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tengreatreligion00claruoft | Ten great religions: an essay in comparative theology | Clarke, James Freeman, 1810-1888 | 1,878 | 554 | OL7101240M | OL1113409W | https://archive.org/download/tengreatreligion00claruoft/tengreatreligion00claruoft_djvu.txt |
teutonicmytholog02staluoft | Teutonic mythology | Grimm, Jacob, 1785-1863 | 1,882 | 478 | OL7215766M | OL45439W | https://archive.org/download/teutonicmytholog02staluoft/teutonicmytholog02staluoft_djvu.txt |
thecriticalengli01blacuoft | The critical English Testament, being an adaptation of Bengel's Gnomon, with numerous notes, sowing the precise results of modern criticism and exegesis. Edited by W.L. Blackley and James Hawes | Blackley, William Lewery, 1830-1902 | 1,869 | 766 | OL7105946M | OL15257652W | https://archive.org/download/thecriticalengli01blacuoft/thecriticalengli01blacuoft_djvu.txt |
theecclesiastica02killuoft | The ecclesiastical history of Ireland from the earliest period to the present time | Killen, William Dool, 1806-1902 | 1,875 | 624 | OL7090191M | OL15261222W | https://archive.org/download/theecclesiastica02killuoft/theecclesiastica02killuoft_djvu.txt |
theexistenceofgo00kamauoft | The existence of God | Kamal-ud-Din, Khwaja, 1870-1932 | 1,900 | 60 | OL7190451M | OL1081800W | https://archive.org/download/theexistenceofgo00kamauoft/theexistenceofgo00kamauoft_djvu.txt |
theinterpretatio00janeuoft | The interpretation of history | Jane, Lionel Cecil, 1879-1932 | 1,915 | 370 | OL7122476M | OL185539W | https://archive.org/download/theinterpretatio00janeuoft/theinterpretatio00janeuoft_djvu.txt |
thelatinheptate200mayouoft | The Latin Heptateuch, published piece-meal by the French printer William Morel (1560) and the French Benedictines E. Martène (1733) and J.B. Pitra (1852-88) | Mayor, John E. B. (John Eyton Bickersteth), 1825-1910 | 1,889 | 394 | OL7196071M | OL7859174W | https://archive.org/download/thelatinheptate200mayouoft/thelatinheptate200mayouoft_djvu.txt |
thetheologicalwo05thoruoft | The theological works of Herbert Thorndike | Thorndike, Herbert, 1598-1672 | 1,844 | 664 | OL7042988M | OL242361W | https://archive.org/download/thetheologicalwo05thoruoft/thetheologicalwo05thoruoft_djvu.txt |
theunitedpresbyt00blaiuoft | The United Presbyterian Church; a handbook of its history and principles | Blair, William | 1,888 | 160 | OL7040019M | OL5914817W | https://archive.org/download/theunitedpresbyt00blaiuoft/theunitedpresbyt00blaiuoft_djvu.txt |
thewilldivineand00solluoft | The will divine and human | Solly, Thomas | 1,856 | 316 | OL25409174M | OL16784739W | https://archive.org/download/thewilldivineand00solluoft/thewilldivineand00solluoft_djvu.txt |
threeunpublished00alcouoft | Three unpublished poems | Alcott, Louisa May, 1832-1888; Sears, Clara Endicott, 1863- | 1,919 | 28 | OL7021105M | OL30008W | https://archive.org/download/threeunpublished00alcouoft/threeunpublished00alcouoft_djvu.txt |
tractsonlibertyo00unknuoft | Tracts on liberty of conscience and persecution : 1614-1661 | Hanserd Knollys Society; Underhill, Edward Bean, 1813-1901 | 1,846 | 546 | OL7111190M | OL16313368W | https://archive.org/download/tractsonlibertyo00unknuoft/tractsonlibertyo00unknuoft_djvu.txt |
treasuryofcanadi00randuoft | A treasury of Canadian verse : with brief biographical notes | Rand, Theodore H. (Theodore Harding), 1835-1900 | 1,904 | 448 | OL7073574M | OL246461W | https://archive.org/download/treasuryofcanadi00randuoft/treasuryofcanadi00randuoft_djvu.txt |
