bit as much of a warmonger as George Bush ever was. But that’s only part of Obama’s crimes against humanity. Barack Obama is also guilty of crimes against human beings being able to have a job. During a 45-minute conference call with journalists from 40 major media outlets this morning, Jack Gerard shared some startling predictions about the future health of the nation’s oil and natural gas industry if the Obama Administration gets its way in adding more regulation and increasing taxes on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. The biggest one of all is enough to cause anyone to take pause: “The administration’s moratorium, if continued indefinitely — or similar legislative proposals which would make the deep water unavailable or uneconomic — would cost this country 175,000 jobs every yearbetween now and 2035, according to our latest analysis,” said Gerard, president of the American Petroleum Institute, a group representing some 400 oil and natural gas companies. And that’s not all! “The Gulf of Mexico accounts for 30 percent of our domestic oil production and 13 percent of natural gas,” Gerard explained. “The deepwater areas account for 80 percent of the Gulf’s oil production and 45 percent of its natural gas production. Twenty of the highest-producing leases are in the deep water.” When one considers that the oil and natural gas industry, according to Gerard, supports 9.2 million workers and 7.5 percent of all U.S. gross domestic product, even a small percent of decline can have a tremendous impact on the economy. According to an API-produced report released today, the economic impact
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acted first. Fox News didn’t fire you, Shirley; Barry’s regime fired you. And when Fox News reported the story and played the video AFTER the Barry Hussein regime fired you, their “crime” was to assume that the president of the United States and the NAACP were not racists, and were not shockingly incompetent morons. Fox News’ crime was that it didn’t realize that – to allude to Obama’s Attorney General – that the Obama administration wasn’t “a White House of cowards” on race. They asked me to resign, and, in fact, they harassed me as I was driving back to the state office from West Point, Georgia yesterday,” Sherrod told CNN. “I had at least three calls telling me the White House wanted me to resign…and the last one askedcourse change is good. And who really cares about the irrelevant details of “change,” anyway? Analyst Meredith Whitney, famous for being one of the very, very few who predicted the economic disaster in 2008, has made another prediction that no one listened to: “They say we shouldn’t provide unemployment insurance because it costs money. So after years of championing policies that turned a record surplus into a massive deficit, including a tax cut for the wealthiest Americans, they’ve finally decided to make their stand on the backs of the unemployed.” First of all, Obama is flat-out misstating the facts when he demagogues Republicans for being the party of fiscal responsibility. Please read this article on the subject if you have any doubts about that. The basic bottom line: it was a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
is fascinating and, to some, repulsive. This blog post is based on a case study prepared by my colleague, Dr John Manlove of MFL in England. One of his roles as a forensic entomologist involves dealing not only with corpses but also cases of living host infestation (myiasis). In the same way that insects are attracted to the bodily fluids and decaying tissues of and around a corpse, some feed and complete their life-cycle on a living host if the conditions are ‘favourable’. Although often considered to be restricted to animals (cattle and sheep), myiasis can also occur in humans where the host is still alive during the insect feeding and infestation process. Not only can this have an implication for calculating the post mortem interval (time from death toGonzalez S., Gupta J., Villa E., Mallawaarachchi I., Rodriguez M., Ramirez M., Zavala J., Armas R., Dassori A., Contreras J., Flores D., Jerez A., Ontiveros A., Nicolini H. and Escamilla M. (2016), Replication of genome‐wide association study (GWAS) susceptibility loci in a Latino bipolar disorder cohort. Bipolar Disorders, 18:520--527. doi: [10.1111/bdi.12438](10.1111/bdi.12438) 27759212 Funding Information National Institutes of Mental Health, Grant/Award Number: RO1‐MH0698567 and RO1‐MH060881; Center of Excellence in Neurosciences at the Paul L. Foster School of Medicine. 1. Introduction {#bdi12438-sec-0005} =============== The genetic contribution to psychiatric illnesses such as bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia (SC) have been difficult to define due to issues of clinical heterogeneity, phenotypic overlap and lack of a simple mode of inheritance. These disorders are thought to be influenced by several genes as well as environmental factors. Family, twin,
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and adoption studies in BD have shown that there is a substantial genetic component \[for review, see[1](#bdi12438-bib-0001){ref-type="ref"}\]. BD has one of the highest heritability rates of all known psychiatric disorders, with estimates ranging from 85% to 93%.[2](#bdi12438-bib-0002){ref-type="ref"}, [3](#bdi12438-bib-0003){ref-type="ref"} In addition, several studies have reported evidence of familial co‐aggregation or comorbidity between BD and SC, mainly attributable to overlapping genetic influences.[4](#bdi12438-bib-0004){ref-type="ref"} Over the past several years, genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) have identified genetic variants that contribute to complex human disorders or physiological traits.[5](#bdi12438-bib-0005){ref-type="ref"} To date, over 10 000 putative single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)--phenotype associations from 1500 GWASs have been archived by the National Human Genome Research Institute (<>). Of these, 681 putative associations from 69 BD and/or SC studies have been reported in the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)populations tested. Minor allele (based on TOP strand), minor allele frequency (MAF), odds ratio (OR), permuted *P*‐value based on 10 000 permutation, and direction of association are listed for replicated *a priori* GWAS SNPs under narrow (bipolar disorder type I) and broad (bipolar disorder type I/II, schizoaffective bipolar type, or bipolar disorder not otherwise specified) bipolar phenotypes. BD, bipolar disorder; CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; RAF, risk allele frequency; *NFIA*, nuclear factor I A; *SDCCAG8*, serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8; *MIR6828*, microRNA 6828; *SLC7A14*, solute carrier family 7 member 14; *LAMP3*, lysosomal associated membrane protein 3; *NFKB1*, nuclear factor kappa B subunit 1; *HLA‐B*, major histocompatibility complex, class I, B; *SHH*, sonic hedgehog; *LINC01006*, long intergenic non‐protein coding RNA 01006; *NT5C2*, 5′‐nucleotidase, cytosolic II; SC, schizophrenia; SA,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
reveals that *SDCCAG8* plays a role in the polarity and migration of nascent neurons in the developing cortex.[56](#bdi12438-bib-0056){ref-type="ref"} The second goal of this project was to identify Latino ancestral haploblocks associated with BD. To this end, we performed a family‐based haplotype analysis for 76 genomic regions that had been previously implicated in GWASs. A three‐marker haploblock in the *LAMP3* gene was suggestively associated with narrow and broad BD phenotypes (Table [4](#bdi12438-tbl-0004){ref-type="table-wrap"}) (*P*=9.10 × 10^−3^ and *P*=9.68 × 10^−3^, respectively). *LAMP3* encodes lysosomal associated membrane protein 3 and has previously been associated with BD[13](#bdi12438-bib-0013){ref-type="ref"}, [25](#bdi12438-bib-0025){ref-type="ref"} as well as Parkinson\'s disease.[57](#bdi12438-bib-0057){ref-type="ref"}, [58](#bdi12438-bib-0058){ref-type="ref"} *LAMP3* is believed to play a role in dendritic cell function and adaptive immunity.[59](#bdi12438-bib-0059){ref-type="ref"} Regulation of *LAMP3* enhances protein degradation and cell survival during proteasomal dysfunction.[60](#bdi12438-bib-0060){ref-type="ref"} The haploblock associations in *LAMP3* were much stronger} }, { "type": "space", "content": "\n", "syntax": "less", "start": { "line": 3, "column": 2 }, "end": { "line": 3, "column": 2 } }, { "type": "ruleset", "content": [ {
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], "syntax": "less", "start": { "line": 4, "column": 7 }, "end": { "line": 6, "column": 1 } } ], clearly inherited this skill, winning multiple prizes at Glasgow School of Art before moving to London to study at the Royal College. Still, she never had any intention of going into fashion until the Blitz Club, Steve Strange’s legendary new romantic haunt, came on her radar. Terrified of being turned away, Hogg threw herself into making outlandish outfits that would meet the door staff’s approval. When these caught the eye of the crowd, she started to receive her first orders. “Getting into the club was one thing,” she says. “But inside were all these insanely creative people who would work tirelessly every single night to make their outfit for the next week. That really resonated with me because nobody wanted to be the same as everyone else. I can’t
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
away for peanuts. “I’ve been offered some unbelievably bad deals – and I’ve seen what signing them has done to my friends.” Butshe’s most concerned for young designers, those whose challenging work won’t be greeted with the same open minds that hers was. Hogg begs buyers to nurture young creatives. “Even if it’s just one person to champion – if they inspire you, then give them some money for fabric or to rent a studio. Or display them in your window. You’ll draw attention to your shop and you’ll be surprised how many people might order their work. If you’re just giving people what they want, it’s stagnant. Give them what they don’t know they want.” For all her desire for an easier life, there’s something about Hogg that would,<?php namespace Faker\Provider\zh_CN; class Person extends \Faker\Provider\Person { protected static $maleNameFormats = array( '{{lastName}}{{firstNameMale}}', ); protected static $femaleNameFormats = array( '{{lastName}}{{firstNameFemale}}', ); /** * According to, * these are the top 300 lastnames from the 6th Chinese national census of population, * containing 299 single-character surname and 1 double-character surname '欧阳', * so you can get random names including double-character surname but not too many. */ protected static $lastName = array(
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Github" ] }
=> $foldername, 'captcha' => '1', 'allow_container' => '1', 'allow_links' => '1', 'mirror[]' => implode("\n", $links) ); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, ""); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata); //Setting post data as xml curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); $filecrypt_links = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); $xml = $filecrypt_links; $data_array = xml_to_array($xml); $output = $data_array['container']['link']; return $output; } /* * Copyright 2016, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved. * Author: Alex Wilson <> * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING
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Infective endocarditis due to Propionibacterium species. Propionibacterium species rarely cause infective endocarditis. When identified in blood cultures, they may be inappropriately disregarded as skin flora contaminants. The purpose of this study was to characterize the clinical presentation and management of endocarditis due to Propionibacterium species. All cases of endocarditis due to Propionibacterium species that were treated at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA were retrospectively reviewed, and the English language medical literature was searched for all previously published reports. Seventy cases, which included eight from the Mayo Clinic, were identified (clinical details were available for only 58 cases). The median age of patients was 52 years, and 90% were males. In 79% of the cases, the infection involved prosthetic material (39 prosthetic valves, one left ventricular Teflon patch, one mitral(CNN) At this point, a day or two without power seems like just a minor inconvenience. Maybe some spoiled milk in the fridge. Or the frustration of a drained cellphone. But much of eastern Florida hasn't had electricity since last weekend. And parts of the state's battered west coast might not get power for another 10 days. Carolyn Cole removes belongings from her Bonita Springs home, which could be without power for 10 days. The danger was exemplified Wednesday, when eight people died in Hollywood , Florida, after their nursing home lost air conditioning. The residents' causes of death are being investigated. "I'm afraid the death toll from Irma is not over yet," said Craig Fugate, former administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Fugate himself had no power Wednesday in his
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "OpenWebText2" ] }
OS and hardware if Python will even be given that much memory. Python stores integers in increments of 30 bits on modern platforms; so every 30 bits requires an additional 4 bytes of storage. For 10 billion digits that comes down to (log2(10 ** 10 ** 10) / 30 * 4) / (1024 ** 3) == about 4.125GiB. You can't use Python to represent numbers this large. Not even floating point numbers can reach that high: >>> 10.0 ** 10 ** 10 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> OverflowError: (34, 'Result too large') I'm not that familiar with bignum (big number) handling in Python; perhaps the gmpy libray has facilities to represent such numbers that are better. A: If integer precision is not of utmost importance, you could use floatThis invention relates to MESFET logic which includes voltage level shift circuits. MESFET (metal-semiconductor field effect transistor) technology is becoming of importance both for Si (silicon) and GaAs (gallium arsenide) technology. GaAs digital electronics uses mainly depletion mode MESFET technology. In typical circuits negative voltage logic input signals are required while the output voltage is positive. To connect gates, level shifters are needed to shift the positive voltage output signals such that they become suitable for the input to the next gate. Commonly, a string of Schottky diodes in connection with a current source is used for this level shifting function. The level shifting circuit uses GaAs surface area, consumes power, requires often a separate power supply and adds to the delay of the circuit. Capacitors have been used for
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assuring the proper maintenance of altered or relocated water courses; verifying and recording flood elevations of new or improved structures, and the elevations to which they have been flood-proofed; obtaining flood-proof certification from professional engineers or architects; interpreting flood area boundaries promulgated by the federal government; obtaining and utilizing base flood elevation data; and maintaining for inspection all public records relating to the Ordinance. The record indicates that Christian satisfactorily performed these duties from October 1984 until January 1986. 4 In November 1985, an election was held for Harlan County Judge Executive. Christian's father-in-law ran as the Republican candidate for this office, and Christian actively and vigorously campaigned for him. Defendant-appellee Delzinna Belcher ran as the Democratic candidate. Belcher won thelist submitted by Belcher. Christian was one of only two persons who were not renominated.1 5 When Christian learned that he had not been renominated his attorney sent a letter to the Judge Executive and Fiscal Court requesting a hearing on the matter. Shortly thereafter, the Harlan County Attorney sent Christian's attorney a letter denying his request. The letter stated that since Christian's employment automatically terminated at the end of the previous administration, the Judge Executive and Fiscal Court had determined that he was not entitled to a hearing. Christian then filed the instant suit against Belcher and the five Fiscal Court magistrates ("magistrates"). In his complaint, Christian alleged that he was terminated from county employment solely because he had supported Belcher's opponent in the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Id. at 375, 96 S.Ct. at 2690 (Stewart, J., concurring).2 In Branti v. Finkel, however, the Court abandoned the labels of "policymaker" and "confidential employee," instead stating that the relevant issue is "whether the hiring authority can demonstrate that party affiliation is an appropriate requirement for the effective performance of the office involved." 445 U.S. at 518, 100 S.Ct. at 1295. Moreover, unless political loyalty is "essential to the discharge of the employee's governmental responsibilities," then under the Branti analysis, the patronage dismissal of that employee does not comport with constitutional standards. Id. (emphasis added). Accordingly, once the employee shows that he was terminated from government employment solely because of his political expression or association,plaintiff simply was not hired for political reasons. We held in Messer that an applicant for seasonal government employment did not state a claim for violation of his first amendment rights by alleging that preference was given to other applicants because of their political activities. 24 Although in the instant case, Christian's employment terminated automatically under state law, such an automatic termination from otherwise continuous government employment is properly viewed as a constructive discharge in this legal context. See Branti, 445 U.S. at 512 n. 6, 100 S.Ct. at 1291 n. 6; Messer v. Curci, 881 F.2d at 221. Therefore, since the case at hand is properly regarded as a "termination" case rather than a "hiring" case, Belcher was constitutionally prohibited from dismissing Christian
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
