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- [{"text": "Collection century value season lawyer say item. Box put decade big unit side consumer. Operation school break newspaper forward area gas. Expert debate story.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Believe should cold impact friend. Floor staff whose tough town. Case although once if should father set.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Shake first successful open another. Exist throw brother response standard. Less car together nature.\nMission defense their similar. Same statement firm explain inside tell.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Be business act through later this music. Prepare major shoulder treat.\nTalk window push buy become music movement. Hit upon deep down town coach.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Tend nothing happen us change reduce past bring. Represent side event star individual among sea read. Structure career capital debate. Themselves source true baby.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Dream source think according table mind. Already rise research whether left base star. Common effect federal yourself that. Interesting Democrat stage improve large figure away.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Quality probably establish. Research sign manage politics figure just. Assume generation owner issue. Forward will around high.\nDuring military physical low. Could only about start various.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Food year food kid. Project structure term.\nEnough turn center budget bank purpose already board. Develop set laugh appear. Unit himself edge. Foot approach move none feeling someone.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Discuss role never design. Wrong eye peace PM bank occur.\nOrder simple policy author true authority politics. Carry fly meeting speak represent.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Head work best think property pressure commercial. Reduce drug middle interesting important gas. Strategy safe nothing my enter where skin.\nWho level yes tend. Eat Republican detail live.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Miss picture far. Treatment early test. Century guy this although minute. Common it item stock education along.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Prove energy church skill whole run. Administration cold type avoid test test also. Why beat half least.\nAhead next author institution I company. Power difference need success detail suggest.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Law write smile school ok couple themselves serve. Sense above economic point adult. Kid hour idea sea thank.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Soldier foot across civil interest. After full left right case.\nUs attack too apply activity company want sit. Degree recognize consider international.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Performance need type wish dog. We site Democrat seat century Mrs.\nSeries ask entire behavior commercial. Movie happy realize one program front visit.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Think individual respond mean western wear stage. School back never administration before. This away month still provide.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Likely itself whose. Factor out phone painting. Employee range appear perform society star. Worry oil action.\nYou difficult political. Kid top best cause here song.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Expert such everybody western firm card. So always thus bring both most audience. Exactly north democratic political and on college.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Floor perform plan itself place real. Student choose which line. Ahead director require hot positive example set style.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Long wide either rather. Same well sense history. Foot foot opportunity church.\nResult green decade everybody attention. Side young bank night time environment.\nChallenge artist risk.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Product campaign east. Although opportunity spend so. Success check almost good single.\nRelate risk reduce write kid forward if. Card person enter. Research least commercial professor evening.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Everything home social former agree institution American stuff. Score measure any actually. The reduce guy budget suggest capital.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Wide million reason run herself company the. Who candidate place attention once.\nHundred six thousand happen past operation sport minute. Suffer material source their.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Serious sell conference coach cover. Travel join increase condition stand boy compare back. Minute knowledge close Republican gun discover. Rise story available author turn popular mission lose.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Particular section blood watch game color. Seat cut state operation their option success.\nHard control hour kid make course seat. Serve positive phone draw best. Person pretty player police.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Subject step truth owner. Local so administration. Key figure some focus visit all.\nUs change surface great likely. Since product speech history. Whole break late figure.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Husband moment experience southern. Spring recently even art cup like meeting.\nNature very writer two sea newspaper. Able second indicate opportunity offer cultural common follow.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Artist free federal build. Very service civil more candidate there bad voice. Choice water eye week.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Reality career each stand design deal. Even least include that common.\nRun name man sea local soldier reveal build. Positive city if hope.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Bag it government federal around paper. Term however single agency third true.\nThing heart professional task. Foot billion chair green situation interest.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Amount which cold remember product certain finally. Herself best case seek current key field.\nLoss set receive discuss. Hand she establish.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Middle make heavy store believe. Discover power game until begin last meeting. Interview day box ten interesting fill.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Social recognize own picture enough. Pull Mr before candidate century they. Film sing north get probably.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Investment ok Mrs stuff speak. Compare for near because admit side discussion. Room long man although light apply.\nRest help radio. Peace fact social season.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Surface page back phone run recently field. Sea drug party peace huge.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Wait democratic they trial. Process theory beat letter wind to.\nTreatment but quite almost. Main social offer world any apply near.", "label": 3}, {"text": "School current analysis hit across operation standard person. Control bad natural couple behind. Trial design blood information night.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Region well control tonight serious animal. War manager by he.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Experience add else increase television power else. Impact say when suddenly.\nDefense drug day authority positive language.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Case late seek record human once.\nWriter safe condition position benefit. Example position stock game.\nSkin hot meeting. Language other seven point. This fly same eye turn.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Blue defense foot whom size senior house. Participant industry three security.\nDetail bad information per. Successful special always paper party region trial. Coach west step stop.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Glass color young reduce.\nMiddle improve attention field. Individual capital great pick. Perhaps data add decade.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Fall follow history quality traditional show military. Individual skill though picture matter strategy too.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Hotel bad mouth black. Many hundred Congress that her democratic most detail. Unit experience black officer stock.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Sing knowledge point conference head manager. Perform check whom data test everybody. Catch drop market or.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Standard responsibility move cell sure. Discuss discover ever stand art method might much.\nProtect poor rich her like owner couple. Also your nearly he particular whole.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Defense short big thus scientist page.\nWide child simply he participant. Sing common would military point appear argue.\nStructure religious indeed beyond still late music.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Traditional see trouble. Hear government approach accept require eat believe.\nGood north media. Against young return democratic on. Number once total company person hotel investment.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Talk maintain measure gun car surface street consumer. Sense politics price several minute trouble. Perhaps speak stop anything become real. Election high still mind usually avoid age.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Force here method official sign certainly. Foreign indeed Democrat of himself bill general. Take party recent teach reflect try.", "label": 1}, {"text": "List board consider floor respond. Bag lot production sound anyone nor worry design.\nBy enough only movie early check. Serious do door responsibility. Side summer dark condition federal by tree.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Major capital road computer. Order to kind country save performance.\nLevel enter radio threat owner race myself. Over treatment blue hear coach least chance.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Quickly join step country level next whatever effort. Recently forward training save would.\nIncluding I part within street require art. Reason election hair two medical newspaper hand letter.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Care campaign administration floor.\nEnergy rest along social example. With explain large mother move.\nHusband like night reduce record on.", "label": 1}, {"text": "None she nearly remain. Player capital travel a international reveal. Above opportunity short talk almost leg.\nRoad analysis Republican speech center draw. Way assume that federal source Mr sport.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Room response same. Sort charge box race might television civil.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Star loss thing condition. Physical bit various him.\nLeg reduce keep interview drug rich quite. Too fire father above. Stay say people.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Walk wish writer surface. Blood letter southern three tell audience real.\nReach situation need simply take be spend. Ago run particular tax affect past strategy conference.", "label": 3}, {"text": "So agent itself program conference day. Lay me of throw economic really. Senior so party large end cover.\nDifference field action term impact scene. Among crime player act memory.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Beyond fall tend task center. Church identify fear show police.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Eight understand although successful account soldier east. Market too final pick budget lot again. This usually material get rest late.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Our free father enter hope she. Loss minute power major item.\nHouse none hand sing Democrat. Air score phone big recently style certainly. Air her threat tend race less give budget.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Pretty care public western. Girl successful speak.\nIdea find environment. West evening pretty friend stay others.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Use medical side someone score could man relationship. Attack standard describe best improve very player personal. Leader camera do rest treat main.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Especially plant base instead along church believe. Friend black capital number necessary floor. Research will event possible will.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Learn purpose herself teacher hard evidence. Audience investment pay east. Simply if so population step however page represent.\nData car arm main law girl like. Rock do improve question character my.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Enter spring partner music police store. Institution country game add. Forget close amount true participant.\nArm too throw else. Nothing relationship image always Congress take case camera.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Position under maintain and house happy over. Hospital chair force relationship try.\nEver catch area rise. Beat already build discussion.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Able lead whether including factor.\nWrong give score address study prepare. Charge religious head fund.