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granvilledevigne00ouiduoft | Granville de Vigne; or, Held in bondage. A tale of the day by "Ouida" | Ouida, 1839-1908 | 1,867 | 916 | OL7167395M | OL2339950W | https://archive.org/download/granvilledevigne00ouiduoft/granvilledevigne00ouiduoft_djvu.txt |
greatsocietypsyc00walluoft | The great society : a psychological analysis | Wallas, Graham, 1858-1932 | 1,914 | 432 | OL7210728M | OL1117717W | https://archive.org/download/greatsocietypsyc00walluoft/greatsocietypsyc00walluoft_djvu.txt |
greciansdialogue00flecuoft | The Grecians, a dialogue on education | Flecker, James Elroy, 1884-1915 | 1,910 | 160 | OL7136542M | OL1533535W | https://archive.org/download/greciansdialogue00flecuoft/greciansdialogue00flecuoft_djvu.txt |
guidetoantiquiti00weiguoft | A guide to the antiquities of Upper Egypt from Abydos to the Sudan Frontier | Weigall, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome, 1880-1934 | 1,910 | 664 | OL23302483M | OL6596246W | https://archive.org/download/guidetoantiquiti00weiguoft/guidetoantiquiti00weiguoft_djvu.txt |
guyfawkesorgunpo00ainsuoft | Guy Fawkes; or, The gunpowder treason, an historical romance | Ainsworth, William Harrison, 1805-1882 | 1,899 | 466 | OL7054254M | OL5201572W | https://archive.org/download/guyfawkesorgunpo00ainsuoft/guyfawkesorgunpo00ainsuoft_djvu.txt |
harvardoftodayfr00languoft | Harvard of today, from the undergraduate point of view | Langstaff, John Brett | 1,913 | 118 | OL7245524M | OL16328601W | https://archive.org/download/harvardoftodayfr00languoft/harvardoftodayfr00languoft_djvu.txt |
hastingsrohillaw00strauoft | Hastings and the Rohilla War | Strachey, John, Sir, 1823-1907 | 1,892 | 372 | OL7232155M | OL96542W | https://archive.org/download/hastingsrohillaw00strauoft/hastingsrohillaw00strauoft_djvu.txt |
hausalandorfifte00robiuoft | Hausaland, or, Fifteen hundred miles through the central Soudan | Robinson, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1861-1925; Hausa Association, London | 1,897 | 366 | OL13518451M | OL10331296W | https://archive.org/download/hausalandorfifte00robiuoft/hausalandorfifte00robiuoft_djvu.txt |
heptameronortale00marguoft | The Heptameron; or, Tales and novels of Marguerite, Queen of Navarre, now first completely done into English prose and verse from the original French by Arthur Machen | Marguerite, Queen, consort of Henry II, King of Navarre, 1492-1549; Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947 | 1,886 | 426 | OL7247348M | OL1147931W | https://archive.org/download/heptameronortale00marguoft/heptameronortale00marguoft_djvu.txt |
historicchurches00dureuoft | The historic Church : an essay on the conception of the Christian Church and its ministry in the sub-Apostolic age | Durell, John Carlyon Vavasor, 1870- | 1,906 | 368 | OL7036114M | OL7872180W | https://archive.org/download/historicchurches00dureuoft/historicchurches00dureuoft_djvu.txt |
historyofarchite01ferguoft | A history of architecture in all countries from the earliest times to the present day | Fergusson, James, 1808-1886 | 1,874 | 650 | OL7021447M | OL42930W | https://archive.org/download/historyofarchite01ferguoft/historyofarchite01ferguoft_djvu.txt |
