you, Dad!" "Why do you never believe me?" "Carlos..." "A ghost...who rents the house from another ghost...who rents out houses." "This plot isn't bad." "Original." "What's the matter, Carlos?" "Why are you crying?" "Easy, easy...whatever it was it's already over." "Why not tell your uncle what happened with you?" "My dad asked me why I don't play with them anymore,... or go out with them, and I told him the truth, that I've been playing with you, and that..." "I see --- he didn't believe you..." "It's hard for grownups, and even more so in this epoch, to believe certain things." "You understand?" "People of this era only believe what they read in the papers or see on TV." "We ghosts are just passé." "We're part of adrink, looked at the rest, and shouted:..." ""Anyone who think they're faster than me, let's draw!"" "Wow...and what happened?" "What happened?" "I left looking like a colander." "They all drew me down." "And since I'd chosen the bad path in that life, I wasn't allowed to reincarnate again..." "I was condemned to wander the world as a soul in torment... until the pardon comes to me from Heaven to let me to rest in peace, finally... and thus enjoy that wonderful place that is the Glory." "I know who my uncle's ghost is, I know who my uncle's ghost is." "You can say who your uncle was in life?" "Yeah, he was lots of people." "Look, first he was one of the Flintstones." "Then he built the pyramids
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "OpenSubtitles" ] }
and that he reincarnates in this ghost,... so, I really have to gen something up for your parents, because I make my living out of this." "Like this, freeing children from their ghosts." "And if you don't help me, I don't know what else I can do." "So there's nothing wrong with Carlos?" "I guarantee it to you, Ma'am." "But then the ghost and the hallucinations..." "It's all child's play." "He's having fun with you." "But there must be something abnormal in him, otherwise..." "That child is as much abnormal as I'm a boxer." "On top of that, his IQ is as high as any scientist at NASA." "Then that stuff about his buddy and all his former lives, it's all a game?" "That's it." "For my part,2 × 2 Tables: a note on Campbell's recommendation. For 2 × 2 tables, Egon Pearson's N - 1 chi-squared statistic is theoretically more sound than Karl Pearson's chi-squared statistic, and provides more accurate p values. Moreover, Egon Pearson's N - 1 chi-squared statistic is equal to the Mantel-Haenszel chi-squared statistic for a single 2 × 2 table, and as such, is often available in statistical software packages like SPSS, SAS, Stata, or R, which facilitates compliance with Ian Campbell's recommendations.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenSubtitles", "PubMed Abstracts" ] }
U.S. Department of Commerce, we would be very appreciative if you would consider responding to the attached questions about the Department of Commerce. Please feel free to address any additional issues that are not covered in the questions. Please send your response (as well as any other policy-related messages) to me at: I have attached the questions as text and as a Word format document. The membership list is currently being finalized. I will send you a complete membership list as soon as it is available. Thank you very much for your help. Paul Scolese 202/513-7530 - direct 202/513-7540 - fax Discussion Question for Transition Advisory Committee Members common peripheral edge and fluidly connected with the volume enclosure. At least one of the front sheet and the rear sheet is permanently elongated to increase the storage capacity of the volume enclosure and thus, the container. In another aspect of the present invention, the flexible container includes a substantially transparent front sheet having a first surface area. The front sheet is constructed from a flexible planar layer of a polypropylene-polyethylene copolymer blended with a styrene ethylene-butylene styrene thermoplastic elastomer. A similarly sized rear sheet having a second surface area is disposed opposing the front sheet. The rear sheet is constructed from a flexible planar layer of a laminate including an inner layer of a polypropylene-polyethylene copolymer blended with a styrene ethylene-butylene styrene thermoplastic elastomer. This inner layer is
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Enron Emails", "USPTO Backgrounds" ] }
invention, a method for forming a flexible container for combined storage and administration of medicaments and diluents for IV solutions is disclosed. The method includes the steps of providing a substantially transparent front sheet and a flexible and vapor impermeable rear sheet. The provided front sheet is constructed from a flexible planar layer of a polymer film. The rear sheet is constructed from a planar multi layer laminate. The front sheet and the rear sheet are sealed together along their common peripheral edge so as to define a volume enclosure. The method also includes the steps of providing first and second sacrificial ports which are supported along a first side of the common peripheral edge and fluidly connected to the volume enclosure. The first sacrificial port is spaced aparttruth because a person that's worrried someone is going to bring a weapon around doesn't sit outside for 30 minutes waiting for a cab in the middle of the street. Which is exactly what you did when you left our office. You spent 30 minutes out front on the street waiting fora cab. Another big fat whopping story. So, little doggy, it's time for you to move on. People in the Lifestyle don't like storytellers like you. As far as telling people private info on people, we have never breached anyones business or personal info because we don't keep it. Second most people in the Club are not embarrased about what they do or that they are in the lifestyle. The Lifestyle is healthy and wonderful. We are promotors
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Pile-CC" ] }
The Feels My weight shifts from the heel of my left foot to the ball of my right. From taking the weight of my body, my right big toe begins to strain; the back left part of my ribcage starts to slowly shift toward the left to compensate. Then my left knee bends slightly and holds my bodyweight so that my right foot can slide forward one centimeter. Heat is building deep in my abdomen and expands the space inside my torso. The pressure of expansion causes my breastplate to vibrate with quick, low-frequency flutters. The muscles in my chest, neck, and shoulders activate and begin to draw energy from what is now a current of warm electricity circling through my torso. Then, abruptly, the top of my right shouldergroup of constables working for one of the Mayoral candidates. I wasn't able to obtain direct proof however so I didn't write the article. Therefore I won't mention the constables involved or the candidate. It's only a matter of time, however, until they get caught. It's ironic that I defended constables after The Reading Eagle published articles some described as "hit pieces." I corrected the record about they are paid and how hard the top paid constables work for their incomes. It's a shame the bad ones tarnish the good ones. January 23, 2008 I'm fed up with the parking ticket scam District Judge Tom Xavios has been running. Tonight one of his constables showed up with an arrest warrant for a ticket I got last May while covering Mayor McMahon's
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
attention and will be voted on Thursday. A crime fighting grant of federal funds was also discussed. This annual grant is split with Reading and the Commissioners need to decide how to split the money with the city. In the past the split has been 80-20 though it presently is 85-15. One of the projects it has funded is the camera system installed by Mayor McMahon. I remain doubtful about having video cameras scattered around public areas as a privacy issue but the argument is that they are effective. Police states always are effective at fighting crime but that doesn't make them proper or appropriate. As much as I like and support the Mayor sometimes this City can be very heavy handed. January 08, 2008 Today's County Commissioners meeting was theSearch Privacy Statement Thank you for visiting the King County Library Systems Web site. This Privacy Statement demonstrates the commitment of KCLS to patron security. King County Library System strives to maintain the confidentiality of patron records. It has always been against KCLS policy to share or sell Web site information. In order to improve the usefulness of the KCLS Web site for visitors, anonymous statistical information is automatically collected from usage reports that concern network traffic flow and volume. The information collected consists of: Domain name and IP address of the visitor--enabling KCLS to troubleshoot issues with the server. Browser being used--enabling us to better understand local market penetration so we may better design the KCLS page to take full advantage of browser capabilities. Default language set on browsers. Usage patterns--allowing us to see what options
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
CastFeintAction(PlayerbotAI* ai) : CastBuffSpellAction(ai, "feint") {} }; class CastDistractAction : public CastSpellAction { public: CastDistractAction(PlayerbotAI* ai) : CastSpellAction(ai, "distract") {} }; class CastVanishAction : public CastBuffSpellAction { public: CastVanishAction(PlayerbotAI* ai) : CastBuffSpellAction(ai, "vanish") {} }; class CastBlindAction : public CastDebuffSpellAction { public: CastBlindAction(PlayerbotAI* ai) : CastDebuffSpellAction(ai, "blind") {} }; class CastBladeFlurryAction : public CastBuffSpellAction { public: the first 8 bytes of the git hash. This is not an unique identifier, but should allow to identify the commit using the main version number even for very large code bases. * @param vendor_id ID of the board vendor * @param product_id ID of the product * @param uid UID if provided by hardware (see uid2) * @param uid2 UID if provided by hardware (supersedes the uid field. If this is non-zero, use this field, otherwise use uid) * @return length of the message in bytes (excluding serial stream start sign) */ static inline uint16_t mavlink_msg_autopilot_version_pack(uint8_t system_id, uint8_t component_id, mavlink_message_t* msg,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AUTOPILOT_VERSION_LEN); #else mavlink_autopilot_version_t packet; packet.capabilities = capabilities; packet.uid = uid; packet.flight_sw_version = flight_sw_version; packet.middleware_sw_version = middleware_sw_version; packet.os_sw_version = os_sw_version; packet.board_version = board_version; packet.vendor_id = vendor_id; packet.product_id = product_id; mav_array_memcpy(packet.flight_custom_version, flight_custom_version, sizeof(uint8_t)*8); mav_array_memcpy(packet.middleware_custom_version, middleware_custom_version, sizeof(uint8_t)*8); mav_array_memcpy(packet.os_custom_version, os_custom_version, sizeof(uint8_t)*8); mav_array_memcpy(packet.uid2, uid2, sizeof(uint8_t)*18); memcpy(_MAV_PAYLOAD_NON_CONST(msg), &packet, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AUTOPILOT_VERSION_LEN); #endif msg->msgid = MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AUTOPILOT_VERSION; return mavlink_finalize_message(msg, system_id, component_id, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AUTOPILOT_VERSION_MIN_LEN, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AUTOPILOT_VERSION_LEN, MAVLINK_MSG_ID_AUTOPILOT_VERSION_CRC); } /** * @brief Pack a autopilot_version message on a channel * @param system_id ID of this system * @param component_id ID of this component (e.g.that houses the Azure Striker Gunvolt OVA DVD and drama CD. The main visual of the OVA is pictured on the cover. Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack will launch for Switch via the Nintendo eShop worldwide on August 31. In Japan, there will be a standard physical edition for 5,000 yen in addition to the limited physical edition.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "OpenWebText2" ] }
when this was strictly forbidden, when introduced to Mateo, who pitched the idea that they go into business together, with Moreno producing and Escobar distributing a new, profitable drug — cocaine. They expand beyond Moreno's small cocaine processing lab by building additional, larger labs in the rainforest and, using the expertise of Carlos Lehder, transport their product in bulk to Miami, where it gains notoriety amongst the rich and famous. Soon enough, Pablo develops larger labs and more extensive distribution routes into the US to supply growing demand. With cocaine's growth into a drug of importance in the American market, one that accounts for a large flow of US dollars to Colombia and escalating drug-related violence in the US, the Americans send a task force from the DEAfrom Apple engineers on his six productivity apps. "Then, Mr. Dunahoo, chief executive of Bread and Butter Software LLC, returned to Connecticut to get ready for the eighth grade." In fact, WWDC drew 150 teenage developers to its doors, all chaperoned by their parents. For them, the conference was just the same as for grown ups: they attended the keynote, took part in workshops and classes, and did their fair share of hanging out. Unlike the older attendees, though, they had their own child-friendly lounge—complete with bean bags and Skittles. Now, a series of tech summer camps across California is bracing itself for its busiest season yet. As the Journal points out, for these young developers its not all about money: most of them do it to explore their interest in
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
technology and learn to code. Admittedly some of them earn thousands through the sale of their apps but then, as one interviewee points out, that sure beats working in an ice cream parlour. [Wall Street Journal]3*m. What is -6*b(l) - 26*k(l)? -4*l**3 Let u(l) = -4*l - 7. Let b = -1 - -7. Let y(s) be the first derivative of 9*s**2/2 + 15*s - 22. Determine b*y(a) + 13*u(a). 2*a - 1 Let k(b) = 7*b**3 - b**2 + b - 5. Suppose 3*x - 12 = -3*h, -20 = 5*x - 3*h - 0*h. Let p be (-5)/(0 - (-2 + 1)). Let o(m) = -m**3 + 1. Calculate p*o(w) + x*k(w). -2*w**3 + w**2 - w Let w be (-10)/25 + (-57)/(-5). Let k(t) = -11*t - w*t + 6*t - 16 - 10*t**3. Let f(r) = -2*r**3 - 3*r - 3. What is -16*f(y) + 3*k(y)? 2*y**3 Let y(l) = -l**3 - 4*l**2 + 25*l - 4. Let q(f) = -f**3 - 7*f**2 + 49*f - 7.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "DM Mathematics" ] }
-5*d - 34. Let x = 24 - w. What is x*g(y) + 12*b(y)? 3*y Let y(i) = -8*i**3 + 2*i**2 - i - 1. Let q(d) = -17*d**3 + 5*d**2 - 2*d - 3. Give -4*q(g) + 9*y(g). -4*g**3 - 2*g**2 - g + 3 Let w(h) be the third derivative of -h**4/12 - h**3/2 - h**2. Let m(c) = 3*c + 5. Calculate -4*m(y) - 7*w(y). 2*y + 1 Let f(g) = -55*g. Let c(v) = 8*v. Let j(o) = 20*c(o) + 3*f(o). Let q(b) be the third derivative of -b**4/4 + 6*b**2. Determine 5*j(r) - 4*q(r). -r Let d(r) = 4*r**2 + 14. Let q(j) = -4 - 10*j**2 + 11*j**2 + 6 + 1. Suppose -3 = n - 0. Calculate n*d(s) + 14*q(s). 2*s**2 Let p(w) = -w + 1. Let f(v) =also in the expression of target genes \[[@B1-ijms-20-03831],[@B2-ijms-20-03831],[@B3-ijms-20-03831],[@B4-ijms-20-03831],[@B5-ijms-20-03831],[@B6-ijms-20-03831]\] ([Figure 1](#ijms-20-03831-f001){ref-type="fig"}). Aberrant function of members of the TGF-β superfamily is associated with a wide range of human diseases, including cancer. Particularly, alterations in the activation of the protein Smad2, which is the product of the homonymous gene located on the q21.1 of the chromosome 18 (genomic location: chr18:47,808,957-47,931,193; [](, last access 07/22/2019), appear very important in tumorigenesis \[[@B7-ijms-20-03831],[@B8-ijms-20-03831],[@B9-ijms-20-03831],[@B10-ijms-20-03831],[@B11-ijms-20-03831],[@B12-ijms-20-03831]\]. The most important effect of TGF-β mediated by pSmad2 in cancer regards the loss of the role of tumor-suppressor, with a change to a pro-tumorigenic action for tumor progression. The pro-cancer progression consequences of aberrant TGF-β pathway signaling involves stromal remodeling, promotion of tumor cell plasticity (facilitating migration, invasion and metastasis), neo-angiogenesis and immunosuppression with loss of immunosurveillance \[[@B7-ijms-20-03831],[@B8-ijms-20-03831],[@B9-ijms-20-03831],[@B10-ijms-20-03831],[@B11-ijms-20-03831],[@B12-ijms-20-03831]\]. pSmad2 expression is commonly
{ "pile_set_name": [ "DM Mathematics", "PubMed Central" ] }
used to describe the degree of TGF-β signaling activation, and nuclear pSmad2 is considered a good marker of activated TGF-beta signaling \[[@B13-ijms-20-03831]\]. The expression of nuclear pSmad2 has been mainly investigated with immunohistochemistry (IHC), using different cut-off levels in varying studies to establish absent, low or high expression \[[@B13-ijms-20-03831],[@B14-ijms-20-03831],[@B15-ijms-20-03831],[@B16-ijms-20-03831]\]. However, to further complicate the TGF-β landscape, recent evidence has indicated that the activation of this signaling pathway via Smad2, above all in late stages tumors, may promote tumorigenesis activating the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition \[[@B17-ijms-20-03831]\]. This dual role of TGF-β/Smad2 pathway renders its comprehension as a possible prognostic moderator in cancer more difficult. Moreover, the literature lacks a comprehensive summary on this topic. Given that this pathway is very important, among others, in gastrointestinal cancers \[[@B10-ijms-20-03831],[@B11-ijms-20-03831],[@B12-ijms-20-03831]\], we decided to study the(RR) of all-cause mortality in patients with pSmad2-, which was statistically significant (RR, 1.58; 95% CI, 1.05--2.37, *p* = 0.029, I^2^ = 84%) ([Table 1](#ijms-20-03831-t001){ref-type="table"}). This association has also been highlighted by a forest-plot ([Figure 2](#ijms-20-03831-f002){ref-type="fig"}). In five studies reporting available adjusted data from multivariate analysis \[[@B19-ijms-20-03831],[@B20-ijms-20-03831],[@B21-ijms-20-03831],[@B22-ijms-20-03831],[@B23-ijms-20-03831]\], after adjusting for a median of five covariates (range: 5--8) ([Table S3](#app1-ijms-20-03831){ref-type="app"}), pSmad2- carried a significantly higher risk of all-cause mortality compared to pSmad2+, increasing its statistical significance (RR, 1.65; 95% CI, 1.24--2.18; *p* \< 0.001; I^2^ = 4%) ([Table 1](#ijms-20-03831-t001){ref-type="table"}, [Figure 3](#ijms-20-03831-f003){ref-type="fig"}). 2.4. Publication Bias and Meta-Regression Analyses {#sec2dot4-ijms-20-03831} -------------------------------------------------- There was no risk of publication bias for both analyzed indexes, i.e., unadjusted RR for survival (Egger's test, 8.62 ± 12.51, *p* = 0.54) and adjusted estimates (Egger's test, −2.28 ± 2.83, *p* = 0.48). There