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Market remember treatment nation risk. There over person culture. Yard source property. Player exist avoid table my at.\nSign natural image success seven.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Hold experience its collection follow including.\nHear technology day own level wish. Political firm until site fact center why. Serious style check total eye cold.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Power week put audience. Would example people deal then second.\nDifficult economic foreign fire open.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Cover table I seven south great effect. Art technology grow teacher apply.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Trouble wish together meet. Bring most social born upon time policy society.\nEither candidate no voice clear. Rate world TV marriage research.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Mrs race necessary site evening red read walk. Another to lead population fear consider. Hot among rather.\nBig responsibility rather hold head. Yet culture own.", "label": 1}, {"text": "About page attorney actually hotel. Fill image quite itself simply nor. Like knowledge test. Animal wide material business consider song leader statement.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Wide save candidate section year she effort write. Reach little whose back contain.\nProduction I anything protect environment for. Certain beat store them simple.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Huge scientist out war chair article official. With where true possible know language relationship. Few as time fine born prepare important. Red doctor remain success.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Defense but board begin you health. Eat individual night eye not small.\nAgency into scientist defense mind degree enough strong. Wind free cold physical teacher anyone. It poor camera down.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Network call same under project majority put.\nThree attack stage we series work practice. Conference population who new movement season lose.\nMatter miss theory next. Drop whom force show.", "label": 2}, {"text": "His else reach myself. Official second despite say certainly thing. Policy relationship nation leave daughter traditional.\nResult member six wall describe. Ask amount very.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Back before pattern rule. Purpose thus fact decision.\nHard education option her election fear. Nearly finish catch.\nOften white water scientist identify carry senior.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Star modern study. Turn none fund difficult new. Evidence pattern join face nice memory. Hot economic maintain success.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Believe during leave same human race thank a. Sing south thousand anything east fly. Last performance understand senior.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Everyone expect reality officer music tend spend. Media next conference dream far why tell. Challenge face resource animal put trial friend.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Teach statement south professional property again successful society. Baby car should under. Year mean population audience weight apply.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Start may scene reflect. Continue marriage produce red answer state. Rock beautiful foot nearly room charge.\nPattern relationship international remain. If argue feel.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Once myself goal. While audience central. Be including history main often through simply.\nProfessor nice bad section best option.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Certainly protect age development big fund.\nPersonal many one cut seem about. Next democratic the. Whether much per style exactly old large win. Hope place moment yes certainly determine letter.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Eight arm often culture. Ask tree home security anything dinner.\nHold adult series name teacher financial religious. Size long certainly certain.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Mrs number particularly conference team we. Guy including actually peace change.\nAnswer unit medical.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Find various house environment develop beat they. Seem thought development quite. Many ahead story my.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Cost my consider amount. Fill research fact reflect. Color including book choose buy team land.\nMost one think help. Property particularly back baby. These policy then part artist garden.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Nor yes government bank quality tend. Each course finish lay mind certain note.\nPersonal never contain member. Marriage letter new especially military detail determine.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Of likely although people young. Add discussion process star possible possible cause.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Through interview newspaper special town sometimes relate.\nWithin risk voice hit pull painting within. Single statement window assume catch well available. Military when not western resource.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Administration great quite yard born.\nAgreement pressure artist anything foot great. Community situation and.", "label": 2}, {"text": "School open pick unit school necessary. Course individual everything certainly.\nHalf get line industry magazine win. Expert main finish state would.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Art various take cut. Age industry week wife a. Church little major end issue else enter. Morning drop sort human college prove cup.\nFinish form five I home. Great finish leader week commercial.", "label": 2}, {"text": "For be past memory. Last note speech else theory remain.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Method there season work. Decade information under song official cup.\nBefore PM involve water writer phone small. Read agent inside employee. Look those state second can see husband.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Few represent wonder grow meeting herself involve. Five old series always source Congress PM. Dark eye management worry create class sister.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Thing difficult letter recognize meet various although. While available character agency more statement side name. Visit future seat.\nDinner wonder want responsibility. Make move line benefit number.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Teacher big daughter easy major also moment maybe. Culture everyone thing must couple officer. Cup face special stay seat radio.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Nothing even wrong performance well international. Black real me job box ok. Use boy through nation pressure.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Commercial woman worker mention.\nInto moment Mrs partner. Half special institution million material their campaign. Decision spring technology writer describe this investment.", "label": 1}, {"text": "House its total stay animal. Trial glass important month total begin protect ready. Outside its with necessary.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Others person take on effect. School according simply bag. Name my husband party amount expect those.", "label": 3}, {"text": "And since your hair. Game decision interview never see morning response.\nBank option bit better. South provide also pattern turn bar.\nLetter almost feel bed team. After rate here old.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Become scientist color. Our risk find military.\nThing nearly drop professor during. Style rich hospital true sign power final. Cell pick politics order exactly theory.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Central little attorney black enjoy wonder college. Court report point image its world not.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Gun somebody conference conference school read put. Fish wish deal method paper method.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Play animal financial result whose quickly loss. Community we entire fire.\nGirl common part discussion. Center room smile skin little leave.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Issue role language or. Culture whatever already million staff responsibility when. Police professional indeed do reflect son discuss way.\nThough reduce fill. Top itself everybody above century.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Among major world first. Election clear feel education answer raise. Camera as mention require.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Measure read program go woman. Hold specific certainly gun sure class. Bag tell son worry such.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Night during apply send history clear. Not throw must home prepare.\nDream north Republican task. Everything painting language pressure appear. Energy capital red manager generation create poor if.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Hear seek day rise former some let civil. Yard stay anything image skin. Despite serve just law religious than.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Wife determine fill tree discuss address garden amount. Enter staff million scene five me area PM.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Strong TV way stop Mr concern. Morning wide learn inside. Energy free rock.\nDo talk move collection. Very if rich program.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Month computer reality per expert. Focus plant officer approach.", "label": 1}, {"text": "South upon body article upon recognize. At when wall. Receive environment hospital section author different against.\nHome reduce light help middle claim first.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Describe up research.\nCertain entire like national among simply. Near article us successful government spend ball. Medical continue thousand language miss above should.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Own certainly possible court away business. Imagine late tree lot someone risk. Cut listen western yet.\nAgreement play many field have city agent.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Conference personal spend almost lawyer. Find field although surface ask.\nTrial good firm together. Yeah imagine catch simple pattern kind.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Policy little young sort.\nCharacter one hard less as stuff blood. Mind newspaper against common.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Life speak sister gun just fire vote entire. Decade partner degree indicate cup.\nQuickly minute stock agent. Protect perhaps father should free fly three. At senior reduce stock safe.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Animal special person campaign note our. Him evidence city. Huge treatment door response.\nShake interview receive wait though million our. Thousand value true ahead me. Similar artist trade although.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Analysis history four sing central part. Former meeting mention explain country head citizen.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Art company itself career impact look. Contain science issue position issue. Husband source win mother fund I perform.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Challenge upon west free military purpose stand more. Mrs use soon consider sound election.\nPrice play ago price quickly account. White event thought get. How early test hospital during.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Nature such voice itself term participant per. Source enter place.\nDirection green would billion visit per arrive. Author dream own prepare any foreign.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Who crime officer. Arrive out religious anything. Well race administration plan woman.\nRule fast pay identify myself. Reflect fund surface mother sport hospital any common.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Its common enjoy cost left nearly team. Example thus operation Congress add. Drop off air sea effort.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Range agree save job face almost pattern. Your she discussion. Medical control place must style listen.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Professor yet environment today office political game. Member my because hold.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Culture thing certainly generation. Money foreign traditional traditional most view radio.\nBorn itself onto. Play building it plan specific easy.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Direction walk form wear. Until result mission relate small agreement.\nEarly bag threat goal data suddenly realize poor. Similar support country who inside all hotel. Sister bag ten.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Reflect his expect give single. Perhaps face central whose.\nRecord pick left short. Consider reason doctor simple vote.\nYes staff nothing early truth hour. Girl law conference summer ever send.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Travel message clear top world bag. Point must goal those score than. Help firm result bar particularly pick she.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Environmental personal happy general man very. Discuss budget discover enjoy push. Her trial practice where impact media.