historyofbankofe00andruoft | History of the Bank of England | Andreades, Andreas Michael, 1876-1935; Meredith, Christabel M. (Christabel Margaret), b. 1876; Foxwell, Herbert Somerton, 1849- | 1,909 | 508 | OL7029844M | OL7870788W | https://archive.org/download/historyofbankofe00andruoft/historyofbankofe00andruoft_djvu.txt |
historyofpapacyf06creiuoft | A history of the Papacy from the Great Schism to the sack of Rome | Creighton, M. (Mandell), 1843-1901 | 1,919 | 512 | OL7198347M | OL4366047W | https://archive.org/download/historyofpapacyf06creiuoft/historyofpapacyf06creiuoft_djvu.txt |
historyofuniteds01schouoft | History of the United States of America, under the constitution | Schouler, James, 1839-1920 | 1,880 | 560 | OL14013377M | OL2774744W | https://archive.org/download/historyofuniteds01schouoft/historyofuniteds01schouoft_djvu.txt |
homeschoolunited00gricuoft | Home and school united in widening circles of inspiration and service; | Grice, Mary Van Meter., Mrs; Brown, Elmer Ellsworth, 1861-1934; Brumbaugh, Martin Grove, 1862-1930 | 1,909 | 168 | OL7155756M | OL239155W | https://archive.org/download/homeschoolunited00gricuoft/homeschoolunited00gricuoft_djvu.txt |
houseofquietanau00bensuoft | The house of quiet; an autobiography | Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925 | 1,906 | 272 | OL7207438M | OL3484412W | https://archive.org/download/houseofquietanau00bensuoft/houseofquietanau00bensuoft_djvu.txt |
humeknight00kniguoft | Hume | Knight, William Angus, 1836-1916 | 1,886 | 256 | OL7028151M | OL6667215W | https://archive.org/download/humeknight00kniguoft/humeknight00kniguoft_djvu.txt |
idolatryromance00hawtuoft | Idolatry, a romance | Hawthorne, Julian, 1846- | 1,874 | 384 | OL7207604M | OL16755105W | https://archive.org/download/idolatryromance00hawtuoft/idolatryromance00hawtuoft_djvu.txt |
improvisatoreorl00andeuoft | The improvisatore, or, Life in Italy | Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian), 1805-1875 | 1,847 | 392 | OL7241681M | OL25526W | https://archive.org/download/improvisatoreorl00andeuoft/improvisatoreorl00andeuoft_djvu.txt |
innofdreams00douguoft | The inn of dreams | Douglas, Olive Eleanor (Custance) Lady, 1874- | 1,911 | 96 | OL7160379M | OL7895062W | https://archive.org/download/innofdreams00douguoft/innofdreams00douguoft_djvu.txt |
innorthernskieso00harruoft | In northern skies : and other poems | Harrison, Susie Frances, 1859-1935 | 1,912 | 32 | OL7113877M | OL16756364W | https://archive.org/download/innorthernskieso00harruoft/innorthernskieso00harruoft_djvu.txt |
insilkattire00blacuoft | In silk attire | Black, William, 1841-1898 | 1,893 | 340 | OL7176576M | OL1487407W | https://archive.org/download/insilkattire00blacuoft/insilkattire00blacuoft_djvu.txt |
introductiontoea00bethuoft | An introduction to the early history of Christian doctrine, to the time of the Council of Chalcedon | Bethune-Baker, J. F. (James Franklin), b. 1861 | 1,920 | 492 | OL23306762M | OL7508388W | https://archive.org/download/introductiontoea00bethuoft/introductiontoea00bethuoft_djvu.txt |
introductiontoth00harruoft | Introduction to the study of philosophy, comprising passages from his writings; | Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909 | 1,890 | 320 | OL7167529M | OL1497028W | https://archive.org/download/introductiontoth00harruoft/introductiontoth00harruoft_djvu.txt |