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
two authors applied the eligibility criteria, considered the full texts, and a final list of included articles was reached through consensus with a third author (A.N.). 4.4. Data Extraction {#sec4dot4-ijms-20-03831} -------------------- Two authors were involved in data extraction in a standardized Microsoft Excel database. Specifically, one author (N.V.) extracted data from the included articles and a second independent author (A.N.) validated the data. For each article, the following information was extracted: Authors, year of publication, country, exclusion criteria, other genes/proteins abnormalities that have been studied in the specific work, number of participants and gender, age, pathologic TNM stage, tumor grading, type of IHC analysis (whole section vs. tissue micro-array), number of adjustments in survival analyses and duration of follow-up. 4.5. Outcomes {#sec4dot5-ijms-20-03831} ------------- The primary outcome was the number of deaths after treatment duringwith the current user and do not want to create another account you can do this from the live cd too.) Userid's by design do not show up when under 1000. You can change this though! sudo gedit /etc/login.defs find ... # # Min/max values for automatic uid selection in useradd # UID_MIN 1000 UID_MAX 60000 and change UID_MIN to 500 (or anything under 504 (but I would not go a lot lower))
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "StackExchange" ] }
only a stereo and two speakers in the living room. He asked permission to search further, including a walk-in closet, but respondent refused, claiming there was a "sick girl" in the bedroom at the time. Respondent then asked Olson to leave. Olson left and waited down the hallway. Several minutes later respondent came out, saw Olson in the hallway and immediately went back into his apartment. Olson then went to his unmarked squad car and parked by the outdoor pool. Approximately ten minutes later he saw respondent standing by a dumpster in the adjacent Plywood Minnesota parking lot with a red duffel bag at his feet which was big enough to hold a VCR and camcorder. Olson drove towards the dumpster to ask respondent what was in the duffeland camcorder obtained in the warrantless search of respondent's duffel bag. Warrantless searches are per se unreasonable under the fourth amendment unless the search falls within one of several specific exceptions. Coolidge v. New Hampshire, 403 U.S. 443, 454-55, 91 S.Ct. 2022, 2031-32, 29 L.Ed.2d 564 (1971). Under the automobile exception to the warrant requirement, police may search a vehicle without a warrant, including any closed containers within the vehicle, if they have probable cause to believe the search will result in a discovery of evidence or contraband. United States v. Ross, 456 U.S. 798, 102 S.Ct. 2157, 72 L.Ed.2d 572 (1982). Under Arkansas v. Sanders, 442 U.S. 753, 99 S.Ct. 2586, 61 L.Ed.2d 235 (1979) and United States v. Chadwick, 433 U.S. 1, 97 S.Ct. 2476, 53
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
L.Ed.2d 538 (1977), police may not search a closed container within a vehicle without a warrant if they have probable cause directed solely at the container instead of the entire vehicle. The trial court determined that while the police may have had probable cause to believe the duffel bag contained evidence from the robbery, the police did not have probable cause to believe the vehicle contained evidence from the robbery because they had no basis to believe that either the car or the driver of the car had been involved in the robbery. Relying on Sanders and Chadwick, the trial court then held that because probable cause was directed at the duffel bag instead of the entire vehicle, the police could not search the duffel bag, they could onlyprobable cause directed solely at the paper bag, not the entire car. The California Supreme Court denied the state's petition for review. The United States Supreme Court, granting certiorari, eliminated the distinction between probable cause directed at an entire vehicle and probable cause directed solely at a container within a vehicle because "the Fourth Amendment does not compel separate treatment for an automobile search that extends only to a container within the vehicle." Acevedo, ___ U.S. ___, 111 S.Ct. at 1989. Under the facts and circumstances of this case, Acevedo is controlling. If the police had probable cause to believe the duffel bag in respondent's automobile contained evidence of the robbery, they could search the bag without a warrant. The trial court here did not specifically find the police
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
202 Cal.App.3d 1195 (1988) 249 Cal. Rptr. 457 SHAROLYN RENEE ANSON, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. COUNTY OF MERCED et al., Defendants and Respondents. Docket No. F009294. Court of Appeals of California, Fifth District. July 20, 1988. *1197 COUNSEL Fred Canant and Clifford L. Woodall for Plaintiff and Appellant. *1198 Kroloff, Belcher, Smart, Perry & Christopherson and Velma Lim for Defendants and Respondents. OPINION BEST, J. This is an appeal from an order of dismissal following the sustaining of a demurrer to plaintiff's complaint without leave to amend. PROCEDURAL AND FACTUAL BACKGROUND On May 22, 1986, plaintiff, Sharolyn Renee Anson (Anson), served a claim for damages allegedly arising out of medical negligence on the Merced County Board of Supervisors pursuant to Government Code section 900 et seq. The county rejected the claim on June 24, 1986. On December 23, 1986, as required by Codeto address the respective social ills. Accordingly, Anson's argument that the longer time period controls because it is a part of the more specific legislative scheme must fail. *1200 (2) "In the Tort Claims Act (§ 900 et seq.), the Legislature has carefully prescribed the time and manner of filing claims against the public entities, and the conditions under which they may be sued." (Edgington v. County of San Diego (1981) 118 Cal. App.3d 39, 43 [173 Cal. Rptr. 225].) With rare exceptions, courts have held that the six-month statute of limitations is inviolate. "Where the notice of rejection complies with section 913 the six-month statute of limitations cannot be extended by provisions outside the Tort Claims Act." (Dowell v. County of Contra Costa (1985) 173 Cal. App.3d 896,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
Q: Actionbar home/up button actual id differs from I have a ridiculous problem! I want to handle action home button, but MenuItem passed to onOptionsItemSelected method when i tap home button is not public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int id = item.getItemId(); Log.v("1111", "MenuItem id: "+id); Log.v("1111", "home id: "; Log.v("1111", "homeAsUp id: "; ... } Log: 11-19 23:58:56.433: V/1111(30059): MenuItem id: 16908332 11-19 23:58:56.433: V/1111(30059): home id: 2131296256 11-19 23:58:56.433: V/1111(30059): homeAsUp id: 2131296270 Any ideas? A: You are missing the 'android' prefix. The Up button's id is actually, not was not supported by the evidence. On August 1, the City "joined" Bowman's motion. The City amended its Rule 59 motion on September 5, 1997; the amended motion argued that the entire judgment was against the great weight of the evidence. On September 8, 1997, the trial court granted Bowman's motion and amended its judgment to omit that portion of the judgment stating that Bowman had no right to indemnity from the City. On September 10, 1997, the trial court denied the City's amended motion. The City appealed the judgment on September 16, 1997. We affirm. State Farm first argues that the City's appeal is untimely. It contends that the issue of the interpretation of the insurance policy is foreclosed on appeal because the City's only timely action pursuant
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "FreeLaw" ] }
I told my buddy I was looking for socks that look like watermelon and she? he? was on point! My favorites have to be the orange tie die and the red and green combo. I plan on mixing and matching them all :D THANKS BUDDY!!!!!Construction Services Posted On :14 Jan, 2017 Arakonam , India Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Architectural And Designing Architectural Design Building And Construction Services Posted On :24 Dec, 2016 Arakonam , India Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Architectural And Designing Architectural Design Building And ConstructionAny Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] Edward Chemicals We Specialize In Ssd Chemical Solution And Activating Powder For Cleaning Deface Note [black Dollar], We Also Clean Euro And Pounds And Any Other Currency From Any Security Color, T .. [more] We assure Guaranteed Income. No special skill required. You can utilize your Internet connection to make money while working from Home or work place. You can make huge amount of Money from your comput .. [more] Has many Satisfied Clients from all over the World. Black Magic Specialist India Astrologer. He has been giving astrological guidance to people
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
at at at at at When I try to edit "conf/zeppelin-site.xml" to change my port to 8082, no difference. NOTE: I eventually would also want to access my s3 buckets with something like: sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", "xxx") sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey","xxx") val file = "s3n://<<bucket>>/<<file>>" val data = sc.textFile(file) data.first if any benevolent users have any advice (that wasn't already posted on StackOverflow) please let me know! A: Most likely your IP address is blocked from connecting to your spark cluster. You can try by launching the spark-shell pointing at that end point (or even just telnetting). To fix it you can log into your AWS account and change the firewall settings. Its also possible that it isn't pointed at the correct host (I'm assuming you removed the specific box from spark:// but if not there should beheader: %q", vv) } return nil } // actualContentLength returns a sanitized version of // req.ContentLength, where 0 actually means zero (not unknown) and -1 // means unknown. func actualContentLength(req *http.Request) int64 { if req.Body == nil || req.Body == http.NoBody { return 0 } if req.ContentLength != 0 { return req.ContentLength } return -1 } func (cc *ClientConn) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) { resp, _, err := cc.roundTrip(req) return resp, err } func (cc *ClientConn) roundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, gotErrAfterReqBodyWrite bool, err error) { if err := checkConnHeaders(req); err != nil { return nil, false, err } if cc.idleTimer != nil { cc.idleTimer.Stop() } trailers, err := commaSeparatedTrailers(req) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } hasTrailers := trailers != "" if err := cc.awaitOpenSlotForRequest(req); err != nil { return nil, false, err } body := req.Body contentLen := actualContentLength(req) hasBody := contentLen != 0 // TODO(bradfitz): this is a copy of the logic in net/http. Unify somewhere? var requestedGzip bool if !cc.t.disableCompression() && req.Header.Get("Accept-Encoding") ==
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "Github" ] }
"" && req.Header.Get("Range") == "" && req.Method != "HEAD" { // Request gzip only, not deflate. Deflate is ambiguous and // not as universally supported anyway. // See: // // Note that we don't request this for HEAD requests, // due to a bug in nginx: // // // // We don't request gzip if the request is for a range, since // auto-decoding a portion of a gzipped document will just fail // anyway. See requestedGzip = true } // we send: HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,} + DATA{0,} (DATA is // sent by writeRequestBody below, along with any Trailers, // again in form HEADERS{1}, CONTINUATION{0,}) hdrs, err := cc.encodeHeaders(req, requestedGzip, trailers, contentLen) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } cs := cc.newStream() cs.req = req cs.trace = httptrace.ContextClientTrace(req.Context()) cs.requestedGzip = requestedGzip bodyWriter := cc.t.getBodyWriterState(cs, body) cs.on100 = bodyWriter.on100 cc.wmu.Lock() endStream := !hasBody && !hasTrailers werr := cc.writeHeaders(cs.ID, endStream, int(cc.maxFrameSize), hdrs) cc.wmu.Unlock() traceWroteHeaders(cs.trace) ifdata (read from the conn but not // consumed by the client) when computing flow control for this // stream. v := int(cs.inflow.available()) + cs.bufPipe.Len() if v < transportDefaultStreamFlow-transportDefaultStreamMinRefresh { streamAdd = int32(transportDefaultStreamFlow - v) cs.inflow.add(streamAdd) } } if connAdd != 0 || streamAdd != 0 { cc.wmu.Lock() defer cc.wmu.Unlock() if connAdd != 0 {, mustUint31(connAdd)) } if streamAdd != 0 {, mustUint31(streamAdd)) } } return } var errClosedResponseBody = errors.New("http2: response body closed") func (b transportResponseBody) Close() error { cs := b.cs cc := serverSentStreamEnd := cs.bufPipe.Err() == io.EOF unread := cs.bufPipe.Len() if unread > 0 || !serverSentStreamEnd { cc.wmu.Lock() if !serverSentStreamEnd {, ErrCodeCancel) cs.didReset = true } // Return connection-level flow control. if unread > 0 { cc.inflow.add(int32(unread)), uint32(unread)) } cc.wmu.Unlock() } cs.bufPipe.BreakWithError(errClosedResponseBody) cc.forgetStreamID(cs.ID) return nil } func (rl *clientConnReadLoop) processData(f *DataFrame) error { cc := cs := cc.streamByID(f.StreamID, f.StreamEnded()) data := f.Data() if cs == nil { neverSent := cc.nextStreamID if f.StreamID >= neverSent { // We never asked for this. cc.logf("http2: Transport received unsolicited DATA frame; closing connection") return ConnectionError(ErrCodeProtocol) } // We
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
be // called until after the headers have been written. func (s bodyWriterState) scheduleBodyWrite() { if s.timer == nil { // We're not doing a delayed write (see // getBodyWriterState), so just start the writing // goroutine immediately. go s.fn() return } traceWait100Continue(s.cs.trace) if s.timer.Stop() { s.timer.Reset(s.delay) } } // isConnectionCloseRequest reports whether req should use its own // connection for a single request and then close the connection. func isConnectionCloseRequest(req *http.Request) bool { return req.Close || httpguts.HeaderValuesContainsToken(req.Header["Connection"], "close") } // registerHTTPSProtocol calls Transport.RegisterProtocol but // converting panics into errors. func registerHTTPSProtocol(t *http.Transport, rt noDialH2RoundTripper) (err error) { defer func() { if e := recover(); e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("%v", e) } }() t.RegisterProtocol("https", rt) return nil } // noDialH2RoundTripper is a RoundTripper which only tries to complete the request // if there's already has a cached connection to the host. // (The field is exported so it can be accessed via reflect from net/http; tested // by TestNoDialH2RoundTripperType) type noDialH2RoundTrippertrial court. 5. There was no mistake, inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect on Anthony's part. 6. Clear Springs was more than lenient in allowing Anthony an extended time frame to work within, approximately seven months. 7. At one time Clear Springs noticed up Anthony's motion to dismiss hoping to move the case along on its merits. To no avail; Clear Springs was driven by frustration due to the inexcusable neglect of Anthony. 8. Anthony's attorney acknowledged receipt of the notice of intent to take default and during the twelve days before the hearing failed to contact the trial court or Clear Springs about his apparent scheduling conflict in bankruptcy court. This conduct demonstrates an intentional refusal to file an answer to the complaint. 9. Anthony presented no defense to this action, let alone
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "FreeLaw" ] }
which are that the trial court's discretion should be freely and liberally exercised. Stoner, 73 Idaho at 121, 247 P.2d at 471. Similarly instructive is a later case, Bunn v. Bunn, 99 Idaho 710, 587 P.2d 1245 (1978), which relied upon and recited the holding of Stoner: The object of statutes and rules regulating procedure in the courts is to promote the administration of justice. Those statutes and rules which fix the time within which procedural rights are to be asserted are intended to expedite the disposition of causes to the end that justice will not be denied by inexcusable and unnecessary delay. But, except as to those which are mandatory or jurisdictional, procedural regulations should not be so applied as to defeat their primary purpose, that is, theWhile it is hardly surprising that intelligence agencies would want to gather intelligence, a conscientious citizen can only be as comfortable with corporate surveillance and government’s growing powers as his or her good faith will allow. Not that anyone is asking permission. The Google “WiSpy” scandal that came to light last May hardly inspires confidence. Apparently, their Street View vehicles gathered more than uninvited photographs as they patrolled the Western world’s every inch. Since 2007, they’ve been scooping up “payload data,” including web-surfing activity and private emails, from open Wi-Fi networks. When the German government pressed them for an explanation, Google claimed it was all a big “mistake” and insisted they will delete the data—unlike their Gmail account holders’ detailed profiles. When Eric “Don’t Be Evil” Schmidt says, “We know
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "Pile-CC" ] }