truthaboutpalest00steiuoft | The truth about Palestine : a reply to the Palestine Arab delegation | Stein, Leonard, 1887-1973 | 1,922 | 34 | OL23351098M | OL5639616W | https://archive.org/download/truthaboutpalest00steiuoft/truthaboutpalest00steiuoft_djvu.txt |
turkeycrimeanwar00sladuoft | Turkey and the Crimean war : a narrative of historical events | Slade, Adolphus, Sir, 1802-1877 | 1,867 | 490 | OL7070157M | OL7879200W | https://archive.org/download/turkeycrimeanwar00sladuoft/turkeycrimeanwar00sladuoft_djvu.txt |
ulyssesdramainpr00philuoft | Ulysses : a drama in a prologue & three acts | Phillips, Stephen, 1868-1915 | 1,902 | 168 | OL7179106M | OL5174929W | https://archive.org/download/ulyssesdramainpr00philuoft/ulyssesdramainpr00philuoft_djvu.txt |
unpathdwaters00harruoft | Unpath'd waters | Harris, Frank, 1855-1931 | 1,913 | 322 | OL7135728M | OL80071W | https://archive.org/download/unpathdwaters00harruoft/unpathdwaters00harruoft_djvu.txt |
vicentenespin00mccluoft | Vicente Ãnes Pinçon | McClymont, James Roxburgh | 1,916 | 106 | OL7170736M | OL7028531W | https://archive.org/download/vicentenespin00mccluoft/vicentenespin00mccluoft_djvu.txt |
victorhugosworks15hugouoft | Victor Hugo's works | Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885; Barbou, Alfred, 1846-1907 | 1,892 | 416 | OL13503108M | OL1063984W | https://archive.org/download/victorhugosworks15hugouoft/victorhugosworks15hugouoft_djvu.txt |
volunteerhelptos00cabouoft | Volunteer help to the schools | Cabot, Ella Lyman, 1866- | 1,914 | 170 | OL7055852M | OL199804W | https://archive.org/download/volunteerhelptos00cabouoft/volunteerhelptos00cabouoft_djvu.txt |
warchristianityf00solouoft | War and Christianity from the Russian point of view. Three conversations | Solovyov, Vladimir Sergeyevich, 1853-1900; Graham, Stephen, 1884- | 1,915 | 210 | OL7211355M | OL939870W | https://archive.org/download/warchristianityf00solouoft/warchristianityf00solouoft_djvu.txt |
washingtonsquare00jameuoft | Washington Square | James, Henry, 1843-1916; Medley, Charles Douglas (association) | 1,921 | 252 | OL7250851M | OL276395W | https://archive.org/download/washingtonsquare00jameuoft/washingtonsquare00jameuoft_djvu.txt |
waterloorollcall00daltuoft | The Waterloo roll call. With biographical notes and anecdotes | Dalton, Charles, 1850-1913 | 1,904 | 324 | OL7109954M | OL5294038W | https://archive.org/download/waterloorollcall00daltuoft/waterloorollcall00daltuoft_djvu.txt |
wayfarerslog00alexuoft | A wayfarer's log | Alexander, Alexander, ca. 1849-1928 | 1,919 | 348 | OL7092039M | OL7883381W | https://archive.org/download/wayfarerslog00alexuoft/wayfarerslog00alexuoft_djvu.txt |
waysidewoodlandb00stepuoft | Wayside and woodland blossoms : a pocket guide to British wild-flowers for the country rambler | Step, Edward, 1855-1931 | 1,895 | 340 | OL7174404M | OL1472577W | https://archive.org/download/waysidewoodlandb00stepuoft/waysidewoodlandb00stepuoft_djvu.txt |
wherebondsareloo00watsuoft | Where bonds are loosed | Watson, E.L. Grant | 1,918 | 324 | OL7097813M | OL7884465W | https://archive.org/download/wherebondsareloo00watsuoft/wherebondsareloo00watsuoft_djvu.txt |
withrussianarmyb00mccouoft | With the Russian army : being the experiences of a national guardsman | McCormick, Robert Rutherford, 1880-1955 | 1,915 | 396 | OL7130729M | OL1516156W | https://archive.org/download/withrussianarmyb00mccouoft/withrussianarmyb00mccouoft_djvu.txt |
womenofvaloiscou00imbeuoft | Women of the Valois court | Imbert de Saint-Amand, 1834-1900 | 1,893 | 386 | OL7125708M | OL5535409W | https://archive.org/download/womenofvaloiscou00imbeuoft/womenofvaloiscou00imbeuoft_djvu.txt |