inventorofnumera00gorduoft | The inventor of the numeral-type for China | Gordon Cumming, C. F. (Constance Frederica), 1837-1924; Russell, S. M | 1,898 | 186 | OL14015278M | OL1618099W | https://archive.org/download/inventorofnumera00gorduoft/inventorofnumera00gorduoft_djvu.txt |
irishliteraturej07mccauoft | Irish literature. [Justin McCarthy, editor in chief. Charles Welsh, managing editor] | McCarthy, Justin, 1830-1912; Welsh, Charles, 1850-1914 | 1,904 | 470 | OL7168248M | OL16756908W | https://archive.org/download/irishliteraturej07mccauoft/irishliteraturej07mccauoft_djvu.txt |
jesusnicodemusst00reiduoft | Jesus and Nicodemus; a study in spiritual life | Reid, John | 1,906 | 316 | OL7213034M | OL5059669W | https://archive.org/download/jesusnicodemusst00reiduoft/jesusnicodemusst00reiduoft_djvu.txt |
jesuspaullecture00bacouoft | Jesus and Paul; lectures given at Manchester College, Oxford, for the winter term | Bacon, Benjamin Wisner, 1860-1932 | 1,921 | 276 | OL7111996M | OL7559325W | https://archive.org/download/jesuspaullecture00bacouoft/jesuspaullecture00bacouoft_djvu.txt |
johnaddingtonsym00broouoft | John Addington Symonds : a biographical study | Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886-1963 | 1,914 | 270 | OL7177099M | OL3940386W | https://archive.org/download/johnaddingtonsym00broouoft/johnaddingtonsym00broouoft_djvu.txt |
johnhenry00hobauoft | John Henry | Hobart, George V. (George Vere), 1867-1926 | 1,901 | 142 | OL7067898M | OL200241W | https://archive.org/download/johnhenry00hobauoft/johnhenry00hobauoft_djvu.txt |
judasmaccabeeasm00blacuoft | Judas the Maccabee and the Asmonean princes | Blackburn, Wm. M. (William Maxwell), 1828-1898 | 1,864 | 294 | OL7235360M | OL5888204W | https://archive.org/download/judasmaccabeeasm00blacuoft/judasmaccabeeasm00blacuoft_djvu.txt |
laterversionofwy00wycluoft | The later version of the Wycliffite Epistle to the Romans, compared with the Latin original; a study of Wycliffite English by Emma Curtiss Tucker | Wycliffe, John, d. 1384; Tucker, Emma Curtiss | 1,914 | 230 | OL14018250M | OL16758885W | https://archive.org/download/laterversionofwy00wycluoft/laterversionofwy00wycluoft_djvu.txt |
lawrelatingtoche00watsuoft | The law relating to cheques | Watson, Eric Russell, 1879?-1927 | 1,904 | 180 | OL7220057M | OL7903763W | https://archive.org/download/lawrelatingtoche00watsuoft/lawrelatingtoche00watsuoft_djvu.txt |
leselveouida00ouiduoft | Le Selve | Ouida, 1839-1908 | 1,896 | 228 | OL7162630M | OL2339958W | https://archive.org/download/leselveouida00ouiduoft/leselveouida00ouiduoft_djvu.txt |
libraryoforigina07thatuoft | The library of original sources | Thatcher, Oliver J. (Oliver Joseph), 1857-1937 | 1,907 | 484 | OL7095781M | OL2556060W | https://archive.org/download/libraryoforigina07thatuoft/libraryoforigina07thatuoft_djvu.txt |
lifeofcavour00cadouoft | The life of Cavour | Cadogan, Edward; Cavour, Camillo Cte di Associated name asn | 1,907 | 418 | OL25469802M | OL16844453W | https://archive.org/download/lifeofcavour00cadouoft/lifeofcavour00cadouoft_djvu.txt |
lifeofgenerallaf01tuckuoft | Life of General Lafayette; with a critical estimate of his character and public acts | Tuckerman, Bayard, 1855-1923 | 1,889 | 306 | OL7180230M | OL96181W | https://archive.org/download/lifeofgenerallaf01tuckuoft/lifeofgenerallaf01tuckuoft_djvu.txt |
