Oh, O.K., makes sense Were you worried that Trump, or someone on Team Trump, wouldn’t address the fact that, while running for president, he claimed the unemployment rate was “phony” and not to be trusted and something like almost half the country was out of work, but now we can apparently believe it?
The question is, if the economy does slow, whether Mr. Trump will accept the legitimacy of weak reports as enthusiastically as he does good ones.
“Trump inherited an economy from Barack Obama with the longest streak of private sector job growth in history,” he said in a statement.
Senator Patrick Leahy, Democrat of Vermont, said he had “never seen anything so outlandish, outrageous or incomprehensible” as Mr. Trump’s claims.
And Mr. Spicer provided little evidence to back up Mr. Trump’s claim about Mr. Obama.
If he lied back then, why couldn’t he be lying today?
Secondly, Mr. Obama has ordered surveillance against American citizens.
Mr. French argues, “The notion that Obama would never have an American subject to surveillance is absurd.”
Referencing Trump's description of Obama as a "bad (or sick) guy," Schiff said, "If there is something bad or sick going on, it is the willingness of the nation's chief executive to make the most outlandish and destructive claims without providing a scintilla of evidence to support them.
Trump leveled the charges in a flurry of tweets shortly after dawn, amid an avalanche of recent revelations about communications between Russian officials and some of his senior aides, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Obama wasn't the only target of Trump's Twitter ire on Saturday morning.
He then appeared to discount the claim that he was a Trump-campaign “surrogate.”
It seems apparent that he was distancing himself from Franken’s insinuation about Trump surrogates colluding with Russians.
But if we consider this matter not as a political dispute but a potential perjury prosecution, then the burden was on Franken, not Sessions, to be clearer.
In those circumstances, it was up to Franken to clarify matters, by asking a follow-up along the lines of, “To be clear, I am asking you whether you’ve had any contact whatsoever with Russian officials during the campaign, whether as a Trump surrogate, in your capacity as a U.S. senator, or under any other circumstances.”
Mr. Sessions is the latest administration official to be caught between his words and the truth on Russia.
Mr. Sessions is the latest administration official to be caught between his words and the truth on Russia.
Mr. Sessions’s recusal is only a first necessary step.
Stocky, smart and soft-spoken with a sense of humor, General McMaster, for all his war-making experience, has little background in navigating Washington politics, which could be a challenge for him in his new role with a fractious national security team to corral.
Springare, who was briefly investigated for possible hate crime incitement based on his post, managed to elucidate what Trump only hinted at during a Florida campaign speech – somewhat opaquely.
“For better or worse,” Horowitz said that Trump sometimes speaks “in shorthand hyperbole”.
In the book, Schweizer reveals ties between the Clinton Foundation and investors who stood to gain from a deal that required State Department approval.
“Nobody mentions that Hillary received the questions to the debates.”
That’s why, despite his argument that the press treated Flynn unfairly, Trump fired him.
Donald Trump: ‘Russian connection non-sense’ is cover for Clinton’s ‘many mistakes’
Among those supposedly communicating with Russian nationals was former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, the report said.
Among those supposedly communicating with Russian nationals was former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, the report said.
Flynn is a longtime Trump partisan, and Trump values loyalty greatly.
He's been losing so....
They worried that Mr. Sessions wouldn’t be strong enough in enforcing civil rights laws and that he would be too zealous in following immigration laws.
The veteran Alabama senator had been rejected for a federal judgeship more than three decades ago over accusations of racism as a prosecutor, which was an immediate focus in his latest confirmation fight.
Manchin, who threw Sessions a thumbs-up on Wednesday night as he headed to place his vote, added that he was confident that when he addressed his constituents, “I can explain my relationship with Jeff Sessions and I’m proud to vote for him.”
In a letter at the time of Mr. Sessions’ earlier nomination, King had accused him of “a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters.”
"Mrs. King's views and words ring true today," Warren said.
