{ |
"name": "One suspected insurgent detained in Ghazni", |
"eventrefnumber": "2010-12-S-028;2010-12-S-046", |
"text": "Forces Capture Another Wardak Based Taliban Leader\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
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KABUL, Afghanistan (Dec. 3) –
A separate security force targeted a Taliban senior leader in charge of the Shinkay area of Gelan district during an operation in Ghazni province yesterday.
The targeted individual coordinates almost daily attacks against coalition forces operating in Gelan district.
Intelligence reports led the security force to a compound in Gelan to search for the targeted individual. Afghan forces conducted a callout before the joint security force cleared and secured the compound.
After initial questioning at the scene, the security force detained one suspected insurgent.
The assault forces did not fire their weapons and they ensured the safety of the women and children for the duration of the searches.\n\n---\n\nUPDATE: Coalition Forces Confirm Capture of Taliban Senior Leader\nISAF Joint Command - Afghanistan
For Immediate Release
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KABUL, Afghanistan (Dec. 4) – The International Security Assistance Force confirmed Afghan and coalition security forces captured a Taliban senior leader in charge of the Shinkay area of Gelan district during an operation in Ghazni province Dec. 2.
The targeted individual coordinated almost daily attacks against coalition forces operating in Gelan district.
Intelligence reports led the security force to a compound in Gelan to search for the targeted individual. Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the buildings peacefully before the joint security force cleared and secured the compound. After initial questioning at the scene, the security force detained the senior leader.
The assault force did not fire their weapons and they ensured the safety of the women and children for the duration of the search.
This is an update to IJC News Release #2010-12-S-028", |
"StartDate": "2010-12-02", |
"eventtype": "detention", |
"province": "Ghazni", |
"citydistrict": "Gailan", |
"village": "", |
"targetgroup": "Taliban", |
"commander": "", |
"position": "senior leader", |
"minkilled": "0", |
"mincaptured": "1", |
"capturedcharacterisation": "1", |
"killedcharacterisation": "", |
"killq": "false", |
"captureq": "true", |
"killcaptureraid": "true", |
"airstrike": "false", |
"noshotsfired": "true", |
"dataprocessed": "true", |
"flagged": "false", |
"glossarymeta": "false", |
"minleaderskilled": "0", |
"minfacilitatorskilled": "0", |
"minleaderscaptured": "1", |
"minfacilitatorscaptured": "0","leaderq":"true"} |