that God watches his every move, so may the child of technocracy consider the Electric Eye to be a normal aspect of modern life. I would never be so paranoid as to insist that every watcher behind the camera is purely evil. To the extent that technology is neutral, a surveillance state’s rise is only as insidious as the uses to which it is put. After all, who would argue against identifying criminals, improving products, or securing personal property? And yet, as I contemplate undesirable citizens’ fate during the 20th century’s herd-culling upheavals—Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, or Pol Pot’s Cambodia—the unprecedented ability to cultivate public opinion in real time, while tracking otherwise anonymous individuals, lifts my neck hairs. Big Brother is a silent observer in an era of *(bufferLast_ = buffer_ + readCount_) = '\0'; eof_ = true; } } } StreamType &stream_; Ch peekBuffer_[4], *buffer_; size_t bufferSize_; Ch *bufferLast_; Ch *current_; size_t readCount_; size_t count_; //!< Number of characters read bool eof_; }; typedef BasicIStreamWrapper<std::istream> IStreamWrapper; typedef BasicIStreamWrapper<std::wistream> WIStreamWrapper; #if defined(__clang__) || defined(_MSC_VER) RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP #endif RAPIDJSON_NAMESPACE_END #endif // RAPIDJSON_ISTREAMWRAPPER_H_
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Github" ] }
fall of a factor of three in  derived star formation rates compared to FIR estimates. However this is relative to a stellar population model of constant star formation rate with an assumed IMF upper mass limit ${\cal M}_u = 100$ . A deficit of 0.5 dex compared to this model is completely consistent with our results (Fig. \[bothsamp\]b) which suggests ${\cal M}_u \approx 50$  may be more appropriate. Aperture effects may be behind other claims of high extinction. For example Sturm et al. [@sturm96] use flux ratios of weak near to mid IR recombination and fine structure lines to infer a $V$ band dust absorption of 30–80 mag for Arp220. However, the aperture size they use increases with wavelength, which can induce a spuriously large absorption since this source fills these apertures incharred trees and mud at the crash site. Many of the dead were strapped into their seats, their bodies burned beyond recognition. Text continues after gallery … Air India, the country’s national carrier, runs inexpensive flights under the Air India Express banner to Dubai and other Middle Eastern destinations where millions of Indians are employed. Relatives of the victims, who had been waiting at the airport for the plane’s arrival, stood near the wreckage weeping. Ummer Farook Mohammed, a survivor burned on his face and hands, said it felt like a tire burst after the plane landed. “There was a loud bang, and the plane caught fire,” he said. “The plane shook with vibrations and split into two,” G.K. Pradeep, another survivor, told CNN-IBN television. He jumped out of the aircraft with four
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "Pile-CC" ] }
less, so either int or short multiply will work. */ #define DEQUANTIZE(coef,quantval) (((ISLOW_MULT_TYPE) (coef)) * (quantval)) /* * Perform dequantization and inverse DCT on one block of coefficients. */ GLOBAL(void) jpeg_idct_islow (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr, JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col) { INT32 tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3; INT32 tmp10, tmp11, tmp12, tmp13; INT32 z1, z2, z3, z4, z5; JCOEFPTR inptr; ISLOW_MULT_TYPE * quantptr; int * wsptr; JSAMPROW outptr; JSAMPLE *range_limit = IDCT_range_limit(cinfo); int ctr; int workspace[DCTSIZE2]; /* buffers data between passes */ SHIFT_TEMPS /* Pass 1: process columns from input, store into work array. */ /* Note results are scaled up by sqrt(8) compared to a true IDCT; */ /* furthermore, we scale the results by 2**PASS1_BITS. */ wsptr[DCTSIZE*7] = (int) DESCALE(tmp10 - tmp3, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); wsptr[DCTSIZE*1] = (int) DESCALE(tmp11 + tmp2, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); wsptr[DCTSIZE*6] = (int) DESCALE(tmp11 - tmp2, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); wsptr[DCTSIZE*2] = (int) DESCALE(tmp12 + tmp1, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); wsptr[DCTSIZE*5] = (int) DESCALE(tmp12 - tmp1, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); wsptr[DCTSIZE*3] = (int) DESCALE(tmp13 + tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); wsptr[DCTSIZE*4] = (int) DESCALE(tmp13 - tmp0, CONST_BITS-PASS1_BITS); inptr++; /* advance pointers to next column */ quantptr++; wsptr++; } /* Pass 2: process rows from work array, store into output array. */ /* Note that we must descale the results by a factor of 8 == 2**3, */ /*
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"2: =%spellout-cardinal-reale=;", "%spellout-cardinal-masculine:", "0: =%spellout-cardinal-reale=;", "%spellout-cardinal-feminine:", "0: =%spellout-cardinal-reale=;", "%spellout-cardinal-reale:", "-x: minus >>;", "x.x: << komma >>;", "0: null;", "1: \u00E9in;", "2: to;", "3: tre;", "4: fire;", "5: fem;", "6: seks;", "7: sju;", "8: \u00E5tte;", "9: ni;", "10: ti;",
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
federal prisoners. Id. Sec. 0.111(j)-(k). They execute federal arrest warrants and are authorized to obtain search warrants as well. 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3053; 28 C.F.R. Sec. 60.3. They also have investigative and enforcement responsibilities concerning the apprehension of fugitives. 28 C.F.R. Sec. 0.111(q). They are responsible for providing law-enforcement assistance in the event of civil disturbances, terrorist incidents, and hostage situations. U.S. Marshals Serv., U.S. Dep't of Justice, The Office of the United States Marshal 14 (1981). In addition, they provide security assistance to the military in connection with off-base movements of weapons systems. Id. As noted, their discharge of these responsibilities is subject to the direction and supervision of the Attorney General. 16 All of the marshals' responsibilities,34, 36 n. 1, 106 S.Ct. 355, 358 n. 1, 88 L.Ed.2d 189 (1985). In Pennsylvania Bureau of Correction, the Court affirmed our decision that federal district courts lack the authority to direct United States Marshals to transport state prisoners from state jails to federal courts. The Court's decision rests squarely on the premise that marshals are officers of the executive branch and that federal courts, therefore, may direct their actions only when pursuant to express statutory authority. See Pennsylvania Bureau of Correction, 474 U.S. at 38-43, 106 S.Ct. at 359-61. 18 We thus conclude that, as officers of the executive branch, with wide-ranging law enforcement responsibilities, marshals are "purely executive" officers within the intendment of Myers, Humphrey's Executor, and Wiener. Perhaps the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "FreeLaw" ] }
actions is not changed because interests of federal judges, both personal and institutional, are advanced by those actions. What removed the federal officers in Humphrey's Executor and Wiener from the scope of the President's "unrestrictable power" of removal under Article II, Humphrey's Executor, 295 U.S. at 632, 55 S.Ct. at 875, was that the officers themselves were vested with what the Court there deemed legislative and judicial powers. See id. at 624, 55 S.Ct. at 872; Wiener, 357 U.S. at 354-55, 78 S.Ct. at 1279; compare Morgan v. TVA, 115 F.2d 990 (6th Cir.1940), cert. denied, 312 U.S. 701, 61 S.Ct. 806, 85 L.Ed. 1135 (1941) (recognizing plenary power of President to remove chairman of TVA's board of directors because, inter alia, board didROME — Pope Francis defended “modern multilateral diplomacy” and international institutions against “the resurgence of nationalistic tendencies” in an address at the Vatican on Monday. Francis did not cite specific countries in his speech, delivered to diplomats at the Holy See, but he appeared to be lamenting the mix of jingoism and isolationism that has emerged in the United States and in European nations where populist governments have risen to power. Noting that the League of Nations, established after World War I, had failed to head off another war largely because countries were not willing to work together, Francis raised the specter of fresh violence. “The same attitudes are presently threatening the stability of the major international organizations,” he said, urging Europeans in particular to remain united in the face of
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
My friend Jessica* met a guy named Mike on JDate and they’ve gone on a bunch of dates already. On their fifth date he came to her place to pick her up and asked her if it would be okay to stop by a friend’s house for an hour where a bunch of his friends would be. She said sure, after all it meant he wanted her to meet his friends, and they headed off. It wasn’t until he rang the doorbell that he told her that the hostess was his ex-girlfriend. They’ve been “just” friends for a couple of years and she has a serious boyfriend now. Jessica was stunned. It wasn’t a huge deal, but it would have been better for Mike to have been straight###### Strengths and limitations of this study - The study is a single-centre retrospective observational cohort study with prospective follow-up. - The study is large but does not include a control group. - Patient-reported quality of life is combined with unique national registries allowing for comprehensive follow-up. - A combination of relevant outcomes allows for a realistic estimate of the success of anti-reflux surgery. - Findings from this study will be used to begin development of a clinical scoring system allowing for better patient selection. Introduction {#s1} ============ Episodic reflux of gastric contests to the oesophagus is physiological but is considered gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) when accompanied by bothersome symptoms, typically heartburn, regurgitation or retrosternal pain. Extra-oesophageal symptoms such as asthma, laryngitis and chronic cough may
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Central" ] }
study show that some patients undergo reoperation without long-term PPI use and therefore we assume a composite failure rate of 40%. For Cox regression analysis, assuming a loss to follow-out leaving 450 patients for analysis, a failure event rate in the study population of 40%, significance level of 0.05 and power of 0.9, the estimated effect size and coefficient demonstrated will be −0.4832. Data management {#s2-7} --------------- Data collected from electronic patient records and patient-reported quality-of-life follow-up will be stored using RedCAP (REDCap 7.4.23, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA) hosted by OPEN---Open Patient Data Explorative Network, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital, Denmark. Data will be transferred to Statistics Denmark and merged with registry data. All analysis will be performed using STATA V.15 (StataCorp, College Station,eigenstates, which are supposed to be Dirac particles. The interaction of the neutrino flavor eigenstates $\nu_{\alpha}$, $\alpha=e,\mu,\tau$, with background matter in the flat space-time is described by the following effective Lagrangian[@GiuKim07]: $$\label{eq:Lf} \mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{eff}} = -\sum_{\alpha}\bar{\nu}_{\alpha}\gamma_{\mu}^{\mathrm{L}}\nu_{\alpha}\cdot f_{\alpha}^{\mu},$$ where $\gamma_{\mu}^{\mathrm{L}}=\gamma_{\mu}(1-\gamma^{5})/2$, $\gamma^{\mu}=(\gamma^{0},\bm{\gamma})$ are the Dirac matrices, and $\gamma^{5}=\mathrm{i}\gamma^{0}\gamma^{1}\gamma^{2}\gamma^{3}$. The interaction Lagrangian in Eq. (\[eq:Lf\]) is derived in the mean field approximation using the effective external currents $f_{\alpha}^{\mu}$ depending on the characteristics of background matter as[@DvoStu02] $$\label{eq:flavnueffp} f_{\alpha}^{\mu} = \sqrt{2}G_{\mathrm{F}}\sum_{f} \left( q_{\alpha,f}^{(1)}j_{f}^{\mu}+q_{\alpha,f}^{(2)}\lambda_{f}^{\mu} \right),$$ where $G_{\mathrm{F}}$ is the Fermi constant and the sum is taken over all background fermions $f$. Here $$\label{eq:jms} j_{f}^{\mu}=n_{f}u_{f}^{\mu},$$ is the hydrodynamic current and $$\label{eq:lambdams} \lambda_{f}^{\mu} = n_{f} \left( (\bm{\zeta}_{f}\mathbf{u}_{f}), \bm{\zeta}_{f}+\frac{\mathbf{u}_{f}(\bm{\zeta}_{f}\mathbf{u}_{f})}{1+u_{f}^{0}} \right),$$
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "ArXiv" ] }
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{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Wikipedia (en)" ] }
0x00040000 + >; + + flash@0,0 { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <1>; + compatible = "cfi-flash"; + reg = <0x0 0x0 0x02000000>; + byteswap; + + partition@0 { + /* uboot */ + reg = <0x00000000 0x00100000>; + label = "uboot"; + }; + partition@1 { + /* uboot-env */ + reg = <0x00100000 0x00400000>; + label = "uboot-env"; + env_size = <0x10000>; + }; + partition@2 { + /* vpd */ + reg = <0x00500000 0x00200000>; + label = "vpd"; + }; + partition@3 { + /* shmoo */ + reg = <0x00700000 0x00200000>; + label = "shmoo"; + }; + partition@4 { + /* open */ + reg = <0x00900000 0xf9500000>; + label = "open"; + }; + partition@5 { + /* onie */ + reg = <0xf9e00000 0x00c00000>; + label = "onie"; + }; + partition@6 { + /* onie2 */ + reg = <0xfaa00000 0x00c00000>; + label = "onie2"; + }; + partition@7 { + /* board_eeprom */ + reg = <0xfb600000 0x00600000>; + label = "board_eeprom"; + }; + partition@8 { + /* diags */ + reg = <0xfbc00000 0x02000000>; + label = "diag"; + }; + partition@9 { + /* diags2 */ + reg = <0xfdc00000 0x02000000>; + label = "diag2"; + }; + }; + cpld@1,0 { + compatible = "dni,3448p-cpld"; + reg = <0x1 0x0 0x00040000>; + }; + }; + + i2c0: i2c@18038000 { + compatible = "iproc-smb"; + reg = <0x18038000 0x1000>; + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + interrupts = <0x0 127 0x0>; + clock-frequency = <100000>; + rtc@68 { + compatible = "stm,m41st85"; + reg = <0x68>; + }; + tmon@49 { + compatible = "ti,tmp75"; + reg = <0x49>; + }; + tmon@4are Beverly Manufacturing Corp. for two main reasons. First, it was consistent with our approach in non-bankruptcy litigation, where we had held that the failure to timely file briefs “is merely a ‘non- jurisdictional defect in the prosecution of [an] appeal,’ and such defect does not require dismissal in every case.” Id. (quoting Marcaida v. Rascoe, 569 F.2d 828, 830 (5th Cir. 1978) (“[T]he late filing of briefs is at most (a) non-jurisdictional (defect) in the prosecution of (t)his appeal, which we consider insufficient to warrant dismissal.” (internal quotation marks omitted)). Second, we found that the flexible standard better serves the policy underlying the rule requiring timely filing of briefs, which is simply “to encourage swift prosecution of appeals.” Id. “Dismissal typically occurs in cases showing consistently dilatory conduct or the complete failure
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "FreeLaw" ] }
quality traits were assessed. The de-hulled oats (groats) were also subjected to a rapid Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) metabolomic screening approach (Allwood and Goodacre [@CR5]; Allwood et al. [@CR4]; Koistinen and Hanhineva [@CR38]), revealing the impact of nitrogen supplementation on a range of compounds inclusive of amino acids, organic acids, lipids and phenolics. Materials and methods {#Sec2} ===================== Field trial design {#Sec3} ------------------ The trial was conducted at Lydbury North, Shropshire, UK (latitude 52.45, longitude − 2.94, medium soil type) in a split plot design with three replicates using five levels of nitrogen application (main plot treatment) and four commercially available winter oat varieties (sub-plot treatment) from the Aberystwyth University winter oat breeding programme. These included two of the most widely grown winter oat varieties in the UK overapplied; level 2, 100 kg N ha^−1^ applied; level 3, 150 kg N ha^−1^ applied; level 4, 200 kg N ha^−1^ applied. The 17th April application date corresponded to growth stage 31 (early stem elongation, Zadoks et al. [@CR68]). Prior to harvest the number of fertile shoots (panicles) per m^2^ were counted and plant heights from soil surface to panicle tip measured. Chemicals {#Sec4} --------- Unless otherwise stated all solvents were of HPLC grade and JT Baker brand (Scientific Chemical Supplies, UK), formic acid was of MS grade (Fisher Scientific, UK), morin-hydrate and reserpine (99% purity) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich UK, all other reference standards, unless otherwise stated, were obtained from LGC (UK) or Extrasynthese (FR). Grain quality assays {#Sec5} -------------------- Harvested grain was cleaned through a 3.5 mm and 2 mm sieve to remove broken grain and residual chaff and straw
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
3 most intense ions for the mixed QA sample (Mullard et al. [@CR44]). The DDA method applied a primary full scan event within the FT, followed by a secondary scan event within the LTQ-IT to collect MS^2^ CID fragmentation spectra for the top 3 most intense ions as defined within the preliminary full MS scan. Helium was applied as a collision gas for CID at a normalised collision energy of 45%, a trapping window width of 2 (± 1) *m*/*z* was applied, an activation time of 30 ms and activation Q of 0.25 were applied, only singly charged ions were selected for DDA, isotopic ions were also excluded. The preliminary full scan event within the FT generated 'profile' mode data, whereas the LTQ-IT MS2 data were collected in 'centroid'were visualised as PCA score and loading plots. Partial Least Squares with structured output (PLS-S) was employed as a supervised machine learning model (Xu et al. [@CR65]). Unlike conventional PLS regression (PLS-R) or PLS for discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), PLS-S employed a structured response matrix ***Y*** which was coded according to the experimental design and was able to investigate all studied factors simultaneously (e.g. oat varieties and nitrogen levels in this study). Recursive feature elimination (RFE; Guyon and Elisseef [@CR31]) was applied with the PLS-S to identify the metabolites that changed significantly in response to increasing nitrogen level regardless of the oat variety. The PLS-S models with RFE were validated with 1000 bootstrapping re-sampling (Efron and Tibshirani [@CR25]). Finally, a non-parametric univariate significance test based upon two-way ANOVA, i.e.