Congress By ELANA SCHOR and BURGESS EVERETT “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome power of his office to chill the free exercise of the vote by black citizens in the district he now seeks to serve as a federal judge,” King wrote in her letter back then, which Warren read on the Senate floor Tuesday night.
Give them credit for this one: Democrats have fought hard to stop Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s blazingly unqualified pick for education secretary.
Tim Kaine cited the moment, during her hearing, when he asked DeVos if she would hold all schools that receive any taxpayer funding equally accountable, be they public, private, or charter, and she dodged the question repeatedly: "But if you hold public schools accountable while you’re taking some of their money away and you give that money to private schools, and you don’t hold them accountable, you’re not promoting fair competition," he said.
“He should be scared that people aren’t going to stand for this.”
When O’Reilly fired back, calling Putin a killer, Trump responded, "There are a lot of killers.
When O’Reilly fired back, calling Putin a killer, Trump responded, "There are a lot of killers.
Bill O'Reilly Calls Vladimir Putin A 'Killer', Donald Trump Says Americans Are Just As Bad
Bill O'Reilly Calls Vladimir Putin A 'Killer', Donald Trump Says Americans Are Just As Bad
Speaking to Bill O’Reilly, Trump shrugged off the anchor’s characterization of Putin as a “killer,” noting that Americans are just as bad.
Trump told Australian leader Malcolm Turnbull that the conversation was “the worst call by far” among talks with various world leaders that day and he ended the scheduled hour-long conversation after just 25 minutes, according to the Washington Post.
Why Liberals Should Back Neil Gorsuch
I have no doubt that if confirmed, Judge Gorsuch would help to restore confidence in the rule of law.
I am hard-pressed to think of one thing President Trump has done right in the last 11 days since his inauguration.
He seeks power, and he cares not for process.
I myself have been deeply concerned with Trump’s authoritarian impulses — including his expressed disrespect for the First Amendment, due process, and private property.
The night began when Trump, in a short White House speech, nominated Judge Gorsuch from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver to the court.
Gorsuch, despite a reportedly mild-mannered temperament, is known for his anti-choice and anti-LGBT stances, pro-employer rulings in labor disputes, anti-regulatory attitudes, dismissal of scientific expertise, and pro-police bias in brutality cases, according to statements from public interest groups issued after the announcement.
Democrats, meanwhile, hailed Ms. Yates as a principled defender of what she thought was right.
The quick firing of Yates, as Trump brings his "Apprentice" skills to the White House with the most serious of matters, offers a powerful reminder to Democrats of why these appointments matter so much and the dangers that come from the passive approach we have seen thus far.
Human rights, civil rights, and civil liberties supporters were bolstered by her defiance.
It was foolish of President Trump to leave officials such as Acting Attorney General Yates in place.
Yates never should have been in the position to undertake her grandstanding in the first place — but at least that particular error has now been corrected.
Yates never should have been in the position to undertake her grandstanding in the first place — but at least that particular error has now been corrected.
That is why President Trump was right to fire Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.
That is why President Trump was right to fire Acting Attorney General Sally Yates.
The Mexican leader is under intense political pressure to figure out how to handle Mr. Trump.
Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is publicly criticizing the same tax reform bill that he voted for.
WASHINGTON \-- President Donald Trump is set to meet with congressional leaders from both parties to discuss his agenda, as he enters his first official week in the White House and works to begin delivering on his ambitious campaign promises.
> Sean Spicer is the new Baghdad Bob.
On Saturday, President Donald Trump’s first full day in office, he gave a speech at CIA headquarters in which he lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration and falsely claimed that he had never feuded with the U.S. intelligence community.
Obama did the second, but it didn’t go in the way reformers would like — it’s resulted in thousands of rejections.
Obama did the second, but it didn’t go in the way reformers would like — it’s resulted in thousands of rejections.
“Chelsea Manning’s treachery put American lives at risk and exposed some of our nation’s most sensitive secrets.
“My hope would be that the president-elect will reach out to someone as consequential and who is such a leader as John Lewis — who has done so much in the course of his life — to try to work this out,” Mr. McDonough said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
Mr. Sessions has vehemently denied making racially insensitive statements or holding racist views.
