a> and <a href="/user/398813/Bicyclette" rel="nofollow">Bike</a> without whom I wouldn't have worked out how to publish</p>
Twilight teleported to the streets outside the entrance to the crystal catacombs, falling unceremoniously in a heap. The impact shook her from her unconsciousness and the flashback. She wasn’t a monster. She had done her best. She hadn’t drained the world. She had done her best. She spluttered and coughed. She felt like death. She was dying. Despite herself, she began to hack with coarse, wet laughter. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Celestia and Luna get destroyed in a supernovae blast while she lies dying in an empty street, with dirt in her hair. She guessed she really was a mortal at heart. She hadn’t drained the world. But there was no getting it all back, it would seem this was one problem she hadn’t been able to solve. Rainbow, AJ, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike, Shining, Cadence, Mum, Dad… she’d never see any of them again. Tears streamed down her cheeks. The sun felt amazing. She forgot how incredible the sun could feel. It felt better now than it ever had before. She pulled air into her lungs, she wasn’t so sure how much more of those she’d get. “Twilight!” Screamed a voice, and suddenly dying didn’t feel quite as bad any longer. Rarity galloped up to Twilight, who shifted as much as she was able to see her in the finally unbowed sun. Behind her, confused and frightened looking ponies began to filter out into the catacombs. First ten, then twenty, then fifty, then a hundred, then more. Rarity had done amazingly. She’d done such a good job. Twilight loved her so much. Maybe it was just that. Maybe it was just because of that love that it felt like her heart was about to stop beating. Among the crowd, Twilight saw unicorns, so ripe for the feeding. And when Rarity got close to her, and knelt down to kiss her and cup her head, Twilight’s eyes flicked over to that horn of hers, once again. But it was short lived. Because Twilight remembered now, and it was rare that the element of magic would fall for the same trick twice. Twilight looked her in the eyes. How could someone be so beautiful? Maybe some questions fell outside of the realm of problems to solve. Maybe some problems couldn’t be solved. “Ivory, give me your spear! DO IT!” screamed Rarity to the black pegasus stallion who had wandered over. He startled, before handing it to her. Twilight watched as she took the sharpened end and used it to reopen the cut on her foreleg. Blood, laced with magic, began to spill from it. Rarity offered it to Twilight, who tried to squirm away. She didn’t want to hurt her again. “Twilight, you’re not going to hurt me… I can’t lose you again… just, please… do it for me?” Twilight wondered whether this would work. Whether she’d be able to regain her strength the same way she had from Celestia and Luna. The principleal was the same, after all, but different in practice. And even if it did work, Twilight wondered if this would be sustainable. What if she wasn’t able to feed without hurting Rarity, without hurting any of the gathered ponies. She opened her mouth and Rarity placed the wound over it. Twilight began to suck the blood, and she felt some strength fill her body. It wasn’t a lot. But it would do. There was a lot that Twilight knew could be wrong here. She wasn’t even sure whether she was awake. Now the sun and moon were restored, she should be able to dream again, rather than just experience flashbacks of memories. Maybe that’s all this was. Maybe she’d teleported her unconscious body to the catacombs and all of this was simply the kindness of a grateful moon, rocking her in infinity with a lullaby. Twilight had always been a curious mare, a compulsive mare. It was hard for her to focus until she knew exactly what was right. But then she looked past the white hoof in her mouth and up to those eyes, crying glorious, boring mortal tears as Rarity kissed Twilight’s head and cheeks over and over again. That was something she could focus on for now. So Twilight kept on sucking at the wound, listening to Rarity’s assurances that she was okay, that she wasn’t hurting her, that it was all going to be okay now. This time, Twilight decided to believe.
Grainne Ni Bhroin
Original Character,Alternate Universe,Drama,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Die Heimat ist Weit
Following the destruction of the Greifisch Battalion, the survivors make their way home.
<p>Following the destruction of the Greifisch Battalion, the survivors make their way home. Gráinne and her remaining friends make the journey together.</p><p>This story follows on from the events of my previous stories <a href="/story/532768/ta-ostaje" rel="nofollow">Šta Ostaje</a> and <a href="/story/532010/death-of-a-dream" rel="nofollow">Death of a Dream</a> and is set in the world of Captain Hoers' webcomic <a href="" rel="nofollow">The Sunjackers</a>.</p>
“How much farther is it, I’m freezing back here?” That was Coldstream, ironic for his name but he always got the worst of the cold. Though to be fair to him we were 4 hours out into the drifts a long way away from the Grifreich border. To be fair to me though, he was in the back seat snuggled up with Gordon while I had to drive. Still, I checked the maps. “We’ll be at the outskirts of Oberhasli in a couple hours, we’ll have to lose the car there though.” It was unfortunate but the car was too visible. We’d, well, ‘liberated’ it a couple days ago. To be fair it wasn’t like the previous owner was going to use it, some hot shit goat who thought he’d managed to capture four ‘insurgents’ single hoofed and forgot that three of us have talons. Coldstream grumbled at that, again. We’d all agreed when we took it that we couldn’t take it all the way but well, it would be hard to say goodbye to the heater. Before I could tell him again though Hawthorn chimed in. “You know we have to. It’s going to be way too suspicious, three birds and a deer in a Capran Security car trying to cross the border? We’d be arrested on the spot.” It was the same reason it was just the four of us traveling together, Gordon, Coldstream, Hawthorn, and myself. There had been some 20 of us left in that field hospital, wounded, broken, but alive and determined to get everyone home. So we agreed, travel in small groups. The heavily wounded would be smuggled out in medical convoys, the medical and relief workers who weren’t already friendly to us could at least be counted on to turn a blind eye. The lightly wounded would be grouped with the uninjured. Before you ask, I was the injured member of the group. The concussion had passed yesterday, hence why it was my turn to drive, but I had been right on the edge of a blast and only survived due to my armored wing. Shrapnel is a striapach. We had all set out armed, agreeing that until we got to the cities it was safer that way. We’d also agreed, no symbols, no marks, nothing that could tie anyone to the FCF. Most of us had still kept something, an armband, a moral patch, some memento. Something to remember the lost. Hidden in pockets, worn under coats. Mine was tucked into a breast pocket, next to my heart. Everything else was stashed under the seats, by this point if we needed them in a rush it was already too late. So it was better to keep them well hidden. And once we got to the edge of Oberhasli we left them with the car to make the rest of the way on paw. I was still leaning against Hawthorn for support as we walked. “One more time. Our cover story is?” Gordon prompted us all in turn. “Same as when we entered, relief workers.” Replied Hawthorn. A job we honestly could have done. I still had combat medic certifications, and all the others had learned from me. “And we’re leaving now because? Coldstream piped up, “We’re going home now because the intervention has rendered the job too dangerous.” Again, not entirely false, the EEF had hit a hospital. ‘Missile guidance failure’ they had called it. The reality was probably more likely intelligence failure but they could never admit that. “And Gráinne, your injuries?” “Ambulance hit an IED, I survived because I was in the back with the patient.” No one was using IEDs in this, but the EEF and Equestrian media said we were. So we might as well use their own stories as cover. “And everyone has their passport?” We all nodded silently. This was the risky part, we’d all left our phones, ID’s, anything that could be used to track us, back home. All we had were the passports. There was no way home without them, and they might have at least spared us a bullet for treason if we were captured, they were all Grifreich issued. Can’t betray a nation you aren’t a citizen of after all. But it meant that, once again, there was a record. Someone would note that we had crossed the border again. Grifreich might have stayed neutral, but Equestria developed all tech used at the border, and probably had a half dozen backdoors into it all. But it was better than risking crossing through the drifts. If a patrol picked us up there then no amount of explaining would get us out of trouble. “Then let’s get this over with, waiting in the cold won’t make a difference.” The other side effect of leaving our phones meant that, until we reached our contacts on the Grifreich side of the border, no one knew we were coming home. We had no idea what news everyone else had gotten, and no idea what was waiting for us. A hero’s welcome? Driven out of town for getting everyone killed? A CBCI tac team? I honestly don’t know which would be worse. If nothing else I’m sure Blackthorn’s sister will never forgive me. It really did feel like everyone in the checkpoint was watching us, and it didn't help that a lot of them were actually watching me. Or, staring but acting like they’re not, because they know it’s rude to stare. Between the antlers and the injuries I tend to stand out and you learn to recognize that particular look when you’re a hybrid. But by now we’re all ready for a Capran strike team or EEF Spec Ops to come for us so the staring was very much not helping. While we didn’t see any signs of an ambush, a couple of the border guards gave us a knowing look. Had they remembered us from the last crossing? Were my antlers going to blow this whole thing for all of us? Gordon handed over our passports and just as I was ready to hear a ‘step aside please’ all we got was “Welcome back to Grifreich, must be nice to finally be coming home.” My heart was in my throat by then, so it fell to Coldstream to respond, something about how he couldn’t wait for a proper meal again. A couple of laughs, and we were through and I was breathing again. Though we all held our tongues until we were all the way through and out of the building. “I’m pretty sure she recognized us.” I started. “What, the ‘coming home’ comment? I’m pretty sure she just saw the date on the Capra stamp.” Hawthorn replied, already tucking his passport away. “No, the way she was looking at us, like she knew something.” my voice grew agitated. “I should have crossed alone, I’m too recognizable.” “Gráinne,” Gordon’s voice was steady in a way that cut through everything else. “If anyone did recognize us, they didn’t say anything. We’re safe as can be now.” He counted out credit chips as he continued. “All that’s left now is to find [Insert Contact name] and we can arrange a train home. And then we can… we can figure out who’s left, and who else got home safe. And if I got anyone else killed.” Coldstream cut him off there, “You’re not responsible for anyone’s death, I’ll keep saying it until you get it. Now let’s get to the safehouse, we could all use some rest in a real bed before the train.” Everyone murmured their agreement to that. It had been months now of rough sleeping; shelled out buildings, tents, car seats. A real bed would be good, even if I no longer had anyone to share it with. And I’d be able to reach my parents, tell them I was alive, tell them who wasn’t. Tell them we were coming home.
Flash Sentry,Other,Horror,Thriller,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Let's Play a Game (of Hearts)
A Royal Guard awakens chained to the wall of an empty room. Will he have the strength of will to leave as whole as he arrived?
<p>Flash Sentry is a noble pony. A loyal member of the Guard. His record is spotless; his image pristine. </p><p>He is praised by his bosses and adored by his squadmates. </p><p>His life is on a clear and unobstructed upward trajectory.</p><p>Until he has the terrible misfortune to wake up one morning and find his life overturned by a simple, dreadful declaration:</p><div class="bbcode-center" style="text-align:center"><p><span style="font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;font-family:monospace;color:#BE4343;font-size:1.5625em">I Want To Play A Game.</span></p></div><hr/><p>Written as part of the Quills &amp; Sofas' Holiday Fic Exchange Event for daOtterGuy</p>
‘Rise and Shine, Flash Sentry.’ Flash blinked himself into groggy wakefulness, which was the first sign that something was terribly wrong. Guards didn't make it through Basic Training without acquiring the ability to go from dead asleep to standing at attention in a moment's notice. He hadn't had this much trouble waking up since before he enlisted. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton, thoughts coming slow despite the surge of panicked adrenaline coursing through his system. He swallowed thickly and forcibly reined his thoughts into line. Step one was to assess the situation. It was too dark to see, but he could still assess himself. He didn't feel drugged, beaten, bespelled, or bloody, but that only ruled out the worst case scenarios. His body felt fine, if stiff and sore, his wings nearly numb with pins and needles. And he was hungry. Ravenously so. His stomach roiled inside him like a rabid beast, growling like it hadn't been fed in days. How long had he been out of it? A fragment of memory trickled in from... the night before? *** 'I'm telling youse guys, this is the best place to eat this side of Bridleway. I've been coming here since before I could walk.' 'I don't know, Trick Shot. It's not listed in the guidebook.' 'Guidebook? Crazy, who gave you that trash? Don't trust that tourist bait. Trust a local. Trust your squadmate. We keep the best places outta those books for a reason.' "They had food back at the bar...' 'Ma va'! Kite, you poor neglected soul. That wasn't food. That was deep fried thirst enhancers. I'm taking you to get real food. Proper Manehattan 'za. Besides, ain't you had enough to drink already?' 'Heh. Four ciders is nothing. I can keep this celebration going all night. I'm more worried about Little Miss Three Long Islands over there...' 'Hey! I... am fin. Fone. Fine. I'm fine. Totally sober.' 'Oh? Then why're you leaning on Flash like he's the only shelter in a hard wind?" '...Only cause the ground keeps moving... and his fur's so soft. Like little duckling feathers." 'All the more reason to doubletime, ey? She'll be less drunk on a full stomach.' 'But we're still doing karaoke after, right? You all promised we'd do karaoke the next time we got a weekend pass.' 'If Lapis is still up for it, Crazy. It's her party." 'Woo~ Kar-oh-ke~!' 'Sounds like a yes to me~!' 'Trick, are you sure this place is even open? It's after midnight.' 'Flash, mi amico, Margarita's is always open for me. I'm her favorite nephew. Ok, andiamo! To 'za and glory!' *** Tension bled from his battle-ready posture as the memories clued him in on what was probably happening. "Trick?" he called into the darkness, "is this another one of your pranks?" Only silence answered him. He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Look, I'm sorry if I overdid it on the cider and you had to carry me back to the hotel.” Again, nothing. But that wasn't surprising. Trick Shot could get creative when he was feeling vindictive, and he hated spoiling his pranks early. No doubt there was some kind of embarrassing surprise hidden in the darkness. Maybe he'd find his coat and mane dyed to match Princess Cadence's. Maybe the light would reveal a dirt-cheap hotel room, a sleeping griffon, and a pair of expensive-looking wedding rings. Probably not. Trick didn't like repeating himself. 'Whatever he's got planned, I might as well go along with his script and get it over with.' "Can you at least turn on the light so we can talk like adults?" There was a click, and Flash winced and shielded his eyes as the room was flooded with a blinding light. He squinted, blinking rapidly as the light swiftly dialed back to just dim enough to see by. As his stinging eyes adjusted, an icy dread began to creep up his spine. It was no cheap hotel room. No public park. Not even the local drunk tank. It was a prison cell, torn straight from the Canterlot dungeon blueprints. Grey concrete walls, bare but for a few dingy metal fixtures. A single bulb set in the ceiling, now just barely bright enough to squint by. A hanging curtain was spread to obscure the far wall: crushed red velvet, more appropriate for a theater than a cell. It looked dusty and worn, but still thick enough to block any sound or light from the other side. He hopped to his hooves, unexpectedly accompanied by the sound of clinking metal. A sudden tug on his back leg revealed the culprit: a length of chain running from the wall to a steel cuff just above his hock. "What the—'' He backed off, but tripped as the chain pulled taut and yanked him off his hooves. His wings flared out of reflex, but a sudden stabbing pain at their base made him abort the movement. He landed hard on his side, the concrete unyielding. He groaned, his shoulder throbbing from the impact, and stood back up, more mindful of his tether. He tenderly lifted a wing, pulling back just before the pain hit again, but it was enough to spot a slate-grey clamp around each wing's base. 'Maudite. Magic-blocking cuffs,' a rational part of his mind informed unhelpfully. 'Old Canterlot Guard issue. Outlawed in 977 after public protest over permanent magical damage from long term wear.' Even if he weren't trapped in a stone box, he wasn't going to be flying any time soon. Whatever part of him had still held out hope that this was some kind of hazing or practical joke cracked and shattered. Trick Shot—lover of raunchy gags and public embarrassment—would never do something like this. Whoever had abducted him and left him like this no doubt had far more nefarious intentions. His breathing started to pick up, quick and shuddery breaths that didn't deliver nearly enough air. The light seemed to dim as the world, small as it was, contracted further. He couldn't focus, couldn't think. His muscles tensed and untensed as his ancestral fight-or-flight response failed to reach a decision and left his body twitching with fruitless adrenaline. 'Get it together!' he scolded himself, 'Remember your training. A Guard masters his fear. He faces into the dark so other ponies don't have to.' With sheer force of will he pushed through the fear that threatened to overwhelm his mind, thanking the stars for former-Captain Shining Armor and his post-wedding insistence that all Guards and Cadets receive a mandatory crash course on "what to do when you're captured by the enemy". Though from his first impression of the situation, this didn't feel like a "name, rank, and serial number" type of abduction. Another flicker of memory, half forgotten in his panic. Just as he'd woken up, somepony had spoken, hadn't they? He took a deep breath. What he needed was information, even if it meant negotiating with an enemy. "Show yourself!" he yelled at the curtain, the only place a pony could conceivably hide. "I know you're there! Illegally detaining and restraining a Guard is a Class Two felony!" His demand was met with silence. Painfully pure silence. He couldn't even hear the faintest brush of wind or distant sound of hooves. Nothing but his only heartbeat pulsing in his ears like a marching drum. At some unseen signal, the curtains parted. Behind them was a second curtain... and a doll. Flash didn't know much about dolls, but even he recognized this one. Velvet coat with painted porcelain hooves and face. They'd been the hottest item last Hearth's Warming, and Kite had spent days retelling the story of how he'd fought horn and hoof through a crowd to get one for his daughter, and weeks more sharing photos of her loving it to bits. This one didn't look nearly so well cared for. The fabric fur was worn and matted, its mane in messy disarray. Worst was its face. The porcelain was cracked along the jaw, like someone had tried to force its painted mouth open. The result had turned the demure smile into a face-splitting grin of jagged ceramic teeth. ‘Flash Sentry.’ Flash jolted and reached for a weapon he didn't have. Its jaw didn't move but the voice definitely came from the doll. ‘You're probably wondering where you are.’ Its voice was like the grinding cogs of a rusty machine. Low and guttural, with a distorted growl that could only come from a vocal modulator. He couldn't tell if they were young or old, mare or stallion. "Who are you?!" he demanded. ‘But that's not the question you should be asking. The question you should be asking... is 'why?' What choices in your life have led you to being chained in a cell further underground than most pegasi ever venture?’ Even if nothing had actually changed, the knowledge that he was deep underground forced an oppressive weight on his throat. Few pegasi dealt well with confined space, and he was no exception. He swallowed hard. "I—I asked you a question! Who are you?" ‘As the only child of a minor noble family,’ the doll continued over his shouted questions, ‘You have been afforded luxuries many others have not. A stable childhood. A top tier education. Even a cushy posting thanks to your father's connections in the Guard administration.’ Flash's next question caught in his throat. That... wasn't true. He'd advanced on his own merits. 'Didn't I?' The doll continued in that same emotionless tone. ‘But even then you weren't content. Weren't satisfied with what you had. You let that greed fester within you until you dared to grasp for something beyond your reach. You sought the forbidden fruit and committed the ultimate sin.’ It paused, the sudden pressing silence making the hairs rise on the back of Flash's neck. ‘But we'll get back to that in time. I'm sure you're hungry, so I've prepared a little something for you.’ He flinched at the sound of grinding stone, and a box tied with a box dropped from the ceiling. The hole closed with a second grind before he could get a good look at it. ‘Go ahead. Open it.’ Grasping the ribbon, Flash pulled and the sides folded outward, revealing a tray of a dozen cupcakes. The smell hit him like a tidal wave—boysenberry, his favorite—and the gnawing hunger in his belly surged in response. They were perfect. Golden brown, drizzled with iridescent icing that shifted through the colors of the rainbow as the light caught it, and still steaming fresh. ‘I assure you, they're perfectly safe.’ Not that that convinced him of anything. ‘Made with fair trade ingredients and baked with love. If I wanted to poison you, you and your friends would never have walked out of that pizzeria on the corner of 34th and Maredison.’ The blood froze in his veins as his captor's casual comment reminded him of something gravely important he'd been forgetting: he was not the only one in danger. "My squad!" The chain bit into his leg as he threw himself at the doll, righteous fury burning in his eyes. "What have you done with them?!" ‘I suggest you eat up. You'll need your strength for the trial to come.’ "Don't ignore me!" He futilely tore at his restraints, heedless of the pain to his leg and wings. "Kite Shield!" he yelled, "Crazy Lace! Trick Shot! Lapis! Can you hear me!?" The only response was the deadened echo of his own voice. He turned his attention back to the doll, a snarl on his lips as anger burned away his fear. "I swear, if you've hurt them, not even the princesses are going to be able to protect you from what I'll do to you!" The doll said nothing more, as dead and lifeless as any other toy. Flash raged for hours. Time was meaningless in an unchanging cell. He screamed until his voice rubbed raw, calling out to his squad, to any potential rescuers, spitting curses and threats at his captor, all for naught but realization that he'd been listening to a recording crystal. When the screaming became too much and his anger burned out into smoldering impotence, he gathered up his chain and sequestered himself as far away from the doll as the room allowed. The cupcakes, of course, he ignored. He refused to play this madpony's game. As minutes turned to hours turned to unfathomable stretches of time, Flash slowly learned that deprivation was its own form of torture. While standing guard for hours on end, he could at least watch the ponies that passed by or observe the world around him. His cell was an empty canvas, leaving nothing to focus on but the tantalizing smell of the cupcakes, his painfully growing hunger, and the noxious cloud of anger, worry, and fear that filled his mind with unanswerable questions. Who had kidnapped him and why? The doll had mentioned greed and sin, but he hadn't the faintest idea what they meant. The only changes to his routine at all in the past weeks had been a brief visit to the Empire from Princess Twilight Sparkle. But he'd barely even spoken two words to her. Were his friends alright? Had they been hurt when he'd been taken? Kite Shield was best in close quarters combat, and Crazy and Trick were no slouches, but Lapis' magic still failed sometimes when she got emotionally overwhelmed. Were they being held nearby, wondering the same things as him, or were they free and mounting a rescue even as he worried? Could he trust his captor that the cupcakes were safe? The treats were suspicious as Tartarus, but they had a point that there were less elaborate ways to kill him if that was their goal. And their ominous final threat of a 'trial to come' still loomed over him. As hunger sapped his strength and his focus, Flash turned his thoughts inward and galvanized his will. He chose to focus on the thought that, in a way, this was exactly why he joined the Guard in the first place. Not to stop thousand-year-old monsters and nation-threatening villains jacked up on evil artefacts: that was a job for Heroes and Princesses. He'd joined to save ponies from the threats that flew under the radar. Threats like nutjobs that kidnapped ponies off the street to play sick games with them. Psychos that made good, honest ponies afraid to leave their homes. This was the kind of evil he'd joined to help stop; the ones that looked like everypony else. But as much as he tried to bolster himself with that rationalization, it was hard to square up that conviction when he was the captive in need of rescue instead of the daring saviour. But he could still win. He just had to not play their game. Flash held out for... too long after he lost track of time. Long enough to sleep twice. Every moment was a battle fought against himself: the base instincts of his hunger demanding he eat despite the arguments of his training and logic insisting he hold fast. Eventually he conceded to the tiniest nibble of one, just to test for any obvious poisons or potions. The crumb was euphoric. The most delicious things he'd ever tasted. He devoured the rest before he could stop himself; primal instinct overwhelming rational thought in a savage display of feral hunger. ‘I hope you enjoyed that.’ Flash snapped out of his ravenous state and tried to compose himself. There was a different quality to the voice this time. A twinge more emotional inflection. "I assume I'm talking to the real pony behind the doll this time?" ‘That is correct.’ "Good," he said, his voice taut as a steel wire. He'd been waiting for this moment. "I want to know three things: what have you done with my friends, what do you want with me, and how do you possibly think you're going to get away with this?" ‘...Oh Flash,’ the doll replied with a grating note of actual pity, ‘You're still asking all the wrong questions. I told you from the start you needed to be asking—’ "'Why'. Yeah, I remember," he snapped. "'What did I do to end up here.' Well I've had a long time to think about it and I've got my answer." ‘Is that so?’ the doll asked, ‘That is a surprise. Are you prepared, then, to reclaim your life and free yourself from your vices?’ Flash lifted his head and stood as tall and proud as he had on the day he'd graduated Cadet School. "No. Because I've done nothing wrong! I've lived a good and upstanding life! I've upheld my honor and the Guard Code! I don't know what kind of 'sinful greed' you’ve imagined I've committed, but I am innocent!" ‘Liar!’ the doll hissed, vitriol cutting through the monotone. ‘You know what you've done!’ "No, I don't!" he countered. He'd pick apart their delusions and falsehoods one at a time if he had to! ‘Yes! You! Do!’ it spat, all the more unsettling for the doll's complete immobility. ‘You committed the worst crime! The ultimate sin! You tried to seduce Twilight Sparkle away from me!’ For a moment, Flash's thoughts jerked and stumbled, like a record player skipping. In his hours alone, he'd prepared dozens of arguments against any kind of accusation, from the plausible to the laughable, that might be leveled against him. But this was so absurd, so completely out of left field that he had no rebuttal prepared whatsoever, leaving him completely flat-footed. "I... what?" he managed after a moment. "The new princess? I barely even met Twi—" ‘You keep her name out of your mouth!’ the doll snapped. Something thumped above him, beyond the ceiling, and made the light flicker. ‘And don't try to hide your crimes from me. I heard all about it straight from the pony's mouth! Two meet cutes? Playing backing guitar for her Heartsong? Accepting a hug? Dancing all night long at a party?!’ ‘I never did any of that.’ Flash racked his memory, but he definitely only met the princess for a few seconds. Either his captor was even crazier than he thought... or they'd kidnapped the wrong pony. "I think there's been some kind of mistake. I have a marefriend." "DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT!" The doll screamed so loudly it nearly overpowered the voice modulator and let him hear a few syllables of the true voice behind it. It was soprano. A mare's voice, but no less wrathful for it. "She's MINE! Not yours! Don't you EVER say that!" In her anger, Flash saw an opportunity. It was risky to keep engaging, but an angry villain would be prone to monologuing and giving things away. "Not her! Lapis! I'm dating Lieutenant Lapis Pillar!" The doll was silent for a heartbeat, then two. Three. Four beats passed, then the voice returned with all the icy fury of the frozen wastes. ‘So... you're not just a lecher, but a two-timing cheater as well.’ It sighed, and when it spoke again it's emotions were reined back in. ‘But there is no sin so great that the pony does not deserve the chance at redemption. That is something I have learned from Twilight. So you will have an opportunity to free yourself from vices that claim your soul. A game, of sorts.’ Something immaterial about the room changed. Maybe it was the light, maybe a sound at the edge of hearing, but whatever it was sent an icy chill down Flash's spine. ‘Flash Sentry,’ It said. ‘Would you be willing to sacrifice all the love you have for Twilight Sparkle?’ "What? Yes," Flash agreed immediately. Whatever it took to prove himself innocent. Besides, he could hardly give up something he didn't have. ‘Then you are a more righteous stallion than I thought. Let us begin.’ With little fanfare, the second curtain fell away, revealing that the room was twice as large as he'd thought. And that he was not alone in his imprisonment. ‘This is infiltrator drone 627741B, but that's rather a mouthful, so I call him Dwayne. Say hello, Dwayne.’ The chained changeling snarled and strained against its bonds, teeth gnashing and grinding against its muzzle. 'Dwayne has been here quite a bit longer than you and hasn't had a bite to eat since.' Flash swallowed a lump in his throat as deep, instinctive fear tried to rise. It wasn't enough that it was an unreformed changeling, but there was a wildness to its eyes that looked positively feral. The doll spoke again. ‘Flash Sentry. There are two paths before you. Down the first, you learn to let go of what does not belong to you and allow Dwayne to gorge himself on your love for Twilight Sparkle. You'll walk out of here a free stallion, but with no more interest in her than a dress store mannequin. Down the second path, you can choose to cling to your sick perversion... and Dwayne will help himself to whatever else you have until he's satisfied. If you're particularly strong willed you might even survive. Though you'd be the first.’ Sheer unadulterated horror struck Flash dumb. What kind of choice was this supposed to be?! ‘And don't think you can try and negotiate with him,’ the doll cautioned. ‘I was being literal earlier when I said those cupcakes were made with love. You can't digest it, of course, but after consuming that much you're so marinated in love that it's coming out of your pores.’ "What kind of trial is this?!" he demanded, "I'm innocent!" A heavy moment passed before he got a response. ‘It seems there's been a misunderstanding.’ A small flame of hope flickered in Flash's heart before it was immediately quashed. ‘This isn't a trial to determine guilt or innocence. No, your guilt was evident the moment you locked eyes with her. This is the kind of trial that you either overcome and grow from... or die in the process.’ The changeling thrashed and threw itself at him. One of the chains came free from its mooring. ‘Twilight believes in redemption, so this is your chance to redeem yourself. Allow Dwayne to purge you of your sin, or die a lustful sinner and prove my actions just.’ Another chain fell free as Flash realized just how little time he had to decide. ‘Love or die, Flash.’ He had no weapons, no mobility, no flight. No plan, no options, and no love for Twilight to give up whether he wanted to or not! ‘Make your choice.’ With a click, the final chain holding the changeling in place fell slack and its muzzle dropped to the floor. "No! No, wait—!" The changeling leapt. Flash blinked himself into groggy wakefulness, which was... fine. The sun was out and he was in an alley. Also fine. There were worse places to be. Like the prison cell he's woken up in before. That had been unpleasant, but it was in the past now, so he didn't spend much time lingering on it. He got up, brushed himself off, and wandered out into the unfamiliar town. It was a nice little town. Very rural, very rustic, but not particularly memorable or evocative. He'd need to get back to his squad soon. They'd be looking for him. If he was out past the end of his approved leave, he could get a demerit. But that wouldn't be so bad. Even if he was fired, the Guard was just a job. He could get another. 'Would they accept kidnapping as a valid excuse?' he wondered, but found he didn't really care either way. A few minutes of wandering led him to a small café, and a rumble in his stomach reminded him that he hadn't had a proper meal since the pizza and cider who knew how long ago. "Gooood Morning!" the mare behind the counter called out as a small bell announced his entrance. "Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner. What can I getcha?" He looked at the display. It overflowed with freshly baked goods. Strawberry tarts, chocolate muffins, cinnamon twists. Nothing really stood out as more appealing than anything else. "I don't have any money," he said. "Can you tell me where I am?" The mare giggled. "I just did. You're in Sugar Cube Corner. Or, if you wanna get less specific, Ponyville. Home of weekly disasters, Equestria's newest princess, and the best bakery this side of Canterlot!" 'Ponyville. It'll take two connecting trains to get back to the Crystal Empire then.' He nodded—"Thanks."—and turned to leave. "Wait!" He turned back at the waitress' call. "Here." She passed a wrapped paper bag over the counter. "You seem kinda down. Have a cupcake. On the house." She winked. "Just don't tell my boss." "Thanks." He took the bag and held it under one wing as he turned and walked out. "I hope you enjoy it!" she called through the closing gap. "They're made with love!" For a moment, every muscle in Flash's body froze. Something about that voice saying those words... a dreadful feeling of recognition welled within him. It felt like something deep within him was about to ignite... but then it sputtered and died, the embers quashed in a wave of all-consuming apathy. So what if that had been her. He couldn't prove it and he found he couldn't hold any resentment or anger towards her anyway. He unwrapped the package and pulled out a single, steaming-fresh, boysenberry muffin. He took a bite. It tasted... fine. Exactly like the ones he'd eaten in the cell. Flash Sentry swallowed and went on his way. He had a train to catch.
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
Dear Eclipsa, It was wonderful to meet you this week for our first magic lesson! It has been quite a long time since I have taken on a personal student, outside of the School of Magic. I believe Twilight Sparkle was the last, if memory serves me well. Now! If you will humor me, I would like to get to know you more, on a personal level, to better understand your struggles with magic, and to perhaps find the source, should there be one. Please do not feel obligated to reply straight away however! Take your time, and reflect on our lessons. They will be the key to moving forward. Now, I believe I have rambled on long enough! I look forward to our continued correspondence! With utmost regards, Princess Celestia
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
Dear Princess Celestia, It has been a couple of days since I have received your scroll , and I must say- it was certainly a shock to find your phoenix at my window, holding in her beak, parchment of all things! One would think a bird birthed from fire would burn parchment, no? However, I am ecstatic to report- your letter came to me safe and sound, no scorch marks to be seen! I’m relieved to hear that you enjoyed our first lesson together! Admittedly, I was quite nervous. I’ve never met such an important equestrian figure, let alone the princess of Equestria herself!! I hope I wasn't too over prepared- Twilight had helped me the night before in gathering some supplies- inkwells, fresh scrolls of parchment, quills, and, per my request, colored ink!! My saddle was stuffed to the brim, and safe to say- i shall start packing lightly from now on! Now, you wished to learn more about me? Well, i suppose to start- despite my lack of any proper magical capabilities, and aside from the bare basics of levitation and light producing spells, my talents lie in Astronomy and Astrology! Gazing into the stars to study their connections with one another, , and the effects the moon has on Equestria have always fascinated me. My favorite activity as a filly was to see you raise the moon every night. I would rush to our garden with my telescope and watch as the skies transitioned from evening into night- it was always a sight to behold! That's actually how i earned my cutie mark! I performed, for the first and last time, a spell that cast a shadow over the moon. Everypony was asleep, of course, so only i witnessed my success. It's been one of my dreams to re-created that spell, but sadly- no luck yet. I hope, further into our lessons, to achieve this dream! I look forward to seeing you next week for our next lesson! Yours faithfully, Eclipsa
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
Dear Eclipsa, Our second lesson has just ended, and I find myself more and more fascinated with your mannerisms. The way you take in information, and how you translate that into your own, specifically. You seem a rather quick learner while in a solo setting, going off of what Twilight has informed me of. She has briefed me on your education, which I hope you do not mind. I’m sorry- that you did not get the help you needed. It is a terrible thing to go through on your own. But we’re here now! And I promise you, Eclipsa, that I will do everything in my power to get you where you need. You shared a bit of yourself, so I believe it is only fair I do the same! Where to begin…well, I have quite the sweet tooth! Whenever i am summoned to Ponyville for duties, I always stop at Sugarcube Corner for one of Mrs. Cake’s delicious pastries. My favorite, in particular, is the Peach Tart! I also adore birds! I have a whole aviary in the castle gardens dedicated to endangered species! Philomena was the first addition, gifted to me by my mentor, Starswirl the Bearded. It has been well over a thousand years since my mentor has passed, and yet I miss him more as each moon passes…. One more note, before I send this off! What are your thoughts on our most recent lesson? We discussed how not only can unicorns possess magic, but earth ponies and pegasi as well! How do you think it presents in each of them? You don’t have to tell me here- think about it, do your research, and write it down in your notes. Until our next lesson, Princess Celestia
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
Dear Princess Celestia, I never thought someone so...regal and serious would have such a sweet tooth! Mrs. Cake is such a darling mare, and her baked goods are some of the best in Equestria! My personal favorite is the Elderberry Tart. Two weeks ago you had asked my thoughts on earth pony and pegasi magic. After some contemplation, and research (I have asked Applejack and Rainbow Dash specifically for my studies), I have come to one conclusion. Their magic is the same as unicorn magic. That is to say, however, they wield it differently. Earth ponies use magic through their hooves, tending to the earth, their crops, etc. It gives them strength. For pegasi, it allows them to walk among the clouds, to touch them as though they were physical objects. They can control the weather with a kick of their hooves. It gives them a strong will. What I don't understand, however, is how to incorporate this knowledge into my own usage of magic. Over the last month I have improved, yes, now being able to lift larger objects, conjure brighter lights, and I am newly able to conjure small objects using alchemy. I know I have improved, but it certainly does not feel like it. You will be glad to know, however, that Twilight has introduced me to a new friend! Her name is Orange Citrus, a pegasus from Cloudsdale. She's a very calm and collected mare, but rather sweet too! It has been a long time since I’ve had a friend, and part of me is scared that I will somehow screw it up. If you have any advice on that, I would much appreciate it. Your faithful student, Eclipsa Star
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
My Dearest Eclipsa, I first must say- you are a silly pony indeed! Your first friendship, and already you are anticipating its downfall at your hooves. My dearest student- you must have more faith in yourself! Secondly, you are doing wonderfully in your lessons, and have nothing to worry about. Not every unicorn is born with natural magical abilities. My own mentor, Starswirl the Bearded, could hardly lift a quill when he was a colt, and worked hard day and night to get where he was in life. And look at him now! One of Equestria’s greatest wizards, even in death! Do not fret, my student- I have faith you will achieve greatness, even if it takes time. My question for you is this- what happened during your foalhood that made you so fearful and distant of others? If you are alright answering, please, let us discuss this during our next lesson. I may be an immortal princess, but I also was a normal pony once. I have had many friends in my lifetime, and perhaps I can help you. I look forward to our next lesson, Princess Celestia
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
Dearest teacher, You flatter me with your praise! Yes- I have made good progress, please ignore my self doubts. I'm still working on that. And for the record, I think it's perfectly reasonable to be worried about a new friendship going wrong! What if Citrus ends up being the worst pony ever! Or what if she has to move back to Cloudsdale, and we can no longer correspond! Or! Maybe I become the worst pony imaginable! All perfectly reasonable worries, in my humble opinion! Now, this coming week will be our fourth lesson together. One whole month! While I trust you, at least, mostly, I have yet to even tell princess Twilight of my foalhood. I will say, to hopefully ease your worries, that my parents and immediate family treated me with nothing but love and care. But when the time comes, I promise I will tell you everything. But for now, I must insist that we focus on my lessons. Your faithful student, Eclipsa PS, i am astounded every time just how quickly you are able to send your letters! I presume Philomena has done this before?
Main 6,Original Character,Princess Cadance,Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Yours Faithfully
After becoming one of Princess Celestia's oldest students, Eclipsa starts to recieve more...personal letters from the sun princess herself.
<p>Eclipsa, despite being a unicorn, has <i>always</i> struggled with magic, and all throughout school never got the help she needed. Twilight, one of the four princesses and her very own neighbor in Ponyville, tried enrolling her into the School of Friendship- hoping that befriending others would help Eclipsa unearth the magic she possesses. However, that didn't last long. With the unicorn's <i>crippling</i> anxiety, the whole &quot;making friends&quot; thing was a huge bust. Twilight knew what it was like, however, and suggested a more personal approach. <i>Typically</i>, Princess Celestia only takes on students when they are young (and helps them throughout their young adult lives), but when Twilight vouches for Eclipsa, the sun princess is rather... <i>intrigued</i>. And so, Celestia agrees to take on Eclipsa as a personal student. However, when the two start to converse outside of their lessons together through letters, things start to get...a little personal.</p>
My dearest student, I must first apologize to you. This year has been full of meetings with several leaders from around Equestria, Flurry Heart’s birthday is being held here in Canterlot and my niece has been frantically preparing much too early, our lessons have increased to twice a week which leaves me with more lesson planning, and of course, my normal duties as princess. I am sorry I haven’t written the last few months. We may see each other now twice a week, but our days are full of your lessons, which hardly leaves time for small talk! So, in your next letter to me, fill me in on what events are happening in Ponyville. I know you are keeping up with your studies and your star charts, but what of your free time? How is your friend Orange Citrus doing? More importantly, however, is how are you doing? Twilight has informed me that your medication dosage has gone up, and that worries me, Eclipsa. Please, if there is anything I can do to help you, do not be afraid to reach out. Your faithful teacher, Celestia
Anon,Nightmare Rarity,Alternate Universe,Human,Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony Comic,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Sex
It's Kind of Dark, Actually
Nightmare Rarity insists that her consort, Anon, should appreciate her beauty at all times. It's hard to do that when the moon is so dark, though.
