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Welcome back. Let's push on with episode four. We spent pretty much the entirety of episode three in The Druids Grove and we talked to Kagha. We don't like what we did find, a secret letter in one of Kagha's stashes. It tells us that she's working with somebody else, awfully suspect, and that letter pointed us to the swamps. So one of my goals in this session is to find the swamp. But at the same time, there's a lot of content in this game, so if other things get in the way, I think that's perfectly fine. We got The Druids Grove right here, but we're gonna head out west of the camp now. Looking at it, we also had an interesting conversation with Nettie, The Grove's healer. She did almost try to kill us, but we cordially solved the dialogue conversation and we agreed to help her find Halsin, who was with an adventuring party that went to go investigate the goblin camp in the region because there might be answers to the tadpole problem that's currently going on. So let's go ahead and start this session off with a long rest as I need to recharge my spell slots. We'll call my animal companion back in. Oh, why didn't it do... okay, I thought I hit long rest, didn't I? Oh, I don't know what I just did. Whatever, let's click on the bedrolls and that should actually make it nighttime. And we have a bunch of dialogue to get into with our companions. We'll start with Wyll. My sword's actually not on fire right now. There we go, now it's back on fire. A goal runs through your head and down to your feet. Ah, there it is, that shiver. Our little brain worms have made fast friends, it would seem. How do you feel? Surprisingly fine, in spite of it all. Surprising is just the word, isn't it? Before the illithids' unscheduled surgery, I'd felt hundreds of beasts and a fair few fiends. The tadpoles weakened me, suppressed greater talents, but beyond that, I have showed no signs of turning. No nausea, no pain, not even a hot flash. Wyll and Gale are kind of full of themselves, aren't they? The question is, do we believe them or not? It makes no sense, I know. Why haven't we turned? Perhaps the worm's vat was poisoned, perhaps we're uncommonly fit, or perhaps the tadpoles are merely on holiday. We could conjecture all night, I suppose. The why doesn't matter so much as the what next. And that answer is plain as the horns on a war devil's head. We get these things out. Let's get some rest. Dawn will come sooner than we think. Farewell, Wyll. A fine evening, don't you think? The moonlight shines warmly on us, the breeze caresses our faces. Hideous, all of it. Would that I were doing battle up there among the tears. What do you mean by the tears? Look, rocky bodies tumbling through the sea of night. One of them is my crush. Are all Githyanki from the tears? You'll... you'll... it's there I first saw a Kith rock mount a red dragon. Where I slipped my cousin's throats at the Varsh's command. But enough of this. Dawn, we resume our search for a crush. All right, fair enough. Morning. I hope last night's little unpleasantness hasn't left a bad taste in your... well, I hope there are no bad feelings. No, but I do have questions. How are you standing in the sun? Oh, I have no idea. By rights, I should be cinders in this light, but someone or something is keeping me alive. Standing in the sun, wading through a river, wandering into homes without an invitation, they're all perfectly mundane activities now. As for my other quirks, well, we can figure those out in time. We'll figure them out quickly, Astarion. I don't want any more surprises. No more surprises, you have my word. I'm just glad you're being sensible about these revelations. I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks, although there's still time. A vampire, well that explains the power. Given our group's nature, I don't see much harm. We're each monsters in the making, after all. Oh, and a quick word of warning, Astarion. I taste absolutely awful. Keep your distance. Well, we need him, like it or not. He's not wrong. We're bound together, no matter what comes. Maybe we could get him to wear a bell, dissuade any nighttime prowling. There, now we're all friends again. Shall we go? There's a long day ahead of us. That would be pretty funny if you could actually get Astarion a bell. Pat comes to chat. What's on your mind? You must be pleased to have a clear path forward. The sooner we find the Druid Halsin, the better. I can't wait to get rid of this thing in my head. How are you feeling? The same, these parasites are proving suspiciously benign. But suppose I turn, what would you do? Well, I'd probably just end your misery then and there. Why? Why? I think I would if the positions were reversed. But you're right, if we're to make it through all this, there can be no room for hesitation. You're doing well. It's a beautiful night. I think I'll stay up to enjoy it while I still can. Rest well. Good night, Shadowheart. I do want to quickly check out the dye system here. You know, when I'm recording myself, sometimes I don't want to spend too much time getting too deep into some of the systems because I have to sit here and think about it. Let's give a few of them a try. So we have the Drake General dye and we can combine it with what I'm assuming is... I wonder if you can do it with armor. Oh my gosh, you can. Okay, let's combine it with camp clothes so we can see it. Right now, we can see the armor too, but we'll do the camp clothes first. Whoa, that's super cool. Okay, now let's do my ring mail armor. I have to find better heavy armor here soon. Let's go combine and we'll take my ring mail armor and we'll see what that does. It just like RNG. What if I can do it again? Okay. Let's take Gale's robes and see if we can do that real fast. Okay, so the Drake General dye is red, it appears. That looks pretty cool. We'll keep an eye out for other dyes, but let's go ahead and end the night. Cool, looks really good with the red princess cape. I kind of like that you don't just teleport back. It feels a little bit more immersive now that you go to the camp and you wake up into camp. Okay, let me first call in my trusty animal companion. And as we explore here, of course, I'm going to have Fern out with me. The game calls her Lupus. Hey Fern, what's up? That's a good girl. Okay, we'll cast Mage Armor. I want to cast Long Strider. These things have stayed in it. And also, Speak with Animals. Then Leizel is a champion fighter. It's pretty straightforward. I might end up respecting a little bit here in the different subclasses. I'm going to leave Shadowheart as a trickster cleric just for the time being because I haven't been running with Astarion and it's nice to have somebody in the group that can help out with stealth. But I'm tempted to change her into a light cleric. And then Gale is a necromancer. We're really not doing anything with necromancy spells yet, but we will be soon. We gotta level up a little bit more and get some better necromancy spells. Chronic spells, I know they do not. It is my responsibility to cleanse myself. Perhaps they were trying to free you, a vain notion. I am one of many and will not be a burden to my queen. I'm picking up all of these plants so we can do some more alchemy crafting. Dragon egg mushroom, I'm sure that's used for something. There we go, recipe unlocked: ashes of dragon egg mushroom. Okay, we need three of those. Go ahead and create ashes of Balsam. Recipe unlocked: potion of greater healing. Awesome. The more you discover and the more you craft, the more recipes you unlock. So we need ashes of Balsam for that and then also any salt. If I take a look down here, we need to find one more mugwort and then we'll have a salt because it says any salt and then we can make our first greater healing potion. Not as bad as it could have been. Or a road to damnation. Not to say for your journey is just beginning. Hmm, what would suit the occasion? Hmm, to a lullaby perhaps. The mouse smiled brightly, it outfoxed the cat. Then down came the claw and that love was that. They do know how to write them in Cormier, don't they? Well met, I am Raphael, very much at your service. And once again, I just want to remind you all, I am playing on the review copy and we did get a long list of bugs that Larian has planned to be fixed by official release. With that said, I'm assuming that the official release is also going to have probably a decent amount of bugs. The real question is, are they game-breaking and how fast can Larian fix them? But you're probably going to see quite a few throughout my playthrough. Am I talking to the mouse or the cat? Neither. The rather hiding in a word, a silent observer about to break the silence. Of course, what I have to say merits some privacy as well as some more, let's call it refinement. This quaint little scene is decidedly too middle