wordstheirusespa00whituoft | Words and their uses, past and present : a study of the English language | White, Richard Grant, 1821-1885 | 1,870 | 498 | OL7056298M | OL7046978W | https://archive.org/download/wordstheirusespa00whituoft/wordstheirusespa00whituoft_djvu.txt |
works___02burkuoft | Works | Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797; Willis, William, 1835-1911; Raffety, Frank Walter, 1875- | 1,906 | 424 | OL7158186M | OL15309741W | https://archive.org/download/works___02burkuoft/works___02burkuoft_djvu.txt |
worksdickens05dickuoft | Works | Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 | 1,911 | 564 | OL35354072M | OL14869311W | https://archive.org/download/worksdickens05dickuoft/worksdickens05dickuoft_djvu.txt |
worksnewtranslat12auguuoft | Works; a new translation. Edited by Marcus Dods | Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo; Dods, Marcus, 1834-1909 | 1,872 | 384 | OL7101982M | OL15055803W | https://archive.org/download/worksnewtranslat12auguuoft/worksnewtranslat12auguuoft_djvu.txt |
workswithbiograp03thacuoft | Works; with biographical introductions by his daughter, Anne Ritchie. [With illus. by the author and others.] | Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863; Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, 1837-1919 | 1,898 | 768 | OL23362181M | OL14944776W | https://archive.org/download/workswithbiograp03thacuoft/workswithbiograp03thacuoft_djvu.txt |
worldrebuilt00walsuoft | The world rebuilt | Walsh, Walter, 1857-1931 | 1,917 | 130 | OL7024611M | OL207249W | https://archive.org/download/worldrebuilt00walsuoft/worldrebuilt00walsuoft_djvu.txt |
1stmemoirs1863harvuoft | Memoirs | Harvard University. Class of 1863 | 1,915 | 36 | OL22836735M | OL13690452W | https://archive.org/download/1stmemoirs1863harvuoft/1stmemoirs1863harvuoft_djvu.txt |
acatalogueofthep00newtuoft | A catalogue of the Portsmouth collection of books and papers written by or belonging to Sir Isaac Newton, the scientific portion of which has been presented by the Earl of Portsmouth to the University of Cambridge. Drawn up by the syndicate appointed the 6th November, 1872 | Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727 | 1,888 | 132 | OL7069721M | OL444163W | https://archive.org/download/acatalogueofthep00newtuoft/acatalogueofthep00newtuoft_djvu.txt |
addressespaperso00roosuoft | Addresses and papers of Theodore Roosevelt | Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919; Johnson, Willis Fletcher, 1857-1931 | 1,909 | 528 | OL7046068M | OL20458W | https://archive.org/download/addressespaperso00roosuoft/addressespaperso00roosuoft_djvu.txt |
adventuresofhajj00moriuoft | The adventures of Hajjî Baba of Ispahan | Morier, James Justinian, 1780?-1849 | 1,899 | 470 | OL13991929M | OL13153781W | https://archive.org/download/adventuresofhajj00moriuoft/adventuresofhajj00moriuoft_djvu.txt |
analysisofthephe02milluoft | Analysis of the phenomena of the human mind; | Mill, James, 1773-1836 | 1,878 | 450 | OL7251476M | OL4087856W | https://archive.org/download/analysisofthephe02milluoft/analysisofthephe02milluoft_djvu.txt |
anessayongeniusa00wartuoft | An essay on the genius and writings of Pope | Warton, Joseph, 1722-1800 | 1,806 | 428 | OL7107806M | OL6037300W | https://archive.org/download/anessayongeniusa00wartuoft/anessayongeniusa00wartuoft_djvu.txt |