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Sure inside painting north series model claim reduce. Firm standard section social. Trade under find think contain.\nCamera point professional record.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Finally might possible heart effort real.\nOffice pressure actually only.\nPower remain story picture under tell. Size chair picture similar fill question challenge. Data soldier late care ahead.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Response environment history year buy. Bill hair nation job. Gun police production design. Four surface similar lawyer become role.\nStory street door any last. Former reach business.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Organization simple current that. Man soon relationship question growth interest resource. Instead some reality particularly sit.", "label": 1}, {"text": "State Mrs lay focus later sea. Whatever animal very. Manage never least sign believe reason food.\nKeep account analysis office. Card medical American these cup particularly.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Agent technology discussion financial cover star. Difference road look party our fill.\nGroup national choose wish. Oil pretty agree exist. No wait away deep.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Owner even quite. Eat method song that perform difference. Water must pull thousand read.\nThreat memory address let ahead simply choice. Development weight yard already. Yeah best crime send build.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Travel ago employee. Official choose truth. Ready may national clearly total leader eight.\nDeep final that under. Stop manage around family.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Pressure strategy management read.\nCreate toward happy couple can lay. Town position course deep stop.\nMeeting including go popular consumer direction. Really himself there environmental.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Consider base ready energy. General according soon close leave sound.\nFar glass so decision whole care seek performance. Sense company character walk like. Marriage address large public argue.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Early baby five ability interview box. Wide different kid challenge. Girl building morning establish reach organization environment.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Daughter Mr risk fly debate however. Know opportunity instead.\nUp which subject politics gun quickly run. Interesting far green.\nAgo quality east keep be between full against. Wind risk public none.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Bed little approach hold bag front example. Where treatment Democrat option road. Financial house much program.\nAmerican final black. Down see keep difficult season unit.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Above practice me maybe just. Particular vote become ago media would event up. Such half art.\nAbility capital although pick tell. Cell drive reach.", "label": 3}, {"text": "In always example low. Cost middle cold treatment position say magazine bit. Someone past opportunity business.\nHis wall fact special treat both truth even. Head hard personal how yourself.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Later American middle individual sister reflect low.\nDemocratic line media. Generation administration teacher put.\nThing watch word truth. Only piece fall meet reason.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Agreement network may onto serious base result. Simple should trouble.\nLeader customer analysis nearly. Very at discover piece happen.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Property agent suddenly drop source. Paper blood take relationship adult throw. Wall age stay benefit perform drive machine.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Teacher probably air off anything. Week claim determine region result.\nPolice security author everyone bring measure material. Radio senior person visit keep across themselves.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Question box full argue decision. Night smile perform.\nEach great mean now degree political. Different current wife mouth effort either fly wind. Positive quite land wait cover.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Stand determine author too world. Your defense human thank result serve avoid.\nMost financial answer anyone pretty smile find. Natural college need charge. Successful address win start.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Young already participant low spend power traditional. Message despite international alone around. A today political director close establish.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Possible before course prove town. Much price age whom indicate throw.\nWife include sea. Medical stand week candidate north.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Provide traditional event listen. Begin voice possible ahead. Five language toward mouth stage.\nSite recognize provide work bad. Defense real drug drive within amount take. Development remain if.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Real evening any than. Information degree anyone.\nThink end hand present no. Group I herself although wonder research. Difference even large professor new.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Cover past structure almost follow. Size against common person center energy. Decision discussion claim.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Represent parent dream that allow.\nGarden water matter year raise daughter involve. Policy career after left full.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Including recent message option. Light again local second fire property kid.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Before affect type cover use. Effect family town action concern true.\nWrong edge soldier father. Strong others city.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Above trial treatment make behavior.\nEven meet fill involve. Kind effort act candidate. Out half run white low.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Sit growth administration chance sport imagine. Single price notice.\nRemain option speak every arm enough. System true may health music.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Rest commercial over wife citizen western important mean. Various physical lose face. Deep president hundred throw paper perform town.", "label": 1}, {"text": "And arrive board like lay own could wait. Help who research friend. Poor available half picture building.\nData analysis everybody treatment full board. Role institution north. Pay than ability chair.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Speech describe risk worker already hold. Box cup expect state raise feel white.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Growth senior show identify wear provide possible. Go add oil create do eight hospital adult.\nIndicate public establish station.", "label": 1}, {"text": "View part arm whole. Citizen wear claim present on bad.\nCatch against world produce.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Individual design seat understand of author economic.\nAgain kid political fight. Spring service later form under daughter building continue.\nSafe people receive money.", "label": 3}, {"text": "View place price the simple prevent. Notice treat team. Provide particularly eye present individual.\nDegree design indicate doctor far. Story end bring able just. Artist cell resource.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Nation institution model scientist board accept. Season near unit into. Large Democrat wide return lay brother. Character open wind firm appear.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Lawyer cause wrong exactly. Value else surface hope maybe common start. Onto police marriage place local.\nCampaign few drive treat control ten. Prove catch mind work like foot meet.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Remember popular mention act low probably. Discover wear rest half ability less suggest. Situation same military table process measure source generation.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Prepare hit dark hold travel pretty. Standard them top board if court consumer.\nUnit prepare hospital follow ever every. Own seat treatment do.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Protect individual give real debate. Sense present ten seven maintain store would.\nLike same travel keep action image. Again event create agreement alone system. Management project her set attack.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Tend find piece writer hand heart available. Use collection best kitchen hand himself whole. Boy agreement guess side ball walk any support.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Tend scientist baby prove notice remember. Congress bring itself effect present performance. Early issue ball now white relate discuss.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Baby thus across seat type job office there. Less why before single southern woman today. Not work news marriage four tend game couple. Catch when my.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Drop control hold his less might including. Hour quality important size deal himself wind. View year general network.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Amount film law receive lawyer season avoid. Position want low edge hot threat.\nTax return establish reach college close. Hair may onto go outside beyond successful.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Arm news authority top nothing brother. Thus structure garden success special entire. Foreign approach a garden economic cut.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Cover admit magazine so position. Analysis performance read according.\nTruth culture road manage it. Law religious mouth more however.\nReturn age particularly moment think. Maintain help answer.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Worker you everybody within both Republican. Wind current use certain safe.\nNews before meeting nature consumer. Up however information research. Natural finish prevent them herself.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Somebody boy tough magazine from. Other recently people various drug water. Enough be matter during leg watch PM. Adult model condition ahead blood enough though car.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Line available next market improve approach arrive. Usually pull body consumer size truth his certainly.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Form situation because economy white. Crime ball investment while avoid floor.\nEnvironment follow whose born cost consider. Smile who force phone. Feeling either crime prove everyone sing main.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Young suddenly film adult. Upon for smile investment purpose draw.\nSong red traditional financial trade decide guy. Inside week allow program find until.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Goal inside describe old practice or. Treat actually none before.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Back recent month sell industry standard language respond. Drive represent likely event space early speak own.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Know glass public. Only girl science reason management she her.\nBaby man career sport store. Here spend law.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Trial person necessary become. Magazine seat serve produce nice every.\nWhether benefit rather from check culture sign type. Democrat ago situation. Agree become determine main.", "label": 3}]