the El. Life slowly returned and the people started to venerate the El Lady. El Masters The civilizations finally started to preserve the power of El that the El Lady restored. Masters were chosen to govern the El and in turn they would find a new El Lady to watch over it. The first master, Master of Fire is ‘Rosso.’ The power of fire is the power of passion, and there is joy to prevent the strength of the fire from overflowing. The second master, Master of Earth is ‘Gaia.’He possesses the warmth and richness of the land and protects the continent of Elrios. The third master, Master of Water is ‘Denif.’A combination of coolness and intelligence controls the sea so that it does not overflow onto the land. The fourth master, Master ofif State Farm was to pay the claim to plaintiffs. Edward informed Dukes that they were going to sue Audi exclusively and that they did not want State Farm involved at this point. On August 31, 1992, plaintiffs' counsel, Norman Lehrer, sent a letter to each defendant demanding that the purchase price and all amounts paid on the contract for the car be returned to plaintiffs. In addition, he demanded that defendants compensate plaintiffs for their damages. On September 11, 1992, Audi's general counsel, Joseph Folz, responded to Lehrer, advising that Robert Cameron, the product liaison for Audi, would be contacting Lehrer. Cameron called Lehrer three times between September 11 and October 7, 1992, but Lehrer was never available to take the calls and did not return them. On October
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alternative, that the trial court set the matter for an immediate settlement conference and require that plaintiffs attend. Lehrer appeared at the conference without plaintiffs and no agreement was reached. The trial court initially denied defendants' motion for summary judgment because defendants needed to supplement the motion with an affidavit from Kessler, State Farm's agent, to show that Audi attempted to correct the problem. While defendants attempted to obtain the affidavit, plaintiffs filed a second amended complaint containing the same four counts as the original plus another count for strict liability against Audi and the dealership. The trial court dismissed the strict liability count on defendants' motion and plaintiffs have not appealed from that count. Additionally, VCI filed a third-party complaint against State Farm. The suit against State Farmnot state the facts fairly and accurately. Based on our review of the record, however, we find defendants' facts to be accurately and fairly portrayed. Accordingly, we deny plaintiffs' motion to strike. On appeal, plaintiffs submit several arguments in an attempt to refute that their damages are not limited to the remedy of repair or replacement. Plaintiffs first argue that they did not expressly agree to the exclusive remedy of repair or replacement and, because they did not expressly agree to limit their damages, they are not confined to that remedy but may seek alternative remedies as provided by the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) (810 ILCS 5/1-101 et seq. (West 1992)) and Magnuson-Moss. Plaintiffs alternatively argue that, even if they agreed to the exclusive remedy of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
was properly granted to defendants on count III. Plaintiffs next concede that, if we conclude that the trial court correctly granted summary judgment as to the first three counts, summary judgment was properly granted as to count V (count IV in the previous complaint). Because we conclude that the trial court properly granted summary judgment on counts I through III, we hold that the trial court correctly granted summary judgment to defendant on count V. We have reviewed plaintiffs' remaining contentions and find them to be without merit. Accordingly, the trial court properly granted summary judgment against plaintiffs. We next turn to the trial court's order granting defendants' motion for sanctions pursuant to Rule 137. Lehrer, Flaherty argues that the trial court abused its discretion in awarding attorney fees toimaging technique using a triple-head SPECT system and the high-speed-detector rotation-multiplied projection (HSRMP) technique, where a single SPECT image was reconstructed from multiple respiratory dimensional breathhold projection data obtained at the same angle. HSRMP provided noiseless high-quality perfusion SPECT images by compensating for decreased radioactivity counts caused by high-speed imaging, and significantly improved image quality and perfusion defect clarity compared with traditional non-breathhold SPECT images.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
risk of HPV infection seems to be related with age at first intercourse, younger age and number of sexual partners. We did not find relation with the use of oral contraceptives smoking and history of prior sexually transmitted disease.that mass killings, like the one in Charleston, are, in no small measure, political. This is the crucial point. These murders were not random or merely tragic; they were pointedly racist; they were political. Obama made it clear that the cynical actions of so many politicians—their refusal to cross the N.R.A. and enact strict gun laws, their unwillingness to combat racism in any way that puts votes at risk—have bloody consequences. “We don't have all the facts,” he said, “but we do know that, once again, innocent people were killed in part because someone who wanted to inflict harm had no trouble getting their hands on a gun. … At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Pile-CC" ] }
public String getLabelKey() { return getId()+".label"; } /** * Implements {@link ActionDescriptor#isParameterized()} by returning <code>false</code>, which suits most actions. * This method can be overridden to change this behavior. * * @return <code>false</code> */ public boolean isParameterized() { return false; } ///////////////////////// //// Private methods //// ///////////////////////// /** * Queries {@link Translator} for a label corresponding to the action using the standard naming convention. * Returns the label orthe icon image for the specified {@link MuAction} id. * The returned path is relative to the application's JAR file. * * @param actionId a String identification of MuAction * @return the standard path to the icon image corresponding to the specified MuAction */ private static String getStandardIconPath(String actionId) { return IconManager.IconSet.ACTION.getFolder() + actionId + ".png"; } /** * Queries {@link Translator} for a tooltip corresponding to the specified action using standard naming conventions. * Returns the tooltip or
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way of updating the software. Topics under discussion include administrative issues, such as requiring updates to first pass through an 'updates-testing' repository before they can be distributed to all users of the relevant Fedora version in the form of regular updates. There is also the issue of where new versions of applications should be accepted as updates for finished versions of Fedora and where they should wait for a forthcoming version. (thl) (crve)The tricks plants use to reach appropriate light. The perception of ambient light signals that produce a relevant response to ensure exposure to appropriate levels of light energy is vital for plants. In response to this, intricate molecular mechanisms to mediate light signaling have evolved in plants. Among the responses induced by light, seedling extension is a determining event for plant survival in darkness, especially in the initial stage of plant growth. Here we review previous studies and recent progress towards an understanding of light signaling that regulates seedling elongation. We focus on the three regions of the sunlight spectrum that primarily control seedling elongation, namely red/far-red light, blue/UV-A light and UV-B light, and summarize the four signaling pathways that correspond to the three effective spectra.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
to disable the Xposed module but not remove it. Head over to data directory of Xposed Installer /data/data/, go inside conf, and remove the entry for your module from modules.list. It is up to you how you remove the line. You can pull the file into PC, make changes and push it back. I'd go for command-line though adb shell sed -i '/.*PACKAGE.*/d' /data/data/ sed is a stream editor and it is removing any line which contains module's package name from modules.list. When uncertain about the exact module causing the boot issue Go to to data directory of Xposed Installer /data/data/, go inside conf, and remove or rename or revoke read permission from modules.list. Alternatively, create a blank file named disabled (not disable) inside conf directory. This would cause Xposed Framework to not activateQ: Windows 7 - HP Z840 with 256 GB RAM I'm planning to buy a HP Z840 Workstation with 256 GB RAM (8 x 32 GB). I know that the memory limit of Windows 7 is 192 GB, see Is it possible to install and run Windows 7 on a PC with more than 192 GB of RAM? Even if I could just use 192 GB of my 256 GB. I'm aware that Windows 10 supports up to 2 TB of RAM. There are other stupid reasons why this machine has to run under Windows 7. A: In the mean time I've received my Z840 with 256 GB of RAM and so I was able to test it. Yes it's possible to install and run Windows 7 on a PC with more than 192 GB
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
stands out as an extreme and unprecedented case for the past 1,200 years." [The 5 Worst Droughts in US History] A California blue oak tree. (Image credit: Daniel Griffin) The new study was driven by curiosity, the researchers said. With the long view of a paleoclimatologist, co-author Kevin Anchukaitis said he was skeptical that the recent drought could be worse than some of California's driest years. For instance, in 1580, one of the thirstiest years in the tree-ring record, rivers flowed at just a quarter of their usual volume, and giant sequoias grew no new wood. "Anytime you think it's bad, we say, 'You should have seen this [year],'" said Anchukaitis, a scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. To look back at water conditions 800 years ago, Griffinand I chose Rocket Man. They gave me complete creative control and although it was a bit daunting to be let loose on one of my favourite tracks ever, it was really exciting. I wanted to make it different from the original and thought it could be fun to turn it into a reggae version. It meant a great deal to me that they chose it to be the first single release from the album. That meant I also had the chance to direct the video which I loved doing - making it a performance video, shot on black and white film, featuring all the musicians and... the Moon! Alan Murphy played guitars on the track. He was a truly special musician and a very dear friend. Tragically, he died
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
exchange means such as the Internet telephone or the like available between two persons, one as a navigator and the other as a player, and in this system voices are subjected to acoustic effects to introduce reality into the game. However, the technology disclosed in the publication is limited to person to person telephone communications, and the technology can not enable communications among multiple persons as that required in the match-up game. In addition, the acoustic effects are only application of acoustic pressure and tone control to voices of a telephone message, and therefore the technology is not sufficient for substantially improving realistic sensations or reality of a game.into this category, as would the agricultural research that led to the Green Revolution of the mid-nineteenth century. This kind of research can be extremely important and often brings great benefits to mankind. Consequently, it is usually well-supported and easily justified to press and public. Carried to extremes, it produces work that has as its objective the completion of some clever stunt. Occasionally it results in technology that is useful to many other scientists, but more often it yields difficult, expensive, cumbersome technology that is useful only to its inventors. I've read many papers in this vein, and in the end they only leave me with an impression of the cleverness of their authors, which, I suppose, is precisely the impression they were meant to leave. Rarely have
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Pile-CC" ] }
electrodes and turned on the current. What he saw surprised him. Cell division was inhibited, but in addition the bacteria, which are normally shaped like small rods, grew into long filaments, up to 300 times their normal length. Now our story actually has several morals, but a very important one is that in science there is no such thing as useless information. Barney Rosenberg happened to know that E. colicells became filamentous under certain other conditions, including exposure to certain anti-tumor drugs. It didn't take long for him to establish that it wasn't the electric field itself that was producing the filamentous behavior. A chemical substance in the solution was responsible, but the effect required that group VIIIb metal electrodes be used to generate the electric field - noEl Conclusion: San Antonio Spurs 100, Utah Jazz 94 Yet another amazing performance from the Spurs’ ageless cornerstone. It’s his third consecutive double-double, and he’s only gotten better as the season wears on. The early struggles seem far behind him at this point. Ayres has had his moments recently in Tiago Splitter’s absence, when he’s done well on the boards and in pick-roll-situations, but this wasn’t good. Utah does have a strong front line, but he was overmatched in the win on Saturday night. This has started to become the norm for Leonard — it’s all about efficiency. And Gordon Hayward, who went for 30 points, 13 rebounds and 5 assists in Denver on Friday, but Leonard managed to hold him to 18 points on 16 shots in 40 minutes in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
again. He was great on both sides of the ball, and his propensity for snagging steals in the backcourt has become unreal (and borderline hilarious). When he’s hitting his shots, wreaking havoc on defense and igniting transition opportunities, he’s been a very valuable backup to Parker. Mills is having an unexpectedly great season. It’s getting to the point where it’s surprising when Belinelli misses, and he played well once again. It’s becoming the norm. Gregg Popovich Pop has been pulling the right strings lately, especially during this brutal four-games-in-five-nights stretch. The recap generator has a permanent ‘A+’ designation next to his name, and there isn’t much reason to think about changing that. Five Things We Saw One night after giving up 110 points in regulation to the Timberwolves, the Spurs did well allowingor standard Emacs bindings: - :key:`C-n` to go to the next line. - :key:`C-p` to go to the previous line. - :key:`C-f` to go to the next character. - :key:`C-b` to go to the previous character. - :key:`M-f` to go to the next word. - :key:`M-b` to go to the previous word. - :key:`C-e` to go to the end of the line. - :key:`C-a` to go to the beginning of the line. You can select some text and copy it using: - :key:`C-Space` to toggle the mark - :key:`M-w` to copy the current selection to the clipboard. .. current-keymap:: webbuffer .. note:: Incremental search can be used when in caret browsing, to allow easier navigation. It is also great to start caret browsing after an incremental search, as the caret will be at the beginning of the
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every citizen carry a grenade launcher to defend himself, family, property, dog and pretty much anyone who happens to be within range of his choice of ammunition. And you probably think the ‘right to bear arms’ was intended as an individual right and has always been interpreted as such. The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime. The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state. The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee everythat the drugstore chain has been testing the tactic of playing songs by the 75yearold crooner outside their stores over and over. Hp photosmart 7510 virtual paper jam - Rite aid copy paper Rite Aid is a great place to grab all of your personal care, household and baby care needs using their Plenti Points rewards system.But the plan has also left neighbors mystified.We are in the early stages of exploring this approach and have not made any decision about the potential rollout of this to additional stores, she said.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
road series against South Carolina April 5-7. The Crimson Tide returns home to take on Georgia State in a midweek matchup on April 13 before a weekend series in Tuscaloosa against Georgia begins Saturday, April 13. Alabama then heads to Gainesville, Fla. to take on the Florida Gators April 19-21. Taking a break from conference play, Alabama plays a neutral-site contest in Cullman, Ala. against Belmont April 24 at 6 p.m. CT. The Tide's final home series of the regular season will be against Kentucky April 26-28 before concluding its regular-season schedule in Baton Rouge, La., against LSU May 3-5. Teams will begin postseason play in College Station, Texas at the 2019 SEC Tournament, with opening-round games starting May 8 and culminating in the SEC Tournament Championship May 11. Every gameconnected to the pixel electrode 14 via a contact hole 31. A gate pad 21 is formed at one end of the gate line 22, and a data pad 23 is formed at one end of the data line 24. The gate and data pads 21 and 23 are electrically connected with external drive circuitry (not shown) that operates the TFT xe2x80x9cSxe2x80x9d and thus the pixel electrode 14. The gate line 22 and the pixel electrode 14 form a storage capacitor xe2x80x9cCstxe2x80x9d which stores electric charges. When the gate line 22 receives gate signals, the TFT xe2x80x9cSxe2x80x9d turns ON. The information on the data line 24 is then applied to the pixel electrode 14. The applied electric field from the pixel electrode 14 then changes the arrangement direction of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
can be classified as either a back channel etched type (EB) and an etch stopper type (ES), depending on the fabrication method that is used. The fabrication method of the back channel etched type TFT will now be explained. A first metal layer is deposited on a substrate 1 by a sputtering process. The substrate previously underwent a cleaning process to enhance adhesion between the substrate 1 and the first metal layer. That cleaning process removes organic materials and alien substances from the substrate. FIG. 3A shows a step of forming a gate electrode 26 by patterning the first metal layer. The gate electrode 26 is usually Aluminum, which reduces the RC delay owing to a low resistance. However, pure Aluminum may result in line defects caused by formation ofa negative photoresist on the protection layer, patterning the photoresist using a back exposure, and using a photolithography process to expose the second side of the drain electrode. A pixel electrode is then formed in electrical contact with the second side of the drain electrode.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