arabconquestsinc00gibbuoft | The Arab conquests in Central Asia | Gibb, H. A. R. (Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen), Sir, 1895-1971 | 1,923 | 126 | OL7038833M | OL6124128W | https://archive.org/download/arabconquestsinc00gibbuoft/arabconquestsinc00gibbuoft_djvu.txt |
artoflithography00berruoft | The art of lithography | Berri, D.G | 1,872 | 72 | OL7246888M | OL7907766W | https://archive.org/download/artoflithography00berruoft/artoflithography00berruoft_djvu.txt |
bancroftsrecolle00bancuoft | The bancrofts: recollections of sixty years [by] Marie Bancroft [and] Squire Bancroft | Bancroft, Marie, 1839-1921; Bancroft, Squire, 1841-1926 | 1,909 | 566 | OL7238347M | OL238844W | https://archive.org/download/bancroftsrecolle00bancuoft/bancroftsrecolle00bancuoft_djvu.txt |
bayardtaylor00smytuoft | Bayard Taylor | Smyth, Albert Henry, 1863-1907 | 1,896 | 350 | OL7118179M | OL1518830W | https://archive.org/download/bayardtaylor00smytuoft/bayardtaylor00smytuoft_djvu.txt |
beastthe00wasouoft | The beast | Wason, John Cathcart, 1848- | 1,916 | 60 | OL7046153M | OL7874428W | https://archive.org/download/beastthe00wasouoft/beastthe00wasouoft_djvu.txt |
beginningofmiddl00churuoft | The beginning of the Middle Ages | Church, R. W. (Richard William), 1815-1890 | 1,905 | 310 | OL7055778M | OL4249186W | https://archive.org/download/beginningofmiddl00churuoft/beginningofmiddl00churuoft_djvu.txt |
bibliographyofst01willuoft | A bibliography of the state of Maine from the earliest period to 1891 | Williamson, Joseph, 1828-1902; Maine Historical Society | 1,896 | 762 | OL7049558M | OL5118357W | https://archive.org/download/bibliographyofst01willuoft/bibliographyofst01willuoft_djvu.txt |
biographyofhonwh00merruoft | Biography of the Hon. W.H. Merritt, M.P. of Lincoln, district of Niagara, including an account of the origin, progress and completion of some of the most important public works in Canada. Compiled principally from his original diary and correspondence | Merritt, J. P. (Jedediah Prendergast), 1820-1901 | 1,875 | 458 | OL7240457M | OL256740W | https://archive.org/download/biographyofhonwh00merruoft/biographyofhonwh00merruoft_djvu.txt |
bookofrose00robeuoft | The book of the rose | Roberts, Charles G. D. (Charles George Douglas), Sir, 1860-1943 | 1,903 | 102 | OL7171237M | OL239741W | https://archive.org/download/bookofrose00robeuoft/bookofrose00robeuoft_djvu.txt |
bookpraisebest00selbuoft | The book of praise : from the best English hymn writers | Selborne, Roundell Palmer, 1st Earl of, 1812-1895 | 1,887 | 546 | OL7132328M | OL16317496W | https://archive.org/download/bookpraisebest00selbuoft/bookpraisebest00selbuoft_djvu.txt |
britishhondurash00gibbuoft | British Honduras : an historical and descriptive account of the colony from its settlement, 1670; compiled from original and authentic sources | Gibbs, Archibald Robertson | 1,883 | 252 | OL7247670M | OL233016W | https://archive.org/download/britishhondurash00gibbuoft/britishhondurash00gibbuoft_djvu.txt |
browningandchris00berduoft | Browning and the Christian faith; the evidences of Christianity from Browning's point of view | Berdoe, Edward, 1836-1916 | 1,896 | 272 | OL7053193M | OL6605011W | https://archive.org/download/browningandchris00berduoft/browningandchris00berduoft_djvu.txt |
businessforecast00jorduoft | Business forecasting | Jordan, David Francis, 1890-1942 | 1,921 | 300 | OL7253644M | OL174806W | https://archive.org/download/businessforecast00jorduoft/businessforecast00jorduoft_djvu.txt |
canterburyyork23unknuoft | Canterbury and York series | Canterbury and York Society | 1,909 | 414 | OL7125020M | OL240258W | https://archive.org/download/canterburyyork23unknuoft/canterburyyork23unknuoft_djvu.txt |