<p>Nightmare Rarity lives on the moon. Until she learns how to behave, she will remain there, as ordained by her closest friends. Thankfully, she wasn't left alone, as they assigned Anon to watch over her progress and report back when she starts showing signs of improvement.</p><p>Rarity took this as his way of expressing his undying love and affection, something the lonely villainess is happy to return in kind.</p><p>He doesn't dislike it.</p><p>Rating for particularly passionate kissing/suggestive themes/innuendo.</p><hr/><p>Day #3 of Hearts and Hands Week.</p>
“So? How do I look?” Anon squints his eyes in the cold, dim room. “Uh… it’s kind of dark, actually. I’m not really sure.” “The fact that your immediate response wasn’t ‘oh, my queen, you look absolutely dazzling’ is a bit troubling to me. We will need to work on that.” Despite the darkness in the spacious bedroom, Anon can feel Nightmare Rarity slowly sashaying towards him, using her size and presence to her advantage. She rubs up against him as she passes by, clearly doing so on purpose. Her tail brushes against both of his legs, lingering for much longer than is necessary. He feels a tingling sensation crawl up his spine. “Come, darling. The moonlight will make me look simply radiant.” “O-okay,” Anon squeaks with an audible voice crack. “I’m right behind you.” As the two exit the bedroom made of moon rock, they enter a grand hallway that is also made out of moon rock. This hallway eventually leads to a staircase made of moon rock that descends onto an upper layer of a foyer that is, you guessed it, made out of moon rock. This is Nightmare Rarity’s palace, a grand structure of her own making using the only thing she has on the moon: moon rock. As a result, not even the brilliantly creative mind that once belonged to Rarity can make the palace particularly fabulous. But she has certainly still tried. The rocks themselves are covered with intricate carvings, designs never before seen by anyone except Nightmare Rarity herself and her consort, Anon. Speaking of, Anon has gotten quite good at feeling his way around the dark palace. While there are windows, it still manages to be awfully dim. This isn’t a problem for his companion, who has no trouble seeing in the dark. Of course, just as Anon starts feeling confident in his ability to get around, he finds himself tripping over seemingly nothing. Even with the moon’s reduced gravity, he sends himself careening forward until he smacks his face against Rarity’s flank. Considering how large of a cushion that is, it ends up being a much softer landing than he was expecting. “My goodness! Aren’t you getting quite bold?” Her words are light and playful, clearly meant to get a rise out of Anon. “C-come on, that was an accident and you know it.” Anon, with reddening cheeks and wounded pride, clambers back to his feet. “Figured I’d be better at getting around by now.” “Hmhm, well, why don’t you save your ‘accidents’ for tonight, hmm?” Anon looks away with a huff, causing her to laugh. After a moment, she speaks up again with a warmer, more genuine tone. “In all seriousness, you are getting better. Not that it truly matters, of course. As soon as I’ve regained my strength, we will descend upon Equestria once more. I will still bathe the land in eternal night, but it will certainly be more accessible for my king, now, won’t it?” Rarity purposely slows down as they continue forward, allowing Anon to walk by her side. “Y-yeah,” Anon mumbles. “I’m sure it’ll be great.” “Still having second thoughts about the whole affair? I know it’s difficult to betray your friends.” She turns to look him dead in the eyes. That is perhaps the one part of her Anon can see clearly; Her big, beautiful eyes shine brilliantly, even in the darkest of spaces. To some, it would likely be intimidating, but he finds it strangely comforting. “Do not forget, darling… they’re my friends, too.” The situation that the pair has found themselves in is a strange one. One day, Rarity was overcome with a mixture of self-conscious thoughts and crippling envy towards her friends’ successes. Such thoughts were, of course, unfounded, but emotions aren’t quite that simple to the one experiencing them. This mental state led to Rarity being overcome with the same type of power that once controlled Princess Luna, transforming her into Nightmare Rarity. She quickly attempted to take control of Ponyville with that newfound power. However, Rarity was not as strong as Luna, and as such, she wasn’t as big of a threat as she thought she was. It didn’t take long for Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends to defeat her. Yet, without Rarity, the Elements of Harmony could not be used, and as a result, they couldn’t figure out how to bring the old Rarity back. It was then that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offered some advice, suggesting that they send her to the moon. Not for a thousand years or anything like that, though. Just enough time for Rarity to sort things out in her mind on her own, as it was clear that their presence was only exacerbating the problem. So, Nightmare Rarity found herself trapped on the surface of the moon, with nothing to fill her time except her thoughts and plenty of moon rocks to make a palace out of. After some time had passed, Twilight suggested that their mutual friend, Anon, should be sent to the moon to accompany Rarity. All he had to do was press a button on a tiny little device she gave him and they would teleport him home. His mission? To report back to them whenever Rarity showed signs of improvement. Anon, while wanting to help, wasn’t exactly on board. How was he supposed to breathe? What was he supposed to eat? And what about the lack of atmosphere? Twilight happily informed him that you apparently don’t need air, food, water, or anything else like that in space. Equestria is weird. Then, to make matters even weirder, upon arriving on the moon, Nightmare Rarity immediately understood why he was there. However, not only had she not improved, she also misinterpreted Anon’s willingness to help his friend as a sign of his undying love and devotion. After all, why else would someone willingly banish themself to the moon with her, who could very easily kill them? She was so moved by the gesture that she happily returned his “affections,” doting on him and proclaiming that he is her new “king.” And poor, poor Anon immediately became putty in her hooves. His button ended up broken soon after. Needless to say, Rarity has no intention of getting better, and Anon is probably going to be on the wrong side of history when everything comes to a head once again. Right now, however, he is content to just sit back and enjoy his quiet moon life with his boisterous moon wife. Especially when he considers what their return to Equestria might mean. Anon doesn’t respond to his queen’s reassurance for a moment, leaving the two of them to walk in awkward silence down the steps leading to the ground floor of the foyer. Eventually, however, he speaks up again, his voice uncertain. “Do you still really consider them your friends?” “Well, of course I do,” she says as she sticks her nose to the air. “If it weren’t for them, I wouldn’t have become the mare I am today.” “You also wouldn’t be on the moon,” Anon mumbles. “True,” she replies with a click of her tongue. “Though perhaps that isn’t such a bad thing, either. I mean, it brought you to me, didn’t it?” “I… suppose so, yes.” “Hmm…” Rarity trails off, but after a few moments, her eyes snap open and a smile makes its way to her face. “How about this? I won’t harm them, I’ll just take their magic away! That way, they can’t make any schemes to overthrow me again. Well, none that will work, at least.” “Y-yeah, I think that’s a step in the right direction.” “Ooh, I just knew you’d be on board, darling! Now, come! The moon shines brightly today!” With an excited gait that’s not very fitting for a mare like her, Rarity throws open the grand set of double doors that acts as the palace’s entrance. Light pours into the room, forcing Anon to take a moment to let his eyes adjust. When he regains his full sense of vision, he sees that his lover has already made her way outside and has now turned around, waiting for him to follow. He does just that, and he’s quickly met with a surprising sight. Nightmare Rarity is dressed in an absolutely gorgeous gown, no doubt a Rarity original. The light purple hues mesh shockingly well with the gentle blues, and it seems to sparkle in the moonlight. Never before has Anon seen such a beautiful piece of clothing, and never before has his queen seemed so alluring. “Well?” “Y-you look… absolutely stunning. M-my queen.” “And?” “And you’ve never seemed quite so radiant. I’d say I’m speechless, but it’s more like there aren’t enough words to do you justice.” “And?” “And I’ve never felt so attracted to you in my life. You could probably get Equestria to bow before you with that dress alone.” “...Hmhm.” She closes her eyes and chuckles while lifting her head. “Perhaps you’re right. I am the most beautiful thing Equestria has ever seen, or ever will see.” “How did you even make that?” “Hm?” “Where did you get the materials for it?” “A lot of complex magic, darling. I’ve had plenty of time to experiment.” Rarity saunters up to her human companion, clearly putting great emphasis in the way her hips and tail sway. She stops mere inches from his face, her wide, knowing grin never fading. “And it won’t be long before that magic brings us home.” Anon looks deep into her bright, diamond-filled eyes. He can feel her breath hitting his face, and the scent of lavender fills his nostrils. “I’m looking forward to it.” “Will you stick by me, my love?” “...I’d follow you anywhere.” “Wonderful.” Suddenly, she turns away from him. He briefly feels his heart skip a beat. Something about the way she speaks, and the way she moves… it leaves him craving more. He pushes these thoughts to the back of his mind as he follows his queen’s gaze. She focuses intently on their home planet, thousands of miles away. He briefly considers speaking up, but ultimately finds himself getting lost in the planet’s beauty as well. Despite having come to the moon willingly, he feels an emptiness in his chest as he looks at his distant home. It’s a feeling that never quite goes away. So, the two remain like that, the entire moon completely silent save for their quiet breathing. Neither really bother to move, instead choosing to remain right where they are. After quite some time, Anon finally forces himself to turn away. Doing so reveals to him that Rarity has already done the same, and he has caught her staring deeply into his eyes. “M-my queen?” “Hush.” Without another word, Anon feels his head being pulled forward by magic. Sure enough, a gentle glow emanates from Rarity’s horn, though he has little time to focus on that as his queen quickly closes the gap between them, forcing his lips against her own. He doesn’t resist, and instead melts completely into her large, purple form. After a few moments, the kiss starts to become more passionate, with Rarity taking complete control over him and his mouth. He doesn’t bother fighting back, and in fact submits to her “authority” quite willingly. Even on the cold expanse of the moon, such a gesture would make anyone feel warm. Finally, she pulls away, a trail of saliva still connecting them. They both breathe heavily while staring longingly into each other’s eyes. Eventually, Rarity speaks once more. “Inside. Now.” “Y-yes, my queen.” Anon turns to head back towards the palace, but stops when he hears her voice yet again. “Just…” Somewhat uncharacteristically, she sighs. “Just call me ‘Rarity.’ If you’re serious about sticking by my side…” She slowly makes her way beside him before locking eyes with him again. “You deserve at least that much.” “...Of course, Rarity.” The two continue their walk back to the palace, their hearts and minds racing in anticipation for what’s to come. Beyond those feelings, however, Anon is caught off guard by her words. He knows it’s probably just wishful thinking, but in the back of his mind, a single thought keeps making itself known. Maybe she is getting better.
Original Character,Pinkie Pie,Rarity,Human,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
I'm fashionable, Rarity!
Human has been living in Equestria for quite a long time. It's the second time Twilight has left him alone, and this time he ask Rarity to make him fashionable. It was a terrible mistake.
<p>Ever since Applejack unreasonably harbored a grudge against Alex, his life in Equestria has become even more peaceful. No, ponies still don't pronounce his name correctly and are unlikely to ever start doing so. But Twilight even decided to leave Alex alone at home, which is definitely a success!</p><p>But a few days ago, Alex, for a super secret reason, asked Rarity to make it fashionable. It's a pity that she has a vacation and has too much energy for this task. But it definitely won't bother Alex too much, right?</p><p>Right?</p>
"There's a bag of bats on the shelf so you can buy your own food. Spike and I will arrive in three days in the evening. Behave yourself, don't burn down the house and don't burn down the trees anymore!" That's exactly what Twilight said three days ago before she left me alone. After the Applejack tree caught fire, which I had absolutely nothing to do with, they decided to leave me alone at home, without nannies. That's it, growing up. Sighing happily, I leaned back on the sofa. Where is he from here? Well, I took some of the money I got from Twilight and some of the money I got for the black markers. Now, in the basement, there is a red sofa next to my bed. Of course, without pillows. I still need money for food! Anyway, this is a super cool purchase. Now I can sit on the bed for the first half of the day, then exercise in the form of moving from the bed to the sofa and eventually spend the afternoon on the couch. That's what I understand, life. The main thing is not to think about how I was able to bring a sofa to my basement. It's a secret. I had not had time to fully enjoy my happiness when there was a cautious, I would even say elegant knock on the door upstairs. Oh no, not her. No, it's definitely a different pony. Like, uh, Pinkie Pie? Yes, that's absolutely right! Pinkie came to treat me to a free cupcake. Free is the key word. Destroying all my hopes, an elegant female voice was heard on the other side of the door: "Axe? Are you here? I need to check your wardrobe!" I wonder if there is any sound insulation at all? Like, I can hear her being in the basement! I quickly shook my head and tiptoed to the basement window. Probably, this interaction will cause embarrassment to an ignorant person. Well, I don't blame you. I also find it strange that when I asked Rarity to make me fashionable, everything turned into a daily check of my wardrobe. Yeah. When I got to the window, I raised my arms and tried to pull myself up. He even started moving his feet along the wall as if he were running along it. But here's the problem. I've never pulled up in my life. And, well, maybe I put on a little weight because I've been eating only cakes and fast food for the last few days. I have no regrets, I did the same as any normal person. When my fingers started to hurt, I got down and put my hands on my hips, thinking what to do. Maybe, uh, well, ask for help from Redheart? Like, it always works, flawlessly. Oh, wait, there are no phones in Equestria. And to get to Redheart I need to get out of here. Yeah, I hadn't thought of that. Okay, okay, new plan! I go upstairs, open books on magic, become a super cool magician and teleport straight to the Ponyville Hospital. An elementary solution! I turned around cheerfully, wanting to get started as soon as possible, but froze. Rarity stood at the top of the stairs and looked around the room with displeasure. I don't know what she doesn't like. All the clothes are hanging on the furniture, there is nothing on the floor! Except for a pair of socks, but it doesn't matter at all. Maybe she doesn't like the fact that cupcake bags and pizza boxes are used as pillows on the couch. Speaking of pizza, ponies have an extremely small selection in this dish. Or cheese pizza or Hawaiian, without meat of course. Well, I'm not Hawaiian, so the choice is obvious. Although I don't look like cheese either. But as the sage said: "You are what you eat." Then what do I have to stay myself? While my mind was occupied with an extremely important topic, Rarity came down the stairs a little lower and said with suppressed disgust: "Oh my goodness, what a mess you've got here! How do you even live here? The dust has not been removed, the remains of junk food and, most offensively, clothes! To be honest, I'm offended that you feel this way about the clothes I made for you! " For a moment, I even wanted to look down. Rarity's attitude reminds me too much of my mother. Maybe even me. . . Did I miss being scolded for messing up? Did I miss this kind of care? . . . Oh, no, I didn't miss it. Not a drop at all. Life in Equestria rules! With newfound confidence, I put my fingers to my temples, did not get lost as much as possible, and parried all Rarity's statements with one super-strong phrase. I took a deep breath and asked: "So what?" The force of my ultimatum stunned Rarity, causing her to even slightly open her mouth and start making indistinct sounds. Here is my chance! Grabbing my T-shirt from the floor, I quickly rushed up the stairs, past the unicorn and at the same time put on my clothes. The most important thing is not to forget that it is winter outside. And for ponies here, this time of year is always accompanied by a good layer of snow. Although in my authoritative opinion, any snow is already bad. Oh, you get it, I'm afraid that if I'm forced to go to a local school, the snow won't be a reason to cancel classes! When my chest started to hurt a little, I clenched my teeth. Come on, I didn't even run to the end of the stairs! I couldn't get that fat in three days! Uh, maybe I really need to get into sports soon. Yes, that's what I'll do. I'll ask Rainbow Dash to help me. Okay, Alex, get it together! Shaking my head as I ran, I finally put on my T-shirt and reached the exit door and grabbed my blue jacket. Unfortunately, I heard a question, or rather a gentle demand from Rarity: "Axe, how about wearing something else? You've only been wearing this jacket for the last two months. If you want to be fashionable, then you need to dress in a variety of ways!" So, I urgently need to come up with a new ultimatum. Considering how much energy I have accumulated and considering my extremely high intelligence, it should be simple. Super simple. Rhetoric [Impossible: Success] I held up my finger like a wise man and closed my eyes before starting my great speech: "Actually, the variety of clothes can be perceived as not stable, and therefore windy. But I think we can both agree that a real gentle. . . colt? It doesn't matter. A real male representative should be stable and, accordingly, create an ideal style. Therefore, I can confidently say that I am already fashionable due to stability. I'm fashionable, Rarity!" Fortunately, my words made Rarity look at the ceiling for a moment, as if she was considering my words. Or the sheer force of my words stunned her. Anyway, great, because I didn't understand what I said at all. I quickly threw on my jacket and immediately ran out of the house, without even closing the door behind me. Wait. I couldn't forget the shoes, could I? No, he couldn't. I haven't taken off my shoes at all for the last three days. Of course, it was a well-thought-out plan to always be ready to escape from Rarity. It definitely wasn't my laziness. Just in case, I looked at my feet and sighed with gratitude to all the gods. My shoes are still on my feet. By the way, an interesting fact about ponies. I don't know why, but they really don't like it when I enter the room in shoes. Is that what Asians do? Well, I hope that not a single Fat Man and not a single Little Boy will fall on any pony. Shaking my head, I continued to run, but the pain in my chest made me slow down. Soon I ran into an alley and pressed myself against the wall before saying with my eyes closed, "Oh, my God. Oh, uh. Why did I even ask Rarity to make me fashionable? Oh, s. . ." Suddenly I felt a warm and hairy thing on my lips. No, not her. Anyone but Pinkie Pie! Times have changed, now I don't want her around! I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Unfortunately, it was really Pinkie Pie. Noticing my attention, she said seriously: "Don't swear, today is an important day for you. And your phrase about Fat Man and Little Boy was right on the edge. " This is the third time this has happened, by the way. And I still don't understand the principle by which a certain day is chosen as a special one. Taking a deep breath, I looked towards the alley and asked: "That means I'm not allowed to swear again, right?" "Yeah. But you should be flattered that you turned out to be funny enough to get three whole special days!" Pinkie Pie replied cheerfully, starting to bounce slightly. Wait. . . "Funny enough? I mean, if I'm not funny today, then there won't be any more special days and I'll be able to swear in peace? " I asked with hope in my voice. " Well, yes, that's about how it works, I suppose. But you don't want that, do you? Pinkie Pie asked almost pleadingly. As if she really wants me to have more of these so-called special days. What for? Unclear. I don't need these special days at all. No, Pinkie, it's time to be serious. Absolute Severity mode: Activated. At the same time, I strained my entire body, including, of course, my face. You need to use all your unimaginable power to hold back the flow of humor. I squinted and pushed my lips forward while sweat was pouring off me from exertion. And it's winter today, so that's it. Well, I'm sure it won't have any effect. I was startled out of my thoughts by Rarity's sudden voice from above: "Oh, Axe, I found you! It's good that my boutique is nearby and I can make new really fashionable clothes for you!" Without betraying my embarrassment, I looked up and saw Rarity. Who was lying on her red sofa that was somehow floating in the air. I tensed up and asked, trying to be as rational as possible: "Why are the sofa and you in the air? It violates the laws of physics!" It's not that I'm good at physics. "Physics?" Pinkie Pie asked awkwardly from my side. "Physics?" Rarity asked with exactly the same embarrassment, looking at me from the height of her flying sofa. So, I know that ponies don't have the words "cringe", "scam" and more. But it turns out they also don't have the science that scares me the most in the world? That's great. For a moment, my face tried to twist into a smile, but I suppressed it and asked shaking my head: "In short, how do you fly on the couch?" "With magic." Rarity replied as if it was obvious. Not that she was completely wrong. I need to rephrase it somehow. Do not get lost as much as possible x2. "With what kind of magic?" "Levitation. The most basic magic." "And you lift the sofa with you with the help of 'elementary' magic." "Yeah." "But why?" "I didn't want to get my hooves dirty too much while I was looking for you." Rarity replied without a single hint of embarrassment. I probably shouldn't be surprised. Like, I've been living in Equestria for a few months now! It's time to get used to it! I relaxed my muscles and muttered while rubbing my jaw, "Oh, this is much harder to do than I always thought. It looks like I'm not going to be sigma." "And no matter how late it is, you're too late, Axe." Pinkie replied with a disapproving shake of her head. Of course, I'm late, I haven't had an internet connection for several months! Oh no. If I ever come back, everything will be completely different! The Internet will change, technology will change, trends will change! What if Half Life 3 comes out, but I won't play it because I won't have time to save money to upgrade my computer!? "Although no, this is absolutely fantastic. Counting to three is very difficult. I muttered briefly before remembering Pinkie's words. " And I'm not a deodorant! My name is Alex! " I said, raising my voice slightly. How did Pinkie react to this? What is Pinkie's reaction? Shaking my head, I looked up at Rarity again and asked: "Can you, I don't know, come down here?" "Why? You don't want me to get my hooves dirty in this dirty alley, do you?" Rarity asked in embarrassment with a hint of insult in her voice. Or it's just that for some unknown reason she went outside without clothes, which is clearly not her style. Remember, Alex, you have to be serious. After a short silence, I replied with an emotionless expression on my face: "If I look up for so long, my neck will hurt." "Then you just don't have to look me in the eye. After all, we're having a conversation right now, obviously not a serious one. " Rarity replied before sprawling impressively on her flying sofa. " And it should never become that way! " Pinkie Pie added by jumping up merrily. Uh, okay, I'm tired. Absolute Severity mode: deactivated. I sighed, put my sweaty hands in my pockets and asked, "Well, um, can you please not turn my wardrobe from top to bottom? At the very least, I'm sure you have your own things to do." "Actually, no, there were a lot of orders for dresses last month and I can afford a little vacation. It's good that you wanted to become fashionable! I would have gone crazy from lack of occupation if it wasn't for you, Alex!" First of all, wow, pony pronounced my name correctly. Secondly, now it's kind of awkward to try to get Rarity to leave me alone. Now I still have to find something for her to do so that she doesn't go crazy. I took a small step towards the exit of the alley and asked: "Can't you, you know, cancel your vacation? If he creates such difficulties for you, then it's better to give up, isn't it?" Rarity's short laugh rang out from above before she took a couple of deep breaths and said, "Oh, Alex, it's obvious that you don't understand anything about my business. You can't just cancel your vacation!" I'm not sure if it really works that way. So I can only ask you one question. Do we believe? Before I could answer my own question, my eyes noticed a large shadow. It's probably just that Rarity decided to fly a little further. I nodded slightly to myself, but I looked up anyway. And I saw Pinkie Pie clinging to Rarity's flying sofa with her hooves. Huh? "Pinkie Pie, what are you doing!?" Rarity asked with a hint of fright in her voice. "I want to sit on the couch too! It's snowing outside, my hooves are frozen." Pinkie replied for dramatic effect, throwing her hind hoof on the couch. What's the drama here? Well, from my angle, you can see that her hooves are smeared with something blue, like, I do not know, blue glaze? What a cool way to show frostbite. It's mine now! Pinkie screamed when she suddenly fell off the couch straight to the ground, making a hole in the snowdrift in the shape of a pony. Just in case, I bent down to the snowdrift and saw inside how Pinkie was sitting on an ice chair and eating a snow cake with snowmen. Uh, Pinkie is just a Pinkie, I suppose? Shaking my head, I looked up at Rarity again and she said defensively: “What? Do you have any idea how hard it is to wash such a sofa from the glaze!? " " Well, don't! I have snow friends now, a snow chair and a snow cake! " Replied Pinkie Pie from her snowdrift. "Wait, you have an ice chair. I pointed out, leaning towards the hole in the snowdrift. Well, yes, Pinkie Pie is still sitting on the ice chair. " Axe, don't spoil the moment. " Pinkie said with displeasure before seriously taking a bite of the snow cake. Uh, it doesn't matter. If I don't swear, Pinkie won't bother me. Now me and Rarity. Well, there's also Radhart, but first we need to get to the hospital. But fast travel is too corny. Hmm. Sighing, I frowned, trying to formulate my brilliant plan as always. After a few seconds, I looked up and asked: "Rarity, can I climb on your couch? I don't have any glaze anywhere." In response, she looked at me with one eyebrow raised before answering: "I would love to, but your shoes are so dirty. Do you ever change it at all? " " Can at least one pony make me a new one? " " Touch. " " So will you let me on the couch? " " Mm, nope. " Rarity replied with some playfulness in her voice. It's clear. Someone wants to laugh at any price. But for free. It's not like I've given up on something like that. I quickly shook my head and awkwardly said, pointing with both hands towards Ponyville Hospital, "Anyway, can we go there, please? Very necessary." "Why? We still need to go to the boutique so that I can make you fashionable!" Rarity asked, tilting her head to the side. Uh, that's not what I wanted. Yes, I didn't think it through! I was just hoping that Rarity would agree. Well, uh, uh. Oh yes, running! Problems cannot catch up with the owner of fast legs! Without saying anything, I quickly ran forward, which Rarity noticed quickly enough. Suddenly, something stopped my right leg and I rose into the air upside down. Apparently, problems can still catch up with the owner of fast legs. When I realized that I was being lifted even higher into the air, my gaze stopped following the ground and shifted to Rarity. She was holding both me and the sofa she was sitting on in the air at the same time. I thought she was just a seamstress! Twilight was supposed to do such tricks with me, but definitely not her! "Axe, I don't understand. You asked me to make you fashionable. But at the same time, today you are only running away! What happened?" Rarity asked with embarrassment. Uh, in the current position. I'll have to tell the truth. Uff. "Well, I kind of don't like that you're constantly checking my wardrobe. And for some reason you constantly measure my size, very carefully. I replied with my arms crossed, despite the fact that I was hanging upside down. "Well, you know... You eat so much and move so little that your waist size changes every day." "HEY!" Rarity briefly chuckled before continuing a little more seriously: "And anyway, if you wanted to become fashionable, you had to be ready for difficulties. I am sure that the goal for which you want to become fashionable fully justifies the effort. " " Yeeeeah, probably. " I answered awkwardly, putting my hand on the back of my head. " By the way, I don't remember you telling me why you want to become fashionable. Why? " Rarity asked curiously, making me freeze. Oh no. Oh, my God. I put my hand on my forehead and said, feigning suffering: "Uh, something hurts my head. Probably because I'm being held upside down. I don't even know who did it! " " Oh, yeah, that's right. " Rarity smiled awkwardly before loosening her magical grip and gently putting me on the ground As an apology, she even took out a handkerchief from somewhere and briefly wiped my forehead. " So why did you decide to become fashionable? " Rarity asked, returning the handkerchief to herself. Oh, it's better for her not to know. I rubbed the back of my head slightly in an attempt to come up with a solution and finally asked: "Can we go to your boutique first? It's kind of cold in here." "Well, okay. Anyway, I wanted to take you there, and he's right behind you. Rarity pointed out, pointing a hoof behind me. Hmm? I quickly turned around and squeezed my eyes shut feeling the pain. After a moment of stupor, I took a step back and looked up. Rarity wasn't lying, the boutique was really behind my back. And when I turned around, the boutique was right in front of my nose. I was not warned about this. Hmm, today fast travel works even without head knocks. How convenient. I rubbed my face lightly with my hand and pulled the door open. Closed. Hold on. . . "In all of Ponyville, not a single door is closed. Except yours! How does it even work? On what basis do you have such privileges?" I asked, extremely embarrassed and even annoyed. If Twilight's house had locks, I could just shut myself off from Rarity. And all the other problems. "Um, Axe, do you know that some doors have to be pushed to open?" Rarity asked, slightly covering her mouth with her hoof to hide her smirk. Oh . . . I blushed slightly before pushing the door forward and saying when I took a step inside: "I knew it. I just needed to make sure you knew that." "Yes, I was one step away from forgetting that my door needed to be pushed. Rarity replied sarcastically, still staying on her couch. Um, is she even going to go inside the boutique? Well, if she doesn't come in, then, in principle, I can just settle here. Unfortunately, Rarity got up on her couch and started wagging her tail almost like a cat. Assuming the worst, I took a step aside. Although it's just paranoia. I'm sure she's not going to jump. Of course, Rarity can sometimes be fixated on cleanliness, but not to this extent. Suddenly, I saw a white figure streak through the air through the doorway and begin to brake on the floor with its hooves. For a moment, I even thought she was striking a spark, but haha, that can't be. Can't it really? Fortunately, Rarity was able to stop just an inch from the wall where there was a large shelf. There was a white cat lying on this shelf, which was clearly surprised by what had happened. Her name is Opalescence, isn't it? Uh, it doesn't matter if I call it a cat. The cat eventually recovered and, inexplicably, took out a small sign with the number three minus on it. In response, Rarity just snorted and said, shaking herself off, "Well, you know, Opalescence, you're not the most graceful animal either. With your size." In response, the cat suddenly hissed and waved a paw at Rarity, as if trying to scratch her. Or call for a fight? I've been thinking, maybe I should just leave. If Rarity hesitates for a long time, then I can run to Twilight's house and make barricades. Like, after thinking very deeply, I realized that I didn't really care how Rarity would deal with her boredom during her vacation. Well, for the sake of decency, we can say that Radhart has no dresses at all and she needs at least four. How did I get information about her wardrobe? No one said I knew anything. "So, why did you decide to become fashionable?" Rarity asked slangka, straightening her mane with a comb. When did she get it? I shook my head and was silent for a while, thinking over my incredible plan. In the end, I slowly raised my hand, pointing to one of the cupboards and offered: "Maybe I'll answer your question while you're, well, looking for supplies? After all, you were going to sew me, uh, what to sew?" "A new fashionable wardrobe!" Rarity replied, with some excitement. For a moment, I even thought she jumped a little. Well, there's a question here. I raised an eyebrow questioningly and asked: "Couldn't you have made fashionable clothes for me from the very beginning?" "Well, when you first got here, I perceived you as a little child who would constantly dirty clothes in all possible and impossible ways." Rarity began awkwardly, but was interrupted. "It's a shame actually. Considering I'm fifteen." I replied by crossing my arms and snorting slackly. "Um, anyway. Therefore, I made for you the most practical clothes that do not restrict movement. But when you asked me to make you fashionable a couple of days ago, I realized that you had grown up a little. And the old, children's wardrobe doesn't suit you anymore!" Rarity finished with a smile on her face. Growing up = responsibility. Responsibility = living on your own. Living on your own = making a lot of money. Earn a lot of money = work. Work = fear. Conclusion: no growing up today. And preferably never. I nodded to myself mentally and forced a smile before saying, "Okay, well, take all the necessary items and I'll get ready here." In response, Rarity actively nodded and headed somewhere deep into her boutique. Okay, we have a couple of minutes. Sighing, I began to take off my jacket, while thinking over the details of my plan. The fact is that Rarity has already seen my "perfect" physique a couple of times, it won't scare her. So I'll have to use my strongest skill. Rhetoric. I'm still as eloquent as, uh, uh. I do not know people who are at least as eloquent as I am! A plan? Say something stunning and run. Yes, running is my favorite tactic in absolutely any situation. Now, you just have to figure out what to say. Well, since I still need to take off my jacket and T-shirt to take measurements, I could... "Don't even think about it, Axe! The rating will not allow it!" Pinkie interrupted me by suddenly jumping out of a pot with a plant. Hey, I wasn't thinking about anything so scary. I just thought I could make a cool figure out of my clothes to stun Rarity. Although, no, she's unlikely to appreciate it. Shaking my head, I just continued to take off my clothes, while periodically glancing in the direction where Rarity had gone. So, what could really shock her? That's right, something about fashion. Hmm The frame is made. Now I just need someone to talk to. I nodded slightly to myself and clutched my clothes to my chest so as not to freeze completely while I ran home. As if sensing my readiness, Rarity came out to me with a lot of accessories in her magical grip and even glasses on her face. Noticing that my body was covered by the clothes in my hands, she frowned slightly in response to which I began to say, "You know, Rarity, I've learned something about fashion." Without giving her time, I continued: "Fashion is a set of tests accepted at a certain time in a certain society. Is it logical? " Frowning, Rarity nodded slightly, in response to which I continued: " I noticed an interesting detail, ponies almost always go without clothes. That is, it is the most popular and accepted view in public. You can say the most fashionable. " Rarity was taken aback by this and even removed several items from her magical grip. Wow, that was fast. I briefly chuckled to myself and backed towards the exit before saying, "Therefore, in order to become fashionable, I have to wear as few clothes as possible. And in order not to tempt myself, I shouldn't see you. In general, never! Or at least not see each other for the next few days!" This is the moment when I run away. I tried to open the door with a sharp kick, but received only pain in response. Oh, that's right. If you need to push the door from the outside to open it, then you need to pull it on yourself here. I quickly pulled the door open and took one last look at Rarity. She just stood there with her eyes closed, as if she was suspended. Well, it doesn't matter. I ran out the open door and jumped over Rarity's couch, which was still standing right in front of the entrance. I can't hear any sounds behind me, great. What is not great is my whole body, which was very actively freezing. Of course, I could try to get dressed on the go. But I don't want to risk falling! No, don't think about it, I'm not afraid of pain. I'm not afraid of anything except work! I just don't want to risk falling and damaging my beautiful face. Mentally nodding to myself, I continued to run, trying to ignore the confused glances of the ponies passing by. Like, most of them put on at least a scarf. And I'm running down the street with my upper body naked. Well, you can immediately see who is the most adequate here. Me, of course. I chuckled a little before feeling the pain in my muscles and many other places. But fortunately, my stamina was enough to get almost point-blank to the door to Twilight's house. I briefly looked at the sky. It's not evening yet, Twilight hasn't returned home. Great. I quickly ran inside and into my basement. Why? Well, because I don't want Twilight trying to knock me out of the shelter along with Rarity. So I'll just hide in my basement. I've got a couple of slices of pizza left over there. Yeah, great, I can hold on to a couple of slices of pizza forever. Well, for me, eternity is the duration of one lesson at school. Shaking my head, I went down to the bottom of the basement and quickly pushed one of the parts of the sofa. It is slightly detached from the sofa as if it were an armchair. Well, because it's a real chair. I bought some armchairs and put them next to each other to make a sofa. And so that when I want to play on the floor it's lava. "Focus, focus!" I hissed, taking the chair with both hands and clenching my teeth. Heavily. . . Heavily. . . After taking a few heavy breaths, I moved the chair to the door and put it so that the handle would not open. How reliable is it? Well, I hope Rarity is just too polite to take a rude approach. Anyway, I have at least a couple of minutes of rest now. Uh, it's time to relax. I deserve it. Sighing, I collapsed onto what was left of the sofa and threw my head back. Suddenly, a sneeze burst out of my throat, along with snot from my nose. Officially, I'm sick. For a while, irritation accumulated in me before I hit the armrest with my fist and said, "Da. . ." There's a warm feeling on my lips again. Restraining my irritation, I looked at Pinkie, who was covering my mouth with one hoof and eating my cheese pizza with the other. The word shame seems to be unknown to her. Not that I know the word well, but anyway! Sighing, I tried to calm down and asked: "Is the so-called special day going to end soon?" Pinkie looked a little upset, but she replied cheerfully anyway: "Yeah! Literally eight paragraphs later!" A paragraph? What? Uh, it doesn't matter. It's Pinkie. I just looked up at the ceiling and sneezed again. Pinkie seemed to ignore this and asked curiously, "So, why did you want to become fashionable? It doesn't look like anything in your style." I glanced at Pinkie briefly before asking, blushing slightly: "Do you promise not to tell anyone? Just please don't say your long sentence. Just say what you promise. " For a moment, Pinkie looked confused before saying with difficulty, " Just a promise. " I looked up and said with a sigh, " I forgot. " " What!? " Pinkie asked in surprise, standing on the sofa on all fours. " Yeah, I forgot why I wanted to become fashionable," I replied with another nod. No one will ever know the reason.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Dash Of Obedience
Scootaloo finds an artifact in the Everfree Forest. This discovery changes two pony's lives forever.