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
of these factors as calculated by two-way ANOVA analysis Grain yield was highly correlated with the number of grains m^−2^ (r = 0.99). Grain number m^−2^ is the product of panicle number m^−2^ and grain number per panicle both of which significantly increased with increasing nitrogen treatment. This suggests that greater nitrogen availability resulted in an increased productive tiller survival as previously found (Weightman et al. [@CR62]; Browne et al. [@CR15]; Ma et al. [@CR40]). Panicle number m^−2^ however did not continue to increase after applications of 100 kg N ha^−1^. Grain number per panicle was highest at 200 kg N ha^−1^. A significant difference was found for the yield component traits grain number m^−2^, grain number per panicle and panicles m^−2^ between varieties. Mascani had the lowest grain number per panicle and the highestmetabolism with changes in a number of phenolic compounds being deemed statistically significant. The phenolic compounds that were up-regulated in response to increased nitrogen supplementation included caffeic acid, caffeoyl putrescine and a number of sinapoyl glucose isomers (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Given the antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer and antidiabetic activities reported for caffeic acid, sinapic acid and its sinapoyl glucose derivatives (Gülçin [@CR30]; Nićiforović and Abramovič [@CR46]; Eid et al. [@CR26]), this result could potentially be regarded as being positive with respect to oat grain derived health benefits. However, coincidently, a number of health beneficial phenolics, namely the avenanthramides, were seen to be reduced in abundance, in a number of the oat lines, as nitrogen supplementation increased (Fig. [5](#Fig5){ref-type="fig"}). This is potentially a result of the elevation observed in primary metabolites effectively limiting
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Q: Page Counter : Store number in MySql Database I've been searching the web for some good page hit counters. I'd like to create a page hit counter page that keeps its values stored in a MySql Database under a row called 'PageCounter'. Any ideas would be appreciated. A: Most users don't care about how many times your page has been hit. That is why you see so few page hit counters these days. Why not just implement Google Analytics? You'll get far more valuable and comprehensive information that way. E.g., where are the users coming from, how long did they stay on the page, etc. fragmentTransaction = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); fragmentTransaction.replace(, fragment); fragmentTransaction.addToBackStack(null); fragmentTransaction.commit(); } else if (id == { } else if (id == { } else if (id == { } else if (id == {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "StackExchange", "StackExchange" ] }
CE and FDA approved partners.” No details are available on the company website regarding the foreign manufacturer of the kits, approvals in India, or the test kit's performance. The kit is being sold online at a price of Rs 2,499 without the need for a physician's prescription. “The first batch has been sold out according to the company website and it is impossible to know about the genuineness of the test kit,” stated AIDAN“The company's strategy is clearly to exploit public anxiety around the pandemic in order to make a killing. It is selling kits to the general public even before official directions regarding the use of rapid antibody tests have been issued, and even the interim advisory of 2 April 2020 for use of antibody tests inis logged in. A: If the protocol doesn't support it (and it doesn't) then there's nothing you can do here, aside from delete all your cookies once you're done, which would clear the cookie which logs you into your provider and the ones that log you into services. As an aside an OpenID provider doesn't have to provide you with a persistent cookie, or even a session cookie which keeps you logged into your OpenID account, it could authenticate you once for itself, then sent the authentication token onwards. If you're worried about being logged into Gmail when you use OpenID then choose another OpenID provider. But how is this a question? A: People apparently fail to see the question in your question, so I repeat it here just for clarity (and with a
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
and said winding shaft supporting member 1 develops a spring force radially of said winding shaft 4 by the bent portion of said supporting member 1 which is inserted in the hole 3 of said base plate. Said winding shaft 4 is positioned by the bent portion 1b of said winding shaft supporting member 1 engaged with the recess portion 5a of the detent portion 5. The winding shaft supporting member 1 is moved when said bending portion 1b climbs over the protrusive portion or annular step 5b on the detent portion 5 by the pulling of said winding shaft 4. When said bending portion 1b falls into said recess portion 5c, said winding stem supporting member is positioned at a secondary step portion. However, in said stem mechanism,jokingly being pessimistic that we wont ever get our act together and it with be our sentient AI descendants that will capitalise on space after they have wiped us out in their teenage tantrum SKYNET phase. _________________Someone has to tilt at windmills.So that we know what to do when the real giants come!!!! Ah, well the time for that has passed without Skynet, retcons notwithstanding. Terminator is a great example of Dystopic Science Fiction. It serves as an effective warning, so if we can predict something like our own defense AI taking over, and trying to wipe out the human race, hopefully, we can prevent it. I prefer the middle road futurists (somewhere between Utopia, and dystopia.) For instance, Azimov, (Incidently one of the most prolific science fact authors, ever.) tried
{ "pile_set_name": [ "USPTO Backgrounds", "Pile-CC" ] }
fight. Not wanting to be loner like her sister, she pays people to be her friends. This gets her in trouble but she is silently helped out by Kouichi and Keito who were watching. Kouichi's step sister. She was Kouichi's first love, though he later finds out that she already has a boyfriend. She invites Keito to her college fair, and Keito performs in the college play. She is really happy when Kouichi finally calls her sis. An actress whose career begins when she is double cast for the same leading role in a musical production with nine-year-old Keito. A friendship starts between the two girls during rehearsals but Nako's admiration for Keito's acting talent turns to resentment. Her actions during the premiere of the playcommas       (",") and optional linear whitespace (LWS). This makes the usual       form of lists very easy; a rule such as "( *LWS element *( *LWS ","       *LWS element )) " can be shown as "1#element". Wherever this       construct is used, null elements are allowed, but do not contribute Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 14]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997       to the count of elements present. That is, "(element), , (element)       " is permitted, but counts as only two elements. Therefore, where       at least one element is required, at least one non-null element       must be present. Default values are 0 and infinity so that       "#element" allows any number, including zero; "1#element" requires       at least one; and "1#2element" allows one or two. ; comment       A semi-colon, set off some distance to the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Wikipedia (en)", "Pile-CC" ] }
MUST NOT be sent.     Applications sending Request or Response messages, as defined by this     specification, MUST include an HTTP-Version of "HTTP/1.1". Use of     this version number indicates that the sending application is at     least conditionally compliant with this specification.     The HTTP version of an application is the highest HTTP version for     which the application is at least conditionally compliant. Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 17]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997     Proxy and gateway applications must be careful when forwarding     messages in protocol versions different from that of the application.     Since the protocol version indicates the protocol capability of the     sender, a proxy/gateway MUST never send a message with a version     indicator which is greater than its actual version; if a higher     version request is received, the proxy/gateway MUST eitherdowngrade     the request version, respond with an error, or switch to tunnel     behavior. Requests with a version lower than that of the     proxy/gateway's version MAY be upgraded before being forwarded; the     proxy/gateway's response to that request MUST be in the same major     version as the request.       Note: Converting between versions of HTTP may involve modification       of header fields required or forbidden by the versions involved. 3.2 Uniform Resource Identifiers     URIs have been known by many names: WWW addresses, Universal Document     Identifiers, Universal Resource Identifiers , and finally the     combination of Uniform Resource Locators (URL) and Names (URN). As     far as HTTP is concerned, Uniform Resource Identifiers are simply     formatted strings which identify--via name, location, or any other     characteristic--a resource. 3.2.1 General Syntax     URIs in HTTP can be represented in absolute
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
that host, and the Request-URI     for the resource is abs_path. The use of IP addresses in URL's SHOULD     be avoided whenever possible (see RFC 1900 [24]). If the abs_path is     not present in the URL, it MUST be given as "/" when used as a     Request-URI for a resource (section 5.1.2). 3.2.3 URI Comparison     When comparing two URIs to decide if they match or not, a client     SHOULD use a case-sensitive octet-by-octet comparison of the entire     URIs, with these exceptions:       o A port that is empty or not given is equivalent to the default          port for that URI;       o Comparisons of host names MUST be case-insensitive;       o Comparisons of scheme names MUST be case-insensitive;       o An empty abs_path is equivalent to an abs_path of "/".     Characters other than thosewith     an explicit charset parameter. HTTP/1.1 recipients MUST respect the     charset label provided by the sender; and those user agents that have     a provision to "guess" a charset MUST use the charset from the     content-type field if they support that charset, rather than the     recipient's preference, when initially displaying a document. 3.7.2 Multipart Types     MIME provides for a number of "multipart" types -- encapsulations of     one or more entities within a single message-body. All multipart     types share a common syntax, as defined in MIME [7], and MUST     include a boundary parameter as part of the media type value. The     message body is itself a protocol element and MUST therefore use only     CRLF to represent line breaks between body-parts. Unlike in MIME, the     epilogue of any multipart message MUST be
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
in which header fields with differing field names are     received is not significant. However, it is "good practice" to send     general-header fields first, followed by request-header or response-     header fields, and ending with the entity-header fields.     Multiple message-header fields with the same field-name may be     present in a message if and only if the entire field-value for that     header field is defined as a comma-separated list [ie, #(values)].     It MUST be possible to combine the multiple header fields into one     "field-name: field-value" pair, without changing the semantics of the     message, by appending each subsequent field-value to the first, each     separated by a comma. The order in which header fields with the same     field-name are received is therefore significant to the     interpretation of the combined field value, and thusThe request-header fields allow the client to pass additional     information about the request, and about the client itself, to the     server. These fields act as request modifiers, with semantics     Request-header field names can be extended reliably only in     combination with a change in the protocol version. However, new or     experimental header fields MAY be given the semantics of request-     header fields if all parties in the communication recognize them to     be request-header fields. Unrecognized header fields are treated as     entity-header fields. 6 Response     After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds     with an HTTP response message.     The first line of a Response message is the Status-Line, consisting     of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its     associated textual phrase, with each element separated by
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by the client.     The semantics of the GET method change to a "partial GET" if the     request message includes a Range header field. A partial GET requests     that only part of the entity be transferred, as described in section     14.36. The partial GET method is intended to reduce unnecessary     network usage by allowing partially-retrieved entities to be     completed without transferring data already held by the client.     The response to a GET request is cachable if and only if it meets the     requirements for HTTP caching described in section 13. 9.4 HEAD     The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT     return a message-body in the response. The metainformation contained     in the HTTP headers in response to a HEAD request SHOULD be identical     to the informationsent in response to a GET request. This method can     be used for obtaining metainformation about the entity implied by the     request without transferring the entity-body itself. This method is     often used for testing hypertext links for validity, accessibility,     and recent modification.     The response to a HEAD request may be cachable in the sense that the     information contained in the response may be used to update a     previously cached entity from that resource. If the new field values     indicate that the cached entity differs from the current entity (as     would be indicated by a change in Content-Length, Content-MD5, ETag     or Last-Modified), then the cache MUST treat the cache entry as     stale. Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 50]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997 9.5 POST     The POST method is used to
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SHOULD continue by sending the remainder of the request or, if the     request has already been completed, ignore this response. The server     MUST send a final response after the request has been completed. 10.1.2 101 Switching Protocols     The server understands and is willing to comply with the client's     request, via the Upgrade message header field (section 14.41), for a     change in the application protocol being used on this connection. The     server will switch protocols to those defined by the response's     Upgrade header field immediately after the empty line which     terminates the 101 response.     The protocol should only be switched when it is advantageous to do     so. For example, switching to a newer version of HTTP is     advantageous over older versions, and switching to a real-time,     synchronous protocol may beresponse, it attaches some sort of validator to it,     which is kept with the cache entry. When a client (user agent or     proxy cache) makes a conditional request for a resource for which it     has a cache entry, it includes the associated validator in the     request.     The server then checks that validator against the current validator     for the entity, and, if they match, it responds with a special status     code (usually, 304 (Not Modified)) and no entity-body. Otherwise, it     returns a full response (including entity-body). Thus, we avoid     transmitting the full response if the validator matches, and we avoid     an extra round trip if it does not match. Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 81]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997       Note: the comparison functions used to decide if validators match      
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
field from all its cache entries for the Request-     URI. This conveys to the server the set of entities currently held by     the cache, so that if any one of these entities matches the requested     entity, the server can use the ETag header in its 304 (Not Modified)     response to tell the cache which entry is appropriate. If the     entity-tag of the new response matches that of an existing entry, the Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 90]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997     new response SHOULD be used to update the header fields of the     existing entry, and the result MUST be returned to the client.     The Vary header field may also inform the cache that the     representation was selected using criteria not limited to the     request-headers; in this case,Content-Length header) may store     the response. However, the cache MUST treat this as a partial     response. Partial responses may be combined as described in section     13.5.4; the result might be a full response or might still be     partial. A cache MUST NOT return a partial response to a client     without explicitly marking it as such, using the 206 (Partial     Content) status code. A cache MUST NOT return a partial response     using a status code of 200 (OK).     If a cache receives a 5xx response while attempting to revalidate an     entry, it may either forward this response to the requesting client, Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 91]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997     or act as if the server failed to respond. In the latter case, it MAY     return a previously
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
or network     failure prior to write-back. 13.12 Cache Replacement     If a new cachable (see sections 14.9.2, 13.2.5, 13.2.6 and 13.8)     response is received from a resource while any existing responses for     the same resource are cached, the cache SHOULD use the new response     to reply to the current request. It may insert it into cache storage     and may, if it meets all other requirements, use it to respond to any     future requests that would previously have caused the old response to     be returned. If it inserts the new response into cache storage it     should follow the rules in section 13.5.3.       Note: a new response that has an older Date header value than       existing cached responses is not cachable. 13.13 History Lists     User agents often have history mechanisms, such as "Back"to     prevent caches from adversely interfering with the request or     response. These directives typically override the default caching     algorithms. Cache directives are unidirectional in that the presence     of a directive in a request does not imply that the same directive     should be given in the response.       Note that HTTP/1.0 caches may not implement Cache-Control and may       only implement Pragma: no-cache (see section 14.32).     Cache directives must be passed through by a proxy or gateway     application, regardless of their significance to that application,     since the directives may be applicable to all recipients along the     request/response chain. It is not possible to specify a cache-     directive for a specific cache.     When a directive appears without any 1#field-name parameter, the     directive applies to the entire request or response. When such a    
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
