But he said Mr. Trump’s comments indicate a lack of appreciation for the threat posed by Mr. Putin.
Tillerson may be a friend of Putin’s, but he’s no friend of the planet.
Tillerson may be a friend of Putin’s, but he’s no friend of the planet.
So far, McCain is the first Republican senator to raise objections to Tillerson, and if just three more joined him and a united Democratic front, Tillerson’s nomination could be blocked.
So far, McCain is the first Republican senator to raise objections to Tillerson, and if just three more joined him and a united Democratic front, Tillerson’s nomination could be blocked.
We have — I think, I can say at least for myself, I can't speak for him, but we have a really good chemistry together.
On Wednesday, Mr. Panetta endorsed General Kelly, calling him an “excellent choice” and urging the Senate to confirm him.
His admirers praise his rags-to-riches success story.
His admirers praise his rags-to-riches success story.
But his critics say a career in medicine is not the right training for someone running a vast federal housing bureaucracy.
Pelosi has led House Democrats since 2003, and that’s what Ryan had argued is the problem.
Channeling the anxiety over the electoral setbacks, Mr. Ryan came closer than anyone else to stripping Mrs. Pelosi of her leadership title.
As chief of the Commerce Department, Ross will oversee the Census, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and other components.
In 1995, Ross, then a Democratic fundraiser, married New York Lt.
That confidence and loyalty appear to be what clinched the role for Mr. Mnuchin.
“She has an amazing life story and has helped countless Americans in her public service career.
“She’s an outstanding choice.
Gay rights groups have also been critical of Mr. Price.
And when reports surfaced about Mr. Giuliani’s foreign business entanglements and highly compensated speechmaking, Mr. Trump grew even warier.
For those disappointed by the presidential outcome, much of the anxiety stemmed from concerns that relatives who supported Donald J. Trump might gloat about his victory.
Her relationship with Trump has been contentious: In January, Haley delivered the Republican response to President Obama's final State of the Union address, and, without mentioning Trump by name, appeared to criticize him and his candidacy: “During anxious times, it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices.”
She's also the first Indian American to serve as the state's governor (and only the second in the United States, after Louisiana's Bobby Jindal.) At 44, she's the youngest current governor.
“The Times is a great, great American jewel,” Mr. Trump declared as he prepared to leave the gathering in the newspaper’s 16th-floor boardroom, where portraits of former presidents adorn the walls.
Only a day earlier, Mr. Trump assailed the nation’s most prominent television news anchors and producers in a tense meeting at Trump Tower.
Trump spent the entire campaign reducing people to one identity and then generalizing.
When Trump talked about African-Americans he always talked about inner-city poverty, as if that was the sum total of the black experience in America.
When Trump talked about African-Americans he always talked about inner-city poverty, as if that was the sum total of the black experience in America.
Hillary Clinton was at her best and most uplifting when she spoke about American interests in world affairs and how they relate to our understanding of democracy.
Hillary Clinton was at her best and most uplifting when she spoke about American interests in world affairs and how they relate to our understanding of democracy.
But when it came to life at home, she tended on the campaign trail to lose that large vision and slip into the rhetoric of diversity, calling out explicitly to African-American, Latino, L.G.B.T. and women voters at every stop.
Ronald Reagan did that very skillfully, whatever one may think of his vision.
Trump Picks Jeff Sessions, Senator Accused Of Racism, For Attorney General
Trump said in a statement on Friday that Sessions was a “world-class legal mind and considered a truly great Attorney General and U.S. Attorney in the state of Alabama.”
Flynn has also worried some national security experts with his warmth toward Russia.
He said he was proud of the work his team had done to produce policy and personnel guidance “on the complex national security challenges facing our great country”.
"People didn't vote for Trump so that he could bring a white supremacist into the White House," Sen.
Without mentioning Trump by name, Obama told Greek President Prokopis Pavlopoulos that a strong NATO is of “utmost importance” and would provide “significant continuity even as we see a transition in government in the United States.”
Now I will have them both with me in the White House as we work to make America great again," Trump said.
"We will have that same partnership in working to help President-elect Trump achieve his agenda," Bannon said.
The Trump transition team reported that “President-elect Trump noted to President Putin that he is very much looking forward to having a strong and enduring relationship with Russia and the people of Russia.”
While Mr. Trump said he hoped to have a constructive relationship with Russia, he insisted during one of his debates with Hillary Clinton that he was “no puppet” of Mr. Putin.
Andrew Jackson was, until last Tuesday, the only person elected president who was defined by his anger.