of nowhere for my tastes. Come. Okay, the middle of somewhere. Be more specific than somewhere. The House of Hope, where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed, lavishly. Go on, partake, enjoy your supper. After all, it might just be your last. Definitely don't trust this dude. I'm getting tired of your games. Fair enough. What's better than a devil you don't know? A devil you do. Am I a friend? Potentially. An adversary? Conceivably. But a savior? That's for certain. Look at those horns. Why would you help me, Raphael? Because my compassion is boundless. I stride among the needy, giving comfort where I can. And you're in dire need. One skull, two tenants, and no solution in sight. I could fix it all, like that. Look at this room, the House of Hope. Wonder who that is right there. If that's Asmodius, Asmodius, the ruler of the Nine Hells. You're mad if you think that I'll make a deal with the devil. And what is madness but a denial of reality? Still, I have a feeling you'll change your mind before it's changed for you. Try to cure yourself. If you shop around, beg, borrow and steal, exhaust every possibility until none are left, and when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair, that's when you'll come knocking on my door. Hope, such a tease. And if I do want to take this deal, how would I find you? I'll be around, watching you squirm like a tadpole through a nice juicy brain. All those pretty little symptoms, sauntering skin, dissolving guts, they haven't manifested yet, have they? One might say you're a paragon of luck. I'll be there when it runs out. Yeah, that can't be good. But you know what, if I'm about to turn into a mind flare, maybe I'll be calling Rafael up. He's so cool. If this game actually lets you turn into a mind flare, the main problem with that is when somebody does turn into a mind flare, that person is basically gone. It's not like it's you in a mind flare body, it's a mind flare basically taking over your memories and your soul, and you no longer exist. So from an RP perspective, of course, you wouldn't want that to happen. Now, if you could actually morph into a mind player and still be yourself, that'll be a different story. We found a trap disarm tool kit and a silver pendant that gives us the guidance cantrip. We're in a cave, the Harpers were busy. Look at the view up here, that looks like the swamp over there. So we're gonna head over there. This is the nautiloid crash site, and we started over here on the beach. Amazing, I love sandboxy CRPGs like this. At the back of the crevice lies a bag, and folded in the magic swaddling of spiders, a shiny gold coin pokes from its mouth. The creatures clutch the pouch possessively, you have no doubt a spider egg is nestled within. We can do Ranger animal handling and speak softly to the spiders, or slide a hand. We're gonna go with animal handling because we have proficiency. We have a pouch, and we have a spider egg sac and also gold. We're gonna hang on to the spider egg sac because I do know what you can do with that because I played Early Access. Basically, you can throw it and then the spiders will come out and they'll fight for you until they die. We have to be careful about these traps in the room here. Goblins have disengaged as a bonus action. We have to hold our ground. We're gonna do a quick save. We got some gobbles entertained. That seems to activate and deactivate the trap perhaps. We have a heavy chest right there, and when opening the chest... It's probably a good idea in general, if you have it, to use resistance to get a plus 1d4 bonus to saving throws for whoever opens the trap. I'm gonna have my Ranger open it because he has the most HP. There are a lot of oil barrels around here which is kind of scary, and these things have stayed interesting, but let's go for it anyways. Actually, I'm quite nervous. What's next I wonder, what my magic... Is that blood? No, never mind. My face protects me. I'll clean out the area a little bit. Everybody's failing, not a long way for more today, their perception checks. Okay, perception is such an important skill. All right, let's have um seeing it. I was gonna try to disarm it with shadow with my Ranger initially. Okay, I have a low Sharisma and a low dexterity group right now which is pretty rough in this game but it should make for an interesting run. My face, there's no time to waste. You gotta be kidding me. Plenty of inspiration points though. I don't think I actually needed one right there though. I think I could have just used another trap disarm tool cut whatever. You know, I should have the key to this. You guys notice the difference between a character with dark vision and a character without dark vision? Nature's snare chance to ensnare Target if it's not a plant or a beast in a silk gland, a chemical solution web grenade. Okay, all right let's get the heck out of here. Interesting little secretive passageway, so distasteful. I'd rather not turn my back on you if it's all the same. They're not getting along, are they? All right so, it's like we have a body right there. The swamps are to the left but we'll investigate this little area first. Breathing despite everything, people up ahead, something's wrong. Okay, oh no, you're a true soul, you can't die. Stay with us. I don't think he's conscious. Can you hear us, Ed? You, not a step closer, strange. Marked on their flesh, with a new stairs in response. Okay, we have a chance to use the lifted wisdom power but I don't feel like it's necessary in this particular moment. Well, the story on it did feel like it was necessary because I needed to get to the bottom of that. In medicine, his wounds look deep. I might be able to help. He's hurt badly, an oil bear got him deep. Well, if there's anything you can do, I'm watching you. The injured man locks eyes with you, a familiar squirming chairs in your head. Okay, let's hold this there, your minds intertwine. Of blings andrick and Brenner new recruits, yours to Shepherd, protect them. She is a true soul, mind, she will see, sure. Edwin, Ed please, he's with the absolute now yo. You're a true soul, Edwin our brother, he was chosen like you. Do you have orders for us? We were reporting to Edwin. Is this true Soul business? True soul, what are you, are you testing us? A true Soul like you has been chosen by the absolute. You speak with her voice, your words are her command. She grants you the power to enforce her will and when the time comes, the true Souls You Will Rule. I will serve at no rule aside but my Queens. Maybe we should play along with it. Perhaps you can help me, I'm looking for the Druid helson. I don't know any Druids. Then why are you out here, the Wilderness is dangerous. We will do well man but, but we're looking for fugitives, survivors from that ship that crashed farther west of here. These fugitives, tell me more. We don't know what they look like but anyone who survived that crash is bound to be injured. That's enough to get us started. The absolute wants them found at any cost. The absolute is looking for fugitives from the nautiloid crash. Well, we're not going to tell him that we're fugitives or that we're survivors. Okay, let's play along with it. A crude summary, you have more to learn of our faith novice. I'm sorry true soul, I only repeated what I thought. Thought still has a great deal to teach me. Absolutely, get it, you know killer, oh shite. Mike, we're gonna have to rest soon so I might as well just call in spiritual weapon, why not right? Doesn't require concentration so, pretty good. I am death, you gotta be me. And look at that, I found some improved heavy armor finally. Awesome and it looks a bit more like heavy armor too, I like that a lot. You're gonna have to take off the red princess cape here soon. Hopefully, I can find another cape. I'm not entirely sure why that combat encounter went off but we'll just say that the dude just knew that one of us was lying I guess. I feel like I handled that right but maybe I didn't. Strange power resonates within the calls to you. Your limbs move with their own Accords, why let its host's memories go to waste? The tadpole has absorbed it all. Oh man, decisions decisions. We can let our body guide us, welcome the tadpole's influence. Force our minds shut to not be influenced or do a strength check, the tadpole is toying with you. As of now, I'm not completely opposed to becoming more powerful but I'm still just, I need more information on these tadpoles so I'm gonna do a strength check here, try to resist it. Oh no, no guidance. You know, I think I almost want to roll with this. Now we use our inspiration points, this is pretty serious. We'll use one of my inspiration points. There we go, now we got guidance. Your muscles loosen, the tadpole breaks free if it's deceased host. Your mind is your own again. Yeah, I love the gloves that I have. I