Indeed, as the New York Times writes, “[W]hile the move could avoid the awkwardness of Mr. Clinton jetting around the world asking for money while his wife is president, it did not resolve a more pressing question: how her administration would handle longtime donors seeking help from the United States, or whose interests might conflict with the country’s own.”
Bloomberg praised Toomey’s support of expanding background checks as his chief reason for helping him.
In July alone, New York hedge fund billionaire George Soros gave $1.5 million to Planned Parenthood’s super PAC and $35,000 to Priorities USA, both working to elect Clinton, as well as $500,000 to the Senate Majority PAC.
But this time, I actually believe that’s true,” he said, adding: “I am a Hillary Clinton fan, and I have been for quite some time.
Rio police indict Lochte, teammate for falsely reporting robbery
Before Mr. Ailes’s ouster, some of the network’s journalists and contributors privately complained that Mr. Ailes was pushing them to be more supportive of Mr. Trump.
The website emerged as a singular defender of Mr. Ailes, with a piece about a planned walkout by network stars loyal to him should he be forced out — it never came to pass — and one by Mr. Bannon ridiculing the “minor Murdochs” (the 21st Century Fox chief Rupert Murdoch’s sons and co-executives, James and Lachlan), who were seen as leading the push for Mr. Ailes to resign.
Clinton, though, has been plastering the airwaves with ads, while taking a significant post-convention lead in a number of battleground and national polls.
In a shift, he delivered a scripted speech to a rally audience Tuesday night in Wisconsin, appealing to minority voters in part by accusing Clinton of "bigotry" and saying she sees African-Americans as no more than votes to be won.
“Incident after incident proves again and again: Hillary Clinton lacks the judgment, the temperament and the moral character to lead this nation,” he said.
“As in several other areas of policy, Trump’s approach to foreign policy and national security seems a bit nebulous, focused on slogans rather concrete policies.”
“Simply put, Donald Trump is unfit to be our commander in chief.
“It all began in 2009 with what has become known as President Obama’s global ‘Apology Tour.’” Trump resurrects an old — and discredited — Republican talking point.
As we demonstrated more than five years ago, Rove took Obama’s quotes out of context and twisted their meaning in order to build a tendentious case.
As we demonstrated more than five years ago, Rove took Obama’s quotes out of context and twisted their meaning in order to build a tendentious case.
What he regretted as his worst mistake was failing to plan for “the day after.”
Over all, he appeared to be arguing for the kind of terrorism-centric foreign policy that President George W. Bush adopted after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
"Hillary Clinton is at the center of an international corruption scandal that reveals her use of government authority and influence for personal gain," Miller said.
"We want to see the pay-for-play emails that Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, refuses to turn over," Miller continued in a statement.
Her primary opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders, and Mr. Trump have used those speeches to portray Mrs. Clinton as being chummy with Wall Street.
Hillary Clinton vowed Thursday to kill the Pacific trade deal that she helped push just a few years ago as President Obama’s top diplomat, hoping to win over wavering liberals and steal some of the anti-trade thunder from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Fact Check: Mrs. Clinton was making the point that, for many people, post-high school options that she promised to promote with government help — like job-training programs and community college degrees — would be sufficient to find jobs.
Mrs. Clinton is also correct that most Americans, including wealthy ones, are not affected now by estate taxes.
Mrs. Clinton is also correct that most Americans, including wealthy ones, are not affected now by estate taxes.
The emails are separate from a larger batch of several thousand work-related emails that FBI officials recovered from Clinton’s private server.
Clinton lies more than Trump is outspoken.
“I want to recognize the people coming out of the Bernie Sanders campaign who helped launched a revolutionary political movement,” Stein told the assembled delegates on Saturday morning during remarks by the party’s presidential candidates.
“On the day that Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton, the floodgates opened on our campaign,” Stein said in her acceptance speech.
Stein also served as the party’s standard-bearer in 2012, when she received .9 percent of the national popular vote.
Trump said Clinton is a "dangerous liar" and accused her of failing to achieve anything during her long career in public service — except, he said, avoiding criminal charges for using a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
Crooked Hillary said loudly, and for the world to see, that she "SHORT CIRCUITED" when answering a question on her e-mails.