<p>After an unsuccessful trek in the Everfree Forest in an attempt to earn her cutie mark, Scootaloo acquires a mysterious object that holds a unique ability. Experimenting with the item causes her and Rainbow Dash to bond in an unexpected way.</p><p>Story contains: <span class="spoiler">foalcon, humiliation, bondage, pet play, sexual training, degradation, bestiality, feather plucking, power play, reversed roles, magic draining, cutie mark theft, corrupter morals, altered personality, bad end, submission, foaldom, subdash, BDSM, sex, threesome, exhibitionism and public humiliation.</span></p>
It was a lovely autumn day in Equestria. The air was cool and crisp, with the slightest chill to signify the season. The sky was full of sunlight and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. Many ponies were frolicking and grazing, doing whatever they enjoyed to bask in the wonderful sunny day. Celestia's sun sat high and bright and the denizens of Equestria were happy to partake in lovely sunshine as opposed to the usual brisk and rainy weather of fall. However, three little fillies were spending the day together. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were deep in thought about their next shared activity, hoping to find their special talents. The Cutie Mark Crusaders yearned to finally earn their cutie marks. The filly trio had tried numerous activities during their tenure together and all were unsuccessful. The CMC were currently at Fluttershy's Cottage, helping the pegasus mare with her critters. Scootaloo suggested the idea of ‘animal feeders’ as a possible cutie mark to her friends. The other two nodded their support and agreed to try. "Think today is the day we finally get our cutie marks, girls?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Today is as good a day as any, right Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo chimed in. "Yeah! We've had so many ideas, ah reckon one o' us mus' be get'n close ta discoverin' our special talent an' gettin’ their cutie mark!" "Woohoo!" Sweetie Belle squealed exuberantly. "Come on, then! Let's help Fluttershy feed her animals and finally get our marks!" All three shouted in unison. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS ANIMAL FEEDERS! YAY!" The excited shouting of the trio caused the birds in Fluttershy’s parlor to chirp and squawk in hysteria. The yellow pegasus quickly rectified the issue with soft coaxing and a calm voiced demeanor. Fluttershy cleared her throat and the CMC rubbed the back of their heads bashfully. "Sorry about that, Fluttershy." Scootaloo apologized. "It's alright, girls. I know you're all excited, but please pay attention. This is very important." The CMC were listening intently as Fluttershy instructed how much nourishment to give her critters. The bunnies, squirrels, and chickens all ate different amounts and types of food. "Remember, girls! It's best to feed Angel Bunny and the other bunnies sliced carrots. If they have whole ones, they'll eat too fast and might get a tummyache. That'd be just awful." The timid yellow pegasus pouted, thinking about her animal friends in distress, but quickly got back to the lesson. "Elizabeak and the other chickens get two cupfuls of seed. There's a ladle and cups in the bag so feeding them will be a total breeze." Fluttershy smiled at each member of the CMC before continuing. "Oh! And the squirrels get a cup of berries and peanuts. Those lovely critters look so cute when they're munching. It makes me so happy watching them." Apple Bloom spoke. "Thanks fer the lesson, Fluttershy! We'll feed em jus’ as ya say. You dun need tah worry!" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both nodded and reaffirmed Apple Bloom's words. "You bet! We'll make sure all your critters get fed!" Scootaloo chimed. "Yeah! So take it easy, Fluttershy. The CMC are on it!" The trio grinned happily at the yellow pegasus and Fluttershy returned it with a warm smile of her own. "Thanks so much girls! I'm gonna take a small nap. This sunshine makes me a little sleepy." "Sweet dreams, Fluttershy!" piped Sweetie Belle. Fluttershy lay on the couch, resting her head gently on the pillow, and closed her eyes. She yawned before replying. "Thank you, Sweetie Belle." Apple Bloom gingerly walked to the kitchen and found the carrots Fluttershy kept on the counter. She quietly opened the drawer of utensils, removing a carrot slicer. The small yellow Earth Pony then took a bowl out of the dish cupboard and left the kitchen. She nodded to her fellow CMC members. "Okay! Let's go!" Sweetie Belle whispered. The three fillies tiphoofed out the front door and softly closed it. "Alright! Let's feed some critters and finally earn our cutie marks!" Scootaloo squealed in delight. "Yeah! Ah'll feed the bunnies. Sweetie can feed the squirrels. You shoul’ take care o' the chickens, Scootaloo. Ya know, cuz ya’ll totally related n' all." "Ha-ha. Very funny, Apple Bloom." replied Scootaloo dully. Apple Bloom playfully stuck out her tongue and Scootaloo giggled. The three friends shared a laugh and a hoof bump together and went their separate ways and got to work. Apple Bloom walked around the side of Fluttershy's cottage to the rabbit hutch. The yellow-coated filly counted ten bunnies; the exact number Fluttershy gave her. She peered into the hutch and smiled, seeing them hopping and playing together. "Ya’ll hungry?" Hearing this, all bunnies hopped towards Apple Bloom, eager to see what treat they received. "Fluttershy is takin’ a little nap righ' now, bu’ she instructed me ta give ya’ll cute critters some delicious n' juicy carrots." The bunnies happily jumped and squeaked. Carrots were their favorite. She carefully sliced the bushel of five carrots and placed an equal amount in each bowl, then opened the hutch to insert the dishes. Every bunny had nearly half a carrot to munch on. After she was done, Apple Bloom had an extra two sliced ones that she quickly gulped down. "Good fer bunnies n' ponies! Very delicious. Go ahead n' eat up!" That's just what the bunnies did while Apple Bloom watched with joy. Sweetie Belle was in the back area of Fluttershy's Cottage. The diffident pegasus owned a large. stone-coated fish pond, colorful and lively birdhouses in nearly every tree, and a squirrel sanctuary too. All of the Sciuridae were chattering with each other. The unicorn filly approached the pack and addressed them. "Hello, squirrels. Sweetie Belle is here to give you all some delicious berries and peanuts. Doesn't that sound yummy?" The squirrels jumped in excitement and ran towards her. Sweetie giggled at their response. "Fluttershy said a cupful for each of you. So no fighting, okay?" Each squirrel nodded, signifying they understood. The rodents watched Sweetie fill ten cups with half berries and half peanuts. Their tummies grumbled. "Okay, lovely critters! Snack time is here. Enjoy and Fluttershy will be around later on for dinner time!" Sweetie placed the cups down and the squirrels began to dive in. The white-coated filly giggled at their eagerness. Scootaloo entered the chicken coop. The coop had a pungent odor, but, aside from that, was immaculate. The purple-maned pegasus inched towards the chickens. Besides Elizabeak, Fluttershy had five others. All were present. "Here, chickchickchickchick" Scootaloo squawked, trying to get their attention. The chickens stared at each other momentarily, then glanced towards Scootaloo. “I know Fluttershy is the one feeding you guys all the time, but the CMC wanted to give her a little rest. So I'll be taking care of snack time today. Is that cool?" A few chickens simply clucked in response. "I'll take that as a 'yes' then." Scootaloo found the bag of seed in the corner. She carefully took the ladle into her mouth and poured out a cupful of seed. It was an arduous task, but after ten minutes, twelve cupfuls of seed were measured and served. It took the chickens just half a minute to greedily devour what they were given. "Wow. You all must've been super hungry, huh?" Scootaloo chortled to herself then put the cups and ladle back into the bag of seed before departing the coop. All three fillies met right outside Fluttershy's front door. They kept their voices to a whisper, to avoid possibly waking her. "Anything, girls?” Asked Sweetie Belle. "Not me. How about you, Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo inquired with a sad tone. "Nope. Looks like we ain' meant tah be critter feeders." All three fillies dejectedly sighed. "Ugh. We've tried everything to get our cutie marks", began Scootaloo. "Creature catchers, carpenters, comedy, chicken herding, chimney sweeping..." "Karate, roller derby, jugglin', kite flyin'..." Added Apple Bloom. "Magic tricks, newspaper reporters, even skydiving..." chimed Sweetie Belle. "Nothin' has worked yet." Apple Bloom pouted. The trio sat in silence for a few moments before a lightbulb went off in Scootaloo's mind. "Wait! I just had a crazy idea." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom glanced at Scootaloo. Neither replied so the orange pegasus continued. "We're all trying to get our cutie marks and discover our special talent, right?" "Right." Sweetie and Apple Bloom said simultaneously. "And uncovering our talent is a bit like treasure hunting. Following the map of what we think to do and chase our cutie mark." "Uh. Where ya goin' with this, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom inquired. "Pfffft. Isn't it obvious, Apple Bloom? What if our special talent is treasure hunting? That'd be such an awesome cutie mark!" Sweetie Belle's eyes widened in excitement and she raised a hoof in exclaimed surprise. "Ooh! Ooh! I'm liking this idea a lot. That'd be super! We could be..." "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS TREASURE HUNTERS! YAY!" The three fillies quickly covered their mouths from the outburst, hoping they didn't disturb Fluttershy's nap. "So, where should we hunt for treasure first?” asked the white unicorn filly. Scootaloo put her hoof to her chin to think, then quickly beamed and nodded. "Think, Sweetie Belle. If you had treasure that you didn't want anypony to find, where would you hide it?” Apple Bloom gave her friend an incredulous stare, squinted, and looked in both directions. "Scootaloo, are ya saying..." "Yep!" "We're going in the..." Began Sweetie Belle. "Everfree Forest. Exactly!" Scootaloo stated triumphantly. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gulped. They were feeling nervous but also excited. Fluttershy's Cottage was very close to the border of the Everfree Forest. It wasn't a long walk. The three ponies got there in less than five minutes and stood at the outskirts. "Alright, you two ready to find some treasure and earn our cutie marks?” Scootaloo asked. "Well, I'd be more rapturous if we didn't need to enter the forest to find treasure." Sweetie Belle replied, her ears flopping in worry. "Rapturous? What are you, a dictionary?” Apple Bloom put an arm around each of her friends and pulled them into a close embrace.. "C'mon, girls! We ain’ get’n no cutie marks standin’ around. So let’s go!” The Cutie Mark Crusaders all took a deep breath and walked forward, entering the forest.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Dash Of Obedience
Scootaloo finds an artifact in the Everfree Forest. This discovery changes two pony's lives forever.
<p>After an unsuccessful trek in the Everfree Forest in an attempt to earn her cutie mark, Scootaloo acquires a mysterious object that holds a unique ability. Experimenting with the item causes her and Rainbow Dash to bond in an unexpected way.</p><p>Story contains: <span class="spoiler">foalcon, humiliation, bondage, pet play, sexual training, degradation, bestiality, feather plucking, power play, reversed roles, magic draining, cutie mark theft, corrupter morals, altered personality, bad end, submission, foaldom, subdash, BDSM, sex, threesome, exhibitionism and public humiliation.</span></p>
Immediately after the trio hoofed through the entrance, they all shared a look of uneasiness and felt a tinge of regret. This forest was renowned in Equestria, especially Ponyville. Having the forest sit on the outskirts of the populated town made it a topic for many discussions. The CMC gulped nervously but continued sauntering. The sound of their hooves on the dirt path echoed through the dense and lush green. Even the wind, which currently billowed as a small gale, felt different, almost unnatural. All three friends heard of the perilous tales of this place. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle heard from their sisters how the Everfree Forest was full of abnormal happenings and relayed it to Scootaloo. The clouds moved of their own volition. Animals tended to themselves. Plants grew in peculiar and strange ways. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were having second thoughts about Scootaloo’s idea, but Sweetie Belle put on a brave face and broke the silence. “So, any idea what treasures we can find here, Scootaloo? Or how to even get it?” Scootaloo shook her head. “Not exactly. This is one of those ‘sounds great on paper’ ideas. But maybe if we find something interesting, we may get our cutie marks. Perhaps something that nopony has ever seen before. That should do it.” “Yeah! This forest is full o’ stuff we can nab. Ah'm sure the three o’ us will find sum’n worthwhile” Apple Bloom added. An owl hooted in a nearby cluster of trees. The CMC jumped in unexpected startlement. They craned their heads towards the sky, noting how dark and dim this area was. The sunbeams from Celestia’s sun could barely be viewed in the gloomy and gray cloud blanket that covered the horizon. Putting that out of their minds, all three ponies pressed forward. For a while, the only sound they heard was the clip-clopping of their hooves on the dirt path. The air was getting chilly and the crusaders huddled together for warmth. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle thought about their sisters and how they’d be punished if their older kin found out about their escapades today. Neither wanted the risk of being discovered, so they hoped this journey would be quick. “Hey, Scoots?” Apple Bloom said. “Yeah, Apple Bloom?” “Ahm pickin’ the idea next time we’re brainstormin’ Crazy adventurin’ o’ not, this is real dangerous.” “Got it.” With a waned expression, Scootaloo glanced at Apple Bloom. The orange tomboyish filly knew the perilous danger that they could face. Yet she had a fantastic feeling about this idea. Her mind and gut willed her to do crusading in the forest. “Oof. Hey! Watch where you’re walking, Scootaloo.” Sweetie squeaked in mild annoyance. In the midst of Scootaloo’s musings, she inadvertently leaned to the side and walked directly into Sweetie Belle. The small butch pegasus grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, sorry! Was lost in my thoughts.” Apple Bloom had an idea. “Say, Sweetie, since we’re o' heah treasure huntin’ can ya cast that ‘gem findin’ spell ya said Rarity told ya abou'? Ah'm sure plenty o’ gems are heah, probly righ’ und’r our hooves!” Sweetie Belle looked at her friend, then at the ground. “What’s wrong, Sweetie Belle?” “Well, um. I would, but, that spell is too advanced for me to cast. I’m not super gifted in magic, and still learning basic and elementary skills for now. Levitating sticks, teleporting rocks, that sort of thing." Apple Bloom frowned, then looked at the sky again. The clouds had covered the sunbeams, immensely darkening the area. Visibility was very scarce now. “Please tell me ya can cast a lightin’ spell.” “Ooh! That I can do!” Sweetie Belle stated proudly. The young white-pasteled unicorn concentrated. Her horn pulsated as the magic worked its way upwards. The tip of her horn emitted a lime-green hue that formed a bright light and illuminated their view. “Much bet’r! Thank ya, Sweetie!” The unicorn filly gave her friends a warm smile and they both reciprocated. All three crusaders huddled closely together as they continued their gait. An owl hooted in the distance and fog was developing. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were discussing the camping trip to Winsome Falls they had gone on a week ago. The two of them, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash had all banded together for a weekend of camping and sisterly bonding time. “Yeah! Ah remember ya seemed lots more jumpy n’ on edge. So those campfire stories were keepin' ya up?” “Sorta, yeah. Plus I wanted to seem super cool to Rainbow Dash. She’d never wanna hang out with me if she thought I was afraid of some creepy tales.” “Ya had a funny way o’ hidin’ it, Scoots.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes. “Hey! Hearing those stories at nighttime in those woods made each one seem more real. My mind was full of fright. After I heard the tale of The Headless Horse, I wasn’t able to get any rest. Every noise made me jump and I sat awake each night clutching my sleeping bag.” “Wow! Ya mean ya were think’n the headless horse was comin’ afta ya?” “Well, I didn’t want to take a chance falling asleep. I’d be a sitting duck if I did and who knows what the headless horse could’ve done to me.” The CMC came to a huge grove of oak trees. Each tree was gargantuan, standing hundreds of meters high. The fillies couldn’t see the tops. “Shush! Girls, did you hear that?” Sweetie Belle asked her fellow Crusaders. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were silent, concentrating on detecting any odd sounds. Both tilted their heads in all directions, trying to listen. Then they heard it. The noise seemed very close, so they carefully peeked from around a tree to investigate. Standing perhaps two-hundred feet away was a cloaked figure of a stallion. His face was shrouded in a black hood. He had a brown coat and two wings adorned his backside. “What’s the big deal? It’s just a pegasus pony. Maybe out for a walk?” Scootaloo began. “Shush!” Sweetie Belle repeated. The CMC continued to watch the mysterious stranger. The unknown pegasus opened his knapsack and pulled out an item. It was impossible to know what it was due to the distance and darkness. All three fillies stared at the scene with confusion and mild curiosity. “This terrible item has caused a lot of stress and suffering. I’m glad to get rid of this awful contraption where nopony will ever find it.” The pegasus put a hoof to the soil and dug a crevice two feet deep. He quickly dropped the object in the hole and hastily covered it, smoothing the dirt. “Good riddance.” He sighed in contentment and kicked off the ground, taking to the skies, flying high and away from the Everfree Forest. One at a time, the CMC stepped out from behind the tree and looked back to where the stranger had just been. “Well, Crusaders? You know what we have to do, don’t you?” Scootaloo said with a mischievous grin. “Ah was hopin’ we could jus’ go home now.” “No way, Apple Bloom. That pegasus could’ve buried some treasure and I want to dig it up.” Apple Bloom looked at her friend in bafflement. “Didja heah what he was sayin’? Whatev’r he buried ain’t somethin’ ah wanna find o' fer mahself.” Scootaloo waved a hoof dismissively. “Pssh. Come on. Quit being such a scaredy-pony and embrace the thrill of adventure!” “Hey! Didn’t ya jus’ admit ta bein’ scared a spell ago?” The orange filly grunted. “Ahm tellin’ ya, Scootaloo! Whatev’r is und’r that dirt pile should stay there! Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Belle. “How about you? Aren’t you curious to see what that guy buried, Sweetie Belle?” “Well, kinda, yeah.” She admitted. “But I’m sorta with Apple Bloom on this too. If that pegasus rushed to get rid of it, then I bet it can’t be anything good.” The tomboyish pegasus gave both of her friends a scowl. “Oh, come on! We walked far into this forest, our possible cutie marks in our minds. We’re so close and now you both want to give up? Sure, it’s probably not treasure, if that guy was hasty to hide it. Unless he was a pirate captain trying to stash his hoard. Heh. Heh.” Scootaloo released a nervous chuckle at her lame joke, and the other two crusaders raised their eyebrows. Sweetie Belle sighed in a despondent manner. “Alright. It kinda would be a pointless waste of time to come all the way here, just to back out now. Let’s check it out. You in, Apple Bloom?” “Ah suppose. Bu’ if anythin’ funny starts happenin’ then ahm hoofin’ it out o’ heah!” The three fillies unearthed the dirt and revealed a small black bag. It took only a few seconds for the CMC to open the bag, and their eyes widened with shared excitement of what they’d find. “Huh? What is this?” Scootaloo said. Inside the bag was a black metallic circular hoop. The object was lightweight and looked pristine. Adorned with several rhinestones, giving the outer edge a more rigid feel. “It looks like a bangle.” Sweetie Belle chimed in. “My sister makes and wears them all the time.” “A bangle?” Scootaloo repeated. “Yeah! Sorta like a hard anklet. Commonly made of metal or plastic. They’re fashion accessories and nice jewelry too!” Scootaloo stared at the bangle with dubiety. “I don’t get it. Why would that pony want to bury something as common as a bangle? This doesn’t look like anything special to me.” Apple Bloom studied the object carefully in her hooves, inspecting the item at all angles. “Lookie, Scootaloo. Seems this ‘un got somethin’ embedded in it. Ah think it migh’ be a gem.” There, on the underside, was an oblong, diamond-shaped artifact lodged inside the bangle. Scootaloo gawked at it, noting the blood-red color and the alluring, almost hypnotic effect it had. Aside from the small artifact, the bangle lacked any distinctive qualities. “Huh. You’re right, Apple Bloom. That’s weird. Sweetie Belle, do bangles usually have these in them?” “Nah. I’ve never seen my sister make or wear one with those markings.” Sweetie Belle cast a levitation spell, causing her horn to glow lime-green and the trinket floated into her line of view. “Let me take a look at that, Apple Bloom.” The pastel-white unicorn filly curiously peered at the mysterious object. Aside from the odd engraving, the bangle looked like the dozens of others Rarity would wear and show off. It didn’t seem special or different. Sweetie Belle released her spell and caught the bangle in her hoof. The jewelry felt similar too. She dropped the item and it fell on the ground with a *clink* “Reveal your secrets!” Sweetie Belle squeaked with excitement. The artifact remained inert. Nothing happened. “My turn, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo carefully slid her hoof into the bangle then snapped her foreleg up, causing it to slide upwards from the force. It was a snug fit. The rambunctious orange filly gazed at her accessorized hoof and frowned. “It doesn’t seem to do anything. Kind of a worthless trinket if you ask me.” “Ya look the same, too. Didn’ change ya appear’nce or nothin’.” Scootaloo rubbed her chin with wonder. She wanted to figure out what this artifact was. It didn’t seem very special, but the filly suspected there was more than met the eye. “Would you girls be okay if I held on to this for a bit? I’m curious what we’ve found.” Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had no objections. “Yeah! It was your idea to come here, so I think it’s fair that you get it first.” “Ah agree with Sweetie Belle. If ya find ou' what that doohickey is, fill us in”! Scootaloo nodded and then replied. “Of course I will! Thanks, crusaders! I’m getting pretty tired and think we three have done enough crusading for today. What do you say we head outta here?” “That’s a great idea, Scoots. Let’s go.” Sweetie Belle stated. “Yeh, it’s probly time fer mah aft’rnoon chores. Ah gotta head back ta the farm.” After the confusing and slightly terrorizing trek, The Cutie Mark Crusaders exited the forest, galloping at full speed. The three fillies rested by a clearing stationed between the Everfree Forest and Fluttershy’s Cottage. “We ran out so fast, none of us checked to see if we received our cutie marks. Apple Bloom? Sweetie Belle? Did you get one?” “Nope. Still a blank flank.” “Ah didn’ get one either.” Scootaloo glanced at her own coat, seeing the same lack of cutie mark yet again. “Guess we can cross off treasure hunting as our special talent.” All three fillies exhaled sadly. “Well, come on girls. We should say goodbye to Fluttershy before heading home. Probably a good idea not to mention to anypony what we were up to.” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared a look. The CMC ran towards the cottage, very happy to be out of the dinghy and dark forest, and back in the lively and colorful sunshine and safety. They had made their way back to the squirrel sanctuary when a loud anxious voice rang through their ears. “GIRLS!” All turned towards the voice and saw Fluttershy with a strained expression. The timidness was gone, replaced with a stern and serious demeanor. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? Woke up from my nap to find all of you gone? Not inside my home or around my animal habitats. I was in full panic mode wondering where you three went.” The trio bowed their heads sorrowfully and their ears flattened against their heads. They all felt awful for worrying Fluttershy, especially after her being so nice and kind, agreeing to their request. Sweetie Belle was the first to reply. “We’re sorry, Fluttershy! I know we shouldn’t have disappeared like that, but we were…” Scootaloo quickly chimed in. “We left for a bit because Apple Bloom was hungry.” “Hungry?” Fluttershy repeated. “Hungry?” Apple Bloom stammered. Scootaloo nudged Apple Bloom in the ribs and the farmpony spoke up. “Oh! Uh, yeah! Aft’r feedin’ your lovely n' sup’r cute critters, ah felt hungry too so ah took Sweetie Belle n' Scootaloo ta Sugarcube Corner fer a sweet treat. Ah usually spend mah allowance there n' since ah got it today, wanted ta get sum delicious cupcakes.” Fluttershy stared at the three friends and released a long exhale. “If you girls were hungry, you all could’ve helped yourselves to some salad I had in the pantry. I was so worried when I woke up and you all had disappeared.” “We’re sorry, Fluttershy.” All three said in unison. Their apology was genuine. Not just for sneaking away, but for lying to her. They felt guilty, but didn’t want to reveal their escapade. “Oh, what a relief. You all were fine, enjoying a nice snack. I forgive you girls, but please don’t sneak out like that again. I was about to get Twilight to help me search.” The soft-spoken voice and bashful demeanor were back for Fluttershy and the CMC collectively embraced her in a tight hug that the caretaker happily reciprocated. “Thanks again for letting us try our hooves as ‘animal-feeders’, Fluttershy. But we should go. Apple Bloom has chores to do, and Sweetie has some plans later too. Fluttershy softly nodded. “Alright, girls. Please be careful. Thanks so much for coming by and I hope to see you soon.” They broke the hug and parted. Fluttershy returned inside and the CMC went separate ways, saying their goodbyes.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Dash Of Obedience
Scootaloo finds an artifact in the Everfree Forest. This discovery changes two pony's lives forever.
<p>After an unsuccessful trek in the Everfree Forest in an attempt to earn her cutie mark, Scootaloo acquires a mysterious object that holds a unique ability. Experimenting with the item causes her and Rainbow Dash to bond in an unexpected way.</p><p>Story contains: <span class="spoiler">foalcon, humiliation, bondage, pet play, sexual training, degradation, bestiality, feather plucking, power play, reversed roles, magic draining, cutie mark theft, corrupter morals, altered personality, bad end, submission, foaldom, subdash, BDSM, sex, threesome, exhibitionism and public humiliation.</span></p>
Scootaloo galloped towards her scooter, having rested it against a tree in close proximity to Fluttershy’s Cottage. She quickly fastened her purple and white helmet and placed a hoof on both handlebars, flapping her wings with all her might and bringing the scooter to life.. Scootaloo rode at top speed, a big grin adorning her face and the wind whipping at her coat and tail. The adventurous filly rode out of the wooded area quickly and back into the safe confines of Ponyville. She smiled and waved to the passerbys and they returned the friendly gesture. The orange pegasus shifted her eyes to the bangle still on her hoof and wondered if it held some sort of a secret? Some unknown ability? If it were truly just a piece of jewelry, surely that mysterious stranger wouldn’t have been so hasty in his attempt to get rid of it. She remembered the promise Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shared with her. Not to tell anypony what activities they had been up to. And yet… Scootaloo really wanted answers of the object she was wearing. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo shouted. An idea formed in her mind. She’d ask Rainbow Dash for information, hopefully without revealing her adventures exploits obtaining it. Rainbow Dash was somepony Scootaloo trusted empirically. Thought in mind, she continued riding top speed, focusing on the task at hoof. She bunny-hopped over a medium-sized rock and kept scootering towards Rainbow Dash’s house, anxious to show off her new possession. The scooter moved due to her flapping momentum and the energetic filly rode on, whistling a whimsical tune to herself, passing plenty of ponyfolk. Rainbow Dash was in heat. She’d been experiencing it for nearly ten days and it was getting worse with each passing day. The speedster was extremely horny, feeling fertile and lustful. She couldn’t remember the last time her ovulation cycle gave her such uncontrollable urges. Rainbow was lying in bed, her hoof clopping away at her marehood. She slid her hoof alongside her labia and her tongue lolled out of her mouth in pleasure. Dear Celestia, it felt good. Dash fantasized about Soarin, her crush from The Wonderbolts. The weathermare daydreamed of a scenario where she and Soarin could indulge in many salacious acts together. “Buck, Soarin. I’m all yours. Please! Mount me and give me all the pleasure possible. I crave you and your thick girthy stallionhood.” The lustful pegasus uttered the sentence with a small amount of shame. She meant every word, but was surprised how easily it rolled off her tongue. If her friends knew the sultry thoughts that invaded her mind during heat, they’d be very alarmed. Rainbow Dash quickly shook her head. Why was she thinking about her friends at a time like this? Suppressing her idle curiosity of their hypothetical reaction, she resumed her fantasy of Soarin. He was a total hunk. Navy blue mane and an azure coat to match. Speedy. Dreamy. Packing. The pegasus groaned in frustration. Daydreaming could never replace the real thing. She grumbled and sat up, feeling thirsty. Her eyes drifted to the clock on the eastern wall. Rainbow did a double take. Two hours? She’d been clopping for that duration and couldn’t satiate her lust. Dash entered her kitchen and poured herself a glass of water, chugging it in ten seconds flat. Scootaloo looked upwards. There it was. The cloudominium. Rainbow Dash’s house was only a few moments away. She hoped Rainbow Dash was home, this was an unexpected visit after all. Scootaloo brushed the thought aside. Even if she wasn’t, she’d look all over Ponyville for her. It didn’t matter. The scooter shot forward rapidly, Scootaloo swerving around obstacles along the way. She saw Cheerilee in the marketplace, inspecting some carrots for sale. Scootaloo waved but her teacher didn’t see her. The filly looked up again, glad the home was closer. It was breathtaking. The floating dwelling consisted of rainbows and clouds; mostly cirrus, cirrostratus, and cumulonimbus, with a few other types too. A prismatic rainbow drooped from the dome-shaped roof down towards the edge of clouds that made up the lower formation. The sight was spectacular. She reached the floating house and brought her buzzing scooter to a stop. Scootaloo removed her helmet and looked up. It was high and her wings were too undeveloped to enable her to fly up there. Dropping her helmet in frustration, she pondered what to do next. Rainbow Dash had another cup of water. Then another. The mare tried to clear her head, feeling estrogen course through her body. She hated feeling so powerless, trapped in the confines of her body’s natural ovulation reception. That was it. She needed a distraction. “Time to fly.” She wondered what was happening in town and a trip would be a perfect diversion. Rainbow kicked off the floor, flapping her wings, and flew out her kitchen window. The speedster was about to soar towards Ponyville but something caught in her peripheral vision. She descended, noticing a familiar fan with an equally familiar face. “Hey! That you, Scoots”? Hearing her name, Scootaloo craned her neck upwards, smiling happily as Rainbow Dash flew downwards to meet her. “Rainbow Dash!” Rainbow giggled and replied. “The one and only! What’s my number one fan up to?” “Did some crusading. We were all unsuccessful, like always.” Rainbow gave the filly a gentle smile, understanding her frustration. “Don’t worry, Scoots. Everypony gets a cutie mark eventually. You’ll find your special talent someday.” Now it was Scootaloo’s turn to smile. She was grateful that Rainbow Dash was trying to cheer her up, and equally grateful how easily she had. “Check this out, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo said proudly, extending her jeweled hoof. Rainbow peered at it and blinked. “What’s this junk? Some anklet? You trying your hoof at getting a modeling cutie mark or something”? “Me, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle found it while crusading earlier. Sweetie Belle said it’s a bangle.” “A bangle?” “Yeah, Sweetie said it was some stylish accessory.” “Pssh. You know I don’t give a pegasus feather about fashion stuff like clothes and jewelry. That’s definitely more of Rarity’s specialty. Why don’t you go ask her?” “Yeah you’re right. I guess I was in such a rush to show you that I forgot you don’t have an interest in stuff like this.” Rainbow Dash craned her wings, anxious to start her flight. She wasn’t going to be rude and shoo Scootaloo away though. “Sorry, squirt. I’d love to help, but I’m a total featherbrain about those topics. Now if you wanted to try your hoof at extreme speed sports, I’m your pony!” Scootaloo sighed. “Hey, don’t worry about it, Rainbow Dash. I’ll see you tomorrow for our scheduled hangout, yeah?” “Of course! I’d never leave my little sis hanging!” Rainbow and Scootaloo shared a hoof bump and Rainbow Dash enveloped the filly in her wing, nuzzling lovingly. Scootaloo nuzzled back happily, glad to share such a nice embrace. In their cuddle, Scootaloo inadvertently touched Rainbow with her bangled hoof. There was an immediate response from the mare as amazing pleasure flowed through her body from ear to hoof. Every square inch of her being felt like it was melting. Whatever this feeling was, Rainbow Dash wanted more. It was a better sensation than any orgasm she ever had. “Whoa… Pipsqueak, do that again!” The young filly gave Rainbow Dash a confused stare, completely unsure what she meant. “Huh? Do what?” “Just a second ago. When I hugged you, did you give me one back?” “I may have grazed you with my hoof. I’m sorry. Should I not have done-” “No! I mean, yes. I mean, it’s alright. Can you do it again, but just pat my mane or something?” Well, that was an odd request. Scootaloo blinked and squinted with bewilderment. “I know it sounds strange. But please? Just do this small favor for me?” Scootaloo dragged her bangled hoof slowly alongside Rainbow’s mane, starting from the ruby red to the pigmented purple. While it happened, the weathermare shook with total enjoyment, kicking her hoof out uncontrollably. “Omgosh, Omgosh, Omgosh,” Rainbow Dash repeated blissfully. The cyan pegasus’s body flooded with pulsating pleasure. It traversed from her head, down her neck, alongside her body, and down to her hooves. Rainbow had no idea what was happening, but adored this sensation. It was unquestionably, undeniably, completely unforgettable. Her wings flared open, popping a wingboner. Her breath quickened. Her juices trickled uncontrollably down her legs. Scootaloo stopped, lowering her hoof to the ground, staring at Rainbow Dash with uncertainty. “Um. Are you alright, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow’s eyes shot open. “Squirt, please let me hold onto that thing. It could be the release I need.” Scootaloo gave Rainbow a puzzled look and Dash replied with a bashful grin, looking at the ground. “Forget that last part, but please let me see it.” Scootaloo could never say no to her hero. She wanted to prove herself to Rainbow Dash as a huge fan. Anything Rainbow Dash wanted, Scootaloo would provide. “Sure! I don’t mind. Just don’t lose it, okay? Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I found it and we plan to share it.” Scootaloo carefully removed the bangle from her hoof and dropped it in Rainbow Dash’s awaiting ones. “Ain’t no way I’m gonna lose this baby!” Rainbow Dash yelled happily, holding the item high in her hooves. Scootaloo smiled at her hero’s joy. It made her happy to do something to give Rainbow delight. “Come by tomorrow and you’ll get it back, squirt. Pinkie Promise!” Rainbow Dash did the motions of giving a Pinkie Promise and Scootaloo nodded in agreement. “I’ll be here right after school, Rainbow Dash!” The cyan mare and orange filly hugged goodbye, Rainbow Dash giving Scootaloo a playful noogie. They broke and Rainbow watched the filly hop on her Scooter and ride away. The speedster wasted no time, shooting upwards like a rocket. She flew back through her kitchen window and galloped back to her bedroom, throwing herself on her bed. “Aww yeah! Now we’re in business.” Rainbow was ecstatic. The full-bodied sensation she felt when Scootaloo rubbed her mane was unmatched. Even the time Rainbow and AJ scissored with dragon-shaped, hugely-barbed dildos didn’t give her such a mind-shattering reaction. She stared at the item, flipping it to inspect all angles. Then she saw it. The blood-red artifact embedded inside. Rainbow Dash stared intently, seeming transfixed by it, before shaking her head, remembering why she wanted to borrow the item. “You! Do that awesome thing again where you make me feel really good!” Rainbow carefully put the bangle on her own hoof, feeling momentarily uncool for the donned attire, before lowering a hoof to her marehood and rubbing furiously. It wasn’t the same. Her rubbing gave her pleasure, but nothing compared to what had just transpired. She quickly changed tactics. “Maybe I need to use the hoof it’s on?” Rainbow wondered. She did just that. This time, the bangled hoof met her marehood. Rainbow gasped, excited, and clopped with newfound concupiscence. It didn’t yield the result Rainbow had hoped. Whatever occurred when Scootaloo touched her did not happen when Rainbow tried. She was getting annoyed. “Come on, stupid thing! You did it earlier, so stop pretending you can’t!” Rainbow Dash tried her last idea. This time, she stuffed the artifact into her marehood, and attempted to masturbate. A third unsuccessful try. Rainbow Dash became livid. She yanked the item out of her pussy and reared her hoof back, seeing red. She was about to throw it at her limestone floor when she remembered her promise to Scootaloo. Growling to herself, she instead lightly tossed the object a foot away, having it land on her nightstand. “Buck this! I gotta distract myself somehow. I’m gonna just take a nap!” Rainbow Dash lay and grumbled in bed, pulling her Wonderbolts-themed blanket up, covering her torso and chin. She closed her eyes and remained still, hoping sleep would overtake her at any moment. While in that position, her mind raced. She thought of her friends, wanting to see them again soon. Next, her musings flashed to Scootaloo, wondering how the filly’s touch caused the lively reception in her body. How did Scootaloo’s touch cause what Rainbow’s own could not? Suddenly her eyes shot open. Scootaloo! The touch! Perhaps the object needed to be worn by one and transmitted touch to the other. It was the only rational idea Rainbow could muster. Rainbow Dash mentally devised a plan before relaxing her mind and body. Slumber soon followed.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Dash Of Obedience
Scootaloo finds an artifact in the Everfree Forest. This discovery changes two pony's lives forever.