Zeroing in on the Clinton-Trump race, the near unanimity of the print and broadcasting media in their rejection and derogation of Donald Trump could have roused EA and resulting disingenuousness.
It was the ten-year-old Access Hollywood video which caught Trump seeming to brag about his sexual prowess and irresistibility.
Donald Trump, defying the pundits and polls to the end, defeated Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s presidential election and claimed an establishment-stunning victory that exposes the depth of voter dissatisfaction – and signals immense changes ahead for American policy at home and abroad.
And the WikiLeaks release of emails hacked from Podesta’s account became a constant distraction for the campaign, as the messages revealed infighting, internal concerns about the Clinton family’s foundation and even evidence that the now-head of the Democratic National Committee leaked town hall questions to Clinton during the primaries.
With her defeat, Clinton falls short in her second bid to become the first female president of the United States.
Domestically, Trump is expected to cut closer to standard Republican fare, though his plain lack of interest in policy details makes it more difficult to predict.
Obama's 2008 Florida campaign director Steve Schale told Obama recently that Clinton would win the state based on early voting, the state's voter diversity, and the high number of women voters.
SEE ALSO: Bernie Sanders still getting Ohio voters who decry both Clinton and Trump “Jim Comey can redeem himself in history.
But Trump holds a sizable 53-28 percent advantage among voters who say they don't lean toward either party, a group that accounts for about 10 percent of likely voters.
The professional considerations that may have motivated Comey are obvious.
Comey, a Republican, faced considerable criticism and scrutiny from congressional Republicans for declining to press charges against Clinton for her handling of classified emails on a private email server.
Comey, a Republican, faced considerable criticism and scrutiny from congressional Republicans for declining to press charges against Clinton for her handling of classified emails on a private email server.
If you want to talk about violating protocol, he has provided a roadmap,” he said.
“My view is that there should be an investigation” into Comey’s behavior, she added.
Reopening Email Investigation Stain on Clinton AND Comey
“The stunning revelation in Comey’s letter to various Congressional committees today reveals that the Bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private, unsecured, unencrypted server in her home to conduct government business was not thorough,” diGenova told The American Spectator on Friday.
The director, in a damned-if-I-do-damned-if-I-don’t position this summer in opening up the bureau to charges of politicizing the apolitical FBI whether he recommended an indictment of not, now, less than two weeks before an election, puts himself and the bureau in a far more precarious spot.
“It is all a disaster of his own making.”
Like the publication of private emails from Clinton’s closest aides through WikiLeaks, the discovery of the former secretary’s emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer suggests that shielding public business on a private server left State Department less protected than its secretary.
Hillary Clinton, her campaign torpedoed Friday by newly uncovered emails that may relate to her mishandling of classified information on her private server, said FBI Director James Comey owes voters the "full and complete facts immediately" – urging him, "Let's get it out."
The FBI has renewed its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, Director James Comey told Congress in a new letter Friday, heightening the stakes for the Democratic presidential nominee with less than two weeks before Election Day.
For her part Mrs. Clinton, campaigning in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, did not address the issue, instead sticking doggedly to her stump speech of attacks on Mr. Trump mixed with a plea to voters to focus on issues.
Mr. Trump has fallen behind Mrs. Clinton in most national polls and in many key states.
The announcement, less than two weeks before the election, left Mrs. Clinton’s team furious and scrambling for explanations while bolstering the spirits of Donald J. Trump after a wave of controversies and Republican defections had led many to write him off.
“We are calling on the F.B.I. to release all the information that it has,” Mrs. Clinton said adamantly in an evening news conference that took issue with Mr. Comey for making the disclosure so close to the election.
Newt Gingrich Accuses Megyn Kelly Of Being Fascinated With Sex" And Covering For The Clintons"
Newt Gingrich Accuses Megyn Kelly Of Being Fascinated With Sex" And Covering For The Clintons"
When Kelly insisted that she had indeed covered these topics, Gingrich then proceeded to "dare" her to declare that former President Bill Clinton is a sexual predator.
When Kelly insisted that she had indeed covered these topics, Gingrich then proceeded to "dare" her to declare that former President Bill Clinton is a sexual predator.
UPDATE II: Trump thought it was great.<.p> > Trump congratulates @newtgingrich on “amazing” interview with @megynkelly: “We don’t play games" > — Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) October 26, 2016 Trump congratulates @newtgingrich on “amazing” interview with @megynkelly: “We don’t play games"
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) accused Fox News host Megyn Kelly of being “fascinated by sex” on Tuesday, after snapping at her for asking about the women who have accused Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of sexual assault.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) accused Fox News host Megyn Kelly of being “fascinated by sex” on Tuesday, after snapping at her for asking about the women who have accused Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of sexual assault.
