Mr. Trump’s hands, of course, are far from clean on the matter of judicial independence.
In an interview with The Times published Sunday, Justice Ginsburg said, “I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” joking that if her husband were alive, he might have said, “It’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”
He praised Clinton’s proposal in strong, unambiguous terms ― describing it as “an extremely important initiative” and predicting that “it will save lives, it will ease suffering, it will improve health care in America, and it will cut health care costs.”
He praised Clinton’s proposal in strong, unambiguous terms ― describing it as “an extremely important initiative” and predicting that “it will save lives, it will ease suffering, it will improve health care in America, and it will cut health care costs.”
Sanders told reporters that the two campaigns “are coming closer and closer together in trying to address the major issues facing this country.”
(AP) — In another nod to primary rival Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton is proposing to increase federal money for community health centers and outlining steps to expand access to health care across the nation.
He repeated the statements during a Wednesday morning press conference saying, “I think the DNI, Clapper, should deny Hillary Clinton access to classified information during this campaign, given how she so recklessly handled classified information.
Comey criticized Clinton and her staff for being “extremely careless” in handling classified information, noting that 110 of Clinton’s emails contained classified information at the time they were sent and received.
Read more: Why the FBI Let Hillary Clinton Off the Hook Ryan also sent a letter to Comey, requesting that he release all of the findings from the bureau’s investigation into Clinton’s emails, saying “there are simply too many unanswered questions.”
FBI’s Comey: Clinton 'extremely careless' about emails, but bureau will not advise criminal charges
In the wake of that report, Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, stepped up his criticism of her email actions and said she belongs in “jail.”
"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is information that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information," Comey told reporters in Washington, D.C., noting that the probe has found that the former secretary of state used several different email servers and numerous devices during her time in office.
Longtime Obama aide and strategist David Axelrod on Tuesday morning tweeted that Comey’s statement in which he recommended no charges but rebuked Clinton for carelessness “is about [the] best result she could get.”
It is remarkable that there was a time when Lincoln’s idea, now so central to our American mindset, was not dominant.
We must do what the Founders did, and what Lincoln did in his own time, and fight against the insidious notion that those words mean other than what they say.
We must do what the Founders did, and what Lincoln did in his own time, and fight against the insidious notion that those words mean other than what they say.
"What is distasteful about Trump is not that he offends old-fashioned American values," wrote Mother Jones’s Tim Murphy in one typical reaction.
"Trump is distasteful because he taps into certain old-fashioned American values — nativism, brash tough talk, slow-burning authoritarianism; family dynasties — that have played a not-inconsequential role throughout our history."
"It was unfortunate and she has admitted that the optics were not good in retrospect," said Carl Tobias, a law professor at the University of Richmond, adding that she had mitigated some of the fallout by deferring the decision on filing charges to Comey and career prosecutors.
After Widespread Criticism for Meeting With Bill Clinton, Lynch to Step Back in Email Probe
After Widespread Criticism for Meeting With Bill Clinton, Lynch to Step Back in Email Probe
Main public face of Brexit makes shock announcement hours after his key ally Michael Gove launched his own campaign Live coverage of the fallout from Boris Johnson’s announcement Heather Stewart and Jessica Elgot Thu 30 Jun 2016 13.20 BST First published on Thu 30 Jun 2016 12.02 BST Boris Johnson has unexpectedly ruled himself out as a candidate for Britain’s next prime minister, after the justice secretary, Michael Gove, sent shockwaves through Westminster with a last-minute bid for the Conservative leadership.
Speaking to the host of ITV's "Good Morning Britain," Farage called one of the "leave" campaign's biggest promises a "mistake," though he distanced himself from the decision to make the promise in the first place.
Clinton Opens 12-Point Lead on Trump as Two-Thirds See Him as Biased (POLL)
Clinton, further, is now leading among young adults, a group in which Trump was surprisingly competitive last month.
A new poll finds presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton with a towering lead over her likely Republican counterpart, Donald Trump.
The program, it said, also exceeded Mr. Obama’s statutory authority.
The move came as Trump faced continued deep resistance from many quarters of his party concerned by his contentious statements and his reluctance to engage in traditional fundraising.
The move came as Trump faced continued deep resistance from many quarters of his party concerned by his contentious statements and his reluctance to engage in traditional fundraising.
"It's so important," he said of loyalty in a subsequent interview.
Bannon Mercilessly Mocked, Blamed After Moore Loss
For months, Mr. Lewandowski had been a lightning rod for controversy, making headlines about himself that overshadowed his boss.
Roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him!”
At one point Wednesday night, Murphy looked up toward his young son Owen — seated in the chamber gallery — and apologized to him for missing pizza night, while telling him: “I hope that you’ll understand someday why we’re doing this.”