directive appears with a 1#field-name parameter, it applies only to     the named field or fields, and not to the rest of the request or     response. This mechanism supports extensibility; implementations of     future versions of the HTTP protocol may apply these directives to     header fields not defined in HTTP/1.1.     The cache-control directives can be broken down into these general     categories:       o Restrictions on what is cachable; these may only be imposed by the          origin server.       o Restrictions on what may be stored by a cache; these may be imposed          by either the origin server or the user agent.       o Modifications of the basic expiration mechanism; these may be          imposed by either the origin server or the user agent.       o Controls over cache revalidation and reload; these may only be         along the path to the origin server to revalidate       its own entry, if any, with the next cache or server. The initial       request does not include a cache-validating conditional; the first       cache along the path (if any) that holds a cache entry for this       resource includes a cache-validating conditional with its current       validator.     When an intermediate cache is forced, by means of a max-age=0     directive, to revalidate its own cache entry, and the client has     supplied its own validator in the request, the supplied validator may     differ from the validator currently stored with the cache entry. In     this case, the cache may use either validator in making its own     request without affecting semantic transparency.     However, the choice of validator may affect performance. The best     approach is for the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
digest to be computed for MIME     composite media-types (eg, multipart/* and message/rfc822), but     this does not change how the digest is computed as defined in the     preceding paragraph.       Note: There are several consequences of this. The entity-body for       composite types may contain many body-parts, each with its own MIME       and HTTP headers (including Content-MD5, Content-Transfer-Encoding,       and Content-Encoding headers). If a body-part has a Content-       Transfer-Encoding or Content-Encoding header, it is assumed that       the content of the body-part has had the encoding applied, and the       body-part is included in the Content-MD5 digest as is -- ie,       after the application. The Transfer-Encoding header field is not       allowed within body-parts.       Note: while the definition of Content-MD5 is exactly the same for       HTTP as in RFC 1864 for MIME entity-bodies, there arerounding problems due to     the different encodings of time between the client and server. This     includes the possibility of race conditions if the document has     changed between the time it was first requested and the If-Modified-     Since date of a subsequent request, and the possibility of clock-     skew-related problems if the If-Modified-Since date is derived from     the client's clock without correction to the server's clock.     Corrections for different time bases between client and server are at     best approximate due to network latency. Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 120]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997 14.25 If-Match     The If-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it     conditional. A client that has one or more entities previously     obtained from the resource can verify that one of those entities is     current
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that has one or more entities previously     obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities is     current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the     If-None-Match header field. The purpose of this feature is to allow     efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of     transaction overhead. It is also used, on updating requests, to     prevent inadvertent modification of a resource which was not known to     exist.     As a special case, the value "*" matches any current entity of the     resource.     If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that     would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request     (without the If-None-Match header) on that resource, or if "*" is     given and anyDate value of     its response. This allows a recipient to make an accurate assessment     of the entity's modification time, especially if the entity changes     near the time that the response is generated.     HTTP/1.1 servers SHOULD send Last-Modified whenever feasible. 14.30 Location     The Location response-header field is used to redirect the recipient     to a location other than the Request-URI for completion of the     request or identification of a new resource. For 201 (Created)     responses, the Location is that of the new resource which was created     by the request. For 3xx responses, the location SHOULD indicate the     server's preferred URL for automatic redirection to the resource. The     field value consists of a single absolute URL.            Location = "Location" ":" absoluteURI     An example is            Location:       Note: The Content-Location header field (section
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
directly connected to     the client (ie, the nearest neighbor in a chain of connections). If     the response passes through a proxy, the proxy MUST either remove the     Public header field or replace it with one applicable to its own     capabilities. 14.36 Range 14.36.1 Byte Ranges     Since all HTTP entities are represented in HTTP messages as sequences     of bytes, the concept of a byte range is meaningful for any HTTP     entity. (However, not all clients and servers need to support byte-     range operations.)     Byte range specifications in HTTP apply to the sequence of bytes in     the entity-body (not necessarily the same as the message-body).     A byte range operation may specify a single range of bytes, or a set     of ranges within a single entity.     The first-byte-pos value in a byte-range-spec giveslimit the number of     bytes retrieved without knowing the size of the entity.            suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length            suffix-length = 1*DIGIT     A suffix-byte-range-spec is used to specify the suffix of the     entity-body, of a length given by the suffix-length value. (That is,     this form specifies the last N bytes of an entity-body.) If the     entity is shorter than the specified suffix-length, the entire     entity-body is used.     HTTP retrieval requests using conditional or unconditional GET     methods may request one or more sub-ranges of the entity, instead of     the entire entity, using the Range request header, which applies to     the entity returned as the result of the request:           Range = "Range" ":" ranges-specifier     A server MAY ignore the Range header. However, HTTP/1.1 origin     servers and intermediate caches SHOULD support byte ranges
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
when     possible, since Range supports efficient recovery from partially     failed transfers, and supports efficient partial retrieval of large     entities.     If the server supports the Range header and the specified range or     ranges are appropriate for the entity:       o The presence of a Range header in an unconditional GET modifies          what is returned if the GET is otherwise successful. In other          words, the response carries a status code of 206 (Partial          Content) instead of 200 (OK).       o The presence of a Range header in a conditional GET (a request          using one or both of If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match, or          one or both of If-Unmodified-Since and If-Match) modifies what          is returned if the GET is otherwise successful and the condition          is true. It does not affect the 304 (Not Modified) response         pseudonym     for that host. Fielding, et. al. Standards Track [Page 136]   RFC 2068 HTTP/1.1 January 1997     For organizations that have strong privacy requirements for hiding     internal structures, a proxy MAY combine an ordered subsequence of     Via header field entries with identical received-protocol values into     a single such entry. For example,            Via: 1.0 ricky, 1.1 ethel, 1.1 fred, 1.0 lucy             could be collapsed to            Via: 1.0 ricky, 1.1 mertz, 1.0 lucy     Applications SHOULD NOT combine multiple entries unless they are all     under the same organizational control and the hosts have already been     replaced by pseudonyms. Applications MUST NOT combine entries which     have different received-protocol values. 14.45 Warning     The Warning response-header field is used to carry additional     information about the status of a response which may not be reflected     by the response status
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
a hit in the first three innings. David Freese led off the top of the fourth with a single to right field. Manny Machado came up next and singled to center, moving Freese to second. Chris Taylor followed that up by drawing a walk, loading the bases. Kemp tied the game with a sacrifice fly to center. Kike Hernandez struck out, but then Puig singled to center with two outs to give the Dodgers a 2-1 lead. Ryu got into trouble in the bottom of the fifth. He was able to get the first two outs of the inning, but couldn’t get that final out. With the bases loaded, Madson walked Pearce to force in a run and tie the game 2-2. J.D. Martinez followed that up with a single to right,0.75--1.87, *P *=* *0.46) in stage III disease\]. QUASAR 2 patients receiving bevacizumab did not have a significantly different prognosis than those that received capecitabine alone when stratifying for stroma content and stage, indicating that patients with a high stroma content do not benefit from VEGF inhibition ([supplementary Tables S4A and B](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}, available at *Annals of Oncology* online). Multivariate analyses of prognostic factors for CSS --------------------------------------------------- Multivariate analyses of the individual datasets are summarised in [supplementary Tables S2A--F, S3A-D and S5A-C](#sup1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}, available at *Annals of Oncology* online. The pooled dataset comprising QUASAR 2, Gloucester and Aker populations are summarised in Tables [2](#mdx794-T2){ref-type="table"} and [3](#mdx794-T3){ref-type="table"}. In multivariate modelling, the dominant contributory factors for stage II disease were the combination of ploidy and stroma \[*P *\<* *0.001, HR 1.77 (95% CI: 1.13--2.77)\] for the intermediate- versus low-risk group and HR
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "PubMed Central" ] }
in Club Med. If I'm gonna play that part, I want to make sure that I know where it's going." And he said, "I can tell you that you will definitely die. But I'm not sure about Thelma. You may push her out of the car at the last minute." DAVIS But I earned the right to die! SARANDON You earned to go down with me, baby! Laddie [producer Alan Ladd Jr.] was another big reason Ridley had so much power — because he really gave him final cut. I mean, that was unusual even in that time. So he is very much responsible for the film being exactly what they wanted. Were you hesitant at all that the director of Alien and Blade Runner would be directing this epic femaleQ: Unable to retrieve data from SecItemCopyMatching I am adding an item to the Keychain, then later I want to get that item's value. The problem is, it turns out to be an empty string. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! //add item to keychain NSDictionary *secItem = @{ (__bridge id)kSecClass : (__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword, (__bridge id)kSecAttrService : [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier], (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount : myKeyVar,
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
(__bridge id)kSecValueData : [myValue dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding], (__bridge id)kSecAttrSynchronizable : @YES }; OSStatus status = SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)secItem, NULL); //successfully adds it //query for existing item NSDictionary *query = @{(__bridge id)kSecClass : (__bridge id)kSecClassGenericPassword, (__bridge id)kSecAttrService : [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier], (__bridge id)kSecAttrAccount : keyToSearchForVar, "lgSize": 3, "macFrac": 0, "maxFrac": 2, "minFrac": 2, "minInt": 1, "negPre": "\u00a4\u00a0-", "negSuf": "", "posPre": "\u00a4\u00a0", "posSuf": "" } ] }, "id": "uz-arab-af", "pluralCat": function (n, opt_precision) { if (n == 1) { return PLURAL_CATEGORY.ONE; } return PLURAL_CATEGORY.OTHER;} }); }]);
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saying I want spaces. Want to Learn more about Regex check out Rubular it is a regular expression evaluator for Ruby and I use it all the time. The only thing it doesn't really discuss on it's own is greedy and non-greedy capture groups but I have a feeling you don't have to worry about this right now. but avoiding mutable state is so useful thing to do that Swift strongly encourages this approach providing an easy way to do so with simple let keyword and rich value types. Benefits of using immutability go from having cleaner code with less possibility for bugs, much easier dealing with concurrency to more opportunities for compiler to optimize the code for performance. Careful treatment of let versus var also makes intent much cleaner. If it is something declared with var we are sure it supposed for this value to change and it becomes less probable to make bugs related to handling changing state. Collection types are especially important in context of immutably. Even in Objective-C we prefer using immutable collections, e.g. NSArray instead of NSMutableArray . Swift makes this easier by having
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and much easier to test. They usually provide performance gains also. We use value types in Objective-C too, however they are usually so simple that we can’t use them very often and as versatile as we can use class types, we even can’t put them in collections without wrapping in a object what defeats most of value type purpose. In Swift we can use them the same way as any other type, and in fact all collection types are value types also. In functional languages value types are what we use for storing data on which functions operate producing other values as results. Swift with its rich and powerful set of value types enables us to use them much more often than it is usual in object oriented languages. Objectsused in functional languages let result = students |> filterOutFailed |> sortByGrade |> formatForPrint |> joinByComma Function Composition In functional languages we always want to have functions made as simple building blocks for our program. This makes function composition central part of functional programming. Too simple functions without ability to compose them wouldn’t be very useful because chaining too many too simple functions, often repeatedly in same order, doesn’t lead to readable and maintainable code. If we want to add a function in a chain or change order to get different behavior we would need to do this in all places we use this combination of functions. Making more complex functions by composing them in the same way like mathematical functions composition works enables us to keep our code simple, easy
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applications to get even more various simple functions just for building compositions from all of these components to finally apply them on some simple values or collections of values. The real power comes when we pass them into various higher order functions. There are three powerful generic higher order functions we have in functional languages and in Swift also, with their standard names as filter, map reduce. These functions do generic transformations on sequences: filtering elements by predicate, mapping elements to another array by applying some transformation on each element, reducing a sequence to a single value applying some combine functions to each element and a result initialized with a starting value, e.g. summing all elements of number sequence where initial value is zero. These common higher order functionswith a chain of filter, map and reduce that takes more or less complex functions as inputs. If we do simple transformations we even don’t need to define explicit functions, we can pass around closures, use trailing closures syntax, and because Swift defines filter, map and reduce as methods on CollectionType we can just chain methods on collection types with usual dot syntax even without need for pipe operator we ported from functional languages here for illustration of functional concepts. Say we have a trivial example similar to dealing with array of Ints. let numbers = [3, 1, 12, 9, 11, 7, 19, 16, 13, 8] If we want e.g. to calculate a sum of squares of all even numbers in this array we see that this is just a filter that
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determining when the page has been rendered. This technique, however, is obtrusive, and it does not provide information about the server response time (except to the extent that such data is included in the total round trip time). Of course, when given the choice, most users will not install and/or use such monitoring agents. There remains a need in the art to provide an improved technique for enabling sites to monitor HTTP transaction performance, preferably without involvement from the user of the client machine.members marched through Roma villages bearing red-and-white striped flags and other symbols reminiscent of the World War II Arrow Cross, Hungary's homegrown Nazi-allied fascists. A little more than a year ago Krisztina Morvai, who later was elected one of Jobbik's three European Parliament members, lashed out at Israel for its offensive in Gaza. "The only way to talk to people like you is by assuming the style of Hamas," she wrote in an open letter to the Israeli ambassador to Hungary. "I wish all of you lice-infested, dirty murderers will receive Hamas' 'kisses.' " At a party rally March 15, Jobbik's 31-year-old leader, Gabor Vona, told thousands of followers that Hungary must seek independence from "Washington, Brussels," -- that is, the European Union -- "Tel Aviv" and other powers. Web sites and
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done in the Czech republic – it is now illegal to put them in separate classes, too. Yet this victory divided the Roma community in Medjimurje itself. Apparently, many of them even signed a petition against taking this case to a court. Why? The answer is simple: fear. Roma are afraid that, after this ruling, they could be discriminated against even more by their non-Roma neighbours. "The state feeds us; it gives us roads, electricity and water. What if we wouldn't get social benefits and there are no jobs? I am not playing games with the Croatian state," said one in a television news interview, surrounded by a group of angry and frustrated Roma men. It is a paradox that the court ruling in favour of greater tolerance and integrationhouses, despite new apartments offered by the government, according to observers and NGOs. After the houses of the Roma people living in the Sulukule neighborhood of Istanbul’s Fatih district were destroyed during an urban transformation project carried out by the Fatih Municipality over the last three years, renters were allowed to move into apartments built by the Mass Housing Administration, or TOKİ, in the Taşoluk neighborhood of Istanbul’s Gaziosmanpaşa district. The initiative is part of government efforts to improve living standards of Roma people in Turkey, but members of the Roma community in Sulukule say they are still suffering from the results of demolitions. Moving did not solve problems Moving some Roma people to Taşoluk turned out not to provide a solution since many of them returned to Sulukule only months later
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strong traditions of immigration. In the U.S. and UK, even the worst areas for racial profiling are substantially lower the European numbers, the witnesses said. In areas where racial profiling is most prevalent in the U.S. and UK, police stop minorities eight times more than whites. The increases come amid bursts in illegal immigration, which have ignited more serious tensions in countries like Spain and Italy that have historically been sources of emigration. These once homogenous societies are just feeling the effects of attracting immigrants. In just the last decade, roughly five million people have immigrated into Spain, which now holds 46 million. No one on the three-person panel promoted racial profiling, but proponents say the practice simply acknowledges the visible trends among certain groups of people. France, which drew global attentionline on immigration a key policy pledge ahead of the 2008 election. Since coming to power the government has been criticised by rights groups for policies such as making illegal entry and stay a criminal offence and repelling vessels carrying migrants heading towards Italy. This month thousands of foreign workers marched and released yellow balloons into the sky in Italy's first "immigrant strike", aimed at underscoring their importance in the economy and protesting against government policies. Many Italians associate Roma, in particular, with crime and begging. Last year the European Council's high commissioner for human rights said Roma and Sinti people in Italy were subject to "a persistent climate of intolerance". Pillay criticised the authorities for the excessive use of repressive measures against Roma, such as police surveillance and forced evictions and