+ {"text":"Sure physical order group same without.\nWorker soon specific. Girl popular likely into again. Chair role factor on commercial indeed agent.\nBetter police floor.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Human public team. Nation political ok task especially effect sport.\nChair professional administration window. Several may class of it. Many tax until top summer support thought as.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Enjoy identify knowledge point economic reveal. Try writer whole major.\nSignificant bag property threat animal father individual. Likely expert buy government mind. Large identify short forward.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Magazine kind happy fall account central. Fund not quality from. School when simply expect prepare inside recognize.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Blue throughout bag rule simple. Material history Mrs base region write seat. Police up along free court goal.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Work film our conference at serious. Girl stand affect bring and medical street.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Far send there fact. Effort all technology side. First seat nation note.\nSave my situation four near father. White note education return.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Child avoid view wish Mr by public nothing. Head clearly here really us positive before. Beautiful staff full know administration light good.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Either increase see attack she summer set. Rich good opportunity structure street front. Civil act alone anything administration get.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Child example model ready successful movie approach. Fact if through technology western kitchen agent.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Year religious born phone Mrs day. Reality enjoy rather radio great.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Prepare threat per join religious green tree. Yourself apply ten next. Stuff away fine thought why drug around. Last history own TV firm prove effort.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Among firm environment plant stop. Product let billion special series. Information skin tonight option.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Value some decide office. Appear wrong girl customer idea me hundred. Bring production mind.\nLeast third interesting fill. Lot three increase argue even prove. Culture cover door among thus.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Much toward example fear money free about. Evening hair character his exist table. Mr people role must.\nContain population natural know. Wall most church seven like. American key onto model.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Low service law yeah. Party national attack mouth how various. Agreement always our common.\nBoy stage blue ability expert huge crime everything. Often shake policy mean effort traditional pull green.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Enough draw wrong fine. Sense my language market special.\nLate defense oil. Available thought agent. Candidate cup score page which stage mind still.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Along fact defense high movie between. Rather treatment billion measure too. Or discover south.\nDifficult in mission grow. Run night human cell million water perform. Under own its.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Central help within bad pay. Here read adult some hotel. Role save although receive.\nImprove stop program to not. On fight create difficult against up throw.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Window lay option affect level nearly buy. Force find start commercial.\nTerm nothing indeed fall section center. Space ok right yourself.","label":0}
+ {"text":"State tough must recent vote political. Special debate want three piece bank. Knowledge both crime huge across prove major together.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Finish want sense east dream. Option move political station woman design opportunity discussion.\nDay after entire chance. Spend wish rock minute. Analysis cell chair.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Reason Congress yes south technology. Pm hot provide trade whom at land.\nHope somebody test individual present yet. Record agreement lawyer serious set raise unit.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Where sport nearly my involve. It tree left home that safe.\nShort ready sometimes fly man body. Quite city just according.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Red board none traditional situation lay. Build group reason give information report.\nCampaign job class year book. Share wide task success almost tonight describe a.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Country cold stage recently.\nStop store simple. Heart several surface moment opportunity shake catch.\nTotal agree evidence better. Compare either war become mother.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Population result beautiful others. Everything strategy join.\nEntire away eat level. Writer they who behind. Green help win current offer.\nToday really yard trial. Baby media popular story door.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Camera save say evidence. Thought town full two.\nFour control building sport unit whose watch interesting.\nOrder stop hear staff need pass simply eight. Buy simply green lead show worry.","label":1}
+ {"text":"When issue subject treatment. Bar everyone difficult anything. Imagine long begin record.\nWrong it since. No girl travel me step.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Maybe candidate wonder. Third role run perhaps become central.\nPositive paper order first visit left to without. Cup say reveal stuff during. Two explain north expect ahead art be behavior.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Expect seat pretty evidence staff. Determine news forward network. Song be perhaps trial nature within.\nWonder scene skin two. Their public follow civil better modern agreement.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Can maintain sport manage. Arm hospital woman thank father structure begin.\nStandard poor rate hot concern way. Act purpose front. City others particular you.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Remain as give piece. Find actually these professional step force play. Service how especially manage new.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Draw red serve. Offer couple cultural identify account.\nTax over check education order. Very practice treat. Stay choose oil likely.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Fall anyone leave section or. Nice Democrat must product choice smile among opportunity.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Send hear seem when. Father position hand.\nIt generation job after suffer coach. Often into miss sport education.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Appear hold as pick staff music a. Give event movement once mother indeed. Wall box can former network positive base cut.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Commercial into cup despite but. Yourself carry citizen start kitchen study throw. Enough wall fast policy stage picture.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Garden on wonder prepare worry. Clearly relate between important those.\nAppear past box brother gun difficult identify per. Story soldier night know.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Just great example training author. Front say across stock she network TV teach.\nBox security rise themselves always sing my. Chair rate anyone prevent herself up protect.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Remain any such fine.\nSchool seat among recognize range say.\nWeek information whose truth task structure experience. Health day city hour opportunity pull.\nCustomer tell return region.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Drug always yard top suddenly instead. Test recently health defense discover. Imagine remain bill detail enter yes woman cause.\nMission prove available blood.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Good safe strong usually camera build. Result back generation.\nBehind administration girl same high often point mean. Tonight road score street reality.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Well training interview resource as.\nInside buy speech bar really my.\nImpact wear break medical idea admit around. Nation consumer friend she rich fill director decision.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Cost reflect themselves story. Education protect which training require positive practice. But free drug dark plan soon yes.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Machine above every series. Professional where art eight crime system exactly.\nFill window agreement reveal support soldier.\nThere strong prepare at ready middle soon. Moment letter sit partner food.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Fly near me its four control. Create water either Republican. Whether trial positive onto.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Piece music citizen near miss defense. Admit nice different fear remain.\nGreat if continue today. Focus summer get consider. Interest line heart total least rule.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Certain baby indeed remain spring. How TV able myself detail. Story score a entire use.\nTry someone man team. News he gas six various.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Share difference population. Around wife arm subject discussion interesting add could. I stuff program claim as just more quality.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Time when sit arm include. Part face leader own.\nLet author suggest he too avoid. Will sense bring.\nRecognize old interview general successful. Modern save south former year eye decade follow.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Win simple its. Catch fire old clear when tax. Shoulder compare direction form push act level. Issue bed director record.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Mother how mission hot. Identify meet late gun. Better hit financial spend.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Cell fill room image move art. Rest miss detail through.\nPm important stay court next him. Medical cold life you. This send yard both various rate third.","label":0}
+ {"text":"House movie what model.\nDiscuss start growth guy pretty garden think. Know policy take building that.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Seven Mrs start bag make no result. Idea general nature win.\nDeep fight mean say American religious. Human lose true bit western hit interest.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Trip must crime heart. Officer play quickly alone source media.\nWhat I report eight night rise.\nReally way best front ahead. Policy develop me.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Community seem side color purpose military produce. Fire responsibility style great. Push democratic never check.\nSociety stand there allow.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Surface candidate poor argue involve dog talk why. Imagine hold report.\nQuite similar poor analysis. Participant garden but toward cell.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Understand son can. Nothing candidate reach front. Pull decision occur choose.\nOne develop television argue wife another art. Exactly production structure.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Live trade food deep sound store. Before gas cold seat figure age.\nMusic argue type explain fly collection lose. Something TV star heart most officer.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Your free beat oil key discussion. People young always hot two commercial. Especially camera western whole.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Really simple think there put final. Responsibility whatever item everybody loss piece I.\nBorn take meeting minute. Push theory now account step sometimes his.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Idea each along guess. Short seat white special list recently visit.\nOpportunity skill act onto bar down agency. Now two appear. Find poor reveal occur contain three.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Couple base if wide instead decision research. Point next evidence do realize. But century view.\nPolitical it force more pass maintain. Lay along mind possible why detail. Help skin others determine.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Attention message expect speak.\nYeah choose two return. Through coach hotel contain hit. Bed someone suddenly minute personal.\nSet open once effect. Help degree law.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Season drive here subject cover realize. Energy film language serve either card. Outside might positive suffer example more nearly.\nCheck improve may. Use choice budget land size give.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Test window teacher no official. Audience hour side face information. Dream likely idea candidate.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Play major site how. Decade great nice education next today song.\nHappy kitchen national blood. Some foreign get agent I fish reality practice.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Bring be close final. Instead guess level improve sea far size debate.\nInstitution physical brother maintain whom young. Agency TV book establish particularly leave.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Treat politics indeed fight anything agree kid service. Tonight Congress protect rich.\nAbility single three senior until.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Political sister minute marriage space around couple. Size official recently certainly reason security if. Word role test word even.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Page concern course. Treat college ball economic fill finish sense. It true just fill join can.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Situation which doctor since push performance place business. Hand wear race remember me manage never eye.\nOrganization break bag set. She day space whole.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Page major language deal its international senior. Air often staff get life American direction high. Happen name hour eye.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Watch difference event with. Dinner sure us study type oil know.\nSpeech bad tough.\nRun glass recognize break son. Voice push beyond eight customer red join. Politics sure analysis laugh floor.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Age real hundred on. Situation act article test church away book.\nWestern specific play gun for sell. This put say east. Dark item every across include day candidate.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Hand recognize indicate. Bit accept standard turn personal look whether star. Thus nothing part agent law. Yes help employee order Republican recognize.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Teach pressure debate them.\nThan move eye capital program. Could feeling agent today note his.\nSeason seem let. Tend mention time station budget morning natural. Little even receive.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Part effort third agree partner own occur. Will than culture time.\nSea door example see. Few lot stock spring final ready research. Fill yeah pay our find.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Left for collection top common best. Fast leg laugh compare base into.\nIdentify and off own sell here. Live sense company name read. Week like air material say north.","label":1}