Surveys indicate Clinton not only eliminating Trump's gains from his own convention, but also regaining the solid lead she held before FBI Director James Comey's criticism of her email practices depressed her support.
On Tuesday, Trump praised Nehlen for running “a very good campaign”.
Trump Strikes Blow to GOP ‘Unity’ by Withholding Endorsement From House Speaker Ryan
The poll shows Clinton’s favorable rating ticking up to 43 percent, from 41 percent the week prior.
Patricia Smith criticized Clinton at the Republican convention, noting that she has received much different treatment than the Khan family.
Khizr Khan blasted Trump on stage last week at the Democratic National Convention, noting that unlike his fallen son, who was killed in 2004 while guarding his base in Iraq, Trump has "sacrificed nothing and no one."
Khizr Khan blasted Trump on stage last week at the Democratic National Convention, noting that unlike his fallen son, who was killed in 2004 while guarding his base in Iraq, Trump has "sacrificed nothing and no one."
Khizr Khan, Father Of Slain War Hero, Calls Donald Trump A 'Black Soul'
Khizr Khan, Father Of Slain War Hero, Calls Donald Trump A 'Black Soul'
Khizr Khan, the father of a slain Muslim American war hero, on Sunday continued to speak out against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his anti-Muslim bigotry.
Khizr Khan, the father of a slain Muslim American war hero, on Sunday continued to speak out against Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his anti-Muslim bigotry.
Khizr Khan calls Trump's statement on fallen son 'disingenuous'
Another cited Smith’s speech, and the audience’s reaction (“lock her up!”), “really disturbing.”
Bill Clinton notoriously avoided the Vietnam draft — a subject that came up in his 1992 presidential campaign, as Stephanopoulos surely remembers.
Clinton’s actions have been reckless and have directly led to the loss of American lives.
As Bernie Sanders said on numerous occasions, Hillary Clinton suffers from “bad judgement.”
What’s striking about the coverage is that it barely acknowledges that this could be an open question: The New York Times headline: “Donald Trump’s Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts”: “There is simply no precedent for this: A presidential candidate publicly appealing to a foreign adversary to intervene in the election on his behalf.”
What’s striking about the coverage is that it barely acknowledges that this could be an open question: The New York Times headline: “Donald Trump’s Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts”: “There is simply no precedent for this: A presidential candidate publicly appealing to a foreign adversary to intervene in the election on his behalf.”
The uproar over Donald Trump’s latest comments is a classic case of media-generated outrage.
Politico’s lead: "Donald Trump's call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails has shocked, flabbergasted and appalled lawmakers and national security experts across the political spectrum, with one saying it was ‘tantamount to treason.’” “Is it possible that Trump was being sarcastic?
Donald Trump’s Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts
Donald Trump’s Appeal to Russia Shocks Foreign Policy Experts
When President Jimmy Carter ran for re-election in 1980, he lost in part because he had failed to secure the freedom of 52 American hostages held in Iran.
But she deleted a similar number of emails that she said were unrelated to her work at the department.
“He's forgetting every last one of us,” she said.
Clinton’s speech accepting the Democratic Party’s nomination was the capstone of that effort, serving as a call to unity, offering an outstretched hand to those alienated by Trump, and sketching out an optimistic vision of America’s future.
Bill Clinton really did help Obama win.
The best jokes have at least a kernel of truth to them: Tonight, Bill Clinton strode into the spotlight once again, this time to work his magic on behalf of his wife.
“Because this is a movement fuelled by love it can never be stopped or defeated,” said Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard as she formally proposed Sanders for the nomination.
“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president and I am proud to stand with her tonight,” Sanders said, though some in the audience still booed at Clinton’s name.
“We’re here today because our choice is Hillary Clinton.
She called Trump a "man who inherited a fortune from his father” and cares only for himself.
But Warren called Clinton “a woman who fights for all of us.”
“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president, and I am proud to stand with her here tonight,” Mr. Sanders said as his supporters waved his blue campaign signs.
“Hillary Clinton will make an outstanding president, and I am proud to stand with her here tonight,” Mr. Sanders said as his supporters waved his blue campaign signs.
“We trusted you!” they yelled, suggesting that she had betrayed them by supporting Mrs. Clinton.
“We trusted you!” they yelled, suggesting that she had betrayed them by supporting Mrs. Clinton.