characteristicso02chapuoft | Characteristics of men of genius : a series of biographical, historical and critical essays | Chapman, John, 1822-1894 | 1,846 | 364 | OL7201336M | OL16736899W | https://archive.org/download/characteristicso02chapuoft/characteristicso02chapuoft_djvu.txt |
chaucerhisenglan00couluoft | Chaucer and his England | Coulton, G. G. (George Gordon), 1858-1947 | 1,908 | 386 | OL7169444M | OL1157471W | https://archive.org/download/chaucerhisenglan00couluoft/chaucerhisenglan00couluoft_djvu.txt |
christianityvecc00hitcuoft | Christianity v. Ecclesiasticism; or, Parochial parleys on the ecclesiastic creeds and ecclesiastics (Keple, Pusey, Newman), on Biblical inspiration and other kindred subjects; between the Rev. Hugh Hierous and his parishioner, Theophilus Truman | Hitchman, J | 1,887 | 490 | OL7023185M | OL7869344W | https://archive.org/download/christianityvecc00hitcuoft/christianityvecc00hitcuoft_djvu.txt |
churchofengland00mastuoft | The church of England | Masterman, John Howard Bertram, 1867-1933 | 1,912 | 108 | OL7153278M | OL1101168W | https://archive.org/download/churchofengland00mastuoft/churchofengland00mastuoft_djvu.txt |
claviscalendaria02braduoft | Clavis calendaria; or, A compendious analysis of the calendar, illustrated with ecclesiastical, historical, and classical anecdotes | Brady, John, d. 1814 | 1,812 | 398 | OL7242364M | OL7873507W | https://archive.org/download/claviscalendaria02braduoft/claviscalendaria02braduoft_djvu.txt |
cloisterandheart00readuoft | The cloister and the hearth; a tale of the Middle Ages. With an introd. by Walter Besant | Reade, Charles, 1814-1884 | 1,901 | 684 | OL7223624M | OL5110968W | https://archive.org/download/cloisterandheart00readuoft/cloisterandheart00readuoft_djvu.txt |
colonialautocrac00philuoft | A colonial autocracy : New South Wales under Governor MacQuarie 1810-1821 | Phillips, Marion | 1,909 | 376 | OL7247275M | OL1587151W | https://archive.org/download/colonialautocrac00philuoft/colonialautocrac00philuoft_djvu.txt |
commonsenseethic00joaduoft | Common-sense ethics | Joad, C. E. M. (Cyril Edwin Mitchinson), 1891-1953 | 1,921 | 236 | OL7063773M | OL1165105W | https://archive.org/download/commonsenseethic00joaduoft/commonsenseethic00joaduoft_djvu.txt |
commonsenseofsoc00sparuoft | The common sense of socialism; a series of letters addressed to Jonathan Edwards of Pittsburg | Spargo, John, 1876-1966 | 1,911 | 200 | OL14001350M | OL2194092W | https://archive.org/download/commonsenseofsoc00sparuoft/commonsenseofsoc00sparuoft_djvu.txt |
completeworks00keatuoft | Complete works | Keats, John, 1795-1821; Forman, H. Buxton (Harry Buxton), 1842-1917 | 1,901 | 260 | OL14001494M | OL1455200W | https://archive.org/download/completeworks00keatuoft/completeworks00keatuoft_djvu.txt |
comuswithintrodn00miltuoft | Comus. With introd. and notes by William Bell | Milton, John, 1608-1674; Bell, William | 1,921 | 152 | OL7211525M | OL810989W | https://archive.org/download/comuswithintrodn00miltuoft/comuswithintrodn00miltuoft_djvu.txt |
considerationson00wyatuoft | Considerations on the present state of the different classes of the landed interest; on the causes of the distress which exists among the farmers and labourers; and on the means by which this distress may be mitigated and removed | Wyatt, Harvey | 1,834 | 140 | OL7246675M | OL7907700W | https://archive.org/download/considerationson00wyatuoft/considerationson00wyatuoft_djvu.txt |