<p>After an unsuccessful trek in the Everfree Forest in an attempt to earn her cutie mark, Scootaloo acquires a mysterious object that holds a unique ability. Experimenting with the item causes her and Rainbow Dash to bond in an unexpected way.</p><p>Story contains: <span class="spoiler">foalcon, humiliation, bondage, pet play, sexual training, degradation, bestiality, feather plucking, power play, reversed roles, magic draining, cutie mark theft, corrupter morals, altered personality, bad end, submission, foaldom, subdash, BDSM, sex, threesome, exhibitionism and public humiliation.</span></p>
The weekend was nearly here and all fillies and colts in Miss Cheerilee’s class were happily chatting with each other, discussing their plans. The CMC were sitting side-by-side-by-side and conversing. “Got any awesome stuff happening over the weekend, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked curiously. “Nah. Jus’ lots o’ chores. Applejack gives me extra fer weekends. Probly reckons ah won’t do much else. S’alright though! Ah love helpin’ mah big sis’ and bro with the farm. How boutcha, Sweetie Belle?” “Me and Rarity are going to Manehattan. She’s needing lots of supplies for orders and says Manehattan has the best designer deals. Cheap prices but great items. Lots of shopping and then boredom for me. Any fun for you this weekend, Scootaloo?” “I’ll be hanging with Rainbow Dash! Going there right after school and we’ll have lots of fun! Maybe a flying lesson or a cool adventure. Whatever we do will be super awesome!” “It’s really nice that Rainbow Dash is taking you under her wing. I’m happy for you, Scootaloo!” “Ah am too! Tell ‘er Applejack says howdy an’ wants ta see ‘er soon.” “I will!” Cheerilee sat at her teacher’s desk, staring at all her students. The sight of her class talking amicably made her extremely jubilant. She loved seeing bright smiles on her student’s faces. The dismissal bell rang and Cheerliee attempted to speak over it, while the fillies and colts raced to exit the classroom and begin their two-day break. “No homework, everypony! Have a fantastic weekend and I’ll see you all Monday morning!” Scootaloo ran out of the class with giddy ebullience. She couldn’t wait to see her idol again. The possibilities of what they’d do today were endless. The orange filly waved goodbye to her friends, galloped down the white-marbled stairs, and exited the facility. She was about to trot towards Rainbow’s Cloudominium when a voice calling her name garnered her attention. “Hey there, squirt! Thought I’d meetcha here instead.” Scootaloo looked around for the source of the sound and discovered Rainbow Dash standing on the statue atop their flagpole. Rainbow gave a cheerful wave to the young pegasus. “Hi, Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo yelled in surprise. Rainbow flapped her wings, lifting her off the statue. With the aid of the current wind direction, she effortlessly glided downwards to meet her number one fan. The cyan pegasus wrapped a hoof around Scootaloo and gave her a tight friendly noogie, which Scootaloo fought back mockingly in feigned embarrassment. “Heh. Quit the sappiness.” Rainbow laughed. That would’ve been her reaction at that age too. Scootaloo reminded Dash of how she used to act as a filly. The two had similar qualities and traits. “Sure, featherbrain.” Rainbow Dash released her hold and Scootaloo blew a discordant raspberry in response. “So, what fun will we get into today? Some awesome adventure or super cool activity?” The weathermare lowered her body and elongated her wings, allowing for Scootaloo to climb on top. “Get on. There’s something I want to ask you and do for me.” Scootaloo immediately climbed onto Rainbow’s back and latched onto her neck with her forehooves. She held on tightly, but not in a way to reduce Rainbow’s ability to breathe or move. “Definitely! Whatever you want, I’ll do my best, Rainbow Dash!” That was what Rainbow liked to hear. She kicked off the ground and flapped her wings, quickly ascending due to her momentum. The two of them were one-hunded feet in the air in seconds. She went higher. Two-hundred. Three-hundred. At five-hundred feet, she stopped her ascension and flew towards her home. Scootaloo marveled at it all. Rainbow Dash’s speed, agility, pure awesomeness. Rainbow Dash was everything that Scootaloo desired to be. To her, Rainbow Dash was easily the most amazing pony who ever lived. Everything Rainbow did astonished Scootaloo. The filly craned her head, staring at other pegasi they’d pass by. She recognized Derpy Hooves, who was hastily trying to sort mail. Thunderlane was gathering cloud puffs. The skies were truly awesome and Scootaloo couldn’t wait for her wings to fully develop so she could take to them and experience flight first-hoof. “Wow! This is super cool! Hey, Rainbow Dash, when you’re flying, do you ever view the scene of other ponies you pass and realize that they’re all living a life as vivid and complex as your own?” The question made Rainbow Dash halt her movement towards her home, slow down and land on a nearby cirrocumulus cloud. She turned her neck and peered at her passenger. Scootaloo gave a bashful chuckle. “What the hay? What kind of question is that?” “Just making conversation! Twilight’s been teaching everypony lots of new vocabulary. What I described is called ‘sonder’. Isn’t that cool?” Rainbow facehoofed. “Squirt. Twilight is an egghead. If you spend your time with books and words instead of speed and wings, you’ll never be like me someday.” Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment then readjusted her grip. “You’ve got a point, there.” “To answer the question, though, yeah, I know other ponies have lives and exist just like I do. But no, it’s not cool. Vocabulary is for eggheads, not cool ponies like us. Now c’mon!” With that, Rainbow kicked off again, this time, doubling her speed, anxious to get back to her home. Scootaloo felt the harsh whipping of wind against her coat and held on securely. Scootaloo observed the scene, this time silently, noticing other pegasi. A yellow-coated stallion with a light-red mane, a white-pasteled mare with a light-green mane. All bustling, absorbed in their own ventures. Soon after, the pair reached Rainbow Dash’s house, and Scootaloo gently dismounted. Seeing it up close was amazing. Everything was spectacular. The prismatic rainbow was breathtaking; the cloud foundation perfectly comfortable. Rainbow Dash walked inside and held the door open for Scootaloo, who quickly zoomed in. Dash closed the door behind her and flicked a magical lamp on. The light illuminated the room and Scootaloo looked around. Posters of The Wonderbolts adorned the cloud wall. A family portrait hung neatly against a tuft of cloud. Exercise equipment littered the floor. Dumbbells, barbells, headbands and hoofbands were strewn haphazardly. “My workout room.” Rainbow Dash supplied. I use it for strength training and self pep-talks. “Wow! Your house is so awesome, Rainbow Dash!” “Squirt, you’ve only seen one room. But yeah, this place is pretty sweet!” “I hope to someday live in a cool pad like this!” “Hey, you thirsty, Scoots? I returned from the marketplace a bit ago and I’m all stocked up.” Scootaloo nodded. She did feel parched. “What would you like? I got milk, orange juice, water, cider, and punch.” “Ooh! Ooh! Cider please. Especially if it’s Sweet Apple Acres cider.” “You’re in luck, squirt.” Rainbow Dash walked and Scootaloo followed. They arrived at her kitchen and Scootaloo wasted no time investigating every nook and cranny, looking around and absorbing the scene. The weathermare chuckled to herself, getting two mugs from her cupboard. She placed them on a cloud shelf. Rainbow poured two cupfuls of cider and offered one to Scootaloo. The filly took it gratefully and gulped down a big swig, licking her lips to lap at the remnants clinging to her mouth. “Good stuff, huh?” Rainbow asked. “My favorite! I love Sweet Apple Acres Cider!” Scootaloo chugged the rest down and Rainbow swallowed hers in two mouthfuls. The orange pegasus returned the mug to Rainbow Dash and she gently tossed them in her sink, making a mental note to wash them later. “So, why’d you bring me to your awesome house Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow Dash gulped. She had been waiting for this moment all day, but now that it was on the verge of happening, doubts crossed her mind. Could she really ask a filly her request? Scootaloo, her number-one fan? Rainbow knew it was wrong. And yet… “Squirt, remember yesterday? How you rubbed my mane and I became all loopy and stuff?” “Oh yeah. It was strange. What was up with that, anyway?” Rainbow took a deep breath. It was now or never. “Well. I have a theory but I can’t be sure. The bangle you were wearing. I think it caused my reaction. It might be a magical artifact that causes odd feelings in ponies when they get touched by somepony wearing it.” “You think?” She nodded. “Now that you mention it, when Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and I were checking it out, I was wearing it, but didn’t touch anypony. They both seemed just fine.” “See? It must be like I said.” “Why are you telling me this stuff anyways, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow looked at the ground. Then, shamefully, at Scootaloo. “Because I need your help, squirt. I want you to wear the bangle and experiment with me, to see if I’m right.” “Experiment?” Scootaloo repeated dubiously and Rainbow nodded again. “Look. I’m gonna tell you something, but you absolutely need to promise to not tell anypony, okay? This is some serious stuff and nopony else can know about it.” “Oh, sure! Whatever you say, Rainbow Dash. I’ll keep whatever you want as a secret. Nopony will know a thing.” Hearing that calmed Rainbow Dash down. “You’re a little younger than I was during my first time of pleasure. But I’ll explain. Come join me in my room.” Rainbow led the way and Scootaloo followed, her mind swimming with wondrous thoughts. They passed through a hallway and a living room before entering Rainbow Dash’s bedroom. Unlike the first two rooms, Scootaloo didn’t marvel and gaze around. She was nervous. “Come join me on my bed, squirt. I’ll tell you.” The two hopped up and Rainbow Dash continued. “I’ve been in heat for almost a week, Scoots. That means I’ve been having ‘urges’ and lots of bad feelings outside my control. It goes away, but comes back. I get in heat three times every year.” “Heat? Bad feelings? Are you sick or something, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow groaned. She knew it wouldn’t be so simple to explain. “No. Nothing like that, squirt. See, us fillies and mares have a different part on our bodies than colts or stallions do. And for us mares, that part of our body gets really sensitive and needy during heat. It makes us very horny. Think of horniness as your body wanting pleasure and good feelings. Understand?” Scootaloo rubbed her chin and nodded. “So this horny thing is what you’ve had for about a week? You want some good things to happen to give your body pleasure?” “Yes! Exactly!” Rainbow replied with vigor, quite glad Scootaloo was getting it. “Are you asking me to help you, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow hesitated. She could refuse that question right now, and was fairly certain Scootaloo wouldn’t mention this conversation to anypony. Her mind reflected the sensations she felt yesterday. She yearned for it again. “Yes. I need you to do this. Help me remove my horniness, Scootaloo.” Scootaloo saluted and cheerfully replied. “You can count on me, Rainbow Dash. Tell me what you need me to do.” Rainbow sat up, leaned towards her nightstand, and picked up the bangle she had left there yesterday. She extended her hoof towards the filly and nodded towards Scootaloo, instructing her to put it on. She complied. “Alright! Did you want me to rub your mane again? Rainbow Dash slid herself lower to Scootaloo’s position. Her wings were propped snugly against a pillow and her legs spread in earnest. She was ready for more sensations. Rainbow looked up at Scootaloo and gave her an encouraging smile. One of her hooves traveled to her nether region and she waited. Scootaloo smiled at the mare, raised her bangled hoof to Rainbow’s mane, and gingerly rubbed alongside its pattern. Immediately upon contact, Rainbow felt warmth trickle from her head down to her hooves again. The pleasure cascaded through her body, making her weak and wobbly. Dash smirked, pleased with evidence of her idea, and rubbed a hoof against her pussy. “Oh, dear Celestia, yes! Yes!” Scootaloo observed but said nothing. She wasn’t entirely certain what was happening, but if it’d help out her hero, she’d do anything! Rainbow Dash felt completely blissful. The ecstasy was so great, she was certainly on cloud nine. The cyan pegasus slid her hoof alongside her labia, increasing her breathing. Her eyes drooped and some drool dribbled from her mouth. She weakly wiped it with a forehoof. “S-Scootaloo?” squeaked Rainbow. “Yes, Rainbow Dash?” “C-can you call m-me some bad s-stuff?” This was humiliating for Rainbow Dash. Asking somepony, especially Scootaloo, to intentionally bully her. But Rainbow had a huge masochism fetish. A kink she had kept dormant for a long time. She needed more. The pleasure was wonderful, but she needed some humiliation if she was truly to derive sexual gratification. “Bad stuff?” “Mean nicknames. Insults! Super terrible things that would make me feel humiliated.” Scootaloo blinked in confusion. This was very unexpected. She opened her mouth to refuse, but didn’t want to disappoint Rainbow Dash. If this was what she wanted, that’s what she’d get. Instead, she shrugged. “Well, okay! Just know I don’t mean any of it!” Rainbow hastily nodded, urging Scootaloo to continue. “You’re such a loser! Laying there, squirming and rubbing on yourself while a school-aged filly causes you to gasp in pleasure.” Hearing this side of Scootaloo and that insulting remark, Rainbow did just that. She gasped and immediately lolled her tongue from her mouth at the remark. Dear Celestia, did she just love being bullied and insulted. “What’s wrong? Were you not ‘awesome’ enough to get rid of the horny yourself? Guess you’re not as great as you’d like to think, huh, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow Dash bit her lip and furiously rubbed her pussy. Juice dribbled from her marehood, trickling down her thigh. “Buck. Please. More. MORE!” Scootaloo almost didn’t say it, but the thought popped in her mind and she impulsively responded. “Beg me, whorse.” This reply caused Rainbow Dash to shoot up in absolute confusion, her hooves laying by her side. She stared at Scootaloo in awe, her mouth agape, wondering where she heard a word like that. It was definitely something a young filly shouldn’t say. “Whoa! Whoa! WHOA! Where did you learn that word, Scoots?” Scootaloo stopped, covering her mouth with her hooves, shocked at herself for repeating that word. “Sweetie Belle had overheard it eavesdropping on her sister one night. That’s what she told us, though we’re not sure what it means.” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. Rarity, huh? That kinky mare. She was about to explain the definition to Scootaloo, when the orange-filly glared at her. “What does it matter, anyway? I said Beg. Me. WHORSE.” Hearing the stern demand in Scootaloo’s tone, Rainbow crumbled and complied. Her hoof shot towards her marehood and happily clopped away, enjoying this new turn of events. “Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh!” Scootaloo stopped rubbing Rainbow’s mane and placed a hoof on Rainbow’s belly. “Do it right now or I will stop, and you’ll be stuck with your horny stuff all alone.” Rainbow offered no fight. She couldn’t allow that to happen. “Please! Please! I beg you for more. I’ll be a good whorse, I promise! Just please keep degrading me. I’ve never been wetter.” The young filly giggled at Rainbow’s reaction. She was enjoying herself. Not only helping her hero, but Scootaloo actually loved having Dash listen to her for once. This was a fun game for her. Scootaloo scoffed and put her bangled hoof on Rainbow’s muzzle, slowly sliding it downwards, her eyes sneering at the pegasus mare, shamelessly pleasuring herself. “Don’t you have any shame? Throwing your hooves at a filly and begging them to insult you? That’s the most pathetic thing I’ve heard. Are you sure your middle name is ‘danger’ and not ‘pathetic’? Rainbow Pathetic Dash has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” “GAH!” Rainbow Dash clopped harder than she ever had before. Her chest was rising and falling with each quickened breath she took from the salacious act. She stared at Scootaloo in amazement, realizing that she was a natural trash talker. “Or maybe, ‘loser’? Rainbow Loser Dash sounds so much better, huh? Tell me you’re a stupid loser, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo resumed petting Rainbow’s mane. “I’M A STUPID LOSER! JUST A TOTAL IDIOT FEATHERBRAIN AND THE BIGGEST LOSER IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA!” Scootaloo smirked, feeling powerful. She was enjoying this immensely. Having Rainbow Dash obey caused an unknown sensation from her body. The control she encountered caused her own loins to become wet. It was an unprecedented experience for the tomboyish filly and her breathing quickened from excitement. “Took the words right out of my mouth, dork. You look hilarious, enjoying being put in your true place.” Scootaloo had dreamt of this moment for a long time. She developed an attraction to Rainbow a while back and wanted the chance to properly show her romantic interest. She knew there was an age difference, but Scootaloo couldn’t resist her desirability. “My- my true place?” Rainbow breathlessly replied. Scootaloo squeed and continued her teasing. “Yup! Being bullied and demeaned by a silly-filly blank flank like me. Does it excite you? To know your number-one fan now views you as a pitiful and worthless pony? You’re not cool. You’re a stupid, weak, dumb pegasus, not fit to be anything but a loser. Rainbow happily rubbed away at her cunt while her tongue lolled again. Her hoof was getting sticky from the juice that trickled down her pussy. The speedster writhed in euphoria. She was a dirty kinky pony and loved it. “Do you r-really mean that S-Scoots?” Scootaloo hesitated. Rainbow sounded saddened with her question. She wasn’t sure if Rainbow was genuinely hurt or asked in a playful mocking way. Deciding quickly to believe the latter, she kept up her routine. “You serious, dummy? Of course I mean it! I can’t believe I picked somepony as low as you to be my hero. You’re nothing. Absolutely worthless. I may not have a cutie mark yet, but I know yours is wrong. You don’t deserve that mark on your flank. Yours should’ve been a trashcan because you’re actual garbage.” Hearing this, Rainbow Dash couldn’t contain it. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and her pussy squirted juices and she came with immense satisfaction. Juice oozed from her cunt and she twitched and convulsed her body while her orgasm flowed in euphoric bliss. Rainbow was panting, desperate to gain her breath back, while her wings arched in orgasmic delight, and her pussy pulsated from the stimulation. Scootaloo looked at Rainbow with genuine concern, worried that she was hurt. “What just happened?” “I… came, Scoots. It means my… body removed the horniness. For… now anyway. It’ll come back every day… for another three days.” Rainbow explained this, gasping for air. The orgasm she just experienced was the most mind-shattering one she ever had. Still, she regretted what just transpired. She was a kinky mare with many dirty fetishes, but being an exhibitionist, clopping with little shame in front of a filly? Getting off to the name-calling and verbal abuse? She felt dirty and needed a shower. “Another three days, huh? Well if that horny will return for three days, I will too. I’ll help you beat that horny feeling every day.” “You don’t… have to do… that, Squirt.’ “But I want to! This was super fun and I’ll make sure you don’t suffer from the horny stuff for another three days.” Rainbow gulped and nodded, wondering if she made a mistake mentioning her idea. Scootaloo had taken a dominant personality and behavior very quickly. Despite her reservations, Dash loved it and was excited at the thought of more. Dashie’s thoughts were interrupted as the energetic filly presented her bangled hoof to Rainbow’s muzzle. The weatherpony looked at it, puzzled. “Kiss my hoof and thank me for helping you out today and for my assistance in the future.” Dash blushed. The idea of doing that was humiliating. Yet, she couldn’t refuse. Scootaloo had given her what she hoped and showing gratitude was the least she could do. Rainbow took Scootaloo’s hoof gently in her own, lowering her head and giving it a gentle smooch. “Thank you, thank you, Scootaloo! I’m very appreciative you helped me today and gratefully accept all future assistance. You’re awesome!” Scoots giggled. “More awesome than you, that’s for sure!” Rainbow Dash squirmed at the teasing remark, but didn’t have the energy for another round. After being stuck in heat for so long with no release, her orgasm took a lot out of her. “I’m bushed and need a nap. When I wake up we can hang out some more.” “I’m liking this idea. I could use some Z’s too.” Scootaloo cuddled up to Rainbow, nuzzling under her chin as Rainbow wrapped a hoof around the orange filly. The two remained in that comfortable position, the only sound being their breathing. Eventually, the two snoozed softly in simultaneous slumber.
Cutie Mark Crusaders,Main 6,Rainbow Dash,Scootaloo,Porn,Romance,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
A Dash Of Obedience
Scootaloo finds an artifact in the Everfree Forest. This discovery changes two pony's lives forever.
<p>After an unsuccessful trek in the Everfree Forest in an attempt to earn her cutie mark, Scootaloo acquires a mysterious object that holds a unique ability. Experimenting with the item causes her and Rainbow Dash to bond in an unexpected way.</p><p>Story contains: <span class="spoiler">foalcon, humiliation, bondage, pet play, sexual training, degradation, bestiality, feather plucking, power play, reversed roles, magic draining, cutie mark theft, corrupter morals, altered personality, bad end, submission, foaldom, subdash, BDSM, sex, threesome, exhibitionism and public humiliation.</span></p>
Rainbow Dash woke up with a slight jolt. The speedster had dreamt she didn’t have her wings and was plummeting hundreds of feet through clouds and air. Right before it seemed she’d crash, her body snapped awake. She frowned. This was an odd nightmare that concerned her. She put a hoof to her eye and rubbed it, yawning quietly. The weathermare blinked a few times, trying to get her bearings and looked around her bedroom. Spotting Scootaloo snoozing next to her, the earlier escapades between them returned to her mind. Rainbow Dash sat up and took the glass of water she kept on her nightstand. Drinking it slowly, Rainbow glanced towards the sleeping filly and pondered on the bangle that adorned her orange hoof. Just what was the special secret it contained? Suddenly, Scootaloo stirred. Then she opened one eye and the other followed instantaneously. The young filly raised her head and gazed at Rainbow Dash with a cheerful smile and a friendly wave. “Hiya, Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash put the glass back on her nightstand and stretched; throwing her hooves upwards and she yawned again, this time more audibly. Giving a happy smile and a hoofwave in return, Rainbow greeted her number one fan. “Hey there, squirt! Sleep well?” “You bet! This bed is super comfy and cuddling with you had me dozing like a foal. How’d you sleep?” Rainbow yawned a third time. This was unusual. She took frequent naps and her body should be accustomed to them. Yet she was feeling exhausted, as if she hadn’t gotten any rest. The speedster shook her head vigorously and rapped a hoof to her forehead three times, attempting to fully wake up. “Huh? What’d you ask, Scoots?” “I asked how you slept!” Scootaloo repeated, her words louder this time. “Not so hot actually. I had an odd dream and I can’t stop yawning. Kinda feels like my body didn’t rest properly.” “An odd dream?” “Yeah. I was falling hundreds of feet without my wings and no way to avoid impact. Woke up before I crashed. Very weird.” Scootaloo frowned then replied. “You said your body didn’t rest properly? Want my help, Rainbow Dash?” Rainbow looked at Scootaloo, then glanced at the bangle, before returning her gaze to the exuberant filly. “Tell you what. If you remove your bangle, I’ll let you give me a hoofrub. A nice deep tissue massage might perk me up.” She yawned once more and blinked rapidly to concentrate on staying awake. “Without the bangle? Are you certain? You definitely enjoyed it earlier.” Scootaloo shot Rainbow a cocky grin, and, in an attempt to avert the filly’s ogling, Dash looked at her collection of Wonderbolt posters, bedecking the entire wall. “More than you know, Scoots. But I’m currently too tired to go again. Kinda hurts my muscles to move too and my wings seem sore.” Scootaloo frowned at Rainbow, giving her a glance of worry. She hoped their fun hadn’t hurt her in any way. “I’m not a massage specialist or anything, but I’d be happy to help, Rainbow Dash! As your number one fan, I want to be as useful as possible.” The orange filly removed the bangle from her hoof, dropping it on the floor. It clanged twice from the force and then became inert. Rainbow flopped on the bed, laying on her belly. With concentration and a bit of effort, she stretched her wings outwards, then nestled into the comforter. “Expected no less from my number one fanatic. I may have strained my wings flying here with you earlier. But I’m the toughest pony around and will be alright in a jiffy. The young little pony sat behind Rainbow Dash, looking at her idol with concern. She’d do whatever she could to make her hero happy. Scoots asked Rainbow if she was ready, and, when confirmed, began to massage the speedster. Rainbow’s left wing was being gently caressed between Scootaloo’s forehooves. Rainbow sighed in content while getting massaged. Her wing received soft pressure as the filly hoof pressed on it from both top and bottom angles, and then Scootaloo receded her hooves, pulling towards her chest; the action flattening and stretching Dash’s wing. “Scoots, this feels fantastic. It’s awesome to get pampered like this. Guess Rarity isn’t just blowing hot air when she speaks about her spa days.” The response caused the filly to chuckle. Dash closed her eyes and Scootaloo repeated the hoof movements. She pressed on Rainbow’s left wing, then slid her hooves back, giving the wing a small tug. The smaller pegasus repeated this sequence twenty times, then performed the same routine on Rainbow’s right wing. Dash involuntarily kicked a hoof in the air from the enjoyed pleasure and squeaked from the sensations. The young pony chortled while observing Dash squeak happily from the massage. It made Scootaloo redouble her efforts. The filly repeated the pattern with both wings once more and then Rainbow spoke. “Scoots! You’re not bad! This is really impressive.” Scootaloo now focused her attention to massaging Rainbow’s back. Her hooves gently punched and bapped Rainbow’s back, loosening some tension. Rainbow kicked a hoof absentmindedly again. This was heavenly. “You might end up getting a masseuse cutie mark. Not kidding, squirt, unless you and the crusaders tried that already?” Scootaloo squealed. “Nope, but that does sound pretty sweet!” Dash laughed at the filly’s energetic reaction. “Well, take it from me Scoots, you do have some talent with massaging. Might even give Aloe and Lotus a run for their bits!” Scootaloo was quickly bapping Rainbow’s back, stopping every now and then to press and knead on the weathermare’s body. Despite this not being as exciting as their play earlier, Scootaloo was enjoying this bonding time with her idol. Rainbow Dash was fully relaxed and comfortable. She buried her muzzle in her pillow and released fervent squeals of pleasure. Scootaloo blushed hearing Rainbow squeal. It made her heart flutter. In her eyes, Rainbow Dash was more than just her hero and idol. Rainbow Dash was the pony of Scootaloo’s desire. Scootaloo wanted to always be around her, spending every possible second together. She was fixated on the idea, obsessing over the cyan pegasus. The little pony turned her attention to Rainbow Dash’s neck; reaching forward, massaging the area lovingly with her hooves. It caused Rainbow Dash to close her eyes again and give a happy whinny. Dash sighed in joyous bliss while Scoots gleefully massaged the mare’s neck. After another fifteen minutes, Scootaloo had enough. She told Dash that her hooves hurt and wanted a rest. Rainbow nodded in understanding and flapped her wings, feeling great. The massage her number one fan gave really helped. Her lethargicness had disappeared and Rainbow felt awake and full of energy. Dash cracked her neck, feeling a newfound vigor course through her body. Her muscles felt fantastic and she was cognizant and completely alert. She quickly flew around the room thrice while Scootaloo watched, giggling at her behavior. Rainbow grinned at the filly, flying towards her and grabbing her off the bed, holding her tightly in her forehooves. Rainbow nuzzled the orange pegasus and Scootaloo lovingly reciprocated. Dash soared around her room two more times, before returning the pair back on the bed. Scootaloo flopped on her belly, rotating her hooves in a circular motion to loosen up her ligaments. Rainbow noticed this and draped a wing around her number one fan. Scootaloo happily nestled underneath it, scooting closer to Rainbow Dash. “I really thank you, Scootaloo. I feel great. And hey, I’m not jesting. You might get your cutie mark in massage therapy one day. That was great!” Scootaloo felt her cheeks burn from the compliment and a visible red tinge showed on her face. She tried to play it cool. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash. It was no big deal.” Rainbow heard the voice crack in Scootaloo’s reply and gave her a bemused grin, knowing how much Scootaloo appreciated the praise. After they broke the embrace, the filly turned her attention to the bangle she had discarded on the floor before initiating the massage. She hopped off the bed, sliding the bangle on a backhoof, then jumped back onto the bed. Dash gave Scootaloo a nervous chuckle. “Heh. You really like that thing, don’tcha?” Scoots nodded. It felt right when she wore it, although she wasn’t sure why. It fit perfectly and snugly on her hoof. The filly turned back to Rainbow Dash. “So...” Rainbow’s ears lowered, understanding where this was heading. “I remember having your limitless energy as a filly. I mean, I still do, but you’re pretty jaunty, squit.” “Jaunty?” Rainbow grinned cheekily and rubbed the back of her mane in embarrassment. “Means to showcase lively cheerfulness and self-confidence. You’re not the only pony who had to listen to Twilight’s egghead vocabulary lectures.” Scootaloo teased Dash by sticking her tongue out. The expression caused Dash to reciprocate, which Scootaloo giggled at. “Are you up for more fun? Is your ‘horny’ thingy affecting you right now?” Rainbow blinked with uncertainty. She hadn’t felt any signs of arousal since she woke up. To find out, she reached a hoof to her loins. Sticky. She sighed. “Actually, yeah. A big amount too, I’d say.” Scootaloo grinned at Rainbow and replied with excitement and ebullience behind each word. “So let’s play again! I told you I’d want to help with your horniness. Worked great last time and you admitted I caused you to cum.” Rainbow shuddered. Hearing Scootaloo talk like that, with such aplomb was worrisome. She weighed her options. Scootaloo was willing and brought up a good point. The orgasm Rainbow had earlier was the highest euphoric delight she could recollect. Additionally, that artifact definitely did something to her. Ultimately, Rainbow nodded her head in agreement. “I’m game, squirt! I’d love another round.” Scootaloo replied with a happy squee and beamed widely. “Cool! Glad to hear that, because I had an awesome idea on how to make this one better!” Rainbow stared at the filly with curiosity, her body tensing with excitement. She felt the brazen confidence emit from the younger pony. Scootaloo grinned at Rainbow, and the weathermare shivered. “Lay down, Rainbow.” Her body complied immediately, sitting on her haunches, then loafing on her bed, tucking her wings to her side. Rainbow gave the orange tomboy pegasus a look of amazement. Dash hadn’t thought, her body following the order immediately. “Scootaloo, what-” Scootaloo put a hoof up, silencing the speedy flier. “Tsk tsk, Rainbow. You didn’t use my correct title. My name may be Scootaloo, but to you I am Mistress Scootaloo. Do you understand?” Rainbow’s face flushed and her breath quickened. Dash’s chest raised from the inhalation. This filly was a natural at the dirty kinky talk. She was pushing the submissive button perfectly. Dash, being the perverse masochist, hastily replied in earnest. “I understand. Forgive me, Mistress Scootaloo.” Scootaloo snorted and raised an eyebrow at Rainbow’s behavior. “I suppose that I can look past your screw up. But first, kiss my hoof and beg for it.” The young and dominant filly pressed her hoof deep on Dash’s muzzle, glowering at her. Rainbow swallowed, noticing her expression. She didn’t waste a second. Grabbing it in two of her hooves, Rainbow kissed the capsule, repeatedly smooching it with obedience and love. It made Scootaloo laugh. “Dear Celestia, you’re a really messed up pony, Rainbow Dash. I don’t know anypony who could enjoy this sort of thing. Such a weirdo.” Rainbow Dash felt her juices trickle down her thigh. “I beg you, Mistress Scootaloo. Forgive me for not using your proper honorific, and only your name, as if I was on your level. You are far superior and above me in every way.” After that sentence, Rainbow dropped Scootaloo’s hoof, and placed two of her own over her muzzle, clamping down. She stared at the filly, mystified. Rainbow Dash, despite enjoying humiliation and degradation as fetishes, would have hesitated at the notion of stating another pony was better than her. But it was effortlessly said, as if Rainbow admitted something obvious such as unicorns having the ability to cast magic. Scootaloo’s eyes narrowed. Chuckling, she nodded her head. “Good girl, Rainbow Dash. I forgive your slip-up. Just be sure it doesn’t happen again.” What’s going on? I haven’t been touched by her bangled hoof yet, but I immediately obey every order she says. It’s concerning, but so hot too. Rainbow shook her head, clearing her thoughts. Scootaloo put the bangle on one of her forehooves and grinned with cocky smugness. “Now then. This time I want you to lick my hoof. The one with the bangle on it. Lick my hoof and clean it. I don’t care how much grime and dirt you need to gulp down. I better see it spotless when you’re done.” Rainbow recoiled at the thought. Perverted as she was, swallowing dirt was not something she wanted to try on her kinklist. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow and glared at her. The look made Rainbow Dash nervous. In an attempt to placate her pint-sized mistress, Dash quickly nodded. “I understand, Mistress Scootaloo. Thank you for letting me do this.” Scootaloo chortled and moved closer to the speedster. A coy grin plastered on her muzzle, Scootaloo raised her hoof again. Before Rainbow could perform her duty, the orange filly used her bangled hoof to gently stroke Rainbow Dash’s mane. This caused the familiar sensation to return for Rainbow. Warm pleasure cascaded through her body and Rainbow jerked backwards, sending her body sprawling, lying wings down on her bed. She glanced towards Scootaloo and the younger pony smiled warmly. “This is how it’s going to work going forward. I say and you do. I demand and you oblige. If I stomp my hoof impatiently, you rush over in ten seconds flat and ask what you can do for me. Understand the law of Mistress Scootaloo?” Dash meekly nodded from her laying position and Scootaloo cleared her throat. Rainbow understood her mistake and squeaked an apology. “I understand, Mistress Scootaloo! I’ll do whatever you ask.” The filly smiled again, pleased at the agreement. “In return, I’ll make sure you receive plenty of attention and ensure your horniness will always be dealt with. Small price to pay for being obedient to me, don’t you think?” “Yes, Mistress Scootaloo! Absolutely!” Scootaloo giggled at Rainbow’s reply and told her to sit back up. Rainbow’s body swiftly fulfilled the order. “Now then. Lick my hoof.” Dash didn’t waste a second. She took Scootaloo’s hoof between two of her own, lowering her head and stuck her tongue out of her muzzle. Rainbow’s tongue gingerly made contact with Scootaloo’s capsule, and the weathermare kept contact, and slid her tongue from front to back of the filly’s hoof. This caused Scootaloo to squeal with joy. “See, Dash? It’s not hard to obey. But tell me something. How does it taste?” Rainbow winced and gave her honest opinion. “Like mud and dirt and Celestia knows what else. It’s not pleasant.” Scootaloo shrugged. “All the more reason to make sure every speck is gone. So use that tongue properly and worship my hoof, Dash.” Rainbow’s wings stiffened, rising up from the humiliation she was experiencing. Her cyan wings formed a wingboner and the Wonderbolt cadet blushed profusely. Scootaloo noticed and gave Rainbow a smirk. “Such a naughty little whorse, Dash.” The comment caused Rainbow to take a deep breath, and her loins trickled more juice. Scootaloo knew how to push her buttons absolutely perfectly. Dash resumed her duty, lapping at Scootaloo’s hooves and watched her Mistress sigh with soft pleasure. “You know, for all the talk you did earlier about my massage, I think your tongue bath is superior. Such a good job cleaning my hooves, Rainbow. I’d say you were born for this.” Rainbow felt her pussy pulsate and warmth dribbled alongside her thigh. She peeked at Scootaloo and saw the filly wink at her. After another ten minutes of Rainbow licking Scootaloo’s hoof, the young pegasus commanded her to stop, and Rainbow let go. While the filly inspected, Rainbow’s hoof reached up her muzzle and was sliding down her tongue, trying to clear the debris that latched itself to it. “Blegh! If we do this again, could your hooves be clean before I lick them?” Scootaloo frowned, noticing a spot of dirt embedded in the bottom of her hoof. This made her growl and she shot a look of disdain towards Rainbow Dash. “Hey! Did you not understand my instructions properly, Rainbow Crash?” Dash stared at her Mistress with confusion, opening her muzzle to respond. “No? You told me to worship your hoof and lick it clean.” “Right. Exactly. So what the buck is this clump of dirt doing on my hoof, dummy? Clearly you didn’t try hard enough.” Before Rainbow could reply, Scootaloo jumped behind Dash, roughly pushing her over on her belly. “Whoa! Hey, what’s the big idea?” Scootaloo didn’t reply, but lowered her head into Dash’s wing, and gripped a feather tightly with her teeth, yanking it out. “Ow! Hey! I preened myself yesterday before I saw you. I don’t need another preening for a while.” Scootaloo spit the feather out and glared at Rainbow. “I’m not preening you, idiot. I’m punishing you for not following my command. You left a few dirt spots, so I’m taking a few feathers as a fair trade.” Dash didn’t argue. Scootaloo looked furious and Rainbow was intimidated. She relented. “Alright, alright. I’m sorry. Your trade is definitely fair. But please be gentle. The last one you took wasn’t a loose feather.” Scootaloo shot Rainbow a concerned look, but it was quickly replaced by a grimaced scowl. “We’ll see. I’m picking four more at random. You might get lucky.” With that, Scootaloo clamped down on another feather, pulling it out. This one was loose, clumped between a bunch of plumage. Rainbow offered no resistance. Another feather was pulled. Another loose one. However, the fourth one wasn’t and when Scootaloo yanked it with her teeth, Dash grunted in discomfort. The final one was loose. After she finished, Scootaloo loafed in front of Rainbow. “Now then. I want you to promise you’ll be a better behaved mare in the future, Dashie. It offered me no pleasure to do that to you, but bad pets need to be punished.” PET? DASHIE? This filly is playing a dangerous game here… Rainbow swallowed as her thoughts echoed in her head. “I’m sorry, Mistress Scootaloo. I promise all your future commands will be followed to the last letter and I will make you happy by obeying them to the best of my abilities.” That response earned another mane pet from Scootaloo’s bangled hoof. Rainbow’s tongue lolled from the sensation, feeling her body cascade with euphoric joy. “You’re forgiven. So, I’ll fulfill my promise to remove your horniness. Ready?” Dash affirmed it and Scootaloo quickly spanked Rainbow harshly on the flank. This made Rainbow gasp from surprise and she squeaked a tiny protest. “Hey! My flank is totally off limits.” Scootaloo defied Rainbow’s little tirade and spanked her again to prove her wrong. “Not to me. Your entire body is mine to play with and control. If I want to spank you, I’ll do it. And you’ll enjoy every second. Besides, I see your wings are still stiffened. You’re totally relishing this.” Rainbow bit her muzzle and twitched. “Admit it to your Mistress, Pet. Tell her to spank your flank even harder.” Dash was redoubling her effort to bite her muzzle, attempting to prevent a moan or squeal from the current situation. Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to, and a salacious moan escaped Rainbow’s mouth. It made Scootaloo release a low chuckle. “Yes! Yes! Please spank me, Mistress Scootaloo. I’ve been a naughty mare and need to be punished.” “Such a smart little Pet, you are, Dashie.” Being called ‘Pet’ was filling Dash’s head with swooning thoughts. She had done many kinky things on her own and with other mares. But nopony had ever deponified her like this, comparing her to a simple pet before. “Bite your pillow, Rainbow. This one may hurt a lot.” Dash obeyed her filly Mistress and clamped her muzzle on her cloud pillow. The orange filly swatted Rainbow’s flank with all her might. The speedster moaned into her pillow and convulsed from being treated like this. Rainbow was surprising herself with her new discoveries. Degradation and teasing was one thing, but actual physical pain was another. And all stemming from a filly, too? Her number one fan treating her dismissively like this? “Seems you really like being spanked, my Pet. You’re all mine. Completely at my mercy, for me to do what I wish.” Scootaloo swapped the bangle, putting it on another of her forehooves, and raised that hoof to swat Rainbow’s plot. Before it made contact, she asked Rainbow a question. “Whenever I touch your mane with my bangled hoof, you get super excited and love it. I wonder what’ll happen if I spank you with it instead. Care to make a guess, Dashie?” Rainbow nestled her face and muzzle into her pillow, shaking her head, eliciting a small squeak of excitement. “How about we find out then? Spread your appendages and prepare.” The mare complied and blushed, giving Scootaloo a full view of her marehood. Her cunt was trembling with unwavering lascivious lust. Her mind was racing with sultry desires. Scootaloo noticed Rainbow’s twinkling sex and grinned. There was no doubt about it. “You really are a revolting whorse, Rainbow.” Scootaloo watched as her insult caused a few droplets of Rainbow’s juices to leak. The filly raised her bangled hoof and smacked Rainbow’s plot with full force. At the moment of impact, Rainbow released a mixed screamoan of pain and pleasure. Her sex glistened as more drops leaked from her labia. “I own you, Rainbow. Now get your face out of that pillow and repeat what I just said.” Her body shaking, Rainbow rose her head from her cloud pillow and recited. “You own me, Scoo- Mistress Scootaloo.” Scootaloo shot Rainbow a bemused eye expression coupled with a smug grin. “Property of a little schoolyard filly who doesn’t even have her cutie mark. My, how the mighty have fallen.” Rainbow Dash lowered a hoof to clop at her sex, but Scootaloo hastily spanked her plot to prevent that. “Excuse you? Did I give you permission to rub yourself, Pet? I just stated I own you and you confirmed it. So why the hay do you believe you’ve got free will to do what you desire?” Rainbow squealed in surprised shame, realizing Scootaloo did have a point. She hung her head in disappointment. “Sorry, Mistress! Forgive me. It’s just your words and behavior make my horniness flare up and I’d really appreciate your permission and allow me to rub myself to make it disappear.” Scootaloo chuckled at the obedience and smiled at Dash. “Well, when you put it that way, it’s very cute that you can’t control yourself around me. If my words are that powerful, then I will allow you to rub yourself, Pet.” Rainbow gasped in excitement, preparing to do so, when Scootaloo’s words stopped her. “But! You’ll hoof yourself to my actions this time, not words. I want to do certain things to you and I expect to see you rubbing away. Understand?” Dash squealed an acceptance of terms for her Mistress which caused Scootaloo to give Rainbow a friendly nod. “Start removing your horny, Rainbow, and I’ll do my part well too.” With that, Scootaloo smacked Rainbow Dash again, aiming for the same spot of her flank that she had hit twice. Dash moaned and happily clopped, rubbing her wet sticky cunt with an eager hoof. Scootaloo repeated it, harder this time, and Rainbow gasped from pleasure. Her flank hurt, but her pussy was stimulated. Sounded like an even trade. Scootaloo lowered her head and gently took one of Rainbow’s feathers between her teeth. Dash put her muzzle into her pillow in expectation of what would next happen. The young pony harshly yanked the stiff feather and plucked it. It wasn’t loose and Rainbow did grimace a bit in discomfort but continued to rub away at her marehood. Dash raised her head again, glancing back towards her Mistress. Scootaloo gave Rainbow a sultry smug grin. “You know, this is quite enjoyable for me. I have my idol completely at my mercy. I can do anything I want to you and you’ll just lay there and rub yourself to it. I’m happy you’re such an obedient Pet for me, Dashie.” Rainbow squirmed and quickened her invigorating masturbation, looking at her Mistress with a horny stupor. Scootaloo grinned at the horny pegasus, sticking her tongue out and taunted her again. “Absolutely anything. I can insult you, hit you, possibly even spit on you, and you’ll just lay there and focus on removing your horniness. Such a one-track mind for a one-trick pony.” The weathermare spread her inner labia with an energetic hoof and rubbed in ecstasy at her clitoris. Her hoof slid up and down in rapid motion, eagerly stimulating her marehood. Rainbow blushed deeply, feeling like a dirty kinky pony, shamelessly masturbating in front of a filly. But Scootaloo’s words hit close. The sensations that came from the artifact were fantastic and Rainbow would continue Scootaloo’s little game if it meant more pleasure would follow. Scootaloo lowered her head, this time not focusing on Rainbow Dash’s feathers, but instead chomped down on a large strand of her mane. Dash slowly raised her eyes to meet the filly’s face and Scootaloo gave her a command through a muzzlefull of Rainbow’s prismatic multicolored coiffure. “Rub to what I’m about to do to you, Rainbow Dash. I wanna get a nice front view of your depravity.” With that, Scootaloo gritted her teeth and yanked with all her might on Rainbow’s mane, the force causing RD’s neck and head to lurch upwards. “Yeowch!’ It did hurt, certainly. But Rainbow obeyed her pint-sized Mistress and continued her self stimulation. Her cunt was freely leaking her mare juice and Rainbow Dash lolled her tongue from her muzzle. She was effortlessly turned into a crumpled horny mess during these special playtimes between the pair. Rainbow stared with lustful desire into Scootaloo’s eyes, the filly still holding her mane in her teeth. They locked eyes and Rainbow clopped even harder. Pleased with how much enjoyment she experienced by treating her hero this way, Scootaloo repeated the action, watching with mirth, chuckling, while Rainbow frigged, her wings still locked in a wingboner. The filly yanked Rainbow’s once more, then gently released her teeth from Dash’s mane. Rainbow lay there in a mix of pleasure and pain, clopping away with a big grin on her face. The vivacious young pony walked on Rainbow’s bed and loafed in front of her. Scootaloo and Dash locked eyes again and Rainbow blushed at the attention and glanced towards her nether regions. “Look at me, Dash.” Rainbow turned her head, obeying the filly’s request. They kept eye contact for half a minute, all the while Rainbow hoofed her pussy. “Mistress Scootaloo?” Scootaloo gently rubbed Rainbow’s mane with an unbangled hoof and replied to her idol. “Yes?” “Could I possibly… potentially….” “Spit it out, Pet.” “I want to kiss you.” Scootaloo’s heart caught in her throat. Did Rainbow actually just admit that? The filly squeed with absolute excitement and her eyes sparkled with surprise, beaming from ear to ear. She had hoped Rainbow would show a romantic interest one day. Now that it was happening, Scootaloo was radiating with felicity, a shimmering twinkle in her eyes. Rainbow didn’t wait for a response. She used a dry hoof and placed it on the side of Scootaloo’s orange muzzle, Rainbow’s half-lidden eyes staring deeply into the filly’s own. The speedster slowly leaned forward, her heart racing, and placed a gentle soft smooch directly on Scootaloo’s parting lips. Rainbow held the kiss for ten seconds flat before tenderly retracting her muzzle. Her breath was accelerating, inhaling greedily for air after their muzzles parted. Scootaloo squeaked in astonishment. “Rainbow Dash?!” “I couldn’t stand by for a reply. I wanted to do that. You deserved it for all the awesome fun you’re giving me, Mistress.” The school-aged filly burned a crimson tint and stared with wonder and amazement at Rainbow Dash, not answering. Her heart was full of elation at the sudden display of affection. “Are you alright, Mistress Scootaloo?” Not using a verbal response, Scootaloo initiated the warm endearment this time, closing her eyes and, while grinning in jubilation, grazed Rainbow’s lips with her own. She smooched repeatedly with full passion. Rainbow met her halfway and canoodled the tomboy filly, both of them embracing with amorous urgency. After two minutes of lip-locking, the two lovers parted, staring at each other, with scarlet colors adorning their faces. Scootaloo extended her tongue gently out of her muzzle and glanced at Rainbow with lust and desire. “That was. So. Wonderful. Rainbow Dash. We just kissed!” Rainbow affirmed with a large grin and Scootaloo giggled in bliss. “Have I ever said you have beautiful eyes?” Scootaloo cooed. Dash nuzzled the filly, bringing her snoot in to rub affectionately to the filly’s own and flattened her mane in slight embarrassment. “You’re 20% cuter when you’re bashful.” Rainbow replied, earning another blush from her number one fan. Scootaloo cleared her throat, coughing into her hoof, trying to brush off the compliment. “That’s cool I guess.” Rainbow giggled at her reaction and Scootaloo gave the mare a friendly smile. It lasted only a brief moment before Scootaloo gently poked Dash on the chest. “Aren’t you forgetting to do something, Dashie?” The speedy pegasus gulped, remembering she was in the midst of a most magical masturbation moment. Her hoof traveled to her pussy, feeling how wet she had gotten from all the frivolous frolicky fun. She was definitely close to an orgasm. “I’m nearing cumming again. Remember last time, when I was thrashing around, panting heavily, gasping and my wings arched upwards?” Scootaloo recalled and concurred with Dash. “Oh, so you’re wanting to cum again, yeah?” Rainbow Dash nodded. Scoots flipped her head, making her mane twirl and she grinned at the horny pegasus. “You know what I expect you to do, right?” “Ask permission to cum”? “Close, Pet! Almost. Beseech and implore me to allow you for it. Not just asking for permission. I want to hear the pleading tone in every word.” Rainbow squirmed. Scootaloo was being so unfair! But she relented. If it earned her another amazing orgasm, she’d gladly comply. “Please, Mistress Scootaloo. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’d be extremely grateful if you granted me the ability to cum. My pussy is leaking so much juice and I know an orgasm is imminent. I beg you to let me squirt, Mistress!” Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, giving Rainbow an inquisitive glance. “That all?” Rainbow gulped. She swallowed her pride and bellowed more words, determined to earn her orgasm. “I really REALLY beg you, Mistress Scootaloo. You make me so stimulated and excited that my body can’t resist cumming. It feels so good to lose to you. I am your good little pet, your Dashie, and you’re my superior Mistress who deserves my devotion and attention. Please permit me to squirt, Mistress!” Rainbow puts her two forehooves together in a pleading expression, protruding her lower lip slightly and pouted, giving Scootaloo her best puppy-dog face. Scootaloo couldn’t keep up the act. Of course she’d have allowed Rainbow to orgasm anyway, but seeing the cyan pegasus beg for it gave the pint-sized dominant filly immense pleasure. She feigned an annoyed sigh, rolling her eyes and acquiesced. “I suppose you’ve been a good girl today, Dashie. I’ll allow it on one condition.” “What is it, Mistress? I’ll do anything for the ability to cum. Just name it.” “Confident and cocky, eh, Rainbow? That’s your nature. I dig it. Well, if you really want to cum, all that I require is being the one to rub you down there until you do. Rainbow whinnied, not expecting a response like that. “So, if I want an orgasm you’ll need to be the one to rub me? That’s the rule?” “Yep! Simple, ain’t it?” Rainbow swallowed hard. Agreeing to this would escalate their relationship and kinkplay. Any doubt in her mind was short lived and the prismatic pegasus replied, asking earnestly. “Please rub my pussy and help me cum, Mistress Scootaloo.” Scootaloo grinned wickedly, using her hoof to press against Rainbow’s pussy, sliding her capsule in a circular motion along Rainbow Dash’s clitoris. The speedy pegasus was on cloud nine, spreading her legs, her chest rising and declining rapidly from the stimulation and quick breaths. She shivered as she felt her body convulse. Glancing towards her Mistress rewarded her with a wink. Scootaloo leaned in, gently grazing Rainbow’s lips with her own again, giving her idol a warm loving smile that caused Rainbow’s heart to flutter. “Be a good girl and cum for your Mistress, Dashie. Get rid of your horniness, my precious Pet.” The orange filly kissed her Pet again sweetly, draping a hoof around Rainbow’s neck, lightly brushing against her mane. As she kissed the mare, Scootaloo hastily rubbed and prodded all around Rainbow’s nether region. Rainbow Dash heavily moaned into the kiss and kissed the dominant young pony in earnest. She grunted as she felt her pussy pulsate and knew her precious orgasm was near. Scootaloo’s rubbing was making squelching sounds and Rainbow palpitated. The younger pony broke the embrace and teased Rainbow. “I bet you’re feeling euphoric from this, Dash. A younger, smaller, pegasus, rubbing you and controlling your precious orgasm. It’s like you’re just a puppet and I’m pulling the strings. Clay in my hooves.” Dash drooled slightly from the comment and hastily wiped it away with her hoof. She lay in ecstasy, feeling Scootaloo’s hoof quickly sliding along the walls of her labia and on her cunt. Everything the filly did perfectly excited her kinky pleasure. Rainbow’s hooves quaked and twitched from the stimulation. “Yes! I’m your little Pet to control, Mistress Scootaloo. It’s all true!” Rainbow squeaked out, between moans of sexual gratification. “Tell me it feels good, Dashie. Being completely helpless and at my mercy.” Rainbow nodded fervently, obeying without any hesitation. “It feels better than good! It feels amazing, Mistress Scootaloo! You push my buttons magnificently and perfectly. I love the treatment you give me.” Scootaloo chuckled, pleased with the mare’s response and quickened her stimulation of Rainbow’s pussy. She observed Rainbow twitch and arch from pleasure. The filly kissed Rainbow a third time, extending her tongue outwards and parted Dash’s mouth with it. The two locked muzzles and both wrestled with their tongues for control. Scootaloo won naturally and Rainbow moaned with immense lust and satisfaction. After a minute of simultaneous smooching, Scootaloo broke the kiss and stared at Rainbow, nudging her gently in the ribs with an elbow. C’mon, speedster. Show me your Sonic Raincloud in ten seconds flat. Your Mistress demands you cum. Right now!” Upon hearing this, Rainbow Dash lost all control. Her hooves lay limply at her side while her hips arched and her chest rose from the pleasure. Her muzzle twitched and her body shook with overwhelming gratification and satisfaction. She opened her muzzle and moaned loudly, while her cunt shot all her pussy juices. Rainbow squirted hard, her juices traveling off her bed, landing on the floor. Scootaloo kept rubbing the entire time, watching her Pet with amusement. Rainbow Dash closed her eyes while experiencing another hot orgasm, trembling with euphoria. When it subsided, Dash slumped over, her head landing on her pillow. “That looked very enjoyable, Rainbow Dash. Did you enjoy yourself?” Rainbow weakly replied, her words muffled in her cloud pillow. Scootaloo waited patiently, allowing Rainbow to get her energy and breath back. When she did, Scootaloo nuzzled her and Dash blushed. “You’re so cute when you’re weak for me, Rainbow Dash.” Dash squeaked a quick thanks as gratitude then addressed Scootaloo. “I should bring you back to Ponyville now. It’s getting late and I have a few things to do. But I’d absolutely love to see you again soon.” Scootaloo beamed and agreed with her icon. “Yeah, I do too. It’s been a super awesome time with you today.” The pair walked out of Rainbow’s bedroom, traveling from the kitchen and the exercise room. Scootaloo took it all in. The sights, the experience of today. She was gleeful. As they walked, Rainbow thanked Scootaloo for another great time. “It was no trouble! I loved it more than the first time, too!” Rainbow chuckled and agreed. With the intensity of her second orgasm from the filly, she couldn’t deny the statement. They reached the door and Dash opened it. Both stepped outside, noticing the sun was beginning to set. The temperature was chillier too. Dash closed her door and leaned down, beckoning Scootaloo to climb aboard. The filly obliged, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow’s midriff, nestling comfortably on her back. Her bangle was on her backhoof, neither of them not coming in contact with Rainbow Dash. The weatherpony kicked off, flexing and flapping her wings, taking them both to the skies. The two chatted amicably about the fun they had shared. “Hey, Mistress Scootaloo? Can I ask you something? And please be honest with me?” “What is it, Rainbow? I’ll be honest about anything.” Dash swallowed and blinked before sharing her inquisitive inquiry. “Did you mean it earlier? When you said that I was your pet and you owned me?” Scootaloo nuzzled against Rainbow’s mane, strengthening her grip as the weathermare flew them through a few clouds in her descent. “Of course not, Rainbow Dash. We’re just playing a game. I do these things to make you feel good and happy. You’re still my idol and hero and that won’t change.” Rainbow Dash smiled, a happy grin plastered on her muzzle. She was hoping for that answer. Yet, the answer made her slightly discouraged. Rainbow thought about why. It’s great that she still views me in that manner. I’m glad to know nothing has changed between us. Scootaloo is pretty awesome too and I’m happy to have this type of interaction and relationship with her. She may be just a filly, but she does things to me that nopony else has ever done before. Scootaloo gently rubbed Rainbow’s shoulder with a hoof, breaking the pegasus out of her rumination. Dash glanced behind her, taking a split-second glimpse at the school-aged filly. “You alright, Rainbow Dash? You look dazed and confused.” “I’m alright! Was just deep in thought about some stuff.” Rainbow replied, the pair gliding lower to the ground. “What’s on your mind, Rainbow Dash?” “Oh, I was just musing about how happy I am that the two of us decided to give this bangled fun time thing a shot. We’re both having lots of enjoyment from it and I’m also content that it hasn’t changed our friendship or interactions. You’re still the same awesome filly you’ve always been, Scoots.” Scootaloo cooed from the compliment, nestling her muzzle into Rainbow’s mane, unable to prevent a crimson blush from forming on her cheeks. “Thanks, Rainbow Dash! I still view you as the awesome, radical, cool, and most stupendous pony in all of Equestria. Our funtime doesn’t change that.” RD’s heart fluttered from the statement and a joyous sparkling expression appeared on her muzzle. “You really are awesome, squirt.” Rainbow landed in the middle of Ponyville Square. Buildings and homes adorned both sides of the road. A few ponies were bustling around, giving the two pegasi a friendly smile once they touched down. The pegasi pair reciprocated the affable behavior. Scootaloo and Rainbow nuzzled and Rainbow draped her wing around the orange filly, hugging her tightly and protectively. They parted with a gentle sorrow. She watched Scootaloo saunter into town and then Rainbow flew off. Once she returned home, sleep was on her mind. She needed another nap, feeling exhausted again. Dash trotted to her bedroom and climbed into bed. Yawning, Rainbow put her head on her pillow, and pulled the blankets up to her chin. Her eyes slowly closed and Rainbow was sleeping just a minute later, snoring loudly.
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
October 26th, 2009. Rainbow trudged through the suburban neighborhood she'd lived in since birth. A light breeze echoed, rustling branches across the landscape. Dusk was starting to set in. The sky was mostly clear, clouds sparsely scattered between. She checked the watch under the sleeve of her jacket. The time read 5:30. "Whole day went by so fast..." The Pegasus strolled toward the park on the east side of town. She'd probably spend the rest of the day there until it got dark. She wasn't as active as she used to be, but she tried to maintain a relatively healthy routine. Working from home left few opportunities to get out during the day. From a bench, Rainbow watched as the last families perused the area. Aside from the night shift, most were usually home after seven. It was a small town where everyone knew each other, though her years as a star athlete were little more than memories now. She was just normal, like everyone else, and that was okay. "Rainbow? Rainbow Dash?" The mare's ears perked up. The voice that spoke her name was unfamiliar. She couldn't recall the pitch from any point during her life. Looking aside, she was greeted by a stallion with green fur and glasses. His curly locks were a dark shade of brown. They were long enough to cover one eye, and partially cover the other. "Sorry, uh...Do I know you...?" "I doubt it. We never got the chance to talk at school. It's Noah - Noah Parker." The name combined with his voice brought back memories of their yearbook. She recalled his picture from the class of 2002. "I remember now! You were that nerdy kid! You graduated the same year as us, right!?" "I used to watch during some of your games. Mind if I sit down?" "Not at all. Could use the company, anyway." Noah took the mare up on her offer. His presence brought back images of their glory days. It all seemed so long ago... "Brings back memories doesn't it? I remember all the spots we used to hit up in town. Back then, I used to think things would never change. When they finally did...I realized how much I'd miss it..." "Now you know why I never left." "Are the others still here?" "Naw. We all scattered after school ended. We don't really keep in touch much anymore. I still hear from Twilight on occasion - usually around this time of year. She got her PhD in Math this last summer." "And the others?" "Fluttershy's a vet now. Rarity's overseas last I knew. We all pretty much chose professions we were skilled at - everyone but me, that is." "I thought it was weird I didn't see your name in the papers. What happened?" "Lost interest. Went to a local community college on a scholarship. Partway through, my passion for sports just kind of...Went poof. I dated an aspiring Wonderbolt for a while, but we broke it off when things started to change. We split up on amicable terms, so I wasn't too upset about it." "Man...I'm sorry. I know it's tough when you fall out of love with things and people that you used to." "It's okay. I'm content with how things turned out. I moved on to working in the tech world and wrote a few books on the side." "I know. I saw some of your comics where I live. I'm actually visiting for the holidays myself." "How 'bout you? What are you up to these days?" "Studied business in the metropolitan area for a while. Started a rock band with a few buddies from work there. Guess we play kind of a melo-death style from back in the day." "Same here, except it's just me." "You're recording by yourself? Impressive." "I never released any of my stuff. Wanted it to be more personal, ya know?" "Yeah. You seem a lot more mellow than the last time I saw you." "I've been on my own the last couple years. Tried to move out as soon as I could so mom and dad could have their privacy." "I know what you mean. Gotta be kind to the folks while they're still here." "It's getting late. We should probably head back soon. Streets are dangerous at night." "Yeah." Noah got up, reaching into his pocket for a card with his number. "I'll be in town until February. Maybe we could pick up coffee soon?" Rainbow smiled. She accepted with a graceful composure unexpected by those she knew. "Yeah. Just let me know when you're free." Back home, Rainbow prepared dinner for the evening. While waiting, she looked over the card again. She'd always secretly had a thing for nerdy types, but was too embarrassed to admit it. In less than a decade, the world had changed so much. She knew in the future, face-to-face interaction would dwindle substantially. This small token of affection would be her ticket to something meaningful. He seemed like a nice enough guy. After dinner, Rainbow headed back to her room. She lived far away from any of her neighbors, so she could jam and record without complaint. She looked over her album collection. There were styles in every genre ranging from metalcore to black metal. In her younger years, she'd been obsessed with horror movies and the gothic vampire aesthetic. As she grew older, they fell by the wayside for something more true - more honest. She pulled a CD off the shelf, popping it into her computer's disc drive. At the time, Windows 7 was basically new. Rainbow let herself become lost in the melodies. Crawling toward her bed, she closed her eyes, and the world fell into darkness... For the next couple days, Rainbow shopped around town, gathering what last-minute items she needed for Halloween. The children in town viewed her as the cool aunt who gave out the best treats. She always had a few candy bars on hoof when they traveled her way. Out of all the holidays, it was her personal favorite. On the morning of the 29th, she called Noah to schedule lunch. They met up at a local book store for coffee and confections. It reminded Rainbow of Pinkie's baking business. Out of all her former friends, they'd been the closest. "This is a nice place. Wasn't here when I left, so I guess it's relatively new." "Opened a few years ago around '06. It was fairly popular with emo kids for a while. That only lasted for the first year, though." "Speaking of which, I noticed you grew your mane out a bit. Looked like you were going for a mix of metal and emo styles. Looks good." "I'm a lot more of an open book than I used to be - no pun intended." "I didn't say anything the other day because I didn't want to invade your personal space, but you seemed sad when we were talking. I had a few guesses why, but nothing concrete. Is everything okay?" "It's just the post-teenage blues. Growing up sucks. I doubt anyone would dispute that." "I know it's hard to open up when you're feeling down, especially with the medical system being the way it is, but if you ever feel like talking, you can always hit me up. I'm here if you need someone to talk to." "I appreciate it, but I'm okay. I felt better just talking with you for a bit. Communication with another living entity took some of the weight off my shoulders." "I'm glad. I know social interaction's hard to come by these days." "We're heading into a tech-oriented future. I'm savoring what's left while I can." "Best you can do, right?" "Right." "I'm off for a few days if you wanna hang out. I know there's not much to do, but..." "Why don't you come back to my place? I know your family's probably smothering you while they can. It's a lot more relaxed where I am." "I mean...If you're comfortable with it. I wouldn't wanna impose." "It's no problem. Really. I insist." "All right." The pair finished their food, heading back to the Pegasus's abode. The walk was longer than Noah expected. He was surprised anyone lived so far out. "This is the place." "No wonder you've calmed down. It's peaceful here." "It's far enough away from town to avoid disturbing the neighbors. It gets pretty loud during recording sessions." "I can imagine." Rainbow unlocked the door, showing her companion the structure within. The light was fairly dim, with only one window by the kitchen. "It's pretty small, all things considered, but feel free to make yourself at home." "It's a nice place. I can see why you'd stay here." "Why don't you pick out a movie? I'll fix us some popcorn and soda." "Sure. sounds good." Rainbow pointed toward the drawer under the TV. Noah looked through her DVD collection while she prepared the snacks. Most of her catalog still consisted of horror, but it was more story-driven. The violence was kept to a minimum in favor of intriguing and creative narratives. "I've got a few flavors. You want Coke, Pepsi, or Mountain Dew?" "Coke sounds good." Rainbow pulled everything together, tossing in a few packs of red vines for good measure. To Noah's surprise, she jumped over the couch, like a superhero swooping in to save the day. It was his first clue there was more to her than met the eye. "Holy cow!" "Surprised?" "Well, yeah! I've never see anything like that before!" "I kept up with my training after college. Thought I could help people if I stayed in shape. I've prevented my fair share of tragedies over the years." "Whoa..." Rainbow smiled again. She didn't like showing off as much these days, but for Noah, she made an exception. "Well? You gonna start the movie?" "Oh...Uh...Yeah..." Noah turned back, his face still frozen in shock. For the next hour and a half, he couldn't get Rainbow out of his mind. Who was she? Where had she come from? Why did his heart skip a beat at a glimpse of her power...? "Rainbow...Who are you...?"
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
After the movie, Rainbow offered to walk Noah home. He accepted, using the last of what time he had to make small talk. The glare of the sun summoned bittersweet memories within. "So you said you dated an aspiring Wonderbolt for a while? What was his name?" "Why? You jealous?" "Just curious. I really don't know much about you. I knew about your friends in school, but that was really about it." "His name was Soarin. He was a lot like me - rambunctious, impulsive. We were pretty compatible until I lost my zest for adventure. To be honest, I don't know what changed. For the longest time, all I wanted was for the world to know my name, but as time went on, I started caring less about what other people thought. By my early twenties, I wasn't the same person anymore. Once I hit twenty-three, everything fell apart." "So the wounds are still fresh, huh? I'm sorry to hear that." "Don't be. It wasn't your fault." "After school ended, I missed seeing you play. It didn't feel the same without cheering for my hometown superstar. I went to a couple games to see what the pros were like, but nothing wowed me like you did." "Looking back on it, my ego was way too inflated. I thought too highly of myself, and my friendships suffered for it." "The fact you realize that means you've grown. When I saw you leap over the couch, I could tell something was different. It was more focused and less strained. You've learned how to conserve your energy." "Back then, I had more to spare. I still have a lot, but it's not limitless like it used to be." "Can I ask you a personal question?" "May as well." "Are you happy with how things turned out?" "I've thought about it for a long time. I really don't think I am, but I don't know how to change it. I was content for a while, but after Tank died, my mind started to slip into a dark place I'd never been before. I've just been kind of stuck there ever since." "Tank?" "My pet tortoise. Flutters gave him to me during senior year. He saved me when a boulder collapsed and crushed my wing. Somehow, I made a full recovery. I miss him every day..." "If you don't mind me being a bit nerdy for a moment, it sounds like you're looking for a way to live life meaningfully. You must've realized your goals were less fulfilling than you thought. You lost your way, and now you're not sure where you're going." "Pretty much, but how'd you know?" "Philosophy classes and a healthy dose of personal experience." "You mean you've been through the same thing?" "Yep. Growing up, I wanted to be the most famous scientist in the world, but fame doesn't mean much when it separates you from others. The lives we live are uneventful, but stable. There's no divine guidance to tell us what to do or who we should be. That's up to us to decide. Unfortunately, we don't know the answers yet ourselves. To be frank, there's a real chance we may never know. The best we can do is be kind to others and do what we love until our final day. Does that make any sense?" "Yeah...I think it does." "Good. 'Cause I was just goin' by the seat of my pants." "You're a good guy, Noah. I could tell from our first conversation. I hope one day you'll find what you're looking for." "Same here. You've grown a lot from the person you used to be. From my point of view, you'll be just fine, whether you figure it out or not." "Thanks. I feel better getting it off my chest." "Well, looks like we're here. You're welcome to meet my folks if you're interested. Ma cooks up a storm in the kitchen." "Actually, I'm a bit worn out today. Does tomorrow sound good? I've got everything ready for Halloween, so I'm free during the day." "Sounds like a plan. Go home and rest. You've earned it." "I will. Bye." "Try not to feel too down, okay? Sometimes things have to get bad before they get better. That's the way of the world." "I'll keep that in mind. Later." "Yeah...Later..." Rainbow scoured her room, skimming over her record collection. Noah's words echoed through her head. Did he really miss who she was? Who she used to be? Did she? What did she want? Who did she want to be? Pulling a record from her shelf, she let her thoughts express themselves in musical form, jamming out on her drums to melodic grooves and distant screams. Her limbs reacted on auto-pilot, driving her to new depths of creativity. She had one choice to make. Would she remain the same and live out her days in desperation, or would she grow side by side with the love of another? "I can't go on like this...Not anymore..."
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
Rainbow awoke early the next morning, preparing a pot of coffee and breakfast to start the day. After tidying, she began the process of regaining her lost strength, heading outside to train seriously for the first time in ages. Unlike before, she only needed one person to notice. The rest of the world would follow in time. Following a brief shower, Rainbow got dressed, spending some time in her room to unwind with a few games before heading out. She called ahead to make sure Noah was still up for having her visit. His confirmation was all she needed to hear. At top speed, she flew to his door, arriving much faster than the day before. Upon knocking, Noah answered, along with his older brother, Nathan. "Well, I'll be damned," the latter expressed in shock, "If it isn't Ms. Gold Medalist herself." "This is my older brother," Noah explained, "He was a senior when we were both freshman." "I think I remember seeing him around," Rainbow revealed, "He was pretty active in the sports scene himself, wasn't he?" "Yes indeed," Nathan confirmed, "Name's Nathan. You can call me Nate if you like." "Nice to finally meetcha." "Likewise. I was wondering where my knucklehead brother kept disappearing to. Guess now I know." "You're the knucklehead..." Noah muttered. "Please, come in. Ma and sis are working on lunch right now." "You have a sister?" "Paulina. She's a tad younger than us. Goes to the same school and everything, so..." "Before I forget," Rainbow cut it, "I brought a couple things." The Pegasus pulled two cases from her coat. One was a melodic metalcore compilation from the mid-'90s. The other was a PC game from around 2004 to 2005. "Thanks," Noah replied graciously, "I'll try 'em out later." In the back, Noah and Nathan introduced Rainbow to the rest of their family. Paulina finished her homework while their mother Margret finished cooking. She prepared a dish of collard greens, chicken, and mashed potatoes - just the meal to reinvigorate their spirits. While waiting, Nathan pulled his brother to the side. In the hall, they spoke in private, trying to keep their voices barely above a whisper. "Are you sure you just met a few days ago?" "Yeah. Why?" "You're sure?" "What's the deal, man? You're acting flaky." "Did something happen at her place?" "Are you nuts!?" "Shhh!!!" Nathan peered around the corner, hoping the others hadn't heard. "What's your deal!?" "You didn't notice? She never took her eyes off you." "What!?" "At the door. She was talking to me, but focused on you. She was smiling." "So? What's the big deal?" "Look." Nathan directed his brother's gaze back toward the kitchen. "Ma's already showing her the photo album. You know there's embarrassing stuff in there, but she's not laughing. I saw it, man. There was love in her eyes. I mean that fairy tale happily-ever-after shit. She thinks you're the one." "You're crazy." "Am I? 'Cause I'm pretty sure dad would say the same thing. Hell, he'll probably be home before she leaves." "What makes you so sure?" "I know you. You're not the type to put up a front to impress a girl. A mare like that? You couldn't if you tried, and yet based on what you're telling me, she fell for you in just two meetings. I've never seen that happen, and I'll be thirty next year." "All I did was offer advice. How could that mean anything?" "Because it shows you care. Something tells me she never allowed herself to be vulnerable around others. You gotta keep her close. Opportunities like this are almost unheard of." "I couldn't take advantage of someone like that. Even if what you're saying's true, it means she's wounded. She deserves better than some boring businessman, anyway..." "It's only taking advantage if you force it. Help her heal and she'll come to you on her own. Let her take the lead. Trust me. She has faith and motive. She'll make the first move." "And if she doesn't?" "Then she'll remember you when her life's back on track. You'll be a legend in her eyes the same way she was in ours." "I guess when you put it that way. I'm still not sure, though..." "Has your big bro ever steered you wrong? On second thought...Don't answer that." Noah made a face in agreement. After lunch, Rainbow and Noah relaxed on the porch, taking in the scenery to temper their excitement. Noah could see how intensely Rainbow focused on the feeling of nature, listening to leaves scrape against the asphalt. In alliance with Nathan's observations, she seemed happier and lighter. It was the closest she'd been to anyone in years. Something had transformed her, to be sure. "Hope the others didn't talk your ear off too much. They're excitable around new people." "Not at all. It's a nice change of pace, actually. Most of the time during school, we were always talking about projects and activities. Kicking back and unwinding feels right, ya know?" "I hear ya." "I was thinkin', maybe you could come over for Halloween? We could pass out candy to trick-or-treaters - maybe jam or somethin'." "If you want." "Yeah. I'd like that." "It's a date, then." Noah grimaced, recoiling in horror at the sound of his own voice. Rainbow's expression remained unchanged. She didn't seem bothered by his phrasing at all. "You wanna try that CD I brought?" "Oh...Uh...Sure. I'll go grab my player. Man. How long have I had that thing, anyway?" "Long time." "Anyway, I'll be right back." "Skramz. Get it?" "Tss. You're a nut." "Careful. You might crack me." "Don't threaten me with a good time." "I warned ya, pal." "Be back in a minute." Noah headed inside. Rainbow looked back. She had to tease him a little before the main event.
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
October 31st, All Hallows' Eve. Rainbow called Noah earlier than expected. Unsure what was waiting, he headed over with Nate. It was here they first met Rainbow's adoptive sister, Scootaloo. Instruments had been hooked up to extension chords inside. Once the introductions were out of the way, everything clicked into place. "Hey, guys," Rainbow greeted, "I've got someone here I want you to meet. This is Scootaloo. We've been friends since she was a foal." "Nice to meetcha," Scootaloo said, "Dash told me all about you. Crazy how it seems so long ago now." "Tell me about it," Noah concurred, "Nice to meet you, too." "I see what's going on here," Nathan recognized, "Y'all wanted to jam for the people - show 'em the real power of metal." "Guilty as charged," Rainbow admitted, "I debated excluding the vocals so it wouldn't scare the kids. Can be kind of intense for a first listen." "I assume you have a list in mind?" "All my early stuff from '02 to '04. The first album I recorded was a demo called 'Hallowed Earth to Catch her Breath'. It was based on a daydream I used to fantasize about. The sound combined melo-death with screamo and metalcore to reflect the direction my life was headed at the time. In a sense, it kind of came full circle." "So it's pretty personal then, huh?" "It was also back when my mane was shorter. If I released it to the public now, the art would probably show off my evolution between then and now." "We can read notation fairly well. Might need some help with keys and octaves, though." "I gotcha covered. I wrote tabs to make it easier." "Well, that's convenient." "All I really have left to do is put out the candy. Trick-or-Treaters don't start coming this way 'til after five, so we've got some time." "Guess we should get started. Drums are my best instrument, so I'll take those. Noah plays bass in his band." "Show me what you got." Around three 'o clock, Rainbow sent an announcement out to the neighborhood, letting everyone know their plans. She advised them to bring hearing protection to avoid any long-term damage. The group spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing, watching TV, listening to music, and playing video games. When it was time to start, Rainbow connected several pedals to the guitar and bass amps. The goal was to extend the reverb and delay beyond their normal thresholds. After some tuning, they were ready to play. They decided to practice a bit more before the trick-or-treaters showed up. Rather than nixing the vocals altogether, Rainbow substituted screams for a spoken-word style, making use of her natural voice to avoid frightening onlookers. "Take this heart. Spread these wings. Here I lay, left to dream of something real. These clouds pass by, whispering nothings of the unknown. Pray these angels one day fly, and guide your lonely soul to mine." The party harmonized in perfect synchrony, echoing the sincerity of Rainbow's words. Nathan teared up, as though he could physically feel the pain she'd been forced to live through. Seven years of nearly constant isolation. Who could survive something so grueling - something so empty...? "Holy shit..." "Now you know why recordings were so few and far between," Rainbow explained, "I'd get too emotional and not wanna do anything for months on end." "I tried to visit as often as I could," Scootaloo cut in, "but between studying and classes, I don't have as much time these days." "I know the feeling." a familiar voice spoke. The others turned to face its origin. "Twilight!? Spike!?" Before them stood a purple Alicorn and her adolescent companion. Like Rainbow, they had undergone their own set of changes since their last encounter. "Long time, no see." "Too long." Twilight approached her friend, wrapping her in a tight hug. Spike joined, followed by Scootaloo. The quartet soon broke away, facing each other in a long overdue display of acknowledgement. "I brought you a surprise." Twilight pulled a phone from her coat pocket. "I asked everyone to record messages for you. You're the only one who stayed behind, after all." "Everyone?" Twilight clicked the play button. The first message was from Rarity. Her time overseas was proving to be fairly fruitful overall. "Hello, Rainbow. Twilight asked me to send this to check up on you. Sweetie Belle and I are doing well. It's been a fabulous time, but I do so miss everyone back home. Perhaps when we return, we can meet up for coffee or tea. Ciao!" Rainbow chuckled. "Just like Rarity. Always straight down to business." "Do you want to send something back?" "Of course! No way I could leave her hangin'." Twilight prepared to open her recording function when she noticed the stallions, locked in place by their instruments. "Forgive me. I never did ask your names." Rainbow responded on their behalf, summarizing the events which transpired in Twilight's absence. "Oh, yeah! This is Noah and his older brother, Nathan. They went to school with us, but we didn't meet until a few days ago. Noah was visiting from out of town." "You were there!? I'm surprised we never noticed, though I suppose in hindsight, everyone was lost in their own cliques." "Noah used to watch my games after school. Nathan graduated after freshman year, so he was only around for a while." "I see. Well, it's nice to meet you now. Better late than never, right?" "Dash told us what you've been up to," Nathan replied, "Guess you were the brains of the operation, eh?" "You could say that." "She always had to remind me to slow down," Rainbow admitted with a hint of embarrassment, "I would always get overzealous between games and practice. Without her, I would've keeled over from dehydration." "The reason I came is because I was worried. You sounded worn out the last few times we talked. I didn't know if something was happening. You never said anything, so I didn't know what to think." "To be honest, I was in kind of a dark place for a while. Tank died while you were gone, and I lost interest in the sports stuff. Been trying to get back into it recently." "I thought so." "Huh?" "I suspected something like that might happen. Between us, you always seemed the most aimless. You never really thought ahead. You were always stuck in the present moment, never worried or anxious about anything. When we graduated, it hit you all at once. I never said anything because I didn't know what to do. It's one thing to read up on psychology. It's another to see someone suffer with your own eyes." "I came out from it stronger, so it wasn't a total loss. Just had to pick up what pieces I could and move on, ya know?" "I can tell. You sound much better, and I suspect we have you two to thank for that, so...Thank you." "No problem," Nathan stated, "She's a good kid. Just needed a push is all." "You're only four years older, pal." Rainbow teased. Nathan stuck his tongue out in defiance. Rainbow responded in kind. Twilight chuckled. "By the way," Spike interjected, "we heard you guys play. Sounded pretty sick." "Tone probably sounded familiar. I was listening to a lot of metalcore when I wrote it, especially Broken by Silence." "Surprised you haven't killed you ears yet." "I was careful." "Apparently." "We're only staying overnight," Twilight mentioned, "We're staying with everyone for a night each. After that, we're heading back home 'til Christmas. Mind if we stick around for your show? I'll record a video and send it to the others in place of a voice message." "How'd you know?" Twilight pointed toward her ears, hinting she'd seen others wearing earplugs prior to their arrival. "All right. You're on." Trick-or-treaters began arriving just before dark. Rainbow's was the last house most of them went to before heading home, which made their performance all the more impactful. Most of the songs mixed clean tones with distortion, keeping them melodic enough for the kids and heavy enough for everyone else. Each trick-or-treater was given two pieces and a front row seat. Between songs, the group took photos with the audience, setting aside time to show appreciation for everyone who attended. Needless to say, it was a resounding success. At the end of the show, Rainbow gave a heartfelt speech about the impact the town on her. "All right, guys. We know it's been a long night, and everyone's ready to pack it in. We're grateful you all came to see us, even though this type of music might not be your thing. Your support means a lot to us, and we're happy we could be here to show y'all a good time. A lot of you might remember me from my days as the star player at school. To tell you the truth, I lost faith in my abilities for a while, and I fell out of love with most of what I knew, but now I'm back, and I intend to make it all worth the wait, so hang tight, get ready, and get ready to see what we do next. We love you guys." Applause erupted. Many in the younger crowd had never seen Rainbow in action before. They would soon enough. The group helped Rainbow pack her instruments, following her back inside. While Spike, Twilight, and Nathan settled in for the evening, Rainbow spoke with Noah in the kitchen near the living room. "You were awesome out there. Your technique rips." "Thanks, but I was just following you and Scootaloo. Sounds a lot better when everyone's playing." "That's what it's all about, right? Jamming - having fun. It's the most alive I've felt in...Well, ever." "I'm glad. I can tell you've gotten a lot of your fight back." "Thanks to you and Nathan." "Guess it all worked out then, huh?" "Yeah." Rainbow veered away with a pensive gaze, as though she was nervous to speak. "Listen...I was wondering if...Maybe when you're free, you'd like to grab dinner sometime...?" Noah's face turned red. He grew flustered, unsure of what to say. He wanted to say yes, but the word eluded him. He cleared his throat in an attempt to regain his composure. "Um...Sure...I mean yes! Of course!" "I'm not really good with picking restaurants, but does seven Friday sound good?" "Yeah. I'll make the reservations." "Thanks. you're a life-saver." Rainbow drew closer, pecking Noah's cheek. "In more ways than one." Rainbow left to make sure the others were comfortable. Noah stood frozen, holding his face as his heart raced in perpetuity. Nathan saw everything, heading in for the kill. "So...Still don't think she's into you?" "Shut it."