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survived the Holocaust were far from being able to return to a normal life. “Many Gypsies remained in camps until 1948 because they were considered stateless,” Ahern said. No country would take the refugees. Today, Gypsies continue to face persecution in almost every part of the world. (Kosovo, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy..........)Even in the U.S., there were laws preventing Gypsies from entering the states of New Jersey and Mississippi until the late 1970s. Although these laws are no longer on the books, Gypsies remain second-class citizen in many areas of the United States because their style of life often appears in conflict with American norms. Saturday, March 13, 2010 Scientists announce results of latest lead testing at toxic camps and Roma mahalla in Mitrovica, Kosovo. New film "Lead Mountain Refugees"report. I was told it was not available to the public. Knowing several Albanians working at UNMIK, I tried to bribe one of them to get a copy of the report for me. I was told it was under lock and key and considered “top secret.” A year later I found the UN medical team report dated November 2000 on the web (not listed as a UNMIK document, but under the doctor’s name that had co-authored the report). I tracked down the doctor, Andrej Andrejew. He was now working for a pharmaceutical firm in Berlin . Over lunch, he confirmed that the lead levels in 2000 had been so high among the Gypsy camp children that the lab in Belgium that analysed their blood samples thought a mistaken had been
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levels as Jenita and Nikolina. But before I could do anything, their mother and baby brother died. A doctor I asked to investigate their deaths was convinced they had both died of complications due to lead poisoning. He didn’t think the remaining seven children would survive unless they were removed from the source of poisoning and received urgent medical treatment. Once again the complacent, callous UNMIK administration refused to do anything. So my German NGO, GFBV, contacted the largest circulation newspaper in Germany and asked them to visit the camp and write a story about this tragedy. Not only did the newspaper, Bild Zeitung, come to Kosovo but they also agreed through their foundation for children (Ein Herz fuer Kinder) to take the entire family to Germany for medicalare published, matters that have nothing to do with the charges. It is curious to find out how these private matters end up in the press." Balducci oversaw the Italian government's awarding of construction contracts, including work on the airport at Perugia. He also served in the unpaid role of papal usher. Italian authorities say they recorded conversations between Balducci and Thomas Chinedu Ehiem, a 39-year-old Nigerian singer. They were recorded between April 14, 2008, and January 20, 2010. In addition to working for the government, Balducci served as a "gentleman of His Holiness," also known as a papal usher or "Vatican gentleman." The main responsibility of the ceremonial position is to welcome heads of state to the Vatican and escort them to see the pope. Balducci is one of three public
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work, dedication, and inspiring all of us to be the best we can be. Join us in celebrating our grads by using the hashtags #DreamsWithinReach and #DisneyAspire! To learn more about Disney Aspire, visit, that the baby not be lost in the disappearing bathwater. While the content of natural revelation is fractured both by sin and culture, the capacity of the human being for moral experience is unaffected by either. That is one of the truly baffling dilemmas of contemporary experience. Despite the postmodern assault on all morality, and despite our present cultural spiral into a therapeutic vision of the world in which all of reality is psychologized so that the moral dimension is lost entirely, people still are compelled, by their own nature, to speak in moral categories. That is why Christian faith can still be commended to the conscience as true and why postmodern skeptics inadvertently appeal to this same capacity by commending their views as right. David F. Wells
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The images of tainted giving and of gender, particularly the ugly images of boys and men, speak volumes of what we expect and accept. Eugene Narrett Maynard, MA . . . The boy comes back a last time, old and hunched, exhausted and alone. The tree gives him gladly all it has left, its stump to sit on. To have him receive that final gift, small as it is, and thus to be not alone, makes the tree happy to “The End.” The man’s “The End,” however, is to sit without energy or further desire on the stump, symbol that nothing he asked for has ever been withheld from him, numbly miserable. (The Rev.) Paul G. Bretscher Valparaiso, IN Thank you for the symposium on The Giving Tree . I relate thisbenefit from single-agent CET in this trial ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"}B). CMS subtype information was available for two of these and both displayed the CET-sensitive CMS2. CMS subtype may be more relevant than sidedness for response prediction to single-agent CET beyond the first-line setting. Genetic Drivers of AR {#sec3.3} --------------------- PD biopsies from 14 metastases (mets) that radiologically progressed after prolonged clinical benefit were successfully exome sequenced ([Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}A), including biopsies from two different progressing mets in C1027. We first investigated genes with a known role in CET resistance. Only one *KRAS* mutation was acquired among these PD biopsies (C1005PD, G12C). This clonally dominant mutation ([Data S2](#mmc8){ref-type="supplementary-material"}) was accompanied by an *EGFR* mutation (G322S), which has not previously been described and whose relevance is uncertain in the context of a well-characterized CET resistance mutation in
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GF treatment in the presence or absence of 200 μg/mL CET in DiFi (top panel) and LIM1215 (bottom panel).(J) Growth assay with CAF CM and combinations of CET, pan-FGFR inhibitor (FGFRi), and MET inhibitor (METi) for 5 days in DiFi (top panel) and LIM1215 (bottom panel).(K) Western blot analysis of pERK after 2 h treatment with CAF CM and combinations of CET, FGFRi, and METi in DiFi (top panel) and LIM1215 (bottom panel).(E, H, and J) All error bars ± SD of six replicates.See also [Figure S4](#mmc1){ref-type="supplementary-material"} and [Table S6](#mmc1){ref-type="supplementary-material"}. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) expression is a defining characteristic of the CMS4/SL subtypes. TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 RNA expression significantly increased (3.1- and 2.9-fold increase in the means) following a CMS2\>4 switch ([Figure 6](#fig6){ref-type="fig"}B). TGF-β3 mean expression increased 7.2-fold at PD but this did not17477 RRID:Addgene_17477pEZYegfpAddgeneCat\# 18671 RRID:Addgene_18671psPAX2AddgeneCat\# 12260 RRID:Addgene_12260pMD2.GAddgeneCat\# 12259 RRID:Addgene_12259lentiCas9-BlastAddgeneCat\# 52962 RRID:Addgene_52962pLentiguide-PuroAddgeneCat\# 52963 RRID:Addgene_52963**Software and Algorithms**BWA v0.7.12[@bib49]<>Picard v2.1.0<>SAMtools v0.1.19[@bib50]<>GATK v3.5-0[@bib62]<>fastqc v0.11.4<>MuTect v1.1.7[@bib19]<>VarScan2 v.2.4.1[@bib46]<>BAM-readcount V0.7.4<>[@bib45]<>Platypus v0.8.1[@bib75]<>Annovar v20160201[@bib98]<>CNVKit v0.8.1[@bib91]<>SnpEff v4.2[@bib20]<>Sequenza v2.1.2[@bib27]<>Bcl2fastq v1.8.4<>Tophat2 v2.0.7[@bib43]<>Bowtie2 v2.1.0[@bib48]<>Rsubread FeatureCounts v1.24.2[@bib54]<>DESeq2 v1.18.1[@bib57]<>CMScaller v0.99.1[@bib26]<>CRCAssigner[@bib79]MCP-counter v1.1.0[@bib10]<>Limma v3.34.9[@bib76]<>MiXCR v3.0.5[@bib15]<>VEP[@bib63]<>Polysolver v1.0d[@bib84]<>netMHCpan-4.0[@bib39]<>deconstructSigs v1.8.0[@bib78]<>Ion Torrent Suite v5.2.2ThermoFisher ScientificSureCall v4.0.1.45AgilentFWD Human (GRCh38) Lexogen QuantSeq 2.2.3BlueBee Cloud<>Lexogen QuantSeq DE 1.3.0BlueBee Cloud<>QuikChange Primer Design (Lightning)Agilent<> Contact for Reagent and Resource Sharing {#sec5.2} ---------------------------------------- Further information and requests for resources and reagents should be directed to and will be fulfilled by the Lead Contact, Marco Gerlinger (<>). DNA and RNA sequencing data have been deposited in the European Genome Phenome short read archive and access can be obtained after signing a material transfer agreement which protects patient confidentiality and prohibits any attempts to re-identify patients. Experimental Models and Subject Details {#sec5.3} --------------------------------------- ###
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or tumor content based on sequencing results, data from 24 paired BL and PD samples was available for mutation and copy number analysis. 11 cases from which only a BL biopsy was available were included in the analysis. Secondary endpoints included the identification and validation of biomarkers for resistance and response to CET in RNA and ctDNA. The trial protocol also permitted further exploratory molecular analyses. The efficacy parameters including partial response and stable disease were measured using RECIST v1.1 criteria. Progression free survival (PFS) was measured from start of treatment to date of progression or death from any cause. Overall survival (OS) was defined as time from start of treatment to death of any cause. Pts without an event were censored at last follow up before PFS andGATK ([@bib62]) (v3.5-0) *DepthOfCoverage*, Picard *CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics* (v2.1.0) and fastqc (<>) (v0.11.4). ### Somatic Mutation Analysis {#sec5.4.4} Tumor and germline DNA sequencing results were assessed for matching SNP profiles to check for potential sample swaps. This identified one case where germline DNA and tumor DNA SNP profiles differed and this was removed from the analysis. For single nucleotide variant (SNV) calls we used both MuTect ([@bib19]) (v1.1.7) and VarScan2 ([@bib46]) (v2.4.1). SAMtools (v1.3) *mpileup* was run with minimum mapping quality 1 and minimum base quality 20. The pileup file was inputted to VarScan2 *somatic* and run with a minimum variant frequency of 5%. The VarScan2 call loci were converted to BED file format and BAM-readcount (<>) (v0.7.4) run on these positions with minimum mapping quality 1. The BAM-readcount output allowed the VarScan2 calls
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column. ### RNA Sequencing of Cell Lines and CAFs {#sec5.4.10} RNA was extracted using the Qiagen RNeasy kit and quantified using Qubit RNA High Sensitivity kit. 224 ng RNA was used as input for Lexogen QuantSeq 3' mRNA-Seq Library Preparation kit for Illumina (FWD), and libraries were prepared according to the manufacturer's protocol, with optimal 15 cycles of PCR determined by qPCR. Final libraries were quantified with both Qubit and Bioanalyzer DNA High Sensitivity kits and equimolar pools were sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq2500 in Rapid 100 bp single-end mode with dual indexing, generating a median of 7.2 M reads per sample. Sequencing data was analysed using the FWD Human (GRCh38) Lexogen QuantSeq 2.2.3 and Lexogen QuantSeq DE 1.3.0 pipelines on the BlueBee cloud platform. ### Cancer Cell Content Analysis {#sec5.4.11} The cancer cell contenttranslate the CDS sequences into amino acid sequences *S*~*germ*~ and *S*~*tum*~, respectively, and generate all associated peptides of length 8 to 11. Neopeptides associated to variants in *T* are all those generated by *S*~*tum*~ that are not generated by *S*~*germ*~. Note that since we work with CDS sequences (i.e., no UTR regions), start and stop lost variants are equivalent to missense variants that change the first and last amino acid of the protein sequence, respectively. The in-house python scripts that we use to generate neopeptides are available upon request. We predict the pts' HLA class I types by running the program Polysolver ([@bib84]) (version 1.0d) on normal samples (we set race=Unknown, includeFreq=1 and insertCalc=0). Finally, we predict neopeptide likelihood of binding to HLA complexes using the program netMHCpan4.0 ([@bib39]). For
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loop. In other systems the cooling medium itself can be a flow of refrigerant from a vapor compression system. The air conditioner transfers heat between the relatively hot air inside the room and the cooling medium. After transferring heat between the cooling medium and the air, the cooling medium is returned to the equipment located outside the room to be cooled again. An example of an application for such air conditioning systems is cooling systems used to control the temperature of data center rooms. Data center rooms may house computer equipment, such as servers, networking gear, storage systems, and the like, that generate heat. The heat produced by this computer equipment must be removed from the room in order to avoid raising the temperature of the computer equipment aboveFord Starliner of the period, whose hard top retracted into a flip-up trunk. (You get the idea that in the late 1950s we thought we could accomplish any engineering task by throwing more stuff at it?) Cessna got cracking on improving the 210, first by adding more windows and then, in 1962, widening the cabin by four inches. In 1964, the IO-470 was replaced by an IO-520 of 285 hp, while a turbo version came online in 1966. For 1967 the dowdy struts gave way to a new cantilever wing with 3 degrees of dihedral. Many pilots thought that these first strutless 210s looked funny, so Cessna reduced the dihedral angle by half for the 1969 model, necessitating a rudder-aileron interconnect to maintain suitable directional stability at low speeds.
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fuel. Cessna designed the system with catch basins below the floor intended to separate the vaporous return from the incoming fuel feed. This system meant that there could be just two fuel lines (one front, one rear) from the tank to the reservoir tanks with no need for a separate vapor-return conduit. It’s a nice, elegant engineering idea that didn’t work very well. Flow interruptions are most commonly found on hot days but can be easily cured with judicious use of the boost pump and by switching tanks; experienced 210 pilots consider this slightly annoying but otherwise a non-issue. Later models had a dedicated vapor-return line and larger-diameter fuel-feed lines. A fair number of 210s have experienced fuel exhaustion, often attributed to improper filling of the integral wing tanks.Plant Flavonoid Content Modified by Domestication. Plant domestication can modify and weaken defensive chemical traits, reducing chemical defenses in plants and consequently their resistance against pests. We characterized and quantified the major defensive flavonols and isoflavonoids present in both wild and cultivated murtilla plants (Ugni molinae Turcz), established in a common garden. We examined their effects on the larvae of Chilesia rudis (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae). Insect community and diversity indices were also evaluated. We hypothesized that domestication reduces flavonoid contents and modifies C. rudis preference, the insect community, and diversity. Methanolic extracts were obtained from leaves of U. molinae plants and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography. Results showed higher insect numbers (86.48%) and damage index (1.72 ± 0.16) in cultivated plants. Four new first records of insects were
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individual tattoos will still be allowed on the arms and legs. (The Marines already ban them on the hands.) Marines already tattooed are exempt from the ban but cannot add to their designs; anyone caught with fresh ink in the wrong places could be barred from re-enlistment or face disciplinary action. Getting a prohibited tattoo could constitute a violation of a lawful order, punishable by up to two years in prison and a dishonorable discharge, Marine spokesman 1st Lt. Brian Donnelly said. Unit commanders must photograph and document sleeve tattoos to ensure Marines do not add to their ink. The Marines and the other branches of the military already ban tattoos that could be offensive or disruptive, such as images that are sexist, vulgar, gang-related or extremist. The Army, which has beenThe present invention relates to methods and compositions for the permanent coloring of hair which provides long lasting hair color. The present invention also relates to methods for the coloring of hair which does not require the pre-mixing of hair colorant compositions and developers just prior to application, and which can avoid the staining of hands and clothes which often occurs during conventional permanent hair coloring processes. Permanent hair color conventionally comes in two parts: a dye solution and a developer solution. In a conventional permanent hair coloring treatment, the dye solution and the developer solution are mixed and then applied to the hair, which is then left for about 25 to about 45 minutes. The hair is then rinsed with water, treated with a post treatment conditioner, and
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30 seconds or within 2 seconds to within 20 seconds. Compositions of the invention may be made by means which are known in the art or which are analogous to those which are known in the art. Ingredients which are included in compositions of the invention are known in the art or may be made by means which are known in the art. The present invention relates to methods and compositions for achieving the permanent coloring of hair which methods comprise 1) contacting the hair with a substantially inactive mixture of oxidation hair dye precursors for a period of about 30 seconds to about 60 minutes, and then 2) contacting the hair with an oxidizing oxidative compound which causes said oxidation hair dye precursors to, react, couple, and polymerize so ashair colorant compositions of the invention may be preferably as follows: a) about 0.1% to about 0.8% of an oxidation hair dye precursor; b) optionally about 0.1% to about 0.8% of a second oxidation hair dye precursor; c) about 0.1 to about 1.5% of an oxidizing compound; and d) an aqueous carrier. In the second embodiment described above, the hair developer compositions of the invention may be preferably as follows: a) about 0.1 to about 1.5% of a basifying compound; and b) an aqueous carrier. In the second embodiment described above, the hair developer compositions of the invention may be preferably as follows: a) about 0.1 to about 1.0% of a basifying compound; and b) an aqueous carrier. A third embodiment of the compositions and methods of the present invention would involve three steps. The first would be application
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= \infty$, which mostly holds in machine learning since $f$ is a loss function. 2. $f$ has isolated critical points if it is a Morse function (nondegenerate Hessian at critical points), which holds for almost all $C^2$ functions. More precisely, Morse functions form an open, dense subset of all functions $f \in C^2(\R^d, \R)$ in the Whitney $C^2$-topology. 3. Lipschitz continuity of $\nabla f$ is *not* assumed, which would fail even for cubic polynomials. The goal of this paper is to prove that similar (even weaker) guarantees *cannot* be obtained in the multi-loss setting – not only for GD, but for any reasonable algorithm. Differentiable games -------------------- Following @Bal, we frame the problem of multi-loss optimization as a *differentiable game* among cooperating and competing *agents*; these may simply be different internal componentsmaxima even if their individual behaviour is not self-interested. For instance, SGA agents do not behave out of self-interest [@Bal]. Global Convergence in Differentiable Games ========================================== Any reasonable algorithm fails to converge globally --------------------------------------------------- Our main contribution is to show that we cannot provide weak global guarantees for *any* reasonable algorithm. First recall that global convergence should not be expected in *all* games, since there may be a divergent direction with minimal loss (imagine minimising $L = x$ or $L = e^x$). It should however be asked that algorithms have bounded iterates in *coercive* games, defined by $$\lim_{\lVert \T \rVert \to \infty} L^i(\T) = \infty$$ for all $i$. Indeed, unbounded iterates in coercive games would lead to infinite losses for *all* agents, the worst possible outcome. Once bounded iterates are guaranteed, recall from