can't wait for him to actually go off so I can see it. Well, that was an interesting scene. Whoa, dude that thing is freaking huge. Let's be on my way, resistant to acid. I'm definitely killing those things on site, that's freaking freaky man. Imagine knowing that you have one of those in your brain. I just don't get how that thing was in his freaking head, it's huge. All right, let me see if I can use speak with the dead on this guy because I didn't technically kill him. Oh, nothing. The corpse regards you lifelessly. Who are you? A chosen. Who chose you? Almighty God. And what were you doing here? Looking for her weapon and they were looking for survivors from the nautiloid crash. What do you know about this weapon crash? Okay, so the weapon was taken not necessarily one of us, it's an object. And of course, the first thing that you got to think about is that mysterious if Githyanki artifact that shadow heart had on her possession. What can you tell me about the absolute? Spells power wains, you can ask no more questions. Interesting, assume nothing. Okay, so I think we have a lot of new information now and this may be a good time to end this particular part of episode four but we'll continue on here in a few seconds and those of you guys that are taking a break, I'll see you guys soon. Let's continue on here. So we just met two cultists of the absolute and they worship a deity called the absolute. One of them could telepathically communicate with us which means they were infected too. Really interesting and we know that the absolute is searching for a weapon and currently sending out forces to look for survivors of that nautiloid ship. So I'm kind of interested in exploring the forest over here as those cultists mentioned in aloe bear and it looks like we have a cave right there. But my character is more invested into trying to figure out what's going on at the Druid Grove and we want to head to the swamp see if we can find a little bit more about Kagha. Looks like we have a few people up here, it's Eridan again. I used to live in more interesting times. Gotta make sure I keep picking up camp supplies. Hey look, it's Eridan. You got a problem buckle, you was busy with the foul bloods in elson's Grove. It's not very nice. I thought you were busy leading your crew. No more, contract didn't mention no goblins. I would have prepped the Lots, brought back weapons. What was the contract? The kind that leaves off your crew dead. There's a wizard in Boulders gay, little pig gobloods for a relic supposedly buried around these parts but gold ain't any use if you're too cold to spend it. Let's say I want that gold, where would I find The Relic? It's called The Night song. Supposed to be hidden under that Temple where the Goblins jumped us. I'd give you a map of the temple and wish you a happy funeral but my mate Brian kept hold of it like his own sodja. Goblins made sure to the Fatal chunk. Oh I've got is the contract, can show you where we turn back if you feel like dying. We have a lot of different storylines going on here. Thanks, I'll take it. Don't thank me, I'll be well on my way to Baldur's Gate when you die. I'm just glad to be rid of the bloody thing. Happy Hunting. Okay, stamped hand Ville. We now have a new Quest called find the Night song. A wizard in Baldur's Gate is offering a huge sum of money to anyone who brings him the Night song. Night song is in some kind of Temple, it must be in the goblin camp. One of the adventurers, the dwarf Brian, has a map leading to the Night song. However, he was killed by goblins at the temple. Oh, Adventure is wanted for perilous and profitable Quest. Master laroican, The Arcanist of at catla, a catla is a city south of Baldur's Gate. This is where Baldur's Gate 2 took place. The recluse of ramazette's tower seeks Brave and enterprising individuals to delve treacherous Temple to delve into the treacherous Temple and recover storied artifact, the Night song for preservation in Baldur's Gate. Only Stout of heart and king of Mind need apply. Fame, glory and incredible Fortune assured. Hmm, okay. That's quite interesting and if you all recall, we're talking to Roland and those teeth liens back in The Druids Grove and Roland wants to be the Royal King's apprentice and train with him and gal thinks that laroa can is a bit of a fraud so to say. You know, I kind of just press spacebar to take all but I like to look at every item and.As I'm looking, I just double click. We'll take all those. I'm gonna send the book to camp. Goblin's drawing, drawn in thick charcoal lines upon animal skin, this childlike portrait depicts three stick figures: a goblin with sparks in its hands, a square humanoid figure, and what seems to be an elf. Each of them is wearing a simple crown. We'll take that. Movement on the roofs, this is a classic ambush in the making. Alright, so before we go in here, we have another waypoint in there. Let's see if we can go over here to where the swamp appears to be. Purified at your crash, what does that mean exactly? Augusta will affix the safest the purity to our heads, instant. What the heck? Lae'zel just told us a little bit about the purification process and apparently, they put some magical device on her head. I don't think I trust that. There are a lot of perception checks in this game, luckily my character has proficiency. Fleet fingers running jump once per turn, after the wearer dashes or takes a similar action, they can jump without using a bonus action. Huh, cool. Glorious vaulting, drink this to triple your jump distance. You mentioned intrigues me, care to tell me a bit more? Filmmaker, the god of suffering, I'm ready, whatever it takes. Okay, we're gonna put that on Lae'zel because she's a strong character so she's gonna get the most out of the jump and see the gloves right there. Never went to the easy path. Recipe unlock basic poison and we're gonna make our first, oh we have antidote recipe too, potion of greater healing. Ash is a Balsam, any salts and there we go, awesome. Pretty straightforward, pretty simple. I think that's pretty good. This game has a lot to take in as it is. So many potions, I'm gonna forget about like 80% of the potions that I have in my inventory but that's just how it goes. Alright, looks like we're coming up to the swamp area. Oh, this is holy, I've never clapped eyes on your poor sister. Drop the yak hug, you was the last to see me Arena, just let her go, please. You there, please, I don't know what's come over these boys, I just want to go home. Stop it, we won't ask again. How about you all just calm down, what's going on here? Careful, don't trust a word out of her mouth, our sister went to the hug and we ain't seen her since. Harsh, I don't know their sister, I will gladly help you or look for her though. Enough, where is she? See, I'm trying to look at this from the perspective of my character as opposed to what my experience was like in early access. You know what, my natural instinct is to help her out but let's say, tell the truth, what did you do to their sister? Some advice, you have a darken my door, you'd best have that hate about Anthony an apology at the ready, uh-oh. Bye bye now. Okay, bloody house, she just disappeared. I ain't seen nothing like that before. She could shoot fireworks out of her backside for all I care, the hug has to bring her. Someone, please tell me what's going on. It's a sister Marina, she's well, she was in a bad way after her husband died. It's not a saying weird things like how she was gonna bring him back. Next thing she's gone looking for the hag of all the stupid things to do and we haven't seen her since. And no good ever came from dealing with a hag, none of this matters, alright, we need to get her back and fast. Hags are dangerous, unnatural things, even this place feels warped and twisted. I don't remember bloody asking you, I told you to say to me, let him talk. What would you suggest? I would suggest you walk away and live. Knew it, you're full of it. Thanks for the advice but we can't do that, we'll head there on our own. You know, I want to help them but your interest in the astral plane time, or rather the absence of it in the astral plane, everything is a turn which will be my home soon enough should Vlaakith will it. The astral plane is home to the Githyanki race. Looking at it, yeah, I wanted to help them out right there but you know, I feel like my character has more pressing concerns right now, we can't solve all of the world's problems. And I'm also just kind of really, really, really thinking about my past and wanting to avenge the death of my father and my mother. So let's take a look at this note again. I can never find it, who did I pick it up with, was it Gale? Florican's contract search by type, the marks crisscrossing the page don't look scribed, Kagha swamp docks tree meet me alone Bulletin. We got some docks over here, let's head on over this way. So that's progress, time to press ahead. Shell runs up your spine, you feel like you're being watched. Look for signs of unnatural activity. I guess I'm not that good of a ranger, am I? Don't know if I want to use my inspiration point for this, the place has a quiet sense of calm, you can't see anything strange. Let's get going, time to get going. Blood, I don't like where this is going. No ordinary creature did this, red caps to pieces, red caps you say. Despite everything, ah, finger. When you loot the barbed ball Rush, you have to do a dexterity check and if you fail, you get an open wound. Temperatures recently cut itself, a woman with shadows for eyes you said merely that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul, yours have dark curtains across them. I haven't made up my mind about you yet. You're a gigantic tree over here and we have some ancient mud methods over here. Oh, might be getting close to me, better shift hide real fast, that was close. We're gonna split up a little bit here without delay, do not, oh my gosh, I thought gal was gonna run that way, a little bit worried about the passing right there. Will I teach you, I'll pass thank you, I prefer objection over acrobatics. It's a sheep, I love the ambience, not reaction. Oh dang it, I can't, oh man, I have to long rest to get my jump back, I didn't realize that. I'll tell you what though, I know I have a potion. I'm running a little bit low on spell slots coming into this area. I wonder if I should take a long, you know what, screw it, let's just go for it. Oh, this is so, I don't know man, I really should take a long rest but then I have to get my party together and find a waypoint here in the swamp yet. You know what, let's just go for it, let's just see what happens. I think I have okay, good type of potions I have here, nothing, potion of speed, I could drink a bunch of those. Okay, oh desire, it's a nurse life for me, it's a gnome's life for me. Alright, let's do Arcane recovery. Wow, we got some patrolling methods here, in a bit of a risky spot. Oh no, we might have to do a stealth check right here, this is going to be interesting, okay, we made it, action not reaction. I wanted to get Lae'zel over here too but I don't think, yeah, I needed my jump spell. See how far I can get out onto the river, it doesn't look like I can make that jump with her. Okay, so we're gonna send Lae'zel back this way. You forget and I also have astral knowledge here, your proficiency in certain checks. I think I have to cast it out myself though. If I can cast that on another creature, that would be really, really good. I think it's casting out myself though, yeah, it just says gain proficiency. Lae'zel is not doing a ton of my checks, of my skill checks. Didn't mean to do that. Oh wow, that was close. This is really, really risky. I have to survive this and I get behind that rock, it doesn't look like I can. Afford to stay idle, sight. Wow, oh my gosh, this is so intense, holy crap, holy crap, holy crap. Oh, I think this guy did right here, okay, it was only Lae'zel though. Alright, nope, everybody else is in it too. My Ranger's still hidden. Come on Brother, come on. Gotta be kidding me, you gotta be kidding me. Okay, so here we go. I think I'm actually going to, yep, I can't make it over to that guy so let's have any good Scrolls. Let's take a shot, 65 percent. Okay, seven damage, alright. And actually, oh, I'm so tempted to do it again. No, I don't think I'm gonna get seven again so we're gonna hold off on using action surge. I'm gonna move over this way. We got the wood loads over here. This might actually be quite difficult without spell slots. Oh man, I only have one spell slot left for it, this is crazy. You gotta be kidding me. I feel like it's almost worth it to use guiding bolt, it's Overkill but like I need to make sure that I kill these methods can spawn other methods. I'll take it, I think it was worth it. Okay, let's go ahead and look at our inventory here. We're gonna bring gal into the fight here in a second too. Got a few potions of speed as well and actually, we're gonna drink one of those potions. Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome. We got another one over here but we got these gigantic wood loads too. Alright so, I think I want to go after the ancient ones first because they can spawn other methods. So let me move over this way and let's see if we can get gal into the fights. Dang, it doesn't look like I can get up there. How can I get a nice shot off at this guy right here? Let me go ahead and check these guys out real fast, dark vision death Burst when they die they shoot out Force damage and resistant to poison, okay. Then the wood roads, yeah, so the bug in the reviewers version of this game shows everything as resistant but this should say fire vulnerability right here. So if it's like this on version 1.0 when you guys are playing just look carefully, if you see the green or the blue arrow pointing up that's resistance and the arrow pointing down means double the damage. That would be confusing for somebody who doesn't understand that. Alright, so let's see what we can do here, 14, out of sight. Okay, this is, I could do a stealth check and try to make it over to here. I think I'm gonna use a can trip, don't have a shot from right here. Alright, we're gonna go with the stealth. Check. Oh, I guess that was okay. All right, never mind. All right, time to push my luck again. Kill this bastard. I don't have any action so look at my wolf right now. Ah, I feel so bad. All right, here we go. This is actually going to be, I think, this is going to be a tough fight. I don't think it's something clever here. This could be the first death of the game, first TPK. Really should have taken a long rest before coming into this. Oh no, Fern. All right so, back breaker backer enemy prone. Let's go ahead and just start working on. I really would like to work on the ancient method because I'm not sure if it's going to spawn more. We still have two ancient methods, one up here. Oh, it's a major, major problem. Okay, I should dip my, this will be a great time to dip my weapon into fire or poison my weapon. Let me see, are these guys piercing and bludgeoning resistance? Okay, so I could actually use a poison, the drow poison. I am deaf. No, I don't shite that coated my bow. Oh my God, I meant to do, oh you gotta be kidding me. I freaking coated my bow meant to try to coat my weapon. There's no way I get this that these shots are with disadvantage because I have an enemy in my face. Ah, damn it. Okay, man this is gonna be rough. No spell slots with my cleric either. Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. Okay, when I go, I feel like if I could polish off one of those guys, that would be a help. Awesome and the burst didn't even hurt my characters. Can't even catch my bro. All right so let's see if we can. I really need to kill this guy as fast as I can. Step so that's Hunter's Mark and then hope that our attack actually lands. 75% chance, come on game. No, no, oh definitely taking a potion of speed. I can't because it's a bonus action. I used Hunter's Mark. You know what, they leave me no choice. Unleash the spiders without flank, how smart. Okay so I really would like to kill this guy but 14 damages quite a lot for a cantrip. It ain't gonna happen. Ice Shard would do the job though. I think it's worth it. Still has one HP, gotta be kidding me. No choice but to keep going. I'm so worried about wiping right now that honestly I think it's worth one card. Wyll sucking up all these potions of speed right now. Okay, 75% chance, come on, you can do it. Okay, that was totally worth it. I got the spiders tank in front of me a little bit. Foreign, let's go to reactions and turn off ask for tenacity. They really have nothing good for her right now. Oh, I forgot I have Fireball cantrip. I get some high grounds. I already have advantage here. I get the plus two if I get a little bit of high ground. I don't think I can make it to high ground though. Nope, I can't. Forget, you get the cantrip. All right, come on Wolf, you can do it. What does, oh my gosh, 75, I missed twice. Are you kidding me? All right, we're gonna have to do uh, we're gonna have to do a little weapon action here. I don't need the weapon, I just need a regular attack. Just make it happen. See ya. Awesome, okay we're gonna reapply Hunter's Mark and we're gonna work on the lower HP Wood Road here. My animal companion is currently gone. I gotta start making better use out of my animal companion because if I don't, you might as well just play Hunter Ranger. But the animal companion, a lot of the Hunter Rangers subclass features will let you deal more damage on your attacks but if you have your animal companion, you're actually using your animal companion well. That additional damage can