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
Twilight and Spike excepted to pack up first thing in the morning, but to their surprise, their friends requested an encore of the previous night's performance. They wanted to hear Rainbow play again, screams and all. "Looks like you're known for more than just sports now." the Alicorn pointed out. "The fact you guys wanna hear more's surprising. Flutters and Rarity hated that stuff back in the day." "Guess something brought 'em around. You gonna go for it?" "Obviously. Ask and ye shall receive, or however the saying goes." Noah, Nathan, and Scootaloo helped set the equipment up inside. Rainbow pointed them towards one of her heavier songs, influenced by bands like Jane, As the Sun Sets, They Came Burning, and others. For an authentic old school feel, Rainbow set up a movie in the background - a horror film which delved into the existential depths of love, death, and loneliness. She played a clip from her favorite, and the chaos erupted. "FRAGMENTED DESECRATIONS!!! A PIECE OF US DIES WITH EVERY MORNING'S LIGHT!!! WHY MUST THIS BLOOD BE SO CLEAR!!!???" The instruments hammered away, descending into a state of emotional anarchy. "WHERE IS YOUR SOUL!!!???" The pattern of blast beats and alternating guitars repeated for some time, gradually declining in speed and culminating in a chug-laden breakdown. "WHY DID YOU GO!!!??? WHY CAN'T THINGS BE THE SAME LIKE THEY USED TO!!!??? WE ACHE FOR THE PRESENCE OF THOSE WE'VE LOST!!! SO MUCH TIME, SO FEW WORDS - NO ONE TO TELL US OF YOUR LAST DEPARTURE!!! HOW CAN THOSE SO CLOSE SEEEM SO FAR AWAY!!!???" Nathan maintained rhythm, picking up the pace with steady double kicks. Rainbow's body temperature rapidly increased, bordering on sweat. "WHEN ONE DAY BECOMES TWENTY YEARS, WE'LL LOOK BACK TO WHEN THE WORLD SEEMED SO MUCH BRIGHTER!!!" Twilight lowered her phone, shocked by the visceral display. Rainbow was speaking directly to her friends in the most raw, unfiltered way she could think of, spilling her darkest agony to all who would listen. It was no wonder she kept the public performance tame. Twilight ended the recording, stepping forward to embrace her own lost history. The others stopped dead in their tracks. "Twilight, what are you-" "That songs about us, right? How we could've died and the others wouldn't have known?" Everyone was stunned. Either the Alicorn had extraordinary hearing, or... "You meant so much to us back then, but those words mean more now than they ever would have before. I never forgot, and I will never forget." Rainbow closed her eyes, sighing and returning the gesture. Somehow, just barely, she suppressed the urge to cry. "You need rest. I'll fix you something to drink." Rainbow caught her breath, hydrating before explaining what drove her to write what she had. "Last year, I was at my lowest. Everything I ever cared about had gone to shit, and I was so fed up with life I just wanted out. I thought about ending it for months. I tried to project an image of stability and calm-headedness, but in private, it was all collapsing. I never played that song until today. I thought letting it out would get it out of my system so I could move on with my life." "How about now," Twilight inquired, "How do you feel?" "Honestly? Not much different. Once you get to a place like that, I don't think there's a way to come back - not fully, anyway." "Did you ever...Ya know...Attempt...?" "No. Somehow I barely hung on by a thread. If I knew how, I'd tell ya." "All that matters is your here. You went through the darkest journey anyone can and came out on the other side. That's a testament to your resilience." "Does it really matter, though? Yeah, I came out of it - broken and mangled almost beyond recognition. If it wasn't for the mane and fur, no one could've told you it was me." "It's true. You're not the same person anymore. You're in the process of reinventing yourself. You've suffered, but you also care more than anyone I've ever seen. Most never grow beyond a certain threshold, but those limits were never placed on you. You were free to be and do anything. You just didn't know how because your past was holding you back. You could've come to see us any time." "You all had your own lives to lead. I guess I felt like there was no room for me anymore." "We would've dropped everything to make sure you were okay. Why would you even doubt that?" "Because by then, I already needed more help than you could give. Even if I'd visited every so often, I would've left feeling just as bad. I couldn't just barge in and demand a place in your lives. That wouldn't be fair." "Maybe that unwillingness to compromise was part of what we loved about you." "To a point, I get it, but not like this. An emotionally unstable individual isn't someone you want around when things are going well. I kept to myself hoping I could either recover or let you guys find me. There was no real alternative to mitigate the situation. It was out of our control." "What about therapy? There were people who could've helped you better than us." "People I didn't know. Being emotionally involved with clients is discouraged for a reason. At least talking to you, there was a better chance I'd get through. An impartial third party can only be so invested. If anything, we would've destroyed each other. It wasn't a case of broken chemical receptors. It was just life doing its thing. I had no chance of fighting back from the get-go. I tried, but the weight was too crushing." "Yet you fought back every day, learning ways to cope and creating works of art that'll last a lifetime. You aren't as weak as you think." "Certainly feels like it..." "Tell you what. We have enough time for one more go. Why don't we try this again with a bit more focus?" "I really don't think I can..." "I think otherwise. It's clear to me your mind's been working against you for some time. Stop letting it dictate how you feel and tell it what you want to feel." "Twilight's right," Noah chimed in, "Maybe it's time to let the world hear what you have to say. There's more people who relate than you think." Rainbow sighed again. "Fine. Fuck it. No reason not to, right." "There we go! That's more like it! The group set up their instruments again: this time with a clear goal. Rainbow chose a song that more accurately reflected reality. The music was less chaotic, driven primarily by a mix of traditional and odd time signatures. "DIG THIS HOLE STRAIGHT BELOW THE EARTH! DRIVE THIS STAKE STRAIGHT THROUGH A FRACTURED CHEST! TIME IS A VAMPIRE, DRAINING BLOOD FROM ALL! SCREAMS OF THE PAST ECHO EACH OTHER'S NAMES, LEAVING US TO DROWN IN A RIVER OF REGRET! SEE HER TREMBLE, LOST AMIDST THE WAVES! WITH ONE SMALL STEP, SHE SEEKS THE LIGHT AT THE END!" Spike bobbed his head. The lyrics were easier to understand with the more precise structure. They told the story of a girl traveling through worlds of lost souls. Rainbow's descriptions detailed oceans simultaneously obeying and disregarding physics. It was a unique concept hidden between the crevices of a disenchanted generation. This was the song they would remember - the one they would send to their friends.
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
Twilight and Spike took their leave, bidding Rainbow adieu until their next their next meeting. "We should probably head home," Noah acknowledged sadly, "Ma'll worry if we're gone too long." "We're still on for dinner, right?" "Of course! Wouldn't have it any other way." "Tell me something. You can be honest. Do you think less of me?" "Why would I?" "You saw what happened in there. I was a total mess. That's not something most people would wanna be around." "It's okay to be sad. I get it. I told you before - I've been there too. Sometimes having a shoulder to cry on is the only thing that helps." "Have you ever felt like this before?" "A couple times. We had a few family friends pass away when we were younger. I was sick during one of their services, but I had to go because it was the last chance I had to see 'em. It was probably one of the worst days of my life." "How'd you get through it?" "I slept. I had to fight off the fever before I could fight the demons. You get through it one battle at a time." "How long will those battles last?" "You may not like the answer." "The rest of my life..." For the next week, Rainbow stayed home alone working, training, and recording. During her downtime, she would engage in leisurely activities. It made such a difference having others to share those experiences with. All she could think about was how much she missed everyone, but she tried to put her feelings aside. Noah's well-being was just as important as hers, and she wanted him to be in good spirits too. Perhaps if he was happy, she could be too... Finally, the big night came. Rainbow showered, brushing her teeth and picking out a modest dress with a white button-up coat. She considered applying makeup, but decided against it, preferring the look of her natural features. She packed a small case with contingencies, waiting by the door in her driveway. Noah arrived soon after, having borrowed Nathan's van for the evening. It was freshly-cleaned as expected. He led Rainbow into the passenger seat. "Your carriage, madam." "Why thank you, kind sir." Rainbow stepped in, Noah joining her after. They talked for a moment, savoring the occasion. "Ya know, I've never really done this before," Rainbow admitted, "I only dated a few stallions during my heyday. They were good guys, but they didn't know much about romantic gestures." "I learned a lot from observation. I was debating whether I should tell you or not, but I want to be honest. You're the first mare I've ever been with." "You mean...You've never dated anyone before...!?" "Shocking, right? I only know what I know because of Nathan. He was the ladies' man of the family. All I had to do was see what he did right, and more importantly, what he did wrong. I just kind of picked up on the signs from there." "I take it you were too busy studying and working to think about finding a partner?" "How'd you guess?" "You and Twilight have a lot in common." "Right. Makes sense." Rainbow reached over, comforting Noah's hoof with her own. "Hey. Don't worry. You don't need to impress me. All I'm looking for right now is company and friendly conversation. There's a whole future ahead we know nothing about. Who knows what could happen between now and then?" Noah smiled. The warmth in Rainbow's voice soothed his anxiety in a way he'd never felt before. "I think I can manage that." Rainbow smiled back. In truth, she was seeking something more, but that was for another time - another place. Noah drove the pair to a restaurant called Eilimar's - a dinery which specialized in eastern cuisine. The attendant showed them to their table, where a bouquet of flowers awaited their arrival. They ordered a bottle of red wine and an appetizer to set the mood. "This is really sweet," Rainbow acknowledged, "I appreciate you going out of your way for me. I guess we both have experiences we need to brush up on." "Not at all. I was more than happy to help." "Do you remember when you took me to you guys' place?" "Of course. Why?" "To be honest, I heard you and Nathan talking." "Oh...About that...I'm-" "Don't apologize. I was there because I wanted to be. Nathan saw right through me that day." "I don't quite follow." "I wanted to see you, doofus. That shred of sympathy had me coming back for more like a lovesick puppy. The same way he saw through me, I saw through you." "I'm that easy to read, huh...?" "I didn't know whether it was real or just something to butter me up, but now I know. You really care, don't you...?" "I...Well..." "It's okay. You don't have to tell me. The look on your face is a dead giveaway." "Sorry...It's just...This is all so sudden, ya know? You're the first mare I've ever encountered who challenged me to think my life over, and I guess...I guess I respected that. Your boldness as well. It takes a lot of courage to admit you need help. The way you were so open with me...Something told me I had to be there...Even if it was just as a friend..." "I had the same feeling. I think we were both lonely and needed someone to help us find our way again. The loss of your loved ones cut deeper than you showed. It scraped you to the bone. You never told anyone besides me, did you?" "No. I didn't." "I feel it - that connection. It's the kind of thing that only comes along once in a lifetime. I want to build something with you, but we have to do it right. If we rush things and don't learn each other's flaws, it'll be doomed from the outset. We have to take our time, and that's my biggest weakness. I've always been impatient." "I know what you mean. I can be the same way." "Then that's the first thing we have to work on. We have time, so we should use it wisely, and I think I know where to start." "Where?" "You've been following along with whatever I wanted. I need to know about you - your likes, your dislikes, your fears, your dreams: all that sentimental crap." "Well, to be honest, there's not much about my life I'd change. I like the person I am. Maybe there's room for growth, but I don't know where yet. Sometimes though, I feel like life is passing me by. I'm not sure what do or if I can do anything. Those years at school passed by so fast. It's all a blur to me now." "I think you've been lost in sadness without realizing it. People you love dying leaves an indelible scar that never truly heals. It's how you apply those lessons that makes the difference." "You mean cherishing the ones who are still here, right? I do - more than anything." "But you're afraid to form new connections. You're protecting yourself from pain by cutting off all avenues of entry. It might work in the short term, but starving yourself of meaningful relationships creates a vicious cycle of despair. You can only break out of your own choosing. I didn't learn that until I met you in the park. Sometimes, the most powerful lessons aren't spoken out loud." "I think you're right. I spent so much time wallowing I couldn't see what was in front of me. I need to change that if I want to care about others more effectively." "Now you get it." The waiter brought the couple their food. They continued to discuss their strengths and weaknesses over a pleasant meal, stopping after the first bottle of wine. They planned ahead to maintain cognizance in the face of decision-making, preferring to remain level-headed during the following course of events. Once Rainbow was back home Noah led her to the door, ready to say goodbye until dawn. "Thanks for talking with me. I think I understand myself a little better now." "Me, too. You helped me see clearer than I have in a long time. I wish we could be reckless like we used to, but it would only end badly now." "Then for now, I'll return the favor." Noah approached Rainbow, pecking her cheek the same way she'd done the week prior. Her face turned hot, changing in hue to reflect her emotions. It was almost miraculous what one conversation could do when both parties were willing to listen. "Good night. Sweet dreams." Noah turned to walk away, stopping as a tug held him in place. "Hold on there, big guy. You can't just leave without a proper goodnight kiss." The mare pulled her lover in, pressing her lips against his. She only pulled away before crossing the threshold. They had to be mindful, much as the notion repulsed them. "Take this home and give it a listen. I think you'll like it." "What is it?" "It's a demo I recorded waiting for you." Noah made out what he could in the dark. The cover depicted a literal interpretation of split personalities. The title read Butterfly Kisses and Yearbook Stickers. "I wrote it about our time at school leading up to now. With how much things have changed, I thought it best to reflect on what led us here." "Thanks. I'll pop it in when I get home." "Be careful. Call me in the morning, okay?" "I will. Good night." Rainbow released the stallion, watching intently as he strolled back to the car. As he drove away, a drizzle began to fall. Rainbow stood in place, cleansing herself in heaven's blessing of her newfound purpose. "Sleep well, Noah..."
Other,Rainbow Dash,Alternate Universe,Romance,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Faded Leaves
Rainbow begins rebuilding her life one sobering Halloween.
<p>In her mid-20s, Rainbow's friends are gone, having moved on with their lives. She does what she can to maintain a positive outlook, but sometimes, the loneliness is overwhelming. All she has are memories and nostalgia to carry her through each day. Those, and the cathartic release of metal. Dedicated to making a positive impact in spite of her circumstances, she spends the holidays keeping herself occupied, showing kindness where she can. This is the story of her last, and greatest, love.</p>
Noah and Rainbow kept in contact over the following month. Towards the end of November, he invited her back to the park for a restful day. Of course, there was natural tension involved, but they knew it would subside with time. Rainbow rested on her paramour's lap, reading through a book she'd finished once before during senior year. "Whatcha' readin'?" "Dragon of Grace. It's a novel that came out in the early '00s. It's about a post-apocalyptic timeline where only one group of survivors remains. The central character's a girl in her twenties named Maria Drake. They all fight monsters together called the insidious. The author was exploring themes of depression, growth, and redemption throughout the story. He was also into the same stuff as me at the time." "So you think of yourselves as kindred spirits in a way." "Yeah. It spoke to me on a personal level. I know it sounds weird, but I feel like if I knew him, we'd get along well." "I don't think that's weird. You'd be surprised how many people think like you. It might not be the most common thing in the world, but it's definitely not unheard of." "Yeah. Good point." "You look beautiful today..." "Today?" "Every day." "Well, you ain't so shabby yourself, slick." Noah chuckled. Her tough talk never failed to make him laugh. Knowing her was a totally different experience from being aware of her existence. In truth, he would never know who she was back then, but now...He wouldn't be anywhere else... "Well? What are you waiting for?" Noah leaned down, kissing Rainbow softly. To be young and in love. It was truly worth living for. "Are you worried?" "About what?" "About whether we can make it work when I leave." "Nah. I trust you. You trust me too, right?" "I do. I just don't want us to grow apart. I've never felt like this before, and I want it to last forever." "We'll make it last - together." "You always know just what to say." "Guess that's something we have in common. Now, why don't you make yourself useful and get me something to drink?" "As you wish." Rainbow freed the stallion she called hers, smiling as he walked away. This was what she wanted the world to know - that while capable of sorrow, she could feel great joy as well. She was whole again - complete in a way one could only be through trial and error. "Come back soon."
Some Leech
Princess Celestia,Princess Luna,Porn,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Sex
Champing at the Bit
With Nightmare Night upon her, Celestia is shown out in a rather dubious costume...
<p>Ghosts, ghouls, goblins - all of them and more can be found while out and about on Nightmare Night. For one day a year, anypony can go out as they please, whether it's dressed as a monster or adorned in something silly - for Celestia, such an occasion gives her a rare opportunity to <i>indulge</i> a somewhat questionable fantasy she'd been dying to live out...</p><p>Kinks Include: Tack, Exhibitionism, Embarrassment, Roleplay, Pseudo-Incest, and Spontaneous Ejaculations</p><p>Artwork by Liaaqila (Deviant art @liaaqila)</p><p>If you want to help support me, I have a Tip-Jar/Patreon <a href="" rel="nofollow">HERE</a></p>
“Step aside, mares and gentlecolts,” Luna loudly proclaimed, cutting a swathe through the assembly of townsponies. “Your heroic knight and her faithful steed demand your utmost respect.” Keeping her head lowered, Celestia listened to the residents of Ponyville laughing to themselves and yielded to her sister’s clearly comedic request. The air was abuzz with excited and speculative murmurs, setting her nerves alight, yet she dared not look to see exactly what had everypony so excited. As she slowly trotted along, gazing down at the cobblestones beneath her, she only halted when the bit clamped in her jaw was pulled. “Woah, intrepid beast,” Luna commanded. Celestia stopped dead in her tracks. The metal bar in her mouth wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable as she would have assumed it would be, nor was any of her other attire for the occasion, although that did little to ease her frazzled nerves. Waiting patiently, unable to see what was happening to either side of her, she swallowed hard when Luna’s legs came into view directly before her. Raising and bringing a forehoof to her sibling’s chin, Luna lifted her sister’s head. “Fair ponies of Ponyville, I trust you’re all doing well this fine Nightmare Night?” The throng howled in adulation, mares and stallions of all ages whooping for joy - all save one. Celestia’s eyes darted from pony to pony, drinking in the myriad of costumes arrayed before her, and anxiously champed at her bit. It was the one night of the year that celebrated absurdity, a time when anypony could dress up and go out in any fashion they so chose, and it afforded her the opportunity to do something so wild and scandalous that it had taken her centuries to summon the courage to do it - even then, were it not for Luna’s insistence, she more than likely wouldn’t have been able to bring herself to put such a shameful scheme into action. “Love the costume!” a bystander shouted, causing her to turn her head. Smiling broadly, Luna turned and proudly held a hoof to her chest. “Many thanks, my good stallion, but are you referring to me or my faithful beast?” The confused whispers and giggling which sailed to Celestia’s ears made her hair stand on end, but she remained silent. The blinders to either side of her head robbed her of her peripheral vision, the wrap on her tail served as a subtle reminder that her backside was completely exposed, and the weighty saddle on her back may have been the most demeaning thing she’d ever worn out in public - nevertheless, despite her less than regal regalia, her heart thundered in her bosom. She turned her head and shifted her gaze, shaken from her thoughts by a sudden movement just to her left. Ordinarily speaking, she would have been able to glance over without any trouble - sadly, the blinkers on either side of her eyes meant she had to turn her head and face what she wished to look at. Sheepishly smiling at the young stallion who’d approached, she fought to keep drool from slipping past the metal bar in her snout. “What’s she wearing?” the stallion inquired, looking the Princess over. “I’m so glad you asked, my fine stallion,” Luna exclaimed, practically leaping to the pony’s side. “She’s wearing tack.” Seeing that the stallion’s attention lay on her flank, Celestia willed her tail not to flag. It only took her a moment to recall who the young, well-built pegasus was, but she called who he was after only a moment. While she took some small comfort from remembering his name, Thunderlane, the knowledge she had met him before did nothing to slow her gradually racing pulse - if anything, the fact that she recognized him and most of the ponies gathered around her made her mouth go dry. As she uneasily smiled at him, she was unceremoniously yanked to the side. Luna held the reins as she trotted around her sibling, causing Celestia to turn in a circle while causing the townsponies to step back and give them room. “This,” she began, waving back at her sister, “is tack.” “The stuff she has on?” a mare asked from the throng. “Indeed,” Luna demurely replied. “Tack is what a creature known as a horse wears.” Inching forward and creeping into Celestia’s view, a young mare named Bonbon, if her memory served, cocked her head. She knew what was coming next, that the youngster had at least one burning question, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she could speak, anything she could say would be slurred while trying to talk past the polished rod lock behind her teeth - that and saying anything would be an egregious breach of character. As she slowed to a halt and peered over her shoulder at her sister, a knowing smirk split Luna’s muzzle. “Have none of you ponies heard about horses?” she scoffed, feigning surprise. A quiet din of confused muttering rang from the growing mass of spectators as ponies looked to one another and shook their heads. “Well then, allow me to regale you with a long forgotten tale… Millennia ago, before ponies even existed, there lived a race of creatures known as humans - tall, barbaric, ghastly things that conquered the land and brought any and all who opposed them to heel. With their physical might and technological prowess, they dominated the world - still, as clever as they were, they were not without aid. A cornucopia of beasts served them, but there was one which stood above the rest - horses. Horses were by far the most majestic, graceful, and intelligent of all the creatures to step hoof on the earth. Though they were loath to serve such a dreadful race of beings, they were given two choices: submit or perish. In the end, they served the humans, yet fate would eventually smile upon them. The humans put them to task on a whole host of endeavors, ranging from hard labor to acts of war, and their toil seemingly went on without end, until their masters had an eventual change of heart. War-plate and yolks were replaced by finery and elegant attire, opening their eyes to a beauty they’d never known. They grew smarter and more intelligent, raised to be so by their lords, until their time truly came. As time passed and the race of man died out, the horses came to rule. Though they were large, lumbering, and dull-witted, they sowed the seeds of friendship, harmony, and love wherever their hooves tread. They may have been little more than animals, but it’s said that those kindhearted beasts were the progenitors for all ponykind! “That’s a bunch of bologna!” a pony shouted as the Princess of the Night finished speaking. “Perhaps it is, perhaps it isn’t - regardless, my dear sister and I thought it would be a fun and educational twist to reintroduce a myth of old ~” Luna tutted, slowly shifting her focus back to her sibling, “isn’t that right…?” Celestia nearly responded, moments from answering her sister, but she stopped herself. She was a horse, not a Princess nor even a pony, so she responded in the only appropriate manner that she could. Giving a small whinny, she vehemently stopped a hoof to the ground beneath her. Her reaction sent a shockwave of laughter through the onlookers, with some ponies guffawing and others merely smiling or shaking their heads, yet everypony took some level of amusement from her actions. She bashfully smiled, looked over at Luna. Though the story her sister had told may have sounded utterly absurd, it wasn’t a tall tale at all - in fact, it was founded in truth. “As you can see, horses are rather simple creatures,” Luna continued, waving a hoof at her sister, “but they were quite captivating. Celestia, be a dear and show yourself off for these good, civilized ponies.” Celestia nickered, held her head high, and proceeded to prance past the circle of spectators. The hushed oohs and aahs of the ponies sent a thrilled shiver up her spine and spurred her onward. Gracefully showing herself and her attire off, she faltered when she came around Luna’s side and caught sight of her reflection in the front window of Sugarcube Corner. She’d only inspected herself briefly before leaving Canterlot, more concerned about the fit and utility of her outfit, so seeing herself being marveled at by dozens of ponies instantly brought her presentation to an end. The myriad of dark leather straps fastened around her head, neck, chest, and hindquarters contrasted sharply against her snow-white coat, appearing more like a bondage gear than anything utilitarian, while the brass rings and clasps securing the tack glinted in the low light. In and of itself, the apparel would have been provocative in a number of ways, although what she wore was only one facet of her aesthetic. Her mane had been braided and hung to one side of her neck, while the lower third of her tail was tightly bound. The pressure on her dock alone would have been enough to excite her, knowing that anypony and everypony who dared to look could see her rump and marehood did nothing to quell her exhilaration. Keeping her eyes on the reflective surface, noticing several stallions gazing upon her in a less than flattering fashion, she bit her lower lip. “Missus Luna,” the inquisitive filly began, bringing her back to the present, “could - um - could horses do any tricks?” Celestia gulped as her eyes sailed back to her sister. She’d fully anticipated making a spectacle of herself - heck, half of the reason she’d dressed up in such a disgraceful fashion was because she’d make a spectacle of herself, but she wouldn’t have guessed that her sister, her knight, would be asked something so ridiculous. Shuffling around to face her sibling, she held her breath and was left to speculate what was going to happen. Without skipping a beat, Luna trotted over and patted the young pony’s head. “As a matter of fact, they can! Celestia, rear for your adoring fans.” Struggling to comprehend the simple command, Celestia stood frozen in place. On one hoof, rearing would be a simple affair - on the other, standing on her hind legs would give the audience an unfettered view of her underbelly and nethers. As she contemplated what to do, the tension on her bit gradually increased. “I said,” Luna firmly hissed, her smirk growing twisted, “rear…” Celestia clamped her eyes shut, threw herself back, and rose onto her back hooves. She wouldn’t - couldn’t look at the ponies around her, yet their gasps and the excited chatter sent blood rushing to her face and nethers. She was no longer a Princess - for goodness’ sake, she wasn’t even a pony, she was just a simple-minded animal, and she’d never been more turned on in her life. Nickering in delight, she threw her head from side to side. To anypony else around her, save her sister, she was simply putting on an act, something silly to celebrate Nightmare Night, yet that was far from the actual truth. Risking a glance downward, seeing a trio of stallions staring at her lower abdomen and crotch, she snorted. She was no stranger to the taboo, having done things that most ponies would never believe their illustrious and motherly ruler was capable of, but this - this was by no small margin the most scandalous. Luna approvingly smiled and pulled lightly on the reins. “Good mare. Now give your adoring subjects a bow.” Flinging herself forward and back onto all fours, she lowered her chest to the ground and dipped her head. She should have felt foolish - doubly so for refusing to properly speak to anypony, yet her welling lust made it all but impossible to think clearly. She arched her back and brought one forehoof back, obeying her sister without question, while her tail steadily flagged. “Such a well-mannered beast ~ wouldn’t you say?” Luna chuckled, trotting over and running a forehoof up her sibling’s back. Listening to the approval from the audience, Celestia peeked over her shoulder. She’d expected - hoped to find some entrepreneurial ponies taking advantage of her position to get a better look at her behind, and she wasn’t disappointed. None other than Thunderlane stood meet from her immaculately presented backside, staring openly at her sex. She tried to behave herself - stars above how she tried, yet her waning self-control took a crippling blow when she shifted her gaze lower and spotted the pegasus’ stallionhood slipping from its sheath. Even with her advanced age and all the experiences she’d had over the millennia, the sight of Thunder’s endowment struck her like a gong. There she was, one of the most illustrious and influential ponies on the entire planet, and she was presenting herself like an animal in heat. As her depths began to ache, keenly aware that her nipples were hard enough to cut glass, her repressed urges seized hold. She scarcely realized she’d moved until her hind legs were already spread. Her thoughts raced, beset by a maelstrom of sinful, wholly inappropriate thoughts, while a bead of nectar crept down from down her leg from her marehood. Her better judgment told her to bring the show to an end, to stand up and start fraternizing with the lovely ponies of Ponyville like she normally would, yet her id, the urges she suppressed on a daily basis, forced her to remain where she was. Luna babbled on throughout the spectacle, yammering about legendary horses which may or may not have ever existed, leaving her to bask in ignominy. Her sister was the only pony alive who knew about her proclivities, that this was something she’d dreamt about doing since they’d been fillies, and she’d been the motivating force behind this stunt. Part punishment for her banishment to the moon, part reward for being a loving sister - her sibling had helped her concoct the slatternly scheme from its very conception. “Up!” Luna chirped, flicking the leather strap in her forehoof. Pushing herself up, trying and failing to pin her tail, Celestia rose. Heedless of her winking marehood, quite literally drooling from both ends, she locked eyes with Thunder. Though he didn’t say a thing, he grinned at her and flexed his groin. The subtle sound of his stallionhood slapping against his belly was nearly drowned out by the throng, yet the noise and his knowing look made her weak in the knees. Her mind ran rampant as she lost herself to the mute interaction. The things he could do to her - would do to her would be unspeakable, hardly fitting for an ageless royal like herself, and yet the thought of them made her depths quiver with anticipation. Without the slightest shred of doubt, were Luna to hand Thunder her reins, she’d become more than just a festive exhibit. Taking a small step, she angled her backside at him and flicked her tail. He wanted her - oh he definitely wanted her, and he wasn’t alone. Several stallions hungrily gazed upon her, surely imagining the various ways they’d despoil her and claim her for their own. Licking her lips, she yelped when something slapped against her flank. “Of course, since they weren’t too bright, horses occasionally needed a bit of correction,” Luna snickered, levitating and bringing the riding crop down on her sister’s thigh. Celestia shuddered and ground her thighs together. The trace of pain, though slight, only served to elevate her arousal. She always harbored some masochistic tendencies, relishing particularly intense carnal sessions, yet the physical discomfort paired with her depraved exhibitionism was almost enough to make her climax on the spot - almost. Glancing to Luna, she watched as her sister casually trotted over and offered the crop to Thunderlane. “Would you like to give it a go?” she hummed. “There’s no need to be concerned. If this was my sister,” she explained, motioning back at the trembling alicorn, “I wouldn’t allow such a thing, but this is a mere horse.” “Far be it for me to deny a knight’s request to help tame such a creature,” Thunder chuckled, nonchalantly trotting forward while taking the corp in his wing. It was at that moment that Celestia fully understood how dire the circumstances were. While most, if not all of the ponies around her were ignorant to her true intentions, that her costume and behavior were anything but innocent, Thunder had seen through her charade. He’d figured out that her performance was little more than an act of self-indulgence, and he seemed more than eager to lend her a hoof. Walking up her side, drawing the tip of the crop from her flank to her shoulder, he came to a halt with his muzzle next to her ear. “Somepony’s been a naughty little horse.” His voice was faint, so quiet that there was no chance anypony else could hear him, yet his assertion was electrifying. She gave a small squeal and turned her head to the side to neck him. As much as she wanted to reply, it was all she could do to let her actions speak for her. Rocking her hips to the side and into him, she earned herself a firm smack on the rear for her efforts. “You gonna cum in front of all these ponies?” he whispered, his hot breath tickling her ear. The growing warmth in her abdomen radiated through her while she neared her limit. She hadn’t so much as touched herself, the only physical stimulation she’d received being the small number of strikes from the crop, yet the psychological onslaught was too much to bear. As she teetered on the cusp, mere moments from answering his question in the most deplorable way possible, she found herself at a crossroads. She should have fled and galloped off to save what little pride she had left, yet she was beyond saving. A lifetime’s worth of fantasizing about this moment bore down on her, compelling - no, forcing her to stay. This may have been the only chance she ever had to make her dreams a reality, to slip the bonds of her duties and rank to indulge herself in such a debased way, and there was only one way for her to see it to fruition. “Cum,” Thunder hissed. “Cum like the needy animal you really are.” Her eyes shot from the ponies circling her, drinking in their reactions, and she was undone. She grunted past the bit, ropes of saliva hung past her lips, and she was wracked with pure, unadulterated ecstasy. Though she tried to contain it, a small deluge of climactic juices gushed from her marehood and pattered to the cobblestone of the street upon which she stood. “Good girl,” he purred, withdrawing and giving her flank a parting strike. “I believe my steed may be in need of a small break,” Luna seamlessly announced, pulling on the reins. “I hope you all have a wondrous Nightmare Night!” Celestia was only barely aware of the throng dispersing, the families and ponies scattering enjoy themselves with the various activities available for the occasion. She couldn’t say if any of the onlookers realized she’d just weathered one of the most powerful climaxes of her life, nor did she particularly care, but she had the clarity of mind to make a mental note to come up with an excuse for her behavior should any speculation begin to circulate. On unsteady legs, struggling to simply walk, she wearily followed her sister through town. She was an absolute mess, panting and covered in sweat, yet she was satisfied - exhausted and slightly embarrassed of what she’d done, but satisfied nonetheless. As she was led to the outskirts of Ponyville, she lifted her gaze and noticed her sibling looking back at her. “You know, this has me thinking,” Luna mused. “Since everypony here is so enthralled with the concept of Nightmare Night, we should begin celebrating the occasion in Canterlot…” Celestia’s marehood clenched as the implications sank in. Such an outrageous and admittedly hedonistic display had been overwhelming for just a few dozen ponies, so she shuddered to think how profound the experience would be if she had an even larger audience. Giving an approving grunt, she nodded. This Nightmare Night had been everything she’d hoped for, but next year - next year would be even better…
Aether Spark
Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Insanity in Ponyville
Twilight wakes up to a Ponyville gone mad, can she fix it?