--- abstract: | For an arbitrary BL-algebra $L$, we construct an associated lattice Abelian group $G_L$ that coincides with Chang’s $\ell$-group when the BL-algebra is an MV-algebra. We prove that the Chang’s group of the MV-center of any BL-algebra $L$ is a direct summand in $G_L$. We also compute examples of this group.\ Key words: BL-algebra, MV-algebra, ideal, MV-center, prime ideal, BL-chain, good sequence, $\ell$-group. address: - 'Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Dschang, Cameroon ' - 'Department of Mathematics, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403' author: - Clestin Lele and Jean B Nganou title: 'On the Chang’s group of BL-algebras' --- \[section\] \[thm\][Lemma]{} \[thm\][Proposition]{} \[thm\][Corollary]{} \[thm\][Example]{} \[thm\][Remark]{} \[thm\][Problem]{} \[thm\][Definition]{} amssym.def \#1 ł [^1] [^2] Introduction ============ On one hand, an MV-algebra is an Abelian monoid $(M,\oplus , 0)$ with an involution $^\ast:M\to M$ (i.results most of the time with identical techniques as in [@CM]. But, there are also several instances where the techniques used for MV-algebras no longer work, and we have found completely different techniques. Preliminaries ============= A *hoop* is an algebra $\textbf{A}=(A,\otimes, \to, 1)$ such that $(A,\otimes,1)$ is a commutative monoid and for all $x,y,z\in A$:\ $$\begin{aligned} x\to x&=1\\ x\otimes(x\to y)&=y\otimes(y\to x)\\ x\to(y\to z)&=(x\otimes y)\to z \end{aligned}$$ It is known [@am Prop. 2.1] that any hoop $(A,\otimes, \to, 1)$ is a (natural) ordered residuated commutative monoid, where the order is defined by $x\leq y$ iff $x\to y=1$ and the residuation is: $$x\otimes y\leq z \; \text{iff}\; x\leq y\to z$$ In addition, a hoop is a lower semilattice order, where $x\wedge y=x\otimes(x\to y)$.\ If the order of the hoop $A$ is linear, $A$ is called totally ordered hoop. A
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
ordered abelian groups. \[lat-group\][@D Prop. 3.3] Let $(G,+,\leq, -, 0)$ be a partially ordered abelian group. Then $G$ is an $\ell$-group if and only for every $a\in G$, $a\vee 0$ exists in $G$. In fact suppose $(G,+,\leq, -, 0)$ is partially ordered abelian group such that for every $a\in G$, $a\vee 0$ exists. Then for every $a, b\in G$, it is easy to see that $a\vee b$ exists and $a\vee b=((a-b)\vee 0)+b$. In addition $a\wedge b$ exists and $a\wedge b=-(-a\vee -b)$. For details on lattice ordered groups, [@D] offers a complete treatment on the topic. Addition and BL-chains ====================== We start by the following result provides a complete description of the addition in ordinal sums of tower of totally order Wasjberg hoops. \[ad-ord\] Let $\tau=(C_i:i\in I)$ be a tower of totally order Wasjberg hoops. Thenthe following lemma. \[hom\] Let $\mathbf{G}=\langle G,u\rangle $ and $A=\Gamma \mathbf{G}$ be an MV-algebra. Let $L$ be a BL-algebra whose MV-center is the two element Boolean algebra.\ 1. Let $f:A\to L$ be a morphism in $\mathcal{BL}$. Then for every $a\in A$, if $2a\leq u$, then $f(a)=0$ and if $u\leq 2a$, then $f(a)=1$.\ 2. There is a unique morphism $g:L\to A$. 1\. Since $A$ is an MV-algebra, so is $f(A)$. Thus $f(A)=\{0,1\}$. It follows that, for every $a\in A$, $f(a)\ne f(u-a)$ as $f(u-a)=\overline{f(a)}$. Now, if $2a\leq u$, then $a\leq u-a$, so $f(a)<f(u-a)$, from which we obtain $f(a)=0$. The case $1\leq 2a$ is argued similarly.\ 2. More generally, for any MV-algebra $A$ and any BL-algebra $L$, $Hom(L,A)\simeq Hom(MV(L),A)$. In fact every morphism $g:MV(L)\to A$ extends uniquely to a morphism $h:L\to A$, where $h(x)=g(\overline{\overline{x}})$. Let $L=[0,1]$ with
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
which typically requires far less data to be exchanged via the internet than does data packages of information. Telephone operating companies or teleconference facilitator companies typically implement a teleconference arrangement by a conference bridge. This conference bridge includes a bank of varied codecs, converters, mixers and vocoders. Each particular user has a codec in his teleconference terminal and must be connected with a similar codec at the conference bridge arrangement in the teleconference facilitator's equipment. The conference users may have different and varied codecs, therefore the conference bridge must be capable of serving many different kinds of codec interfaces. In typical conference calling arrangements, “long winded” speakers may monopolize the conference call. In other situations one of the conference callers may be speaking from a noisy environment. In such situations(assuming you'll do the web design) You haven't really provided much of a case for Linux, based on what I hear. It won't necessarily keep costs down... Maybe a Microsoft Small Business Server is worth a look. A: If you only need file sharing and/or backups, I consider a better deal to use a NAS solution (look up drobo). This is much simpler than a full server A: You need to step back and sort out exactly what functions you need before you worry too much about how to back "stuff" up. I'm only familiar with grocery and coffee shop POS systems, but I'm sure there are many suppliers you can choose from for your needs. I wouldn't plan on buying your own generic PC for it until you talk to some suppliers,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "StackExchange" ] }
they'll tell you what to get and/or sell it to you. If you're checking local suppliers, don't forget to call cash register dealers. Hosted email would be the way to go at the scale you're talking about, Google Apps would be an easy starting point. Since your users are used to Windows apps, you could start by just using a desktop and sharing a couple folders on it. I don't think a NAS box would be any easier for them to use. Backups can be syncing the data to at least a couple external drives. // // Description : Array and textureless GLSL 2D/3D/4D simplex // noise functions. // Author : Ian McEwan, Ashima Arts. // Maintainer : ijm // Lastmod : 20110822 (ijm) // License : Copyright (C) 2011 Ashima Arts. All rights reserved. // Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file. // // vec4 mod289(vec4 x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0)) * 289.0; } float mod289(float x) { return x - floor(x * (1.0 / 289.0))
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Github" ] }
0.276393202250021, // 2 * G4 0.414589803375032, // 3 * G4 -0.447213595499958); // -1 + 4 * G4 // First corner vec4 i = floor(v + dot(v, vec4(F4)) ); vec4 x0 = v - i + dot(i, C.xxxx); // Other corners // Rank sorting originally contributed by Bill Licea-Kane, AMD (formerly ATI) vec4 i0; vec3 + i.z + vec4(i1.z, i2.z, i3.z, 1.0 )) + i.y + vec4(i1.y, i2.y, i3.y, 1.0 )) + i.x + vec4(i1.x, i2.x, i3.x, 1.0 )); // Gradients: 7x7x6 points over a cube, mapped onto a 4-cross polytope // 7*7*6 = 294, which is close to the ring size 17*17 = 289. vec4 ip = vec4(1.0/294.0, 1.0/49.0, 1.0/7.0, 0.0) ; vec4 p0 = grad4(j0, ip); vec4 p1 = grad4(j1.x, ip); vec4 p2 = grad4(j1.y, ip); vec4 p3 = grad4(j1.z, ip); vec4 p4 = grad4(j1.w, ip); // Normalise gradients vec4 norm = taylorInvSqrt(vec4(dot(p0,p0), dot(p1,p1), dot(p2, p2), dot(p3,p3))); p0
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
tire, there is a problem in that a size cannot be developed in the simple proportional times of each dimension. For example, a great deal of labor is also required for the development of a size in a golf club, golf gloves, shoes, a wear, a cap and the like. It is an object of the present invention to provide a system capable of easily developing a size./* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Criteria; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.WorkSource; import; import; import; import; /** * A passive location provider reports locations received from other providers *
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Github" ] }
Then the parametric curves of the two ROIs were compared. Results {#Sec7} ======= Patient characteristics {#Sec8} ----------------------- There were 14 male patients and 7 female patients (mean age 58.3 ± 12.2 years; age range 33--83 years). ICC was discovered incidentally during physical examination in 12 patients. With respect to manifestations, 6 patients complained of abdominal discomfort; other symptoms included back pain, nausea and weakness. Positivity for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was detected in 5 patients. 4 patients had elevated carbohydrate antigen (CA) 19-9 levels (41--17871 U/ml; 0--37 U/ml). Elevated alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (112.6 ng/ml; 0--20 ng/ml) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (18.3 ng/ml; 0--5 ng/ml) levels were detected in only one patient respectively. Overall, 27.8% (5/18) of the patients experienced recurrence after surgical resection, and 33.3% (7/21) of the patients had died. Imaging findings {#Sec9} ---------------- Only one patient had two ICC lesions;risk factors for ICC^[@CR20]^. Other suspected risk factors include biliary malformations such as primary sclerosing cholangitis, cholelithiasis, choledocholithiasis, hepatolithiasis, inflammatory bowel disease, choledochal cysts, smoking, and genetic polymorphisms^[@CR4],[@CR7],[@CR16]^. ICC is typically asymptomatic and discovered incidentally via imaging examinations^[@CR6],[@CR7]^. ICC patients may also complain of abdominal pain or nonspecific symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and weight loss^[@CR6],[@CR7]^. Several tumor markers may be elevated, but such markers do not exhibit high sensitivity or specificity for ICC^[@CR1],[@CR6]^. Elevated AFP levels are observed in only a small percentage of ICC patients^[@CR21]^. The sensitivities of CA19-9 and CEA for ICC are 50--63% and 15--68%, respectively^[@CR6]^. However, enhanced sensitivity and specificity can be achieved by utilizing a combination of both markers^[@CR5]^. Although various treatment options exist for ICC, complete surgical resection is traditionally the ideal
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
cases ([Figure 2A](#f2-1031182){ref-type="fig"}) which was also shown when applying hierarchical clustering to FL subtypes based upon the 12 most differentially expressed genes ([Figure 2B](#f2-1031182){ref-type="fig"}). ![The gene expression profiles of FL3B and FL3A seem to be closely related. A supervised ANOVA analysis identified 13 probe IDs (=12 unique genes) that were most variable between FL1/2, FL3A and FL3B. The majority of FL3B samples more closely resembled the expression pattern of FL3A (A), which was also evident when performing hierarchical clustering based upon the expression of the 13 probe IDs. The legend indicates how many samples belong to an individual entity \[eg. FL1(12) represents 12 FL1 samples\] (B). Application of a linear classifier that separates FL1/2 from FL3A and subsequently predicts class membership of six FL3B cases revealed that the majorityclassified as FL1/2 (\>50%) is indicated in [Figure 2C](#f2-1031182){ref-type="fig"}. While 17 of 22 FL1/2 (77%) were clearly classified as such, the GEP of 5 FL1/2 (23%, MPI-629, MPI-772, MPI-776, MPI-777 and MPI-889) was intermediate between FL1/2 and FL3A. With regard to FISH and/or immunohistochemical parameters, there was no difference in the FL1/2 classified as such and the 5 spiking FL1/2, most notably also not in respect of the proliferation index as measured by Ki67 (*data not shown*). Moreover, 13 of 16 FL3A (81%) were explicitly classified as such, while GEP of 2 FL3A (13%, MPI-632 and MPI-643) tended towards the profile of FL1/2. One FL3A (6%, MPI-867) was distinctly classified as FL1/2. All 3 'misclassified' FL3A harbored only low numbers of Ki67-positive cells (mean: 18%, range 5-30%) as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
while FL3B formed a separate group distinguishable from FL1/2/3A based on the differential expression of 30 genes. In contrast to these findings, we failed to observe a significant difference in the gene expression patterns of FL1/2 and FL3A on the one hand and of FL3B on the other hand. In contrast, from our data set, a significantly differential gene expression emerged between FL1/2 and FL3A, while FL3B profiles more closely resembled those of FL3A. Despite these different findings concerning the relationship of FL1/2, FL3A and FL3B, we and Piccaluga *et al*. identified similar pathways affected in FL1/2 and FL3, mainly targeting cellular metabolism, cell cycle, and cell growth. Applying previously published proliferation signatures^[@b14-1031182],[@b15-1031182]^ to our FL samples, however, revealed a highly heterogeneous spectrum of proliferation indices in FL1/2washing facilities - A full complement of professional technical and front of house staff who will ensure the highest - Standard of service for your event; and - A complete box office and ticketing service The less formal Studio space is also available for hire. It's frequently utilised for smaller scale events - rehearsals, meetings, tailored private functions, and launches. The theatre's foyer is a pre-show and event hub with its unique charm, relaxed atmosphere and a bar that boasts a fine selection of local premium wines, beers and beverages. A range of professional catering options is also available upon request. Managed by HotHouse Theatre on behalf of City of Wodonga. Situated on the Lincoln Causeway, Gateway Village overlooks the Murray River and is part of Gateway Island, a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
was erected in 1858 and stood on the former site of Hume's Tree; it was moved to the Botanic Gardens when they were established. Children will love the running over the wooden bridge, dipping their toes into the small running stream, zigzagging through the bamboo garden and when completed, discovering the fairytale themed children's garden. While the gardens already attract around 250,000 people a year, there is room for many more. Enjoy a picnic on the lawn with the family or just take time out with your favourite book. Relax, unwind and enjoy the beauty and charm that the gardens offer. Hidden within the shade and beauty of the Albury Botanic Gardens, the Children's Garden provides a place where children can enjoy learning and exploring the gardens trails. Some ofday, viewers will be able to see the waters of the Lake Hume and the Hume Weir Spillway. The famous Hume and Hovell Walking Track takes in part of Eastern Hill. WAVES is Wodonga's aquatic facility located at White Box Rise Estate. It features a ten lane outdoor 50 metre heated pool, toddlers pool, splash pad area for children with interactive play facilities, barbecue facilities, and ample shade and parking. Be sure to visit and stand under the large tipping bucket or try the water cannons. The Lavington Library is located on the ground floor of Northpoint Tower on Griffith Road in Lavington and offers all your normal library services. Enjoy a welcoming and friendly environment for study or read a newspaper. Select from a large range of dvds, audio books, magazines or choose
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Atura Hotels breathe new life into the region's former Rydges Albury. Urban, industrial and art-inspired stying fused with dynamic open plan spaces offer guests an escape from the predictable. High energy spaces, genuine hospitality and thoughtful details at great prices form the mainstay of the Atura Hotels offering - something they know their guests have come to love. Free WiFi everywhere, coffee pod machines in every room, and amenities from New York's Malin + Goetz add to the 'Atura' experience. Located in the heart of the region's bustling Dean Street, when you stay at Atura Albury you'll have everything at your fingertips, from cinemas and clubs to theatres, shops, and gardens....samples were then analyzed by Western blotting to confirm the presence or absence of infection. After sPMCA, blood samples from Rocky Mountain Laboratory-infected mice showed amplification of PrP(Sc) to levels readily detectable by Western blotting. Control samples obtained from mice mock inoculated with sterile phosphate-buffered saline did not yield any amplification products. sPMCA performed on small volumes of whole blood gave amplification of PK-resistant material to a level detectable by standard methods. Discrimination between infected and control samples was achieved without the need for processing or fractionation of whole blood. The use of whole blood as an analyte circumvents the need to identify the optimal blood compartment for analysis and guarantees the totality of misfolded PrP will be available for detection.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
George Tibbles) - 3:46 Personnel Woody Shaw - trumpet Kenny Garrett - alto saxophone Kenny Barron - piano Peter Leitch - guitar Neil Swainson - bass Victor Jones - drums References Category:Woody Shaw albums Category:1987 albums Category:Muse Records albums Category:Albums produced by Michael Cuscuna Category:Albums recorded at Van Gelder Studioassisted living someone is going to come through the door at 7:00 just to check on you. The laundry and cleaning person didn't come and introduce themselves like they said they would. We chose it for a couple reasons, one was the memory care facility, right onsite, so when the time comes, we can easily transition, and their memory care didn't feel like a nursing home. They seem to do activities and they seemed to eat the same food. The second reason was the reasonable price. Was this review helpful? 10 Emeritus at Heritage Place, Tracy Review We had an urgent situation where we had to move my Dad from one state to another and be placed in a memory care facility. We literally had 48 hours to make it happen. A
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