lifeoftitianwith01nortuoft | The life of Titian: with anecdotes of the distinguished persons of his time | Northcote, James, 1746-1831 | 1,830 | 422 | OL7032174M | OL5884922W | https://archive.org/download/lifeoftitianwith01nortuoft/lifeoftitianwith01nortuoft_djvu.txt |
liferemainsofrev00quicuoft | Life and remains of the Rev. R. H. Quick | Quick, Robert Herbert, 1831-1891 | 1,899 | 568 | OL7063625M | OL16329896W | https://archive.org/download/liferemainsofrev00quicuoft/liferemainsofrev00quicuoft_djvu.txt |
lightonthegospel00abbouoft | Light on the gospel from an ancient poet | Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 | 1,912 | 682 | OL7150536M | OL15091505W | https://archive.org/download/lightonthegospel00abbouoft/lightonthegospel00abbouoft_djvu.txt |
literaryinfluenc00cannuoft | Literary influence in British history; a historical sketch | Canning, Albert Stratford George, 1832-1916 | 1,904 | 236 | OL7201855M | OL5211706W | https://archive.org/download/literaryinfluenc00cannuoft/literaryinfluenc00cannuoft_djvu.txt |
livesofenglishp02johnuoft | Lives of the English poets. With an introd. by Arthur Waugh | Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 | 1,906 | 514 | OL14020696M | OL15291070W | https://archive.org/download/livesofenglishp02johnuoft/livesofenglishp02johnuoft_djvu.txt |
maidenhoodandmot00westuoft | Maidenhood and motherhood; or, Ten phases of women's life | West, John D | 1,887 | 744 | OL7043263M | OL7869391W | https://archive.org/download/maidenhoodandmot00westuoft/maidenhoodandmot00westuoft_djvu.txt |
makersofmodernro00olipuoft | The makers of modern Rome; in four books | Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret), 1828-1897 | 1,896 | 652 | OL13493463M | OL890481W | https://archive.org/download/makersofmodernro00olipuoft/makersofmodernro00olipuoft_djvu.txt |
malthushiswork00bonauoft | Malthus and his work | Bonar, James, 1852-1941 | 1,885 | 450 | OL7073378M | OL4077607W | https://archive.org/download/malthushiswork00bonauoft/malthushiswork00bonauoft_djvu.txt |
manualofindianti00gambuoft | A manual of Indian timbers: an account of the structure, growth, distribution, and qualities of Indian woods | Gamble, James Sykes, 1847- | 1,881 | 588 | OL7145341M | OL7892715W | https://archive.org/download/manualofindianti00gambuoft/manualofindianti00gambuoft_djvu.txt |
marycarletonnarr00bernuoft | The Mary Carleton narratives, 1663-1673, a missing chapter in the history of the English novel | Bernbaum, Ernest, 1879-1958 | 1,914 | 128 | OL7253232M | OL6928362W | https://archive.org/download/marycarletonnarr00bernuoft/marycarletonnarr00bernuoft_djvu.txt |
memoirshickey01hickuoft | Memoirs | Hickey, William, b. 1749; Spencer, Alfred | 1,913 | 372 | OL7036383M | OL6934968W | https://archive.org/download/memoirshickey01hickuoft/memoirshickey01hickuoft_djvu.txt |
memoriesofoldfri01foxcuoft | Memories of old friends; being extracts from the journals and letters of Caroline Fox from 1835 to 1871, to which are added fourteen original letters from J.S. Mill never before published. Edited by Horace N. Pym | Fox, Caroline, 1819-1871; Pym, Horace N; Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 | 1,882 | 380 | OL7133974M | OL160349W | https://archive.org/download/memoriesofoldfri01foxcuoft/memoriesofoldfri01foxcuoft_djvu.txt |
morecelticfairyt00jacouoft | More Celtic fairy tales | Jacobs, Joseph, 1854-1916 | 1,894 | 282 | OL7135198M | OL16330564W | https://archive.org/download/morecelticfairyt00jacouoft/morecelticfairyt00jacouoft_djvu.txt |