<p>Twilight woke up feeling exhausted and aching.</p><p>As she wakes she comes to find Spike acting weird, and her friends, and all of Ponville, now she must discover what happened last night and hurry before Ponyville falls apart.</p><p>And not succumb to whatever this is in the process...</p>
Ponyville parties are extra fun due to a certain pink pony. Twilight trotted through Ponyville, Pinkie’s latest party was in full swing. “Wow, Pinkie really outdid herself,” Twilight complimented as she trotted with her friends, sans Pinkie who was elsewhere. “Wonder what the occasion is?” AJ asked. “Whatever, party time!” Rainbow cheered as she gulped down some hard cider and flew overhead. “Easy Dash, you don’t want to drink too much before the main event,” Starlight said. The group trotted over to the nearby buffet tables, Pinkie had laid out, there were signs saying not to eat yet… odd… Fluttershy accepted a cider from a stallion manning a cider stand and trotted over to the group. “Has anypony seen Discord?” Fluttershy asked. “Ah think he’s with Pinkie, setting things up, but apart from that, I don’t know,” Applejack said. “Pinkie said she had an important announcement to make before the ponies could eat, I wonder what it could be,” Rarity asked. “Probably about a new recipe she made,” Spike said as he was riding on Twilight’s back. “Trixie bets it is just another one of her drawn-out speeches,” Trixie added as she trotted past the group, the group made it to the stage Pinkie set up. “Shh! It’s starting!” Rainbow said as the curtains pulled back and Pinkie trotted out amidst smoke and confetti. “HELLOOOO PONIES!” Pinkie cheered into a megaphone and the ponies stamped their hooves and cheered as Pinkie spoke “I am happy to inform you that I have prepared a veritable feast for you all! And I owe it to a few sources I won’t say aloud for discretion sake, that this feast will be unlike any before!” Pinkie giggled. “Called it,” Spike said. “And besides, why NOT throw a humongoussuperfantastic party for the heck of it?!” Pinkie added. The ponies stamped some more as they cheered. “And now… without further ado, dig in!” Pinkie cheered before pulling a switch and all the covers on the foods were lifted, exposing the sugary sweets to the crowd. Brownies, chocolate, ice cream, cake, and more nummy things left and right. The ponies cheered and ran over to the tables and began eating. “AW YEAH! Let me at ‘em!” Rainbow cheered flying over. “Those do look good, just not for my figure,” Rarity said while going over to the ice cream. “Time ta party,” AJ said going over to the apple pies. “Hope Pinkie sectioned off some gemstone pastries for me,” Spike said as he ran around looking. “I’ll enjoy some too,” Fluttershy said trotting over to the churros. “Wait for us!” Trixie and Starlight ran in to enjoy as well. “I dunno,” Twilight said picking up a brownie. “Come on Twilight! Join the fun!” Pinkie said trotting by Twilight, holding a scone. “Alright alright, maybe one,” Twilight said, picking up a brownie and holding it up to her friends who had their own treats “To an eventful night of sugary fun I guess!” Twilight cheered. The others cheered and began eating. Twilight opened her mouth and bit into the brownie tasting the chocolatey wonders of Pinkie’s cooking- “Oooooh….” Twilight groaned sitting up in her bed, she honestly felt like crap… “What… happ- Uuuurp!… happened?...” Twilight looked around confusedly, one moment she was at a big Ponyville party the next she was in bed… and what was she… wearing? She was wearing a fairy princess outfit, and was covered in either mud, chocolate, or something she really didn’t want it to be… “Oooh… my head…. My back… my everything…. Seriously, what happened last night?” Twilight got out of bed, and winced as her body hurt, but she managed to undress from the outfit and exit the door and make her way downstairs, she paused seeing the downstairs a wreck, too tired to focus on that though, Twilight continued to the kitchen. As she made her way towards the kitchen, seeking coffee she heard crashing noises and saw some kind of shadow in the kitchen. “Huh? Who's there?” Twilight lit her horn in defense but it sent a crackling pain through her head, but she kept her defense up in case of an intruder. Twilight rounded the corner and aimed her horn. “Come out!” Twilight demanded… only to see Spike with his head in a cereal box, making grunting and growling noises. “Spike? You scared me half to death, I thought there was an intruder,” Twilight sighed. Spike continued running around on all fours grunting and growling. “Spike? Are you okay? Talk to me,” Twilight said, when Spike didn’t respond she used her magic to stop him “Spike! Enough playing around, we need to clean the living room!” Twilight said before pulling off the cereal box from his head and setting him down. Spike remained on all fours and looked around as if he didn’t understand where he was. “Spike, you're starting to worry me, talk to me,” Twilight said, before jumping a little as Spike looked at her and began growling, “Spike? Stop it, you're scaring me,” Twilight said. “Grrrrr! ARF ARF!” Spike barked and he lunged at her and Twilight yelped and put up a barrier, blocking him, he scratched at the barrier barking like a dog. “SPIKE! What’s gotten into you?” Twilight exclaimed and she was forced to surround him in a barrier to stop him from attacking, he barked some more and sniffed at the barrier. She noticed his eyes lacked an intelligent gleam, almost like he was an actual animal. “Spike?... What happened to you?” Twilight asked before thinking back on Fluttershy’s teaching on how to communicate with animals better, she tried it. “Uh… good boy Spike, who's a good boy?” Twilight attempted. “Hrm?...” Spike tilted his head before he started barking again. “Oook, um… does Spike want a treat?” Twilight looked around and spotted some of Spike's gathered gemstones and she grabbed one and offered it to him while raising the barrier as a wall again, releasing him. Spike sniffed the gemstone and ate it, and then he barked happily. “Oh, you were just hungry? Ok good, can I let the barrier down now?” Twilight asked doing so and Spike still seemed wary of her but he approached her a little more calmly. Twilight grabbed a few more gemstones and she fed him some more before he rolled onto his back and she scratched his belly. “Aww, so cute,” Twilight said before heading out of the kitchen, Spike following closely. “Oook, now that that is solved let’s fix this, maybe Zecora knows how?” Twilight said before hearing a thumping noise. “Huh?” Twilight looked at a window and jumped a little when she saw Derpy running into a window repeatedly before flying off. “Ooook?” Twilight was a little freaked out and she approached the window and looked out… her jaw dropped when she saw something weird going on throughout the town. “Wh-what the?” Twilight said seeing ponies running around acting crazy, she gradually made her way to the door with Spike following behind her whimpering for more gemstones. “Hang on Spike,” Twilight said before peeking out the window and seeing individual bits of madness going on. A blue stallion was running in circles while hooting. Mr Cake was covered in whipped cream and bouncing around like Pinkie Pie. A pony was just sitting on the ground staring at a wall and laughing as if he was just watching a television. Carrot Top was half buried in the ground and painted orange, like a carrot and Lyra was watering her. The CMC were drawing on each other, covering each other in cutie marks and laughing as they did it. And so much more… “What in the world is going on?!” Twilight asked leaving the castle with Spike at her side. She saw a pony trotting by looking normal so she approached him hoping he wasn’t consumed by this hair-brained madness. “Excused me sir!” Twilight called and he turned to see her “Please tell me what’s happening to everypony-” “Wonk t’nod I,” He spoke in reverse and trotted off. “Alright… um… Mayor Mare!” Twilight spotted the Mayor… giving a speech to a row of chairs… with pickles on them… “And I said ‘dill with it’!” She laughed. “...Uhm… Seriously, what is happening?” Twilight asked seeing ponies walking backwards, rolling on the ground and running into things. “Alright, Spike, we need to send a message to-” Twilight paused when she saw Spike peeing on a wall with a raised leg and then walking on all fours back to her “Change of plans, assemble the girls,” Twilight said running off with Spike in tow. Twilight ran past several ponies doing more crazy things, intending to find Applejack at the farm. She made it about to the edge of the property to only see a warzone and sandbags everywhere. “Huh?” Twilight said before a pair of legs grabbed her and Spike and pulled them behind some sandbags. “Shhh! They’ll hear ya!” Applejack whispered. “Huh? Apple-AH!” Twilight said Applejack's eyes were bloodshot and she was shaking “Applejack… What happened to you?” Twilight asked. “Ah didn’t sleep a wink, not while they are out there,” Applejack said peeking over the sandbags. “Who?” Twilight asked. “They ain’t moving even now… but ah won’t crack! AH WON’T, HAHAHA!” Applejack laughed suddenly and Twilight backed up a little. “Who? Applejack what is wrong with you?” Twilight asked. “They came out of nowhere! Want to invade the barn, but ah won’t let them, those orange invaders will not put the wool over this farm pony, nonono… ah’ll wait till they drop their guard, THEN BUCK ‘EM TO THA MOON!” Applejack whinnied. “....Uhm… what?” Twilight peeked over the sandbags and saw…. A pile of oranges “Applejack, don’t tell me your going to war with oranges?” Twilight asked with a deadpan. “Course ah am! They wanna take the business, take over the acres and grow orange trees instead of apples, ah won’t let them, ahahahaha!” Applejack giggled and peeked over the sandbags “Ya hear, ah’m watchin ya!” Applejack shouted. “Oooooook…. Going to leave now, enjoy your war with produce,” Twilight said backing away with Spike scratching his ear with his hind foot before he followed Twilight. “There has to be a single sane pony in Ponyville!” Twilight said looking around and spotting something yellow clinging to a wall. “Fluttershy!” Twilight ran over to her and saw her scaling the wall and flicking her tongue. “Fluttershy?” Twilight asked and immediately she jumped off of the wall and began hopping around and she gave a ribbit. “She thinks she’s a frog?” Twilight asked and then Fluttershy suddenly stiffened and she began eating grass and she gave a moo. “...And now she thinks she’s a cow?” Twilight said as Fluttershy wandered around eating grass before she stiffened and flew onto a lightpole and began tweeting. “And now a bird… I can see where this is going, she thinks she’s different animals every minute… this could be dangerous, especially if she thinks she’s-’ Twilight was cut off as Fluttershy dropped to the ground and began growling at Twilight. “Uh…” Twilight backed away as Spike growled at Shy who howled. “A wolf, not good,” Twilight picked a barking Spike up in her magic and ran for it while Fluttershy chased them. She galloped over to the Boutique and entered before slamming the door and Fluttershy clawed at the door barking. “Whew…. I think we’re safe,” Twilight sighed before a thrown needle hit the wall next to her head. “AH!” Twilight looked to see Rarity having sown a scarf at least twenty-five feet long and she looked at Twilight with a baleful glare. “GET OUT! The queen of Manehatten simply must have a one-hundred-foot scarf by Tuesday!” Rarity shouted before resuming her sowing. “Sorry!” Twilight said before looking out the door for Fluttershy and not seeing her anymore. “I SAID LEAVE, you’ll throw off my rhythm you hooligans!” Rarity said. “Ok ok!” Twilight left the Boutique with Spike and saw Fluttershy flopping on the ground. “Ok, she thinks she’s a fish now, let’s leave before she turns into something else dangerous,” Twilight said before taking her leave. She didn’t get five steps before an anvil landed in front of her. “AAAH!” Twilight yelped and looked up to see Rainbow throwing random objects off of clouds. “Rainbow!” Twilight shouted as she saw her throw a rock off the cloud. “Heads up egghead! We got weird weather!” Rainbow laughed before chucking a radio off and Twilight was forced to dodge and run around several heavy objects. She wound up running into Sugarcube Corner and saw Pinkie huddled in a corner. “Pinkie? Please tell me you're not affected by this madness too,” Twilight begged as Spike growled at her. “Heehee…. Hi Twiley… wanna party?” Pinkie said turning towards Twilight and Twilight yelped seeing she was covered in chocolate and was holding a knife. “Not good!” Twilight ran back outside dodging more heavy objects and made her way back into the castle in a sprint with Spike behind her. “ARF ARF!” Spike yelped seeing Pinkie behind them. “Come on Twilight, just one cut? I need to make some cupcakes!” Pinkie called. “Nope!” Twilight took off into the air with Spike in her magical aura carrying him along. “ARF ARF ARF!” Spike barked at Pinkie who waved the knife at the two ruefully. Twilight panted as she made her way over to the nearest safe spot she could think of and she hid with Spike still barking. “Spike shut up!” Twilight said firmly, worried that the crazed Pinkie would find them, when they waited for a while and nothing happened Twilight relaxed. “Ok… so… Ponyville has gone off the rails, my friends are insane, and Spike thinks he’s a dog so I can’t call for help… great…” Twilight said before looking around and flying into the air and looking to see Fluttershy’s cottage. “Ok, we can hide out there,” Twilight said before picking Spike up and flying over there. As Twilight landed she cautiously moved forward and opened the door “H-hello?” Twilight asked as she looked around and saw the cottage was still normal “Whew, alright,” Twilight entered with Spike who ran over to a doggy bed and laid down and Twilight went over to the nearby couch and threw herself onto it. “Whew… what a day…” Twilight said. “Tell me about it,” Discord said. “AAAAHHH!” Twilight yelped seeing Discord there suddenly and she could see he was grayed out a little and looking a little sick. “Discord? Don’t tell me your-” Twilight asked but he shook his head. “I’m not loco like the other ponies…. Just sick,” Discord said. “What do you mean?” Twilight said, simply glad she found a… semi-sane person. “Ponyville is in danger Twilight, we need to find Zecora, she’s uninfected,” Discord said. “Why?” Twilight asked. “She can fix this…” Discord wheezed. “What’s wrong with you?” Twilight asked. “Apparently I’m allergic to Pinkie’s ‘special ingredient’ and now I’m depowered and sick,” Discord said. “Special ingredient?” Twilight asked. “I’m not sure, she didn’t tell me,” Discord said. “Alright, can you move?” Twilight asked. “No, go on, I need to hold down the fort,” Discord said. “Ok,” Twilight said and she got up “Can you watch Spike?” Twilight asked. “Sure,” Discord said. “Thanks, I’ll be back,” Twilight ran off while Spike was sniffing his own butt. “Heh…. I won’t let him forget this,” Discord said seeing Spike still acting like a dog.
Aether Spark
Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Zecora,Alternate Universe,Comedy,Dark,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Violence
Insanity in Ponyville
Twilight wakes up to a Ponyville gone mad, can she fix it?
<p>Twilight woke up feeling exhausted and aching.</p><p>As she wakes she comes to find Spike acting weird, and her friends, and all of Ponville, now she must discover what happened last night and hurry before Ponyville falls apart.</p><p>And not succumb to whatever this is in the process...</p>
Twilight hurried through town, avoiding any loopy ponies that acted hostile. Twilight hid under a table and looked around for Rainbow dropping things off of clouds or Pinkie on the prowl. “Ook… I’m the only sane mare around, Discord is too sick to help, and my hopes of fixing this lie on Zecora not being infected, great,” Twilight said as she crawled out and snuck under another table, avoiding a stallion falling over every two steps. “The situation is unpredictable, I need to be careful,” Twilight said as she snuck over to the salon and peered around a corner. She made her way past the salon only to be grabbed by a pair of hooves and pulled in. “Aaah!” Twilight yelped, she ended up in the lobby of a dark salon “Uh… hello?” Twilight said starting to regret not bringing Spike with her. “Princeeeeess,” A voice sang from elsewhere. “I’m not staying,” Twilight turned to leave… before running into Aloe “Ah!” Twilight yelped. “Hello!” Aloe said with a big grin. “Uhm… hello?” Twilight said wondering what fresh hell this is. “Do you have an appointment?” Aloe asked. “No, in fact I need to-” “GOOD!” Aloe suddenly spoke loudly startling Twilight before she grabbed her and dragged her to the mud room. “Let me go!” Twilight shouted. “So eager! Let’s get you set up!” Aloe dropped Twilight in a mud bath. “ACK!” Twilight came out of it and spat out the mud. “What are you doing in there? The mud room is closed!” Lotus appeared suddenly and pulled Twilight out and tossed her into the main room. “Ooof!” Twilight grunted as she landed. “Wasn’t that pleasing?! Now for a relaxing massage,” Aloe asked before dragging Twilight onto the massage table and she started giving Twilight a very painful massage. “OW! Get off of me!” Twilight flared her horn and pushed Aloe away before she got off the table. “Princess! What are you doing here?!” Lotus demanded before grabbing Twilight and flinging her away. “Ow!” Twilight yelped as she landed in a chair. “The massage table is closed too! Leave!” Lotus said. “Now for a deep shampooing!” Aloe cheered and she strapped Twilight down and began washing her mane while occasionally pulling her mane too hard. “OW! STOP IT!” Twilight cried and she lost her patience and flared her horn before teleporting out of the chair. “The mane care station is closed!” Lotus ran at Twilight. “Come back! We haven’t visited the hot tub yet!” Aloe also ran at Twilight. “I’m out of here!” Twilight shouted booking it out of there towards the door and she made it out… before bumping into Bulk Biceps who was lifting a big barbell with several ponies stacked on it, he set it down and glared at her. “Uh… sorry,” Twilight said. “New weight!” Bulk Biceps grabbed Twilight and chucked her into the air. “Aaaah!” Twilight landed on the platform attached to the barbell and Bulk resumed pumping. “Ugh… can anything go right for me lately?...” Twilight asked herself before hopping off and running for it. As Twilight ran past several more insane ponies she could see the Everfree! Almost there… Twilight was suddenly pounced on by Fluttershy who was snorting and sniffing her. “Fluttershy? Get off!” Twilight demanded. “Oink!” Fluttershy squealed and she headbutt Twilight in the chest making her cough as the air was taken out of her lungs. “Ugh! Fluttershy must think she’s a wild boar or something…” Twilight wheezed before using her magic and levitating Fluttershy off of her. Suddenly Fluttershy began cawwing and flapping her wings and she managed to break out of Twilight’s grip and she flew into the air. “Now what?” Twilight asked as Fluttershy swooped at her and Twilight jumped out of the way. “She’s acting like a bird of prey?!” Twilight exclaimed before running for the forest. “Caw caw!” Fluttershy screeched and Twilight dove into a bush to avoid being snatched like a worm. Twilight poked her head out of the bush and saw Fluttershy swooping towards new prey. The CMC!? They were just laughing and drawing on eachother. “My new cutie mark is being sparkly!” Sweetie cheered pouring glitter on herself. “Mine is looking cool!” Scootaloo said painting herself blue like Rainbow Dash. “Mine is having the biggest smile!” Apple Bloom said as she gave a big smile. “CAW!” Fluttershy swooped at the oblivious fillies. “Look out!” Twilight flared her horn and teleported them and Fluttershy missed. As the CMC wound up beside her Twilight turned to see them continuing to draw on each other. “Whose cutie mark was for teleporting, and can I have one too?” Scootlaoo asked. “I dunno,” Sweetie said. “Sure!” AB said getting to work. “You three are in danger like this,” Twilight said levitating them into the air and carrying them with her “Oh please don’t be insane like the rest of Ponyville Zecora…” Twilight begged. Twilight entered Zecora’s hut grounds and she saw that it was barricaded. “I have a bad feeling about this…” Twilight said before approaching the hut and knocking on it. “Zecora!? It’s Twilight! I’m not like the rest of Ponyville which has gone off the rails as of late, please tell me the same goes for you,” Twilight asked. Suddenly the door opened slowly and Twilight could see the inside had light. Twilight gulped and entered. As she looked around she saw Zecora’s hut was trashed… save for red writing on the wall… in paint… whew… “Read the book?” Twilight asked outloud before approaching… and backpedaling when something lunged at her. “AH!” Twilight backed away and saw it was Zecora bound to the wall. “Zecora?! Who did this to you?” Twilight went over to help her but Zecora lunged again and was pulled back by the rope. “Oook… so you're insane as well…” Twilight sighed. “Insane, caine, -phane, aine, ane, ayn, bain, baine, bane, bayne, blain, blaine!” Zecora shouted. “And you're rhyming everything you hear…” Twilight said. “Rhyme, time, fine, line, shrine, sign!” Zecora erratically babbled. “This was a wasted effort…. Unless,” Twilight turned to the book and wondered if there was a solution, after all, there was a painted message in it… “Worth a try,” Twilight approached and opened the book. “...Huh? It’s just a recipe on making a cure for poison joke… why would it……. Wait…” Twilight’s eyes widened, everyone acting crazy… it’s almost as if they’ve been affected by something… something random and magical… “It’s poison joke… the town has gone crazy because of poison joke!” Twilight said excitedly knowing she’s found the solution… but how can she be sure that is the case? She needs to test this… Twilight looked around the hut and saw many ingredients for many brews. “Only one way to find out,” Twilight got to work and began mixing the ingredients while the crusaders were drawing on Zecora now. “Mark, park, lark, clark-” Zecora shouted as she thrashed. “Hold still! We're helping you get your cutie mark!” Scootaloo demanded. When Twilight had finished the brew she put it in a cup. “Here goes nothing,” Twilight hoped it would work “Hey, Sweetie Belle!” Twilight called the unicorn filly. “Huh?” Sweetie turned to her. “Want some… water?” Twilight asked. “Nope! I don’t have my water-drinking cutie mark yet!” Sweetie giggled. “Um… you can get it if you drink this,” Twilight offered. “Really?! Yay!” Sweetie ran over and chugged the potion… before getting woozy and collapsing. “Sweetie Belle? Are you okay?” Twilight asked hopefully. “Oooohhh…. My head… my stomach too…. What happened?” Sweetie raised her head and looked at herself “Why am I covered in cutie marks?” Sweetie asked. “Your back!” Twilight scooped up Sweetie in a hug. “Back from what?” Sweetie asked confusedly. “It’s been terrible, the whole town went crazy because of poison joke, but now we have the solution,” Twilight said levitating the rest of the brew and dumping some of it on Zecora and the other two CMC as well. “Huh?!” The other two gasped in surprise. “Ugh… my head feels hazy, yet at the same time less crazy,” Zecora said before looking to Twilight with a grateful smile. “You got my message, thank goodness, my efforts were not worthless,” Zecora said shaking herself off. “Zecora, do you know what happened?” Twilight asked her. “Yes, I sensed it as soon as I took a bite and swallowed, because of Pinkie the entirety of Ponyville in insanity wallowed…” Zecora said grimly. “Pinkie did this… how? Why?” Twilight asked. “She baked poison joke into the food from last night, I barely clung to sanity as I wrote the message in fright, when poison joke is consumed at that quantity it causes madness to take over the host possibly,” Zecora said. “I don’t believe it… Pinkie has some answering to do,” Twilight said “But first we need to make more and distribute it,” Twilight said. “What do we do?” Apple Bloom asked. “I have an idea,” Twilight said. After making a massive batch Scootaloo called for Rainbow. “RAAAINBOW!” Scootaloo called. Rainbow was in the middle of throwing things off of a cloud when she heard Scootaloo and she flew to her. “What’s up squirt? Can’t be long, I gotta whole lot of weather demands,” Rainbow said. “Uhm… well, weather command just called in, you need to make it rain this next,” Scootaloo said in a completely not rehearsed voice as she gestured to the large batch of poison joke cure, stored in a barrel. “Odd, didn’t think you were in weather patrol, and I was supposed to make it rain bowling balls next….. Ah well!” Rainbow chuckled and she grabbed the barrel and flew up into the clouds. “Let’s hope this works,” Twilight said coming out from behind a tree. Rainbow began pouring the barrel out in the clouds and threw the barrel aside before kicking the clouds. “Let it rain…. Whatever this stuff is!” Rainbow cheered… before it began raining cure on her and she suddenly got woozy and shook her head. “Huh? Wait… why am I in the air again?...” Rainbow asked herself. As the rain came down on the ponies everywhere they began snapping out of it. “Huh?” One pony said as he stopped walking on his hindlegs. “Tahw si… happening?... I can talk normally!” a stallion cheered. “Huh? Why am I lifting a bunch of ponies…. Ah well,” Bulk resumed lifting the ponies on the barbell platforms even as they snapped out of it. Fluttershy was hopping like a kangaroo when she suddenly fell on her face. “Oof!... huh?” Fluttershy looked around confused. Discord was waiting outside with Spike who was… taking a restroom break…. in Fluttershy’s yard. “This’ll be something I can use when he owes me something,” Discord chuckled. Suddenly the rain came down and Spike shook his head and got up. “Looks like she did it, it’s about time,” Discord said. “Huh? What happened? Is the party over?” Spike asked before sniffing “Eww, what’s that smell….” Spike went ridged when he turned around and saw what he did in Fluttershy’s yard. “I expect you to clean that up,” Discord said going back inside. “....Oh crud…” Spike said embarrassedly. Twilight saw the town turning back to normal and she beamed happily. “It worked! Oh thank Celestia!” Twilight sighed happily. “Yay!” Sweetie ran around splashing in the puddles. “Thank goodness…” Zecora said. “Now we need to get the uncured ponies out and fix them, and then I need a little talk with Pinkie…” Twilight said. Twilight splashed cure all over Pinkie who jumped. “AH! COLD!” Pinkie yelped before looking around “Huh? What happened?” Pinkie asked. “That’s what I’d like to know,” Twilight asked and Pinkie turned and looked nervous at Twilight's scowl. “What’s wrong?...” Pinkie nervously asked. “Explanation, now, why did you trick Ponyville into eating poison joke?” Twilight asked firmly. “What do you-” Pinkie jumped when Twilight stomped. “Now Pinkie! What were you thinking?!” Twilight demanded. “...Oh ok… you caught me, I did it as a prank, I figured the towns ponies would get poison joke and we’d all have a laugh about it, but what happened, I was eating a croissant at the party and then-” “All the ponies went insane Pinkie, somepony could have seriously gotten hurt!” Twilight said turning to walk away. “I didn’t mean to! It was supposed to be a prank!” Pinkie pleaded. “Regardless, ponies were in danger, this is coming from a friend Pinkie, confess, or I will,” Twilight said leaving. “Oh….” Pinkie sighed knowing she has a scolding ahead of her. The town's ponies were understandably livid when they learned the truth from Pinkie as she stood atop a stage and told them how apparently her attempt at a prank nearly destroyed the town and Pinkie promised to make it up to them. One week later Twilight trotted through a now normal Ponyville, cleanup had taken a long time, especially because Pinkie’s punishment for what happened was cleaning the town up, but being the pony she is she got it done in a week. But Twilight was working hard to prevent everypony from hounding Pinkie for what she did. Meanwhile Discord admitted his part and had to help her out. He was less than pleased but Fluttershy made him do as Mayor Mare requested. As Twilight arrived at the last house needing repairs from Rainbow dropping heavy things on it, she saw Pinkie hammering away at the nails. “How’s it going up there Pinkie?” Twilight called. “It’s going super! I think I'm nearly done!” Pinkie said, wiping her brow. “Well when you're done come see us at Sugarcube Corner for your shift, we want to celebrate you finishing your punishment early!” Twilight called before walking away. “Gotcha!” Pinkie waved before getting back to hammering. All in all, it was an insane week or so, but at least everypony is… mostly normal again. But then again, what is normal these days?
Fluttershy,Rainbow Dash,Rarity,Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Alternate Universe,Anthro,Comedy,Porn,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish,Profanity
Reprobate of Inflation
ODDS OF SUCCESS: Don't be silly.
<p><span style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline">GOAL</span><br/>Pump up the Elements of Harmony until they burst, leaving their cutie marks to be claimed as trophies. </p><p><span style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline">OPERATIVE</span> <br/>Rainbow 'Rouge' Dash, alternate universe thrill seeker, treasure hunter, and uninhibited inflation fetishist.</p><p><span style="font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline">ODDS OF SUCCESS</span><br/>Don't be silly. </p><p>Inflation commission, user wishes to remain anonymous but the story is shared with their permission. Includes hypnotism, nudity, whacky body inflating high jinks, and a weird kind of karma. Cover art is a crappy manip of actual art by Lettuce, made by yours truly because it was the best I could do.</p><p>Rouge Dash custom fic commission info available <a href="/blog/1024214/rainbow-rouge-dash-comms" rel="nofollow">here. </a></p>
It was a beautiful night in Ponyville, which suited Rainbow “Rouge” Dash. After all, she was after something beautiful. Somepony beautiful. Gems and diamonds, she could get any time. She was Equestria’s greatest treasure hunter, after all. But she was also a mare, a mischievous one at that, and mares have needs. She bypassed the security on Carousel Boutique’s delivery entrance so easily she may as well have been sleepwalking. She briefly wondered if she should assure Rarity the security system which she’d paid so much for was perfectly fine, she’d just been hit by the best thief in the world…but dismissed it with a wicked grin. Rarity would have much, much bigger problems then her frenemy thief breaking into her place of business. And not for any of the lovely jewels the fashionista used in her creations. Dash slipped through the entrance, easily avoided Rarity’s camera system, and then flapped her wings as silently as any falling feather to send herself up the boutique’s stairwell and land outside Rarity’s bedroom door. No lock to pick. Those Elements of Harmony, sooooo trusting! Other than using a squirt of grease on the hinges from a tube, stashed along with all sorts of other useful little tools in secret pockets sewen into the cuffs of her gloves and boots, all Dash had to do to ensure maximum silence was carefully pull Rarity’s door open and slip her lithe, athletic body in all its latex cat-suited glory into the boudoir of her best and certainly most glamorous friend in the Elements. Dash was a Pegasus, a species gifted with the sharp eyesight of birds, and had been trained to work in the darkness of the deepest treasure tombs beneath Equestria’s surface, so navigating Rarity’s dark bedroom by only the light of the moon was a cakewalk. Dash only paused in her duties because the snoring Rarity had rolled over in her sheets, inadvertently falling out of her dressing gown and giving Dash a wonderful view of her fabulous naked body. Dash admired Rarity’s exposed breasts, idly wondering if the fashionista had ever considered a career in opera, since she had the chest for it. Ah, but business before pleasure. Although her business here was going to be so pleasurable the only thing Dash could think of that might be better would be Rarity becoming bicurious, so they could develop a really fun relationship. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed gossip, coffee, and swapping compliments with the poshest Element, but she’d decided it was time to own them. Not the magical rocks, which she could swipe from that silly tree anytime she wanted, but the mares themselves. And they needed to be storage sized. Plus, Dash was going to get such a lovely, hot kick out of this. Dash quietly unzipped the backpack she’d brought with her and got to work, attaching the hose of an old-fashioned looking pump device to Rarity’s horn. “Mmm-hrrr…?” Rarity mumbled in her sleep, mildly disturbed by the pop of the tube slipping over her horn. “You’re dreaming about trying on Rainbow’s outfit, darling,” Dash whispered hypnotically into her ear, smirking. “It feels so lovely, like wearing a big, sexy balloon and it makes such wonderful noises when you move. No wonder she’s such a tease, and now you can be too.” “Mmph-w’gh,” Rarity burbled happily, rolling over as she lapsed into this new fantasy, her brain now full of brilliant white spotlights flashing off her black, latex clad curves. She could even smell Rainbow’s perfume, adding to the vividness of her dream. All those envious, lustful eyes on her in her latex, glistening and popping and squeaking as she moved… Those would be her brain translating the rapid squeaks of Dash vigorously operating the handle of her pump. The masturbatory aspect of the motion wasn’t lost on the Pegasus, and she even relished it. The air hissed in rapid bursts, beginning to reach a crescendo. Rarity’s left breast squeaked as it began to inflate, then her right one joined in. She adjusted herself in her sleep, rolling over so her washboard stomach, now rising into a rubbery belly, faced the ceiling. Her ear flicked slightly at the ripping sound of her dressing gown being torn apart by her expanding mass mixing with the now constant hiiiiiisssss of air filling her body. Dash adored Rarity’s hourglass figure, but it was soooooo awesome to watch a set of love handles swell out of her sides before spilling over and merging with the perfect sphere of her belly… Rarity’s right arm, bulging into a lovely lump, rolls of inflated skin around her wrist flattening into one solid mass, knocked her antique lamp off her bedside table. With a t’wink sound the straps of her sleeping mask snapped free, now too thin and feeble to stay in place on her growing balloon of a head. Rarity’s lips had inflated too, all lovely and red, giving her an absolutely perfect confused bimbo expression as her eyes fluttered open. “Hmm? Wha—?” “You’re having a dream and uncovering a repressed fetish, darling,” Dash smirked. “Go back to sleep.” “Ah, right you are…” Rarity’s murmured happily, and closed her eyes just in time for her expanding nose to touch the ceiling of her bedroom. Then she burst. Dash had been prepared for exactly this, but it was still a shock and so therefore a huge rush. The air filled with a cloud of the very essence of Rarity, smelling of her perfume and hair and cunt mixed with the smell of balloons, all of it slamming into Dash’s face the instant the fashionista popped. Dash had never felt or smelt anything so incredible, this was even better than the first time she’d pulled on some latex. “Beautiful…” she murmured as she watched scraps of Rarity dance about in the air before wafting gently downwards, mixed with the smells and thousands of little multicoloured moats twinkling in the air, dancing among the scraps. She casually held out one of her gloved hands and caught the reason she’d come here: the largest scrap of Rarity, with her cutie mark. “Guess they’ll be calling you Trophy from now on, darling,” she chuckled as she gathered some more white and purple scraps and slipped them all into a glass canister with Rarity’s name gilded onto the front. One down… *** Spike knocked on the door, still enjoying the thrill of getting to do that, just walk up to a pony as perfect as Rarity and be ushered into her home. What would’ve been even better? If they’d been alone… “Rarity!” Pinkie Pie chirruped, jumping all around trying to peer in through the boutique’s windows. “Rarity, you awake yet? I smell burst balloons! Are you having a balloon bursting party without me?! What gives? Other than a balloon, I presume. Rarity!” The door opened and Spike was disappointed that it wasn’t Rarity who answered but also hit with a whole new wave of enthusiasm. “R-Rainbow Dash? Uh, I-I mean Ms. Dash…” “Spike!” the treasure huntress cooed, reaching down to take him by the shoulders and accelerating his pulse rate. “I’d swear you get taller and more handsome every time I see you! And such manners! Ms. Dash, indeed! You can call me Rainbow if you like, darling.” Spike loved Rarity deep in his heart of hearts, but he wasn’t made of stone: he liked classy ladies and Ms. Da—Rainbow had almost as much class as Rarity and walked around dressed like, well, like how she was dressed. He couldn’t help taking in the sight of her suit under what looked like Rarity’s dressing gown. Her coat, her mane, her eyes, her voice, her suit, Spike knew the Elements didn’t always approve of the thief, but he couldn’t get enough of their semifrequent team ups. Spike was a good boy, or at least he tried to be, but Rainbow Dash was so…bad he couldn’t help but have certain fantasies. “Oh, hey there Rainbow,” Pinkie said, bouncing up to the front step and shaking the thief’s hand. “You see Rarity? I smell something that might be balloon popping and that counts as party pooping, and Pinkie Pie prides herself on being a professional party scooper.” Dash blinked then hastily tried to resume her usual sultry smile. “Ah, Rarity’s working on a custom order for me, darling. More latex, which does smell a bit strong, yes. She’s stepped out for the day to pick up more materials in Canterlot—and taken all her best gems with her, though I’m sure she isn’t trying to offend yours truly—so I’m just waiting around here until she gets back. I’m surprised to see you, honestly.” “I do surprise a lotta ponies,” Pinkie smiled. “Why?” “You mean you haven’t heard about that abandoned dairy on the edge of town?” “Oh that! Yeah, crying shame, hope somepony buys it someday, it’s a such a waste. “ “I know, right?” Dash sighed, leaning against the doorframe as if heartbroken. “All that lovely vanilla cream filling going to waste in those tanks. I hear they may have to drain it next week if somepony doesn’t use it all up!” “Excuse me,” a pink cloud said over the sound of a gunshot. Spike blinked, watching as a dust trail with Pinkie’s fringe sticking out of it zoomed up some hills. “Ah, finally,” Dash purred, surprising him by sliding one of her gloved fingers under his chin and stroking it. “All alone with the dragon of my dreams…” “Um,” Spike mumbled, fighting to keep himself under control. “Uh, th-that is, thanks M…thanks Rainbow. You, uh, you look beautiful today…I mean, not that you don’t always! Everyday! That is…” “Don’t worry, hon,” Dash chuckled, pulling him closer, “I know what you mean.” “Y-y-y-you do…?” “Spike, I’ve been trained to notice the most cutting-edge security. You think I haven’t noticed all those little looks you’ve sneaked when I’m working with your friends? It’s flattering, really!” She pulled him even closer, making Spike gasp as he felt his chest pressing against her cleavage. Dash pouted, stroking the side of his face. “And it must be soooo hard for you, pining for Rarity and me at the same time! Well don’t worry, I’m going to solve that problem for you today.” “W-what problem?” Spike mumbled. “Which of us you’re going to simp for, you silly boy!” “O-oh,” was all Spike could think to say. “Um. H-how’re you gonna do that…? “Like this,” Dash purred, producing a very, very shiny pocket watch from her glove cuff and starting to swing it slowly, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth… *** “I don’t buy it,” Twilight Sparkle said flatly. “Awww c’mon, Princess,” Rainbow teased, striking an even more sensual pose as she lounged in one of the castle library’s armchairs. “Even the best and worst of treasure hunters must do research. And who’s better at research than you?” “I understand that completely,” Twilight retorted. “I meant I don’t buy that you just came here to get me to look up some old temples for you. You’re up to something, Rainbow Dash.” “Moi?” the Pegasus cooed, putting one hand to her breastplate and batting her eyelashes in ‘shock’. “Oui,” Twilight countered cooly. “You’re perfectly capable of doing your own research. You’ve only ever come to me when you need either a patsy or somepony you can guilt into helping you get out of a jam, which you wouldn’t be in if you’d only grow up and use your talents for good, instead of petty thieving.” Dash kept smiling but her eyes narrowed. She was going to enjoy this just that little bit more. “I don’t think I’m the one being petty right now, Twilight.” “Ugh, fair,” Twilight sighed. “Whatever gets you out of here sooner. What’re you looking for?” “The Ancient Artefacts Almanac, if you would be so good,” Dash drawled, looking imperiously in the other direction and vaguely waving her hand at the uppermost shelf. Twilight sighed irritably, more at the Pegasus’ attitude than the simple task, and walked over to a hoof-stool to stand on, extending the range of her horn’s already considerable magical field to make sure she could grab the hefty tome with her mind on the first try. She knew where it was without looking and, as she’d said, she wanted the thief out of here as soon as possible. Twilight respected Dash’s talents…when they weren’t being used against her, which was possible in any given situation involving the thief. She even respected the pony herself, kind of…when she was being a person instead of a thief, and frustratingly the two states didn’t seem to be mutually exclusive. Maybe I ought to go back to that Nightmare Moon book. I know there’s only five Elements of Harmony but there must be some way to make one for loyalty. Then we’d have somepony to keep mares like Rainbow in line. “While I’m young, Princess,” Dash called mockingly. Twilight growled to herself, but the cocky bitch was right, this was taking longer than it should. She channelled her magic again and again and the almanac obstinately refused to levitate! “Problem?” Dash teased. Twilight glared over her shoulder to see the thief smirking at her, one hand propped under her chin. Dash gave her one of those winks that always made Twilight blush. “Not at the moment,” she mumbled and turned back to the shelf, pouring more and more and more magic into her horn. She could feel it flowing through her like it always did but for some stupid reason her magical field wouldn’t reach the book! She squeezed her eyes shut, a mix of concentrating harder and not wanting to see Rainbow Dash’s smug face as she failed to do something even a little filly could do, and focused so much that her cheeks began to turn magenta. Dash put a glove over her mouth to muffle the building laughter she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep down for long. Twilight was now wafting slightly off the floor from fury and her wings were flapping faster and faster as they got smaller and smaller from the swelling that started in Twilight’s hips and began to fill her chest. All that power, all that effort, all that training…and the smartest pony Dash had ever met still hadn’t realised the thief had slipped an enchanted cork over her horn. She’d borrowed the cork from Discord’s personal collection, the old snake delighted at the prank she wanted to pull and happy to lend it to her. It had been created to cork bottles and lamps that contained genies, blocking the magic of a Unicorn turned into an Alicorn was no problem. “Problem, Princess?” she asked sweetly as the fabric of Twilight’s sensible indigo and orange sweater began to rip. “None, thank you,” Twilight growled even as her ass swelled right out of her pants, ripping the crotch so hard that the legs slipped right off her new thunder thighs, the strips of her torn underwear dropping seconds behind them, her belly now almost the size of her balloon and pushing her double-D (and growing!) sized breasts up and out of her bra. She squeezed her eyes shut again and began to concentrate so hard every inch of her parade balloon body shuddered as it floated off the floor, bouncing gently off the shelves. She opened one eye, realising she was further away from the one she needed, snarled, and reached out with more magic, her belly swelling so violently her head, now the size of one of her breasts, sunk into her expanding violent folds… Unable to stop herself from laughing, Rainbow Dash overturned her couch, crawled under it, and pulled a cushion over her head. The sound of Twilight’s body finally bursting sounded just as grumpy as the princess herself. Even under her makeshift cover Dash felt the hammer of air, which flipped the couch back over and made Dash laugh even harder. She accidentally inhaled some of Twilight’s scraps and coughed, which she found just as hilarious. She realised Twilight’s remains weren’t just purple scraps but also included feathers from her wings, and toppled to the floor, hugging her catsuit covered stomach and her breastplate heaving as she laughed and laughed and laughed, her boots kicking involuntarily at the air. When she’d finally gotten control of herself, she sighed happily and sat up, flapping her wings to make a little breeze to stop Twilight’s bits sticking to her. She hunted until she found what she was looking for: the biggest bit of Twilight, with her cutie mark on it. “Thanks for the laugh, Twilight,” she smirked, slipping the scrap into a canister and sealing it. “Two down.” *** A few minutes ago, Pinkie Pie had jumped right over the chain-link fence surrounding an old factory building on the outskirts of Ponyville. The old, abandoned bakery. She’d run rings around the building until finding a door that wasn’t locked, racing inside. She looked around until she spotted an enormous tank with the logo for her favourite brand of vanilla cream on it. “Come to mama,” she’d grinned, too crazed by hunger to notice the metal of the tank was shiner than its aging cousins, the logo looking like it had only been decaled on yesterday. The only thing on Pinkie’s mind was the sweet taste that reminded her of all her favourite childhood desserts. A veteran of such equipment, she’d grabbed the nozzle designed to feed a controlled stream of the cream over an assembly line of waiting cake layers and fastened her lips to it, clutching its housing with both hands as she kicked frantically at the control panel to activate the process. The whole tank rumbled, shuddered, and then began to hum consistently as it vacuumed its precious filling along its feeding tubes. Pinkie had noted a slight tase that strangely reminded her of Derpy Hooves, which was gloriously drowned out by the sweet, sweet taste of vanilla cream. The reason that first taste reminded her of everybody’s favourite mail pony was that Derpy smelled of things found in the post office. Like the specific brand of magical glue used to seal magical packages. Which Rainbow Dash had coated the nozzle with to keep Pinkie’s lips in place, just in case she pulled away from the nozzle before the magical addiction potion she’d stirred into the vanilla cream had any effect. This was why, when Rainbow Dash dropped gracefully down through a broken skylight, she was pleased to see Pinkie Pie where she’d expected the party pony to be: mindlessly stuck to the nozzle of that tanker, pulling in gallon after