come close to what the Hunter Ranger gets too. And it's more fun to have an animal companion in my opinion so. All right, let's get Gale up on some High Ground here. Don't think these, I think I could probably sleep one of these creatures but the problem is sleep level two. Okay, I could try this. We gotta try it on this guy though. Never mind, I'm just gonna do damage because I have Hunter's Mark on that character so let's go ahead and. I think I'm gonna try ice knife again. Well, hell yeah. Okay, so we gotta watch out for that. It's a spider's turn. I can't move because we're currently in dangled. Get a little spider. Foreign, ER, three misses. Nice, lays out very nice. Yeah, I think it all worked out. I don't think I'm even gonna, nobody's even gonna, even gonna go down. Yep, we're getting the double fire damage. See how it says vulnerable but these creatures are showing as resistant. I'll definitely report that bug. Hopefully it's fixed on version 1.0. Foreign, this fight that's for sure. Okay, we have come out Victorious. But that was awfully risky. Definitely got to take a long rest after we investigate this area. Mud Muffet Wing, elixir of poison resistance. Let's call in, it's called The Bear this time. Two wonders, the Bears got 19 HP and also Goten Roar. Awesome. Well, it didn't mind my step. S, [Music], time to rest. The Woodward Shield, plus two Armor class but you also get woads and snaring strike. You get the ensnaring strike spell. I'm assuming you can use once per short or long rest. Kind of cool. [Music], laughs, cleft there. Letter to Kagha, Kagha bulletin has sent word of your progress. I am pleased that the right of thorns has begun. I depart soon from Cloakwood to Baldur's Gate. Should you need further aid for my circle, now is the time to ask. Once cloistered, the Emerald Grove will be in the Shadow Druid's domain in you. It's first Druid in Feldorn's memory, Archdruid Alis. Are you kidding me? A second note proved that Kagha is in League with the Shadow Druids. This could explain why she wants the Tieflings gone. We must report back to The Grove immediately. As my character before the events in Baldur's Gate 3, before we got sucked up on a Nautiloid ship, we were headed to the Cloakwood forest. Already seeking to investigate a Cloister of Shadow Druids to enact our revenge on that radicalized sect of Druids. The sparkle hands inductive strikes on a hit with an unarmed attack, the wearer gains two lightning charges. All imbued with lightning charges, attacks against metal constructs and foes wearing metal armor gain advantage on a hit with unarmed attacks. [Applause], probably the best for the Monk class. Hang on to those though. I want to mess with lightning charges later in the game. All right, let's report immediately back to The Druids Grove to investigate. Um, or actually to talk to Wrath and Kagha about this Shadow Druid nonsense. Something tells me Kagha won't be alive for that much longer. I can't remember if there's a waypoint within the Druids Grove. I feel like there is. I don't know, maybe there's not. I can't remember so we just have to go back to the entrance. And then we'll explore the rest of the swamp some other time. I'm in no rush to uh to explore the entirety of the swamp. The main thing was just investigating that note. We do now have the quest called Save Merinas. Two brothers said that their sister Marina is being held against her will at Ethel's house, something that the old woman denied. All right, before we do this, definitely going to take a long rest because if we are accusing Kagha of being part of the Shadow Druid, something tells me this might turn bloody. I'm actually going to do a save point before this. I'm going to call this long rest before Aga. I still got the spiders with me, that's funny. I knew that would come in handy. Every time I go to Camp, I like to check in on the companions. There's something really important, you'll see the explanation point but hell's literally. It's when I think I've got a grasp on our dilemma, a devil shows up. No matter, we've dealt with every other Oddity thrown at us lately. We can handle this one too. Now as for this Raphael, he knows our secret. He claims he can help. What do you make of him? We haven't taken a long rest since we encountered Raphael on the top of that Cliff for the little spiders. Honestly, he's a devil. We shouldn't trust him, simple as that. No doubts at all. He seemed powerful and very knowledgeable about our problem. Not the worst Prospect we've stumbled across as long as you can look past what he hears. I've done enough readings on the nine Hells and Devils that that will be my last resort. I'm not going to just change my mind. Shadowheart, we can't trust Raphael. Good, people fair and self-doubt is sufficient. When actual pain comes, the victim's already done the heavy lifting for their torturer. There were no right answers with that devil. He was toying with his food, us. I think I detected a note of admiration in your voice. I respect his craft. Should you watch out for that devil. [Music], we still have Mr Withers over here. I don't think we are in need of his services at the moment. Nobody's died. I should hire uh Ireland at some point. And he might be right. We've had no luck so far. If you want to sell your soul, the Asterion be my guest. I'm not about a vampiric master for an infernal one. He's playing with us. Gazador, my old Master, liked to toy with people too. Let them think there was hope right until the end. Until he snatched it all. Creatures like them don't play games unless they know they can win. We're not as play things. We'll show him that, maybe. But he's not the only one spinning a web for us. The is no ordinary mindflare parasite. Who tampered with it and why? What do they have planned for us and why are we important enough that a devil comes knocking our door? If we find those answers, we might have a chance. Okay, let's see what Lae'zel has to say about Raphael. Francis, did you not next to a dragon the devil's a gnat. When I am Kithrak, I will take my queen Vlaakith his head as a trophy. Nice, Kithrak, what does that mean? The riders that chase the Nautiloid, they are the commissars and enforcers of my queen Vlaakith will. Vlaakith bestows no greater honor. To wield the Kithrak silver sword is my destiny. I will earn my Queen's favor and I will conquer every layer of hell should she command it. Why were those Knights chasing t... The Mind Flare ship. This is unusual, but I'm not one to question the wisdom of my queen. I can see but to the horizon, blackest sight pierces the many plays. Well, the Githyanki race was enslaved to mine players for thousands and thousands of years ago in the past. So if there's a mind flare flying around a nautoloid ship, of course, any Githyanki that know of it want to attack it on their Red Dragons because they want to kill all mind flares. But as Lae'zel says, they typically wouldn't follow a nautiloid into an Anatoloid ship into the nine Hells, yet they did. So the Githyanki are also probably looking for something more than just killing the Mind flares. Okay, two more companions to talk to. The Devil with the silver tongue, an old fairy tale my father read to me. The kind with a hero, a villain, and a moral. A farmer made a deal with the Devil, so the story goes. In exchange for the farmer's dearest fruit, the devil granted him a bottomless coin purse. The farmer's dearest fruit naturally was no apple, no peach, but his beloved daughter. We can learn a lot from fairy tales, don't you think? Well, the right teacher, yes. What are your thoughts on the devil? Will refuse him no matter how tempting the offer, no matter how delicious the feast he lays out for you. The cost is always too great. Don't worry, I have no interest in a devil's deal. That's because you still have hope. But when he becomes your last hope, remember this, he'll require of you only what you're least ready to part with and then require more still. You might think you'd give up anything for a cure, but the devil won't take just anything, he'll take everything. Hmm, okay, Wyll seems to know a lot about that. I did it die with him. You're familiar with Devil Ray then. A devil, but of course, I've read a great deal about them. Feigning a mortal form, it was easy to detect the whiff of sulfur about him, hmm, to spot the flicker of Hell Fire in his eyes. Don't let his bluster fool you, all that talk of desperation merely illustrates his own. I think he wants something from us badly. I mean that knowledge lies in our opportunity. But what is it that a devil wants so very badly? Our souls, but I suspect that's what his opening offer. Let me play The Devil's Advocate. He's too eager, do not dismiss his offer out of hand. If there's one quality all the denizens of the hell's embody, it's ambition, a quality they share with many humans come