myprivatediarydu01whituoft | My private diary during the siege of Paris | Whitehurst, Felix M., d. 1872 | 1,875 | 374 | OL7028626M | OL7648605W | https://archive.org/download/myprivatediarydu01whituoft/myprivatediarydu01whituoft_djvu.txt |
naturefirstprinc00joneuoft | The nature and first principle of taxation; | Jones, Robert | 1,914 | 336 | OL23366006M | OL4133671W | https://archive.org/download/naturefirstprinc00joneuoft/naturefirstprinc00joneuoft_djvu.txt |
novelstalesandsk00barruoft | The novels, tales and sketches | Barrie, J. M. (James Matthew), 1860-1937 | 1,896 | 278 | OL7036846M | OL462002W | https://archive.org/download/novelstalesandsk00barruoft/novelstalesandsk00barruoft_djvu.txt |
oldenglishhomeit00bariuoft | An old English home and its dependencies : Illustrated by F. Bligh Bond | Baring-Gould, S. (Sabine), 1834-1924 | 1,898 | 400 | OL7198529M | OL1091560W | https://archive.org/download/oldenglishhomeit00bariuoft/oldenglishhomeit00bariuoft_djvu.txt |
ontarioarchivess00frasuoft | The Ontario Archives : scope of its operations (paper read at the twenty-seventh annual meeting of the American Historical Association, held at Buffalo, N.Y., December 27-30, 1911) | Fraser, Alexander, 1860-1936 | 1,913 | 28 | OL7156792M | OL2177946W | https://archive.org/download/ontarioarchivess00frasuoft/ontarioarchivess00frasuoft_djvu.txt |
ossianandossiani00nuttuoft | Ossian and the Ossianic literature | Nutt, Alfred, 1856-1910 | 1,910 | 86 | OL7166856M | OL252883W | https://archive.org/download/ossianandossiani00nuttuoft/ossianandossiani00nuttuoft_djvu.txt |
oxfordstudentshi00smituoft | The Oxford student's history of India; | Smith, Vincent Arthur, 1848-1920 | 1,921 | 396 | OL7020454M | OL342244W | https://archive.org/download/oxfordstudentshi00smituoft/oxfordstudentshi00smituoft_djvu.txt |
pantheismitsstor00pictuoft | Pantheism : its story and significance | Picton, J. Allanson (James Allanson), 1832-1910 | 1,905 | 112 | OL7137096M | OL225957W | https://archive.org/download/pantheismitsstor00pictuoft/pantheismitsstor00pictuoft_djvu.txt |
partingofwaysdra00lambuoft | The parting of the ways; drama in four acts | Lamb, Osborn Rennie | 1,910 | 200 | OL7153297M | OL198999W | https://archive.org/download/partingofwaysdra00lambuoft/partingofwaysdra00lambuoft_djvu.txt |
peakofloadwaitin00aldruoft | The peak of the load : the waiting months on the hilltop from the entrance of the Stars and stripes to the second victory on the Marne | Aldrich, Mildred, 1853-1928 | 1,918 | 300 | OL7046744M | OL6923207W | https://archive.org/download/peakofloadwaitin00aldruoft/peakofloadwaitin00aldruoft_djvu.txt |
persiawesternmis00wilsuoft | Persia : western mission | Wilson, Samuel Graham, 1858-1916 | 1,896 | 416 | OL7164032M | OL6605194W | https://archive.org/download/persiawesternmis00wilsuoft/persiawesternmis00wilsuoft_djvu.txt |
pikecountyballad00hayjuoft | The Pike County ballads | Hay, John, 1838-1905 | 1,912 | 58 | OL7079937M | OL27328W | https://archive.org/download/pikecountyballad00hayjuoft/pikecountyballad00hayjuoft_djvu.txt |
poemssonnetsbein00shakuoft | Poems and sonnets; being reproduction[s] in facsimile[s] of the first edition[s] With introd. and bibliography by Sidney Lee | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616; Lee, Sidney, Sir, 1859-1926 | 1,905 | 696 | OL7027895M | OL362672W | https://archive.org/download/poemssonnetsbein00shakuoft/poemssonnetsbein00shakuoft_djvu.txt |