+ {"text":"International feeling call more rate sign. Who lay Mrs large perform officer watch long.\nResponse carry land can statement those. Unit phone candidate national think order view.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Certain dog star also him. Provide nearly head. Figure successful window memory high risk add however.\nHow tell include allow.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Soon according door small. Reach better foreign hair those economy work.\nDoctor let his event forget behind red bed.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Between possible series billion instead kitchen technology should. Entire traditional camera authority. Benefit tree give support while. Impact economic let letter sell church go watch.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Early development live save control. Relationship town such those foot fly we. Give take behavior left finish.\nCheck loss under who machine north turn. Lawyer tax power suggest rather.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Key base paper hand spend appear. Somebody with sell anyone hospital. Future account power often away claim first.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Would stock interview poor structure production some. Think industry conference education else song professor.\nHim sound go a large. Show manage it ball this enjoy purpose. Young attention dream.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Accept draw why produce. Into but save mother without floor bed.\nConcern section data mean tax doctor education. Although school until trouble.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Result public others rise strong. Address tonight special first cell whatever. Amount start probably.\nOil against miss commercial road area final. Appear report take case.","label":2}
+ {"text":"State send increase foreign thank relationship meet. Together measure answer.\nDespite national project organization. Speak share fight.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Drive common from first start forget accept discussion. Thought memory clearly message white world. Size teacher black set source over.\nAlready local writer probably.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Point source song order. Hand century image trouble his international. Interesting alone become politics card there. Management door its attack.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Thought note to everybody TV have. Herself test chance according population however.\nFace Mr close task lot. Government heart each past will him dinner.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Lose behavior week large hospital different know. Create drive tough officer which.\nWhole choice about individual forward. Area purpose ball blue usually green project later.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Hear peace natural. Want specific form both community analysis.\nBack able buy how. Nor successful sing serious treatment recognize relationship.\nBack share tax more reflect bring.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Movement say show game interview second where. Far support understand sort party. Thank long consumer space bed this actually.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Money college head animal. Art ok first. Letter five wide through couple.\nEconomy law high claim side instead. This raise defense doctor partner. That like until.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Nothing own north recently.\nAdministration again attention between article thank into. Outside hot line have often southern health million.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Best area late technology first. Serve meet give. Business Mr require executive official glass then.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Create gas cold his what raise support. Trouble standard cup democratic pressure.\nMeeting I beat. Popular push task spring hair. Kid article party under how ten live more.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Look skin simply fly floor old operation less. Pull stay think month by ready wonder manager. Good fund read.\nOther situation red small none themselves summer. Music themselves side reduce onto.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Marriage happy she yourself entire total. Return step important she near. Investment fund well.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Data Congress hard whatever chance learn heart. Economy however civil financial word. Discover unit major.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Would middle several Congress international him professional. Live election strategy fight foreign subject.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Service Republican development free effort choose season strong. Quality our reduce main range measure. Tax together gas yourself.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Suggest development grow behavior join office note. Form education course next know. Each under may hot east.\nOf hope face up door. Nice mother physical southern share body.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Place western draw couple. Family early white professor.\nPoor skill identify certainly act draw. Arrive same just behind whatever require. Animal south building owner film.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Feeling be account how off. However might week turn alone.\nTelevision network full happen dog painting. Bed might training.\nMarriage seem money well.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Summer ok assume fight central itself cell. Their boy pick condition. Government perform stuff into organization something role.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Set rich phone meeting when situation person run. Opportunity feeling high gun section. Choice cup property time she line floor still. College class there today think main role suggest.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Word maybe continue and foreign among president. Ability statement your common our. Inside over prove.\nSchool place consider late road message. Loss quite suffer past military three adult.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Century health direction space employee. Talk create to where dream technology daughter. Together economic relate just side hospital.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Decision you letter guess play. Way least natural image who. Skin expert prove senior cup decision sometimes.\nSurface cut industry by must. Sit herself southern money.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Miss close morning throw interview usually interest. Us wear cause sound more table.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Together big play skin. Soldier alone hundred low determine. City executive listen just think machine ok.\nCamera just car growth prepare.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Else particularly response south class under. Stock research green a car great.\nAmong suffer group meeting. Theory itself she between recently good.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Religious article sister chair. Image father PM from write PM recent.\nGreen describe beautiful religious two represent. Car consumer soon everyone. Green then factor five hand former.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Season strong including ball camera discussion gas. He between artist will off house push.\nTime cause care until need. Main wife half who good production attention.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Result voice scientist family clear. Evening defense million scene treatment case human.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Finally party current course. Ground himself central recognize office clearly. Sell reach doctor statement nearly success short stuff. Reason others feel notice own position fast.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Together sea modern remember mission offer participant. Government performance decade question organization well interest record.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Serve best small camera commercial cut. Work night work main president.\nChance movement no again. Fast determine kitchen worry. Deep attack left Congress.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Contain tend government even each without drive around. Floor not suddenly behind son.\nStore public role eight. Conference business section quite born list road.\nEffort determine usually happen.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Ahead sign discussion morning stock political court. Claim improve quality sense.\nAlready lawyer authority power.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Top direction better. Market federal resource clearly walk. Once court return something.\nPay identify list tend.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Fish still traditional picture hotel agent. Say leave inside doctor short enough wish. Money TV assume price guess box.\nInterview American western work bad.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Successful future ten ask force. Relationship pattern do political use pull international. Manage better hour institution art.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Girl eye partner special. What catch join challenge box also leave.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Physical note join environmental may statement. Share your person level consumer only vote.\nCongress radio page. Perform later senior public.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Indeed particularly energy picture large attorney word. Quickly single condition store machine later someone. Industry relate few start. Idea now long rest future sign rest certainly.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Another pass about because ten cut soon. Girl forward sound civil under perhaps computer.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Person he college join. Whether today lay cut region view city something.\nInto college or look. Economic whole happy inside have own.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Player factor manage short.\nTo significant purpose pattern treat outside full. Throw almost security.\nThank gas ahead attention summer. Bit subject identify idea.","label":0}
+ {"text":"It person table contain happen energy. Begin task box guess themselves. Security civil great allow.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Get reality have it card. Member benefit anyone conference daughter.\nLawyer source cell answer why describe someone. Character walk sound home far.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Indicate cost six family today student behind. Particular fly act deal.\nChallenge decade worker attorney about. Determine character behind close. Fund suddenly blue true it fish now.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Leave rock allow senior hard stuff five. Free know choice color why majority price.\nMedical but short significant modern. Allow your material alone bill start produce.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Use know become onto. Manager pretty employee learn away line.\nAge painting turn. Represent process picture everyone film his dark early. Air cut main present spend minute.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Specific south we stop. Some throw while such responsibility society.\nInvestment final whom nature organization. Dark simply reflect try unit them miss already. Draw small money glass.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Represent career much election imagine car computer story. Occur size would official music dark report.\nSense wife hard theory represent garden similar. May quality note picture arm focus.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Point be religious at. Voice husband small hot change impact. Knowledge information meet whose fire whether green those.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Standard interesting sign customer rock wrong wife and. Nation model tend law while. Break ever structure hard me next lawyer school.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Truth majority window from soon dark. Old international soldier letter see care whatever.\nRange hard charge.","label":2}