contributionsofq01tayluoft | The contributions of Q.Q. to a periodical work, with some pieces not before published. [Edited by Isaac Taylor | Taylor, Jane, 1783-1824; Taylor, Isaac, 1787-1865 | 1,824 | 332 | OL7079926M | OL1129262W | https://archive.org/download/contributionsofq01tayluoft/contributionsofq01tayluoft_djvu.txt |
criticalhistori05macauoft | Critical, historical and miscellaneous essays. By Lord Macaulay. With a memoir and index | Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron, 1800-1859; Whipple, Edwin Percy, 1819-1886 | 1,860 | 564 | OL7149775M | OL1237960W | https://archive.org/download/criticalhistori05macauoft/criticalhistori05macauoft_djvu.txt |
criticalmiscella02morluoft | Critical miscellanies | Morley, John, 1838-1923 | 1,908 | 364 | OL13504010M | OL10327222W | https://archive.org/download/criticalmiscella02morluoft/criticalmiscella02morluoft_djvu.txt |
dantegabrielross00rossuoft | Dante Gabriel Rossetti | Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 1828-1882; Radford, Ernest | 1,905 | 146 | OL7045140M | OL50046W | https://archive.org/download/dantegabrielross00rossuoft/dantegabrielross00rossuoft_djvu.txt |
dantethecentralm00slatuoft | Dante, "the central man of all the world"; a course of lectures delivered before the student body of the New York, State College for Teachers, Albany, 1919, 1920. With a pref. by John H. Finley | Slattery, John Theodore, 1866-1938 | 1,920 | 306 | OL7095505M | OL7884070W | https://archive.org/download/dantethecentralm00slatuoft/dantethecentralm00slatuoft_djvu.txt |
daysbeforeyester00hamiuoft | The days before yesterday | Hamilton, Frederick Spencer, Lord, 1856-1928 | 1,920 | 368 | OL7145046M | OL242616W | https://archive.org/download/daysbeforeyester00hamiuoft/daysbeforeyester00hamiuoft_djvu.txt |
decoratedwoodenc00byneuoft | Decorated wooden ceilings in Spain | Byne, Arthur, 1883-1935 | 1,920 | 146 | OL7225863M | OL5657829W | https://archive.org/download/decoratedwoodenc00byneuoft/decoratedwoodenc00byneuoft_djvu.txt |
delightsofwisdom00sweduoft | The delights of wisdom pertaining to conjugial love, to which is added The pleasures of insanity pertaining to scortatory love | Swedenborg, Emanuel, 1688-1772 | 1,885 | 486 | OL7129339M | OL33553W | https://archive.org/download/delightsofwisdom00sweduoft/delightsofwisdom00sweduoft_djvu.txt |
destinyofamerica00mackuoft | The destiny of America; with an appendix, Who are the Japanese? | [MacKendrick, William Gordon, 1864-] | 1,921 | 314 | OL7072354M | OL7879633W | https://archive.org/download/destinyofamerica00mackuoft/destinyofamerica00mackuoft_djvu.txt |
diariescorrespon01roseuoft | Diaries and correspondence, containing original letters of the most distinguished statesmen of his day | Rose, George, 1744-1818; Vernon-Harcourt, Leveson Venables, 1788-1860 | 1,860 | 556 | OL7132429M | OL2356782W | https://archive.org/download/diariescorrespon01roseuoft/diariescorrespon01roseuoft_djvu.txt |
divinecomedyctra00dantuoft | The divine comedy /ctranslated by Charles Eliot Norton | Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321 | 1,920 | 824 | OL7144896M | OL15207978W | https://archive.org/download/divinecomedyctra00dantuoft/divinecomedyctra00dantuoft_djvu.txt |
drarchibaldscott00sanduoft | Dr. Archibald Scott of St. George's, Edinburgh, and his times | Sands, Christopher Nicholson Johnston, Lord, 1857-1934 | 1,919 | 350 | OL7207262M | OL7794685W | https://archive.org/download/drarchibaldscott00sanduoft/drarchibaldscott00sanduoft_djvu.txt |