to think of it. What do you think Raphael's ambition could be? I'm the foggiest, but based on the evidence before us, certain deductions as to why he sought out our merry band. Fact one, there's something very strange and very powerful about our tadpoles. Fact two, a devil offers to take it away. Devils aren't known to aid mortals out of simple kindness. Whatever Raphael wants, we must be the key to getting it along with our tadpoles. So we'll say for now, we wait. If I'm right, Rafael will seek us out again and when he does, there's a mighty bargain to be made. Remember his call Mary and Ryan down, came the claw. Perhaps we should start growing our nails. Interesting perspective from Gale there. All right, let's go ahead and rest and then go confront Kagha. Fate spins, dost thou require a new ally? Look at my bear Ursa. Numbers. I wonder if the skeleton can cook bacon and eggs. That would be nice, actually do something around here. I might have to check my Gog bg3 because I still have Early Access on Gog. I have the full review copy on Steam to see if there was a waypoint within the druid's growth at the run all the way back in every time. Open up teeth leans, go ahead and start off of course, Long Strider, speak with animals. You know what, both are ritual too. That is so good. Both of these last until a long rest and they don't use up my limited Ranger spell slots, nor do they work off of my wisdom ability score. I think I like playing a ranger like this because the ranger really doesn't get like that many great wisdom spells anyways. Unless we multi-classed into the Druid class, then I would probably want my wisdom at 14 or 16 or whatever. Keep an eye out for a waypoint. There's still one area that we haven't messed with yet in The Druids Grove. I believe it's right there. We're going to focus on Kagha and wrap this episode up. The right of thorns. And let's go ahead and save this as confronting Kagha. I'm not quite sure how this is going to go, so let's get a couple of people on The High Ground. What am I to do now? Rest for the wicked, I see. We're all low, can't afford to stay idle. Oh damn it, rat guidance is melee. The rich, almost finished. What if they tried to steal from us again? We've shown them once we take Grove law seriously. Let's talk to Rath first. Until Master Houston returns, my eyes must stay on Kagha. We like Wrath of you. I know the truth, Kagha. You mean to take the Grove for the shadow Druids. What? This is like a dream come true for my character. Let's go. Foreign. I can explain. No need, it couldn't be helped, Kagha. What is the meaning of this? You think yourself quite the spy, don't you? Go on, tell him. The shadow Druids are taking over, the circle is overdue some change. Nope, I'm not saying that. Take this letter, Wrath. It will explain everything. What's in there, cloak word? Have you lost your mind? How sin is weak, Wrath. But in the shadows, we are strong, we are safe. There is no other way. You and Halsin welcome Untouchables to your midst. You defile The Grove for the sake of Harmony. Oladen speaks truth. Who among you disagrees? Who've in ruin. Hmm, the choice is made, Kagha. Burn the tainted away, start with a snitch. As you say, Oligen. Yeah, look at my heavy armor. All right, let's go ahead and detect Kagha's thoughts here and probe her mind. Damn. Might be using an Inspiration Point here. With the grove taken for Cliffwood, the circle will see that I'm right. The great mother will guard us from all danger. It's at this moment that my Ranger recognizes the face of one of the halflings of the Gnomes over here at Kagha's side and become overtaken by rage. Oh then, come get it. All Shadow Druids Must Die. We're outmatched right now. We'll see about that. All right, so it looks like Wyll and Shadowheart. Is Shadowheart on the combat? I can't tell. No, she's not. Let's go ahead and see if I can get off the guiding bolt on Kagha. That would be amazing. Yes, oh that's gonna be great. That's a great start right there. Next attack on Guiding bolt enemy has Advantage too. All right, Gale, what do you got for me, my friend? Somebody who's hold person. I think we're gonna have to focus fire here. These Druids like to shape change. We have Wrath on our side though. So let's go ahead and the next attack roll made against the creature has Advantage. So let's do magic Missile because it doesn't use a tackle. My next character, my Ranger will attack her with his great sword with advantage. Damn it, Lae'zel, I should have cast a jump. I got an idea though. Oh, what is that? Jump up and down, your strength effects. Why do I have a jump bike on right here? Did I do something? Oh, it's my fleet fingers, the gloves that I put on. Once per turn, off the wire dashes or takes a similar action, they can jump without using a bonus action. Cool, cool to see that in action. I don't need it though. And how did I get disarmed? You gotta be me. Somebody cast something that I didn't notice. My mall is all the way back here. Okay, well, we're gonna jump back but oh man, okay, hold on. You gotta be kidding me right now. Damn it. All right, well, I guess we're using the Scimitar. Oh, you have to have an action to do that. Shalali for this club for the 1d8 action. Oh, nice little poison spray. All right, Shadowheart still has a bonus action. Does anybody need a heel? Looks like Lae'zel does and honestly, I'm gonna use healing word. It's not that big of a heel but should have done that at level two. All right, so we should have advanced. We do, we have advantage on our next attack here. It's going to be great because I'm also gonna have Hunter's Mark. Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent. And also, my Bearer is next to me in the order of turns. Let's go ahead and finish Kagha off, 45. Hmm, I think we gotta go for it. Damn it. Remember if Kagha Can wild shape or not but I want to make sure I take these Druids down when they're in their humanoid form because if they're wild shape, they get all that temporary HP. Nice. Brother Wolf. I wonder who cast hold person, was it Wrath? It must have been Wrath. Oh no, that's not good. Oh, nice, Wrath is such a badass. All right, Lae'zel, uh, you haven't really been doing much because you don't have a weapon. One's a simple mistake and lead you to being effectively useless. I could just use range attacks. I don't think I'm threatened right now. 25 disadvantage because okay, all right, hold on. I'm not taking an opportunity attack if I walk away. There we go, 50. I think that's worth it although we can only do, I have a short bow, we can only do so much damage. It's not possible to actually kill her in one attack so in that case, I'll do it anyways. Awesome, seven damage and then if I action surge, see if luck is on our side. It was not. All right, but the good thing is we have magic Missile now so I'm gonna do one uh 3d4 plus three-fourths so one magic Missile should be enough right there and then we'll put the rest on start working on Oladin right here. I think I gotta get out of that. I just used magic Missile all the time because it's so good and it can't mess like I'm gonna have to do a wizard build some time that doesn't use magic Missile at all. All right, let's do blasts targets too far. Dang it, really? Distant spell from the Sorcerer And I need a little bit of meta Magic. Okay, I don't think I can get close enough either so in that case let's just do guiding bolts or I could do spiritual weapon because it's fun, let's do that. Let's go ahead and detect Kagha's thoughts here and probe her mind. Damn. Might be using an Inspiration Point here. With the grove taken for Cliffwood, the circle will see that I'm right. The great mother will guard us from all danger. It's at this moment that my Ranger recognizes the face of one of the halflings of the Gnomes over here at Kagha's side and become overtaken by rage. Oh then, come get it. All Shadow Druids Must Die. We're outmatched right now. We'll see about that. All right, so it looks like Wyll and Shadowheart. Is Shadowheart on the combat? I can't tell. No, she's not. Let's go ahead and see if I can get off the guiding bolt on Kagha. That would be amazing. Yes, oh that's gonna be great. That's a great start right there. Next attack on Guiding bolt enemy has Advantage too. All right, Gale, what do you got for me, my friend? Somebody who's hold person. I think we're gonna have to focus fire here. These Druids like to shape change. We have Wrath on our side though. So let's go ahead and the next attack roll made against the creature has Advantage. So let's do magic Missile because it doesn't use a tackle. My next character, my Ranger will attack her with his great sword with advantage. Damn it, Lae'zel, I should have cast a jump. I got an idea though. Oh, what is that? Jump up and down, your strength effects. Why do I have a jump bike on right here? Did I do something? Oh, it's my fleet fingers, the gloves that I put on. Once per turn, off the wire dashes or takes a similar action, they can jump without using a bonus action. Cool, cool to see that in action. I don't need it though. And how did I get disarmed? You gotta be me. Somebody cast something that I didn't notice. My mall is all the way back here. Okay, well, we're gonna jump back but oh man, okay, hold on. You gotta be kidding me right now. Damn it. All right, well, I guess we're using the Scimitar. Oh, you have to have an action to do that. Shalali for this club for the 1d8 action. Oh, nice little poison spray. All right, Shadowheart still has a bonus action. Does anybody need a heel? Looks like Lae'zel does and honestly, I'm gonna use healing word. It's not that big of a heel but should have done that at level two. All right, so we should have advanced. We do, we have advantage on our next attack here. It's going to be great because I'm also gonna have Hunter's Mark. Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent. And also, my Bearer is next to me in the order of turns. Let's go ahead and finish Kagha off, 45. Hmm, I think we gotta go for it. Damn it. Remember if Kagha Can wild shape or not but I want to make sure I take these Druids down when they're in their humanoid form because if they're wild shape, they get all that temporary HP. Nice. Brother Wolf. I wonder who cast hold person, was it Wrath? It must have been Wrath. Oh no, that's not good. Oh, nice, Wrath is such a badass. All right, Lae'zel, uh, you haven't really been doing much because you don't have a weapon. One's a simple mistake and lead you to being effectively useless. I could just use range attacks. I don't think I'm threatened right now. 25 disadvantage because okay, all right, hold on. I'm not taking an opportunity attack if I walk away. There we go, 50. I think that's worth it although we can only do, I have a short bow, we can only do so much damage. It's not possible to actually kill her in one attack so in that case, I'll do it anyways. Awesome, seven damage and then if I action surge, see if luck is on our side. It was not. All right, but the good thing is we have magic Missile now so I'm gonna do one uh 3d4 plus three-fourths so one magic Missile should be enough right there and then we'll put the rest on start working on Oladin right here. I think I gotta get out of that. I just used magic Missile all the time because it's so good and it can't mess like I'm gonna have to do a wizard build some time that doesn't use magic Missile at all. All right, let's do blasts targets too far. Dang it, really? Distant spell from the Sorcerer And I need a little bit of meta Magic. Okay, I don't think I can get close enough either so in that case let's just do guiding bolts or I could do spiritual weapon because it's fun, let's do that. Let's do spiritual weapon. They all deal the same damage. We'll do a spear this time. Look at that, spell visuals in this game are a tier. We'll put spiritual up and down right here. Awesome, okay and I keep forgetting that's a bonus action so that's actually a really good spell. It has 20 hp too, has more than the bear, interesting. 75 chance 94 on the whole person so we'll do that. We'll just say that Ren is the face that my Ranger recognized from his childhood. Ren was a shadow Druid of the Misty Forest back in the day and he came down to work in the cloak wood eventually. So my Ranger is going to turn all attention on Ren right now and actually maybe I can, oh yeah watch this, might be able to polish off Kagha and Ren in one right here. I don't think that's gonna hit. I don't think that hits friendlies, it's been a while since I've played. Oh my gosh, that is, that was incredible right there. That is a rage-filled ranger on a path of vengeance. I love it. All right, you're next, you're next up buddy. Come here, I still want the missile snaring to go off, let me see if I have that selected. I do have it on ask, okay. All right, I'm gonna send my Bear right here in the middle and we're gonna do a goading roar to test it out a little bit. They all succeeded on their save so that did nothing, didn't taunt any of the enemies. Love's whole person, the great spell. All right, can Lae'zel finally pick up her malt at this point? The battle's already over. Let's go ahead and use this Githyanki jump, that'll get us right back in it. For the most part, I'm out of movement speed though so I can't do jump. Never mind, Lae'zel is a big failure on this fight. I have to bring Asterion back in. All right, let's um, oh I like that. I like using these spells that weren't in Early Access. All right, it's time for you to die my friends. Unbelievable, oh I like that, I like that a lot. To keep going, okay we got Hunter's Mark right here and this is when I love Beastmaster when my character and my animal are just planking an enemy and working in unity. All right, so pommel strike makes a non-lethal attack against the enemy, possibly dazes them. I'm gonna hold off on using that because I want to make sure that the shadow Druids die here. Although I'll tell you what I could do, I can still make sure that he dies. Yes, yes, yes. We got an enemy Badger just killed the wolf. Druids are so good when they're low on HP, they just wild shape and then they have a whole new pool of HP. All right, check out the get Githyanki jump, watch this. Damn, that's bad, I forgot to equip my melee weapon. Every, that's okay. All right, I didn't really make a mistake, it cost an action so that's fine. We got anything going on here, any resistances? Nope, so let's go ahead and do, might as well just use all my spell slots, it looks like I'm gonna take a long rest after this anyways. I'm about to look into, I should have prepared Cloud, this is one of the best spells in the game. I should also have Shield prepared too. We're gonna have to take a look outside of combat what spells I actually want. I mean, but what I have right now is also working. Oh man, I was wondering if that was gonna happen. Right when The Shard was flying, I was like that might actually hurt Lae'zel. That is the first down I think, I don't know, is it? I can't remember, is that the first down of a friendly so far? I think it might be. And I'm actually out of spell slots with Shadowheart so I can't do healing word and this is what healing word is best at but I can throw a potion so let's see if we got a, I have 12 potions here, let's split that in half. We'll send some of them to shadow and we'll throw one of those. Oh, whose turn is it? Shadowheart, there we go, now Lae'zel's back up. Nobody's officially died yet, just knocked unconscious. Get up there, we'll make sure I leave room for my bear. Let's stay right on Lae'zel's left side. Damn, critical hit with that. Keep forgetting that this thing can fly too. Let's get it out of the way or I could just move over there, nope, we'll fly. No, commit speed to fly. And wild shape form number two, back to full HP with the badger, classic. Okay, fair enough. We're gonna take Shadowheart again and we're gonna throw another potion. I'm gonna leave her up, go back to Gale and let's do a, to a magic Missile. I would love clouded daggers right now. I could void bulb, get them both grouped up, clouded daggers. Okay, now it's time for you to die. Pull it in, the Bible is all that matters. Like I'm missing quite a lot with my Ranger. That's unfortunate because at level eight I tend to plan on taking great weapon Master which is going to make me miss even more. Who knows, maybe I'll respect and change up my build. Him, the AC she rocking here, 15, not bad. He just killed my bear. Nice wrath, nice, nice, nice. All right, now it's time to kick ass. What? Oh, it still did the bludgeoning damage. That's cool, so I turned off the reaction setting so now when I mess with this particular weapon it still does three damage which is why you saw blood splatter. Don't forget, dude I swear to get this freaking athlean, this is unbelievable. There we go, left on my feet. I think it's so cool to play a front line ranger, it's just different. And Fighters are always a little bit too bland to me but then like Rangers with their Companions and like a few of the spells that they have, it really makes that front line position more interesting in my opinion. If it's not necessarily optimal, I missed again, that's crazy. Damn lunar mens, you're still not the only one that's missing. Fighting Druids is annoying, takes forever because they keep wild chafing. Thank you, let's finish, it doesn't help when I'm missing everything though. Oh my God, this is worth the cost. Okay, I think we can get it this time right? I've missed like three times in a row. God, oh jeez, oh my God. Ah, freaking Druids man. Yeah, get back into your athlean form. All right, one more attack. Come on, we can do it, we can do it. 55 chance, you know