As Tanner puts it, Sessions “has a record that ought to worry believers in small government and individual liberty.”
Mr. Trump, as he has done many times before, grew heated in the interview as he flatly denied that he had intended to make fun of the Times reporter, Serge F. Kovaleski.
Mr. Trump, as he has done many times before, grew heated in the interview as he flatly denied that he had intended to make fun of the Times reporter, Serge F. Kovaleski.
Top aide to Donald Trump Kellyanne Conway told "Fox and Friends" Monday she's "concerned that somebody with a platform like Meryl Streep's is inciting people's worst instincts."
Her comments were met with applause, tears and support by her fellow actors in the audience, and actor Chris Pine called her speech the "best message of tonight."
Conway noted the races of those involved, four African-American suspects and a white victim, and said that if Streep is truly concerned about the disabled community, she should speak out about the incident in Chicago.
A day after the shooting, agents had interviewed more than 100 people, including Santiago, who surrendered after firing all of his ammunition by dropping onto the floor, spread-eagle, near a baggage area when a sheriff’s deputy approached him, according to an FBI affidavit.
Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper testified to Congress Thursday he’s confident Russia was behind the campaign season hacks of Democratic officials, but Mr. Trump has consistently been skeptical of Russian involvement.
Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper testified to Congress Thursday he’s confident Russia was behind the campaign season hacks of Democratic officials, but Mr. Trump has consistently been skeptical of Russian involvement.
Mr. Trump claimed on New Year’s Eve that he had information no one else had on Russian hacking and that he would reveal it publicly this week, but he has not yet followed through on that statement.
Mr. Trump claimed on New Year’s Eve that he had information no one else had on Russian hacking and that he would reveal it publicly this week, but he has not yet followed through on that statement.
He blamed the "dishonest media" for portraying him as agreeing with Assange.
He blamed the "dishonest media" for portraying him as agreeing with Assange.
Perhaps sensitive to the public perception, Trump on Thursday tried to walk back his previous online comments.
Even Director of National Intelligence James Clapper seemed to implicitly rebuke Trump's ongoing refusal to believe the government's assessment that senior Moscow officials orchestrated a cyber campaign that roiled the Democratic Party in last year's election.
“This will not deter Putin from interfering in French or German elections in 2017.”
Mr. Putin condemned the new round of sanctions President Obama imposed against Russia for allegedly using computer hacking to interfere with the U.S. presidential election.
In a statement, the German foreign minister, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, praised Mr. Kerry’s speech as a “passionate and deeply convincing” defense of “the only credible way” to solve the issue: a two-state solution.
Obama came into office with one foreign-policy lodestar – Not George Bush – and has stuck with it mulishly no matter how much the facts on the ground demanded flexibility.
And so, when Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad massacred up to 400,000 people by dropping barrel bombs on civilian neighborhoods, shelling hospitals, and imposing sieges of cities to starve out the inhabitants, the Obama administration stood very, very idly by.
“All of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can recreate a common space on the Internet,” Obama said in an interview conducted by Britain’s Prince Harry, broadcast on BBC radio on Wednesday.
"All of us in leadership have to find ways in which we can recreate a common space on the internet," said Obama, warning of a "Balkanization" of society.
Even reserved seating, which Priebus incorrectly asserted wasn’t an issue until the Obama administration took over, could get reshaped.
“In Congress, he has been a conservative reformer from day one, proposing solutions to fix the budget process and our regulatory system.”
“At OMB, he will lead the work he has started to improve the way government does the people’s business,” he added.
“Mick Mulvaney is the absolute right choice,” said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan.
He wants to discredit American democracy and make us weaker in terms of leading the liberal democratic order.
U.S. intelligence officials now believe with "a high level of confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.
U.S. intelligence officials now believe with "a high level of confidence" that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.
Mr. McCain withdrew his endorsement in October when an 11-year-old videotape surfaced in which Mr. Trump was caught on a hot mic using vulgar language about women.