Some Democratic officials said the fury was an illustration of the work that still needed to be done to unify the party behind Mrs. Clinton, as well as a sign of the dedication Mr. Sanders engendered over the last year.
Even some of Wasserman Schultz's harshest critics acknowledge that part of that problem was structural: She was in elected office while also serving as the party chair.
She faces a primary from a Sanders-backed candidate but most political observers say she will win it.
Trump tweeted after the DNC news broke: Today proves what I have always known, that @Reince Priebus is the tough one and the smart one, not Debbie Wasserman Shultz (@DWStweets.) Sanders himself blasted the DNC and Wasserman Schultz in interviews earlier Sunday, demanding her resignation as party chairwoman.
President Obama and Clinton both issued statements thanking Wasserman Schultz for her service.
Others from Wasserman Schultz herself contained very strong language, raising questions about her status as an ostensibly neutral party official.
Responding to Sanders’ complaints the party hasn’t been fair to him, she wrote to a staffer in an April email: “Spoken like someone who has never been a member of the Democratic Party and has no understanding of what we do.”
The announcement came just hours after reports first surfaced that Wasserman Schultz may be denied a speaking role at the convention, and that she would not be presiding -- a decision apparently made under pressure from the Clinton campaign and the White House.
In a statement after Wasserman Schultz’s resignation, Sanders said the DNC needs new leadership.
Hillary Clinton Selects Tim Kaine, a Popular Senator From a Swing State, as Running Mate
The Trump campaign quickly labeled Mrs. Clinton’s new running mate “Corrupt Kaine,” pointing to lavish gifts he had received during his years as governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia.
The Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the choice of Tim Kaine, who represents the opposite of what Bernie stands for.
The Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the choice of Tim Kaine, who represents the opposite of what Bernie stands for.
Tim Kaine is, and always has been, owned by the banks.
She specifically said Trump will fight to change laws in order to address these problems for working women.
That stance is earning high praise from liberals who have been arguing for years the federal government should get involved to regulate the cost of childcare. i mean, she basically outlined Hillary Clinton's pro-working family's policy agenda... https://t.co/STm1bAK2Kg Great speech from Ivanka.
But then, perhaps there’s truth to his absurd promises: When the crisis is invented, the solution is simpler.
“With Donald Trump and Mike Pence, America’s ready for a comeback after almost a decade of Clinton-Obama failures.”
“With Donald Trump and Mike Pence, America’s ready for a comeback after almost a decade of Clinton-Obama failures.”
Chris Christie spoke on the second night of the convention, he ticked off criticisms of Clinton, asking the crowd of she was “guilty or not guilty.”
The other striking thing from last night: While Patricia Smith, whose son was killed in Benghazi, was blaming Hillary Clinton on stage, Trump called in to Bill O’Reilly—essentially preempting his own convention for those few minutes.
In March 2012, at a meeting in South Korea, Obama declared about Erdogan “that we find ourselves in frequent agreement upon a wide range of issues… [and] because he has two daughters that are a little older than mine — they’ve turned out very well, so I’m always interested in his perspective on raising girls.”
Erdogan has pushed step-by-step create an Islamic state.
Obama entered power in 2009 hoping to use Turkey’s Islamist president to help remake politics in the Middle East — but the wished-for alliance crashed as Erdogan’s Islamist government became more radical year by year.
If he is perceived as the defender of Turkish civilian government, his popularity could well soar.
Mike Pence and offered him the vice-presidential slot on his ticket.
Patricia Murphy wrote, “In addition to testing the men's chemistry together, Trump was reportedly impressed with Pence's calm demeanor, his experience on Capitol Hill and as a governor, and Pence's potential to assist Trump in governing, should the ticket win in November.”
Director James Comey's damning report on Clinton's email usage while she was secretary of state also didn't do her any favors.
Pence, who twice considered running for president, is well regarded by conservatives and evangelicals around the country, earning plaudits recently from the likes of Sen.
Before Trump even made his pick, he had at least one detractor in prominent conservative radio host and former Red State editor Erick Erickson, who chided Pence on Twitter.
Before Trump even made his pick, he had at least one detractor in prominent conservative radio host and former Red State editor Erick Erickson, who chided Pence on Twitter.
“She may have got out over her skis a little bit and more forthright and political than she should have been.