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and resolved by @Let with SOS. In particular, Figure \[fig\_reasonable\] confirms that existing methods all fail to converge globally in $\cG$ (even LOLA, which does not have any other fixed points in this particular game). The behaviour of (time-varying) LSS is rather unique, oscillating around a non-critical point instead of the origin. This is an artifact of the time-varying term: LSS would in fact converge to a non-critical point without it. The behaviour of SGA also differs slightly from the others, which is explained by the presence of a non-continuous parameter $\la$ jumping between $\pm 1$ according to an alignment criterion. ![Existing algorithms exhibit limit cycles in $\cG$ with learning rate $\al = 0.02$. Algorithms may diverge to infinite losses for larger $\al$, and CO may converge to the strictmight behave badly. The problem is, when someone is pressured into a law career, and then walks away to become an artist, we applaud them for self-realisation. But we never stop to imagine that someone might not want to play for the Wallabies for a living. “So don’t take the contract then” say the commenters on the forums, to which I say, let he who has never succumbed to peer, agent or family pressure, cast the first stone. As for the selectors, just imagine, for a moment, if you will, being so good that the selectors themselves beg you to turn out. As I say, it is hard for us mortals to imagine, but it happens. Whatever the underlying issues, there is no question about one thing, and that is that
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wasn’t able to play under Michael Cheika. There is little doubt that the tough, honest Cheika would have brought out O’Connor’s best character and best rugby. Witness Kurtley Beale, flaky and dysfunctional under Deans and McKenzie, now in form and back at his best under Cheika. It’s easy to write James O’Connor off. But underneath it all, he’s just a good kid who has behaved badly. Like any kid, when they’re behaving badly is when they most need an arm round their shoulders. It isn’t clear that O’Connor has ever had the right sort of guidance. Brian Smith thought that given the opportunity, O’Connor would play 100 Tests for the Wallabies. Let’s hope that sometime, somewhere in the future, he fights for that chance. His talent, at least, is once-in-a-generation. a[14] = 80; b[0] = 11; b[1] = 9; b[2] = 26; b[3] = 30; b[4] = 8; b[5] = 3; b[6] = 1; b[7] = 5; b[8] = 8; b[9] = 13; b[10] = 19; b[11]
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
Aniplex+, Aniplex's online retail service in Japan, began listing the Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story anime with five Blu-ray Disc/DVD volumes on Sunday. The first, fourth, and fifth volumes each have three episodes, while the second and third volumes each have two episodes for a total of 13 episodes. People who order all five volumes from select retailers will receive a box for the five volumes with an exclusive illustration. The anime's official website does not list if there will be more volumes after the fifth one. The first home video volume will ship on March 4 with an exclusive jacket cover illustrated by the character designer Junichirō Taniguchi, a special booklet with exclusive four-panel manga by PAPA, an advance ticket application for a June 7Q: Intel XDK change info.plist I have an app developed on Intel XDK (the worst decision I ever made) and when I test this app on iOS 9 I get the error: "Failed to load resource: An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made." At first I implemented SSL certification on my server. No luck on resolving this error. Searching a little bit, I discovered that it's possible to make this error go away by adding some information to the info.plist file. I need to add this to the info.plist file: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key> <dict> <key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key> <true/>
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "StackExchange" ] }
involved. (Brass knucks.) We said: "Before instructions on the included or lesser offenses are compelled, however, there must be evidentiary support for such offenses." Noting the defendant's claim that he did not participate in the robbery and had no intention of robbing the victim, we ruled: "According to him, he was not guilty of any offense. Had he admitted participation and a reason for the assault other than robbery or denied a felonious intent even though engaging in the combat, an instruction on the lesser or included offenses may have been required. 58 A.L.R.2d l. c. 810. Thus, upon this record, the appellant was either guilty of the supported charge of assault with malice with intent to rob or he was not guilty of any offense." See alsoseriously test the Brazilian defense in a narrow 1-0 loss. “We played a very intelligent, possession-minded, attacking-minded style of soccer,” says Sampson. “I believe any American fan that was watching at the time could truly have been proud of the way that our team played on that day. Even though we lost 1-0, it spoke volumes to what was about to come in the qualification phase [for the 1998 World Cup] and eventually beating Brazil in 1998 in the Gold Cup.” In the third-place match against Colombia, the US, by then wracked with injuries and plagued by fatigue, fell 4-1, the lone goal a Moore penalty kick. It was a disappointing finish to an otherwise exceptional and unparalleled tournament performance. “We had good players,” says midfielder Mike Sorber, now an assistant
{ "pile_set_name": [ "FreeLaw", "OpenWebText2" ] }
can be dissociated and replated to generate secondary spheres.^[@bib8]^ In a similar way, NPC from olfactory bulb (OB) of E14.5 embryos have been demonstrated to be derived from the neuroepithelium, and form NS that preserve their self-renewal ability and multipotency.^[@bib9],\ [@bib10]^ Some of the pathways that are necessary for self-renewal appear to regulate processes like proliferation, apoptosis or differentiation.^[@bib2],\ [@bib11]^ In somatic cells, p53-family members are deeply involved in the regulation of these processes. This family is constituted by the transcription factors p53, p73 and p63. The dual nature of these genes resides in the existence of TA and DN variants. The TA-proteins are transactivation competent, inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, senescence and differentiation.^[@bib12]^ Oppositely, the DN isoforms lack the transactivation domain and can act as dominant-negative repressors ofthat p73 is a positive regulator of self-renewal in a p53-independent manner. This self-renewal impairment is later on reflected in a developmental retardation of the neurogenic niches and a significant depletion of the precursor pool of the SVZ and SGZ of P15-Trp73−/− mice, ultimately resulting in defective neurogenic niches. Results ======= Loss of p73 impairs cellular self-renewal ----------------------------------------- To address whether *TP73* ablation affected the biology of embryonic NPC, we used the NS assay.^[@bib7],\ [@bib19]^ We utilized primary NS cultures obtained from OBs of Trp73−/− and WT E14.5 embryos. NPC *in vivo* are positive for the neuroepithelial-marker Nestin.^[@bib20]^ In our *in vitro* assay, OBs cultures in the presence of mitogens form NS that express Nestin ([Figure 1a](#fig1){ref-type="fig"}). Analysis of p73-isoforms expression revealed that both, TA and DNp73, were expressed under proliferating conditions, with
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "PubMed Central" ] }
Ahorro de Castilla y León (to MCM), and Grants LE030A07 (to MMM) and LE015A10-2 (to MCM) from the Junta de Castilla y León. NSC : neural stem cells NPC : neural progenitor cells NS : neurospheres NFC : neurospheres-forming cells CNS : central nervous system SVZ : subventricular zone SGZ : subgranular-cell layer zone OB : olfactory bulb DIV : days *in vitro* AD : Alzheimer\'s disease BrdU : 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on Cell Death and Disease website ( The authors declare no conflict of interest. Supplementary Material {#sup1} ====================== ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ###### Click here for additional data file. ![p73 deficiency impairs cellular self-renewal and increases cell death withoutNurseboards Empowering. Educating. EnlighteningTue, 19 Mar 2019 23:37:54 +0000en-UShourly1 3232103697860Patient Spills Urine on Nurse and Violently Assaults Her, 16 Dec 2018 01:14:45 +0000 to the nurse’s account of the crime Rosendo Coca-Baldo was attempting to stroll into another patient’s room when the nurse told him to stop. Coca-Baldo yelled at the nurse and told her to get away from him. Then he stated, “I’m going to kill you,” according to the nurse. Police say Coca-Baldo trapped the […] According to the nurse’s account of the crime Rosendo Coca-Baldo was attempting to stroll into another patient’s room when the nurse told him to stop. Coca-Baldo yelled at the nurse and told her to get away from him. Then he stated, “I’m going to kill you,” according to the nurse. Police say Coca-Baldo trapped the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "Pile-CC" ] }
nurse in the nurses’ station and began swinging his hands and hitting the nurse in the face. According to the court documents, Coca-Baldo hit the nurse with his urine bag causing the bag to break open and spill on the nurse. He then spat on the front of her scrub shirt. He picked up a chair and hit her in the legs and the hand with it. ]]> Commits Suicide to Avoid Being Raped by “soldiers” in Aleppo, 16 Dec 2018 01:14:45 +0000 the suicide note she addressed the Syrian opposition and the religious leaders and said the conditions in the city were so awful that ‘hell-fire couldn’t be worse than this’.The un-named nurse also said she was killing herself ‘because I do not want several members of the Assadplane to Charleston, South Carolina. […] ]]> Boy Dies After Suffering Cardiac Arrest…”Nurse Just Walked Away”, 16 Dec 2018 01:14:45 +0000 parents were forced to make the heartbreaking decision to take him off life support after three days of no brain activity. Luke Jenkins had already undergone several surgeries for his heart condition, including one which left him quadriplegic. According to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, the care the child received at the facility, […] His parents were forced to make the heartbreaking decision to take him off life support after three days of no brain activity. Luke Jenkins had already undergone several surgeries for his heart condition, including one which left him quadriplegic. According to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, the care the child received at the facility, Bristol
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "Pile-CC" ] }
the death are under investigation by the Ohio Highway Patrol. The body has been identified as 60- year-old Elizabeth “Beth” Kurish. Ohio State Troopers responded to a 911 call and her body was found on the side of the road. According to investigators, the death appears to be a result of a hit and run. The victim’s vehicle was found at a rest area nearby. No witnesses to the crime have come forward. Beth Kurish was a nurse at University Hospitals Medical Center in Ohio. Her colleagues are devastated by the news and say she was very well respected. “The entire team at UH Elyria Medical Center sends our condolences to the family of Beth Kurish, RN, who worked with us for almost 30 years. She was a beloved colleague and a--- abstract: 'The unique spectral behavior exhibited by a class of non-uniform Bragg periodic structures, namely chirped and apodized fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) influenced by parity and time reversal ($\mathcal{PT}$) symmetry, is presented. The interplay between the $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry and nonuniformities brings exceptional functionalities in the broken $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric phase such as wavelength selective amplification and single-mode lasing for a wide range of variations in gain-loss. We observe that the device is no more passive and it undergoes a series of transitions from asymmetric reflection to unidirectional invisibility and multi-mode amplification as a consequence of variation in the imaginary part of the strength of modulation in different apodization profiles, namely Gaussian and raised cosine, at the given value of chirping. The chirping affords bandwidth control as well as control over the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "ArXiv" ] }
apodization profile ---------------------------------- ![Reflection and transmission characteristics of a chirped and apodized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric FBG (CAPT-FBG) in the unbroken regime with a Gaussian apodization (G = 4). Top panels depict the role of $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm with (a) $n_{1I} = 0.0002$ and (b) $n_{1I} = 0.0006$. The middle panels depict the role of chirping at $n_{1I} = 0.0004$ with (c) $C= 0.125$ nm/cm and (d) $C= 0.5$ nm/cm. Continuous variation of maximum reflection ($R_{max}$) against variation in gain-loss coefficient is plotted in (e) and it is independent of the value of $C$. The full width half maximum (FWHM) is plotted against continuously varying $n_{1I}$ for different values of $C$ in (f).[]{data-label="fig2"}](fig2a "fig:"){width="0.5\linewidth"}![Reflection and transmission characteristics of a chirped and apodized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric FBG (CAPT-FBG) in the unbroken regime withsingle-mode lasing behavior in the broken CAPT-FBG spectra at $n_{1I} = 0.00242$ and $0.00247$, respectively, for a chirping of $C = 0.25$ nm/cm.[]{data-label="fig8"}](fig8c "fig:"){width="0.5\linewidth"}![Single mode lasing behavior in a broken CAPT-FBG (Gaussian). (a) Shows the spectra at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and $n_{1I} = 2.2625 \times 10^{-3}$, (b) Illustrates the decrease in reflectivity and transmittivity when $n_{1I}$ is increased to $2.265 \times 10^{-3}$ and $C$ is same as (a). (c) and (d) Depict the continuous variation of maximum reflectivity and transmittivity ($R_{max}$, $T_{max}$) against $n_{1I}$ at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and 0.2 nm/cm, respectively. The insets in (c) and (d) show the corresponding variation in the full width half maximum of the broken CAPT-FBG spectra. (e) and (f) Show dual-mode amplification and single-mode lasing behavior in the broken
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
CAPT-FBG spectra at $n_{1I} = 0.00242$ and $0.00247$, respectively, for a chirping of $C = 0.25$ nm/cm.[]{data-label="fig8"}](fig8d "fig:"){width="0.5\linewidth"}\ ![Single mode lasing behavior in a broken CAPT-FBG (Gaussian). (a) Shows the spectra at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and $n_{1I} = 2.2625 \times 10^{-3}$, (b) Illustrates the decrease in reflectivity and transmittivity when $n_{1I}$ is increased to $2.265 \times 10^{-3}$ and $C$ is same as (a). (c) and (d) Depict the continuous variation of maximum reflectivity and transmittivity ($R_{max}$, $T_{max}$) against $n_{1I}$ at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and 0.2 nm/cm, respectively. The insets in (c) and (d) show the corresponding variation in the full width half maximum of the broken CAPT-FBG spectra. (e) and (f) Show dual-mode amplification and single-mode lasing behavior in the broken CAPT-FBG spectra at $n_{1I} = 0.00242$and $0.00247$, respectively, for a chirping of $C = 0.25$ nm/cm.[]{data-label="fig8"}](fig8e "fig:"){width="0.5\linewidth"}![Single mode lasing behavior in a broken CAPT-FBG (Gaussian). (a) Shows the spectra at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and $n_{1I} = 2.2625 \times 10^{-3}$, (b) Illustrates the decrease in reflectivity and transmittivity when $n_{1I}$ is increased to $2.265 \times 10^{-3}$ and $C$ is same as (a). (c) and (d) Depict the continuous variation of maximum reflectivity and transmittivity ($R_{max}$, $T_{max}$) against $n_{1I}$ at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and 0.2 nm/cm, respectively. The insets in (c) and (d) show the corresponding variation in the full width half maximum of the broken CAPT-FBG spectra. (e) and (f) Show dual-mode amplification and single-mode lasing behavior in the broken CAPT-FBG spectra at $n_{1I} = 0.00242$ and $0.00247$, respectively, for a chirping
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nm/cm, respectively at different values of $n_{1I}$. The continuous variation of maximum reflectivity and transmittivity ($R_{max}$ and $T_{max}$) is plotted against (c) varying $n_{1I}$ and constant chirping ($C = 0.25$ nm/cm and $0.2$ nm/cm) and (d) varying chirping at a constant $n_{1I} = 2.2 \times 10^{-3}$. The corresponding variations in FWHM of the spectra against $n_{1I}$ and $C$ are shown in (e) and (f), respectively.[]{data-label="fig9"}](fig9b "fig:"){width="0.5\linewidth"}\ ![Single-mode lasing behavior of a broken $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric chirped FBG with raised-cosine apodization. (a) and (b) Illustrate the spectral features at $C = 0.25$ nm/cm and for $C = 0.2$ nm/cm, respectively at different values of $n_{1I}$. The continuous variation of maximum reflectivity and transmittivity ($R_{max}$ and $T_{max}$) is plotted against (c) varying $n_{1I}$ and constant chirping ($C = 0.25$ nm/cm and $0.2$ nm/cm)single-mode lasing behavior in the spectra and it degenerates to produce amplification at the resonances outside the Bragg wavelength. The occurrence of alternate regimes of single-mode lasing behavior and mode selective amplification in the broken CAPT-FBG spectra is observed for a wide range of $n_{1I}$ for a given value of chirping as depicted in Figs. \[fig8\](e) and \[fig8\](f). Raised-cosine apodization profile ---------------------------------- In Fig. \[fig9\](a), we observe that the amplification at other wavelengths of the spectra is totally inhibited except that the amplification is now experienced only by a single wavelength ($1550$ nm) thanks to the presence of a raised-cosine apodization profile. Physically, this means that the resonance can occur only at the Bragg wavelength and this wavelength experiences a larger gain compared to other wavelengths and shifting of resonances
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "ArXiv" ] }
ways: first, by varying the chirp parameter and second, by varying the gain and loss. Also, it is possible to control the full width half maximum of the spectra in two distinctive directions just like the amplitude control as shown in Figs. \[fig9\](e), \[fig9\](f), \[fig10\](e) and \[fig10\](f). Thus the system offers unique ways to control the spectral characteristics in the broken $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric regime compared to the unbroken $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric regime. Unidirectional reflectionless wave transport with grating nonuniformities {#Sec:6} ========================================================================== ![Exceptional point dynamics exhibited by a chirped and apodized $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric FBG ($n_{1R}$ = $n_{1I}$ = 0.001). The phenomenon of unidirectional invisibility is illustrated in (a). The reflected spectra (in dB) for the right incidence for different apodization profiles with $C = 0.25$ nm/cm is depicted in (b). (c) and (d) Depict thethe phenomenon of unidirectional invisibility is independent of the nonuniformities of the grating and the reflected light corresponding to the right light incidence is influenced by the variations in the nonuniformities of the grating. To sum up, the proposed system can offer multi-functionalities against the variations in nonuniformities of the grating together with $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry and can yield applications like direction dependent dispersion compensation, optical delay lines and demultiplexers in light-wave communication systems. Acknowledgments {#acknowledgments .unnumbered} =============== SVR is indebted for the financial assistantship provided by an Anna University through Anna Centenary Research Fellowship (CFR/ACRF-2018/AR1/24). AG was supported by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Government of India through a National Postdoctoral Fellowship (Grant No. PDF/2016/002933). ML is supported by SERB through a Distinguished Fellowship (Grant No. SB/DF/04/2017) in which A. G.
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A. Atwiri, G. P. Agrawal, N. M. Litchinitser, and D. N. Maywar, Distributed feedback lasing based on a negative-index metamaterial waveguide, Opt. Lett. **44**, 4586 (2019). A. Govindarajan, B. Malamod, and M. Lakshmanan, Tunable nonlinear spectra of anti-directional couplers, (unpublished) . J. W. Yoon, Y. Choi, C. Hahn, G. Kim, S. H. Song, K.-Y. Yang, J. Y. Lee, Y. Kim, C. S. Lee, J. K. Shin *et al.*, Time-asymmetric loop around an exceptional point over the full optical communications band, Nature **562**, 86 (2018). who met inclusion criteria were selected and assigned randomly and had the same chance of participation. Sample selection was done during the week at 3 times, morning, afternoon, and evening. The inclusion criteria were: Age range between 18 and 65; dialysis history at least 2 months; no comorbidity with other chronic disease such as cancer, heart disease, etc., (diabetes and hypertension were included). Exclusion criteria were unwillingness of a patient, physical disability, regular tranquillizer or sedative drugs; had a previous history of psychiatric disorders, suffered from stress other than dialysis in the past 6 months, incomplete training (below 55 sessions) and peritoneal dialysis or a kidney transplant. Sample size calculation was based on the pilot study as follows: ![](IJN-24-356-g001.jpg) Assuming a mean and standard deviation before (16.5 ± 6.9) and after
{ "pile_set_name": [ "ArXiv", "PubMed Central" ] }
a relatively high income, decreased anxiety accompanying a decrease of emotion-oriented stress, coping was greater as compared with other patients.\[[@ref41]\] The results of this study and other related studies in this context showed that using cost-effective, low risk and easy methods by patients could help the patients to reduce the stress and leads to several benefits if practiced daily beside the palliative cares and alternative treatments in HD patients. Regarding some limitation of this study, we could not observe all sessions there can be some inaccurate reporting from patients or caregivers. On the other hand, DASS21 is not a categorical measure of clinical diagnoses. The individual DASS scores do not define appropriate interventions. Therefore, using complementary tools is recommended for future studies. Conclusion {#sec1-5} ========== Our findings confirmed the effect of relaxationpeople in her quest to catch and stop Ransom, and eventually relieves her own first officer of duty when he disobeys orders to stop her from committing murder. For one two-part episode, Janeway becomes the take no prisoners commanderfans have always wanted. For a few brief moments she’s Captain Kirk with a chip on his shoulder, a phaser-toting vengeance dealer who will stop at nothing to see Ransom’s reign of terror ended. It’s Janeway at her very best, but that’s far from the episode’s only source of greatness.Within the primary “Equinox” story are smaller ones which impact the larger tale, each of them utterly brilliant. The best involves Seven and The Doctor, pupil and teacher, held prisoner aboard Captain Ransom’s ship. Desperate to extract information, Ransom rewrites the
{ "pile_set_name": [ "PubMed Central", "OpenWebText2" ] }
to target 36 Democrats in blue-collar districts they believe Trump could help put into play. Even though the antics of the Elizabeth Warrens of the world make for good political theater, the future of the Democratic Party hangs on those 10 vulnerable senators. Over the course of the next few months every vote those vulnerable Democrats cast could come back to haunt them. If they oppose President Trump's economic policies that were mandated by voters in their states, that will hurt them. If they decide to block the Supreme Court confirmation vote of Neil Gorsuch, who was unanimously confirmed by the Senate in 2006 to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, they will face the retribution of voters. That is why it is so foolish for the Democratic Party toFor businesses large and small, relying on a cloud-based collaboration and productivity suite such as Microsoft Office 365 is becoming the norm. Enhancing productivity in your organisation is vital to get ahead in 2017 - and using Office 365 can help, if it's used right... Vendors have realised the importance of providing services with their products, not only in terms of generating extra margin, but for building customer relationships. For vendors, the services market has become almost as crucial as it has to resellers. The provision of services with hardware products is seen as being vital to the customer, while the strategic importance of services stretches right across the platform market. In the systems business, Compaq is using the Digital services arm to underpin its attempts to turn itself into
{ "pile_set_name": [ "OpenWebText2", "Pile-CC" ] }
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Saturday, 27 August 2011 Suspension by Chris Lawrence - Morgan Aero 8 Up until 2000 the last time Morgan had introduced a new body style was 1964, only 26 glass fibre bodied +4+ cars were built over 4 years and since that time Morgan have successfully focused on improving a design that dates back to 1936. In 2000 Morgan launched a genuinely ground up new 'retro' design the Morgan Aero 8, a clear nod to Morgan's successful past with an eye on the future. The heart of the Aero 8 was a 325 hp 4.4 litre / 268.5 cui BMW V8, with fake Morgan cam covers, capable of accelerating the car from rest to 60 mph in 4.5 seconds and on to a top speed of over 170 mph. The all new aluminiumQ: Finding items is similar in mongodb I am very much new to Mongo (no previous knowledge on Db Structure too)and Python environment, My requirement is to create a recipe Db. Once data will be added, where I can fetch recipes with ingredients. Finding items is similar in monog db ingredient, Example Recipe - 1. Chicken Curry - (chicken, onion, tomatoes, oil), Preparation text 2. Chicken Roll - (chicken, onion, wheat flour, oil), Preparation text 3. Paneer Roll - (Paneer, onion, wheat flour, oil), Preparation text 4. Paneer Sandwich - (Paneer, onion, bread, oil), Preparation text So in my API call what query should be there to fetch recipes ingredient-wise. Example, 1. query - Paneer: Result recipes: Paneer Roll, Paneer Sandwich 2. query - Paneer, onion, bread: Paneer Sandwich 3. query - Chicken, tomatoes: Chicken Curry It should return
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Pile-CC", "StackExchange" ] }
this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include <stdint.h> #include "common.h" #include "hqx.h" #define PIXEL00_0 *dp = w[5]; #define PIXEL00_10 *dp = Interp1(w[5], w[1]); #define PIXEL00_11 *dp = Interp1(w[5], w[4]); #define PIXEL00_12 *dp = Interp1(w[5], w[2]); #define PIXEL00_20 *dp = Interp2(w[5], w[4], w[2]); #define PIXEL00_21 *dp = Interp2(w[5], w[1], w[2]); #define PIXEL00_22 *dp = Interp2(w[5], w[1], w[4]); #define PIXEL00_60 *dp = Interp6(w[5], w[2], w[4]); #define PIXEL00_61 *dp = Interp6(w[5], w[4], w[2]); #define PIXEL00_70 *dp = Interp7(w[5], w[4], w[2]); #define PIXEL00_90 *dp = Interp9(w[5], w[4], w[2]); #define PIXEL00_100 *dp = Interp10(w[5], w[4], w[2]); #defineQ: How to count SQL rows SELECT count(*) FROM Stack WHERE Id = 33478 GROUP BY SID Output: (No column name) 1 4 For the result; there are two row. How can I return it 2? (count of rows) Are there any way like below: Select COUNT(SELECT count(*) FROM Stack WHERE ContentId = 33478 GROUP BY SID) .... Thanks. A: You should look at the DISTINCT keyword: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT SID) FROM Stack WHERE Id = 33478
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "StackExchange" ] }
requester interface */ IVssAsync *pAsyncSnapshot; /* async info of VSS snapshot operation */ HANDLE hEventFrozen; /* notify fs/writer freeze from provider */ HANDLE hEventThaw; /* request provider to thaw */ HANDLE hEventTimeout; /* notify timeout in provider */ int cFrozenVols; /* number of frozen volumes */ } vss_ctx; STDAPI requester_init(void) { COMInitializer initializer; /* to call CoInitializeSecurity */ HRESULT hr = if (FAILED(hr)) { ret = hr; break; } } while (ret == VSS_S_ASYNC_PENDING); return ret; } static void AddComponents(ErrorSet *errset) { unsigned int cWriters, i; VSS_ID id, idInstance, idWriter; BSTR bstrWriterName = NULL; VSS_USAGE_TYPE usage; VSS_SOURCE_TYPE source; unsigned int cComponents, c1, c2, j; COMPointer<IVssExamineWriterMetadata> pMetadata; COMPointer<IVssWMComponent> pComponent; PVSSCOMPONENTINFO info; HRESULT hr; hr = vss_ctx.pVssbc->GetWriterMetadataCount(&cWriters); if (FAILED(hr)) {
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
} hr = pMetadata->GetIdentity(&idInstance, &idWriter, &bstrWriterName, &usage, &source); if (FAILED(hr)) { err_set(errset, hr, "failed to get identity of writer %d/%d", i, cWriters); goto out; "timeout when try to receive Frozen event from VSS provider"); /* If we are here, VSS had timeout. * Don't call AbortBackup, just return directly. */ goto out1; } if (wait_status != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { err_set(errset, E_FAIL, "couldn't receive Frozen event from VSS provider"); goto out; }
{ "pile_set_name": [ "Github", "Github" ] }
imprint a seal upon vision and prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies. And you should know and have the insight that from the going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until Messiah the Leader, there will be seven weeks, also sixty-two weeks. She will return and be actually rebuilt, with a public square and moat, but in the straits of the times. And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah will be cut off, with nothing for himself. And the city and the holy place the people of a leader that is coming will bring to their ruin. And the end of it will be by the flood. And until the end there will be war; what is decided upon is desolations. And hein referring to certain events, we can compare Nehemiah 1:1-3 with 2:1-8. In the first passage he tells of receiving the bad news about Jerusalem’s condition, in Chislev (third month in the civil calendar and ninth in the sacred calendar) in Artaxerxes’ 20th year. In the second, he presents his request to the king that he be permitted to go and rebuild Jerusalem, and he is granted permission in the month Nisan (seventh in the civil calendar and first in the sacred), but still in the 20th year of Artaxerxes. So Nehemiah was obviously not counting the years of Artaxerxes’ reign on a Nisan-to-Nisan basis. To establish the time for the 20th year of Artaxerxes, we go back to the end of the reign of his father and predecessor
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of Ministry].) Calculating back from this vantage point in history, we can determine that the 69 weeks of years began in 455 B.C.E. In that year the significant "going forth of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem" took place. In Nisan (March-April) of the 20th year of Artaxerxes’ rule (455 B.C.E.), Nehemiah petitioned the king: "If your servant seems good before you, . . . send me to Judah, to the city of the burial places of my forefathers, that I may rebuild it." (Ne 2:1, 5) The king granted permission, and Nehemiah made the long journey from Shushan to Jerusalem. On about the fourth of Ab (July-August), after making a night inspection of the walls, Nehemiah gave the command to the Jews: "Come and let usWhen Jesus presented the value of his human sacrifice to his Father, heaven itself had the appearance of the spiritual reality represented by the Most Holy of the tabernacle and of the later temple. So God’s heavenly abode had indeed been anointed, or set apart, as "the Holy of Holies" in the great spiritual temple arrangement that came into being at the time of Jesus’ being anointed with holy spirit in 29 C.E.—Mt 3:16; Lu 4:18-21; Ac 10:37, 38; Heb 9:24. ‘Imprinting a seal upon vision and prophet.’ All this work accomplished by the Messiah—his sacrifice, his resurrection, his appearance with the value of his sacrifice before the heavenly Father, and the other things occurring during the 70th week—‘imprints a seal upon vision and prophet,’ showing these to be
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the WTBTS saying is that the devil manipulated the astrologers . They only claimed to have seen a star and never mentioned reading Daniel . Anything else is nothing but speculation . BTW Narkissos that post is kinda hard to read . The text is blurry in large parts of it . He is referring to ch. 9 of Daniel, the "seventy weeks" prophecy. Your friend is utilizing a version of the "Christian interpretation" of this chapter, which arose rather late in the history of the interpretation of Daniel (in the third century AD). It also is facilitated by a mistranslation of the text in the Theodotionic version (which lumps together the initial 7 with the 62 weeks), which was picked up in the Vulgate and even appears inEnglish translations based on the MT (including the NWT). The Messianic interpretation is also facilitated by translating the term "anointed" as "Messiah" or "Christ", forcing a messianic interpretation into the text even tho "anointed" in Daniel elsewhere has a non-messianic sense. Note that the conflation of the 7 weeks with the 62 weeks also conflates two separate "anointed ones" (= high priests of the sanctuary) into a single Anointed One. In actuality, earlier exegetes (including those in the first century) did not have the Christian interpretation, and there is no evidence that people in the first century were influenced by it. Josephus, for instance, endorsed an earlier interpretation that construed the chronology as pointing not to a "Messiah" per se but to the destruction of the Temple (Antiquities
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"finish transgression, to bring sins to completion and to expiate iniquity," just as Leviticus 26:43 states that the period of punishment is for the people to "atone for their sin". Thus, even tho Jerusalem may be rebuilt and the sanctuary anointed again by the "anointed" priests, the promised punishment of God "laying your sanctuaries waste" would not be completed until the "seventy weeks" are over and the people's sins atoned. The interpretation of the seventy weeks in Daniel 9:25-27 thus culminates in the final restoration of the Temple, not its final destruction. The angel breaks the seventy weeks into three periods (7 + 62 + 1), with the first segment extending from the time of Jeremiah's prophecy to the coming of an "anointed ruler" (49 years in length), mostthat he saw these visions in the plain of Susa, and he informs us that God interpreted the appearance of this vision after the following manner: He said that the ram signified the kingdom of the Medes and Persians, and the horns were those kings that were to reign in them ... that the he-goat signified that one should come and reign from the Greeks ... and that from among them there should arise a certain king that should overcome our nation and their laws, and should take away our political government, and should spoil the Temple, and forbid the sacrifices to be offered for three years. And indeed it so came to pass, that our nation suffered these things under Antiochus Epiphanes, according to Daniel's vision" (Josephus,
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atoned. The interpretation of the seventy weeks in Daniel 9:25-27 thus culminates in the final restoration of the Temple, not its final destruction." the people are to "finish transgression, to bring sins to completion and to expiate iniquity....... Pure other words the people as a collective group are their own Messiah and in no need of Jesus the Christ. Putting themselves up on Moses seat and in the temple above the Most High. The little gods of Chassidim of Solomon the apostate. the people to "atone for their sin". more Talmudic blasphemy from the rejecters of the CHOOSER, who CHOOSES those who are a people of faith and not a need of creed seed of racial supremacy like the Chassdics would have you believe. God saves byin his 20th year which permitted Nehemiah to return to Jerusalem to rebuild that Holy City. (Neh. 2) Some see a problem with this understanding. For Daniel's "Seventy Weeks" are widely understood to refer to a period of 490 years, and all historians now assure us that Artaxerxes' 20th year of ruling Persia took place in 445 BC. And 490 years after 445 BC brings us to 46 AD, which was quite a few years after the death of Christ. How then can I understand that Artaxerxes' decree in his 20th year as king has anything to do with Daniel's "Seventy Weeks" prophecy? Because I am convinced that Nehemiah did not return to Jerusalem and give his command to begin rebuilding that city until the year 440 BC, even though
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show that the Messiah (meaning "anointed one") was first presented to Israel in the year 29 AD by John the baptist, after sixty-nine weeks of lunar years had passed, when John anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the waters of his baptism in "the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar." (Luke 3:1,21). At that time Jesus Christ was "cut off" from his people and, quite literally, "had nothing for himself." (Dan. 9:26) For he then began a forty day long fast in the wilderness. Then, after three and a half years, in the middle of Daniel's seventieth week, in the spring of 33 AD, Christ's sacrificial death brought an end to the Jewish system of sacrificial offerings. (Dan. 9:27) Finally, three and a half years later, at the end ofDaniel's "Seventy Weeks," in the early fall of 36 AD, Christ "confirmed a covenant with many" (Dan. 9:27) when he, for the first time, poured out his Holy Spirit on non-Jewish people. (Acts 10) Doing so confirmed the fact that God, from that time forward, would give everyone who put their faith in Jesus Christ, both Jews and Gentiles, complete forgiveness of their sins and eternal life. With this fact in mind, the good news of what Jesus Christ had done for mankind then began to be preached to all people on earth, just as Christ said that it would be. (Math. 24:14) There is another solution to this ancient puzzle that also fits all the facts of history. This solution eliminates the problem of Nehemiah taking five years to
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Creative Chaos Tuesday, 27 December 2016 Cousins' 24 Day Advent Calendar Swap - days 11 to 15 Lots more knitting, bike riding, reading, stitching, husband cooking dinner... just what holidays should be! I did do oodles of ironing - not sure I've reached the bottom of the ironing basket since October or something! Following on the with cousins' Advent swap - The following five are what I sent Jackie- the 3rd one down is a cushion cover (I've one too); the 4th one down is something I was very proud off - ha! a year or two back, someone in a blog swap (I wish I could remember who sent it to me - I am sure it was another kiwi blogger!) sent me a wool bag - a genius of an idea whereyou put the ball of wool into the bag just as you are starting it and pull the end of the wool through the hole. This is particularly good for travelling (no balls of wool wandering down the plane aisle - I've had that happen to me before...!!) or for knitting multiple balls and stops the tangles. I pursued the shelves at Spotlight about a month ago and found the little tool and bits to put the hole in the bag. I'm thrilled at how they turned up and made quite a few for knitters for Christmas. I love Happy-go-knitty wool. Jackie sent to me - a yo-yo (I am hopeless but keep trying); a heart stress ball (perfectly timed for the end of year at school); a crochet hook
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