Mr. Trump has long known!! .@MegynKelly made a total fool out of herself tonight- attacking @realDonaldTrump.
Somewhere, Nancy Pelosi is chewing the inside of her cheek as she glares icily at a life-size Donald Trump 'FatHead' decal she's plastered onto the ceiling over her bed.
By ELENA SCHNEIDER No presidential candidate since the advent of modern polling has overcome the sort of deficits Trump faces nationally — where he trails Clinton by an average of 5.9 points — and in swing states with two weeks to go in an election.
With debate season over and the clock running out for significant swings in public opinion to materialize, the baton now goes to the get-out-the-vote operations, where Clinton enjoys an overwhelming advantage.
Hillary Clinton enters the final 15 days of the race safely ahead in states worth more than 270 electoral votes.
Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball: “With less than three weeks to go, and all of the debates blessedly in the rearview mirror, Clinton is in a commanding position in the contest to become the 45th president… “A striking development in recent days has been the smattering of polling showing Trump with weak leads in some reliably Republican states.
Is Clinton now the favorite to reach 270 electoral votes, or, according to some forecasts, much more?
In the case of his Saturday speech, headlines were dominated by his lawsuit threat, not his detailed policy prescriptions.
But much of Mr. Trump’s pitch was lost as headlines instead focused on his vow to sue the 11 women that have come forward in recent weeks to accuse him of sexual assault.
But much of Mr. Trump’s pitch was lost as headlines instead focused on his vow to sue the 11 women that have come forward in recent weeks to accuse him of sexual assault.
Mr. Trump has a long history of threatening and occasionally following through on litigation, and in raising the possibility of suing his female accusers, he may have simply been trying to stop more from coming forward.
At her rally Saturday in Pennsylvania, Mrs. Clinton devoted much of her remarks to the state’s contentious Senate race, giving an extended plug to the Democratic candidate, Katie McGinty, and attacking the Republican incumbent, Senator Patrick J. Toomey, for not denouncing Mr. Trump for his vulgar remarks about women captured in a recording.
Yet in his own Gettysburg address, Mr. Trump, who has been sliding in the polls less than three weeks before Election Day, did not offer much in the way of race-changing oratory and did not seem to embrace Lincoln’s unifying ambition.
CLEVELAND — Hillary Clinton entered the final phase of her campaign on Friday, working to ensure a victory that is decisive enough to earn a mandate for her presidency and a surge of voters to help Democrats win congressional races.
Conservative video-maker James O'Keefe's — best known for selectively editing undercover footage to get people fired — claimed another victim on Monday, after his Project Veritas group released the first in what he says will be a series of undercover videos revealing corruption within Hillary Clinton's campaign.
In a letter to Mr. Kerry, they accused Mr. Kennedy, the State Department and the F.B.I. of collusion.
Politico - Clinton 42 / Trump 28 CNN - Clinton 57 / Trump 24 YouGov - Clinton 47 / Trump 42 Trump then boasted that “the shackles have been taken off me” before attacking fellow Republicans for perceived disloyalty.
The protest was organized by the Trump campaign’s Virginia state chairman, who was fired for what the deputy campaign manager, David Bossie, called “a stunt in front of the RNC without the knowledge or the approval of the Trump campaign”.
They could mobilize fully against him, do everything possible to deny him the nomination, sustain and support his challengers all the way to the convention, knowing that Trump would try to bring the pillars of the party down upon their heads.
They could mobilize fully against him, do everything possible to deny him the nomination, sustain and support his challengers all the way to the convention, knowing that Trump would try to bring the pillars of the party down upon their heads.
“He made clear to members that his decisions are being driven by what is best for his members, not himself,” the source on the call said.
Story Continued Below "Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty," Trump wrote in a subsequent post about an hour later, which was followed by a third tweet stating: "It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to."
Story Continued Below "Our very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, had a bad conference call where his members went wild at his disloyalty," Trump wrote in a subsequent post about an hour later, which was followed by a third tweet stating: "It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to."
Still, he battled his way to a strong performance in the rest of the debate, and Clinton spent much time on the defensive as the focus shifted to her record.
The P-word tape had finally pushed the speaker, with his tepid backing of Trump, to cancel a weekend appearance and bail on the standard-bearer.
The P-word tape had finally pushed the speaker, with his tepid backing of Trump, to cancel a weekend appearance and bail on the standard-bearer.