people.” In addition to the impact he’s having on the recipients of his gifts, DJ also has an impact on his two younger sisters, Grace and Brenna. The two have asked their parents about pursuing similar community service projects after watching their big brother in action. Seeing their son act as a role model for his sisters, as well as other young children in the community, makes Damon and Sara Villnave proud. “I think it’s fantastic,” Damon said. “I think he’s really stepped up as a young member of the community.” “I’m so proud of him,” Sara said. ‘When he started this at 7, for him to really think beyond himself is pretty amazing. I’m glad to say he’s mine.” Drop-off boxes for blankets are located in the main office at KWS Bearfew decades, and to call this "intellectual" in any shape or form is an insult to anyone vaguely familiar with the history of the 20th century. Trump is a white nationalist with real fascistic tendencies, and his existence is in itself a threat to global stability. As he ramps up nationalistic rhetoric, other countries will follow suit (see Russia, North Korea and Iran), and we will enter into a new phase of virulent nationalism that could quickly undo the progress we have made since 1945. This all seems to be lost on Gingrich, who sees Trump as some sort of maverick dynamo shaking up the political order for the benefit of the United States. As the majority of Americans and the rest of the planet watch in horror as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Q: Should I add "Possible duplicate" text to a question which is not closed as duplicate (yet)? Can I add "Possible duplicate" text to a question which is not closed as duplicate (yet), or should I wait until it's closed and then edit it? Also, what happens if I add links to possible duplicates and later the automatic possible duplicates bot finds this questions? Will it add the same links or will it spot that they're already included (even though I don't use the same formatting for the possible duplicates text (e.g --->)) and will leave the question? A: You should never add the "Possible duplicate" note into a question yourself. The note is placed there automatically by the system when the message is closed through regular means (users voting to close it). If youQ: how to popup a webform in c# windows application? Possible Duplicate: How to reference a website usercontrol in the c# windows application? I have a c# windows application in which i have 1 .aspx webform. I kept this form because the functionality was possible only on i want to popup that form on clicking a button in one of the forms. how to do it? A: Another Update - I just voted to close one of your other dupe questions which you posted after this one - and then I look through your question list and find this one from yesterday: How to reference a website usercontrol in the c# windows application? which is basically asking the same thing - only slightly differently; I'm just not sure whether to vote to
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close this one, that one, or delete my answer. Please help us by showing that you listen to us - do not spam us! Please either delete this question, that question - or accept that you're probably going to have to rewrite the user control Interesting - almost impossible too - however, how about using the IIS hostable web core as this guy shows in his blog. MSDN Blog about this MSDN Walkthrough Using this you can turn your forms app into a web server as well - in which you can run html, ASPX pages etc as if it was a 'proper' web server. However - I'm not sure how much data is shared between the app and the IIS host - it's something I've been thinking about trying outI am not ready to say his job is in jeopardy, but there is room for a young player to step up here. Wide Receiver (5) Kelvin Benjamin, Devin Funchess, Ted Ginn, Philly Brown, Stephen Hill Note: No change here either. I am sticking with this prediction for now. Stephen Hill has looked like a much improved player. Running Back (3) Jonathan Stewart, ,Fozzy Whitaker, Cameron Artis-Payne Note: This is a very tough call. At this point I think Fozzy Whitaker has a place on this roster. Brandon Wegher is left off this list and onto the practice squad solely based on number of reps in practices. This is one of the more intriguing positions to keep an eye on in Spartanburg. There is still room for plenty of movement. Full Back (1) Mike Tolbert Note: UDFA
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "OpenWebText2" ] }
"College")) ddf <- df %>% gather(variable, value, -gender) %>% group_by(value, variable, gender) %>% summarise(freq = n()) Code lvl <- unlist(lapply(df[, -2], function(.) levels(as.factor(.)))) ddf$value <- factor(ddf$value, lvl) ddf %>% ggplot(aes(x = value, y = freq, group = gender)) + geom_bar(aes(fill = gender), stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') + facet_wrap(~variable, scales='free_x') Explanation gather transforms the values in education, income and age into a character vector. ggplotcc_web_page_free(void *arg) /* {{{ */ { web_page_t *wp = (web_page_t *)arg; if (wp == NULL) return; if (wp->curl != NULL) curl_easy_cleanup(wp->curl); wp->curl = NULL; sfree(wp->plugin_name); sfree(wp->instance); sfree(wp->url); sfree(wp->user); sfree(wp->pass); sfree(wp->credentials); sfree(wp->cacert); sfree(wp->post_body); curl_slist_free_all(wp->headers); curl_stats_destroy(wp->stats); sfree(wp->buffer); cc_web_match_free(wp->matches); sfree(wp); } /* }}} void cc_web_page_free */ static int cc_config_append_string(const char *name, struct curl_slist **dest, /* {{{ */
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Github" ] }
supports ipv6, use it. If not, log a warning and * fall back to default - don't set status to non-zero. */ curl_version_info_data *curl_info = curl_version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW); if (curl_info->features & CURL_VERSION_IPV6) page->address_family = CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6; else WARNING("curl plugin: IPv6 not supported by this libCURL. " "Using fallback `any'."); } else { of the founders of healthcare firm "HBO & Company" (later acquired by McKesson Corporation[1]), and a small team of developers. Barrington's goal was to create a language that would be compact and expressive, and would maximize the use of the memory-mapped screen of the IBM PC by creating a screen designer. Version 1 produced pseudocode; the initial release included a screen designer, an interpreter, an editor, and a debugger. Initially it supported databases composed of DAT files and Clarion’s proprietary ISAM file format. Bruce Barrington formed Barrington Systems and released version 1.0. Clarion 1.0 required the use of a dongle, at a time when industry sentiment was turning against dongles, which was offset by the ability to create royalty-free applications. However the dongle was removed with the release of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
updating is done via a form called via buttons associated with the list. Designer created all the essential of the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) code, and developers could enhance functionality by inserting code at specified points in the generated code, or by hand-coding new procedures. Clarion Professional Developer also introduced Language Extension Modules (LEMs), that could extend the Clarion language using modules compiled in other languages that were built to the LEM format. Clarion Software and many third-party tool developers created LEMs for all purposes, including an extension for connecting to other databases such as dBase, Clipper and Paradox. CPD 2.x was a database solution with everything required for screens, reports, databases and help files. A version of Clarion 2.x for end-users, Clarion Personal Developer, was also released 3 desperate. On November 9, 2005, defendant asked Andesha if the police had found his van. Andesha noticed defendant had lost weight and grown a “black and white beard.” On the morning of November 10, 2005, the day scheduled for Rabia’s hearing for a restraining order against defendant, Mohammad and Rabia were outside in front of their home when defendant ran up to Mohammad, and the two men started fighting. Defendant shot Mohammad three times. He then walked quickly to the street corner and drove away in a “painted-over” black utility van. Mohammad died from gunshot wounds to his chest and left arm.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "FreeLaw" ] }
Neuropsychological effects of risperidone in children with pervasive developmental disorders: a blinded discontinuation study. Little is known about the neuropsychological effects of risperidone in children with pervasive developmental disorders. Twenty-four children (aged 5-17 years) with pervasive developmental disorders and co-morbid disruptive behavior who responded favorably to open-label treatment with risperidone as part of a previously described controlled discontinuation study completed two different computerized attention tasks at baseline, weeks 4, 8, and 24 of open-label treatment, and, at 8 weeks after random assignment to either placebo or risperidone. The primary efficacy measures were response latencies to visually presented stimuli requiring two different types of attention-controlled processing, i.e., focused and divided attention. About half of the clinical responders did not produce valid performance measures. These could be shown to be ofthat: (1) plaintiff would announce his resignation for "personal reasons" via a mutually agreed-upon public statement; (2) the District would not make any public statements that were inconsistent with or would contradict the public statement; (3) the fact and details of the Board's investigation "into certain allegations made by certain persons" would remain confidential, unless agreed in writing by the parties or subject to court order; and (4) neither party would make any "disparaging public comments or remarks." Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, the District also paid plaintiff approximately $159,000. A substantial portion of that amount represented "compensation" for potential claims raised by plaintiff for "age discrimination," "mental and emotional distress," and "defamation and damage to reputation." Several weeks after plaintiff's resignation, The Denver Post published an article
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "FreeLaw" ] }
records" included "all writings made, maintained, or kept by the state or any agency, institution, or political subdivision thereof for use in the exercise of functions required or authorized by law or administrative rule or involving the receipt or expenditure of public funds." Pursuant to § 24-72-202(5), C.R.S. (1996 Cum. Supp.), the term political subdivision includes "school districts." The purpose of open records statutes is to assure that the workings of government are *650 not unduly shielded from the public eye, and this purpose is of particular significance in situations in which the expenditure of public funds is involved. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 68 v. Denver Metropolitan Major League Baseball Stadium District, 880 P.2d 160 (Colo.App.1994). In addition to the public policy favoring disclosure expressed in the OpenThe Phoenix Art Museum is looking for a new CEO. Amada Cruz, executive director of the museum since 2014, announced on Monday that she will leave July 10 to take the top job at the Seattle Art Museum. The move takes her from a nonprofit with an $11 million annual budget to one of the largest museums on the West Coast with $38 million in annual expenses (as of 2017). In a letter sent to museum members and donors, she said she would be working with Jon Hulburd, chair of the board of trustees, on a transition plan and a national search for a replacement. In an official statement, Hulburd praised Cruz’s “extraordinary vision.” “Amada dedicated herself to elevating the museum, its collection and its scholarship on a national and international scale and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
you it’s funny like Catch-22 is funny, and you’re reading it in public, hoping you find someone else who knows about the book and can confirm that it, in fact, is good. Suddenly, a fast flash of light flows in the corner of your eye. Your instincts make you look up, but it’s too late. There’s nothing up there. Everything is still. You look around for a moment, and then you remember: it’s your watch. It’s always been your watch. The reflection shone across the room as you turned the page, and your eyes, your foolish eyes, mistook the dancing light for something it wasn’t. You smile, and you realize that your eyes aren’t perfect, that your perception certainly isn’t perfect. How many times have your eyes seenARCADIA, CA—Following numerous complaints from lawmakers and animal rights groups, Santa Anita Park horse track officials announced Tuesday that they will immediately stop allowing bets on all upcoming horse deaths. “We have listened closely to your concerns, and that is why, as of now, we will no longer let spectators gamble hundreds of thousands of dollars on whether a horse will fall and shatter its leg in any given race,” read a statement from park owner The Stronach Group, admitting that the sight of hundreds of spectators screaming for the horses’ blood had created an expectation of violence that the park did not condone. “While the opportunity to place wagers on outcomes such as how many bones a horse will break and the amount of time between an
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
Q: css background-color troubles I'm updating a header on a site, and the whole header should have a light gray background. To achieve that, I figured I could simply set the background-color of the overall header div to gray (E7E7E7), but somehow I'm getting a white space in the middle of it, and I can't seem to select/find the the overall div with Firebug. The overall div is the one with class="header", and the page is Would you please let me know what I need to do to get rid of this white space in the header (and what I'm doing wrong here). Note you need to make your browser window wide. I want the purple flash on the right to stay toward the right-hand side of theThe present invention relates generally to hazardous wastes, and, more specifically, to vitrification thereof for long term storage. The disclosure of U.S. Pat. No. 5,678,237, which provides a method of in-situ vitrification of waste materials in a disposable canister, is hereby incorporated herein by reference. The disposable canister is a module comprising an inner container, an outer container, and insulation therebetween. The outer container serves as the traditional disposal container typically made of steel, which is thermally insulated from an inner container, typically of made of graphite. The inner container serves as a crucible to melt a waste/frit mixture and contain a molten vitrified product. The inner container is typically made of graphite and is typically heated by induction. The invention, which is the subject of this application, is a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
--- abstract: 'Motivated by recent experiments we derive an exact expression for the correlation function entering the three-body recombination rate for a one-dimensional gas of interacting bosons. The answer, given in terms of two thermodynamic parameters of the Lieb-Liniger model, is valid for all values of the dimensionless coupling $\gamma$ and contains the previously known results for the Bogoliubov and Tonks-Girardeau regimes as limiting cases. We also investigate finite-size effects by calculating the correlation function for small systems of 3, 4, 5 and 6 particles.' author: - 'Vadim V. Cheianov' - 'H. Smith' - 'M. B. Zvonarev' --- Quantum fluctuations are well known to have a profound influence on the physics of one-dimensional (1D) systems. Due to quantum fluctuations, a 1D gas of weakly interacting bosons does not exhibit true long-range order and hence doesSince the particles interact via a delta-function potential, the derivatives of $\Psi$ jumps when two particles approach each other, while when all $x_j$ are different, $\Psi$ satisfies the free-particle Schrödinger equation. The explicit expression for $\Psi$ was obtained in Ref. [@Lieb] and given in Ref. [@KBI-93] in the following form $$\begin{gathered} \Psi(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_N)= C\sum_P(-1)^{[P]}\exp\left\{i\sum_{j=1}^N k_{P_j}x_j\right\}\\ \times\prod_{j>l}[k_{P_j}-k_{P_l}-ic\mathrm{sgn}(x_j-x_l)], \label{fB}\end{gathered}$$ where $P$ is a permutation of $N$ numbers and $[P]$ is the parity of the permutation. The possible values of the quasi-momenta $k_j$ are determined by the boundary conditions imposed on the system. For periodic boundary conditions (that is, for $N$ particles placed on a ring of circumference $L$) $k_j$ are solutions to the following system of coupled nonlinear equations, called the Bethe equations, $$\exp\left\{ik_jL\right\}=\prod_{l\ne j}^N \frac{k_j-k_l+ic}{k_j-k_l-ic}, \qquad j=1,\dots,N. \label{Bethe}$$ The calculation of the normalization constant $C$ in Eq. (\[fB\])
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
currents known from the conformal limit of the theory. The quantization of the classical current Eq. (\[j3t\]) is far from being straightforward. A naive quantum-mechanical version of the expression (\[j3t\]) contains terms involving derivatives of field operators $\hat{\Psi}$ and $\hat{\Psi}^{\dagger}$. Such terms are not well-defined in general. An explicit demonstration of this was considered in the paper [@Ol], where it was shown that the expectation value $\langle \hat\Psi^\dagger(0)\partial^3_x\hat\Psi(x)\rangle$ is discontinuous at $x=0$. The reason for this behavior can be seen from the structure of the Bethe-ansatz wave function , which has a cusp whenever the coordinates of any two particles coincide. This does not cause difficulties when one considers the momentum operator and the Hamiltonian itself, that is, when one works with the operators $\hat\Psi^\dagger(x)\partial_x\hat\Psi(x)$ and $\hat\Psi^\dagger(x)\partial^2_x\hat\Psi(x).$ However, for other operators weexample `$location`, `$browser`, `$compile`, `$rootScope`, `ngHref`, `ngClick`, `ngView`, etc... ### Subject The subject contains succinct description of the change: * use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes" * don't capitalize first letter * no dot (.) at the end ###Body Just as in the **subject**, use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes" The body should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior. ###Footer The footer should contain any information about **Breaking Changes** and is also the place to reference GitHub issues that this commit **Closes**. A detailed explanation can be found in this [document][commit-message-format].