gallon of tasty vanilla cream, and already so bloated that her clothes had burst open. The rags still clung to the wobbling balloon that was Pinkie’s torso and ass, but that wouldn’t be a problem, she’d rip right through them soon enough. Along with the rusting steel beams of this dump, if Dash had her way. And she would. “Doing okay, Pinkie?” she asked sweetly, sashaying around the rim of pink presence to check on the party pony’s head. Still normal sized, even with Pinkie’s bulging cheeks, and the blue spirals in her drooping, sleepy eyes. “Mmmmuuugh…” Pinkie mumbled, muffled by the gently shaking nozzle glued to her lips. “Glad to hear it,” Dash assured, giving the closest part of Pinkie she could reach and gentle pat. She bit her lip as a lovely ripple spread across the party pony’s bulbous body then planted a kiss on Pinkie’s cheek and flew out the window. She could leave this a few minutes longer. She knew she could count on Spike, so that just left her one last visit… *** Applejack was enjoying a short break against one of her orchard tree’s trunks when she saw the rainbow. She’d been hard at work in the fields and was in the middle of admiring the new rows she’d ploughed today, wishing she could do even more. “Oh boy,” she muttered to herself as she watched the rainbow contrail sweep through the skies overhead. “There goes trouble.” Rainbow ‘Rouge’ Dash back in town. Where she went, trouble followed and that was the truth. The truth was also that Applejack had the major hots for the thief, and that the feeling was mutual and neither of them regretted it when their shouting matches turned into intense make out sessions and glorious hook ups. It was just also true that Rainbow was a thief, a mercenary, and a snob to rival Rarity on her worst day. It was also-also true that one of the best birthday-presents AJ had ever received, next to another senses shattering roll in the sheets with Dash, was a copy of the thief’s latex suit she’d left beside her lover’s pillow when she’d left in the night. AJ still even kept the box it had come in. So, if ol’ RD was in town it could mean anything from somepony about to lose all their valuables, the world was in so much danger the Elements had to team up with her again, or the Pegasus was going to try one of those dad-blamed scams of hers. Hell, she could even just be flying over town on her way to pull some shit in Canterlot. Wouldn’t be the first time Princess Celestia, who hired Dash as often as she put up wanted posters of the Pegasus, had called in the Elements for some Rainbow related fiasco. All Applejack could be sure of was that she was probably going to get in another shouting match with the Pegasus, they’d both remember they found each other beautiful when they were angry, and fuck like Angel on PCP. She turned as she heard footsteps coming up the path over the Acres fence, and her pensive expression became a genuine smile. “Howdy, Spike. C’mon over. Nice duds!” “Thanks, AJ,” the dragon grinned as she clambered over the fence. He was indeed wearing a nice, crisp black tuxedo. At first the workhorse thought he’d grown a second set of wings, but realised he was carrying some kind of equipment on his back that put her in mind of a butterfly crossbred with an accordion. “Twilight hosting a symposium I don’t know about?” Applejack joked. “No, I just need to look my best for my new calling,” Spike said, his voice sounding a little dreamy. “Are you alright? You look tired.” “Yeah,” Applejack sighed, frowning at her rows again. “Years’re startin’ to catch up to me, I guess. I been workin’ since before dawn an’ I haven’t even managed to do half the orchard yet. Keep needin’ to stop an’ catch my breath.” “That’s why I’m here,” Spike explained. “Mistress thought I could help you with that.” “Uh…Twilight thinks I need help?” Who else could he be talking about? AJ sure hoped he was just being weirdly formal, and she wasn’t learning something that went on in Castle Friendship she maybe didn’t wanna know. “…Twilight…right!” Spike said, quickly pulling the equipment off his back. AJ now recognised it as a pair of old timey bellows that had to be almost as old as Granny. “This is from her lab! We know how important stamina is to you, so we figure the enchantments in this could give you more oxygen, keep you working for longer.” Applejack stroked her chin thoughtfully, looking between the bellows and her plough, a large metal monster of a thing she could easily pull by hand. Pulling wasn’t the problem, keeping up the work was. “Well,” she mused, “I guess it…wouldn’t technically be magic on the farm, just magic in me. Like a kinda fancy inhaler. Aww what the heck, sure Spike, hit me!” “Open wide,” Spike smiled, and popped the nozzle of his bellows into Applejack’s mouth. “Say when!” Slightly taken aback but committed, Applejack gave a thumbs up. Spike snapped the bellows open, pushing the flaps as wide as they’d go. The motion and sudden rush of air forced Applejack onto her knees. She blushed a little as she wondered what it must look like she was doing to the teen dragon from a different, obscuring angle. Spike began to rapidly pump the bellows, his grin becoming wider, his eyes glassier. AJ herself began to zone out to the whooshing of the bellows filling and emptying, finding It oddly soothing. Even the rapid squeaking was kinda relaxing. Something began to nag at her, a feeling like she’d forgotten something important. She did feel more oxygen in her lungs, minty and cool, so much that even having the nozzle plugging up her mouth wasn’t giving her any breathing problems. She felt her hat beginning to fall off and irritably reached up to push it back on. Her arm felt oddly heavier than it should, and she looked at it as she lowered it. Her emerald eyes bugged, from a mix of shock and how much air was now filling her head. The muscles in her arms were undulating, inflating, starting to merge and expand into one massive stump, her tiny fingers wiggling uselessly on the sides of a hand now more of a rubber ball! She looked down as her belly and hips ripped through her jeans, her belt coming away with a twang noise. Applejack began to let out muffled sounds of shock, trying to sit up, her legs pawing at the ground as her feet popped out of her boots, kicking uselessly as they began to rise into the air, now two balloons dragging her into an even more helpless position. She squawked as her breasts burst through her shirt, though the still grinning Spike didn’t seem to be looking at anything. AJ’s ballooning torso forced her arms out to her sides as her legs and ass burst out of her jeans. She waved her hands frantically, her eyes going wider beyond just being shocked as her head began to beat like a heart, swelling larger each time, her hat seeming to shrink on top of her head. She’d come to a mortifying realisation: how was she gonna tell Spike ‘when’ if her mouth was full?! This was the last thought she had before her medicine ball sized head pressed into a parade float sized mass of rubbery skin that had once been her shoulder blades, and she burst into a flurry of orange and blonde scraps that smelled, naturally, like apples. *** Rainbow Dash smirked in satisfaction, standing in her high heels on a cloud with her arms folded, as her Pegasus vision perfectly adjusted for the swirling mess that had once been her favourite Element. She’d miss those hot, furious nights with Applejack, but she had many lovers and finding another puffed up—Dash giggle-snorted at her own inadvertent pun—honest type who couldn’t resist their libido wouldn’t be that hard. “Good boy,” she murmured to herself, impressed as she watched Spike walk right into the still hazy air where AJ had been to snag the scraps with her cutie mark and seal them in a canister. Spike looked around, picked up Applejack’s hat, and flapped into the air with his prizes, one under each arm. If Dash returned home to find he’d cleaned the shards of farmgirl off his tux she’d really be impressed. She turned her head, slightly surprised at something she’d caught out of the corner of her eye. From up here she could see almost all the way to Canterlot, and a large pink mass had just sprouted into existence on the outskirts of Ponyville. Shielding her eyes from the sun with a gloved hand to her brow, Dash squinted, zooming her vision in on it. Pinkie Pie’s ass had just burst through the rear wall of the old bakery, her tail reduced to a tiny flag flapping on top of her cheeks before they merged into one solid lump. Dash sighed happily at the sight, retrieved her custom phone from the cuff of her left boot and texted Spike to get over there and wait. She had a plan for him now. She looked over her shoulder, smirking as her vision saw her new butler look at his phone, then turn in the complete opposite direction he’d been flying, a look of grim determination on his glassy eyed face. Obeying his mistress was the teenage reptile’s entire reason for existing now, and Dash was going to get the most of him. The most service, the most devotion, the most entertainment value. “Very good boy,” she purred, reaching down to pull a briefcase out of the cloud. *** “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” Fluttershy asked. She had fond but mixed feelings about Rainbow Dash, who was still always welcome in her cottage any time. They both had fond memories and a bit of a bond left from their time at flight camp. Dash had helped the Elements save the world beyond mere self-preservation because of it. But it was still hard for Fluttershy to reconcile the rambunctious tomboy she’d known with the almost totally ruthless thief and borderline exhibitionist sitting on her couch. She knew Dash had a heart underneath all the flirting, violence and cold-blooded mercenary cunning. It was just that snakes did too, and Fluttershy respected what snakes could be. “Oh, sorry hon,” Dash said, putting down the cup of coffee she’d accepted and clearing her throat. “Do this for my social medias and I’ll donate fifty million gems to your animal friends!” “That’s a lot of money,” Fluttershy said, blushing slightly at both how obvious that was to say and because Dash had just crossed her booted legs over each other. The other Pegasus had always had the natural beauty of her mane and coat, but wherever she’d picked up that outfit of hers (probably the same place she’d picked up her insatiable hunger for treasure and hedonism) had taken her to an entirely different level. One she’d excitedly asked Fluttershy to “party” on with her, during the Element of Kindness’ modelling days. She’d always be glad she’d found the courage to turn Dash down, but, well, it was hard to ignore how shiny and sinewy her old friend was. “Not to me,” Dash chuckled. “I’ll earn it back in less than a year of jobs and hell, not like I’d starve in the meantime. Plus, it’s a total win-win! You get to do what you do best and help all those innocent animals, while I get the satisfaction of knowing I did a major good deed the next time Twilight and Applejack decide it’s been a hot minute since they gave me a lecture.” “You’ve had…worse reasons, I suppose,” Fluttershy chuckled. “And I guess it’s not like I have to actually watch the video. Promise you won’t share my email or anything?” “Cross my heart and hope to…however the rest of Pinkie’s little pantomime goes,” Dash promised, waving her hand dismissively. “Is that a yes? For old time’s sake?” There was a slight edge in the thief’s voice Fluttershy liked to think only she could recognize. Not pleading, Rainbow Dash would never do that unless she was well and truly out of options, but sometimes her old friend would make strange offers like this and get that sound in her voice. As if she were trying to brace for the disappointment of Fluttershy saying no, which she had a few times. But it was why Fluttershy still held out hope of Rainbow reforming someday. She was one of the few ponies in this world the ruthless treasure hunter was loyal to. Or so Fluttershy thought, which shows what she knew. “Oh…why not?” she decided, beaming. “It might even be fun.” Dash let out a Rarity-worth squeal of delight, springing up to hug the startled veterinarian and kiss both her cheeks. Fluttershy burst into surprised but genuine laughter, the pair of them hugging and jumping in place for a bit before Dash finally extracted her equipment from the briefcase. It was some kind of pumping machine. “Okay, okay,” Dash chanted excitedly after it was set up and she was readying her phone, “ready?” “M’gh’-hu’gh,” Fluttershy managed, the tube of a hose connected to a helium canister in her mouth. It was awkward to stand holding it in place, but she was managing that two. “Alright, BFF Huff ‘n’ Puff challenge, take one, in three…” Dash held up that many fingers of her free hand while steadying her phone with the other. The recording light above its camera pulsed pleasantly as she lowered each finger for the count. “Two…one…action!” Action indeed. As soon as Dash delivered a sharp kick to the canister it began pouring its contents into Fluttershy’s mouth, so hard that soon her wings began to involuntarily flap. It was very silly, but she just focused on all the good this silly social media bit would do. Fifty million for her animals. Making Dash happy, maybe more open to a life where she didn’t just steal things for kicks. Everypony important to her finally getting along. Her veterinary staff living slightly less stressful lives for a good long while. It all came surprisingly easy, focusing on it through the constant motion of her arms. The constant, soothing blinking of Dash’s phone…the nice…soothing…green…light… It overwhelmed her so much she completely forgot that Dash had never specified what the time limit was for the challenge. Or to worry. Rainbow Dash was equally hypnotised, willingly and unable to look away, as she stared at her beautiful old friend over the top of her phone. She was holding it steady as she watched Fluttershy’s head and torso undulate, swell, even keeping her composure when Fluttershy’s breasts punched through her shirt, her bra shredding like wet tissue paper. She’d always have the video and she could have ordered Spike to do this just as easily, but it was Fluttershy. She had to be here, as it happened. Watching it through her phones camera just wouldn’t be the same. She stared into the vacant look of Fluttershy’s enlarging pupils as the yellow mare’s head ballooned perfectly, her pink fringe falling almost coquettishly across one. Dash bit her lip as the distorted shimmer of her reflection began to dance in both those perfect green eyes… Fluttershy’s hips finally swelled through her jeans, sending them to the floor in pieces as her underwear snapped loose and tumbled to the floor like a concussed snake. Her perfectly round ass, rival to Dash’s own, rose into the air as both cheeks expanded, taking her new thunder thighs with them. Eventually her hands fell away from the hose, now stuck between her bulbous slips, her arms swept to the sides of her perfectly circular torso, her fingers shrinking into the bulbous tubes of her inflating hands merging with her wrists and arms. Fluttershy’s back, or perhaps hemisphere would be a better word, bounced against the ceiling of her cottage as her naked yellow balloon body wafted off the floor. Her head began to shrink backwards into the mound of her body, and there was a brief scrapping noise as this dragged the helium canister along her floor before it too was dangling off the ground, swaying slightly. Dash couldn’t look away. Soon, she was staring at a perfectly round yellow ball, a single tuft of pink hair draped across its front. And then Fluttershy finally burst. The force was so like the Pegasus herself, gentle and sweet smelling, the scraps of her body swirling in the air, so bright it was like a sun made of a million fireflies had manifested in her living room. Dash sank to her knees, her mane and tail still billowing slightly from the force of the burst, her eyes briefly squeezed shut as she sucked in the magnificent smell of her old friend mixed with that of a balloon. She watched the scraps dance and drift for a few minutes, then finally shut off her phone, stood up and walked into the still shimmering air where Fluttershy had been standing, breathing in more of that amazing scent. She found what she was looking for and gently reached out to pinch it out of the air. “Thank you, my darling,” she whispered reverently to Fluttershy’s cutie mark. She slipped it into its canister, then held up her phone, tapping through screens until she had transferred fifty million from her offshore accounts into the animal sanctuary’s account. “A promise is a promise.” She used a feature on the canister that turned into a vacuum to suck up the rest of Fluttershy and made sure to lock the door behind her when she left, in memory of the Element of Kindness, the only one she’d ever respected. She sighed happily, fondly patting the bag she was using to carry her canisters, aiming for Flutteshy’s specifically, then turned to the horizon and focused her razor-sharp eyes on a pink blob in the distance only she knew to look for. Her beautiful face broke into a wolfish, sneering smile. “Five down.” *** Pinkie Pie might now be a shuddering, Goodyear blimp sized wad of bubble gum pink rubber spreading to cover the flattened remains of the old bakery, and Spike a grinning, straight backed minion in a butler’s suit staring at nothing, but they had this in common: there were absolutely no thoughts going through their minds right now. Spike’s predicament was the basic result of Rainbow’s mesmerism, turning the lovestruck dragon into an empty, happy, obedient puppet. Pinkie’s was slightly more elaborate and expensive: Dash had mixed addictive alchemy potions into her vanilla cream, as well as enchanting the super glue she’d used on the nozzle to make Pinkie’s lips feel like they were being perpetually kissed, in addition to keeping her mouth in place. Dash had meant to elegantly cruise down onto the scene, but she couldn’t help it, the sight of both her allies-cum-trophies was so hilarious she burst into laughter, dropping onto her high heels sooner than she’d meant to. Spike caught her by the arm as she wobbled slightly. “Heh, knew keeping you around would be a good idea,” Dash managed, forcing down a giggle fit. “Yes, mistress. Thank you, mistress.” “Umbrella.” Spike obeyed, handing her one. The grin never left his face as he followed his Mistress, strutting while she causally spun her new umbrella, past the small Manehattan avenue’s worth of pink balloon until she finally found Pinkie Pie’s head, now the size of Twilight’s hot air balloon, bulging against the tank. She raised an eyebrow, impressed despite herself at how low the gauges were, then looked up into Pinkie’s half lidded, glassy blue eye, the only one visible on this side of the small parade balloon that was the party pony’s head. “What do we think, honey-pie?” she sneered. “From a prank rating of one to ten.” “Mmmmm…” Pinkie mumbled, her eye rolling up to better stare drowsily into nothing. “And I thought Rarity was generous,” Dash chuckled, condescendingly patting Pinkie’s queen-sized check and making her entire head wobble. She planted a kiss on it, leaving a lipstick mark and smacking her lips fondly at the taste. “Spike.” “Yes, mistress!” Her butler sprang to attention, saluting and kicking his spat covered heels together. “Two birds with one stone,” Dash said as she fiddled with her umbrella to get it open. “You’re gonna count to ten…” She looked up at Pinkie’s head then along the length of her factory sized torso. “…mmm, no, to twenty for me, then dig your claws into whichever part of Pinkie you can reach.” “Yes, mistress,” her simp grinned. “One…” Rainbow Dash, Equestria’s greatest jewel thief and prankster supreme, soon to be owner of the Elements of Harmony and the living embodiment of Pegasus beauty and cunning, spun on her boot heels and ran like fuck to better launch herself into the air, flying as far away from Pinkie Pie as she could without reaching Rainboom making speeds. She dived behind a convenient boulder, slipped a pair of ear muffs over her head, and finally managed to get her umbrella open. “Eighteen…nineteen…twenty,” Spike concluded happily, and jabbed a claw into what had probably once been Pinkie Pie’s neck. The force almost reached Canterlot. Only half the windows in Ponyville survived. Even Rainbow’s boulder was almost picked up and hurled into Celestia’s foyer. She kept her eyes shut, heart hammering behind her breastplate (although as with Fluttershy she did find Pinkie’s scent pleasing, reminiscent of a few birthday parties she especially cherished) as the earth shook under her million-bit ass. After counting to ten herself, the thief risked opening one eye. Some trees were still swaying in the distance, but the immediate area seemed calm enough. She peeked over her boulder, tossing away her cream covered, ragged umbrella, and blinked at the sight before her. A falling galaxy of pink scraps was tumbling onto what little was left of the bakery ruins. As Dash watched a patina of them began to cover the battered vanilla cream tank, turning it into a pink cylinder. They even began to coat the three still standing beams, making what should’ve been a melancholy war photo look rather festive. “Spike?” Dash called as she approached. “Under here, mistress,” came a muffled reply. Dash reached out with a boot heel and used it to casually remove a pile of pink rubble. Spike grinned up her, still in his tux and now flat one of the hardwood floorboards in Dash’s Manehattan penthouse. The force of Pinkie’s burst and the falling masonry and had done what she’d hoped: made her butler easier to package. “Good boy,” Dash said casually, producing one of the art tubes she used to smuggle stolen paintings. “I’ll inflate you whenever I feel like being pampered.” “Yes, mistress,” Spike said happily as she peeled him off the dirt, rolled him up, and stuffed him into the tube. Dash wondered briefly if she should’ve left him intact so he could pick up Pinkie’s trophy scrap, but oh well. She flapped her wings and rose into the swirling pink mess, searching. *** The first thing Rainbow Dash did when she got back to her headquarters was to take a quick shower then make herself some coffee. She hung the grinning, mindless, flattened Spike on a cupboard door, then strutted into her newly furnished trophy room. The cutie marks of all five Elements of Harmony shimmered in their canisters, the equal of any of the gold and jewels in Dash’s collection. Rainbow Dash looked up at all that was left of her former allies and burst out laughing, her chest heaving and making the light on her breastplate dance magnificently as she wrapped her gloved arms around her torso and laughed so hard her wings almost feel off. She snickered and wiped some tears from her eyes before strutting closer to get a better look. “Fuck, I’m good,” she cooed, looking past the trophies to the mirror of the mantle she’d placed them on, complimenting her perfect reflection. “All those villains and it’s the ‘lowly’ thief who finally ended those self-righteous elements. Well, Twilight got her wish. I did succumb to the power of friendship or whatever…my way.” She smirked viciously, whipping out her pocket watch, one of her favourite trinkets and tools, holding it up to admire the way its light glistened in the mirror, almost like her catsuit. “And she was finally taken down a peg by the power of my little beauty here! A few sways and she didn’t even remember the first time I rang the doorbell, let alone when I blocked her horn! Ha! I probably would’ve used it on all of them if the other ways weren’t so much fun! Just hold it in front of them, swing it around, and tell them to breathe in…” She watched the watch sway back and forth in the mirror, trailing off. The smirk stayed on her face, but she’d lost her train of thought at how truly beautiful her watch was. How powerful. How…how…back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth… “B…” She fought to regain her last thought and resume. “B…breathe…breathe in…” Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. “Breathe in…” Rainbow Dash grinned imbecilically to her glassy eyed reflection, and did so, all poise gone as her mouth opened wide and sucked in almost all the oxygen in her trophy room. In her penthouse. In the sky outside the open windows. Soon the mirror could no longer contain her reflection. The glossy black sheen of her catsuit swelled outward, her breastplate shrinking to a tiny pink heart under a solid wall of cyan skin. The gradual bulging of her entire being soon swept the watch out of Dash’s view, as her white gloves became two drums dangling uselessly from her circumference, but that didn’t matter. The only thought in her head, which was now a medicine ball sized lump with the two small moons of her bulging cheeks on either side of the rapidly shrinking point that was her nose, was ‘Breathe in…breathe in…breathe in…’ Eventually the expanding landmass that had been her hips and thighs began to push her precious treasures to the sides of the room. Soon Dash was just a blue and black ball hovering off the floor, little white limbs now solid stumps pointing uselessly at nothing, her beloved wings just two little cyan nubs sticking out of the upper curve of her cyan upper half. Her legendary mane was now like a small, rainbow coloured flame dancing on top of the cross-eyed ball that was her head. Her tail was a similar flame, soon extinguished by the black latex wall that had been her ass and lower back as the sphere sucked Rainbow’s tail into itself, pushing out the doors of the trophy room and slowly pushing all her fancy furniture and decor, as much trophies in their own right, across her hardwood floor. Now at least there was some sense of proportion: Dash’s black lower half was filling her penthouse, while her cyan upper half was stuck in what was left of the trophy room. Her was gorgeous face, still sucking in air through her nostrils, was pressing up against the rack she’d used to house her Element trophies, her wine-coloured eyes now going in both directions because the proportions of her head were stuck against a solid wall and still stretching. Part of the problem was Dash’s suit, tough, durable latex, designed to stretch and even incorporating some low-level bullet and fireproofing magic. Her inflating mass was now trapped in a black covering that was prepared to keep this up as long as its wearer was. Eventually, however, the laws of physics began to take over: Dash should’ve hit her breaking point into the first five minutes. By the time ten had gone by, her mass was trapped in both her suit and her penthouse with nowhere to go…and still stretching. The burst took out all the top floors of Dash’s penthouse, showering the block with swirling scraps that smelled of exotic perfume, a high-class gym, and the scent you get after rain. Civilians who weren’t panicking or concussed were confused, wondering if some sort of parade was being thrown. Above them, the skeletal remains of Rainbow Dash’s penthouse jutted into the sky, already sinking into a cover of cyan and rainbow snow. The only part sheltered from the storm thanks to the way beams and rubble had managed to fall, creating a small alcove, was the mantelpiece bearing her Elements of Harmony trophies. Slowly, like a sentimental ghost, a black and pink shadow wafted out of the dancing rainbow flakes: Rainbow Dash’s iconic latex catsuit and breastplate, now expanded to twice her size. It drifted lazily through the air, draping itself almost affectionately over the top of the mantel piece, as if leaning seductively to look down at the remains of her frenemies. There’d be more than enough of Dash to magically reconstitute her, of course. Princess Celestia was going to have a lot of words for the thief’s actions today. She was going to be rendered speechless, however, when she would receive the report explaining that the force of Dash’s bursting had caused small cracks in the tough glass of the Element canisters. Small enough to allow microscopic particles of Equestria’s greatest thief to waft in and contaminate the soon to be reconstituted remains of its greatest heroes… END
Scootaloo,Spike,Human,Dark,Horror,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Haunted or Hunted
As the chosen it is my duty to tend to all universes that are threatened by the nothingness but how am I supposed to save a world that is already doomed.
<p>I am the chosen by Eternia to defend all worlds from the threat of the nothingness and all of the tricks it plays. But how am I supposed to save a world that has already died</p><br/><br/><br/><br/><p>(author's note: this story was originally supposed to be apart of another series but I felt it was too good of an idea to just let rot away)</p>
As the vehicle landed it let out a whining noise that almost sounded like fear out of it and the center light which was the light in which Eternia shall protect me dimmed a little bit, but I didn't let that stop me as I opened the doors and was greeted to nothing but a pitch black wall. I pulled out my device to help alleviate that problem but it did not do but a scratch to the darkness that seemed to even cover the stars and moon. I decided like I always do to resign to my fate and close the doors behind me. As I walked further into the smothering darkness I noticed that other than my footsteps I could not hear a single sound, not even the rustling of tree's in the wind. I continued walking blindly until I began to see flickers of movement that was always on the edge of my sight and always disappeared the moment I even began to look towards it. as I played this game of cat and mouse with the ever present movement I nearly stumbled right over a cellar door, but more importantly a door that had light spilling from the cracks. I almost immediately tried to open the door only to find that the it was locked. Then I heard what sounded to be giggling coming from the basement so I pointed my gadget at the barrier and heard the click of the bolt lock. I slowly opened the doors just enough for me to get in but not all the way opened. What I saw was a pink dragon and a curled up orange Pegasus but I soon learned why the door was locked. I heard laughing from behind me and the thunder a million hoof stomps. I quickly jumped into the cellar letting the doors close behind before I used the tool and resealed the lock. The things that are outside started to bang heavily on the little wooden piece that I thought it might break but it seemed as they knew this as well because then the thuds on the door became quieter until it was a simple knock one might use when they are waiting patiently. But I paid that no mind as I proceeded to walk up to the dragon and Pegasus that laid whimpering on the floor. "Hey its alright now it's safe now." I tried to reassuringly say "If you going kill us just do it already!" yelled back Spike which made me think and so I began to more thoroughly examine the surroundings. There were enough cans of food where it implied that they had been here for about a month. And the mana generator that was powering all the lights had only about a day or two left before it ran out. From a look at Scootaloo I determined that for all her time down here she had not bathed in the time she had been down here. As I was taking stock of this basement I noticed that had slowly risen just enough to see me. I raised both my hands to try and imply that I had no ill intentions but it took a while until he finally reached out and poked me. It was at the moment I realized that his right arm had been cut off or more properly it had been chewed off and banged improperly. So I decided to raise a single finger and looked for medical supplies. The little guy just continued to lay there and watch me with fear in his eyes. I soon found the supplies I was looking for sat back down right where I had been earlier. I motioned for him to come closer in which he hesitantly replied. I kept my movements slow and steady I patched up his wound properly. As I did this tears started pouring from his eyes. Once I had finished he hugged me and just cried. I waited for what felt like hours until his tears finally fell into small whimpers. "Hey little guy if you are willing can you tell me what has happened?" I asked as I felt him grip just a little harder and then he began to speak. "I..I..It it was all so sudden one day it was fine and then the d..d..dark came and it it got twilight and it changed her i..i..i." "Hey hey its ok you don't have to say what happened if you don't want." "No I..I want to finish, it got twilight and it changed her th.. th.. the smile she had it oh Celestia her eye's HER EYES!" spike wailed into me as I patted his back and felt another pony join this hug. "Hey you two look at me" I waited for their eyes that where so full fear and so devoid of hope look up to me. "I promise you that I will get you out here I will try No I am going to make sure you never have to look into those empty and cold eyes again!" I turned to the door that shielded us, if but barley the horrors that lurked behind that barrier. "DO YOU HEAR ME BY THE LIGHT OF ETERNIA THAT FLOWS THROUGH MY VEINS I SHALL PROTECT THESE CHILDREN!" I sat there clutching the two innocent to me as I panted to gain my breath. after I did I sat the two down and caught my breath I began to explain. "Alright you two I have a ship that can take us away from here and this." I raised the tool "will lead us there but you will have to hold on tight." I saw the two nod their heads in affirmation. I then motioned for spike to get on my back and then picked up Scootaloo in a way that lets me use the tool. "alright in 3...2...1" I pressed the button, the door unlocked, and I kicked the door wide open and ran. The demons though were hot on my tail and tried to trip me and even tried scratching but I still ran. I ran through the dark until my lungs could bear it no more and I ran even further. All the while the demons threw insults like coward, liar, and fool but I still ran. I nearly slammed into the door but opened it in time. I then slammed the door but one of the hellions fingers that tried to claw its way inside but I kept pressing until the fingers popped into little clouds of smoke but the door did shut and I heard a satisfying lock as I sat down Scoodaloo. I didn't even bother letting spike go and I walked up to the central controls and began to plot the way back home where surely Eternias warm embrace shall guide these two. I finally relaxed when the familiar sound of the ship departing filled the halls with it oh so soothing tone. we were safe and we were free
Scootaloo,Spike,Human,Dark,Horror,Sad,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Death
Haunted or Hunted
As the chosen it is my duty to tend to all universes that are threatened by the nothingness but how am I supposed to save a world that is already doomed.
<p>I am the chosen by Eternia to defend all worlds from the threat of the nothingness and all of the tricks it plays. But how am I supposed to save a world that has already died</p><br/><br/><br/><br/><p>(author's note: this story was originally supposed to be apart of another series but I felt it was too good of an idea to just let rot away)</p>
I opened the doors in a hurry and quickly slammed then behind me but I made one mistake. I looked at the things face and in that one moment it must have been rejuvenated because It surged pushing its hand through the door until it entire arm was now in the ship. I continued to slam until the entire arm dissipated into smoke. I breathed as I sat down Scootaloo and didn't even bother putting spike down. I made my way the console charting a course to us home will Eternia's light shall surely guide these two. but that didn't happen as I had just noticed that the ship was slowly becoming more and more darker. I tried to push any button but the console did not respond. I ran around pushing, pulling, and doing anything I can to start the ship. The darkness crept closer and closer as I prayed to myself please, please Eternia don't leave us as the the darkness consumed more and more of the ship until the heart of eternia faintly glowed. But even that was swallowed as the darkness overcame the three of us. "I'm sorry but Eternia can not be reached at this moment please try again later."
Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Anthology,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish
Gassy Scales
An anthology of everypony's favorite Dragon, and the flatulent situations he finds himself in.
<p>Everypony farts, but what about Dragons? This is a story about Spike, and the often embarrassing situations he finds himself in when he needs to pass gas.</p><p>Content Warning: This story contains Farts, and lots of them. But they are mostly used in funny/embarrassing scenarios. There is nothing overtly sexual here, though that may change depending on what happens in future chapters. I will update the rating if necessary. If you don't like fart jokes, then please do not read or comment.</p><p>Author's Note: This is an idea I've had rolling around in my head for a few years now. I've always wanted to see Spike fart. After writing some shorts on Discord, I finally decided to bite the bullet and publish these. RESQUESTS ARE WELCOME!!!</p>
Spike was enjoying one of his favorite activities; Cooking. Ever since he had moved to Ponyville with Twilight, the responsibility of food sorta fell on him. If left to her own devices, Twilight would probably die of starvation before she even realized she was hungry. Spike didn’t mind, however. Cooking allowed him to be creative and try different things. Twilight didn't have a refined palate, so it allowed Spike to try different recipes and really hone his craft. He still remembers the joy in Twilight’s voice when she tried his nachos for the first time. It was her favorite dish for a while after that. For today, he was gonna try a Stuffed Peppers recipe. It caught his eye when looking through the cookbook he got for Hearth’s Warming Eve, the only book he got from Twilight that he really loved. The recipe looked super tasty and consisted of stuffing big bell peppers with herbs and spices. Plus, it gave him the excuse to eat as many peppers as he wanted while making the dish. “Whoops, looks like I ate another one. Good thing I bought so many.” Spike shrugged. He dug a claw into the bag of peppers and began munching on another one like it was an apple. It was fine though, since he had just finished stuffing two peppers for him and Twilight, it meant he could eat as many of the leftovers as he wanted. He’d already eaten five peppers already. He took a glance at his open cookbook to see the next step. “Let’s see…Looks like the last step is to put these babies on heat. Good thing I’m a dragon.” Spike smiled with confidence before inhaling to breath out a steady flame. However, when he went to breathe it out the only thing that was produced was air. “Huh? That's not…” *GGGGGGGgggggggrrrrrllllle* Spike’s tummy started rumbling loudly. He started to get that ache he only got when he was about to belch out a letter. His cheeks puffed out ready for the inevitable, and he turned around so as not to burp all over the food. He reeled his head and lurched forward. *BBBEEEELLLLCCCCHHHHH* Spike released a mighty belch, but surprisingly, it wasn’ accompanied by a flame. The dragon was starting to get worried. He hoped he didn't lose his fire again, like at the Equestria Games. But, before Spike could think on it anymore, his tummy spoke up more aggressively. *GGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLEEEEEE* “What’s going on?”Spike wrapped his arms around his tummy and began rubbing it in a desperate attempt to soothe the pressure that was building. If belching didn't work, then he was at a loss for how to get rid of the pressure. It was becoming unbearable. “If only I could…just!” On instinct, Spike hiked his leg up and flagged his tail. *BBBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHH* All of the pressure in Spike’s tummy was released in an incredible dragon toot that shot out of his flank. This wasn’t an ordinary toot either, as it carried a mighty green flame and sounded like an explosion. The Fire blast was massive too, so huge, Spike was lucky that his gassy flames were magic and couldn’t catch much on fire. However, Spike was too focused on his immense relief from having let out such a ripper. It felt amazing to finally get rid of his tummy ache after being in so much pain. He couldn’t help but moan until he looked over his shoulder and saw smoke coming from the stove. His eyes widened in shock and he spun around, having completely forgotten that he was cooking until that very moment. Surprisingly, the Stuffed Peppers he’d been trying to heat up were now roasted to perfection. They looked amazing, but surely he couldn't feed this to Twilight, could he? Spike looked in the bag of peppers in the hope of starting over, but the bag was now empty. “Curse my constant snacking” Spike muttered to himself. It was already too late in the day to go back to the market. He had no choice, this was going to be dinner. “T-Twilight! Food’s ready!” Spike transferred the Stuffed Peppers to one plate each before he walked over to the dining room table in the middle of the library. Twilight was just walking in as Spike set down a plate at her preferred sitting place. “Ooooh! Stuffed Peppers? That’s adventurous, eh?” Twilight said. As soon as Spike mentioned food, she realized how hungry she was. She took a deep whiff of the meal. “Mmmm, Smells great too.” “Uhh, yeah. Hope you like it.” Spike said nervously. He was worried about how things would taste. Twilight moved her snout down and began scarfing down the pepper. She had zero situational awareness, which Spike usually admired, but he was more concerned with her eating something that he’d farted on. Within seconds, Twilight had eaten the whole thing, and she even licked around her mouth to taste the herbs that were smeared there. “Wow, Spike! That was delicious! You have outdone yourself.” Twilight said gleefully. Then her cheeks puffed out a little, before she opened her mouth. *BURP* “Oh, Excuse me.” Twilight said, before covering her mouth. “I’ll be sure to say that next time.” Spike said under his breath. “What was that, Spike?” Twilight asked. “Nothing. Glad you enjoyed the Stuffed Peppers.” Spike said. “My compliments to the chef.” Twilight said. She then said one more thing that caught Spike’s attention as she left the table. “Using eggs was a nice touch.” “Eggs?” Spike asked. He didn't remember the recipe calling for eggs. He sat down and stared at his own pepper, before using a claw to scoop up some of the herbs and placing them tentatively in his mouth. He rolled it around on his tongue for a bit and he could definitely taste a hint of eggs. His eyes then widened as he realized what that taste was, and he ended up spitting out the food. Never in his life did Spike ever think he’d taste his own fart.
Spike,Twilight Sparkle,Anthology,Comedy,Slice of Life,My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic,Fetish
Gassy Scales
An anthology of everypony's favorite Dragon, and the flatulent situations he finds himself in.
<p>Everypony farts, but what about Dragons? This is a story about Spike, and the often embarrassing situations he finds himself in when he needs to pass gas.</p><p>Content Warning: This story contains Farts, and lots of them. But they are mostly used in funny/embarrassing scenarios. There is nothing overtly sexual here, though that may change depending on what happens in future chapters. I will update the rating if necessary. If you don't like fart jokes, then please do not read or comment.</p><p>Author's Note: This is an idea I've had rolling around in my head for a few years now. I've always wanted to see Spike fart. After writing some shorts on Discord, I finally decided to bite the bullet and publish these. RESQUESTS ARE WELCOME!!!</p>
"Isn't this great, Spike?" Twilight said after finishing her latest read of another book. "To be able to really while the Cutie Map is quiet." However, the only answer was silence. "Spike?" Twilight looked over at where her scaley #1 assistant usually sat when he was reading. All she found was the intention of his body. Not even his comic book remained on the ground. "Hmm, I wonder where he ran off too. *PPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT* Twilight snapped her head toward the hall as what sounded like the release of air echoed throughout the Castle of Friendship. It was a sound she wasn't used to hearing, so being the scientist she was, Twilight trotted into the hall to investigate. "Spike is that you?" Twilight called out as she ventured into the unknown. She suddenly became aware of how big and scary the Castle was, especially with how the sound of rushing air whooshed through the halls. *BBBBBBBBRRRRPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT* *PPPRRT* *FFFFFFFFRRRRRRTTTT* "Um...Spike?" Twilight asked tentatively. However, there was a more concerning sound that permeated the air. *GGGRRRR* *OOOHHH!" *MMMPPPHHH!* Suddenly, the worst fear flashed in Twilight's mind. *"Those sounds! That's Spike's voice! What if his Dragon Greed took over as I was reading? Oh no! I better find him quickly!"* Twilight sprinted in a full-on gallop as the sounds drew her closer to where the drake was. His voice seemed to be behind a single door that Twilight stopped to examine. "Spike! Spike! Are you in there?!" Twilight screamed as she slammed her hoof into the door repeatedly. She even tried to open it with her magic, but it was no use. The door was locked. "Ohhh! Twilight? Ooooh it hurts!" Spike moaned. He was clearly in pain. "Don't worry, Spike! I'm here!" Twilight reassured. "Just try to hold in a little while longer!" "Mmph! Wait! I just...need to..." Spike struggled to say. "Hang on, Spike! Let me just-" Twilight's sentence was cutoff by a rather unexpected and unpleasant noise. "BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTT* *PLOP* *SPLOOSH* *PLOP* *SPLOOSH* "Aaaaaaaahhhhh! That's sp much better!" Spike said, sounding way more relieved than he did before. Twilight was confused by the sounds as well as Spike's reaction until she became aware of the terrible odor that was pouring out from the cracks in the door. The alicorn smelled the unmistakable scent of Sulphur and Brimstone, along with the sting of burnt eggs. She had been around Spike since he was a hatchling, so she knew Dragon Dung when she smelled it. "Oh!...Sweets Celestia!" Twilight asked through a coughing fit. It had been awhile since she had been this close to one of Spike's legendary bowel movements. Her reaction must've been loud because Spike responded to it. "Phew! Sorry you were in the line of fire, Twi." Spike said. He sounded more like himself now. "I've been trying to drop that Dragon Deuce for hours." "Spike!" Twilight said, her voice sounding stuffed because she was covering her snout with a hoof. "I was worried about you! I thought your comic book collection triggered your Greed!" "Greed? C'mon Twilight. You and I both know I do my best reading on this baby." Spike said before knocking on the porcelain throne with a claw. *KNOCK* *KNOCK* "Well, are you done in there, at least?" Twilight asked. "Hang on, I'm just getting to the climax of this issue!" Spike said. Twilight could hear him frantically turning a page in his comic book. "But Spike, I..." Twilight then came up with an idea to get the drake moving. "That's fine. I was just thinking you'd want to join my meet-up with Rarity at her Boutique." "R-Rarity!" Spike stuttered. The next sound caused Twilight to roll her eyes. *FLUUUUUSSSSSSHHH* "Then what are we waiting for?" Spike said after emerging from the restroom. Twilight couldn't help but giggle even though a more potent aroma from Spike's discharge bellowed into the hall. It was so bad even Spike noticed it. "Oh uh...if you were planning on using that before we go...I'd let it air out first." Spike suggested. "Hehe, I'll open the windows." Twilight responded.