what, honestly, I'm gonna do sacred flame. Five percent less of a chance of landing but I feel like the lower the percentage chance the more likely I am to hit, the higher the more likely I'm going to miss. I just targeted the wrong freaking target, are you kidding me? I targeted my own spiritual weapon. Unbelievable, so much for peace. It doesn't help when you can't choose the actual enemy target. All right, here we go. There we go, what a strike right there, right across the neck. All right, we've killed a few Shadow Druids, that feels really good for Wolf especially considering his background. Kagha died before the Tiefling were forced out of the Grove. The Tiefling are safe for now but they still need to reach Baldur's Gate, that can't happen until the roads are safe from goblins. We defeated the shadow Druids and stopped the ritual, we should report our success to Zevlor. All right, but first, let's talk to Wrath. To think Kuga turned to the ways of shadow, a corruption ran so deep. Yeah, it's for her to die like this under the tree father's gaze. Perhaps it is justice, if only Justice soothed my heart. A Grove drenched in blood, there's no Sanctuary at all. Okay, definitely encourage a few of you guys to try to persuade Kagha after you confront her and rat her out. Kind of interested to see like what her significance later in the game will be. Is you got to think, you know, as you're playing the full game, characters that you kill now like they're not going to be later in the game but if you don't kill certain characters, you might see them in act three walking around the city of Baldur's Gate. All right, so let's go talk to Zevlor and then we'll call it an episode, this one's already quite long. Poor wolf died over here, do some quick looting though. I should have seen the signs. Hey, we have a book on the weave. How can I help? Oops, I clicked on Gale. Do you want to loot Kagha too? Looks like we get Kagha's key, I think that's probably to her chest that we already opened up. Get a whole chicken on her, you kidding me? And Brood Mother's Revenge, venomous Revenge. Whenever the wearer is healed, their weapon becomes coded in Magic and Deals an additional 1d6 poison, that's pretty nice. What do I currently have on? Nothing, so let's put that on my Ranger. And I can pop a healing word or even take a potion, then you get that one to six poison damage. And when you coat regular poison on your weapon, it's only one to four. Okay, I think we're good. Wooden Shield, carrot, gotta make sure that I do pick up all the camp supplies. What if Netty's still back there? What did I tell you? Let me talk to Amino real fast, see if he has anything to say. The right of thorns has ceased, it seems you will be allowed to stay but behave. Yes sir. And look, the Tiefling get to come down now, that's lovely. Love Komira, Arabella, the blade of Frontiers. Listen to that music, now that's a Borislav, AKA Bobby, one of the best music composers in all of Gaming. All right, Zevlor is going to be really happy. I'm told The Druids have stopped their damn chanting, what happened? Kagha's dead, truly? I'm sorry it had to come to this but she left us with no choice, thank you. We still have the Goblins to contend with but you've given us time to prepare. I need to ensure my people make the most of it. But here, left over from my soldiering days, it's sparse thanks for what you've done for us. And I'm afraid I have more yet to ask. Yeah, well let me guess, therefore you want something. You've bought us some time here but the Goblins are still messing out there. We'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Baldur's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities, you're no Army. There may be a way though, goblins are ill disciplined. It's unlike them to organize so cleverly. Somebody must be leading them, bringing discipline to their ranks. Take out that leadership and they'll scatter. It's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight, you're equal to the task. I don't like any of these responses here. I more so want to say I'll consider it. I will be heading that way, but I think the best response for me here would be, I don't want him to pay me or the Tiefling refugees. Kill the goblin horde's leaders, I'll see what I can do. Everyone in this camp depends on it. Thank you, we'll be ready to leave as soon as you give the word. I'm killing it with the gal approvals so far on this run. Tiring business, isn't it? All this traveling and adventuring. Why don't we take a little break, allow ourselves a few moments of rest. It gives me a chance to talk to you about something, well, rather important. Rather important, no less. All right, go ahead. We've been on the road together for a while now, haven't we? Survived some perils, overcame some obstacles. Ever since you were kind enough to free me from that stone, I've seen you demonstrate remarkable guile and courage. The way you got Kagha to release the girl, the way we got that boy out of a Harpy's clutches. In short, I've grown to trust you. Our actions matter, I love it. But enough of the flattery, where is this going? I was being quite sincere. Oh, the reason I make a point of saying this is that I've grown confident enough to tell you something I've yet to tell another living soul, except for my cat. You see, I have this condition, very different from the parasite we share, but just as deadly. I think I might have a dark leaf in my bag or some medicinal berries. Thank you for the offer, but the treatment for my condition is very specific. What it comes down to is this: every so often, I need to get my hands on a powerful magical item and absorb the weave inside. And what happens if you don't consume these artifacts? I'll spare you the finer details, but it begins with a simple biological deterioration, muscle spasms, disorientation, a slight ringing in the ears. And if it's there for too long, it's deadly. It's been days since I last consumed an artifact before we were abducted. It's only a matter of time before my craving returns. That is why I turn to you. I need you to help me find magic items to consume. It is vital, dare I say it, critical. Hmm, I fail to see why you need me to help you with this. You've done fine without me so far. A fair point, however, until recently, I was able to rely on a supply of artifacts stored in my tower in Waterdeep. A supply that has now run dry. The reality of the matter is that a lone wizard with a chronic impairment such as my own is not in the most ideal of situations with regards to self-defense. The manner of artifacts I need are not often found waiting patiently on a shopkeep's shelf. One usually has to lift them delicately from trap-filled tombs or prizing from the hands of violent ne'er-do-wells. The danger involved, or great cost. And why exactly would I risk either of those things for a wizard I barely know? Valid question. If not out of the simple goodness of your heart, then perhaps your own self-interest might be sufficient motivation. Having a wizard like me around is quite the boon when facing the perils that stalk these lands. It'll be far harder for me to assist you if I can barely stand upright. To me, your help could be the difference between life and death. Oh, this is tempting to now use my wisdom powers to probe into the mind. Because once again, this is quite suspect, kind of like Asterion trying to bite my neck. But I'm gonna hold off with Gale. If you aren't willing to tell me the truth, I'm not helping you. I understand that I am asking for a lot, but I can't tell you everything, not yet anyway. Please, you aren't going to drop this, are you? No, neither am I. We'll have to see who gives up first. Very well, you're clearly in no mood to be receptive to my request at present. Take whatever time you need to consider. I hope the reality of my condition sets in. You may yet be convinced to change your mind. I don't trust this at the moment, so we're going to hold off on just happily helping out Gale. Gotta remember, all these companions have their own motivations. We don't quite know exactly what those are. All right, so we picked up Hell Rider's Pride from Zevlor. Helm's protection: when you heal another creature, it gains resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and strength saving throws plus one. So we probably want to give that to Shadowheart. Let's go to Shadowheart, she's the one that's healing. Awesome, nice, nice, I like it. And then we also picked up... so that's progress. Oh, I think that's it, that's all we got. And this appears to be an excellent stopping point for episode four. And what a ride it has been so far. A lot of different plots, a lot of different storylines, interwoven and disconnected at the same time. Not really sure what to make of all of it, but thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you on the next episode.