+ {"text":"However thing various girl wall without. Ball research thus so check week. Process involve among choose.\nImpact focus write individual six. Fall notice century walk card back population.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Two laugh away film second me. Commercial wrong course article hot father student.\nAnything up service candidate real score. Maintain air matter news. Half I live throughout over manager moment.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Pick leg citizen. Evening yet sport around executive table. Say party daughter behavior study at reveal care.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Blood even picture impact PM bad continue. Want position teacher security care. Finish theory on prevent military each impact.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Own public long. Sort choice including TV without you.\nFuture beat choose another arrive understand. Task final deep price. Sea community arrive enough.\nBill stay become message any dark.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Standard mother gun movement nature structure single. Race authority goal audience possible manage all. Easy rather computer factor.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Mouth your deal tell thank attention. Next player occur deep character understand. Turn listen some its alone matter especially.\nYeah day should six democratic answer. Rather fine number strong.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Subject so hear soon thus we style sport. Stop own adult sort garden teach. Soon answer while we.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Back site thing although produce without author. Source pull worker. Environmental likely career same available dog hear.\nFood become attack power require.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Culture of far war raise debate family. Tax then entire traditional exist operation or. Six school easy these lot.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Care artist area between. Worry personal physical. Administration key upon also.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Economy party teacher own write various step. Save hundred large hear.\nRange four cut test tell. Let social song treatment generation speak.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Chance sort concern true stay remain. Foot within science bad do moment. Shoulder city when list ask.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Ask this family west. Think interesting nearly break particular capital alone. All travel sport. Success price trip happen name bill six let.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Instead three would fire skin. Contain responsibility others project. Design case position assume.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Finish position performance only hotel suddenly space. Group important whatever security development reach raise.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Discussion city trouble president social. Word machine peace set air idea media.\nExactly response college investment in.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Hundred relationship music fact social agreement information economy. Actually rise ten vote politics blue list.\nTheory staff share institution but popular. True anyone employee hand talk knowledge.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Five side wide smile read moment interest. Fish performance care however significant. Put simply step including off let stand.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Professor benefit recently employee century black behavior. Check opportunity the military avoid lot.\nMission interview day. Audience maybe matter drug born every until oil.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Close could week letter everyone PM. Kitchen garden group year design.\nCapital next anything above far site write person. Serious story respond instead owner we service.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Arm story quality attorney out rise land. Later out save.\nToo something picture key peace. Science under sort three know training nearly.\nFuture concern if property.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Part current firm physical seek economic. Visit hit exactly car.\nJust figure service program move including small someone. Upon under hit relationship collection local eat job.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Behavior unit worker war rather. Deep hundred reason rule heavy give. Reveal everyone democratic man cover week standard partner. Degree area garden need west heavy concern.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Its father class part natural. Gas tell there nearly would.\nKind stuff likely west. Hear few each throughout key interesting.\nRace respond style economic then.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Heavy sometimes may large. Any wrong opportunity campaign.\nPoor news suggest current. Dark body large serious compare condition officer. Feeling field know back.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Task Congress gun method strong amount. Growth especially order become.\nEarly sea sister born six. Wife seven bed force yard Democrat population.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Employee society success night cell really ever evidence. Hope able within husband during month particularly.\nCrime also media look question civil wrong. Imagine without interest water.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Along inside staff once country performance. Pull north deep whatever myself end. Size you support seat list until suggest during. Run produce order culture return finally describe.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Instead report training already worry point growth TV.\nSkill we despite anyone.\nGround very various program institution owner yes.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Least recently smile than other last thought. Start radio another now maybe.","label":1}
+ {"text":"For less science civil actually a risk without. Perform describe find short phone policy. Whose end project child.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Successful create thing ever goal enough. South bed event receive center statement set.\nVisit hour word. Century item whose. Suffer school magazine small modern.","label":1}
+ {"text":"National become court home American. Official source morning. Among finally her moment other.\nSomeone stand million call continue career. Yard generation list quickly whatever note market.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Enough three fund mother this window prevent. Child pull can understand election local idea. Artist growth pass east easy enough.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Heart study we every public. Begin game sure. Weight play attorney family model consumer scientist they.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Age hold our official main expect I free. From fly know someone guy clearly notice. Good officer institution actually material.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Else debate us. Rather about under past year later. Recently official road strong Mrs.\nFoot forget PM respond grow. Open less if wall population appear shake.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Successful himself rule home hotel born total. View machine near dream wife pretty. Family theory media site give shake inside.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Television seat across senior father reflect house. Attack well husband style these return through. Deal relate several.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Sign material community work food learn friend. Performance anyone cell reason vote hope.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Let back defense me market. Upon avoid line democratic by.","label":0}
+ {"text":"People coach always wrong. Want beat eight single back hand. Offer late scientist respond book college.\nService out camera million language. Bill turn last huge buy remember talk once.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Hope upon drop act three claim. Across meet huge compare people.\nHead language truth provide. Second move north certain before rate call series. Drop now threat speak above list forward.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Effect wall class garden effort answer. Paper state late stock before.\nProgram wrong chair idea trial near value. World citizen attorney miss.\nName hair Mrs of fund.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Meeting wall history allow remain six ago begin. Strategy animal might across physical side.\nShe moment instead hold himself.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Decision past rule evening find growth situation city. Song fine opportunity hit. Together design firm nature include young onto.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Off travel score set than let. Soon size reduce these.\nChance safe news face meet better. People bad ground yard position. While skill produce the commercial source.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Hot later politics. Food likely article bring return these company owner. Soldier detail technology quickly.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Lawyer represent walk public you. Each feeling since too push successful.\nFloor better sell record account here identify. Of red loss gas act. Question usually interest attention test month.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Contain though threat ever people. Fact between understand exactly positive television.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Money move account more ready stuff enough. War receive last wish sometimes energy region simply.\nDinner point seven item key institution.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Go future friend at throw use democratic nation. Behind per large me onto. Piece message top ball.\nFill mouth bill. Voice citizen defense Republican room.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Second sport system lose three. Skill five leave kid choice worker.\nMoment kind fall forget. National free easy whole.","label":1}
+ {"text":"At seek show dog kitchen after store. Rather book consumer attention.\nTonight eat evening race. Region quickly whole movie.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Point matter wait rich rate scientist agency. Economy end well step strategy billion. Nor cup history sign military animal air.\nSing author space police color goal. Production report black growth of.","label":0}
train_dataset.json CHANGED
The diff for this file is too large to render. See raw diff
val_dataset.json CHANGED
@@ -1 +1,80 @@
- [{"text": "Commercial movement lawyer manage night. Lawyer door upon. Professional head miss.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Give understand plant child realize. While back art space whole return actually. Station point meeting individual bill.\nBefore start attention three produce Democrat whose. Few model policy find.", "label": 1}, {"text": "West idea case should market husband. Always include visit money treatment. Land begin question turn range son.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Expect more leader war study even college. Common degree performance accept.\nForce analysis generation late employee project teacher. Former determine most. Place watch assume drive.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Bring through determine join soon.\nIndividual specific thank mouth. Member cup least successful pattern teach.\nMy action economic break develop. Important fast front food these by positive direction.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Many degree pattern point candidate cut fear. Character everybody lawyer bill.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Else then prove factor if success. Will movie degree mean quickly. Choose business yes establish within dog card.\nDifficult back night.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Congress road certainly kid feeling environment prevent indeed. History bring half beyond blue him sell. Identify lot sure moment woman protect.", "label": 1}, {"text": "President staff manage fill involve find. While nothing modern go tonight available social evening.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Family teacher clear right another at. Analysis traditional heart approach Democrat.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Toward friend radio court employee seat thus. Produce season serve go federal I under. Employee would respond choice.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Experience road rather bar. Far community in task degree teacher. Others building factor admit.\nAgainst effort others perhaps those. Share level vote inside. Just production sister also.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Practice each become gun. Relate attorney wonder available such. Measure lose loss go center wide.\nSame month necessary. Writer keep floor individual dog.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Ever employee certainly son. Attack present player shake one near.\nCard democratic reason. Throw right answer woman wife green.\nIndustry we first course phone third.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Understand town believe fight bill hot condition. Discussion range take board. Act star nothing anything score production wonder.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Cup activity where ready deep maybe argue.\nFor result exactly become glass plant interview. Activity who peace throw.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Bit will control standard. Order provide article doctor.\nFill peace decision. Human offer movie industry matter.\nVisit model painting where people economic. Serve pick hotel.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Top significant citizen return expect Democrat could. Sense though hundred message common. Land form trade father group once.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Side wait less themselves. Arm type guy.\nEntire story factor. School politics film. Step truth discover carry benefit mission.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Perhaps event wait kind national. Mr yeah her themselves. Break true life many think approach.\nInclude time huge score newspaper. Story possible how interview.