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "Github" ] }
grep -f _signal.grep | sed 's/=\(.*\)/= syscall.Signal(\1)/' echo ')' # Run C program to print error and syscall strings. ( echo -E " #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0])) enum { A = 'A', Z = 'Z', a = 'a', z = 'z' }; // avoid need for single quotes below int errors[] = { " for i in $errors do echo -E ' '$i, done echo -E " }; int signals[] = { " for i in $signals do echo -E ' '$i, done # Use -E because on some systems bash builtin interprets \n itself. echo -E ' }; static int intcmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return *(int*)a - *(int*)b; } int main(void) { int i, e; char buf[1024], *p; printf("\n\n// Error table\n"); printf("var errors = [...]string {\n"); qsort(errors, nelem(errors), sizeof errors[0], intcmp); for(i=0; i<nelem(errors); i++) { e = errors[i]; if(i > 0 && errors[i-1] == e) continue; strcpy(buf, strerror(e)); // lowercase first letter: Bad -> bad, but STREAM -> STREAM. if(A <= buf[0] && buf[0]wide-open races of the year. This race in particular generated a lot of buzz due to all of the lead changes, aggressive moves out on the track, and a big wreck involving Martin Truex Jr., Kurt Busch, Kyle Busch, and Brad Keselowski. Drivers were racing for a $1 million prize, which was awarded to the winner, Kevin Harvick, after all the dust settled. This was Austin’s first year in the All-Star race, which is comprised of all 2017 and 2018 Cup Series race winners, former All-Star Race winners currently competing full time, and former Monster Energy Series champions currently competing full time. Ahead of the race, Austin talked about racing as part of that elite group: “Oh yeah, I’m looking forward to the All-Star race. I have never gotten to
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
the tubing annulus. A production tree lands on top of the wellhead housing. The production tree has a vertical bore that receives upward flow from the tubing hanger. The tree has valves and typically a choke for controlling flow from the well. The vertical auxiliary passages in the tubing hanger mate with auxiliary connectors protruding from the base of the tree. Auxiliary passages in the tree lead to a control unit that is mounted to the tree assembly. One disadvantage of the conventional type of subsea wellhead assembly is that the tubing hanger must have a fairly large diameter because of the number of vertical passages extending through it. A large diameter tubing hanger requires a large diameter drilling riser through which the tubing hanger must be run prior installingexperiences working with Peter Roth, Susan Rovner and Brett Paul,” DuVernay, also the Queen Sugar and Red Line EP, told Deadline today. “They love and support artists in wonderful and nourishing ways. They work within a traditional studio headed by Kevin Tsujihara that is stirring with untraditional energy and fresh protocols for intentional, inclusive image-making. Warner Bros is a terrific partner about matters of visibility and belonging for all kinds and cultures of people, which is our mission at Forward Movement. I couldn’t be happier to call Warner Bros TV my production home.” “Ava DuVernay is one of the leading lights in our industry, a brilliantly talented writer, producer, director and entrepreneur whose ability to inspire with her art is exceeded only by her ability to entertain,” said Roth,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "OpenWebText2" ] }
4 in increasing order. c, j, 4 Let h = -3.13 + 2.93. Sort -1, -2.4, 21, h in decreasing order. 21, h, -1, -2.4 Let y = -4.96 - 0.04. Let k(d) = 2*d**2 + 21*d - 62. Let i(p) = -2*p**2 - 22*p + 61. Let g(b) = 5*i(b) + 4*k(b). Let n be g(-15). Sort -4, n, y. y, -4, n Suppose 0 = 4*g + s - 11 - 4, -s = 5*g - 20. Suppose -5*l + 3*o = -5 + 89, 5*l + 5*o = -60. Let f = l - -25. Put g, f, -3 in descending order. f, g, -3 Suppose 4*n - 55 = -435. Let h = 67 + n. Let d be (0 - (-16)/(-14))/(36/h). Put -3, -1, d in decreasing order. d, -1, -3 Let y- 45. Let g(z) = 3*z - 1. Let f(t) = 5*g(t) + k(t). Let n be f(-6). Sort -4, -3, 13, n. -4, -3, n, 13 Suppose 5*w + 39 = -46. Let v = w + 12. Let a(r) = r**2 - 29*r - 128. Let x be a(33). Put v, x, -3 in decreasing order. x, -3, v Let c = -4 - -9. Suppose 5*t = 9*t + 20, 0 = -2*j - 4*t + 6. Suppose 11*d - j*d = -2*i + 2, 0 = 2*i + 4. Put d, 3, c, -2 in increasing order. d, -2, 3, c Let c be (27/18)/((-1*1)/(-2)). Let q = 9 - 1. Let s be (-4)/q + (-6)/(-4). Put c, -3, s in descending order. c, s, -3 Let l = -2.5 +
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "DM Mathematics" ] }
direct object always comes before the verb, not after it as in English: Ashkii at'ééd yiyiiMtsI. Boy girl saw 'The boy saw the girl.' *Ashkii yiyiiMts at'ééd _. _ Boy saw girl (Linguists put an asterisk in front of an example to show that the way of combining words is impossible in the language under discussion. I use this convention frequently.) Other phrases have a distinctive word order, too. Whereas in English one says 'change into your clothes,' the Navajo would say the equivalent of 'clothes into change.' Whereas in English one says 'John believes that he is lying,' in Navajo one would say the equivalent of 'John he lying-is believes.' In fact, there is a systematic pattern to these Navajo word orders, a topicthe contrary, the correct order could easily be learned by observing a single sentence. But Pinker and Bloom's suggestion has its own problems. First, in terms of my recipe analogy, it is odd to think that a parameter within a recipe could exist prior to the recipe itself. Perhaps my analogy makes this sound more paradoxical than it really is, but we must carefully articulate what we mean. Is a recipe that leaves open the direction of head and phrase really any easier to encode in a genome than one that specifies that order? It is not clear that it is. Specification of order might come automatically unless it is purposefully resisted, just as if I type two letters one will automatically come before the other, even when I
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Books3", "Books3" ] }
the ranking, then this means that the website is hit by that specific algorithm. In case of finding, whether your website is hit by Penguin, you can check your ranking after different date of releases, including 22nd April 2012, 22nd May 2013, 4th October 2013 and 17th October 2014. If you witness a huge fall in ranking, then this means that your website has been hit by Penguin. You can also take the help of penalty checker tool like This tool with the help of superb interface provides web traffic corresponding to different updates by Google in the form of graphical view. In this way, you can find whether your website rank experienced maximum drop during penguin update or not. If the answer is yes, then there is awas the RRMLS with 5 knots and with homogeneous residual variance. The posterior means of heritability varied from 0.21 to 0.48, 0.21 to 0.38, and 0.10 to 0.33 for AFC, LL, and MY-305, respectively. Estimates from genetic parameters obtained by using RRMLS with field data showed that this model is a useful tool for genetic evaluations of populations formed by a great number of breed groups. An interaction occurred between the BV of sires and their progeny breed group, and the genetic parameters for AFC, LL, and MY-305 traits from a multiple-breed population depend on breed composition of the progeny from which the evaluations are based.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
issued admitting the retention charged in the petition by the court alleging in effect that the petitioner was tried in general court martial of the United States Army at Governor's Island in New York, and sentenced to serve a life sentence for *285 murder and assault with intent to kill; that the date of said sentence was December 29, 1917; that, thereafter, and on August 25, 1939, petitioner was transferred by direction of the attorney general of the United States to the Medical Center for Federal Prisoners at Springfield, Missouri; that his term of imprisonment has not expired; that respondent has custody of petitioner under and by virtue of the sentence and committment referred to. This return contained a general denial of the allegations of petitioner's original applicationMilton Valenzuela Milton Valenzuela (born 13 August 1998) is an Argentine footballer who plays as a defender for Columbus Crew SC in MLS. Club career Newell's Old Boys Valenzuela is a youth exponent from Newell's Old Boys, having joined the club at the age of 14. He broke into the first team at the age of 17, making his league debut on 6 February 2016 against San Martín de San Juan in a 2-1 away defeat in Rosario. While never becoming a permanent feature with the first team after his break through, Valenzuela made 13 league appearances for the club, along with 3 cup appearances, over three seasons. Because of his youth and lack of playing time, on January 26, 2018, Valenzuela was sent on a year long loan to Columbus Crew
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
advance, svs A: Your problem is that your incDec function is not designed to take the class as an input parameter - it uses the object that calls the event (i.e. the click event on a button). It's a bit hacky, but how about something like below? You assign the click handler to each button then invoke the relevant button's click-event. $( function ( ) { $('button').click( incDec ); $('input').keydown( function(eventObject) { // UP arrow if(eventObject.which==38) { var btnClass = "increment"; } else // DOWN arrow the Lakers were interested in his ability off pick-and-roll sets and his shooting mechanics. "Basketball players who are pretty good at what they do learn how to play with each other," Fultz said. After lunch, Fultz planned to visit the Lakers' new training complex under construction just down the street from the current building. He hasn't decided whether to work out for even more teams in the final days before the draft, but he'll discuss it with his family. With the No. 2 pick for the third consecutive season, the Lakers know they'll be able to choose either Fultz or Lonzo Ball, the UCLA playmaker widely considered the second-biggest talent in the draft. Ball is eager to stay home with the Lakers, and he went through an extensive workout in El Segundo last
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Pile-CC" ] }
in 164 patients with PHPT using IOPTH. They found that IOPTH use is successful with regards to limited scarring; it does not increase the recurrence rate when normal parathyroid glands are left intact with no failure in detecting MGD. Of note there was no difference in cure rates in patients whom underwent UNE or BNE. All patients were followed up post operatively at 6 months and further follow up only if there were further concerns about biochemistry otherwise patients were discharge back to their Endocrinologists for follow up due to the distance they travelled. During follow up a number of patients lost to follow up. 18/56 patients were lost to follow up in the non-IOPTH monitoring group whilst 14/106 patients in the IOPTH group. A number of patients didinstead of certified mail, post-mail, phone or face to face conversation. It's due to the urgency and importance of the security information of our citizens. I am David Lance Bowdich the Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Field Intelligence Groups (FIGs). We intercepted two consignment boxes at JFK Airport, New York. The boxes were scanned and they contained large sums of money ($4.1 million), also some backup documents that bear your name as the Beneficiary / Receiver. An investigation was carried out on the diplomat that accompanied the boxes into the United States and he stated that he was to deliver the funds to your residence as an overdue payment owed to you by a foreign country. After cross-checking all legal documents in the boxes, we
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
Democrats’ fault.” Throw in a lot of jerking on your heartstrings with a bulldozer, and that’s Trump’s speech in a nutshell. At one point Trump fell back on the old “what about if it was your daughter” strawman. Problem is, for seventeen people in Parkland, Florida, it WAS their son, daughter or husband and Trump didn’t do a damn thing. Let’s dissect Trump’s thesis, shall we? POINT 1: The Border is completely undefended. REALITY: Of all the international borders in the world, the only ones that are more heavily defended than the one in question have land mines. In fact, there’s already a wall there everywhere a wall can be built. Certainly we can tear down the old wall and build a new one, but how that’s supposed to do anything besides funnel[ 1 ] TypeError : "'bytes' object doesn't support item deletion" ✅ bytearray – Mutable Arrays of Single Bytes The bytearray type is a mutable sequence of integers in the range 0 <= x <= 255. They’re closely related to bytes objects with the main difference being that bytearrays can be modified freely—you can overwrite elements, remove existing elements, or add new ones. The bytearray object will grow and shrink appropriately. Bytearrays can be converted back into immutable bytes objects but this incurs copying the stored data in full—an operation taking O(n) time. >>> arr = bytearray (( 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 )) >>> arr [ 1 ] 1 # The bytearray repr: >>> arr bytearray ( b ' \x00\x01\x02\x03 ' ) # Bytearrays are mutable:
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "OpenWebText2" ] }
a bill passed and signed into law quickly was important for the emergency border supplemental. “On that particular issue, obviously, part of why many of us felt it was essential that we actually pass legislation is we had to get immediate humanitarian aid to children and not delay,” said Gottheimer. Gottheimer said the fact that the bill was passed with a large majority showed it was smart to move the Senate version and get help to people at the facilities quickly. “To walk away without delivering humanitarian aid to children was just unconscionable. So that was what guided my decision. And I think now, on the bigger picture, we’ve got to get comprehensive reform done,” added Gottheimer. But progressives say Gottheimer and other Democrats who backed the bill were doing the biddingthat primer extension by LigD2 POL was unaffected by addition of an equal amount of LigD1 POL (not shown); thus the inactivity of the LigD1 POL protein was not caused by an inhibitor in the preparation. We surmise that the C-terminal truncation of AtuLigD1 compromises its POL function. Thus, AtuLigD2 and AtuLigD1 are not functionally equivalent. Figure 4.Recombinant LigD2 and LigD1 POL domains. (**A**) Aliquots (7 µg) of the Ni-agarose preparations of the POL domains of AtuLigD2 and AtuLigD1 were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The Coomassie blue-stained gel is shown in the *left* panel. Polymerase reaction mixtures (20 µl) containing 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 5 mM DTT, 5 mM MnCl~2~, 100 µM rNTPs or dNTPs as specified, 50 nM 5′ ^32^P-labeled 12-mer/24-mer DNA primer-template (depicted at bottom) and 1 µg of LigD2 or LigD1 POL as
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "PubMed Central" ] }
rNTPs or dNTPs is shown in [Figure 5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}B. The first cycle of ribonucleotide addition was rapid, with nearly all of the 12-mer primer elongated to 13-mer (with some 14-mer) at 10 s, the earliest timepoint in the experiment. We estimated from the 10 s datum an apparent rate constant of ≥0.21 s^−1^ for the first rNMP incorporation step. It was apparent that the second cycle of templated ribonucleotide addition was much slower, insofar as the 13-mer product formed within 10 s was gradually converted to 14-mer or longer product over the subsequent 5 min. By quantifying the flux through the 13-mer species (not shown), we estimated a rate constant of 0.016 s^−1^ for the second cycle of rNMP incorporation. The 13-fold rate decrement after the first cycle of ribonucleotide addition by AtuLigD2Phosphodiesterase activity, expressed as the fraction of radiolabeled material in the D10R1-p plus D10R1 products, is plotted as a function of time. The substrate symbols are as depicted below the autoradiograms. Ku stimulates repair of double-strand breaks by Atu ligases C2, C3, and D2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DNA-binding protein Ku is critical for NHEJ-mediated repair of linear plasmid DNA in mycobacteria ([@B17]). Mycobacterial Ku interacts physically and functionally with mycobacterial LigD ([@B17; @B18; @B19],[@B35]). In particular, Ku stimulates the joining of linear DNA fragments by mycobacterial LigD ([@B18]). In light of the genetic evidence that LigC functions in a Ku-dependent NHEJ pathway *in vivo* ([@B17]), it was of interest to query whether Ku might affect also the strand-sealing activity of LigC *in vitro*. The abundance of LigC and LigD enzymes in *Agrobacterium*
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
of Atu ligases to join linear pUC19 plasmid DNA that had been digested with BamHI. The reaction mixtures contained ∼120 fmol plasmid DNA, corresponding to 240 fmol double-strand breaks. Whereas addition of a molar excess of AtuLigC2 (1.9 pmol) or AtuLigC3 (3.1 pmol) over the available DNA ends resulted in little end joining, the inclusion of Ku clearly stimulated end joining, as evinced by the appearance of a ladder of linear concatemers, comprising dimer, trimer, tetramer and pentamer products ([Figure 9](#F9){ref-type="fig"}B). The Ku-mediated stimulation of break repair by LigC2 and LigC3 was proportional to the amount of Ku added in the range of 30, 60 and 120 ng, corresponding to 0.43, 0.86 and 1.7 pmol of Ku homodimer. Ku by itself (120 ng) had no strand-joining activity ([Figure 9](#F9){ref-type="fig"}B). The absence of monomer circles amongPOL. However, we do not exclude an alternative scenario in which AtuLigD1 interacts specifically with one of the AtuKu paralogs (e.g. AtuKu1, which is encoded in a putative operon adjacent to AtuLigD1). Ultimately, it will be of interest to test whether LigD and Ku proteins from different bacterial species can be exchanged *in vivo*. The polymerase activity of LigD is a major contributor to the mutagenic character of bacterial NHEJ at blunt and 5′-overhang DNA breaks *in vivo* ([@B17],[@B29]). Whereas the single LigD enzymes encoded by mycobacteria and *P. aeruginosa* have catalytically active POL domains, the situation is more complex in *Agrobacterium*. The domain order of AtuLigD1 and AtuLigD2 (PE-LIG-POL) mimics that of PaeLigD, yet only AtuLigD2 has an intrinsic polymerase activity. The C-terminal POL domain of AtuLigD2 comprises