duncanpolitewatc00keituoft | Duncan Polite, the watchman of Glenoro | Keith, Marian, 1876-1961 | 1,905 | 316 | OL7042949M | OL243179W | https://archive.org/download/duncanpolitewatc00keituoft/duncanpolitewatc00keituoft_djvu.txt |
easyexercisesonf00nalluoft | Easy exercises on the First Greek syntax of W. Gunion Rutherford | Nall, George Herbert; Rutherford, William Gunion, 1853-1907 | 1,892 | 240 | OL7159218M | OL7894861W | https://archive.org/download/easyexercisesonf00nalluoft/easyexercisesonf00nalluoft_djvu.txt |
educationlifepap00bakeuoft | Education and life, papers and addresses | Baker, James Hutchins, 1848-1925 | 1,900 | 276 | OL7210453M | OL246250W | https://archive.org/download/educationlifepap00bakeuoft/educationlifepap00bakeuoft_djvu.txt |
educationofameri00hadluoft | The education of the American citizen | Hadley, Arthur Twining, 1856-1930 | 1,902 | 258 | OL7169851M | OL6580477W | https://archive.org/download/educationofameri00hadluoft/educationofameri00hadluoft_djvu.txt |
elementarylesson00macbuoft | Elementary lessons in Gaelic : reading, grammar and construction with a vocabulary and key | Macbean, Lachlan, 1853- | 1,897 | 80 | OL7162423M | OL16746746W | https://archive.org/download/elementarylesson00macbuoft/elementarylesson00macbuoft_djvu.txt |
elementsofmetaph00deusuoft | The elements of metaphysics : being a guide for lectures and private use | Deussen, Paul, 1845-1919; Duff, C. M | 1,894 | 388 | OL14006132M | OL2091329W | https://archive.org/download/elementsofmetaph00deusuoft/elementsofmetaph00deusuoft_djvu.txt |
empiresemperorso00vaypuoft | Empires and emperors of Russia, China, Korea, and Japan : notes and recollections by Monsignor Count Vay de Vaya and Luskod | Vay, Péter, Gróf, 1864- | 1,906 | 528 | OL13519074M | OL10331477W | https://archive.org/download/empiresemperorso00vaypuoft/empiresemperorso00vaypuoft_djvu.txt |
englishnovelstud00laniuoft | The English novel; a study in the development of personality | Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881 | 1,897 | 330 | OL7032227M | OL1227909W | https://archive.org/download/englishnovelstud00laniuoft/englishnovelstud00laniuoft_djvu.txt |
englishpolitical00grahuoft | English political philosophy from Hobbes to Maine | Graham, William, 1839-1911; Bridges, Edward Ettingdene Bridges, Baron, 1892-1969 (autograph) | 1,899 | 458 | OL7048433M | OL7025739W | https://archive.org/download/englishpolitical00grahuoft/englishpolitical00grahuoft_djvu.txt |
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examinationofrep00jopluoft | An examination of the report of the Joint Stock Bank committee, &c. &c. To which is added an account of the late pressure in the money market, and embarrassment of the Northern and Central Bank of England | Joplin, Thomas, 1790?-1847 | 1,837 | 140 | OL7197620M | OL16326976W | https://archive.org/download/examinationofrep00jopluoft/examinationofrep00jopluoft_djvu.txt |
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fatigueefficienc00golduoft | Fatigue and efficiency, a study in industry | Goldmark, Josephine Clara, 1877-1950 | 1,912 | 368 | OL7144595M | OL6683334W | https://archive.org/download/fatigueefficienc00golduoft/fatigueefficienc00golduoft_djvu.txt |
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firstlatincourse00scotuoft | A first Latin course | Scott, Ernest Howard; Jones, Frank, 1873- | 1,911 | 180 | OL13509960M | OL10329020W | https://archive.org/download/firstlatincourse00scotuoft/firstlatincourse00scotuoft_djvu.txt |
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