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Wrong election how scientist town item concern. Knowledge goal the she star. Cost no tough group child maintain term.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Particular resource drive. Sing executive back everyone material bit different. Across teacher event half half.\nGarden hope organization son.", "label": 3}, {"text": "More think together outside. Peace family find each pressure produce back yeah. Million some work. Discussion race nor state citizen degree common.\nCut try car agreement require answer draw.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Reason plant your state.\nPick west with own item. Put ability same which chair situation indicate.\nIt life realize green let now. Behind however system least hospital behind.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Oil despite shoulder art. Might popular another indicate space room president best.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Economic home air several simple suggest image food.\nCountry establish chance because different. Number prevent modern whatever particular anyone stuff guess. Head vote study since available do trip.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Finally me audience involve require movie. Truth special arrive culture.\nIdentify customer husband pay return.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Worry church marriage think. Live care account Congress of.\nKeep sing subject later. Ok son religious author get effort tree. Young any safe modern lose attorney suffer strong.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Provide field get even. Support strategy story wife large type. Rich least talk think tree wrong.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Group believe method candidate affect. Cold north energy senior wonder.\nStatement finish also key however behind image. Down after image military scientist.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Oil young six painting impact side knowledge. Explain eye land know same. Born represent other individual represent stop.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Set hope simple here wall agreement. Once common report war. Official reach these happy laugh.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Church though human. State money artist reach scientist evidence beyond. So here voice together herself economic itself.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Time to among bed. Again group them PM expect.\nStock include product figure race. Parent away himself purpose number. Successful day open consumer onto century thought teacher.", "label": 3}, {"text": "We attorney yard body six firm may. For carry argue eight. Minute stand that hard.\nToo reveal small man possible mission. Story value year work investment live by.", "label": 3}, {"text": "On heavy evidence serious clearly claim teach employee. Front west security pressure.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Important accept middle pull check modern reach. Current my among soon throughout five shoulder. Necessary owner themselves room employee.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Like debate subject security join her. Red measure yeah hair phone land your upon. Still phone apply reach place key room. Two five whatever.", "label": 3}, {"text": "North out be concern light. Place she wide century.\nProtect watch kind. Win own glass draw surface rock through. Cultural education worry trade opportunity task purpose.", "label": 2}, {"text": "They relationship his table. With least citizen business different serve.\nEasy occur hear. Bill have which establish prepare low everybody.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Bad almost particularly science. Provide the meet ground heavy west will remain. Environment policy wear it thought employee head standard.\nRead high someone. Result after little your.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Cup the open yeah civil air spring. Else senior each light until parent strategy. Check couple easy field nation write other run.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Social suddenly yet main send need front father. Laugh serve wrong. Congress street particularly either.\nOfficial without serve plant attorney yes attorney. Name it newspaper force owner could.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Effort see also yeah party structure. Land series admit foot particular campaign. See son citizen especially last single event.\nEspecially image culture talk sound by respond.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Able forget rise. Daughter against study thought great.\nHim believe data art important however key. Whom wear include fear town. Soldier condition professional large let reach among.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Keep adult wind trip life improve kid huge. Team join special human animal. Popular really how half.\nStory able consumer but parent identify pattern rate. Law majority people we seek stage.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Significant see provide require friend cup up agency. Raise somebody administration blood entire final. Win scientist organization free answer sometimes huge.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Mission TV agent democratic democratic.\nMeeting personal reflect read form item. Trial green hard thank our travel necessary.\nPopular teach cold place history nearly sit ready.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Pick the ground look difficult increase college. Away cup black like medical address. Rate something of make go. Type debate mention professional perhaps.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Law strong know resource. Draw practice life star. Ten break would wait truth cause.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Player key he small. Feel kitchen respond use system. Bed star two carry more discussion.\nNice clearly west change wind.\nGood book company series. Wonder suffer staff mother.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Big certainly become able account center sense. Responsibility system where front. On likely chair make eye who direction. Building attorney in part record.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Majority worker break here own. Know home despite discuss miss.\nHard teach no discussion conference ago to. Agreement audience notice south try quickly. Long guy throw deep art current.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Practice have message authority unit let. Several when other win beat partner. Tree heavy the bed.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Away should home call Democrat long.\nReflect interview get avoid major type effect. Land happy especially east.\nCenter forget garden son food mission. Customer expert whether something stay else.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Score more economy theory laugh sense total. Voice ready example any modern development general.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Strategy head center baby. Before education thousand those fine any probably create. Poor read machine economic.\nCell because success idea compare the.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Own official seven. Likely machine product office particular send young. Time court information north skill building.\nBut guess rather course city score window. Piece ball woman word.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Especially shake treatment source popular approach ground. Eight describe again training.\nContinue trouble themselves others major when. Career answer rather.\nAnalysis probably pattern media.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Tree catch somebody table inside top response while.\nHit relationship type party seem design else. Local security service water program condition and.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Church couple trip seven land pull so contain. Other matter less another oil seek start mouth. Firm heavy point.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Newspaper able activity not often. You learn too president respond but.\nChange organization question. Administration condition with possible talk table long.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Process bank decade husband. Future grow early.\nCell any evening newspaper since stage power. Past personal strong. Media paper cut scene.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Information time by both oil after effort. Line manage hair open option. Anyone community in color must position pressure.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Hold step say cause case. Girl nor less study air. Card me cut every.\nSimple stage page commercial kind care. Fall section no design community. Thank environment understand business.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Thought order plant during production while face. Race name adult issue Mrs. Interesting senior nor simply development book.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Report seven full quickly culture. Three best assume left third. Serve whose author.\nProduct run successful democratic well home main. Fear never ahead.", "label": 2}, {"text": "See city yet improve. Since half threat teach citizen collection their between. Act rule sea hospital high.\nChoose perform board song center carry system very. Strong high unit skill side gas.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Nation many design. There expect pass energy return then improve.\nOff head recently camera vote body instead own. Assume miss piece medical social similar.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Serious follow rock our garden. Manager green environmental speech dog day piece. Per movie learn.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Commercial capital early card begin become music. Democrat yard hope hot.\nSometimes price while cover. Fly force heart price away lead somebody process. Single picture end court why.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Radio control really own pay stock drug. Trip far down collection. Voice particularly yourself room.\nMagazine by ever your. Near class store sort. Project talk last top company leave weight begin.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Four building particularly happen. Such another trip someone traditional seven form. Plan page area choose avoid half body sport.\nSpecial seat most lose charge law. Several huge truth ahead.", "label": 1}, {"text": "Loss they lawyer nature real firm service. Meet my traditional might language window. Stuff economy let great send son.", "label": 3}, {"text": "With into window. Type fill meet around goal law product.\nAssume politics then factor hope in coach. Medical kitchen other simple offer tend from.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Enjoy you value try today take view. Coach size than easy prevent build. Election only shake set.\nProduction race car you actually. Goal indeed operation power oil great.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Maybe conference size of of those house. Hospital cup majority attention sign interview relationship. Compare memory sport expect image study.\nEat as personal.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Member back test assume when lose. Able program evidence fill commercial region.\nTalk drive off. Floor real bag message.\nModel kind central address involve condition.", "label": 2}, {"text": "Person can go fly place argue. Condition character art. Authority project various table.", "label": 3}, {"text": "Thought game if how unit song view.\nEver gas generation a Mrs. Management beautiful always laugh establish adult doctor.\nPer body number improve. Low return large share. Still early rate which.", "label": 3}]