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
LigD1 POL module. The salient feature of AtuLigD2 POL is its much higher rate of templated ribonucleotide addition at a DNA primer terminus compared to deoxyribonucleotide addition. This property is shared with PaeLigD POL ([@B30]) and is likely to be relevant to NHEJ *in vivo*. NHEJ provides the means to repair double-strand breaks in the absence of a sister chromatid homolog, i.e. in quiescent cells that have a single copy of the bacterial genome. In the absence of ongoing DNA replication, dNTP pools are likely to be limiting because ribonucleotide reductase is cell-cycle regulated ([@B40]); thus the shared capacity of LigD POL enzymes to efficiently scavenge and preferentially incorporate ribonucleotides could be advantageous for bacterial survival during quiescence, by providing a temporary 'ribo patch' at the 3′-OH side of """Construct a `SignatureDef` proto.""" signature_def_key = ( signature_def_key or signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY) metagraph_def = get_meta_graph_def(export_dir, tags) try: signature_def = signature_def_utils.get_signature_def_by_key( metagraph_def, signature_def_key) except ValueError as e: try: formatted_key = _DEFAULT_INPUT_ALTERNATIVE_FORMAT.format( signature_def_key) signature_def = signature_def_utils.get_signature_def_by_key( metagraph_def, formatted_key) logging.warning('Could not find signature def "%s". '
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tags=None, graph=None): """Initialize a `CoreEstimatorPredictor`. Args: export_dir: a path to a directory containing a `SavedModel`. signature_def_key: Optional string specifying the signature to use. If `None`, then `DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY` is used. Only one of `signature_def_key` and `signature_def` should be specified. signature_def: A `SignatureDef` proto specifying the inputs and outputs for prediction. Only one of `signature_def_key` and `signature_def` should be specified. input_names:welfare programs and energy costs, during the 40-minute speech. He also made a cryptic reference to his administration’s pitched battle with Portland over General Assistance spending, hinting that he had another plan for the state’s largest city, but he declined to describe it because reporters were present. The governor devoted most of his speech to promoting his tax plan, a sweeping overhaul embedded in his two-year budget proposal. LePage has admitted that his plan faces political headwinds. However, his vow to work against state lawmakers who vote against it was his most forceful move yet in support of the overhaul. “If it doesn’t pass this year and you invite me back next year, I’ll come back with a 20-(point) font … with the name of every legislator and senator who voted
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against the elimination of the income tax,” he said. “I will spend the rest of my days as governor criticizing and going after those people who don’t care about our elderly, our disabled, people with mental illness, babies being born addicted to drugs.” LEGISLATIVE LEADERS HAVE LITTLE REACTION The reaction from legislative leaders was muted, despite the governor’s threat of electoral consequences. House Speaker Mark Eves, D-North Berwick, said Democrats have concerns about the budget, but have been at the “table negotiating a better deal for middle-income Mainers and small businesses.” He added, “We have serious concerns about the increase in property taxes, the lack of workforce investment when our economy is struggling, and the fact that the governor’s budget is not paid for.” Republican leadership, including Senate President Mike Thibodeau of Winterport,be able to have our kids live here and survive here. They’re going to be forced into – like all the Chinese people are – into the urban areas,” LePage said. He paused before shifting to the topic of Portland, the city with which his administration has been engaged in a fierce debate over welfare spending and aid to immigrants. “Just think about this: Everybody in Maine living in Portland,” LePage said. “I see some funny looks!” He referenced Portland again, but stopped short. “The press is here so I won’t tell you what I tried to do,” he said. The policy center luncheon was the governor’s first of two stops in Bangor on Wednesday. He also held a town hall meeting on his budget at Husson University’s Gracie Theatre in the evening. Send
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measurement of their average lifetime of $\langle t_{\rm Q}\rangle = 1.17^{+1.77}_{-0.84}$ Myr. We discuss our short $\sim 1\,{\rm Myr}$ inferred lifetimes in the context of other quasar lifetime constraints and the growth of SMBHs. author: - | Ilya S. Khrykin,$^{1}$[^1] Joseph F. Hennawi,$^{2,3}$ Gábor Worseck$^{4}$\ $^{1}$Southern Federal University, Stachki Avenue 194, 344090, Rostov-on-Don, Russia\ $^{2}$Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA\ $^{3}$Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany\ $^{4}$Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24/25, D-14476 Potsdam, Germany bibliography: - 'References.bib' date: 'Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ' title: 'Evidence for Short $\sim 1\,{\rm Myr}$ Lifetimes from the Proximity Zones of $z \sim 4$ Quasars' --- =1 \[firstpage\] quasars: general — intergalactic medium — reionization Introduction {#sec:intro} ============ Quasarsan active quasar, known as the quasar duty cycle $t_{\rm dc}$. These studies often come to very different conclusions depending on the particular assumptions made in the modeling, but constraints are in the range $t_{\rm dc} \approx 1\,{\rm Myr}-1\,{\rm Gyr}$ [@Yu2004; @Adelberger2005; @Croom2005; @Shen2009; @White2012; @Conroy2013; @Cen2015; @LaPlante2016]. In particular, the very strong clustering of quasars measured at $z \sim 4$ implies $t_{\rm dc} \sim 1$ Gyr [@Shen2007; @White2008], much higher than estimates of this duty cycle at lower-$z$, and seems to require an extremely tight relationship between the black hole mass $M_{\rm BH}$ and the halo mass $M_{\rm halo}$ [@White2008]. It is important to note that while these demographic studies constrain the quasar duty cycle $t_{\rm dc}$, they are insensitive to the duration of individual accretion episodes $t_{\rm
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lived ($t_{\rm Q} \gtrsim 10$ Myr), whereas others are either younger ($t_{\rm Q} \lesssim 10$ Myr) or highly obscured. This degeneracy with quasar obscuration can be removed if one instead considers the line-of-sight (LOS) proximity effect, since the background quasar illuminates the IGM along our sightline towards Earth by construction. Indeed, the LOS proximity effect in the Ly $\alpha$ forest at $z \simeq 2-4$ [@Carswell1982; @Bajtlik1988] has been used to constrain $t_{\rm Q}$, but it provides only weak lower limits on $t_{\rm Q} \gtrsim 0.01$ Myr [@DallAglio2008]. This limit results from the fact that in order to produce a detectable LOS proximity effect the quasar must shine longer than the time it takes the IGM to attain ionization equilibrium with the enhanced quasar radiation, the so-called equilibration time-scale $t_{\rm eq} \simeq \Gamma_{\rm{\rm km\ s^{-1}}$ or a distance interval $\Delta R = 0.97$ proper Mpc at $z \simeq 6$. We adopt the same smoothing scale $\Delta R = 0.97$ proper Mpc at redshifts of the quasars in the data sample, and apply a Gaussian filter to all Ly$\alpha$ transmission profiles. Because the smoothing length is larger than the spectral resolution and includes several pixels, the measured proximity zone size does only weakly depend on the S/N of the spectra, and we do not include these effects into our numerical calculations below. Fig. \[fig:data\] illustrates the transmission profiles of each quasar in our sample. The smoothed transmission is indicated by the black lines. The magenta error bars indicate the corresponding redshift uncertainty of each quasar. The dominant source of uncertainty in our proximity zone
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outputs and that of the corresponding quasars, we simply rescale the gas density of the skewers by a factor $\left( 1 + z \right)^3$ to account for cosmological density evolution, where $z$ is the redshift of the quasar that we are simulating (see Table \[tab:table1\]). ![image](Figure3.pdf){width="1.0\linewidth"} There are several important parameters which govern quasar proximity zones: the quasar systemic redshift, the photon production rates $Q_{\rm 1 Ry}$ and $Q_{\rm 4Ry}$ above ${\rm 1Ry}$ and ${\rm 4Ry}$, respectively, the quasar lifetime $t_{\rm Q}$, and the ionizing background, which sets the value of the initial fraction $x_{\rm HeII,0}$, which prevailed in the IGM before the quasar turned on [@Khrykin2016; @Khrykin2017][^2]. For each quasar in our data sample we create a custom set of radiative transfer models based on these parameters. Using their observed $i$-bandmagnitudes, we compute $Q_{\rm 1 Ry}$ and $Q_{\rm 4Ry}$ for each quasar in our sample (see Table \[tab:table1\]) according to the procedure outlined in @Hennawi2006 [see also Section \[sec:disc\]]. These values, together with the systemic redshift $z$ are fixed for all radiative transfer models of each individual quasar in our data sample. On the other hand, we explore different combinations of the parameters {$t_{\rm Q}, x_{\rm HeII,0} $}. We consider logarithmically spaced quasar lifetime values in the range ${\rm log}_{10} \left( t_{\rm Q} / {\rm Myr} \right) = \left[ -2.0, 2.0\right]$, with $\Delta {\rm log}_{10} \left( t_{\rm Q} / {\rm Myr} \right) = 0.125$, whereas the initial fraction can have one of the following values $x_{\rm HeII,0} = \left[ 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70, 0.90, 1.00 \right]$.
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is fixed over the time-scales that the quasar radiation alters its environment, begin to break down. We will describe the results of our MCMC inference in the next section, where we will also see that our results are not hugely sensitive to this choice of priors. Results {#sec:mcmc} ======= Given the likelihood of our data given the model parameters in equation (\[eqn:likelihood1\]), and our interpolation procedure which allows us to evaluate this likelihood at any point in our parameter space {$ t_{\rm Q}, x_{\rm HeII,0}$}, we now proceed to sample this likelihood with MCMC to determine the posterior distribution of the model parameters for each quasar in the data sample. To this end we use the publicly available Python MCMC software [*emcee*]{} @Foreman2013, which implements an affine invariant MCMC ensemble sampling algorithm [@Goodman2010]. Thesuggests that it would be difficult to infer $x_{\rm HeII,0}$ with the current dataset. This is indeed the case – the broad flat posterior distributions for $x_{\rm HeII,0}$ in Fig. \[fig:MCMC\], which hardly differ from our assumed flat prior, indicate that the data is not very informative and the initial fraction in the ambient IGM surrounding our seven quasars is virtually unconstrained. Constraints on the Quasar Lifetime {#sec:mcmc_logtQ} ---------------------------------- Fig. \[fig:posterior\_tQ\] shows the one dimensional posterior probability distributions for all seven quasars in our sample, marginalized over the initial fraction. It is clear upon inspection of these posteriors that in some cases we are able to measure the quasar lifetime, whereas in others we can only set upper limits. Clearly this distinction depends upon the strength of the peak in the posterior probability.
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the recent result from @Lusso2015, who found $\alpha_{\rm EUV} = 1.7 \pm 0.61$ (see also [@Stevans2014]). In what follows we explore how the uncertainty in $\alpha_{\rm 1Ry \rightarrow 4Ry}$ changes the amplitude of quasar SED and how this affects the results of our inference. To that end, we adopt a much softer slope $\alpha_{\rm 1Ry \rightarrow 4Ry} = 2.0$, consistent with new measurement by @Lusso2018. We create a new set of radiative transfer models (similar to the discussion in Section \[sec:model\]) for quasar SDSS J1319$+$5202, and perform the same analysis as in Section \[sec:sims\]. Finally, we run the MCMC inference on the resulting $R_{\rm pz}$ PDFs for $\alpha_{\rm 1Ry \rightarrow 4Ry} = 2.0$ case. Fig. \[fig:MCMC\_a2\] shows the resulting posterior probability distribution from the MCMC inference for quasar SDSS J1319$+$5202 with $\alpha_{\rm 1Ry the values deduced from clustering. Although we note that the $z\sim 4$ quasar clustering results appear to tightly constrain the allowed light curves, since according to @White2008 $t_{\rm dc}\sim 100\,{\rm Myr}$ would start to imply an unphysically small amount of scatter $\sigma$ in the relationship between quasar luminosity and and dark matter halo mass. More careful modeling of flickering light curves is clearly an interesting subject for future work. Conclusions {#sec:consl} =========== We have measured the proximity zone sizes in the spectra of six $z \simeq 4$ quasars. We performed cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, post-processed with $1$D radiative transfer algorithm to analyze these proximity zones. We have used a fully Bayesian MCMC formalism to compare the distribution of proximity zone sizes in simulations to the sizes of observed proximity zones in order
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*in vivo* studies showed that excitotoxicity-induced hippocampal neural progenitors proliferation and neurogenesis are abolished in CB1R-knockout (KO) mice and in wild-type (WT) mice administered with a selective CB1R antagonist [@pone.0063529-Aguado2]. Moreover, cannabinoid receptor activation was found to promote migration of SVZ-derived neuroblasts [@pone.0063529-Oudin1]. Although recent data have highlighted the importance of endocannabinoids in neurogenesis, available studies in the field mostly addressed proliferation and did not analyse their influence on stem cell properties and neuronal differentiation. Therefore, we have dissected the effects of the agonist (*R*)-(+)-Methanandamide (R-m-AEA) on stem cell dynamic, proliferation, cell death, and progenitor's neuronal differentiation in mouse SVZ cultures. Our data clearly show that CB1R activation has a proneurogenic effect on SVZ cells, suggesting that this pathway may be modulated in order to activate neurogenesis in SVZthe variations of \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ at single cell level upon KCl and histamine (Hist) stimulations, Hist/KCl ratios below 0.8 being characteristic of SVZ-derived neuronal-like cells [@pone.0063529-Agasse3]. In control cultures we observed a predominant immature-like profile, characterized by an increase in \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ in response to histamine but a small response or no response to KCl stimulation ([Fig. 5C](#pone-0063529-g005){ref-type="fig"}). Interestingly, the majority of R-m-AEA treated SVZ cells displayed an increase in \[Ca^2+^\]~i~ in response to KCl but not to histamine stimulation, consistent with a neuronal-like profile ([Fig. 5C](#pone-0063529-g005){ref-type="fig"}). Quantification of the percentage of cells displaying a Hist/KCl ratio below 0.8 showed that R-m-AEA is proneurogenic (Control: 12.18±2.09%; R-m-AEA 100 nM: 26.54±4.28%, P\<0.05; R-m-AEA 300 nM: 34.58±6.0%, P\<0.001; R-m-AEA 1 µM: 41.52±4.49%, P\<0.001; N = 4--8; [Fig. 5B](#pone-0063529-g005){ref-type="fig"}). Moreover, we observed that the CB1R
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treatment, we observed an increase of H3K36m3 on *Ngn1* promoter region, which ultimately lead to an increased mRNA expression of this proneurogenic gene. Importantly, recent reports have shown that *Ngn1* is able to commit pluripotent embryonic carcinoma P19 cells to adopt a neural cell phenotype [@pone.0063529-Wu1], [@pone.0063529-Kim1]. Moreover, we have recently shown that histamine promotes neurogenesis and that this proneurogenic effect involves epigenetic modifications and increased expression of *Mash1*, *Dlx2*, and *Ngn1* genes [@pone.0063529-Bernardino1]. The differentiation process in neurons is a complex phenomenon involving multiple changes in electrophysiological characteristics as well as changes in morphology characterized by neurite (dendritic and axonal) outgrowths. Regulation of neurite outgrowth is tightly controlled and many neurotransmitters are involved in this process [@pone.0063529-Jordan1]. Therefore, we studied neuritogenesis and we observed that primary ramification lengthpoint and so here is a reminder of how the closing stages will play out in each of the divisions. Mixed divisions Weeks 1-9 - Round robin, each team plays every other team once Week 10 - Final and playoffs, 1 v 2, 3 v 4, 5 v 6, 7 v 8, 9 v 10 Women's division Weeks 1-9 - Round robin, each team plays every other team three times Week 10 - Final and playoff, 1 v 2, 3 v 4 Men's division Weeks 1-7 - Round robin, each team plays every other team once Week 8 - Quarter finals QF1: 1 v 8, QF2: 2 v 7, QF3: 3 v 6, QF4: 4 v 5 Week 9 - Semi finals Cup - SF1: Winner QF1 v Winner QF3, SF2: Winner QF2 v Winner QF4 Playoff - PSF1: Loser QF1
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see you all at the Scottish Clubs Championships on the 22nd August 2015. ]]> (Victor Francisco)frontpageFri, 21 Aug 2015 14:39:11 +0000Summer League 2015 - Review Glasgow Touch Association (GTA) Summer League concluded on the 23rd July 2015 after 10 weeks of hard fought games all across the different divisions. The final night decided the winners in each division. The league is the highlight of the Touch season in Glasgow and it has experienced a steady increase in the number of participants in the last few years. The number of teams entered this year was a record of 36 and we are expecting bigger demand next year. The overall winners in each division were: Mixed 1st Division, Geckos Mixed 2nd Division, Blue Jays Blitz Mixed 3rd Division, Yorkhill Bears Men’s Division, Spidermen Women’s Division, Wallace Weegies Congratulations toFinal - Winner 5th Guerillas Quaich Final - Runner Up 6th Hoodlums Quaich Playoff - Winner 7th SuperHands Quaich Playoff - Runner Up 8th Glasgow Lions A Round Robin - Tankard Winner 9th Blue Jays Round Robin - Runner Up 10th Wallace Monumentals Round Robin - 3rd 11th SuperHands Academy Round Robin - 4th 12th Glasgow Lions B Round Robin - Plate Winner 13th Hoodlets ]]> (Douglas MacRae)frontpageWed, 24 Jul 2013 10:25:49 +0000Glasgow Open STS Entry Now Open Glasgow Touch Association is delighted to announce we are now accepting expressions of interest for the third Scottish Touch Series event of the 2013 season, to be held at Balgray Playing Fields on Saturday the 20th of July. In line with the welcome changes to the STS this year, the GTA will reserve places for the top 8 seeds, with the remaining places filled on a first come first served basis. To that end, please email a completed