poemstba00aldruoft | The poems | Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 | 1,907 | 558 | OL7209939M | OL651974W | https://archive.org/download/poemstba00aldruoft/poemstba00aldruoft_djvu.txt |
politicalproblem00shawuoft | Political problems of American development | Shaw, Albert, 1857-1947 | 1,907 | 288 | OL7232597M | OL4256279W | https://archive.org/download/politicalproblem00shawuoft/politicalproblem00shawuoft_djvu.txt |
populargovernmen00mainuoft | Popular government; four essays | Maine, Henry Sumner, Sir, 1822-1888 | 1,885 | 324 | OL7185230M | OL2026869W | https://archive.org/download/populargovernmen00mainuoft/populargovernmen00mainuoft_djvu.txt |
principlesmethod00pigouoft | Principles and methods of industrial peace | Pigou, A. C. (Arthur Cecil), 1877-1959 | 1,905 | 274 | OL7163481M | OL1155845W | https://archive.org/download/principlesmethod00pigouoft/principlesmethod00pigouoft_djvu.txt |
privatecorrespon01cowpuoft | Private correspondence with several of his most intimate friends. Now first published from the originals in the possession of his kinsman, John Johnson | Cowper, William, 1731-1800; Johnson, John, d. 1833 | 1,824 | 432 | OL7205823M | OL1114661W | https://archive.org/download/privatecorrespon01cowpuoft/privatecorrespon01cowpuoft_djvu.txt |
progresssciencee00shafuoft | Progress and science; essays in criticism | Shafer, Robert, 1889-1956 | 1,922 | 268 | OL7195325M | OL6571725W | https://archive.org/download/progresssciencee00shafuoft/progresssciencee00shafuoft_djvu.txt |
publications03irisuoft | [Publications] | Irish Texts Society | 1,899 | 440 | OL7039887M | OL242798W | https://archive.org/download/publications03irisuoft/publications03irisuoft_djvu.txt |
publications49yorkuoft | Publications | Yorkshire Parish Register Society | 1,899 | 192 | OL6572019M | OL7735986W | https://archive.org/download/publications49yorkuoft/publications49yorkuoft_djvu.txt |
punctuationitspr00husbuoft | Punctuation, its principles and practice | Husband, T.F | 1,905 | 154 | OL13507741M | OL10328146W | https://archive.org/download/punctuationitspr00husbuoft/punctuationitspr00husbuoft_djvu.txt |
recollectionsofr00sheluoft | Recollections of a Russian diplomat; the suicide of monarchies (William II and Nicholas II) | Shel'king, Evgenii Nikolaevich, 1858- | 1,918 | 382 | OL25461486M | OL16835583W | https://archive.org/download/recollectionsofr00sheluoft/recollectionsofr00sheluoft_djvu.txt |
recommendationso00heywuoft | The recommendations of the Oxford University commissioners, with selections from their report; and a history of the University subscription tests, including notices of the University and Collegiate visitations | Heywood, James, 1810-1897 | 1,853 | 612 | OL7031548M | OL7854240W | https://archive.org/download/recommendationso00heywuoft/recommendationso00heywuoft_djvu.txt |
recordinterprete00martuoft | The record interpreter : a collection of abbreviations, Latin words and names used in English historical manuscripts and records | Martin, Charles Trice, d. 1914 | 1,910 | 536 | OL23328895M | OL7321572W | https://archive.org/download/recordinterprete00martuoft/recordinterprete00martuoft_djvu.txt |
religionofisrael00smituoft | The religion of Israel : an historical study | Smith, Henry Preserved, 1847-1927 | 1,914 | 410 | OL7183267M | OL2339822W | https://archive.org/download/religionofisrael00smituoft/religionofisrael00smituoft_djvu.txt |
reminiscencesofr00hamguoft | Reminiscences of a raconteur between the '40s and the '20s | Ham, George H. (George Henry), 1847-1926 | 1,921 | 394 | OL7094747M | OL212532W | https://archive.org/download/reminiscencesofr00hamguoft/reminiscencesofr00hamguoft_djvu.txt |
reminiscencesofr00stanuoft | Reminiscences of Rosa Bonheur | Stanton, Theodore, 1851-1925 | 1,910 | 486 | OL7177299M | OL7027480W | https://archive.org/download/reminiscencesofr00stanuoft/reminiscencesofr00stanuoft_djvu.txt |
repliestoessays00unknuoft | Replies to "Essays and reviews" | Goulburn, Edward Meyrick, 1818-1897 | 1,862 | 560 | OL7071419M | OL16288463W | https://archive.org/download/repliestoessays00unknuoft/repliestoessays00unknuoft_djvu.txt |
reportofboardofa00boaruoft | Report of the Board of arbitration in the matter of the controversy between the eastern railroads and the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers, appointed in conformity with an agreement of the parties made at New York city under date of April 30th, 1912 | Board of arbitration in the controversy between the eastern railroads and the Brotherhood of locomotive engineers, 1912; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; Van Hise, Charles Richard, 1857-1918 | 1,912 | 156 | OL7251760M | OL7908424W | https://archive.org/download/reportofboardofa00boaruoft/reportofboardofa00boaruoft_djvu.txt |
reportonteaching00willuoft | Report on the teaching of English in the United States | Williams, M. Atkinson | 1,908 | 100 | OL7203615M | OL7901359W | https://archive.org/download/reportonteaching00willuoft/reportonteaching00willuoft_djvu.txt |
reportontradeinf00jacouoft | Report on the trade in foreign corn, and on the agriculture of the North of Europe; to which is added, an Appendix of official document, averages of prices, shipments, stocks on hand in the various exporting countries, [etc.] | Jacob, William, 1762?-1851 | 1,826 | 262 | OL7164881M | OL3209540W | https://archive.org/download/reportontradeinf00jacouoft/reportontradeinf00jacouoft_djvu.txt |
ringbook02browuoft | The ring and the book | Browning, Robert, 1812-1889 | 1,872 | 268 | OL7119357M | OL634477W | https://archive.org/download/ringbook02browuoft/ringbook02browuoft_djvu.txt |
romanceofhislife00choluoft | The romance of his life, and other romances | Cholmondeley, Mary, 1859-1925 | 1,921 | 260 | OL7178985M | OL7285192W | https://archive.org/download/romanceofhislife00choluoft/romanceofhislife00choluoft_djvu.txt |
romanceoflost00maciuoft | A romance of the lost | MacInnes, Tom, 1867-1951 | 1,908 | 188 | OL7025780M | OL240890W | https://archive.org/download/romanceoflost00maciuoft/romanceoflost00maciuoft_djvu.txt |
sacrificeofeduca00herbuoft | The sacrifice of education to examination : letters from "all sorts and conditions of men" | Herbert, Auberon, 1838-1906 | 1,889 | 254 | OL7119106M | OL7873901W | https://archive.org/download/sacrificeofeduca00herbuoft/sacrificeofeduca00herbuoft_djvu.txt |
sanitationinwar00leleuoft | Sanitation in war | Lelean, Percy Samuel, 1871- | 1,915 | 292 | OL7144962M | OL89714W | https://archive.org/download/sanitationinwar00leleuoft/sanitationinwar00leleuoft_djvu.txt |
seenfromrailwayp00vincuoft | Seen from the railway platform : fifty years' reminiscences | Vincent, William, 1847- | 1,919 | 220 | OL7049243M | OL216201W | https://archive.org/download/seenfromrailwayp00vincuoft/seenfromrailwayp00vincuoft_djvu.txt |
snowboundwinteri00whituoft | Snow-bound : a winter idyl | Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892; Welch, Bigelow & Co. (printer); Fenn, Harry, 1838-1911; Anthony, A. V. S. (Andrew Varick Stout), 1835-1906; Linton, W. J. (William James), 1812-1897; Hennessy, William John, 1839-1917; Andrew, John, 1815-1875 | 1,868 | 78 | OL7140554M | OL1505698W | https://archive.org/download/snowboundwinteri00whituoft/snowboundwinteri00whituoft_djvu.txt |
songsofenglishes00philuoft | Songs of an English Esau | Phillipps-Wolley, Clive, Sir, 1854-1918 | 1,902 | 158 | OL7184175M | OL16332985W | https://archive.org/download/songsofenglishes00philuoft/songsofenglishes00philuoft_djvu.txt |
spiritinprison00hichuoft | A spirit in prison | Hichens, Robert Smythe, 1864-1950 | 1,908 | 480 | OL7210325M | OL1252607W | https://archive.org/download/spiritinprison00hichuoft/spiritinprison00hichuoft_djvu.txt |
spurgeonssermons01spuruoft | Sermons of Rev. C.H. Spurgeon of London | Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892 | 1,857 | 412 | OL7047542M | OL90232W | https://archive.org/download/spurgeonssermons01spuruoft/spurgeonssermons01spuruoft_djvu.txt |
storyofmikadoill00gilbuoft | The story of The Mikado. Illustrated by Alice B. Woodward | Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911 | 1,921 | 152 | OL7232521M | OL5561608W | https://archive.org/download/storyofmikadoill00gilbuoft/storyofmikadoill00gilbuoft_djvu.txt |
studiesinletters00wooduoft | Studies in letters and life | Woodberry, George Edward, 1855-1930 | 1,890 | 320 | OL7114132M | OL2339902W | https://archive.org/download/studiesinletters00wooduoft/studiesinletters00wooduoft_djvu.txt |
studiesoftravelg00freeuoft | Studies of travel: Greece | Freeman, Edward Augustus, 1823-1892 | 1,893 | 312 | OL7163046M | OL4973431W | https://archive.org/download/studiesoftravelg00freeuoft/studiesoftravelg00freeuoft_djvu.txt |
studyinhumannatu00abbouoft | A study in human nature | Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922 | 1,886 | 92 | OL7171046M | OL2532245W | https://archive.org/download/studyinhumannatu00abbouoft/studyinhumannatu00abbouoft_djvu.txt |
studyofgreatness00larnuoft | A study of greatness in men | Larned, Josephus Nelson, 1836-1913 | 1,911 | 326 | OL7080810M | OL7709089W | https://archive.org/download/studyofgreatness00larnuoft/studyofgreatness00larnuoft_djvu.txt |
supremacyofjesus00croouoft | The supremacy of Jesus | Crooker, Joseph Henry | 1,904 | 204 | OL7166650M | OL252860W | https://archive.org/download/supremacyofjesus00croouoft/supremacyofjesus00croouoft_djvu.txt |
tarpaulinmuster00maseuoft | A tarpaulin muster | Masefield, John, 1878-1967 | 1,920 | 236 | OL7186927M | OL1103769W | https://archive.org/download/tarpaulinmuster00maseuoft/tarpaulinmuster00maseuoft_djvu.txt |
teachersbulleapr06univuoft | Teachers' bulletin | University of Cincinnati | 1,905 | 24 | OL22895008M | OL7276403W | https://archive.org/download/teachersbulleapr06univuoft/teachersbulleapr06univuoft_djvu.txt |
Subsets and Splits