At one point Wednesday night, Murphy looked up toward his young son Owen — seated in the chamber gallery — and apologized to him for missing pizza night, while telling him: “I hope that you’ll understand someday why we’re doing this.”
When asked by another senator how he was feeling just before 7:30 p.m., Murphy said rehabilitation from a back injury in his 20s had helped him build up endurance.
Mateen was born in New York to Afghan immigrants described by one family friend as loving, close-knit and "very respectful" of America.
However, Fox News reported Tuesday that Mateen was more than just an acquaintance of another radicalized terrorist who left Florida for Syria where he blew himself up in 2014.
Patrons at Pulse, the nightclub where he killed dozens, say he had been seen there many times and one reportedly said Mateen had contacted him using a dating app popular with the gay community.
Mr. Jones predicted black turnout would be strong and laced into Mr. Moore for comments he has made criticizing the constitutional amendments, enacted after the Civil War, that abolished slavery and gave broader rights to African-Americans.
Trump, meanwhile, continued calling Clinton, “crooked Hillary” and referred to her ongoing email scandal.
Trump, meanwhile, continued calling Clinton, “crooked Hillary” and referred to her ongoing email scandal.
"I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets anyplace close to the White House," the Massachusetts senator said on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show."
The Massachusetts senator – popular among the progressive wing of the Democratic party – made the declaration shortly after endorsing Clinton, calling her “a fighter with guts” who would keep Donald Trump out the White House.
The Massachusetts senator – popular among the progressive wing of the Democratic party – made the declaration shortly after endorsing Clinton, calling her “a fighter with guts” who would keep Donald Trump out the White House.
But Sanders gave every indication that he'll look to unite the Democratic Party in the near future, stressing the importance of defeating Donald Trump and his intention to work with Hillary Clinton.
But Sanders gave every indication that he'll look to unite the Democratic Party in the near future, stressing the importance of defeating Donald Trump and his intention to work with Hillary Clinton.
Clinton's strong performance in several states in Tuesday's primaries erased essentially any path to the nomination for Sanders.
Beginning his remarks Thursday, Sanders thanked both Obama and Biden "for the degree of impartiality they established during the course of this entire process."
Beginning his remarks Thursday, Sanders thanked both Obama and Biden "for the degree of impartiality they established during the course of this entire process."
Whether that means a fight to overhaul the party platform – or a last-ditch bid to somehow deny Clinton the nomination – remains to be seen.
Obama also endorsed her earlier this year in her House primary battle.
Honored to have you with me, @POTUS.
Bernard Sanders Thursday morning in the Oval Office, hoping to give the populist presidential candidate a tactful push toward a clear surrender to Hillary Clinton in their hard-fought battle for the Democratic nomination.
With some Sanders’ supporters urging their candidate to keep pressing on toward the Democratic convention next month, Mr. Obama has the delicate job of trying to show a clear end to the primary season so he and Mrs. Clinton can focus on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
He also praised the campaign that Mr. Sanders ran.
Though polls showed the two candidates neck-and-neck in the closing days of the race, Clinton out-performed those polls in the end — perhaps boosted by the Associated Press report the day before that she had sealed the nomination through winning the support of enough party insiders with super delegate votes.
Bill Richardson, a superdelegate and Clinton supporter, offered the same respectful but blunt counsel.
Still Sanders pressed on, for months after simple mathematics made clear it would be all but impossible for him to overtake Clinton.
"Trump has proven himself very thin-skinned, so poking him and focusing on his intemperance and intolerance can draw new eruptions and produce unexpected rewards," said David Axelrod, Obama's longtime advisor.
"Donald Trump is temperamentally unfit to be president and commander in chief.
"If we stand together, we will rise together because we are stronger together," Clinton said.
At a fundraising concert in Los Angeles on Monday where celebrity supporters included Stevie Wonder, Ricky Martin, Cher, Magic Johnson and Christina Aguilera, Clinton told the crowd: “We’re going to come out of the primary even stronger to take on Donald Trump.
But it is hard to think of a moment when he was ever less than brave.
In an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Mr. Trump said his proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from entering the U.S. could theoretically lead Muslim judges to single him out and treat him unfairly.
Mr. Trump has come under intense fire — including from some fellow Republicans — for saying U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is of Mexican heritage, is biased against him.
Soon after, she offered this: "Of course Trump doesn’t have answers to those questions.
It certainly appeared to have calmed preternaturally skittish Democrats, who have looked on in horror as Trump has made a show of it in recent polls.
It certainly appeared to have calmed preternaturally skittish Democrats, who have looked on in horror as Trump has made a show of it in recent polls.
Trump, he noted, had a unique ability to drive media coverage in ways that present practical challenges for the competition.
“And I believe absolutely that he is not only unprepared to be president, he is temperamentally unfit to be president.
Sanders has promoted raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $15 an hour, while Clinton has supported a Senate bill to raise it to $12 an hour while encouraging cities and other communities to go higher.
Campaigning in Culver City on Friday at an organizing event geared for women, Clinton told about 500 cheering supporters that “if all goes well, I will have the great honor as of Tuesday to be the Democratic nominee for president.”
(AP) — Hillary Clinton is keeping the heat on Donald Trump, saying “we are trying to elect a president, not a dictator.”
(AP) — Hillary Clinton is keeping the heat on Donald Trump, saying “we are trying to elect a president, not a dictator.”
Krongard resigned from the IG position in December 2007 after accusations he blocked Iraq-related investigations, charges he denied.
He also challenged Clinton and State Department claims that the emails in question were “retroactively classified.”
Instead, the thrust of the criticism of Clinton is that the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the Bureau of Information Resource Management were not asked permission by Clinton to use her private server.
Instead, the thrust of the criticism of Clinton is that the Bureau of Diplomatic Security and the Bureau of Information Resource Management were not asked permission by Clinton to use her private server.
And while party officials seem eager for Sanders to drop out, the self-described democratic socialist continues to try to win delegates in the few remaining state contests to try to exert some influence over the party platform being rolled out at the convention.
They supported a woman's right to choose and same-sex marriage.
This combination of fiscal responsibility and tolerance won them office in their respective states -- New Mexico and Massachusetts -- in spite of each being Democratic strongholds.
He put down women based on their looks.
Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has officially secured a majority of GOP delegates, giving him the "magic number" required to clinch the GOP nomination.
Wasserman Schultz has long been accused of favoritism by Bernie Sanders supporters, who claimed that her decision to schedule and limit Democratic debates was meant to protect Hillary Clinton.
In an address from the Elysée Palace, shortly after the U.S. president’s announcement, Macron urged scientists who were annoyed with the move to “come to France and work with us together” on climate policy-related research.
> Sadiq Khan Tells Everyone Who Doesn’t Like Trump: Move to London https://t.co/YcvLk0Khh0 pic.twitter.com/XgR0ypbt6B > — Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 17, 2016 While Macron’s attacks on Trump over the Paris agreement were hailed by an admiring French and international media, the Guardian reported that the French leader’s “tough stance” may have “backfired”, and likely prompted the U.S. leader to remind people he “was elected to serve the citizens of Pittsburgh — not Paris” Speaking in the Rose Garden after his announcement that the U.S. would be leaving the Paris agreement, President Trump said that the accord signed by the Obama administration in 2015 without the consent of Congress “disadvantages the United States to the exclusive benefit of other countries” “In order to fulfill my solemn duty to protect America and its citizens, the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord,” Trump said at the time, explaining the agreement would have left American taxpayers having to “absorb the cost in terms of lost jobs, lower wages, shuttered factories, and vastly diminished economic production.”
“I look forward to working together with him for Democratic victories in the fall.”
Sanders, a Democratic presidential candidate who has been feuding with Wasserman Schultz and the DNC, told CNN he favors Tim Canova in Florida’s 23rd congressional district.
Canova is supporting Sanders.
But Mrs. Clinton must strike a more delicate balance on the issue: In the Democratic primaries against Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who has a mixed record on gun control, she has taken an aggressive tack against firearm manufacturers and sellers.
Maya Harris, a senior policy adviser to Mrs. Clinton, dismissed Mr. Trump’s attacks on Friday, saying he was “peddling falsehoods.”
LOUISVILLE — Likely GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on Friday slammed Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton as historically hostile to gun rights and warned that Mrs. Clinton will get the chance to appoint up to five U.S. Supreme Court justices if she’s elected president.
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew praised the bill as a "positive step in the right direction."
Pushing back against opponents who have characterized the bill as a "bailout," Ryan added that it "gives Puerto Rico a path to real reform while protecting taxpayers."
“We wanted to make sure that the restructuring worked, and that the restructuring is done in a way that it prevents any taxpayer bailout, or some precedence that could affect the bond markets.
“We wanted to make sure that the restructuring worked, and that the restructuring is done in a way that it prevents any taxpayer bailout, or some precedence that could affect the bond markets.
And we’re very confident that we’ve achieved that.”
With 99 percent of the precincts reporting in Kentucky, Clinton led Sanders by just over 1,900 votes out of more than 423,000 that were cast.
UPDATE: Clinton's victory is now official, and CNN is projecting that she has won Kentucky.