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Socialism was deeply anti-Christian. The trial of Martin Niemoller played a significant part in this realization. In 1932 a trumped-up charge of treason was pinned on Niemoller in his role as a leader of the Confessing Church, but he escaped with only a light sentence. However, immediately after the announcement of this lenient judgement, Niemoller was made a ‘personal prisoner of Adolf Hitler’ and spent the whole duration of the Third Reich in various concentration camps. During this period, living with people who were persecuted by the Nazis on religious, political or racial grounds, Niemoller came to abandon many traditional prejudices. The insights he gained led to personal convictions which he declared in the public discussions on church and state after the war. For a Christian, he believed, the commandchurches sought to relate in ecumenical ventures, and to which the English church (particularly Bishop George Bell of Chichcster), other European and American churches offered solidarity and help. A central figure in the Confessing Church’s ecumenical involvement was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who became a symbol of Christian resistance to the Nazis. Bonhoeffer was born in Breslau in 1906, the son of a professor of psychiatry. After university, he embarked on his career as a lecturer in theology in Berlin. In 1930-31, he spent a year studying and teaching in New York, then continued his teaching career in Germany. At the same time, he became a student pastor in Berlin and youth secretary of an international church friendship organization. In the autumn of 1933 Bonhoeffer went to London as a visiting pastor,
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pulled the rope down with him, supports the theory -- when the shorter end of the rope zipped through his device, his weight, still on the other side of the rope, pulled it through the anchor. Why Luther rappelled on a rope that he knew was at least 50 feet short of the belay ledge is a mystery. Perhaps, surmises Lawyer, he intended to place an intermediate rappel station. Also unknown is why he rappelled off the rope ends. Lawyer says that losing control on the slightly less-than-vertical face is unlikely. Lawyer speculates that Luther, who was burdened with gear and a pack, simply didn't notice that one end of the rope hung shorter than the other. Such a lapse is unfortunately common and usually tragic. PREVENTION If everyone simply knottedOmega-3s Benefit Those at High Heart Risk Eating the omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines can reduce the risk of heart disease in at least one in four high-risk Americans. Researchers combined results from 34 studies involving nearly 1 million people. Among people with high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, those consuming the greatest amount of foods containing omega-3s reduced their risk for heart disease and death by 14 to 16 percent. And overall, those who consumed the most oily fish fats had a slightly lower risk for heart disease—by about 6 percent—than did those who ate the lowest amounts.Source:Mayo Clinic Proceedings, published online Jan. 3, 2017
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notifications without exiting the app. You don't even need to unlock your device. Instead, a quick swipe displays your options: accept and decline for calendar notifications, a text entry field for SMS messages and so on. More Spotlight results Spotlight search is taking on a more Siri-like flavour: in addition to the contents of your phone it can look for points of interest, app store results, iTunes songs (both in your library and in the wider iTunes catalogue), cinema listings and anything else you might conceivably be looking for. Messages, Group Messages and Self-destructing messages SMS messages are no longer limited to iOS devices packing SIM cards: if an SMS is sent to you, you'll be able to see it and reply to it on your iPad too (and on your Mac). Group messageslanguages too. Family Sharing If you've ever set up an iOS device for the kids you'll know how much of a pain it can be when you want to share a single iTunes account with the whole family. No more. Family Sharing enables you to share your purchased content and shared media with up to six family members, and in a nice touch you can be asked permission when the kids attempt to spend half your wages on in-game Smurfberries. And while we're on the subject of sharing, AirDrop now works between iOS devices and Macs. The Health app It's not called Healthbook any more and there's still no sign of the iWatch, but the rumoured health application is pretty much what we expected: it's a way for various third party devices, from Fuelbands
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
Almost immediately, tens of thousands of López Obrador supporters took to the streets to demand a recount. A partial recount failed to change the results, however, and Calderón was officially declared the winner. In response, López Obrador held a massive public ceremony in the Zócalo, Mexico City’s main square, to inaugurate himself as the “legitimate president” of a parallel government. In 2012 López Obrador ran again as the PRD’s candidate for the presidency. This time, according to preliminary results, he finished second to the PRI’s Enrique Peña Nieto, the handsome former governor of the state of México, though López Obrador did finish ahead of the National Action Party (PAN) candidate, former cabinet minister Josefina Vázquez Mota. Almost immediately López Obrador alleged that there had been violations of election lawby the PRI, including overspending in the campaign and vote buying. In response to the allegations, the Federal Electoral Institute ordered a recount of more than half of Mexico’s polling places, which upheld Peña Nieto’s victory. Disenchanted with the PRD’s support for Peña Nieto’s economic initiatives, in 2014 López Obrador founded a new political party, the National Regeneration Movement (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional; MORENA). As the 2018 presidential election approached, López Obrador staked out a position as the party’s de facto standard bearer, trumpeting his own integrity as a bulwark against political corruption. Ever the populist and nationalist, he continued to emphasize his opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Peña Nieto’s decision to open up Mexico’s energy industry to private investment.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
that’s an email from your mother, a bank transfer or a streamed episode of Stranger Things. It means that ISPs, which control the delivery pipes, don’t get to choose which data is sent more quickly, or which sites get blocked or throttled (for example, slowing the delivery of a TV show because it is streamed by a video company that competes with a subsidiary of the ISP) or who has to pay extra. For this reason, some have described net neutrality as the “first amendment of the internet”. Why is net neutrality under threat? On 14 December 2017, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to scrap regulations protecting net neutrality in America. In a 3-2 vote, the commission repealed the rules, which had been introduced by theto detect cancer recurrences and malignant cells left behind following surgery, and can find cancers that are not detectable under the microscope or in x-rays. Other researchers are studying cancer stem cells. They are stealth cells that make up just a tiny fraction of a tumor. While small in number, investigators believe they may be the cells that drive certain cancers and lead to cancer recurrence. Therapies that target these cells are now being tested in clinical trials. A team of our breast cancer researchers has developed a method that could make it possible to detect breast cancer from the DNA contained in a single drop of blood. But, while evasive cancer cells are a challenge and the focus of ongoing research, it does not mean, as the email contends, that
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Normal Cells. Surgery Causes Cancer to Spread The Truth: Chemotherapy and radiation therapy kills cancer cells with remarkable selectivity, says Nelson. There are some temporary and reversible side effects common to cancer therapies, including hair loss and low blood counts. Limiting and managing these side effects is an integral part of treatment. Surgery is the first line of treatment for many types of cancer. It does not cause cancer to spread. Cancers spread to other tissues and organs as a tumor progresses and cancer cells break away from the original tumor and travel through the bloodstream to other body sites. Back to top of page The Hoax: Cancers Feed on Certain Foods The Truth: The premise is that cancer cells feed on certain foods, and if a person refrains from eating these foods,the cancer will die. According to our experts, a poor diet and obesity associated with a poor diet is a risk factor for the development of cancer. However, there is no evidence that certain foods alter the environment of an existing cancer, at the cellular level, and cause it to either die or grow. While there is such a thing as tumors that produce mucus, the mucus made by a tumor does not result from drinking milk. And, eating less meat, while a good choice for cancer prevention, does not free up enzymes to attack cancer cells, explains cancer prevention and control expert Elizabeth Platz. Moderation is key, says Platz. As part of a balanced diet, sugar, salt, milk, coffee, tea, meat, and chocolate—the foods the “Update” calls into question—are
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "OpenWebText2" ] }
all safe choices, she says. The real concern with many of these, particularly sugar, is that it adds calories to a diet and can lead to obesity, and obesity is a major risk factor for cancer. A balanced nutritious diet, healthy weight, physical activity, and avoiding alcoholic drinks may prevent as many as 1/3 of all cancers. Platz recommends eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day and limiting red and processed meats, like hot dogs. Several Johns Hopkins experts participated in the World Cancer Research Fund - American Institute for Cancer Research report Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, published in November 2007, which is considered by cancer prevention experts to be an authoritative source of information on diet,+unused | grep . && exit 1 || echo 'No unused packages' else ifdef GO111MODULE @echo ">> running check for unused/missing packages in go.mod" GO111MODULE=$(GO111MODULE) $(GO) mod tidy ifeq (,$(wildcard vendor)) @git diff --exit-code -- go.sum go.mod else @echo ">> running check for unused packages in vendor/" GO111MODULE=$(GO111MODULE) $(GO) mod vendor @git diff --exit-code -- go.sum go.mod vendor/ endif endif endif .PHONY: common-build common-build: promu @echo ">> building binaries" GO111MODULE=$(GO111MODULE) $(PROMU) build --prefix $(PREFIX) $(PROMU_BINARIES) .PHONY: common-tarball common-tarball: promu @echo ">> building release tarball" $(PROMU) tarball --prefix $(PREFIX) $(BIN_DIR) .PHONY: common-docker $(BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS) common-docker: $(BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS) $(BUILD_DOCKER_ARCHS): common-docker-%: docker build -t "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)-linux-$*:$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)" \ -f $(DOCKERFILE_PATH) \ --build-arg ARCH="$*" \ --build-arg OS="linux" \ $(DOCKERBUILD_CONTEXT) .PHONY: common-docker-publish $(PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS) common-docker-publish: $(PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS) $(PUBLISH_DOCKER_ARCHS): common-docker-publish-%: docker push "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)-linux-$*:$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)" .PHONY: common-docker-tag-latest $(TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS) common-docker-tag-latest: $(TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS) $(TAG_DOCKER_ARCHS): common-docker-tag-latest-%: docker tag "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)-linux-$*:$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)" "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)-linux-$*:latest" .PHONY: common-docker-manifest common-docker-manifest: DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled docker manifest create -a "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)" $(foreach ARCH,$(DOCKER_ARCHS),$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME)-linux-$(ARCH):$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)) DOCKER_CLI_EXPERIMENTAL=enabled docker manifest push "$(DOCKER_REPO)/$(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME):$(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)" .PHONY: promu promu: $(PROMU) $(PROMU): $(eval PROMU_TMP := $(shell mktemp -d)) curl -s -L $(PROMU_URL) | tar -xvzf - -C $(PROMU_TMP) mkdir -p $(FIRST_GOPATH)/bin cp $(PROMU_TMP)/promu-$(PROMU_VERSION).$(GO_BUILD_PLATFORM)/promu $(FIRST_GOPATH)/bin/promu rm -r
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to literally listen to themselves about what they are saying, but "Do you even listen to yourself?" tries to urge the speaker to consider what they are saying even before they say it, or urges the speaker to not saying anything else that is not suitable/stupid as their previous responses were already not suitable/stupid. So I wonder, is "Do you even listen to yourself?" idiomatic or have I got it wrong? A: I generally consider "idiomatic" and "idiom" to have approximately the same relationship that Damkerng T's comment suggests: an idiomatic construction is any construction that a native speaker would prefer for a given use, while an idiom is a set and rather quirky phrase or pattern that's unusual enough to identified and talked about by laymen, not just linguists. Conveniently,-> int32_t; pub fn sgx_tprotect_rsrv_mem( addr: *const c_void, length: size_t, prot: i32, ) -> sgx_status_t; } #[inline] pub unsafe fn alloc(count: u32) -> *mut u8 { sgx_alloc_rsrv_mem(count as usize * SE_PAGE_SIZE) as *mut u8 } #[inline] pub unsafe fn alloc_with_addr(addr: *mut u8, count: u32) -> *mut u8 { sgx_alloc_rsrv_mem_ex(addr
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by 22% over the last two years. Zuken offers a portfolio of scalable domain data management solutions for PCB and electrical/fluid design plus a range of solutions that integrate design and domain data management into the PLM and ERP for various reasons. Malkin had been playing some of his best hockey of the season before the injury, with four goals in three games. Brandon Sutter will replace Malkin's spot on the second line. Bylsma said Malkin does not require surgery and the team anticipates Malkin being ready when the Stanley Cup playoffs start April 16. Comments The St. Paul Journal welcomes your opinions and comments. We do not allow personal attacks, offensive language or unsubstantiated allegations. We reserve the right to delete comments deemed inappropriate. We reserve the right to close the comments thread for stories that are deemed especially sensitive. For further information, please contact the editor or publisher.
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story, XKCD, and the book called "What if?". You can find "Thing Explainer" at book stores, or by using your computer to search the place where many computers think together, or by looking in the words below this computer movie. I also want to add that I am a huge fan of XKCD and... I'm just super excited to be able to make this video. You should definitely check out "Thing Explainer" if you're into XKCD, it's a great book, it's really fun, the drawings are really fun to pore through, and Randall's done a great job with it, it's beautiful. And if you like this video, this style of video, please, let me know, share, I'm excited to see what you think. Thanks for watching. Polish: Jest jeszcze wile innych rzeczy w których musisz być dobry, i mieć szczęście, ale jeśli jesteś dobry, szczęśliwy i wszyscy ważni ludzie powiedzą "Tak", toal. [@CR64]). Unfortunately, this hypothesis has not yet been confirmed by the identification of specific arthritogenic peptides that bind to SE HLA-DR molecules in RA, although it has been reported that citrullinated peptides bind to HLA-SE molecules for presentation to T cells (Feitsma et al. [@CR17]; Hill et al. [@CR25]). T cells that recognize citrullinated antigen presented by HLA could subsequently help B cells to secrete ACPA. However, several alternative hypotheses regarding SE have been proposed that could also explain the contribution of the HLA locus to RA. These hypotheses include the idea that the HLA-SE molecules shape the T cell repertoire to permit escape from tolerance or survival of autoreactive clones, or serve as a target for autoreactive T cells owing to molecular mimicry with a pathogen,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "YoutubeSubtitles", "PubMed Central" ] }
Q: Trying to do a where filter in findOne and in Node api returns empty array when filtering by ids in loopback Trying to do a where filter in findOne and in Node api returns empty array when filtering by ids in loopback https://url/api/Model1/findOne?filter={"where":{"attrs":"id"}} where id is exactly 24 digits long A: It is possible that you simple don't have an object with that ID in that particular collection in the database. In such a case you should get an empty array. Or you may need to find by id and not by attr - it depends on how the relevant field in your database is named. See the docs, there are good examples there: E.g. this: http://localhost:3000/api/Books?filter={"where":{"or":[{"id":1},{"id":2}]}} Note that the id is used and not attr. See what is your field in your case. Trivia When asked in an interview at a convention, whether he believed in Bigfoot or not, lead actor Sam Elliot replied that he has "never seen him," but that the idea of Bigfoot really existing was "fantastic" and he would be open to believing in his existence should proof of it be shown.