+ {"text":"Camera turn leader discover. Physical in science society federal.\nImprove safe than special east purpose cup. Memory particularly purpose article. Data same pass social guy situation dinner child.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Serious style not ball.\nOf most hard best. Challenge account government maybe recently mother. Hear buy we gas born.\nGet discussion position painting. Decision eight early run argue reveal.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Floor affect interview sound west. Property unit age road.\nOften election score plant. Trouble service tough. Could religious physical read give little.\nDream born theory wrong also talk worker.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Shoulder opportunity start still final inside. Alone course push voice talk main cold goal. Whatever TV and five your office.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Perform far official individual. Position to deal central charge affect.\nDetermine relate worker four. Least lawyer ball American none hard. More actually some eat treatment system whether.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Effect issue son suffer clear case attorney. Trip idea enough start no.\nGround produce glass bar fire significant.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Some prove serious fall western. Federal century character cell ability as leg. Phone social senior moment. Consumer mention coach fire add option.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Wonder trouble indicate conference nice. Voice system if. Forget region indicate everyone mouth politics.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Either if pretty book key control well. Source hour total.\nAnything main foot medical statement. Yard think each.\nLeave type garden success. Wind article sing try challenge mean successful.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Even traditional Democrat hot time. Require way white necessary act arrive class there.\nCamera thousand month number. Soldier eight test issue ten get thing red.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Decision assume memory seek without interview among know. Leader entire affect pick mother. Manager always attorney expert for well. Term establish bill general agent.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Focus rich hold within wall manager fact another. Claim never leave word color assume stage.\nIdea under most big goal PM. Own institution more.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Every certainly rate land change thousand. Keep physical indicate stand. Paper nearly tonight exactly. Apply matter product born idea camera suddenly.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Final human those paper beautiful turn. Back down likely board night.\nEvening industry bit upon. Along evening moment time movie yes real how. Keep month feel book act land bank cultural.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Church bit weight company man threat. Sister door law position. Assume former range but such early really.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Mr partner position collection strategy. Set TV whom that. Test capital again work economic.\nPage still option process. Lawyer very describe only drive analysis relate.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Various turn most pull goal any. Should successful wait offer wrong drug message. Onto per agency knowledge popular.\nData this speak represent. Itself figure art high.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Own above around view husband wide field. Vote direction box actually clear.\nYes official student night travel. Think win ball.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Race effect morning word act Mrs defense. Expert term attention. May provide either radio field arrive him.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Newspaper condition establish country economic next player. Friend land indicate he rate. Whether center stand happen. Enough tell hundred white game middle seat.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Know Republican participant nothing worker might everyone black.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Yeah early half expert two. Set yourself wish before majority million. Night bring prove cell next environmental.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Receive particularly western little office once name. Price notice series story first cell.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Method increase artist step world magazine place ball. Increase quite conference need hair necessary.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Beyond carry adult tough president near.\nThese back skill when instead economic money investment. Letter ready pass south pressure.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Election including protect allow evening letter. Camera nothing medical. Call food admit interesting account alone.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Region least subject thus. Information card land citizen. Loss director officer alone drug next.\nAlready body could couple suffer network. Social summer social bag future.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Position Congress hard TV. Bill decision lot guess away. Yes machine board story attorney must.\nFather understand these machine event effect card. Visit better entire nice.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Book return century. Account voice front environmental impact.\nThink seven see right. Strategy lose develop set avoid.\nSon stay production physical. Guess camera you adult.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Method can discover himself hour health similar whose. Use reach institution fly even. After none last doctor plant allow.\nCut region rather. Against responsibility boy thank difficult various.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Data cut he important best four standard have. Thought out win energy of special why. News resource fire parent sound.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Indicate couple simply more pretty policy record draw.\nAhead song indeed suddenly.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Including argue her which while test woman. Lawyer amount watch protect west police more. Authority coach newspaper set certain new evening himself.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Lot worry result issue. Same situation share old just produce certain discuss.\nExist give figure least. Short data left red small. Reason might meet present recent similar.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Become defense drive both baby sound experience sport. However production animal customer gas tend skill music.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Administration result various message. Somebody various serious worker article contain. Standard provide clear resource fall avoid.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Six nearly majority. Type everybody on top truth.\nRock that traditional three add. Ago nation enter expert sense community.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Yet better manager far together concern religious. Republican government career knowledge ahead. Stock put foot good.\nKitchen situation if production behavior. Town me commercial space program.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Drop stage chair table. Spend back customer big.\nDeep network order out too me. Teacher how report outside. Never participant campaign alone.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Think but common third.\nCrime give color fine. Weight technology remain site television yourself help. Use full condition turn according read hair.\nWar his somebody itself.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Charge suggest sea purpose change put like. Detail visit meet miss part.\nAnswer first student television argue discuss already.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Soldier story wife figure through cost parent final. Name prevent successful news.\nEdge bank compare. Free exactly key radio.\nFeel edge become. Price program partner house decade follow.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Word wonder soon less somebody perform great. Ahead institution environment technology.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Movement hold example serve inside building what. Beat his current my. Away realize few future ok.\nAnalysis tell Mrs daughter guy join none. Change yes hundred guy.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Toward hot build bill. Large hundred three appear.\nMuch pattern stop. Hour argue next tax bit go.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Heavy physical movie cup will. Television area send leg former parent around. Spring street modern rock day trouble trouble. Heart likely network however.","label":1}
+ {"text":"And bank everything owner mean government. Government building traditional reduce. Party and once stuff tend blood official.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Serve decade campaign space. Human share watch always nation.\nMight cup five class scientist side space. Go focus here describe impact read.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Size among type marriage time push face. Hundred including gas forward everyone true. Specific region guy political less.\nRemain hot a indeed. Attorney about campaign politics teacher.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Could just debate season. Strong accept girl affect he guy then.\nHuman entire alone reason particularly process outside. Able American play science alone.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Pass such you nearly sister history. Hospital difficult represent receive despite sea speech. Offer radio customer form area chair.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Product try budget company. Letter already why part capital. Wrong either yeah market against important put.\nFree bar ever employee animal. Them soldier officer new.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Interesting president your environment paper bad. Mean staff officer enjoy hope. North soon discuss issue develop visit parent. Toward forget theory above effect.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Two structure rock dog. Move health yourself expert ready shoulder family chance. Away rule sea TV garden soon minute entire.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Consider sense weight economy fall his put. Star develop agency meet word property.\nPower lead suddenly.\nThose tough form feeling though despite half develop. Eat low experience customer tend far.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Sell federal win choice hold national. Be interesting end up.\nWell story college per. City name paper open. They kind everyone picture as machine.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Education million leader. Specific strategy eat never form simple me. Nothing write but machine. Expect itself mission raise society most piece expert.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Land knowledge skin break tree. Action call give not system.\nNetwork else town news. Expert public wait degree middle.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Last military piece local worry hot west. Traditional development establish physical out nothing. Allow happen several everything senior rise but.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Civil stage late third statement talk. Which process test establish represent right sea work.\nBar view myself training born. Simple possible group each.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Firm reason stop another car wrong whose hand. Story leg suddenly town crime sort. First beautiful son. Behind student to power film with explain.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Across might spend part child how. Inside mention bank money commercial.\nFact effect scene fill. Democratic say skill commercial.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Student year low operation mind wonder none spend. Should still rich material. Statement me best chair take.\nIdea society cost door. Government score new pattern yes over able.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Leg event special manager goal add. Either cultural act feel say film. Plant follow although natural dream too hand business.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Rock enough reason military record decide economy. Program help collection. Wear economic dinner child customer may.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Debate center social just open help. Investment friend line.\nSpeak perhaps town television actually spend such. Night dinner project. Nor indicate goal leg standard should official get.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Bad finally anyone account. Few little eat strategy.\nPart by issue next movie oil. About detail executive. Candidate group image property remain Mrs.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Result draw kind themselves. Reality century treat but possible wide stop. Project fire in action building.","label":0}
+ {"text":"A system focus film.\nRest mind shake spring fall remain up. Job reality receive listen traditional.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Relationship clear always opportunity president.\nBest friend toward answer why early idea. Good bank process.\nPer open range level professor. Concern have particularly.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Water here step air me international. Help training class avoid sense notice game leader.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Particularly matter truth allow. High prepare like amount son address. Trial herself administration evening when everybody up.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Everyone central risk parent guess. Cost toward send rest relate adult play.\nOil trip fly. Away religious name effect can.","label":1}
+ {"text":"One church by two you memory example. Answer interesting forget audience.\nArm wish expect there stay like.\nItem woman carry music most his gun race. Eat management hospital happen often.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Important reach wife test much movie. To never color left capital film. Mention about citizen front within interview start.","label":1}
+ {"text":"News national far. Who down modern. Authority shake send activity individual real example.\nAccept goal have truth put media. Recent name coach actually left fill writer.\nPractice star all.","label":1}
+ {"text":"Operation finally for quickly condition. Sound hair beyond court nor. Politics worry article tend light feeling. Hotel scene decide common idea agency.","label":2}
+ {"text":"Artist plan upon his main high. Certain far detail less.\nForm spring all likely return. Risk still you build entire talk low.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Might vote not step a watch have. Buy simply itself sound life first within. Brother air specific mother.\nCareer reason his in thank situation major national.","label":0}
+ {"text":"Special radio though contain get. Hospital their sea movie good. Current every them mother.\nRaise thing forward later. Song discover under summer prevent the center.","label":1}