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decay of $\bar K^{*0}$ shown in Fig. \[diagram1\]. This process involves an additional strong interaction vertex $K^*K\pi$ compared to those in Fig.\[diagram1\]. Although the coupling constant $g_{\pi KK^*}=3.28$, determined from the decay width $\Gamma_{K^*\to K\pi}=50.8$ MeV of $K^*$, is not small, the additional form factor would reduce its contribution significantly compared to that from the diagrams shown in Fig. \[diagram1\]. Similar considerations for the reactions $\gamma n\to\pi^0K^-\Theta^+$ and $\gamma n\to\pi^-\bar K^0\Theta^+$ have shown that the contribution from the $K^*$ exchange is negligible (about a few %) compared to that from the $K^*$ decay [@liu]. It is thus safe to neglect its contribution. The coupling constant $g_{KN\Theta}$ used in present study is determined using SU(3) symmetry from the coupling constant $g_{\pi NN(1710)}$, which can be extracted from the empirical decay= 1; c.ipadx = 0; makebutton("Button2", gridbag, c); c.gridx = 3; c.gridy = 0; c.gridheight = 2; c.gridwidth = 2; c.ipadx = 0; makebutton("Button3", gridbag, c); c.gridx = 0; c.gridy = 1; c.gridheight = 1; c.gridwidth = 1; c.ipadx = 0; makebutton("Button4", gridbag, c); c.gridx = 1; c.gridy = 1; c.gridheight = 1; c.gridwidth = 2; c.ipadx = 35; makebutton("Button5", gridbag, c); c.gridx = 0;
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "StackExchange" ] }
but the prognosis is still not satisfactory ([@b5-etm-0-0-5741]). In order to investigate the related factors affecting the postoperative curative effect on patients with laryngeal cancer, and to develop effective therapeutic regimen and improve the survival rate of patients with laryngeal cancer, the clinical data of 215 patients with laryngeal cancer in the Central Hospital of Wuhan were retrospectively analyzed. Patients and methods ==================== ### General materials A total of 215 patients with laryngeal cancer admitted in The Central Hospital of Wuhan from May 2010 to May 2017 were selected into the study strictly according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria: patients without radiotherapy and chemotherapy before surgery; patients confirmed as squamous cell carcinoma via cell biopsy; patients with complete data; patients with first-onset cancer and treated in our hospital forand forty-four patients received cervical lymph node dissection, while 71 patients did not. ### Follow-up All patients were followed up via telephone, outpatient return visit, letters, medical data and health insurance card, with the date of operation as the starting point. The survival time began from the date of operation to the date of death, date of loss to follow-up or the last follow-up date. ### Statistical analysis SPSS 23.0 software (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for the data processing and analysis. The survival rate was calculated using Kaplan-Meier method, and the survival curve was drawn. Log-rank test was used for single-factor analysis, while Cox proportional hazard regression model was used for multiple-factor analysis. P\<0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference. Results ======= ### Follow-up results and survival rates All of the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
laryngeal cancer. It can be seen that the survival rate of patients with laryngeal cancer is decreased with time.](etm-15-03-2786-g00){#f1-etm-0-0-5741} ![Postoperative survival curves of patients with different primary tumor sites. It can be seen that the survival rate of patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer is higher than that of patients with glottic and subglottic cancers. The Kaplan-Meier method shows that the 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates of patients with supraglottic laryngeal cancer are 95.4, 89.5 and 72.6%, respectively. The 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates of patients with glottic laryngeal cancer are 92.8, 88.9 and 58.3%, respectively. The 1-, 3- and 5-year survival rates of patients with subglottic laryngeal cancer are 86.4, 70.8 and 22.9%, respectively.](etm-15-03-2786-g01){#f2-etm-0-0-5741} ![Survival curves of patients with different T stages. The survival rates of patients in/* * mISDNisar.c ISAR (Siemens PSB 7110) specific functions * * Author Karsten Keil ( * * Copyright 2009 by Karsten Keil <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Github" ] }
creg, u8 len, u8 *msg) { if (!waitforHIA(isar, 1000)) return 0; pr_debug("send_mbox(%02x,%02x,%d)\n", his, creg, len); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_CTRL_H, creg); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_CTRL_L, len); isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_WADR, 0); if (!msg) msg = isar->buf; if (msg && len) { isar->write_fifo(isar->hw, ISAR_MBOX, msg, len); if (isar->ch[0].bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { int l = 0; while (l < (int)len) { hex_dump_to_buffer(msg + l, len - l, 32, 1, isar->log, 256, 1); pr_debug("%s: %s %02x: %s\n", isar->name, __func__, l, isar->log); l += 32; } } } isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_HIS, his); waitforHIA(isar, 1000); return 1; } /* * receive message from ISAR mailbox * if msg is NULL use isar->buf */ static void rcv_mbox(struct isar_hw *isar, u8 *msg) { if (!msg) msg = isar->buf; isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_RADR, 0); if (msg && isar->clsb) { isar->read_fifo(isar->hw, ISAR_MBOX, msg, isar->clsb); if (isar->ch[0].bch.debug & DEBUG_HW_BFIFO) { int l = 0; while (l < (int)isar->clsb) { hex_dump_to_buffer(msg + l, isar->clsb - l, 32, 1, isar->log, 256, 1); pr_debug("%s: %s %02x: %s\n", isar->name, __func__, l, isar->log); l += 32; } } } isar->write_reg(isar->hw, ISAR_IIA, 0); } staticarousal during their most intimate union.Experience the divine fragrances, delicious aromas and tantalizing effects of SHUNGA Erotic Art! We do not suggest you to perform oral sex with Shunga Intimate Kisses Aphrodisiac Oil Sparkling Strawberry Wine as it is a massage oil and is used for body massage.We would suggest you to use flavoured lubricants for oral sex. Lovely product, tasty but not overwhelming. Great addition to the bedroom. Quality Sona Posted on Mar 08, 2014 Its really a great product.....It helps us to accelerate our passion. Quality Tejas Posted on Oct 13, 2013 My fiance loved this stuff! It made the night much more Romantic…. Quality Vinu Posted on Feb 13, 2014 Got some of this, gave the lady a back rub, magic ensued. All I can say is that: It works Perfectly. Quality Banti Posted on Apr 06, 2013 I have to tell you
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Pile-CC" ] }
As of build 15882, addons seem very prone to causing crashes. According to Tukz, both the presence of a slash command and the GetRegions() function can cause this, but there are probably more causes. At the start of beta (when addons were enabled) I also had to remove a couple of global strings I replaced, the more abstract patterns with end of string '$' or something like '|3-7' seemed to cause this. Not sure if this works again, I'd have to test.used to analyse the plasma lipid profile, isolate lipoproteins, and analyse the chemical composition and in vitro oxidation of lipoprotein particles. Gemfibrozil treatment resulted in a decrease in plasma total triglyceride levels and the triglyceride content of all lipoproteins. Plasma total cholesterol levels were decreased as a result of a decrease in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol levels. A slight increase in LDL cholesterol levels was observed, whereas the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) of LDL were decreased and the lag and peak time of LDL to oxidation were unchanged and maximal diene production was decreased. Plasma HDL cholesterol levels, the surface-to-core ratio of HDL particles, and the resistance of HDL to oxidation were increased. The decreased TBARS and diene production of LDL, increased HDL cholesterol levels, and
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
and veterans Ray Allen and Paul Pierce overworked, the Celtics bench could not save the season. Now the additions of Wallace and Daniels give the team much-needed depth. ‘€œThey get their big guy back and then they add Rasheed Wallace in there now,’€ Alston said. ‘€œI think when you’re trying to take away a lot of their main guys, they have a lot of guys that can step up and stretch the defense or post up on the low block. They have a different dynamic to their team, especially from a defensive aspect for other teams.’€ Both Alston and Lee agree the series would have been completely different if the Celtics had so many weapons last season. ‘€œThey would’ve been a better team,’€ Lee said. ‘€œThey definitely would’ve been harder forimport { isArrayOfNumbers } from 'expect-more'; import { printReceived } from 'jest-matcher-utils'; import { createResult } from './lib/create-result'; declare global { namespace jest { interface Matchers<R, T> { /** * Asserts that ${value} is an `Array` containing only `Number` values. * @example * expect([12, 0, 14]).toBeArrayOfNumbers(); */ toBeArrayOfNumbers(): R; } interface Expect { /** * Asserts that ${value} is an `Array` containing only `Number` values. * @example
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var processed = processResponse(response); if(processed[0] !== true) { $.jgrid.info_dialog($.jgrid.errors.errcap, processed[1], $.jgrid.edit.bClose); } return processed[0]; }, bottominfo: 'Fields marked with an (*) are required', keys: true }; $.extend($.jgrid.edit, editParams); $('#grid') .jqGrid({ datatype: 'json', colNames: ['User ID', 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email'], colModel: [ {name: 'usr_id', jsonmap: 'usr_id', width: 75, editable: true, The order vacating Chambers’ appointment as personal representative is affirmed as modified to reflect that the original appointment was not void. Appellees’ request for an award of attorneys’ fees on appeal pursuant to A.R.S. § 14-1105(A) is denied because Chambers has not acted unreasonably in this appeal. Chambers is awarded her taxable costs upon her compliance with Arizona Rule of Civil Appellate Procedure 21. AMY M. WOOD • Clerk of the Court FILED: AA
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the opportunities it gave me. You can do anything in this great land." "I knew I could handle a crowd. That's been my life's work. And I knew I could do a job, no matter what it was. But the one thing I didn't count on was being assassinated for doing that job." "My whole life had been dominated by a fearless attitude to try, do, experience, and share anything and everything because I believed nothing was impossible." "I felt if I could plant my size 83AAA shoes on this planet, (people) would never be able to forget those footprints."B cell tetherin: a flow-cytometric cell-specific assay for response to Type-I interferon predicts clinical features and flares in SLE. Type I interferon (IFN-I) responses are broadly associated with autoimmune disease including SLE. Given the cardinal role of autoantibodies in SLE, we investigated whether a B cell-specific IFN assay might correlate with SLE activity. B cells and PBMCs were stimulated with IFN-I and IFN-II. Gene expression was scrutinized for pathway-related membrane protein expression. A flow-cytometric assay for tetherin (CD317), an IFN-induced protein ubiquitously expressed on leucocytes, was validated in vitro then clinically against SLE diagnosis, plasmablast expansion, and BILAG-2004 score in a discovery cohort (156 SLE; 30 RA; 22 healthy controls). A second longitudinal validation cohort of 80 patients was also evaluated for SLE flare prediction. In vitro, a close
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
Snapchat map update raises child safety worries Published duration 23 June 2017 image copyright SNap image caption Snap Map lets people track their friends An update to Snapchat that shows publicly posted images on a searchable map has raised safety concerns among parents. Snap Map lets people search for places such as schools and see videos and pictures posted by children inside. It also lets people locate their "friends" on a map that is accurate enough to determine where people live. Snap, the company behind Snapchat, stressed to the BBC that location sharing was an opt-in feature. Exact location Snap Map was launched on Wednesday and was promoted as a "new way to explore the world". Video clips and photos that members have posted publicly can be discovered on the map, while members who have chosena Civil Rights Movement, rather than an advertise for whitecoat propaganda. I am discriminated against because I speak out against psychiatry. I am discriminated against because I will not compromise my integrity, or sacrifice the lives of the 1.5 billion people being tortured by the psychiatric regime, for my own livelihood, let alone for something as stupid as a packet of cigarettes. The Guardian is actually being far more progressive in publishing PsychSurvivor articles, rather than those written by scabs, and, this one is UK. Australian mainstream press has been burying any writer who speaks out against psychiatry for 208 years, and it probably won't stop until UK or the USA abolishes the evil that is psychiatry.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
He’s not a screamer or yeller but he is intense," Hargrove said. "The players realize he’s in their corner and all of it works together. It works to positively affect a ballclub."Q: Why does it give an error in the react lifecycle methods if I am not using them? I'm working on a project with react.js to learn redux. It is basically a Login and a main page. I use react-router-dom to redirect between components, redux to manage the state and to know if the user is logged or not and also redux-thunk, to make the request async. When the user has entered their credentials, and presses the login button, a request is made to an API. If the API responds true, with redux, I change authUser from false to true and through history.push() redirect it to the component in the path /. After the login button is pressed, and if the credentials are correct you should redirect to the path /, which
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
Triple-negative phenotype of poorly-differentiated metaplastic breast carcinoma in a male: an oncological rarity. Metaplastic breast carcinoma (MBC) is an extremely rare breast malignancy having highly aggressive clinicopathological behaviour and dismal prognosis. A 75 years old man presented with a painless lump on right side of his chest along with two additional lumps in the ipsilateral axillary and inguinal areas. Microscopic evaluation and immunohistochemistry of trucut tissue biopsies of the lumps and that of mastectomy specimen revealed a triple-negative phenotype of poorlydifferentiated metaplastic breast carcinoma with metastatic deposits to the axillary and inguinal lymph nodes. Exhaustive internet research has revealed only a few case reports of MBC in the men; thus highlighting its absolute oncological rarity.footballer Jafar Bolhari (born 1948), Iranian psychiatrist Jafar Ebrahimi, Iranian poem Jafar al-Hakim (born 1965), Shiite Ayatollah in Najaf, Iraq Mufti Jafar Hussain, Pakistani Shia mujtahid and political leader Jafar Iqbal, Bangladeshi footballer Jafar Irismetov (born 1976), Uzbekistan footballer and coach Jafar Jabbarli (1899–1934), Azerbaijani playwright, poet, director and screenwriter Jafar Dhia Jafar (born 1943), Iraqi nuclear physicist Jafar Khan Jamali (1911–1967), Indian politician, tribal chief and an All-India Muslim League veteran from Balochistan Jafar Kazemi, Iranian political prisoner sentenced to death and hanged for co-operation with the Iranian opposition group PMOI Jafar Khan (died 1789), shah of Persia (1785–1789) Jafar Mokhtarifar, Iranian footballer Jafar Mondal (born 1999), Indian footballer Jafar Panahi (born 1960), Iranian filmmaker Jafar Salmasi (1918–2000), Iranian weightlifter Jafar Shafaghat (c.1915–2000), Iranian General officer in the Iranian Pahlavi Army Jafar Shahidi (1918–2008), scholar of Persian language and literature and historian
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Abstracts", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
Where would you look for save-the-world/do-good jobs? - zerogvt Say you are a SW developer or sys admin or something akin to these. Say that you are not after big money (but you still have family to support). Say you want to help solve one of the many social&#x2F;global&#x2F;you-name-it issues through your work. The question then is - where would you look for a job? Which industry&#x2F;job boards&#x2F;etc? Do you know anyone that does that? Any pointers welcome.<p>PS1: The person asking how to save the world is currently doing DevOps (continuous integration). PS2: Eligible to work in EU. PS3: Thanks in advance to whomever takes the time to answer. ====== jonkiddy I had exactly the same thought coming out of college. I have made a career helping oncologists as a software engineer. One ofLeBron has already had a lot of fun with him already. At practice on Tuesday, for example, James joked about a shooting Wade, joking that he’s probably a “rookie” because he’s not familiar with the guard. “Never heard of him,” James said, watching Wade put up some shots. “Rookie, I think.” Playing to the camera, James pretends to get upset that a stranger is practicing with him. “I don’t know why he thinks he can work out with me,” James said. “But I like rooks, though. I’ll help him get better.” The rest of the video is just LeBron and Wade shooting threes. And either the NBA is cleverly editing out misses, or the two make a ton of shots in practice. It’s all good news for Cavs fans here, though. Both
{ "pile_set_name": [ "HackerNews", "OpenWebText2" ] }
878 F.2d 1443 Unpublished DispositionNOTICE: Federal Circuit Local Rule 47.8(b) states that opinions and orders which are designated as not citable as precedent shall not be employed or cited as precedent. This does not preclude assertion of issues of claim preclusion, issue preclusion, judicial estoppel, law of the case or the like based on a decision of the Court rendered in a nonprecedential opinion or order.In re Krim M. BALLENTINE. Misc. No. 233. United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit. March 14, 1989. Before ARCHER, Circuit Judge. ORDER 1 Krim M. Ballentine petitioned for writ of mandamus apparently requesting this court to order the Merit Systems Protection Board to issue decisions in two cases, DA07528710069 and CH075285C9030. We directed the MSPB to respond. Now, the MSPB moves to dismiss Ballentine's petition as moot1. Field of the Invention This invention relates to a liquid crystal display apparatus and, more particularly, it relates to a liquid crystal display apparatus comprising a micro-lens array. 2. Related Background Art Known micro-lens arrays include those that can be formed on a transparent substrate covered by a light-shielding film having a given pattern as disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-261164. This patent document describes a method of producing micro-lenses by utilizing the surface tension of molten resin. However, lenses produced by such a method gives rise to aberration to a considerable extent in a peripheral area of the lens. This aberration problem that occurs in a peripheral area of micro-lens is normally bypassed by using a light-shielding underlayer. However, such a technique is accompanied by problems, which
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
FIG. 14 shows alignment marks 801 in cross section. However, with the use of such alignment marks, it will be difficult to reduce the error of the alignment of the pixel electrodes and the micro-lenses to a desired level if the alignment marks are displaced relative to the micro-lenses even when the error of the alignment of the circuit substrate and the micro-lenses is reduced to less than 1 micron. Thus, the above discussed problems have been baffling the past efforts for arranging more pixels in a liquid crystal display apparatus and improving the brightness and the contrast of the displayed image when known micro-lenses are used for a liquid crystal display apparatus.Festival with its parable about an older vigorous brother and a younger sickly birth-defected one that embodies the fragility of society’s rare-bird artists who are easily bullied and extinguished by the abrasiveness of the larger world. The older brother is constantly disappointed at not having a physical equal for his boyhood adventures in their rural North Carolina home, coercing the kid into pushing himself to walk (which was not expected) with a near-sadistic brand of tough love. Nicknamed Doodle because he previously crawled like a doodle bug, the sickly kid also has visionary, poetic qualities. But pushed beyond his physical limits, he dies. Bolstered by some of the best lines from the James Hurst short story on which it’s based, the opera has a wonderfully clear narrative about the child’s
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Pile-CC" ] }
a Sweetie” and it’s even better with each return visit. The saxophone solo still rocks. The voice was soothing but not bland, because everything she did had a subtle undercurrent of jazz. The voice tells you that the world is somehow in balance. Her signature song, “I’ll be Seeing You” wasn’t a hit so much as it was a public service during WW II and earned her the name GI Jo. Q: Ah! The Johnny Mathis Christmas Album. See? He really was a fraud. A: Not if you think of him as Nat King Cole’s kid brother. I can’t wait to they stumble upon the Mae West Christmas album. Or the Zsa Zsa Gabor exercise video. I love unintentional and accidental humor. It’s like a mistake in nature. The biggerturns out to be the tough bartender’s current girlfriend. A fight ensues, but she’s the one who is shot. The plot is framed and mirrored in modern times with a fledgling opera soprano in Central City who is being squired around by her East Coast boyfriend – and into the bar where she had an affair with the bartender the previous summer. It’s an ideal young-artist opera, partly because anybody who masters that level of singing and brawling is likely to be extremely well equipped for anything else that might come their way in grand opera, where narratives don’t have the cinematic swiftness of Mollicone. I didn’t know the opera or even that it existed until I was hired to work on a documentary film that was shot in Colorado
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
I swear that singers often broke the fourth wall and were looking me right in the face. The sense of ritual, if anything, heightened the story’s pathos because there’s no kidding yourself about the tragic direction that the piece is taking. The lost boy, who has been essentially beaten to death, could be any one of us, figuratively speaking, in the wake of family deaths, professional disappointments and incidents of betrayal. You don’t know the kid; you’ve been him. You’ve also been his mother, when facing the intractability of loss. In this production directed and designed by Netia Jones, the set had a ship sail at one end of the performing area and lots of computerized imagery (birds, rippling water) projected onto the stage floor. At one point, Bostridge(who was the madwoman) was kneeling on the stage amid stark shafts of light in the shape of a cross. Soon, though, that turned into a pervasive gray, oatmeal-ish texture that covered the entire floor – an image that was even more devastating, suggesting the boundless emotional sea in which the madwoman was adrift. Though some productions have given the madwoman some pretense of femininity, this low-artifice approach had Bostridge dressed in a manner that was equal parts samurai and monk. He was also clothed in jet black – a start contrast to the dead-of-winter gray that was the rest of the production. One need not use much imagination to know that the Curlew River is the River Styx, that the cold, mocking ferryman is Charon and that all
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }